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Antigravity Technologies => Other antigravity machines and devices => Topic started by: Esa Maunu on June 25, 2006, 04:40:36 AM

Title: Duraluminium disk phenomena
Post by: Esa Maunu on June 25, 2006, 04:40:36 AM
I found this interesting article about duraluminium disk phenomena.
This article is interesting,because there is used some systems i think are needed for the AG devices.
They used rotating duraluminium ( The main alloying constituents are copper, manganese and magnesium) disk,this material is paramagnetic and have a unpaired electron to precess in a magnetic field.Also they used thin copper strips ( less eddy currents)to coat the device.The speed for the magnets is about 50m/s ,and the disk is rotating 1,5 mm off center (eccentric ) to have more accelerating effect. This speed seems also to be a critical lower speed limit to some other claimed AG devices.
This kind of device is quite simple to make,you can use old straight line wood saw as a platform for the device.
I would like to use 13 button magnet instead of 12,because 13 is a prime number and it does not create subharmonics frequencies,that makes possible created EM field unstable.


See the messages below. 

Interesting effect... but is it yet another Newsgroup hoax? The message
seems vaguely familiar.  I recall seeing it a couple of years ago, maybe.

Weight change can come from air jets, so any motorized "antigrav" device
needs to be placed inside a plastic bag, to eliminate reaction force
from ejected air.  Also, I wouldn't trust any commercial balance or scales
to give correct readings when vibrated.  Therefor the experimenters need
to try inserting some vibration isolation, to assure that the measured
weight change is still the same when the measuring device is vibrated

Maybe the device is thrusting upwards, rather than decreasing in weight.
Turn it upside-down, and does it weigh more? Hang it from a string as a
pendulum, mount it turned sideways, and does it deflect its position (by
sideways thrust?)

What is REALLY interesting is the reported effect on CRTs and flourescent
lights.  Spinning magnets shouldn't do such things.  If it were me, I
would want to eliminate the electric motor as a possible noise source.
Try operating the device with the magnets disk removed, to see if the
effects on CRTs and lighting is from the drive motor or from the spinning

From: ecogen@iol.ie (Chris Eccles)
Newsgroups: sci.physics.electromag
Subject: Mystified by Results
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 08:49:02 +0100
Organization: genesis
Message-ID: <1dgf37j.1qva74l1r4wg9uN@dialup-042.ennis.iol.ie>
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Xref: hub1.ispnews.com sci.physics.electromag:8005

I don't often post to news but, this time, I feel that someone out there
might offer me an answer to a wierd outcome of an experiment.

I have spent my entire career in mainstream physics research and have
always been amused (often annoyed) by the "crankies" who believe in
teleportation, spoon-bending, etc etc etc, and have consistently held
the view that these fringe things belong firmly outside what I call

A few weeks back, my lab assistant got some stuff off the net about a
"magneto-gravity" device, accompanied by some notes by Tom Bearden.
This swatch of paper was lying about in the lab office and I happened to
read it.  Out of nothing but bemused interest, I said to my team, "Lets
build this crap and see what happens...."

We constructed a variant of the device shown in the drawings which
accompanied the data.  This consisted of a Duralumin disc (350mm dia)
which could be spun on a motor shaft, using a Picador bearing which we
had lying about.  The disc was made to spin 1.5mm eccentric and was
fitted with twelve button magnets around its periphery, with all their N
poles facing outwards, by fixing the magnets to 90-degree offcuts of
alloy angle.  The whole thing was then mechanically balanced by adding
extra thin strips of copper busbar (!) to compensate for the
eccenticity.  When tested, the disc displayed some imbalance but this
was easily corrected until we had it running smoothly at 2850 rpm from a
mains-powered 750W motor.  So far so good.

We then rigged an enclosing fence of alloy strip around the disc, on
which we mounted twelve more button magnets with their S poles facing
inwards.  The clearance between the disc-mounted magnets and the
peripheral ones varied by ?0.75mm as the disc turned.

The whole shazam was mounted on an acrylic baseplate and weighed.  It
was 14.26 kg.  When we switched the motor in, the weird shit happened.
The balance showed a loss of grav mass of the assembly of some 550 grams
(3.85%) and every computer terminal and fluorescent lamp in the lab went
ape !

Is this real, or should I take a holiday ?

Can anyone offer an explanation ?


Since the first test of the device, we have not done a great deal but the
interest shown by subscribers to this group (reflected in the pile of
email I have received) has made me reserve some more lab time for further

To the many who wrote to me (rightly sceptical) I have to say
unequivocally that this is NOT some kind of hoax.  It's nowhere near April
1st and I am 50 years old, a serious researcher with a healthy career in
mainstream electronic physics, and not given to the kind of tom-foolery
that belongs in the student common-room during rag-week.

What we are talking about here is the possibility of some kind of
hitherto-unknown relationship between dynamically-changing tensor fields.
Magnetism, particularly intrinsic, remanent magnetism, is one of the few
phenomena that remain relatively badly delineated by current quantum
theory and I, for one, am prepared to admit that there are huge holes in
my own fundamental understanding of it.  If a simple, but
rarely-occuring-in-nature, juxtaposition of non-scalar fields is capable
of either creating (or destroying) spin-2, zero mass mediating particles,
then there is the real possibility of manipulating and engineering the
gravitational field.  It becomes an exciting prospect but not one which
should lead any of us into assuming that the Sinclaire device actually
manifests such an effect.

The secondary EM effects are quite interesting.  Has anyone else built
anything which comes close to displaying the same anomalies ?

Please feel free to email me direct and suggest guidelines for a concerted
research pathway on this.  There is too much indiscipline and
disorganisation in "fringe" physics for anyone to feel secure about such
work.  Lack of published matter in mainstream journals (for obvious and
valid reasons) gives rise to the feeling that one is trying to "swim
through treacle" even commencing such a programme of research.

It is, I think, fundamentally important to distinguish between a
mass-shielding effect (where a device purports to alter the measured
strength of the Earth's [or any] grav field "above" the device), and an
effect which indicates that an entire, physically-linked, chunk of
equipment can be made to behave as though it has shed grav mass.  The one
case illustrates that a tensor field can be manipulated vectorally (and
few would find fault with the math of this); the other possibly is
suggesting that a property of matter which we have all believed to be
sacrosanct and writ-in-stone for several centuries is, in fact, a deal
more woolly than we believed it to be.

I remain very puzzled.

Author:   Chris Eccles
Email: ecogen@iol.ie
Date: 1998/10/18
Forums: sci.physics.electromag
I have just been told by someone in the lab that what we actually have
built is nearly a replica of something called the Searl Levi-Disk.   It
is exceedingly difficult to get any sound and reliable information from
anyone on this device !

I appreciate the email from Mr Sterniman; it seems well-reasoned and I
am replying soon when I have attempted to set the math of it straight in
my own terms.

I am unused to newsgroups and their etiquette, and I hope regular
readers will forgive the inevitable confusion of a novitiate ?

It seems that we can summarise as follows:

When the flux of an N-pole cuts the flux of an S-pole such that the
tensor fields experience the maximum tendency to repel (pi/2), we create
an electric field in whatever gap exists between the sources of the
flux.   We will also, a priori, because of the fact that the disk does
not rotate its magnets in concentricity with those on the outer wall, be
setting up a variation of transfer of angular momentum of the
electromagnetic field associated with the electric field cutting flux
all the time the disk is turning.  This eccentricity has an interesting
locus and traces out a cylindrical path of wall-thickness equal to twice
the original eccentricity of the magnet ring on the disk (when

We are going to run the device again soon, using a remote spring balance
to ascertain the apparent mass loss so that there is no chance of an
interaction between the pan balance and the device.  Also, in answer to
many queries, "No, it's not electromagnetic interference from the motor
which caused the strange effects."  Running the motor free is fine.  It
came from a vacuum pump which had been running in the lab for ages !
Anyway, after thirty years in physics, I've yet to encounter a 50Hz
mains induction motor that could dim-out flu-tubes and blow up LCD's.

More news when we have it.

Please keep ideas flowing in - this device threatens to prevent me from
building the HV/HF switches which we are supposed to be producing !!!!!


Title: Re: Duraluminium disk phenomena
Post by: mikestocks2006 on June 25, 2006, 09:05:08 AM
Seems similar to this device also including "back currents", overunity, and loss of weight, 35%

"Experimental Results ~
The magnetic-gravity converter was built in a laboratory  room on three concrete supports at a ground level. The ceiling height the lab room was  3 meters. Besides the presence of the iron-concrete ceiling, in immediate proximity from the magnetic system there was a generator and electric motor, which contained some tens KGs of iron and could potentially deform the field's pattern. The device was started by the electric motor, which accelerated the rotation of the rotor. The revolutions were smoothly increased up to the moment the ammeter included in a circuit of the electric motor started to show zero or lower value of a consumed current or even a presence of the back current. The presence of the back current is detected at approx. 550 rpm. The magnetic moving sensor 14 starts to detect the change in weight of the whole installation at 200 rpm. Afterwards the electric motor is completely disconnected by the electromagnetic muff and the ordinary electrodynamics generator is connected to the basic shaft of the device through the same muff. The rotor of the converter continues to self-accelerate and with the approach to the critical mode of 550 rpm, the weight of the device quickly changes. In addition to the change speed of rotation the weight depend of the power, removed into active load, (the set of ten ordinary electrical water heaters of 1 kW was used) and of the applied polarizing voltage, as well. At the maximum output power equal to 6-7 kW the change of weight G of the whole platform (total weight is about 350 KGs), reaches 35 % of the weight in an initial condition G?. A load of more than 7 kW results in a gradual decrease of revolutions and exit from the mode of self-generation with the subsequent complete stop of the rotor. The weight of a platform can be controlled by applying of a high voltage to cellular ring electrodes located at a distance of 10 mm from external surfaces of the rollers. Under the high 20 kV voltage (electrodes negative pole) the increase of taped power in circuit of the basic generator more than 6 kW does not influence G while the revolutions per min is not decreased to 400 rpm. "Tightening" of this effect is observed as well as the effect of hysteresis on G (a kind of "residual induction"). The experimental diagrams given on Fig.4 illustrate the modes of the converter operations. "
Title: Re: Duraluminium disk phenomena
Post by: Esa Maunu on June 25, 2006, 10:39:39 AM
Yes,i have studied a lot of this Roschin & Godin Searl effect generator replication.They had also thin copper foil coated magnets,and the whole thing was mounted to stand on springs ( vibration against the surrounding space ).
Also Perendev generator design was very similar to this system.


Title: Re: Duraluminium disk phenomena
Post by: IcyBlue on June 25, 2006, 12:53:42 PM
The source of the whole discussion: http://groups.google.de/group/sci.physics.electromag/browse_thread/thread/60b435bc1f2e4294/d22c27ad84f6fa19?hl=de#d22c27ad84f6fa19
Title: Re: Duraluminium disk phenomena
Post by: Esa Maunu on June 26, 2006, 09:21:36 AM
I can not find any information of Chris Eccles after 1998,it would be interesting to know if he is doing more research with this phenomena.
This phenomena resembles me also a story that  my friend told me at 1960`s when he had a aluminium cover old dynamo in his bicycle.He claimed that when he had a high speed,the bicycle light was dimmed and there was a light around the dymamo.

Title: Re: Duraluminium disk phenomena
Post by: IcyBlue on June 26, 2006, 10:33:51 AM
The discussion dates eight years back and was quite short. In fact, it was no discussion at all. It makes me really wonder why they so suddenly discontinued it. I found it also rather strange that a scientist posts such a amazing discovery first hand to the usenet !? This is not the way science is done usually ...
However, dealing with fringe science as a professional scientist is certainly not a career booster, especialy not if your real name shows up on the internet on this kind of websites.

This all leaves a strange taste for me. The only one who might benefit from this is searl himself, because he is giving presentations for money about his 'technology'. Maybe this was just intended as a spark to rekindle a fading interest in his book sale and commercial presentations.
Title: Re: Duraluminium disk phenomena
Post by: Esa Maunu on June 26, 2006, 12:26:50 PM
I found that Christopher Eccles is a chief scientist at company Gardner Watts.
Gardner Watts Ltd is a company that research into alternative power.

This makes me wonder,if Chris Eccles and Christopher Eccles is a same person?

Title: Re: Duraluminium disk phenomena
Post by: IcyBlue on June 27, 2006, 08:19:11 AM
you might be right with this. But Gardner Watts Ltd. is once again a alternative energy company, that either has nothing to publish or is again out of business. The website however is closed. The old one can be found in the webarchive: http://web.archive.org/web/20050311073029/http://www.gardnerwatts.org.uk/

Somehow they all seem to have a shorter half-life period than Uup ;)
Title: Re: Duraluminium disk phenomena
Post by: Esa Maunu on June 27, 2006, 08:42:56 AM
The only way to go forward with this is to make this kind of device and see what happens.
The design is quite simply,we can use for example old , modified straight line wood saw to rotate duraluminium disk.
There is a "companies" that do not want to people publish AG systems here in web.It was about 1,5 year ago when one "company" contacted me and wanted to do `co-operation`with me,if i first close my web-site.They had some co-operation with different coverments,and they said my prime number / wave lenght system is the way,how EM-field around the AG device can be made stable.
