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News announcements and other topics => News => Topic started by: Magluvin on February 24, 2012, 07:51:00 PM

Title: "Religeous People Are Fanatics" /Plan for a virus to remove your God gene
Post by: Magluvin on February 24, 2012, 07:51:00 PM
This is just insane. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nADFJlAggnY&context=C3ef6564ADOEgsToPDskLRSnZ-g52gdxGicxGQiTcb (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nADFJlAggnY&context=C3ef6564ADOEgsToPDskLRSnZ-g52gdxGicxGQiTcb)

Title: Re: "Religeous People Are Fanatics" /Plan for a virus to remove your God gene
Post by: poynt99 on February 24, 2012, 09:21:06 PM
I love the part in the middle when he is looking at the two brain scans, above and below. He claims they are from two different individuals, but anyone can see that they are in fact the same exact individual for both.

good grief!  :o
Title: Re: "Religeous People Are Fanatics" /Plan for a virus to remove your God gene
Post by: Magluvin on February 24, 2012, 10:55:14 PM
Hey Poynt

A lot of times, for presentation, graphics can and are a selling tool.  That may be the same pic of 1 brain. All done up for presentation. And yea, it could be all fake.

Do you think that they are not and could not be conjuring up things such as this? Impossible? Do you also believe that GMO foods are the same or better than the real deal organics? Do you believe that they have a helmet that you can put on and control devices with thought? If so could they not eventually read your thoughts from a distance?

There are reasons I look into these kinds of things. They say these days that just about anything imaginable can be done, if the money is available.  Time machine?  Lots of money.  ;)   And someone does have a pat.

Do you believe there are elite, the very rich, that want population reduction? Bill Gates is one of them admittedly. He also is a big investor in Monsanto right now.

Its hard to believe that those big, huge, some elongated, seemingly mutated monster strawberries could be any different than the good ole heart shaped strawberries organic, just like when I was a kid.  Oh, they are just bigger.  :o

rBGH hormone in cows. Look it up. And if you only look at the companies info, you are blind.

Thats just one case of how Monsanto handles things. Whether its putting farmers out of business, to ruining the soil(roundup), patenting plants,  to genetically modifying plants to have the pesticide built into the plant that kills the pests. THE FOOD KILLS THE PESTS!!!  But your ok. You feel good? You feel fantastic all the time? Its just a little bit of poison?  Over a lifetime its not bud.

One thing Ive been hearing a lot lately, "Im feeling tired all the time" Not here. Just friends, family, people at work. And when I question them, some say they hear the  same. Its odd.  maybe its just here in FL. Tumors in Cali, and cancer in New Orleans.

Dont ya get it?  Monsanto has at least 9 people in high levels of gov. including the FDA.   Yeah, of course, FDA APPROVED.  You go on right ahead and believe that they are not that evil.  History shows that they can be, and now tech is the tool.  :o ;)

Vermont is making it a law that all food that contains any GMO, must be clearly marked as such so people can make choices. This is going to be a huge battle. Monsanto doesnt want the labeling as people may flee from those products.
Look it up. Right now, if it is not marked organic, it most likely is not.

Define natural.

Here, look through these vids of Monsanto, and tell me they are all fake garbage propaganda, against a nice, caring, wants to feed the hungry world better company.


We all make our own choices and decisions.  My cards are face up on the table.

Title: Re: "Religeous People Are Fanatics" /Plan for a virus to remove your God gene
Post by: Bob Smith on February 25, 2012, 08:40:47 AM
Quote from Mags:
QuoteIts hard to believe that those big, huge, some elongated, seemingly mutated monster strawberries could be any different than the good ole heart shaped strawberries organic, just like when I was a kid.  Oh, they are just bigger.
A grocer told me that strawberry growers have managed to save many millions of dollars by planting strawberries genetically modified with the insertion of an arctic char gene. Now they won't freeze in sub-zero temperature - every degree below freezing is worth millions. But our bodies don't know what to do with these corrupted genetic sequences.  They may well be doing things in us that will show up as serious illness years down the road.

A farmer friend told me that his cows will choose GM corn when it's placed side-by-side with non-GM corn. Geese will land on fields of non-GM grain and eat it and leave the GM fields alone. Most canola oil is GM now as well.  The animals innately know what they can handle; maybe we should learn from them. I'd say that if it's not heirloom, don't eat it.
Title: Re: "Religeous People Are Fanatics" /Plan for a virus to remove your God gene
Post by: Magluvin on February 26, 2012, 06:29:18 PM
This vid is about an hour, but man, this is nuts.  Dont get tired with the beginning, like she says, it will all tie together.


http://www.carnicominstitute.org/     New site name since filming.


Title: Re: "Religeous People Are Fanatics" /Plan for a virus to remove your God gene
Post by: Magluvin on February 26, 2012, 06:34:49 PM
I had read a while back that aluminum and read blood cells were found here in northern Fl.  Then I was thinking, why blood? Diseased? Tainted? Never thought of manufactured. Watch the vid.

Title: Re: "Religeous People Are Fanatics" /Plan for a virus to remove your God gene
Post by: gravityblock on February 26, 2012, 09:47:09 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on February 24, 2012, 10:55:14 PM
Thats just one case of how Monsanto handles things. Whether its putting farmers out of business, to ruining the soil(roundup), patenting plants,  to genetically modifying plants to have the pesticide built into the plant that kills the pests. THE FOOD KILLS THE PESTS!!!  But your ok. You feel good? You feel fantastic all the time? Its just a little bit of poison?  Over a lifetime its not bud.

This same logic applies to mercury (thiomersal) and fluoride also.  Mercury is considered too dangerous to be used in thermometers, etc., yet it's safe to inject us with vaccinations containing mercury.  Toothpaste isn't safe to swallow due to it containing fluoride, but highly fluoridated water is safe to drink.  In addition to mercury, fluoride, GMF, MSG, aspartame along with many other hazardous materials they're feeding us, they want to chem-trail the skies.  Uranium has been found in bottled water.  AIDS is a man-made virus.  Aspartame was originally developed as a biological weapon.  The worst part of it all, is the general population is either ignorant of what is really going on, or they could care less.  What about the things we don't know about?  If they're doing the above out in the open, then what are they doing in secret? 

It definitely looks like they're following the instructions on the Georgia Guide-stones (the 10 commandments from the dark-side).  I'm sure we're just scratching the surface.  90% of a person's food intake is corn-based.  Most of it is in the form of high fructose corn syrup.  Good luck in eliminating the GMF's from your diet.  They're feeding the population like cattle.  No wonder diabetes is out-of-control.  Two-thirds of the world's population has a bacteria in their gut which eats the lining of their stomach.  Then the stomach acid does more damage.  Then this comes up through your esophagus and damages the blood vessels, etc., which decreases the amount of oxygen delivered to your body.  This is a big factor in fatigue.  The world is truly in a sad state of affairs.
