I would like to bring to your attention the Mechanical Power Multiplier Device given to the world for free through the Designs for the World Project.
This device is described on the following site: www.squidoo.com/pinwheelgenerator (http://www.squidoo.com/pinwheelgenerator) .
Thank you,
Russell Lee
Thank you Russell
This device is just great and full of genius in its simplicity. :)
I think this device is simpler & has greater potential.
It could be scaled UP to turn a Water Wheel which turns a Generator.
Here is the Video to prove it works:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=287qd4uI7-E&feature=channel&list=UL (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=287qd4uI7-E&feature=channel&list=UL)
Quote from: FatBird on August 04, 2012, 09:22:56 PM
I think this device is simpler & has greater potential.
It could be scaled UP to turn a Water Wheel which turns a Generator.
Here is the Video to prove it works:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=287qd4uI7-E&feature=channel&list=UL (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=287qd4uI7-E&feature=channel&list=UL)
Are you really that gullible? It's a fake.
Hi Russ
I really liked your PM.. The machine could be even simpler I think. Here is my suggestion. Using 2/4-way valve in the centre of axis and ratchet mechanism can simplify it a bit.
All the best
Actually there is even no need of using balls as weights. The 4 pistons will act as weights..
The mechanism generates energy by having the weights drive the fluid to rotate the large wheel that turns the generator. The cylinders only rotate after their generation times is finished. The energy isn't generated by the rotation of the cylinders, but by the turning of the wheel as the cylinders are stationary. The weight balls are necessary to increase the power of the fluid's ability to turn the wheel.
Yes Russ.. but to pump enough amount of water up /to the upper cylinder/ you need to use really heavy weights; 3, 4 or more times heavier than the mass of pumped water. These weights moved on lever arm will eventually stop your cylinders from rotating clockwise. Actually the cylinders may have tendency to rotate anticlockwise. And the push spring system you describe on your website may not help... That is the main problem of the machine I can see now. Of course I may be wrong, it is good to make calculations. As higher ratio: mass of weights to mass of water as worse /to obtain overbalancing/.
The solution for sure is to employ capillary action. But tube of 0,2 mm diameter will lift water 0,14 m up. And you probably need a lot of them. However it is possible.
In sketch below when pistons are 2,5 kg each the wheel is overbalanced and will rotate clockwise, if pistons are 3 kg each the wheel is almost balanced. If we use 4 kg pistons the wheel will rotate anticlockwise... The question; Will the two weights /upper and down/ of 2,5 kg each pump the 1 litre of water high enough to the upper cylinder?
All the best
simulation_last pictures of Rafael Ti.
here u can download this software