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News announcements and other topics => News => Topic started by: tesla2 on February 11, 2013, 09:56:33 AM

Title: strong evidence ( mathematic + physics ) we can build Perpetum
Post by: tesla2 on February 11, 2013, 09:56:33 AM
Below real discovery physics not pseudophysics we have huge Gap in physics

this what You have here = argument for all people who like fight with universities
They are blind ( only people who try can win )

The principle of conservation of energy
...........................VS ................................
The principle of conservation of momentum


Thank You for support all good people !

important pdf ( main drawing from Yotube)


Please imangine balon inside rocket



or One balon and two mass m 

Water always go from mountains to sea ( not from sea to Mountains )

Mountain = high energy level

Sea = Lower Energy Level

m=m but mL = m R ????

( inertia - in one polish book - author used word resistance"

Other polish inventor Lucjan Ɓagiewka "

Mr Lucjan bumper ( 54 sec ) - http://youtu.be/4_5oseSVUc4

How it work ??? how to stop car 50 kg own mass ... so short distance
without Inertia problem ??? Glass ???

Mr Lucjan live close to my Home
" Maciej - Energy always go more easy there where feel lower resistance
- my bumper = lightning rod !!!

mL= sea ???
mR = mountains ???

HOW TO EASY EVALUATE ( Inventor = simple idea ) ?

Stationary point A in the Universe and mass m = 1 kg

A . m ------> Vo = 1m/s

1.> What mean one pipe and dynamit ?

2.> Energy. where is Sea level where is Mountain
- where is neutral line ?
3. > How to easy confirm on Earth different ( Left - Right )
..... - How to recognize direction mountains - sea = -------> Vo

point 1 > One pipe inside pipe we have one preasure !!!

fact a) the same forces
fact  the same time ( work time )

Fact a ) AND Fact  = > Force F time t (perfect symetric condition )

point 2 >

Ek= m*Vo*Vo/2 = 1kg * 1m/s *1m/s /2 = 1/2 [J]

question 1
How many energy I need to stop mass m ( respect to A point )?
Ek2 = 0 Ek1 = 1/2 [J]

1/2 [J] - to stop mass m I need 1/2 [J]

guestion 2
I have 1m/s I want to have 2m/s

how many energy I need to accelerate mass m from 1m/s to 2m/s

Ek2 =? Ek2= 1kg * 2m/s *2m/s /2 = 2[J] !!!

2[J] - 0,5 [J] = 1,5[J]

DO YOU SEE 1,5 [J] different ( Sea - mountains )

point 3 >


"*"- star shows hit direction

rope A *[-----------------]

-----------> (Vo Earth's speed in the universe)

rope B [-----------------]*

please use perfect twins hammers and hit at one time rope A and rope B

You will see that Hz A not equal Hz B ?


more info http://marosz2.blogspot.com/



more info http://tesla2.blogsopt.com


CLASSICAL MECHANIC Foucault pendulums


Title: Re: strong evidence ( mathematic + physics ) we can build Perpetum
Post by: conradelektro on February 11, 2013, 05:34:23 PM
@tesla2: As far as I can see from your videos, drawings and writings:

Your simple experiments with your camera at home could not confirm your theory?

Or am I mistaken?

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: strong evidence ( mathematic + physics ) we can build Perpetum
Post by: tesla2 on February 12, 2013, 05:50:51 PM
Sir please read below  step by step

think  and see how I compare light and water  last Ytube
( I'm 100 % sure why my camera can measure I have other problem - it is strange but nobody can be 100% sure what measure my camera - not exist person who is right now sure what is our velocity in the universe !!! we need  do more test  not in home but for example in LIGO )

below simple one balon test ( rocket - zero gravitation )

mass m - balon - mass m


question a) how many energy will go to left and right mass m
Vo = 0 ( respect to stationary point A in the universe )

question b) how many energy will go to left and right mass m
Vo = 1 m/s ( respect to stationary point A in the universe )

if You want to keep mV = 0 you need give some energy to mass m L and m R
please make graph

please think that mass m L can slown down go to zero and accelerate
mass m right can only accelerate

after You finish please think where energy want to go more easy ?

how many energy You use for accelerate mass m how many for slown down

the principle of conservation of momentum  and question b) ???

(why You think that
more energy will go to mass m right ? why ? the same velocity change = not the same energy left right ? )

question c ) what is your opinion ? why balon will push mass m right more stronger ? ( only to keep the principle of conservation of momentum )

the same balon the same time the same preasure not the same work ?

how many energy You need to stop mass m left ( Vo=1 m/s )
how many energy You need to accelerate mass m right  (Vo=1m/s V end = 2m/s )

Can we recognize constant velocity Vo respect to A point inside widowless rocket ?

Yes / NoT ( where energy will go - what is reason that not symetry we have Vo?????)

Do You know what right now is in all books
"  Imagine an observer traveling inside a windowless spaceship moving away from the sun at constant velocity. Galileo asserted that there are no mechanical experiments that can be made inside the rocket that will tell the occupants that the rocket is moving . The question ``are we moving'' has no meaning unless we specify a reference frame (are we moving with respect to that star'' is meaningful). This fact, formulated in the 1600's remains very true today and is one of the cornerstones of Einstein's theories of relativity. "

Sir I'm person who done this what was impossible for physics 
Poland first home test :

what I realy done  ?  Why my camera measure  ( compare light and water )

more question

Title: Re: strong evidence ( mathematic + physics ) we can build Perpetum
Post by: tesla2 on February 14, 2013, 06:22:02 AM

My question how many water will go opposit to velocity Vo arrow ?
( kg , litres ) ?
why ? what is the reason ?

I have two the same mass m why  water will choise mass m that will slowdown ?

Title: Re: strong evidence ( mathematic + physics ) we can build Perpetum
Post by: conradelektro on February 14, 2013, 03:31:31 PM
@tesla2: conventional science claims that your ideas and thought experiments have since long been answered. The only way to get some attention is a repeatable and conclusive experiment. All your theories are just talk till you can show a conclusive experiment, a real experiment not just talk and thought.

On this page http://tesla256.blogspot.co.at/ you say yourself about your digital camera experiment:

"( right now I don't know what I really measured, the universe is a huge space, my camera measures only locally )"

and this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9k-zidfJZg&feature=player_embedded is not conclusive because there are many possibilities why the spectra are different:

- temperature of the light source was different
- temperature of the charged coupled device in your digital camera was different
- the charged coupled device in your digital camera has a certain amount of unpredictable random noise

You have a chance of being heard in the scientific world if you can show a real experiment putting conventional science in doubt. Talk, theories and thought experiments will not be enough.

So, try to make your real experiment better and repeatable, document your results in a clear and concise way, and may be then people will listen.

I know that this is difficult and may even be not possible. Well, that is your task. Do the unexpected and people will listen.

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: strong evidence ( mathematic + physics ) we can build Perpetum
Post by: tesla2 on February 15, 2013, 06:49:03 AM
( not exist many people with open head ready to learn NEW many of us are closed we joust repeat )

to speak about Universe You can made experiment but before You start
You must explain why ? what You will see ? what will be if ... 
when I show my IDEA on forum I  get many new question from people ... I learn with people who read my post ... 

principle of conservation of energy VS  principle of conservation of momentum

in my Ytube I already use facts that where  confirmed many times  and are  in books
I joust use elements
( small blocks that people already knew and You can confirm in any books
or real life )

block 1 + block 2 + ... = house ( discovery ) why I call this discovery ?

principle of conservation of energy VS  principle of conservation of momentum

principle of conservation of energy VS  principle of conservation of momentum

What You need know   : ( please confirm in books  or real live below blocks  )
1 How look kinethic energy graph ( only one symetric point )
2 tires with a hole in Your car ( air will always escape ) - Energy always
want to go ( from mountains to sea )   Mountains = high energy level  sea = lower

Energy alwasy   see optimal way ( lower resistance for example lighting rot )

3 Mass m for Einstein ( velocity + mass m = mass m rise)

4 I started my You tube  mass m - M  and  M>>>m  ( many people see where will go water )

Dear Konrad please look again  ( please try find bloks ... small elements for new HOUSE


http://youtu.be/1HWsvZdMBek ( parabola graph -

fact 1

mass m right need  take more energy to
change velocity  the same way like mass m left ( opposite to Vo arrow)
and keep  mV left = mV right   after explosion

2. Below Ytube = evidence that above will never happen !!! more energy will go opposite to Vo arrow ! ( or Mr Einstein made mistake  - but mass m rise with velocity  was confirmed by experiments !!!


Only  To better explain You above  idea ( block and House ???)

How I create my patents / Ideas > http://tesla4.blogspot.com
  - You can find  all elements in shop 
( for exaple up sky beam )
- I  joust find new  other way how to use old good know element   - many people
see everyday flashlight -  we can have up sky beam for automotive

Many people ask me You not invented ? ( I ask them so why You right now can die in Your car ?)
Patent def - new method how to use old element and realized  NEW TARGET .

flashlight we know ( block 1 we know )  but we not see house ?

-  please thry build in internet my fly tool ? on my picture I showed prize, weight , power , forces - main SIZE what You think why ? I jout use cataloge parts for models !!!   )


I'm sorry for my english :
"( right now I don't know what I really measured, the universe is a huge space, my camera measures only locally )"

I do my job additional  I already work 200h per month so my Ytube or blog sometimes has got mistake ( words only main idea are ok - energy always go more easy opposite to velocity Vo )

My camera = compare light speed to Earth's speed
light speed is absolute so Earth's speed = absolute

"light speed  is absolute"  You can find in all books right now - I already know that it is only
some average velcity +/- few % ( many small block give me this information but I can't explain people all at one time - when people look on my blog they always confirm and copare to  this what is in books - right now

- books joust block me right now NEW PHYSICS IS NOT IN BOOKS RIGHT NOW but
to explain You NEW I JOUST MUST DO THIS SMALL STEP and use old books  "

please imagine that You have great patent but people not like buy something what is strange
they like buy small innovation not huge discovery !!!

Real and good experiment can be done in LIGO PIPE  !!!


please read http://tesla32.blogspot.com ( Omega absolute problem also exist )

I 'm always open !!!

one guy later ( was rich ) he buy Train and ask music orcherstra and confirmed

My Real and good experiment can be done in LIGO PIPE  !!! ( they have all laser and vacuum )
they invest 350 mln dolars right now http://tesla2.blogspot.com
Title: Re: strong evidence ( mathematic + physics ) we can build Perpetum
Post by: conradelektro on February 15, 2013, 09:39:49 AM
@Tesla2: You can contact LIGO Hanford Observatory here:

http://www.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/contact.html (http://www.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/contact.html)

LIGO Hanford Observatory:
Phone: 509-372-8106
Fax: 509-372-8137

I wish you good luck, Conrad
Title: Re: strong evidence ( mathematic + physics ) we can build Perpetum
Post by: peterpierre on February 20, 2013, 04:31:24 AM
Simple example (a funny one to that) that 1 Energy is not equal 1 Energy:

Stupid example: you have eaten some heavy duty burritos and need to take heavy dump ... fine said and done. Now the funny part - the water storage from which you flush the dump always contains a set amount of energy / water (that never changes) ... so if you flush carefully and equally / slowly what happens? The pile of shit won't move! ... but if you release that same energy in form of a sudden burst / flush, the turd is gone. So one and the same amount of energy released in two different ways yields different results ... I think some of the physics law makers might have missed a definition in between :D lol

I know you guys are all laughing your asses now (me included) but if you look at it from a purely scientific point of view it somehow does make sense, no?

Cheers :)

Title: Re: strong evidence ( mathematic + physics ) we can build Perpetum
Post by: tesla2 on February 20, 2013, 09:33:31 AM
ONE PICTURE AND ONE MOVIE  ( light has got some problem ?)



Dear Peter Pierre after You see
above new system for velocity measure
please imagine that exist people who see this inside head without Ytube
problem is That not so many people can see this without animation

If You not have imagination and You must use mathematic good Job for You
( also discovery - I'm not good in count )

Very Important Facts about Energy and Momentum




I already build in home and tested new better tool than Michelson Morley .

http://youtu.be/qV7161808x0 - my first prototype

http://youtu.be/XF_npmQ8kGY - real home test

Right Now In Poland I earn 300 Euro/moth
I work 200 h/ month as a bodyguard ( I would like to ASAP escape from polish reality )

I dream made many test about aether special radiowaves- chemical contain
own velocity ( inertia of aether )

I wait for any Universities - please offer me any job I can clean office or
keep Your garden clear

( I need sent to Poland 300 euro and have place to sleep ) I want to speak with people and sare my secrets

my proffesion. exp http://tesla4.blogspot.com


discovery - please show me direction
I'm able inform You what is OUR Velocity on this direction compare directly to absolute light speed on this direction

Light speed = absolute so my velocity = absolute
Relative velcity = past

source of light can be perpendicular to rocket wall
( in movie description You have pdf with presentation )
