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News announcements and other topics => News => Topic started by: Ghost on February 23, 2013, 01:17:54 AM

Title: Free Energy and the Dark Web
Post by: Ghost on February 23, 2013, 01:17:54 AM
Are you afraid of releasing your Free Energy/Over Unity invention to the web because it will be taken down by the Government? Or they might trace you from your posts only to find you and shut you down? Possibly kill you?
Not anymore!

What if I said there was Internet beyond what you can normally 'see'? Like dark matter, or the memory of a half-remembered dream, it lies just outside of perception, hidden beneath the sea of information. It is estimated that the Dark Web is several orders of magnitude larger than the surface of the Web. Just what is it? And how can you access it?

Read the whole article here: http://www.rogerdavies.com/2011/06/dark-internet
Title: Re: Free Energy and the Dark Web
Post by: conradelektro on February 23, 2013, 05:58:26 AM
The "dark Internet" is a nice thing, but it is not as secure as one likes to believe:

The weak spot is your connection to your Internet Provider. Your Provider (his computers) know who is online and what a particular client sends and gets from the Internet. And the Providers have to keep logs (required by law in all so called "civilized countries").

All other participants on the Internet (besides your Provider) can not find out what you are seeing and sending on the "dark Internet". But the government has online access to the logs of all Providers (in the jurisdiction of the country). You will find "black boxes" at the site of all Providers (or near them on some crucial connection) belonging to the government which can monitor and read the logs and the active traffic whenever a Judge gives the order.

It might be difficult for the government of one country to have access to a Provider in an other country. But wherever the US has influence, the US government or one of its secret or non secret agencies will have access. Europe is wide open for the US government, also big parts of Asia and South America. You might get away sitting in a rogue state like Kazakhstan or Nigeria, but in these unruly countries money will grant access to your provider. And if you are important for some government the money will be available to buy access in a "wild country".

So, dream on from the "dark Internet". Do not say or do anything on the Internet that should be secret. Behave on the net in the same way you would behave in a public space (e.g. in a public park or in a shopping mall or in a shopping street).

In case you want to write down or digitally store something secret, do not do it on a device that has an Internet connection. No encryption will save you, it is just a question of cost to brake it. Petty crimes or unimportant political antagonism will not lead to your log (at your Provider) to be read, but the moment you really threaten the powers to be, your Provider is wide open and will cooperate with the government (police, secret service, judge).

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Free Energy and the Dark Web
Post by: steeltpu on February 24, 2013, 12:21:48 PM

data leaving your computer to most places on the 'Dark net' is encrypted.  anything on an https:// connection is encrypted although not uncrackable I doubt the gov or anyone has the capability to capture every data stream from every computer on the Internet and automatically decrypt it to know if something is of interest.   the Dark net is probably not the best place anyway to release such overunity info since a lot of people are not even aware of it and it has a shady reputation so who is going to believe you have a real overunity device there?   

best way to release such info is get a long range Wifi antenna, find your way to a free Wifi spot a long way from where you live and upload from a distance all your info.  make sure there are no security cameras on you and you are using a secure browser that doesn't give away any details of your computer.   try using a TOR browser.   use a laptop that can't be traced to your purchase of it.  there are linux os versions that already have industrial grade security with high security browsers.  a lot safer than windoze.