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Solid States Devices => solid state devices => Topic started by: TinselKoala on August 24, 2013, 02:20:03 AM

Title: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 24, 2013, 02:20:03 AM
Rosemary Ainslie has now reportedly found the "lost" Quantum Magazine apparatus, the single-mosfet circuit that many of us began researching in 2009 or before.

She has made a handful of posts today in which she severely misrepresents and even lies blatantly about my own statements, findings and involvement. Some of the lies she told today are of course directly refuted in this video, which I made and posted a bit over a month ago:


The point is that the schematic that Ainslie published in the Quantum article CANNOT POSSIBLY produce the duty cycle she claimed to use, and in fact produces the exact inverse. As I show in the video, both the duty cycle and the frequency of the circuit can of course be adjusted (refuting Ainslie's lies made today) and at no time do I say it is a fixed duty cycle that is produced by the circuit.

It is impossible to tell what duty cycle or schematic Ainslie ACTUALLY used.... we know she has lied, made mistakes, and even gotten other people to bear false witness for her in terms of schematics and conditions under which data is gathered. Only good photographs of the apparatus in use, combined with contemporaneous measurements, will allow anyone to know what arrangement of equipment, at what settings, she actually might use at any given time.

The Quantum-17 circuit published under Ainslie's name has been shown many times, unequivocally, to be unable to make the duty cycle she claims. So either she did not use the published circuit, or she did not use the claimed duty cycle,... or both. Either way the paper is false. If she now shows her apparatus to be using SOME OTHER CIRCUIT....  or she shows that the apparatus makes a different duty cycle than she has claimed.... then the article is false and must be withdrawn, just as her other false "papers" have been.

If she chooses to claim that the 555 timer is irrelevant.... then she must explain why, when the 555 is removed, the circuit is then exactly the Unclamped Inductive Test circuit found in the back of the IRFPG50 data sheet.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 24, 2013, 02:42:03 AM
@Mark Dansie:

I see that Ainslie has fired off another "open letter" to you. Please note that she lies to you several times, blatantly, in this open letter, and does not provide any evidence for her lying assertions.

1. I have never said her published circuit produced a fixed duty cycle, or a 90 percent duty cycle only.

2. Mark E's graphs are NOT from simulations, they are from actual builds of the circuit and variants.

3. When other builders here and at Energetic Forum also showed the same thing I showed, Ainslie DID acknowledge the "error" in the Quantum circuit and even "apologised" for misleading people. Now she pretends that only Mark E and I have shown the circuit to be false, when in reality every one who has built it or simmed it knows it is false.

QuotePoynty and Steve are well able to determine if it is designed to apply a variable duty cycle.  If it DOES show this - then TK - aka Tinsel Koala - commonly referred to  as Little TK or 'ickle pickle' WILL BE CALLED ON TO RETRACT HIS OBJECTIONS IN WHOLE AND IN PART.  As will MARK EUTHANASIUS.  THEN.  Under those circumstances our claims on this subject STAND.  And in the interest of impartial investigation into matters of science - as is widely claimed by both Sterling Allen and Mark Dansie - I INSIST that those retractions be made public.  That - after all - is only fair.

How can I "retract" something THAT I NEVER SAID? It is Ainslie who needs to retract her lies and false claims and misrepresentations of the work and words of others.

No.... what is "only fair" is that Ainslie stop lying about me and what other people have also proven. And I INSIST that Ainslie's apologies and retractions of her PROVEN LIES be made public.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on August 24, 2013, 09:17:36 AM
Here are a couple of relevant documents.

Useful info on the test protocol and wave forms.

Unfortunately all the image files linked-to (EF posts) at the end of the IEEE submission were removed.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 24, 2013, 10:29:57 AM
Thanks for that. As usual, the real information comes from someone other than Ainslie.

Here's what the mendacious troll has to say this morning:

QuoteHere's the link to TK's post. http://www.overunity.com/13743/rosemary-ainslie-quantum-magazine-circuit-cop-17-claims/msg368786/#msg368786 (http://anonymouse.org/cgi-bin/anon-www.cgi/http://www.overunity.com/13743/rosemary-ainslie-quantum-magazine-circuit-cop-17-claims/msg368786/#msg368786)  Unlike him we ALWAYS give the required links when we reference anything.  TK doesn't.  He daren't.  Lest you become aware of the FULL complaint against him.

What a liar! I ALWAYS INCLUDE ACTUAL IMAGES OF AINSLIE's OWN WORDS. Yet she cannot give you a reference for any of her absurd claims about me.
Required links, Ainslie? Where is a link to ANY POST where I have ever said you have a non-adjustable duty cycle? Where is a link to ANY POST where I have said you use an 11 percent, or a 90 percent duty cycle? There are none.

In Ainslie's present set of posts she illustrates that she is not only willing to lie blatantly about the work of others and her own, she also DOESN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND THE ISSUES or the importance of her false claims in an article that bears her name.


The Article presents a schematic and makes claims about its performance. The claims are NOT TRUE. The schematic presented CANNOT make the duty cycle and frequency claimed, and in fact makes the _exact inverse_ duty cycle, something that could not have happened by a mere "accident" or typo concerning the 555 circuit.
Either the circuit used by Ainslie was NOT the published circuit that bears her name... or the duty cycle used was NOT the 3.7 percent ON that Ainslie claims. Either way the article lies. There are no other alternatives!

Now.... Ainslie has made many claims about me recently, and in her twisted mind she thinks she can do this without providing any evidence at all, yet she wants me to provide LINKS.... to posts that I have already imaged for you and attached to these posts. More delusions--- Ainslie cannot provide any support for her allegations, yet she ignores all the evidence that I provide. She cannot refute me at all with checkable outside references or demonstrations of her own.

Where are the detailed photographs that Ainslie promised?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 24, 2013, 10:43:33 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on August 24, 2013, 09:17:36 AM
Here are a couple of relevant documents.

Useful info on the test protocol and wave forms.

Unfortunately all the image files linked-to (EF posts) at the end of the IEEE submission were removed.

In the first file you linked, YET ANOTHER schematic is presented. Suddenly there is a recirculation diode, that DOES NOT APPEAR in the original report of this experiment and in fact is not even mentioned. Also there is no 555 timer schematic, instead a Function Generator symbol appears.

Once again, we have CONFLICTING and SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT descriptions of the apparatus used in this experiment. The EIT paper even says that the schematic WAS USED.... but where is the recirculation diode in the Quantum schematic? Nowhere. Where is the detailed 555 schematic? Nowhere, it has been suppressed because of the smoking gun it contains.

Note the schematic from this "paper" below. No 555 timer circuit is given, no separate 12 v power supply for the timer is shown,  and a recirculation diode is included, and the claim is made that this was the Quantum magazine circuit: 

I am rolling on the floor laughing.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 24, 2013, 11:00:00 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on August 24, 2013, 09:17:36 AM
Here are a couple of relevant documents.

Useful info on the test protocol and wave forms.

Unfortunately all the image files linked-to (EF posts) at the end of the IEEE submission were removed.

In the second file you linked, we see the diagrams below.

YET ANOTHER schematic is presented as the "quantum magazine schematic". But this one has DIFFERENT COMPONENT VALUES LISTED and also does NOT INCLUDE ANY recirculation diode.

Furthermore, the Block Diagram shows a scope probe attached to the Drain of the mosfet. This location will of course show a voltage that is HI, at battery voltage, when the mosfet is OFF and will show low, near zero volts, when the mosfet is ON.

And of course no waveforms showing Ainslie's "oscillations" are given in either of the "papers".

The Energetic Forum posts have been removed by Aaron and Ashtweth because they found Ainslie's claims to be false!

Note the different component values in the "new" schematic. Can this schematic produce a 3.7 percent ON duty cycle at the claimed frequency? Which of the THREE DIFFERENT schematics claimed was actually used? Nobody knows and nobody will ever know unless Ainslie posts photos along with her data taken at the same time.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 24, 2013, 11:13:37 AM
@Poynt99 and ANYONE ELSE:

Can anyone show me a screenshot of the "approved" Ainslie oscillations using any of the three DIFFERENT circuits she has claimed were used for this experiment? Or made by use of a FG or other equipment in place of the 555 timer section?

Ainslie herself has certainly never shown any interpretable shots from this experiment.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 24, 2013, 02:33:09 PM
QuoteGuys - sadly I can't get those photos up today.  Hopefully tomorrow.  I need someone to operate that camera and he's not available until then.
We will score that as another FAIL on your part then, Ainslie: within 48 hours you said, and later today you said.... now you say "hopefully tomorrow". Well, we will believe it WHEN WE SEE IT and not before.
Then.  Neither I - nor any of you - have further reason to pay any attention to the absurd nonsense that TK manages to regurgitate - ad nauseum - through pages and pages of RIDICULOUS denials and accusations.  He's lost the plot.  Clearly.  All I can assure you is that the BEST interpretation one can put on those horribly ambiguous terms he uses here...

The Article presents a schematic and makes claims about its performance. The claims are NOT TRUE. The schematic presented CANNOT make the duty cycle and frequency claimed, and in fact makes the _exact inverse_ duty cycle,  - is that one must then assume that the duty cycle is NOT 3% ON but 97% ON.  Unless - as is evidently the case - he's applying his own weird definition to the terms 'EXACT INVERSE' which is outside of common parlance.
No, Ainslie. It is YOU who do not understand COMMON PARLANCE, much less the technical language that your chosen subject requires. Take a look at this video made and uploaded in JUNE OF 2009:
As anyone can PLAINLY SEE, the circuit that is published in the Quantum magazine makes the EXACT INVERSE of the claimed duty cycle, in both COMMON PARLANCE and technical language. Where you believe, Ainslie, that it makes 3.7 percent ON it actually makes 96.3 percent ON, and so on, throughout its frequency range. It makes the EXACT INVERSE duty cycle. When the scope probe is located at the MOSFET DRAIN, as shown in the block diagram above, the probe will indicate HI, or battery voltage, when the mosfet is OFF.
And as for the rest of that preposterous claptrap...

'something that could not have happened by a mere "accident" or typo concerning the 555 circuit.  Either the circuit used by Ainslie was NOT the published circuit that bears her name... or the duty cycle used was NOT the 3.7 percent ON that Ainslie claims. Either way the article lies. There are no other alternatives!'

Actually.  The alternative is that our little pickle is trying to throw smoke over the claim - by quibbling.

You call it a "Quibble" that you have published THREE FALSE SCHEMATICS for the single experiment, YET AGAIN? That's a QUIBBLE? You take the cake, Ainslie. Nobody would believe it if they didn't see it for themselves, which is why I take images of all your absurd posts.

QuoteI shall post those photographs tomorrow. 
Shall you? We shall see whether you do, or don't.
We most CERTAINLY could and DID make a 3% ON duty cycle. 
Perhaps you did, who knows. What is ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN is that you did NOT do it with any of the schematics YOU CLAIMED TO USE.
And IF Mark Euthanasius and Tinsel Koala are trying to UPEND the claim based on a POSSIBLE misrepresentation of the circuit diagram - THEN WE ALL KNOW WHY.  They have - very obviously - a STRICT AGENDA to deny all over unity results and to SACRIFICE THE REPUTATIONS OF ALL CLAIMANTS IF and AS necessary.  TK's ONLY genius is in his UNTIRING EFFORTS TO DO THE LATTER.  Thankfully - and typically - he over plays his hand.  He's got the finessing abilities of a bull elephant in musk. 

No, mendacious troll Ainslie. We have a STRICT AGENDA, or at least I do, to prevent YOU FROM PROMULGATING YOUR LIES.

And the term is "Musth" not "musk", you willfully ignorant and overweeningly arrogant troll.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 25, 2013, 12:56:22 AM
As usual.... Ainslie insults, whines, bloviates and lies.... but she cannot address the issues and she cannot refute me with checkable outside references, facts or demonstrations of her own.

Three separate, different, schematics claimed for the SAME EXPERIMENT! An altered schematic posted AFTER problems with the original were pointed out! People trying to "replicate" based on a FALSE SCHEMATIC! Ainslie getting banned from forum after forum as her lies and insults emerge!
It's deja vu all over again!

Insult me all you like, troll queen Ainslie... it only makes you look all the more stupid, because you are utterly wrong Yet Again, you cannot refute me and the facts are easy for anyone to check. And it all goes into your Permanent Record.

What is especially hilarious is that so many of Ainslie's little trolling points are utterly and totally refuted in these old videos I'm posting. But she is so arrogant and uncurious that she won't even watch them.... and so she keeps babbling and squawking on about things like "variable duty cycles" and "inverse meaning nothing" when EVERYBODY WATCHING MY VIDEOS knows and understands how utterly and abjectly foolish she is.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: markdansie on August 25, 2013, 01:16:03 AM
I will responding in full with another Article.Mark E has provided a lot of material for it already.
Can I use some of your materials from here? 

I am thinking of calling it the Zombie Technology...it doesn't want to die
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 25, 2013, 01:51:23 AM
Shall we take the points one by one?
QuoteAnother little 'x' rated communication for our 'ickle pickle' who vociferously DENIES that he is LITTLE - in any sense of the word.

Hello my dear little thing,

Ainslie has never produced, and CANNOT produce, any evidence whatsoever that I am someone called "Bryan Little" or any other LITTLE at all, by anyone except her, and she does it completely deliberately in order to get a rise from me. In short: the very definition of TROLLING.

QuoteWhile I know that - on the whole - you're entirely untrammeled by any need to impartiality and while I also know that you are not further handicapped by holding a 'cool' head on those little shoulders of yours - I would caution you that we are about to photograph that equipment responsible for the results in our quantum paper.  It's likely to disturb that extraordinary lack of decency and constraint that you manage.

No, Ainslie, I have been asking you to prove your assertions with evidence since 2009, and you claimed all this time that that apparatus was LOST... and even got Donovan Martin to say the same thing. Now you've suddenly found it... and I think that is GREAT. Show your photographs, because they will show either that you DID NOT use the 555 timer circuit you have claimed, or it will show that you DID use the circuit you claimed. Either way, it is going to be bad for you. Of course what I expect is that you will not show any 555 circuit at all.

QuoteSadly I will show you the use of a variable duty cycle that enabled that rather extraordinary self oscillation condition - that you deny is possible.

Sadly for you... I have NEVER DENIED that self-oscillation is possible, and you cannot provide any evidence that I have done so. Further, I have never denied that your published 555 circuit's duty cycle can be varied, and you cannot provide any evidence that I have ever done so. As I clearly demonstrate in at least 4 different videos since June of 2009, the duty cycle and frequency can OF COURSE be varied.... but the 3.7 percent On duty cycle at 2.4 kHz as claimed IS OUT OF RANGE OF THE POSSIBLE SETTINGS of the schematic published under your name in the Quantum article. Once again, Ainslie, your lack of education and your arrogance and willfull ignorance have caused you to put your foot into your mouth by making up delusions and then protesting against them... .and ignoring the FACTS.
Sadly for you indeed; you cannot provide any evidence for your ridiculous assertions, as usual.

QuoteWhich will put paid to about 6 years of hard work in DENYING EVIDENCE.

More bad math from Ainslie. I first encountered Ainslie in early 2009.  DO THE MATH...hint:  it is now August of 2013.

QuoteI see you're MOST anxious to let the subject fall off the page.

I laugh at you. YOU are most anxious that it does NOT fall off the page, drama queen of trolls. That's why you keep insulting me, because you know I will respond! You are a troll, a most amusing one, toothless and a laughing-stock. Nobody takes you seriously!

QuoteBut that won't help you my sweet.  It will be ON RECORD - that your agenda is actually to DENY OVER UNITY - REGARDLESS OF THE METHOD. 
Ever rosy but never your...
Rosie Pose

Records are indeed being made, Rosie Poser, and my agenda is unimportant and irrelevant to the fact that you are wrong, utterly wrong, and you have been proven to be so, many times over.

Shall we continue?

QuoteHi Guys - for those who follow these earnest communications to our little pickle - aka Tinsel Koala - and allegedly and erroneously referred to as MR BRYAN LITTLE - here's the next item on the agenda.  You'll see for yourselves how critical this is to the general science discussion.

Ainslie, you know nothing of Science, general or otherwise, and you constantly refuse to discuss issues in a competent and respectful manner, as anyone reading your posts can see for themselves. Every time you refer to Bryan Little, you stick your foot deeper down your throat, and I record these instances with great amusement, for they reveal your inner sickness and disturbed soul.

QuoteMy Sweet,

I see that you're rather perturbed that I compared your subtlety of argument to that of an elephant in musk.  You prefer the term 'musth'.  Which is a fair and reasonable complaint.  In future I will do so.

Maybe you should have used a dictionary before you started insulting. Oh... wait.... this is another case of Words Mean Whatever Ainslie Says They Mean. Like solstices in July, like Joules=Watts, like "inverse" meaning nothing.

Quote(Skip a lot of nonsense)

Especially with your INSISTENCE that a MOSFET is NOT a MOSFET but a mosfet.

A WHAT? What is this MOSFET that you keep referring to, Ainslie? Surely you cannot possibly mean "Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor" because if you did... you would TYPE IT OUT FULLY every time. Bloviating idiot!

You can't address the issue of the THREE SEPARATE AND DIFFERENT SCHEMATICS you publish under your name, the false claims about duty cycle and measurements and diodes, so you worry about whether or not I capitalize "mosfet". And you don't even realize how stupid that makes you look. Or care! Astounding, but totally par for the Ainslie course.

QuoteAnd then there's your interpretation of 'exact inverse' which means 'exactly nothing at all'.

It means something perfectly understandable and coherent, and it is even fully correct. Once again you display your willfull ignorance, overweening arrogance and total lack of shame. YOU HAVE BEEN REFUTED, but like a toothless zombie queen you refuse to realize it. But every body else does realize it.

QuoteMeanwhile how 'goeth' it with your GRE?  I trust that it too is in MUSTH - and that it 'floweth' out of your mouth unhindered by the activity of your cerebral cortex.  I look forward to seeing yet more evidence - in due course. 

Take care there my dear little pickle and look after your MUSTH.  It's plentiful - but nonetheless RARE.

I always provide evidence for my assertions, Ainslie. Always. But you don't, you just insult and bloviate, call people names and make a greater and greater fool of yourself, in public yet. It's all going into your Permanent Record, along with all those other records of your mendacity, your arrogance, your ignorance and your trolling insulting behaviour... and your false claims of overunity.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 25, 2013, 01:55:04 AM
Quote from: markdansie on August 25, 2013, 01:16:03 AM
I will responding in full with another Article.Mark E has provided a lot of material for it already.
Can I use some of your materials from here? 

I am thinking of calling it the Zombie Technology...it doesn't want to die

Absolutely, Mark, use whatever you like, and I have much more besides. The person who has done the most work on this early version is FuzzyTomCat, and he would be a very valuable contact, has tons of his own material and has the "inside story" on a lot of the scuttlebutt.
Please let me know if you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them with materials from my archive.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on August 25, 2013, 08:57:26 AM
Here are posts where Glen notes a few mods, including a 15k to replace the 10k trimmer to achieve the 3% duty cycle.

http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/4314-cop-17-heater-rosemary-ainslie-100.html#post71373 (http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/4314-cop-17-heater-rosemary-ainslie-100.html#post71373)

http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/4314-cop-17-heater-rosemary-ainslie-101.html#post71870 (http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/4314-cop-17-heater-rosemary-ainslie-101.html#post71870)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on August 25, 2013, 09:46:17 AM
The data from Test #13 is the one they chose to use for the IEEE paper submission, as it showed the most "benefit" as I recall. The images from all the other tests would be nice, but Fig. 4 and Fig. 6 from Test#13 are really the only ones required, as they show the gate drive (CH3) (close to 50% duty cycle and between 200kHz to 400kHz frequency), Vcsr (CH1), Vbat (CH4), and Vdrain (CH2).

Attached is the "100ns" scope shot for that test (Fig. 6 in the IEEE submission).

ETA: Now that I've found Glen's cache of data, here also is Fig. 4:
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on August 25, 2013, 10:15:29 AM
Here is an active link to the IEEE submission still on SCRIBD:

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on August 25, 2013, 10:24:53 AM
Ashtweth from Panacea was good at compiling information from a project. And although Panacea's website is no longer, the internet never forgets, and I was able to find Ashtweth's large compilation pdf of the work Glen was doing back in 2009. I uploaded it to TK's mediafire account. It is 15M in size and contains 290 pages. All Glen's tests and images are in this document, as well as a lot of other stuff. Test #13 starts on page 197.

http://www.mediafire.com/view/lx2nnz9dnpg34tt/Rosemary_Ainslie_COP17_Heater_Technology.pdf (http://www.mediafire.com/view/lx2nnz9dnpg34tt/Rosemary_Ainslie_COP17_Heater_Technology.pdf)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on August 25, 2013, 10:49:35 AM

I've found all the Test data and images from Glen's work (22 tests) on his own skydrive site here:

https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=6b7817c40bb20460&id=6B7817C40BB20460!120 (https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=6b7817c40bb20460&id=6B7817C40BB20460!120)

...and Glen's livestream site that links to the above (links are near bottom of page):

http://www.livestream.com/opensourceresearchanddevelopment (http://www.livestream.com/opensourceresearchanddevelopment)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 25, 2013, 01:22:55 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on August 25, 2013, 08:57:26 AM
Here are posts where Glen notes a few mods, including a 15k to replace the 10k trimmer to achieve the 3% duty cycle.

http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/4314-cop-17-heater-rosemary-ainslie-100.html#post71373 (http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/4314-cop-17-heater-rosemary-ainslie-100.html#post71373)

http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/4314-cop-17-heater-rosemary-ainslie-101.html#post71870 (http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/4314-cop-17-heater-rosemary-ainslie-101.html#post71870)

You make it sound like replacing the 10k trimmer was the only, and a trivial, modification. But that is not the case. FTC was modifiying AARON's circuit, which had already been much modified from Ainslie's three published claimed circuits. The link in the forum post you cited takes you to the Aaron circuit.

You will note that in Aaron's circuit, almost all the component values have been changed from the original values. FTC changed the 10k to a 15k IN THIS CIRCUIT, not the original posted by Ainslie.  Further, Mark E has tested the AARON circuit and determined that it too cannot make short duty cycles as diagrammed.

I don't know if adding 5 k of resistance could make the difference. Have you simmed this version to see if FTC is correct?

Where is the recirculation diode that appears in the EIT paper's version of the schematic?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on August 25, 2013, 01:29:45 PM

I am not trying to make it sound like anything in particular. I simply restated what was posted in that link.

I have not checked Aaron's schematic nor Glen's update to any great depth. I did notice that Glen's updated schematic doesn't show a 15k trimmer pot.

I have simulated the original Quantum circuit. I used Groundloop's circuit and circuit board for my own testbed.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 25, 2013, 02:29:40 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on August 25, 2013, 09:46:17 AM
The data from Test #13 is the one they chose to use for the IEEE paper submission, as it showed the most "benefit" as I recall. The images from all the other tests would be nice, but Fig. 4 and Fig. 6 from Test#13 are really the only ones required, as they show the gate drive (CH3) (close to 50% duty cycle and between 200kHz to 400kHz frequency), Vcsr (CH1), Vbat (CH4), and Vdrain (CH2).

Attached is the "100ns" scope shot for that test (Fig. 6 in the IEEE submission).

ETA: Now that I've found Glen's cache of data, here also is Fig. 4:

Channel 2, the BLUE trace, is the Drain trace.  Right? And it is DC coupled in those shots, right?

What is the voltage expected at the DRAIN when the mosfet is OFF, and what is the voltage expected at the DRAIN when the mosfet is ON?

Both of the FTC shots you present show a LONG ON duty cycle and a short OFF time.  You can clearly see this in the behaviour of the Current trace, CH1 Yellow, and in the Drain trace, CH2 Blue. The Gate trace is SET to about a 50 percent duty cycle but because of the slow fall  time of the gate signal and the slow mosfet response, the Gate of the mosfet does not turn off at 50 percent but stays on much longer. The true duty cycle at the mosfet DRAIN... hence the current through the load.... is more like 60-75 percent or more ON.

The nice spike in the DRAIN trace is the mosfet turning OFF !!!

Also, Glen appears to be operating at over 400 kHz.

So he's using a different circuit than Ainslie ever claimed, not even one of the three she claimed, and he's operating at a vastly different frequency, 400 kHz rather than the 2.4 kHz she claimed.  SO what has this got to do with Ainslie and her claims?

And as I have just proven on my setup, driven by a FG, these settings produce a mosfet that is almost always ON, and I get a load current of a bit over 1.5 amps with Vbatt = 24 volts.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 25, 2013, 02:53:48 PM
The BLUE trace is the mosfet DRAIN trace. As we all know by now, in the high-side load configuration Ainslie used, the DRAIN voltage will be at Battery Voltage when the mosfet is OFF, and the DRAIN voltage falls to near zero volts when the mosfet (Rdss 2.0 ohms minimum) is ON.


I have annotated the FTC trace to indicate the Vbatt level on the DRAIN trace. Only when the mosfet DRAIN voltage is at or near this red line, is it OFF and not conducting.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 25, 2013, 03:32:30 PM
Can you see everything you need to see in this shot below? The amplitude of the DRAIN spike is fully controllable by adding or subtracting inductance between the Load and the mosfet Drain pin. I don't have a 100x attenuating probe, or I could show 600 volt peaks here by adding a bit more inductance.

Any questions? The DC ammeter shows about 1.45 amps and the load resistor is heating like gangbusters.... as it should, since the mosfet is almost totally ON, even with the "50 percent" duty cycle sent from the FG.

That's right, I'm using the F43 to make this trace and its Duty Cycle is set to about 50 percent. The mosfet, due to its slow response time, is staying on most of the time, though, as can be clearly seen in the DRAIN trace.

The Blue cursor is at Vbatt of 24 volts wrt the Drain trace. The Green cursor is at 12 volts wrt the purple Gate Signal trace.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 25, 2013, 05:08:28 PM
She is still at it! Outrageous!

QuoteGuys - after all these years it seems that TK, Poynty and just about everyone engaged in refuting those Quantum paper tests had actually CONCEDED that there was a variable duty cycle - but that we could NOT have managed a 3% ON.  Who would have thought?

After all these years we've CONCEDED? What an outrageous liar you are, Ainslie. My video of June 2009 "refers". I demonstrate the variable duty cycle and the variable frequency of the schematic you published, and that it produces the INVERSE of what you claimed. Once again, your willfull ignorance has trapped you with your foot far down your throat, caught YET AGAIN in an outrageous lying misrepresentation of the facts.

QuoteI've asked Poynty to actually link me to those posts where he's claimed this.  TK you can forget.  He's written all over the place that we were applying a 90% ON.  And TYPICALLY he now denies this. 

Where's the link, Ainslie? You cannot provide it because I NEVER SAID THAT.

QuoteHe stormed onto Energetic forum in 2009 or thereby with PRECISELY this complaint. 

Then it should be easy for you to provide some support for your claim. But you cannot. As usual you make claims without providing any support or checkable outside reference.

QuoteAnd 'Joit' - I think it was - actually wrote that he had built our 555 driver.  Interestingly Joit is Polish - I think.  His English was a bit compromised and I first read that he'd NOT managed it.  I immediately apologised to all and sundry - and was then ASSURED by Joit that INDEED he had found that our circuit config certainly COULD  manage the 3% that we claimed. 

And later, even Joit conceded that YOU, and HE, were wrong and I am right. It's an EASY CIRCUIT TO BUILD, Ainslie, and everyone who has built and tested it agrees, once they get over their mistakes.

EVEN AARON AGREES. See the image of his post below. If you are able to, that is.


We've now taken some photos of that 555 circuit.  Hopefully you can see all the components.  I'll be asking Steve Weir to do an analysis of that to determine whether the circuit was tweaked beyond the schematic in the paper.  I'm also sending those same pictures to an expert in electronics for a second opinion.  This because that expert is in Cape Town.  I can take the entire apparatus to him - as required - if the photos are not enough.  But I'm hoping that between Poynty and Steve - we'll get some informed opinion.

If the circuit is as diagrammed in the Quantum paper, then it cannot produce the duty cycle you claimed to use, and the article lies. If the circuit is different from the schematic in the Quantum paper.... then the article lies! It doesn't matter what your apparatus has on it NOW or what your duty cycle actually was, for the purposes of this single point.  The article gives a schematic that either was on the board THEN or it does not. Either way, the article lies, because the given schematic cannot produce the duty cycle claimed.

What angers me is this.  Jandrell insisted that the 555 driver was included in the paper - when according to many other advices - it should NOT have been included.  You will note that the claim is NOT related to that driver.  It is related to the applied duty cycle.  And in that paper we go to some lengths to advise all and sundry that the applied duty cycle will vary depending on the inductance of the circuit components.  We specifically state that this needs to be adjusted to each circuit in order to induce that oscillation.  NO duty cycle recommended for purposes of replication.  YET - Mark Euthanasius has written to advise me that no professional will EVER test that claim UNLESS they PRECISELY replicate our 3% ON.  WHY?  That effectively contradicts our own advices on this.  It's RIDICULOUS. 

Is that really what Mark E said? I don't think so. But that is really  immaterial. The point is that your Quantum article contains FALSE INFORMATION bearing your name. That doesn't disturb you in the least, does it.

What Poynty is NOW saying is that according to our schematic we could NOT have managed that 3% ON.  I neither know nor care.  What I intend showing is the actual switch that most CERTAINLY could manage a 3% ON.  I KNOW this because we specifically designed it to do this - as we saw that we could improve on results if we could also shorten that 'on' time. 

You don't care that the article bearing your name has false information in it. And you are PROUD of the fact that you don't care !


But here's the actual cause of my anger.  I'm angry that TK IMPLIED that we had inverted the duty cycle in his efforts to negate the claim.  I'm angry that he now denies this.

Are you going to hold your breath, jump up and down and turn blue? Stomp your feet, have a hissy fit? Your statement is so convoluted I'm having trouble parsing it. Yes, the schematic you published cannot make the duty cycle you claim and in fact makes the inverse duty cycle, and since you don't understand why the mosfet DRAIN voltage is HIGH when the mosfet is OFF, you don't understand why the "exact inverse" duty cycle is significant and CANNOT BE A COINCIDENCE. Plus, the high heat results you claim cannot be made with a true 3.7 percent ON duty cycle but are quite easy to make with the INVERSE 96.7 percent ON duty cycle. So be angry or don't be angry, I don't care BUT GET YOUR STORY STRAIGHT, whatever you do, and stop lying about what people have said to you.

I'm angry that he denies that anyone has successfully replicated that waveform when there are multiple internet samples available and he's well aware of these.

And I'm angry that you claim that I have said that! You can't provide a reference, as usual. You've even claimed that I HAVEN"T REPLICATED YOUR WAVEFORMS, but of course I have. And I just a few minutes ago duplicated some more waveforms.

QuoteI'm angry that Jandrell insisted that we take out those 2 x 17 hour comparative draw down tests - which would  have ENTIRELY proved the numbers that we were measuring.

Let's hear from Professor Jandrell about that, shall we? Your statements are not credible when you describe something that happened LAST WEEK much less eleven years ago.

QuoteI'm angry that Mark Euthanasius denies that we got accreditation that we published in our Quantum paper.   

You have never provided any evidence at all, so why should anyone believe you? You don't even get DICTIONARY DEFINITIONS right! Unless you provide evidence the default value is that you are simply wrong.

QuoteI'm heartily sick of them all.  There is ABSOLUTELY NO REQUIREMENT in terms of PUBLICATION to go beyond the facts that are presented.  And in presenting any such paper the standard is that the test is replicated - and IF the claim is found wanting then that paper is duly published that the claim can be investigated.  This NONSENSE - based on whether or not the facts in the paper may be slightly out or not?  It's ABSURD.  AGAIN and AGAIN, and again.  It does NOT need an applied 3% ON. And these modifications - these retractions that they call for?  It's SO FAR from standard procedure as to make their arguments and their demands COMICAL. That is NOT how published papers are assessed.  They're assessed under experimental conditions ONLY.

Again you are saying that it doesn't matter that your article contains false information. You are astounding!

IF anyone actually takes the trouble to test that circuit - then - REGARDLESS OF THE LEVEL OF INDUCTANCE ON THEIR RESISTOR  - they WILL of a certainty - get it into that oscillation - that 'flop mode' - call it what you will - at just about any applied duty cycle - provided only that the frequency is ALSO adjusted.  You do NOT need a 'feed back' diode.  You only need to use a MOSFET as this has it's own intrinsic body diode.   And when you get it into that operation mode - that oscillation - you will see for yourselves what we are talking about.  There is a measurable over unity result - and that result is further PROVABLE under operating conditions where a battery WILL outperform it's watt hour rating.

Sorry for the rant
Kindest regards

Just like it did on August 10 and 11. Right. You are making false claims that you cannot support with real, properly performed measurements in a well conducted experiment and you have already proven that, beyond any doubt.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 25, 2013, 10:17:41 PM
Well well well.

According to Ainslie's "Debunking Troll 'Spin' as it applies to Science" thread, she has posted the promised photos of the original, formerly "lost", Quantum magazine apparatus.

Of course, one needs to be a logged-in member of that honeypot forum in order to see them.

I wonder what they will show. According to Ainslie they will show that the circuit IS the one posted in the Quantum article and they will show that it DOES make a 3.7 percent ON duty cycle as claimed in the article. Right? It's hard for me to wade through all her insults to determine just how those photos will refute me, but she claims they will.

A nice clear shot of both sides of the 555 board, as requested by .99, so that we can confirm the wiring. I can hardly wait to see it.

But... what will be the verdict if the photos show some other circuit than what was claimed? What then? What if it even has wildly different components in it than are shown in the Quantum published schematic? Is it possible that Ainslie would carry out, YET AGAIN, another conscious deception as to the actual schematic in use, the way she did back in March/April of 2011? Surely not..... she is "honorable" isn't she?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 26, 2013, 01:48:58 AM
Well well well. It appears that the Ainslie troll has LIED TO US AGAIN.

Remember when she said this:

QuoteWhat I know is that we've got the equipment so will, at least, be able to present the ACTUAL 555 circuit for analysis.  And we will be doing so within the week.  And it is THAT circuit that we used in support of our results.  It's a 555 with a variable resistor to allow for multiple duty cycle settings.

And this:

Having a closeup look of your 555 circuit is a great idea. Please take some high-res photos of both the top and bottom of the board, thanks.

Poynty - Not only will I show this but will show where the 555 timer is attached to the apparatus where we actually ADJUST the duty cycle as required. 

Guys - if you need any kind of a guide as to just how deep in a pickle is our little pickle just pay attention to his volume.  The rule is this.  'The deeper - the louder'.  And RIGHT now he's at full volume.   Most amusing.

Yes, most amusing, I am laughing out loud!

And this:
QuoteAnd within the next 48 hours I should be able to put up those shots of the test apparatus that we used for our demonstration of that first Quantum paper.  I'll be relying on Steve's genius to analyse the switch as I've been advised NOT to dismantle this.  Which means that the evidence will be confined to photographs.  But between him and Poynty - I'm satisfied that we'll get a fair report.

I intend retrieving this later on this morning and will then photograph it and will show the duty cycle switch where we adjusted for both frequency and duty cycle - AND -  the details of that circuit.  Poynty and Steve are well able to determine if it is designed to apply a variable duty cycle.  If it DOES show this - then TK - aka Tinsel Koala - commonly referred to  as Little TK or 'ickle pickle' WILL BE CALLED ON TO RETRACT HIS OBJECTIONS IN WHOLE AND IN PART.  As will MARK EUTHANASIUS.  THEN.  Under those circumstances our claims on this subject STAND.  And in the interest of impartial investigation into matters of science - as is widely claimed by both Sterling Allen and Mark Dansie - I INSIST that those retractions be made public.  That - after all - is only fair.

And if it DOES NOT show what you claim here? Who will be making a public retraction THEN, I wonder.

And this:
QuoteI intend retrieving this later on this morning and will then photograph it and will show the duty cycle switch where we adjusted for both frequency and duty cycle - AND -  the details of that circuit.[/color]

QuoteI'm done with this - short of posting those photos.  That should be completed later today.

QuoteI shall post those photographs tomorrow. 

QuoteWe've now taken some photos of that 555 circuit.  Hopefully you can see all the components.  I'll be asking Steve Weir to do an analysis of that to determine whether the circuit was tweaked beyond the schematic in the paper.  I'm also sending those same pictures to an expert in electronics for a second opinion.  This because that expert is in Cape Town.  I can take the entire apparatus to him - as required - if the photos are not enough.  But I'm hoping that between Poynty and Steve - we'll get some informed opinion.

BUT NOW... we have this:
May I repost these over at OU?

Absolutely NOT Poynty.  I would consider that a complete breach of the trust between us.  This is NOT intended for those trolls.


I am laughing in my coffee. Ainslie does not DARE show the photographs, because they simply do not support her claims! Even though she promised, over and over, to do so!

And they especially do not refute ME in the slightest.

The published schematic in the Quantum magazine article is NOT the circuit of the apparatus that Ainslie has just "found". But she dare not show it because she knows it will subject her to even more ridicule than before. If that's possible, even.

Of course, anyone who is a member of her forum can download them. If they then leak to the public ... whose fault will it be, who can she blame? Certainly not Little Old Me. After all she promised to share them publicly, after all.

All the Ainslie quotes can be found on the last two pages of her "Trolling" thread. But where can the promised photos be found, I wonder?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 26, 2013, 02:00:32 AM
QuoteAnd guys, I might just add this point.  Our little TK with his MUCH VAUNTED skills in electronics - and NOTWITHSTANDING his unending boasts and brags related to his CLAIMED GENIUS - is SIMPLY UNABLE TO REPLICATE THE WAVEFORM THAT GLEN LETTENMAIER MANAGED WITH EASE. 

Somewhat less than competent.  Clearly.  Certainly CONSIDERABLY less than he likes you all to think?  I've said it before - and OFTEN.  When anyone tries to advance any impression of 'excess intelligence' it's simply to hide their lack of this. SELF-EVIDENTLY our little pickle is somewhat bereft. 


Yes... again, Rosie, you lie. Falling behind, too. Poynt99 posted the "approved" waveform from Glen up above, which by the way is made at a very different set of settings than you claimed, and in just a few minutes later I posted my own duplication of it, using the same scope settings (as far as possible) on my DSO, with a FG driving the circuit, NOT the 555 timer that Glen used. The settings Glen used are nothing like what you reported in the Quantum article, though.
I even used the mosfet you _specified_ but apparently _did not actually use_. There is no problem duplicating your RAW DATA when you REPORT IT CORRECTLY and there never has been. But you haven't even had the common courtesy to do that!

Self-evidently you are a lying troll and you cannot refute me, and not only that, you can't even make a coherent factual challenge.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 27, 2013, 05:34:11 AM
Well well well. The "lost" apparatus that Ainslie "found" in the shed DOES NOT HAVE THE CIRCUIT PUBLISHED in the Quantum magazine article. SWeir took the time and trouble to trace out the actual present configuration of the "found" apparatus.

Not even close. There are major differences throughout, but the 555 timer circuit is nothing like what is in the Quantum article. The actual circuit in the apparatus DOES produce a short ON duty cycle, with limited adjustability. Only a single pot is used, with a fixed "on" time. The pot controls frequency and since the "on" time is fixed, the duty cycle is also varied at the same time. The range I get with my casual breadboard build of the "lost" circuit is from about 6 or 7 percent ON at around 200 Hz at the low frequency end, up to a bit over 1 percent ON at a little over 2 kHz.  I don't think the circuit can produce the exact 3.7 percent at 2.4 kHz claimed, but it can get a nice short ON time at around 2 kHz. Allowing for the usual 20 percent tolerance in cap values, maybe it could make the exact parameters claimed.

HOWEVER..... the published schematic in the Quantum article is very different and shows 2 potentiometers for independent adjustment of frequency and duty cycle. The apparatus itself also has a second potentiometer, that has been connected to something at some time, but is now not connected to anything. What can this mean? Can it mean that the 555 circuit that is in there NOW isn't the one that has always been in there? That's what I think it means.

But regardless of that: the published schematic is very different from what is in there now. (The power section is different too, but we shall leave that for later.) Now I would like a moment of silence, in memory of ALL THOSE HOURS, days, weeks and months that ALL THOSE PEOPLE wasted, discussing a false schematic, trying to get the false schematic published under Ainslie's name to work properly as she claimed. And all this time, the actual apparatus was just a few footsteps away, not "lost" at all.

Now perhaps we can move on, and get some kind of explanation as to why Ainslie might believe that this rat's nest would work, when the 5 mosfet apparatus didn't.  Did I mention that the apparatus doesn't even have the same mosfet part number as what she has been claiming all this time? That's right, apparently not only was the 555 timer not as claimed in the article, but not even the mosfet itself was as claimed.

I think there are a lot of former "replicators" that are getting pretty steamed up at this point. Or they would be, if they knew about it and still cared at all. This deception of Ainslie's even tops the March-April 2011 deception about the 5-mosfet schematic!

(ETA: The circuit certainly cannot even come close to the frequency shown in Glen's scopeshots. It tops out at a bit over 2 kHz, and Glen's shots showing the "Ainslie approved oscillations" are at around 400-500 kHz.)

ETA2: I made an error in my build of the circuit just now, the frequency range I reported above isn't correct. I had a capacitor stuck in the wrong hole on my breadboard!

The true frequency range is quite a bit higher... so I don't think it can go as low as 2.4 kHz, OR as high as 400 kHz but is actually somewhere in between. I'll make more precise measurements after I've had a bit of a kip.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 27, 2013, 06:18:54 AM
While we are at it....

Ainslie says:
QuoteAnd Guys, apparently Mark Euthanasius subscribes to the adage  that 'unusual claims require unusual proof'.  There is NOTHING unusual in back electromotive force.  What's UNUSUAL is that no-one before has has taken this much trouble to prove that it's a source of energy.  And ALL we're doing is suggesting that certain assumptions related to back electromotive force - be REVISITED.

On the contrary. As usual Ainslie has not done her homework. Any reader of this thread can point to literally dozens of experimenters and devices that attempt to "prove" that BEMF can be utilized as a source of energy. Almost all of them have done a much better job of it than Ainslie has. John Bedini even seems to be making a fairly good living at it, with many different models of motors and solid state circuits that try to do what Ainslie claims is "UNUSUAL". Most of those researchers actually  know the difference between a Watt and a Joule, too!

But for all that - IF as is suggested - we require UNUSUAL PROOF - then we've SUPPLIED IT.

No, Ainslie has not SUPPLIED any UNUSUAL PROOF. What she has done is CLAIMED various things. All of the claims that have been tested properly have been shown to be FALSE. Without solid evidence, any CLAIMS that Ainslie makes can safely also be taken to be FALSE, since she has a 100 percent track record of fails.

QuoteWe got accreditation from experts within multiple companies all of whom are LISTED and PUBLIC.  The onus is not on me to PROVE that accreditation.  It is on him to DISPROVE it - if he's so inclined.

Wrong again. Anyone who makes such assertions needs to provide the evidence. I can claim that General Electric has bought my design for the modified Dirod for a million dollars, twelve years ago. Is it up to you to disprove that, if you contest it? Have you called every single possible person at General Electric who might have had something to do with it? Well then, you must believe me.    NOT.
The kinds of "accreditation" that Ainslie claims will always include a written, signed report with real data in it. Ainslie has never provided a single bit of evidence of any kind for these claims. And we know how she garbles things said to her last week... much less twelve or fourteen years ago.

QuoteAgain - under all decent methods of science investigation - the authors are not called LIARS.  They are innocent UNTIL PROVED GUILTY.  For some reason Mark seems to see a need to UPEND this civilized approach to things and call all and sundry LIARS - unless proved otherwise.  And this JUSTIFIED?  SOMEHOW?  Because we've got an UNUSUAL CLAIM?  I think not.

That's right, Ainslie and Martin are not called LIARS because of their unusual claim. They are called LIARS because they have been proven over and over to be LIARS.

- Ainslie claimed to hold a Patent, when she actually had only filed an application and never pursued it further. Her claim of a Patent was a lie.
- Ainslie claimed that she DID NOT POST THAT VIDEO, or make it public, referring to the March 2011 demo video... but she did  post it to her YouTube account, did link to it on this forum and in her blog. Her claim that she did not post the video was a lie.
- Ainslie and Martin claimed in the video and for a month afterwards that there were five mosfets in parallel. This claim was a lie.
- Martin claimed that the oscillations could not be simulated. He lied, and even showed false data while doing it. As soon as the correct circuit was revealed the oscillations were simulated with ease, and in the most recent demonstration but one, Martin admits that the oscillations can be simulated in software. His earlier claim that they could not be, and the presentation of the false data, was a lie. (The data was a lie because it did not accurately represent the actual circuit in the software.)
- Ainslie published the Figure 3 scopeshot that is impossible to make with the hookups claimed. The publication of this scopeshot, and the claims made around it, are lies, that still persist in spite of her left-handed "retraction".  She repeatedly claimed that she could reproduce the shot... which was a lie.
- The Quantum magazine article presents a schematic and makes claims about it that are false. Ainslie has known about the objections to that schematic since at least 2009 and has never until now done anything about it other than claim that IT WAS THE SCHEMATIC USED. Now we see that the apparatus she claims was used, has a completely different schematic. Here, Ainslie has lied for over four years about the actual schematic in the apparatus.
- Ainslie refers to people by names that do not belong to them. Every time she asserts that TK is someone named Bryan Little, she lies.

Every one of these lies, and many more, are fully documented in Ainslie's Permanent Record by images of her posts and references to the actual proofs that they are lies.


And again and again. There is one sure way for Ainslie to avoid being called a liar... and that is for her to tell the truth.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: markdansie on August 27, 2013, 06:54:03 AM
I am trying to figure out what is motivating her,
Anyway will publish the article soon. There is nothing there and where she could have held a lot of respect in letting go gracefully it is a shame to go out bitter and non accepting.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 27, 2013, 08:21:08 AM
I made an error in my build of the circuit just now, the frequency range I reported above isn't correct. I had a capacitor stuck in the wrong hole on my breadboard!

The true frequency range is quite a bit higher... so I don't think it can go as low as 2.4 kHz, OR as high as 500 kHz but is actually somewhere in between. I'll make more precise measurements after I've had a bit of a kip.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 28, 2013, 12:23:06 AM
So. Apparently Ainslie is now saying something like this:

It doesn't matter what circuit you use as long as it has a mosfet with a body diode in it and shows some "BEMF" or inductive spike kickback. It doesn't matter what you drive it with, either, or what frequency or duty cycle because the osciilations override that anyway. And it especially doesn't matter that the schematic published in Quantum isn't the one used, or that the FTC Test #13 isn't made with the published schematic, or that the published schematic can't do what is claimed for it. It just doesn't matter! Build anything, and just tune it. You will eventually find the "flop mode" which gives you overunity. And if you don't, after years of trying... .that's not Ainslie's fault, you are just too stupid for pickles.

At the same time it appears that the FTC Test #13 is endorsed by Ainslie as giving the proper waveforms at the proper frequency and duty cycle settings. I say it appears, because it is next to impossible to pin Ainslie down, even after all these years. 
And I am now clear that the scopeshots .99 posted above are from Glen's Test # 13.

So... where are the "oscillations"? There aren't any "oscillations" evident in those shots. And as I showed in my own replication of them using a FG, "careful" tuning is indeed required to get the Drain signal to be a single, tall spike, rather than a bit of an ordinary ringdown. It takes about 30 seconds to "tune" for this. And as I have also shown, the apparatus at that frequency does keep the mosfet ON much longer than the duty cycle setting of the driving system will indicate. In fact with a duty cycle _setting_ of 50 percent, the mosfet is actually ON for something like 80 percent of the cycle or even more. Hence the heating of the load observed.

The mosfet is ON when the Drain voltage is LOW. I have indicated the battery voltage on Glen's screen below. The mosfet is ON as long as the trace is below the red 24volt level of the battery voltage.

I've also reposted my reproduction of the shot, showing Drain and Gate traces, since I only have a 2ch DSO.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 28, 2013, 06:37:01 PM
Ainslie continues to slide down the hill of decompensation. Soon we'll see the fullblown psychosis again, complete denial of reality. If it weren't so funny it would be sad.

QuoteNo Poynty.  I am NOT asking you to agree to what duty cycle we used.  I'm DEMANDING that you agree that we COULD generate that 3% duty cycle with the use of our equipment.  This possibility was ROUNDLY DISMISSED.   REMEMBER?  By EVERYONE - INCLUDING MARK EUTHANASIUS AND YOURSELF and our Little TK.  Then hot on the heels of THAT fact - is this point.  IF we claim to have applied a 3% ON duty cycle - then that claim is FEASIBLE - given that we COULD. 
No, AINSLIE. What everyone has been telling you is that the circuit YOU PUBLISHED cannot do WHAT YOU CLAIMED. And that is definitely true. Nobody knows, even today, what circuit you ACTUALLY USED. Even the circuit that Steve Weir drew out for you is only what is in the box NOW, and it clearly has been altered since the Quantum article. 
The 555 timer in the circuit that Weir posted can make the short ON duty cycle but it CANNOT make the 2.4 kHz frequency you claimed to use, for one thing.
So you are still in very hot water: the present schematic ALSO cannot make the dutycycle/frequency combo that you claimed in the article. It uses a different mosfet than you claimed in the article. In spite of the similar part number, the IRFPG50 and the IRFP450 are entirely different performers.

NOBODY ACTUALLY KNOWS, at this point, STILL, what was used in the Quantum article. It is obvious that the apparatus has been modified since the picture on the front page of the Quantum article was taken and it is obvious that the schematic now given uses a different mosfet than what the article claims. And it can't make a 2.4 kHz frequency like the article claims.

The photo on the front page of the Quantum article shows two analog meters in the front panel of the device. There are no meters shown on Steve Weir's schematic. The Quantum article and schematic claim that the frequency and duty cycle are independently adjustable.... but the SWeir schematic cannot do independent adjustment, the "on" time is nearly constant throughout the frequency range and so the duty cycle varies along with the frequency, not independently. One potentiometer instead of two. But on the front page of the Quantum article we can make out... barely.... as many as FOUR potentiometers.

The article STILL LIES, even more now that we know that the circuit you give now is even further away from what the Quantum article claims.

Mark Euthanasius has stated - VERY PUBLICLY - that BECAUSE we could not have applied a 3% duty cycle - then EVERYONE needs MUST reject the ENTIRE CLAIM related to our Quantum paper.  And you stood behind him.  It's now been shown that we COULD apply that duty cycle.

No, AINSLIE, what we have stated VERY PUBLICLY is that the PUBLISHED SCHEMATIC IN THE QUANTUM ARTICLE cannot do what you claimed it did, and that is STILL TRUE and it is also true that the "new" schematic can't either: it operates at too high a frequency range. And all that has been shown is that NOW the apparatus MIGHT have been able to apply a short ON duty cycle at a much higher frequency than you claimed, IF it was actually what you used THEN.

QuoteTHEREFORE do Mark Euthanasius and TK and you need to publicly admit that the BASIS OF YOUR COMPLAINT HAS NOW BEEN VOIDED. 

WRONG AGAIN. Far from being "voided" the basis of the complaint is reinforced. The present schematic doesn't even use the same transistor that you claimed to use and it can't make the low frequency! The timer doesn't have a separate power supply! There is only one potentiometer hooked up!!

THEREFORE do YOU, Rosemary Ainslie, need to admit publicly that YOU STILL HAVE FALSE CLAIMS AND DATA APPEARING UNDER YOUR NAME in publications that you will not correct or remove.

QuoteUnless, of course, you all see that there is NO requirement on the part of you all - who have been FRUSTRATING investigations into over unity claims - over MANY MANY YEARS - to EVER make any admissions at all.  You simply reserve the right to discredit the good work that HAS been advanced - and the good name of researchers who are advancing this work - in your anxiety to PREVENT research into over unity claims.  And you will all of you VERY PUBLICLY - show the UTMOST disrespect to any such claimant - REGARDLESS.  There is NO greater discourtesy that has happened on these forums against my good name, my work, my age, my talents - than this REFUSAL.  If I felt that I'd been gang raped by all you internet thugs - RIGHT NOW I feel DOUBLY OUTRAGED.

Kindest regards

Believe me, Ainslie drama queen.... had you been gang raped in your South Africa gated compound, you would know the difference between defending a thesis and defending your life against a gang of black thugs who want to humiliate you physically. People have been gang-raped in South Africa, you  know.... lots and lots of them, it is the  Capitol of the World, apparently, and your self-serving statement shows a disgusting lack of empathy or respect for those women victims of your countrymen. There is an outrage happening all right, and you are the perpetrator, not the victim.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 28, 2013, 06:42:44 PM
And as usual, Ainslie wants other people to do her work for her.

She wants someone to show her what SHE HERSELF HAS NEVER SHOWN, and what doesn't exist in the FTC Test 13 scopeshots!!

I'm not saying it is impossible to get a mosfet to oscillate in the absence of a supplied Gate HI signal from the experimenter's FG or other clocking device .... of course it is possible, and the bigger the rat's nest of wiring the easier that is. I am saying that Ainslie doesn't understand what she is talking about and cannot demonstrate it for herself.

But of course she will distort and alter what I say into something that she can then attack. Watch!

(Note the statement in the Quantum article: "There is a variety of settings that can be applied to the duty cycle (note variable resistors) that results in "overunity coefficients". But the repeatability of such results depends on the precise components used in that circuit." One would think then that the difference between the IRFP450 in the present schematic and the IRFPG50 that the article claims was used... might affect the "repeatability". I'll bet that a lot of Ainslie's early "replicators" are wailing and gnashing their teeth right about now.)

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 28, 2013, 09:43:26 PM
Quoting from the first page of the Quantum article:

QuoteCircuit Diagram: This article describes the precise circuit, as depicted in Figure 1, that is used to expose this benefit in transient energy. This is to enable and urge others to duplicate the experiment and determine the measurements independently.
(emphasis mine.)

The "Figure 1" of course is the circuit with the 555 timer that cannot produce the duty cycle and frequency combination claimed. The PRECISE circuit.

Here is how the Oxford English Dictionary defines "precise":
QuotePrecise:adjective marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail:precise directions I want as precise a time of death as I can get
(of a person) exact, accurate, and careful about details:the director was precise with his camera positions
[attributive] used to emphasize that one is referring to an exact and particular thing:at that precise moment the car stopped

Exact, accurate, careful about details.....  Yet now she wants to claim a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CIRCUIT was used, not even the same mosfet or number of controls or separate power supply. PRECISE !!!!

And she says she will NEVER withdraw the Quantum article. She doesn't care at all that her lies and misrepresentations and urgings to replicate a FALSE CIRCUIT CLAIM are still "out there" bearing her name !

And she urges replicators to use the WRONG SCHEMATIC, once again. Only instead of only a month, this time it has been nearly ELEVEN YEARS that she has perpetrated the deception wrt the schematic used.

The Quantum article Figure 1, followed by the schematic that SWeir drew out and that she posted in her "trolling" forum thread are attached below.

Note that this is NOT the PRECISE schematic that accompanied the Quantum article as Figure 1.  In fact it is VERY DIFFERENT and doesn't even use the same mosfet. Neither does it correspond to the photograph on the front page of the article: there are no analog meters in the new schematic, and there are at least four adjustable potentiometers on the box in the photograph in the Quantum article.

(Coils? P-fet? Not shown? )
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 28, 2013, 10:04:03 PM
Is the present circuit supposed to use the same battery supply for the mosfet and the 555? Why is this part of the schematic not shown? Where is the battery for the power section and how is it hooked up?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 29, 2013, 05:30:05 AM

Recall that with the "NERD" or 5-mosfet circuit, we had FIVE different schematics presented as what was used in the experiment reported in the papers.

1. The single mosfet, FG with no black lead, six battery circuit that Martin said "this represents what you have before you here"
2. The claim that all five mosfets were in parallel
3. The actual circuit of the demo board as traced out by Poynt99, revealing the miswired 4 mosfets and the Black FG lead at the common battery negative.
4. The circuit given in the official publication Paper 1 at Rossi's JNP showing the Black FG lead at the transistor side of the shunt.
5. The circuit given in the official publication Paper 2 at Rossi's JNP showing the Black FG lead at the transistor side of the shunt, and the Q1-Q2 positions reversed.

The only photographic evidence that exists shows that Schematic Number 3 was actually used, not the schematics given in any papers or shown by Martin or Ainslie.

And now we have a similar situation developing. We have _at least_ four different schematics presented as having been used in the Quantum article.

1. The "official" and "precise" schematic given as Figure 1 in the Quantum article, which specifies a 555 timer circuit that _cannot_ produce the dutycycle and frequency claimed, uses a separate 12 volt supply for the timer, and specifies IRFPG50 as the mosfet and shows NO recirculation diode.
2. The schematic presented in the "EIT Paper" submission, which shows a FG symbol for the timer, but specifies a 555 in the text without providing its circuitry... and DOES show a recirculation diode and a gate control potentiometer, and DOES indicate that the frequency and dutycycle are independently variable in the accompanying text. The mosfet itself is not specified in the schematic.
3. The SWeir schematic of the "found", formerly "lost" apparatus, which shows the IRFP450 mosfet, a very different beast than the PG50, no gate control pot on the N-channel mosfet (What is on the P channel mosfet that he mentions but does not show, I wonder. Is there perhaps a tiny blue trimpot soldered to its gate pin?) and a _different_ 555 timer circuit than the "precise circuit" given as Figure 1 in the Quantum article. A diode is included in SWeir's schematic but its type and connections are not shown and not known. The duty cycle and frequency of the SWeir 555 circuit are not independently variable and there is only one potentiometer connected to the circuit and the circuit cannot make a 2.4 kHz output signal, but works at much higher frequency range, and certainly cannot make the claimed 3.7 percent ON at 2.4 kHz.
4. The schematic from the IEEE submission, which is similar to the original Quantum schematic, with many component value changes, and bears the notation "revised 11-26-2009". The IRFPG50 mosfet is specified in the schematic.

And I will wager, although I have no proof at the moment, that the ACTUAL circuit used to produce the data in the Quantum article was likely different still! What are these "coils" that SWeir mentions? How many different ways can that circuit be altered by patch cords?

It is very clever of Free Energy claimants not to specify exact operating conditions or circuitry. It is, in fact, a tradition that pervades the field. Anyone who tries to "replicate" one of Ainslie's circuits finds out that not only does it not do what she claimed it does, but that it isn't even the circuit that she is "currently" claiming she used !!

The original Quantum schematic and the SWeir schematic are posted above. I'll repost the EIT paper schematic and the IEEE schematic below. Compare, contrast, discuss.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 29, 2013, 06:07:36 AM
Curious, isn't it, that all the schematics where Ainslie actually specifies the mosfet, it is the IRFPG50, but in Steve's sketch it is the IRFP450? Could Steve have made an error? After all, the parts look identical except for the number, and it is easy to mistake a "G" for a "4" in that tiny font they use on the mosfet.

Is the difference even important? Maybe checking the data sheets might reveal that they are equivalent and can be substituted with impunity.

Hmmm.... let's check.

Did Steve make an error? Nope.
I can confirm that the schematic he drew shows the IRFP450 mosfet that is in fact shown in the photos of the box Ainslie "found" a few days ago. Was it the one used for the experiments twelve or fourteen years ago? Who knows. One thing is certain: the apparatus has definitely been modified since the photo accompanying the Quantum article was taken.

Are the mosfets significantly different? Yep.
The P450 is significantly faster, has less than 1/4 the ON-state resistance and requires less charge to turn on. It can handle more current but is only rated for 500 volts as compared to the PG50's 1000 volt rating. I can and do use a single IRFP450 in my SassyClassE SSTC. A PG50 will not even begin to work in that circuit.
The IRFPG50 is also significantly more expensive than the P450, at least at my sources.

ETA: It would appear now that both the "official submissions" of papers to actual respected refereed journals, the "EIT" submission and the IEEE submission, both contain Fabricated Data! Data that was not gathered under the conditions specified (circuit schematic and operating parameters) is FABRICATED. It appears that Ainslie has not only carried out her campaign of deception and misinformation here in these forum pages, but also by trying to get her nonsense published in real, respected journals with professional readerships and some cachet in the scientific world. But the submissions contain manifestly false statements. Either that.... or the "box" that Steve Weir so carefully analyzed (once again doing Ainslie's homework for her) was not in fact the apparatus used, because it corresponds to neither of the schematics given in those submissions. Not even close.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on August 29, 2013, 06:41:44 PM
Here is a simulation I did of the simple 1-MOSFET circuit driven by a FG. I used roughly the same frequency and duty cycle Glen used in his Test #13.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 29, 2013, 09:11:11 PM
Remarkable, isn't it? 

Except in my actual build you can see some _real_ oscillations on the top of the Gate signal, that actually does show up during the mosfet On time, but at low amplitude.
There is nothing particularly significant about this noise in my apparatus. With proper layout it will go away and my traces will be nearly as clean as your sim's.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 29, 2013, 09:27:43 PM
Regarding the Test Apparatus:   (Ainslie posting as "witsend" in the Energetic Forum thread as she was falling out with Glen and Harvey and the rest)
QuoteI have never been called on to produce the circuit apparatus until members of this forum required it.  It would have helped them no doubt. But I dismantled my apparatus when I sent the fluke, the multimeter and the digitial display devices to Aaron.  I said then that I would not again be doing any further experiments.  It had dominated many years of life.  My eyesight was deteriorating.  And I had lost all appetite for this, having done it so extensively for so many years preceding.  Also I no longer had the optimised resistor as one of our team had taken this for independant testing.  I do not, however, have to apologise for this. It is just a matter of fact.  I believe that the other circuit component parts are readily available.  And there is nothing to prevent a replication.  What is required is a patience in searching for the optimised settings on any particular resistor.  I found very few that did not exceed COP>2.  Nor did I take photographs because it did not occur to me that this would be required.  There is a second 'box' or apparatus set up that was sent to ABB Research.  I also don't know what has happened to that apparatus. Glen and Harvey are aware of this.  They know the circumstances intimately.  This argument is being used to discredit the claim.  The truth is I have never undertaken to produce any circuitry.  And I no longer had the apparatus nor the tools to measure.  this put paid to any further attempts at replication.  And frankly, I was rather anxious that a wide variety of resistors would be used and tested.  That's the only way the more precise inductance values will ever be established. 

Between the actual Quantum publication and the new paper prepared for the IET was a total of 7 years.  It was a miracle that the apparatus survived the 3 changes of address that I had.  It was substantially degraded and there was evident rust on the switch. The switch - in any event - had to be rebuilt and at the end of Donovan's final replication done for the IET paper - I effectively gave the resistor and some inductors to a friend - involved in those same tests under Donny's supervision.  The box was banged up and he wanted to 'start again'. Thereafter I willingly dismantled for Aaron.  That's the history of the apparatus.  Frankly I was glad to see the last of it.  Do testing yourselves, obsessively for years on end and see if you would not share that sentiment.  And I am not an experimenter.  My interests are in the theory.

How many different stories are there? As many as she has aliases, apparently. So she did have the apparatus, it wasn't lost at all, it was even repaired and rebuilt so that Martin could "replicate" for the "IET" paper submission, and then it was "dismantled" and parts were sent to Aaron in 2009.

Compare that story she tells above,  to the story of the suddenly "found" apparatus that we have been told recently.

The 555 circuit that SWeir found in the box is not the same circuit that was in the box for the Quantum article. The circuit in the box that we see now was designed and built to correspond to GLEN LETTERMEIER's operating parameters.... not the other way around.

This is proven by the history of the "EIT" or "TIE" or "IET" submission (at various times she has called it all of those). Ainslie was continuing to claim the original specs of 3.7 percent ON at 2.4 kHz. The published circuit was found by all who tried it to be incapable of producing that specified setting. People like Glen came on and started doing Ainslie's homework for her. Then he hit upon the 555 timer mod that would produce the results like those in Test 13 and .99's sim and my hardware above. THEN and only then did Ainslie and Martin or someone rebuild the Quantum box to contain the present 555 circuit, in order to try to match Glen's results for the "EIT" or TIE or IET paper submission.

As you read those threads on EF and Panacea U,  don't forget that many "skeptical" or contrary posts have been deleted, censored, edited away by Ashtweth and Aaron.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 29, 2013, 10:28:50 PM
As I predicted, Ainslie will not be pinned down as to the correct waveform to be used.

Any waveform that does not produce overunity is NOT the right waveform! So it's up to you to find it, silly, not for her to tell you about it. Just build something and tune it, take your pick of at least nine different circuits, and when you get overunity, THOSE are the right waveforms!

Don't try to make Glen's waveforms! They are something different, since he no longer agrees with Ainslie.

But at one time, she was very excited about Glen's waveforms, especially Test 3 and Test 13.

The first image is from today's posts. The second image is from Energetic Forum, October 6, 2009 -- before the falling out and the closing of that thread -- and refers to Glen's Test 3.

http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/4314-cop-17-heater-rosemary-ainslie-97.html (http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/4314-cop-17-heater-rosemary-ainslie-97.html)

And a few posts further on, after a lot of backslapping all around, and dissing the skeptics who have been censored away:
It cannot be said often enough.  You are truly amazing. Historically your efforts here must always be a primary reference.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on August 29, 2013, 10:47:00 PM
The Great Turkey Shoot   :-*
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on August 30, 2013, 01:05:28 PM
Once again,

Here is the circuit I simulated. The position of the shunt resistor is located in series with the Source, but that is the only real difference, and was done as such because all Rose's and Glen's circuits are this way.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 30, 2013, 02:26:38 PM
I've seen that circuit before!  With the exception you note:

It is the power section of the Ainslie Quantum-17 article, of the "EIT" submission, of the IEEE submission and it is the Q1 portion of the 5-transistor NERD circuit. It is the power section of the circuit Ainslie tried to patent.

It is also the Unclamped Inductive Test circuit in the back of almost every N-ch power mosfet's data sheet, most especially that of the IRFPG50.... and it can also be found in the back pages of the IRFP450 mosfet as well.
As you know.

Interestingly, the data sheets also include the expected waveform at the DRAIN (Vds) and at the CURRENT MONITORING (Ias) point, when stimulated at the GATE by a rectangular pulse of duration Tp. And we find the notation to vary the pulse width in order to attain the required Source Current, ie Power in the Load. Sound familiar to anyone?

That is right. In addition to all of her other faults, it appears that Rosemary Ainslie is a plagiarist, even seeking to PATENT a circuit that has long been in the public domain.

QuoteThe position of the shunt resistor is located in series with the Source, but that is the only real difference, and was done as such because all Rose's and Glen's circuits are this way.

That's right... but the circuits given in the 5-mosfet PAPERS show the same location as the diagrams in the data sheets exactly. IOW.... the diagrams in the PAPERS are false, because they didn't use the location they claim. Further, the diagram in the Quantum article is FALSE, the diagram in the IEEE submission is FALSE and the diagram in the "EIT" submission is FALSE: none of them correspond to the schematic that Steve Weir drew out from the photographs that Ainslie posted of her box.

But she has "sort of" withdrawn the NERD papers, even though anyone can still see them, without any statement of retraction (except StellaNokia's comments) ,  at Rossi's JNP, their "official publication".

She has yet to do anything about the Quantum paper lies, which have existed since 2002 and have been known by her and the public in general since 2009.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 30, 2013, 02:58:50 PM
Now.... view once again the depths of deception and prevarication that Ainslie will sink to.

A person working with a mosfet circuit who DOES NOT KNOW WHAT IS MEANT BY "DRAIN VOLTAGE" ..... but who has repeatedly shown DRAIN VOLTAGE SIGNALS from her various apparatuses..... is both willfully ignorant, and mendacious beyond belief.

Also stupid, if she thinks that anyone will buy her non-cooperative flailing about as anything other than delusional madness.

QuoteI absolutely can't say WHAT it represents.  What is that drain voltage?  I don't even understand the term.  And what circuit have you got there?  And on and on Poynty.  And WHY are you plugging this as Glen's circuit when the ONLY waveform shown is your own.  Frankly I'm done here.  If you want to talk turkey then rename this thread and IF and WHEN you show anything - EXPLAIN it better.  I absolutely WON'T engage unless I have some idea as to what you're saying. 

UNLESS, again, you have an outright admission that Glen's work was a valid replication.  In which case I most certainly WILL continue this discussion.


HOWEVER... she has no problem at all discussing the DRAIN VOLTAGE as if she understands perfectly well what it means WHEN IT SUITS HER PURPOSES, and she has shown many diagrams and scopeshots showing a scope probe monitoring the DRAIN VOLTAGE.

QuoteHowever, there was still no clear evidence of what exactly was going on.  Also apparent was that while the technology was scalable - at approximately a 20 degree rise for every battery added - there was an upper limit determined by the amperage that the zener could manage.  So.  The next test was to up the ante by putting those MOSFETs in parallel.  I went for the full monty - at about 30 amps - thinking that this would still keep the battery voltage in line with the DSO's voltage tolerances.  That was when I recorded our 'first surprise' in my blog.  What was immediately apparent was there was an antiphase relationship of voltage on the source and ground rail - that spoke volumes.  When the drain voltage peaked - the source voltage was at it's lowest.  And when the drain voltage 'troughed' the source voltage was at its highest.  In effect, the returning energy trumped the output - every time - and all the way through each cycle.  Also.  The resonance - that was always restricted to a long spike and some ringing - now 'flattened out' and for a brief period gave a resonating waveform where there was clear early indications of absolute re-inforcement at each phase and stage.  But also apparent was that this resonance actually only occured when the signal at the gate defaulted to negative.  In effect - it was a negative triggering - and that's where the benefit had been hiding. 


(Note that this post reveals once again the fact that she thinks that the drain voltage should be high when the current is flowing, but since it is not, she considers that a "surprise".)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 30, 2013, 03:14:29 PM
Let us note once again that on October 6 and 8, 2009, Rosemary Ainslie, posting as "witsend", HAPPILY ENDORSED THE SAME WAVEFORMS and similar ones from FTC (Glen Lettermeier) that .99 is now showing her, and that she now refuses to acknowledge.

Why and how has this change in her attitude happened? It happened because on the 6th and 8th of October 2009 she still thought that Glen's results showed "overunity" performance.  Since she now apparently believes that they don't..... she now disavows any knowledge of the waveforms, and will self-destruct as we watch.

Post # 2900 and further on.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 30, 2013, 04:44:11 PM
Ains-lie expects people to replicate her claims.

But she WILL NOT TELL YOU the actual circuit she used. The only way we know the correct circuit for the 5-mosfet apparatus is because poynt99 traced it out from still frames from the March 2011 demonstration. The given schematics from Ainslie and Martin, all four of them, are lies. The schematics in the "papers" and the March 2011 demo video are lies. Only .99's schematic, the fifth one, determined after another month of lies from Ainslie, is the truth.

She WILL NOT TELL YOU the actual circuit used for the Quantum article. None of the three circuits she and her "team" Donovan Martin have presented are the same as what is in the box NOW, and the published Quantum circuit cannot do what she claims. Even the circuit in the box NOW can't make a 2.4 kHz frequency, because it was DESIGNED TO OPERATE AT THE SAME FREQUENCY RANGE that Glen Lettermeier used to make his Test shots back in 2009. But it isn't his circuit either. And the only way we know what is in the box NOW is because Steve Weir reverse-engineered it as much as possible, and revealed that it is NOTHING LIKE the claimed circuit in the Quantum article nor is it like any of the other circuits given. It uses a SINGLE variable resistor instead of TWO, it cannot vary duty cycle and frequency independently and it cannot make a 2.4 kHz frequency, and it DOESN"T EVEN HAVE THE SAME MOSFET that she has been specifying all along. Two mosfets in the box, one P-channel, and one N-channel, but absolutely NO IRFPG50 anywhere in evidence. To this day nobody knows, except maybe her and "Donny", what the circuit was that was used in the Quantum-17 article.

I can guarantee that what is in the box presented in photos on her forum NOW is not what was in the box in 2002. Numbers on chips have meaning! They are part numbers.... but there are more numbers than just the part numbers. THEY ARE DATE CODES giving the date of manufacture of the chips. If a certain part was manufactured in 2007... what is it doing in a box that was "lost" in 2002 and has just now been found? Just how did it get in there? GREMLINS ???

She WILL NOT TELL YOU what settings were used to make the data she claims. She WILL NOT TELL YOU what the scope waveforms are/were. And the reason for all this mendacity and prevarication is very simple: deniability. If you do not get "overunity" she can simply say that you are not using her circuit/waveforms/analysis etc. so you cannot claim to be actually replicating and testing HER circuit and HER parameters. Just as she is doing now with "poynty".

She wants her "replicators" to flail around and when they DO report unusual gains, she jumps on that and claims "success" . But when they DON'T report unusual gains.... it's not even the right circuit , not the right waveforms, and the replicator is too stupid to breathe, much less dare to replicate Ainslie's world-saving circuit.

And if they at first report gains, but then later retract that claim of gains.... Ainslie then retracts her previous endorsement.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 30, 2013, 05:00:46 PM
Here's a little tid-bit that knowledgeable people will know how to interpret:

QuoteSTMicroelectronics was formed in 1987 by the merger of semiconductor companies SGS Microelettronica (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=SGS_Microelettronica&action=edit&redlink=1) (Società Generale Semiconduttori) of Italy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italy) and Thomson Semiconducteurs, the semiconductor arm of France (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France)'s Thomson (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomson_SA). At the time of the merger the company was known as SGS-THOMSON but took its current name in May 1998 following the withdrawal of Thomson SA as an owner.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STMicroelectronics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STMicroelectronics)

The STMicro or ST Microelectronics name and logo did not exist before May of 1998.

And here is another tidbit: STMicro puts DATE CODES on their chips, so that one can determine the date of manufacture of the chip. So do many other manufacturers like Texas Instruments, Philips, etc.

The STMicro NE555N timer chip in Ainslie's box bears the following markings, in addition to the ST logo:


So..... DO THE MATH (tm Ainslie).
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 31, 2013, 03:19:44 AM
Well.... then.... are _these_ the Mystery Oscillations? Ainslie doesn't want to hear anything about her former collaborator FTC's oscillations... so how about the very different oscillations from her former collaborator and head cheerleader Aaron Murakami?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiSWJ4fp-k4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiSWJ4fp-k4)
uploaded August 6 2009 with the text:
QuoteContrary to skeptical mythology by false experts, the IRFPG50 is easy to get into oscillation. See diagram and more explanation at www.energeticforum.com (http://www.energeticforum.com)

Well.. this "skeptical mythologist" uploaded this video on July 22, 2009.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=948GxRN1Qxo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=948GxRN1Qxo)
Here I am monitoring the DRAIN pin of the mosfet, so the trace is "upside down" from Aaron's traces at the shunt and across the load, and I am operating at a frequency high enough to show only a single spindle of the oscillation bursts he demonstrates a couple of weeks LATER.

(Note the impunity with which Aaron swaps probe positions to look across the load with one channel of the Fluke-O-Scope. The one nice thing about that instrument is its isolated channel references. You can have as much as 600 V difference between the channel refs, IIRC, so you can get away with crazy things like scoping "across" the load while your other channel's reference is on the ground rail.)

But wait! Both Aaron and I are using the "wrong  mosfet" !! We are using the mosfet Ainslie _told us to use_, not the one _she actually used_. Or is it? Only the Shadow knows. But what this skeptical mythologist knows for sure is that the different mosfets behave differently in the circuit... because I have tried them both, and other types as well. By far the best performer in heating and "overunity spikes" that I tried back in 2009 was the 2sk1548, which ironically has a higher Rdss than the PG50, but is faster. And a lot cheaper.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 01, 2013, 10:00:44 PM
So let me say it plainly: The "Box", Demo Kit 1, that Ainslie and Martin have claimed many times was "lost" ("You can take my word on that") after the testing reported in the Quantum article.... and which suddenly turned up in her son's shed a couple weeks ago.... and which somehow made it through 3 moves, 3 changes of address without being "found"..... Has a chip in it that was manufactured in May of 2007. 

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 01, 2013, 10:10:52 PM
So her circuit can cause time travel?  I don't remember that being mentioned in the paper.  This is incredible.  A real breakthrough of Nobel prize proportions.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 02, 2013, 09:00:05 AM
Who knows, Bill? After all, she has asserted that the Winter Solstice comes in July in South Africa. Time, like other factual data, is unimportant to Ainslie.

But check the post images below.  It is clear that their story of where the apparatus was, and which apparatus went where, is not consistent.

The "ABB" tests are referenced in the Quantum article and in a newspaper article from November 2002. So whatever apparatus was sent off to them and "never returned" happened before that article was written. The Quantum article has a photo of an apparatus in use, that, as far as can be determined, looks the same as what was "found" a couple of weeks ago. This, I maintain, is the apparatus that was in fact used in the Quantum article. She has told us it was, and for once, I believe her--- but the apparatus has been modified since then and so it could not have been "lost" as both Ainslie and Martin have claimed. Yet Ainslie and Martin both have said that this apparatus was lost. Yet.... in mid-2009 she knew that it was in her garden shed, and that it had been used again, with mods, by Donovan Martin for the IET paper submission. This is when the original 555 timer circuit, which used 2 potentiometers and etc. was replaced with the new circuit and the chip made in 2007, in order to repeat GLEN's frequency settings as he described in his Test 13 and others. The new circuit uses a single adjustment pot and operates in the frequency range (400 kHz or more) of Glen's testing, NOT the original Quantum article's specified 2.4 kHz. 

Donovan Martin replicated Glen Lettenmeier, NOT the other way around !

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: powercat on September 02, 2013, 02:24:29 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on September 01, 2013, 10:10:52 PM
So her circuit can cause time travel?  I don't remember that being mentioned in the paper.  This is incredible.  A real breakthrough of Nobel prize proportions.


Rosemary circuit is certainly running on time travel technology, using energy from the past to power the circuit in the future, most people call it fossil fuels ;D
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 02, 2013, 02:44:09 PM
Quote from: powercat on September 02, 2013, 02:24:29 PM

Rosemary circuit is certainly running on time travel technology, using energy from the past to power the circuit in the future, most people call it fossil fuels ;D


I still love TK's moniker "Little Miss Mosfet".  I think that is pure genius.  I think I finally cleaned all of the beer off of my keyboard that I spit out when I read that post.  That name should go down in OUdotcom history.

I stumbled into the Rose debacle a few years ago not knowing what was what.  What I thought I observed was a bunch of smart guys beating up on a poor, sincere, sweet old lady who was doing some honest experiments.  I defended her.  Knowing what I know now, I owe all of those smart guys an apology.  This would include TK and Darren, and a few others I am sure.  It was a good lesson for me.  Things are not always as they appear.

I am sorry guys. 

Her behavior is obviously not scientific, honest, defensible, nor admirable at all.  It is one thing to believe in your circuit and to not give up on it.  Contrast and compare Rose and her efforts to Lawrence Tseung and his efforts.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on September 02, 2013, 03:23:01 PM
Thanks Bill.

You and Mags eventually saw the light, and that's a good thing. I think I speak for several folks when I say we appreciate your honesty.  :)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 03, 2013, 02:44:25 PM
Yes, all is good now.


If you are having trouble determining the exact "settings", circuit and waveforms to use in your replication of Rosemary Ainslie's circuit and claims, I would like to direct your attention to Rosemary Ainslie's Blog, "New Light on Dark Energy", where the information you need was posted by Rosemary Ainslie on 21 December 2010.


This was posted after the "falling out" with FTC, but certainly seems to include a lot of his work.

Of course.... Rosemary Ainslie apparently now disavows those waveforms and settings. Why is the manuscript still up on Rosemary Ainslie's own blog, then?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on September 03, 2013, 07:31:08 PM

Yes, it does make one wonder, doesn't it?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 03, 2013, 07:58:27 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on September 03, 2013, 07:31:08 PM

Yes, it does make one wonder, doesn't it?

Not really. She has probably lost the password and can't delete it.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 04, 2013, 01:37:23 AM

Still having trouble with finding the "correct" waveforms?

Well, it turns out that FuzzyTomCat himself posted the proper waveforms over on Overunityresearch.com, back in February 2011. I'm sure you've heard of that site!

http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=13.msg10736#msg10736 (http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=13.msg10736#msg10736)
Reply # 112

I'll also attach FTC's scopeshot below.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 04, 2013, 08:29:30 AM
I've demonstrated that Ainslie is wrong, many many times. She rants and raves and accuses ME of being "wrong" somehow about the Quantum magazine circuit.... but cannot refute me with facts. The Quantum published circuit does what I say it does, I am not wrong NOW and I was not wrong in JUNE OF 2009 when I first pointed it out.... and nearly TWO THOUSAND forum posts, over two months, it took before AARON finally constructed it and announced that I AM RIGHT. All of this is fully documented in threads that Ainslie has forgotten about:

http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/4314-cop-17-heater-rosemary-ainslie-75.html (http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/4314-cop-17-heater-rosemary-ainslie-75.html)

It is amazingy laughable that Ainslie cannot even see the scopeshot that is UP RIGHT NOW on her forgotten blog.

Remember this, Ainslie?

Remember what AARON had to go through to make a circuit that even came CLOSE to your claim of 3.7 percent ON at 2.4 kHz? And he calls it a "replication?" Of course this was before you savaged him and turned him away from you with your lies, insults and disrespect.

Keep on ranting, Ainslie. I have a record of the past that refutes you, in your own words and deeds.

The circuit that is in your box NOW is not the circuit that was in your box when the Quantum article was written. This is PROVEN by the disconnected potentiometer, the higher frequency of operation of Steve Weir's schematic that CANNOT POSSIBLY give a 2.4  kHz signal, and the SMOKING GUN of the presence of a 555 chip that was manufactured in May of 2007. The circuit in the box NOW was rebuilt in early 2009 so that Donovan Martin could REPRODUCE GLEN's  WORK, so that the IET and IEEE submissions might have some data in them that Fuzzy himself didn't generate. They replicated HIS work, not the other way around !

And of course.... we have the treacherous and lying manner in which you deceived your sycophant GMEAST..... by letting him build and test a circuit with all that history without even telling him it was completely bogus. "Has anyone built it? IT DOESN'T WORK" he exclaimed... and many of us observing laughed out loud and are still laughing at that idiot troll's fumblings about.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 04, 2013, 10:33:08 AM
It's amazing what one finds while going through those old threads for background on the Quantum-17 fiasco.

For example, I finally found some _completely accurate_  waveform data shown by Err-on on the borrowed Tek DPSO TDS3054C.
Data that even I cannot argue with, data that is impeccably gathered and expertly displayed:


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 04, 2013, 03:51:43 PM
Guys... .here's the TRUTH.

QuoteGuys - here's the TRUTH.  There are hand picked 'trolls' who move through the forums - with the sole mandate to discredit over unity claims.  Let me name some of them.  Obviously 'leading the pack' is our 'ickle pickle' aka Tinsel Koala.  He is paid per video 'seen' which is why he's so anxious to have people view his work.

That is an utter and abject LIE in the words of Rosemary Ainslie. I have never accepted or solicited a single penny from any of my videos and they are not even supported by ads. For Ainslie to assert this utter nonsense is extremely offensive to me, and the reason for that should be obvious to anyone who knows me... and many do.

QuoteHis license to 'kill' is absolute - and includes the right to destroy reputations, work, livelihoods, reputations - of ANYONE HE SEES FIT as he is ENTIRELY exempt from all accountability.  He works at this denial 24/7 and has dedicated these many years to denying our claims.  Sadly - precisely because he's rather excessively and emotionally engaged - he's also lost any reasonable judgement.

An absolute license to "kill"? Oh, really? Who issued me this absolute licence to kill? Whose reputation, livelihood, work, have I destroyed? Mylow's? YOURS?
And yet EVERY SINGLE THING I have maintained about Ainslie and her three-ring circus of circuitry has been proven to be true over and over, from the June 2009 finding of the false schematic in the Quantum paper, the fabricated data and false claims in the 5-transistor device,  on to the present. My judgement is perfectly clear on this: Ainslie has lied, insulted, misrepresented, distorted, fabricated data and gotten others to lie for her, over and over again, and the proofs are in these pages, as I have presented many times over.

QuoteHe's acted very much like Savonarola who managed to frustrate the Renaissance flowering away from the Catholic Church - through a witch hunt that effectively destroyed thousands of samples of great art works.  Including those of Botticelli who is, unquestionably - one of the greatest of that movement.  Anyway - that aside.  Like Savonarola - TK is personally driven by a deep seated hatred of women in general and me in particular.

Another utter and abject LIE, along with a characterization that is positively ACTIONABLE, to use her comical language. It is posts like this from her that absolutely immunize me from any possible threats from her imaginary lawyers. All I need do is show them the images of Ainslie's lying and insulting posts like this one.
I challenge Ainslie to provide any evidence AT ALL that I am misogynistic or any of the other claims she has just libellously made. She cannot.

QuoteAnd he CANNOT tolerate those who are capable of original thought - precisely because he, himself, is incapable of this.  His knowledge of physics is sadly bereft.

My knowledge of physics can be compared to Ainslie's at any moment at any time. Let's take a high-school physics test together, shall we? I laugh at you, ignorant troll Ainslie, who says "A Joule is a Watt, the terms are interchangeable" and who has no calculus, no geometry, no math at all beyond punching calculator keys.

QuoteHis talents at electronics more than compensate.  He has certainly mastered the art of spin - and uses this to good effect to frustrate any advancement in the quest for over unity.  That he is champion to the cause is endorsed by Mark Dansie who pays tribute to TK's contributions here.  They're all rather proud of his efforts - a pride that is only equaled - if not SURPASSED - by the extraordinary pride of TK himself.  Vainglorious does not cut it.  TK compliments himself with an assiduity that is unequaled and largely based on his absurd and alleged GRE count - whatever that is.

Some people do know what that is, and respect it. People who sit on graduate school admission committees, for example. People who genuinely do dispense "Bursaries" as you call them. Even silly groups like MENSA know what those letters and numbers mean, and you are damn right, I am proud of them and I have every right to be. And every time Ainslie mentions them in the derogatory fashion she does, she betrays her own disrespect and ignorance, and inability to perform up to any real standard on her own.

Furthermore, all of my work is fully documented in my YouTube "lab notes" and ALL OF IT is fully repeatable. There is no "SPIN", no "MISDIRECTION" as Harvey falsely accused me of many times-- before he even built the circuit or saw the light himself. If I make an error I admit it and correct it ASAP. Anyone can repeat my work and see for themselves that I refute you at every step of the way. You do realize, don't you, that the old Energetic Forum threads are still available.

As far as arrogant pride goes, Ainslie: you are the champion Dunning-Kruger example, with no skills, no talent, and no ability to do anything for yourself-- except sling insults. You cannot refute me, so you resort to your laughable attempts to discredit me. But you are proven wrong at every attempt.

QuoteHis rather whacky emotional instability is based on a misogyny that also inclines him to homosexuality. He is uncluttered by 'high principle' and is highly effective as is any criminal sociopath - in this his quest to deny over unity.

Preserved for the record. Ainslie has here called me several things: Emotionally unstable, whacky, misogynistic and "inclined to homosexuality". She has insulted my principles and is calling me a criminal sociopath.... because I have exposed the TRUTH behind her and her insane claims.

At this point, Ainslie, Queen of Trolls... you should be very happy that you do not use my real name. Your imaginary lawyers CERTAINLY are.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 04, 2013, 04:26:05 PM
Meanwhile, back in "reality".....

@Poynt99: Still having trouble locating waveforms? Here's Aaron's replication of Glen's "replication" of the Quantum circuit. Of course, this means Glen's where the mosfet gets much hotter than the load....

Note that he is NOT using the Quantum 555 circuit, he is NOT using the Quantum duty cycle, he is NOT using the Quantum frequency... he is NOT even showing oscillations....
Yet everyone is crowing about Glen "he has done it!"

SO maybe THESE are the operating parameters to use.

Note the blue Drain signal: is the mosfet ON during the spike, ROSEMARY AINSLIE... or it it OFF? Just what duty cycle of the mosfet ON time is being shown here? I know the answer, poynt99 knows the answer... DO YOU, AINSLIE?

What is the mosfet ON duty cycle percentage in this scopeshot? Not the gate signal, the actual mosfet ON percentage.
What is the frequency of the blue spikes?
Can Ainslie even answer these questions, without consulting her "experts"? I doubt it seriously.

WHERE IS ANY EVIDENCE OF OSCILLATIONS, random aperiodic or otherwise? Other than the natural inductive rings visible due to the factors already amply discussed, there is no evidence of any magic oscillations. There will however be _plenty_ of heat seen in the load resistor, and the mosfet itself, using this waveform.

http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/4314-cop-17-heater-rosemary-ainslie-98.html#post70225 (http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/4314-cop-17-heater-rosemary-ainslie-98.html#post70225)
post 2917
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on September 04, 2013, 10:40:15 PM
This is like the bloody Siege of Leningrad.

Look at this nonsense, "Here we have a poster who is inclined to 'self medicate' and to do so to excess."

It's like making allegations out of thin air just like you can do the "poly-Quantum" circuit, pick your variation, and observe the pulsing inductor create free energy from superluminal nothingness.

Rosie, I think that you have been eating too much wallpaper glue and it's affecting your brain.  (But we are the good guys, I just couldn't resist the line!)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 05, 2013, 01:48:33 AM
It is astounding, isn't it? On the one hand she squawks,
QuoteCan I impose on you to be SPECIFIC.  Where exactly has my behaviour NOT been SCIENTIFIC - HONEST - DEFENSIBLE - NOR ADMIRABLE... AT ALL? 
and then she posts her libels like the above.  If it weren't so comical it would be pitiable. The poor woman is clearly not in touch with reality at all. Publishing articles with false schematics and false claims, fabricating data, lying about circuits in use, refusing to correct her many manifest errors... savaging her former collaborators like Glen, who worked harder than anyone on trying to support her claims with attempts at proper measurements.... Where exactly INDEED? All over the place, for years and years, that's where.

I've been reviewing the old threads. It is very interesting. In one thread from EF I am in the late months of 2009 where Glen has completed his tests and the submission to IEEE has been made, along with some friction entering from Harvey.

Since June of 2009 when I first told them that the Quantum published circuit was wrong, that it did not make the frequency and duty cycle claimed, and that With the claimed duty cycle there will be small heat only, and that the claimed oscillations were a red herring..... it has taken them until late August, early September to realize that each of these things I told them was true. At least four builders determined that the Quantum circuit would not do as claimed (Glen, groundloop (after making circuit boards!), Astweth, Aaron, Joit, and a few others actually built the original circuit faithfully.... and immediately started changing it in various ways to try to get it to do something different than what I told them it would do.)  At least SIX different alternate circuit variations were put forth and tested, and the one that Glen finally settled on operates at over 100 times the frequency of the original, uses a much longer On percentage than originally specified, results in no actual oscillations at all, and results in high heat at the load _and_ the mosfet. And runs the batteries down. Yet they still have their "pdf" which claims that I was wrong about these things.... when it is perfectly clear that I was right and that their "replication" is of a completely different circuit operating at completely different parameters than was claimed in the original Quantum article.

The other thread is on poynt99's OUR, back in February of 2011. This is _after_ Ainslie had released some waveforms and BEFORE she honestly revealed the true schematic she was using, so .99 and others are trying to simulate some waveforms and a continuous oscillation that is coming from a circuit whose schematic is being lied about and concealed by Rosemary Ainslie!
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 05, 2013, 10:53:19 AM
Actually Guys.... the lies and insults from Ainslie continue unabated.

QuoteActually guys - I"m duplicating this post.  It's a new departure into PURE FICTION - authored by that mediocre incompetent who cannot admit that he was ENTIRELY WRONG on his claim that we operated a 90% ON duty cycle in our Quantum Paper's experiment.

What a Liar she is!  What I "claimed", and what every body who has ever worked with the problem knows, is this:
1. The circuit published in the Quantum article CANNOT POSSIBLY make the claimed 3.7 percent ON @ 2.4 kHz frequency that the article claims. In fact it makes the exact inverse of what Ainslie claims in terms of duty cycle, and she did not realize this due to her faulty understanding of what the DRAIN trace means. Confirmed over and over by builders and simulators including Glen, Aaron, Astweth, Groundloop, Joit, poynt99, and many others whom she deceived, even GMEAST.
2. If a TRUE duty cycle of 3.7 percent ON at 2.4 kHz is applied, no substantial heat is produced in the load resistor. This has been confirmed by many of the same persons listed above, including Ashtweth and others.
3. I NEVER ONCE claimed that Ainslie operated "a 90% ON" duty cycle. I believe she operated at a 96.7 percent ON duty cycle IF SHE USED THE CIRCUIT THAT IS PUBLISHED UNDER HER NAME, and if she didn't use that circuit then she should have admitted it and corrected it well before now. Further, if one DOES use the duty cycles available, which is something like 60 to 100 percent ON, from the PUBLISHED QUANTUM CIRCUIT, then one does obtain the high heat in the load as claimed.
4. The Steve Weir decoding of the mess that Ainslie presented just recently as the "found" device used for the Quantum tests.... reveals even more mendacity and misdirection from Ainslie. The photographs of the box show that it contains a NEW, and radically different circuit than what was published in the Quantum article! It contains a NE555N timer chip that was manufactured in MAY 2007 !!!! And the circuit operates at the "Glen" range of frequencies and duty cycles, which is nowhere near that reported in the Quantum article. IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE THE SAME MOSFET PART NUMBER, but instead uses one that I tested and referred to, the IRFP450, in Post Number 116, made on June 25, 2009 here:

Far from being "ENTIRELY WRONG".... the FACTS demonstrate, with references, that I am, and always have been ENTIRELY CORRECT on this matter.

Here it is AGAIN...

Guys our 'ickle pickle' also variously known as Little TK or Little Brain - sorry, Bryan - has been lapsing into pure FICTION in his anxiety to discredit me.  Golly.  I wouldn't mind so much except that he's using appalling language.  He should at least have copied my flair for articulation.

Since June of 2009 when I first told them that the Quantum published circuit was wrong, that it did not make the frequency and duty cycle claimed, and that With the claimed duty cycle there will be small heat only, and that the claimed oscillations were a red herring..... it has taken them until late August, early September to realize that each of these things I told them was true. At least four builders determined that the Quantum circuit would not do as claimed (Glen, groundloop (after making circuit boards!), Astweth, Aaron, Joit, and a few others actually built the original circuit faithfully.... and immediately started changing it in various ways to try to get it to do something different than what I told them it would do.)  At least SIX different alternate circuit variations were put forth and tested, and the one that Glen finally settled on operates at over 100 times the frequency of the original, uses a much longer On percentage than originally specified, results in no actual oscillations at all, and results in high heat at the load _and_ the mosfet. And runs the batteries down. Yet they still have their "pdf" which claims that I was wrong about these things.... when it is perfectly clear that I was right and that their "replication" is of a completely different circuit operating at completely different parameters than was claimed in the original Quantum article.

Sadly he can't give us a direct link.  That would at least have given some credence to this fantasy.  Clearly his GRE has given UP trying to find enough space in that tiny little brain of his and it's just floated up, up and AWAY.  All he's left with is all that MUSTH.  And we all know how tricky it is to contain this without 'listhping'.  If he weren't entirely MEDIOCRE his latest romps into FICTION would even be amusing.

Kindest as ever,

The DIRECT LINKS, blind lying troll queen Ainslie, are given in the posts above. Even the scopeshots from your FORMER collaborators are reproduced. These are scopeshots that YOU YOURSELF ENDORSED FULLY as PROVING YOUR CLAIMS.  It is not my responsibility to demonstrate that you are utterly wrong in your idiotic assertions above .... although I have done so. If you wish to challenge ANYTHING in the statements I have made.... provide PROOF, instead of your bloviating insults. Because I provide PROOF and CHECKABLE REFERENCES for all of my statements. But of course, as usual YOU CANNOT.

Do you really want me to list the proofs of the statements I made that you quote above? It will just make you look worse, when people start reading up in the old threads.

1. Since June of 2009 when I first told them that the Quantum published circuit was wrong, that it did not make the frequency and duty cycle claimed, and that With the claimed duty cycle there will be small heat only, and that the claimed oscillations were a red herring...
Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18raNyVTL6g
2.  it has taken them until late August, early September to realize that each of these things I told them was true
Scroll forward to find the points where each member reports their experiences, and note all the various revisions that people, mostly Aaron, post to the original circuit, finally abandoning it altogether.
3. At least four builders determined that the Quantum circuit would not do as claimed (Glen, groundloop (after making circuit boards!), Astweth, Aaron, Joit, and a few others actually built the original circuit faithfully.... and immediately started changing it in various ways to try to get it to do something different than what I told them it would do.)
Proof: Ditto, in the thread cited above. For example posts # 2680, 2899, 2917, etc.
4.  At least SIX different alternate circuit variations were put forth and tested, and the one that Glen finally settled on operates at over 100 times the frequency of the original, uses a much longer On percentage than originally specified, results in no actual oscillations at all, and results in high heat at the load _and_ the mosfet. And runs the batteries down.
Proof: The IET and IEEE submissions, which are still up on Scribd and which have been linked to many times in the past, and the many different schematics Aaron (Asea) and others posted in the thread linked above.
5. Yet they still have their "pdf" which claims that I was wrong about these things.... when it is perfectly clear that I was right and that their "replication" is of a completely different circuit operating at completely different parameters than was claimed in the original Quantum article.
Proof: Different circuit different parameters: The IET and IEEE submissions, and the reports in the DIRECTLY LINKED thread above. Astweth's statements about the contents of the .pdf that refer to me are in the thread, although the Panacea U. hosting site is no more.

I love it.... you cannot refute anything I say, troll queen Ainslie, and you still persist in your trolling, lying "Bryan Little" idiocy even though you know it's not true.

I've just given PROOFS, including references, for every statement I made that Ainslie calls NONSENSE, a FANTASY.

Yet her claims about me are complete fantasies for which she cannot provide a jot of supporting evidence at all.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 05, 2013, 12:04:52 PM
  Someone asks Ainslie for help in his work on her circuit, _after_ all the work of Glen and others and _after_ she "withdrew" her authorship of the joint IEEE submissions, and she replies, among other mendacities:

QuoteThe final point is that the mosfet we always used was an IRFG50.
(sic)  02-17-2010, 01:58 PM

Post # 152

Oh, really? Then what is the IRFP450 doing in the Demo Kit 1 box, then? 

It is most certainly not an IRFPG50, it is not even an IRFG50, whatever that is.

It IS, however, a mosfet part number that I TESTED AND REPORTED ON in June of 2009.
Post # 116
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 05, 2013, 12:28:07 PM
By the way, I have about a dozen of those Spectrol precision pots that Ainslie used in the box built for her by Bernard Bulak and Brian Buckley at some time before the Quantum article in 2002. (Unfortunately Bulak is no longer with us.... and nobody  knows where Buckley is.)

As you can see these are the same manufacturer, same model number 534, same resistance range, same tolerance and linearity, right down the line. Same pots.

These are wirewound 10-turn precision pots. WIREWOUND. And in my experience they are very fragile, the pressure of the wiper onto the wire is not all that great, and the power handling capability is low in spite of their size. They can be disassembled and cleaned, if you are careful and lucky.

These of course are the exact same pots that were used to control, originally, the "on" and "off" times, or duty cycle and frequency, of the original circuit, whatever it was, that was in the box. A single one controls the frequency, with a fixed non-adjustable "on" time, in the new circuit with the 555 chip manufactured in 2007.

They get dirty, are rough to begin with and of course are "highly inductive", consisting of a long "spring" of resistance wire that is itself wrapped in a helix inside the pot housing. The reason I have so many of these very expensive potentiometers is because a local manufacturer of MRI equipment decided that they were not reliable enough for their equipment, decided to use another brand, and gave their whole stock of the Spectrol parts to a friend of mine who worked there. He had no use for them so now they are mine.

What a coincidence, eh? Ainslie's old box uses a mosfet that I first described in connection with her circuit in June of 2009, and it uses, or used, the exact same pots that I understand fully to be, themselves, unreliable and capable of injecting _lots_ of noise into the application.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 05, 2013, 01:06:59 PM
Here is a disassembled Spectrol pot of the same type, resistance rating and part number of the ones in Ainslie's box.

1. The exploded parts, showing the multiple sliding contacts and the helix of wrapped resistance wire on the former.

2. A close up of some of the actual resistance wire unwrapped from the helical former. Look closely! This wire is quite a bit finer than a strand of my hair. 

So it's easy to see some things: First, not high power handling. Second, massive inductance. Third, many sliding contacts which will add noise and unreliability. Fourth: Definitely high precision and fine workmanship... but not too sturdy.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 05, 2013, 02:51:56 PM
One seriously must wonder what motivates this person. A sicker soul is hard to imagine. She even resorts to gratuitous insults and defamation against poynt99, who has had nearly infinite patience and forebearance with Rosemary Ainslie the Red Queen of Trolls. Look at how she bullies him now!

Rosemary Ainslie, I have a suggestion for you: Stay away from the sherry until after breakfast, anyway. It seems to be interfering with your antipsychotic medications.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 05, 2013, 05:36:57 PM
Lest anyone wonder about my statements of June and July 2009 concerning False Triggering and Aliasing of the Fluke scope and the cheap DSOs that Aaron and others were using.... Here is an excellent example showing that even a much more sophisticated instrument can be falsely triggered if it is not properly set.

Here is one of Glen's traces, with the trigger set within the noisy ringing signal of the Current trace... instead of using either the scope's external trigger input looking directly at the signal source itself, or a clean signal like the Drain pulse.

http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/5359-mosfet-heating-circuits.html#post84885 (http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/5359-mosfet-heating-circuits.html#post84885)

This is no criticism of Glen (FuzzyTomCat)... I am grateful to him for publishing these scopeshots and all the rest of his work, which is still openly available for inspection in the true Open Source tradition.

(I make the basic drive signal at about 394 kHz or "thereby". There is no sign of  any kind of aperiodic oscillation, other than the normal inductive ringing and noise in the heavily amplified Current signal. The Drain signal shows that the mosfet is OFF and spiking for about 1/2 of one minor horizontal division and the total cycle duration is around either 6 or 8 minor divisions, alternating in lock-step: meaning that the mosfet is making a duty cycle of CLOSE TO 90 PERCENT ON. Measure the traces yourself, those with eyeballs to see.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 05, 2013, 08:45:43 PM
Are you having trouble making your overunity device work? Just can't get the numbers to work out right? Well, maybe you are simply doing it wrong. Here's how to make your device produce OU, every time.

http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/5250-cop-17-heater-rosemary-ainslie-part-2-a-9.html#post88234 (http://www.energeticforum.com/inductive-resistor/5250-cop-17-heater-rosemary-ainslie-part-2-a-9.html#post88234)

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on September 05, 2013, 08:59:46 PM
He's an absolute wizard! (or is that 'lizard'  :P )
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 05, 2013, 10:46:20 PM
In all fairness... Aaron did ask for a check on his low figure, and he showed his working so that his error could be identified... he just asked the very wrongest person he could have asked. A post or two later on, another poster did the calculation properly and explained it, and Aaron demonstrated that he got it and understood, and posted his own correction.

We have never seen anything like that from "witsend" under any alias.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 06, 2013, 05:27:15 AM
Just a swift Little note here: Rosemary Ainslie, the Red Queen of Trolls, has posted a couple more rants in her honeypot: Now, in addition to making rant-posts savaging me, MileHigh and Poynt99, she goes off on Magluvin and then Pirate!

I'm not going to load up the images of the insane rants here, but rest assured: they are in my database and will be sent off to the appropriate individuals when the time comes. And of course if Mags or Bill want the images they are welcome to them, in case she sobers up and tries to remove them from the record.

One wonders, doesn't one, when and IF Ainslie will ever show any real data or make any kind of substantive work furthering her latest set of claims.
In spite of Donovan Martin's statement, made during the June 29 2013 "demo" fiasco :
QuoteThe objective behind the (Quantum article -- tk) test was simply not to scrutinize measurements. That's a matter of  opinion always. That's always easy to argue measurements on the scope, from one scope to another, one can argue for days and years to come. Ahm, knowing that, ahm, I think what Rose has been trying to achieve, up to, to now was ah to show some of the waveforms which at times obviously could be very difficult. Because of the simplicity of the circuit, makes it very difficult to obviously achieve (emphasis original) certain fine settings.


Obviously, what she is trying to ACHIEVE is to insult and denigrate all of her critics so that they will go away, at which point she will start up again with her pestering and her annoying soapsuds "thesis" which is actually a word-salad of delusional conjecture with no contact point with reality.
She has never produced any specific waveforms of her own from this apparatus and has at first enthusiastically endorsed, then repudiated, the waveforms provided by her "replicators"-- easy to do since they all work with circuits different than what she herself claimed to use.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on September 06, 2013, 05:14:40 PM
Siege of Leningrad TK, Siege of Leningrad....   Sigh....

(Great music, I hope that you have real speakers connected to your prime Ubuntu box... Turn it up LOUD.)

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 06, 2013, 09:10:10 PM
Yes, I've got good speakers, 5.1 system and my head is at the focus when I'm at the keyboard. Nice battle music!

Now... since we still appear to be joking around....

The image below shows the latest incarnation of the TKQ17 apparatus.  This is of course a "testbed" for the claims made by Rosemary Ainslie in and around the article published in Quantum magazine, October 2002 issue.

We have of course, long ago, already determined that the 555 timer circuit produces a flipped or inverted duty cycle that cannot operate at the duty cycle range claimed in the article. HOWEVER, in spite of all the ridiculous and varied modifications that people tried in 2009, to get a real 3.7 percent ON at 2.4 kHz setting from the 555 timer... changing components, adding transistors, all of that.... I have implemented a much easier way to do it. All that is needed is the ORIGINAL Quantum circuit, with the exact component values listed in the schematic ... and a simple Double Pole Double Throw switch.

The original Quantum circuit shows the 555 timer powered by its own individual 12-volt battery supply. Great! This fact makes my "Secret of DPDT" solution workable and easy to implement.

What the switch does is to flip the polarity of the output connections of the 555 timer section to the power section. In the Original hookup (A), the switch routes the Gate Pot input to the Pin 3 output of the 555, and the Source of the mosfet to the Negative Rail of the 555 section. In the TKFlipped mode (B), the switch is flipped and now the Gate Pot input is routed to the +POSITIVE RAIL+ of the 555 section and the Source of the mosfet goes to the Pin 3 output of the 555.

This actually works great as long as you remember that the power supplies must be separate. It takes the original timer output and flips it, so that you now get the correct very short ON times and the correct frequency range.

The DPDT switch can be seen in the image of the test apparatus below. However... it isn't being used in the photo! I have disconnected the timer section entirely and am pulsing the gate of the mosfet with the DP101 pulse generator, which can be adjusted into the "Glen" range of 50 percent HI at 450 kHz, if necessary, or to produce a truly short ON pulse at whatever frequency is needed up to about 10 MHz. The unit has a risetime of 5 ns when properly terminated... and I am using a 50 ohm BNC jumper and a 50 ohm cable terminator at the gate end of the cable.

I am here revealing the Secret of DPDT. Do not misuse it, it is extremely powerful mojo, capable of instantly reversing the strongest DC polarities in a snap. It can be dangerous if abused....

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Magluvin on September 06, 2013, 09:38:07 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on September 06, 2013, 05:27:15 AM
Just a swift Little note here: Rosemary Ainslie, the Red Queen of Trolls, has posted a couple more rants in her honeypot: Now, in addition to making rant-posts savaging me, MileHigh and Poynt99, she goes off on Magluvin and then Pirate!

Lol. How long ago has it been since I have even posted anything that has to do with her? ???

All because Poynt made a comment with Pirates name and mine? :o ;D

See folks, this is what to expect when you get involved with her.  ;) Posters beware :o

Well, all I have to say is, her circuit doesnt work as claimed and she proved it to herself, after many have proved it first. ;)   Nuff said.  ;D

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 06, 2013, 11:33:13 PM
Enough said for _you_ maybe.... but certainly not enough for LMM.

Meanwhile, I hope that Aaron and gadh and some of the other earnest replicators from 2009 and 2010 are paying attention. It was pretty comical back then to see them going through all their travails in order to get something like Ainslie's original circuit to do something like what she claimed it could do... different component substitutions, even resorting to additional transistors in some cases.

But all they had to do was to use the exact schematic Ainslie published, only install the Secret of DPDT. A two dollar part, no calculations or component subs needed _at all_ in order to attain the specified duty cycle.

Of course Glen finally got his best results using two hundred times the frequency that Ainslie specified, simulating "oscillations" by simply driving the thing faster than the mosfet could keep up. But for those who wanted to try the short ON duty cycle and frequency Ainslie claimed.... sigh.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 07, 2013, 01:16:45 AM
Here is a quote from Rose on her forum about me:

"Pirate Bill is a different kettle of fish.  And he likes his fish cooked 'under unity'.  He sort of took control of a thread that mushroomed into the size of Asia and that struggled through hundreds of thousands of posts re-iterating a relatively useless possible application of under unity.  But that re-iteration became as repetitive as wind and - like wind - it regurgitated way too much acid.  That too became rankly offensive.  Thankfully the thread eventually became SO bloated it simply sank under the the full weight of his outraged pronouncements.  They had NEVER - repeat NEVER, EVER - ACHIEVED OVER UNITY.  Which was sad.  I suspect that without his STRONG and allegedly HONEST leadership - that study may well have broken loose from his agenda and born fruit.  So he served their cause WELL.  And being unusually and uncharacteristically articulate - albeit also somewhat one-dimensional - he was well able to REPEAT that UNDER UNITY CLAIM - ad nausea.   His use to the team now is to support the proclamations of ickle pickle that he too has now 'WIZED UP'.  He is only latterly, but thankfully, and NOW - very well aware of that nefarious agenda promulgated by Ainslie.  Or.  As our 'ickle pickle' puts it AINS...LIE.  And that courtesy the hard work of our Little pickle.  And not only is HONEST BILL the PIRATE a staunch supporter of UNDER UNITY CLAIMS - but he also, latterly sports a sense of humour.  NOTHING fires this up more than TK's genius at plagiarism in CLAIMING the Miss Mosfet moniker for ainslie.  He laughs to the point of choking.  He spills his coffee on his keyboard.  All that FUN.  Those fun videos where the MOSFET is bonked by the PENGUIN.  Those hideous old men on a dying thread who drooled into their laps - all those insinuations - all that JOKE poked at the zipon - all that disgusting reference - SUCH FUN.  It should be written in the annals of HISTORY - for TK's excessively brilliant reach at humour.  INDEED.  Pirate Bill is everything that can be considered TYPICAL and, as Poynty Point calls it - HONEST.   But in some way and with some obscure use of the term honest that Poynty Point is yet to define.  Frankly I think that Pirate Bill is just another little gangster - who is over paid for his hard work at denying over unity evidence.  And Pirate Bill REALLY gets it off on a group bang - especially when it's aimed at MOSFETS.  I just hope he replaces that keyboard.  Ideally with a new persona to operate it."

What the heck is she talking about?  What did I do to deserve this "honor"?  All of the work I have done and posted about has been under unity.  So has hers but, at least I admit this.  I have never claimed overunity on any device or experiment that I have done and posted about.  What topic did I "take control of"?  I believe that I hold the record for the number of views on 2 topics here that I started on this forum.  So what?  I did not take control over any topic.  Nor did I ever claim overunity for any device that I have been experimenting with.

Rose is delusional.  I have done nothing to deserve this drubbing but, I guess that does not matter to her.  I will just chalk this up to Little Miss Mosfet strikes again.  At least I am in good company.

Thanks Rose.  No need to thank me for sticking up for you before I knew what you were about.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 07, 2013, 07:34:39 AM
It is amazing what one learns with a little study. Do you remember Ainslie talking about her physics "teachers", and mentioning Zukov, Feynman, Gell-Mann and Dyson?

Well, we remember "The Dancing Wu Li Masters" of Gary Zukov. Hardly a textbook but a good read, when accompanied by a good pipe and your favorite single malt.

And of course there is Murray Gell-Mann's "The Quark and the Jaguar" and "The Eightfold Way", popular semi-autobiographical works which are far from being textbooks.

But what about Dyson? When we hear of Dyson, I at least think of Freeman Dyson the great physicist and futurist, author of many popular science works and articles. But wait... it turns out that Ainslie means another Dyson:

QuoteRosemary Ainslie has been working on the idea since 1999, after reading The Dancing Wu li Masters (http://www.amazon.com/Dancing-Wu-Li-Masters-Overview/dp/055326382X) by Gary Zukov and Conceptual Physics (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2001PhTea..39..446D) by Sam Dyson.
(from the PESN article compiled by her collaborator Evan Robinson).

Sam Dyson... Conceptual Physics. Sounds like a great title for a textbook. But wait... following the link given in the PESN article, so we know it's the right one....


It turns out this is not a textbook at all! It is a two page article, in an issue (a 2001 issue!) of a journal aimed at high school physics teachers.... because that is what Sam Dyson is: A High School Physics Teacher!

QuoteStudent preconceptions have the power to greatly affect their expectations and learning in science. This article explores the effects of one teacher's preconceptions about the nature of what is commonly called ``conceptual physics'' and some pedagogical pitfalls of those preconceptions.

Ironic, what? You cannot make this stuff up, Truth is both funnier and more tragic than any fiction. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a high school physics teacher.... but having read a two page article by one, and then citing it as a major chunk of one's physics education, is a Little ironic, isn't it, especially considering the subject matter. A strong set of preconceptions is indeed preventing Ainslie from learning anything of value about physics, electronics and "her" circuit in particular.

I wonder which Feynman she is referring to. Richard Feynman, the great physicist of QED fame.... or Lenny Feynman, the author of "Physics in the Broom Closet", a guide for janitorial supply salesmen?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Hoppy on September 07, 2013, 08:00:46 AM
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 07, 2013, 03:30:22 PM
What do you suppose Rosemary Ainslie is trying to do? 

Post 426

Shouldn't she be studying up, practising, rehearsing for the next Quantum-17 "demonstration", correcting her errors, retracting the false statements she keeps on making?

No, I suppose that's not nearly as much fun as trolling and insulting people for no reason, accusing them falsely and never providing a jot or tittle of evidence for any of it.

While she is insulting people gratuitously, I am working. I have waveforms, I have a digital oscilloscope, I have numbers in boxes. I have copies of all the articles, revisions, submissions, letters of rejection and letters of scope withdrawal. I have names. I have calibration traceable to NIST standards. I have loads and I have 555 timers: the Quantum magazine circuit, the Demo Kit 1 circuit, Glen's circuit.... I have a fast risetime (by 1978 standards) pulse generator, I have analog scopes, I have IRFPG50 and IRFP450 mosfets among others. I have the ability to record long data sequences. I am using reasonably-sized batteries.

I HAVE THE SECRET OF DPDT which has now been "open-sourced".

I have made videos chronicling the story, and I have even exerpted Ainslie's demonstration videos and photographs and other data for easy consumption. Not only that, but I understand the circuit and I have, over the past three days, read all of the old 2009-2010 archived threads on four different forums (Naked Scientists, Energetic, OUR, and this forum) and reviewed Ainslie's blogging posts from that time period.
In short.... DO THE MATH (tm Rosemary Ainslie). I am fully prepared to "replicate" any performance that Ainsie's "team" can present and I am able to analyze the data properly.  Somewhere lurking in the background are much more experienced and knowledgeable people, some of whom Ainslie has already insulted gravely, who may pitch in and help me out and keep me straight myself.

And I'm ready to do it NOW.

In fact I'm uploading an unusually long video, about 17 minutes long, illustrating the Secret of DPDT and my basic apparatus layout, including some capacitor charging with the circuit. It probably will take a couple of hours to upload. Check back here for the URL.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 07, 2013, 03:57:59 PM
Geeze, now she is bashing Stefan Hartman.  What the heck did he ever do to Rose?  This is a real mind bender.  I would like to see the list of folks that Rose has NOT bashed.  I am sure it is a very short list and getting shorter every day.

I may offer T-shirts on my website that say: "I got bashed from Little Miss Mosfet".  Evidently, my target market is a huge one and growing every day.  I could sell thousands.  Given enough time, she will alienate every person on the planet.  Even then she will still insist that she is right, and everyone else is wrong.

Mr. Underunity
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 07, 2013, 08:38:13 PM
The latest video is up for your viewing prreasure.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVePUJJVAlc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVePUJJVAlc)

Thanks to SWeir for some constructive discussion that enabled the Secret to be revealed.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 08, 2013, 08:26:03 PM
No comments?

How about this then: TK's Quantum-17 Charge Dump.

The basic Ainslie Quantum-17 circuit, but with the 555 timer DPDTd to the TKmode NOT the Ainslie mode..... the circuit draws less than 10 mA in continuous operation and makes very narrow spikies but does not heat the load perceptibly. Reducing the 12volt power to the NE555N down to 9V or below causes the timer/mosfet combo to make the exact "aperiodic" oscillations that Glen and Aaron showed in 2009-2010, but these cause more current drain, some load heating and a bit faster charging of the cap, but are not necessary for the Charge Dump; they are a Red Herring as far as efficiency is concerned. It is neat to see the alternating longer and shorter pulse durations that the timer produces under these conditions, though.

Using the MUR1560 ultrafast highcurrent diode, rather than a 4000-series rectifier, for the "flyback" or charge dump diode results in a faster charge rate to a higher voltage on the cap. The NE-2 and resistor prevent overcharging the 200 V cap: the NE-2 fires at about 125 V and drains the cap back down to about 75 V every forty seconds or so. For now, this represents wasted power; it is just a safety feature to prevent inadvertent overcharging of the 200V capacitor, and in "charge dump recycle" operation it should never fire.
The "recycle" single-pole, double throw switch at top left connects the battery positive pole to the load coil for normal operation and charging the cap, OR to the cathode of the 1n4007 diode, dumping the cap charge back into the battery.
By monitoring the voltage on the cap and operating the switch when the cap is over 60 volts or so, the battery can _apparently_  be made to charge itself. Last night I took my battery supply from 24.4 volts back up to 24.6 volts by manually operating the switch fifty or sixty times, each time as the cap voltage went over about 60 or 80 volts.
It may be possible to automate this process (flipping the SPDT switch) and I will appreciate suggestions as to how to accomplish it.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Magluvin on September 08, 2013, 09:27:20 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on September 07, 2013, 03:57:59 PM
Geeze, now she is bashing Stefan Hartman.  What the heck did he ever do to Rose?  This is a real mind bender.  I would like to see the list of folks that Rose has NOT bashed.  I am sure it is a very short list and getting shorter every day.

I may offer T-shirts on my website that say: "I got bashed from Little Miss Mosfet".  Evidently, my target market is a huge one and growing every day.  I could sell thousands.  Given enough time, she will alienate every person on the planet.  Even then she will still insist that she is right, and everyone else is wrong.

Mr. Underunity

Well, she is mad because Stefan would close her threads due to a large part of those threads were just fights and bashing, compared to showing and proving, which most of the proving was done by Poynt, TK, etc, by actually doing tests. All while Rose just typed away. Well, youve seen it.

She was always given warnings from Stefan to get on with it, and she just kept fighting and bashing anything in sight, in 'complete' disregard for the warnings even if there were more than one warning.

The strange thing is, now the cats out of the bag, why the continued bashing? We were wrong for understanding that she was wrong before she knew she was wrong??  She is mad. A womans scorn. ;)   

It aint over by a long shot. Its best to not be involved, unless you 'really' have the time to invest and just cannot find anything better to do. ::) ;) ;D

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 08, 2013, 09:42:03 PM

I agree.  I have already been labeled by Rose as Mr. Underunity.  No one will ever change her mind.  It is a fool's errand.  Best to move on like you said.  I really think that she is not a nice person.

Mr. Underunity
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Groundloop on September 09, 2013, 01:41:47 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on September 08, 2013, 08:26:03 PM
No comments?

How about this then: TK's Quantum-17 Charge Dump.

The basic Ainslie Quantum-17 circuit, but with the 555 timer DPDTd to the TKmode NOT the Ainslie mode..... the circuit draws less than 10 mA in continuous operation and makes very narrow spikies but does not heat the load perceptibly. Reducing the 12volt power to the NE555N down to 9V or below causes the timer/mosfet combo to make the exact "aperiodic" oscillations that Glen and Aaron showed in 2009-2010, but these cause more current drain, some load heating and a bit faster charging of the cap, but are not necessary for the Charge Dump; they are a Red Herring as far as efficiency is concerned. It is neat to see the alternating longer and shorter pulse durations that the timer produces under these conditions, though.

Using the MUR1560 ultrafast highcurrent diode, rather than a 4000-series rectifier, for the "flyback" or charge dump diode results in a faster charge rate to a higher voltage on the cap. The NE-2 and resistor prevent overcharging the 200 V cap: the NE-2 fires at about 125 V and drains the cap back down to about 75 V every forty seconds or so. For now, this represents wasted power; it is just a safety feature to prevent inadvertent overcharging of the 200V capacitor, and in "charge dump recycle" operation it should never fire.
The "recycle" single-pole, double throw switch at top left connects the battery positive pole to the load coil for normal operation and charging the cap, OR to the cathode of the 1n4007 diode, dumping the cap charge back into the battery.
By monitoring the voltage on the cap and operating the switch when the cap is over 60 volts or so, the battery can _apparently_  be made to charge itself. Last night I took my battery supply from 24.4 volts back up to 24.6 volts by manually operating the switch fifty or sixty times, each time as the cap voltage went over about 60 or 80 volts.
It may be possible to automate this process (flipping the SPDT switch) and I will appreciate suggestions as to how to accomplish it.

Hi TK,

>>and I will appreciate suggestions as to how to accomplish it.

You can try something like this. PS: Must be a TIC106D because of the low triggering current needed.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 09, 2013, 02:08:48 AM
Thanks GL... that's a good idea, having the firing of the NE2 triggering the thyristor.... But there has to be some way of disconnecting the coil so that the cap discharge goes only into the battery and can't be shunted by the coil. It would be nice to have a "double throw" thyristor!
I'll see if my local supplier has any, if he does I'll test it in the circuit mod you suggest. Thanks!
But I still need to disconnect everything but the battery during the "dump" if it is to work right. I don't need extra power dissipation in the load -- load heating -- but I would like to make the battery "self-charge". If the basic concept tests out I'll just eliminate the "heat" aspect, put in a heavier inductor and see what happens. Soon I expect to discover a Bedini battery charger or something like that in there!

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Groundloop on September 09, 2013, 07:38:24 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on September 09, 2013, 02:08:48 AM
Thanks GL... that's a good idea, having the firing of the NE2 triggering the thyristor.... But there has to be some way of disconnecting the coil so that the cap discharge goes only into the battery and can't be shunted by the coil. It would be nice to have a "double throw" thyristor!
I'll see if my local supplier has any, if he does I'll test it in the circuit mod you suggest. Thanks!
But I still need to disconnect everything but the battery during the "dump" if it is to work right. I don't need extra power dissipation in the load -- load heating -- but I would like to make the battery "self-charge". If the basic concept tests out I'll just eliminate the "heat" aspect, put in a heavier inductor and see what happens. Soon I expect to discover a Bedini battery charger or something like that in there!


I do not think the capacitor will be dumped into the coil and mosfet. The battery resistance is very low, typical
some few tens of milli Ohm. The coil resistance and mosfet reistance combined is much higher. So almost all
the capacitor charge will go into the battery. But I agree with you, the circuit should be disconnected during
the discharge cycle. One way to do it is to "tap" the gate signal of the SCR and use that as a "disable" signal
to the 555 IC. That way the 555 does not pulse the gate of the mosfet when you are discharging the cap.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on September 09, 2013, 08:54:20 AM
A very neat trick with that switch TK.  ;)

I agree with GL, most of the charge should bypass the coil and go into the battery.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 09, 2013, 07:35:21 PM
Well, I was thinking that the impedance of the coil-mosfet was lower than the battery impedance so power would be wasted in them. But if you both don't think it's an issue that's good enough for me to warm up the soldering iron.
And if it's not an issue then I can just use the neon itself as the switch, right? Just run the neon from the positive pole of the cap, over to the positive batt terminal. Then when the neon fires at around 125 V + Vbatt  it will pulse the battery directly.
What do you think?
(I've got it running this way now, with the 1n4007 in series with the neon. It fires at around 155V and pulses back into the battery. I haven't seen a voltage rise yet, but that might be because I'm running in the underpowered 555 "oscillatory" mode which allows some load heating and yields a DC current of 40-60 mA.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on September 09, 2013, 08:03:22 PM

If you use the neon as the switch (how much peak current can those things handle?) when that cap lets go thru the neon, it should be a quick discharge. If the discharge is limited by that 220 Ohm resistor, then yes not only are you wasting power in that resistor, but because you won't be utilizing the high coil impedance from the transient nature of the discharge, then you may lose some charge to the coil/MOSFET as well (not much though).

So ideally, get rid of the resistor and like you say, jumper the neon directly from the cap+ to the Bat+ with a short heavy wire.

At least that's how I see things... 8)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 09, 2013, 08:20:00 PM
Yep, I think I'll put the cap and neon right at the battery positive pole, with the fast diode right at the coil low end and run the spike feed over to the cap with a transmission line.

The neon flashes bright purple with the 1n4007 in series, I haven't tried it yet with nothing in series, but I was thinking I might go down to 47 uF on the cap for faster cycle time and less current thru the neon.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Groundloop on September 09, 2013, 09:44:33 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on September 09, 2013, 08:20:00 PM
Yep, I think I'll put the cap and neon right at the battery positive pole, with the fast diode right at the coil low end and run the spike feed over to the cap with a transmission line.

The neon flashes bright purple with the 1n4007 in series, I haven't tried it yet with nothing in series, but I was thinking I might go down to 47 uF on the cap for faster cycle time and less current thru the neon.


>>bright purple

Using the Neon bulb as a high current carrying switch will quickly burn off the neon gas and make the
bulb useless. If you want a high current switch then use glow starters for fluorescent light.
The glow starters for fluorescent light has a neon gas filled bulb with a beam metal switch inside.
The beam metal switch will close by the temperature change from the neon light.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 09, 2013, 10:32:17 PM
You are right, I think I've already ruined a couple of them doing this! Fortunately I still have 60 or so new ones and another 30 that I can salvage from my HV Field Yardstick.

The firing voltage goes up and up until after 10 or so fires they don't want to trigger at all ...  But I get nice purple flashes with the Bedini SGM system and it doesn't wear out the neon, just blackens the glass.... weird huh.

Right now I have the cap down to 47 uF, a diode and a 10R in series with the (new) neon, and it's firing bright orange now, not in the purple region any more.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Groundloop on September 10, 2013, 03:43:53 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on September 09, 2013, 10:32:17 PM
You are right, I think I've already ruined a couple of them doing this! Fortunately I still have 60 or so new ones and another 30 that I can salvage from my HV Field Yardstick.

The firing voltage goes up and up until after 10 or so fires they don't want to trigger at all ...  But I get nice purple flashes with the Bedini SGM system and it doesn't wear out the neon, just blackens the glass.... weird huh.

Right now I have the cap down to 47 uF, a diode and a 10R in series with the (new) neon, and it's firing bright orange now, not in the purple region any more.


A third way to make a feedback circuit is to make a high voltage Joule Thief with a third winding.
The third (L3) winding must be impedance matched to your input battery (Eg. few turns).
The L1 and L2 must have a lot of turns and be impedance matched to you high voltage cap.
Just a thought................. :-)

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 11, 2013, 08:05:14 AM
Thanks, GL, that circuit is very like some Bedini chargers I've worked with. But I know lots of ways to recirculate power in various circuits. I'm trying to get some kind of worthwhile, or at least interesting, effect from the original Quantum-17 circuit published by, but apparently never actually used by, Rosemary Ainslie and BC Buckley. And which is allegedly being examined Yet Again by Donovan Martin and a team of boffins, to the man, in Cape Town.

Meanwhile, I'm dashing off a short email to my old colleague Rupert:

Hey Rupert

What do you think of this bit of "new physics":

QuoteIf the photon comprises two zipons then the zipon would be half the size of the photon.  It is proposed that velocity and mass have an inverse proportional relationship.  So, if the photon moves at the speed of light (C) then the velocity of the zipon would be 2C.  And as velocity and mass are inversely proportional so, if the mass of the photon were given as 1, (as a ratio) then the zipon would be 0.5.  If the electron comprises 3 truants then its mass would be 0.5 x 3 = 1.5.  And, if the proton comprises three electrons then, each electron would comprise 0.5 for the quark.  3 quarks having no volume is 0.5 x 3 = 1.5.  Four times bigger for the orbital zenith of the second truant is 1.5 x 4 = 6.  And four times bigger for the orbital zenith of the third truant is 6 x 4 = 24.   The second and third truant only have two dimensions of volume as they manifest within a prescribed space, that merry-go-round referred to in the field description.  Therefore, 3 second truants, having length and breadth is 6 x 6 x 3 = 108.  3 third truants having length and breadth is 24 x 24 x 3 = 1728.  This gives a mass of 1837.5, minus 1.5 for the quarks that have neither volume or mass, giving a total of 1836. Some variation of this number is, no doubt, required to accommodate the spherical shape of the truants, but it's complex – a 2 dimensional sphere.

Pretty remarkable, isn't it? And also a lot of nonsense, of course.

μ = mp/me = 1,836.15267245(75).
http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?mpsme (http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?mpsme)

Does that difference count as "some variation required to accommodate a two dimensional spherically shaped truant?"
No doubt.

How's that for a hoot?

Cheers-- and I remain
Your old pal,
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: conradelektro on September 11, 2013, 09:11:34 AM

I played extensively with feedback from a Joule Thief circuit to the battery which is driving the circuit. I tried feedback "from the back EMF of the L2 coil" and feedback with a L3 coil.

The Joule Thief circuit should draw as little power as possible (which means very high impedance coils L1 and L2, high resistance of R1, L3 could have low impedance).

Let's replace the battery with a big electrolytic capacitor, e.g. 10.000 µF.

Now let's do the following test (see attached drawing):

- The electrolytic capacitor (the one which is replacing the battery) is charged to 5 Volt (or any other Voltage which fits the Joule Thief circuit in use) from an external power source (e.g. with a lab power supply), the Joule thief circuit is running.

- Switch off the external power supply and measure the time till the Voltage over the cap has dropped to 3 Volt (with a stop watch and a Voltmeter over the cap).

Do the test with and without the feed back. With the feedback the measured time should be longer, because one recovers some energy.

But I never could get a longer time. The time measured for the Voltage drop always was the same, with or without the feedback.

May be I did something wrong?

Greetings, Conrad

P.S.: the additional diode is not necessary in this circuit, but it would be if feedback comes from the Drain of the transistor (back EMF of L2).
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 11, 2013, 01:05:14 PM
@Conrad: No, I don't think you did anything wrong, it's an excellent test. Time must be measured very carefully... I wonder if there is a way to run "sidebyside" simultaneous comparisons so that precise timing is less of a problem.

It seems that your test indicates that the overall amount of energy in the system is the same, whether you use the diode and "recycle" connection or not. So either there isn't any benefit from the inductive ringing/discharge/spike, or whatever benefit there may be is getting lost in the system somehow and not being used. Perhaps it's radiating away as RF, or heating something you aren't measuring.

But how about this: Instead of putting the recycle output back to the run battery/capacitor, put it into an external battery or capacitor.

So you would be comparing the run time of the "control" system with no charge transfer, to the run time of the experimental system that put some charge on the external cap. The experimental system should be expected to run for a shorter time. Then you could run again, but powered from the external cap only, and time that run time.

So now you have the control system, compared against the (experimental system on main cap + experimental system on external cap) total run time.

This way, if there was any benefit from the energy in the inductive ringdown spike, it would be collected in the external cap rather than disappearing into the circuit to be squandered, radiated or dissipated. There will be losses in the cap system of course but these should be easy to understand and quantify.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: conradelektro on September 12, 2013, 10:06:30 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on September 11, 2013, 01:05:14 PM

But how about this: Instead of putting the recycle output back to the run battery/capacitor, put it into an external battery or capacitor.

So you would be comparing the run time of the "control" system with no charge transfer, to the run time of the experimental system that put some charge on the external cap. The experimental system should be expected to run for a shorter time. Then you could run again, but powered from the external cap only, and time that run time.

So now you have the control system, compared against the (experimental system on main cap + experimental system on external cap) total run time.

This way, if there was any benefit from the energy in the inductive ringdown spike, it would be collected in the external cap rather than disappearing into the circuit to be squandered, radiated or dissipated. There will be losses in the cap system of course but these should be easy to understand and quantify.

I did the following:

There is an L3 and it drives a LED lamp.

The energy consumed by the circuit is higher if the LED lamp shines and it is lower if L3 is not connected to anything.

Sorry, no precise numbers just a rough quantification. But it was very easily visible, 20% to 50% more energy consumed.

Another observation with very low power pulse motors (a few mW down to 100 µW):

When the back EMF of the drive coil was "used in any way" (e.g. putting a LED there or feedback to battery via a Shottky diode), the power consumption rose a little (up to 10%). Could have been the forward current of the LED or diode, but I do not think so.


Your measurement idea is interesting, I will think about it.

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: OscarMeyer on September 12, 2013, 09:11:01 PM
Hi Conrad,
I was just wondering what your circuit had to do with Rosemary's? 

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 13, 2013, 12:28:35 AM
Quote from: OscarMeyer on September 12, 2013, 09:11:01 PM
Hi Conrad,
I was just wondering what your circuit had to do with Rosemary's? 


Just which "Circuit of Rosemary's" are you referring to?

The one published in the Quantum magazine, but never actually used?

The one determined by S.Weir to exist in the recently found box, that could not have been in there in 2002 since it has a chip with a 2007 date code, a P-channel mosfet in addition to an IRGP450--- which she never reported using --- and only a single potentiometer hooked up?

The one gestured to by Donovan Martin in the 2011 demo, showing a single mosfet and no Black FG hookup?

The one he claimed in the same demo, with 5 mosfets in parallel?

The Actual one used by them, discovered by .99?

The two different ones in the retracted papers, neither of which show the Black FG lead in the place actually used?

The "FTC" schematic that Glen used for the IET and IEEE submissions?

Or the Unclamped Inductive Test circuit that is in the back of just about every power mosfet data sheet?

Just which is "the" circuit of Rosemary's that you are talking about? And just what concern is it of yours anyway? Do you have some work of your own you would like to talk about? Please feel free to do so.

Meanwhile, maybe you can explain this bit of word salad:
QuoteGuys, very simplistically - here's logic behind superluminal velocity.  Forgive the elementary explanations - but it's the best I can manage.  Just for purposes of this argument - assume a wheel diameter at say 1 meter.  4 wheels to the car.  Therefore for every complete turn the wheel covers a distance of 1 meter.  And it makes that complete turn every second.  Therefore, for each minute it is able to cover 1 meter per turn, per second x 60 seconds - being 60 meters per minute.  Now we take the second car that has a wheel diameter of precisely 2 meters.  4 wheels to the car.  So.  For every complete turn the wheel covers a distance of 2 meters.  And IT makes the complete turn every 2 seconds.  Therefore, for each complete turn it is able to cover precisely twice the distance albeit that it too is traveling at 60 meters per minute.  The difference?  It's simply in the number of complete turns.  Now.  Let's draw this distinction.  The frequency at which the 2 meter diameter wheel makes each turn - is half the frequency of the 1 meter diameter wheel.  And this is PRECISELY equivalent to the size of those wheels.  That's UNARGUABLE.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 13, 2013, 01:03:02 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on September 13, 2013, 12:28:35 AM

Meanwhile, maybe you can explain this bit of word salad:

"Guys, very simplistically - here's logic behind superluminal velocity.  Forgive the elementary explanations - but it's the best I can manage.  Just for purposes of this argument - assume a wheel diameter at say 1 meter.  4 wheels to the car.  Therefore for every complete turn the wheel covers a distance of 1 meter.  And it makes that complete turn every second.  Therefore, for each minute it is able to cover 1 meter per turn, per second x 60 seconds - being 60 meters per minute.  Now we take the second car that has a wheel diameter of precisely 2 meters.  4 wheels to the car.  So.  For every complete turn the wheel covers a distance of 2 meters.  And IT makes the complete turn every 2 seconds.  Therefore, for each complete turn it is able to cover precisely twice the distance albeit that it too is traveling at 60 meters per minute.  The difference?  It's simply in the number of complete turns.  Now.  Let's draw this distinction.  The frequency at which the 2 meter diameter wheel makes each turn - is half the frequency of the 1 meter diameter wheel.  And this is PRECISELY equivalent to the size of those wheels.  That's UNARGUABLE."

What happened to Pi x Diameter?  A 1 meter diameter wheel will not travel 1 meter per rev.  UNARGUABLE?  Oh well.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: conradelektro on September 13, 2013, 09:58:03 AM
Quote from: OscarMeyer on September 12, 2013, 09:11:01 PM
Hi Conrad,
I was just wondering what your circuit had to do with Rosemary's? 


I see a common idea, namely the OU speculations around the back EMF (induced current) in a coil or inductance.

Oscillation (or at least switchin the current on and the off) fed through a coil induces a "back EMF" and many OU-gurus believe that the energy in the back EMF comes not from the power supply but from somewhere else (ether, zero point energy, from where-ever).

We have the same elements in the ill defined circuits put forward by the verbose lady from the tip of Africa:

- oscillation (NE555 and switching transistor)
- an inductance (the heating element)
- and alleged mysterious energy from somewhere but the batteries

I read these "back EMF mysteries" and wanted to measure the energy in the "back EMF" by feeding it back to the battery or capacitor driving such a circuit. I used a Joule Thief type circuit and a pulse motor circuit.

I could not find any energy in the "back EMF" which did not come from the power supply (battery, cap), But as I said, I might have done it wrongly.

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 15, 2013, 01:03:01 AM
QuoteOur 'ickle' pickle's argument against paper 1 was ALWAYS based on the CLAIM that we could not have applied a 3% ON duty cycle.  In fact he CLAIMED that we had not even applied a 10% ON - but a 90%.  This was the SOLE basis of his argument LOUDLY AND REPETITIVELY augmenting his general calumny and - as ever - ENTIRELY BASELESS.

No, Ainslie. My argument is FULLY BASED IN FACT and can be demonstrated at any time. Your insults and whining are just delusional rants from someone who has been utterly and soundly debunked... time and time again.
You are a dirty filthy LIAR ROSEMARY AINSLIE. The schematic published in the Quantum article CANNOT make the duty cycle and frequency combination you claimed to use. My argument was ALWAYS based on the SCHEMATIC you published and stood behind. This is definite and proven: the schematic published under your name cannot do what you claim, and if you used it your duty cycle was NOT the 3.6 percent ON that you claimed, and if you did NOT use it.... then the schematic is a LIE. No other alternatives are possible: either you used the schematic in the article or you did not. Either way, YOU LIE.

QuoteThrough a miracle of Divine intervention - we FOUND our early experimental apparatus - and thanks to the genius of Steve Weir - we were able to prove that INDEED our apparatus could manage the 3% duty cycle - as claimed.

Again YOU LIE. The circuit in the box, which both YOU and DONOVAN  MARTIN repeatedly claimed was LOST, DOES NOT CONTAIN THE SAME CIRCUIT THAT WAS IN IT FOR THE QUANTUM ARTICLE. The circuit in the box NOW contains a chip that wasn't even manufactured until May of 2007, and it only has ONE potentiometer connected, and it uses A DIFFERENT MOSFET, not the IRFPG50, and it DOES NOT OPERATE AT 2.4 kHz. Yes, it can make a shorter duty cycle, but it CANNOT OPERATE IN THE RANGE CITED IN THE QUANTUM ARTICLE. I am really getting sick and tired of your constant refusals to acknowledge reality, AINSLIE. The circuit in your box NOW is NOT the circuit that was used for the Quantum article, it does NOT operate in the stated frequency range and it is A LIE FOR YOU TO CLAIM OTHERWISE.

QuoteRather than acknowledge this both he and Mark Euthanasius - then prepared reports of varying levels of complexity and 'misdirection' to continue with their DENIALS.  What's new?  From where I sit - NOTHING's new.  They're now basing their denials on the fact that I made an early 'retraction' related to that duty cycle.  TK - poor sod that he is - actually recovered the text of that early retraction.  What he FAILED to mention that my very first acknowledgement of there being a possible misrepresentation of that duty cycle - was based on a misunderstanding.  An experimentalist BUILT that switch according to the schematic published - and he had NO difficulty in getting the required duty cycle.  His English NOT that clear.  I assumed that he had not achieved the required result.  I apologised to all and sundry.  He explained he DID get it.  I RETRACTED the RETRACTION.  And because our Little TK CANNOT report honestly - he conveniently omitted that FINAL retraction.  As mentioned.  Nothing's new.  Amusingly - I see that Mark Euthanasius is also depending on that early retraction.  No-one can accuse either of them of impartiality.

Kindest regards

You are a bumbling fool and so was Joit. ANYONE CAN BUILD THE CIRCUIT, you poor slapper, and see for themselves that you are utterly and stupidly wrong.  Get your "Team" of Electrical Engineers to build the circuit AS PUBLISHED in the Quantum article and test it. Show your work, like I have done several times. This would take your "Team" perhaps half an hour to do, with about five dollars worth of components. DO IT, SHOW THE WORK AND REPORT. But of course you will not.

You accuse ME of not reporting honestly? You lie with every post you make, Rosemary Ainslie. You cannot cite a single case when I have reported something about you inaccurately. Yet I can cite instance after instance when YOU have baldly and outrageously LIED, over and over.

Paper 1 Figure 3
etc etc etc.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 15, 2013, 01:31:10 AM
Does the Demo Kit 1 box resemble the schematic published in the Quantum article? No, not in the least. It is evidently the device shown in the photograph in the Quantum article, minus the meters..... but how can it contain a chip not manufactured until 2007? Why does it only have a single potentiometer connected? Why does the schematic drawn by SWeir not resemble the published schematic AT ALL? Why does it operate at a much higher frequency range than the published schematic?

Will the September promised demonstration use the PUBLISHED QUANTUM CIRCUIT, the one that supposedly has been "accredited"? Or will it use some other circuit? Will it use this Box? This different mosfet? NOBODY KNOWS.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 15, 2013, 01:51:49 AM
More pix of Demo Kit 1, the "lost" then miraculously "found" massively overunity device constructed for Rosemary Ainslie by Bernard Bulak, who later committed suicide.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 15, 2013, 04:02:07 AM
QuoteTo the best of my knowledge absolutely NO part of that apparatus has had any parts replaced - to the best of my knowledge - since 2006 or thereby.

To the best of your knowledge? Well, we already know that isn't true at all.

Liar. The NE555N chip bears a data code indicating it was manufactured in the 18th week of 2007.

Liar. There is NO IRFPG50 in the box. Never has anyone mentioned (except me in 2009) the use of an IRFP450 OR a p-channel mosfet.

Liar. You claimed this apparatus was LOST. But it was never lost at all.

Liar. You claimed that this apparatus was used for the Quantum tests. But it has a completely different circuit in it than was PUBLISHED in the Quantum magazine and CANNOT make the duty cycle and frequency claimed in the Quantum article.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 15, 2013, 04:15:17 AM
The genius troll GMeast writes,


You made a statement a long while back relating to Tinsel Koala's identity and to his cowardice in NOT revealing his true identity. If there is to be any credibility claimed by this turd, then why can't he come forward with his true identity? Otherwise, he remains nothing more than a FICTIONAL CHARACTER to the readers of these threads. It's likened to holding Sherlock Holmes in regard as a REAL SLEUTH. This holds true for the picowatts, poynty-asses, fagluvin, and others that are too cowardly to stand up and show their true identities instead of hiding behind FAKE ones ... unless they are all admitting to being FAKES.
The unnamed academics and others who have supposedly "vetted" Ainslie's claims are anonymous, and NO ONE CAN CHECK THEIR WORK OR VERIFY THE CLAIMS MADE.

I am anonymous to certain people ... but ALL MY WORK IS PUBLIC AND CAN BE CHECKED BY ANYONE WHO LIKES, and not a single thing I've said or demonstrated has been refuted. Especially not by TurdMouth GMEAST.

And there are plenty of people who know exactly who I am, where I live and so on. People I trust, mostly, but also people who have run games on me and tricked me and threatened me. Am I not supposed to be Bryan Little any more?

If you want to call me a FAKE, GMeast.... try refuting something, rather than shitting out your mouth like you do. I don't need "credibility" because all my work is open, replicable and doesn't even require fancy equipment, it just IS.

To all readers that are detractors of these technologies: ARE YOU SO GULLIBLE THAT YOU WOULD TAKE THE WORDS OF FICTIONAL CHARACTERS AS THE FINAL WORD(s) ON O.U.? If so ... then you deserve to REMAIN IN DARKNESS FOREVER ... fueled by BIAS,  BLINDNESS and HATE! You are all a bunch of SHEEP!


Refute me, Greg. YOU CANNOT. And NOBODY has to take my WORD for anything... because I always provide PROOF, outside references, checkable citations, fully worked math, and demonstrations that are REPLICABLE BY ANYONE. Nobody has to take my WORD for the fact that the NE555N chip in Ainslie's device was made in May of 2007... THE DATE CODE IS ON THE CHIP and you can call STMicro yourselves to confirm it.
Just for one example.
You don't have to take my WORD for the fact that the Quantum 555 timer circuit cannot do what she claims it does... you can simply build it for yourself and check it, or you can watch my very clear demonstrations, or you can look at Mark E.'s scopeshots.

Your argument is, as usual, completely bogus GREG. And as far as making your complete identity known on the internet, go for it, nobody is stopping you. Why not publish your address and phone numbers, so people can call and visit you?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 15, 2013, 11:29:14 AM
Hey Greggie baby

Suppose for a moment someone on the internet was constantly using foul language, breaking down, saying things to you like "Fuck you dead" and so on. At the same time, insisting that you identify yourself fully.

Suppose I said "FUCK YOU DEAD" to YOU and insulted you with "turd talk" and homophobic slurs. Would you want me to know where you live?

Somehow I doubt it.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Groundloop on September 15, 2013, 02:52:26 PM
Open letter to Rosemary Ainslie.

Ref. http://www.energy-shiftingparadigms.com/index.php/topic,2313.msg5059/topicseen.html?PHPSESSID=c1c0992981a38982d550373564ed3ca0#msg5059
Post #435
"Thankfully - they're back on track - and referencing ME - rather than that RIDICULOUS circuit that Groundloop and our Little Pickle are trying to promote in the hopes of distracting you all."
End snip.


TK asked for a way to discharge a charged capacitor into a battery. I did respond with three ways to do that.
The first was by using a SCR triggered from a neon bulb. The second was by using glow starters for fluorescent light. The third method was by using a high voltage JT circuit connected to the capacitor and then discharge the
capacitor to the battery by a third coil connected to a diode bridge.


All of my three circuit proposal has nothing to do with your circuits or theories.  All three of my circuit
proposals will work in a setting where you want to discharge a capacitor, that has a voltage higher than
a neon bulb trigger voltage, into a load. I have never, to my best knowledge, published any circuits on the
internet that do not work or as a means of distracting people.


In you post you use the word "RIDICULOUS" about my circuits. I do not think you are capable of determine
if a circuit is "RIDICULOUS" or not. Your knowledge about electronics is basic at best, and non-existent at

I expect an apology from you!

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 16, 2013, 08:13:25 AM
Ainslie is still making her RIDICULOUS claims, even though EVERY TIME she herself or her team have actually TESTED one of their claims... it has been proven to be false. She even now goes back and distorts and misinterprets the findings of her most recent set of "demonstrations" of incompetence: ALL her measurements are bogus, and this nonsense about the battery being disconnected from the circuit _at any time_ is another of her transparent displays of utter ignorance. She and her RIDICULOUS pottymouth sycophant, or maybe psycho-phant, GMeast can't seem to make connected thoughts come together in their minds.

How does a chip with a date code of May 2007 get into a box that was "lost" in 2006 and not "found" until a couple of weeks ago? The box doesn't even contain an IRFPG50 and doesn't operate at anything even close to the frequency range cited in the Quantum article. I'll tell you how that happens: Ainslie's RIDICULOUS pile of lies has become too big for her to keep track of, and the inconsistencies in her story are becoming glaringly obvious to everyone _with a brain_ that examines the evidence.

Let her rant and insult, make claim after RIDICULOUS claim, many of which have ALREADY been proven to be false. Until she manages to DEMONSTRATE THE REALITY OF HER CLAIMS -- which she will never do -- they are just so much verbal excrement.

Groundloop, waiting for an apology from Ainslie for her insults and lies about you is like waiting for a Solstice in July. You'll never get a sincere apology from the Queen of Trolls, you will just get more lies and distortions and false claims without ANY SUPPORTING EVIDENCE whatsoever.

She can't even explain why there is only one pot connected in her Demo Kit 1 box when the Quantum article shows three. She can't explain why there is NO IRFPG50 transistor in there, but instead a very different IRFP450. She can't explain the frequency range of the Box circuit, when it is so much higher frequency than the Quantum article claims. She can't DARE to attempt to explain the presence of the 555 timer chip made in May of 2007. She can't explain _anything_ about "her" circuit, she's an ignorant bloviating fool, and her insults and ridiculous claims mean nothing to anyone, except as easy targets to shoot down.

Her cheerleader GMeast can't even think for himself, with all that excrement and homophobia floating around inside his skull.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 16, 2013, 08:28:16 AM
Ainslie claims to "know enough" to produce these "oscillations" in the Quantum single mosfet circuit .... but we have NEVER SEEN HER operate her equipment at all. She always has someone else do it!

I tell you right here and now: She does not "know enough" to do anything more than turning the equipment on, if that much. Over the years, she has damaged her Fluke scope, her LeCroy scope, her Function Generator and her battery cables by her incompetent flailings, as well as blowing a bunch of mosfets. She can't do math and refuses to check her work at all, having made many really utterly STUPID errors that betray her ignorance and naivete when it comes to calculations.

If she claims to "know enough" to do anything... let her demonstrate it!

Let her set up a demonstration, operate the equipment and show that her claims can be supported. Of course she cannot do this, the woman is incompetent at everything except manipulating people.

Note her reference to Glen again. She lies when she says he has tried to hide or cover up _anything_. Glen's entire corpus of work is freely available in the excellent collections he has put up for anyone to see. He includes complete raw data, scopeshots, operating parameters, everything. Long videos of running, even. For Ainslie to claim that Glen has hidden or covered up ANYTHING of his work is an absolute lie and an insult to a careful and honest researcher.
Furthermore... we once again see Ainslie's inability to reason. She endorses Glen's "replication" of "oscillations".... when IN FACT, we (.99 in sims and I in hardware) here have made the IDENTICAL WAVEFORMS that Glen has made and that Ainslie endorsed -- and they are not oscillatory waveforms at all in the same sense as the true parasitic feedback oscillations of the "Q-array" miswired mosfet joke. Yet look at what she says about our work. The ignorant bloviating fool even proudly admits to not watching my videos. No wonder she remains so utterly ignorant... she doesn't even know what she is criticizing!
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 19, 2013, 07:17:02 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLqM7FRMeZ4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLqM7FRMeZ4)

Transcript: (DM = Donovan Martin, RA = Rosemary Ainslie

DM: I effectively mm mm met Rosemary in about 2000, round about then, and at that time the instrument that was available was the (unintelligible), a, it's not here today, it's one with a real wound element is effectively roughly as I recall 8 winds, in fact, just to digress it's the one in Quantum magazine, the referenced there (?).
And um effectively what it was it was a wound coil around this ceramic core with a platinum-based thermocouple ahm, mounted in the center. The objective behind the test was simply not to scrutinize measurements. That's a matter of  opinion always. That's always easy to argue measurements on the scope, from one scope to another, one can argue for days and years to come. Ahm, knowing that, ahm, I think what Rose has been trying to achieve, up to, to now was ah to show some of the waveforms which at times obviously could be very difficult. Because of the simplicity of the circuit, makes it very difficult to obviously _achieve_ certain fine settings. And ahm, going back, back in history what was done back then  was simply a Joule test, and of course Joules doesn't lie. Ahm, there was a control circuit, I'm sure everyone actually, watching (unintel) moment is probably aware of what was done... there was a Control, and then there was the actual Apparatus that was tested against the Control. And in every single instance it outperformed the control by Days. And this obviously was monitored (?) recorded by our local CSIR, and of course BP, and I think it's actually made mention, (unintelligible) I happened to witness the original test at the time as well.
Now the Apparatus has left for California many years ago, and never returned, unfortunately. Now you can take my word on that. (?) ABB Labs, and ahm (unintelligible) up to today, no word, other than the three scientists who originally ah, witnessed the test, and vetted the results were fired two-three months therafter.
So. In the interim there was a second device, which was built, because one was wont to do that. Ahm, the device again was tested, um, at this point, interest was lost. In, in this particular device. Um, to the point where BP actually offered a bursary through our local university

RA: (Hisses) SASOL

DM: Er, SASOL rather. Ahm, offered us bursaries, (to take it?) further. No one unfortunately came to the fore, to take up the challenge. And it's been ahm, it's been a passion of Rosemary's since then. Remember, for her it's not about the electrical circuits, it's about her Field Model, in terms of what she's trying to achieve ...
(end transcript)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 19, 2013, 08:17:08 PM
Well, that pretty much clears everything up...NOT!  I think this proves that none of them know what they are talking about.  As most of us should have learned as little children, if you tell so many lies, it is very difficult to keep up with them...much easier to tell the truth.

Now she is insulting Groundloop?  He has been nothing but helpful in any posting I have ever read of his, and I have read many of them.  His suggestions had nothing to do with her circuit(s) yet she tries to use this to distract from the fact that her many variations of her circuits do not work.  Sure, blame Groundloop.

Little Miss Mosfet should stick to her curds and whey and stop insulting a lot of good, smart, hardworking folks on this and other forums.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on September 20, 2013, 03:24:37 AM
Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Her memory is also conveniently short - or - perhaps her claim that she doesn't read responses is true.  Her latest post:

Where among a slew of nonsense he also states...

Note her reference to Glen again. She lies when she says he has tried to hide or cover up _anything_. Glen's entire corpus of work is freely available in the excellent collections he has put up for anyone to see. He includes complete raw data, scopeshots, operating parameters, everything. Long videos of running, even. For Ainslie to claim that Glen has hidden or covered up ANYTHING of his work is an absolute lie and an insult to a careful and honest researcher.

Perhaps, dear reader, you could take the trouble to check this Scribd link for yourself.  http://www.scribd.com/doc/23455916/Open-Source-Evaluation-of-Power-Transients-Generated-to-Improve-Performance-Coefficient-of-Resistive-Heating-Systems

This was the paper published by open source collaborators where I was nominated 'first author'.  Scroll down to the data that was published in support of the argument.  Then tell me what data you actually see.  From where I sit I see repeated reference to the statement ... 'Sorry.This person moved or deleted this image'. The same thing from Test 1 through to 13?  I think it is?

If that is our Little Pickle's best sample of Glen Lettenmaier's  'complete raw data, scopeshots, operating parameters, everything' ... then it falls rather short of LITTLE pickle's further statement that 'For Ainslie to claim that Glen has hidden or covered up ANYTHING of his work is an absolute lie and an insult to a careful and honest researcher' begs a certain want of EVIDENCE.  I can PROVE that he's removed his data.  LITTLE TK can only ALLEGE that he has not. 

And conveniently forgotten, from her own forum:


I already had posted this in your "debunking" thread, but I guess it should be here as well since it is about Glen's results:

- The IEEE submission at scribd:

- The Panacea compilation:

- Glen's livestream site with links:

- Glen's skydrive site with all the test data etc.:

So as you can see Rose, all the results from all of Glen's tests are readily available to anyone. It took some sleuthing on my part to find Glen's cache (which he ended up giving me anyway), which I found on my own from a post of yours on EF actually.

Click on the last link above and you can directly download Glen's results from test #13 (or any other)...

As poynt99 says all Glens result are available to anyone.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 20, 2013, 01:15:33 PM
Tseak , as the troll queen Ainslie says,
QuoteLet me see if I can explain this in words of one syllable - or as few as is possible.  Maybe that way you'll understand me better.

All of Glen's results are, as you pointed out, available at his Skydrive site and others. Every bit of his data, including spreadsheets, is there.

Unfortunately for the idiot troll queen Ainslie... they are in .zip folders, and SHE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO HANDLE THEM.

;D ;D ;D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

This is equivalent to receiving a letter in the mail and not being able to figure out how to open the envelope. Par for the course! Ainslie blames the sender for using an envelope she doesn't know how to open. The Troll Queen insists on remaining ignorant, blaming others for her ignorance, and then lying about it. She claims Glen's data is unavailable.... and it is unavailable TO HER because she refuses to correct her own willfull ignorance. But everybody else with a computer on the planet can Google "zip files" and know, in ten minutes, how to deal with them. Not Ainslie! She prefers to persist in her delusional lying fantasy that Glen is trying to hide something! When it is perfectly clear to everyone that he is not.

Glen (FuzzyTomCat) removed his data from the fraudulent Scribd manuscript because he knows that Ainslie's claims are false!

Now... aren't you understanding Ains-lie a LITTLE better now? Once again, she has made post after post of lying allegations, challenging me to provide evidence WHICH I HAVE ALREADY PROVIDED several times. Will she admit she has been ONCE AGAIN PROVEN UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY WRONG in her ridiculous claims and allegations? Of course not, she's way too LITTLE a person for that, she will simply continue on insulting and lying with every post she makes.

Hey AINSLIE.... are you having a LITTLE trouble understanding what the word PUBLIC means?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 20, 2013, 03:18:44 PM
Here are some more images that might allow one to understand Rosemary Ains-lie a LITTLE better:
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Magluvin on September 20, 2013, 10:52:44 PM
Lol. I cant believe she is speculating that TK 'faked' debunking Mylow.  Mylow had motors under the couch cushions in the background. Mylow stood up on the table that his motor was running on while filming and very noticeably steps over, where the fishing line was found much later. In fact TK had suggested that Mylow was 'possibly using fishing line and did a demonstration of how invisible it could be on a YT vid. But to the trained eye, it was others that examined the videos using programs that enhance details, not Tk.

And always remember, feed this thread daily, to keep it up on top the page. ;) ;D

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Magluvin on September 20, 2013, 11:05:36 PM
And why would Mylow, the master of the hand, ever punk out so badly and admit to faking it, if he didnt, just because TK 'pressured' him to plead guilty when innocent?? Na, Mylow was a trickster. He can shuffle a shell game on a magazine at a street corner and rake it up any night of the week. He was very good with pointing the camera here n there while pushing the rotor with the other hand out of view. For the average Joe, yeah, he had them fooled. Even after the bunk and admission, he came back and still had followers. I remember a lot about all that. What a mess he was. But I tell ya, He put up a good fight to protect his fakeness. lol What a character he was. Almost likable, except for all the deception. Couldnt trust a word. Nada. That went on for months. Second longest to Rose I believe. At least top 5.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 21, 2013, 12:05:56 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on September 20, 2013, 11:05:36 PM
And why would Mylow, the master of the hand, ever punk out so badly and admit to faking it, if he didnt, just because TK 'pressured' him to plead guilty when innocent?? Na, Mylow was a trickster. He can shuffle a shell game on a magazine at a street corner and rake it up any night of the week. He was very good with pointing the camera here n there while pushing the rotor with the other hand out of view. For the average Joe, yeah, he had them fooled. Even after the bunk and admission, he came back and still had followers. I remember a lot about all that. What a mess he was. But I tell ya, He put up a good fight to protect his fakeness. lol What a character he was. Almost likable, except for all the deception. Couldnt trust a word. Nada. That went on for months. Second longest to Rose I believe. At least top 5.


Yes, and even after the debunking, Sterling stood behind Mylow and called all of us that did not believe idiots.  Then came the MIB that made Mylow stop posting.  Sure, whatever.

I think Rose is worse than Mylow.  I have no idea how she can sleep at night.  It is surprising that Sterling is no longer backing her.  Now she trashes him as well as the rest of us.  Oh well.

There is reality, and then there is Rose.  You decide.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Magluvin on September 21, 2013, 12:35:50 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on September 21, 2013, 12:05:56 AM
Yes, and even after the debunking, Sterling stood behind Mylow and called all of us that did not believe idiots.  Then came the MIB that made Mylow stop posting.  Sure, whatever.

I think Rose is worse than Mylow.  I have no idea how she can sleep at night.  It is surprising that Sterling is no longer backing her.  Now she trashes him as well as the rest of us.  Oh well.

There is reality, and then there is Rose.  You decide.


Yeah, but he is in the top 5. ;]

Ya know, If I went into a bank looking for a job, and claimed to be an expert enough to write new rules in the game of banking, got hired, said I was going to do this that and the other, but the bank soon finds out that I could not do what I said I could do, and they told me I wasnt as good as I said I was, well then I could just tell them that Im not very good at math or counting, cant see just about anything, and my memory isnt squat, and harass people at work almost every day of the week, I think they would keep me around for the big job and endure my incompetence. Because it the right thing to do.  lol

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 21, 2013, 12:51:18 AM
There is a big difference between Ainslie and Mylow. He was a conscious and cynical fraudster. He may have believed in Howard Johnson but he knew full well that his own motors didn't work and couldn't work. Ainslie is different: she truly believes in her "thesis" and has constructed an entire delusional system around it. This causes her to distort reality and do whatever she feels necessary to promote the "thesis" including the lying and insulting and all the rest. Mylow was bad but sane. Ainslie is bad, and in the grips of a profound delusion. In addition she is too arrogant to educate herself properly, believing that she knows enough already, even though her "knowledge" is faulty. Mylow deliberately constructed a fraudulent apparatus with hidden parts (the motor and line); Ainslie fraudulently tests and represents results from a real apparatus that is replicable, in spite of her attempts at deliberate obfuscation and her blundering. Mylow was a fake, a conman, with a great career ahead of him in marketing or law enforcement. Ainslie is just a naive old fool with an overbearing manner, with nothing ahead of her but more failures and refutations of her silly claims.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: minnie on September 21, 2013, 03:48:53 AM
    Ainslie is ignorant, I just looked up the word in my dictionary and she's an exact match.
Mylow was fraudulent which is quite a different thing. Some fraudulent people are achievers
because they go on to the next scam.
  Ignorant people don't get anywhere because they don't listen to others, study the facts
and just go on thinking they know it all.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 21, 2013, 11:59:07 AM

I get it now.  Rose has discovered a path to OU by utilizing the Reality Distortion Field.  I wonder if she can patent this?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: powercat on September 21, 2013, 12:55:25 PM
Rosemary has forgotten a very important part of her circuit, one of these needs to be fitted.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T9w6htMEpY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T9w6htMEpY)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 24, 2013, 03:48:28 AM
Lost? Forgotten? Patented? 


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on September 27, 2013, 10:22:54 AM
Well, here it is almost the end of September and Ainslie still has produced absolutely no evidence for any of her claims. Perhaps she thinks the trail of confusion she has laid down will distract from the FACT that her claims are bogus and have no evidence whatsoever to support them.

Nor will she commit herself to endorsing any waveforms as being the "correct" ones to produce the effects she claims. How very convenient! She can't show any evidence of her own claims, no waveforms that "work", but she is sure that anyone NOT producing her claimed effect is therefore using the wrong waveform.

But wait.... in the IEEE and IET submissions, which according to Ainslie were checked and reproduced by Donovan Martin Himself, the waveforms are specified. They are GLEN's waveforms, shown in the links to Glen's work above, and reproduced by Poynt99 in simulation and by ME in hardware, using the circuit that GLEN used at the operating parameters that GLEN discovered and that Ainslie endorsed. But of course, now that people are once again ready to examine those claims, and have the Demo Kit 1 box _actual schematic_, thanks again to a third party Steve Weir, no thanks to Ainslie, she rejects Glen's work and the waveforms she formerly endorsed. And of course she does this without providing any evidence, any waveforms of her "own".

Whatever, dude. Those of us who _can_, are still _doing_, and are ready to test Ainslie's claims again, whenever she can actually get it together to state what they are: A specified circuit, operating at specified parameters, producing a specified effect. Not some lying conglomeration of delusional fantasy, false schematics, references to fifteen year old "vetting" with no documentation, and broken promises to share data.

In the image below, you can see my current test setup. This uses a NE555N timer in the _exact_ timer circuit that SWeir determined from Ainslie's recent photos of the "lost" apparatus containing the chip made in 2007. I am using the same make and model of "off" time control potentiometer, a 10-turn Spectrol 50k wirewound pot, and I am using the IRFP450 mosfet that ACTUALLY appears in the "Demo Kit 1" box rather than the IRFPG50 that Ainslie has ALWAYS claimed they used. I even found a turn-counting dial for the potentiometer, so that precise settings can be reproduced, just like on Ainslie's Demo Kit 1 box from the garden path... er, shed.

The load is an 11-ohm load made from the nichrome wire ripped out of a blow-dryer. The test board has positions for added inductance in the load side of the mosfet and it has the Gate potentiometer which was apparently not used in Ainslie's box, again in spite of the claims made. I have found that this pot is generally turned all the way to minimum resistance for the effects that I like: good fast cap charging from MY external diode syphon system. You can see the diode, the ultrafast MUR1560, attached to the bottom leg of the load, with the line leading off leftwards to the cap-neon-system to dump the spike power back to the battery (out of view to the left.) The IRFP450 works better: it charges the cap faster, than the IRFPG50 at the same timer settings. I've put a little inductance (the brown thing with the white dot) in series with the Gate leg to simulate the rat's nest inductance in the box. Is this really  necessary? I dunno.

The NE555N timer circuit makes a fixed "on" time that is a short HI pulse, and the potentiometer varies the "off" time, thus varying frequency and duty cycle simultaneously. They cannot be independently controlled by the Demo Kit 1 circuit. I've left in the "Secret of DPDT" on the board, but for this set of demonstrations the switch is in the "Q17" mode, that is, not inverting, since the actual pulse output of the timer circuit does make a short HI duty cycle. Again, in stark contrast to the originally published and still uncorrected Quantum magazine article circuit.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on December 07, 2013, 01:20:31 AM
Well, just as I predicted, Ainslie is attempting to "retract" her earlier fake retraction of the two daft manuscripts which contain DOCUMENTED and PROVEN falsified data, along with all the other major nonsense they contain.

She forgets, as is typical, that she cannot reproduce the data in the manuscripts, such as the famous Figure 3 scopeshot upon which the outrageously hilarious OU conclusions are based. She also forgets that the manuscripts contain conflicting schematics and that they both lie about the actual circuit used. She also ignores the fact that even her colleague Donovan Martin has been caught in misrepresentations and outright lies on Ainslie's behalf. None of this prevents her from making her continuing claims without presenting a shred of credible evidence. She continues to lie about me, as well. In short, the Ainslie comedy continues. The goalposts keep moving, the claims mutate, the excuses and rationalizations, the insane theorizing, all continue apace, but what you will never see from Ainslie and her collaborators is an honest, repeatable set of experiments using proper measurement and analysis methodology.

She knows better now, than to publish actual schematics or real data!
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on December 07, 2013, 10:30:19 AM
Just when Rose thought you were down for the count. ;)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: markdansie on December 07, 2013, 03:23:07 PM
TK Check you PM
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on December 22, 2013, 02:52:30 AM
Well.... I see the lying Ainslie is back at it in full form.

QuoteIt seems that our Little TK is sinking down to the very bottom of his own pickle barrel.  You will recall that he based his ENTIRE refutation of our Quantum paper on the CERTAINTY that we had inverted our duty cycle - that we were running at a 10 percent OFF / 90 percent ON.

That's a clear, outrageous and outright lie. The circuit published in the Quantum article has been analyzed fully and CANNOT make the claimed duty cycle. Further, the "found" apparatus does not even contain anything like the same circuit published in the article and doesn't operate anywhere near the same frequency range. This has been proven over and over again. Ainslie is true to her lying form here once again.

QuoteHe certainly convinced the most of those members on OU.com - which speaks to the efficacy of pure REPETITION of an allegation.  Clearly all that's needed is to say something often enough for it to be believed. 

No, all that was needed was for anyone to build and test the circuit... which they did, and found that I am correct and that Ainslie lies. Everything I say is supported by demonstrations that are repeatable by anyone, and by outside references and images provided by Ainslie herself.

BUT.  That allegation was finally contradicted by the evidence. By a miracle of good fortune we found our original apparatus.

The apparatus that Ainslie and her dupe Donovan Martin both repeatedly lied about when they said it was "lost." The apparatus that contains a chip that was manufactured well after the date of the Quantum article. The apparatus that does NOT contain the circuit published in the Quantum article but an entirely different circuit. The apparatus, in short, that Ainslie continues to lie about to this day.

QuoteAnd Steve Weir did the required analysis to PROVE that we could and did have the capability of tuning to less than 10% on AS WE CLAIMED - IN THAT PAPER. 

On the contrary, lying troll Ainslie. Steve Weir analyzed the circuit from the photos and showed that it WAS NOTHING LIKE the circuit in the Quantum article, and cannot produce the FREQUENCY that is claimed in the Quantum article, but operates at a much higher frequency. It also contains a chip with a manufacturer's date code that PROVES that it could not have been used at the time of the Quantum article. The entire statement of Ainslie concerning Weir's findings and the "found" apparatus is a total lie.

QuoteThis ENTIRELY negates his BEST argument.

On the contrary, Ainslie: the photos and Weir's reverse-engineering PROVE my argument: the found apparatus IS NOT the circuit claimed in the article and WAS NOT used in the experiment described. This is INCONTROVERTIBLE; the photos clearly prove my point here and show that Ainslie continues to lie baldly and without compunction.

QuoteHis other arguments are too varied and confusing to follow. 
For an uneducated overweeningly arrogant fool as Ainslie, no doubt. But others follow and agree with my arguments.

QuoteThe bulk of them claim is that I ...LIE.  Which is CLEARLY just a case of gross projection.

No, Ainslie. Your lies have been documented over and over and over again, from the "I did not post that video" lie to the "taking water to boil" lie, to the lies about the true schematic used for the "papers"... and on and on. Your lies are manifold... and documented.

QuoteHis own facility in the art of deception - his MENDACITY, which is his preferred term - is EXTRAORDINARY.  It shows a flair for innovation which, one hopes, would at least have secured him SOME kind of financial compensation.
Ainslie cannot point to a single instance of my "mendacity". She accuses without a shred of evidence. Whereas, I have documented references and images of many many lies that have been uttered by her and have shown them many times in this and other threads.

QuoteThe more clumsy of those efforts are those that make miniscule variations to the posts that he CLAIMS are COPIES of my own posts and that they're needed FOR POSTERITY?  Lest I alter them?  He even invented a couple of posts and CLAIMED that I authored them.

Another outright and egregious libellous LIE. The images I have made of Ainslie's posts are done with the specific intent of preserving her utterances, since she is WELL KNOWN to go back and change or remove her posts, editing meanings, long after the originals are made. The accusations that I have made up or edited any of these images of Ainslie's posts are simply more of her ridiculous and unsupported lies.

QuoteGod forbid that I ever use such clumsy language.  In any event,  I think he meant to say that those copious posts were needed for his own PROSPERITY.  But it's all backfired.  I was told that his disappearance from the forums is because he's terminally ill.  Frankly I doubt this.  I think he's been retrenched because he's blown his cover and can no longer enjoy that duplicitous technique.  And since life itself begs a kind of 'terminal' condition - then I'm not inclined to waste sympathy on him.  I too feel that I'm aging at speed - at a terminal velocity.  Which is why I am working this hard to expose those 'techniques' of troll spin.

And it goes on. The Troll Queen cannot provide any evidence or support for her lying allegations.

QuotePoynty - to his credit - tried an intellectual approach.  He firstly recommended that it would be good enough to use the measurements of a standard digital multimeter.  He STRONGLY urged all and sundry to RELY on the average - and OVERLOOK the fact that these instruments CANNOT POSSIBLY GIVE AN ACCURATE VALUE OF ANYTHING SWITCHING AT THE SPEEDS OF OUR SWITCHES NOR THEIR RESULTING OSCILLATIONS.  It was one way of both FUDGING the results AND invalidating them as dependable value by any EXPERT in the field. With this kind of heavily flawed evidence, there was no one who mattered who would EVER take any over unity claims seriously.  Which makes it a SCOOP of no mean dimension.

THEN.  He DUPED me into retracting our own over unity claim in PAPERS 1 & 2 - by showing that the advantages that we were measuring were most CERTAINLY NOT recharging the batteries.  He was absolutely CORRECT.  BUT.  AGAIN.  I was too precipitous with my retraction.  The questions related to that self-perpetuating number teased my mind.  Eventually I did my own detailed analysis and found that INDEED - the advantage did NOT go through the battery.  But it most CERTAINLY was evident in the heat over the element resistor.  It was just that the resonance simply moved backwards and forwards through the resistor without EVER going through the battery.  Suddenly we had both the explanation for that anomalous heat signature as well as an explanation for the discharge of the battery - albeit at a rate that generated an efficiency in EXCESS of the battery's watt hour rating. 

How ridiculous can you get? Ainslie and her "team" of sycophants showed over and over their incompetence, their ignorance, and their inability to reproduce their own FALSIFIED data when being observed. Now she claims falsely that she was "duped" when what really happened is that she finally encountered someone who knows what they are doing and agreed to work with him in public.

Poynt99's clear explanation of Ainslie's circuit and the measurement issues is documented in a series of videos, that I have gathered into a playlist on my YT channel.

Ainslie's own demonstrations proved that there is NO "anomalous heat signature" and that the power supplied by the battery exceeded the power dissipated by the load resistor. This is clearly documented in the video of the most recent demonstration, also available in a playlist on my YT channel.


Ainslie refers to the papers that contain false schematics that were never used in the experiment. The papers that contain clearly fabricated data, scopeshots that are impossible under the claimed conditions, and wild claims about experimental conditions that never actually happened. The data that cannot be reproduced under the conditions stated in the paper. The paper that contains a wild and ridiculous "thesis" that has no correspondence with reality and is nothing more than an ignorant mismash fantasy cartoon delusion... and doesn't even correspond to the actual circuit used when it tries to explain it!

The mind boggles at the very thought of it.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 22, 2013, 09:42:51 AM
So, she has retracted the retraction?

I don't think we even have a word that covers this do we?  Re-retraction? Unretraction?  Retractionous interuptus?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on December 22, 2013, 11:06:22 AM
How about "de-retracted" or "disretraction"?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on December 22, 2013, 06:08:02 PM
How about "Pseudoscientific misconduct"?

The "papers" contain fabricated, false data. The Figure 3 scopeshot and others are presented as valid and significant, but as we all know, they cannot be obtained under the conditions stated. If an "error" was made in the original collection, it must have been identified and corrected because subsequent scopeshots indicate no similar problems. Yet the bogus data remains in the papers: therefore this constitutes a deliberate fabrication of data in order to give appearance of support to the main claims. Other scopeshots showing more plausible data sets are egregiously misinterpreted by Ainslie in the papers, for example where she claims no current is indicated in a particular trace, when there clearly is, and she draws conclusions based on her false interpretations. This also constitutes fabrication.

The "papers" contain false claims about the schematic used: they misrepresent the location of the Function Generator Black or "ground" output lead, a significant fabrication which disguises the fact that the true location used by the experimenters allows a current path to bypass the Current Sense Resistor, thus invalidating all power measurements using data from this resistor. The location given in the schematics was never actually used by Ainslie or her "team", not even in the most recent video demonstration.  Furthermore, the two "official publications" of the papers, really just blog posts on Rossi's vanity blog, do not even agree that much: they have the positions of the Q1 and Q2 transistors in different locations, a highly significant difference. Other versions of these manuscripts (there are several) have this "error" edited away without comment, as well as having other significant alterations. All versions that I can find still contain the lie about the location of the FG black lead, however.

The "papers" contain false claims about the results of the described experiment: the batteries did in fact measurably discharge over the course of the trials, as evidenced by Ainslie's own data, and the experiment never actually boiled water in any quantity.

All of this is fully documented and can be verified by anyone, using Ainslie's own data, blog and forum posts, and scopeshots. The utter abject failure of Ainslie's "team" to reproduce the data in the video demo last August, coupled with the clear power measurements which showed far more battery power drawn than was dissipated "over the element resistor", are preserved for posterity and can be viewed in the playlist on my channel.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 03, 2014, 03:26:01 AM
The lying Queen of Trolls just won't quit.

QuoteOk Guys - here's the problem as it relates to our Quantum Paper - October 2002.  Correctly anyone who claims over unity results needs to have some kind of credibility in support of that claim.  Our own were impeccable - resting as they did - and DO - on the measured evidence.  Sadly a condition to publication was the required OMISSION of 2/3rds of that measured data.  This compromised the claim - as was intended by Professor Jandrel who reviewed that paper.

No evidence for this "omission" is presented. No data, just more claims without support. If Ainslie claims to have more data... what is preventing her from posting it NOW? Only the FACT that it actually does not exist.
And we should remember that one of our present posters is also from South Africa and even works with Professor Jandrell. The good professor may not like to hear how Ainslie is distorting his role in the matter.

QuoteThe second compromise came from Tinsel Koala was widely acclaimed as the 'debunker' of Mylow's proof of over unity.  In as much as he has FALSELY debunked our own experimental evidence - I'm entirely satisfied that he also FALSELY debunked Mylow's claim.  I do not care - one whit - that Mylow may or may not have admitted some fraudulent representations.  Had I been as weak as TK clearly 'hoped' then I too would have withdrawn the claim and admitted anything that he required.  It is inordinately difficult to 'fight one's corner' when put under the kind of attack that I have been subjected to by him and by many other players on the internet.  Thankfully I was equal to that nonsense.  Sadly Mylow was not.

MyLOW was an admitted fraud. Yes, I was INDEED the first one to DEMONSTRATE what others had found by careful analysis of Mylow's videos, that he was using a fishing line drive belt and a remote motor, and Mylow himself even posted an ADMISSION on my YT video illustrating his method of fakery. This is all on record, in places where Ainslie cannot change or alter the FACTS of the matter. There are many witnesses to this affair of Mylow and the lies he promulgated and their debunking. Mylow, LIKE AINSLIE, also suborned others to lie for him in his cheating fraudulent vain attempt at glory and attention.
But MYLOW at least had the integrity finally to admit that he was lying. Ainslie, even when confronted by incontrovertible evidence of her falsehoods and mendacity... persists in her lies and delusions, as we all can see with this present set of verbiage from Ainslie. She has no integrity or honesty at all, not even as much as Mylow. No shame either, since she has been found out, over and over, but still won't admit her lies and errors.
Ainslie accuses me of "falsely debunking" Mylow? What a joke! What part of my debunk of Mylow was in any way "false"? Did Mylow actually have a working HJ motor? Of course he DID NOT. Did he use any of the several possible methods I illustrated in my debunks? Of course he DID. Did he finally admit, in public for all to see, that I was RIGHT? Of course he DID.
As usual Ainslie cannot support any of her libels against me with actual facts, actual references or links to anything that supports her absurd contentions. And as usual, I CAN support ALL of my claims with facts, demonstrations, checkable references and the work of colleagues. My debunk of her claims is also preserved in many videos, all of which contain enough information for anyone to repeat them to see if they are "false" as Ainslie accuses, or not. Where are the "debunks" of my videos illustrating the problems with Ainslie and her claims? Nowhere. Ainslie's August demonstration in fact SOUNDLY SUPPORTED my debunks, especially showing how the Figure 3 scopeshot could not be made as Ainslie claimed.

QuoteIn any event - TK came in on the CLAIM that we had inverted our duty cycle.  He claimed that we were running the duty cylce at a 90% ON and not 10%.  He further claimed that this was evident in the schematic.  Which was nonsense.

Now you are tangling yourself up, AINSLIE. You don't seem to realize that the Quantum circuit AS YOU PUBLISHED IT can be built and tested by anyone, and they all find the same thing: it CANNOT make the duty cycle you claimed to use. Simple as that: it cannot. It CAN however produce the exact inverse duty cycle, that is a 3.7 percent OFF duty cycle.... and you, AINSLIE, have demonstrated many times that you STILL cannot grasp the FACT that the DRAIN of the mosfet will be AT BATTERY VOLTAGE... that is, HIGH.... when the mosfet is OFF. Hence your continuing confusion about the duty cycle produced by the Quantum Magazine circuit. Anyone can build and test that circuit for themselves and see that it DOES NOT and CANNOT produce the duty cycle you claimed in the paper. So either the schematic is right .... meaning that the article LIES because it could not have used the 3.7 percent ON dutycycle claimed ... or that the data was gathered using a different circuit--- meaning that the article LIES. Either way, the Quantum article is a compendium of error and lies and it's no wonder that nobody pays any attention to it any more. Any reference to the circuit Steve Weir analyzed as being related to the Quantum Magazine article schematic is also an abject LIE on the part of Ainslie, because that circuit was not even built at the time of the Quantum work, it contains different components and can't operate at the frequency claimed in the article.

QuoteA certain Joost - an experimentalist - replicated that circuit from the schematic and found NO inversion.  But this made no difference.  TK held to that claim and persisted with it for the entire 3 years that he's dogged my representations on the internet in his efforts to discredit our work.

His name, I believe, was Joit, not "Joost", and he finally acknowledged that I AM RIGHT, as have everyone else who built and tested that circuit, EVEN GMEAST. The schematic exists, still, and anyone can build it for themselves and see that I am STILL RIGHT. Go ahead, Ainslie.... have anyone you like build and test THAT CIRCUIT and publish the results. You will not..... because it will expose you ONCE AGAIN as an abject and incompetent LIAR.

QuoteThankfully - as you're all aware - we were able discount this nonsense when Steve Weir did a detailed analysis on our actual apparatus.  Here he conclusively proved that we could reduce the on time for up to 5% of each duty cycle - AS CLAIMED - and AS DENIED, for all those years - by our Little TK.

Now you are really lying, Ainslie, in such an obvious manner that it is surprising even to me. The depths of your attempted duplicity are amazing. The circuit that Steve Weir analyzed WAS NOT THE QUANTUM MAGAZINE CIRCUIT. What is more, the photos of the circuit Weir analyzed PROVE CONCLUSIVELY that it was NOT the circuit used for the Quantum article! It contains a chip that was manufactured in 2007! It is, in fact, GREG LETTENMEIER's circuit and operates at a frequency MUCH MUCH HIGHER than the Quantum magazine circuit. The circuit Weir analyzed uses a different mosfet, only a single adjustable potentiometer, and cannot make the combination of duty cycle and frequency that the ORIGINAL QUANTUM MAGAZINE ARTICLE claims was used for the data in that article. Steve and others HAVE INDEED analyzed the original Quantum Magazine article circuit as well and they AGREE WITH ME about that circuit: it cannot make the duty cycle claimed with the component values stated.
QuoteWhat's significant and rather sad - is that TK does NOT have the required INTEGRITY to admit this.  He dare not.  Because the minute any such admission is made then with it would be the required acknowledgement of results that are MEASURED to exceed unity.  That elusive barrier that - as a result of his hard fought efforts - still remains largely unacknowledged anywhere in the world.

Unless and until TK can make an open acknowledgement that his initial representations related to that duty cycle inversion were quite simply WRONG - then anything that he says further - on this subject - is of NO CONSEQUENCE.

Ainslie really takes the cake. She is pointing to a blue sky and screaming that it is green. Anyone can see that she is lying! She isn't even doing a good job of it, because the circuit exists and has been built and tested many times by many people.  Nobody really knows just what duty cycle she might have used, but what is ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN is that the schematic published in the article cannot make the duty cycle she claimed to use. This is incontrovertible and is easily tested BY ANYONE with the skills and apparatus to do so. Go ahead, Ainslie, do it yourself. Get your techs right now to reproduce the EXACT QUANTUM MAGAZINE CIRCUIT and test it. Report the results! Go Ahead! I DARE YOU to do it. Just like your whining for over a year that the Figure 3 scopeshots were honest and reproducible easily.... you lie and your ignorance of your topic is profound. Just as with the Figure 3 fabrication, you and your techs will NOT BE ABLE to produce a 3.7 percent ON duty cycle using the circuit published in the Quantum article. GO AHEAD... .TRY IT YOURSELF, you ignorant troll. You cannot do it, just like you cannot reproduce the Figure 3 scopeshot under the claimed conditions... because it is an outright LIE and a whole-cloth fabrication.

It is therefore NOT surprising that he no longer claims anything at all.  I, for one, am enjoying the fact that he's lost his voice together with this complete destruction of his credibility.  It is of ABSOLUTELY no consequence if there were or were not any major or minor errors in the representations of that duty cycle schematic.  The claim - the essential essence of the claim - rests on the measured evidence.  And any attempt to upend that claim based on such objections are clearly SPURIOUS - and are simply advanced in his efforts to deny the feasibility of defeating those unity barriers. 

Ainslie is utterly laughable. She just said that it doesn't matter whether she is reporting critical features accurately.... but it IS INDEED of great consequence that she LIES and continues to LIE about what she has done and how she did it. Not just the Quantum article is full of lies, but also the later work with the "Q-array" kludge.... lie after documented lie, starting with the schematics and continuing to the fabricated Figure 3 scopeshot and others, going on past the "bring water to boil 700 ml" lie, through the "batteries do not discharge" lie... all of the rest of it, documented and provable fabrications. As far as my "credibility" goes, anyone can test for themselves the work that I do, because it's all documented fully and doesn't need fancy expensive apparatus to do. Most particularly my many videos that demonstrate the various LIES and ERRORs and simple stupidities coming from Ainslie: anyone can repeat them and see that I am correct about what I claim. And I definitely DO STILL MAINTAIN that Ainslie is a liar who gets others to lie for her (Donovan Martin) and I have documented these lies for anyone to see. The Quantum magazine schematic does what I say it does, the "found" circuit that Steve Weir analyzed is NOT the circuit that was in the box for the Quantum magazine trials, the later "papers" are full of fabricated lying "data" and false claims, and Ainslie herself is so tangled up in her own lies that she cannot keep facts straight at all.


You will recall that the reason this experimental evidence was ever required, was to support an eccentric field model - that proposed that all matter was based on a magnetic dipole.  That proposal conforms to the properties required for the Higgs Boson.  The quest from hereon in will be to work with that model rather than waste more time on those experiments which, at their best, are not nearly as usable as is the potential exposed by this model.  However, before this chapter is entirely closed - we'll be running those tests as detailed in our protocol thread.  Then hopefully - we'll work with the argument at the heart of that field model.  I can't wait.  These past 13 years have been a departure that it would really have been better to avoid.  The more so as our academics no longer seem to care about measured evidence.  They prefer their own science which is no longer based on experimental proof.  In any event, the fact is that the potential in these electrical applications are BORING compared to the potential in working with the field directly.

Kindest regards

Ainslie never even heard of a Higgs Boson when she wrote her "field model" which is nothing more than a bunch of deluded ignorant cartoons. She cannot even reproduce her own claimed data when she is being watched to keep her honest.... she proved that amply in August. Her "papers" are full of fabrications and errors and delusions. 

I can hardly wait for Ainslie to produce some more actual data. However, I think she's learned her lesson: any report that is of sufficient quality to allow reproduction will also show, just as in the past, that she is wrong, utterly and completely wrong, and may, in fact, show ONCE AGAIN that she deliberately falsified data and presented it for publication, like the Figure 3 scopeshot (and others.)

I am really getting sick and tired of Ainslie claiming that the Quantum circuit performs as stated in the article, and insulting me over my analysis of it. I AM CORRECT, and this has been proven over and over many times. Now that she is invoking the good name of Steve Weir in an attempt to support her claims and her insults against me..... I am really angry. Steve made no such determination as she claims about the Quantum magazine article; his analysis was of a completely different circuit that could NOT have been used in 2002 since it contains a chip manufactured in 2007. Ainslie lies about and even distorts the meaning of the help she receives, when anyone can check the facts for themselves. How, then, are we to believe ANY of her claims, made without a shred of support, of testing by BP, SASOL, and those other alphabet agencies ten or twelve or fourteen years ago, when they cannot be checked by any means? We cannot and should not believe them, that much is certain.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 03, 2014, 03:41:39 AM
Here's another laughable set of lies and libels, from someone else who cannot get his facts straight.

Where is all this new and expensive equipment I'm supposed to be collecting? GMeast cannot support his claim with facts and references.

Where is an _earlier_ demonstration of Mylow's fishing line drive than mine? Sterling Allen even acknowledged that I was the first "replicator" of Mylow's motor, but he weaseled and wouldn't give me the prize he offered, because my replication wasn't OU. Never mind that I did it the same way as Mylow, that it was a true and precise replication of all the important features, never mind that Mylow's wasn't OU either ....

Yes, some people did video analysis that showed the fishing line in Mylow's vids at about the same time but these weren't demonstrations or replications like I performed, and they were widely challenged by the usual flock of believing sheep. Not until I actually demonstrated that the fishing line drive would work across the room and even around corners did it finally sink in that Mylow was a cynical fraudster.

Again, GMeast cannot support his claims about my role in the Mylow debunk with facts and references.

Neither can he support his claims about his own apparatus with good and properly performed measurements and calorimetry. He is simply emitting his usual verbal flatulence and cannot actually refute me in any regard, nor can he provide incontrovertible support for his own silly claims.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 03, 2014, 08:07:31 AM
The Quantum magazine article clearly states:

QuoteThis article describes the precise circuit, as depicted in Figure 1, that is used to expose this benefit in transient energy.

And the Figure 1 schematic has been given here and elsewhere many times. But as I and many others have proven, over and over, that circuit cannot make the claimed short ON duty cycle. Ainslie whines and moans about this, forgetting that anyone can build it and see for themselves that she is lying, baldly and blatantly, about this circuit's performance.

One may wonder, therefore, why that precise circuit as depicted in Figure 1 was NOT used subsequently, and was instead replaced, sometime AFTER MAY OF 2007, with a completely different circuit, the one that Steve Weir analyzed from the photographs. A completely different circuit that:
1) operates at a much much higher frequency than the original Quantum circuit;
2) contains only a single adjustable potentiometer instead of the two depicted in the "precise circuit" of the Quantum article;
3) contains a DIFFERENT MOSFET, the IRFP450, instead of the very different IRFPG50 that Ainslie has always... ALWAYS.... claimed they used;
4) contains a 555 timer chip manufactured in May of 2007, proving that the circuit in the box could not have been used for any of Ainslie's published or posted data;
5) contains many other components such as chokes and diodes that were never mentioned in any of Ainslie's material;
6) is essentially a "replication" of Glen Lettenmeier's circuit performance parameters.

Indeed one may wonder... or may simply conclude that the more knowledgeable members of Ainslie's "team" knew and understood the problems with the "precise circuit in Figure 1" and chose to use Glen's circuit instead... since it makes waveforms that Ainslie approved at the time.

Ainslie has never adequately explained these discrepancies, instead preferring to libel me and her other critics, but never, NEVER providing any evidence or proof of her ridiculous and indeed insane assertions. For years in this forum she even claimed that the box was LOST, when it in fact was in her possession the entire time, even including her several moves of household. Somebody modified that box after May of 2007.... it was never "lost" at all, that is just another one of her and Martin's lies, constructed so that she could continue with her dog-and-pony show without providing evidence. But now her "finding" of the box has backfired, because the photos show the "smoking gun" of the circuit and the date code on the timer chip.


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 03, 2014, 09:33:12 PM
Is Rose actually claiming that Mylow did indeed have a free energy magnet motor?  Even after he admitted his fakery?  Even after TK and other smart guys here on OU proved it was faked?  I was one of the folks that enhanced a still shot from his video clearly showing the fishing line to the motor on his couch.  Sterling banned me from his site for pointing this out.

So, if she is now claiming that Mylow was not showing fakery, and she is now claiming that her original results were indeed more output than in, what are we to believe?

I know what I believe.  Rose has to be smart enough to know that we all know she is lying right?  What is her point then?

What might happen if Rose hooked her unit up to Mylow's motor?  Would it cause a rift in the space/time continuium?  That might be dangerous.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: gmeast on January 04, 2014, 01:03:24 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 03, 2014, 08:07:31 AM
The Quantum magazine article clearly states:

And the Figure 1 schematic has been given here and elsewhere many times. But as I and many others have proven, over and over, that circuit cannot make the claimed short ON duty cycle. Ainslie whines and moans about this, forgetting that anyone can build it and see for themselves that she is lying, baldly and blatantly, about this circuit's performance.

One may wonder, therefore, why that precise circuit as depicted in Figure 1 was NOT used subsequently, and was instead replaced, sometime AFTER MAY OF 2007, with a completely different circuit, the one that Steve Weir analyzed from the photographs. A completely different circuit that:
1) operates at a much much higher frequency than the original Quantum circuit;
2) contains only a single adjustable potentiometer instead of the two depicted in the "precise circuit" of the Quantum article;
3) contains a DIFFERENT MOSFET, the IRFP450, instead of the very different IRFPG50 that Ainslie has always... ALWAYS.... claimed they used;
4) contains a 555 timer chip manufactured in May of 2007, proving that the circuit in the box could not have been used for any of Ainslie's published or posted data;
5) contains many other components such as chokes and diodes that were never mentioned in any of Ainslie's material;
6) is essentially a "replication" of Glen Lettenmeier's circuit performance parameters.

Indeed one may wonder... or may simply conclude that the more knowledgeable members of Ainslie's "team" knew and understood the problems with the "precise circuit in Figure 1" and chose to use Glen's circuit instead... since it makes waveforms that Ainslie approved at the time.

Ainslie has never adequately explained these discrepancies, instead preferring to libel me and her other critics, but never, NEVER providing any evidence or proof of her ridiculous and indeed insane assertions. For years in this forum she even claimed that the box was LOST, when it in fact was in her possession the entire time, even including her several moves of household. Somebody modified that box after May of 2007.... it was never "lost" at all, that is just another one of her and Martin's lies, constructed so that she could continue with her dog-and-pony show without providing evidence. But now her "finding" of the box has backfired, because the photos show the "smoking gun" of the circuit and the date code on the timer chip.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLqM7FRMeZ4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLqM7FRMeZ4)

OOOOHHHH ... "Date Code". You're my hero sleuth. I can't tell you how much fun it is to watch you go crazy over the nonsense claims and accusations you make. You just get so frenzied ... like you're saving the world or something or made some great discovery. You are insignificant. It's entertaining for sure though. You are truly a psychotic wreck and narcissistic prick. You can just sense your cranial pressure building .... POP! and R.I.P.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 04, 2014, 02:02:25 AM
Oh, so now you are deliberately antagonizing me with insults, in the hope that I will have a cerebral aneurism, POP, and die? Remarkable. Some might call that attempted internet murder!

Never the less, troll sycophant idiot GMeast, the date code is on the chip. This is REALITY. Take a look up above! Do you deny that that is a photograph of the 555 chip that is presently in Ainslie's box? Do you deny that it has the numbers on it that it has? Do you deny that that is a date code? Did you check the reference? I even gave the link to how to decode STMicro date codes. The 555 timer chip was manufactured in May of 2007, there is no doubt about that. And there is absolutely no doubt that the box has been altered! Look at the pictures. It no longer contains the Quantum Magazine circuit, many components are obviously disconnected (and didn't appear at all in the Quantum article's schematic) and it doesn't even use the "right" mosfet. Instead of whining your insulting posts why don't you LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE and explain or refute it if you can. But you cannot.

QuoteHi Guys,

Our Little TK has risen from the dead and is back lurking on his Hate Thread at OU.com.  And being the little fairy that he is, he's parading his usual amateurish sleuthing skills in loud screams that would, typically, be the envy of your average Banshee.  Apparently there's some chip included in our apparatus that was manufactured in 2007.  I have NO idea what the significance of that chip is.  I have never altered nor changed any aspect of that apparatus.  I simply do not have the skill set.  Nor, to the best of my knowledge, has there been any REASON to change anything at all - as we have quite simply not used that demonstration model since 2003.  So.  I challenge the ALLEGATION that this chip was only manufactured in 2007.  If it's true then through a miracle of no mean dimension - it has somehow assimilated itself onto our apparatus.  His authority for this claim is about as comprehensive as his claim that I authored this post. http://www.energy-shiftingparadigms.com/index.php/topic,2311.msg5034.html#msg5034 (http://anonymouse.org/cgi-bin/anon-www.cgi/http://www.energy-shiftingparadigms.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=11862f7a64114b6195683ba2420be01b&/topic,2311.msg5034.html#msg5034)  Effectively I would be more inclined to believe this IF and ONLY IF we had a full report on the subject by that chip manufacturer.  My eyes are not the best but I see too that he interprets an '8' on the last digit?  Not sure that this is right.  BUT.  In either event ... SO WHAT?

Here again Ainslie admits her ignorance and lack of research skills, even though I cited the reference for the date code in the photo analysis above. She pretends to talk about circuitry but cannot even identify a 555 timer chip ON HER OWN PHOTOGRAPH.  She also again LIES BLATANTLY claiming the box was not altered or used since 2003.

SO WHAT? It proves that Ainslie is an abject liar, and ignorant of her topic to boot, that is "so what". A chip that was made in 2007, placed in a circuit to make Glen Lettenmeier's waveforms and frequencies, has nothing to do with the Quantum article of 2002 or the data therein.

QuoteSurely?  The requirement here is to disprove Papers 1, 2 & 3 - on the bases of those claims.  And more to the point - with a presentation that is at least as comprehensive and articulate as is presented in those papers.

This has been done, over and over again. Ainslie refuses to look at the disproofs and refutations, preferring to insult and wheedle and condemn things she has never even examined or thought about seriously. She also refuses to recognize that HER OWN DATA disprove her claims soundly.

QuoteIn effect the call is on them all to do their own draw down tests.  THEN.  PUBLISH THOSE RESULTS.  Sadly and for reasons that entirely elude me - they avoid this like the plague.

Here Ainslie lies again, or perhaps displays her overweening arrogant willfull ignorance and denial of facts again. I have performed, posted and discussed MORE and MORE COMPREHENSIVE drawdown tests than Ainslie ever has. Her ignorance, her willfull ignoring of my work and my data and my video explanations does not make them "go away" or cancel what they contain.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BK4rx01INY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BK4rx01INY)

We have never seen, to this date, ANY DATA on battery drawdowns from Ainslie. None at all. Just claims without any support.

QuoteTK - all of them -  ALL those detractors and disclaimants - employ and enjoy sloppy experimental standards - undefined terminologies - badly constructed circuits with little or no relevance to the circuits under discussion - appalling measurement protocols.

This is incredibly false. Ainslie doesn't know the standard terminology of her topic. The depths of her ignorance are preserved in her own words in many posts. She even thinks a Watt and a Joule are the same thing. As noted above she cannot even identify a 555 timer chip. The famous Box is a rat's nest, as anyone can see from her photos. The 5-mosfet device violates every principle of mosfet amplifier circuit layout and construction. Her "protocols" are childish at best and nonexistent most of the time: she just turns knobs and fiddles about. The circuits I and Poynt99 have examined are the _exact_ circuits that she herself has published, all of them, and other variants, and we have _real data_ on those circuits. The circuits we made produce the _exact_ waveforms that Ainslie herself has posted in her forum posts and manuscripts. Below I will attach her, and then my, versions of the current Box circuit layout, so that the reader may judge and "make up your own damn mind" as to the veracity of Ainslie's current accusations and rants. I will also attach a real graph of real time-temperature data, obtained and presented properly, in stark contrast to Ainslie's silly methods.

QuoteAnd they yet have the temerity to ASSUME that this is adequate for purposes of denial.  And MOST SADLY - it appears that they're right.  NO ONE challenges their authority.  I've said it often.  It is a DISGRACE to science and the quest for discovery. 

And yet not Ainslie, nor anyone else, can refute my analyses or support her claims. The DISGRACE is that Ainslie has returned "from the dead" with her denials of reality and her continuing claims of "overunity" from a vastly INEFFICIENT mosfet circuit.

QuoteWhat is at stake here is the rare proof of measured evidence of Over Unity.  That's a BIG claim.  It needs a skilled and reasoned refutation.  What's been put on the table to counter this is very far from adequate - has very little relevance to science and is promoted by despicable personalities who are compulsively unable to deny their need to bully old women.

Kindest regards

And yet... the results and analyses that we have presented can be repeated by anyone with the skills and equipment. Our results can be solidly confirmed by anyone who tries. But what about Ainslie's? How to go about reproducing the fabricated Figure 3 scopeshot that is at the heart of her "rare proof of measured evidence of Over Unity"? She herself has shown that this scopeshot is false, but she can't even think past that to realize that the claims based on the scopeshot are therefore untenable... and unrepeatable. Ainslie has no conception of what real Science is about, nor does she understand the Scientific Method or scientific communication. She even refuses to learn the standard language of science: mathematics.

Bully old women, what a laugh. Should she be held to some other standard because she's an old woman? I don't think so. First she pretends to be a scientist, then when she is criticised for sloppy work, falsification of data and unsupported, wrong, claims.... she claims to be a bullied old woman. Cue the tiny violins, my heart weeps for her. The record proves that she is an insulting, hypocritical and ignorant internet poster, no matter what her  or age might be. Some of her posts might have been made by a potty mouth 8 year old.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 05, 2014, 12:46:25 AM
You know, it's a funny thing. People -- mostly Ainslie sycophants with no skill, credentials, capabilities or understanding of their own -- want to disrespect me, libel me, complain about my lack of technical knowledge and skills.... yet these same people will not analyze and dissect any of my videos or forum posts, in order to refute me with facts, checkable references or demonstrations of their own. Why not? I know why not: they CANNOT. After all, I always provide enough information for anyone to check my work, and I'm certainly unpopular amongst that crowd. So why don't they do their due diligence, like CHECKING THE DATE CODE on the chip in Ainslie's box for themselves? I know why: when they cannot support their contentions against me, they just wind up looking silly, like GMYeast. But if they don't even _try_ to refute me or provide specific information about what they object to, there's nothing to contend with. They can continue making accusations and claims without evidence... since you can't prove "no evidence" to be wrong.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Grimer on January 05, 2014, 01:48:56 AM
I sympathise TK. I know how it feels.  ;)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 05, 2014, 04:16:57 AM
Quote from: Grimer on January 05, 2014, 01:48:56 AM
I sympathise TK. I know how it feels.  ;)

You must be referring to your water power law work from many years ago, because lately, I'd put you pretty strongly in the "claims without evidence" camp, when you aren't actually in the "supporters of claimants who don't provide evidence" camp next door.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 05, 2014, 05:21:01 AM
I see the whining Ainslie is still trying to insult and denigrate, without actually addressing ANY of the very strong points I've made in my posts or my videos. She also lies about my videos, but after all, by her own admission she doesn't watch them. She is too ignorant to evaluate or even pretend to understand what's going on and she somehow thinks that my demonstrations aren't logical, scientific or organized, or something. What an utter fool she is! I challenge her, ONCE AGAIN, to take any one of my videos and refute it, or tell us just how it's not clear, how it doesn't apply, how it's not scientific. Here, try these ones for example:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_rgB3WlXtU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_rgB3WlXtU)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i0DziLllc0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i0DziLllc0)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vm2ZTDUyyA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vm2ZTDUyyA)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jENARrROGs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jENARrROGs)

Any questions? Do we think Ainslie might benefit from watching videos like these?

And apparently Ainslie believes there is no such thing as a "mosfet", since she seems to think that capitalization of the acronym is necessary. One can cite literally millions of instances in the literature where the lower-case is used. But since she thinks it's so important... there is no such thing as a MOSFET, either, Ainslie troll: the part is a Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor, and if I ever see her refer to it as a MOSFET again, without typing it out fully... I will report her to the Grammar Police (again).

Lol. What a story. Ainslie cannot refute a single point that any of us critics have made -- she cannot even verify a Date Code or hazard a reasonable explanation for it -- so she just lies and insults, over and over again. She has neither the eyesight nor the vision to grasp what's right in front of her face.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 05, 2014, 05:33:50 AM
Compare my video demos to what Ainslie posts as a demonstration, after months of preparation and promises:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9IRONEArVU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9IRONEArVU)

The audio is so bad because the "cameraman" is holding a finger over the cellphone's microphone! How's that for "obfuscation" !!
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: markdansie on January 05, 2014, 06:02:29 AM
I admire rosemary for having a go at a free energy device. However I do not admire her behavior in not accepting the reality she has fallen well short of demonstrating anything that comes close to overunity. The academic world has closed the doors on this and the real problem is the lack of qualifications from an electronics and measurement perspective. I intend to give this no further publicity at conferences or at Revolution_Green.com as it was all over game set and match a few months ago.
Mylow is one of the most famous tricksters claiming a free energy device. TK was among many who early called it what it was which was a fake. He was busted red handed using fishing lines. Many others are now being made accountable through the courts or are serving time like the another South African Mike Brady.
Please do not get all bitter and twisted over this TK as those who criticize you do not count and only have a few of the true believers still following like lost sheep. Anyone with a reasonable amount of electronics or even science experience has long lost interest and quite frankly does not care.
I am called many names, and even a demon by those who try an promote, profit from false free energy claims. Wear the criticisms with a badge of honor, and be proud you are not only true to yourself but speak volumes to the 99% rational population. Its like trying to convert extreme religious factions into believers of another faith. You will never succeed.
I backed of covering Rosemary as she was ill and very few have any faith in her abilities to understand what is really going on. It has been my experience that the poor researchers and the ones that fail only look selectively at data that supports their hypothesis and will not let go even if the smoking gun is staring them in the face
I am sure I will face anotehr public flogging in some irrelevant forums only to further grow my reputation. Just like when Sterling goes of frothing at the mouth about me it just introduces me to a larger audience. So enjoy life and stop bashing your head against the brick wall,. Let Rosemary just fade into the background like the hundreds before her. Let her live in peace with her beliefs and faith.
Kind Regards

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 05, 2014, 06:44:40 AM
Here's a little quiz. True, or false? Anyone can participate, but I request that answers be supported with evidence.

1. The Figure 3 scopeshot cannot be reproduced using the schematic and setup claimed by Ainslie and Donovan Martin in the manuscripts posted under their names. Yet the major claims of the manuscripts depend on conclusions drawn from this and similar -- also non-reproducible, invalid -- scopeshots.

2. The Quantum magazine published schematic cannot produce the short ON time duty cycle claimed in the article.

3. The recently found Quantum magazine apparatus contains a 555 timer chip that was manufactured in May of 2007, along with a different part number mosfet,  and other parts not found in the original schematic.

4. The "box" circuit diagrammed by Steve Weir differs substantially and significantly from the Quantum magazine article circuit, both in performance and construction.

5. Ainslie attempted to cover up the "mistake" that led to the "Q-array" of the 4  miswired mosfets, after the release of her first video demonstration in 2009. She lied about the schematic in use and even told .99 that she wished she could have continued the deception longer. Over 400 forum posts here alone discussed the WRONG CIRCUIT, with her conscious knowledge that she was deceiving everyone.

6. Ainslie repeatedly claimed that she "did not post that video", referring to the video of the first demonstration that she posted to one of her four YouTube accounts.

7. Ainslie and her co-conspirator Donovan Martin both claimed that the apparatus was sent off somewhere and never returned.

8. The postings of the two manuscripts on Rossi's blog contain different schematics purporting to describe the same apparatus. In some other versions the schematics agree with each other... but not with the reality of the apparatus as she used it.

9. Neither of those schematics is actually correct, because Ainslie and her crew always used a different location for the Black FG lead than is shown on those schematics.

10. Ainslie's own data show clearly that her batteries do discharge over the course of several days of experimentation, contrary to her claims.

Hint: I have repeatedly posted references and other proofs that show that each of the above statements is TRUE. Can anyone contradict me by proving that any of them are FALSE?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 05, 2014, 07:02:23 AM
Hi Mark, we crossed posts there.

I would gladly leave her to her peace... but she refuses to cease and desist with her insults and libels against me (and you, and Sterling, and Stefan, and .99, and just about everyone else who has ever criticized her). And she's got a couple of sock-puppet sycophants who parrot her insults and add their own filth to the mix as well. She offended me greatly with many of her libels and her homophobic slurs and her threats, and as long as she persists I will stand up for myself and my work. I will not tolerate people lying about me or misrepresenting my work, even if they are doing it on an obscure and silly blog that contains nothing else of significance. Not only that, I am proud of my expensive education, and I have credentials that I worked hard for and earned at great expense, and my teachers and advisors were people at the top of their fields. Ainslie is an uneducated barbarian who thinks that reading Gary Zukov's popular book constitutes a physics education. I will not sit still for insults and disrespect from overweeningly arrogant and ignorant fools like Ainslie. Besides.... I've got some time on my hands, and it's kind of fun seeing what she comes up with next, how far down her own throat she can stick her foot, like in the August fiasco "demo" of incompetence and ignorance. She learned one lesson then: never give actual data or details, because they _will_ be examined and fabrications will be uncovered. So now we just get claims from her, no data or descriptions at all, and that's all we will be getting in the future.

Thanks for the note, I'm glad you are still watching. Look at it as sport, because that's really all it is. As you note, from a scientific and technical aspect she has been utterly put down, long ago, and all that is left of her "work" and her "thesis" is a twitching mess, full of holes, contradictions, falsehood and fabrications.


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Grimer on January 05, 2014, 08:33:53 AM

Quote from: TinselKoala on January 05, 2014, 04:16:57 AM
You must be referring to your water power law work from many years ago, because lately, I'd put you pretty strongly in the "claims without evidence" camp, when you aren't actually in the "supporters of claimants who don't provide evidence" camp next door.

LOL. Err ... I would prefer you called them hypotheses. After all Avagadro didn't have any evidence and Mendeleev's system wasn't exactly free of holes.

I bet Newlands kicked himself for not having the intestinal fortitude to stick to his guns when he was being mocked and howled down.

Had he done so we would now know it as the Newlands system.

No, I am not referring merely to the discovery of the equations of state for water vapour but my whole body of work both published and unpublished (i.e. internal notes of the Road Research Laboratory, now TRRL and the Building Research Station, now BRE).

One thing we can say about Rosemary. We know who she is. She doesn't hide behind a stupid anagram.

You claim to have all these wonderful qualifications but where is the evidence? You could be a complete bullshitter.

I believe you in spite of the lack of evidence for the same reason I believed Mylow because I believe in trusting people until I am given good reason not to.

Edit: Incidentally , the work on water vapour was done after I retired. I can't recall offhand exactly when but if it were forty years ago I would now be over 100. Though my mother lived to 102 and I hope to emulate her I can assure you that I'm not that old.

Trust me. ;-)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 05, 2014, 12:50:20 PM
Frank, the very real evidence for whatever "qualifications" I have can be found in my posts and my many YT videos. I use YT as my "lab notebook" as well as for instructional and demonstration videos. Anyone can repeat anything I do for themselves; the things I post on this forum can be confirmed and are supported by evidence that is checkable by anyone willing to do the homework. If there is anything I have _ever_ posted, anywhere, that you think is lacking empirical support please point it out to me specifically and I will do my best to correct the omission. When I speculate or hypothesize I hope that I always indicate it clearly, and when I satirize I hope it's obvious, even to you.

Now... let's see if any of that applies to the "known" Rosemary Ainslie. Does it, or not?

The reasons certain people wish to remain anonymous on the internet should be clear to you, Frank. But there are plenty of people reading this post who know exactly who I am, how to reach me, where I live, etc. Just because you don't know me, doesn't mean that I am not known. Ainslie has stalked me off of the internet and on it, by calling and emailing people who she thinks might know me, and she has threatened me, in addition to stating her insane beliefs that I have somehow had something to do with breakins and computer hacking at her walled compound in Cape Town. Do you want a paranoid, unstable, clearly mentally disturbed person with an axe to grind, even one a world away, to know just where YOU live and where you bake your bread?

Why don't you answer the true-false quiz? Don't you need the extra credit? And why do I need to "trust you"? Is there some question about you that I must take on faith, that you can't or won't prove unequivocally? Are you that unreliable that I must be exhorted to "trust you" in order to believe your words? Nobody need "trust" me: they can simply see for themselves. As Gary H. says: Make up your own damn mind.

That gets another rofl.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 05, 2014, 06:21:33 PM
Do you see the kind of pitiful lying she's engaging in now?

1. The Figure 3 scopeshot cannot be reproduced using the schematic and setup claimed by Ainslie and Donovan Martin in the manuscripts posted under their names. Yet the major claims of the manuscripts depend on conclusions drawn from this and similar -- also non-reproducible, invalid -- scopeshots.

QuoteUtter nonsense.  We replicated these PRECISE numbers publicly late last year under the watchful eyes of Steve Weir.

ROFL! Everybody that watched that demonstration knows that Ainslie COULD NOT produce those "precise numbers" at all. This is on PERMANENT RECORD that can be checked by anyone.
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLml9VdOeqKa_6b8yMpkYJHIR7F9ah3-1q (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLml9VdOeqKa_6b8yMpkYJHIR7F9ah3-1q)

2. The Quantum magazine published schematic cannot produce the short ON time duty cycle claimed in the article.
QuotePossibly.  But it's IRRELEVANT.  Who cares?  The actual apparatus has been technically evaluated to do what is claimed.

No, it is not IRRELEVANT that a publication exists with FALSE SCHEMATICS and which makes FALSE CLAIMS about "the precise circuit" used. It is NOT IRRELEVANT that many people tried to reproduce that work, using the published schematic, and wasted many many hours of time and effort doing so. It is also NOT TRUE that the Quantum circuit was "technically evaluated to do what is claimed." Evidence, remember? There exists NO EVIDENCE supporting Ainslie's claim of "technical evaluation" of the Quantum magazine article circuit... except the work that was done by me and many others showing it could NOT produce the claimed duty cycle reported in the article.
The appropriate reference here is the Quantum article itself, where one can see Ainslie claiming that the "precise circuit" must be used to obtain her claimed effects.

3. The recently found Quantum magazine apparatus contains a 555 timer chip that was manufactured in May of 2007, along with a different part number mosfet,  and other parts not found in the original schematic.
QuoteI simply do not believe this and won't.  Not until I see a comment from the manufacturers.  I have changed NOTHING.  I'm not capable.  And there was NO REASON to change anything.  EVER. To the best of my knowledge that apparatus has not been used since 2003.  This is pure fabrication.  Very much in line with those posts that you CLAIMED were authored by me but were your own paltry efforts.  If I can find it I'll post a link.

Ainslie lies when she accuses me of altering ANY of her posts, or claiming something that I wrote was written by her. The link she  pretends to provide goes nowhere, so I have no idea what she is talking about.
And it makes no difference whatever what Ainslie "believes". The chip has the date code that it has, and if Ainslie doesn't believe it... maybe she should do some research on her own to find out. But that is contrary to Ainslie's philosophy.
This statement of hers here is enough, on its own, to condemn Ainslie as a bald-faced liar, overweeningly arrogant and incapable of doing her own research. The STMicro company date codes are available to anyone who searches for them... and it was Steve Weir himself who first gave me the information about that chip's date code, after I asked him about it. I subsequently confirmed the STMicro date code from several other sources. Ainslie is lying, plain and simple, and doesn't even have the integrity to CHECK A REFERENCE which proves that she is doing so.

http://application-notes.digchip.com/005/5-9794.pdf (http://application-notes.digchip.com/005/5-9794.pdf)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 05, 2014, 07:18:38 PM
4. The "box" circuit diagrammed by Steve Weir differs substantially and significantly from the Quantum magazine article circuit, both in performance and construction. 
QuoteThe 'box' was constructed to enable a variety of circuits.  The Quantum article simple published an 'extrapolation' of that circuit used for the Quantum paper.

The Quantum paper specifies "the precise circuit" to be used, in so many words ... but that "precise circuit" is not now in the "box" AT ALL, only remnants of it. The circuit in the "box" now is RADICALLY DIFFERENT from the circuit published under her name and has nothing to do with that earlier circuit... at all. Ainslie simply lies when she claims it does.
The reference here is Steve Weir's reconstruction of the circuit in the box now, and the Quantum article schematic. Look for yourselves. Build and test.... you will see the differences immediately. The circuit in the box NOW doesn't even contain the mosfet part that Ainslie has always specified: IRFPG50, but instead contains the very different IRFP450. Ainslie lies when she claims this box hasn't been altered since 2003, as is PROVEN by her own photographs.

5. Ainslie attempted to cover up the "mistake" that led to the "Q-array" of the 4  miswired mosfets, after the release of her first video demonstration in 2009. She lied about the schematic in use and even told .99 that she wished she could have continued the deception longer. Over 400 forum posts here alone discussed the WRONG CIRCUIT, with her conscious knowledge that she was deceiving everyone. 

QuoteNo 'mistake'.  We attempted to HOLD BACK on a release of the actual circuit until we'd managed academic accreditation of both that circuit and the consequent oscillation.  Our concern was that Glen Lettenmaier and others would try and STEAL authorship as they attempted on our Quantum circuit.  In point of fact our Poynty resolved this dilemma to our entire satisfaction.  After his exposure there would be NONE who would claim it was NOT designed by ourselves.

The FACT that the miswiring was initially an inadvertent mistake is PROVEN by the cartoon diagrams in the second daft manuscript which pretend to explain her "thesis" as it relates to the experimental procedure. The cartoons show the Q1 and Q2 mosfets in STRICT PARALLEL, all sources connected together. Ainslie probably didn't actually realize this "mistake" for some time, perhaps not even until .99 discovered it and revealed it publicly.
The FACT of Ainslie's attempts at cover-up are well known and even acknowledged by her. This is amazing: she lied, mislead and continued to try to do so, long after many people told her that there was something wrong since their replication attempts didn't behave like her scopeshots indicated. She LIED, blatantly and outrageously, for nearly a solid MONTH, over 400 forum posts, discussing the WRONG CIRCUIT. Either she lied at the beginning of that period, or the end, when she claimed to know about it already. These are FACTS and I've provided the references many times. Ainslie made material misrepresentations of the schematic used, and got Donovan Martin to lie for her multiple times.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neME1s-lEZE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neME1s-lEZE)

6. Ainslie repeatedly claimed that she "did not post that video", referring to the video of the first demonstration that she posted to one of her four YouTube accounts. 

QuoteIn all my life - I have NEVER posted any youtube video anywhere at all.  I do not know how it's done.  I rely on others to do this.  It's a failing that I don't usually bring to public attention.

http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAbOZ4AUgzJBbit6Yu_ee-g/videos (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAbOZ4AUgzJBbit6Yu_ee-g/videos)
http://www.youtube.com/user/dooziedont/videos (https://www.youtube.com/user/dooziedont/videos)
http://www.youtube.com/user/aetherevarising (https://www.youtube.com/user/aetherevarising)

Any questions? Here are three of Ainslie's YouTube accounts, with many videos that SHE HERSELF uploaded.  It is of course a VIOLATION of YT's terms of service to let someone else use one's account logins. The earlier demo video, with all the lies and smoking guns, has been removed... also by Ainslie herself... but still exists on my channel for anyone to view. Check the location of the Black FG lead in that video, and you will see another one of Ainslie's lies... because it is at the Common Battery Negative, as it is in every other available photo of any of Ainslie's apparatuses.

7. Ainslie and her co-conspirator Donovan Martin both claimed that the apparatus was sent off somewhere and never returned.
QuoteNo idea what you're on about.  We had a second demo set made as a duplicate of our own - which was shipped to ABB Research in North Carolina - for Colin Bowler.  THAT was the kit that was NEVER RETURNED AND FOREVER LOST.  Our own apparatus was first lost and then FOUND.

Where is the evidence for these claims? Nowhere. Not a shipping receipt, not a photo, nothing. We only have the word of a PROVEN LIAR that any of this ever happened. We have Ainslie claiming that the apparatus was LOST since 2003.... but it has been altered at least twice, the latest time sometime AFTER May of 2007. This is proven beyond doubt by the photographs of the contents of the box, and Ainslie's own admission that she sent some components of the box to Aaron and/or Ashtweth for their own researches... sometime around 2009.

8. The postings of the two manuscripts on Rossi's blog contain different schematics purporting to describe the same apparatus. In some other versions the schematics agree with each other... but not with the reality of the apparatus as she used it.
QuoteQuite right.  So WHAT?  They address two ENTIRELY DIFFERENT ISSUES.

So what? The papers lie and don't even agree with each other.... and Ainslie replies "SO WHAT" ??? ? That's pseudoscientific misconduct of the worst kind.

9. Neither of those schematics is actually correct, because Ainslie and her crew always used a different location for the Black FG lead than is shown on those schematics.
QuoteThe function generator probes are CORRECTLY detailed for the measurements shown in those waveforms. 

This too is a manifest LIE. The FG Black lead was never located where it is indicated on the schematics. In EVERY photo of Ainslie's apparatus it can be seen at the common ground, NOT the transistor side of the CVR as is proper. The original schematics included with the very first postings of the "papers" showed it, if they showed it at all, at the common ground point, and the schematics weren't changed until AFTER several people pointed out that the location ACTUALLY USED allows a current path to bypass the CVR.

10. Ainslie's own data show clearly that her batteries do discharge over the course of several days of experimentation, contrary to her claims.
QuoteWHY would I claim this when the data contradicts it?  And WHY would I draw attention to this discrepancy in the paper itself if I was trying to HIDE SOMETHING as you're implying?

Why indeed? I know why: it is because Ainslie cannot interpret graphical scope displays and doesn't understand what they actually indicate. Furthermore, anyone can point to many times when Ainslie claimed her batteries did not discharge... but as I have shown previously several times, an inspection of scopeshots that Ainslie posted herself (and which she falsely accuses me and others of "rifling" from her computers, LOL) shows that the battery voltages do decline over the course of several days of testing during which she claims very clearly the exact opposite.

Do you see: Every item in the Little Quiz, she lies about,  and she cannot provide ANY REFERENCES OR EVIDENCE for her continuing series of lies and false claims. While every FACT that I mention is supported by checkable outside references and demonstrations.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 05, 2014, 07:49:51 PM
A report from STMicro, the application note AN926:

http://application-notes.digchip.com/005/5-9794.pdf (http://application-notes.digchip.com/005/5-9794.pdf)

Here's an image of part of the first page. Note the STMicro logo, compare to the chip in Ainslie's box. Note the date code: one digit for the year, two digits for the week of manufacture. 718 = 2007 (the company did not exist as "STMicro" in 1997) and 18th week: May of 2007.

Now... is there any further doubt in anyone's mind as to the veracity of my assertion that the chip was not manufactured until May of 2007?

And so its presence in the box PROVES BEYOND ANY DOUBT that Ainslie is lying through her teeth about this box and its history. Liars need perfect memories and perfect knowledge of their topics. Ignorant liars like Ainslie are always uncovered by proper research and logical thinking.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 05, 2014, 08:46:15 PM
Now... continuing on with debunking false claims and libels: Look at the image of "Neo's" post below. Where is there ANY EVIDENCE AT ALL that I or Mark Dansie have ever engaged in "women bashing"?  There is none whatsoever.

Ainslie happens to be female, but that has nothing to do with the reasons she is "bashed". She is criticized solely on the merits, or rather lack thereof, of her postings, claims, insults, lies and misrepresentations. She, on the other hand, has repeatedly emitted sexual slurs, innuendos, insults and the like that directly attack the masculinity of her critics, most of whom happen to be male. For example she more than once has referred to TK as a "poor little sod".

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sod_%28word%29 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sod_%28word%29)

Here's a little video that Ainslie posted to one of her three or four YT accounts. Who is "bashing" whom, and for what s e x or gender?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUzsCVNXaGs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUzsCVNXaGs)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Grimer on January 06, 2014, 02:08:48 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 05, 2014, 12:50:20 PM
Frank, the very real evidence for whatever "qualifications" I have can be found in my posts and my many YT videos. I use YT as my "lab notebook" as well as for instructional and demonstration videos. Anyone can repeat anything I do for themselves; the things I post on this forum can be confirmed and are supported by evidence that is checkable by anyone willing to do the homework. If there is anything I have _ever_ posted, anywhere, that you think is lacking empirical support please point it out to me specifically and I will do my best to correct the omission. When I speculate or hypothesize I hope that I always indicate it clearly, and when I satirize I hope it's obvious, even to you.

Now... let's see if any of that applies to the "known" Rosemary Ainslie. Does it, or not?

The reasons certain people wish to remain anonymous on the internet should be clear to you, Frank. But there are plenty of people reading this post who know exactly who I am, how to reach me, where I live, etc. Just because you don't know me, doesn't mean that I am not known. Ainslie has stalked me off of the internet and on it, by calling and emailing people who she thinks might know me, and she has threatened me, in addition to stating her insane beliefs that I have somehow had something to do with breakins and computer hacking at her walled compound in Cape Town. Do you want a paranoid, unstable, clearly mentally disturbed person with an axe to grind, even one a world away, to know just where YOU live and where you bake your bread?

Why don't you answer the true-false quiz? Don't you need the extra credit? And why do I need to "trust you"? Is there some question about you that I must take on faith, that you can't or won't prove unequivocally? Are you that unreliable that I must be exhorted to "trust you" in order to believe your words? Nobody need "trust" me: they can simply see for themselves. As Gary H. says: Make up your own damn mind.

That gets another rofl.

Thanks Al. Very illuminating.

When I said "Trust me" that was a light hearted quip taken from one of the Michael Winner ads

Do I want paranoid person with an axe to grind, or even worse an axe, knowing where I live?

Certainly not. I had a few paranoid moments myself when Dr Blackman threatened to hound me.  :)
In the circumstances you have good reason to want to remain anonymous and not reveal more about yourself than a hairy arm.
As for the quality of your electronics stuff but if your exposé of Mylow is anything to go by it must be pretty good.  I presume any progress on the WhipMag is still under wraps.


[size=78%] [/size]
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Grimer on January 06, 2014, 02:20:29 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 05, 2014, 08:46:15 PM
Now... continuing on with debunking false claims and libels: Look at the image of "Neo's" post below. Where is there ANY EVIDENCE AT ALL that I or Mark Dansie have ever engaged in "women bashing"?  There is none whatsoever.

Ainslie happens to be female, but that has nothing to do with the reasons she is "bashed". She is criticized solely on the merits, or rather lack thereof, of her postings, claims, insults, lies and misrepresentations. She, on the other hand, has repeatedly emitted sexual slurs, innuendos, insults and the like that directly attack the masculinity of her critics, most of whom happen to be male. For example she more than once has referred to TK as a "poor little sod".

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sod_%28word%29 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sod_%28word%29)

Here's a little video that Ainslie posted to one of her three or four YT accounts. Who is "bashing" whom, and for what s e x or gender?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUzsCVNXaGs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUzsCVNXaGs)
That video is certainly appalling. I sympathise.

I can see you have quite enough on your plate to cope with without attempting the gravity conundrum.

Sorry I suggested it.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: markdansie on January 06, 2014, 09:09:27 PM
I thought I would give Rosemary a mention on my attempt to change the subject

http://revolution-green.com/debunked-thane-heins-regenx-delayed-lenz-shorted-coil-acceleration-effect/ (http://revolution-green.com/debunked-thane-heins-regenx-delayed-lenz-shorted-coil-acceleration-effect/)

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: markdansie on January 06, 2014, 09:35:05 PM
Hi Tk
It seems I am no longer loved. I recieved the following via Skype
I updated the article
http://revolution-green.com/rosemary-ainslie-the-end/ (http://revolution-green.com/rosemary-ainslie-the-end/)

Hi Guys,

it seems that Mark Dansie has joined the battle against Ainslie and has stepped in to assist our Little TK as he falls against the ropes.  No surprise as they share the same employer.  And the same agenda.  And that agenda has nothing to do with the promotion of scientific discovery.  Far from it.  Mark unashamedly denies free energy claims across the board.  This includes Rossi's data that has been independently verified by acknowledged experts in the art.  And that refusal alone is more than enough to destroy his public credibility.  And - from a more personal perspective - his credibility for me was UTTERLY voided when he REFUSED to publish the fact that we'd withdrawn our RETRACTION of the claims in Paper 1 & 2.  So has Sterling.  One would expect a reporter - anyone who professes to comment on science - to, at its least - report on the facts. He/they no longer bother to keep up with the news - especially when that news defeats his/their agenda.  And NO-ONE can accuse him or them of impartiality.  Which under usual circumstances would be the ONLY quality to qualify someone for reporting on anything at all.   Mark recommends that TK shouldn't mention me so that this blog can be forgotten.  Our hit rate at the moment is in excess of 4000 per day and climbing.  IF this is the 'obscurity' he's recommending - then LONG may such obscurity last.

Here's this month's stats alone...

2014-01-01    0    0    0    317    4,260
2014-01-02    0    0    1    340    4,594
2014-01-03    0    5    0    327    4,767
2014-01-04    0    1    3    385    6,493
2014-01-05    0    6    3    400    4,779

So - a small personal message for our Mark Dansie.  Eat your heart out.  The 'obscurity' of our blog gives us a higher hit rate than the entire OU.com forum enjoys on a daily basis.  Who would have thought?  I'm of the opinion that they read here because - unlike you - they want to evaluate the other side of this 'story' that you and TK try to promote as 'truth'.  While the number who post here are slim - the 'hit rate' is nonetheless extraordinary.

Kindest regards
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: powercat on January 07, 2014, 06:29:16 AM
QuoteOur hit rate at the moment is in excess of 4000 per day and climbing.

Rosemary that's a big claim, one can only assume it's like all your other claims, you have deliberately lied or at best you have made a measurement error, it's also possible that you are using a third party or some software (Spambot) to produce the figures falsely, you just can't help being deceitful.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on January 07, 2014, 09:25:21 AM
Most likely the high count is grossly inflated due to the barrage of spam-bots accessing the pages there. Look at their "users online" if you can; 90% are spam bots.

The funny thing is, both her and Chess seem to think that they actually have that many hits from real people.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 07, 2014, 01:20:17 PM
Once again, we see that Ainslie cannot refute any of the criticisms against her claims, so she resorts to more paranoid, false accusations and insults. She now has the data from the manufacturer that she wanted, about the 555 chip's date code.... so she simply forgets about it and will no longer address the issue. She now has seen the links to three of her old YT accounts, with videos that only she could or would post.... so what happened to her denials, her claims that she "never" posted anything to YT?  She has yet again been demonstrated to be a facile, yet transparent, liar.

The fact that she is now "unretracting" the manuscripts, with their Figure 3 and other impossible scopeshots intact, indicates more than ever that she is _falsifying_ data. She has forgotten totally that she and her "team" failed miserably to reproduce those data when they were being watched so they couldn't cheat (in fact she now claims, contrary to all sense, that she "did" reproduce them, when the record clearly shows that she -- or rather her team of "experts" -- failed miserably to do so, in public.). But later scopeshots were produced that do not share the problems in Figure 3: this can only mean that whatever caused the bad data, it was discovered and corrected for those later shots. This means that SOMEONE on the Ainslie team knew that the Figure 3 and similar shots were bad... but they made it into the manuscripts and were used to support the main claims anyway. This constitutes clear and egregious and conscious _fabrication_ of data. Now she wants to "unretract" this fabricated data and has announced her intention to claim several monetary prizes, but has submitted no new data, instead choosing to claim that the earlier data is valid, when it is clearly not ..... this then constitutes pseudoscientific fraud.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: markdansie on January 08, 2014, 07:51:24 AM
Quote from: powercat on January 07, 2014, 06:29:16 AM

Rosemary that's a big claim, one can only assume it's like all your other claims, you have deliberately lied or at best you have made a measurement error, it's also possible that you are using a third party or some software (Spambot) to produce the figures falsely, you just can't help being deceitful.

I think it is not deliberate it is just out of ignorance like her claims.
Kind Regards
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Grimer on January 08, 2014, 07:25:28 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 03, 2014, 03:41:39 AM
Where is an _earlier_ demonstration of Mylow's fishing line drive than mine? Sterling Allen even acknowledged that I was the first "replicator" of Mylow's motor, but he weaseled and wouldn't give me the prize he offered, because my replication wasn't OU. Never mind that I did it the same way as Mylow, that it was a true and precise replication of all the important features, never mind that Mylow's wasn't OU either ....

Yes, some people did video analysis that showed the fishing line in Mylow's vids at about the same time but these weren't demonstrations or replications like I performed, and they were widely challenged by the usual flock of believing sheep. Not until I actually demonstrated that the fishing line drive would work across the room and even around corners did it finally sink in that Mylow was a cynical fraudster.
What really pissed me off about Mylow was that he had a statue of St Joseph clearly visible in his videos. No doubt to give assurance to people like me that he was being honest. Diabolical - which figures since the devil is the father of lies.

I say, do you think Rosemary is possessed. :D

It would certainly explain her persecution of you and all her lies (allegedly). I added that because I'm in no position to judge her science.

Do you remember that appalling poster who attacked me on the Steorn forum, TK, with multiple references to shit and stuff. I'm sure he was possessed. I felt most uncomfortable - it was really horrid. Fortunately Shawn eventually banned him.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 08, 2014, 08:41:44 PM
I don't think I believe in "possession" in quite the same way you do, Frank. I definitely do believe in evil people, though, and I believe in "evil" as a force or attribute of human consciousness. Externalizing it and anthropomorphizing it into "demons" and a "Satan" as some personal adversary of "Good" .... well, if it helps some people come to grips with what is inside of every human, then fine. A model can be as good as reality for some purposes even if the model is "incorrect".

Ainslie is evil, in my opinion. The evidence for this can be seen in her insulting and disrespecting language, as well as in the manifest lies she has told. Your Satan is the "Father of Lies" after all.

I've given links to three of Ainslie's YouTube accounts, where anyone can see the videos she made, and the descriptions, which carry her inimitable style, and the personal details which describe her. It is a violation of YouTube's terms of service for a person to let other people use one's YT logins. Further, just because someone else may have been sitting at the computer to press the "Enter" key to initiate the upload... Ainslie is nevertheless fully, 100 percent responsible for those things that are uploaded, in her name, on her YT channels. Hence, for her to protest, over and over, as she has been doing lately, that she isn't responsible for them and didn't upload them... is more baldfaced lying, distorting the truth, or whatever you want to call it. Certainly it is NOT the TRUTH for her to claim no responsibility for the videos and the uploads to channels bearing HER NAME and HER CONTACT DETAILS. So there's no need for you to put "allegedly" in there. She has been proven to be a liar, over and over again, and the YT videos on her channels constitute just one set of proofs. The schematics in the various versions of her "papers" are another set of proofs of her lying: the Quantum magazine schematic has been explained over and over as being utterly unable to perform at the specified values, and the two different 5-mosfet schematics posted in her "papers" show the Black FG lead in a location where it was never actually used by Ainslie or her team, and in fact _could not have been used_ due to the groundloop problem that would have existed with her _non-isolatable_ equipment. The month-long deception about the true circuit used, after the earlier demonstration, constitutes another set of proofs of Ainslie lying, continually and repeatedly.

QuoteIn all my life - I have NEVER posted any youtube video anywhere at all.  I do not know how it's done.  I rely on others to do this.  It's a failing that I don't usually bring to public attention.

http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAbOZ4AUgzJBbit6Yu_ee-g/videos (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAbOZ4AUgzJBbit6Yu_ee-g/videos)
http://www.youtube.com/user/dooziedont/videos (https://www.youtube.com/user/dooziedont/videos)
http://www.youtube.com/user/aetherevarising (https://www.youtube.com/user/aetherevarising)

A wife who hires a hitman to kill her husband.... may NEVER have fired a gun in her life, may not know how it is done, may RELY ON OTHERS TO DO THIS for her. But morally and legally she is JUST AS RESPONSIBLE, or even more so, than the person who actually pulled the trigger. I can cite case after case where the triggerman got less punishment than the person who hired him. If something is done by your order, in your name, using materials you provide, and it would not have been done without your instigation.... then you are responsible, just as if you yourself performed the entire act. Legally, morally, we all know this to be true. All of us, except Rosemary Ainslie.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: gmeast on January 09, 2014, 02:01:45 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 08, 2014, 08:41:44 PM
I don't think I believe in "possession" in quite the same way you do, Frank. I definitely do believe in evil people, though, and I believe in "evil" as a force or attribute of human consciousness. Externalizing it and anthropomorphizing it into "demons" and a "Satan" as some personal adversary of "Good" .... well, if it helps some people come to grips with what is inside of every human, then fine. A model can be as good as reality for some purposes even if the model is "incorrect".

Ainslie is evil, in my opinion. The evidence for this can be seen in her insulting and disrespecting language, as well as in the manifest lies she has told. Your Satan is the "Father of Lies" after all.

I've given links to three of Ainslie's YouTube accounts, where anyone can see the videos she made, and the descriptions, which carry her inimitable style, and the personal details which describe her. It is a violation of YouTube's terms of service for a person to let other people use one's YT logins. Further, just because someone else may have been sitting at the computer to press the "Enter" key to initiate the upload... Ainslie is nevertheless fully, 100 percent responsible for those things that are uploaded, in her name, on her YT channels. Hence, for her to protest, over and over, as she has been doing lately, that she isn't responsible for them and didn't upload them... is more baldfaced lying, distorting the truth, or whatever you want to call it. Certainly it is NOT the TRUTH for her to claim no responsibility for the videos and the uploads to channels bearing HER NAME and HER CONTACT DETAILS. So there's no need for you to put "allegedly" in there. She has been proven to be a liar, over and over again, and the YT videos on her channels constitute just one set of proofs. The schematics in the various versions of her "papers" are another set of proofs of her lying: the Quantum magazine schematic has been explained over and over as being utterly unable to perform at the specified values, and the two different 5-mosfet schematics posted in her "papers" show the Black FG lead in a location where it was never actually used by Ainslie or her team, and in fact _could not have been used_ due to the groundloop problem that would have existed with her _non-isolatable_ equipment. The month-long deception about the true circuit used, after the earlier demonstration, constitutes another set of proofs of Ainslie lying, continually and repeatedly.

http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAbOZ4AUgzJBbit6Yu_ee-g/videos (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAbOZ4AUgzJBbit6Yu_ee-g/videos)
http://www.youtube.com/user/dooziedont/videos (https://www.youtube.com/user/dooziedont/videos)
http://www.youtube.com/user/aetherevarising (https://www.youtube.com/user/aetherevarising)

A wife who hires a hitman to kill her husband.... may NEVER have fired a gun in her life, may not know how it is done, may RELY ON OTHERS TO DO THIS for her. But morally and legally she is JUST AS RESPONSIBLE, or even more so, than the person who actually pulled the trigger. I can cite case after case where the triggerman got less punishment than the person who hired him. If something is done by your order, in your name, using materials you provide, and it would not have been done without your instigation.... then you are responsible, just as if you yourself performed the entire act. Legally, morally, we all know this to be true. All of us, except Rosemary Ainslie.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Grimer on January 09, 2014, 02:34:36 AM
Quote from: gmeast on January 09, 2014, 02:01:45 AM


No he isn't.

He is a seeker after the truth. And that makes him unpopular with people like you.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 09, 2014, 05:00:03 AM
Quote from: gmeast on January 09, 2014, 02:01:45 AM

GMEAST Whatever else TK may or may not be, he has proven himself an excellent experimental scientist.  He uses sound methods to investigate the subjects he is interested in, is willing to be surprised by what what he observes, and shares his methods and results in clear and comprehensive presentations.

We are now more than eleven years past the publication of Ms. Ainslie's magazine article.  In all of that time there has not been a single replication of the heat output energy gain over input electrical energy that she and her collaborators reported.  In all of that time neither Ms. Ainslie nor any of her collaborators have reconciled the absolute proven fact that the  "precise circuit" depicted in that article is incapable of producing the timing also specified in that article as producing the alleged energy gain.  Many experimenters have attempted variations of the circuit and timing and none have obtained her reported gains.  However, TK has reliably demonstrated that the gains reported in the magazine article could easily be the result of Ms. Ainslie misunderstanding the operation of her own test apparatus.  Rather than honestly explore TK explanation to determine if it is the truth, she has engaged in very personal public squabbles.

TK and many others have spent many hours attempting to find out from Ms. Ainslie exactly what circuit was used to obtain the observations that led her and her collaborators to their extraordinary conclusions.  I have myself fully investigated and reported on the timing portion of the apparatus reported in that article.  To this day, no one knows for certain what circuit was used or what measurements were observed.  That fault lies with Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators, not with the replicators, including TK.  In fact of late Ms. Ainslie expresses the view that the "precise circuit" does not matter.  Yet, neither she nor any of her collaborators have shown any configuration that yields the results claimed in that magazine article.

It is now several years since Ms. Ainslie first presented her "Q-Array" circuit, and composed with her collaborators the two papers:  "Experimental Evidence of a Breach of Unity
Measured on Switched Circuit Apparatus", and "Proposed variation to Faradays Lines of Force to include a magnetic dipole in its structure".  Ms. Ainslie to her credit publicly reproduced her private tests of August 10, 2013 on August 11, 2013 showing that the energy gains that she thought she had obtained with the "Q-Array" fixture were in fact illusions caused by measurement errors.  She showed that the actual heat output from the heating element using the "Q-Array" circuit was only 20% of the energy drawn from the battery.  Also to her credit, she then withdrew the two papers.

Now, with absolutely no new evidence, Ms. Ainslie attempts to reinstate her claims.  These are claims that she and her collaborators proved false in August 2013.  Coincident with that incredible decision, Ms. Ainslie has elected to throw barb after barb against persons who have not only consistently shown their work, but shown their work to be correct.

If as your posts suggest, you believe Ms. Ainslie's claims then I suggest you attempt to replicate her experiments and claimed results, and stop taking cheap shots at people who already have.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on January 09, 2014, 09:22:30 AM
There are a few psychos on this forum (including one posting in this thread mentioning and with OCD), but TK is certainly not one of them.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 09, 2014, 01:44:20 PM
Thanks for chiming in, Mark E.

The "groundloop" problem is this.

The Negative pole of the battery is used as the common ground reference point for all oscilloscope probes. The primary scope used by Ainslie, the LeCroy WaveJet 324, has all of the probe reference leads connected to the chassis ground, which is connected to the mains ground through the ground pin of the power cord. All scope probe "grounds" or references are connected to chassis and mains ground.
See pages 10 and 11 in the 300 series manual.


However, the "ground" or Black output lead from the Function Generator should NOT be connected at this point because doing so allows the FG to bypass the circuit's Current Sense Resistor (CSR or CVR). To allow the CSR to see all the important currents in the circuit the FG Black output lead must be connected on the transistor side of the CSR, not the battery side.

BUT.... on many Function Generators, the Black (BNC shield) output lead is also connected to the chassis ground and the mains ground! This means that a groundloop is formed: the Black FG lead is connected to the scope grounds, back through the Mains ground connection. So, in the claimed Ainslie circuit given in the two daft manuscripts, the scope grounds are on one side of the CSR and the FG ground is on the other side of the CSR, effectively shorting it out. Therefore the CSR will not give reliable readings of the currents in the circuit.

The Function Generator used by Ainslie was the IsoTech GFG 8216a. I can't tell explicitly in the manual whether the chassis ground is permanently connected to the Black (BNC shield) output, but going by the "ground" symbols on each of the BNC connectors I believe it is.


IF the GFG8216a FG does indeed have its Black output lead connected permanently to chassis and mains ground... then the only way that one may get valid readings from the CSR when connected as shown in the two manuscripts would be to use a ground lift adapter on one or the other of the instruments, to avoid shorting the CSR by the groundloop. No mention of this problem, or the use of a ground lift adapter, is made in the manuscripts. But we know already that the Ainslie team never actually used this connection! They always used the FG Black output lead connected at the common circuit ground, the battery Negative pole.

Tl;dr: All the current data from the scope used in the Ainslie reports is invalid. It was either obtained with an effectively shorted CSR (If they actually used the schematic in the reports) OR it allowed the current path through the FG to bypass the CSR altogether (if they used the same connection they always used in all available photos and demonstrations.) The only way around this difficulty would be for the Ainslie team somehow to show that, for the manuscripts, they did indeed use the connection in the schematics given, AND used either a ground-lift adapter or an isolated FG. Otherwise, all the current data is invalid.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 09, 2014, 05:33:32 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 09, 2014, 01:44:20 PM
Thanks for chiming in, Mark E.

The "groundloop" problem is this. ...

TinselKoala, you are welcome.  During the June 29 demonstration Donovan Martin confirmed what you note:  The Instek function generator black lead connects to the mains earth.  The function generator was connected to the battery instead of the transistors as they documented in their papers.  The function generator debacle is one of the discrepancies between what Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators said they had done and what they actually did that you and others have exposed. 

Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators should be grateful that skilled persons such as yourself and poynt99 have taken so much time to figure out her actual circuits and test configurations.  She should be grateful that you have determined major error sources.  Were Ms. Ainslie to have actually made a discovery, knowing the actual conditions needed to reproduce that discovery would be important to all concerned.

Over these many years Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators have shown that they have not made the discoveries that they have claimed.  Diligent efforts by replicators such as poynt99 and yourself, as well as Ms. Ainslie's own June and August demonstrations have established without any doubt that the thermal energy gains that they thought they had were all illusions.  Those demonstrations probably would never have happened had it not been for you and poynt99.  Whether they acknowledge it or not, Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators are deeply in your collective debt.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: gmeast on January 09, 2014, 08:19:13 PM
Quote from: MarkE on January 09, 2014, 05:00:03 AM
GMEAST Whatever else TK may or may not be, he has proven himself an excellent experimental scientist.  He uses sound methods to investigate the subjects he is interested in, is willing to be surprised by what what he observes, and shares his methods and results in clear and comprehensive presentations.

We are now more than eleven years past the publication of Ms. Ainslie's magazine article.  In all of that time there has not been a single replication of the heat output energy gain over input electrical energy that she and her collaborators reported.  In all of that time neither Ms. Ainslie nor any of her collaborators have reconciled the absolute proven fact that the  "precise circuit" depicted in that article is incapable of producing the timing also specified in that article as producing the alleged energy gain.  Many experimenters have attempted variations of the circuit and timing and none have obtained her reported gains.  However, TK has reliably demonstrated that the gains reported in the magazine article could easily be the result of Ms. Ainslie misunderstanding the operation of her own test apparatus.  Rather than honestly explore TK explanation to determine if it is the truth, she has engaged in very personal public squabbles.

TK and many others have spent many hours attempting to find out from Ms. Ainslie exactly what circuit was used to obtain the observations that led her and her collaborators to their extraordinary conclusions.  I have myself fully investigated and reported on the timing portion of the apparatus reported in that article.  To this day, no one knows for certain what circuit was used or what measurements were observed.  That fault lies with Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators, not with the replicators, including TK.  In fact of late Ms. Ainslie expresses the view that the "precise circuit" does not matter.  Yet, neither she nor any of her collaborators have shown any configuration that yields the results claimed in that magazine article.

It is now several years since Ms. Ainslie first presented her "Q-Array" circuit, and composed with her collaborators the two papers:  "Experimental Evidence of a Breach of Unity
Measured on Switched Circuit Apparatus", and "Proposed variation to Faradays Lines of Force to include a magnetic dipole in its structure".  Ms. Ainslie to her credit publicly reproduced her private tests of August 10, 2013 on August 11, 2013 showing that the energy gains that she thought she had obtained with the "Q-Array" fixture were in fact illusions caused by measurement errors.  She showed that the actual heat output from the heating element using the "Q-Array" circuit was only 20% of the energy drawn from the battery.  Also to her credit, she then withdrew the two papers.

Now, with absolutely no new evidence, Ms. Ainslie attempts to reinstate her claims.  These are claims that she and her collaborators proved false in August 2013.  Coincident with that incredible decision, Ms. Ainslie has elected to throw barb after barb against persons who have not only consistently shown their work, but shown their work to be correct.

If as your posts suggest, you believe Ms. Ainslie's claims then I suggest you attempt to replicate her experiments and claimed results, and stop taking cheap shots at people who already have.

Someone may or may not be 'an excellent experimental scientist' (as you put it), but when that person obsesses over 'needing' to crush or destroy someone else, as he does, any admirable qualities are overshadowed by this serious character flaw ... it is tantamount to pouting and stomping his feet in an uncontrolled fit. And to call someone "EVIL" is a little bit over the top ... very immature.

As for if I believe Rosemary Ainslie's claims, and if so why don't I replicate the experiment? I have been familiar with some of the observations made of Inductive Resistor Heater experiments performed by researchers over the course of the past 20 years. Upon learning of Rosiemary Ainslie's work I decided to finally build a variant of here experiment. My YouTube channel has a video slide show of my experiment and the results. I am convinced that there is something to what she claims. Of course TK considers any support for Rosemary Ainslie's claims to be scientific haressy, and so I have become just as Evil (I guess) and guilty by association. That sort of reasoning is childish ... again, very immature.     


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 09, 2014, 08:35:46 PM

No, not by association, but rather, guilty in your own right.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: picowatt on January 09, 2014, 08:40:46 PM
Quote from: gmeast on January 09, 2014, 08:19:13 PM

Someone may or may not be 'an excellent experimental scientist' (as you put it), but when that person obsesses over 'needing' to crush or destroy someone else, as he does, any admirable qualities are overshadowed by this serious character flaw ... it is tantamount to pouting and stomping his feet in an uncontrolled fit. And to call someone "EVIL" is a little bit over the top ... very immature.

As for if I believe Rosemary Ainslie's claims, and if so why don't I replicate the experiment? I have been familiar with some of the observations made of Inductive Resistor Heater experiments performed by researchers over the course of the past 20 years. Upon learning of Rosiemary Ainslie's work I decided to finally build a variant of here experiment. My YouTube channel has a video slide show of my experiment and the results. I am convinced that there is something to what she claims. Of course TK considers any support for Rosemary Ainslie's claims to be scientific haressy, and so I have become just as Evil (I guess) and guilty by association. That sort of reasoning is childish ... again, very immature.     



Apparently you now no longer believe a battery is necessary to produce your observed "effect" and have considered performing your experiment with $15,000 worth of capacitors in place of the battery.

Would it not be wise to first perform your experiment using one $5 capacitor fed by a DC supply?

It would be quite impressive if your circuit produced more heating in the load for a given power supply I and V than when that same power supply I and V is connected directly to your load resistor.

If necessary, and as I suggested some time ago with regard to the use of a battery, the DC supply can be isolated from your circuit regarding AC (i.e., HF) using inductors.     


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 09, 2014, 08:57:23 PM
Quote from: gmeast on January 09, 2014, 08:19:13 PM

Someone may or may not be 'an excellent experimental scientist' (as you put it), but when that person obsesses over 'needing' to crush or destroy someone else, as he does, any admirable qualities are overshadowed by this serious character flaw ... it is tantamount to pouting and stomping his feet in an uncontrolled fit. And to call someone "EVIL" is a little bit over the top ... very immature.

As for if I believe Rosemary Ainslie's claims, and if so why don't I replicate the experiment? I have been familiar with some of the observations made of Inductive Resistor Heater experiments performed by researchers over the course of the past 20 years. Upon learning of Rosiemary Ainslie's work I decided to finally build a variant of here experiment. My YouTube channel has a video slide show of my experiment and the results. I am convinced that there is something to what she claims. Of course TK considers any support for Rosemary Ainslie's claims to be scientific haressy, and so I have become just as Evil (I guess) and guilty by association. That sort of reasoning is childish ... again, very immature.     


Greg, when discussions degenerate to mud slinging there is little that can be accomplished.  That applies to everyone.  I don't know and I don't care who threw the first punch.  The fighting goes on as long as people keep throwing them.

TK's criticisms of Rosemary Ainslie's: claims, methods, and self-contradictions are scientifically valid.  If you dismiss the information that he or anyone brings to the table because of personal dislike, then you only deny yourself knowledge.

I briefly went through your slide show.  I see that you took efforts to develop an experiment protocol that you believe is sound.  I note that you believe you are seeing possible energy gains of around 25%.  That is very different than Rosemary Ainslie's claims of 16:1 from the magazine article and 10:1 or more from the Q-Array papers.  It is also close enough to 1.0 to want to question the assumptions and test them to make sure the 25% gain is not due to measurement error.  If it is real then you've found something extraordinary.  If there is a different thread where your experiments have been discussed, let me know and I will respond to your experiments there.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: gmeast on January 09, 2014, 11:29:35 PM
Quote from: MarkE on January 09, 2014, 08:57:23 PM
Greg, when discussions degenerate to mud slinging there is little that can be accomplished.  That applies to everyone.  I don't know and I don't care who threw the first punch.  The fighting goes on as long as people keep throwing them.

TK's criticisms of Rosemary Ainslie's: claims, methods, and self-contradictions are scientifically valid.  If you dismiss the information that he or anyone brings to the table because of personal dislike, then you only deny yourself knowledge.

I briefly went through your slide show.  I see that you took efforts to develop an experiment protocol that you believe is sound.  I note that you believe you are seeing possible energy gains of around 25%.  That is very different than Rosemary Ainslie's claims of 16:1 from the magazine article and 10:1 or more from the Q-Array papers.  It is also close enough to 1.0 to want to question the assumptions and test them to make sure the 25% gain is not due to measurement error.  If it is real then you've found something extraordinary.  If there is a different thread where your experiments have been discussed, let me know and I will respond to your experiments there.

"Briefly" is NOT good enough. This is the problem with those with TK's narcissistic mind-set .  I don't care about Ainslie's 16:1 or 10:1 or anything else including the Q-Array papers.  My tests have been done multiple times and not only by me. In other forums I have shown tests conducted that take into account the Charge/Discharge efficiency of the battery and charger... the results are the same and there is no measurement error that can account for the results. You have simply found a forum wherein you can be the social misfit bully you most assuredly are in real life. Your intent here is NOT to make any significant contribution to the betterment of mankind and to free humanity from the choke-hold of the energy monopolies ... just like TK, Picowatt, and Poynty-ass. I feel very good about my place in this and my honest motive to help mankind. What can you say toward that end. Oh, by the way ... have you ever heard me ask for money? The answer is "NO"! ... So don't go anywhere down that road. Welcome to the forum ... you have been well indoctrinated by the likes of TK and clan ... AKA: The 3 Stooges. You seem to fit in very well. Congratulations ... mankind will assuredly show their appreciation and gratitude to you for your support of mankind's perpetual enslavement by the energy brokers.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 09, 2014, 11:37:16 PM
Still at it?

Consider the "rofl" repeated!

Here's what happened when GMYeast tried to 'replicate' Ainslie's Quantum magazine circuit.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 10, 2014, 12:01:27 AM
Quote from: gmeast on January 09, 2014, 11:29:35 PM

"Briefly" is NOT good enough. This is the problem with those with TK's narcissistic mind-set .  I don't care about Ainslie's 16:1 or 10:1 or anything else including the Q-Array papers.  My tests have been done multiple times and not only by me. In other forums I have shown tests conducted that take into account the Charge/Discharge efficiency of the battery and charger... the results are the same and there is no measurement error that can account for the results. You have simply found a forum wherein you can be the social misfit bully you most assuredly are in real life. Your intent here is NOT to make any significant contribution to the betterment of mankind and to free humanity from the choke-hold of the energy monopolies ... just like TK, Picowatt, and Poynty-ass. I feel very good about my place in this and my honest motive to help mankind. What can you say toward that end. Oh, by the way ... have you ever heard me ask for money? The answer is "NO"! ... So don't go anywhere down that road. Welcome to the forum ... you have been well indoctrinated by the likes of TK and clan ... AKA: The 3 Stooges. You seem to fit in very well. Congratulations ... mankind will assuredly show their appreciation and gratitude to you for your support of mankind's perpetual enslavement by the energy brokers.
Greg, I am sorry, but I wanted to watch Gary Hendershot's program and did not have time for anything more than a cursory look before Gary's program started.  I wanted you to know that my comments were based on a first brief look.

If you are going to make your introduction to me a fit of personal attacks, then I will simply let you go your own way.  I don't see how your attacks on others are any more acceptable than TK's behavior you criticize.  And I certainly do not see anything that justifies the vitriol you direct at me.

If you want help getting at the truth, whatever it may be, then I am happy to offer advice on tests that you can do to get there.  If you are correct, then that can help you produce evidence that will be persuasive to a wider audience.  If you are mistaken, then that can help you find where you went wrong.  I leave it up to you:  If you want my help then just be civil with me as I have been with you.  If you don't, then good luck with your research anyway.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 10, 2014, 01:43:45 AM
Ms. Ainslie states on her blog that she does not understand some of my comments:

" I am to be credited with the 'public' reproduction of private tests at August 10 2013 where I apparently 'showed that the heat output from the heating element was only 20% of the energy drawn from the battery'????  Not at all sure what he's saying here. "

For Ms. Ainslie's benefit: 20% means 20 parts in 100, two parts in ten, or one fifth of a whole.  I direct Ms. Ainslie's attention to a portion of her own retraction statement for the source of the 20% figure:

"Reference measurements taken at new sense points directly at the battery bank indicated average net positive battery drain of 14W to 15W. Maximum heater temperature rise during these experiments was 21C. From our electrical DC power to temperature rise tests conducted in 2011 and appear as Table II in this paper, a 21C heater temperature rise corresponds to an equivalent power of between 2.4W and 3.4W. We therefore obtained heat output that was only a fraction of the input power." 

2.4W to 3.4W heat output for 14W to 15W input draw from the batteries amounts to 16% to 24% output/input efficiency.  IE the figures yield a median 20% value.  That low efficiency compares very unfavorably against a direct wire connection from the battery to the heating element which would have yielded very close to 100% output heating power versus input electrical power efficiency.   The August 11, demonstration participants: Ms. Ainslie, Donovan Martin, and Steve Weir can be heard discussing those results near the end of the August 11 demonstration.  Ms. Ainslie declared "absolutely" that the output heat power was a much smaller than the measured battery input power.  The fraction was so small that Ms. Ainslie canceled phase four of the demonstration as unnecessary.

The "benefit" that Ms. Ainslie claims, she and her collaborators have failed to demonstrate.  They have instead shown that the majority of energy drawn from the battery is lost in other parts of her circuit other than the target heating element.  In other words, Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators have both shown and admitted that her Q-Array operated as she chose requires about five times as much input energy to evolve a given amount of output heat as an ordinary resistance heater.

I hope these expanded comments help Ms. Ainslie better understand my earlier post, and refresh her memory as to her own conclusions.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 10, 2014, 03:32:13 AM
For those who may have come in late to the revelry, here is a clip from the long demonstration.

The first, short part of the clip illustrates the Ainslie team being surprised -- to the point of suspecting their apparatus -- by a perfectly normal and ordinary behaviour of their circuit, which Steve Weir figured out in seconds, once they had it together enough to present him with coherent data.

The second, longer part of the clip is the final portion of the demonstration, which Mark E. refers to above.

I have done absolutely no editing except to clip these out from the longer 4-hour stultifying recording of what has got to be the most amazing demonstration of incompetence in measurement that I have ever seen. (At one point in another clip the engineer Donovan Martin fumbles about for many minutes trying to determine the frequency of a simple near-sinusoidal signal on the digital oscilloscope, and is unable to do it.) The bad video is because these people decided to perform their important demonstration using a _cellphone_. The bad audio is because of the cellphone's connection and because the operator keeps putting his fingers over the microphone!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAz1Snh75HY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAz1Snh75HY&list=PLml9VdOeqKa_6b8yMpkYJHIR7F9ah3-1q&index=10)
(Sorry, I didn't realize that the two clips are together in one segment. Edited away the first, redundant one.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 10, 2014, 05:26:54 AM
TinselKoala, from what I can tell Ms. Ainslie has confused some of your comments regarding the function generator.  This is a bit surprising because you have talked about it many times. 

Paper 1 shows the black lead of the function generator connected to the Q1 source pin side of the current sense resistors.  As you have said a number of times: because their function generator black lead connects to the function generator mains power green safety earth lead, and because their oscilloscope channel input ground leads all connect to its mains power green safety earth lead, had they connected their equipment as shown in Paper 1, Figure 1 as they said they did, they would have shorted out the current sense resistors through a large ground loop.  The function generator black lead on the Q1 side of the resistors would connect through the function generator green earth wire to the oscilloscope green earth wire and back to the channel input ground wires both connected to the battery side of the current sense resistors. 

Donovan Martin said during the June 29 video that they had at least then connected the function generator black lead instead to the battery negative connection on the white breadboard.  His comments may be verified by observing the location of the black function generator lead.  Moving the lead from the position documented in Paper 1 eliminated the ground loop, but also bypassed function generator current around the current sense resistor.  Your comments that they could not and did not measure the current contribution from the function generator is exactly correct.  Ms. Ainslie vociferously argued that there was no such contribution until the demonstration August 11 proved her wrong.

With the help of outside advisers, including poynt99, Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators set-up the August 10, August 11 tests as per Paper 1, but broke the ground loop by disconnecting the green safety lead at the function generator AC plug connection.  At poynt99's suggestion, for one test, they inserted an additional current sense resistor between the function generator black lead and the Q1 source side of the white breadboard CSR bank.  That resistor allowed them to measure the function generator contributed current isolated from Q1 and Q2 currents. During the Q1 OFF / Q2 oscillation period, they found 250mW to 400mW power supplied by the function generator. 

Another important observation that resulted only because Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators cooperated with poynt99 was their finding that where they had previously thought that their circuit was recharging the battery during the Q1 OFF / Q2 oscillation period, the reality is exactly the opposite:  During the Q1 OFF / Q2 oscillation phase, the battery supplied power to the circuit.  Presently, Ms. Ainslie declares:

"But the loss of energy from the battery during the 'OFF PERIOD' has NOT BEEN PROVED.  ONLY PROPOSED."

If Ms. Ainslie would review the video of her August 11 demonstration, then she can see for herself the battery power draw she and her collaborators measured during the Q1 "OFF PERIOD".
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 10, 2014, 07:28:27 AM
Again, Mark E., thanks for that expanded summary. The demo where the ground pin was removed was of course not quite public; I was specifically excluded from watching it. Ainslie clearly doesn't understand the groundloop issue, even if Martin might. It's not possible for me to know just where or how hookups were made or what the results were, but reports are that the current from the FG was indeed easily measured during this part of the demonstration. Ainslie remains muddled about a lot of things. For example, it was shown BY ME, long ago, that a negative bias voltage supplied in lieu of the Function Generator would produce continuous Q2 oscillations. The ACTUAL process by which Q2 is turned on and made to oscillate with the supply of a negative bias voltage is detailed in the video series that I posted a couple of days ago. In addition, the current from the FG was measured, long ago, and the issue was fully explored by me and by .99 in 2011 and 2012, long before Ainslie could even admit that the FG could act as a current path or source for the circuit. Continuous Q2 oscillations are very easy to produce by using a bias battery or power supply. No FG is needed... all that is really needed is a proper understanding of how the circuit operates.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8_ZTBtyTvo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8_ZTBtyTvo) (uploaded to YT on July 14, 2013)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PitNm44_bE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PitNm44_bE) (uploaded to YT on June 30, 2013)

Note again that Ainslie is claiming that the circuit that is in the Quantum "box" NOW, which Steve Weir diagrammed and which I have tested, has something to do with the 2002 report in Quantum magazine (hardly a "peer reviewed" journal). She still has not confronted the issue of the 555 CHIP manufactured in 2007 that could not have been in the box for the Quantum article, nor the issue that the present "box" circuit operates at a much higher frequency than the article claimed, AND it uses a completely different mosfet, AND it only has one variable potentiometer where the Quantum circuit has two. It is simply another of Ainslie's trademark mendacities to pretend that the "box" circuit has anything to do with the earlier Quantum article. In fact the "box" circuit was built sometime AFTER May of 2007, to make the frequency and dutycycle combo that Glen Lettenmeier found in his work, not the other way around.

Ainslie is in a rather peculiar position in that she pretends to be able to criticise my demonstrations... yet she does not bother to watch them, or ask her "team" to watch them and "debunk" them. At one time she promised to take them each and tell us specifically what she finds wrong with them. I would love it if she would fulfil that particular promise. It would be high comedy indeed.

(Go ahead... ask her to provide a link to the "replication" that she claims was performed by "joit". But don't hold your breath waiting for it. )
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 10, 2014, 08:52:49 AM
TinselKoala you are welcome.  Video from the August 11 demonstration is available among other places on Rosemary Ainslie's blog.  They made a point of showing that they had disconnected the function generator green wire.

As far as I gather, Ms. Ainslie does not believe that it is important that she did or ever will publish the exact circuit used for the experiments she reported on in the 2002 magazine article.  Were reasonably accurate timings known, then the details of the timing circuit would not be very important to the truth or falsity of the claimed discovery.   Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge Ms. Ainslie never published oscilloscope shots of what they measured when preparing that article.  This leaves everyone guessing as to what Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators actually observed.

Of late Ms. Ainslie expresses the view that only the duty cycle is important, and not the pulse frequency.  Seeing as that people have tested at the duty-cycle and frequency combination reported in the magazine article and did not see the gains that she reported, then either the both frequency and duty cycle really are important, or as with the Paper 1 and Paper 2, the gains that Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators reported were the result of measurement errors.  Ms. Ainslie insists that cannot be the case because she says that independent experts repeated her reported results.  Unfortunately, none of these independent experts have ever stepped forward.  The recently retrieved test fixture does not help much because without making permanent wiring and component changes, it cannot be configured to match either the schematic in the magazine article or to produce the timing stated in the magazine article.

The argument for measurement error is very strong.  You have shown that the combination of pulse frequency, but inverted duty cycle is attainable using the circuit depicted in the magazine article.  As you have shown that would account for much of what was reported in the magazine article.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on January 10, 2014, 10:43:21 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 10, 2014, 07:28:27 AM
For example, it was shown BY ME, long ago, that a negative bias voltage supplied in lieu of the Function Generator would produce continuous Q2 oscillations. The ACTUAL process by which Q2 is turned on and made to oscillate with the supply of a negative bias voltage is detailed in the video series that I posted a couple of days ago.

I could be wrong, but I'm fairly sure I discovered and posted about this prior to your demonstrations. I even designed a "High Frequency Burst Oscillator" which takes advantage of this negative bias.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 10, 2014, 11:43:41 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on January 10, 2014, 10:43:21 AM

I could be wrong, but I'm fairly sure I discovered and posted about this prior to your demonstrations. I even designed a "High Frequency Burst Oscillator" which takes advantage of this negative bias.
Yes, I'm sure you did. You did a lot of analysis while I was still "on a break". I think my earliest video illustrating continuous oscillations using a separate bias battery was probably this one, from April 2012:


While looking for that, I also found this old thing, from August 2009, where I actually do boil water using the Quantum single-mosfet circuit, driven by a pulse generator instead of the 555 circuit, and I show several interesting things on the Fluke Scopemeter's display including the aliased combs that Ainslie claimed were "random aperiodic Hartley oscillations" when her sycophants made them at the time.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on January 10, 2014, 07:20:54 PM

If you look at the posts from around that time, you'll see that Rose was reluctant to believe that all that was needed to make her circuit operate was a negative DC bias. And partially to prove it (and partially to use it for power testing tutorials), I designed the high frequency burst oscillator. I never did build and test it, but it worked quite nicely in the sim, and one can not really tell the difference between its output and that from her circuit, when mine is in burst or pulse mode (also does continuous oscillation mode).

PS. The file date on the scope capture "burst_osc_scope01.png" is 2011-07-13.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 10, 2014, 11:17:55 PM
Yes, that work of yours took place while I was working on something else. I didn't resume work on Ainslie's claims until February or March of 2012, according to the video record. 2011 was taken up with other things of greater importance. I doubt if I was really paying much attention to Ainslie in 2011, although I did try to keep up with the forum posts. I stopped playing around with the single mosfet Quantum system in late 2009, then did a lot of work on Steorn's Orbo claims during 2010. Then a little bit of Rossi e-kitty rebuttal in early 2011.
How time flies when you're having fun, eh?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on January 10, 2014, 11:36:14 PM

And how much fun did we have kicking Steorn's butt over the bogus Orbo pulse motor measurements? Damn I did a lot of sims on that thing too.  :o
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 11, 2014, 01:10:41 AM
And I did a lot of bench work. I think I must have wound and tested 12 pairs of toroids on "Orbette 2.0".

At least the lads had stumbled upon an interesting effect, what I call "core effect", and came up with a pulse motor using it. I was surprised at how such a relatively weak effect could result in a pulse motor that worked so well, in terms of acceleration and torque.

Too bad there didn't turn out to be anything interesting or significant like that, in Ainslie's mashup. In her case the psychological factors are what amazes.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 11, 2014, 01:19:57 AM
poynt99 you've done some really good investigative work on this.  It is terribly unfortunate that Ms. Ainslie elects to dismiss your fine work and cast dispersions on you.

As you probably know Ms. Ainslie continues to insist against all verifiable evidence that she has demonstrated "Unity Barrier" violations, IE more energy out than in.  She continues to make declarations that directly contradict her own demonstrations and other well-established facts.  Ms. Ainslie insists that whatever circuit and whatever operating conditions were actually the basis of the magazine article that they were successfully replicated, "accredited", and endorsed by qualified professionals acting on behalf of their employers.  Ms. Ainslie has failed to produce any statement from any such third party expert or their employer.  Ms. Ainslie would do her claims a world of good were she to actually produce such an endorsement.

Ms. Ainslie invokes Greg East's experiments as confirmation of her own.  There are many flaws with that assertion, the first of which is that Mr. East reports outputs in the area of 125% of input whereas Ms. Ainslie claims outputs of 1600% of input and more.  Disparities of these magnitudes are not comparable.  Further, Ms. Ainslie's own demonstrations have shown that she has relied on faulty measurements that yielded false impressions of ~10X or more gains where in actuality she and her collaborators demonstrated the circuits as were only ~20% efficient. 

Ms. Ainslie now charges that the sound protocols that you suggested, and that she accepted were "FAR from satisfactory".  Ms. Ainslie does not elaborate on what it is that she finds lacking in those methods, or why she chose to use protocols she believes to be unsatisfactory in her demonstrations, or why she agreed with the measurement results that those methods produced as can be seen in the demonstration video. 

Finally, in Ms. Ainslie's most recent posting she forcefully asserts: 

"The current flow measured directly at the negative terminal of the battery shows NO discharge during the 'OFF' period." 

That is incorrect.  The August 11 demonstration video shows battery current draw as measured reliably at the battery during the 'OFF' period.  Any who care to take the time can review the video of the August 11 demonstration and observe the fact that the battery discharges during both the 'ON' and 'OFF' periods of the Q1 MOSFET.  This is most readily observed during measurements reliably taken at the batteries themselves, which is a set-up that you skillfully suggested, and Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators accepted.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 11, 2014, 01:39:47 AM
If your test protocols or measurements produce results that Ainslie doesn't like, then they are wrong, QED. Ainslie will never tell you how or why, nor will she produce any kind of experimental demonstration of why they are wrong. Simply disagreeing with Ainslie is enough to make you "wrong". And when the evidence that she is indeed wrong, utterly and completely, becomes overwhelming, she simply brushes the issue under the rug. Like the issue of the 555 timer chip, manufactured in 2007, that is in the box she claims has been untouched since 2003.

What is more curious, and  laughable, about Ainslie is that things that are right one day, become wrong the next, as you have pointed out. Ainslie and .99 and SWeir agreed beforehand on what was to be tested and how, and what the criteria would be for passing or failing the test of claims. These procedures and constraints were 'right', discussed, accepted and approved .... until they proved Ainslie to be wrong, and then they became "FAR from satisfactory" in Ainslie's fantasy. Yet she cannot explain why or suggest better, alternative procedures and criteria. She continues to talk about "battery run down testing" but has never actually performed this kind of test in spite of opportunity after opportunity and promise after promise. Yet those who HAVE performed such tests, using precise replications of her _claimed_ circuit and her _claimed_ waveforms, have uniformly found that there is no gain in battery performance; IOW that the batteries are run down at normal rates by the Ainslie circuits, just as measurements of current draw would predict.

Ainslie repeatedly chatters about these replications and confirmations by engineers from various companies, a decade ago, without any documentation of any kind. Not an email, not a graph or receipt, nothing has EVER been offered as evidence in support of Ainslie's claims in this regard. Yet she continues to make them. But we have all seen how she distorts and misrepresents statements made by others, and she can't even provide an accurate and coherent account of events that occurred three or four months ago, much less ten or twelve years ago. Without checkable, independent outside evidence, one cannot take _anything_ that Ainslie says at face value. The story of the various schematics is just one such story. Nobody really knows, to this day, what _actual_ circuit was used for any of Ainslie's reported "experiments". Only the visual record of the demonstrations, which provide photographic evidence of the actual apparatus, can be trusted.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 11, 2014, 02:04:04 AM
Ainslie also egregiously misrepresents my work and my findings. For example, she whines that I haven't reproduced certain waveforms. However, I have indeed reproduced every waveform Ainslie and her teams have ever presented, and I've explained how. Ainslie has even mistaken a screen image of waveforms from my work, taken on a borrowed Tek scope, for one of her own! I've demonstrated several different ways that the bogus Figure 3 scopeshot could have been obtained. Ainslie now is representing that they were able to reproduce the Figure 3 data during their demonstration. What she forgets to mention is that their "reproduction" was accomplished by hooking their oscilloscope up incorrectly, differently from the locations given on the schematic. So what? She seems to think that repeating this vast error somehow legitimizes the shot! On the contrary, it demonstrates willfull fabrication of data, because the Figure 3 is known to be bogus, yet appears in the manuscripts anyway and is key to the conclusions drawn about the claims made.


At least one completely bogus claim has been removed from "current" edits of Ainslie's daft manuscripts. But the internet never forgets -- see the image below.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 11, 2014, 02:25:13 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 11, 2014, 01:39:47 AM
If your test protocols or measurements produce results that Ainslie doesn't like, then they are wrong, QED. ...
Years ago there was a scientist whose comments I admired who had a tag line something like:  "patience, persistence, truth".  I think that is a very wise approach.  I try as I can to emulate his philosophy by focusing on the data.  In terms of dealing with Ms. Ainslie I am interested in any data she presents as it relates to her extraordinary claims.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 11, 2014, 02:32:42 AM
Quote from: MarkE on January 11, 2014, 02:25:13 AM
Years ago there was a scientist whose comments I admired who had a tag line something like:  "patience, persistence, truth".  I think that is a very wise approach.  I try as I can to emulate his philosophy by focusing on the data.  In terms of dealing with Ms. Ainslie I am interested in any data she presents as it relates to her extraordinary claims.

Yes... and the problem with that, as you may have noticed by now, is that you cannot rely on data she "presents" unless you can confirm it by checkable independent references. She has willfully misrepresented data and events, over and over again. How can you possibly tell what is true and what is not, coming from her, unless you can verify it independently?

If only we had reliable data from Ainslie in the first place, with complete and accurate descriptions of procedures and apparatus, much of the difficulties people have had with this project would never have happened. Had we encountered an attitude of "patience and truth" from Ainslie, a cooperative and honest attitude, we likely would not be here today discussing her "retracted retraction" comedy of errors. Certainly we have had an attitude of "persistence" from her: persistence in error, in mendacity, in amazing arrogance, in willfull ignorance of her chosen topic.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 11, 2014, 02:54:05 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 11, 2014, 02:32:42 AM
Yes... and the problem with that, as you may have noticed by now, is that you cannot rely on data she "presents" unless you can confirm it by checkable independent references. She has willfully misrepresented data and events, over and over again. How can you possibly tell what is true and what is not, coming from her, unless you can verify it independently?

If only we had reliable data from Ainslie in the first place, with complete and accurate descriptions of procedures and apparatus, much of the difficulties people have had with this project would never have happened. Had we encountered an attitude of "patience and truth" from Ainslie, a cooperative and honest attitude, we likely would not be here today discussing her "retracted retraction" comedy of errors. Certainly we have had an attitude of "persistence" from her: persistence in error, in mendacity, in amazing arrogance, in willfull ignorance of her chosen topic.
Yes, there are definitely large discrepancies between what Ms. Ainslie asserts and what verifiable evidence shows.  I don't care about the cause so much as the fact.  In this case, I enjoy the luxury of having read about her projects only after others such as yourself had found major problems.  For that I am in your debt.

Whatever the reasons why Ms. Ainslie has represented the things she has that have proven untrue, at this point I don't see that it is of value to me to try and determine why.  It may be a combination of factors that I would never correctly guess.  What matters is that she has disproven her energy gain claims.   Allowing that there is always a tiny chance that despite all the current evidence that she might yet have been onto something, if she, or a supporter should someday come back with tangible and reproducible evidence of something extraordinary then that evidence should be fairly evaluated like any other. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 11, 2014, 03:15:41 AM
Yes, of course I agree that new data should be evaluated on its own merits, if and when it is presented. Ainslie's present course of action, repealing her retraction and reiterating her claims without presenting a shred of new data, nor refuting any findings from her critics, while at the same time continuing with her insults and misrepresentations of fact.... is all the more pseudoscientific misconduct and only dampens the chances of herself or others like her being taken seriously in the future. Ainslie is her own worst enemy, as others have noted as well.

Meanwhile, the image below shows the fundamental "calculation" that led Ainslie to make her silly claims. Ainslie has never taken the trouble to correct this "calculation" to arrive at a correct answer, nor has she demonstrated a grasp of the basic quantities involved (the Watt and the Joule), or the reasons why her "calculation" is so wrong. When one uses her own stated input data, and the correct value for the capacity of her batteries (60 amp-hours) one arrives at a very different conclusion. It is instructive to work through this example.

Notice her amazingly arrogant tone, even in the midst of displaying her monumental ignorance. "Do the math" indeed. One LOLs....

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 11, 2014, 04:08:31 AM
The only place where we depart is that I do not see value in attempting to assess Ms. Ainslie's motivation or character.  I think that is potentially distracting from evaluation of her claims.

Her misunderstanding of Joules and consequent irrational multiplication by time is a gross scientific error.  Someone with better formal education in science would not be expected to make such an error and/or to have checked their work much more thoroughly.  It may be that she erroneously multiplied the required heat by time as a misunderstanding of how to treat thermal leaks.  I disagree with the idea that errors, even gross errors should be a basis for ridicule.

I think that mistakes are a natural and critical component of learning.  I think a defining quality of a person is not how many mistakes that they make, but what they do to try and find their own mistakes, and what they do once a mistake is found.  I think as engineers and scientists it is important to encourage those around us and the generations coming up behind us to challenge themselves without fear of ridicule when they make a mistake.

Peer review works and is necessary because anyone can make a mistake, even a big mistake.  I think it is sufficient to point out the error and the correct calculation.  Yes, her lack of understanding of basic physical units strongly suggests that her assumptions and calculations are far more likely to be wrong than an experienced professional.  However, we would be mistaken to assume that all of our own work or that of any experienced professional is free of debilitating errors. 

Whatever Ms. Ainslie's behavior, and whatever her mistakes, I think that it is valuable to stay focused on the data and not the person.  If a person can be taught, then that is one more person with tools out looking for the truth.  If a person cannot be taught, then that eventually becomes self-evident.  Most of the community will be on notice to be wary of that person's declarations. 

We are unfortunately at a point where Ms. Ainslie has recently made and continues to make statements that are at great odds with proven facts, including proven facts she has herself demonstrated, acknowledged and previously accepted.  And Ms. Ainslie does herself no favors by making rude remarks and wild accusations.  However, I think it is up to us as responsible technical professionals to stick to the facts, and present them as objectively as possible without attacking individuals.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 11, 2014, 05:16:42 AM
I have no argument with the above, in principle. However, Ainslie is no naive newcomer who deserves benefit of doubt: she has been banned from at least three forums (Naked Scientists, Energetic Forum, this forum several times, and some other forums as well) because of her insulting behaviour, her non-cooperativeness and her arrogant ignorance. She utterly refuses to be taught, to learn from others or to educate herself in her topic. She utterly disrespects the learning and credentials of those who disagree with her, yet she is grossly undereducated and has no credentials of her own. Her former collaborations, with Glen Lettenmeier, "Harvey", Ashtweth, Aaron Murakami, and others, which initially started out with them believing in her and supporting her claims, have always dissolved in acrimony when her true nature and the true facts have come to light. If she was just someone who made a few mistakes, that would be one thing. But the fact is that she routinely misrepresents material matters and routinely insults, disparages and even threatens those who would try to correct her errors and to find out the truth.

For example, here are the blog and forum posts where she posted and made public the video of the 2011 demonstration, where the 5-mosfet device was presented as having all 5 in parallel.... and then the posts where she denies having posted the very same video.

Note that in the blog post she refers to the video as "the proof" of her claims. Yet a year later she wants to deny posting the video completely and to deny its relevance to her claims. Why? I know why.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 11, 2014, 06:03:37 AM
I do not challenge the incidents that you describe.  What I am trying to say is that no matter what someone else says or does, we can choose to stick to the data and only the data.  If another person acts badly let that be their action alone.  If they refuse all counseling, all tutelage, then let that be on them.  If they constantly assert against reality, then defend the facts.  In other words, if we choose to treat other people as though their errors are innocent, we spare derailing ourselves or the technical discussion.  It doesn't matter whether someone else is the Mother Theresa or Joseph Goebbels of science.  Sticking to the technical facts keeps the discussion focused on the topic.  Over time even well crafted propaganda does not stand up against clearly articulated science.  Sooner or later most people are smart enough to notice the difference between those who consistently offer compelling evidence with their argument versus those who argue with empty hands. 

On the other hand, veering off on personal issues creates many opportunities to muddle topics and in some cases play into the hands of unscrupulous debaters.  This can frequently seen in political debates where one debater works their opponent until their opponent lets loose with a fit of anger.  At that point the audience reacts to the opponent's anger and not their argument. Some politicians are very good at using this trick.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on January 11, 2014, 09:43:24 AM
Quote from: MarkE on January 11, 2014, 01:19:57 AM
poynt99 you've done some really good investigative work on this.  It is terribly unfortunate that Ms. Ainslie elects to dismiss your fine work and cast dispersions on you.
Thanks Mark.

It is unfortunate indeed. Rose and her colleagues could learn a great deal if they would only put aside their pride and listen. And if they insist I am wrong, a cogent explanation as to why would be expected, but we never get one.

Ms. Ainslie now charges that the sound protocols that you suggested, and that she accepted were "FAR from satisfactory".  Ms. Ainslie does not elaborate on what it is that she finds lacking in those methods, or why she chose to use protocols she believes to be unsatisfactory in her demonstrations, or why she agreed with the measurement results that those methods produced as can be seen in the demonstration video. 
I am uncertain to what she refers actually. Rose objects to essentially everything I write, so if she wants an answer, I would suggest she be more specific as to what protocol she is referring to.

This is most readily observed during measurements reliably taken at the batteries themselves, which is a set-up that you skillfully suggested, and Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators accepted.
Is Rose now suggesting that the battery power measurement should NOT be performed right at the battery? Or is she saying that the battery power measurement is irrelevant somehow?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 11, 2014, 11:44:57 AM
Ainslie has set herself up as an object of ridicule and mockery. The scientific issues have been settled, years ago. There has been nothing new to emerge in years of discussion except the Quantum "box" and its smoking gun: the 555 chip made in 2007. Ainslie has no clue about her circuit or how to measure any aspect of its performance. She still doesn't know the difference between a Joule and a Watt. (Are a "mile" and a "mile per hour" the same thing?) She parrots terms without understanding their meaning and won't bother to learn the standard terminology of her topic.

Take a close look at her Figure 9. This cartoon was drawn by her _before_ they realized that the Q2 mosfets are in backwards, and has never been revised. Note that she has the Source of Q2 connected to the Source of Q1, and the Gates of the two connected together. This cartoon represents her "understanding" of the operation of the circuit.... and it doesn't even correspond to the way the circuit is wired!

I've included a few more post images that show Ainslie's attitude, as well. Note her repeated lies, her name-calling, her unfounded ridiculous accusations, the libels and threats.

Do you see, Mark E., that it is Ainslie who chooses the tone of the argument, not I?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 11, 2014, 08:26:23 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on January 11, 2014, 09:43:24 AM
Thanks Mark.

It is unfortunate indeed. Rose and her colleagues could learn a great deal if they would only put aside their pride and listen. And if they insist I am wrong, a cogent explanation as to why would be expected, but we never get one.
I am uncertain to what she refers actually. Rose objects to essentially everything I write, so if she wants an answer, I would suggest she be more specific as to what protocol she is referring to.
Is Rose now suggesting that the battery power measurement should NOT be performed right at the battery? Or is she saying that the battery power measurement is irrelevant somehow?
Poynt99, I am afraid that I have not seen anything more specific by Ms. Ainslie than what I described.  If I were to take a guess it would be that she is now discounting the validity of battery voltage and current measurements taken right at the battery.  In her own demonstrations, those measurements showed both that the wild battery voltage swings as measured at the breadboard did not exist at the batteries, and that the batteries supplied net power during both the Q1 on and off phases.  Those measurements taken at the batteries established that as your simulations and demonstrations had already shown long before the demonstration that wiring inductance between the batteries and the measurement points fouled the battery voltage and current measurements.

On her blog, Ms. Ainslie recently declared that the demonstrations did not show net battery power draw during both Q1 on and off phases when the fact that they did is readily observed in the August 11 demonstration video.  Ms. Ainslie has not elaborated on what she relies on to make these declarations that are at clear odds with her own demonstration. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 11, 2014, 08:48:43 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 11, 2014, 11:44:57 AM
Ainslie has set herself up as an object of ridicule and mockery. The scientific issues have been settled, years ago. There has been nothing new to emerge in years of discussion except the Quantum "box" and its smoking gun: the 555 chip made in 2007. Ainslie has no clue about her circuit or how to measure any aspect of its performance. She still doesn't know the difference between a Joule and a Watt. (Are a "mile" and a "mile per hour" the same thing?) She parrots terms without understanding their meaning and won't bother to learn the standard terminology of her topic.
Do you see, Mark E., that it is Ainslie who chooses the tone of the argument, not I?
Each of us choose the tone in which we offer our arguments.  My view is that by staying focused on data, and avoiding personal issues discussions stay on track, and the important messages: the ones that concern the data, are the ones that are heard by most of the audience. 

It is obvious that Ms. Ainslie made gross errors concerning the concepts and measurement units for work and power.  It is also apparent from very recent comments on her blog that she may well still be struggling with those concepts.    I suggest to you that all are best served by simply pointing out what is wrong and what the correct facts are.   That may seem trying when someone engages in personal attacks.  I find that under most circumstances people who make personal attacks only get as much power as we give them.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 11, 2014, 09:39:14 PM
I have been lambasted by Rose with libelous claims and insults and I am just an observer of these proceedings.  I think is is because I no longer defend her.  It is too bad that the "science" (if any) gets lost in all of the drama with her.

TK and .99 have documented many, many postings which seem to be ignored.  Hell, I watched that online demonstration  (the one with the cell phone camera) and had no idea what the heck was going on.  As it turns out, no one doing the "demonstration" seemed to know either.  My advice:

If you don't know how to use a scope, or a camera, or do not understand the circuit that you are demonstrating, then do NOT do a demonstration.  Pretty simple really.  That demo left a lot more questions than it answered.

If Rose claims otherwise than, I have no idea how to respond to that.  .99 did his level best to try to guide them but, they either had no idea of what he was asking or, they knew the circuit was bogus from the get-go.  I was not impressed.

Why was the paper retracted and then un-retracted when there is no evidence making this un-retraction valid?

These folks are just lost.  I almost feel sorry for Rose,....almost.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 11, 2014, 09:46:11 PM
Bill, the June 29 demonstration went very badly including the dead air, their resistance against poynt99's guidance, their confusion concerning Q1 oscillations, and most of all their shifting of the goal posts when it was immediately apparent to them that their demonstration was contradicting their claims of being able to reproduce Figure 3 using the set-up of Figure 1.  For those patient enough to sit through it, including the more than one and a half hours of dead air, they did eventually take useful measurements.  Those measurements showed unequivocally that Figure 3, Figure 6, and Figure 7 in the paper were the result of measurement error.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: hoptoad on January 11, 2014, 10:11:19 PM
Rosemary's claims are proof of perpetual motion and cop >1.

Her ridiculous claims keep resurfacing in a perpetual motion cycle as she Craps On Perpetually about her silly cop > 1 circuit !

Unfortunately, it seems there is also a perpetual number of people who discover her claims for the first time and resurrect discussion about it.

It really should have died a perpetual death years ago!
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 11, 2014, 10:29:54 PM
Quote from: hoptoad on January 11, 2014, 10:11:19 PM
Rosemary's claims are proof of perpetual motion and cop >1.

Her ridiculous claims keep resurfacing in a perpetual motion cycle as she Craps On Perpetually about her silly cop > 1 circuit !

Unfortunately, it seems there is also a perpetual number of people who discover her claims for the first time and resurrect discussion about it.

It really should have died a perpetual death years ago!

I perpetually agree with you.  But, Rose will not admit that she is, and was, wrong so....the beat goes on.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 12, 2014, 01:36:07 PM
The "demonstration" from June 29 showed their utter contempt for their audience, as well as their own incompetence and ignorance. The entire 4 hour recording is nearly impossible to watch, so I've excerpted the important parts and put them into a playlist on YT, along with a few of my own demonstrations that illustrate the issues.

http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLml9VdOeqKa_6b8yMpkYJHIR7F9ah3-1q (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLml9VdOeqKa_6b8yMpkYJHIR7F9ah3-1q)

Here's one of my favorites: Determining Frequency With A Digital Oscilloscope

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6659TrVblYE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6659TrVblYE)

(From one of the comments:
Every single trace screen has, at the very bottom line, just to the right of the words "LeCroy"..... a frequency number displayed. "f=1.48376MHz" or whatever. The scope constantly computes the frequency of the triggering channel, you can't even turn this function off. All he needed to do was to press the "Auto" button, turn the timebase two clicks to spread an oscillation block across the screen, then read the bottom line. The pompous dolt.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 12, 2014, 02:08:23 PM
Quote from: MarkE on January 11, 2014, 08:48:43 PM
Each of us choose the tone in which we offer our arguments.  My view is that by staying focused on data, and avoiding personal issues discussions stay on track, and the important messages: the ones that concern the data, are the ones that are heard by most of the audience. 

It is obvious that Ms. Ainslie made gross errors concerning the concepts and measurement units for work and power.  It is also apparent from very recent comments on her blog that she may well still be struggling with those concepts.    I suggest to you that all are best served by simply pointing out what is wrong and what the correct facts are.   That may seem trying when someone engages in personal attacks.  I find that under most circumstances people who make personal attacks only get as much power as we give them.

Don't you find it at all ironic, or significant, that most of what is _actually_ known about these circuits and their behaviour comes from Ainslie's detractors? The data that we can trust doesn't come from Ainslie at all, it comes from others who have examined her output and who have simulated and built her various claimed circuits.

Her critics and detractors have determined the following, from the trustable data:
The Quantum published schematic cannot do what Ainslie claimed.
The circuit, minus the timer, which Ainslie attempted to patent (claiming it as her own), is in fact the simple unclamped inductive test circuit given in every power mosfet data sheet.
The "5 mosfet in parallel" circuit, claimed by Ainslie in the 2011 video, blog and forum posts, is no such thing.
The Figure 3 scopeshot and others like it are bogus, making Ainslie's claims that depend upon them also bogus.
The batteries used in these circuits do indeed discharge, contrary to Ainslie's claims.
No water was actually boiled by Ainslie in the experiments described in the manuscripts, contrary to Ainslie's deliberately misleading language.
The "box" contains a vastly different circuit than was claimed in the Quantum article and operates at a vastly different frequency, contrary to Ainslie's claims.
The "box" contains a chip manufactured in May of 2007, whereas Ainslie claims it hasn't been touched since 2003.

And on and on. Most of what we know is _in spite_ of Ainslie's mendacity and incompetence, rather than being due to her honest reportage and cooperative discussion.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 12, 2014, 11:41:22 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 12, 2014, 02:08:23 PM
Don't you find it at all ironic, or significant, that most of what is _actually_ known about these circuits and their behaviour comes from Ainslie's detractors? The data that we can trust doesn't come from Ainslie at all, it comes from others who have examined her output and who have simulated and built her various claimed circuits.

Her critics and detractors have determined the following, from the trustable data:
The Quantum published schematic cannot do what Ainslie claimed.
The circuit, minus the timer, which Ainslie attempted to patent (claiming it as her own), is in fact the simple unclamped inductive test circuit given in every power mosfet data sheet.
The "5 mosfet in parallel" circuit, claimed by Ainslie in the 2011 video, blog and forum posts, is no such thing.
The Figure 3 scopeshot and others like it are bogus, making Ainslie's claims that depend upon them also bogus.
The batteries used in these circuits do indeed discharge, contrary to Ainslie's claims.
No water was actually boiled by Ainslie in the experiments described in the manuscripts, contrary to Ainslie's deliberately misleading language.
The "box" contains a vastly different circuit than was claimed in the Quantum article and operates at a vastly different frequency, contrary to Ainslie's claims.
The "box" contains a chip manufactured in May of 2007, whereas Ainslie claims it hasn't been touched since 2003.

And on and on. Most of what we know is _in spite_ of Ainslie's mendacity and incompetence, rather than being due to her honest reportage and cooperative discussion.
Oh, no I do not find this surprising at all.  This sort of thing happens a lot with people amateurs who think they have discovered a new big thing.  Whether they choose to acknowledge it or not: Ms. Ainslie, her collaborators, and basically anyone interested in her claims owe skeptics such as yourself and poynt99 who have applied their time and skills dissecting the claims and the purported tests a great debt for all the verifiable facts that you have collectively revealed.

With the possible exception of ever boiling water, and with only tiny doubt about the device date code yes you undoubtedly are correct on all the remaining points.

Whether Ms. Ainslie boiled water or not is less certain to me.  A 72V supply such as they had could apply nearly 500W to an 11 Ohm heating element such as they had.  To go from 25C to 100C and 100C liquid to vapor requires ~2600J/gm, or conversely they could boil about 12gm/minute.  So depending on duty cycle, water volume, and run time, boiling was possible with her fixture.

For all of her mistakes, reversals, contradictions of proven fact, and untoward behavior, nothing forces rude behavior or ridicule in return.  I suggest things work out best by leaving personal squabbles behind as insignificant noise.  The way things are, Ms. Ainslie or someone who thinks her ideas have merit are on the line to show that they do.  It does not seem that either Ms. Ainslie or anyone else is going to take any effort in that direction.  Thanks to the efforts of people like you and poynt99 her claims have for all effect been put to rest.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 13, 2014, 03:02:22 AM
In an effort to resolve your remaining doubts, I have attached below the STMicro Application Note that gives their date code marking schemes. I've already  posted the image of the chip, taken from Ainslie's photograph, up above. STMicroelectronics did not exist under that name in 1997.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STMicroelectronics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STMicroelectronics)
Therefore the "7" in the date code must refer to 2007.

Next, I've attached the image of Ainslie's blog post describing the _single trial_ that is the basis for the report and "taken to boil" claim in the manuscript. (This is also the trial described by the "So. Do the math." bad mathematics in the post up above.) Why do you think she uses the convoluted language "taken to boil"?

Note that the scopeshot that accompanies that post is another of the problematic ones, where there is no current shown in the yellow CVR trace in spite of the ample gate drive during Q1 ON portions of the duty cycle.

Further, according to Ainslie's methodology, the thermocouple is attached directly to the heating element, and by Ainslie's own admission.... they _never measured_ the actual temperature of the water at any time. The claim of "taking water to boil" is completely bogus.

QuoteIt wasn't actually boiling but it had small bubbles...
QuoteWe have NEVER measured the temperature of the water...
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 13, 2014, 04:42:20 AM
SGS Thomson as it was known up to 1998 looks like they used the slanted ST logo prior to 1997.  I have been able to locate data sheets from as early as 1995 with the slanted ST logo.  I think you are right that the chip was made in 2007.  But I am not certain.  A picture of a 1997 chip would resolve this question.

In the additional quotes that you've posted, she stated that she did not evaporate the water, IE she did not actually boil it.  I concede your point.

I would be cautious about interpreting any current sense waveforms that she has ever posted prior to June 29 due to the errors shown during the June 29 demonstration.  Erroneous placement of the probe on the wrong side of the CSR was shown to generate Figure 3 like waveforms where no current appeared to flow during Q1 on time, when in reality multiple amps were flowing.  At the same time oscillation currents show up on their fixture during Q1 off times no matter which side of the CSR they used for their probe.  Which side does not affect the amplitude much, and the amplitude is an artifact of parasitic inductance in their wiring and their probe set-up.  Poynt99 demonstrated these latter issues.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 13, 2014, 07:24:38 AM
Ms. Ainslie continues to assert claims that her demonstration videos contradict.  At this time she claims that measurements taken August 11 at the battery show zero battery power draw during the Q1 off intervals.  These are the intervals when the circuit oscillates.

"the voltage waveform taken directly at the negative terminal of the battery - shows a current delivered during the 'ON' period of the duty cycle.  During the 'OFF' period the current defaults to zero.  This indicates that the current that is measured to flow through the circuit during this 'OFF' period is somehow generated from an energy supply that is NOT from that battery supply.  The indications therefore are that provided only that there is a continual negative signal applied to the Gate of Q1 (which represents the OFF period referred to) then that current flow can be perpetuated.  The implications of this are extraordinary."

The tests measurements taken at the battery can be seen in the video from about 1h 3min to 1h 5min.  The Q1 'OFF' period current oscillations are plainly evident as is the net battery power draw both graphically, and from the numerical measurements generated by the oscilloscope.  The battery power drain as computed by the oscilloscope is seen to be ~14W.  Shortly thereafter, the heater thermocouple reading was taken at 39.1C, and the ambient temperature thermocouple reading at 18.0C.  The heating power associated with that 21.1C temperature rise as measured by Ms. Ainslie's calibration reported in Paper 1 was between 2.4W and 3.4W.  The approximately 20% output over input power efficiency is not as Ms. Ainslie declares 'extraordinary'.  It is very poor.  Most of the power drawn from the battery is wasted in the four "Q2" power MOSFETs that are linearly biased during the oscillations.

Ms. Ainslie goes on to say:

"My early retraction was based on the irrefutable evidence that there was NO oscillation during the 'OFF' period that could be seen or measured at that battery negative terminal.  "

However, her now withdrawn retraction stated as the reason for the retraction was the far less than unity performance demonstrated.  The retraction makes no mention of missing Q2 oscillations.  And, as the video shows, the Q2 oscillations were in plain view.

"In June and August 2013 demonstration experiments were undertaken in an effort to reproduce the experiments and results reported in this
paper. The 2013 experiments were conducted under more stringent protocols than the originals. The experiments conducted: June 29
August 10, and August 11 failed to reproduce the results reported here.

The June 29 experiments were unable to bias Q1 as in Figure 3 without current flow also indicated in Figure 3.
The privately conducted August 10, and publicly conducted August 11 experiments were unable to corroborate net zero or negative battery
draw during periods of Q2 oscillation. Reference measurements taken at new sense points directly at the battery bank indicated average net
positive battery drain of 14W to 15W. Maximum heater temperature rise during these experiments was 21C. From our electrical DC power
to temperature rise tests conducted in 2011 and appear as Table II in this paper, a 21C heater temperature rise corresponds to an
equivalent power of between 2.4W and 3.4W. We therefore obtained heat output that was only a fraction of the input power.
As we are unable to replicate our earlier reported results, we respectfully withdraw this paper in both of its parts.
Details of the test protocols are available as August 11 Demonstration Outline_draft_05.pdf. Test Phases 1 - 3 were conducted during the
live demonstration. We ended the demonstration after Test Phase 3 when it became clear that the net battery power drain was far in excess
of the possible heater output power.
This retraction relates to the this circuit variant and does NOT represent a retraction of the claims in the Quantum paper published in 2002
a copy of which can be found at this link... Paper 3"

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 13, 2014, 07:36:46 AM
Ms. Ainslie currently asserts additional disproven ideas:

"What no-one could manage was an explanation for, or an analysis of, the path or the source of that oscillation.  This included Poynty - TK - Picowatt - MileHigh and the rest.  It was variously ASSUMED that the battery was passing current through the probes of the function generator itself - directly from the GATE of Q2 to the Source rail of Q1.  This is IMPOSSIBLE. "

Poynt99 has performed detailed circuit simulations and published those simulations here that show exactly the source of the oscillation.  TinselKoala has posted videos that reproduce the oscillations.  Phase 2 test measurements during the August 11 demonstration show unequivocally that the function generator contributes 250mW - 400mW power to the oscillations, which is in-line with Poynt99's previously published simulations.  The circuit theory that explains both the oscillations, and the function generator's role in the oscillations has been explained by Poynt99, and TinselKoala multiple times.  In short, when the function generator outputs a negative voltage on its red lead relative to its black lead, it biases the Q2 MOSFETs into a source follower configuration.  This is a linear mode of operation, the MOSFETs have high transconductance gains, and the circuit construction has high parasitic inductance.  Together these conditions cause the Q2 MOSFETs to oscillate.  A small fraction: about 2% of the ~15W that circulates through the circuit is supplied by the function generator.  The remainder comes from the battery as shown during Phase 3 of the test.  What Ms. Ainslie declares is "IMPOSSIBLE" and unexplained is: ordinary, fully explained, simulated, and replicated.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: profitis on January 13, 2014, 07:45:50 AM
heya @tinselkoala.i got an experiment for us to try if your interested.do you have any mim-type diodes lying around perhaps?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 13, 2014, 07:50:36 AM
Ms. Ainslie further regresses with claims that the August 11 demonstrations showed over unity:

"What I managed thereafter was a detailed explanation for that path of current flow that then REQUIRED that measure of over unity. Which is here defined as more energy being returned to the ELEMENT RESISTOR than was initially supplied by the battery.  " 

Again as seen in the video and noted in Ms. Ainslie's retraction:  The battery supplied ~15W, and the heating resistor evolved ~3W.

Ms. Ainslie insists against her own June 29, and August 11 observations:

"The implications of Test 3 paper 1 are LOUDLY denied by Little TK PRECISELY because we prove that we can SET the signal from the function generator to obviate ALL current flow during that ON period.  We have demonstrated this repeatedly and publicly.  It makes no difference to their DENIALS.  Effectively we are stating that notwithstanding the measured evidence of a current flow during the 'on' period that duty cycle - there is NO EVIDENCE OF ANY CURRENT FLOWING THROUGH THE CIRCUIT NOR THE ELEMENT RESISTOR - NOR ANYWHERE ON THAT CIRCUIT - DURING THIS 'ON' PERIOD.  "

The June 29 demonstrations failed multiple times to reproduce Paper 1 Figure 3.  Waveforms similar to Figure 3 were reproduced when the oscilloscope probe that was supposed to measure the voltage across the current sense resistors was shorted out.  When the probe was connected properly, the oscilloscope showed current flow whenever the Q1 gate drive signal was greater than the threshold value of 4V. This can all be seen in the last forty minutes of the demonstration when Mr. Weir assisted Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators.   Ms. Ainslie is declaring observations her videos directly contradict.

I cannot venture a guess how much longer or how much further Ms. Ainslie's protests will continue in direct contradiction to the incontrovertible evidence present in her own demonstrations of June 29, and August 11, 2013.  I invite Ms. Ainslie to point to the portions of her demonstrations that she believes support her assertions.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on January 13, 2014, 09:40:45 AM
QuoteAnd Guys - just to state all that more plainly - here's the thing.  With the Q-Array circuit - it is theoretically possible to apply a continual negative signal to the Gate of Q1.
Yes, we know. I advised you of this quite some time ago.

It is also theoretically possible to apply that signal from the same battery supply source in series with the element resistor.  This will result in a continual oscillation where the only measure of energy discharged from the battery supply will then, theoretically, also replenish those batteries.  This will result in a zero loss of energy from that supply source - while it is, nonetheless, driving a load.
Not quite. If the measurement is performed properly, and noting the implications of the indicated polarity of net power measured, it will be obvious that some power is being used from the source (batteries).
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 13, 2014, 10:26:24 AM
Ms. Ainslie expresses great upset at my comments.  My comments are completely and thoroughly backed by the demonstrations Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators performed June 29, and August 11.  The videos of those demonstrations are available on YouTube.  Ms. Ainslie now insists, even swears on: her life, her children's lives, and those of her grandchildren what the videos contradict and Ms. Ainslie herself concedes in the June 29 video.

I urge Ms. Ainslie to refresh her memory by reviewing the videos of her June 29, and August 11 demonstrations.
The June 29 demonstration failed to reproduce Figure 3 under the conditions set forth in the paper.  Figure 3 was reproduced by shorting the oscilloscope Channel 1 probe in an RF loop.
During the June 29 demonstration nearing the very end of the video Ms. Ainslie concedes measurement error fouled Figure 6, which corresponds to the "Test 3" that she now swears was valid.

Ms. Ainslie continues to insist that the August 11 demonstration showed zero current flow during the Q2 oscillation / Q1 off phase.  Again the video record shows otherwise.

No amount of declaration can change established fact.  Ms. Ainslie's stated recollection of the demonstration results is simply and terribly wrong.

Ms. Ainslie's hypotheses concerning operation of her circuits are flat out wrong.  Ms. Ainslie's declared interpretations of the detailed circuit operation explained to her by fully competent working professionals does not reflect what those professionals have explained to her numerous times.

If Ms. Ainslie really believes that either the June 29, or August 11 demonstration reproduced any:  Figure 3, Figure 6, or Figure 7 from Paper 1 following the circuit configuration of Figure 1 from that same paper, even allowing for the relocated connection of the function generator black lead, then I invite her to point out where that may be seen on either video.  I again point out that in the last forty minutes of the June 29 video that the controversy over the apparent zero current oscilloscope readings during the Q1 on phase in each of those three figures was fully resolved, and that it was resolved that those figures appear as they do because they were the result of measurement error by Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators.  Specifically, they made the erroneous measurements by placing the Channel 1 probe tip on the wrong side of the CSRs.  It is all on the June 29 video.  There is no reason for debate.

Ms. Ainslie continues to declare that battery current does not move through the function generator during the Q2 oscillation phase.  Again, the August 11 video proved that battery current does move through the function generator and it also proved that the function generator contributes a minor percentage of the overall power dissipated by the breadboard circuitry.

It is terribly unfortunate that Ms. Ainslie has regressed in her positions and is contradicting the hard evidence presented in her own recent demonstrations.  Ms. Ainslie implores that she is calling for additional investigation.  Again, I suggest Ms. Ainslie review the videos of her own demonstrations.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: markdansie on January 13, 2014, 10:43:51 AM
I think if everyone just totally ignored and no longer commented then apart from the ignorant true believers nobody would give a toss what Rosemary does. While there is commentary she has a stage and an audience. This will be my last post. You have a better chance of turning a fundamentalist Muslim rebel into a Texas baptist or visa versa.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 13, 2014, 10:52:07 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on January 13, 2014, 09:40:45 AM
Yes, we know. I who advised you of this quite some time ago.
Not quite. If the measurement is performed properly, and noting the implications of the indicated polarity of net power measured, it will be obvious that some power is being used from the source (batteries).

Since Ainslie chooses to remain ignorant of the work of others, while at the same time seeking to misrepresent what they (meaning you and I, mostly) have done... it is no surprise that she utters statements like this, which only make her look more and more foolish. As you say, you told her about this long ago, as did Stefan Hartmann, and I demonstrated it several different ways, also long ago. More recently I've posted a series of videos that fully explain, in terms a bright eighth-grader might understand, just how the Q2s are made to oscillate using the negative bias and how it relates to what the FG is doing in the circuit, as well as how to make continuous Q2 oscillations using an external power source other than the FG.  How does one overcome the willfull ignorance of an Ainslie, though? She is so arrogant that she will not be taught, instead preferring to remain in some fantasy, spouting claims long refuted, and claiming things that she has never demonstrated.... but that we have already done, long ago.


I think that the negative bias voltage must be _more negative_ than the main batteries that are powering the load. I doubt seriously whether Ainslie can in fact provide this negative bias using only the main batteries, unless a charge pump inverter is also used -- as I demonstrated well over a year ago.

Further, Ainslie has never demonstrated that she understands the linear mode of mosfet operation. She has always modelled the mosfet as a simple switch. (Recall Donny explaining to her that the mosfet will begin to conduct at a Vgs of 4 volts or even less. Recall her bewilderment as they tried to make the Figure 3 scopeshot and saw the Q1 current rise as its Vgs approached 4 volts.)  Hence, she fails to grasp the fact that the Q2 mosfets are indeed turning partly on and passing current from the battery during the oscillations as their Vgs fluctuates around the threshold value. She doesn't understand that this is why the Q2 mosfets heat a bit during the oscillation phase. It is no wonder that her mental model of the mosfet causes her to believe that Q2 is "disconnected" and that no current can pass, since she doesn't understand the linear operation mode. All of this, once again, is due to her willfully ignoring information and demonstrations that explain and illustrate the issue in simple terms that even a bright child could grasp.


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: The Boss on January 13, 2014, 11:16:10 AM
Quote from: markdansie on January 13, 2014, 10:43:51 AM
I think if everyone just totally ignored and no longer commented then apart from the ignorant true believers nobody would give a toss what Rosemary does. While there is commentary she has a stage and an audience. This will be my last post. You have a better chance of turning a fundamentalist Muslim rebel into a Texas baptist or visa versa.

It continues to amaze me that this freak of mother nature, unable to connect to reality still garners attention.
You're dealing with a psychologically diseased person here, unable to connect to reality,
whose delusions will continue for as long as she is still breathing.

Not unlike a raving pyjama-clad lunatic standing on a street corner babbling at anyone who happens to pass by, this always was, and will continue to be about nothing more than an insane, unstable, severely disturbed old woman seeking attention.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 13, 2014, 11:26:11 AM
Quote from: markdansie on January 13, 2014, 10:43:51 AM
I think if everyone just totally ignored and no longer commented then apart from the ignorant true believers nobody would give a toss what Rosemary does. While there is commentary she has a stage and an audience. This will be my last post. You have a better chance of turning a fundamentalist Muslim rebel into a Texas baptist or visa versa.

Mark, I don't think any of us expects to "convert" Rosemary Ainslie. Of course this is impossible; in fact, I predicted that her "retraction" was lip service only and would not "stick", on the day she made it. We are far beyond the electrical engineering issues, the issues concerning the proper way to do science, the editorial issues. We are way into the psychological realm now. Nobody believes her claims. Ainslie has set herself up as a prime example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect; it is her choice to remain in the public eye and in fact she has once again announced her intention to seek the monetary prizes that are offered by several forums for a reliable OU demonstration. Since her claims are based on invalid, even fabricated data, trying to get money for them would seem to obligate us once again to put her claims up for the strongest criticism and most intense scrutiny. Her reactions and responses to this scrutiny and criticism are true psychological theatre. One observes denial, distortion of reality, failure to discriminate fantasy from reality, paranoia, pressure of speech, projection, and more.

In other words... man, we are in it for the lulz.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 13, 2014, 04:49:13 PM
I agree with Mark Dansie in that I do not see value in an endless battle of:  "Yes it is."  "No it isn't." 

For my part, I am comfortable that I have thoroughly addressed the direct contradictions that I assert Ms. Ainslie is presently declaring against her June 29, and August 11 demonstrations.  I think that anyone who is interested in the debate can view those videos and find that that those videos show what I contend that they do.  I think that anyone who is interested in the operational details of the fixtures can view TinselKoala's and Poynt99's excellent videos, and/or Poynt99's analysis paper complete with circuit simulations, and/or any of the many explanatory posts here offered by TinselKoala, Poynt99, and others.  In summary:  I believe that the physical record indisputably holds against Ms. Ainslie's assertions.

I again invite Ms. Ainslie, or anyone who wishes to defend Ms. Ainslie's recent declarations to rebut any of my assertions by pointing to appropriate times in the demonstration videos where we may see her apparatus performing as she presently claims that she has shown.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 13, 2014, 07:14:57 PM
Ainslie has never engaged in the kind of back-and-forth discussion involving actual points, evidence pro and con. She simply asserts. The notable exceptions being the past two demonstrations, where the Ainslie team was (just barely) responsive to suggestions that they perform particular manipulations of the apparatus and instrumentation. And we know what happened then!

Meanwhile, since she is emitting another of her trademark Blue Rants, shouting her false claims and ridiculous assertions once again, I thought I might provide a slight gloss for my playlist.


#1 Shows how the mosfet can be biased ON by applying a negative voltage to the _Source_ pin while the Gate remains at zero voltage. Also illustrates linear operation: the mosfet behaves perfectly normally, just as it should, even though the Gate is pinned to the negative rail and grounded.

#2 Shows how the Function Generator exactly replaces the biasing battery in the simple circuit. Note that the _Source_ pin of the mosfet is COMPLETELY DISCONNECTED PHYSICALLY from everything except the Function Generator and the scope probe. This is the condition Ainslie refers to as "floating". She believes that there is no current path in this condition so it is impossible, in her mind, for the load to be receiving power from the battery. However.... we know, and this video shows UNEQUIVOCALLY, that the FG completes the current path for the main circuit and the load is energized completely normally, just as before, when the _Source_ of the mosfet is lowered to at least 4 volts _below_ the zero voltage level at the negative pole of the battery.

#3 Demonstrates the previous but using the IRFPG50 mosfet with longer wires and some additional inductance in the battery supply jumpers. Then I demonstrate the effects of the FG's Amplitude and Offset knobs on scope traces and circuit behaviour. The result may surprise you... Depending on the settings of the two knobs, scope traces that appear identical can produce different or even _exactly opposite_ circuit behaviour. This is one reason why the open-circuit voltages that the FG is producing, must be known for any particular data point, if the circuit's settings are to be replicated. This information is totally  missing in all of Ainslie's reportage. Nobody has any idea how Ainslie's FG was set, since the Amplitude and Offset settings interact and she never measured the open-circuit voltages. At the end of the video a little low-amplitude parasitic oscillation can be seen on the traces.

#4 Here I remove the non-linear light bulb load and put in a 10 ohm wirewound resistive load, along with a Current Viewing Resistor. Now we have the Q2 portion of the Ainslie circuit complete. Note that around 4:00 in the video I reproduce the Figure 3 scopeshot's essential features: Substantial gate drive at or near 12 volts, with no current in the "Q1 ON" portions (since there is no Q1!) and plentiful high amplitude oscillations in the Q1 OFF portions of the duty cycle. All the while, the _Source_ of the mosfet is "floating" according to Ainslie: the only current path to complete the circuit is through the Function Generator. The Function Generator is acting like a battery in series with the negative side of the main battery. Further, I demonstrate determining the frequency of the oscillation, quickly and easily, using the analog scope, and I demonstrate yet again that the common English word "Per" indicates a mathematical division operation.

#4a&b Here I once again remove the FG and substitute a battery and a light bulb in series. (In all these demonstrations the Source of the mosfet is "floating" according to Ainslie, since it is disconnected from everything except the Function Generator.) This arrangement produces constant "Q2" oscillations, and the fact that the light bulb glows, proves unequivocally that current flows in this part of the circuit. The relationship to Ainslie's circuit should be abundantly clear since I use portions of the "standard" Ainslie schematic to show the exact arrangement I am using. Again, at around 3:45 I demonstrate the Figure 3 critical features... easy to do, since there is no Q1 to turn on, it is possible to get the full +12 volts Gate drive without allowing any current to flow. The edges of the oscillation bursts are examined at high resolution on the scope to show that they appear just exactly like the scope traces that Ainslie has provided at similar resolution. Then I once again show the FG removed and the bias battery inserted instead, with a bulb showing current flow.

#4c Here I demonstrate that the circuit, when oscillating, radiates significant power in the RF, contrary to Ainslie's claim. This radiation can interfere with the proper operation of sensitive equipment like digital thermometers. At the end of the video I switch the FG to produce a triangle ramp waveform to drive the mosfet... and we see scope traces very like some of the "weird" ones Ainslie didn't put in the daft manuscripts, but which can be viewed in the archive.

#5 Finally in this part I reassemble the complete circuit (but with a single Q2 instead of 4.) The current flows in the entire circuit are illustrated using DMMs and the oscilloscope. Now, with an operating Q1 in place and the instruments correctly connected, it is no longer possible to obtain something that looks like Figure 3: the current rises in Q1 as the gate voltage increases past +4 volts during the Q1 ON portions of the cycle.

Do I expect Ainslie to watch, think about, and discuss these videos coherently, considering the points they make and their implications for her claims and her "thesis"? Of course I do not. I present them merely to show, once again, just how comprehensively and thoroughly she has been refuted in her claims, and how ridiculous her protestations and her misrepresentations of my work are.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 13, 2014, 09:00:32 PM
TinselKoala those are all great and pertinent demonstrations.  If there is anything that could be added, it would be a video that reproduces Figure 3 by connecting the current sense channel oscilloscope tip to the battery negative side of the current sense resistor as was done late in the June 29 video.  Another principle that could be demonstrated is AC current passing from the drain through the gate of a power MOSFET, since that occurs through both Q1 and Q2 during the Q2 oscillations.

I have second thoughts about this suggestion, because he might kill me for making it, but I will put it out there anyway:  Someone could ask Steve Weir to offer his assessment of Ms. Ainslie's current claims versus what he saw during the demonstrations.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 13, 2014, 11:17:18 PM
Thank you... we aim to please.

Posted on July 9, 2013:
What does the CSR channel actually measure:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C72jwywsz3w (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C72jwywsz3w)

Posted on July 30, 2012:
Mosfets: How Do They Work, Part 9:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzUcx3haZbA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzUcx3haZbA)

Actually the two capacitor videos, from July 4 2012,  are probably a prerequisite:


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 13, 2014, 11:23:15 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 13, 2014, 11:17:18 PM
Thank you... we aim to please.

Posted on July 9, 2013:
What does the CSR channel actually measure:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C72jwywsz3w (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C72jwywsz3w)

Posted on July 30, 2012:
Mosfets: How Do They Work, Part 9:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzUcx3haZbA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzUcx3haZbA)


Didn't you mean MOSFETS?  I am sure this was just an oversight on your part....ha ha.  I'm sorry, I could not help myself.  Yet something else Rose was attempting to redefine.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on January 13, 2014, 11:41:49 PM
Hi Mark,

I just wanted to say we are grateful to have your presence here and a belated welcome.  I burnt out on the Ainslie drama a long time ago but I was once a protagonist (antagonist?)  It's an exercise in spinning wheels in mud from my perspective.

Anyway I hope that you have some fun around here.  Beware of compressed magnetic potential energy balls, wear goggles!

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 13, 2014, 11:45:32 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 13, 2014, 11:17:18 PM
Thank you... we aim to please.

Posted on July 9, 2013:
What does the CSR channel actually measure:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C72jwywsz3w (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C72jwywsz3w)

Posted on July 30, 2012:
Mosfets: How Do They Work, Part 9:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzUcx3haZbA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzUcx3haZbA)
TinselKoala, thanks.  Those are both great demonstrations. 

If you are willing it would be great if you could shoot a video similar to the first video but where you actually connect the scope probe to the current sense resistor so that we have a direct reproduction of the latter part of the June.

Even if you do not shoot an additional video, you've already demonstrated the electronic principles involved that account for effects seen in the June 29, and August 11 demonstration videos. 

Thanks again.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 13, 2014, 11:48:07 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 13, 2014, 11:23:15 PM

Didn't you mean MOSFETS?  I am sure this was just an oversight on your part....ha ha.  I'm sorry, I could not help myself.  Yet something else Rose was attempting to redefine.


I think it's absolutely hilarious that she objects to my non-capitalization of the acronym. I always respond by telling her there is no such thing as a MOSFET.... the device is a Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor and if she doesn't write it out IN FULL every time, she is a dirty, dirty, dirty sinner.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 13, 2014, 11:50:17 PM
Quote from: MileHigh on January 13, 2014, 11:41:49 PM
Hi Mark,

I just wanted to say we are grateful to have your presence here and a belated welcome.  I burnt out on the Ainslie drama a long time ago but I was once a protagonist (antagonist?)  It's an exercise in spinning wheels in mud from my perspective.

Anyway I hope that you have some fun around here.  Beware of compressed magnetic potential energy balls, wear goggles!

I do hope that Ms. Ainslie takes good safety precautions while working with the high energy magnets she has purchased.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 13, 2014, 11:59:44 PM
Quote from: MarkE on January 13, 2014, 11:45:32 PM
TinselKoala, thanks.  Those are both great demonstrations. 

If you are willing it would be great if you could shoot a video similar to the first video but where you actually connect the scope probe to the current sense resistor so that we have a direct reproduction of the latter part of the June.

Even if you do not shoot an additional video, you've already demonstrated the electronic principles involved that account for effects seen in the June 29, and August 11 demonstration videos. 

Thanks again.

Oh, sorry. I meant to put this one in too. Posted June 27, 2013:

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 14, 2014, 12:13:18 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 13, 2014, 11:59:44 PM
Oh, sorry. I meant to put this one in too. Posted June 27, 2013:

TinsekKoala, thanks again.  That video shows exactly the issues that were shown two days later during Ms. Ainslie's June 29 demonstration.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 14, 2014, 12:39:27 AM
You are welcome, again.

Note that I use an insulated load cell, with the load resistor element immersed in 250 ml of mineral oil (specific heat 0.84), and the thermometer measures the temperature of the oil, not some unknown combination of oil and element temperature. Readings are generally taken after agitation. Thus, a measured temperature rise of the oil allows one to calculate fairly accurately the actual input of energy to the load cell. Further, by looking at the time it takes for the load cell to return to ambient after being warmed, I know the "leak rate" of the cell, so that I can refine the energy calculation even more.

Ainslie's temperature data, I believe, is seriously flawed due to her naive methodology. She has her load element dangling in mid-air with the temperature thermocouple attached directly to the metal housing, or perhaps only suspended near it at times, since she repeatedly talks about temperature "over" the load resistor. I don't trust the DC temperature calibration data for this reason. We haven't discussed the thermometry much up to this point, but this is another area where the experimental technique and data interpretation of the Ainslie team is seriously flawed.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 14, 2014, 01:45:28 AM
TinselKoala you have done really great work showing the mechanics and the truth of Ms. Ainslie's apparatus.  You have applied great skill and care in your efforts.  I am sure that many people have learned about both circuits and good experiment techniques because of your efforts.

I believe that I have said before that I do not wish to berate anyone for making mistakes.   I credit Ms. Ainslie for conducting the demonstrations in June and August.  I see in those efforts an interest in getting to the truth.  I credit her for acknowledging the observed facts back in June and August and issuing her retraction in the face of those facts.  It's unfortunate that she has now done an about face on the facts.  The facts are in plain enough view, again thanks in no small part to efforts of people like you and Poynt99, but also due to Ms. Ainslee's own demonstrations, that Ms. Ainslie's present erroneous exclamations just aren't significant.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 14, 2014, 03:26:35 AM
Do you see? I told you that she would not be responsive to a reasoned discussion of actual points. She persists in maintaining those fictions which her own data disprove. I will wager that she has not even watched the recordings of her farcical demonstrations.... and I will point out that the screenshots which Steve Weir guided them to make have never been posted publicly as they agreed to do... in fact Ainslie has never even mentioned them again.

There are "innocent" mistakes, and then there are deliberate falsifications. You may think that innocence deserves gentler treatment, and perhaps it does, but I reserve my right to berate people for the deliberate falsifications and cover-ups. And when "mistakes" persist for years after they have been pointed out and paths to correction defined.... then those who commit them become highly beratable, in my book.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neME1s-lEZE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neME1s-lEZE)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLqM7FRMeZ4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLqM7FRMeZ4)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Turbo on January 14, 2014, 03:59:44 AM
if you know all this, tell me then why keep wasting your time on this?
is it because you feel you need to prove something to somebody?
don't you see its a waste of time?
Just publishing the your test results would be sufficiënt.
you can use that precious time to work on real things.
but then again, what is real? how would you define real? it seems that real is simply electrical signals interpeted by the brain.
and then again, you would not recognize overunity if it bit you in the arse..

nope too busy making screenshots in stead of scopeshots, too busy running ancient and out dated routines...
it takes practice to break the habbits.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 14, 2014, 05:03:50 AM
Quote from: Turbo on January 14, 2014, 03:59:44 AM
if you know all this, tell me then why keep wasting your time on this?
is it because you feel you need to prove something to somebody?
don't you see its a waste of time?
Just publishing the your test results would be sufficiënt.
you can use that precious time to work on real things.
but then again, what is real? how would you define real? it seems that real is simply electrical signals interpeted by the brain.
and then again, you would not recognize overunity if it bit you in the arse..

nope too busy making screenshots in stead of scopeshots, too busy running ancient and out dated routines...
it takes practice to break the habbits.

Why don't you tell me, newbie Turbo, just what you think "overunity" looks like, and why I might not recognize it if it bit me in the arse. Please be sure to include lots of references to your own work, and some demonstrations of "overunity", so I'll know what to look out for.

Also, you should check with the person who is forcing you to look at this thread, and ask him why he's not leaving you alone so you can work on your own "routines".
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Turbo on January 14, 2014, 05:22:08 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 14, 2014, 05:03:50 AM

Why don't you

I already did but you never got back to me.
You were too busy.
The demonstrations are there for those to find.
Clearly, You are not one of them, and i am not going to spoonfeed you.

I just point out to you that you do not notice overunity, nor do you notice working overunity devices, you do not notice overunity concepts, ways of doing things, or what else.
It is a signal from me to you that you are missing something and that you might want to decide to stop wasting your time and start to look around a bit better.

I have not adressed to many people.
Only to you, Tinselkoala, who never got back to me when we met the first time.
And to Poynt, Who never got back to me.
Also to MarkDansie in fact more then once, who also does not get back to me.

See only 3 people and i get the same responce a big fuck off, luckily i know that there are people who do find it.

You imediatly get defensive, start telling me what to do, and so on, i´m just saying put it aside.
As for newbie, you do not have a clue about what i .
Why do people attach status to number of posts? is it related to how smart one is?
No it's not.....it can't be.

Quote from: TinselKoala on January 14, 2014, 05:03:50 AM
Why don't you

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 14, 2014, 05:27:09 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 14, 2014, 03:26:35 AM
Do you see? I told you that she would not be responsive to a reasoned discussion of actual points. She persists in maintaining those fictions which her own data disprove. I will wager that she has not even watched the recordings of her farcical demonstrations.... and I will point out that the screenshots which Steve Weir guided them to make have never been posted publicly as they agreed to do... in fact Ainslie has never even mentioned them again.

There are "innocent" mistakes, and then there are deliberate falsifications. You may think that innocence deserves gentler treatment, and perhaps it does, but I reserve my right to berate people for the deliberate falsifications and cover-ups. And when "mistakes" persist for years after they have been pointed out and paths to correction defined.... then those who commit them become highly beratable, in my book.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neME1s-lEZE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neME1s-lEZE)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLqM7FRMeZ4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLqM7FRMeZ4)
TinselKoala, all that you say about Ms. Ainslie may well be true.  Even if it is, what would it really matter?  To all rational people familiar with her claims and the evidence, the matter is settled.  To any rational people who might later come along, thanks to people like you and Poynt99, the evidence is irrefutable and they will not be fooled.  All that leaves is the personal stuff. I encourage you to just let the personal stuff go.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 14, 2014, 07:49:25 AM
Quote from: MarkE on January 14, 2014, 05:27:09 AM
TinselKoala, all that you say about Ms. Ainslie may well be true.  Even if it is, what would it really matter?  To all rational people familiar with her claims and the evidence, the matter is settled.  To any rational people who might later come along, thanks to people like you and Poynt99, the evidence is irrefutable and they will not be fooled.  All that leaves is the personal stuff. I encourage you to just let the personal stuff go.

If my responses to Ainslie's personal attacks on me are bothering you, you can always put me on your "ignore" list and then you won't have to see my comments at all.

I would remind you that it was Ainslie who chose to resurrect this topic, and she did it with continuing personal attacks, insults, false accusations of criminality, and even threats against my person and reputation. She has been engaging in email and telephone campaigns seeking to identify me and she has been making false allegations against me to others. Where is anyone seeking to restrain her? This forum thread is my only avenue of response and defence against her calumnies.  She chose to make this argument personal, in the nastiest possible manner, long ago. I have responded with facts, checkable outside references and completely documented demonstrations which anyone can repeat... and you see how she replies: with more insults, false accusations and misrepresentations of my work and my words. There is one sure way to get me to stop doing what I'm doing, and that is for Ainslie to put an end to her perpetual lies and insults and start behaving like an honest researcher who wants to learn the truth. Since this will never happen.... here I am, and I will continue to reply to her insults and disrespect with all the contempt they deserve.


I find this video incredibly offensive. Can you imagine the outrage that would be directed toward me, had I published anything like this with Ainslie as subject? Where is the outrage directed toward Ainslie?

Why does Ainslie need all these YouTube accounts, anyway?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 14, 2014, 08:13:37 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 14, 2014, 07:49:25 AM
If my responses to Ainslie's personal attacks on me are bothering you, you can always put me on your "ignore" list and then you won't have to see my comments at all.

I would remind you that it was Ainslie who chose to resurrect this topic, and she did it with continuing personal attacks, insults, false accusations of criminality, and even threats against my person and reputation. She has been engaging in email and telephone campaigns seeking to identify me and she has been making false allegations against me to others. Where is anyone seeking to restrain her? This forum thread is my only avenue of response and defence against her calumnies.  She chose to make this argument personal, in the nastiest possible manner, long ago. I have responded with facts, checkable outside references and completely documented demonstrations which anyone can repeat... and you see how she replies: with more insults, false accusations and misrepresentations of my work and my words. There is one sure way to get me to stop doing what I'm doing, and that is for Ainslie to put an end to her perpetual lies and insults and start behaving like an honest researcher who wants to learn the truth. Since this will never happen.... here I am, and I will continue to reply to her insults and disrespect with all the contempt they deserve.
TinselKoala, I can see what she's done and what she is doing.  My suggestion, and it is only a suggestion, was intended for your benefit as you are someone I value.  If my suggestion doesn't suit you, that's fine.  I will not belabor it.

ETA:  Yes, that first video is very off color.  I think that reflects badly on her for making it and posting it.  I have no idea why she has more than one You Tube channel.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 14, 2014, 09:34:32 AM
I appreciate your kind words and your concern. Thank you. I'm sorry that I can't seem to achieve your detachment. I've been bearing the brunt of Ainslie's rank insults and disrespect ever since I first elucidated the duty cycle problem with the Quantum magazine circuit back in 2009.

Meanwhile, I watched again the video of the August 11 demonstration. In about an hour and eleven minutes, I see about ten minutes of actual data presentation. Once again it seems to me like the presenters don't really grasp what is expected of them or what is being presented, or why. Without Steve Weir's patient guidance, it's clear that this would have been another complete farce, an utter waste of time. At least Steve managed to herd them down the right path for a few minutes.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY3mHLJ2DzU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY3mHLJ2DzU)

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 14, 2014, 11:08:28 AM
TinselKoala, you are welcome.

The August 11 demonstration offers a lot of information to anyone who is willing to take the time to watch closely.  I find it unfortunate that Ms. Ainslie is making declarations that are directly contradicted by what the demonstration unequivocally shows. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 16, 2014, 12:43:30 AM
Indeed so. I wonder what SWeir might have to say about the recent developments, and how he would interpret your comments and my efforts to Ainslie.

Ainslie continues to demonstrate that she is impervious to reason and that she is incapable of learning from my simple demonstrations. Clearly I have pitched them at too high a level -- I was trying to make them understandable by a bright eighth-grader.... but then, around here they do teach algebra to bright students of that age. In the future I will have to "dumb down" even further if I expect persons of Ainslie's educational level and reasoning ability to grasp my demonstrations.

I also think it is hilarious when Ainslie chooses to denigrate my equipment or my technique.... when nobody in her crew even knows how to operate their equipment and can't tell normal functioning from a malfunction, causing them to waste hours of useless effort. Ainslie herself has no idea just what the FG offset control does. Just about every statement she makes is contradicted by her own data and the evidence from her own demonstrations! She doesn't even have the skill--or courage-- to operate the equipment herself for her demonstrations, she has to get someone else to do it for her.... and can't even find anyone competent to do so.... yet she makes her silly comments about my demonstrations.

Posted on April 6, 2012:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoYFxq4bm2w (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoYFxq4bm2w)

Also posted on April 6, 2012:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXAqEinb8YU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXAqEinb8YU)
(Note the monitoring of the mosfet DRAIN voltage to show what is really going on)

But I think that this one might be pitched at a level more appropriate for Ainslie's understanding:
(July 14, 2009)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSFS99SaZTA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSFS99SaZTA)

(I'm pretty irate for this one all right, and I'm talking so fast I made a few errors in the patter but I've corrected those by text annotations on the video. Believe it or not... this demonstration was a response to people -- including Ainslie's main sycophants at the time -- who believed that the Drain voltage being HIGH meant that the mosfet Drain-Source channel is ON. This is part of the "duty cycle" issue. The little test circuit was suggested out by Aaron, who believed it would behave exactly opposite than it actually does, as a challenge to me during the initial "debate" over the duty cycle produced by the "precise circuit" given in the Quantum article. This is also why you do not see Drain voltage traces on Ainslie's scopeshots: she does not understand what the Drain signal is showing.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 16, 2014, 04:13:02 AM
TinselKoala, the videos are very good:  They state the principles that they intend to demonstrate and then proceed to do that clearly and concisely.

The observable facts are that mention of Ms. Ainslie got quiet, and Ms. Ainslie published her comments.  That should tell most people what they need to know.  For the record:  Yes, Ms. Ainslie is correct, I misused 'dispersion' five days ago.  I am at a loss to find anything else in that posting or her other subsequent postings that deserves comment. 

I do not speak for Steve.  If anyone wants to coax comments from him then I think they will need to contact him directly.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 17, 2014, 11:10:17 AM

Ainslie, in her ignorance, still confuses "libel" with "slander", even while committing it .... just as she doesn't know the difference between "equinox" and "solstice". Or "Joule" and "Watt". Or many other fine distinctions she ignores .... such as "Truth" and "Falsehood".



Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 17, 2014, 01:10:26 PM
TinselKoala, the videos do tell a story.  The story has been repeated many times.  The circuit that Ms. Ainslie once thought and continues to profess "breaks the unity barriers" in reality, and as proven by her own August 11 demonstration, is massively inefficient compared to simple wires.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on January 17, 2014, 02:40:38 PM
I'd like to see a lot less chatter from the Ainslie camp, and a lot more testing. The proof is in the pudding, and all I've seen is promises of pudding for several months now.

When is the Ainslie camp going to get off their keisters and whip up some of that pudding they keep teasing us about? Talk is cheap, and it simply doesn't cut it when outrageous claims are involved.

Maybe they just need a little cheering-on; all together now:

"Go go Ainslie camp
Get to testing
Save the rant"

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 17, 2014, 03:32:22 PM
There is no testing to talk about!

Remember the June and August demonstrations? They went into those, cold. But for the "private" session before the more public August demo, there weren't even any rehearsals! Remember how, in the June 29 demo, they didn't seem to understand what the problem was, and how they were surprised by the Q1 oscillations, to the point of suspecting their FG of malfing? None of them had operated that apparatus for a long, -long- time, and they certainly didn't understand the problem space.

And of course, for over a year prior to that, Ainslie claimed testing was happening, that the Figure 3 scopeshot was trivial to make, and all the rest of it. For how long has she been promising battery draw-down data? Since 2009, at least. Yet they were caught completely by surprise on June 29, and again on August 10.

Now she is making her claims without producing any supporting data at all. She has apparently learned one lesson from her farcical performances: if you don't give out any data or details, you cannot be solidly refuted.

Where are the scopeshots that Steve Weir had them save to the USB stick, and that _AINSLIE AGREED TO PUBLISH_ ? Nobody has seen them, and Ainslie has given several lame excuses, like "Donny has them and Ainslie doesn't want to bother him"..... right.  The TRUTH is that those scopeshots, along with the conditions under which they were made, are powerful coffin nails, that demonstrate to those with the wits to understand them, that Ainslie's claims are utterly false. And Ainslie knows this! This is why she will not publish them, not some lame excuse involving Donovan Martin's busy schedule.

The entire history of the Ainslie affair demonstrates that getting data from Ainslie is like pulling teeth.... from an old woman, who has lost all her _real_ teeth long ago.  Where are the alleged reports from all those engineers and companies? She cannot provide them because they don't exist.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 17, 2014, 04:52:58 PM
TinselKoala, awhile back I asked Steve if he knew anything about the flash drive captures from the June 29 demo.  He said that they were not available.  He did not elaborate.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 18, 2014, 12:20:18 PM
Mark E., that's right, they are "not available" ... from the Ainslie camp.

Several possible reasons we can imagine. On the one hand we have several different kinds of incompetence: They lost the flash drive, the dog ate it, the scope wasn't set properly to make the recording, etc. etc. On the other hand we have several different kinds of duplicity: They don't want to publish them because they realize what they show, they are in Donny's hands and Ainslie doesn't want to bother him, etc. etc. Can anyone think of other kinds of reasons why we don't have those shots? The fact remains that they were to be published, by the agreement made and discussed ... and they have not been published.

By the Ainslie mob, that is. I went through the video and made screenshots of the scope screens at the times of the USB saves. The descriptions of the conditions of each shot can be easily heard in the video -- as can be Steve Weir's words telling them to publish the shots, and their words agreeing to do so.

(Of course as we all know this is not the first time (nor will it be the last) that we have been promised raw data by Ainslie ... and she has failed to provide it. Where, for example, are the spreadsheets that she promised to Stefan and the rest of us, years ago? Of course those are moot since it has been amply shown that the data from all those early experiments cannot be trusted at all.)

Now.... we really should be asking a bit more pointedly, I think.... WHY have the Ainslie mob not released their clear versions of these scopeshots, since we have the screen grabs of them already and we can tell, with sufficient detail, just what they do show because of MY work?

(The compendium of most of Ainslie's posted and "published" scopeshots, no thanks to Ainslie:
And below I've posted an image of what she had to say about that compendium. Every one of the shots was indeed posted to the internet, publicly, by Ainslie herself, as anyone (except, apparently Ainslie) can verify for themselves. )
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 18, 2014, 12:41:09 PM
By the way.... I have told Ainslie, long ago, that I can indeed provide the source (her posting) of each and every one of those shots, and I've asked for her to specify any one that she challenges. She has never responded to that, instead choosing to continue to emit statements like that above: paranoid, delusional accusations that are simply impossible in fact, and which are easily refuted by simply entering into "google" the filename or SCRN sequence number of the shots.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on January 18, 2014, 01:17:25 PM
Hey!  I found a nugget of high comedy:

QuoteNOTA BENE.  The current flow measured directly at the negative terminal of the battery shows NO discharge during the 'OFF' period.  Therefore?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 18, 2014, 02:02:57 PM
Quote from: MileHigh on January 18, 2014, 01:17:25 PM
Hey!  I found a nugget of high comedy:

I know the quote sounds obvious and foolish.  Had Ms. Ainslie's quote been true it would have been very significant.  It would have meant that the battery was not supplying power during the intervals when the breadboard circuit was going through its big oscillations.  During the August 11 demonstrations those were the only times that the heating element was powered. 

Ms. Ainslie's quote refers to the function generator negative voltage interval, AKA the Q1 "OFF" intervals.  She has things backwards:  During the August 11th demonstration, current only flowed during the function generator negative voltage intervals, AKA Q1 "OFF" intervals of her papers and June 29 demonstration.  The current flow during the Q1 "OFF" interval is is the oscillatory current measured both at the white breadboard fixture and at the batteries that results from linear operation of the Q2 MOSFETs.   During those oscillations some small amounts of current passed through the drain to gate, drain to source, and gate to source parasitic capacitance of Q1.

For all tests conducted during the August 11, demonstration, the function generator's maximum positive excursion was ~2V which was insufficient to bias Q1 on.  Ms. Ainslie has consistently referred to the periods of function generator positive swing as the Q1 "ON" periods.  And they would be were the positive excursion set well above the IRFPG50's Vgs of 4V.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 19, 2014, 09:56:27 AM
We should also explicitly note that the oscillations of Q2s are partially turning those transistors on, biasing them into their linear operation region. They aren't turning on fully, and so their drain-source resistance is even higher than the nominal Rdss of 2.0 ohms each (4 in parallel would have an aggregate resistance of 0.5 ohms when fully ON). This means that the power dissipation in these transistors is relatively high during the oscillations. We can recall that the August 11 demonstration showed around 13 to 15 Watts of power coming from the battery stack in the Q2-oscillation, no Q1 current, configuration, and that this produced a temperature rise of about 21 degrees C in the load resistance. Ainslie declined to complete the Phase 4 DC control test, so reference was made to the temperature calibrations in "Paper 1".... which showed that a DC power of around 2 or 3 Watts was sufficient to produce a 20 degree temperature rise in the load. The exact values can be heard toward the end of the video clip below. The "missing power" is heating up the mosfets, mostly, although according to my measurements a significant amount is also being radiated as RF at the oscillation frequency. That's right.... there is actually more power being dissipated by the internal resistance of the partially-on mosfets during oscillation, than there is in the load resistor. A comprehensive examination of power in this circuit should have the entire circuit, mosfets and everything, immersed in a known quantity of oil, and the temperature measurements should be made on the oil. In this way the total power dissipation of the entire circuit could be compared to the power drawn from the battery. If there is any hope for experimental support for Ainslie's conjectures, the _total_ power dissipation of the entire circuit must be compared to the battery (plus FG) power contributed to the circuit.

What's the "TL;DR" ?

Since this is the last bit of data we have from Ainslie, we completely reject her current set of claims made without evidence. In the video clip, we can hear her waffling about: But but... when you weren't watching us, we got completely different results from the same settings. That gets a ROFL, for sure ! All of Ainslie's OU results happen when there is no one watching, no record is made and nobody knows just how settings were set. When people are watching and parameters carefully measured and recorded, HER OWN DATA indicate that there is only normal circuit behaviour happening, in a _grossly inefficient_ heater circuit, if heat at the load is the only consideration. However, the total power dissipation of the circuit was not monitored in these or any other sets of Ainslie experiments.


Ainslie's current claim seems to be that the batteries, when used with her circuit at her operating parameters, will outlast their amp-hour ratings compared to the same batteries, making the same heat at the same load, using DC alone. How exactly is this test to be arranged? How do you use the same batteries and the same load to provide DC current to make the same heat as the Ainslie circuit makes? Do you limit the current with an inline rheostat (dissipating power there)? Do you use PWM or some other chopping scheme? Do you use a _different load resistor_?

Note once again in the posts imaged below, how Ainslie makes false allegations against me, without being able to provide any references at all to support her ridiculous claims. Where did I EVER say that a FG could not be tuned to a negative offset? Nowhere, that's where. Ainslie simply lies. Since I've demonstrated the offset function time and time again, her foot is once again seen to be stuck firmly down her throat. To what does she refer when she says I  ENTIRLY omitted 'time' in my analysis of power? We have seen Time and Time Again that Ainslie cannot tell the difference between Power and Energy and does not understand the difference between a Quantity (Joule) and a Rate (Watt). Ainslie is over her head in any discussion of Power and Energy, because she does not understand the relationship between the two and does not have any math beyond simple arithmetic.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 19, 2014, 10:52:41 AM
TinselKoala the short summary is that Ms. Ainslie's best and most recent demonstrations completely refute her claims.   Nothing can change that but new data that supports her claims.  There is no sign of such data from any source.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on January 19, 2014, 11:46:22 AM
There is a lot of drama in flux, it's just like the good old days.  The issue of battery discharge rates and how much energy you can extract from a battery was covered by PicoWatt but I don't think it was ever acknowledged.  Rosemary is proposing swapping the batteries, so she should get symmetrical results.  THEN? lol

As long as she gets a pair of brand new batteries then let her rip Rosie!  Let's hope she can find someone to run the tests for her.  There is the technical challenge of setting up the right load resistor for the control experiment.  It would be a fun challenge to do a really good thermal setup and plan the execution of the test.  You could take a trip to a big-box hardware store and whip up something quite easily.  Get some styrofoam and some plastic pails and some insulation.  How many pails of water should my battery energy heat up?  How will I agitate it?  What should I use for a delta-t?  Should I measure the the thermal time constant of my insulated water vessel to make sure it is not likely to affect my results?  How do you check the batteries?

There is enough drama right there to fill a full season of episodes.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 19, 2014, 12:13:38 PM

But what happens when she heats that water to 104 degrees C?  I mean, she claims to have done that before.  This tells me that her temperature measurement skills are no better than her electronics skills.  Therefore, I would doubt any results she obtained from the experiments you, and others, have suggested.

I also do not see the need for such large batteries, and so many of them.  It would take a very long time to run down the control set.  A charged supercap should be used instead making it a matter of hours for the control to be performed, not days, weeks or months.

Of course, then she will claim that part of the "magic" in her circuit is in the batteries themselves and removing them would change the results.  I think we should not expect her to perform any tests or experiments of a scientific nature, or we will be waiting a loooong time.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on January 19, 2014, 12:23:29 PM

QuoteBut what happens when she heats that water to 104 degrees C?  I mean, she claims to have done that before.

It's due to the high pressure atmosphere around Rosie.  Enough to make your ears pop.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 19, 2014, 03:22:47 PM
Quote from: MileHigh on January 19, 2014, 11:46:22 AM
There is a lot of drama in flux, it's just like the good old days.  The issue of battery discharge rates and how much energy you can extract from a battery was covered by PicoWatt but I don't think it was ever acknowledged.  Rosemary is proposing swapping the batteries, so she should get symmetrical results.  THEN? lol

As long as she gets a pair of brand new batteries then let her rip Rosie!  Let's hope she can find someone to run the tests for her.  There is the technical challenge of setting up the right load resistor for the control experiment.  It would be a fun challenge to do a really good thermal setup and plan the execution of the test.  You could take a trip to a big-box hardware store and whip up something quite easily.  Get some styrofoam and some plastic pails and some insulation.  How many pails of water should my battery energy heat up?  How will I agitate it?  What should I use for a delta-t?  Should I measure the the thermal time constant of my insulated water vessel to make sure it is not likely to affect my results?  How do you check the batteries?

There is enough drama right there to fill a full season of episodes.
The test procedures that Ms. Ainslie has proposed are woefully inadequate.  They are also out of left field.  Until she improves her efficiency by about 5X she is outperformed by wires.  In order to show unambiguous gain she needs to improve by about 10X and get ~30W instead of ~3W when drawing ~15W from her batteries.  If she should ever get to the point that it looks like she is getting much more out of the heater than she draws from the batteries then she can try run down test following some reliable protocol.  If she jumps the gun then there are more or less two possibilities:  She and her collaborators will make gross mistakes and generate worthless data, or they will find that they don't get improved battery performance delivering the same heat as an appropriately selected resistor and wires while drawing the same amount of power from the batteries as does her current circuit.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 19, 2014, 09:58:34 PM
QuoteCan someone here please help me with a simple self-oscillation circuit using my Inductive Resistor Heater Element as one of the circuit components and a minimum of other components like the MOSFET. It must also operate in a pulse width mode ... IOW with a well defined 'ON' period and a well defined 'OFF' period. I envision a tank circuit of some sort that 'clips' itself somehow. If it's not possible to use the element in the circuit that controls the MOSFET, that's OK. I just need a generic sort of design that can be adjusted. I'm trying to eliminate any parasitic loads that waste energy so my next slate of tests stand a chance of success.  I just haven't been able to get a 555 to properly control my driver chip ... it always fall short on the "crispness" end. If I could eliminate the driver chip, that would be great, but properly controlling a Power MOSFET at 500K+ Hz and 5% to 20% duty cycle usually requires one.

Thanks in advance,


That is not hard to arrange.  Do you want the non-oscillating period to saturate the switch conducting or not conducting, or do you need all three states:  oscillating, conducting, and off?  Since many MOSFET drivers accept logic inputs you can sharpen your 555 by using a logic gate such as a 74alvc1g14 with a resistor and diode to clip the input or by running the 555 from the same supply as the logic gate.  An inverting gate such as the xxx14 will make things easier on you anyway because 555's configured as astable multivibrators like to make long on duty-cycles.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 20, 2014, 09:18:10 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIANNRpl6FA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIANNRpl6FA)

(posted on July 13, 2012)

The same technique can be applied to the much higher-frequency circuit that is currently in Ainslie's "box". Inverter gates can be daisy-chained with little propagation delay, so one can have both inverted and noninverted outputs simultaneously depending on how many inverter gates you use. For higher speed and low power use one might choose a different inverter than the 4049.

Driving a power mosfet (IRFP460) at about 4 MHz using a self-triggering Class E amplifier circuit:
(no chips, mosfet gate is driven directly from a biased pickup loop under the main coil)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDcjEnVnGMM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDcjEnVnGMM)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 20, 2014, 09:39:14 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 19, 2014, 12:13:38 PM

But what happens when she heats that water to 104 degrees C?  I mean, she claims to have done that before.  This tells me that her temperature measurement skills are no better than her electronics skills.  Therefore, I would doubt any results she obtained from the experiments you, and others, have suggested.

I also do not see the need for such large batteries, and so many of them.  It would take a very long time to run down the control set.  A charged supercap should be used instead making it a matter of hours for the control to be performed, not days, weeks or months.

Of course, then she will claim that part of the "magic" in her circuit is in the batteries themselves and removing them would change the results.  I think we should not expect her to perform any tests or experiments of a scientific nature, or we will be waiting a loooong time.


Several points, Bill. By Ainslie's own admission, in forum and blog posts that I have displayed before....

Actually, Ainslie and her mob never actually measured the actual water temperature. Actually. What they "actually" measured was some combination of element and water temperature, since the thermocouple is attached directly to the element housing metal.

Furthermore, the 700 or 800 milliliters of water (her accounts vary)  wasn't actually boiling , at any time in Ainslie's trials, even at the cited temperature of 104 degrees. "There were small bubbles" at the hot element where she immersed it.

Note that the blog report, made on or about the day of the actual trial, uses very different language than is used in the "paper 1" description of the same trial. "Wasn't actually boiling" becomes "takes water to boil". "We never measured the temperature of the water" becomes "the water temperature was...."  and so on.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: minnie on January 20, 2014, 09:52:16 AM
   trouble is these folk won't do a simple test because they can't. Instead of using a huge
amount of stored energy in the form of a bank of massive lead batteries why not use
something like 2ah. cells. If they're not draining the batteries the small cells should last
for days. I'll bet they wouldn't though!
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 20, 2014, 09:52:38 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 20, 2014, 09:18:10 AM

(posted on July 13, 2012)

The same technique can be applied to the much higher-frequency circuit that is currently in Ainslie's "box". Inverter gates can be daisy-chained with little propagation delay, so one can have both inverted and noninverted outputs simultaneously depending on how many inverter gates you use. For higher speed and low power use one might choose a different inverter than the 4049.
The CD4049 works fine for that with the only limitations the asymmetric drive strength and limit to about 5V operation.  What a lot of people don't realize is that another 555 can be used to make an inverter that has the same high drive strength and wide supply voltage range that make the 555 a very useful part.  I've shown an example here that can produce the stated Quantum Magazine timing very precisely. 

The second 555 acts like an inverter with input hysteresis of Vcc/3.   When the input voltage exceeds the pin 6 threshold value of Vcc * 2/3, the 555's internal latch clears, and the output goes low.  The discharge pin also conducts which can be useful in some cases.  When the input signal falls below the pin 2 trigger value of Vcc * 1/3, the 555's internal latch sets, and the output goes high.  CMOS 555's have propagation delays of about 100ns, and rise and fall times of about 150ns.  With the addition of two resistors, this circuit can be used to take a logic level input.  Just connect a voltage divider of R/2R resistors from the logic power supply to the pin 5, control voltage input.  For example with a CMOS 555 use  5K to the logic supply and 10K to ground.  The switching thresholds will be 2/3 of the logic supply for high to low, and 1/3 of the logic supply for low to high.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 20, 2014, 10:02:42 AM

There is an even easier way to "fix" the duty cycle issue in the exact Quantum 17 circuit, though. You will note that in the original circuit the 555 clock is powered by its own battery. This makes the duty cycle invertible by the use of the Secret of DPDT.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVePUJJVAlc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVePUJJVAlc)   (September 7, 2013)

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 20, 2014, 10:07:29 AM
Quote from: minnie on January 20, 2014, 09:52:16 AM
   trouble is these folk won't do a simple test because they can't. Instead of using a huge
amount of stored energy in the form of a bank of massive lead batteries why not use
something like 2ah. cells. If they're not draining the batteries the small cells should last
for days. I'll bet they wouldn't though!
John lead acid batteries are low rate devices.  They will wear out quickly if you charge or discharge them in less than 10 hours.  Going to smaller batteries would just restrict them to lower powers or expose the batteries to damage.

Other cells like NiCd, NiMH, or most Li-Ion can handle charging and discharging in an hour without degradation.  I don't recall seeing anything her theory that Ms. Ainslie says is so important that depends on a lead acid cell.  An additional advantage of going from lead acid to Li-Ion would be that the charging efficiency of Li-Ion is much better than lead acid.  Decent Li-Ion batteries can be purchased for $1.00/W or less.  A 20Wh - 40Wh battery would be plenty for the sorts of experiments they were doing.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 20, 2014, 10:09:54 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 20, 2014, 10:02:42 AM

There is an even easier way to "fix" the duty cycle issue in the exact Quantum 17 circuit, though. You will note that in the original circuit the 555 clock is powered by its own battery. This makes the duty cycle invertible by the use of the Secret of DPDT.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVePUJJVAlc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVePUJJVAlc)   (September 17, 2013)
That's a clever arrangement provided you have separate supplies.  Bad things will happen if you try and use it with a common supply.  Why are DPDT switches a secret?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on January 20, 2014, 10:18:36 AM

Do you mean Ah vs. Wh?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 20, 2014, 10:29:07 AM
Poynt99 I meant Wh.  there is no reason that I can see for the huge battery banks.  If they were ever to find something with a gain that should be detectable in less than a minute.  Honestly, a good bench power supply would do.

The August 11 demonstration drew ~15W from the batteries.  If they think they need to turn Q1 on part of the time the power will jump by approximately 450W * Q1 duty cycle.  All the power gain they originally reported but the demonstrations showed was mismeasurement is supposed to be from the oscillations.  When Q1 is on it is just a surrogate switch.  So if they do need Q1 on part of the time it should only need to be for a very short time and small duty-cycle.  A 20Wh - 40Wh pack should be plenty.  At 72V they may have trouble finding a Li-ion pack smaller than 100Wh.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 20, 2014, 10:30:28 AM
Quote from: MarkE on January 20, 2014, 10:09:54 AM
That's a clever arrangement provided you have separate supplies.  Bad things will happen if you try and use it with a common supply.  Why are DPDT switches a secret?

The Secret of DPDT is a poke at Steorn. During their famous Waterways demonstration of their core-effect eOrbo pulse motors, they wanted to demonstrate that the rotation of the motor did not depend on the polarity of the DC pulses provided to the drive coils. This resulted in five minutes or so of screwdriver re-wiring work on their otherwise well-laid-out giant breadboard, and then another interval while the original connections were re-established. Apparently the Secret of DPDT was not yet known by the Lads in Dublin. I have also noted several other occasions when people who might have been expected to know better, were either fooled by a DPDT switch or failed to use one in an obvious application.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 20, 2014, 10:54:27 AM
Quote from: MarkE on January 20, 2014, 10:29:07 AM
Poynt99 I meant Wh.  there is no reason that I can see for the huge battery banks.  If they were ever to find something with a gain that should be detectable in less than a minute.  Honestly, a good bench power supply would do.

The August 11 demonstration drew ~15W from the batteries.  If they think they need to turn Q1 on part of the time the power will jump by approximately 450W * Q1 duty cycle.  All the power gain they originally reported but the demonstrations showed was mismeasurement is supposed to be from the oscillations.  When Q1 is on it is just a surrogate switch.  So if they do need Q1 on part of the time it should only need to be for a very short time and small duty-cycle.  A 20Wh - 40Wh pack should be plenty.  At 72V they may have trouble finding a Li-ion pack smaller than 100Wh.

The reason for the huge battery banks is obfuscation! According to the Ainslie team, a 12 volt LA or SCLA battery is "fully charged" whenever its open-circuit terminal voltage is 12 volts or more. I know this is hard to believe but I have substantiated it with references many times before. So with a bank of 4 to six nominal "12 volt" silver-calcium LAs with 60 amp-hours rated capacity (as were used for the trials reported in the daft manuscripts), one can run her circuit at high heat values for many trials before seeing depletion in charge using their definitions and instrumentation methodology. Which is just what happened.

Why not use a large capacitor bank? Because it does not obfuscate. Even though the "negative power product" is produced just as with batteries -- in fact, the waveforms are identical -- a capacitor bank discharges at the normally expected rate. Ainslie has used this result to claim that batteries are necessary. Of course.

You may note in the photo below, published by Ainslie in PESN just before the last set of demonstrations.... there is an extra set of red and black cables, terminated by large alligator clips, leading up to behind the oscilloscope, where something is concealed underneath a wadded-up textile, in Ainslie's neat-as-a-pin "laboratory". This "something" is evidently a power supply or battery charger. Odd, isn't it?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on January 20, 2014, 10:55:15 AM

I've only seen batteries rated/specified in "Amp-hours", not "Watt-hours".
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 20, 2014, 11:09:13 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 20, 2014, 10:30:28 AM
The Secret of DPDT is a poke at Steorn. During their famous Waterways demonstration of their core-effect eOrbo pulse motors, they wanted to demonstrate that the rotation of the motor did not depend on the polarity of the DC pulses provided to the drive coils. This resulted in five minutes or so of screwdriver re-wiring work on their otherwise well-laid-out giant breadboard, and then another interval while the original connections were re-established. Apparently the Secret of DPDT was not yet known by the Lads in Dublin. I have also noted several other occasions when people who might have been expected to know better, were either fooled by a DPDT switch or failed to use one in an obvious application.

Do the DHS or NSA know about this DPDT secret?  It seems so powerful that it might be dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands.  A shudder to think what a determined cheese maker might be able to do with something that powerful.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 20, 2014, 11:10:25 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on January 20, 2014, 10:55:15 AM

I've only seen batteries rated/specified in "Amp-hours", not "Watt-hours".
Poynt99, cells are usually rated in Ah.  There are many batteries that are rated in Wh particularly in the rechargeable battery space.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 20, 2014, 11:28:11 AM
Quote from: MarkE on January 20, 2014, 11:09:13 AM
Do the DHS or NSA know about this DPDT secret?  It seems so powerful that it might be dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands.  A shudder to think what a determined cheese maker might be able to do with something that powerful.

Unfortunately... I ran out of that fine mouldy cheese, had to use all my remaining stash on a pasta emergency. And now I can no longer find any cheeses that will work in the Cheese Power demonstration.    :-[ :-\ ::) 8)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 20, 2014, 11:31:44 AM
Have you considered the possibility that the DHS, or NSA quickly moved in and neutered available cheese so that what you showed would no longer be possible?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 20, 2014, 11:33:49 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 20, 2014, 10:54:27 AM
The reason for the huge battery banks is obfuscation! According to the Ainslie team, a 12 volt LA or SCLA battery is "fully charged" whenever its open-circuit terminal voltage is 12 volts or more. I know this is hard to believe but I have substantiated it with references many times before. So with a bank of 4 to six nominal "12 volt" silver-calcium LAs with 60 amp-hours rated capacity (as were used for the trials reported in the daft manuscripts), one can run her circuit at high heat values for many trials before seeing depletion in charge using their definitions and instrumentation methodology. Which is just what happened.

Why not use a large capacitor bank? Because it does not obfuscate. Even though the "negative power product" is produced just as with batteries -- in fact, the waveforms are identical -- a capacitor bank discharges at the normally expected rate. Ainslie has used this result to claim that batteries are necessary. Of course.

You may note in the photo below, published by Ainslie in PESN just before the last set of demonstrations.... there is an extra set of red and black cables, terminated by large alligator clips, leading up to behind the oscilloscope, where something is concealed underneath a wadded-up textile, in Ainslie's neat-as-a-pin "laboratory". This "something" is evidently a power supply or battery charger. Odd, isn't it?
The results could be very different if one accidentally left a charger connected and running.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on January 20, 2014, 11:41:57 AM
Quote from: MarkE on January 20, 2014, 11:10:25 AM
Poynt99, cells are usually rated in Ah.  There are many batteries that are rated in Wh particularly in the rechargeable battery space.
Oki. Did not know that.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 20, 2014, 12:02:10 PM
Quote from: MarkE on January 20, 2014, 11:31:44 AM
Have you considered the possibility that the DHS, or NSA quickly moved in and neutered available cheese so that what you showed would no longer be possible?
I knew it had to be rats, of one sort or another.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on January 20, 2014, 04:22:41 PM
I've updated my Burst Oscillator Circuit to get rid of the 5V bias supply, and to simplify the design somewhat.

Many MOSFETs could be used, especially if a high Fo was desired. The PG50 is certainly no the best choice, but I designed around it for the sake of you know who. An IRF840 works just fine, in fact the peak voltage is about double the PG50.

I've posted this over at Rose's forum for Greg if he should be interested in trying it.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 20, 2014, 04:50:50 PM
That's a simple enough solution.

Since he is chasing an energy gain idea I think he should concern himself with either using a switching amplifier, or figuring out how to measure the oscillator's losses fairly accurately.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 21, 2014, 12:53:55 AM
Why, Poynty.... have you been holding out on us? Ainslie says that you have a "faithful" copy of her device! Different in some significant way from my Tar Baby, is it? And you've been doing draw-down tests for three months!!

And she used, in "early days"... an IGBT !!  All these years and this is the first we've ever heard about it. What was that circuit, I wonder? What was its operating frequency and duty cycle? What a hoot this Ainslie is!

I have repeatedly offered to have Tar Baby tested side-by-side with Ainslie's apparatus, or any other "replication" of Ainslie's apparatus, to see if there are any differences in waveforms, heating or battery performance. Tar Baby is ready to go, to any qualified third party who can conduct the tests. Tar Baby uses the same components as Ainslie has claimed to use, can be quickly configured to _any_ of the many different schematics Ainslie has claimed to use, and gives the same waveforms for the same input settings as Ainslie has demonstrated. Ainslie has always avoided any kind of direct comparison like this because she KNOWS that my work with Tar Baby has comprehensively demolished each and every claim she has made about "her" circuit. The challenge to prove that her circuit performs any differently from Tar Baby has been made for several years now. She has even mistaken my Tek DSO scopeshots from Tar Baby experiments as being her own!

Now Ainslie claims to have used an IGBT, in the "early days". This is laughable in the extreme. Early days, 12 or 14 years ago? Used an IGBT? Right.

And they've noticed that the Quantum single mosfet circuit, or some unspecified variation of it, does not oscillate the way that the 5-mosfet circuit does. Surprise surprise!

(Can't run at an output of 30 watts without NUKING her transistors??? That's absurd, and is definitely disproved by her own published data.)

Where are these suggestions that Ainslie claims were made by Mark E? 30 Watts, capacitors.... ???
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 21, 2014, 01:05:29 AM
TinselKoala the only statement of any value in Ms. Ainslie's post is that they are conducting some new tests.  The rest is noise.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 21, 2014, 01:33:25 AM
Quote from: MarkE on January 21, 2014, 01:05:29 AM
TinselKoala the only statement of any value in Ms. Ainslie's post is that they are conducting some new tests.  The rest is noise.

"They" being the same crew, unsupervised, that cannot read a frequency from a digital oscilloscope, the crew that made the Figure 3 scopeshot "error" and persisted with it for years, the crew that has demonstrated over and over their incompetence in making and interpreting simple measurements, the crew that doesn't know the difference between a Watt and a Joule?

I can hardly wait for her "complete report" of this new testing.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 21, 2014, 03:11:29 AM
TinselKoala, their prior demonstrations showed that outside guidance made a huge difference.  I doubt they have such help for this go round as evidenced by the procedures Ms. Ainslie has published that  are IMO very poor.  I think that the best they can hope for is that if they report some really extraordinary results that someone will then test using reliable methods and a similar test device. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 21, 2014, 05:05:11 AM
Quote from: MarkE on January 21, 2014, 03:11:29 AM
TinselKoala, their prior demonstrations showed that outside guidance made a huge difference.  I doubt they have such help for this go round as evidenced by the procedures Ms. Ainslie has published that  are IMO very poor.  I think that the best they can hope for is that if they report some really extraordinary results that someone will then test using reliable methods and a similar test device.

You mean like Deja Vu all over again?

Several years ago she did just that. She reported some really extraordinary results. Someone.... many people, actually, like Aaron, Ashtweth, DrStiffler, Glen Lettenmeier, Poynt99, and many others, including " Little TK " .... tested them using reliable methods and similar test devices. And we all demonstrated -- eventually -- that her claims were false, unsupported by what verifiable data she herself emitted, and full explanations for each and every feature of her apparatus and its performance were given, long ago.

You are right, the procedures she has proposed are naive, very poor.  You will never see data from proper control experiments from the Ainslie crew.  She whines and complains, asserts that my Tar Baby is somehow different from her kludge.... yet she cannot specify how or why she claims this. Tar Baby does everything her version does (how could it not, it's the same circuit!), and in fact I've used it to demonstrate many things she cannot even grasp, like the Q1 oscillations that caused her crew to believe that their FG was malfunctioning!   Her silly protests that I or others have not reproduced her circuit and its behaviour are just that: silly, naive, and mendacious.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 21, 2014, 07:42:11 AM
TinselKoala, this time around they at least have experience with using better experiment and measurement methods.  Whether they do better than before or fall back into bad practices: only time will tell.   From the procedures they say they intend to use the likelihood that they will produce reliable data is pretty poor.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 21, 2014, 09:58:15 AM
Mark E. as a relative newcomer to the Ainslie farce, perhaps you aren't aware that Ainslie actually sent, or so she claims, her entire actual apparatus off to a laboratory, allegedly in the USA, for testing and evaluation, a year or two ago. Unfortunately for Ainslie, this laboratory did NOT lose the apparatus, nor was anyone fired for testing it. They returned it to her intact, with extras. This laboratory failed to confirm her claims wrt excess heat, battery charging, battery longevity, and etc. They did see, as have we all seen, the "negative power product" and they explained it to her as instrument artifact caused by the same reasons we have explained: her poor procedures, bad choice of components and ignorant interpretations of instrument indications. When the apparatus was returned to her, they actually told her how to improve her testing, and suggested tests for her to perform. They even included, according to Ainslie, some "special resistors" for her to try. I think, had she followed through with their suggestions, the demonstrations of last June and August would have gone very differently, had they proceeded at all.  Since Ainslie has been uncooperative and uncommunicative about this testing, we still don't know the part numbers of these special resistors or whether they were to be used as non-inductive current-viewing shunts, or perhaps alternate loads. Nor have we ever seen any information as to the identity of this laboratory, who the principals are, and we haven't seen their official report.... and we never will.
She was able to use the excuse of having sent off the apparatus, to "explain" why she didn't do any testing at all for a long time, contrary to her earlier promises and claims.

Ainslie has a long and documented history of not reporting data that does not, in her mind, support her claims.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 21, 2014, 10:28:05 AM
TinselKoala, that's an interesting story.  I don't expect much of any value to come from Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators.  If however they do produce interesting data, I am willing to evaluate it.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 21, 2014, 10:40:03 AM
Quote from: MarkE on January 21, 2014, 10:28:05 AM
TinselKoala, that's an interesting story.  I don't expect much of any value to come from Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators.  If however they do produce interesting data, I am willing to evaluate it.

Even though you know, or might believe based on previous track records, that the data will be heavily cherry-picked, selected carefully and heavily edited?

Do you know: the first "edits" of her daft manuscripts that appeared on her vanity honey-pot forum actually had some of the channel baseline markers deliberately edited out from some of the scopeshots, so that observers would not be able to read the traces themselves? When we noticed and commented on this, the excuse was made that this was a result of "compression" or other file transfer artefacts. Curious compression artefacts that deleted ONLY this critical info, and only from scopeshots where it was indeed significant......

Of course once these discrepancies failed to get past her audience, the unedited original images which included the baseline markers were restored.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: One cannot trust ANY data from the Ainslie mob unless it can be replicated at home by oneself.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 21, 2014, 10:52:19 AM
TinselKoala, unreliable garbage does not interest me.  It's true that a person's track record is a reasonable barometer of what to expect from them.  It is not a 100% predictor.  We will see if they publish anything and if they do what it looks like. 

BTW: Steve hasn't said anything to me about having any involvement with what they are doing.  If they are getting guidance from anyone it is probably not from Steve.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 22, 2014, 12:20:22 PM
Well, you have to wonder.... how long _does_ it take to heat up 800 grams of water with a static level of 24 volts over an hour?


Perhaps she seeks to generate some kind of data plot like this one, from data I collected back in 2009 on the single-mosfet circuit with a particular oil-immersion load cell. This plot demonstrates that the Q-17 circuit, operated close to the duty cycle and frequency range specified in the Quantum article, is less efficient than straight "static level" DC from a regulated power supply, conveyed to the _same_ load cell, not a different one, using direct wire connection.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 22, 2014, 01:09:59 PM
TinselKoala that is yet another of your excellent experiments.  By the looks of things whoever is performing tests for Ms. Ainslie, it looks like they are performing calibration runs.  That would be a good thing to do and if that is what is happening, it suggests that they really do want to generate valid data.

If one were to use the Q-Array as demonstrated August 11, then the curves would have been radically different, reflective of the 5:1 advantage of a simple resistance heater with no other circuitry, over the resistance heater with the Q-Array circuit operating in its oscillating mode.  If anyone cares to perform the tests they will find that efficiency of the Q-Array gets better and better the greater the Q1 on duty-cycle is.  The best efficiency is with a 100% Q1 on duty cycle.  And due to the choice of the IRFPG50 MOSFET, as you have already noted, the efficiency still stands substantial improvement by replacing Q1 with a wire from drain to source.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 23, 2014, 09:54:59 AM
That's right, and I've used the IRF830 mosfet in the "Q-array" circuit without difficulty throughout its range of operating parameters. This mosfet is much cheaper than the IRFPG50 and has a slightly lower Rdss of 1.5 Ohms. If one wants to leave Q1 on continuously.... then you don't even need any mosfets, and you can just plug a straight wire between the Q1 S and D connection locations. This will provide the most efficient heating of the load, of course. To put it another way, this will provide the _same heating_ in the _same load_ as the fully-populated mosfet version, but at a lower applied voltage from the power supply or battery.

We are at the point now where the Ainslie crew is struggling to find a testable hypothesis.

She has previously claimed that continuous Q2 oscillations were her goal: she expressed ecstasy when long blocks of oscillations occur, and it was her goal to make the longest possible periods of Q2 oscillations when the Figure 3 scopeshot was produced. (The FG is set to its very slowest frequency, the longest possible period of Q2 oscillation that her equipment could produce at that time. She has never demonstrated continuous Q2 oscillations, although her detractors have done so easily, by using the external negative bias supply. Since she does not grasp how this could be, she has never been able to reproduce it.)

Good luck on the "taking water to boil 800 mL" using Q2 oscillations only.

But the Quantum 17 circuit does not oscillate in the same manner. In fact the waveforms that she endorsed, coming from Glen Lettenmeier and that were replicated by Ainslie's team using the 555 timer circuit that was installed sometime AFTER 2007.... those waveforms do not indicate any oscillations, they are simply showing the signal from the timer circuit and the mosfet's response at the high frequency of the drive circuit (over a hundred times higher than the original Quantum magazine circuit can produce). And they show a PG50 mosfet that is being turned ON most of the time, due to its slow response to the high-frequency drive signal, despite the drive signal itself being set to a shorter ON duty cycle. Again.... there are better mosfets to use IF one is concerned about faithfully responding to the drive signal. But IF NOT..... well, we see what happens.

The cartoon drawing below, showing Q2s wired in Strict Parallel, but not acting in parallel, shows how garbled her "understanding" is and how she still cannot state a coherent, testable hypothesis containing operationalized constructs. "A circuit configured thus and so, operating at this specified duty cycle and frequency, will produce effects A and B, which are different from ordinary electronic effects, and which produce excess energy which manifests as C. " Or something like that. We know some of her desired effects. We do not know the circuit, or the operating details, nor do we know upon just what parameters her claims depend. Why don't we know these things? I know why we don't.

(The figure is Figure 9 from "Paper 2". It was drawn when Ainslie believed all 5 of her mosfets were indeed in parallel.... and she has never changed it. She has emitted some silly rationalizations for it, though. Note that the Source of Q1 is shown connected to the Source of Q2, the Gates are connected together, the Drains are connected together. )

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 23, 2014, 11:37:14 AM
On August 11, with a 72V battery they were getting about 3W into their heater during the Q2 oscillations.  To take 800ml from 20C to 100C she will need 267kJ which with zero thermal leakage she can get in a brief 90,000 seconds, or just over a day.  To actually boil any water into dry vapor, she will then have to add another 2260 Joules for each gram, which will take about 12.5 minutes per gram.  Heating up a to coffee temperature of 60C will be a bit easier, that will only take 134kJ, or just over 12 hours with zero thermal leakage.

Yes, it is true that she does not know how body diodes apply, or don't apply to her circuit, whichever version that might be.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 25, 2014, 12:43:39 PM
For anyone considering the promised February tests, here is some food for thought.  Take the simplest of circuits: A resistor divider with two resistors:  R1 and R2.  No matter what source drives the two resistors, the current through each of the resistors is the same due to Kirchhoff's Current Law.  That means that the power dissipated by each resistor is: 

P(R1) = R1*Iloop2
P(R2) = R2*Iloop2
P(R1)/PTOTAL = R1/(R1 + R2)

Why does this matter?  It matters because no matter what the power source in the circuit, including energy stored in any hypothetical environmental source, the proportion of that energy dissipated by each of the two resistors in the circuit depends on how big the respective device's resistance is relative to the total circuit resistance.  So, in the Ainslie circuit where one of the resistors is a heater element that outputs desired heat, that resistance should be big compared to the sum of all other resistances in the circuit.  If it is small compared to the other resistances, then it will only dissipate a small portion of the total energy used by the circuit.  In other words it will inefficiently use power from any and all sources:  the battery that supplies the circuit, and the intrinsic energy generator that Ms. Ainslie hypothesizes is part of R1 itself. 

Low efficiency due to R1 being a small portion of the overall average circuit resistance is in fact exactly what we saw in the August 11 demonstration.  If we suppose that Ms. Ainslie's hypothesis is correct, that a resistor has internal energy that it can be coaxed into releasing by applying pulses, or alternatively that the ambient environment will deliver energy to a resistor with the right amount of inductance when pulsed appropriately, then the best chance for detecting that energy occurs when the other circuit resistances are low.  This presents a problem for the Q-Array configuration, because the Q-Array configuration during the Q1 "OFF" times only conducts through the Q2 MOSFETs which only ever partially turn-on and almost all power passes through the internal 50 Ohm impedance of the function generator.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 25, 2014, 03:03:11 PM
That's right, and that's why I've suggested before that the entire circuit, including the mosfets and the load element, should be immersed in oil and the temperature of the entire system should be monitored. Knowing the quantity of the oil and its specific heat (0.84 for mineral oil USP) , and having a container with a known measured thermal leak rate, will allow the honest researcher to compare the input _energy_ from the battery or DC power supply to the _total energy_ dissipated by the entire circuit over a reasonable time period. A simple negative bias supply to produce 100 percent oscillations, or an adjustable 555 clock, can be included in the oil-immersed circuit, thus removing the power dissipation within the FG that occurs in the present test setup.

This procedure will avoid any assumptions about where any extra energy could be coming from in the system, and would reveal it if it did occur. What if Ainslie's excess thermal energy is created in the load element but dissipated in the mosfet(s)?  (We already know it isn't dissipated in the load element, from the previous demonstrations.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Magluvin on January 25, 2014, 03:59:12 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 25, 2014, 03:03:11 PM
That's right, and that's why I've suggested before that the entire circuit, including the mosfets and the load element, should be immersed in oil and the temperature of the entire system should be monitored. Knowing the quantity of the oil and its specific heat (0.84 for mineral oil USP) , and having a container with a known measured thermal leak rate, will allow the honest researcher to compare the input _energy_ from the battery or DC power supply to the _total energy_ dissipated by the entire circuit over a reasonable time period. A simple negative bias supply to produce 100 percent oscillations, or an adjustable 555 clock, can be included in the oil-immersed circuit, thus removing the power dissipation within the FG that occurs in the present test setup.

This procedure will avoid any assumptions about where any extra energy could be coming from in the system, and would reveal it if it did occur. What if Ainslie's excess thermal energy is created in the load element but dissipated in the mosfet(s)?  (We already know it isn't dissipated in the load element, from the previous demonstrations.)

Hey T

How about 2 separate immersion tanks. 1 for the load and 1 for the other circuitry. This way being that the load is most likely the hottest, its heat wont affect the other components adversely, as it shouldnt in a well designed product.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Magluvin on January 25, 2014, 04:01:56 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on January 25, 2014, 03:59:12 PM
being that the load is most likely the hottest,

Well, it should be. ;) In 2 containers the difference would be found.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 25, 2014, 04:02:09 PM
TinselKoala, the situation does raise a number of considerations.  Your proposal would establish a much better overall balance measurement and is far more favorable to Ms. Ainslie.  If her thesis that the heater resistor operates as a power generator were correct then her past set-ups were poorly disposed to demonstrate as such.  August 11, the measured power drain was ~15W.  The heating element temperature rose by an amount equivalent to ~3W.  If the heating element was net less than 1/5th the effective resistance of the current paths it connected to, then there could have been an anomalous behavior that Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators did not see because it would have appeared as more power dissipated in the other elements:  The function generator and the MOSFETs that they did not measure.

This raises challenges for Ms. Ainslie, because it presents more or less three divergent test paths all with their own pitfalls.

Option 1) Attempt to measure all the circuit power.
A. Replace the function generator with a voltage source but do not use a 50 Ohm resistor.  One of the lead acid batteries could be used to provide low impedance power for this purpose.
B. Replace the function generator with a voltage source.  Use a 50 Ohm resistor located in the oil bath to serve as the source ballast resistance previously provided by the function generator.

Option 2) Attempt to reduce the external resistances to a minimum.
Replace the function generator with a voltage source but do not use a 50 Ohm resistor.  One of the lead acid batteries could be used to provide low impedance power for this purpose.

A. Leave Q2 operating in its linear region as it does now.
B. Suppress linear operation of Q2.
i. Replace sustained oscillations with only leading edge / trailing edge ringing.
ii. Configure a the heater resistor into a tank circuit so that Q2 can operate Class C or D with minimal losses.

All Option 2) require reconfiguring the power source, as does Option 1) A.  The closest option to doing exactly what they have in the past is Option 1) B.  I think that it may be beyond them to implement any of these options.  They are things that Greg (GMEAST) should think about as he works his way towards conducting new experiments of his own.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 25, 2014, 04:05:46 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on January 25, 2014, 03:59:12 PM
Hey T

How about 2 separate immersion tanks. 1 for the load and 1 for the other circuitry. This way being that the load is most likely the hottest, its heat wont affect the other components adversely, as it shouldnt in a well designed product.

The way that the circuit has been configured, during Q2 (Q1 "OFF") operation that is hypothesized to provide the "benefit", very little of the circuit power comes out as heat from the heating element.  Almost all of it is lost inside the function generator and in the MOSFETs.  If Q1 is biased on deep into the constant resistance region of the MOSFET, then during those times, most of the circuit power evolves as heat from the heating element.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 25, 2014, 05:33:35 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on January 25, 2014, 03:59:12 PM
Hey T

How about 2 separate immersion tanks. 1 for the load and 1 for the other circuitry. This way being that the load is most likely the hottest, its heat wont affect the other components adversely, as it shouldnt in a well designed product.


It complicates the measurement process. However, IF the total energy output in the single tank experiment is found to be greater than the input, it would be worthwhile to do your suggestion as a second experiment. If the single tank experiment doesn't show an excess... why bother with the more complicated version?

Also, you'd be surprised at how hot those mosfets can get. The reason they changed from the single mosfet version on its little heatsink to the 5 mosfet version with larger heatsinks was an attempt at making the circuit able to handle higher currents without overheating the transistor. It would have worked that way too if they hadn't made their wiring mistake, and then locked themselves into it.

Interestingly, if you reverse the Q1 and Q2s connection to the circuit, leaving one Q2 and having 4 Q1s in parallel, the circuit handles high current much better and still can oscillate just fine in the negative bias condition. Furthermore, this is just the configuration given as the "wrong" version, which still can be viewed here:

Note the subtle but highly significant difference between the schematic in that paper, which Ainslie still counts as the "official publication", and the current (claimed) one here:
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 26, 2014, 01:49:59 PM
No comment about the schematics?
These two posts of the daft manuscripts on Rossi's JNP are the only "official publications" of any of Ainslie's documents, other than the Quantum magazine article from 2002.

Yet these two "official publications" contain two different schematics purporting to describe the same experiment. And NEITHER of them actually represents the true circuit they used.... the Ainslie team has _always_ used the Black FG lead (marked " - " on the schematics) connected at the common circuit ground at the negative battery pole. The only time they may have done otherwise was the August 11 demo.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 26, 2014, 02:28:07 PM
Both links throw 403 and 404 errors. 

If you watch the August 11 video they did set up with the FG black lead connected to the Q1 source side of the CSRs as in the papers.  They were able to do that because they followed Poynt99's suggestion of isolating the green mains safety lead at the end of the function generator power cord.  At the point in the video where Donovan Martin made the function generator black lead connection to the correct side of the CSRs Ms. Ainslie can be heard protesting.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 26, 2014, 02:41:08 PM

I received this message also.


"Forbidden You don't have permission to access /files/Proposed variation to Faraday s Lines of Force.pdf on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Apache Server at www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com (http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com) Port 80"
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 26, 2014, 03:27:00 PM
My fault, I apologize. Apparently one cannot link directly to the .pdf stored on Rossi's server.

Please try these links to Rossi's JNP pages which host the files, then select "read the whole article" or "download the ZIP file" .

http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=645  (part one)

http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=679  (part two)

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 26, 2014, 05:25:23 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 26, 2014, 03:27:00 PM
My fault, I apologize. Apparently one cannot link directly to the .pdf stored on Rossi's server.

Please try these links to Rossi's JNP pages which host the files, then select "read the whole article" or "download the ZIP file" .

http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=645  (part one)

http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=679  (part two)
Here is a side by side comparison of the three circuits:
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 26, 2014, 05:33:24 PM
Thanks for doing that, it makes the differences very clear.

When the "Q-array" circuit made its debut, they claimed that it had all 5 mosfets in parallel, and the schematic presented (in the famous First Demonstration video, which Ainslie claimed "she did not post") was the one below.

The accompanying narration by Donovan Martin tells us that there are "5 mosfets in parallel" while he gestures to this diagram and to the circuit on the white breadboard.

Note that the Black or " - " FG lead isn't even shown. However, the video itself is clear enough so that one may see that the Black FG lead is connected in the usual place: at the common battery negative, rather than on the transistor side of the CSR as it should be.

People tried to replicate Ainslie's reported results using this schematic for about a month, before Poynt99 analyzed the video and determined the "Q-array" Q2 antiparallel configuration was _in fact_ what was used, contrary to Ainslie's deliberate deception. Yes.... deliberate deception, not a mistake, according to Ainslie herself. She even expressed her regret... not that she deceived us, but that Poynt99 caught her out so soon !!! She actually wanted to continue the deception longer.

It's because of things like these that one simply cannot trust reports of _anything_ from Ainslie. Only raw data and perhaps photographs can be trusted. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 26, 2014, 05:49:22 PM
TinselKoala, OK here are all four circuits on one drawing:

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 26, 2014, 06:03:10 PM
And of course the verbal "five mosfets in parallel" could be drawn as well (please don't bother) .... it is significantly different from just a single mosfet in that the aggregate ON state resistance is 1/5 of the single mosfet's 2 ohms value, hence as you point out the load heating will be more efficient in the ON state, with significantly less power wasted in heating the mosfets.

So that makes 5 significantly different circuits Ainslie has presented, purporting to describe the same experiment. The fully correct circuit was not used until August 10-11, 2013; the circuits in the two daft manuscripts were _never_ used, and the 2011 demo's single mosfet and 5 parallel mosfet circuits were simply lies.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 26, 2014, 06:38:04 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 26, 2014, 06:03:10 PM
And of course the verbal "five mosfets in parallel" could be drawn as well (please don't bother) .... it is significantly different from just a single mosfet in that the aggregate ON state resistance is 1/5 of the single mosfet's 2 ohms value, hence as you point out the load heating will be more efficient in the ON state, with significantly less power wasted in heating the mosfets.

So that makes 5 significantly different circuits Ainslie has presented, purporting to describe the same experiment. The fully correct circuit was not used until August 10-11, 2013; the circuits in the two daft manuscripts were _never_ used, and the 2011 demo's single mosfet and 5 parallel mosfet circuits were simply lies.
Circuit D. has an annotation that the narration describes Q1 as five MOSFETs in parallel.  Since that drawing is one they presented, I did not want to alter it. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 27, 2014, 09:21:23 AM
It's hilarious, isn't it? Ainslie seems to think that she isn't responsible for materials that carry her name as author and that she posted herself. If they contain "errors" or are caught in outright lies, she isn't responsible! She claims that Rossi's JNP posting consists of "publication", then she disavows them and refers to other, more recent edits that appear elsewhere. When some objection to her daft manuscript becomes overwhelming, she simply makes another edit. This has happened many times.
-when it was pointed out that the actual circuit showed the FG current bypass, the new edit appeared that showed the correct, but never used, FG hookup.
-when it was pointed out that the claim of dissipating 5.9 megaJoules was completely implausible under any circumstances... it vanished from a new edit.
-when it was discovered that the channel baseline markers were deliberately edited away from images, a new edit appeared that had them restored.

Yet the old versions still exist. For example, compare the text under Paper 1, Figure 7 in the "official publication" on Rossi's JNP

http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=645 (http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=645)

with the same text in more recent edits of that manuscript, shown in the image below.

Ainslie accuses me again without any evidence. She claims that I've mocked her diagrams because they are hand-drawn. Contrariwise, I have never done this. I mock them because they are _silly_ and _wrong_.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 27, 2014, 11:58:06 AM
TinselKoala I looked at the two Figure 7's and associated texts.  I did not spot any differences.  Can you tell me what I should find?

Ms. Ainslie now claims that at least the battery voltage and current measurements taken at the battery during the August 11, 2013 demonstration are wrong.  She does so without showing any new measurements that she alleges are now correct.  What was proven wrong during that demonstration was the current measurements during the oscillations as measured on the white breadboard. 

In the schematic published by Ms. Ainslie for the demonstration, we can see that the current sense resistors on the breadboard are in the same DC loop as the current sense resistor added at the battery.  Yet the two gave very different results.  The disparate results were predicted by Poynt99 and others.  They result from the huge stray inductance of the wiring between the battery and the breadboard.  The measurements taken directly at the battery do not suffer the distortion those long lead wires impose on measurements taken at the fixture.  The errant measurements are at the white breadboard.  Those effects can of course be nulled should someone bypass the high frequency currents around the lead wires.  I realize that various people have suggested such things to Ms. Ainslie in the past and she was not receptive to those ideas.  If Ms. Ainslie is interested in the truth she could apply a good bypass network across the battery connections at the white breadboard and then compare the battery voltage and current measurements that result at the white breadboard versus those taken at the battery.

Ms. Ainslie has gone on to now deny what she and her collaborators eventually demonstrated June 29, 2013 as well:  That Figure 3 in Paper 1 was the result of measurement error.  Ms. Ainslie currently protests in effect that what is plainly visible in her own demonstrations should be rejected as false.  She does so neglecting to provide any evidence contrary to those demonstrations.

Ms. Ainslie is further unhappy that you have pointed out discrepancies in her schematics.  She offers this protest:


QuoteThe paper has NOTHING to do with the schematic.  It has everything to do with the paths available for the flow of current through the transistors.

I don't know how Ms. Ainslie expects to convey the "paths available for the flow of current through the transistors" if she does not provide an accurate circuit schematic that depicts how those transistors were connected.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 27, 2014, 01:36:45 PM
The text below Figure 7 in the "official publication" version on Rossi's JNP:
Steam was evident at all times when the temperature exceeded 62°C,
which points to a secondary exploitable potential.
At no stage  in  this  test  was  any  energy  depleted  by  the  batteries as
measured   in   the   math   trace   and   spreadsheet   analysis.
Therefore it is evident that it is possible to bring water to boil
without any depletion of potential difference from the supply.
Given 4.1 joules required to heat 1 gram of water by 1°C then
over  the  entire 1.6  hour  test  period  about  5  904 000  joules
were dissipated.  The batteries' rated capacity is

...and the text stops there, and then continues on to major heading VII.

The same passage in the version on Ainslie's forum reads:
Steam was evident at all times when the temperature exceeded 62°C,
which points to a secondary exploitable potential.
[/size][/font]At no stage in this test was any energy depleted by the batteries
as measured in the math trace and spreadsheet analysis.
Therefore it is evident that it is possible to bring water to boil
without any depletion of potential difference from the supply.
... and then goes on to major heading VII. The absurd claim of dissipating 5.9 megaJoules in 1.6 hours is gone, as is the dangling sentence fragment that emphasizes the fact that they never disclosed the actual battery capacity.

It's clear from the accompanying scope traces and battery voltage measurements that indeed there _was_ depletion of potential difference from the supply. And again... the water wasn't actually boiling, according to Ainslie herself. They never measured the temperature of the water, just some combination of water and heating element temperature.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 27, 2014, 04:58:12 PM
TinselKoala, I see so she removed 5.9MJ claim from the forum version.  4.18J/gm/C * 850gm * (104C - 82C) comes out 78kJ on my calculator.  What inspired Ms. Ainslie to get a 75X higher figure is a bit of a mystery.  The report said that temperature rise took about 10 minutes, so making the inaccurate assumption that the water heated uniformly to 104C (assume poorly calibrated TCs) then the input power less leakage would have been about 130W.  For an 11 Ohm heater, that would have been an RMS voltage of 37.8V, which certainly could have been realized with a 72V battery stack and Q1 on about 25% of the time.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 27, 2014, 08:26:02 PM
From what I can tell, Ms. Ainslie is not content with Kirchhoff's current law.  She writes and though she presently believes that the current that flows through the negative terminal of a battery can be different than the current that flows at the same time through the positive terminal of the same battery.  Where this excess or deficit charge goes off to or comes from she is not saying.  She has at least committed herself to performing a test to measure the current flow to/from the positive battery terminal.

My guess as to what is going on is that Ms. Ainslie trusts the battery measurements taken at the white breadboard that give her values that she would like, and distrusts measurements that she reads at the battery that give her values that she does not like.  I suggest that if Ms. Ainslie is intent on measuring current at both the positive and negative terminal of the battery that she rent appropriate non-contact current sense probes.  That will eliminate the common mode issues that she will otherwise have to address.  LeCroy CP030 probes should be compatible with her LeCroy oscilloscope.  If she were to twist the lead wires between the battery and the white peg board together for at least one foot, and the pass that twisted pair through the CP030 such that the CP030 is midway along the twisted section, then she would find essentially no net current sensed.  That would prove that the current into or out of the negative terminal is identical to the simultaneous current out of or into the positive terminal, because according to Kirchhoff's Current Law, it is the same current.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 28, 2014, 02:18:50 AM
Ainslie is crippled by her mental models of electricity and current flow. As Donovan Martin said in the June 29 demo, "it is all about her Thesis". Ainslie has her non-physical set of delusions involving "zipons" and "truants" and other things and has no conception of the realities of electromagnetism or Quantum Electrodynamics. All her "experimental" work has been designed, constructed and performed in an effort to _prove her thesis_. She states this overtly many times in her various emissions. She has no idea of the true nature of the Scientific Method. She is convinced from the outset that her jumbled set of incoherent delusional fantasies about "zipons" and the rest is the Absolute Truth. She thinks her "thesis" is superior to and should replace QED! I am not kidding, her hubris and arrogant ignorance actually extend that far.

Her blinders therefore prevent her from seeing experimental evidence and reasoning logically about what she has seen. Further, she has no idea of the complexities of instrumental measurements of electrical parameters, nor is she able to deal with the simple mathematics involved, as we have seen many times in her botched arithmetic. Her idea of math is to multiply together everything in sight, and if a calculator says it, it must be right. Several times she has emitted statements that would seem to indicate that she believes "positive current" and "negative current" are different things and travel differently in circuit elements. Her cartoons in the second daft manuscript, for example, illustrate some of her misconceptions with respect to current flow. I am afraid there is no way that Ainslie will educate herself or allow herself to be educated, as she already "knows" the Truth.

MarkE, you are right about her data selection and cherry-picking. I have previously illustrated how she does this, and I've even posted her admission of ignoring and not reporting data that she didn't like or "understand". She will also attempt to "reinterpret" data in ways that are plainly incorrect and contradicted by the data themselves, such as her bogus Figure 3 scopeshot, where she insists it is giving a correct representation of the current in the circuit, when it plainly isn't and her own demonstrations proved it isn't. There is no hope that Ainslie herself will ever change. She will continue being an object of ridicule, putting forth her insults, false claims and stupid assertions, for as long as she has access to the internet.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 28, 2014, 04:06:58 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 28, 2014, 02:18:50 AM
Ainslie is crippled by her mental models of electricity and current flow. As Donovan Martin said in the June 29 demo, "it is all about her Thesis". Ainslie has her non-physical set of delusions involving "zipons" and "truants" and other things and has no conception of the realities of electromagnetism or Quantum Electrodynamics. All her "experimental" work has been designed, constructed and performed in an effort to _prove her thesis_. She states this overtly many times in her various emissions. She has no idea of the true nature of the Scientific Method. She is convinced from the outset that her jumbled set of incoherent delusional fantasies about "zipons" and the rest is the Absolute Truth. She thinks her "thesis" is superior to and should replace QED! I am not kidding, her hubris and arrogant ignorance actually extend that far.

Her blinders therefore prevent her from seeing experimental evidence and reasoning logically about what she has seen. Further, she has no idea of the complexities of instrumental measurements of electrical parameters, nor is she able to deal with the simple mathematics involved, as we have seen many times in her botched arithmetic. Her idea of math is to multiply together everything in sight, and if a calculator says it, it must be right. Several times she has emitted statements that would seem to indicate that she believes "positive current" and "negative current" are different things and travel differently in circuit elements. Her cartoons in the second daft manuscript, for example, illustrate some of her misconceptions with respect to current flow. I am afraid there is no way that Ainslie will educate herself or allow herself to be educated, as she already "knows" the Truth.

MarkE, you are right about her data selection and cherry-picking. I have previously illustrated how she does this, and I've even posted her admission of ignoring and not reporting data that she didn't like or "understand". She will also attempt to "reinterpret" data in ways that are plainly incorrect and contradicted by the data themselves, such as her bogus Figure 3 scopeshot, where she insists it is giving a correct representation of the current in the circuit, when it plainly isn't and her own demonstrations proved it isn't. There is no hope that Ainslie herself will ever change. She will continue being an object of ridicule, putting forth her insults, false claims and stupid assertions, for as long as she has access to the internet.
It is an interesting position that she has put herself into.  She obviously wants qualified people to take her unique ideas seriously.  That simply can't happen the way that she seems to be going about things.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 28, 2014, 09:23:20 AM
That's right. The only way she can get any attention is to misrepresent, exaggerate, and lie about what she has or has not done. If she told the truth she would have faded away long ago.

Look at what she has to say about QED! She cannot even attempt to understand what it means for a theory to make accurate predictions of many different quantities, accurate and precise to many decimal places. She pretends QED is some little set of inconsequential postulates, her being utterly incapable of comprehending what it actually is.

Consulting the Wiki:

QuoteIn particle physics, quantum electrodynamics (QED) is the relativistic quantum field theory of electrodynamics. In essence, it describes how light and matter interact and is the first theory where FULL AGREEMENT between quantum mechanics and special relativity is achieved. QED mathematically describes ALL PHENOMENA involving electrically charged particles interacting by means of exchange of photons and represents the quantum counterpart of classical electromagnetism giving a COMPLETE ACCOUNT of matter and light interaction.
In technical terms, QED can be described as a perturbation theory of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum. Richard Feynman called it "the jewel of physics" for its EXTREMELY ACCURATE PREDICTIONS of quantities like the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron and the Lamb shift of the energy levels of hydrogen.[1]
(emphasis mine)

To tell Ainslie that QED makes predictions that are precise to thirteen significant digits is a waste of breath .... she has no clue what is meant by accuracy, precision, significant digits, or theoretical predictions. Nor does she realize that any "thesis" that pretends to be better than QED has to make all the same correct predictions, and more, to greater accuracy and precision. Her utter arrogance and hubris prevent her from thinking, at all, about these issues. She has not the prerequisites for understanding!

Not only that, but she has also failed utterly in connecting her "experiments" with her "thesis". Her "predictions" are nothing more than flails. She cannot even state a testable hypothesis properly... and we know she cannot test hypotheses experimentally, due to her utter incompetence and lack of education. The best she can do is to try to demonstrate some phenomenon which she believes supports her "thesis".... and when the demonstrations are properly done, without misdirection, fidgeting, fabricated data or lies.... her own demonstrations soundly falsify her claims.

And.... where in my statements above does one find me referring to Ainslie's delusions as a "THEORY"? Ainslie's deluded conjectures do not rise to the level of Theory and never have. Ainslie has no clue as to what a scientific THEORY really is. Her reading comprehension is as usual: she responds not to what people actually SAY but rather to her own distortions and mendacities. I doubt if I have ever referred to her delusional "thesis" as a "theory" just as I refuse to refer to her daft manuscripts as "papers".  Where are the testable predictions, the formal hypotheses, the experimental confirmations, in any of Ainslie's emissions? Nowhere. Her own demonstrations show that she cannot support her conjectures with actual data. Yet QED provides a precise predictive framework that allows scientists and engineers to do things like design and build high-density large scale integrated circuits that behave just as QED -- NOT Ainslie's "zipon" nonsense -- predict they will. She types her words on a computer that could not exist without the understanding of nature and predictive ability of QED!
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 28, 2014, 01:49:45 PM
In the August 11 demonstration she learned all too well that a function generator most definitely passes current.  Whether she has retained that lesson, I cannot say.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 28, 2014, 02:51:05 PM
And she could have learned it much before that, simply by trying for herself the simple demonstrations I have provided. But that's not really the important point of the quote. Here is the part that is much more significant:

QuoteSince I KNOW that is is impossible I'm afraid I'm not receptive to you trying to teach me or anyone else. So NO. I spare me your "lessons".

Ainslie is unteachable. She already knows everything there is to know, and she knows that everything she knows is right.
It's just too bad she is utterly wrong, over and over again.

There is more in that post that illustrates her overweening arrogance and utter unwillingness to learn from _professionals_ who are more educated than she, by far,  and who actually work for a living in the electronics industry. She is talking to picowatt! 

The last line is another hoot:

QuoteAnd now you are compounding the felony of slander to include allegations of 'lunacy'.

She doesn't even know the difference between libel and slander. Yet she accuses picowatt of "felony", which is of course a libellous statement. It is to laugh out loud !!
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 28, 2014, 05:38:04 PM
From the looks of things she does not know what it is that she doesn't know.  She  probably really does believe that she's found a way to make free energy.  She acts as though she thinks that she has proven her claims when most recognize how thoroughly her June 29, and August 11 demonstrations refuted them.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 31, 2014, 06:42:32 AM
It gets more hilarious by the day. Now Ainslie and her "team" are in the position of having to replicate my work and the work of people like DrStiffler and Glen Lettenmeier who actually did make proper measurements of thermal output -- years ago.

But.... CASTROL GTX !! That's the brand of MOTOR OIL that I use in my car !! It's not "mineral oil", it has lots of additives. MOTOR OIL !!



I am laughing out loud.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 31, 2014, 12:48:30 PM
Give her credit for improving her methods.   You know that she reads what you post here.  I expect that they will switch from motor oil to mineral oil.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on January 31, 2014, 02:11:25 PM
Contrariwise... once she realizes that I've been using Mineral Oil USP for years, with its known specific heat, in a container with a known thermal leak rate ... so that I can calculate the actual _energy_ that is applied to the load cell (are you paying attention, GMeast?) ... she is almost certain NOT to do it herself.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on January 31, 2014, 10:35:15 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 31, 2014, 02:11:25 PM
Contrariwise... once she realizes that I've been using Mineral Oil USP for years, with its known specific heat, in a container with a known thermal leak rate ... so that I can calculate the actual _energy_ that is applied to the load cell (are you paying attention, GMeast?) ... she is almost certain NOT to do it herself.
That is not something that I can know.  I like to think that if she thinks it will make her experiment easier to do, and easier to make the point she's convinced that it will, then I think that she will switch to the mineral oil as she should despite that meaning that she is copying you.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 31, 2014, 11:33:31 PM
No, Rose will use something else like white oil, liquid paraffin,, pariffinum liquidum, and liquid petroleum or Baby oil so as to not replicate TK's work.  However, all of the above are other names for mineral oil but, let's not let the facts enter into this.  She never has before.  She will claim that she discovered this new liquid that is easy to measure temperature rise.  Just watch.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 01, 2014, 11:13:55 AM
I hope she does use Castrol GTX. May I suggest 20W-50?

QuoteCastrol GTX motor oil consists of two main ingredients. There's base oil (85-90%) and performance additives (10-15%).  Pay attention now because you never know when a buddy with a dirty, clogged-up engine might ask.  The base oil is derived from crude oil.



How much energy does it take to raise the temperature of one gram of Castrol GTX by one degree C?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 01, 2014, 02:46:55 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 31, 2014, 11:33:31 PM
No, Rose will use something else like white oil, liquid paraffin,, pariffinum liquidum, and liquid petroleum or Baby oil so as to not replicate TK's work.  However, all of the above are other names for mineral oil but, let's not let the facts enter into this.  She never has before.  She will claim that she discovered this new liquid that is easy to measure temperature rise.  Just watch.

Bill if she uses any fluid that is clear and insulating, that has sufficient dielectric strength for the voltages she applies and  that does not have such a high dielectric constant or dielectric loss so as to cause problems then she will be able to show her unit operating and she will be able to measure the heat evolved from everything that she submerges in the fluid from the fluid temperature rise.  Since they don't know anything about the electrical properties of materials they would be wise to use a material that is well understood and has been used by others such as mineral oil poured into a clean dry vessel.   My guess is that they thought about using motor oil because they were unfamiliar with mineral oil. 

To Ms. Ainslie and her supporters:  There are hobbyists who submerge entire PC motherboards in mineral oil "aquariums" and circulate the mineral oil for cooling.  Mineral oil is one homogenous electrically well understood material.  It is readily available, and will meet your needs far better than a non-homogenous material such as motor oil. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 01, 2014, 04:56:15 PM
Quote from: MarkE on February 01, 2014, 02:46:55 PM
Bill if she uses any fluid that is clear and insulating, that has sufficient dielectric strength for the voltages she applies and  that does not have such a high dielectric constant or dielectric loss so as to cause problems then she will be able to show her unit operating and she will be able to measure the heat evolved from everything that she submerges in the fluid from the fluid temperature rise.  Since they don't know anything about the electrical properties of materials they would be wise to use a material that is well understood and has been used by others such as mineral oil poured into a clean dry vessel.   My guess is that they thought about using motor oil because they were unfamiliar with mineral oil. 

To Ms. Ainslie and her supporters:  There are hobbyists who submerge entire PC motherboards in mineral oil "aquariums" and circulate the mineral oil for cooling.  Mineral oil is one homogenous electrically well understood material.  It is readily available, and will meet your needs far better than a non-homogenous material such as motor oil.


As always, I am still learning.  Before I made the above post I looked up mineral oil and found all of the other names it goes by.  (I had no idea) I was amazed to find that baby oil is just mineral oil with a scent added.  My bet is that Rose will use mineral oil, which has proven thermal properties, which is good.  I was just speculating that she would call it something else so as to not appear be taking TK's suggestion.  I was also guessing that she might not know all of those other names for the same oil.  A good test with good scientific practices is always welcome, and I do hope that she does this.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 01, 2014, 05:22:00 PM
Bill, the one thing that I disagree with TinselKoala on is Ms. Ainslie's faith in her claims.  I think that she really believes them.  That leads me to believe that she really does expect some experiment to vindicate her ideas.  I believe that she is motivated to try as she can to conduct legitimate experiments. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 01, 2014, 07:14:21 PM
I'm sorry that I gave the impression that I might not think Ainslie _believes_ in her claims.

Of course she believes them! She believes in her "thesis" so strongly that she is willing to distort experimental results so that they fit her ideas; she routinely ignores data that falsifies her conjectures due to the opacity of her belief system. She distorts descriptions of events, gets all kinds of details wrong, refuses to correct her obvious errors, and still clings to the conclusions she drew from the horrible computations that I have illustrated, even though she knows that the calculations are wrong. (She can't produce the correct calculations from the data, though, since she still confounds the Joule with the Watt, and simply multiplies everything in sight until she gets an adequately large number.)

If she is now willing to perform adequate experiments and measurements, this is something that is new to her psyche; for the last 5 years at least, people have been giving her advice as to how to do it properly and, until her association with Steve Weir, she has always either flatly refused, stalled indefinitely, or completely botched the process, as when she went out and bought a big expensive motor-start capacitor when Poynt99 was trying to get her to filter her battery supply measurements with appropriate capacitors -- in spite of his providing exact specs and even part numbers for her to order. The idea of doing a literature search, to see how other people do simple calorimetry with precision and accuracy, is completely foreign to her.

I'm all for her using proper experimental technique. That's what I've been trying to demonstrate for years in my videos concerning Ainslie's claims. But she refuses even to believe that my approach or my demonstrations are scientific! Just look at the insults she levies against me, without even knowing what my videos contain. It's laughable in the extreme! She has no clue what the Scientific Method actually means.

One thing is certain: it will be hard for them to top the high comedies of the June 29 and August 11 demonstrations. But I'm eagerly awaiting their next chapter. Here's my prediction: we will see stalling, and delayed reports if any at all, because if they _do_ manage to do some proper work, they'll find _YET AGAIN_ that there is no OU, no unusual behaviour, nothing, nichego, zip, zilch. Nothing but Ainslie's fantasy. Not even this will deter her, though.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 01, 2014, 09:41:16 PM
Ms. Ainslie says that she is going to seek Steve's blessing on whatever test set-up that she decides to use.  When I saw him at DesignCon last week, Steve did not mention anything about this.  He told me that the last time he had heard from Ms. Ainslie was around Thanksgiving. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 05, 2014, 10:22:10 AM
Ainslie continues to emit statements that reveal her willfull ignorance and her overweening arrogance.

As anyone _except Ainslie_ knows, I've been using mineral oil for proper thermometric testing of her claims for YEARS, and demonstrating the same on YouTube videos.

Her continuing attacks upon me, her false claims and libels concerning me, have attained such proportions that not even her erotic fascinations with my pickle or my GRE scores can keep up with them. She continues to make a total laughingstock of herself with these absurd pronouncements and restatements of her own ignorance.

Just for example:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LMthOsvbVU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LMthOsvbVU)  (April 12, 2012)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xs_ZsGhK9o (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xs_ZsGhK9o)  (May 20, 2012)

And of course the graph below, which I have reproduced here several times, is from data obtained from the single-mosfet circuit in 2009.

All throughout this project, from the beginning of my involvement in 2009, I have produced more accurate, more relevant, and procedurally correct temperature data than Ainslie has _EVER_ shown.... since all of her reported temperature data comes from the incredibly naive direct attachment of her thermocouple to the metal housing of the resistor element, dangling in mid-air or perhaps inserted, _after already heating up_ , into a plastic jug of water. By her own admission, Ainslie NEVER actually measured the temperature of the water, in spite of the direct, and false, claims in the daft manuscripts concerning water temperature.

Once again, Ainslie simply lies arrogantly when she misrepresents my work, just as she has done many times before ... or continues to emit her silly statements out of pure willfull ignorance. Or both.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 05, 2014, 11:48:20 AM
On record. Yes, indeed... the record shows who is right and who is wrong, and about what.

Ainslie is utterly wrong, and has never been able to refute a single fact that I illustrate in my videos. How could she--- she doesn't even know what they contain, and probably couldn't understand them if she _ever did_ watch them, even though a bright eighth grader probably could.

Ainslie has YET AGAIN made statements that are easily demonstrated to be utterly WRONG. She has emitted so many such statements that it is impossible to count them all. Practically with every post she makes she makes YET ANOTHER lie, YET ANOTHER misrepresentation, YET ANOTHER simply WRONG statement. Many times, as at present, she piles them up until practically every _sentence_ of her posts contain these silly and idiotic "mistakes".

Ainslie has no basis for objecting to any of the work of her critics, because she simply has not the educational background or the practical experience necessary to do so. She cannot even follow the simple math, nor understand explanations of common terminology of her chosen topic as given in textbooks or even on Wikipedia. We've demonstrated this utter ignorance of hers many times, using her own words. "No such animal as inductive reactance!" "A Joule is a Watt, the terms are interchangeable!"  "Castrol GTX !" If I listed them all in one place it would take pages.

Her only real contribution to the research concerning her claims is the comedy value. Literally _everything_ we actually know and trust about the Quantum single mosfet circuit, the later circuit that appears in the Box today, and the 5 mosfet circuit is _in spite_ of Ainslie herself, and actually comes from her strongest critics. Ainslie has contributed literally nothing to the understanding, except lots of LOLs.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 05, 2014, 12:53:18 PM
TinselKoala it is plain as day that in your various videos you state that you use mineral oil in your heater vessels.  I guess you could have used a: ladle or honey dipper to visibly demonstrate the viscosity of the oil.

The good news is that Ms. Ainslie says that she is going to use mineral oil.  The not so good news is her declaration that she does not intend to perform rigorous tests.  I think that she should reconsider.  She is already going to take considerable time and expense to do her new tests.  It is not particularly more difficult to perform rigorous tests that would be accurate to a few percent than it is to conduct sloppy tests that suffer very poor accuracy.  She can use your videos as a guide on how to perform good quality tests at low expense and moderate effort.

She is talking about using a liter vessel.  That will hold one of her heater elements, but will not hold the existing circuit board.  The perforated paperboard material if immersed will also absorb quite a bit of oil.  So I think the plan is to just immerse the heater element of the existing circuit and compare that to an immersed control experiment resistor.  In that case, she is going to find out rather quickly that the results replicate the ~20% power efficiency measured August 11.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 05, 2014, 02:01:46 PM
Here's an example of how Ainslie's belief system causes her to emit silly claim after ridiculous claim. Do check out the videos she has linked in the posts imaged below:

http://www.overunity.com/14071/simple-overunity-electricity/msg378493/#msg378493 (http://www.overunity.com/14071/simple-overunity-electricity/msg378493/#msg378493)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uP7yOFIHJPA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uP7yOFIHJPA)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3qF9E_fWCQ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3qF9E_fWCQ)


She also claims that they will be able to produce the continuous oscillations using the main batteries alone:

QuoteTHEN.  We'll be redoing our Q-array tests with ESPECIAL emphasis on Test 3 paper 1.  But this time we propose to apply a continual negative signal to Q1 - to induce a perpetual oscillation.  We'll be driving the switch from the same battery supply that powers the resistor.  Here we predict a CONSIDERABLE gain to standard application.  But we'll need to rethink our heat measurements as the applied wattage will be minimal.  That will be the final VINDICATION.

Perhaps she means Q2, but who really knows. If she's talking about "perpetual", that is, continuous Q2 oscillations... once again she will be attempting to replicate work that I did, in 2012 and 2013.  The negative bias supply must come from a source that is _more negative_ than the "same battery supply that powers the resistor". Of course, since Ainslie cannot fathom how a mosfet could be turned on by _lowering source voltage_ while the Gate is pinned to Zero volts, she can't see the difficulties in her proposed operation.

Here's the playlist, AGAIN, where I explain the configuration, how the Q2 mosfets are turned on by lowering the source voltage (that is, applying a "negative signal to Q1 - to induce a perpetual oscillation." The playlist takes the viewer through the entire sequence, breaking it down into the simplest component parts, illustrating each tiny step, in terms even our bright eighth-grader would have no difficulty understanding.

http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLml9VdOeqKa8hSDVrRWjmJ2WxgzRvMt7V (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLml9VdOeqKa8hSDVrRWjmJ2WxgzRvMt7V)

And here's the single video from that playlist that pulls it all together, showing how the continuous "perpetual oscillations" are produced... and why a separate current source is needed.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV2ePEbJ76I (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV2ePEbJ76I)

(In other videos I demonstrate a simple 555-based Charge Pump Inverter that _does_ allow the main batteries to provide the necessary negative bias current. It will indeed be interesting to see how Ainslie's mob solves this little problem.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 05, 2014, 05:10:41 PM
When Ms. Ainslie says that she will be applying a negative voltage to the gate of Q1 I expect that she means that she will still be using a function generator for that purpose as she has before.  The external power that the function generator supplies as seen August 11 was around 300mW.  It's non-zero but not very significant compared to the ~15W drawn from the batteries, the ~3W dissipated by her heater resistor, or the ~12W shortfall in between.  In order make up the ~12W deficit the impedance of the negative bias source has to come way down.  It is beyond the capability of any off the shelf function generator.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 05, 2014, 05:42:01 PM
Quote from: MarkE on February 05, 2014, 05:10:41 PM
When Ms. Ainslie says that she will be applying a negative voltage to the gate of Q1 I expect that she means that she will still be using a function generator for that purpose as she has before.  The external power that the function generator supplies as seen August 11 was around 300mW.  It's non-zero but not very significant compared to the ~15W drawn from the batteries, the ~3W dissipated by her heater resistor, or the ~12W shortfall in between.  In order make up the ~12W deficit the impedance of the negative bias source has to come way down.  It is beyond the capability of any off the shelf function generator.

In the manuscripts and the blog posts she indicated that the period set in the Figure 3 scopeshot was the longest "on" , i. e. the slowest frequency or longest period, with longest duty cycle proportions, that their IsoTech/Instek GFG-8216 FG could attain. Of course we cannot take Ainslie's word for this.... at one time she called in experts to "repair" her FG when in fact all she needed to do was to pull out the offset knob to engage its function. I don't see any capability for straight DC output from this FG, from looking at the FG manual. (My Interstate F43 does have a straight DC output setting, as well as being able to deliver 40 V p-p, with 50 ohm output impedance.)

So if they indeed want continuous oscillations, they are going to have to use some other source for the negative bias current than their present FG. How would they run the FG from the same batteries that are "powering the resistor" though? Stick an inverter in there to supply the line voltage to the FG?  Actually I doubt if any of the "more knowledgeable" members of Ainslie's mob have even confronted the issue, just as they were caught completely by surprise when they were tasked to reproduce the Figure 3 scopeshot with the wiring as claimed in the daft manuscripts.

(By the way... it is another abject lie of Ainslie, when she claims that Glen Lettenmeier has "withdrawn" his data. It is all still posted publicly, with full explanations and many many scopeshots, as Glen (FuzzyTomCat) has explained many times. He "withdrew" his permission for Ainslie to use the data in her attempts at submission for publication of manuscripts that make false claims.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 05, 2014, 08:34:43 PM
I don't think that they will have any problem getting the oscillations going continuously.  I think that all they need to do is pick a waveform type (any will do) such as the square wave they have been using, set their amplitude to zero, and set the offset to maximum negative. The GFG-82xx generators can drive -5V offset into 50 Ohms.  That implies that the open circuit offset range is -10V which as you know from your own demonstrations is more than enough bias voltage to get the oscillations going.  Here is a link to the basic specifications for their function generator.


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 05, 2014, 09:13:37 PM
Quote from: MarkE on February 05, 2014, 08:34:43 PM
I don't think that they will have any problem getting the oscillations going continuously.  I think that all they need to do is pick a waveform type (any will do) such as the square wave they have been using, set their amplitude to zero, and set the offset to maximum negative. The GFG-82xx generators can drive -5V offset into 50 Ohms.  That implies that the open circuit offset range is -10V which as you know from your own demonstrations is more than enough bias voltage to get the oscillations going.  Here is a link to the basic specifications for their function generator.

http://www.gwinstek.com/en/product/productdetail.aspx?pid=5&mid=73&id=99 (http://www.gwinstek.com/en/product/productdetail.aspx?pid=5&mid=73&id=99)

I attached the complete manual for the FG in the post up above.

Of course there is no difficulty making continuous oscillations once one has some kind of continuous DC bias source. Your suggestion might work with the Instek FG... but if so, one wonders why she had such difficulty doing so. She has spoken of wanting continuous oscillations for a long time, but the FG seemed unable to deliver them. Perhaps it's just because she didn't experiment enough with the settings available.

The trick, of course, is to get the continuous oscillations _without_ the FG. It's easy to do by using some other DC bias source. Ainslie thinks they can do it with the same batteries that are powering the element resistor. This is what I am interested in seeing.

And of course, without some Q1 fully ON time, there will be no high heat in the load.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 05, 2014, 09:24:32 PM
This would do:
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on February 05, 2014, 09:54:30 PM
I just took a peek and saw that Rosie believes that the YouTube prankster Deirones is real.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 05, 2014, 10:54:27 PM
Quote from: MileHigh on February 05, 2014, 09:54:30 PM
I just took a peek and saw that Rosie believes that the YouTube prankster Deirones is real.
Yes well this may be why extension cords are never plugged into themselves in the store.  One flick of a lighter and the whole store might go up in a shower of electrical arcs.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 05, 2014, 11:36:30 PM
Quote from: MarkE on February 05, 2014, 09:24:32 PM
This would do:

Of course. Adding a battery like that was first proposed years ago. Poynt99, Stefan our host, and others provided various schematics, and I demonstrated using a power supply and using a battery just as you have diagrammed, even measuring the current contribution of the battery. One such demonstration can be seen in the playlist I linked above, but I first demonstrated it in 2012 sometime.

But that is an _extra_ battery. This is not Ainslie's claim. She says she will be using the same batteries that power the load resistor.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 05, 2014, 11:38:12 PM
Quote from: MarkE on February 05, 2014, 10:54:27 PM
Yes well this may be why extension cords are never plugged into themselves in the store.  One flick of a lighter and the whole store might go up in a shower of electrical arcs.

So, if we sent Sterling an extension cord and he plugged it into itself, could he run his house from it?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 06, 2014, 12:12:12 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 05, 2014, 11:36:30 PM
Of course. Adding a battery like that was first proposed years ago. Poynt99, Stefan our host, and others provided various schematics, and I demonstrated using a power supply and using a battery just as you have diagrammed, even measuring the current contribution of the battery. One such demonstration can be seen in the playlist I linked above, but I first demonstrated it in 2012 sometime.

But that is an _extra_ battery. This is not Ainslie's claim. She says she will be using the same batteries that power the load resistor.
All the batteries and the function generator or a battery acting as its surrogate do power the load resistor.  The function generator just drops most of its power contribution across its internal 50 Ohm impedance.  A lead acid battery limited by the wiring resistance will move the stress to the Q2 MOSFETs and the heater resistor. 

If she rearranges her six batteries as five plus one, then it still works just as you have shown with other combinations.  I think that it can be a fast trip down the rabbit hole to try and second guess Ms. Ainslie when there are already many discrepancies between what she has said, what she has diagrammed, and what she has demonstrated.  We do know from your excellent demonstrations that if they want to drive the oscillation cycles continuously that they can.  We also know that you have the facilities to pretty much replicate any idea that they might come up with and more.  Wouldn't it be interesting for example if TK labs were to replicate whatever it is Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators do next and on top of that switch the oscillations on and off on demand without touching the gate drive or interrupting the heater resistor current?  If you don't already know how to do that, I do.

If they do use a low resistance battery for gate drive then in order to start and maintain the oscillations they will need enough stray inductance in series with the source.  Something between 10uH and 100uH will be needed.  In that case the voltages will be something to watch out for.  They could get 800V or more on the MOSFET drains during start-up.

If they don't have enough inductance in the source leg, then with low ESR like a battery they won't get oscillations.  They will just have the battery stack across the series combination of:  the heater resistor, the Q2 MOSFETs fully enhanced, the current sense resistors, the wiring and the series battery ESR.  With 72V of battery the heater resistor will get plenty hot.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 06, 2014, 12:14:43 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 05, 2014, 11:38:12 PM
So, if we sent Sterling an extension cord and he plugged it into itself, could he run his house from it?

It could do no less than any of the free energy generators he has been told would run his house in the past.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 06, 2014, 12:41:08 AM
Quote from: MarkE on February 06, 2014, 12:14:43 AM
It could do no less than any of the free energy generators he has been told would run his house in the past.


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: picowatt on February 06, 2014, 02:41:29 AM
Quote from: MarkE on February 05, 2014, 09:24:32 PM
This would do:


Your schematic does not bias Q2 into a linear region of operation.

The open circuit voltage of the FG and the 50R internal to the FG, in concert with the Vth of Q2, sets the bias current for Q2 and allows Q2 to function as a common gate configured amplifier.

As you say in later posts (and as proven by .99's sims and TK's breadboards), a fair amount of inductance is required as well for Q2 to oscillate as it does.  However, I do not believe turning Q2 fully on, as would happen if a low impedance V source (battery) in excess of Vth were connected directly to Q2's source, will allow Q2 to oscillate.

She has never attempted to hard switch Q2 as she does Q1, but rather biases Q2 into a linear region and relies on the Q2 oscillations to produce her "effect".

On another note, as she has retracted her retraction, does she now endorse FIG3 of paper 1 as being consistent with what one would expect from the schematic provided in that paper?

If so, she would indeed be better off experimenting with socket strips and piezo ignitors... 


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 06, 2014, 03:08:05 AM
Quote from: picowatt on February 06, 2014, 02:41:29 AM

Your schematic does not bias Q2 into a linear region of operation.

The open circuit voltage of the FG and the 50R internal to the FG, in concert with the Vth of Q2, sets the bias current for Q2 and allows Q2 to function as a common gate configured amplifier.

As you say in later posts (and as proven by .99's sims and TK's breadboards), a fair amount of inductance is required as well for Q2 to oscillate as it does.  However, I do not believe turning Q2 fully on, as would happen if a low impedance V source (battery) in excess of Vth were connected directly to Q2's source, will allow Q2 to oscillate.

She has never attempted to hard switch Q2 as she does Q1, but rather bias Q2 into a linear region and relies on the Q2 oscillations to produce her "effect".

On another note, as she has retracted her retraction, does she now endorse FIG3 of paper 1 as being consistent with what one would expect from the schematic provided in that paper?

If so, she would indeed be better off experimenting with socket strips and piezo ignitors... 


PW that is true in the DC case and if they used short wires without the inductance that I mentioned then the resulting common source configuration does not oscillate.  That holds to 10uH.  At 100uH  the circuit oscillates immediately.  During start-up, peak drain voltages of 800V are present, settling to somewhat more pedestrian peak voltages of 600V at about 600kHz.   At 600kHz, 100uH is about 377 Ohms. 

Ms. Ainslie has never understood the operation of the function generator and its internal resistance as it pertains to gate bias as well a DC current path for Q2 MOSFET current.  They got their oscillations, made bad measurements, drew incorrect conclusions and were happy until under supervision they made half way decent measurements and found out that their over unity measurements were all the illusions that Poynt99, and TinselKoala had been telling them they were.

My understanding is that despite showing June 29 that Figure 3, Figure 6, and Figure 7 of Paper 1 were all the result of probing errors, Ms. Ainslie has withdrawn her retraction because she has some new strange ideas about how current can accumulate or deplete on a node in violation of KCL.  She already endorses those silly self-powered socket strip videos.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: picowatt on February 06, 2014, 03:27:24 AM
Quote from: MarkE on February 06, 2014, 03:08:05 AM
PW that is true in the DC case and if they used short wires without the inductance that I mentioned then the resulting common source configuration does not oscillate.  That holds to 10uH.  At 100uH  the circuit oscillates immediately.  During start-up, peak drain voltages of 800V are present, settling to somewhat more pedestrian peak voltages of 600V at about 600kHz.   At 600kHz, 100uH is about 377 Ohms. 

Ms. Ainslie has never understood the operation of the function generator and its internal resistance as it pertains to gate bias as well a DC current path for Q2 MOSFET current.  They got their oscillations, made bad measurements, drew incorrect conclusions and were happy until under supervision they made half way decent measurements and found out that their over unity measurements were all the illusions that Poynt99, and TinselKoala had been telling them they were.

My understanding is that despite showing June 29 that Figure 3, Figure 6, and Figure 7 of Paper 1 were all the result of probing errors, Ms. Ainslie has withdrawn her retraction because she has some new strange ideas about how current can accumulate or deplete on a node in violation of KCL.  She already endorses those silly self-powered socket strip videos.


Are you discussing a scenario based on sim work?

This subject has been so beat to death, I am amazed anyone still bothers.

Even with a lot of inductance, if Q2 is switched on hard at DC, her load will see more current than her linearly biased Q2 oscillations ever produced (and more efficiently I might add).

I have always considered Q2 to be configured as common gate, do I understand that you consider Q2 to be configured as common source?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 06, 2014, 03:49:31 AM
Quote from: picowatt on February 06, 2014, 03:27:24 AM

Are you discussing a scenario based on sim work?

This subject has been so beat to death, I am amazed anyone still bothers.

Even with a lot of inductance, if Q2 is switched on hard at DC, her load will see more current than her linearly biased Q2 oscillations ever produced (and more efficiently I might add).

I have always considered Q2 to be configured as common gate, do I understand that you consider Q2 to be configured as common source?

PW yes I simulated to confirm that the circuit oscillates stably with 100uH and 20mOhm in series with the composite Q2 source.  I got an extensive configurable SPICE model of the circuit from Steve.

If the Q2 MOSFETs don't oscillate then four fully enhanced IRFPG50s have one fourth the series resistance of one and a tiny fraction of the average resistance seen when they oscillate.  In the low impedance battery configuration, the required inductance for oscillation is many times greater than with a 50 Ohm resistance as provided by the function generator.

The Q2 configuration used with the function generator is a common gate, because the gate is connected to a low impedance whereas the source and drain are not.  Replacing the function generator with something that has a low impedance like another lead acid battery arguably changes the circuit such that it behaves as either a common gate or common source configuration since both terminals are from an AC standpoint grounded.  Inserting sufficient inductance that the source is again decoupled by an impedance much higher than the gate puts us back in a common gate configuration at frequencies high enough for the inductive reactance to matter.  The simple diagram above does not show any impedance inserted between the source terminal and the Vee supply, so as drawn it works as either common gate or common source.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: picowatt on February 06, 2014, 04:00:21 AM
Quote from: MarkE on February 06, 2014, 03:49:31 AM
PW yes I simulated to confirm that the circuit oscillates stably with 100uH and 20mOhm in series with the composite Q2 source.  I got an extensive configurable SPICE model of the circuit from Steve.

If the Q2 MOSFETs don't oscillate then four fully enhanced IRFPG50s have one fourth the series resistance of one and a tiny fraction of the average resistance seen when they oscillate.  In the low impedance battery configuration, the required inductance for oscillation is many times greater than with a 50 Ohm resistance as provided by the function generator.

The Q2 configuration used with the function generator is a common gate, because the gate is connected to a low impedance whereas the source and drain are not.  Replacing the function generator with something that has a low impedance like another lead acid battery arguably changes the circuit such that it behaves as either a common gate or common source configuration since both terminals are from an AC standpoint grounded.  Inserting sufficient inductance that the source is again decoupled by an impedance much higher than the gate puts us back in a common gate configuration at frequencies high enough for the inductive reactance to matter.  The simple diagram above does not show any impedance inserted between the source terminal and the Vee supply, so as drawn it works as either common gate or common source.

Yes, after rereading your previous post, I realized you were referring to the case where the Q2 source had a low impedance path as being common source.

As you say, the configuration type can at times become a bit gray, but when in doubt, I choose the least dynamic terminal as the "common".

I read your write up over at Mark D's website.  It was a very well written and concise summation of this whole affair.  In concert with what Mark D posted (and her earlier retraction), I would have thought all of this would have been put to bed by now.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 06, 2014, 04:13:18 AM
Quote from: picowatt on February 06, 2014, 04:00:21 AM
Yes, after rereading your previous post, I realized you were referring to the case where the Q2 source had a low impedance path as being common source.

As you say, the configuration type can at times become a bit gray, but when in doubt, I choose the least dynamic terminal as the "common".

I read your write up over at Mark D's website.  It was a very well written and concise summation of this whole affair.  In concert with what Mark D posted (and her earlier retraction), I would have thought all of this would have been put to bed by now.

I am a big fan of common gate / common base circuits.  A bit of trivia that you probably know is that the first transistor circuits were common base configurations. 

I wrote a detailed report on the Quantum Magazine article focusing entirely on the discrepancies of the signal generator portion of the circuit.  That is the report that is on Revolution-Green.  Ms. Ainslie objected strongly to my comments but never addressed any of the issues that I raised.

The demonstrations in June and August of last year should have put the Paper 1 and Paper 2 completely to rest.  Ms. Ainslie honorably withdrew both papers in light of those demonstrations and then rather inexplicably without new experiment data decided to "reinstate" them.  She came up with some wild ideas that there was actually far more power being circulated in the breadboard circuit heater than indicated by her own temperature rise measurements. 

She now states that she intends to reproduce the experiments from the Quantum Magazine article as well as the Paper 1 and Paper 2 experiments.  I think that is fine.  As much as I know what I expect from those experiments, I think it is good for people who have ideas to put those ideas to the test.  If Ms. Ainslie and her team do not make gross mistakes then they should observe physically reasonable results.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 06, 2014, 06:54:37 AM
I'm sorry, but some of the above discussion from sims doesn't seem to jive completely with my results in the hardware. I know watching my demonstration videos gets old, but could you please watch again, and comment specifically upon, this video here, particularly "part 4b", the latter part of the video. Schematics are shown at the front of the video but also see the 4b schematic below.
The series resistance of 100 ohms with the bias battery is a carbon resistor. The CSR is a one-ohm wirewound power resistor.
So what I'm getting from the discussion above and from my testing is that the output impedance of the bias source is rather critical. If it's too low, as when I hooked the circuit up without the 100R briefly near the end of the video, it doesn't oscillate, but with a bit higher impedance (through the 100R and the bulb) it does. At 7:09 in the video I touch the bulb to the positive battery terminal bypassing the 100R, the bulb lights up brightly and the tpA trace shows -4 volts but with no oscillation. By fiddling with the connection I briefly get a pulse of oscillation, then I place the 100R in series and obtain the continuous oscillation and a dim bulb.
I presume the bulb lights up in the no-oscillation case because the mosfet's body Zener is reverse-biased enough to conduct, and that the two batteries are now in series and the scope trace from tpA is indicating the voltage drop across the body diode and the load resistance. Is that right?
In any case, due to the action of the body diode, the voltage at tpA never seems able to go below -4 volts or so, oscillating or not, regardless of the bias source impedance. Of course when the oscillations are happening this -4 V is the mean of the oscillations. Also, during oscillations there should be some current flowing across the source-gate capacitance as well, right?
I'm still trying to understand fully the behaviour of the circuit myself, so I'm happy for any and all guidance, and if I'm completely missing something please let me know!


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 06, 2014, 07:42:46 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 06, 2014, 06:54:37 AM
I'm sorry, but some of the above discussion from sims doesn't seem to jive completely with my results in the hardware. I know watching my demonstration videos gets old, but could you please watch again, and comment specifically upon, this video here, particularly "part 4b", the latter part of the video. Schematics are shown at the front of the video but also see the 4b schematic below.
The series resistance of 100 ohms with the bias battery is a carbon resistor. The CSR is a one-ohm wirewound power resistor.
So what I'm getting from the discussion above and from my testing is that the output impedance of the bias source is rather critical. If it's too low, as when I hooked the circuit up without the 100R briefly near the end of the video, it doesn't oscillate, but with a bit higher impedance (through the 100R and the bulb) it does. At 7:09 in the video I touch the bulb to the positive battery terminal bypassing the 100R, the bulb lights up brightly and the tpA trace shows -4 volts but with no oscillation. By fiddling with the connection I briefly get a pulse of oscillation, then I place the 100R in series and obtain the continuous oscillation and a dim bulb.
I presume the bulb lights up in the no-oscillation case because the mosfet's body Zener is reverse-biased enough to conduct, and that the two batteries are now in series and the scope trace from tpA is indicating the voltage drop across the body diode and the load resistance. Is that right?
In any case, due to the action of the body diode, the voltage at tpA never seems able to go below -4 volts or so, oscillating or not, regardless of the bias source impedance. Of course when the oscillations are happening this -4 V is the mean of the oscillations. Also, during oscillations there should be some current flowing across the source-gate capacitance as well, right?
I'm still trying to understand fully the behaviour of the circuit myself, so I'm happy for any and all guidance, and if I'm completely missing something please let me know!

The videos do not contradict the discussion above.  What the simulations show is that if you connect a battery without a ballast resistor that you will not get the oscillations.  That should make intuitive sense:  That configuration looks like the drawing I posted.  One can look at the circuit as either common gate, or common source.  A common source circuit with 0V / 12V drive acts like a switch that is off with 0V and on with 12V drive.  Now if you insert 100uH between the battery and the MOSFET source then according to the simulation you'll get big time oscillations.  100uH is the equivalent of about 400 feet of lead wire.  If you insert only 10uH which would be about 40 feet of wire then the simulations do not show any oscillations.  The critical inductance to start and sustain oscillations for 20mOhms with four IRFPG50's appears to be right about 80uH.

In order to get oscillations we need two things:  180 degrees phase shift and gain greater than 1.  The discussion that PW and I were having had to do with getting a gain > 1.  For that, the MOSFET has to operate in its linear region.  When set-up as a switch it doesn't have a lot of opportunity to do that as it slews through its linear region pretty quickly.  However, when we insert enough inductance in the source leg, that impedes rapid on/off off/on switching, multiplying the time that the MOSFET takes to slew through its linear region, and in the process also introducing more phase shift.  It's just a matter of inserting enough unbypassed inductance and the circuit will take off if subjected to a strong transient such as power on.  The impact of a 50 Ohm or 100 Ohm degeneration resistor in series with the source is that linear operation extends to DC.  You should be able to do a quick test where you get the oscillations with the 100 Ohm resistor, but kill them by bypassing the resistor with a 1uF or larger capacitor.

During the oscillations there is current through all three parasitic capacitances:  D-G, D-S, and G-S.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: mrsean2k on February 06, 2014, 07:34:25 PM
A formally attired Rosemary guides her team's build while typing up the thesis:

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 07, 2014, 08:38:29 AM
MrSean2k.... I am afraid Ainslie doesn't need you to make a laughingstock of her... she is perfectly capable of doing that all by herself.

QuoteSorry.  I omitted mention of preliminary tests done on efforts at replicating Deirone's test.  What has been managed is to 'briefly' turn the switch on.  The ground pin used is copper.  I've got an idea that it may be preferred to use aluminium.  But there's still some way to go.  Frankly - I'm AMAZED that even this was achieved.  It certainly defies standard assumption - or what I've learned about the standard model.  Frankly, it's looking promising - more so than I dared to hope.

Yes, that's right... the Deirones who plugs an extension cord into itself, then uses the piezo sparker from a cigarette lighter to "start" the thing up. Ainslie thinks she has managed "briefly" to turn the switch on... while splitting infinitives left and right. Now we know ... Ainslie actively hallucinates.

(Perhaps someone should inform Ainslie that the lower specific heat of Mineral Oil, 1.67 Joules per gram per degree C, and its lower density of about 0.83 or 0.84 grams per ml, means that a given amount of _energy_, measured in Joules, applied to the oil, will result in a _greater_ temperature change (measured in degrees C)  than the same amount of _energy_ applied to the same volume of water. This actually makes the oil bath system _more sensitive_ to applied energy than the water bath.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 07, 2014, 09:03:46 AM
The idea that anyone takes Deirones farce seriously, much less claims to replicate pegs the absurdity meter.  Such a claim is either a big joke or the person making the claim is very, very confused.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on February 08, 2014, 03:00:31 AM
I'm delighted that Rose has proven this technology. My commissioning teams roll up extension cables and plug them into themselves to prevent them becoming knotted. All I have to do now is give the guys some lighters then they don't need to bother with carrying generators. How easy is that? However they'll have to unplug them during transport or the leads may cause a fire. In the meantime I'll get some aluminium  earth pins made up.   ;D
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 08, 2014, 03:35:17 AM
Quote from: Tseak on February 08, 2014, 03:00:31 AM
I'm delighted that Rose has proven this technology. My commissioning teams roll up extension cables and plug them into themselves to prevent them becoming knotted. All I have to do now is give the guys some lighters then they don't need to bother with carrying generators. How easy is that? However they'll have to unplug them during transport or the leads may cause a fire. In the meantime I'll get some aluminium  earth pins made up.   ;D
When you heartlessly drive the generator manufacturers out of business I hope that you will send some of your savings to the Generator Manufacturer's Widows and Orphans Fund.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 08, 2014, 04:00:20 AM
Yes, but,,, the extension cord folks are going to see more business than they can handle.  I would stock up on them now while they are still affordable.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 08, 2014, 04:17:26 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 08, 2014, 04:00:20 AM
Yes, but,,, the extension cord folks are going to see more business than they can handle.  I would stock up on them now while they are still affordable.

I believe that the Koch brothers have already cornered the market.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 08, 2014, 11:39:36 PM
It just keeps getting funnier and funnier. Ainslie is now enamored with a video, uploaded on December 8, 2013, that shows some interesting things.


But is there trouble in Paradise?
QuoteNot even the guys who are doing our replications - are convinced by these videos.  To a man they claim that its fraud.  So.  It's left to me to see what I can do to replicate.

It's too bad that she missed my videos on the same topic, that I made and uploaded back in September, November and December of 2012.




Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 09, 2014, 01:15:53 AM
Who would fake free energy on YouTube?  The only reason that the real free energy motors are not at Walmart is because they still have to be safety certified.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: alan on February 09, 2014, 04:21:37 PM
still no answers about this circuit?
guess it's another hoax
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 09, 2014, 08:37:33 PM
Quote from: alan on February 09, 2014, 04:21:37 PM
still no answers about this circuit?
guess it's another hoax
Ms. Ainslie has recently spoken out defending several hoaxes.  Is there one in particular that interests you?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 10, 2014, 12:41:29 PM
I've just received a PM from a new poster called AlaskaStar. I don't quite know what he's talking about, but perhaps he's the person referred to on this page of Ainslie's honeypot forum.

http://www.energy-shiftingparadigms.com/index.php?topic=2313.235;wap2 (http://www.energy-shiftingparadigms.com/index.php?topic=2313.235;wap2)

QuoteRosemary Ainslie says:
Guys - Here's a new one for the books.  A new reach into 'spin'.    You'll recall that 'the boss' was the poster who promised me 'unusual methods' to discredit me.  What actually happened, within a week of threatening this - was my computer was STOLEN during an attack on my premises - a robbery that took place - WHILE I WAS RIGHT HERE.  From under my nose... so to speak.  I believe the attack would have extended to me as well but for the brave intervention of my beautiful dog - LOKI.  Plenty of blood was left as evidence AFTER that attack - and the most of it on my duvet.  It has taught me to pay heed when 'the boss' makes a post.  So.  With this in mind - here's the thing...  In this link...
http://www.overunity.com/13593/rosemary-ainslie-circuit-demonstration-june-29-2013-video-segments/msg364941/#m (http://www.overunity.com/13593/rosemary-ainslie-circuit-demonstration-june-29-2013-video-segments/msg364941/#m)

he now says this...
For the record, Chris Hunter was daily battling publicly with Ainslie and her circuit claims well over 10 years ago long before anyone here ever heard of her. He was the very first to call her to account, is well aware of her of her fraudulent claims and her mental instability. The guy is a legend as far as Ainslie is concerned and she still bears the scars of those battles. You will no longer find him posting on forums. We stay in touch a couple times a year and his private personal story is remarkable. One of the few people in these forums to run with his original ideas and innovations and bring them to market. Technically, he is as astute as both TinselKoala and Poynt99. ..just a remarkable young man who has no time for this kind of stuff.

Bear in mind that Chris Hunter wrote in Mark Dansie's forum Revolution Green.com wrote to Mark in defense of both my work and Rossi's.  On record - BEFORE that article I have NEVER even heard of Chris Hunter.  I put it to you all - under oath - that ten years ago and to date - I have NEVER spoken nor written to Chris.  And far from saying that he's a 'remarkable young man who has no time for this kind of stuff'... ON THE CONTRARY - clearly he does. 

What is alarming is that 'the boss' claims that 'He was the very first to call her to account, is well aware of her of her fraudulent claims and her mental instability.'  This is COMPLETE HOGWASH.  IF it's true then 'the boss' needs to show proof - FROM CHRIS HIMSELF.  WHERE HAVE WE ENGAGED?  WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE THAT HE HOLDS THIS OPINION?

It is STAGGERING that this level of 'spin' - calumny - lies - can be perpetrated - WITHOUT QUESTION.  And it is BEWILDERING to try and understand how it is that our technology is SO DANGEROUS - that it needs to be NEGATED - and my own skills along with it?  I put it to you that we most CERTAINLY have something that these HORRORS are desperately trying to DENY.  I am the FIRST to claim that our 'proof' is small - our contributions 'negligible' compared to those of Rossi's et al.  But NOW?  NOT SO MUCH.  I am beginning to realise that our technology REALLY REALLY matters.  Why else would they need to lie?  And to lie in every single post that they make?  And to work SO HARD at those lies? It beggars belief.

Kindest regards

http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:ArcticTek:Chris_Hunter_%28Alaska_Star%29%27s_Axial_Flux_Motor (http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:ArcticTek:Chris_Hunter_%28Alaska_Star%29%27s_Axial_Flux_Motor)

Please feel free, AlaskaStar, to join in this public discussion. I'd really like to know the history of you and Ainslie, since "The Boss" has said that you were the first one to "call her to account" many years ago -- yet Ainslie absolutely denies this. It would not be the first time that Ainslie has categorically denied doing something that she clearly has actually done.

As Ainslie quoted above, The Boss said:
QuoteFor the record, Chris Hunter was daily battling publicly with Ainslie and her circuit claims well over 10 years ago long before anyone here ever heard of her. He was the very first to call her to account, is well aware of her of her fraudulent claims and her mental instability. The guy is a legend as far as Ainslie is concerned and she still bears the scars of those battles. You will no longer find him posting on forums. We stay in touch a couple times a year and his private personal story is remarkable. One of the few people in these forums to run with his original ideas and innovations and bring them to market. Technically, he is as astute as both TinselKoala and Poynt99. ..just a remarkable young man who has no time for this kind of stuff.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 11, 2014, 10:03:00 AM
TinselKoala:  Ms. Ainslie is trying to stir the pot again this morning.  Apparently she does not understand your video:  'Electric OU: Tar Baby Cooks Some Turnip Stew: High Heat with "NO CURRENT FLOW"'  Ms. Ainslie speaks as though she is confident that new tests will vindicate her ideas.  Whether Ms. Ainslie believes it or not, I personally encourage her to experiment to her heart's content.  I encourage her to improve her test methods and documentation so that her results are both crisp and certain.  It is through such a process that she may yet learn something about physics and electronics.

Ms. Ainslie is unhappy that you used a DMM to obtain average readings.  She has latched onto information that is only partially correct in order to try and score points on you.  What Ms. Ainslie and a lot of people don't know is how a DMM works, and where it can and cannot reliably extract the DC average of a signal.  What she does know is that a DMM samples.  She assumes that beyond the sample frequency that the DMM cannot obtain reliably extract the average DC voltage.  She is wrong. 

What happens to any sampled system where input energy with content above half the device's sample frequency is that energy aliases.  Aliasing causes problems under certain circumstances.  The circumstances where it causes problems for a modern DMM are narrow.  Signals that are between about half the meter's conversion rate and about 10X the conversion rate result in unstable DC readings.  When the signal changes slowly enough for the meter to track it, the readings will appear chaotic to the human reading the meter.  A typical handheld DMM samples between 2 and 10 times per second.  Signals that are 100X or more the DMM sample rate average well due to the quad slope conversion architecture of DMM A/D converters.  Fluke handheld DMMs that I have tested are perfectly stable reading 50Hz signals.  I believe Poynt99's work inspired Steve to do some tests where Steve went as high as 500MHz.  Steve has some really nice equipment that is good for that.  I have only gone up to a few MHz with my gear.

There are two caveats:  One is that is that the common mode rejection of a DMM front end has an inverse saddle shape.  Somewhere in the mid 100kHz region, the common mode rejection ratio may fall down into the 40dB range, which means the DC signal will bounce around by up to 1%.  At lower frequencies and higher frequencies the rejection is better.  This effect can be more pronounced with cheapy meters.  The other is that meters present pretty substantial capacitive loads.  At frequencies above a few MHz the loading can be significant and a series resistor should be used between the signal source and the DMM.  1K Ohm is usually a good choice.

A fun experiment that anyone with a DMM, a function generator, and an oscilloscope can do is:

Put a BNC T on the function generator.
Connect one BNC patch cable from the T to an oscilloscope channel 1 to monitor the signal output.  Set vertical gain to 500mV/division.  Set 0V to center.  Trigger on channel 1.  Set horizontal sweep to 2ms / div.
Connect another BNC patch cable with a dual banana plug adapter into the DMM.
Set the DMM to read DC volts, 20V scale.
Set the function generator amplitude to zero.
Dial up an offset voltage until the DMM reads 1.000V.
Set the function generator to sine wave output.
Set the function generator amplitude to about 2Vpp
Adjust the function generator frequency to 100Hz.
If the oscilloscope has measurement capability, read average voltage.
Make step adjustments to the function generator operating frequency in 1-2-5 steps, IE 100Hz, 200Hz, 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz... 
Adjust the oscilloscope horizontal sweep to keep from 2 to 5 cycles on the screen at each step.
At each step frequency read and record the DMM voltage.  Typically, a decent DMM will remain stable to within a couple of mV until the mid 100kHz range, such as 500kHz.
If the oscilloscope has measurement capability read and record the average voltage reading at each step.
Repeat the process with the offset voltage set to -1.000V.
Repeat the process using a triangle waveform.
Repeat the process using a square waveform.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 11, 2014, 03:01:05 PM
Ainslie and her "team" will never perform that simple series of DMM tests for themselves, or if they do they will never report the results. Ainslie has a long history of avoiding any tests that have the potential to falsify her claims, and simply failing to report results that don't support her claims, like the results from the laboratory in the USA to which she sent her entire apparatus, a year or so ago.

Not only that, but Ainslie and her "team" have been aware of Poynt99's excellent testing and documentation of DMM accuracy ever since he produced it.

Furthermore, note that in that old video from May of 2012, I clearly am using a MINERAL OIL BATH and I clearly am taking, recording and reporting THERMOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS, properly obtained, of the oil bath system.... and yet the lying, willfully ignorant, mendacious and deluded Ainslie has stated just a few days ago that I have never shown either of those things.

Also note that on the blowup photos that she herself posted to PESN back before the most recent demonstrations.... her FG is set to produce a TRIANGLE or ramp waveform, just as I showed in this video.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 11, 2014, 03:04:13 PM
AlaskaStar has indicated, for the record, that he is NOT the person to whom The Boss refers in his statements that I quoted above. The Boss must have been thinking of someone else. So at least Ainslie got something right.... she apparently hasn't been engaged by AlaskaStar before now, according to him.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 11, 2014, 03:08:59 PM
One could easily get the idea that she says a number of things just to try and rile you up.  For someone who says that she doesn't watch your videos she sure likes to link and critique them.

Something that is in that blowup is interesting:  Notice the earth ground symbol that is printed next to each of the BNC connectors.  That should have given them a clue about what they needed to do in order to hook up the function generator as documented instead of the way that they actually did for all but the August 11 tests.  They owe Poynt99  big for suggesting to them that they disconnect the mains earth ground on their function generator.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 11, 2014, 04:50:22 PM
Ainslie's insulting and mendacious comments about my videos hardly rise to the level of "critiques". She does not even try to refute specific points with outside checkable references, facts, or proper demonstrations of her own. She repeats over and over silly things that have long been known to be false, or which are easily demonstrated to be false simply by looking and paying attention to the content of my videos. Further, it has been clear for a long time that even the "tenth-grade" level of pitch is too much for her. She does not have the academic prerequisites, the intellectual capacity, or the proper mental models necessary to grasp or understand what is happening in my videos, even though they are as simple as I could possibly make them.

Just ask her what the mosfet Drain voltage should be in "her" circuit when the mosfet is ON and conducting, and see what she says.

Yes, her cheap, basic Chinese Function Generator always has the chassis, and the BNC shields, connected to the line cord's Ground wire. The only way to isolate the "black" output lead from the chassis and line ground is to cut off the ground pin in the cord, or use a line ground-lift adapter. However, my F43 Function Generator, a superior bit of test equipment made in the USA, has, in addition to its 40 V p-p output, also a built in Chassis Isolation switch and all its BNC connectors are insulated from its chassis. Simply by flicking this switch, I can isolate the F43's "black" output lead from the chassis and line-cord ground. Of course, using a BNC patch cord to connect the FG to another, grounded instrument re-establishes the ground connection. All of this is waaaaaay over the head of Ainslie and her crew, though. Since my instrument does not have "numbers in boxes".... she believes that it is somehow inferior to hers, when in fact the truth is the exact opposite.

(Image shows the F43's rear panel chassis isolation switch; I have since moved this function to the front panel for convenience.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 11, 2014, 07:45:41 PM
A neophyte can buy a half million dollar oscilloscope and still mess up ordinary measurements.  A craftsman who understands both circuits and the test instrument can make good measurements using equipment that goes for pocket change on eBay.  The measure of a craft person's skill is not the equipment that they have or must have, but what they can do with the equipment that they do have.

I would have to investigate, but I am pretty sure that safety regulations now prohibit interrupting an earth safety ground connection with anything that can open the circuit, such as a switch.  Safety regulators are more concerned with keeping people alive than making measurements convenient.  In a modern environment, the ground loop would have to be isolated by floating the oscilloscope probe or probes.  It's kind of a burden for people working on stuff out of their own pockets.  But if you think about it, even a few thousand for a good non-contact current probe is a small insurance cost to a company lab if that prevents personal injury or death.

Even with safety regulations as they are, I know people down the street who floated 220VAC line equipment for test convenience.  If they had any kind of insurance aware safety compliance people then that invitation to electrocution would not have happened.  Insurers and employers are even more adverse to paying personal injury or wrongful death claims as they are missing Bob at the company picnic.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 11, 2014, 08:15:57 PM
Yes, it can be dangerous to interrupt an instrument's chassis ground. The isolation switch on the F43 does not isolate the instrument's chassis/power supply section from the line cord ground, it only isolates the "signal ground" from the chassis (and so from the system's line cord ground.) It is very rare that this function is needed or desired, hence the original switch location on the rear panel of the instrument. My "rack" is so tightly stacked, though, that it is difficult for me to reach around behind the instrument, so I installed a switch in the front panel.

I believe Ainslie found out for herself just what a good groundloop can do, when she decided to take a reading "across the load" while she had all her other probes hooked up as normal. Recall that her early Quantum article work was done with a fully isolated Fluke 123 or 199 ScopeMeter, which allows 600 volts difference between the channel ground references, so one may connect this scope any which-a-way with relative impunity. Not so the LeCroy! All the probe references are connected together at the chassis and also back to the line cord. So she wound up hooking one probe's reference to the 72 volt battery negative, and another probe's reference to the battery positive, when she tried to scope "across the load". I believe this was the event that caused her to have to purchase the borrowed scope, and have it sent out for repair and calibration.
This is not the only "oops" that Ainslie has committed wrt her equipment, either.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 11, 2014, 08:46:23 PM
Usually when someone hooks up probes incorrectly, they fry only the probe and/or the probe cable.  It takes some really serious current to damage the BNC connector or anything past the internal frame.  Ms. Ainslie's unfortunate accident could have happened to anyone.  I have been in labs that had to be cleared for days after an ESD bench ground lead ended up doing double duty as a protective ground.  The fried insulation gave off toxic gas and tripped the fire protection system.  The lab was a mess.

20-20 hindsight is easy.  That said, a $700. differential isolation probe would have protected Ms. Ainslie against that accident.  Unfortunately a good DC - >1MHz non-contact current probe costs about as much as the oscilloscope.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 15, 2014, 10:47:34 AM
My, my how things change over the years.

Remember when Ainslie's claims were like "the batteries don't discharge at all, because energy is being created in the circuit elements and returned to the batteries, while boiling water with no measurable current drawn from the source" ?

Now it appears that Ainslie's claims have degenerated -- perhaps "decayed" is a better word -- to something more like "two batteries, powering two different loads with two different discharge schedules, will last different lengths of time before they reach some low terminal voltage."

Well, triple-whoopie-dingding!! Send in the clowns! What an earthshaking result that is! .......... NOT.

There is just one Little problem: The energy OUT from the batteries will never exceed the energy put INTO the batteries to charge them up in the first place, and the energy SUPPLIED TO EACH LOAD (in this case the complete circuit, whatever it might be) by the batteries, or DC control power supply, will never be less than the ENERGY DISSIPATED BY THOSE LOADS during the experimentation.

Wait.... isn't that two Little problems? Sorry....

Poynt99, I wouldn't be so worried if I were you. Ainslie's kludgewerk is so drastically _inefficient_ that proper testing will clearly show, just as it always has in the past, that maintaining any given temperature of her load, using her "oscillations", will always require more power input than a simple DC source and straight wires would require to maintain the same temperature in the same load. As you poynt out, simply comparing the battery "capacity" using Ainslie's naive methodology is not a valid test of an overunity claim, but even so, I'd still wager that testing using her own "protocols" would nevertheless fail to support her claims. Which is why we won't be seeing any real data from such tests, coming from her.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 15, 2014, 11:04:54 AM
Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators already established Aug. 11 that the battery to heating element power efficiency during the oscillations is only about 20%.  A conundrum that Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators now face is how much wire should they put between their test set-up and the batteries?  Do longer wires enhance or hinder each:  power, power efficiency, and battery desulfanation?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 15, 2014, 01:50:02 PM
"Watts of energy". Again. Still. After all these years.

One awaits eagerly the next Little foot-in-mouth pronouncement from the amazing Ainslie.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 15, 2014, 02:42:51 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 15, 2014, 01:50:02 PM
"Watts of energy". Again. Still. After all these years.

One awaits eagerly the next Little foot-in-mouth pronouncement from the amazing Ainslie.
Well yes confusing power and energy is a bad problem, but the argument that she is trying to make is not entirely off the mark.  It is clear to me that she is advancing the very simple idea that if one gets more energy (sustained power across some time interval) out than in, then something extraordinary is going on.  She is obviously convinced that this is the case despite last summer's demonstrations.

Where things can run awry quickly is if power and energy measurements get mixed-up.  Ms. Ainslie writes as though she has some technical professionals conducting her experiments, so there is hope that measurements and comparisons will be kept straight. 

The current debate seems to be over how to evaluate if a circuit offers a benefit to a battery.  Poynt99 has objected to comparing a battery loaded by a straight resistance versus a battery connected to a pulsating load.  A low pass decoupling filter between the battery and the test assembly would eliminate that distinction.  The question is whether Ms. Ainslie would accept insertion of such a low pass filter.  I would think that as long as it is placed at the battery and that she can observe that it has virtually no impact on the waveforms that she observes at her test assembly that she would accept such a filter.  Two copies of the filter could be built so that the test arrangements are identical between the DUT and the control, but for the DUT and the control heater resistor themselves.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 16, 2014, 10:11:19 AM
Ainslie continues to bleat, like a lost she-goat wandering through the maze of a city's downtown streets. She has no clue as to navigating the landscape so she does what she does best: she bleats. Again she complains about my work.... and as usual she cannot actually refute any single LITTLE thing I've done. She can't take any video of mine and point out the specific details she would like to dispute.... because she cannot dispute my FACTS at all.

Not only that..... but she is slowly lurching towards performing her testing in the manner that I have been using for years. Her "team" of incompetent blunderers must be paying attention, even though she herself is too ignorant and arrogant to understand. Neither has she ever withdrawn the utter lies that she has been telling about me and my work, even after her falsehoods are exposed for all to see in the images of her own posts. Bleat, bleat bleat, the poor lost she-goat wanders through a landscape she cannot possibly ever understand. It would be sad, if it weren't so utterly comical.

She mentions her Doctor Garret in a rather disparaging manner. Do we think that this is the same Doctor Garret who is now Chief Scientist in Queensland Australia? Hmmm.... I really wonder what he himself would have to say about the things Ainslie is attributing to him.

QuotePrior  to joining CSIRO, Geoff led South Africa's national science agency, the CSIR,  as President and Chief Executive from 1995, following five years as Executive  Vice President: Operations. He was named South Africa's 'Boss of the Year' in  1998, and 'Engineer of the Year' by the South African Society of Professional  Engineers in 1999.


Phone: +61 7 3224 7630
Email: info@chiefscientist.qld.gov.au
Street address: Level 25, 111 George Street, Brisbane

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on February 16, 2014, 10:23:42 AM
I smell another crash and burn if she tries to do another round of public demos.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 16, 2014, 10:25:55 AM
Dear Professor Garrett

For some years now we have been examining the claims of one Rosemary Ainslie, who believes that she has discovered that a simple electronic circuit, found in the back of every power mosfet data sheet, can somehow produce more energy than is required to operate the circuit. She has mentioned you as being one of the early examiners of her claims and her experiments.

As you can see in the attached image of her blog post, made on Sunday, February 16, 2014, she mentions you rather disparagingly and makes certain definite claims as to your role in the affair. She goes as far as to accuse you of suppressing data. She says that your actions were "immoral" and that you were too "scared" to release her data: "Sadly he did NOT have the courage needed for faithful scientific evaluation to be duly reported and recorded." (sic)

These claims about you are rather remarkable, but are actually commonplace coming from Ainslie. Previous statements she has made have turned out to be utter misrepresentations of the facts. So we are hoping that you yourself can give us a description of your actual role in Ainslie's experimentation in those early days.

Please be aware that Ainslie has mentioned you frequently and indeed seems to be blaming you, at least in part, for the lack of acceptance of her claims in the mainstream scientific community. Some of her critics find these statements of hers to be literally incredible, such as the quote above maligning your scientific integrity.

We would really like to hear your side of the story, to put the matter to rest once and for all.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter. We will be eagerly awaiting your reply.

Sincerely, I remain
(actual contact info redacted)

attachments: images of posts from Ainslie's forum mentioning Doctor Garrett
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 16, 2014, 10:30:54 AM
I would like to invite anyone who shares my concerns to join me as signatories for the above email, which I will be sending off in a day or two.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: The Boss on February 16, 2014, 04:12:30 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 16, 2014, 10:30:54 AM
I would like to invite anyone who shares my concerns to join me as signatories for the above email, which I will be sending off in a day or two.

You have my personal contact information. Sign me on.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: fuzzytomcat on February 17, 2014, 07:43:00 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 16, 2014, 10:30:54 AM
I would like to invite anyone who shares my concerns to join me as signatories for the above email, which I will be sending off in a day or two.

Howdy TK,

As always, anything possible I could do to help count me  "ALL IN"

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Magluvin on February 17, 2014, 07:54:32 PM
I havnt posted anything here in a while. But she is still throwing my name out there as if I have been. ::)

Where do I sign? ;)

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 17, 2014, 08:07:09 PM
It looks like Ms. Ainslie would like to add her name to the letter:

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Laurie on February 17, 2014, 10:20:36 PM
Quote from: fuzzytomcat on February 17, 2014, 07:43:00 PM
Howdy TK,

As always, anything possible I could do to help count me  "ALL IN"


Hey Fuzzy......wow! Have not seen you in a very long time.
I decided to take a "dip" in the never never land and just about drowned! Too much jockularity. Its been a couple of years.. Hope you are well.

Laurel J.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Farmhand on February 18, 2014, 01:45:44 AM
Any chance anyone could kindly link this "Thesis", or them if more than one version. My apologies for my ignorance in having not already read it. Seems like it would be a good read.


P.S. O.K. Right there on the first page of this thread, http://www.feelthevibe.com/free_energy/rosemary_ainslie/transient_energy.pdf.

Is this the only one though ?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 18, 2014, 05:00:49 AM
There are a couple of different versions of the "Paper 1" and "Paper 2" floating around.  The differences are in figures that show electrical connections supposedly used in various experiments.  I would hope that the versions maintained on Ms. Ainslie's personal website are the most faithful representations of what Ms. Ainslie thinks that she has done.  Paper 1 reports on Ms. Ainslie's "Q Array" experiments.  Ms. Ainslie conducted two public demonstrations last year, one on June 29, and the other on August 11, where she obtained results that completely undermined what she reports in Paper 1.  The August 11 demo ran for a little over one hour, and is here:

August 11 Demonstration Video:


This demonstration was supposed to show that for N Watts of power drawn from a battery bank at least 5N Watts thermal power would be radiated from a resistive heating element when that element was connected to her:  "Q Array" circuit, and the circuit was operating in its oscillating state.  What the demonstration showed is that for N Watts in, the resister radiated only about 0.2 Watts out.  There is no exact figure because Ms. Ainslie terminated the demonstration early due to the vast disparity between the promised and actual results.

Paper 1:


Paper 2 which espouses theory based on the now refuted Paper 1 experiment results:


Paper 3, which is the Quantum Magazine article that you already found:


The other versions of Paper 1 and Paper 2 are I believe on Andrea Rossi's JNP website.

Ms. Ainslie's basic idea is that if one switches an R-L circuit on and off just the right way that the stored energy in the magnetic field will somehow induce the resistor to release an extra internal energy.  The best that I can tell is that neither Ms. Ainslie nor her collaborators are very good at setting up and conducting experiments.  They have managed to connect circuits in ways other than they thought, and misinterpret the results.  There are plenty of examples of this in the four hours of video from the June 29th demonstration, including about 90 minutes of dead air that occurred as they tried to fix oscillations that occurred when they operated a MOSFET in it's linear region with lots of external inductance.  That operating region was not a subject of the demonstration.  Nevertheless, they spent more than two hours trying to deal with it before a viewer asked them what they were struggling with and straightened them out. 

Any analysis of Ms. Ainslie's "Q Array" will show that the only time that the heating resistor dissipates substantial power is when the Q1 MOSFET is on.  Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators claim in Paper 1 that with no measured current through Q1 that the resistor produces heat prodigiously.  This is in fact correct, because as became clear June 29, Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators connected their test equipment so that it did not measure the Q1 current.  They had connected their ground clip and probe tip from their oscilloscope to the same DC side of their current sense resistors resulting in zero voltage sense for whatever current was running through the circuit.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 19, 2014, 01:23:42 AM
There is more to the story than that, though. Subsequently to the "incorrect" connection, as displayed in the Figure 3 scopeshot, more data was obtained with correct connections. This means that the "error" that resulted in the Figure 3 data must have been known and recognized _and corrected_  by the authors of the paper. The Figure 3 data was challenged practically as soon as the papers appeared and Ainslie always vigorously defended it as being true, correct, and indeed trivial to obtain. Yet this was shown to be wrong, as MarkE mentions above. Yet that figure and the conclusions drawn from it still remain in all versions of the papers. This constitutes fabrication of data: the data is known to be erroneous, not gathered under the claimed conditions, in fact it is completely invalid... and this is known and has been known for years... yet it remains in the papers nevertheless.

Furthermore, the papers contain schematic diagrams that were _never_ actually used by the Ainslie claimants until the August 11, 2013 demonstration. Even furthermore than that, the second paper which expounds her "thesis" contains an "explanation" that relies on cartoon drawings of the circuit that do not even correspond to the way the circuit is actually wired! It is like someone telling you how to find the Louvre--- with a London subway map.

The papers, both of them, are so error ridden, so filled with actual misrepresentations and false claims, that they do not even deserve to be called "papers" at all. No one who has actually written a scientific paper for publication would seriously call those things "papers". They do not contain any literature searches, they misrepresent the actual conditions of the experiments, the experiments themselves are amateurishly performed and ignorantly reported, and in the final end, there is actually no connection between the experiments and the claims of the "thesis". That is, there is no testable hypothesis made from the "thesis" that is then tested in an attempt to falsify it by experiment. The documents are excellent examples of pseudoscientific misconduct, in that they make false claims that are not supported by the "good" data presented, and the "bad" data is presented as supporting the claims, even after the data is known to be bad, fraudulently obtained.

There are indeed more discrepancies in the daft manuscripts that do not involve the false circuit diagrams, though. Some specifics: the papers refer in several places to the "temperature of the water". Yet we know, and Ainslie has herself admitted, that they never measured the temperature of the water. Their thermocouple has always been directly attached to the metal housing of the RV water heater element they employed as a load. Only after this element is completely hot was it lowered into a container of water. The paper misrepresents the true nature of the data when it refers to the water temperature. Furthermore: the papers talk about "bringing water to boil" when the water was _never actually boiling_. Again, Ainslie has admitted this much. In the papers at one time, bogus calculations appeared stating that the experiment dissipated 5.9 megaJoules in a period of about 90 minutes. This absurd claim has been removed from later edits of the manuscript, without any explanation whatsoever. Other absurd claims still remain, though.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: chessnyt on February 19, 2014, 01:41:18 AM
Quote from: Farmhand on February 18, 2014, 01:45:44 AM
Any chance anyone could kindly link this "Thesis", or them if more than one version. My apologies for my ignorance in having not already read it. Seems like it would be a good read.


P.S. O.K. Right there on the first page of this thread, http://www.feelthevibe.com/free_energy/rosemary_ainslie/transient_energy.pdf (http://www.feelthevibe.com/free_energy/rosemary_ainslie/transient_energy.pdf).

Is this the only one though ?

Here's the link to the thesis:
http://www.energy-shiftingparadigms.com/index.php?action=paper5 (http://www.energy-shiftingparadigms.com/index.php?action=paper5)


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 19, 2014, 09:53:42 AM
Once more down the rabbit hole with Ms. Ainslie.  Ms. Ainslie is apparently upset because I have linked to her failed demonstrations and her papers that her demonstrations refuted.  Ms. Ainslie contends that her failed experiments "does not directly relate to the thesis".  That's an odd way to talk about experiments that she designed in order to try and support her ideas.  They very much relate in that they failed to provide the support that Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators predicted that they would provide.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 19, 2014, 02:38:16 PM
And as usual.... and as I have pointed out many times before.... Ainslie has no clue whatsoever as to the nature of the Standard Model or Quantum Electrodynamics, which she pretends to criticise and in her ultimate hubris, to replace.

Just look at what she says in the post you imaged above:
QuoteThe term 'Electric' was initiated and required to imply that the 'electron' is the 'cause' or 'carrier particle' of this, so called, ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE.

Not actually, Ainslie.

Ainslie really should try to get her "physics" from some real sources, instead of books like Zukov's "Dancing Wu Li Masters". The carrier particle of the electromagnetic force is the PHOTON. The electron is not a photon and does not carry the electromagnetic force. It carries the unit negative CHARGE.... something Ainslie apparently does not think exists.... and there is no magnetic field without MOVING CHARGES, and anyone can make the magnetic field associated with moving charges to DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY... simply by moving along with the charges. Ainslie parrots things like Faraday's Law of Induction without having the foggiest clue as to what it means, and when it comes to Maxwell's Equations... forget about it, she does not have the prerequisites.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force_carrier (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force_carrier)
http://www.phy.duke.edu/~kolena/modern/forces.html (http://www.phy.duke.edu/~kolena/modern/forces.html)
http://sciencepark.etacude.com/particle/forces2.php (http://sciencepark.etacude.com/particle/forces2.php)
http://www.physics.fsu.edu/users/roberts/roberts_force_carriers.html (http://www.physics.fsu.edu/users/roberts/roberts_force_carriers.html)

Note that, as always, Ainslie cannot provide any support for her absurd contentions about the Standard Model, about QED, and just what the electron is and is not.

Furthermore, there exist many places in the record where Ainslie specifically states that the experiments were made in order to "prove" (sic) her "thesis". Now she says they do not directly relate to her "thesis". Of course not, since they fail to support it! As I have noted before, Ainslie's attitude is that anything that does not "prove" her "thesis" is wrong, even her own data, which she attempts to suppress once it is known unequivocally to be wrong.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 21, 2014, 08:24:05 AM
Ms. Ainslie offered some explanation of what she thinks she is trying to do today.  She and her collaborators have ordered some unspecified data logging equipment for their new experiments.  With that Ms. Ainslie repeated her confusion as to what transpired as is clearly visible in the test script that she published and the video of her August 11th demonstration.  Ms. Ainslie now contends that the voltage and current measurements taken at the batteries did not reflect actual battery power drain.

QuoteWhat was measured was the evidence of a current flow and voltage from the battery during the 'on' period of the duty cycle - that exceeded the level of wattage dissipated at the resistor.

QuoteNotwithstanding the evidence of a current flow from the battery - there is NO corresponding evidence of that voltage over the element resistor during that 'on' period.

First:  During the August 11, demonstration, the function generator output voltage never rose above the 4V Vgs MOSFET gate threshold voltage necessary to start conduction through the Q1 MOSFET.  In the parlance of Ms. Ainslie's publications, there was no "On" period.  Neither measurements at the white breadboard nor at the battery indicated power drain from the battery, nor voltage applied across the heater resistor during the Q1 "On" periods.

Second:  During the demonstration oscillatory current flowed through the Q2 MOSFETs during the Q1 "Off" period.  Measurements at both the white breadboard and at the battery indicated power drain from the battery, oscillatory voltage applied across, and oscillatory current flow through the heater resistor during the Q1 "Off" period.

Third:  Real power of approximately 15W was shown drawn from the battery.

Fourth:  Thermal output of the heater resistor was shown to be about 3W based on Ms. Ainslie's prior calibration of heater resistor temperature rise over ambient versus DC power applied.

The circuit is quite simple:  Battery+ => heater resistor => "QArray" MOSFET's & function generator => breadboard current sense resistor => battery side current sense resistor => Battery-

Current through the heater resistor passed through the battery which the oscilloscope measurements showed.   So we have a very simple situation:  ~15W from the battery was dissipated by the other elements in the loop.  Of those only about 20%: ~3W was dissipated by the heater resistor, while the function generator actually contributed a small amount of additional net power:  < 0.4W.  The remaining ~12.4W was dissipated by the "QArray" MOSFETs, the wiring and the current sense resistors.

Ms. Ainslie claims an anomaly of battery drain during the Q1 "On" periods, when the oscilloscope readings show no such thing.

The captures below were taken from the video available on Ms. Ainslie's blog site.  The first capture was taken during Phase 1 of the test.  The channel 1 current sense is clearly flat lined during the periods when the channel 3 gate drive voltage is positive.  The gate drive positive voltage during this time is about +2V, which is not enough to cause Q1 to conduct, and it does not conduct.  However, when the gate drive voltage swings negative, oscillations occur.  The Q2 MOSFETs oscillate wildly, the battery voltage as seen on the white breadboard in channel 2 swings hundreds of volts, and the current sense voltage: channel 1 indicates many Amperes swing.  The second picture from test phase 3 shows a pattern of: zero current, zero voltage excursion followed by a burst of current oscillation an voltage oscillation that resembles the first capture in basic form. The periods of current flow at the breadboard measured in Phase 1 correspond to the periods of current flow at the battery measured in Phase 3.  Ms. Ainslie is confused as to what her own demonstration clearly shows.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 21, 2014, 01:19:41 PM
Ainslie's typical mental state may be described as "overconfident confusion". She is confused about many things, and doesn't know how to construct experiments that would resolve her confusion. Or rather... she avoids constructing and performing such experiments, since she likely knows full well what the results will be.

For example it is trivial to demonstrate that the Q1 "on" periods which only have a Gate drive of 2 volts or less contribute ZERO to the heating of the load resistor. Simply use the FG's duty cycle control to extend the "on" periods to their longest possible durations, which of course will reduce the Q2 oscillation periods to very short portions of the period. Or apply the +2 V gate signal using a continuous source like a power supply. Surprise surprise.... when the Q1 mosfet only gets a +2 volt gate signal it STAYS OFF and the load DOES NOT WARM UP unless the Q2s are oscillating. In this situation only the Q2 oscillations contribute to load heating through the partially ON Q2 mosfets.... if they are removed or prevented from oscillation, there will be no heating of the load, because the Q1 mosfet will not turn on at the +2 V gate level.

But after all.... Ainslie claims, in the Figure 3 scopeshot that has STILL NOT BEEN REMOVED OR CORRECTED, that the Q1 mosfet received 8 volts or more at its Gate without turning on and passing current. The fabricated, fraudulently obtained data still remains in her daft manuscripts and still makes up the major bit of "evidence" given in attempted support of her ridiculous, mendacious claims.

And furthermore, even after all this time and her own demonstrations and the instruction given by her own partner Donovan Martin, not to mention my own very clear and very basic demonstrations .... Ainslie still cannot comprehend the linear operation behaviour of a mosfet. She has always modelled the mosfet as a simple switch that is either ON with zero resistance or OFF with infinite resistance, and she has never given any indication that she comprehends this functioning at all. She has no clue what "Rdss = 2.0 Ohms" means, nor can she read or interpret any of the performance graphs that are given in the IRFPG50 power mosfet data sheet to note that the Drain-Source resistance increases drastically when the mosfet is not receiving a full Gate charge.

Really, it's futile to expect any kind of rational analysis from Ainslie, because as we have noted time and time again, her distortion of reality extends to the blatant contradiction of actual experimental results and data, even the results and data obtained by her own crew. She cannot even describe accurately events of last week, much less those from the summer of last year, and to expect her to give accurate descriptions of what happened  twelve or fourteen years ago is utterly futile. Look at the way she distorts, misrepresents and even lies about the demonstrations of June 29 and August 11, 2013. Nothing she says can be trusted, without objective proof.

I did a little research on inexpensive data logging. It turns out that a simple Arduino, with a tiny bit of peripheral circuitry and a little programming, can handle all the data logging requirements of this experimental paradigm. Comma-delimited text files containing data from 12 digital and 5 analog input lines can be written directly to the computer over the USB interface, and this data can be imported into the usual spreadsheets for analysis and display, or the program "processing" can be used to graph the Arduino data directly, and of course to control and automate the data logging parameters.  The addition of the Adafruit DataLogger Shield (20 dollars US) to the main Arduino Uno (30 dollars US) and a micro SD card enables the Arduino datalogging system to "stand alone" and operate without connection to a computer; the Adafruit shield contains a Real Time Clock and can take samples of the input variables at just about any sample interval desired. For under 100 dollars, a complete Arduino-based voltage, current, temperature, and time datalogging system can be constructed that will monitor all six or eight necessary parameters with sufficient accuracy to test all the experimental hypotheses (yet again) that arise. Do I think Ainslie will go this route? Of course not ... but it may be of use to some other researchers who might need to do long-term data logging on a budget. And when one is tired of chasing invisible talking rabbits across Ainslie's fairy-tale quagmire, one can use the Arduino for other interesting things.
http://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-data-logger-shield/overview (http://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-data-logger-shield/overview)

Or one could spend thousands of dollars for a LabView ADC-DAQ system and a current LabView program installation, and then hire a technician to spend hours and weeks learning how to program it.....  Whatever system the Ainslie mob decides to use it will result in long delays before any data is obtained.... or released. Recall that we STILL do not have the screenshots from June and August that they agreed, publicly, to release. And this is just the most recent bit of data that Ainslie has promised, and then not provided!
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 21, 2014, 01:59:21 PM
In the Figure 3 case,  I attribute the false statements to human error and not design.  I think that Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators first learned that they generated Figure 3, Figure 6, and Figure 7 of paper 1 by connecting the Channel 1 scope probe tip to the low side of the current sense resistors on June 29, 2013 when they were guided through measurements by Steve.  Watching the video they were very frustrated and anxious when Poynt99 asked them to set the function generator amplitude and duty cycle as in Figure 3, but increase the frequency so that 27 minutes would not be required to capture a scope trace.  Ms. Ainslie attempted to negotiate a lower level than 12V on the gate:  first 8V and then a lower value, before diverting off into discussion of the excess heat generation that she claimed for the apparatus.  This suggests to me that they set-up shortly before going live and discovered they could not reproduce Figure 3.

There are all kinds of datalogging kit available at all price ranges.  I don't care how much they spend.  I care if they put together reasonable tests capable of answering the questions they pose.  I believe that they want to do that.  We won't know until they show what they set-up whether they can obtain reliable and meaningful results or not.  I am convinced that Ms. Ainslie believes her ideas are correct and that she believes that experiments will bear out her ideas.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 21, 2014, 03:04:53 PM
Quote from: MarkE on February 21, 2014, 01:59:21 PM
In the Figure 3 case,  I attribute the false statements to human error and not design.
I attribute the initial collection of the Figure 3 data to human error, not design. However, it is clear from the record that _subsequent_ scopeshots were obtained that did not include the error in connections and which produced valid data. This means that the initial error was recognized and corrected, things that do not happen unconsciously. The conclusion that Ainslie and her collaborators knowingly included the false Figure 3 and other scopeshots is inescapable, no matter how charitably one looks at the issue.
What's the first thing that any experimentalist does when data is obtained that violates all known precepts of the applicable theory? She _REPEATS_ the work, with careful error checking along the way, and submits it for external examination to double-check for errors. Ainslie herself may be so gushingly excited about such a result as to accept it at face value. Is Donovan Martin also so naive and self-serving?
If one wants to posit that the Figure 3 and other similar shots are not deliberately included in spite of conscious knowledge that they are invalid... then one must accept the alternative explanation that everyone whose names appear on those daft manuscripts are utterly incompetent, naive and credulous tinkerers without even the most fundamental grasp of how properly to use their own test equipment. Or, as present events have illustrated.... BOTH.
I think that Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators first learned that they generated Figure 3, Figure 6, and Figure 7 of paper 1 by connecting the Channel 1 scope probe tip to the low side of the current sense resistors on June 29, 2013 when they were guided through measurements by Steve.
Again, subsequent scopeshots to the original Figure 3 and the others you mention did not include the wiring error, so it must have been noticed and corrected before those later shots were obtained, and this does not happen through the secret agency of menehune or other Little people in South Africa. Ainslie herself or some member of her team must have hooked things up more correctly _after_ the questionable shots were obtained.  I find it perfectly plausible that Donovan Martin didn't know -- because Ainslie may not have told him about the wiring error -- and I find it perfectly plausible that Ainslie didn't _understand_ the significance of the wiring error. However I find it implausible to the extreme that Ainslie didn't KNOW that the connections were as they were, and I find it a remarkable expression of incompetence that Martin did not CHECK but simply took Ainslie's word for it that this impossible result had been obtained.
Watching the video they were very frustrated and anxious when Poynt99 asked them to set the function generator amplitude and duty cycle as in Figure 3, but increase the frequency so that 27 minutes would not be required to capture a scope trace.  Ms. Ainslie attempted to negotiate a lower level than 12V on the gate:  first 8V and then a lower value, before diverting off into discussion of the excess heat generation that she claimed for the apparatus.  This suggests to me that they set-up shortly before going live and discovered they could not reproduce Figure 3.
I don't think they "knew" until the live demo itself. It's apparent to me that Martin didn't really even understand the issue until Steve made the point that it was the 8 volt or greater Gate drive, in combination with zero indicated current, that was the problem. Sure, zero current can be obtained easily enough, and more than 8 volts gate drive... but not both at once.

There are all kinds of datalogging kit available at all price ranges.  I don't care how much they spend.  I care if they put together reasonable tests capable of answering the questions they pose.  I believe that they want to do that.  We won't know until they show what they set-up whether they can obtain reliable and meaningful results or not.  I am convinced that Ms. Ainslie believes her ideas are correct and that she believes that experiments will bear out her ideas.

Indeed. The LeCroy 324 itself, being GPIB/TCP-IP/USB remotely controllable, can be used for long-term data logging of all its channels. This functionality requires knowledge and skill to use, though.
http://cdn.teledynelecroy.com/files/manuals/wj300a-rcm-e.pdf (http://cdn.teledynelecroy.com/files/manuals/wj300a-rcm-e.pdf)
As to the issue of what kinds of "reasonable" testing Ainslie wants to perform... she has had good advice about testing since 2009, at least. Nothing that has been proposed lately is new. Had she genuinely wanted to perform tests of real hypotheses concerning her "thesis", she would have done so long ago. In fact, she did send off her entire apparatus (perhaps not including the batteries!) for independent testing by a laboratory in the USA a couple of years ago, back when she was claiming that her batteries did not discharge. The most she has reported about these tests is that they did reproduce her claimed "negative power product"... which anyone can do, even using analog scopes, as I have shown... and that they found that her batteries DID discharge normally, and that they sent her some "special resistors" and gave her advice about running better tests of her own using these special resistors. And that is the last we've heard of it.
No, Ainslie has demonstrated amply, over and over, that she is not interested in performing tests that have the ability to falsify her claims by the collection of appropriate and valid data. If her attitude is suddenly different.... well, it occasionally does rain, in every desert, if one waits long enough, I suppose. But I'll believe it when I see it.
I am convinced that no amount of experimental data will shake Ainslie's belief in her claims and her silly "thesis". Data that doesn't support the claims is simply wrong. She may not be able to tell you coherently why or how it's wrong, but if it contradicts her.... it's wrong, because her "thesis" is right, QED.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 21, 2014, 04:20:49 PM
I find it baffling that if they found the probe connection problem and recognized it for what it is before the June 29th test that they were:  1) willing to perform that demonstration, and 2) so befuddled when the day came.  What we do know without question is that as of June 29, they knew that Paper 1 was based on bogus tests.  August 11 only served to fully reinforce that fact.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 21, 2014, 04:56:17 PM
I think one big problem is that there are different "theys" operating here. The experimentation and primary data collection was done by Ainslie herself acting pretty much in isolation, once the experiment was set up and the basic knobs and buttons on the scope and FG were explained to her. Then there is the "they" composed of Ainslie and Martin, where she explains verbally what she thinks she sees and Martin attempts to translate that into some form of scientific English. Then there is the "they" composed of the completed team, with some members only doing things like clerical work and graphics, to produce the various editions of the daft manuscripts, to fetch and carry heavy batteries around, and so on. Some of the people whose names are on the manuscripts may never have actually done anything substantive at all; certainly they are unreachable for comment.

The various blog and forum posts that were made by Ainslie herself at and around the time of the data collection resulting in the Figure 3 and the other problematic scopeshots are very revealing. She betrays at least two incidents of mosfet failures, one suspected FG failure caused by her failing to pull out the offset knob, one "chip" failure during some other experimentation, the "fire dragon" incident that melted down her battery clipleads, some kind of incident that caused her to send the scope out for repair/calibration, and so on. There was known trouble with the apparatus, there was also imagined trouble caused by improper operation, and she had to bring in people to look it over and repair it. Why did Martin not question the data that was obtained at that time? Perhaps he was out of the country. We know Ainslie doesn't like to bother him with trivia, like requesting the scopeshots they promised from last summer's fiasco.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 21, 2014, 05:01:46 PM
There have been many mistakes, there remain many misconceptions, and memory looks questionable.  These are not conducive to reliable research.  We will see what comes next.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 21, 2014, 10:21:39 PM
We will see what comes next, all right. It will consist of more insults and disrespect from Ainslie, more prevarication and false claims without support, more "misrememberings" of the actual events of June 29 and August 10-11. What we won't see  is valid data that supports their claims.

In just the time we have been discussing data logging, for example.... a single dedicated researcher could be sitting at the apparatus, performing runs and recording manually the relevant data. I estimate four or five complete runs to thermal equilibrium could be accomplished per day, without strain, by a single person with a systematic approach and a pre-prepared spreadsheet to receive the data points. No fancy or expensive data logging equipment is really necessary. The LeCroy can save the appropriate screenshots and the rest of the data can be read off the instruments and entered manually into the spreadsheet.

Had Ainslie and her team really desired to produce valid thermometric data they could have done so long ago. They could be doing it now, without any further expense. But they will jiggle and swerve around the data logging issue and in the final end will wind up stalling for more months and years and probably will wind up not releasing any valid data at all. The only valid data they have released in years is that which Steve Weir coaxed out of them and which appears only in the videos of the demonstrations! And this is "released" in spite of them: they still haven't published the actual relevant scopescreen shots that they _claimed_ they saved to the USB stick during the demos. The best versions of the data are in the screenshots from the video that I and MarkE have saved and posted!
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 21, 2014, 11:48:17 PM
I've asked Steve about those screen shots that were supposed to be on the USB stick.  Steve told me that they will not be released.  He did not say why.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 22, 2014, 12:07:05 AM
Do you see? Ainslie continues in the same old errors, not having learned a single thing! She continues to claim that during the "off", oscillation period, there is no path for current to flow. She has no conception of the actual facts of mosfet behaviour.

QuoteI will try and post a link to that addendum.  What this shows is that for the battery to be delivering energy during that ON period it must first have a PATH to deliver that energy.  IF in fact, the battery cannot discharge energy BECAUSE THERE IS NO PATH for this delivery - then you CANNOT apply the standard vi/dt analysis.  I have argued those measurements as based on the certain evidence that the battery DOES NOT DISCHARGE any energy during OFF period of the duty cycle.  The measurements are the result of the applied voltage that is from counter electromotive force from the element resistor itself.  Those probes CANNOT distinguish the SOURCE of the measured voltage.  It can ONLY measure the ACTUAL voltage.  AGAIN.  Since the battery is NOT discharging energy - THEN ONE CANNOT APPLY vi/dt analysis to the battery.  What I've argued is, apparently,  a well known FACT.  Which is that resonance can 'swing' through a circuit thereby avoiding any passage through the energy supply source.  This argument has the added merit of COMPREHENSIVELY resolving ALL THOSE MEASUREMENTS UP TO AND INCLUDING THE AMOUNT OF WATTAGE DISSIPATED AT THE ELEMENT RESISTOR - the ONLY work station on that circuit.

Ainslie remains utterly confused and continues to emit ridiculous statements that are contrary to actual FACTS that anyone can check for themselves. During what she calls the "OFF" portion of the duty cycle, the Q2 mosfets have their SOURCE voltage LOWERED below the voltage at their Gates. That is, the common connection between the Gate of Q1 and the Sources of the Q2s is receiving a _negative_ voltage which supplies the negative bias current necessary for the oscillations to occur. The Q2s are most certainly connected in a complete circuit with the battery and the load, the oscillations most definitely DO pass current from the battery to the load and the batteries most certainly DO discharge normally during this time. Ainslie is simply ignoring the truth AS USUAL, even after her own demonstrations showed it all to the world. And as if that weren't enough, I have completely dissected and explained the linear operation mode of the Q2 mosfets when their Source voltage is driven below the voltage at their Gate.  Of course the overweeningly arrogant and willfully ignorant Ainslie will not watch, learn and discuss these videos... but other people are doing so, and everyone who does, will recognize Ainslie's ridiculous, cherished ignorance in her statements like the present one.


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 22, 2014, 12:13:15 AM
Quote from: MarkE on February 21, 2014, 11:48:17 PM
I've asked Steve about those screen shots that were supposed to be on the USB stick.  Steve told me that they will not be released.  He did not say why.
Yes, it does seem rather ridiculous and petty, doesn't it? Especially since I have made my own screenshots of the scope display at the times that the Ainslie mob were _supposed_ to be capturing the scope screens. (I've posted these before; if anyone wants to see them again just let me know.)
The shots I made have sufficient resolution to show the important details, so the failure of the Ainslie mob to release their high-resolution images of the exact same things is once again highly revealing. They seek to obfuscate analysis by refusing to release data that shows definitively that they are wrong in their claims, and/or they are so incompetent that they couldn't actually save the shots at all or have lost or deleted them somehow.

I'd love to hear and discuss alternative explanations for this abject and utter failure of theirs to do something they agreed to do in public. Until something comes along that makes more sense, I'm sticking with what I said above: they are deliberately attempting to suppress negative data, and/or they are too incompetent to have made and kept the images in the first place.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 22, 2014, 01:15:51 AM
And the nonsense from Ainslie  _continues_ !!

Look at how she garbles and misrepresents what people have told her and what they have explained and _demonstrated_ to her. Look at how she fails to grasp the simple explanations and demonstrations I have offered. Look at how she continues to make the absurd claims about function generators not being able to pass current from an external battery!

I don't know how many times I've posted the simple demonstrations that PROVE HER TO BE UTTERLY WRONG about this particular absurd and silly contention. But here it is again.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuBWVmRmUtc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuBWVmRmUtc)

Of course it may be too much to ask for someone of Ainslie's intellectual abilities to be able to understand what is demonstrated in these videos.

Here's what is shown:

A function generator is a clocked, positive-negative power supply with an internal impedance of 50 ohms. You can add offsets to the FG's output, just as if it were a battery or power supply, simply by putting another power supply in series with the FG.
The total voltage is then the ALGEBRAIC SUM of the voltage from the FG and the voltage from the series battery or other fixed or even VARIABLE supply like another function generator at any given instant. The FG's internal impedance is usually 50 ohms as standard.

1) The FG is set to produce a slow sine wave of plus/minus six volts.

2) The LED and moving-coil ammeter are in series with the FG's output.

3) The LED is shown to light and the meter indicates CURRENT whenever the FG's sine wave output exceeds about 3 volts.

4) Then the FG's signal OFFSET control is used to offset the FG's signal so that it is entirely negative and the LED no longer lights and of course the meter shows no current.

5) Then... making no other changes and without harming any small animals or components... an ordinary Chinese 9 volt battery is hooked in STRICT SERIES with the system under test.

6) And the LED lights up and the meter shows current flowing just as before, even though the FG is still making only a negative output.

This demonstrates that the FG and the battery are acting in strict series, and the total output voltage is now sufficient at the top of the sinusoidal waveform to LIGHT UP THE LED and ... of course.... pass current from an external battery supply source via its terminal to its probe (sic).

Yet Little Miss Mosfet has proclaimed,
"What you are trying to do is to get me to believe that a function generator is able to pass current from a battery supply source via its terminal to its probe. Since I KNOW that is is impossible I'm afraid I'm not receptive to you trying to teach me or anyone else.  So NO.  I spare me your 'lessons'. " (sic)

OK, LMM, you can go home now, you don't need any more lessons.
You need medication.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 22, 2014, 01:27:30 AM
Just as a Little reminder:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhpL86xo34w (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhpL86xo34w)

Notice that Steve Weir suggests proceeding on to Phase 4, that is the DC temperature calibration phase... but it is Ainslie and Martin who decide that this is not necessary. Skip ahead to 8 minutes to hear Ainslie say that "this actually represents the end of the demo, we don't need to do any more".
The temperature rise of the load resistor was STABLE. It was no longer increasing. Does Ainslie think that waiting longer would produce a different result? The holes in her thought processes are astounding, the degree of her misrepresentation of even her own work is astonishing.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 22, 2014, 01:47:58 AM
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 22, 2014, 12:33:41 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 22, 2014, 01:27:30 AM
Just as a Little reminder:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhpL86xo34w (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhpL86xo34w)

Notice that Steve Weir suggests proceeding on to Phase 4, that is the DC temperature calibration phase... but it is Ainslie and Martin who decide that this is not necessary. Skip ahead to 8 minutes to hear Ainslie say that "this actually represents the end of the demo, we don't need to do any more".
The temperature rise of the load resistor was STABLE. It was no longer increasing. Does Ainslie think that waiting longer would produce a different result? The holes in her thought processes are astounding, the degree of her misrepresentation of even her own work is astonishing.
These latest missives from Ms. Ainslie are sad to observe.  Yes, it is clear to anyone who watched or watches the Aug. 11 demo replay that Steve sought to have them execute Phase 4 to obtain an exact match of DC power to generate the same temperature rise.  It was Ms. Ainslie who declined and ended the demonstration.  Steve explained that by skipping the Phase 4 test they would have to rely upon the Paper 1 calibration that showed between 2.4W and 3.4W for measurement points below and above that observed Aug. 11.  Ms. Ainslie declared that she was happy with that conclusion.  As you note the temperature rise was stable.  Now, Ms. Ainslie declares that she is no longer happy with her decisions.  Ms. Ainslie is free to repeat the tests and including the Phase 4, and Phase 5 tests that she skipped.

As far as Ms. Ainslie's misconceptions about if and how current flows during the "off" periods, that has also been explained many times, and demonstrated both in videos that you have published, in writing by you and Poynt99, and was demonstrated as Phase 2 of her August 11 demonstration.  Ms. Ainslie simply does not understand ordinary circuit theory or her own demonstrations.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 22, 2014, 02:03:04 PM
Exactly. And various versions of schematics that show the same thing your diagram shows, have been submitted to Ainslie many times before. The diagram makes explicit the two utter misconceptions that prevent Ainslie from understanding how her circuit works.

First, she cannot fathom how the Q2 mosfets can be biased into the linear, partially conducting region by _lowering_ the voltage at the Source pins by providing a _negative_ signal from the FG. Hence she cannot understand how the oscillations are produced. She has never yet even demonstrated that she knows what a "linear region" of a mosfet's performance actually is, since she always has considered a mosfet as a switch, that can be either ON with zero resistance or OFF , an open circuit, and nothing in between. Further, the mystery of turning on a mosfet by lowering the Source voltage... doesn't fit in with her silly "thesis" at all, therefore it cannot be happening, according to her.

Second, she believes that the Function Generator is somehow opaque to currents and doesn't participate in completing the current path from the Q2 mosfets back to the battery. She believes that the Q2 mosfets are _disconnected_ from the battery supply, because she believes that there is no conduction path through the FG during the "off" or oscillation portion of the complete period.

Both of these ridiculous beliefs of Ainslie have been thoroughly demolished many times, both by detailed explanations and by simple and unambiguous demonstrations, and if she were an honest experimenter who genuinely doubted the FACTS of the matter, she could set up her own simple experiments to prove them to herself. But she isn't that honest experimenter, she is a deluded and willfully ignorant person with an axe to grind and she cares nothing about any FACTS that go against her holy "thesis". It is for that reason that she will not consider the explanations that we and others have given, she merely rejects them without any thought or rational, point-by-point analysis. And each time she does so, she makes herself look more and more pathetically idiotic.

Where is Donovan Martin in all of this? Why doesn't Ainslie consult with Martin about these issues? Does Martin _agree_ with Ainslie about these two points? Let's hear him say so, then, and let's hear him justify the position, against the arguments we have made. Does Martin NOT agree with Ainslie about these points? Perhaps he should let Ainslie know, then, that she is stuffing both feet down her own throat whenever she continues to emit these absurd "explanations" of her circuit.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 22, 2014, 03:12:19 PM
One of the more astounding things about Ms. Ainslie's latest protests is that  Phase 2 of the August 11 experiment measured the function generator current during the "off" phase. For Phase 2, they modified the circuit ever so slightly to put a current sense resistor in series with the function generator black lead.  That resistor clearly showed the current that Ms. Ainslie disputes flowing through the function generator during the "Off" times.  It showed the net power external power contribution of the function generator as well.  Then in Phase 3, they measured the same current flowing through the battery with a sense resistor there, as well they should since the resistor in Phase 3 was schematically simply on the other side of the big CSR resistors from the sense resistor used to measure the function generator current.   Ms. Ainslie either doesn't understand and/or doesn't recall her own demonstration.  She is now arguing against herself.

It is difficult to say whether Donovan Martin is still engaged with Ms. Ainlie's efforts.  If she performs another demonstration, or publishes new material I suppose we will find out.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 22, 2014, 03:37:04 PM
Donovan Martin's name still appears on the daft manuscripts as second author. He has not issued any statement of retraction or withdrawal of his authorship, as far as I am aware, nor has he ever deigned to post a rebuttal or explanation or justification for the events that transpired during the demonstrations -- events which proved beyond any doubt that Ainslie's claims are false and much of the data completely invalid. In the ordinary course of scientific publication this lack of response would indicate that he still endorses the data and the conclusions found in those writings which bear his name.
He is saved from professional embarrassment only by the fact that the daft manuscripts have NOT been published in any peer-reviewed professional journal -- and never will be published.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 22, 2014, 05:00:49 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 22, 2014, 03:37:04 PM
Donovan Martin's name still appears on the daft manuscripts as second author. He has not issued any statement of retraction or withdrawal of his authorship, as far as I am aware, nor has he ever deigned to post a rebuttal or explanation or justification for the events that transpired during the demonstrations -- events which proved beyond any doubt that Ainslie's claims are false and much of the data completely invalid. In the ordinary course of scientific publication this lack of response would indicate that he still endorses the data and the conclusions found in those writings which bear his name.
He is saved from professional embarrassment only by the fact that the daft manuscripts have NOT been published in any peer-reviewed professional journal -- and never will be published.
It could be any:  He believes in the ideas as published despite the demonstrations he participated in, and established science.  Or, He doesn't believe in those ideas and is unconcerned that he has put his name to them.  Or, He doesn't believe but has other pressures on him that keep him from withdrawing his name.  Suppose for example that he does not wish to embarrass or offend Ms. Ainslie.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 22, 2014, 05:22:52 PM
All of those explanations for Martin's silence are plausible, even probable. None of them are scientific, and none except the first are ethical.

Martin doesn't want to embarrass Ainslie, so he keeps his name on two manuscripts full of errors, inaccuracies, claims that have been soundly falsified over and over both by outside workers and the Ainslie team themselves, and an absurd "thesis" that has no connection with reality. Right.

How about this for an explanation for Martin's silence: Ainslie is known to be trouble around the house, since she is so deluded about the nature of Reality, so Martin and her other friends let her play on the internet to keep her out of trouble. Nobody in their right mind believes her, least of all those close to her like Donovan Martin. Most of her internet correspondence happens with people on the other side of the planet, who hardly exist as far as South Africa is concerned. Allowing her to play on the internet and to pretend to "publish" her fantasies and delusions keeps her busy and prevents her from distracting the maids, cook and gardeners in her walled compound. Any criticism she might receive from the internet is harmless, and gives her something to look forward to. She can insult and disrespect _us_ all she likes and nobody "important" has to suffer her at home. She can feel like she has allies against the evil Internet Troll Company, and no adverse local effects need occur. Just keep her bills paid and her batteries charged up and she'll stay out of the Real People's hair. The Northern Hemisphere of the Earth is irrelevant to South Africa, after all.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 22, 2014, 07:09:40 PM
TinselKoala that's a possibility.  These latest missives could be explained by such a hypothesis.  You may not be feeling particularly merciful for reasons that are easy to understand.  But, if we are dealing with someone who is struggling with memory and cognitive issues, mercy may be the best course.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 22, 2014, 08:56:14 PM
When Ainslie stops lying about me and misrepresenting my work, perhaps I'll agree that she deserves mercy. But as long as she continues to emit the amazing series of falsehoods as exemplified by her latest postings, she deserves only mockery and ridicule. Just look at her latest! Not only does she completely ignore what she is being shown and told, she has to lie about it as well !!

Of course I've replicated "her" circuits.... EVERY ONE OF THEM, even the ones she herself lied about using when she never did actually use them. I've demonstrated my replications and I've even offered, time and time again, for my Tar Baby replication to be tested ALONGSIDE HER APPARATUS by any competent third party, whose judgement I will gladly accept as to whether or not Tar Baby is an exact replication. This kind of direct challenge makes Ainslie turn pale and grow faint.

And of course the scopeshot in Test 4, Figure 8 is a lot of garbage, from someone who does not know how to use an oscilloscope to display data. And OF COURSE it is easy for anyone to replicate. What does she think, two circuits built with the same components according to the same schematic will perform differently in Texas than in South Africa? I laugh out loud at Ainslie's flailing about and her abject lies, and I absolutely GUFFAW at her claims about that scopeshot. The currents that pass through the Function Generator have been measured MANY TIMES by me, by Poynt99 and even by Ainslie herself, but Ainslie has apparently forgotten that most of the amplitude in her CSR oscillations is spurious.

Note that Ainslie cannot even describe accurately what the signals are and what they mean for that Figure 8 scopeshot. Note that she states that the FG is set to produce a 20  ms period, and that she claims to be showing the switching transitions. But the scope is set to 500 microseconds per division! The ENTIRE SCREEN only contains 5 ms of data.... it does NOT show the switching transitions at all, only aliased combs of a block of oscillations lasting much longer than the screen display. Further... these oscillations are happening because the FG is supplying a NEGATIVE voltage to the Q2 SOURCE/Q1 GATE, not what she claims in her post. The Q2 Gate signal voltage is never "positive" in her circuit, it is always connected to the battery negative through the CSR and so cannot vary more than a few milliVolts from the zero reference. The Q2s are turned on by LOWERING THE SOURCE voltage to a more negative value than the zero reference voltage at the Gate.

And furthermore... the Current Probe does not even need to be hooked up to ANYTHING for large oscillations to be indicated on that channel !!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C72jwywsz3w (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C72jwywsz3w)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-wy8w9MWJY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-wy8w9MWJY)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tReHHljgdjQ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tReHHljgdjQ)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 22, 2014, 09:12:46 PM
No reference to Ainslie's silly counterfactual "addendum" to the rejected and completely falsified manuscript is necessary, as everyone knows where to find it.. .and where it rightfully belongs. Why should anyone reference an "explanation" that Ainslie continues to repeat every chance she gets, without it ever making any sense?
FALSE. The entire post is imaged IN FULL, so that Ainslie cannot edit and change its meaning.
The EVIDENCE is clear: no more than 3 Watts were dissipated, and it is Ainslie who is in continual DEFIANCE of the evidence... her OWN evidence, to boot.
Utterly and ridiculously FALSE !! The full explanation has been given MANY TIMES, dissected into its simplest components and demonstrated, step-by-step, in terms even a bright eighth-grader could understand. Of course.... the explanation has to be READ and WATCHED and FOLLOWED in order for it to be understood. Ainslie is in the position of denying that the Eiffel Tower exists, because she cannot see it from her back porch.
The only nonsense here comes from Ainslie, and it's pseudoscientific misconduct and nonsense of the very worst kind, because she is impervious to facts and logical reasoning. If she wants to have her name and personal details spread all across the world for anyone to see... that is certainly her prerogative... and perhaps she has already reaped some of the fruits of her actions. Others may not be so willing to expose themselves to madwomen who lie and threaten instead of reason, who carry on email and telephone campaigns seeking to denigrate those who criticize her. Nevertheless, there are plenty of people who know exactly who I am and where I live... I'm supposed to be Bryan Little, aren't I, living in Tennessee somewhere, or being a senior student at UT somewhere. Right? GUFFAW.... Ainslie is such a comedian.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: orbut 3000 on February 22, 2014, 10:31:22 PM
Quote from: MarkE on February 22, 2014, 07:09:40 PM
TinselKoala that's a possibility.  These latest missives could be explained by such a hypothesis.  You may not be feeling particularly merciful for reasons that are easy to understand.  But, if we are dealing with someone who is struggling with memory and cognitive issues, mercy may be the best course.

(Even if she's only a very sadistic troll persona - this seems to be the most rational approach)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 22, 2014, 11:01:04 PM
TinselKoala, the missives from Ms. Ainslie are very far out of touch with reality for all the reasons that you state.  Anyone can watch the videos, see the evidence and decide what it means.  Ms. Ainslie is proclaiming things that are at complete odds with what the videos obviously show including her own declarations recorded by those videos.  I think the reason that she rails against her own evidence is that she does not have the capacity to comprehend it.  I think she is quite oblivious to what she is doing to herself right now.  I think that the enemy you are battling is an empty shell.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 23, 2014, 02:33:29 AM
Look at the latest from Ainslie. I am flabbergasted! How can ANYONE possibly be so utterly and amazingly IGNORANT as to make the statements she makes in this post? There has been no progress at all, after all these years. She has not learned ONE SINGLE THING.

She makes stupid statements, she lies, she refuses to accept what her OWN DEMONSTRATIONS have shown, she refuses utterly to avail herself of the analyses that have been carefully prepared for her, claiming that they don't even EXIST when we have all posted them many times. She makes absurd claims and even more absurd demands, when she herself cannot even understand the most basic fundamental FACTS about the circuit.

Every post she makes: she lies, misrepresents, insults, and makes false claims. She pretends that the operation of the circuit has not been clearly explained to her many times. Her delusions have taken over completely.

The part about the Q2 mosfets being "DISCONNECTED" is especially comical, and shows just what I've been telling you all along: She has absolutely no clue. She pretends to criticize my simple demonstrations without apparently having even bothered to WATCH THEM. But she can't even read a schematic diagram. This last insane post of hers really takes the cake, and I'm glad she's put all her delusions into a single post, because that makes my task so much easier. Any time ANYONE expresses interest in Ainslie, all I have to do is show them that single post, along with the videos of the demos, Poynt99's full explanation document, and the first four videos in my Negative Bias playlist .... and they will laugh Ainslie out of the room.

How many false statements and ridiculous claims can you find in her post? Count them!

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 23, 2014, 02:50:46 AM
I will once again post the playlist that DEMONSTRATES, STEP BY STEP, how the Q2 mosfets are NOT DISCONNECTED but rather are connected THROUGH the FG, how they are turned on by LOWERING source voltage, how they operate in the LINEAR mode not as a switch, and upon what the oscillations depend.

AINSLIE, you really should watch these videos, SEVERAL TIMES, so that you might have some chance at saving face.  You have made so many false and ridiculous statements that you have betrayed the fact that you know nothing, you have learned nothing, and you IGNORE everything! Now is your chance, ONCE MORE, to catch up with reality, GROW UP, study, think, and LEARN something for a change. Your statements about mosfets are so off the mark, so utterly ridiculous, that you really are making a laughing-stock of yourself, and I actually feel sorry for you. YOU HAVE BEEN REFUTED, and you are so utterly dense you cannot even admit it. But everyone else sees it.

WATCH THE VIDEOS. Dissect them sentence-by-sentence if you like, I am happy to discuss FACTS with anyone.

http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLml9VdOeqKa8hSDVrRWjmJ2WxgzRvMt7V (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLml9VdOeqKa8hSDVrRWjmJ2WxgzRvMt7V)

ASK STEVE WEIR ABOUT THESE VIDEOS. ASK DONOVAN MARTIN. ASK ANYONE.  Or continue stuffing your foot down your throat by your ignorant statements-- I find it entirely amusing to see you claim things that have been long and soundly refuted. You are indeed the child who does not do her homework, yet expects to be able to discuss it... while everyone is laughing at your ignorance.

Poynt99's playlist of explanatory videos:
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLml9VdOeqKa_5QWbelpO5Wp8MctLt5EdQ (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLml9VdOeqKa_5QWbelpO5Wp8MctLt5EdQ)

And I've attached AGAIN Poynt99's full analysis, from June of 2011 ..... not because I think you'll actually READ it, because I know you won't.... I'm just proving that you LIE when you claim nobody has given you an explanation.

Also I've attached MarkE's diagram.... the diagram of current flow through the FG that has been presented to you by .99, by me, and by other people in various forms for FOUR YEARS or more now. You seem to trust Steve Weir, so ASK HIM ABOUT THIS. I'd pay money to see you and Weir discuss this issue on YouTube. Of course I don't believe you will ever change your mind, Ainslie.... just as before, you would pretend to understand, then in a week or two you will be back at it, spewing your ignorant nonsense over and over again.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 23, 2014, 03:28:50 AM
TinselKoala, it is looking more and more to me that we are witness to a decline.  I see a person suffering a lot of agitation and confusion struggling to recall and struggling to reason.  I have no desire to torment someone going through such difficulties.  She doesn't understand the electronics.  She is not going to understand the electronics.  Reminding her that she is mistaken just further upsets her.  Explaining the circuit's real operation just works her up.  Reminding her of what happened at her own demonstrations just drives her into a fury.  I don't see an educational path that will result in progress.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 23, 2014, 03:44:53 AM
Ainslie can stop the "torment" instantly, at any time when it becomes too much for her. All she has to do is to stop posting her lies, insults, misrepresentations and idiocy.

But I think she thrives on it. She's a phenomenal troll queen, making post after post with the explicit intention of riling me up. I, on the other hand, am simply trying to hold my own, in the face of the reeking gale of insult and mendacity spewing from her keyboard.

I am perfectly willing to discuss facts rationally. Unfortunately, Ainslie has demonstrated many times, and not just to me, that she is incapable of doing so. She has been banned from forum after forum, for years now, for doing the same things that she is doing now. I don't think she is decompensating especially much now, as compared to two or four years ago. All discussions with Ainslie eventually come up against her arrogant ignorance and her insulting behaviour, her refusal to study and learn, her false claims and outright lies. This is nothing new, and it's nothing restricted to me. Ask Glen, ask Aaron, ask Ashtweth, Harvey, Picowatt, the posters at Naked Scientists... we have all encountered the same nonsense and the same attitude from Ainslie. That's why she's "confined to quarters" and isn't allowed on other forums. She has been banned from here at least twice, banned from Energetic Forum, banned from Naked Scientists.... on and on.

And I agree with you: there is no path toward educational progress for Ainslie. She will go to her grave not knowing how a mosfet works, but yelling at everyone that she does. Meanwhile... she provides endless amusement. There is no clearer example of the Dunning-Kruger effect that I have ever encountered, and someday she will be famous. Not for her mosfet mistakes, but for her clinical syndrome !
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 23, 2014, 04:43:49 AM
TinselKoala I don't know of any really good way to tell if you are correct or not that it is trolling versus dementia.  I have seen up close how scary life becomes for some people with dementia.  I knew a particularly wonderful lady who suffered through it for about four years before passing away.  Prior to the dementia onset she had been a very loving woman and very active in the community.  Near the end she thought her family were out to get her.  If something like that is going on here, then I would not want to create further agitation.  If it is really just trolling, then why feed it?  Anyone who made it through first year EE better know what a common gate amplifier looks like and how it behaves.  They ought to be able to interpret voltage drop across a resistor.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: profitis on February 23, 2014, 05:23:17 AM
i dont think thats a correct analysis doctor E.looking from the outside in i think ainslie intuitively knows that a kelvin breach is very very possible and that its just within her sights.i think both she and gmeast may nail it down sooner or later,if not already.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 23, 2014, 10:23:09 AM
Profitis, I really don't think you have the background in the Ainslie phenomenon to be able to judge what she "has" and what she hasn't. I am not talking about "maybes" or probabilities, I am talking about the errors, lies, insults, disrespect, ignorance and mendacity that Ainslie has emitted over the years and continues to emit, undamped and undeterred by proven fact. The way she has been acting and her precious, seriously-defended ignorance shouted from the rooftops can only HURT whatever chances (identically zero as far as I am concerned) there may be for anything of real interest to come out of her rantings and blind tinkering.

MarkE, everybody dies, everybody is sick and everybody has personal tragedies. These things have no role in the advancement of Science, except by Max Planck's "one funeral at a time." If Ainslie is tragically ill, in a mental decline, where are her keepers? Why is she allowed to persist in this utter waste of her precious time, instead of participating in therapeutic activities? Never mind, these are rhetorical questions. If I told you about my own personal illnesses and mental problems, would this make any difference as to how a mosfet behaves? Of course not. Would it make your heart bleed for me in sympathy? Maybe, but that would be irrelevant to the evaluation of claims I might make along the way.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: profitis on February 23, 2014, 12:00:31 PM
Sure @tk. I may not be electrogenius enough to determine wether she does have something or not but im genius enough to know that she CAN have something.switching magnetic domains in an pulsed element can theoreticly give a window to intake extra heat from the environment than was shoved into the environment from the batteries(im willing to battle you on this issue if your up for it) so she may or may not cut into that window but i dont see how her 'shouting' or 'ranting' can hurt any final demo result any more than doctor E,s diagnosis can.as you say a mosfet stays a mosfet.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 23, 2014, 12:22:48 PM
Profitis, Ms. Ainslie has refuted her own claims in public demonstrations she has conducted.  She has never claimed against the Second Law of Energy.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 23, 2014, 12:32:24 PM
Quote from: profitis on February 23, 2014, 12:00:31 PM
Sure @tk. I may not be electrogenius enough to determine wether she does have something or not but im genius enough to know that she CAN have something.switching magnetic domains in an pulsed element can theoreticly give a window to intake extra heat from the environment than was shoved into the environment from the batteries(im willing to battle you on this issue if your up for it) so she may or may not cut into that window but i dont see how her 'shouting' or 'ranting' can hurt any final demo result any more than doctor E,s diagnosis can.as you say a mosfet stays a mosfet.

Ainslie's problem personality has been _actively detrimental_ to the exploration of any postulated effects of the kind she, and you, are talking about. Her insistence on spouting her incorrect interpretations and her absolute abject ignorance of her topic both keep the conversation and the experimental work focussed on attempts to correct her errors, to gather valid data about her experimental paradigm, and to educate her out of her abysmal ignorance, rather than forging ahead in directions properly emerging from good research. To his credit, GMeast has mostly avoided falling into this trap. His initial contact with this work consisted of "replicating" her claims, but he wisely rejected the 5-mosfet design out of hand and when he started work on the single mosfet COP>17 work he quickly found out that there were enough problems with Ainslie's reporting that he quickly dropped any attempt to perform a "replication" of Ainslie's claims, and went on to explore the basic idea of pulsed mosfet switching to see if there really might be something there. To the extent that he has made progress, it is because he ignores the ridiculous rants and impossible claims and bogus circuit analyses coming from Ainslie. His finding that the Quantum article's schematic "does not work" is legendary.

Once again I will say it. What is known about the circuit Ainslie is working with is known because of the excellent experimentation and analysis by her detractors and FORMER collaborators. Ainslie herself has contributed nothing of substance, other than easy targets for debunking.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: profitis on February 23, 2014, 12:38:25 PM
she hasnt claimed a 2nd law breach as her angle of attack @mark E but she seems to be fully aware of it.ive discussed it with her live somewhere on this thread or other thread a few months back and she definitely knows about it judging from her many references to the weakspots of it on her website.i wouldve much prefered for her to take the 2nd law angle of attack as her predominant theme.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: profitis on February 23, 2014, 01:08:25 PM
perhaps @tk but she,s got the necessary hardened attitude plus determination to succeed.and she has access to the necessary tools of the trade so if she takes a thousand stabs with those tools and misses who knows where the next stab is going to land?maybe straight onto the bullseye.a woman,s styles may be better than a guys styles for this purpose in this instance (-:
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 23, 2014, 03:03:00 PM
Ahhh.... no. Ainslie hasn't got a chance in Hell of discovering anything, and the reason is that she is blinded by her "thesis". Ainslie already KNOWS everything there is to know.

In addition to the psychological blinders, her utter incompetence at experimentation, operation of apparatus, record-keeping, reporting, and interpreting results make her the least likely person to contribute _anything_ of value to a technical discussion. She is far more likely to damage test equipment than to gather valid data with it... and this is proven by the record. Batteries, clipleads, the oscilloscope itself, a function generator -- I wouldn't let that woman anywhere near _real_ test equipment like the 30,000 dollar oscilloscope that I used for some of my testing. Her ignorance is such that she doesn't even bother to learn the standard terminology in use by millions of EEs and other electronics researchers and tinkerers around the world, and her flubbing of math and engineering units is literally comical -- half a day's study and practice and self-checking would have prevented many of those errors YET THEY PERSIST to this day.

Please don't forget that I have read every word Ainslie has posted publicly since early 2009. In addition I have a thick sheaf of "private" communications between her and some other people I know. There is literally nothing there, except the fascinating (to me) psychology of a sociopathic, narcissistic woman with delusions of grandeur and an internet connection.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 23, 2014, 03:09:12 PM
In case the point isn't driven home firmly enough.....

OK, if you want to present some New Science that modifies or corrects or expands upon Old Science.... you are going to have to demonstrate your competency and understanding of the _Old Science_ first. If you are going to be basing your claims and conclusions on a mathematical computation like Ainslie does... by GOD you had better be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide without errors. And if your analysis depends on advanced concepts like integration and differentiation, but you've never been exposed to the Calculus and can't communicate using that common language .... then you can go piss up a rope, as far as I am concerned.

Go on, work through the calculations she presents below. Her conclusions are based primarily upon these two calculations and similar ones she has posted over the years.

Just ignore for the moment that she still cannot tell the difference between a Quantity (the Joule) and a RATE (the Watt)..... and DO THE MATH (tm Ainslie).

For example, say you have a stack of 6 ea. 12 volt, 60 A-H batteries. How much energy is IN FACT expected to be contained in those batteries?
Let us calculate together. We have 72 volts at 60 amp-hours. This is 72 volts at 60 amp-hours x 60 minutes/hour x 60 seconds/minute, or 72 volts at 216000 amp-seconds, or 15,552,000 Watt-seconds (Joules).  Or to  string it all together Ainslie-style without including the units that might have saved her from error, we have 6 x 12 x 60 x 60 x 60 = 15552000. Right? This is the energy in the battery stack. Yet look at Ainslie's figure, and the conclusion she draws from it. Far from being overunity, the actual battery capacity could have run her experiment for several hundreds of hours, as she dissipated less than 2 megaJoules in 54 hours. 10 joules/second x 60 minutes/hour x 60 seconds/minute x 54 hours = 1944000 Joules. See how the units work out correctly, as well as the numbers?

Joules/second x seconds/minute = Joules/minute.  Joules/minute x minutes/hour = Joules/hour.  Joules/hour x hours = Joules. This is simple algebra... another subject that Ainslie omitted from her schooling. But Ainslie doesn't even realize that "PER" indicates a division operation! So how could she possibly understand cancelling units algebraically. "Joules/second"... how do YOU read that out in English?

Do you see? Taking Ainslie's OWN DATA and analyzing it without making silly math errors yields the completely opposite conclusion from that which Ainslie has drawn, bragged about and tried to slip down your throat for five years or more.

Yet Ainslie has NEVER ONCE corrected any of the bogus math she has spouted. The closest to a correction is the "vanishment" of the original claim in the early versions of the daft manuscripts that she somehow dissipated 5.9 megaJoules in ninety minutes.... gone without a trace, that one is.

Read this page from the old thread:

Note that there, she says that she will never correct the calculations, they are a "tad out" (sic) (reply 1136) and further on she states clearly that once water is boiling... it doesn't take any more Joules to keep it boiling. (reply 1138).

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: profitis on February 23, 2014, 04:02:55 PM
depends how one looks at it @tk. i can at least declare with totalitarian certainty that she,you,or anyone playing with electromagnetic circuitry is 1)going to have to violate kelvin rule to be successful and 2)going to have to violate kelvin rule via the cyclic flipping of magnetic domains somewhere in the circuit to be successful.thus i think i am expanding on the science,at least for overunity-hunters,by zooming in on what must happen for success.no fancy math required for this statement.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 23, 2014, 04:10:41 PM
Quote from: profitis on February 23, 2014, 04:02:55 PM
depends how one looks at it @tk. i can at least declare with totalitarian certainty that she,you,or anyone playing with electromagnetic circuitry is 1)going to have to violate kelvin rule to be successful and 2)going to have to violate kelvin rule via the cyclic flipping of magnetic domains somewhere in the circuit to be successful.thus i think i am expanding on the science,at least for overunity-hunters,by zooming in on what must happen for success.no fancy math required for this statement.

So you have a "theory" that you believe with "totalitarian certainty." Fine, let's see you provide some EVIDENCE that supports your theory. The rest of your statement is irrelevant to the issue of Ainslie's incompetency and lack of relevant knowledge.

As has been suggested to you SEVERAL TIMES, why don't YOU OPEN YOUR OWN THREAD and discuss your various theories there?
I know why....

And mathematics is not a matter of viewpoint. It is either correct, or it is not. Ainslie's math is incorrect far more often than it is correct, and her conclusions are based on the incorrect maths, as I have shown many times before. This is not a matter of attitude or opinion, it is FACT.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: profitis on February 23, 2014, 04:17:14 PM
precision math is definitely going to be required for power measurements i agree yes @tk
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 23, 2014, 04:18:54 PM
Profitis Ms. Ainslie does not discuss the Second Law in any of her publications.  Ms. Ainslie's claims surround an idea of hers that when subjected to certain electromagnetic stimulus, ordinary devices such as resistors decompose releasing electromagnetic energy. 

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 23, 2014, 04:23:33 PM
Quote from: profitis on February 23, 2014, 04:17:14 PM
precision math is definitely going to be required for power measurements i agree yes @tk

When Ainslie's "calculations" are more than an order of magnitude "out" as they usually are .... precision math is not needed. Just accurate math is enough. Ainslie's calculation errors have led her to the exact opposite conclusion from that which should be drawn from the data. This is not a matter of "precision", it is a matter of accuracy, error checking, and her utter ignorance of basic algebra.

When one's calculations are proven to be wrong, by many people, and one refuses thereafter to correct them, or the conclusions drawn from the incorrect results, and one continues to make the same kinds of errors over and over.... this is not an issue of "precision".
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on February 23, 2014, 04:23:42 PM
What Rosemary needs is a Disney-like cartoon animation that shows how the circuit works, step by step with a top view of little "current sheep" moving along pathways being stopped and permitted to go forward by farm gates and stuff like that.  When the little current sheep enter the "load resistor trough" their wool is sheared off by "load resistor Munchkins."  Then, like magic, when the sheepies enter the "battery corral" they are permitted to graze and grow their wool back.  Then the little sheepies start their movement along the pathways being stopped and permitted to go forward by the farm gates, and so on.

A nice 15-minute Disney animation with nice pleasant narration and little sheepies going around in circles growing wool, and having it sheared off, growing wool and having it sheared off.  Step by step and then a few minutes of watching the sheepies do the circuit might do the trick.

Rosie might then understand the circuit.  Her "window of understanding" will only last a few hours and after that you will be back to square one.

So, without Disney or Pixar you are SOL.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 23, 2014, 04:26:20 PM
@MH: I have almost descended to that level with the Negative Bias playlist videos. If someone cannot understand those, they don't speak English or realize that a black line on a schematic indicates a wire connection.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on February 23, 2014, 04:38:50 PM
The function generator is a source of white fluffy bunnies with it's own bunny hutch where the bunnies also magically grow their fur back.  The poor white fluffy bunnies also get sheared when they hop hop hop along their path.  There are also bunny gates that stop or allow the bunny current to hop along.

Do the fluffy bunnies sometimes take the same path as the sheepies?  I can't remember because I haven't taken a serious look at the schematic in a very long time.

It would make for a cute animation.  Sheepies and fluffy bunnies going in circles and the shearing Munchkin meanies looking to collect wool and bunny fluff.  It's all so clear now.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: profitis on February 23, 2014, 04:56:16 PM
thats why i wouldve prefered her to take a thermodynamic angle @mark E however its not going to matter much IF she gets a 2nd law violation going and IF all calculations are done adequately.i always advise electromagnetic hunters that i encounter to understand the thermodynamics of their engines for 2 reasons: 1)to get a better understanding of what they,re infact trying to do and 2)to get a better attention from acedemics if need be and to be taken a little bit more seriously by them.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 23, 2014, 05:03:00 PM
Quote from: profitis on February 23, 2014, 04:56:16 PM
thats why i wouldve prefered her to take a thermodynamic angle @mark E however its not going to matter much IF she gets a 2nd law violation going and IF all calculations are done adequately.i always advise electromagnetic hunters that i encounter to understand the thermodynamics of their engines for 2 reasons: 1)to get a better understanding of what they,re infact trying to do and 2)to get a better attention from acedemics if need be and to be taken a little bit more seriously by them.
Sure you would.  By all means take any of Ms. Ainslie's verified experiments and have at them with a thermodynamic analysis.  Begin with how they do or do not fit a Kelvin interpretation of the Second Law of Energy.  Show your work.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 23, 2014, 05:19:39 PM
Ms. Ainslie would like a more thorough description of the operation of Q2 in her circuit.  Here is a reference she should read:

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 23, 2014, 05:31:46 PM
Quote from: MarkE on February 23, 2014, 05:19:39 PM
Ms. Ainslie would like a more thorough description of the operation of Q2 in her circuit.  Here is a reference she should read:

http://whites.sdsmt.edu/classes/ee320/notes/320Lecture34.pdf (http://whites.sdsmt.edu/classes/ee320/notes/320Lecture34.pdf)

That's a great reference... for the "restofus". I've downloaded it and added it to the Ainslie database, in the .pdf section.
Unfortunately Ainslie does not have the prerequisites to understand more than the title of the document. By the middle of the first page her eyes have already started to water and glaze over. The rest of the document will wind up on the floor of her birdcage.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: profitis on February 23, 2014, 05:54:42 PM
i,l see what i can suss out @mark E.not going to be easy though.i wish electromagneto-hunters would use a small finite power source like a watch-battery attatched to a mini-pulse-heater and just drop the whole gamut into an oil bath and read the temperature vs a controll.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 23, 2014, 06:02:21 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 23, 2014, 05:31:46 PM
That's a great reference... for the "restofus". I've downloaded it and added it to the Ainslie database, in the .pdf section.
Unfortunately Ainslie does not have the prerequisites to understand more than the title of the document. By the middle of the first page her eyes have already started to water and glaze over. The rest of the document will wind up on the floor of her birdcage.
It does not matter whether or not Ms. Ainslie can understand that document at this moment.  It only matters that the circuit configuration that she has set-up with Q2 is well understood and documented.  The general analysis included in that document has all the elements needed, including the negative bias voltage applied to the source terminal through an impedance, just as from the function generator's offset that Ms. Ainslie and crew dialed up through the internal 50 Ohm impedance of the instrument.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 23, 2014, 09:12:16 PM
A simple illustration:
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 23, 2014, 09:51:51 PM
LOL.... that's a good one!

It's particularly encouraging to see that she has reverted to uncritical naive acceptance of the large _artifactual_ amplitudes shown in the Figure 8 scopeshot. This makes shooting her down almost ridiculously easy. These large amplitudes have been shown unequivocally to be due to the large stray inductances caused by her battery wiring and her highly inductive current sense resistors that were used at that time. She used 4, 1 ohm, "concrete" wirewound power resistors in parallel for the CSR at that time.

I've just kluged together a test apparatus with a single Q2 and single Q1 mosfets, with 2, 0.51 ohm concrete wirewound power resistors in parallel for my CSR and overall a lot less stray inductances. I had to add some inductance to the battery interconnect wiring to make the Vbatt oscillations grow to a "reasonable" artifactual value. The results of my testing are in a video that will be ready in a couple of hours, but here are a few stills. I wasn't able to reach quite the extreme values that Ainslie gets in Figure 8, because I just didn't have enough inductances scattered about, but I think I have soundly refuted Ainslie's latest claims and I've met her bogus, cynical "challenge" adequately nevertheless.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 23, 2014, 10:19:53 PM
The video will be here when it's finished uploading.

http://youtu.be/ufEZW5iTv6Y (http://youtu.be/ufEZW5iTv6Y)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 23, 2014, 11:27:51 PM
The video is clear enough.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 24, 2014, 12:45:58 AM
Quote from: MarkE on February 23, 2014, 11:27:51 PM
The video is clear enough.

Clear enough for a bright child, certainly ... but perhaps not quite clear enough for Rosemary Ainslie. She is such a comedian! Time and time again I've shown her what she claims I cannot do, what she claims is impossible. Time and time again she has been proven soundly and completely WRONG by my video demonstrations. She must enjoy making herself look stupid, and her posts, as usual, are full of frantic flailings and even more frantic insults. What they do not contain, and never will contain, is any hint of understanding or any capability for performing her OWN demonstrations that actually test her vapid claims.

The video of course proves that my apparatus acts just like hers (surprise surprise) but of course it does not prove that the high-amplitude oscillations go through the FG. I don't know why she chose to post that silly cynical "challenge" anyway, since it proves nothing except that she lies when she says I haven't replicated "her" circuit and its artifactual performances. My "negative bias" playlist, the first four videos therein, however, do prove that the Q2 oscillations DO depend upon a current path through the FG or whatever is there to take its place, and they show that a bias current supply that is more negative than the negative pole of the run batteries is necessary to cause the oscillations. Together, this video and those provide the full explanation for the oscillations and the spurious amplitudes caused by the stray (or in my case deliberate) inductances in the circuit.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 24, 2014, 12:56:36 AM
Hey AINSLIE, why don't you SHUT UP and PAY ATTENTION for a change. You have been trumped, over and over again, and the more you whine and flail about stuff that you SHOULD know about, the sillier you look. It amuses me greatly.

Why aren't you calling me Bryan Little any more? Did you finally find out that you were WRONG, every time you did, for YEARS?

You are a laughingstock!

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 24, 2014, 03:17:21 AM
She is not doing herself any favors.  Her first paragraph is more or less correct:  The statement which is an observation of readily verified reality is that Q2 conducts current through the function generator during the "Q1 Off" intervals.  The fact that it does is beyond dispute as she herself demonstrated that current flow as Phase 2 of her August 11, demonstration.  What she seems to have absolutely zero capacity to comprehend are a couple of other points:

1) When the circuit oscillates, current also flows through the parasitic capacitances of the MOSFETs.
2) The Ainslie team connected their current sense voltage probe across wiring on their breadboard instead of across the special non-inductive current sense resistors they bought.

Both effects are at work in her circuits.  Poynt99 explained this, simulated it, and closely reproduced her reported results.  Both her June 29, and August 11 demonstrations showed the extent of distortion parasitic inductance has caused her.  It is the combination of 1) and 2) that generated large voltages read by her oscilloscope during the "Q1 Off" period oscillations even though the scope probe tip was connected to the same DC node as the probe ground clip on June 29.  The voltage read was di/dt read across the wiring inductance between the probe tip location and the ground clip location.  The source of the di/dt passing through her current sense resistors was parasitic capacitance in the MOSFETs.  Based on the facts both that this has been explained over and over again, and that Ms. Ainslie remains absolutely clueless about it, it is predictable that she will forever rail on about how there must be something extraordinary happening.  For whatever reason she doesn't process the plain facts in front of her. 

Paper 1 incorporates measurements that Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators proved was completely invalid on June 29, 2013.  During further demonstration on August 11, Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators completely refuted their own claims that the "Q Array" circuit produces an efficiency improvement over a direct DC connection.  They established that the circuit wastes ~80% of the input power supplied to it.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 24, 2014, 05:56:08 AM
Just for the record, here's her latest nocturnal emission.

Note how she insults and lies. Note how she has forgotten that her setup that was used for her Figure 8 did NOT include any non-inductive resistors. Note how long her interbattery and main supply wiring is for those old experiments. Note that she lies when she says that I have specifically criticized the Figure 8 shot before this. Note how she mocks the GRE without even knowing what it is, or having ever taken a standardized achievement test in her life. Note how she still falsely believes that the amplitudes of the oscillations represent actual currents, and note how she still ignores the proofs, published months and years ago, that she has been whining about lately. Note her flailing about, like a landed fish, gasping and choking in an atmosphere she cannot hope to breathe. Note her abject and total ignorance of facts and her total inability to comprehend simple explanations. Note her willfull ignorance of the fact that I have repeated her bad data all down the line, demonstrating how it is obtained, since 2009, complete with replications of every different scope trace, including amplitudes, that she has ever produced. Note her inability to process the fact that her own demonstrations have already demolished her silly "thesis", and no amount of her delusional ranting can affect the Steve Weir demonstrations and analyses-- even though she now seeks to obscure and hide the GOOD data that Steve had them produce.

Finally... note the fact that I hold her in utter contempt, since she is so dishonest that she cannot even admit to herself that she is utterly and totally wrong, her lies have been exposed for what they are,  and she has wasted all this time, all these years of her life chasing imaginary zipons, playing at her pseudoscientific misconduct.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 24, 2014, 10:47:26 AM
Ms. Ainslie routinely says things that are absolutely false.  How much of it she realizes and how much is delusion built on faulty memory and/or other possible cognitive limitations is not something that I cannot readily estimate.  The fantasies that she has concocted surrounding last year's demonstrations and her withdrawal of her retraction is a bit mind boggling.  This latest bit seems to imply that she doesn't realize the inductance that her long lead wires have or the resulting impacts on her fixture and measurements.  It doesn't matter because her demonstrations put those effects on display for all to see.  That she rails against what she herself showed isn't doing her any good.

I'll talk to Steve and see if I can get more details about what happened with the USB stick.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 24, 2014, 01:05:20 PM
The USB stick isn't important except as proof that they are trying to suppress data. I have made screenshots from the demo videos at the moments that Steve had them do their saves, and they are of sufficient resolution to see what is happening, even though the "numbers in boxes" cannot be read off the images. The trace amplitudes and waveforms are clear enough, and coupled with the narration in the demo recordings the facts of the matter are perfectly clear.

A much better use of the "Steve Weir" connection and Steve's valuable time, in my opinion, would be for Steve to give Ainslie a true and correct critique of the videos in my Negative Bias playlist. To have him go through those videos with Ainslie, totalling just over one hour (less than a fourth of the time of Ainslie's miserable demonstrations that we all watched carefully several times -- in fact less time than the DEAD AIR in Ainslie's demonstrations), just might... just barely might... cause Ainslie to step back and consider her position carefully.


But more likely it would turn her against Steve, just as sound criticism has always turned her against her critics. Her vitriol and her venomous petty disrespect and insults would be unleashed against him, too. I really wouldn't want that to happen.... but if it does it will be more than just a "final coffin nail"... it will be tossing another spadeful of earth over the stinking pile of decaying garbage that is her "thesis" and her "experiment".

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 24, 2014, 03:08:47 PM
I think that Steve has watched several of your videos and left comments, though maybe not on these particular ones.  Ms. Ainslie denies what is in plain sight, and that she previously acknowledged she saw in her own demonstrations.  Since she doesn't believe herself, I think it would be imposing on Steve to ask him to try and persuade her of the reality that she denies. 

On another note she doesn't like the new book series.  She calls it facile and infantile while complaining that she complains that it contains too many acronyms.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 24, 2014, 03:23:14 PM
Notice that the idiot Ainslie wants ME to do something that SHE has NEVER DONE, and in fact is irrelevant to the issues at hand. What part of "replication" does this woman fail to understand? Never mind, that's a rhetorical question, since it's clear that she understands nothing of the process, at all, and the more idiotic rants she emits, the clearer it is to the onlookers.

She dare not repeat for herself the demonstrations I have presented in the Negative Bias playlist. She doesn't have the skill or knowledge even to put together those simple demonstrations, so maybe she could get her minion Donny to do it for her. And maybe pigs with wings can fly, too.

Too many acronyms? Are we speaking in a language that Ainslie doesn't comprehend, again? The common language of electronics and mathematics? Yes, that is clearly over her head. One would think that the deluded old woman doesn't have a computer with the ability to query Google about something she doesn't understand. Well, we have noted this deficiency of hers before, like when she says Wiki says one thing, but the actual Wiki says the exact opposite.

Ainslie disgusts me. She's not deserving of sympathy or tolerance for her mounting dementia, since she cannot restrain herself from emitting the childish insults and lies that fill up her forum posts. Someone who has had their errors pointed out many times, by many different people, for many years, but who still refuses to pick up a book and learn her topic, is deserving of contempt and nothing more.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Thaelin on February 24, 2014, 04:06:59 PM
  This post is off topic so plz just ignore it really.

I want to thank all of you for the absolutely wonderful
hallarious ride this topic has given. Spelling is toast as
I have had one too many buddies today. I sometimes
go away with tears running down my face from laughter.

On a real note, I just hit one of the formalities of using
a probe in the wrong place. Once corrected, it makes more
sense.  So keep on keeping on


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 24, 2014, 04:22:41 PM
Not off topic at all, thanks for posting! Yes, the main value of the Ainslie affair at this point is for the Lulz.

We've all (except Ainslie) learned a little something here and there from the exploration and the running down of effects and causes, but that is mostly in the past, since it has been going on for so many years. The only new things lately have been the two demonstrations last year, which were the first indications that Ainslie might actually be responsive in a constructive way to analysis and criticism by those who know far more than she.

But as you can see, after a few weeks have passed, it is as if those demos never happened, for Ainslie has reverted to a much more primitive level of lack of understanding. The gains made by Steve Weir in boosting Ainslie's understanding have vanished, like water rolling off a duck's back. So the amusement factor is all that there is left, really.

Well, there is the annoyance factor as well. I took apart two much more interesting and important experiments that I had set up in my lab in order to defeat Ainslie in her latest silly ridiculous cynical "challenge".

Anyhow... hoist one for me, while you are at it!

Cheers... and stay tuned, it is impossible to believe that Ainslie will ever stop her comedic output.

:) ;) :D ;D 8) ;D ;) :)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 24, 2014, 04:38:32 PM
Due to popular demand the publishers have just announced another book in the series:
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 24, 2014, 04:54:32 PM
I see what you did there... you snuck in a dI/dt term. But our correspondent has never had any math beyond simple arithmetic. Her exposure to differential calculus is nil. The smallest infinitesimal time interval she can handle is the duration of one of her scope's samples.

To her credit she, or more probably Donny, has "invented" a numerical approximation of an integral, by computing the area of the rectangles representing the sample interval x indicated "instantaneous" current (or power), and then adding the areas all up. Kind of a bastardized Rectangle Rule for approximating an integral from discrete samples. Yet, years ago when I mentioned "integration" as the proper term for what she was trying to do... she thought I was talking about some anti-apartheid racial thing.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 24, 2014, 05:07:31 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 24, 2014, 04:54:32 PM
I see what you did there... you snuck in a dI/dt term. But our correspondent has never had any math beyond simple arithmetic. Her exposure to differential calculus is nil. The smallest infinitesimal time interval she can handle is the duration of one of her scope's samples.

To her credit she, or more probably Donny, has "invented" a numerical approximation of an integral, by computing the area of the rectangles representing the sample interval x indicated "instantaneous" current (or power), and then adding the areas all up. Kind of a bastardized Rectangle Rule for approximating an integral from discrete samples. Yet, years ago when I mentioned "integration" as the proper term for what she was trying to do... she thought I was talking about some anti-apartheid racial thing.
If you are not nice, I will introduce Euler!
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 24, 2014, 07:57:40 PM
I see that Ainslie and Poynt99 are having trouble agreeing on the FACTS of the matter concerning the FG's role in completing the circuit for the Q2s during oscillation.

It is trivially easy to disprove Ainslie's ridiculous contention that the Q2s are "disconnected" during the "off" or oscillating portion of the waveform. All one needs to do is to do what I did in my videos: Build the circuit so that the SOURCES of the Q2s can be physically actually disconnected from the FG.

After all, if they are "disconnected" by the circuit operation, then surely actually CUTTING THE WIRE can't make any difference.  But it does. No oscillations are possible unless the Sources of the Q2s ARE CONNECTED to the FG, because the FG provides the necessary bias current AND the completed pathway to the battery negative.

Can you make oscillations now, silly ignorant Ainslie? Of course you CANNOT.  The only alteration in the circuit is that the Q2s are now ACTUALLY disconnected from the ACTUAL path through the FG.

So I'd just love to hear why the wire needs to be connected even though you claim in your utter ignorance that the transistors are disconnected. What is that wire doing, then, if not passing current THROUGH the FG?

Flail and whine, chatter and bloviate and flail, Ainslie ..... this simple test demolishes your crazy ideas YET AGAIN.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 24, 2014, 08:45:45 PM
If you can bring yourself to sit through a portion of the August 11, demonstration from about 49:30 to 51:30, that's where Steve had them adjust the function generator offset voltage demonstrating as one of your videos did that the function generator offset changes the loop current and power contributed by the function generator.  Around 51:20, Ms. Ainslie declared her agreement with Steve's explanation.  Of course now, she insists that explanation is invalid.  Will she find the courage to disconnect the Q2 source wires as you suggest?????  What will happen to the function generator red lead voltage if she does?????  All she has to do is unclip the four Q2 source clips.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 24, 2014, 10:41:11 PM
Yes, it's hilarious isn't it. Ainslie is not only a liar and a fool, but she is also a hypocrite.

If there was ever any doubt that there is something severely wrong with Ainslie's mind, here is the proof.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 24, 2014, 11:14:12 PM
Ms. Ainslie is on quite a roll.  Has she completely forgotten that during the June 29 demonstration that they showed how they got Figures: 3, 6, and 7, by misconnecting the Channel 1 scope probe?  Their current sense was a 6" length of solid wire, not the four one Ohm current sense resistors.  She and her collaborators did not connect the Channel 1 scope probe across the resistors.  That's why the current sense trace was flat at zero in Figure 3.  Ms. Ainslie is insisting that she measured 14App during the oscillation phase.  What she measured was the AC current that passed through the MOSFET parasitic capacitance superimposed on the inductive impedance of the wiring.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 24, 2014, 11:25:40 PM
Quote from: MarkE on February 24, 2014, 08:45:45 PM
If you can bring yourself to sit through a portion of the August 11, demonstration from about 49:30 to 51:30, that's where Steve had them adjust the function generator offset voltage demonstrating as one of your videos did that the function generator offset changes the loop current and power contributed by the function generator.  Around 51:20, Ms. Ainslie declared her agreement with Steve's explanation.  Of course now, she insists that explanation is invalid.  Will she find the courage to disconnect the Q2 source wires as you suggest? ??? ?  What will happen to the function generator red lead voltage if she does? ??? ?  All she has to do is unclip the four Q2 source clips.

Going through that miserable trainwreck again is literally painful. But I've excerpted the portion you have flagged. It's processing now and will be uploaded in a little while. This portion is amazing indeed. I do believe a couple of eighth-graders would have done a better job cooperating with Steve Weir in making their instrument settings, readings, and general videography. The part where Steve is trying to get them just to change the FG offset without fiddling with other things is like chewing on sand. To think that Ainslie is critical of MY videos... what a hoot! Without Steve's contribution and that of Poynt99, there would be nothing at all of value in that mess of knobtwisting and fiddling about. I will make the point again: All valid data on Ainslie's circuit and her outlandish claims comes NOT from Ainslie and her "team" but rather from her detractors and critics, who actually know what they are doing and how to interpret what they see on an oscilloscope. Ainslie cannot interpret a scope trace, and I doubt if Martin can either, since he spent well over five minutes trying to read a frequency of a sinusoidal waveform. If there aren't numbers in boxes for them to read, they are lost.

Will she do the simple experiment I posted above? No, of course she will not. She will not do anything that has the possibility of proving her wrong. She will emit excuses, like she doesn't have the apparatus set up any more, she doesn't want to bother Donovan, she can't tell whoever has the apparatus to do it, whatever. Even if she does, which I seriously doubt, she will engage in some hand-waving posthockery involving entities not in evidence, like zipons or truants or magnetic monopoles or something. Meanwhile she'll continue to shout and rave her strawman "challenge", trying to get me and Poynt99 to hook up a genuine 275 volt source to the outputs of our FGs.

I'll post the link to the excerpt once it's ready.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 24, 2014, 11:40:22 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 24, 2014, 11:25:40 PM
Going through that miserable trainwreck again is literally painful. But I've excerpted the portion you have flagged. It's processing now and will be uploaded in a little while. This portion is amazing indeed. I do believe a couple of eighth-graders would have done a better job cooperating with Steve Weir in making their instrument settings, readings, and general videography. The part where Steve is trying to get them just to change the FG offset without fiddling with other things is like chewing on sand. To think that Ainslie is critical of MY videos... what a hoot! Without Steve's contribution and that of Poynt99, there would be nothing at all of value in that mess of knobtwisting and fiddling about. I will make the point again: All valid data on Ainslie's circuit and her outlandish claims comes NOT from Ainslie and her "team" but rather from her detractors and critics, who actually know what they are doing and how to interpret what they see on an oscilloscope. Ainslie cannot interpret a scope trace, and I doubt if Martin can either, since he spent well over five minutes trying to read a frequency of a sinusoidal waveform. If there aren't numbers in boxes for them to read, they are lost.

Will she do the simple experiment I posted above? No, of course she will not. She will not do anything that has the possibility of proving her wrong. She will emit excuses, like she doesn't have the apparatus set up any more, she doesn't want to bother Donovan, she can't tell whoever has the apparatus to do it, whatever. Even if she does, which I seriously doubt, she will engage in some hand-waving posthockery involving entities not in evidence, like zipons or truants or magnetic monopoles or something. Meanwhile she'll continue to shout and rave her strawman "challenge", trying to get me and Poynt99 to hook up a genuine 275 volt source to the outputs of our FGs.

I'll post the link to the excerpt once it's ready.
A problem that I think I see here is that Ms. Ainslie seems unable or perhaps just unwilling to distinguish what she has observed from her assumptions and interpretations.  She says that she has seen your replications.  What she does not seem to grasp is the additional information that shows the faults in her incorrect assumptions and interpretations that she herself has proven wrong.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 24, 2014, 11:51:50 PM
It's too bad that nobody has instructed Ainslie in the fine art of using two scope channels to make a differential voltage measurement. She has the equipment to measure properly and safely across the load, while simultaneously measuring Vbatt and Current on the two other channels... but she has not the wit to do it.  Furthermore, she has never shown a measurement "across the FET" since the March 2011 demo and has even denied doing it then. Measuring "across the FET" means of course measuring the Drain voltage with respect to the Source. The Drain signal is highly diagnostic in mosfet circuits, yet is conspicuously absent from Ainslie's datasets. Why? I know why.
I would love to see her measure and interpret the Drain signal. That will be a real hoot.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 25, 2014, 12:07:21 AM
"Ainslie says" lots of things, not many of which are true and correct, as we have seen lately. I seriously doubt that she has actually watched the Negative Bias playlist videos with proper attention. If she has, and yet _still_ persists in her ignorant claims.... that's pretty sad indeed. It means that nothing, ever, will penetrate her delusional system.

Anyone who had a rational position to defend would take those videos and dissect them, just as we have dissected her video demonstrations, and point out just where they are "wrong" and how, and would produce refutations in the form of counter-demonstrations. But Ainslie has no rational position to defend, just a mass of delusions, coupled with the irrational assurance that she is _right no matter what_. It is this irrational assurance that causes her to "forget" or "ignore" or fail to expose herself to data and evidence that she is wrong.

The video segment from Ainslie's demo is here, or will be when it's done uploading.
http://youtu.be/qc7iAGFceF4 (http://youtu.be/qc7iAGFceF4)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 25, 2014, 01:07:08 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 25, 2014, 12:07:21 AM
"Ainslie says" lots of things, not many of which are true and correct, as we have seen lately. I seriously doubt that she has actually watched the Negative Bias playlist videos with proper attention. If she has, and yet _still_ persists in her ignorant claims.... that's pretty sad indeed. It means that nothing, ever, will penetrate her delusional system.

Anyone who had a rational position to defend would take those videos and dissect them, just as we have dissected her video demonstrations, and point out just where they are "wrong" and how, and would produce refutations in the form of counter-demonstrations. But Ainslie has no rational position to defend, just a mass of delusions, coupled with the irrational assurance that she is _right no matter what_. It is this irrational assurance that causes her to "forget" or "ignore" or fail to expose herself to data and evidence that she is wrong.

The video segment from Ainslie's demo is here, or will be when it's done uploading.
http://youtu.be/qc7iAGFceF4 (http://youtu.be/qc7iAGFceF4)
It is just amazing to watch that clip where Ms. Ainslie declares her agreement with Steve that adjusting the function generator offset  changed the current and power supplied to the circuit by the function generator, and see her flailing about over the past few days insisting that the function generator is not in the DC current path.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 25, 2014, 01:22:30 AM
Falling a LITTLE behind, there, aren't you Ains-LIE.

QuoteWell Guys.  What a PLEASURE it is to see NO FURTHER SCIENTIFIC ARGUMENT from our trolls.
Ainslie, you wouldn't know a scientific argument if it bit you... and it's biting you pretty hard these days.
QuoteI must admit though - it seems that they don't actually like me very much.  Who would have thought?  Thankfully these emotions have NOTHING to do with science. 
You finally got something right. I don't like you, Rosemary Ainslie, because you are a disrespectful and lying degenerate troll queen, full of insults and mendacity, and you aren't even polite enough to shut up and listen when someone like Steve Weir is talking to you. Your incompetence is only exceeded by your arrogance.
What's evident is that our Little TK CAN'T run plus/minus 14 amps through his function generator.
What is evident is that I have done exactly what you have done, every step of the way. I've shown the same currents "running through" my FG, and I've shown the REAL current running through it... and so have you. You just don't have the wit or honesty to see and admit it.
QuoteAnd this notwithstanding his GRE count and his idle boasts to have first discovered EVERYTHING to do with this circuit.
Here again you LIE like the wicked troll queen you are. You cannot show a reference ANYWHERE where I have made any such boast. And you have no clue what it means to take and score highly on a standardized graduate school admission examination, having never sat one in your life -- high school dropout that you are. Every time you mention the name Little, and the initials GRE, the whole world is laughing at you.
QuoteAnd Mark Euthanasius CAN'T explain away that hefty current flow as capacitance. 
A classic straw man. The "hefty" current flow that is artefactually contaminating your data has been explained over and over again, and DEMONSTRATED BY YOU, as well as by me, Poynt99 and others, to be due to INDUCTANCES, and it is not real.
QuoteAnd this notwithstanding his sad little exercise to IGNORE the evidence. 
Astounding! The prototypical ignoramus Ainslie accuses US of ignoring evidence... when we are using YOUR OWN DEMONSTRATIONS, AINSLIE, the valid "evidence" therefrom, to illustrate your failures and mendacities. Meanwhile you IGNORE all real facts, all evidence that contradicts your pre-formed conclusions, and you don't even have the wit to see the rampant contradictions and errors in your own rationalizations for your failures.
QuoteAnd now they both face the added embarrassment that neither of them can DENY the fact that we've actually done that 'booster converter' number.
I can deny it quite well, and have demonstrated the denial many times, in demonstrations and experiments that anyone can do for themselves. Your claims are bogus and unsupported by YOUR OWN properly obtained data. The only thing that embarrasses me is my evident failure to get through to you, something I only expect to encounter in small children and subhuman primates.

Essentially this means that they do NOT have a valid explanation for the discharge of current during the OFF period of the duty cycle - or when there's a positive signal applied to the Gate of Q2.
Wail and flail all you like, lying Ainslie. The valid and true explanation has been given to you many times, and demonstrated, and dissected point-by-point in terms even a child could understand. A child that didn't already think she knows everything, that is.
QuoteAnd that means that our claim is now ENTIRELY vindicated.  Because that was their last HOPE.
You don't even realize how stupid and foolish you look now! ENTIRELY demolished, your claims are. You have nothing except demonstrations of utter incompetence, lack of understanding, silly delusions and lies, and it's ALL ON THE YOUTUBE VIDEOS OF YOUR OWN DEMONSTRATIONS!

It bodes well.  I DO indeed, have MUCH cause to thank our Little TK.  Had he not replicated our experiment then his public would have ASSUMED that we'd never managed that Test 4 Figure 8 number.  Because he's on record.  He DENIED that it was possible.
Another abject LIE from the lying troll queen Ainslie. I never DENIED it was possible to make the Figure 8 traces, and you cannot show any place that I did. Where's this "record", Ainslie? Nowhere but in your deluded imagination, just like all the other lying accusations you've made against me. And just up above, you say that it's evident that I CAN'T do what you did.... make up your miserable substitute for a mind, if you can.
It's all very amusing.

Indeed it is. Keep it up, Ainslie! How many more false and stupid claims will you try to defend? How do you think Donovan Martin feels now, to be associated with such a hypocrite, such an intellectual midget, such a DATA FABRICATOR as you?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 25, 2014, 01:29:20 AM
Once again... here is a SCIENTIFIC ARGUMENT: perform a simple experiment, report and interpret the results. Ainslie dares not do this simple LITTLE thing that would take five minutes to perform. Of course she is incompetent to do it herself, but one would think that Donovan Martin, who at least knows how to turn the scope on, would be interested enough to do a _real experiment that tests an hypothesis_ for a change.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 25, 2014, 01:33:20 AM
Quote from: MarkE on February 25, 2014, 01:07:08 AM
It is just amazing to watch that clip where Ms. Ainslie declares her agreement with Steve that adjusting the function generator offset  changed the current and power supplied to the circuit by the function generator, and see her flailing about over the past few days insisting that the function generator is not in the DC current path.
Indeed. That, coupled with her retraction of her retraction of the daft and mendacious manuscripts, demonstrates her utter, self-serving hypocrisy.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 25, 2014, 01:45:30 AM
Quote from: MarkE on February 24, 2014, 05:07:31 PM
If you are not nice, I will introduce Euler!

Heh.... Just as long as Runge and Kutta come along too ... we'll be fine.

But I'm afraid that Ainslie will have to stay behind. Here's a particularly interesting quote that she emitted during a conversation with Poynt99 back in 2012:

QuoteAnd Ponyty - with respect.  I'm an amateur.  I can easily understand your average equation PROVIDED ONLY that I also understand the terms.  HOW do they calculate PI? And WHY is it 2 x PI which, is 3.14 ? OF WHAT?

--- Quote from: poynt99 on August 10, 2012, 05:03:22 ---Capacitive reactance = XC = 1/(2PI x F x C)
Inductive reactance = XL = 2PI x F x L
where PI is 3.14, and F is frequency.
--- End quote ---
Here's how I read that equation. 
Capacitive reactance is represented by XC = ((1/(3.14 x 2)) x frequency x C)  It makes NO sense to me.    Why is PI 3.14?  How did they get to that number?  You see the problem Poynty Point?  I simply do NOT understand an explanation in terms of an equation.

HOWEVER - on the plus side - I now understand that Capacitance is the inverse of Impedance.  So I'm getting somewhere - hopefully?  Not sure if this has left you with a bigger headache than my own.  But I am really painfully restricted to conceptual understandings.  And that's not an acknowledgement of weakness Poynty Point.  There's nothing wrong with conceptual physics.  The more so if those concepts are clear. But I feel I owe it to you to try and understand those equations.  I'll give it my best shot if you can also just explain how they got to the 3.14 number.  I have no idea where this came from.

Kindest regards Poynty Point.  And PLEASE consider doing a sim on Greg's set up.  He's given a very clear schematic there.

Deleted my reference to C=3.14.  I saw the error there.  But the balance of the question still stands.

Where does PI = 3.14 come from? I dunno... perhaps it has a different value in South African schools. Oh.. wait... it just wasn't covered in any of the basketweaving, poetry or sculpture classes Ainslie pretended to take when she was young. Or maybe PI just hadn't been discovered yet, that long ago.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 25, 2014, 04:51:10 AM
Mmmmmm, pi.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on February 25, 2014, 06:31:40 AM
Mark, you have to realise that capacitance is the inverse of impedance. Only then you will understand. Perhaps this Pi issue has our lady going in circles.

By the way your dummies covers are excellent. Where on earth do you guys find the time to do this stuff?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 25, 2014, 07:26:55 AM
Quote from: Tseak on February 25, 2014, 06:31:40 AM
Mark, you have to realise that capacitance is the inverse of impedance. Only then you will understand. Perhaps this Pi issue has our lady going in circles.

By the way your dummies covers are excellent. Where on earth do you guys find the time to do this stuff?
Wait until she hears about variable diractance.  Her swirvel bearings will never be the same.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on February 25, 2014, 08:00:14 AM


American Pi:

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 25, 2014, 09:15:46 AM
Quote from: Tseak on February 25, 2014, 06:31:40 AM
Mark, you have to realise that capacitance is the inverse of impedance. Only then you will understand. Perhaps this Pi issue has our lady going in circles.

By the way your dummies covers are excellent. Where on earth do you guys find the time to do this stuff?

Heh.... Yes, I can hardly wait for the hard copy versions to appear at my favorite bookstore. I just might print up a bunch of them myself, to distribute as handouts along with the rest of my Ainslie database.

But really, it takes less time and effort to refute Ainslie these days, than it does to... bake a pi. Er, Pie. She is "low hanging fruit" and keeps hanging herself lower and lower with every post she makes. And she uses her own rope!

In all fairness, after Poynt99 gave Ainslie the link to WIKI's article on pi..... she claimed to have known it all along. It was the PI=3.14 part that threw her off, she says. Had it been written " pi = 3.14 " there would have been no problem, according to her. I am NOT JOKING!

You see, Ainslie's computer evidently cannot access Google.... because had she simply typed in " PI= " into the Search Window of her browser, Google would have replied " = 3.14159265 " . Simple, right?

But what are all those extra digits doing there, after the "3.14" part? Those aren't needed in South Africa, surely.

Right... off I go then, to do a LITTLE transcendental meditation.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 25, 2014, 09:38:13 AM
Just for the sake of completeness in the cleanup, note that she has gotten the order of operations wrong.

Quote--- Quote from: poynt99 on August 10, 2012, 05:03:22 ---Capacitive reactance = XC = 1/(2PI x F x C)
Inductive reactance = XL = 2PI x F x L
where PI is 3.14, and F is frequency.
--- End quote ---
Here's how I read that equation. 
Capacitive reactance is represented by XC = ((1/(3.14 x 2)) x frequency x C)  It makes NO sense to me.
(sic.. parentheses as in original)

The correct statement of the capacitive reactance relationship has been given by Poynt99 as
XC = 1 / (2piFC)
But even with that equation visible to her, she garbles the order of operations and by tossing in her parentheses apparently randomly, she comes up with
XC = FC / 2pi 

That's what happens when you drop out of school before they get around to teaching Algebra. How does this woman manage to balance her checkbook?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on February 25, 2014, 10:04:57 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 25, 2014, 09:15:46 AM

It was the PI=3.14 part that threw her off, she says. Had it been written " pi = 3.14 " there would have been no problem, according to her. I am NOT JOKING!

And you should be fully aware that MOSFETS are devices that internally solder their own terminals together when they are switched on but mosfets don't exist. Or have I got that the wrong way around?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 25, 2014, 04:02:19 PM
Heh... something like that, I think. Ainslie is definitely acronym-challenged.

Have you seen the latest stuff that she has emitted concerning Jandrell and Garrett? Take a look, you will be very amused.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 25, 2014, 04:15:34 PM
Back to the Figure 8 scopeshot.

Notice, in the text, that the FG is set to produce a cycle with 20 millisecond period, so she claims. But the scope is set for 500 microseconds per division, meaning that the whole screen only shows 5 milliseconds (500 us x 10 divisions) of the Q2 oscillation portion of the signal. The scope's timebase setting is shown at the top left of the screen.

Once again, this constitutes data fabrication, because Ainslie claims that the high heat in the load is produced during the data displayed on the screen. But it is not-- the high heat in the load "cooking it" is produced by the Q1 ON times, where the overall resistance of the circuit is low and there are no oscillations. During the Q1 ON time, the total resistance of the circuit is about 14 ohms, the current path does not go through the FG, and with a 72 volt supply the current will be a bit over 5 amps, dissipating 250 Watts in the load! (And stressing the Q1 mosfet on its tiny heatsink as used in the original setup for the "papers".) The average power dissipated at the load is dominated by this high power during the ON portion--not shown in the scopeshot at all. Since we don't know the duty cycle used, we can't compute the average power at the load, but it is likely to be in the range of 100 Watts, mostly coming through the single Q1 mosfet.

This Q1 ON portion of the total signal is NOT SHOWN on the Figure 8 scopeshot, since it does not show a complete cycle. The scopeshot is a selective bit of data, falsely put up to misrepresent the true behaviour of the system.

Note that she admits that the transistors are stressed by this setting. How do you think she found that out... I don't wonder. But they are not stressed by the voltage... I have used 830s here with the same effect as with PG50s... but rather by the current, and the power dissipation in the mosfet itself that is caused by its carrying 5+ amps. The Rdss of the PG50 is 2 ohms, so at a current of 5 amps the mosfet itself is dissipating 50 Watts... which it won't do for long, on that miserable tiny heatsink. The solder will melt and the wires will come off the pins! (Electronic solder melts at 190C but the PG50 mosfet doesn't fail until well over 200 C.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 25, 2014, 04:19:06 PM
For those who want more from their AC than their DC:
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 25, 2014, 04:46:05 PM
Quote from: MarkE on February 25, 2014, 04:19:06 PM
For those who want more from their AC than their DC:

uh-oh... straight lines in a log-log graph... I can already see the tears starting to flow....

As an aside, psychological research has actually shown that there is a large subset of the population that can't actually interpret graphically presented data. This appears not to be a matter of learning or experience, according to the researchers, but is actually some difference in the way visual information is processed. I find this last bit a little hard to believe, but the first bit is certainly true. We've certainly seen how hard it is for some people to interpret scope traces, without the numbers in boxes, and the few graphs of data in Ainslie's daft manuscripts are incorrectly presented, like Figure 2 in the first manuscript, which has the Dependent Variable (temperature over ambient) along the abscissa and the Independent Variable (supplied power) along the ordinate, backwards from conventional data graphing. Ainslie's display gives the viewer a completely different impression of the data than would a correctly presented graph.

Tufte, ER (1983). The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Pretty much the whole book.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 25, 2014, 06:13:57 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 25, 2014, 04:46:05 PM
uh-oh... straight lines in a log-log graph... I can already see the tears starting to flow....

As an aside, psychological research has actually shown that there is a large subset of the population that can't actually interpret graphically presented data. This appears not to be a matter of learning or experience, according to the researchers, but is actually some difference in the way visual information is processed. I find this last bit a little hard to believe, but the first bit is certainly true. We've certainly seen how hard it is for some people to interpret scope traces, without the numbers in boxes, and the few graphs of data in Ainslie's daft manuscripts are incorrectly presented, like Figure 2 in the first manuscript, which has the Dependent Variable (temperature over ambient) along the abscissa and the Independent Variable (supplied power) along the ordinate, backwards from conventional data graphing. Ainslie's display gives the viewer a completely different impression of the data than would a correctly presented graph.

Tufte, ER (1983). The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Pretty much the whole book.
One way to overcome intuitive interpretation is to use direct interpretation:  One can simply find dependent results for particular independent input values.  If for example one had a 0.2uH inductor, a known input voltage of 400Vac, and a measured voltage of 4Vac, one would see that ratio is 1/100.  One could then go to the Y axis and find 1/100 as an approximation and then see that low and behold that corresponds to w=R/100L.  Knowing that F is 2.4MHz, and that w=2piF ~15E6, one could estimate that R ~500 Ohms.  Could someone then further use this dark alchemy to estimate the true current?????  Could it be that the current would be a close approximation to:  Ipp = Vpp/jwL????  How much is 4V/5Ohms?????  Is it 14A as Ms. Ainslie insists?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 25, 2014, 06:49:59 PM
Sure.... but that requires being able to read data from a graph, something that about 1/4 of the population just can't seem to do. Ainslie has never demonstrated any ability actually to read scope traces, which are of course simple plots of voltage (the DV on the ordinate axis) against time (the IV on the abscissa). Any guesses as to whether Ainslie falls in that 1/4, or in the other 3/4 that can?

Now, please don't berate me for mocking someone who is "disabled" in that manner. After all, nobody but her chose her to play in a field where reading graphical data was important. I don't do too much ballet dancing, myself, because I just can't do it. But if I tried to do a grand-plié anyway, and fell on my face in public, I'd think that mockery was pretty appropriate, wouldn't you?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 25, 2014, 07:13:59 PM
History indicates that it is very unlikely that Ms. Ainslie is going to come around to reality.  She is highly vested in her false beliefs.  She has made the mistake of making them a personal issue.  Admitting reality would mean eating all her attacks on the various professors and skeptics she has rabidly attacked.  She has made it so that a graceful exit would be extremely difficult to manage.  What would she say to any of the professors: 

"Oh, sorry for all those scathing accusations of unprofessional conduct I lodged against you.  It never occurred to me that having no training that I had no idea what I was doing.  It was inconceivable to me that even though I was completely lost 99.99% of the time.  It never dawned on me that even though my mistakes were pointed out over and over again that I could have been wrong.  I just assumed that people who disagreed with my proven wrong ideas were evil lackeys for big oil, including you.  Oops.  Say hello to the Mrs. for me.  Cheerio."

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 25, 2014, 08:38:15 PM
Ainslie has no history of making sincere apologies to anyone.  She once did apologize to me over the duty cycle issue, but as you know, that went the same way as the "retraction".... it was retracted, and she continues to persist in the false claims around that issue. But since then she has been proven wrong about many things she's said about me, over and over and over again, and there has been no hint of apology or correction. As expected from a person with her.... charms.

But I want to pick at that Figure 8 scopeshot a Little more, since she brought it up with her silly, cynical strawman "challenge".

The text of the manuscript clearly misrepresents the truth. The scopeshot shows only 5 ms of the the Q2 oscillation portion of the total 20 ms period, and shows neither the switching "transitions" nor any of the Q1 ON time. We know that the Q2 oscillations only produce relatively minor heating in the load. Ainslie represents the Q2 oscillations in this scopeshot as being responsible for the high load heating she observed, though. I think this is even more dishonest than the Figure 3 and the other shots made with improper connections (if that's the actual reason, which I still am not sure of.) It's dishonest because it's clear -- to those who know how to read an oscilloscope screen -- that a full cycle is not shown, and the important Q1 ON time is not considered, and I believe this is a deliberate obfuscation attempt on the part of Ainslie and her co-authors. The claim that the shot shows the switching transitions is just another Ains-lie. She wants people to believe that the load heats even when it is "disconnected" during the Q2 oscillations and that no power is drawn from the battery at that time, and she offers this carefully selected and set-up scopeshot as evidence for that claim, when it is no such thing. This constitutes the grossest kind of misconduct... I almost typed "scientific misconduct" but of course there is no science anywhere near Ainslie's manuscripts. It's pseudoscientific misconduct of the worst kind, data selection and misrepresentation. Some strange quirk of Ainslie's personality, though, makes her reveal the critical facts that allow her critics to demolish her artifactual edifice, lie by lie. The 20 ms period, the 500 microsecond/division horizontal setting, are examples that allow analysis of the Fig 8 shot to reveal the facts. It is because of her ignorance that she cannot even construct a believable lie!

Of course she could claim, now, that instead of a 20 ms period she really meant a 20 microsecond period. She has made this mistake before.  In that case the scopeshot would look the same, pretty much, with the apparatus operating at a frequency of 50 kHz.... The lack of detail this time resulting from showing 25 full cycles in every horizontal division, 250 full cycles across the screen. This would indeed make the switching transitions stand out. However I can only count 14 peaks per division on the scopeshot, not 25. This is consistent across the screen, so it might not be due to aliasing effects. 14 cycles per 500 microseconds is 28 kHz, and a period of about 36 microseconds.

(What's wrong with ignorance? Nothing, per se. I myself, believe it or not, am ignorant of many things. (Now watch the trolls latch onto that one.)
The difference between me and Ainslie, though, is that I recognize my ignorance and I do not engage in fields where I am ignorant, before I mitigate that ignorance with a Little study, if at all. You won't find me telling motherboard designers how to route their traces, for example, and I'm not about to tell NASA how to launch rockets. Ainslie, however, is not deterred by her ignorance: it is willfull and she does nothing to remedy it, except to play lip service to people like Poynt99 and SWeir who try to relieve it. She happily engages power supply designers and mosfet manufacturers to tell them their subject, even though she doesn't even know where PI comes from or why it equals 3.14 (approximately). It is here where ignorance, defended by ego, becomes an unforgivable failing.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 25, 2014, 10:49:14 PM
I am getting SICK AND TIRED of your LIES about me, Ainslie, troll queen.

QuoteIt is morally contemptible therefore - to PRETEND to a 'higher' or a 'rarified' knowledge which CANNOT ALSO BE RENDERED IN CLEAR LANGUAGE BASED ON LOGICAL CONCEPTS.  Which is PRECISELY what our disclaimers rely on.  You may recall our Little TK's adventures into theoretical physics where he identified the electron as the carrier particle for the electromagnetic force. 
Never have I EVER "identified" the electron as the carrier particle for the electromagnetic force. NEVER. Ainslie, you cannot provide any reference that supports your lying claim, AS USUAL, you reprehensible liar.
QuotePages and pages of PURE nonsense.  IF he has now moved to a 'belief' in the photon is the carrier particle he needs must justify it.  Because of a CERTAINTY the photon does NOT qualify.
The only pages and pages AND PAGES AND PAGES of PURE NONSENSE are the pages emitted by YOU, Rosemary Ainslie, liar.  Grow up and read a book, for heaven's sake.  Ainslie, you are so full of yourself that it's a wonder you can even breathe. YOU ARE A LIAR, plain and simple. YOU CANNOT PROVIDE ANY REFERENCE FOR YOUR IDIOTIC CLAIMS ABOUT ME. It is CERTAIN that the electromagnetic force is carried by PHOTONS, and any physics book will confirm this to be true, and I have NEVER said or suggested otherwise. The electron is the carrier of the UNIT NEGATIVE CHARGE, which is far different from the "electromagnetic force", which is transmitted by PHOTONS.  You cannot support your idiotic claims with EVIDENCE, not a whit. I demand that you STOP LYING and STOP MAKING FALSE CLAIMS ABOUT THINGS OF WHICH YOU HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE. I am really mad about this now, you dirty filthy lousy liar.  Of course I know that you will continue in your lies anyway, since you have no moral compass at all. Or... as some have said lately... perhaps your mind is deteriorating to the point where you will need to be hospitalized soon.


QuoteIF Mark Euthanasius is insisting that capacitance is the 'root cause' of our extraordinary measurements and equally the root cause of our misconceptions then?  Presumably he has SOME argument for this? 

First, you filthy liar, let's see you provide a REFERENCE for your claim about what Mark E has "insisted". YOU CANNOT, because you are lying again.

Well?  Let's hear it.  IF our Poynty CLAIMS that he's already proved that the current flow through the function generator is zero - then SHOW US THAT ARGUMENT. 

What? YOU can't even keep your own story straight, a typical failing of the chronic LIAR.

Poynt99 has provided you with the exact analysis of the circuit, and he AND YOU have shown just how much current DOES flow through the FG during the Q2 oscillations. It is during the Q1 ON , non-oscillating period of the cycle that the main current path is not through the FG, and it is this part of the cycle that produces high heat in the load, and the battery most certainly DOES DISCHARGE, during both Q1 and Q2 phases of the cycle, and YOUR OWN DEMONSTRATIONS HAVE SHOWN THIS TO BE TRUE.

I am ever astounded by the depths of your mendacity and the heights of your ignorance, Rosemary Ainslie. Each and every day you post, you overtop yourself, by emitting more and more STUPID STATEMENTS that you cannot back up with references or facts.

Futhermore, you cannot even ADDRESS the real issues: Cut the wire connecting the Sources of the Q2s to the FG, and then produce some oscillations. You should be able to, since your claim is that the Q2s are already disconnected. Surely cutting a LITTLE wire can't make any difference then. But you already KNOW that this will defeat the oscillations, so you can't even bring yourself to lie about it, you won't even discuss it and you certainly won't actually DO the simple, highly scientific, true experiment that tests your claim, cowardly lying troll queen that you are.

The rest of your stupid vapid post is not even worth addressing because it has already been debunked over and over, even by YOUR OWN DEMONSTRATIONS.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 25, 2014, 11:37:54 PM
The current crop of Ms. Ainslie's misconceptions:

1) That she measured 14App AC current in her circuit.
The fact is that during the June 29, 2013 demonstration, Steve Weir showed team Ainslie to their own satisfaction that the Figure 3 oscilloscope shots could be reproduced by connecting the channel 1 scope probe, the current sense channel, to the wrong side of the current sense resistors.  This happened to be the location furthest from the circuit common that most people would have naturally thought was the Q1 Source terminal side of the current sense resistors.  Due to the kooky wiring under the white breadboard, it is really the circuit common side.  The physical side of the current resistors closest to the circuit common posts was actually wired to the Q1 source terminal.  Ms. Ainslie does not publish the June 29th video on her web site, but it is available around the web.

The upshot is that the Channel 1 voltage readings were not the result of I*0.25Ohms, because the oscilloscope probe was not connected across the 0.25 Ohm resistor array.  The 14A that Ms. Ainslie is currently quoting did not actually exist in her circuit.  One of your excellent videos demonstrates that a similar reading as obtained by Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators can be obtained without making any direct circuit connection.

2) That current does not flow from the Q2 source through the function generator during the oscillations.

Ms. Ainslie's August 11 demonstration proved both the current flows through that path, and that the function generator supplies net power to the circuit.

3) That the oscillations cause great heating in the heating element.

Ms. Ainslie's August 11 demonstration proved that the oscillations only a small amount of power equivalent to about 3W through the heating element, resulting in a temperature rise on the element itself over ambient of ~20C.

4) That on August 11, battery current did not flow during the "Q1 On" times. 

This is correct, it did not.  The function generator drive during those intervals was restricted to about +2V, below the threshold to cause Q1 conduction.  The battery was shown to conduct at the times when current flowed through the heating element:  the "Q1 Off" times.

5) That somehow the measured ~15W average power drawn by her test apparatus from the batteries and ~20C temperature rise at the heating element resistor; corresponding to ~2E dissipation according to Ms. Ainlie's prior calibration tests, indicated over unity operation.

6) That the heating element temperature rise over ambient was not stable.
The August 11 video shows that the temperature readings were stable.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 26, 2014, 12:02:47 AM
You've listed a lot of them but there are even more. But never mind, I'm completely disgusted with that baldfaced liar at this point. One cannot trust ANYTHING that comes from her unless it can be verified independently. Is the Figure 8 text "20 ms" really referring to the period of 20 milliseconds, or is it another of Ainslie's "typos" caused by her ignorance of common abbreviations, and did she really  "mean" to say 20 microseconds instead? Who knows? We weren't there to confirm the settings, so it is literally impossible to trust even the description of the scopeshot.

QuoteMs. Ainslie does not publish the June 29th video on her web site, but it is available around the web.

Indeed it is, in spite of Ainslie's attempt to suppress it, in all its dead-air, thumb-over-microphone, senseless cellphone camera work glory. But for those who can't sit through the entire four hours of nonsense and dead air (they actually went to dinner during the demonstration, just abandoning their audience without explanation...)... I have excerpted the relevant bits.


At the end of the Ainslie demo clips I have added a few of my own that treat some of the issues raised in the demonstration.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 26, 2014, 12:38:26 AM
When someone has magical beliefs it can be very difficult to devise tests.  In the latest bit of pretzel logic, Ms. Ainslie objects to your proposal to disconnect the Q2 source pin as a way of testing whether current goes through the function generator during the "Q1 Off" times or not. 

OK so the hypothesis is that Q1 is essential to these oscillations.  Then just disconnect the gate lead of Q1 and connect that to the Q1 source, or disconnect Q1 completely.  If the oscillations still occur, then the hypothesis that Q1 is carrying the circuit current during the oscillations is disproved.  Assuming that is the case, since you have already shown that it is so, then the Q2 source can be disconnected.  Let's see what Ms. Ainlie's objection is to testing her claim.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: SeaMonkey on February 26, 2014, 01:31:13 AM
This thread/discussion/rampage has become a
humorous near perpetual motion/emotion display
of the secrets of free energy. :o

It would seem that Rosemary has become quite
adept at, with little expenditure of energy, stimulating
an intense burst of energy in reaction to the action. 8)

A wee bit of a "windup" and the Energizer Bunny
just goes, and goes, and goes... ::)

At its present rate this "relationship" could go on
for decades more. ;) :-* :'(


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 26, 2014, 01:33:50 AM
Her intellect is challenged alright.  Good word for it and it is her word from her own post.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 26, 2014, 04:29:14 AM
That is amazing! Her ignorance really knows no bounds! As Mark says, I have ALREADY SHOWN Many Times that the Q2 can oscillate all by itself. Just pull the Q1 out of its socket during an ordinary demonstration! Oh... she doesn't use sockets. What an idiot.

What the hell does she think she's doing, anyway, with all her lies and misrepresentations. I don't know whether to do YET ANOTHER DEMONSTRATION THAT UTTERLY REFUTES HER SILLINESS, or just to repost all the times I've already demonstrated it.

But didn't I tell you that she would find some handwaving excuse not to do the experiment? And she emits such nonsensical rationalizations. Seriously, how does this woman get through her day, without being able to think her way out of a wet paper sack?

When we were discussing the Figure 3 scopeshot, what was the initial cause that I believed (and still believe) was the reason for the Zero Current in the Q1 ON phase? It was that the Q1 was blown, or disconnected somehow. And I demonstrated the EXACT FIGURE 3 WAVEFORMS by pulling the Q1 out of its socket. Does she think that was FAKED?  Or does she just ignore it because it contradicts her stupidity? WHY DOES SHE NOT DO THE EXPERIMENT HERSELF? Because she can't, that's why, she dare not. She can only bloviate, insult, make false claims and whine.

Oh I am so angry right now I could shoot hoops. That post of hers is literally INSANE. Ainslie is completely and totally deluded.

OK, I've made another video. I'm afraid I let my anger vent a bit. The video uses the circuit built over the schematic so there is no doubt that it is wired "correctly", that is according to the Actual schematic used by Ainslie, with the exception that I am only using a single Q2 (and one Q1 of course). In the video I demonstrate the full circuit operating on 74 volts Vbatt, and I show the normal oscillations. Then I CUT THE WIRES to the pins of the Q1, and show that this DOES NOT AFFECT THE OSCILLATIONS AT ALL. Not a bit. This demolishes Ainslie's stupid assertions about That. Then I replace the Q1 mosfet and again show the full oscillation suite, with enough + gate signal to turn the Q1 ON and heat up the load. Then I CUT THE WIRE from the FG TO THE SOURCE OF THE Q2 MOSFET. Does anyone want to guess what happens then? You there, the wrinkled old crone in the back of the room, what do YOU predict?

Oh, I am still so mad. How can someone be so utterly STUPID as Rosemary Ainslie, and live to adulthood? I just don't get it. She is the very most arrogant and willfully ignorant person I have EVER encountered, the grandest liar, the worst troll ever. Some day, she will get exactly what she deserves, of that I have the utmost faith.

What utter NONSENSE her last post is!

BUT NOTICE WELL... she no longer can claim that the Q2s are DISCONNECTED... since she has herself stated that their sources need to be CONNECTED to the gate of Q1 in order to oscillate. This is of course false, but she has blatantly CONTRADICTED HERSELF.... as all liars do eventually.

Ainslie, child, you should be spanked hard and sent to your room without dinner, and you should be grounded for at least a month.
Take away your cellphone and internet until you GROW UP and learn to respect your betters.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 26, 2014, 05:59:12 AM
GRE? Yes, I will take a moment to boast.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graduate_Record_Examinations (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graduate_Record_Examinations)

When I sat these exams many years ago I was in the 99th percentile all the way across. Based on these scores and my undergraduate academic record I was accepted to graduate school at Stanford and MIT and some others, but I chose to attend the University of California at Santa Cruz, because they gave me a full stipend, teaching assistant positions, and a salary. Plus I like the scenery there. Better to be a big fish in a small pond, I reasoned, and I was right in my choice.

So every time the highschool dropout Ainslie, who doesn't even know what PI=3.14 means, mentions the GRE... she is proving over and over again just how ignorant and lazy she +really+ is.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 26, 2014, 06:53:46 AM
My internet is glacially slow this morning, but in half an hour or so the new video should be viewable.
http://youtu.be/RTTA80T0BU4 (http://youtu.be/RTTA80T0BU4)

I'm pretty irate during this video, I sound like I'm about to pop my clutch; I'm still seething at the idiocy of the insulting disrespectful troll queen liar Rosemary Ainslie. Donovan Martin, or somebody, needs to rein in that woman, explain things to her in terms she might be capable of understanding. What's a single syllable word for "oscilloscope" I wonder?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 26, 2014, 07:00:30 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 26, 2014, 01:33:50 AM
Her intellect is challenged alright.  Good word for it and it is her word from her own post.


Intellect? That is a term that doesn't apply to Rosemary Ainslie. She has a big vocabulary, and a mass of delusions, and a vile evil disposition, but no intellect, no honesty, no education, no skills, nothing like that at all.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 26, 2014, 07:22:40 AM
She just cannot stop being an idiot. Might as well expect a leopard to change its spots.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force_carrier (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force_carrier)
QuoteExamples The electromagnetic force can be described by the exchange of virtual photons.
The nuclear force binding protons and neutrons can be described by an effective field of which mesons are the excitations.
At sufficiently large energies, the strong interaction between quarks can be described by the exchange of virtual gluons.
Beta decay is an example of an interaction due to the exchange of a W boson, but not an example of a force.
Gravitation may be due to the exchange of virtual gravitons.

http://www.physicsforidiots.com/particlesandforces.html (http://www.physicsforidiots.com/particlesandforces.html)

QuoteBosons are the particles that carry force. They are characterised by having whole integer spin e.g. -1, 0, 1, and don't obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle, so you can have loads of them in the same space. Each of the fundamental forces of nature has its own Boson(s).
For Electromagnetism the force carrier is the Photon. They are sometimes called virtual photons as they only exist for very small intervals of time or space. If an electron gets near another electron it emits a virtual photon which is absorbed by the second electron and lets it know it need to move away.

http://sciencepark.etacude.com/particle/forces2.php (http://sciencepark.etacude.com/particle/forces2.php)

Quote2. The electromagnetic force   Carrier: Photons (g)
Photons is responsible to 'carry' electromagnetic forces. It is also known as the particle of 'light' as they also 'carry' light as what we see. They have no mass, and no charge and can exchange between two particles over infinite distance. This is also the reason why light can travel to infinite distance and we can see stars that are far away. Detailed theoretical description of photons is given in quantum electrodynamics (QED).

http://home.web.cern.ch/about/physics/standard-model (http://home.web.cern.ch/about/physics/standard-model)
QuoteThree of the fundamental forces result from the exchange of force-carrier particles, which belong to a broader group called "bosons". Particles of matter transfer discrete amounts of energy by exchanging bosons with each other. Each fundamental force has its own corresponding boson – the strong force is carried by the "gluon", the electromagnetic force is carried by the "photon", and the "W and Z bosons" are responsible for the weak force. Although not yet found, the "graviton" should be the corresponding force-carrying particle of gravity. The Standard Model includes the electromagnetic, strong and weak forces and all their carrier particles, and explains well how these forces act on all of the matter particles.

Do you want more? Find them yourself, then, Rosemary Idiot Ainslie. Or better yet... find a SINGLE VALID REFERENCE that agrees with YOU, for a change. You cannot -- because you are utterly, abjectly and transparently WRONG.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 26, 2014, 07:36:55 AM
Quote from: MarkE on February 26, 2014, 12:38:26 AM
When someone has magical beliefs it can be very difficult to devise tests.  In the latest bit of pretzel logic, Ms. Ainslie objects to your proposal to disconnect the Q2 source pin as a way of testing whether current goes through the function generator during the "Q1 Off" times or not. 

OK so the hypothesis is that Q1 is essential to these oscillations.  Then just disconnect the gate lead of Q1 and connect that to the Q1 source, or disconnect Q1 completely.  If the oscillations still occur, then the hypothesis that Q1 is carrying the circuit current during the oscillations is disproved.  Assuming that is the case, since you have already shown that it is so, then the Q2 source can be disconnected.  Let's see what Ms. Ainlie's objection is to testing her claim.

Well.... then just lower the cut point to below the connection to the Q1 gate. This leaves the Q2 source connected to the Q1 gate as normal, but disconnects the FG from both. What happens then, AINSLIE? You get nothing, that's what. No heat, no current flow, no oscillations at all, because you have disconnected the FG.

The video does not show that test. What would be the point? It would be like not hooking up the battery and expecting something to happen.

What it does show, however, is that Ainslie manages to contradict herself completely ("The Q2 mosfets are disconnected while oscillating" but they "must be connected in order to oscillate") and be utterly wrong (the connection doesn't do what she claims it does and is unnecessary) at the same time. That takes some doing.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTTA80T0BU4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTTA80T0BU4)

I can't wait to see what nonsense and insults she'll spew after this. Tangled up in her own web of calumny, that troll queen is.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 26, 2014, 10:49:02 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 26, 2014, 06:53:46 AM
My internet is glacially slow this morning, but in half an hour or so the new video should be viewable.
http://youtu.be/RTTA80T0BU4 (http://youtu.be/RTTA80T0BU4)

I'm pretty irate during this video, I sound like I'm about to pop my clutch; I'm still seething at the idiocy of the insulting disrespectful troll queen liar Rosemary Ainslie. Donovan Martin, or somebody, needs to rein in that woman, explain things to her in terms she might be capable of understanding. What's a single syllable word for "oscilloscope" I wonder?
The technical aspects of the demonstration are very good:  Q1 is irrelevant to the oscillations.  IE Q1 is not in the oscillation current path.  Ms. Ainslie's hypothesis that Q2 must remain connected so that it can somehow "override" the gate signal on Q1 and Q1 carry the oscillating current is falsified by the first part of your demonstration.  The second part of the demonstration establishes that Q2 must be connected in order to get the oscillations. 

The one thing that was not included in the demonstration that would be useful is to show the relative AC currents:  Q2 source leg to the function generator red lead, function generator black lead to battery common, and the Q2 gate lead to the current sense resistor.  A crude current sense can be made by winding an air core coil.  Even better if you can shield the coil with a can or copper tape so long as you leave gaps so that you don't end up with a single turn short.  You would then need to use clip leads or do soldering for successive tests in order to thread the test lead that you are interested in through the coil.

The visible upset while understandable is a distraction.  Ms. Ainslie is unlikely to apologize.  She is far more likely to come up with some other magical thinking based rationale for why she will not accept your clear and convincing demonstration.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 26, 2014, 01:16:22 PM
Let her come up with whatever she likes. Whatever it is, it won't be truthful, respectful or accurate. I'm not doing that stupid, recalcitrant, lying hypocritical senile child's homework any longer. She can take her delusional claims, her outrageous lies and her insane trolling insults and stuff them up her kitchen pantry. She's an insignificant internet troll and stalker, a bully of the first water who has been banned more times and from more websites than anyone else I know about, a miserable execrable excuse for a dried up old woman. Her inability to think rationally, her endlessly repeated lies, her ridiculous stupidity and lack of understanding, her boasting willfull ignorance, her child's hopelessly silly "arithmetic", her lying fabrications of data, her calumnies and slanders are evident for all to see. She has been demolished by her own petard of ignorance and idiocy, and the record which she ignores won't go away because of her ignorance of it. On the contrary.... her own videos of the lying March 2011 demonstration where she made Donovan Martin lie for her, and the two amateurish incompetent 2013 demonstrations are public knowledge, and Ainslie and Donovan Martin have ZERO credibility because of those utterly miserable, disrespectful presentations and her subsequent squawkings. Her chances of making any kind of impact or garnering any real interest are identically zero, not only because of my work but mostly because of her own hopelessly incompetent flailings and floppings, which I have preserved for the record. This latest bit of hypocritical contradictory waffling and ingorant deluded hand-waving was too easy to put down, like some poor demented sick puppy; it took far more time to process the video than it did to set it up and make it in the first place. Her delusions of grandeur, shouted from the depths of her intellectual poverty and her lies, are all the more ridiculous because of it. The vile and stinking mud she slings falls back upon her in the deep pit she has dug for herself. Let her rot in it. And rot she will.

The great team of Donovan Martin and Rosemary Ainslie cannot even read a frequency from a digital oscilloscope, even though it is PERMANENTLY DISPLAYED ON EVERY SCREEN FOR THEM. Why have I been wasting my time on that steaming and stinking pile of rotten red herring excrement that she tries to foist off as "experimentation"? Because it's slightly more entertaining than watching diseased rats drowning in a bucket of vinegar, I guess.

I do have a couple of actual current-sense transformers, but why should I bother to dig them out and set up Yet Another Little debunking experiment? Anyone who falls for Ainslie's lies and tries to repeat what she has kludged together in her and her "team's" incompetence will very quickly find out for themselves, just as GMeast did with the 555 timer of the Q17 circuit, that her claims are false and that she is unreliable, inaccurate, incompetent and insufferable. And it will serve them right for ignoring the information that is already extant. Let them waste their own time, I have better things to do.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 26, 2014, 01:28:51 PM
I think there is a slight error in the illustration of the traces to be expected from the first schematic in the latest issue of the "for dummies" series. The trace doesn't show any elevation during the Q1 ON times, but does show sufficient gate signal to turn it on. Since the current sense probe in that sketch is connected, if not as they actually used it, at least across the CSR, there should be some current shown on the scopetrace during the Q1, load-heating, ON portion of the signal.
The fact that for the Figure 3 and other shots she published there was no current measured, was the clue that Ainslie's probe was placed as you show in the second schematic. (Some other explanations also could account for the improper measurement as well.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 26, 2014, 01:57:44 PM
We will see what she tries to come up with.  Something that you didn't mention in the video narrative was the low level at the function generator output.  When you cut the source lead of Q2, Q2 no longer drove current through the function generator's output impedance, and the function generator output voltage dropped to ~-10V, and of course without any oscillation.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 26, 2014, 02:51:07 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 26, 2014, 01:28:51 PM
I think there is a slight error in the illustration of the traces to be expected from the first schematic in the latest issue of the "for dummies" series. The trace doesn't show any elevation during the Q1 ON times, but does show sufficient gate signal to turn it on. Since the current sense probe in that sketch is connected, if not as they actually used it, at least across the CSR, there should be some current shown on the scopetrace during the Q1, load-heating, ON portion of the signal.
The fact that for the Figure 3 and other shots she published there was no current measured, was the clue that Ainslie's probe was placed as you show in the second schematic. (Some other explanations also could account for the improper measurement as well.)
You are correct that the upper left hand figure shows physically unreasonable results.  Those are the physically unreasonable results Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators reported in Paper 1.  The adjoining figure shows the actual connections used as demonstrated June 29, 2013.  There it is obvious as to why they did not see measurable voltage on CH1 during the "Q1 On" times:  The voltage across their wiring was only about ~18mV.  Something that befuddles Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators is why they still saw the large voltage swings during the "Q1 Off" times.  During the June 29 video, Steve Weir asked them to intentionally connect the CH1 probe to the circuit common side of the current sense resistors.  Watch the comedy as Donovan Martin spent minutes connecting and disconnecting and fiddling with the oscilloscope controls.  He did not expect to see a signal that was essentially unchanged during the "Q1 Off" periods independent of which side of the current sense resistor he probed.  Team Ainslie may refer themselves to "High Pass Filters for Dummies" and "Current Measurement for Dummies" to understand why they saw what they did.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 26, 2014, 03:39:26 PM
Quote from: MarkE on February 26, 2014, 01:57:44 PM
We will see what she tries to come up with.  Something that you didn't mention in the video narrative was the low level at the function generator output.  When you cut the source lead of Q2, Q2 no longer drove current through the function generator's output impedance, and the function generator output voltage dropped to ~-10V, and of course without any oscillation.
Yes, that's right. It is evident on the scope screen but I didn't specifically mention it in that video.

However I did explore that issue recently in one or more of the videos in the Negative Bias playlist, iirc, where I show the open circuit voltage output of the FG before connecting it to the circuit, and then the loaded output after connection.

I also demonstrated, as did Ainslie herself under Steve's guidance, that the negative voltage setting of the FG controls the amplitude of the oscillations by varying the current supplied by the FG itself, and that the _scope trace_ of the FG output in this condition never goes below about -4 V with "fuzz", no matter the settings of the FG offset and amplitude, when the Q2 is present.
This was also covered much earlier when I showed that a simple 9v battery, in lieu of the FG, is all that is needed to make high amplitude Q2 oscillations constantly, for as long as the battery lasts, without any necessity for any Q1 in the circuit at all.

Of course this does not produce high heat in the load; Ainslie knows that high load heat requires Q1 ON times in order to be present.

QuoteYou are correct that the upper left hand figure shows physically unreasonable results.  Those are the physically unreasonable results Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators reported in Paper 1.
Yes, that's right, but there are also some legitimate, apparently valid shots in the daft manuscripts that do show substantial current in the Q1 ON  segments, and they were obtained with that Figure 1 schematic (although they always used the FG Black lead location shown in the second schematic on the Dummies cover.) The  Figure 3 shot and the others which show sufficient gate drive but no current in Q1 were likely obtained with the hookup in that second schematic, although there are other possible explanations as well, like simply not hooking up the probe at all, or the solder melting and allowing one or more of the wires to come off the Q1 pins. That Q1 gets _hot_ when it is fully ON for any appreciable length of time, as I have illustrated in the rather long "test to destruction" demonstration. I was surprised to see the mosfet temperature go to something like 220 degrees C before the thing failed; in my test I used my ordinary Molex socket, I didn't think to solder the leads instead (electronic solder melts at 190 C, roughly), so my test mosfet didn't become disconnected, but it is perfectly plausible that Ainslie's might have melted the solder before the mosfet actually failed, thus preserving the transistor but still making the circuit act like the mosfet was blown or missing. Of course this loose wire must have been reconnected (if this explanation is true)  for the subsequent tests which do appear to show valid data. The only way to discriminate between these explanations is to look at the heating of the load. Of course with the disconnected Q1 the load will not heat substantially, but with the simple probe misconnection it will. The scopetraces will be the same in both cases, but in the disconnect case, the battery will indeed not be discharging and the load not heating, whereas in the misplaced probe case, the battery will discharge normally and high heat in the load may be produced without any _indicated_ current. Unfortunately we cannot trust Ainslie's reports so I can't discriminate between the two conditions ... there is really no telling which fault is responsible for the traces, although I acknowledge that the misconnected probe is the most likely explanation for the data seen.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 26, 2014, 03:45:28 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 26, 2014, 03:39:26 PM
Yes, that's right. It is evident on the scope screen but I didn't specifically mention it in that video.

However I did explore that issue recently in one or more of the videos in the Negative Bias playlist, iirc, where I show the open circuit voltage output of the FG before connecting it to the circuit, and then the loaded output after connection.

I also demonstrated, as did Ainslie herself under Steve's guidance, that the negative voltage setting of the FG controls the amplitude of the oscillations by varying the current supplied by the FG itself, and that the _scope trace_ of the FG output in this condition never goes below about -4 V with "fuzz", no matter the settings of the FG offset and amplitude, when the Q2 is present.
This was also covered much earlier when I showed that a simple 9v battery, in lieu of the FG, is all that is needed to make high amplitude Q2 oscillations constantly, for as long as the battery lasts, without any necessity for any Q1 in the circuit at all.

Of course this does not produce high heat in the load; Ainslie knows that high load heat requires Q1 ON times in order to be present.
I do not assume that because Ms. Ainslie has been shown something even if she acknowledges it that she then knows that something. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 26, 2014, 03:57:17 PM
Quote from: MarkE on February 26, 2014, 03:45:28 PM
I do not assume that because Ms. Ainslie has been shown something even if she acknowledges it that she then knows that something.

Ah... touché.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 26, 2014, 04:11:52 PM
I know at this point that Ainslie really doesn't know how to read the simplest schematics, but I'm putting this out anyway, just to emphasize the ridiculousness of her "explanation" that the oscillations cannot occur unless the source of Q2 is connected to the Gate of Q1.

(Hey Ainslie... so you are admitting you were utterly and foolishly WRONG when you said that the Q2s are DISCONNECTED during the oscillations, because now you are claiming that they need to be CONNECTED to the Q1 after all. But even that is WRONG.... as is usual for the things you say. Don't worry, nobody really expects your apology, we will just add this to the burgeoning database that shows you cannot back up your claims and you don't have the integrity to withdraw them. You are "afflicted with sad knowledge" all right -- "knowledge" that is utterly false and a result only of your ignorance, arrogance, and delusions.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 27, 2014, 12:05:26 AM
Can't refute a demonstration that demolishes your ideas?  Don't fret.  Just claim that the circuit used in the demonstration is wired wrong.  Never mind that the videographer placed the circuit right on top of an enlarged schematic.  Never mind that the demonstrator color coded the wires.  Just pretend that you can't follow six color coded leads.  Then declare you can't be bothered to watch the video because of your incorrect claims that the circuit it demonstrates is wrong.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 12:26:14 AM
Thanks for catching that one.

And now it is clear why we take images of posts. She has evidently removed that bit of nonsense and insult and has substituted the post imaged below.

Yet even in that,  she is STILL WRONG.... because she has posted many many incorrect replies, not just one. In fact, as I have noted before, by FAR the majority of Ainslie's posts contain errors, lies, deliberate misrepresentations and insults, and this has been true for as long as I have been reading her posts and most certainly longer.

Note also the oft-repeated lie about Glen's (FuzzyTomCat's) data... every bit of which is preserved in his PUBLIC database which has been linked to many times. Note that in that database, the waveforms Glen produced and were endorsed by Ainslie are NOTHING LIKE what she could have produced with the Quantum apparatus... UNTIL they altered it sometime after 2007 to conform to GLEN's frequency and duty cycle range. Note that she didn't even watch the entire nine minute video -- demonstrating her lack of attention span. Note that she is still making false claims and is still revealing her arrogant willfull ignorance for all to see.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 01:08:10 AM
I sure wish Ainslie would post some kind of evidence, like links, for her claims about me. For example, I've been searching for this "humping a mosfet" video that she has mentioned several times as being the only one of my videos she has ever paid attention to. I do recall using some stuffed toys at times but they generally hump each other, not mosfets. It would be very amusing to see one "humping" her claims, indeed. That's about what they deserve, after all.

But while I was looking for that one, I came across this one, from the spring of 2012, when my understanding of the circuit operation was still rather primitive. However it may be relevant to the present...er... discussion, as I used optoisolators to prevent a current path through the FG while still allowing it to provide clock pulses to the circuit. The video is a Little long and it was made before I changed to a better video transcoder, so I apologise for the degraded image quality, but it is still very clear what is happening. The optoisolators prevent the current path _through the FG_ while still passing the signal itself to the circuit. The negative bias voltage is now provided by the 9V battery on the circuit side of the optos, but since there is _no_ current path back to the main battery negative through the FG, there are _no_ oscillations. This is way different from the case where the 9v battery is used, without the FG, and is placed in series with the negative pole of the main battery-- in that case there "is" a return path.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KC4IZA_In68 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KC4IZA_In68)

At the end of the video I express my puzzlement at what comes up but now I do understand: at the lowest offset setting both Q1 and Q2 mosfets are turning fully on, they are switching but when one goes off the other comes on so the current isn't interrupted at the switchpoints due to the turnoff delay inherent in the mosfets, so the common drain trace stays at the near-zero voltage level and the current to the load is quite high

(I made an error in the narration describing the load resistors; the correct description of them is in the Description of the video. They total to 60 W power handling capacity, but they are submerged in a mass of mineral oil so they will be able to handle quite a bit more than that.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 27, 2014, 01:09:52 AM
She really put her foot in a bear trap with that post where she claimed that you miswired the circuit.  Now she gets to figure out what to do.  She should know by now or figure out fairly quickly that you wired the circuit exactly according to the schematic shown.  It is up to her to gather the stomach to watch the video decimate her recent claims.  She can rise to the occasion or be bowled over by it.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 01:33:13 AM
Quote from: MarkE on February 27, 2014, 01:09:52 AM
She really put her foot in a bear trap with that post where she claimed that you miswired the circuit.  Now she gets to figure out what to do.  She should know by now or figure out fairly quickly that you wired the circuit exactly according to the schematic shown.  It is up to her to gather the stomach to watch the video decimate her recent claims.  She can rise to the occasion or be bowled over by it.

If she had any sense, she'd watch the Negative Bias playlist videos, get her ten-year-old neighbor child to explain them to her, and then she'd slink off into the sunset with her tail tucked between her legs.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 27, 2014, 01:42:10 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 01:33:13 AM
If she had any sense, she'd watch the Negative Bias playlist videos, get her ten-year-old neighbor child to explain them to her, and then she'd slink off into the sunset with her tail tucked between her legs.
One of several possibilities is that reality is beginning to sneak past her mental defenses.    My guess would be that long before she would ever even consider conceding a point to you she will seek the opinion of  someone she trusts.  I imagine Donovan Martin is one of those people.  She might also trust whoever else she might have working on her experiments.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 01:55:09 AM
That's something I've been urging her to do for a long time. A really long time. Unfortunately the only person she seems to trust, and who actually has the prerequisite knowledge, is Steve Weir, and I'm sure he has better things to do than to conduct remedial highschool physics and maths tutoring. She doesn't even respect Poynt99 enough to stop arguing with him and pay attention.
Donovan Martin... does not inspire confidence, but at least he seems capable of connected thought.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 07:22:18 AM
The more I think about it, the more I think that someone else must have already gotten to Ainslie and explained things to her, at least about the wiring in that last video. I just can't imagine her going back over something she has already pontificated upon, to check her work.

By this time of day she has usually made one of her breakfast-sherry rants.... but she's still silent, maybe she's run out. That won't last though; somebody is sure to bring her another bottle.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 10:41:52 AM
Look at her squirm and lie! The amazing output of the lying troll queen continues apace.

She accuses me of using a stored waveform.... ON AN ANALOG SCOPE. What an idiot she is.

(Actually... I do have that capability in my lab, since I have another "garage sale" bit of kit, the Epic Instruments WaveSaver, but I do not use it except very rarely, and of course I am not using it in the video demonstration, nor have I ever used it for any video demos. Ainslie simply cannot grasp that she is, and has been, and will continue to be, obliviously WRONG about the operation of the circuit.)

And notice the continued lie about where she had the Black lead of the FG. They NEVER NEVER placed the Black lead anywhere but at the COMMON GROUND POINT, the battery side of the "shunt" until the August 11 demonstration where they had to use a groundlift system to do so. What an abject liar and fool she is! As we have repeatedly shown, the schematics given in the daft manuscripts are lies, because until August 11, 2013, Ainslie's Black FG lead was ALWAYS placed at the common ground, the WRONG side of the CVR. Just as I emphasize in the video, this is not the correct location but it IS the location that Ainslie ALWAYS used until the August 11 demonstration.

What an abject liar and fool she is.

Keep it up, AINS-LIE. Continue to lie, and make your insulting trollings, you are just digging yourself a deeper pit in which to rot.

Or you could get up off your scrawny duff and try the simple experiment for yourself, before you start shooting off your lying mouth.

EVERY BIT OF MY WORK IS FULLY DOCUMENTED AND REPEATABLE BY ANYONE who has the equipment. Trying to reproduce your lying claims always fails, though.

She still hasn't watched the NEGATIVE BIAS PLAYLIST where it is FULLY EXPLAINED STEP BY TINY STEP how a mosfet is turned ON by LOWERING THE VOLTAGE SUPPLIED TO THE SOURCE PIN while the GATE IS GROUNDED, the common gate amplifier configuration. This has been explained to her over and over again, by at least four different people, and I've demonstrated it over and over again in many videos... but since it falsifies her "thesis" she cannot even grasp that it could be true.

I have never encountered such an idiotic claimant. It truly boggles the mind. She is totally and completely unreachable.  She simply lies to herself and to everybody else when she is confronted with information that falsifies her claims, and she cannot ever provide any support in favor of her claims. None of which deters her from stuffing her foot deeper and deeper down her own throat.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 10:58:29 AM
Here, AINS-LIE, see if you can get your cook to explain THIS video to you.


Once you've managed to get that down your lying Little throat, you can go on to the other videos in that same playlist for the complete explanation of "YOUR" circuit's oscillation operation.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: synchro1 on February 27, 2014, 11:13:10 AM
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 11:29:54 AM
Quote from: synchro1 on February 27, 2014, 11:13:10 AM


I give no quarter, nor do I ask for one.

Below see the schematic from one of the AINS-LIE mob's rejected submissions to an IEEE journal, and the block diagram from another. These are AINSLIE'S OWN DIAGRAMS. Note that in both of them, the FG Black lead or the "timer components" negative lead is connected to the BATTERY SIDE of the current-sense "shunt".

As I have said before, the schematics in the daft manuscripts, and Ainslie's claims re the Black FG lead in her present flailings,  are lies, because they ALWAYS used the hookups shown here and above, until the August 11, 2013 demonstration.

Ainslie's stupid references to the FG's outputs as "probe" and "terminal" are part of her confusion. There is a Black or shield/ground lead, and a Red or signal lead, and either of these can be positive or negative voltages; however in _most_ but not all FGs, the Black shield lead is connected to the chassis ground and back to the Earth ground by the line cord of the instrument, and of course to all other instrument grounds and chassis by the hookup to the common circuit probe ground point. This is why the Black lead and the FG itself must be _isolated_ if proper current measurements are to be made. When I reproduce Ainslie's errors, I also use the same hookups she used. When I try to find the ACTUAL currents, I place probes properly and I isolate the F43 FG... easy to do with a simple switch on that unit, no "groundlift adapter" or cutting of power cord pins is necessary with my "garage sale" equipment.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 11:42:05 AM
In the run-up to the first 2013 demonstration which finally happened on June 29, she sent some photos to Sterling at  PESN. Here is the shot that shows the Black FG lead connected.... to the Common Circuit Ground, the BATTERY SIDE of the current-sense "shunt".

Always, until the August 11 demo, they used this incorrect connection. IN EVERY PHOTO, EVERY SCHEMATIC, EVERY DIAGRAM _except_ the mendacious daft manuscripts, the Black FG lead is located as you see. And the "correct" location depicted in the daft manuscripts... did not appear until _after_ it was pointed out to her that the connection they actually used enables the FG current to bypass the current-sense "shunt". The schematics in the manuscripts are conscious fabrications, outright lies.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 27, 2014, 12:00:45 PM
Well what's really funny is that during the August 11 demonstration, one can hear Ms. Ainslie objecting when Donovan Martin connected the function generator black lead to the Q1 source side of the current sense resistors.  During the June 29 demonstration when Steve was troubleshooting their problems, Donovan Martin disclosed, and it was visible in the video that the function generator black lead was connected to the circuit common and not the Q1 source side of the current sense resistors as in Paper 1, Fig. 1.  The August 11, video is inconveniently not accessible on her web site at the moment.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 12:02:27 PM
Here's a screenshot from the miserable June 29, 2013 demonstration, showing the Black FG lead.... at the common circuit ground, on the battery side of the current-sense "shunt".

So how many different proofs are there that the lying Ainslie ALWAYS used this connection? Count them.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 12:12:32 PM
Quote from: MarkE on February 27, 2014, 12:00:45 PM
Well what's really funny is that during the August 11 demonstration, one can hear Ms. Ainslie objecting when Donovan Martin connected the function generator black lead to the Q1 source side of the current sense resistors.  During the June 29 demonstration when Steve was troubleshooting their problems, Donovan Martin disclosed, and it was visible in the video that the function generator black lead was connected to the circuit common and not the Q1 source side of the current sense resistors as in Paper 1, Fig. 1.  The August 11, video is inconveniently not accessible on her web site at the moment.
Yes, suppressing data is another Ainslie hallmark. You won't find her March 2011 video either, except on my channel. I've got the whole August demo video but it's not completely uploaded to my channel, just a couple of excerpts.

But by 23:24 in the August 11 video, the Black FG lead is connected correctly on the transistor side of the csr and Steve is heard to confirm this.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 27, 2014, 12:14:35 PM
She's really going out of her way to make herself into a complete fool.  Obviously she does not realize it, but she's got herself so tangled up that she actually makes a number of your points for you.  She notes that I asked for the Q1 disconnection test.  And that test performed just as you and I both knew it would:  The oscillations persist unabated without Q1.  Ergo Ms. Ainslie's hypothesis that Q1 carries the oscillating load current during the "Q1 Off" times was falsified by that test.

Then she went on to howl about how this showed exactly what everyone has told her for years:  The current that flows through Q2's source terminal flows through the red lead of the function generator and then out the black lead of the generator.  She specifically measured that during the August 11 demonstration.  Is it a coincidence that in the ten hours it took her to formulate a new response, that the August 11 video became unavailable?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 27, 2014, 02:52:27 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 12:12:32 PM
Yes, suppressing data is another Ainslie hallmark. You won't find her March 2011 video either, except on my channel. I've got the whole August demo video but it's not completely uploaded to my channel, just a couple of excerpts.

But by 23:24 in the August 11 video, the Black FG lead is connected correctly on the transistor side of the csr and Steve is heard to confirm this.
Steve wrote up a detailed test protocol.  You can see Donovan Martin holding a print copy of it as he worked his way through the demonstration.  Mr. Martin was at least trying.  near the beginning of the demonstration, Mr. Martin shows that they had disconnected the function generator green safety lead from the mains plug, so as to float the generator, thus making it possible to connect the function generator black lead on the Q1 source side of the CSRs while the oscilloscope black lead connections still connected to earth through the oscilloscope frame and green mains safety wire were connected to the circuit common without creating a ground loop.  BTW, I think that lifting the function generator green safety wire was Poynt99's suggestion.

It is pretty comical that Ms. Ainslie accuses you of misrepresentations even as she has now pulled both the June 29, and August 11 demonstration videos.  That makes three demonstrations, and three videos that Ms. Ainslie has pulled.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 03:33:22 PM
Let her pull them, it makes no difference to the record. It just shows how LITTLE regard she has for the truth, yet again.

Here's the March 2011 demonstration in full:

Here's the June 29, 2013 demonstration, broken down into LITTLE excerpts, with most of the dead air cut out. See what happens, Ainslie, when you relinquish control?

I'll upload the full August 11 demonstration a LITTLE later on, I've got something else in the pipeline at the moment.

See below, for the schematic of my next LITTLE demonstration:

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 06:11:19 PM
You know me... if I see something on YouTube or in a forum post that I don't believe is true, and if I have the tools and equipment and parts handy, I'll build it and test it myself to see if what is claimed is true, or in an attempt to find the claimant's errors so that I can help the claimant out.

What does the Great Scientist Ainslie do? She accuses me of cheating by displaying a stored waveform on a 40 year old analog oscilloscope, she accuses me of not making measurements then a paragraph later she accuses me of making accurate measurements of something other than what is clearly shown hardwired on top of her own schematic. When it would take an actual twelve-year-old child less than half an hour, borrowing Daddys' scope and mosfets, to set up and run the experiment for herself, to SEE FOR HERSELF if what is being presented is true and correct.

Of course that requires some skills, some intelligence and some ability to solve problems.... like which pin of a mosfet is which, and what color "Yellow" is.

Meanwhile, I see that it was a real Little mistake for me to believe that Ainslie could follow _her own schematic_, so I made a much simpler demonstration using the schematic posted above, to show just how the mosfet is actually turning on.  I have asked Ainslie to take a Little 3 question "pop quiz".... maybe the first one she has encountered in all her life...




Hint: The 9v battery and the 12v battery are placed in SERIES when the mosfet is ON. 

Hint: what is the _difference_ in voltage between the Gate and the Source?

I know the answer. By this time, so should YOU.... but I'll bet you don't.

Bonus Question: What happens if you replace the 9v battery with a Function Generator, AND you replace the light bulb with your normal "element resistor"?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 07:26:41 PM
The August 11 demonstration video will be here when it is done uploading, probably in an hour or so. I have a really slow upload connection.

http://youtu.be/ld-LTPxmoQA (http://youtu.be/ld-LTPxmoQA)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 27, 2014, 07:57:19 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 07:26:41 PM
The August 11 demonstration video will be here when it is done uploading, probably in an hour or so. I have a really slow upload connection.

http://youtu.be/ld-LTPxmoQA (http://youtu.be/ld-LTPxmoQA)
It also appears to be back up on her web site.

The function generator black lead fun occurs at 23:10:

23:10 (RA pointing to circuit common and referring to the function generator leads) "Shouldn't the black lead be connected to this common or doesn't it matter?"
23:18 (SW)"Paper 1 has it where Donovan has located it now."
23:23 (RA) "OK. That's good."
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 11:51:53 PM
I don't detect any attempt by Ainslie to respond to the Pop Quiz items. Maybe she's sleeping in class again. Sherry in the mornings will do that to you; you are not as young as you used to be, are you Ainslie.

Well, too late, Ainslie child, you flunked. Try paying more attention. Coming to class regularly, shutting up and paying attention,  and asking appropriate questions will help you understand your topic; insulting and shouting down your teachers with your deluded ideas about how things _should work to support your "thesis"_ will not. Doing a little homework on your own, or with a local or internet tutor, will also help. If you ever want to get a real scientific publication on your CV... you will have to buckle down, change your attitude, and LEARN SOMETHING FOR A CHANGE.

http://youtu.be/kWpzpgNnzew (http://youtu.be/kWpzpgNnzew)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 28, 2014, 01:12:24 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 27, 2014, 11:51:53 PM
I don't detect any attempt by Ainslie to respond to the Pop Quiz items. Maybe she's sleeping in class again. Sherry in the mornings will do that to you; you are not as young as you used to be, are you Ainslie.

Well, too late, Ainslie child, you flunked. Try paying more attention. Coming to class regularly, shutting up and paying attention,  and asking appropriate questions will help you understand your topic; insulting and shouting down your teachers with your deluded ideas about how things _should work to support your "thesis"_ will not. Doing a little homework on your own, or with a local or internet tutor, will also help. If you ever want to get a real scientific publication on your CV... you will have to buckle down, change your attitude, and LEARN SOMETHING FOR A CHANGE.

http://youtu.be/kWpzpgNnzew (http://youtu.be/kWpzpgNnzew)
That video nicely demonstrates as did the previous video that Q1 is not needed for the oscillations.  Ms. Ainslie's hypothesis that Q1 carries the oscillatory current is as false as her ideas that during the oscillations there are many amperes peak carried by the circuit.  It is only Q2 that provides the amplification needed for the oscillations.  If you wanted you could continue the pedagogy by demonstrating the relative AC currents that flow through the source and the gate leads of Q2.  Or you can leave those exercises to the interested student.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 28, 2014, 01:32:57 AM
Yes, but what it really illustrates is the utter ignorance, stupidity and arrogance of Rosemary Ainslie... who accuses me of FAKING the demonstrations. The first one she thinks I used a stored waveform !! The second one she can't quite figure out how I'm doing it but she's sure it must be fake. I don't think she's seen the latest one yet.  It's HILARIOUS seeing her twisting in the wind. Just as I predicted, she will not accept ANY evidence no matter how clearly presented, no matter how simple-minded and easy FOR ANYONE TO TRY FOR THEMSELVES, if it's contrary to her "thesis" it's wrong, by definition. Ainslie's an arrogant fool, and she's not even a good liar, because her lies are so transparent and she winds up contradicting herself frequently.

With every rant that rejects reality she emits, she puts herself down more and more. She is in the position of having to see that her whole effort, her whole being, practically, over the last fourteen or sixteen years has been a futile chasing of smoke and mirrors. There is no "there" there at all. That has got to be extremely depressing for her. What will happen when Donovan Martin or Steve Weir tells her that my demonstrations are 100 percent honest and that anyone can repeat them for themselves and get the exact same results? What will she say IF she manages to learn that the common gate amplifier has been known and used for many many years, with never a hint of OU? I imagine she has to be defending her ego very strongly right now. That old cognitive dissonance is ringing her bell. Ask not, Ainslie, for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee, child, it tolls for thee.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_gate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_gate)

QuoteIn electronics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronics), a common-gate amplifier (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_amplifier) is one of three basic single-stage field-effect transistor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field-effect_transistor) (FET) amplifier topologies, typically used as a current (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_current) buffer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffer_amplifier) or voltage (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltage) amplifier (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amplifier). In this circuit the source terminal of the transistor serves as the input, the drain is the output and the gate is connected to ground, or "common," hence its name.

The image below is from the Wiki article. Look familiar, there, Little Miss Mosfet?

Ains-lie, you "dare not deliberately misrepresent anything?" Then why do you do it all the time, then? Why have you misrepresented, just yesterday, the location that you ALWAYS used for the Black FG lead? I found photos of every apparatus you have used since 2009 that show the Black FG lead positioned exactly where you MISREPRESENTED that it was not, you liar, and the proof is up above in this thread. Many of the proofs are in YOUR OWN PHOTOS. I certainly don't have to work very hard at all to demonstrate that you misrepresent things every day, and if it's not deliberate.... then you need to get your medication adjusted, because you are hallucinating again.

And my anger at you, Rosemary Ains-lie, is not fake. It is real, and it is only the fact that I am a gentleman that I don't _really_ give vent to my true feelings about you and your lies. All the years of your insults and lies are coming back to you now, because these last few days of your ignorant and accusatory comments show to the Whole World that you haven't got a clue, you haven't got a clue that you haven't a clue, and that people should stay away from you because you don't know what the hell you are doing. You are a menace, Rosemary Ainslie, a destroyer of reputations. Donovan Martin will never be able to live down his association with you; you made him LIE FOR YOU many times and I've posted the proofs of that already. That's reprehensible, beneath contempt.

I dare you: Sit with Donovan Martin OR ANYONE YOU LIKE and watch my last three videos. Or just the two. Then break out your damned digital oscilloscope, if you haven't broken it already, and DO THE TEST YOURSELF. It will work for you just as it works for me and for anyone else who can actually wire a circuit. But you will not and YOU DARE NOT, because you do know, or fear, in the dark depths of your malign and mendacious soul.... that I am right and you are wrong. Haven't you noticed that nobody, not even chessnyt or gmeast, supports your "analysis" of my videos directed at your issues? What do you think the reason for that might be?  Never mind, I know that you do not think.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 28, 2014, 02:27:22 AM
Ms. Ainslie discounts the existence of the very gate capacitance that she can read as Figure 5. in the IRFPG50 data sheet.  And what does that gate-drain capacitance do?  It passes current, the only current through the current sense path.  In the case of Ms. Ainslie's experiments prior to June 29, 2013, and as shown in that demonstration, Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators hooked up their current sense voltage probe across a piece of wire.  During the June 29, and August 11 demonstrations, the same wire was still within the probe loop, but at least they included the sense resistors.  The problem there is that the impedance of the wiring inductance at the oscillation frequency is many times the impedance of the current sense resistor.  Donovan Martin's befuddlement at that fact can be seen in the June 29 video.  Those inductance problems were not fixed during the August 11 demonstration.  Instead, relatively low inductance current sense was separately set-up at the battery.  Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators simply did not, and she still does not understand wiring parasitics and what to do about them.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 28, 2014, 01:28:23 PM
This is just too good to let it pass by without further analysis. My demonstration here "refers".
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTTA80T0BU4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTTA80T0BU4)

And here is what the Great Scientist Rosemary Ainslie has to say about the demonstration:

QuoteThen he tells us to 'watch this' when he cuts Q1 OUT OF THE CIRCUIT.  COMPLETELY.  A very dramatic moment.  Golly.  That's at the 5.09 minute mark.  The CULMINATION OF HIS ARGUMENT. 
Not quite the CULMINATION, yet, Ainslie. Just an illustration, yet another one, that your claims are utterly FALSE and that you don't have a clue about mosfet operation in general or in the particular application of the Common Gate Amplifier that forms half of the "Q-array" circuit.
QuoteThat argument that thus far is based rather tenuously on zero measurements actually measured -
That's a lie. Just because you have chosen to ignore all the ACTUAL MEASUREMENTS that go into my argument, that were made by me, by Poynt99, and even by YOU.... that does not mean that they do not exist.
Quoteand a 'flimflam' of nonsense related to the scalability of those voltages. 
The only "flimflam" of utter nonsense is coming from YOU, the Great Scientist Troll, Rosemary Ainslie. You cannot provide any support for your idiotic claim that my demonstrations ANY OF THEM are "nonsense" in any way.
QuoteQuite frankly, dear Reader - I'm rather surprised.  Consider where we're at here.
Yes indeed--- consider where we are "at" here.
QuoteHe's definitely CUT OUT Q1. 
Finally a bit of correct statement from Ainslie. Stop the presses! Sound the trumpets! Toss the confetti! Open the champagne!
Ainslie has typed something that is actually TRUE for a change!
QuoteAnd we've got his function generators' terminal - STILL CONNECTED AT THE WRONG PLACE ON THE BACK END OF THE SENSE RESISTOR. 
QuoteAnd to entirely confuse the issue - we've ALSO got the PROBE from that function generator applying a negative signal to NOTHING BUT the SOURCE RAIL of the circuit.
That's right--- it entirely and utterly confuses the Great Scientist Rosemary Ainslie, because she is completely and totally ignorant of her chosen topic and the well-studied configuration of the simple mosfet Common Gate Amplifier.
Quoteis that clear?  The terminal and the probe are now in series.
Perhaps she means that the FG's Red and Black wires form a series circuit with the main battery, the load and the FG when the Q2 transistor is "on" and oscillating. Unfortunately for ALL HER MEASUREMENTS IN THE TWO DAFT MANUSCRIPTS, the current sense resistor is NOT in this series circuit and so does not monitor an extremely critical parameter. ALL the data, every jot and tittle of it, that Ainslie has published before August 11, 2013, is invalid because of this misconnection, deliberate I believe, of her current sense scope probes.
And yet?  We see a CLEAR evidence that there's absolutely NO variation to that oscillation?  Presumably and technically the function generator CAN deliver a signal anywhere you put it.  So IF during this period it's applying a positive signal - to the negative rail of the battery supply - that point that it shares the common node with the two scope terminals?  Then?  CONVERSELY it would be applying a NEGATIVE signal to the directly to the source rail of Q2.  Because Q1 is UNARGUABLY DISCONNECTED.
All Hail the Great Scientist! She makes another correct observation. Will wonders never cease? Perhaps she has actually learned to magnify her screen and to listen to what someone is telling her instead of talking over them and misstating what they have said to her.
QuoteIs THIS the cause of that oscillation?   Surely NOT.
ROFL! SURELY SO, naive ignorant Ainslie child, and anyone with the equipment can test it for themselves, and anyone with an internet connection and a computer-- and basic research skills, which you are sorely lacking -- can see myriads of correct explanations for the phenomenon of FEEDBACK OSCILLATIONS IN A COMMON GATE AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT.
QuoteIt can't be.
And why not? Because it goes against the Great Scientist's "thesis" that's why not, and because the Great Scientist has neglected to learn anything about how mosfets DO work. This, in spite of three years of video demonstrations which she has ignored, millions of words of actual confirmable explanations from many different people and many different sources on the internet. A clearer display of willfull ignorance and overweening arrogance I have never seen.
Because that oscillation stays true and it certainly HAS NOT CHANGED.  ANYWHERE.  AT ALL.  Not by one iota.  Hasn't 'turned a hair'.  Still the same.  EXACTLY the same as it was in the previous minute.
Can this be true? The Great Scientist has made YET ANOTHER CORRECT OBSERVATION. This is earth-shaking, being the very first time in history that Ainslie has said three true things in one post.
QuoteThat's TRULY miraculous.
INDEED it is, but not for the reasons you think, o Great Scientist.
QuotePerhaps Mark Euthansius can give us an explanation for this.  I think HE was the one who called for this test.
And he has already done so many times, as have many other people. Just because you cannot see the Eiffel Tower from your backyard in Cape Town does not mean that it does not exist, or that other people have not seen and understood it for what it is.
QuoteIt's AMAZING.  Quite simply INCREDIBLE.
I knew you would be amazed, and I predicted that you would not believe it, and ONCE MORE I AM RIGHT.
QuoteThe very first evidence anywhere that a function generator can deliver a signal through its TERMINAL while its PROBE stays precisely in series with that both that terminal and not the GATE - NOTA BENE - BUT the source leg of Q2.
WRONG AGAIN, Ainslie, you lying troll. I've done this same demonstration for you at least six times since 2012, and the Common Gate Amplifier is no mystery to those who know their subject.
QuoteThe usual point at which to apply a signal is at the GATE of a MOSFET.  And the ONLY gate available for that signal is NOW GONE.  CUT OUT.  VANQUISHED.  It's extraordinary.  I can't for the life of me think of an explanation. 
More true statements. Will wonders never cease!  Ainslie cannot for the life of her, think, or follow a logical argument, or believe the evidence of her own eyeballs if it contradicts her "thesis".
QuoteUnless, of course, he's simply showing us a signal that he stored on that scope shot from the previous setting.  But FAR be it from me to show up our Little pickle as a liar and a cheat.  That would hardly be ladylike.
And here we have the CRUX of the matter. The Great Scientist Rosemary Ainslie would rather accuse me of CHEATING by doing something that is really impossible without additional equipment not in evidence -- showing a stored waveform on a 40 year old, low-end analog scope -- than getting up off her scrawny duff to make a phone call or two, or HEAVEN FORBID she would actually deign to do the silly, ten-minute experiment HERSELF. Perhaps the Great Scientist, the expert metrologist Rosemary Ainslie, can tell us how a STORED WAVEFORM can be varied in real time by changing the FG settings, as I do in that portion of the video after I cut out the Q1. Even her LeCroy, even the 30,000 dollar Tek scope that I used for Tar Baby's play dates, can't do that.
QuoteRather let our more qualified Readers who dip in here - establish the truth for themselves.  IF you need to.
I see the facepalms happening throughout the world. YES ! I wholeheartedly invite ANYONE at all to "dip in here", watch my demos and check my references, perform the experiments for themselves. Just be sure to tell the Great Scientist Rosemary Ainslie what your findings are.
QuotePersonally I think it justifies a good laugh - rather than any further investigation.
So says the Great Scientist Rosemary Ainslile! Of course you don't want any further investigation into anything that shows that your claims are false, your data are fabrications and your conclusions are based on stupid math errors performed on the fabricated data. However, we lesser scientists, who don't already know everything,  prefer to perform experiments that actually test well-formed hypotheses, and we CHECK OUR WORK before releasing it publicly, and we CORRECT ERRORS when they are demonstrated, and we DO NOT ALLOW OUR NAMES to appear on "publications" which contain fabricated data and bogus claims culminating in demonstrably false conclusions.

Now watch the next two videos showing some more things that the Great Scientist Rosemary Ainslie will tell you I am faking.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilT3LRF0hUA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilT3LRF0hUA)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWpzpgNnzew (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWpzpgNnzew)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 28, 2014, 02:18:57 PM
Each missive that Ms. Ainslie has posted has dug a deeper hole.  I vote more demonstrations that show the reality of the situation.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 28, 2014, 02:30:33 PM
OK, here's one:

Displaying Stored Waveforms from the Tektronix 2213A Analog Oscilloscope

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on February 28, 2014, 09:14:01 PM
Wait just a minute:  Canon didn't make that camera in the 1970s.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on February 28, 2014, 09:20:53 PM
Ahhh.... you got me.

That's what happens when you do YouTube demonstrations.... there is always someone who knows the material and can provide a _proper_ analysis of what is being demonstrated.

(Too bad my printer is out of ink. I would have taped a printout of the screen to the scope.)

BTW, I would sure like to find a (free) copy of the Manual for this Epic Instruments WaveSaver. Internet searches have not yielded anything. Any ideas? (The outputs are on the back panel; it doesn't just "eat" waveforms without spitting them back out.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 12:03:15 AM
Look! She's baaack!

QuoteLOL.  Guys I've just dipped in at OU.com and see another 3 pages or thereby - of TK's MISDIRECTIONS.  He has a pop quiz for me.  Can someone advise him that I've got a POP QUIZ FOR HIM?

Here it is.  Run your function generator in series with that BANK of batteries at about 72 volts or thereby - and with or without that ridiculous 'extra winding' that you've added.  And then let us know how it fares.  I predict an explosive discharge - from both the machine and you.
Extra winding added? What the heck are you talking about? The circuits I used, especially the one in that video, are YOUR EXACT CIRCUITS and there is no "extra winding". Oh.... you must mean the inductance I added which approximates the length of YOUR OWN BATTERY WIRE INTERCONNECTS, as shown below. But it is really not completely necessary, it just boosts the amplitude of the illusory oscillations on the battery trace AS YOUR OWN DEMONSTRATIONS PROVE.

And did it escape your notice, o Great Scientist, that I did EXACTLY THAT SERIES CONNECTION in the video to which you make your stupid objections? Or is my FG not connected in SERIES with those 72 volts of batteries?  Of course it is. Did you notice any explosions? If you did, it was your own brain popping from the strain of trying to follow a chain of logical reasoning. Again, refer to YOUR OWN SCHEMATIC to notice that the FG is in series with the batteries when the Q2s are on.

I predict you cannot answer any of MY popquiz questions, ignorant Ainslie .... and I am once again proven right about you, o Great Scientist Ains-lie.


Here's another.  How many people still buy into your ABSURD misdirections?

There are nearly two thousand subscribers to my YouTube channel. How many subscribers are there to all three of your YT channels added together?  THIRTY TWO.

How many people are buying into your fraudulent "papers", your fabricated data and your incompetent "demonstrations"? I can't find anyone who is still believing in your idiocy. Can you? Please provide a link.

And here's another.  Do you REALLY think that I'm likely to ever watch another one of your videos? 

Of course NOT, o Great Scientist. It would be very disappointing to me if you actually stopped making your stupid and idiotic statements, each one of which is disproven by one or another of my videos. You are simply displaying once again your willfull ignorance and your inability to deal with facts.
But other people DO watch them and nobody has managed to refute them yet. Why don't you ask Donovan Martin or Steve Weir to explain them to you. Or chessnyt, or gmeast. Let's see.... who else is there that we could ask to help you?   

NOBODY, that's who.

QuoteKindest regards
Hypocrite troll queen, how do you sleep at night? Oh... I forgot, you have plenty of Mother's Little Helpers to rock you off to dreamland.

There is not a word of misdirection in any of my videos concerning you and your claims. YOU, however, cannot utter a statement without including lies, misdirections, false claims and insults, and you cannot provide a single reference to support your idiotic contentions.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 12:33:11 AM
Note that she still persists in her fantasies and false claims! The person will NEVER be able to understand the operation of her "own" circuit, because she refuses to look at the references that prove her wrong and explain the situation correctly!

THE BATTERY IS NEVER DISCONNECTED, silly child Ainslie. THE Q2s ARE NEVER DISCONNECTED. THE FG  DOES INDEED provide the necessary connection and this has been proven to you over and over and over again. The currents you think you "measure" and that I have also shown present no danger to even YOUR namby-pamby FG under the operating conditions you prefer. You are willfully ignorant of the explanations and proofs and you refuse to perform any real experiments to test your own claims. You could not even design such an experiment.... yet I have presented them to you in various forms since 2009. Your ignorance is no excuse for your.... IGNORANCE, since it is deliberate on your part.

And your misrepresentations of the role of the capacitance mentioned by MarkE and Poynt99 and the mosfet data sheet indicates that you STILL have no clue. The currents flowing through that capacitance is what really makes the _feedback_ and the phase shift that amplifiers require in order to oscillate. And since you have no clue as to how capacitors work your statements about how much current they may or may not be able to handle are just stupid handwavings, flailing about like a fish out of water, about to choke on her own spittle.

Further, you once again LIE when you claim that the high heat in your loads are produced by anything other than current running through the Q1 transistor during its ON time. And you can't have it both ways, AINS-LIE..... I either replicated your results or I didn't, make up your mind. The difference is that I DO NOT MISREPRESENT OR LIE ABOUT MY RESULTS.... the way you continuously do, as evidenced in your latest madwoman's rants. Your very last sentence is a total LIE as proven by YOUR OWN DEMONSTRATIONS.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 01, 2014, 01:12:43 AM
It is all just so silly now.  Kirchhoff's Laws instruct us well how to measure a circuit and determine where the energy sources are.  There is no need to assume when we can readily measure.  Ms. Ainslie has during her June 29, and August 11 demonstrations has proven the invalidity of the measurements produced in her papers.  It is what caused her in a fleeting moment of lucidity and honor to withdraw those papers.  Now she chooses to attempt to reassert that which she herself has disproven.  It's mind boggling.

She now asserts that she disconnected the batteries:  Yes when the clip leads were disconnected.  And Yes when the function generator was a positive voltage but too low to turn Q1 on the circuit did not conduct current.  But Ms. Ainslie wishes us to believe that the battery was disconnected during periods when current passed through the heating element.  And that is patently false as proven by her own demonstrations.  Ms. Ainslie insists that she has shown "upwards of 14 amps during this 'off' period".  Again, Ms. Ainslie is oblivious to the errors in her measurements.  What she can rightfully claim is that she has observed upwards of 3.5V pp measured across each:  her current sense resistors plus wiring to her circuit common, as well as just the wiring from her current sense resistors to her circuit common.  Both were clearly in evidence during the June 29, 2013 demonstration.  What Ms. Ainslie demonstrates herself incapable of reasoning out is that if the signal is essentially the same, as Donovan Martin ultimately showed that it was across both the combined resistors and wiring, as just the wiring, then what is the source of the majority of signal voltage?  The big clue is that it's what was common to both of the essentially identical measurements:  the wiring.  And why might that be?  It is of course because a 6" chunk of wire offers considerable impedance to a 3MHz signal. But fear not.  TinselKoala has some low inductance resistors handy and will be demonstrating why a 3.5vpp voltage only means 14A when measured across 0.25 Ohms resistance without multiple volts of L*di/dt.

And from there it is downhill for Ms. Ainslie as she attempts to bootstrap her misinterpreted 3.5Vpp into a current and then that current into a capacitance that she denies exists despite the MOSFET manufacturer:  International Rectifier providing a handy plot of that capacitance versus drain to source voltage.  Has Ms. Ainslie attempted a computation?  Say if we take  the lower end of that graph at about 100pF for each of the four Q2 MOSFETs, we end up with ~400pF which at 3MHz works out to ~130 Ohms total.  Can ~130 Ohms more or less in series with a greater than 200V signal pass more or less an Ampere of current?  Can an ampere of current across 0.2uH at 3MHz produce 3.5V swing?  Inquiring minds who haven't mastered the "Hand Calculators for Dummies" book may have to wait for TinselKoala to post his video.

And now Ms. Ainslie misquotes Poynt99.  Poynt99 has correctly stated that destructive powers do not flow through the function generator.  That is a fact.  Ms. Ainslie again forgets where she measured the oscillatory currents up to August 11:  around, and not through the function generator, because the function generator was directly connected to the same circuit common as the ground lead of her CH1 oscilloscope probe.  The oscilloscope CH1 (current) probe did not register voltage or current through the function generator.  Ms. Ainslie betrays her ignorance of the mechanics of her own circuit when she attempts to assert that the 3.5Vpp signal she measured had anything to do with either the function generator or for that matter her current sense resistors.

There is absurd denial in play.  It is all from Ms. Ainslie.  I like TinselKoala dare Ms. Ainslie to get any expert on record.  See if any competent engineer will go on record in support her claims.  See if any competent engineer will dispute TinselKoala's demonstrations.

As to Ms. Ainslie's closing claim: 
QuoteMOST ASSUREDLY - we have AMPLE proof that there is MORE ENERGY measured from our element resistor than has been supplied by the energy supply source.
Her August 11, demonstration clearly showed ~15W battery draw for what was also shown to be between 2.4W and 3.4W evolved heating power from her "element resistor".  Only in a very perverse world is:  ~3W greater than ~15W.  Such a world is the world of Ms. Ainslie, and she is proud to say as much.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 02:26:40 AM
I swear this is like shooting fish in a barrel, using a 12 ga shotgun.

I just made another video that the Great Scientist will refuse to watch. I used a slightly different method to make the same points.

I put a 1 ohm wirewound "concrete" power resistor in series with my "kelvin probe" noninductive 1 ohm resistor soldered directly to the leads of a scope probe. These resistors are in strict series and so, obviously, will have the exact same _true_ current flowing through them. I placed this setup on the negative terminal of the run battery stack. Initially I used only two batteries. I isolated the FG's outputs from the chassis ground by using the F43's Isolation Switch. I connected another scope probe across the ordinary resistor, so now I have two channels each of which should show the same current IF the currents are really there. Right? Neither probe is attenuated, both are used in the '1x' position and both channels of the scope are set to 2 volts per vertical division. I hooked the FG outputs up exactly as before, with the Black output at the battery negative terminal and the Red output to the mosfet Source pin, where NOTHING ELSE is connected. I then turned up the amplitude of the FG and I show that the non-inductive resistor's indicated current is _much smaller_ than that indicated by the probe on the ordinary wirewound resistor.
Then I moved the FG Black lead to the correct side of the CVR assembly and showed the same thing.

Then I hooked up all six batteries in series to make a nominal 72 volt supply, actually measured over 74 volts, and repeated the demonstration using the higher voltage supply. Since the FG Red lead is the ONLY thing connected to the Source pin of the single mosfet, all the currents in the circuit MUST flow through the FG itself which is in strict series with the entire 74 volt power source.  In spite of the Great Scientist's squawkings .... the only thing that exploded was her brain.

The video will take a little while to process and upload, maybe two hours. I have to splice the segments together and go through 2 transcoding stages then the upload time. The demonstration itself took less than ten minutes.

Parts and instruments used:

IRFPG50 mosfet (one)
1 ohm non-inductive resistor, Ohmite WNER50FE
Xicon wirewound power resistor 1 ohm 5 watt
Dale 5 ohm 20 watt wirewound resistor (load) HL-20-02Z-5
Fluke 83 DMM to check resistances
Interstate F43 Sooper Dooper FG
Tektronix 2213A magic oscilloscope
6 ea. 12 volt, 5 A-H Sealed Lead Acid batteries, fully charged

Hypotheses tested:

1) If a non inductive Kelvin-probe resistor and an ordinary resistor with the same values are used to sense the same currents, they should read the same IF the currents they are measuring are real. On the other hand, IF inductances have a significant role in creating illusory voltage amplitude readings, the non-inductive resistor should read considerably lower than the ordinary resistor when measuring the same currents.

2) If the high currents inferred by looking at the voltage drop across the more inductive CVR are REAL, on the order of ten amps or more, this might put the FG at risk of failure. On the other hand, IF the measurement is spurious, then there aren't those high currents flowing through the FG at all and it is safe.

The non-inductive Kelvin probe gave much lower voltage drop readings for the same currents, than did the ordinary resistor/scope probe arrangement. The two probes were measured simultaneously in a series arrangement so that the identical current was in both probes at the same time. This result was true regardless of the Black FG lead location or the number of batteries in the supply.
The 74 volt battery supply did not damage anything. The load resistor was observed to be very slightly over ambient temperature after the 72 volt trial but remained at ambient during the 24 volt trial.

The Great Scientist Rosemary Ainslie is not so great after all, as every one of her predictions has been proven FALSE and in fact, silly and stupid.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 01, 2014, 02:42:35 AM
This will be interesting to watch.  It will add an interesting chapter to the High Pass Filters for Dummies book.  Remember that  Ms. Ainslie never measured directly across her low inductance resistors.  Her oscilloscope ground clips were always connected to those bolts that fed through to the circuit common plate, and from there another 5" to 6" of wire to the bolts that then went through the board to the short wires that connected to the CSR low side, the CSRs themselves, and then wires to the bolts from the Q1 Source common plate near the resistors underneath the board.  So even though her resistors were arguably much lower inductance than your cement resistor, the extra inductance of her series wiring added much more inductance than you have with your probe and ground clip placements.  The other thing to note is that the CSR w0 angular frequency is:  R/L.  Past w0 for a 1 Ohm resistor plus her wiring inductance, her quarter Ohm array will create 4X the signal gain that a 1 Ohm resistor does.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 03:02:36 AM
Yes, that's right. I only made qualititative measurements in this video, except for the accurate determination of the DC resistances of the two CSRs by the Fluke DMM. Should accurate quantitative measurements of currents be necessary "for some reason", I would prefer to perform those on the full circuit with 5 transistors and the 1/4 ohm CSR array with a more rigorous experimental protocol.

But what is shown in this video is sufficient to put to rest the absurd assertions of the Great Scientist. Particularly interesting is the fact that robust oscillations are shown on the CSRs when the ground-isolated FG Black lead is connected on the _battery side_ of the CSR assembly. The only thing connected to the transistor side, in that case, is..... the GATE of the mosfet. And of course the only thing _ever_ connected to the Source of the mosfet is the Red FG lead.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 01, 2014, 03:26:53 AM
Ms. Ainslie will definitely not be happy about these tests.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 03:48:23 AM
Quote from: MarkE on March 01, 2014, 03:26:53 AM
Ms. Ainslie will definitely not be happy about these tests.

She will ignore them. She has expressed her firm intention never to watch any more of my videos. Ten minutes spent watching and learning is too much for her, she would rather by far continue in her delusions, insults and mendacities.  And of course repeating the experiments for herself would really cut into her afternoon soap opera time, so that will not happen either. Plus it's hard to operate that oscilloscope and FG of hers when she is in her cups, which must be happening earlier and earlier every day, judging by her rants.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 03:57:06 AM
There seems to be some problem at YouTube. The first attempt at upload hung at about 95 percent, so I'm trying again.
Sorry about that. The YT uploader is acting strangely. Perhaps they have "improved" things again. I sure wish Google would quit screwing up something that has worked fine for years.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 11:14:14 AM
OK perhaps now we have a good upload.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 12:16:55 PM
Any one who wants to know why and how someone gets banned, several times over, from this forum should check the various threads that are still preserved here where a certain Great Scientist filled up page after page with insults and false claims and refusals to cooperate and broken promises to re-test or even to supply old data. That, plus the fact that the Great Scientist made (empty, imaginary) threats of lawsuits to just about everyone including our host Stefan, explains the repeated warnings and bannings that cause the Great Scientist to be banished to her own private hell. Several other website forum owners feel the same way. Naked Scientists: banned for repeatedly ignoring the rules and for continuing to argue facts with her better-educated and professional correspondents there. Threads preserved in their archive. Energetic Forum: at first the Great Scientist caused quite a stir there, but when even the credulous researchers there found out the truth about the claims made by the Great Scientist and started feeling her rancor and venomous attacks upon her critics... banned again she was. The editorial policy of that site is such that many of the sins of the Great Scientist, along with the critical analyses of them, have been vanished down the memory hole, but enough remains that one may get the gist of the matter.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 01, 2014, 03:54:10 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 11:14:14 AM
OK perhaps now we have a good upload.

That was a very nice demonstration.  If you are interested in doing anymore demonstrations you can modify the set-up to remove the wire wound resistor and  flip the Kelvinish probe around.  Then insert 6" of bare wire between the battery negative and the Kelvinish probe.  Then compare the readings from the Kelvinish probe and a probe with the probe hook fixed half an inch to the right of the Kelvinish probe, and taking different readings while moving the ground clip from next to the Kelvinish probe in steps until you get to the battery negative.  The point of the demonstration would be to illustrate how Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators got the results that they did not understand during the June 29, 2013 demonstration.  Finally, when you have the ground clip at the battery, then move the probe hook from the Q1 side of the Kelvinish probe to the battery negative side of the Kelvinish probe.  You will then have shown the many secrets of the L/R high pass network.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 04:54:36 PM
Thanks. Yes, that's an excellent suggestion for a further demonstration, I'll put it on the list. I usually get a burst of energy around 11 pm and work until 4 am or so, so we shall see what happens tonight.

Meanwhile, I have been trying to figure out that old Epic Instruments Wavesaver that a friend donated to the TKLab. It's tricky. Perhaps some combination of me not knowing how to operate it, and old capacitors inside it, is preventing me from getting coherent results with it. I can get it to save and display some simple waveform inputs like a square wave from the FG, but even those aren't quite right. I haven't even tried to save something as complicated as a typical Ainslie burst oscillatory set. No point in even trying, until I know what I'm doing with it and have checked the unit internally. A manual with schematic would really be helpful but this seems to be a real "orphan" instrument that nobody has heard of.

I am slightly puzzled as to why, after all these years of exposure, other researchers haven't decomposed the Ainslie experience the way we've done over the past couple of weeks.  Oh well, there it is, now that I've shown what I've shown in the last four or so vids, and now that Ainslie has emitted her response, to the main one at least.... it will be plainly evident to any person who is newly interested in Ainslie's claims just what they can expect from her.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 01, 2014, 05:00:59 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 04:54:36 PM
Thanks. Yes, that's an excellent suggestion for a further demonstration, I'll put it on the list. I usually get a burst of energy around 11 pm and work until 4 am or so, so we shall see what happens tonight.

Meanwhile, I have been trying to figure out that old Epic Instruments Wavesaver that a friend donated to the TKLab. It's tricky. Perhaps some combination of me not knowing how to operate it, and old capacitors inside it, is preventing me from getting coherent results with it. I can get it to save and display some simple waveform inputs like a square wave from the FG, but even those aren't quite right. I haven't even tried to save something as complicated as a typical Ainslie burst oscillatory set. No point in even trying, until I know what I'm doing with it and have checked the unit internally. A manual with schematic would really be helpful but this seems to be a real "orphan" instrument that nobody has heard of.

I am slightly puzzled as to why, after all these years of exposure, other researchers haven't decomposed the Ainslie experience the way we've done over the past couple of weeks.  Oh well, there it is, now that I've shown what I've shown in the last four or so vids, and now that Ainslie has emitted her response, to the main one at least.... it will be plainly evident to any person who is newly interested in Ainslie's claims just what they can expect from her.
It takes time, materials and knowledge to deal with these sorts of claims.  Poynt99 dealt with some of them, but the message seemed to go right past Ms. Ainslie, as did the messages in your videos.  Greg has posted that he doesn't understand what it is that you were trying to show.  The book cover above has a short list of things that you have demonstrated.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 05:11:35 PM
In the last video, I give the part number of the non-inductive resistor I used in the Kelvinish probe as WNER50FE, which is the part number for the 0.5 ohm resistor in that series. The actual part number for the resistor in the probe is WNE1R0FE, the one-ohm unit. Sorry about the confusion, rest assured as the DMM showed the resistor in the unit is indeed one ohm.
I'll be placing an annotation in the video to this effect right away.
Thanks again for pointing this out, MarkE.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: gmeast on March 01, 2014, 05:21:47 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 05:11:35 PM
In the last video, I give the part number of the non-inductive resistor I used in the Kelvinish probe as WNER50FE, which is the part number for the 0.5 ohm resistor in that series. The actual part number for the resistor in the probe is WNE1R0FE, the one-ohm unit. Sorry about the confusion, rest assured as the DMM showed the resistor in the unit is indeed one ohm.
I'll be placing an annotation in the video to this effect right away.
Thanks again for pointing this out, MarkE.

And seriously, thank you.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 05:36:56 PM
Quote from: MarkE on March 01, 2014, 05:00:59 PM
It takes time, materials and knowledge to deal with these sorts of claims.  Poynt99 dealt with some of them, but the message seemed to go right past Ms. Ainslie, as did the messages in your videos.  Greg has posted that he doesn't understand what it is that you were trying to show.  The book cover above has a short list of things that you have demonstrated.

Surely Greg has read Ainslie's pseudosplanations of the circuit's functioning and the hypotheses she has put forth about what will happen when things are disconnected or connected thus and so. Is it possible that he actually _agrees_ with her about those things? If so... that does not bode well for his own research. The issue of whether or not resistors can eat themselves to provide power is one thing, but without proper circuit understanding and a respect for the REAL experimental method, he'll never find out or be able to prove it if he does.  Ainslie made some pretty dramatic predictions there in the past couple of days.... yet my Function Generator still functions, the Tek 2213a still won't display a stored waveform and the Common Gate Oscillator still applies to the Ainslie Q2 half-circuit. The other Q1 half is just a low-side mosfet switch.

So as far as I can see now, the only thing at all unusual about the Ainslie breadboard circuit is that they have the heavy heatsinks and multiple mosfets on the WRONG SIDE. If they had actually used the circuit in the second manuscript on Rossi's site, instead of the one in the first daft manuscript, they would be much better off and likely would not have suffered the mosfet failures that have plagued them.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 05:40:45 PM
Quote from: gmeast on March 01, 2014, 05:21:47 PM

And seriously, thank you.

You're welcome, and if you also caught the error, thanks back to you as well.

Here's the relevant datasheet if you don't already have it.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 01, 2014, 05:56:58 PM
Quote from: gmeast on March 01, 2014, 05:21:47 PM

And seriously, thank you.
Greg, would you like to talk about your experiments in comparison to these recent experiments that TinselKoala has performed against Ms. Ainslie's claims?  Some of the things that I think are notable:

The energy gains claimed by Ms. Ainslie have ranged from 5X to 10X and more.  You have shown numbers indicating around 28% gain.  To me that is not good correlation.

TinselKoala's videos and Ms. Ainslie's own demonstrations have shown multiple flaws in Ms. Ainslie's measurements and conclusions:  Ms. Ainslie measured current as the voltage across an uncalibrated and uncompensated inductive wire for the Paper 1 Figures:  3, 6, & 7. 

Even where the oscilloscope probe was placed on the correct DC connection for current sense for parts of the June 29, and August 11 demonstrations, the readings were badly distorted by parasitic inductance.

Ms. Ainslie's contention that most if not all oscillatory current flows through Q1 during the "Q1 Off" phase have been disproven.

Ms. Ainslie's contention that oscillatory current does not flow through the Q2 source terminal during the "Q1 Off" phase have been disproven.

Ms. Ainslie's contention that oscillatory current does not flow through the Q2 gate terminal during the "Q1 Off" phase have been disproven.

Ms. Ainslie's contention that the oscillatory current is in the range of 14App has been disproven.  The actual current has been shown to be about 2App.

Ms. Ainslie's contention that her August 11 demonstration did not show battery current draw at all times that there was heater element current flow have been disproven.

Ms. Ainslie's contention that more power flows in her circuit apparatus than is drawn from the battery has been disproven.

I would like to know your comments on these points.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: gmeast on March 01, 2014, 06:03:07 PM
I'll post which make and model non-inductive resistors I used in all of my tests as soon as I can find the Mouser invoices. I used two values depending on what I was measuring. I used 0.1Ohm resistors for measuring lower voltage drops like for PWM power determinations and 0.05Ohm for the higher voltage drops like for the Inductive Resistor Heater Element. However, I don't use the Q-Array. My setup is much more basic, but measurement is just as rigorous and requires more than just basic measurement skills (and knowledge)... which (even though you don't believe it) I do have.


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 06:14:38 PM
Gmeast, I think we are acknowledging that you have skills and knowledge, and I don't think that is seriously in doubt. But the question is about your own analysis of the things Ainslie has claimed all along, and most particularly in the past few weeks, and even more pointedly in the past several days. I know you read her posts. So... what do you think of her claims now, from a practical scientific viewpoint, and what do you think of her attitude of willfull ignorance and arrogance, from an interpersonal, psychological viewpoint?

We respect you enough to be asking you these questions, that should be plain.

For example, do you believe her plain accusation that I cheated by showing a stored waveform, or in any other way?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 01, 2014, 06:21:17 PM
Quote from: gmeast on March 01, 2014, 06:03:07 PM
I'll post which make and model non-inductive resistors I used in all of my tests as soon as I can find the Mouser invoices. I used two values depending on what I was measuring. I used 0.1Ohm resistors for measuring lower voltage drops like for PWM power determinations and 0.05Ohm for the higher voltage drops like for the Inductive Resistor Heater Element. However, I don't use the Q-Array. My setup is much more basic, but measurement is just as rigorous and requires more than just basic measurement skills (and knowledge)... which (even though you don't believe it) I do have.


If you have pictures of your arrangement that would help assess where you likely are with respect to parasitic inductance.  You should always use the largest sense resistor value that you can tolerate from a voltage drop and power dissipation standpoint.  The R/L angular cut-off frequency obviously falls with R, and rises with L.  A lot of resistors that are sold as "non-inductive" exhibit 100nH or more inductance.  In the case of Ms. Ainslie's circuits the oscillations occur around 3MHz ~= 20E6r/s.  A 100nH inductance looks like 2 Ohms at that frequency.  The sense resistance would have to be 6 Ohms in order to limit the amplitude distortion to 10%. 

There is another way:  You can make up a sense circuit that places a small series R/C network across the sense resistor that compensates for the R/L response with an RC response.  The capacitor connects to the common side of the sense resistor and you read across the capacitor.  The resistor is adjusted to get a flat frequency response.  This is basically the same idea as the frequency compensation adjustment on an oscilloscope probe.  In order to make the adjustment you can drive the circuit with a fast rising or falling current at a low repetition rate, like 1kHz.  Then just like the scope probe adjustment, dial in a flat response.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 07:02:43 PM
Gmeast, has MarkE given you sufficient enlightenment or would you like to discuss my videos? Even though I think that the explanations given in them are perfectly clear, if you start at the beginning--- and especially if you have watched the Negative Bias playlist from the beginning... I would be more than happy to explain any thing in them and I would indeed like your honest criticism of the points that are being made that relate to Ainslie's claims. For example in the post you quoted, she predicted, very nastily, that I would blow out the FG if I used six batteries in series and put those in series with my FG. As you can see from the videos, I have done just that, and not just with the simplified half-Ainslie circuit but also, in the Tar Baby demonstrations, I did it many times.

So... your opinion please. And why are you critical of my attitude towards Ainslie? There is nobody, nowhere that she has insulted more than me, and with all her false accusations, proven lies and ridiculous claims, coupled with her deliberate ignorance and refusal to follow simple explanations... can you blame me that I am angry with her? I have worked long and hard in an attempt to explain the action of the circuit, nobody has made any refutations of my work at all, and yet Ainslie still persists in her remarkable set of errors. Do you deny, for example, that I have shown how the Q2s are turned on in the circuit by Grounding the Gate and Lowering the voltage at the Source pin of the transistor, something that Ainslie clearly believes, still, to be impossible, in spite of the references I have given her to the Common Gate Amplifier configuration? Something that Ainslie has actually accused me of FAKING by showing a stored waveform... on an analog oscilloscope from last century? Would you not be frustrated and angry if someone refused to believe your results that are perfectly ordinary, but rather accused you of FAKING them?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 01, 2014, 08:21:18 PM
Ms. Ainslie must be a big fan of the old Monty Python routine: "The Argument Clinic".  Even though TinselKoala's videos systematically disprove Ms. Ainslie's claims she's adhering to those disproven claims in a game of:  "No it isn't."  Likely there are very few that Ms. Ainslie fools other than herself.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: gmeast on March 01, 2014, 08:57:49 PM
Quote from: MarkE on March 01, 2014, 06:21:17 PM
If you have pictures of your arrangement that would help assess where you likely are with respect to parasitic inductance.  You should always use the largest sense resistor value that you can tolerate from a voltage drop and power dissipation standpoint.  The R/L angular cut-off frequency obviously falls with R, and rises with L.  A lot of resistors that are sold as "non-inductive" exhibit 100nH or more inductance.  In the case of Ms. Ainslie's circuits the oscillations occur around 3MHz ~= 20E6r/s.  A 100nH inductance looks like 2 Ohms at that frequency.  The sense resistance would have to be 6 Ohms in order to limit the amplitude distortion to 10%. 

There is another way:  You can make up a sense circuit that places a small series R/C network across the sense resistor that compensates for the R/L response with an RC response.  The capacitor connects to the common side of the sense resistor and you read across the capacitor.  The resistor is adjusted to get a flat frequency response.  This is basically the same idea as the frequency compensation adjustment on an oscilloscope probe.  In order to make the adjustment you can drive the circuit with a fast rising or falling current at a low repetition rate, like 1kHz.  Then just like the scope probe adjustment, dial in a flat response.

You're talking 'apples & oranges'. Looking at the images in my slide show, what's shown are not the types of oscillations seen in the Q-Array or in any other part of Rosie's papers or in other replications. In mine, all you see is a (pretty much textbook - maybe plus one extra cycle) damped oscillation seen when ANY switch that has been charging an inductor is opened. There are only about 12 complete oscillations in the wave, with each one of them being successively of lesser amplitude. The waveform you see in my figures is exactly what you would see from a high-voltage scope with no probe attenuation and set on a 1:1 scale. There's no parasitic 'anything' in such a wimpy waveform as mine and any math scope will return an accurate mean value for the voltage drop across a non-inductive current measuring resistor applied to that waveform.

Something NOT in my data, but that kept me optimistic, yet sober, was the simple fact that my batteries recharged faster following the pulsed loading tests (powering the Heater Element) vs. the purely resistive load tests ... and not by just a little bit ... roughly 6-Hrs vs. 8-Hrs respectively. This was a common factor throughout the dozens of tests I ran. If you look at my 'crazy' startup procedure, you'll see that the batteries were charged (on a charger made for charging AGM batteries) that automatically tapered off and shut down to 20mA. Then the batteries were unhooked from the charger and left to sit for 8 more hours before being loaded on any test.  And also NOT in my published data (and I consider my slide show as "published") is the same battery-charging counterpart as applied to the second resistive load test wherein the lesser load and pulsed load had the same starting and ending battery voltages but wherein the lesser resistive load caused a lower temperature (rise over ambient) than the pulsed load on the same Heater Element test fixture ... yet they took nearly identical times to fully recharge the batteries after those tests. So there's yet another, albeit indirect, result in support of my conclusions as presented in my slide show.

There are too many resultant factors in blatant support of one another. My conclusions are simply NOT the result of measurement error or measurement anomaly.

... but thanks anyway. Regards,

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: gmeast on March 01, 2014, 09:34:10 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 07:02:43 PM
Gmeast, has MarkE given you sufficient enlightenment or would you like to discuss my videos? Even though I think that the explanations given in them are perfectly clear, if you start at the beginning--- and especially if you have watched the Negative Bias playlist from the beginning... I would be more than happy to explain any thing in them and I would indeed like your honest criticism of the points that are being made that relate to Ainslie's claims. For example in the post you quoted, she predicted, very nastily, that I would blow out the FG if I used six batteries in series and put those in series with my FG. As you can see from the videos, I have done just that, and not just with the simplified half-Ainslie circuit but also, in the Tar Baby demonstrations, I did it many times.

So... your opinion please. And why are you critical of my attitude towards Ainslie? There is nobody, nowhere that she has insulted more than me, and with all her false accusations, proven lies and ridiculous claims, coupled with her deliberate ignorance and refusal to follow simple explanations... can you blame me that I am angry with her? I have worked long and hard in an attempt to explain the action of the circuit, nobody has made any refutations of my work at all, and yet Ainslie still persists in her remarkable set of errors. Do you deny, for example, that I have shown how the Q2s are turned on in the circuit by Grounding the Gate and Lowering the voltage at the Source pin of the transistor, something that Ainslie clearly believes, still, to be impossible, in spite of the references I have given her to the Common Gate Amplifier configuration? Something that Ainslie has actually accused me of FAKING by showing a stored waveform... on an analog oscilloscope from last century? Would you not be frustrated and angry if someone refused to believe your results that are perfectly ordinary, but rather accused you of FAKING them?

Hi TK,

OK, I've been mean to you I know ... no more. You and she will always butt heads and that's a fact. Rosie is not going to die and go away and neither are you. She has made some good arguable technical points as have you. You'll never be happy until she agrees with you and visa versa. I think Rosie's agenda is genuine in that she is trying to do some good for the world ... me too, and you also in your own way. She doesn't have some high class website out there where she's trying to scam a bunch of investors so I don't know why you continue the type of assault you do as if she WAS scamming people.

I've been going over my work (which you have said on many occasions "... it's not work at all ... ") and I'm happy with what I've done and I've received allot of support ... moral anyway. I believe in DISCOVERY. Mankind has ALWAYS taken what he (thinks he knows for sure) and changed it or fine tuned it or modified it to fit in and support new discoveries and inventions. It just seems that here, in this forum, that has all been turned on its head and pointed in the opposite direction. INVENTION AND DISCOVERY should be encouraged and supported, but not here apparently. Well, I didn't intend to go anywhere specific with this, so that's it.


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 09:36:51 PM
Well, take some of the points in that ridiculous post of Ainslie's and investigate them. For example, I have 1,891 subscribers, 580 total videos uploaded, with 1,270,131  total views, for an average of 2190 views/video. Of course many of them don't actually have that many views, because some of them have many many more.

See the top line on this page:
http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZFlznLV3IyePfbc2TfDetA (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZFlznLV3IyePfbc2TfDetA)

Ainslie has.... wait for it...... FOUR DIFFERENT YouTube channels with 31 total videos uploaded and 46 total subscribers, and 4196 total views across ALL FOUR CHANNELS. That's an AVERAGE of about 135 views/video, but most of them have much fewer.
http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rosemary+ainslie&filters=channel&lclk=channel (http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rosemary+ainslie&filters=channel&lclk=channel)
http://www.youtube.com/user/aetherevarising (http://www.youtube.com/user/aetherevarising)
Since Ainslie has so many different accounts (WHY?) I might have missed some. If so, please let me know, I'd like to add them to my database.

The video of hers that has the most views appears to be this one with 625 views:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZCioPgKFrU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZCioPgKFrU)

Whereas, I have Fourteen different videos that each have over 10,000 views, and my most popular videos are these:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRQvT8IKlpA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRQvT8IKlpA)  (466,201 views)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afQW8FT02DM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afQW8FT02DM) (136,702 views)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcPuKv9Z-XE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcPuKv9Z-XE)  (74,067 views)
And so on.  I've made over 150 videos dealing with various Ainslie topics, and the one that seems to have the most views at 891 is this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6lLu7tvCZE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6lLu7tvCZE)
Most of my Ainslie-associated videos have between 200 and 300 views. I can upload an Ainslie video and before I even have a chance to link to it it will have 5 or 10 views. This means that I have subscribers who actually look forward to my videos and watch them as soon as they are notified by YouTube email (subscriber option) that they are ready to be seen. What is 150 x 200, O GREAT SCIENTIST AINSLIE? I'll tell you. It isn't 2,000, or even 20,000. It is 30,000. So my Ainslie videos have in total well over 30,000 views. And that's an insignificant number compared to the total, all right: Ainslie just isn't that important or interesting for most people. They would much rather see a simple Joule Thief or a Tesla Coil than hear another pedagogical debunk of some obscure claim that an idiot named Rosemary Ainslie made.

So ONCE AGAIN, the absurd claims and allegations of the Great Scientist are disproven by ten minutes of research that ANYONE with a computer and an internet connection can verify for themselves.

And she is still denying what I so clearly showed in so many of the recent videos. KEEP IT UP, AINSLIE !! Don't forget that your absurd pronouncements are ON THE RECORD and you will never, ever be able to bamboozle people like you did here, at Energetic Forum and elsewhere, ever again. Whether you know it or not, whether you acknowledge it or not.... your incompetence and your lies are clearly recorded and anyone who types your name into a search engine will come across my videos and analyses, and they will back away from you as fast as they can. Nobody will believe a madwoman who ignores evidence and lies about what she does not hope to understand.

Nobody has EVER refuted any of the videos concerning Ainslie that I have uploaded over the years.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 09:39:59 PM
QuoteWell, I didn't intend to go anywhere specific with this, so that's it.

Well, thanks, but you didn't answer the question. What about her allegations in that particular post where she accuses me of FAKING a perfectly ordinary result because she cannot understand the Common Gate Amplifier configuration? Do you agree with her, or not? It's a simple question and surely YOU have the skills and knowledge needed to answer it. I'll bet you can even answer all the "POP QUIZ" questions correctly. SO?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 01, 2014, 10:53:05 PM
Quote from: gmeast on March 01, 2014, 08:57:49 PM

You're talking 'apples & oranges'. Looking at the images in my slide show, what's shown are not the types of oscillations seen in the Q-Array or in any other part of Rosie's papers or in other replications. In mine, all you see is a (pretty much textbook - maybe plus one extra cycle) damped oscillation seen when ANY switch that has been charging an inductor is opened. There are only about 12 complete oscillations in the wave, with each one of them being successively of lesser amplitude. The waveform you see in my figures is exactly what you would see from a high-voltage scope with no probe attenuation and set on a 1:1 scale. There's no parasitic 'anything' in such a wimpy waveform as mine and any math scope will return an accurate mean value for the voltage drop across a non-inductive current measuring resistor applied to that waveform.
Actually, there probably is.  If you are using a ground clip lead of any kind with a passive scope probe, and the risetime of the waveform is fast, then the probe is likely adding ringing to the measurement.  When you have a chance, try this:  Solder a small 100 Ohm resistor with the resistor body as close to the MOSFET drain connection as you can easily manage.  Then instead of clipping the oscilloscope probe hook to the drain lead, hook it to the other side of the 100 Ohm resistor as close to the resistor body as you can.

Something NOT in my data, but that kept me optimistic, yet sober, was the simple fact that my batteries recharged faster following the pulsed loading tests (powering the Heater Element) vs. the purely resistive load tests ... and not by just a little bit ... roughly 6-Hrs vs. 8-Hrs respectively. This was a common factor throughout the dozens of tests I ran.
That is not very surprising.  Lead acid batteries suffer less discharge feeding pulsed loads of equivalent energy than continuous loads.   Lead acid batteries can be as little as 60% energy round trip efficient feeding continuous loads.
QuoteIf you look at my 'crazy' startup procedure, you'll see that the batteries were charged (on a charger made for charging AGM batteries) that automatically tapered off and shut down to 20mA.
Yes, I have noted that you were pretty meticulous with your procedures.
QuoteThen the batteries were unhooked from the charger and left to sit for 8 more hours before being loaded on any test.  And also NOT in my published data (and I consider my slide show as "published") is the same battery-charging counterpart as applied to the second resistive load test wherein the lesser load and pulsed load had the same starting and ending battery voltages but wherein the lesser resistive load caused a lower temperature (rise over ambient) than the pulsed load on the same Heater Element test fixture ... yet they took nearly identical times to fully recharge the batteries after those tests. So there's yet another, albeit indirect, result in support of my conclusions as presented in my slide show.
Yes, I have noted this as well.  In my mind the next logical step is an actual heat transfer test, because this can be arranged to get a decently accurate measure of actual heat energy evolved from your heating element.

There are too many resultant factors in blatant support of one another. My conclusions are simply NOT the result of measurement error or measurement anomaly.
I think that you have done a rather good job of measuring the things that you have so far.  You have followed a good logical process, been careful to do things consistently, made a good record of your data, and used more than one type of test to cross-check your work.  Those are all hallmarks of good experimental practice.  I interpret your data as reinforcing the well known phenomenon where lead acid batteries deliver more absolute discharge energy when pulsed than when loaded continuously.  In terms of whether you get more energy out of the heater than you draw from the battery, you need a way to compare the two.  Measuring actual heat transfer to a known thermal mass will get you the energy out information.

... but thanks anyway. Regards,

I encourage you to continue experimenting.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: gmeast on March 01, 2014, 11:14:32 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 09:39:59 PM

Well, thanks, but you didn't answer the question. What about her allegations in that particular post where she accuses me of FAKING a perfectly ordinary result because she cannot understand the Common Gate Amplifier configuration? Do you agree with her, or not? It's a simple question and surely YOU have the skills and knowledge needed to answer it. I'll bet you can even answer all the "POP QUIZ" questions correctly. SO?

Hi TK,

Being accused of "faking" results re: scientific experiments is one of the most upsetting things a serious experimenter will experience. I don't condone those types of accusations. Those kinds of comments often occur during the heat of debate. They're inexcusable without question. It happens. Even though I have participated in hurling injurious comments myself, it's wrong for anyone to do it. The truth is, when passions flare, this crap happens.  Rosie is not a technician and admits to not being the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to the details of circuit design, but she IS a good theorist. As I said ... my take on all of this conflict is that the injurious comments (including my own) have ALL been hurled in the heat of debate with equal passion on both sides.

I answered you question I hope. Regards,

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 11:33:43 PM
Yes, do continue and do take the advice to heart. I would like to see Gmeast's results from those well-conducted thermal experiments too. If he gets reliable and valid results, then there is much I can do for him to further his research, and I don't mean my video experiments. It would not involve me at all, after the handshakes.

Now, however, let me address a couple of Gmeast's points.

QuoteShe has made some good arguable technical points as have you.
What valid arguable technical points has Ainslie made? I think I must have missed them. Please provide a link to a valid technical point that Ainslie has made, that someone else didn't tell her first. On the other hand, if you want to see some INVALID "technical points" that Ainslie has made, they exist by the multiple myriad, and I can give you links if you like. Here's one that contains many completely invalid such points, and their invalidity has been demonstrated by Ainslie herself under the guidance of Steve Weir on August 11, 2013.
QuoteYou'll never be happy until she agrees with you and visa versa.
That's absolutely wrong. I am happy indeed that she does NOT agree with me. She proved to me that she is incapable of learning due to the blinders imposed by her "thesis" all the way back in 2009. Every video demonstration she ignores, every silly accusation that I am faking anything, is further proof of that fact. I am happy to point out to the world that she is utterly wrong, that she lies and misrepresents her own work and the work of others, that she is disrespectful of knowledge, skills and education since she has so little of any of those herself, and so on. I am particularly happy that she currently is stuffing her foot down her throat with her pronouncements about my tests, which after all can be easily reproduced by anyone. Why don't you yourself try the test in the video she so stupidly objects to? You will obtain my exact results, UNLIKE those who attempt, say, her Quantum-17 experiment with the 555 timer circuit she published and still hasn't corrected or retracted. And I'm quite sure that she would rather spit on my grave than see me agreeing with her--- something that I would gladly do if only she were right about something. Did you know that the Solstice, or maybe the Equinox, occurs in July in South Africa? According to Ainslie, it does. Have you worked for yourself ANY of the "calculations" she has posted in support of her "thesis"?  And so on. I might feel some sense  of satisfaction if Ainslie actually  learned something, stopped lying and insulting, and stopped making her false claims, but I've known for years that she will never do so. So I'm having fun illustrating for the world, or whatever portion is interested, the phenomenal case of Dunning-Kruger Effect that Ainslie is, and along the way I know some people are learning some things from me, and I've learned much from others as well. That kind of thing makes me happy. Seeing a deluded and delirious old woman twisting in the wind, hanging from the rope of her own calumny and false claims, doesn't really make me happy, rather, it makes me sad to know that a life has been wasted, that someone with obvious native intelligence can be so poorly educated, that an arrogant and foul disposition has taken over her life.

As to the damage that Ainslie has done: No, she isn't conducting a slick fraud, but she has attempted to gain monetary awards and has indicated that she will again, based on her false claims and lies about her experimentation. (Note that the manuscripts refer in several places to the Temperature of the Water, and then recall that Ainslie has admitted to us that she never actually measured the water temperature, for just one example of her overt misrepresentation of her own diddling). Go over to Energetic Forum and ask Aaron and Ashtweth if they felt their experience with Ainslie was valuable and if it taught them anything. Well, I do know that at the beginning of the affray they could not even use a simple DSO properly, and by the time she got banned from there they could at least display a stable waveform screen, so that's something.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 11:38:01 PM
Quote from: gmeast on March 01, 2014, 11:14:32 PM

Hi TK,

Being accused of "faking" results re: scientific experiments is one of the most upsetting things a serious experimenter will experience. I don't condone those types of accusations. Those kinds of comments often occur during the heat of debate. They're inexcusable without question. It happens. Even though I have participated in hurling injurious comments myself, it's wrong for anyone to do it. The truth is, when passions flare, this crap happens.  Rosie is not a technician and admits to not being the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to the details of circuit design, but she IS a good theorist. As I said ... my take on all of this conflict is that the injurious comments (including my own) have ALL been hurled in the heat of debate with equal passion on both sides.

I answered you question I hope. Regards,

No, it seems that you are avoiding answering the question, which was "Do you agree with her" that I faked the data.

(That's the "short form" of this:"Do you deny, for example, that I have shown how the Q2s are turned on in the circuit by Grounding the Gate and Lowering the voltage at the Source pin of the transistor, something that Ainslie clearly believes, still, to be impossible, in spite of the references I have given her to the Common Gate Amplifier configuration?")

If you do not agree that the video demonstration was faked, please say so directly. Note that she has had plenty of time to "cool down" , and that I have produced several further videos showing the same thing since that one, and she still today accuses me of faking it.  I know you can repeat my demonstration in minutes in your own lab, and I know it would do Ainslie a world of good to actually understand what I am demonstrating in those videos. You are someone she trusts and believes in. So stop being a politician and be a scientist for a while, please.

(And by the way, note that the scopeshot that STILL appears as "figure 3" in Ainslie's first manuscript is definitely "fake" and that this was proven by Ainslie and Martin themselves under the guidance of Steve Weir in the latest demos posted by Ainslie.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: gmeast on March 02, 2014, 12:11:05 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 01, 2014, 11:38:01 PM
No, it seems that you are avoiding answering the question, which was "Do you agree with her" that I faked the data.

(That's the "short form" of this:"Do you deny, for example, that I have shown how the Q2s are turned on in the circuit by Grounding the Gate and Lowering the voltage at the Source pin of the transistor, something that Ainslie clearly believes, still, to be impossible, in spite of the references I have given her to the Common Gate Amplifier configuration?")

If you do not agree that the video demonstration was faked, please say so directly. Note that she has had plenty of time to "cool down" , and that I have produced several further videos showing the same thing since that one, and she still today accuses me of faking it.  I know you can repeat my demonstration in minutes in your own lab, and I know it would do Ainslie a world of good to actually understand what I am demonstrating in those videos. You are someone she trusts and believes in. So stop being a politician and be a scientist for a while, please.

No, I don't agree you faked anything. But understand that I have NO first-hand knowledge of anything relating to that but I give you the benefit of the doubt.  At the same time, it's illogical to ask such a question ... how would I know? But there's so much of that whole picture I've either avoided or don't understand or care about. I'm small potatoes anyway. I know I stated here that I could never get the 555 timer to operate at the Hz and DC (PW) as published, but I don't consider that important at all. I'm sure you know the great number of circuits that are posted on these forums that DON'T work as published and they seem to ALL require some 'tweeking'. I did get the 555 circuit to work with very nearly the same resistor values as shown, but I had to add another POT and then it worked. But I remember how you made such a big deal of it as if to say " ... see, see ... it's fraudulent..." or something. That detail was just not important in any way. Remember, I also stated that I never fully followed the whole Q-Array circuit and arguments ... mostly because they had nothing to do with the direction of my research and circuit ... which is really just a simple PWM motor control heating an Element rather than running a motor. Remember, I wasn't there for the beginning of all of this. So, If you think I'm acting as a politician, well I'm not ... I'm replying based on what I know and what my experiences are and trying to be objective ... at this point. MarkE seems to be able to do the 'objective' thing pretty well from what I can tell.

I'm not on anyone's side but my own regarding this 'energy stuff'. Please understand that.


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 12:21:59 AM
OK so you do not agree with Ainslie that the demonstration was faked. Thank you for stating it directly, I hope she doesn't start savaging you because of it.
We differ on the importance of supplying correct information in a scientific report, evidently, but let's let that pass for the moment.

The specific demonstration that Ainslie has accused me of faking is very simple, and it would take you  moments to set it up and see for yourself what happens. The later ones are even simpler to set up, requiring only one mosfet, one light bulb, one load resistor, a function generator and an oscilloscope, and a few inches of wire.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWpzpgNnzew (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWpzpgNnzew)

Only slightly more complex is the current measurement and 74 volt battery demonstration.


Have fun! I'll bet it would take you less than half an hour to perform that experiment for yourself.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 02, 2014, 12:27:16 AM
Greg here is the analysis that I performed on the control circuit (555 portion) of the 2002 magazine article.  I think that the duty-cycle claims were a matter of confusion.  I went to great effort to analyze and test 555 circuit variations to show what could and could not be done with either the published schematic or the published schematic with variations.  The bottom line is that without substituting at least four components, it is simply not possible to get the timing that the magazine article claimed.  However, it is trivial to get the exact complementary timing with the schematic as shown in the article.  Since the article did not include any oscilloscope shots, we are left to deduce what was really built and tested.  I conclude that what was built is the schematic and that the timing was the listed frequency and complementary duty cycle.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: chessnyt on March 02, 2014, 12:27:47 AM
Rose has asked me to relay this message as she has been banned from this site.  It is simply concerning the PMs that she keeps receiving:

This is for those members at OU.com (http://ou.com/) who send me personal  messages.  Thanks Guys, I DO get them.  But I can't answer you.  I've  been banned from that forum. 

Hopefully Chess or someone could  take the trouble to post this over to OU.com (http://ou.com/).  I'd be sorry to have them think I'm ignoring them - or that I'm indifferent to that support.

Kindest regards

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 02, 2014, 12:31:47 AM
There are a couple of solutions to that problem:

Those who want to PM Ms. Ainslie can register with her forum and PM her there.
Ms. Ainslie can use a go between who has permissions here to PM her responses.  But that is a lot to ask of the go between.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 12:36:59 AM
Quote from: MarkE on March 02, 2014, 12:27:16 AM
Greg here is the analysis that I performed on the control circuit (555 portion) of the 2002 magazine article.  I think that the duty-cycle claims were a matter of confusion.  I went to great effort to analyze and test 555 circuit variations to show what could and could not be done with either the published schematic or the published schematic with variations.  The bottom line is that without substituting at least four components, it is simply not possible to get the timing that the magazine article claimed.  However, it is trivial to get the exact complementary timing with the schematic as shown in the article.  Since the article did not include any oscilloscope shots, we are left to deduce what was really built and tested.  I conclude that what was built is the schematic and that the timing was the listed frequency and complementary duty cycle.

Gmeast: Given a 24 volt main battery  in the Quantum circuit.... Ask Ainslie what the expected voltage at the mosfet DRAIN should be when the mosfet is 1) completely OFF, and 2) completely ON.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 12:39:42 AM
Quote from: MarkE on March 02, 2014, 12:31:47 AM
There are a couple of solutions to that problem:

Those who want to PM Ms. Ainslie can register with her forum and PM her there.
Ms. Ainslie can use a go between who has permissions here to PM her responses.  But that is a lot to ask of the go between.

It certainly is  because then we will ask the go-betweens hard questions. Like.... what about YOU, chessnyt? Do YOU agree with Ainslie that my latest demonstrations are faked in any way? Simple question, yes or no. I have no idea of your experimental capabilities but if you have the kit, I urge you also to perform these very very simple demos yourself and to interpret them to your friend Rosemary Ainslie.

I wonder how Ainslie gets PMs if she has been banned here. Perhaps her ban is of a "read only" nature where she can log in and read PMs but cannot post to the threads. Well, Ainslie, child, that's what happens when you disrespect and threaten our kind host the way you have done so many times.

QuoteKindest regards
(sic)  Can you spell "hypocrite"?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: chessnyt on March 02, 2014, 01:17:17 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 12:39:42 AM
It certainly is  because then we will ask the go-betweens hard questions. Like.... what about YOU, chessnyt? Do YOU agree with Ainslie that my latest demonstrations are faked in any way? Simple question, yes or no. I have no idea of your experimental capabilities but if you have the kit, I urge you also to perform these very very simple demos yourself and to interpret them to your friend Rosemary Ainslie.

I wonder how Ainslie gets PMs if she has been banned here. Perhaps her ban is of a "read only" nature where she can log in and read PMs but cannot post to the threads. Well, Ainslie, child, that's what happens when you disrespect and threaten our kind host the way you have done so many times.
The questions you are asking are not so hard to answer.  The truth is, I have not seen your demonstration and therefore I cannot comment on it. 
I experiment quite a bit in my little lab (fancy shed with A/C).  Unfortunately, my area of expertise has always been in electrolysis and the last time I drifted away and was sidetracked from my research was when I replicated a John Bedini window motor :)  It actually worked until the capacitor was depleted but I could never get the thing to self-run.  That was back when "Mike's Motor" was the device to replicate (an off-shoot from the Bedini/Cole window motor), which could be compared to the recent romeroUK motor (or something like that).


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 01:27:12 AM
@chessnyt: The relevant demonstrations are linked about four or five posts back in the thread( ETA: reply # 583). I think the two of them total about 17 minutes  to watch, and require only a few parts to perform, and just about any mosfet will do, you don't really need the PG50, but you should try to select one with large input capacitance and high Rdss if you can. I had essentially the same results with IRF830.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 02:57:32 AM
And here you can see again that the ignorant ranting Ainslie cannot accept the evidence that is put before her. She would rather dig herself in deeper and deeper than actually to investigate the matter for herself. It's sad, really. Who in the world could possibly support her after this? Who would really LIKE to have their names associated with that madwoman? It boggles the mind. Oh, where are you Donovan Martin? Can you  not take your co-author aside and try to get her to reason? Where is ANYONE who can explain things to Ainslie in terms she might understand? I have presented simpler and simpler demonstrations, descending down to the very individual elements of the performance of the circuit, and when she finally sees what I am showing she has to claim that it is fake, in order to defend her own ego from crumbling under the exposed weight of her mendacity and error. Really sad. Funny.... but tragic.

The demonstrations are so simple that it is beyond belief that they can be misunderstood. They are so simple that it is impossible to fake the results. They are so simple that I would bet that my neighbor's ten year old son would understand them. But the Great Scientist Ainslie.... well, it is as you see. I shake my head, I almost feel pity for the poor old deluded Ainslie. To finish out her life believing in such nonsense is indeed a tragedy.

Come on, fellows, can you not talk or show some sense into that old grey head? Is it _moral_ for you to leave her making such an abject fool of herself? How would you feel if that was your _mother_ ranting and raving such nonsense, such easily refuted assertions, such lies and misrepresentations?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: orbut 3000 on March 02, 2014, 03:03:48 AM
I would be very proud of my mother if she could troll like that Ainslie persona at that age.   ;D
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 03:56:40 AM
QuoteIF you mean this video - http://youtu.be/ufEZW5iTv6Y (http://anonymouse.org/cgi-bin/anon-www.cgi/http://youtu.be/ufEZW5iTv6Y) ... I do not think you fake it.  IF you mean this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTTA80T0BU4 (http://anonymouse.org/cgi-bin/anon-www.cgi/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTTA80T0BU4)... I KNOW you fake it.  I've used words of 1 syllable there.  You SHOULD therefore understand what I've just written.

Here's why.  When you cut the MOSFET out of the circuit on that Q2 Array - you've got the probe of the function generator attached ONLY to the SOURCE LEG OF Q2.  It CANNOT SWITCH THE CURRENT FROM THE SOURCE LEG.  IT NEEDS TO BE ATTACHED TO THE GATE.  ANY GATE.  And you've taken the only gate AWAY - out of the picture.  Therefore it CANNOT switch.  DON'T look at the circuit.  LOOK AT YOUR EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS.  The PROBE of the function generator is NOW ONLY CONNECTED TO THE SOURCE LEG OF Q2. SO. On THIS video - you've either performed a MIRACLE.  Or you you are FABRICATING THE EVIDENCE.  Which is a euphemism for CHEATING.  Not good Little TK.  Not at all.

There is of course one other possibility that YOU HAVE NOT MENTIONED, dear troll queen. And that of course is that YOU ARE UTTERLY WRONG about how mosfets actually work.

And of course, since you have not done your homework before shooting off your mouth, you have not seen the EVEN SIMPLER videos that hold the clue that is so obvious even you could not miss it: a battery is used to LOWER the voltage at the SOURCE of the mosfet. What does that do to the Gate Voltage, then? Why... if the Source is Lower than the Gate.... then the Gate must be HIGHER THAN THE SOURCE!!!  And it is this _relative_ elevation of the gate voltage by lowering the source voltage that turns on the mosfet.

And the two batteries are in series through the mosfet when the mosfet turns on. And of course when the bias battery is removed and the Function Generator is put in its place... THE SAME THING HAPPENS. And the FG is in SERIES WITH THE MAIN BATTERY and all of the current flows through it just like it was ANOTHER BATTERY.

QuoteThe point here - Little TK - is this.  IF the function generator was providing a path for the flow of discharge from the batteries - then - at these levels of current flow - it would be NUKED.  THEREFORE?  IF the batteries ARE the source of all that 'heat' - WHEREVER it is that the battery is DISCHARGING - IF it is RESPONSIBLE for and the SOURCE OF all that WORK - it CANNOT be using the function generator NOR IT'S PROBES for its path.

The point here, mendacious ignorant old woman, is THIS: The FG DOES provide a path for the discharge flow from the batteries, as PROVEN TIME AND TIME AGAIN JUST AS ABOVE. And it is true that  the FG would be damaged IF IT REALLY CARRIED THAT MUCH CURRENT. Since its internal impedance is 50 ohms, to put 20 amps through it would require how much voltage? Eh? Can you do the math? V=IR=20 x 50 = 1000 Volts!!!! And a power supply that could supply 20 amps at 1000 volts! A 20 KW power supply! And yet the FG , even your OWN weak Little chinese cheapo, survives without difficulty. THEREFORE: the currents cannot be that high at all.
And accurate measurements of the ACTUAL CURRENTS in the circuit flowing through the FG during the oscillations are much less than 2 amperes. You and your mob have proven this yourselves under the guidance of Steve Weir.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 02, 2014, 04:10:41 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 02:57:32 AM
And here you can see again that the ignorant ranting Ainslie cannot accept the evidence that is put before her. She would rather dig herself in deeper and deeper than actually to investigate the matter for herself. It's sad, really. Who in the world could possibly support her after this? Who would really LIKE to have their names associated with that madwoman? It boggles the mind. Oh, where are you Donovan Martin? Can you  not take your co-author aside and try to get her to reason? Where is ANYONE who can explain things to Ainslie in terms she might understand? I have presented simpler and simpler demonstrations, descending down to the very individual elements of the performance of the circuit, and when she finally sees what I am showing she has to claim that it is fake, in order to defend her own ego from crumbling under the exposed weight of her mendacity and error. Really sad. Funny.... but tragic.

The demonstrations are so simple that it is beyond belief that they can be misunderstood. They are so simple that it is impossible to fake the results. They are so simple that I would bet that my neighbor's ten year old son would understand them. But the Great Scientist Ainslie.... well, it is as you see. I shake my head, I almost feel pity for the poor old deluded Ainslie. To finish out her life believing in such nonsense is indeed a tragedy.

Come on, fellows, can you not talk or show some sense into that old grey head? Is it _moral_ for you to leave her making such an abject fool of herself? How would you feel if that was your _mother_ ranting and raving such nonsense, such easily refuted assertions, such lies and misrepresentations?
At this point she is just foaming at the mouth.  Her ignorant assertions are so naive and silly the real question is:  Who takes anything that she is saying seriously?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 04:34:19 AM
Her co-authors. Where are they? How can they allow their good names to be sullied by association with _that_ mass of deluded ranting? How can they allow their names to be included on documents that contain fabricated data, outright lies about the actual experimental conditions and false conclusions based on math errors performed on fake data?  I am flabbergasted. Surely Donovan Martin must know better, or at least be amenable to reasoned arguments. Is this a Monty Python sketch we've wandered into somehow?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPCN_E5nveQ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPCN_E5nveQ)

I could have done it with three AAs, it works fine with only 4.5 Vgs too. But of course the bulb is a bit dimmer.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: picowatt on March 02, 2014, 05:40:19 AM
From "her" over "there":

QuoteHere's why.  When you cut the MOSFET out of the circuit on that Q2 Array - you've got the probe of the function generator attached ONLY to the SOURCE LEG OF Q2.  It CANNOT SWITCH THE CURRENT FROM THE SOURCE LEG.  IT NEEDS TO BE ATTACHED TO THE GATE.  ANY GATE.  And you've taken the only gate AWAY - out of the picture.  Therefore it CANNOT switch.  DON'T look at the circuit.  LOOK AT YOUR EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS.  The PROBE of the function generator is NOW ONLY CONNECTED TO THE SOURCE LEG OF Q2. SO. On THIS video - you've either performed a MIRACLE.  Or you you are FABRICATING THE EVIDENCE.  Which is a euphemism for CHEATING.  Not good Little TK.  Not at all. 

No MIRACLE, no FABRICATING THE EVIDENCE, just the very basic operation of a MOSFET configured as a "common gate amplifier"...

For going on three years, many different people have attempted to explain to her how the FG turns on Q2 by applying a negative voltage to the source of Q2, and that when Q2 turns on, the DC current flowing thru Q2 flows thru the FG.

All manner of words and methods attempting to teach her these simple facts have been utilized.  Even discussions at fairy tale levels involving Ms. Gate and Mr. Source were attempted and she still could not comprehend it (check out the locked threads).

All this time, she demonstrated an inability to comprehend what everyone was trying to teach her.  But now, after having watched TK's simple and concise video on the subject, and as evidenced in the quote from her above, she finally demonstrates that she does indeed understand exactly what everyone has been telling her for years, but that she just plain refuses to believe it.  Apparently this is just willful ignorance...     

I recall that way back when, in a locked thread far far away, it took something like three months of discussions involving many people and more videos from TK just to convince her that a FG could pass current.     

Possibly her belief systems would have been more willing to accept TK's recent video had TK flicked a piezo ignitor next to the circuit before he turned on Q2 in his video...

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Farmhand on March 02, 2014, 05:58:07 AM
Even I can understand how a mosfet could be turned on that way, with a simple explanation. I think she just likes the attention and it gives her something to do.

What I don't get is how on Earth did she originally come up with this circuit all that time ago, all on her own without knowing any electronics ? Was she handed the circuit and told what to do as in make claims and such. How did it originate and who first designed the circuit that she first made claims with ?

In my opinion if a function generator is used the power it draws from the wall should be considered as input, not just what the FG give to the circuit, without the FG drawing power there is no complete circuit. IF she doesn't like that then she should design an efficient circuit to do the driving, like Tinsel did. I say put a Watt meter on the wall socket that the FG is plugged into then add that to the input.  ;D

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 02, 2014, 06:23:37 AM
Quote from: Farmhand on March 02, 2014, 05:58:07 AM
Even I can understand how a mosfet could be turned on that way, with a simple explanation. I think she just likes the attention and it gives her something to do.

What I don't get is how on Earth did she originally come up with this circuit all that time ago, all on her own without knowing any electronics ? Was she handed the circuit and told what to do as in make claims and such. How did it originate and who first designed the circuit that she first made claims with ?

In my opinion if a function generator is used the power it draws from the wall should be considered as input, not just what the FG give to the circuit, without the FG drawing power there is no complete circuit. IF she doesn't like that then she should design an efficient circuit to do the driving, like Tinsel did. I say put a Watt meter on the wall socket that the FG is plugged into then add that to the input.  ;D

The various circuits were not her designs.  She came up with the Zipon idea and was told that she needed to conduct experiments to validate it.  It's been downhill from there.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: The Boss on March 02, 2014, 08:44:55 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 12:39:42 AM

I wonder how Ainslie gets PMs if she has been banned here. Perhaps her ban is of a "read only" nature where she can log in and read PMs but cannot post to the threads.

Ainslie had Stefan ban me from this forum 1 day after I joined, and made one single post.
Not only is she able to log in to read PMs, but she is able to reply to them and send new ones while banned from posting.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 10:42:35 AM
QuoteThe general level of his understanding about power engineering is HIGHLY suspect. The more so when he writes that V=IR.  What NONSENSE.  Where did that come from?  Isn't HE claiming to the be teacher here?  Isn't he the one who considers himself a 'better' as he puts it?  He challenges me personally to 'do the math'.  And then he proceeds to give us this?  V=IR=20 x 50 = 1000 Volts  As I said.  He needs to do better.  Less insult - more science - and I think we'd all have been interested.  But he's grown sloppy, reckless.  And worse still - he's taken us all for fools.

You are all fools Ainslie, fools that don't know where PI=3.14 comes from, fools that don't know where V=IR comes from and fools that cannot even read internet references. Do you want to know where V=IR comes from? CRACK A BOOK, you ignorant troll.

However I do not believe that there is any "we" left for you. YOU are the only person who still believes that anything you say could be correct or true.

KEEP DIGGING, ignorant troll queen. With each stupid post, each whining lying assertion you make, it becomes more and more obvious just what you really are. Donovan Martin must be either completely ignoring you, hanging you out to dry, or he is facepalming and blushing with embarrassment that he ever became associated with such a lying, ignorant troll as you.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 10:50:56 AM
QuoteAnd this is for our picowatT.  A common gate amplifier requires - AT ITS LEAST - a signal to the Gate of the MOSFET.  If the Gate is FLOATING it CANNOT DETECT A SIGNAL.  It's an OPEN CIRCUIT.  What you all have to argue is that you can generate that oscillation - at the level illustrated on that Test 4 paper 1 - which Little TK has now replicated - without ANY signal applied to that Gate of Q2 while Q1 is OUT of the picture.  It is my opinion that it may prove challenging.  It's VERY easy to test.  And then you ALSO have to argue the fact that the switch still operates in both cycles.  Notwithstanding that OPEN GATE.  And you ALSO have to argue that the current flowing during that oscillation is somehow coming from the battery when the waveform is decidedly AC and it's COOKING the resistor.  You recall that the ONLY PATH that's been identified for this battery discharge - is THROUGH the function generator.  You can't deny this.  TK's done that replication.  And you'll note that the amount of current required to cook that element - to BURN IT BLACK - as our Little TK's shown - would be FAR GREATER than the function generator's probes could maintain.  By TK's own admission.

My my, PicoWatt. Didn't you pay attention when you were in Injunearing skool? Can't you see that a Common Gate Amplifier could never work? You should be grateful to Ainslie for enlightening you in this matter.

The charring on my load, to which the lying troll queen Ainslie refers, was of course produced by LONG Q1 ON times, the only way to get substantial heating from the circuit under test. Again she lies about me and my work. She cannot make a single post without making a false claim, lying about something and insulting someone.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_gate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_gate)

She is right about one thing, though: It is indeed VERY EASY TO TEST. Too bad she has neither the wit nor the skill to do so for herself. But others reading here certainly do, DONOVAN MARTIN certainly does, and SWeir certainly can explain to her why her emissions are so much nonsense.

QuoteAnd you'll note that the amount of current required to cook that element - to BURN IT BLACK - as our Little TK's shown - would be FAR GREATER than the function generator's probes could maintain.  By TK's own admission.

What an abject and transparent LIAR this troll queen is. When the Q1 is ON the FG is not involved in the current loop! NONE OF THE LOAD CURRENT, no major current,  PASSES THROUGH THE FG WHEN THE Q1 TRANSISTOR IS ON. "By my own admission".
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: picowatt on March 02, 2014, 12:00:19 PM

Surely by now you have realized the waste of time it is trying to argue with or teach her anything...

I know I have...

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 12:56:50 PM
Quote from: picowatt on March 02, 2014, 12:00:19 PM

Surely by now you have realized the waste of time it is trying to argue with or teach her anything...

I know I have...


Of course I realize this, friend PW. I have known this ever since 2009, when she refused to believe that the 555 timer circuit that she published did not operate as she claimed it did, in spite of the evidence and very clear demonstrations that I produced at the time.

At this point it should be clear that the reason for my demonstrations is to show _other people_ that Ainslie is a liar, an ignorant fool, and that all of those claims she makes, particularly the ones concerning me and my work, are just insane delusions on her part. The past few days, with her increasingly ignorant and vitriolic posts, have just given me more opportunities to show that this is so. The more she denies the reality of the operation of the Common Gate Amplifier that makes up the Q2 half of the 5-mosfet circuit, the easier and more fun this becomes. You may note that in those last videos, I adopt the tone of a pet owner whose dog has just shat on the floor inside the house. And Ainslie, with her response, has proven herself to be even less intelligent than that dog.

Stay tuned, I have just shot another demonstration video which ONCE AGAIN demonstrates that the common gate amplifier oscillates with only the FG RED lead connected to the Source pin of the mosfet, and the Gate of the mosfet connected to the negative pole of the main battery (and of course to the BLACK FG output lead). I used only three AA batteries initially and then substituted the FG for that bias source. The video is processing and will be uploaded in an hour or so. Ainslie, if she watches it at all, will once again accuse me of fakery.... but is of course unwilling to say just HOW I could possibly fake something so simple, nor is she willing to try the simple experiments for herself -- since she KNOWS everything there is to know about mosfet behaviour already. She has actually accused me of displaying a Stored Waveform.... on the magic Tektronix 2213A hundred-dollar-garage-sale oscilloscope. It is to laugh.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 01:27:25 PM
Here's an example of an excellent Teacher actually trying to Teach the Great Scientist something that she _knows_ is false. I suppose Poynt99 may still believe that it is possible to overcome Ainslie's arrogance and her blind worship of her ignorant "thesis". It's sad, because I'm sure he has better and more rewarding things to do.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: picowatt on March 02, 2014, 01:38:34 PM

I think the video you made with the components connected directly above the simplified schematic you drew was your clearest and most concise video describing how Q2 is turned on.  I really don't believe you can improve on that.  Although she did in the end accuse you of some kind of deception, she was at least able to follow along and visualize the connections.

She will not believe or accept how a simple common gate amplifier is turned on, yet she can somehow manage to believe that a power strip can be plugged into itself and activated with a piezo ignitor to produce free energy.

Your videos can be easily replicated by anyone willing to do so, but she would rather waste her time arguing against simple well known facts and save her replication efforts for silly power strip and piezo ignitor videos.

To be kind, something is amiss with her, and I can't help but feel a bit sorry for her.


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 01:53:27 PM
Sympathy and pity are fine as far as they go. Are we also to feel sorry for poor Donovan Martin, whose name still appears on the mendacious and error-ridden daft manuscripts Ainslie has tried to foist off as "scientific papers" when they do not even meet the standards of a high-school physics report?

The time for feeling sorry for Ainslie, for "understanding" her mental problems, is long past.

Sow the wind, ROSEMARY AINSLIE, and reap the whirlwind. You are being swept away by the gale of your own ignorance, arrogance, and sheer mendacity, and you will one day account for your sins to an Authority with whom you will not be able to argue.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 01:58:44 PM
PW said,
QuoteI think the video you made with the components connected directly above the simplified schematic you drew was your clearest and most concise video describing how Q2 is turned on.  I really don't believe you can improve on that.  Although she did in the end accuse you of some kind of deception, she was at least able to follow along and visualize the connections.

Was she? Then how can she claim this:

Ainslie said,
QuoteAnd yet he insults his viewers with an uncluttered view of Q2 connected ONLY by its SOURCE leg - with it's gate 'floating', unattached - free as a bird.  And he INSISTS that he's switching that circuit.  Not so.  Just not possible.  I'm adding this for clarity as this is still not obvious to those dull witted trolls.  The GATE leg of Q2 was attached ONLY to the SOURCE LEG OF Q1.  WITHOUT THAT CONNECTION THEN THERE CAN BE NO SIGNAL APPLIED TO THE GATE OF Q2.  THE CIRCUIT IS OPEN. 

The Gate of the Q2 mosfet is clearly attached, as it always has been, to the circuit negative rail, through the CVR if used, and to the Black output lead of the FG.

Can we see now, AINSLIE, why it is incorrect to refer, as you always have done in your diagrams, to the output leads of the FG as "+" and "-"? Probably not, but everyone else who has ever used a FG knows that EITHER output can be at a higher _relative_  potential than the other output.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: picowatt on March 02, 2014, 02:27:48 PM

I stand corrected...

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 02:31:39 PM
Lest there be any doubt about the veracity of the adjectives I apply to Ainslie:

Where does PI=3.14 come from, she asks. Where does V=IR come from, she asks. How does a common gate amplifier operate? She has no clue.
etc. etc.

Take a look at her recent posts. If that is not arrogance I do not know the meaning of the word, and neither does Webster or the OED.

Look at the quotation I cite above. She clearly claims that I am faking a demonstration, and she clearly claims that I do not have a connection present in the demonstration, when I do.
Further examples of her outright lying abound. Look at the description of the Figure 3 scopeshot in the daft manuscripts. She lies about how the trace was obtained and she lies about its effects on the circuit and she lies about what it indicates.

See Ignorance, above. See also the "calculations" upon which her overunity claim depends.

Just read her forum and look at the deliberate attempts to provoke, the libels and slanders she emits without any proof or documentation, the false accusations and the twisting and misrepresentation of what people have told her.

Look at the way she describes the operation of the circuit, the way it is portrayed in the daft manuscripts and the way she is carrying on at the moment. This is either the expression of a severely deluded individual, or a very good actor pretending to be such.

As I've said before, I can PROVE the truth of any and all pejoratives I have mentioned in dealing with ROSEMARY AINSLIE, mostly by reference to her own words and behaviours.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 02:33:42 PM

The newest demonstration is uploading now and should be viewable in half an hour or so.

http://youtu.be/YENIyuiEDRI (http://youtu.be/YENIyuiEDRI)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: picowatt on March 02, 2014, 02:39:13 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 01:53:27 PM
Sympathy and pity are fine as far as they go. Are we also to feel sorry for poor Donovan Martin, whose name still appears on the mendacious and error-ridden daft manuscripts Ainslie has tried to foist off as "scientific papers" when they do not even meet the standards of a high-school physics report?

The time for feeling sorry for Ainslie, for "understanding" her mental problems, is long past.

Sow the wind, ROSEMARY AINSLIE, and reap the whirlwind. You are being swept away by the gale of your own ignorance, arrogance, and sheer mendacity, and you will one day account for your sins to an Authority with whom you will not be able to argue.

Actually, I'd feel sorry for anyone who had to deal with her on a daily basis, or occasionally be roped in to being in close proximity to her.  That would include Donovan, who may be in the uncomfortable position of having to humor her now and then.  I don't know.

But the lucky ones can just walk away and not let her get under their skin...

Life is too short...


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 02:45:41 PM
Quote from: picowatt on March 02, 2014, 02:39:13 PM
Actually, I'd feel sorry for anyone who had to deal with her on a daily basis, or occasionally be roped in to being in close proximity to her.  That would include Donovan, who may be in the uncomfortable position of having to humor her now and then.  I don't know.

I do. Witness Donovan Martin lying for Ainslie:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neME1s-lEZE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neME1s-lEZE)

Also let us not forget that the schematics that appear in every version of her daft manuscripts, bearing Donovan Martin's name as coauthor, are LIES. They do not depict the actual location used by the authors for the Black FG lead. The actual location they used for the entire set of experiments allows the FG currents to bypass the CVR entirely. They NEVER used the location depicted in the diagrams until the August 10 rehearsal for the public August 11 demonstration -- they could not have done because of the groundloop problem, and if that weren't enough I have shown images, from Ainslie herself, of every apparatus they ever used since 2009, and all of them show the Black FG lead at the common circuit ground, NOT the location depicted in the schematics.


But the lucky ones can just walk away and not let her get under their skin...

Life is too short...


Or rather, Life is not long enough properly to catalog and display all of the egregious faults and failures and lies for which ROSEMARY AINSLIE is responsible.

Let us also not forget that it was SHE who chose this battlefield, it is SHE who has escalated the rhetoric, and it is SHE who brought the challenges to ME, not the other way around. She had the option to quit after the August 11 demonstration that proved the falsity of her claims and which resulted in the insincere "retraction" of the daft manuscripts. When she "retracted" her retraction.... that was her choice, to continue with promoting her false claims, lies, and arrogant insulting behaviour. Her choice. I choose to defend the TRUTH, even though it may be a Little time consuming.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 03:03:46 PM
The new video is viewable now.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YENIyuiEDRI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YENIyuiEDRI)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 04:39:54 PM
For anyone trying to replicate these experiments, especially those shown in the last video...

NOTE THIS WELL: sometimes with the low battery voltage this system will not oscillate when the bias AA stack connection is made, as you can see in this video a couple of times. When that happens, the mosfet is turned (very nearly) FULLY ON with Vgs +4.5 volts, and so conducts the full current supplied by the battery through the load as DC. This will of course heat up both the load, rapidly, and the mosfet, a bit more slowly. SO do not let yourselves be fooled by even this simple circuit: proper ground reference connections must be used, no groundloop allowed, and the circuit must be monitored to assure that you are oscillating and not just turning the mosfet on hard.

I've included this disclaimer also in the "Description" section of the video's YT page.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 04:53:07 PM
Listen very carefully to Donovan Martin's voice in the "Donny blooper reel" linked above as he tells us there are "Five mosfets in parallel" on "what you see before you".  He is lying and he knows he is lying. This is not a "mistake" ! He put the apparatus together himself! Surely you do not believe Ainslie set that up or did it without Donny checking it over. Furthermore.... when the truth was revealed by Poynt99 on or about 18 April, Ainslie admitted the conscious deception and stated outright that she was sorry that Poynt99 figured it out!

QED, Martin is in complete conscious cahoots with Ainslie in attempting to perpetrate this jumble of mendacity on the public.

Note also that Ainslie has removed this demonstration from any and all of her four YT accounts and has even claimed that she did not upload it, it does not "represent" her claims, etc,etc. She is clearly aware of what that full demonstration reveals and would like very much for it to be suppressed. But the internet never forgets. The full unedited video demonstration of March 11, 2011 is available still.... on my channel.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 02, 2014, 05:28:47 PM
Intentionally misrepresenting:  set-ups or data is misconduct.  If any of those academics she hopes would give her rantings a look were ever caught doing such a thing they would face discipline and ridicule.  If for example a pharmaceutical company misrepresented its test data it would be sued for the consequences.  This has happened.  If for example an automobile company misrepresented their test conditions or data, they would be sued for the consequences.  This too has happened.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 06:53:53 PM
You betcha, and maybe now some of my continuing effort is better understood. Their program is not just error-ridden, they do not just make mistakes and then try to rationalize them afterwards. Ainslie admits in that forum post just what I have been telling you all along. You cannot trust _anything_ that comes from her unless you can verify it independently yourself, because she has a proven _and admitted_ history of deliberately and consciously and with the collusion of her co-authors engaging in deception in the presentation of data in scientific reports and on the internet in forums.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 07:57:06 PM
All of that notwithstanding, I am sort of anticipating a moment when the Great Scientist will "snap" and realize that there is a battery , the bias battery, with its POSITIVE pole at the Gate of the mosfet and a NEGATIVE pole at the Source, in addition to the Main battery whose negative is at the Gate.

A HA, evil TisnelOlaka, she will snort. You have tricked us again, it is that thing you call a Bias Battery that is providing the signal to the Gate to turn on your silly BRYAN LITTLE light bulb you picklemonger with the great big GER. Therefore zipons!

And then it will be another year or so trying to get her to realize that the FG does the same damned thing that the bias battery does.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 02, 2014, 08:37:27 PM
Ms. Ainslie's recent psots contain gyrations that are so far afield of proven reality that it is as though we are watching a cartoon.  She will flail and protest for however long she might.  With each new post she makes a bigger mockery of herself.  She has since last August gone from someone who made a mistake, recognized it and acted honorably, to someone indistinguishable from the homeless on Venice Beach.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 09:28:05 PM
Permit me to offer a somewhat alternate explanation.

Last August she was not found to have erred, she was caught out in a multiple, compound lie. In her arrogance she believed that her fabricated data would hold up to scrutiny, since she has no theory that actually works and cannot herself interpret an oscilloscope screen, but instead relies exclusively on numbers in boxes. She cynically believed that, since she knows best, nobody would be able to see her deception, just as for the 2011 demonstration. Leopards do not readily change their spots. She never acted "honorably" at all. When it became apparent that her lies were indeed found out and demonstrated, during her cynical "cooperation" with Steve Weir, she rapidly shut down the deliberately badly shot and presented demonstration before it became even more obvious.  Her "retraction" was never sincere, it never resulted in an actual withdrawal or even a revision of the daft manuscripts, and as soon as the dust settled a bit, as I predicted, she was back with the same old same old thing, making the same lying claims from the same fabricated data. She may have exacted some promise from Steve to leave her alone or he may have simply lost interest. I am surprised that he did not make any public comment about Ainslie's retracted retraction -- except of course to tell us that the saved screenshots would not be released, contrary to the agreement made during the demonstration. 

The June 29 demo was another deliberately obfuscatory and disrespectful joke.

Now that she is once again in a position where her false claims, outright lies and ignorance of circuit behaviour and facts in general are again made evident, she chooses to do what she has always done when challenged: she lashes out with the most ridiculous arguments based on her "thesis" which is no such thing, it is barely a WAG, a conjecture based on a dream based on a bit of underdone potato.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Farmhand on March 02, 2014, 09:38:00 PM
This is not just about Rosemary either in my opinion, it serves as notice to all OU claimants, there are people with the knowledge to see through the mistaken or fraudulent claims and will debunk them. I can spot a fake by intuition but I cannot go to the great detail and complexity to show them up that way. What I can do is replicate some of the claims made and show it is nothing special. We can all do our bit.

Good job Tinsel and all the guys involved. The inductive heater of Rosemary Ainsley is bogus as it can be even I can see that. Being a heater makes it easier to get higher efficiency due to usually heat is unwanted and we can all make things hot if we want. It is a bigger challenge to keep things cool with high power throughput.

As for you tube subscribers I think i have more than her  ;D I have 160. But I also have almost that many video's as well on numerous different subjects.  :D

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 10:19:28 PM
The irony in all of this, of course, is that the actual definitive tests of the hypothesis that the circuit creates more energy out than in, have never been done. Not even close.

Due to Ainslie's mendacity, arrogance, ignorance of proper scientific methodology, bad math and general incompetence, what she _claimed_ was known isn't known at all. An honest researcher could have in fact tested the hypothesis rigorously and definitively in a year, gotten a real publication in a peer-reviewed journal or two out of it even "if" excess energy was not, for some odd reason, actually found to be produced. Yet the arrogant Ainslie instead had her "thesis" to promote, and so stooped to endless delay, fabrication of data, changing goalposts and just about every other dishonest ploy there is in order to _prevent_ any real research into her original claim of excess energy output.

For goodness sakes, we are still trying to get her to realize how the circuit even does what it _does_ do, much less find out what it "might be able" to do. Without an understanding of the basics of mosfet behaviour how can she hope to contribute anything real to the discussion? With a pre-ordained "thesis" that she is sure is correct, because it was revealed to her in a dream, she cannot even allow herself to see real data for what it is, nor interpret it properly if it conflicts with her "thesis".

Now we might all "know" that the circuit cannot produce excess energy of any kind. So we can either decide to do the experiment to see, or let it go and go play somewhere else. But if we decide we want to _do_ the experiment to find out once and for all, then it must be done properly, and a very important part of that is to understand the basics of electronics well enough to be able to apply Ohm's Law appropriately. Another very important part is the honest and dispassionate reporting of accurate and precise results. Yet another is to be "thesis-free" in that one attempts to do everything one can to _disprove_ the hypothesis by experiment. Only when one FAILS in earnest attempts to DISPROVE one's own hypothesis can one legitimately say it has support. This is the basis of the Scientific Method, something which Ainslie has never shown any inkling of understanding.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 02, 2014, 10:28:20 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 09:28:05 PM
Permit me to offer a somewhat alternate explanation.

Last August she was not found to have erred, she was caught out in a multiple, compound lie. In her arrogance she believed that her fabricated data would hold up to scrutiny, since she has no theory that actually works and cannot herself interpret an oscilloscope screen, but instead relies exclusively on numbers in boxes. She cynically believed that, since she knows best, nobody would be able to see her deception, just as for the 2011 demonstration. Leopards do not readily change their spots. She never acted "honorably" at all. When it became apparent that her lies were indeed found out and demonstrated, during her cynical "cooperation" with Steve Weir, she rapidly shut down the deliberately badly shot and presented demonstration before it became even more obvious.  Her "retraction" was never sincere, it never resulted in an actual withdrawal or even a revision of the daft manuscripts, and as soon as the dust settled a bit, as I predicted, she was back with the same old same old thing, making the same lying claims from the same fabricated data. She may have exacted some promise from Steve to leave her alone or he may have simply lost interest. I am surprised that he did not make any public comment about Ainslie's retracted retraction -- except of course to tell us that the saved screenshots would not be released, contrary to the agreement made during the demonstration. 

The June 29 demo was another deliberately obfuscatory and disrespectful joke.

Now that she is once again in a position where her false claims, outright lies and ignorance of circuit behaviour and facts in general are again made evident, she chooses to do what she has always done when challenged: she lashes out with the most ridiculous arguments based on her "thesis" which is no such thing, it is barely a WAG, a conjecture based on a dream based on a bit of underdone potato.
I can buy a hypothesis that the swapped source and gate connections of the Q2 MOSFETs were something that neither Ms. Ainslie nor her collaborators recognized until Poynt99 figured it out.  I have not seen any evidence that they have ever understood these simple circuits.  Whether that hypothesis is correct or alternately Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators knew what they had done prior to the demonstration, in the end she an her collaborators did lie about material issues one way or another.  That's the sort of thing that can cause a highly paid tenured professor to find out they need to find another university or retire early.  It's just a really stupid thing to do, because once one destroys their credibility pulling a stunt like that, there is really no getting it back.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 10:31:32 PM
(sorry crossed posts, this is not a reply to the above, it's just a general rant.)

Look at it this way. Suppose my hypothesis is that it is raining outside. I assert that it is absolutely and positively raining outside.

Fine, you say, what is your evidence in support of your claim?

HA, I say, look here, the street is wet. QED, it is raining outside.

OK, have I in fact proved to you that it is indeed raining outside? After all, everybody knows that the streets get wet when it rains. SO I've given you strong evidence in support of my claim that it is raining. Haven't I?

Well, maybe. Have you tried any other methods of testing for rain outside?

No, why should I, we both agree that the street is wet. And so on and so on.

SO positive evidence in favor of a claim does not prove the claim at all because there may be a myriad of other reasons that produce the same evidence. The fire hydrant was opened by some kids down the block. The dam burst. My neighbor is playing a trick on me. My street-dryness detector is broken. The ice truck dumped a load accidentally.  Etc etc.

But what happens if I look outside and I find that the street is in fact DRY, that there is no cloud, nobody is carrying an umbrella and the sun is shining brilliantly.

Then I KNOW FOR SURE that the original hypothesis is wrong, it is not raining outside.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 02, 2014, 10:37:13 PM
Yes, but that will only be because you are part of a group dedicated to suppressing new discoveries using those weapons of mass fantasy destruction called facts.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 10:38:29 PM
QuoteI can buy a hypothesis that the swapped source and gate connections of the Q2 MOSFETs were something that neither Ms. Ainslie nor her collaborators recognized until Poynt99 figured it out.

But there is some evidence to the contrary. Ainslie's statements at the time that Poynt99 showed it publicly contain her claim that she knew it all along but wanted to keep it secret; she has a blog post that says "there was a small variation to the circuit, we made full disclosure" , or something like that,  but that might be an after-the-fact meaning-changing edit, something else she is well known to do.

At first I thought that these were just self-serving attempts at saving face: better to be found a liar than a fool, sort of thing, pretending to have covered it up knowingly sounding better at the time than admitting that neither of them had a clue until .99 poynted it out.

But now I know better. She's a conniving schemer. Sure, they probably made the connection accidentally at first, but by the time of the March 2011 demo, they knew all about it.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 10:42:50 PM
Some relevant posts:

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 02, 2014, 10:42:58 PM
I don't know and don't care which it is.  In either case she had to knowingly lie about import facets of her apparatus.  That is fatal to one's credibility.

As to why Steve hasn't said much, I think he really doesn't care.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 10:55:52 PM
WARNING: Rosemary Ainslie is once again LYING about my data and my demonstrations in an attempt to bolster her ridiculous claims. I say again, what she says in this post about my work is a LIE.

I did indeed "replicate" the test and the scopetraces and I showed what I showed, which is that we cannot trust her report that the shot was obtained with a period of 20 milliseconds, because at that slow period the entire screen would only contain a tiny portion of the entire period and a large Q1 ON time would not even show up on the scope at all, being set to 500 microseconds per horizontal division.

I have already explained the very same thing that .99 has said and that she is arguing against. The high heat and char marks on the PHENOLIC, not ceramic, tube that my nichrome heating element wire shows, matched for resistance and inductance to her _claimed_ values, were caused by an extended period of Q1 ON time. The Q2 oscillations produce very little heat in the element, and the battery MOST CERTAINLY DOES discharge normally during both phases of the circuit's operation.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 02, 2014, 11:00:41 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 02, 2014, 10:55:52 PM
WARNING: Rosemary Ainslie is once again LYING about my data and my demonstrations in an attempt to bolster her ridiculous claims. I say again, what she says in this post about my work is a LIE.

I did indeed "replicate" the test and the scopetraces and I showed what I showed, which is that we cannot trust her report that the shot was obtained with a period of 20 milliseconds, because at that slow period the entire screen would only contain a tiny portion of the entire period and a large Q1 ON time would not even show up on the scope at all, being set to 500 microseconds per horizontal division.

I have already explained the very same thing that .99 has said and that she is arguing against. The high heat and char marks on the PHENOLIC, not ceramic, tube that my nichrome heating element wire, matched for resistance and inductance to her _claimed_ values, were caused by an extended period of Q1 ON time. The Q2 oscillations produce very little heat in the element, and the battery MOST CERTAINLY DOES discharge normally during both phases of the circuit's operation.
Like I said, she is very detached from reality.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 03, 2014, 03:59:35 AM
For your amusement, here is the Massive Oscillation screenshot from the video where Ainslie accuses me of fakery.

Please note, O Great Troll Scientist, that I am NOT claiming that these high amplitude voltage readings, translated into currents using the indicated values and Ohm's law, are real currents flowing through anything. The actual currents in the system are far lower.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 03, 2014, 04:26:28 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 03, 2014, 03:59:35 AM
For your amusement, here is the Massive Oscillation screenshot from the video where Ainslie accuses me of fakery.

Please note, O Great Troll Scientist, that I am NOT claiming that these high amplitude voltage readings, translated into currents using the indicated values and Ohm's law, are real currents flowing through anything. The actual currents in the system are far lower.
During the June 29, 2013 demonstration Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators demonstrated that the voltage registered across their current sense resistor was not:  V=I*0.25.  Donovan Martin showed that the current sense voltage during the oscillation intervals was essentially the same whether or not the oscilloscope probe was connected to the Q1 source side of the current sense resistors or the circuit common side.  This irrefutable evidence that the vast majority of the signal amplitude was independent of the current sense resistors and therefore a property of wiring goes right over Ms. Ainslie's head.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 03, 2014, 07:17:07 PM
Hey, Poynt99!

How does it feel to be trying to reason with, and explain things to, someone who lies about what her own data shows?

Test 3 shows, of course, the famous Figs 6 and 7, which have been proven to be fabrications, with plenty of Gate drive voltage shown but no Q1 current. There is no "poynt" in discussing these fabrications further, the data is fake, garbage, BS.

Test 4, according to the text, was taken with a 20 millisecond period, but the scope horizontal timebase is set to 500 microseconds per division, so IF the 20 millisecond period is TRUE, then the whole screen only shows a tiny portion of one cycle, and there could be Q1 ON times for as much as 15 milliseconds... since what is shown only covers 5 milliseconds of the 20 millisecond period.
OR.... if Ainslie "meant" to say that the period was 20 microseconds, then each horizontal division of 500 microseconds contains 25 full periods of the waveform and it is impossible to determine the Q1 ON interval.
However I can count only 14 peaks per horizontal division, all the way across the screen.

Furthermore, we know that the data in the daft manuscripts, ALL OF IT, is invalid because of the _actual_ location of the FG's Black output lead, which was NOT located where the schematics say it was, but rather where they always located it in every test they ever did, until August 10-11, 2013. They had NO GROUND LIFT ADAPTER and didn't understand the groundloop issue so they could not have used the location in the schematics in the manuscripts, and EVERY photograph and video of their apparatus shown since 2009 shows the Black FG lead in the common circuit negative rail. The schematics in the manuscripts are lies, deliberate lies, and all the data, which was NOT taken with that schematic, is invalid for that reason alone, although we also know other reasons that invalidate _all_ data in the two daft manuscripts.

You are arguing with someone who will lie about what the data from others shows, and she clearly is happy to lie about what her own "data" shows.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 04, 2014, 01:38:43 AM
Is that some Polly Parrot squawking I hear?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjBCjfB3Hq8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjBCjfB3Hq8)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 04, 2014, 04:48:09 AM
She is still pretending that her claims have not all been completely demolished.  All she is managing to do is dig a deeper hole.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 04, 2014, 12:15:20 PM
That's right.

She does not even know that there is a difference between "ms" and "us" when used as abbreviations for time intervals. Three orders of magnitude, who cares, they are small, take two.

The interpretation of the Figure 8 shot in "test 4" is dependent upon the timebase and the actual period of the signal sent from the FG. We know for sure the scope's timebase setting because it is displayed without Ainslie's intervention or filtering.

But if Ainslie's claim that the period is in fact 20 ms is true, then the scopeshot ONCE AGAIN constitutes a deliberate fabrication or obfuscation of data because the entire screen only holds one-quarter of a full period, only 5 ms of the entire 20 ms period. The Q1 could be fully ON that entire time (duty cycle 75 percent HI) and the screen is simply not covering that part of the period.

On the other hand, if Ainslie really "meant" to say that the period was 20 us, then each horizontal division of 500 us on the screen holds 25 full periods and there is not sufficient resolution in the display to be able to see what the Q1 ON times or dutycycles might be. But how many peaks does one _actually count_ per horizontal division? I get 14, in every division where it is possible to see the peaks. Not 25.

It is a real sin for someone to have such a nice toy Etch-a-Sketch and then use its capabilities to display garbage and meaningless numbers in boxes like that Figure 8 scopeshot.

But of course this is not the first such sin Ainslie has perpetrated on her readers and analysts. What is the actual period of the FG's setting for the Figure 8 shot? Nobody knows. What was the actual percentage of Q1 ON time? Nobody knows. Yet this is presented as data in support of her claims of no battery discharge and high load heat. What a load of garbage.

The Test 3 part is even more hilarious where it talks about "bringing water to boil" since she did no such thing. We have her apparatus photos which show the thermocouple mounted directly to the element resistor metal housing. We have her claim to have reached 104 C in Cape Town South Africa with water that "wasn't actually boiling, there were small bubbles" and we have her absurd statement that steam was evident whenever the thing indicated over 64 degrees C..... and then we have her statement made very clearly in these threads that they NEVER MEASURED THE TEMPERATURE OF THE WATER, emphasis hers, and that is the truth. (I'm surprised her keyboard didn't catch fire, from her emission of a True Statement.) Yet the text of the "paper" refers to the "water temperature" and "the temperature of the water" very plainly. Again, false representations of the actual experimental data, which did NOT measure the water temperature and did NOT produce a pot of boiling water as she would like you to imagine from the description in the daft manuscript. And this is taken directly from the current "edit" on her forum, not even the very different "official publication" on Rossi's vanity JNP.

I see that Ainslie is using either another new account, or someone else's account, to view my videos. The ones she has seen, she leaves a drive-by thumbs down vote against... the only one or two that they get, usually. She knows better than to try to comment, as I will block her new account instantly. She can lie all she likes on her forum, but she will not be permitted to lie and insult on my YT channel.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 04, 2014, 12:19:04 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 04, 2014, 12:15:20 PM
That's right.

She does not even know that there is a difference between "ms" and "us" when used as abbreviations for time intervals. Three orders of magnitude, who cares, they are small, take two.

The interpretation of the Figure 8 shot in "test 4" is dependent upon the timebase and the actual period of the signal sent from the FG. We know for sure the scope's timebase setting because it is displayed without Ainslie's intervention or filtering.

But if Ainslie's claim that the period is in fact 20 ms is true, then the scopeshot ONCE AGAIN constitutes a deliberate fabrication or obfuscation of data because the entire screen only holds one-quarter of a full period, only 5 ms of the entire 20 ms period. The Q1 could be fully ON that entire time (duty cycle 75 percent HI) and the screen is simply not covering that part of the period.

On the other hand, if Ainslie really "meant" to say that the period was 20 us, then each horizontal division of 500 us on the screen holds 25 full periods and there is not sufficient resolution in the display to be able to see what the Q1 ON times or dutycycles might be. But how many peaks does one _actually count_ per horizontal division? I get 14, in every division where it is possible to see the peaks. Not 25.

It is a real sin for someone to have such a nice toy Etch-a-Sketch and then use its capabilities to display garbage and meaningless numbers in boxes like that Figure 8 scopeshot.

But of course this is not the first such sin Ainslie has perpetrated on her readers and analysts. What is the actual period of the FG's setting for the Figure 8 shot? Nobody knows. What was the actual percentage of Q1 ON time? Nobody knows. Yet this is presented as data in support of her claims of no battery discharge and high load heat. What a load of garbage.
I do not see any exit from the hole she has dug, and insists upon digging further.  Maybe she is going to do new demonstrations and maybe she won't.  If she does, she is unlikely to have even the slightest clue as to what is going on.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 04, 2014, 01:52:28 PM
Well that much is clear. Even what _she_ has claimed to need has already been given to her by me and you and the other people who build and sim and analyze and explain.

The heavy heatsinks are on the wrong transistors. The circuit should be configured with 4 Q1s and one Q2 as the schematic in the second manuscript at Rossi's site has it. No heavy heatsinks or multiple parallel transistors are needed for the Q2 oscillations, the mosfet is not stressed by this and only heats up moderately due to the increased power dissipation forced upon it by the oscillations thru the linear conductance region of the mosfet, instead of turning it fully ON. A modest heatsink will do fine on the single Q2. The big heatsinks and parallel configuration should be for the Q1s which are turned fully ON, in order to pass the most current from the battery to the load in an efficient manner. Still, a straight wire connection, interrupted by an electromagnetic relay for "pulsing" and with no oscillatory phase at all, would be the very best way to pulse-discharge a battery through a heater coil load.

The IRFPG50 mosfet is not the ideal mosfet to use in a FE device because of its high power dissipation. Its minimum Rdss at Vgs=12 volts is 2.0 ohms and in the linear region it is even worse. The extremely high voltages are illusions, the circuit works fine with much cheaper mosfets like the IRF830. If voltages can be kept even lower by proper circuit design, modern mosfets like the IRF3205 could be used, with truly minuscule power dissipation by the transistors themselves.

If continuous Q2 oscillations are what is desired, as Ainslie professed to believe at one time, this is easily attained without even the need for an expensive and apparently difficult to use FG. Many people told her how to do this, I and others showed her many times, but she herself has never actually implemented any of the suggestions or even tried them for herself. Why? Because it would have required her to admit that the FG is a bias current/voltage source, that the other continuous methods do the same, and that this is in direct conflict with both her "thesis" and with her (non) understanding of the circuit's operation.

If the bias source ( the "timer" Ainslie sometimes calls it) needs to be operated from the main battery itself, I have told how to accomplish this by the use of a charge pump inverter powered from the lowest of the main batteries. Ainslie has claimed many times that they do not need any other power input than from the main batteries but she has never demonstrated this, nor does she understand why it cannot be done as easily as she seems to think, without using, as I have shown, a separate more negative bias battery or other power source like the FG connected to its own power supply.

If big tall HV spikes are what is needed, we have shown her how properly to produce those. If rapid transitions between oscillation phases and DC phases are needed.... ditto, the information has come from the _real_ workers on this problem, not from the lazy and incompetent Ainslie mob.

If proper experimental design happens and proper metrology is to be performed, where did they get the information and models for that behaviour? Guess where. If proper analysis and presentation of data are to be performed, ditto. Once again, Ainslie and her posse have actually produced nothing of value _even with respect to their own experimentation_ unless it is to provide a list, and examples, of what to avoid and how not to do Science.

If proper post-hoc analysis and discussion is to be carried out, then once again the Ainslie crew has shown that they have no clue as to how it is done. If papers are to be submitted for consideration in a peer-reviewed technical or scientific journal.... the people who have apparently NEVER READ such papers should read the editorial guidelines at least, consult a style manual, do a literature search, etc. etc.-- all things that have been shown to her and her ilk by "outsiders", by her critics.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 04, 2014, 07:26:11 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 04, 2014, 01:52:28 PM
Well that much is clear. Even what _she_ has claimed to need has already been given to her by me and you and the other people who build and sim and analyze and explain.

The heavy heatsinks are on the wrong transistors. The circuit should be configured with 4 Q1s and one Q2 as the schematic in the second manuscript at Rossi's site has it. No heavy heatsinks or multiple parallel transistors are needed for the Q2 oscillations, the mosfet is not stressed by this and only heats up moderately due to the increased power dissipation forced upon it by the oscillations thru the linear conductance region of the mosfet, instead of turning it fully ON. A modest heatsink will do fine on the single Q2. The big heatsinks and parallel configuration should be for the Q1s which are turned fully ON, in order to pass the most current from the battery to the load in an efficient manner. Still, a straight wire connection, interrupted by an electromagnetic relay for "pulsing" and with no oscillatory phase at all, would be the very best way to pulse-discharge a battery through a heater coil load.

The IRFPG50 mosfet is not the ideal mosfet to use in a FE device because of its high power dissipation. Its minimum Rdss at Vgs=12 volts is 2.0 ohms and in the linear region it is even worse. The extremely high voltages are illusions, the circuit works fine with much cheaper mosfets like the IRF830. If voltages can be kept even lower by proper circuit design, modern mosfets like the IRF3205 could be used, with truly minuscule power dissipation by the transistors themselves.

If continuous Q2 oscillations are what is desired, as Ainslie professed to believe at one time, this is easily attained without even the need for an expensive and apparently difficult to use FG. Many people told her how to do this, I and others showed her many times, but she herself has never actually implemented any of the suggestions or even tried them for herself. Why? Because it would have required her to admit that the FG is a bias current/voltage source, that the other continuous methods do the same, and that this is in direct conflict with both her "thesis" and with her (non) understanding of the circuit's operation.

If the bias source ( the "timer" Ainslie sometimes calls it) needs to be operated from the main battery itself, I have told how to accomplish this by the use of a charge pump inverter powered from the lowest of the main batteries. Ainslie has claimed many times that they do not need any other power input than from the main batteries but she has never demonstrated this, nor does she understand why it cannot be done as easily as she seems to think, without using, as I have shown, a separate more negative bias battery or other power source like the FG connected to its own power supply.

If big tall HV spikes are what is needed, we have shown her how properly to produce those. If rapid transitions between oscillation phases and DC phases are needed.... ditto, the information has come from the _real_ workers on this problem, not from the lazy and incompetent Ainslie mob.

If proper experimental design happens and proper metrology is to be performed, where did they get the information and models for that behaviour? Guess where. If proper analysis and presentation of data are to be performed, ditto. Once again, Ainslie and her posse have actually produced nothing of value _even with respect to their own experimentation_ unless it is to provide a list, and examples, of what to avoid and how not to do Science.

If proper post-hoc analysis and discussion is to be carried out, then once again the Ainslie crew has shown that they have no clue as to how it is done. If papers are to be submitted for consideration in a peer-reviewed technical or scientific journal.... the people who have apparently NEVER READ such papers should read the editorial guidelines at least, consult a style manual, do a literature search, etc. etc.-- all things that have been shown to her and her ilk by "outsiders", by her critics.
What the Ainslie team needs is a real research vehicle.  And now the folks at FunCo have the answer.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 04, 2014, 09:11:24 PM
I think this is going to be the only research vehicle that Ainslie is likely to understand.

After all, the chances of them making an error in wiring goes as the square, or some higher exponent, of the number of circuit nodes.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 04, 2014, 10:39:19 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 04, 2014, 12:15:20 PM

We have her claim to have reached 104 C in Cape Town South Africa with water that "wasn't actually boiling, there were small bubbles" and we have her absurd statement that steam was evident whenever the thing indicated over 64 degrees C.....

Does Rose not realize that steam is invisible?  I learned this when I was 10 watching a Mr. Science show out of NY.  (I was living in NJ at the time and all TV came out of NY.) He boiled water in a tea pot and showed us the water vapor coming out of the spout.  He said, this was not steam as we can't see steam.  He then took a propane torch and heated the outpouring water vapor hot enough to make steam, and... we could no longer see anything coming out of the spout.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 04, 2014, 10:44:22 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on March 04, 2014, 10:39:19 PM
Does Rose not realize that steam is invisible?  I learned this when I was 10 watching a Mr. Science show out of NY.  (I was living in NJ at the time and all TV came out of NY.) He boiled water in a tea pot and showed us the water vapor coming out of the spout.  He said, this was not steam as we can't see steam.  He then took a propane torch and heated the outpouring water vapor hot enough to make steam, and... we could no longer see anything coming out of the spout.

And from that dry, capable of starting fires steam came Steorn's inspiration for their 900C water heater.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 05, 2014, 12:53:08 AM
In South Africa, where the Summer Equinox comes on January 21, anything is possible.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 05, 2014, 01:31:15 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 05, 2014, 12:53:08 AM
In South Africa, where the Summer Equinox comes on January 21, anything is possible.
Is that like the vernal and autumnal solstices? They must feel cheated on their rather short summer days.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 05, 2014, 01:40:44 AM
Yes, strange isn't it? I have never figured out why or how people can actually be _proud_ of their ignorance. But we have a clear example here. The ignorant troll queen, er, Great Scientist actually _wants_ her insane rants, misconceptions and lies to be preserved, referenced, and repeated!

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 05, 2014, 08:47:06 AM
Did you know that in South Africa, in addition to following a different astronomical calendar than the rest of the world, it is not necessary to provide any proof of an assertion? Yes, all one has to do is to make a statement. Any statement at all, and it is taken to be True. A person can simply assert that the sky is green and the rain is made of fine cognac, and until someone actually publishes a scientific paper that disproves it, the sky is therefore green and the rain, cognac! No detailed and published disproof? Then the original statement STANDS, and your petty observations to the contrary mean nothing, they are just trolling.

Funny, too, how the Great Scientist can rant on for weeks and months screaming that something is impossible.... then after dozens of demonstrations ignored, suddenly she is taken aside and given advice by someone out of the picture, and then she "explains" that she knew it all along.  And the handwaving post hockery continues, with more and more insults and the stupid Little essays she emits that get the entire Scientific Method backwards and upside down. Yet  nary an apology, nary any sign of shame or remorse comes from the Great Scientist who has been utterly and rantingly wrong about these specific Little points lo these past few months.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 05, 2014, 01:17:57 PM
Paranoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep....

This is really pretty sad. It looks like somebody needs a Little medication adjustment.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 05, 2014, 01:27:12 PM
I'm not even going to bother to point out all the lies and false accusations in that absurd psychotic paranoid rant.

But somebody had better look in on Rosemary Ainslie because she is decompensating and may become really dangerous, to herself or others around her.

Donovan Martin is probably quacking in his boots right about now.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: orbut 3000 on March 05, 2014, 01:31:08 PM
The login for her mouse doesn't work anymore?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: mrsean2k on March 05, 2014, 01:49:45 PM
I can't recall anyone calling himself "Mr Sean'.

"mrsean2k" maybe, the unimaginative handle in a few places of "Sean Inglis", a link I've never attempted to hide.

Unlike TK and others who labour under different constraints, I don't need anonymity.

As a result of this, when she accuses people of breaking into her computer, Rosemary may want to think a bit more carefully before she opens her fucking yap; there are no details I need to keep private if I was to decide I wanted to do something concrete in response to that accusation. That said, who bothers to kick an old dog just for rolling in shit? I probably wouldn't.

Anyway, these are the files in question:

http://seani.justemail.net/rosemary_ainslie/ (http://seani.justemail.net/rosemary_ainslie/)

I'm happy with the provenance of the shots, and they'll stay up there publicly accessible as long as it suits me.

Rosemary's claims that they weren't posted freely in a public forum to begin with are just her usual mental incontinence.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 05, 2014, 02:01:55 PM
And I have a few more that aren't in that database. If anyone wants to know where any specific shot came from, just ask and I'll provide the full location.  And of course I have made this same offer, every time Ainslie has accused me or mrsean2k of "rifling" her computer.

Or you could simply use Google, typing in "rosemary ainslie" in quotes then the filename of the item in question. Usually the result you are seeding will be on the first page if not in the top five suggested links. Of course that might require that your mouse login works. LOL.

Bear in mind that many came from Ainslie's various blog postings and she has the ability (if she ever finds her passwords) to remove the original postings in those blogs, something she is known to do, just as she removed all reference to the March 2011 demo from her four different YouTube accounts.

There is no point in kicking an old dog for rolling in shit, that's certain, but when the old dog runs out into the street, or starts behaving aggressively towards the kitchen help.... it is time for some kind of intervention, and I just hope her loved ones -- if there are any left -- don't get hurt in the process.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: mrsean2k on March 05, 2014, 02:10:20 PM
At one point when they were first posted, I offered to remove any that she (a) said *weren't* publicly available, and (b) where I couldn't subsequently provide a link to her specific chosen screenshot. And similarly if she wanted to claim that a specific screenshot just had nothing to do with her, I'd make a note of that in the album in question. Of course no response.

The problem for Rosemary is that she has to choose specific shots that she maintains have never been made public. If she does that and fails with only one, it renders her claim meaningless. She hasn't got anywhere near the mental discipline to make either claim; lies make things complicated.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 05, 2014, 02:47:06 PM
Well, here are some specific photos that she claims have never been made public, or at least she did claim that when I first posted them.

http://pesn.com/2013/05/22/9602322_Rosemary-Ainslie_Planning_Public-Demo_of_her_Free-Energy-Circuit_June-1/Rosemary-Ainslie-circuit_2013-05-22-1089_400.jpg (http://pesn.com/2013/05/22/9602322_Rosemary-Ainslie_Planning_Public-Demo_of_her_Free-Energy-Circuit_June-1/Rosemary-Ainslie-circuit_2013-05-22-1089_400.jpg)

http://pesn.com/2013/05/22/9602322_Rosemary-Ainslie_Planning_Public-Demo_of_her_Free-Energy-Circuit_June-1/Rosemary-Ainslie-circuit_2013-05-22-1090_400.jpg (http://pesn.com/2013/05/22/9602322_Rosemary-Ainslie_Planning_Public-Demo_of_her_Free-Energy-Circuit_June-1/Rosemary-Ainslie-circuit_2013-05-22-1090_400.jpg)

The links just go to the thumbnails, but since she uploaded those pix at _full resolution_ and Sterling posted them as-is, there is a _lot_ of information that can be extracted from those. But here's what Ainslie said, on or about 25 May 2013:
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 05, 2014, 07:08:19 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 05, 2014, 01:17:57 PM
Paranoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep....

This is really pretty sad. It looks like somebody needs a Little medication adjustment.
Now, she's expecting to fly.  I think that these claims of persecution by various dark forces strongly suggest mental disorder.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Rfacts on March 05, 2014, 10:59:56 PM
It is blatantly obvious that Rosemary Ainslie is clueless about the operation of her circuit and has limited knowledge about electronics in general.  She couldn't follow TK's MOSFET tutorial videos, even when her basic circuit was built right on top of her schematic.  If she weren't so clueless she would realize the damage she is causing to herself and the OU community she purports to champion.  From big picture perspective, the OU community actually benefits from commenters like TK, ME, P99 and MH who provide a reality check and are willing to provide technical help.  But some OUers are blinded by their quest and they turn science into personal dogma which incorporates double standards, deflection, baseless accusations and conspiracy theories.  This attracts more blind followers but drives away true experimenters thus hurting their cause.

Note: The following quotes from Rosemary Ainslie can be found at http://www.energy-shiftingparadigms.com/index.php/topic,2313.660.html
Quote...he now presented an argument based on the EVIDENCE, if you please, of a function generator applying a signal to the SOURCE LEG of Q2 - WITH NO GATE OF ANY MOSFET CONNECTED ANYWHERE to either the probe or the terminal of that function generator.  He'd CUT THE ONLY OTHER FUNCTIONAL MOSFET OUT OF THE CIRCUIT.  Which calls for a miracle of no mean dimension.  It's understood - within the standard model - and in line with EVERYTHING that is known about a MOSFET - that the signal from the function generator - be it positive or negative - needs MUST be applied to that GATE.  Else it cannot pass it's signal to switch that current."

QuoteWhen you cut the MOSFET out of the circuit on that Q2 Array - you've got the probe of the function generator attached ONLY to the SOURCE LEG OF Q2.  It CANNOT SWITCH THE CURRENT FROM THE SOURCE LEG.  IT NEEDS TO BE ATTACHED TO THE GATE.  ANY GATE.  And you've taken the only gate AWAY - out of the picture.  Therefore it CANNOT switch."

QuoteAnd yet he insults his viewers with an uncluttered view of Q2 connected ONLY by its SOURCE leg - with it's gate 'floating', unattached - free as a bird.  And he INSISTS that he's switching that circuit.  Not so.  Just not possible.  I'm adding this for clarity as this is still not obvious to those dull witted trolls.  The GATE leg of Q2 was attached ONLY to the SOURCE LEG OF Q1.  WITHOUT THAT CONNECTION THEN THERE CAN BE NO SIGNAL APPLIED TO THE GATE OF Q2.  THE CIRCUIT IS OPEN."

QuoteThen he argues that the voltage at the source is lower 'relative' to the voltage at the Gate.  Quite possibly - if there WAS a Gate connected somewhere in his apparatus.  But there isn't.  He disconnected it.  Snipped it off.  Away.  Out of the picture.  Leaving only 1 connection to Q2 at it's SOURCE LEG.  He effectively OPENED THAT CIRCUIT - TURNED IT OFF."

QuoteA common gate amplifier requires - AT ITS LEAST - a signal to the Gate of the MOSFET.  If the Gate is FLOATING it CANNOT DETECT A SIGNAL.  It's an OPEN CIRCUIT."

When Rosemary Ainslie makes erroneous statements like those above and doesn't retract them she further exposes her dishonest character and her irrational and ignorant behavior.  She stated at least these 5 times that there was no connection to the referenced Q2 MOSFET gate.  Her circuit is both audibly and visually explained and traced out for her in the recent Electric OU video that TK addressed to her.  In her irrational state she doesn't comprehend that the Q2 MOSFET gate on her circuit also connects to the battery (-) through the CVR (0.26 ohm shunt resistor).  The Q2 MOSFET gate doesn't just connect to the source of the Q1 MOSFET that TK cuts out.  She continued to ignorantly and arrogantly argue as if she had expertise in this subject matter but her above comments confirm that in reality she has none and is oblivious to it.  If she can allow herself to be this oblivious about something as basic as this, and continue to argue against this reality, what other reality wouldn't she accept?  Anyone who observes these types of errors and allows the person making them to move on without acknowledging the error and retracting/correcting it would be accepting bad data and irrational and unprofessional behavior which has no place in science.  Only blind followers/supporters look the other way and allow proven errors or unsubstantiated accusations to be made by someone in their community.  This obvious and verifiable example provides another wake up call to your integrity.

You lose credibility, trust and respect  by your own doing when you jump to conclusions before confirming facts, when you do not objectively consider verifiable analysis about your work, or when you do not stand corrected when proven wrong.  This is all you basically need to know about a person's character to make this reasoned judgment about them.  In the context of forums like this one, it means that a person of this type of character is an irrational experimenter /scientist /theorist that is not interested in discovering real knowledge through well conducted repeatable experiments, empirical data and rational analysis - and they can not be taken seriously.  The person making a claim has the burden of proof and can not and should not be allowed to shift this responsibility away from themselves by arguing from ignorance.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 06, 2014, 02:53:30 AM
That's a nice summary. She is still even today accusing me of faking the screenshots, or faking something, in several of those videos.

But seriously... I really don't think she has any followers left. After the cringeworthy demostrations last summer, I can't imagine that even her erstwhile co-authors would want to be seen with her in public.

The role of Donovan Martin cannot be discounted. He is all tangled up in this as well. But associating with Rosemary Ainslie is not going to look all that good on his CV -- especially when that March 2011 demonstration is considered.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: eatenbyagrue on March 06, 2014, 09:25:50 AM
I have to ask, why are you guys still beating this dead horse?  It seems it has been years.  Generally, when research is erroneous, it gets ignored quickly.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 06, 2014, 10:42:11 AM
Bad data and false claims are bad, and wrong. But when Ainslie refused to accept the data from her OWN demonstration.... the only one she has ever done even half-way properly, guided by the expert powersupply analyst and designer SWeir..... and cynically "retracted her retraction" and refused to stop pushing her silly agenda.... and when she chose to continue the insults and disrespect, and most especially when she chose to continue abjectly lying about her own "work" and the work of others.... that is pseudoscientific misconduct of the worst kind. She has once again announced her intention to claim at least three monetary prizes that have been offered for real OU performance. She is a menace to the credibility of the entire "ou" or "free energy" research effort, because she is so visible. People "in the know" and those who control purse strings will encounter Ainslie and her daft manuscripts and begin backing away, carefully watching so that she doesn't come after them with her vitriol, insults and overweeningly arrogant ignorance.  Just look: she is STILL trying to tell people who know better, how a mosfet works... yet she herself has no clue. She has finally "snapped" and, due to my demonstrations and the explanations of someone who apparently gave her a small bit of counselling over the weekend, has admitted something she has always claimed was impossible, that the Common Gate Amplifier circuit with grounded Gate does in fact operate. But she still can't seem to assimilate the fact that the mosfet is NOT just a switch, that it has its own internal resistance and significant power dissipation and more importantly operates in the linear conductance region of its performance curve when oscillating. Her ignorance, deliberately protected, combined with her amazing arrogance, keeps her posting about things she does not understand, it keeps her insulting her critics instead of responding rationally and it keeps her making the absurd paranoid allegations that you see at present.  Were she to honor her retractions, realize and admit the falsity of the "data" in the daft manuscripts, and take a Little vacation from the false claims and absurd "thesis".... all would be well. However she will not do this, and continues her personal attacks upon me especially and upon others as well. She cannot refute me or the other critics, so as you see, she resorts to actual lies about what our work consists of and what it shows.... and even tells her readers NOT to try to repeat my demonstrations! She is afraid, very afraid, but still doesn't have the sense or the integrity to stop. And as long as she refers to "Little TK", the initials GRE, or a pickle..... then I will be there to set her straight. That arrogant scheming ignoramus will never get away with what she is trying to do, which is to perpetrate a fraud, as long as I have an internet connection and fingers to type with.

There, does that explain things a little bit?  I am watching Ainslie twist in the wind, and I am reporting on the course of her demise. If you find it boring you do not have to read, but I do appreciate your contribution, anyway.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 06, 2014, 01:24:02 PM
It's hilarious! I can tell when Ainslie watches one of my videos using her friend's account or one of her own that I don't know about yet. She just can't restrain herself from leaving a drive-by thumbs-down vote!  She has almost gotten caught up, but still needs to watch this one:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPCN_E5nveQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPCN_E5nveQ)
and also to go back and pick up on some of the chapters she missed while out basketweaving. She just may accumulate enough credits to avoid flunking out yet again! But don't forget: she cheats on exams.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 07, 2014, 10:09:04 PM


(You still haven't left your "thumbs down" indicators on two vital videos in the series, Ainslie. You really need to watch them.)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilT3LRF0hUA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilT3LRF0hUA)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPCN_E5nveQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPCN_E5nveQ)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 08, 2014, 12:01:25 PM
Those pix are of my test load, getting ready for DC power dissipation temperature calibration. This shows the "low thermal leak rate" LTR arrangement; I also have a way to mount the naked cell in a fan-forced air chamber to create the "high thermal leak rate" HTR arrangement.

I'll be using a webcam system for data logging. I'll have the webcam looking at the constant DC power level (voltage and current on sensitive DMMs) from a heavily capacitor-filtered power supply, and the load temperature thermometer reading, and I'll be taking one frame per suitable time interval, like one minute per frame. I'll repeat the runs with different DC power levels.  The data will then be transcribed into the spreadsheet for graphing. If I can get sixty or ninety data points per power level setting I should be able to state with some precision the power dissipation, given the stable temperature reached by the load cell oil during the experimental trials.

Knowing the thermal mass and the specific heat of the mineral oil, I will also be able to put an accurate number to the actual thermal leak rate of the container, and then I will also be able to determine the _actual_ value, in Joules, of the energy output of the device under test, during the test period.

I may decide to reduce the volume down to 150 mL to make things go a Little faster.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 08, 2014, 06:36:40 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 08, 2014, 12:01:25 PM
Those pix are of my test load, getting ready for DC power dissipation temperature calibration. This shows the "low thermal leak rate" LTR arrangement; I also have a way to mount the naked cell in a fan-forced air chamber to create the "high thermal leak rate" HTR arrangement.

I'll be using a webcam system for data logging. I'll have the webcam looking at the constant DC power level (voltage and current on sensitive DMMs) from a heavily capacitor-filtered power supply, and the load temperature thermometer reading, and I'll be taking one frame per suitable time interval, like one minute per frame. I'll repeat the runs with different DC power levels.  The data will then be transcribed into the spreadsheet for graphing. If I can get sixty or ninety data points per power level setting I should be able to state with some precision the power dissipation, given the stable temperature reached by the load cell oil during the experimental trials.

Knowing the thermal mass and the specific heat of the mineral oil, I will also be able to put an accurate number to the actual thermal leak rate of the container, and then I will also be able to determine the _actual_ value, in Joules, of the energy output of the device under test, during the test period.

I may decide to reduce the volume down to 150 mL to make things go a Little faster.
That sounds like something of a plan.  The double containers with radiant barrier in between should have a pretty low leak rate.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 09, 2014, 12:26:30 PM
Quote from: nanobot on March 09, 2014, 11:00:03 AM
I came on here to read science not to hear twiddly twadly nattering and all that bickering ! Also why so many stupid circuits where is the formula for the energy production ? You are all just flapping your wings with no current of anything under you !!! don't tel me about negative feed back rubbish or high voltage high frequencies . Where is the formula ??? ??? ??? And if you don't have one than just ask me !!!!! 

The input should read zero amps zero volts with 10kwh at the out put !! Try that !!

Regards nanobot

Hello, little bitty newbie nanobot. Are you quite sure you are in the right thread? Why don't you trot on over to where the Great Scientists are posting and discussing their "zero amps and zero volts" input readings with lots of "kwh" at the output:


I can tell you really don't belong here. Here... we are concerned with truth and accuracy, the Scientific Method and actual experimental evidence for claims. You will find that other website much more you your liking, I think. Certainly the intellectual landscape there will be a better fit to your obvious skills and talents, and they certainly could use the "formula" you have offered so kindly to share.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 09, 2014, 06:44:38 PM
Quote from: nanobot on March 09, 2014, 11:00:03 AM
I came on here to read science not to hear twiddly twadly nattering and all that bickering ! Also why so many stupid circuits where is the formula for the energy production ? You are all just flapping your wings with no current of anything under you !!! don't tel me about negative feed back rubbish or high voltage high frequencies . Where is the formula ????????? And if you don't have one than just ask me !!!!! 

The input should read zero amps zero volts with 10kwh at the out put !! Try that !!

Regards nanobot
Nanobot if you think favorably of Ms. Ainslie's claims and would like to discuss them, then by all means do.  Why don't you start by watching the August 11, 2013 demonstration that is on her web site?  That demonstration was intended to show her basic claim of over unity energy production.  See if you find that the experiments she demonstrated August 11, 2013:

1) Agree with: Ms. Ainslie's claims made in Paper 1 and Paper 2
2) Agree with: Ms. Ainslie's decision based on that demonstration to withdraw her Paper 1 and Paper 2
3) Agree with: Ms. Ainslie's subsequent decision to "reinstate" Paper 1 and Paper 2

Use any equations that you feel are appropriate.  Efficiency = EnergyOUT/EnergyIN  might be a good one.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: The Boss on March 09, 2014, 07:11:48 PM
Quote from: MarkE on March 09, 2014, 06:44:38 PM
Efficiency = EnergyOUT/EnergyIN

That equation is not recognized at the Ainslie Institute.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 09, 2014, 07:15:18 PM
Hey, it's not the Great Scientist's fault that you never learned how to divide by zero.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 09, 2014, 09:22:42 PM
Quote from: nanobot on March 09, 2014, 08:47:18 PM
There is a strangeness to you ? And it comes with a cold energy maybe you need some warming up I my little friend am a real quantum mechanic ! let me count your over-unity and place it in its correct box . In science there is fact or fiction so far all I have read here is outside the two ! FREEDOM is an expression
beyond the chains of doubt , try it and let go of control or you may find that what you are doing will become a journey with no end .

In my left hand is time and my right is space in-between is energy that is only an expression of actions between the two its the formula that finds the path to fully explore the circuit ! Without formula you will all ways be lost in time and space . I am the master of all that is ! I offer you no insult just pity as you have not one clue to any reality that you seek .




It seems that you have yet to offer any commentary directly relevant to Ms. Ainslie's claims.  You're rather demanding for someone with three whole posts under their belt.  Don't catch the nearly incurable disease of troll-itis. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 09, 2014, 09:49:22 PM
Quote from: nanobot on March 09, 2014, 09:36:32 PM
I have now spent some time not much but enough to study the problem with the claim ! mmmmmmmmm ! You guys need some basics in particle physics and most old school understanding of electrons are wrong ! So are you going to keep round round in circles ? There is no gain in energy and its a reactive circuit so ohms law wont help and is why the test meeter is wrong to .

Just because the light is brighter only means there are more photons and that is also a condition of the reactive circuit that is presented ! The working design of the semi conductor is not with it was designed for so don't depend on the plotted presentations for it as to electron flow . Now put aside what you see and what you think you are reading with the test meter ! Lest take a closer look at an electron what is it made of and how many X Y parts does it have, what is its speed its mass and its relationship with bosons gravestones photons and resistance . Volts is pressure mass is amps heat is applied resistance and how many photons are there ! And what is a reactive cir-cute . As you can now begin to see the real picture is very different and the test should be carried out with stable capacitors not just a battery. There will be a difference and than you will see it as a chemical change in the battery and the semiconductor will begin to change the speed of the electrons in the gate .

Also the test meter is not designed to measure reactive circuits that change ohms law ! And finally the light is the wrong load to undertake the experiment to conclude the full results in energy in energy out ... Throw it all in the bin apart from the semi conductor ..... !!!!

Now you will be at a total loss wont you because you have no i dear of anything that you need to know to final a conformation of the facts you are completely lost ! So I will wait for your insults to just confirm my measurements of you ! Good luck ! hahaha


Oh dear, it seems it is too late.  You have already caught a bad case of troll-itis and you are only four posts old.  Perhaps someday researchers will develop a vaccine so that others will not have suffer such as you have.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 09, 2014, 10:25:09 PM
Quote from: MarkE on March 09, 2014, 09:49:22 PM
Oh dear, it seems it is too late.  You have already caught a bad case of troll-itis and you are only four posts old.  Perhaps someday researchers will develop a vaccine so that others will not have suffer such as you have.

This is really too bad.  Sterling was going to run his house off of this unit.  Maybe this is a good thing.  He is starting to run out of space to put all of these OU devices near his house.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 09, 2014, 11:27:27 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on March 09, 2014, 10:25:09 PM
This is really too bad.  Sterling was going to run his house off of this unit.  Maybe this is a good thing.  He is starting to run out of space to put all of these OU devices near his house.

There was a time not so long ago when Ms. Ainslie complained that Sterling was demanding money for coverage.  Was that Sterling Allan demanding payola?  Was it Ms. Ainslie ranting madly?  Is there a way for it to be both?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 10, 2014, 12:30:38 AM
QuoteJust because the light is brighter only means there are more photons and that is also a condition of the reactive circuit that is presented !

I see. You must be talking about the "Pop quiz" where I asked the reader to explain why the light was so much brighter when it was lit by the Common Gate Amplifier circuit in my video.

Did you miss the fact that the current in the circuit at the time that the light was lit was strictly DC? What is the DC reactance of that circuit, can you tell me?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on March 10, 2014, 07:11:23 AM
My my! What an unpleasant little bot. As a self proclaimed "quantum mechanic" I hope your maths is better than your grammar or spelling -- I'm not holding my breath. There are many before you who have tried to convince the world that they are knowledgeable  by spewing illiterate, incomprehensible rubbish, supported by bilious invective. You don't sound clever. You sound like an idiot and an unpleasant one at that. At least Rosemary has a good command of language.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on March 10, 2014, 07:15:25 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 10, 2014, 12:30:38 AM
I see. You must be talking about the "Pop quiz" where I asked the reader to explain why the light was so much brighter when it was lit by the Common Gate Amplifier circuit in my video.

Did you miss the fact that the current in the circuit at the time that the light was lit was strictly DC? What is the DC reactance of that circuit, can you tell me?

The DC reactance is the energy between the right and the left hand which will only be unlocked when you have the formula. Isn't that perfectly obvious?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 10, 2014, 07:17:25 AM
Quote from: Tseak on March 10, 2014, 07:15:25 AM
The DC reactance is the energy between the right and the left hand which will only be unlocked when you have the formula. Isn't that perfectly obvious?
What happened to North and South?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on March 10, 2014, 07:20:30 AM
Quote from: MarkE on March 10, 2014, 07:17:25 AM
What happened to North and South?
Thats taken care of by the formula. But there is a dependency on Mars approaching Neptune
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 10, 2014, 07:32:43 AM
Quote from: Tseak on March 10, 2014, 07:20:30 AM
Thats taken care of by the formula. But there is a dependency on Mars approaching Neptune
And if Saturn is also retrograde, then what?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on March 10, 2014, 09:22:00 AM
Some of you may remember "innovation station"?

nanobot=>innovation station?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 10, 2014, 09:33:22 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on March 10, 2014, 09:22:00 AM
Some of you may remember "innovation station"?

nanobot=>innovation station?
The poor guy is suffering fatal case of troll-itis.  For at least the time being, there is nothing factual going on of any interest.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: synchro1 on March 10, 2014, 07:23:21 PM
Tinselkoala is bullshit.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 10, 2014, 07:33:23 PM
Quote from: synchro1 on March 10, 2014, 07:23:21 PM
Tinselkoala is bullshit.

Where's your data, stinkro?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 10, 2014, 09:14:46 PM
Quote from: synchro1 on March 10, 2014, 07:23:21 PM
Tinselkoala is bullshit.
That's nice.  What in particular are you claiming that he has said is wrong?  What evidence do you have to support your claim?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on March 10, 2014, 09:22:55 PM
I have one of those floor-standing room heaters that looks like a small radiator.  It works by convection and circulates oil like hot bubbly lava.

When the relay clicks on at either peak of the sine wave, it chimes out this musical note, "Ping!!!"  The R word.

It might be over unity.  :)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: The Boss on March 10, 2014, 09:45:32 PM
It took a while, but the Ainslie team of experts are finally posting.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 11, 2014, 03:17:14 AM
Posting? For a moment there I thought you were serious. Ah.... but it's just a bunch more delusional nonsense that reveals both the depths of the Great Scientist's misconceptions and the heights of her arrogance.  Ranting, more like it.


I've been working on this Arduino-based time-lapse data logging made simple. Not only is the necessary information captured, but a visual record of the experimental runs is preserved. There can be no doubt about this kind of record-keeping. This video just illustrates the system, it's a "shakedown" to see if I could actualize my conceptions. I think the process worked pretty well, all things considering.


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 11, 2014, 04:41:18 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 11, 2014, 03:17:14 AM
Posting? For a moment there I thought you were serious. Ah.... but it's just a bunch more delusional nonsense that reveals both the depths of the Great Scientist's misconceptions and the heights of her arrogance.  Ranting, more like it.


I've been working on this Arduino-based time-lapse data logging made simple. Not only is the necessary information captured, but a visual record of the experimental runs is preserved. There can be no doubt about this kind of record-keeping. This video just illustrates the system, it's a "shakedown" to see if I could actualize my conceptions. I think the process worked pretty well, all things considering.

It looks good.  You might want to prop the meters up slightly depending on the camera angle.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 11, 2014, 09:31:58 AM
Sometimes little reminders are in order:

"The experiments conducted:  June 29, August 10, and August 11 failed to reproduce the results reported here."

"We therefore obtained heat output that was only a fraction of the input power."

"As we are unable to replicate our earlier reported results, we respectfully withdraw this paper in both of its parts."

In the educated world, when one cannot reproduce an extraordinary result, the extraordinary result is suspect:  It cannot be relied upon as valid.  There is always the option to determine the root cause for the unreproducible result.  One could for example note ways that the apparent result can be reproduced as the result of one form of error or another.  For example if a measurement appears to anomalously no current over a 14 second interval when other evidence suggests copious current flow, one could investigate and find that the experimenters did not connect their oscilloscope probes correctly as the Ainslie team discovered June 29, 2013.  Or if for example, a very large AC current appears to flow, one might investigate and find as the Ainslie team discovered June 29, 2013, that the AC signal they read was not across a non-inductive current sense resistor, but across a wiring inductance.

There are unfortunately those who cannot be educated even by their own direct observations.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 11, 2014, 10:15:46 AM
Did you know that if something isn't copied over, mentioned or explicitly refuted, it is thereby ENDORSED?

That's really good to know, since it means that the Great Scientist Rosemary Ainslie thereby ENDORSES all of my video demonstrations she doesn't mention, the ones that explain all the features of the circuits, and that prove that she is utterly and hopelessly wrong in her silly claims.

Or does it? We've seen before that the Great Scientist isn't subject to the limitations or requirements of ordinary mortals. What's good for the gander apparently isn't good for the goose, in this case. Perhaps Ainslie can't tell that her rants, which only display her continuing ignorance, misconceptions and mendacities, are not rising to the level of significance worth noticing. Does one need to "refute" or even mention every housefly buzzing, every parrot squawking, that annoys one during important activities like naptime? Of course not.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 11, 2014, 10:42:58 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 11, 2014, 10:15:46 AM
Did you know that if something isn't copied over, mentioned or explicitly refuted, it is thereby ENDORSED?

That's really good to know, since it means that the Great Scientist Rosemary Ainslie thereby ENDORSES all of my video demonstrations she doesn't mention, the ones that explain all the features of the circuits, and that prove that she is utterly and hopelessly wrong in her silly claims.

Or does it? We've seen before that the Great Scientist isn't subject to the limitations or requirements of ordinary mortals. What's good for the gander apparently isn't good for the goose, in this case. Perhaps Ainslie can't tell that her rants, which only display her continuing ignorance, misconceptions and mendacities, are not rising to the level of significance worth noticing. Does one need to "refute" or even mention every housefly buzzing, every parrot squawking, that annoys one during important activities like naptime? Of course not.
Did you know that if someone doesn't object to your thoughts even if you don't express them, that constitutes endorsement?  This is all starting to fit together.  This "If someone doesn't come and argue whatever silly thing I say or think, they endorse my ideas." reasoning could explain a lot.  Think about all the endorsements that Ms. Ainslie has claimed but has been woe to evidence.  They could all very well be the same sort of imaginary endorsements of which she currently speaks.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 11, 2014, 11:28:31 AM
Sure, but it is even more likely that they are complete fictions, total fabrications. They allegedly happened 12 or 14 years ago and there has never been presented a scrap of evidence, not so much as an email, that the alleged vettings and endorsements actually ever existed. Look at how she distorts and misrepresents the events of six months ago, of three years ago, and even of the present time, where records actually DO exist! I think that she is just making it up, with perhaps a tiny kernel of reality that has been embellished, sculpted and encrusted upon over all these intervening years. As I've said many times before, you cannot believe _anything_ that Ainslie says unless you can find some independent outside confirmation. They, meaning Donovan Martin and Rosemary Ainslie, are demonstrated and admitted liars, and if there is no evidence presented to support their contentions, you are not required or even expected to believe them. In fact, by disbelieving _everything_ they say, you are more likely than not to be correct.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 11, 2014, 11:36:57 AM
The whole 2011 MOSFET's connected in parallel when they were really cross connected source to gate was really bad for her credibility.  Suppose that they didn't know at the time of the demonstration that the wires were crossed.  As incompetent as that might have been, it still would have been innocent, had they reported the actual connections as soon as they were discovered.  It is Ms. Ainslie who claims that they deliberately did not do so.  That's a hell of an admission to make.  Then we saw similar things with the June 29 demonstration where only after three and a half hours Donovan Martin admitted that the function generator was not connected as shown in the documents they said that they were reproducing.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 11, 2014, 02:15:39 PM
It's interesting that you should mention that.

As FuzzyTomCat has documented, the very first descriptions of the 5-mosfet device contained the same schematic that Donovan Martin gestures to in the 2011 demonstration, "This is what you have before you, five mosfets in parallel" or something like that, where the Black lead of the FG isn't even shown, but the actual hardware shows it very visibly connected to the common circuit ground, the bypass position. When this "error" was pointed out and its significance explained to Ainslie.... rather suddenly the "corrected" schematics appeared, which showed the correct, non-bypass location of the Black FG lead..... but obviously this correct location was not the one they _actually_ used.

In plain language, the schematics in the daft manuscripts today, and ever since that early date, have been lies, told and endorsed by Ainslie, Martin, and the other co-authors.

Not only that, but all of the current data in the manuscripts was gathered with the FG Black lead in the _incorrect_, bypass location, completely invalidating it for that reason alone. (There are other invalidating reasons as well.)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neME1s-lEZE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neME1s-lEZE)

"As you can see" even the person operating the camera knows that there are not "five mosfets in parallel".

The filenames for the schematics below are as FuzzyTomCat assigned them.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 11, 2014, 02:35:28 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 11, 2014, 02:15:39 PM
It's interesting that you should mention that.

As FuzzyTomCat has documented, the very first descriptions of the 5-mosfet device contained the same schematic that Donovan Martin gestures to in the 2011 demonstration, "This is what you have before you, five mosfets in parallel" or something like that, where the Black lead of the FG isn't even shown, but the actual hardware shows it very visibly connected to the common circuit ground, the bypass position. When this "error" was pointed out and its significance explained to Ainslie.... rather suddenly the "corrected" schematics appeared, which showed the correct, non-bypass location of the Black FG lead..... but obviously this correct location was not the one they _actually_ used.

In plain language, the schematics in the daft manuscripts today, and ever since that early date, have been lies, told and endorsed by Ainslie, Martin, and the other co-authors.

Not only that, but all of the current data in the manuscripts was gathered with the FG Black lead in the _incorrect_, bypass location, completely invalidating it for that reason alone. (There are other invalidating reasons as well.)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neME1s-lEZE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neME1s-lEZE)

"As you can see" even the person operating the camera knows that there are not "five mosfets in parallel".

The filenames for the schematics below are as FuzzyTomCat assigned them.
Don't forget that when it came to connecting the Chl 1 current sense scope probe they botched that as well.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 11, 2014, 09:54:37 PM
Wow!  Nano does sound a lot like IST.  I always wondered what happened to him.  The man wound a lot of toroids back in the early days of the original JT topic.

I believe his name was William.


ETA:  Just realized that Nano is Atommix come back from the banned from about 2 weeks ago.  I still think he is IST as well.  Syntax is identical.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on March 12, 2014, 01:44:20 AM
There's an old adage  -  Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not see the difference. Have a nice day Ninibot.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 12, 2014, 03:28:48 AM
Sometimes there are people who need reminders of the reminders:

"The experiments conducted:  June 29, August 10, and August 11 failed to reproduce the results reported here."

"The privately conducted August 10, and publicly conducted August 11 experiments were unable to corroborate net zero or negative battery draw during periods of Q2 oscillation."

"We therefore obtained heat output that was only a fraction of the input power."

"As we are unable to replicate our earlier reported results, we respectfully withdraw this paper in both of its parts."

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 12, 2014, 04:08:45 AM
Ah yes... but recall that at the end of the August 11 demonstration, Ainslie can be heard protesting to Steve Weir that they got completely different results, at the exact same settings, before Steve showed up. And of course we believe the Great Scientist... don't we?

Meanwhile, I've been doing some DC calibration runs with the Tar Baby load, using the Arduino intervalometer photo data logging, and then transcribing manually to the spreadsheet for graphing.

Here's an example data set at one DC power level:


This is a 60-minute run, sampled once per minute, played back at 1 sample per second.

And here's the graph, attached below, generated by several runs at different DC power levels. Notice anything interesting?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 12, 2014, 04:54:34 AM
I notice a couple of things:
There are at least two time constants in the system, a pretty short one and a long one. 

I also notice that the temperature rise versus power coefficient decreases with power, as expected due to increasingly efficient leakage from the vessel with higher temperature drop.  Going from 3.5W to 20W the leakage reduces the temperature rise / W from 3.1C/W to 1.9C/W.  That's probably due to increased convection.  A donut shaped piece of cardboard over the radiant barrier wraps might help that a bit. 

If the 9.76W run had heated up by 23C the linearity would be pretty damned good above 5W.

And I notice the 9.76W run never quite stabilized, suggesting something wasn't completely sealed up.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Thaelin on March 12, 2014, 12:28:30 PM
    I would almost think you guys would be totally tired of beating a
dead horse. Yet, you continue to kick it and seem to be enjoying your
selves while at it.
   I stopped reading this thread long ago and still it continues. Would
this not class as a total wast of time?


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 12, 2014, 12:41:24 PM
Quote from: Thaelin on March 12, 2014, 12:28:30 PM
    I would almost think you guys would be totally tired of beating a
dead horse. Yet, you continue to kick it and seem to be enjoying your
selves while at it.
   I stopped reading this thread long ago and still it continues. Would
this not class as a total wast of time?

TinselKoala is still conducting useful and informative experiments.  I don't think there is even the corpse of a horse left to beat.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 12, 2014, 01:18:12 PM
Some things to note:

1. Nanobot / Atommix / IST clearly has no clue. That's what happens when you show up late for class and haven't done a lick of homework all semester.

2. Thaelin... funny.... how do you know we're beating a dead horse if you stopped looking in a long time ago? Never mind, your comments and attention are appreciated.

3. MarkE: Thanks for looking at the graph. Yes, two time constants, probably due to the delay in the start of convection after power is applied. And/or something systematic in the experimental setup or procedure, perhaps in the way I'm starting the data collection. I take the "zeroth" sample to get ambient temp with DC power off, then during the first minute interval I adjust the power (voltage output) of the stabilized PSU to give the nominal value for the series. So in the first minute or perhaps two the power level is changing somewhat. Also, these calibrations are done with the "naked cell" with the small fan I call "boxfan" blowing on it. If I used the full thermal insulation, I now realize, it would take a very much longer time to stabilize and would reach much higher temperatures. This would likely be more precise than the uninsulated cell, and if it becomes necessary to attain such precision, the procedure can be applied to the fully insulated cell quite easily. However, after a few more runs at more power levels, I'll be able to construct a nomogram that will allow one easily to enter the observed 60-minute (or other interval) temperature of the load and read off the equivalent applied DC power level. Once I have the load cell calibrated in this way I will be ready to perform actual experimental runs to determine load heating efficiencies .... if I can ever be allowed to know the operating parameters of the apparatus, something which has been a great difficulty all along... see below for an example.

4. Now... on to substance. The Great Scientist has made much, lately, of the scopeshot known as Figure 8, Test 4, attached below. Note that there are very important pieces of information missing -- we do not know the Duty Cycle and it cannot be determined from the display. Nor do we know the open-circuit voltages of the FG's output setting, and again, we cannot determine these from the display.

The text describing the shot says that the Period of the FG's output was set to " 20 ms ". This means, in ordinary language, 20  milliseconds. This would correspond to a frequency of only 50 Hz, but we know that Ainslie has used very slow frequencies before when she desires to produce high heat in the load. BUT..... the oscilloscope's timebase is set to 500 microseconds per horizontal division (top left of screen). This means that the _entire screen_ of 10 divisions only displays 5 ms, five milliseconds, of the 20 millisecond period of the waveform. The other three quarters of the period could consist entirely of Q1 ON, high current, for all we can determine. It is impossible to tell from the display.

On the other hand, we have seen how casually the Great Scientist treats data and especially how she is deficient in expressing herself mathematically. She has confused "milliseconds" and "microseconds" before. After all, what is a mere three orders of magnitude error? Chopped liver, apparently.  So perhaps the "20 ms" period in the text is supposed to be "20 us", twenty microseconds, for the period. This would of course give us an operating FG frequency of 50 kHz.... much higher than Ainslie typically runs. And it would mean that _each division_ of 500 microseconds horizontally would contain 25 full 20 microsecond periods of the FG's output.  Again... at this resolution it is impossible to determine the Q1 ON duty cycle. (Incidentally.... I can only count 14 peaks per horizontal division, consistently all the way across the screen, instead of the 25 peaks that a 20 microsecond period would produce.)

So... just what is the deal here? 50 Hz, or 50 kHz? 100 percent Q2 oscillations, or some perhaps high proportion of Q1 ON times? The Figure 8 scopeshot, combined with the description in the text, once again is more illustrative of the rather charming.... and pathetic... naivete of Ainslie and her co-authors.

This is NOT a trivial issue, Ainslie. If you are really using a 20 millisecond period and not displaying 3/4 of the signal... ONCE AGAIN that constitutes Fabrication of Data. If you are really using a 20 microsecond period, then you either are once again deliberately obscuring essential information, or you are displaying your abysmal ignorance of proper oscilloscope usage, or... most likely... BOTH.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 12, 2014, 01:47:47 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 12, 2014, 01:18:12 PM
Some things to note:

3. MarkE: Thanks for looking at the graph. Yes, two time constants, probably due to the delay in the start of convection after power is applied. And/or something systematic in the experimental setup or procedure, perhaps in the way I'm starting the data collection. I take the "zeroth" sample to get ambient temp with DC power off, then during the first minute interval I adjust the power (voltage output) of the stabilized PSU to give the nominal value for the series. So in the first minute or perhaps two the power level is changing somewhat. Also, these calibrations are done with the "naked cell" with the small fan I call "boxfan" blowing on it. If I used the full thermal insulation, I now realize, it would take a very much longer time to stabilize and would reach much higher temperatures. 
That depends on the relative thermal inertia to the thermal resistance of the added insulation.  The radiant barrier material that it looks like you have has a very low thermal mass.  That will tend to offset the very high thermal resistance.  The other option that you have is to regulate the outside temperature of the insulated assembly with the fan duty cycle or speed.  That would tend to reduce the number of time constants in the system.

This would likely be more precise than the uninsulated cell, and if it becomes necessary to attain such precision, the procedure can be applied to the fully insulated cell quite easily. However, after a few more runs at more power levels, I'll be able to construct a nomogram that will allow one easily to enter the observed 60-minute (or other interval) temperature of the load and read off the equivalent applied DC power level. Once I have the load cell calibrated in this way I will be ready to perform actual experimental runs to determine load heating efficiencies .... if I can ever be allowed to know the operating parameters of the apparatus, something which has been a great difficulty all along... see below for an example.
This could be a major issue.  Ms. Ainslie is likely to reject anything that you produce that does not fit with her "thesis".

4. Now... on to substance. The Great Scientist has made much, lately, of the scopeshot known as Figure 8, Test 4, attached below. Note that there are very important pieces of information missing -- we do not know the Duty Cycle and it cannot be determined from the display. Nor do we know the open-circuit voltages of the FG's output setting, and again, we cannot determine these from the display.

The text describing the shot says that the Period of the FG's output was set to " 20 ms ". This means, in ordinary language, 20  milliseconds. This would correspond to a frequency of only 50 Hz, but we know that Ainslie has used very slow frequencies before when she desires to produce high heat in the load. BUT..... the oscilloscope's timebase is set to 500 microseconds per horizontal division (top left of screen). This means that the _entire screen_ of 10 divisions only displays 5 ms, five milliseconds, of the 20 millisecond period of the waveform. The other three quarters of the period could consist entirely of Q1 ON, high current, for all we can determine. It is impossible to tell from the display.

On the other hand, we have seen how casually the Great Scientist treats data and especially how she is deficient in expressing herself mathematically. She has confused "milliseconds" and "microseconds" before. After all, what is a mere three orders of magnitude error? Chopped liver, apparently.  So perhaps the "20 ms" period in the text is supposed to be "20 us", twenty microseconds, for the period. This would of course give us an operating FG frequency of 50 kHz.... much higher than Ainslie typically runs. And it would mean that _each division_ of 500 microseconds horizontally would contain 25 full 20 microsecond periods of the FG's output.  Again... at this resolution it is impossible to determine the Q1 ON duty cycle. (Incidentally.... I can only count 14 peaks per horizontal division, consistently all the way across the screen, instead of the 25 peaks that a 20 microsecond period would produce.)

So... just what is the deal here? 50 Hz, or 50 kHz? 100 percent Q2 oscillations, or some perhaps high proportion of Q1 ON times? The Figure 8 scopeshot, combined with the description in the text, once again is more illustrative of the rather charming.... and pathetic... naivete of Ainslie and her co-authors.

This is NOT a trivial issue, Ainslie. If you are really using a 20 millisecond period and not displaying 3/4 of the signal... ONCE AGAIN that constitutes Fabrication of Data. If you are really using a 20 microsecond period, then you either are once again deliberately obscuring essential information, or you are displaying your abysmal ignorance of proper oscilloscope usage, or... most likely... BOTH.
I have a couple of ideas:  If your thermal resistance is low enough then you could perform a 100% Q1 on, and 25% Q1 on w/o any Q2 oscillations.  You could run 100% Q2 oscillations.  And you could run 25% Q1 on w/ 75% Q2 oscillations.  If your thermal resistance is too high then you will need to think of something else.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 12, 2014, 02:27:36 PM
Quote from: nanobot on March 12, 2014, 02:10:46 PM
All doors open lead to somewhere !!!!!!! ??? ??? !!!!!!!!
Are we doing Chinese fortune cookies now? Here's one I just picked up off my desk:

Get your mind set ... Confidence will lead you on.

Not "lead you onward".....  ;)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 12, 2014, 02:34:39 PM
MarkE said,
QuoteMs. Ainslie is likely to reject anything that you produce that does not fit with her "thesis".

Of course she will. Do I care much? No, I don't. As I've said before, Ainslie has demonstrated herself to be completely immune to logic, reason, evidence, outside references or instruction from those who know their subject. If it conflicts with the "thesis", it is wrong, QED.  Hence no amount of experimentation or demonstration on my part (or anyone else's, even her own) will change Ainslie's one-track mind by a single iota... this is given. Ainslie has also demonstrated a talent for goalpost-moving that is unprecedented  in my experience. (With the possible exception of PJH, or whatever he calls himself, and his "quenco".)

However, onlookers and potential reviewers who examine the issues without the blinders of a foregone "thesis" conclusion will be able to tell which end of the paradigm is up, I have no doubt of that. And I may be able to demonstrate what an actual publishable paper reporting an experiment really looks like.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 12, 2014, 08:33:11 PM
Low power DC load temperature calibration is complete. I've plotted one cool-down cycle on the graph as well as the 10 runs at various DC power settings.

The final plot is nice and linear. Given a measured temperature at the 60 minute mark, one may confidently read the equivalent DC power level from the plot.

Real data has a certain beauty to it. I have always thought that was one of Nature's great truths.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 12, 2014, 08:42:55 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 12, 2014, 08:33:11 PM
Low power DC load temperature calibration is complete. I've plotted one cool-down cycle on the graph as well as the 10 runs at various DC power settings.

The final plot is nice and linear. Given a measured temperature at the 60 minute mark, one may confidently read the equivalent DC power level from the plot.

Real data has a certain beauty to it. I have always thought that was one of Nature's great truths.
Nice job!  One can certainly resolve down to around a tenth of a Watt or better with that data.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on March 12, 2014, 08:48:50 PM

If time is not a factor may I suggest 75 minutes.

My logic is as follows:  At about 20 minutes you are at about 90% of the final temperature.  So I mentally shift your cool-down curve  to start at 20 minutes, and I observe how how it "eats" into the temperature rise.  When the shifted cool-down curve is close to zero that indicates when thermal equilibrium would set in with a "head start" of already being at 90% of the final temperature.

So I massage that all in my head and come up with 75 minutes as being "very very close" to thermal equilibrium.  That's in contrast with 60 minutes being within a "few percent" of thermal equilibrium.

Also, since the goal is near-thermal equilibrium, the difference between the ambient temperature and your oil is critical.  Note that if the ambient drops 5 degrees, then the oil at near thermal equilibrium also drops 5 degrees.

Sorry for sticking my nose in!

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 12, 2014, 08:59:28 PM
Quote from: MileHigh on March 12, 2014, 08:48:50 PM

If time is not a factor may I suggest 75 minutes.

My logic is as follows:  At about 20 minutes you are at about 90% of the final temperature.  So I mentally shift your cool-down curve  to start at 20 minutes, and I observe how how it "eats" into the temperature rise.  When the shifted cool-down cure is close to zero that indicates when thermal equilibrium would set it with a "head start" of already being at 90% of the final temperature.

So I massage that all in my head and come up with 75 minutes as being "very very close" to thermal equilibrium.  That's in contrast with 60 minutes being within a "few percent" of thermal equilibrium.

Also, since the goal is near-thermal equilibrium, the difference between the ambient temperature and your oil is critical.  Note that if the ambient drops 5 degrees, then the oil at near thermal equilibrium also drops 5 degrees.

Sorry for sticking my nose in!

I think it is fine the way that it is. 

The longer thermal time constant eyeballs to about 10min.  Even at 80C rise, the rise from 50min to 60min is about 1C.  That is getting into the resolution of a thermocouple based sensor.   I don't think it is worth a day or two of runs to flatten out 1C.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 12, 2014, 09:05:52 PM
I agree. This data is entirely usable for the purpose: read a temperature and find the equivalent DC power dissipation. I can even use the 20-minute temperature for that, since everything is so well behaved (once convection starts, anyway.)

Later on when I'm doing experimental trials and "Joule tests --- because Joules doesn't lie --- " (tm Donny), it may turn out to be important to get all the way to complete equilibrium. We shall see.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on March 12, 2014, 09:08:51 PM
That's fine.  For what it's worth the time constant is about 15 minutes, eyeball + calculator.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: orbut 3000 on March 12, 2014, 09:09:50 PM
I see that the last 10 posts are NOT copied over to E&SP. They are thereby ENDORSED, it seems.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 12, 2014, 09:11:57 PM
Quote from: MileHigh on March 12, 2014, 09:08:51 PM
That's fine.  For what it's worth the time constant is about 15 minutes, eyeball + calculator.
I did it in my head:  63% of 80C ~= 50C rise.  YMMV
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 12, 2014, 09:15:40 PM
Quote from: orbut 3000 on March 12, 2014, 09:09:50 PM
I see that the last 10 posts are NOT copied over to E&SP. They are thereby ENDORSED, it seems.
Official Bill from Big Oil to Rosemary Ainslie.
For lottery tickets not purchased, and storage of suitcase of money not found in Amsterdam, please remit $200,000. via Western Union to:
Dr. Joseph Zimgala
Lagos, Nigeria

If this post is not reprinted on ESP, then it is endorsed.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on March 12, 2014, 09:45:08 PM
Sorry I was looking at the decay time constant!
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 12, 2014, 10:36:58 PM
The room temperature varies between about 23.7 C and 24.7 C indicated on that thermometer,  but all the data in the graphs is "normalized", that is, each run is displayed as the temperature above the ambient room temperature at the start of the run.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 12, 2014, 10:50:49 PM
Quote from: MarkE on March 12, 2014, 01:47:47 PM
I have a couple of ideas:  If your thermal resistance is low enough then you could perform a 100% Q1 on, and 25% Q1 on w/o any Q2 oscillations.  You could run 100% Q2 oscillations.  And you could run 25% Q1 on w/ 75% Q2 oscillations.  If your thermal resistance is too high then you will need to think of something else.

I have a slight problem and that is the power handling capacity of the load resistor stack I am using: 5 ea. 50 Ohm, 12 Watt wirewound hollow tubular ceramic power resistors in parallel, for a measured 10.5 Ohms total resistance and nominal 60 W power handling rating. By immersing in oil I should think that I could go to 100 Watts input without chancing blowing a resistor, maybe.

So with 100 percent Q1 on, and a total circuit resistance of about 13.5 or 14 Ohms, even just four main batteries (48V nominal) would take me well over the 100 Watt power level at the load resistors.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: orbut 3000 on March 12, 2014, 10:57:58 PM
Quote from: MarkE on March 12, 2014, 09:15:40 PM
If this post is not reprinted on ESP, then it is endorsed.
AND, guys, if it's not reprinted tomorrow, then it is endorsed TWICE. And here's the thing: That's a quite STRONG endorsement. Almost irrefutable. So.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 12, 2014, 11:11:56 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 12, 2014, 10:50:49 PM
I have a slight problem and that is the power handling capacity of the load resistor stack I am using: 5 ea. 50 Ohm, 12 Watt wirewound hollow tubular ceramic power resistors in parallel, for a measured 10.5 Ohms total resistance and nominal 60 W power handling rating. By immersing in oil I should think that I could go to 100 Watts input without chancing blowing a resistor, maybe.

So with 100 percent Q1 on, and a total circuit resistance of about 13.5 or 14 Ohms, even just four main batteries (48V nominal) would take me well over the 100 Watt power level at the load resistors.
It's the maximum temperature that you need to limit.  Typically, resistors top out at 125C heated temperature.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 12, 2014, 11:20:49 PM
Sometimes little reminders are in order:

"The experiments conducted:  June 29, August 10, and August 11 failed to reproduce the results reported here."

"We therefore obtained heat output that was only a fraction of the input power."

"As we are unable to replicate our earlier reported results, we respectfully withdraw this paper in both of its parts."

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: synchro1 on March 13, 2014, 12:03:04 AM
Quote from: MarkE on March 12, 2014, 09:15:40 PM
Official Bill from Big Oil to Rosemary Ainslie.
For lottery tickets not purchased, and storage of suitcase of money not found in Amsterdam, please remit $200,000. via Western Union to:
Dr. Joseph Zimgala
Lagos, Nigeria

If this post is not reprinted on ESP, then it is endorsed.

You finally identified Tinselkoala's Law Firm!
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 13, 2014, 02:54:40 AM
Quote from: MarkE on March 12, 2014, 11:11:56 PM
It's the maximum temperature that you need to limit.  Typically, resistors top out at 125C heated temperature.

Duh, of course. Brain is numb. So extrapolating from my own data with the load cell set up as for the calibration, I could not even get to the 100 Watt level... I think I'll attain 125 C at around 75-80 Watts or so. Hmm.

(Actually I just did an informal run at 60 Watts and the oil did get to 125 C but with some thermal insulation and 350 mL of water in an outer beaker surrounding the oil beaker. "The water wasn't actually boiling but there were small bubbles" and "steam was evident " blah blah. See photo below. Elapsed time 2 hours.)

Thanks for pointing this out. I may have to start all over, with better cooling or different load elements, if I'm going to be making some big heat.

But at least I'll be able to do Q2 oscillation modes and short Q1 duty cycles with 4 batteries, maybe.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 13, 2014, 03:16:10 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 13, 2014, 02:54:40 AM
Duh, of course. Brain is numb. So extrapolating from my own data with the load cell set up as for the calibration, I could not even get to the 100 Watt level... I think I'll attain 125 C at around 75-80 Watts or so. Hmm.

Thanks for pointing this out. I may have to start all over, with better cooling or different load elements, if I'm going to be making some big heat.

But at least I'll be able to do Q2 oscillation modes and short Q1 duty cycles with 4 batteries, maybe.
The basic scheme is obviously limited to what kind of heat removal scheme that you've got.  A big heater if powered going to well:  generate a lot of heat!  I don't think that you want to operate above 200C no matter what, just as a matter of safety.  In rough numbers a 6 high lead acid battery stack is going to put out ~75.6 - ~78V.  ~12 Ohms and we are talking 450W on the low end, or as Ms. Ainslie likes to say:  "copious heat".  Besides with just one Q1, 450W in the load means about 40W in Q1 which is going to require a very healthy heat sink.  So, I think that limiting the Q1 duty cycles is the way to go. 

I would do the tests with Q2 oscillations first on the existing set-up at a full battery stack.  Then I would run Q1 close to the system power dissipation limit again with a full battery stack and whatever duty cycle is required to stay below the dissipation limit.  For those tests, I would not let the function generator go below 0V.  Then I would adjust the function generator swing to drive Q1 at the short duty cycle and the Q2 oscillations at the long duty cycle.  I think that wraps a full circle around the ideas:

Efficiency and heat production with Q2 oscillations only.
Efficiency and heat production with Q1 only limited.
Efficiency and heat production with Q1 and Q2.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 13, 2014, 08:22:47 AM
Thanks for the suggestions, that sounds like a pretty good plan to me.

Meanwhile, the astounding rationalizations continue. We have the Great Scientist seeing a wire connected to the battery stack, seeing and acknowledging current measured in that wire.... and yet she still manages to deny that the wire is hooked up to anything. She still believes that the battery is disconnected during the Q2 oscillations! She still believes that the high amplitudes of her spurious "current" traces are actually indicating high currents! All of this in spite of her own demonstrations, the patient explanations and illustrations from Poynt99, and my own videos which break the issue down into its elemental components. This is truly a spectacle. Generally when people are shown to be as full of nonsense as Ainslie, they go slinking off back to their hovels and aren't heard from for a while. Ainslie however has no shame at all, no apparent inkling of the laughingstock she has made, and continues to make, of herself. She defends her ignorance with vengeance, literally.

Yet of course.... she has no explanation for what happens when the battery is actually disconnected, or the SOURCE of the Q2 is actually disconnected, or the FG/Bias supply is actually disconnected from the rest of the circuit. Even though my videos cover these points in excruciating detail, and pitched at a level so basic that a bright ten-year-old child (who didn't already know everything) would grasp the issues and concepts immediately.

Nor will she-- or anyone-- deal with the issues I have raised regarding the bogus Figure 8 scopeshot. Milliseconds, or Microseconds, Ainslie? It _actually_ makes a huge difference. What was the duty cycle, what was the open-circuit voltage setting of the FG? We will never find out the answers to these basic and important questions from the Great Scientist Rosemary Ainslie .... we will have to determine the answers for ourselves.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 13, 2014, 10:41:20 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 13, 2014, 08:22:47 AM
Thanks for the suggestions, that sounds like a pretty good plan to me.

Meanwhile, the astounding rationalizations continue. We have the Great Scientist seeing a wire connected to the battery stack, seeing and acknowledging current measured in that wire.... and yet she still manages to deny that the wire is hooked up to anything. She still believes that the battery is disconnected during the Q2 oscillations! She still believes that the high amplitudes of her spurious "current" traces are actually indicating high currents! All of this in spite of her own demonstrations, the patient explanations and illustrations from Poynt99, and my own videos which break the issue down into its elemental components. This is truly a spectacle. Generally when people are shown to be as full of nonsense as Ainslie, they go slinking off back to their hovels and aren't heard from for a while. Ainslie however has no shame at all, no apparent inkling of the laughingstock she has made, and continues to make, of herself. She defends her ignorance with vengeance, literally.

Yet of course.... she has no explanation for what happens when the battery is actually disconnected, or the SOURCE of the Q2 is actually disconnected, or the FG/Bias supply is actually disconnected from the rest of the circuit. Even though my videos cover these points in excruciating detail, and pitched at a level so basic that a bright ten-year-old child (who didn't already know everything) would grasp the issues and concepts immediately.

Nor will she-- or anyone-- deal with the issues I have raised regarding the bogus Figure 8 scopeshot. Milliseconds, or Microseconds, Ainslie? It _actually_ makes a huge difference. What was the duty cycle, what was the open-circuit voltage setting of the FG? We will never find out the answers to these basic and important questions from the Great Scientist Rosemary Ainslie .... we will have to determine the answers for ourselves.
You are welcome.  Little if anything rational has come from Ms. Ainslie in recent weeks.  Even when she is carefully spoon fed she either fails to comprehend, or chooses to ignore what is placed directly in front of her, or that she has herself demonstrated.  As someone noted yesterday, that horse has been beaten to death. 

I see value in what you are doing as it demonstrates good process, including dealing with the inconveniences and realities of real experiments.  I really like the Arduino driven camera.  It inspired me to check if my still camera has a a remote shutter capability.  Unfortunately, it does not. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 13, 2014, 02:21:01 PM
Not even a facility for screwing a manual cable release into the shutter button? A small solenoid could be used to drive that arrangement.

The old Canon Xti. I bought it used about four years ago, it already had a lot of shutter actuations .... but then I've put nearly a thousand frames on it just in the past two days, documenting twelve one-hour experimental runs and some extras. I  managed to find some high-capacity batteries for it... on sale as discontinued items, at Radio Shack of all places. It gets a lot of use and is reliable and rugged. The only problem I've ever had with it was a slightly flaky main switch, which was fixed by some careful application of electro contact cleaner/lube.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 13, 2014, 05:18:38 PM
QuoteAnd no more abusive insults !!!

Hey nanobot, what are you, another of Ainslie's Pod People? We all know what you are and why you've been banned from here so many times under so many different aliases. Your posts show that you, too, are ignorant and full of empty claims about things you don't understand in the least. You make up things, drop names, make crazy assertions and emit spam after trolling spam. It's obvious from your posts that you don't even understand what Ainslie is claiming or what the multiple problems are with her output of verbiage and logorrhea. You probably don't even know what logorrhea is. But like any script kiddie you will google it and pretend you knew it all along.

QuoteIt is sad to hear you speak of someone in that way ? insult after insult where does it stop ?

My heart bleeds purple peanut butter for your sadness. Ainslie knows exactly where "it" stops and can stop it at any time. The option is entirely hers and has been so for years.

Just to put a seriously fine point on it, nanobot: I am doing real work in an effort to understand and explain this set of problems, better work than anyone on her "team" has ever done or will do, better than any outsider (that I know of) other than Glen Lettenmeier (FuzzyTomCat).  (I'm not including the excellent simulation work of Poynt99 here, although I learned a lot from it, nor his hardware work. The latter is not yet fully reported, I think, and the former is software and of course doesn't yield heat results that can be measured.)  Ainslie and her crew of incompetents have obscured, covered up, lied about, published false data upon their "experiments", and have stalled and done their best to prevent any real work, any good examination of what they have done and claimed. Ainslie still emits what I consider deadly insults to me and to others, daily, as well as showing her profound disrespect for those who have spent years in study and professional employment in the field. She has less understanding of the circuit's operation than YOU do, I'll wager. Yet she chooses to engage in the kind of behaviours that you have seen over the past six months. Read her forum! Then if you want to complain about something, do it to HER, because all of this mess is her fault, her responsibility. Had she behaved honestly and honorably from the beginning, or had she even honored her devastating demonstration of August 11 which resulted in her left-handed "retraction".... we would be arguing about Zero Energy Devices instead of Ainslie's stupid and silly battery discharger.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 13, 2014, 06:22:46 PM
Quote from: MarkE on March 13, 2014, 03:16:10 AM
The basic scheme is obviously limited to what kind of heat removal scheme that you've got.  A big heater if powered going to well:  generate a lot of heat!  I don't think that you want to operate above 200C no matter what, just as a matter of safety.  In rough numbers a 6 high lead acid battery stack is going to put out ~75.6 - ~78V.  ~12 Ohms and we are talking 450W on the low end, or as Ms. Ainslie likes to say:  "copious heat".  Besides with just one Q1, 450W in the load means about 40W in Q1 which is going to require a very healthy heat sink.  So, I think that limiting the Q1 duty cycles is the way to go. 


It's very appropriate that you should mention that. Take a look at the schematic, FIgure 1, in the second daft manuscript in its "official publication", the posting on Rossi's "Journal of Nuclear Physics" vanity blog.

http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=679 (http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=679)

I've also attached a screenshot of the schematic from that paper, below. Notice anything interesting or significant?

Recall also that the March 2011 demonstration, which did NOT use this schematic but rather the one we are more familiar with, used only 5 batteries, not six, for the first part, and actually had to remove another battery for the "high heat" portion of the demonstration, which was performed with only 4 x 12 V batteries, 48 volts nominal.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8AIRkWF55k (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8AIRkWF55k)

One wonders why I or any other "replicator" should be required to "replicate" tests that Ainslie and Martin themselves have not done and will not do. They know fully well what will happen if they use 72 volts and long Q1 ON times.... notice that the tiny fake heatsink on Q1 shown in that early demo has been replaced with a much larger one for the June and August 2013 demonstrations.

As I've said before: There are smoking guns all over the place in what Ainslie has provided. The indicia are all there. Ainslie and her co-authors have been deliberately obfuscating, covering up data, ignoring contrary data, refusing to release raw and processed data, and even resorting to outright lying about data, schematics, instruments, procedures and results, ever since the first Quantum magazine reports. Mistakes abound, certainly, but the _deliberate_ actions, like the 48 volt battery stack to reduce stress on the lone Q1 mosfet on its miserable heatsink, attempting to cover up its significant role in heating the load so that the red-herring oscillations can be emphasized.... these deliberate and conscious actions on the part of Ainslie and Martin reveal the REAL story of the Ainslie affair.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 13, 2014, 06:48:31 PM
Quote from: nanobot on March 13, 2014, 06:00:36 PM
(snip)But never under estimate the lady in question but her only error is that she cam short of the truth and to her I am SORRY . (snip)

What's the matter, are you AFRAID to register on Ainslie's forum and carry on your conversation with HER, there, directly? She is the one that you need to talk to, not me. I am clearly too stupid to grasp whatever it is you are ranting on about, but I know that you will be able to reach the Great Scientist with your astounding revelations.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 13, 2014, 07:22:04 PM
The Ainslie Q1 heatsinks, then and now, Yet Another Smoking Gun:

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 13, 2014, 07:51:08 PM
MarkE said,

QuoteI don't think that you want to operate above 200C no matter what, just as a matter of safety.

Of course... but here's a test where I took the _mosfet itself_ to over 200 C, to try to find out where it would fail. But I should have used soldered wires instead of the socket! The socket did not fail, whereas the soldered wires probably would have melted loose (at 190 C)  before the mosfet failed.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygu7ljn1SqA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygu7ljn1SqA)
Skip to about 19 minutes to see the temperature of the Q1 on its heatsink -- 225 degrees C !! -- and the final failure mode.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 13, 2014, 09:57:18 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 13, 2014, 02:21:01 PM
Not even a facility for screwing a manual cable release into the shutter button? A small solenoid could be used to drive that arrangement.

The old Canon Xti. I bought it used about four years ago, it already had a lot of shutter actuations .... but then I've put nearly a thousand frames on it just in the past two days, documenting twelve one-hour experimental runs and some extras. I  managed to find some high-capacity batteries for it... on sale as discontinued items, at Radio Shack of all places. It gets a lot of use and is reliable and rugged. The only problem I've ever had with it was a slightly flaky main switch, which was fixed by some careful application of electro contact cleaner/lube.
No there is nothing like that.  It was less than $200. when it was new.  It takes nice enough pictures, but it requires my finger to press the shutter button for each one.  If I ever get the urge to do time lapse, I will need something else like a camera with a remote input contact, or IR, etc.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 13, 2014, 10:07:29 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 13, 2014, 06:22:46 PM
It's very appropriate that you should mention that. Take a look at the schematic, FIgure 1, in the second daft manuscript in its "official publication", the posting on Rossi's "Journal of Nuclear Physics" vanity blog.

http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=679 (http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=679)

I've also attached a screenshot of the schematic from that paper, below. Notice anything interesting or significant?

Recall also that the March 2011 demonstration, which did NOT use this schematic but rather the one we are more familiar with, used only 5 batteries, not six, for the first part, and actually had to remove another battery for the "high heat" portion of the demonstration, which was performed with only 4 x 12 V batteries, 48 volts nominal.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8AIRkWF55k (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8AIRkWF55k)

One wonders why I or any other "replicator" should be required to "replicate" tests that Ainslie and Martin themselves have not done and will not do. They know fully well what will happen if they use 72 volts and long Q1 ON times.... notice that the tiny fake heatsink on Q1 shown in that early demo has been replaced with a much larger one for the June and August 2013 demonstrations.

As I've said before: There are smoking guns all over the place in what Ainslie has provided. The indicia are all there. Ainslie and her co-authors have been deliberately obfuscating, covering up data, ignoring contrary data, refusing to release raw and processed data, and even resorting to outright lying about data, schematics, instruments, procedures and results, ever since the first Quantum magazine reports. Mistakes abound, certainly, but the _deliberate_ actions, like the 48 volt battery stack to reduce stress on the lone Q1 mosfet on its miserable heatsink, attempting to cover up its significant role in heating the load so that the red-herring oscillations can be emphasized.... these deliberate and conscious actions on the part of Ainslie and Martin reveal the REAL story of the Ainslie affair.
The little heat sink will be good to about 1.5W before the die will reach a safe value of 125C.  It might even handle 2W before getting to 150C.  Above that, there are no guarantees as to the IRFPG50 remaining alive.   On that heatsink, somewhere south of 5W internally the die will turn into a useless blob.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 13, 2014, 11:28:13 PM
Yep, I agree. The failure temperature might be quite a bit higher though. My sample of one failed at well over 200 C.

Meanwhile, let's consider what it means to have the load cell at a stable temperature, on or near the flat part of the time-temperature curve, or just sitting there in the laboratory.

If the temperature is not changing, that means that the load cell is radiating or "leaking" just as much energy to the environment as it is receiving _from any source_. It is in thermal equilibrium. The "From any source" part is important. Whether the source is resistor material being converted to energy, extra power from the batteries, fairies blowing on tiny Tesla wind turbines, superluminal zipons from the nth dimension, or whatever, if the load temperature is not changing it is not getting any extra energy over what it is dissipating to the environment. Power at the load cell = power out to the environment, if the temperature is stable. Right so far?

Now, presumably there are no overunity processes or matter-energy conversions happening in my bench PSU driven, straight DC calibration experiments. I can accurately and precisely measure the DC power level required to get the load to a precisely and accurately measured stable equilibrium temperature.  The power efficiency and thermal leak rate here is not too important as long as I get the consistent and regular behaviour that I am seeing: a given DC power level produces a given temperature, consistently and precisely. Right so far?

So I can look at a load being powered by _anything_, even fairy breaths, and when it reaches a stable temperature, I can look on my plots and read off the precise equivalent DC power level that it would take to produce that same stable temperature. Right so far?

So. When I test a circuit that is supposed to produce some kind of excess heat in the load, and it warms the load up to a stable temperature, it doesn't matter if that extra energy comes from the resistor mass, the batteries, zipons, fairies or whatever. If the DC power level required to get the load to that same stable temperature in the calibration runs is Less Than the  DC input power to the circuit under test..... then there is no reason to believe that any extra energy is coming in from anywhere, since the supplied DC power is more than enough to do the work. Of course this neglects the heat that is "wasted" in the circuit itself; we know the mosfets in the Ainslie circuit dissipate significant power and for complete accuracy the entire circuit should go into the calorimeter. Only if the stable temperature of the load is Higher than that predicted by the DC input power alone, should any claim of possible OU be entertained. Even then it is far from proven, but this would be the very minimum evidence from an experiment of this kind that would suggest any OU activity.


ETA: The True Total input power to the DUT must be considered, so no "mistakes" in locating the current sense probe are allowed and any contribution of the FG or other bias supply must also be added to the total power supplied. Of course.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 13, 2014, 11:40:15 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 13, 2014, 11:28:13 PM
Yep, I agree. The failure temperature might be quite a bit higher though. My sample of one failed at well over 200 C.

Meanwhile, let's consider what it means to have the load cell at a stable temperature, on or near the flat part of the time-temperature curve, or just sitting there in the laboratory.

If the temperature is not changing, that means that the load cell is radiating or "leaking" just as much energy to the environment as it is receiving _from any source_. It is in thermal equilibrium. The "From any source" part is important. Whether the source is resistor material being converted to energy, extra power from the batteries, fairies blowing on tiny Tesla wind turbines, superluminal zipons from the nth dimension, or whatever, if the load temperature is not changing it is not getting any extra energy over what it is dissipating to the environment. Power at the load cell = power out to the environment, if the temperature is stable. Right so far?

Now, presumably there are no overunity processes or matter-energy conversions happening in my bench PSU driven, straight DC calibration experiments. I can accurately and precisely measure the DC power level required to get the load to a precisely and accurately measured stable equilibrium temperature.  The power efficiency and thermal leak rate here is not too important as long as I get the consistent and regular behaviour that I am seeing: a given DC power level produces a given temperature, consistently and precisely. Right so far?

So I can look at a load being powered by _anything_, even fairy breaths, and when it reaches a stable temperature, I can look on my plots and read off the precise equivalent DC power level that it would take to produce that same stable temperature. Right so far?

So. When I test a circuit that is supposed to produce some kind of excess heat in the load, and it warms the load up to a stable temperature, it doesn't matter if that extra energy comes from the resistor mass, the batteries, zipons, fairies or whatever. If the DC power level required to get the load to that same stable temperature in the calibration runs is Less Than the  DC input power to the circuit under test..... then there is no reason to believe that any extra energy is coming in from anywhere, since the supplied DC power is more than enough to do the work. Of course this neglects the heat that is "wasted" in the circuit itself; we know the mosfets in the Ainslie circuit dissipate significant power and for complete accuracy the entire circuit should go into the calorimeter. Only if the stable temperature of the load is Higher than that predicted by the DC input power alone, should any claim of possible OU be entertained. Even then it is far from proven, but this would be the very minimum evidence from an experiment of this kind that would suggest any OU activity.

That is of course what Ms. Ainslie demonstrated herself on August 11, 2013.  The temperature rise fell between previously calibrated temperature rises at power input levels of 2.4W and 3.4W, therefore the total power out of the heater resistor, independent of the energy source was ~3W.  In the meantime the battery power measurements were ~15W.  Even grade school students can understand that this means that the power coming out of the heater was only a small fraction of the power being applied to the circuit.  There was therefore no evidence  of additional power coming from anything else. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 14, 2014, 12:24:53 AM
Right, of course, but as you can hear at the very end of the August 11 demonstration, Ainslie claims to SWeir that, before he got there, they used the exact same settings and got completely different results. Like all "free energy" devices, the NERD circuit is very shy when knowledgeable people are watching and will only produce its OU when the experiments are conducted in private, by the claimants alone.

So while _we_ believe and accept the SWeir results (which Ainslie only pretended to agree with) we know that the Great Scientist only accepts results that "prove" her claims. Any other results are invalid, because the people who obtain them are stupid Little pickle farmers who stumble over their dangling and inflated GREs and use ancient garage sale equipment, while phoning in anonymously from the other side of the planet.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 14, 2014, 01:11:27 AM
I don't think much went on after the recording ended on August 11.  I can ask Steve.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 14, 2014, 01:19:00 AM
Quote from: MarkE on March 14, 2014, 01:11:27 AM
I don't think much went on after the recording ended on August 11.  I can ask Steve.

"How Ever.... Donny help me on this, tell Steve what we saw..."
9:15 on.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhpL86xo34w (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhpL86xo34w)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 14, 2014, 01:29:24 AM
Meanwhile, strange things happen in the laboratory late at night when nobody is around.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 14, 2014, 01:56:29 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 14, 2014, 01:19:00 AM
"How Ever.... Donny help me on this, tell Steve what we saw..."
9:15 on.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhpL86xo34w (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhpL86xo34w)
What I remember Steve telling me about that was that they did not reproduce those different results for him.  I can ask him again.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 14, 2014, 01:57:12 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 14, 2014, 01:29:24 AM
Meanwhile, strange things happen in the laboratory late at night when nobody is around.
Oooh neon effects.  Or is it free energy?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on March 14, 2014, 02:38:09 AM
TK,  now you've let the secret out. You're not really interested in OU or Ms Ainslie, quantum etc. You're quietly building arcade games.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 14, 2014, 04:57:22 AM
Quote from: MarkE on March 14, 2014, 01:56:29 AM
What I remember Steve telling me about that was that they did not reproduce those different results for him.  I can ask him again.
I have no doubt that they did not reproduce those different results! He was watching them! Ainslie's remarkable results happen only when no one is watching, except her and her mob.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 14, 2014, 05:36:07 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 14, 2014, 04:57:22 AM
I have no doubt that they did not reproduce those different results! He was watching them! Ainslie's remarkable results happen only when no one is watching, except her and her mob.
I think that has a lot more to do with their competence than any effort at fakery.  Had they fiddled with the function generator offset knob, for example by pushing it in then Q1 would have been on during the high portion of the waveform and they would get lots of heat out and draw lots of power from the battery. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 14, 2014, 11:40:58 AM
Well.... it appears that it is impossible to underestimate the Learning and Erudition of the Great Scientist. Witness the latest emission of stupidity and illogic from the Queen of Trolls... and then tell me where and when the Queen of Trolls ever refers to the RATE of temperature change in any of the daft manuscripts.

From the first daft manuscript:

QuoteA. Measurement of Wattage Dissipated
Measurement of the energy dissipated at the resistor element (RL1) was determined by comparison
with results from a control to establish empirical measurements while avoiding the complexity of
factoring in power factor corrections. A constant voltage was applied from a DC power supply source
in series with RL1. The voltage was then steadily increased in increments of 1 volt each from 1 volt
through to 22 volts. The wattage was then determined as the squared product of the voltage over the
resistance of RL1, or P=V2 / RL1.
The temperature of the resistor was then recorded against the applied wattage and the temperature
difference above ambient determined the level of wattage as represented in Fig. 2 and Table II.

In the first place we see again the continuing inability of Ainslie to discriminate between a RATE (power, in Watts = Joules PER second) and a QUANTITY (energy, in Joules). No measurement of "the energy dissipated at the resistor element" was in fact performed by Ainslie, since she does not know and cannot know the thermal leak rate of the apparatus. The most she can determine is the power dissipation, but even that is improperly done, since it must be determined at a _stable_ temperature and a _constant_ DC power setting.

But do we see anything there about the RATE of temperature rise? No, we do not. We only see samples taken and power levels BEING CHANGED at varying seemingly arbitrary intervals. We cannot derive valid RATE data from her information at all, because her calibrations are improperly performed and improperly displayed. It is impossible to point to a power level and say "at this power level the temperature rises at x degrees per minute" nor the other way around. It is clear that the temperature rises in the table build upon each previous rise, rather than being determined from the ambient temperature baseline.

It took them, according to their chart, a few minutes over three hours to obtain all their temperature/power data, for 22 separate data points of temperature measurements covering the _entire_ power range they tested.  And in the accompanying table and plot in the daft manuscript we see very clearly that the temperatures she cites are _not_ stable temperatures at all (else the resulting Fig. 2 plot would be linear.) There are only 22 samples covering the entire power and temperature range they examined, over a three hour period.

Unfortunately for her.... my data contains both RATE and absolute magnitude information, and it's properly displayed, but more importantly, I CAN PROVE I DID THE EXPERIMENT AND THAT THE DATA IS AS I STATE.... something that Ainslie cannot do at all.

I performed  _TEN_ complete one-hour runs, ten different power levels, each one starting from ambient temperature, and I took 60 evenly-spaced one minute data points for EACH run. Six hundred data points, all valid, all traceable back to the raw data, all preserved photographically and in video. Anyone who can read a graph can see both the RATE of temperature change and the magnitude of the final stable temperatures in my calibration for EACH power level. Stable, in my data, means changing at a rate less than 0.05 degree (half a tenth of a degree C) per minute. IOW, two or three consecutive minute samples at the same temperature measured to the tenth of a degree indicate "stable enough" to be called the endpoint temperature. My data is repeatable by anyone, my procedures and materials fully documented and my raw data is preserved and can be seen on request, for example here:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Sp2l41x-8k (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Sp2l41x-8k)

(The time-lapse display of all 60 datapoints in the one-hour run, played back at one point per second.)

What is the Great Scientist's definition of "stable temperature" and how do we know it was attained in her calibrations? She never defined it, and we DON'T know. Where is the Great Scientist's raw data that proves she performed the calibration and shows it was properly done? Where is the necessary information so that someone else could reproduce her calibration data on their own? Nowhere, that is where.

Of course, we also already know that Ainslie belongs to that unfortunate portion of the population that cannot interpret graphically displayed information. And we know that when she is threatened by the Truth, she degenerates even further into absurd flailings and even more ridiculous insults and lies. Witness:
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 14, 2014, 11:50:39 AM
Quote from: MarkE on March 14, 2014, 05:36:07 AM
I think that has a lot more to do with their competence than any effort at fakery.  Had they fiddled with the function generator offset knob, for example by pushing it in then Q1 would have been on during the high portion of the waveform and they would get lots of heat out and draw lots of power from the battery.

There are many kinds of fakery, some more egregious than others. The fakery that consists of ignoring contrary data, doing only demonstrations that "prove" the thesis, and misrepresenting the work of others as well as one's own work, could be semi-unconscious. It happens all the time and is called "confirmation bias". It is no less of a sin for all of that.

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool. -- Richard Feynman

The idea is to try to give all the information to help others to judge the value of your contribution; not just the information that leads to judgment in one particular direction or another. -- Richard Feynman

Reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled. -- Richard Feynman

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 14, 2014, 12:31:02 PM
While examining the Daft Manuscripts once again, I must point out another Wild Ainslie Discrepancy concerning the Figure 3 shot. We already know that this shot is fabricated, the current data being obtained from a falsely positioned current probe, and yet it is included in the manuscript and endorsed by the authors Ainslie and Donovan Martin in spite of that.

But there is another smoking gun associated with that figure. Note that the blue trace, the Gate signal coming from the FG, attains a regular POSITIVE voltage level of 10-12 volts. Yet look at the description of the test given in the text of the daft manuscript:

QuoteA. Test 1 Setup
The schematic in Fig. 1 refers with the following settings: 6 batteries x 12 volts each were applied in
series. The offset of the function generator is set to its extreme negative limit resulting in an entire
restriction of current flow during the ON phase of the duty cycle. The duty cycle is also set to the limit
of the function generators shortest ON time within each switching period of 2.7 minutes. The
waveforms produced by this setting are shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4.
(emphasis mine)

Once again, Ainslie lies boldly and outrageously when describing the conditions under which the data was allegedly taken. When the offset of the FG that Ainslie used is set to its "extreme negative limit", I do not believe it will put out a positive pulse level of 12 volts. The Instek GFG8216 fg has a maximum output level, according to the manual, of 10 v p-p and a maximum DC offset of +/- 5 volts into a 50 ohm load. At the extreme negative limit of the offset and the full amplitude output, Ainslie's FG will produce an output waveform that goes from -10V to 0V.  Even if the "10v p-p" is a typo which should read 20v p-p, the FG is still incapable of making a +12 volt output when it is set to the extreme negative offset level. Since the impedance of Ainslie's oscillator is higher than 50 ohms when Q1 is ON, or supposed to be ON, the positive voltage may be a bit higher than 0V, and in the Q2 phase the indicated negative voltage will always average to about -4 V due to the action of the transistors. What will NOT happen is for the output to reach +12 V as is shown in the Figure 3 scopeshot, with the Offset set all the way negative as she claims it was.

Among all the failings and mendacities of the Ainslie daft manuscripts, one of the most egregious is the failure to include a BASIC AND NECESSARY set of measurements: the FG opencircuit voltage output settings for each experimental trial reported. How is one expected to reproduce the experiment if one has no clues about the settings of a primary instrument used to produce the original data?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 14, 2014, 12:44:42 PM
Quote from: nanobot on March 14, 2014, 12:27:36 PM
All RF systems 1 meter of the ground or less will attract ground radiation ! Also its a reactive circuit so forget meter readings
forget ohms law and why dont you do what they wont tel you add a negative charge to the battery ! HAHAHA ! DIM BATS !


Once again I ask you to tell me the DC reactance of the circuit I am using.

You are betraying, once again, the fact that you have not done your homework before coming to the discussion, since you evidently have missed the FACT that you have not seen me use anything but STRAIGHT AND CONSTANT DC POWER from a regulated power supply since you showed up.

If you want to parade your nonsense that doesn't even have anything to do with my work here, I tell you YET AGAIN to do it on Ainslie's forum, where you will likely get a much better -- or at least different -- reception than you are getting here. But of course you will wilt under the Ainslie onslaught, and you know it, so you avoid joining her forum so as not to embarrass yourself further still.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 14, 2014, 02:09:45 PM
If one has determined or reasonably estimated the thermal time constant of a primarily single order system, then one can pretty readily perform step-wise calibrations and still get good data.  If we took your set-up that exhibits an ~10 minute time constant, and wanted to be accurate to 1C we could pick power steps that would have less than 1C estimated residual change after some time period.  We see less than 4C/W slope.  If we want to use 5W power steps, we want less than:  1Cresidiual / 4C/W*5W = < 0.05 residual error.  We can get there in three time constants.  So, perform a first soak of 6TCs and then run each successive step for 3TCs would generate plots very close to what you have in about half the time.  With a little math you can accurately extrapolate out most of the remaining, and very small error. 

Of course they did not do such a thing.  However, they were measuring the heating element directly, so their thermal time constant was probably no more than 30s.  So while they did not record even a fraction of the data that a good experimentalist would, their temperature calibration data is probably not as bad as it might seem.  I think the big problem is the direct connection of the TC to the heater.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 14, 2014, 02:13:33 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 14, 2014, 12:31:02 PM
While examining the Daft Manuscripts once again, I must point out another Wild Ainslie Discrepancy concerning the Figure 3 shot. We already know that this shot is fabricated, the current data being obtained from a falsely positioned current probe, and yet it is included in the manuscript and endorsed by the authors Ainslie and Donovan Martin in spite of that.

But there is another smoking gun associated with that figure. Note that the blue trace, the Gate signal coming from the FG, attains a regular POSITIVE voltage level of 10-12 volts. Yet look at the description of the test given in the text of the daft manuscript:
(emphasis mine)

Once again, Ainslie lies boldly and outrageously when describing the conditions under which the data was allegedly taken. When the offset of the FG that Ainslie used is set to its "extreme negative limit", I do not believe it will not put out a positive pulse level of 12 volts. The Instek GFG8216 fg has a maximum output level, according to the manual, of 10 v p-p and a maximum DC offset of +/- 5 volts into a 50 ohm load. At the extreme negative limit of the offset and the full amplitude output, Ainslie's FG will produce an output waveform that goes from -10V to 0V.  Even if the "10v p-p" is a typo which should read 20v p-p, the FG is still incapable of making a +12 volt output when it is set to the extreme negative offset level. Since the impedance of Ainslie's oscillator is higher than 50 ohms when Q1 is ON, or supposed to be ON, the positive voltage may be a bit higher than 0V, and in the Q2 phase the indicated negative voltage will always average to about -4 V due to the action of the transistors. What will NOT happen is for the output to reach +12 V as is shown in the Figure 3 scopeshot, with the Offset set all the way negative as she claims it was.

Among all the failings and mendacities of the Ainslie daft manuscripts, one of the most egregious is the failure to include a BASIC AND NECESSARY set of measurements: the FG opencircuit voltage output settings for each experimental trial reported. How is one expected to reproduce the experiment if one has no clues about the settings of a primary instrument used to produce the original data?
In the procedure write up for the August 11, 2013 demonstration I think they were supposed to show the function generator open circuit voltage, but never did.   Typically a function generator that is offset to one extreme or the other is restricted to either positive only or negative only values.  So, the waveform shown is unlikely to be the result of the controls set as they described.  Really, who cares?  We know that whatever they did for their papers it was essentially useless.  They proved that with their demonstrations.  I would just get on with your valid experiments.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 14, 2014, 02:29:15 PM
Quote from: MarkE on March 14, 2014, 02:09:45 PM
If one has determined or reasonably estimated the thermal time constant of a primarily single order system, then one can pretty readily perform step-wise calibrations and still get good data.  If we took your set-up that exhibits an ~10 minute time constant, and wanted to be accurate to 1C we could pick power steps that would have less than 1C estimated residual change after some time period.  We see less than 4C/W slope.  If we want to use 5W power steps, we want less than:  1Cresidiual / 4C/W*5W = < 0.05 residual error.  We can get there in three time constants.  So, perform a first soak of 6TCs and then run each successive step for 3TCs would generate plots very close to what you have in about half the time.  With a little math you can accurately extrapolate out most of the remaining, and very small error. 

Of course they did not do such a thing.  However, they were measuring the heating element directly, so their thermal time constant was probably no more than 30s.  So while they did not record even a fraction of the data that a good experimentalist would, their temperature calibration data is probably not as bad as it might seem.  I think the big problem is the direct connection of the TC to the heater.

No argument from me as to these points, mostly.

My intention is to be able to compare, directly, the time course of the test article's temperature rise with the calibration data. With the individual runs as opposed to the stepwise method, I will be able to do this very easily, since I have the Rate information that the stepwise method neglects to record.... in direct contradiction to the Great Scientist's most recent squawkings. Plotting the actual time course of the temperature rise, from the ambient baseline, of the test article at whatever stimulation level, will instantly provide a measure of the equivalent DC power dissipation level _at all times_ during the experimental run.  I will be able to detect changes in the physical setup (changing time constant) as well as being able to see the actual power dissipation _and total energy dissipation_ during actual experimental runs. Ainslie's methodology does not permit this kind of discrimination. True, the nearly linear Figure 2 plot that Ainslie presents is relatively valid....IF she is able to reproduce the exact physical setup and time constant again. What are the probabilities of that happening?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 14, 2014, 02:36:22 PM
Quote from: MarkE on March 14, 2014, 02:13:33 PM
In the procedure write up for the August 11, 2013 demonstration I think they were supposed to show the function generator open circuit voltage, but never did.   Typically a function generator that is offset to one extreme or the other is restricted to either positive only or negative only values.  So, the waveform shown is unlikely to be the result of the controls set as they described.  Really, who cares?  We know that whatever they did for their papers it was essentially useless.  They proved that with their demonstrations.  I would just get on with your valid experiments.

Really... I CARE. Ainslie has presented these daft manuscripts as "scientific reports of an experiment". They do not rise to the standard of anecdote, even, since they contain so many misrepresentations, inconsistencies, fabricated or covered up data, and outright lies. In addition she has carried on a campaign of relentless insult and disrespect for me and for all of her critics. I will not rest until every bogus point in Ainslie's entire opus is revealed, explained and if necessary refuted. She's a liar, a troll, a fool, and an idiot, and I am not just repeating the experiment to higher standards, I am exposing Ainslie and Martin for what they are.

Furthermore, since she so vehemently denies the validity of what I am doing, I am actually _pre-empting_ her by removing the valid methodologies from her armamentarium. She won't use the methods I am using... she can't, she dare not, without revealing her ignorance and hypocrisy yet again. This gives me the lulz to the max.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 14, 2014, 04:33:37 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 14, 2014, 02:36:22 PM
Really... I CARE. Ainslie has presented these daft manuscripts as "scientific reports of an experiment". They do not rise to the standard of anecdote, even, since they contain so many misrepresentations, inconsistencies, fabricated or covered up data, and outright lies. In addition she has carried on a campaign of relentless insult and disrespect for me and for all of her critics. I will not rest until every bogus point in Ainslie's entire opus is revealed, explained and if necessary refuted. She's a liar, a troll, a fool, and an idiot, and I am not just repeating the experiment to higher standards, I am exposing Ainslie and Martin for what they are.

Furthermore, since she so vehemently denies the validity of what I am doing, I am actually _pre-empting_ her by removing the valid methodologies from her armamentarium. She won't use the methods I am using... she can't, she dare not, without revealing her ignorance and hypocrisy yet again. This gives me the lulz to the max.
What I see that is valuable is the record you are publishing of how to perform good experiments with various types of apparatus, and how to find and cope with real limitations, including a budget.  I don't personally see value in tying any of that good work to the irrational rants of someone whom very few take seriously at all.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 14, 2014, 08:12:27 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 14, 2014, 11:50:39 AM
There are many kinds of fakery, some more egregious than others. The fakery that consists of ignoring contrary data, doing only demonstrations that "prove" the thesis, and misrepresenting the work of others as well as one's own work, could be semi-unconscious. It happens all the time and is called "confirmation bias". It is no less of a sin for all of that.

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool. -- Richard Feynman

The idea is to try to give all the information to help others to judge the value of your contribution; not just the information that leads to judgment in one particular direction or another. -- Richard Feynman

Reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled. -- Richard Feynman

Yes, but what did Richard Feynman ever do except massively refine our understanding of quantum mechanics by inventing and developing the field of Quantum Electro-Dynamics, serve as an impeccable teacher to thousands, author definitive lectures on physics, and stand up against a nattering incompetent bureaucracy at NASA following the Challenger disaster?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 15, 2014, 08:37:33 PM
I think I'll commence experimental runs with the Quantum Box circuit that Ainslie shows in the photographs and which Steve Weir has decoded and schematized.

I have the thing built up already, the exact circuit Steve drew up, with the same NE555N (although mine is Philips not STMicro brand), the same Spectrol Model 534 ten-turn 50 k wirewound pot and the same IRFP450 (not PG50) mosfet that is shown in Ainslie's photographs of the "lost" box that was "not actually" ever lost at all.

The circuit of course produces nothing like what the original Quantum publication schematic does. This circuit makes short, highfrequency ON duty cycles, no oscillations, but some ringing when the Gate series resistance potentiometer is very low.  The frequency range is about 20 kHz - 185 kHz -- far faster than the original claimed circuit -- and the duty cycle is not adjustable, so the "freq" control is really the "off" time control and the "on" time is fixed by the RC programming components of the 555 circuit. In constrast to the claimed Quantum magazine circuit there is only the one adjustable pot, not two. I've left in the series Gate resistance control present in the original Quantum schematic because it does have some effect on the circuit's performance.

This is the circuit that was installed in the Lost Grey RatsNest Box sometime after 2007, so that the Ainslie mob could reproduce Glen's (FuzzyTomCat's) work in preparation for the submissions, rejected of course, to the IEEE journals.  At the time, Ainslie was ecstatic and endorsed the waveforms that Glen produced as "authentic" and proper for the performance of the experiment to show excess energy production from this circuit.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 15, 2014, 09:25:56 PM
A blast from the past:

(By the way... if any of the screen images of Ainslie's posts don't bear the date, because they may have been captured the same day as they were made.... just look at the date of creation of the image file.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 15, 2014, 10:02:52 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 15, 2014, 09:25:56 PM
A blast from the past:

(By the way... if any of the screen images of Ainslie's posts don't bear the date, because they may have been captured the same day as they were made.... just look at the date of creation of the image file.)
Is that oscilloscope that was out for repair the one that she didn't damage?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 16, 2014, 03:22:43 AM
Actually in July of 2009, it could be that she is referring to one of the Fluke scopemeters she claimed to have used, 123 or 199.
I'm not sure exactly when she borrowed the Coast-to-Coast's LeCroy which she later had to buy, but I'll find out.

In late January 2010, Glen (FuzzyTomCat) representing the "team" at that time borrowed a Tek DPO3054 from Tektronix, for a planned 30 day set of experimental trials. But just a few days later the Tek rep contacted Glen and recalled the scope, and it was returned on Feb 4 or 5, IIRC. I don't think Ainslie herself ever used that scope. I don't know the history of the Tek scope that appears in the March 2011 video.

In the Jan-Feb 2010 incident, Ainslie made a few misrepresentations in her blog postings re Tek's role and purpose loaning the scope. 
Ainslie said,

QuoteAnd that thesis was explicitly referenced in the early chapters of my association with Tektronix.
That was the basis of our use of the equipment. Always a specific condition of use. Never a loan. In
fact we were early advised never to use the term. it did not sit well with Tektronix. This condition
was my assurance to them that all the information would be collated and be made available to the
public to use in any way they chose - strictly in line with good open source tradition. That is also not
open to dispute.
May I ask you therefore, Glen, if there is any variation to this agreement that you have negotiated
with Tektronix? I am satisfied that it was Aaron's understanding that nothing was to be withheld from
the public. And I am certain that he would not do so. Are you, on the contrary, withholding access to
your data? Are you now uncovering information that you are withholding not only from the public but
from the authors in this collaboration? And do you consider that this is your right to do so? It hardly
seems to be in support of Open Source interests nor in the spirit in which you accessed that
equipment through Tektronix's good offices, in the first instance. And is Harvey and Ashtweth aware
of this? And both on record to secure open source interests?

I suggest, with the utmost respect, that you are somehow negotiating an ownership and a sole right
to this experiment to the entire advantage of yourself and, possibly Harvey and Ashtweth. Again. I
would be glad to hear that this is entirely wrong. If I do not hear from you I will ask Tektronix to
clarify this.

This outrageous misrepresentation caused the Tek representative to contact Ainslie and request that she remove those passages from the blog.

But here are a couple more interesting posts.

-more on the admission of the cover-up and lies about the actual 5-mosfet circuit
-more on the function generator failure
-blatant contradicting herself about who was and was not at the March 2011 demo

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 16, 2014, 03:32:03 AM
Ah yes, the LeCroy makes its first appearance that I can find on November 19, 2010. So it is not the one she is talking about in July 2009.
This was during a time when I really wasn't paying much attention to the Ainslie affair, as I had already debunked the Q17 circuit sufficiently already and was quite bored with Ainslie's posturings and insults.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 16, 2014, 05:37:25 AM
While I was not around for the 2011 video, it is a giant screw-up.  The circuit that they showed only bares a small resemblance to what one can determine was on the board from screen captures of the top and bottom shown during the video.  That whole bit about wanting to attract academics and but saying that they knew they were misrepresenting the circuitry is just beyond the pale.  You cover the schematic issue well in your "Donny Blooper Reel".  The schematic, marked up for what it is worth:
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 16, 2014, 09:35:38 PM
Here's the first rough "shakedown run" of the Thermal Efficiency testing of the Quantum -17 Grey Box circuit at around 17 Watts DC input power. I haven't plotted the data yet.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 16, 2014, 10:12:45 PM
I disagree with calling the drain voltage high interval 30%.  It looks like about 70% high / 30% low.  I recommend explaining why the gate high interval of ~15% is shorter than the MOSFET low period of ~30%.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 16, 2014, 11:01:32 PM
Quote from: MarkE on March 16, 2014, 10:12:45 PM
I disagree with calling the drain voltage high interval 30%.  It looks like about 70% high / 30% low.  I recommend explaining why the gate high interval of ~15% is shorter than the MOSFET low period of ~30%.
Sorry, my fault in not being clear on the terminology. The mosfet  Drain signal is HI, at battery voltage, when the mosfet is OFF, nonconducting. I should have said that the mosfet is ON, or something like that, 30 percent of the time, supplying power to the load.

Looking at the way the drain trace develops, due to the slow response of the mosfet at 164kHz, and factoring in the ringing, leads to the estimated 30 percent ON time corresponding to the shorter Gate HI pulse of around 15 percent. The mosfet's gate capacitance takes time to fill and discharge and this means high peak gate drive currents and fast gate signal risetimes are needed at these fast frequencies, and the 555 timer clock just can't source or sink the fast risetime high current pulse needed for good clean switching of the IRFP450 mosfet.

These are just eyeball duty cycle estimates. I suppose I should break out the Link DSO to get real numbers on these.

Some versions of Ainslie's claimed schematics include a diode across the load; this will probably have a big effect on that ringing.

ETA: I haven't graphed the data but the one-hour stable temperature rise was 27.4 degrees C over ambient, and this corresponds to a power dissipation at the load of just a hair over 13 Watts. The DC input power was 16.9 Watts, and this gives an efficiency of about 77 percent, far higher than I expected. The mosfet on its heatsink was warm to the touch but not "hot". I'm sorry I didn't measure this temperature.

ETA2: This slowness of the mosfet also accounts for the seemingly anomalously high power throughput at the frequencies Glen used, around 300-500 kHz. A 20 percent duty cycle gate pulse results in the mosfet staying fully or partially ON for nearly the entire period, and I've noted this before when discussing Glen's work.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 16, 2014, 11:24:40 PM
I've put the following Note in the Description to the video:

QuoteNOTE: In the first slide I call the mosfet duty cycle "30 percent HI" at the Drain. I should have said "30 percent ON", since the Drain is of course LOW when the mosfet is ON. Sorry about the confusion, and thanks MarkE for pointing this out.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 17, 2014, 01:38:28 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 16, 2014, 11:01:32 PM
Sorry, my fault in not being clear on the terminology. The mosfet  Drain signal is HI, at battery voltage, when the mosfet is OFF, nonconducting. I should have said that the mosfet is ON, or something like that, 30 percent of the time, supplying power to the load.

Looking at the way the drain trace develops, due to the slow response of the mosfet at 164kHz, and factoring in the ringing, leads to the estimated 30 percent ON time corresponding to the shorter Gate HI pulse of around 15 percent. The mosfet's gate capacitance takes time to fill and discharge and this means high peak gate drive currents and fast gate signal risetimes are needed at these fast frequencies, and the 555 timer clock just can't source or sink the fast risetime high current pulse needed for good clean switching of the IRFP450 mosfet.

These are just eyeball duty cycle estimates. I suppose I should break out the Link DSO to get real numbers on these.

Some versions of Ainslie's claimed schematics include a diode across the load; this will probably have a big effect on that ringing.

ETA: I haven't graphed the data but the one-hour stable temperature rise was 27.4 degrees C over ambient, and this corresponds to a power dissipation at the load of just a hair over 13 Watts. The DC input power was 16.9 Watts, and this gives an efficiency of about 77 percent, far higher than I expected. The mosfet on its heatsink was warm to the touch but not "hot". I'm sorry I didn't measure this temperature.

ETA2: This slowness of the mosfet also accounts for the seemingly anomalously high power throughput at the frequencies Glen used, around 300-500 kHz. A 20 percent duty cycle gate pulse results in the mosfet staying fully or partially ON for nearly the entire period, and I've noted this before when discussing Glen's work.
On the 30% versus 15% I know that you know why it occurs.  I just think that you want to explain that in video.  A 555 is not a high current gate driver.  The efficiency is relatively good because the rise and fall times are relatively good.  The rest is just the ON resistance of the MOSFET.  When you switch over to measuring Q2 oscillations, the efficiency will plummet.  A fast catch diode like a Schottky will do a lot to suppress the rising edge drain ringing.  A slow diode such as they had won't help so much.

The other thing that will be very difficult to reproduce, because there are no good measurements of it, is the extent of disruption of the 555 caused by noise in that rat's nest of a test box they built.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 17, 2014, 06:27:14 AM
As far as I can tell there are _no_ data from the Grey Box available at all.

Remember how Ainslie always says that there was no measurable discharge of the batteries in the Quantum experiment? Well, it turns out that that all depends on which version of the documentation you consult. In an early report of that experiment Ainslie published this table:
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 17, 2014, 06:32:16 AM
You may also find this paper interesting. Authors are R.A Ainslie, H.W Gramm, G.A Lettenmaier, A.Palise, A. Gardiner, D Martin, S. Windisch.

This is the controversial rejected IEEE submission.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 17, 2014, 07:44:51 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 17, 2014, 06:27:14 AM
As far as I can tell there are _no_ data from the Grey Box available at all.

Remember how Ainslie always says that there was no measurable discharge of the batteries in the Quantum experiment? Well, it turns out that that all depends on which version of the documentation you consult. In an early report of that experiment Ainslie published this table:
Pray tell:
1. Where is the current measurement for the DUT?
2. Where is the voltage measurement for the control?
3. Where is the current measurement for the control?
4. What is the explanation for the increase in "Control Watts" during the last 37 minutes?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 17, 2014, 08:29:24 AM
That's all "explained" (sic) in the source document. I attached the document .pdf underneath the image of the table and graph. It's amazing how many reports of the same experimental trials there are out there.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 17, 2014, 03:53:17 PM
Are the DMMs valid indicators of the input power to the experimental system being driven by the 555 timer or other oscillator/clock? Poynt99 has analyzed this issue and found that they generally do a surprisingly good job of averaging even complicated-looking signals. And in the particular situation of my experimental setup ... so have I. At least at the one set of parameters I've explored so far.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMeHpTW_QIA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMeHpTW_QIA)

As far as "replicating" Ainslie's claimed data:
The trouble here is that Ainslie cannot be pinned down as to the proper operating parameters. As you have seen in the various "reports" of the original Quantum experiment, she cannot even agree with herself on the circuit used, much less the frequency and duty cycle needed to produce her claimed COP > 17.  If we stick with the claimed 2.4 kHz and 3.7 percent ON duty cycle as stated, YET AGAIN, in the 2009 versions of the reports (but without a specific timer/clock/oscillator circuit given) ... we have the problem of the SWeir decoded Grey Box, which cannot operate at that low a frequency, nor anywhere near it, and the Ainslie-endorsed Glen Lettenmeier work at 300 kHz and even higher.  It's highly convenient for Ainslie, this waffling and flailing about, moving goalposts. For you see.... the operating parameters that we find _do not_ produce any OU, do not produce excess heat at the load, do not recharge or keep the batteries charged up, don't slow down the rate of discharge.... well, silly, _those_ parameters are clearly not the magic Ainslie parameters!

Ainslie will not say : Use THIS precise circuit. Use THIS exact frequency or frequency range. Use THIS duty cycle. And you will obtain THESE results indicating 17 times more energy out than you are putting in. For when she has done so, as in the 2009 versions.... it turns out that nobody can corroborate her claims. So she has learned just where to obfuscate, how to move the goalposts, how to carry on with her denigration of her critics. What she hasn't learned is how she herself can accomplish what she has claimed to be able to do.... for in fact she cannot do it.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 17, 2014, 05:08:18 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 17, 2014, 03:53:17 PM
Are the DMMs valid indicators of the input power to the experimental system being driven by the 555 timer or other oscillator/clock? Poynt99 has analyzed this issue and found that they generally do a surprisingly good job of averaging even complicated-looking signals. And in the particular situation of my experimental setup ... so have I. At least at the one set of parameters I've explored so far.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMeHpTW_QIA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMeHpTW_QIA)

As far as "replicating" Ainslie's claimed data:
The trouble here is that Ainslie cannot be pinned down as to the proper operating parameters. As you have seen in the various "reports" of the original Quantum experiment, she cannot even agree with herself on the circuit used, much less the frequency and duty cycle needed to produce her claimed COP > 17.  If we stick with the claimed 2.4 kHz and 3.7 percent ON duty cycle as stated, YET AGAIN, in the 2009 versions of the reports (but without a specific timer/clock/oscillator circuit given) ... we have the problem of the SWeir decoded Grey Box, which cannot operate at that low a frequency, nor anywhere near it, and the Ainslie-endorsed Glen Lettenmeier work at 300 kHz and even higher.  It's highly convenient for Ainslie, this waffling and flailing about, moving goalposts. For you see.... the operating parameters that we find _do not_ produce any OU, do not produce excess heat at the load, do not recharge or keep the batteries charged up, don't slow down the rate of discharge.... well, silly, _those_ parameters are clearly not the magic Ainslie parameters!

Ainslie will not say : Use THIS precise circuit. Use THIS exact frequency or frequency range. Use THIS duty cycle. And you will obtain THESE results indicating 17 times more energy out than you are putting in. For when she has done so, as in the 2009 versions.... it turns out that nobody can corroborate her claims. So she has learned just where to obfuscate, how to move the goalposts, how to carry on with her denigration of her critics. What she hasn't learned is how she herself can accomplish what she has claimed to be able to do.... for in fact she cannot do it.
She has played her cards and lost.  What would be good is if you can show true power.  If none of your scopes do multiplication then you could stiffen up the voltage filtering.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 18, 2014, 10:30:46 AM
No, unfortunately not even the Link DSO can do trace multiplication. But I've broken out the SWeir-designed "Shifting Paradigms" PCB that has proper layout and filtering and gives reliable and accurate current and voltage readings. I've made a video introducing this board and once again confirming that the DMM's indication of average current is reasonably accurate. Since the battery voltage ripple is much reduced by this board, the average power can be reliably computed using the voltage and the average current readings.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 18, 2014, 10:37:40 AM
Yes, she's played her cards and lost, falling flat on her face (and Donovan Martin's face as well) in the last two "live" demonstrations, and all properly performed experimentation with the circuits she has claimed to use, since 2009, have demonstrated her errors, false claims and mendacity for all to see. Yet she wants to be humiliated in public YET AGAIN, it seems! Her bravado is impressive, that's for sure. Poor Donovan Martin must be tired of looking bad in Ainslie's light. The lies and errors and outright incompetency of these people have no parallel, and they are so proud of their ignorance that they seem to want to show it off whenever possible.

Well, here's my response to the latest ten thousand words of ignorant and arrogant ranting from Ainslie:

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 18, 2014, 02:03:51 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 18, 2014, 10:30:46 AM
No, unfortunately not even the Link DSO can do trace multiplication. But I've broken out the SWeir-designed "Shifting Paradigms" PCB that has proper layout and filtering and gives reliable and accurate current and voltage readings. I've made a video introducing this board and once again confirming that the DMM's indication of average current is reasonably accurate. Since the battery voltage ripple is much reduced by this board, the average power can be reliably computed using the voltage and the average current readings.

That looks pretty good. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 18, 2014, 06:46:38 PM
Some results:

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 18, 2014, 10:28:11 PM
The raw data from those runs, along with the graphs:

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 18, 2014, 11:11:24 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 18, 2014, 10:28:11 PM
The raw data from those runs, along with the graphs:

Using the switching circuit it looks like you are getting about 13W equivalent from 17W in, or roughly 76% efficiency.  A clean capture of the drain voltage at a good resolution like 5V/div and drain (source) current will allow estimation of switching and conduction losses which should come out to about the 4W difference. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 18, 2014, 11:20:58 PM
Yes, that's right. The efficiency figures don't include the power dissipated at the mosfet of course; to get the full power dissipation of the circuit I'd have to immerse the whole thing in oil and do the same kind of runs that way. I'm sure that the goalposts will be moved out that far, eventually, by the Great Scientist, but until then I'm not going to show any of that working.

Here's how I'll be condensing and displaying the data from experimental runs as they accumulate. For the performance to be "overunity" or better than straight DC power the data point from an individual run has to fall above the DC calibration line. I've got two data points so far. I can put the results of any circuit, any input power, any operating parameters on this graph as long as it uses the same fancooled load cell in the same condition and reaches a stable or nearly stable temperature in under 60 minutes.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 19, 2014, 03:55:51 AM
It seems that so far:  Your passive devices act passively. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 19, 2014, 07:33:48 AM
I meant to ask:  How have you set-up the gray box input power measurements?   I think that you want to show that the error bars are small enough that they cannot change any comparative conclusions. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 19, 2014, 08:17:24 AM
Quote from: MarkE on March 19, 2014, 07:33:48 AM
I meant to ask:  How have you set-up the gray box input power measurements?   I think that you want to show that the error bars are small enough that they cannot change any comparative conclusions.

Right you are. The primary data comes from the camera datalogging: The two DMMs measuring Voltage across the supply filter cap and in-line current in the positive lead to the DUT. Oscilloscope calibrations show that the voltage is essentially constant and the DMM's indicated current is within 5 percent of the value read from the scope using Vdrop across the non-inductive CSR arrangements (using the Link DSO, so I have real numbers, not just fingerpointings.) I've placed +/- 5% error bars on the DUT datapoints.... the bars are about the same size as the markers ! I've also made the error bars symmetrical, but I think the DMM's error is usually mostly on the low side. If pedantry and precision require it, I could take multiple data runs and use statistical procedures to get more accurate estimates of the error, but I think that this would yield even smaller error ranges on the plot.

I've added a run with the SWeir frequency-compensated Shifting Paradigms test board at about the same parameters as the two Grey Box trials, and I have another one yet to plot at near the original Quantum spec of 2.4 kHz and very short duty cycle. I couldn't get below 5.6 % using the F43, I'll have to resort to the DP101 to get a 3.7 percent duty cycle.

On the chart below, I reversed the axes so that Y error bars would correctly reflect the uncertainty in the power measurement, not the temperature measurement. So, on this chart, for a device to be doing better than the straight DC power, the data point must be _below_ the blue line of the DC calibration. That is, if a device needs more power to get to the same temperature as the DC powered load, it is less efficient and its point will be above the blue line. If the DUT needs _less_ power than the DC case to get to the same temperature, its point will fall below the blue line.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 19, 2014, 09:37:35 AM
That's looking very solid.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 19, 2014, 04:21:03 PM
I think so too. All the raw data is preserved in the still images and the short videos I make from them, and the calibrations are justifiable and repeatable. I've even done ice-and-boiling point calibrations of the several thermometers I use. Frequencies and duty cycle numbers come from the Philips counter and the Link DSO.

Now here's an issue I'd like to kick over a bit. Please let me know what your thoughts are.

When the 5-mosfet circuit is in "Q2 oscillation mode", that is, with a suitable _negative voltage_ and current supplied to the Source pin of the Q2 mosfet and the rest of the circuit essentially inactive.... where is the appropriate place to take the input voltage reading? Both the main battery and the bias source contribute power to the load in this case, and the main supply and bias supply are in series. So I am thinking that the correct place to measure the input voltage will be between the battery positive and the Q2 mosfet's Source pin.... but the circuit winds up having the Current Sense Resistor connected from the Main battery negative to the mosfet Gate. This means the CSR isn't measuring the true load current, and the ordinary way of measuring voltage across the main battery only, isn't measuring the true input voltage.

Right? See the stripped-down diagram below.

The "normal" arrangement of measurements is to measure the input Voltage from TP A to "NERD Reference", and the Current as the Vdrop from Tp B to "Nerd Reference". But as we know this does not capture the full power in the circuit while Q2 is oscillating. The true supply voltage, it should be clear now, is actually the series voltage of the Main Battery + the Bias source voltage, and so should be measured from TP A to TP C at the mosfet source pin. The Existing CVR, which shows the big oscillations in current, isn't even involved in the main power loop during Q2 oscillations. The only single place to measure the true load current, which is the total supplied by the main and bias sources, would appear to be where I have placed the DMM A in the diagram.

So, this is how I intend to measure the input power when testing the Common Gate Oscillator portion of the circuit separately, using continuous Q2 oscillations. VSupply will be from TP A to TP C, and Current will be from the DMM A or an isolated non-inductive CVR in that location. I'll also compare readings from this DMM with similar readings taken between TP C and the negative terminal of the bias source.

(The circuit shown in the diagram is what happens during the Q2 oscillation parts of the cycle. The Q1 can be removed from the circuit entirely without affecting the Q2 oscillation portion of the cycle at all, as I've shown in several video demonstrations, and this results in the circuit in the present diagram.)

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 19, 2014, 06:15:03 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 19, 2014, 04:21:03 PM
I think so too. All the raw data is preserved in the still images and the short videos I make from them, and the calibrations are justifiable and repeatable. I've even done ice-and-boiling point calibrations of the several thermometers I use. Frequencies and duty cycle numbers come from the Philips counter and the Link DSO.

Now here's an issue I'd like to kick over a bit. Please let me know what your thoughts are.

When the 5-mosfet circuit is in "Q2 oscillation mode", that is, with a suitable _negative voltage_ and current supplied to the Source pin of the Q2 mosfet and the rest of the circuit essentially inactive.... where is the appropriate place to take the input voltage reading? Both the main battery and the bias source contribute power to the load in this case, and the main supply and bias supply are in series. So I am thinking that the correct place to measure the input voltage will be between the battery positive and the Q2 mosfet's Source pin.... but the circuit winds up having the Current Sense Resistor connected from the Main battery negative to the mosfet Gate. This means the CSR isn't measuring the true load current, and the ordinary way of measuring voltage across the main battery only, isn't measuring the true input voltage.

Right? See the stripped-down diagram below.

The "normal" arrangement of measurements is to measure the input Voltage from TP A to "NERD Reference", and the Current as the Vdrop from Tp B to "Nerd Reference". But as we know this does not capture the full power in the circuit while Q2 is oscillating. The true supply voltage, it should be clear now, is actually the series voltage of the Main Battery + the Bias source voltage, and so should be measured from TP A to TP C at the mosfet source pin. The Existing CVR, which shows the big oscillations in current, isn't even involved in the main power loop during Q2 oscillations. The only single place to measure the true load current, which is the total supplied by the main and bias sources, would appear to be where I have placed the DMM A in the diagram.

So, this is how I intend to measure the input power when testing the Common Gate Oscillator portion of the circuit separately, using continuous Q2 oscillations. VSupply will be from TP A to TP C, and Current will be from the DMM A or an isolated non-inductive CVR in that location. I'll also compare readings from this DMM with similar readings taken between TP C and the negative terminal of the bias source.

(The circuit shown in the diagram is what happens during the Q2 oscillation parts of the cycle. The Q1 can be removed from the circuit entirely without affecting the Q2 oscillation portion of the cycle at all, as I've shown in several video demonstrations, and this results in the circuit in the present diagram.)
The problem with obtaining the total voltage across the circuit is that the actual voltage of the bias source is not accessible.  Whatever the internal impedance of the device acting as a voltage source, be it a battery or function generator or something else, the Q2 transconductance multiplied by that internal impedance develops a voltage drop that works to drive the difference between the voltage source value and the gate voltage to the gate threshold value.   I would use an external 50 Ohm resistor as the source degeneration resistor for Q2.  Then if you have a Vbias source that is half an ohm or less up to ~10MHz then 99% or more of the voltage drop caused by the Q2 gain will appear across the resistor, allowing you to accurately measure the Vbias contribution.  If you want to turn the oscillations on and off you can use the function generator with an additional N channel MOSFET as shown in this drawing.  If you just want to let the oscillations run, then you can replace the additional MOSFET with a short, or use the MOSFET and connect its gate to the Q1 Source node.

To get less than 0.5 Ohm to 10MHz you need to keep the decoupling capacitor network inductance below 8nH.  You will want to parallel with a capacitor big enough to handle the 150kHz pulses you are using.  If you have more than one of those boards Steve designed you can use the capacitor network on that second board.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 19, 2014, 07:17:23 PM
Quote from: MarkE on March 19, 2014, 06:15:03 PM
The problem with obtaining the total voltage across the circuit is that the actual voltage of the bias source is not accessible.  Whatever the internal impedance of the device acting as a voltage source, be it a battery or function generator or something else, the Q2 transconductance multiplied by that internal impedance develops a voltage drop that works to drive the difference between the voltage source value and the gate voltage to the gate threshold value. 
That's right, and that's why the observed Gate drive voltage always bottoms out at around  - 4.2 V, with fuzz, no matter the negative offset or p-p voltage setting of the FG or other bias source. I'll have to do some measurements to see if that is actually a problem as far as the overall power measurement goes, though. Since the current in the system will increase as the applied, or opencircuit, bias voltage increases, the instantaneous current monitor reading x the inst. total series voltage should still give the correct power, I think, maybe.

QuoteI would use an external 50 Ohm resistor as the source degeneration resistor for Q2.  Then if you have a Vbias source that is half an ohm or less up to ~10MHz then 99% or more of the voltage drop caused by the Q2 gain will appear across the resistor, allowing you to accurately measure the Vbias contribution.  If you want to turn the oscillations on and off you can use the function generator with an additional N channel MOSFET as shown in this drawing.  If you just want to let the oscillations run, then you can replace the additional MOSFET with a short, or use the MOSFET and connect its gate to the Q1 Source node.

To get less than 0.5 Ohm to 10MHz you need to keep the decoupling capacitor network inductance below 8nH.  You will want to parallel with a capacitor big enough to handle the 150kHz pulses you are using.  If you have more than one of those boards Steve designed you can use the capacitor network on that second board.
All good advice of course, but I don't want to stray too far from the original circuit. Let me do some test comparisons between the "standard" method that has been used by the Ainslie gang and the various suggested methods. I don't have another S board, but it can easily incorporate a Q2 arrangement and then be driven in continuous oscillation mode by either an external power supply proper, or battery, or the FG set to DC output (I don't think Ainslie's FG has a DC output setting) of the proper polarity.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 19, 2014, 07:49:24 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 19, 2014, 07:17:23 PM
That's right, and that's why the observed Gate drive voltage always bottoms out at around  - 4.2 V, with fuzz, no matter the negative offset or p-p voltage setting of the FG or other bias source. I'll have to do some measurements to see if that is actually a problem as far as the overall power measurement goes, though. Since the current in the system will increase as the applied, or opencircuit, bias voltage increases, the instantaneous current monitor reading x the inst. total series voltage should still give the correct power, I think, maybe.
All good advice of course, but I don't want to stray too far from the original circuit. Let me do some test comparisons between the "standard" method that has been used by the Ainslie gang and the various suggested methods. I don't have another S board, but it can easily incorporate a Q2 arrangement and then be driven in continuous oscillation mode by either an external power supply proper, or battery, or the FG set to DC output (I don't think Ainslie's FG has a DC output setting) of the proper polarity.
Because of the MOSFET gain the additional net voltage across the heater resistor tends to reduce to approximately:  (VBIAS - VTHS)*RHEATER/RBIAS and the additional power reduces to approximately:2*VBATTERY*(VBIAS - VTHS)/RBIAS + (VBIAS - VTHS)2*RHEATER/RBIAS2.  If you can suppress the oscillations, then you should be able to verify this.   

The first term is larger than the second by the ratio: 2*VBATTERY/(VBIAS - VTHS) * RBIAS/RHEATER.  In rough numbers with a 24V battery voltage the second term is less than 5% of the first.  In the August demonstration, it was around 1.5%.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 19, 2014, 09:25:36 PM
Well, it appears that the Great Scientist is losing sleep over this. Funny, isn't it? She continues with her misrepresentations and outright lies concerning my work, and ignores Poynt99's and even her advisor Steve Weir's statements that the DMM can be accurate to over 100 MHz when used as I am doing. Meanwhile she thinks that by waving her hands about and shouting, she can eliminate the EVIDENCE that I have presented and continue to present. The spectacle is truly laughable.

Especially laughable is her continued claim that I'm using some different circuit. The Grey Box circuit is THE EXACT CIRCUIT that appears in the photographs that she submitted to Steve Weir for decoding. The Quantum-17 circuit is THE EXACT CIRCUIT that she published in the Quantum magazine article. The circuit that I demonstrated here:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTTA80T0BU4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTTA80T0BU4)

is THE EXACT CIRCUIT that Ainslie has published herself and used in the three demonstrations.... the ONLY demonstrations.... she has ever produced, with the only exception that I used a single Q2 instead of 4 in parallel.

The Tar Baby circuit is THE EXACT CIRCUIT, including all 5 mosfets, 4 Q2s in parallel, that Ainslie has CLAIMED to have used in the demonstrations.

The SWeir board circuit is different from Ainslie's circuits only in that it includes proper filtering, a much better noninductive CVR and properly laid out low-inductance current pathways. In other words it is a PROFESSIONALLY LAID OUT AND MANUFACTURED version of what she should have done in the first place, which does not suffer from the large errors that are produced by her stupidly laid out and naively measured kludge. You recall... the one she lied about, over and over, as to the correct schematic.  The additional snubber components on the SWeir board have not yet been used by me.

Ainslie has lied deliberately and continues to do so, with every post she makes, and the evidence is plain for every one to see. And she continues to make her absurdly false claims without any support at all. Ainslie can provide NO data, no references, no demonstrations, and nobody comes and says she's right about anything... because clearly she is not.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 19, 2014, 10:51:01 PM
Here, for example, is a scopeshot from the test I'm running right now. Yellow trace is the Current (Voltage drop) across the precision 0.25 Ohm noninductive CVR testpoints on the SWeir board, and the Blue trace is the input Battery voltage, also measured at the board's  testpoints.

This is the Steve Weir designed and built Shifting Paradigms board, with 1 Q1 and 2 Q2s, all IRFPG50s. I'm running at 1 kHz and 10 percent ON duty cycle with enough negative bias from the F43 FG to produce nice Q2 oscillations as usual. This run will be compared to two more runs at the same settings but with only Q1 ON, no Q2 oscs, and also with the other way around: No Q1 ON and only Q2 oscs.

Note that the Q2 oscillations do not affect the battery voltage indications. I'm not using the Snubber portion of the circuit, obviously, since it eliminates the Q2 oscillations completely.

(The Yellow trace is shown inverted, the baseline is the blue dashed line through the fuzz at the bottom.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 20, 2014, 12:23:44 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 19, 2014, 09:25:36 PM
Well, it appears that the Great Scientist is losing sleep over this. Funny, isn't it? She continues with her misrepresentations and outright lies concerning my work, and ignores Poynt99's and even her advisor Steve Weir's statements that the DMM can be accurate to over 100 MHz when used as I am doing. Meanwhile she thinks that by waving her hands about and shouting, she can eliminate the EVIDENCE that I have presented and continue to present. The spectacle is truly laughable.

Especially laughable is her continued claim that I'm using some different circuit. The Grey Box circuit is THE EXACT CIRCUIT that appears in the photographs that she submitted to Steve Weir for decoding. The Quantum-17 circuit is THE EXACT CIRCUIT that she published in the Quantum magazine article. The circuit that I demonstrated here:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTTA80T0BU4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTTA80T0BU4)

is THE EXACT CIRCUIT that Ainslie has published herself and used in the three demonstrations.... the ONLY demonstrations.... she has ever produced, with the only exception that I used a single Q2 instead of 4 in parallel.

The Tar Baby circuit is THE EXACT CIRCUIT, including all 5 mosfets, 4 Q2s in parallel, that Ainslie has CLAIMED to have used in the demonstrations.

The SWeir board circuit is different from Ainslie's circuits only in that it includes proper filtering, a much better noninductive CVR and properly laid out low-inductance current pathways. In other words it is a PROFESSIONALLY LAID OUT AND MANUFACTURED version of what she should have done in the first place, which does not suffer from the large errors that are produced by her stupidly laid out and naively measured kludge. You recall... the one she lied about, over and over, as to the correct schematic.  The additional snubber components on the SWeir board have not yet been used by me.

Ainslie has lied deliberately and continues to do so, with every post she makes, and the evidence is plain for every one to see. And she continues to make her absurdly false claims without any support at all. Ainslie can provide NO data, no references, no demonstrations, and nobody comes and says she's right about anything... because clearly she is not.
Here is a graphic that overlays the circuitry on Ms. Ainslie's breadboard circuit as demonstrated August 11, 2013, on top of the schematic I just proposed for measuring the true input voltage.  If anyone didn't catch it when it was diagrammed and explained many times before:  During Q2 conduction, IE the so-called "Q1 Off" times, loop current flows through the Q2 source leg through the function generator red lead and back out the function generator black lead.  Q2 conduction only occurs when the sum of the waveform amplitude and the offset are sufficiently negative to bring the internal function generator voltage below the Q2 gate potential by at least Q2's VTHS value.  This fact has been expertly demonstrated in several of your videos.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 20, 2014, 01:25:34 AM
Interesting, isn't it?

The Great Scientist has put us on notice (sic) that she intends to challenge Stefan H. and Poynt99 for their Overunity Prizes, monetary awards offered for an overunity/free energy device.

These _open source_ websites are offering monetary prizes for an _open source_ overunity project that actually performs as claimed.

I wonder what part of "open source" the Great Scientist fails to understand. Does "Open Source" include lying about the actual schematic used.... _TO THIS DAY_ .... ?  Does it include failing to provide credible or even respectable demonstrations of the claims? Does it include failure to acknowledge one's own only credible data which is contrary to the claims?  Insults to the hosts who are offering the awards? Apparently so, all of this and more. But what it actually doesn't include, apparently, is any actual true detail or credible data of the actual "work".

Meanwhile... I'm totally "open sourcing" my work. I even upload the _raw data_ for inspection. I don't even have to interpret the data: I just present it as it occurs, and in the words of Gary Hendershot.... you can make up your own damn minds. Meanwhile, as I've tried to show all along, one does not need fancy digital equipment to do this kind of work (although it's nice to have a crosscheck and easy numerical measurements.) All of my work is reported in full detail and can be reproduced for very little cost by anyone who is interested and has the few hundred dollars worth of equipment, obtainable at any garage sale. Right.

If one knows _how to use_ the equipment one has on hand, much valuable work can be done with inexpensive surplus analog equipment. On the other hand, as we see from the Ainslie mob in all three of their laughable "demonstrations", when one is naive and innocent as a babe when confronted with all those knobs and buttons, it is charming certainly to watch the flailings and gropings, but only shows the truth of the adage: Garbage in, Garbage out.

And then when the output garbage is fed into the shredder of Ainslie's fractured "math".... where units don't matter, Joules are Watts, and the technique is to multiply every number in sight by every other one... well, one gets what one deserves, in the end, that's certain.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 20, 2014, 01:45:48 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 20, 2014, 01:25:34 AM
Interesting, isn't it?

The Great Scientist has put us on notice (sic) that she intends to challenge Stefan H. and Poynt99 for their Overunity Prizes, monetary awards offered for an overunity/free energy device.

These _open source_ websites are offering monetary prizes for an _open source_ overunity project that actually performs as claimed.

I wonder what part of "open source" the Great Scientist fails to understand. Does "Open Source" include lying about the actual schematic used.... _TO THIS DAY_ .... ?  Does it include failing to provide credible or even respectable demonstrations of the claims? Does it include failure to acknowledge one's own only credible data which is contrary to the claims?  Insults to the hosts who are offering the awards? Apparently so, all of this and more. But what it actually doesn't include, apparently, is any actual true detail or credible data of the actual "work".

Meanwhile... I'm totally "open sourcing" my work. I even upload the _raw data_ for inspection. I don't even have to interpret the data: I just present it as it occurs, and in the words of Gary Hendershot.... you can make up your own damn minds. Meanwhile, as I've tried to show all along, one does not need fancy digital equipment to do this kind of work (although it's nice to have a crosscheck and easy numerical measurements.) All of my work is reported in full detail and can be reproduced for very little cost by anyone who is interested and has the few hundred dollars worth of equipment, obtainable at any garage sale. Right.

If one knows _how to use_ the equipment one has on hand, much valuable work can be done with inexpensive surplus analog equipment. On the other hand, as we see from the Ainslie mob in all three of their laughable "demonstrations", when one is naive and innocent as a babe when confronted with all those knobs and buttons, it is charming certainly to watch the flailings and gropings, but only shows the truth of the adage: Garbage in, Garbage out.

And then when the output garbage is fed into the shredder of Ainslie's fractured "math".... where units don't matter, Joules are Watts, and the technique is to multiply every number in sight by every other one... well, one gets what one deserves, in the end, that's certain.
Ms. Ainslie has not produced any data since she refuted her own claims with her June 29, 2013 and August 11, 2013 demonstrations.  She admitted the fact that the demonstrations tore the representations of her Paper 1 and Paper 2 to shreds, so much so that she withdrew them in whole.    No evidence has materialized that can rehabilitate those papers.

I suggest simply continuing with the great work that you are doing.  It's instructional and entertaining.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 20, 2014, 06:22:49 AM
The Great Scientist is still lying about Glen, too, I see, while at the same time flaunting her ignorance and lack of reading comprehension. All of Glen's work is publicly available and has always been so, and I've given the link to it in this thread and other threads many times. Yet she still lies about it, saying that it isn't. Amazing.

But her idiocy extends even deeper than that, since she seems incapable of reading these words for herself:

Steve Weir said:
Yes, this works at frequencies above about 100Hz to 100's of MHz.  I have precise measurements that confirm the theoretical basis for why it does.  This gives you average current and voltage.  It does not yield average power.

You can get average power by using a stiff bypass network to reduce the AC voltage source impedance.  I calibrated up a current sense and power bypass board last year.  I designed that board with the intent of getting it to Rosemary Ainslie for the August demonstrations.  In speaking with them extensively I judged that such a fixture would add unwanted changes that they would have a difficult time understanding.  I never sent them one and they obtained different low inductance current sense resistors of their own.
And it is that very board, built by Steve Weir, that I am using.

And see his further comments on my YT video here:


And he was of course right.... they, or rather Ainslie, has a difficult time understanding the English language, because she is too busy TALKING garbage, to listen to the Truth from people like Steve Weir... or anyone else, for that matter.

As far as waveforms go... I have reproduced every waveform Ainslie has made, including the fraudulent Figure 3 and the bogus "Test 4", as anyone who has been following my work knows, even AINSLIE HERSELF. She trumpets her ignorant arrogance in such a comical fashion that it has become boring to continue to refute her. But refute her I shall continue to do, every time she emits another series of lies, stupid claims and misrepresentations.

Ainslie also lies about the Tektronix incident and Glen's role in that. I've already shown the quotation from the Tek representative asking Ainslie to remove the misrepresentations she made about them, so I'll not show it again. It is amazing the depths of mendacity coming from that woman.


But of course... when Ainslie and Martin try to do it, this is the result:

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 20, 2014, 07:27:10 AM
In the latest video there is a minor mistake in one of the comments.  The positive gate drive to Q1 is three divisions above the baseline: 6V.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 20, 2014, 11:18:47 AM
Quote from: MarkE on March 20, 2014, 07:27:10 AM
In the latest video there is a minor mistake in one of the comments.  The positive gate drive to Q1 is three divisions above the baseline: 6V.

Yes, that's right, thank you for pointing it out. I'll put an annotation in the video at that point. The Q1 drive indicated voltage is of course limited for a similar reason that the Q2 drive is. With more main battery voltage this indicated positive gate drive voltage goes up, at the same FG amplitude knob setting. This was also demonstrated by Ainslie in last summer's demonstrations although they probably don't realize it. The Q1 is turning nearly fully on, as evidenced by the peak currents measured on the Link DSO (about 2.78 A) and the total circuit resistance of around 13ohms: 2.78 A x 13 R = ~ 36.1 V, essentially the supplied voltage.

For the visually and mentally challenged, I've put some rough annotations on the Link DSO capture, explaining what the traces are. The Link is only a two-channel scope, so of course I cannot display the full Etch-a-Sketch colored patterns that Ainslie loves so much.... but I show quite clearly the Battery Voltage VBatt and the Current in the CSR. Ainslie doesn't recognize the VBatt trace, though.... because the FAKE OSCILLATIONS in VBatt that SHE LOVES are gone, eliminated by the proper design and tight filtering and the non-inductive probe connections.

MarkE, please check your PMs, I've left a tidbit for you in my dropbox.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 20, 2014, 12:27:13 PM
Oh, I guess I forgot to put a link to the most recent video here.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 20, 2014, 12:30:12 PM
I see:  Ms. Ainslie is befuddled by clean measurements.  One thing worth noting is that the battery voltage shown is the voltage across the battery less the voltage drop across the CSR, because the circuit common is the Q1 source terminal side of the CSR.  Maybe your digital scope can reverse that out, in which case the battery voltage will look even flatter than it already does.  I imagine that she could easily be confused by the current sense trace as well.   Instead of 3.5V pp across the sense resistor, during the oscillations your set-up shows something more like 215mV, or more or less 850mA pp.  Of course we know yours doesn't have all the wiring inductance problems that plague Ms. Ainslie's set up.  All those demonstrations that you did and poynt99 did showing the effects of inductance on the current sense fell on deaf ears.

I don't know how good the resistors are that Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators obtained that they used at the battery August 11.  Steve may know what they used.  I see from the August 11 video that they indicated about 3V pp across nominally the 1 Ohm resistor at the battery.  If their CSRs were about 100nH - 150nH then they would have around 2.5X - 4X magnitude gain at 4MHz.  Combine that with any differences in open circuit voltage between your set-ups and the readings they got are pretty readily explained.  That explanation is that your measurements are far more accurate.  Isn't it funny how the accuracy of a result depends a lot more on the set-up and the operator than it does on whether one uses a scope that can be had for a couple hundred dollars versus one that goes for more than $5000.?

Even the 215mV pp you have may be a little elevated depending on the exact inductance of the CSR its resistance and the frequency content of the oscillations. Are you measuring across the CSR or across the frequency compensated sense?  Steve told me that the compensated sense has a corner frequency of about 50MHz.  If I had to guess the corner without compensation is probably no higher than 10MHz.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 21, 2014, 01:00:35 AM
The measurements of the SWeir board that I have shown so far are directly across the CVR, with the probe very close to the resistor itself. The resistor is a Caddock MP930-0.25-1%. I have not shown the DMM or scope measurement from the "Frequency Compensated I Sense" position yet. The probe connections are made using the ProbeMaster 4983HG ground clips, to the special testpoints on the board. These clips eliminate the long wire loop formed by the probe reference cliplead. The VBatt probe is reading across the very effective Battery Lead Decoupling Network.

Steve Weir spent considerable time and thought creating this test board and it's a real shame that Ainslie is so uncooperative and know-it-all sassy, or she might have gotten one for herself and actually learned something for a change.

I see that The Great Scientist is still trying to spin and misrepresent the facts that were displayed at the March 2011 demonstration. She has tried to suppress this video record; it no longer exists on any of her at least _four_ different YouTube channels, but the internet never forgets. Poynt99 has shown the clip that refutes her current misrepresentation, but I think this one is better.... because it shows just how many lies and misrepresentations they did try to get away with in that particular video.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neME1s-lEZE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neME1s-lEZE)

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 21, 2014, 05:05:48 AM
That whole episode is bad.  What made it so much worse is that a month later Ms. Ainslie came out and declared that they had deliberately misrepresented what they were demonstrating.  This is tantamount to saying:  "I lied to you about what I show.  Please believe me the next time I show you something." 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 21, 2014, 09:08:36 AM
Oh, it's worse than that.

_Every single day_ that goes by, the team of Rosemary Ainslie and Donovan Martin lies to the public and lies to the more technical people who might come across their reports.

We know positively that the schematics in the manuscripts are WRONG. The Quantum magazine schematic is WRONG, as everyone who has actually built it knows, for whatever reason. The schematics -- both of them -- given in the two daft manuscripts reporting on the 5 mosfet circuit are WRONG and they are deliberate lies: the FG Black lead's connection to the apparatus is misrepresented, and this LIE about where it was actually hooked up has a material effect on the data obtained and the conclusions drawn in the daft documents. In addition there are the famous fabricated scopeshots like Figure 3, which also still remain without explanation or comment.

In the last demonstration you can hear Steve Weir telling them that they need to correct the schematics they have "published". Have they bothered to do so? Of course not, because to do so would be to admit their duplicity and error.

Every single day that goes by with those abject lies and/or errors remaining, the team of Rosemary Ainslie and Donovan Martin continue to perpetrate their scheme on the public, reflecting badly not only on themselves but also on the whole community of alternative researchers.

Now the Great Scientist is emitting bleats that indicate she doesn't even know what her own reports contain. The fundamental phenomenon she _thinks_ she has observed is that the heating element appears to dissipate more POWER (in WATTS) than is provided by the power supply (in WATTS). Secondary to this she believes that the heating element is dissipating more total ENERGY (in Joules, aka watt-seconds) than are contained in the battery supply (in JOULES, watt-seconds) in the first place. Her faulty observations of the electrical parameters.... falsely claimed by her to be according to some imaginary "standard protocol"... have been cranked through her faulty math and bogus assumptions to yield her silly claimed "proof" of her delusional "thesis". Yet people who actually know the field have been trying to tell her what _actual measurement protocols_ and _real-world analysis_ actually are.... and of course she refuses to study, to learn her chosen topic, and has not made a single iota of progress in the twelve or fourteen years she has been trolling.  Presently we observe her decompensation continuing: she flails about, sputtering and frothing, squawking her polly-parrot terms she has no hope of comprehending, and falling on her face time and again as her emissions are demonstrated to be wrong. Just as Poynt99 has shown her DMM indicating the same thing as the oscilloscope; just as S. Weir has commented on my video that the method works to 100 MHz; point by point she is continually and soundly refuted, and day by day her lies and her ignorant arrogance become plainer and plainer.

Meanwhile, I am continuing to test. I've added some more data points. The most recent two are runs with the SWeir board at closely similar power settings and identical FG settings, the only difference being that the second set uses the Snubber circuit to eliminate the Q2 oscillations, whereas the first set has full-blown Ainslie oscs from the Q2s. Next will be some higher power runs using 4 Q2s and 48-60 volts input.

I invite the reader to imagine where, on the scale of this plot, a point indicating COP > 17 would fall. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 21, 2014, 09:22:01 AM
This data is intriguing.  Intuitively would have expected that the efficiency of the circuit would have improved when the oscillations are suppressed.  Instead, the one data point so far suggests that the efficiency improves oscillating versus steady operation.  The difference is not large, but it is noticeable.  I suspect that the total input power is not being accounted for particularly during the oscillations.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 21, 2014, 10:14:35 AM
Quote from: MarkE on March 21, 2014, 09:22:01 AM
This data is intriguing.  Intuitively would have expected that the efficiency of the circuit would have improved when the oscillations are suppressed.  Instead, the one data point so far suggests that the efficiency improves oscillating versus steady operation.  The difference is not large, but it is noticeable.  I suspect that the total input power is not being accounted for particularly during the oscillations.

Yes, that's right. I'm not completely confident in the single data points; let's not draw too many conclusions until I have some more osc-nonosc comparisons with the full 4 q2 config. Also, as you say, I don't think that the DMM, where I have it, can see the FG's power contribution during the oscillations. The SWeir board, however, does have a testpoint where the FG current can be measured.

My controls are not exactly bullet proof: the biggest flaw in those two points is probably that both those trials were performed consecutively using the same set of 3 batteries, without recharging in between. In the raw data timelapse it's evident that the battery voltage is sagging more in the second, non-oscillating, run. If I take the mean of the voltage and current readings instead of the starting values, for the nonosc run I get 16.2 Watts, instead of the plotted 17.3, and with a few percent probable uncertainty in the temperature measurements the osc and non-osc points are essentially overlapping.

But if I am _underestimating_ the true input power to the DUT, and still obtaining results on the left-hand side of the plot.... well, shucks, I must not be holding my mouth right, or something.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 21, 2014, 10:26:34 AM
This is what I like about the current process.  Careful set-ups are used, the data is collected and presented.  If the data says something that seems screwy then it gets investigated. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 21, 2014, 12:43:35 PM
Yes, it fits a lot more with my conception of Open Source research than whatever it is that the Ainslie mob is doing.

For example here's a Little video I just made, justifying the DMM's accuracy, showing it to be within 5 percent of the Link DSO's reading of the same complex signal including substantial Q2 oscillations at 4.3 MHz as well as the solid 1 kHz, 10 percent ON Q1 current.


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 21, 2014, 04:22:35 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 21, 2014, 12:43:35 PM
Yes, it fits a lot more with my conception of Open Source research than whatever it is that the Ainslie mob is doing.

For example here's a Little video I just made, justifying the DMM's accuracy, showing it to be within 5 percent of the Link DSO's reading of the same complex signal including substantial Q2 oscillations at 4.3 MHz as well as the solid 1 kHz, 10 percent ON Q1 current.

You may find that your average current gets even more accurate if you add a low pass filter at the input to your meter.  You want a cut-off frequency of about 1kHz:  10K and 0.1uF gets you 160Hz which is good.  What that does is overcome limitations in the CMRR of the meter input amplifier.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 21, 2014, 07:04:35 PM
Right you are once again. The "Frequency Compensated I Sense" DMM position on the SWeir board is designed to do just that. I haven't done anything with that connection yet...

But meanwhile, here is the overview and raw data from the latest run: 4 Q2s and 48 Volt supply from freshly charged batteries, oscillating mode. I demonstrate the effect of the Snubber circuit on the SWeir board. The last part of the video is the usual timelapse of the raw data and has a pretty loud music track, and can safely be skipped. I haven't yet plotted this dataset.

I'm still using a symmetrical +/- square wave at 10 percent duty cycle, 1 kHz. The Gate signal FG opencircuit voltages are +/- 14 volts but in-circuit they of course hit the usual +8ish, - 4.2 values.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeLRv8RV1DM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeLRv8RV1DM)

The open-circuit Gate signal is shown in the image below, 5V/div:

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 21, 2014, 08:11:37 PM
Is anyone able to decode this latest rant from the Great Scientist?

QuoteAGAIN.  We have NOWHERE IN ANY OF OUR PAPERS - ARGUED FOR THE MEASURED EVIDENCE OF ANY WATTAGE.  WE NEVER DID THOSE SUMS.  EVER.  Those sums advanced by our engineering fraternity and based on VI/DT?  It was an embarrassment of riches.  CLEARLY WRONG.  NEITHER THE WATTAGE DISSIPATED AT THE LOAD - NOR THE WATTAGE DELIVERED BY THE BATTERY are correct - not even HALF WAY CORRECT.  This OMISSION of that POWER ANALYSIS was required.  THE ISSUE IS THIS.  Protocols related to the measure of power are based on VI/DT with the ASSUMPTION of a SINGLE energy supply source.  While THESE NUMBERS that are generated from counter electromotive force - CAN ONLY BE RESOLVED IF THEY FACTOR IN AN ALTERNATE ENERGY SUPPLY SOURCE. 

AGAIN..... doesn't Ainslie actually even read what is posted under her name? We know she ignores evidence, but you'd think she could at least remember what is said in the papers.... which we know know she didn't even actually write _since she has not got the concepts necessary_. The papers were written by Donovan Martin, with puppet mistress Ainslie yakking in his ear and pulling his strings, just like she does in the demonstrations.

From the first daft manuscript:
A. Measurement of Wattage Dissipated  Measurement of the energy dissipated at the resistor element (RL1) was determined by comparison with results from a control to establish empirical measurements while avoiding the complexity of factoring in power factor corrections. A constant voltage was applied from a DC power supply source in series with RL1. The voltage was then steadily increased in increments of 1 volt each from 1 volt through to 22 volts. The wattage was then determined as the squared product of the voltage over the resistance of RL1, or P=V2 / RL1.
The temperature of the resistor was then recorded against the applied wattage and the temperature difference above ambient determined the level of wattage as represented in Fig. 2 and Table II.

And of course her continued Polly-parroting of "vi/dt" shows that she still doesn't have a clue, and doesn't even read what Donny wrote in the papers bearing her name and his.

QuoteComputation of wattage is based on the product of voltage and amperage over time or vi dt. But standard protocols have assumed a single supply source to the circuit. The measure of the potential difference from these induced voltages on the circuit cannot be precisely established except as it relates to the battery supply source. However, it is correctly represented as the sum of the voltages that are now evident in the oscillations measured across the battery supply. Therefore vi dt is the correct basis for the measure of energy delivered to and from that supply, incorporating, as it does, the sum of both the applied potential difference from the circuit and from the supply.

Well... genius Ainslie, tell us. Is it "VI/dt" or is it "VI*dt"? Do you even know the difference? Of course you don't, since you've never been exposed to the calculus. Do you even know what "dt" means? Do you know what "the integral from t=0 to T of VI dt" actually means, or how to compute it?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 21, 2014, 09:46:43 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 21, 2014, 07:04:35 PM
Right you are once again. The "Frequency Compensated I Sense" DMM position on the SWeir board is designed to do just that. I haven't done anything with that connection yet...

But meanwhile, here is the overview and raw data from the latest run: 4 Q2s and 48 Volt supply from freshly charged batteries, oscillating mode. I demonstrate the effect of the Snubber circuit on the SWeir board. The last part of the video is the usual timelapse of the raw data and has a pretty loud music track, and can safely be skipped. I haven't yet plotted this dataset.

I'm still using a symmetrical +/- square wave at 10 percent duty cycle, 1 kHz. The Gate signal FG opencircuit voltages are +/- 14 volts but in-circuit they of course hit the usual +8ish, - 4.2 values.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeLRv8RV1DM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeLRv8RV1DM)

The open-circuit Gate signal is shown in the image below, 5V/div:

Hey, that looks just like my Tek 2213.  I am not sure what the "A'" means after the number.  Mine is just a 2213.  Sorry for the off-topic but, I liked the photo.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 21, 2014, 11:15:18 PM
Hey Bill
There is actually quite a bit of difference between the 2213 and the 2213 "A", as I found out when I blew a PIN diode in the atten section of mine. The 2213 A uses the same circuit in the preamp/attenuator section, with the switches, as the 2215 scope, apparently, and is completely different from what's shown in the 2213 plain service manual. That was quite a fright, when I opened mine up and saw completely different guts than what I expected to see from looking at my 2213 SM.
It wasn't too hard to fix though, since the 2215 SM gives really detailed instructions on how to disassemble those crazy range switches.
CHeers--- I hope you are being entertained by the show so far.   ;D

Meanwhile, back at the lab..... what's that? Ainslie fell down the well? Never mind, Lassie, she can find her own way out of the hole she's dug for herself.

Here's the data and a Little demo from the latest trial, with around 25 Watts input from 4 Batteries, and 4 Q2s, no oscillations due to the Snubber being used.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_K3yhNDNVE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_K3yhNDNVE)

And.... a special bonus.... a Sneak Preview of Coming Attraction: SWeir Board meets Ainslie Figure 3

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5Ah2oRGi8Y (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5Ah2oRGi8Y)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 22, 2014, 12:49:35 PM
Does anyone really believe that the Great Scientist actually understands sigma notation for summation? That she understands integration and differentiation, when she has demonstrated over and over that she can't even tell the difference between a rate (Watt) and a quantity (Joule)?  That she understands the difference between what Donovan Martin wrote, below, and what she is writing lately as "vi/dt" ? That makes me ROFL for sure.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 22, 2014, 01:24:06 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 22, 2014, 12:49:35 PM
Does anyone really believe that the Great Scientist actually understands sigma notation for summation? That she understands integration and differentiation, when she has demonstrated over and over that she can't even tell the difference between a rate (Watt) and a quantity (Joule)?  That she understands the difference between what Donovan Martin wrote, below, and what she is writing lately as "vi/dt" ? That makes me ROFL for sure.
If she understood at even a modest level of comprehension then she would have packed in the crazy crusade of hers a long time ago.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 22, 2014, 01:26:55 PM
I keep reading and rereading that paragraph from the Great Scientist that I quoted above. It makes no sense! Ignoring for the moment the abject purple lie contained in the first part... what could she be talking about in the rest of it?

Surely there is no problem, no controversy, no difficulty measuring the DC power in a straight wire connection between batteries and a load resistor. It is easy enough to say that the electrical power is X Watts. It also must be plain to even the child's mind that if the temperature of a load is stable, it is in equilibrium, dumping just as much power as it is receiving. The source of the power isn't important, the place where it goes next isn't important, is it? If the temperature is stable, it is dissipating as much power as it is receiving. If not, it would be heating up more, or cooling down. Surely this cannot be controversial! There is no "CEMF", no oscillations to complexify measurement, no hidden current pathways, no secret schematics and you don't even need an oscilloscope or a spreadsheet, just a couple of meters, a thermometer and a sharp pencil.

Now, I realize we are entering more advanced territory now, but surely a bright child could still follow along. IF the same load you were measuring in the first part, with DC, straight wires and batteries..... if that load is _cooler_ at a stable temperature than before, it must clearly be dissipating _less power_ than before. Right? Does it matter where this power comes from? If the load got to and maintained temperature C when it was getting power X Watts from DC straight wires, and it is now cooler than C, and maintaining that cooler temperature, it must be getting LESS THAN X WATTS power, from all and any sources.  Right? Or not right? We are of course assuming that the load isn't placed in the refrigerator for one test and not for the other.... and stuff like that, of course, proper experimental controls apply.

We still haven't had to say anything about the _sources_ of the power. As long as the load is cooler than C, it must be dissipating less than X Watts.  Now here is where the small mind is really challenged, stretched, exercised to the extreme. If I feed the load through straight wires with DC at a known wattage level X, and the load gets to some stable temperature C..... then it is dissipating X Watts at that temperature. But if I feed that same DC power X Watts to some Device Under Test, and the load then reaches some stable temperature that is LESS THAN C.... then I can be sure that no other source of power is involved, because the DC power that I'm giving is _more than enough_ fully to account for the temperature, the stable power dissipation, of the load.  This should be clear even to the murkiest muddled Polly-Parrot thinker. 

Now until there is some valid measurement that shows the DUT receiving an input power that is _less than_ that required for a straight DC connection to reach the same stable temperature, there really isn't any point in trying to explain that which isn't observed. Needless to say, the measurements from Ainslie and her mob do not reach the necessary level of validity... since they are fabricated lies and stupid errors unchecked and perpetrated over the years, unrepeatable by properly performed tests.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 22, 2014, 05:50:42 PM
Ms. Ainslie chooses to trust whatever combination of things seem to comport with her "thesis".  If the measured power at a power source comes out the 15W and the measured power at the load comes out at 3W she chooses to simply disregard one or both measurements as invalid.  It does not seem to be important to her to find a root cause for the supposedly errant measurement, nor to produce a measurement that both corresponds to her ideas and can be shown is valid. 

I think that there is a certain amount of pedagogical value to identifying this sort of behavior.  I have seen some cases where learned people have done the same sort of thing:  If the data doesn't fit, chuck the data without figuring out what is really right and what is really wrong.  It is in this context that I really appreciate the transparency of your experiments.  If something seems amiss then anyone can see and comment on it.  You chase seeming anomalies down until you establish a full account.  It is the right way to perform experimental science.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 22, 2014, 10:40:21 PM
Thank you for that vote of confidence.

Ainslie has, after all, no real idea of what the Scientific Method is, nor how it is carried out by the performance of True Experiments. Her naive mentions of "standard measurement protocols" and the "Standard Model" and the rest of the big words she parrots are just further examples of the depths of her willfull ignorance. Even though people have told her that her methodology is flawed and is far from applying real standards of measurement and instrument usage... even though she clearly doesn't know what the Standard Model or Quantum Electrodynamics really consist of, she prattles on about how her "experiments" and her "thesis" are somehow connected to any kind of Science or coherent method at all. 

There are several basic research methodologies in the Scientific Method, one of them being the True Experiment. Of all the different basic methodologies only the True Experiment can establish _causal_ relationships, cause-and-effect, between the variables in the system under test. Other methods yield correlations or case-study observations of single cases and cause-effect can not be determined from these.

Ainslie's "demonstrations" only superficially resemble anything that a scientist might call a True Experiment. In an experiment, a scientist has an hypothesis, well formed and operationalized, concerning the relationship between several variables and/or constants in the system under test.

Typically, this hypothesis can be stated in words as an "if-then" statement, and "operationalizing constructs" means that the terms and variables in the "if-then" statement of the hypothesis can be put into numerical, or at least quantifiable, and measurable terms.  It is decided beforehand what kind of data would support, and what kind would fail to support, the hypothesis being examined in the True Experiment.

The experiment itself proceeds by varying the value or level of one or more "Independent Variables" and observing the effect of this variation on one or more "Dependent Variables", holding all possible other influences either constant, or fully accounting for their effects, or randomizing conditions such that variations in these stray "third variables" are scattered across the data and generally cancel out.  Sometimes this process requires a great many trials under identical conditions in order to get consistent and interpretable data.

Once data is gathered and collated -- without selection as to "how good it looks"! -- then it is examined by various statistical tests-- perhaps as simple as comparing counts or averages -- to see if it supports or fails to support the hypothesis according to the previously defined criteria. Truly "bad" data, that is, unreliable data where something went wrong with the apparatus, say, will be identified at this statistical analysis stage and can be dealt with appropriately once it is flagged. It is completely wrong and unethical to regard data as "bad" simply because it does not fit your "Thesis" predictions.

Now here's the catch.... the real process is "inverted" in that the working hypothesis is turned around into a "null" hypothesis: IF I do A, I will observe B becomes "If I do A, I will _not_ observe B". And then the experiment is designed and performed in an attempt to _disprove_ the null hypothesis. For, contrary to the rantings of the Great Scientist, it is indeed possible to disprove something by experiment, and a carefully constructed null hypothesis, when _DISPROVED_ by the experiment.... provides very strong support indeed for the original, right-way-round working hypothesis.

To make all of this a bit more real, we can map it to the Ainslie affair. Ainslie has an overarching "thesis" which she claims makes certain "requirements", what perhaps a real scientist might call "predictions of the theory". Out of this thesis, one can generate many specific working hypotheses of the "if-then" format.

"If I set up a circuit thus and so, oscillating at F and at D duty cycle, with positive spikes at voltage V and measured input power W, then I will see a temperature rise in the load that is greater than can be accounted for by the electrical input power to the circuit."

So the constructs may be operationalized: the circuit is specified exactly, the frequency and duty cycle are defined, the term "spike" is defined quantitatively, the temperature measurement methodology is worked out and specified, the power measurements, the term "input", all of that is part of operationalizing the constructs in the experiment.

Now you form the null hypothesis: If I do all of that, I will _NOT_ see any extra anomalous temperature rise.

Now you design the experiment in an attempt to disprove, or more technically to falsify, that null hypothesis. When you _fail_ in your attempts to falsify the null, no matter how hard you try..... then you are SUCCESSFUL in providing support for the original working hypothesis, which then _may_ be considered some kind of support for the original overarching thesis.

Ainslie, however, proceeds exactly backwards. She knows the "thesis" is true because it has the nature of Divine Revelation, having come to her in a series of dreams. Therefore there is no need to go through all that trouble that I outlined in very simplified form above. One only need demonstrate some phenomena that look like, for example, excess power dissipation in a load.  See, there it is, you can duplicate these measurements (most of them) yourself, QED the "thesis" is  proven to be true. No effort is made to _disprove_ the validity of the measurements.... after all, a five thousand dollar digital oscilloscope cannot be wrong, can it? And Standard Measurement Protocols like VI/dt (sic) are being used, right? What Ainslie is doing is the very definitive example of Pseudoscience.... and to top it all off, she still has to resort to conscious lying and fabricating data! In other words, Ainslie is engaging in _pseudoscientific misconduct_ and the whole thing cracks me up. Yes, great pedagogical value indeed, but let's don't forget the lulz!
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 23, 2014, 01:32:28 AM
The Shifting Pair of Dimes board with 4Q2s and the Real Figure 3:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAPvZrcG5bI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAPvZrcG5bI)

And here's a demonstration of how I get the data into my computer using some simple Linux programs:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFryh0EAm1g (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFryh0EAm1g)

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 24, 2014, 12:08:49 AM
And now... just as I predicted .... the Great Scientist begins to turn against Steve Weir.

In addition to misrepresenting and lying about my work, she also now proceeds to lie about what is clearly on the record: her own measurements and her acknowledgement of them.

What she _actually said_ :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhpL86xo34w (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhpL86xo34w)

And now it seems that she is admitting that her thermal power measurements, all of them, are so inaccurate as to be unusable.


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 24, 2014, 12:34:38 AM
This "VI/dt" thing that Polly Parrot has been squawking lately really cracks me up.

Go ahead, Ainslie.... work a problem, do a calculation, showing just how "VI/dt" is part of any kind of power or energy analysis. Explain what happens when you multiply V times I and then divide that by the differential time slice dt.

Here's how the REAL standard measurement protocol calculates average power. Where is the "VI/dt" ? Where is even "P/dt"? Nowhere except in Ainslie's mathematically ignorant imagination, that's where. She does not even have the wit or courtesy to study her own chosen field.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 24, 2014, 01:50:49 AM
The reason-challenged Great Scientist is squawking again, like the plucked chicken she so resembles.
QuoteBecause according to what is measured from that negative wattage is unequivocal PROOF of an INFINITE supply of energy.  OR standard protocols applied to the measure of energy are WRONG.


You are omitting the FACT, once again, troll queen Ainslie, that you have NEVER APPLIED ACTUAL STANDARD MEASUREMENT PROTOCOLS to your circuit! You are measuring artifacts because you have no real idea of what real "standard measurement protocols" actually are.... even though you have been provided with reference after reference concerning those standards. You are applying your own naive measurements, taking them at face value without the least understanding of circuit theory, instrument operation or interpretation of results. Standard measurement protocols include things like decoupling, proper filtering, and proper application of instruments and the proper interpretation of their results. NONE OF WHICH YOU HAVE EVER ACCOMPLISHED.... until, that is, Steve Weir took you by the hand and actually had you do some proper measurements on August 10 and 11, 2013.... which you now reject, in your continuing arrogant ignorance and mendacity.

Real, actual Standard Measurement Protocols, when they are actually applied to your kludge, AS I HAVE BEEN DOING, show the Truth: there is nothing but STANDARD LOSSES and you yourself are simply deluded, and in your arrogant ignorance of the actual facts of the Standard Measurement Protocols you squawk about, you continue to stuff your feet deeper and deeper down your own mendacious throat. Keep it up..... O Great Scientist who can't even figure out what "VI/dt" might mean.

You cannot refute my work at all, so you squawk like a chicken being plucked, being unable even to PARROT correctly any more. You cannot even provide anyone who will join you in your idiotic and unfounded criticism of my work. You are hopeless, and abjectly deluded, and you really should seek competent help for your problems -- both in the field of electronics, and for the sake of your own precarious mental health.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 24, 2014, 03:22:02 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 24, 2014, 12:08:49 AM
And now... just as I predicted .... the Great Scientist begins to turn against Steve Weir.

In addition to misrepresenting and lying about my work, she also now proceeds to lie about what is clearly on the record: her own measurements and her acknowledgement of them.

What she _actually said_ :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhpL86xo34w (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhpL86xo34w)

And now it seems that she is admitting that her thermal power measurements, all of them, are so inaccurate as to be unusable.

Wow!  She really wrote that and put it on her web site.  If Steve sees it he will not be happy.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on March 24, 2014, 03:40:11 AM
It seems that the goal posts in this issue are becoming remarkably agile. The solution is actually simple.

You have claimed that you can show a COP of greater than 10. At this level of power gain the finer semantics of measurement become largely irrelevant. There is a HUGE margin of error within which you can still show overunity. Why don't you simply do the draw-down tests that you have been promising since last year.  In this instance I think most people would accept the nominal energy rating of the battery as the source available. For example if you were to use a 7 AHr battery and a circuit with a COP of 10 or greater then it would be irrelevant whether the battery actually delivered 5Ahrs or 9AHrs. - you would still show overunity (which is what I understand to be the objective) by recording the stable temperature of the resistor and making the assumption that the average power dissipation is constant through the test. This way any dispute regarding voltages, currents, frequencies is sidelined. The one item which is critical is the charactarisation of the resistor/inductor. If you don't feel like doing this then perhaps you could borrow TK's if you ask nicely ;D.
So instead of many words of speculation, why don't you just do the test. It would only take a day or two to set up and you can silence your detractors permanently.

As an aside you seem very put out by MarkE's use of the term "stiff supply". I would have thought the meaning is obvious. It simply says that the supply is adequate for the job. More precisely, assuming a voltage source power supply, it means that the output impedance is low enough to ensure that there is insignificant voltage variation over the range of current used in the circuit that it is feeding.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 24, 2014, 04:47:55 AM
What would be the use of that? We already know that we cannot trust Ainslie's experimentation, her performance or her reporting, and we know that she will happily fabricate data to support her ridiculous contentions. The only time she produces believable data is when someone like Steve Weir is guiding and watching and there is a video record made. You can even hear her trying to lie about data in the clip above: "Before you got here we had COMPLETELY different results using the EXACT SAME settings".... a total lie.

We are clearly in the Ainslie-zone now, where any measurements that do not support Ainslie's contention are by definition wrong EVEN WHEN HER OWN PUPPET MAKES THEM. Only those measurements that show the various impossiblitities, like huge amplitudes that would fry any FG (even though they don't), batteries that don't discharge (even though they do) and high heat produced by oscillations (even though they don't)... only those measurements which "prove" Ainslie's claims are right.  Why, she can even show you, in writing, just what the Standard Measurement Protocols are, for measuring power in oscillating systems, and of course that's just how she is doing her measurements. And of course she can demonstrate how exactly I am wrong in what I'm doing. Right?

ROFL all over the place!

Oh.... wait a minute.... Ainslie cannot even operate the instrumentation at all. We have NEVER, in any demonstration of hers, seen her operate anything more complex than a cellphone. All her actual experimental manipulations have been performed by Donovan Martin, who also evidently constructed the apparatus. The blind puppetteer Ainslie can't do any of it herself. She claims to have written the daft manuscripts but obviously has never comprehended the mathematics involved and even now gets it backwards.... but it is stated properly in the manuscripts in various places. So it's clear that she never wrote those passages herself.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 24, 2014, 12:42:41 PM
I have data from three very important trial runs.

These runs were designed to compare the performance of the system with 1) the full waveform showing Q1 fully on and full amplitude Q2 oscillations during their respective period portions; 2) the exact same settings on everything except with the Snubber installed to eliminate the Q2 oscillations without affecting either the Q1 current or the computed mean Q2 current (as shown in the latest video); and 3) the "Figure 3" configuration as in the Sneak Preview, with the FG offset turned down so that there is "complete restriction of positive current flow" i.e. no Q1 current indicated.... except in my version, there really IS no current shown and no current flowing because my measurement is correct, not fabricated as Ainslie's was.

Each run used 4 x 12V, 5 A-H batteries, and a frequency of 1 kHz and 10 percent HI duty cycle +/- square wave, with no offset except in the last "Fig3" oscs only run. This frequency and duty cycle are similar to what the Ainslie mob chose to use in their recent demonstrations.  Each run lasted an hour and took the load to thermal equilibrium and the sample interval was one minute, as usual, and there is a video record of all raw data, recorded and logged by the process I have detailed above. The raw data videos are available for inspection by anyone at any time and my definition of "thermal equilibrium" is well defined and known and can be seen in the raw data. In some cases the cell comes to equilibrium in 40 minutes or less but I still run for the full hour. In all cases the cell temperature changes by less than 0.05 degrees C/minute at the end of the trials.

Since the DC calibration power-temperature relationship is nicely linear, as are the power-temperature relationships for equal parameters of the DUT, an "efficiency" or COP can be determined simply by the ratio of the final temperature of the experimental trials, with the equivalent temperature of the calibration runs at the same power level. Since it is the temperature _over ambient_ that is used, it is not necessary to convert all temperatures to degrees Kelvin in order to calculate the ratios, I think.

The "bottom line" results are as follows:

Trial 1, full waveform with both Q1 current and Q2 oscs: 28.7 W input shown on DMMs, 39.7 degrees C rise above ambient.
The DC calibration temperature for 28.7 W DC input is about 51 degrees C over ambient. Efficiency COP = 39.7/51 = 0.78 or 78 %.

Trial 2, Snubber in place, no oscs only Q1 current + real Q2 current: 25.6 W input shown on DMMs, 33.1 degrees C rise above ambient.
The DC calibration temperature for 25.6 W DC input is about 47 degrees C over ambient. Efficiency COP = 33.1/47 = 0.70 or 70 %.

Trial 3, FG offset enough negative to make "Figure 3", Q2 oscs only and no Q1 current: 10.8 W shown on DMMs, 9.6 degrees C rise above ambient.
The DC calibration temperature for 10.8 W DC input is about 23 degrees C over ambient. Efficiency COP = 9.6/23 = 0.42 or 42 %

I will also be presenting these data in graphical plots a bit later on. Note that the measurements of the input power to the DUT system are actually likely to be somewhat _low_  for various reasons I will discuss later. If it really took more power than indicated, this of course moves the COP numbers even lower.

Some conclusions are immediately obvious. Not only were efficiencies over 1 not encountered at all or even hinted at.... the Q2 oscillations especially are demonstrated to be very wasteful: more than half of the applied power is wasted, spent heating the mosfets and the internal load in the FG !! It never makes it to the "element resistor" at all.

Other conclusions are also clear. I'll leave the further discussion for later, I really need a cup of coffee right now.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 24, 2014, 01:55:36 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 24, 2014, 12:42:41 PM
I have data from three very important trial runs.

These runs were designed to compare the performance of the system with 1) the full waveform showing Q1 fully on and full amplitude Q2 oscillations during their respective period portions; 2) the exact same settings on everything except with the Snubber installed to eliminate the Q2 oscillations without affecting either the Q1 current or the computed mean Q2 current (as shown in the latest video); and 3) the "Figure 3" configuration as in the Sneak Preview, with the FG offset turned down so that there is "complete restriction of positive current flow" i.e. no Q1 current indicated.... except in my version, there really IS no current shown and no current flowing because my measurement is correct, not fabricated as Ainslie's was.

Each run used 4 x 12V, 5 A-H batteries, and a frequency of 1 kHz and 10 percent HI duty cycle +/- square wave, with no offset except in the last "Fig3" oscs only run. This frequency and duty cycle are similar to what the Ainslie mob chose to use in their recent demonstrations.  Each run lasted an hour and took the load to thermal equilibrium and the sample interval was one minute, as usual, and there is a video record of all raw data, recorded and logged by the process I have detailed above. The raw data videos are available for inspection by anyone at any time and my definition of "thermal equilibrium" is well defined and known and can be seen in the raw data. In some cases the cell comes to equilibrium in 40 minutes or less but I still run for the full hour. In all cases the cell temperature changes by less than 0.05 degrees C/minute at the end of the trials.

Since the DC calibration power-temperature relationship is nicely linear, as are the power-temperature relationships for equal parameters of the DUT, an "efficiency" or COP can be determined simply by the ratio of the final temperature of the experimental trials, with the equivalent temperature of the calibration runs at the same power level. Since it is the temperature _over ambient_ that is used, it is not necessary to convert all temperatures to degrees Kelvin in order to calculate the ratios, I think.

The "bottom line" results are as follows:

Trial 1, full waveform with both Q1 current and Q2 oscs: 28.7 W input shown on DMMs, 39.7 degrees C rise above ambient.
The DC calibration temperature for 28.7 W DC input is about 51 degrees C over ambient. Efficiency COP = 39.7/51 = 0.78 or 78 %.

Trial 2, Snubber in place, no oscs only Q1 current + real Q2 current: 25.6 W input shown on DMMs, 33.1 degrees C rise above ambient.
The DC calibration temperature for 25.6 W DC input is about 47 degrees C over ambient. Efficiency COP = 33.1/47 = 0.70 or 70 %.

Trial 3, FG offset enough negative to make "Figure 3", Q2 oscs only and no Q1 current: 10.8 W shown on DMMs, 9.6 degrees C rise above ambient.
The DC calibration temperature for 10.8 W DC input is about 23 degrees C over ambient. Efficiency COP = 9.6/23 = 0.42 or 42 %

I will also be presenting these data in graphical plots a bit later on. Note that the measurements of the input power to the DUT system are actually likely to be somewhat _low_  for various reasons I will discuss later. If it really took more power than indicated, this of course moves the COP numbers even lower.

Some conclusions are immediately obvious. Not only were efficiencies over 1 not encountered at all or even hinted at.... the Q2 oscillations especially are demonstrated to be very wasteful: more than half of the applied power is wasted, spent heating the mosfets and the internal load in the FG !! It never makes it to the "element resistor" at all.

Other conclusions are also clear. I'll leave the further discussion for later, I really need a cup of coffee right now.
That's interesting data. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 24, 2014, 09:55:25 PM
Quote from: MarkE on March 24, 2014, 03:22:02 AM
Wow!  She really wrote that and put it on her web site.  If Steve sees it he will not be happy.

Steve has seen it, and he has received the email(s) she sent, and you are right... he is not well pleased.

Quote from: MarkE on March 24, 2014, 01:55:36 PM
That's interesting data. 

Yes, it is interesting. The trends I identified earlier at lower power and different frequency/duty cycle combos still hold.
I have also done a run with just the FG connected directly to the load, with no intervening circuitry or other power supply _at all_. The temperature of the load cell actually rises by a few degrees C. Not quite as much as the "Figure 3" oscs only runs, but still a measurable and significant amount, which at least indicates that the FG IS INDEED capable of contributing power, meaning heating, to the load, even when used with no other power supply.

Now, what _else_ should I do in an attempt to reproduce Ainslie's claimed OU of >17 or INFINITY? Is there some preferred frequency and duty cycle, some preferred waveform that I should be trying to use? I am happy to consider suggestions as to further parameter sets to explore. It takes about half an hour to set up, an hour to perform the experiment and another 90 minutes or so to cool down for another run. During the cooldown I collate and enter the data into the spreadsheet for evaluation. So I can reasonably do two or three data runs in a day, without too much strain or boredom.

My only guidelines so far have been what Ainslie has herself "published" or demonstrated, and my experiments have shown rather mundane and ordinary and indeed expected results, results predicted by conventional understanding of electronics. There is no hint of any extra power sources in my experiment. All load heating is fully accounted for by the power supplied by the conventional source, battery or power supply; if the FG is supplying significant power (it is, barely) this would actually_reduce_ the COP values I have calculated using only the main power supply values.

Since the Great Scientist's latest pronouncements.... is the "Ainslie effect" now reduced to being merely a claim about battery charge lasting a bit longer when discharging on a pulsing schedule? Well... this is a known phenomenon and does not require the participation of zipons or a new "theory" to replace Faraday, Maxwell, and QED. Will the battery, under _ANY_ discharge schedule, give out more energy than was originally used to charge it? What do you think?  I'm not going to explore this issue .... unless and until Ainslie herself actually reports some valid data on the subject. Which could be another four years, until she finds some other poor innocent unsuspecting victims to twiddle her knobs and put up with her twaddling bullying obnoxious ignorant rantings.

Or is it that she still believes her "negative power product" calculations based on spurious data inputs are somehow valid? Yet the batteries discharge normally, yet anyone can reproduce the "negative power product" values by reproducing her bad technique, yet it has been explained and demonstrated just where the spurious values come from. If someone can claim OU based on fabricated and error-ridden data, and ignore all evidence to the contrary including good measurements at the same operating parameters.... that is not Science, it is religion or some other delusional system.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 24, 2014, 11:21:14 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 24, 2014, 09:55:25 PM
Steve has seen it, and he has received the email(s) she sent, and you are right... he is not well pleased.

Yes, it is interesting. The trends I identified earlier at lower power and different frequency/duty cycle combos still hold.

Now, what should I do in an attempt to reproduce Ainslie's claimed OU of >17 or INFINITY? Is there some preferred frequency and duty cycle, some preferred waveform that I should be trying to use? I am happy to consider suggestions as to further parameter sets to explore. It takes about half an hour to set up, an hour to perform the experiment and another 90 minutes or so to cool down for another run. During the cooldown I collate and enter the data into the spreadsheet for evaluation. So I can reasonably do two or three data runs in a day, without too much strain or boredom.

My only guidelines so far have been what Ainslie has herself "published" or demonstrated, and my experiments have shown rather mundane and ordinary and indeed expected results, results predicted by conventional understanding of electronics. There is no hint of any extra power sources in my experiment. All load heating is fully accounted for by the power supplied by the conventional source, battery or power supply; if the FG is supplying significant power (it is, barely) this would actually_reduce_ the COP values I have calculated using only the main power supply values.

Since the Great Scientist's latest pronouncements.... is the "Ainslie effect" now reduced to being merely a claim about battery charge lasting a bit longer when discharging on a pulsing schedule? Well... this is a known phenomenon and does not require the participation of zipons or a new "theory" to replace Faraday, Maxwell, and QED. Will the battery, under _ANY_ discharge schedule, give out more energy than was originally used to charge it? What do you think?  I'm not going to explore this issue .... unless and until Ainslie herself actually reports some valid data on the subject. Which could be another four years, until she finds some other poor innocent unsuspecting victims to twiddle her knobs and put up with her twaddling bullying obnoxious ignorant rantings.
The rant Ms. Ainslie posted raises the bar on insane even for her.  In one paragraph she admitted and then demonized her own recorded observations.  She made Steve the bad guy for reminding her of those observations in private.  One sentence later she went all Tasmanian devil on some "negative wattage" diatribe.  Just for the insane woman's benefit, let's review again her own written statement on the Aug. 11, 2013 matter:

QuoteReference measurements taken at new sense points directly at the battery bank indicated average net positive battery drain of 14W to 15W.  Maximum heater temperature rise during these experiments was 21C.From our electrical DC power to temperature rise tests conducted in 2011 and appear as Table II in this paper, a 21C heater temperature rise corresponds to an equivalent power of between 2.4W and 3.4W.  We therefore obtained heat output that was only a fraction of the input power.

As we are unable to replicate our earlier reported results, we respectfully withdraw this paper in both of its parts.

Details of the test protocols are available as August 11 Demonstration Outline_draft_05.pdf.  Test Phases 1 - 3 were conducted during the live demonstration.  We ended the demonstration after Test Phase 3 when it became clear that the net battery power drain was far in excess of the possible heater output power.

Now, she's off to the races with the gem you copied, declaring that what she wrote is: duplicitous, a blatant lie, immoral ... .  The woman has gone cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.  Add Steve to the long list of respected professionals that she's declared are part of some evil cabal.  This is going to cost me some beer.

You've already done the 3.7% at 2.4kHz tests before.  I suppose that you could repeat them now so that is all done on this gear.  Can the F43 generate such timing? 

Other tests that you could do might include characterization of the current regulation behavior during Q2 phases with and without the snubber.  For instance you could set the function generator low swing to:  -4V -8V and -12V and show what that does to the current and heater.  You might sneak in a drain voltage capture in the process.  There is other fun that you can have with the test fixture, like comparing the uncompensated and compensated current sense waveforms side by side.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 25, 2014, 12:11:29 AM
The workhorse F43 Fg that I have been using lately can only go as short as about 5 or 6 percent HI duty cycle. However I have the DataPulse DP101 fast-risetime (last century "fast") pulse generator which can do much shorter duty cycles without difficulty. It has separate positive- and negative-going outputs though which may make it unsuitable for the "Q-array" circuit, but since the 3.7 percent at 2.4 kHz applies to the original single mosfet Quantum Magazine claims it should be no problem to use it for that. The output is also limited to 10 volts max in either direction and the "offset" is controlled just by setting the two output amplitudes differentially. I usually use the negative output as the monitor and the positive output to drive whatever load I'm running. I will have to see if it will work properly. How ever (tm RA)... she has always claimed that there were "oscillations" in her apparatus at that time too. The only such behaviour I have ever seen in the one-mosfet circuit was caused by severely underpowering the 555 timer circuit if used, and/or burned spots on the "gate" potentiometer. It is easy to burn this pot and an ordinary half-watt carbon pot will not last very long, so experimenters should use a "type J" or better pot for the "Gate" pot in the Q-17 single mosfet circuit. The "oscillations" claimed by the folks at Energetic Forum always looked like bad scoposcopy use to me and I even showed the same fake "random aperiodic Hartley resonance" as she called them, things on the Fluke 199 scopemeter I used (among other instruments) back in 2009/2010.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 25, 2014, 01:21:35 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 25, 2014, 12:11:29 AM
The workhorse F43 Fg that I have been using lately can only go as short as about 5 or 6 percent HI duty cycle. However I have the DataPulse DP101 fast-risetime (last century "fast") pulse generator which can do much shorter duty cycles without difficulty. It has separate positive- and negative-going outputs though which may make it unsuitable for the "Q-array" circuit, but since the 3.7 percent at 2.4 kHz applies to the original single mosfet Quantum Magazine claims it should be no problem to use it for that. The output is also limited to 10 volts max in either direction and the "offset" is controlled just by setting the two output amplitudes differentially. I usually use the negative output as the monitor and the positive output to drive whatever load I'm running. I will have to see if it will work properly. How ever (tm RA)... she has always claimed that there were "oscillations" in her apparatus at that time too. The only such behaviour I have ever seen in the one-mosfet circuit was caused by severely underpowering the 555 timer circuit if used, and/or burned spots on the "gate" potentiometer. It is easy to burn this pot and an ordinary half-watt carbon pot will not last very long, so experimenters should use a "type J" or better pot for the "Gate" pot in the Q-17 single mosfet circuit. The "oscillations" claimed by the folks at Energetic Forum always looked like bad scoposcopy use to me and I even showed the same fake "random aperiodic Hartley resonance" as she called them, things on the Fluke 199 scopemeter I used (among other instruments) back in 2009/2010.
The pulse generator sounds like it will do the job.  Or you can hook up a 555 to generate the timing.  My personal preference in that regard is to use two 555s, but it can be done with one.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 26, 2014, 12:58:45 AM
Sound of crickets chirping...

Note the date.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 26, 2014, 01:41:57 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 26, 2014, 12:58:45 AM
Sound of crickets chirping...

Note the date.
That would have been the beginning of last week.  Maybe the reason that she got so uppity last weekend is that she's seen the results and doesn't like what they show.  Something caused her to go all Tasmanian devil and then silent.

I was thinking about the data you have been collecting and thought it would be a good idea to compare the heat output against a couple of things that we think that we know about the circuit.  The power contributed by the function generator should be:


The power contributed by the battery should be:


The power dissipated by the resistors should be: 


The efficiency during Q2 only periods while snubbed should be:

Efficiency_snubbed ~RHEATER*-4*VBATT-/(VFG_INTERNAL + VBATT+ - VBATT-)*1/(DutyCycle)0.5

The efficiency during Q2 only periods while with the oscillations should be:

Efficiency_snubbed ~RHEATER*-4*VBATT-rms/(VFG_INTERNAL + VBATT+ - VBATT-)*1/(DutyCycle)0.5

During the oscillations, the rms value of BATT- voltage, IE loop current is greater than the average value.  This explains the improved heating performance unsnubbed versus snubbed.  Plugging the numbers in and comparing to the heating results should be revealing.

All measurements are referenced to Q1 source as 0V.  IE the values of VBATT- will all be negative.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 26, 2014, 02:18:14 AM
I'll have to work through that a bit later on. Right now I have other things going on.

I did one run with just the F-43 FG driving the load directly, no intervening circuitry or meters or power supply, using the typical 1 kHz and 10 percent HI duty cycle, with the same open circuit voltages I've been typically using for the "full waveform" runs that show both Q1 On current and Q2 Oscs, produced by a "zero offset" symmetrical stimulus from the FG.  This produced a stable temperature rise of 4.5 degrees C over ambient. Plugging this into the calibration plot, and extrapolating the calibration data down to zero at the low end, I see that this 4.5 degree C rise equates to an equivalent DC power at the load of just about one Watt, close enough.

I've just completed two runs of the SWeir board configured as the Quantum-17 circuit, one mosfet only and driven by positive going pulses, 24 volt supply. First I used a 3.7 percent HI duty cycle at 2.4 kHz from the DP101 Pulse Generator, and obtained a final stable rise of 5.6 degrees C over ambient. Then I "flipped" the duty cycle and used 95 percent HI from the F43 (the DP101 doesn't like to make long duty cycles, and the F43 was unstable at over 95 percent.) The final temperature rise was to 85.6 degrees, for a stable over-ambient temperature of 60.1 degrees C.

Note that in Ainslie's various reports of the original Quantum Magazine experiment she cites a temperature rise over ambient of around 52 degrees C, using what she claimed was a 3.7 percent duty cycle at 2.4 kHz. However, as I have repeatedly shown, the schematic she published as being the exact circuit used, CANNOT produce a 3.7 percent duty cycle but rather CAN make the exact inverse, 96.3 percent ON, and since Ainslie doesn't understand that the Drain of the mosfet is LOW when the mosfet is ON.... I believe she made the error of reading the Drain duty cycle as indicating the mosfet was ON 3.7 percent of the time, when in fact it was ON 96.3 percent of the time.

And look at the results I have obtained. Certainly our load cells are different.... but not that different! Not so different as to allow Ainslie to get 52 degrees rise where I only got 5.6. But when I used the 95 percent ON duty cycle I got 60.1 degrees rise.... much closer to Ainslie's cited 52 degree figure.

Now, when I was using the Fluke 199 scopemeter back in 2009/2010, I determined that the 3.7 percent figure was pretty much the minimum value that it would calculate for a duty cycle. Shorter values than that would usually "default" to a reading of 3.7 percent; rarely did the scope ever indicate less than that even when I knew the percentage was less. One can infer that Ainslie's ScopeMeter that she used in those days performed similarly.

It is my conclusion, once again, that in the Quantum-17 experiment Ainslie actually used a duty cycle of over 95 percent ON, instead of the 3.7 percent she reported. This is based on several items of fact: First, the schematic she published is capable of the 95 or greater percent ON but is NOT capable of the 3.7 percent ON. Second, Ainslie and others like Aaron Murakami repeatedly made the error of thinking that a HI voltage at the mosfet DRAIN meant the mosfet is ON. I addressed this issue in several really elementary videos back in the day. Third, the actual power heating runs that I have performed agree much better with Ainslie's reported temperature data when I use the long duty cycle, and when I use the short duty cycle I do not attain the temperatures Ainslie cites, not even close.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 26, 2014, 02:43:55 AM
I really have to laugh when I see Ainslie referring to my instruments as "arthritic" or she thinks I should get a "better" function generator. She thinks that if it has numbers in boxes, therefore it is better. LOL! The Interstate F43 is the envy of modern cheapo digital FG users; it has a 40 volt p-p output capability and 20 volts of offset available, it has a straight DC output setting as well as all the normal waveforms; it has a chassis ground isolation switch, a Frequency Analyzer output, a VCF input where it can be controlled remotely, and a Step Calibrator function. And it can be repaired if it fails. My analog scopes may not be as _precise_ as Ainslie's Etch-a-Sketch DSO, but they are certainly more _accurate_ because I am using them correctly and I am backing up their readings with cross-checks with other instruments. And my Link DSO is just as precise as Ainslie's toy within its bandwidth, although it only has two input channels.... and I know how to use it properly.

Witness Donovan Martin attempting to read a frequency on the Ainslie kit:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6659TrVblYE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6659TrVblYE)

(The Ainslie oscilloscope constantly displays the frequency of the triggering channel; all he had to do was to establish a stable screen and then read the number off the display. You cannot even turn this reading off, it is always there.)

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 26, 2014, 04:14:59 AM
The magazine article was definitely written around a ~96.3% on time instead of the 3.7% on time reported.  Like you noted, there is no way to get even remotely close to the timing listed in the article with the schematic the posted.  But the complement duty cycle: 96.3% is easy to get at the stated frequency of 2.4kHz.  And poof!  There go the claims of 17X gain.  The real duty cycle being 26 times greater than they thought, 17X gain represents an approximately 65% efficient circuit.  That poor efficiency can be attributed to switching losses when they dialed the gate potentiometer to a bad setting.  All of this you have reported before.  And I went through the 555 circuit very thoroughly.

Your current results back up the results that you have obtained and reported before.  It is only Ms. Ainslie who remains self misinformed.

I think that we have covered the equipment issues before.  It is nice to have a instruments that can record and print out numbers.  That doesn't help much when the instrument is connected to something that the observer does not understand.  Based on the June 29th demonstration, it is very apparent that the infamous Figure 3 was the result of Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators misconnecting their test equipment.  Their new, modern equipment couldn't prevent operator error.

Maybe Ms. Ainslie will come through and report on the tests she said that she had been doing.  Then we will see if once again she offers conclusions that aren't supported by good data.  Her recent silence suggests all is not well.   
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 26, 2014, 05:02:09 AM
I seriously doubt we will be seeing anything that looks like data, coming from Ainslie. There is dissention in the ranks. Who is going to operate the equipment? Pushing the "auto" button will only get you so far; eventually Ainslie will need to get someone to twiddle some knobs for her. But where will she find someone who is so unaware of the facts of the Ainslie matter, yet has the necessary knowledge and skill to operate the daunting LeCroy 324 bottom of the line, entry-level DSO?

Things haven't gone well when other people have tried to help her.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 26, 2014, 05:18:16 AM
That quote does not make it seem that whatever technical help she had in 2011 was very swift.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 26, 2014, 02:51:58 PM
Well, you recall the shock and horror when they encountered the Q1 oscillations during the June 29 fiasco. They thought they had a problem with their FG and spent a lot of time trying to figure it out. It only took Steve about 5 seconds, once he could see the scope screen, and as soon as I saw it, I recognized it too, because I'd seen it before and understood it. So I made and posted a video illustrating the Q1 oscillation band, even before their demo ended. Even the "competent" help Ainslie has (or had)  is rather.... not so much.

But wait until you see the real reason for Ainslie's equipment failure described in the quote above.

Note that she admits blowing a couple of mosfets in the "heavy duty cycle mode" by which she means the long 3-minute period with long Q1 ON times, as is evident when she complains about not being able to get the three minute period any more. Therefore.... my original hypothesis re Figure 3: a blown Q1 caused by overheating due to the long period and the heavy Q1 duty cycle mode.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 26, 2014, 03:06:46 PM
"There's really no need to keep trying replicate any of this. The results are just so conclusive and so repeatable." (sic)

Can you believe it?  Here, here's a device that Ainslie says produces a COP > INFINITY. But there is really no need to keep trying to replicate any of it or see if it actually works -- just take her word for it, and ignore all the times she has lied about it in the past.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on March 26, 2014, 06:38:48 PM

How to unremember all this drama:

Jack the Rabbit and Weak-Kneed Willie, don't you know they're gonna be there!
Aw, Sloppy Sue and Big Bones Billie, they'll be comin' up for air
We're gonna play some pool, skip some school, act real cool
Stay out all night, it's gonna feel all right!!!!

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: The Boss on March 26, 2014, 07:01:40 PM
Long overdue for a catastrophic event.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on March 26, 2014, 07:02:58 PM
Bruce!  It's you!  lol
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 26, 2014, 07:04:58 PM
While I think her silence is most likely due to her realizing she screwed up big time, there is always the possibility that she fell ill.  I don't wish health problems on anyone including Ms. Ainslie.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 27, 2014, 12:11:49 PM
She's probably just all wrapped up in consultations with her Academics.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 27, 2014, 12:51:29 PM
It would be nice to think that she has gone silent because even she has realized that her Tasmanian devil routine went way too far.  From her history that's not all that likely.  She's gone ape before and just kept on trucking.  Something that seems more likely to me is that those tests she talked about two weeks ago have not gone the way she wants at all.  It is also possible that she fell ill.  I don't wish health problems on anyone, even if they are malicious and nuts as Ms. Ainslie.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 27, 2014, 01:15:59 PM
Hey, I have health problems too. Some of us are at the age when people do drop dead. I've just recently found out that three of my former girlfriends over the years have died of cancer or brain tumors. This is personally shaking me to the core ... but so what? What does that have to do with Ainslie making outrageous claims, lying about her "work", insulting and disrespecting people and refusing to learn the basics of her chosen topic? I am sorry but I find it impossible to be sympathetic towards someone who is patently better off than I am, health-wise and financially, but who might be using her alleged physical and mental infirmity in an attempt to get away with such egregious behaviour. No, I don't "wish" such problems on anyone... least of all myself. Do I excuse and accept bad behaviour because of such problems? Why should I? Would you?
"Oh, my high blood pressure is acting up and my back injury is causing excruciating pain, therefore Little Pickle's gherkin's GRE, and I DID NOT POST THAT VIDEO, and pay no attention to the five different schematics." Yeah, right.

In spite of _my_ health problems, I continue to do what I can to bring some element of Truth to the Ainslie affair, since she can't, or rather won't.

The latest video of Data and Results is uploading now. This shows the two "Quantum 17" runs, using the SWeir board with a single mosfet, 2.4 kHz, and the two duty cycles 3.7 percent HI and 95 percent HI. For the short duty cycle I was able to use the DP101 pulse generator to produce the precise value, but the DP101 doesn't like to make long duty cycles so for that one I had to use the F43, and its longest stable duty cycle was 95 percent, instead of the true inverse/complement of 96.3 percent.  As can be seen, the 3.7 percent ON duty cycle produced only a few degrees rise above ambient... surprise surprise... and the 95 percent ON duty cycle produced a respectable 60 degree rise, roughly. Ainslie, in the Quantum Magazine article, with her different load thermometry arrangement, claimed a 52 degree rise over ambient.... easy to do with long duty cycle but not credible using the shorter one.

http://youtu.be/psbnotQ65rc (http://youtu.be/psbnotQ65rc)

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 27, 2014, 01:35:01 PM
I object to Ms. Ainslie's fight against reality and malicious behavior.  I don't wish poor health on anyone, not even the blatant fraud Wayne Travis.

The video comes up private.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 27, 2014, 05:30:51 PM
Ah, sorry, I forgot to push the "publish" button and I had to go out for some errands.

Try it now.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 27, 2014, 05:52:09 PM
I can see it now.  The heater resistors don't seem to have much inductance.  The drain waveforms look pretty clean.  I take it that you have the current going straight through the DMM for the current reading.  One thing that you might try is to use the current sense on the SWeir board and read that in volts on the second DMM.  You might get more significant digits in your measurement for the low readings.  The higher current readings where just over 1% off between the oscilloscope and the meter.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: The Boss on March 27, 2014, 07:15:45 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 27, 2014, 01:15:59 PM
I am sorry but I find it impossible to be sympathetic towards someone who is patently better off than I am, health-wise and financially, but who might be using her alleged physical and mental infirmity in an attempt to get away with such egregious behaviour. No, I don't "wish" such problems on anyone... least of all myself. Do I excuse and accept bad behaviour because of such problems? Why should I? Would you?

It will fortunately be sooner, rather than later, that this hateful snake will burn in hell forever
befitting the black-hearted evil that she has spewed at well-intentioned people all her life.
This pariah deserves nothing less than to suffer here for a while longer before that happens.

The fact that she is insane does not excuse anything.

Kindest as ever,

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: The Boss on March 27, 2014, 07:32:46 PM
Quote from: MarkE on March 26, 2014, 07:04:58 PM
  I don't wish health problems on anyone including Ms. Ainslie.

No one does. But that doesn't mean that she has not earned such a fate.

Kindest as ever,
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 27, 2014, 07:43:40 PM
Quote from: The Boss on March 27, 2014, 07:32:46 PM

No one does. But that doesn't mean that she has not earned such a fate.

Kindest as ever,
According to her web site, she is online.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: orbut 3000 on March 27, 2014, 07:55:22 PM
Quote from: MarkE on March 27, 2014, 07:43:40 PM
According to her web site, she is online.

I think her forum has an unusual long time window of 1440 minutes for reporting recent user activity.

Users Online
390 Guests, 4 Users
Users active in past 1440 minutes:
Robertlady, poynt99, Rosemary Ainslie, Achllyeyi
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 27, 2014, 08:30:36 PM
Quote from: MarkE on March 27, 2014, 05:52:09 PM
I can see it now.  The heater resistors don't seem to have much inductance.  The drain waveforms look pretty clean.
Edited.... sorry.....

Ainslie cites 8.64 microHenry for the inductance of her load in the Quantum-17 magazine article. Mine actually measures much more than that.... it reads 60 microHenry on my ProsKit meter.....

Again, I am skeptical of Ainslie's reported measurement, since we didn't see her making it and it seems implausibly low to me.

QuoteI take it that you have the current going straight through the DMM for the current reading.
Yes, that's right.
QuoteOne thing that you might try is to use the current sense on the SWeir board and read that in volts on the second DMM.  You might get more significant digits in your measurement for the low readings.  The higher current readings where just over 1% off between the oscilloscope and the meter.
Yep, I can use the 2000 mV scale on the voltmeter and get a few more digits of precision. The board has testpoints specifically for the DMMs but this requires me to make up a couple of patch cords and I just haven't gotten to it yet. Perhaps when I do the higher-inductance runs I'll do that. Actually I'll use a third DMM and leave the present two where they are.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 27, 2014, 09:04:51 PM
Quote from: The Boss on March 27, 2014, 07:32:46 PM

No one does. But that doesn't mean that she has not earned such a fate.

Kindest as ever,

Now, now. Let's not get completely carried away here. "There but for the grace of God go I" and all of that kind of stuff. Fate is not something one earns, after all....
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 27, 2014, 09:27:59 PM
Quote from: MarkE on March 27, 2014, 01:35:01 PM
I object to Ms. Ainslie's fight against reality and malicious behavior.  I don't wish poor health on anyone, not even the blatant fraud Wayne Travis.

The video comes up private.


It is funny you mentioned the both of them as, I was just thinking as I was catching up here....wondering what might happen if Rose and Wayne got together?  Possibly, we might get a hydraulic powered heater that is clearly overunity.  Of course, it would need to be pre-charged and, you would need Roses's special knowledge of mosfets to replicate it but...it might be incredible.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 27, 2014, 09:34:12 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 27, 2014, 08:30:36 PM
Edited.... sorry.....

Ainslie cites 8.64 microHenry for the inductance of her load in the Quantum-17 magazine article. Mine actually measures much more than that.... it reads 60 microHenry on my ProsKit meter.....

Again, I am skeptical of Ainslie's reported measurement, since we didn't see her making it and it seems implausibly low to me.

Yes, that's right.Yep, I can use the 2000 mV scale on the voltmeter and get a few more digits of precision. The board has testpoints specifically for the DMMs but this requires me to make up a couple of patch cords and I just haven't gotten to it yet. Perhaps when I do the higher-inductance runs I'll do that. Actually I'll use a third DMM and leave the present two where they are.
When the MOSFET turns off the Ainslie circuit did not provide a discrete path to continue the inductor current.  This left the energy in the magnetic field to charge the local capacitances, including the Miller capacitance between the drain and gate.  That would tend to slow the rise time making the MOSFET absorb the stored inductor energy.   It's better that it did so, rather than allow the inductor to flyback to a destructive voltage.  At 2.4kHz, 24V, and a nominal 12 Ohm circuit resistance, the total flyback power is about 42mW.  In your circuit it is more like a quarter Watt.  If you are careful, you may be able to distinguish temperature rise between operation at the low duty cycle with and without a good Schottky or ultra fast diode across the resistor: anode to the MOSFET drain and cathode towards the power supply positive lead.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 27, 2014, 09:35:17 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on March 27, 2014, 09:27:59 PM

It is funny you mentioned the both of them as, I was just thinking as I was catching up here....wondering what might happen if Rose and Wayne got together?  Possibly, we might get a hydraulic powered heater that is clearly overunity.  Of course, it would need to be pre-charged and, you would need Roses's special knowledge of mosfets to replicate it but...it might be incredible.

I think that "incredible" is a good way to describe it.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on March 28, 2014, 02:04:59 AM
Quote...wondering what might happen if Rose and Wayne got together?  Possibly, we might get a hydraulic powered heater that is clearly overunity.

No you'd just get steam and even more words
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 28, 2014, 09:12:00 AM
Quote from: MarkE on March 27, 2014, 09:34:12 PM
When the MOSFET turns off the Ainslie circuit did not provide a discrete path to continue the inductor current.  This left the energy in the magnetic field to charge the local capacitances, including the Miller capacitance between the drain and gate.  That would tend to slow the rise time making the MOSFET absorb the stored inductor energy.   It's better that it did so, rather than allow the inductor to flyback to a destructive voltage.  At 2.4kHz, 24V, and a nominal 12 Ohm circuit resistance, the total flyback power is about 42mW.  In your circuit it is more like a quarter Watt.  If you are careful, you may be able to distinguish temperature rise between operation at the low duty cycle with and without a good Schottky or ultra fast diode across the resistor: anode to the MOSFET drain and cathode towards the power supply positive lead.

In some of the Ainslie claimed schematics for the Quantum-17 circuit, there is a diode shown, and in others there is not. The original article in the magazine did not have the diode; by the time of the IEEE submission it is included; the Grey Box has a diode installed ready to be patched into the circuit as desired. I don't think the diode in the Grey Box is identifiable; the "EIT" paper schematic shows the diode and the parts list says it is 1n4007, but clearly the diode in the Grey Box is not a 4000-series rectifier, it is too fat for that. It may be a 1n58xx or a 1n54xx Schottky or almost anything else. I've used my favorite ultrafast, the MUR1560, here on some of my Ainslie explorations.

In my 2009/2010 work I showed charging caps and external batteries using the recirculation diode. More recently, in my Magnetic Levitation demonstration apparatus, I use essentially the same circuit, a highside inductive load on a mosfet driven by square pulses to its gate, to drive the Levitation Coil, and I showed the system with and without the diode across the load.  For this I used an RL30A diode that I pulled from a TV chassis. There is a marked improvement in the performance of the levitation system as well as a much  _cooler running_  mosfet when the diode is used. Without the external diode, apparently the energy of the inductive spike and ringing is dissipated in the mosfet, very wastefully.  I seem to recall that the Levitation Coil itself, corresponding to the "element resistor" in Ainslie's kludge, also runs cooler with the diode in place, but I'm not swearing to that at the moment.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkiGTWODERo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkiGTWODERo)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 28, 2014, 09:32:18 AM
Well, this may be some kind of record-setting run of silence. Three, or is it four days now, of peace and quiet, of freedom from insults and mendacities.

If "they" are actually performing any honest testing, they will by now be very frustrated to find that a "negative power product" sitting in boxed numbers on an oscilloscope screen does NOT translate into battery charging, excess heat in a load, or even a lengthening of rundown times. They will have been amazed once again to find that the Figure 3 screen, when honestly obtained, does not produce high heat in the load because the Q1 isn't turning on. They -- some of "them" anyway -- may actually look at my recent videos and find nothing that they can rationally object to.

If there are even any of "them" left, at all, that is.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 28, 2014, 01:32:07 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 28, 2014, 09:32:18 AM
Well, this may be some kind of record-setting run of silence. Three, or is it four days now, of peace and quiet, of freedom from insults and mendacities.

If "they" are actually performing any honest testing, they will by now be very frustrated to find that a "negative power product" sitting in boxed numbers on an oscilloscope screen does NOT translate into battery charging, excess heat in a load, or even a lengthening of rundown times. They will have been amazed once again to find that the Figure 3 screen, when honestly obtained, does not produce high heat in the load because the Q1 isn't turning on. They -- some of "them" anyway -- may actually look at my recent videos and find nothing that they can rationally object to.

If there are even any of "them" left, at all, that is.
Maybe the Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators are learning something.  It's not very likely, but it is possible.

You have proven that Paper 1, Figure 3 cannot be obtained using a circuit configured as shown in Paper 1 Figure 1 with properly functioning components.  As demonstrated June 29, 2013, it can be easily obtained by connecting the Channel 1 oscilloscope probe to the wrong side of the current sense resistors.  And as you have shown it can be obtained with an open Q1.  Given the location of their function generator black lead, the voltage indicated on the oscilloscope Channel 1 during Q2 oscillation periods was not from the function generator, as the function generator was connected around the even the erroneously unmonitored current sense resistor.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 29, 2014, 04:16:37 AM
How does one generate the same amount of heat powering a resistor of value R directly from a battery of some voltage V, and another resistor of the same value R from the same battery voltage V through a PWM, especially if the PWM duty-cycle is in the range of 3.7%?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 29, 2014, 04:54:30 AM
Well.... if one is Rosemary Ainslie, it's easy. One just lies about it.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on March 29, 2014, 07:57:56 AM
I suspect the value of the control R will be increased so that the temperature rise above ambient is the same in both cases.

So in case of the experiment, it might involve short pulses of high current, while the control will be a lower, steady-state current.

Would this be a truly fair comparison? Considering the well-known "vagaries" of battery discharge rates and capacity, no in my opinion.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 29, 2014, 08:00:23 AM
Awakened from her slumber after last week's flame-out, some details of the supposed up coming tests have been described.  They include this:

QuoteWe will run two tests concurrently - the experiment - being a switched circuit and the control being a standard series application.  They will be powered by the same number and type of battery.  The resistors will be immersed in their separate containers of mineral oil.  They will show an equivalent rate of temperature rise .

As any EE101 student better know:  P = V2/R*duty cycle.  Since, V is the same for both configurations, but duty cycle is not, then the resistors cannot be the same value.  In order to evolve the same amount of power, given perfect switches, the resistor value scales directly with duty cycle. 10.8 Ohms for the conventional 1.000 duty cycle becomes 0.4 Ohms for the pulsed circuit.  That's a real problem because their IRFPG50 MOSFETs have a typical ON resistance of about 1 Ohm.  The MOSFET will dissipate ~70% of the delivered power which will peak out at around 400W during the on pulses.  15us pulses will average well enough to prevent a thermal stress issue at the die, but the resistor heating will be quite lethargic.

Of course if they invert their drive pulses again using 96.3% on time instead of 3.7%, then there won't be a big disparity in heater power.

QuoteWe will monitor the rate of depletion of potential difference, or voltage, across the batteries. The batteries over the control will deplete well in advance of experiment - thereby proving that a switched circuit generates more energy from a supply than is available under standard series applications.  We will recharge those batteries and then rerun those experiments with the batteries that were previously applied to the control - are now applied to the experiment - and vice versa.  We will then show that the benefits to a switched circuit, persist and are not due to battery vagaries.

It doesn't sound like they intend to monitor current.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 29, 2014, 08:11:30 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on March 29, 2014, 07:57:56 AM
I suspect the value of the control R will be adjusted so that the temperature rise above ambient is the same in both cases.

So in case of the experiment, it might involve short pulses of high current, while the control will be a lower, steady-state current.

Would this be a truly fair comparison? Considering the well-known "vagaries" of battery discharge rates and capacity, no in my opinion.
The experiment as described so far is deeply flawed.  One resistor or the other will have to be adjusted.  It will be much easier for them to adjust the resistance upward of the control resistor.  In that case it will have to go up to about 300 Ohms to match the temperature rise of the 10.8 Ohm resistor.  However then the volume and mass of the control resistor will be very different than the pulsed resistor.  And they will need to adjust the resistor to dial in a thermal match.  On top of that, the protocol that they propose does not deal with established battery effects.  Any improvement in battery endurance would have to be qualified against already well-known battery effects.

Here is a thought for you:  According to the zipon hypothesis, what is the effect of frequency on the magic release of energy from the resistors?  Is it linearly proportional?  Is it a square function?  Is it some other power function?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 29, 2014, 09:21:04 AM
Isn't it nice, though, that the Great Scientist has already determined the results and conclusions in advance? This saves so much effort.

Why, just as with the 2009 daft manuscripts, it even allows you to complete the writeup before you even do any "experiments".

In fact..... you don't even need to do any experiments at all... just proclaim that you did, and that CBC, FAI, SPASCOM and CIBA have validated them. Too bad those three FAI scientists got fired, though.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 29, 2014, 04:29:49 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 29, 2014, 09:21:04 AM
Isn't it nice, though, that the Great Scientist has already determined the results and conclusions in advance? This saves so much effort.

Why, just as with the 2009 daft manuscripts, it even allows you to complete the writeup before you even do any "experiments".

In fact..... you don't even need to do any experiments at all... just proclaim that you did, and that CBC, FAI, SPASCOM and CIBA have validated them. Too bad those three FAI scientists got fired, though.
Determining results and conclusions in advance saves all the time and effort normally needed setting up, conducting, validating, and evaluating experiments.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 29, 2014, 07:11:04 PM
It seems to me that the description of the "DC control" means that they will be using a rheostat to 'turn down' the power to the "element resistor" so that the temperature is the same as the pulsed load's temperature. Then they will compare how long it takes for the battery to run down in each case.

But will they account properly for the power dissipation in the rheostat or other added resistance? How will they do this part? Who knows. The "Open Source" term in Ainslie-speak clearly doesn't mean what it means in the real world. It clearly doesn't mean transparency in methodology, sharing experimental setups and raw data, or even providing any evidence that actual experiments are being conducted at all.

One also wonders when Ainslie will withdraw the bogus COP>17, COP INFINITY, batteries don't discharge, etc. claims that she has made over the years, since she has no experimental evidence for any of those claims.

For example, just look at how long Ainslie squawked about the bogus, fabricated Figure 3 scopeshot. Literally _years_ went by from the time the discrepancies were first pointed out. Yet Ainslie maintained that the shot was correct and easy to make. Yet it is evident that not until the June 29 demo did they ever even _try_ to make the shot -- Donovan Martin is clearly even unaware of the nature of the controversy during the demo -- and were astounded at the results when they did try.

It is impossible to believe anything Ainslie says unless there is corroborating evidence presented. Time and time again she has shown that she will happily lie and misquote and misrepresent the work of others in order to try to bolster her bogus "thesis".  So if she wants to talk about experiments, DC controls, schematics, or anything at all.... supporting evidence in the form of photos, videos, checkable outside references, statements from credible people who will engage in dialog, MUST be provided and examined, else you can dismiss her statements as just so much more unverifiable hot air from the Queen of Hot Air: Rosemary Ainslie.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 29, 2014, 07:18:19 PM
I did not see any mention of an adjustment control of any kind. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 29, 2014, 08:46:03 PM
Quote from: MarkE on March 29, 2014, 07:18:19 PM
I did not see any mention of an adjustment control of any kind.

Well... of course who knows what the word "potentiometer" means in Ainslie-squawk, or how the Ainslie mob is intending to use one.

And compare her "updates" where she presents nothing but words like that post...  to mine, where I actually show everything, including the raw data that proves I'm actually doing just what I say I'm doing .... and laugh.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: orbut 3000 on March 29, 2014, 08:59:47 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 29, 2014, 08:46:03 PM
And compare her "updates" where she presents nothing but words like that post...  to mine, where I actually show everything, including the raw data that proves I'm actually doing just what I say I'm doing .... and laugh.
That may be true, but you could mention 'our string theorists' more often, IMO.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 29, 2014, 09:44:06 PM
Quote from: orbut 3000 on March 29, 2014, 08:59:47 PM
That may be true, but you could mention 'our string theorists' more often, IMO.

Right. I'm almost out of the Old Academics rye whiskey, anyway, so I guess it's time for lunch.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 29, 2014, 11:47:44 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 29, 2014, 08:46:03 PM
Well... of course who knows what the word "potentiometer" means in Ainslie-squawk, or how the Ainslie mob is intending to use one.

And compare her "updates" where she presents nothing but words like that post...  to mine, where I actually show everything, including the raw data that proves I'm actually doing just what I say I'm doing .... and laugh.
Vague tests performed using unidentified procedures don't offer much value.  One can easily set up tests with a potentiometer that yield different heating efficiencies and different battery run down times without any pulse circuit at all.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 30, 2014, 01:06:38 AM
Exactly. And suppose you use the same battery and the same "element resistor" value, and you compare the Ainslie pulsed circuit, making the load rise to, say, 20 C over ambient.... to the straight DC with potentiometer circuit making the same temperature rise _in the load_.  What do you suppose you will find? Which battery will run down sooner?

Let's say you have a 10 ohm element resistor and a 24 volt power supply and you are using a 10 percent HI duty cycle. The mosfet circuit has a total On state resistance of, say, 2 ohms, so you have 12 ohms total resistance. The average current in the load is going to be I = (V/R) x Duty Cycle or (24/12)x 0.10 = 200 mA and this will produce a known power dissipation in the load of I2R or 0.2 x 0.2 x 10 = 0.4 Watt. The circuit itself with a resistance of 2 ohms will dissipate  0.2x0.2x2 = 0.08 Watt and the battery will be delivering 0.48 Watt average throughout the trial.

For the DC "control" you have the same element resistor and the same 24 volt power supply and you want the same 200 mA average current in the load for the same 0.4 W average power dissipation in the load.... so you need a _total_ resistance  R = V/I = 24/0.2 = 120 Ohms. Ten of these will of course be in the load element resistor in the oil. The other 110 will be in the potentiometer.... and this potentiometer will be dissipating I2R = 0.2 x 0.2 x 110 = 4.4 Watts! The total power drawn from the battery will be 24 V x 200 mA = 4.8 Watts! Which battery will run out sooner, and why? Ainslie magic... or Ainslie misdirection?

ETA: MarkE has pointed out that I should have used RMS current here, so I've corrected the calculation below.
:-[ :-[
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 30, 2014, 02:09:58 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 30, 2014, 01:06:38 AM
Exactly. And suppose you use the same battery and the same "element resistor" value, and you compare the Ainslie pulsed circuit, making the load rise to, say, 20 C over ambient.... to the straight DC with potentiometer circuit making the same temperature rise _in the load_.  What do you suppose you will find? Which battery will run down sooner?

Let's say you have a 10 ohm element resistor and a 24 volt power supply and you are using a 10 percent HI duty cycle. The mosfet circuit has a total On state resistance of, say, 2 ohms, so you have 12 ohms total resistance. The average current in the load is going to be I = (V/R) x Duty Cycle or (24/12)x 0.10 = 200 mA and this will produce a known power dissipation in the load of I2R or 0.2 x 0.2 x 10 = 0.4 Watt. The circuit itself with a resistance of 2 ohms will dissipate  0.2x0.2x2 = 0.08 Watt and the battery will be delivering 0.48 Watt average throughout the trial.

For the DC "control" you have the same element resistor and the same 24 volt power supply and you want the same 200 mA average current in the load for the same 0.4 W average power dissipation in the load.... so you need a _total_ resistance  R = V/I = 24/0.2 = 120 Ohms. Ten of these will of course be in the load element resistor in the oil. The other 110 will be in the potentiometer.... and this potentiometer will be dissipating I2R = 0.2 x 0.2 x 110 = 4.4 Watts! The total power drawn from the battery will be 24 V x 200 mA = 4.8 Watts! Which battery will run out sooner, and why? Ainslie magic... or Ainslie misdirection?
Not quite but the measurement problem you point out is there.  We need to match rms currents for heating, not average currents.
24V supply
12 Ohm heater + MOSFET
2A peak
3.7% duty cycle
Irms = 2A*(0.037)0.5 = 385mArms  (632mArms @ 10% duty cycle)
PHEATER = 385mA2*10 Ohms = 1.48W  (4W @ 10% duty cycle)

Now, to get 1.48W in the heater using a pot, we need that same 385mA as a steady state current.  From a 24V power supply:

RTOTAL = 24V/385mA =  62.4 Ohms, of which 52.4 Ohms will end up in the potentiometer.  Since the current is the same in the potentiometer as in the heater resistor, the heater resistor will only put out 10/62.4W/W of the battery drain, yielding an efficiency of 16%.  84% of the power from the battery:  7.8W will be dissipated in the potentiometer.  So even with a relatively poor switching circuit, the switched heater circuit will take less power from the battery to obtain the same heater output.  This is why when we care about efficiency we use switching regulators instead of linear regulators.

If we had used the 10% duty cycle then things would not have been quite so bad percentage wise but worse power wise:

24V/632mArms = 38 Ohms total, and the loss is 28/38 Ohms or 74% instead of 84% but the power loss increases to 11.2W.

This is over and above any battery effect that they get by pulsing their load.  From what little we know of the experiment, it appears ill conceived and incapable of producing useful data.  They need someone competent to help them figure out a valid experiment protocol.  After her Tasmanian devil routine, we know that Ms. Ainslie can no longer ask Steve for advice.  Maybe Poynt99 is willing to try and straighten them out.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on March 30, 2014, 02:25:55 AM
Quote from: MarkE on March 29, 2014, 08:11:30 AM
The experiment as described so far is deeply flawed. 

Actually not. The experiment is essentially not described. Having said that I have no idea how they will keep the heat dissipation of both elements the same without other extraneous heat losses. I presume that they are planning to use an external reostat in which case the results will be meaningless. Lets wait and see. With luck it should be done by the end of the year.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 30, 2014, 03:58:54 AM
Quote from: MarkE on March 30, 2014, 02:09:58 AM
Not quite but the measurement problem you point out is there.  We need to match rms currents for heating, not average currents.
Yes, that's right, I stand corrected, thanks. Where I was multiplying the peak current by the duty cycle, to get average current, I should have been multiplying by the square root of the duty cycle to obtain RMS current.
This would have given me the RMS current for the power dissipation. The chain of reasoning, however, as you have shown, is basically right: using a potentiometer to control the power in the load resistor simply moves a large part of the battery's supplied power out of the load; the total power drawn from the battery is mostly dissipated outside the load and won't be counted if load heating is the criterion.

So, correcting my first try:

Let's say you have a 10 ohm element resistor and a 24 volt power supply and you are using a 10 percent HI duty cycle. The mosfet circuit has a total On state resistance of, say, 2 ohms, so you have 12 ohms total resistance. The RMS current in the load is going to be I = (V/R) x (Duty Cycle)0.5 or (24/12)x (0.10)0.5 = 632 mA and this will produce a known power dissipation in the load of Irms2R or 0.632 x 0.632 x 10 = 4 Watts. Alternatively, Pave = (Ipeak2R) x dutycycle, or ((2 x 2) x 10) x 0.10 = 4 Watts. The circuit itself with a resistance of 2 ohms will dissipate  0.632 x 0.632 x 2 = 0.8 Watt and the battery will be delivering 4.8 Watts average throughout the trial. ( P = Irms x Vrms, or 0.623 x (24 x (0.10)0.5) = 4.8, or P = (Vpeak2/R) x (duty cycle) = (576/12) x 0.10 = 4.8 , or even Vrms2/R = 7.592/12 = 4.8.  )

For the DC "control" you have the same element resistor and the same 24 volt power supply and you want the same 632 mA RMS current in the load for the same 4 W average power dissipation in the load.... so you need a _total_ resistance  R = V/Irms = 24/0.632 = 38 Ohms. Ten of these will of course be in the load element resistor in the oil. The other 28 will be in the potentiometer (and the mosfet) .... and this potentiometer and mosfet will be dissipating Irms2R = 0.632 x 0.632 x 28 = 11.2 Watts! The average power drawn from the battery will be 24 V x 632 mA = around 15 Watts! Which battery will run out sooner, and why?

(Did I do it right this time?   ;)   )
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 30, 2014, 06:34:15 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 30, 2014, 03:58:54 AM
Yes, that's right, I stand corrected, thanks. Where I was multiplying the peak current by the duty cycle, to get average current, I should have been multiplying by the square root of the duty cycle to obtain RMS current.
This would have given me the RMS current for the power dissipation. The chain of reasoning, however, as you have shown, is basically right: using a potentiometer to control the power in the load resistor simply moves a large part of the battery's supplied power out of the load; the total power drawn from the battery is mostly dissipated outside the load and won't be counted if load heating is the criterion.

So, correcting my first try:

Let's say you have a 10 ohm element resistor and a 24 volt power supply and you are using a 10 percent HI duty cycle. The mosfet circuit has a total On state resistance of, say, 2 ohms, so you have 12 ohms total resistance. The RMS current in the load is going to be I = (V/R) x (Duty Cycle)0.5 or (24/12)x (0.10)0.5 = 632 mA and this will produce a known power dissipation in the load of Irms2R or 0.632 x 0.632 x 10 = 4 Watts. Alternatively, Pave = (Ipeak2R) x dutycycle, or ((2 x 2) x 10) x 0.10 = 4 Watts. The circuit itself with a resistance of 2 ohms will dissipate  0.632 x 0.632 x 2 = 0.8 Watt and the battery will be delivering 4.8 Watts (24V*2A*10% DC) average throughout the trial. ( P = Irms x Vrms, or 0.623 x (24 x (0.10)0.5) = 4.8, or P = (Vpeak2/R) x (duty cycle) = (576/12) x 0.10 = 4.8 , or even Vrms2/R = 7.592/12 = 4.8.  )

For the DC "control" you have the same element resistor and the same 24 volt power supply and you want the same 632 mA RMS current in the load for the same 4 W average power dissipation in the load.... so you need a _total_ resistance  R = V/Irms = 24/0.632 = 38 Ohms. Ten of these will of course be in the load element resistor in the oil. The other 28 will be in the potentiometer (and the mosfet) .... and this potentiometer and mosfet will be dissipating Irms2R = 0.632 x 0.632 x 28 = 11.2 Watts! The average power drawn from the battery will be 24 V x 632 mA = around 15 Watts! Which battery will run out sooner, and why?

(Did I do it right this time?   ;)   )
Yes, you got it right.  It is called the difference between a PWM switching regulator in the first case and a linear regulator in the second case.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 30, 2014, 08:36:44 PM
I think it's time for another title from our favorite publisher.  See what this suggests as an appropriate test for Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on March 31, 2014, 09:37:29 AM
Hmm.... that's pretty racy stuff, low pass filtering and all. Are you sure that shouldn't be in the Adult Books section?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on March 31, 2014, 02:50:07 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on March 31, 2014, 09:37:29 AM
Hmm.... that's pretty racy stuff, low pass filtering and all. Are you sure that shouldn't be in the Adult Books section?
The part where the duty cycle reflects load impedance back to the source at 1/(Duty Cycle2) may put the Ainslie team into a permanent brain lock.

Now if you or I, or anyone else worth their mettle were going try to see whether or not BEMF on the load resistor results in unexpected energy, we might reduce all variables to just the pulsing or non-pulsing power going into the resistor.  Oh, but wait:  That's exactly what you have already done!

If Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators wish to use battery draw down as their proxy for efficiency, then they cannot insert an device that is going to dissipate over 2/3s of the drawn energy in the control case, without doing likewise for the device under test case.  They have painted themselves into a corner where their proposed tests show that linear regulators are inefficient.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 01, 2014, 10:13:08 AM
This whole affair has been one of changing claims, unspecified and misrepresented conditions, and moving goalposts on the part of Ainslie and her mob. The Quantum magazine article claimed COP>17 based on thermal measurements. The 2009 claims were based on heating that was claimed to be anomalous compared to the power delivered by the battery. The 2011 appearance of the 5-mosfet circuit made further claims about heat being seen that was not due to the "measured" power delivered by the battery. The daft manuscripts, with their forged data and error-ridden text containing misrepresentations and completely implausible claims not supported by their own valid, but thin, data.... are nothing but examples of pseudoscientific misconduct and only repeat the silly claims made in the earlier emissions of the Ainslie gang.

But we have _NEVER YET_ seen a proper description from the Ainslie mob that connects all the dots:

Here are the claims made, terms defined, parameters specified.
Here is how the claimed performance differs from what is expected using ordinary physics, including a literature review.
Here is the specified circuit used, exactly and without errors.
Here are the operating parameters, such as supply voltage, frequency and duty cycle settings, etc. specified _exactly_ or within reasonable error ranges.
Here is the evidence in support of, or in contradiction of,  the claim, in the form of scope traces, raw data from dataloggers, meter readings, videos, etc. proving that the experiment was performed as claimed and yielded the data claimed.
Here is how the evidence supports (or contradicts) the claim, a logical chain of reasoning followed through without error.
Here is the error analysis: a discussion of possible/probable errors in the experiment, how they would affect the data and how they were controlled or eliminated.

Nor will we ever see such a complete report from them.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 01, 2014, 10:54:55 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 01, 2014, 10:13:08 AM
This whole affair has been one of changing claims, unspecified and misrepresented conditions, and moving goalposts on the part of Ainslie and her mob. The Quantum magazine article claimed COP>17 based on thermal measurements. The 2009 claims were based on heating that was claimed to be anomalous compared to the power delivered by the battery. The 2011 appearance of the 5-mosfet circuit made further claims about heat being seen that was not due to the "measured" power delivered by the battery. The daft manuscripts, with their forged data and error-ridden text containing misrepresentations and completely implausible claims not supported by their own valid, but thin, data.... are nothing but examples of pseudoscientific misconduct and only repeat the silly claims made in the earlier emissions of the Ainslie gang.

But we have _NEVER YET_ seen a proper description from the Ainslie mob that connects all the dots:

Here are the claims made, terms defined, parameters specified.
Here is how the claimed performance differs from what is expected using ordinary physics, including a literature review.
Here is the specified circuit used, exactly and without errors.
Here are the operating parameters, such as supply voltage, frequency and duty cycle settings, etc. specified _exactly_ or within reasonable error ranges.
Here is the evidence in support of, or in contradiction of,  the claim, in the form of scope traces, raw data from dataloggers, meter readings, videos, etc. proving that the experiment was performed as claimed and yielded the data claimed.
Here is how the evidence supports (or contradicts) the claim, a logical chain of reasoning followed through without error.
Here is the error analysis: a discussion of possible/probable errors in the experiment, how they would affect the data and how they were controlled or eliminated.

Nor will we ever see such a complete report from them.
Of course we will never see anything like that from Ms. Ainslie and her collaborators.  You on the other hand have presented plenty of irrefutable experiment data.  I hope that you continue your fine experiments.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 02, 2014, 09:44:21 PM
All right. I think I've given this affair a "fair trial" so far.

Either just lately, or in 2009-2010, or both, I've tested:

1. The Quantum magazine circuit (Q-17), with 555 timer exactly as specified.
1a. The Q-17 circuit with TK-DPDT, which allows the exact 555 circuit to actually deliver the claimed 3.7 percent ON duty cycle.
1b. The Q-17 circuit with the Aaron 555 circuit.
1c. The Q-17 circuit with the F43 FG and/or the DP101 pulse generator driving.

2. The Lost Grey Box single-mosfet circuit as shown in the SWeir deconstruction with the 555 timer schematic he drew from Ainslie's photos.
2a. Using the IRFP450 mosfet as shown in the box photos.
2b. Using the IRFPG50 mosfet as always claimed by Ainslie.
2c. Using, and not using, the flyback diode.

3. The 5-mosfet "NERD" circuit exactly as specified, with both the "correct" and the "incorrect" location of the Black FG lead.
3a. Using IRF830 mosfets.
3b. Using IRFPG50 mosfets.
3c. Using one, two and four Q2s.
3d. Using the F43 FG, the DP101 PG, and various 555 timer circuits.
3e. Using stock cement power resistors, and special non-inductive resistors for CSR
3f. The Tar Baby replicant with Charge-Pump Inverter that allows the entire circuit to be powered by the main batteries only, with no extra power supply for the bias/clock circuitry.

4. The SWeir-designed and donated "Shifting Paradigms" measurement board with its snubber circuit, its Vbatt filtering and its precision noninductive CSR.
4a. Using the F43, the DP101, and various 555 timer circuits for clocking.
4b. Using zero, one, two and four Q2 mosfets.
4c. Using DSO and Analog scopes, DMMs, and thermal measurements.
4d. Using longterm data logging to obtain time-temperature profiles.

There may be more variants and tests that I am not recalling at the moment.

I've tested each system at a wide variety of basic clock frequencies and Gate signal duty cycles. I've made oscilloscope measurements with analog and digital oscilloscopes including a high-end Tek DPSO, I've made DMM measurements, moving-coil milliammeter measurements, thermal measurements and battery rundown measurements. I've run the various systems on batteries, capacitor banks and bench power supplies. I've used several different loads and I've fully characterized and calibrated one of them for the thermal measurements. I've collated and published the raw data, I've made spreadsheet comparisons and I've generated easy-to-read and easy-to-interpret graphs which show the results I've obtained.

I've made and tested and demonstrated several variations and derivations, like the Poynt99-designed Altoid pocket OU demonstrator, the Common Gate Amplifier-Oscillator, the PWM motor driver and even the Little Pickle Radio. I've broken the circuit down into its functional component parts and demonstrated them individually. I've made a large bunch of videos dealing directly or indirectly with topics concerning this project, using YT as my Lab Notebook and sharing procedures, data and results as they happen. I've obtained and demonstrated and explained the spurious "negative power product", the high-amplitude oscillations on Vbatt and Vcsr, the bogus Figure 3 scopeshot, and all other posted scopeshots that Ainslie has produced. There are no mysteries remaining regarding the production of the various scopescreens.

In NONE of this work have I ever seen anything that even hinted at "OU" performance. I've refuted many of the overt claims made by Ainslie in the manuscripts and in forum posts, I've demonstrated over and over again that the Ainslie team doesn't understand the basics of the circuit phenomena they are dealing with, and I've even shown, with help from other analysts, that the Ainslie manuscripts contain "data" that is at best accidentally erroneous but is more probably actually deliberately fabricated. I've even demonstrated and documented overt, blatant and significant lies emitted by Rosemary Ainslie and Donovan Martin.

So at this point, before I take the apparatus apart to reclaim the space and components, I am throwing the project open for suggestions.

Obviously it is impossible to cover completely the entire possible range of duty cycles, waveforms, frequencies, power supply parameters, etc. that could be imagined for these circuits. I've covered the _stated and claimed_ parameter space as best I could, with null results. So.... suggestions please. What specific duty cycles, wavelengths, waveforms, etc. should I try, in order to see if there is any hint of excess thermal power or reduced draw from the batteries? Any suggestions as to what I'm doing "wrong" that is preventing me from seeing the claimed COP > INFINITY (sic) or COP >17 or even the "300 percent" that another claimant is claiming from similar work? Why are my batteries discharging,  even when I produce Ainslie's famous "negative power product"? (I know why.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 03, 2014, 01:07:07 AM
The last frontier that Ms. Ainslie and her crew seem to be ineptly driving towards is well-known battery effect.  There are lots of fun tests that could be done to qualify that.  I am not sure what the point would be.  There is lots of space there that can be tested only to repeat ground that has already been covered many times.  If it interests you, then the way to separate battery effect from magical power discharge, aside from measuring the battery side power correctly is to impose a low-pass filter between the switch and the resistor for one set of trials, and the resistor and the switch for another.  This way, one port pulses and the other does not.  If pulsing affects the battery ( which we know it does ), then this will be seen.  If pulsing affects the resistor, then that will be seen.  And as we know pulsing does not do anything for the resistor beyond rms.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 03, 2014, 05:07:42 AM
I see that the ignorant troll queen Ainslie is criticizing my videos and my test equipment, again. I have to laugh at that, since they can't make a video presentation and can't use their own expensive equipment to display anything other than fraudulent data and etch-a-sketch meaningless combs of noise.

Some clips of Ainslie's video demonstration, illustrating the camera, presentation, organization and instrumentation skills (sic) of her bumbling team of incompetent nincompoops:




Compare that mess up above to my presentation of this set of raw data from two tests:


And of course here's the little intro video I shot explaining the Link DSO and demonstrating it using the "Ainslie Oscillations" on the Little Brian circuit board:


And the ignorant troll queen Ainslie pretends to be able to criticise me! Without ground to stand on or even the coordination necessary to make a stand, she brags about her ignorance and tries to discuss work of mine that she hasn't even seen. It is to laugh! Meanwhile the continuing lack of any data to back up her claims is just tiresome and tedious, however expected and par-for-the-course it is.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 03, 2014, 05:25:30 AM
And let's not neglect to note the statement from Ainslie that seems to be a frank admission that they are currently unable to repeat the large temperature rise that was reported in the Quantum Magazine article:

QuoteAt the moment we're testing the Quantum circuit with the use of just one MOSFET.  But we're switching with the function generator with its ground pin unplugged.  Temperature measured in the mineral oil is barely 9 degrees above ambient.  But that's more than enough proof that energy is being dissipated.  I'll try and download the waveform hereunder.  We know, with adequate precision - the amount of current/voltage needed for this level of dissipation so the control is relatively easy to establish.  I'll try and open a new thread to keep record of the data we're collecting.  I'm hoping that our purists will be able to access that data and do their own spreadsheet analysis.  But I first have to clear this with the team.  It may be counterproductive - especially with our Little TK lurking here, there and everywhere. 

Yes, indeed, O Great Scientist Ainslie,  it may be counterproductive for you actually to publish YOUR data on this "open source project", since it will not support your claims, unless it is fabricated like your previous data sets. You've already found out that you can't reproduce the Quantum magazine claims using the parameters you claimed to have used then.

However I feel no need to cover up and hide my data, and I can actually _prove_ that the data is as I report and was taken under the conditions I report.

By the way, Ainslie .... where are the scopeshot images from the June and August 2013 demonstrations that you promised to publish? You  know, the ones that showed your claims were bogus, in real time, under the direction of Steve Weir? Where are they? I know where, you've swept them under the rug so they can't be examined.... if your team of incompetents actually managed to save them at all, actually. The USB stick in your LeCroy is just there for show.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 04, 2014, 04:12:57 AM
Ms. Ainslie has never reproduced her own claims.  Nor has anyone else.  Greg East seems keen to support her claims.  He could always attempt to reproduce any of them.

Ms. Ainslie fails to understand how she has corrupted the input signals to her instruments.  The best instrument in the world will not fix Garbage In Garbage Out.

From the looks of things they are using the function generator instead of the 555 for their attempt to reproduce the Quantum Magazine tests.  That's a good decision.  They are predictably not getting much power out of their heater at a low duty cycle.  If they measure faithfully then they will find that what you and most everyone else has been telling them for years is true:  The duty cycle they thought they had was the complement of the actual duty-cycle.  They already disproved their Paper 1 and Paper 2 last summer.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 04, 2014, 06:08:34 AM
Quote from: MarkE on April 04, 2014, 04:12:57 AM
Ms. Ainslie has never reproduced her own claims.  Nor has anyone else.  Greg East seems keen to support her claims.  He could always attempt to reproduce any of them.


He has tried to reproduce her claims. Of course he rejected the 5-mosfet circuit out of hand, being implausible on the face of it. But remember what happened when he built the original Quantum Magazine circuit.... he found it didn't work as claimed! And on June 29, 2012, he actually has to ask if anyone has actually built the circuit! How's that for doing one's homework? I still ROFL about that one!

GMeast is unwilling to share the raw data, the circuit or the procedure by which he attained his "300 percent" results, and of course we know all about Err-on Murakami's fiddling and diddling about and why he is no longer part of Ainslie's mob of incompetent sycophants.

On the other hand every bit of my work on this topic is fully public, with all details necessary for anyone to repeat it, refute it, replicate it, whatever they might like to do with it. Raw data, procedures, circuits, methodology, analyses and final results are all there in my YT videos and forum posts, all of it is available to be challenged or discussed.  When GMeast is willing to present his "300 percent" data with this kind of detail and openness... and someone else can repeat it and show it to be a valid result.... then, and only then, should he be making his claims of "overunity performance".
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 04, 2014, 07:32:24 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 04, 2014, 06:08:34 AM
He has tried to reproduce her claims. Of course he rejected the 5-mosfet circuit out of hand, being implausible on the face of it. But remember what happened when he built the original Quantum Magazine circuit.... he found it didn't work as claimed! And on June 29, 2012, he actually has to ask if anyone has actually built the circuit! How's that for doing one's homework? I still ROFL about that one!

GMeast is unwilling to share the raw data, the circuit or the procedure by which he attained his "300 percent" results, and of course we know all about Err-on Murakami's fiddling and diddling about and why he is no longer part of Ainslie's mob of incompetent sycophants.

On the other hand every bit of my work on this topic is fully public, with all details necessary for anyone to repeat it, refute it, replicate it, whatever they might like to do with it. Raw data, procedures, circuits, methodology, analyses and final results are all there in my YT videos and forum posts, all of it is available to be challenged or discussed.  When GMeast is willing to present his "300 percent" data with this kind of detail and openness... and someone else can repeat it and show it to be a valid result.... then, and only then, should he be making his claims of "overunity performance".
If Greg doesn't have a function generator and would like a 555 based circuit that does generate the Quantum Magazine timing, the circuit below generates it easily, and reliably.  A single 556 can be substituted for the two 555s.  It identically produces the narrow and complement duty cycle without shifting grounds.  Frequency scales inversely with C5.

Your work is very good and easy to follow.  If anyone wants to take the time they can readily reproduce your work.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 04, 2014, 07:49:48 PM
That's a nice design, thank you for drawing it up.

It is also possible to use the identical 555 circuit that is in the Quantum Magazine article. The Secret of DPDT makes this possible, as I showed in a video. The only requirement is that the timer circuit is powered by its own battery, as specified in the article.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 04, 2014, 08:30:29 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 04, 2014, 07:49:48 PM
That's a nice design, thank you for drawing it up.

It is also possible to use the identical 555 circuit that is in the Quantum Magazine article. The Secret of DPDT makes this possible, as I showed in a video. The only requirement is that the timer circuit is powered by its own battery, as specified in the article.
Your solution with the DPDT switch is clever.  Floating grounds may be asking a lot of people like Ms. Ainslie.

BTW, why is it "the secret of DPDT"?  Are toggle switches a matter of national security?

A note or two on the circuit I drew:  The TON time adjustment does not affect the TOFF adjustment at all.  The TOFF adjustment has about a 4% effect on the TON adjustment.  So RP1 should be adjusted first to get the right TOFF TIME value of 401.3us, and then RP2 should be trimmed to get the right TON  value of 15.4us.  The frequency will then fall out.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 05, 2014, 10:03:48 PM
On the Secret of DPDT: It must be a secret of the most secret kind, since I've encountered several projects that would have been a lot easier had they used such a switch. The Steorn Waterways Demo was a great example. When they wanted to show that reversing the polarity of their coils didn't affect the functioning of their Orbo pulse motors, they spent 5 minutes with a screwdriver to swap the coil connections and then another 5 minutes swapping them back, and of course the motor had to be stopped while doing this. The Secret of DPDT was revealed to the lads by me in a video at that time. More applications have followed, such as the rather unorthodox but quite viable and easy application of the Secret to the Ainslie Q17 circuit.

But just for completeness, I'll cobble together an instantiation of your dual-555, or 556, circuit and have it available for testing alongside the Q17, FTC, GreyBox and other 555 circuits I've used to clock the basic mosfet switch.

Speaking of testing, does anyone know of any complete and _valid_ data set, anywhere, that includes a correct and complete schematic, the operating parameters, a waveform shot or two, and temperature/time data for the load heating, that shows any of Ainslie's (or even GMeast's) claimed OU heat effects? COP >17, COP INFINITY, COP 3, 300 percent OU, twice, or a teeny bit OU .... whatever? I don't think I've ever actually seen any comprehensive heat data that connects all the dots, except in my own work from 2009/2010 and the past few weeks.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on April 05, 2014, 10:39:39 PM
For those that may be interested. A pic from Rose's latest test.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 05, 2014, 11:45:55 PM
Thanks, Poynt99, for providing that, along with your annotations.

Interesting. I am "assuming" that the color/channel assignments are the same as Ainsile typically uses:
Yellow: voltage drop across the CVR ( which? The "noninductive" arrangement on the demo board?) This channel is displayed at 1.19 Volts per division !! Aren't Digital Scopes wonderful! You can set them to make the traces as difficult to read as possible!
This is clearly obfuscatory. It is impossible to read the actual level of the Current from this trace, and even the Numbers In Boxes are useless, displaying the "mean mean" and the max and min "mean" or average values of this trace.
Blue: Gate signal from FG (or 555 or other source?) at 50 volts per division! Got something to HIDE, Ainslie?
Purple: Vbatt (from where? the noninductive battery connection shown in August, or at the board itself?) and at 100 V/div to capture the peaks.... and only the peaks are displayed in the parameters box, not the much more useful _average_ or true minimums and maximums. It's not even possible to tell how many batteries were used. The peak current of just under 2 amps would seem to indicate that only two batteries were used but since the mosfet is still in its linear operation region, not turning fully on, perhaps 3 batteries were used and the circuit resistance is just higher than normal.

Red: Math trace making the spurious calculation and displayed at 500 v/div. Useless. But it shows negative values! Miracle of Mismeasurement!

I note that the scope's timebase is set to 1 microsecond per division and that the operating frequency is about 187.2 kHz, as confirmed by the numbers in boxes. The Gate drive duty cycle appears to be about 25 or 30 percent HI. The mosfet itself is not fast enough to properly turn fully on and off at this frequency so it's not showing that much real "ON" time itself.

So once again we have a garbage scopeshot. The Current trace displayed at 1.19 V/Div, with "max and min means" displayed !! The Math is showing a spurious value due to the attempts at integrating the spikes.... from non-deskewed probes, most probably, without any filtration. The Gate trace is displayed at 50 v/division so that the total displayed amplitude is less than one full division -- not very informative. The math trace at 500 V/div is just silly. This is done to get the spurious peaks to stay on the screen. Good luck getting proper Math values if any portion of the trace is offscreen vertically.

So once again we have a scope screen that is more obfuscatory than informative, and the information that is actually needed must be extracted painfully by interpreting trace positions with odd scale values, rather than by using cursors or properly obtained parameter measurements.

I also note that the Gate drive signal is the triggering channel and the trigger is set to -24.0 V !! The Blue Gate drive signal is set to 50 Volts/division ! The Gate signal appears to swing about 20 volts p-p and has the extreme negative offset that her FG is capable of.  Curiously.... the gate signal risetime is a bit under 400 nanoseconds. This seems very slow to me for a "square" wave pulse. I can attain 10 ns or better risetimes at that frequency. Is Ainslie using the triangle ramp setting again, as she has tried to use before?

Will someone PLEASE teach these people how properly to display INFORMATION on an oscilloscope? I declare: You get more real and usable and valid information from my ANALOG SCOPES and my narrations, than you do from Ainslie's Etch-a-Sketch LeCroy abuse.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 04:41:50 AM
Uh-oh.... now she's threatening to cut off Poynt99 from her "open-source" project.

Meanwhile... she still can't get her own story straight. Did Poynt99 imply anything by posting the scopeshot? Does she "stand by" the Math trace waveform, or does she SPECIFICALLY state it to be "irrelevant?"

You decide. And think about this: just who is _actually_ performing "Ainslie's" experiment, actually, anyway? Not her, certainly. Can you imagine the incompetent and ignorant Ainslie programming the scope, running a trial, saving a data file to the USB stick, then transferring that into a spreadsheet for analysis? Yeah... sure she did. Right.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 06, 2014, 05:11:27 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 05, 2014, 10:03:48 PM
On the Secret of DPDT: It must be a secret of the most secret kind, since I've encountered several projects that would have been a lot easier had they used such a switch. The Steorn Waterways Demo was a great example. When they wanted to show that reversing the polarity of their coils didn't affect the functioning of their Orbo pulse motors, they spent 5 minutes with a screwdriver to swap the coil connections and then another 5 minutes swapping them back, and of course the motor had to be stopped while doing this. The Secret of DPDT was revealed to the lads by me in a video at that time. More applications have followed, such as the rather unorthodox but quite viable and easy application of the Secret to the Ainslie Q17 circuit.

But just for completeness, I'll cobble together an instantiation of your dual-555, or 556, circuit and have it available for testing alongside the Q17, FTC, GreyBox and other 555 circuits I've used to clock the basic mosfet switch.

Speaking of testing, does anyone know of any complete and _valid_ data set, anywhere, that includes a correct and complete schematic, the operating parameters, a waveform shot or two, and temperature/time data for the load heating, that shows any of Ainslie's (or even GMeast's) claimed OU heat effects? COP >17, COP INFINITY, COP 3, 300 percent OU, twice, or a teeny bit OU .... whatever? I don't think I've ever actually seen any comprehensive heat data that connects all the dots, except in my own work from 2009/2010 and the past few weeks.
I see.  Steorn were such goofballs that it didn't dawn on them to use a simple two pole toggle switch or a switch and a relay.  What dopes.

I started a thread that discussed Greg's tests and where I think he should go next.  He didn't think much of my suggestions.  It's too bad, because he really does seem like he is trying to set up decently controlled experiments.  I am unaware of anything better from Ms. Ainslie than the tests last summer.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 06, 2014, 05:12:56 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on April 05, 2014, 10:39:39 PM
For those that may be interested. A pic from Rose's latest test.
At 500V*V for the math trace, and a 0.25 Ohm CSR the math trace is 2000W/division.  The power consumed is below the display resolution.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 06, 2014, 05:16:44 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 05, 2014, 11:45:55 PM
Thanks, Poynt99, for providing that, along with your annotations.

Interesting. I am "assuming" that the color/channel assignments are the same as Ainsile typically uses:
Yellow: voltage drop across the CVR ( which? The "noninductive" arrangement on the demo board?) This channel is displayed at 1.19 Volts per division !! Aren't Digital Scopes wonderful! You can set them to make the traces as difficult to read as possible!
This is clearly obfuscatory. It is impossible to read the actual level of the Current from this trace, and even the Numbers In Boxes are useless, displaying the "mean mean" and the max and min "mean" or average values of this trace.
Blue: Gate signal from FG (or 555 or other source?) at 50 volts per division! Got something to HIDE, Ainslie?
Purple: Vbatt (from where? the noninductive battery connection shown in August, or at the board itself?) and at 100 V/div to capture the peaks.... and only the peaks are displayed in the parameters box, not the much more useful _average_ or true minimums and maximums. It's not even possible to tell how many batteries were used. The peak current of just under 2 amps would seem to indicate that only two batteries were used but since the mosfet is still in its linear operation region, not turning fully on, perhaps 3 batteries were used and the circuit resistance is just higher than normal.

Red: Math trace making the spurious calculation and displayed at 500 v/div. Useless. But it shows negative values! Miracle of Mismeasurement!

I note that the scope's timebase is set to 1 microsecond per division and that the operating frequency is about 187.2 kHz, as confirmed by the numbers in boxes. The Gate drive duty cycle appears to be about 25 or 30 percent HI. The mosfet itself is not fast enough to properly turn fully on and off at this frequency so it's not showing that much real "ON" time itself.

So once again we have a garbage scopeshot. The Current trace displayed at 1.19 V/Div, with "max and min means" displayed !! The Math is showing a spurious value due to the attempts at integrating the spikes.... from non-deskewed probes, most probably, without any filtration. The Gate trace is displayed at 50 v/division so that the total displayed amplitude is less than one full division -- not very informative. The math trace at 500 V/div is just silly. This is done to get the spurious peaks to stay on the screen. Good luck getting proper Math values if any portion of the trace is offscreen vertically.

So once again we have a scope screen that is more obfuscatory than informative, and the information that is actually needed must be extracted painfully by interpreting trace positions with odd scale values, rather than by using cursors or properly obtained parameter measurements.

I also note that the Gate drive signal is the triggering channel and the trigger is set to -24.0 V !! The Blue Gate drive signal is set to 50 Volts/division ! The Gate signal appears to swing about 20 volts p-p and has the extreme negative offset that her FG is capable of.  Curiously.... the gate signal risetime is a bit under 400 nanoseconds. This seems very slow to me for a "square" wave pulse. I can attain 10 ns or better risetimes at that frequency. Is Ainslie using the triangle ramp setting again, as she has tried to use before?

Will someone PLEASE teach these people how properly to display INFORMATION on an oscilloscope? I declare: You get more real and usable and valid information from my ANALOG SCOPES and my narrations, than you do from Ainslie's Etch-a-Sketch LeCroy abuse.
The battery voltage and current traces look like they are still taken across large inductances.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 06, 2014, 05:20:05 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 04:41:50 AM
Uh-oh.... now she's threatening to cut off Poynt99 from her "open-source" project.

Meanwhile... she still can't get her own story straight. Did Poynt99 imply anything by posting the scopeshot? Does she "stand by" the Math trace waveform, or does she SPECIFICALLY state it to be "irrelevant?"

You decide. And think about this: just who is _actually_ performing "Ainslie's" experiment, actually, anyway? Not her, certainly. Can you imagine the incompetent and ignorant Ainslie programming the scope, running a trial, saving a data file to the USB stick, then transferring that into a spreadsheet for analysis? Yeah... sure she did. Right.
So she's threatening poynt99 now for posting data that she has promised to publish???  Ms. Ainslie seeks to continue shrinking her strange little world.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: minnie on April 06, 2014, 05:35:09 AM

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 05:56:27 AM
Quote from: MarkE on April 06, 2014, 05:16:44 AM
The battery voltage and current traces look like they are still taken across large inductances.

They are. All the effort of the past years has been wasted on the Ainslie mob. They have learned only what to _avoid_ if they want to show their "negative power product".

Using the SWeir board I get a nice flat VBatt trace showing only the little dips when the current is flowing, no ringing, and the Vcsr current trace is also clean with no ringing or overshoots. Needless to say, that kind of data won't give them the spurious negative power product.

In order to get the scopeshot below I had to eliminate the SWeir board and go back to using just an isolated mosfet, clipleaded in place. I used a 0.25 ohm CVR made from 2 parallel 0.5 ohm Ohmite non-inductive resistors and to get even the magnitude of ringing shown I had to be very sloppy, connecting far from the bodies of the resistors.

(In the scopeshot below, the "frequency" measurement is reading incorrectly due to the ringing. The distance between horizontal cursors across one complete period is seen to be 5.26 microseconds, giving a frequency of about 190 kHz. The Philips freq. counter read 187 kHz.)

The Link DSO has a prettier display than Ainslie's Etch-a-Sketch, doesn't it? It's too bad that it only has two channels.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 06:21:41 AM
Isn't it hilarious? Ainslie cannot understand the basic process of _calibration_.

When a DSO and a DMM give the SAME VALUES for a certain measurement.... as I have repeatedly shown over and over, with strong underpinnings from Poynt99 and Steve Weir, as well as plenty of empirical proof..... she doesn't seem to understand that this means that the DMM is JUST AS ACCURATE as the oscilloscope. She rejects the DMM reading but accepts the scope reading when _both values are the same_ within some small, actually quantified error range. It is to laugh! The woman is severely challenged (and severely deficient) when it comes to using the thinking function of that wrinkled Little Brian... er, I mean "brain"... of hers.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 06, 2014, 07:33:45 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 06:21:41 AM
Isn't it hilarious? Ainslie cannot understand the basic process of _calibration_.

When a DSO and a DMM give the SAME VALUES for a certain measurement.... as I have repeatedly shown over and over, with strong underpinnings from Poynt99 and Steve Weir, as well as plenty of empirical proof..... she doesn't seem to understand that this means that the DMM is JUST AS ACCURATE as the oscilloscope. She rejects the DMM reading but accepts the scope reading when _both values are the same_ within some small, actually quantified error range. It is to laugh! The woman is severely challenged (and severely deficient) when it comes to using the thinking function of that wrinkled Little Brian... er, I mean "brain"... of hers.
Ms. Ainslie clearly does not understand electronic measurements.  I doubt that there is much of anything about electronics that she does understand.  Her latest rant against poynt99 is based on poynt99 presenting a scope shot with his very mild recommendations.  She went ballistic because it didn't include her interpretations.  That's lunacy.  She is free to publish, and she did whatever interpretation of the data she likes.  Going all feral because poynt99 correctly pointed out her math scale is way off from being useful is just silly.

BTW I see that the rise and fall times are pretty anemic in the Ainslie scope shot.  A simple current boost circuit would sharpen that up and make things much more interesting oscillation wise.

Her scope shot tells me that her measurements are flamed out again as they have been in the past.  Put a $5000. oscilloscope in the hands of someone who doesn't understand what they are doing and the results are little better than if they had just drawn what they wanted to see on a $10. Etch-A-Sketch toy.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 07:58:18 AM
MarkE said,
QuoteHer scope shot tells me that her measurements are flamed out again as they have been in the past.  Put a $5000. oscilloscope in the hands of someone who doesn't understand what they are doing and the results are little better than if they had just drawn what they wanted to see on a $10. Etch-A-Sketch toy.

Actually.... her spurious "results" are much _worse_ than if they had actually used a 10 dollar Etch-a-Sketch. I've never actually seen anyone actually interpreting an actual Etch-a-Sketch drawing to indicate actual overunity performance! Actually (tm DM). Yet Ainslie happily sets up her scope and her measurements to repeat the spurious ringing and overshoot amplitudes and interprets them in her preferred fashion. There is no doubt a special circle of Hell for oscilloscope abusers and Ainslie is bound for the very center of it.

Ainslie has once again demonstrated that data which do not conform to her expectations and desires are eliminated from consideration.

She cannot use the _actual_ "Standard Measurement Protocols" requiring proper Vbatt filtration or the proper _actually_ noninductive CSR arrangement or the proper Math display, because those things result in the actual disappearance of the "negative power product" upon which her silly claims actually depend. Actually (tm DM).
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: minnie on April 06, 2014, 08:06:56 AM

  Koala or Mark,
               what's a CVR?
                      Thanks John..
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 08:14:39 AM
The Gate boost circuit is interesting. Ainslie, however, is using a considerable negative offset in her FG settings, even though the Q1 is only turned on by the positive portion of the signal.
What is really "anemic" is the turn-on time of the mosfet itself in response to the gate signal. It's not completely obvious from the traces shown above, but looking at the Drain trace makes it clear that the mosfet isn't really turning fully ON until the very end of the gate pulse.

The amplitude of the ringing is sensitive to the negative offset value, so I'm not sure what effect the Gate Boost circuit will have. But I'll be finding out before too much longer.... since I have 2n2222a and 2n3907 transistors in stock.

Meanwhile here's another screenshot, showing a bit more amplitude on the ringing. This is just regulated by the negative FG offset and the amplitude setting. I'm using about 20 v p-p with -15 to around +5 V amplitude. Again, the frequency and duty cycle measurements are thrown off by the ringing, but I've positioned the cursors so that the period of one cycle can be read.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on April 06, 2014, 08:20:14 AM
I think you may be missing a flyback diode across the load? You'll notice that the ringing doesn't go below zero.

Attached is one schematic of a sim I did long ago. I also attached a sim scope shot showing the ringing with the truncated bottom.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 08:28:53 AM
Quote from: minnie on April 06, 2014, 08:06:56 AM

  Koala or Mark,
               what's a CVR?
                      Thanks John..
CVR = current viewing resistor = CSR = current sense resistor, the terms are interchangeable. Ainslie calls this a "shunt" which is also sort of correct, although a real current-viewing shunt is generally a strip or block of metal or even just a short bit of wire with known low resistance.

I usually call it CVR since it allows viewing of the current. It doesn't really "sense" the current in my usual meaning of "sense". It simply produces a voltage drop across it in accordance with Ohm's Law; the oscilloscope "senses" this voltage drop. The scope/resistor system allows one to "View" the current in the circuit. I will generally use "cvr" but sometimes I may use "csr".
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 08:38:47 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on April 06, 2014, 08:20:14 AM
I think you may be missing a flyback diode across the load. You'll notice that the ringing doesn't go below zero.

Attached is one schematic of a sim I did long ago. I also attached a sim scope shot showing the ringing with the truncated bottom.

Yes, I don't have a flyback diode installed; I figured since Ainslie hasn't specified the circuit she is using..... I'd just use the original Quantum Magazine arrangement, not the 2009 EIT paper claimed arrangement for the same experiment.

How-ever (tm RA).... My traces are showing the Vbatt and the Vcsr, just as Ainslie shows, and there isn't any excursion below zero in either my Vbatt or Ainslie's, and my below-zero excursions on Vcsr are just the same as Ainslie's. Aren't they?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on April 06, 2014, 08:47:14 AM
Yes, you are right. I didn't notice the tiny "tick" in the screen indicating the 0-ref line.

Rose usually has a large excursion ring-down; large enough that the bottom gets truncated as can be seen in her and my scope shots. You may not get the effect without the flyback diode.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 09:07:09 AM
Here's what my Drain and Gate traces look like. Note that the mosfet is really slow to respond at these frequencies. It will be interesting to see if MarkE's gate driver booster will help the mosfet turn on faster.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Google on April 06, 2014, 09:12:34 AM
Poor Ainslie must be in real pain. You guys have first ANALYSED her and now ANALISING her.  ;D ;D :D :D :D ;D ;D ;D Have some mercy.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 06, 2014, 09:13:16 AM
I don't know how you guys are missing this.  As you can see in this scope shot, overunity is clearly shown.  As a matter of fact, ANY circuit using a MOSFET is overunity.  Of course, it depends heavily upon the location where the tests are performed, and who is doing the testing, and, most important, highly technical test equipment as is shown here.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 09:21:55 AM
Quote from: Google on April 06, 2014, 09:12:34 AM
Poor Ainslie must be in real pain. You guys have first ANALYSED her and now ANALISING her.  ;D ;D :D :D :D ;D ;D ;D Have some mercy.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

She keeps crying out for "MOAR", though. When she remembers the Safety Word, maybe I'll stop.

:-* :-*
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 09:31:06 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 06, 2014, 09:13:16 AM
I don't know how you guys are missing this.  As you can see in this scope shot, overunity is clearly shown.  As a matter of fact, ANY circuit using a MOSFET is overunity.  Of course, it depends heavily upon the location where the tests are performed, and who is doing the testing, and, most important, highly technical test equipment as is shown here.


Thanks.... Added to the SCRN image database!

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 06, 2014, 09:51:50 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 08:14:39 AM
The Gate boost circuit is interesting. Ainslie, however, is using a considerable negative offset in her FG settings, even though the Q1 is only turned on by the positive portion of the signal.
What is really "anemic" is the turn-on time of the mosfet itself in response to the gate signal. It's not completely obvious from the traces shown above, but looking at the Drain trace makes it clear that the mosfet isn't really turning fully ON until the very end of the gate pulse.

The amplitude of the ringing is sensitive to the negative offset value, so I'm not sure what effect the Gate Boost circuit will have. But I'll be finding out before too much longer.... since I have 2n2222a and 2n3907 transistors in stock.

Meanwhile here's another screenshot, showing a bit more amplitude on the ringing. This is just regulated by the negative FG offset and the amplitude setting. I'm using about 20 v p-p with -15 to around +5 V amplitude. Again, the frequency and duty cycle measurements are thrown off by the ringing, but I've positioned the cursors so that the period of one cycle can be read.
What you are seeing is the effects of discharging the gate capacitance faster.  The function generator has 50 Ohms in series with its output stage.  More negative drive increases the discharge current.  BTW you can string those two transistors across +18V and -18V and get nice fast turn on and turn off using the FG.  Or use them with +15V / 0V with a 555.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 06, 2014, 09:53:09 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on April 06, 2014, 08:20:14 AM
I think you may be missing a flyback diode across the load? You'll notice that the ringing doesn't go below zero.

Attached is one schematic of a sim I did long ago. I also attached a sim scope shot showing the ringing with the truncated bottom.
A 1N4007 is a really poor choice.  An ultrafast diode or Schottky is far preferred.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 06, 2014, 09:55:20 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 06, 2014, 09:13:16 AM
I don't know how you guys are missing this.  As you can see in this scope shot, overunity is clearly shown.  As a matter of fact, ANY circuit using a MOSFET is overunity.  Of course, it depends heavily upon the location where the tests are performed, and who is doing the testing, and, most important, highly technical test equipment as is shown here.

How can you afford such sophisticated test gear?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 10:01:49 AM
Quote from: MarkE on April 06, 2014, 09:53:09 AM
A 1N4007 is a really poor choice.  An ultrafast diode or Schottky is far preferred.

That's right. At the slow frequency used in Poynt99's sim you can see the effect with the 1n4007, but at the higher frequencies I'm using the 4007 rectifier just isn't fast enough to keep up. I saw almost no effect of the 4007 at the settings I'm using. I haven't tried a faster diode yet.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Google on April 06, 2014, 10:40:51 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 09:21:55 AM
She keeps crying out for "MOAR", though. When she remembers the Safety Word, maybe I'll stop.

:-* :-*

;D ;D dirty ol man.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 01:23:29 PM
Dirty he who dirty thinks...   8)

Meanwhile, back at the lab....

I've completed a time-temperature run using the settings seen in the scopeshots above. The DC input power was just under 17.5 Watts and the stable temperature rise after 60 minutes was 21.7 degrees C over ambient. Plotting this point on the "master" efficiency plot shows this arrangement to be nearly the _least_ efficient, by a tiny margin, of all the arrangements I've tried. (Efficiency being defined as nearness to the straight DC power temperature line.)

The Red X marks the spot.

(Timelapse video of the raw data collection will be up shortly, as usual.)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 02:19:34 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 06, 2014, 09:13:16 AM
I don't know how you guys are missing this.  As you can see in this scope shot, overunity is clearly shown.  As a matter of fact, ANY circuit using a MOSFET is overunity.  Of course, it depends heavily upon the location where the tests are performed, and who is doing the testing, and, most important, highly technical test equipment as is shown here.


Hey Bill...
I hope you don't mind, but I used the Etch-a-Sketch image in the latest video data timelapse....

I'll post a link when it's done uploading.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 02:34:00 PM
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 06, 2014, 03:36:18 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 06, 2014, 02:19:34 PM
Hey Bill...
I hope you don't mind, but I used the Etch-a-Sketch image in the latest video data timelapse....

I'll post a link when it's done uploading.


Of course I don't mind.  I am honored.  Please feel free to use as you want.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 07, 2014, 02:26:20 AM
Just as I predicted, Ainslie once again displays her ignorance and her inability to interpret oscilloscope traces. What an overweeningly arrogant and obnoxious old fool she is. She continues to whine and wail, flop and flail, moan and fail. It has been utterly amusing to see her make such a complete fool of herself, in virtual public. She lies over and over about what I've done and what it means.

When I illustrate ERRORS in measurements in boxes, and explain them as INSTRUMENTAL ERRORS, she thinks that the error values are the real values, just as she has done with her own fiddle-faddling mismeasuration.

As everybody except Ainslie knows, the VBatt amplitude is affected seriously by battery lead inductances, this has been known and demonstrated to Ainslie and even BY AINSLIE many times. Here is YET ANOTHER DEMONSTRATION of that fact: I have made no changes in anything, except I've added a bit of lead inductance to the battery supply wires. And I've made plain the ACTUAL duty cycle by marking ONE COMPLETE PERIOD and the PORTION ABOVE ZERO for the current trace, so that even the most blind and densest member of the Ainslie mob might, just barely, be able to SEE THE TRACE and compute the duty cycle properly from that.

But whatever. Where is Ainslie's time-temperature plot of the heating obtained using HER equipment at whatever settings SHE likes? Nowhere, that is where, and you will NEVER SEE one from her because she knows it will indicate just what we know it will indicate: Poor heating efficiency compared to straight DC.

Doesn't this strike you as High Comedy? Ainslie is chasing instrumental and procedural errors and claiming validity when there is none, and even when those errors are DUPLICATED and illustrated as being utter and complete ERRORS, invalid mismeasurements and artefacts, she still wants to claim that the ERRONEOUS measurements have some cosmic meaning. What a hoot this all is! Instead of using proper measurements on a properly designed circuit -- the Steve Weir designed and built Shifting Paradigms board -- I am forced to reproduce and illustrate Ainslie's ERRORS and make measurements using those errors, simply because she is TOO IGNORANT AND ARROGANT to clean up her own work, eliminate her errors, and do it properly. She would rather just lie about it! Much easier.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 07, 2014, 02:55:53 AM
What is really amusing about all of this is that Ainslie keeps on making these absurd pronouncements, like the lying claim that my traces show "Precisely 91.26 % of the waveform is ABOVE ZERO" when they clearly do not. Anyone with eyes can see that the numbers she reads from the measurement boxes are incorrect AS I POINTED OUT, and the reasons for those errors have been pointed out and explained.... yet she still wants to misrepresent what is RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER EYES. And she does this over and over, and when she is finally and utterly proven wrong she just sweeps it under the rug, revises nothing, and emits some further absurdity.

What is preventing the Great Scientist from presenting data that actually SUPPORTS her claims, instead of presenting her lies and instrument errors? Nothing at all.... except the FACT that she cannot support her claims with valid data, because her claims are UTTERLY FALSE... and I think she knows it.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 07, 2014, 03:51:01 AM
Ainslie continues to wail and moan about the use of DMMs and whether or not they yield valid measurements.

Does Ainslie think that the DMMs are _overestimating_ the values they display? Why, then, do they agree with the oscilloscope measurements of the same signals, as I have demonstrated over and over? Does Ainslie have evidence that the heating I'm seeing can be produced with _less power_ than my meters are indicating? Where is this evidence? Nowhere except in her mendacious Little Brian...er, brain.

Does Ainslie think that the DMMs are _underestimating_ the values they display, since she thinks they can't integrate the spiky signals? Well, then.... that means that the power levels I am stating as DC input powers to the experimental trials are also UNDERESTIMATED, that is, smaller than the true values. Doesn't it?

So it really takes EVEN MORE power than I am citing, to produce a given temperature rise in the load using the various Ainslie circuits and modifications. And of course this means that the Ainslie circuits are _even less efficient_ than I am calculating.

Poynt99 and Steve Weir have both "published" or posted work that demonstrates the validity of DMM measurements. I've posted five or six different crosschecks showing that the DMM and the oscilloscope agree to within 5 percent, and often much better than that. If Ainslie desires to complain, object, whine and flail..... let HER produce some contrary data that refutes Steve Weir, Poynt99.... and me. SHE CANNOT !  And it's patently absurd for her to demand "publications" of anything when her own submitted efforts have ALWAYS resulted in total, complete and utter rejections.

She can only bloviate, whine, flail and flop, like the plucked turkey she so resembles. She cannot produce any data that actually supports her claims.... day after day, month by month, year after year. All she can produce is garbage repeats of her own old moldy garbage, that SHE HERSELF... or rather her puppet minion DONOVAN MARTIN ... has proven to be garbage, in the June 29 and August 11 2013 "demonstrations" which were really just long, ugly, disorganized and arrogant insults to her viewers and critics.

She could be using the SWeir board to make proper measurements, but she doesn't have the wit or the intellectual honesty to do so. She could be publishing complete reports with true descriptions and real data gathered under repeatable conditions.... but she won't, because she knows what they will show.  Just look at the statement she made to Poynt99: she will refuse to share any of her data UNLESS Poynt99 acknowledges that it shows a "breach of unity barriers" or whatever.

How is that compatible with Science, with the Open Source philosophy? Eh, Ainslie? You have no justification for your arrogance and your well-defended ignorance. Every bit of my work is out in the open, fully specified and fully repeatable by anyone, and when I make errors they are caught by my critics, or by me, and are corrected ASAP. What happens when people try to repeat YOUR work, Ainslie? They find it full of UNCORRECTED errors, unrepeatable performances and OUTRIGHT LIES like the Figure 3 scopeshot or the 5 different schematics you claimed to use for the 5-mosfet circuit.  Meanwhile.... you flail and flop and cannot present any data that supports your ridiculous claims. Yet you continue to whine and wheedle, even though your emissions are easy to disprove and your lies increasingly transparent. What an exhibition you are! It is truly remarkable, and will go down in history as the most outrageous example of the Dunning-Kruger effect anyone has ever seen.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 07, 2014, 04:20:36 AM
I've referenced Poynt99 and Steve Weir on the DMM accuracy issue.... but I don't actually depend upon, nor do I really need to cite, any outside references for the accuracy of the DMMs in the way that I am using them. Because I have produced VALIDATION STUDIES of my own, and I've shown these validations in my videos. For many different waveforms at many different power levels, I have shown, in real-time on video, with one hand operating the camera even, that the DMM's reading of average current is THE SAME as the oscilloscope's computed average for the same current, to within 5 percent or less.

But as usual, Ainslie simply denies the very _existence_ of this data, these demonstrations that disprove her insane contentions. Just as she has repeatedly lied about Glen's (FTC's) data, claiming it is unavailable. It's astounding! And I find it greatly amusing that I am able to provide so many opportunities for Ainslie to demonstrate her ignorance, incompetence, arrogance and mendacity. She just keeps coming back for more.... and it's clear she has indeed forgotten the Safety Words she needs to emit in order for this to stop ..... which are "I retract everything and apologize for all the insults, lies and errors".
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 07, 2014, 04:24:21 AM
Ms. Ainslie is now saying that she demands that poynt99 "argue the protocols related to the battery draw down tests".  OK, I'll bite.

The tests that Ms. Ainslie has described will do nothing to show that any energy enters the circuit from anywhere but the battery.  This is because her tests as proposed do not measure either the battery energy supplied, nor the energy output accurately.  Further, she has not reconciled how she intends to obtain "an equivalent rate of temperature rise" from her switched DUT and her series control experiment.  She states that the will "monitor the rate of depletion of potential difference, or voltage, across the batteries."  She predicts that:  "The batteries over the control will deplete well in advance of experiment - thereby proving that a switched circuit generates more energy from a supply than is available under standard series applications."  She implies that the control will consist of a series circuit.  What the control heater will be in series with she does not say.   Throwing away power in a series dissipating element would invalidate her stated experiment's intent.

The protocol as stated is junk.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 07, 2014, 04:33:45 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 07, 2014, 04:20:36 AM
I've referenced Poynt99 and Steve Weir on the DMM accuracy issue.... but I don't actually depend upon, nor do I really need to cite, any outside references for the accuracy of the DMMs in the way that I am using them. Because I have produced VALIDATION STUDIES of my own, and I've shown these validations in my videos. For many different waveforms at many different power levels, I have shown, in real-time on video, with one hand operating the camera even, that the DMM's reading of average current is THE SAME as the oscilloscope's computed average for the same current, to within 5 percent or less.

But as usual, Ainslie simply denies the very _existence_ of this data, these demonstrations that disprove her insane contentions. Just as she has repeatedly lied about Glen's (FTC's) data, claiming it is unavailable. It's astounding! And I find it greatly amusing that I am able to provide so many opportunities for Ainslie to demonstrate her ignorance, incompetence, arrogance and mendacity. She just keeps coming back for more.... and it's clear she has indeed forgotten the Safety Words she needs to emit in order for this to stop ..... which are "I retract everything and apologize for all the insults, lies and errors".
I too have tested DMM average measurements and reported on that here.  I've gotten results that were always much better than 1% using my Fluke 87 from DC to 20MHz which is the limit of my function generator.

What Ms. Ainslie fails to understand is that the average current is a valid proxy for average power when the voltage approximates a scalar.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on April 07, 2014, 05:35:53 AM
Quote from: MarkE on April 07, 2014, 04:24:21 AM
Ms. Ainslie is now saying that she demands that poynt99 "argue the protocols related to the battery draw down tests".  OK, I'll bite.

The tests that Ms. Ainslie has described will do nothing to show that any energy enters the circuit from anywhere but the battery.  This is because her tests as proposed do not measure either the battery energy supplied, nor the energy output accurately.  Further, she has not reconciled how she intends to obtain "an equivalent rate of temperature rise" from her switched DUT and her series control experiment.  She states that the will "monitor the rate of depletion of potential difference, or voltage, across the batteries."  She predicts that:  "The batteries over the control will deplete well in advance of experiment - thereby proving that a switched circuit generates more energy from a supply than is available under standard series applications."  She implies that the control will consist of a series circuit.  What the control heater will be in series with she does not say.   Throwing away power in a series dissipating element would invalidate her stated experiment's intent.

The protocol as stated is junk.
MarkE, your comments on the measurements are not really valid. Not because they are incorrect but because Ms Ainslie has not stated exactly what she intends to do. Your have made reasonable assumptions but reasonable does not necessarily count here. It appears that she considers the energy measurement to be based purely on the RATE of rise of temperature. Recall she stated in an earlier monologue that a steady-state temperature does not show power dissipation - Huh?? One can use the rate of rise as a criterion but it makes things more difficult than steady state conditions. Then there is of course the "series element". Who knows what this is. Under these conditions the only sensible comment that can be made on her"protocols" is your last one - The protocol as stated is junk.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 07, 2014, 05:51:55 AM
Quote from: Tseak on April 07, 2014, 05:35:53 AM
MarkE, your comments on the measurements are not really valid. Not because they are incorrect but because Ms Ainslie has not stated exactly what she intends to do. Your have made reasonable assumptions but reasonable does not necessarily count here. It appears that she considers the energy measurement to be based purely on the RATE of rise of temperature. Recall she stated in an earlier monologue that a steady-state temperature does not show power dissipation - Huh?? One can use the rate of rise as a criterion but it makes things more difficult than steady state conditions. Then there is of course the "series element". Who knows what this is. Under these conditions the only sensible comment that can be made on her"protocols" is your last one - The protocol as stated is junk.
Tseak she has already started and she has not stated her protocol that I can tell in any more definitive terms than the vague and confused verbiage I quoted.  The only time that she ever stated a protocol that she sort of followed was the August 11, 2013 demonstration guided by Steve Weir.

She has often confused energy and power, as well as done weird things like multiply energy by time.  Your guess is as good as mine by what she means when she says:  "They will show an equivalent rate of temperature rise."  I think she means the same stabilized temperature rise over ambient.  But she could mean delta temperature per unit time measured over some unspecified interval, which would be pretty silly.

So I think we agree:  What we know about her intended methods to show that something other than the battery delivers energy to the heater resistor is that they are junk.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on April 07, 2014, 06:32:02 AM

From "Troll Spin" March 14th

QuoteBut when you lapse into this kind of argument that requires 'thermal equilibrium'? - is that how you put it? to determine a wattage value?  Then I KNOW that you've got that GRE count of yours - JUST PLAIN WRONG.  Hopelessly so.  It's the RATE of temperature rise that determines that wattage number.  But it's an interesting concept that you're proposing.  It means that we could take water to boil - definitely hold it at equilibrium - and then?  We can ALLEGE just about ANY WATTAGE that we prefer as being responsible for bringing it to that state of 'thermal equilibrium' - as you put it.

It seems that she is proposing dT/dt measurements. Not particularly relevant to this discussion but It is also apparent from this that she has no idea about latent heat of change of state.

Long live junk ;D
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 07, 2014, 06:49:06 AM
Ainslie has never, not once, never ever shown any RATE of temperature rise data. Not even the DC calibration claimed in her daft manuscripts, performed stepwise instead of from ambient each time, shows this RATE data that she so Polly-Parrot squawks about. I doubt that she could even produce RATE data....since until now she has never even considered the time-temperature data-logging issue.

However, I started producing temperature vs. time data concerning Ainslie experiments all the way back in 2009, and I continue to do so today. Anyone who watches the "Data and Results" videos can determine the RATE of temperature rise themselves from my raw, PUBLICLY AVAILABLE data from every trial I run.

Someone really should try to explain to her just what "thermal equilibrium" means in terms of power in and power out from a load element. But of course as long as she continues to confuse the _quantity_  Joule with the _rate_  Watt measurements, there is no hope for her to understand.

Note: the first plot below is the early work from 2009-2010. I used a much smaller volume of oil for that load cell and didn't fan-cool it, so the temperature rise per Watt of input power is greater than my present load cell experiences.

Note 2: I have many more experimental runs with full RATE data, like the third plot below.


Let's see what you've got, Polly Parrot.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 07, 2014, 07:03:51 AM
Meanwhile, while Polly Parrot tosses and turns in her restless sleep, real research continues.

Here's a screenshot of the present setup "Plain Q-17" showing the Gate signal and the Vcsr (current) signal, so you can see the relationship between the mosfet's response and the gate drive. I think all the "measurement" numbers are valid. The vertical cursors can be read to give the frequency (the inverse of the period) and the pulse duration, the horizontal ones to show the zero baseline for the Gate trace and the peak current level. The frequency is a little fast, around 190 kHz instead of the 187 kHz target. Deduct half a point from my GRE, if you like, for that "failure to replicate".

The scope's resolution is set to 100 million samples per second, so there are 100 samples per microsecond, i.e. 100 samples per horizontal division.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 07, 2014, 07:05:26 AM
Quote from: Tseak on April 07, 2014, 06:32:02 AM

From "Troll Spin" March 14th

It seems that she is proposing dT/dt measurements. Not particularly relevant to this discussion but It is also apparent from this that she has no idea about latent heat of change of state.

Long live junk ;D
Clueless is as clueless does and with Ms. Ainslie there is a whole lot of clueless.  She suffers so many misconceptions that it is unlikely anyone can help her at this point.  She will play around with her set-ups that will either again refute her claims or simply produce no data of any value.  She will proclaim in either case that the data proves her claims just as she now says the experiments last summer do when the reality is they refute her claims.  Her brief brush with lucid acknowledgement of reality has long since passed.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on April 07, 2014, 07:23:11 AM
Just out of curiosity, did you ever figure out what those kinks are at the bottom of your temperature curves ~3 minutes into the measurement?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 07, 2014, 07:54:24 AM
Quote from: Tseak on April 07, 2014, 07:23:11 AM
Just out of curiosity, did you ever figure out what those kinks are at the bottom of your temperature curves ~3 minutes into the measurement?
I think that's when the oil in the cell starts to convect fully. I suppose I could put some dye layers in there, watch it closely with the video camera and correlate the kink with the visible disturbance in the dye layers due to the convecting oil.
For more precision, one would constantly stir the oil with an actual magnetic stirrer plate thing, but I don't have one and didn't see any at the last garage sales I attended. I suppose I could kludge one up, using the Arduino, some old TV parts and the motor from my RC helicopter. When I need to show the difference between COP = 1 and COP = 1.02, I'll have to do that.

Right now I'm really wishing I had a good 100x attenuated oscilloscope probe. I wonder if there are any garage sales this week.... I could probably make one out of a used curling iron and an old Nintendo controller.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 07, 2014, 10:46:27 AM
I've just finished building and testing the MarkE Gate Current Booster circuit. It works a treat!

I had to dig around in my spares pile to find a suitable PNP transistor though, because I didn't have what I thought I had in stock. I wound up using 2n2219a (NPN) and RCA 40319 (PNP), a nicely matched complimentary pair. I also put in a 10uF tantalum cap on the +v supply side, just because.

It eliminates the need for a negative offset to get a clean turn off and allows better mosfet performance (less time in linear conductance region). It allows more adjustment on the positive voltage side. If I go too far ... it also allows so much "oscillation" or ringing that I can make all the meters go craaaazy man, real craaazy, even the ones in my Topward psu. I'm not going to post any screenshots right now, I'm still playing around, but at some point I'll show a comparison with and without the MarkE Gate Current Booster.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 07, 2014, 06:30:13 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 07, 2014, 10:46:27 AM
I've just finished building and testing the MarkE Gate Current Booster circuit. It works a treat!

I had to dig around in my spares pile to find a suitable PNP transistor though, because I didn't have what I thought I had in stock. I wound up using 2n2219a (NPN) and RCA 40319 (PNP), a nicely matched complimentary pair. I also put in a 10uF tantalum cap on the +v supply side, just because.

It eliminates the need for a negative offset to get a clean turn off and allows better mosfet performance (less time in linear conductance region). It allows more adjustment on the positive voltage side. If I go too far ... it also allows so much "oscillation" or ringing that I can make all the meters go craaaazy man, real craaazy, even the ones in my Topward psu. I'm not going to post any screenshots right now, I'm still playing around, but at some point I'll show a comparison with and without the MarkE Gate Current Booster.
When you  use the booster, you might want to consider a TVS device rated at 600V or so to protect the MOSFET drain.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 07, 2014, 09:29:50 PM
Quote from: MarkE on April 06, 2014, 09:55:20 AM
How can you afford such sophisticated test gear?


Well, as I am sure you are aware, even the most expensive test equipment will not show Overunity.  So, one is left to build their own that will show the results that are wanted...ummm...I mean...the real results.  That is why I built this.  It gives any result that I want, therefore, it is very valuable as an O.U. test device.  I doubt that Rose has one of these, if she did, her theory would be proven.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: seychelles on April 07, 2014, 09:49:58 PM
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 07, 2014, 09:57:24 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 07, 2014, 09:29:50 PM

Well, as I am sure you are aware, even the most expensive test equipment will not show Overunity.  So, one is left to build their own that will show the results that are wanted...ummm...I mean...the real results.  That is why I built this.  It gives any result that I want, therefore, it is very valuable as an O.U. test device.  I doubt that Rose has one of these, if she did, her theory would be proven.

Ms. Ainslie famously claims that her tests that show about 20% efficiency prove her over unity claims.  Do you plan to offer that sophisticated kit for sale?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 07, 2014, 09:58:25 PM
Quote from: seychelles on April 07, 2014, 09:49:58 PM
Please do not post in all capital letters.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 07, 2014, 10:39:22 PM
Quote from: MarkE on April 07, 2014, 09:57:24 PM
Ms. Ainslie famously claims that her tests that show about 20% efficiency prove her over unity claims.  Do you plan to offer that sophisticated kit for sale?

Sure.  Only $19.95 IF you order now.  For the first 100 orders we will also include, at no extra charge, an updated version of the Ron Popeil Vegematic.  It slices, it dices and...is clearly overunity by itself.* Call now.


*  MOSFETS not included.  Your actual results may vary.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on April 08, 2014, 12:28:09 AM
CAPS OR NO CAPS  :D Seychelles has a point. COP>17 should be trivial to prove.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 08, 2014, 12:37:40 AM
One would think such things.  And such issues were raised with Ms. Ainslie many times.  But rather than recognize that her supposed 17X gain was the result of a 24X+ underestimation of the input energy / continuous power, Ms. Ainslie simply declared that because the output is thermal it would be difficult to close the loop, and because she unilaterally declared that she had proven her claims there was no need to close the loop.  Isn't it amazing that having been exposed to Ms. Ainslie's supposed miraculous discovery more than a decade ago that no one including ABB and the other esteemed organizations that she claims endorse her claims have not exploited them?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 08, 2014, 12:39:11 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 07, 2014, 10:39:22 PM
Sure.  Only $19.95 IF you order now.  For the first 100 orders we will also include, at no extra charge, an updated version of the Ron Popeil Vegematic.  It slices, it dices and...is clearly overunity by itself.* Call now.


*  MOSFETS not included.  Your actual results may vary.
Do you mean to tell me that for less than $20. I can have the kind of sophisticated kit needed to prove over unity for my very own?  And that I will also get a Popeil Vegematic(r)?  Where's my credit card?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 08, 2014, 07:01:23 AM
Quote from: MarkE on April 08, 2014, 12:37:40 AM
One would think such things.  And such issues were raised with Ms. Ainslie many times.  But rather than recognize that her supposed 17X gain was the result of a 24X+ underestimation of the input energy / continuous power, Ms. Ainslie simply declared that because the output is thermal it would be difficult to close the loop, and because she unilaterally declared that she had proven her claims there was no need to close the loop.  Isn't it amazing that having been exposed to Ms. Ainslie's supposed miraculous discovery more than a decade ago that no one including ABB and the other esteemed organizations that she claims endorse her claims have not exploited them?
Well, that's because scientists who examined her device get fired, two-three months later (quoting Donovan Martin here) and Big Oil and the South African energy cabal are suppressing the technology, doncha knowit.

But Ainslie isn't making such claims any more, is she? Oh.... that's right..... before Steve Weir showed up they were getting completely different results at exactly the same settings. The conclusion is obvious to Ainslie: SW must have corrupted their data or settings or procedure somehow.

She claims the output is thermal, and greater than can be obtained with a straight wire DC connection at the same power level, so self-looping is difficult and irrelevant anyway. Fine. Let her show some thermal RATE data then, that supports her contentions. Let's see a simple data set consisting of the circuit used, the FG settings and the waveforms, and a valid time-temperature graph of a well-specified load.

As I've demonstrated over and over, such a data set can be obtained, collated, analyzed and presented for public examination in less than four hours, using "garage sale" equipment (although it is nice to make pretty pictures on a DSO to impress the bourgeoisie).

Yet, in all the twelve or fourteen years that Ainslie has been squawking at night and disturbing the peace, she has NEVER presented such a complete, honest and valid data set in support of her absurd contentions. And when people DO present such data, which fails to support her crazy deluded and ignorant claims, she flails and flops and squawks that the "replication" isn't correct in some way..... some hand-waving, post-hoc and irrelevant way.... and she moves the goalposts Yet Again.

COP > 17? Disproven. COP INFINITY? It is to laugh. Batteries that don't discharge? Disproven. No current during high load heating as shown in Figure 3? Disproven and shown to be a fabrication. Significant role of oscillations in producing heating? Disproven. Solstice in July? Silly ignorance. Joules and Watts interchangeable? Persistent arrogant ignorant delusion. Claims that I rifled her computer, faked video demos, displayed stored traces on an analog scope? Paranoid delusions of an ill mind. More heat in the load than is predicted by the DC input power? More and more data points disproving this are happening every day, and not a single valid one in support of Ainslie has been produced by anyone, anywhere.

So now Ainslie has moved the goalposts Yet Again, retreating yet without acknowledging defeat, and the claim has reduced to saying that the charge on the batteries will last longer on a pulse-discharge regimen than on a straight continuous DC discharge at the same average power.  Which of course is a known fact of LA battery chemistry.

So just where is the OU claim now? What "COP" is Ainslie reporting? How do you get a "COP" claim from batteries lasting a bit longer under a known-to-be-better discharge cycle?

We know for sure that the Quantum Magazine COP>17 claim is bogus and cannot be supported at all, that there actually exists NO VALID DATA in support of her claim since she did not correctly report the real operating parameters. She made her erroneous calculations based on a completely false evaluation of what the circuit was doing, in combination with her muddling of Joules and Watts.

Meanwhile, my thermal RATE data is demonstrating quite clearly that all variants and all parameters tested so far are showing COPs of 0.7 to 0.8 at best, if heating the load is considered the output parameter.

If one wishes to criticise my methodology or my apparatus ... fine, then let them go ahead and demonstrate, using better techniques and equipment .... a DIFFERENT RESULT.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 08, 2014, 07:17:03 AM
It has long been established by Ms. Ainslie herself that her reports:  The Quantum Magazine article, the Paper 1, and the Paper 2 were all based on erroneous data.  She went off the reservation last fall and decided that she could simply disregard her own measurements.  She's living the fantasy.  I am far more interested in what happenings are going on in your lab.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 08, 2014, 08:51:31 AM
Well, at the moment all horizontal surfaces and almost all of the test equipment is involved in the Ainslie affair in one way or another.

I am set up now, or can be set up in moments, to use any one of the many different circuits right or wrong that Ainslie has claimed to use, to make electrical and thermal measurements and compare the results with each other and with the DC calibration results. I can cover the entire frequency range from DC to 3 MHz and the entire duty cycle range, except for one or two percent on either end. I can also operate at discrete frequencies that are even higher if necessary, although the mosfet itself can't operate at anywhere near the higher range of frequencies.  I can make continuous Q2 oscillations, I can do it with a FG or a 555 timer or even a battery bias source, I can power the timer from the main batteries, I can do battery rundown tests using heavy or light loads and timelapse video. I can set up and run a trial on any of the circuits at any obtainable waveform and have results in about four hours. Realistically, if I use batteries for the trial, I can only do two to four runs per day as I must recharge the batteries for each run, but if I use the PSU I can do a new run every two hours (one for the run and one for the cool-down, while I enter the data).

I do have a couple of other experiments and projects scattered around but none are quite so .... entertaining .... as the Little Miss Mosfet affair.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 08, 2014, 01:44:01 PM
Here's a comparison of the CSR trace with, and without, the MarkE gate current booster. The "without" trace needed the -10v, +5 v signal from the FG (negative offset). The "with" trace needed no offset and only needed a bit over 10 V peak. I'm supplying the booster with 12 volts from the Little HP721a psu.

The "without" trace is stored and displayed from the scope's memory, the "with" trace is live.

EDIT: Got the "with/without" memory/live backwards the first time, correct now. The bottom trace is live, the top trace is stored and displayed from memory.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 08, 2014, 02:32:57 PM
Now, I'm posting Poynt99's annotated copy of Ainslie's latest trace again. Compare the Yellow Current trace in her shot, with the top, orange "wo boost" trace in my shot above.

Note the features:

The initial little peak when the FG starts the positive ramp up on the gate signal. Present in both traces.
The following valley back down to baseline. Present in both traces.
The slow risetime increase to the peak value. Present in both traces.
The little "notch" right when the FG starts the decreasing ramp on the gate signal. Present in both traces.
The deep negative-going spike. Present in both traces.... but of _greater amplitude_ in mine.
The fuzz on top of the next two rising peaks in the ringdown. Present in both traces.
The underdamped ringdown of slightly greater length than the original positive pulse. Present in both traces.

Ainslie's trace shows a frequency of 187.2 kHz, mine shows about 189 kHz.  Ainslie's duty cycle is only about 25 percent from the looks of the Gate signal; mine is 31 percent, measured by the scope.

Would anyone like to dispute the fact that I am "claiming" to have reproduced Ainslie's current trace here, in all significant respects? Shall we argue about one percent error in the frequency?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 08, 2014, 03:31:14 PM
Come on, can't I get a witness? I'm really trying everything I can think of here.


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: orbut 3000 on April 08, 2014, 03:33:22 PM
The colors are wrong! >:(
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 08, 2014, 04:45:49 PM
Ah, it had to be something like that. Well, my daddy was colorblind, so don't expect too much from me.

Meanwhile, back at the lab....

Here's what the Vbatt and Vcvr traces look like with the MarkE gate boost circuit engaged. Warp 10, Scotty! Look at that spike in Vbatt, going all the way off the screen at the top, over 200 volts above baseline. (The measurements at top right are correct, as far as I can tell.) And see the nicely shaped main current pulse, which will waste less heat in the mosfet.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 08, 2014, 04:59:26 PM
Daddy.... why does TK's scope display look so much better than LMM's fancy LeCroy screens? I thought TK had anemic, geriatric, garage sale equipment. Oh well, never mind, can I have an icecream sandwich? Please?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Google on April 08, 2014, 07:41:47 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 08, 2014, 04:59:26 PM
Daddy.... why does TK's scope display look so much better than LMM's fancy LeCroy screens? I thought TK had anemic, geriatric, garage sale equipment. Oh well, never mind, can I have an icecream sandwich? Please?


Oh Daddy, havent you analised her enough yet ? You have.  ;D ;D

You proved her circuit works better than v!agr@  ;D ;D

Now please give some rest to your tool(s)  ;D or else your chips will fry with overload. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Google from www.viagranalising.com  ;D ;D ;D

Ps: Even Mur@kamis (snake oil salesman), throat is choked now. Take some rest.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 08, 2014, 08:06:26 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 08, 2014, 04:45:49 PM
Ah, it had to be something like that. Well, my daddy was colorblind, so don't expect too much from me.

Meanwhile, back at the lab....

Here's what the Vbatt and Vcvr traces look like with the MarkE gate boost circuit engaged. Warp 10, Scotty! Look at that spike in Vbatt, going all the way off the screen at the top, over 200 volts above baseline. (The measurements at top right are correct, as far as I can tell.) And see the nicely shaped main current pulse, which will waste less heat in the mosfet.
That is a great demonstration of parasitic wiring inductance and capacitance.  The faster that the MOSFET switches, the more pronounced inductive distortion is in the current sense, visible as rising to a higher value that then declines exponentially during the on phase.  And Warp 10 is right for that turn-off.  With limited parasitic capacitance to dump charge into, the greatly sped-up turn-off of the MOSFET requires a much higher voltage.  With a fast enough driver one can easily exceed the Vds rating of the MOSFET, which is why a TVS from drain to source is a good idea.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 08, 2014, 08:51:36 PM
Quote from: MarkE on April 08, 2014, 12:39:11 AM
Do you mean to tell me that for less than $20. I can have the kind of sophisticated kit needed to prove over unity for my very own?  And that I will also get a Popeil Vegematic(r)?  Where's my credit card?

Sorry, no credit cards accepted...cash only.  But, have no fear, we offer a money back guarantee.**


** The term "money back guarantee" is not intended to express nor imply that actual money, cash, or anything of value of any kind, will ever be returned to anyone, at any time, for any reason.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 08, 2014, 09:03:09 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 08, 2014, 08:51:36 PM
Sorry, no credit cards accepted...cash only.  But, have no fear, we offer a money back guarantee.**


** The term "money back guarantee" is not intended to express nor imply that actual money, cash, or anything of value of any kind, will ever be returned to anyone, at any time, for any reason.
Fraudco Enterprises, a Cayman Islands enterprise offers a 100% money back guarantee on their fraud information kit.  For just $24.95 plus S&H you'll get dozens of tips on frauds that are out to take your money and how to avoid losing your money to them.  If you are not completely delighted, then just return your kit postage paid within 30 days and Fraudco Enterprises will refund your purchase price of $8.95.  Order now, and we will send you two kits for the price of one.  Just pay the additional S&H.

In order to receive refund, returns must be received at our Nairobi offices within 30 days of date of order.  Orders typically ship in 14-21 days.  S&H is $9.95 per kit.  Local taxes will be added where applicable.  Credit card, cash or money orders only.  NO COD orders.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: poynt99 on April 08, 2014, 10:02:57 PM
Nice replication TK.

Could you try a flyback diode across the resistor to see if the Vbatt trace changes?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 08, 2014, 11:48:21 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on April 08, 2014, 10:02:57 PM
Nice replication TK.

Could you try a flyback diode across the resistor to see if the Vbatt trace changes?

In order for a clamp diode to be effective you will also need a decoupling capacitor as shown in the drawing below.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 09, 2014, 12:01:16 AM
Film at 11:

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 09, 2014, 12:24:08 AM
Quote from: Google on April 08, 2014, 07:41:47 PM
Oh Daddy, havent you analised her enough yet ? You have.  ;D ;D

You proved her circuit works better than v!agr@  ;D ;D

Now please give some rest to your tool(s)  ;D or else your chips will fry with overload. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Google from www.viagranalising.com (http://www.viagranalising.com)  ;D ;D ;D

Ps: Even Mur@kamis (snake oil salesman), throat is choked now. Take some rest.  ;D ;D

But Google..... it seems that Ainslie still hasn't had enough yet! Look at her latest emissions, where she threatens all of us, accuses us of more impossibilities, and announces that she is NOT going to make anything public unless Poynt99 licks her boot. I declare, the woman's delusions of paranoia are absolutely stunning! How she manages to fall out of bed and dress herself in the early afternoon, I'll never know.

But ROFL! It is just as I predicted.... the lying troll queen has nothing. She has no thermal RATE data and never has had. She has nothing but silly scopeshots and low heating, while her batteries just continue to discharge and discharge and discharge...... Poor old Donovan Martin must be sweating bullets by now, since he must realize at this point that there is no hope, no hope at all, of ever seeing any COP over 1 when he's connected properly and does his sums right.

And now, like some huge pale South African cockroach, the Troll Queen is trying to get out of the light, trying to hide under her soggy rotten log again. She's trying to apply for OverUnity Prizes on Open Source websites.... while hiding everything she can hide. Her hypocrisy is only exceeded by her arrogance and her willfull ignorance.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 09, 2014, 12:52:29 AM

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 09, 2014, 01:25:49 AM
Quote from: MarkE on April 08, 2014, 08:06:26 PM
That is a great demonstration of parasitic wiring inductance and capacitance.  The faster that the MOSFET switches, the more pronounced inductive distortion is in the current sense, visible as rising to a higher value that then declines exponentially during the on phase.  And Warp 10 is right for that turn-off.  With limited parasitic capacitance to dump charge into, the greatly sped-up turn-off of the MOSFET requires a much higher voltage.  With a fast enough driver one can easily exceed the Vds rating of the MOSFET, which is why a TVS from drain to source is a good idea.
These PG50s are tough little buggers. I have not yet popped a single one from overvoltage spikes. I have had a couple go from inadvertently exceeding Vgs max, though, and of course I deliberately drove one to thermal failure for the Stress Test. Still, the TVS is a good idea, just for the sake of good practice if nothing else. I may have one of appropriate value in one of the stash boxes.

Right now I can make bigger VBatt spikes but I'm deliberately keeping them small enough to fit on-screen on the Link. I don't have a 100x high-voltage scope probe, and with the 10x probe the least sensitive input setting on the Link DSO is 20 v/div. To go to 50 v/div I need a 100x probe, or go to the analog Tek 2213a, which will do 50 v/div with a 10x probe. The Drain trace is spiking to well over 250 v already, as displayed on the Tek. For the CVR trace I am using the Ohmite non-inductive resistors but I am deliberately maximizing the probe connection wire loop by clipping far from the resistor bodies. Still, I probably have less inductance associated with my current sense system on this setup than Ainslie does at best.

It should be clear to just about any observer that these large spikes, 180 degrees out of phase, positive on VBatt coinciding with negative on Vcvr, will most probably produce large "negative power product" when processed in the Ainslie fashion. It is frustrating that the Link can't do live trace multiplication, but I can always do it manually or from a spreadsheet dump. (Yes, dear Ainslie, I can do data dumps into spreadsheets too, and surprise surprise, the spreadsheet data when plotted looks just like the scopeshot it came from. Duh. How could it be otherwise, since it's the same data?)

I need to try the gate boost circuit with the SWeir board, which is properly filtered and has the really really noninductive precision cvr with proper probe contact points, just a tiny loop which will produce minimal distortion in the current signal. I think it would be great to see the mosfet switching cleanly and the ringing filtered out or properly damped. Waste less power in the mosfet, dissipate more in the load element, boost efficiency that way.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 09, 2014, 01:37:42 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on April 08, 2014, 10:02:57 PM
Nice replication TK.

Could you try a flyback diode across the resistor to see if the Vbatt trace changes?

Yep, I'll get to it pretty soon, probably later tonight or tomorrow morning. I have a MUR1560 that I'll try. The 1n4007 couldn't keep up at 187 kHz, there was almost no discernable effect using it.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 09, 2014, 01:43:31 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 09, 2014, 01:37:42 AM
Yep, I'll get to it pretty soon, probably later tonight or tomorrow morning. I have a MUR1560 that I'll try. The 1n4007 couldn't keep up at 187 kHz, there was almost no discernable effect using it.
That will be fast enough with a capacitor in a tight loop.  The 1520 would be good enough.  The diode only really sees the battery voltage.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on April 09, 2014, 01:55:02 AM
So the circus is threatening to close and quietly disappear. Never fear. The lack of attention will quickly bring it back to life.

It looks like .99 has missed the deadline and will henceforth be banished to purgatory. All he had to do was acknowledge that partially defined loony tune tests are valid. Hang on,  he must also agree to the results before they are measured - Sounds like Zimbabwean elections. Also please stop raiding the Cape Town computers. Obviously this is where TK gets all his data.

That Mosfet is tough. It's avalanche rated so providing the duty cycle is short enough it will take that punch almost indefinitely
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 09, 2014, 01:59:47 AM
What does one do when one doesn't have the goods?  One tries to shift responsibility to others.  One tried and true trick is to make demands of others:  "If you don't do X, then I won't deliver evidence of my claims!"  Well, looky here, Ms. Ainslie is now offering up the absurd position that she will not show evidence of her claims, not because of the real reason which is that she can't produce such evidence, but because poynt99 must accede to her silly demands first.  Of course if he does comply, she can always just throw up a new even more ridiculous demand.

Ms. Ainslie's argument is mind boggling:  She alleges that she won't show her data, because she claims that here we promote falsehoods.  In other words she would provide data that could supposedly counter what is said here if only what is said here already agreed with the data that would contradict it.  It's tea time with the Red Queen.

As we know from her own reports:  Ms. Ainslie simply does not have the goods.  She won't be showing any demonstrations because she cannot arrange them to back her claims.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 09, 2014, 02:46:44 AM
Quote from: MarkE on April 09, 2014, 01:43:31 AM
That will be fast enough with a capacitor in a tight loop.  The 1520 would be good enough.  The diode only really sees the battery voltage.
The 1520 is quite a bit faster but I don't have one on hand. My local guy stocks the 1560, I'll have to ask him about the 1520. I might also have a Schottky that would work, I'll have to check.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 09, 2014, 07:13:32 AM
Quote from: Tseak on April 09, 2014, 01:55:02 AM
So the circus is threatening to close and quietly disappear. Never fear. The lack of attention will quickly bring it back to life.

It looks like .99 has missed the deadline and will henceforth be banished to purgatory. All he had to do was acknowledge that partially defined loony tune tests are valid. Hang on,  he must also agree to the results before they are measured - Sounds like Zimbabwean elections. Also please stop raiding the Cape Town computers. Obviously this is where TK gets all his data.

That Mosfet is tough. It's avalanche rated so providing the duty cycle is short enough it will take that punch almost indefinitely
That's the hilarious part.  Ms. Ainslie claims that she wants the world to see her alleged discovery.  In the meantime she's saying that she won't show any evidence because Poynt99 won't go along with her demands.  She says she's drawing a line that she should have long ago.  Yet, just a couple of weeks ago she plead with Greg East to be polite to Poynt99 because she felt he was critical to legitimizing her experiments.  Now, she's put herself between a rock and a hard place.  If she shows nothing, she's back at square one.  If she shows experiments that conform with reality, then she's sunk.  If she shows experiments performed incompetently, then she's sunk.  I think that TinselKoala is most likely correct:  Whoever is performing her experiments are not getting the unreal results she's previously reported.  Now, she's: confused and embarrassed and looking for a way out.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 09, 2014, 09:06:42 AM
Quote from: MarkE on April 08, 2014, 11:48:21 PM
In order for a clamp diode to be effective you will also need a decoupling capacitor as shown in the drawing below.

I put a MUR1560 in and I can see little or no discernible effect on the VBatt trace. With the capacitor alone (I used 0.1 uF 400v poly film) or in conjunction with the diode, the whole effect is killed, the performance of the circuit is entirely altered. Perhaps the frequency of 187 kHz is too fast? The resultant waveforms on both Vcvr and Vbatt are nearly sinusoidal and look nothing like what I expected. I'll try to get a scopeshot later on. I have to change some trigger parameters on the scope to capture that waveform properly.

However, with the MUR1560 alone, with anode connected but cathode free, I can get the rectified Drain spike at the cathode and use it to run, eg, the NE2 ring oscillator. The non-rectified spike (taken from the anode end) will barely run the Ring Oscillator, but the rectified spike from the cathode end runs it really well. There is a visible effect on the Vbatt trace with the ring oscillator: the first positive spike decreases in amplitude by a few volts. I see nothing happening on the bottoms of the ringdown spikes. I've made a Supplement video that kind of shows these effects (but not the capacitor effect yet) but it's not too coherent, I haven't had enough coffee yet.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 09, 2014, 09:21:11 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 09, 2014, 09:06:42 AM
I put a MUR1560 in and I can see little or no discernible effect on the VBatt trace. With the capacitor alone (I used 0.1 uF 400v poly film) or in conjunction with the diode, the whole effect is killed, the performance of the circuit is entirely altered. Perhaps the frequency of 187 kHz is too fast? The resultant waveforms on both Vcvr and Vbatt are nearly sinusoidal and look nothing like what I expected. I'll try to get a scopeshot later on. I have to change some trigger parameters on the scope to capture that waveform properly.

However, with the MUR1560 alone, with anode connected but cathode free, I can get the rectified Drain spike at the cathode and use it to run, eg, the NE2 ring oscillator. The non-rectified spike (taken from the anode end) will barely run the Ring Oscillator, but the rectified spike from the cathode end runs it really well. There is a visible effect on the Vbatt trace with the ring oscillator: the first positive spike decreases in amplitude by a few volts. I see nothing happening on the bottoms of the ringdown spikes. I've made a Supplement video that kind of shows these effects (but not the capacitor effect yet) but it's not too coherent, I haven't had enough coffee yet.
The drain waveform should look something like this, provided that you have the scope probe ground right at the MOSFET source pin, and you've kept the loop area small.  A picture of the wired set-up would be helpful.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 09, 2014, 09:39:26 AM
Quote from: MarkE on April 09, 2014, 09:21:11 AM
The drain waveform should look something like this, provided that you have the scope probe ground right at the MOSFET source pin, and you've kept the loop area small.  A picture of the wired set-up would be helpful.
I know it should look like that, but it doesn't.

No, the wiring is more like what Ainslie is probably using. These trials aren't particularly designed to do "proper" measurements, they are designed to replicate Ainslie's scopetrace, and move on from there. I'm trying to get heat results measured properly, correlated with scopeshots and circuit parameters as used by Ainslie.

Here's the current physical layout, with the locations where I put the diode and capacitor sketched in.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 09, 2014, 09:59:07 AM
Actually, the Drain trace does look very much like that, except there's more ripple and a LF sinusoidal wiggle in the "off" portion with the cap in place. The diode eliminates the drain positive spike.

But here is what the Vbatt and Vcvr traces look like with the capacitor installed. Adding the diode makes only a tiny difference on these traces here. This is made by setting up the same screen as before, with the 200V Vbatt spikes and the nice Vcsr pulse shape and negative spikes, then simply connecting the cap as shown. The traces collapse to this:
(Also including the non-cap screen below for comparison)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 09, 2014, 01:54:33 PM
And just where are these files from her flashdrives that she accuses me of "rifling"?  She has made these crazy accusations before and has never been able to provide any evidence to support her paranoid delusional contentions. I want to see EVIDENCE for her stupid accusations, but of course Ainslie cannot provide any.

Information about OPEN SOURCE projects that is freely posted to the internet can be freely used, even in the USA, for critical, educational and/or forensic purposes. If Ainslie does not want her data to be evaluated and critiqued.... then perhaps she should NOT POST IT TO THE INTERNET. But if she wants to claim prizes from OPEN SOURCE websites..... then she should share her data freely, just as I am doing.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 09, 2014, 08:01:35 PM

So, let me get this straight....Rose now claims that you drove, or flew, to South Africa, broke into her place and stole information from her flash drives?  Or, were you supposed to have just stolen the flash drives? (with the info on them)

If this is what she means, then she is accusing you of a serious crime, and using a public forum to do so.  I believe that is a clear case for a libel suit.

Why would any one go through all of the trouble to steal said info when she has plastered it all over the net on open source websites?  I believe she also posted some data in that joke of a paper didn't she?  Or has that been withdrawn yet again?  Better yet...WHO would want to steal data like that anyway?  That data, if it could be called that, is worthless in my opinion.


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 09, 2014, 08:38:32 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 09, 2014, 08:01:35 PM

So, let me get this straight....Rose now claims that you drove, or flew, to South Africa, broke into her place and stole information from her flash drives?  Or, were you supposed to have just stolen the flash drives? (with the info on them)

If this is what she means, then she is accusing you of a serious crime, and using a public forum to do so.  I believe that is a clear case for a libel suit.

Why would any one go through all of the trouble to steal said info when she has plastered it all over the net on open source websites?  I believe she also posted some data in that joke of a paper didn't she?  Or has that been withdrawn yet again?  Better yet...WHO would want to steal data like that anyway?  That data, if it could be called that, is worthless in my opinion.


Or she is claiming that he did it over the wire somehow.  Her crazy ravings do not amount to slander or libel against TinselKoala or any other internet name.    But since she alternately refers to Poynt99 and the real living person behind that name, she has slandered him with her lunatic ravings. It is all rather pointless as there are very few who ever see what she writes and far fewer who see her barking at the moon for anything else.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 09, 2014, 09:48:53 PM
Don't worry.... those aren't really barks, they are just the squawkings of a plucked Polly Parrot, pretending to be something she's not.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Magluvin on April 09, 2014, 10:06:43 PM
Whats that? A chicken hawk?  ;D

There was an article in a parrot magazine. Someone wrote in that their cockatoo would pluck itself featherless. It was recommended to get another bird because their bird was lonely and bored. So they got another cockatoo.  Soon their original bird plucked all the feathers from its new friend. ;D

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: orbut 3000 on April 09, 2014, 10:13:16 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 09, 2014, 09:48:53 PM
Don't worry.... those aren't really barks, they are just the squawkings of a plucked Polly Parrot, pretending to be something she's not.

Nice. Now you even rifled her selfies from her digital camera.

Shame on you, 'tinselkoala'.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 09, 2014, 10:47:28 PM
Quote from: orbut 3000 on April 09, 2014, 10:13:16 PM

Nice. Now you even rifled her selfies from her digital camera.

Shame on you, 'tinselkoala'.


I will have you know Sir that your post has caused me to spew beer all over my keyboard.  This is going to take some time to clean up and I blame you for it.  I suggest that, in the future, if you are going to make such a hilarious posting, that you somehow warn folks beforehand, thereby avoiding the little accident I have had.  I do have to add that it was worth it though.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on April 10, 2014, 05:35:23 AM
Clearly the circus is not leaving town. That would have been a pity. There's much amusement in seeing what BS comes next.
I'm dying to see which academics are engaged. Apparently only well recognised people - maybe like Ian Jandrell, well known in the engineering world and Dean of Witwatersrand University engineering faculty. Or after viewing this thread, maybe not. The head of electrical dept at University of Cape town - uum?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 10, 2014, 07:30:01 AM
Quote from: Tseak on April 10, 2014, 05:35:23 AM
Clearly the circus is not leaving town. That would have been a pity. There's much amusement in seeing what BS comes next.
I'm dying to see which academics are engaged. Apparently only well recognised people - maybe like Ian Jandrell, well known in the engineering world and Dean of Witwatersrand University engineering faculty. Or after viewing this thread, maybe not. The head of electrical dept at University of Cape town - uum?
Ms. Ainslie has at various times obtained help and advice from various distinguished individuals.  She has returned the favor with insane accusations against those learned people.  She has in direct correspondence with me accused Professor Jandrell of forcibly removing key supporting evidence from the 2002 magazine article.  I find such accusations highly dubious.  Seeing that she recently accused Steve Weir of being part of some conspiracy against her, I suspect she suffers mental illness of some kind.  I did fairly recently come across a letter from a professor, I believe his last name is Khan who stated he would have nothing to do with her.  It seems to be a common theme among the learned who have dealt with her.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 10, 2014, 07:46:07 AM
It's a funny kind of circus, where its Joules are really Watts and vice versa, and there ain't no such animal as inductive reactance. And why is the Head Clown dressed up as a plucked parrot? (I know why).

And as far as using the wires to steal her files..... heh. Her paranoia strikes deep, into her life it do creep. She probably thinks I'm in Texas, or maybe Tennessee, USA. But after all.... she has just as much proof of that as she did for me being someone called "Brian Little".

She probably wouldn't believe it if I showed her a picture of this little apartment just up Signal Hill in Bo-Kaap.

Meanwhile, I see that she is still squawking about my use of DMMs. She thinks that the DMMs can't capture the energy in the spiky waveforms, or something.

Leaving aside for the moment that I always show the agreement of the DMM reading with the scope's calculated means, and that I use the scope's values with the DMMs as live crosschecks, and that I use the scope's values in efficiency calculations,  and that Ainslie has never shown DISAGREEMENT between her scope's measurements and what a properly connected DMM would read .....

THINK ABOUT THIS, AINSLIE, IF YOU CAN:   If the DMMs don't capture the energy in the spikes, then the DMMS are UNDERESTIMATING the true DC power that I am supplying to the system. What does this mean? Think hard now, Polly Parrot: it means that, to reach a given final temperature, or to produce a given RATE of temperature RISE (for which you have no data at all) ..... the true power supplied by the battery is GREATER than the DMM values I am reading. Yet the temperature rise, or RATE of RISE (for which you have no data at all), is still less than that produced by straight DC power alone. That means that the circuit is in fact EVEN LESS EFFICIENT than a calculation using the DMM's displayed values would yield.

When will someone show me a connected data set that supports a claim of COP>1?

Obviously, the data set must contain the following items, at least:

Correct circuit used.
Operating parameters clearly stated.
Oscilloscope traces of all relevant waveforms.
Load parameters properly and accurately specified.
Properly conducted control experiments for DC calibration of the load cell.
Properly obtained thermal vs. time data.
Results that are repeatable by other researchers.

That is, data sets that contain WHAT MY DATA SETS CONTAIN.... but that also support a claim of excess temperature or rate of temperature rise produced at the load.

I've shown over and over again that it takes less than four hours to set up for a run, document everything properly and in sufficient detail for replications, run the experiment and take the data, collate and graph it, and produce a video that shows the actual experiment and proves the data set was actually gathered under the conditions I state. And I am working 100 percent ALONE, except for suggestions and evaluations from the members of this forum.


Are you just too busy to take four hours out of your day to prove the miracle that will save mankind from the Tyranny of Big Oil?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 10, 2014, 07:58:28 AM
Paranoia strikes deep.
Into your life it will creep.
Starts when polly's always afraid.
Step out of line,
And the cat comes and swallows away.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 10, 2014, 08:01:59 AM
I need to point out that oscilloscope traces taken with improper probing do not show valid data.  It is not enough for Ms. Ainslie or anyone else to just show oscilloscope traces.  They need to show that the traces faithfully represent the quantities claimed.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 10, 2014, 08:10:44 AM
Quote from: MarkE on April 10, 2014, 08:01:59 AM
I need to point out that oscilloscope traces taken with improper probing do not show valid data.  It is not enough for Ms. Ainslie or anyone else to just show oscilloscope traces.  They need to show that the traces faithfully represent the quantities claimed.

Agreed, of course.

But I don't mind seeing Ainslie's _improper_ traces either, because duplicating them, as I have done, is part of the general program of illustrating that her "work" and her claims are utterly bogus. If the scope traces SHE produces can't even honestly make anything that looks like COP>1, that is just so much more proof that she and her claims are totally bogus. Comparing, side by side, the properly obtained data with the garbage she and her mob of Keystone Kops puts out, is an important part of debunking her bunk.

This bogus "negative power product" is a case in point. It's clear that the heavy spikes produced by the Plain Q17 w/ MarkE boost circuit are going to yield a massive "negative power product" when measured and processed according to Ainslie's methods. Yet... where is _any other evidence_ that shows that those "negative power products" have any real physical meaning, any consequences to the actual performance, in terms of heating or battery life? Nowhere, in Ainslie's data or in mine, that's where.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 10, 2014, 09:00:49 AM
I wanted to talk to you so more about the waveforms you put out yesterday.  A couple of things looked a little squirrely. 

That aside Ms. Ainslie's understanding is so poor that she thinks bigger spikes are actually an advantage when just the opposite is true.  The bigger the BEMF voltage spike the faster the current decays in the heater resistor, the more of the magnetic field energy dissipates in leakage across parasitic capacitance, and therefore the less heating energy obtained per switching cycle.  The clamp diode and capacitor recirculate the stored magnetic field energy through the resistor with only the diode loss, maximizing heating efficiency.  But since Ms. Ainslie doesn't understand a thing about electronics, this is all Greek to her.

As you well know, the absurd probing methods that Ms. Ainslie employs generate all kinds of measurement problems.  It seems that she will never learn.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 10, 2014, 09:20:35 AM
That's all exactly right, and the benefits of the diode can be seen very clearly in my magnetic levitation apparatus, which uses the "power section" identically to Ainslie's (and the mosfet data sheet's) circuit. Without the diode across the levitation coil, the system is noisy, heats the mosfet up much more, and can only produce half as much "levitation distance". When the fast diode is placed across the coil, these inefficiencies go away, the mosfet stays cool and the levitation distance and smoothness is much improved.

But does Ainslie use a diode, or not? Nobody knows. There is NOT one shown in the original Quantum circuit. The Lost Grey Box, altered by Ainslie's mob sometime after 2007, does contain a diode but it is not connected to anything except some banana jacks and is not shown in the SWeir reverse-engineered circuit as being part of the circuit. The IEEE paper submission falsely states that "This circuit was used" for the original 2002 Quantum article.... but it shows a DIODE in place. The "Q-Array" circuits, all five of them that Ainslie has claimed or shown, none of them contain a diode. No diodes have appeared in any of the three comedic "demonstrations" from the Ainslie krewe.

However, I tested the claimed circuits with and without flyback diodes, beginning in 2009. In those days I showed the effect on the Quantum Magazine circuit, and I showed how the diode CAN be used to charge up _external_ batteries and capacitors quite well, transferring charge by using the spikes or "siphoning" them as I call it, by the diode, into the external store.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 10, 2014, 11:30:29 AM

Here's something I just discovered by accident while making a new video. The Gate Boost circuit has its beneficial effect on the Vcvr waveform, and increases the VBatt and Vcsr spikes.... even when it is _not powered_.

It takes a little more input amplitude from the FG, that's all. No external separate power supply is needed for the Gate Boost circuit!

Apparently the FG is pulling the PNP transistor down enough to provide a lower impedance path to ground for the mosfet Gate charge, so the mosfet is turning off more cleanly even without power to the boost circuit?  Does that sound right?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 10, 2014, 12:08:27 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 10, 2014, 11:30:29 AM

Here's something I just discovered by accident while making a new video. The Gate Boost circuit has its beneficial effect on the Vcvr waveform, and increases the VBatt and Vcsr spikes.... even when it is _not powered_.

It takes a little more input amplitude from the FG, that's all. No external separate power supply is needed for the Gate Boost circuit!

Apparently the FG is pulling the PNP transistor down enough to provide a lower impedance path to ground for the mosfet Gate charge, so the mosfet is turning off more cleanly even without power to the boost circuit?  Does that sound right?
The bias supply is needed for the NPN pull-up transistor.  It has no impact on the PNP pull-down transistor.  That transistor is self-biased by the gate charge.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 10, 2014, 01:10:09 PM
Still, it's also cleaning up the rise time of the pulse. The resulting Vbatt and Vcsr scope traces look identical to me, whether the Boost circuit is powered or not, the only difference being the output amplitude of the FG required to make the trace is greater when the Boost is not externally powered.  I'll try to demonstrate this in a video later on. 

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 10, 2014, 01:46:53 PM
Here's the "Supplement" video showing the present Plain Q17 physical layout and explaining the connection block wiring and the probe attach points.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 10, 2014, 03:42:10 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 10, 2014, 01:10:09 PM
Still, it's also cleaning up the rise time of the pulse. The resulting Vbatt and Vcsr scope traces look identical to me, whether the Boost circuit is powered or not, the only difference being the output amplitude of the FG required to make the trace is greater when the Boost is not externally powered.  I'll try to demonstrate this in a video later on.
You may not see a lot of difference in the fall time using a 10 Ohm load.  If your NPN transistor is working in the boost driver, then the gate waveform get through the threshold region much faster.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 12, 2014, 10:33:29 AM
Well..... where is some data?

The claim of COP>17 and even COP INFINITY has been made by Ainslie. She and others have claimed that excess heat in a load can be produced by a switched mosfet circuit, over and above the heat produced by the same power simply applied in a DC circuit.

So fine. Will someone Please present a data set that demonstrates this? Temperature RATE OF RISE data, as I have done over and over?

I've shown over and over that it takes less than FOUR HOURS to set up and run, gather data, collate and graph it and present a video proof of the experiment and the raw data itself.

We have:

Some batteries/power source > some oscillator/clock/555/FG/battery/PSU bias source > a simple mosfet circuit with 1 mosfet/5 in parallel/ 1+4 in antiparallel > some heater load > some time-temperature graph.

I've presented data from many different variations of the setup and I've shown the heating produced, both RATE of heating and 60 minute FINAL TEMPERATURE. And I've compared those experimental results to control time-temperature graphs made with the same load under the same conditions but with straight, uncontroversial DC power.

And EVERY combination of apparatus and operating parameters (waveforms, settings, etc) that I have tried produces a COP significantly less than 1.

So I'm ready to see someone else's data. Someone else can show me what I'm doing "wrong" by producing a data set using similar apparatus, with proper DC control data and good measurements..... that DOES produce a COP greater than 1, by heating up its load up faster and/or hotter than the same power delivered by straight DC.


Nowhere, so far. But it only takes FOUR HOURS....... when there is a single competent person doing the testing.

But when there are five or six buffoons who can't even point a camera, speak clearly or operate their own test equipment.... apparently it takes FOURTEEN YEARS or more, and we are still waiting.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 13, 2014, 07:51:27 AM
Such data as you ask for you know will not be produced because the claimants cannot produce it. 

Ms. Ainslie has painted herself into a corner.  She has declared that she will not produce evidence.  Fine.  Then she leaves herself with her demonstrations of last summer that soundly and completely refute her extraordinary claims.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 14, 2014, 01:05:34 AM
If a DMM is not registering some fast spike component of a signal..... then it is UNDERESTIMATING the total power in that signal.

If the total power in a signal is UNDERESTIMATED.... then the true total power in the signal is GREATER than that indicated on the meter.

If the true total power in a signal is GREATER than that measured on the meter.... then the heating, and the RATE OF HEATING, in a load is actually LESS EFFICIENT than calculated using the readings on the meter.

Got that? EVEN LESS EFFICIENT.  If the meters say I'm supplying 10 Watts, but the meters are UNDERCOUNTING because of the spiky signals.... then I'm really supplying something GREATER THAN 10 WATTS....

DEAL WITH IT, AINSLIE..... even your latest laughable excuses are BOGUS AND BACKWARDS. YOU CANNOT PROVIDE ANY MEASUREMENTS OF YOUR OWN TO BACK UP YOUR STUPID CONTENTIONS AND CLAIMS.... you just yak and yak, and you've been wrong so many times it's a family tradition.

And we NOTE WELL.... yet another week has gone by with NO DATA from Ainslie, just more bloviating and useless squawking -- and, just as I predicted long ago.... she now attacks Steve Weir, the expert who so willingly and patiently gave of his time in a selfless effort to help Ainslie improve her measurements and understanding. Ainslie's true, vile and dank miserable excuse for "character" is on display for all to see.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 14, 2014, 01:19:59 AM
Like other well respected people that Ms. Ainslie has attacked, her attacks on Steve are completely unfounded. Steve took interest in the DMM averaging issue last year.  He ran tests that confirmed what Poynt99 reported.  I have run my own tests and also confirmed that DMMs do a really good job of averaging signals at least to 20MHz.  Steve has tested to 100MHz and beyond.

Ms. Ainslie claiming that she understands electronic instruments better than Steve is hilarious.  Maybe this DMM thing is why she went all Tasmanian devil on Steve.

It is a safe bet that whatever tests Ms. Ainslie has been conducting, they have not been yielding the results that she wants. 
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on April 14, 2014, 02:47:58 AM
Quote from: MarkE on April 14, 2014, 01:19:59 AM
Like other well respected people that Ms. Ainslie has attacked, her attacks on Steve are completely unfounded. Steve took interest in the DMM averaging issue last year.  He ran tests that confirmed what Poynt99 reported.  I have run my own tests and also confirmed that DMMs do a really good job of averaging signals at least to 20MHz.  Steve has tested to 100MHz and beyond.

Ms. Ainslie claiming that she understands electronic instruments better than Steve is hilarious.  Maybe this DMM thing is why she went all Tasmanian devil on Steve.

It is a safe bet that whatever tests Ms. Ainslie has been conducting, they have not been yielding the results that she wants.

What she doesn't understand is the difference between the ac bandwidth of the instrument and the averaging effect of the time constant when measuring dc. At this stage it suits her to have a diversion to string the issue out longer without producing anything.

Interesting comment from her that no one here has used anything but multimeters for current measurement. Even a brief read back through this thread will show that to be just more BS
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 14, 2014, 05:52:44 AM
Quote from: Tseak on April 14, 2014, 02:47:58 AM
What she doesn't understand is the difference between the ac bandwidth of the instrument and the averaging effect of the time constant when measuring dc. At this stage it suits her to have a diversion to string the issue out longer without producing anything.

Interesting comment from her that no one here has used anything but multimeters for current measurement. Even a brief read back through this thread will show that to be just more BS
I think it is very clear that neither does she have anything to show that supports her claims, nor does she understand much of anything when it comes to science and electronics in particular. 

As to her insistence that DMMs don't measure averages well.  She is dead wrong.  See for example the attached plot of integrating A/D converter response.  DMM's exclusively utilize integrating A/Ds for their precision and economy.   The graph shows that the DMM response becomes closer and closer to the ideal average, the higher in frequency that the measured signal component is.   Non-ideal circuit components ultimately limit how well the reading averages.

See also references such as:  http://www.analog.com/static/imported-files/tutorials/MT-027.pdf.  That tutorial lists eight references of its own on integrating A/D converters such as are used in DMMs.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 14, 2014, 07:32:10 AM
Ainslie continues to display her disordered thought process and inability to reason. Not only does she deny her own properly collected data and persist in claiming her bad and even fabricated data is somehow worthy of consideration, but she fails to accept or even acknowledge the properly collected and analyzed data from others. She even says in so many words: if your data doesn't agree with her claims, it's wrong!

The deluded, irrational Ainslie makes utterly false claims, comes to fake conclusions based on her misperceptions and misrepresentations, and then proceeds to deliver insult after insane insult based on her deluded "reasoning". No corrections will ever be forthcoming from the Ainslie mob, in spite of the very public demonstrations of error, mendacity and incompetence that are the only "publications" they can actually claim. The proofs of her fabrication of data, and her suborning of outright lying by her "coauthor" Donovan Martin are solid and irrefutable. How can these overweeningly arrogant people ever expect to have their claims, made WITHOUT ANY SUPPORTING DATA AT ALL, to be seriously considered by anyone?

Ainslie chooses to ignore the excellent and complete explorations of the behaviour of DMMs that we have now from three different sources: Poynt99, Steve Weir and Mark E. She cannot even perceive the cross-checks and validations that I have done, showing that there is less than 5 percent error and usually much less, between the DMM and the scope's measurements of the same spiky current. She has proven herself to be incapable of interpreting graphically presented data such as MarkE presents.  Meanwhile she makes absurd assertions and Polly-Parrot squawkings that are not supported by data and in fact are UNSUPPORTABLE, as she has demonstrated herself over and over. Day after day, week after week, month after month goes by.... with NO DATA from Ainslie. Since August 11 2013, where Ainslie publicly demonstrated that her major claims are based on fabricated data, she has released ONE screenshot, and that one single screenshot demonstrates only that she and her "team" have learned literally NOTHING about making measurements, or displaying them on an oscilloscope screen.

Ainslie claims there is an "exploitable potential" in the spiky signals. But who has ACTUALLY measured the energy in these spikes? I HAVE. Who has ACTUALLY drawn off the energy in these spikes to be used in some external circuitry to make real effects? I HAVE.... and Ainslie and her mob NEVER HAVE.  And where, according to Ainslie, does this "exploitable potential" actually manifest itself? WHERE? It does not contribute to excess heating of the load. It does not result in recharging or preventing discharge of the batteries. WHERE IS IT? I will tell you where: There is NO EXCESS ENERGY, and what energy there IS in these "BEMF" or "CEMF" spikes is dissipated in the mosfet body itself, and in RF radiation. Ainslie and her gang of Keystone Kops can neither conceptualize nor measure properly these areas where the spiky signals DISSIPATE power from the BATTERY or power supply. The mendacious mob has even claimed that there is "no RF" when their own testing showed that there is -- their "AV plug" LED lighting up brightly demonstrates that -- and of course my better demonstrations show that there is plenty of RF indeed.

If Ainslie believes or claims otherwise, let her present evidence, in the form of a complete data set that supports her claims. After FOURTEEN YEARS she has been unable to do so, even though it would take a competent individual less than FOUR HOURS to obtain and present such a data set, were it at all possible. But AINSLIE CANNOT !! And the reasons she cannot are because her claims are specious, her "team" incompetent, and her equipment misused.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 14, 2014, 08:57:15 AM
You know full well that no evidence will be forthcoming.  Your satisfaction needs to come from the quality of your own work.

Ms. Ainslie acts as though she is simply bat shit crazy.  Nothing sensible comes from crazy.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 14, 2014, 10:08:49 AM
Yes, of course I know that the bloviating Great Scientist will not be producing any real and valid data. Meanwhile, I enjoy all the opportunities to demonstrate her mendacity, arrogance and sheer idiocy that she presents.

Here's a scopeshot from this morning's example run, along with the raw DATA DUMP FROM THE DIGITAL SAMPLING OSCILLOSCOPE, in a comma-delimited text file of 32,000 samples at 10 nanosecond intervals (100 samples per horizontal division), showing the Current and Vbatt traces. I invite Ainslie to show just where any DMM values are used here, and I invite her -- or rather, any member of her team actually capable of doing so, clearly not Ainslie herself -- to perform "integrated analysis" on this file just as they allege to have done on their own.

So where does this "exploitable potential" from these huge, MASSIVE spikes manifest itself, AINSLIE? The batteries do discharge, the heating at the load is only about 70 percent of the value obtained by straight DC delivered at the same "integrated analysis" power level.... so where is the "exploitable potential"? Is it in the heating up of the mosfet itself, where the spike is actually dissipated? That's certainly not very convenient. And it's also something for which Ainslie has never presented even a trace or inkling of evidence.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 14, 2014, 01:41:02 PM
In case anyone is interested.... here is the associated spreadsheet.

I've imported the raw .CSB data dump file from the Link DSO into the LibreOffice spreadsheet. Then I've put in the formulae to extract the actual voltages from the raw DSO values into columns. Then I've applied the 0.25 ohm CVR value to the Vcvr voltages to convert to amperage values. Then I've multiplied each of the 32k Vbatt and Icvr values together to produce the 32k values of the Instantaneous Power Curve. Then I've found the Mean of those values.... that is, I've integrated (added up all the equal-spaced time slices) and divided by the number of time slices to get the Mean power value. And just as Ainslie does, I get a nicely NEGATIVE "mean power product" of about -2.15 Watts for the overall capture. The capture is the entire scope's buffer of 32k samples at 10 ns per sample, so it covers much more -- about 20 times more -- than the single screen shown above.

So it cannot be argued that I'm not duplicating a "negative power product" with my system. In case it wasn't immediately obvious from the scope traces themselves, the spreadsheet's "integrated power analysis" confirms that I am demonstrating the same "anomalous measurement" that Ainslie attains. And not a DMM reading in sight.

If anyone finds any errors, or has any comments about the spreadsheet, which is nothing fancy... please let me know asap.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 14, 2014, 03:43:31 PM
Here's the graph of the Instantaneous Power curve from the spreadsheet data. This is the first thousand samples, equivalent to ten microseconds of data, ten horizontal divisions on the scope screen. (The screen above is from the middle of the 32k samples of data, whereas the graph below is the very front.)

This is the red "Math" trace that would appear on my Link Instruments DSO scope if it could display it.

Note that this is the "AINSLIE METHOD". I am NOT claiming that these are "valid" measurements indicating true power values in the circuit. These are traces which reproduce the effects of stray inductances on the measurements; they are "replications" of the Ainslie-type measurements, only better, due to the Gate Boost circuit which provides sharper and higher-amplitude spikes.  This is the Instantaneous Power trace that averages to -2.153 Watts because of the large amplitude of the spikes.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 14, 2014, 04:15:40 PM
The DMM readings taken during that run:

:o 8) ;)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 15, 2014, 04:42:17 AM
Winzip says the zip file is corrupt.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 15, 2014, 07:34:05 AM
So it is, the forum seems to be doing something to the .zipfile. And I can't edit the original post, the window has expired.

Quite right, I can't get a big .zip file to work properly through the forum's storage and download process.

So try this link for the spreadsheet file:

http://www.mediafire.com/download/5odvhg1rwjgdh2d/Q17PlainBoost04141.ods (http://www.mediafire.com/download/5odvhg1rwjgdh2d/Q17PlainBoost04141.ods)

and this for the raw data dump from the scope:

http://www.mediafire.com/download/9tocskc3n1ikiig/Q17PlainData_0414_1.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/download/9tocskc3n1ikiig/Q17PlainData_0414_1.zip)
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 15, 2014, 11:16:08 AM
Here's a screenshot of the SWeir Q17 "Shifting Paradigms" board with MarkE Gate Boost measurements, running at about the same settings as the "Ainslie Style" measurements taken above:
Note the "average" of the Vcsr (inv) trace is computed by the scope as 0.24 V. Dividing by the 0.25 Ohm value of the CSR we get an average current of 0.96 Amps.
Next, the DMM readings obtained simultaneously with the scopetrace:
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 15, 2014, 02:34:13 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 15, 2014, 11:16:08 AM
Here's a screenshot of the SWeir Q17 "Shifting Paradigms" board with MarkE Gate Boost measurements, running at about the same settings as the "Ainslie Style" measurements taken above:
Note the "average" of the Vcsr (inv) trace is computed by the scope as 0.24 V. Dividing by the 0.25 Ohm value of the CSR we get an average current of 0.96 Amps.
Next, the DMM readings obtained simultaneously with the scopetrace:
What?  Clean measurements don't show the "benefit"????  How could that be????  Clean measurements show that the DMM average really is a good average.  Again, how can that be?

The measured giant current spike disappears when using a wide bandwidth current sense, almost, almost as though the measured current spike in Ms. Ainslie's set-up is, is, is an anomaly caused by poor measurement set-up

And then there is the disappearance of the big positive going voltage spikes.  Where did they go off too?  What is so different about Steve's board?  Oh, that's right, it has decoupling capacitors across the battery connections at the board.  Now, it may just be a rumor, but I have heard that capacitors can present a pretty low impedance to AC signals, especially MHz and faster signals.  I heard another rumor that wires being inductors can present a pretty high impedance to AC signals, especially MHz and faster.  So, could it possibly be that those voltage spikes are themselves from a relatively high impedance source, such that when they encounter an even higher impedance load: like wires back to the batteries, there is little attenuation, but when they encounter a low impedance load like the capacitors on Steve's board they are highly attenuated?  Just because that is what circuit theory tells us, can we believe that it is so?  What will we tell the zipons?

Then there is the small matter of Ms. Ainslie's own measurements taken at the batteries last August 11.  Gee those measurements look a whole lot more like your measurements using Steve's board.  Imagine that.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 15, 2014, 04:37:25 PM
I could be wrong, but I think the above traces might be from a Q2-oscillation portion of a waveform. My present tests are strictly using the Q1-only "Quantum-17" setup, to conform with what Ainslie is now claiming her "team" is testing for her.

Now, let's do a little sanity check. I'm going to break this up into several posts because I'm referring to some images.

First, let's take a look at the Math trace on Ainslie's recent scopeshot, computed by multiplying, in realtime, the Vbatt and Vcsr values. It's not displayed at a very good resolution and the values haven't yet been divided by the 0.25 ohm CVR value but the shape of the trace is clear and we've seen this trace at better resolution before.

The trace produces a negative mean power product, of course. But it is undeniable that the load heats up under these drive conditions.
And well it should. The total circuit resistance is around 13.5-14 Ohms or so and the battery supply is 36 volts, so when the mosfet is ON a considerable current flows as shown on the Ainslie graph.... but isn't really reflected in the Math "instantaneous power" trace.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 15, 2014, 04:44:55 PM
Now let's take a look at my traces, using the Plain Q17 circuit and the MarkE Gate Booster.

The Link DSO can only display 2 live traces, but the data can be dumped into a spreadsheet and the same Math trace can be calculated, just as Ainslie's LeCroy does internally. I plotted the first thousand data points (out of 32k total) on the Math trace, it only captured two complete cycles but I think it's clear that I am seeing here the very same "negative mean power product" that Ainslie produces from her measurement setup, and for the same reasons. The "mean power product" here is about -2.15 Watts for the entire 32k data set, which is equivalent to 20 full scopescreens worth of data.

Yet my load gets warm nevertheless, as well it should.... since it has around 13.5 - 14 ohms total resistance and a supply of 33-36 Volts, and the mosfet is "ON" for around 1/3 of the time. Yet this clearly present power isn't visible in the computed Math "instantaneous power" trace. Just as in Ainslie's measurement system.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 15, 2014, 04:54:18 PM
And finally let's go to the Steve Weir "Shifting Paradigms" board with its precision 0.25 ohm, properly connected CVR and its on-board Vbatt filtering. The same input settings as before give us these scopetraces and spreadsheet-computed Math (Instantaneous Power) traces.  Finally we see something that makes sense! A realistic amount of power is shown during the "ON" times and there is no "negative mean power product", the mean power computed across all 32k samples is about 31.3 Watts.
The peak power is right around 80 Watts, just as it should be with a supply of about 33.3 Volts and a total circuit resistance of about 14 Ohms.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 15, 2014, 05:51:34 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 15, 2014, 04:37:25 PM
I could be wrong, but I think the above traces might be from a Q2-oscillation portion of a waveform. My present tests are strictly using the Q1-only "Quantum-17" setup, to conform with what Ainslie is now claiming her "team" is testing for her.

Now, let's do a little sanity check. I'm going to break this up into several posts because I'm referring to some images.

First, let's take a look at the Math trace on Ainslie's recent scopeshot, computed by multiplying, in realtime, the Vbatt and Vcsr values. It's not displayed at a very good resolution and the values haven't yet been divided by the 0.25 ohm CVR value but the shape of the trace is clear and we've seen this trace at better resolution before.

The trace produces a negative mean power product, of course. But it is undeniable that the load heats up under these drive conditions.
And well it should. The total circuit resistance is around 13.5-14 Ohms or so and the battery supply is 36 volts, so when the mosfet is ON a considerable current flows as shown on the Ainslie graph.... but isn't really reflected in the Math "instantaneous power" trace.
2-3us is kind of a long ring-out period.  It could be a result of Miller capacitance and weak gate drive.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 15, 2014, 05:54:11 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 15, 2014, 04:44:55 PM
Now let's take a look at my traces, using the Plain Q17 circuit and the MarkE Gate Booster.

The Link DSO can only display 2 live traces, but the data can be dumped into a spreadsheet and the same Math trace can be calculated, just as Ainslie's LeCroy does internally. I plotted the first thousand data points (out of 32k total) on the Math trace, it only captured two complete cycles but I think it's clear that I am seeing here the very same "negative mean power product" that Ainslie produces from her measurement setup, and for the same reasons. The "mean power product" here is about -2.15 Watts for the entire 32k data set, which is equivalent to 20 full scopescreens worth of data.

Yet my load gets warm nevertheless, as well it should.... since it has around 13.5 - 14 ohms total resistance and a supply of 33-36 Volts, and the mosfet is "ON" for around 1/3 of the time. Yet this clearly present power isn't visible in the computed Math "instantaneous power" trace. Just as in Ainslie's measurement system.
Those oscillations really look like Miller capacitance to me.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 15, 2014, 05:58:28 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 15, 2014, 04:54:18 PM
And finally let's go to the Steve Weir "Shifting Paradigms" board with its precision 0.25 ohm, properly connected CVR and its on-board Vbatt filtering. The same input settings as before give us these scopetraces and spreadsheet-computed Math (Instantaneous Power) traces.  Finally we see something that makes sense! A realistic amount of power is shown during the "ON" times and there is no "negative mean power product", the mean power computed across all 32k samples is about 31.3 Watts.
The peak power is right around 80 Watts, just as it should be with a supply of about 33.3 Volts and a total circuit resistance of about 14 Ohms.
I would be interested, and I am sure Steve would too, to see how things look probing the current sense at the compensated test point on the test board.  I expect that the negative spikes will be further attenuated.  Even that nice precision current shunt resistor that is on the board still has enough inductance to cause peaking on fast edges.  The compensated test point exhibits flat bandwidth, presenting an even more accurate waveform.  You should use a 10X probe with it to limit probe capacitance effects.

The other thing that you should do and can do with these traces is first subtract the current sense voltage from the battery voltage.  That board uses the Q1 source as the common.  So the battery voltage is reading the battery plus the current sense.   Given the 8 bit resolution of the oscilloscope, it won't make a lot of difference, but it should flatten out the power during the off intervals.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 15, 2014, 08:06:22 PM
Here's the comparison between the two probe positions, the "uncompensated" one designated for the Scope, and the "FComp" one which is supposed to be for a DMM, I think. I slid the VBatt probe over to the TP3 to make the reading. See the "normal" and the "FComp" probe point images below. I didn't invert the traces for this shot, so that the numbers in boxes would be easy to interpret.

The FComp position does reduce the negative ringing even more.

It will take me a while to do the trace subtraction shots you recommend. I know that the board works that way, I've just been too lazy to set up the subtraction on the scope.

All these recent shots are using the MarkE Gate Booster, with +15 V supply from the HP721a.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 15, 2014, 09:04:10 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 15, 2014, 08:06:22 PM
Here's the comparison between the two probe positions, the "uncompensated" one designated for the Scope, and the "FComp" one which is supposed to be for a DMM, I think. I slid the VBatt probe over to the TP3 to make the reading. See the "normal" and the "FComp" probe point images below. I didn't invert the traces for this shot, so that the numbers in boxes would be easy to interpret.

The FComp position does reduce the negative ringing even more.

It will take me a while to do the trace subtraction shots you recommend. I know that the board works that way, I've just been too lazy to set up the subtraction on the scope.

All these recent shots are using the MarkE Gate Booster, with +15 V supply from the HP721a.
I think that Steve's original intent for the FComp was for DMM filtering.  I think he changed his mind.  My recollection was that he and Josh spent an evening or two tweaking and testing boards they had built up.  I saw some really clean capture waveforms.  I may have one around here someplace.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: orbut 3000 on April 16, 2014, 01:17:39 AM
It looks like Ms. Ainslie can't suffer polite an reasonable people today.
Could it be influenced by the lunar phase?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on April 16, 2014, 01:47:33 AM
Quote from: orbut 3000 on April 16, 2014, 01:17:39 AM
It looks like Ms. Ainslie can't suffer polite an reasonable people today.
Could it be influenced by the lunar phase?

This is the normal pattern. When she has been caught out and doesn't know what to say she gets abusive. TK has entirely demolished any vestige of reasonable argument by her. He has reproduced her results by deliberately using poor measurement technique then shown what should have been measured and lo and behold its very similar to the results in August with Steve Wier. All that's left to her is to refuse to acknowledge what is clearly there - we've also seen that before. So expect the feral mode.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: orbut 3000 on April 16, 2014, 02:03:52 AM
Yes, but today she even used bolded, colored, uppercase to express her opinion. That's a pretty strong and almost irrefutable argument.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 16, 2014, 03:17:48 AM
I mean, really. Ainslie has gone totally and completely nutso.  Now she's gone back to lying about the 5-mosfet circuit, which has nothing to do with the recent scopetraces she has posted. And she still persists in the ridiculous claims about current paths in that circuit. What an utter and complete idiot she is, and she compounds the problem by lying about what the demonstrations proved.

How is it possible for her to continue to make those crazy claims about the current path? How is it possible for her to continue to make the claims about the FABRICATED Figure 3 scopeshot, when it has been proven beyond any doubt that the shot, and the claims made around it, are utter LIES?

I'm flabbergasted by this idiot. WHERE ARE HER KEEPERS? The woman is dangerous in her delusions. There is no point in having any kind of discussion with her because she simply LIES and fabricates "evidence" and even denies the reality of demonstrations that explain everything in unequivocal terms. Even HER OWN DEMONSTRATIONS are lied about in her flailing attempts to save face! What a case study in ignorance she is!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTTA80T0BU4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTTA80T0BU4)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C72jwywsz3w (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C72jwywsz3w)

It even appears that the Great Scientist has forgotten the claimed schematics for the "Q-array" circuit, again.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 16, 2014, 04:39:17 AM
Quote from: Tseak on April 16, 2014, 01:47:33 AM
This is the normal pattern. When she has been caught out and doesn't know what to say she gets abusive. TK has entirely demolished any vestige of reasonable argument by her. He has reproduced her results by deliberately using poor measurement technique then shown what should have been measured and lo and behold its very similar to the results in August with Steve Wier. All that's left to her is to refuse to acknowledge what is clearly there - we've also seen that before. So expect the feral mode.

She's been full on feral for some time now.  Let's see if we can follow the pretzel dough:

1. During the June 29 tests it was shown that they could not reproduce the Figure 3 waveforms by configuring according to (almost) Figure 1.  The difference being that for the demonstration they connected the function generator black lead where they always connected it prior to August 11, at the circuit common, which connects through a long wire to Batt-.

2. During the June 29 tests it was shown that they could reproduce the Figure 3 waveforms by defeating the current sense resistors completely:  Connecting the scope probe to the low side of one CSR, and the probe ground lead to the circuit common.  IOW connect the probe across a piece of wire.

3. It has been shown in circuit theory and simulation that AC current during the "Q1 Off" phase does flow through four paths:
a. From Q1D to Q1G and into the function generator red lead through the function generator and out to the function generator black lead, due to Q1 Drain/Gate capacitance.
b. From Q1D to Q1S and into the current sense resistors and out to the circuit common, due to Q1 Drain/Source capacitance.
c. From each Q2D to each Q2S and into the function generator red lead through the function generator and out to the function generator black lead through the enhanced Q2 channels.
d. From Q2D to Q2G and into the current sense resistors and out to the circuit common, due to Q2 Drain/Gate capacitance.

TK's videos have shown that the amount of current through a. and b. is a minor fraction of the total.

4. It was demonstrated August 11, that current really does take the 3.c. path.

5. Review of the schematic and white breadboard wiring, along with review of the June 29th demonstration video experimentally confirms the 3.d. path.

6. Ms. Ainslie acknowledges the August 11 current and voltage measurements taken at the battery show net battery draw during the oscillations.  The battery voltage never reverses, and both the average current and average power are positive through the DUT.  The average power draw from the batteries was between 14W and 15W.

7. I understand from Steve that he has it on record that Ms. Ainslie agreed prior to the August 10 dry run, Ms. Ainslie agreed that in the event of a disagreement between the new current sense and voltage measurements at the batteries versus the measurements at the white peg board, that the measurements taken at the batteries would be considered the more reliable measure of battery:  voltage, current, and power.  I don't know if he means he has e-mail, or Skype recordings, or both.

8. Ms. Ainslie ended the August 11 demonstration without performing Phase 4 or Phase 5 tests because she concluded that the measured battery power drain was so high in relation to the anemic heating element output, that determining a more precise estimate of the output than between 2.4W and 3.4W was pointless.  Ms. Ainslie and Steve can be heard discussing the issue I believe around 58 or 59 minutes into the video.

9. The AC impedance of inductors increases linearly with frequency.  Inductance in series with any resistive current sense increases the measured voltage by 41% at f = R/(2piL) and asymptotically to G = 2*pi*f*L/R.

So what do we get now?  We get these insane rants from Ms. Ainslie that despite accepted circuit theory, and despite experimental confirmation that the oscillating currents through the circuit during the "Q1 Off" phase really do flow almost entirely through Q2's channel and parasitic drain/gate capacitance, Ms. Ainslie insists that is not so, and therefore if it cannot be so then the heating resistor must be crumbling while it powers itself in a loop with the battery from which she insists the heating resistor is isolated.  And why should we believe this?  She insists it is so on the basis of her measurements and intuition.  Never mind that out the other side of her mouth she discounts the measurements taken right at the batteries.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 16, 2014, 04:59:22 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 16, 2014, 03:17:48 AM
I mean, really. Ainslie has gone totally and completely nutso.  Now she's gone back to lying about the 5-mosfet circuit, which has nothing to do with the recent scopetraces she has posted. And she still persists in the ridiculous claims about current paths in that circuit. What an utter and complete idiot she is, and she compounds the problem by lying about what the demonstrations proved.

How is it possible for her to continue to make those crazy claims about the current path? How is it possible for her to continue to make the claims about the FABRICATED Figure 3 scopeshot, when it has been proven beyond any doubt that the shot, and the claims made around it, are utter LIES?

I'm flabbergasted by this idiot. WHERE ARE HER KEEPERS? The woman is dangerous in her delusions. There is no point in having any kind of discussion with her because she simply LIES and fabricates "evidence" and even denies the reality of demonstrations that explain everything in unequivocal terms. Even HER OWN DEMONSTRATIONS are lied about in her flailing attempts to save face! What a case study in ignorance she is!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTTA80T0BU4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTTA80T0BU4)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C72jwywsz3w (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C72jwywsz3w)

It even appears that the Great Scientist has forgotten the claimed schematics for the "Q-array" circuit, again.
To Rosemary Ainslie from concerned onlookers:  "Put down that scope probe!  You'll hurt yourself."

She doesn't like what she sees so she just pretends it's not there.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 16, 2014, 07:55:13 AM
Oh, the problem is far deeper than that. Ainslie is psychotic. She not only refuses to see what IS there, but she hallucinates actively, claiming to see what is NOT there at all. I've demonstrated many times when what she _claims_ is directly opposite to the _visible evidence_. She sometimes blames her "eyesight".... I blame her psychosis.

It's perfectly OK with me that she continues to demonstrate her delusions, though. More grist for the mill! If anyone ever shows the slightest tendency to take her seriously.... when they see the endless compendium of errors, lies and utter delusions she emits, they'll back off promptly.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 16, 2014, 08:58:35 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 16, 2014, 07:55:13 AM
Oh, the problem is far deeper than that. Ainslie is psychotic. She not only refuses to see what IS there, but she hallucinates actively, claiming to see what is NOT there at all. I've demonstrated many times when what she _claims_ is directly opposite to the _visible evidence_. She sometimes blames her "eyesight".... I blame her psychosis.

It's perfectly OK with me that she continues to demonstrate her delusions, though. More grist for the mill! If anyone ever shows the slightest tendency to take her seriously.... when they see the endless compendium of errors, lies and utter delusions she emits, they'll back off promptly.
I go from being aghast by her insane declarations to feeling some pity for an isolated, crazy, old person.  It's hard to maintain much sympathy when she winds herself up into her Tasmanian devil routine.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 16, 2014, 11:37:44 PM
Ainslie has really outdone herself this time. She doesn't like MarkE's explanation.... or rather her misrepresentations of it..... so she erects Straw man after misrepresentation on top of lies dressing up more straw men. I really wonder what kind of DMM she thinks I am using to make all those scope displays and instantaneous power graphs. What a fool she is, to keep on stuffing her foot down her own lying throat! And she even has GMeast helping to do the stuffing. It's hilarious!

Then she talks about her commitment to "open source" and in the next breath says she'll be withholding everything. What a lying, insulting, arrogant hypocrite she is. In addition to being totally wrong!

Go ahead, Ainslie, GREAT SCIENTIST, or GMeast, weak kneed minion.... provide a data set that supports your claims, or refutes mine! YOU CANNOT!

And all those myriad spiders and spammers that check your site for vulnerabilities hourly.... Ainslie, they are laughing at you both.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: markdansie on April 16, 2014, 11:40:39 PM
I think we need some humor here.
Totally off topic.


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 17, 2014, 05:35:13 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 16, 2014, 11:37:44 PM
Ainslie has really outdone herself this time. She doesn't like MarkE's explanation.... or rather her misrepresentations of it..... so she erects Straw man after misrepresentation on top of lies dressing up more straw men. I really wonder what kind of DMM she thinks I am using to make all those scope displays and instantaneous power graphs. What a fool she is, to keep on stuffing her foot down her own lying throat! And she even has GMeast helping to do the stuffing. It's hilarious!

Then she talks about her commitment to "open source" and in the next breath says she'll be withholding everything. What a lying, insulting, arrogant hypocrite she is. In addition to being totally wrong!

Go ahead, Ainslie, GREAT SCIENTIST, or GMeast, weak kneed minion.... provide a data set that supports your claims, or refutes mine! YOU CANNOT!

And all those myriad spiders and spammers that check your site for vulnerabilities hourly.... Ainslie, they are laughing at you both.
We all know how limited her understanding of science in general  and electronics in particular is.  She is wailing into the wind.  She has declared that she will not be supplying any experiment data to support her non-physical claims.  She has closed the book on herself.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 17, 2014, 07:40:41 AM
So where is the evidence for this "Excess Heat" that Ainslie and GMeast are always talking about? There is none in any of Ainslie's reported data, that's for sure, and I've never seen anything like a complete DC calibration, compared to a temperature-time graph, from GMeast either. They simply claim, and boast, and assert, but are apparently immune to any requirement to support their claims with coherent data.

Ainslie's Figure 3, which is the ONLY EVIDENCE she has ever presented that even _appears_ to show heat evolution without strong Q1 current flow.... has been PROVEN to be an utter fabrication. Ainslie has NEVER presented any data that indicates heat performance over and above the power delivered BY THE BATTERY TO THE CIRCUIT.... and now she has told us that she never will. But she will still make the claims!

Come ON, people. SHOW ME A DATA SET THAT SHOWS EXCESS HEAT.  Or stop making the claims that you have such data.

REFUTE MY WORK. I've put all of it up for criticism, repetition, whatever. COME ON, PEOPLE. LET'S SEE A DATA SET THAT SUPPORTS YOUR CLAIMS, without fabrications and lies like the Figure 3 bogus scopeshot.

But aren't we working now with the single mosfet, Quantum Magazine claims? WHERE IS THE DATA? Do you want to go back to discussing the "Q-Array" which was soundly proven to be very inefficient during the two "demonstrations" last summer? Fine---- PRESENT SOME NEW DATA THAT REFUTES THOSE PUBLICLY-GATHERED RESULTS. You cannot!

Because you have none, and you will never have any, that refutes my work, or that shows any excess heating from anything like the Quantum Magazine circuit, the Lost Grey Box circuit, or the 5-mosfet "Q-array" circuit.

PROVE ME WRONG!   You cannot. All you can do, Ainslie and GMeast, is to erect your straw man arguments and flail and moan about them.


Would you like to refute those demonstrations? I invite you to do so..... it will be fun to watch your flailing and failing.  The mosfet input capacitance of 2800 pF or so...> READ THE DATA SHEET GMEAST< acts just like any other capacitance in the circuit, it does contribute to the formation and sustaining of the oscillations. How could it not? Why is the capacitance even listed in the data sheet if it doesn't act as a capacitance, GMEAST? Your faulty and arrogant "understanding" is leading you astray, you are buying into Ainslie's straw-man argument.... to the detriment of your own credibility.

Your arguments are invalid, Ainslie and GMeast. And the more you squawk the more people see how silly and duplicitous you both are. Produce a data set that supports your claims.... OR STOP MAKING THEM.

And while you are at it, explain these "DMM" screenshots and spreadsheet graphs. Why do these parameters NOT produce the "excess heating" in the load? I know why...... and so do you, GMeast.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 17, 2014, 07:56:13 AM
Ms. Ainslie's flailing about really should cause more yawns than excitement.

Each of the four paths that I identified do pass AC current.  I am pretty sure that Steve put  a Q2 gate current sense in tht board you've got.  It would be interesting to see just how much current flows through that path with 1, 2, or four Q2 MOSFETs hooked up.  If you use the gate current booster in series with say a 10 Ohm resistor instead of the function generator you may see some really interesting stuff. You may need a beefier heat sink for the low side PNP transistor.

While Greg has some funny ideas including somewhat paranoid ones about people like us, he has in my view done a much better job than Ms. Ainslie of trying to set-up measurements that faithfully indicate what he wants to measure.  And unlike Ms. Ainslie he has performed at least some null experiments.  I am disappointed that he has rejected my suggestions for additional experiments out of hand.  I hope that he will eventually reconsider out of interest in finding out the truth.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 17, 2014, 08:52:38 AM
The Great Scientists don't do true experiments, though. They simply do "demonstrations", not experiments designed to _disprove_ an hypothesis.

However, I don't work that way.

The hypothesis that the Gate or input capacitance of a mosfet cannot pass significant current ... that is, the Ainslie-GMeast hypothesis.... is easily tested in an attempt to falsify it. Have they EVER tested that hypothesis? Not to my knowledge, but please correct me right away if I am wrong.

However, I have done so.

Take an IRFPG50 mosfet, completely disconnected from everything. Take a 14 volt light bulb, a GE161 for instance, and hook one side of it to the Function Generator BLACK output lead. Take the other end of the light bulb and hook it to the mosfet SOURCE only. Take the RED FG output lead and hook it to the mosfet GATE only. Set the FG for a positive square wave at the typical Ainslie operating frequency like 187 kHz as shown in her last released scopeshot.  Turn up the FG output amplitude, and observe the light bulb. What will happen? Now select a bipolar "AC" square wave. What will happen?

What is the prediction from Ainslie/GMEast's "theory" of mosfet operation-- READ THE DATA SHEET? What is "our" prediction? What does the real actual hardware do?

Is there ANYONE who can answer this question? Yes... .there is. I can answer it.

Can YOU, GMeast? I know Ainslie cannot do the experiment herself. But I believe YOU can do it.

(Let's pretend that the goalposts haven't been moved YET AGAIN..... Ainslie is suddenly talking about the 5-mosfet circuit, when she has claimed lately that they were testing the old Quantum Magazine single-mosfet circuit, and that circuit is what produced her latest scopeshots. But suddenly.... the Q-array is being discussed again. Fine.... I can test ANY of the 5 different circuits she has claimed for the "Q-Array" very easily, and produce a complete data set including CORRECT SCHEMATICS, CORRECT SCOPETRACES and PROPERLY GATHERED HEATING RATE DATA, along with spreadsheets and etc. in less than FOUR HOURS. Can you, GMEast or Ainslie? Why don't you DO IT, if you can? I know why.... and so do you: you cannot produce data that supports your claims. Where is ANY heating RATE data from Ainslie? Nowhere, that's where.... she has NEVER PRODUCED SUCH DATA, in spite of her claims that it is necessary. Please feel free to REFUTE ME. You cannot.)

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 17, 2014, 09:41:30 AM
Here's a burr for your saddle-blanket, GMeast.


Ainslie said,
QuoteGuys - the wonder is how they get away with this APPALLING level of discussion on 'matters scientific'.  It beggars belief.  They can CERTAINLY assume that there are those readers who simply don't understand the points they raise.  But it's never ALL their readers.  But to claim that those IRFPG50's can discharge current from a battery or any supply source through the GATE of a MOSFET?  And then to say that they PROVED this?  For those of you who are NOT purists, trust me on this.  It is IMPOSSIBLE - unless that MOSFET has somehow degraded that it is ENTIRELY defunct.  That's just one of MANY absurdities.  The most of them have been discussed.  I put it to you that IF they're the 'experts' that they pretend - then LET THEM PUBLISH A PAPER ON THESE FINDINGS.  Because, of a truth - there would be a million or more aspiring power and electronic experts who would be MOST intrigued. 

And I laugh. More IMPOSSIBILITIES claimed by Ainslie, that I show to be perfectly POSSIBLE and in fact TRUE.

LET AINSLIE PERFORM EXPERIMENTS THAT REFUTE MY FINDINGS. She cannot, and neither can her faithful steed Gmeast, because my findings are TRUE and fully documented. All she can do is emit further bloviations, giving me more and more opportunities to REFUTE HER UTTERLY. The ignorant troll queen knows nothing about electronics in general or mosfets in particular and is happy to brag and display her ignorance in public for all to see! And she has suborned GMEast as well, which is sad, because he really should know better.

And LET AINSLIE PUBLISH A PAPER.... any paper! She cannot! Never has, and never will. Editors laugh at her, and summarily reject her submissions as the amateurish hodge-podge of error and mendacity that they are.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 17, 2014, 09:57:45 AM
It is amazing, isn't it? Even the Straw Man argument constructed by Ainslie and Gmeast fails in the light of actual evidence. 

In the first place, THERE IS NO EXCESS HEAT to be accounted for. The mosfet undeniably does have some current passing through the Gate capacitance; this current has been measured time and time again, even by Ainslie herself (see the August 11 demonstration, last ten minutes) and might be contributing slightly to the load heating. But how can we be claiming that it accounts for the "excess heat" when THERE IS NO EXCESS HEAT?

They can't even get their criticisms right, since they are criticizing Ainslie's deluded misrepresentations, rather than the actual assertions and demonstrations coming from the actual experiments that I am performing.... and which neither Ainslie nor Gmeast have EVER refuted in the least degree.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc7iAGFceF4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc7iAGFceF4)

The FG acts as a POWER SOURCE IN SERIES with the main batteries during the Q2 oscillations. This pathway, where the FG ADDS POWER TO THE CIRCUIT, has nothing to do with the Gate capacitance passing current. Ainslie and GMeast are simply fabricating, confabulating, when they make their false StrawMan claims about the FG adding significant load heating power _through the gate capacitance_. Her refusal to believe that the FG is a power source in the "Q-array" circuit is legendary.... and remains utterly WRONG.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 17, 2014, 10:27:18 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 17, 2014, 09:41:30 AM
Here's a burr for your saddle-blanket, GMeast.

http://youtu.be/O7Mcp390HyU (http://youtu.be/O7Mcp390HyU)

Ainslie said,
And I laugh. More IMPOSSIBILITIES claimed by Ainslie, that I show to be perfectly POSSIBLE and in fact TRUE.

LET AINSLIE PERFORM EXPERIMENTS THAT REFUTE MY FINDINGS. She cannot, and neither can her faithful steed Gmeast, because my findings are TRUE and fully documented. All she can do is emit further bloviations, giving me more and more opportunities to REFUTE HER UTTERLY. The ignorant troll queen knows nothing about electronics in general or mosfets in particular and is happy to brag and display her ignorance in public for all to see! And she has suborned GMEast as well, which is sad, because he really should know better.

And LET AINSLIE PUBLISH A PAPER.... any paper! She cannot! Never has, and never will. Editors laugh at her, and summarily reject her submissions as the amateurish hodge-podge of error and mendacity that they are.
That was another nice demonstration.  If you get the chance and are so willing, I think it would be good to also show the current that flows through the drain/gate capacitance of Q2 MOSFETs during the oscillations.

It is too bad that you don't have a non-contact current probe.  You could make one up with a small ferrite toroid and a 50 to 100 turns.  Then you can thread a lead through the core to monitor for AC current.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 17, 2014, 11:09:03 AM
Ainslie said,
QuoteBut to claim that those IRFPG50's can discharge current from a battery or any supply source through the GATE of a MOSFET?  And then to say that they PROVED this?  For those of you who are NOT purists, trust me on this.  It is IMPOSSIBLE - unless that MOSFET has somehow degraded that it is ENTIRELY defunct.  That's just one of MANY absurdities.  The most of them have been discussed.  I put it to you that IF they're the 'experts' that they pretend - then LET THEM PUBLISH A PAPER ON THESE FINDINGS.  Because, of a truth - there would be a million or more aspiring power and electronic experts who would be MOST intrigued. 

Trust her on this. What a fool she is!

Ainslie, there is NO NEED for me or "us" to publish any paper on these findings... because these findings are COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY IN ACCORD WITH CONVENTIONAL PHYSICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Textbook after textbook has ALREADY BEEN PUBLISHED that support my "findings" or rather my demonstrations of perfectly ordinary circuit and component behaviour.

On the other hand, neither YOU, O Great Scientist ROSEMARY AINSLIE, nor your faithful steed GMEAST, can provide even ONE SINGLE REFERENCE to an "aspiring power and electronic expert" who might agree with YOUR position. Of course you can't, because it's clear that your Straw Man is just that: totally made of straw, without substance and without evidence to refute my "findings".

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 17, 2014, 01:02:55 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 17, 2014, 11:09:03 AM
Ainslie said,

QuoteBut to claim that those IRFPG50's can discharge current from a battery or any supply source through the GATE of a MOSFET?  And then to say that they PROVED this?  For those of you who are NOT purists, trust me on this.  It is IMPOSSIBLE - unless that MOSFET has somehow degraded that it is ENTIRELY defunct.  That's just one of MANY absurdities.  The most of them have been discussed.  I put it to you that IF they're the 'experts' that they pretend - then LET THEM PUBLISH A PAPER ON THESE FINDINGS.  Because, of a truth - there would be a million or more aspiring power and electronic experts who would be MOST intrigued. 

Trust her on this. What a fool she is!

Ainslie, there is NO NEED for me or "us" to publish any paper on these findings... because these findings are COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY IN ACCORD WITH CONVENTIONAL PHYSICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Textbook after textbook has ALREADY BEEN PUBLISHED that support my "findings" or rather my demonstrations of perfectly ordinary circuit and component behaviour.

On the other hand, neither YOU, O Great Scientist ROSEMARY AINSLIE, nor your faithful steed GMEAST, can provide even ONE SINGLE REFERENCE to an "aspiring power and electronic expert" who might agree with YOUR position. Of course you can't, because it's clear that your Straw Man is just that: totally made of straw, without substance and without evidence to refute my "findings".
Again:  She has very little idea of what she is talking about.  Here are a couple of interesting numbers for you:
Gate/drain charge on the IRGPG50 is 110nC.  If the MOSFET gets fully turned on and off then all of that charge has to be pumped in and swept out each cycle. At 2.5MHz that would amount to 275mA current, per MOSFET.  Since the MOSFETs do not fully turn on or off the actual current is lower.  But this should all be readily testable on that board you got from Steve.  You can measure the gate current with a scope under conditions of low frequency full on-off switching, and under the oscillating conditions.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 18, 2014, 02:45:16 PM
Sure, I can do that. But first I want to see some evidence for Ainslie's repeated claims, which have to do with heating of the load. Not battery lifetimes on pulsed discharge schedules or any of that.

Here is the last paragraph in the adden-dumb to the daft manuscripts that she believes gets her out of the obligation to completely withdraw them.

QuoteIn effect both the positive and the negative voltages of each oscillation swings, first clockwise and then anti clockwise, through the element resistor and it bypasses the battery entirely. However, there is a small discharge from the battery at each positive cycle that enables enough current discharge to establish a positive voltage through the Source of Q2 to the Gate of Q1. Which then overrides the negative signal that is applied by the switch driver. This ensures that some energy is discharged by the battery, albeit that it is in no way proportionate the amount of energy that is dissipated as heat at the element resistor. Which, in turn results in the dissipation of energy at the element resistor that is far in excess of the amount of energy discharged by the battery supply which in turn, results in the defeat of unity constraints.

So I want to see some data that supports this claim. Where is a data set that shows the RATE of temperature rise, which Ainslie claims is needed, to be greater than that obtained by straight DC at the same average power level? What circuit is used, what are the operating parameters?

The claims in the manuscript body, which refer to the Figure 3 and other erroneous FABRICATED scopeshots are of course invalid for that reason alone, although others also obtain. So where is any data that supports Ainslie's claims?

Nowhere, that's where. She has never produced any _when people are watching her_ , and she cannot do so honestly.

"Before you (Steve Weir) got here, we got completely different results at exactly the same settings. Tell him, Donny...."  Yeah.. right. The "skeptic effect" works at the complete antipodes, all around the world.

It takes less than four hours to set up, run, gather data, collate record and present it in intelligible manner. WHERE IS THE DATA THAT SUPPORTS YOUR CONTENTIONS AND CLAIMS, AINSLIE?

Can't take a few hours out of your busy day to perform the experiment? Oh... that's right, YOU aren't actually performing the experiments and you don't actually want to bother whoever IS actually performing them, actually, long enough to present one single LITTLE data set to support your claims. Actually.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 18, 2014, 09:48:26 PM
One of the elephant's in the middle of Ms. Ainslie's living room is the fact that her own measurements August 11, 2013 reliably showed about 15W power draw from the battery while the heat evolved from the heating resistor amounted to only about 3W.  Ms. Ainslie chooses to wave her hands and pretend that the current measurements taken at the shunt resistor right at the battery were somehow invalid.  Her "explanation" in no way provides any reason to believe that those measurements were highly distorted.  Ms. Ainslie agreed that those measurements would be a more reliable indication of true battery current than the current sense resistors on the white peg board.  Whatever ideas Ms. Ainslie has about current flowing or not flowing through the MOSFETs, no sane person can deny that the demonstration reliably showed voltage developed across the low inductance current sense resistor located at the battery.  No one can deny that because the resistor is low inductance and the connections had low inductance that the measured voltage was not reasonably close to:  Ibattery=Vbattery_current_sense/1 Ohm.  Yet, Ms. Ainslie insists that the measurements she demonstrated are wrong.  How does Ms. Ainslie explain voltage across the low inductance CSR without a corresponding current through it?  She doesn't.  She just wails and flails claiming that the current measured is not real.  Why?  Because she doesn't want it to be real.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 18, 2014, 10:20:29 PM
Ainslie must be getting exhausted from moving goalposts and willfully ignoring and misrepresenting what's being discussed. Poor old thing is really grasping at straws now. Apparently my last demonstration wasn't comprehensive enough.... I "accidentally" left out a test or two that I probably should have included. But then I would have missed this opportunity to demonstrate Ainslie's foolishness AGAIN!

But really, we know she's not capable of grasping the implications of what's in these videos, but GMeast surely is.

She must really enjoy being put down, time and time again.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKF1r6vwUpI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKF1r6vwUpI)

Yes, Ainslie, Great Scientist, you are proven to be utterly and foolishly wrong YET AGAIN, because I have shown just what you, and your faithful steed GMEast, have repeatedly denied: the capacitance of the IRFPG50 mosfet acts like any other capacitor of 2800pF and passes AC current just fine, without damage, at any "polarity" and between any of its terminals.

HEY AINSLIE.... THE "TRICK" as you put it has nothing to do with this Little demonstration. This is just another Little item, one of many, where you are shown to be over your head, swimming against the current, utterly and completely wrong. No, the Data you need to provide is the data that supports your claim in the last paragraph of your Adden-dumb. More heat -- more power dissipation at the load than is delivered by the battery.... temperature RATE of rise data like you insist on but have NEVER shown. You need to refute all the negative data I've published, with some valid data of your own that supports your bogus claims. But we know you cannot, and that is why all your protestations, all your squawkings and parroting of terms you don't understand, your goalpost-moving .... all come to nought.

And why are you lying so transparently about what you said and what issue I addressed? HERE IS WHAT YOU SAID, ROSEMARY AINSLIE:
But to claim that those IRFPG50's can discharge current from a battery or any supply source through the GATE of a MOSFET?  And then to say that they PROVED this?  For those of you who are NOT purists, trust me on this.  It is IMPOSSIBLE - unless that MOSFET has somehow degraded that it is ENTIRELY defunct.  That's just one of MANY absurdities.  The most of them have been discussed.  I put it to you that IF they're the 'experts' that they pretend - then LET THEM PUBLISH A PAPER ON THESE FINDINGS.  Because, of a truth - there would be a million or more aspiring power and electronic experts who would be MOST intrigued. 

Note that the words "DRAIN LEG" do not appear.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 19, 2014, 12:26:28 AM
That was a nice demonstration.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 19, 2014, 07:40:49 AM
Yes, thanks, overly simplistic I know, but consider my "target audience" : People who make absurd claims about basic electronics and who won't even bother to do their own simple experiments before shooting off their mouths about stuff they don't understand but only parrot.

Ainslie and all her sycophants.... all one or two of them.... would rather talk, bloviate, insult and move goal posts than perform simple and unequivocal experiments to test their claims or demonstrate their validity.

It would take the Ainslie mob four hours to produce a valid data set supporting their claims IF THE CLAIMS WERE TRUE.

Four hours only, as I, working completely alone, have demonstrated MANY TIMES. And they have been incapable of doing it in twelve or fourteen YEARS.

1. Post the CORRECT schematic diagram of the circuit you are using.
2. Post the CORRECT AND COMPLETE operating parameters of the circuit: supply voltages and source, FG or other clock frequency and duty cycle and output voltage settings, etc.
3. Post the CORRECT AND VALID resulting oscilloscope waveforms.
4. Post the Temperature-Time graph of the load heating to THERMAL EQUILIBRIUM using the circuit and parameters specified.
5. Post the Temperature-Time graph of the load heating to thermal equilibrium using the same average power supplied as straight DC from a regulated power supply.
6. Provide a video record to prove you actually did the experiment as you describe, and make your RAW DATA available for inspection.

I've demonstrated, over and over again, how all of this can be accomplished with a minimal budget and acceptable accuracy and precision. Some members of Ainslie's gang are surely competent enough to perform this simple and basic REAL SCIENCE approach to the matter, even though we know Ainslie herself is not. So why, after all these years.... or even after all these months since August 11, 2013 (a day that will go down in infamy for Ainslie).... have they not done so?

I know why.... and so do the rest of "our readers": They cannot, they DARE NOT (tm Ainslie) because they cannot honestly produce any Temperature-Time heating data from their mosfet kludges that beats simple straight Direct Current and direct wiring.

FOUR HOURS, you blowhards. That's all it would take for you to demonstrate the truth of your assertions..... if only they were true. But they aren't.

QuoteIn effect both the positive and the negative voltages of each oscillation swings, first clockwise and then anti clockwise, through the element resistor and it bypasses the battery entirely. However, there is a small discharge from the battery at each positive cycle that enables enough current discharge to establish a positive voltage through the Source of Q2 to the Gate of Q1. Which then overrides the negative signal that is applied by the switch driver. This ensures that some energy is discharged by the battery, albeit that it is in no way proportionate the amount of energy that is dissipated as heat at the element resistor. Which, in turn results in the dissipation of energy at the element resistor that is far in excess of the amount of energy discharged by the battery supply which in turn, results in the defeat of unity constraints.

What an unsupported, untenable crock of ignorant garbage that "Adden-dumb" is.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 19, 2014, 08:18:47 AM
Let's consider what Ainslie and her krewe have actually done.

1. Post the CORRECT schematic diagram of the circuit you are using.

Ainslie has posted at least SIX different schematics for the circuits she has claimed to use, and adding the SWeir-deconstructed Grey Box, SEVEN different schematics have been claimed by Ainslie for the Quantum and Q-Array circuits, and her former collaborators have produced even more. EVEN NOW, the two daft manuscripts describing the 5-mosfet circuit have LYING SCHEMATICS in them that were never used before August 11, 2013 and were certainly NOT used to gather the data in the manuscripts. The Quantum Magazine schematic's defects are legendary... yet the schematic and the containing article still persist in their claims. Ainslie DELIBERATELY AND ADMITTEDLY LIED about the actual 5-mosfet schematic and even made Donovan Martin lie for her as well.

2. Post the CORRECT AND COMPLETE operating parameters of the circuit: supply voltages and source, FG or other clock frequency and duty cycle and output voltage settings, etc.

Here Ainslie and her mob has been all over the ballpark. Never once has she posted the open-circuit voltage waveforms from the FG. Never has the actual performance of the circuit been correlated with the operating parameters. No evidence exists that Ainslie has ever even performed a complete trial without fiddling and changing settings! Ainslie famously claimed to Steve Weir that "they got completely different results using the exact same settings" before he showed up to guide them.

3. Post the CORRECT AND VALID resulting oscilloscope waveforms.

This is the most laughable and egregious item. Ainslie has been PROVEN to include falsified data in her reports! The Figure 3 scopeshot, which STILL EXISTS in the daft manuscripts, was not made using the connections claimed by Ainslie, or perhaps was made with an inoperative mosfet, YET WAS INCLUDED ANYWAY, pretending to be valid data, and is the KEY bit of supporting evidence for Ainslie's entire set of claims. Yet it is FABRICATED, the fabrication consisting of her continuing claims of its validity even though she herself cannot reproduce it when she is being watched. Ainslie cannot interpret scope traces herself so the scopeshots she posts are just pretty pictures to her and are definitely NOT displayed in a manner as to convey data.... they are deliberately and ignorantly obfuscatory rather than being good examples of scientific communication. Furthermore she has actively tried to deny, hide and even suppress screenshots from her most recent comedy "demonstrations", because they don't support her ridiculous contentions.

4. Post the Temperature-Time graph of the load heating to THERMAL EQUILIBRIUM using the circuit and parameters specified.

Lately, Ainslie has insisted that the final equilibrium TEMPERATURE of the load isn't adequate to measure power dissipation (even though it is.) So she has begun parroting the word "RATE" and seems to be insisting on RATE of temperature rise as the proper performance parameter to be considered. This is really ironic... because not only is she wrong about that basic assertion, but also SHE HAS NEVER PROVIDED ANY "RATE" of temperature rise data of her own! ALL of her claims in EVERY "paper" she has cobbled together rely on the FINAL TEMPERATURE reached by the load and the time taken to reach this temperature, or the time-temperature RATE curve, is simply ignored.
Furthermore, Ainslie has repeatedly confused, and still obviously confuses, RATES with QUANTITIES, as in her continual buggering and misuse of the terms "Joule" and "Watt".

5. Post the Temperature-Time graph of the load heating to thermal equilibrium using the same average power supplied as straight DC from a regulated power supply.

Recently, Ainslie has claimed that her cadre of fumblers has obtained this data. Where is it? Where is the DC calibration data, including RATE of temperature increase, for the load cell she is currently using? How was this data obtained? How are we to be assured that the experimental trials are made with the load cell in the same kind of environmental conditions as the DC calibrations? Up until this past few months, ALL of the Ainslie temperature data is actually invalid, as are the claims of "taking water to boil", because the temperature-monitoring thermocouple was attached directly to the metal of the "element resistor" which in turn was simply dangling in air. Only in the last few months has Ainslie even considered making proper thermal measurements of a properly constructed and monitored load cell IN OIL.

6. Provide a video record to prove you actually did the experiment as you describe, and make your RAW DATA available for inspection.

The video demonstrations that Ainslie has recently provided are insults. Important, long-awaited live video streams _from a cellphone_. A cellphone that actually has to receive calls during the demonstration! A cellphone that cannot seem to be pointed at the items of interest and significance, that does not have the resolution necessary for clarity, that has thumbs placed over the microphone. Narration that is garbled, unclear, disorganized and unrehearsed. Objectives that are clearly not even understood by the presenters. Fumbling illustrations of incompetence in using their basic test equipment. Long delays and even sheer _abandonments_ during the demonstrations due to their lack of understanding of their own equipment.
And the one clear demonstration, from March of 2011.... Ainslie tried to suppress, when it became clear that it is a very definite record of her and Donovan Martin's lies about the schematic and the performance of the device!
Furthermore, Ainslie promised to make her spreadsheet data available; she never has done so. She agreed with Steve Weir and Poynt99 to save and release screenshots from the most recent demonstrations.... she never has done so.

In short, Ainslie and her gang have done _everything possible_ to actually avoid performing a simple experiment or demonstration of their claims!  At every step of the simple process I've outlined above, they have failed due to incompetence, or have deliberately avoided the proper performance.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 19, 2014, 12:00:17 PM
You know, I know, everyone including Ms. Ainslie knows that she cannot produce evidence that supports her claims.  The data that you ask of her will never be forthcoming.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 19, 2014, 01:11:30 PM
Sure. But you would think that an honest researcher who genuinely believed in her claims and data would at least _try_ to provide data to support them, wouldn't you? And I've shown that the process of running the experimental trials is actually very easy to do and doesn't take a lot of time. So why don't she and her minions run some trials and report the data, good OR bad, like any real scientist would do?  Well, I know why. What they will wind up doing, if anything, as the most recent scopeshot seems to indicate, is that they will happily repeat their old and stupid measurement errors and assert that they are actually valid measurements.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 19, 2014, 05:26:52 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 19, 2014, 01:11:30 PM
Sure. But you would think that an honest researcher who genuinely believed in her claims and data would at least _try_ to provide data to support them, wouldn't you? And I've shown that the process of running the experimental trials is actually very easy to do and doesn't take a lot of time. So why don't she and her minions run some trials and report the data, good OR bad, like any real scientist would do?  Well, I know why. What they will wind up doing, if anything, as the most recent scopeshot seems to indicate, is that they will happily repeat their old and stupid measurement errors and assert that they are actually valid measurements.
Ms. Ainslie herself says that she lacks the skills to perform such experiments.  How she convinces herself that she has the discovery that she claims when her own demonstrations soundly rebuke her ideas is anyone's guess.  Why there is anyone who would continue to give her self-refuted ideas any credence is an even bigger mystery.

Without detailed descriptions and/or pictures of what they are doing it is hard to say for certain just what they are up to. Given their history of completely inept bungling, and demonstrated extremely poor understanding of science, it is a safe bet that the information value of anything they do by themselves will be very low.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 20, 2014, 12:23:13 PM
Quote from: MarkE on April 19, 2014, 05:26:52 PM
Ms. Ainslie herself says that she lacks the skills to perform such experiments.  How she convinces herself that she has the discovery that she claims when her own demonstrations soundly rebuke her ideas is anyone's guess.  Why there is anyone who would continue to give her self-refuted ideas any credence is an even bigger mystery.

Without detailed descriptions and/or pictures of what they are doing it is hard to say for certain just what they are up to. Given their history of completely inept bungling, and demonstrated extremely poor understanding of science, it is a safe bet that the information value of anything they do by themselves will be very low.

You seem to forget that their history also includes much deliberate prevarication, misrepresentation, mendacity, and collusive lying about what they have done, are doing and will do. These are not "errors", bunglings, ignorances or lapses in competence. They are deliberate, conscious attempts to alter history, to spin facts and details in their favor. These emissions from Ainslie and her co-authors, especially Donovan Martin, are deliberate lies.

-the Quantum Magazine circuit itself and the claims made in that article
-the story of the Lost Grey Box, its history, its whereabouts, its circuitry and its usage
-the "taking water to boil" story
-the Figure 3 and other bogus scopeshots which still remain and are still claimed to be valid by Ainslie
-the March 2011 demonstration video, where Ainslie and Donovan Martin are consciously lying about the circuit used
-the sudden disappearance from all of her 4 YouTube channels of that video in an attempt to cover up the evidence it contains
-the repeated shouts of "I DID NOT POST THAT VIDEO" when there are many forum and blog postings from her that PROVE she did post it to HER YouTube account
-the continuing claims of high heat evolution without "measurable" power drawn from the battery supply
-the promises to release raw data spreadsheets
-the promises to release the scopeshots made under Steve Weir's supervision
-the bogus "retraction" which was never sincere, just a delaying tactic
-and then the "unretraction" based on no new data, repudiating the findings of Steve Weir in the "public" stealth demo
-the continuing lies and misrepresentations of the work of others, notably Glen Lettenmeier, Poynt99, and myself

And the list goes on and on, and is added to almost every day by further lies and prevarications from Ainslie.

So I submit this: You cannot believe or trust _anything_ coming from the Ainslie mob unless you, or some other trustworthy researcher, can actually _repeat_ the findings for yourself. Just watching them or looking at diagrams and photos _they_ submit are not sufficient in this case, due to their proven track record of lying and misrepresentation, in spoken word, forum and blog posts, photographs and videos. All of it is tainted and cannot be believed without outside confirmation. And whenever anyone HAS actually tried to repeat any of Ainslie's posted "work" they encounter the discrepancies right away.

For example.... ALL of my work, contrary to more lies from Ainslie, on this topic is publicly available on my YT channel in complete detail; anyone who likes can look up any particular experiment or demonstration of mine and repeat it for themselves, and IF they find some contrary data or performance, they can discuss it with me rationally and in detail. Just try that with Ainslie's reports. Remember what happened when GMeast tried it? Insert ROFL here !!

The only reason people even know _at all_ what circuits Ainslie might have used is because of the analyses BY HER CRITICS !!

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 20, 2014, 01:55:07 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 20, 2014, 12:23:13 PM
You seem to forget that their history also includes much deliberate prevarication, misrepresentation, mendacity, and collusive lying about what they have done, are doing and will do. These are not "errors", bunglings, ignorances or lapses in competence. They are deliberate, conscious attempts to alter history, to spin facts and details in their favor. These emissions from Ainslie and her co-authors, especially Donovan Martin, are deliberate lies.

-the Quantum Magazine circuit itself and the claims made in that article
-the story of the Lost Grey Box, its history, its whereabouts, its circuitry and its usage
-the "taking water to boil" story
-the Figure 3 and other bogus scopeshots which still remain and are still claimed to be valid by Ainslie
-the March 2011 demonstration video, where Ainslie and Donovan Martin are consciously lying about the circuit used
-the sudden disappearance from all of her 4 YouTube channels of that video in an attempt to cover up the evidence it contains
-the repeated shouts of "I DID NOT POST THAT VIDEO" when there are many forum and blog postings from her that PROVE she did post it to HER YouTube account
-the continuing claims of high heat evolution without "measurable" power drawn from the battery supply
-the promises to release raw data spreadsheets
-the promises to release the scopeshots made under Steve Weir's supervision
-the bogus "retraction" which was never sincere, just a delaying tactic
-and then the "unretraction" based on no new data, repudiating the findings of Steve Weir in the "public" stealth demo
-the continuing lies and misrepresentations of the work of others, notably Glen Lettenmeier, Poynt99, and myself

And the list goes on and on, and is added to almost every day by further lies and prevarications from Ainslie.

So I submit this: You cannot believe or trust _anything_ coming from the Ainslie mob unless you, or some other trustworthy researcher, can actually _repeat_ the findings for yourself. Just watching them or looking at diagrams and photos _they_ submit are not sufficient in this case, due to their proven track record of lying and misrepresentation, in spoken word, forum and blog posts, photographs and videos. All of it is tainted and cannot be believed without outside confirmation. And whenever anyone HAS actually tried to repeat any of Ainslie's posted "work" they encounter the discrepancies right away.

For example.... ALL of my work, contrary to more lies from Ainslie, on this topic is publicly available on my YT channel in complete detail; anyone who likes can look up any particular experiment or demonstration of mine and repeat it for themselves, and IF they find some contrary data or performance, they can discuss it with me rationally and in detail. Just try that with Ainslie's reports. Remember what happened when GMeast tried it? Insert ROFL here !!

The only reason people even know _at all_ what circuits Ainslie might have used is because of the analyses BY HER CRITICS !!
I am well aware of  debacles like the MOSFET wiring in the 2011 demonstration not being as represented, and Ms. Ainslie's later declarations that she intentionally misrepresented the circuit.  Her representations with regard to  the magazine article circuit are equally bizarre.  Ms. Ainslie has said that to effect that she was "ordered" to publish a circuit, so "they" just grabbed one from the internet.  Does the gross incompetence make the intentional misrepresentations moot?  Do the intentional misrepresentations make the gross incompetence moot?  Or do they both just say:  There is nothing there to see?  Ms. Ainslie will most likely keep barking at the moon.  She may think she has some audience.  She may hold out hope that one day she will impress experts when all she has done is consistently push experts away.  Her hopes will not be realized.

The work you have done researching the claims has been very good.  Point by point you have conducted reliable and repeatable experiments that show the falsity of Ms. Ainslie's confused ideas concerning science in general and electronics in particular.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: memoryman on April 21, 2014, 08:58:51 AM
Mark E and TK: I wonder why you two spend so much time on RA and her ramblings. Given your very high level of competence, are there not vastly more important issues you can address? As an electronics professional myself for 50 years, I realised that I had little to contribute to your posts, so I did not bother.
Similarly for Mr.Wayne's silly ZED. I did not accept his invitation because
a: I have no need/desire to spend two day listening to an explanation of HOW the ZED works, when it can not be demonstrated, and
b: There will be no practical way to rule out a hidden power source with a device that is anchored to the ground.
Just curious.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 21, 2014, 11:13:17 AM
Quote from: memoryman on April 21, 2014, 08:58:51 AM
Mark E and TK: I wonder why you two spend so much time on RA and her ramblings. Given your very high level of competence, are there not vastly more important issues you can address? As an electronics professional myself for 50 years, I realised that I had little to contribute to your posts, so I did not bother.
Similarly for Mr.Wayne's silly ZED. I did not accept his invitation because
a: I have no need/desire to spend two day listening to an explanation of HOW the ZED works, when it can not be demonstrated, and
b: There will be no practical way to rule out a hidden power source with a device that is anchored to the ground.
Just curious.

I would have dismissed and dispensed with the whole thing years ago when I first found out that her claims were bogus, but for Ainslie's continuing insults, lies and misrepresentations. She made a personal enemy of me back in the days of 2009-2010 when she started in with her insults and profound disrespect, coupled with her overweening arrogance and complete ignorance of her topic. I will continue to examine and if necessary refute each and every bogus claim, every lie, every insult that she tries to deliver, until she stops posting them.

Plus, she and her kludge qualify as "low hanging fruit"; it's an easy project requiring minimal resources and it fools my housemate into thinking I'm doing something useful.

Wayne Travis followed the same kind of pattern. I don't know if you are aware of the old "Locked" thread, where essentially the same discussion happened a few years ago, until finally Wayne flailed and bailed by asking Stefan to close the thread. He made claims without presenting evidence, he denied the validity of "standard measurement protocols" (tm Ainslie), he treated his critics with profound disrespect and his left-handed delivery of the cutting insult was just as well developed then as it was lately.

I think MarkE is just being polite, so it doesn't seem like I'm shouting into an empty room.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 21, 2014, 11:17:17 AM
Memoryman, I enjoy the great videos that TinselKoala has put out over the course of this saga.   There are some insights into how various people think, and what mental barriers they sometimes throw up.  As to Ms. Ainslie herself, she is just one of many people who make extraordinary claims without evidence.  In her case she has presented evidence that strongly refutes her own claims.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: memoryman on April 21, 2014, 12:14:42 PM
You both know that you can't win with people like that. They will just repeat their nonsense ad infinitum (and ad nauseum).
Is it a fight worth fighting, considering that there are so many more worthy causes out there? Obviously you think so.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 21, 2014, 12:50:09 PM
Quote from: memoryman on April 21, 2014, 12:14:42 PM
You both know that you can't win with people like that. They will just repeat their nonsense ad infinitum (and ad nauseum).
Is it a fight worth fighting, considering that there are so many more worthy causes out there? Obviously you think so.
Memoryman, I gave up trying to coax Ms. Ainslie back to reality a long time ago.  It is clear that she is just going to keep barking at the moon.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 21, 2014, 01:56:09 PM
Sure, and it provides much entertainment when she does.

Furthermore, if just doing it for the lulz isn't enough... the claims and the rest of the material from Rosemary Ainslie and her co-authors, especially Donovan Martin, are affronts to science. They are pseudoscientific misconduct of the most egregious kind, and if Ainslie isn't watched closely she tries to spread her BS around to new hopeful researchers as much as possible. This not only distracts people from doing good work, it winds up giving the whole "alternative energy" or "free energy/overunity" community a bad name. Imagine an actual journal reviewer encountering Ainslie's hodge-podge of garbage. Once having been exposed to her claims and her history of lies, misrepresentations and insults, that reviewer will never again be able to look at a bit of alternative research without thinking of the Ainslie debacle and choking.

Also, when people see her claims and try to repeat her work, they wind up not able to do it, because of her misrepresentations and lies. How much time did GMeast waste, for example, building the Quantum Magazine 555 timer, only to find it does not work as Ainslie claimed? And so on.

Memoryman, if you are bored by all of this, you can just ignore it. I won't be offended if you put me on your ignore list!

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: memoryman on April 21, 2014, 02:55:01 PM
I am not bored; I did ignore this site (and still do most topics) because I think that my efforts are more effective by doing, rather than being righteous about others. I enjoy the well reasoned discussions, but the whole FE/OU debate is pointless; the believers will believe anyway.
The few people who are rational here rarely need convincing.
Keep on doing whatever gives you purpose.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 22, 2014, 07:55:57 PM
Since it has been discussed a number of times, Steve and I decided to document some experiments using DMMs to measure average signal values.  I opened a new topic for the subject:


As has been discussed here before and Poynt99's videos going back four years, and TinselKoala's recent videos both show:  DMMs can faithfully measure the average value of a signal rather well.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on April 23, 2014, 01:53:18 AM
QuoteFar from discouraging our editors I have been actively approached by more than one journal - to resubmit.  And I've also been approached by those academics who want to engage in this study - subject to publication.

Thanks Rosie for starting my day with a laugh.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 23, 2014, 07:21:31 AM
The proven liar Rosemary Ainslie ( who insists on being known as Polly Plucked Parrot, for obvious reasons ) is at it again. She cannot provide any evidence for her claims, and now she is making more empty claims about "publications". This, coming from someone who thinks that posting an error-filled and fabricated manuscript to Andrea Rossi's vanity blog is "publication" !

Let her rant and rave, insult and lie. As long as she makes assertions without providing evidence, she continues to provide a mild amusement. What she cannot provide, though, is any experimental work that contradicts or refutes mine. Nor can she provide a jot or tittle of evidence that supports her "overunity" claims. All she can do is continue to lie, fabricate, insult and misrepresent.

FOUR HOURS, AINSLIE. That's all it would take for a competent person to produce a valid data set that supported your claims..... if only your claims were true. But they aren't, and each and every day that goes by without evidence is another nail in the coffin for the lying claims of Rosemary Ainslie and Donovan Martin.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 23, 2014, 10:06:17 AM
Quote from: Tseak on April 23, 2014, 01:53:18 AM
Thanks Rosie for starting my day with a laugh.
MAD Magazine was running short of content this month.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: orbut 3000 on April 23, 2014, 10:33:44 AM
http://www.ottawacitizen.com/technology/Blinded+scientific+gobbledygook/9757736/story.html (http://www.ottawacitizen.com/technology/Blinded+scientific+gobbledygook/9757736/story.html)

This may be relevant.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 23, 2014, 11:07:18 AM
Quote from: orbut 3000 on April 23, 2014, 10:33:44 AM
http://www.ottawacitizen.com/technology/Blinded+scientific+gobbledygook/9757736/story.html (http://www.ottawacitizen.com/technology/Blinded+scientific+gobbledygook/9757736/story.html)

This may be relevant.
It just might be very relevant at that.  I may need to start a publication:  The Journal of Vanity Pseudoscience.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 23, 2014, 12:47:50 PM
Well, the story is just as I said.

Ainslie approaches various people who haven't heard of her and her program, and she tells them the same set of lies that she always starts with.

The lapsed patent application that she calls a "patent", which plagiarizes the unclamped inductive test circuit found in every power mosfet data sheet. The alphabet agencies that she claims vetted the work a decade and a half ago without providing any actual report that can be referenced. The "publication" of the Quantum article, with its false claims and errors not mentioned. The "publication" of the two daft manuscripts with their falsified data and lies about the circuit used and its performance, again with the Steve Weir- led demonstrations and all of the other outside analyses... not mentioned.

So of course, professional scientists _who are not used to being lied to_ will take a look at the remarkable claims, thinking they have experimental support when they don't, and maybe invite Ainslie to submit a report for consideration and review. But only because she misrepresents and lies to them in the first place!

But of course no editor or reviewer will actually publish her mess, once they have a look at it.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 23, 2014, 12:58:59 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 23, 2014, 12:47:50 PM
Well, the story is just as I said.

Ainslie approaches various people who haven't heard of her and her program, and she tells them the same set of lies that she always starts with.

The lapsed patent application that she calls a "patent", which plagiarizes the unclamped inductive test circuit found in every power mosfet data sheet. The alphabet agencies that she claims vetted the work a decade and a half ago without providing any actual report that can be referenced. The "publication" of the Quantum article, with its false claims and errors not mentioned. The "publication" of the two daft manuscripts with their falsified data and lies about the circuit used and its performance, again with the Steve Weir- led demonstrations and all of the other outside analyses... not mentioned.

So of course, professional scientists _who are not used to being lied to_ will take a look at the remarkable claims, thinking they have experimental support when they don't, and maybe invite Ainslie to submit a report for consideration and review. But only because she misrepresents and lies to them in the first place!

But of course no editor or reviewer will actually publish her mess, once they have a look at it.
One of those vanity journals that the article Orbut 3000 linked might be very happy to take Ms. Ainslie's money.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 24, 2014, 11:09:41 AM
The comedy continues! Once more the goalposts are moved.

Ainslie cannot provide any experimental support for the "battery not discharging" claims of the Quantum Magazine article.

She cannot provide any experimental support for the bogus excess heat claims that occupied her fantasies since 2011.

She cannot provide any evidence of any "benefit" or show just how her bogus faulty measurements translate into any such "benefit".

And we know that it would take only four hours or less to produce valid excess heating results, if only her claims were true.

But they aren't! And Ainslie and her tiny mob of flailing sycophants know it!

So now she is talking about trying to get a light bulb to light up brighter with some unspecified variant of the mosfet circuit, than with DC.... but she can't figure out whether to put the new "winding" in parallel or series with the light bulb!

What's the matter, AINSLIE, isn't that part covered in your "Thesis"? Maybe you should read your second daft manuscript again! Check the diagrams..... maybe they'll tell you whether the light bulb needs to be in series or in parallel.

Let's review: Ainslie cannot provide ANY EXPERIMENTAL SUPPORT FOR ANY OF HER BOGUS CLAIMS.... and she knows this fully well. Not even a simple four-hour data gathering session to "prove" excess heat from the load. She cannot do it, there is no excess heat and never was, and by now Donovan Martin and the rest of the mob know this, absolutely, and cannot deny it.

So she is trying to get her mob to construct and run A DIFFERENT SET OF EXPERIMENTS altogether, with the hope that the farce will be able to continue longer.

But now she is talking about "investors". If she lies to investors about ANYTHING MATERIAL related to her claims ..... on this side of the Equator, that will get you jail time. For example..... if she presents the daft manuscripts to the inventors, she is LYING TO THEM, because the schematic(s) presented are not the ones actually used, the Figure 3 scopeshot is fabricated and the conclusions base on it are lies... and so on. So this will be an interesting chapter to watch as it unfolds.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 24, 2014, 12:09:23 PM
Well it is a bit interesting that someone would want a test that does not involve any measuring instruments.  There are a couple of ways to interpret that.  One is that the "investors" (potential investors?) are leery of measurement error.  The other is that they have been told that Ms. Ainslie is having difficulties making measurements that support her claims.  The irony is that any demonstration involves measurements.  It is just a matter of what form the measurements take and how accurate they are.

That Ms. Ainslie doesn't know whether to put an inductor in series or in parallel based on her "thesis", is just very sad.  I can already smell the charred epoxy.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 24, 2014, 02:15:26 PM
Surely you jest. It is manifestly Ainslie herself who does not want or need any instrumental measurements to be performed.

As is typical in these matters, the "excess energy" that her circuits produce is not measurable by conventional means! It doesn't show up in excess heat, it doesn't prevent the batteries from discharging normally, it can't be measured on DMMs and it even can't be measured on properly connected oscilloscopes. But it is there, the Great Scientist Rosemary Ainslie and her court jester GMeast have proclaimed it! See the negative number in the box on the Mighty LeCroy 324! QED !
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: The Boss on April 24, 2014, 05:42:55 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on April 24, 2014, 02:15:26 PM
- the "excess energy" that her circuits produce is not measurable by conventional means!
- it can't be measured on DMMs
- it even can't be measured on properly connected oscilloscopes.

Is it just a coincidence that zipons display the exact same characteristics ?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 24, 2014, 08:28:21 PM
Quote from: The Boss on April 24, 2014, 05:42:55 PM

Is it just a coincidence that zipons display the exact same characteristics ?
Maybe it is the influence of dark government forces.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 24, 2014, 10:56:07 PM
Quote from: MarkE on April 24, 2014, 08:28:21 PM
Maybe it is the influence of dark government forces.

Do you mean our President?

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 25, 2014, 01:09:22 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 24, 2014, 10:56:07 PM
Do you mean our President?

He is but the tip of the Kenyan crack anchor baby conspiracy against pulsed circuit benefits.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on April 25, 2014, 01:48:40 AM
Quote from: MarkE on April 24, 2014, 12:09:23 PM
Well it is a bit interesting that someone would want a test that does not involve any measuring instruments.  There are a couple of ways to interpret that.  One is that the "investors" (potential investors?) are leery of measurement error.  The other is that they have been told that Ms. Ainslie is having difficulties making measurements that support her claims.  The irony is that any demonstration involves measurements.  It is just a matter of what form the measurements take and how accurate they are.

That Ms. Ainslie doesn't know whether to put an inductor in series or in parallel based on her "thesis", is just very sad.  I can already smell the charred epoxy.

Or perhaps its is simply not true. Are there any investors? Are there editors knocking down the front door to publish this amazing phenomenon? Are there learned people itching to work on this but they can only do so once its published? mmmmm!

On second thoughts at COP >17 one doesn't really need the instruments. The power gain is so great that it would be clearly apparent by simple observation and deduction. So we await the famed draw-down tests and wait .... and wait and......... waaai.....oops I fell asleep.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Tseak on April 25, 2014, 01:56:05 AM
Quote from: MarkE on April 25, 2014, 01:09:22 AM
He is but the tip of the Kenyan crack anchor baby conspiracy against pulsed circuit benefits.

This is happening in SA so the zippon theory gets the Mac Maharaj award for spin. This is a widely known unofficial people's award in South Africa. Maharaj is a politician (spin doctor) well known for defending the indefensible.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 25, 2014, 06:27:35 PM
Quote from: Tseak on April 25, 2014, 01:56:05 AM
This is happening in SA so the zippon theory gets the Mac Maharaj award for spin. This is a widely known unofficial people's award in South Africa. Maharaj is a politician (spin doctor) well known for defending the indefensible.
I am not sure if everyone appreciates just how wonderful zipon spin is.   Zipon spin cuase currednt to flow through portions of circuits without flowing through others, and to not flow through portions of circuits even when reliable measurement methods indicate that current does flow.  here a spin, there a spin, spin, spin, spin.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 25, 2014, 10:16:26 PM

Didn't Ron Popeil come up with this?  Order now, and you will receive an additional free energy amount of 17%. (Actual results may vary.)

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 25, 2014, 10:58:38 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 25, 2014, 10:16:26 PM

Didn't Ron Popeil come up with this?  Order now, and you will receive an additional free energy amount of 17%. (Actual results may vary.)

Are you one who suffers from the tragedy of under unity?  Well, thanks to the good people at Popeil, you can now use the Zipon Expander to turn that under unity frown upside down.  Simply connect the standard MOSFET avalanche circuit to your favorite battery bank and heater, pour in the Zipon Fluid(tm), and turn on the juice.  Soon that unsightly under unity will melt away.  Watch as Ron uses the Zipon Fluid to enhance the flavor and nutritional value of his meals and cover up those unsightly bald spots.  And if your socks are torn, Zipon Fluid(tm) makes the perfect cover up.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 26, 2014, 12:14:23 AM
Quote from: MarkE on April 25, 2014, 10:58:38 PM
Are you one who suffers from the tragedy of under unity?  Well, thanks to the good people at Popeil, you can now use the Zipon Expander to turn that under unity frown upside down.  Simply connect the standard MOSFET avalanche circuit to your favorite battery bank and heater, pour in the Zipon Fluid(tm), and turn on the juice.  Soon that unsightly under unity will melt away.  Watch as Ron uses the Zipon Fluid to enhance the flavor and nutritional value of his meals and cover up those unsightly bald spots.  And if your socks are torn, Zipon Fluid(tm) makes the perfect cover up.

This advance might easily replace Spray On Hair.  (What a genius product that was)

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on April 26, 2014, 04:35:53 AM
Unfortunately, Zipon Fluid(tm) cannot cover up loopy hypotheses, incompetent measurement set-ups, or inept self-contradictory conclusions.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on April 26, 2014, 05:20:14 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 26, 2014, 12:14:23 AM
This advance might easily replace Spray On Hair.  (What a genius product that was)


Do they make Spray On Feathers? Polly Parrot could use some of that.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MileHigh on May 28, 2014, 11:02:35 PM

You will recall how Peter Lindemann recently made a "casual" claim of over unity about some stuff he was doing years ago when discussing the Quantum Energy Generator.

Someone else too!


QuoteFor example, with the Ainslie circuit, the best i got was a bit over COP 2.0, which is expected, but obviously not close to a COP 17.0 claim. The measurements matched what the waveform looked like. The area could actually be a bit bigger under the line (0) than over the line meaning it wasn't just a spike going back, I could get a pulse of current so waveform under the line was as big as the waveform over the line. Sometimes a bit bigger. But the big downfall on the Ainslie circuit is that the battery should NOT be charged and discharged because it screws it up. Yes, the power went back to the battery, but the back and forth caused the battery to lose capacity.

We can take the regeneration and put it to a cap and feed it to the front without the battery seeing it.

The results jumped substantially when I bypassed the internal freewheeling diode in the mosfet (they're usually junk) with a real high speed high quality diode. Same circuit essentially but still- battery isn't made to send and receive in an alternating fashion. I know know how to get around that but don't have time to try it yet.

Hear him roar!  The Nobel Prize too?  lol

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on May 28, 2014, 11:18:26 PM
That's fascinating because  he seems to be saying that he's had a working free energy machine for years, but has kept it to himself.  Then he goes on ot say that he bypassed the body diode of the MOSFET when ... wait for it ... the body diode should not ever forward bias, and he got improved results. 

When the MOSFET turns off, current flowing from the battery positive terminal through the resistor / inductor has formed a magnetic field that will develop an EMF as the circuit is interrupted such that positive convention current will continue to flow in the same clockwise path:  Battery + => resistor / inductor => intermediate circuitry => Battery -.  The EMF causes the voltage at the MOSFET drain to rise: increasing the reverse bias across the body diode.  A diode across the resistor/inductor through a low inductance path relative to the battery - connection such as through a bypass capacitor, or a TVS across the MOSFET source drain can protect the MOSFET.  I think that the likely reason that Ms. Ainslie ended up with the IRFPG50 MOSFET was that she probably blew a bunch of lower voltage MOSFETs.  A fast gate driver applied to the IRFPG50 would blow it as well.  Note TinselKoala's results when he added the two transistor gate buffer to his circuit.  OTS drivers can deliver many times the gate current as that quick and dirty gate driver.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on May 28, 2014, 11:48:15 PM
Those folks are living on some other planet.

I think that anyone who claims COP (in the sense we usually use it here, however incorrect it might be), anyone, I say, who claims COP 2 or over should also be required to provide a coherent realistic explanation for why they haven't been able to self loop it. If they can't do that, with data.... then there isn't any point in listening to them any further.

And no, "the dog ate my clipleads" isn't a good enough explanation.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 27, 2014, 10:25:52 PM
The delusions and lies continue. Note how she completely misrepresents our findings and her own data. Note that she still relies on the utter FABRICATION of the data. Note how "Brian Little" has become "Alain Little" in her fevered fantasies! Just when I thought that the liar Rosemary Ainslie could provide no more amusement, she rises, as if from the dead, with her mouldy old compendium of misrepresentations, mendacities, lies and delusions.

Alain Little ! How does she even find her way to breakfast in the morning, I wonder?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on August 28, 2014, 03:01:45 AM
It is from the other side of the looking glass.  We have been through her data and your excellent experiments many times.  Her own tests performed June and August 2013 showed that her measurements posted in the Paper 1 and Paper 2 were fouled.  Her June 2013 demonstration showed both that they had obtained their Paper 1, Figure 3 oscilloscope readings by connecting their oscilloscope probe to the wrong place, and that the wiring and cement resistor inductance fouled readings even if taken at the correct circuit nodes.

Straight from "Memento" or "Shelter Island" given a reality she does not like, she chooses to feed herself the fantasy that the proven invalid measurements are correct.  Given the reliable measurements taken at the battery of actual battery power draw much greater than thermal energy delivered to her heater load, she concocts a bizarre fantasy that no the heater load is actually generating power that mysteriously circulates without heating the heater.  It is beyond bizarre. 

What is almost equally bizarre is that the some of the very folks who rail here about supposed disinformation and suppression of facts cheer her on without doing anything to straighten her out.  And rather strangely none of them seem to have done anything to apply their skills at repeating her experiments.  Ms. Ainslie says straight out that she is not an experimentalist.  If these folks really believe that she is onto a fabulous untapped energy source, why are they sitting still?  Why haven't they put together the trivial circuits used by Ms. Ainslie to advance across the new frontiers she claims to have discovered?
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 28, 2014, 05:01:53 AM
Exactly. Why haven't they? One reason is that Ainslie's story kept on, and keeps on, changing. What circuit would you use in your attempt? Nobody, _to this day_, knows the actual circuit used by her in ANY of her experimentation, except that performed live on camera under the guidance of Steve Weir. Recall that the original Quantum Magazine article posted a circuit diagram that cannot produce the stated frequency and duty cycle used. Recall that there were FIVE DIFFERENT schematics claimed for the 5-mosfet circuit, and that Ainslie and her thrall Donovan Martin actually LIED about the actual circuit used in the original video demonstration, lying actively about it for nearly a month on this forum, misleading many people who tried to simulate and build that circuit. That demonstration has been covered up by Ainslie but is still available on my YT channel.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neME1s-lEZE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neME1s-lEZE)

Yet MY work on this project is fully documented in excruciating detail and anyone who wishes to can repeat MY work and they will note that they obtain the same results I present. But nobody, not even Ainslie herself and her team of sycophants, have been able to reproduce her CLAIMS by honestly using the circuits she published, and the only way to reproduce the fabricated data presented in her many-times-over REJECTED manuscripts is to cheat, in the same way that she did, either by not having properly connected test equipment, or simply lying about the circuit's performance, or both.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_w5yaRi25bc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_w5yaRi25bc)

Ainslie's resurrection of this zombie is pseudoscientific misconduct of the worst kind. Not only were her original reports of this cargo-cult kludge of hers full of errors, mendacity, fabricated data and outright lies, she now tries to re-spin the thing with even more misrepresentations and lies.

Go ahead, believers, build and test the circuits, if you can discover what they actually are. Be sure to report your results accurately and honestly.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on August 28, 2014, 05:36:18 AM
I think that there are a few points that deserve highlighting.

Ms. Ainslie's 555 circuits as she depicted them in the "Quantum" magazine article have been proven unable to produce the waveforms represented in the article.
Ms. Ainslie did say that she intentionally misrepresented the circuit used in the "five parallel" MOSFET demonstration.
Ms. Ainslie's own demonstrations of June and August 2013 established that the measurements in the Paper 1 and Paper 2 publications were not as represented.
Ms. Ainslie's own demonstrations showed that her circuits draw much more battery power than her heating elements evolve as heat.
Ms. Ainslie ran her demonstrations to the point that she was satisfied that there was no hope of them demonstrating the gains that she wanted, and then cut the demonstrations short.
Ms. Ainslie withdrew the papers 1 and 2 based on the results of her own demonstrations :  June and August 2013.
Ms. Ainslie later decided without new data to "reinstate" the papers.
None of Ms. Ainslie's supporters have produced evidence that supports Ms. Ainslie's claims for any variation of her circuits.

Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Acca on August 28, 2014, 06:00:20 AM
To memoryman Tinselkoala and MarkE  are shills resident trolls who destroy any sense of any real debate that should happen here .......

as you can read for yourself it's too bad that these trolls are squatters here ... on overunity dot com

"self appointed so called experts are just high count trolls"


Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on August 28, 2014, 06:07:55 AM
Quote from: Acca on August 28, 2014, 06:00:20 AM
To memoryman Tinselkoala and MarkE  are shills resident trolls who destroy any sense of any real debate that should happen here .......

as you can read for yourself it's too bad that these trolls are squatters here ... on overunity dot com

"self appointed so called experts are just high count trolls"

We are discussing established points concerning Ms. Ainslie's claims, in light of the contrasting fantasies that Ms. Ainslie continues to serve up.  If you disagree with any of the statements made, you are free to debate them.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: memoryman on August 28, 2014, 08:25:42 AM
If I am a troll, then I am not very active.
Instead of calling people names, stick to refuting their excellent analysis of the technical issues. If YOU don't have the expertise to do that, how can you judge someone else's?
Mark E and TK earned my respect by their comments. With > 50 years of hands-on electronics design and repair myself, I bow to their superior capabilities.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 28, 2014, 10:21:14 AM
Quote from: Acca on August 28, 2014, 06:00:20 AM
To memoryman Tinselkoala and MarkE  are shills resident trolls who destroy any sense of any real debate that should happen here .......

as you can read for yourself it's too bad that these trolls are squatters here ... on overunity dot com

"self appointed so called experts are just high count trolls"


Let us be reminded that ACCA will post photos that he THINKS might be you, or me, or anyone else, without any support or confirmation that the photo actually DOES represent the person he is stalking/trolling. ACCA wants to violate my privacy.

Yet ACCA cannot refute anything I have ever posted on this forum. He cannot provide checkable outside references, facts from reliable sources or demonstrations of his own that refute me. Most especially IN THIS THREAD concerning ROSEMARY AINSLIE's claims... ACCA is impotent, ignorant and a mere rabble-rousing troll. He has nothing at all substantive to contribute. Where is his construction of the Ainslie circuit? Where is his raw data record, his thermal time-temperature graphs, his OPEN AND FREE DISCUSSION of the Ainslie circuit and her claims?

Nowhere, that is where. Acca is another blowhard, thumbless troll who cannot DO for himself. He cannot present coherent and viable arguments concerning FACTS so he resorts making posts like the above, being utterly impotent to do anything else.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 28, 2014, 10:29:08 AM
Quote from: MarkE on August 28, 2014, 05:36:18 AM
I think that there are a few points that deserve highlighting.

Ms. Ainslie's 555 circuits as she depicted them in the "Quantum" magazine article have been proven unable to produce the waveforms represented in the article.
Ms. Ainslie did say that she intentionally misrepresented the circuit used in the "five parallel" MOSFET demonstration.
Ms. Ainslie's own demonstrations of June and August 2013 established that the measurements in the Paper 1 and Paper 2 publications were not as represented.
Ms. Ainslie's own demonstrations showed that her circuits draw much more battery power than her heating elements evolve as heat.
Ms. Ainslie ran her demonstrations to the point that she was satisfied that there was no hope of them demonstrating the gains that she wanted, and then cut the demonstrations short.

Let us add and _emphasize_ here that Ainslie was UNABLE to reproduce the "Figure 3" scopeshot and other similar ones, unless her scope was either improperly connected, or not connected at all, to the testpoints stated.  This demonstrates once and for all that Ainslie and her team posted FABRICATED DATA. Indeed, these particular scopeshots represent the MAIN CLAIMS in the manuscripts: that no current flows during high heat evolution, as shown in the Figure 3 scopeshot. Yet NO CORRECTION, no editing, has ever been done. Ainslie's left-handed and cynical fake "retraction" of the manuscripts does not mention the fake data and the fake scopeshots STILL APPEAR, being as they are the CORE DATA, in all of the various editions and edits of the daft manuscripts. The definitive experiment PROVING these facts was performed by Ainslie and her team themselves under the guidance of Steve Weir and Ainslie-- as you can hear above-- acknowledged the impossibility of producing those scopeshots honestly. Yet they remain in the "papers" to this day.

Ms. Ainslie withdrew the papers 1 and 2 based on the results of her own demonstrations :  June and August 2013.
Ms. Ainslie later decided without new data to "reinstate" the papers.
None of Ms. Ainslie's supporters have produced evidence that supports Ms. Ainslie's claims for any variation of her circuits.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on August 28, 2014, 10:46:26 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on August 28, 2014, 10:29:08 AM

Let us add and _emphasize_ here that Ainslie was UNABLE to reproduce the "Figure 3" scopeshot and other similar ones, unless her scope was either improperly connected, or not connected at all, to the testpoints stated.  This demonstrates once and for all that Ainslie and her team posted FABRICATED DATA. Indeed, these particular scopeshots represent the MAIN CLAIMS in the manuscripts: that no current flows during high heat evolution, as shown in the Figure 3 scopeshot. Yet NO CORRECTION, no editing, has ever been done. Ainslie's left-handed and cynical fake "retraction" of the manuscripts does not mention the fake data and the fake scopeshots STILL APPEAR, being as they are the CORE DATA, in all of the various editions and edits of the daft manuscripts. The definitive experiment PROVING these facts was performed by Ainslie and her team themselves under the guidance of Steve Weir and Ainslie-- as you can hear above-- acknowledged the impossibility of producing those scopeshots honestly. Yet they remain in the "papers" to this day.
I thought the points covered the infamous Figure 3 that was to be gloriously demonstrated June 2013.  When Poynt99 asked them to run a quick initial test, they hemmed and hawed, and then admitted they could not reproduce.  Then Ms. Ainslie tried to go off on some other tangent of "benefit".  That is before they went off to dinner without telling anyone.  The wait proved worth it when Steve guided them through measurements that showed to even Ms. Ainslie's satisfaction that Figure 3 was the result of connecting the scope probe on the wrong side of the current sense resistors.

I think it is difficult to say with certainty that they knew Figure 3 was BS when they published Paper 1 and Paper 2.  If they did they would much more likely refused Steve's guidance.  I think it is moot now, because Ms. Ainslie did withdraw the papers based on her own demonstrations. As far as I am concerned, she fabricated the data when she "reinstated" the papers having already found out for herself that the representations are false.  I think that is similar to the license Ms. Ainslie gave herself when she announced that they had misrepresented the five "parallel" MOSFET demonstration.  Ms. Ainslie does not seem to understand that taking a license to lie comes at great cost to one's own credibility.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: TinselKoala on August 28, 2014, 11:49:04 AM
So you think that a set of instrumental readings that indicates an _impossible_ condition, the zero current flow when the mosfet is receiving 12 volts to the Gate... should just be accepted as accurate by the claimants, including the engineer Donovan Martin,  and find its way into not one, not two, but at least FOUR different manuscript versions and IEEE journal submissions, without being checked for accuracy and reproducibility by the claimants?

And then that those same instrumental readings are not withdrawn _even after they are proven and acknowledged_ to be impossible, incorrect, "errors"... since, after all, they are the main supporting bits of data for the claims made in the manuscripts. Without those claims of anomalously high heat without corresponding current flow... the entire "thesis", which is really just a bunch of hand-waving conjectures, collapses under the weight of prevarication and misrepresentation.

Well, considering the incompetence, prevarication, disrespect and outright lies we have seen soundly demonstrated in three video presentations... I suppose that is possible.

Next you will be trying to convince me that Donovan Martin didn't know he was... er... misrepresenting...  "what you see before you" in the first Demo.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: MarkE on August 28, 2014, 12:27:02 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on August 28, 2014, 11:49:04 AM
So you think that a set of instrumental readings that indicates an _impossible_ condition, the zero current flow when the mosfet is receiving 12 volts to the Gate... should just be accepted as accurate by the claimants, including the engineer Donovan Martin,  and find its way into not one, not two, but at least FOUR different manuscript versions and IEEE journal submissions, without being checked for accuracy and reproducibility by the claimants?

And then that those same instrumental readings are not withdrawn _even after they are proven and acknowledged_ to be impossible, incorrect, "errors"... since, after all, they are the main supporting bits of data for the claims made in the manuscripts. Without those claims of anomalously high heat without corresponding current flow... the entire "thesis", which is really just a bunch of hand-waving conjectures, collapses under the weight of prevarication and misrepresentation.

Well, considering the incompetence, prevarication, disrespect and outright lies we have seen soundly demonstrated in three video presentations... I suppose that is possible.

Next you will be trying to convince me that Donovan Martin didn't know he was... er... misrepresenting...  "what you see before you" in the first Demo.
No that is not what I am saying.  What I am saying is that as ridiculous as what they published is, I can't prove what they knew when they published.  But, there is no question as to what Ms. Ainslie knew when she decided to "reinstate".  The fact that she has very deliberately elected to put her name and her fellow authors' names to what she has emphatically acknowledged is completely false is academically intolerable.  Why anyone, especially Mr. Martin allow their names to be associated with what they know is false boggles my mind.  The only thing that I can think of is that they feel the publications are so obscure that this will not come back to haunt them.  They could be right about that.
Title: Re: Rosemary Ainslie Quantum Magazine Circuit COP > 17 Claims
Post by: Rigel4 on August 28, 2014, 12:27:17 PM
Please check your PM.