...motion can be a word descriptive picture for a next to be inertial propeller,in a same simplicity as the well known air/water screw propeller.Sometimes we can see the fulcrum/medium,sometimes not.The problem is to act about it, in such a way,so to realize an instantaneous support.If you have time,take a look at #233 www.inter-corporate.com/forums/fieldpropulsion.engineering.html There is a "pointer" to a drawing,primary outline.When you have a backbone,a framework you can design around it as you like.Man is rich when the pleasure is cheap.All the Bests!/Alex
...is intended to be the counterpart,equivalent of the well known air/water screw concept(blades propeller),but this time in a direct interplay with the inertial property("frame") of space.When we "screw" air or water,so to move inside the fluidic medium,in reality we interact with the inertial property of this environment,because "deeper" of this ,it's the same elementary inertial frame.So,the game with inertia has two rules:you stay,I stay and you act,I react(be carefull to velocity and straight,uncurved line/trajectory).Thinking about the transmission of light in the Universe,it seems that inertia has a so great sensibility and diversity regarding reactive features,characteristics.A very great co-partner in any of our action,movement.Now,because www.inter-corporate.com is hibernating(so it seems...),the direct connection to a proposed design for a rotary pulsing "screw",you can find at www.geocities.com/iacob_alex/Stellarotor.htm click on New!New Drafts! Fig 14 . It can be a suggestion for people interested in this topic.Usually,the more you give,the more we have together.All the Bests!/Alex