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Antigravity Technologies => Other antigravity machines and devices => Topic started by: Esa Maunu on April 02, 2005, 03:20:04 AM

Title: Model for antigravity devices
Post by: Esa Maunu on April 02, 2005, 03:20:04 AM

I am Esa Maunu from Finland.

I have been studied different kind of antigravity/ free energy systems, and i think i have found one common system, that explains many of the observed  effects.

I think the key is the formed nested electromagnetic cylindrical fields around antigravity ( MEC ) device.The system is like a big
penning trap (particle collection )or sink,that forms an local pressure imbalance in zero-point field.
I have designed an Excel file,that calculates needed dimensions and frequencies for differend kind of antigravity (MEC) systems.

This calculation and formation of nested electromagnetic fields system is based on prime numbers.
Because prime numbers are not divisible,this system generates sharp,stable and high nested cylindrical electromagnetic fields.

Best regards,

Esa Maunu
Title: Re: Model for antigravity devices
Post by: TechStuf on April 04, 2005, 04:40:25 PM
Force coupling the Aether....as per Tesla's paper on 'solidifying the Aether' holds promise.? For by the reduction of certain field dynamics one might propagate a temporary phase shift of the Aether within a given radius of the craft for the purposes of squirting about in the direction of choice.?

In much the same fashion as the 'worm drive' or MagnetoHydrodynamic drive systems....Only without the massive commensurate drag forces!? Imagine an EM rail gun....only that the projectile is in itself, the self contained EM force multiplier and the medium is the fabric of the universe.? There is certainly much to be said for the tight control of spin vectors at and near perfect perpendicularity to the direction of linear travel.? Much to be investigated as to what actually takes place as gyroscopic forces begin to couple with those of a linear persuasion.



Title: Re: Model for antigravity devices
Post by: iceweller on April 04, 2005, 04:57:30 PM
   Feel free to check this document:


Title: Re: Model for antigravity devices
Post by: TechStuf on April 04, 2005, 05:03:08 PM
Thanks for digging that up, Ice!? That's the one.  And thank you Bill Lyne.

Title: Re: Model for antigravity devices
Post by: Esa Maunu on April 05, 2005, 06:54:36 AM
I hope that Tesla`s theory about antigravity becomes some day public.


Title: Re: Model for antigravity devices
Post by: iceweller on April 05, 2005, 06:42:59 PM
    That will be the day! Unfortunately I really don't think that will happen "briefly". That would mean exposing the "BIG LIES" that have been thrown to all regarding not only this Ether theory, but consequently free energy and all the related technology plus some major historical events. If you ask for these documents under the FOIA act, you get a "still classified" response. Not surprising. The only way is to research the bits and pieces left by Tesla himself through his articles and lectures - but *his* ones. There are too many misleading documents out there saying stuff Tesla never said, without footnotes or references to supposed citations. The only books I have found with these characteristics are the ones written by William Lyne and I have cross checked every Tesla reference I have found and haven't found any inconsistencies to date - something I cannot say about other authors. Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity has been twisted and turned and chunks used to create other "complex" theories. Before this theory can be "declassified" people will have to start giving him his "time of day" and look in the right directions for the available and original published data. It took me over 5 years of research and hundreds of hours of studying, filtering and cross referencing - not an easy task. Unfortunately the complete theory and details are unavailable so there is still a lot of research to be done but becoming aware of it is I believe an important step.

Title: Re: Model for antigravity devices
Post by: Esa Maunu on April 06, 2005, 07:23:10 AM
When i found this system with primenumber resonance,i did not know about Tesla`s work with AG.
It is interesting,that there seems to be some similarities ( tapping zpe? by EM-field ).
Anyway, i think that there is no many system to produce antigravity.There is no many nature around us.
The system is quite simple,but we need to think new way to understand this system between mass , zpe and gravity.


Title: Re: Model for antigravity devices
Post by: hartiberlin on April 06, 2005, 05:58:47 PM
Quote from: Esa Maunu on April 02, 2005, 03:20:04 AM

I am Esa Maunu from Finland.


Best regards,

Esa Maunu

Hi Esa,
my browser can not show the picture:

When the page loads the first time, it wants to display it,
but then it comes only an empty place....

Any idea ? Is the pic corupted ?

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Model for antigravity devices
Post by: Esa Maunu on April 07, 2005, 04:33:11 AM
Hi Stefan,

What browser do you use?
I have to ask my page programmer , what can be the reason if the picture is not loaded.
I send here as an attacment this picture.



Title: Re: Model for antigravity devices
Post by: fleebell on April 07, 2005, 04:42:53 AM
Stefan, it is your browser, Microsoft Explorer (up to date) has no problem with it .   Lee B
Title: Re: Model for antigravity devices
Post by: hartiberlin on April 07, 2005, 12:06:53 PM
Okay, over here it shows up as a JPEG !
At your pagethe PNG is corrupted somehow.
Better use GIF or JPEG for these pics.
It is more compatible with old browsers,
although I use the latest internet explorer and
also Firefox did not show it !
Title: Re: Model for antigravity devices
Post by: Esa Maunu on March 04, 2008, 03:49:04 AM
What happens, if we are able to change the density of the aether atrificially?

I believe that aether gives a part of it`s energy to all mass structures and this causes an gravity effect, because inside  the mass structure there is a lower density of the aether. On the other hand, if we increase artificially the density of the aether, it causes an repulsion against all the mass structures, because all the mass  ( energy ) want to move always towards into lowest possible density.

Title: Re: Model for antigravity devices
Post by: energyfield on April 13, 2008, 05:20:25 AM
Anti-Gravity Machines

A Mr W Beaty created an anti-gravity device consisting of two revolving cylinders allowing  a
magnet to float in the cleft.
Mr Beaty?s model
Later Mr Alcon Andrew patentet a similar system consisting of discs, but using the same

Since a disc is simply a section of a cylinder, one may wonder how it is possible to patent something
so similar.

Has anyone any knowlege of patent law...
Title: Re: Model for antigravity devices
Post by: gyulasun on April 13, 2008, 06:49:06 AM

There is an US patent also on this same device:

This was filed on October 29, 1990.  So the date is very close to the date of 1990 (in fact it is in the same year) when Bill B.  mentions this model on his webpage you gave its link above.

So it is possible Alcon Andrew the patent owner simply stole the idea but 50% chance also for a coincidence?

Patent examiners in the early 90's possibly did not have the habit of scrolling through the web on different patent topics' appearances, their habit was searching for prior art in previous international patents,  this is what I think.

So it would be very difficult to prove a possible intellectual theft. Maybe digging out open web bulletin board correspondances on this topic which was probably going on between Bill and many other board members would be a closer approach on finding out the truth but this may still not be enough to defend someones's priority at court.

I think the question is Alcon Andrew or anybody else has benefited anything from the patent in the past 14-15 years?

rgds, Gyula
Title: Mr Beaty?s antigravity device
Post by: energyfield on April 14, 2008, 03:33:27 PM
Mr Beaty verses Mr Alcon

Who invented what and when...and who has the right to block the right of way..

One of the big questions here of course involves the right for others to produce and sell this particular
antigravity device.
Since Mr Beaty showed his levitational apparatus publicly to students and it was not protected by a
patent, then this should theoretically allow others to benefit freely from his work (i.e.open source material)
and make copies without restrictions.
Now that Mr Alcon patented the idea, he has in effect blocked others from using Mr Beatys invention,
unless it becomes invalidated because of the lack of an inventive novel step.
Does anyone else have an opinion regarding this patent debate. There must be many inventors among
our member friends who find this particular situation interesting to follow up on.

Quote from: gyulasun on April 13, 2008, 06:49:06 AM

There is an US patent also on this same device:

This was filed on October 29, 1990.  So the date is very close to the date of 1990 (in fact it is in the same year) when Bill B.  mentions this model on his webpage you gave its link above.

So it is possible Alcon Andrew the patent owner simply stole the idea but 50% chance also for a coincidence?

Patent examiners in the early 90's possibly did not have the habit of scrolling through the web on different patent topics' appearances, their habit was searching for prior art in previous international patents,  this is what I think.

So it would be very difficult to prove a possible intellectual theft. Maybe digging out open web bulletin board correspondances on this topic which was probably going on between Bill and many other board members would be a closer approach on finding out the truth but this may still not be enough to defend someones's priority at court.

I think the question is Alcon Andrew or anybody else has benefited anything from the patent in the past 14-15 years?

rgds, Gyula
Title: Re: Model for antigravity devices
Post by: simerlab on April 18, 2008, 04:02:46 AM
This is THE patent:
http://www.janicksimeray.com/levitationpatent.html (http://www.janicksimeray.com/levitationpatent.html)
Title: Re: Simerlabs?Model for antigravity devices
Post by: energyfield on April 18, 2008, 11:59:04 AM
Seems as if you have directed your answer to another member.
The link and drawings you refer to show no resemblance what so
ever either to Mr Beaty?s revolving cylinders or Mr Alcon?s turning discs.
The only common feature is that all three of them are capable of
levitating an object. The first two achieve this by creating an EMF,
due to inductive forces,while the latter one you refer to works according
to other principles..