On probably any forum on the internet there are those that add absolutely nothing to the discussion. It appears their only reason for posting is to disrupt a thread or try to get a reaction from those that are actually trying to have a discussion. Then as most people will they get a reaction and respond and get more reaction until several pages of the thread have been wasted with nothing of value being added to the thread. I am sure most of you have someone on this forum you would put into this category.
I read an interesting article last night that I think applies to this situation. I have actually tried this idea before with pretty good results. It seems there was a young man that lived in a neighborhood that had a vicious dog. The dog was in a fenced yard but every time any of the the neighbors walked by the dog would run out barking and growling and scaring the children especially. The children would run away and the adults would walk to the other side of the sidewalk and move a little quicker to get away from the barking dog.
This young man in the article decided to study about dogs. He found out they respond according to how someone responds to them. In other words their actions are based upon others reactions. So the young man tried an experiment. He forced himself to walk past the dog every day for a month and not react to the dog's barking. At first the dog kept up his bad behavior. But after a week or so he seemed to lose his enthusiasm for barking and growling. By the end of the month the young man could walk by the dog and the dog just looked at him without even getting up from his resting spot. You see it was no fun barking and growling if all that effort was just for nothing.
So my suggestion is when certain people post things that are only to incite trouble or discord just ignore them. DO NOT respond. If they get no reaction they will go somewhere else looking to start trouble.
Two thumbs up! ;)
About 90% of what's on here is rubbish, how can you disrupt drivel???
Whatever anyone posts keeps a thread alive, people that leave complaining
of disruption go "private". only to come crawling back when nobody is
I really enjoy the whole thing as my main interest is in what make the
contributors "tick".
I've started studying a bit of relativity and quantum as a result of TA's
thread and am finding it not only interesting but somehow beautiful.
After about 60 years of trying I can finally see the importance of the speed
of light and there is a bit of logic to it.
Message to everyone, please keep on posting and those who don't like
what they see just turn on your auto censor device.
Another thing, some amongst us don't seem to "like" the truth.
Embrace them
my experience here, has led me to believe that even the most negative, disruptful, and belligerent of our members,
sometimes can have something important to add to a design or idea.
it appears easy for many of us to get caught up in the discussion and forget we are all on the same team.
these aren't just random crazy people that converged here to try to break the laws of physics....
these are 80,000 beautiful minds from around the world, collectively working together, sharing ideas...
helping each other to try and make the world a better place.
That's what makes this place so amazing, and how we are able to achieve things that have a real world impact for millions of people.
Things like the Joule Thief, and the Eric Jacqueman Story, that are still shaping the way the world lives.
each of us has our own reason for being here, theres no grand theory for why everyone chases after OU or "free energy".
"what makes each of us tick" is responsible for the diversity of perspectives, broad spectrum of fields of knowledge.
Each on our own quest, our own journey through life.
Hi Carroll
Hahaha - Yes!
Humans could be categorised in several groups. Very few are "Do'ers". Most are Complainers and Time Wasters. Some are like Pigs, happy to sit in squaller all day. Some are happy to make no advances! Some just like to Shoot Others down, no matter how much hard data they are presented.
But, do you know what, we are all each others Keeper, we are all brothers. It should be the case we all look after eacher and treat each other with respect. Poking ones Brothers Eyes out to help him See, just seems a little one sided to me!
Chris Sykes
Hi Chris,
I agree completely with all you posted. The lack of respect on these forums is amazing. I am sure most of the posters wouldn't dare to say face to face some of the things they post to one another. My grandmother taught me years ago that we can disagree without being disagreeable.
And to clarify what appears to be some confusion about what I wrote I am not talking about others that disagree from a technical standpoint or any other standpoint if they just want to express an opinion. I am talking about the posters that only post negative or inflammatory posts. They never try to help or advise, they just spew hate and ire. These are the ones we should ignore. Maybe like the dog they can learn to change their ways. And that would be better for them as well as everyone else.
Respectfully to all,
Quote from: citfta on December 31, 2015, 05:57:16 PM
Hi Chris,
I agree completely with all you posted. The lack of respect on these forums is amazing. I am sure most of the posters wouldn't dare to say face to face some of the things they post to one another. My grandmother taught me years ago that we can disagree without being disagreeable.
And to clarify what appears to be some confusion about what I wrote I am not talking about others that disagree from a technical standpoint or any other standpoint if they just want to express an opinion. I am talking about the posters that only post negative or inflammatory posts. They never try to help or advise, they just spew hate and ire. These are the ones we should ignore. Maybe like the dog they can learn to change their ways. And that would be better for them as well as everyone else.
Respectfully to all,
Yes I agree, I am guilty of biting and getting offended to some of these negative or inflammatory posts, sometimes I ignore them, much of the time not.
Like a hungry Fish, staring at a big bit of Food, knowing there is a big Hook in there, why do we bite?
If i bite back, then I feel guilty and see a need to correct my behaviour. It seems these people do not! Showing no conscience for their actions.
You are right, best thing to do is to ignore them.
Chris Sykes
P.S: I have no problem with others who may disagree with me.
Hi Carroll,
The real sad thing is, like you pointed out, the overall technical use to those interested individuals trying to move ahead, of the information in each thread in most all forums, this forum especially, is very likely less than 10%
The rest of the thread is filled with useless drivel, time wasting drivel, complete rubbish!
Stefan needs to add a DriveloMeter, thumbs down for rubbish posts, gets to 10 and it is removed from the thread! Put into the DrivelOMeter Hall of Infamy for historical observations!
Chris Sykes
If you don't like-skip it.
Censorship will kill the thing.
Just take PES as an example.
Quote from: minnie on December 31, 2015, 06:54:21 PM
If you don't like-skip it.
Censorship will kill the thing.
Just take PES as an example.
Censorship - Absolutely not what I meant!
I mean, posts that are "Of No Use", distractive, Drivel, Offensive, Destructive,
One example:
Quote from: idegen on December 03, 2015, 05:01:58 PM
One or two exceptions, all the bullshit topic.
Use your head, man!
broken rekord...hmm
denies boosters? :)
Really, this post is of no use!!! It helps no one! Its an opinion! Shares no relivant information, is distractive, is destructive, is non-sense!!!
These sort of posts should be subject to community scrutiny. If enough think it is not worthy, move it to the Hall of Infamy!!!
Sorry Idegen but its true!
Chris Sykes
Young Jedi, resist responding to the dark side as set forth in the first post teachings we must.
Mag, my favorite Jedi!!!
Remember Yoda did give Darth Sidious a bit of a run for his money! Then after hanging up his Coat, he went into exile!
But yes I agree, Ignoring these posts is the best thing!
Chris Sykes
we don't always see the bigger picture.
we may see someone explode and type things that are "useless" in the technical sense,
and perhaps socially inappropriate, if there is such a thing for a cyber-interface...
but what we DON'T see, is the prototypes and test equipment on their workbench,
or the private messages they send back and forth with other members,
and unless we dig around in their profile, we don't always see the other threads they may be involved in.
Each member is just as important as the next, and we shouldn't be so quick to judge someone simply because of what they may have typed in a thread we might be interested in.
We don't always know what that person is thinking, things like science, physics, and the nature of our reality can often be a personal issue for people. More times than not, an individuals perspective is engraved into them like a hardened religion.
It can be difficult to learn that everything you thought you knew was not exactly the way they taught you.
The other side could be that a particular person was just fed up with seeing the same stupid idea for the 139th time,
and a brand new handful of pleasurable young enthusiasts is chasing it down again.......
and he just lost it...... and said things that we not productive to the situation.
or maybe there was just a break-down in the communication process somewhere earlier in the thread.
whatever the case may be, theres not many people here that add "nothing" to the Forum.
so we shouldn't be so quick to dismiss them.
Hi smOky2,
I agree with everything you have posted. I especially agree with your assessment that there are very few on this forum that contribute nothing. My comments are about those few. And although some have suggested censoring them I have not suggested that nor do I agree with that. My only suggestion was that we do not respond to those posts that are only made to disrupt or spew hate and ire. By not responding we are not encouraging that kind of posting and hopefully after a while the poster will get tired of posting when the posts get no response.
I am NOT referring to posts that simply disagree with a technical issue or have a different viewpoint about something. Expressing different ideas and thoughts is how we can all grow and learn.
Hi Carroll, Sm0ky2,
Learning is a funny thing to study! I am doing some Machine Learning at the moment at University.
Human Learning is filled with all sorts of dynamics: Belief, Point's of View, Inferances, Misconceptions, Miss-Direction... and the list goes on.
Machine Learning is much more rigid: Logic and Reason within a strict set of guidelines.
Censorship is not the answer, I was merely suggesting a way to make Threads easier to follow for others interested in learning. It is a shame that all Threads will become so burried in mountains of other threads that sooner or later, they become merely Ones and Zero's sitting on a Hard Drive somewhere and no longer visited by biological Entitys anymore.
A good portion of the posts to many of the threads here on this forum are in no way Constructive or help in anyway to achieve any goals. There is no learning component to them!
The chance we let pass us by may be the last chance we are given.
Chris Sykes
how to deal? Ask them to use the scientific method and stick to it to refute the others tei. If they do not build the apparatus that they are saying that "it is a scam" (or if they are unable to do so) can not refute any argument, or at least they did not care about the scientific method and are not credible
Quote from: RomanEmpire on January 05, 2016, 05:14:46 PM
how to deal? Ask them to use the scientific method and stick to it to refute the others tei. If they do not build the apparatus that they are saying that "it is a scam" (or if they are unable to do so) can not refute any argument, or at least they did not care about the scientific method and are not credible
It's more like the person pitching the free energy device has to use the scientific method. Make a credible demonstration showing transparency and credible measurements. Have your device replicated by three independent parties where they also present credible data.
The burden of proof lies with the person presenting the free energy device.
Here are some YouTube clips that are somewhat related to this topic that are good food for thought.
What is open-mindedness?
Important issues related to freedom of speech:
Is there a similarity between "social justice warriors" and "free energy warriors?"
See attached follow-up statement from Melissa Click.
Quote from: RomanEmpire on January 05, 2016, 05:14:46 PM
how to deal? Ask them to use the scientific method and stick to it to refute the others tei. If they do not build the apparatus that they are saying that "it is a scam" (or if they are unable to do so) can not refute any argument, or at least they did not care about the scientific method and are not credible
You have it exactly backwards. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." If something that is claimed goes against established scientific laws, appears to violate some solidly held scientific principle like Conservation of Momentum or Conservation of Energy, then the claimant needs to provide solid evidence in support of those claims. It is not the responsibility for a debunker to provide anything except to state where the claims are inconsistent with reality. If you claim that _your_ apparatus, say, is a selfrunning permanent magnet motor with no outside source of power, and you provide instructions, and then I build one and it fails to work as you claim... you can always say that I didn't do something right, or make some other "special pleading" (a technical term) as an excuse for why my replication didn't work. It is entirely the claimant's responsibility to demonstrate that it _does_ work according to the claims. If the claimant cannot do that.... it is he who is not credible. We've seen plenty of cases of that here.
Quote from: MileHigh on January 05, 2016, 08:36:52 PM
Here are some YouTube clips that are somewhat related to this topic that are good food for thought.
What is open-mindedness?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T69TOuqaqXI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T69TOuqaqXI)
Important issues related to freedom of speech:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vVohGWhMWs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vVohGWhMWs)
Is there a similarity between "social justice warriors" and "free energy warriors?"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5MPzQnokMU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5MPzQnokMU)
See attached follow-up statement from Melissa Click.
That video from Thunderf00t is amazing. So you can just assault people on the MU campus and get away with it because you are female, and work for the University? Where are the lawyers? By 8 minutes into the clip I've already seen three clear cases of assault, by these "feminists". Pushing someone off a ledge? Incredible. Body-checking someone standing taking photographs, forcing him back? Making threats against his safety? Grabbing at the camera, calling in "muscle" against a journalist?
Where are the lawyers? Those "feminists" should do jail time, or at least be sued into poverty. And that "professor"... how is she keeping her job at the University? The other one, big blonde bully... how is she keeping her job? Unbelievable.
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 05, 2016, 09:10:56 PM
You have it exactly backwards. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." If something that is claimed goes against established scientific laws, appears to violate some solidly held scientific principle like Conservation of Momentum or Conservation of Energy, then the claimant needs to provide solid evidence in support of those claims. It is not the responsibility for a debunker to provide anything except to state where the claims are inconsistent with reality. If you claim that _your_ apparatus, say, is a selfrunning permanent magnet motor with no outside source of power, and you provide instructions, and then I build one and it fails to work as you claim... you can always say that I didn't do something right, or make some other "special pleading" (a technical term) as an excuse for why my replication didn't work. It is entirely the claimant's responsibility to demonstrate that it _does_ work according to the claims. If the claimant cannot do that.... it is he who is not credible. We've seen plenty of cases of that here.
what if it was a seemingly credible device,that you yourself were holding in your hands.
that utilized the differential in gravitational potential between the molecular state of two elements, and that of their gas state?
like two fuel-cells, linked together, one in reverse.
energy in = energy out - losses (heat).
now, suppose one was vertically positioned above the other, such that when the gasses combined,
m(water)gh = greater than the heat losses in the electrolysis system.
then the "nay sayer" called you a nitwitted bumbling torriod-f*&%!!er
and told you you were trying to violate the laws of his reality??
how do you respond?
and I don't mean that literally, like to perform that test....
that was just completely hypothetical I pulled out of my a$$
I am totally with you there SMOKY2.. BECAUSE I HAVE GOT IN MY WARM LITTLE
many ideas and even requested help all i got was insult ..SO WHEN I COME UP
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 05, 2016, 09:10:56 PM
... "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." ...
Any independent experimenter/researcher that makes claims in this line of work is a nutcase from the word go. It is not only futile, it is pointless.
You build X and it does Y. Leave it at that. Period. No claims, no heartache, no mess, no fuss.
If someone wants to build X also and it does Z instead of Y, ask questions sure, but don't expect different results.
It's only when multiple parties build X and they all perform with Y results that we have to consider the rules may need alteration. Those days are way into the future.
In the meantime, just try to enjoy what you do and learn while you do it. No member of this forum is going to make a huge worldly change. It takes generations for that to happen, going against nearly impossible odds and a societal structure cast in stone. You want to change the world? It would be easier to erase the world and start over.
I for one find it all rather to simple and extremely unpleasant as its all un safe and is some what a public hazarded ! The British technology is obviously superior and supports the national grid !
Now where in the US is there a working Russian free energy technology and one that is not plugged into the grid hahahahahahahahha Is this a problem of the inability to understand the basic laws that permit such technologies ??? We in the mother land are all a bit puzzled by it ? ? hahahahahahahahahah ITS ALL A BIT OF A JOKE HERE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH DONT YOU KNOW HOW ITS DONE YET ???? HAHAHAHAHA
ERR thanks Atommix93rdAtom1 Sr. Member but !
Why are you so disruptive ? and why do you lie about facts and offer nothing constructive ? and sarcasm is a form of aggression !
And what British technology are you referring too ? get your facts straight it's not Russian technology any of it Tesla was from Serbia and an American immigrant who invented AC and it was Henry Moray who invented the earth rod current device and Donald Smith later on an other American not Russian and it was Kapanadze who found a way of synchronizing the two waveform and he aint no Russian, Russian talking perhaps but what's your problem if he did, no one can prove any thing on here unless it's possible to ether copy it your self or go and see it for your self and that's no guarantee.
How to deal with it those ???
Quote from: scratchrobot on January 06, 2016, 02:18:05 PM
How to deal with it those ???
Same way we did when we all had 2400 baud modems. ;)
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 05, 2016, 09:10:56 PM
You have it exactly backwards. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." If something that is claimed goes against established scientific laws, appears to violate some solidly held scientific principle like Conservation of Momentum or Conservation of Energy, then the claimant needs to provide solid evidence in support of those claims. It is not the responsibility for a debunker to provide anything except to state where the claims are inconsistent with reality. If you claim that _your_ apparatus, say, is a selfrunning permanent magnet motor with no outside source of power, and you provide instructions, and then I build one and it fails to work as you claim... you can always say that I didn't do something right, or make some other "special pleading" (a technical term) as an excuse for why my replication didn't work. It is entirely the claimant's responsibility to demonstrate that it _does_ work according to the claims. If the claimant cannot do that.... it is he who is not credible. We've seen plenty of cases of that here.
Carroll, sorry getting a little off topic...
TK, maybe the real issue is in-fact, frame of mind, and not the actual technology being presented:
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" - But only if you think it is Extraordinary!
I dont, I understand what is required, so do many other experimenters that have already come forward on my thread here at ou.com and also on my Private forum.
If you can grasp Electromagnetic Induction, some 184 Years old, then you will see the
ONLY Law holding us back, is Lenz's Law!
What if you could use Lenz's law to actually turbo charge the Induction Process??? As it turns out, it is very easy to do!!!
Recently we have seen a good amount of
"extraordinary evidence" to support that what you call
"Extraordinary claims"!!! Really, it is just not a proper scientific excuse to dismiss any such claim of an inventor.
After all, how many people still didnt believe that Humans could Fly in Flying Machines after it had already been done!!!
You should read:
"Never In A Million Years: A History of Hopeless Predictions" (https://books.google.com.au/books?id=Cvl7znsBQtEC&pg=PT40&lpg=PT40&dq=The+weight+of+any+machine+constructed+for+flying,+including+fuel+wright+brothers&source=bl&ots=a-AEeTyDZW&sig=0y0XGahC6ITHDu3gtPQZXFZDHeY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi0-fjTypvKAhViI6YKHTlmC6wQ6AEIKjAD#v=onepage&q=The%20weight%20of%20any%20machine%20constructed%20for%20flying%2C%20including%20fuel%20wright%20brothers&f=false)
If it is Science that you believe in, then Science cannot be dissmissed because it is not yet understood!!!
Chris Sykes
Chris Hi your artical on ;__
I dont, I understand what is required, so do many other experimenters that have already come forward on my thread here at ou.com and also on my Private forum.
If you can grasp Electromagnetic Induction, some 184 Years old, then you will see the ONLY Law holding us back, is Lenz's Law!
What if you could use Lenz's law to actually turbo charge the Induction Process??? As it turns out, it is very easy to do!!!
Recently we have seen a good amount of "extraordinary evidence" to support that what you call "Extraordinary claims"!!! Really, it is just not a proper scientific excuse to dismiss any such claim of an inventor.
Can you offer any more information on this Phenomena please ? or are we talking magnets and twin coils, [ coil cw, Ne magnet, coil ccw ] idea ?
regards AG
Quote from: AlienGrey on January 09, 2016, 01:58:19 AM
Chris Hi your artical on ;__
I dont, I understand what is required, so do many other experimenters that have already come forward on my thread here at ou.com and also on my Private forum.
If you can grasp Electromagnetic Induction, some 184 Years old, then you will see the ONLY Law holding us back, is Lenz's Law!
What if you could use Lenz's law to actually turbo charge the Induction Process??? As it turns out, it is very easy to do!!!
Recently we have seen a good amount of "extraordinary evidence" to support that what you call "Extraordinary claims"!!! Really, it is just not a proper scientific excuse to dismiss any such claim of an inventor.
Can you offer any more information on this Phenomena please ? or are we talking magnets and twin coils, [ coil cw, Ne magnet, coil ccw ] idea ?
regards AG
This thread is not the place for the technical descussion. It is off Topic. Not fair for Carroll.
Partnered Output Coils - Free Energy (http://overunity.com/15395/partnered-output-coils-free-energy/msg470616/#new)Magnets are not necessary.
Chris Sykes
Quote from: Atommix93rdAtom1 on January 09, 2016, 08:27:03 AM
The OU needs a LAB ...... A real one ! Funded and staffed 24/4 .... or it will never be anything more than words on a screen !!!
You already got OU why post so manny words on screen ???
If the only way to confirm a theory is replicability through the scientific method, the only way to refute it is the scientific method. I think the concept is straightforward and clear. However, I think that mistakes are not bad, the mistakes are not to blame or ridicule, especially if we think of the great scientists have died or injuried for their experiments because of their mistakes (here's a list of at least 10 scientists http://listverse.com/2008/06/04/top-10-scientists-killed-or-injured-by-their-experiments/ ).You learn from mistakes and many discoveries have been made by accident, of course we need education and we need to be careful, but when it comes to research into topics still unknown we can easily run into the error. I think you need to review your attitude sometimes arrogant and aggressive towards the mistakes of others.
A most interesting discussion. ;)
Any conversation which takes place between humans
who are thinking beings imbued with the ability to "feel"
emotionally will invariably and inevitably tend to "drift." :o
Those who would wish to impose strict rules of conformity
with respect to the conversation (i.e. "off topic") and insist
that all input be narrowly focused will be disappointed. ???
Spock was from that sort of place. It is not us. 8)
All who have spoken have contributed something of value
to the conversation. It is all about perspective. ::)