She has a boyfriend/husband but I try to listen what she sys! I want her to do an AMA!
Quote from: joel321 on January 10, 2016, 06:32:22 AM (
She has a boyfriend/husband but I try to listen what she sys! I want her to do an AMA!
I like her videos. It is obvious that she is very intelligent and knows a lot of facts. If someone listens to her who is not intelligent, I am sure it must be
frustrating for them.
This Lady does not proclaim or herald anything new. There are some radio talk show hosts like Rense who tell almost the same stories. Then there are "investment advisers" who start out with the same doomsday messages and then want to sell you gold or real estate (e.g. farms and farmland).
To me it looks like she collects these ideas from the net and then speaks them in front of a camera into YouTube. With the number of clicks she is getting, the income is quite low.
Nothing she says is unique, we all know that the situation is unstable. But nobody knows the future. There will be bad things and also good things, like it always was.
If someone really knew what is going to happen, the last thing to do would be to tell it in the media. The best thing to do would be to quietly make preparations.
It is a bit like with the Lotto. Why would you tell anybody the coming winning Lotto numbers. It would make the pay out per person lower. So, if you know the future, shut up and take advantage of your knowledge. It is also like insider dealing in the stock market. If you tell anyone, the inside knowledge would be revealed (because there will be high gains which look suspicious statistically). So, just make a modest gain with the insider knowledge without telling anyone and you will not be caught.
Greetings, Conrad
I try to give her the benefit of the doubt but when she is talking about bed bugs!! I am 1000% thousand percent sure, she does not know what she is talking about! Bed bugs are easy to prevent in one hour!!!!!! lol
This is another FACT that shows she is just "fear mongering" people! AND THE REASON i CAN'T TAKE HER SERIOUS! But at the same time, I am amzed how many people "follow" her! "advice"!
Bed bugs can be killed in one hour! (mom, dad, uncles and aunts....and preventing the new borns) How do I know? I have dealt with them before :( Same like roaches.....same like fruit flies...same like mosquitoes....same like many female hookers caring many STD's LOL
I can bet you two dollars she is talking about bed bugs because she had them not long = she ONLY fear mongers about her experiences!
You know why this is an eye opener of her fear mongering? Because pet owners have to deal with fleas. That can be controlled! The amount of Americans that have a dog or a cat as a pet is 90%...fleas love hairy