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News announcements and other topics => News => Topic started by: Just..Sayin.. on January 20, 2016, 08:28:29 AM

Title: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: Just..Sayin.. on January 20, 2016, 08:28:29 AM
Well worth a look... pancake coils with metal plates in between, does a pretty good job of producing power. Obviously no back EMF...

Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: Just..Sayin.. on January 20, 2016, 09:00:38 AM
Here's a photo of the device.
Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: skycollection on January 20, 2016, 09:08:36 AM
In this experiment i am not using the BEMF because i didn´t install a diode in the circuit, i will try to test and prove if the coil produce the BEMF....very soon...!
About to measure the power out, i realy don´t know, there are many errors with the ammeters and unfortunatelly i don´t have a good oscilloscope.
Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: Just..Sayin.. on January 20, 2016, 09:12:07 AM
Quote from: skycollection on January 20, 2016, 09:08:36 AM
In this experiment i am not using the BEMF because i didn´t install a diode in the circuit, i will try to test and prove if the coil produce the BEMF....very soon...!
About to measure the power out, i realy don´t know, there are many errors with the ammeters and unfortunatelly i don´t have a good oscilloscope.

Just looking for approximate wattage... how many watts are the bulbs... are they at full draw?
Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: skycollection on January 20, 2016, 09:18:13 AM
The bulb of leds they are for 3 watts, 12 volts operation, and i only i am using a supercapacitor with 2.5 volts...! about the full power in the  bulbs of leds, aparently is not the full power, but is enogh to read a book in the darknees...!
Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: Just..Sayin.. on January 20, 2016, 09:26:57 AM
Quote from: skycollection on January 20, 2016, 09:18:13 AM
The bulb of leds they are for 3 watts, 12 volts operation, and i only i am using a supercapacitor with 2.5 volts...! about the full power in the  bulbs of leds, aparently is not the full power, but is enogh to read a book in the darknees...!

Looks very promising.... do you really think the capacitor is contributing that much? How about all induction coils hooked together with iron plates in between every coil and no capcitor, have you tried that?
Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: skycollection on January 20, 2016, 09:47:03 AM
Yes, i have tried with other pancake coils that moved of it´s place caused for the magnetic field, and the eddy currents. I am using aluminum plates in my new pancake coil, i can´t use steel plates, is not neccesary and about the theory of the eddy currents attracted by the metallic conductors is correct, every pancake coil have a conductor in both sides and this allowing a better efficience in the engine...!
Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: Just..Sayin.. on January 20, 2016, 11:07:00 AM
Quote from: skycollection on January 20, 2016, 09:47:03 AM
Yes, i have tried with other pancake coils that moved of it´s place caused for the magnetic field, and the eddy currents. I am using aluminum plates in my new pancake coil, i can´t use steel plates, is not neccesary and about the theory of the eddy currents attracted by the metallic conductors is correct, every pancake coil have a conductor in both sides and this allowing a better efficience in the engine...!

Aluminum plates.... that is very interesting. What happens with no capacitor, just aluminum plates?
Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: lumen on January 20, 2016, 09:16:07 PM
Yes, what is that super capacitor doing for the system?
Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: Just..Sayin.. on January 20, 2016, 09:24:38 PM
How many coils are powering the leds? Can you do a demonstration for us without the capacitor?
Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: Berto3 on January 21, 2016, 12:14:47 PM
If you've ever used a super-capacitor in a pulsed system, you'll love it. It will enhance the pulse. It is like changing a garden hose for a fire hose.
Better than any battery; a super condenser gives instantly power. Beside that, it strengthens the self oscillation of the system. Super cap and
f(l)at coils is a lucky marriage.
Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: PiCéd on January 21, 2016, 12:40:35 PM
Skycollection, I wan't to know something, is the supercap is charged at start or it is at the minimum ?
There is no resistance apparently, 24 pancakes in paralel(?) it's a very low resistance...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...  four part of 6 pancakes each electricaly separated, one for each of the three leds and one connected to the supercapacitor...
That's it ?
Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: lumen on January 21, 2016, 09:04:30 PM
To me it looks like the coil is used only to gate the power to the LED's from the super capacitor.

So there is almost no drag to the coil because it takes very little current to achieve the gating.

If you generate current then there is lenz drag.
If you generate eddy currents then there is lenz drag.

Still waiting for more information before I would change my view of the unusual response shown in the video.
Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: skycollection on January 21, 2016, 09:48:08 PM
The new pancake coil consist in 24 "single wire" pancake coils, divided in four groups of six coils each one, connected in series, electricly separated, and only one group of six coils is conneted to the circuit, the other three groups, they are "pickup coils", with a bulb of leds that turn on when the circuit enter "in self oscillation",  every pancake coil have a metallic conductor (24 plates of aluminium) in both sides (like a capacitor),  when the magnet pass infront of the pancake coil, induces a voltage with very low resistance (according with my theory, the eddy currents they are attracted by the metallic conductors) this is the system, eliminate the EDDY CURRENTS in a larger percentage, i know that i can´t eliminate 100%, but any percentage is important.[/size]

Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: lumen on January 21, 2016, 10:23:01 PM
Quote from: skycollection on January 21, 2016, 09:48:08 PM
The new pancake coil consist in 24 "single wire" pancake coils, divided in four groups of six coils each one, connected in series, electricly separated, and only one group of six coils is conneted to the circuit, the other three groups, they are "pickup coils", with a bulb of leds that turn on when the circuit enter "in self oscillation",  every pancake coil have a metallic conductor (24 plates of aluminium) in both sides (like a capacitor),  when the magnet pass infront of the pancake coil, induces a voltage with very low resistance (according with my theory, the eddy currents they are attracted by the metallic conductors) this is the system, eliminate the EDDY CURRENTS in a larger percentage, i know that i can´t eliminate 100%, but any percentage is important.[/size]

So then a question: Do all the aluminum disks have the cut in them like the one shown in your video?

Your claim is that after the magnet passes over the coil the LED's light up and some charge goes into the capacitor.

Then it's a resonate circuit between the coils and capacitor and it continues to oscillate and hold the LED's on for some extra time?

It appears that you could recover the power your sending to the LED's and operate a small motor to rotate the magnets to keep it operating.

Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: skycollection on January 21, 2016, 11:02:12 PM
Yes is correct, i can drive other circuit with the pickup coils, or motors, but is different small motor to rotate the magnets and keep it operating...! the way to move the big heavy magnets is pulsing the coil with the transistors, i will try something. For the moment i did the experiment with 12 volts and a bedini circuit and the results are the same, no drag, and no brake, the pancake have low resistance and the rotor accelerate, producing full power in the leds. I did an experiment with a resistive load, car bulb of 12 volts and the result is the same, no drag and the rotor accelerate, the bulb turn on not completelly but is ok.
Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: broli on January 22, 2016, 03:53:21 PM
I have a feeling we are talking about some mW here. Lenzless implies you can add as many coils as you want without any effect on the rotation, surely with enough coils you should have enough generated energy to power the rotation if it was truly Lenzless. It does not look like the rotor needs much energy to keep it spinning.
Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: Just..Sayin.. on January 22, 2016, 04:08:30 PM
Quote from: skycollection on January 21, 2016, 11:02:12 PM
Yes is correct, i can drive other circuit with the pickup coils, or motors, but is different small motor to rotate the magnets and keep it operating...! the way to move the big heavy magnets is pulsing the coil with the transistors, i will try something. For the moment i did the experiment with 12 volts and a bedini circuit and the results are the same, no drag, and no brake, the pancake have low resistance and the rotor accelerate, producing full power in the leds. I did an experiment with a resistive load, car bulb of 12 volts and the result is the same, no drag and the rotor accelerate, the bulb turn on not completelly but is ok.

Congratulations sounds like OU to me...
Title: Re: New Lenzless Generator Is Very Interesting
Post by: sm0ky2 on January 23, 2016, 01:58:51 AM
Quote from: broli on January 22, 2016, 03:53:21 PM
I have a feeling we are talking about some mW here. Lenzless implies you can add as many coils as you want without any effect on the rotation, surely with enough coils you should have enough generated energy to power the rotation if it was truly Lenzless. It does not look like the rotor needs much energy to keep it spinning.

yes this was my thoughts exactly. he needs a heavier generation coil or more coils to observe the effect.