Overunity.com Archives

Energy from Natural Resources => Magnegas, Aquafuel, Bingofuel systems => Topic started by: hartiberlin on November 21, 2006, 06:45:17 PM

Title: Ron Cole shows great MagneGas production setup
Post by: hartiberlin on November 21, 2006, 06:45:17 PM
Have a look at this great MagneGas
solution video from Ron Cole:

Title: Re: Ron Cole shows great MagneGas production setup
Post by: otto on November 27, 2006, 03:36:54 AM
Hello all,

just like Magnegas I have build a bingo fuel reactor too. Its cheap, automatic feeding the carbon rods...
The gases are very explosive but not as hydrogen. The gas production is stabile and my reactor builds it very fast. Classical electrolysis is nothing compared with the bingo fuel reactor. This reactor is a very promising thing for generation of lots of gas. The only bad thing is you have to buy the carbon rods and I cant them buy in my country.
As Magnegas (Santilli) sais you can have more or less BTUs just by mixing various "things" with the water. I had an accident with my bingo fuel reactor when a little of the gas exploded in the bubbler i lost only 1 tooth because I saw what will happen (backfire) and I quickly turned my crazy head and then ....

I can only say that this reactor is a wonderful thing.


Title: Re: Ron Cole shows great MagneGas production setup
Post by: Paul-R on November 27, 2006, 10:07:58 AM
You need carbon rods, Otto?

Try Ebay every few days: http://tinyurl.com/yec8gl
This is the British Ebay. You may need to try Ebay for your
country, if different.
Alternatively, keep an eye out on the above link, and pay
the extra for postage. They have been going for less than
several for a US dollar each - copper clad for welding, cutting.
Title: Re: Ron Cole shows great MagneGas production setup
Post by: hartiberlin on November 27, 2006, 02:24:05 PM
We have to try this just with tungsten electrodes,
which do not melt or are consumed.

If you put into the waste water enough other C-O-H
biowaste material also enough burnable gas should
be produceable.

The problem in this moment is still,
that the electrodes are only graphite based and consumed.
If we can find a better process with unconsumable electrodes,
this would be the future !
This would probably only need a special
arc power up circuit to begin the arc .
When the arc is established this thing could burn on and generate

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Ron Cole shows great MagneGas production setup
Post by: otto on November 28, 2006, 03:52:32 AM

thanks for the Ebay idee but I have a lot of carbon rods.


Tungsten electrodes will melt like butter.
My setup is with one carbon rod (C - melting point 3700?C??) and the other electrode is pure nickel 99,9%(Ni - melting point arround 2900?C).
Of course I tried a lot of other materials as electrodes but no success. Everything melts!!
In 15 mintes my setup consumes 1 cm of the carbon rod. This electrode is 6 mm in diameter (from 4,5V batteries). If the diameter is larger you have more gas but the power supply has to be larger...

J.L.Naudin produced the gas and feeded it into a generator to produce the power for the bingo fuel reactor. In this way he closed the process. I can only say YES!! This reactor produces so much gas that a classical electrolysis looks like a joke.

At 1 - 2 kW from the wall I have enough gas to burn it in my gasburner for my home heating. I dont need any storage...
Anyway I have a gas container to storage the gas.
I made my setpu like Magnegas showed in the block diagram.

As I cant buy the carbon rods in my country this device is on "ice".

In this moment I remembered J.L.Naudin used a high wattage resistor to "regulate" the current. I used only a big coil to reduce the current. Once I reed the high wattage resistor acts as a temperature "reducer". I dont know if this is true but that would mean we can use tungsten electrodes. It would be nice to try this.

The BTUs can be "regulated". Tap water (is very bad, better destilled water!!) has the lowest BTUs and if you add biowaste material the BTUs rises. On our nice planet are so much materials you can add in the water to get a really big BTU value for your gas!!


Title: Re: Ron Cole shows great MagneGas production setup
Post by: vortexentity on November 28, 2006, 12:07:53 PM
You know in Ruggero's set up they use huge carbon blocks in their commercial reactors. They can also recycle the carbon that is produced in the recycling of bio-waste.

The low hydro-carbon level and high oxygen in the exhaust in motors that burn this fuel is reason enough to use it. The fact that it can be produced for a fraction of gasoline or LP is a further reason to use it.

I do not understand why we do not see this technology in use everywhere. It is after all proven and available and it solves far more problems than competing systems.
Title: Re: Ron Cole shows great MagneGas production setup
Post by: Paul-R on November 28, 2006, 04:59:40 PM
Tungsten melting like butter? Blimey. Do you mean
Tungsten carbide?

Are there any volcanic rocks that are conductive? If
we can find a conductive ceramic of some sort then
we are going places generating H2 and O2 in proportion;
what the hydroxy people call hydroxy gas.
Title: Re: Ron Cole shows great MagneGas production setup
Post by: otto on November 29, 2006, 02:04:35 AM


the underwater arc has a temperature of 3000-4000?C!! I tried a tungsten electrode for welding. It was not so good.

The point is with carbon electrodes you get big bubbles up to 5 cm in diameter. It looks like the water is boiling when the reactor produces the gas. As longer you produce the gas the water gets warmer and "dirtier" and it looks like the reactor  produces the gas easier (less current, stable arc). Now dont say I have a lot of
steam!! No, I have not! My reactor has a volume of 3,5l (1 gallon) of water and in one our of work the water temperature rises but not too much.
I dont say with tungsten electrodes it cant be done but then you have to use a 1 ohm/50-100W resistor in the output of the power supply like J.L.Naudin does it. As I said yesterday it seems to me this resistor drops the temperature of the electrodes.

As insulators for the electrodes I tried to use ceramics. This ordinary ceramics "exploded" after 1 hour in the reactor. Again, I dont say I have a ideal reactor but I made this thing from parts I had at home and its working well.

Title: Re: Ron Cole shows great MagneGas production setup
Post by: Paul-R on December 23, 2006, 06:41:47 AM
Quote from: otto on November 28, 2006, 03:52:32 AM
thanks for the Ebay idee but I have a lot of carbon rods.
Tungsten electrodes will melt like butter.
My setup is with one carbon rod (C - melting point 3700?C??) and the other electrode is pure nickel 99,9%(Ni - melting point arround 2900?C).....
I have found someone who has a limited supply of the wire used for
winding elements for this hi-tech apparatus:

I got about 30 feet for ?5. They are in Sheffield, UK. Phone 0114 255 3854
(or +44 114 255 3854 if abroad). Ask for Paul. http://www.hadfield-electrical.co.uk/
Alternatively try your local electrical repair shop.

It comes at a narrow diameter. It might be necessary to bind 20 or 30
lengths together to get an electrode of appropriate diameter.
I tested a length as best I could using a gas cooker. It glows very bright orange
and does not flinch in the slightest. But that is a long way from plasma arc
conditions. Worth a go.
Title: Re: Ron Cole shows great MagneGas production setup
Post by: AbbaRue on June 08, 2008, 03:51:26 PM
I bought carbon welding rods, they are 30cm long and 6mm thick.
A box of 50 rods costs $27 canadian.
The copper coating can be pealed off in a spiral fashion,
just make a small slit at one end to get a grip.
When you were consuming 1cm in 15min. how much gas did you get.
I was looking into feeding this gas into the car the same way you feed hydrogen in.
Using the same method shown on this website.


This should work great instead of hydrogen using bingo fuel.
Title: Re: Ron Cole shows great MagneGas production setup
Post by: AbbaRue on June 08, 2008, 04:32:06 PM
On the JLN website design he has what looks like a short piece of metal between the rod ends.
What is this made of? Does it stay there as a spacer for the arc?
Naudin doesn't'' explain many things on  the site.
How are you keeping a steady rod feed going?
Title: Re: Ron Cole shows great MagneGas production setup
Post by: infringer on June 08, 2008, 05:14:25 PM
Yes interesting question how does one achive this...

My easy guess would be place rods on a revolving setup...

Then as the rod gets burnt up when it reaches the point of gone have a spring action that makes places the next rod in the electrode chamber...

kinda like an old six shooter some what...

and if you really wanted to get tricky you could have a feed chamber that feeds the used up empty chamber a new rod...

This is very interesting you hear lots of water power carbon rods and torridial coils in a crapload of OU research.

I find it rather interesting maybe key elements are left out a lot of times purposely... IDK

But with all the chatter about these devices I dont think we should continue to ignore them and try to disprove them...

Rather invest our time trying to prove or make them work rather then hours of math and reading and quoting scientific laws to disprove lets prove or improve some of this crap this is our basis we must follow to make a difernce sooner then later.

Title: Re: Ron Cole shows great MagneGas production setup
Post by: kampen on January 07, 2010, 06:29:13 PM
@ All,

I want to build a (micro) Magnagas Reactor/Generator to make SyntheticGas COH2

To produce continue arc(ing) I am looking /need a long lasting and more advanced electrodes instead of consuming the carbon/graphite electrodes and controlling it with a servo controlled feeder.

Any suggestions/ help is welcome. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Ron Cole shows great MagneGas production setup
Post by: ChileanOne on September 23, 2020, 09:11:12 AM
It is sad to see that a technology of this kind never was adopted in a massive way, and after years of struggle for staying in the market, the company created originally by Santilli is no longer trading.

Is not an everyday thing that a patent is granted with the word over-unity right in the title, but this was the case for a patent application submitted to the European Patent office in 2001 and granted in 2013, and about to expire in 2021.

https://patents.google.com/patent/EP1412080A1 (https://patents.google.com/patent/EP1412080A1)

Over-unity production of clean new energies by recycling contaminated liquid waste


Reactors (108) for the total recycling of contaminated liquid waste, which produce a clean burning combustible gas, usable heat, and solid precipitates, a main feature being that a total of the available energy in the combustible gas and in the produced heat is greater than an electric energy needed to operate the apparatus. The latter feature is called commercial over-unity, and essentially establishes the capability of the new reactors to tap energy from the liquid molecules in full conformity with the principle of conservation of the energy. Different embodiments include the over-unity recycling of automotive antifreeze and oil waste, a new method for the production of a fuel from crude oil, for desalting sea water and for recycling biologically contaminated liquid waste, such as town sewage, into a clean burning combustible gas, nutrient rich water useful for irrigation, and soiled precipitates useful for fertilizers.

This was one of the first successful ways to use what can be said is LENR In a commercial way, and I wasn't aware of it ever had been successful in obtaining a patent, but it was.

Title: Re: Ron Cole shows great MagneGas production setup
Post by: ramset on September 23, 2020, 12:24:02 PM
Some have played with this [sooo many topics over the years]
I will search a bit...just a note : Cavitation Topic is under construction.hopefully some insight from LENR [Dr.Jones "Physics Prof" here at forum] community will help guide best path forward?and provide access to sample testing  .....??

also Sad to see Otto above....a very good man !!
I agree many good things need a closer look ..
with Gratitude
Chet K

Title: Re: Ron Cole shows great MagneGas production setup
Post by: ChileanOne on September 23, 2020, 12:46:38 PM
Quote from: ramset on September 23, 2020, 12:24:02 PM
Some have played with this [sooo many topics over the years]
I will search a bit...just a note : Cavitation Topic is under construction.hopefully some insight from LENR [Dr.Jones "Physics Prof" here at forum] community will help guide best path forward?and provide access to sample testing  .....??

also Sad to see Otto above....a very good man !!
I agree many good things need a closer look ..
with Gratitude
Chet K
Thanks!, I think that all these technologies are related, and expressions of the same underlying phenomena. What saddens me is that the obtuse disbelief stopped this from being put to good use. Doing this kind of things on a DYI basis is complex, out of reach for most people, and thus those who had the intention but were stopped to develop this at industrial level never had the chance to make it available for everyone.

Let me know when the Cavitation Topic is ready to start taking part.