Dear Sirs!
I ask you to see the video "Electric capacity multiplier on the basis of MGA (Molecular generator of Andrus)" In the settings of YouTube, enter the subtitles of the translation into English.
The Multiplier is a simplified cylindrical version of MGA with external electrical excitation of its materials (see Fig.2 in the video). Basic flat MGA (see Fig.1 in the video) with self-excited materials has no electronic circuits and can produce a constant current with a predetermined voltage for 10 years or more.
"Molecular generator of Andrus" (BUSINESS PLAN of innovative project of the 7th wave of innovation "Molecular Generator of Andrus – MGA" - is a power source that does not require recharging:
• MGA-3W, 5V for powering gadgets without recharging;
• MGA-20kW, 230V for power supply of apartments and private houses;
• MGA-150kW, 400V as power sources for electric vehicles and other vehicles.
The purpose of our video is to show that the stated indicators of the Multiplier – input (U input = ~220V) and output (U output = 265÷270 V, I output = 0.29 A) – do take place, the project MGA is working project, and the authors have sufficient knowledge for its implementation.
MGA has quite complex methods of control of input materials, as well as all stages of its production at the molecular level, since electricity is produced by just materials without any additions. It's like using AA battery, only for 10 years or more.
The multiplier has a coarser and simplified packaging by materials of MGA, but also an additional external source of excitation of materials (external electrical network). It is much cheaper than the MGA.
When using our Multiplier as a standalone power source, it will be necessary to replace the external city electrical network with two small electrical accumulators with an electronic circuit. It will also work around the clock and year-round, but it is not suitable for gadgets because of the complex circuit with electrical accumulators and is mainly suitable for use in apartments and private homes. Thus, only flat MGA is suitable for electric vehicles and gadgets.
A cheaper option is possible – a hybrid device to obtain significant power. Low-power MGA is used as an external source plus cells of Multiplier.
We hope for a quick response.
Sincerely, V. Andrus, Scientific Director.
BSA Ltd., Ukraine.
Great so how much is it ?
To create a generator of several modifications - $ 70 million for a period of less than three years.
Business plan : 12.November 2009
" generator with capacity of 1 Kilowatt"
When you/ your company has/ have the scheme to re-/ construct this 1 KW generator,
why you wait - for eventual more 10,20,... years - for this 60./ 70. millions venture capital investor ?
I answer. The device with a power of 1 kW is a power station, an electronic version. We did not manage to finish this power station. The war began and the experts fled. The war has been going on for five years. We are in the frontal zone. Now we are forced, using new sciences, to develop new principles for generating electricity.
Mr. Andrus,
we are in the ( war) frontal zone.
New science, New principles
You bring good arguments for eventual investors to feel their capital saved by investment in your adventure !
New science/ principle means no experience, no warranty !
Your second idea is from my view : Germany R&D institutions
Max Planck- Institut fuer Festkoerperphysik - (Grundlagenforschung) Alpha- stage
later : Fraunhofer- Institut- Verbund fuer angewandte Forschung Beta-stage
It has scientifical interests actually, for the commercial market ( and the company growing 1,5 billion $ in worth)
it is 10 years to early! Rely- and sustainable development.