Welcome to the new presidental promo Channel for promoting the video: "You are my President"
It is in FullHD Resolution and about 340 megabytes big in MP4 format.
The original German version was done by Haunsi Appmann for his Telegram channel QAnonDeutschland .
Now he moved it to
A friend did the english translation and subtitling, so the US patriots can watch and understand it.
Please Share it before November, the 3rd to all your family and friends and on social media.
Many thanks.
For more infos and support Flags and Trump Fan item come to: (
My friend wrote:Please All, Download the video from the Telegram group (
and post it on your own Videochannels and SHARE it to all your social Media channels !
I give you full permission to use and Share it widely. So we will reach many more people still before the election. Many thanks for your help. Regards, Peter.
Three minutes of utter crap.
I guess it sums up the campaign. No content whatsoever promoting an oaf and an opponent who ought to be thinking about retitrement but, at least, is better than Trump.
But so is a roulette wheel. It gives a good answer half the time.
Original German video is at: (
from Haunsi Appmann
Quote from: Paul-R on October 22, 2020, 07:45:42 PM
Three minutes of utter crap.
I guess it sums up the campaign. No content whatsoever promoting an oaf and an opponent who ought to be thinking about retitrement but, at least, is better than Trump.
But so is a roulette wheel. It gives a good answer half the time.
The whole Qanon folks still believe in a saviour....who has not yet come...and Obama and Killary are still not behind bars..
But at least Trump did not start a war versus Obama.Made peace with North Korea and Putin.
So he is probably the better solution to corrupt Joe Bidden and his crack Smoking son Hunter Biden...
Unfortunately the guys from the Free Energy Party
did nothing to promote themself....Damn...
In my view, people don't hate Trump; they laugh at him and the States for not being able to field anyone better with 330m to choose from.
Kim and Putin? He achieved nothing. Putin must see him as a fat slob and Kim continues to build his weapons while keepinga low profile.
IMO, you're making Overunity look pretty damned silly, Stefan.
Quote from: hartiberlin on October 22, 2020, 08:02:31 PM
Unfortunately the guys from the Free Energy Party
did nothing to promote themself....Damn...
Do you mean these people?
What is their "Home Free Energy Generator"? There's a picture of
an odd electrolyser of some sort. They are not wise to promote it
unless they can produce it.
Dear Stefan.
I don't care about Trump or Biden but some thoughts first.
Trump is for many of us using primitive language of not much more than 600 words, to describe things around him and communicate.
Wealthy boy, having no need to learn to much got older now.
But many of us see Trump - as compromised by Putin who may be having something on him possibly his Moscow deals and some
videos with former Russian prostitutes - as they are likely retired now ..
Recent news claim that Trump didn't pay any taxes with exclusion of the year of his election..
Biden and his son are not much better ( Burisma scandal), but:
Biden uses definitely different language than Trump
Biden knows how to listen and respond while Trump is using street language and street form of behavior in conversation.
Biden has a lot of experience in politics that could be used for good or bad of USA and Americans
Biden wants to prolong Obama's health care while Trump wants doctors and pharmaceutical companies to make money on us in uncontrolled manner.
Biden will likely negotiate with China but Trump wants China to dance the way we want them to dance and by that possibly saves USA as country of Business
China wants and does steal technology from USA according to Trump.
Trump will likely leave our country in disaster and get more wealthy if he wins the election.
Trump will likely "lick" Putin's ..../d.../ the way Putin like's it.
He plays tough only now to Russia, but he didn't even admit or impose sanctions against Russia for poisoning of Alexey Navalnyi while EU did it.
Trump for many of us is narcissistic, arrogant, racist ,disrespecting women, sexual orientations and so on..
Trump supported oil, coal, and less taxes on wealthy.
Trump doesn't recognize climate change calling it joke.
Trump is criticizing NATO and its members for inadequate financing of military in their countries ( good for USA and not easy for members)
Trump imposed sanctions of Northern Stream 2, but everything may change if he wins..
So let's theoretically assume for a moment that Trump was compromised - would we than say that our president is Mr Putin ,with Trump dancing
around in the boundaries of Congress and heaving his executive power as the only tool in his freedom to act..
-So we have two guys that are similarly bad ....
But important here now - is that what is good for us, not for them.
Who is working better for us.
If Biden wins - he wins just because of votes of protest...
The same was with Hilary Clinton.. Trump won just because people couldn't stand Clintons.. any longer.
Legal note:
-opinion expressed is my personal opinion only . ( constitution of USA)
interpretation of facts and events is my own and/or may differ from other people opinion, and the/their reality of facts.
I do support Trump from Asia.
I'm not interested about his attitude at all as long he can create jobs for the Americans. Not forgetting his fight with China.
I do empathized many Americans whom are out on the streets chased out by their landlords after job lost.
Most importantly please never forget where the current virus outbreak came from. Base on old news i read around 17years ago SARS(Another corona virus) was started in Hong Kong(China) a scientist whom accidentally infected himself with the virus spread from the hotel where he was staying.Strangely i can't seems find any information related to SARS origin now.
My views are "my personal stance" on why i support Trump.
May the Good triumph over Evil.
It couldn't possibly be more obvious that Trump is very self-serving, a pathological liar
(well over 20,000 confirmed lies from Trump since he came into office), and extremely dishonest
in regards to all matters, and very disconnected from reality. It seems it is not possible for
the USA to have voted in a worse person for their president. Much of Trump's former inner circle has been
indicted and convicted of serious crimes. Trump's own long time personal lawyer has stated very
clearly that Trump is basically just a common crook. Trump himself would probably have been charged
with obstruction of justice already if his hand picked puppet William Barr didn't go way out of his way
to cover for Trump. It's like a considerable percentage of the people in this world have gone completely mad,
quoting ridiculous unfounded conspiracy theories and accusations and completely ignoring the well established
and undeniable facts regarding how very ethically bankrupt Trump really is. :o
Dont forget Space Force!
I personally think Trump has done a lot of good things to the world. He is the first president who has successfully turned North Korea into an ally. At least, this is a kind of relief to many neighboring countries.
Like what he said, we should be mindful of anyone having too much business tie with CCP. CCP is the most invasive country of the world. If you can read their language, or if you have worked in their continent before, you will realize that their philosophy is very much different from that of the Islamic terrorists'. They have no sense of human rights. They want their Marxist system of control to prevail the whole universe. On the one hand, they keeping stealing other countries' technologies and patenting the stolen IP's as their own; on the other hand, the whole population has been brainwashed to believe that the US, the UK and other democratic societies are their enemies.
The country itself is no better than a hell. Ordinary people has no access to Google, Youtube, Facebook and other governments' websites. Even the cell phones are hardwired to deny access to these websites. It is illegal to have any religious faith in their country. It is illegal to attend any religious gathering. The individuals at the top of the ruling class can change their laws overnight without going through any legislative process, They have already caused a mess in Hongkong. During the peak of coronavirus pandemic, the whole population was told that the virus was caused by the US.
One of my friends has a near death experience during a clinical death. He saw in a vision that the whole world became under the control of CCP.
Quote from: blueplanet on October 26, 2020, 11:13:20 AM
I personally think Trump has done a lot of good things to the world. He is the first president who has successfully turned North Korea into an ally.
It has been a farce. It looks as if Kim has ignored progress madeand gone back to his old ways
"Donald Trump 'is furious' after Kim Jong Un unveiled 'monster' ICBM that 'could hit ANYWHERE in US' and new submarine launched missile - which show he was building powerful weapons while talking peace". (
Well, I hope "Rocketman" will not use his new ICBMs.
The question is also if they are really working and are not just fake rockets...
Now the Anti CCP Chinese people have released the Hunter Biden Tapes, that you can see here.( Warning these are pretty gross pictures..!) (
Now the Bidens are toast..!
Dear Stefan:
I do respect your opinion.
Here in USA what people do in their bedroom is their rights.
What kids do stays in kids privacy and parents may never find out ...
Kids are also excluded in underage from responsibility of adult life.
These videos in our world are the stolen property and possibly altered.
Here in USA parents are not responsible for their adults kids behavior and reverse.
We have Biden that should not be associated with his son sexual behavior or any behavior if he didn't participate in it.
So in the material from the link - there is none of the factors that should be considered by voters for Biden the father.
We are in the country where any religion or lack of religion,.. any sexual orientation.. any behavioral or sexual preference is OK if it is consensual .
is Biden good or bad - is not up to Chinese or Russians to decide.
I personally don't prefer Trump and don't have very good opinion about both.
But one of them is going to win.. we like it or not.
Significant is that similar material was not released by Russians or Chinese about Trump?
and the question is why?
so the answer may be in
identification criteria using approaches, permitting an analysis of cut point for low achievement,
of Trump acting as representation of American interest .
It is likely not Trump's fascination with Putin but Trump's dependency/fear of Putin's action.
-as if he knows that Putin can pull out all he knows about Trump.
Quote from: stivep on October 26, 2020, 08:18:56 PM
It is likely not Trump's fascination with Putin but Trump's dependency/fear of Putin's action.
-as if he knows that Putin can pull out all he knows about Trump.
It is worth checking out the 2018 Helsinki conference, the press conference when Trump says that he takes Putin's word over the US Intelligence Services. Study his face as he comes out and does the conference. Something happened.
Hi Wesley. It is pretty much for certain that whatever 'videos' or whatever else that was posted up about
"Biden's Son" is faked videos/pictures created by hate groups or instigated by some dictatorship
country who desperately doesn't want Biden to win in the coming U.S. election, because the Democrats
have shown little tolerance for hate groups and for various dictatorships out there, while Trump
on the other hand, seems to blithely turn a blind eye to various far right hate groups and has openly adored
or defended various dictators out there, and even taken the word of certain dictators over the USA's own
intelligence agencies. :o
There is software/apps readily available out there these days known as 'deep fake' software which makes it
very easy to merge someone else's face onto another person's face in a video clip or picture, and that merged-in face
can move and change expressions, etc. very realistically and it can be very hard to detect even if you look very closely.
Quite amazing what can be done actually. Pretty much anyone has the capability to make such 'deep fake' videos and
pictures these days using such software. It is very sad what is going in this world these days in regards to the
very underhanded attempts to slime and discredit various politicians, etc. using very underhanded techniques like that.
Trump did not build the wall. (a couple of hundred miles out of 3,000 miles).Trump didn't get Mexico to pay for it.Trump has ruined earlier detente with China. see below.Trump's mamagement of the virus has been laughable.
3.November 2020 : US President (re-)election and 35 US Senate members
Donald Trump will win
but the Democrats party will get the US Senate members majority
Someone could become since the first day a ' lame duck ' !
I found it interesting how the Republican types generally attack the people who oppose them while the Democratic types attack the narrative and policy. This in itself is very telling in my opinion and goes towards the notion that someone's arguments are fundamentally flawed on some level.
It seems pretty obvious to me one side keeps saying there not going to judge, there going to be honest, fair and play by the rules but seldom do. Sure they may win but at what cost?. I think that either way, after all is said and done some people are going to have a great deal of explaining to do why they have acted as they have. They will be judged by there own conscience and others for there actions because it always comes full circle.
Quote from: lancaIV on October 27, 2020, 06:25:34 AM
3.November 2020 : US President (re-)election and 35 US Senate members
Donald Trump will win
but the Democrats party will get the US Senate members majority
Someone could become since the first day a ' lame duck ' !
Interesting but I wouldn't bet against 538.
From next week on Germany will have the 2nd extreme lockdown and then the "Merkill" Dictatorship will be in full swing...
Only if Donald Trump will win he can save us still, when the has finally cleaned out and "drained the Swamp".
As Germany is still occupied by the USA, only he can arrest Merkill and her cohorts and free us from this dictatorship...
Otherwise we see no hope anymore here.
it is a very scarry situation right over here now in Germany.
When the 2nd lockdown will come as in Australia or as happened already in Panama for a few months , it will destroy all our econmy and we willgo into full recession mode and many people will loose everything....
If we don´t fight right now for our freedom, we will loose everything...
Bill Gates and these Schwab family cohorts have this NWO plan to destroy us all with Poison vaccines..
Only these fake PCR tests, that put out so many false positives make it possible, that these guys claim to have
a sickness without any symptoms and the hospitals are empty, as only old sick people die from normal other diseases...
Everybody who dies with a DNA part in his body from a former virus infection like Herpes is nowadays dying OF Corona, although he is only dying WITH Corona , although he had no Symptons of the Corona Virus....
and to the guys claiming the videos of Hunter Biden are Deep Fakes... Well, you can spot this immediately that theseare not deep fakes and are originals...
Even now the daughter of Sleepy Joe, Ashley Biden came forward with her diary, claiming she was molested by her father...
Documented also by Alex Jones team at: ( (
Regards, Stefan.
QuoteFrom next week on Germany will have the 2nd extreme lockdown and then the "Merkill" Dictatorship will be in full swing...
Only if Donald Trump will win he can save us still, when the has finally cleaned out and "drained the Swamp".
As Germany is still occupied by the USA, only he can arrest Merkill and her cohorts and free us from this dictatorship...
Otherwise we see no hope anymore here.
I have a question, suppose you get everything your way and trump wins then what?.
Do you not lock down, have mass infections, flood the hospitals, millions die and the economy still collapses?... who are we going to blame then?.
What of the next pandemic after this one we know is coming?, you got everything you wanted and your people are elected and you don't take any action and millions die yet again and the economy collapses again, then what?... who are we going to blame then?.
We also know for certain that at some point in the future a large asteroid will strike the Earth causing untold deaths and possibly the equivalent of a nuclear winter. We also know that global warming and pollution will devastate the planet in the future causing millions of deaths due to droughts, disease and famine. Who are we going to blame then?.
What most can't seem to understand is that we live on a planet in nature and it doesn't care what anyone thinks or believes. There will be more pandemics, more earthquakes, floods, droughts, more disasters and diseases. So lashing out and trying to blame other people simply doesn't work in my opinion. The inevitable truth is that we are basically powerless to stop anything nature has in store for us. We do not have the capacity or power to stop nature and we were always at it's mercy.
QuoteOtherwise we see no hope anymore here.
You had better find some then because this pandemic is just a blip on the radar. Things will be getting progressively worse in the near future and many will be fighting for survival not over who wins a silly election. Nature is going to show everyone who is really in charge.
Quote from: Paul-R on October 27, 2020, 08:28:26 PM
Interesting but I wouldn't bet against 538.
US Congress and his chambers :
Senate :
100 senators,2 per estate,actually 55 Reps and 45 Demos
The House of Representatives :
435 ( up + 6) members,actually 232 Demos and 197 Reps and 1 Libertarian and 5 Vacants
100 + 435 (up + 6) = 535 ( up +6) US bicameral legislature Congress members
But 3.November election : Senate 55/45 : majority ? More Reps,Patt : 50/50,more Demos ?
Each US President is only powerfull by US Congress his party majority !
No,lost of one or both chamber/-s majority :
look for Ronald Reagan,George Sen. and Jun. Bush,Bill Clinton and Obama and their accelerated or decelerated visions/projects work results !?
As independent viewer and reading about the "US Democratic Party" and the "US Republican Party" we have to remark,as history, that 170 years back the "Democrats " has been " pro-slavery" and the "Republicans" " anti-slavery" !
Sometimes it is complicated to define " freedome-fighter" ! And not only the time changes !
Red and blue is just a way to divide and conquer. There will be no saving any of us from the NWO tyranny! (
OWO - way of life = european colonialization
OW,Alte Welt,Old World
NWO - way of life = americanization
NW,Neue Welt,New World : going mental 500 years back : carthography-term for the bi-continents 'America'
Waldseemueller et al. : Nuevo Mundo
Quote from: hartiberlin on October 27, 2020, 11:11:14 PM
From next week on Germany will have the 2nd extreme lockdown and then the "Merkill" Dictatorship will be in full swing...
Only if Donald Trump will win he can save us still, when the has finally cleaned out and "drained the Swamp".
As Germany is still occupied by the USA, only he can arrest Merkill and her cohorts and free us from this dictatorship...
Otherwise we see no hope anymore here.
it is a very scarry situation right over here now in Germany.
When the 2nd lockdown will come as in Australia or as happened already in Panama for a few months , it will destroy all our econmy and we willgo into full recession mode and many people will loose everything....
If we don´t fight right now for our freedom, we will loose everything...
Bill Gates and these Schwab family cohorts have this NWO plan to destroy us all with Poison vaccines..
Only these fake PCR tests, that put out so many false positives make it possible, that these guys claim to have
a sickness without any symptoms and the hospitals are empty, as only old sick people die from normal other diseases...
Everybody who dies with a DNA part in his body from a former virus infection like Herpes is nowadays dying OF Corona, although he is only dying WITH Corona , although he had no Symptons of the Corona Virus....
and to the guys claiming the videos of Hunter Biden are Deep Fakes... Well, you can spot this immediately that theseare not deep fakes and are originals...
Even now the daughter of Sleepy Joe, Ashley Biden came forward with her diary, claiming she was molested by her father...
Documented also by Alex Jones team at: ( (
Regards, Stefan.
I wonder if stefan's account has been hacked. Can anyone ring him up to check
or, maybe, knock on his door?
Or call the coron.... ::) ner ,contamination-suspection !?
Ike bin not a Baer-lina ! ;)
Quote from: lancaIV on October 28, 2020, 07:20:12 AM
NWO - way of life = americanization
If you're not from America then you are made to believe that America is the NWO. America is (
WAS ) all about
The NWO is
The evil people who rule this entire world see that they are losing their control of us, and so the NWO and its mechanisms are their way of ensuring their continued control of us. In other words, what you are seeing is not "Americanization". America is also a victim of the tyranny that will be the NWO! NOTHING short of a meteor sending us back to the stone-age will stop the NWO!
Are you writing about America as the bi-continental land-mass or about the U.S.A.,where the federation estate Colorado makes part of it,the official 50 estates ?
NWO ! NWO ? Can you give me details about this ?
The post-war C.I.A. handling with SS-/SA-officers and the ' operation Zipper/Busty/Gehlen' '
Really nice 'freedom'-fighter guys,is it not ? Totenkopf-Friede and Live-or-Death Decision-Freedom, R.I.Hell
What do you think does the Ute tribe young member some miles near you think about your view about 'truth' and your grands history ?
The U.S.A. is also a GENOZID-area , operated by the european migrants ,NWG : NewWorldGenozid
Be fair with history and accept to be perpetrator-part or victim-part ! Or : both !
Tyrants have shirked the American Constitution since its inception. (
Quote from: lancaIV on October 28, 2020, 08:53:29 AM
Be fair with history and accept to be perpetrator-part or victim-part ! Or : both !
I'm an American. I don't need your non-American history lesson. If you understood my words then you would not feel the need to give me a history lesson on my own country!
It is not only about history,it makes the present :
political concurrence and discussion points and neutral decisor/jury for the best result
Russia/Ucraine and Crim
Greece and Turkey
It is really sad,there is not written an Oct./ Nov.,2020 - 2025 - 2030 - ..... -script for our lives/lifes,we have to do and decide each day our own direction for success,like parliaments
My grandfather was WW2-soldier/officer,did he killed people ? Probably ! He survived the war !
My uncle,during his military service as officer,was killed by a mine ! African liberation/ freedom-war !
I am not angry about it and the called "enemy" !
It made part from the political evolution worldwide !
IN/DEPENDENCE, it gives and it takes
Americo or Amerigo Vespuc(c)io/navigator and geograph , ergo by Martin Waldseemueller/Carthograph:
Cosmogaphiae Introduction,1507
the new land called : AMERIGE or America,bi-continents
United States of Amerige
an european constitution and institution
european languages,european life style and habits
temporal in danger : Lafayette,v.Steuben
What is "original american" ?
" american " = Made in Europe
"... sowohl Europa als auch Asien ihren Namen von Frauen haben " !? ::)
Aus Sicht des klassischen (Alte Welt)-Erdmittelpunktes,Kloster Gordon
( Phenike, Klein-Asien, 2020 geopolitisch : Tuerkei)
europ-aia ,phenizisch Erdteil des Sonnenuntergangs,Okzident Near/Far West
asi -aia ,phenizisch Erdteil des Sonnenaufgangs,Orient Near/Far East
Wo verstecken sich darin "Frauen" ? Schreibhelden,klerikale Provinzler,griechische Mythologie-Fixierte
Incidentally, a few news sources have reported an interesting court finding. You won't see this thing in CNN or Yahoo.
P.S. The secret about the dealing of this HK man was not picked up by the west until recently. He is a member of CCP:
Quote from: blueplanet on October 28, 2020, 03:13:55 PM
Incidentally, a few news sources have reported an interesting court finding. You won't see this thing in CNN or Yahoo. (
CNN may not bother and neither will, i suspect, anyone else.
This story is not about an election candidate; it is not about the son of a candidate. It is about some "associate" of the latter.
Trump supporters are really desperate.
Donald Trump is full on in favor of a RUSHED corona virus vaccination.
Vaccines should rightly require 3 or 4 years of testing not just 1 year.
Especially when a considering the use of a novel RNA modification as the proposed method.
His plan is to utilize the U.S. military for its implementation.
Trump is for fascism and the end of democracy.
How is it possible to be in favor of Trump and democracy ?
How is it possible to against forced vaccination and for Trump.
A really interestant profile : Thomas Brooks Hofeller ( :
' .... next round of redistricting that will occur after the 2020 census ..... '
Master plan :
How to redistrict opportune and manipulate the election results !?
Stupid,when Master with machiavellian instinct have daugther with liberal thinking and his plan files publishing !
We see ,there are ever individual reazons and advantage assumption to vote for each one,over both parties !
today in german TV in an interview with a democratic party member : he will vote 2020 for Trump !
Quote from: Floor on October 28, 2020, 06:44:02 PM
Donald Trump is full on in favor of a RUSHED corona virus vaccination.
I'm sure his people have told him that there isn't a hope in Hell. Even if he has a seemingly working formula, it will take a lot of time to get 330m doses. He wants to ride with this lie in the hope that he is seen as "in charge" to get extra votes on Tuesday. At least, he is consistent.
This isn't fake. Most of these can be traced directly to source videos
where in one can see for their self, and in context.
Fox news IS faux news (Fake).
INFO wars is 99% Garbage.
the quote of lancaIV from below was edited for better grammar:Quote from: lancaIV on October 28, 2020, 09:18:56 AM
It is not only about history, that makes the present reality in the world :
groups of conflict:
1.Russia/Ukraine and Crimea
2. Greece and Turkey
3. Islam/Jewish/Cristian/..../atheists
Yes you right but we have only two choices now: Trump or Biden.
other events are not that important to American voters now.
Quote from: lancaIV on October 28, 2020, 09:18:56 AM
It is really sad, that in every four years Oct./ Nov.,2020 - 2025 - 2030 - script impacting our life is written ,and we have to decide
My grandfather was WW2-soldier/officer, did he killed people ? Probably ! He survived the war !
My uncle, during his military service as officer, was killed by a mine ! African liberation/ freedom-war !
I am not angry about it and so called "enemy" !
It was a part of the political evolution worldwide !
IN/DEPENDENCE, - gives and it takes// ....
Dear Lanca.
I have special respect to you as the elite member of this forum.
Everybody has or wants family , everybody had mother and some sort of father, and the most important for everyone is their own house.
People can't blame you for WW2 it was not you there...
People can't blame Biden for his family affairs it was not Biden there.. unless he was..
People can and must judge Trump as it is him who is doing and acting..
-Biden good or bad...
-Trump not so good but quite controversial-
it is our frickin' reality....
Money can't buy love but it can sure buy frickin' mattress .
-your small own piece of independence from either candidates and their historical past...
The comfort of having s.e.x with your own brain, jerkoff or invite few other participants of preferred gender.
.. let presidential candidates screw each other...
They will affect your personal life on that personal mattress of yours anyhow in the near future...
with taxes and very little benefits....
So F
* them all.
You think Trump ain't gonna getcha???
He screwed Germany quite well till now.. Wesley
Hello Wesley, I am only trying to stay fair ( sometimes to be political unfair to my own position ::) )
When we look to the U.S. ,to the south/west part,as Electoral College California,Texas,Florida representation members with great hispano/hispanics citizen we hear sometimes that this are more Democratic party voters !
Phillipines : Duterte,Brazil( okay ,luso-hispania) :Bolsonaro,.......This are " conservative law and order"- politicians,voted by free ( un-/manipulated ??? ) elections !
And often these nations are only since some decades official democracies,before military governments !
But for a society change from military structure to liberal people democ4acy there is more than a generation - period ~ 30 years in need !
Up to the eleitors decision result moment we are talking about Donald Trump and Joe Biden ,
later about the US President ,no name and no party relevance : a constitutional figure ( and sexus-/race-neutral )
So let us wait one week and we see more about the new situation in Capitol Hill and the White House
lanca quote was edited for better grammar.Quote from: lancaIV on October 29, 2020, 06:52:54 AM
the U.S.: ,to the south/west votes are more depending from the Electoral College
California, Texas, Florida with Latino's majority are more for Democratic party voters !
However Election can create dictators who were elected by free ( un-/manipulated ??? elections !
Philippines : Duterte, Brazil( okay ,luso-hispania) Bolsonaro,.......
And often the nations who were (formerly military junta regimes ), are now acting as democracies,
Bottom line:
So decision about Donald Trump and Joe Biden is up to the electors in USA and it is not much, up to the nation to decide?
Yes it is up to electors,( electoral College ) and that is good for USA.
USA is made from countries( states).
Some states have few voters and others have plenty of them.
American voting Law doesn't recognize religion . race, majorities and minorities.
but it balances these differences with number of electors.
Every state
in theory has equal rights in voting.
(by having different number of electors)But... it is easier to manipulate with the state having few voters unless we give them more electors per/ group
That is why Electors have been created.
-at the end, it is state electors vote that counts not people votes...
but we the Americans make them - the electors
And they make decision based on our votes count...After every election - these who are disappointed and these who are satisfied -they make different statements :
example:QuoteThe 2016 election made clear that the Electoral College does not weigh from all states equally.
A new analysis suggests the power of your is closely linked to voter turnout in your electors..
At the end you are frickin' fool my friend...
Money, and power is not your domain my friend...
you are to small to insignificant,.. but you can vote... sure....
I love America for clear rules and certainty of tomorrow and possibly for not much more than that.
However the new advanced technology can shake the base of every system - The economy.So what is the difference between you and me my friend:
- you likely don't have tools to affect economy.. of your neighborhood even if you want it.
- is there guy who can affect economy of entire world out there ?....- yes I know one ..I Know Him So Well.. :) Wesley
' affect the economy of the entire world '
Hmm,lock-down of the internet ? For undefined time ? The world society off-line ?
Quote from: lancaIV on October 29, 2020, 12:22:07 PM
' affect the economy of the entire world '
Hmm,lock-down of the internet ? For undefined time ? The world society off-line ?
FREE ENERGY DEVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It seems like the whole world is on the verge of being ruled by the CCP.
The company Henniges was originally an American company specialized in precision control. When I was a post-doc in University of Michigan, it was still an American company. I could not believe how it becomes a CCP's state-owned company serving the CCP's military, thanks to the former vice president of the US.
The evil influence of CCP is infiltrating everywhere at the speed of light. The sleepy joe and his sleepy mass are still [/size]fantasizing about getting rich from china. They thought the whole world is interested in their cnn.
Quote from: blueplanet on October 30, 2020, 11:54:16 AM
It seems like the whole world is on the verge of being ruled by the CCP.
The company Henniges was originally an American company specialized in precision control. When I was a post-doc in University of Michigan, it was still an American company. I could not believe how it becomes a CCP's state-owned company serving the CCP's military, thanks to the former vice president of the US. ( (
The evil influence of CCP is infiltrating everywhere at the speed of light. The sleepy joe and his sleepy mass are still [/size]fantasizing about getting rich from china. They thought the whole world is interested in their cnn. ( ( about the company Henniges Automotive ,
fusion from GDX Automotive (founder Ernst Henniges 1951 in Rehburg/FRG) and Metzeler Automotive
2008 insolvency from Henniges Automotive
blueplanet,you are writing about an ex-german automotive technology company !
And not : " .... was originally an American company ....." !
After US-venture capital funds now in chinese ownership !
Constitution year Henniges Automotive company ? 2007
Metzeler Automotive US (Wynnchurch Capital ) bought GDX Automotive
Metzeler,( ex Muenchen,now Memmingen/Bavaria/FRG ) company their constitution year : 1863
this as constitution year from the Henniges Automotive company to read
Nice 'election 2020' race ! And nice finish !
And the winner issssss : ::) the US-american vote majority
Trump is a faciest.
Trump is pro big pharma's vaccination agenda.
We the people, won the 2020 election.
We beat the Cambridge analytically machine.
No,he is not political a fascist,he is by his money-spending funds demands a ' fascistic marionett' !
We have to go to November ,2016 back - before D.T. became elected
and about him 2000-2005/-2009 - his socio-psychologic profile - related his NBC show-master career,for many NBC-responsibles :
D.T. : a nightmare !
He won/'earned' in liquid 400 Mio.US$, the base to live like a Billionaire( 400 Mio. x credit-leverage factor ) ,what he not is,by his own - net-capital worth through real estate (Casinos ,et cet.) misinvestments !
A Don(ald) Quixote ,living in his own constructed fake life ,unmastered
But all the political system is 'sponsored' : 14 billions were in the pot for the 2020 election,incl. congress !
2017 : estatal tax quote decrease worth : 1500 billions
honey que se mal y pense
A nice weekend wishing
p.s.: from the german 'The House/Bundestag'-President Dr.Schaeuble the statement :
" Es isch,wie es isch, und jetzt isch over " no englisch,no german ,babbel-dialect ::)
Translator : schwaebisch - english
Cambridge Analytica ? KI ~ Medusa : Stanford Analytica,Yale,Kellog,Oxford,RWTH,Sorbonne,.......-Analytica
What Trump has discovered (or will soon discover) is that there is a limit to what money can buy.
Anyway, it would seem that he has massive debts to various banks etc. Lawyers might be reluctant to work on his numerous no hope legal manoeuvres unless they are paid up front.
My president, not by my choice, not by the peoples choice, and not my guide.
Let me do a future related question,related to the past ( with international conflict) :
N.A.T.O. members : 2% budget part from total estate members budget for national defense
What are these 2% in commercial value worth ?
How much from these more/less '2%' goes to the ' finance system boys' ?
youtube ' Americas missing money' : US Estate budget controle( here specific department of defense) ,not Reps or Dems !
The industrial ' organization future' future !?
From the U.S.A. to the G7
Altschuller wrote soon in the 90' that 95% from all needed solutions are developped !
And open applied !
Plus maximal patent time period about 20 years ( 10 years utility model) and the 5% open solution search
we can expect that the most industrial companies today -worldwide- works with no intellectual property !
Probably much from these problem/solution 5% open question he would have had found in the ' open source/free'- promotion/habilitation-archives worldwide,he only analyzed the PCT-archive !
Investor capital ( share or finance company credit) becomes ' junk stage risc' !
The work-place unsaved,salaries will decrease,the local economy goes down !
Detroit region in the US,Stuttgart region in DE in the coming years !
'Name'(Trademark)-de-industrialization process !The many company fusions are an indicator !
Up to 80% less earnings or 50% less employees + robotization/KI
1 industrial workplace ' stimulates' 2 service work places
1 less total : 3 less
Not plagiat ( illegal) but cloning ( legal) becomes the industrial and commercial standart !
Forced by 3dscanning and C.A.D./C.N.C.- print factories !
1/1000 inch minimum replication precision !
But the last 500 years were based by cloning : adapting the advantages from others ,social/political/work and production process
'Make America great again' and
'America first'
'Deutschland zuerst'
you do not hear worldwide but it is written and makes part from the 'deutscher' constitutional order !
No,not the WORLD makes the G7 great again,but G7 internal the societies will have to change ,ecologic climate and social climate in movement !
So,let us go back - 2014-2016 - to the 'tea party movement'' and listen to their arguments :
US-citizen ,Reps AND Dems ,arguments or only ' radical minority'- arguments ?
Society + demography
Ronald Reagans ' open sky' and probably in future ' open America' : President/GOP independent evolution
American Way of Life ,1920 targets
2020 targets
2120 targets
Whether we like it or not Biden is our American President now.
Reaction of world is mixed
Russia is very much unhappy.
Propaganda is holding with comments and Putin and his speaker Peskov din"t congratulate Biden yet.
RT- channel of Russian propaganda for Russian audience presented speech of Kamala Harris the first vice President in history of USA and Joe Biden.
but with all reaction of the crowd muted.
So please compare for 2 minutes only this Russian surgically altered copy of sound (
with this - the American truth. (
The Russian bear is in fear ..
Russian President is trying to protect himself from invitation to Hague court for crimes against humanity.
So what he did:
1. 2019 Putin changed retirement age from age 55 to 65 for man and 60 woman, to have more money for FSB, OMON and Police.
Russians 1987 statistic was showing 57 average life span for man in "regions"
So today most of Russians will never see retirement benefits.
2. Than he changed presidential time in power giving him rights to be president till 20363.
3. Than he changed Russian constitution after being unsuccessful to annex Belarus
4. four days ago Putin decided to create law that makes him and any future Russian untouchable for any crimes.
President Putin is ruling Russia for 21 year now.
Trump was often seen as Putin's puppy compromised for his activity in Moscow
when he was younger mostly with finances and controversial ladies of certain "specialty"
And now everything is over
Now we have Joe Biden .
Northern Stream 2 pipeline to Germany under Baltic seal is frozen
President Putin is often seen as showing developing Parkinson sickness.
- and no good news for Russia.
So two days ago in fear of losing support of his government Putin created new law..
- allowing FSB- former KGB , to have double citizenship.
That gives a chance for all thieves in power to run from Russia if there will be any revolution.
so what is Russia:
Russia is country with no technology and industry remaining in 19 century system known as -feudalism
Russia has no manufacturing , uses western technology even in their military
Russia is seen as cheap gas station of the world.
Russia by many professionals is seen as - is the country right before second collapse ( first was in 1990- Pieriestroyka)
Russian government is also seen as totalitarian and the biggest mafia in the history of the modern world.
I wish Russians the best at whatever they think or decide .. it is not my business anyhow..
Possible outcome ..:
-in case of second collapse Russia may divide to the number of small countries claiming their own independence.--
For USA and the world this is not always good...
Military industry pushing for progress and new technologies , driving world to the next technological level will lose the enemy.
So if there is no enemy than there is no need for Army...
Well the only target than would be China..
and China is also not happy with possible Russian collapse..
::) till 20363 ?
stivep,related to many scientists and their developments in the U.S.S.R. and the Warzawa-Pakt estates,studying their academy of science members works and developments I would not say that this estates are
scientifical under-developped compared with many west european estates !
Look for the padrak list about their inventions ! Only for Kiev and a short R&D period !
But only science + manufactury + market + concurrence works !
And since Henry Ford : selling-price-financing= consume-credit in rates !
Problem,orthodox church and orthodox socialism constitution : tax prohibition !
No tax = no numerical growth ! It is easy ! Basic capital consumes to 'Nada' !
Zero-tax actually !
Russia(Moskau) was in the cooperation with Ucraine(Kiev),C.S.S.R.(Praha)and D.D.R.(Ost-Berlin) but lost this opportunity of cooperation after Jelzins 'democratization' !+ Minsk/Budapesta/Warzawa/.......
The G.U.S. as successor did not survive long !
D.D.R. habitants feelings 1989 and after as FNL-BRD-Appendix !
Russia as U.S.S.R. and Russia now alone !
Crude : Yugoslavia their divorce But was it not Pakt-/Block-free /-neutral ? Tito + Indira Ghandi as leader
It is about " Seele/Soul/Saudade"
I have a geopolitical Welt-Almanach from 1912 ( imperial Europe !And global Goldstandart !)
Another up to the 60' : 1958 global ' american way of life' economics trial
Theretimes were not great economical differences in east/west comparison !
Ost-Berlin and Praha : ' -spring/Fruehling" folk rebellion date ?
Burma/Birma war : reazon ? Vietnam/Kambodscha : reazon ?
Batista/Castro-Guevara- Kennedy : Cuba-crisis
Cold war : since when,economical dis-/advantages ?!
When was the great found of gold deposits in U.S.S.R.-territorium ?
We are talking about politics ! (members only - club )
Time-journey : Don Camillo e Peppone ( in the U.S.S.R)
The signs for the U.S.S.R. collapse : it began in the End 70'
A. earthquake in Armenia ( and the western reaction ! With help !)
B. Afghanistan troups call ! As friends or enemies ?
Afghanistan and the way to the Indian Ocean !
but neither british nor sovjetic (russian) troups wellcomed !
Sovjet means council means Rat in german ~ Weimarer Raete-Republik = Weimarer Sovjet-/Council-Republik
C.Jumbo 747 Korea 1983
D. K-219 -submarine disaster 1986
E. Tchernobyl
F. The growing and louder critics -also in the polit-bureau- about mismanagement
G. Matthias Rust flight 1987 to Moskau Air Force Defense ?
Brezniev then at first- Tschernienko,Andropov followed by Gorbatschov ( Glasnost/Perestroika : Transparenz)
Boris Jelzin 'killed political' Gorbatchov and destroyed the KPDSU.
Karl Marx,Nationaloekonom, his Economy Preview is based by Walras and Pareto basics !
Boris Jelzin the political mentor from W.Putin,someone who studied Germanistik .
Walras + Pareto + v.Weizsaecker ' eherne Zins-Gesetz'
Zeit-Analyse : tit for tat ~ actio - reactio = 0
Internationale Null(summen)politik !
Anno 80' Wirtschaftswoche-Magazin,Herausgeber Wolfram Engels( political german C.D.U. member) "Glosse" ueber Kapitalanlage und Verzinsung :
Frage : Wieviel kann ich ausgeben aus dem angespartem Kapital ? :)
Antwort : Entsprechend der empirischen Betrachtung und daraus der Erkenntnis als ' eherne 8) Zinsgesetz' :
NICHTS ! ??? ( Leser ;D )
Walras,Pareto : orthodoxe C(h)risten v.Weizsaecker : Saulus(Atom/bomben/forscher) zu Paulus(Pazifist)
Vom subjektivem italienischen Euro-Kommunismus der 80' (Berlinguer)zum objektivem kommunistischem EZB-Euro 2020
und objektivem kommunistischen US-Thaler vulgo Dol(l)ar ,groesstenteils Kapital-ungedeckt :
Junk-Euro und Junk-Dollar
Nehmen wir nun die Vorausplanungen der MCE-Gesellschafter-Konferenz 1972 in Lissabon als Basis = Einfuehrung des Euro-Dollars( naja politische Organisationsfehler wie 1974 Nelkenrevolution und zuerst dann der daemmliche Begriff European Currency Unit,abgekuerzt E.C.U.,lusitansch ~ italienisch fran-culo ::) miszverstaendlich :-[ )
so haben wir nun international einen Junk-Euro-Dollar(paritaetisch)
That is Life live ! :) Finanzpolitik ist echt spassig, soviel Belustigung von diesen Nullen,himmlisch !
Polonia : the call for a ' worker union' ! :o In a perfect socialistic estate ! ? Jaruzelski : Impossible !
Anna Walentynowicz ( ' Mother of the independent Polonia' then Father : Carol W. alias .... ;) )
and co-partner Lech Walesa found the first non-communist worker union in the East Block
Solidarnosc/Solidarity, Lenin-shipyard,Danzig/Gdansk
In search for the ' russian bear' I do not read Wladimir Putin his Biography or his D.D.R.MfS-Profil-act
but Puschkin,Dostojewski and Tolstoi or other less known classical authors their literature,slow down living !
2020 - 20363 : what can we do with all that time ? ;)
About retirement age : when the average life expectance is 80 years
then the retirement age by social system calculation has to be : 80 years !
Cause :
The life expectance from over 10- years old habitants calculation gives as average 85 years expectance !
Child-death factor excluded et cet. !
So in average 5 years reform/pension getting,5 years becoming paid by the Youth !
Fuerst Otto von Bismark Sozialrentenpolitik + Sterbetafel
( bei alle 30 Jahre neu zu organisierendem Saeuberungskrieg bzw. kompensierende gleichwertige Alternative )
About east-european ideal(identity and unity -search trial and cold/hot conflicts ) :Pan-movement 1848 in Praha as Slawencongress (Panslawismus) to Pan-Russismus to Anti-Russismus
Zu jung fuer Frieden,zu alt fuer Krieg
Quote from: stivep on November 08, 2020, 12:19:21 PM
so what is Russia:
Russia is country with no technology and industry remaining in 19 century system known as -feudalism
Russia has no manufacturing , uses western technology even in their military
At one point, this may have been true but they were ahead in the space race for half of it.
You wouldn't want to upset anyone in a MIG-35 unless you were in an F35. ( ' If people knew the actual inflation rate,it would crash the economy'
Article publication : Aug.8,2016
2016,some months before ?
Did something has changed,2020 review ?
Spar/Savings + loans/(Dar)lehen - Kasse/Chase
2,5% savings-tax / 2,5% inflation-tax = 100% capital worth savement
2,5% savings-tax p.a. x 10 years / 5% inflation-tax p.a. x 10 years = 78,5% capital worth savement
2,5% 7,5% 62,1%
2,5% 10% 49,4%
Power Parity Purchase development inflation-quote dependent
Insider becoming rich,Outsider becoming poor
The Note: 10 US$ with 10% inflation p.a. after 10 years 3,84 US$ worth ( ~ 2% inflation statistical )
10 € 10% 3,84 € worth
( I am No-sider,commentator)
Quote from: Paul-R on November 08, 2020, 04:52:50 PM
At one point, this may have been true but they were ahead in the space race for half of it.
You wouldn't want to upset anyone in a MIG-35 unless you were in an F35.
I agree with you.
SSSR known as Soviet Union at some point, had the best education system in the world .
the most broadly educated people on the planet were Russians.
Education was free and level of education was enormously high and wide.
That was done on purpose and didn't help Soviet country.
Soviet terror and oppression system needed easy replacement for these who had to be
And almost , anyone there was good to handle the job ...
As ironic and laughable, as it sounds "it was good Russia than"... comparing to the want it turned to for the past 21 years.
So what was wrong with Soviets???Well broadly educated, open minded, Russian at his high level of understanding , was found to be to troubling to the government of
tzar the "king" of Russia.
Stalin's terror was responsible for millions or tens of millions of individuals "terminated" permanently there.
Technology did not need, and did not utilize minds
- there was a need for professionals who are good or excellent in given task and do the job right .
At the same time typical American education created "robots."
We may joke that it was:
a narrowly specialized army of good professionals knowing how to push button A in the keyboard and capable of learning little more than that.
So at that time- one Russian could do the job that only team of Americans could handle .
But it took him 20 times longer to do it, and it was never as good..
Americans developed speed, precision, excellence, quality and accumulation of technology that could only be stolen by slow Soviet Union ...
Life proven truth.. speed comes from highly qualified team work.
So being fist in space doesn't mean being good in space technology, war airplanes.
Russian war planes where work of all countries under Russian/soviet terror and after
perestroika in 1989 Russia was finally done.
Manufacturing of several countries freed from that oppression didn't feed Russia any longer.
for the pas 21 years under Mr Putin king-ship, Russia evolved to poverty of 20 million Russians, natural or not so natural death of old professionals and scientists,
Young Russians thinking about emigration from deep feudal system of post-soviet mutant known today as Russian federation.
Legal note: this is my personal opinion expressed only
Why do you think that the U.S.A. waited to enter during WW1 and WW2 as allied war-partner,after immense west european losts ( east european to global war consequence losts) through imperial Deutsche Reich/Oesterreich-Ungarn = WW1 and later Henry Ford-Nazi-Gedankengut-mentored ' Deutsche Reich II' ?
WW1 : China,Nippon,Russia : importance from US-view ? ( USA and Russia are geophysical neighbours ! Alaska )
( 1933 Reichskanzler,1,1934 + R-President-Title)) A.H.,
asked 1931 about a great photo , showing an american industrial,posted in his bureau,NSDAP-headquarter :
" Ich betrachte Henry Ford als meine Inspiration "
WW1-consequence : Reparation-payments DR
1929 : Da(rmstaedter)-Nat(-ional) Bank : Reparation-payment stop ! ILLIQUIDITY !
Chain reaction global ? Credit-induced and - dependent shares-CRASH !
Many reazons,beside from german-speaking regions imigrated ' New-Americans' , the huge industrial knowledge from Central-Europe as 'Reparation' ! Strategical opportunity !
You probably know that there was a decision between two options :
Uranium-/Plutonium-bomb over DR or Nippon !
Was A.Einstein ' nipponese' ? For DR their luck not !
p.s. : there did so much moments in history happen which some forgot or never heared,but some other holds archived : open wounds
Serbia : Amselfeld : Cristians/Osmans
The familiar relationship from european Nobilitas,with contracts and pledge ,incl. ' brother-wars'
The political hirarchy up to 1917,when some 'Empire'-s get lost and with them the Churches their Beholder
Gorbatschov : Genscher+ Kohl : East-enlargement ( trust in given 'word of hono(u)r')
My friend I have problem to understand your point, but I respond to that.
Hitler was a head of Germany famous from its:
-organize life,
-advanced science,
-team work
-love to order and beauty of every little element from , single pot with flower to complicated technology.
Made in Germany - was the best advertisement for anything and everything, that could be offered to the outside world.
It was the most perfect structure in the not so perfect and not so organized world.
Hitler made everything better, stronger, more advanced but at the cost of mistakes leading later to the collapse of Germany.
After second world war Russia was stealing everything and anything that had any value from , art, to technology..and not only from Germany.
And Germany was able to recover and shine again....
USA at that point attracted German scientists and high value professionals to work for them.
These captured by Soviets were placed into concentration camps and forced to work for Soviets and many of them were killed.
Germans didn't have incentive to work and deliver for Soviets.
the power of capitalism was in value of personal wealth format.
the soviet model was comfortable poverty but it never worked .
Western world was recovering from WW2 and developing another layers of advanced real value....
And today we have democratic election in USA vs totalitarian Russia where everything is based on lie .
original title of video:
Everything that was in Soviet Union was stolen from USA
Все что было в СССР - украдено у США
Legal note: this is my personal opinion expressed only.
Okay,I read : you wish a perfect system , probably we will get it by
would this satisfy your vision about the future ? AKKORD-WORK
METROPOLIS ( by Fritz Lang) as Modell
robota= slave labor class membership wellcomed ?
A little '1984' and Eurythmics ' se.x crime' beautified ?
' Room 101' Party-room feeling,is it not ?
Have a good day
Alluding to
1.Metropolis a 1927 German expressionist science-fiction drama film directed by Fritz Lang. (
2.Kaizen Innovative Solutions intelligence and BI analytics (
3.nonplusultra (
is the execution of global freedom and freedom rights by of sentencing humanity from worse to bad ...and to worse than bad.
Hitler was the best example of failure of ordung..
(Ordnung is the German word for order, discipline, rule, arrangement, organization, or system)
click here (//http://)
the <history of systems> has periodic curve till it can't rise again
and than there is the end of civilization or end of human specious .click here (,face%2C%20and%20lower%20forehead.%20...%20More%20items...%20)
and than (
So perfectionism is modern form of restrictive life of homogenious society challenged often by foregin elements not willing to accept restrictions.
of the country they migrated too .
The next step in curve is the revolt and than state of compromise - the "golden stability" till next restrictions are implemented.
The beauty of America is guns at home and power to manifest without revolting.
But that is the end of American glory ..
President Clinton created NAFTA
and by that created China as competitive power that may soon swallow any freedom of choice. (
It was Trojan Horse (
So America from 90ties is far gone..
And that is the result of the same curve on the graph of history of systems that at this time
may never grow up. And USA may be gone as 20tieth century standard .
So Russian terror, vs German perfectionism could be seen as:
- Perfect German acceptance to the flow of Arabs and Turks who later demanded their own rights there.
impacting perfect German model and destroying or altering its traditional form.
- while Russian terror can change / it may revolt into the form of early western democracy, having much more time to go before they be able to
reach the level of that what is no longer German perfect life.
legal note: this is expression of my personal opinion only
During the Obama administration, Vice President Joe-Biden and his son Hunter-Biden (Drug patient) received huge bribes from China and Chinese companies.
It is close to about 100 billion dollars.
That is why Joe-Biden became a puppet of the China-Communist Party.
Hunter-Biden, who commits adultery with his deceased brother's wife (sister-in-law), needs treatment.
original title of video:
Everything that was in Soviet Union was stolen from USA
Все что было в СССР - украдено у США
if we add to it that what was stolen by soviets from Germany after WW2, it would include
-machinery, entire lines of production.
- entire buildings taken a part into bricks and moved to Russia,
-stolen personal property,
-stolen money
-stolen jewellery,
-stolen ...even shoes, spoons forks and dishes.
video is in Russian
but you will easily recognize original American art and Russian counterfeiter
This is what Soviets are/were about
This is the whole truth
legal note: this is expression of my personal opinion only
Wesley,there are differences from the point of view and (own) experiences !
How much knowledge do we need ? Limitless ?
Dr.Mengele and the demand about the twins to copulate (vulgar : to fuck ) together and the female part becoming pregnant ?
In Ordnung,deutscher Forschheit ? Inzest
Guenther Grass,Die Blechtrommel as book : or approval/allowance to see the movie with 12,16,18, .. years ?
What is the difference ?
I am gaming with you about virtuality AND reality !
VIRTUAL (violation) REAL(kidnapping)
Falco 'Jeanny' and Natascha Maria Kampusch asking :
Can You feel it ? The delight demand ( in this song/texte) !
Ordnung is the mixture about rights and obligations and to respect them all over the time,if possible !
To try to create with - in common (human ! nature ? ) sense- positive results and not to destroy !
Dear Friend LancaIV :
You are mentioning events of local value taken from given time frame
We talking about mechanisms and its creators/ promoters
I didn't concentrate my discussion at Hitler as war criminal or Mengele and his activity.
This is not the subject of our conversation.
And keep in mind that Jew is talking to you now in language of philosophy from historical perspective
Look here first:
original title of video:
Everything that was in Soviet Union was stolen from USA (
Все что было в СССР - украдено у США
We talking about systems history here.
Behavioral pattern of Russians was mentioned here as a result of uncontrolled freedom to commit any possible crime on German population after WW2
Russian government uncontrolled freedom to commit any possible crime against their own Russian population too.
I was talking about Germans and their traditional values and not about some Germans pushed to fight by Hitler.
I was talking about Americans in the context of technological revolution by means of narrow perfectionism taken into team work.
Russian bandit-ism is not applied to entire Russian population but it is taken into account as existence of individuals representing
corrupted Russian System - mafia like government crating rules of exclusion for victims(Russian nation) and rulers
You losing point my friend!!!!
legal note: this is expression of my personal opinion only
??? Could you give a video with a for me understandable language ? ::)
Related russian or hebrew I have to declare myself: analphabeta !
'Everything that was in Soviet Union was stolen from USA '
I see here a sentence decipher problem ( active/subject and passive/object part ) :
From the Soviet Union by the USA ?
The Soviet Union stealed from the USA ?
'language of philosophy' : okay,hope not what the native americans call ' with forked tongue' !
Quote from: lancaIV on November 09, 2020, 08:32:17 PM
??? Could you give a video with a for me understandable language ? ::)
Related russian or hebrew I have to declare myself: analphabeta !
Das Video ist in russischer Sprache und das ist nicht wichtig.
Es zeigt jedes mögliche Produkt, das von Russen aus den USA gestohlen wurde.
Sie machten Kopien mit exakten Schrauben und Muttern der amerikanischen Originalkunst.
Aber der sowjetische Diebstahl in Deutschland umfasste ganze Gebäude,
die zerlegt und nach Russland verlegt wurden. Technologie,
Kunst, persönliches Eigentum und sogar Gabeln und Geschirr.
Look here first:
original title of video:
Everything that was in Soviet Union was stolen from USA (
Все что было в СССР - украдено у США
legal note: this is expression of my personal opinion only
'Zank U'(written phonetics ;) ) in very unordentlichem English for the Erleichterung/ relief !
Dear wesley : copying was not uncommon in the 70'/80' by the Japanese( high tech)
going some decades back :
the total east DR territorium was part from the WW2-Reparation ! Not stolen ! Compensation !
Btw : how many western countries applied for SU patent grant ? No SU grant = no not copy right !
How many US companies apply in Europe their industrial know-how property ?
If not, OPEN SOURCE or in dpma-language : HERRENLOS,without owner ! ( Clearly in Europe,not USA,if applied )
No my friend since 1917 everything what Russian copied without licensing was considered to be stolen. (
Period from 1886 till 1917 was likely time when Russian empire was obeying international laws.
After Russians killed :
-Russian Tzar
-and his wife
-and his children
-and his servants
-and their children
-and their families
-and families of families of relatives of servants.
- and children of families of these relatives of servants
- including their pets and pets dresser and puppies. (
That act of Russian barbarian primitive behavior spreed and become leading element of terror
of some Russians over Russian nation.
From that moment in time nothing was obeyed including patent law.
The Russian model of governmental structure was born ...
That system of terror created soviet expansion.
-1920 1 million Soviets attacked Poland and they lost . (
-After the Soviet invasion of Poland on 17 September 1939, in accordance with the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact the Soviet forces
annexation of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
( murder of 21000 of Polish professors women kids . soldiers with the bullet at back of the head one by one by Russian-soviets in Katyn
was only one of thousands places of Russian murderess activity (
-Soviet invasion of Finland on 30 November 1939, (,
legal note: this is my personal opinion expressed only
:'( Poor pets !
About the Romanows I do not comment !
Lenin has had his ( hidden) ideas,it is written about him with wait of a ' Messias' !? ::)
( Why he,Vladimir Ilyich Uljanov, treated and how : Alexander Uljanov,his ,his elder brother death, as argument)
Ras(-)putin II :P
I mean that you know the patent system right,the patent system obligations and the freedom of no right existence !Where no right exists there not licence to get and no fee to pay or production limits !
This is everywhere the valid rule and international use as property treatment act !
2020 we write : did you lost something,1917 related ,wesley ?
This is in Germany in school history-lesson 'stuff' what you are listening ,known !
Okay,that Katyn was not acted by german SS/SA-troups only late became known !
And we can in Germany do more : visiting locations called KZ,but also in other countries KZs could be seen and visited !We can visit war mass graves ,of civils and soldiers !
Deterrent and caveat or for some probably only ' historische Randnotiz/ historical footnote' !
Bolsche-wiki versus Mensche-wiki : are you in that for search ? What would have been when not the Reds but the Whites ......
Imagine someone like W. Putin as Menschewiki- leader 1920 ?
1930 : a russian Metropolis
Provoke,2 alternatives : better - primitive but rich
or better - educated and poor
' language of philosophy' : ?
Martin Luther ? Friedrich Nietzsche ? Karl Marx ?
Wahrheit ! Wahrheit ?
Carl Gustav Jung ! Sigmund Freud !
Der gerechte Weg
Fuehrung ?
Jew ? Before/After Pogrom
Der Erlass,Edikt, zu Speyer,Reichsstadt,durch den Kaiser
Kaiserlichen Schutz,"Unantastbarkeit"
Friedrich Nietzsche : GOTT IST TOT
Wenn Gott tot ist,dann bedarf es keinen Kaisers
Wo kein Kaiser,da keine Unversehrtheit : nicht Judsuess : aber Judtot
Erst Nietzsche erschuf " Die moderne Gesellschaft "
Wahrheits-Deformation : Trumps Herkunft,nicht 'Deutsch',sondern 'Schwedisch',
kommt bei juedischen Immobilienprojekt-Kunden besser an
Wahrheit - Taeuschung - Luege - Betrug
Was solls,GOTT IST TOT ,Commandmens-free/Constitutions-free funny life and living !?
Eltern haften fuer Ihre Kinder
' language of philosophy' : ' auf Stein gemeisselt ' EWIG WAEHREND
M&B praesentiert : " Schiffe versenken " F1 : getroffen ! F2: getroffen ! -F3-F4-F5 : getroffen !
Flugzeugtraeger versenkt ! 5000 virtuelle Leben tot !
Ohne S.O.S. !
John Carpenter's 'Escape from New York / The Snake : the President ,whose did not received ' Gnade' !
Filosophia : FORMAT + LOGOS
Meta-Fisica Meta-Morphose
Jung,Freud : intra-/extra-vertieren ?
WAR-Weltbild IST-Weltbild WIRD SEIN -Weltbild
Apo(s) call ipse
Wesley : IPSE !
ipse : ICH - MIR - MEINER- (DER-)SELBST !? idem
zu Vermuten,zu Glauben,zu Meinen,zu Wissen
in dubio pro reo( reus : i-/material)
Philosophieren,nachdem 'die Arbeit/das Werk' erbracht wurde ! Wiederholung ? Besser - Gleich- Nie mehr
Vererbungsfaehig ? Standarisierbar ? NORM !
D.I.N. : I. ~ Intelligenz,Idiotie,Ideologie,Ideal,Instruktion ?
Industrie : Erst Geist-Werk,dann Hand-Werk und zudem ' machina'
But are we here in need to bespeak for axiomatic leveling ,Wesley ?Let us be funny and playing ' Schiffe versenken - online ' !
Probably a new game later : ' Laender versenken' M&B presents : RISIKO ;)
Related the 1920 Soviet-Poland war : the Bols wished western 'robota'-revolution expansion,the Mens imperial Tzar-territorium restauration !
Polands,1920, their view : gehupft wie gesprunge / Pest or Cholera :
both cases ' lost from Polands independence' ! And do,please,a looki-look about Finlandia ! Same future,1920 !
Wesley,Schoenrednerei is unsittlich !
Gott(in allen sprachlichen Facetten)-Gesellschaft zu GOTT IST TOT zu
K.I.-ZAR-Gesellschaft, flexibel ist der Mensch in Ordnungsschoepfung
K.I.- future
an insect with
100 = cento/hundred/hundert
1000 = milia/ miglia/mile/thousand/tausend
Portugese 100-feets German 1000-feets
English :
for one centipede for others millipede
How can we expect by K.I.-translation individual sense or common sense by given fixed alternatives !
Knowledge,experience,languages BANDGAP ! In given numbers : 100 ~ 1000 ! ::)
Quote from: color on November 09, 2020, 07:14:37 PM
During the Obama administration, Vice President Joe-Biden and his son Hunter-Biden (Drug patient) received huge bribes from China and Chinese companies.
It is close to about 100 billion dollars.
That is why Joe-Biden became a puppet of the China-Communist Party.
Hunter-Biden, who commits adultery with his deceased brother's wife (sister-in-law), needs treatment.
And your sources for this and your other disinformation are what ?
Exactly what are your sources?
Can you list them here?
Or your Russian bosses dear color will not allow you to do that?
You are Dear Color not answering the questions. ignoring other people comments
and pushing with non-related information.
Russians don't speak English in general with exclusion of just few of them.
So dear Color, , you are likely paid just for being here and making this forum disorganized.
I do respect any opinion as long as it is related , responsive, interacting.
There are limitations to the boarders of acceptance of your freedom of expression.
Robots placing and palletizing garbage are not needed here....
So we have choice here :
remove you and your activity from here or you will start to respond to reactions and responders
and your comments will not be disconnected from logical continuity.
Jared Kushner : religion membership ?
The Jew-star,the showing of membership,enforced by Edikt ,to differ from the catholic majority ?!
Historical at first as portuguese act,by the King demanded ( which ? when ?)
You,Wesley,are writing 'Jew',in german language phonetic tone : JU,we but write/speak Jude,port. Judaico !
Do you know the importance from the Arco de Tito(Imperator Titus + Vespasian, year 70 p.c. ) ?
Israel/rom.Provinz Palatina religion artefacts/objects in stone : filosofia
The devasted folk their treasure,Menorah ...,(korbana)which were brought to Rome,later after the invasion by the Visigods/West-Godes/Goten 'wandered' with them to their later West-Godes Reich-Capital Toledo,Hispania/Spain !
Then Toledo become part from a new Kingdom,712,by Mor(r)os/Mauren/Mohr : Tulaytula Kalif-at/Califat von Cordoba
But are these artefacts,if 2020 existent,important,for believing and faith ?
I mean not ! It is not worth to search for them ! Better to invest in expensive weapons !
I am europide(race),by nascimento : african,by culture and nationality: european
I accept the european history,with dark and sunny times
I like to see,in Portugals south ,their community 'shild' vulgo city coat of arms :
often with a Maur/Moor
And the result from Portugal habitants their DNA-study !
Spain: Andaluzia/Andaluz and in Portugals South : Al-garve( the West) del Andaluz ( + Alentejo)
Cub(e)ismus as building style,the symbolic colors( yellow,blue,red,white)
The Silence,the Nature
Europe is NOT E.U.,is not EUROPARAT, BUT European Assoziation : AKP-contract members ,Lome I,II
That is Europes responsibility !
Let me do a ' naif' question : has life to become religion or religion to becoming life ?
p.s.: 'african' because my father was delegated to Maroc,there Casablanca,
by Farbwerke Hoechst, Ex-I.G.-Farben-membership,also made part from I.G.:
BASF, known non commercial product "Zyklon B"
and BAYER,ASPIRINA and HEROINA ( Lazarett-medicine)
Maroc,leaded : not by a Sheik , not a Rei/Roy, but by the last Kalif ( title legality !)
, Casablanca,ancient part from portuguese Kingdom as Algarve-Ultramar
So-in retro- I can call me : Eu sou Algarvio-Ultramarino ! ::) (k)isme(t)( not all what is written is spoken !)
Portugal was elected ( one time more) as Europes first destination for holiday :looking to the Algarve(District Faro) and Alentejo(District Beja) the habitants their election vote habits we will see
the majority for left/ultra-left parties over the last three decades !PS: socialist party and/or C.D.U. : a coalition from communists and green party or BE( left block)
Does this the millions tourists per annum interest ? Feel they positive/negative such a socio-political position ?!
Or can sometimes to be social showing to be human
The greatest idiots writes/speaks about communism or capitalism(-materialism) ,without to live in one from this systems or their mixture !
Communist,by theory jewish,but atheist and rich :
my mother her stepmother( and her father= my mothers stepgrandfather)
IT is easy for a rich to be communist than for a communist to becoming rich
Rich enough to pay for medical treatment : financed by land-selling : today 5 stars resort
I lived in Munich,have relatives in the region ancient known as D.D.R.,whose we visited in 70'/80' !Each time overbridging the well saved ' Zonengrenze'! D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T-I-C
Our family lost some ' privilegs' after the portuguese socio-political left revolution 1974 !
1972 Munich,Olympic games,israel team/PLO
1973 Suez-channel blockade,oil crisis
1974 beside colonial war costs( ultramare) Portugal ( foreign currency financed) bankrupcy
Thank you PLO,thank you Israel ! :P
Thank you royal british government to organize such well the ' Protectorate Palaestina' and the enforcement from the zionistic movement !
Thank you europide America,specially Henry Ford,for the fine murdering instructions !
AMERICANIZATION : first the Reds,native indians,then the jews !Klasse Leistung,Hut ab !
1920 britische Hochadel : Amerikaner ~ Jude ~ Zigeuner ergo Henry Ford ~ Jude~ Zigeuner
Deutsche Wertklassifizierung ( damals) : ABSCHAUM
Let us see the ' Protectorat Britannia'- movement after the Brexit !
1974 :
They changed global the political landmap !
France : entrance from 'orthodox-booklet' communists in the government !
Marchais ! (+ Berlinguer,ITA : non-konformal Soviet-Proletary revolution expansion,Euro-Communism)
Luxus-tax,devisen-controle !
Luxemburg : technical bankrupcy !
Red.Army Fraction/Party .,DE,the criminals defending lawyers : Otto Schilly,Gerhard Schroeder(Ex-Marx-Lenin),Juergen Trittin and some other later government members
Red Brigades,ITA,( Case Aldo Moro )
Involved east AND west secret services ! Financing + service !
2020 : Lebanon bancrupcy ,Levante schock ! Oil estates help ?
Wesley,I think that I can balance positions ,based by real life experience !
And I became opposition to each kind of ' - ism' ! Case,individual life : that counts !
KI ? Language,meaning ? K.I. as A.I. ? Possible : Kuenstliche/Artificial Intelligenz/Intelligence
But there is an other KI : Kom Intern or Kommunistische Internationale ( Lenin )
based by
Bund der Kommunisten
based by
Bund der Gerechten
based by
Bund der Geaechteten ~ model : Societe des Saisons
based by
Deutsche Volksverein ( in Paris,FR)
based by
Deutsche Presz-und Vaterlandsverein 1832
Sturm und Drang - Epoche : Mentor Goethe Aktoren : Schiller Buechner,........
Die Gedanken sind frei,
wer kann sie erraten,
sie fliegen vorbei,
wie naechtliche Schatten
Kein Mensch kann sie finden
kein Jaeger erschiessen
Sie fliegen vorbei
Die Gedanken -
~ GOTT IST TOT, ihr Herrscher bald auch (Freimaurer -Revolte )
Thanks electronic data we can today do research with fast results about historical social movements beginning and their cause !
And who with whom worked together and their social/political targets !The house-bibliotheque ( in paper form ) never would reach this bandgap of information !
Clearly there is one last problem : the qualified translation from foreign languages to wished language
with 'polygraph'-function :
Dear friend : translation a. Lieber/Geehrter Freund ? b. with (right sin ?) Bloeder Kerl ?
ass creeper 50/50 chance risk ratio
1815-1832 - 1848 - 1968
Euro-Communist Marchais (~ Biedermeier)versus one from the 60' student-movement leader Daniel Cohn-Bendit
education ,teaching
students slogan
Unter den (Funktionaers)Talaren Staub aus tausend Jahren
Heinrich Heine,Die Weber : von Gott betrogen,von dem Koenig betrogen,vom Vaterland betrogen
Gewerkschaft ' Neue Heimat ' DDR ' Neues Deutschland '
Wir sind ein Volk Ein Volk sind wir Sind wir ein Volk
1815-1832 - 1848 -1968 -1989
2020 : 200 years jubileum VORMAERZ,MAERZ,NACHMAERZ
Trump/Republicans : Anti- Establishment ! TYP a.Marchais b.Cohn-Bendit ?
from U.S.A. to U.S.S.A.,by Reps,.S.= Socialistic ,or U.D.S.A.,.D.= ' DEMOCRATIC' ?
Neu-Ideen des Maerzes,anno 2020
German US-bible-belt / Die Weber
Ihr 'braucht ' vielleicht einen Gott,aber benoetigt Gott euch ?
Depeche Mode : Where is the Revolution
Barbar : Charles Darwin ,Karl Marx,Francis Galton
Evolutionary Eugenics : human competes K.I.-system
Music : ancient an orchestra,today syntheziser
Where are the players,the humans ?
Also Depeche Mode is EVOLUTION,not Revolution
We,as intellectual society,anymore expect,we are organizing this EVOLUTION-Standart
That is for much the FEAR
Not to be good enough,24/365, like K.I.
300 Mio. to 1 Bio. to 5 8 Bio. to 10 Bio. ?
Or faster : to 5 Bio. to 2,5 Bio. to 1 Bio. ..........
on earth humans unit number Revolution
By 'Worst case/Best case' -outlook education = own behaviour and future responsibility
1984 : when becomes ' se.x ( a) crime ' ? In-/fertil days ( and nights : 24/365)
Future development is easy,knowing the tools !
Chemistry/Pharmacology : synthezising RU-486 and 'virtual Chem-trail' over the masses
by 'Aether': Radio-frequency
IT is : but IT can be ANDERS : a. NWO b.OWO. c.NWO + OWO
Or : ZWO ZERO order in this world An-archy as new ' Democracy R&D '
Kinder haften fuer ihre Eltern
Donald Trump is - by nomen + omen - an-arch ZWO-self
His father advice : be a ' king',be a ' killer'
Donald der Schreckliche ? a la Iwan ?
All Reps,mostly Reps ,too ?
K.I.-LLER competition !
Futur I,Futur II : applying basic knowledge
Soziologie,Wirtschaft- und Rechtskunde,Religion/Ethik,Biologie(+Verhaltenslehre)
+ Maths : Analytik,Stochastik,Statistik
+ Erdkunde,Geographie,Geschichte+ Sprache : Kommunikation
+ Physik : Grundlagenforschung + angewandte Physik
Galbraith : Die Industrie-Gesellschaft
' Der moderne virtuelle Mensch',e-body : wieviel Staats-/organischer Koerper noch notwendig,nuetzlich ?
MAERZ : RESTAURATION CURATORIUM-members wish/vision/organigram ?
Freistaat Bayern,Senat = Aeltesten-Rat wurde abgeschaft :
den Rat der Alten ,latin ' senex' = senior,Senat abschaffen,die Alten abschaffen ?
Ab wann 'alt' ? Spezifische,a-/typische Kennzeichen/Merkmale ?
Counterpart : junex = junior
Die Gesellschaft i.Liq., der Mensch i.Liq. !
Not 'where' but ' how long is the Revolution'
Socialism/Capitalism/Liberalism : resolved,
Male/Female/Trans : resolved
Black/White,Yellow,Red : resolved
Old/Young : resolved
Thurst/Hunger : resolved
Rich/Poor : resolved
I/We/You/Them : resolved
Name to No-Name : resolved
Religion/No-Religion : resolved
Nation to No-Nation: resolved
Territorium to No-Territorium: resolved
To be/ not to be : resolved
Body to No-Body : resolved
The nihil-e-estate
Who or what is Trump,Biden,Putin,Zemin,Erdogan,Steinmeier,......
Representence: The Anti-Future
Forgetable history : nobodies in e-World ' 08/15'
Leben IST schoepferische Zerstoerung ,Tod IST Schoepfung
Target : Absolute Silentium ,Peace is Reste from reliqui ZERO FOOT/HAND/MIND PRINT
This forum is Evolution-part,too : body-free 24/365 ,only Ghost
VOR-MAERZ : ' die Gedanken - sind frei
modern :
NACH-MAERZ : Gedanken-frei ,Bedenken-frei
U.S.A. : Kentucky,Derby : race-horces,with applied 'HANDICAP'
U.S.A. : WE,THE CONSTITUTION,represented by President George W.Bush defined the US-weight handicap
for their US-K.I.-Future : 100/1 the ratio
Exact the 2 000 000 US$ US citizen 'worth'/ 20 000 US$ one Afghani ' worth'
So for 1 Afghani work we have to demand from an US American the 100x work result in weight and worth
(Geschriebenes,dokumentiertes) Reden ist Silber-US$-coin- Standart
WE can make 100x errors,an US American is only allowed 1 PERCENT in comparison
What is an error ? Knowing the grammar,based by latin = SOP and angle-saxonic = SPO orientation in words and mind ,showing priorities !
Only ' english: british/american' international 200% higher life success error quote !
In the royal british court the conversation languange was : french,not 'street mob' language ' anglais' !
German grammar is latin based !
French - latin based or romano !
'We,the people ....' by classical translation : ' We,as mob,...... German : Wir,der Poebel,....
Answer from history and language definition :
people/Poebel = Plebs/Plebejer or Proles/Proletarier ?
K.I.-translation-programmer : Oberschicht- or Unterschicht - Mitglied/-Herkunft ?
Historie :
Religion Cisme Trinitisten/Arianer
Paepste Cisme Gegen-Papst
Kaiser Cisme Gegen-Kaiser
Koenige Cisme Gegen-Koenige
Also,wenn bei mir 'Gott' klingelt,dann schick ich den 'Gegen-Gott' die Tuer aufmachen ! ;D
Bin ,wie erwaehnt,in Maroc geboren,dort nicht unbedingt eine Alltagsphilosophie christlich-juedischer Orientierung :
U..N.-U.N.E.S.C.O. Weltkulturerbe, materiell und imateriell
Saudi-Arabien,Wahabiten : 95% der Maome-zeitlichen Artefakte vorsaetzlich zerstoert !
Der conventionelle Glaeubige dieser Glaubenslehre liest und erlernt aus dem Coran,wieviele werden in das zugehoerige zweite 'heilige' Buch eingewiesen ?
Salafisten,welches ist Es ?
Ein wahrhaft Orthodoxer kennt keine Bibel,kein Coran + II und keine Thora-Rollen :bei strikter Vorgabe ist gegebene Schrift nur muendlich uebertrgbar !
Kein Werk darf Gott darstellen ! Keine Schrift,kein Tempel/Synagoge/Kirche !
Gut,dass heutige Religionen saekular gehandelt werden !
Dominus = Domus = Deius
Bin ned orthodox,only Sucher & Finder
Make America great again
Es gab eine europaeische 'Epoche der Romantik'
Also bisher kam mir Donnieboy nicht sehr ' romantisch' daher,eher ' selbst-verliebt'
Donald und Co.,Groschen-Romane aus der Hand und ' roboti,roboti '! ;D Arbeitswelt ruft !
Bezahlung ? In God we trust = Gotteslohn = por gratia
google search machine : Witz KZ Jude Glasauge
Delivered : 1. ( 15.12.1978 Witze im Dritten Reich
' ....... aber ich geb dir eine Chance. .........'
2.Juedischer Humor in Deutschland : Oliver Polak : ' ..... Ich bin Jude,ich darf das . .......'
WIEN,Kapuz(z)iner-Gruft : nach Entledigung alles Weltlichen, WER begehrt Einlasz ?
Ein Mensch !
youtube : Kaiserin Zita Anklopfzeremonie und die Erklaerung ,1989
So rein wie ein Glasauge
Das REICH der Leb-Endigen ,Vor-TOT
Menscheln ist eine gesunde Tugend,EWIG WAEHREND
Wesley,you want to think about Renascimento-Aufklaerung : Era of Enlightment
#77 : Johann Gottfried ( von) Herder,Theolog ( incl. born of Slawismus !),member from Weimar-an Viergestirn
' language of philosophy' : Baruch de Spinoza ? Tabu ? Askable the-point-of-view ?
Wesley,you write as 2020-Jew,not 1933-Jew,nor 17./18.Century view Jew !
2020 p.C. calendarium,clearly !
Moses ~ Moishe ~ Moasiv/Moadib Science+Fiction movie : DUNE !
Hollywood and the Authors their philology ,self-reflective
Wesley :
Oliver ( ups,I correct : not Pocher ) Polak " I am (euro-german poste-Shoa ) Jew,I can do it =
me is allowed to do this ! "
German TV under moral controle : PRESSERAT,FSK
DEUTUNGS-HOHEIT, letzte Instanz, not existent ,but : ZEITGEIST
Wesley,from your neutral ::) position,which advice/decision you would give/demand related :
Netherlands : 'Sintas' and 'Zwarten Pieten' ? No/racism,to change !?
Belgium ,Bruxelles : Menneken Pis(s) now to change feminists Zeitgeist-political :
+ Weibele Pis(s)
or + Weibele koten ?
You are me,the Killer-King,friend or me enemy : friend to enemy -extermination
Google search machine input : Lenin Bild Agitator Retusche
2.SED Pieck + B + retuschiert (C)
The Truth,the TOTAL Truth and nothing more a. then b.than the TRUTH
Lehre Lehrer Ge-Lehr-ter in jewi-sh/sch - latin written - Rabbiner
Germany, professional 'Rabbi' : Dieter Nuhr,Nu(h)r im Ersten - show, Anti-'tausendjaehrige Reich-thinker
GB, professional 'Rabbi' : Sting or Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner , ' A thousand years'
Speyer,where I learned by Dr.Anneliese Joerger a song ' Hewenu shalom/salaam alechem/aleikum '
Speyer,where the Imperator gave the jewish people all freedom rights,included the right of ' Leibeigenschaft' about other ( a kind of official ' slavery' theretimes ),this right not recused : caused 10.commandments demands !
Reference : Author Werner Keller,historia do povo judeu
international title : diaspora : the post-biblical history of the jews
Dedicado a todos os que procuram a Verdade
( C-/K-uriert gesuchte und vorgefundene Wahrheit ? )
Speyer,where in the ancient 'Deutsches Theater',other street side the 'Judenbad' ,we as class have had our sports lessons,well accepted the funny teams game ' Voelkerball ',Voelkermord/Genozid as sports
The game instrument: a fat medicine-ball
Good medizin,a native american,Indian,would say/think
Makaberismus,Skurilitaet,Heuchelei : that is life,that it is
'Why?' wounded/diyng soldier image
Waiting for the next 'Nathan der Weise' (Gotthold Ephraim Lessing) his clou and satisfying answer !
Shortest form : SS,Selber Schuld !
Germany,last week : an eleven years old school boy threatened his teacher with to be beheaded
Probably this small 'Racker' dreams of a future like I.S.S.-Rakka ! Cuidado !
Sonntag,den 15. November 2020 p.C.
US-Wahl-Liveticker : 8:10 Trump wuetet gegen menschlichen ' Muell ' und ' Abschaum '
Donald his twitter-news translated
' links-radikalem Antifa-Abschaum' ' menschlichem linksradikalem Muell '
Donald Trump presents : ' sounds of Eiter and Furunkel'
-------------------------------------------------------- sufficient distance, in real more than 2 meters :+- 'non grata- ban-mile
My level : Simon and Garfunkel ' The Sounds of Silence '
A biszl Zeitgeschichte : 23/24 August 1572
15.Maerz 44 a.C
Melania,Jared, AUCH IHR ? GERADE WIR !
Ide(e) des Maerzes und 'eines 'Ewiger Fruehling'
I wrote 'Abschaum' ( #76) as ancient ,2020 soon death, nationalists their 'empathy view' !
Feudal-Fascism survived : from Killer-King D.T. to twitter-Dictator D.T.,political 'verbrannt',not the 'Erde' !
2024 election,probably Dems or Reps ( or new third growing party) their President wins !
D.T. not, since several time R.I.P. !
Gott waehret dem Trump-Clan(-D.) besten Dank
Seal : crazy ( lyrics)
' Influencer ' Rollenspiel,endless acts
Ilja Nikolajewitsch Uljanov Frederick (Fred) Christ Trump
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Donald John Trump
Warten auf Godot + ERA : Ameno ergo Warten auf Arthus(II) Renascimento ;) ;D
ERA : DIVANO ,Vorsicht vor Nummerntraegern : 007-001,0 bis hin Ziffer: O
Frei nach 'The Waltons':
D. John-boy T. ,light off !
Und von der verwesenden Leiche hoerte man noch : " L'Estates,was m ......." Punkt : :)
Totenschein : Todesursache : CHRONISCHE CEREBRAL-DIARRHOE
Vorsicht : stark ansteckend ! Umfeld in 40-Jahre Quarantaene !
Quaranta !- ene : 40 Jahre ' Wir sind ein Volk' -D.D.R.
Alibaba und die 40 Raeuber
AliPraes und das raeuberische 40-koepfige Kabinett, nicht nett !
Where ends Continental-Europe in the West ? Near Lisbon,Cabo da Roca
Where ends Europe in the East ?
Geophysical Ural,geopolitical Wladiwostok,Russian Federation as member from the ' Council of Europe' !
Eurasian Continent ( 2 shelfs)
Russian Federation in future ? Mercantilistic : RCEP or E.U. ?
Both ?
Economic Russia-E.U.-RCEP Union !?
Mercosur ?
U.S.A./N.A.F.T.A. ?
Union for the Meditteranean/Euro-Med /Lome Convention ?
No worry U.S.-americans,Dems/Reps/classical Whigs
to be critical means to know own political Union success/failure
and the E.U. is ' MASTER of BAD BUSINESS Administration ' !
In search only -by international R&D - the 'Grand-Master' !
v. Klausewitz/Gen.Custer : - rating : Austerlitz/Waterloo - - rating : Stalingrad - - - rating : Euro-Med 1995
Crazy Horse greets Sitting Bull : damned stupid,the europide pork-colored 'Whites'
A little Porcology , suino U to double U=UU=W swine female = Sau Schnauzen Schlampe
! here : w = double v !
ergo u ~ v
Attention : cow ~ female german die Kuh,when you speak here german phonetical 'Kuh' something will happen ,
die Kuh = vaca lusitanic,same phonetic : o cu = :-X ! vulgar
In the seventiees we as german childs shouting over the market( 300+ peoples ) in Cascais/POR :
Oh,eine Kuh ! :o :o :o X 100
My,our mother :-[ :-[ :-[ X 100
Malcriados ! ::) ? No,foreigner,well educated,okay with some lingual ,translation view-point,deficiencies !
BILD,28.10. 2014 : Die haertesten Witze Deutschlands
Attention,Attention : non-vegan german over-confessionell humo(u)r !
Kommt ein Mann zum Fleischer und sagt :
" Guten Tag :) ,ich haette gern 150 Gramm Leberwurst,aber bitte von der fetten ! 8)
Sagt der Metzger : " Tut uns leid :-[ ,die hat heute Berufsschule ! :P "
Wie SCHLAMPIG uebersetzt ein professioneller Dolmetscher(Mensch),wie automatic translation, WITZ-igkeit ?
Metzger : "uns" = pluralis industrialis ( here,EXPLIZIT not pluralis majestatis ! Even if Metzger-Meister/Majestor )
Master of Butchery Administration,shortly : M.B.A.
Der Sachsen-Witz, ;) :D ;D Griminalbolizei ! Die wittern ueberall 'verdeckte Bolizei= sei stad ! ::)
Ich stelle mir so vor : Titanic,Dr.Schiwago,Ben Hur : 100% (ober- 8) )saechsich ! :o
Okay,zumindest Karl Mays ' Winnetou I ', Bad Segeberg, in saechsichem ORIGINAL ! ;D (
Tu, Sodschi
Io ,Od Shedderhent
MfS,Mit fiesem Sinne
Kopf hoch oder Kopf runne
Trade balance result a. positive b.negative
X published EZB-Euro-Funds nominal cash money/nominal Credit
hedge/Hebel factor 8 ( eight)
= international enriching or enpooring national GDP/PPP economies
Each one can look for his own nation situation,+ last 10 years development !
Future outlook : + Kontradjef/Elliott
F.e. 2018 420 Billions negative ~ x8 = 3360 Billions national 'worth' devasting,in one year !
Can be Yen,Euro, the several Dollars,CHF,........,estate currency dependent !
Ä german word,in international use : " Zeitgeist " ,explaining the' momentan/actual life habits' !
The ' 1776 - 2020 poste (Trinitisten : Deo ) C(h)riste US American -first only New England = Flag stripes - Constitution !
13 Estates,from later 50 ! The last I mean Alaska as new Federation Estate !
So when an US American ,c(h)ristian, says/writes ' In God we trust !' ,he/she means ' In Jesus we trust !' as Trinitist and in an unknown 'God' as Arianer,but as monotheist probably in an human-body ' Pantokrator' !
In Sociology a ' Nation' ,member from U.N. f.e.,is strictly defined !
As representive from this Nation in democratic culture societies : a Parliament !
The Parliament position,ever from the Parliament President his SEAT position view:
Left side Middle Right side
Left side politics : Rigth side politics :
member/part/-y member/part/-y
CHANGE ( the status quo ) HOLD ( the statusquo)
Ultra-/moderate Ultra-/moderate
Formation,but also Reformation,is a 'Change' so all American wish actually ,by conservative view,PROGRESSION,some too fast ~ ultra-'schnell' !
'Washington Post" article : U.S.A. 'Electoral College ' : '2020 Zeitgeist'/'1776 Zeitgeist' ?
Change : is a chance,is a risc
Socio-logical is a Constitution ever a communist/commonist/social Manifest/Contract
Dems and Reps,Independents are : COMMONISTS,german: Kommunisten ,some blue - other red ,2 whites (Senate)
It is commOn ~ Es ist kommUnaler Alltag O ~ U
The 10.Commandments ( compared with similar Hammuravi given laws) commonists Life Rules !
With 1776 voter rules,from today 330 Mio. in U.S.A. territorium habitants probably only 1/10 would have the
' right/obligation' to VOTE
No womans,no minors ( minimum age 1776 to becoming : maior ?!),no landless people ( minimum sqm/sqft ?! ),no none-vote eligible parents, criminals,immigrants,no-cristians/atheists et cet. !
Do not worry,but do not also hurry ! Look back, before 1776 to 1776 and from 1776 - 2020 ,poste Criste calendarium,for 2020-2050-2080-...... generation life dimension no/change outlook !
As liberal I mean that the election from the last three US FEDERAL Supreme Court judges is a chance for a right modernization from the US society,following their mind and words to judge 1:1 followed by Constitutional Sin ! Included Constitutional ZEITMODERNE !
Not Trumpists : they all NINE are elect( Gerundium! ( sind) Wahl/Auserwaehlte )/-ed(Partizip,Passive) - AUF LEBENSZEIT/For their life long ! Longer - WE hopes - than 1 Presidencial
Ultra-progressive : a male parliament + female parliament
a male Supreme Court + female Supreme Court
a. male Estate + female Estate
And soon begins the 'revolte': Transgender : And we ? Who 'owns'-representive- our body,our mind ?
junior = Junate ? senior = Senate !
Who represents whom : FAIR ? me I see in You
House : dining room : house democracy rules/order/' laws' for a. family members b. guests ?
Tisch-Manieren,-Manners in-house,out-house = public ,the private ' house' ,the public 'THE HOUSE'
Manieren = Authoritaer living ? To a-/re-spect each other ? Our manners - when 'alone' ?
Anti-Authoritaer future ? No more Self-Controle ? No more society controle ? FSK
Anti-Authoritaer parents ! Anti-/Pro-Authoritary childs,generation over-next ?
Open 'source' end
English : Oxford,Cambridge : ancient/always by (Romano-) CATHOLIC COLLEGES Bro. ,in-house language : lingua latina the life way destination map in sin
pro to col-lare,Protokoll, royal/tribunal Court Protokoll,
'Elders-/Adels'-families protokoll : diary,agenda,house-book 0:00 - 24:00 ? vida sacra ? miseria ?
Next ' 0:00 - 24:00 day' preview : plan,program Parole = Votive+Motive
Next day : review 100% 50% 25% why 100% why 25%≤
The Welt-Bild changement
Heinrich/Henry VIII romano-catholic to anglican church philosophy Chaos,war,philosophy clash
Church is not ' missa'/mess ,Church is the Community,the education : school/Universities
the 'missa' the community weeks convention( sacramente) with report,where after 'be free'-singing/praysing the members hear the Reverend/Pastor/Reporter- male or female ,clerical or laize,the critics about the community program/plan and the execution stage = community R&D report
'CHURCH' IS PARLIAMENT = PATH + search and - Finder: is Life in common,security,society
CHURCH = Warning : Fire-bell,IS reminding : the bells calls : the mess will in short beginnng !IS giving notice : a newborn -/ a weedness-/a funeral - bell/-s signalization
The smallest CHURCH = I,WE socius ~ WE,as BOTH
Next 'greater' CHURCH : The familia sacra,with house ' round table'
CHURCH,left side - middle - right side
Know-how,not only in books,to live with and by IT
We are not Anti-,but local Ex-communicated,by own FSK ,not KSK ,first K ~ Keine,sometimes only temporary,some forever
Hmm,Universum,Evolution,Creation : STOA ( Zenon from Kition ,300 a.C. )
Thomas de Aquino
Stoiker : Adam Smith ,wealth of nations
Capital as part from Social-Product/ion-theory
Capital as part from Product-Distribution theory
Marx-Engels Proletarier -view Max Weber Industrials-view
Lenin The new Deal
Marx-Lenin = Stalin
Green Deal
What is going on, real or ..............
Quote from: Johan_1955 on November 18, 2020, 08:53:00 AM
What is going on, real or ..............
If you link to bogus sites or sites which aren't identified, you'll convince nobody. Your handlers haven't told you that.
You seem to think we are idiots.
Splitting couple:
Quote from: Johan_1955 on November 19, 2020, 03:40:35 AM
Splitting couple:
I went over your posts.
You are:
-Old member that changed interest in 2016 from FE to ?.. everything that is non-related to FE.
-German/European, who was close to medical field by unknown to me form of interaction
(-anywhere from maintenance man to medical personnel or sale person at distributor desk) -You are active in criticizing Joe Biden.
I'm curious ..:
-is your posting giving you so much of pleasure bashing Biden?
-are you manifesting your pain and disappointment that Trump is total loser.?
- Do you have other motivation to express your position here?
In the past I was easily recognizing motives and gain of some individuals from Far Eastern Europe writing here.
But for me you sound like skilled in good German good English representative of someones else position.
But from the other hand you are very seldom expressing yourself here.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
with respect
Quote from: stivep on November 19, 2020, 09:44:17 AM
But from the other hand you are very seldom expressing yourself here.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
with respect
I think "he" is a software bot, driven by very poor quality software which doesn't recognise or respond to text placed after "his" posts.
Story @ (
Steve Bannon's trial date set for May 2021
( Worth : $48 million (
People in trouble from Trump crowd
Bannon, Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, Stone, Gates , Papadopoulos
We are guests in Stephan's House, with the Slogan: Free Energy for free independent people!
Find whats written by a HERO member, TO and ABOUT our appreciated HOST!
When People are telling this: CO2 = P x S x E x C
Having more than ONE kid, not one vaccinated, thats called ............. !?
So never choose for People, we ALL have to learn a LOT!
This is outside going on: (
Happy to be a small nothing! :-))
Not sure about such Heroes
Our host would be more in agreement with Johan on this topic
And the spraying things from aircraft!
And Covid !
Flat world ? ( I am not sure how Stefan feels about that?
I remember a member who proposed an experiment?
A laser at a distance ?
Maybe across the channel ?
Would be more fun than fighting
I watch the race ( sailing around the world ( when I can sneak the time in)...vandeglobe ..
Southern Hemisphere circumnavigation about to start next few days!!
And this too (
Chet K
Quote from: Johan_1955 on November 18, 2020, 08:53:00 AM
What is going on, real or ..............
Quote from picture posted by you in German.
QuoteBreaking news: chairman(Trey Trainor) of the US electoral commission FEC declares US election to be unlawful
Who is Trey Trainor, and what is the FEC?:
1.FEC only oversees finances only and is one of multiple federal bodies that deals with elections
Not Trey Trainor
He is controlling money only.
2."States typically have primary responsibility for making decisions about the rules of elections (policymaking),
3. Trainor is a Republican lawyer who advised Trump in 2016
4. He is not its "Chief Electoral Officer," as— that role doesn't exist.
In reality, elections in the United States are "highly decentralized," and are primarily administered by thousands of state and local systems rather than a single national system, according to a report by the Congressional Research Service
It is like some local cowboy went to university and made statement that physics is rigged. (
Quote from: Johan_1955 on November 20, 2020, 05:04:18 AM
We are guests in Stephan's House, with the Slogan: Free Energy for free independent people!
Find whats written by a HERO member, TO and ABOUT our appreciated HOST!
When People are telling this: CO2 = P x S x E x C
Having more than ONE kid, not one vaccinated, thats called ............. !?
So never choose for People, we ALL have to learn a LOT!
This is outside going on: (
Happy to be a small nothing! :-))
My Dear friends we live in certain reality .
Nobody cares about what is written as long as it is thematically consistent with discussed subject
and it is in within brackets of American freedom of expression,
and it is in within that particular taste of Stefan as businessman and boss of this forum.
It is not important if Stefan is right or wrong - he is the boss.
you my friends- you can always change job forum or social group.
I'm satisfied I'm going nowhere else.
CO2 = P x S x E x C
CO2=Population x Services x Energy x Carbon = comfort is just an expectation of human animals
not fallowing the same rules for another animals.
Since you are nothing more and nothing less than just an animal than who cares about your comfort besides you yourself.
The only why anyone is interested with another human animal is because it affects human animals...not willing to be affected.
And yes we have choice we have to learn..
is just unfortunately an influencing animal in the wrong place and at the wrong time.
He would be very well received in 18-19 century or at best in time of inquisition.Wesley
Quote from: Johan_1955 on November 20, 2020, 05:04:18 AM
This is outside going on: (
Happy to be a small nothing! :-))
O Boy...
my dear Johan_1955...
Look here: (
QuoteDavid Icke attended Whitehall Infant School, and then Whitehall Junior School.[29] (,_38-29)[28] (
-He left school at 15
-he wrote, and had received a message through automatic writing ( that he was a "Son of the Godhead", the "Infinite Mind".[66]
(,_208-66)-1991 he said that Britain would soon be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes
-Icke believes that an inter-dimensional race of reptilian beings called the Archons ( have hijacked the earth and are stopping humanity from realising its true potential.[14] ([19] (
Despite all controversy
What kind of authority you are giving me here?
Wesley,let us talk about the U.S.A.,
' in God we trust'
this 'God' based by romano-catholic and the later reformists= evangelists the base,and the Bible,as Old Testamente and New Testamente divided !
So ,economically we can define : " USA-God made in Europe " !
You call yourself 'scientifical' :
first philological problem : the Earth age by your Jew-religion and by Earth-geologic science,counting
with up to7 Bio.years planet age
tactical and logical solution :
okay,we can diminuate the Jew-culture Welt-Bild only valid for the Mesopotamian (Ur,Uruk,....)up to mediterrain Levante/Egypt region and taking Jew-calendarium for this era as historical thrue
But there are geopolitical many others folks with older traditions and philosophies than the Juda-Estate was in age!
From El,Yahwe to Zeus/IOS/DIOS to the anglo-saxonic God-Estate Confederation :
problem : from Europe migrated many different folks with many different cristian philosophy traditions/rituals to North-America,Canada and the US,over 16./17.18.: 1776 19.20. century 100 Millions and more .
Extremists, orthodox,making the US to the 'New Pilgrim Paradies' and saecular-non orthodox as refugees from the inner-european centuries during 'cuius regio,
'cuius religio' = the leader defines for his folk the right religion/philosophy
Dictation not,Tyrann-/Bully-zation
and the consequencional wars-between countries/inner-civilian/inner-families,influencing/enforcing this migration ( to and from these countries,royal/imperial)
but also many poors,surplus-childs-riches(poor in material richdom),with hope to find their luck in the New World/Nuevo Mundo
but also sended - during colonial time,- unwished prisioners,dissidents,criminals( murder et cet.)
or as sold 'surplus humans' by many european estates as soldiers and new settlers
or by 'non grata at home'-declaration ~ ex-communication
in North-/Middle- or South-America
Home-less people
Donald J.Trump is a grandson from such a 'non grata'-migrant and his grands were migrants by poorness !
This family Trauma : not making part from the original New England"-Grands,300 years and more Americans,
Before or since 1776 living in the U.S.A.(Estate flagg stripes Patrizier ) !
The Grands ~ the Establishment
Trumps ~ proletariat
Historical no-bodies !
Trump and the Republican Party their members,their voters :
speaking,writing about 'Proud boys and girls"-ness
Let us look for ' streng-pure' c(h)ristianity :
The right to become : family,marriage by fixed Church Constitution rules
Family number : free,max.1 child get family name,title,patrimony
social work,unfertil the second new name
military work,the third ,unfertil,death wished no-name but number
The day-by-day ' exerzitien/demanded lessons by traditional rules : clauster gives nearer advices ' how to'
the sunday-mess-visit-obligation/demand : Constitutional Church law/-s
before marriage coitus vulgo se.x not allowed,both virgin,personal distance,observer,24/365 life testemonials
Now,the interestant question ! ?
Marriage minimum age ? Classical 'full authority/of legal age ?
Example :
Baruch de (E)Spinoza,with 23 years WITHOUT full authority,Tutor/Mentor need ,but Jewish ( in NL) !
Cristian minimum LEGAL age : orthodox/evangelicals take the Jesus Deo Criste Aera as Ideal !
- 0,001 p.C.: legal age ? Legal age for marriage and the first coitus non interruptus ?
More factors,beside age,for full authority ? ???
When the childs/kids in the Bible Belt receive the KLERIKAL LIFE CODEX to read,the DICTATION,
I do not think that we will speak anymore long about " Bible Belt" ! ;D Inner-familiar Cisme 8)
Bigamisten,Haeretiker,Blasphemisten : Die Wahrheit,die reine Wahrheit,nichts als
Ohne/Without Pseudo-Religiositaet/Religiousity: nothing to offer !
No hold,no home !
That is the unfaked TRUTH
Orthodox : old book open pseudo- orthodox: old book closed,newer books open
cleverness ! ;D Thinking ! >:(
Bible-Orthodox :
+ Under biblical minimum legal age : KINDERSCHAENDER,Satansbrut,Heimat-los
keine Kinder Gottes,kein Kirchenbesuch erlaubt,keine Taufe,Keine Sakramente
ACHT,clerus-8 : Vogelfrey -Deklaration : ~ simple translation 'outlaw' : (Death deinquent + total family)
and also death penal for eventual helpers
The OLD Bible-fest(-halten) times were really 'Streng/Extreme' ! And moerderisch ! Bloodtax !
But we live now 2020 with a saecular Bible,not Commandment Constitution representing
Bible-unabhaengig/independent: catholic is the demand of all : perfect,100% ready
Erbschuld und die katholische Geburten-Selbst-Kontrolle,Erbfolgegesetz :
mathematisch-logisch-geophysikalisch wird JEDE Frau,Mutter,auf dieser Welt,egal welcher Konfession
zugehoerig oder konfessionslos gegenueber Ihrem Kinde mit der zweiten Geburt (bzw.Geminis)
Nicht ein Rabbi,Priester oder Lehrer, gibt Wahrheit sondern die pure Mathematik,
die aber auch von Priestern und Rabbi,Lehrern angewandt werden kann zwecks :
Glaubens-/Wissens-Lehre mit Folgerung : Bereich Dynamik,in sich vergroessernden Mengen bei einer Erde !
MENGENLEHRE,set theory and humans population set practizise
Stress set theory and stress set experience actually worldwide !
Maths + economy : 2.te,3.te,+ Births-number childs social class : Proles,Heloten ,classical titulation
All families with more than 1 child : Proletariats-membership= Communisten by Marx-Definition
Communists by Surplus-Ficking and Nature destroying
Wesley,do not be so modet : you are dancing very well
around the golden ancient calw now ' golden F.E.D.',by method a permanent mobile system
but golden only in virtual definition,not as bonds covering physical Gold-ounces reserves !
dancing ~ inner-US american market behaviour of simulated buying/selling without real funds
Quote from: ramset on November 20, 2020, 09:01:45 AM
I remember a member who proposed an experiment?
A laser at a distance ?
Chet K
Above is DONE a Hundreds of time's in the past 10 years, and told you!
Try to turn some more Stones, with eyes open?
Quote from: stivep on November 20, 2020, 01:38:07 PM
What kind of authority you are giving me here?
Nothing, what is Wiki in these days, part of:
Donald J.Trump twittered ( very much) and in the last hours,recitating :
Jeremia,Psalm/Vers 1,19
~ " ...... (*) am with You "
(*) ,by my O-pinion : 1. :P 2. :D 3. 8)
The show will go on,open end
p.s. : Ach,Johan_1955,frei nach deutschsprachiger fielmann-Werbung,
"Was soll blosz aus (Dir) Ihnen werden ?",wenn Sie mal Gross sind !
wikipedia und die internationale Medienlandschaft kann man als Informationsquellen nutzen,
es existiert aber immer noch,die papierne Hausbibliotheqe und oeffentliche
Buechereien,Buchandlungen,Antiquariate,vielleicht auch noch alte Schul-/Studien-Buecher
Mit Familie,Verwandten,Bekannten,Freunden,in froehlicher oder besinnlicher 'Runde' frei
diskutieren,Ansichten vergleichen !? Altersteilnahme: un-/beschraenkt !?
Ausserparlamentarische Parlamente : Basis-Demokratie,pardon,DeOkratie !?
Kontakt zu Lehrern,Uni-Dozenten,Akademien-Mitgliedern ?
Info aus 1.Hand oder 2ten deren Hand : Fehlerquellen beachten,Fake/Taeuschung inklusive !
Das internet laesst uns eine Art von elektronischer Welt-Buecherei frei on-line zukommen,
bis in die 90ziger war es das Fernsehen,die Zeitungen,Magazine
keiner muss TV sehen,Keiner muss sich informieren 'muessen'
Die persoenlichen Ziele weisen den Weg
In Verlagen und unter Autoren
das sind /waren Publizisten,mit guten und weniger guten Ideen,Visionen,Agitationen !
Ja,auch Verfuehrer und Verfuehrte darunter ! Auch Luegner,Betrueger ;D Hitler-Tagebuecher
Der Markt ruft,verlangt nach Sensationen,Rekorde,Emotionen
Oder ausstoepseln und raus in die Natur : elendiges Vogelgezwitscher,bellende Hunde,quakende Froesche,....
Natur-Ruhe ,Langsamkeit.
Zum Nase ruempfen,diese vielen Faxen,EINER >:( genuegt,Wickie-historisch ! ;)
Wesley wrote:
Quote from: stivep on November 20, 2020, 01:38:07 PM
O dear Johan_1955...
Look here: ( Despite all controversy
What kind of authority you are giving me here?
Johan_1955 response:
Quote from: Johan_1955 on November 23, 2020, 08:24:12 AM
Nothing, what is Wiki in these days, part of:
Dear Johan_1955 I didn't ask you about Wikipedia.
I'm surprised.
You Johan_1955 and lancaIV seem to act not like Germans who are typically pictured as a very accurate precise people.
It is not important here, how Wikipedia perceives David Icke
how is that both of you gentleman, are dancing around, .... instead of just being as precise as German should be.
Your disconnected response is pointing at some graph having nothing to do with Wikipedia.
Yes graph is interesting but is disconnected .
You as disagreeing with David Icke biography from Wikipedia should be reflecting your own position and support it .
Nobody denotes, or corrects facts from David Icke biography so mentioned by you weirdo David Icke
in other sources than Wikipedia is described exactly the same.
- controversial facts are not discussed in format logically defending David Icke .
Propaganda takes pieces from entire picture and makes people believe..
The same was done by David Icke
Wesley,there is No Typically,You only means ( -s= p.s.) it !
There is NO Typically American,US,or South or whatfor !
We are human,different ,accept it and do not try to press me in Your Matrix/Schablone !
I defend correctness,also when someone is a criminal I do not him/hrr/its define as "angel",it is a criminal !
Independent to be father,mother,grands,I myself or whoforever !
How many hours did you spent life in BR Deutschland ? I ,let me calculate,240 months of my life !
North BR,South-BR,Middle-BR,East-BR(Ex-GDR) where are living familiar relatives !
But: no ,it is not enough for experience !
Germanistik = full Europe,from Lisbon to Wladiwostok
Russia,Katharina die Grosse,aus dem Hause : ?
Vaticano,Ex-Kirchenstaat,Ex-Imperium Romanorum
BR Deutschland,Ex-Deutsche Bund,Ex-Deutsche Reich,
Ex- Heilige Roemische Reich Deutscher Nationen,westroemische Kaiserkrone,Imperium
Habsburger,18....?,Exthronisation West-Krone,Inthronisation Ostroemische kaiserkrone ,Imperium
Markus,the flying Lion Venezia Byzanz,Konstantinopel
Typically = not knowing people by their traditions in real life !
You can defind/explore what is typical of 1 specific tradition ART&Kind,but not from a multi-folks-confederation !
1 banner ,Your stars&stripes Deutsche Bund=Schwarz-Rot-Gold
1001 +Typos media calls it : multi-culti
Wesley = U.S.A. Donald J. Trump = U.S.A. Wesley+Trump= typical U.S.A. ::) No,I do not avail in such a manner !
Visit BR Deutschland,16 different Confederation-Estates/Members : then let us t'alk !
get experience,speak with 'typicals',dance traditional,............
Visit EUROPE ! Geo-social,EUROPARAT, we are continental neighbours : Alaska ! Not far away ! Theoretical(ly ;) )
Baltikum,you visited !Days,weeks,months ? I never have been there,you yes !
But I know in minimum 20 Middle-/South european Estates by visit and only partiell their population contact !
70'/80'/90'/2000/10'/20' : living with multi-culti in a multi-culti family !
And really,Wesley,I would have often wished such mono-type'typicallyzation' ,but :'( Our World is STEREOTYPE !
Wenn das stereotyp nicht waer,ja dann,ja dann waer ich schon Billionaer ;) in Kies-Sandkoernern
Quote from: lancaIV on November 26, 2020, 10:16:45 AM
Wesley,there is No "Typicality" (edited)
NO Typically American, German and so on. (edited)
We are humans and we ,differentiate.,don't not put me into Your Matrix/Schablone ! (edited)
Dear lancaIV you have problem with understanding English.
I said
Quote from: stivep on November 26, 2020, 09:53:34 AM
You Johan_1955 and lancaIV seem to act not like Germans who are typically pictured as a very accurate precise people.
both of you gentleman, are dancing around, .... instead of just being as precise as German should be.
if you have different opinion -You should be reflecting your own position and support it .
Picture of the nation is created based on that what world can see and experience in given period.e.g 20/21 century - last 120 years )
Germany was the strongest technological power despite the event of
Wilhelm II (,_German_Emperor),German Emperor ( (Wilhelm II., Deutscher Kaiser)
Adolf Hitler (
Theodor Heuss (
Heinrich Lübke (
Gustav Heinemann (
Walter Scheel (
Karl Carstens (
Richard von Weizsäcker (
Roman Herzog (
Johannes Rau (
Horst Köhler (
Jens Böhrnsen (
Christian Wulff (
Horst Seehofer (
Joachim Gauck (
Frank-Walter Steinmeier
German Quality Germany despite mentioned historical time earned reputation as country of:
- precision, rules, discipline, education, unique technological advancement and quality .
Independently from diversity of individual elements inside of Germany that didn't change .
Comparison of evident noticeable Russian futures by many observers of outside of Russia that are for them
ever-present from 1917 till today.
Russian Quality
Russians have been often
(but not always) described as
- bandits, murderers,chemical weapons users against own and foreign individuals
- expanding terror oppressors of other nations.
- no constant technological advancement
- mostly stealing and copying illegally Western achievement. (
Все что было в СССР - украдено у США
Original Title:
"Everything what was in Soviet Union was stolen from USA"
video is in Russian but you can clearly see original American technology and
illegal Soviet copy of it.
We not talking about WW2 Germany or Russia or Poland and so on..
We talking only about constant qualities for the past 120 years.
Summary : You are 100% wrong here I didn't say anything about such elements as single (individual) German .
but precisely about expectation of individual American buyer of anything that is German and is
German Quality So my expectation as an individual and as the American is German accuracy and precision .
That is why Germans usually behaves according to World expectation .
World respect is paying Germany for its values and your life lancaIV depends from
our respect.
That explains why Germany is Germany and Russia is Russia.
we likely trust and pay more for German product, science, expertise, than for the Russian one.
and we expect from German man to satisfy our projection of what Germany and German is about.Legal note:
everything said here is solely my personal opinion expressed.
based on Constitution of USAWesley
Ups,listening a deutschen Kaiser ,not Kaiser from the Deutschen,he Lutheran,opposite a great part romano-catholics ,is another thing,that you probably also not understand !
And,please Wesley,who is Jens Boehrnsen,I never heared anything from this guy,President from BR Deutschland,that would be for me new !
I do not understand your English probably ,
normally I have with Psychology,Sociology,History,Geography explanations in both languages not understandings problem,I clearly do not use such e-gadgets like ' automatic translators',that software deforms often clear meanings into Nirvana translations !
Each country in our world has one treasure: their population !The estate administration can motivate,optimize living conditions and comfort of their people by :
Formation and Education
You speaks bad about 'Russia and Russians',so you speak bad about the ' russian jews' also !120 year review period : literature,science,politics,medicine, et cet .......
F.e. Nobel Award to sovjet/-russians,all categories : ? Stoled know-ledge ?
1990 : the best heads from the Warsaw Pact estates attracted by : ? Stolen know-ledge ?
Germany specific Deutsche Reich : Nomenklatura: % israelians/samarians/judaics by religion,but DR Deutsche !
The most deutsche Companies,industrial sector,constituted/in cooperation by : % ?
Education,patience,and many other disziplines : Ritter-Culture DR and Samurai,JP
+ Hono(,u)r + Dignity + Angustiae + Proudness = Big fruit of the Loom-Mix
The Elders Nobility class,leading the estate admininistration their main positions ,also during WW1 and WW2 transformation phase and after WWE2 !
A good name -Hausmarke/Stallgeruch/One from Us- as door and career opener !
" The Club "-Estate : members-,only probably invitation ( if old member died)
Vitamin B,B= Beziehung Vitamin N ,N = Network
University,estate administration,media,.... : Key points,door opener public and private relations
To be part from the Family,or not in-/out-sider one time in= ever in ~ omerta,chorpsghost
The Family saves,the Family punish after AGE,Ausser Gerichtliche Entscheidung
Staat-in-the-Staat known Parallel-structure,own executive,legislative,jurisdicative (~ like DE : eV,church -Org.)
Legal institutions with their status,but also illegal : clans economy ( ~ Triaden,ma-fia,Cosa Nostra,......)
You are disqualifying yourself more and more,by my view ,not completing your standpoint by internal and external influences :
the West ,leaded by the US President,wished the (fast)'Open the door !' Ronald Reagan,Berlin at the Wall,later Barclay James Harvest open air
The West clearly with the know-ledge from the consequences ( N.A.T.O. East ) and Comecon collaps
Who belongs whom
Baltikum : immanuel Kant ? nationality ?
Emil Lenz(Rule) ,nationality ?
Education demand ! Since Kingdom Prussia,by Phillip von Humboldt,ordered by Fuerst O.v. Bismark,Sozialgesetze,later altered to Deutsche Bund,Deutsche Reich
There are many rules,which you do not see Wesley ,openly,but they exist : by Protokol(l),(royal) Court rules
18000 pages for 1 licence ! A hirarchy with many career classes ! Under,Middle,Higher,Superior !
That is real life,without protest(e),about misunderstandings : wrong ear entrance f.e.!
Do it,or: a.degradation b.fired !
Abmahnung,Diziplinarverfahren,un-/befristete Kuendigung ! ( ~ US hire&fire americanization )
They who are as worker in high positions ,up to CEO-ranking,
but higher the capital owner controler : supervisory board
But there is much in change,do not worry,the an-slphabets quotes in many countries are sinking ( official numbers less statistics manipulation) over the last 3 decades
but much from this success will now become destroyed by 'Lockdown'-emergency case economies :
50 U.N. members in practical ,finance-technical bancrupcy moment !
Stress,more wars,more migration movements ,more refugees !?
without patent right restrictions the world inustry will in future produce Deutsche/European,Northamerican products licence-and fee- and quantity restriction-free in masses,
the world consumer will get G7 industrial know-how for free !
RCEP : free - included patent free- trade zone ,they are mental and social up to date !
To wait the patent validation and expiring time countdown : up to 20 years ,there is one strong disziplin to hold: waiting with patience but
Seen post-WW1/WW2:
like Nikolaus/Santa Clause HeiligAbend/Christmas/Eastern/Birthday presents in 1 day ;)
Bescherung/handing of presents
Isn't this what this topic is about ?
For some bots, their purpose is to sow seeds that will divide us.
Once enough seeds have taken root in enough minds (ones own mind ?)
we become the bot ?.
Being conscious of our human vulnerability to this (especially our own), give us some
chance that we won't be to quick judge others for their susceptibility to it.
Quote from: lancaIV on November 26, 2020, 04:02:27 PM
who is Jens Boehrnsen,?
he was acting head of state of Germany ( from the resignation of President Horst Köhler ( on 31 May 2010 until the election of Christian Wulff ( on 30 June 2010.
click on the name -
Jens Böhrnsen (
Quote from: lancaIV on November 26, 2020, 04:02:27 PM
I do not understand your English probably ,
Yes you didn't pay attention to the meaning of the phrases.
Quote from: lancaIV on November 26, 2020, 04:02:27 PM
Each country in our world has a treasure: their population . (edited)
You speak bad about 'Russia and Russians',
I DON'T !!! SPEAK BAD ABOUT RUSSIANS !!! and that is what you really don't understand .Each post has unique meaning and every answer is dedicated in its uniqueness to serve the purpose in this post only.
Interior of German car Mercedes can not be seen as interior of Russian car Lada nor will ever be one.
Junk - when seen as
consistent Russian quality doesn't make you to talk about similarity to the German car nor
consistent German excellency in quality.
Junk is the junk
Russian Junk is just nothing less and nothing more but Russian Junk
And Eastern German GDR Trabant was better than any similar Russian car of this time.
Primitivism is nothing less and nothing more - but just primitivism
Theft is the theft
And bandit with novichiok poisoning Alexei Navalnyi is exactly nothing less or more but Russian bandit.
till proven otherwise .______________
So again I stress that :
I don't talk about Russia or Russians bad at all.
black is not white and night is not a day.
I just describe night as night and day as a day.
It is only your own perception that assigns meaning of some words as "bad"
Quote from: lancaIV on November 26, 2020, 04:02:27 PM
so why didn't you speak bad about the ' russian jews' also !120 year review period :
literature,science,politics,medicine, et cet .......
Russian Jew is a Jew mostly small not so healthy in glasses likely suffering genetically from too close multiplication.
There are only limited areas and jobs where average Jew can survive and feed his family.
-trade, business, politics, religion, education, science and serving in unique quality jobs such as doctors..
They are known from their financial success and recognized status.
Deficiency in physical strength between average Russian and average Russian Jew
makes Russian likely to train his musculature and Russian Jew to train his brain .
Very much accepted by many historians opinion is that:
-Most of discoveries patents and technical advance was done in Russia by Russian Jews.
Russian Jews know that they can emigrate at any time and be supported by Israel.
But some of them decided not to.
Russians are not supported by Russia to the the same degree.
Russian Jews have been seen as more organized than Russian population.
Criticism of Jews has all colors and flavors despite of how true were claims and accusations.
Russians have two words to describe a Jew.
Zyd- with totally negative connotation
Evrey- with no positive connotation but more neutral.
Russians till today use word Niger having there negative connotation - to describe Black Man.
Chiornyj -( black) is also used as word likely having there negative connotation .
There is no word in use ( known to me) for both Jewish and Black man having in Russian language positive connotation.
Quote from: lancaIV on November 26, 2020, 04:02:27 PM
You are disqualifying yourself more and more,
by my view ,not completing your standpoint by internal and external influences :
I respect your opinion and you have full rights to express it according to American constitution
Legal note:
expressed above is my personal opinion only according to American constitution rights of an American.Wesley
'I can not pay attention to "specific UNIQUE,BY YOU,meaning " phrases ,Wesley !
Good morning(here a.m) !
You give information,without to know,that more how you give it is more important ,at first ,than what xou give !
Sometimes you seems in your kind like Arier-Nachweis-Inspector ,sometimes 'normal' !
About 'Blacks': history ,Afrika expedition by Portuguese ,: preto = black negro= brown Pretoria ! Negeris Niger
When foreign languages are adapted by other ,dialect or language,with or w.-out meaning translation,the these expression user has to think or notice if or how his discussion-partner receive words and their meanings as unique case or in geral,that is here also our conversion problem and seemingly today worldwide !
For you unique : I ,your wife,your family ,neighbour ..... understand/s what you mean ,when ,in when and with which relationship ?
It is clear that conversation is at first,globally-universal on things and their matter treat,nearing unique cases their art and kind ,or vice versa from the unique case to compare this as extreme or near average statistical and by daily norm/ation case,taken for grant !
I profiled you as 'russia/n basher' and can take many of from you given published postes their content
probably you not remarking that when you write about some russians as bad,by own experience probably,with your used paragraphing it seems/feels like 200 mio. sovjet-russians( many folks in one Ex-Empire,many not Rus but Rus-language speaking,over the time were bandite,idiots,stupids ,non civilized,'bad creature' !
I bet with you that this for many world-habitants the same case about the U.S.A.,but unimportant later when this means to reach the propagated ' american dream' !
The Men and his opportunity !
Take the year 1958 p.C : U.S.S.R. and U.S.A. ,the american/sovjet-russian dream'- life style and day-by-day-life : physical- objective same standart !
Surprised ?
Now the question what happened technical,political,social in these two Unions,why and with which global relationship !
Westblock Eastblock: ! No-/block free ?
The importance from independence war and new estates constitution worldwide,the end-colonialsation !? En-/forced/fighted/supported !?
The atomar militarization,the nuclear technology,for peace: atom reactor for electricity generation,
for eventual war: submarines,B52(Boeing),rockets(conti-/interconti-/10000 km range/80' the 'clean' cruise missiles)
But I try ever at first to do conversation with you about specific things by global view,at first:
I do not know your experience- and knowledge-standart and also not your interest ( 20 minutes time !) !
Beside : this is a FE-forum,not global social ethical and social problems and solution re-/search
But you can believe me that each point and statement by me can be referenced with studied sources ,international available as book,on-line libraries,print media archives !
I am not a ' dreamer'(neither day nor night) I inform me day by day and this forms ,included 50+ years international living my actual " Welt-Bild' !
'bashing is in',when people does not have much arguments,specially by ' pauschal - /overall judgement'
The Yankees,the Krauts,The Reds,the Whites( political or skin ?) ,.........
We can have in image the 100% same opinion,but by wrong used words our distance is to claculate in light-years,time lost !
I treat you how I treat you,because not only the stivep-lancaiv debatte is such,but many other so called discussions here in the forum !
Theoretical by image " partners" treat themselfes like " opposition/enemies" in battle-manouver kind with word-/sentence-/paragraph-weapons !
Too much battle : confusion,moderation ,member losts,revanche !?
In other FE-foren : as' enemy' and bashing ,f.e.aboveunity !
In hope you understand me,my picture in sentences about the status quo and that something is clearer,also from Oxford/Cambridge dictionary english-english" about right use of phrases " view !? ;)
Systematics and Methodism,applied
Have a good day
p.s.: for the different constitutional systems between the U.S.A. and post-WW2 BR Deutschland :
Presidial,with Vice-Pres. in the U.S.A.
also Presidial in BR D. but without Vice-Pres.,
the second representant is the Bundesrat-President, Bundesrat the constitutional Chamber of Bundes-Laender,
beside the BUNDESTAG,the representes Chamber.
Because this concept Jens Boehrnsen and Horst Seehofer are to find as 'highest temporary STAATs-
Representants ' in your given listening !
Today normally ever "-*in" trans-/ gendering by the Titles to include ! President*in f.e. ::)
U.S.A. (2.nd= Vize-/Vice-) President*in Kamala Harris as Vice-Pres.,if first rank President ill,foreign,(death)
Bundesrats-President~ Vice-President,Vice-President,3.STAATs-Ranking Bundestag-President,
4.Ranking : Bundes-Kanzler*in,Confederation-Cancelor ~ GB = Lord-Cancelor,highest consultor/conseilleur
Okay ? Or check it out by yourself,for self-trust and self-confidence !
(Confederation-Cancelor Rank position clearly only without the Bundes-Rat and Bundes-Tag Vizes calculation,then +- only more in the TOP 10,or numerical higher,but near Den OBEREN ZE(H)N ! ::) )
NIE WIEDER : MEIN FUEHRER ! Ob " MEINE FUEHRER*IN*EN " so viel besser dasteht .........
Naja,lieber Sternchen am Firmament zaehlen,produktiver ;D fast endlos die WEGauswahl
U.S.A.,das "Land" der unbegrenzten Moeglichkeiten
B.R.D.,1 President und 9 Vize +
Heh,nun seid Ihr Buff,Americanos ;D
What the ............. (
Here I place just "Election Data" which was noted by member Dr.Jones.( physicsprof
There are 8 minutes where ......?
I am happy that Trump is on his way out but not happy with Biden as I know his past too. Both are equally against my people with the difference being one would almost openly admit to his hatred of my people and the other keeps his true feelings in the closet.
Quote from: h20power on December 02, 2020, 01:15:13 PM
... with the difference being one would almost openly admit to his hatred of my people and the other keeps his true feelings in the closet.
If the latter applies to Biden, I think you are wrong.
As for all the graphs above, I suspect that a vital time related phenomenon has not been taken into account:
Trump supporters were urged to vote in person.Biden supporters were urged to vote by post.
Because postal votes are counted later in the evening, the initial reports will always show Trump ahead abnd then biden will catch up. This seems reflected in the curves.
Quote from: Paul-R on December 02, 2020, 01:20:55 PM
If the latter applies to Biden, I think you are wrong.
As for all the graphs above, I suspect that a vital time related phenomenon has not been taken into account:
Trump supporters were urged to vote in person.Biden supporters were urged to vote by post.
Because postal votes are counted later in the evening, the initial reports will always show Trump ahead abnd then biden will catch up. This seems reflected in the curves.
Biden's actions speak louder than words as it was a plan he worked tirelessly on that Pres Clinton singed into law that put a lot of my people behind bars. I could go on and on about Biden but at the end of the day we are stuck with him for now.
As for the graphs above, yes you are correct as they don't take into account all votes being counted and just want to stop the vote count when things seemed to be going their way. This year I didn't vote for the presidential run but if I did it would have been by mail. I voted for Sanders and watched true voter fraud that no one is talking about as the crimes where committed by the party itself and Sanders being who he is didn't fight for it just as he didn't in 2016. In that support I am now ashamed as the old saying goes fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.
But my state went for Biden anyway so they didn't need my help. I just couldn't stomach voting for the lesser of two evils knowingly so I opted to not participate even at the threat of keeping Trump in office.
I watched the election counts / news coverage, CLOSELY for many days, as they
were unfolding.
I see exactly what you are looking at and what the graphs show.
I think your observations are accurate and your question is valid.
The curves would be very unusual for a typical election.
They are however totally in line with what would be and was
COUNTING PROCESS during THIS election, if one was paying
CLOSE attention.
Reasons there was a late turn around in numbers in many states.
1. For what ever their motivations / the reasons are, democrats / liberals
are MUCH more likely to vote by other than walk in voting, than are
their republican /conservative counter parts.
2. The above change in manner of casting of votes during this election
was amplified TREMENDOUSLY due covid19.
3. That amplification was MUCH MORE present among democrats / liberals,
because voting democrats / liberals believed (true or not) that covid19 was a
serious threat, much more so than did / do republicans /conservatives
4. The first votes counted in almost all the states, are the walk in votes.
Other than walk in ballots are countd later.
5. In almost all instances what those graphs show, is exactly these changes
in manner of voting.
6. To claim the curves are evidence of "Foul play" is to turn a blind eye to these
qualifying facts, and to erroneously DENY that the above anomalies exist, were
being observed, discussed and even predicted, among the pundants / talking heads /
experts, all during the network news coverage and on the internet during the vote
This implying that there was massive fraud is so totally unjustifyable and unfounded,
to a degree that it becomes essentially a lie.
Trumps attornies approached more than 40 courts. Some of which where in, the judge
was Trump appointed. All but two were dismissed last time I looked.
In at least 38 of those instances no case was made. What is even more astounding
is the FACT that NO allegations of fraud were made, at all.
They were not even"cases" at all.
No allegations, no case.
Dismissed by the courts and many with predigest.
This means don't do this in my court again, or you will be in trouble yourself.
One wonders why so many Trump attorneys quickly left the sinking ship ?
It has almost entirely been IMPLIED by Trump / administration that allegation
were made in courts or that charges were filed, although they were not.
This is Trumps modus operandi always to NOT tell the facts but also incessantly and
so emphatically IMPLY that something foul is true. Too many of us are willing to simply
believe what is implied and disregard the facts.
These "foul play" implications and / or assumptions are invalid and biased and while
not in the letter of the law, massive fraud, they are in fact of their nature, a massive and
very foul fraud.
Quote from: h20power on December 02, 2020, 01:40:58 PM
Biden's actions speak louder than words as it was a plan he worked tirelessly on that Pres Clinton singed into law that put a lot of my people behind bars. I could go on and on about Biden but at the end of the day we are stuck with him for now.
As for the graphs above, yes you are correct as they don't take into account all votes being counted and just want to stop the vote count when things seemed to be going their way. This year I didn't vote for the presidential run but if I did it would have been by mail. I voted for Sanders and watched true voter fraud that no one is talking about as the crimes where committed by the party itself and Sanders being who he is didn't fight for it just as he didn't in 2016. In that support I am now ashamed as the old saying goes fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.
But my state went for Biden anyway so they didn't need my help. I just couldn't stomach voting for the lesser of two evils knowingly so I opted to not participate even at the threat of keeping Trump in office.
I agree, however in this instance, the greater of two evils motivated me to vote Biden.
it's too bad Bernie will I think, be too old next time and the Dems. have simply stolen it from us.
I'm SO angry, still, that I am often in tears.
peace out
#108: " the democracy in a democracy "
Hello h20power[(H2O unrelated but power this,my,post(e)]
You define yourself as Afro-American,I am defined by ' ius terranis'=geophysical : African to differ 'ius sanguis'
Democracy is defined by Rules ,laws and Orders !
The 2020 election is/was about an U.S.A.-President choice,not about the government of the 52 federal estates !
The President governs the U.S.A. UNION-/CONFEDERATION Administration,not the 330 ? Mio. people -per se- !
The problems which you treats are more county,the Union each member souvereign estate the civilisation progress work related ,if estates-bilateral/multilateral the U.S.A. UNION-/CONFEDERATION Congress can consult !
But each independent Estate from the Union has his own Estate President=Gouvernor and Estate Congress !
Neither Bernie Sanders,not Donald J. Trump not J.Biden will change this,
also is this not Dems or Reps problem solution ,but by all active voters as adult peoples 3/4 majority wish !
" Democracy in a Democracy"-Constitution based practizising !
Only a view from a terretorial Outsider,hope not to disturb the confusion !
p.s.: try it jazzy,gos-peli(g) ,f.e. Whoopy Goldberg movie-like ,pray during working
70',last century, Kunta Kinte theme 'Going back to the roots'
U.S.A. ,New Orleans, Mardi Gras , f.e. James Bond mo(tion) vie(w) location : youtube Coffin Dance ,orig. Ghana
black colour symbolizes :) white colour symbolizes :'( green : junior red: senior
In figure skating we have the compulsatory part demonstration and the freestyle part demonstration
This translated to youtube Whoopi Goldberg presents Hail Holy Queen
( can they also Bohemian Rapsody)
About Goldberg-earning( with a little faith or by accident )
youtube Marshmello Alone ( Animation Video ) version !
Quote from: Floor on December 02, 2020, 02:22:05 PM
They are however totally in line with what would be and was
What is very odd is that the opinion polls got it so wrong - unless, of course, the Trump camp was doing some very successful manipulations, but didn't do enough. Nate Silver on 538 had Biden with nearly a landslide.
Quote from: Floor on December 02, 2020, 03:33:27 PM
I'm SO angry, still, that I am often in tears.
peace out
Ups, :o peace OUT ::) -ing ;)
youtube Sister Act My God und G hauchte Adam seinen,G'OD dessen,OD ein
Sharp or soft spoken 'd' ?
'Cancao' do Mar-(ae/i/e) Amalia Rodrigues,Dulce Pontes ( Oceanico ) G'OSh ~ the Voice
Written and spoken rules,you " know now " floor ?! Old Schola !
p.s.: Attention in Whoopi Goldbergs 'Oh Happy Day ' Sister Act 2 is 'deutscher Gottschalk' applied,n' Schlitzohr !
Quote from: lancaIV on December 02, 2020, 03:46:23 PM
#108: " the democracy in a democracy "
Hello h20power[(H2O unrelated but power this,my,post(e)]
You define yourself as Afro-American,I am defined by ' ius terranis'=geophysical : African to differ 'ius sanguis'
Democracy is defined by Rules ,laws and Orders !
The 2020 election is/was about an U.S.A.-President choice,not about the government of the 52 federal estates !
The President governs the U.S.A. UNION-/CONFEDERATION Administration,not the 330 ? Mio. people -per se- !
The problems which you treats are more county,the Union each member souvereign estate the civilisation progress work related ,if estates-bilateral/multilateral the U.S.A. UNION-/CONFEDERATION Congress can consult !
But each independent Estate from the Union has his own Estate President=Gouvernor and Estate Congress !
Neither Bernie Sanders,not Donald J. Trump not J.Biden will change this,
also is this not Dems or Reps problem solution ,but by all active voters as adult peoples 3/4 majority wish !
" Democracy in a Democracy"-Constitution based practizising !
Only a view from a terretorial Outsider,hope not to disturb the confusion !
p.s.: try it jazzy,gos-peli(g) ,f.e. Whoopy Goldberg movie-like ,pray during working
70',last century, Kunta Kinte theme 'Going back to the roots'
U.S.A. ,New Orleans, Mardi Gras , f.e. James Bond mo(tion) vie(w) location : youtube Coffin Dance ,orig. Ghana
black colour symbolizes :) white colour symbolizes :'( green : junior red: senior
In figure skating we have the compulsatory part demonstration and the freestyle part demonstration
This translated to youtube Whoopi Goldberg presents Hail Holy Queen
( can they also Bohemian Rapsody)
About Goldberg-earning( with a little faith or by accident )
youtube Marshmello Alone ( Animation Video ) version !
As the saying goes what we are called now was done to hide who we really are. Did you know that you are not "White?" Back in the late 1600's the rich needed a way to divide and concur the poor whom were rising up against them during the Beacon Rebellion's and their solution was to create a whole new grouping of people now world known as "White people," before then there was no such classification. Same goes for my people as us Negros are actually Israelites, you know the 12 tribes of Israel? I am not sure when we became black but I do know they came up with a rotating name for us every ten to twenty years they change it to keep us from knowing whom we really were as a people as they went and replaced us with these Jews whom are not from the seed of Shem, Abraham, Isaac, and Ya'aqov, but the seed of Yapheth. My tribe is Yahudah, and as a punishment for the sins of our forefathers we got put under the curses of Deuteronomy where it states quite clearly we would be put into bondage by way of ships and made to forget whom we were as a people the curses duration was for 400 years and that time is up now so my people are awakening to our true heritage as a result. You see it's actually easy to uncover these lies as the letter "J" was invented in 1478 so how can the creators chosen people be called Jews? These people took to our history and rewrote into their image turning it into a weapon as when they were done rewriting our history they got in their ships armed with the Bible, swords, and guns to concur the known world.
As a result of my awakening I will no longer vote for evil, I keep the creator's dietary laws, and in general try and follow all his laws, statues, and commandments as we entered into a covenant with the creator of all things while in the wilderness and our forefathers didn't keep their end of the covenant thus we got punished as a result as that covenant goes throughout our generations. I have much to learn on what it is to be an Israelite but I know keeping our promise of the covenant that was made with the creator by my forefathers is a must as it's a blood covenant.
So now I hope you understand why I couldn't vote for the lesser of two evils as both are a vote for evil and I can no longer do such things now that I know the truth of my heritage. If you are interested to learn more you can do so here:
Quote from: h20power on December 03, 2020, 01:20:37 AM
As the saying goes what we are called now was done to hide who we really are. Did you know that you are not "White?" Back in the late 1600's the rich needed a way to divide and concur the poor whom were rising up against them during the Beacon Rebellion's and their solution was to create a whole new grouping of people now world known as "White people," before then there was no such classification. Same goes for my people as us Negros are actually Israelites, you know the 12 tribes of Israel? I am not sure when we became black but I do know they came up with a rotating name for us every ten to twenty years they change it to keep us from knowing whom we really were as a people as they went and replaced us with these Jews whom are not from the seed of Shem, Abraham, Isaac, and Ya'aqov, but the seed of Yapheth. My tribe is Yahudah, and as a punishment for the sins of our forefathers we got put under the curses of Deuteronomy where it states quite clearly we would be put into bondage by way of ships and made to forget whom we were as a people the curses duration was for 400 years and that time is up now so my people are awakening to our true heritage as a result. You see it's actually easy to uncover these lies as the letter "J" was invented in 1478 so how can the creators chosen people be called Jews? These people took to our history and rewrote into their image turning it into a weapon as when they were done rewriting our history they got in their ships armed with the Bible, swords, and guns to concur the known world.
As a result of my awakening I will no longer vote for evil, I keep the creator's dietary laws, and in general try and follow all his laws, statues, and commandments as we entered into a covenant with the creator of all things while in the wilderness and our forefathers didn't keep their end of the covenant thus we got punished as a result as that covenant goes throughout our generations. I have much to learn on what it is to be an Israelite but I know keeping our promise of the covenant that was made with the creator by my forefathers is a must as it's a blood covenant.
So now I hope you understand why I couldn't vote for the lesser of two evils as both are a vote for evil and I can no longer do such things now that I know the truth of my heritage. If you are interested to learn more you can do so here: (
Great POST, thanks!
King Salomon was living in Ethiopia, understand below:
#117 : IO-seph de Arithitmea Gra'l left-right right-left above-below below-above Gra'l : original denomination ?
sing(summ(-en) or lingua !?) a word right contest :
calice college alma mater matura 7.seals laudatio kyrie... ;)
MaMa (GENESIS,Knight Phil' Collins,LVO,OBE )
Bildung macht den Meister (schlau) Allgemeine-Universale Schul-Geist-Bildung in Worten und Taten
L'earnin(g)by doin'(g) ora et labora
Impressive,the information,the Art in his Kind,in the magazine P.M.,Peter Moosleitner,in the 80',images comple5en the Vision from the texte, naif/naiv - but 'sweet'-lovely !
Pitagora/s ,phonetisch,lingua !? Pi + Agora/s : deutsch/german : Kirchen-Vater [(P(a)i],Learning by Walking and Seeing
and bad to good changing : I.Kant, 11.Kategorie : tue es einfach,kann auch kompliziert sein
Good Morning !
And Servus
p.s.: we are a little to much over-flooded by Bilder-and Wo(e)rt/-er-Berg,time to make a break-stop for recuperation
and FUTURE injustifying
btw : Buddhism and the cooking from silk-worm included cocoons
vegetarier,veganer whose eats "Plants" eats Life ,too ; Plants 'see',feel'communicate
cutting a plant is "Living Nature facing (faca = knife = Messer ) "
Quote from: Johan_1955 on December 03, 2020, 03:18:16 AM
Great POST, thanks!
King Salomon was living in Ethiopia, understand below:
Your welcome Johan,
The truly interesting part is my people shouldn't take it personally as it was done to all people's history's they came across as with this word "Transliteration," they whom had no real history to speak of gave themselves the authority to make changes to anyone's history they came across. Christianity is what is called the strong delusion in the scriptures which is why they supported Trump in groves. Christianity in time morphed into an arm of White Supremacy as they kept making changes to my people's history. If you wish to learn the truth about Christianity here is a good video to watch: They changes all the images of my ancestors from Negro to a member of their kind or as it is written into their likeness. They changed the names so when people try and look up folks like Paul they come up empty handed as his real name is Sha'ul. But like I said they took to everyone's history as they went and tried to alter the seed of Ham's history with their Egyptologist which claims that the Egyptians were white with all of that evidence they left behind on the walls. They use their media to spread lies through entertainment and got a lot of their people believing that Aliens built the great pyramids when a few of those pyramids were built by my people by slave labor.
Right now Transliteration is their go to word to try and cover up their lies, but as they are now finding out the truth will out in the end. They are now primed to fully accept the anti messiah and his mark of the beast as Trump would lie to them so stupidly and they would in turn chose to willing believe his lies without question. It's sad to see with my own eyes how they are now flocking to him in groves laying down their hard earned money at his feet with one of Trump's ripoff schemes during a economic down turn in the middle of a pandemic. But if I would even try to speak up in a attempt to awaken them to the truth they would more than likely lynch me for my troubles. It's sad to see these things but I feel it's just the beginning of hard times to come and we haven't seen nothing yet.
Anyway your welcome as the truth is now despised by a lot of people now days and it's good to see someone accepting of the truth.
Take care,
Inter-Oikumene ( Ekumene ) relationship Kopten ~ Egyptians translated ! Egyptian language ?
Egypt 0 a.C. the geopolitical/philosophical influence ?
Mia-Physiten ?/Mono-/Dyo-Physiten
Jerusalem Cross symbol /Tantra + Mandala Philosophy ! Sanskrit : mouth-to-mouth ,parents- son/daughter
The folk Isra-el in wait for a messias : theretimes philosophy orientation ? Mono-,poly-,splitted ? Conflicts !
Markus in latin,in hebrew ?
Petrus in latin,in hebrew ?
Jesus in latin,in hebrew ?
Mohamed,Maome in ? In hebrew ?
Written,spoken !? Vocals priority alphabet,con sonants alphabet priority ! pre-/suf-fix : reader orientation
Orient : right left
Oczident : left right
Greek : old gracian,new gracian
Latin : old latin,new latin
Arabic : written,spoken shorthand
Let me correct You -a little- ,h20power,about " empty hands" :
In hebrew Sha'ul in latin Saulus (de Tarsus),became later Paulus ,Apostel !Transliteration,as You remarked !
After Massada-Rock-Bastille its Fall and Capitulation all the hebrew patrimony was tried to destroy or brought to Rome !
The pogrom survived Israelits,Samaritaner,and Judaea as slaves sold to all angles from the Imperium Romanorum,or became gladiators,or 'home-teacher' for the nobilitas !
The 12 (13 ? The priest caste excepted ! ) tribes Kingdom,under roman protectorat,after the kingdom internal civil war between high priestly caste and the king,eliminated,up to 14.05.1948,a new 'Isra-el/Zi-el /Zion constitution !
High Priests : Task Force-kind,Mutanten ? Mystik,Saints and extraordinary believe-demonstration ,un-/faked !
About white/black 'folk': Ethiopia,the Estate Israel evacuated 'non skin colour' white 'sisters and brothers in faith' !
Orthodox or secular faith,that is here the question !? Which is the most natural,in faith .
p.s.: time and irony button on : Adolf Hitler lives and became eleited ! :o 8)
Adolf Hitler Uunona,Namibia(Ex-Deutsch-Suedwest-Afrika) ( news from everywhere ,here DER TAG 13:46 time and irony button : OFF !
Quote from: h20power on December 03, 2020, 06:56:37 AM
Your welcome Johan,
The truly interesting part is my people shouldn't take it personally as it was done to all people's history's they came across as with this word "Transliteration," they whom had no real history to speak of gave themselves the authority to make changes to anyone's history they came across. Christianity is what is called the strong delusion in the scriptures which is why they supported Trump in groves. Christianity in time morphed into an arm of White Supremacy as they kept making changes to my people's history. If you wish to learn the truth about Christianity here is a good video to watch: ( They changes all the images of my ancestors from Negro to a member of their kind or as it is written into their likeness.
Anyway your welcome as the truth is now despised by a lot of people now days and it's good to see someone accepting of the truth.
Take care,
Hi Edward,
Don't be distracted by current Politics, Biden or Trump, One or the Other will serve KPP in 2027!
Never vote, clear in the Bible, not for Politicians or a Church, understand Jesus talking to Petrus short before!
To understand Middle East, the Windsors and Masons:
Johan_1955,das romanische Imperium ging geographisch wie weit ?Mit Sklavenhandel ?
Wann erst endete die Missionierung im sogenannten Judentum,Einheiratung und Konvertierung trotzdem nicht ausgeschlossen !? 11.Jahrhundert ?
Judentum und Gene in Vereinbarung zu bringen,bei solch einer Diaspora-Zersiedelung ist wissenschaftlich und historisch ' unlogisch'(diplomatisch beschrieben),
nebenbei Konvertierung zu Muslims und oder Christen und Re-Konvertierung ueber solche Zeitraeume -zigfach erfolgte,aehnlich ' cuius regio,cuius religio' !
Beispiel der schnelle Wechsel des Regierenden und dessen 'christliche' Zugehoerigkeit hinsichtlich der ( notleidenden) Bevoelkerung des MANSFELDER LANDes waehrend des 30-jaehrigen Krieges 1618-1648
Freiwillige oder erzwungene Glaubensgemeinschaft oder Staatsbuergerschaft :
Dr.phy.Albert Einstein 1 Lebens-Zeitraum :
Staatenzugehoerigkeit,Glaubensgemeinschaft [als ernster (Zunge !) Physiker/Wissenschaftler !?Autist ] Anzahl ?
Zu solch einer DIFFERENTHISTORY Darstellung faellt mir analog
nur Lord Winston Churchills Statistik-bonmot ein ,"Ich glaube nur an die Statistik,welche ich selber gefaelscht habe !"
(Und Donald J.Trumps erfundene Schwedenabstammung,zwecks besserer Geschaeftsabwicklungschance bei eventuellen juedischen Geschaefts-/Projekt-Partnern )
Der WIKIA Beitrag : Geschichtsverfaelschung, grober Unfug ! Die einfache Ereignisdarstellung fuer sich kann stmmig sein,der Zusammenhang im historischen und biologischen Fortpflanzungs-Kontext aber unstimmig
Es gibt viele Stammes-/Volksriten,welche eine einfache lokale/regionale/nationale Genombildung einer Sippe/Geschlechts(heute ersetzt : Familie),Kommune-Gemeinschaft -ad absurdum- fuehrt :
Der Bruder eines Verstorbenen uebernimmt dessen Position als Ersatz-Familienvater,Verpflichtung(Sppen-Haft)
Ein Konvertierter,dessen Nachkommen,Fuerstentuemer-Verwaltungsraenge aufsteigend =Adels-Titel und -Funktion und die "Brautnacht",das LANDESVATER und daraus LANDESKINDER-Prinzip
,nascere = gebaeren= Nation,wenn nicht ueber Fuersten selbst,dann von dessen Stellvertretern : DYNASTE,DYNASTIE
Adoptionen (Eigenkindesstatt),Geburten aus Vergewaltigungen(Kriegszeit/Aufruhr,Pogrome),Ehemanns/Ehefraus Verwandtschaft Liebesfrucht
Selten : weibliche Selbstinduktion,Schwangerschaft ohne exteree maennliche Koppulation ,"Jungfrau Maria"bio-analytisch erklaerbar ! Allgemeine Mensch-Koerper-Zwittrigkeit
Es gibt viele Einzelpunkte mehr aufzulisten,welche insgesamt die heutigen Staatenbevoelkerungen erst so ueber die Zeit gebildet haben,wie diese sich darstellen !
Adel= Edel-Leute ~ heutige saekulare Beamtenschaft bis hin zum Parlamentsmitglied
Adel /Staatstraegerschaft verpflicht(e) ,Nob(e)lesse obli(e)ge
Selbstverpflichtung UND Selbstverantwortung,bei eventueller Selbstanzeige-Selbstverurteilung-Selbstausfuehrung sozial-royal-clerical-imperial-natural :
LOYALITAET-LOIALITAET ,allzeitig -allgegenwaertig
Drum pruefe wer sich ewig binde Val(h)e-me Deus Mene2-Tekel : zu leicht/schwer : gerade richtig
Sich die notwendige Zeit dazu nehmen : Abwaegung Ent-/Scheidung Exekution
LOY,LOI ,genannt ebenso ALK,zudem GRAIF : Beherrscher ueber Himmel =Adler und Erde= Leo/Loewein der Soziologie,jedem Staat zu eigen,Symbol STAATSWAPPEN = STAATSMACHT,3 GEWALTEN in 1
Schlaeft der LOI,DER STAAT ?
Ich tue es,schlafen,als Mensch ! Ganz normal wie jeder andere Mensch auch.
Ovid Gesamtwerk ,metamorphisch-metaphysisch (~Theoria/Practica):
Heilmittel gegen Liebeskummer ,Schluessel fuer Heilmittel gegen Hasskummer ? hassen/haten !?
I personally hate/loathe few things ( bad for the body and mind)
Politics IMO is a puppet show for the masses !
Free Energy (Energy Autonomy ) from the puppet string pullers is paramount to achieve
True change for humanity!
That has always been or should be the goal here!
All who carry water for this cause ...I consider as my family !
Chet K
I did post the previous info from Physics prof
Which I received in an email
I posted it here without telling him Or responding!(doubt he reads here ATM)
The puppets make/drill holes in our FE boat ( for clarity and non English reading or those using Google translator ,....referring to Global political "divide and conquer hole drilling machine"
Not member Physics Prof !
Fixing these "energy holes" ( energy slavery )
Is the best path ( footing) towards healing and REAL change!
Perhaps my last lesson for this Trump thread. Since there is no letter "J" then who is this Jesus Christ guy? Answer, they made him up out of thin air, and later on gave him a image modeled after Cesare Borgia, and in doing so damned billions to the lake of fire as there is but one name that can be used for the remission of sins and that name is Yahushua. And the cross stuff is all Roman lies as the messiah was lynch read Acts 5:30 and there are other written words they failed to make changes too, but I tossed out that messed over Bible and got the Cepher where all of the names have been restored and it has 87 books in it as compared to the Bible which only has 66 books in it. All of these changes they made to the scriptures comes with a punishment that has no end as told in Rev 22:18-19, so it truly sucks to be them whomever they may be.
During our time of enslavement a few things that tell the world just whom we are as a people did manage to survive as the song, "Kum Ba YAH," was first recorded in Georgia being sung by the decedents of slaves, and it is a plea to YAH asking for his help. Later on our oppressors took credit for the song in a further attempt to wipe out the name of Israel from our minds for all time and of course they made changes to it to be sung in their wicked Churches. Everywhere you turn these wicked people sought to erase the name of our creator as it's not Hallelujah but HalleuYAH which means, "Praise ye YAH."
I do believe that their judgements have started and as long as I remain in the land of my captors I will share in their plagues just as it is written in the book of Revelations as the creator is coming through with a broad sword that cuts both ways. So, I am trying to get the heck out of here headed home to Africa as I am not trying for my family and I to be sharing in their plagues.
As for this technology it's to be found in the book of Iyyob (Job) 38:22-23 and will come out during times of war and great trouble. Being that I understand the technology so well I seem to have been chosen to bring this technology out as a lot of answers to questions I had about the technology came to me by way of dreams which allowed me to cut through most, if not all, of Meyer's attempts to hide the technology. We will find out in the future if I am correct or not in this line of thinking. The reason why I think this way is no matter how many times I try and explain this technology to someone they never truly get it as if someone is actively blocking their brains from understanding this technology fully.
Well, I'll try not to post on this thread anymore as this is not a place where folks like me are welcome.
"Not a place where folks like you are welcome "?
Please explain
So fellow citizens of community understand ,
From this house and many more
You are most certainly welcome !
Chet K
Quote from: ramset on December 03, 2020, 02:47:49 PM
"Not a place where folks like you are welcome "?
Please explain
So fellow citizens of community understand ,
From this house and many more
You are most certainly welcome !
Chet K
The name Trump is offensive to my people due to his wanting to kill five innocents boys, keeping people like me out of his properties, and just constantly stroking the flames of racism against my people. When I look at that graph all I see is close to half of this nation wants to go back to the times when they could totally get away with throwing a picnic with one of my people swinging from a tree as the major form of entertainment for the event. As they say the want to make America great again and I say show me a time when America was truly great for my people. Since Trump has been in office the deaths against my people has risen quite a bit, from police killings and lynching that are called suicides to keep my people out of the streets in protest. I know of this one case where the young man left his home for a job with his designer sweats and Air Jordans only to be found swinging from a unfinished swing set wearing a hand-me-down pair of sweats and tracks shoes that are too small for his feet.
Personally I have had to keep my children's eyes on me as passers by gave us the finger along with a lot of other rude gestures, had to put up with turned down home loans because they didn't want any blacks in their community, and a few times ask where I was going while out on a jog by the police. So, the name Trump simply makes me feel unwelcomed due to all the negative changes he has brought out of the closet in his many followers. In one of my home buying experiences the owner of the house turned me down and sold the house for less than I was going to pay for the home just to keep the neighborhood white I guess and the home was no more than six blocks from where I currently live. In all truth looking at those graphs I don't feel welcome in America in general and Trump is the cause of these changes, so the name Trump alone makes me feel unwelcomed as he has made America hate again bigtime.
We both come from Urban areas on opposite coasts
Yes your life's experiences are undeniable!
Dr Jones is surely not supporting Predjudice , more an anomaly he felt
In voting .
And honestly
I can't just reply in brief !
I am here to hopefully help bring FE to a needy planet regardless
Race or geography or who is a president or "puppet leader "
And I know DrJones has same life goal..
Ruff topic ....predjudice !!
I know you vote with your feet
I suppose I would too if I walked in your shoes
so much to fix !!
I believe we have no choice but to try ...( but save me a seat over there just Incase :/
Chet K
h20power, you want reazon/-s ?
At first,normally,Hallo,Hello ,how are You ! I hope fine,in your plan to transover the continents !
You want reazon/-s,I do not escape to give personal answer by my mind !
Sha-ul = in latin letters ,in aramaeic/abrahaemisch letters ?
Sha'ul to Saulus,from S interchanged to P-aulus : S and s related P and p ,philosophical ? Baptization !
Saulus to Paulus,2020 p.C more common in use Saul and Paul and in latin letters,for slavian language zone :
Pavel ,Peter as Pjotr/Piotr : Peter and Paul Cathedral ~ Piotr and Pavl(ov) Cathedra'l
But slavic is normally written in Kyrill-ic,gracian bishop and orthodox-church language used !
Languages-Dimension/s ! Language education zone !
Resist wrong education,by right reazon !?
Up to tribunal,High Court, terrestric EUROPA-COUNCIL-COURTS,U.N.Courts,for Us humans treat !
Decision Validation : 2020,2120,.........3020,3120,.........
Have I,You do dictate how free people has to write/speak/think/feel/design themself/themselves :
yesterday,today,tomorrow ?
here,there,overthere ?
Allows IN-/FORMATICS i/logic and i/rational behaviour ? Freedom degree alliwance,interpretation risc :
For this I use in me inducated,by teacher e-ducated, set theory ! Language set theory !
Words,sentences and their inner containment meaning in application !
Letter to word/s to sentence to image/picture !
Malen nach Zahlen Drawing/Designing by Numbers
Malen nach Buchstaben Drawing/Designing by letters
Collage,DaDa-ism ,Art&Kind between WW1 and WW2 ,no more/never more war ! Pazifism movement
WW2 and in/official WW3 : from cold to hot "cold winter"-risc and "verbrannte Erde" prevision worst case scene
Emscher Depeche ! Mental Escalation : words : to weapons !
1870 Deutscher Nordstaat-France Kriegserklaerung/Declaration !
Capitulation (Zeremony Art&Kind also reazon WW1 ) REVANCHE !
WW1- Capitulation ( Art&Kind Act) reazon also for WW2, REVANCHE II
Spiegel-Kabinett and Spiegel-Saal/Sala/Hall "hot games "
Depesche/Depeche/Botschaft/Ukas/Bulla/Dekret/Mission/Mandat MODUS : MODIFY !
THE BE(ing),Yours ! Your POSITIONING,YOUR Dominium-behaviour,Your Hegemony-wish !
Cover and Discover
Crimination and Discrimination
Are people talking by negative situations about crimination or discrimination ?
Sem- itism and Anti-/Dis-Sem-itism
Avram/Abraham/Auram : the descendents to Sem and HIS descendents !
Piramide:,Geneologic Hirarchy : above Sem and descendere/absteigend-abstufend-ab-Stamm-end/ descer
Step up = elevar or Step down = descer
Geneering,Generieren : En-Gineer/In-Genieur Ex-Genieur
What is your Name,h20power,your first ,your second ,more PERSONAL Forename,yours families parents/grands Name and Stamm-Compartment !?
The Admin here,beside FE,has/had also another interest : Heraldik and a web-site
Who am I and when how many LINES and Family-ASTE/Rs !?
The Family-Tree !? And Family-book,in german : Stammbuch ! Personal Dynaste !
Do they in Africa wait for you,are you invited,wellcomed !? What You,your Family will bring,what you think to reach and to get in Afrika,more specific : your Ur-ancients home-staed !?
Negro-/Preto-Africa ,but is "afrique" not has been the denomination from a lybian tribe,far away from Sub-Sahel region !? But what are the Tuaregs or Berber,,what means "Touaregs/Tuareg" " Berber" who they byself names themselfes !
Colonalisation ,question : Who are You ( white to indigene) : Kaf(f)ar ! The answer ,meaning ' on the way,pilgrims way' = misunderstanding by whites ,ergo 'Kaffer' denomination for them !
There are Heraldik/Geneology-archives,where each one can find his : first written/fixed begnning to become remarked and Stam(m)Baum/Tree relatives !
Epos : Gilgamesch !?
In Search : A personal LIBERIA ? Constitued the today existent official U.N.-member estate by whom,interests ?
A personal PARA-iso,PARA-isle,Para-Isolation !?
I do not expect answer,but hope You understand and your familiar baggage !
p.s.: what "SAYS" this movie about NATURE : ( and MIMIKRY
included bio-analytics " tit for tat",
recommendation : also the others offered vid's listening ,patience-friendship-trust related
and ' hidden danger'-potential,also NATURE has in each one its PER- FORM-ANCE personality in
Do not laugh Do not cry sense !
Best Friend Busen-Freund/in later Beicht-Vater/Mutter,or Grands
Sense Interpretation comparison
Grands 1 given texte to own image/picture/design
1 given image in own words
Parents the same 2 acts
The child/s the same 2 acts
1.A mother-language texte
2. In a foreign ,for example first school foreign language,texte
3. Urban/rural community comparison
Comparison ! Texturation and inter-neuronal interpretation ! Differences ? Same Targets,same meanings ?
Se.xus,age Welt-Bild inter-/exter-change ? And I thought that ....... Life and its ERRORS
1 Estate,1 Nation,1 or different Future-Visions-Interpretation !?
Difference is nothing bad,man and wo-man are different,by body and neuronal brain priorities !
Left-Brain acts or Right-Brain acts : algebra or geometria or geometric-algebra: yust doing !
I think this video sums up my views on Trump and his many supporters very well:
h20power,some read about your life,some read also about your secret double life which You as YOURs offerS !
"The Man in the man ".EIN MAN-N , EIN WORT PERSISTENTz ! INNERER ZWEIFEL,doubts !
When somebody (ab-)use religious/ireligion ikones,the audience,orthodox and/or saecular ,could misunderstand the meaning from this actor ' mission;
The Bible,Koran and other aphorismen sample-books exists soon several centuries,this a Presidencial period and individual human body life never reach !
The Mission before WW2,the supervisiory about the audience/clients/patients
Big Apple I New York and Big Apple II Berlin
Remake 201? ,but probably same emotional 'Heil/Heal'-Enthusiasmus in the 20' of 20th century like the 'Heil/Heal'-Enthusiasm in 20' now 21ft century
about "secret double life" and hidden signs,signalisation from out-/in-sider view
Quote from: lancaIV on December 05, 2020, 10:12:15 AM
h20power,some read about your life,some read also about your secret doble life which You as YOURs offerS !
"The Man in the man ".EIN MAN-N , EIN WORT PERSISTENTz ! INNERER ZWEIFEL,doubts !
Big Apple I New York and Big Apple II Berlin (
about "secret double life" and hidden signs,signalization from out-/insider view deejay-vu
The video is absolutely beautiful and cost a lot of money to make.
German workmanship is not cheap and Germans will not work for free.
Good camera work and good post-production, colorist and cutting.
It doesn't keep with the world of reality but with the world of abstractionalism/
abstractionism in art.
Video represents:
-money and money making machine
-and NOT a problem pointing
-and NOT a problem solving.
It is one guy with his crew who doesn't care about any principals or any values.
In the simple language :-what we can make money at? by pointing at what problem?
- double life?
-Fine.. give me good job and I'll pay you good..viewers got pretty pictures while masturbating with their own imagination.
producers got their money and fame.
10 Jan 2019 · MOKA EFTI ORCHESTRA "ZU ASCHE, ZU STAUB" live @GQ Men of the Year Award
14 Mar 2019 · The song "Zu Asche, Zu Staub" (to Ashes to Dust) of German TV series Babylon Berlin had its own success
here is bad quality but with English subtitles (
Legal note: Expressed opinion is my own according to constitution of USAWesley
Giving the client ~ voter ~ audience his/their choice ,about what they mean to get,
but not what they really get when the NEW order becomes diametral~ 180° to geral humanity common sense !
At first minorities,later ....... ! BrainWash,HistoryWash,BooksInflammation,PeoplesInflammation,JudgesIgnorance
Quo Vadis , Demokratia ?
stivep,your religion and your wife nationality are in-/directly treaten in this " virtual documentary" serie !
It is not only about money( material richdom ) ,it was about ENDLOESUNG and as singed in the vid' : Unendlichkeit-Infinity/Ewigkeit-Eternity !
Money or Freedom or Love or Rationality : Skaling !?
Final,ETERNAL,solution !
Final WAR for Eternal PEACE !? No/Alternative ?
Quote from: lancaIV on December 05, 2020, 11:32:07 AM
Giving the client ~ voter ~ audience his/their choice ,about what they mean to get,
but not what they really get when the NEW order become diametral~ 180° to geral humanity common sense !
At first minirities,later ....... ! BrainWash,HistoryWash,BooksInflammation,PeiplesInflammation
Quo Vadis , Demokratia ?
stivep,your religion and your wife nationality are in-/directly treaten in this " virtual documentary" serie !
It is not only about many,it was about ENDLOESUNG and as singed in the vid' : Unendlichkeit/Ewigkeit !
Final,ETERNAL,solution !
You right my friend Lanka.
But only when we operate in the world of abstraction where everything is possible.
the video is not even... a vision..
it is just a pretty pack announcing shitty content.
As far as religion and my wife nationality?
Physicist doesn't give f*uck about non measurable quantities and qualities.
My wife doesn't like
Polish characters in her computer it aggravates her.
Poland is part of EU and everyone copulates with everyone.. so soon there will be no Poland or Germany or France...
It will just be ENGLAND and EU with something that is known as Polish, German, Italian region .( or state)
and Russia.. as a funny attraction to us THE WESTERNERS..
It definitely will be USA..
-the American land
-for us the free people with guns in their houses
-to protect our individual independent
-NON EU and NON Russian and NON British FREEDOM..
It is guns in our houses and in our constitution : making us Free from any domination other than our own.
and WE ARE the 330 millions of the really FREE humans in the world where freedom is luxury for chosen one.
Legal note: Expressed opinion is my own according to constitution of USAWesley
I am not your friend,stivep !
Actually,Your manner : (
Your are not Me known,neither as acquaintance,neither "friend",nor familiar !
You are me a complete stranger,only known as ,not a reazon to call You or someone other here "a friend " !
And the forum-Nettiquette rules do not give You the right ,ethical and legal,to overcome other !
Devote !
Only extracting your post important part :
It will just be ENGLAND and EU with something that is known as Polish, German, Italian region .( or state)[/size]and Russia.. as a funny attraction to us THE WESTERNERS..It definitely will be USA..-the American land -for us the free people with guns in their houses-to protect our individual independent-NON EU and NON Russian and NON British FREEDOM..It is guns in our houses and in our constitution : making us Free from any domination other than our own.
;D (
WE R` COLD WAR-Rior , return leg , as same fair ,but by all constitutional freedom !
Kumm nueba,ins DARK ROOM :
;) Becoming FREAKY ! :)
Happy weekend wishing
Quote from: lancaIV on December 05, 2020, 12:02:36 PM
I am not your friend,stivep !
Actually,Your manner : (
No LancaIV I must disagree with you.
Friendly - is warm nice and pleasant form of interaction with another body.
It comes from word Friend.
1. kind and pleasant.
2. denoting something that is adapted for or is not harmful to a specified thing.
3.not a form or part of a serious competition.
Stranger can behave
friendly so do I.
I disagree with your music given - as an example.
It appears to be also not only your problem with spoken English but with you understanding what you have read.
It is your statue of limitation my dear Friend.
I'll try to use language that may be more easy for you to understand.
Guns in our American houses are included as our American constitutional rights.
It is historical consequence of formation of American system from chaos and brutality to unique order.
It was a lot of dirt and uncertainty in the past and it was found that nation without guns may be in idealistic world much better
but in practice it allows governments and individuals to abuse rights of its citizens.
Explanation for simple brains:
- your jewellery
- guns
- houses
- cars
- nice dress
All of it is only manifestation of our abilities to others alike.
We use it when we need it to be used.
But think for a moment lancaIV that you don't have it and you can't use it..
THINK!!!!!!THINK Why Putin is in power for 21 years now?
THINK Why Lukashenko is terrorizing Belarus after 27 years in power ?
THINK why RUSSIAN terror in GDR and other countries of former Soviet Union collapsed only in 1990?
Because one uneducated electrician from Poland Lech Walesa decided
to risk life of millions of Polish workers to get free and by that make Eastern Germany free too.
They freed Eastern Germany!!!!
Falling of Berlin Wall was only aftershock
and because of it
Polish nation made him the President!!
and now try to understand in your simple brain: We Americans don't want such drama..
We Americans don want another:
-Lech Walensa or
-Tadeusz Kosciuszko,
-Kazimierz Pułaski
and other
Polish heroes fighting for our American independence !!!!
the frickin history my friend ...
I'm very much disappointed with you as hero member of this forum..
WE HAVE GUNS in our houses to prevent dictators !!!!
Legal note: Expressed opinion is my own according to constitution of USAWesley
I learned by theoretical and practical history,member stivep !
You will also l'earn the future effect from historical actions,probably !
I avail permanent,think'en only as last decision ! And execute !
There are people with common sense other with previlegs,7.Sin(n) !
Sometimes stressing such ' previleg' !
Some in our life we get by education,some by Nature choice !
Stranger sometimes over-strange,revoke ! Cave te !
1848 : " Kommunistische Manifest" ?
U.S.A. Neu-England Estates kommunistische Manifest : 1787/1788 ratification
Kommunistical : democratic,for all the same rules as laws and obligations valid
Kommunismus or also named Sozialismus and 2020 p.C. Social-Democracy
Politology,Sociology,History : You are really in this Facultas ' bewalk'-ed,deutsch: be-wandert ?
With/-out soul ?!
Dear Friend lankaIV
Polish nation was attacked in 2WW by Germans
but in 1990 Polish Nation gave Freedom from Russian aggressors to the Eastern Germany
Solidarity movement - spread to other neighboring countries.
It was freedom from communism and Germans accepted and welcomed it.
We are friends by policy between USA and Germany
We are friends by policy between Poland and Germany
policy is :
- a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or individual.
By that everything what is German by law is positive to me as an American.
Frickin Russian terror is no longer in your life..
just let it go...
forget Communism...
it's over....
didn't work...
Look at that what looks like comedy for us in Russia
and it is a horror for Russians who want to be like us..
Be thankful to Polish people that you can write now from your house in Free from Russians Germany
And no Russian is trying to poison you like some of them did to me.
Legal note: Expressed opinion is my own according to constitution of USA
You understand our World so perfect ! ( (
Hoppe,hoppe Reiter,wenn er faellt,dann ......
I do not understand the World as You !
But it is only one Plan-eta,we will see !
Dark Room ~ Holo Room ,"virtual reality" without glasses and artificial room ::) Really gothic,our Parallel-Worlds ! ;D :) (
Was bleibt ? What restes ? R. I. P.
stivep,your recommendation ?
My level : ( (
This is Europe and its change,hope - soul - solidarity (
As ius sanguis Deutscher I accept history up today envolvement,lyrical representence : ( ( (
Love and Hate !
There are people and institutions whose goes me and other 'AUF den GEIST",
"an" wuerde schon provozierend sein,
"AUF",dazu Prof.Ryborz 4.Stellung Ueber-ES ,mag zu Spannungen,enervierend,erfolgen !
Diese ersuchen Ausgleich !
2. Cave te ! Relax !
How well thought a question and answer by whom to whom should be an in-spira-tion :
Rhenania-Palatina,Speyer am Rhein,Dom zu Speyer :
Kein MENSCH kann DIESE auf dessen HAUPT tragen !
stivep,ein Versuch wert,Ihrerseits ?
02.12.1804 Ein Ereignis und dessen kirchenrechtliche,geopolitisch-weltliche, Bedeutung :
Der Vorsitzende der deutschen katholischen Bischofskonferenz erhaelt Patriarchenwuerde,frei und unabhaengig Zaesur der roemisch-katholischen Kirche ,"Wir sind Papst !"(Bild-Zeitung ,nicht immer im Bilde )
rechtlich hegemonial eben seit 02.12.1804,ihr " sleeper" !
Unabhaengige Deutsch-Katholische (Frei-)Kirche
Koenigreich Portugal,die Schenkung des Koenigs Diniz ,Folgerung rechtlich :
Luso-/Portugiesisch-Katholische (Frei-)Kirche ,von der ehemaligen Mutterkirche weisungsungebunden,Patriarchen-/Papa- Wuerde
Well, folks I got BANNED again but this time for not supporting the Trump theory of mass voter fraud and went on to call out those that believe him. To merely have voted for or to support Trump is to be racist, fascist, or to be neither but comfortable with either! My views on Trump and those that support him got me banned from the Aboveunity site as pointing out these facts was simply too much for them to handle.
My views were clearly not welcome even though I have actually lost someone due to the hate Trump stirred up. My main point if I was allowed to keep posting my views was, Why on a site meant for free energy to the masses was a political thread on there in the first place trying to support Trump's claim of massive voter fraud? But I was banned so clearly just as I feel posting here my views clearly aren't welcome.
Quote from: h20power on December 05, 2020, 03:59:42 PM
Why on a site meant for free energy to the masses was a political thread on there in the first place trying to support Trump's claim of massive voter fraud?
...because, in my view, they are not interested in FE but in creating and expanding a movement to topple the election and let back that ignorant bigotted idiot who mistakes capital cities for the country, thinks injecting disinfectant will cure covid and never did anything about voting systems when there were complaints about 2016 and 2018.
Quote from: h20power on December 05, 2020, 03:59:42 PM
Well, folks I got BANNED again
but this time for not supporting the Trump
Trump is to be racist, fascist,
My views on Trump and those that support him got me banned from the Aboveunity
My dear Friend
I also agree with your point of view in great degree.
Aboveunity might be sponsored by Some Russian disinformation money.
'this might be true' .... I don't know that but I wouldn't be surprised.
While I'm calling for balance and equilibrium I would rather be on safe side of that seesaw.
Thank you for your post.
It is very informative.
Legal note: Expressed opinion is my own according to constitution of USAWesley
Quote from: h20power on December 05, 2020, 03:59:42 PM
Why on a site meant for free energy to the masses was a political thread on there in the first place trying to support Trump's claim of massive voter fraud?
But I was banned so clearly just as I feel posting here my views clearly aren't welcome.
Quote from: Paul-R on December 05, 2020, 04:55:21 PM
...because, in my view, they are not interested in FE but in creating and expanding a
movement to topple the election and let back that ignorant bigotted idiot
who mistakes capital cities for the country, thinks injecting disinfectant will cure covid
and never did anything about voting systems when there were complaints about 2016 and 2018.
Here in there is the place for political view just to let others to write here in stead of writing about the same on technical threads .
But function of such places as
aboveunity and many other forums is to spot and target people with opposite point of view.
In Russia and in Russian YouTube there is channel RAIN TV
"likely" sponsored by Russian government.
It acts as very much opposition channel and many Russians likes it.
The videos looks like truly, independent and harsh to Russian government.
RAIN TV gives voice and video time to real opposition in Russia such as Alexei Navalnyi too.
But all of it is an illusion..And true opposition leaders knows about it .
But they use it as a window they can express themselves
keeping in mind that they are on harsh unfriendly land.
Rain TV
"likely" serves as a spy to deliver:
-telephone numbers,
-IP numbers,
-making money spend on spying more efficient as they are focused on already known targets.
To FSB (former KGB)
"likely" keeps government of bandits informed
So this may be the answer why you were banned from aboveunity.
You Edward are:
-not reachable to sources financing "aboveunity"
-and not to important as source of information.
So you were
"likely" banned as an - "inconvenience."
Legal note: Expressed opinion is my own according to constitution of USAWesley ( 8) (
Good Mor`nin`g ,stivep !
I am not American !
You mean U R !
Let us do a BRAIN-TV journey :
College-Collage Collage-College (
Other ERA title,but ..... (
Fantasia cheval blanc Highland : Tattoo Fantasia = Tattoo !?
Mauretania Tingitis ,2020 p.C. Maroc + Mauretania
Pater PaPa Pater Patrem Patre PATRI-a ,Mater MaMa Mater Matrem Matre Matri-a
PATRI Archat MATRI Archat
Bube,Ma(g)d Bueblein Mae(g)dlein Madeline
Nice Girls,Ma(g)dames ,mon amae, from there :
a funny ex-ample ( You know from literature "Lolita" !?
La Difference : manger verse gourmer ( Becoming "touched",not fingern ,by forbidden fruits !
Trieb,Triebe : LUST + TANZ-SPIEL,UM ........... Ver-Kuppelung,ANKER-ung,Ver-Lobung ,Beziehung
Kospe/n,knuspern nicht allowed , MARGERITE : er/sie liebt mich,nicht,liebt .......
without " LEGAL AGE ",becomes punished ! wissen teacher,"Sorgeberechtigte" ! Verbotene Liebe !
∆O Sehen,hoeren,fuehlen,empfinden : Zart,Zartheit,Zaehrtlichkeit,innere/aeussere
Beruehrung,Streicheln,Hauchen,......... Schwaenzeln: BubenMaenner und Ma(g)delsFrauen
A deutscher teacher talked about it ,"REIFEPRUEFUNG",U+Me :-* Nu(h)r,Dieter his name ,class room lovestories . (
TV-show,Nu(h)r im Ersten ( Program = ARD,deutsches/Gemany TV
What " under-legal age boys and girls" thinks,means,speaks about 'love-se.x/se.x-love",
known since the 70' in Germany ,not EVERYWHERE,by EACH ONE/s ?:
No Tabu-open mind : 70' Se.x-wave "Schulmaechen-Report"
Sexuelle Empfindung,ORGASM-ish,1st. Time : with 6 years,a woman speaks about in one from this films !
6,six,years : Basic school entry age,I mean !
(FRUEH)REIFE,PRE-gedachte offizielle PUBERTA(E)T,Entpuppung/Entfaltung-Entwicklung sexuelle Morphology
Puero,pubertare,Puerta Porta,Door,TUER ,MOMENT DER OEFFNUNG,OFFENBARUNG,
TERRA,terrestrische ,physische,WELT GOTH,geistliche ,morphologische,WELT
einer weiten offenen Welt,Paradies-Himmel-Hoelle -Hell
GIER BEGIER BEGIERDE nach mehr,wenn moeglich : NACH ALLEM,JEDEM und das ALL/-ES
Haus-"Tiere",Saeuger/Mammals,Verhaltensforschung,"Sexuelle Reife ",biologisch-mental-ethisch-juristisch ?!
Haus"Tier"-Volljaehrigkeit,Mensch-Volljaehrigkeit ?
wikipedia,deutsche Version "Sexuelle Revolution" ,this Version translating in your propriate language
EN'LIGHT'MENT STANDART 2020 p.C in Movie= Audio-Video Art&Kind,only not OD-OR and SENSE
U mean to be American,what is "American",beginning with Americo Vespucci ?
Not Columbian,by Cristobal Columbo ?
But NO!,to be Cristobal-ian !? ;) Cristofor-us,Cristo-fer ? Sola-mente : Cristo ferre,ferro,tuli to take over ferry
Cristo Cris + O ..... :P R U ? 2 ?
Probably we have to ask Hercules Poirot !? And Atlas,Atlanten !?
Back to "era",ERA (
Lingua fala(n)da,escrita(nda) ? Spoken,written language ? New -compilation Art&Kind- "esperanto" ?
Is this probably "Americano" ? Feeled average ! ( ( (
NOT,absolutely wrong ? ::) ( IT let them swing very High
Living with FESSION and FASHION,Pro- et Con-/Cum FASSUNG,Ver-
A little ENGEL.ish,Version A or Version B , more pleasant,avec plaisir : ( a little chaotic ,disharmony ( more harmony,same e-mission
You mean to write Angelic/Engelic An Gaelic
Brain-TV : off ;)
R U really Americano ,Ami-go home ?
Happy cristian So(u)nd-ay
Quote from: stivep on December 05, 2020, 05:47:01 PM
Here in there is the place for political view just to let others to write here in stead of writing about the same on technical threads .
But function of such places as aboveunity and many other forums is to spot and target people with opposite point of view.
In Russia and in Russian YouTube there is channel RAIN TV "likely" sponsored by Russian government.
It acts as very much opposition channel and many Russians likes it.
The videos looks like truly, independent and harsh to Russian government.
RAIN TV gives voice and video time to real opposition in Russia such as Alexei Navalnyi too.
But all of it is an illusion..
And true opposition leaders knows about it .
But they use it as a window they can express themselves
keeping in mind that they are on harsh unfriendly land.
Rain TV "likely" serves as a spy to deliver:
-telephone numbers,
-IP numbers,
-making money spend on spying more efficient as they are focused on already known targets.
To FSB (former KGB)
It "likely" keeps government of bandits informed
So this may be the answer why you were banned from aboveunity.
You Edward are:
-not reachable to sources financing "aboveunity"
-and not to important as source of information.
So you were "likely" banned as an - "inconvenience."
Legal note: Expressed opinion is my own according to constitution of USA
Chris says I was banned for calling folks racist but I was simply telling the truth of those that support Trump as most of them are in it for the racism. But as for being none relevant soon, like he did to Tinman, he will regret doing me wrong in this way. As of right now I seemed to be the only one that understands this water for fuel technology enough to get it to work properly and in time I will show a working model of this technology up and running. When that day comes he will then understand just what he did wrong as I had a thread on this forum where I was openly sharing some of the science behind this technology. Right now I have to get a few pieces of equipment that will free me to build the things I need on my own without all the high cost of these local machine shops. Once I have them I will be able to go into a limited production run with this technology. I'm sure he will then try and reach out to me having burnt that bridge in the past as well with many other sites and forums that banned me and they more than likely will say, "That was the past lets us forgive and forget." Now I will forgive them but to forget, NOT!
So, in time he will realize the mistakes he's made in siding with Trump and his supporters over the truth.
But it just sounds funny to me that I got banned due to telling the truth on Trump and I will say it again, there is no widespread voter fraud taking place, and to mealy have voted for or to have supported Trump is to be racist, fascist, or to be neither but comfortable with either.
I know Chris did Tinman wrong and would like to know the full story of what that wicked man did to Tinman. If anyone knows the full story please tell me as I'd truly like to know just what happened to Tinman.
Usually ....
Nobody writes the name of that forum or it's operator
Unless it is complimentary ( you actually complimented and linked recently)
Would be best to send him a PM and ask?
There are many persons who have been singled out
For special attention At that place( myself included )
And to my knowledge "all" still hunt for OU !
For clarity there were threats of lawsuits ( from both sides actually)
And persons were banned or moderated here !
Not a good topic for the forums !
IMO politics is also not good , nor is racism to be ignored!
One thing I do know ... here Stefan's mission statement is evidence
Of his intent for this forum!( for MANY years)
And it was written with no consideration towards any country
Or leader
IMO quite the opposite, to make a new direction for the planet
And inhabitants ... I subscribe to the model of diminishing or eliminating poverty.
Most who truly study this ....admit this ( elimination of poverty) is what brings lasting change to a culture or society .
I will do all I can towards this goal ... and I know many others of like mind
Here and elsewhere ,
And for clarity there is no room for predjudice or racism in that model.
Ruff subjects for certain, which IMO need daylight and discussion , but really at appropriate venues where persons gather for that purpose!
"Here " hopefully the tools (FE) to bring lasting change to our world can
Help bolster this work!
Chet K
Perhaps we find the places to work together .....?
Hey Ramset,
I wrote to him but can't get a straight answer from him and I can't get a single PM from Tinman at all it's as if the man dropped off the face of the planet.
Tinman and I shared a love for experimenting and observing the results of those experiments and trying to tie in what we observed to science. I attempted to understand what Chris in doing and for the likes of me can't see any value at all in what he is doing. Chis is Emjunky on this forum yes? If so I PM'ed him with no reply in return. Anyway he has the power to reach out to me anytime he wants too but it seems he is very unsure of just how to deal with someone that lives in the here and now that isn't afraid to call things or people out. I guess that lack of fear comes with age as I'm too old to be playing into lies as who knows I might not wake up tomorrow so it's best to tell the truth and be honest as I don't want to go out with a pack of lies beneath my feet.
As for the MOTO of this forum I tend to not follow into those all that deeply as I willing chose to live in the here and now so that I can plan out changes for the betterment of those I take this technology to. And right now I have to deal with 74 plus million that voted for Trump as they are out there and the death toll on my people as a result is climbing. I really don't see things getting any better any time soon as capitalism seems to be coming to a end as folks are just tired of being slaves for corporations and the wealthy and where they get their resources and materials from are also starting to wake up to the fact that they don't need the western world as much as the western world needs them. In time this will cause wars as they will have to try and do something to keep things the way they are so that their populations won't starve to death.
I may or may not choose to share all I know about this technology in the future but for now I have been humbled for as much as I thought I knew I am still finding out I still have much to learn. As such I know it's not wise to get too boastful as those that do tend to fall off of a cliff figuratively speaking. So, I take this humbling experience learning more about a this technology in stride. Whatever the future brings I just hope I am a positive part of it helping people to take control of their own energy needs away from those that would have them be energy slaves to them for all time. Sure many are going to lose their livelihood but it's for the best as if what you where doing helps to keep folks trapped in a system of energy enslavement then you need to find something else to do for a living. But it would seem the plagues have started so I am unsure of the future as who knows how many will die as a result and/or if my family and I will actually make it through this? None of us are promised another day so I choose to live in the here and now and attempt to plan for things so that I can use this technology to help those that need it the most not with plans that they can't build for themselves but with an actual product they can acquire that is safe for use and easy to make use of. Forgive it if I am wrong but I don't see or hear anyone in any of these types of forums talking like this other than myself and in that I am made to feel alone.
Anyway I still wish to know just what happened to Tinman. As for Trump and his supporters I just have to find a way to grow eyes behind my head as 74 plus million isn't a small number.
Take care,
These days the TinMan hunts the FE ( investigating Neutrinos?)
Also he does much with Caravan business ( travel trailer/camper renovation and upgrade).
Paying the bills and hunting FE when he can ( just like most of us )
Chet K
Quote from: h20power on December 06, 2020, 02:45:41 PM
As for the MOTO of this forum I tend to not follow into those all that deeply as I willing chose to live in the here and now so that I can plan out changes for the betterment of those I take this technology to. And right now I have to deal with 74 plus million that voted for Trump as they are out there and the death toll on my people as a result is climbing. I really don't see things getting any better any time soon as capitalism seems to be coming to a end as folks are just tired of being slaves for corporations and the wealthy and where they get their resources and materials from are also starting to wake up to the fact that they don't need the western world as much as the western world needs them. In time this will cause wars as they will have to try and do something to keep things the way they are so that their populations won't starve to death.
I may or may not choose to share all I know about this technology in the future but for now I have been humbled for as much as I thought I knew I am still finding out I still have much to learn. As such I know it's not wise to get too boastful as those that do tend to fall off of a cliff figuratively speaking. So, I take this humbling experience learning more about a this technology in stride. Whatever the future brings I just hope I am a positive part of it helping people to take control of their own energy needs away from those that would have them be energy slaves to them for all time. Sure many are going to lose their livelihood but it's for the best as if what you where doing helps to keep folks trapped in a system of energy enslavement then you need to find something else to do for a living. But it would seem the plagues have started so I am unsure of the future as who knows how many will die as a result and/or if my family and I will actually make it through this? None of us are promised another day so I choose to live in the here and now and attempt to plan for things so that I can use this technology to help those that need it the most not with plans that they can't build for themselves but with an actual product they can acquire that is safe for use and easy to make use of. Forgive it if I am wrong but I don't see or hear anyone in any of these types of forums talking like this other than myself and in that I am made to feel alone.
Anyway I still wish to know just what happened to Tinman. As for Trump and his supporters I just have to find a way to grow eyes behind my head as 74 plus million isn't a small number.
em Canto
in Africaans,Portuguese,Galego,Luso,Pidgin,in Creole,Morna ?
Beside my community ,freguesia Mindelo/PT
Mindelo,Cabo Verde, there also a FESTIVAL (
In the 90`,Oporto/PT,Queima das Fitas-,no Jardim do Palacio Cristal/ "Rosa Mota", (
She was there
beside Pedro Abrunhosa,G.N.R.,Delphins and Others ( , R.I.P.
( (
But also FREEDOM-Fighter like Ghandi,Nelson Mandela and (
EINSTEIN ? BLACK/WHITE reazon ? Black whole and White whole,acceptable ! Not "Blacks" and/or "Whites" as skin-nies !
White lives matters,Black lives matters,
About BIKO (!_(1969_film)
Take care,
All live matter was created to shut up the Black Lives Matter movement.
Burn ! Queimada !
Marlon Brando or Marlon Brandon ?
agent(e) provocateur ,mission , PRINCIPAL ? ( Quem ? Quem (- atras ?)
Da Cordoaria ? (
Da Trindade ? Lapa ? Do Journal de Noticias ? Do ACP ? Da Falta da Pontuaczao ?
Architecture (
Como el(l)a joga/yoga a bola ao simbolo/symbolo ,relembre-se : 7a legiao,se(p)tima legiao ::) OMD,conhecido
Who is the ARCHITECT ? 8) Nao sei,eu nao,por isso sou jovem a mais ! ;) 1966 eu nasceu !
ALL LIFES MATTERS : You R' monopolizing 'LIFE' only to humans,
h2Opower, R`U a Dreamer ? Has You (not)a hoam/home,or what are U in search ? Reality,Utopia ?
AFRIKA,Afrique,Africa europide,negride,mongolide Afrique
english,french,portuguese,spanish,german and local,regional,national tribes dialects (
African countries U.N. E.S.C.O. World-Heritage ?! Non/Colonial !? But part from now common Cult-ure
Synthetismus,synthetic Materialism : (
also Paradise-DREAMER ! Utopia-Dreamer ?
Project Utopia I : (
Project Utopia II : ( (
Project Utopia III : Nkomo (
and Mugabe ( ,Nkomo at first R.I.P. only more Mugabe
( he now also R.I.P.)
Project Utopia IV : (
Living in Africa I do not differ strong from living elsewhere : freedom during entertainment time,seriousity during work (
Nairobi,U.N. headquarter for Environmental Issues , no safety need ? Kenia : Democracy ! How long ? (
What to do to save both,realists and extremists,their - probably justified- interests ,are extremists parents/childs also such extremistic ? (
But yes,h2Opower,you are living in an Utopia,an european Utopia,the U.S.A.,colonized by Whites,as Laborfield for Visions and Projects, not allowed in Europe
United States of Utopia ,dem Land der unbegrenzten Moeglichkeiten
Do you believe history ? Sezessionwar : North against South
Dems : pro slavery Reps : against slavery and the 3rd US party,Whigs : ?
Mr. Roy/Rowan Atkinson, Mr.Bean ,
for 1 minute ready to show movie scene,how many minutes probe and cutted,even to be professional,concentrated,perfect moments reaching ? (
What is THE MISSIO°N here to the audience, "Believer" = Fans (
What is THE MISSIO°N from CON°CERT HALLS ,Colosseum/COLISEU(m) sacular/modern church/Temple/Synagoge like here (
Portugal some can see as (, (Porto)Gaellical Aldeia/Dorf/Village ;D ( Guarda National/Nocturna da Republica/Renascenca
El Pharol sem Caudillo mas 'Cauda' ( e as vezes rabo ...) wish You a funny Sunday and a nice successfull week
Aeh,pardon-moi :-[ I am 'drowning in time' ,clearly funny Thurs-Day/Serving= Dienst-Day
Quote from: lancaIV on December 07, 2020, 03:07:44 PM
Burn ! Queimada !
Marlon Brando or Marlon Brandon ?
agent(e) provocateur ,mission , PRINCIPAL ? ( Quem ? Quem (- atras ?)
Da Cordoaria ? (
Da Trindade ? Lapa ? Do Journal de Noticias ? Do ACP ? Da Falta da Pontuaczao ?
Architecture (
Como el(l)a joga/yoga a bola ao simbolo/symbolo ,relembre-se : 7a legiao,se(p)tima legiao ::) OMD,conhecido
Who is the ARCHITECT ? 8) Nao sei,eu nao,por isso sou jovem a mais ! ;) 1966 eu nasceu !
ALL LIFES MATTERS : You R' monopolizing 'LIFE' only to humans,
h2Opower, R`U a Dreamer ? Has You (not)a hoam/home,or what are U in search ? Reality,Utopia ?
AFRIKA,Afrique,Africa europide,negride,mongolide Afrique
english,french,portuguese,spanish,german and local,regional,national tribes dialects (
African countries U.N. E.S.C.O. World-Heritage ?! Non/Colonial !? But part from now common Cult-ure
Synthetismus,synthetic Materialism : (
also Paradise-DREAMER ! Utopia-Dreamer ?
Project Utopia I : (
Project Utopia II : ( (
Project Utopia III : Nkomo (
and Mugabe ( ,Nkomo at first R.I.P. only more Mugabe
( he now also R.I.P.)
Project Utopia IV : (
Living in Africa I do not differ strong from living elsewhere : freedom during entertainment time,seriousity during work (
Nairobi,U.N. headquarter for Environmental Issues , no safety need ? Kenia : Democracy ! How long ? (
What to do to save both,realists and extremists,their - probably justified- interests ,are extremists parents/childs also such extremistic ? (
But yes,h2Opower,you are living in an Utopia,an european Utopia,the U.S.A.,colonized by Whites,as Laborfield for Visions and Projects, not allowed in Europe
United States of Utopia ,dem Land der unbegrenzten Moeglichkeiten
Do you believe history ? Sezessionwar : North against South
Dems : pro slavery Reps : against slavery and the 3rd US party,Whigs : ?
Mr. Roy/Rowan Atkinson, Mr.Bean ,
for 1 minute ready to show movie scene,how many minutes probe and cutted,even to be professional,concentrated,perfect moments reaching ? (
What is THE MISSIO°N here to the audience, "Believer" = Fans (
What is THE MISSIO°N from CON°CERT HALLS ,Colosseum/COLISEU(m) sacular/modern church/Temple/Synagoge like here (
Portugal some can see as (, (Porto)Gaellical Aldeia/Dorf/Village ;D ( Guarda National/Nocturna da Republica/Renascenca
El Pharol sem Caudillo mas 'Cauda' ( e as vezes rabo ...) wish You a funny Sunday and a nice successfull week
Aeh,pardon-moi :-[ I am 'drowning in time' ,clearly funny Thurs-Day/Serving= Dienst-Day
I'm just an Israelite that has awoken to the truth of the heritage of my people nothing more, I am from the tribe of Yahudah, and from the looks of it I have been chosen to bring out this water for fuel technology, but when our creator wants it out not a second sooner. His ways are now my ways as I move to honor the covenant my forefathers made with the Yahweh the creator of all things in the wilderness.
If what I am saying to you seems like a dream then it is you that is living in a dream world as once you leave this place you, along with everyone else that was ever born, will get your chance to see him but know there is no rest button so I say it's best to meet him having tried your best to follow and keep his laws, statues, and commandments than to do so rejecting them. What say you!
Take care and I hope in the end you willing choose to make the right choice,
Good Morning,VDC/PT a.m. time,h2Opower or Mr. "Edward",
I hope You are well ,by these actual conditions !
You tipped :
I'm just an Israelite that has awoken to the truth of the heritage of my people nothing more, I am from the tribe of Yahudah, and from the looks of it I have been chosen to bring out this water for fuel technology, but when our creator wants it out not a second sooner.
You write a. as self-denominating "", as American "Israel-it", as self-denominating Yahudah-ist
"Been chosen", really elitary,Con Gratulation !
Only to Yahudas,to Israels,to American Israels,to Afro,to Africans : to bring out the water to fuel technology ?
His ways are now my ways as I move to honor the covenant my forefathers made with the Yahweh the creator of all things in the wilderness.
If what I am saying to you seems like a dream then it is you that is living in a dream world as once you leave this place you, along with everyone else that was ever born, will get your chance to see him but know there is no rest button so I say it's best to meet him having tried your best to follow and keep his laws, statues, and commandments than to do so rejecting them. What say you!
I let give You Their and also my O-pinion about Life and O-ri-entation (
Dreamer,Dance-Dreamer,Dream-Dancer and work-it-outer as work-it-inter ,yes : You got me,I AM ! (
I do not say,I talk and tell YOU by my point-of-view realities ,whose You ever can reject !
RE-CO-gnoscere (
My european field,not maior and not minor : TARTESSOS-Cultur/e,today Andalusia(Estremadura)/Espanha and Portugal,Alen-/Riba-Tejo and Al'Garve= the West de Anda-lux/luz/lus,westlich%20der%20Stra%C3%9Fe%20von%20Gibraltar (,westlich%20der%20Stra%C3%9Fe%20von%20Gibraltar).
Good Luck in Your "bring out"
And CAUTION ! : probably this here is an Yahuda-Dream-dance (
Can YOU YAHUDA dance,Mr. "Edward" ?
Btw: "water as fuel" ,
priority ranking : " as fuel" ? (
First Position !? Yahuda-Consult approved ? ( ;)
Do not give answer in "stoned" condition ! :)
Quote from: h20power on December 08, 2020, 02:19:44 AM
I have been chosen to bring out this water for fuel technology, but when our creator wants it out not a second sooner.
When our creator wants it out, we will be glad to receive it, preferably in its own thread on this forum.
Don't follow it, seems a mess there, while blindly taken over by Biden & Kpp!
But some unexpected good from the past:
And yet Trump has poured BILLIONS of dollars into the covid Vax. agenda.
Trump wil say any thing if it brings him more blind populist followers.
Quote from: Floor on December 13, 2020, 09:29:02 PM
And yet Trump has poured BILLIONS of dollars into the covid Vax. agenda.
Trump wil say any thing if it brings him more blind populist followers.
...and, of course, it was not so long ago that he said Covid was a Democrat hoax.
I will never forget that Chis is also one of these lunatics' that banned me for telling the truth about Trump supporters.
They found VOTER FRAUD and guess which side was found guilty? The Trump side:
And just to think I was banned from the Aboveunity forum for posting in a thread that said there was widespread voter fraud by the Dems for telling the truth about Trump's supporters 😱[/font][/size][size=78%]. Seems the truth is what was wanted gone on that forum so Chris got ride of me.[/size]
Michigan Election Hearing
The entire thing was put on as an act and a sham done to falsely IMPLY / deceive
people into believing the LIE that there was a massive voter fraud.
There was..
No formal charge made of fraud (other wise that could actually get a plaintiff into big trouble)
but lots of things stated in such a way as to cast doubt. ALL OF WHICH FELL APART in the
light of a few direct questions. Rudi Juliani had not a leg to stand on, nothing !
4hour and 44 minutes.
I watched the entire video.
see for your self @
NO evidence, none, that there was massive voter fraud. It was / is a disgusting LIE.
The joy of having your souls sold to china
When I look at this news, I know it is almost game over: (
Ir seems that your whole country is about to be controlled by china.
Quote from: blueplanet on January 01, 2021, 10:21:55 PM
Ir seems that your whole country is about to be controlled by china.
About to be? Looks to me like it already is. Did you see the ball drop at times square on TV? Essentially times square was a ghost town on New Years eve, a traditional American celebration decimated by China's covid. And to top it off China's tik tok was proudly displayed during the ball drop. Yes, it looks like China's authoritarian ambitions have won them the greatest prize of all, America!
tik tok tik tok tik tok time is counting down for China's absolute rule! Don't be fooled, Red and Blue are both responsible! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Who needs democracy when you have data? (
Globalized Authoritarianism: The Expansion of the Chinese Surveillance Apparatus (
Quote from: NdaClouDzzz on January 02, 2021, 05:34:53 AM
Times square was a ghost town on New Years eve, a traditional
American celebration decimated by China's covid.
It was decimated by America's incompetent response to Covid.
Look at all the countries who are doing much better, nearly back to normal.
Look at NewZealand.
Divide and conquer, via any differences ? Hate / fear the Chinese, hate / fear the Americans, hate / fear the Russians, Islam, the communists, the socialists, men, women, differing sexuality.....................
Queen & Annie Lennox & David Bowie
Thank you !
Thank you, the dreamer and the dreamed.
How 'bout getting off of these antibiotics
How 'bout stopping eating when I'm full up
How 'bout them transparent dangling carrots
How 'bout that ever elusive kudo
Thank you India, thank you terror
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you frailty, thank you consequence
Thank you, thank you, silence
How 'bout me not blaming you for everything
How 'bout me enjoying the moment for once
How 'bout how good it feels to finally forgive you
How 'bout grieving it all one at a time
Thank you India, thank you terror
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you frailty, thank you consequence
Thank you, thank you, silence
The moment I let go of it
Was the moment I got more than I could handle
The moment I jumped off of it
Was the moment I touched down
How 'bout no longer being masochistic
How 'bout remembering your divinity
How 'bout unabashedly bawling your eyes out
How 'bout not equating death with stopping
Thank you India, thank you providence
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you nothingness, thank you clarity
Thank you, thank you, silence
dream time
The scroll of Zhuangzqi:
"Last night I dreamed... "