2011 : https://cleantechnica.com/2011/05/11/cheaper-ultracapacitors-for-electric-vehicles/ (https://cleantechnica.com/2011/05/11/cheaper-ultracapacitors-for-electric-vehicles/)
So, even though these supercapacitors initially cost $2,400 to $6,000 per kWh of energy storage, and the lithium ion batteries used for electric vehicles initially cost $500 to $1,000 per kWh, in the long term, supercapacitors may be cheaper or comparable.
2015 : https://eepower.com/new-industry-products/10000-farad-graphene-supercapacitor/ (https://eepower.com/new-industry-products/10000-farad-graphene-supercapacitor/)
Tesla recently announced a Super Factory to be built in Nevada, with a promise to get the price of lithium batteries down to $150 USD per kWh by 2020, our current cost estimated for this type of graphene base supercapacitor is about $100 per kWh today and we feel confident we should be able to cut this pricing in half by the end of 2015
2020 :
https://energystorageforum.com/news/sunvault-unveils-1000f-graphene-supercapacitor#:~:text=Monaghan%20compared%20the%20cost%20for,USD%20per%20kWh%20by%202020 (https://energystorageforum.com/news/sunvault-unveils-1000f-graphene-supercapacitor#:~:text=Monaghan%20compared%20the%20cost%20for,USD%20per%20kWh%20by%202020).
This technology represents a fierce competitor to lithium ion batteries and could potentially replace the lithium batteries in the future. Monaghan compared the cost for this type of graphene supercapacitor at $100 per kWh to Tesla's target price for its batteries that will be produced at its GigaFactory at $150 USD per kWh by 2020.
Energy density of supercaps is still much lower than the energy density of Li batteries.
Also the leakage current is much higher. A car powered by supercaps would be without power after only a few weeks.
skywatcher,you gives the reazons for the development from the 2-in-1 solution :
a hybrid combination from capacitor advantages and battery advantages
by the australian CSIRO : Ultra(-caps)battery https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UltraBattery (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UltraBattery) at first with lead batteries
When UltraBattery and standard VRLA (used in a partial SoC regime) are compared in experimental conditions, UltraBattery has been shown to achieve about 13 times the capacity turnover of a standard absorbed glass matt VRLA battery.
A lead battery related + argument,is it not ? With other battery kind ,alternatively ?
Many other advantages !
Costs for lead battery charger,lithium battery charger ? total battery set costs per KWh generated/stored ?
Caps with 5-20 Wh/Kg
Batteries with up to 500+ Wh per Kg
But the published prices in the articles are per KWh,not Kg !
And e-storage is not only for cars important !
Kg or volume is then not such important like the storage incorporation in car bodies
Btw : the battery industry is planning " beyond lithium" !
www.kilowattlabs.com (http://www.kilowattlabs.com)
Where such supercapacitors can become alternative to batteries !?
1 000 000 charge cycles !?
Why US20180076644,Waseem Ashraf Qureshi application " abandoned" ?
Better lab results inventions ?
The publicated shop selling prices 1400€ per KWh storage are "horrible expensive" compared conventional graphene capacitor or lithium battery based solutions !From selling price view !
Counter-argument :
1400 €/1 000 000 charge cycles a 1 KWh = 0,14 €cent/KWh or 0,0014 €/KWh storage costs
The net production costs from the Kilowattlabs supercapacitor ?The given 1 KWh density weight : 23 Kg
Which is the "conventional supercapacitor"-production/gross selling price per Kg ?
Gross-selling: alibaba example Dongguan City Gonghe Electronics
+- 62,5 US$/Kg for 500 thousands charge cycles
75 Wh storaged energy per Kg
+- 850 US$/KWh fob factory
In € and per KWh charge cycle same/similar like Kilowattlabs : 0,0014 €/KWh energy
by attention : KWL = online seller shop price versus " Don..." fob factory gross buy discount price
When 2011 the supercapacitor price range per KWh was 2000-6000 US$ and now +- 100 US$ ,probably 2030 such KWL-type caps for 750-500 US$/KWh (or less ;) ) available !
For conventional private household,as energy storage,a graphene supercapacitor,with in average 100 000 charge cycles and average 150 US$/KWh endconsumer price would be the breakthrough
100 000 /365 days ~ 274 charge cycles per day /10 years ~ 27 charge cycles per day
20 years ~ 14 charge cycles per day
30 years ~ 9 charge cycles per day
Enough !
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/vw-baut-netz-eigener-batteriezellwerke-in-europa-auf-17245765.html (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/vw-baut-netz-eigener-batteriezellwerke-in-europa-auf-17245765.html)
"We are reducing the cost and complexity of the battery and at the same time increasing its range and performance," said Thomas Schmall, Volkswagen's Chief Technology Officer and responsible for battery production. The new standard battery, which will be installed across all brands in up to 80 percent of all electric ca (https://f6ox5tyqu5qgqfzgd3ruvit63a--www-faz-net.translate.goog/aktuell/wirtschaft/thema/elektroauto)rs the group by 2030, will reduce costs by up to 50 percent, according to the company. "On average, we will reduce the costs for battery systems to well below 100 euros per kilowatt hour." This will make electric mobility affordable.
Battery system = battery + charger + controler
battery charge cycle number ?
f.e. 800 - 1000 charge cycles
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/discussion-quantumscapes-battery-technology-results-tim-holme (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/discussion-quantumscapes-battery-technology-results-tim-holme)
https://www.wired.com/story/quantumscape-solid-state-battery/#:~:text=According%20to%20QuantumScape's%20data%2C%20its,which%20is%20nearly%20double%20the (https://www.wired.com/story/quantumscape-solid-state-battery/#:~:text=According%20to%20QuantumScape's%20data%2C%20its,which%20is%20nearly%20double%20the)
https://www.shanghai-electric.com/group_en/c/2019-07-31/554147.shtml (https://www.shanghai-electric.com/group_en/c/2019-07-31/554147.shtml)
Long life cycle, batteries still remain 80% of total charge and discharge capacity after 5,000 cycles usage
One partnership (beside other : SKI, LG Chem und CATL,Guoxuan ,QuantumScape) : https://northvolt.com/solutions/#battery-systems (https://northvolt.com/solutions/#battery-systems)
The storage dis-/ad-vantages and their use :
mass,force,energy,work and power by conditionized time and or velocity and/or area/volume
DC,AC,pulsed(PWM,duty cycle,duty factor )
AC :
power triangle
complex power S
active(real,true) power P W units
reactive power Q VAR units
apparent power |S| VA units
power angle
power factor
S= P + jQ
Q = 0 by resistive load
≤ 0 capacitive load ( leading power factor )
≥ 0 inductive load ( lagging power factor )
How to measure right efficiency and or a " co-efficient of performance",a.analog instrument b.digimeter !?
First :
"Pulse power measurement " by Prof. Kanarev 15 000 W ~ 144 W ~ 1,44 W by peak-average point of view
calculatoric and by experiments
15 000 W : Wh compact ? 144 W : Wh compact ? time factor 1,44 W : Wh compact ? time period factor
real c.o.p. versus fantom/apparent c.o.p.
https://medium.com/technicity/researchers-develop-a-hybrid-supercapacitor-with-a-large-storage-capacity-7c6d87311f97 (https://medium.com/technicity/researchers-develop-a-hybrid-supercapacitor-with-a-large-storage-capacity-7c6d87311f97)
https://www.advancedsciencenews.com/researchers-develop-stable-high-energy-density-supercapacitor/ (https://www.advancedsciencenews.com/researchers-develop-stable-high-energy-density-supercapacitor/)
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adma.202004560 (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adma.202004560)
up to 73 Wh/Kg !
But commercial product storage capacity :
Shenzhen Yijiahong(Easehot) Technology Co Ltd
https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/New-technology-graphene-supercapacitor-4-2v_1600122209691.html?spm=a2700.7724857.normal_offer.d_image.60147ac8pKphwX (https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/New-technology-graphene-supercapacitor-4-2v_1600122209691.html?spm=a2700.7724857.normal_offer.d_image.60147ac8pKphwX)
Energy density: 75wh/kg
https://patentauction.com/patent.php?nb=13385 (https://patentauction.com/patent.php?nb=13385)
2 Practical Demands and Current Situations of Energy Storage Applications
The popularization of large scale energy storage and high power energy storage require energy system have relatively high power density and relatively high energy density, moreover, long life and low cost that are similar with mechanic system are also required.
United States Advanced Battery Consortium USABC and Department of Energy DOE have set up standard demands for hybrid vehicle auxiliary energy system that are working with power over 625W/kg lasting 10 second, with total energy of 7.5Wh/kg.
Large scale energy storage ordinarily requires that the energy storage devices should reach about 4000 times in cyclic life, the cost should be less than 500 USD per kilowatt hours in near future, reach 125-250 per kilowatt hours in far future.
hybrid solution : https://www.navysbir.com/09_1/158.htm (https://www.navysbir.com/09_1/158.htm)
So it will become important to observe the development from this application
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=3&ND=3&adjacent=true&bcId=2&locale=en_EP&return=true&FT=D&date=20021231&CC=US&NR=6501093B1&KC=B1 (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=3&ND=3&adjacent=true&bcId=2&locale=en_EP&return=true&FT=D&date=20021231&CC=US&NR=6501093B1&KC=B1)
citing document institutions/companies their research results :
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/citingDocuments?CC=US&NR=6501093B1&KC=B1&FT=D&ND=3&date=20021231&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/citingDocuments?CC=US&NR=6501093B1&KC=B1&FT=D&ND=3&date=20021231&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP)
f.e. http://capacitorsciences.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/CSI-Executive-Summary.pdf (http://capacitorsciences.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/CSI-Executive-Summary.pdf)
Capacitor Sciences was founded in 2014 and was acquired in 2016 by Blue Solutions, part of the Bollore Group (EPA: Bol). The Company's molecular modeling and experimental results demonstrate the materials-based performance required to produce capacitive energy storage cells with a capacity of greater than 2.5 kWh/kg, ten times the specific energy of commercially available lithium ion batteries. The Company is now scaling up the production of its metadielectric materials for device development and testing. The Company plans to enter pilot production in 2020-2021 and engage in mass-market commercialization through corporate partnerships.
Capacitor Sciences has developed novel dielectric materials for energy storage devices with energy and power densities of more than 10X of lithium ion batteries at a significantly lower price
The Economics ( 2017 !) : Market Leading Price-Performance for All Segments
The available energy storage market forecasts assume high cost per kWh and, consequently, a limited market penetration. According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the average price of battery packs for Electric Vehicles (EVs) is now under $200/kWh but still needs to decrease to under $100/kWh to achieve mass-market penetration.
Capacitor Sciences intends to deliver energy storage modules for product integration at $50/kWh for EVs to reach price-performance parity with internal combustion engines and for the price of stationary storage of electricity not to exceed $0.01/kWh per cycle
https://patents.justia.com/assignee/capacitor-sciences-incorporated (https://patents.justia.com/assignee/capacitor-sciences-incorporated)
https://patents.justia.com/patent/10597407 (https://patents.justia.com/patent/10597407)
The energy storage capacity U is determined by the dielectric constant κ, the area A, and the breakdown field Ebd. By appropriate engineering, a capacitor or capacitor bank may be designed to have any desired energy storage capacity U.
By way of example, and not by way of limitation, given the above ranges for the dielectric constant κ, electrode area A, and breakdown field Ebd a capacitor in accordance with aspects of the present disclosure may have an energy storage capacity U ranging from about 500 Joules to about 2×10v16 Joules.
For a dielectric constant κ ranging, e.g., from about 100 to about 1,000,000 and constant breakdown field Ebd between, e.g., about 0.1 and 0.5 V/nm, a capacitor of the type described herein may have a specific energy capacity per unit mass ranging from about 10 W·h/kg up to about 100,000 W·h/kg, though implementations are not so limited.
capacitorsciences development and
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=12&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20191031&CC=RS&NR=1618U1&KC=U1 (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=12&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20191031&CC=RS&NR=1618U1&KC=U1)
http://translationportal.epo.org/emtp/translate/?ACTION=description-retrieval&COUNTRY=RS&ENGINE=google&FORMAT=docdb&KIND=U1&LOCALE=en_EP&NUMBER=1618&OPS=ops.epo.org/3.2&SRCLANG=sr&TRGLANG=en (http://translationportal.epo.org/emtp/translate/?ACTION=description-retrieval&COUNTRY=RS&ENGINE=google&FORMAT=docdb&KIND=U1&LOCALE=en_EP&NUMBER=1618&OPS=ops.epo.org/3.2&SRCLANG=sr&TRGLANG=en)
motor-generator drive for this source
and between source and motor-generator :
motor-generator and Imris generator couple also for heat pump and rotative friction systems
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.badische-zeitung.de/akku-explodiert-in-wohnhaus-vier-menschen-verletzt--201342176.html (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.badische-zeitung.de/akku-explodiert-in-wohnhaus-vier-menschen-verletzt--201342176.html)
high capacity energy storage dis-/advantages :
remembering the explosion from a Tandy disc-player capacitor explosion during experiments ( 2 x 1 x 1 cm)
and calculating with 0,02 Wh energy storage, a comparison with 1000 Wh-100 000 Wh/Kg capacitorsciences prediction ......
:o great ( unfriendly) bumbs-potential
Quote from: lancaIV on March 15, 2021, 04:05:00 PM
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/vw-baut-netz-eigener-batteriezellwerke-in-europa-auf-17245765.html (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/vw-baut-netz-eigener-batteriezellwerke-in-europa-auf-17245765.html)
"We are reducing the cost and complexity of the battery and at the same time increasing its range and performance," said Thomas Schmall, Volkswagen's Chief Technology Officer and responsible for battery production. The new standard battery, which will be installed across all brands in up to 80 percent of all electric ca (https://f6ox5tyqu5qgqfzgd3ruvit63a--www-faz-net.translate.goog/aktuell/wirtschaft/thema/elektroauto)rs the group by 2030, will reduce costs by up to 50 percent, according to the company. "On average, we will reduce the costs for battery systems to well below 100 euros per kilowatt hour." This will make electric mobility affordable.
Battery system = battery + charger + controler
battery charge cycle number ?
f.e. 800 - 1000 charge cycles
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/discussion-quantumscapes-battery-technology-results-tim-holme (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/discussion-quantumscapes-battery-technology-results-tim-holme)
https://www.wired.com/story/quantumscape-solid-state-battery/#:~:text=According%20to%20QuantumScape's%20data%2C%20its,which%20is%20nearly%20double%20the (https://www.wired.com/story/quantumscape-solid-state-battery/#:~:text=According%20to%20QuantumScape's%20data%2C%20its,which%20is%20nearly%20double%20the)
https://www.shanghai-electric.com/group_en/c/2019-07-31/554147.shtml (https://www.shanghai-electric.com/group_en/c/2019-07-31/554147.shtml)
Long life cycle, batteries still remain 80% of total charge and discharge capacity after 5,000 cycles usage
One partnership (beside other : SKI, LG Chem und CATL,Guoxuan ,QuantumScape) : https://northvolt.com/solutions/#battery-systems (https://northvolt.com/solutions/#battery-systems)
Probably "Quantumscape" like EEstor "history" : https://www.wiwo.de/my/technologie/mobilitaet/elektroautos-quantumscape-ist-vw-chef-diess-auf-einen-bluff-hereingefallen/27108504.html (https://www.wiwo.de/my/technologie/mobilitaet/elektroautos-quantumscape-ist-vw-chef-diess-auf-einen-bluff-hereingefallen/27108504.html)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EEStor (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EEStor)
dieselgate(r) bluffed by battery-gate(r)
Upps,next barrier 8) fallen : November 9,2020
https://kilowattlabs.com/ (https://kilowattlabs.com/)
https://kilowattlabs.com/news/kilowatt-labs-announces-development-of-solid-state-supercap-cellsnovember-9-2020/ (https://kilowattlabs.com/news/kilowatt-labs-announces-development-of-solid-state-supercap-cellsnovember-9-2020/)
The prototype has an energy density of 450 Wh/kg, and can be formed into any shape and operate as supercap storage.
Compared #3 their commercial energy/weight ratio :
The net production costs from the Kilowattlabs supercapacitor ? The given 1 KWh density weight : 23 Kg
= 43,5 Wh/Kg
How many charge cycles life-time now their 450 Wh/Kg supercap ( in prototype stage ! )?
too low the specific energy ?
https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/1188159/02-SMT-170502-1L-Data%20Sheet.pdf?__hstc=107776733.ac37128e134de159c1a46baaf7a68046.1622287159543.1622287159543.1622287159543.1&__hssc=107776733.1.1622287159543&__hsfp=2351239738&hsCtaTracking=ac33db76-6df8-4824-99f4-d39ee521a566%7Ca6b29eeb-9205-432a-b04a-54201681114d (https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/1188159/02-SMT-170502-1L-Data%20Sheet.pdf?__hstc=107776733.ac37128e134de159c1a46baaf7a68046.1622287159543.1622287159543.1622287159543.1&__hssc=107776733.1.1622287159543&__hsfp=2351239738&hsCtaTracking=ac33db76-6df8-4824-99f4-d39ee521a566%7Ca6b29eeb-9205-432a-b04a-54201681114d)
specific energy : 4 Wh/Kg :P
https://firstgraphene.net/new-graphene-supercapacitor-materials-offer-fast-charging-for-electric-vehicles/ (https://firstgraphene.net/new-graphene-supercapacitor-materials-offer-fast-charging-for-electric-vehicles/)
Conventional activated carbon has a gravimetric capacitance of 50-150 Farads per gram, whereas laboratory trials show that these new graphene materials demonstrate a gravimetric capacitance of up to 500 Farads per gram.
We see here two types of supercapacitor https://patentauction.com/patent.php?nb=13385 (https://patentauction.com/patent.php?nb=13385)
Version A
Applied in high power energy storage area, the most significant advantage of this patented technology is that the cost is far less than that of symmetric supercapacitor; it is only $20USD/kilowatt in power cost, about one third that of symmetric supercapacitor according to energy density, and one fifth when according to energy density. When its power density is above 1kW/kg that is more than 2-3 times than nickel-carbon supercapacitor battery, its energy density reached about 10Wh/kg; meeting for most high power requirements; cycling life is above 100 thousands, similar with that of symmetric supercapacitor; it endure charged and discharged 100% in depth, working rang is -20 to +60 degrees Celsius with good low temperature character; using aqueous electrolyte and green materials, it has no risk of fire and problem of environmental contamination.
means 20 USD/Kg
Version B
According to the same principle, designed in form of lower power density but higher energy density, the energetic form of the innovative hybrid supercapacitor can be 10Wh/kg-20Wh/kg in energy density, cycling life above 10 000 cycles, with cost lower than $125 USD per kilowatt-hour, that reached far period target for large scale energy storage applications, be able to be used for renewable energy sources such as wind energy and solar energy.
means 125 USD / ( 1000 Wh / 15 Wh average ) = 1,875 USD/Kg 8) ,not 1875 USD but < 2 US$/Kg :o
mass production price ! Not endconsumer ! 2 US$/Kg is "simple lead battery" mass production price range !
20 US$/Kg for 100 000 charge cycles or 2 US$/Kg for 10 000 charge cycles
= per charge cycle the same production price calculation
= per 1000 charge cycles 0,2 US$ or 20 cents
future benchmark for capacitors and batteries
= per charge cycle 0,0002 USD or 0,02 cent
https://www.greencarcongress.com/2020/02/20200220-attia.html (https://www.greencarcongress.com/2020/02/20200220-attia.html)
Are we soon here ?
= per charge cycle 0,0001 USD or 0,01 cent
https://www.thedrive.com/news/3208/uc-irvine-accidentally-invents-a-battery-that-lasts-forever (https://www.thedrive.com/news/3208/uc-irvine-accidentally-invents-a-battery-that-lasts-forever)
Let's go conservative and say the average laptop battery lasts for 1,000 charge cycles, its capacity noticeably diminished after about two years. If that laptop had UCI's nanobattery it would easily last for 400 years (if 1,000 cycles = two years, 200,000 cycles = 400 years). That's long enough for that laptop to share a name with, but be far less useful than, an actual brick. If UCI can apply its findings to commercial uses, there's a revolution coming throughout the electronic landscape.
100 000 charge cycles -by the above calculation = 200 years is farly enough,is it not ? ;D Danach schau ma moi ! ::)
10 000 charge cycles - by the above calculation = 20 years is farly enough to overbridge all actually granted
capacitor and battery patents temporal !
https://www.electrive.com/2020/10/19/tesla-researchers-present-battery-with-2-million-mile-lifecycle/ (https://www.electrive.com/2020/10/19/tesla-researchers-present-battery-with-2-million-mile-lifecycle/)
but "ONLY 10 000 charge cycles ( for 2 Mio miles )" ! Wh/l or Wh/Kg ?
technical patent grant term max. = 20 years
utility model term max. = 10 years
the total energy storage industry GLOBAL now to see under/by "open source" conditioning !
Nothing special or surprising : Altschuller/TRIZ preview and in correlation
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://www.focus.de/magazin/archiv/rubriken-chinas-neue-wirtschaftsallianz_id_12683153.html (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://www.focus.de/magazin/archiv/rubriken-chinas-neue-wirtschaftsallianz_id_12683153.html)
kapitalistischer Kommunismus oder kommunistischer Kapitalismus auf Kredit :
Das Walras-Gesetz ist der vom französischen Ökonomen Léon Walras im Jahre 1898 entwickelte volkswirtschaftliche Lehrsatz, dass in einem allgemeinen Gleichgewichtsmodell die Summe der bewerteten Überschussnachfragen stets gleich Null ist.