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Antigravity Technologies => Other antigravity machines and devices => Topic started by: NdaClouDzzz on March 30, 2021, 04:41:27 PM

Title: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on March 30, 2021, 04:41:27 PM
Fran was on to some good stuff before he died. He did a lot of video's on his Gyroscopic ideas. I think that his best was shown in this video:
https://youtu.be/D7Q0sF3z-qA (https://youtu.be/D7Q0sF3z-qA)

RIP Fran
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: MagnaProp on March 31, 2021, 06:08:45 AM
RIP indeed. An intriguing demonstration. I'm not exactly sure how the device in that video works. What causes it to reciprocate back and forth? I can only see it reciprocating if the secondary spin, the one that spins the two spinning gyros, is no constant. By that I mean it would reciprocate if the secondary spin speed up and down in short bursts what would cause the device to abruptly jump forward for a second.
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on March 31, 2021, 04:53:26 PM
I agree, very intriguing demo! I can't explain it but hopefully nix85 will weigh-in and give us some insight, as he is one of the only members here that seems to fully grasp this stuff.
Fran made a lot of videos that can be found on YouTube. Here is one in which he goes into a lot of detail: https://youtu.be/TauNcWlhA58 (https://youtu.be/TauNcWlhA58)

"Most technically savvy people know that the primary behavior of rapidly spinning gyroscopes is to strongly resist any change in the angular orientation of their spin-axes. However, rapidly spinning gyroscopes are perfectly happy and well-behaved with any movement along that axis, or relocation of that axis which remains exactly parallel to its original orientation during such movement or at its new location. Most of those technically savvy people above have had the opportunity to play with a toy gyroscope and have forced the gyroscope's spin-axis to accept an angular change and have thus, directly experienced a phenomenon called "precession," which resists that applied force with a force of its own and of proportional intensity.

Gyroscopes are used primarily in guidance instruments and/or controls in moving vehicles, for example, gyroscopic compasses. In a much more limited range of application, and at a much larger physical size, they also serve as dampers to counter such unwanted oscillations as "roll" of a ship. Ever since the end of WWII and the entrance of the V2 rocket, and then spacecraft, not only has their sophistication and accuracy increased exponentially, but entirely new, equivalent technologies have entered the field, primarily in lock-step with that of other oscillation-based electronic equipment; e.g. Royal Rife's electronically controlled microscope system.

The speaker has devoted a sizable part of his discretionary lifetime conceiving, building, and experimenting with unique gyroscopic systems, that are quite robust, and in some cases, quite powerful. He now views, as indigenous, the relationship between the behavior of flywheel-type gyroscopes and most other physical phenomena. As he sees it, forced deviation from the natural precessional behavior of flywheel-type gyroscopic systems is identical to the motion fundamentals imbedded in other natural, physical phenomena, i.e. electron spin motion in atoms, DNA spirals, weather, cosmological phenomena, and oscillating motion in numerous other examples in physics.

These arc-motion fundamentals exist in the mechanical distillations derived from over 25 physical experiments including: pulsed anti-gravity; spiral motion; motoring by both natural and powered precession; motion reversals; pendulum-tuned motoring; extremely rapid linear motion; a visual-mechanical demonstration of inertia; etc.

The four basic, matter-building-block motions are: orbits, translations of orbits, rotation of the spin-plane, and powered, precession-formed spirals. Interactions caused by collisions with resulting re-encryptions of motion codifications such as electrical transmission; atomic fission and Royal Rife's alternating DNA corrections via oscillation control could really be gyro physics. (The speaker had also intuited that DNA is a gyroscopically induced encoded-double-helix that can be re-encoded by tuned, oscillating-motion intervention.)

Our questions to all are: can gyro momentum be conserved around abrupt 90-degree corners; can gyro wheel spin 'storage' be depleted without losing RPM, and can a self-selected 800:1 torque output be maintained indefinitely with only 1/800 continuous power input (1200 in-lbf natural precession maintained by less than 2 in-lbf DC motor input)?"
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: Acca on April 01, 2021, 12:41:07 AM
I have studied Fran and have a large file on him..

Just to make a point about him,  as well as an English man Eric Laithwaite who invented the "Maglev" concept and who
was burned by his critics who disavow levitation as Newtonian laws are immutable...  This subject is "DEAD" to all, and  if "YOU"
say that  Newtonian laws are to be altered of even slightly pushed aside you are a Nutter case... Period....

Fran run in to THAT !! It's very sad that he died from a heart attack as he was going to the UK ...

In order to understand that rotational function of a gyro just simply negates Newton in angular directional vector and reaction counter to reaction
just simply shifts the vector, however centrifugal force is real and rotation force interacts with "EATHER SPACE"  which it's self is a also a taboo
subject in today's teachings.. Eather is negated.. again "Period dead end"..

Terminology in gyros are just words that "describe" the function and NOT the operational "movement through space" or the actual concept of how the gyro lock's it's self to eather space..  This is the enigma, "matter of fluidic space" (out of Star Trek), not so far out of the future as I think..

I have an example will link it in the future.. (it's now future every moment)...

Fran had over 200 patents which is quite shocking which made him credible as he sold his company for allot of money.. People would listen to him because of that .. He crashed his Glasair airplane after five years of working in it.. (Kit Plane) Lots of time to think why that happened.. Gyro was a problem in that accident so he went to study gyros.. When you have a mechanical construct and no ability to describe why it works and your professional engineers look at you like a inventor who has stepped out of his knowledge base and now is developing machines that attack Newton it's time to distance your self form Fran... I will leave it at that now..

I will give you some insights as to why I think that this concept is already at work since the 1950's, There are hundreds of patents in the US patent office by now since the creation of the patent office.. Plus foreign patents and some are "Incredible" so Fran could not patent the concept as people who where there earlier.. When he retired he would show to anyone the gyro concepts, pushing the demonstrations in to the public domain.. Now he was wrong in his understanding just like Eric as well a Sandy Kidd who spent some 20 years on the mechanical concept, even Scott TV did a small documentary on him.

Eric has the a BBC documentary on done on him.. "The Heretic"   link    https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2g2ke4 (https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2g2ke4)

Now I will steer in to the Russian space realm where this "reality" exists as Russians are not afraid of Newtonian laws..
Try this name Vladimir Leonov... his  book it's free.. 700 pages in English pdf.

This link is very important as it shows a Reaction less mass (weight) ..

[/font]https://vladimir-leonov.livejournal.com/12365.html (https://vladimir-leonov.livejournal.com/12365.html)[/font]
http://theoryofsuperunification-leonov.blogspot.com/2011/07/video-tests-2009-of-quantum-pulsed.html (http://theoryofsuperunification-leonov.blogspot.com/2011/07/video-tests-2009-of-quantum-pulsed.html)

Download free. Leonov V. S. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification, 2010. (http://leonovcontent1000.blogspot.com/2018/04/download-free-leonov-v-s-quantum.html)     [/font]
[/font]Leonov V. S. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification, 2010.[/font]
And the last of the NON-REACTIVE force what Fran could not explain..

You are on the right track and as usual Americans are behind the Chinese and Space shooting Russians .. look we are  HUMANS here  this small EARTH ..

"The development of the production of non-reactive quantum engines and new energy sources for their power supply based on new physics. Creation on the basis of quantum engines of interplanetary spacecraft and devices of a new generation without rocket engines. We are talking about the development of fundamentally new space technologies with a complete rejection of chemical fuel and rejection of the principle of jet propulsion. At the same time, the principle of creating a thrust force due to a jet stream when burning chemical fuel is sharply criticized as being ineffective for interstellar travel."   V.  Leonov 2020

Acca ..


Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on April 01, 2021, 12:45:17 AM
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: MagnaProp on April 01, 2021, 01:12:35 AM
Thanks NdaClouDzzz and Acca for the info and links. I look forward to reviewing the info this weekend.
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: antijon on April 05, 2021, 08:57:24 AM
So I've looked into Laithwaite before, but trying to understand precession. Basically, gyroscope precession shouldn't exist, right? I mean, it's illogical that because a disk is spinning and a torque is applied to the top that force is exerted at 90 degrees. Just a question for you more knowledgeable guys.

Forgive the low quality of the paint image, but if we had a gyroscope mounted on a gimbal on a large platform that could rotate with little resistance ( imagine a large barge on water), and the gimbal was free to tilt side-to-side, but not free to spin around the mounting axis. As you see in the image, the rod tilts the gyro, but it's not free to be moved left or right. Does that mean tilting the gyro would apply a torque to rotate the entire platform on the water?
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: lancaIV on April 05, 2021, 10:14:21 AM
https://chestnuthilllocal.com/stories/francis-j-mccabe-inventor-and-business-owner,4803 (https://chestnuthilllocal.com/stories/francis-j-mccabe-inventor-and-business-owner,4803)

Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: MagnaProp on April 06, 2021, 05:18:54 AM
Looked into the info and it's all very interesting thanks. I'm very interesting in finding any gyro related patents of his but haven't found any on my own so far.

Thank you lancaIV for posting. I never looked into Frans background until this weekend. Wow what a creative genius he was. I had no idea. Was hoping to find info on the cars he mentions in a video interview I found on youtube. Your info has some of that in there. Any video of those things moving around?

Hi antijon. Yes it will apply a torque to rotate your ship. Assuming your image is a side view, and the gyro is spinning clockwise, a person standing on the boat could move the rod up causing your ship to torque left. Moving the rod down would torque the ship to the right.
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: MagnaProp on April 07, 2021, 12:36:25 AM
Anyone have a good source for Flywheels? I'm looking for something in the 4 to 6 inch diameter range. Need two of them. Looked into Sterling engine flywheels but the ones I found appear to be to small.

I'm very curious why Fran said that Tesla mentioned to use non-magnetic materials for a flywheel such as aluminum. Why would it be better to use such a light metal over iron? Especially when Fran says he measures gyros spinning and found no magnetics present.
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: lancaIV on April 07, 2021, 06:46:59 AM
flywheel ( as energy storage ) research and development : https://web.archive.org/web/20070519235153/http://flywheel.esmartbiz.com/ (https://web.archive.org/web/20070519235153/http://flywheel.esmartbiz.com/)

some dis-/advantages comparisons about low/heavy weight material use ( appropriate application )


Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: antijon on April 07, 2021, 04:35:21 PM
Thanks Magnaprop, gyros really are a mind blow, like they work directly against free space.

Btw, I've tried to source flywheels before but never turned up anything except, like you said, small sterlings on Amazon or eBay.
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: kajunbee on April 07, 2021, 05:01:25 PM
I picked up a 12" spoked flywheel off eBay. It came off and exercise bike I believe.
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: telecom on April 07, 2021, 09:22:22 PM
Quote from: antijon on April 05, 2021, 08:57:24 AM
So I've looked into Laithwaite before, but trying to understand precession. Basically, gyroscope precession shouldn't exist, right? I mean, it's illogical that because a disk is spinning and a torque is applied to the top that force is exerted at 90 degrees. Just a question for you more knowledgeable guys.

Forgive the low quality of the paint image, but if we had a gyroscope mounted on a gimbal on a large platform that could rotate with little resistance ( imagine a large barge on water), and the gimbal was free to tilt side-to-side, but not free to spin around the mounting axis. As you see in the image, the rod tilts the gyro, but it's not free to be moved left or right. Does that mean tilting the gyro would apply a torque to rotate the entire platform on the water?
I believe it should pull the whole platform
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: MagnaProp on April 12, 2021, 12:50:47 AM
Quote from: kajunbee on April 07, 2021, 05:01:25 PM
I picked up a 12" spoked flywheel off eBay. It came off and exercise bike I believe.
Thanks. That pointed me to some good options like the "9 Inch Hit & Miss Witte Gas Engine Flywheel Engine Cart Wheel Cast Iron" one I found on Ebay around 55$ shipped. Have a couple on order. When Eric Laithwaite and Fran start talking about propulsion and antigravity, I get interested. Not sure how well cast iron will hold up under the high speeds I'm thinking of. Might have to wrap it up in fiberglass cloth to help keep it from exploding but we'll see, from a distance.

Starting to see what Fran meant by it needs to spin faster than the natural rate of procession. That makes the gyro move up. Up sounds like antigravity to me. Eric said he couldn't get past the fast he could lift such a heavy gyro over his head which kept him intrigued. I can't get past the end of his "Heretic" video where he says he "cracked it". Got the same good results without breaking any physics laws.
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: kajunbee on April 12, 2021, 08:20:49 AM
https://youtu.be/hVKz9G3YXiw (https://youtu.be/hVKz9G3YXiw)

A few years back I built a device like in this video. Difference was that I had it mounted to the shaft of a Bldc motor as the generator. At first I used a small tuning knob flywheel which didn't work very well. I then modified it to be able to mount a bench grinder wheel. I was unable to achieve a constant precession where gyro did not rotate downwards. And this was before ever connecting a load to the generator. If there is any resistance to the precession rate it would rotate downwards. If I forced the precession to speed up with my finger the device will move upwards. Apply enough force and it will rotate straight up like a spinning top. At this point there is no noticeable precession, meaning it will not rotate the generator.
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: kajunbee on April 12, 2021, 01:37:16 PM
Ok, I see that the witts flywheel is spoked so I'll share my experience. The spoked flywheel that I had was more like a centrifugal fan. When I placed a small piece of cardboard along the side it would suck the cardboard towards it. Instead of securing a smooth plate to both sides I decided to try something. I placed the plates of aluminum plate on each side of spinning flywheel thinking if I just block the air from being pulled in the resistance would be less. It dropped the amp draw from 1.96 to 1.76 if I remember correctly. Not a huge difference but it did help. To me it's like blocking the suction of a vacuum cleaner and the motor speeding up. I'm not sure if it would be more beneficial than just securing the plates directly. I got sidetracked with other things and never completed it.
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: kajunbee on April 12, 2021, 01:55:17 PM
What might be and interesting experiment is placing the plates along side a smooth rotating flywheel to see if there's a further reduction in drag. Just a thought.
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: kajunbee on April 12, 2021, 10:05:21 PM
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: kajunbee on April 13, 2021, 02:29:05 PM
Another option for flywheel might be a ceramic skilsaw or mini grinder blade. There very thin and fairly well balanced. They are also rated for fairly high rpm. Figuring  a way to mount them might take a little thought but certainly doable. Maybe and option down the road.
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: kajunbee on June 04, 2021, 03:44:37 PM
@Magnaprop the first device in this video is like the one in video of post#1. Instead of direct drive motor, this one is belt driven. The motor seems to rotate continuously to me, as opposed to short on/off impulses.I thought from the first video post #1 that the reaction force was in one direction, and that the heavy spring pulled it back before the next impulse. But in this video it seems that it reacts in both directions as it rotates through a complete revolution.
Just search "Fran McCabe (rip)- gyroscopes" on YouTube. I'm having trouble posting the link.
Title: Re: Fran McCabe (RIP) Gyroscope Demo
Post by: MagnaProp on June 08, 2021, 04:27:57 AM
Quote from: kajunbee on June 04, 2021, 03:44:37 PM...But in this video it seems that it reacts in both directions as it rotates through a complete revolution...
Thank you for the video info. I was able to find it as you mentioned. Very very interesting. I don't get how he is getting the bidirectional movement from continued rotation in the same direction. I'll have to test that out as that is not what I would expect.