Low temperature catalytic thermolysis of water - production of hydrogen without electrolysis.
This work! :)
No components are noticeably consumed, only water vapor and energy.
Basic patents:
https://patents.google.com/patent/SU807584A1/en?oq=SU807584A1 (https://patents.google.com/patent/SU807584A1/en?oq=SU807584A1)
https://patents.google.com/patent/US3963830A/en?oq=US3963830 (https://patents.google.com/patent/US3963830A/en?oq=US3963830)
https://patents.google.com/patent/RO95468B1/en?oq=RO95468B1 (https://patents.google.com/patent/RO95468B1/en?oq=RO95468B1)
100% succeeded in replicating this method, for testing.
Used equipment and materials:
1. Oil vacuum pump, creates a vacuum of up to 0.5 mm. hg or less
2. Test tube made of quartz glass with heater and thermocouple for temperature measurement.
3. Hydrogen sensor for Arduino based on MQ-8
4. Natural zeolite - clinoptilolite with ions of other elements.
The sensor unambiguously registers hydrogen.
1. The temperature of the beginning of the process is 420 - 430 degrees Celsius.
Below almost never happens. Better if the temperature reaches 500 - 520 C.
2. Vacuum. The pressure must be not higher than minus 99.5 kPa.
With a pressure of vacuum is higher minus 99 kPa, nothing happens.
3. The quality of zeolite is not critical.
It is possible to use cat litter, if it contains natural zeolite. Almost the same effect.
Even ordinary lime can be used, but the effect will be much lower.
I guess the best option would be to use a synthetic zeolite, but not tested it yet.
About zeolite:
Tremendous gratitude for sharing this experiment
I will be studying this and hopefully can give it a try?
A member here wrote of a Zeolite material which
Absorbed gaseous propane and somehow converted it into liquid
Without a compressor stage ( huge benefit)
Yes I know the zeolite is used differently here , However it is curious ?
I will touch base with him soon for a refresher!
we also have another experiment shared by member Acca which
I will also be testing !( Hho experiment
Much gratitude
Chet K
Yes I will share results here !
Isn't it about that ?
So it turns out that it is possible to self-feed this installation?
By burning the produced hydrogen.
energy source for low-temperature dissociation:
Quantum chemistry
Quote..when a real molecule is placed between such plates, its energy levels behave in strange ways. And this latest paper demonstrates that with a photochemical rearrangement – the reaction rates change completely depending on whether or not the starting material is confined in the right sort of space, and they change exactly as the cavity is tuned more closely to the absorption taking place. In effect, the molecule is now part of a completely new system (molecule-plus-cavity), and this new system has different energy levels – and can do different chemistry.
The photochemistry shown is not exciting per se, but the fact that it can be altered just by putting the molecule in a very tiny box is exciting indeed:...
Why are green leaves of trees in direct sunlight colder than a white wall?
They cannot evaporate so much water, it is too much.
It is known that in order to change the dielectric between the plates of a charged capacitor for another, with a different dielectric constant, it is necessary to perform mechanical work.
If we do not move the dielectric, but change its properties in the course of a chemical reaction, what happens in this case?
How will the energy stored in the capacitor increase?
https://3dnews.ru/1045669/nemtsi-priblizilis-k-sozdaniyu-kommercheskoy-ustanovki-po-dobiche-topliva-iz-vozduha (https://3dnews.ru/1045669/nemtsi-priblizilis-k-sozdaniyu-kommercheskoy-ustanovki-po-dobiche-topliva-iz-vozduha)
Possible Role of Oxides in the Fleischmann-Pons Effect
Jean-Paul Biberian, Iraj Parchamazad and Melvin H. Miles
Aix-Marseille University, France, University of LaVerne, LaVerne, CA, U.S.A.,
https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= (https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
Patent US4278650A: Method for producing oxygen and hydrogen from water
Water is fed into a high temperature pressurized vessel containing hydrated large-port mordenite having a high Si/Al ratio and containing a cation that is selected from a specified group of metals and that is in its highest oxidation state. The high temperature causes an endothermic redox reaction that produces oxygen gas and, as a solid reaction product, a large-port mordenite wherein the metal cation is in a lower oxidation state. The solid reaction product is passed through a heat exchanger, where it is cooled and then into a second pressurized reaction vessel at low temperature whereby there occurs an exothermic redox reaction that produces hydrogen gas and which oxidizes the cation back to its highest oxidation state. The large-port mordenite generated in the second reaction vessel is passed through the heat exchanger, where it is heated, and then back into the first reaction vessel for recycling. Pressurization is employed in the reaction vessels to prevent dehydration and this, together with the composition of the mordenite and the use of the heat exchanger, provides high thermal efficiency.
Heating water to 400-500 degC is not a "low temperature" :o
It is superheated steam.
Thermolysis it very energy consuming process, known long time ago.
This is the correct mechanism.
Quote from: pix on July 15, 2022, 06:12:22 AM
Heating water to 400-500 degC is not a "low temperature" :o
It is superheated steam.
Thermolysis it very energy consuming process, known long time ago.
Ordinary water thermolysis, which occurs at min 2200 °C:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_splitting (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_splitting)
"at 2200 °C about three percent of all H2O are dissociated into various combinations of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, mostly H, H2, O, O2, and OH. Other reaction products like H2O2 or HO2 remain minor. At the very high temperature of 3000 °C more than half of the water molecules are decomposed"
This will be very difficult. Ignition temperature of hydrogen in oxygen:
"For the stoichiometric mixture, 2:1 hydrogen:oxygen, at normal atmospheric pressure, autoignition occurs at about 570 °C (1065 °F). "
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxyhydrogen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxyhydrogen)
The mixture of oxygen and hydrogen at 3000 °C must be somehow separated before cooling, otherwise it will burn again.
Therefore, the process of thermal dissociation
below the autoignition temperature already looks energetically low-cost.
The temperature 400 - 450 °C is too high, but ..what is temperature?
Can the temperature change from 80 °C to 450 °C with a frequency of 50 Hertz?
It would seem that it is impossible to change the temperature so quickly, but in a conventional
internal combustion engine it is possible, in the cylinders.
Adiabatic process.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adiabatic_process (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adiabatic_process)
1. https://patents.google.com/patent/SU807584A1/en?oq=SU807584A1 (https://patents.google.com/patent/SU807584A1/en?oq=SU807584A1)
English translation, .pdf:
https://overunity.com/16440/hho-generation-using-high-frequency-electromagnetic-waves-on-water/dlattach/attach/173964/ (https://overunity.com/16440/hho-generation-using-high-frequency-electromagnetic-waves-on-water/dlattach/attach/173964/)
2. https://patents.google.com/patent/GEP20074038B/en?oq=GEP20074038B (https://patents.google.com/patent/GEP20074038B/en?oq=GEP20074038B)
A method comprises heating water vapor together with the catalyst at pressure 8,0-10,0 atm. The received mix is cooled during (3-5)х10-3sec. up to temperature 70,0-80,00С and simultaneously with it pressure is lower up to 0,5-0,7atm. Then by means of addition water vapor hydrogen is isolated and process is repeated.
English translation, .pdf:
https://overunity.com/16440/hho-generation-using-high-frequency-electromagnetic-waves-on-water/dlattach/attach/173965/ (https://overunity.com/16440/hho-generation-using-high-frequency-electromagnetic-waves-on-water/dlattach/attach/173965/)
3. The MOTOR. Probably this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIMXgLuq6gA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIMXgLuq6gA)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUoY_qmBg-g (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUoY_qmBg-g)
As I said, superheated steam requires large amount of energy.
Nothing novel about water thermolysis.
Yes, but the dissociation products remain the same hot.
Thermal energy does not disappear, except for the consumption for the endothermic reaction of thermal dissociation of water.
But this consumption of thermal energy is only on the condition that ordinary water thermal dissociation occurs.
When water is simply heated to 3000 °C and there is no catalyst in the form of a zeolite with cavities less than 1 nanometer.
Quote from: Sergh on July 15, 2022, 09:47:17 AM
Yes, but the dissociation products remain the same hot.
Thermal energy does not disappear, except for the consumption for the endothermic reaction of thermal dissociation of water.
Imagine that we would live on Venus with a temperature of 500 degrees.
Would we have free energy? ;) ;)
If you carefully read the topic, it is clear that by itself it does not heat up.
Heats up from a 220 volt outlet. It heats up so that the cavities in the crystals begin to vibrate at a very high speed.
At the same time, they probably begin to interact with the quantum field of virtual particles of vacuum and transfer the energy of the zero point to our real world. Zero point energy dissociates a water molecule at a temperature 5 times lower than without microcrystal cavities.
Conventional heating is no different from microwave heating:
https://phys.org/news/2013-03-nihilo-dynamical-casimir-effect-metamaterial.html (https://phys.org/news/2013-03-nihilo-dynamical-casimir-effect-metamaterial.html)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLEJTaY307E (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLEJTaY307E)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGRhTXKh8A (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGRhTXKh8A)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh898Yr5YZ8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh898Yr5YZ8)
With zero point energy, now I understand.
Now, if we return to classical thermodynamics, suggest we are the inhabitants of Venus. :)
500 degrees is a normal temperature for us, like for earthlings 20 degrees Celsius.
We find a magical catalyst, and decompose water vapor, which, we assume, we have in quite .
Then we burn the resulting hydrogen and oxygen without a catalyst. We get the temperature
already much higher, and again water vapor. Then everything repeats again in a circle.
On the temperature difference, you can start a heat engine and an electric generator.
What is it, we have a violation of thermodynamics ?
Or is it necessary to take into account not only the temperature, but also the amount of heat ?
If you heat the zeolite in the atmosphere of Venus or the Earth or whatever, nothing will happen.
It is also necessary to transport steam, gas, water through nano labyrinths.
It is necessary to cyclically change the pressure over a wide range.
If you drilled a small hole in a barrel of gasoline, inserted a tube into it and set fire to the gasoline that flowed out? Gasoline burns and heats up above the environment. Is this a violation of the laws of thermodynamics?
To the topic of zero point energy, about the method of direct generation of electricity without water and gases:
Quote from: Sergh on July 16, 2022, 10:41:48 AM
If you heat the zeolite in the atmosphere of Venus or the Earth or whatever, nothing will happen.
It is also necessary to transport steam, gas, water through nano labyrinths.
It is necessary to cyclically change the pressure over a wide range.
Yes, I understood everything. We will do as you say, and with pressure too.
But why here about the barrel of gasoline?
We had only water, and we get only water, and so on in a circle.
And yet add thermal energy is taken, as if from nowhere.
Why is it necessary to use only water? Practical, safe.
But you can use other substances.
Patent of the same author for the catalytic dissociation of carbon dioxide.
https://patents.google.com/patent/SU1011511A1/en (https://patents.google.com/patent/SU1011511A1/en)
Thermal dissociation of carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and oxygen.
Carbon monoxide can be used as fuel.
The same thing happens with water. Both reactions are not overunity.
I think that the energy for the reaction come from the movement of our space in time.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCvbqMGPpa8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCvbqMGPpa8)
Quote from: Sergh on July 18, 2022, 02:33:30 AM
The same thing happens with water. Both reactions are not overunity.
I think that the energy for the reaction come from the movement of our space in time.
Or maybe nature performs all its processes according to its own laws.
Including the passage of time and energy. And if an ambitious person wants to get a
" perpetual motion machine", to amuse his ego. He must pay for this with his own time,
the time of his life. Not in the sense that he spends part of his time working with different
devices, but in the literal sense ? Sounds creepy, but if is that? ;)
In any case, we are moving in time.
Many are like this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moOZYXRyqlY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moOZYXRyqlY)
That's better?
By the way, I wonder what "Antigravity" was Kapanadze talking about?
The secret is revealed simply.
What gravitational effects could be studied at the design institute "Gruzgiprovodhoz"?
"Georgian State Institute for the Design of Water Management Construction"
:) They wouldn't want to design a flying saucer there. ;D
The profile of the institute is completely different.
Then what?
What kind of "anti - gravity" could they study?
Scientific work corresponding to the profile of the institute, with the word "gravity", "gravitational", etc.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3thvqFhFIfY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3thvqFhFIfY)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundwater (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundwater)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capillary_action (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capillary_action)
QuoteThe capillary fringe is the subsurface layer in which groundwater seeps up from a water table by capillary action to fill pores. Pores at the base of the capillary fringe are filled with water due to tension saturation. This saturated portion of the capillary fringe is less than total capillary rise because of the presence of a mix in pore size. If pore size is small and relatively uniform, it is possible that soils can be completely saturated with water for several feet above the water table. Alternately, when pore size is large, the saturated portion will extend only a few inches above the water table. Capillary action supports a vadose zone above the saturated base within which water content decreases with distance above the water table. In soils with a wide range in pore size, the unsaturated zone can be several times thicker than the saturated zone.Quote
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capillary_fringe (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capillary_fringe)
QuoteWhat kind of "anti - gravity" could they study?
Scientific work corresponding to the profile of the institute, with the word "gravity", "gravitational", etc.
I don't know. Why everyone silence?
And yet, the life of every person has an energy equivalent ?
In terms of money, more or less clear. It strongly depends on the circumstances.
You had a good film, "in time" 2011 was called. :)
Member Tom Reed will be testing this claim in pressure chamber or ICE "internal combustion engine " (image below)
Here in next month or so ( he is away working still perhaps next month..?
He has topic here
**Claim of Sam Leach (below) 20PPM lithium nitrate in water at 500 psi
Others here have written that lithium GREATLY reduces disassociation temperature 1/2?
Once project starts your input would be greatly appreciated!
Image below is from Tom Bearden tribute here posted by member
Quote from: Sergh on July 15, 2022, 08:43:25 AM
Ordinary water thermolysis, which occurs at min 2200 °C:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_splitting (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_splitting)
"at 2200 °C about three percent of all H2O are dissociated into various combinations of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, mostly H, H2, O, O2, and OH. Other reaction products like H2O2 or HO2 remain minor. At the very high temperature of 3000 °C more than half of the water molecules are decomposed"
This will be very difficult. Ignition temperature of hydrogen in oxygen:
"For the stoichiometric mixture, 2:1 hydrogen:oxygen, at normal atmospheric pressure, autoignition occurs at about 570 °C (1065 °F). "
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxyhydrogen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxyhydrogen)
The mixture of oxygen and hydrogen at 3000 °C must be somehow separated before cooling, otherwise it will burn again.
Therefore, the process of thermal dissociation below the autoignition temperature already looks energetically low-cost.
The temperature 400 - 450 °C is too high, but ..what is temperature?
Can the temperature change from 80 °C to 450 °C with a frequency of 50 Hertz?
It would seem that it is impossible to change the temperature so quickly, but in a conventional internal combustion engine it is possible, in the cylinders.
Adiabatic process.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adiabatic_process (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adiabatic_process)
1. https://patents.google.com/patent/SU807584A1/en?oq=SU807584A1 (https://patents.google.com/patent/SU807584A1/en?oq=SU807584A1)
English translation, .pdf:
https://overunity.com/16440/hho-generation-using-high-frequency-electromagnetic-waves-on-water/dlattach/attach/173964/ (https://overunity.com/16440/hho-generation-using-high-frequency-electromagnetic-waves-on-water/dlattach/attach/173964/)
2. https://patents.google.com/patent/GEP20074038B/en?oq=GEP20074038B (https://patents.google.com/patent/GEP20074038B/en?oq=GEP20074038B)
A method comprises heating water vapor together with the catalyst at pressure 8,0-10,0 atm. The received mix is cooled during (3-5)х10-3sec. up to temperature 70,0-80,00С and simultaneously with it pressure is lower up to 0,5-0,7atm. Then by means of addition water vapor hydrogen is isolated and process is repeated.
English translation, .pdf:
https://overunity.com/16440/hho-generation-using-high-frequency-electromagnetic-waves-on-water/dlattach/attach/173965/ (https://overunity.com/16440/hho-generation-using-high-frequency-electromagnetic-waves-on-water/dlattach/attach/173965/)
3. The MOTOR. Probably this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIMXgLuq6gA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIMXgLuq6gA)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUoY_qmBg-g (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUoY_qmBg-g)
Chet K
Related to gravity
Member broli did start a topic here on Dr .Eugene Podkletnov
https://overunity.com/19184/what-happened-to-dr-eugene -podkletnov/msg569059/#new (https://overunity.com/19184/what-happened-to-dr-eugene-podkletnov/msg569059/#new)
Any ??
And I'm thinking, at a temperature of absolute zero, the birth of virtual particles in a vacuum also stops?
Quote from: ramset on July 22, 2022, 08:35:38 AM
Once project starts your input would be greatly appreciated!
Hello, Ramset!
It is necessary to inform that only this patent is replicable:
https://patents.google.com/patent/RO95468B1/en?oq=RO95468B1 (https://patents.google.com/patent/RO95468B1/en?oq=RO95468B1)
All features of replication are shown in the attached figure.For evaluation experiments, it is not necessary to supply steam. Water or water vapor is released in large quantities from the zeolite when heated.
With other patents,
https://patents.google.com/patent/SU807584A1/en?oq=SU807584A1 (https://patents.google.com/patent/SU807584A1/en?oq=SU807584A1)
https://patents.google.com/patent/GEP20074038B/en?oq=GEP20074038B (https://patents.google.com/patent/GEP20074038B/en?oq=GEP20074038B)
replication has not yet succeeded.
It is my assumption that the calcium hydroxide mentioned in these patents is not ordinary lime, but calcium and oxygen ions embedded in some kind of crystalline structure.
The prerequisite for this was the understanding that the inventor, scientist, head of the laboratory, who owned the first patent, SU807584A1 (https://patents.google.com/patent/SU807584A1/en?oq=SU807584A1), was studied crystal physics.
His book:
https://books.google.com/books/about/Reversible_Crystal_Plasticity.html?id=qHwWbX6QLnYC (https://books.google.com/books/about/Reversible_Crystal_Plasticity.html?id=qHwWbX6QLnYC)
I'm not sure if zeolite with integrated calcium is the best option.
There may be other options to improve the process.
It is not yet clear why the authors of the latest patents do not need to create a low pressure vacuum.
In general, this is close to "fast adsorption", close to modern oxygen concentrators, which are used to generate oxygen from the air.
Quote from: kolbacict on July 25, 2022, 01:07:40 AM
And I'm thinking, at a temperature of absolute zero, the birth of virtual particles in a vacuum also stops?
Hello comrade!
I assume that virtual particles are not particles, but quanta of space-time that generate the present, the transition from the past to the future.
Found another patent for the decomposition of water by zeolite with alkaline earth metal ions and heating.
https://patents.google.com/patent/US7357912B2/en (https://patents.google.com/patent/US7357912B2/en)
Inventor Masanori Sakai Kazumi Fujii Kenji Araki
Current Assignee
Hitachi LtdQuotePreferable solid acid catalysts and the solid base catalysts are particles having 1 to 50 μm. The main component of the solid acid catalysts is silicon acids, and the main component of the solid base catalysts is at least one of alkali metal compounds and alkaline earth metal compounds. Preferable silicon oxides are alumino-silicates. The solid base catalyst contains at least one oxide of K, Mg, and Ca. The temperature of water is 130° C. or higher.
Zeolite in the description of this patent is masked by the word "
alumino-silicates".The process temperature is not specified accurately enough, it is impossible to understand that a temperature of 3.5 times higher is required. Сyclic pressure change is not indicated at all, although without this there will be no result.
The patent propose to apply an electric field to water, without electric current.
There is not possible decomposition of water without electric current through it, this has been verified.
But Hitachi is a well-known company, probably a patent was issued for a working sample.
A few more good patents for the thermal dissociation of water by zeolite.
1. https://patents.google.com/patent/US3963830A/en
A static version of the implementation of water decomposition is described. Very close to the RO95468B1 (https://patents.google.com/patent/RO95468B1/en?oq=RO95468B1) patent.
2. https://patents.google.com/patent/US4278650A/en
The same, but with a little automation and improved efficiency. Closer to the dynamic version.
3. https://patents.google.com/patent/JPH10263397A/en
4. https://patents.google.com/patent/JPH11171501A/en (https://patents.google.com/patent/JPH11171501A/en)
5. https://patents.google.com/patent/JP3939389B2/en (https://patents.google.com/patent/JP3939389B2/en)
To summarize all these patents, less energy is expended for the catalytic decomposition of water.
Than what we can get by burning the resulting hydrogen. Do I understand correctly?
In the patents from the previous message, static methods for producing hydrogen are described.
A patent GEP20074038B from Kapanadze's homeland describes a dynamic method, which, according to the patent, has many times greater productivity.
Static hydrogen production method:
https://patents.google.com/patent/SU807584A1/en?oq=SU807584A1 (https://patents.google.com/patent/SU807584A1/en?oq=SU807584A1English)
English translation, after downloading, is need to add the file extension .pdf :
https://overunity.com/16440/hho-generation-using-high-frequency-electromagnetic-waves-on-water/dlattach/attach/173964/ (https://overunity.com/16440/hho-generation-using-high-frequency-electromagnetic-waves-on-water/dlattach/attach/173964/)
Amount of Calcium Oxide Powder: 200 grams
The amount of water vapor present in the reactor: 50 grams
Pressure in the reactor: 0,87 atmospheres
(But about the pressure in this patent, it is not entirely clear. If you study other patents of this author, there are indications that in the process of preparing "calcium hydroxide" he lowered the pressure to 0.01 atmospheres)
Amount of hydrogen: 48 cubic centimeters of gas: 0,0043 grams hydrogen
Dynamic hydrogen production method:
https://patents.google.com/patent/GEP20074038B/en?oq=GEP20074038B (https://patents.google.com/patent/GEP20074038B/en?oq=GEP20074038B)
A method comprises heating water vapor together with the catalyst at pressure 8,0-10,0 atm. The received mix is cooled during (3-5)х10-3sec. up to temperature 70,0-80,00С and simultaneously with it pressure is lower up to 0,5-0,7atm. Then by means of addition water vapor hydrogen is isolated and process is repeated.
English translation, .pdf:
https://overunity.com/16440/hho-generation-using-high-frequency-electromagnetic-waves-on-water/dlattach/attach/173965/ (https://overunity.com/16440/hho-generation-using-high-frequency-electromagnetic-waves-on-water/dlattach/attach/173965/)
Amount of Calcium Oxide Powder: 200 grams
Pressure inside the reactor: 0,5 - 10 atmospheres
Temperature 70 - 400 Celsius
Water 100 ml
Amount of hydrogen: 0.66 - 0.72 % from the water, or 0.66 - 0.72 grams hydrogen, 7788 cubic centimeters of gas, 84 kilojoules if burned.
At idle, a running car engine consumes about 1 liter per hour.
1 liter of gasoline releases 44 megajoules of heat when burned. 84 kilojoules, obtained from the combustion of hydrogen, is enough to rotate the engine at idle for 7 seconds.
Presumably in this way there is enough energy to start and rotate the motor on this videos:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIMXgLuq6gA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIMXgLuq6gA)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUoY_qmBg-g (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUoY_qmBg-g)
Is it necessary to decompose water certainly to hydrogen by your low-temperature catalytic methods?
Why not get another combustible substance from the water at once, for example, methanol or methane.
Here another odd claim ?
BTW thanks for all the info ...hopefully when Tommy Reed gets back from working out of state
there can be Some testing of these claims at his topic here !
With his pressure chamber test bed .
Chet K
Below was shared at another forum,I did not ask poster for permission to share as it was not
His claim!
I probably will reach out for him regardless!
Now that I think of it I do remember a member here saying to add a tiny bit of benzene to water fuel
Maybe silane? Good thing. Even spontaneously ignites. ;)
Hydrogen and water are good because they do not create solid products in Redox reactions.
Carbon or silicon will contaminate the aluminosilicate matrix.
But it's probably possible somehow.
So I spoke again with a friend who read of this challenge!(Jerry V. at Peters open source forum)
Seems the Thomas Edison water fuel challenge
WAs an Ounce of secret green fluid
Mixed with one gallon of water
Ran an internal combustion engine !
Edison put out a very big reward for the time ...to anyone who could tell him what this one ounce of Green fluid was ?
A long time passed ... no one came to answer the challenge ( successfully)
And he just published it
Acetylene mixed with acetone at 200 atmosphere
Fellow who shared this said "might need to cool it during the process "?
Go small at first !( samples)
Wonder how it "do what it do " ??
Effects thermolysis ?
Or ....
This one gonna be wild !
3000 psi ? ( to make a solution from such a touchy soup
Seems to share bits from the Brax peace collection
https://sites.google.com/site/braxpeace2/waterinfuelblends (https://sites.google.com/site/braxpeace2/waterinfuelblends)
Shared by Johan here years ago
Chet K
Quote from: ramset on September 01, 2022, 09:22:20 PM
Effects thermolysis ?
What do you think about...
photolysis (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov5MjS0N6PI)?
The process of decomposition of something under the action of some kind of radiation?
Of course, when you need to create artificial radiation, this is not a free process. But what if we use radiation that is imperceptible to us, powerful radiation that always exists around us in large quantities?
Biology and water splitting, irresistible combination
Snip from your link
Photocatalytic water splitting (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_splitting) is an artificial photosynthesis (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_photosynthesis) process using photocatalysis (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photocatalysis) for the dissociation (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissociation_(chemistry)) of water (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water)(H2O) into hydrogen (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen) (H]2 and oxygen (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen)
2. Only light energy (photons (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photons)]), water, and a catalyst (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalyst)(s) are needed, since this is what naturally occurs in natural photosynthetic (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photosynthesis) oxygen production and CO2fixation.[1] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photocatalytic_water_splitting#cite_note-1)
[2] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photocatalytic_water_splitting#cite_note-2)[3] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photocatalytic_water_splitting#cite_note-3)][4] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photocatalytic_water_splitting#cite_note-4)
Hydrogen fuel (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_fuel) production using water and light (photocatalytic water splitting (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_splitting) ), instead of petroleum, is an important renewable energy (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_energy) strategy.
End snip
Links again
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photocatalytic_water_splitting (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photocatalytic_water_splitting)
https://www.google.com/search?q=Gamma+ray+zeolite+hydrogen (https://www.google.com/search?q=Gamma+ray+zeolite+hydrogen) Screen shot below from your link
Sam leach claim with lithium nitrate at 20ppm and 500 psi runs ICE
Is still in the works ( access to nitrate an issue ...any suggestions?)
And now we see Herman Anderson ( soft X-ray claim ..was not Myth or ?
Hello, Chet!
Herman Anderson, soft X-ray - what is meant really by this?Soft x-rays are more dangerous to health than hard x-rays. This X-rays are absorbed by the skin, even small doses cause burns on the skin. Tesla also wrote about this. These burns are difficult to heal.
I'm generally thinking about something else.
In principle, the processes of absorption of any radiation in this context are presumably similar.
Including known and unknown radiations.
The unknown radiation does not visualize itself in any way.
Zero point radiation, transition noise from the future to the past.
Probably high-frequency radiation, higher than gamma rays.
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00223131.2013.757453 (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00223131.2013.757453)
About lithium nitrate. Don't know. Probably in chemical stores. If you have a piece of lithium or lithium oxide or hydroxide and nitric acid, you get lithium nitrate.
Li + 2HNO3 → LiNO3 + NO2 + H2O
NO2 - brown gas - nitrogen dioxide, hazardous to health.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrogen_dioxide (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrogen_dioxide)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrogen_dioxide_poisoning (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrogen_dioxide_poisoning)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01Uuc8V-o4Y (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01Uuc8V-o4Y)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qLXss0h0MQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qLXss0h0MQ)
The source of lithium metal is lithium batteries, but not rechargeable batteries:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BliWUHSOalU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BliWUHSOalU)
Interesting about lithium chloride, in the current topic, see TABLE 2:
https://patents.google.com/patent/EP1245531A1/en (https://patents.google.com/patent/EP1245531A1/en)
Thanks for reply, I was on road all day yesterday until late !
Will look for relevant quote and post here (from Herman on soft X-ray )actually he supports your comment and it might be good to define this issue you mention !
Studying your other contributions ( you truly are a wonderful resource for the Hydrogen technologies !
Many are quite interested since it seems more possibilities for open source builders to explore with huge potential!
For perspective Sam Leach lithium nitrate at 20ppm at 500 psi in water runs ICE ...is within grasp of many experimenters !
Many areas you point to here are in same category ( we have skill set to experiment in open source community)
With gratitude
@ Serg
i believe the term 'soft x-rays', refers to the low end of the xray spectrum.
These are emitted from the ultraviolet electric plasma spectrum and beyond.
Vacuum tubes and low-pressure gas tubes were once used to create HV home-medical devices,
and traveling-therapy artists, that would wave a glowing electric tube over your body.
These are "low energy" xrays and HF light
Have you heard about the used oil furnace from 1950's that ran on water? Patent was issued to army service men in Texas for only adding water line to T fitting for used oil burner on used jeep engine oil, to get 50% increase in efficiency. That was not what was written in their application for Patent. SS coil tubing in brick insulated firepot of oil burner hooked to input common water line. Oil furnace started. Oil passes through spring operated one way check valve. Temperature gauge monitored for temp up to 1500 degrees F. Then valve opened so as superheated steam is allowed in T fitting with oil to tiny nozzle. Nice burn flame runs constant. Then oil line shut off. Furnace still runs. Shock wave from 90 lbs pressure to zero AMBIANT in fire-pot forms Hydrogen and Oxygen torch flame that also heats heat exchanger. Normally water molecules separate at about 3000-6000 degrees which is too much energy. The vibration shock wave allows for disassociation at lower temperature. Electric motor with dual shafts ran 2 oil pumps at 90lbs. If water shut off, and cooled down, then furnace has to be restarted on oil. A much smaller unit in crate was shown to a US senator in Washington building underground parking , as an open trunk display. This was somewhat similar to the propane operated camping stove with circular pores, ignition igniter, vertical round fire brick insulated chimney, and interior SS tubing of water. When steam introduced to T fitting, the fuel used was shut down leaving burning circular torch flames. It probably used minerals free distilled water so as nozzle would not clog. (US Patent office not allow for overunity for public.- Free Energy is eliminated in issued US Patents. US- 1958, 2,863,499.
Your patent number doesn't link for me ?
One thing about lithium,
It's claimed to cut water temp for thermolysis in half ?
(At incredibly small amounts (lithium nitrate at 20ppm in water)
Would also make many issues in your water furnace
Easier to .......engineer
Chet K
US patent 2863499 shows only SOME of the original data . At least you get the general idea. Type number in CAREFULLY to study Patent issued. (oil furnace ran FULLY on water in 1950's, after starting with fuel oil, and up to proper temperature- from original manuscript submitted.)
https://patents.google.com/patent/US2863499A/en (https://patents.google.com/patent/US2863499A/en)
Snip ( note this is with "A" suffix on patent number)
"We do not understand fully the physics of the action that takes place within the burner, but it is our belief that the high velocity of movement through the burner and the high temperature of the superheated steam causes the water molecules in the steam to break down into their hydrogen and oxygen atoms which aids hydrogenation of the fuel by combining the hydrogen atoms with the carbon atoms of the fuel and utilizing the oxygen to aid combustion.""
End snip
Also this patent "2863499 "A"
Mentions minimum 50% less oil
Much cleaner and cooler ( and smaller outlet)
1958 ?
Lots to look through...
If Original poster here wishes ( prefers adhering to low temp thermolysis of water topic ?
Another thread might be needed ?
Or we could use one of your old threads ( water fuel ?
Chet K
Edit for comment below
Furnace is claimed (Russ wrote previous page ) to run on water thermolysis ( no oil) after certain point .
Also Lanca forwarded a link ( have to look through a bit more)
http://www.rexresearch.com/cottell/cottell.htm (http://www.rexresearch.com/cottell/cottell.htm)
Hello colleagues!
I assume that the high-temperature addition of water to carbon fuels is not relevant to this topic.
Probably, when burning fuel with water, more heated gas is obtained, but at a lower temperature. When fuel is burned without water, less gas is produced, but at a higher temperature. Heat transfer from a larger volume of gas to the consumer looks more efficient.
The efficiency of the steam locomotive is only 6%.
If we somehow increase the efficiency of heat transfer from the fire to the boiler by 2 times, then the overall efficiency is likely to be 12% or less.
But where is free energy or overunity?
14 fold Sound ( frequency ?) driven enhancement of standard water electrolysis from Australia ?
Shared by member Paul R
https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4409.msg102777;topicseen#msg102777 (https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4409.msg102777;topicseen#msg102777)
Sorry for off topic ( a bit ?)
So many experiments in this thread !
Chet K
Not so long ago, I did some experiments to produce hydrogen using ultrasound.
For example:
- suspension of zeolite in water and ultrasound 15 kHz
- suspension of zeolite in water and ultrasound 15 kHz together with electric field 50 MHz
- suspension of zeolite in water and ultrasound 15 kHz, together with electric field 50 MHz and direct current electrolysis
- suspension of zeolite in water and ultrasound 22 kHz
- suspension of zeolite in water and ultrasound 22 kHz together with electric field 50 MHz
- suspension of zeolite in water and ultrasound 22 kHz, together with electric field 50 MHz and direct current electrolysis
- suspension of zeolite in water and ultrasound 1.6 MHz
- suspension of zeolite in water and ultrasound 1.6 MHz, together with electric field 50 MHz
- suspension of zeolite in water and ultrasound 1.6 MHz, together with electric field 50 MHz and direct current electrolysis
Unfortunately, in my experiments, the yield of hydrogen in all cases was very insignificant, or additional factors, ultrasound and radio frequency, had little effect. :(
A very small yield of hydrogen was observed in the lowest frequency version of 15 kHz. It does not depend on other factors. But this needs to be verified. Practically not useful.
At higher ultrasonic frequencies, the hydrogen yield was near zero. With additional electrolysis by direct current, the influence of ultrasound or high-frequency electric field was not noticed.
- a slight increase in the yield of hydrogen due to heating of the liquid during electrolysis with direct current. The current also increases when the electrolyte is heated.
Visible issue:
- dispersed particles of zeolite or lime in water strongly reduce ultrasonic cavitation.
Using a of a small mechanical single-cylinder air pump to create dynamically changes of pressure and vacuum also did not give positive results.
Do not forget, the static version, described in the topic, is quite efficient:
https://overunity.com/18865/low-temperature-catalytic-thermolysis-of-water/msg569182/#msg569182 (https://overunity.com/18865/low-temperature-catalytic-thermolysis-of-water/msg569182/#msg569182)
Not overunity, but working system.
I suppose that a large range of dynamic changes in pressure and temperature is needed.
Quoteunexpected formation of hydrogen by sonication of catalytic test reactions containing water–alcohol mixtures...
The current report is based on our observation of irreproducible hydrogen evolution data during screening studies of heterogeneous metal oxide semiconductor HER studies. We noted that during sample preparation, our samples were sonicated for a few minutes in deaerated H2O/alcohol (8:2, v/v) (alcohol = ethanol or methanol) to ensure homogeneous dispersion. While analyzing the possible sources of error, we performed a blank reference experiment where the pure, catalyst-free solvent was sonicated (but not irradiated), and we observed the formation of hydrogen by headspace gas chromatography. We followed the hydrogen evolution of this sample over time...After ruling out any other source of hydrogen (e.g., glassware contamination, GC malfunction, etc.), the only remaining explanation was that H2 is formed by sonication. This was supported by literature analysis, which showed that there are a few reports discussing the phenomenon; however, there are no systematic studies of the amounts of hydrogen produced depending on the sonication conditions.
...We have mentioned several times that we note an increase of hydrogen concentration in the headspace of the reaction vessel even after sonication has finished;... In more detail, we have noted that if the mixture is stirred after sonication, the amount of hydrogen in the headspace increases quickly and stabilizes after ∼2 h ... When the mixtures are not stirred, the hydrogen concentration in the gas phase increases at much smaller rates and follows a linear trend, which does not reach a plateau even after 7 h ... To the best of our knowledge, this "delayed sonication effect" has not been reported yet. Based on our initial experiments, we suggest that this is due to slow (without stirring) or fast (with stirring) diffusion of hydrogen from the liquid to the gas phase.
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsomega.0c03110 (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsomega.0c03110)
Brief summary of what has been done in the past 2 months:
An attempt to produce hydrogen by cavitation in a suspension of zeolite powder in water:
1. Initially, it was planned to use a small gear pump for powerful low-frequency cavitation.
The process of cavitation with water pump similar to cavitation on this video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dd6AlyOnfc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dd6AlyOnfc)
The small hydraulic oil pump I purchased is driven by a 200 watt electric motor. Previously used to move the dental chair. According to the seller, the pump is capable of creating a pressure of more than 20 atmospheres.
But even with clean water, the pump could not work. The bronze bushings that act as bearings in it, in the absence of oil, axes of the gears stick to the steel after a few seconds of rotation at full speed.
I have purchased gear pumps of several other types, but they also have bronze bushing bearings. It seems to be said that there are some gear pumps with bearings made of aluminum alloys or even plastic, but I have not found any yet. Plastic gear pumps with a low-voltage motor, according to reviews, do not create a sufficiently high pressure.
2. Plunger pumps for coffee machines, vibration solenoid pumps etc..
What is plunger pumps for coffee machines:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9KGunmnLSI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9KGunmnLSI)
Two such plunger pumps create a pressure of more than 15 atmospheres without a safety valve. One creates pressure up to 3 atmospheres, but a large flow of water.
The one other creates a pressure of more than 25 atmospheres, but a small flow. I used this pump for testing.
I blocked the inlet and exit with valves, similarly to the video about cavitation, the link to which was at the beginning.
The inlet pressure drops to a significant vacuum. In a transparent tube, you can see how water boils at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius.
Water with zeolite powder passes in a circle through the storage tank. From the storage tank, the resulting gas was pumped into a tank with a hydrogen sensor.
The amount of water passing through the storage tank during cavitation, i.e. with almost closed valves, very small, a couple of drops per second.
No significant production of hydrogen was found in this variant. The MQ-8 sensor has a voltage of 0.1 - 0.2 volts, which is very small and may also indicate the presence of water vapor.
Heating water in the storage tank to 80 degrees Celsius also did not give positive results.
Forward movement. Dissociation of water dissolved in another liquid.
- this patent states a condition:
https://patents.google.com/patent/US3963830A/en (https://patents.google.com/patent/US3963830A/en)
For low-temperature dissociation, the zeolite should contain from 5% to 15% water. In liquid water, decomposition probably follows a different path, with the formation of hydrogen peroxide and free radicals of hydrogen ions. For some reason, hydrogen does not separate as a gas. At least not in large quantities.
What if there was not water? Or even almost no water at all?
Interesting video on this topic:
https://youtu.be/-IwTl-OAdaM (https://youtu.be/-IwTl-OAdaM)
I don't understand what kind of ionized water is used.
Well ...it would seem ( in my opinion) he just put a
Charge into the water? Like a capacitor effect ??
Perhaps we should ask him ?
Here another charge claim which needs investigations !
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v8PbdymGFk8 (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v8PbdymGFk8)
For me it's time to stop kicking the tires ...
Your work is wonderful ( various investigations)
I hope to join in soon !
Including above which also must cause some water/ fuel emulsification ..(oil fuel)
Very easy bench experiment to try ( your video again https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-IwTl-OAdaM&feature=youtu.be (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-IwTl-OAdaM&feature=youtu.be)
Does simply charging water cause fuel and water emulsification !
Yes, it will probably work, with fuel. For example, to detach oxygen from a water molecule using alcohol, under certain conditions. And the simultaneous release of hydrogen. This method is described somewhere in the link about photolysis. But the use of conventional fuel does not harmonize with this topic. More interesting is the use of non-flammable liquids with a high boiling point, such as silicone oil or fluorocarbon.
It turned out to make hydrogen evolution without heating over 400 C and without vacuum -99 kPa.
Added alternating high-voltage current to obtain a barrier discharge. Such as in ozonizers or in plasma balls. Control run without zeolite - no or very little hydrogen.
While there are problems - the zeolite deteriorates due to local discharges, some balls turn black.
I have always said that a corona discharge in gases destroys its molecules by a free radical mechanism. For example, an oxygen O2 molecule to form ozone O3.
The water molecule in the form of vapor is no exception.
The effect of zeolite seems interesting.
What do the numbers 0.2 volts and 2 volts mean on a hydrogen sensor?
Can this be converted to a percentage?
My dear Serge, even if we have a real real perpetual motion machine, they still won't take us in.
In my opinion, it's just not necessary. This world is arranged something differently.
Persons like those sharing in this topic ( your comments above)
Should always have a path towards continuing open source research in a productive
I would love to meet more persons like yourselves ( selfless (NOT selfish)
And do everything possible to help !
It is our global mission here ( Stefan's statement at top of forum!
Truly the cream of the crop !( the best in hard times
Chet K
I think we need an organization ( non profit global research group?
Persons who have a history of sharing their work
Should be helped by such a group..
Also persons here that wish to test concepts ( such as proof of concepts)
Should have access to funding for open source research!
Many here already do this with limited resources
Others make offers ? But lack funding!
Sorry for off topic Sergh
I will start a topic soon ( or ask Stefan about this first?( hopefully today)
Quote from: kolbacict on April 19, 2023, 07:31:15 AM
By the way, there was no answer what the readings of the hydrogen sensor on the arduino mean.
according to the calibration table of the MQ-8 sensor, the 2,1 volt is about 1800 - 2000 ppm. It if to trust tables. This is about 0.2% if I'm not mistaken. It won't be enough. >:(
The result is not negative, but insufficient to confirm high efficiency. Other equipment is being prepared for experiments.It is strange that positive results are only in the gas phase, but nothing happened in the liquid phase. :-\
Quote from: kolbacict on March 16, 2023, 03:45:57 AM
I have always said that a corona discharge in gases destroys its molecules by a free radical mechanism. For example, an oxygen O2 molecule to form ozone O3.
The water molecule in the form of vapor is no exception.
The effect of zeolite seems interesting.
What do the numbers 0.2 volts and 2 volts mean on a hydrogen sensor?
Can this be converted to a percentage?
My dear Serge, even if we have a real real perpetual motion machine, they still won't take us in.
In my opinion, it's just not necessary. This world is arranged something differently.
High voltage easily breaks the ionic bond. (and fuses ions of the other polarity)
It can be a plasma or a chemical reaction,
there have been recent successes using zinc doped Iron Nitride and sunlight
Brute force / DC electrolysis is a highly inefficient process.
Which calls into question the efficiency of conversion gas to liquid to gas.
Also that fuel cells ONLY deal with the electrical conversion energy, while wasting the heat.
Combustion provides a great deal more total available energy of recombination.
Tests show thermal energies that greatly exceed electrical input of the electrolyzer.
(often quickly approaching 10k F)
The mathematics presented by the Hydrogen community are chocked full of inequalities,
and obscure measurements, intended to follow the thermodynamic curve.
I think the most advantageous scenario would involve open air combustion to operate a steam boiler. ICEs waste more than their share of the Carnot.
Until we figure out how to recover the heat energy we throw away at the radiator and cooling fans,
the engine will remain a rudimentary technology.
There is also a considerable amount of energy presented during phase-change in the form of pressure and/or expanding volume.
If we were to design a system which recovered all three quantities:
phase change expansion
electrochemical energy
thermal energy of combustion
The three added together, under the right conditions
presents a value that approached E^3 when compared to electrical input.
If then, buoyancy is also considered, the equation becomes quadratic
and this violates most of what we understand about energy systems.
Mankind is at a fork in the road, where we will either continue along our path of destructive technology, or our science will branch off into economy powered by these forms of manipulation of matter. Hydrogen alone could create areas of science that replace everything in our known world, and once we figure that out we will explore other molecules.
There are still many political and economic forces fighting this from happening, but more and more people are beginning to experiment with these things.
It's only a matter of time before we develop principles which allow us to extract energy from natural processes and interactions with our environment.
It is often disregarded that we sit under 1 ATM of pressure, and within a gravitational field miles in height, both of which are countably infinite when placed beside our tiny human perspective.
We will be told these are "conservative forces", which when observed from their desired point of measurement, this holds in most cases.
However when motion is caused by natural forces, the energy becomes renewable, and can be used. For this reason, hydrogen systems can never be 'closed systems', therefore a thermodynamic analysis must include the environment as a whole, or at least the part in which the experiment resides.
Theres nothing that would prevent us from developing a system that:
Splits water then actuates a linear generator by expanding a balloon, balloon pulls a generator cable on its' way up, a hybrid fuel-cell combustion chamber then extracts electrical energy while releasing heat into an open bottom vessel, the balloon contracts, which actuates a linear generator, the 'hot air vessel' pulls a generator cable on its way up,
And then... as the air in the open ended vessel cools down....
We extract the gravitational potential of the water on it's way down using the cable generator
it is all free renewable energy, at every step in the process
heres the thing about 'temperature' and HV:
It feels cold to us, but when the molecules are approaching the point of ionization,
the calculated thermal energy is very high. (molecules in motion)
we can add heat also
the line between breaking water and causing it to lase is very thin (you may see green light)
making water (more accurately Oxygen) lasers unstable due to gas production (and potential dangerous)
so they must be pulsed at specific frequencies to produce a stable laser
other frequencies can produce gas, as can a static HV potential
catalysts such as metals or dielectrics can enhance the process by providing an ionization charge
this essentially lowers the overall resistance of the liquid in the chamber.
Catalysts should be chosen using the lower end of the pauling scale for water, but other molecules will be different.
Zeolites contain magnesium and aluminum, both of these serve as catalysts, however the zeolite is destroyed in the process, as water and oxygen separates out, precipitating the 2 metals.
All in all, this line of research could change the way we generate and use energy.
Quote from: Sergh on April 19, 2023, 09:05:54 AM
It is strange that positive results are only in the gas phase, but nothing happened in the liquid phase. :-\
Quote from: sm0ky2 on April 21, 2023, 10:02:49 AM
High voltage easily breaks the ionic bond. (and fuses ions of the other polarity)
Obviously, in gases, the speed of ions in an electric field reaches high speeds.
In water, electrolytes, liquids, the speed of movement of ions is orders of magnitude less.
And the molecules of water vapor or air oxygen fall apart according to the free radical mechanism precisely from collisions.
Casimir and Casimir-Polder Forces in Graphene Systems: entropic anomaly
Continued experiments according to this scheme:
https://overunity.com/18865/low-temperature-catalytic-thermolysis-of-water/msg575130/#msg575130 (https://overunity.com/18865/low-temperature-catalytic-thermolysis-of-water/msg575130/#msg575130)
1. The vacuum pump from medical syringes was replaced with one hydraulic cylinder. The hydraulic cylinder has 2 chambers. When the piston moves, a rarefaction of air is created in one chamber, and air is compressed in the other. If you combine these chambers with valves, you get a two stage vacuum pump. The first valve first stage was installed with electrical switching, as mechanical "aquarium" valves do not work at low pressure. At low air pressure, there is not enough force to press the spring in the valve.
With some physical effort, it is possible to set the vacuum gauge needle at -100 kPa with the help of such a pump.
2. I do not use water heating. The room is now +22 Celsius, water at reduced pressure boils without heating.
3. Heating the tube is also not needed. The tube is heated by itself from the barrier discharge.
4. The central conductor in the tube was placed in a thin glass pipe.
5. Added an air inlet pipe to a jar of water. Through a valve that can finely regulate the air flow, I supply a little air in the water to ensure air circulation with steam. If there is only steam, there is very small amount of gas at the outlet, the pressure does not increase.
It is possible to achieve a concentration corresponding to 2.2 and even 2.3 Volts max at the output of the MQ-8. This voltage probably corresponds to a concentration of about 3000 - 3500 ppm.
But considerable physical effort is required.
In general, of course, the system is far from optimal.
It is necessary to do something so that the steam cyclically enters the zeolite in a significant amount, and then the remaining steam and reaction products are cyclically pumped out.
So far I somehow do not understand how to implement this.
The main difficulty is that relatively low pressure is required to produce hydrogen. Most simple pumps are not suitable for such pressure. Of course, you can use an two stage rotary vane vacuum pump, but this is inefficient and the output will contain oil.
https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.09979 (https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.09979)
Так может туда графена нафигачить ?
Maybe instead a zeolite , graphene put on there ? ;)
Graphene does not have cavities, it can if fullerenes or carbon nanotubes are used..
Quote from: Sergh on June 12, 2023, 02:19:33 PM
Graphene does not have cavities, it can if fullerenes or carbon nanotubes are used..
That was my idea, but I'm not so clear anymore:
Some companies claim to commercialize graphene nanotubes (one of the forms of furelene, buckytubes).
At least that's what the company says
And they market under the brand:
There are also some works that talk about cavities in graphene, in certain circumstances:
(Translated by Google)
NOTE: I made my first participation in the forum with this entry:
Before continuing editing the rest that I had in mind, I would like to know if it is visible, since I do not see any type of movement, if someone could give some signal, to check, it would be appreciated.
Maybe I have a wrong configuration.
Thank you.
Will carbon tablets with a large surface of ionistors or anode tablets of tantalum capacitors work ?
Similar that as it work in zeolite. ???
Tell me someone, what is this mystery of electrolytic capacitors with a porous anode
with a highly developed surface? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantalum_capacitor
Well, a huge surface area covered with oxide, but in deep caverns
however there is no electric field. The cavity is surrounded on all sides by a metal
tantalum with the same potential. No gradient.What kind force cause the conduction ions of the cathode-
electrolyte to go into the deepest places? It's not just the area that matters.
electrode, but that this area is in direct contact with another electrode,isn't it?
Hey, I don't know. Lots of options. But, in my opinion, fullerenes and carbon nanotubes have cavities that are too large.
https://www.hydrogen.energy.gov/pdfs/progress07/v_n_7_goddard.pdf (https://www.hydrogen.energy.gov/pdfs/progress07/v_n_7_goddard.pdf)
The best option would most likely be from the field of "molecular sieves". The author of a patent on the decomposition of water using calcium hydroxide, high temperature and vacuum has previously with the zeolites as a fertilizer.
A couple of weeks ago there was a problem, I can not currently replicate this option, which was certainly working:
https://overunity.com/18865/low-temperature-catalytic-thermolysis-of-water/msg578846/#msg578846 (https://overunity.com/18865/low-temperature-catalytic-thermolysis-of-water/msg578846/#msg578846)
Now I kind of figure out why. I used fresh zeolite. And if you carefully study the group of key patents, in one of it describes the procedure for pre-treatment of calcium hydroxide. Preliminary preparation consists in heating at a certain temperature of 500 - 550 degrees Celsius in a vacuum. The old portion of calcium zeolite was already heated in a vacuum and worked.
This patent is similar as patent for hydrogen, same autor, read "Sample 1":
https://patents.google.com/patent/SU1011511A1 (https://patents.google.com/patent/SU1011511A1)
About the inventor, Ruvin Iosel-Girshevich Garber.
He specialized in crystals, crystallography, crystal growth theory, twinning of crystals:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_twinning (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_twinning)
Often cited this book in scientific papers on such topics:
https://books.google.com/books?id=qHwWbX6QLnYC (https://books.google.com/books?id=qHwWbX6QLnYC)
One of his patent was cited in the Georgian patent as a prototype.
All patents of this author:
https://patents.google.com/?inventor=%D0%93%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%B5%D1%80&assignee=%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B5+%D0%9F%2f%D0%AF+%D0%92-8851&oq=inventor:(%D0%93%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%B5%D1%80)+%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B5+%D0%9F%2f%D0%AF+%D0%92-8851 (https://patents.google.com/?inventor=%D0%93%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%B5%D1%80&assignee=%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B5+%D0%9F%2f%D0%AF+%D0%92-8851&oq=inventor:(%D0%93%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%B5%D1%80)+%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B5+%D0%9F%2f%D0%AF+%D0%92-8851)
therefore, there is interest in all kinds of crystals, especially porous unstable forms, for sample:
https://iznedr-ru.translate.goog/books/item/f00/s00/z0000000/st002.shtml?_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en (https://iznedr-ru.translate.goog/books/item/f00/s00/z0000000/st002.shtml?_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en)
Read about the amazing varieties of zeolite, laumontite (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laumontite), that disintegrate into dust within hours of being brought to the surface.
Quote from: kolbacict on July 07, 2023, 03:26:35 PM
And sound wave,especially ultrasonic is creating zones high and low pressure in gas.
Could this used ? In addition, it penetrates into any caverns of zeolites.
Ultrasound with zeolite and gas has not been tested. We need some kind of powerful ultrasonic emitters that work in air. Or a mechanical air impedance transformer, a "high force, low amplitude" to "low force, high amplitude" converter for ordinary water ultrasonic transducer.
The absorption of ultrasound in the zeolite will be high. Maybe it would be better to use a normal high-amplitude sound, but there are also issues with obtaining high acoustic power in a small volume.
Tested a powerful source of ultrasound with water and zeolite. The result is negative. Now it becomes clear that water in the liquid phase cannot be used because it saturates calcium hydroxide and does not allow maintaining the equilibrium shift for water dissociation. For liquid phase experiments it is necessary to use water, but not in water. Paradox. I already wrote about it. Small amount of water, dissolved in a liquid with a larger molecular size.
Quote from: Sergh on July 10, 2023, 03:34:08 AM
The absorption of ultrasound in the zeolite will be high.
Let the zeolite itself be an ultrasonic emitter in this case.
From barium titanate, or something else, is it difficult to make a porous zeolite? ;)
It looks impossible, the cavities of the zeolite consist of an aluminosilicate frame. Other materials do not form such a cavity structure with galleries, passages, etc.
I think a powerful beeper might be suitable, such as those was used in alarm devices.
Quote from: Sergh on July 10, 2023, 03:34:08 AM
Preliminary preparation consists in heating at a certain temperature of 500 - 550 degrees Celsius in a vacuum.
The result is negative. I must return to this:
It was found in my computer,perhaps it is material saving from your site.
Why theme zografos device has dead ? :)
There is not much in this article about the use of zeolites for generating thermal energy:
" Zeolites are interesting substrates for LENR. They are micro-porous crystalline inorganic hydrated aluminosilicate materials having a highly regular structure of pores and chambers with extremely large surface areas.
Zeolite framework structure encloses cavities or pores occupied by cations such as sodium, potassium, cesium, ammonium, and other ions. Figure 4 shows a schematic view of a zeolite.
Addition of nano-particles of palladium in zeolite cavities had a significant temperature effect observed in presence of deuterium gas, whereas no increase in temperature was observed in the presence of hydrogen [16]."
Iraj Parchamazad of the University of LaVerne is doing research in this area and is very optimistic.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2L-lKozWjSA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2L-lKozWjSA)
The fact that there are some effects only in the presence of deuterium and palladium - I strongly doubt it.
Of course, he, as a scientist, probably cannot move from the less aggressively criticized LENR and move on to the even more opportunistic zero-point energy. Although the lack of radioactive emissions in the experiments of the LENR, highly criticized by the officials, could incline to this change.
But not everything is so clear.
But maybe Iraj Parchamazad is really getting LENR with deuterium and palladium. And quantum fields in cavity structures catalyze this process.
How to imagine the zero point energy?
Why do tunnel diodes work? Where do the electrons get energy in these devices to penetrate the dielectric barrier? Where do the electrons get these required millivolts?
The effect is negligible, and in the form of a tunnel diode is unsuitable for energy production.
But if you use this small step to move from quantitative to qualitative changes? If, with the help of catalysts, chemical bonds are strained so strongly that the slightest disturbance was enough to break them?
Of course, these millivolts look like a very small amount of energy. But what is its total flow in a unit volume of space?
Suppose we are in a room through which a superconducting cable passes, through which a current of millions of amperes flows. Somewhere outside the room, gigantic energy, millions of volts, millions of amperes, is transferred from the cable to the load.
How can we use at least a tiny part of the energy if it is impossible to cut the cable?
About "what's new":So far, a little new.
Due to the poor replication of other options, I returned to this setup:
https://overunity.com/18865/low-temperature-catalytic-thermolysis-of-water/msg575130/#msg575130 (https://overunity.com/18865/low-temperature-catalytic-thermolysis-of-water/msg575130/#msg575130)
Small differences:
1. The center conductor in the quartz tube is insulated. It is sealed in a small glass tube.
2. A second pipe is added to the water tank, which is connected to a small valve connected to the atmosphere. This is to provide a small amount of air to transfer the gases from zeolite to hydrogen sensor.
3. Instead of two syringes, a relatively large hydraulic cylinder is used as a vacuum pump. As cavities, cavities are used for the forward and return stroke of the piston.
Such a hand pump allows pumping down to almost -100 kPa. But it's hard to do it by hand. So far I can't find an electrical replacement. In general, the process looks like if the zeolite is constantly in a vacuum, the hydrogen yield decreases. It is necessary to alternate cycles with normal and low pressure. It would be good in the engine cylinder. But the engine cylinder does not provide such low pressure. In a bad vacuum, hydrogen is not produced.
It is probably necessary to move to a higher pressure in the compression cycle, then a good vacuum is not needed. It is not yet clear how to physically implement this. In addition, I am afraid that when the HHO mixture is compressed in the hydrocylinder, self-ignition and "badabum" may occur.
4. There is a suspicion of a strange effect, but needs verification..
If the conductor is loosely wound and there is a gap between the conductor and the glass, then ozone is formed outside the quartz and smell is felt, and more hydrogen is formed at the outlet of the zeolite. If the heating conductor is tightly pressed against the quartz tube, then less hydrogen seems to be obtained. Maybe the release of hydrogen is helped by micropulse discharges between the conductor and the glass.
Hydrogen production, even at best, remains small.
About "what's interesting":
JP2006185638A Battery (https://patents.google.com/patent/JP2006185638A/en?oq=JP2006185638A)QuoteReference Example 1:
Preparation of H-type zeolite
Clinoptiolite [Na 6 (Al 6 Si 10 O 72 ) · 24H 2 O] having a specific surface area of 18.0 m 2 / g was used as a raw material zeolite. This was immersed in a 5% saline solution for 60 minutes and then immersed in a 10% aqueous solution of citric acid for 60 minutes. The product was washed with water and dried to obtain H-type zeolite.
Reference Example 2:
Production of Electrolytic Solution
The liquid of the present invention was produced using the apparatus shown in FIG.
1100 g of calcium hydroxide was charged into the container 10, and 10 liters of water and 2500 g of phosphoric acid were charged into the container 20. Both were mixed and supplied to the container 30. The contents in the container 30 were stirred at room temperature for 0.5 hours to be reacted. Thereafter, the contents of the container 30 were transferred to the container 40. The contents of the container 40 were supplied to the electrolysis unit 50 charged with 10 kg of H-type zeolite, and the effluent from the container 50 was returned to the container 40 and circulated. The voltage in the electrolysis unit was 18V and the current was 10A. The circulation was terminated when the current reached 20A. The product was filtered to obtain an electrolytic solution.
Example 3
The motor was run again for 80 minutes and charged for 15 minutes. Furthermore, when the motor was operated for 3 hours, the voltage dropped to 1.69V. When the load was stopped and the change in voltage was measured, the following results were obtained.
Time (minutes) 2 10 16
Voltage 1.7 1.73 1.75
It was confirmed that the voltage recovered by leaving the battery unattended.
JP2008270001A Composition having electromotive force and power source unit such as power source cell (https://patents.google.com/patent/JP2008270001A/en?oq=JP2008270001A) Quote
When the above cells were regarded as one cell and five cells were connected in series, a power supply unit showing a current of 5 to 6 V and 100 mA was obtained.
When this power supply unit was connected to a white LED of 30 mA, 4.5 V, the lighting time lasted for about 200 hours.
After the power was consumed and the lighting was stopped, the water absorbent sheet was absorbed with water of about 20%. The light was then turned on again and the lighting time lasted for about 100 hours.
Re-lighting with hydration was realized repeatedly.
It seems that this patent quite fully describes the chemical process of creating a battery:
JP2008270001A (https://patents.google.com/patent/JP2008270001A/en?oq=JP2008270001A)
Composition having electromotive force and power source unit such as power source cell or the like and manufacturing method of the same
In the power cell of the present invention, a sheet of paper or cloth having ion exchange ability is used between the anode member and the cathode member, and the water absorbing member is placed in a desired position in the cell between the anode member and the cathode member. Since the electric power generated by the chemical reaction is consumed and the necessary electric energy is insufficient, a small amount of water is supplied to the water absorbing member between the anode member and the cathode member. By humidifying the moisture to about 20%, the absorbed moisture is electrolyzed into hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions by energization of the anode member and the cathode member, and the hydroxide ions gather at the anode member to generate a new electromotive force. Therefore, the power source cell is self-charged without requiring an external current, and the electromotive force is self-regenerated only by supplying a small amount of water.
QuoteBy humidifying the moisture to about 20%, the absorbed moisture is electrolyzed into hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions by energization of the anode member and the cathode member, and the hydroxide ions gather at the anode member to generate a new electromotive force. Therefore, the power source cell is self-charged without requiring an external current, and the electromotive force is self-regenerated only by supplying a small amount of water.
Quote from: ramset on March 16, 2023, 12:59:35 PM
Should always have a path towards continuing open source research in a productive
Hey Chet!
Artificial intelligence advised to contact the inventor named in this patent so that he could explain the meaning of these lines.
You can help? Contact the inventor and explain the meaning of open source and attract as a new member of the forum?
The patents are written very openly and clearly, I suppose he might agree.
The inventor's name is Yoshiaki Koike or 吉昭小池 or 小池吉昭 in Japanese.
1-20-17-50 Natsumidai, Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture
Patent: JP2008270001A
Current Assignee: Individual
Status: Expired - Fee Related
Composition having electromotive force and power source unit such as power source cell or the like and manufacturing method of the same
In the power cell of the present invention, a sheet of paper or cloth having ion exchange ability is used between the anode member and the cathode member, and the water absorbing member is placed in a desired position in the cell between the anode member and the cathode member. Since the electric power generated by the chemical reaction is consumed and the necessary electric energy is insufficient, a small amount of water is supplied to the water absorbing member between the anode member and the cathode member. By humidifying the moisture to about 20%, the absorbed moisture is electrolyzed into hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions by energization of the anode member and the cathode member, and the hydroxide ions gather at the anode member to generate a new electromotive force. Therefore, the power source cell is self-charged without requiring an external current, and the electromotive force is self-regenerated only by supplying a small amount of water.
He is a researcher who has been studying the properties and applications of apatite-like compounds, especially their ability to generate hydrogen in water.
[1] 小池吉昭 他、アパタイト様組成物による水素の水中固定に関する研究、日本機能水学会第
11 回学術大会(2012).
[1] Yoshiaki Koike et al., Research on fixation of hydrogen in water by apatite-like composition, Japan Society for Functional Water, Vol.
11th Annual Scientific Meeting (2012).
[2] 小池吉昭 他、紫外線照射によるアパタイト様組成物の水素発生現象、
日本機能水学会第 12
[2] Yoshiaki Koike et al., Hydrogen generation phenomenon of apatite-like composition by ultraviolet irradiation,
Japan Society for Functional Water 12th
2013 academic conference (2013).
小池吉昭, 西尾晃一, 武藤修路,
中村隆春, 久保田昌治
Yoshiaki Koike, Koichi Nishio, Shuji Mutoh,
Takaharu Nakamura, Masaharu Kubota
Apatite-like composition by UV irradiation
Hydrogen generation phenomenon of matter
Abstracts of the 12th Annual Scientific Meeting,
小池吉昭, 宮崎帆波, 西尾晃一,
加藤光一, 中村隆春, 久保田昌
治, 光永徹
Yoshiaki Koike, Honami Miyazaki, Koichi Nishio,
Koichi Kato, Takaharu Nakamura, Masaru Kubota
Osamu, Toru Mitsunaga
For hydrogen generation of apatite-like composition
effect of iron ions on
Abstracts of the 13th Annual Scientific Meeting,
小池吉昭 1
、○宮崎帆波 2
、西尾晃一 2
、加藤光一 3
、中村隆春 2
、久保田昌治 3
、光永徹 4
【法政大学情報科学部】 小池崇文先生の研究室紹介動画「究極のリアリティを目指す」【ディジタルメディア学科】
14. Effects of iron ions on hydrogen evolution in apatite-like compositions
Yoshiaki Koike 1
, Miyazaki Honami 2
, Koichi Nishio 2
, Koichi Kato 3
, Takaharu Nakamura 2
, Masaharu Kubota 3
, Toru Mitsunaga 4
New hydrogen water study group, 2
Oku Nagaragawa Meisui Co., Ltd., 3
Water Design Institute Co., Ltd., 4
Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences, Gifu University)
[Faculty of Information Science, Hosei University] Professor Takafumi Koike's laboratory introduction video "Aiming for the ultimate reality" [Digital Media Department]
22.アパタイト様組成物による水素の水中固定に関する研究 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 69
○小池吉昭 1
、〇西尾晃一 2
、武藤修路 2
、中村隆春 2
、久保田昌治 3
22. Research on fixation of hydrogen in water by apatite-like composition ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 69
Yoshiaki Koike 1
, Koichi Nishio 2
, Shuji Mutou 2
, Takaharu Nakamura 2
, Masaharu Kubota 3
(1 New Hydrogen Water Research Group, 2 Oku Nagaragawa Meisui Co., Ltd., 3
Water Design Study Group)
23.紫外線照射によるアパタイト様組成物の水素発生現象 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 75
小池吉昭 1
、○西尾晃一 2
、武藤修路 2
、中村隆春 2
、久保田昌治 3
23. Hydrogen Evolution Phenomenon of Apatite-Like Compositions by UV Irradiation ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 75
Yoshiaki Koike 1
, Koichi Nishio 2
, Shuji Mutou 2
, Takaharu Nakamura 2
, Masaharu Kubota 3
(1 New Hydrogen Water Research Group, 2 Oku Nagaragawa Meisui Co., Ltd., 3
Water Design Study Group)
I didn't find any other contact details.
I will start contact process today
And speak with open source scientists who can possibly help
With this Japanese contact ( I was going to ask this week prior to your post today)
Tremendous gratitude for your efforts
Hydrogen ( water) is my pet obsession
From NN sea hight to 2000+ metres mountain hight !
The thinner atmosphere advantage !
Solar/artificial photon collector ,coated with
https://www.google.com/search?q=mexico+superconducting+ink&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-m (https://www.google.com/search?q=mexico+superconducting+ink&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-m)
Cascading advantages !
Hot water to Hasebe-hydrolysis chamber ? High purity and efficiency claimed !
Still working on contacting resources for this ,first impressions are important here ( first contact)
A bit tricky with Japanese, unfortunately I also had to head out on the road
To sort a problem with a job .
(Dropped you a question in PM)
I really like how your thinking here ( inviting inventors)
With gratitude
I am assuming the water being added is the close to 20% humidity but it doesn't say how often it has to be added, how it's added and how long it last between adding. It mentioned lighting a led for 200hrs but did it do so off one addition or were there more additions added during that 200hrs?
It is a v[size=78%]ery interesting concept but there are some missing actions and out comes that need to be accounted for to know if this is actually worth attempting to build.[/size]
And what was it about the design of 18650 batteries ?
The foil is wound with a bifilar to reduce parasitic inductance?
I don't know anything about it.
Interesting video - a simple way to impregnate magnetic particles into a nanomaterial.
Magnetic Graphene Making Magnetic Graphene Oxide - Fe3O4 magnetic nano particle composite system
QuoteAnd what was it about the design of 18650 batteries ?The foil is wound with a bifilar to reduce parasitic inductance?
Can " burning saltwater" heat effect
https://www.google.com/search?q=kanzius+saltwater&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-m (https://www.google.com/search?q=kanzius+saltwater&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-m)
not become converted by heatelectric devices like
https://judbarovski.livejournal.com/ (https://judbarovski.livejournal.com/)
Cheaper ?
https://judbarovski.livejournal.com/126010.html? (https://judbarovski.livejournal.com/126010.html?)
' .... can allow electricity cost down to USD 0.00143/kWh....'
1 barrel crude oil theoretical 1600 KWh energy x 0,00143 US$
~ 2,29 US$/barrel electric power equivalent
~ 1,43 US$/MWh electricity generation
Nearly same Birmingham's Technology NanoBOXX electricity generation price range,included CAPEX and OPEX calculation :
https://geospatial.blogs.com/geospatial/2018/11/innovative-electric-power-sources-for-a-sustainable-future-.html (https://geospatial.blogs.com/geospatial/2018/11/innovative-electric-power-sources-for-a-sustainable-future-.html)
Advantage : non-radioactive material ! (IAEO- ownership,controle and fee !)
Energy exchange market price/production costs margin transparency ?!
Quote from: Sergh on July 16, 2022, 04:08:17 AM
If you carefully read the topic, it is clear that by itself it does not heat up.
Heats up from a 220 volt outlet. It heats up so that the cavities in the crystals begin to vibrate at a very high speed.
At the same time, they probably begin to interact with the quantum field of virtual particles of vacuum and transfer the energy of the zero point to our real world. Zero point energy dissociates a water molecule at a temperature 5 times lower than without microcrystal cavities.
Conventional heating is no different from microwave heating:
https://phys.org/news/2013-03-nihilo-dynamical-casimir-effect-metamaterial.html (https://phys.org/news/2013-03-nihilo-dynamical-casimir-effect-metamaterial.html)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLEJTaY307E (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLEJTaY307E)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGRhTXKh8A (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGRhTXKh8A)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh898Yr5YZ8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh898Yr5YZ8)
Thanks for posting this video, very insightful.
Great work, I like his approach with this technology.
Sadly, he seems to forget that there is one law of physics and all of academia that supercedes even the 2nd law of TD, despite him referencing it more than once in his presentation when he REALLY didn't need to.
That is: man-made climate change due to emission of "greenhouse" gasses. It's somehow the only "settled science" we ever had. You get respected more for swearing in church than to entertain and publish on alternative principles and causalities. Swearing in a catholic church can be forgiven within minutes. An anti climate alarmism paper will black list you from academia for life (I hope I am wrong with that) probably.
Try and submit a paper that totally disproves the popular theories, or point out inconsistencies with more proven sciences such as geology, biology, paleontology, astronomy and others which all indicate that climate does a great deal of changing before homo sapiens decides its now almighty and adopt the mother of all guilt trips.
I hope the zero point...collector (what's it called?) gets built on a larger scale with optimal energy density, to show it off in a practical application. Starting with a trike from bicycle parts that just keeps going 24/7 on autopilot and comes in for tyre and bearing changes. Academia will find a way to not believe something if they can wage some sacred law against it. Ignore any and all data that shows a brighter future.
Garrett model
Seems they approach production?
https://overunity.com/19539/laws-of-physics-on-the-rocks-the-garret-model-in-production-soon/ (https://overunity.com/19539/laws-of-physics-on-the-rocks-the-garret-model-in-production-soon/)
Sorry for off topic
However this is amazing news ...