I thought this was a good argument for the validity of UFO's...
Context matters, not long ago most people were arguing that UFO's cannot be real because we have no real evidence they exist, an absence of evidence. Forget that millions of people have observed them since the dawn of mankind. Forget that there were 100% credible trained observers and radar tracking which could show the phenomena was real. Yet all the critics continued to claim UFO's were imaginary because there was an absence of evidence.
However today the Pentagon and other governments/agencies have shown proof that in fact UFO's are real. What I find comical is the fact that when I bring up my UFO sighting I now get blank stares. All those critics who were ridiculing people now look stupid and they have nothing to say on the matter. All those people were 100% certain in there mind UFO's were imaginary but now we know better.
Which begs the question, I and countless others saw UFO's pull 100 G's and accelerate to 60,000 mph in under a half second with an apparently non-reaction type of propulsion system, where does that leave science?.
I mean, they appear to violate damn near every scientific law we can think of and people cannot deny it any more without looking like a nut job, where does that leave us?.
Let's recap...
1)These craft use non-reaction propulsion, no hot gasses or propellers, no sound.
2)Apparently massive G forces are negated or don't apply.
3)Obviously a primitive fossil fuel engine is completely out of the question, lol.
4)They can move through an atmosphere at tens of thousands of mph with no visible surface heating implying a field of force shielding it somehow.
It's obviously problematic isn't it?. We would have to assume millions upon millions of people, multiple government/agencies, the military, the aviation industry and part of the science community are delusional and have no credibility. At which point free energy technology seems rather primitive and docile doesn't it?. I mean it should be a walk in the park compared to what we already know exists in the UFO phenomena. What's the problem?...
The Rendlesham incident had beams of light coming down on to nuclear weapons storage areas and what is absurd is when government assessments decree that these events are of no relevance re defense.
Actually, lack of evidence isn't proof that something doesn't exist. It simply means there is not enough evidence to make that decision. I think the line between UFO and aliens is what is blurred in my opinion. UFO's have been proven. They exist. But we still don't know what they are or if there are aliens from other planets inside them, or if they are experimental aircraft we dont know about yet. That's where the confusion lies. Me personally, I have not had any UFO or alien experiences, but it would be a massive waste of space if we are alone. I think the Drake Equasion explains it pretty well. I have however had many many paranormal experiences, and have been an amateur ghost hunter for over 20 years. I've caught some amazingly interesting things. I think we are closer and closer every day to understanding the unknown. I think we all kind of feel that way here, after all we are chasing for the all elusive free energy!
I would agree and it's one thing to say "I saw some really advanced technology" but quite another to say "aliens from another world". I have never seen aliens and still find it hard to believe so I wouldn't make that leap just yet. I and many others I know have seen UFO's and it's freaky. They can accelerate and turn so fast it's mind boggling and they make jet aircraft and rockets look like there moving in slow motion.
I want to build one and would take a crack at it if it wasn't for government regulations and other people losing there shit. I mean, we can't even fly a drone without the proper training and licenses. Some people are even getting triggered when they see a drone. Now imagine an anti-gravity craft the size of a car and most people would have a complete melt down, lol.
So it's not as if this technology isn't doable, it's just that most people can't handle drastic changes in perspective and tend to lose there mind.