As I am pretty ill in this moment and have a pretty hefty dizziness and can't read much on my PC,
I rather think about selling the domain to somebody who will run it further on and the contens stays intact for several more years
Or set it to Read Only mode and put again ads on it to pay fro the hosting, so it acts as an archive of old messages...
What do you think...
Regards, Stefan. ( Admin)
Okay, now the URLs also work again.I had to reinstall the latest PortaMX 1.54.2 plugin again to get the SEF Format URLs again to work..
If anything is not yet working, please let me know.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Chet told me, I should accept some sponsoring and help in the form of donations,since I have worked on the forum since 1997.
Okay, here it is:
In this moment I can only offer a piano playing as a reward.. sorry, when I will get better again,I will again work more for the forum.
Many thanks.Regards, Stefan. (
Here is a link to a PayPal Donation.
Many thanks for donating. !
:) :) :)
Hello hartiberlin,
I pray my god to make you healthy at earliest.
why your health is deteriorating ? (no worries if you dont want to tell publicly)
selling domain is heartbreaking decision, because i was owner of 3 forums in late days
related to malware analysis and reverse engineering, and moderator / staff on other friends forum,
My expertise got me listed in microsoft hall of fame page for discovering 0day vulnerabilities,
If you need any help with website backend and frontend, i can anytime, i'm fullstack with
all CMS technologies,etc..
but i can understand your side aswell.
For paypal, due to high charges for my country we never opt in.
kindly PM me or post publicly UPI/GPay id, so i can donate some amount to help
our community survive.
OverUnity, should never go offline. It's goldmine for free energy research and various other topics.
If i was rich enough, i would had purchased ownership of domain and hosting - from bottom of my heart.
I hope you feel better soon. I believe in what you have done and are still trying to do with the creation of this site. I was very worried when I saw it was down recently. I was wondering what provisions have been made to ensure the continuation of this site should something happen that would make it difficult to maintain. I hope the paypal donation helps in these unique and trying times.
Are you happy to tell us what your medical problem is? Is it covid or long covid? Is it the winter 'flu? or something else?
Somebody may have an innovative solution.
Certainly, you would be well advised not to make any decisions until you are well again.
Quote from: hartiberlin on February 02, 2023, 05:36:53 PM
As I am pretty ill in this moment and have a pretty hefty dizziness and can't read much on my PC,
I rather think about selling the domain to somebody who will run it further on and the contens stays intact for several more years
Or set it to Read Only mode and put again ads on it to pay fro the hosting, so it acts as an archive of old messages...
What do you think...
Regards, Stefan. ( Admin)
Thanks for opening a discussion on options for keeping forum open ,
Yes many years you have dedicated to open source FE research, a very selfless
Endeavor with as yet no FE technology open sourced to the world, your mission statement
Has inspired many .. the need is greater now more than ever !
Hopefully your patreon and PayPal account will support forum and your efforts as options
Can be sorted/arranged ( who can help day to day tasks and ?).
Your track record speaks for itself ,almost 30 years ( with prior efforts)
Truly something very special!
IMO this is not a place to discuss private health issues, suffice to say you need help
Both financially and administrative etc!
As a man who has carried water for almost 30 years..and built an open source venue to make our world a better Place !
Tremendous gratitude!!
We need to make this work !
Hi hartiberlin !
When I heard that you were sick, I was very worried! I plan to submit this forum only after the products are on the market , but the current situation will have to be soon ! Hope you get well soon !
Quote from: hartiberlin on February 02, 2023, 05:36:53 PM
As I am pretty ill in this moment and have a pretty hefty dizziness and can't read much on my PC,
I rather think about selling the domain to somebody who will run it further on and the contens stays intact for several more years
Or set it to Read Only mode and put again ads on it to pay fro the hosting, so it acts as an archive of old messages...
What do you think...
Regards, Stefan. ( Admin)
I wish you well Stefan as life sucks when you lose your health which is something I know all to well having had an adverse reaction to the Anthrax vaccination. It might be worth a try for you to look into Dr. Sebi's natural cures as they are responsible for me being able to walk without a cane again. [size=78%] ([/size]
To me it's always good to go the natural way as what it offers is a cure and not a life long treatment that is offered by the pharmaceutical companies.
I wish I could take over this site but I am pouring everything I have in an attempted to get this water for fuel technology into some form of limited production so that the masses can have access to it. But I hope someone out there is willing to keep this site up and running for it's the only one of these type of sites that I am allowed to post in due to the others banning me for petty personal reasons or just due to the color of my skin, or other petty reasons that simply had nothing to do with me. My following the scientific method has earned me many enemies in the forums as I simply wouldn't let it go. Thanks for not banning me as I am sure some members of this forum asked you too.
But please give some of Dr. Sebi's products a try as they gave me my life back as he also gives a dietary suggestion list that I follow and if it helped me perhaps it can help you to overcome this.
Best wishes,
Edward Mitchell
Many are reluctant to give Paypal access to their bank or credit/debit card for fear of hackers getting the account information.
There is a perfectly safe way to donate through Paypal or any other online service. Simply purchase a prepaid Visa card. They are available from $20 and up and can be found at almost any major chain store or pharmacy. You can use any amount from the card and left over funds can be used for purchases almost anywhere.
So, can't you donate enough to buy our host a hamburger? Or enough to treat him to lunch at a decent restaurant? Most of the members on this forum can scrape up enough for at least a small donation.
What are you waiting for? Show your appreciation! Please put forth a little effort and support our hosts efforts to provide and maintain this forum.
I had tried a few years back to send funds to an experimenter in Portugal
I sent Amazon cards ( would buy here in USA) I just read him the code on back of card
It did not work internationally .. really annoying!
Edit: I think it was for equipment ( scope?) purchase?
Yes many are hesitant about PayPal ( me too ) and other options!
This would be wonderful if your method works !!
Will have to get input from Stefan!( test it )
I remember trying to purchase PayPal with gift card for international payments ,
At the time it was not possible?( only through bank account card registered with PayPal)
Hopefully it is possible now with a gift card!!
Also trying to investigate non profit organization as option for forum
Since it has long standing ( almost 30 years) history of benevolent open source
Policy !
Well I had a stroke in mid of 2021 and now it is getting worse, as I have a really bad dizziness..
I also can't concentrate anymore to read so much, it is very stressful...
I hope you understand, that I am not anymore fully capable to fully work as usual in earlier times..I am also already 62 years old...
But I am not vaxxinated against Covid , but maybe the MRT Investigation with the contrast media
Gadolineum has caused this ??
I don't know, but the dizziness started only about mid of last year...
But it now has been getting worse..
I can't even drive my car, as I am afraid that I hit something and make an accident...Dizzyness is really really bad...
I was recently at the neurologist, but he just only said, that I should take my high bloodpressure medicine...
I have to speak again with him, what else could be done...
Anyway, I hope I will find a solution against the high bloodpressure and the dizzyness..
I am already using CDL solution and DMSO,
but maybe there are better solutions ??
Many thanks for your warm regards and wishes, and for the donations, Stefan.
P.S: I also have some kind of dementia, as I can't remember URls or special words, etc..
That is also really annoying... ALways I am searching for the right words...
As Cahlen Lee, from said recently, maybe I should try MCT oil,which will give a good energy boost for the bain in this video:
I will try this out soon.
Many thanks.Regards, Stefan.
P.S.:When my stroke happened
I had high blood pressure about 240/120 and due to it I had already a lame arm and lame leg and then now I have to take as the medicine against it :
Candesartan 16 mg
Lercanidipin 10 mg
Ass 100 ASPIRIN 100 mg
as medicine, but these Pharma pills always have sideeffects,especially digestion and constipation problems..
Maybe you know some better alternatives to get the high blood pressure down ?
I already tried some ayurvedic teas,but it did not really help, after some days the high blood pressure came back... :'( :'( :'(
Regards, Stefan.
Hi Stevan, it's a pleasure to talk to you, I'm Brazilian and I've been following your site for a long time, I was worried that the site had gone down, because there's been a lot of media censorship, I would offer to buy your domain but I understand that you you must continue with this work because you started it and i believe it is very important for you, i wish i could help in whatever way is needed and i have some ideas to share, i believe we all have to help each other at the moment as we are living in the midst of a great censorship, and maybe it would be interesting to set up a private server there, you wouldn't need to pay for hosting and the site would have a greater processing capacity, call me so we can talk in private.
My mother had a stroke some years ago and she was helped massively by these people:
Their free offerings on their site don't add up to much. You need to have a consultation with oine of their staff and they will prescribe certain exercises for you. If the stroke has harmed specific parts of your brain, then these exercises will help to enable other areas to step in and take over.
As for management of this site, maybe we need to fund a way for you to have a part time assistant to do the work to your satisfaction.
Quote from: hartiberlin on February 05, 2023, 04:11:02 PM
Well I had a stroke in mid of 2021 and now it is getting worse, as I have a really bad dizziness..
I also can't concentrate anymore to read so much, it is very stressful...
I hope you understand, that I am not anymore fully capable to fully work as usual in earlier times..I am also already 62 years old...
But I am not vaxxinated against Covid , but maybe the MRT Investigation with the contrast media
Gadolineum has caused this ??
I don't know, but the dizziness started only about mid of last year...
But it now has been getting worse..
I can't even drive my car, as I am afraid that I hit something and make an accident...Dizzyness is really really bad...
I was recently at the neurologist, but he just only said, that I should take my high bloodpressure medicine...
I have to speak again with him, what else could be done...
Anyway, I hope I will find a solution against the high bloodpressure and the dizzyness..
I am already using CDL solution and DMSO,
but maybe there are better solutions ??
Many thanks for your warm regards and wishes, and for the donations, Stefan.
Hi Stefan,
Here is a video of someone Dr. Sebi's stuff cured and/or just help greatly in getting her life back after she had a stroke. [size=78%] ([/size]
The way you can get cured or at the very least get headed back in the right direction. Like I said it gave me my life back as I had to learn how to walk all over again after having a adverse reaction to the Anthrax vaccine. It truly messed me up and it did so fast and it was long lasting. Each and every year that went by before I found Dr. Sebi I'd ask, "What am I not going to be able to do this year?" Now I'm walking up to 18 miles a week and can even run up to three miles without stopping after being told by the doctors that I'd never be able to run again, will always have back and shoulder problems, and I will need to have special care for the rest of my life.
Again what following Dr. Sebi's protocol does is give you a cure and not a life long treatment. Just FYI he was sued by the NY Attorney General and won the case for curing people with AIDS.
I really think it's worth a try for you so you too can get your life back
Edward Mitchell
Hi hartiberlin !
When I was 50 years old I also had high blood pressure 180/160 , the doctor diagnosed lipid metabolism disorder and overweight. I just took the doctor's medicine, ate weight loss and walked every day. And now health is quite good : 140/120 . You should eat a lot of green vegetables and very little starch, sweets including sweet fruits (fruits should only be eaten non-sweet ones).
Thanks for sharing with us your situation. Sounds very serious indeed. I think setting this forum as read only is a good idea but hopefully is a last resort. I would rather see this site be read only than nothing available at all. Depending on cost, I may be able to keep this site up in a read only form but again hopefully that is a last resort. I think you have every right to sell this site if you want to, regardless of your reasons for doing so. hopefull that would help with your medical costs. I want to thank you for your years of commitment to this site and the dialogue and insight it continues to provide.
Many thanks for all your help and tips emails.I heard from Cahlen Lee, that the bullet proof diet is almost the best:
You can just get it free by providing just an anonymous or your normal email and downloadthe chart then.
I hope this helps.
Regards, Stefan.P.S: Again many many thanks for the donations.
Here is the Bulletproof diet plan as a PDF File: (
It is very interesting and Cahlen Lee the Modern day wizzard from ( is also using it in his diet.
In this video he talks and explains it: at 2:35 min.
Hope this helps.I have been eating too much junk in the past, so that is probably why I am so ill,but at least I managed to get my weight down to 82 Kg at 1,75 m height
and am going on a walk almost every day.
So I will try to also eat like this bullet proof diet from now on.
Hope this helps also some other users and watch the Cahlen Lee videos. he is making videos almost every day.
Regards. Stefan.
Check out this podcast:
Quote from: worldcup on February 04, 2023, 12:09:42 AM
Hello hartiberlin,
I pray my god to make you healthy at earliest.
why your health is deteriorating ? (no worries if you dont want to tell publicly)
selling domain is heartbreaking decision, because i was owner of 3 forums in late days
related to malware analysis and reverse engineering, and moderator / staff on other friends forum,
My expertise got me listed in microsoft hall of fame page for discovering 0day vulnerabilities,
If you need any help with website backend and frontend, i can anytime, i'm fullstack with
all CMS technologies,etc..
but i can understand your side aswell.
For paypal, due to high charges for my country we never opt in.
kindly PM me or post publicly UPI/GPay id, so i can donate some amount to help
our community survive.
OverUnity, should never go offline. It's goldmine for free energy research and various other topics.
If i was rich enough, i would had purchased ownership of domain and hosting - from bottom of my heart.
Okay, many thanks user Worldcup,I just ordered this Ayuveda Medicince against high blood pressure from in the USA, as I could not order it from India. (
(I still have an Amazon Affiliate account from the US, which I just reactivated)
BTW, as I also have an Amazon USA account, if somebody wants to donate, he could also just send me an Giftcard code...
So I justt would need the code only, so I can charge up with it my Amazon account , as I sometimes also order some new technical things directly from the USA.
Anyway, many thanks for all these informations about the health, I really appreciate it.
Regards, Stefan.
P.S: Sorry for not having answered more questions in this thread, but my body is still very
weak and tired.
Cahlen Lee made a video about what to eatto not get bad food.
This is already an older video, cause he lately experimented with new food itema,due to the famine, that he thinks is coming from all this globalist agenda... :'( :'( :'(
I will ask him again for an update video and maybe some recipes.
Regards, Stefan.
I believe that information written in this book, if you apply it, will greatly help you to fully recover, Harti.
I visualize you healthy.
I recommended "Misteln"
for getting rid of high blood pressure, to my mother and my friend. Once they started useing it, they never needed chemicals called medicine. Misteln has no side effects and it is working efficiently.
I suggest that you find out more, about hot to use it properly, besides what is written in wiki.
Many thanks for the Misteln advice and the ebook and all the other health tips.
I have to study this all first, so give me some time. I will update this topic, when I have read it all and let you know
Many thanks also to the ones, that emailed me directly.
Have a great evening or day wherever you live.
Many thanks from Stefan.
Quote from: worldcup on February 07, 2023, 10:29:43 AM
buddy i think you ordered wrong medicine .
I read your post just now (
You ordered *Patanjali Divya Medha Vati* from (
The one you ordered is for - Cures memory weakness, headache, sleeplessness, irritable temperament, epilepsy etc.
It keeps cool the brain.
More info here - (
But you need to buy *DIVYA MUKTA VATI EXTRA POWER 120 G*
Hi Worldcup ,
is this the right stuff ??
Please let me know .
Many thanks again.
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: hartiberlin on February 08, 2023, 04:53:34 PM
Hi Worldcup ,
is this the right stuff ?? (
Please let me know .
Many thanks again.
Regards, Stefan.
Ayurvedic medicine can be very good but advice from a practioner would be useful. These people will point you in the right direction:
Quote from: hartiberlin on February 08, 2023, 04:53:34 PM
Hi Worldcup ,
is this the right stuff ??
Please let me know .
Many thanks again.
Regards, Stefan.
YES, that's correct one :)
Official manufacturers website, with usage,content,benefits,etc
Quote from: Paul-R on February 08, 2023, 06:02:10 PM
Ayurvedic medicine can be very good but advice from a practioner would be useful. These people will point you in the right direction:
Also, ayurvedic medicine take longer to show effect's but once the action starts then its a win win situation.
It takes some time to kick start and show results, don't stop taking medication,
stay positive.
It eliminates disease from root.
After you get cured from disease, they can keep consuming medicine for more 1 year or lifetime
if suggested by professional medicine practitioner. Just maintain the lifestyle and diet changes.
Not a strict diet or lifestyle changes, but to certain extent.
If you can strictly follow, then its COOL and best thing.
While we take herbs medicine or allopathic medicine , or any other medication, just follow proper diet.
(diet- what to eat and what not to eat)
Yes, any medicine should be taken with advice from professional medicine practitioner.
But not necessarly every time, because ayurvedic herbs are considered safe with little to no side effects , if any.
Just my own personal opinion expressed.
Low Potassium & Dizziness (
Diuretics: A cause of low potassium? (
B1 Thiamine deficiency (
Many thanks for all your help and tips with the medicine.
Please in this moment if you want to do donate ,
then please donateto the earthquake victims in turkey...
They surely need it much more than me..
Many thanks for all your kindness, regards Stefan.
All, check out this Youtube channel
against Chemtrails and Geoengeniering..
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 14, 2023, 04:36:25 PM
All, check out this Youtube channel
against Chemtrails and Geoengeniering..
And start with this documentary:
The Dimming (
Do your own research, make your own conclusions and if anything
presented rings true, ask yourself
If you do not accept the premise that our atmosphere is being
manipulated, please step aside and let those that do, make some
attempt to fix it. It costs you nothing to go about your life and
be a passive observer.
How you can help help, Please:
Many thanks for your kindness.
Best regards, Stefan.
Quote from: hartiberlin on February 02, 2023, 05:36:53 PM
As I am pretty ill in this moment and have a pretty hefty dizziness and can't read much on my PC,
I rather think about selling the domain to somebody who will run it further on and the contens stays intact for several more years
Or set it to Read Only mode and put again ads on it to pay fro the hosting, so it acts as an archive of old messages...
What do you think...
Regards, Stefan. ( Admin)
Hi Stefan, sorry to hear that your health is going down.
As a long time member of your forum, and as owner of my forum, i can offer you to take care of this forum as well....
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 21, 2023, 06:07:27 PM
How you can help help, Please:
Many thanks for your kindness.
Best regards, Stefan.
Hi Stefan,
I received this email on the 15th of this month and just noticed it. It says my funding to the youtube channel has been paused for some unknown reason.
Stefan is sorting out some issue which popped up on his YouTube
He is quite busy atm ( difficult to get actual person to discuss things over there)
Tremendous gratitude here for supporting Stefan
Anything we can do to grow the open source builders and experimenters here is truly of
Benefit to all ,which also should help his YouTube channel.
Stefan has been a tremendous asset to open source community!
Chet K
That much is certain!
Thanks Stefan!
Quote from: hartiberlin on February 05, 2023, 04:43:16 PM
P.S.:When my stroke happened
I had high blood pressure about 240/120 and due to it I had already a lame arm and lame leg and then now I have to take as the medicine against it :
Candesartan 16 mg
Lercanidipin 10 mg
Ass 100 ASPIRIN 100 mg
as medicine, but these Pharma pills always have sideeffects,especially digestion and constipation problems..
Maybe you know some better alternatives to get the high blood pressure down ?
I already tried some ayurvedic teas,but it did not really help, after some days the high blood pressure came back... :'( :'( :'(
Regards, Stefan.
Most definitely - GARLIC - best safe way to lower blood pressure. It's the number one favorite herb of Dr. Richard Schulze ( ) who is the master herbalist who studied under the person considered to be the worlds best herbalist - Dr. Christopher. Schulze's story and history is a testament to the power of herbs used correctly.
Quote from: stevie1001 on June 21, 2023, 12:08:27 PM
Hi Stefan, sorry to hear that your health is going down.
As a long time member of your forum, and as owner of my forum, i can offer you to take care of this forum as well....
Hi Steve,
I know you mean well but with our past that wouldn't work out for someone like me that knows how to push your buttons as after all on your forum I am banned and the primary reasons that I saw was due to the fact of my skin color and outspoken nature.
It's tough to see Hartiberlin's health failing as he has been a person of true character when it comes to all of these technologies that can actually do something meaningful about our climate change problems. I still remember all the calls to Stefan to ban me from this forum as I can be very unyielding when I know I am correct about something tossing out any idea that I already know leads to nowhere.
If you were to take over this forum I think you would make a point to ban me just out of spite even though I haven't been posting all that much anymore due to me attempting to gather up all the things I need for a further push with this technology. I am so close to the finish line but yet so far away as I am dependent on other companies to sell me their wares and for some reason one of them isn't selling me anything.
The main reason why I don't share all that I know about this technology is no one would listen to me anyways and because there is a high cost involved no one would actually move to reproduce this technology when they realize the cost involved. Open Source is for things that have no material cost for as soon as something has a material cost the rules of the markets take over. Over the years I have tried to convey this side of this technology to everyone but those that are brainwashed by the false idea of "Free Energy," are hell bent on the idea that this technology is free of cost.
I have already laid out the steps one needs to take to be able to deal with this technology as to what tools one needs to buy so that they can see what's actually going on in a provable manor and for everyone wanting to dive into this technology to make use of the Scientific Method.
When I did this on your forum I was met with great resistance as there are too many that still believe that this technology is simple even after all these years of me being the only one, that I know of, to actually apply high voltage to the water molecules. Anyone that has followed my lead has had similar success as I have had with this technology but as always there was still more to learn.
I think we are all getting older as I am no spring chicken anymore as if YAH allows I will seen 56 in a month's time. My health is also weaning and I am doing the best I can to control my diet, exercise regularly, and eat what is good for me and stay away from what is not. Right now my hands feel as if they are going to sleep constantly along with my big left toe and the doctors say there is a chance that I could go blind. Just know we are all born to die and when it's our time we can only hope we don't fade away as we see many around us do.
With our past I don't see you ever treating me fairly as the awakening of my people is tough for many to deal with as it literally means a lot of what folks were brought up thinking was false and know some moved to take the place of my people and are right now being called us knowing full well they are not from the seed of Israel. It's a lot to take in as trust me I'm learning more about things each and every day. The reason why I write this is this is one of the last forums left that I am able to post in so that when I am ready to truly move forwards with this technology the word can get out about it and what are the chances if you are allowed to take over this site that I'd still be a member of this site afterwards? I think little to none, right?
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions[/font][/size] (
Many thanks a lot, Edward and the other members, who gave me good tips about health.Very much appreciated.
Regards, Stefan.
Here is a new Live Video I just recorded, so you can see my status.
Hope you enjoy it, as there are very nice upcoming Convention events also.
Please also read the description of this video, cause I forgot to speak about a few things in the video.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: hartiberlin on July 07, 2023, 10:49:19 AM
Here is a new Live Video I just recorded, so you can see my status.
Hope you enjoy it, as there are very nice upcoming Convention events also. (
Please also read the description of this video, cause I forgot to speak about a few things in the video.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
I just sent you 111,11€ via PayPal.
I hope this will help you a little bit at least. :)
@hartiberlin I applied to your Patrion ( Lost my job this month, so will try to do more when I can. Hope more people can pitch in as well. Thanks again for all you have done and continue to do here on this site.
Many thanks to all the guys who donated something this very much appreciated..
Many many thanks again.
Regards, Stefan.
Please watch my new videos and Share them.Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
My newest Video.I am still ill and the vertigo is almost killing me..But I try to learn new things like the current OBS setup...
Regards, Stefan.
See my Sales offer for this domain, due to my heath condition which got much worse I needto retire now from the research, but the domain should be kept going on...
Regards, Stefan.