I'll post this here, OK if it ends up moved elsewhere.
We've all heard that during Bigfoot sightings, camera's, laptops, measuring equipment, all go haywire, lose battery charge or never work again. These effects are experienced in "mysterical" crop circles, but surprisingly just as well in PROVEN man-made ones. Groups are designing crop formations to invoke these anomalous effects on purpose and getting successes.
Great lecture and discussion.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOo-Jk1SiG4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOo-Jk1SiG4)
Light orbs are seen emanating from the ground. Light vortices photographed.
I'd heard (sees vids) of orbs seemingly creating a crop formation, but in the context of this lecture I may need to reconsider that.
Are these artefacts of consiousness?
Static effects from the geometric shapes the crops (tubular moist carbon stalks) are pressed into, on that level plane?
Confused compasses, that doesn't surprise me too much when a lot of crops have been pushed over with a plank. I've had startic on my person that made a cracking noise. No doubt a hand held compass would have freaked out in such an event.
The draining of batteries...that might be a key hint. It happens fast, some people report the heating. So does a shortcut get formed with the soil, or with the air, or with an interdimensional plane? I'd like to see an attempt to track that lost charge, be it into the crop carcasses, the soil, the air or...beyond?