Closing in on the replication of S1R9A9M9 engine conversion with water in carb. Magneto left at 10kv even though Nathren (S1R) increased high volts by tiny Tesla coil. Plastic tub with parts was on side of Briggs 18HP in 2008. This step up was to be able to get PLASMA PATH, that regular Magneto can't do. (And maybe a little RE) The 1978 car v8 conversion had HEI coil in top of distributor which had huge voltage capability for plasma path. I'm using separate circuit just for plasma path with isolation grounds, diodes protection, separate main PS source for 6 amps , diodes protection, isolated grounds, and the regular ignition kept at low high volts. Ignition changed over to POSITIVE high volts. Rebuilt triple wires S1r coils assembly, Zero ohms spark plug along with time constant from plasma path about 30 milliseconds as per 5 X R X C . Resister charge for cap,and cap discharge through timing resistor. All this is seeking the water vapor pressure along with Hydrogen from spark plug electrolysis, at about -neg 34 degrees timing. I'm using dual cable 4 terminal Magnetron as from 2 cyl engine , on the one cyl. The neg volts goes to ground, while the positive goes to plug. (Verified with hi v diode as positive, AND - AND we get full secondary volts, contrary to the regular magnetron of AUTOTRANSFORMER TYPE in positive mode. The dual type has no connection between prim and sec. The secondary fires both same time as + and - outputs! The low high volts allows for less diodes string that allows less PS voltage, that allows for less amps pull from battery input. When engine actually running, the PS is disconnected, alternator runs 6 amps, ignition keeps running along with separate plasma path board. The required magnetic field at spark plug tips comes from the magnetic coils assy and follows down to plug. The required diodes direct voltage/current in one direction. The self running engine can be seen in the two S1R9A9M9 You tube videos from 2008. (You can't see the 12 magnets running the alternator under the flywheel, with battery disconnected. )
Yes, I am working on a set up similar to the 2008 S1R9A9M9 conversion of lawn mower engine on water in carburetor to water vapor pressure and Hydrogen gas with alternator recharging battery. Most people don't know that the riding mower engine has hidden free energy magnets powered alternator under flywheel. Also the ignition is run by magnet also without electricity input. Neither does the alternator require any input electricity. There was demonstrated by 2 You tube videos back at that time of spark plug electrolysis at late 34 degrees ATDC timing of self running engine. Requirement is what's called "plasma path" through spark plug of minimum about 28kv , so as the following 6-10 amps can go THROUGH spark plug. The hand wound triple wires magnetic electromagnet added allowed several functions at the same time. Also the added extra magnet wire inductor, about 1.5Millihenry, at turn off, could provide back EMF , higher than the Magnetron on the original Briggs 18HP engine. The battery started engine , then was DICONNECTED! Alternator running at lowered RPM idle speed. Nathren also converted several car engines from 2005-2012, using half wave DC from 400W Inverter box , diodes and dual inductors. Older cars, without computer , and main jet in carb hole redrilled larger about 30% for more water flow. (power mode above idle) He said about 18MPG on water in tank at lowered power level, for about 3000 miles, then locked up in security garage. See videos, my other posts, and tech data around Internet. S1R9A9M9 Questions?
Quote from: russwr on October 20, 2023, 01:09:47 PMThe riding mower engine has hidden free energy
Thank you for all this information you have been posting these past couple months regarding motors, russwr. Sounds like you are balls deep into research. Humans like paragraphs. Very few here read your posts because of the word soup you usually post. I keep up and read all of your posts.
Can this system be looped into itself?
Can you post step by step (with no more than 30 words per line) detailed instructions exactly explaining how to obtain usable excess energy from a motor?
Use paragraphs. Explain everything that must be done (no theory, just precisely
list each step one needs to physically do).
Thank you for sharing the information that you have. Keep up the research!
However I agree with ovun987. If you would be willing to give some easy to ready, step-by-step instructions I'd guess that there would be willing experimenters give time in duplicating and testing.
The closed S1R9A9M9 website, was a questions and answers message forum regarding the Georgia garage auto engine and lawnmower conversions done for water vapor pressure and hydrogen gas generation. Because of the several problems that happened after the YouTube videos were made in summer 2008, Nathren and the 2 technicians refused to allow further ACCURATE data to be released . Diagrams were changed so as attempts of successful conversions to water in carbs would never happen. Newer failed videos were made and shown.
The "Smack" went to the Georgia property after a 1000 miles drive, and filmed his examination of Briggs engine. This young mechanic was not as smart as he thought he was. Many mistakes were made by him. Of course, this is all a learning experience, and even HIS data was necessary to include in the over all tech data surrounding the successful 2008 demonstrations of spark plug electrolysis Briggs 18HP running engine, and alternator power providing engine in self running mode.
The website did not provide running list of parts, or exact wiring diagram, or small bits of information relevant to the final design circuit. There is of course, LOTS of data on internet to go over, and take it all in. Nathren even refused money for good or bad parts salvage. Clues were needed to be filled in , in between the lines. The videos can be viewed in 25% slow motion,- REVEALING needed information. You probably don't even know what spark plugs should be used. The plastic tub acted as added capacitance that raised up the INDUCTOR Flyback Back EMF high voltage to a higher level than the Magnetron, so as plasma path was available for the main inrush current THROUGH spark plug. Bench test was done as noted on website message Aug 27, 2008, on the triple wires assembly with bench ignition coil tester box for 30Kv -40Kv output. (Not usual for a standard autotransformer of 10-15KV. ) The earlier car conversions all had HEI ignition which automatically provided ionization of plug gaps for main current flow. The tab shutdown terminal on Briggs ignition coil IS an engine timing pulse of about on+ off -130volts. The fast turnoff of a transistor provided much higher back EMF of a high Millihenry inductor. Evolts = L Henries X Di amps / dt second.
Photocopies of relevant sheets were made before the website shutdown. Interested readers of past posts on same subject matter need to study "certain" details to see why the technician's work in Georgia was important. In general,- yes, an engine does not run on water , not without those special circuits and application techniques. Their V8 engine on engine stand with power generator also ran their shop on free power with water line. They figured it out back in 2005-2012. Yahoo, Groups, WaterFuel1978. What about the Wayback Machine lost publications search service?
Pls delete this idle message.
If positive only, high voltage SOURCE fires first spark gap of 8mm as 24,000 volts, doesn't the second spark gap IN SERIES to the first as "connected" smaller 2mm gap, fire at the same high voltage also to ground? 1mm/per 3000v spark in air is standard value. Seems as though volts has to go through the first as an EFFORT, just to get to the second one. This is important information needed on bench testing of electrical projects.