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Energy from Natural Resources => Gravity powered devices => Topic started by: iacob alex on November 08, 2023, 01:12:48 AM

Title: SELF oscillatory hinge !?
Post by: iacob alex on November 08, 2023, 01:12:48 AM
.....due to a possible continuous gravity unbalance and rotational inertia , at :
Title: Re: SELF oscillatory hinge !?
Post by: truesearch on November 08, 2023, 02:47:22 PM

I like the idea. But just looking at the required lifting of the red "ball" weight in sub-image #3 and then again in sub-image #6 I would intuitively guess that the energy required to lift the weight would be equal to whatever energy could be pulled from the resulting rotational motion. . .
Title: Re: SELF oscillatory hinge !?
Post by: iacob alex on November 08, 2023, 04:07:27 PM
   Hi !
Try to "think" it as a switching hinge-hub and a bigger  rotating arm "red" lever , something alike :
If we have  a free fall from  a greater gravity level , we can store (and play...the reset/possible self) a greater  momentum.
Simply:think/play it bigger.
Title: Re: SELF oscillatory hinge !?
Post by: iacob alex on November 11, 2023, 02:18:31 PM
.....proposals ,  with some  "compositions " of commons ( or rising butt ones...) hinges , at :
.....playing gravity free fall (up...down) and inertia ( variable angular velocity ).
Title: Re: SELF oscillatory hinge !?
Post by: i/o on November 11, 2023, 08:58:26 PM
What if you changed the ball weights to hollow balls and changed their connecting rod to a bunch of capillary tubes that transfers water from the lower water-filled ball to the empty higher ball?  Would we approach perpetual motion? :)