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New theories about free energy systems => Theory of overunity and free energy => Topic started by: ltseung888 on July 20, 2007, 02:43:44 AM

Title: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 20, 2007, 02:43:44 AM
I finally found what may be the right place to discuss the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.  Here is a brief extract:

Boat in Calm Water and Good Sunshine Scenario

The Patent Offices and the Scientific Community used the Law of Conservation of Energy as a roadblock for perpetual motion machines (PPM) for centuries.  The Law of Conservation of energy essentially says that Energy cannot be created or destroyed.  It can only change from one form to another.  If the source of energy of an invention cannot be identified, the invention is likely to be classified as the impossible PPM.

The Boat in Calm Water and Good Sunshine Scenario is simple.  If a scientist does not know how to use solar energy, he might wrongly apply the Law of Conservation of Energy and advocate the use of muscle energy to move the boat.  If he knows how to use solar energy, he can relax and let the solar panel powered engine move the boat.  The Law of Conservation of Energy is never violated.

All objects are immersed in gravitational fields.  Newton?s Universal Gravitational Law says that two masses attract each other with a force equal to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance.  The Earth rotates around the Sun according to this Law.  All objects, including our bodies, obey this law.  We attract and are attracted by the Sun, the Moon, the Distant Stars and Each Other.  Movement of such objects will have energy exchanges (Work = Force x displacement).  If an invention uses such gravitational energy, it does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  In the Lee-Tseung PCT Patent Application (PCT/IB2005/000138), we used the term Lead Out.  This source of gravitational energy is non-polluting, available anywhere and almost inexhaustible.

An even more powerful source is the Electron Motion Energy. Electrons are present in all atoms.  They are usually thought as negatively charged particles rotating around the nucleus.  The rotation gives rise to magnetic fields.  The changing of orbits gives rise to electromagnetic waves.  Their clustering gives rise to electrostatic fields.  Their movement along conductors gives rise to electricity that we depend on daily.  Sunlight is just a form of electromagnetic wave.  Radio waves, TV waves are other forms of electromagnetic waves.  We are immersed in such waves.  If an invention uses such immersed Electron Motion Energy, it does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

The Lee-Tseung theory predicts that both gravitational and electron motion energy can be Lead Out via Pulse Force at resonance on oscillating, vibrating, rotating or flux change systems.  The detailed mathematical proof is via the analysis of the simple pendulum during the application of a pulse force.  The pulse force increases the tension of the string and Leads Out gravitation energy.  For a horizontal pulse force, two parts of pulse energy can Lead Out one part of gravitational energy.  The gravitational energy is not created but Lead Out.  This Lead Out energy source has not been understood by the Patent Offices, the Scientists and many Inventors in the past.  Use of this Lead Out energy does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

For details, read:
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 20, 2007, 03:32:32 AM
Phone Conversation with Lee Cheung Kin

Tseung: "I found the right place in the OverUnity.com forum to discuss our theory.  Do you have anything to say?"

Lee: "Tell the participants to be careful with the High Frequency, High Pulse Force at resonance experiments.  Such experiments not only could burn the equipment but also cause fatal accidents."

Tseung smiled: "Most of the participants in the forum has not seen Output equal to Input yet.  They will not believe the danger.  Some may even want to experience the danger.  However, I shall post your warning."

Lee: "Tell them that a correct high pitch note can break many glasses.  The energy used to break the glasses does not come from the note alone.  The note Leads Out the energy inherent in the glass.  That inherent energy is theoretically infinite."

Lawrence Tseung
Resonance Leads Out theoretically Infinite Energy
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 20, 2007, 05:21:57 AM
Fun with explaining the Milkovic Pendulum and Lever system

Reference on this forum:

Tseung: "Now we can use this thread to explain every known Over Unity device published.  The idea is to check whether the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory is applicable to all of them.  If so, can the Lee-Tseung Theory suggest improvement to the devices."

Lin: "You are ambitious.  Since you will never build an OU device yourself, there is no harm is making constructive suggestions.  I suppose you would start with the Milkovic Pendulum first."

Tseung smiled: "Our PCT patent information starts with the Pendulum.  So it is logical to start with the Pendulum example.  In slides 5-8 of http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/taiwan2a.htm, we proved that a horizontal pulse force applied to a pendulum could Lead Out gravitational energy.  To be exact, two parts of horizontal Pulse Energy can Lead Out one part of graviational energy.  Thus Milkovic is Leading Out gravitational energy via Pulsing the Pendulum."

Lin: "Does the lever movement contribute anything?"

Tseung: "Yes.  The Lever Movement can be thought of as a vibrational system.  The Movement of the Pendulum Bob shifts the effective balancing weight.  Thus the Milkovic system can be thought of as two systems complementing each other - the pendulum and the up-and-down lever.  Milkovic has not completed the feedback loop."

Lin: "Is the Milkovic system an Over Unity Device?"

Tseung: "The Pendulum with a Pulse Force is already an Over Unity Device.  The vibrating Lever with shifting weight is also an Over Unity Device.  The combined system is thus an Over Unity Device."

Lin: "Can some type of pull back string or spring be used to complete the Milkovic feedback loop?  If so, can it run forever and conclusively demonstrate the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?"

Tseung smiled: "Theoretically possible.  I shall let someone better at engineering to shine and do the actual experiment."

Lawrence Tseung
Lee-Tseung Theory Leads Out confirmation that the Milkovic system is Over Unity and could produce a mechanical perpetual motion machine/toy.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 20, 2007, 07:38:21 AM
Limitation of the Milkovic System

Lin: "What is the limitation of the Milkovic System?  Why do you keep referring to it as a toy?"

Lai joined the conversation. "The number of Pulses per second of a pendulum is limited.  It is essentially a function of the length of the string, the Pendulum mass and the gravitational constant.  It cannot be changed easily compared with the rotational speed."

Tseung smiled. "How about the vibration of the Lever?"

Lin quickly interrupted: "Important factors will be the arms of the lever, the weights at the end and the Pulse Force (the shifting pendulum weight.  Am I correct?"

Tseung smiled more. "Looks like I can focus on my fishing."

Lawrence Tseung
Stimulating discussion Leads Out suggestions from many others.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on July 20, 2007, 08:35:10 AM
Hello Mr. Tseung,

I appreciate your intense activity and comprehensive postings on various free energy topics. Yet, I?m having trouble understanding the point of ?lead out? gravitational energy.

In your post above, you make a reference to several slides (5-8) available at http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/Taiwan2a.files/frame.htm. In slide no.8 specifically it is suggested that 2 units of supplied horizontal energy ?leads out? 1 unit gravitational energy. Well, the classical interpretation is as follows: 3 (not 2) units of initial total energy, at that particular point on the pendulum trajectory you refer to are converted into 2 units of kinetic energy and 1 unit of potential energy. That is correct. But finally, all of the initially supplied energy will be converted into potential energy (in the upper point the pendulum reaches). So, in this point the ratio of ?supplied energy? to potential energy is one. It is always one; I am not aware of any exceptions and a simple pendulum is known not to be an overunity machine. Then, the pendulum starts moving backwards on its trajectory and again the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. It will cross again the same point you prefer, where the ratio between kinetic and potential energy is 2/1 but frankly, I can not see any energy gain here, but a simple transformation between kinetic and potential energy. On the vertical, it will have again 3 units of kinetic energy (assuming that there are no losses/friction, of course), which was initially provided. So, the 1 unit of gravitational energy you talk about is not ?lead out? but it is paid for, therefore it is not free energy. The logic can be tricky for a freshman but if you want we can discuss on hard equations.

Also, you said in another post above that the "The Pendulum with a Pulse Force is already an Over Unity Device.? I strongly disagree. If one takes two simple pendulums and collide one with the other, this is a pulse force interaction (there are toys made on this principle but they have more than two balls, usually). If it would be overunity (according to your statement), the system would start exceeding a continuous increase in amplitude after each collision. But this is of course, not happening. Please comment also on this issue.

Please reply.
Thanks again,

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 20, 2007, 11:04:45 AM
Quote from: tinu on July 20, 2007, 08:35:10 AM

On Slide 8, it is suggested that 2 units of supplied horizontal energy ?leads out? 1 unit gravitational energy.....

You have to understand slides 5-7 fully before you can understand slide 8.  Please read the explanation portion of slides 5-7.  The key points to remember are:

(1) The mathematics is related to the Pendulum at the moment of applying the Horizontal Pulse Force. 

(2) During this moment, we can apply the Law of Parallelogram of Forces to analyze the Force and the Energy.

(3) Please follow the mathematics carefully.  The result of the mathematics concludes that (Hori Energy)/(Vert Energy) = 2.014 when the Weight is 60 Kg and the horizontal Pulse is 10 kg.

(4) At Tsing Hua University, I changed the Weight to 80 kg with the Horizontal Pulse still equal to 10 kg.  I then  asked the PhD Students to work out the new angle and the new ratio of (Hori Energy)/(Verti Energy).  They all got the correct answer.

(5) Please try to work out the answer and post it here.  If your answer is correct, we can continue the discussion.  (This is the technique taught at MIT to see if the participants really follow the vigorous mathematical reasoning.)

(6) Mathematics cannot lie.  All top physicists or mathematicians will get the same answer.  We can then have common ground for discussion.

Hope that does not offend you.

Lawrence Tseung
Vigorous Mathematics Leads Out common logic for discussion.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 20, 2007, 03:34:18 PM
Slides 5-8 to prove that Energy can be Lead Out

Forever: "You are asking the participants in the Forum to do mathematics.  Do you think that they can ever succeed?  I can do it because I had to prepare for the Secondary School Examination in Hong Kong.  The PhD students at Tsing Hua University are the best in China."

Tseung smiled. "Give the Forum participants time.  Give them a chance to read up on Parallelogram of Forces.  Give them opportunity to consult their professors."

Forever: "You mentioned at one time that your posts were targeted for special audiences - the Chinese Government, top academics, other Over Unity Developers and Patent Offices around the World.  Can you simplified them for the average person?"

Tseung laughed: "I have done the best simplification I could.  If you heard the heated discussions in the early days with Professor Woo and Lee Cheung Kin, you would be totally lost.  Even the top physics professors at Harvard University thought that we did double accounting at one time.  Fortunately, mathematics cannot lie.  Once they retraced every step in the mathematics, they became converts."

Forever: "It should be a challenge to see how many days or weeks until some Forum Participants provide the correct answer.  Tell your professor friends not to post the solution."

Lawrence Tseung
Solving the mathematics Leads Out the real scientists

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 20, 2007, 05:04:24 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 20, 2007, 03:32:32 AM
Phone Conversation with Lee Cheung Kin

Tseung: "I found the right place in the OverUnity.com forum to discuss our theory.  Do you have anything to say?"

Lee: "Tell the participants to be careful with the High Frequency, High Pulse Force at resonance experiments.  Such experiments not only could burn the equipment but also cause fatal accidents."

Tseung smiled: "Most of the participants in the forum has not seen Output equal to Input yet.  They will not believe the danger.  Some may even want to experience the danger.  However, I shall post your warning."


Lawrence Tseung
Resonance Leads Out theoretically Infinite Energy

I'm really happy you're not only putting other people's theories and material into your own TPU write-up but supposedly teaching your partner the importance of not  doing damage to themselves by avoiding resonance! (or is it the other way?). This sure is a good forum for even 'brilliant' theorist!

I believe it won't be much longer before you can Lead us Out to the creation of the Universe.  Can't sleep ... the anticipation is killing me!

All these long winded write up and nobody seems to notice....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 20, 2007, 08:49:12 PM
Theory of the Simple Gravity Motor as described in:


In this invention, the Pulse Force comes from the eight hammers.  In one revolution, there are eight Pulses.  The above information describes the construction material, the dimensions etc.  However, it avoided the question of stating how long the rotation lasted.  The one who posted it said:

As I look back at the circumstances relating to the way I received this idea and what has happened since, I am quite sure that it is GOD'S will that such simple exposition of such a device that goes against the supposed "laws" of science is released at this time! I am not the first, I know that. I am not the best, I know that. I am not really much of anything other than a follower of Christ, I KNOW that! This device is not mine but is for anyone that wishes to replicate it.

Sun et al tried to replicate it.  They could not get the same material for the hammer.  The resultant device could rotate for about 3 minutes before stopping.  The hammer was than replaced by falling weights and then falling powders.  The rotation time increased to about 20 minutes.  In Sun's Words -'I became an OU invention addict.'  They have some baby-step successes and hope to market an Over Unity Development Platform toy soon.

Lawrence Tseung
The difficulty in tuning for resonance Leads Out idea of a standard, well-machined Over Unity Development Platform Toy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 20, 2007, 10:51:03 PM
Discussion of the Simple Gravity Motor

Lin: "How is the Simple Gravity Motor related to the Bessler Wheel?"

Lai: "Both are mechanical devices.  By the way, I believe ltseung888 was banned from posting in the http://www.besslerwheel.com forum.  There were over 300 postings in the Fraud section under the title 'Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators'. Tseung, what is your reaction?"

Tseung laughed. "When you use the forum of someone else to post, you are subjected to their rules.  If they do not like your information, or if they were told by the CIA or the Like, they can ban you.  I was surprised that they did not delete the posts totally.  That would help me in the future in claiming 'I told you so'.  The Steorn Forum did not ban me totally but they sunk my threads."

Lin giggled: "You have some enemies out there.  What are you going to do?"

Lai: "One cannot please all the people all the time.  Tseung's main target audience are the Chinese Officials.  These Officials reacted after seeing the Wang Device in rotation on January 15, 2007.  Wang became a Vice President of a RMB$13 billion Company.  The posts do have value."

Tseung smiled. "I believe I stated in a Besslerwheel.com post - there must be a feedback mechanism.  The simple gravity wheel has a very weak feedback mechanism.  It may need luck and perfect tuning to work."

Sun interrupted. "That is why we are interested in a well-machined platform toy so that there is no excuse of the wrong material, the inexact shape, the varying magnetic strength etc.  It will be a standard equipment in all schools.  It will also be an educational toy in every affluent home."

Lai laughed. "Tseung talks about Benefiting the World.  Sun, on the other hand, talks about money.  I hope both of you achieve your goals."

Lin giggled more and murmured. "Tseung thinks that he has achieved his goal already.  He is just helping others shine."

Lawrence Tseung
The Simple Gravity Motor is not simple.  It Leads Out talk of well-machined parts to achieve resonance.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 21, 2007, 02:15:34 AM
The Energy By Motion (EBM) Machine from Hungary:

Quote from http://gammamanager.blogspot.com/search?q=china

Saturday, October 21, 2006
Brief historical summary of the EBM Units: 1992-2006

1. Number of EBM Units manufactured, tested and operated since 1992 to 2006, for which log-books are available:
(a) BB-LEGO: 4 units
(b) C 4/4 1 unit
(c) 720 unit: 2 units
(d) Total No. of EBM Units: 7 units

Note: Prior to 1992, 108 prototype units were tested and discarded!

2. Number of logged operating hours by the above 7 EBM Units since 1992: over 100,000 hours!

3. (a) In 2001, the manufacturing order for the 1st commercial unit was cancelled to correct design errors in the commercial size EBM Units.
(b) Between 2002 and 2006 fourteen (14) commercial size units were designed, ranging from 1.5 MWe to 225 MWe in sizes;
(c) In 2005 and 2006, cost of manufacturing, installations and operations were obtained from vendors to price out and to establish tariff rates: cents/kWHe (electric) and cents/kWHh (heating energy);

4. First 1.5 MWe and 3.0 MWe EBM Units are negotiated for Russia and Canada under contract in 2006, to be commissioned in mid 2008, together with the larger 300 MWe EBM Plant for China (to be commissioned in 2009);
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 21, 2007, 02:40:08 AM
Theory behind the EBM Machine

The self-reliant EBM plant uses its own self-generated electromagnetic fuel. The research and development work of this hi-tech technology began in 1980 in four laboratories in Toronto, Houston, London and in Budapest, managed for ELECTRO ERG LIMITED (EEL) by the GAMMA Group, under Professor L. I. Szab's leadership.

Lin: "Tseung, What is your opinion on the Hungarian EBM machine?  They opened their laboratory to Investors and Commercial Evaluators.  They also claimed that China placed an order to have plant commissionable in 2009."

Lai: "They claimed the EBM plant used its own electromagnetic flux as fuel.  Is that similar to your Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators?"

Tseung smiled. "When the news first hit the Internet, Lee Cheung Kin and I were in China.  We tried to do a double check to see whether a Chinese Organization placed an order for the EBM machine.  The group we spoke to mentioned that they indeed sent people to Hungary.  The group asked for our opinion on whether the EBM Machine is a hoax."

Lai: "What is your reply?"

Lin: "I can guess the answer.  Theoretically possible.  The device is some type of rotation of magnets and/or electromagnets in magnetic fields.  Electron Motion Energy can be Lead Out."

Tseung smiled. "You can read my mind.  That Company tried 108 failed configurations before succeeding.  The chance of them getting one or more working prototypes is good.  They might not know the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory at that time.  If they knew, they might have even better prototypes."

Lawrence Tseung
The EBM machines that can be demonstrated now Lead Out confirmation that Over Unity Devices are Certainties.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 21, 2007, 04:00:27 AM
Theory Behind the EBM Machine

Chan: "I know that you have not seen or touched an actual EBM machine.  I know that you have not got to Budapest.  I know that you have not read the Professor L. I. Szab's theory.  How can you be sure that the EBM machine works according to the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory."

Lai: "After Newton wrote his Laws of Motion, did he need to examine every machine on this Planet?"

Lin: "Wow.  Are you implying that Lee-Tseung will have the same scientific status as Newton?  Before you answer that, I would like to raise a stupid scientifc question.  Will the Lead Out gravitational or electron motion energy be exhausted?  Would that be related to the Creation and Evolution of the Universe?"

Lai: "From Einstein's equation, we know mass and energy are interchangeable.  You must have heard of Black Holes that eat up mass and energy without a trace.  You must have heard of the Big Bang theory and the Expanding Universe.  I am merging the above and postulate that the Universe is in a dynamic state - expanding via the Big Bang and contracting via the Black Hole.  Mass is considered a form of Energy."

Lin: "That means the gravitational and electron motion energies will never exhaust.  They fluctuate together with the Universe!"

Tseung laughed.  "Good postulating.  I can enjoy my fishing."

Lawrence Tseung
Origins of Cosmic Energy Leads Out Fluctuating Theory of the Universe. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 21, 2007, 06:30:08 AM
Improving the Milkovic Pendulum System

Tseung: "I just thought of a simple way to improve the Milkovic System and probably all gravity energy machines."

Lee: "Let us hear it."

Tseung: "If we can increase the effective gravitational constant G, we can increase the frequency of the oscillation and hence the efficiency of the system.  A simple improvement to the Milkovic System is to use magnets as pendulum and put external magnets below it to increase the frequency of oscillation."

Lee: "This is just the Forever Experiment.  It is bound to work."

Tseung: "Such an improvement may also help in providing Pulse Force to the pendulum.  One or more coils can attract or repel the Pendulum to provide the Pulse Force to Lead Out the increased effective gravitational energy."

Lee: "Simple but brilliant.  Post it and make sure that the Milkovic et al know about it.  Let them do the experiments."

Tseung: "Sure.  We old folks never do experiments.  Let the young ones shine."

Lawrence Tseung
Adding the Forever Yuen Experimental set up to the Milkovic System Leads Out much higher efficiency and possibility of a PPM demonstration.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gyulasun on July 21, 2007, 11:34:19 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 21, 2007, 06:30:08 AM
Improving the Milkovic Pendulum System

Tseung: "If we can increase the effective gravitational constant G, we can increase the frequency of the oscillation and hence the efficiency of the system.  A simple improvement to the Milkovic System is to use magnets as pendulum and put external magnets below it to increase the frequency of oscillation."

Hello Lawrence,

I think your idea occured also to Milkovic, see his patent page on it:


Have you considered a similar arrangement in your mind?  If you have some ideas for futher improvements, would you advise?

Here are some of his further ideas connected to pendulum and lever:


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 21, 2007, 04:22:27 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on July 21, 2007, 11:34:19 AM

Hello Lawrence,

I think your idea occured also to Milkovic, see his patent page on it:


Have you considered a similar arrangement in your mind?  If you have some ideas for futher improvements, would you advise?

Here are some of his further ideas connected to pendulum and lever:



Dear Gyula,

The http://www.veljkomilkovic.com/PatentiEng.html is blank

The http://www.veljkomilkovic.com/Images/Patenti/Patent3.jpg is interesting.  Since I cannot read Russian, I can only comment on the diagram.

From the diagram, he is using the magnetic repulsion set up as a spring for both the Lever and the Pendulum.  He might have thought of increasing the effective gravitational constant G.  However, the diagram did not show it.

Furthermore, the Lee-Tseung theory predicts the best Pulse force should be small but frequent. (The best angle for the best (hori energy/vert energy) should be around 0.5 degrees.)  In his diagram, he uses very big swing angle for his pendulum.

Please note that the increasing effective gravitational constant G technique is applicable to all gravity devices.  (I shall write about the advantage and application of decreasing G in a different post.)

I believe the best path is to give the information to him.  He will shine no matter whether he already knows it or not.  This is the intention of the Forum - share and benefit the World.

Lawrence Tseung
Patent Information from Milkovic Leads Out a chance to Interact and benefit the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gyulasun on July 21, 2007, 05:04:19 PM
Dear Lawrence,

The link works for me, though I have to wait a few seconds too for the middle part column to appear, it does not come promptly.  If you have no success, try going to his home page http://www.veljkomilkovic.com/indexEng.htm  and move your mouse over the Inventions icon in the vertical column on the left side and a new small window should appear that should include the Patent link, among others. Also, the Content column on the left includes his Contact page.

Thanks for the comments.  If I get it right, there is a compromise in increasing the gravitational constant: one has to trade for the weight of the mass on the pendulum to the swinging angle, does not it?  (a bigger mass cannot swing readily quickly like a smaller one, especially not within a small angle of under 1 degree)  Am I right or missing something?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 21, 2007, 08:14:13 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on July 21, 2007, 05:04:19 PM
Dear Lawrence,

The home page http://www.veljkomilkovic.com/indexEng.htm works.  Also, the Content column on the left includes his Contact page.

Thanks for the comments.  If I get it right, there is a compromise in increasing the gravitational constant: one has to trade for the weight of the mass on the pendulum to the swinging angle, does not it?  (a bigger mass cannot swing readily quickly like a smaller one, especially not within a small angle of under 1 degree)  Am I right or missing something?


Dear Gyula,

Thank you for the new link.  It works.  I am particularly interested in his Flying Saucer.  I believe he might be working on the same concept of reduced gravitational constant G.  I shall talk about that in another post.

There is no compromise as stated in your post.  We can still use the concept of the potential energy = mgh.  We can increase the potential energy by increasing any one of the three terms (m = mass, g = gravitational constant, h = height).  Previously, scientist do not know how to change g easily.  The Forest Yuen experiment showed that the magnetic pendulum technique can change g - both increasing it or decreasing it.

Scienitists know how to simulate increased g via centripetal forces - such as training for astronauts in rotating devices.  We now know the cutting off magnetic attraction on rotating ball can produce the anti-gravity effects. That is the principle of the Flying Saucer in a nutshell.

The ideal horizontal pulse should add 0.5 degrees to a pendulum.  However, we do not need to provide the ideal pulse.  Energy can still be added at a lower efficiency (2 parts horizontal pulse energy Leads Out less than 1 part of gravitational energy.) 

Many in the West still do not believe that CoE has been misapplied for venturies.  They still do not believe in the demonstrated EBM machine, the Wang Shum Ho Device etc.  Almost all of them are "followers" and not "pioneers".

I shall quote one conversation with a top English Professor in the Energy field.  "I spent all my life increasing the fuel cell efficiency by a few percent.  You came along and demonstrated free, cheap and constant energy.  How could I face my thousands of students?  I just could not tell them I taught them the wrong things for the past thirty years.  I could not possibly say that my hundreds of esteemed papers were useless.  I understand your theory totally.  It is simple and brilliant.  But I cannot support it!"

Lawrence Tseung
Milkovic Flying Saucer Leads Out the application of reduced gravitational constant.  This may be the reason of Government Suppression of this entire technology.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on July 22, 2007, 06:14:43 AM
Tests are for graduates. I?m a little bit beyond that. Anyway, if you want testing, let?s play. Firstly, please correct the presentation (http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/Taiwan2a.files/frame.htm). Slides 5-8 are full (and I mean FULL) of elementary mistakes, even for high-school level!

There is no such thing as a Force of 10kg. 10kg is a mass, right?  This mistake repeatedly appears in slide 5 and 6. Then in slide 7 you (or the author, whoever he/she might be) say(s) again that:
?If Mg=60Kg, F=10 Kg, then
Angle a = 9.48 degrees
Hori Energy/Vert Energy = 2.014?

Wow! Mg is a force but the unit of 60 on the right side is mass (kg). Then F is the consecrated notation for a force but on the right side is also a mass. If you want to be intelligible, at least say F=10Kgf. The numerical results for angle ?a? happens to be correct just because g disappears both from the nominator and denominator but man, this reveals anything you want but not scientific rigor.

So, if you want me to further guess through your riddle, then angle ?a? for a pendulum mass of 80kg and a horizontal force of 10kg*g is 7.125 degrees. This rationale is having a physical meaning in equilibrium only! (Static setup/no movement). However, the pendulum that is starting from the vertical will not stop at this angle. So, the force equality does not hold and you should know it. Then why applying this simple equality? This is another (and quite a huge) mistake.

Then, on slide 7 you say that:
?Hori Energy = F x Lsin(a)?
Nope. Not correct at all. (In fact this is the biggest mistake by far /it is actually inexcusable under any circumstances/ and it is telling me that the author did not pass his/her physics class with a good rank.) The equation above is not the horizontal energy, as you/the author wrongly assume(s), but the work done by force F. And if the system is not under other external forces (except gravity), this equals the Total Energy of the pendulum, not its Hori Energy! Horizontal Energy is m/2 x sqr (v-hori), where v-hori is the horizontal speed. Again, the pendulum does not stop at that angle. It will continue its motion due to the kinetic energy having it stored when accelerated under the force F.

The same error as explained above is made in:
?Vert Energy = Mg x (L(1-cos(a))?
This equation is also wrong because of the accelerating type of motion. If you want to compute the vertical energy you have to use differential equations.

According to the above, knowing the angle ?a? (7.125 degrees), mass M (80kg at your wish) and force F (10 kgf) one easily can compute the ratio Hori Energy/ Vert Energy, as you asked me to do ?for testing?. Is the test solved? That easily?!! Nope. I will not do it, because both equations are incorrect and so is the ratio between them. At this point, it just happens then that your test to me becomes my test to you. :))) Please solve it correctly, using the right equations and then we shall talk again. Deal?

I hope that the students are not being taught this way because it would be very bad for them.
Anyway, following the errors in slides 5-7, slide 8 makes absolutely no-sense whatsoever.

So, I?m not offended. Hopefully so are you.

But even beyond the obvious errors in using basic equations of classical mechanics as pointed above, more understable and relevant to the members here is the second paragraph of my first post, which remained uncommented by you. I?ll bring it again under your scrutiny: Take two balls, make two pendulums and collide them. According to the theory, they should make an excellent pulsed-force pendulum and, voila, you already have the over-unity machine, at least according to the theory you promote and to your previous statements. Too bad that reality sadly contradicts you?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 22, 2007, 11:35:14 AM
Part 1 of 6 in the reply to Tinu on slides 5-8 of Taiwan2a.htm

Dear Tinu,

Thank you for your excellent post.  I am glad that you spotted the error.  You may want to read the explanation in Slide 1.  The more vigorous treatment involves the use of integrals and differential equations as you suggested.  That may be beyond the scope of the Forum (and the Chinese Officials).  In our simplification for the layman, we committed errors that you kindly pointed out.

I shall answer your long post in multiples sections.  In the case when
(1)   Weight of Pendulum of mass 80 kilograms implies (Force due to weight = Mg or 80xg where g is the gravitational constant.  The value g is approximately 9.8 m/s/s on the surface of the Earth.)
(2)   The pulse force is 10xg (in the same units as (1))

The Tan(a) is 10/80 or 0.125 and hence the angle is indeed 7.125 degrees.  You are perfectly right.

End of Part 1.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 22, 2007, 11:37:33 AM
Part 2 of 6 in the reply to Tinu on slides 5-8 of Taiwan2a.htm

If Mg=60xg, F=10xg, then
Angle a = 9.48 degrees
Hori Energy/Vert Energy = 2.014?

When we apply the Pulse Force F, the tension (T) in the string must increase from 60xg to a larger value.  To be exact, we can calculate this larger value from the Pythagoras Theorem and get the answer as (sqrt of (10*10 + 60*60))xg = 60.828xg.

This increased tension of the string (which is a force) can be decomposed into the vertical and the horizontal components.  The horizontal component counters the horizontal Pulse Force F.  The vertical component is responsible for lifting the pendulum mass/weight.

The horizontal Pulse Force does work as there is horizontal displacement.  The vertical component of the Tension of the string does work as there is vertical displacement.  We can work out the ratio of these two energies.  That ratio horizontal energy/vertical energy is 2.014.  (In fact if you work out the various cases of small angles, the ratio is approximately 2.)  Thus Slide 8 is not an assumption.  It is the result of such mathematics.

End of Part 2
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 22, 2007, 11:40:45 AM
Part 3 of 6 in the reply to Tinu on slides 5-8 of Taiwan2a.htm

?Tinu wrote: ?Angle ?a? for a pendulum mass of 80kg and a horizontal force of 10kg*g is 7.125 degrees. This rationale is having a physical meaning in equilibrium only! (Static setup/no movement). However, the pendulum that is starting from the vertical will not stop at this angle. So, the force equality does not hold and you should know it. Then why applying this simple equality??

Let us focus on the Law of Parallelogram of Forces.  We know that after we applied the Horizontal Pulse Force and then let go, the pendulum will swing back. Let us isolate the two parts and analyze them separately.  Remember that the Law of Parallelogram of forces is a result of Newton?s Law of Motion.  If it fails, Newton?s Laws of Motion also fails. (At least in this case of Pendulum with a Pulse Force.)

If we apply the Horizontal Pulse Force from the vertical first time, the above configuration and calculation will hold.  Energy is added to the pendulum system.  However, the energy does NOT come from the horizontal pulse energy alone.

With pendulum mass of 60 Kilograms and Horizontal Pulse Force of 10g and a displacement of Lsin(a) where L is length of the Pendulum, a is the displacement angle, 2.014 units of horizontal Pulse Energy Leads Out 1 unit of vertical gravitational energy.  That vertical gravitational energy enters the Pendulum System via the tension in the string.

Note that the value of 2.014 is specific to the above example only.

End of Part 3
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 22, 2007, 11:43:08 AM
Part 4 of 6 in the reply to Tinu on slides 5-8 of Taiwan2a.htm

In our communication with the PCT patent examiner, we also showed the case of having a Pulse Force at an angle.  (Figure 4.2 in the document TPU-Theory1-5.doc in http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,2621.msg40277.html#msg40277)
The angle was deliberately set so that the tension of the string (T) and the Pulse Force (F) are equal with the Pendulum Mass at the mid-position.  At this initial position, the two forces are equal and a slight application of the Pulse Force will have displacement by both S and F.  Both will do work.

It is obvious that not all the energy comes from the Pulse Force.  We then extended the argument to Pulse Forces in all different directions.

End of Part 4
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 22, 2007, 11:47:02 AM
Part 5 of 6 in the reply to Tinu on slides 5-8 of Taiwan2a.htm

On the second and subsequent application of the Horizontal Pulse Force.

The Pulse Force F will now be applied to a moving pendulum system. Tinu is right in saying that if we completed our application of the Pulse, the pendulum system will keep going.  This is because it has acquired energy from the first application.

Tinu may be asking for an accurate mathematical representation of the general case of applying the Pulse Force in a moving Pendulum system.  The general horizontal energy may be thought of as the integral(T1(x)sin(a)dx where T1(x) is the varying horizontal force component of the Tension of the String; a is the angle of displacement and dx is the horizontal displacement.

T1(x) is a function of the pulse supplied externally.  That can vary greatly depending on whether mechanical, magnetic or electric means are used.  Without that knowledge, the equation cannot be vigorously solved.  (This is the reason why Tsing Hua University is involved to do a much more accurate mathematical and computer modeling.)

In our presentation, we use the simple first application of the First Pulse Force to demonstrate that some work (work implies energy used) is done by the tension of the String.  This is the Lead Out Energy.

End of Part 5
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 22, 2007, 11:50:28 AM
Part 6 of 6 in the reply to Tinu on slides 5-8 of Taiwan2a.htm

Tinu wrote: ?According to the above, knowing the angle ?a? (7.125 degrees), mass M (80kg at your wish) and force F (10 kgf) one easily can compute the ratio Hori Energy/ Vert Energy, as you asked me to do ??. I will not do it, because both equations are incorrect and so is the ratio between them. ??.. Please solve it correctly, using the right equations and then we shall talk again. Deal??

As mentioned and expanded in Part 5,

T1(x) is a function of the pulse supplied externally as well as the classical potential and kinetic energy exchange..  That can vary greatly depending on whether mechanical, magnetic or electric means are used.  Without that knowledge, the equation cannot be solved.  The classical treatment ignores the pulse totally.  Thus almost all University Students learned the Pendulum Theory with NO periodic pulse. (This is the reason why Tsing Hua University is involved to do a much more accurate mathematical and computer modeling.)

I know now Tinu can easily substitute the values and get the ratio of Hori Energy/Vert Energy.  It will be less than 2.014.  I shall leave the exact value for someone else interested to post.

You can wait for Tsing Hua University or other Top Academic Institutions to supply the comprehensive mathematical and computer modeling.

It took me a lot a write-ups and I know I still cannot provide an easy explanation for all.  It was very easy at Tsing Hua University because we could interact directly.  Internet is no substitute for tuition at a top University.

End of Part 6 (The End of Explanations)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 22, 2007, 03:15:25 PM
The 2 pendulum experiment suggested by Tinu as a separate discussion

Tinu: ?Take two balls, make two pendulums and collide them. According to the theory, they should make an excellent pulsed-force pendulum and, voila, you already have the over-unity machine, at least according to the theory you promote and to your previous statements. Too bad that reality sadly contradicts you??

According to the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory, there must be a Pulse Force to Lead Out Gravitational Energy.  The moment you stop applying the Pulse Force, no Gravitational Energy is Lead Out.  Let us focus on Pendulum A.  It is stationary.  Now, we pull Pendulum B up ? to give it the pulse force and energy.  The Pull will Lead Out gravitational energy.  When Pendulum B is let go, it swings towards Pendulum A.  During this swinging back, NO gravitational energy is Lead Out.

Pendulum A is then hit by Pendulum B.  At the impact, Pendulum A can be thought of as receiving a Pulse Force.  However, the duration is short and not much gravitational energy is Lead Out.  There is a loud hitting sound.  Pendulum A swings to approximately the same height as when Pendulum B is pulled. The hitting sound means changing some mechanical energy into sound/heat energy.  Energy goes out of the two-Pendulum system.  Eventually, both pendulums will stop.

In a Milkovic type Pendulum system, each swing can be pushed or pulsed.  The total energy of the system is the sum of the pulse energy + the Lead Out gravitational energy.  This is the reason that Milkovic et al are working so hard.  They believe that they are dealing with Over Unity Devices.  If you accept that Newton?s Laws in the form of Parallelogram of forces can be applied to the Pendulum, then Milkovic et al are NOT wasting their time.

If I am not mistaken, you are doubting the correctness of applying the Law of Parallelogram of Forces to the Pendulum System.  Tinu: "This rationale is having a physical meaning in equilibrium only! (Static setup/no movement). However, the pendulum that is starting from the vertical will not stop at this angle. So, the force equality does not hold and you should know it. Then why applying this simple equality? This is another (and quite a huge) mistake."
I do not share that doubt.

(If you can find a way for Pendulum B to hit Pendulum A perfectly with no sound or no loss of energy whatsoever, you will find that Pendulum A swings slightly to a higher position than Pendulum B.  The cycle should repeat with both pendulums swinging higher - but how can you prevent energy loss?)

Now study the phenomena of resonance.  A high pitched sound can crack many glasses if the natural frequencies were just right.  Resonance effect is not just for mechanical systems.  It can be found in sound, electric, magnetic, electromagnetic wave environments.  This is indeed the advice I can give to Milkovic at el.  (In addition to increasing the effective gravitational constant g via permanent magnets.)

Lawrence Tseung
Having no doubts in the application of the Law of Parallelogram of Forces in Pendulum Systems Leads Out confidence in the Milkovic et al inventions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 22, 2007, 03:39:09 PM
Cracking glasses with resonance effects

I believe most physicists agree that the energy used to crack the glass is already with the glass.  It is just Lead Out by the high pitched sound for self destructive purposes.

If it can be Lead Out for self destructive purposes, can it be Lead Out for useful purposes???

Lawrence Tseung
Resonance effects Lead Out possibility of using the Energy inherent in the object.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on July 22, 2007, 04:54:24 PM
Mr. Tseung,

I?m glad we are talking. I still disagree with the theory and I keep suggesting presenting it in a proper way, free of errors.

It is not the vectors summation I doubt but the other forces you neglect (centripetal/centrifugal) that always play an important role in non-linear motion.

I also doubt the rationale behind the ?lead-out? energy. Please follow me: a true pulse is so short in duration that the huge and slow pendulum may and actually can ? for all practical purposes - be considered frozen in time. Of course, the pendulum has to change its speed in order to gain energy from the pulsed force, so it is not completely ?frozen? but the approximation will hold. (I am now also sure that you are very familiar with this kind of approximations but I said it mainly for other readers, to be able to follow our conversation.) If the angle at which the pendulum is pulsed is small, the ratio between vertical and horizontal displacement is very small, so the vertical displacement during the duration of pulsed force may be approximated to zero, in the same manner in which the mathematical treatment considers the pendulum almost frozen in time. But if the vertical displacement can be approximated to zero, this is clearly telling us that no gravitational exchange of energy is involved. Basically no exchange of energy between the pendulum and the gravitational field of Earth can take place in such a short duration of time, during which the pendulum does not travel on the vertical. So, no ?lead out? gravitational energy can manifest.

Pulses may give an excellent study environment for astute students but may I remind you that their treatment is based on the law of conservation of energy? Why? Because the nature always tells us it happens this way. Your explanation based on the mechanical loses in the case of two colliding pendulums may hold up to a point but it will not satisfy a logic person. Remember that around us there are no-loses interactions (gas molecules, for instance). They are the perfect example of pulsed interaction and it happens that they are also immersed in the gravitational field. Yet, an isolated container does not heat itself up as it should be if the molecules would gain energy from the gravitational field. It will remain for an undefined period in thermal equilibrium, despite of trillions of pulsed interactions / seconds?

There are also other macro-molecular setups, in which loses can be lowered very close to zero. For instance, instead of colliding two balls of steel, two balls electrically charged or two magnets can be used to transfer the energy in a pulsed manner. No mechanical losses during such a ?non-contact? collision would manifest. For such a system placed in a good vacuum, all mechanical loses may be lowered very, very much, just enough to detect the effect of any ?lead-out? energy, if real. I would go for experiment but because of the above example with gas remaining in equilibrium, my actual guess is that either the physical assumptions made or the mathematical model used to solve the differential equations is having a flaw. I?m human and I may be wrong. If fact, like I said it before in other threads, I almost desperately wish I am wrong but the person to step forward and show me the free energy is still waited...

We keep in touch. The week to follow it will be very busy for me and on top of it I?m also going to travel through my county. I?ll read your posts when I can but most probably I will not have the time to reply. But who?s in a hurry, here? ;)

Have a nice day,
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on July 22, 2007, 05:18:24 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 22, 2007, 03:39:09 PM
Cracking glasses with resonance effects

I believe most physicists agree that the energy used to crack the glass is already with the glass.  It is just Lead Out by the high pitched sound for self destructive purposes.

If it can be Lead Out for self destructive purposes, can it be Lead Out for useful purposes???

Lawrence Tseung
Resonance effects Lead Out possibility of using the Energy inherent in the object.

One more, just for fun: If ?most physicists agree that the energy used to crack the glass is already with the glass?, I must be among the few of them?

I simply believe that the wave (the sound) energy accumulates because of resonant condition, up to the point the glass can no longer increase its amplitude (beyond its elasticity limits) and when this happens, the glass cracks. (In the absence of resonant frequency, the energy simply can not accumulate in the glass.) There are good movies on internet in which you can actually see this amplitude increasing at resonance, over a period of seconds (2-3s or more). It does not take a large amount of energy to break a thin glass (maybe a fraction of Joule is more than enough). A loud sound is carrying enough power to provide this amount of energy needed to break the glass.

I wanted to respond because this is my major concern with various anomalous effects posted in TPU threads. If a coil is pumped at high power levels and if it can not radiate well (i.e. donut-shaped coil(s)) then at some point after integrating this power of tents of W for several seconds, all this energy has to leak-out somehow, somewhere. And at tents of W for several seconds we are talking about energies that can easily kill a man, not to mention damaging a sensitive oscilloscope?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 22, 2007, 07:52:02 PM
Resonance Experiment

Dear Tinu,

I remember way back at University some 40 years ago, I watched a film related to resonance.  The film started with a tuning fork that caused a piano, many string instruments and other tuning forks to vibrate. The resultant sound was much louder than that from the tuning fork alone.  Even after the tuning fork was stopped, these instruments continued to resonate or vibrate to produce the tune for sometime.

The professor at that time gave the explanation that resonance can be ?stimulated?.  The resultant sound energy or the continued vibration of many devices do not come from the first tuning fork alone.  He used this to explain the collapse the Old Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940.  He also compared this with the Laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation).  Have we been taught two different versions of Physics?

At least we agree on one thing ? The TPU experimenters need to be very careful in dealing with high frequency pulses at resonance conditions.

Lawrence Tseung
Resonance Leads Out discussion on the source of energy.  Does all energy come from the original source?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 22, 2007, 11:57:13 PM
Phone Conversation with Wang Shum Ho

Wang: ?I learned that you had some heated discussion on the Lee-Tseung Theory on the Internet.?

Tseung: ?I only posted them hours ago.  You do not read English.  How can you get the information so quickly.?

Wang laughed: ?You forget that I am a Vice President now.  I have people working for me.  I called to inform you that my Company (General Magnetics 磁æâ,,¢Â®) plans to go IPO in 2008.  All Company information will be handled by our Public Relationship and Legal Department.  You should not publish any of my information any more.  I must thank you sincerely for your help.  When my stock becomes valuable, I shall donate a portion of it to your ?Help Seedlings to Innovate Foundation?.  I shall never forget you.?

Tseung: ?You lose some of your freedom when you become a vice President.  You represent the Company.  You have to watch your words and actions.  You cannot enjoy wining and dining and say anything you want when you were half drunk.?

Wang: ?I shall miss those times.?

Lawrence Tseung
Becoming a Vice President Leads Out Loss of personal freedom
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 23, 2007, 06:09:45 PM
Theory behind the Finsrud perpetual motion machine


Let me bring back the virtual team from the Steorn.com Forum

Handsome Boy A and Pretty Girl C: "In our review of known Over Unity devices, we found the Finsrud perpetual motion machine.  Apparently, it uses a ball rotating around a ring with permanent magnets and pendulum set ups. The claim is that it could rotate for a month without stopping."

Handsome Boy B smiled: "Tinu and Tseung were discussing combination pendulums in the Over Unity Forum.  Tseung proposed that combination pendulums could Lead Out gravitational energy and result in Cosmic Energy Machines that can run forever.  Tseung thinks that Milkovic et al are NOT wasting their time."

Pretty Girl A interrupted.  She is the bossy type. "The Finsrud machine is another demonstrated device that Tseung will encourage.  It will help to confirm the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory."

Pretty Girl B: "Tseung should ask Tinu to comment on the scenario of 'boat in calm water and good sunshine'.  This has been his trump at Tsing Hua and other top Universities."

Pretty Girl A: "It was fun to see how Tinu treated the Tseung error on simplifying force and mass for layman.  Tinu tried to show that Tseung knows nothing about physics.  Tseung wrote 6 posts to respond."

Handsome Boy B: "That should be a good lesson for us.  We have to be as perfect as possible in our final paper.  I was at that Lee-Wang-Tseung lecture.  Tseung said that he could not lift the 60 Kg weight with a 10 Kg force.  However, he could push the 60Kg weight and swung it up with the pulsing 10 kg force.  Every one accepted that statement with no challenge."

Pretty Girl B giggled: "We all knew what he really meant.  We were too polite to challenge him on such a minor detail(kg is a unit for mass, not a unit for force).  He also uses Lead for all present, past and future tense.  Some English teacher may challenge him even though we all know what he wants to say."

Pretty Girl A concluded: "Tseung will say that the Finsrud device Leads out gravitational and magnetic energy via pulse forces at the right time (resonance).  There is no violation of the Law of Conservation of Energy.  He may even suggest increasing the effective gravitational constant g by adding the Forever Yuen set up."

Handsome Boy A laughed: "Tseung will say that he will let Finsrud et al shine and go fishing.  Do not expect any experiments from him or from Lee."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 23, 2007, 08:06:29 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 22, 2007, 11:57:13 PM
Phone Conversation with Wang Shum Ho

...  You should not publish any of my information any more. 

Best advice I heard so far!

Comrade Wang's advice Lead Out No More Propganda Crap from comrade Tseung!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 25, 2007, 12:03:32 AM
Phone Conversation with Sun:

Tseung: "What is the result of your latest attempt in simulating the Steorn set up?"

Sun: "I tried to use 16 magnets set at angles between 20 to 30 degrees in the rotor.  I then used 1 magnet at the stator at different angles. It did not produce a good rotational motion.  The result is worse than my present set up."

Tseung: "Are you disappointed?"

Sun: "From my experience with thousands of experments, I am not disappointed at all.  I am convinced that we are seeking resonance conditions by trial and error.  When we started work on the gravity motor, the initial rotational time was less than a minute.  I got laughed at by my wife and friends.  Now the best gravity motor can rotate for 30 minutes. When I add electrical pulses, the device now rotates forever. My friends no longer laugh at me, they are betting when I could produce a ppm toy."

Tseung:" So you have not given up?"

Sun:" I 'm a hopeless addict now."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 25, 2007, 11:05:21 AM
The Big Picture or the Long Term Vision

Richard and Nancy went to visit Tseung again.

Richard: "Mr. Tseung, we would like to ask more questions about the long term vision of the Cosmic Energy Machines and the Flying Saucer.  I think you can leave the technical development to the Engineers now.  The Lead Out theory is now very clear.  Many working prototypes are already available.  China has pumped in Billions in research and development."

Nancy: "We want you to help to paint a picture of what the World would look like with Cosmic Energy Machines and Flying Saucers?"

Tseung smiled: "When we have Cosmic Energy Machines, we essentially have infinite energy.  With infinite energy, we essentially have infinite wealth.  Ignorance and poverty will be history.  There will be multiple model farms, model villages and model cities.  The less developed countries can learn and improve upon these models.  The pace of development will be faster than any time in human history."

Richard held the hands of Nancy.  "You hope to introduce concepts such as Mutual Credits, sure-win businesses, the planning right hand working together with the market driven left hand etc.  Money is only a number in trusted financial institutions.  Modern wealth is the quality and quantity of meaningful economic activities."

Tseung: "The Flying Saucer can be a totally self contained system - food, fuel, air etc. can be replenished with the infinite energy.  We can go to outer space with ease.  Crossing country borders will be easy.  There is no need for airports.  The Flying Saucers can Land anywhere.  Government control or restriction will be very difficult.  Individuals can be free from the present restrains or constrains of taxes, customs, resources, etc."

Nancy: "Give us time to digest it.  Let us continue this conversation at another time."

Lawrence Tseung
Cosmic Energy and Flying Saucers Lead Out a new World Order
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 25, 2007, 06:14:50 PM
The Big Picture Continued

Richard and Nancy went to see their Professors.

Richard: "We want to discuss the New World Order when the Cosmic Energy Machines and Flying Saucers are introduced to the World."

Professor A smiled. "It depends on who introduces the technology.  If it were from Hong Kong and China, there will be unsurpassed self-confidence.  We have all seen how fast China is progressing.  If Hong Kong and China were to lead the World on this, every Chinese will learn Physics with a new attitude.  They will re-examine every Law."

Professor B added: "USA may still want to send its professional debunkers out to discredit the Cosmic Energy and Flying Saucer technology.  The Flying Saucer technology, in particular, will wipe out all existing military supremacy.  USA may want to suppress the technology as long as possible.  They are likely to send out more CIA or the Like to discredit and disrupt the Over Unity Inventors."

Professor A signed: "If the Earth is round, there can be no cover-up in the longer term.  No Power, Money, Weapons, etc. can change that fact.  If the boat in calm water and good sunshine scenario is true, Cosmic Energy Machines are absolute certainties.   Nothing can stop the Chinese from investigating and investing in such research."

Professor C nodded: "The Chinese scientists have gone to Budapest and ordered one or more EBM machines.  The EBM machines were first funded and developed in Canada, England, USA and Hungary.   Open visits and investigation by scientists were encouraged.  Steorn of Ireland failed in their demonstration in London but that would not shake the confidence of the Chinese scientists."

Professor A: "The Chinese now have the Lee-Tseung Theory that explains the source of energy.  They also have the Wang Shum Ho Electricity Generator, the Tsing Hua Electricity Magnifier, the Liang and Chao cars, the Nanjing Flying Saucer and a laboratory with teams working on all known Over Unity Devices.  They have granted dozens of PPM patents because the Inventors had working models.  No propaganda from CIA or the Like could stop them."

Professor B: "The Energy Hungry Japanese will not stand idly by.  They have the Minato Wheel.  They also have flux change only inventions.  Lee Cheung Kin spent a month with them in late 2006.  Russia has Milkovic.  Australia has Chas Campbell.  India has similar inventions.  There is no stopping now.  The Law of Conservation of Energy is no longer a roadblock."

Nancy smiled: "The Bible predicted the rise of the Dragon from the East.  We must help to make it a Peace event that will benefit the Entire World."

Lawrence Tseung
International Cosmic Energy Developers Lead Out inevitable success of the technology despite CIA or the Like disruptions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 25, 2007, 07:15:02 PM
The Big Picture Continued

Richard: "I do not understand.  The EBM machine is out.  Scientists and investors can see it in Budapest, Hungary.  Why is it that it is not getting the phenomenal News that it deserves?"

Professor C: "I read all their information multiple times.  I have no doubt that they do have a working device.  But they did not have a good theory to accompany their invention.  If they had used the Lee-Tseung theory together with their working prototype, the news value would be different."

Professor A: "I agree.  When an invention cannot overcome the Law of Conservation of Energy Roadblock, very few people will climb over the rock to further investigate or invest.  EBM already achieved much."

Professor B: "If USA wants to block the information, it can put in a huge Roadblock.  Lee-Tseung is lucky to have Chinese Support and reside outside USA."

Professor C: "Tseung wants to introduce concepts such as Mutual Credits.  That will change the economic order of the World.  USA will no doubt put up even bigger roadblocks."

Nancy: "What happens if the first successful Cosmic Energy Machine comes from USA (e.g. the Pulse Motor)?"

Professor A paused: "Then the story will be different.  We shall discuss that scenario in a different session."

Lawrence Tseung
Who introduces the first Cosmic Energy Machine Leads Out different reactions from USA.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 25, 2007, 09:46:03 PM
The Big Picture Continued

Nancy: "Let us assume the following scenario:  A Chinese Company invests in an Over Unity Development Company in USA.   The product is proven beyond doubt internationally.  Some of the proof comes from laboratories worldwide.  A good example is the Pulse Motor.  If Tseung discusses the theory and the set up more, multiple universities and laboratories can reproduce it."

Professor A: "This is a very probable example.  When the USA government knows that it cannot prevent the announcement of the Invention, it will go the opposite direction.  That means Publicity, Publicity and Publicity.  USA must claim the credit for its inventors and the profit for itself."

Professor B smiled.  "The concept of the Pulse Motor is not new.  Many expired patents already described it.  These patents were ignored because none of the inventors could overcome the Law of Conservation of Energy Roadblock."

Professor C paused. "Does that mean the Pulse Motor technology cannot be protected by patents now?  Does that mean a free-for-all competition to introduce products?"

Professor A: "Yes.  As soon as a workable Pulse Motor Prototype is demonstrated, there will be hundreds of similar devices.  Tseung claimed that the CIA or the Like showed him pictures and videos of a 225 HP Pulse Motor.  He claimed that the CIA or the Like tricked him into describing the detailed working of the Pulse Motor."

Professor B: "From the limited information disclosed, I believe if the Bedini, the Joseph Newman, the Minato devices are true, the 225 HP is also true.  I am sure many teams are working on variations of the Pulse Motor now."

Lawrence Tseung
The USA invented Pulse Motor Leads Out dozens of similar inventions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: lancaIV on July 25, 2007, 10:20:00 PM
You are right,
but this is also the "commercial" problem for many companies !
When an idea is not from their own R&D department,
when a foreign idea is not exclusive or free-Tech,
nobody in a company administration will risk the idea development investment !
They are working for profits,not for humanity !

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 26, 2007, 06:22:15 AM
Quote from: lancaIV on July 25, 2007, 10:20:00 PM
You are right,
but this is also the "commercial" problem for many companies !
When an idea is not from their own R&D department,
when a foreign idea is not exclusive or free-Tech,
nobody in a company administration will risk the idea development investment !
They are working for profits,not for humanity !

We want to benefit the World.  The first group we target are the Over Unity Developers.  We want them to understand the Theory and thus feel more confident in their inventions.

Attached is the updated file from Forever Yuen related to Pulse Motors.

Comments are welcome
Title: Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory_Pulse Motor
Post by: Earl on July 26, 2007, 07:52:18 AM
Hi All,

I have taken the liberty to convert the M$ doc file into open PDF format.

Regards, Earl
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gyulasun on July 26, 2007, 08:03:06 AM
Dear Lawrence,

Thanks for the pulse motor concepts.  Can we possibly receive further info?

For instance, how Lenz law is minimized or eliminated?   

Do the coils have ferromagnetic cores?

How much overunity have the builder of these setups measured? For the 225 HP motor for instance, what was the input power?

Is the magnetic shielding needed for the operation principle or it 'only' protects enviroment from rotating fields?

I think these are the questions first for me to explore further on and if you really wish to help ou developers on this Forum, you surely will receive much more questions.

Thanks and Regards

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 26, 2007, 03:12:05 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on July 26, 2007, 08:03:06 AM
Thanks for the pulse motor concepts.  Can we possibly receive further info?

For instance, how Lenz law is minimized or eliminated?   

Part 1 - the pulsed rotation

Let me answer your question with multiple posts.  One of the key concepts that many OU developers often missed is that:
gravitational or electron motion energy can be Lead Out via Pulsed Rotations.

The rotor and stator set up was used to pulse rotate the inner cylinder or disc. A better way has already been found by Liang and Chao of China.  Both of them use Hall Effect ICs to achieve rotation.  See Slides 10 to 13 of http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/taiwan2a.htm.

In both the Liang and Chao set up, the main energy Lead Out was gravitational energy.  Their inventions work best on downhill or level roads.  On going uphill, the available gravitational energy decreases with the angle of tilt.  At 90 degrees, the available gravitational energy becomes zero.  That is the reason for the bank of batteries in the Chao set up.  (Liang car just failed to go up steep hills.)

The Fifth generation Cosmic Energy Machines try to solve the problem by having the Hall Effect ICs in magnetic fields.  Lee-Tseung supply the theory.  The top universities in China are doing the implementation.

If you can read Chinese, you can get much more information from the Liang Patent.  (China Patent Application Number 01123526.8 ).

End of Part 1
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 26, 2007, 04:07:47 PM
Part 2 - drawing gravitational energy

An often asked question from the Students at the top Chinese Universities is: How can you be sure that you are drawing or Leading Out gravitational energy

The best answer to that question is to look at the First and Second Generation Cosmic Energy Machines by Sung Tim Fat.  In the First Generation, the axle was vertical.  The rotation of the three cylinders were in the horizontal plane.  400 watts was generated.

In the Second Generation, Sung essentially tilted the axle 90 degrees.  In other words, the axle was horizontal.  20,000 watts was generated. Sung was at a loss on such a big difference.  Lee Cheung Kin gained his confidence in early 2005 via the simple explanation:

in the first generation, the device used the magnetic field of the Earth and magnified it via the three cyclinder rotations.  In the second generation, the device used also the gravitational field of the Earth.  A simple tilting experiment with the second generation showed the decrease in power.

Details the Sung Tim Fat invention can be found in China Patent  Number 99126283.2.

End of Part 2
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 26, 2007, 04:25:08 PM
Part 3 - achieving the desired rotational speed

The output of the pulse motors depends on the speed of rotation.  There are two alternative techniques to achieve the desired rotational speed.

(1) Use a separate starting motor to get to the desired rotational speed.  This technique was used in the Sung, Liang and Chao inventions.  The pulsed rotation control is simpler as the pulse rate does not need to change with the rotational speed.

(2) Use a varying Pulse Rate to accelerate the device to the desired rotational speed.  I believe this technique is used in the 225 HP Pulse Motor as it has a good Pulse Rate Control mechanism. 

Both of the above systems used starting batteries that could be removed after operation.  Battery power is used to power the ICs or the electromagnets.  In case (1), battery power is also used to power the starting motor.

End of Part 3

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 26, 2007, 05:13:26 PM
Part 4 - Pulse Rate or Pulse Frequency

It is obvious from our discussion that the Pulse Rate of Pulse Frequency is extremely important.  The Pulse from the electromagnetic coils must be timed correctly to the rotational speed to achieve Pulsed Rotation.  (Same with ICs).

Thus one of the things I look at with any Pulse Motor claims is the Pulse control mechanism.  We do not need to Pulse at every possible point.  If we Pulse at every possible point, the rotational speed will keep increasing.  The result may be device burnt out, overheat or in the case of the Steorn demonstration - bearing failure.

In the 225 HP pulse motor, we can have the eight Pulse Coils all Pulsing to build up the rotational speed initially.  Then the number may be cut down to match the load.

There is need to consider the resonance frequency of the device.  We do not want the device to vibrate or shake itself to death (e.g. the bridge in 1940).

In the TPU invention, Steven Mark cautioned that the device should operate close to but not at the resonance frequency.  That is good advice.

Selecting the right frequency is often the result of experimental trial and error.  It is somewhat like tuning for a radio station.  We may miss it with slightly too low or too high frequencies.

End of Part 4
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 26, 2007, 05:19:54 PM
Part 5 - Pulse Strength

One obvious question is the strength of the Pulse.  From our pulsed pendulum calculations, the best efficiency is achieved with small but frequent pulses.

We believe this result is also applicable in the case of pulsed rotations.

The 225 HP is much bigger and heavier than the Liang 188 HP car engine.  The Pulse Strength of the Liang engine comes from ICs.

End of Part 5
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 26, 2007, 07:12:53 PM
Part 6 - Pulse Force direction

The best direction to spin a wheel is obviously tangential. (Perpendicular to the radius).

However, we may have to consider that the magnets are subjected to varying centripetal forces.  (The magnets must be secure in position otherwise, they may fly away!)

End of Part 6
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 26, 2007, 07:21:25 PM
Part 7 - Consideration of Pulsing and Collecting Coils

We may use the same coil for Pulsing and Collecting of electricity.  It is just a matter of putting in the right circuits.  The Bedini Motor is an example.

When the same coil is used for Pulsing and for Collecting, we can imagine that the rotational speed is increased and then decreased almost immediately.  It will be difficult to build up to a high rotating speed (unless we do not collect initially.)

We can use totally different coils for Pulsing and for Collecting.  We can optimize the effectiveness of such specialized coils.

End of Part 7
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 26, 2007, 07:26:48 PM
Part 8 - Comparing Pulse Current and Alternating Current

With Pulse Current, the voltage is always in one direction.  The value may change from a maximum to zero.  The current will not flow in the opposite direction.

With Alternating Current, the voltage changes in direction according to frequency. Current or electron move in both directions.

Alternating Current destroys the magnetism in permanent magnets easily.  Pulsing Current does not.

End of Part 8
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 26, 2007, 07:34:46 PM
Part 9 - Use of magnetic shielding material

The use of the Pulse will rotate the rotor pass the 'sticky' spots.  Thus there is no need to use magnetic shielding material.

Magnetic shielding material is expensive and difficult to handle.  It will help in marginal cases.  With pulsed rotation, we can avoid such expense and complexity.

From my understanding, the 225 HP pulse motor did not use magnetic shielding.  The Sung Tim Fat and Wang Shum Ho devices used magnetic shielding.

End of Part 9
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 26, 2007, 08:07:36 PM
Part 10 - Feedback Circuit

Once the Pulse Motors achieved feedback, they essentially generate electricity without any more input.  It would be meaningless to talk about Coefficient of Efficiency. (Output/Input power).

However, we have to worry about a different problem - energy buildup.  If the Output Load is reduced, the device must pump out less power.  There must be sufficient power to provide feedback.  Excess power must be avoided to prevent overheating the device.

Good control circuit is necessary.

End of Part 10
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 26, 2007, 09:59:30 PM
Part 11 - how Lenz law is minimized or eliminated?

From the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory, the Pulsed Rotation alone is sufficient to Lead Out both gravitational and electron motion energy.  There is no need to introduce new concepts to explain the source of energy.  The Law of Conservation of Energy is NOT violated.

In some Pulse Motors such as the Liang and Chao devices, no coils nor permanent magnets were used.  Lenz Law was not applicable.

In the case of TPU, the pulsed electromagnets introduce electron movement along the torroid.  Using layman languages, if the Pulse Frequency is correct, the 'Pulse' travels around to add to the 'push' of the electrons.  This helps to build up the electric potential or voltage so that the TPU can generate electricity.  Note that it is Pulse Frequency and not alternating current frequency.

Thus we are not introducing new concepts such as back emf, magnetic lag, magnetic viscosity, zero point energy etc.  We believe such concepts might be useful to the inventors in their explanations.  However, we believe we can explain the working of their inventions from the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory alone.

End of Part 11
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 26, 2007, 10:10:21 PM
Part 12 - Answers to direct questions

Quote from: gyulasun on July 26, 2007, 08:03:06 AM

Do the coils have ferromagnetic cores?

How much overunity have the builder of these setups measured? For the 225 HP motor for instance, what was the input power?

From the pictures, the 225 HP motor appears to have ferromagnetic cores in the coils.  The coils are not hollow.

From the pictures, the 225 HP motor appears to have 4 car batteries used to start the rotation and power the coils.  However, these batteries will be recharged by the device and can be disconnected afterwards.

End of Part 12 - (End of reply for now.  Any more questions?)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gyulasun on July 27, 2007, 06:40:28 AM
Dear Lawrence,

Many thanks for your lengthy comments in 12 Parts, and although most of the texts you included are also available in the link you referred to,  I do appreciate your efforts. 

Perhaps the most important question, Lentz law in the pulse motor concept you showed, is what I missing: I cannot really make out any answer on that from you.  I quote your answer from Part 11:

Quote from: ltseung888 on July 26, 2007, 09:59:30 PM
Part 11 - how Lenz law is minimized or eliminated?

From the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory, the Pulsed Rotation alone is sufficient to Lead Out both gravitational and electron motion energy.  There is no need to introduce new concepts to explain the source of energy.  The Law of Conservation of Energy is NOT violated.

In some Pulse Motors such as the Liang and Chao devices, no coils nor permanent magnets were used.  Lenz Law was not applicable.

The reason I say this is that you showed using coils for the pulse motors in the DOC file and whenever a coil with a load and a permanent magnet interact, Lenz law manifests. And it is here where your kind answer is missing.  I understand if you cannot include a practical solution which must have been used in case for instance the 225 HP motor from which you wrote it would self-run after the startup   but once you wrote:
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 26, 2007, 06:22:15 AM
We want to benefit the World.  The first group we target are the Over Unity Developers.  We want them to understand the Theory and thus feel more confident in their inventions.
Attached is the updated file from Forever Yuen related to Pulse Motors.
Comments are welcome
I think the question of Lenz law elimination is important. Or if it is NOT the elimination of the Lenz law in the output coils, for instance, in case of the 225 HP motor but something else then it is this something else which does not turn out from your kind answer. 

Maybe others see this differently, maybe I am missing something to understand how Lead Out Theory explains this, sorry. 

Thanks for the answers for my other questions.

Best Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 27, 2007, 10:27:28 AM
Quote from: gyulasun on July 27, 2007, 06:40:28 AM

Maybe others see this differently, maybe I am missing something to understand how Lead Out Theory explains this, sorry. 

Best Regards

You're not the only one. Judging from the dozens of posts and the lack of solid answers other than everything in life is based on LEAD OUT theory, CIA conspiracy and UFO-logy, I believe Harry Porter is real!

btw, do look at Joseph Newman's stuff which ia completely verifiable, shown to the public and 'denied' by the USPTO patent office. No conspiracy theory here and no Crap Out stuff either!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 27, 2007, 11:03:16 AM
Part 1 ? Lenz Law in the case of the Liang and Chao Pulse Motors.

Dear Gyula,

I believe your question is: is the Lenz?s Law applicable in the case of the Pulse Motor?  From the wikipedia website: Lenz?s Law is defined as:

For a current induced in a conductor, the current flows in such a direction that its own magnetic field opposes the change that produced it.

In my explanation, I first pointed out that in the Liang and Chao Pulse Motor, there were NO coils and NO permanent magnets.  Both these devices had Hall Effect ICs. The electric current is used to drive these programmable ICs.  The result is rotation of the inner cylinder.  I do not think that Lenz?s Law is applicable in these two devices as no voltage and no current are generated.

End of Part 1
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 27, 2007, 11:07:49 AM
Part 2 ? Lenz Law in the case of the 225 HP Pulse Motors

In the 225 HP Pulse Motor, let us assume
(1)   The rotor permanent magnets (R1 to Rn) all have N poles facing outside. 
(2)   The rotation is in one direction ? clockwise.
(3)   An electromagnet (coil S1) will have Pulse Current making it a magnet with N pole facing inwards.  Only one coil is used in the explanation. 
(4)   Initially the N-N repulsion between S1 and R1 will cause the inner cylinder to rotate in the clockwise direction.
(5)   Because of the Pulsing Current in (3), the N pole of S1 will have varying strength. 
(6)   When R2 approaches S1, the N-N replusion should have a force moving the inner cylinder in the anti-clockwise direction.  However, the N pole of S1 is weaker at this moment.  R2 can then rotate just pass S1 because of the momentum.
(7)   N pole of S1 becomes strong because of the Pulse, the N-N replusion will cause the inner cylinder to rotate in the clockwise direction ( similar to Step 4).
(8 )   Steps 4 to 7 repeats with the Pulsing matching the rotational speed.

This Pulsed Rotation already Leads Out electron motion energy.  The total energy in the system at this point is the sum of the Pulse Energy + the Lead Out electon motion energy. Some of this energy can be collected via a collector coil. Or this energy can be collected via the central rotating axle.

The collector coil will slow down the rotation of the inner cylinder but the Pulse Current will accelerate it again.  Since the collected energy (Output) is the sum of the Pulse energy PLUS the Lead Out energy, the 225 HP is an over unity device.  However, it does NOT violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Lenz?s Law may be used but it does not explain the Lead Out energy.

Lawrence Tseung
Lack of Interactive Conversation on the Internet Leads Out frustration and repeatition of the same material.

End of Part 2 (End of reply)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 27, 2007, 11:14:49 AM
Quote from: chrisC on July 27, 2007, 10:27:28 AM
btw, do look at Joseph Newman's stuff which is completely verifiable, shown to the public and 'denied' by the USPTO patent office. No conspiracy theory here and no Crap Out stuff either!

That is why I am working with Joseph Newman et al.  They can use the 'boat in calm water and good sunshine' scenario to overcome the objections from the USPTO patent office. 

We used that strategy successfully with the Chinese patent office.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 27, 2007, 12:00:30 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble Lawrence.  If the USPTO first denied Newman's patents based on 'lack of technical description' or maybe even out of  'strategic interest' , they are not likely to consider your "boat in calm water" or "good(or bad) sunshine" poetic explanation. Btw, I've seen your 'broad' claims for your patent. The USPTO will never grant claims like these! The USPTO is NOT the Chinese patent office.

Try understanding the technicalities of what is patentable and what is not and specifically the mandatory requirements of USC codes. I seriously don't think Joseph Newman (nor Steorn) need your theories to help them in their patent applications. No offence.

Another 'issue' I have with all your propaganda has to do with trying to impress the world how wonderful these very smart Chinese scientist in their ivory tower universities are doing such a great job and how much the Chinese Goverment is spending on General magnetics etc. etc. Please, spare us all these technicalities. First, clean up all these crappy factories that spill out enough sulphur to kill tens of thousands of Chinese citizens and eject enough pollutants into the air that I don't have to breathe your polluted air in California! Also, Mr. wang may be the GM of General Magnetics and I do wish him success in his UFO research, but please remember too that that is the same Goverment that executed the head of the Ministry of Food(?) for bribery? Maybe they'll go after Mr. Wang's head if that Nanjing flying saucer was not of Chinese design? Maybe it belonged to Harry Porter?

To continually extolling the greatness of the Chinese Research without truly understanding,  perhaps other research institutions and certainly the US Military may be light years ahead of their research is simply naive.

Enough of politics. This is not the forum for such discussions. People here want to experiment OU (practical) and few are interested in Leading In or Leading Out theories. Practical solutions which can be built, tested, explained and entirely reproducible.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gyulasun on July 27, 2007, 12:14:13 PM
Dear Lawrence,

What I meant with the Lenz law question was why the law does not hamper significantly the operation of your pulse motor (or generator) just like in a conventional electric motor or generator.

Thanks for the answers.  From your answers it turns out that Lenz law is not really valid for a setup where moving permanent magnets interact in repel mode with controlled electromagnets with ferromagnetic cores.  Basically this is the case for the 225 HP self-running motor, right?  It seems that adding strong magnet flux to pulsed electromagnet flux in repel mode is a way to overunity pulse motors. 
Regarding the collector coils they seem to suffer from Lenz law but as you said the received extra power from the repel interaction can overcome its effect.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 27, 2007, 02:36:48 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on July 27, 2007, 12:14:13 PM
Dear Lawrence,

What I meant with the Lenz law question was why the law does not hamper significantly the operation of your pulse motor (or generator) just like in a conventional electric motor or generator.

Thanks for the answers.  From your answers it turns out that Lenz law is not really valid for a setup where moving permanent magnets interact in repel mode with controlled electromagnets with ferromagnetic cores.  Basically this is the case for the 225 HP self-running motor, right?  It seems that adding strong magnet flux to pulsed electromagnet flux in repel mode is a way to overunity pulse motors. 
Regarding the collector coils they seem to suffer from Lenz law but as you said the received extra power from the repel interaction can overcome its effect.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 27, 2007, 07:54:45 PM
Value of the ltseung888 posts

Phone call from an International Business Broker.

Broker: ?Mr. Tseung, I would like to bring an inventor and an investor to see you.  They have read your posts in the various forums.  They did a google search on ltseung888.  You surely did much work.?

Tseung: ?Why do they want to see me?  I am only a theoretician and have no Cosmic Energy Prototypes to show them.?

Broker: ?The investor heads a whole investment group.  They can invest many billion US dollars.  They already asked their technical consultants to check your posts.  The result is very positive.?

Tseung: ?I do not need money. Any money to me should go to the ?helping seedlings to innovate foundation?.  I cannot make any business decisions for the Cosmic Energy Inventors.?

Broker: ?I am also bringing an Inventor.  He has a working prototype but no theory.  He wants to pick your brains.  The Investors have seen his working prototype.  But the inventor could not provide an explanation of the source of energy.?

Tseung: ?You have read the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory many times.  Can you just apply it??

Broker: ?I am not a scientist.  The inventor really wants to see you.  He believes that you can explain the workings of his device.  He said that he was aware of the Steven Mark TPU for years but never understood its workings until he read your posts on overunity.com.  The Investors are likely to invest in his invention if he gets a positive comment from you.?

Lawrence Tseung
Posting on the Internet Leads Out unexpected visits.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gyulasun on July 28, 2007, 04:36:12 AM
Dear Lawrence,

I am pleased you have had that phone call.  I wish the inventor mentioned by the broker could show up here in the open Forum before it is too late and he will be bought out and his device goes to a deep drawer.
If you could somehow speak to or send this inventor a message through the broker  with an invitation to this Forum, it would be great!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 28, 2007, 03:27:30 PM
I have put the Discussion of the Joseph Newman motor according to the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory in:


Comments are welcome.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 29, 2007, 01:42:14 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 27, 2007, 07:54:45 PM
Broker: ?I am also bringing an Inventor.  He has a working prototype but no theory.  He wants to pick your brains.  The Investors have seen his working prototype.  But the inventor could not provide an explanation of the source of energy.?

Tseung: ?You have read the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory many times.  Can you just apply it??

Broker: ?I am not a scientist.  The inventor really wants to see you.  He believes that you can explain the workings of his device.  He said that he was aware of the Steven Mark TPU for years but never understood its workings until he read your posts on overunity.com.  The Investors are likely to invest in his invention if he gets a positive comment from you.?

Lawrence Tseung
Posting on the Internet Leads Out unexpected visits.

ROFLMAO! Maybe in that part of Mr. Tseung's woods, investors invest on theories and inventors don't know what they have invented! Gets stranger every posts!

Further unsubstantiated theories Lead Out more hallucinations
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 31, 2007, 10:41:59 PM
Working with Newman et al

We are now working together with Newman et al.  The initial agreement is to focus on the fact that they now have a closed system.  This closed system can be housed in a secure, public place with clear windows and webcam monitoring 24 hours a day for at least 30 days.

There is still much work on the theoretical side.  We have the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory that can be applied to almost all known Cosmic Energy Machines.  Newman et al has the gyroscopic particle theory.  We agree to have continued discussions.

An International Business Broker will bring a group of inventors and investors to Hong Kong to meet me from August 9-11, 2007. 

We hope to repeat the success of Wang Shum Ho - demonstration of a working device on January 15, 2007 and billion dollars of funding a few months later.

I have updated the TPU theory discussion to include general improvements to the Gravity Motor etc.

Lawrence Tseung
Multiple Forum posts Lead Out International Cooperation
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 01, 2007, 04:13:49 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 31, 2007, 10:41:59 PM
Working with Newman et al


An International Business Broker will bring a group of inventors and investors to Hong Kong to meet me from August 9-11, 2007. 

We hope to repeat the success of Wang Shum Ho - demonstration of a working device on January 15, 2007 and billion dollars of funding a few months later.

Lawrence Tseung
Multiple Forum posts Lead Out International Cooperation

Wow! Good for you Lawrence! Congratulations! Even Tesla and Einstein with their great theoretical theory and practical implementations plus patents upon patents never got more than peanuts.

p/s:  Just make sure you're not counting Monopoly money by the billions!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 01, 2007, 06:43:46 PM
Modern Wealth is the quality and quantity of Meaningful Economic Activities

Money is only a number in Trusted Financial Institutions.

With Infininte Energy, we can create Infinite Wealth.  Ignorance and Poverty will be History.

In the coming new order, there will be no sense talking about military might.  The destructive power of the Flying Saucer, the anti-matter bombs and Laser guns etc. means any small, dedicated group could destroy the entire human race.

The way to combat such groups is not 'hunting them down' or invading them like what USA is doing.  (I am a USA Citizen but I totally object to the policy of President Bush. I no longer believe Democracy will automatically get a Country on the right path.) The way is to remove hatred in their hearts via Mutual Credits, Model Farms, Model Villages, Model Cities etc.

Lawrence Tseung
Modern Wealth Leads Out New Order
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: lancaIV on August 01, 2007, 07:01:48 PM
Do you mean a model like this  www.planetaryrenewal.org   ?
Or more like  ATLANTIS II ,for selected people ?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 01, 2007, 08:15:45 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on August 01, 2007, 07:01:48 PM
Do you mean a model like this  www.planetaryrenewal.org   ?
Or more like  ATLANTIS II ,for selected people ?


Since this topic need a much longer reply, I shall continue the discussion in http://forum.go-here.nl.

Go to the general discussion section.  You will find "Describing the New Order" thread.

Have fun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 03, 2007, 08:26:08 PM
Open Reply to another private email:

"Hi. My name is Heriberto. I was reading about your 5KW electricity generator, and I couldn't believe it was for real. I got very interested in the "mysterious movement of water in a bowl
under a 4 legged stool?, but I haven't been able to find how is the experiment made. I even typed HKIA in the internet, but haven't found the experiment. In the summary of your invention you mention that I could do the experiment in the HKIA.Could you tell me how to make that experiment?? (sizes, materials, etc)

By the way, if you start selling your generator, let me know. I would really be interested on buying a couple of them.


- Heriberto"

*** The Wang Shum Ho 4 legged stool experiment was first done in the Chinese Cultural Revolution era when there were practically no resources in the villages.  The equipment is as follows:
(1) A large bowl three-quarter full of water
(2) Put the bowl on a relatively smooth surface
(3) A clean 4 legged stool with the top surface that can cover the entire bowl.  Make sure you wash the legs and/or wrap with something clean.
(4) Invert this stool and put it on top of (1)
(5) Get 4 people.  Get them to put the index finger of their right hand on the tip of a leg.  They effectively form a circle with each one pressing a finger on a leg.
(6) On the slight pressing, the bowl of water and the 4 legged stool will start to turn clockwise.  The 4 persons should then walk following the rotation.
(7) The Rotation will become faster and faster.  The walk will become a run.  If the 4 persons are young and can run very fast, one of them may even 'fly up' similar to spinning up on a skating ring.
(8 ) If they use their Left Hands, the rotation will be anti-clockwise.

Make sure you are aware of the danger of running at high speed.  Do the experiment in a grass field with a piece of wood or plastic as the smooth surface.  The fast running persons are likely to fall.  Make sure that they are prepared.  (Old folks like us prefer to stop when the walk starts to become a run.  We do not want to end up in hospitals.)

Lawrence Tseung
Do the experiment Leads Out confidence in the Wang Device
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 03, 2007, 10:48:34 PM
Commenting on Describing the New Order in  http://www.forum.go-here.nl

The virtual team assembled at the Student Lounge again.

Handsome Boy A and B were playing the chess game Go (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_(board_game)) if you do not know that game.

Pretty Girl A: ?Tseung posts quite a bit of information in the forum.go-here.nl.  He was also named moderator in that forum.  He can modify or delete posts he does not like.  What do you think his new strategy should be??

Pretty Girl B giggled. ?Just like the game Go.  Tseung has an established base and he is putting pieces far out on the chessboard.  He is claiming much territory ? technical, social, economics, legal, etc.?

Pretty Girl C hit her on the shoulder.  ?You have to speak in layman?s language.  I do not know what you are talking about??

Pretty Girl B giggled more. ?Ask your boyfriend.?

Handsome Boy A: ?The established base is the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory.  Successful Demonstration of any one of the known 200 Cosmic Energy Inventions will further confirm it.  The EBM machine confirmed it.  The Tsing Hua Electricity Magnifier confirmed it.  The 225 HP Pulse Motor confirmed it.  The Wang Device confirmed it.  We are going to confirm it with our Pulse Motor.?

Handsome Boy B: ?Many people will say that Tseung should build on success.  He should add pieces to his established base.  In the game Go, that would be the most stupid strategy.  The right strategy is put seemingly random pieces far out.   Use these far out pieces to encircle and capture the enemy pieces.  When Lee and Tseung get their inevitable recognition (Nobel Prize etc.), reporters will read the Tseung posts.  They will ask questions ? guided by the economic, social, legal posts etc.  Tseung must be a good Go Player.?

(Tseung learned Go at Hong Kong University when he worked in the Physics Department in 1960s)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 03, 2007, 10:53:57 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 03, 2007, 08:26:08 PM

*** The Wang SHum Ho 4 legged stool experiment was first done in the Chinese Cultural Revolution era when there were practically no resources in the villages.  The equipment is as follows:
(1) A large bowl three-quarter full of water
(2) Put the bowl on a relatively smooth surface
(3) A clean 4 legged stool with the top surface that can cover the entire bowl.  Make sure you wash the legs and/or wrap with something clean.
(4) Invert this stool and put it on top of (1)
(5) Get 4 people.  Get them to put the index finger of their right hand on the tip of a leg.  They effectively form a circle with each one pressing a finger on a leg.
(6) On the slight pressing, the bowl of water and the 4 legged stool will start to turn clockwise.  The 4 persons should then walk following the rotation.
(7) The Rotation will become faster and faster.  The walk will become a run.  If the 4 persons are young and can run very fast, one of them may even 'fly up' similar to spinning up on a skating ring.
(8) If they use their Left Hands, the rotation will be anti-clockwise.

Make sure you are aware of the danger of running at high speed.  Do the experiment in a grass field with a piece of wood or plastic as the smooth surface.  The fast running persons are likely to fall.  Make sure that they are prepared.  (Old folks like us prefer to stop when the walk starts to become a run.  We do not want to end up in hospitals.)

Lawrence Tseung
Do the experiment Leads Out confidence in the Wang Device

I think in the West, it's called the Ouija board? It's been around for centuries., way before the Cultural Revolution. Actually more than 4 can run around the board and it's effects can be spooky too!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 05, 2007, 07:05:27 PM
Wang Shum Ho did not believe the "spirit" part of the talking boards.  He believed that it was the unconscious mind of different people providing the net force.

So he derived his 4 legged stool experiment.  He found that
(1) Adding force to circular motion will increase the rate of rotation
(2) The rotational rate can be so high that one of the participants may fly up similar to a female skater lifting off the ground.

For details, see the notes portion of the file:
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 05, 2007, 08:03:07 PM
Quote from http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?p=28#28

Part 7 - Source of energy facts and postulates

Richard: "Let us list out the indisputable scientific facts and the Tseung Postulates. The facts need not be disputed or discussed. Then we can focus on the postulates."

Nancy nodded in support. Here is their list of scientific facts:
(1) All objects are immersed in gravitational energy fields. We are attracted by the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and each other. When we move, there will be displacement. Work and hence energy exchange would be taking place.
(2) If we can use such gravitational energy, we do not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy. This is brought out by the ?boat in calm water and good sunshine scenario?.
(3) In the magnetic pendulum experiment by Ms Forever Yuen, the frequency increases with magnetic attraction. The frequency decreases with magnetic repulsion. The effective gravitational constant g can thus increase or decrease. If we can draw or Lead Out gravitational energy, then we can also draw of Lead Out Electron Motion Energy (in this case, magnetic).
(4) Electron motion gives rise to magnetic, electric or electromagnetic fields. The orbiting motion gives rise to magnetic forces. The lumping together gives rise to electrostatic forces. The change of orbits gives rise to electromagnetic waves.
(5) All objects interact with one anther via the Electron Motion Energies. For example, we absorb and reflect sunlight. We radiate electromagnetic waves (infrared light and black body radiation effects). Thus we have constant interchange of Electron Motion Energy with our surroundings.
(6) Both the gravitational and electron motion energy fields are huge, non-polluting, available everywhere, including outer space.

End of Part 7
The above 6 points should be scientific facts beyond dispute.
Shall list the Tseung postulates in Part 8 - 10 days from now. This gives people a chance to digest the above scientific facts.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 05, 2007, 08:15:04 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 05, 2007, 08:03:07 PM
Quote from http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?p=28#28

Part 7 - Source of energy facts and postulates
End of Part 7
The above 6 points should be scientific facts beyond dispute.
Shall list the Tseung postulates in Part 8 - 10 days from now. This gives people a chance to digest the above scientific facts.

Judging from the fact your posts on this thread isn't exactly serious interest from folks on this forum, maybe it's better you don't add any more postulates? Just a suggestion. It's a lot of typing for what it's worth....


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 06, 2007, 03:28:43 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 05, 2007, 08:03:07 PM
Quote from http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?p=28#28

Part 7 - Source of energy facts and postulates

Please go to the following forum for the postulates and comments.

In that forum, I have moderator rights.  Watch out.  I may edit or delete your posts.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Iosh on August 06, 2007, 10:10:29 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 06, 2007, 03:28:43 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 05, 2007, 08:03:07 PM
Quote from http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?p=28#28

Part 7 - Source of energy facts and postulates

Please go to the following forum for the postulates and comments.

In that forum, I have moderator rights.  Watch out.  I may edit or delete your posts.
Are you really expecting anyone to go-there when you in advance acknowledge (may I say threaten?) to apply censorship on any opinion at your will? :-\
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 06, 2007, 11:54:14 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 06, 2007, 03:28:43 AM

Please go to the following forum for the postulates and comments.

In that forum, I have moderator rights.  Watch out.  I may edit or delete your posts.

I would seriously encourage you to migrate your postulates elsewhere. If you can't stand the heat, don't work in the kitchen.

In this forum, stuff is either real, imaginary or fake. Anything else will lead out nonsense.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 07, 2007, 12:40:49 AM
Open Reply to another Private Email

I am Luke.  I have followed your posts for sometime.  Here is a quote from my Pastor:

"Who doesn't want to live a confident life?  And by confident, we don't mean prideful, arrogant, onnoxious.  True confidence comes from an underlying, stablizing assurance that God is in control."

You want to Benefit the World.  You want to remove hatred from their hearts first.  You cannot do that with logic.  You have to let God take control.....

Thank you, Luke.  Please post on this forum and share the wisdom - How to let God take control.

Lawrence Tseung
Christian Scientists Lead Out Peace of Mind via the Devine Powers.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 08, 2007, 07:33:47 PM
The scene is a care group meeting at the home of a believer.

Believer A: "We want to discuss the email from ltseung888 related to Cosmic Energy Machines today.  We are scientists and engineers.  We are also Christians.  I do not see any conflict in these two roles."

Believer B: "A few of us went through his website and his hundreds of posts thoroughly.  He stated multiple times that he wanted to benefit the World.  He mentioned that he was guided by the wise Taiwan Monk to ignore personal fame, wealth and ego.  He could easily have been guided by our God."

Believer C smiled: "I want to focus on the tecnology side.  Tseung claimed that the technology would lead to the development of the Flying Saucer.  He pointed to a youtube video titled UFO in Nanjing.  His explanation of the principle of the Flying Saucer is simple and does not seem to violate any Laws of Physics.  What are your comments?"

Believer A: "His whole Lead Out theory is simple and could have been understood and/or derived by an average secondary school student.  He did not use any relativity or quantum mechanics.  His mathematical equations are all within the framework of secondary shool physics.  If he is right, why have the scientific community not discovered it over the last few hundred years?"

Believer B: "The Swing has been around for over 5 thousand years.  People have been pushing it for fun since day one.  That is effectively a pulsed pendulum.  According to Lee-Tseung, it leads out gravitational energy."

Believer A smiled: "Apples have been falling before civilization.  It took Newton to explain it.  The Earth have been round since its existence.  It took Galileo to correct the misconception that it was flat."

Believer C: "The Forever Yuen experiment is even easier.  Use a permanent magnet as the pendulum bob.   Place another magnet below it.  Attraction increases the fequency.  Repulsion decreases it.  Tseung used that to argue that he could Lead Out Electron Motion Energy with the magnetic pendulum.  The 13 year old Ms. Wini Woo used that to show that the effective gravitational constant g could be decreased to zero or turned negative.  That was the start of the Flying Saucer.  If Tseung et al were right, we scientists would all be turned to shame."

Believer A: "God works in mysterious ways.  Let Him take control.  Amen."

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on August 09, 2007, 05:13:16 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 08, 2007, 07:33:47 PM

If Tseung et al were right, we scientists would all be turned to shame."

Fortunately, until the smallest evidence is provided, this is not the case. ;D

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 09, 2007, 05:26:41 AM
From http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?p=107#107

Part 11 - Experimental Prototypes

(1) Pendulum Prototypes
- Bill Mehess Pendulum
- Milkovic Second Oscillation Pendulum
- Finsrud Pendulum

(2) Pulsed Rotation Prototypes
- Joseph Newman Motor
- Bedini Motor
- 225 HP Pulse Motor
- Minato Wheel
- Liang and Chao Motor

(3) Electricity Magnifier Prototypes
- Tsing Hua University Electricity Magnifier
- Chas Campbell Motor

(4) Flux Change Prototypes
- Steven Mark TPU device
- Japanese Flux Change device

(5) Special Double System Prototypes
- Wang Shum Ho Electricity Generator

(6) 5th generation Prototypes
- Lee-Tseung design being implemented at Tsing Hua University etc.(Status confidential)

(7) Flying Saucer Prototypes
- The Magneto Propulsion Unit implementation shown on youtube video as Nanjing UFO (May become classified information)

Thus we have 13 to 15 demonstrated prototypes at present. Most of them can be improved. We are trying to achieve win-win scenario with the inventors at present.

End of Part 11

The above are the more well known Cosmic Energy Work that we are aware of.  Other surprises will come shortly as many top universities in China, Japan, etc. are working on both the Lead Out theory and the various prototypes.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on August 09, 2007, 06:10:02 AM
Hold on, please. I?ll fall off my chair laughing.

That?s what you are calling proofs?!!!
Already explained, very controversial, non-working, ad-hoc ?invented? or ?confidential? (wow!) devices and unheard names? You have to do much better than that.

In addition, the kind request of at least to correct your own elementary mistakes on http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/Taiwan2a.files/frame.htm remained unanswered since 22 July. You really can?t do it, can you? You either don?t actually know how to do it or you desperately avoid doing it because if you do, there will be nothing else left to be put in the empty place of your ?lead-out? theory, which is actually nothing more than a continuous lead-out of endless errors and lack of knowledge in the basics of Newtonian physics?

No real theory, no basics knowledge to address a possible theory, no clear evidences, no capacity and skills to pinpoint toward an experimental setup (which, by the way, I?ll build for you, assuming you are able to conceive one ? I strongly doubt), no nothing.

But you?re already a Full member here. Keep on going. Keep up with your ?good work?. It won?t take anything more but monkey-typing before becoming a real hero member. Then who?s gonna stop you making more propaganda?! What the heck, it has to be something leading-out from sooo many pointless posts, hasn?t it?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: bigface on August 09, 2007, 10:28:36 AM
HI itstseung, I respect your work and everything and hope that you are successful in bringing a free energy machine to the market, but don't you think that testing so many prototypes is counterproductive?  You only need to have one working machine.  Why don't you just focus on 4-5 of the most promising, this would be a much better use of time in my opinion. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on August 09, 2007, 11:56:22 AM
Quote from: tinu on August 09, 2007, 06:10:02 AM
Already explained, very controversial, non-working, ad-hoc ?invented? or ?confidential? (wow!) devices and unheard names? You have to do much better than that.

I do not think you can have a genuine discussion with Lee Tseung.  He is trying to write gospel almost, and treating this as a religion.  He is not actually trying to prove the validity of anything - he assumes everything as valid.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on August 09, 2007, 12:18:13 PM
Here is a thread on Steorn's forum where Lee Tseung, through a series of obviously alternate forum accounts, has a 500 post discussion with himself.  Say what you will, but the man is determined.

http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=43821&page=1 (http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=43821&page=1)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on August 09, 2007, 03:28:49 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on August 09, 2007, 12:18:13 PM
Here is a thread on Steorn's forum where Lee Tseung, through a series of obviously alternate forum accounts, has a 500 post discussion with himself.  Say what you will, but the man is determined.

http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=43821&page=1 (http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=43821&page=1)

Wow! That?s deeply pathological.
I had no idea about it and now I feel really sorry, Mr. Tseung, for your health status.
Lead out the mental stress inside and take good care!

Tx, shruggedatlas!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 09, 2007, 05:54:25 PM
Quote from: bigface on August 09, 2007, 10:28:36 AM
HI itstseung, I respect your work and everything and hope that you are successful in bringing a free energy machine to the market, but don't you think that testing so many prototypes is counterproductive?  You only need to have one working machine.  Why don't you just focus on 4-5 of the most promising, this would be a much better use of time in my opinion. 

Dear Bigface, Tinu and Shruggedatlas,

You might have missed the purpose of my posts.  Lee and I are old and will NEVER build a prototype ourselves. We have already given our patent rights to China and its people.  We no longer own any financial interest in the technology.

We presented our information freely at Tsing Hua University since September 2006.  We helped to promote the invention of Wang Shum Ho.  Wang is now Vice President of General Magnetic 磁æâ,,¢Â®.  Presenting at Tsing Hua Univerity (one of the best in the World) was easy.  The professors and students were eager to do our suggested experiments and they designed and did their own improved versions.

The decision was to share the information with the rest of the World.  We want to benefit the World.  It was much more difficult.  What could be said in Tsing Hua University in 10 minutes required many posts that took days.  However, as I am prepared to write a book for the layman, I decided that it was worth it. (Others are encouraged to use the information from the posts to write their own books.  I do not seek copyright on the information.)

The real audience at present are NOT the casual readers.  They are:
(1) Chinese Officials who read our information and supported Wang.  They may support others with working prototypes. 
(2) Other Cosmic Energy Developers who are eager to find an explanation for the source of energy for their inventions.  That included both Chinese Developers and Others.  Lee Cheung Kin got invited to Japan because someone in Japan read the ltseung888 posts.
(3) The Patent Examiners we had been communicating with. Even though we are no longer owners of the patents, we enjoyed the experience of vigorous intellectual exchange.  We know that they will enjoy the continued open posts.
(4) The University Professors and Students including those at Tsing Hua, Beijing, MIT, Harvard, Tokyo, Leeds, Southampton, etc.  Professor Woo, one of the retired scientists who developed the Chinese Atomic Bomb, discussed our Lee-Tseung theory at Harvard in early 2005.  We know that they read our posts.
(5) The CIA or the Like who got us to explain the theory of the 225 HP Pulse Motor which puzzled them for over 15 years.  Since they knew everything from private conferences, they could show their bosses the open ones from these posts.
(6) The News Reporters who will dig for information after any of the Cosmic Energy Inventions are validated or turned into products.  They may not read the posts now.  But they will read (study) and quote them later.  The more posts are available, the more juicy will be their stories.

You have NOT seen a working Cosmic Energy Device yet.  Lee and I took apart and photographed every component of the Wang device.  That device rotated in front of 5 Chinese Officials on January 15, 2007 (We have the videos and posted them on Multiple Forums).

The forum I shall use much more often is forum.go-here.nl.  I have moderator privilege there.  It will be much easier to organize or re-organized the information with such privileges.


Lawrence Tseung

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on August 11, 2007, 04:10:41 AM
Dear Larry,

Quote:  "You have NOT seen a working Cosmic Energy Device yet.  Lee and I took apart and photographed every component of the Wang device.  That device rotated in front of 5 Chinese Officials on January 15, 2007 (We have the videos and posted them on Multiple Forums)."

This seems to acknowledge that no working machine exists to this day...why do you state elsewhere that many working overunity devices exist?  I/m confused.

Also, a google search does not reveal any video of a "Wang Shum Ho" motor.  Can you offer a link to these videos you have posted, please?  Thank you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 11, 2007, 08:28:07 AM
Quote from: Humbugger on August 11, 2007, 04:10:41 AM
Dear Larry,

Quote:  "You have NOT seen a working Cosmic Energy Device yet.  Lee and I took apart and photographed every component of the Wang device.  That device rotated in front of 5 Chinese Officials on January 15, 2007 (We have the videos and posted them on Multiple Forums)."

This seems to acknowledge that no working machine exists to this day...why do you state elsewhere that many working overunity devices exist?  I/m confused.

Also, a google search does not reveal any video of a "Wang Shum Ho" motor.  Can you offer a link to these videos you have posted, please?  Thank you.


This seems to acknowledge that no working machine exists to this day???

How can it seem to acknowledge that no working machine exists???  The Working Prototype rotated in front of the eyes of 5 Chinese Officials on January 15, 2007!!!!

Please see the video in the Wangdev.zip file

i076_211.mjp shows rotation with the ferro-liquid in place only.
i080_211.mjp shows rotation with both ferro-liquid + permanent magnets.

Make sure you read the description (Notes portion) file first:

Understand the full background of the Wang Shum Ho Device.  Lee Cheung Kin and I took it apart and did the photographing.  Please do the suggested four-legged stool experiment.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on August 11, 2007, 09:07:25 AM
I do not understand what you mean when you emphatically tell someone that they "have NOT seen a working Cosmic Energy Device yet".  To me it can only mean two things:

1)  You know for certain that none exist, so no one could have seen one
2)  One or more exist but you have all of them totally within your control at all times and you know for certain that no one could ever see one without your knowing.

Is there a third meaning?

I watched the "videos" and had already read the "explanation" of the motor...they teach nothing, prove nothing and reveal nothing.  In hunting through your posts to find the zip file, I read Wang's bragging comments about his big 700 sqm villa and big job and his "let them wait" and "it is out of my control" (regarding when the 5kw unit will be available for sale) attitude.  He sounds like his success has really made him into what we call "a total jerk"...not someone who gives a damn about pollution and saving the world.

Let us hope he does not go the way of the poor fellow who was the chief of consumer product safety...executed so the government could save face!

So far, Mr. Tseung, I have followed every bit of information you have lead out and I know nothing more about the Wang motor/generator or your theories than when I started.  I think I am finished with the Larry Tseung story until you can show me something that makes some sense and teaches me something other than that the world is full of crazy people with huge egos and wild unsubstantiated claims.  Sorry!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 11, 2007, 04:51:45 PM
Interesting Toy ? Leads Out Gravitational Energy?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Iosh on August 11, 2007, 06:00:43 PM
No, it really leads out thermal energy: http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=zEgiZPGKQ_Y (http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=zEgiZPGKQ_Y) ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: brnbrade on August 11, 2007, 06:09:40 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 11, 2007, 04:51:45 PM
Interesting Toy ? Leads Out Gravitational Energy?


Never. It is not enough.  ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 11, 2007, 08:21:19 PM
Quote from: Iosh on August 11, 2007, 06:00:43 PM
No, it really leads out thermal energy: http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=zEgiZPGKQ_Y (http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=zEgiZPGKQ_Y) ;D

Looks like the inventor could not take the heat. He produced much more heat himself - burning the device.

We have worked on the simple gravity motor for sometime. See

The initial setup stopped rotating after 1 minute.  A few months work improved that to 30 minutes.  If the inventors know the theory, they will realize that we are tuning for resonance. 

Tuning for resonance is always a trickly undertaking.  It is like pushing the swing, pushing it at the wrong time (wrong frequency) will not get it to swing high.  At present, we do not know a scientific method to get there.  We used trial and error.

The coupling of two mechanical systems to complement each other is better.  Examples are the Milkovic pendulum and the Wang generator.

Lawrence Tseung
Not knowing the pain of hunting for resonance Leads Out many frustrated inventors.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on August 11, 2007, 09:04:01 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 11, 2007, 08:28:07 AM

Make sure you read the description (Notes portion) file first:

I read this description.  The part I found particularly comical is the example of the bowl and the upside-down stool.  Gee, when people put their right finger on it, it spins right.  With left fingers, it spins left.  Did you stop to think that it is the participants who impart the energy to the device - otherwise, why wouldn't it spin on its own?  If that device works so great, why isn't the nation of China being powered by upside down stools on top of bowls right now?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 12, 2007, 12:04:52 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on August 11, 2007, 09:04:01 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 11, 2007, 08:28:07 AM

Make sure you read the description (Notes portion) file first:

I read this description.  The part I found particularly comical is the example of the bowl and the upside-down stool.  Gee, when people put their right finger on it, it spins right.  With left fingers, it spins left.  Did you stop to think that it is the participants who impart the energy to the device - otherwise, why wouldn't it spin on its own?  If that device works so great, why isn't the nation of China being powered by upside down stools on top of bowls right now?

I believe you laughed so hard that you might have failed to read the next part.
(1) Wang modified the bowl containing water to a dish containing ferro-liquid.
(2) When the ferro-liquid spins under an external rotating magnetic field, a vortex is formed.
(3) This vortex will spin the dish and the attached axle.  Furthermore, the vortex will hit the cover of the dish and the ferro-liquid is again randomized.
(4) The process starts from (2) again.
(5) This set up coupled with the rotating permanent magnet set up at the axle will rotate forever.

The above was demonstrated in front of 5 Chinese Officials on January 15, 2007.  The result was funding of RMB13 billion in June 2007. 

Be patient, you shall see the Cosmic Energy Machine products from China soon.  By the way, Professors from MIT, Harvard, etc. also saw the Wang demonstrations. 

As stated in one of my earlier posts - if you are not a top professor or not a billion dollar investor, you can still see the videos at present.  If you were one of the above, you might have seen the actual device (e.g. Bank of America).

The other group that knew all about it was the CIA or the Like.  We took them to Tsing Hua University in November 2006 mistaken them as representing the Chinese Government.  (We can be stupid too.)

Since we want to benefit the World, we do not mind disclosing what we know.  USA and Japan obviously knew about it.  We do not want the technology to be abused (like the Colonial Powers caused much suffering to the World). 

Lawrence Tseung
Enjoy your laughter - it will Lead Out Benefits to the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tagor on August 12, 2007, 02:28:42 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 11, 2007, 04:51:45 PM
Interesting Toy ? Leads Out Gravitational Energy?


sorry but this thing does not exist any more
so it can not be a proof

can you replicate it ?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 12, 2007, 03:54:19 AM
Quote from: tagor on August 12, 2007, 02:28:42 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 11, 2007, 04:51:45 PM
Interesting Toy ? Leads Out Gravitational Energy?


sorry but this thing does not exist any more
so it can not be a proof

can you replicate it ?

I was involved in the Sun et al experiments with the simple gravity motor based on the following:


Sun et al produced over 20 variations.  I have 3 in my house.  The initial wheel stopped rotating after 1 minute.  (The hammers did not hit the right spot - the rim).  We then improved via the following:

(1) Let the hammers hit the rim.
(2) Change the weight of the hammers.
(3) Vary the number and position of the hammers.
(4) Use falling steel balls inside tubes to replace the hammers.
(5) Use falling powder inside tubes to replace the hammers.

Ms. Forever Yuen helped me to increase the rotation time for one of the variations in my house to 20 minutes.  Sun et al improved it further with magnets.  With an arrangement similar to the Minato Wheel - with hand movement controlling the angle and position of the magnets, he could get the wheel to rotate forever.  (That was regarded as cheating as energy can be supplied by the hand movement.)

Sun et al then placed the wheel in the vertical position and could achieve a rotational time of 30 minutes.  (A big improvement compared with the 1 minute attempt.)  As a comparison, the wheel rotating by itself without the magnetic interaction would stop after 10-13 minutes.

We learned the very difficult task of resonance tuning.  A seemingly insignificant change could affect the result considerably.  For example, we swapped two magnets brought from the same shop.  The improvement jumped over 30%.  (At this time, we did not have equipment to check the strength of the individual magnets.)

The "wood hitting wheel" is similar in concept to the above simple gravity wheel.  It used pulsed rotation. We believe much tuning is required to get the best result.  I do not do prototypes myself.  Sun et al may do it at their spare time in their machine shop.  Sun et al are working on a primitive form of the 225 HP Pulse Motor at present.

We may have some surprises as Sun et al are planning to produce "platform toys".

Unlike many of you, I am 100% confident in my Lee-Tseung Theory.  Lee and I played with at least 4 working Cosmic Energy Machine prototypes - by other inventors such as Wang, Ting, Liang and Chao.

Lawrence Tseung
Experience with working prototypes Leads Out supreme confidence.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 12, 2007, 06:32:44 AM
Look at the following information related to the Chas Campbell Machine.



The Chas Campbell Machine Leads Out gravitational energy similar to the Electricity Magnifier at Tsing Hua University.  See slide 16 of

The Tsing Hua University Electrcitiy Magnifier can magnifier input 30 times via three rotating cylinder.  The Chas Campbell Machine claims to magnify input 10 times at present.  Campbell uses flywheels with weight concentrated at the rim.  He could increase the efficiency by using cylinders.

I believe members of this forum are in touch with him in Australia.  It is another application of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.  (We used it on the Tsing Hua device.)

Lawrence Tseung
Chas Campbell device Leads Out another confirmation of the Lee-Tseung Theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on August 12, 2007, 10:10:48 AM
Your ideas and inventions are very intriguing, but it is impossible
to get proper copies of your patents in English. Your patent
number 99126283.2 was not found by the Chinese web site.
Please can you provide an English version of the description
and claims, along with drawings.

I would urge you to file with the EPO as well if you want to
make the most of the system.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on August 12, 2007, 12:14:57 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 12, 2007, 06:32:44 AM
Look at the following information related to the Chas Campbell Machine.


Mr. Tseung, is there any perpetual motion machine that you are actually skeptical of?  You seem to accept any old crap posted on the Internet as the real thing.  No one will take you seriously, especially in this field, which is full of fraudsters, if you continue to do this.  Having a 500 post discussion with your alter egos on the Steorn forum does not help either.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 12, 2007, 05:17:16 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on August 12, 2007, 10:10:48 AM
Your ideas and inventions are very intriguing, but it is impossible
to get proper copies of your patents in English. Your patent
number 99126283.2 was not found by the Chinese web site.
Please can you provide an English version of the description
and claims, along with drawings.

I would urge you to file with the EPO as well if you want to
make the most of the system.


I shall first put the official information in Chinese.  The website is:

The inventor is: 宋添发
The abstract is:

æÅ"¬å‘明提供ä¸â,¬Ã§Â§ÂÃ¥Ë†Â©Ã§â€Â¨Ã¦Â°Â¸Ã§Â£ÂÃ¤Â½â€œÃ¤Â½Å"为èÆ'½æºçš„磁èÆ'½å‘电æÅ"ºï¼Å'Ã¥Å'…括主轴ãâ,¬ÂÃ¦ÂÂ¢Ã¥Ââ€˜Ã¥â,,¢Â¨Ã£â,¬ÂÃ¦Å"ºå£³å’Å'定子转子组ï¼Å'换向åâ,,¢Â¨Ã¤Â½ÂÃ¤ÂºÅ½Ã¤Â¸Â»Ã¨Â½Â´Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¤Â¸â,¬Ã§Â«Â¯Ã¯Â¼Å'å…¶å®Æ'éÆ'¨åˆ†ä½äºŽä¸»è½´çš„另ä¸â,¬Ã§Â«Â¯Ã¯Â¼Å'æÅ"ºå£³å†…设æÅ"‰è‡³å°‘两层定子转子组ï¼Å'每层定子转子组åÅ'…括æÅ"ºå£³å†…层å¥â€"ãâ,¬ÂÃ©Å¡â€Ã¥Â±â€šÃ¦ÂÂ¿Ã£â,¬ÂÃ¥Â®Å¡Ã¥Â­ÂÃ£â,¬ÂÃ¨Â½Â¬Ã¥Â­ÂÃ£â,¬ÂÃ¨Â½Â¬Ã¥Â­ÂÃ§Â£ÂÃ¥Ââ€"å’Å'主轴定位å¥â€"ï¼Å'定子上绕æÅ"‰ä¸åÅ'用éâ,¬â€Ã§Å¡â€žÃ§ÂºÂ¿Ã¥Å"ˆç»•ç»„ï¼Å'转子固定åÅ"¨ä¸»è½´ä¸Šï¼Å'其上设置多个转子磁åâ€"ãâ,¬â€šÃ¨â€¹Â¥Ã¥Å"¨ä¸»è½´ä¸Šå¢žåŠ è¾“出端并改变结构设计ï¼Å'æÅ"¬è£…置可变成磁èÆ'½å‘动æÅ"ºãâ,¬â€š

You can get professional patent translators to do the proper patent translation.  I shall only do a layman/scientist version that cannot be used in Law Courts.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 12, 2007, 05:44:50 PM
My layman/scientist translation of China Patent 99126283.2 is as follows:

Title: Electricity Generator using Permanent Magnets

Inventor: Sung Tim Fat


This invention uses permanent magnets as source of energy to power electricity generators.  The invention includes axle, direction changer or governor, shell, stator and rotor.  The direction changer or governor is on one side of the axle.  The other components are on the other side of the axle.  Inside the shell are at least two groups of rotors and stators.  Each group contains a shell layer, a magnetic shielding layer, stator, rotator, rotating magnets and axle holder.  Stator has coils with different functions.  The rotors are attached to the axle.  The rotors have many small permanent magnets. If an extraction mechanism were added on the axle, the apparatus can be turned into an electricity generator.

*** Note that this description is very general.  The same description can be applied to the Joseph Newman, the Bedini Motor, the 225 HP Pulse Generator etc.  My major objection (also that of the Chinese Patent Office) is the first sentence ?uses permanent magnets as source of energy?.  Sung could not answer the following question from the Chinese Patent Office:

If it takes x units of energy to create or replenish the permanent magnets, how can you produce more than x units of energy in your invention?

He was granted the patent because his device rotated in front of the Patent Examiners.  We have the Video.  We later used the Lee-Tseung theory to explain the working of his invention.

Lawrence Tseung
Sung Tim Fat patent Leads Out the first and generation Cosmic Energy machines.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 12, 2007, 05:55:30 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on August 12, 2007, 10:10:48 AM

I would urge you to file with the EPO as well if you want to
make the most of the system.


Lee Cheung Kin and I have given our patent rights to the Chinese Government and People.  We intent to benefit the World.

It is up to the New Owner to decide the best course of action.   

Sung can make his own decision on his patent.

Lawrence Tseung
Giving Patent Ownership to the Chinese Government Leads Out Peace of Mind.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: brnbrade on August 12, 2007, 06:50:25 PM
Hi ITseung888

It can you to post a diagram of this such one cosmic device really working ?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 12, 2007, 10:48:04 PM
Quote from: brnbrade on August 12, 2007, 06:50:25 PM
Hi ITseung888

It can you to post a diagram of this such one cosmic device really working ?


The scene is Richard and Nancy at the home of Tseung.

Richard: "Looks like some members of the overunity.com forum are interested in the Sung device.  I saw that 40 minute video and was convinced that the device worked.  You can use rapidshare as the attach file limit here is only 12MB."

Tseung: "That is not a problem.  I shall zip the 96 MB file.  It should be read with Windows Media Player.   Before I do that, I shall quote the warning from the Inventor and the Chinese Police.  That video was used by some unauthorized persons to solicit funds.  It MUST NOT be used for that purpose again.  It may be used for scientific discussions only."

Nancy: "Can you repeat the story of why Sung gave up the development of his inventions?  The video seemed to indicate excellent working prototypes?"

Tseung smiled: "I shall repeat the story one more time.  Note that I use the term story because I was not personally involved.  The story was that Dr. Liang Sing Yan heard about the Sung Invention and wanted to use that invention to recharge his battery car.  They worked together for a few months.

Dr. Liang then got the brilliant idea that he could rotate the inner cylinder with ICs.  He did not need to use the permanent magnets and the complex setup of the Sung invention.  He succeeded.  All the potential investors for Sung changed ship.  Sung was obviously unhappy.  However, as a scientist, he accepted the fact that his invention was not as good.  He abandoned further development on his devices.

We also have the video on the Dr. Liang Car.  That video was definitely used by criminals to solicit funds.  Some of these criminals are in jail now. 

Mr. Chao did a big improvement to overcome the hill-climbing drawback of the Liang car using banks of batteries.  That improved car traveled 1,500 kilometers to Beijing with 8 newspapers and televisions following the journey in 2006.  We have two videos.  One of them was done by the Chinese Official Television Station CCTV.

I shall post these videos when appropriate.  Here is the first one.  It will be available for 90 days.  The download time is approximately 1 hour.  The link is:

Lawrence Tseung
The third generation Cosmic Energy Machines Lead Out abandonment of the first and second generation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 12, 2007, 11:03:31 PM
Some previous comments on the Sung Video:

(1)   It is in Chinese.  Can you translate it for us?
Try to get a friend who can speak Chinese.  If a beer cannot do it, try wine and dine.

(2)   It is too long.  Can you edit it to about 2 minutes?
I do not have the video editing tools and I do not know how to edit video.  Some also demanded an unedited video to reduce possibility of fake.

(3)   Can you summarize the video in a couple of sentences?
The first generation used a 3-cylinder setup with axle vertical.  It generated 400 watts ? enough to light a bulb, power a fan and an electric drill.  The machine needed initial power to start but the power can be unplugged after starting.  The second generation with more electronics has the axle horizontal.  It generated 20,000 watts (but very unstable with burning of electronics and coils frequently.)

(4)   Can I believe all the comments in the video?
Ignore all theoretical comments on the source of energy.  Sung was wrong in saying that the energy came from the permanent magnets.  He now believes in the Lee-Tseung theory.  Sung-Lee-Tseung are co-inventors of another flux only invention.

(5)   Should I invest in the Sung devices?
Wait until you have seen the Dr. Liang and Chao videos.  The best way is to visit Tsing Hua University or General Magnetic 磁æâ,,¢Â®and see the many working prototypes first.  The Chinese Cosmic Energy Developers with working prototypes are now highly valued in China.  The well-known ones have much funding support.

Lawrence Tseung
Working Prototypes Lead Out Funding
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 13, 2007, 08:50:14 AM
Quote from:


Part 13 - Further comments on the Sung Video

Professor A: "Let me try to get the best scientific picture. The video started with pictures of the First Generation that had three cylinders mounted with the axle vertical. The first cylinder generated enough energy to feed the second cylinder. The second cylinder generated enough energy to feed the third cylinder. The third cylinder generated 400 watts."


Professor B: "It means China dropped two generations of working Cosmic Energy Prototypes. This is similar to Microsoft not selling Windows Versions 1 and 2 to the World. Is that a good strategy?"


Please put your comments in the forum.go-here.nl.

Thank you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gyulasun on August 13, 2007, 09:58:37 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 12, 2007, 10:48:04 PM

I shall post these videos when appropriate.  Here is the first one.  It will be available for 90 days.  The download time is approximately 1 hour.  The link is:


Please tell me which software do you use for watching the above video???

I downloaded and unzipped your file. I found the SungAVSEQ02.DAT file (99MB) when unzipped.  Windows Media Player cannot handle it.  In fact files with .dat extension are not known as video files but data files if I know correctly.  I may be wrong.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Iosh on August 13, 2007, 10:30:17 AM
Those kind of DAT files come from either VideoCDs or SuperVideoCDs.
That media is encoded in MPEG, so you might do well by renaming the file extension to .mpeg or .mpg and opening it with your favourite video player. In fact, that's what I did an am watching it right now.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gyulasun on August 13, 2007, 11:03:19 AM
Quote from: Iosh on August 13, 2007, 10:30:17 AM
Those kind of DAT files come from either VideoCDs or SuperVideoCDs.
That media is encoded in MPEG, so you might do well by renaming the file extension to .mpeg or .mpg and opening it with your favourite video player. In fact, that's what I did an am watching it right now.


Hi Iosh,

Many thanks, will do it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on August 13, 2007, 01:32:47 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 12, 2007, 05:44:50 PM
My layman/scientist translation of China Patent 99126283.2 is as follows:
Title: Electricity Generator using Permanent Magnets
Inventor: Sung Tim Fat
This invention uses permanent magnets as source of energy to power electricity generators.  The invention includes axle, direction changer or governor, shell, stator and rotor.  The direction changer or governor is on one side of the axle.  The other components are on the other side of the axle.  Inside the shell are at least two groups of rotors and stators.  Each group contains a shell layer, a magnetic shielding layer, stator, rotator, rotating magnets and axle holder.  Stator has coils with different functions.  The rotors are attached to the axle.  The rotors have many small permanent magnets. If an extraction mechanism were added on the axle, the apparatus can be turned into an electricity generator.

*** Note that this description is very general......
Yes, it is. It says nothing.

To be of value to the patentee, a patent must reveal the technology to be patented. That is the deal. Disclose to the world in return for a 20 year period of protection.

Unless the patent discloses, it will be of no value to the patentee. It will not hold up in court.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: brnbrade on August 13, 2007, 05:19:50 PM
Hi ltseung888

Very good. Nice!

When it will be available for all?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 13, 2007, 07:04:39 PM
Quote from: brnbrade on August 13, 2007, 05:19:50 PM
Hi ltseung888

Very good. Nice!

When it will be available for all?


Please go to the thread - the New Order - in http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?t=13&start=0

The goal is to remove the hatred in the World as much as possible before product introduction.

A dedicated group with hatred in their hearts could destroy the entire World when they were equiped with the self-sustainng Flying Saucer, Anti-Matter Bomb, Laser Gun and Infinite Energy etc.

I am in no hurry.  Furthermore, I have no say in the decision of the Inventors, Companies or Governments.  My guess is that General Magnetic of China plans to go IPO in 2008.  The chance of seeing a multiple number of working prototypes together is excellent before the IPO.

Lawrence Tseung
Glad to find someone accepting the evidence.  Hope that Leads Out Benefits to the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 13, 2007, 07:16:27 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on August 13, 2007, 01:32:47 PM

To be of value to the patentee, a patent must reveal the technology to be patented. That is the deal. Disclose to the world in return for a 20 year period of protection.

Unless the patent discloses, it will be of no value to the patentee. It will not hold up in court.

The patent allowed the inventor to have comfort in disclosing his invention.  In the case of Wang Shum Ho, he had the patent and prototype (and we helped to provide the theory and the connection to Tsing Hua University). 

The result was financial security and resources to direct his research.

Lee and I gave our patent rights to the Chinese Government and People so that we do not have to fight the inevitable court battles.

Lawrence Tseung
Giving Patents Rights to Chinese Government and People Leads Out Peace of Mind.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 13, 2007, 07:25:10 PM
Quote from: Iosh on August 13, 2007, 10:30:17 AM
Those kind of DAT files come from either VideoCDs or SuperVideoCDs.
That media is encoded in MPEG, so you might do well by renaming the file extension to .mpeg or .mpg and opening it with your favourite video player. In fact, that's what I did an am watching it right now.


Dear Iosh,

Thank you for your excellent hint.

I shall rename the other video files to .mpg before uploading.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Iosh on August 13, 2007, 07:41:31 PM
You are both welcome, Gyulasun and Lawrence.

Quote from: ltseung888The goal is to remove the hatred in the World as much as possible before product introduction.
Well, that is simply not possible. There are political, economic and religious interests in that mix, and those are not going away anytime soon.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: brnbrade on August 13, 2007, 08:06:52 PM

Well, I have 3 devices working, running free. But, No is  moment for public exhibition.

I Desire success for you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 14, 2007, 12:09:09 AM
Quote from:

Official Certification of the Chao Car in China

This morning (April 18, 2006) a 47 seat luxury bus and two electric cars left the Chao factory and traveled 1,470 kilometers to Beijing. The convoy arrived Beijing in five days to be examined and certified by the China National Car Inspection Center.


Here is the 98MB CCTV-10 video.

(5) It was a business decision not to fully recharge the batteries so that a production license could be obtained quickly. That decision was correct as the production license was granted 4 months later in August 2006.

Lawrence Tseung
Official Certification of the Chao Car Leads Out absolute certainty of the Cosmic Energy technology.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on August 14, 2007, 03:19:28 PM
"This morning (April 18, 2006) a 47 seat luxury bus and two electric cars left the Chao factory and traveled 1,470 kilometers to Beijing. The convoy arrived Beijing in five days to be examined and certified by the China National Car Inspection Center."

Down hill all the way, no doubt!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on August 14, 2007, 06:29:58 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 14, 2007, 12:09:09 AM
Quote from:

Official Certification of the Chao Car in China

This morning (April 18, 2006)

This is from over a year ago.  Any updates?  I did a google search for Chao Car - got nothing.

Second, how does any of this show over-unity anything?  The cars ran from charged batteries.  In one instance, an additional huge battery had to be installed underneath a car.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 14, 2007, 06:58:35 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on August 14, 2007, 06:29:58 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 14, 2007, 12:09:09 AM
Quote from:

Official Certification of the Chao Car in China

This morning (April 18, 2006)

This is from over a year ago.  Any updates?  I did a google search for Chao Car - got nothing.

Second, how does any of this show over-unity anything?  The cars ran from charged batteries.  In one instance, an additional huge battery had to be installed underneath a car.

If you know Chinese and use Google Search on 曹青山. you get the following:

Results 1 - 10 of about 3,850 for 曹青山. (0.27 seconds) 

保康農民曹青山21å¹´ç ”çâ,,¢Â¼Ã§Â´â€Ã©â€ºÂ»Ã¥â€¹â€¢Ã¨Â»Å Ã¤Â»Å Ã©Â©â€¦Ã¨Â»Å Ã©â,¬Â²Ã¤ÂºÂ¬- ç°¡ - [ 轉為繁體網頁 - Translate this page ]今æâ,,¢Â¨Ã¯Â¼Å'ç”±æ¹â€"Ã¥Å'â€"曹青山科æŠâ,¬Ã¦Å"‰éâ,,¢ÂÃ¥â€¦Â¬Ã¥ÂÂ¸Ã§Â â€Ã§â,,¢Â¼Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¤Â¸â,¬Ã¥ÂÂ°47座純電動豪華大巴å’Å'兩台純電動轎車駛離保康ï¼Å'ä¸â,¬Ã¨Â·Â¯Ã¥Ââ€˜Ã¥Å'â€"ï¼Å'å°‡éâ,¬â€Ã§Â¶â€œÃ¦Â²Â³Ã¥Ââ€"ãâ,¬ÂÃ¦Â²Â³Ã¥Å'â€"å…©çÅ"ï¼Å'è¡Å'程1470å…¬é‡Å'ï¼Å'5天后抵達åÅ'â€"京ï¼Å'接åâ€"Ã¥Å"‹å®¶ ...
www.hb.xinhuanet.com/newscenter/2006-04/18/content_6769517.htm - 43k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

The last update I got from Lee Cheung Kin and a business person from that town was - they had huge investment.  They started many improvements and projects.  The business person even claimed that they had Flying Saucers.

The plan was to present the Car and an electricity generator as proper Cosmic Energy Machines with the Lee-Tseung theory when ready.

They owned a small hotel and used their prototype cars to drive their VIP vistors around.

Try to get a Chinese friend to interpete the 3,850 Google search results.

Do not make the mistake that all worthwhile information must be in English.

Lawrence Tseung
Working Prototypes and Proper Publicity (CCTV) Lead Out huge investment.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 14, 2007, 07:07:13 PM
Quote from: Humbugger on August 14, 2007, 03:19:28 PM
"This morning (April 18, 2006) a 47 seat luxury bus and two electric cars left the Chao factory and traveled 1,470 kilometers to Beijing. The convoy arrived Beijing in five days to be examined and certified by the China National Car Inspection Center."

Down hill all the way, no doubt!

You can try that.  And then drove the bus and the cars from Beijing back to the Factory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 14, 2007, 08:11:17 PM
The Dr. Liang IC powered car patent information in Chinese.

Title: 宇å®â,,¢Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¨Æ'½åŠ éâ,¬Å¸Ã§â€ÂµÃ¥Å Â¨Ã¦Å"ºè½¦è¾†

China Patent Number: 01123526.8

Inventor: 梁星人


宇å®â,,¢Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¨Æ'½æ°¸åŠ¨æÅ"ºè½¦è¾†ï¼Å'Ã¥Å"¨ä¸â,¬Ã¤Â¸ÂªÃ¤Â¸ÂÃ©â€Ë†Ã©â€™Â¢Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¥Å"†ç­’内ï¼Å'两边分别安装æâ,,¢ÂºÃ¨Æ'½èŠ¯ç‰‡å’Å'æâ,,¢ÂºÃ¨Æ'½é›†æˆç”µè·¯ç‰‡ï¼Å'不锈钢åÅ"†ç­’中éâ€"´æÅ"‰è½´ï¼Å'è½´å¤â€"接负载ï¼Å'不锈钢筒éâ,¬Å¡Ã¨Â¿â€¡Ã¥Â¯Â¼Ã§ÂºÂ¿Ã¥Â¤â€"接启动åâ,,¢Â¨Ã¯Â¼Å'不用任何ç‡Æ'æâ€"â,,¢Ã¨â,¬Å'启动该宇å®â,,¢Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¨Æ'½æ°¸åŠ¨æÅ"ºå¤â€"接的负载即可转动ï¼Å'产生的动力èÆ'½ä¾›å„种车辆使用ãâ,¬â€šÃ¥â€ºÂ Ã¥Â®â€¡Ã¥Â®â,,¢Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¨Æ'½æ°¸è¿Å"å­˜åÅ"¨å®‡å®â,,¢Ã¤Â¸Â­Ã¯Â¼Å'èÆ'½æºæ˜¯å…è´¹çš„ï¼Å'èÆ'½é‡ä¸éâ€"´æâ€"­ï¼Å'具洁å‡â,¬Ã¥Â®â€°Ã¥â€¦Â¨Ã£â,¬ÂÃ¦â€°â,¬Ã¤Â»Â¥Ã¥ÂÅ¡Ã¥â€¡ÂºÃ§Å¡â€žÃ¨Â®Â¾Ã¥Â¤â€¡Ã¤Â½â€œÃ§Â§Â¯Ã¥Â°ÂÃ£â,¬ÂÃ©â€¡ÂÃ©â€¡ÂÃ¨Â½Â»Ã£â,¬ÂÃ¤Â¾Â¿Ã¥Â®Å"ãâ,¬ÂÃ¦â€" æ±¡æŸ“ï¼Å'èâ,¬Å'且已经用于轿车ãâ,¬ÂÃ¤Â¸Â­Ã¥Â·Â´Ã¨Â½Â¦Ã¥Â®Å¾Ã¨Â·ÂµÃ¯Â¼Å'装置ä¸â,¬Ã§â€ºÂ´Ã¥Å"¨è¿è¡Å'中ãâ,¬â€š
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 14, 2007, 08:15:21 PM
My English translation of the Liang Patent 01123526.8

Title: Cosmic Energy Powered Electric Car

Inventor: Liang Sing Yan


The invention covers an engine using Cosmic Energy (gravitational attraction).  The engine uses steel cylinder with ICs and electronic components for control.  There is an axle in the center of the Cylinder.  Load is attached to the axle.  A battery and a starting motor are first used to rotate the Cylinder.  This perpetual motion machine engine uses gravitational energy and does not require any fuel.  The torque from the axle can drive all type of vehicles.  Gravitational energy exists in the Universe and is free, continuous, pollution free.  The engine has small size, light-weight, low cost and pollution free.  It has already been installed on cars and buses and can be demonstrated immediately.

*** Please read section 4.3 from the attached updated file
TPU theory1-8.

Lawrence Tseung
Using ICs to rotate Cylinders Lead Out the use of minimal energy.
Title: additional information on the 225 HP Pulse Motor
Post by: ltseung888 on August 15, 2007, 03:13:33 AM
Refer to the additional information on the 225 HP Pulse Motor



Richard: "The 225 HP Pulse Motor has the elements of permanent magnets rotating in pulsed magnetic fields. It can be regarded as a superset of the Newman, Bedini and other similar motors. That is why you are so confident in supporting the various International Over Unity Inventors."

Forever: "If the rotors are on the outside similar to the John Searl SEG, the Flying Saucer effect will be more obvious. The entire picture of Over Unity Devices is clear to me now."


The extra 225 HP Pulse Motor information is in:

Lawrence Tseung
USA already has the working 225 HP Pulse Motor. It Leads Out friendly competition.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on August 15, 2007, 10:44:26 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 14, 2007, 08:11:17 PM
The Dr. Liang IC powered car patent information in Chinese.

Title: 宇å®â,,¢Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¨Æ'½åŠ éâ,¬Å¸Ã§â€ÂµÃ¥Å Â¨Ã¦Å"ºè½¦è¾†

China Patent Number: 01123526.8

Inventor: 梁星人


宇å®â,,¢Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¨Æ'½æ°¸åŠ¨æÅ"ºè½¦è¾†ï¼Å'Ã¥Å"¨ä¸â,¬Ã¤Â¸ÂªÃ¤Â¸ÂÃ©â€Ë†Ã©â€™Â¢Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¥Å"†ç­’内ï¼Å'两边分别安装æâ,,¢ÂºÃ¨Æ'½èŠ¯ç‰‡å’Å'æâ,,¢ÂºÃ¨Æ'½é›†æˆç”µè·¯ç‰‡ï¼Å'不锈钢åÅ"†ç­’中éâ€"´æÅ"‰è½´ï¼Å'è½´å¤â€"接负载ï¼Å'不锈钢筒éâ,¬Å¡Ã¨Â¿â€¡Ã¥Â¯Â¼Ã§ÂºÂ¿Ã¥Â¤â€"接启动åâ,,¢Â¨Ã¯Â¼Å'不用任何ç‡Æ'æâ€"â,,¢Ã¨â,¬Å'启动该宇å®â,,¢Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¨Æ'½æ°¸åŠ¨æÅ"ºå¤â€"接的负载即可转动ï¼Å'产生的动力èÆ'½ä¾›å„种车辆使用ãâ,¬â€šÃ¥â€ºÂ Ã¥Â®â€¡Ã¥Â®â,,¢Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¨Æ'½æ°¸è¿Å"å­˜åÅ"¨å®‡å®â,,¢Ã¤Â¸Â­Ã¯Â¼Å'èÆ'½æºæ˜¯å…è´¹çš„ï¼Å'èÆ'½é‡ä¸éâ€"´æâ€"­ï¼Å'具洁å‡â,¬Ã¥Â®â€°Ã¥â€¦Â¨Ã£â,¬ÂÃ¦â€°â,¬Ã¤Â»Â¥Ã¥ÂÅ¡Ã¥â€¡ÂºÃ§Å¡â€žÃ¨Â®Â¾Ã¥Â¤â€¡Ã¤Â½â€œÃ§Â§Â¯Ã¥Â°ÂÃ£â,¬ÂÃ©â€¡ÂÃ©â€¡ÂÃ¨Â½Â»Ã£â,¬ÂÃ¤Â¾Â¿Ã¥Â®Å"ãâ,¬ÂÃ¦â€" æ±¡æŸ“ï¼Å'èâ,¬Å'且已经用于轿车ãâ,¬ÂÃ¤Â¸Â­Ã¥Â·Â´Ã¨Â½Â¦Ã¥Â®Å¾Ã¨Â·ÂµÃ¯Â¼Å'装置ä¸â,¬Ã§â€ºÂ´Ã¥Å"¨è¿è¡Å'中ãâ,¬â€š

Google Translator gives us:

Cosmic gravitational vehicles can be perpetual motion machine, a stainless-steel cylinder, were installed on both sides of the smart chips and smart chips, a stainless steel cylinder intermediate shaft, the shaft external load, stainless steel tube through an external wire starter, do not have any fuel to activate the cosmic gravitational perpetual motion machine external load can rotation, the motivation for a variety of vehicles. Because of the universe will exist forever gravitational universe, energy is free, uninterrupted energy, with clean, safe, make the equipment small size, light weight, cheap, non-polluting, but also has been used for cars, bus practice, has been installed in the operation.

Mr Tseung:
This is not disclosing. Nothing is revealed. I believe that you and your colleagues may not understand the nature and purpose of the patent system.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on August 15, 2007, 11:24:13 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 14, 2007, 08:15:21 PM

*** Please read section 4.3 from the attached updated file
TPU theory1-8.

Lawrence Tseung
Using ICs to rotate Cylinders Lead Out the use of minimal energy.

Mr. Tseung, I have read the document you attach and I am beginning to suspect that you do not really have and never had anything that worked.  The reason I say this is because of the youtube videos referenced in your attached document.  These videos look like the work of someone who is trying to mislead the viewer. 

I am referring specifically to the Minato wheel simulations.  You never show the device starting on its own.  I can only assume someone has to give it a push.  Furthermore, in each video, it is clear that each wheel is slowly coming to a halt, though of course you stop the video before that happens.

In other videos, THERE ARE WIRES GOING TO THE DEVICES.  Gee, I wonder where the power is coming from.

Until you can show us clearly any evidence of overunity, I am going to assume you and your lead out theory are just bunk.  And please, no Good Sunshine, Calm Water, Pretty Girl A, Handsome Boy B, Fat Girl D nonsense.  Time to get the lead out.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 15, 2007, 04:05:22 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on August 15, 2007, 10:44:26 AM
Google Translator gives us:

Cosmic gravitational vehicles can be perpetual motion machine, a stainless-steel cylinder, .....

Mr Tseung:
This is not disclosing. Nothing is revealed. I believe that you and your colleagues may not understand the nature and purpose of the patent system.

My US Patent attorney told me "Patent documents are specialized documents.  Try to save money using a translator package will land you in trouble."  His charge is USD$2,000 per hour.

In particular, the abstract is not supposed to contain the technical details.  In Patent Legal Battles, the claims are the vital parts.  The description and diagrams must support the claims.

Thus I read the Liang Patent and extracted the information myself.  See

The key concept is section 4.3 of that attached document.

Lee Cheung Kin and I gave our patent rights to the Chinese Government and People.  We intend to benefit the World.  We are old and do not want to spend our golden year in Patent Law Courts.

I shall repost some of the juicy discussions on Cosmic Energy Patents later.

Lawrence Tseung
Patent Documents Lead Out juicy fees for the Patent Attorneys.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on August 15, 2007, 07:10:31 PM
"Using ICs to rotate Cylinders Lead Out the use of minimal energy."

I think I read in one of your posts that one inventor was using electro-magnets to turn his rotors and another inventor prevailed by using IC's instead of electromagnets.  Do you mean integrated circuits?  ICs?  The only magnetic IC's I know about are Hall effect devices and they are exclusively sensor ICs.  What kind of ICs could replace magnets in a motor for providing torque? 

You are certainly a man of many extravagent claims, lofty philosophies and verbose writing.  When will anything you say make any sense, though?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Iosh on August 15, 2007, 07:44:12 PM
I think that by ICs he means Intelligent Chips, according to the .doc file he posted earlier.
I don't know what kind of devices are those though. Help, someone? ???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 15, 2007, 07:56:55 PM
Quote from: Iosh on August 15, 2007, 07:44:12 PM
I think that by ICs he means Intelligent Chips, according to the .doc file he posted earlier.
I don't know what kind of devices are those though. Help, someone? ???

These Intelligent Chips can be programmed to show the effect of North Pole, South Pole or No Pole.  They are usually grouped together with the Hall Effect ICs.

In the Liang China Patent, he quoted China IC 3001 and IC 3008 as examples.  He used seven hundred of each of these if I remember the numbers correctly from his meeting.

I do not know whether there is an equivalent outside China.

Lawrence Tseung
Studying the details of the Published Patents Lead Out confidence in the invention.  Meeting the inventor in person is even better.  Driving the actual car is best.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 15, 2007, 08:59:37 PM
More information on the use of ICs to pulse rotate the Cylinder.

(1) The Intelligent Chips (ICs) can be programmed to exhibit property of magnetic North Pole, South Pole or No Poles.

(2) One set of ICs is on the rotating cylinder.  Another set is on the non-rotating cylinder. Their interaction pulse rotates the cylinder.

(3) The Rotating Cylinder will be driven to a certain designed speed by a separate starter motor.

(4) We are absolutely certain that gravitational energy is Lead Out because the engine works best on level road or surface.

(5) Tilling the axle from the horizontal to the vertical will reduce the power output.  When the axle is at the vertical position, the output power is close to zero.

(6) The amount of power generated depends on the following factors:
      - speed of rotation
      - the pulse rate (programable)
      - the number of ICs (several hundred used)
      - Diameter and weight of the Cylinder

(7) There is a sensor to detect the external load and adjust the program accordingly. (Some ICs can be programmed to No Pole)

(8) The Published Data from Liang is that a 28Kg engine could generate 188 Horse Power.  (See picture in section 4.3 of the previous mentioned TPU theory1-8.doc)

(9) In the Liang demonstration, once the engine started, the battery was disconnected.  The engine kept on running.

(10) Lee Cheung Kin, who spent a week working with Chao, was convinced that the Chao engine is similar to the Liang engine in principle.  The Chao factory and the Liang laboratory are in the same small town.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: lancaIV on August 15, 2007, 09:25:17 PM
Are these IC in reality MIC, magnetic -integrated- transistors,
with Bloch/Weiss  domain/wall controle ?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: brnbrade on August 15, 2007, 09:37:26 PM

brushless motor ? Ics Controller...

sounds nice
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on August 15, 2007, 10:08:06 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 15, 2007, 07:56:55 PM
Quote from: Iosh on August 15, 2007, 07:44:12 PM
I think that by ICs he means Intelligent Chips, according to the .doc file he posted earlier.
I don't know what kind of devices are those though. Help, someone? ???

These Intelligent Chips can be programmed to show the effect of North Pole, South Pole or No Pole.  They are usually grouped together with the Hall Effect ICs.

In the Liang China Patent, he quoted China IC 3001 and IC 3008 as examples.  He used seven hundred of each of these if I remember the numbers correctly from his meeting.

I do not know whether there is an equivalent outside China.

Lawrence Tseung
Studying the details of the Published Patents Lead Out confidence in the invention.  Meeting the inventor in person is even better.  Driving the actual car is best.

Please post a link to a data sheet or tell us the manufacturer of these Chinese ICs.  I don't believe they exist.

Also, am I understanding that 700 of these ICs were sufficient to power an automobile?
Without using any electromagnets or other motors whatsoever...just these ICs?

Thank you
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on August 15, 2007, 10:23:56 PM
Quote from: brnbrade on August 15, 2007, 09:37:26 PM

brushless motor ? Ics Controller...

sounds nice

Do you just automatically believe in everything, Brnbrade?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 15, 2007, 11:47:26 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 15, 2007, 04:05:22 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on August 15, 2007, 10:44:26 AM
Google Translator gives us:

Cosmic gravitational vehicles can be perpetual motion machine, a stainless-steel cylinder, .....

Mr Tseung:
This is not disclosing. Nothing is revealed. I believe that you and your colleagues may not understand the nature and purpose of the patent system.

My US Patent attorney told me "Patent documents are specialized documents.  Try to save money using a translator package will land you in trouble."  His charge is USD$2,000 per hour.

In particular, the abstract is not supposed to contain the technical details.  In Patent Legal Battles, the claims are the vital parts.  The description and diagrams must support the claims.

Thus I read the Liang Patent and extracted the information myself.  See

The key concept is section 4.3 of that attached document.

Lee Cheung Kin and I gave our patent rights to the Chinese Government and People.  We intend to benefit the World.  We are old and do not want to spend our golden year in Patent Law Courts.

I shall repost some of the juicy discussions on Cosmic Energy Patents later.

Lawrence Tseung
Patent Documents Lead Out juicy fees for the Patent Attorneys.

Not understanding the principles of the U.S Patent Office is one thing, wildly quoting a $US 2000 per hr as an excuse not to do things right shows how little you really know about patents. Regarding your giving the rights of your patent/s to the Chinese Goverment etc, it's not exactly like Tesla patents and seriously with the wishy washy claims in your supposedly quality patents, I don't think too many Goverments or individuals would lose sleep over the rights to these so called patents!

Maybe at your 'old' age you should stop writing poetry and spend more time with your grandchildren instead of coughing out nonsense in this forum.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 16, 2007, 05:15:25 AM
Refer to Describing the New Order thread in:


Describing the New Order - Insult Training

Professor A: "Joseph Newman got much insult in USA. Dr. Liang Sing Yan received something similar in China. Tseung also received insults on the Internet. Comparing the three, Tseung got off lightly."

Professor B: "When one wants to change the Order of the World, there are established Interests who feel threatened. They or their supporters will react to defend such interests. Insult is a very mild form. In the earlier centuries, such acts may be treated as witchcraft or treason. In China, the emperors may behead you, your family and your relatives. Some even beheaded the pupils of the offenders."

Professor C: "In Roman Empire times, you might be crucified. Jesus Christ was a good example. He preached Peace but the authorities feared his influence on the masses. Lee and Tseung preached their Lead Out theory and their Flying Saucers. That would create a New Order. They are lucky to be alive."

Professor A: "Looks like all Over Unity Developers are advised to take a course in how to take and endure insults. They must not lose heart. There are professional debunkers out there. The CIA or the Like fooling Tseung is a solid example."

Lawrence Tseung
Developing Cosmic Energy Leads Out insults.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on August 16, 2007, 09:47:59 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Forget the insults. They do not matter; like water off a duck's back.

The real problem for us is that the Chinese patent system is very
difficult to deal with. The patent number you quoted was not recognised.
I am sure it exists; I cannot find anything from that web site.

If you want to help us replicate, then we need the claims in English,
along with the rest of the document and the drawings. That would
be very helpful.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 16, 2007, 03:56:28 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on August 16, 2007, 09:47:59 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Forget the insults. They do not matter; like water off a duck's back.

The real problem for us is that the Chinese patent system is very
difficult to deal with. The patent number you quoted was not recognised.
I am sure it exists; I cannot find anything from that web site.

If you want to help us replicate, then we need the claims in English,
along with the rest of the document and the drawings. That would
be very helpful.

Dear Paul,

I believe there is strong interest in understanding and possibly replicating the Intelligent Chip (IC) pulse rotate technology or the Dr. Liang invention.


You used Google to translate the abstract and the result was far from satisfactory.  The professional cost estimate on properly translating that particular patent from Chinese into English was US$20,000.  The wording of the Claims must be exact as the legal challenge will be related to those Claims.  The description and diagrams are to justify the claims.

Please note that the Dr. Liang patent rights belongs to Dr. Liang.  My interest is:

(1) Apply the Lee-Tseung theory to help him remove the roadblock of "where does the energy come from?".

(2) Suggest improvement on his invention.  We suggested the 5th generation - being researched at Tsing Hua University in Beijing, China (and many other top-secret locations?).

(3) Help to promote him similar to promoting Mr. Wang Shum Ho.  We ran into some difficulties in this aspect.  Wang was willing to share his information with us and agreed to our presenting them on the Internet.  Dr. Liang wanted to keep his information confidential.  The only information allowed on the Internet are the published Patent Information.

Since I do not have USD20,000 to spend on a proper translation of that patent, I shall pass that task to the Forum Members (hoping one of them is a patent attorney skilled in such translations.)

However, I do not mind doing a scientist/layman's interpretation of the patent.  Please do NOT treat that layman translation as the correct legal wording document.  It is for information purposes.  We want to benefit the World.

Lawrence Tseung
Translation of Patent Leads Out Cry for Help from Professionals
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 16, 2007, 10:09:26 PM
Additional information on the Liang Patent (Part 1)

China Patent Database website:

Number:  01123526.8

Application/priority Date: 2001.07.30

Inventor: Liang Sing Yan 梁星人

Number of Pages: 7

Claim (Layman Interpretation)
A car (engine) using Attraction Forces of the Universe (gravitational energy), the characteristics are:
(1)   On the two sides of a steel cylinder are intelligent chips and integrated circuits (to control and pulse rotate the cylinder)
(2)   The center of the cylinder has an axle
(3)   The axle is attached to (drive) an external load
(4)   There is a starting motor (which can be removed after rotational speed achieved)
(5)   The number intelligent chips and integrated circuits can be varied. (programmed to take part in the pulse rotation)

*** DO NOT use the above translation as LEGAL document.  The parts in (?) were added by me to clarify the translation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 17, 2007, 03:33:43 AM
Building the Core Team to understand and/or replicate the Liang Engine

Brainstorm result between Forever Yuen and Lawrence Tseung:

(1)   Need Intelligent Chip and Integrated Circuit experts to select and program. They will be the technical brain at this stage.  Without these experts, the project cannot be started.
(2)   Need patent experts (preferably patent attorneys) to correctly interpret the China Patent information.  Apparently, Dr. Liang did not apply for Patents outside China.  We need to understand the legal and moral implications.
(3)   Need good Public Relationship (PR) persons to feed information to this Forum and others on the Internet.  We expect insults, insults and insults.  Some insults may come from professional debunkers.  (Tseung plans to use this forum and http://forum.go-here.nl where he has moderator privileges.)
(4)   The initial funding is likely to come from the pockets of the Volunteers and/or strong supporters.  We do not want to be accused as fraud at this stage.  We need to select a good location for the brains mentioned in (1).
(5)   Need manufacturing facilities to produce the Cylinders and Axle.  One is the Rotating Cylinder with one set of ICs and connected to the Axle.  The other is the non-rotating Cylinder to contain the other set of ICs.  The closer the cylinders, the stronger will be the magnetic forces.
(6)   Need starting motor to get the inner Cylinder to the designed speed.
(7)   Need test equipment to check input power, output power and/or torque.
(8)   Need sensing equipment to determine external load and adjust the Input Power (e.g. vary number of ICs involved in pulse rotation) accordingly.
(9)   May have a battery always connected and recharged by output similar to the battery in a car.  The battery will drive the ICs.  (or the battery can be removed to convince the skeptics after starting.)
(10)   May have a constantly running engine to provide electricity. This is effectively a Cosmic Energy Powered Electricity Generator.  Once started, the starting motor can be removed forever.  A few light bulbs may be lighted up to continuously draw some energy to avoid zero external load.
(11)   Need a way to tilt the axle to demonstrate the reduced output power when axle vertical.  This is a very convincing argument that Gravitational Energy is Lead Out.
(12)   The more we talk, the more it appears a University Environment is best.  Or we should get someone with University Connections in the Forum to help.  More than one team is acceptable.

We should ask for Qualified Volunteers from the Forum and ensure that we have the Team to lead the project before starting.  A few qualified experts can guide us better than hundreds of posts from unknown sources. (Most casual participants are likely to wait for the Liang or Chao Car/Generator to hit the Market.)

Please indicate your interest on this thread.  Or if you prefer, email forevermango_118@hotmail.com with your area of expertise and/or qualifications if you wish to participate.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gyulasun on August 17, 2007, 09:34:20 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on August 16, 2007, 09:47:59 AM
The real problem for us is that the Chinese patent system is very
difficult to deal with. The patent number you quoted was not recognised.
I am sure it exists; I cannot find anything from that web site.

If you want to help us replicate, then we need the claims in English,
along with the rest of the document and the drawings. That would
be very helpful.

Hi Paul,

While I do agree with you wrt what you wrote above, those Chinese patents that are AVAILABLE via the internet at EPO do NOT always include drawings or in other cases claims or even descriptions.  Let me show you an example of that of Lawrence: he wrote the Number as 01123526.6 in his last but one mail, where he also gave the link to the Chinese Patent database and wrote the inventor was Liang Sing Yan.

First, here is a link that takes you to the English language user intro page of the same Chinese Patent database Lawrence gave: http://www.sipo.gov.cn/sipo_English/
(You can also reach this if you use the link by Lawrence and click on 'English' icon at the upper right side corner.)
Second, copy and paste the Number 01123526.6  BUT OMIT decimal .6  so that you search for 01123526 only! ALSO, choose Application Number from the choices under it.
Third, by entering these two and click Go, you receive a new page with 1 result:
ID  App. No.   Title
1  01123526   Cosmic gravity energy acceleration motor vehicle   

and you can click on the title to see some data and the patent Abstract in English:

Title: Cosmic gravity energy acceleration motor vehicle
Application Number:  01123526  Application Date:  2001.07.30
Publication Number:  1400384  Publication Date:  2003.03.05
Approval Pub. Date:    Granted Pub. Date:   
International Classifi-cation:   F03G7/00
Applicant(s) Name:  Liang Xingren
Address:  450052
Inventor(s) Name:   
Attorney & Agent:   
     In a stainless steel cylinder the intelligent chip and intelligent integrated circuit chip and respectively mounted on its two sides, the centre of the stainless steel cylinder is equipped with a shaft connected with external load, said stainless steel cylinder is connected with external load by means of wire, so that said load which does not use any fuel and can start said cosmic gravitational force energy perpetual motion machine can be rotated. Said invention is applicable to various vehicles, and its volume is small, weight is light and it has no pollution.  

Now the important thing is you can see the Publication Number:1400384 and if you place CN as a start: CN1400384 you have got the patent number known by EPO! And if you search this CN1400384 at EPO patent number search you will find it but no any description, claims or drawings except the the same Abstract text, that is all!

Notice that the Applicant Name is Liang Xingren AS known by EPO!  Lawrence knows this as Liang Sing Yan. (Maybe Xing= Sing?)
If you search for the name Liang Xingren at EPO you end up with some 14 very interesting patent titles but no any drawings, in some cases even no description in Chinese either!
For instance I would rather read his thoughts and solutions on this patent: Gravitational energy generator  (Application Number: 200510132560   Publication Number:1841912 i.e. CN1841912)   
It is possible the Chinese Patent Office did not issue the full patent outside of China??


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on August 17, 2007, 10:12:55 AM
" In a stainless steel cylinder the intelligent chip and intelligent integrated circuit chip and respectively mounted on its two sides, the centre of the stainless steel cylinder is equipped with a shaft connected with external load, said stainless steel cylinder is connected with external load by means of wire, so that said load which does not use any fuel and can start said cosmic gravitational force energy perpetual motion machine can be rotated. Said invention is applicable to various vehicles, and its volume is small, weight is light and it has no pollution. "

This is the very kind of total nonsense that seems to appear at the end of every referenced wild-goose-chase Mr. Tseung leads us out into.  Has the world gone berserk?  Is there no bastion of sanity left?  Does the above statement describe anything to anyone in any useful way?  Does it promote understanding of a new technology?  Am I missing something?  Everything Mr. Tseung leads out seems to be totally unsubstantiated tripe, backed up only by his incredible statements.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 17, 2007, 10:58:34 AM
Quote from: gyulasun on August 17, 2007, 09:34:20 AM

Title: Cosmic gravity energy acceleration motor vehicle
Application Number:  01123526  Application Date:  2001.07.30
Publication Number:  1400384  Publication Date:  2003.03.05
Approval Pub. Date:    Granted Pub. Date:   
International Classifi-cation:   F03G7/00
Applicant(s) Name:  Liang Xingren
Address:  450052
Inventor(s) Name:   
Attorney & Agent:   
     In a stainless steel cylinder the intelligent chip and intelligent integrated circuit chip and respectively mounted on its two sides, the centre of the stainless steel cylinder is equipped with a shaft connected with external load, said stainless steel cylinder is connected with external load by means of wire, so that said load which does not use any fuel and can start said cosmic gravitational force energy perpetual motion machine can be rotated. Said invention is applicable to various vehicles, and its volume is small, weight is light and it has no pollution.  


Thank you, Gyula.  Looks like I do not have to do the translation myself.  Let the experts do their job.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on August 17, 2007, 11:57:27 AM
Quote from: gyulasun on August 17, 2007, 09:34:20 AM
It is possible the Chinese Patent Office did not issue the full patent outside of China??
Yes. But seems to have a "mention" on the EPO here:
But since nothing real is actually said, I don't see how it can be a real EPO application.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on August 17, 2007, 12:12:09 PM
If I go to:
and  put "Cosmic gravity energy acceleration motor vehicle" in the Title Box,
I get to an abstract which adds nothing. I am bewildered. I shall go and have
a cup of tea.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on August 17, 2007, 12:17:42 PM
As I warned...following anything lead out by Mr. Tseung results in only extended chasing of wild geese.  No actual information is ever imparted; only wild claims and unintelligible references...enjoy your tea!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on August 17, 2007, 03:46:44 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on August 17, 2007, 12:12:09 PM
I am bewildered. I shall go and have a cup of tea.

It's sad to see a person who thinks making a cup of tea is a noteworthy activity.

There is only 1 representative talking about the Chinese overunty machines. Lawrence should not disclose things he doesn't own. I know he wants to but he cant. If you are looking to donate your life's work I will be happy to take. For free of course. Don't forget to document everything also. ROFL Just keep looking Paul! I read your postings you are doing great.

here is my page

do remember to have fun. ;)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: lancaIV on August 17, 2007, 08:03:50 PM
I think that you and all other inventors worldwide are wrong,when you/they
think that there has to be an explanation from where the energy comes !

Patent rights are not physics related,patent rights are commerce oriented !

You/they have to serve a functional model, which demonstrate for itselves the principle
and the material configuration listing, that is all as request !

Physical processes are not patentable and for this area unimportant !


p.s.: 2000 US$/hour:
       Langenscheidt-service translation:
       German/Chinese: 1 line(up to 55 digits) for 3,4 Euros ! 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Iosh on August 17, 2007, 08:49:32 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on August 17, 2007, 08:03:50 PM
       Langenscheidt-service translation:
       German/Chinese: 1 line(up to 55 digits) for 3,4 Euros ! 
US$2000 on that service would be about 435 lines worth, and that's pretending a line won't have more than 55 characters.
It seems that being literate in Chinese is expensive!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on August 18, 2007, 06:39:07 AM
My understanding of the Liang Machine

1. It is basically a pulsed rotation device. In the Lee- Tseung Theory, pulse rotation can lead out gravitational energy.

2. It uses intelligent chips to achieve the pulse rotation. These intelligent chips can be programmed to exhibit magnetic north pole, south pole or no pole at all.

3. The energy that can be lead out depends on the rate of rotation, the number of intelligent chips, the diameter and the mass of the rotating cylinder, the proximity of the intelligent chips, etc.

4. It uses only gravitational energy because when we tilt the axle from horizontal to vertical we get reduce energy output.

5. Liang got his China patent even though he stated that his machine was a perpetual device because he had working demonstration prototype.

6. The reason for his not demonstrating his prototype on December 2004 was the lawsuit from unhappy investors. I believe that demonstration could be very successful because Professor Woo, a well respected scientist (who helps to develop the first Chinese atomic bomb) examined the working prototype.

7. Mr. Chao overcame the hill- climbing drawback of the Liang car with banks of batteries. His car was certified officially by the Chinese authority. The rating was 8.60 kilowatt hour per one hundred kilometers. This is probably the best official record for all electric cars.

8. According to Lee Cheung Kin who spent a week working with Mr. Chao, that rating can even be better (zero or negative). Negative means the car can generate extra energy for other appliances.

9. The only explanation is that the Laing or Chao Car used the Lead Out gravitational energy. Both cars confirmed the correctness of the Lee ? Tseung Theory. 

10. The engine can be use as a pure electricity generator. It will require a battery to power the intelligent chips and to get the stating motor to rotate the cylinder to the designed speed. I believe this is being implemented. In some of the past implementation, the engine burned after a few days. Tseung explained that there must be a monitoring and control mechanism to adjust the output power when the external load changes.

11. I believe I understand the theory. I don ? t know the exact intelligent chips used, their arrangement and programming. I can wait to buy a Liang or Chao car to disassemble and examining it legally later.

I shall be willing to discuss this more in this forum. I shall also willing to participate in a team to understand or even replicate the engine.     ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on August 18, 2007, 11:23:22 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on August 17, 2007, 03:46:44 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on August 17, 2007, 12:12:09 PM
I am bewildered. I shall go and have a cup of tea.

It's sad to see a person who thinks making a cup of tea is a noteworthy activity.

There is only 1 representative talking about the Chinese overunty machines. Lawrence should not disclose things he doesn't own.....
I am not asking him to donate his kidneys. I am asking him to provide
or point to a translation of a PUBLISHED patent. If the patent had been
filed in the US or EPO, all would be OK. But the Chinese system is
obscure beyond measurement. Am I asking too much?

P.S. The text in Chinese would be a start (with drawings)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 18, 2007, 06:03:00 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on August 18, 2007, 11:23:22 AM

I am not asking him to donate his kidneys. I am asking him to provide
or point to a translation of a PUBLISHED patent. If the patent had been
filed in the US or EPO, all would be OK. But the Chinese system is
obscure beyond measurement. Am I asking too much?

P.S. The text in Chinese would be a start (with drawings)

Dear Paul-R,

Your request is certainly reasonable.  I have the same difficulty with the many Japanese Patents I am interested in.  Fortunately, the wife of Lee Cheung kin speaks and writes fluent Janpanese.  I can get layman translations from her.

Attached is the zipped 7 page PUBLISHED patent document of the Liang invention.  Each Page is in .tif format with diagrams.  Ms. Forever Yuen will try to translate them in the next few days.

Lawrence Tseung

Reasonable request Leads Out solid information
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jeffc on August 18, 2007, 06:54:02 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 18, 2007, 06:03:00 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on August 18, 2007, 11:23:22 AM

I am not asking him to donate his kidneys. I am asking him to provide
or point to a translation of a PUBLISHED patent. If the patent had been
filed in the US or EPO, all would be OK. But the Chinese system is
obscure beyond measurement. Am I asking too much?

P.S. The text in Chinese would be a start (with drawings)

Dear Paul-R,

Your request is certainly reasonable.  I have the same difficulty with the many Japanese Patents I am interested in.  Fortunately, the wife of Lee Cheung kin speaks and writes fluent Janpanese.  I can get layman translations from her.

Attached is the zipped 7 page PUBLISHED patent document of the Liang invention.  Each Page is in .tif format with diagrams.  Ms. Forever Yuen will try to translate them in the next few days.

Lawrence Tseung

Reasonable request Leads Out solid information

I really hope the translation provides more useful information.  I've been through the US patent process a few times and I can't imagine that the diagrams in this document would make the standard.  The diagrams really show nothing about the generator.  Unless this patent isn't for the generator technology itself, but for a generator device which can operate on a table and in multiple types of transport vehicles which using some mounting mechanism (figure 1). 

Figure 1 with what I call the "mounting mechanism" is really the only useful diagram.  In the US, the diagrams (or schematics) and flowcharts  are the primary source of information which someone who is skilled in the art would be able to use to construct an invention.  The text of the invention description is secondary. 

Interesting to see the results of the translation.  Very revealing (at least to me) of how the patent systems are different.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jeffc on August 18, 2007, 06:58:07 PM
Or perhaps, it shows how this generator could be used as a portable battery charger for electric vehicles.  Either way, it doesn't diagram the components of the generator itself. 

Ahh, no need to be impatient, time will tell.  I do very much appreciate the document being posted!    ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Iosh on August 18, 2007, 07:15:26 PM
Quote from: jeffc on August 18, 2007, 06:58:07 PM
Or perhaps, it shows how this generator could be used as a portable battery charger for electric vehicles.  Either way, it doesn't diagram the components of the generator itself. 
Ahh, no need to be impatient, time will tell.  I do very much appreciate the document being posted!    ;D
It's nice of Lawrence to post it and even nicer of Forever to have a go at translating it. Thank you both.
I wonder if China's Patent Office did "reserve" some information for themselves, namely the device diagrams?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: brnbrade on August 18, 2007, 08:17:02 PM
Brushless motor, IC controller.
No secret.
HardDisk Motor.
Google Brushless motor
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 19, 2007, 09:05:52 AM
The 18 Published China patents or patent applications by Dr. Liang.

We are focusing on the first one.  For those who want a more thorough insight into Dr. Liang and his patents, knowledge of all of them may be useful.

专利名称 Title of Invention
1    01123526.8     Ã¥Â®â€¡Ã¥Â®â,,¢Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¨Æ'½åŠ éâ,¬Å¸Ã§â€ÂµÃ¥Å Â¨Ã¦Å"ºè½¦è¾†  Cosmic Energy Car
2    200510132560.3     Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¨Æ'½å‘电æÅ"º  Cosmic Energy Electricity Generator
3    200510135191.3     Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¨Æ'½å‘电æÅ"ºåˆâ€"车  Cosmic Energy Car A
4    200610098923.0     Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¨Æ'½ç”µåŠ›æ‹â€"拉æÅ"º  Cosmic Energy Tractor
5    200610091059.1     Ã¥Å"°çÆ'电磁åÅ"ºèâ,¬Â¦Ã¥ÂË†Ã¥Ââ€˜Ã§â€ÂµÃ§Å¡â€žÃ¦Â°â€Ã¥Å¾Â«Ã©Â£Å¾Ã§Â¿Â¼Ã¨Ë†Â¹  Cosmic Energy Hoovercraft
6    200610098979.6     Ã¥Å"°ç£èâ,¬Â¦Ã¥ÂË†Ã¥Ââ€˜Ã§â€ÂµÃ§Å¡â€žÃ¥Ââ€¢Ã¤ÂºÂºÃ¤Â½Å½Ã§Â©ÂºÃ¥Â®â€°Ã¥â€¦Â¨Ã©Â£Å¾Ã¨Â¡Å'Ã¥â,,¢Â¨  Cosmic Energy Flying Machine for low attitude flight
7    200610000638.0     Ã¨Å â€šÃ¨Æ'½ãâ,¬ÂÃ¦â€" æ±¡æŸ“ãâ,¬ÂÃ§â€ÂµÃ¥Å â€ºÃ¦â€˜Â©Ã¦â€°ËœÃ¨Â½Â¦  Pollution free electric bike
8    200610002034.X     Ã¦â€" ç”µæ¶²ãâ,¬ÂÃ¦â€" æ±¡æŸ“ãâ,¬ÂÃ¥â€¦ÂÃ§Â»Â´Ã¦Å Â¤Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¥â€ºÂºÃ¤Â½â€œÃ¨Â¶â€¦Ã¥Â®Â¹Ã©Â«ËœÃ¨Æ'½?储电åâ,,¢Â¨?
Pollution free Electricity Storage device
9    200610098922.6     Ã¥Å"°ç£èâ,¬Â¦Ã¥ÂË†Ã¥Ââ€˜Ã§â€ÂµÃ§Å¡â€žÃ¨Â½Â®Ã¨Ë†Â¹  Cosmic Energy boat
10    200610007575.1     Ã¥Å"°å¿Æ'引力加éâ,¬Å¸Ã¨Â¿ÂÃ¥Å Â¨Ã¥Å Â¿Ã¨Æ'½è½¬æ¢ä¸ºæÅ"ºæ¢°èÆ'½è£…ç½®(引力发动æÅ"º)  Cosmic Energy Conversion device
11    200610057926.X     Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¨Æ'½å‘电æÅ"ºè½¿è½¦  Cosmic Energy Car 3
12    200610150142.1     Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¨Æ'½å·¥ç¨‹æÅ"ºæ¢°è½¦  Cosmic Energy truck
13    200610150141.7     Ã¤ÂºÂ¤Ã©â,¬Å¡Ã¥Â·Â¥Ã¥â€¦Â·Ã§Å¡â€žÃ§Â¼â€œÃ¥â€ Â²Ã¥Â®â€°Ã¥â€¦Â¨Ã¦Â¤â€¦  Safty seat in vehicles
14    200610150143.6     Ã¤Â¸ÂÃ¥â€¡ÂºÃ¨Â½Â¨Ã£â,¬ÂÃ¤Â¸ÂÃ§Â¿Â»Ã¥â,¬â€™Ã§Å¡â€žÃ©Â«ËœÃ©â,¬Å¸Ã¥Â®â€°Ã¥â€¦Â¨Ã¤ÂºÂ¤Ã©â,¬Å¡Ã¥Â·Â¥Ã¥â€¦Â·  High speed transport devices
15    200610078729.6     Ã¥Å"°çÆ'电磁åÅ"ºèâ,¬Â¦Ã¥ÂË†Ã¥Ââ€˜Ã§â€ÂµÃ¦Å"º  Cosmic Energy Electricity Generator 1
16    200610000603.7     Ã¥Â®â€¡Ã¥Â®â,,¢Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¨Æ'½ç”µåŠ›é£žè‰‡  Cosmic Energy Flying Saucer
17    200610002125.3     Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¥Ââ€˜Ã§â€ÂµÃ§Å¡â€žÃ¥Å¸Å½Ã¥Â¸â€šÃ¥ÂºÅ¸Ã¥Â¼Æ'物资源åÅ'â€"综合处理的创æâ€"°è®¾å¤‡ä¸Žè®¾æâ€"½  Cosmic Energy Waste disposal system
18    200330102792.6     Ã¥Å Â¨Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¦Å"º  Cosmic Energy Motor
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 19, 2007, 04:00:36 PM
China Patents or Patent Applications of Tseung et al


1    200510054958.X     Ã©â,¬Å¡Ã¨Â¿â€¡Ã¦Å'¯åŠ¨èŽ·åâ€"èÆ'½é‡çš„æâ€"¹æ³•åŠç³»ç»Ÿ  Lead Out Energy via vibrations
2    (Not relevant)
3    200510101434.1     Ã¤Â»Å½Ã¨Æ'½é‡åÅ"ºæŠ½åâ€"èÆ'½é‡çš„æâ€"¹æ³•åŠç³»ç»Ÿ  The Method and Apparatus to Lead Out Energy from Energy Fields
4    200510102187.7     Ã¤Â»Å½Ã©Ââ,,¢Ã¦â,¬ÂÃ§Â©ÂºÃ¦Â°â€Ã¤Â¸Â­Ã¦Å Â½Ã¥Ââ€"èÆ'½é‡çš„æâ€"¹æ³•åŠç³»ç»Ÿ  The Method and Apparatus to Lead Out Energy from Still Air
5    200510120813.5     Ã¥Ë†Â©Ã§â€Â¨Ã§Â£ÂÃ¥Å"ºæˆâ€"电子åÅ"ºä½Å"为动力的æâ€"¹æ³•åŠä½¿ç”¨è¯¥æâ€"¹æ³•çš„系统  The Method and Apparatus of using magnetic or electric fields to provide thrust (Flying Saucer)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jeffc on August 19, 2007, 06:11:58 PM
Quote from: brnbrade on August 18, 2007, 08:17:02 PM
Brushless motor, IC controller.
No secret.
HardDisk Motor.
Google Brushless motor


I'm guessing you've concluded this from Lawrence's description, not the patent document, correct?  (unless you can read Chinese or could see more from those patent figures than I could). Brushless motors have been around a long time, so if that is what has been described, then it is very unlikely there would be a valid patent claim.  On the other hand, it could be there was some sort of improvement to a standard brushless design that somehow increases efficiency using gravity. 

From the previous description provided by Lawrence, I cannot see how a brushless motor or anything similar could be described as powered by gravity. An enhancement to the standard brushless to increase efficiency is one thing, running completely from gravity force is something else. 

Hopefully more information will be forthcoming.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 19, 2007, 07:36:07 PM
Quote from: jeffc on August 19, 2007, 06:11:58 PM
Quote from: brnbrade on August 18, 2007, 08:17:02 PM
Brushless motor, IC controller.
No secret.
HardDisk Motor.
Google Brushless motor


I'm guessing you've concluded this from Lawrence's description, not the patent document, correct?  (unless you can read Chinese or could see more from those patent figures than I could). Brushless motors have been around a long time, so if that is what has been described, then it is very unlikely there would be a valid patent claim.  On the other hand, it could be there was some sort of improvement to a standard brushless design that somehow increases efficiency using gravity. 

From the previous description provided by Lawrence, I cannot see how a brushless motor or anything similar could be described as powered by gravity. An enhancement to the standard brushless to increase efficiency is one thing, running completely from gravity force is something else. 

Hopefully more information will be forthcoming.


The secret is Driving the rotation via Intelligent Chip's programmed Magnetic Interaction.  Such a pulsed rotation Leads out gravitational energy to produce an engine of 188 Horse Power without use of any fuel.  The axle is horizontal.

The starting battery can be recharged from the Lead Out gravitational energy.  The mass of the 188 Horse Power Engine was 28 Kilograms.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: brnbrade on August 19, 2007, 08:04:46 PM
@ltseung888 . @jeffc

That this I am speaking.
Brushless is that.
Doesn't matter how it is built.
It uses ICs to drive the coils.
I have a device based on this.
The difference is, I don't use mechanical turn, use virtual turn.
Virtual motor.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on August 19, 2007, 09:14:18 PM
Quote from: brnbrade on August 19, 2007, 08:04:46 PM
@ltseung888 . @jeffc

That this I am speaking.
Brushless is that.
Doesn't matter how it is built.
It uses ICs to drive the coils.
I have a device based on this.
The difference is, I don't use mechanical turn, use virtual turn.
Virtual motor.



I think you missed the main idea...Mr. Tseung is telling us that the motor has no coils.  All the magnetic force comes directly out of the ICs, he claims.  No electromagnets are used and (I think) no permanent magnets.  No coils of wire.  Just stainless rollers and IC chips.  Period. 

It sure sounds implausible to me but I don't guess we will get much more detail.  I long ago asked for data and/or manufacturer's name on these magical Chinese magnetic ICs, which he claims do have assigned part numbers.  Mr. Tseung has not responded. 

I think that anyone making such enormous, sweeping and impractical-sounding claims is responsible for answering specific simple questions, but Mr. Tseung does not appear to agree.  I say, with all due respect, Bah!   

@Ltseung888      Please, Mr. Tseung, correct me if I am not understanding your statements and enlighten me with some useful information about these ICs if I am.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Iosh on August 19, 2007, 09:29:58 PM
Well, if I understood it correctly, Lawrence basically says those so-called ICs are just reprogrammable magnetic chips.
Searching "magnetic chip" at Google gives a fair amount of related results.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on August 19, 2007, 09:53:38 PM
Quote from: Iosh on August 19, 2007, 09:29:58 PM
Well, if I understood it correctly, Lawrence basically says those so-called ICs are just reprogrammable magnetic chips.
Searching "magnetic chip" at Google gives a fair amount of related results.

I chased the first three pages worth...most are talking about mechanical conveyor belts to move chips of ferrous material, a few are about magnetic bubble chip memories.  None seem to say anything about an IC chip which simulates or behaves like a magnet where the external fields are programmable.

I suppose any chip inductor would do this, but that's just a common (if tiny) electromagnet, not an IC and certainly not an Intelligent Chip.  nice try...no cigar!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on August 20, 2007, 02:32:59 AM
Here is my layman 's translation of the first page of the Liang patent.  ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on August 20, 2007, 03:04:47 AM
Here is my layman 's translation of the second page of the Liang patent.   ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Iosh on August 20, 2007, 01:51:03 PM
Quote from: Humbugger on August 19, 2007, 09:53:38 PM
Quote from: Iosh on August 19, 2007, 09:29:58 PM
Well, if I understood it correctly, Lawrence basically says those so-called ICs are just reprogrammable magnetic chips.
Searching "magnetic chip" at Google gives a fair amount of related results.

I chased the first three pages worth...most are talking about mechanical conveyor belts to move chips of ferrous material, a few are about magnetic bubble chip memories.  None seem to say anything about an IC chip which simulates or behaves like a magnet where the external fields are programmable.

I suppose any chip inductor would do this, but that's just a common (if tiny) electromagnet, not an IC and certainly not an Intelligent Chip.  nice try...no cigar!
Wouldn't those IC chips be a stripped down version of the magnetoresistive memory microchips? http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/homepage.jsp?nodeId=015424&tid=FSH (http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/homepage.jsp?nodeId=015424&tid=FSH)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on August 20, 2007, 02:30:19 PM
Quote from: Iosh on August 20, 2007, 01:51:03 PM
Quote from: Humbugger on August 19, 2007, 09:53:38 PM
Quote from: Iosh on August 19, 2007, 09:29:58 PM
Well, if I understood it correctly, Lawrence basically says those so-called ICs are just reprogrammable magnetic chips.
Searching "magnetic chip" at Google gives a fair amount of related results.

I chased the first three pages worth...most are talking about mechanical conveyor belts to move chips of ferrous material, a few are about magnetic bubble chip memories.  None seem to say anything about an IC chip which simulates or behaves like a magnet where the external fields are programmable.

I suppose any chip inductor would do this, but that's just a common (if tiny) electromagnet, not an IC and certainly not an Intelligent Chip.  nice try...no cigar!
Wouldn't those IC chips be a stripped down version of the magnetoresistive memory microchips? http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/homepage.jsp?nodeId=015424&tid=FSH (http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/homepage.jsp?nodeId=015424&tid=FSH)

No.  The Freescale devices are, like all magnetic memory chips, nano-gauss devices whose field strengths involve orders of magnitude lower numbers than the weakest, wimpiest, tiniest refrigerator magnet known to mankind.  They are not in any way capable of or intended for creating motion-inducing external fields; in fact they are internally shielded to prevent even weak external fields from upsetting their content.

I believe that Mr. Tseung and Ms. Forever, and maybe the inventor, Mr. Liang, are not truly atempting to give out any genuine information about real inventions, sad to say.  I am open to any hard data or logical explanations, but all I hear so far is charming stories and wild technical claims...nothing at all specific or explanatory about these world-beating inventions. 

If these inventions are real to any degree, there has been no evidence presented yet, in my opinion, despite the many requests.  The Chinese patents, even when so graciously translated by the lovely and talented Ms. Forever Yuen, add nothing to further understanding...only more outrageous and seemingly-nonsensical claims.  It is hard to imagine those documents as protective of intellectual property, since they disclose none that I can detect.  Lots of undefined terms; no substance.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jeffc on August 20, 2007, 08:01:55 PM
Quote from: Forever on August 20, 2007, 02:32:59 AM
Here is my layman 's translation of the first page of the Liang patent.  ;D

Thank you very much for the translations.  This provides a LITTLE more information, but I certainly wish the patents provided more detail.  It is hard to believe how general the claims are. 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jeffc on August 20, 2007, 08:05:09 PM
Quote from: Forever on August 20, 2007, 03:04:47 AM
Here is my layman 's translation of the second page of the Liang patent.   ;D ;D

Also, thank you for your interpretation, which is helpful.  If someone could figure out what the ICs are and how they interact then perhaps this could be replicated. 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jeffc on August 20, 2007, 08:11:39 PM
Quote from: Humbugger on August 20, 2007, 02:30:19 PM
Quote from: Iosh on August 20, 2007, 01:51:03 PM
Quote from: Humbugger on August 19, 2007, 09:53:38 PM
Quote from: Iosh on August 19, 2007, 09:29:58 PM
Well, if I understood it correctly, Lawrence basically says those so-called ICs are just reprogrammable magnetic chips.
Searching "magnetic chip" at Google gives a fair amount of related results.

I chased the first three pages worth...most are talking about mechanical conveyor belts to move chips of ferrous material, a few are about magnetic bubble chip memories.  None seem to say anything about an IC chip which simulates or behaves like a magnet where the external fields are programmable.

I suppose any chip inductor would do this, but that's just a common (if tiny) electromagnet, not an IC and certainly not an Intelligent Chip.  nice try...no cigar!
Wouldn't those IC chips be a stripped down version of the magnetoresistive memory microchips? http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/homepage.jsp?nodeId=015424&tid=FSH (http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/homepage.jsp?nodeId=015424&tid=FSH)

No.  The Freescale devices are, like all magnetic memory chips, nano-gauss devices whose field strengths involve orders of magnitude lower numbers than the weakest, wimpiest, tiniest refrigerator magnet known to mankind.  They are not in any way capable of or intended for creating motion-inducing external fields; in fact they are internally shielded to prevent even weak external fields from upsetting their content.

I believe that Mr. Tseung and Ms. Forever, and maybe the inventor, Mr. Liang, are not truly atempting to give out any genuine information about real inventions, sad to say.  I am open to any hard data or logical explanations, but all I hear so far is charming stories and wild technical claims...nothing at all specific or explanatory about these world-beating inventions. 

If these inventions are real to any degree, there has been no evidence presented yet, in my opinion, despite the many requests.  The Chinese patents, even when so graciously translated by the lovely and talented Ms. Forever Yuen, add nothing to further understanding...only more outrageous and seemingly-nonsensical claims.  It is hard to imagine those documents as protective of intellectual property, since they disclose none that I can detect.  Lots of undefined terms; no substance.

I absolutely agree that this patent would not fly in the US or Europe.  The very purpose of a patent document, by definition, is that the invention can be easilly reproduced by someone with experience ("skill in the art") by following precise instructions.  It is not supposed to be a guessing game. 

That being said, the quality of the patent document doesn't provide any conslusions about the invention itself, only a glimps into differences in the western and Chinese patent process.  IF the US patent office would grant me a patent with this level of detail, I would have done it as well!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Iosh on August 20, 2007, 08:43:34 PM
Quote from: jeffc on August 20, 2007, 08:05:09 PM
If someone could figure out what the ICs are and how they interact then perhaps this could be replicated. 
Well, those seem to be nothing else than... electromagnets with memory of their magnetic state? How can such a simple device have not been invented yet? :P
Saving the differences with the MRAM, the concept seems to be the same. The question is how much power would require such an useable magnet to change its polarity.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on August 20, 2007, 09:33:00 PM
Quote from: Iosh on August 20, 2007, 08:43:34 PM
Quote from: jeffc on August 20, 2007, 08:05:09 PM
If someone could figure out what the ICs are and how they interact then perhaps this could be replicated. 
Well, those seem to be nothing else than... electromagnets with memory of their magnetic state? How can such a simple device have not been invented yet? :P
Saving the differences with the MRAM, the concept seems to be the same. The question is how much power would require such an useable magnet to change its polarity.

Dat's da question, all right!  And how would you create a high-gauss magnetic field of any orientation using only a tiny ultra-low power IC chip?  Those are the questions on the table here.  I await any good answers from our experts!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 21, 2007, 12:43:55 AM
Dear Forever,

Thank you for your translating the first two pages.  I am specially impressed with your interpretation of the second page reproduced below.

My (Forever Yuen) interpretation

There can be two cylinders. The inner cylinder can rotate and has one type of intelligent chips. It is also connected to the rotating axle. The outer cylinder does not rotate and contains another type of intelligent chips. ( In a later part of the patent, the two types of chips are refer to as China 3001 and China 3008) These chips are programmed to provide a pulse rotation.

Since the magnetic interaction is very small between two ICs. A large number of ICs are used. They are placed very close to each other.  Assume the magnetic interaction force between ICs is ?X?. Assume the total number of chips of one type is ?N?. Assume the rate of rotation is ?R?. If the diameter of the cylinder is ?D?. The energy is related to D times X times N times R. If typical value N= 700, R = 100 revolution per second, D= 0.5 meter . The total energy would be related to 35,000 times X. Even if the lead out energy is 50% of this amount, that energy is very significant.

This is the reason why a 188 horse power engine can be produced.

Please comment.

There are two comments I would like to make.  The first one is that the r=100 per second may be too high.  (6000 rpm).  I believe the more correct understanding is that r= 10 per second.  However, each IC may react with 10 other ICs in 1 revolution (If the 700 ICs are arranged in 10 rows).  The resulting number is still 100.

The second comment is that there are at least two more factors involved.  One is the mass of the rotating cylinder.  The other is the gravitational constant g.  The gravitational constant g can effectively be changed with your magnetic pendulum type setup.

Many chip experts know how to program the Hall Effect ICs and/or Magnetic ICs.  (I am NOT one of them.) However, few of those I know have ever thought about programming them to provide power.  They all wrongly applied the Law of Conservation of Energy.  They thought it would be pointless to use ICs to rotate the axle.  The energy loss and complications would not justify the effort.

The Tsing Hua University Professors and Students are the exceptions.  They believed in the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory after a half day explanation by Lee-Tseung-Wang.

I shall wait for you to finish translating more pages before additional comments.  Please keep up the good work.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 21, 2007, 02:29:12 AM
Phone Call with an Electrical and Electronics Expert

Tseung: "I am interested in whether there are intelligent chips that can be programmed to exhibit the effect of a North Pole, South Pole or No Pole."

Expert: "There are the well known Hall Effect ICs that can be used to detect the presence and strength of magnetic fields.  Why are you asking the question?"

Tseung: "In the Dr. Liang Patent, he quoted China 3001 and China 3008 ICs were used to pulse rotate a cylinder to generate power.  We have the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory you know about.  Can two chips be programmed to provide attraction or repulsion in theory?"

Expert: "I know you have good background in Computers.  Do you still remember the floppy disk?  The floppy disk uses magnetic technique to record the information. Your credit card also uses magnetic technique to record information. If you imagine two strips of magnetic material close together programmed to exhibit different magnetic poles, you get your attraction or repulsion.  I am not an expert on the China Chipset information as I never buy chips from China."

Tseung: "That is  great information already.  I shall share it with others on the Internet."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jeffc on August 21, 2007, 03:22:50 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 21, 2007, 12:43:55 AM
Dear Forever,

Thank you for your translating the first two pages.  I am specially impressed with your interpretation of the second page reproduced below.

My (Forever Yuen) interpretation

There can be two cylinders. The inner cylinder can rotate and has one type of intelligent chips. It is also connected to the rotating axle. The outer cylinder does not rotate and contains another type of intelligent chips. ( In a later part of the patent, the two types of chips are refer to as China 3001 and China 3008) These chips are programmed to provide a pulse rotation.

Since the magnetic interaction is very small between two ICs. A large number of ICs are used. They are placed very close to each other.  Assume the magnetic interaction force between ICs is ?X?. Assume the total number of chips of one type is ?N?. Assume the rate of rotation is ?R?. If the diameter of the cylinder is ?D?. The energy is related to D times X times N times R. If typical value N= 700, R = 100 revolution per second, D= 0.5 meter . The total energy would be related to 35,000 times X. Even if the lead out energy is 50% of this amount, that energy is very significant.

This is the reason why a 188 horse power engine can be produced.

Please comment.

There are two comments I would like to make.  The first one is that the r=100 per second may be too high.  (6000 rpm).  I believe the more correct understanding is that r= 10 per second.  However, each IC may react with 10 other ICs in 1 revolution (If the 700 ICs are arranged in 10 rows).  The resulting number is still 100.

The second comment is that there are at least two more factors involved.  One is the mass of the rotating cylinder.  The other is the gravitational constant g.  The gravitational constant g can effectively be changed with your magnetic pendulum type setup.

Many chip experts know how to program the Hall Effect ICs and/or Magnetic ICs.  (I am NOT one of them.) However, few of those I know have ever thought about programming them to provide power.  They all wrongly applied the Law of Conservation of Energy.  They thought it would be pointless to use ICs to rotate the axle.  The energy loss and complications would not justify the effort.

The Tsing Hua University Professors and Students are the exceptions.  They believed in the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory after a half day explanation by Lee-Tseung-Wang.

I shall wait for you to finish translating more pages before additional comments.  Please keep up the good work.


Thank you Lawrence, this is beginning to make more sense now.  Very interesting concepts.  I need to do some research on these ICs to better understand how they would be arranged.  Perhaps someone on this thread has experience with these?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 21, 2007, 03:40:21 AM
Quote from: jeffc on August 20, 2007, 08:11:39 PM
I absolutely agree that this patent would not fly in the US or Europe.  The very purpose of a patent document, by definition, is that the invention can be easilly reproduced by someone with experience ("skill in the art") by following precise instructions.  It is not supposed to be a guessing game. 

That being said, the quality of the patent document doesn't provide any conslusions about the invention itself, only a glimps into differences in the western and Chinese patent process.  IF the US patent office would grant me a patent with this level of detail, I would have done it as well!


These gentlemen are so full of themselves they only think of their postulates as 'Gospel'.
They forget the real world outside is not an 'opera' stage!
The US and European Patent Office will not even consider such things as patentable inventions! That's how far removed these guys are from reality...

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jeffc on August 21, 2007, 04:05:25 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 21, 2007, 02:29:12 AM
Phone Call with an Electrical and Electronics Expert

Tseung: "I am interested in whether there are intelligent chips that can be programmed to exhibit the effect of a North Pole, South Pole or No Pole."

Expert: "There are the well known Hall Effect ICs that can be used to detect the presence and strength of magnetic fields.  Why are you asking the question?"

Tseung: "In the Dr. Liang Patent, he quoted China 3001 and China 3008 ICs were used to pulse rotate a cylinder to generate power.  We have the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory you know about.  Can two chips be programmed to provide attraction or repulsion in theory?"

Expert: "I know you have good background in Computers.  Do you still remember the floppy disk?  The floppy disk uses magnetic technique to record the information. Your credit card also uses magnetic technique to record information. If you imagine two strips of magnetic material close together programmed to exhibit different magnetic poles, you get your attraction or repulsion.  I am not an expert on the China Chipset information as I never buy chips from China."

Tseung: "That is  great information already.  I shall share it with others on the Internet."

Write heads on magnetic media devices like floppy and disk drives.  Hmmm.  The magnetic field produced by modern hard drive heads is quite narrorow compared to floppies and early HDs.  And tape drive write heads are a bit different set of properties as well. 

Is the key here the relatively narrow magnetic fields as opposed to other methods which would create quite wide, perhaps "mushroom" shape fields?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on August 21, 2007, 07:28:59 AM
I found this on "magnetic chips":

Intelligent chips are harder; the name is used for
changing CD anbd DVD formats in some odd way.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on August 21, 2007, 10:17:44 PM

Interesting article about a very far out R&D effort on magnetic logic devices at nano-atomic scale.  Not, as described by Mr. Tseung, a device for producing or controlling working external magnetic fields and certainly not a commercial part-numbered device!  Thanks for the neat link, though!

@Ltseung888 et al:

"Many chip experts know how to program the Hall Effect ICs and/or Magnetic ICs.  (I am NOT one of them.) However, few of those I know have ever thought about programming them to provide power.  They all wrongly applied the Law of Conservation of Energy.  They thought it would be pointless to use ICs to rotate the axle.  The energy loss and complications would not justify the effort."  Lawrence Tseung quote

Still no idea what a "Magnetic IC" is from all this.  40 years designing electronic products using (and often finding innovative and unintended uses for) thousands of different IC chips...yet I've never heard of these!  Hall effect IC, sure, understand those...they do not produce controlled external magnetic fields; they simply detect them. 

Could the reference possibly be to simple chip inductors?  These are full of wire turns around ferrite or iron, typically, but I know of none that are "programmable" or "intelligent".  Typically, ICs are bits of silicon with metallization.  Other than the well-known magnetic field that occurs whenever current flows in any conductor, there are no silicon chips I'm aware of that are designed to produce external magnetic fields by themselves, without attachment to some external device like a write head or solenoid or speaker or discrete electromagnet.

There has been a direct statement made that these are a standard part-numbered device pair IC3001 and IC3008 made in China.  All searches for any such devices come up empty or non-related in any way to magnetics.

My questions remain unanswered:  What company makes these devices?  Is there any specific data available?  Are these commercially available devices?

If "Many chip experts know how to program these...magnetic IC's" is a true statement, then they must not be a secret or proprietary device.  Can you please tell us how to get some real manufacturer's data about these mysterious chips?  Simply repeating the same incredible claims a hundred times does not provide the needed information to evaluate and advance the application of this proclaimed new chip technology.

The continued lack of any verifiable source or engineering data specifics despite my repeated polite requests only adds to my skepticism that any such IC exists.  Belief or disbelief is not the issue here.  Making startling claims with zero tangible evidence is.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: brnbrade on August 21, 2007, 11:14:04 PM

Up to where my knowledge is.
Those magnetic chips have to be disturbed by external agent to work.
it is more efficient, doesn't make miracles

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on August 22, 2007, 04:24:58 AM
Here is my layman 's translation of the third page of the Liang patent.  ;D  ;D
There are three pages of description on the workings of the invention.
This is the first of the three pages..

There will be more juicy material to come..  :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on August 22, 2007, 05:39:46 AM
Here is my layman 's translation of the fouth page of the Liang patent. ;D

I included my programming logic.  :D

I believe you can do better! :P
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jeffc on August 22, 2007, 05:54:06 PM
Quote from: Humbugger on August 21, 2007, 10:17:44 PM

Interesting article about a very far out R&D effort on magnetic logic devices at nano-atomic scale.  Not, as described by Mr. Tseung, a device for producing or controlling working external magnetic fields and certainly not a commercial part-numbered device!  Thanks for the neat link, though!

@Ltseung888 et al:

"Many chip experts know how to program the Hall Effect ICs and/or Magnetic ICs.  (I am NOT one of them.) However, few of those I know have ever thought about programming them to provide power.  They all wrongly applied the Law of Conservation of Energy.  They thought it would be pointless to use ICs to rotate the axle.  The energy loss and complications would not justify the effort."  Lawrence Tseung quote

Still no idea what a "Magnetic IC" is from all this.  40 years designing electronic products using (and often finding innovative and unintended uses for) thousands of different IC chips...yet I've never heard of these!  Hall effect IC, sure, understand those...they do not produce controlled external magnetic fields; they simply detect them. 

Could the reference possibly be to simple chip inductors?  These are full of wire turns around ferrite or iron, typically, but I know of none that are "programmable" or "intelligent".  Typically, ICs are bits of silicon with metallization.  Other than the well-known magnetic field that occurs whenever current flows in any conductor, there are no silicon chips I'm aware of that are designed to produce external magnetic fields by themselves, without attachment to some external device like a write head or solenoid or speaker or discrete electromagnet.

There has been a direct statement made that these are a standard part-numbered device pair IC3001 and IC3008 made in China.  All searches for any such devices come up empty or non-related in any way to magnetics.

My questions remain unanswered:  What company makes these devices?  Is there any specific data available?  Are these commercially available devices?

If "Many chip experts know how to program these...magnetic IC's" is a true statement, then they must not be a secret or proprietary device.  Can you please tell us how to get some real manufacturer's data about these mysterious chips?  Simply repeating the same incredible claims a hundred times does not provide the needed information to evaluate and advance the application of this proclaimed new chip technology.

The continued lack of any verifiable source or engineering data specifics despite my repeated polite requests only adds to my skepticism that any such IC exists.  Belief or disbelief is not the issue here.  Making startling claims with zero tangible evidence is.


I've been wondering if the ICs could be similar to RFID components?  RFID tags are certainly programmable.  There are read and r/w versions, passive and active.  The reader component generates RF which hits the tag (transponder) providing both energy to run the rfid circuit and also to communicate.  A magnetic field is certainly created between the reader and tag.  I haven?t done enough with rfid beyond practicle implimentations to understand if it is possible to somehow dynamically vary the polarity of the field.  Perhaps vary the RF. 

Even so, the relative field strength would be low for standard passive tags.  Now the longer range active tags are powered (typically by battery) and therefore must generate a stronger field strength.  But, I still don?t know if there is any advantage using rfid technology in creating a magnetic motor.  The only thing I can think of is that their input power requirements are small. 

Perhaps their efficiency at generating a magnetic field with low current is coupled with whatever arrangement is being utilized by the invention (which I still cannot conceive at this point) to provide overunity.

Of course, all of this would be much easier if we just had a complete list of components and a schematic!  Oh well, I guess that would take all the fun out of speculation and mental gymnastics.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on August 22, 2007, 06:36:26 PM
Perhaps, but I do not see a reason for the "maintained mystery" except possibly to hide the fact that no such ICs actually exist and, like everything else quoted in these "patents", these magic IC3001/3008 devices are just a figment of someone's fantastic and unlimited imagination.

Programmable-field magnetic IC chip claims lead out earnest requests for hard data and name of chip supplier.

Said earnest requests lead out only endless further incredible claims and avoidance of the questions.

All of the above leads out further skepticism and distrust of Chinese storytellers.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: NerzhDishual on August 22, 2007, 06:52:33 PM

Yet Another Hamburger Acerbic Sarcasm (YAHAS)!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on August 22, 2007, 07:57:34 PM
All in good humor, of course!  It is only slightly frustrating, actually, since my expectations are extremely low in terms of receiving useful information.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on August 23, 2007, 12:24:06 AM
Quote from: Humbugger on August 22, 2007, 06:36:26 PM
Perhaps, but I do not see a reason for the "maintained mystery" except possibly to hide the fact that no such ICs actually exist and, like everything else quoted in these "patents", these magic IC3001/3008 devices are just a figment of someone's fantastic and unlimited imagination.

Even if these magical ICs existed, there would still be the question of whether it would take more energy to power the ICs than the ICs delivered via the making the magnetic watchamacallit spin.  But anyway, forget the ICs.  From now on, I am just going to power my house by turning all my stools upside down and putting bowls of water under them.   Look at them stools spin.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on August 23, 2007, 03:30:46 AM
Here is my layman 's translation of the fifth,sixth and seventh page of the Liang patent. 

I added some of my interpretation.
Actually, translation of patents is a very painful work! Don't ask me to translate  anymore.. ;D :o 8) ???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jeffc on August 23, 2007, 03:55:56 AM
Quote from: Forever on August 23, 2007, 03:30:46 AM
Here is my layman 's translation of the fifth,sixth and seventh page of the Liang patent. 

I added some of my interpretation.
Actually, translation of patents is a very painful work! Don't ask me to translate  anymore.. ;D :o 8) ???

Thank you for taking the time to translate the patent text.  The information about the size and output of the motors is quite promising.  I hope that we can discover more information about the motor so that all of this makes sense in the near future. 

I do hope that the Chinese company is able to make a public display of these vehicles so that we can get some sort of confirmation that this has truely been developed into a working model.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jeffc on August 23, 2007, 04:00:12 AM
Quote from: Humbugger on August 22, 2007, 07:57:34 PM
All in good humor, of course!  It is only slightly frustrating, actually, since my expectations are extremely low in terms of receiving useful information.


Your posts are great!   ;D

Nothing wrong with pessimism when you keep it balanced.  You always ask important, strait forward questions.  Just what we need.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on August 23, 2007, 04:22:08 AM
Quote from: jeffc on August 23, 2007, 03:55:56 AM

Thank you for taking the time to translate the patent text.  The information about the size and output of the motors is quite promising.  I hope that we can discover more information about the motor so that all of this makes sense in the near future. 

I do hope that the Chinese company is able to make a public display of these vehicles so that we can get some sort of confirmation that this has truely been developed into a working model.


Dear Jeffc,

In our previous post, we showed the video of the Chao car filmed by CCTV10. CCTV10 is the official chinese TV news network.

I also have a very long Dr. Liang car video. I shall edit it to a suitable size and share with you and others in this forum.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 23, 2007, 08:56:16 AM
Quote from: Forever on August 23, 2007, 04:22:08 AM

Dear Jeffc,

In our previous post, we showed the video of the Chao car filmed by CCTV10. CCTV10 is the official chinese TV news network.

I also have a very long Dr. Liang car video. I shall edit it to a suitable size and share with you and others in this forum.


Dear Forever,

Thank you for your great work.  Once scientists accept that pulsed rotation can Lead Out gravitational energy, they will ask whether mechanical means work.  An example is the Chas Campbell Electrical Energy Magnifier.

I put more information in:

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gyulasun on August 23, 2007, 05:47:10 PM
Dear Forever,

Thank you for taking the burden of translating from Chinese to English I do appreciate your hard work!

Regarding the Figures in the patent, would it be possible for you to upload Figs. 1 and 2 here?  Figs. 1 and 2 would be enough for me I think.  Of course I do not expect much detail from the figures because the patent text does not include much either (such are the wordings of most patents...)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 23, 2007, 07:21:00 PM
Gaby suggested a list of Chinese Inventors working on Cosmic Energy. Please see:



Great Idea, Gaby. The following is a start:

(1) Sung Tim Fat 宋添çâ,,¢Â¼ - First and Second Generation of Cosmic Energy machines

(2) Liang Xingren 梁星人 - Pulse Rotation with ICs

(3) Chao Ching San 曹青山 - Improvement on Liang with banks of Batteries

(4) Lee Cheung Kin and Lawrence Tseung 李長建ï¼Å'蔣æÅ'¯å¯§ - Lead Out theory

(5) Tsing Hua University 清華大學 - Electricity Magnifier that can magnify 30 times.

(6) Wini Woo and Bill Fong - The Flying Saucer

(7) Wang Shum Ho 王沈河 - The Ferro-liquid + permanent Magnets Electricity Generator

I shall also list the over 40 inventors related to Cosmic Energy Machines from the China Patent Database. I have not checked every one of them yet.

Lawrence Tseung
Good suggestions Lead Out hard work
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 24, 2007, 03:57:13 AM
Phone call with Lee Cheung Kin who just came back from Japan.

Lee: "You guys should hurry up.  The Japanese Company is producing a range of Cosmic Energy Products.  I have the pictures and product literature.  They are in Japanese.  I shall get my wife to translate them first.  The President and other senior staff plan to come and visit us and General Magnetic."

Tseung: "I believe their product is what we call the fourth generation.  It uses flux changes only.  It is different from the TPU in that it is based on AC current acting on setup similar to the transformer.  The US has a similar patent from Tom Beardon et al.  If they are in production, they should be better than our Lee-Tseung-Sung device."

Lee: "Why are you wasting your time educating the nonbelievers on the Internet?  When the products come out, there will be no dispute.  It is a matter of months now."

Tseung: "We want to benefit the World.  The first group that will benefit are the existing Over Unity Developers.  They are the first ones to accept the Lee-Tseung theory.  Almost all of them puzzled over the source of their energy.  They saw the extra output energy.  I am in contact with many Over Unity Inventors outside China.  I believe General Magnetic already contacted the most promising ones in China."

Lee: "Wang is one of the nine vice presidents of General Magnetic.  I assume that there might be nine promising ones from China.  Lee-Tseung do not have prototypes but we have the theory.  I know that you do not need and want any money.  But I do need money, money and money."

Tseung: "Wang mentioned that we might become Consultants of the Company General Magnetic.  The existing cash asset is RMB13 billion.  When the Company goes International IPO in 2008, the asset is likely to exceed RMB 130 billion.  There will be multiple Cosmic Energy Machine products.  He thinks that your chance of receiving RMB 100 million is excellent.  He also mentioned that your name and mine are being nominated to receive the Nobel Prize and other similar ones."

Lee: "With that, I can take any insult."

Lawrence Tseung
Japanese Success Leads Out more dedication from the Chinese Scientists.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Iosh on August 24, 2007, 10:03:57 AM
Hm, isn't it "surprising" that two of the countries which are greatly dependant on energy importing are the ones who will seemingly be the leading ones in developing and marketing alternative energy means?

No, it is not.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 24, 2007, 10:52:29 AM
Quote from: Iosh on August 24, 2007, 10:03:57 AM
Hm, isn't it "surprising" that two of the countries which are greatly dependant on energy importing are the ones who will seemingly be the leading ones in developing and marketing alternative energy means?

No, it is not.

What surprised me was the willingness of the Japanese Company coming to Hong Kong and China.  There may be possible coorperation between China and Japan.

Well, I never understood Politics.  Let others shine.

The only way I know how to deal with insults is to ignore them.  Similar to Galileo, if the Earth is round, why worry about who objects (including the whole clergy and the Pope.)  It may take them 300 hundred years to change their point of view.  Lee-Tseung does not have 300 years to wait. (3 years is likely, 30 years is very doubtful, 300 is beyond reality).

Lawrence Tseung
Success in China and Japan Leads Out possible coorperation of the Cosmic Energy Development Organizations.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: sevich on August 24, 2007, 11:20:50 AM

You've been aroung for a little over a while now on this forum and wish to remind you that you've been thrown off  www.besslerwheel.com forum due to your unproven "free energy" methods. (bullshit)

You've stated that all free energy ideas are freely given to the Chinese Government to use as they see fit (or something to that regard)

You seem very suspicious to me and I wish to know why you're so trusting of the (untrusting) Chinese Communist Government ???  ??? ???

Tell me.....Are you being paid to do this ?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 24, 2007, 05:42:23 PM
Quote from: sevich on August 24, 2007, 11:20:50 AM

You've been aroung for a little over a while now on this forum and wish to remind you that you've been thrown off  www.besslerwheel.com forum due to your unproven "free energy" methods. (bullshit)

You've stated that all free energy ideas are freely given to the Chinese Government to use as they see fit (or something to that regard)

You seem very suspicious to me and I wish to know why you're so trusting of the (untrusting) Chinese Communist Government ???  ??? ???

Tell me.....Are you being paid to do this ?

Thank you for raising a very good point.  I shall give you a bit of history, the Cosmic Energy information first appeared on several Hong Kong and China based websites.  Those got "bombed".  It could be hacker activity (or more likely CIA or the Like).

I then put information on http://www.energyfromair.com/  We had difficulty in updating information. (We are still investigating why.)

Then I tried forums managed by others:
(1) You can go to the fraud section of http://www.besselwheel.com and still see the over 300 posts from ltseung888.  They banned me.

(2) You can go to http://www.steorn.com/forum and still see the over 500 posts from ltseung888.  Some entire threads were deleted.  Steorn said that they did not do it.  The total posts should be greater than 800.
They sunk my posts and thread after their London Failure.

(3) Stefan invited me to join this forum.  I expect the "unseen" hand will be at work to ban me again.  (Remember, the CIA or the Like tricked us to believing them as representing the Chinese Government once before.)  It would not surprise me if a few professional debunkers are here at this Forum.

(4) Gaby invited me as a moderator in his forum http://forum.go-here.nl.  I am starting to post there.

(5) Soon, the Public Relationship people from General Magnetic or the Japanese Company with huge resources will take over.  They will have actual products to sell.  Lee and I can go fishing.

I am a Chinese born in Hong kong.  I worked in USA for decades and I am a US Citizen.  I helped to train the first group of Chinese Computer Experts when I worked at Digital Equipment Corporation in Boston in late 1970.  I was accused as a spy by some people.  Doing a good job has its bad consequence!

My goal is to benefit the World and help to create the New Order.  Please see http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?t=13 for details.

As I stated many times before, I do not need nor seek any money.  All financial benefits to me should be given to the "Helping Seedlings to Innovate" Foundation.  Wang said that General Magnetic would not mind supporting such a worthy cause.  That is good enough for me.

Lawrence Tseung
Ignorance Leads out Stoning of the Prophets
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 24, 2007, 08:30:11 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on August 23, 2007, 05:47:10 PM
Dear Forever,

Thank you for taking the burden of translating from Chinese to English I do appreciate your hard work!

Regarding the Figures in the patent, would it be possible for you to upload Figs. 1 and 2 here?  Figs. 1 and 2 would be enough for me I think.  Of course I do not expect much detail from the figures because the patent text does not include much either (such are the wordings of most patents...)


Please see my post at

Figure 1 and 2 are on page 6.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 24, 2007, 10:32:14 PM
Quote from: sevich on August 24, 2007, 11:20:50 AM

You've been aroung for a little over a while now on this forum and wish to remind you that you've been thrown off  www.besslerwheel.com forum due to your unproven "free energy" methods. (bullshit)

You've stated that all free energy ideas are freely given to the Chinese Government to use as they see fit (or something to that regard)

You seem very suspicious to me and I wish to know why you're so trusting of the (untrusting) Chinese Communist Government ???  ??? ???

Tell me.....Are you being paid to do this ?


Like you, I first started reading the stuff Lawrence Tseung wrote a few months ago, most willing to try understand where whis gentleman was coming from. The more I read, the more I understand what hallucinations means in reality.

John Nash (in the Beautiful Mind movie) was a brilliant mathematician with a mental disorder known as Schizophrenia. The CIA was supposedly after him, people were opposed to his findings etc etc. Yet John Nash in his own rights proved himself with a genius of a mathematical mind.

What did Mr. Tseung accomplish? Lead out more and more BS everytime! Does Lawrence have schizophrenia? I don't think so. But he is clearly delusional.

Talk about professional CIA debunkers, spies etc etc. It's not like you were working at Los Alamos designing the atomic bomb. What does working at DEC in the 1970's contribute to special interest to classify you as a spy? It's only PDP computers for goodness sake! Don't amplify your own qualifications and significance.

Also what does being Chinese working in America for many years got to do with all these? I'm Chinese and I don't give a hoot about what the Chinese Goverment does because I choose to live and owe my allegiance to the country I adopted as my own. Who you are and what you can meaningfully contribute has nothing to do with your race. It is no wonder you don't fit in this free society.

Please spare us these other BS about how great all these Chinese inventions are. They really meant nothing until they are proven. Just like your many many posts and your banning from other forums, it is because you have not learn to differentiate truth and delusion! It's not about CIA debunkers or stoning of the Prophets. It's really all about your own delusions! I recommend you renting the 'Beautiful Mind' movie rather than writing more crap.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 24, 2007, 11:29:51 PM
Perpetual Motion Machine Patent or Patent Applications from the China Patent Database.

I used the Chinese Characters 永动æÅ"º as keyword to search on the Chinese Patent Database.  I got 60 hits.  56 were invention patents.  It demonstrates that the dogma of "perpetual motion machines are not possible because of the law of conservation of energy" is less severe in China.  The first page is listed.

I deliberately do not add any translation.  This gives your Chinese friends a chance to shine (or to get a drink or a dinner from you!)

您现åÅ"¨çš„位置: é¦â€"页 > 专利æ£â,¬Ã§Â´Â¢ > æÅ"索结æžÅ"
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1    02104966.1     Ã¦Å"ºç”µç£æ•°æ¨¡å¾ªçŽ¯å¼åŠ¨åŠ›æÅ"º 
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6    97101208.3     Ã§Â£ÂÃ¥Å â€ºÃ¦Â°Â¸Ã¥Å Â¨Ã¦Å"º 
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8    97101371.3     Ã¦Â°Â¸Ã§Â£ÂÃ¥Ââ€˜Ã¥Å Â¨Ã¦Å"º 
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15    94107176.6     Ã§Â£ÂÃ¦â,¬Â§Ã¦Â°Â¸Ã¥Å Â¨Ã¦Å"º 
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17    94107644.X     Ã¦Â°Â¸Ã¥Å Â¨Ã¦Å"º 
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19    93114240.7     Ã¦Â°Â¸Ã¥Å Â¨Ã¦Å"ºåˆ¶éâ,¬Â Ã¦Å â,¬Ã¦Å"¯ 
20    97107032.6     Ã¥Â¹Â¿Ã¤Â¹â€°Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¦ÂºÂÃ¦Å"º 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 25, 2007, 01:17:39 AM
See the posting by Stefan Hartmann:

Looks like the Newman Machine is ready for the closed loop demonstration.  I sincerely hope that it will not suffer the same fate as Steorn.

We already explained its workings via the Lee-Tseung Theory.  Thus it can be another confirmation of the Lee-Tseung Theory in USA!

The debunkers do not need to go to China to see working Cosmic Energy Machines.

Lawrence Tseung
Newman Machine Leads Out World Acknowledgement of Cosmic Energy Machines.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 26, 2007, 10:51:28 AM
I went to the Watoto Youth Concert this morning and was deeply touched.  The children were from Uganda.  They lost one or both parents because of AIDS.  They found hope in the Watoto organization.
The website is http://www.watoo.com/.

There is a plan for me in my old age.  The plan is to give the younger generation hope and future.   Lee and I wanted to benefit the World.  The Concert this morning gave new purpose and urgency.  We can indeed benefit the World with our Lead-Out Theory.  The many Over Unity Inventors now do not need to worry about the Law of Conservation of Energy Roadblock.

We know that we have to introduce the New Order to the World.  The President of USA cannot do it.  The Pope cannot do it.  The Cosmic Energy developers can do it.  For details of the New Order, see

Lawrence Tseung
The Watoto organization Leads Out compassion and sense of urgency from the Old Man.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on August 27, 2007, 03:23:47 AM
I uploaded the Dr. Liang Car Video. ;D


The video consisted of the following:

1.It was done on 28 October, 2003 in the presence of many Chinese officials and scientists.

2.The hoot of the car was opened and the engine consisting of a starting battery and a pulsed rotated cylinder could be seen.

3.A belt is connected to the central shaft. This shaft rotated to provide power.

4.The controlling electronics are at the back of the car.

5.The car was first jacked up so that the engine could be shown rotating without the car moving.

6.The car had a very simple control. It could either go forward or backward. There were no gears to shift.

7.The visitors were invited to sit in the car and drove around the flat surface.

8.This video must not be used for investment purposes. It is straightly for scientific discussion only.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on August 27, 2007, 04:47:45 AM
I have also uploaded the electrical energy magnifier from TsingHua University. :D


1. The video was done on 4 January 1996.

2. The electrical input was magnified 30 times.

3. The input energy was A.C. power from the local power company. The power was fed to a starting motor. The starting motor is then connected via a belt arrangement to the energy magnifier.

4. The energy magnifier consisted of three cylinders.(The Chas Campbell Device from Australia at three wheels.)

5.The output energy was used to support the entire factory.

6.No output energy was fed back to input as that mechanism had not been perfected.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on August 27, 2007, 08:33:27 AM
Great footage, thanks for the update.

They seem awfully exited. (I wont ask you to translate  :D )
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on August 27, 2007, 11:26:20 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 25, 2007, 01:17:39 AM
We already explained its workings via the Lee-Tseung Theory.  Thus it can be another confirmation of the Lee-Tseung Theory in USA!

So the Newman machine will work so long as it sits on an upside-down stool atop a bowl of water?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 28, 2007, 03:12:16 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 24, 2007, 03:57:13 AM
Tseung:... He also mentioned that your name and mine are being nominated to receive the Nobel Prize and other similar ones."

Lee: "With that, I can take any insult."

As far as I am aware of, Nobel prizes have never been awarded to delusionist!

It's not the 'insults' you need to worry about. You need to see a psychiatrist.

It's pretty obvious you can't tell reality from make-believe!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on August 28, 2007, 03:53:24 AM
Two huge useless movies.
Such a waste of bandwidth!

One movie is presumably showing an electric car with the batteries in the trunk. If that huge block of so-called ?electronics? does not contain batteries then it surely contains another kind of chemical-electrical converter of some sort. Two huge fans are needed to cool it. And the motor in front is a regular 3-phase one. Electronics are in the box near-by, in the front (not in the back). Probably a dc-ac three phase converter.

The other movie is showing an electric motor turning a machine. Probably an ordinary electric generator under various tests.

What?s the excitement there about, anyway?
Well, in the first movie it may be because of the ?electric nature? of the car. Remember that electric cars are relatively new.
In the second movie, there is not much of an excitement at all.

The question is what the excitement here is about?!

?Lack of solid arguments leads out more useless movies.?

Have a nice day everyone,
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on August 29, 2007, 01:46:14 AM
Dear tinu,shruggedatlas,and others

Thanks for your comments. However, I do not agree with what you are saying.
Firstly, you said that they were two useless movies. The inventors poured in sweat and blood to invent. You have not played with actual inventions. If you were one of the patent evaluators or one of the participating professors at Tsinghua University or Beijing University, you would have a different prospective.

I understand why you think it is just an empty talk. When an invention is not a product yet, there will be speculations. Some of these inventions may even be regarded as fairytales.

Let us take the example of going to the moon. In China, there was a fairytale about a beautiful lady(常娥). She ate the forever-living pill of her emperor husband. She had double dosage and became light and rose to the moon. This is also the origination of Mid- Autumn Festival which will come up a few weeks. ;D In Greek Mythology, Icaria flew too close to the Sun and his wax wings melted. It was usually assumed that flying to the moon was impossible.

Even in the 20th century after the inventions of the airplanes, some scientists regarded going to the moon as not possible. They applied the Newtonian Physics on a single stage rocket. Now we know that it is possible with multi- stage rockets.

We can compare the Cosmic Energy Machines with going to the moon. I believe in the Cosmic Energy Machines because:

1. I have already done an experiment related to extracting Cosmic Energy. In this experiment, I proved that magnetic energy could be extracted in the same way as gravitational energy. It is a very simple experiment, but it confirms a very important theory. This is the replacement of the simple pendulum with the magnetic pendulum.

2. The Lee- Tseung Theory uses the? boat in clam water and a good sunshine? scenario. It clearly shows that Cosmic Energy does not violate the law of conservation of energy.   

3. There is so much evidence to support the theory. Just like you, I didn?t believe the Cosmic Energy Machines initially. However, the more I understand the theory, the more convinced I become.

4.I am in the better position than you because I can read and write Chinese. I have searched the China patent database. I have the 180 pages document from Dr. Liang Xingren. I have the unedited videos. I have a copy of the 2006 China Venture Capital Forum document in front of me. In this Official document, the Cosmic Energy Machine was ranked as number one. I also have the pictures of Lee- Tseung at Tsinghua University.

5.If the top professor at Tsinghua University accepted the theory and made Lee- Tseung ?Wang guest lecturers, I took the theory seriously. I did the mathematics multiple times. I explained the theory and the maths to my many friends. I have sent many emails to academic and economic institutions. 

6. I am sure the products will be out shortly. I shall have the privilege of seeing the early prototypes as a helper of Tseung. When the products come out and generate electricity in front of the world, more people will be convinced. When you buy one in your house, and never pay electricity bills again, you will be convinced too.

;D :D ;) :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jeffc on August 29, 2007, 02:00:06 AM
Quote from: Forever on August 29, 2007, 01:46:14 AM
Dear tinu,shruggedatlas,and others

Thanks for your comments. However, I do not agree for what you are saying.
Firstly, you said that they were two useless movies. The inventors poured in sweat and blood to invent. You have not played with actual inventions. If you were one of the patent evaluators or one of the participating professors at Tsinghua University or Beijing University, you would have a different prospective.

I understand why you think it is just an empty talk. When an invention is not a product yet, there will be speculations. Some of these inventions may even be regarded as fairytales.

Let us take the example of going to the moon. In China, there was a fairytale about a beautiful lady(常娥). She ate the forever-living pill of her emperor husband. She had double dosage and became light and rose to the moon. This is also the origination of Mid- Autumn Festival which will come up a few weeks. ;D In Greek Mythology, Icaria flew too close to the Sun and his wax wings melted. It was usually assumed that flying to the moon was impossible.

Even in the 20th century after the inventions of the airplanes, some scientists regarded going to the moon as not possible. They applied the Newtonian Physics on a single stage rocket. Now we know that it is possible with multi- stage rockets.

We can compare the Cosmic Energy Machines with going to the moon. I believe in the Cosmic Energy Machines because:

1. I have already done an experiment related to extracting Cosmic Energy. In this experiment, I proved that magnetic energy could be extracted in the same way as gravitational energy. It is a very simple experiment, but it confirms a very important theory. This is the replacement of the simple pendulum with the magnetic pendulum.

2. The Lee- Tseung Theory uses the? boat in clam water and a good sunshine? scenario. It clearly shows that Cosmic Energy does not violate the law of conservation of energy.   

3. There is so much evidence to support the theory. Just like you, I didn?t believe the Cosmic Energy Machines initially. However, the more I understand the theory, the more convinced I become.

4.I am in the better position than you because I can read and write Chinese. I have searched the China patent database. I have the 180 pages document from Dr. Liang Xingren. I have the unedited videos. I have a copy of the 2006 China Venture Capital Forum document in front of me. In this Official document, the Cosmic Energy Machine was ranked as number one. I also have the pictures of Lee- Tseung at Tsinghua University.

5.If the top professor at Tsinghua University accepted the theory and made Lee- Tseung ?Wang guest lecturers, I took the theory seriously. I did the mathematics multiple times. I explained the theory and the maths to my many friends. I have sent many emails to academic and economic institutions. 

6. I am sure the products will be out shortly. I have the privilege of seeing the early prototypes as a helper of Tseung. When the products come out and generate electricity in front of the world, more people will be convinced. When you buy one in your house, and never pay electricity bills again, you will be convinced too.

;D :D ;) :)

Thank you Forever, for you continued help in providing information.  From the videos, it is not easy to determine what is actually being presented, so it will be hard for people on this forum to accept without more detail concerning each component shown as part of the motors. 

If you are correct about products being released soon, then there will be proof soon enough. 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on August 29, 2007, 08:06:04 PM
Quote from: Forever on August 29, 2007, 01:46:14 AM
Firstly, you said that they were two useless movies. The inventors poured in sweat and blood to invent. You have not played with actual inventions. If you were one of the patent evaluators or one of the participating professors at Tsinghua University or Beijing University, you would have a different prospective.

Sorry, but the videos are useless.  Neither one shows any evidence of a closed loop.  This is the whole problem with these inventions.  They claim on paper they are overunity, but when you actually try to use the energy output as the input, some "engineering problem" occurs.  Gee, is the engineering problem related the fact that there simply is not enough output to be used as input?

Let us take the example of going to the moon. In China, there was a fairytale about a beautiful lady(常娥). She ate the forever-living pill of her emperor husband. She had double dosage and became light and rose to the moon. This is also the origination of Mid- Autumn Festival which will come up a few weeks. ;D In Greek Mythology, Icaria flew too close to the Sun and his wax wings melted. It was usually assumed that flying to the moon was impossible.

I cringe at the use of an Internet acronym, but it is so appropriate here.  WTF?  You are talking about fairy tales.  Not all fairy tales come true.  Going to the moon is possible, yes.  But what about Alladin and the magic lamp?  Do you think if we all work and research enough, we can make a magic lamp that contains a genie that will grant us wishes?

QuoteI believe in the Cosmic Energy Machines because:

1. I have already done an experiment related to extracting Cosmic Energy. In this experiment, I proved that magnetic energy could be extracted in the same way as gravitational energy. It is a very simple experiment, but it confirms a very important theory. This is the replacement of the simple pendulum with the magnetic pendulum.

To date, no one has extracted gravitational energy to produce a power generator.  Yes, you can drop something, and it will fall, and thereby convert its potential energy to kinetic.  But it is a one time deal, and invariably, it takes more energy to lift the object back than what was generated, so no go on the overunity.  If magentism is no better than gravity, this is not of itself promising.

Quote2. The Lee- Tseung Theory uses the? boat in clam water and a good sunshine? scenario. It clearly shows that Cosmic Energy does not violate the law of conservation of energy.   

The boat in calm water and good sunshine is an analogy, that is all.  Yes, if you had a solar generator, you could use it to power the boat.  However, you have not shown how gravitational energy can be captured in the same manner as solar energy, and until that happens, the boat scenario is an analogy that does not apply.  I can make up any number of analogies to contradict your analogy, and until one of use proves that a particular analogy actually applies, none of them are relevant.

Quote4.I am in the better position than you because I can read and write Chinese. I have searched the China patent database. I have the 180 pages document from Dr. Liang Xingren. I have the unedited videos. I have a copy of the 2006 China Venture Capital Forum document in front of me. In this Official document, the Cosmic Energy Machine was ranked as number one. I also have the pictures of Lee- Tseung at Tsinghua University.

True, you have us at a disadvantage there, with your knowledge of Chinese.  However, I read your translations.  These describe the invention in such vague terms, there is no way to test the theory.  The patent refers to ICs which may or may not exist.  Even if they do exist, there is no evidence that they create overunity.  To the extent the ICs can be used toggle magnetic fields, they will probably consume more energy than they create through the rotation of whatever doohicky they act on.  I admit I may be wrong about this last bit, but I think we all agree that the burden is on the inventor to show overunity.

Quote6. I am sure the products will be out shortly. I shall have the privilege of seeing the early prototypes as a helper of Tseung. When the products come out and generate electricity in front of the world, more people will be convinced. When you buy one in your house, and never pay electricity bills again, you will be convinced too.

I agree with you that proof is in the pudding, and I will be the first to eat crow if this happens.  However, your fervent belief, without something as basic as a video of a working prototype, is not convincing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on August 29, 2007, 08:23:11 PM
G'day all,

Even if there was a convincing video, what would that prove? That Godzilla is real?

Let us have some technical drawings of a device, sufficiently detailled to allow replication and then, and only then, can we be certain it is not smoke and mirrors.

Hans von Lieven giggles and shakes his head.

Exit stage left :-)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 29, 2007, 09:06:17 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on August 29, 2007, 08:23:11 PM
G'day all,

Even if there was a convincing video, what would that prove? That Godzilla is real?

Let us have some technical drawings of a device, sufficiently detailled to allow replication and then, and only then, can we be certain it is not smoke and mirrors.

Hans von Lieven giggles and shakes his head.

Exit stage left :-)

As Jeffc and Forever suggested, the best strategy is to have actual products on the Market.  When the skeptic buys and uses the Cosmic Energy Electricity Generator and pays no electricity bills, the dust will settle down.  That is being done by "huge resource" Companies.

My purpose in posting is not to try to convince the skeptics or the debunkers.  It was pointed out to me multiple times - that would be close to impossible without actual products.

The Wang device with theory and all components exposed would not do the job.  Why waste more time?

My purpose in posting is:

(1) Convince the Chinese Government to take a look at the working prototypes. (We succeeded in the case of Wang.)

(2) Promote the Lee-Tseung theory to the Over Unity Developers.  They do not need to worry about the COE Roadblock anymore.

(3) Have material ready for the International Reporters when ANY of the Over Unity Inventions is confirmed outside China. 

(4) We are in touch with inventors such as Joseph Newman, Milkovic, Liang, Chao etc.  Their success is our success and vice versa.  We are working on the win-win scenario.

(5) We want to benefit the World.  We want to give direction and hope to the younger generation, especially the African Nations suffering from the effect of AIDS.

(6) We do not just talk technical.  We also advocate the New Order.  Please see:

Lawrence Tseung
Posting Leads Out direction and hope to the younger generation
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on August 29, 2007, 09:29:05 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 29, 2007, 09:06:17 PM

(2) Promote the Lee-Tseung theory to the Over Unity Developers.  They do not need to worry about the COE Roadblock anymore.

This is a noble goal and probably the only one you could possibly accomplish by posting here, but as the poster above just pointed out, without detailed specifications, it is impossible to try the theory out, so your efforts at promotion are hitting a roadblock.

Moreover, I have a fundamental problem with your statement that there is no need to worry about violating the COE principle.  In the boat in calm water scenario, you analogize solar energy with gravitational energy, and thereby make the logical leap that if using solar energy does not violate the law of COE, then neither does using gravitational energy.

However, you ignore the key difference that Solar energy is not infinite, while gravity is.  As we all know, the sun gives off energy in the form of radiation, and this energy can be captured and used by us, and the reason the law of COE is not violated is that the sun's energy is slowly being depleted.  Are you therefore suggesting that by emitting gravity, the earth's matter is somehow being depleted?  And if so, isn't it inherently dangerous to use gravity as a power source?  What happens when we run out of gravity?

Luckily, based on everything we know about gravity, every piece of mass inherently projects a gravitational pull, just by the fact that it is mass.  And by projecting gravity, it is in no way losing its mass as result.  So being able to tap this infinite source of "energy" to actually produce excess power would violate the law of COE, and therefore the underlying principle of your theory is flawed.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 29, 2007, 10:26:29 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on August 29, 2007, 09:29:05 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 29, 2007, 09:06:17 PM

(2) Promote the Lee-Tseung theory to the Over Unity Developers.  They do not need to worry about the COE Roadblock anymore.

This is a noble goal and probably the only one you could possibly accomplish by posting here, but as the poster above just pointed out, without detailed specifications, it is impossible to try the theory out, so your efforts at promotion are hitting a roadblock.

Moreover, I have a fundamental problem with your statement that there is no need to worry about violating the COE principle.  In the boat in calm water scenario, you analogize solar energy with gravitational energy, and thereby make the logical leap that if using solar energy does not violate the law of COE, then neither does using gravitational energy.

However, you ignore the key difference that Solar energy is not infinite, while gravity is.  As we all know, the sun gives off energy in the form of radiation, and this energy can be captured and used by us, and the reason the law of COE is not violated is that the sun's energy is slowly being depleted.  Are you therefore suggesting that by emitting gravity, the earth's matter is somehow being depleted?  And if so, isn't it inherently dangerous to use gravity as a power source?  What happens when we run out of gravity?

Luckily, based on everything we know about gravity, every piece of mass inherently projects a gravitational pull, just by the fact that it is mass.  And by projecting gravity, it is in no way losing its mass as result.  So being able to tap this infinite source of "energy" to actually produce excess power would violate the law of COE, and therefore the underlying principle of your theory is flawed.

Great, this gives a chance for me to reproduce one of the discussions with a Member of the Chinese Academy of Science.

Member A: "Will the gravitational energy or the electron motion energy be exhausted if we keep using them?"

Lee: "Gravitational Attraction exists whenever there is mass.  We are being pulled in multiple directions by various masses.  These masses include the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the Stars and even you and I.  If you move, the force of attraction between you and I actually does work.  Work = Force x Displacement.  Work requires Energy. In other words, we are exchanging gravitational energy constantly with our surroundings."

Member A: "I accept that we are immersed in gravitational fields.  I also accept that we are having constant exchange of gravitational energy due to movement of near and distant masses.  These are Newtonian Physics accepted by almost all Physicists.  However, my question is whether such gravitational energy is theoretically infinite?  Will heavy and constant use of such energy exhaust this energy source?"

Tseung: "This leads to the bigger picture of the entire Universe.  We know that there are Black Holes that attract masses and light.  We know that there is the Big Bang theory that explains the expanding universe.  We also believe that some scientists already proposed a non-steady state Universe.  There are multiple Black Holes and multiple Bangs.  Mass and Energy are constantly being interchanged.  If the entire Universe is dynamic, I do not see an exhaustion of gravitational energy."

Member A: "How about electron motion energy?  You included magnetic, electric, electromagnetic energies as electron motion energies.  Gravitational Energy is attraction only.  Electron Motion Energy can be repulsion."

Tseung: "Unless electrons stop spinning and fall into the nucleus, there will be electron motion energy.  I do not think that you will deny that we are also immersed in magnetic, electrostatic, electromagnetic fields.  Sunlight is only one form of electromagnetic waves.  We have constant interchange with Sunlight and such electron motion energy."

Member A: "I have to admit that you do have logic.  I have seen the working prototypes of Liang and Wang.  I and my colleagues could not come up with a good theory.  Let me think more about it."

*** Many Forum members, including Stefan Hartmann, already observed over unity effects (e.g. his Newman Motor prototype produced 135% Output  from 100% input.) outside China.  My posts will give them encouragement.  I shall refine my TPU article shortly.  The TPU does not violate COE. ***

*** If you do not believe the Lee-Tseung Theory, you better come up with an alternative when any of the Over Unity Inventions are confirmed outside China.  There are multiple confirmations within China and the inventors with prototypes already got support.***

Lawrence Tseung
Working Prototypes Lead Out the need to re-examine established theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 29, 2007, 11:05:21 PM
I found the FAQ on Black Holes by Ted Bunn most educational.



Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on August 29, 2007, 11:07:07 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 29, 2007, 10:26:29 PM
Mass and Energy are constantly being interchanged.  If the entire Universe is dynamic, I do not see an exhaustion of gravitational energy."

This is my entire point.  If gravitational energy cannot be exhausted, then extracting energy from gravity does violate the principle of COE.  Where is the extra energy coming from, if no matter or other type of energy is being depleted?

If you want to go ahead and say that your theory violates the principle of conservation of energy, then fine, say that.  I would be skeptical of the design, but hey, if it works, then I am wrong.  What I am objecting to is the dishonesty of claiming your theory does not violate the principle of CoE, when it clearly does.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on August 30, 2007, 04:32:34 AM
I have put a lot of explanation of the Liang video as doc format in the following.


Enjoy it!!  ;D :D :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on August 30, 2007, 04:48:13 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on August 29, 2007, 11:07:07 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 29, 2007, 10:26:29 PM
Mass and Energy are constantly being interchanged.  If the entire Universe is dynamic, I do not see an exhaustion of gravitational energy."

This is my entire point.  If gravitational energy cannot be exhausted, then extracting energy from gravity does violate the principle of COE.  Where is the extra energy coming from, if no matter or other type of energy is being depleted?

If you want to go ahead and say that your theory violates the principle of conservation of energy, then fine, say that.  I would be skeptical of the design, but hey, if it works, then I am wrong.  What I am objecting to is the dishonesty of claiming your theory does not violate the principle of CoE, when it clearly does.


Have you not yet perceived that in this thread sensible logical argument is simply ignored and answered with further irrational claims (usually involving cute stories, Chinese cartoon characters and enormous disappointing downloads)? 

It's no use here to ask for actual information or to make eloquently clear arguments.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on August 30, 2007, 06:27:22 AM
I have put in much detail in the attached file related to the Tsinghua electricity magnifier.;D

It is very similar to the Chas Campbell device from Australia. The Tsinghua video was done on 4 January 1996.  ;D

Enjoy it! :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 30, 2007, 04:24:51 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on August 29, 2007, 11:07:07 PM

This is my entire point.  If gravitational energy cannot be exhausted, then extracting energy from gravity does violate the principle of COE.  Where is the extra energy coming from, if no matter or other type of energy is being depleted?

If you want to go ahead and say that your theory violates the principle of conservation of energy, then fine, say that.  I would be skeptical of the design, but hey, if it works, then I am wrong.  What I am objecting to is the dishonesty of claiming your theory does not violate the principle of CoE, when it clearly does.

Dear shruggedatlas,

Let me first state CoE as I understand it.  The Law of Conservation of Energy states that Energy cannot be created or destroyed.  Energy can only change from one form to another.  I agree with this statement.

When we apply this Law, we need to consider a closed system. We must consider the Total Energy Going into this system (The Input Side).  There may be work done; energy loss (e.g. energy changed to heat); and Energy Going out from this system.

Mathematically, the following equation is useful to us:
The Total Energy In = The Total Energy Out (include work done, loss)

In the case of a boat in calm water and good sunshine, the Total Energy Going into the system should be (at least):
(1) Human Muscle Energy
(2) Energy due to Sunlight (a form of electromagnetic wave)
(3) Energy due to Wind (assumed none in calm waters)
(4) Energy due to Current (assumed none in calm waters)
(5) Energy due to gravitational attraction (*** this was often ignored as non-relevant)
(6) Energy due to electron motion (*** this was often ignored as non-relevant)

Now, focus on the concept of a closed system.  A person might know a little about science.  He might ignored items (2) to (6) because he could not use them.  He might wrongly apply the CoE and concluded that he must use muscle energy to move the boat.  He might even wrongly claim that he was in a closed system.

A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.  A top scientist looking at the above scenario will say, "The boat is NEVER in a closed system."  The person should never claim that he applied the Law of Conservation of Energy in a closed system.

If a way were found to use (2) Sunlight, CoE would not be violated.  It was never applicable in the first place!

If a way were found to use (5) Gravitational Energy, CoE would not be violated.  It was never applicable in the first place!

If a way were found to use (6) Electron Motion Energy, CoE would not be violated.  It was never applicable in the first place!

Please go to the Http://www.steorn.com/forum and search for CoE under topics.  Thousands of posts were devoted to this topic.  You can refine the search by looking at the ltseung888 posts.

Regards and enjoy your reading,

Lawrence Tseung
CoE questions Lead Out thousands of posts in the Steorn Forum
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on August 31, 2007, 01:15:21 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 30, 2007, 04:24:51 PM
If you want to go ahead and say that your theory violates the principle of conservation of energy, then fine, say that.

Dear shruggedatlas,

Let me first state CoE as I understand it.  The Law of Conservation of Energy states that Energy cannot be created or destroyed.  Energy can only change from one form to another.  I agree with this statement.

Science is not a state of agreement, you need to empirically observe stuffs and make the evidence hold with the claims. Conversation of energy floats on Noether's theorem's constantaneous symmetries stuffs which may not seem to represent the real flow of reality IMHO but the likes of such is not something you can just agree with but something that requires to be understood first. One can not agree with something one does not understand.

I don't understand it at all. - LOL - I have asked a lot of people online how this theorem explains the universe and it makes no sense to me. I'm thus not really in title to say I support this theory or that I reject it. I'm still looking for someone who can explain the logical gist I seem to be missing.

Do you really understand the theorem?

Is there any skeptic available who can explain it in simple words to an idiot like myself? Where in the formula does the miracle happen? ???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 31, 2007, 10:28:06 PM
I have put further discussion related to CoE in:


Have fun.  ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 31, 2007, 11:21:57 PM
Quote from: Humbugger on August 30, 2007, 04:48:13 AM


Have you not yet perceived that in this thread sensible logical argument is simply ignored and answered with further irrational claims (usually involving cute stories, Chinese cartoon characters and enormous disappointing downloads)? 

It's no use here to ask for actual information or to make eloquently clear arguments.


These eastern philsophers obviously think they still live in the Confucian era where poetry and play acting are sufficient to impress the masses about their supposedly fool-proof postulates.

The real world is very different. The western world measures real values through a rigorous process of substantiating proofs. These guys are NUTS!

I wouldn't take these dreamers and delusionists seriously.

Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: Mr.Entropy on August 31, 2007, 11:26:31 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on August 31, 2007, 01:15:21 AM
Conversation of energy floats on Noether's theorem's constantaneous symmetries stuffs which may not seem to represent the real flow of reality IMHO
I have asked a lot of people online how this theorem explains the universe and it makes no sense to me.
Is there any skeptic available who can explain it in simple words to an idiot like myself? Where in the formula does the miracle happen? ???

Well, Gaby,

Energy is not what it used to be, and the law of conservation thereof no longer tells us very much about the universe at all.Ã,  As you say, the law derives from Noether's theorem.Ã,  This is a mathematical theorem, i.e., it's about math, not physics.Ã,  It works like this:

Lets say you have a system (the universe, or any isolated system) whose state can be represented by some number of variables.

You have a set of mathematical rules, the "laws of physics", that describe how the system evolves from one state to future states.

If those laws have a representation in Lagrangian mechanics (a particular way of expressing them as the minimization of an integral over time) AND those laws are time-invariant (state q0 at t=0 evolves to state q1 at t=1 means that state q0 at t=x evolves to state q1 at t=x+1, for all x), THEN, by Noether's theorem, there is a quantity (some function of the system's state variables) that those laws will keep constant in the system over time.

That quantity is what we call energy these days...Ã,  REGARDLESS of which laws we're using or what variables we're including in the isolated system.

As we discover and modify our physical laws, our best definition of energy -- what it actually is that is conserved, i.e., that function of the state variables we're considering -- changes.Ã,  Most famously, when we consider E=mc^2, it now includes mass.Ã,  It includes a lot of things, but as long as we can find a Lagrangian formulation for our laws of physics, then there is SOMETHING we can call energy that is conserved over time.

So when some physicists tell you that they have faith in the conservation of energy, they're telling you that:

a) They accept the mathematical proof of Noether's theorem; and

b) They believe that the laws of physics will continue to be expressible in a time-invariant Lagrangian form.

And they'd probably be right.Ã,  The thing is, of course, that this "energy" that is conserved isn't the energy we learned about in grade school, i.e., the "ability to do work".Ã,  It is some "bunch of stuff" plus the "ability to do work", and if that bunch of stuff includes something we don't care about that can be reduced without significant bounds, well, then the "ability to do work" can grow without significant bounds for "free".

So, even if the laws of physics don't allow for "free energy" today, as long as we continue to discover new things about the universe, the definition of "energy" will continue to change, and you can have hope that free energy will emerge as a possibility even though the law of conservation of energy remains inviolate.

Hope that helps,

Mr. Entropy
Title: Re: The Conversation of Energy
Post by: gaby de wilde on September 01, 2007, 07:37:35 PM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on August 31, 2007, 11:26:31 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on August 31, 2007, 01:15:21 AM
Conversation of energy floats on Noether's theorem's constantaneous symmetries stuffs which may not seem to represent the real flow of reality IMHO
I have asked a lot of people online how this theorem explains the universe and it makes no sense to me.
Is there any skeptic available who can explain it in simple words to an idiot like myself? Where in the formula does the miracle happen? ???

Well, Gaby,

Energy is not what it used to be, and the law of conservation thereof no longer tells us very much about the universe at all.  As you say, the law derives from Noether's theorem.  This is a mathematical theorem, i.e., it's about math, not physics.  It works like this:

Lets say you have a system (the universe, or any isolated system) whose state can be represented by some number of variables.

You have a set of mathematical rules, the "laws of physics", that describe how the system evolves from one state to future states.

If those laws have a representation in Lagrangian mechanics (a particular way of expressing them as the minimization of an integral over time) AND those laws are time-invariant (state q0 at t=0 evolves to state q1 at t=1 means that state q0 at t=x evolves to state q1 at t=x+1, for all x), THEN, by Noether's theorem, there is a quantity (some function of the system's state variables) that those laws will keep constant in the system over time.

That quantity is what we call energy these days...  REGARDLESS of which laws we're using or what variables we're including in the isolated system.

As we discover and modify our physical laws, our best definition of energy -- what it actually is that is conserved, i.e., that function of the state variables we're considering -- changes.  Most famously, when we consider E=mc^2, it now includes mass.  It includes a lot of things, but as long as we can find a Lagrangian formulation for our laws of physics, then there is SOMETHING we can call energy that is conserved over time.

So when some physicists tell you that they have faith in the conservation of energy, they're telling you that:

a) They accept the mathematical proof of Noether's theorem; and

b) They believe that the laws of physics will continue to be expressible in a time-invariant Lagrangian form.

And they'd probably be right.  The thing is, of course, that this "energy" that is conserved isn't the energy we learned about in grade school, i.e., the "ability to do work".  It is some "bunch of stuff" plus the "ability to do work", and if that bunch of stuff includes something we don't care about that can be reduced without significant bounds, well, then the "ability to do work" can grow without significant bounds for "free".

So, even if the laws of physics don't allow for "free energy" today, as long as we continue to discover new things about the universe, the definition of "energy" will continue to change, and you can have hope that free energy will emerge as a possibility even though the law of conservation of energy remains inviolate.

Hope that helps,

Mr. Entropy

Yeah, that was way out there dude. hehehe Weiw It like confirms all my prejudgements I was trying to suppress. I thank you for the accurate layman explanation.

As an inventor things just don't get pseudoscientific enough for me.

I will explain even tho I know the consequences :D The thing is zero point energy proves that an equilibrium doesn't exist. The system may want to go there but it never actually gets there. ha-ha!

If we are not going to honestly measure the flows of our so called energy content at each stage of the translation but rather assume it's always the same we are never going to figure it out.  Maybe it was not the physics idea to ignore how the universe works. Maybe we are just spinning some old wheel?

I will tell you that every reaction that ever happened in this universe influenced every other reaction, every particle was a crucial ingredient to make it the way it is today. Analog is really analog and nothing else. One should appreciate what analog means.

What it means is best illustrated with an example.

Say you drop a stone 10 kg from a height of 73 cm.... ..... then that changes everything! The planet will resonate as a whole, the solar system will then vigorously shake as a direct result thereof! Then the galaxy! And eventually you will have absolutely changed the universe as a whole! Nothing will ever be the same again. Equilibrium just doesn't happen in a million years.

So I envision the whole principal of equating things to be wrong. Say there are 3 or more sides to an equation, all with a starting figure and a constant factor of change. Like 3 or more magnets magnetising each other. We already have perpetual motion at the micro and the macro scale. This cant be that hard? LOL! Unless of course everyone is trained to be ignorant up to the point of aggressively attacking the innocent and harmless inventors. Like that the person ain't going to figure out anything, it's not like I have to guess to know. :(

You know that Lenz law stuffs right? What my most limited understanding can bake of it is that if an electromagnet is attracting a permanent magnet it is squeezed together. If it's repelling one it's wants to expand.

[- +] (-) squeeze

[- +] (+) expand

But what if we make a 3 way equation and have the electromagnet both pull and push at the same time!

[- +] (+) [- +]

Now we get 2 times the work and most of the coil is outside the permanent magnetic flux. It just doesn't draw more current and it doesn't create less electromagnetic flux either.


It's a little less complicated as the Newman motor, Joe Newman used 1 magnet with the coil around it, that way there are 4 interactions with the magnets for each pulse.

Jet, if everything really has to be conservative.... Take a coil and a pm, you get just as much energy back into the coil as that what you put in to attract the pm. There is no way of getting the pm off the coil without making this electricity. The kinetic energy loss from departure is the same as the gain from approach. No energy was used but the mass sure moved, people also call this SMOT ramps (adds pun) There is not much to equate with 3 points of interaction. The reaction forces are very different in size as that what goes in. It may just be a hypothesis I can show you quite good proofs of it. ;)

Thanks again for explaining the theorem.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 01, 2007, 08:28:40 PM
Getting ready for the Chas Campbell Device Videos from Ash:


Hi Lawrence,
many thanks for posting this video (on Tsing Hua University Electricity Magnifier) and all your explanation.

Well, what did happen since 1996 with this invention ?
Why hasn?t it being made more public ?

Unfortunately form this video you can not see any
output versus input measurements, so
we have to believe you that it is the way you claim it.

Is anybody working now still on this principle in China ?
Will there soon be more convincing presentations in China ?

Many thanks for bringing news from the China energy research to
over here.
As China is a very big country and is in need now for very big energy
to continue its modernisation growth
it would be good if your industry would use green energy instead of polluting
fossil fuel energy...

So please try to spread the word in China about free energy and alternative
technology by inviting many Chinese people who can speak English
to come over here.
Many thanks for your great efforts.
Regards, Stefan.
Well, what did happen since 1996 with this invention ?
Why hasn?t it being made more public ?

(1) The initial reaction from the Scientific Establishment was that the Inventor was only "stealing" electricity from the local electricity company.
(2) The inventor was over 80 years old and did not have a strong academic training.  He initially refused to show the details inside the cylinders.  That caused much distrust and conflict with the Tsing Hua University Professors.
(3) Initial effort without detailed information on the cylinders could not reproduce the result.  There were much speculation just like what is happening on this overunity forum.
(4) When Tsing Hua University could not come up with a good theory to explain the source of energy, it was in a state of "research".
(5) Tsing Hua University accepted the Lee-Tseung theory in one day after Lee Cheung Kin and myself went to Beijing and provided the detailed explanations in Oct 2006.

Is anybody working now still on this principle in China ?
Will there soon be more convincing presentations in China ?

(1) When Lee-Tseung went to Tsing Hua University, we also brought Wang Shum Ho.  Wang had a very interesting invention using the coupling of ferro-liquid and rotating permanent magnets.  That invention could generate 5 KW of electricity. (http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/wang3a.htm)
(2) Tsing Hua University then thought of putting the two inventions together.  5KW x 30 = 150 KW.  That amount of power would be sufficient for most villages and small factories.
(3) On January 15, 2007, the Wang device was demonstrated in front of 5 Chinese Officials.  Dozens more demonstrations followed.
(4) In June 2007, Wang informed me that a Chinese Company (General Magnetic 磁æâ,,¢Â®) had been formed.  The initial target was to raise RMB6 billion but they got RMB13 billion in a matter of hours. 
(5) General Magnetic got a number of Cosmic Energy Machine projects together.  Wang was made one of the nine vice presidents.
(6) Lee Cheung Kin devoted his effort in China to convince the top Academics that the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory could explain all the known Cosmic Energy Inventions (or Over Unity Inventions).  Six were conclusively demonstrated in China.  He got invited to Japan to consult on the flux change only device.
(7) I continued the posting outside China and worked on the theory of the Magneto Propulsion Unit (MPU) for the Flying Saucer.  To my amazement, there was the Nanjing UFO video on youtube.  That was an almost exact implementation of the Woo-Fong-Tseung patent.

*** I believe General Magnetic plans to go International IPO in 2008.  There will be multiple Products before the IPO.  The known working prototypes include: EBM, Japanese Flux Change Device, Liang Car, Chao Car, Tsing Hua University Electricity Magnifier, 225 HP Pulse Motor, Wang Shum Ho Device, (Nanjing Flying Saucer?), and many variations of the Magnetic Pulse Motors.   From our misdealings with CIA or the Like, we believed that USA knew all the above.  The unannounced (top secret) funding in USA is likely to be much more than RMB13 billion.

Lawrence Tseung
Chas Campbell Leads Out the first conclusive OU demonstration supported by the overunity forum members.
Title: Re: The Conversation of Energy
Post by: Mr.Entropy on September 02, 2007, 10:55:32 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on September 01, 2007, 07:37:35 PM
But what if we make a 3 way equation and have the electromagnet both pull and push at the same time!

[- +] (+) [- +]

Now we get 2 times the work and most of the coil is outside the permanent magnetic flux. It just doesn't draw more current and it doesn't create less electromagnetic flux either.

You've gotta give the physicists their due.  Getting free energy is impossible as long as nature works according to the known laws of physics.  This can be proven mathematically, and physicists do that math, so believe them when they tell you it is so.  (Don't listen to the foul-mouthed skeptics, though -- they don't know what they're talking about any more than you do).

What that means is that it's NO GOOD doing thought experiments, trying to find some arrangement of stuff that makes free energy according to the known laws of physics.  There are no such arrangements.  If you think you imagine some way that the laws allow it, like the example above, then you're just mistaken (no shame in that!) and you might want to figure out why it isn't so.

With the particular example above, it's because the forces on the electrons moving in the coil from each of the nearby magnets add linearly, i.e., the effect of magnet1 + magnet2 is the same as (effect of magnet1) + (effect of magnet2).  Since the energy you get out or put in as the coil moves is proportional to the total force, the energy effects from both magnets are also simply added.  If you can't get free energy out of 1 magnet, then you can't get it out of 2 or any number of them.

This is called linear superposition, and many physical laws work that way.

So, trust the physicists to tell you the implications of the known laws of physics.  If you want to find free energy, you must do real experiments, and you must observe something that behaves COUNTER to the known laws or that just isn't adequately covered by the known laws.  And by the principle of superposition, the laws that describe magnetism, gravity, kinetics, etc., cover all configurations of the basic elements, no matter how many there are, or how cunningly they are arranged.

It's a little less complicated than the Newman motor [...]

You know, I generally like the free energy believers a lot more than I like the skeptics.  It breaks my heart that they can get so confused.

I've seen several Newman demos, for example, and it's clear that he just doesn't know what power is.  He's worked so hard on those demonstrations, but they show nothing.  It's tragic, whether he has anything or not.

I hope somebody has something.


Mr. Entropy
Title: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: ltseung888 on September 02, 2007, 11:12:18 PM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on September 02, 2007, 10:55:32 PM

What that means is that it's NO GOOD doing thought experiments, trying to find some arrangement of stuff that makes free energy according to the known laws of physics. 


I've seen several Newman demos, for example, and it's clear that he just doesn't know what power is.  He's worked so hard on those demonstrations, but they show nothing.  It's tragic, whether he has anything or not.

I hope somebody has something.


Mr. Entropy

Dear Mr. Entropy,

I noticed that you are new to this forum.  But from your posts, I believe you do have a much stronger Physics and Mathematics background than most.

My goal is to benefit the World.  I welcome you to comment on the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory.  If you desire to have less "noise", we can go to http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?t=18 where I have moderator privilege.

The first topic I would solicitate your opinion on is:
The boat in calm water and good sunshine scenario.



Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on September 03, 2007, 04:46:10 AM
Welcome aboard, Mr. Entropy!
My full respects to your posts and views!

Quote from: ltseung888 on September 02, 2007, 11:12:18 PM

I noticed that you are new to this forum.  But from your posts, I believe you do have a much stronger Physics and Mathematics background than most.

My goal is to benefit the World.  I welcome you to comment on the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory... 

Yes, finally that?s a good point, Mr. Tseung.
A rare good point...

Hopefully Mr. Entropy will have a look at your work (http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/Taiwan2a.files/frame.htm) and post a second opinion.
Mine is the same as previously posted here and it will ever be so. You twist around and massacre known and simple equations (it?s the same with the water-air-pump, not just with the so-called ?lead-out? theory), making a lot of elementary but also subtle mistakes, probably at least some on them purposely done to fit your obscure purposes.

Maybe you want to ?test? also Mr. Entropy? lol

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: sevich on September 03, 2007, 08:46:44 AM
I don't understand as to why Stefan hasn't shut down this topic/thread ? ..... so much talk and boastfulness by Itseung888 with no proof to back it up ? ...it's just going on and on and on and on...

what's my point you may ask ?  ........well, nearly every idea on this forum Itseung888 will describe as incorporating HIS "lead-out theory" and...bla...bla...bla...

I really admire Stefans patience with (Itseung888)...I also try to familiarize myself with the sad reality of this hopeless episode/situation. Getting way out of human control in that (Itseung888) was allowed to leave (lead-out) the state psychiatric ward, cell block No 6.  While feeling extremely cold, suicidal and hungary (Itseung888) stumbling along highway 101 helplessly but desperetly finds a new meaning of life and somehow discovers "lead out theory".  Whilst squatting at the local library he stumbles across overunity.com. Ahha!!...now he can release all his (free Neg energy) & psycotic fantasies of gradour to the poor and unsuspecting. In a desperate bid to offload all his bubbling bullshit which was just under the surface waiting for a presidential release. FINALLY it needing to free itself whilst ignoring and reckelesly infecting the rest of the innocent "overunity.com" populase.........bla...bla...bla...

hope i'm not out of line? :P

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: argona369 on September 03, 2007, 09:51:23 AM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on September 03, 2007, 08:05:01 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 29, 2007, 10:26:29 PM
Great, this gives a chance for me to reproduce one of the discussions with a Member of the Chinese Academy of Science.

Member A: "Will the gravitational energy or the electron motion energy be exhausted if we keep using them?"

Lee: "Gravitational Attraction exists whenever there is mass.  We are being pulled in multiple directions by various masses.  These masses include the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the Stars and even you and I.  If you move, the force of attraction between you and I actually does work.  Work = Force x Displacement.  Work requires Energy. In other words, we are exchanging gravitational energy constantly with our surroundings."

Member A: "I accept that we are immersed in gravitational fields.  I also accept that we are having constant exchange of gravitational energy due to movement of near and distant masses.  These are Newtonian Physics accepted by almost all Physicists.  However, my question is whether such gravitational energy is theoretically infinite?  Will heavy and constant use of such energy exhaust this energy source?"

Tseung: "This leads to the bigger picture of the entire Universe.  We know that there are Black Holes that attract masses and light.  We know that there is the Big Bang theory that explains the expanding universe.  We also believe that some scientists already proposed a non-steady state Universe.  There are multiple Black Holes and multiple Bangs.  Mass and Energy are constantly being interchanged.  If the entire Universe is dynamic, I do not see an exhaustion of gravitational energy."

Member A: "How about electron motion energy?  You included magnetic, electric, electromagnetic energies as electron motion energies.  Gravitational Energy is attraction only.  Electron Motion Energy can be repulsion."

Tseung: "Unless electrons stop spinning and fall into the nucleus, there will be electron motion energy.  I do not think that you will deny that we are also immersed in magnetic, electrostatic, electromagnetic fields.  Sunlight is only one form of electromagnetic waves.  We have constant interchange with Sunlight and such electron motion energy."

Member A: "I have to admit that you do have logic.  I have seen the working prototypes of Liang and Wang.  I and my colleagues could not come up with a good theory.  Let me think more about it."

*** Many Forum members, including Stefan Hartmann, already observed over unity effects (e.g. his Newman Motor prototype produced 135% Output  from 100% input.) outside China.  My posts will give them encouragement.  I shall refine my TPU article shortly.  The TPU does not violate COE. ***

*** If you do not believe the Lee-Tseung Theory, you better come up with an alternative when any of the Over Unity Inventions are confirmed outside China.  There are multiple confirmations within China and the inventors with prototypes already got support.***

Lawrence Tseung
Working Prototypes Lead Out the need to re-examine established theory.

Great, this gives me a chance to reproduce one of the discussions I too have seen:

Narrator: In A.D. 2101, war was beginning.
Handsome Boy A: What happen ?
Pretty Girl B: Somebody set up us the bomb.
Handsome Boy B: We get signal.
Handsome Boy A: What !
Pretty Girl A: Main screen turn on.
Handsome Boy A: It's you !!
Politician: How are you gentlemen !!
Politician: All your base are belong to us.
Politician: You are on the way to destruction.
Handsome Boy A: What you say !!
Politician: You have no chance to survive make your time.
Politician: Ha Ha Ha Ha ....
Handsome Boy B: Captain !! *
Handsome Boy A: Take off every 'ZIG' !!
Handsome Boy A: You know what you doing.
Handsome Boy A: Move 'ZIG'.
Handsome Boy A: For great justice.

Setting up us the bomb Leads Out all your base to belong to us.
Title: Chas Campbell Devices
Post by: ltseung888 on September 03, 2007, 09:43:49 PM
Chas Campbell Devices

Chas Campbell has two devices.  One is a Bessler type perpetual motion wheel with moving balls.  One is the Electricity Magnifier.

This is a perfect test for the Lee-Tseung Theory outside China.  We can help to improve both devices with suggestions - giving out the theoretical explanations using the Lee-Tseung Theory at the same time.

It will be done in a step-by-step fashion in this forum.  The total overview and various predictions will be in the http://forum.go-here.nl.  This is done to benefit the World.

Lee Cheung Kin said: "Why do you educate the nonbelievers?  They will not give you money, fame or support.  There will be cheers and jeers.  Without the products, you get more jeers."

Tseung: "Wang and others are perfecting the products.  They do not need us at present.  Giving out knowledge will not diminish our knowledge.  There are over 7,000 views on this thread already.  I just want to have fun in sharing the knowledge and benefit the World. "

Lee: "You are NUTS.  If you want to take the abuse and insults, go ahead."

Lawrence Tseung
Chas Campbell Devices Lead Out Fun for Tseung and Benefits to the World
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hardcoreboater on September 04, 2007, 12:55:26 AM
personally i think you're full of it, mr tseung...you and wang shum ho both.  we have yet to see any of your devices in action and your claim to have successfully demonstrated the technology "in front of 5 chinese officials" does not satisfy me.  if you want anyone to take you seriously then you should release some footage either of the "mysterious stool experiment" or of the generator in motion, itself.  but, hey, good luck to you...you obviously seem to be quite talented at perpetuating this lie.  I for one won't believe in this technology until it is replicated or released to the public, so stop wasting everyone's time.
Title: Re: The Conversation of Energy
Post by: gaby de wilde on September 04, 2007, 03:00:28 PM
Mr. Entropy, I put my reply here at the top of my outbox.

I have put 2 of the videos here here. so that you can view them easy.

TsingHua University - electrical energy magnifier (http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?t=76)

Dr. Liang Car Video (http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?t=75)

lets see how much bandwidth you can use up. lol
Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: Mr.Entropy on September 04, 2007, 11:44:59 PM
Hi Lawrence,

Quote from: ltseung888 on September 02, 2007, 11:12:18 PM
The first topic I would solicitate your opinion on is:
The boat in calm water and good sunshine scenario.

Well, you are quite right that the boat is not a closed system, and that the law of conservation of energy does not imply that the man must row.  The scenario elegantly shows how we can misinterpret our own ignorance as a limit imposed by nature.

The analysis of a horizontal force applied to a pendulum, however, although it appears to be based on classical mechanics, does not faithfully apply those laws of physics.  In particular, "energy" is a scalar quantity -- it does not have horizontal and vertical components.  If you were to do the experiment outlined, you would find first that the pendulum's weight continued to rise after you finished applying the force, until its momentum was exausted.  At this point, you would find that the gravitational potential energy in the weight is equal to the energy you added by applying the force, and that would probably tip you off that what you are calling vertical and horizontal energy are, in fact, just different ways of calculating the same quantity.

It is as I said before -- you can't beat the physicists using their own laws of physics.  They know how those laws work better than you do.  You'll have to find an observable phenomenon that contradicts or trancends those laws.

But enough debunking... I don't enjoy debunking.  Instead, I'll use this opportunity to bemoan the increasing prevalence of a terrible condition that I call "Keats' Disease".

I refer to an affiliction that primarily afflicts intellectuals.  It is a belief that "Beauty is truth, truth beauty", and that "That is all ye know on Earth, and all ye need to know".

The most famous sufferer was the great Greek philosopher Aristotle.  He was a great thinker who had a bad thought -- he thought he could do physics without doing experiments, because he thought he could judge the truth of his theories by their beauty and the beauty of their logical interactions with his various prejudices.  In accordance with his affliction, he wrote several books about the laws of the nature that were held in high esteem by entire civilizations until they were later found to be useless and worse, because, well, he just made them up!

Over time it has become clear that a person can believe anything -- any theory at all is believable -- as long as it is beautiful in the context of his other ideas about nature, morality, theology, etc.  He can believe it in spite of all evidence to the contrary.  (He might even belive that beauty = truth, while simultaneously acknowledging that one is subjective, and that the other is not!)  You need only examine the fundamental world-view of whatever political movement you disagree with to see how widespread this problem is today.  Even then, you'll see only half of it.

So, what are we do to about this?  Again, I emphasize that the people with this tendency to believe beautiful things are NOT STUPID.  They're not even a minority.   It may even be that we are ALL afflicted to some degree. We are certainly all affected.  It is imperative, therefore, that we vigilantly guard against this tendency in ourselves, and work against the rising tide of this terrible disease using the only treatment that is known to be effective -- the scientific method.  It may not be truly applicable to the softer sciences, but for practical physics it works!  Theories can be mercilessly tested, and discarded when they fail to predict real observations.  This is the only way we know how to protect ourselves from beautiful falsehoods, while simultaneously embracing the truths.

Mr. Entropy
Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: ltseung888 on September 05, 2007, 02:16:36 AM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on September 04, 2007, 11:44:59 PM
Hi Lawrence,

Quote from: ltseung888 on September 02, 2007, 11:12:18 PM
The first topic I would solicitate your opinion on is:
The boat in calm water and good sunshine scenario.

Well, you are quite right that the boat is not a closed system, and that the law of conservation of energy does not imply that the man must row.  The scenario elegantly shows how we can misinterpret our own ignorance as a limit imposed by nature.

The analysis of a horizontal force applied to a pendulum, however, although it appears to be based on classical mechanics, does not faithfully apply those laws of physics.....
Mr. Entropy

Dear Mr. Entropy,

Thank you for your opinion on The boat in calm water and good sunshine scenario.  You arrived at the same conclusion as the Professors and Research Students at Tsing Hua and Beijing University.

Before we discuss the second topic of the Pulsed Force on the Pendulum, I would like you to have access (at least in video form) of the WORKING prototypes.  The Professors at Tsing Hua University have seen and have access to these prototypes.  The videos and their pointers are on previous posts of this thread.

The three working prototypes I would like you to view first are:
(1) The Wang Shum Ho device (http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/wang3a.htm)

(2) The Tsing Hua Electricity Magnifier - similar to the Chas Campbell device except that it used cylinders and could magnify the input 30 times.  The video was taken on Jan 4, 1996. 

(3) The Dr. Liang Xingren Car.  This car used ICs to pulse rotate the Cylinder and the axle.  Chao Ching San improved it with banks of batteries so that it can climb higher slopes than 23 degrees.  The Liang Car video was taken in 2003 and the Chao video was taken in 2006 by CCTV10.

Email me if you have difficulty in finding these three pieces of information.  (I do not want to put you in the position of having less information than the Tsing Hua Unversity Professors and Research Students before the full discussion.)


Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: Chas Campbell Devices
Post by: ltseung888 on September 05, 2007, 03:47:41 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 03, 2007, 09:43:49 PM
Chas Campbell Devices

Chas Campbell has two devices.  One is a Bessler type perpetual motion wheel with moving balls.  One is the Electricity Magnifier.

This is a perfect test for the Lee-Tseung Theory outside China.  We can help to improve both devices with suggestions - giving out the theoretical explanations using the Lee-Tseung Theory at the same time.

It will be done in a step-by-step fashion in this forum.  The total overview and various predictions will be in the http://forum.go-here.nl.  This is done to benefit the World.

Lawrence Tseung
Chas Campbell Devices Lead Out Fun for Tseung and Benefits to the World

The first step or suggestion in improving the Chas Campbell Gravitational Wheel is
(1) Put Mass on the rim of the wheel
(2) The Lee-Tseung theory predicts that more gravitational energy will be Lead Out via the Pulsed Rotation if the mass is concentrated at the furtherest point - the rim.
(3) Many inventors who do not understand the Lee-Tseung theory go for larger wheels.  This has the effect of putting more mass at the further point.
(4) The Bessler Wheel is a double wheel with wood at the rim to hide the workings.  In really, Bessler unknowingly put more mass on the rim.
(5) Once the mass at the rim is increased, the pulsing or resonance frequency will change.  Another round of tuning from the beginning will be required.

This is the first suggestion on improving the Chas Campbell Gravity Wheel.  To the engineering type who plan to replicate and improve the Chas Campbell Gravity Wheel in this forum, please consider this improvement suggestion.

Lawrence Tseung
The first improvement step to the Chas Campbell Gravity Wheel Leads Out more work for the Engineers.
Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: gaby de wilde on September 05, 2007, 10:09:42 AM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on September 04, 2007, 11:44:59 PM
But enough debunking... I don't enjoy debunking. 

You have no idea how annoying it really is. I will give you a good tip so that you don't have to appear a debunker. Personally I will refer to every comment as nonsense as long as it does not repeat the question. If anyone is going to give a description of a device and it's the same as their description of any other device then the person is a spammer.

Yes, yes, we know your god is real because it says so in your bible. But in order for others to respect your religion you should fist stop bothering other people with it. There is nothing interesting in such comments you see. This is a very stupid way of communicating and physics is full of this very kinds of stupidity. Any comment that tries to describe whole tribes of people while attributing specific emotional disorders is in fact a pure insult.

You may think I'm overreacting but I'm actually not talking about my research to anyone anymore. It's always the same bullshit they say.

So you better not think I take it mildly when you call me crazy and delusional again. I think it's a revolting personality trait, we need to get rid of this part of you before we can talk about anything.

Behave yourself will you?

I will tell you physics is just an art. It's nothing more as an art. You are not the superior artist. You are just another physicus. Very smart people overall, but most are not very creative by understatement.

Learn more => think less about it

If anyone should correct anyone to attribute proper respect it is the academic ranting about all other artists who should be corrected. The academicus should behave himself like an adult.

What kind of world do you think we get if all knowledgeable people act like little children? Well look around you? Good, point made.

You should buy some watter colors and a set of screwdrivers first, then some hammers. First go learn the basics of art. Your mental disorder looks exectly the same as mine looks from where you are sitting. hahaha!

But no offence intended!! I just want to share how crazy your things look from here! Of course you are wrong and I am right from my angle. The way peeps keep spamming everything said about free energy with the laws of thermodynamics is evident on it's own. And I really don't care it's the millions of you against lille oll me. I know when I'm right. If Aristoteles didn't accomplish anything, then why are you talking about him?  Why was his work so memorable? Why are you so impressed with his art? Could it be because it showed theoretical physics requires debugging like any other software? Perhaps his lesion was even more general?

Now I personally know debugging is not done though denial of the existence of the bugs. Stacking irrational functions is what others skilled in the art of programing call bloatware. So your software is a bloated boob. The computertechnical philosophical term is N3WB1E or N00B. It sounds rather manchildish again but it does cover the load. hahaha

[Theory = true] so  [machine = not real] Is nonsense!

[machine = real] so [theory = nonsense] on the other hand does give a realistic picture of the world.

By no means can you give any tribute to the laws of physics in advance then do nothing. I have hundreds of years of hard evidence of you ignoring perpetual motion devices. You didn't look so you can never claim non of them worked.  Even when we assume non of them where real this method is still erroneous. You have guessed they all didn't work.

The inventors community is like an input device. So you can either fail to configure it or you can make it evident there really is no signal. But you cant leave it disconnected claiming there is no signal. That's just rubbish talk man! LOL !

Physics and it's ancestors have been twisting peoples words for hundreds of years! Most disrespectful behaviour! Hardly something one can base any conclusions upon. For a hundred years you have chanted the mantra "non of the devices where real". But I can prove that 95% was never looked at so this claim is extremely fraudulent.

Here we go:

Anyone can create pages about anything on wikipedia as long as the information is worthy of being in an encyclopedia. NOW THIS MEANS NOT EVEN THE SMOT HAS A DECENT PAGE. Because there was never any science done on ANY free energy device in history. You have never looked!! Can't you see how crazy you all are? ah?? Don't you know about the law of supply and demand?  :D

Common, point your finger at me and call me names? we all know you want to?

The U.S. is spending $67 billion annually on the war on terror  $3.4 billion on energy research  And you cant even produce one single document describing Stan Meyers water full cell. Not one page of decent documentation you have. And this you want to base your "non of them where real" claim upon? Highly fraudulent, most insulting to Mr Meyer?

I will assume I'm right until anyone explains where I am wrong.

Call me crazy.

Sublimate nuclear waste eh?

What do you mean non where real? What do you have to show for your claims?

So, you understand this makes for kind of a weird online experience with all you "experts" all over the web. I think I'm going more insane by the day but not as a result from the original thought....

Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: shruggedatlas on September 05, 2007, 10:48:24 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on September 05, 2007, 10:09:42 AM
You may think I'm overreacting but I'm actually not talking about my research to anyone anymore. It's always the same bullshit they say.

Now how did you get all that from Entropy's post?  He did not say one insulting or even critical thing about you or any of your ideas.
Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: gaby de wilde on September 05, 2007, 12:30:59 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on September 05, 2007, 10:48:24 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on September 05, 2007, 10:09:42 AM
You may think I'm overreacting but I'm actually not talking about my research to anyone anymore. It's always the same bullshit they say.

Now how did you get all that from Entropy's post?  He did not say one insulting or even critical thing about you or any of your ideas.

Entropy absolutely seems like a nice guy. That's why I try to explain

For example, here he is trying to explain what is wrong with the theory.

QuoteIf you were to do the experiment outlined, you would find first that the pendulum's weight continued to rise after you finished applying the force, until its momentum was exausted.  At this point, you would find that the gravitational potential energy in the weight is equal to the energy you added by applying the force, and that would probably tip you off that what you are calling vertical and horizontal energy are, in fact, just different ways of calculating the same quantity.

But this is not the method that leads to creating free energy from pendulums. One has to make great effort to accomplish a large number of absolutely wrong but most educative devices.

After each one of those attempts one is to make great effort of enhancing the effect. One can only succeed after a reasonable number of failed attempts and a reasonable number of trying really really hard to make it work.

You can not just say "ahhh, that is impossible" and do nothing.

I read last week some one wrote, the smot didn't work and if it did the ball would need a push and if it didn't need a push then it still wouldn't make any energy for sure!

I have never seen such incredible cognitive dishonesty software! *runs arround the room waving hands in air* What can I do to explain to Entrophy there first has to be effect before there is result? :D

Say, A steel ball is placed in-front of the device, magnetic attraction is converted into kinetic energy and the ball rolls up the ramp. (where the array is positioned closer to the rail) allowing the ball to further accelerate. At the top of the ramp the ball drops out of the magnetic field. Here the projectile launched by the SMOT appears to gain kinetic energy as the ball accelerates from standstill, overcomes distance and has remaining kinetic energy after interaction with the toy.

Where is the hard science behind the SMOT??? I'm sure the 200 000 000 000 € global energy reserach budget allows for you to write a page explaining WHY this does not generate surplus kinetics? I'm sure the 200 000 000 000 € global energy research budget allows for a paper about the hammel spinner. Mr hammel claims perpetual motion then you all run away screaming it isn't so? I don't find a single science journal publicating stuff about it.  The best the scientific community has done is spew at the peoples! ROFL!!

And I claim that upon spewing you can't base "all of the previous devices where nut real.".

Because not even the SMOT is properly explained. LOL ! All documentation we have is a bunch of hobby horses. Now I'm really really sad about this nonsense perpetual drivel. I know it has nothing to do with Mr Entropy it's all my frustration.

I will have to explain this to you you know?  :D

Who else will? LOL

Title: Re: Chas Campbell Devices
Post by: gaby de wilde on September 05, 2007, 02:24:44 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 05, 2007, 03:47:41 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 03, 2007, 09:43:49 PM
Chas Campbell Devices

Chas Campbell has two devices.  One is a Bessler type perpetual motion wheel with moving balls.  One is the Electricity Magnifier.

This is a perfect test for the Lee-Tseung Theory outside China.  We can help to improve both devices with suggestions - giving out the theoretical explanations using the Lee-Tseung Theory at the same time.

It will be done in a step-by-step fashion in this forum.  The total overview and various predictions will be in the http://forum.go-here.nl.  This is done to benefit the World.

Lawrence Tseung
Chas Campbell Devices Lead Out Fun for Tseung and Benefits to the World

The first step or suggestion in improving the Chas Campbell Gravitational Wheel is
(1) Put Mass on the rim of the wheel
(2) The Lee-Tseung theory predicts that more gravitational energy will be Lead Out via the Pulsed Rotation if the mass is concentrated at the furtherest point - the rim.
(3) Many inventors who do not understand the Lee-Tseung theory go for larger wheels.  This has the effect of putting more mass at the further point.
(4) The Bessler Wheel is a double wheel with wood at the rim to hide the workings.  In really, Bessler unknowingly put more mass on the rim.
(5) Once the mass at the rim is increased, the pulsing or resonance frequency will change.  Another round of tuning from the beginning will be required.

This is the first suggestion on improving the Chas Campbell Gravity Wheel.  To the engineering type who plan to replicate and improve the Chas Campbell Gravity Wheel in this forum, please consider this improvement suggestion.

Lawrence Tseung
The first improvement step to the Chas Campbell Gravity Wheel Leads Out more work for the Engineers.

We also keep seeing the loose belts, I've seen quite a few claims of wobbely prototypes that worked but didn't work in a more serious configuration.  It seemed to me the duck tape and the rubber bands where a mandatory ingredient. Both Stanley Meyer and Royal R Rife figured out how to move oscillatory energies from the micro to the macro world. A pulse within the oscillatory frequency of any vibration can add more energy as it can dissipate. The energy in the mircoworld is quite rich in potential.

But as Chas has build such huge wheel it's quite obvious this is housing the effect.

The geometry is (of course) very familiar.

Let me make you a drawing of the inside.


Like Scott F Hall (http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Scott+F.+Hall%22)'s  youtubian video.

He said the ancients suggested to use mercury.

the besslerwheel Quote of the Day was good.

"X-rays are a hoax."
- Lord Kelvin, engineer and physicist (c. 1900):D
Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: shruggedatlas on September 05, 2007, 05:08:02 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on September 05, 2007, 12:30:59 PM

Say, A steel ball is placed in-front of the device, magnetic attraction is converted into kinetic energy and the ball rolls up the ramp. (where the array is positioned closer to the rail) allowing the ball to further accelerate. At the top of the ramp the ball drops out of the magnetic field. Here the projectile launched by the SMOT appears to gain kinetic energy as the ball accelerates from standstill, overcomes distance and has remaining kinetic energy after interaction with the toy.

I agree with you that the ball needs no push.  In my relatively layman's mind, however, I liken the SMOT to a simple nonmagnetic downward ramp, except that instead of using gravity, the SMOT uses magentic force for acceleration. 

Here is what I mean.  If you were to take a simple example of a ball placed on top of a ramp (no magnets involved) and let go, you would also see the ball (1) accelerate, (2) overcome distance, and (3) have kinetic energy remaining at the bottom of the ramp.  This does not make a ramp overunity.  The trick is to get the ball back up the ramp using only the force generated through the descent, and this is of course impossible.  As far as I can tell, it is equally impossible to get the ball back to the SMOT starting position.  So acceleration, overcoming distance, and having kinetic energy left over does not an overunity device make, unless I am missing something.  The key is "how much kinetic energy is left", and the SMOT does not appear to produce enough.
Title: Re: Chas Campbell Devices
Post by: ltseung888 on September 05, 2007, 06:12:54 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on September 05, 2007, 02:24:44 PM

We also keep seeing the loose belts, I've seen quite a few claims of wobbely prototypes that worked but didn't work in a more serious configuration.  It seemed to me the duck tape and the rubber bands where a mandatory ingredient. Both Stanley Meyer and Royal R Rife figured out how to move oscillatory energies from the micro to the macro world. A pulse within the oscillatory frequency of any vibration can add more energy as it can dissipate. The energy in the mircoworld is quite rich in potential.
Kelvin, engineer and physicist (c. 1900):D

Dear Gaby,

You made a brilliant observation.  When you try to pulse rotate a wheel, you do not want the pulsing mechanism to be affected by the effect of rotation.

If the inventor uses rigid gears, the pulsing mechanism is likely to be affected much more than the loose belt arrangement.

Lawrence Tseung
Belt Leads Out more independence of the pulsing mechanism
Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: ltseung888 on September 05, 2007, 06:22:54 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on September 05, 2007, 05:08:02 PM
I agree with you that the ball needs no push.  In my relatively layman's mind, however, I liken the SMOT to a simple nonmagnetic downward ramp, except that instead of using gravity, the SMOT uses magentic force for acceleration. 

Here is what I mean..... 

Dear shruggedatlas,

The Lee-Tseung theory demands a Pulse Force to Lead Out gravitational or electron motion energy.  Your thought example does not provide the Pulse Force.

Lawrence Tseung
Pulse Force Leads Out Gravitational and/or Electron Motion Energy
Title: Re: The Conversation of Energy
Post by: Mr.Entropy on September 05, 2007, 09:40:35 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on September 04, 2007, 03:00:28 PM
Mr. Entropy, I put my reply here at the top of my outbox.

Gaby, I think you've mistaken me for someone else, or, more probably, everyone else.

No matter...  The page you point to here is interesting.  I'll check for Gary's "neutral line", according to his instructions, some time this week or next.

Tell me: have you verified any of these things yourself?


Mr. Entropy
Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: Mr.Entropy on September 05, 2007, 10:08:17 PM
Hi Lawrence,

Quote from: ltseung888 on September 05, 2007, 02:16:36 AM
Thank you for your opinion on The boat in calm water and good sunshine scenario.  You arrived at the same conclusion as the Professors and Research Students at Tsing Hua and Beijing University.

Before we discuss the second topic of the Pulsed Force on the Pendulum, I would like you to have access (at least in video form) of the WORKING prototypes.  The Professors at Tsing Hua University have seen and have access to these prototypes.  The videos and their pointers are on previous posts of this thread.

You make me wonder what I'm getting myself into, but OK, I've got the videos.


Mr. Entropy
Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: tinu on September 06, 2007, 03:33:12 AM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on September 05, 2007, 10:08:17 PM
Hi Lawrence,

Quote from: ltseung888 on September 05, 2007, 02:16:36 AM
Thank you for your opinion on The boat in calm water and good sunshine scenario.  You arrived at the same conclusion as the Professors and Research Students at Tsing Hua and Beijing University.

Before we discuss the second topic of the Pulsed Force on the Pendulum, I would like you to have access (at least in video form) of the WORKING prototypes.  The Professors at Tsing Hua University have seen and have access to these prototypes.  The videos and their pointers are on previous posts of this thread.

You make me wonder what I'm getting myself into, but OK, I've got the videos.


Mr. Entropy

Quote from http://www.energyfromair.com/Gravity.files/frame.htm

?The Theory (1)
The Pendulum works because of gravity.
The Pendulum can achieve resonance via a small horizontal force. At resonance, the required force to overcome friction can be very small.
One of the magnetic toys has a tiny magnet at the tip of the pendulum and uses a battery to attract or repel the pendulum using IC control.
A single AAA battery can keep the pendulum swinging for months.
Conclusion: A small force can keep the pendulum swinging.

The Theory (2)
A moving metallic object in a magnetic or electromagnet field can produce electric current.  (Basic theory of the Electricity Generator)
If the pendulum swings inside this magnetic field, it can produce electric current.
The electric current produced will depend on speed of motion, area of pendulum, strength of the magnetic field, the arrangement to reduce loss etc.
This electric current can be more than that required to drive the pendulum.
This is the basic theory behind extracting gravitational energy via magnetic means.?

The Theory (3)
One way of looking at this is ? we have effectively used gravity to do work.
We used a small horizontal force to move the pendulum.
Gravity will swing the pendulum back.
Electric Current is produced (which supplies energy for the small horizontal force)
Extra Energy is obtained to do other work.
The pendulum can be a semi-circle to provide larger area. ?

Now that?s a ?solid? theory!
Even a sixth grade child would dismiss it with ease.
Not to mention he/she can write a much better one in minutes?
I personally, however, miss the glorious song at the end.

Following the line, here are more conclusions:

Pendulum tends to ?swing!
Once stopped, pendulum no longer swings ?unless you start it again.
AAA battery is a marvelous engineering achievement.
IC control too.
Magnetic toys sell.
Their effect on various ?scientists? is profound.
Maybe magnetic toys should be banned for adults. Look at their consequences.
Friction can be very small because it simply can.
Friction can be also very large.
This behavior of friction is outrageous! Shame on it!
Mr. Friction and Ms. Resonance are not relatives.
Actually, when they meet, no one cares about the other.
Therefore, resonance is completely misunderstood, in the above ?theory?.
The statement that ?This electric current can be more than that required to drive the pendulum? is a wish in a dreamland universe. To be more then a wish, it requires maybe a very strong or a heavily disturbed psychic.
Psychic is therefore the key for the ?theory? to work. Not gravity.
Psychic is affected by medication. Gravity is not.
Gravity always works but unfortunately medication doesn?t.
Still, there is hope.

?In the absence of light, dark prevails?

P.S.: Welcome again to the world of shadows, Mr. Entropy. And keep your lights on.  ;)
Title: Re: The Conversation of Energy
Post by: gaby de wilde on September 06, 2007, 05:20:29 AM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on September 05, 2007, 09:40:35 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on September 04, 2007, 03:00:28 PM
Mr. Entropy, I put my reply here at the top of my outbox.

Gaby, I think you've mistaken me for someone else, or, more probably, everyone else.

haha, yes the frustration is entirely my own. Please don't apply it to yourself. :D

QuoteNo matter...  The page you point to here is interesting.  I'll check for Gary's "neutral line", according to his instructions, some time this week or next.

Just remember there is plenty of crazy magnet stuff out there.

QuoteTell me: have you verified any of these things yourself?

I started with my own theory. Later I figured out Newman's work had much in common, then I figured out wesley gary's device worked by the same principal.

Here, I just wrote it down for you.

Unleash complimentary reactions utilizing the subtraction of contradicting actions.


I'm sorry it's so simple, it's just the way I am.(https://overunityarchives.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.go-here.nl%2Fimages%2Fsmiles%2Ficon_mrgreen.gif&hash=a5c46564412cae953cb69c84f025b0355d00d016)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on September 06, 2007, 06:25:19 AM
@ gaby de wilde,

Your work is very interesting.
I hope you are open to discussions.
I will be open to experiments also.
In fact, I think I?ll conduct some experiments right during this weekend if I?ll find everything is needed.

Here is what I?d like to address:
Quote from: http://gabydewilde.googlepages.com/magnetmotor-it-cant-be
1) The pendulum doesn't swing -this means it can not have suffered drag. If the magnet you swinged-by had suffered drag - there would have been pendular motion. Drag absolutely demands a point to attach itself to. You may have the spin but you don't have that swing. It dont mean a thing if it aint got that swing!?

Well, apparently you are right.
However, your statement that Newton is ?so wrong? gave me some headache.
Not because Newton is Newton but because if he is not right, sky is the limit in free energy. Unfortunately it is not so.

Anyway, my challenge and the sad news to you is, imho, that you are wrong.

1. ?The pendulum doesn't swing -this means it can not have suffered drag.? False, in the general case.
The pendulum doesn?t swing ? this means the drag is along the wire ? My version.

2. ?If the magnet you swinged-by had suffered drag - there would have been pendular motion.? False in the general case also.
The magnet you swing by hand suffers drag. It may not be strong but it is there. What can be measured is the opposed drag suffered by the swinging magnet. Here is my thought experiment I?ll try to replicate during this weekend. Hopefully you?ll conduct it too.
Exp: Take exactly your setup and replace the wire with an elastic one. When you swing the magnet by hand, the elastic wire will get longer or shorter, depending on the drag orientation on the swinging magnet? If it?s not getting longer or shorter, obviously you are right. But if it does, you are wrong.
(Alternately, instead of using elastic chords, one can measure the weight of the setup, using a sensitive weighting device).

3. ?Drag absolutely demands a point to attach itself to.? You are perfectly right here.
The point drag attaches to is the upper point where the wire is fixed. The drag is there; it is just along the wire, affecting the tension within.



P.S. After debating the above issue, if you agree, of course, I?d also like to raise the next one about the three-point interaction. One at a time?
Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: ltseung888 on September 06, 2007, 05:03:35 PM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on September 05, 2007, 10:08:17 PM
Hi Lawrence,

Quote from: ltseung888 on September 05, 2007, 02:16:36 AM
Thank you for your opinion on The boat in calm water and good sunshine scenario.  You arrived at the same conclusion as the Professors and Research Students at Tsing Hua and Beijing University.

Before we discuss the second topic of the Pulsed Force on the Pendulum, I would like you to have access (at least in video form) of the WORKING prototypes.  The Professors at Tsing Hua University have seen and have access to these prototypes.  The videos and their pointers are on previous posts of this thread.

You make me wonder what I'm getting myself into, but OK, I've got the videos.

Mr. Entropy

Dear Mr. Entropy,

Great, you have the videos.  Let us assume that these videos are not hoaxes.

(1)   In the Tsing Hua University Electricity Magnifier, the input power was magnified 30 times via a ?3 cylinder type device?.  The axle of rotation was horizontal.  When the axle were tilted, the magnification decreased.  Prototypes of this Electricity Magnifier exists today and at least one of them has been used in a factory environment for over 11 years.  The Chas Campbell Device works in the same way and is being investigated by Ash and other members of this forum.  I am absolutely sure that the Chas Campbell Device works.  Chas Campbell is willing to disclose the details of his invention and I am confident that I can propose improvements. (Knowledge of a superior device helps.)

(2)   The Wang Shum Ho device.  This device is unusual, as it needs no starting motor and no input power.  It uses the coupling of two mechanisms.  One is a ferro-liquid rotation.  A ferro-liquid is caused to rotate via a rotating magnet in a magnetic field.  The ferro-liquid will form a vortex and hit the top of the container. Such motion will cause the ferro-liquid to ?remix?.  The video shows that such a mechanism by itself can rotate for a long time.  The other is the solid magnet rotation.  When these two mechanisms are coupled to enhance and complement each other, the resulting is a permanently rotating device that can generate electricity.  This device was demonstrated on January 15, 2007 in front of 5 Chinese Officials.  The result was that Wang became vice president of a RMB13 billion Company (General Magnetic 磁æâ,,¢Â®).  This Company gathered a number of Cosmic Energy Machine Projects.  The plan was to go International IPO in 2008.  The Publicity and Product Introduction plans will come from the PR section of this Company.  My first confirm dealing with the Chinese Officials was October 2005 when we met the Senior Officials in the China Patent Office in Beijing.  Lee Chung Kin and I were able to convince them that our Cosmic Energy Inventions did not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

(3)   The Dr. Liang Xingren Car and later improvement by Chao Ching San.  The full Liang China Patent information was translated by Ms. Forever Yuen.  The China Patent disclosed that the Pulse Rotation was achieved via programmed Intelligent Chip and Integrated Circuits.  We are confident that it used Gravitational Energy because it had the problem of tilting similar to (1).  Chao improved it with banks of batteries.  The Chao Car has been certified by the Official Chinese Electric Car Authorities and is entering the mass production mode.  The same principle is being applied to small electricity power plants.  There are still some technical problems to overcome.  Lee Cheung Kin spent one week early 2007 working with Chao.

Now, imagine that you are one of the Tsing Hua University professors with access to the three above inventions.  (I believe they also have access or have visited the EBM machine in Hungary.)  How would you attempt to explain the source of energy of these devices?

(The answer and tone will set the stage for the detailed juicy discussions to follow.)

Lawrence Tseung
Solid Experimental Prototypes Lead Out the juicy coming Meaningful theoretical discussions
Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: Mr.Entropy on September 07, 2007, 12:43:22 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 06, 2007, 05:03:35 PM
Now, imagine that you are one of the Tsing Hua University professors with access to the three above inventions.  (I believe they also have access or have visited the EBM machine in Hungary.)  How would you attempt to explain the source of energy of these devices?

Hi Lawrence,

That's a very entertaining question!  If I had access to working overunity prototypes, then "explaining" the source of energy for these devices would be the last thing on my mind for quite some time.  It would be the final step in a journey that would go something like this:

1) First, I would perform a lot of tests to ensure that the prototypes were actually overunity devices, so that I could be sure I wasn't wasting my time.  I would isolate them from the environment as well as I could, ensure that they can run on their own power, and extract enough work from them running on their own power to be sure that they weren't simply depleting some energy storage device like a battery.  The electricity magnifier would need a feedback circuit so that it could run on its own power.  If the car normally depletes its battery, then it would need a generator on the wheel and a feedback circuit to charge the battery or a capacitor to prevent that depletion.

If I couldn't extract sufficient energy at sufficient power levels from any of the devices, then I would put those devices aside.

Lets assume that they work.

2) If I was satisfied that I had in my possession a device that violated the laws of physics that I know about, i.e., that behaves contrary to the under-unity predictions of those laws, I would then attempt to isolate the anomalous effect.

The process I would follow is basically one of structural and temporal decomposition.

Structural decomposition would involve finding the specific parts of the device that are behaving counter to the predictions of physics.  It starts with the whole device, and proceeds recursively.  We know that maginfier is overunity, so either the motor part or the generator part must be over unity.  I'd test them independently, and continue this decomposition down to the smallest set of anomalous components I could find.

Temporal decomposition would consist of measuring the state of the device or a part of the device as completely as possible at frequent and precise intervals to isolate the specific moments when the measured evolution of the device deviates from the evolution predicted by current physics.   Oscilloscopes and high-speed photography are good tools for this.

Having found the specific anomolous event, then I'd create a simple, repeatable experiment that demonstrates the anomalous effect, i.e., the violation of the current laws of physics.  Note that this is not a set of instructions about how to build a perpetual motion machine.  It's a set of instructions about how to reproduce and measure the anomaly that makes perpetual motion possible.

3) Given the repeatable experiment, I would examine variations.  How does the effect change when I change various components or the relationships between them?  I would collect a lot of data, and document the procedures required to reproduce it.  By examining variations, I would determine which aspects of the repeatable experiment are important, and try to come up with a mathematical model that predicts the anomalous behaviour based on those variables.

4) Then it would be a good time to publish so that others could do it too, and to broadly patent classes of devices that rely on the anomalous effect.  I'd want to call it the "Entropy Effect", but that would probably just cause confusion :-)

5) Given a working mathematical model, I would use it to design practical devices, and start a company to manfacture and sell them, hire a company to do so, or license the patents with clauses that deny exclusivity to licensees that fail to bring products to market effectively.

6) Finally, when the press starts to call, and asks "so how does it work?", I'd have to think of a good answer that would paint a picture in the minds of laymen that wasn't entierly inconsistent with the mathematical model of the anomalous effect.  This is what most people would call the "explanation".

7) Eventually, some physicist would integrate the mathematical model, or an approximation of it, into the theoretical framework of modern physics, ensuring that there was still a Lagrangian form.  This would change the working definition of energy by introducing a new term that they would call the "whatever" potential, that could actually take on negative values and be reduced boundlessly.  They would then say that these overunity devices work by converting whatever potential energy into useful work, thereby "explaining the source of energy" for these devices.

I hope that answers your question.


Mr. Entropy

Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: shruggedatlas on September 07, 2007, 03:37:12 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 05, 2007, 06:22:54 PM

Dear shruggedatlas,

The Lee-Tseung theory demands a Pulse Force to Lead Out gravitational or electron motion energy.  Your thought example does not provide the Pulse Force.

Lawrence Tseung
Pulse Force Leads Out Gravitational and/or Electron Motion Energy

And this is why the lead out theory is complete drivel.  According to the theory, a pulse force acting on a pendulum produces excess energy.  So one kid pushing another on a swing is an overunity device?  There is a pulse force and a pendulum, after all.  If this was true, it would be trivially simple to construct an overunity device.  Just have a pendulum and a hammer hitting it from one end.  Then use the excess force of the pendulum to retrigger the hammer, and presto!  And Mr. Tseung claims a 1.5 to 1 efficiency rating too boot, so this should be very easy to set up.  A 150% efficiency rating is so great, we do not even have to worry about friction much.

Come to think of it, we already have something like this in the form of desk toys.  I am referring to the set of 5 or 6 steel balls suspended on strings that hit each other.  According to the lead out theory, this device should produce infinite energy, and we know this is not true.  All this toy is really, is pendulums and pulsed forces.

Is a simple pendulum clock overunity?  I believe there are pulsed forces applied to the pendulum to keep it in motion.

Now, having debunked the lead out theory, is there really any merit to anything else?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on September 07, 2007, 04:16:37 AM
Wait, shruggedatlas; maybe you?ve not heard about the ?boat in calm water and good sunshine scenario?!
Mr. Tseung will soon post about it, explaining it in great detail. ;D
Then about the OU devices and then about the 5 Chinese Officials and not to forget the Tsing Hua University and its famous professors. Did I mentioned the rumors about Nobel prize nomination? What about the philosophical discussions between student A, handsome B, scientist C and investor D? And that vice president of one company? And about the great investments opportunities. Not to forget the way ?lead-out theory? explains all the phenomena into this world, especially those that are not even proved to be real?

Then Mr. Tseung will start over and over again. Endlessly, like a moebius coil.
This is not fun. It?s really sad. It?s like a broken machine, like an erroneous software endlessly looping.

Shruggedatlas, your post will remain unanswered, although you are perfectly right. Or, it will happen this way maybe exactly because you are right.
I?ve raised similar issues, much earlier into this thread. Check them if you want.
I?ve asked fair questions. I?ve shown elementary mistakes. Mistakes not just about physics and equations but about elementary logic. Then I?ve pointed toward the stupidity of the whole thing.

It?s pointless. Let him looping and dreaming on.
Speaking alone or just with himself is something that to Mr. Tseung will not be an impediment at all. He already has an extensive experience into this area as well as in creating various accounts just to post and to create a so-called ?dialogue?.

I post here now just for the record. There are plenty of innocents out-there reading this thread. They should find such post here before making their own minds. (Otherwise it would be so easy to mislead a lot of persons?)

Have a nice day,
Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: ltseung888 on September 07, 2007, 10:22:37 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on September 07, 2007, 03:37:12 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 05, 2007, 06:22:54 PM

Dear shruggedatlas,

The Lee-Tseung theory demands a Pulse Force to Lead Out gravitational or electron motion energy.  Your thought example does not provide the Pulse Force.

Lawrence Tseung
Pulse Force Leads Out Gravitational and/or Electron Motion Energy

And this is why the lead out theory is complete drivel.  According to the theory, a pulse force acting on a pendulum produces excess energy.  So one kid pushing another on a swing is an overunity device?  There is a pulse force and a pendulum, after all.  If this was true, it would be trivially simple to construct an overunity device.  Just have a pendulum and a hammer hitting it from one end.  Then use the excess force of the pendulum to retrigger the hammer, and presto!  And Mr. Tseung claims a 1.5 to 1 efficiency rating too boot, so this should be very easy to set up.  A 150% efficiency rating is so great, we do not even have to worry about friction much.

Now, having debunked the lead out theory, is there really any merit to anything else?

Dear shruggedatlas,

There are a few point you and many others might have overlooked.

(1) "According to the theory, a pulse force acting on a pendulum produces excess energy."  When you use the word "produce", most people will think that we "create" energy.  That is a direct violation of the Law of Conservation of energy.  I have used the term "Lead Out" again, again, again and again.  Lead Out uses the existing gravitational energy that is already there.  Thus there  is NO violation of CoE.

*** one tiny misunderstand or misuse of the word "produce" distorts the entire theory.

(2) "A 150% efficiency rating is so great, we do not even have to worry about friction much." You should also quote the qualifying sentence.  Gravitational Energy is Lead Out only during the application of the Pulse Force.  In the case of a mother pushing a child on the swing, the time during which the pushing is applied (Tpush) is short compared with the total time of one swing or oscillation (Toscillation).

*** (Tpush) << (Toscillation)  That is the reason for multiple pulse points on a wheel (e.g. Liang Xingren IC motor and the 225 Pulse Motor.)

I can appreciate the difference in actually presenting the information in a Lecture Room with interactive questions compared with passive reading of information on the Internet.  Very slight misconceptions not immediately  clarified could lead to total misunderstanding and misrepresentation.

However, I do appreciate the posts from shruggedatlas.  They help to pinpoint some of the misconceptions.  Thank You.

Lawrence Tseung
Slight misconception Leads Out major misunderstanding.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: NerzhDishual on September 07, 2007, 10:37:40 PM

Hi ltseung888

Sorry for disturbing. But? My English is not so good.
What the heck does the verb to "Lead Out" exactly/precisely mean?
Sounds like you can use it at every opportunity.

My English Synonym dictionnary (http://dico.isc.cnrs.fr/dico/en/search (http://dico.isc.cnrs.fr/dico/en/search)) has no entry for 'Lead out' and my Harraps's English-French is not so informative. It just talk about wires and 'groove disc'.
Of course if you drop the 'out' it is more simple and understandable.

With 'Lead' I got the following Component Selection:
Quoteadminister, administrate, captain, cause, chair, clue, command, conduce, conduct, confidential information, contribute, control, cue, determine, direct, escort, excel, extend, first, go, govern, guide, guide round, head, hint, indication,
induce, influence, inkling, intimation, leading, leash, leave, manage, moderate,
outstrip, pass, persuade, pilot, pointer, precede, preside, primary, principal,
result, rule, run, shepherd, show, show around, show round, star, steer, suggestion, surpass, take, tether, tip, track, trail, usher, vanguard, wind
So, is this irritating 'out' relevant?
What the heck is this 'out' used for?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 07, 2007, 11:29:32 PM
Quote from: NerzhDishual on September 07, 2007, 10:37:40 PM

Hi ltseung888

Sorry for disturbing. But? My English is not so good.
What the heck does the verb to "Lead Out" exactly/precisely mean?
Sounds like you can use it at every opportunity.

My English Synonym dictionnary (http://dico.isc.cnrs.fr/dico/en/search (http://dico.isc.cnrs.fr/dico/en/search)) has no entry for 'Lead out' and my Harraps's English-French is not so informative. It just talk about wires and 'groove disc'.
Of course if you drop the 'out' it is more simple and understandable.


Dear NerzhDishual,

You might not have read the posts in the Steorn.com/forum related to the Lee-Tseung Patent and the dozens of posts on Lead Out.

We use the term "Lead Out" in our patent in a specific way.  We said in our Patent Application that Gravitational Energy can be Lead Out via Pulsed oscillation, rotation or vibration.   In the boat in calm water and good sunshine example, we talk about that we are already immersed in gravitational field.  Newton's General Gravitational Law states that any two masses attract each other.  The Sun attracts the Earth.  Even you and I attract each other.  If you move, this attraction force will do work and we effectively have energy interchange.

This gravitational energy can be used.  We do not create or destroy energy.  Thus we do not violate the CoE.  Scientist already know how to use gravitational energy in a non-circular fashion (e.g. water from a dam to power turbines.  In this case, we wait for the sun to evaporate the water to become rain to fill the dam again to repeat the cycle.)

Our patent describes that we can use such gravitational energy continuously.  We apply a small horizontal force (thus supply energy) to push the swing or pendulum.  This will increase the tension of the string of the pendulum.  This increased tension lifts up the pendulum slightly.  The vertical component of this tension produces an increase in height (displacement).  In other words, work is done or energy has been supplied.

In our patent and in our theory, we pointed out that this work done or energy is NOT supplied by the horizontal force.  It is the LEAD OUT energy provided by the increased tension of the string.

In our full patent discussion with the Patent Examiner, we also showed the cases of non-horizontal force acting on the pendulum.  The case that helped to convince the patent examiner was:

(1) The String of the Pendulum (Sforce) and the string supplying the Pulse Force  (Pforce) were equal and opposite.  The Pendulum Weight was thus half way in between.

(2) In this starting position,
     the vertical component of Sforce = the vertical component of Pforce
                                                             = 1/2 the weight of the Pendulum
     the horizontal component of Sforce = - that of Pforce

(3) A slight pull of the Pulse Force string will do work.  However, it could not do ALL the work.  Some contribution must come from the tension of the String.  Or Gravitational Energy is Lead Out via the tension of the String.

Lawrence Tseung
Hope the meaning of Lead Out is clear now.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 08, 2007, 12:02:43 AM
Dear Entrophy and Tinu,

Just finished a telephone conversation with Lee Cheung Kin.

Lee: "There will be a meeting with a group of Chinese Officials next week.  They want to have a report on the Cosmic Energy Machine development outside China.  I shall handle the Japan situation.  Can you handle the other cases."

Tseung: "Have they seen the cases within China, in particular, the following prototypes:
(1) Tsing Hua Electricity Magnifier
(2) Liang Xingren Car
(3) Chao Ching San Car
(4) Wang SHum Ho Electricity Generator
(5) The 225 HP Pulse Engine
(6) The EBM machine from Hungary?"

Lee: "Some of them are very knowledgeable on the above.  I want you to tell them the Inventions outside China."

Tseung: " I shall prepare the following:
(1) The Chas Campbell Gravity Wheel and Electricity Magnifier.  I just downloaded the Gravity Wheel.  I shall use the Lee-Tseung theory to explain it.
(2) The Joseph Newman Machine.  I have email communication with them for some time.  It appears that they are ready to do a closed system demonstration soon."
(3) The TPU device from Steven Mark.  Many members of the Overunity forum are working on this device.
(4) The Milkovic Pendulum.  It is almost a direct confirmation of our Lead Out Theory.
(5) The many magnet motors that use rotation of magnets in magnetic field.  I shall talk about this in the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory context.  An example is the Bedini motor."

Lee: "We shall ask them about the promotion plans for the Chinese Products.  You can publish them on the Internet if you get their permission."

Tseung: "When China has actual products coming down the pipe, I do not care about personal attacks.  My goal is to benefit the World.  I can simply treat the insults as deliberate attempts by the paid debunkers similar to the CIA or the Like who tricked us."

Lee: "I also want to see who can beat our theory!"
Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: shruggedatlas on September 08, 2007, 12:14:27 AM
Thank you for your patience, Mr. Tseung.

Quote from: ltseung888 on September 07, 2007, 10:22:37 PM

There are a few point you and many others might have overlooked.

(1) "According to the theory, a pulse force acting on a pendulum produces excess energy."  When you use the word "produce", most people will think that we "create" energy.  That is a direct violation of the Law of Conservation of energy.  I have used the term "Lead Out" again, again, again and again.  Lead Out uses the existing gravitational energy that is already there.  Thus there  is NO violation of CoE.

*** one tiny misunderstand or misuse of the word "produce" distorts the entire theory.

Please, let's not split hairs.  You know what I mean.  Frankly, I do not care about CoE at this point.  I just want to know if the lead out theory dictates whether a mother pushing a child, or the desk toy I mentioned, or the simple pendulum clock is overunity.  I do not care whether the extra energy is produced, lead out, or whatever other term of art you want to attach.  I just want to know if your theory would dictate that those devices are over unity, and if so, please reconcile the fact that the three devices I mentioned are known to be under unity, while your theory would dictate otherwise.

Quote(2) "A 150% efficiency rating is so great, we do not even have to worry about friction much." You should also quote the qualifying sentence.  Gravitational Energy is Lead Out only during the application of the Pulse Force.  In the case of a mother pushing a child on the swing, the time during which the pushing is applied (Tpush) is short compared with the total time of one swing or oscillation (Toscillation).

*** (Tpush) << (Toscillation)  That is the reason for multiple pulse points on a wheel (e.g. Liang Xingren IC motor and the 225 Pulse Motor.)

I take exception to this logic.  You seem to imply that a single pulse does nothing, while multiple pulses would accomplish the trick.  This makes no sense.  Under the lead out theory, even a single pulse will result in free energy.  More pulses may create more energy, but a single pulse should be enough.

Finally, I want to touch on what you tell NerzhDishual.  You say that the tension of the string is what causes extra energy to be lead out. We still do not know what lead out means in this case, but I think you are running afoul of a pretty elementary concept in physics.  I am a lawyer by trade, not a physicist, so correct me if I am wrong, but tension does not by itself create energy.  For example, if I am trying to lift a weight in the gym, a weight much too heavy for me, and I struggle and pull and tug with all my might, but fail to get the weight off the ground, I am exerting great tension on my arms, but there is no way to extract any energy from this.  I would actually have to move the weight in order to accomplish any work.  So your explanation is a little nonsensical.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: NerzhDishual on September 08, 2007, 12:18:39 AM
Hi ltseung888

I was not criticizing or questionning the "Lead Out" theory. I (sometimes) see what you mean especially when you are talking about boat, water, sunshine and 'calmness'.

I undestand that you are not talking about COE violation. I also 'beleive' that a Bessler-like device is possible. I need not to be convinced. I'm far from a skeptic. Actually I'm a skeptic fighter. I fight with my native language that is why my posts here are short (I whish I could be more fluent in English).

My question was not a "scientific" one but a mere "gramatical" and "semantical" one. I just wanted to get a synonym for "Lead out".

Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: gaby de wilde on September 08, 2007, 12:20:27 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on September 07, 2007, 03:37:12 AMSo one kid pushing another on a swing is an overunity device?  There is a pulse force and a pendulum, after all.  If this was true, it would be trivially simple to construct an overunity device.  Just have a pendulum and a hammer hitting it from one end.  Then use the excess force of the pendulum to retrigger the hammer, and presto!
You nailed it down quite nicely with the hammer stuffs.

That's how you put energy into the thing

You then extract the energy from the bob's pull at the string.


why act as if it's so complicated? ;)
Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: ltseung888 on September 08, 2007, 01:07:05 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on September 08, 2007, 12:20:27 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on September 07, 2007, 03:37:12 AMSo one kid pushing another on a swing is an overunity device?  There is a pulse force and a pendulum, after all.  If this was true, it would be trivially simple to construct an overunity device.  Just have a pendulum and a hammer hitting it from one end.  Then use the excess force of the pendulum to retrigger the hammer, and presto!
You nailed it down quite nicely with the hammer stuffs.

That's how you put energy into the thing

You then extract the energy from the bob's pull at the string.


why act as if it's so complicated? ;)

Thank you.  Gaby.

With you around, I do not have to repeat the posts of the simple gravity wheel:

and the related reproduction stories from Sun et al again.


Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 08, 2007, 01:28:53 AM
Quote from: NerzhDishual on September 08, 2007, 12:18:39 AM
Hi ltseung888

I was not criticizing or questionning the "Lead Out" theory. I (sometimes) see what you mean especially when you are talking about boat, water, sunshine and 'calmness'.

I undestand that you are not talking about COE violation. I also 'beleive' that a Bessler-like device is possible. I need not to be convinced. I'm far from a skeptic. Actually I'm a skeptic fighter. I fight with my native language that is why my posts here are short (I whish I could be more fluent in English).

My question was not a "scientific" one but a mere "gramatical" and "semantical" one. I just wanted to get a synonym for "Lead out".


Thanks for your clarification.  Note that since I could not find a better English Word than LEAD OUT, I "abused" it.  I deliberately use the incorrect English grammar of LEAD, LEAD and LEAD for present, past and future tense.  The correct grammar should be Lead, Led, Led.  That ?mistake? was pointed out by some of the steorn.com/forum members.
Title: Re: The Conservation of Energy
Post by: ltseung888 on September 08, 2007, 02:26:50 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on September 08, 2007, 12:14:27 AM
Thank you for your patience, Mr. Tseung.

Please, let's not split hairs.  You know what I mean.  Frankly, I do not care about CoE at this point.  I just want to know if the lead out theory dictates whether a mother pushing a child, or the desk toy I mentioned, or the simple pendulum clock is overunity. 

***The correct answer is
(1)   I now know that you are a lawyer and not a physicist.  So I am using layman scenario - When you Lead Out existing Gravitational Energy, it is like you are at the top of a hill with a huge water tank.  You use a bucket to get the water from the tank and pour it down the hill.  You LEAD OUT the potential energy of water with your muscle energy to get the water.  However, that is NOT the potential energy of the water coming down the hill.

(2) A mother pushing a child on a swing, the simple desktop toy and the pendulum are NOT overunity devices as they do not have a feedback mechanism to re-pulse the system.  Bill Mehess tried to do that with his Korean parts pendulum.  You can read more about his invention in this forum.

I take exception to this logic.  You seem to imply that a single pulse does nothing, while multiple pulses would accomplish the trick.  This makes no sense.  Under the lead out theory, even a single pulse will result in free energy.  More pulses may create more energy, but a single pulse should be enough.

*** I never imply that a single pulse does nothing.  The implication of Tpulse <<Toscillation is as follows:
The time of the pulse (Tpulse) is much shorter than the time of an oscillation (Toscillation). The COP =1.5 part occurs only during the time of Tpulse.  If the Toscillation is 100 times longer than Tpulse, the COP of the pulsed pendulum system as a whole is NOT 1.5. 

If the COP is zero for the rest of the period.  It is 1/100 of 1.5 or 0.015.  0.015 is much less than 1. 

If the COP is 1 (ideal machine) for the rest of the period.  It is 1 + 1/100 of 0.5 or 1.005.  If the COP is slightly less than 1 in reality, the total COP drops below 1.

Thus the Lee-Tseung theory demands higher pulse rates or longer pulse periods to increase the COP value.  One effective way to do it is via pulsed rotation rather than pulsed oscillation.

I am leaving the answer to your last part to Ms. Forever Yuen. She has just completed her school certificate examination in Physics. Her answer would be straightly from textbooks.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on September 08, 2007, 02:45:45 AM
Mr .Tseung ask me to clarify the following concepts in Physics

*** .....but tension does not by itself create energy.  For example, if I am trying to lift a weight in the gym, a weight much too heavy for me, and I struggle and pull and tug with all my might, but fail to get the weight off the ground, I am exerting great tension on my arms, but there is no way to extract any energy from this.  I would actually have to move the weight in order to accomplish any work.  So your explanation is a little nonsensical.***

There are some elementary formulae in Physics that Tinu or other Physicists can confirm and clarify for you :

(1) Tension is a Force.  Force by itself is NOT energy.
(2) Force is a vector quantity (has direction).  In order for it to do Work, there must be Displacement.
(3) Displacement is NOT distance.  Displacement is also a vector quantity.
(4) In order for the Force to do Work, there must be Displacement in the direction of the Force.
(5) When Work is done, Energy is exchanged.  Both Work and Energy are scalar quantities. (No direction) Note that the product of two vector quantities becomes a scalar quantity.
(6) Tension in the pendulum string by itself does not imply Work done or Energy Exchange.  However, the pendulum swings to a different position.  This implies Displacement.  We can resolve this Displacement into vertical and horizontal components. (Vector arithmetic).
(7) We can also resolve the Tension (a Force) into vertical and horizontal components (Vector arithmetic).
(8) The product of Tension(vertical) x Displacement(vertical) represents the Work done or Energy exchange in the vertical direction.
(9) The product of Tension(horizontal) x Displacement(horizontal) represents the Work done or Energy exchange in the horizontal direction.
(10) The sum of (8) and (9) represents the energy exchanged.

I hope that the above information clarifies the physics concept.
;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on September 08, 2007, 05:13:05 AM
High-grade physics.
So far so good!

Then, there is also the fact that gravitational field is conservative!
This goes a little bit beyond high-grade?

Anyway, the attribute of being conservative means, in simple words, that no energy can be extracted from the field by a system moving in a closed loop.
A pendulum describes a closed loop. A rotating cylinder does the same. A system composed of two or more colliding pendulums also describes a closed loop.
A falling brick does not; that?s why it will crush your fingers. However, when raising the brick again to its initial height, you close the loop and that means that you have to put back the same energy as the one crushing your fingers?

So, the ?lead-out theory? is not a real theory because it just takes some simple high-grade equations, misuses them (elementary mistakes) and then reaches to a point that contradicts the very same starting basic theory? :o
Ooops! How can it be?!!!  ??? Well, by mistakenly using physics, the final ?result? is invalid, of course.
But Mr. Tseung, in his presentation does not even reach a final result.
He makes several sudden jumps, up to the end, excusing that the calculus is difficult...  ::)

My first issue related to the ?lead-out theory? was about correcting all of these mistakes, before everything else.
It remained unanswered up to this day, as it will probably remain ?Forever?.

And no, the above message does not clarify the physics concept. ;D
It should add:
11) The sum of 8 and 9 for any closed-looping gravitational system is zero. No energy is extracted, neither is 'lead-out'.  8)


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 08, 2007, 06:16:43 AM
Quote from: tinu on September 08, 2007, 05:13:05 AM
High-grade physics.
So far so good!

Then, there is also the fact that gravitational field is conservative!
This goes a little bit beyond high-grade?

Anyway, the attribute of being conservative means, in simple words, that no energy can be extracted from the field by a system moving in a closed loop.  A pendulum describes a closed loop. A rotating cylinder does the same. A system composed of two or more colliding pendulums also describes a closed loop.

A falling brick does not; that?s why it will crush your fingers. However, when raising the brick again to its initial height, you close the loop and that means that you have to put back the same energy as the one crushing your fingers?

So, the ?lead-out theory? is not a real theory because it just takes some simple high-grade equations, misuses them (elementary mistakes) and then reaches to a point that contradicts the very same starting basic theory? :o
Ooops! How can it be?!!!  ??? Well, by mistakenly using physics, the final ?result? is invalid, of course.
But Mr. Tseung, in his presentation does not even reach a final result.
He makes several sudden jumps, up to the end, excusing that the calculus is difficult...  ::)

My first issue related to the ?lead-out theory? was about correcting all of these mistakes, before everything else.
It remained unanswered up to this day, as it will probably remain ?Forever?.

And no, the above message does not clarify the physics concept. ;D
It should add:
11) The sum of 8 and 9 for any closed-looping gravitational system is zero. No energy is extracted, neither is 'lead-out'.  8)


Dear Tinu,

When you use the statement that gravitational field is conservative.  I thought that you did not understand the concept that that statement only applies to a closed system.

But you also mentioned later that "The sum of 8 and 9 for any closed-looping gravitational system is zero."  That tell me that you probably  know the limitation of the statement (that gravitational field is conservative in a closed system).

This goes back to the hundreds of posts on CoP in the steorn.com/forum that we can never find a perfectly closed system for gravitation fields on Earth.  (Any moving star will have gravitational energy interchange with our Earth.  How can we find a closed gravitational system in such an environment?)

If I repost the dozens of CoP discussions from Steorn.com/forum again, would I be accused of repeat, repeat and repeat???  Please spend some time and read them. 

Thus I ignored the so called "advanced concept" that gravitational field is conservative in a closed system. (At least on our planet Earth.) If you can find one such system in reality, please educate me.  Thank you.

*** Just finished talking to a PhD candidate student majoring in Mathematics.  His understanding of a " conservative gravitatonal field" system is that the total gravitational energy of that system is unchanged or conserved.  If gravitational energy flows in and out from that system, that system cannot be closed.  A non-closed system cannot be conservation as there is loss or gain of the energy under consideration.  A closed-looped subsystem within such a "closed conservative system" must not in itself create or destroy energy.  If so, the "closed conservative system" can never be conservative.  (Imagine this closed-looped subsystem keep creating energy - how can the total system has the same energy?)

I am not sure whether that helps to clarify or confuse the issue for the average Forum participants.  However, some of the posts are intended for the top academics from Tsing Hua, Beijing, MIT, Harvard, Cambridge, Toyko Universities etc.  They may not read it now but I am sure that they will read it in the very near future when General Magnetic of China or other Companies demonstrate their Cosmic Energy Products. ***

Lawrence Tseung
Abstract Advanced Concepts Lead Out Confusion not only in the minds of laymen but also that of the top Physicists.  Every statement must be carefully qualified.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on September 08, 2007, 07:56:34 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

?Conservative force fields and closed loops

A conservative force is one that does zero net work on a particle that travels along any closed path in an isolated system. A conservative force field can be represented as the gradient of a potential. Gravitational forces, electric forces, and magnetic forces are known to be conservative in a time-independent (static) field.
The work done in any closed loop shape, by such forces is independent on the path taken by the particle or charge and is equal to zero. This simply means that if a mass, electric charge or magnetic charge travels a closed loop in a static gravitational, electric or magnetic field respectively, it can never gain energy, or do any useful work. The work done in travelling from point X to Y, is always equal and opposite to the work done in travelling from point Y back to X. ?

The lecture then goes on. It?s pretty educative; you may want to read it all.

The limit in which gravitation is not conservative is in parts at E-12, as G variation is shown to be (dG/dt)/G ≤ 8E-12/year. Into this limits, energy can be extracted according to all known principles and laws. However, such a variation is way too small and too slow to be of any use. In fact, it can barely be measured using standard lab techniques and it is more mathematically deduced from observations within our solar system. On paper, however, machines can be imagined and I?d have nothing against them, in principle. But in practice it would require moving masses of billions of tons with no friction and loses; it?s simply not feasible.

Also, why bother to go that far at distant stars?
Use the Moon to extract energy: raise a body during the night when the Moon is above and let it fall when the moon is on the opposite side of the planet. This would also make a workable gravitational engine but only on paper. In practice it is also not feasible, unless, of course, converting the effects manifested on such large masses as those equivalent to a whole ocean? Tidal generators? Clicks heard?
Note that a whole sea is not enough for exploiting such effects! An ocean does it but not a sea?

Is this the line you try to pursue?
All the above facts are well known to me.
1. They are not feasible from any practical point of view.
2. They are not related in any way with the ?lead-out? theory, as you present it.

From the point of view of lead-out theory, the gravitational field of Earth can be considered static, hence conservative and all systems can be regarded as gravitationally isolated. This approximation is excellent, in the above presented limits.
If your pendulum weights as much as an ocean, then go on. Just state it and go on. I?ll follow your way of thinking. I?ll even accept a weight of a small ocean.
But if your pendulum weights less than the above, then accept that the gravitational field is conservative and forget about any variation of G.
Alternatively, I?ll even accept a ?mechanism? to vary G locally, if you can point toward one. Can you?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 08, 2007, 09:55:30 AM
Quote from: tinu on September 08, 2007, 07:56:34 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,


The lecture then goes on. It?s pretty educative; you may want to read it all.


Dear Tinu,

Thank you for your education.  I now know where you come from.  The lecture tries to promote zero point energy ZPE.  As I understand it, ZPE so far has NOT been accepted by mainstream science.

The Lecture states the First Law of Thermodynamics in a different way than what I learned at University over 40 years ago.

QuoteThe first law states: In any process, the total energy of the universe remains constant. It simply means that the amount of energy lost in a steady state process cannot be greater than the amount of energy gained. This is the only thermodynamic law that is NOT statistical, and thus is considered the only secure law of present science. In physics, this is known as the law of conservation of energy of isolated systems. N?ether's Theorem, states that if a system has a particular symmetry, there is a quantity associated with that symmetry that is conserved. By this theorem, the principle of conservation of energy is a consequence of invariance under time translations, that is symmetry in time. The conservation of energy law does not apply to systems which are not symmetrical upon time translation or reversal.

In many places, the lecture states the importance of isolated or closed systems.  For example, I quote:

QuoteIt is not usually stressed enough, the fact that there is a very fundamental assumption in these laws, even in the first most 'secure' law of thermodynamics, or what we usually refer to as COE (conservation of energy). They ASSUME a closed system, and are born out of pure mathematics or statistical work, unprovable in the real world. Unprovable, because no one has yet been able to isolate a closed system. We are not even sure that the universe as a whole can be regarded as a closed system, which is a strict requirement for the conservation of energy law! In fact principles such as uncertainty, and entanglement, would seem to indicate that either it is impossible for a truly closed system to exist, or that our idea of a closed system is not taking into account other phenomena or energy exchanges which cannot be easily or possibly isolated from our systems. For example, one might consider a mechanical engine as a closed system, and finds out that it's impossible to get two similar efficiency readings. This could for example be due to changes in external ambient temperatures which were not taken into account in the first place. So, in such a case, our sun must be taken account as part of this example. But, still, we find that even at absolute zero kelvin, the ground state energy does not go to zero, and this means that other yet unknown energy sources must be taken account, or at least have their existence accepted by mainstream science, which is currently not the case. And that's why the list of anamolous effects in science is getting longer year after year.

I respect your support of ZPE.  However, I believe the Lee-Tseung theory is much easier to understand.  It can be applied much easier to the known working Cosmic Energy Machine Prototypes.  You may feel that I misused the Laws of Classical Physics.  That may be a valuable point for deeper understanding.  However, the top Professors at Tsing Hua, Beijing, Harvard and MIT did not raise that point as objection.  They only said that "this will require more research".  Lee-tseung-Wang were made guest lecturers at Tsing Hua University.  That fact demonstrated that some top academics were willing to investigate the Lee-Tseung theory further.

You did a good job in stressing that we need to use the correct units of force, work and energy.  Thank you.

Lawrence Tseung
ZPE supporters Lead Out heated discussions with the Lee-Tseung supporters.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on September 08, 2007, 10:36:36 AM
I do not support ZPE, in particular.
(And I?m sorry but I have to run for now. Real life, real business?)

Still, you have in my above post at least clear examples of workable-in-principle devices, and clear values, supported by known facts and a description that is understable by just everyone reading here.

Try doing the same.

1. Try conceiving and posting a principle experiment. I have even offered before to build it and to test it for you.
Pulsed pendulum is not working. That?s all.

2. Try developing and posting a correct theory
Not only units of force, work and energy are wrong, but the equations are wrong, in the way they were used. And I do not ?feel it?. They are literarily wrong. I won?t post it again; it?s already here, right into this thread.

3. Try showing the limits in which the above 1 and 2 applies, at least the way I did it.

Then, there will be a solid base for discussing.
Right now, there is almost nothing.

Keep in touch,
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on September 08, 2007, 11:02:15 AM
Quote from: tinu on September 08, 2007, 10:36:36 AM
I do not support ZPE, in particular.
(And I?m sorry but I have to run for now. Real life, real business?)
Typical debunker thing to say.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on September 08, 2007, 11:40:29 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 24, 2007, 11:29:51 PM
Perpetual Motion Machine Patent or Patent Applications from the China Patent Database.

I used the Chinese Characters 永动æÅ"º as keyword to search on the Chinese Patent Database.   

当我æÅ"寻"永久è¡Å'动æÅ"ºåâ,,¢Â¨" 我发现è¿â,,¢: 自古以来ï¼Å'鼓吹永动æÅ"ºçš„æâ€" éžä¸¤ç±»äººï¼Å'ä¸â,¬Ã§Â±Â»Ã¦ËœÂ¯Ã¦â€" çŸ¥æˆâ€"偏执的空æÆ'³å®¶ï¼Å'ä¸â,¬Ã§Â±Â»Ã¦ËœÂ¯Ã¨Â¯Ë†Ã©Âªâ€"投资的éªâ€"子ãâ,¬â€š (https://overunityarchives.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.go-here.nl%2Fimages%2Fsmiles%2Ficon_sad.gif&hash=d3898f79b26858313b4a394c2cbeae68b376efb4)

QuoteI got 60 hits.  56 were invention patents.  It demonstrates that the dogma of "perpetual motion machines are not possible because of the law of conservation of energy" is less severe in China.  The first page is listed.

I deliberately do not add any translation.  This gives your Chinese friends a chance to shine (or to get a drink or a dinner from you!)

您现åÅ"¨çš„位置: é¦â€"页 > 专利æ£â,¬Ã§Â´Â¢ > æÅ"索结æžÅ"
        发明专利 56 条       Ã¥Â®Å¾Ã§â€Â¨Ã¦â€"°åž‹ä¸“利 4 条 
序号 申请号  专利名称 
1    02104966.1     Ã¦Å"ºç”µç£æ•°æ¨¡å¾ªçŽ¯å¼åŠ¨åŠ›æÅ"º 
2    02102260.7     Ã©â€¡ÂÃ¥Å â€ºÃ¦â€ºÂ²Ã¦Å¸â€žÃ¦Â°Â¸Ã¥Å Â¨Ã¦Å"º 
3    02108873.X     Ã§Â£ÂÃ¥Å â€ºÃ¥Ââ€˜Ã¥Å Â¨Ã¦Å"º 
4    01123526.8     Ã¥Â®â€¡Ã¥Â®â,,¢Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¨Æ'½åŠ éâ,¬Å¸Ã§â€ÂµÃ¥Å Â¨Ã¦Å"ºè½¦è¾† 
5    96102681.2     Ã¨â€¡ÂªÃ¥Å Â¨Ã¨Â¿ÂÃ¨Â¡Å'è½®??永动æÅ"º 
6    97101208.3     Ã§Â£ÂÃ¥Å â€ºÃ¦Â°Â¸Ã¥Å Â¨Ã¦Å"º 
7    96112631.0     Ã©â€¡ÂÃ¥Å â€ºÃ¤Â¸ÂÃ¥Â¹Â³Ã¨Â¡Â¡Ã¨Â£â€¦Ã§Â½Â®-永动æÅ"º 
8    97101371.3     Ã¦Â°Â¸Ã§Â£ÂÃ¥Ââ€˜Ã¥Å Â¨Ã¦Å"º 
9    86106041     Ã¦â€"¥åŠ›ç£åŠ¨æÅ"º 
10    88108911.7     Ã¥Ë†Â©Ã§â€Â¨Ã¥â€ Â¬Ã¥Â¯â€™Ã¥Â¤ÂÃ¦Å¡â€˜Ã§Å¡â€ž?永动æÅ"º?æŠâ,¬Ã¦Å"¯æâ€"¹æ¡ˆ 
11    88109717.9     Ã¤Â½Å½Ã¨Æ'Å'压再生凝汽式汽轮æÅ"ºè®¾å¤‡ 
12    89105245.3     Ã¨Å â€šÃ¨Æ'½æŠ½æ°”压缩æÅ"º 
13    92103544.6     Ã¦Â°Â¸Ã¥Å Â¨Ã¦Å"ºåŠå…¶ç”¨éâ,¬â€ 
14    93117137.7     Ã©â€¦ÂÃ¥ÂË†Ã¥Âºâ€Ã§â€Â¨Ã©â€¡ÂÃ¥Å â€ºÃ¥Å Â¨Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¦Å"º 
15    94107176.6     Ã§Â£ÂÃ¦â,¬Â§Ã¦Â°Â¸Ã¥Å Â¨Ã¦Å"º 
16    93100829.8     Ã¤Â¸â,¬Ã§Â§ÂÃ¦â€"°åž‹åŠ¨è£…ç½® 
17    94107644.X     Ã¦Â°Â¸Ã¥Å Â¨Ã¦Å"º 
18    94111811.8     Ã¤Â¸â,¬Ã§Â§ÂÃ¦Â Â¹Ã¦ÂÂ®Ã¦ÂÂ Ã¦Ââ€ Ã¥â€™Å'液压传动原理构成的永动æÅ"º 
19    93114240.7     Ã¦Â°Â¸Ã¥Å Â¨Ã¦Å"ºåˆ¶éâ,¬Â Ã¦Å â,¬Ã¦Å"¯ 
20    97107032.6     Ã¥Â¹Â¿Ã¤Â¹â€°Ã¥Å â€ºÃ¦ÂºÂÃ¦Å"º 

Websearchin for "离å¿Æ'增力æÅ"º" also looks interesting.link (http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A//www.google.com/search%3Fq%3D%2522%25E7%25A6%25BB%25E5%25BF%2583%25E5%25A2%259E%25E5%258A%259B%25E6%259C%25BA%2522%26sourceid%3Dnavclient-ff%26ie%3DUTF-8%26rls%3DGGGL%2CGGGL%3A2006-27%2CGGGL%3Aen&hl=en&langpair=zh%7Cen&tbb=1&ie=UTF-8)

zeer interusant alluhmaal. ;D
Title: Chas Campbell Devices
Post by: ltseung888 on September 09, 2007, 04:58:56 AM
I have boldly stated in:


QuoteQuote from: ashtweth_nihilisti on Today at 01:03:00 AM
Hi Lawrence and all,

Thank you Lawrence we will be attaching that to our presentation of this system, depsite Chas not have a refined system and or a working system ATM, there are still many themes and benefits we can attain from this whole experience, and that data you provided needs to make it to the light and day so does all the other gravity theorems/devices mentioned so far and the response Chas got. Plus How you and Chas need endorsement and investigation /support.

Dear Ash,

You and your team have done an excellent job.  I have seen the Chas Campbell gravity wheel video and I also have the dimensions of his Electricity Magnifier.

After careful review and discussions with others in China, we are very confident that we can improve both the Chas Campbell devices.  I shall prepare a full, detailed theoretical explanation of why his two devices are theoretically possible.  We shall then outline the many improvements that are possible under the prediction of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.

The Chas Campbell Electricity Magnifier is actually easier to implement and demonstrate.  I have the unfair advantage of knowing the superior Tsing Hua Electricity Generator using cylinders.  Lee and I already presented the theory at Tsing Hua University multiple times in late 2006.  In one sentence, it is Pulsed Rotation Leading Out Gravitational Energy.

Lee Cheung Kin and I shall meet some Chinese Officials next week.  As you may know already, China and Japan are extremely interested in alternative energy projects.   If you do not object, I shall present the Chas Campbell devices to them.  (We did that for Wang Shum Ho with good success.)

Keep up the good work.  I am interested in your RV invention too.

Lawrence Tseung
International Cooperation Leads Out a better World for all.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 11, 2007, 07:25:33 PM
I have updated (to Version 1.2) the campbell.doc document posted at:


In Version 1.2, I included both the gravity wheel and the Electricity magnifier.

Have fun.

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 11, 2007, 10:56:09 PM
Presentation file to two groups of Chinese Officials this week.

Initial feedback excellent.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 13, 2007, 04:56:24 AM
The message to Ash before his trip to Chas Campbell


and the reply from Ash and the sharing of information



Hi Lawrence,

Personally i would like to thank you and so does the trustees and volunteers at Panacea for your ideas and enthusiasm /support. Patrick Kelly has added your thesis to our on line university, also your page and Chas has been updated with your document. The new site is being uploaded now.

We will be presenting a Full video production of all gravity devices which are currently reported working, Bob mays, Milkovics, and presenting your Gen and thesis with the experimental data we attain at Chas's test.

We will also be getting faculties and government to go on record stating they have evaluated this research.

We will also be presenting this along with our water fuel cell and neon switcher to the public in order to attain support for all open sourced engineers and work towards getting a RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER.

Check got it Lawrence, will do those tests for you.

The video will take time to edit, how ever we will be posting the pulse RV tests parts here exclusive for Stefan, so you guys don't have to wait   wish us luck Guys, plenty more to come.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on September 13, 2007, 09:48:27 AM

Do you believe there has been a history of suppression of free energy devices in China by big business and government?  From the little I know about China's history, I would think that the government there would be very much in favor of any devices like that and that big business has been controlled and owned by government there for many years, perhaps always.

It seems interesting that in most of the world, evil oil business and government interests have been blamed for suppressing public awareness and commercial production of free energy devices.  What has kept these wonderful devices you speak of from becoming popular commercial products in China all these years?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 13, 2007, 01:47:21 PM
Quote from: Humbugger on September 13, 2007, 09:48:27 AM

Do you believe there has been a history of suppression of free energy devices in China by big business and government?  From the little I know about China's history, I would think that the government there would be very much in favor of any devices like that and that big business has been controlled and owned by government there for many years, perhaps always.

It seems interesting that in most of the world, evil oil business and government interests have been blamed for suppressing public awareness and commercial production of free energy devices.  What has kept these wonderful devices you speak of from becoming popular commercial products in China all these years?


My own experience in China with the Chinese Officials is actually very positive.  Lee and I were able to meet the top Officials in the China Patent Office.  They were very eager to listen to our theory.

We got great reception at Tsing Hua University - the top University in China responsible for evaluating perpetual motion patent applications.  We were made guest lecturers.

The real bad experience in suppression was from what I called CIA or the Like.  They tricked us in believing that they represented the Chinese Government and got us to disclosing every technical detail.  They also got us to explain the working of a 225 HP Pulse Motor developed in USA.  The device was working for 15 years but the inventor could not figure out the source of energy.

That group and similar were very skilled in generating jealousy and distrust amongst the inventors.  They really knew how to use greed and distrust.  They infiltrated into the team and then broke it from within.  My own conviction is that - there is indeed conspiracy to suppress the Cosmic Energy Inventions.  However, such conspiracy did not come from the Chinese Government.

After we promoted Wang Shum Ho on the Internet, 5 Chinese Officials saw his demonstration.  Wang became vice president of General Magnetic with 13 billion dollar RMB backing.  The date of demonstration was Jan 15, 2007 and the date of becoming vice president was June 2007.

Thus heavy support on Cosmic Energy Development in China with public knowledge was only a few months - since June 2007.

China has been extremely careful with its scientific image.  Tsing Hua University worked with the Electricity Magnifier that could magnify the input 30 times since 1996.  They knew that the invention worked.  They could not come up with a theory to explain whyThey kept it very low key for over 11 years.

Now, the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory is out.  CoE has not been violated.  The Chas Campbell Electricity Magnifier will be validated by Ash et al.  Lee and I (who knew the workings of the Tsing Hua device) are helping openly.  It is a matter of weeks before the World confirms the Chas Campbell Electricity Magnifier and thus the Lee-Tseung theory outside China.

I like your change in attitude - no longer accusing inventions as hoaxes and inventors as imposters.

Regards and enjoy the show from Australia.  (Expect many posts from the debunkers.  That will add flavor to the drama.)

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Humbugger on September 13, 2007, 02:26:06 PM

So...the CIA came into China and posed as the Chinese government to suppress free energy machines?  Wow...what an operation!  But you were not fooled, thankfully.  Were they caught and executed I hope?

And the only other thing that has ever held anyone back over there is this idea that you shouldn't build and sell the machines to provide free energy until the theory is understood?  Wow, that would never happen in America.  Even if you have a working machine and know how to build more no problem, in China you must wait until the theory catches up?  And now, finally, thanks to you, the Grand Unified Pulsed Gravitational Lead Out Theory of All Free Energy Inventions Past Present and Future has explained everything and production has begun in full swing, right?

So we should expect these machines to start arriving real soon all over the world in great quantities and for very low prices, I guess.  I'll be checking at WalMart and Home Depot.  Seems like there are finally no more obstacles in the way.  Maybe Ashtweth should move to China and set up his non-profit over there.  He and everyone else have been having a heck of a time for the last several hundred years getting these new inventions going mostly because of the damn governments and big oil men wrecking everything and killing all the great inventors.  I know because I read all about it on his website.  You just don't have that problem over in China, it seems.  And now you have gifted the world with your theory, so there are no more problems!

Oh, the only one is maybe quality control.  I've been hearing a lot about that lately in regards to China.  Guys getting executed and other guys hanging themselves in their businesses after bringing shame upon China.  Just please try to get them to use paint that has no lead in it or there will be trouble for sure when the free energy machines start arriving in the USA. 

Maybe it's the CIA sneaking the lead into the paint?  Did you think of that?  Maybe they are trying to ruin the reputation of Chinese goods because they know the free energy machines cannot be held back any longer since your theory has explained them all so completely now.  I bet that's it.

So, Lawrence, I guess the bottom line is, once again, it's all about keeping the LEAD OUT!   ::)

Humbugger  ~  Always Trying to Help Figure Out What's Really Going On Here

P.S.  I like your attitude too:  "(Expect many posts from the debunkers.  That will add favor to the drama.)"  Did you mean "favor" or "flavor"?  I'm going to sit back and watch, I think, unless someone asks for my opinion.  Ashtweth doesn't like me and he just hates it and gets very upset when I ask questions.  He thinks I'm an oil man but really I'm not.  I'm getting kind of "suppressed", I guess.

Right now I have to put the laptop away because the doctor is going to take some stitches out of my shoulder.  I think they put some kind of chip in there.  They told me it was "abnormal cells" they had to remove but I'm betting it was one of those CIA chips they were putting in, really.  Maybe I have a chip on my shoulder!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 13, 2007, 07:29:51 PM
Quote from: Humbugger on September 13, 2007, 02:26:06 PM

So...the CIA came into China and posed as the Chinese government to suppress free energy machines?  Wow...what an operation!  But you were not fooled, thankfully.  Were they caught and executed I hope?

Now you know why this guy is NUTs!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on September 13, 2007, 11:57:29 PM
Quote from: Humbugger on September 13, 2007, 02:26:06 PM
So...the CIA came into China and posed as the Chinese government to suppress free energy machines?  Wow...what an operation!

What do you mean? We found them running concentration camps in Poland? Abduct EU citizens? haha??

CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons

wow what an operation? eh humpy?

Reality can be such a fish-slap in the face eh?

The real suppression is done by idiots screaming down all inventors. I don't have to explain this to you? You know your job description. inventors have better things to do as to be debunked by you. You are much to good at it. It's not worth the effort.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on September 14, 2007, 12:36:16 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on September 13, 2007, 11:57:29 PM
Quote from: Humbugger on September 13, 2007, 02:26:06 PM
So...the CIA came into China and posed as the Chinese government to suppress free energy machines?  Wow...what an operation!

What do you mean? We found them running concentration camps in Poland? Abduct EU citizens? haha??

CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons

wow what an operation? eh humpy?

Reality can be such a fish-slap in the face eh?

The real suppression is done by idiots screaming down all inventors. I don't have to explain this to you? You know your job description. inventors have better things to do as to be debunked by you. You are much to good at it. It's not worth the effort.

What a fantastic leap in logic.  CIA has secret detention camps, therefore it also wastes its time impersonating Chinese politicians to thwart a free energy demonstration in China by a completely unknown researcher, despite the fact that every other free energy demonstration in the history of the universe has been a total failure.  (Oh wait, except the ones they secretly sabotaged, right?)

I also find amusing your picking and choosing of when to use mainstream media as a valid source.  Apparently it is fine to support this position, but you are absolutely convinced that mainstream media is in cahoots with the CIA and the Bush administration when it comes to anything related to 9/11, and nothing they publish on that subject can be trusted at all, and moreover, they have no motivation at all to publish the real story and are really just all paid puppets of evil Bush.

And finally, do you really think that something as revolutionary as free energy can be "suppressed" by "shouting" on an Internet forum?  Since when has a huge furor to silence something actually accomplished this goal.  Inevitably, when you tell someone they should not be watching or listening to or reading something, that something becomes manifold more popular, because everyone wants to know what all the fuss is about.  The only time that open criticism of something results in silence is when the critic is obviously correct and there really isn't anything else to say on the matter.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 14, 2007, 03:57:08 AM
G'day all,

The day the CIA starts taking the theories of a certain Lawrence Tseung seriously and starts considering them as a thread, on that day all of us are in deeeeeeep shit.

I know the CIA is run by lunatics, but thaaaaat crazy????    Heaven forbid :-)

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 14, 2007, 02:00:53 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 13, 2007, 01:47:21 PM

My own experience in China with the Chinese Officials is actually very positive.  Lee and I were able to meet the top Officials in the China Patent Office.  They were very eager to listen to our theory.

We got great reception at Tsing Hua University - the top University in China responsible for evaluating perpetual motion patent applications.  We were made guest lecturers.

The real bad experience in suppression was from what I called CIA or the Like.  They tricked us in believing that they represented the Chinese Government and got us to disclosing every technical detail.  They also got us to explain the working of a 225 HP Pulse Motor developed in USA.  The device was working for 15 years but the inventor could not figure out the source of energy.

Lawrence Tseung

Here we go again! I can't believe you're either very delusional or very stupid. Oh, now the CIA tricked you into .....Maybe it's all in your mind? Get some psychiatric help.

Oh, also try to get a life Lawrence. Spend time with your grandchildren. The world is begging for a different interpretation than your crap out nonsense and did any other top tier universities in the western world invite you to lecture at their institutions?

You're really looking more and more silly with every new post!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Unicron on September 14, 2007, 02:39:51 PM
Can the personal bashing please stop! for anny who makes a personal insult, "It takes one to know one"
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 14, 2007, 02:49:16 PM
G'day all,

Sorry Unicron, but this isn't really personal bashing. When you or I, or Lawrence for that matter, make silly statements about physics or CIA involvement or anything else on an open forum such as this we lay ourselves open to criticism.

The only way Lawrence has to avoid this kind of response is to stop making idiotic and arrogant statements.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Unicron on September 14, 2007, 04:46:32 PM
ok, agree
Title: The Lee-Tseung Theoretical Pulse Motor
Post by: ltseung888 on September 14, 2007, 07:08:21 PM
I shall start a thread on the design principles of the Lee-Tseung Theoretical Pulse Motor.  The thread will be in the http://forum.go-here.nl


Gaby has done a great job in collecting many inventions with OU claims. His posts in this topic on Pulse Motors are stimulating.

My focus is somewhat different. I would like to apply the Lee-Tseung Theory to design the best Pulse Motor possible. I would not build the motor myself as I am not skilled in the use of tools. Others have a chance to shine.

The goal of this thread is:

(1) Explain how the Gravitational and Electron Motion Energy is Lead Out in the Pulse Rotation.

(2) Identify the various factors that will affect the Lead Out efficiency.

(3) Show how the known devices such as the Newman, the Bedini, the 225 Horse Power Pulse Motor, etc fit into the above scheme.

(4) Discuss how to incorporate the Flying Saucer Concept into the pulse motor. (magneto propulsion unit). I shall make comparison with the John Searl Devices.

(5) The knowledge is expected to Benefit the World. However, I expect debunkers and others with less noble intentions to jump in and disrupt the discussion as in other open forums.

I shall use my moderator privilege to delete, modify or ban disrupting posts. Please do not post in this thread of the forum.go-here.nl if you object. Thank you.

I am making the thread sticky first so that enough information may be pumped in to start reasonable discussions.

Edited: A friend advised me to have an open thread such as this one to accept all input including insults.  There is the sticky thread that I can use to organize my own and other useful comments.  These useful comments can come from the open thread.  I shall give it serious consideration.

Lawrence Tseung
Benefiting the World Leads Out necessary measures to ensure "focus on the technology"
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 14, 2007, 11:43:31 PM
G'day all,

Quote from: ltseung888 on September 14, 2007, 07:08:21 PM
I shall start a thread on the design principles of the Lee-Tseung Theoretical Pulse Motor.
My focus is somewhat different. I would like to apply the Lee-Tseung Theory to design the best Pulse Motor possible. I would not build the motor myself as I am not skilled in the use of tools.

Nuff said, isn't it, This is the first time he admits to being an armchair physicist.

If you cannot prove your theory by experiment you are talking iffy stuff, if not rubbish.

I guess that disqualifies me from the forum moderated by him. Only TRUE BELIEVERS welcome? Can't have heresy now, can we??

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on September 15, 2007, 10:03:59 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 20, 2007, 02:43:44 AM

Boat in Calm Water and Good Sunshine Scenario

The Patent Offices and the Scientific Community used the Law of Conservation of Energy as a roadblock for perpetual motion machines (PPM) for centuries.  The Law of Conservation of energy essentially says that Energy cannot be created or destroyed.  It can only change from one form to another.  If the source of energy of an invention cannot be identified, the invention is likely to be classified as the impossible PPM.

Are you really to dumb to understand this Hummpy & hansie? Maybe you can start with explaining what you are trying to acomplish in this discussion? You seem to be spending your time on spewing nonsense.

What is the goal in this?

   1. A barricade or obstruction across a road set up to prevent the escape or passage, as of a fugitive or enemy troops.
   2. An obstruction in a road, as fallen rocks or trees.
   3. Something, such as a situation or condition, that prevents further progress toward an accomplishment.

roadblock: Definition and Much More from Answers.com
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 16, 2007, 02:35:53 AM
Dear Gaby,

I have completed the first draft of the Lee- Tseung Theoretical Pulse Motor. It is in http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?p=265#265

I have also included guidelines to build the flying saucer. Let us get ready for the cheers and jeers.

Lawrence Tseung
Pulses will lead out strong emotions.   :o
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on September 16, 2007, 02:50:42 AM
I have read through the material related to the Lee-Tseung Theoretical Pulse Motor guideline and the flying saucer information. I found it quite easy to follow.

In the Chinese saying(知易è¡Å'難) knowing how to build something is easy, actually building it may meet with unexpected difficulties. I believe it would be a very difficult task to build such a device in one?s garage. It would be better to have an university environment or similar research facilities.

The flying saucer will be much easier if we have a working pulse motor product. If the right opportunity comes, I would like to participate.  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Magnetic pendulum interactions.
Post by: RoadRunner on September 17, 2007, 06:17:12 AM
Continued from:

Quote from: ltseung888 on September 17, 2007, 05:18:17 AMTry to use shorter length (approximately 30 cm).
Understood. (知道了)

QuoteForever Yuen used disc magnets with hole in the middle costing USD0.5.  I believe your magnets are much stronger.
As it happens, my friend has some ceramics with a hole in but he forgot to bring them here over the weekend as he'd intended.
If my results still conflict after using shorter lengths, I'll see if magnets with a hole in make any difference... I don't expect that they will, but then without testing I couldn't be too sure.

QuoteSince you are using fishing lines, you can put a fishing pole on top of two Chairs.
Correction - Sm0ky2 used fishing line. I don't have such a thing. I was using string which I had pre-stretched.

QuoteThere should not be other objects (especially magnetic or iron) to upset the experiment. (I believe Forever used non-stretchable strings.)
I made sure that there was nothing ferrous (or even aluminium) anywhere near the swing.
The chair mentioned in my previous post is a wooden one.

QuoteI shall wait for you and others to repeat the experiment.  If the results were still inconclusive, I would ask Ms. Forever Yuen to repeat and video the experiment next Sunday (or during her holidays).
I'd like to see the experiment but I don't think you really need to trouble Yuen Xiaojie.
If I still cannot reproduce her findings after a couple more attempts, then maybe she can demonstrate what a dumbass I am and show me how it's done.

By the way... I saw one of your videos on YouTube...
The one with the weighted float on a chain, being dropped into a tank of water and rising up the column of water.

Now, that's clever thinking but it leads to the question...
"Did you figure a way of retrieving the float from the top of the column and cycling it back down the chain again ?"

You have an airtight gate at the bottom and one at the top, right ?
Thus, you can open either gate without losing the head of water, but not both at the same time.

The RoadRunner..
Title: Re: Magnetic pendulum interactions.
Post by: ltseung888 on September 17, 2007, 08:04:35 AM
Quote from: RoadRunner on September 17, 2007, 06:17:12 AM
Continued from:

Quote from: ltseung888 on September 17, 2007, 05:18:17 AMTry to use shorter length (approximately 30 cm).
Understood. (知道了)

If I still cannot reproduce her findings after a couple more attempts, then maybe she can demonstrate what a dumbass I am and show me how it's done.

I am sure you will succeed.  The students at Tsing Hua University repeated it with no problem.  Looks like you can speak and write Chinese.  Welcome.

By the way... I saw one of your videos on YouTube...
The one with the weighted float on a chain, being dropped into a tank of water and rising up the column of water.

Now, that's clever thinking but it leads to the question...
"Did you figure a way of retrieving the float from the top of the column and cycling it back down the chain again?"

You have an airtight gate at the bottom and one at the top, right ?
Thus, you can open either gate without losing the head of water, but not both at the same time.

The RoadRunner..

If you read the comments from ltseung888 on that video, you would find that the video was a demonstration of a FAILED claim by the inventor.  The inventor "demolished" his house to get his invention installed.  However, he failed to realize that the Float has certain volume.  When the Float is taken out, the water level will fall - with volume equal to that of the Float.

It was displayed as a warning to the experimenters who did not have a solid theory.  The poor inventor "demolished" his house and spent years for a ?scientific lesson.?

Lawrence Tseung
Not knowing the theory Leads Out high Pulse Rates when the phenomenon is explained.
Title: Re: Magnetic pendulum interactions.
Post by: RoadRunner on September 17, 2007, 09:03:31 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 17, 2007, 08:04:35 AMI am sure you will succeed.  The students at Tsing Hua University repeated it with no problem.
I share your optimism... It's not rocket science...

Actually, rocket science, I can manage... Making a magnetic pendulum without busting my magnets... That's a tougher task...  ;)

QuoteLooks like you can speak and write Chinese.  Welcome.

Looks can be deceptive... ;)

I only understand a little. I'm probably better at writing it than speaking it... Wo shi ying guo ren !!!
It's not easy for ying guo ren... In English, tone is used to change the emphasis of a sentence, almost never to change the meaning of a word. You can imagine that I usually get my tones completely wrong and chong guo ren look at me as if I've just arrived from Mars... For all the good it does, I might just as well be speaking a Martian dialect !

If you read the comments from ltseung888 on that video, you would find that the video was a demonstration of a FAILED claim by the inventor.  The inventor "demolished" his house to get his invention installed.
Oh... That's sad.
I couldn't read enough of the Chinese subtitles to understand the meaning of the video.
I was going to ask my wife to read them for me.... Ying wei ta shi chong guo ren.

QuoteHowever, he failed to realize that the Float has certain volume.  When the Float is taken out, the water level will fall - with volume equal to that of the Float.
Yes, of course. I hadn't thought of that.... ooops... neither had he.
However, surely all is not completely lost if the net amount of energy gained from the system is more than the amount of energy gained from running that volume of water through a water-wheel...?
That's assuming that he has a pressurised water supply as is the norm for households in the West, and I assume in most developed areas of China too. Not so handy in those rural areas where the only source of water is a well and it needs pumping or carrying !!

Ha... And of course, it's not scalable... There is a limited height to which the atmosphere will support a column of water, so it's not as if he could simply build it taller to gain more energy on the ride down the chain.

There's that problem with 'thought experiments' again.
The guy is in a stiff situation though... He's done all the 'thought experiments' he can.
I guess he didn't have access to complex and accurate simulation software in which he could have modelled his idea... His only recourse would be to build it and try it out... and only then does he find the snag...

I feel sad for the guy. I hope he managed to salvage something workable from the situation.

QuoteIt was displayed as a warning to the experimenters who did not have a solid theory.  The poor inventor "demolished" his house and spent years for a ?scientific lesson.?

Then, may I suggest that you include a translation of the subtitles in the video description ?
Most Westerners wouldn't recognise one character from another and even those who are studying Chinese may have difficulty in following the subtitles.
Like me, they may look at the video thinking "What a great idea !" and not think past the problem of the loss of volume.

I guess it's becoming fairly obvious now that I'm not Humbugger, but just so that you can share my amusement, I'll send you a message from within YouTube and you will understand why I was saying to Zero that I would leave him with absolutely NO DOUBT that I am who I claim to be.

The RoadRunner..
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on September 17, 2007, 10:00:35 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 17, 2007, 08:04:35 AM
Quote from: RoadRunner on September 17, 2007, 06:17:12 AMBy the way... I saw one of your videos on YouTube...
The one with the weighted float on a chain, being dropped into a tank of water and rising up the column of water.

Now, that's clever thinking but it leads to the question...
"Did you figure a way of retrieving the float from the top of the column and cycling it back down the chain again?"

You have an airtight gate at the bottom and one at the top, right ?
Thus, you can open either gate without losing the head of water, but not both at the same time.

The RoadRunner..

If you read the comments from ltseung888 on that video, you would find that the video was a demonstration of a FAILED claim by the inventor.  The inventor "demolished" his house to get his invention installed.  However, he failed to realize that the Float has certain volume.  When the Float is taken out, the water level will fall - with volume equal to that of the Float.

I thought this was a very inspiring device. Just looking at it leads out hundreds of other ideas. Last night I figured out that lifting objects takes about 100/1 of the energy as that what is released when lowering it. It appears to me that Milkovic's device is very inefficiency with 12:1 it can be hundreds of times better as that. lol This of course sounds so ridiculous I will  try to debunk it myself the coming few days, if I cant find the bug I will put myself up for review. Eh, I mean the hypothesis. lol

The hypothesis would mean the energy in the flotation device is not in the vertical pull but in the water displacement while the module floats upwards. The shape of the module alone should be able to make the whole column of water rotate and do so most violently. If the pressure is inserted in a rotating shape it will try to continue this motion. The whirling column sucks the water out of the floatator. The flotator it-self pushes most linearly against the water above it. (Like a standing wave should)

We can thus put many hundreds of kilos of water into motion by pushing the flotator though it. Putting the flotator though additional times will make it whirl faster. Now where it gets quite weird is that the module can sail downwards on the whirl again. Still not overunity but already a weird thing to see.

Now pay attention to the pressure difference between the fluid at the rim of the tub and the fluid in the center of it! Floating at the outside means something entirely different as floating in the center.

If  (hypothetically) the tube would be spinning fast enough we could drop the flotator thought the center as there would be nothing but air there.

By creating concave in the tube we can force the inner flow to go downwards and the outer flow upwards. It was really helpful to see the video while thinking about this.

gabydewilde - vortex engine

The device must also replenish it-self with rainwater. Vortexing water is incredibly good for all life around it. Anyone already knows how bad water is when you leave it standing still for some time. Leave it alone long enough and it will kill everything. Why do you think showers feel so good? Because it's bad for you? lol

I hear you thinking "why is Gaby now rambling away about biology, isn't he confusing enough the way he is?"

The point is quite simple, Stan Meyer said all bonds in nature hold vibrations, (vibrations are energy) when you break something then this energy becomes available in the environment. So a vortex engine needs to grind down water clusters and micro organisms! Even the slightest vortex will do this.

Victor Schauberger promised us that removing all the small natural vortexes would leave nature with only the really really big one's. All the energy we pump into the environment will come back at us at some later stage either as a whirling mountain creek or as a massive hurricane.

No, I would like to see 100 "unworkable" flotation machines. And if the researcher wants to pull down his house to make such video for me I think that's a bit over the top but it shows most respectable effort.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on September 17, 2007, 10:27:22 AM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RoadRunner on September 17, 2007, 10:36:34 AM
Gaby, you're so funny !!
I'm going to have to send you the same YouTube message as I've just sent to ltseung888 so you can share the amusement.

I'll let Zero in on the joke... Eventually...

After he's suffered enough rides up and down an elevator shaft whilst standing on a set of bathroom scales... ;)

The RoadRunner..
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RoadRunner on September 17, 2007, 11:05:24 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on September 17, 2007, 10:27:22 AMWhat do you mean by that?  It should be equal, shouldn't it?  After all, a pendulum, where an object is essentially just lowered and lifted, could in theory run forever if it were not for friction.  If it took 100 times more energy for the pendulum to swing up, compared to the kinetic energy gained on the way down, it would make barely one swing.

I'm guessing that you've not seen the video.
A weighted float is attached to a chain. It descends under gravity, turning a generator as it goes.
At the bottom, it's dropped into a pool of water where it then bobs up into a column of water in a big tube. It rises all the way to the top of the column so it doesn't need to be lifted all the way back up to the top of the run. At most, it needs to be lifted a foot or so, out of the column and back onto the chain where it makes its descent once more.
It really is quite an ingenious idea (apart from one or two... urm... minor flaws) much like many OU attempts.

The RoadRunner..
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on September 17, 2007, 11:46:20 AM
Quote from: RoadRunner on September 17, 2007, 11:05:24 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on September 17, 2007, 10:27:22 AMWhat do you mean by that?  It should be equal, shouldn't it?  After all, a pendulum, where an object is essentially just lowered and lifted, could in theory run forever if it were not for friction.  If it took 100 times more energy for the pendulum to swing up, compared to the kinetic energy gained on the way down, it would make barely one swing.

I'm guessing that you've not seen the video.
A weighted float is attached to a chain. It descends under gravity, turning a generator as it goes.
At the bottom, it's dropped into a pool of water where it then bobs up into a column of water in a big tube. It rises all the way to the top of the column so it doesn't need to be lifted all the way back up to the top of the run. At most, it needs to be lifted a foot or so, out of the column and back onto the chain where it makes its descent once more.
It really is quite an ingenious idea (apart from one or two... urm... minor flaws) much like many OU attempts.

The RoadRunner..

Yes, I have seen the video, and I guess the main problem is the volume of water is not replaced.  But I see now that you are probably right, and Gaby was joking with the 100:1 comment, so I withdraw what I said.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RoadRunner on September 17, 2007, 11:51:08 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on September 17, 2007, 11:46:20 AM
Yes, I have seen the video, and I guess the main problem is the volume of water is not replaced.  But I see now that you are probably right, and Gaby was joking with the 100:1 comment, so I withdraw what I said.

Ah... I see... Sorry.
I thought I was being helpful and that you'd not seen the vid.   :-[

I think Gaby needs to get a licence for that sense of humour, though. Brandishing it around in public like that, he's going to do someone an injury... ;)

The RoadRunner..
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on September 17, 2007, 12:08:28 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on September 17, 2007, 10:27:22 AMWhat do you mean by that?  It should be equal, shouldn't it?  After all, a pendulum, where an object is essentially just lowered and lifted, could in theory run forever if it were not for friction.  If it took 100 times more energy for the pendulum to swing up, compared to the kinetic energy gained on the way down, it would make barely one swing.

My hypothesis is that A pendulum is an incredibly innefficient machine. Most of the gravitational energy is destroyed on the way down. Something like 95% of it.  The gravitational wave can do MUCH more work as just accelerate a body by such little amount. But the more we try to accelerate a mass the less efficiently we can convert potential into motion.

The bob may store a little bit of the gravitational potential, most of it is just destroyed. Mass does not like being accelerated quickly. This means the less we try to accelerate the bob the less energy it costs. The slower the mass moves downward the more gravitational potential we can obtain from the system.

Everyone knows that a longer string also makes the pendulum swing much longer.

I've created a 50 kg pendulum with 2.5 meter string and it never stops moving. It always moves at least 1 mm every 1.58520476 sec. At the moment it waves about 5 mm from left to right. I guess this is the same energy as we need to move 5 kg over 50 mm or 1 kg over 250 mm? And 250 gr over a meter? I really don't see the 250 grams swing a meter from left to right without some energy source.

Moving a big mass slowly leads out much more gravitational potential as moving a small mass quickly. It's silly but gravitational potential, the more load you put on it the longer you can use it. We all know how time works? no?

Dropping the bob seems the worse way to lead it out.  :D

We can do much better as that.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on September 17, 2007, 12:17:32 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on September 17, 2007, 12:08:28 PM
My hypothesis is that A pendulum is an incredibly innefficient machine. Most of the gravitational energy is destroyed on the way down. Something like 95% of it.  The gravitational wave can do MUCH more work as just accelerate a body by such little amount. But the more we try to accelerate a mass the less efficiently we can convert potential into motion.

How can you even make this hypothesis?  While I have disagreed with you on some of your overunity theories, I always thought you had a pretty good grasp of basic physics, better than mine, anyway, so I do not see how you can seriously say that, so I assumed you were joking before. 

You see how large pendulums on low friction setups can swing for a very long time.  If 95% of energy was lost in each swing, then how can the pendulum continue for more that a few swings?  If what you are saying is true, a pendulum would only make it up 5% of the way, compared to the previous rise, and we know from simple observations that this is not so.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on September 17, 2007, 05:24:26 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on September 17, 2007, 12:17:32 PM
How can you even make this hypothesis?  While I have disagreed with you on some of your overunity theories, I always thought you had a pretty good grasp of basic physics, better than mine, anyway, so I do not see how you can seriously say that, so I assumed you were joking before. 

oh, but I am joking. I'm just not sure who the joke is on here. I haven't explained my reason for making the hypothesis to make it sound extra weird to you. I can assure you it sounds just as weird to me but I'm willing to entertain the thought. Other people need to be tricked into chasing their imagination. I don't intend to trick you into thinking we now have accomplished the holy grail of overunity. I will tell you to just take an idea the way it comes and evaluate it, you don't need to be tricked in any way.

If I tell you half my theory and I claim gravity is the ultimate energy source you should just take that the way it is, = > incredibly amusing!! You should furthermore laugh at the fact  I didn't really desire to share the thought. I can quite accurately predict how you will respond even if I gave you the theory?

QuoteYou see how large pendulums on low friction setups can swing for a very long time.  If 95% of energy was lost in each swing, then how can the pendulum continue for more that a few swings?  If what you are saying is true, a pendulum would only make it up 5% of the way, compared to the previous rise, and we know from simple observations that this is not so.

Not at all,

I study the data given and it gives no reason to share my theory. It's obvious the rest of the world is still digesting lesson 1  :D


There are reproductions you know?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RoadRunner on September 17, 2007, 06:39:50 PM
Wow, Gaby.
I am so glad I saw that video.
I was thinking to myself that someone should give that guy a medal... But I notice that they have... more than once !!!

We need more people like him...

Striving for a world where brilliance is welcomed, encouraged and rewarded rather than feared oppressed and punished.

Simple, elegant and incredibly inspiring !!

Demo machines made from bits of old bikes... LOL !!!

I love the Eastern-bloc thinking at times...

There's a well-known story, it may be myth but it's often repeated and even if untrue, it illustrates the mentality.

The USA developed a pen for use by their astronauts. It writes in almost any gravity condition, won't leak, doesn't smell inky (remember in a space-craft, you're breathing recycled air so anything that smells will saturate the volume very quickly) and so on and so on... It cost them $$$$$$$$$ to develop and when US representatives met with Russian representatives, they presented them with one of these pens and told them of their proud accomplishments in managing to develop such a device.
The Russian reply was, "Ah yes. We use pencils !"

The RoadRunner..
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on September 17, 2007, 07:21:21 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on September 17, 2007, 05:24:26 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on September 17, 2007, 12:17:32 PM
How can you even make this hypothesis?  While I have disagreed with you on some of your overunity theories, I always thought you had a pretty good grasp of basic physics, better than mine, anyway, so I do not see how you can seriously say that, so I assumed you were joking before. 

oh, but I am joking. I'm just not sure who the joke is on here. I haven't explained my reason for making the hypothesis to make it sound extra weird to you. I can assure you it sounds just as weird to me but I'm willing to entertain the thought. Other people need to be tricked into chasing their imagination. I don't intend to trick you into thinking we now have accomplished the holy grail of overunity. I will tell you to just take an idea the way it comes and evaluate it, you don't need to be tricked in any way.

If I tell you half my theory and I claim gravity is the ultimate energy source you should just take that the way it is, = > incredibly amusing!! You should furthermore laugh at the fact  I didn't really desire to share the thought. I can quite accurately predict how you will respond even if I gave you the theory?

QuoteYou see how large pendulums on low friction setups can swing for a very long time.  If 95% of energy was lost in each swing, then how can the pendulum continue for more that a few swings?  If what you are saying is true, a pendulum would only make it up 5% of the way, compared to the previous rise, and we know from simple observations that this is not so.

Not at all,

I study the data given and it gives no reason to share my theory. It's obvious the rest of the world is still digesting lesson 1  :D


There are reproductions you know?

I guess I get it.  You think that gravity is capable of delivering much more energy than we are currently getting out of it, and the fact that the pendulum is not overunity means that that it is losing 95% of its energy somehow.

I do like Milkovic's invention of the pendulum and the lever combined, and it obviously makes the task of drawing water easier on a person, but he is just playing with mechanical advantage.  I guess we need something more to truly bring out the power of gravity.

Good luck with your experiments, but I am afraid that if you are right, we will suddenly find our planet taking a dive into the Sun.  :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 17, 2007, 07:29:01 PM
G'day all.

There have been a number of replications of the Milkovic device. None, to my knowledge has proved overunity, not to speak of the 12 to one gain claim of Milkovic's.

In my own replication I have also confirmed what others have said, no surplus energy there.

If you don't believe me, try it, it is an easy device to build. I wish you luck.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RoadRunner on September 17, 2007, 08:19:39 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on September 17, 2007, 07:29:01 PM
G'day all.

There have been a number of replications of the Milkovic device. None, to my knowledge has proved overunity, not to speak of the 12 to one gain claim of Milkovic's.

In my own replication I have also confirmed what others have said, no surplus energy there.

If you don't believe me, try it, it is an easy device to build. I wish you luck.

Hans von Lieven

Even without expecting OU from such a device, it's still darned ingenious, don't you think ?
It may simply be a complex form of lever with the extra benefit of resonance, but that video is a beautiful demonstration of his principle at work and it sure appears to make certain types of work easier.

A lever isn't OU, but try ripping a tyre off with your bare hands and you'd be begging me for a lever.
If I had to pound something or pump something... I can see that I would apply Milkovic's lever and thank the man for his efforts because he just made my job easier. Right ?

The RoadRunner..
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RoadRunner on September 17, 2007, 08:23:39 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on September 17, 2007, 07:21:21 PM
Good luck with your experiments, but I am afraid that if you are right, we will suddenly find our planet taking a dive into the Sun.  :)

If we were to somehow use up the gravitational energy of Earth, I think our heliocentric orbit would grow, not shrink.
Hey... That's not a bad idea... Longer between birthdays... Get pumping guys...!!!

The RoadRunner..
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 18, 2007, 04:11:47 AM
Sorry Road Runner,

I think you misunderstood me, I did not say that Milkovic's device is worthless, I simply said it is not the perpetual motion machine he claims it is.

Hans von Lieven

BTW Longer between birthdays? Perhaps not a bad idea at all. :-)
Title: Comparing the Pulse Motor and Chas Campbell with Mr. X
Post by: ltseung888 on September 19, 2007, 05:20:33 AM

Mr. X is an influential person in China.  He and team provided seed money for Sun et al on a Pulse Motor Prototype.

Tseung: "I know that you have already provided seed money to Sun et al to develop a Pulse Motor Prototype. Do you think you might consider seed money for the Chas Campbell device also?"

Mr. X: "My Advisors and I read the overunity.com posts. It appears that the Chas Campbell Electricity Magnifier Flywheel is still in an early development stage. My Advisors could learn much more with a visit to Tsing Hua University than a trip to Australia."

Lai: "I would like to lay out the comparisons:
(1) Chas Campbell uses Flywheels instead of Cylinders. (He knows the importance of having weights at the rim to increase the centripetal force.)
(2) Chas Campbell has no auto-adjustment mechanism yet. (Adjusting the belt tension by hand is not close to auto-adjustment.)
(3) Chas Campbell has given out the exact dimensions and type of motor and alternators for others to replicate. (There will still be considerable resonance tuning. A marketable toy will be better - goal of Sun et al.)
(4) Chas Campbell has no theory to explain the source of energy yet (Tsing Hua University and Sun et al have accepted the Lee-Tseung theory).
(5) Chas Campbell has no team to back him up. (Tsing Hua University and Sun et al have access to the best experts in China including Lee and Tseung.)"

Mr. X: "In addition, I can monitor Sun et al easily. They are in China. I do not want to run the risk of the 225 HP Pulse Motor experience - the USA Government refused export of the device even though the Funder was Chinese. I do not mind funding a replication of the Chas Campbell device in China when appropriate."

Lawrence Tseung
Fear of Foreign Government Actions Leads Out non-support of the Chas Campbell device (but Leads Out seed money for Pulse Motor in China).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RoadRunner on September 19, 2007, 07:09:34 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on September 18, 2007, 04:11:47 AMI think you misunderstood me, I did not say that Milkovic's device is worthless, I simply said it is not the perpetual motion machine he claims it is.
No, I think I understood. I'm sorry if it sounded as if I was arguing.
My comment wasn't really meant in argument or opposition to yours, it was a 'looking on the bright side' sort of comment... I'm still impressed and I think the guy's come up with a great device and a phenomenon that is worth fixing in the memory because I can see me using that as a means to solve future problems... You know.. You look at a problem and your brain rummages through the mental toolbox...?
He's just added a new lever to mine...
However, I didn't realise he was trying to claim OU...   >:(

I think I'm going to build one of those nodding donkeys to play with for a while it does look like it has some interesting properties and I'm going to see what sort of things I can get which will drive the pendulum...

His point about it not stalling under load like many other means of energy transfer is not only valid, I think that it's almost the other way...

If the head is loaded down and its motion has been suppressed, the pendulum should 'idle' better.
The way I understand it... Once the head is nodding, the instability of the pendulum's fulcrum will cause it to lose some of its ability to resonate nicely and it's energy will be lost into moving the arm/head section...
It's the sort of thing that someone trying to build a good pendulum would normally avoid like the plague... But this guy investigated the phenomenon of a wobbly fulcrum and actually found something darned useful... But if he's trying to claim it's OU... or Perpetual Motion  (It sure ain't PM !!!)... Then Hmmmmmmm!!!! Stick his thumbs under that hammer and we'll play patty-cakes with his pendulum for a while..... ;)

However... It has this 'Hey look at me... More out than in...' thing about it...
Much like magnets and steel balls, bessler wheels, and Perendev motors.

Raising a hammer and smacking a surface is a pretty easy sort of calculation to work out and it should also be an easy enough thing to measure.
Likewise the energy in to a pendulum.
The entire system (with pivots, bearings and so on) would surely have more losses overall than a hand on a hammer... (possibly slightly harder to account for very accurately in experimentation without a good lab...) but it shouldn't be too hard to get a reasonable guestimate.

Hmmm.... Time to play, I think.
You say you've already built one or more ? And have measurements/data from such ?

I did see a piece of paper with a formula on it but that was all Russian to me... ;)

This is not just an interesting phenomenon, it's also an interesting little puzzle...
I want to see why it appears to be a 'more out than in' system compared with the available 'work' and convential methods like levers and cogs. If it were a double stage lever, for example... How would its output compare. IE... stroke length/force in/force out etc.

Time to dig out the strain gauges, I guess... :)

Doh... I originally came here to read about Bedini motors and bessler wheels and now I'm doing pendulum experiments... No... It's not an ADD problem, it's a 'This world's just too darned interesting and I'm a knowledge junkie' problem...


The RoadRunner..
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 19, 2007, 06:11:00 PM
Quoted from: http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?p=287#287

One of the most asked questions is:

If the Lee-Tseung Theory is correct, are there any working prototypes or experiments to confirm the theory? The answer has been repeated multiple times. A good summary was presented to the different groups of Chinese Officials in September 2007 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Hong Kong. The presentation file can be downloaded from the bottom message of Page 19 of The Lee-Tseung lead-Out Theory

There were at least 12 systems quoted (in China and outside China). Any positive confirmation will provide evidence to support the Lee-Tseung theory.

The Pulse Motor that is ready for ordering; that can generate more output power than input; that can be demonstrated now; that can be purchased now is the EBM machine from Hungary. The website is http://www.gammamanager.com. They have not explained the theory behind their machine in terms of the Lee-Tseung theory yet. That is understandable as they developed their machine before the Lee-Tseung patent information was available to the Public on July 27, 2006.

One of my tasks is to work with gammamanager.  I can provide them with the Lee-Tseung information at zero cost.  It will be win-win.

Lawrence Tseung
The EBM machine is an example of a Pulse Motor that can confirm the Lee-Tseung theory
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 20, 2007, 03:40:36 AM
G'day Roadrunner,

I think you should have a really good look at the work of George Constantinesco. Much of what Milkovic is saying is right there in Constantinesco's patents from the 1920's.

His Torque Converter is worth studying.

Constantinesco, incidentally, developed a machine gun mechanism that enabled the gun to fire through a running propeller of an aircraft for the British air force. He had over 100 patents to his name, most of which were used in real life, not like MIlkovic's.

If it ever comes to a challenge I believe Milkovic's patents are not worth the paper they are written on outside perhaps Serbia.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RoadRunner on September 20, 2007, 08:09:31 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on September 20, 2007, 03:40:36 AM
G'day Roadrunner,

I think you should have a really good look at the work of George Constantinesco. Much of what Milkovic is saying is right there in Constantinesco's patents from the 1920's.

Howdy, Hans.
I've never heard of Constantinesco. I'll look him up when I get the chance... Thanks for the pointer.

QuoteConstantinesco, incidentally, developed a machine gun mechanism that enabled the gun to fire through a running propeller of an aircraft for the British air force.
I've heard of this invention but I wouldn't have been able to recall the name of the person behind it.... and I don't mean the pilot or the gunner !!!
We used to have a really good TV programme in the UK called 'James Burke's Connections' when I was a kid... He used to wander through history pulling out interesting inventions and events and tying them all together and jumping back and forth between stories and demonstrating how they interelate.
It was a great series... I seem to remember that it was covered on that... I remember that moment of 'Ohhh yeahhhh....!' when he pointed out the obvious, that a machine gun needs to be synchronised with the timing of the propeller...

QuoteIf it ever comes to a challenge I believe Milkovic's patents are not worth the paper they are written on outside perhaps Serbia.
Ohhhh well... :(

I thought he'd come up with something new.... :(

I've been playing about with models of this in WM2D... I really must get myself the full copy, it's a real pain having to rebuild everything that I want to play with... The evaluation version doesn't save out.. :(

The RoadRunner..
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 20, 2007, 09:35:09 PM
please see:


on the drawback of the existing Chas Campbell Flywheel device.

It looks like that the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory can explain it and show how to improve it.

Lawrence Tseung
Pulse Rotation consideration Leads Out direction of improvement for the Chas Campbell Device.
Title: Calculations based on the Liang Xingren Car
Post by: ltseung888 on September 21, 2007, 06:30:26 AM

Calculation based on Dr. Liang Xingren Car         

Mass in Kg      28   
Radius in Meters      0.4   
Rate of revolution in RPM      4500   

Effective rolling velocity in m/s of Cylinder v = 2*pi* r * RPM/60   

Stored Energy of Cylinder = 1/2 * m * v * v in Newton-meter (joule)

"Assume that such energy can be drained or supplied within x sec, power  in Newton-meter/second (watt)"         
165810.1294      if x =    3

Assume 745.7 watts = 1 horse power         
The Dr. Liang Car in Horse Power

I have done the spreadsheet to estimate the horse power of a Pulse Motor based on the known or estimated values of the Dr. Liang car.
The car claimed to have a HP of 188.

The spreadsheet gave a figure of 222.  This means that the Dr. Liang Car is within the rim of possiblilty.  The spreadsheet is attached.  You are welcome to play with it and use it for other pulse motors.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 22, 2007, 07:34:10 PM
The preliminary Chas Campbell Flywheel Generator report.

Please see:

Reply to comments from Hans:
*** Note:  The Lead-Out is best at high rotational speed.  The Lead-Out energy at low speed is very low.  Thus in the Liang motor, a separate starting motor is used to get the Cylinder to the designed speed of 4500 rpm.  (Experiments showed that without the Starting Motor, the IC pulses just could not start the rotation!) 

The Equilibrium Rotational Rate can be maintained with just a small percentage of ICs taking part in the Pulse.  For example, there are 800 IC pairs.  The number of IC interactions required to maintain equilibrium rotational speed at no external load may be 50.  (Another way of maintaining the equilibrium rotational speed may be to have 100 ICs Pulsing at half the previous rate). When the external load increases, the program can pulse up to an additional 750 pairs to increase the Pulse Force.  That could keep the cylinder to rotate at approximately the same speed or even higher.   

The Energy drained or supplied at such high rotational rates is very different from what is experienced in daily life.


Lawrence Tseung
Energy Lead Out at high Pulse or Rotational Rates is very different from what we experience in our daily lives.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 23, 2007, 07:42:53 AM
Phone Conversation with Wang Shum Ho.

Tseung: "The Mid-Autumn festival is coming in a few days.  Are you having any special celebrations??

Wang: ?Thank you for calling.  I am in Beijing working hard with others to plan for the IPO next year.  There is so much to do.  What is the progress on your side??

Tseung: ?I am working with the overunity group on the evaluation of the inventions from Chas Campbell of Australia.  It looks like that he has a very early version of an Electricity Magnifier.  He has not written the program to vary Input Power with changes in External Load yet.?

Wang: ?I do not worry about him as a potential competitor.  The EBM and the Pulse Motor are well ahead of him.  Your disclosing the possibility of building the Flying Saucer with another ring around the Pulse Motor is very stimulating.  Good luck.?

It appears to me that Newman, Bedini, Searl etc. may not realize the importance of program control to match the Input to the External Load yet.

Lawrence Tseung
Magnet rotating around the Pulsing Coils Leads Out possibility of the Flying Saucer
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 23, 2007, 08:08:50 PM
I have now edited Campbell1-5A to include the comparison with the 225 HP Pulse Motor.  Edited to add comparison with Wang Generator.

It is attached here as Campbell1-5B.doc.  It should be obvious to the scientifically minded investors on what to invest.

Have fun.  Comments are welcome. Enjoy the Mid-Autumn Festival. Chew on the Moon Cakes while you think! ;)

Lawrence Tseung
Comparison between Pulse Motor and Chas Campbell Flywheel Leads Out clear choice for investors.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 24, 2007, 03:03:15 AM
Dear Hans,

Referring to your post on

I know that you must be frustrated without having an actual Over Unity Car, Generator or even a Toy to play with right now.  Hopefully, the wait should not be too long.  If you cannot wait, please pay a visit to the EBM machine in Hungary now (http://www.gammamanager.com).

As agreed with the Inventors, I can only used published data in this Open Forum, I am going to refer you to the Published Patent Document of Dr. Liang Xingren translated by Ms. Forever Yuen. 

She has consented to do her Forever Yuen Magnetic Pendulum Experiment and the Wang Four Legged Stool Experiment on video.  You can see that she is charming and beautiful.  That should satisfy your doubt ? whether she is real?

I am showing the pointers to the various translated pages of the Liang Patent here.

Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5-7

Please read Page 5-7 of the Liang Xingren patent for the actual Horse Powers, dimensions etc.  In 1993, the engine weighted 635 Kg and generated 92 Horse Power.  In 1997, the engine weighted 211 Kg and generated 144 Horse Power.  In 1998, the engine weighted 28 Kg and generated 188 Horse Power.  These figures are taken from the published China Patent Documents.

If you doubt the Patent Documents, I advise you to wait until the Chao or Liang Cars are actually on the Market.  You can then buy or rent one to test the actual figures.

Lawrence Tseung
Pulse Rotation improvement in the Liang Car Leads Out higher efficiency

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 24, 2007, 08:39:45 AM
Please look at the thread on New Order at:


"Mr. Tseung, can you describe the New Order for us? Let us assume that there is infinite energy and that Flying Saucer is available."

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on September 24, 2007, 12:25:33 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 24, 2007, 08:39:45 AM
Please look at the thread on New Order at:


"Mr. Tseung, can you describe the New Order for us? Let us assume that there is infinite energy and that Flying Saucer is available."


Mr. Tsueng, no offense, but please stop it with this stuff.  You are not helping or being constructive.  All your arguments are becoming very circular and nonsensical, as you continue to quote yourself but add nothing new.  I read a little of the thread you link, and it is sheer fantasy.  You bounce around from wild ideas about Democracy to flying saucers to god-knows-what.  This is not science.

Your main claim, as I see it, is that at high rotational speeds, applying pulse energy to a flywheel or whatever will produce overunity.  You have yet to substantiate this claim with anything conclusive, and no one has has been able to verify what you say through experiments.  You apply your Lead Out theory to failed devices like the Chas Campbell gravity wheel and just about everything else under the sun, and this does nothing to gain traction for your theory, but quite the opposite.  When the devices you talk about clearly fail to work, it does not say much about Lead Out.

So please, when you have something concrete to show us, we will be all ears, but no more theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 24, 2007, 06:09:17 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on September 24, 2007, 12:25:33 PM

Your main claim, as I see it, is that at high rotational speeds, applying pulse energy to a flywheel or whatever will produce overunity. 


Dear shruggedatlas,

I know that you are a lawyer trying to understand and argue on Physics Theories.  If I were to argue legal issue with you with my scientific background, I would definitely show much ignorance and misunderstanding. 

But your posts do serve a very useful purpose.  They show the generalization and hence misconception of the whole theory by the layman. 

As Lee Cheung Kin put it: "Why do you want to educate the unknowledgeable and the non-believers?  What good will it serve if they are convinced?  China has accepted the theory and is pouring resources to implement it.  The skeptics will be convinced automatically when the products come out.  Why waste time and energy?"

My answer is: "My posts are to benefit the World.  There will be a mixed open audience.  In the Bible, there was a parable from Jesus on sowing seeds.  Some would fall on rocks; some amongst thorns; some on sand; some would fall on fertile soil and bear fruit."

The correct scientific statement to your one line statement:

Your main claim, as I see it, is that at high rotational speeds, applying pulse energy to a flywheel or whatever will produce overunity

should be:

Pulsed Rotation will Lead Out Gravitational or Electron Motion Energy

Thus for the Chas Campbell or other gravity wheel to have a chance to work, they must have certain characteristics:

(1) Have mass concentrated at the rim. The working devices (Wang, Liang, 225 HP Pulse Motor) all use cylinders. Chas Campbell can improve his wheel easily by adding weights at the rim!

(2) A larger wheel effectively has more mass closer to the rim.  Thus Bessler, Newman and EBM used large wheels.  Chas Campbell uses a reasonable size wheel already.  After the improvement in (1), he should go for larger wheels for further improvement if necessary.

(3) The Pulsing Mechanism will have frequency characteristics.  Thus tuning is required.  If someone hit on the right configuration and achieved Over Unity, it is important to replicate exactly.  A better way is to mass-produce a product with exact material, dimensions etc.  (This can wait until a working prototype is verified.)

(4) The Wheel or Circular Motion has the feedback feature.  The Pulsed Rotation Leads Out gravitational energy resulting in faster rotation. The rate of rotation and hence the amount of energy lead out can be increased with an effective increase in the gravitational constant G.  This means Chas Campbell can put magnets at the rim of his wheel to increase the mass.  He can also put some stationary magnets placed at certain angles (possibly with additional shielding) to help to increase the effective G.  Such arrangement is similar to the Wang device and the Sun et al device shown on youtube.

To a lawyer, the above 4 points may mean nothing.  To the top students and professors at Tsing Hua University, they would have provided good guidelines for further research.  To Chas Campbell, they should be a useful revelation.

The CIA or the Like group once told me: ?Keep this top secret.  It may do the World much harm if it falls to the Wrong Hands.?  I do not believe in the CIA or the Like group any more.  I am convinced my posts will benefit the World.  You do not need to read them if my posts annoy or upset you.

Lawrence Tseung
Misconception of Pulsed Rotations Leads Out mental blackout
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 24, 2007, 06:23:28 PM
G'day Lawrence and all,

I asked yo a specific question, the above post only gives generalities but answers nothing.

Here it is again.

G'day Lawrence and all,

Assume that such energy can be drained or supplied within x sec, power  in Newton-meter/second (watt)"         
4884.15252      if x =    3


The Energy drained or supplied at such high rotational rates is very different from what is experienced in daily life.


Lawrence Tseung

What data lead to this rather wild speculation? What kind of energy are you talking about and how do you arrive at the formula?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 24, 2007, 08:03:36 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on September 24, 2007, 06:23:28 PM
G'day Lawrence and all,

I asked you a specific question, the above post only gives generalities but answers nothing.

Here it is again.

G'day Lawrence and all,

Assume that such energy can be drained or supplied within x sec, power  in Newton-meter/second (watt)"         
4884.15252      if x =    3


The Energy drained or supplied at such high rotational rates is very different from what is experienced in daily life.


Lawrence Tseung

What data lead to this rather wild speculation? What kind of energy are you talking about and how do you arrive at the formula?

Hans von Lieven

I believe your one specific question is the underlined.  The specific answer is - data is from the Published Liang Xingren China Patent.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 24, 2007, 09:30:54 PM
Sorry Lawrence,

What I have seen of that is little more than fanciful speculation. There is no scientific basis to this patent and most others for that matter.

I want to see an experiment that can be duplicated and will verify the data, everything else is a pipedream. Anyone can quote an obscure patent in a foreign language as a source. If you were to believe the hundreds of perpetual motion machines and magnet motors that have been patented as proof and accepted their validity we would not have the kind of technology we enjoy. The patent registers are full of unworkable devices.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 24, 2007, 11:18:17 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on September 24, 2007, 09:30:54 PM
Sorry Lawrence,

What I have seen of that is little more than fanciful speculation. There is no scientific basis to this patent and most others for that matter.

I want to see an experiment that can be duplicated and will verify the data, everything else is a pipedream. ***You will be able to buy or rent a Product from China.  The preliminary time is before end of 2008.*** Anyone can quote an obscure patent in a foreign language as a source. If you were to believe the hundreds of perpetual motion machines and magnet motors that have been patented as proof and accepted their validity we would not have the kind of technology we enjoy. The patent registers are full of unworkable devices.

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

I have more confidence in the Liang Xingren patent than many others because:

(1) I spent a day talking to Dr. Liang myself.  There were much good exchange of ideas and experience.  Dr. Liang is much more intelligent than most members in this forum.  He could understand and interact intelligently with me!

(2) Prof. Woo, one of the retired top scientists who helped to develop the Chinese Atomic Bomb, confirmed that he examined the car and drove it.  He was satisfied that it was not a hoax.  He took the information to Harvard and MIT universities in early 2005.  Prof. Woo is working on a Pulse Motor Cosmic Energy Machine himself.  I had confirmation from a friend at MIT that: ?This is worth looking into.?

(3) Lee and I were at Tsing Hua University and confirmed that they did examine the car.  Dr. Liang even had a meeting with the then President of China. The Professors and Researchers agreed that the car moved but could not accept the Dr. Liang theory of Ying-Yang.  If Dr. Liang had said that he could not explain the source of energy and asked for cooperation, he would have already obtained support from the top Academics in the 1990s.

(4) Lee Cheung Kin spent one week working with Mr. Chao Ching San who improved the Liang Car.  Lee drove the car himself.  He took various readings when the car was going downhill, on level road and in climbing up slopes.  He was satisfied that the bank of batteries kicked in only on climbing up slopes.  The engine recharged the batteries on downhill or on level roads.  The most important statement he made was that the charging of batteries was adjustable.  The Officially Certified number of 8.02 KWH per 100 kilometers could be improved to 0 or even negative.  (He had the air conditioning on while driving the car.)  The reason for not fully charging the batteries is political ? getting the car certified as an electric car for production. 

I know that it is frustrating for you not to have a working Over Unity Car, Generator or a Toy to play with now.  If you are in Europe, close to Hungary, please visit the EBM machine (http://www.gammamanger.com).  My contact in China who went to visit the laboratory was convinced that it was no hoax. 

*** I do not know your background.  If you were a professor at a top university in the World, you might be invited as a guest to visit the Energy Research Laboratories in China.  Lee Cheung Kin saw many prototypes including those of Newman, Bedini etc.  He said that there were teams on every well-known OU inventions.  You can always wait for the actual products. I am stating the facts now.  The Proof will be in the Products. ***

I am glad that your posts give me a chance to clarify the many subtle points.  Please do more.  Ms. Forever Yuen will do her magnetic pendulum and the Wang experiments shortly.  These two experiments will become ?classics? for all Cosmic Energy Research in the future.  We want to benefit the World with our knowledge.


Lawrence Tseung
Strong Pulses or Comments from intelligent skeptics Lead Out more detailed replies.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 24, 2007, 11:43:55 PM
G'day Lawrence,

How many times do I have to tell you, I am not interested in anecdotal evidence and academic credentials, I simply want to see something verifiable.

Very little in the way of usable technology has come from academia. They get their Nobel prizes for explaining what someone else has achieved not for having done it, as a rule.

Tell your people in China, if they exist, to publish an experiment that verifies their claims, and their peers, perhaps even including me, will give them credibility. Until then it is just a lot of hot air.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Seeds on fertile land?
Post by: ltseung888 on September 25, 2007, 11:22:37 PM
Seeds on fertile land?

Got a phone call from a Provincial Chinese Official.

Official: ?I got your information via the Internet.  The Lee-Tseung theory and the various Cosmic Energy Inventions interested us.  We would like to work with you.?

Tseung: ?You mean that you actually read the posts on the Over Unity and Forum.go-here.nl?  They are in English.?

Official: ?We have young scientists who can read and write English.  We tried to contact Dr. Liang Xingren without success.  (He does not use the Internet!) How is you technology compared with his??

Tseung: ?We focus on the theoretical aspects of Cosmic Energy Machines.  Our theory can be applied to over 100 OU inventions in China and probably another 200 OU inventions Worldwide.  We can explain and improve all these published inventions.  You should contact Lee Cheung Kin as he is in charge of all development within China.?

Official: ?We are aware of Mr. Lee Cheung Kin.  Some of our scientists worked with him years ago in the Military Laboratories.  We shall fly to Hong Kong and discuss possible cooperation opportunities.?

Lawrence Tseung
Internet Posts Lead Out high pulse heart beat from Provincial Officials.
Title: More seeds on fertile soil?
Post by: ltseung888 on September 26, 2007, 08:07:13 PM
From Ash,


UPDATED-Typos and grammar is being fixed, Lawrence's info has been added to the Panacea page on Chas, also we will look at time for testing Lawrence Tseung's suggestions and data and report back for te board.


Lawrence Tseung
Suitable Pulsing Leads Out possible resonance making one  + one greater than 2.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on September 27, 2007, 01:17:38 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 24, 2007, 06:09:17 PM

My answer is: "My posts are to benefit the World.  There will be a mixed open audience.  In the Bible, there was a parable from Jesus on sowing seeds.  Some would fall on rocks; some amongst thorns; some on sand; some would fall on fertile soil and bear fruit."

That is interesting that you claim to want to benefit the world.  Here is a post you made on Steorn's forum in response to another poster, who expressed an interest in taking your ideas to the next level.  (http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=38371&page=2 (http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=38371&page=2))

I have talked to Wang and Lee. They have also consulted their backers including some Chinese Officials.

We are not interested in close door sessions any more. We shall not sign any NDAs after the last CIA or Like wasting of time and destruction of credibility. We can openly discuss the terms on the Internet - in this forum for all to see.

Our terms are:

(1) Any team really interested in investing in the Wang Device must be screened by the Commerical Unit of the Chinese Intelligence. This means the Company or individuals must provide enough background information to pass the security clearance. They must have evidence to show that they could at least invest US$100 million. A sum of US$1 million must be deposited with an International, well known Investment Bank.

(2) They will then be coming to China to see the Wang Device either as individuals or as teams. They will pay for the travel and accommodation expenses themselves (or deducted from the US$1 million deposit). The demonstration will consist of assembling the Wang Device from basic components and checking the electrical energy output. The participants will have a chance to Do It Yourself (DIY). They may take pictures or videos and publish it anywhere including the Internet.

(3) The place for the demonstration will be at Tsing Hua University, Beijing or another place to be specified.

(4) Preliminary discussions can be anywhere in the World. The Final Negotiation will be in China (most likely Beijing) with presence of Chinese Officials. This is already a high visibility project in China.

(5) The above are the collective thoughts of Wang, Tseung and Lee. They do not represent the position of the Chinese Government. If you or anyone else is interested, reply openly in this thread.

Lawrence Tseung
Honest negotiation Leads Out Internet Discussions

So, are you trying to benefit the world, or are you trying to secure $1 million from some sucker before even showing them anything?
Title: Reply to the Seeds on Fertile Soil.
Post by: ltseung888 on September 27, 2007, 04:33:38 AM
Reply to the Seeds on Fertile Soil.

Dear Ash,

I have completed my preliminary thoughts on the Chas Campbell Snooker Ball Device.  I believe that it might work as two coupling systems.  One is the large wheel (with weights added at the rim.)  That will help to keep a high rate of rotation even if a small amount of energy is drained.

The other is the smaller wheel to lift the balls back to the required height.  The Lead Out energy at high rotational rate may be able to do it.  However, the engineering obstacles are not easy to overcome.

My recommendation is to focus on the working, already demonstrated 225 HP Pulse Motor.  It has the best chance of success at present.  We can all learn much more.

The CIA or the Like group may be upset but I just treat them as seeds on rocks.

Lawrence Tseung
Seeds on Fertile Land Leads Out strong pulse of support.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 27, 2007, 04:39:27 AM

I really think this ground is becoming more "fertile" by the minute.

Hans von Lieven

Fertiliser on ground Lead Out much awaited Results
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on September 27, 2007, 01:59:19 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on September 27, 2007, 01:17:38 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 24, 2007, 06:09:17 PM

My answer is: "My posts are to benefit the World.  There will be a mixed open audience.  In the Bible, there was a parable from Jesus on sowing seeds.  Some would fall on rocks; some amongst thorns; some on sand; some would fall on fertile soil and bear fruit."

That is interesting that you claim to want to benefit the world.  Here is a post you made on Steorn's forum in response to another poster, who expressed an interest in taking your ideas to the next level.  (http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=38371&page=2 (http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=38371&page=2))

I have talked to Wang and Lee. They have also consulted their backers including some Chinese Officials.

We are not interested in close door sessions any more. We shall not sign any NDAs after the last CIA or Like wasting of time and destruction of credibility. We can openly discuss the terms on the Internet - in this forum for all to see.

Our terms are:

(1) Any team really interested in investing in the Wang Device must be screened by the Commerical Unit of the Chinese Intelligence. This means the Company or individuals must provide enough background information to pass the security clearance. They must have evidence to show that they could at least invest US$100 million. A sum of US$1 million must be deposited with an International, well known Investment Bank.

(2) They will then be coming to China to see the Wang Device either as individuals or as teams. They will pay for the travel and accommodation expenses themselves (or deducted from the US$1 million deposit). The demonstration will consist of assembling the Wang Device from basic components and checking the electrical energy output. The participants will have a chance to Do It Yourself (DIY). They may take pictures or videos and publish it anywhere including the Internet.

(3) The place for the demonstration will be at Tsing Hua University, Beijing or another place to be specified.

(4) Preliminary discussions can be anywhere in the World. The Final Negotiation will be in China (most likely Beijing) with presence of Chinese Officials. This is already a high visibility project in China.

(5) The above are the collective thoughts of Wang, Tseung and Lee. They do not represent the position of the Chinese Government. If you or anyone else is interested, reply openly in this thread.

Lawrence Tseung
Honest negotiation Leads Out Internet Discussions

So, are you trying to benefit the world, or are you trying to secure $1 million from some sucker before even showing them anything?

Not at all, you are just some sucker. What he means is that your claiming to be an investor will not be enough. Given it's the investors who always scam every one, not the inventors this is a most reasonable request. If the invention doesn't work there should not be any problem withdrawing your funds again. Perendev has like a train of wannabe investors ringing at their door.

It's up to you and me to try and obtain some of the intellectual properties though decent and reasonable methods. This type of tech is worth at least 10 million, if it's very efficient or easy to produce the price goes up to many billions of euros.

This topic is about the lead out theory. I'm not interested in reading some suckers complaints about it.

As if anyone would give anything to a complaining person? ROFL

Hey you sucker can I borrow some money from you?

Would you pull out your wallet if the question is phrased like that?

nonsense leads out more nonsense.

Title: More seeds on fertile soil?
Post by: ltseung888 on September 27, 2007, 02:37:38 PM
More seeds on fertile soil?

Hi, my name is xxx, I?m electric engineer, actually I?m working at electrical interprise of my city, Cienfuegos, Cuba. I?m very interest at about free energy, I have read many literature about it two years ago, I believe that it is  posible to make device of free energy. I have many ideas in my head but I can not to make anythings practical, because of  to factor tiempo, though I?m organize my job and my time for this proposes.

I would like to meet you, because you have experience at this theme, consider me a friend.

Dear xxx,

I do not answer private emails.  However, you are welcome to post here.  We want to benefit the World.  International cooperation is always welcome.

Lee Cheung Kin and myself are old and retired.  We focus on the theory and encourage others to build the prototypes.

Please share your thoughts and comments on this forum first.  May be we can organize a team to build the prototypes later.

Lawrence Tseung
International Interests justify the excited pulses.  This will Lead Out international cooperation
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Freezer on September 27, 2007, 04:56:16 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 20, 2007, 08:49:12 PM
Theory of the Simple Gravity Motor as described in:


In this invention, the Pulse Force comes from the eight hammers.  In one revolution, there are eight Pulses.  The above information describes the construction material, the dimensions etc.  However, it avoided the question of stating how long the rotation lasted.  The one who posted it said:

Hi ltseung, Ive been reading your posts trying to understand, and a lot of it sounds interesting. 

I've always believed people didn't give this gravity motor enough attention.  People always seem to build it the same way, thus repeating the errors.  This motor incorporates a heartbeat in a way, or more so a wobble motion.  I've seen weird effects with my failed magnet motor attempts, but noticed that in some instances the wobble motion or in my case the instability caused different results.  For instance in one of my setups, when the rotor came into a stator array, the initial magnet would cause the rotor to wobble or bounce up and down and it would get through the sticky point.  After I made it more stable, which eliminated the wobble, it wouldn't get through anymore.  There was a magnet motor on youtube, which is posted somewhere here.  It was the one where the guy used a brush, computer fan and tape.  I noticed in one of his comments he stated the even though the video didn't show it, the rotor was shaking up and down or wobbling as it spun (makes sense, if you have a computer fan to look at you will see that the bearing allows for this wobble).  This gravity setup seems like it would feed off that wobbling motion.  In my mind I see this working if it was built to good tolerances. I think this would be a great design to try and see if it works, thanks for posting.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on September 27, 2007, 06:05:04 PM
Quote from: Freezer on September 27, 2007, 04:56:16 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 20, 2007, 08:49:12 PM
Theory of the Simple Gravity Motor as described in:


In this invention, the Pulse Force comes from the eight hammers.  In one revolution, there are eight Pulses.  The above information describes the construction material, the dimensions etc.  However, it avoided the question of stating how long the rotation lasted.  The one who posted it said:

Hi ltseung, Ive been reading your posts trying to understand, and a lot of it sounds interesting. 

I've always believed people didn't give this gravity motor enough attention.  People always seem to build it the same way, thus repeating the errors.  This motor incorporates a heartbeat in a way, or more so a wobble motion.  I've seen weird effects with my failed magnet motor attempts, but noticed that in some instances the wobble motion or in my case the instability caused different results.  For instance in one of my setups, when the rotor came into a stator array, the initial magnet would cause the rotor to wobble or bounce up and down and it would get through the sticky point.  After I made it more stable, which eliminated the wobble, it wouldn't get through anymore.  There was a magnet motor on youtube, which is posted somewhere here.  It was the one where the guy used a brush, computer fan and tape.  I noticed in one of his comments he stated the even though the video didn't show it, the rotor was shaking up and down or wobbling as it spun (makes sense, if you have a computer fan to look at you will see that the bearing allows for this wobble).  This gravity setup seems like it would feed off that wobbling motion.  In my mind I see this working if it was built to good tolerances. I think this would be a great design to try and see if it works, thanks for posting.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 27, 2007, 06:27:40 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 20, 2007, 08:49:12 PM
Theory of the Simple Gravity Motor as described in:


In this invention, the Pulse Force comes from the eight hammers.  In one revolution, there are eight Pulses.  The above information describes the construction material, the dimensions etc.  However, it avoided the question of stating how long the rotation lasted.  The one who posted it said:

Fascinating, this device was first described and drawn by Bessler himself in his book Maschinen Traktate.
There is indeed nothing new under the sun :-)

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on September 27, 2007, 11:24:10 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on September 27, 2007, 01:59:19 PM
Given it's the investors who always scam every one, not the inventors this is a most reasonable request. If the invention doesn't work there should not be any problem withdrawing your funds again.

You are a fool.  How do the investors scam anyone?  They are the ones putting up the money.  It's the inventors who are putting up wild claims.  You do realize that to date, no free energy technology exists, right?  Therefore, anyone who has ever put up any money for free energy, by definition, has been scammed.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 28, 2007, 12:46:20 AM
Perhaps not so,

Shruggedatlas you obviously are not aware of the momentous discoveries that were made at the National Tsing Hua University. or for that matter of Dr.Liang (Xingren ?) who invented the famous Liang car, not to mention the 200 OU projects that are being conducted in China and are benefiting from Lawrence's Lead Out Theory.

After all the National Tsing Hua University is the MIT of China and a most reputable seat of learning where China's top future scientists and engineers are being trained.

Shame on you Shruggedatlas.

Pity that no-one I have contacted at Tsing Hua has ever heard of Lawrence Tseung or his Lead Out Theory. Must be the language barrier.

Hans von Lieven

Modest investigation Leads Out no discernible Credibility
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jeffc on September 28, 2007, 06:10:43 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on September 28, 2007, 12:46:20 AM
Perhaps not so,

Shruggedatlas you obviously are not aware of the momentous discoveries that were made at the National Tsing Hua University. or for that matter of Dr.Liang (Xingren ?) who invented the famous Liang car, not to mention the 200 OU projects that are being conducted in China and are benefiting from Lawrence's Lead Out Theory.

After all the National Tsing Hua University is the MIT of China and a most reputable seat of learning where China's top future scientists and engineers are being trained.

Shame on you Shruggedatlas.

Pity that no-one I have contacted at Tsing Hua has ever heard of Lawrence Tseung or his Lead Out Theory. Must be the language barrier.

Hans von Lieven

Modest investigation Leads Out no discernible Credibility

If you contacted Tsing Hua and they have denied knowledge of Lawrence and Lead Out that certainly creates a huge doubt about credibility.  I have been taking a wait and see attitude until this point, considering that Lawrence has repeatedly stated direct involvement with the university, which implies they believe Lead Out has some sort of scientific basis.  If they really do deny even knowing about this, then we are all wasting time, as it is likely the other credible parties which have been claimed to be involved are fabrications as well.

I hope this is not that case, as the optimist part of me would like to believe that there is actually something incredible going on in China with free energy.  I think if Lawrence has contacts at the university, he should help us clarify this apparent flaw in his claims.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 28, 2007, 09:59:55 PM
G'day jeffo and all,

I do not claim to have contacted everyone at Tsing Hua, all I have done is contact a few people myself and via a Chinese lecturer, who lectures  here in Sydney, a man who speaks the language and also has a few contacts there. We have not been able to locate anyone who had knowledge of these matters.

What I am saying is NOT definitive, the absence of proof never is.

There may well be someone there who takes this thing seriously, I don't know. All I know is that this is a reputable institution who does not endorse things lightly without a lot of proof.

Let Lawrence come up with some contacts there and their status at Tsing Hua, in other words not the janitor.

Then we can verify his claims. Until then we are pissing in the wind.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 28, 2007, 10:09:30 PM
Quote from: jeffc on September 28, 2007, 06:10:43 PM


I have been taking a wait and see attitude until this point, considering that Lawrence has repeatedly stated direct involvement with the university, which implies they believe Lead Out has some sort of scientific basis.  If they really do deny even knowing about this, then we are all wasting time, as it is likely the other credible parties which have been claimed to be involved are fabrications as well.

I hope this is not that case, as the optimist part of me would like to believe that there is actually something incredible going on in China with free energy.  I think if Lawrence has contacts at the university, he should help us clarify this apparent flaw in his claims.


Dear jeffc,

You should have asked for information earlier.  I was eager to share it - especially my picture at the Lecture Hall of Tsing Hua University.  It was an honor for me.  Almost all my friends and relatives have a hard copy.

Please see the attached file.  Hans can now ask his Chinese Lecturer friends at Tsing Hua University to confirm our visit in September-October 2006. 

Lawrence Tseung
Asking intelligent questions Lead Out valuable answers.  You can put good questions on  multiple pulses in case I overlooked them.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 28, 2007, 11:33:40 PM
Quote from: HissyfitNihilism on September 28, 2007, 10:40:21 PM

I think Hans was asking for the name and postion of someone to verify...nothing provided here! (*** Be more careful in your reading.)

I especially loved the picture where the CIA guy has little horns on his head!  Lawrence never quits and yet never gives us any actual information. (*** Be more and more and more careful in your reading.)


Dear Hissyfit,

Please read my posts VERY carefully.  You happen to pick a picture with the Prof. in charge at Tsing Hua University in the middle (fifth from the LHS).  His Chinese Name is è¶â,,¢Ã¥Â¤Â§Ã¦â€¦Â¶.  I deliberately avoided English translation as I could get that wrong.

Hans knows some Chinese Lecturers from Tsing Hua University.  These Lecturers can surely read Chinese.  They can find the name and position of professor è¶â,,¢Ã¥Â¤Â§Ã¦â€¦Â¶ from the University Website.  They can talk to Professor è¶â,,¢Ã¥Â¤Â§Ã¦â€¦Â¶ directly and confirm that Lee-Wang-Tseung gave a Cosmic Energy Machine Lecture at Tsing Hua University.

Hans finding and confirming will have much more weight than I repeating myself a million times.  Let him do some work.

Lawrence Tseung
Careless readers Lead Out higher pulse rate from the old Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 28, 2007, 11:46:09 PM
Quote from: HissyfitNihilism on September 28, 2007, 11:36:36 PM
Yes but what are those things sticking out of that CIA guy's head, Lawrence?

He was trying to be funny.  He said that his technology was from Mars.  Nobody on Earth could understand it.

(Lee-Tseung-Wang and Tsing Hua are exceptions) ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 28, 2007, 11:51:31 PM
And which one are you in the picture Lawrence??

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 29, 2007, 12:14:18 AM
withdrawn pending further enquiry
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 29, 2007, 12:17:31 AM
I don't know.  I have to say that I'm with Hans on this one.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on September 29, 2007, 12:21:15 AM
Quote from: HissyfitNihilism on September 28, 2007, 10:40:21 PM
It seems that every "official" and every "professor" shown in these cartoon pictures has had his name, position and university affiliation redacted from the document.  How very odd.  I think Hans was asking for the name and postion of someone to verify...nothing provided here!

You can go here:


and click on Zhao Daqing, the professor in the institute of materials processing and automation.

That guy is in a picture with Lee and Tseung.

If you're calling around at TsingHua, be sure to call the one in china:


and not the one in taiwan:



Mr. Entropy.

Ps.  I love your username, hissy.  It leads out amusing caricatures of goth kids and emo bands.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 29, 2007, 12:23:32 AM
Quote from: HissyfitNihilism on September 28, 2007, 11:36:36 PM
Yes but what are those things sticking out of that CIA guy's head, Lawrence?

Oh, those things sticking out of that CIA agent's head are what actually causes Lawrence to hallucinate! When he's near the CIA guy that's when virtual reality becomes reality.... and we begin to hear all these Lead Out crap!

Time to lead out some reality check. Don't waste your time on Lawrence's BS.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 29, 2007, 12:35:01 AM
Correct Entropy, here is the picture from the website.

I'll have my Chinese mate give him a call. At least that checks out.

Hans von Lieven
Title: The Forever Yuen Magnetic Pendulum Experiment
Post by: ltseung888 on September 29, 2007, 04:13:01 AM
The Forever Yuen Magnetic Pendulum Experiment

I took part in the Forever Yuen Magnetic Pendulum Experiment this afternoon.  The results were extremely conclusive

With a 25 cm magnetic pendulum, the number of oscillation per 30 second are:

(1) with no other magnetic material around   31 times
(2) With repulsion  25 times
(3) With attraction 41 times

The videos is being edited by Ms. Forever Yuen.  The exact size and type of magnets, string length, the arrangement etc. will be available on the video.  The position of the bottom magnet can change the repulsive or attractive force.  The above results were obtained when distance of bottom magnet and pendulum is approximately 10 cm.

These results conclusively confirm that the effective gravitational constant g can be changed.  If we can Lead Out Energy from Gravity, we can also Lead Out Energy from Electron Motion (Magnetic field).

You are welcome to repeat the experiment.  The results may vary somewhat with the type of magnets.  However, the general trend should be the same.  There is no fear of challenge of results as this experiment can be repeated thousands of times worldwide.

Lawrence Tseung
Forever Yuen experiment Leads Out confirmation of change of effective g.  This will increase the happy heat beat (pulse).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 29, 2007, 06:49:30 AM
Phone call with Chan

Chan: "You put pictures and photos on the Internet to prove that you lectured at Tsing Hua University.  Why is that your Lee-Tseung theory cannot convince the Forum Members?"

Tseung: "Forum Members are not professors from MIT.  They tend to believe in authorities than in themselves.  Many of them have little knowledge of physics.  Physics concepts and mathematical proof would confuse them more."

Chan: "I better tell you the truth.  I do not totally understand the Lee-Tseung theory also.  If the top professors at Tsing Hua, MIT or Harvard Universitis are convinced, I shall be happy to accept the Lee-Tseung theory as scientific doctrine.  If they keep quiet, I keep quiet.  If they say no, I shall run away from you."

Lawrence Tseung
Academic authorities Lead Out support.  They pulse out acceptance from the General Public.
Title: Re: The Forever Yuen Magnetic Pendulum Experiment
Post by: tagor on September 29, 2007, 07:38:59 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 29, 2007, 04:13:01 AM
The exact size and type of magnets, string length, the arrangement etc. will be available on the video. 
where is the video?
Title: Re: The Forever Yuen Magnetic Pendulum Experiment
Post by: Mr.Entropy on September 29, 2007, 11:42:36 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 29, 2007, 04:13:01 AM
With a 25 cm magnetic pendulum, the number of oscillation per 30 second are:

(1) with no other magnetic material around   31 times
(2) With repulsion  25 times
(3) With attraction 41 times

Yes, of course, but you should really mention that this has nothing to do with free energy, because you know that there are people in this forum who will assume otherwise.


Mr. Entropy
Title: Re: The Forever Yuen Magnetic Pendulum Experiment
Post by: ltseung888 on September 29, 2007, 03:04:45 PM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on September 29, 2007, 11:42:36 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 29, 2007, 04:13:01 AM
With a 25 cm magnetic pendulum, the number of oscillation per 30 second are:

(1) with no other magnetic material around   31 times
(2) With repulsion  25 times
(3) With attraction 41 times

Yes, of course, but you should really mention that this has nothing to do with free energy, because you know that there are people in this forum who will assume otherwise.


Mr. Entropy

Dear Mr. Entropy,

Thank you for finding Professor Zhao in the Tsing Hua University website.  That should settle the matter (Top academics in China know the Lee-Tseung patent and theory) forever.

I thought you might be one of the few who could really understand the significance of the Ms. Forever Yuen experiment.

Her experiment looks simple and innocent.  However, it is the foundation of the Flying Saucer Patent from Ms. Wini Woo.  It is also the link between Leading Out Energy from Gravity and Leading Out Energy from Electron Motion.

In other words, to understand Cosmic Energy Machines (or free energy), one must thoroughly understand the significance of the Ms. Forever Yuen experiment.

Should I stop here or repeat myself again on the detailed explanation???

I decided to hold off on the video and let someone else from this Forum confirm the result. Let them shine.  We look for the doers to join the experimental team later.  (Letting Hans confirm the Lee-Wang -Tseung Lecture at Tsing Hua University is much more fun and convincing than my writing about it a million times.)

Lawrence Tseung
The Ms. Forever Yuen experiment has no pulse to Lead Out the gravitational energy but it is the key to understanding the Lee-Tseung patents and the more advanced Flying Saucer technology.
Title: Re: The Forever Yuen Magnetic Pendulum Experiment
Post by: tinu on September 29, 2007, 05:49:59 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 29, 2007, 03:04:45 PM
In other words, to understand Cosmic Energy Machines (or free energy), one must thoroughly understand the significance of the Ms. Forever Yuen experiment.

Should I stop here or repeat myself again on the detailed explanation???

There is no particular significance of Ms. Forever?s experiment. At least not for trained people. The significance of this very simple experiment is well known since Galileo (approx.1600), even before Newton.
Anyway, you are welcome to put a decent and throughout explanation regarding its ?new significance?, if you have such an explanation.

Quote from: ltseung888 on September 29, 2007, 06:49:30 AM
Tseung: "Forum Members are not professors from MIT.  They tend to believe in authorities than in themselves.  Many of them have little knowledge of physics.  Physics concepts and mathematical proof would confuse them more."

Don't bet much on any of the above.  ;D
Please rest assured, you and all the readers, that there are enough trained people inhere to follow your equations and explanations. Fell free to go all the way your scientific backgrounds allow you to do it. Many people addressed the same invitation but it never happened for you to properly reply.

Quote from: ltseung888 on September 29, 2007, 04:13:01 AM
These results conclusively confirm that the effective gravitational constant g can be changed.  If we can Lead Out Energy from Gravity, we can also Lead Out Energy from Electron Motion (Magnetic field).

Lawrence Tseung
Forever Yuen experiment Leads Out confirmation of change of effective g.  This will increase the happy heat beat (pulse).

The ?effective gravitational constant? is denoted by G not by g in the mainstream science. Either you made a huge confusion/mistake about it due to lack of proper formal training or you deliberately throw around with various mixed physics notions as no one be able to follow those posts neither to criticize them. Either way, it is wrong, scientifically and/or ethically.

Regardless of the above, please define the ?effective gravitational constant? your way and post your full mathematical analysis. I?ll comment on it at that time.
At this point I?ll just say it loud and clear for everyone: no, you CAN NOT lead out Energy from Gravity. It never ever resulted you can!

Quote from: ltseung888 on September 29, 2007, 06:49:30 AM
Chan: "I better tell you the truth.  I do not totally understand the Lee-Tseung theory also.  If the top professors at Tsing Hua, MIT or Harvard Universitis are convinced, I shall be happy to accept the Lee-Tseung theory as scientific doctrine.  If they keep quiet, I keep quiet.  If they say no, I shall run away from you."

Mr. Chan, you seem to be a very rationale person. My full respect to you!
And take good care.  ;)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 29, 2007, 06:02:01 PM
G'day Lawrence and all,

Is this the type of experiment Ms. Forever Yuen is doing. She could have spared herself a lot of trouble and instead purchased this rig from the overunity store where it is sold as a toy.

Hans von Lieven

Overunity Toy Leads Out massive Breakthrough in OU

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 29, 2007, 07:04:02 PM

Those have been around since I was a kid...(long time ago ha ha) I remember playing around with one when my Father worked at Bell Labs in NJ.  This is what he is talking about?  The "big" break-through? I am going to have to go back and read all of the posts on this but, if this is really what it is........let China have this "advanced" technology.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 29, 2007, 07:09:37 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 29, 2007, 04:13:01 AM
The Forever Yuen Magnetic Pendulum Experiment

I took part in the Forever Yuen Magnetic Pendulum Experiment this afternoon.  The results were extremely conclusive

With a 25 cm magnetic pendulum, the number of oscillation per 30 second are:

(1) with no other magnetic material around   31 times
(2) With repulsion  25 times
(3) With attraction 41 times

The videos is being edited by Ms. Forever Yuen.  The exact size and type of magnets, string length, the arrangement etc. will be available on the video.  The position of the bottom magnet can change the repulsive or attractive force.  The above results were obtained when distance of bottom magnet and pendulum is approximately 10 cm.

These results conclusively confirm that the effective gravitational constant g can be changed.  If we can Lead Out Energy from Gravity, we can also Lead Out Energy from Electron Motion (Magnetic field).

You are welcome to repeat the experiment.  The results may vary somewhat with the type of magnets.  However, the general trend should be the same.  There is no fear of challenge of results as this experiment can be repeated thousands of times worldwide.

Lawrence Tseung
Forever Yuen experiment Leads Out confirmation of change of effective g.  This will increase the happy heat beat (pulse).

Yep, Sounds to me like this is what he is talking about :-)

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 29, 2007, 07:23:02 PM
I recall hearing that if someone built a large enough version of this that the rotation of the earth would keep it moving forever. How large, I have no idea.  My thoughts are that the wind would actually have more of an effect upon it than the rotation. I may order the "toy" from the website.  I love to look at stuff like this and I think it stimulates my mind to working on more practicle devices. (In my opinion)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 29, 2007, 07:28:30 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on September 29, 2007, 07:04:02 PM

Those have been around since I was a kid...(long time ago ha ha) I remember playing around with one when my Father worked at Bell Labs in NJ.  This is what he is talking about?  The "big" break-through? I am going to have to go back and read all of the posts on this but, if this is really what it is........let China have this "advanced" technology.


Dear Bill,

Now you have the incentive to reading the posts carefully.  Please focus on just the following point for now:

(1)   A pendulum with no pulse force can be analyzed with the simple law of conservation of energy.  At any point in time, the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy are equal.

  mgh + 1/2 * m *v *v = constant

(2)   When a pulse force is applied, how should the analysis be done?  Can we apply the Law of parallelogram of forces?  Will this pulse force supply energy to the system?  Will the tension of the string contribute to the resulting forces and the resulting energy?

I believe a good write-up from you is better than me repeating the same analysis a million times.

Thank you for your information about the toy.  I shall try to buy it (and improve it to illustrate Leading Energy out from Gravity as well as Leading Energy out from Electron Motion.)

Lawrence Tseung
Analyzing one Pulse at a time  Leads Out easier understanding for the Forum Members.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 29, 2007, 09:16:07 PM

What the heck does that have to do with anything?  The sum of potential energy and kinetic energy are always equal in any system...at least the ones we know about.  I fail to see how this applies in any way to your theory. I will re-read all of the previous posts (almost done) and I mean no disrespect to you at all. If I have read this right thus far, the "energy" you are describing could easily be described by a bouncing ball, which will also come to rest eventually.  It does not emit or give off or generate any additional energy even though it is "defying" gravity during half of it's cycles.  Maybe I am just ignorant, which is always possible. I always try to maintain an open mind on such matters.  I will research this phenomenon a little more.  Thanks for your reply.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jeffc on September 30, 2007, 02:50:19 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on September 28, 2007, 09:59:55 PM
G'day jeffo and all,

I do not claim to have contacted everyone at Tsing Hua, all I have done is contact a few people myself and via a Chinese lecturer, who lectures  here in Sydney, a man who speaks the language and also has a few contacts there. We have not been able to locate anyone who had knowledge of these matters.

What I am saying is NOT definitive, the absence of proof never is.

There may well be someone there who takes this thing seriously, I don't know. All I know is that this is a reputable institution who does not endorse things lightly without a lot of proof.

Let Lawrence come up with some contacts there and their status at Tsing Hua, in other words not the janitor.

Then we can verify his claims. Until then we are pissing in the wind.

Hans von Lieven

Thank you for the clarifications, and for not making a definitive claim without supporting proof.  You do, as always, raise valid points here which if answered with facts will take us closer to some sort of conclusion. 

It had been my previous opinion that Lawrence must be relaying accurate information about his relationship with Tsing Hua, based on the assumption that it would surely not take long for someone to discover if faked.  Your comments raised the suspicion, and I guess we'll have to await further information.  I don't feel comfortable discrediting him, although obviously in the context of these forums, establishing credibility is the responsibility of the person making claims.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jeffc on September 30, 2007, 03:02:35 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 28, 2007, 10:09:30 PM
Quote from: jeffc on September 28, 2007, 06:10:43 PM


I have been taking a wait and see attitude until this point, considering that Lawrence has repeatedly stated direct involvement with the university, which implies they believe Lead Out has some sort of scientific basis.  If they really do deny even knowing about this, then we are all wasting time, as it is likely the other credible parties which have been claimed to be involved are fabrications as well.

I hope this is not that case, as the optimist part of me would like to believe that there is actually something incredible going on in China with free energy.  I think if Lawrence has contacts at the university, he should help us clarify this apparent flaw in his claims.


Dear jeffc,

You should have asked for information earlier.  I was eager to share it - especially my picture at the Lecture Hall of Tsing Hua University.  It was an honor for me.  Almost all my friends and relatives have a hard copy.

Please see the attached file.  Hans can now ask his Chinese Lecturer friends at Tsing Hua University to confirm our visit in September-October 2006. 

Lawrence Tseung
Asking intelligent questions Lead Out valuable answers.  You can put good questions on  multiple pulses in case I overlooked them.

Hi Lawrence,

Thank you for the photo and information.  The post which I made before was in direct response to Hans statement about his attempts to verify your relationship with Tsing Hua.  Prior to his statement, I had taken for granted that your credentials with respect to the university were as you stated, and was instead rather happy to try and follow the scientific elements of this discussion.  But when Hans brought what appeared to be a valid challenge to your information, it seemed to be something which needed your help to verify. 

If you read the last part of my post, it says that "I hope this is not that case", because I am an optimistic person and I have no reason to disbelieve anything you have said.  In any case, if we are able to confirm the truth in this issue, perhaps we can get back to science! 

I will continue to read this topic with interest, and ask questions when I think it will be helpful for reaching conclusions.  Please understand that I do not want to make a personal attack on anyone in this forum.  I'm here to be a small part of progress, and thats all.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on September 30, 2007, 04:43:29 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 29, 2007, 07:28:30 PM
(1)   A pendulum with no pulse force can be analyzed with the simple law of conservation of energy.  At any point in time, the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy are equal.

  mgh + 1/2 * m *v *v = constant

(2)   When a pulse force is applied, how should the analysis be done?  Can we apply the Law of parallelogram of forces?  Will this pulse force supply energy to the system?  Will the tension of the string contribute to the resulting forces and the resulting energy?

You asked someone else, but I'll answer, anyway.

If you apply a pulse force F (vector) to the pendulum bob while it moves through a displacement D (vector), you do work equal to F dot D, and you should find then find that the total energy in the pendulum has changed by exactly that amount.  If you find that the new total energy exceeds to old total energy by more than that, then congratulations -- you have an overunity device. Note that this does not have anything to do with the tension on the string.

For a pulse force, F is typically very large, and D is typically very small, and this makes it very difficult to measure F dot D directly.  Instead, what you want to do is charge some small resevoir of potential energy, like a spring or a capacitor (but not a battery) or a lifted weight, and expend that energy into the pendulum with a pulse.  It's easy to measure the energy in the original charge, and if you're careful about your engineering, you can ensure that that energy is transferred to the pendulum efficiently.

Measuring the total energy in the pendulum is also problematic if you're adding magnets and stuff, but one way that works is to pick some point in the pendulum's swing (like the bottom) and measure its velocity there before and after the pulse.  The difference is the amount of energy you have added to the pendulum.  Without magnets and stuff, it's easier -- just measure the difference in the height of the pendulum's swing and use mgh.

I'm going to actually propose an experiment in another post...


Mr. Entropy

Footnote:  In cartesian coordinates, where vectors F and D are (Fx,Fy) and (Dx,Dy), F dot D = Fx*Dx + Fy*Dy.  This is equal to length_of_F * length_of_D * cos(angle_between_F_and_D).

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 01, 2007, 03:22:20 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on September 29, 2007, 09:16:07 PM

What the heck does that have to do with anything?  The sum of potential energy and kinetic energy are always equal in any system...at least the ones we know about.  I fail to see how this applies in any way to your theory. I will re-read all of the previous posts (almost done) and I mean no disrespect to you at all. If I have read this right thus far, the "energy" you are describing could easily be described by a bouncing ball, which will also come to rest eventually.  It does not emit or give off or generate any additional energy even though it is "defying" gravity during half of it's cycles.  Maybe I am just ignorant, which is always possible. I always try to maintain an open mind on such matters.  I will research this phenomenon a little more.  Thanks for your reply.


Dear Bill and Mr. Entrophy,

Thank you for your replies.  Bill is right in comparing the pendulum with the bouncing ball in the case of NO External Pulsing Force.  There is no obvious external energy entering the system.  If there were no loss of energy, we can apply the CoE and limit the energy of the system to be just the two terms - Potential Energy (mgh) and Kinetic Energy (1/2 * M* v* v).  The sum of these two terms will be the same while the ball bounces up and down or while the pendulum is swinging.

We sometimes use the formular
mgH = mgh + 1/2m*v*v) = 1/2m*V*V
where H is the maximum Height reached and V is the highest velocity at the lowest point. h is the height at any instant. v is the velocity at the same instant.

Scientists already know how to use gravitational energy in the following case.  Water from a dam drives a turbine to generate electricity.  The potenital energy of water is used.  However, to get the water back to its original height, we need to wait for the sun to evaporate the water and the rainfall will complete the cycle. 

If we want to continuously use gravitational energy, we should look for repeatable systems.  These systems, fortuanately, are available to us easily.  The first example is the simple pendulum with no external pulse force.  We know that we can safely apply the CoE and use the forumula
mgh + 1/2 m*v*v = constant.

Now consider exactly how we supply energy to the stationary pendulum.  The pendulum is hanging in the vertical position.  We apply a horizontal Force F.  The pendulum will have both a vertical and a horizontal displacement. (The D vector mentioned by Mr. Entrophy).  Just before we stop the force F, there will be THREE forces involved in the pendulum system.

(1) The Weight of the Pendulum (or more exactly m *g where m is the mass and g is the gravitational acceleration at the surface of the Earth which is 9.8 m/s/s approxiately.  Please yell if you don't understand the statement)

(2) The Horizontal Pulse Force F (Note that it is an externally applied Force controlled by the Engineer. )

(3) The Tension  of the String (If there were no string, the pendulum will not swing back)

Bill rightly stated that these three forces are also vectors.  In order to determine the energy supplied by these three forces, we need to apply the vector mathematics of Force * Displacement.  (Note that it is Vector Mathematics and not the scalar multiplication.)

The relationship of the forces MUST obey the Law of Parallelogram of Forces.  That set of Laws is taught at Mechanics 101 in secondary school physics.

I shall pause here to get your response first.



Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on October 01, 2007, 09:07:31 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 01, 2007, 03:22:20 AM

(1) The Weight of the Pendulum (or more exactly m *g where m is the mass and g is the gravitational acceleration at the surface of the Earth which is 9.8 m/s/s approxiately.  Please yell if you don't understand the statement)

(2) The Horizontal Pulse Force F (Note that it is an externally applied Force controlled by the Engineer. )

(3) The Tension  of the String (If there were no string, the pendulum will not swing back)

The weight of the pendulum plus the horizontal pulse force already sum up the force the object exerts on the string.  I do not know why you add (3) above.  If someone was pulling on the string, then yes, you would need to calculate that force, but seeing as the string is fixed at a point, why even include this?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 01, 2007, 11:10:21 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 01, 2007, 09:07:31 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 01, 2007, 03:22:20 AM

(1) The Weight of the Pendulum (or more exactly m *g where m is the mass and g is the gravitational acceleration at the surface of the Earth which is 9.8 m/s/s approximately.  Please yell if you don't understand the statement)

(2) The Horizontal Pulse Force F (Note that it is an externally applied Force controlled by the Engineer.)

(3) The Tension of the String (If there were no string, the pendulum will not swing back)

The weight of the pendulum plus the horizontal pulse force already sum up the force the object exerts on the string.  I do not know why you add (3) above.  If someone was pulling on the string, then yes, you would need to calculate that force, but seeing as the string is fixed at a point, why even include this?

Dear shruggedatlas,

When the pendulum is at rest, there were two forces.  They were the tension of the string and the weight of the pendulum bob.  They were equal and opposite to each other.

When we applied a horizontal force on the pendulum bob, there would be three forces.  They were the tension of the string, the weight of the pendulum bob and the horizontal force.  When the Pendulum Bob moved to its new position and was momentarily at rest under the influence of these three forces, we called this system of three forces as ?at equilibrium?.  When these 3 forces were at equilibrium, we could apply the Law of Parallelogram of Forces.

This would be the situation when the first Pulse Force was applied.  In this particular situation, the vigorous application of the Physics Law of Parallelogram of Forces and energy analysis conclusively indicated that the total energy entering the system was not just the energy from the horizontal pulse force.

The Pendulum Bob moved up.  There was displacement up.  The force up was from the vertical component of the tension of the string.  This displacement up times the force up represented work done or energy exchanged in the up direction.  This is the Lead Out Energy!

For more details, see a result from google search:

I shall pause here for responses.


Lawrence Tseung
Three forces at equilibrium Leads Out the use of the Parallelogram of Forces. If one of the forces is Pulsed (repeated) at the right moment, resonance can result.  Useful Energy is not just the energy from the Pulse.  Useful Energy will include the Lead Out Energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 01, 2007, 04:24:58 PM

I think I follow you and agree to a point.  In your system of the suspended pendulum, I understand and agree with the equalibrium of the three balanced forces at a given point.  You mentioned the initial "push" as being controlled by the experimenter, and that the pulses could be timed in such a way as to produce resonance, which I also agree with.  The example posted earlier about the child in a swing and a small force (push) timed and repeated correctly can send the child in the swing to great heights and velocity.  But, what I was taught, and possible inncorrectly, was that if you added up all of the energy used in the pushes or pulses, they would equal out to exactly the kinetic and potential energy conveyed by the swinging child.  Of course, this example does not involve magnets or magnetic fields.

So, my question is, given that the correctly timed pulses are an efficient way of propelling the child to great swinging arcs, but, they none the less represent no more than the total energy in the system, where or how does any additional energy come into the picture?  I appreciate your patience in your explanations.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 01, 2007, 06:15:00 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on October 01, 2007, 04:24:58 PMBut, what I was taught, and possible inncorrectly, was that if you added up all of the energy used in the pushes or pulses, they would equal out to exactly the kinetic and potential energy conveyed by the swinging child.

I don't know physics. I think physics should get to know me. ;D

Personally I try to imagine how far I can throw a person up into the sky with a gentle push. A gentle push seems to be enough to throw a person up by say 0 cm? Correct me if I'm wrong but it appears not enough to even lift the passenger off the ground let alone launch them by means of gentle push.

The fact the swing was already moving isn't so much of an issue.

the part where a small push is enough to lift 80 kg of meat by 30 cm really makes no sense with the established theory. One of the 2 has to be wrong.  :D If I give you 2 blocks 1000 kg, block 1 is attached to 50 meters of wire, you will be able to swing block 1 up against gravity.  Block 2 remains in it's spot, you cant even lift it - what are we talking about here? LOL!

look? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5ok4pPgVYA hahaha??

wait, this is pretty convincing... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDla-x-l4Hc no?

Quotewhere or how does any additional energy come into the picture?  I appreciate your patience in your explanations.
I think A standing wave is still a wave?

if 10 Joule is the energy required to lift a kg by 1 meter(is it?). Then we need about 5 Joule worth of pulses. It appears you can get about twice the height out of it.

I think it's interesting how the bob is already decelerating. If 9.8 m/s is the maximum acceleration then that must also be the maximum deceleration? (I'm guessing here)  As the bob is already decelerating while moving upwards could it be that gravity has some modified influence? You may test what I mean by pushing an object towards the ground faster as it would drop. You feel you are not assisting gravity but replacing it.

If you toss an object in the air it kind of floats there for a moment then reverses direction. It doesn't just reverse direction but it waits for a bit, this is the moment the pulse disturbs the system most efficiently. Push the swing the moment right after it reverses direction.

It's like nature shifts the gears from decelerate to accelerate and you have a small window of free motion while the sprockets are detached. ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 01, 2007, 06:15:04 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on October 01, 2007, 04:24:58 PM

.... can send the child in the swing to great heights and velocity.  But, what I was taught, and possible inncorrectly, was that if you added up all of the energy used in the pushes or pulses, they would equal out to exactly the kinetic and potential energy conveyed by the swinging child. 



Dear Bill,

I was taught incorrectly as well.  However, I had my lesson in a painful way.  When I was still a naughty boy (almost half a century ago), I pushed the punch bag a few times and then stood there for it to knock me down.  The punch bag was a few hundred kilograms.  The force knocked me a few meters away and down.

I was convinced that my couple of pushes could not have provided the force or the energy to give me so much pain.  However, my physics teacher told me the same thing as your teacher (The sum of energy of the few pushes added together was the culprit.)

It took me 50 years later to realize that I was taught the wrong thing.  (Thanks to Lee waking me up at 7:30 am from the hotel.)  I actually Lead Out some gravitational energy in each of the pushes.  The culprit was the sum of my energy and the Lead Out gravitational energy!

If I did not believe in my physics teacher, the Lee-Tseung theory would have been out over half a century ago!

Lawrence Tseung
Believing the teacher blindly Leads Out wrong results even though the Pulses provided the painful lesson.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on October 01, 2007, 07:38:09 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on October 01, 2007, 06:15:00 PM
the part where a small push is enough to lift 80 kg of meat by 30 cm really makes no sense with the established theory. One of the 2 has to be wrong.  :D If I give you 2 blocks 1000 kg, block 1 is attached to 50 meters of wire, you will be able to swing block 1 up against gravity.  Block 2 remains in it's spot, you cant even lift it - what are we talking about here? LOL!

The established theory is called mechanical advantage.  You are not lifting the 30kg straight up, but at an incline, and it is therefore easier to do, but the total amount of energy needed is the same, assuming no friction or air resistance.

If what you are saying is true, creating an overunity device is trivial.  Just have the pendulum hit something capable of converting the kinetic energy to electrical, and use that stored charge to "pulse" the pendulum when it is on the downswing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 01, 2007, 07:40:16 PM

So, then might it be possible to contruct a decent size pedulum where the "weight" would be a cylinder shaped magnet and suspend it from two lines into one such that it would keep it from twisting, and have it pass twice during it's period through a coil, or a series of coils, to generate enough power to run a small occilator that would add enough of a pulse at the correct time to maintain the pendulum motion?  This would be fairly easy to construct on a smaller scale for testing.  Do you think this would be possible?  thanks.

Title: The Ms. Forever Yuen Magnetic Pendulum Experiment
Post by: ltseung888 on October 01, 2007, 08:15:24 PM
The Ms. Forever Yuen Magnetic Pendulum Experiment

Ms. Forever Yuen gave me her powerpoint presentation with photos on her Magnetic Pendulum Experiment last night.

I have edited and attached it here.

It is easier to set up than the toy from the overunity.com store.  It is much cheaper too.  The important element to look for are the three sets of readings:

(1) No other magnetic material around (32 Oscillations per 30 sec)

(2) Repulsion (25 Oscillations per 30 sec)

(3) Attraction (41 Oscillations per 30 sec)

I shall continue to discuss the significance of this experiment in the coming posts.

Thanks to Ms. Forever Yuen once again.

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on October 01, 2007, 09:35:12 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 01, 2007, 03:22:20 AM
Now consider exactly how we supply energy to the stationary pendulum.  The pendulum is hanging in the vertical position.  We apply a horizontal Force F.  The pendulum will have both a vertical and a horizontal displacement. (The D vector mentioned by Mr. Entrophy).  Just before we stop the force F, there will be THREE forces involved in the pendulum system.

(1) The Weight of the Pendulum (or more exactly m *g where m is the mass and g is the gravitational acceleration at the surface of the Earth which is 9.8 m/s/s approxiately.  Please yell if you don't understand the statement)

(2) The Horizontal Pulse Force F (Note that it is an externally applied Force controlled by the Engineer. )

(3) The Tension  of the String (If there were no string, the pendulum will not swing back)

Bill rightly stated that these three forces are also vectors.  In order to determine the energy supplied by these three forces, we need to apply the vector mathematics of Force * Displacement.  (Note that it is Vector Mathematics and not the scalar multiplication.)

The relationship of the forces MUST obey the Law of Parallelogram of Forces.  That set of Laws is taught at Mechanics 101 in secondary school physics.

I shall pause here to get your response first.

Right let the displacement D represent the path of the pendulum bob durring the application of the pulse force. Assuming that the displacement D is small enough, since a pulse lasts only a moment, we can consider D to be a straight line and the forces below to be constant over the time when the pulse is applied.  Otherwise we'll have to integrate:

During the pulse time, we have a force due to gravity (Fg), a force due to the tension on the string (Fs) and the applied pulse force (Fp).  By the law of the parallelogram of forces, as you say, these add vectorially, so that the work done by the combination of those forces is W = (Fg + Fs + Fp) \dot D

The \dot product is distributive over addition, so W = (Fg \dot D) + (Fs \dot D) + (Fp \dot D), and we can consider each of these independently:

(Fg \dot D) is the work done by gravity.  If the bob is moving up, Fg and D are in opposing directions and this is negative.  work is done against gravity and stored as potential energy by the increase in the bob's height.

(Fp \dot D) is the work done by the pulse force.  You will probably apply the force in the direction that the bob moves, speeding it up, so this will be positive.  This work will be stored as an increase in the speed and kinetic energy of the pendulum.

(Fs \dot D) is the work done by the tension on the string.  Since the force is applied at a right angle to the direction of motion, Fs \dot D is zero, and the string does no work.

That's the conventional analysis.  What in here is incorrect?


Mr. Entropy
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 01, 2007, 09:47:39 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on October 01, 2007, 07:40:16 PM

So, then might it be possible to contruct a decent size pedulum where the "weight" would be a cylinder shaped magnet and suspend it from two lines into one such that it would keep it from twisting, and have it pass twice during it's period through a coil, or a series of coils, to generate enough power to run a small occilator that would add enough of a pulse at the correct time to maintain the pendulum motion?  This would be fairly easy to construct on a smaller scale for testing.  Do you think this would be possible?  thanks.


Dear Bill,

I believe you should read the Bill Mehess Motor first.


I advise a more thorough understanding of the Lee-Tseung theory first before more experiments.  There are already 300 or so Over Unity Inventions worldwide.  Most of them are from "experimenters" who jumped to try some ideas without the painstaking research first.

Many almost got it but then spent years spinning around.  We can discuss how to improve some of them here and then do the improvements. 

I shall wait for a few more comments or responses on the Ms. Forever Yuen experiment before further continued discussion of the Lee-Tseung Theory.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 02, 2007, 12:09:26 AM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on October 01, 2007, 09:35:12 PM
Right let the displacement D represent the path of the pendulum bob during the application of the pulse force. Assuming that the displacement D is small enough, since a pulse lasts only a moment [1], we can consider D to be a straight line and the forces below to be constant over the time [2] when the pulse is applied.  Otherwise we'll have to integrate:

During the pulse time, we have a force due to gravity (Fg), a force due to the tension on the string (Fs) and the applied pulse force (Fp).  By the law of the parallelogram of forces, as you say, these add vectorially, so that the work done by the combination of those forces is W = (Fg + Fs + Fp) \dot D

The \dot product is distributive over addition, so W = (Fg \dot D) + (Fs \dot D) + (Fp \dot D), and we can consider each of these independently[3]:

(Fg \dot D) is the work done by gravity.  If the bob is moving up, Fg and D are in opposing directions and this is negative.  work is done against gravity and stored as potential energy by the increase in the bob's height.

(Fp \dot D) is the work done by the pulse force.  You will probably apply the force in the direction that the bob moves, speeding it up, so this will be positive.  This work will be stored as an increase in the speed and kinetic energy [4] of the pendulum.

(Fs \dot D) is the work done by the tension on the string.  Since the force is applied at a right angle to the direction of motion, Fs \dot D is zero[5], and the string does no work.

That's the conventional analysis[6].  What in here is incorrect?


Mr. Entropy

Let us discuss your assumptions point by point.
[1]We assume that the Pulse Force is controllable by the Engineer.  It can be as short or as long as desired.  In this case of the first application on the stationary pendulum, we assume that the Pulse Force is long enough to let the pendulum swing fully to its new position.  At the new position, the pendulum stopped momentarily to change direction to swing back.

[2] The forces are constant over time. 

The Gravitational Force (Fg) can be regarded as constant as the mass and the gravitational acceleration (g = 9.8 m/s/s) can be regarded as constant during this first pulse and swing.

The Horizontal Pulse Force (Fp) can be regarded as constant because this is under the control of the Engineer.  We assume the ideal situation of capable of turning the Force on and off.

The Tension in the String (Fs) unfortunately, cannot be regarded as a constant.  Before the application of the Pulse Force (Fp), Fs = Fg.  When Fp is being applied, Fs MUST change.  At the new momentary stationary position, Fs must be equal and opposite to the resultant force of Fp and Fg.  Thus this particular assumption is incorrect.

[3] We cannot consider them independently if Fs is a function of Fp and Fg.  Thus this particular assumption is incorrect.

[4] As we stated, the final position for this analysis is the momentary stationary position.  There is NO velocity and hence no kinetic energy.  This particular assumption is incorrect.

[5] Fs \dot D is zero  You are making the assumption that the force vector Fs is always at right angles to the displacement vector D.  In constant circular motion such as the Earth going around the Sun, this is correct.  However, in accelerating and decelerating circular motion, this is incorrect.

[6] Thus the so called conventional analysis as outlined by you have many incorrect assumptions.

As you have rightly pointed out, without the use of Integrals, we have to make certain assumptions and simplifications.  These assumptions and simplifications may be inexact or even incorrect.  Arguing over inexact or incorrect assumptions will waste much energy and time.

I shall try to explain the Integral Assumption in the next post.  It will be edited from the notes made after the discussions at Tsing Hua University.

Lawrence Tseung
Simplified Analysis Leads Out incorrect assumptions.  It increases the Pulse rates of all involved.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 02, 2007, 01:57:04 AM

It may not matter in your calculations but I believe that the figure of acceleration due to gravity of 9.8 cm2 does not apply in this case. (Pendulum)  That was calculated for a free falling body in a vaccuum.  I am not going to get into wind resistance or anything but it's the "free falling" aspect that interests me.  Since the sting is forcing the pendulum into a circular path, rather than straight, and if the pendulum is launched (started) at the 3:00 position or the 9:00 position, it would only free fall for an instant before the string causes it to begin it's circular path.  The force imposed by the string in doing this would not allow the pendulum to reach the acceleration figure for a free falling body.

The force of gravity at 1g would also not remain constant during the circular path forced by the string.  I believe it would climb and be at maximum at the 6:00 position of the pendulum arc and taper off back toward 1g, and then 0g at the extreme ends of the swing movement.

I think the most interesting thing is that at each ends of the pendulum arc, there is that one moment where, for all intents and purposes, the pendulm is weightless and would be at 0g.  Velocity would also be 0. The tension on the string would be 0.  It is this exact point in time that interests me.

I saw the slide show done by your friend. The results were not what I would have anticipated if asked beforehand.  Interesting.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 02, 2007, 02:47:53 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on October 02, 2007, 01:57:04 AM

I saw the slide show done by your friend. The results were not what I would have anticipated if asked beforehand.  Interesting.


Dear Bill,

That is why it is extremely important to actually do the Ms. Forever Yuen Experiment.  I shall explain the Lee-Tseung theory based on the results.  Those results can be reproduced easily worldwide.

If you have two magnets, a string and a stop watch, you can repeat it yourself.  The significance will be explained in the coming posts.

I managed to dig up some notes from my Tsing Hua Trip.  One of the possible integral treatment is now attached.  Improvement and further editing may still be required.


Actual Experiments Lead Out verifiable experiments.  The fast heartbeats or pulses may go back to normal.
Title: The patent exchange document
Post by: ltseung888 on October 02, 2007, 05:35:45 PM
The attached patent exchange document  It was used by us to argue our case with the PCT patent office.

I have edited the patent exchange document to focus on:

(1)   Gravitational energy can be lead out by a horizontal pulse force exerted on the pendulum bob from the stationary position (first pulse , Figure A1)

(2)   Gravitational energy can be lead out by a non-horizontal pulse force exerted on the pendulum bob when the bob swings to its highest position (second and subsequent pulses. Figure A2)

(3)   Gravitational energy can be lead out by any pulse force (may not be most efficient) exerted on the pendulum bob. (Figure A3)

(4)   Examples of working prototypes (Figure B1, B2 etc.)

(5)   The key point is Pulse Force can Lead Out Gravitational Energy.

Hope that document helps in the understanding.
Title: Shielding
Post by: ltseung888 on October 02, 2007, 08:01:47 PM

The concept of shielding is extremely important.  It is tied with the concept of CoE.

For example, if we could do gravitational shielding (which is NOT possible), we could:
(1)   Shield and raise a weight up to height h.  The effective g is much less than 9.8m/s/s.  The energy required is much less than mgh
(2)   Take away the shield and let the weight drop down to do work.  The energy that can be used is mgh.
(3)   Repeat from (1) and we have created a perpetual motion machine.

However, we know that we could do magnetic shielding or electrostatic shielding (e.g. with Mu-metal or flux change in coil).  What does it mean???  Are we creating energy or just Leading Out Energy???

Lawrence Tseung
Shielding Leads Out the possibility of perpetual motion machines.  This increases the Pulse rate.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on October 02, 2007, 09:46:16 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 02, 2007, 12:09:26 AM
We assume that the Pulse Force is long enough to let the pendulum swing fully to its new position.  At the new position, the pendulum stopped momentarily to change direction to swing back.

Well, OK, but that is not a pulse force.  It takes a long time to get to the point at which it stops.

At the new momentary stationary position, Fs must be equal and opposite to the resultant force of Fp and Fg.

That is incorrect.  If the total force were zero, the bob would remain still instead of accelerating downward.

You are making the assumption that the force vector Fs [from the string] is always at right angles to the displacement vector D.  In constant circular motion such as the Earth going around the Sun, this is correct.  However, in accelerating and decelerating circular motion, this is incorrect.

As as long as the string is taught (and not stretchy), regardless of the accelerating or decelerating motion, the motion is at a right angle to the force from the string.  Strings are honest, in that they always point in the direction they are pulling!  And circular motion is always at a right angle to the radius.  That is why the string does no work (pulse force or not), why the lorentz force does no work, why the coriolis force does no work, etc.

As you have rightly pointed out, without the use of Integrals, we have to make certain assumptions and simplifications.  These assumptions and simplifications may be inexact or even incorrect.  Arguing over inexact or incorrect assumptions will waste much energy and time.

Well, I was talking about a pulse force.  What I said is also true for every tiny moment during the application of a longer horizontal force.  The integration is simply summing up all those little zeros to find that the string, in total, does zero work.

When I initially read your post, Lawrence, I was quite dissappointed to find that you had spoken so clearly, but incorrectly above.  You have certainly seem to have visited some knowledgeable people at Tsing Hua University -- people who certainly know what I'm talking about, and would not normally countenance those kinds of errors.

Is it possible that, before you started talking to them, you actually showed them something that worked?  That would cause them to be somewhat respectful, mistakes or no...  Perhaps you did.


Mr. Entropy
Title: The significance of the Ms. Forever Yuen Experiment
Post by: ltseung888 on October 02, 2007, 10:12:30 PM
The significance of the Ms. Forever Yuen Experiment

Many of you have downloaded the PowerPoint presentation file of Ms. Forever Yuen.  Some may have repeated the experiment.  Some may have taken out the toy purchased from the Over Unity.com store.  Some may ask ? it is so simple, what is its significance?

Before I answer that, I shall quote a few significant experiments in history:

(1)   Galileo experiment of a feature and a rock falling at same rate in vacuum.  Previously, people believed in Aristotle?s words that a heavier object falls faster.

(2)   Newton?s Apple.  Millions and generations of people have seen objects falling to the ground.  Who established the foundation of Modern Physics?

(3)   Lee-Tseung Pulsed Pendulum.  Millions and generations of people have pushed the swing.  How many realized that the Push or Pulse could lead out Gravitational Energy?

(4)   Ms. Forever Yuen Magnetic Pendulum Experiment.  A toy is already available from the Over Unity.com store.  How many people realize its significance.

I shall list the significance of the Ms. Forever Yeun Magnetic Pendulum Experiment here:

(1)   We can Lead Out Electron Motion Energy (magnetic portion) by superimposing magnetic fields on gravity fields.

(2)   We can Lead Out Electron Motion Energy (magnetic portion) even without having any gravitational field.

(3)   We can use the repulsion property of the magnetic field to reduce the effective gravitational constant g from 9.8m/s/s to 0 or even negative.  This means we can make a device float or rise.

(4)   We can make the magnetic field in any direction ? not just towards the center of the Earth.  Our Cosmic Energy Machine can orientate in any direction.

(5)   We can turn the magnetic field on or off.  The magnitude of the field can be many times that of Gravity.  This gives rise to the Magneto Propulsion Unit that can power the Flying Saucer.  Nothing needs to be ejected out.

(6)   Our new space ships can be totally self-contained.  (Food, energy etc could be recycled.  Nothing needs to be ejected for traveling).

(7)   There will be a New Order for the World.  It is no longer the survival of the fittest.  Even the weakest can destroy Earth totally.  This will force the New Order of Mutual Respect and Coorperation.

Lawrence Tseung
Ms. Yuen experiments Lead Out New Order.  The Pulse Rate of World Development will be much faster.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 03:46:06 AM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on October 02, 2007, 09:46:16 PM

Is it possible that, before you started talking to them, you actually showed them something that worked?  (*** They already have working prototypes on Cosmic Energy Machines for years.) That would cause them to be somewhat respectful, mistakes or no...  Perhaps you did.


Mr. Entropy

Dear Mr. Entropy,

Before our visit, they already read everything about the Lee-Tseung Patent and Theory.  I believe the China Patent Office also talked to them first.  Remember we went up on their invitation.  They paid for lodging and meals.

In their possession and knowledge are the working prototypes of:
(1)   The Electricity Magnifier that could magnify the Input 30 times for over 10 years. None of their top people could explain why.  You can check the video on this thread.  They knew about it since 1996.

(2)   The Dr. Liang Xingren patent and the Car.  Some of their professors sat on the car, drove it and looked for engines or other sources of energy.  What they saw was what was described in the Published Patent.  You can check the video and the Translated Patent on this thread.  They accepted that the Car worked but disagreed with the Ying-Yang explanation.  They sat in the car in 2000.

(3)   The Chao Ching San Car.  The car was driven 1500 km to Beijing with news coverage.  One of them was CCTV10, the Official Chinese News Agency. Tsing Hua University was one of the consulted parties on the certification.  The Beijing Journey was in April 2006.

Our first meeting with them was in July 2006.  More meetings were in September and October 2006.

They probably have many more since they are the Consultants the China Patent Office used on New Patents. I personally knew that they had full information of the above three.  We discussed those three inventions in our meetings.  In their words, "The Lee-Tseung theory is the only theory at present that can explain the energy source of the three above inventions. "

Once we explained the boat in calm waters and good sunshine, they immediately knew that the CoE was never violated in the Lee-Tseung Theory.  All they need to do was to focus on the Lead Out concept.  They did the Wang four-legged stool experiment during our meeting in our presence.  They mentioned that they also did the equivalent of the Ms Forever Yuen magnetic pendulum experiment. 

Thus, it was very easy for us to discuss the theory with them.  They said that they would perfect the theory and write the scientific papers.  I took some notes and left the vigorous proofing of the Integral to them. (The CIA or the Like screwed things up for us ? you can read that story on this thread and on the Wang Invention http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/wang3.htm).

We are extremely confident that we are right because we have already worked with a number of inventors who could not identify the source of energy of their inventions.  We used the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory to explain and improved their inventions.

Lawrence Tseung
Having a working prototype generating electricity in front of you Leads Out a different prospective.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on October 03, 2007, 06:42:20 AM
Mr. Tseung,

Now I have a very clear picture of your skills. They are very basic in physics, well below high-grade level.

You might have catch me in a bad day but I?d say it?s definitely time for you to revise your background and stop claiming non-sense ?supported by? outrageous elementary mistakes.

You say that

"?there will be THREE forces involved in the pendulum system.

(1) The Weight of the Pendulum (or more exactly m *g where m is the mass and g is the gravitational acceleration at the surface of the Earth which is 9.8 m/s/s approxiately.  Please yell if you don't understand the statement)

(2) The Horizontal Pulse Force F (Note that it is an externally applied Force controlled by the Engineer. )

(3) The Tension of the String (If there were no string, the pendulum will not swing back)
The relationship of the forces MUST obey the Law of Parallelogram of Forces.  That set of Laws is taught at Mechanics 101 in secondary school physics."

and from your file (Integral.doc file) where you also say that

"Component B is the Horizontal Energy Component expressed as
where T1(x) is the varying tension of the string as a function of the x position variable
Angle a is the varying angle due to the swing
dx is the horizontal displacement"

I simply deduce that you assume that the above vector forces (1+2+3) sum zero.
This is an elementary mistake (they obviously do not sum zero) and you need to go back and read again Newtonian mechanics.
That's BASICS, Mr. Tseung! Well below high-grade!

Actually, you very clearly show again your low level of physics understanding, by mistakenly saying (Integral.doc file) that
?T1(x)sin(a) is effectively equal to Fp (Horizontal Pulse Force).?

That?s lack of basic knowledge, Mr. Tseung. The correct equation is
See? Newton. In it?s simplest form.
Any astute 14-15 years old student understands it from the first glance. You don?t.  ;D

You might have been lectured in some universities but guest lecturers are common and they do not prove a thing. It doesn?t mean that any of those guest lecturers are somehow competent. It is just a leisure course for summer time and/or on other various occasions. Such lectures usually cover marginal subjects. That?s for clarifying another issue.

So, I stongly suggest you stop posting non-sense.

That?s because, basically I do not understand how you can have the guts to impertinently come in front of the world when you know that your intellectual skills and training in physics and math do not value much at all!  ???
You also drag a fine person along ? Ms. Forever. Let her study real things and let her make a valuable and solid life!

I'm sorry to say it frankly, but your ?science? is crap.
(Actually you said it first in your equations.
I just used my physics knowledge to translate it in common language that everyone can understand.)

So, your 'kung-fu' is very weak, Mr. Tseung.
Very, very weak?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 06:53:14 AM
Dear Tinu,

Thank you for your insults.  Please do it more,  I need that as training for my coming meetings.

Someone asked - Who is my partner?

The simple answer is God (may that be Jesus, Budda or Allah).  With God as a partner, I can think big.  I can let others shine.

God as Partner Leads Out peace.  The heart will not Pulse that much unnecessarily.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on October 03, 2007, 07:05:39 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 06:53:14 AM
Dear Tinu,

Thank you for your insults.  Please do it more,  I need that as training for my coming meetings.


Please correct your equations.
They are the real insults!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 07:59:31 AM
Quote from: tinu on October 03, 2007, 07:05:39 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 06:53:14 AM
Dear Tinu,

Thank you for your insults.  Please do it more,  I need that as training for my coming meetings.


Please correct your equations.
They are the real insults!


Dear Tinu,

Let me quote steorn:

All great truth start as blasphemies.

I shall let my errors or mistakes if any to be seen by the World.  The Professors and Students at Tsing Hua University already promised to correct and improve them.  Let them shine.

In discovering something new, not every path is a straight line.  Falling flat with face covered in mud is to be expected.

Lawrence Tseung
Showing one's possible errors Leads Out lesson for the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Freezer on October 03, 2007, 08:11:36 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 07:59:31 AM
Let me quote steorn:

All great truth start as blasphemies.

I shall let my errors or mistakes if any to be seen by the World.  The Professors and Students at Tsing Hua University already promised to correct and improve them.  Let them shine.

In discovering something new, not every path is a straight line.  Falling flat with face covered in mud is to be expected.

Lawrence Tseung
Showing one's possible errors Leads Out lesson for the World.

All great truths begin as blasphemies. - George Bernard Shaw, Annajanska, 1919

Great words.  I do believe this is the case, as It's hard to throw away what you believe as truth, but as we have seen in history, our reality has changed, and things we thought as fact were actually wrong.  How soon can we as a society change our ways before it becomes too late?  I believe we are nearing that time, if not already surpassed it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on October 03, 2007, 08:22:37 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 07:59:31 AM
Dear Tinu,

Let me quote steorn:

All great truth start as blasphemies.

I shall let my errors or mistakes if any to be seen by the World.  The Professors and Students at Tsing Hua University already promised to correct and improve them.  Let them shine.

In discovering something new, not every path is a straight line.  Falling flat with face covered in mud is to be expected.

Lawrence Tseung
Showing one's possible errors Leads Out lesson for the World.

:'( ..."Touche, pussycat!"

How about talking ?kung-fu? instead of poetry?   ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on October 03, 2007, 09:14:20 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 07:59:31 AM
All great truth start as blasphemies.

You conveniently forgot the rest of the quote rom Mr. Shaw: "But not all blasphemies become great truths."

Anyway, as soon as you mentioned flying saucers and new world order, I think it should be pretty apparent to everyone what's going on.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Freezer on October 03, 2007, 09:22:33 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 03, 2007, 09:14:20 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 07:59:31 AM
All great truth start as blasphemies.

You conveniently forgot the rest of the quote rom Mr. Shaw: "But not all blasphemies become great truths."

Anyway, as soon as you mentioned flying saucers and new world order, I think it should be pretty apparent to everyone what's going on.

Flying saucers?  What?  Tell me what's going on.  I'm always interested when someone mentions flying saucers.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on October 03, 2007, 09:33:24 AM
Quote from: Freezer on October 03, 2007, 09:22:33 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 03, 2007, 09:14:20 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 07:59:31 AM
All great truth start as blasphemies.

You conveniently forgot the rest of the quote rom Mr. Shaw: "But not all blasphemies become great truths."

Anyway, as soon as you mentioned flying saucers and new world order, I think it should be pretty apparent to everyone what's going on.

Flying saucers?  What?  Tell me what's going on.  I'm always interested when someone mentions flying saucers.

See reply 395.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 10:21:03 AM
Quote from: Freezer on October 03, 2007, 09:22:33 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 03, 2007, 09:14:20 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 07:59:31 AM
All great truth start as blasphemies.

You conveniently forgot the rest of the quote rom Mr. Shaw: "But not all blasphemies become great truths."(*** You will see the great truth as Cosmic Energy Machine products soon - before end of 2008 as a likely date.***)

Anyway, as soon as you mentioned flying saucers and new world order, I think it should be pretty apparent to everyone what's going on.

Flying saucers?  What?  Tell me what's going on.  I'm always interested when someone mentions flying saucers.

Dear Freezer,


and the related post on the Pulse Motor.

The basic Flying Saucer technology is described there.

There will be seeds on rock; seeds on sand; Seeds amongst thorns. I hope that there are seeds on fertile soil.

Lee Cheung kin and I are too old to "grow".  Please use the knowledge to benefit the World.

Lawrence Tseung
Flying Saucer Concept in the right hands Leads Out great benefits to the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 03, 2007, 12:47:55 PM
Quote from: tinu on October 03, 2007, 06:42:20 AM
Mr. Tseung,

Now I have a very clear picture of your skills. They are very basic in physics, well below high-grade level.

That?s lack of basic knowledge, Mr. Tseung. The correct equation is
See? Newton. In it?s simplest form.
Any astute 14-15 years old student understands it from the first glance. You don?t.  ;D


So, I stongly suggest you stop posting non-sense.

That?s because, basically I do not understand how you can have the guts to impertinently come in front of the world when you know that your intellectual skills and training in physics and math do not value much at all!  ???
You also drag a fine person along ? Ms. Forever. Let her study real things and let her make a valuable and solid life!

I'm sorry to say it frankly, but your ?science? is crap.
(Actually you said it first in your equations.
I just used my physics knowledge to translate it in common language that everyone can understand.)

So, your 'kung-fu' is very weak, Mr. Tseung.
Very, very weak?



Thank you for your posting. I have tried to 'insult' Lawrence a long time ago but he is obviously on his hobby horse.

Hahaha! Why did it take 28 pages of postings for this crap head to continue his self-proclaim egoistic discoveries?

Move on, nothing to see here. Just a waste of time. Now he's dragging God's name into his equations to imply whatever flaws in his argument, he is doing this for the sake of humanity.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 02:07:20 PM
Quote from: chrisC on October 03, 2007, 12:47:55 PM

Thank you for your posting. I have tried to 'insult' Lawrence a long time ago but he is obviously on his hobby horse.

Hahaha! Why did it take 28 pages of postings for this crap head to continue his self-proclaim egoistic discoveries?

Move on, nothing to see here. Just a waste of time. Now he's dragging God's name into his equations to imply whatever flaws in his argument, he is doing this for the sake of humanity.



Dear chrisc,

Please insult me more.  I badly needed that training for my coming meetings.  I may have to go to the next step - allowing people to insult me via webcam. 

I need God to be on my side to calm and control me in actual face-to-face meetings.  CIA and the Like got me last time.

Thanks for your past insults.  You are welcome to pile on more.


I shall wait to answer the incorrect formulae after a week or so of comments.  I shall even request one of the Professor Friends to comment on them.  Arguing technical assumptions over the Internet is much more difficult than face-to-face in lecture rooms.

Lawrence Tseung
God as Partner Leads Out infinite courage.  The blood pressure will not go up with high pulses.
Title: Focusing back on the technical issues
Post by: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 07:22:53 PM
Reviewed the Progress of Sun et al.  For details, see:


The major new idea was from Sun.

"We need to have a sensor element to detect the lowering of speed of the cylinder due to external load. This is key to our programming control. This will be a major requirement in our New Pulse Motor."

Lawrence Tseung
Detecting the slowing down of the Cylinder Leads Out programming control of the Pulses.
Title: Re: Focusing back on the technical issues
Post by: chrisC on October 03, 2007, 07:31:39 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 07:22:53 PM

"We need to have a sensor element to detect the lowering of speed of the cylinder due to external load. This is key to our programming control. This will be a major requirement in our New Pulse Motor."

Lawrence Tseung

Dear Lawrence:

You really don't need a new sensor! What you really need is some (new) common sense and not to make a fool of yourself anymore with more crap. Are you really schizophrenic? I mean seriously....


ps: please see a doctor soon.
Title: Cosmic Energy Machine Conference
Post by: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 09:50:21 PM
Cosmic Energy Machine Conference

The following idea was from Sun and Chan.

Sun: "It looks like that many people are still skeptical on the feasibility of Cosmic Energy Machines.  We can hold a conference in China and invite the inventors to display their inventions.  If there is sufficient interest, I do not mind doing the organizing.?

Chan: ?I support the idea.  We can sell our Cosmic Energy Toys.  It is a good business opportunity.?

Tseung: ?Can you get enough Cosmic Energy Machine Products to display?  What are the Stars of the show??

Sun: ?We can start contacting the known inventors.  You can help in your posts at the various forums.  The moment one or more Cosmic Energy Machine Products are introduced in China, there will be a tidal wave of interest and support.  We can get prepared first.?

Lawrence Tseung
Ideas from Sun and Chan Lead Out this post.  The coming strong pulses are likely to be Cosmic Energy Products from China.
Title: The famous Wang Shum Ho 4-legged stool experiment
Post by: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 11:54:30 PM
The famous Wang Shum Ho 4-legged stool experiment

Thanks to Ms. Forever, I have now edited the attached PowerPoint file and downloaded the video to youtube.

This experiment is significant in that
(1) Force applied to circular motion will make it rotate faster.
(2) Bowl of water will rotate like a vortex and will remix when hitting the top.
(3) Changing the water to ferro-magnetic fluid and using rotating magnet to replace humans Leads Out Electron Motion Energy (magnetic)
(4) This coupled with solid magnet rotation (e.g. David Hamel) produces the Wang Electricity Generator.
(5) David Hamel information is available on
Wang information: http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/wang3.htm

*** The special feature of the Wang Generator is that no starting batteries needed.  A slight hand rotation is sufficient to help it rotate to its maximum designed speed!

Enjoy it.

Lawrence Tseung
4-legged stool experiment Leads Out the Wang Generator.  It is a coupling of two systems: pulsed ferro-liquid rotation and pulsed solid magnet rotation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 04, 2007, 01:23:42 AM
G'day all,

Here is my very last post on the subject.

I heard back from Tsing Hua alright. They do know of him and his theories. When asked if Tsing Hua endorsed his theories and had projects that involved his ideas they became suddenly very polite and evasive.

How very Chinese.

I leave you to judge what this means.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 04, 2007, 02:40:17 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 04, 2007, 01:23:42 AM
G'day all,

Here is my very last post on the subject.

I heard back from Tsing Hua alright. They do know of him and his theories. When asked if Tsing Hua endorsed his theories and had projects that involved his ideas they became suddenly very polite and evasive.

How very Chinese.

I leave you to judge what this means.

Hans von Lieven

Hi Hans:

Thanks for the investigative report. It's so Chinese that the gentlemen does not seemed to understand, perhaps the blow smoke gets back to his eyes and clouded his imagination even more so?  That is SAD!

Thanks for the update. My last post too. Goodnight people.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 04, 2007, 04:16:40 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 04, 2007, 01:23:42 AM
G'day all,

Here is my very last post on the subject.

I heard back from Tsing Hua alright. They do know of him and his theories. When asked if Tsing Hua endorsed his theories and had projects that involved his ideas they became suddenly very polite and evasive.

How very Chinese.

I leave you to judge what this means.

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

Thank you for your efforts.  You have scored many points in your credibility.  We know that you do follow through with your words.

The reply from Tsing Hua is what I would have expected.  They can confirm facts without getting into trouble.

They do know of him and his theories ? is a fact.

When they have to commit the reputation of Tsing Hua, they might get into trouble. They had to be polite but evasive.

When asked if Tsing Hua endorsed his theories ? involves the reputation of Tsing Hua.  They had to be evasive.  If they were convinced that it was total nonsense, they would not be ?polite?.

At least the photos of Tseung Lecturing at Tsing Hua are not hoaxes.  My friends and relatives who received hard copies could breath happily.  Thank you, Hans.

Lawrence Tseung
Confirmation from Hans Leads Out credibility of Tseung presenting at Tsing Hua University.  The other Pulses will be related to actual academic papers, conferences or product prototypes.
Title: Wang device as academic project?
Post by: ltseung888 on October 04, 2007, 06:13:52 AM
Private Email from a  Reader:  I do not answer private emails.  So I answer it openly here.

I have just read about the invention of Mr. Wang Shum Ho. I am a Pakistani student studying in final year, Electrical Engineering, University Of Engineering and Technology, xxx.

I want your permission to implement this technology as a final year project, because I hope to get funds. In addition, I may find some difficulties while studying this technology in detail.
In that case, I may want your assistance.

My reply:

The Wang Shum Ho device has moved into the "certification stage" in China.  If you build the device as an academic research, there should be no financial conflicts.

I shall only disclose the "public Knowledge".  You are encouraged to use the overunity forum or forum.go-here.nl.

I encourage you to share your research results in this thread to benefit the World..

Lawrence Tseung
Final Year Project Leads Out knowledge and benefits to the World.  We can consider it as an International Pulse.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 04, 2007, 04:11:49 PM
An important meeting today.

The key factors for the success of this meeting are:

(1) Good presentation on the Lee-Tseung Theory
(2) Discussion of the various working prototypes
(3) Identifying the products to develop
(4) Evaluate the talent, time and resources needed
(5) Spread the message of benefiting the World

We expect much insults.  Hope the training in this forum helps.

Lawrence Tseung
God as partner Leads Out great plans.  The Pulses will resonate all parts of the Earth.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 04, 2007, 06:35:05 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 03, 2007, 10:21:03 AM

Dear Freezer,


and the related post on the Pulse Motor.

The basic Flying Saucer technology is described there.

There will be seeds on rock; seeds on sand; Seeds amongst thorns. I hope that there are seeds on fertile soil.
Lee Cheung kin and I are too old to "grow".  Please use the knowledge to benefit the World.

Lawrence Tseung
Flying Saucer Concept in the right hands Leads Out great benefits to the World.

On the "forum" it says:

You cannot post new topics in this forum
You cannot reply to topics in this forum
You cannot edit your posts in this forum
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You cannot vote in polls in this forum

Not much of a FORUM, is it??

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 04, 2007, 07:28:10 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 04, 2007, 06:35:05 PM
On the "forum" it says:

You cannot post new topics in this forum
You cannot reply to topics in this forum
You cannot edit your posts in this forum
You cannot delete your posts in this forum
You cannot vote in polls in this forum

Not much of a FORUM, is it??

Hans von Lieven

oh, the idea of the forum was for you to register.


But you are right, people are far to lazy for this... so anonymous posting is now enabled, should be fun right? lol

Going to make a backup now.  (https://overunityarchives.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.go-here.nl%2Fimages%2Fsmiles%2Ficon_smile.gif&hash=80718e59e5b01393e63e040a335854ae36206617)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ashtweth_nihilisti on October 04, 2007, 08:12:59 PM
Greetings all this was given to me by our on line university Author Patrick Kelly

"If I understand Lawrence Tseung's theory correctly, the main "lead-out" of gravitic free-energy is from each IMPACT of a weight (or thrust) in the direction of rotation.  In other words, a smoothly rotating flywheel has no free-energy gain while a pulsed flywheel has serious energy gains.  Yes, providing a weight imbalance will cause the wheel to rotate but for generating serious drive power, the wheel has to be subjected to pulsing.  You see this in the John Bedini scaled up self-runner which has kilowatts of excess power thanks to being driven by a pulsed DC motor, and to a lesser degree in the Adams motor with its lightweight rotor.  The heavier the rotor and the greater its diameter, the greater the free-energy gain from gravity.

If Lawrence's theory is correct, then it is a major step forward in the free-energy scene.  The Chinese developments seem to show that his theory is correct."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on October 04, 2007, 09:27:09 PM
I have the perfect and most simple overunity device, attached, per the "Lead Out" theory.  We have pendulums feeding each other a pulse force.  Now, on to power my house with it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 04, 2007, 09:32:21 PM

Wow!  The pulses lead out the energy from the pendulum spheres.  Please be careful to not burn your house down with all of that excess energy. It might be hard to contain.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 05, 2007, 03:33:22 AM
Hold your horsies Bill and Shruggedatlas, stop poking fun at poor Lawrence.

He is right, you know.

Consider this:

Spin a flywheel faster and faster and faster, it starts creaking and you go still faster and faster, it starts to wobble but you still don't stop until BANNNNGGGGG the whole shebang explodes and bits of shit fly all over the place.

What has happened?

Well. you see there are three forces at work here. The Centripetal Force, The Centrifugal Force and the Lead Out Force.

At first the centripetal force and the centrifugal force are in balance and the wheel spins quite happily. As the wheel gathers momentum the Lead Out Force starts becoming more and more prominent until it Leads Out all the particles in the flywheel away from the centrum into eternity.

This is the hidden energy Lawrence talks about, which will propel his flying saucer called Winnie Woo.

Hans von Lieven

Energy hidden in Flywheel will Lead Out Winnie Woo into Universe Out There
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 05, 2007, 08:41:57 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 04, 2007, 04:11:49 PM
An important meeting today.

The key factors for the success of this meeting are:

(1) Good presentation on the Lee-Tseung Theory
(2) Discussion of the various working prototypes
(3) Identifying the products to develop
(4) Evaluate the talent, time and resources needed
(5) Spread the message of benefiting the World

We expect much insults.  Hope the training in this forum helps.

The meeting lasted from 9:30 am to 7 pm.  Thanks to the insult training on this forum, I was able to keep my calm in front of all the bullets.

Some of the bullets were from senior engineers in the Top Research Institutes including some from the China Space Program.

They were all smiles at the end.  They were happy to try out the Flying Saucer concept.  Some wanted to implement the Wang generator and the Pulse Motor.

Thanks once more.  I do not mind insults.  They are good for the soul.

Lawrence Tseung
Insults Lead Out calmness at important meeting.  The heart will not pulse uncontrollably.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Freezer on October 05, 2007, 09:27:17 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 05, 2007, 08:41:57 AM
Thanks once more.  I do not mind insults.  They are good for the soul.

Lawrence Tseung
Insults Lead Out calmness at important meeting.  The heart will not pulse uncontrollably.

Its good that you can let these wasteful comments bounce off.  They are cheap-shots, after all just some person you can't see, pecking from a far like some sniper in the dense foliage. 

I read in one of your post from the other forum that this powerful technology of free energy shouldn't be implemented before the world can be at peace.  I agree, however what if it becomes too late, and we destroy the environment.  Obviously if we trash the environment to such a point there will be major consequences.  It seems like this is already occurring to some degree with weather changes, atmospheric changes,  and weird things happening with animals, insects and other lifeforms.  I think one of the hardest thing is not to create free energy but to get it out into the open.  I guess its not such a hard task compared to making peace around the world.  That would take a miracle.  We have been fighting each other throughout history, what could possibly change that around?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 05, 2007, 10:13:59 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 05, 2007, 03:33:22 AM
Hold your horsies Bill and Shruggedatlas, stop poking fun at poor Lawrence.

He is right, you know.

Consider this:

Spin a flywheel faster and faster and faster, it starts creaking and you go still faster and faster, it starts to wobble but you still don't stop until BANNNNGGGGG the whole shebang explodes and bits of shit fly all over the place.
You should have balanced it properly.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 05, 2007, 12:46:07 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 05, 2007, 03:33:22 AM
Hold your horsies Bill and Shruggedatlas, stop poking fun at poor Lawrence.

What are you verbally menstruating now Hans boy??

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 05, 2007, 12:47:48 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 04, 2007, 06:35:05 PMOn the "forum" it says:
You cannot post new topics in this forum
You cannot reply to topics in this forum
You cannot edit your posts in this forum
You cannot delete your posts in this forum
You cannot vote in polls in this forum

Not much of a FORUM, is it??

Hans von Lieven

On your site I read this:
QuoteI was born in 1939 in a small rural town in Germany. My family was not wealthy, though we were not poor by any stretch of the imagination. I hold a degree in mechanical engineering, majoring in physics. I do not want to give my credentials here, judge me by my work, not by what you think my professional status might be.

Now retired, I live in Sydney, Australia, where I have been for many years

In the early 1970's I read Clara Bloomfield Moore's book about Keely. I was instantly intrigued. The various accounts of Keely and his achievements seemed to be full of contradictions.

On one hand he appears to be some metaphysical dreamer, yet the machines he built and the methodical thoroughness with which he conducted his experiments belie this.

Having read much of Clara Bloomfield Moore's writings she strikes me as a silly woman with too much education and too much money, incapable of having an original thought of her own, the type that Helena Blavatsky cultivated and filled with her peculiar brand of metaphysical crap.

To get to know Keely as a man and technician meant I had to bypass much of her account and rely on things he said and on the evidence provided by a number of photographs of his devices, as well as contemporary newspaper articles.

Having a reasonable grounding in technical and scientific subjects as well as musical theory I judged the man as an honest researcher trying to come to grips with problems and phenomena well outside the scientific understanding of his time and having to work with comparatively primitive research instruments barely suitable for the task he had set himself.

That he achieved something at all is staggering.

But did he?

Keely built a bewildering array of massive machines with almost unbelievable precision. He demonstrated his devices in his laboratory and on exhibitions repeatedly. No-one understood how they worked, and his explanations, couched in an obscure terminology, only helped to spread the confusion.

History has labelled him a fraud, though he was never caught doing anything fraudulent.

I have endeavoured to look at his machines in the light of today's understanding of science, paying scant attention to his theories and his metaphysical model.

Working mainly with photographs and descriptions of his machines, his stated observations of unexplained phenomena and his account of technical difficulties met on the way, I have come up with some startling revelations that seem to indicate that Keely's technology is real.

I leave it for you to judge.

The following paper is still very much work in progress and there is much to be done yet. Any comments, criticisms and suggestions are welcome.

But no more talk.

Here it is.

To contact me click here.

not much of a website now is it?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 05, 2007, 12:51:16 PM

On this page it even says:


This section is not activated yet.

You are a BS talker.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on October 05, 2007, 01:05:38 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on October 05, 2007, 12:47:48 PM
On your site I read this:


I was born in ...quote]

not much of a website now is it?

Load of BS

Are you kidding or just doped too much already?

Quote from: gaby de wilde on October 05, 2007, 12:51:16 PM

On this page it even says:


This section is not activated yet.

You are a BS talker.

Drink less; not only you can?t see well but your face is already falling apart.

Quote from: gaby de wilde on October 05, 2007, 12:46:07 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 05, 2007, 03:33:22 AM
Hold your horsies Bill and Shruggedatlas, stop poking fun at poor Lawrence.

What are you verbally menstruating now Hans boy??

Better get yourself a job, looser. And get some education too. Or vice-versa, for better chances. 

By the way, what?s your main qualification, ?magnet-man (in repel mode) go-there??
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 05, 2007, 02:15:01 PM
Quote from: Freezer on October 05, 2007, 09:27:17 AM

I read in one of your post from the other forum that this powerful technology of free energy shouldn't be implemented before the world can be at peace.  I agree, however what if it becomes too late, and we destroy the environment.  Obviously if we trash the environment to such a point there will be major consequences.  It seems like this is already occurring to some degree with weather changes, atmospheric changes,  and weird things happening with animals, insects and other lifeforms.  I think one of the hardest thing is not to create free energy but to get it out into the open.  I guess its not such a hard task compared to making peace around the world.  That would take a miracle.  We have been fighting each other throughout history, what could possibly change that around?

We have been talking about controlled, slowly released infinite Cosmic Energy Machines.  Some brilliant readers may have guessed the undiscussed.  Some area 51 type top secret organizations might be implementing them already.

That is why I want to introduce New Order now.  Please see:
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 05, 2007, 02:46:03 PM
Sharing some juicy discussions:

"When you push a stationary pendulum horizontally, it will rise up.  I cannot dispute that.  But I am saying that the energy required to raise up comes from the horizontal force.  Nothing is Lead Out.  This is the conventional teaching."

"Conventional teaching also says a horizontal force cannot do work in the vertical direction unless some kind of machine is used to change its drection?  What kind of machine is hidden behind the simple pendulum?"

"I can accept that we are immersed in gravitational fields.  I can even accept that we are interchanging gravitational energy with one another all the time.  But I cannot accept that the simple pulsed pendulum has a COP of greater than 1."

"I can follow your line of reasoning.  However, if you are right, I have to re-learn everything.  My electrial engineering training tells me that I have to find fuel for my generators.  You are telling me that I can use gravitational energy that is free.  You are telling me that I can even use Electron Motion Energy when I am in outer space.  It was a shock to me when I first read the information.  I am still shaking from that shock."

"You mean that US, USSR, China have been wasting billions on their space programs.  You mean a Flying Saucer with your type of descriptions could replace them all."

"We have been doing Energy Research for over 10 years.  We focused on wind, solar, tidal and other renewable sources of Energy.  What would happen to our funding if your technology is correct?  Does it mean that we have to study and implement your Lee-Tseung theory for us to survive?"

"Even though I do not agree with your theory totally, I consider that this is a worthwhile trip for me."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 05, 2007, 04:01:01 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 05, 2007, 02:46:03 PM
Sharing some juicy discussions:

"When you push a stationary pendulum horizontally, it will rise up.  I cannot dispute that.  But I am saying that the energy required to raise up comes from the horizontal force.  Nothing is Lead Out.  This is the conventional teaching."

"Conventional teaching also says a horizontal force cannot do work in the vertical direction unless some kind of machine is used to change its drection?  What kind of machine is hidden behind the simple pendulum?"

"I can accept that we are immersed in gravitational fields.  I can even accept that we are interchanging gravitational energy with one another all the time.  But I cannot accept that the simple pulsed pendulum has a COP of greater than 1."

"I can follow your line of reasoning.  However, if you are right, I have to re-learn everything.  My electrial engineering training tells me that I have to find fuel for my generators.  You are telling me that I can use gravitational energy that is free.  You are telling me that I can even use Electron Motion Energy when I am in outer space.  It was a shock to me when I first read the information.  I am still shaking from that shock."

I had a teacher who would scream at anyone who wasn't one hundred percent sure of what he said. He  didn't just limit this to students. If you would ask him a question after class he would rage about how stupid you are. He would explain everything 2 times with loud voice.

One day I ask him if change of flux is that what powers a transformer. Then what happens if we cut the power at the peek of the wave? Don't we get more flux change that way? And I repeated the drawings he made on the board showing him how much the flux changes. He laughed, I never seen him laugh like that. Then he said he wasn't suppose to teach stuff like that. It appeared very weird to me as I was initially convinced I didn't understand the class. But now he gave me the impression I had magnificently cornered him down using his own words?  WTF? I mean he looked as if he just heard the best joke in his career. He refused to explain and said I understood it more then enough for now. It was probably one of the weirdest conversations I've ever had. The tiran now send me off without answers? WTF?? Why didn't he scream as usual? He was more like hiding behind his desk now? I'm still looking for the answer to this very day.

So far I found all those people building pulse motors... ROFL! Leaves me very little hope to ever find the answer to my erroneous view. Who posted that scope shot with the reed strapped parallel onto the coil? That was exactly the picture I had in mind. :D Lets search for it.  :)

Quote"You mean that US, USSR, China have been wasting billions on their space programs.  You mean a Flying Saucer with your type of descriptions could replace them all."

"We have been doing Energy Research for over 10 years.  We focused on wind, solar, tidal and other renewable sources of Energy.  What would happen to our funding if your technology is correct?  Does it mean that we have to study and implement your Lee-Tseung theory for us to survive?"

"Even though I do not agree with your theory totally, I consider that this is a worthwhile trip for me."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 05, 2007, 07:04:45 PM
Quote from: ashtweth_nihilisti on October 04, 2007, 08:12:59 PM
Greetings all this was given to me by our on line university Author Patrick Kelly

"If I understand Lawrence Tseung's theory correctly, the main "lead-out" of gravitic free-energy is from each IMPACT of a weight (or thrust) in the direction of rotation.  In other words, a smoothly rotating flywheel has no free-energy gain while a pulsed flywheel has serious energy gains.  Yes, providing a weight imbalance will cause the wheel to rotate but for generating serious drive power, the wheel has to be subjected to pulsing.  You see this in the John Bedini scaled up self-runner which has kilowatts of excess power thanks to being driven by a pulsed DC motor, and to a lesser degree in the Adams motor with its lightweight rotor.  The heavier the rotor and the greater its diameter, the greater the free-energy gain from gravity.

If Lawrence's theory is correct, then it is a major step forward in the free-energy scene.  The Chinese developments seem to show that his theory is correct."

Dear Ash,

I almost overlooked your post.  Patrick Kelly is one of the few who grasped the idea.  A smooth rotating flywheel will not lead out gravitational or electron motion energy. An object travelling with x velocity along a straight line will continue forever if there were no external force (Newton's Laws of Motion).  In circular motion, a spinning object with x rpm will spin forever if the centripetal force does not change.  No energy is needed to keep the velocity  or the rpm x!

The Pulse will accelerate the rotation of the cylinder.  There is energy gain in the acceleration. The drawing out of energy by external load or friction will decelerate the rotation of the cylinder.

The gain in energy is partly from the Pulse and partly from the Lead Out energy.

I am glad that the Bedini scaled up self-runner can confirm that.  I shall contact him and produce a win-win.

Thank you for your posting.

Lawrence Tseung
International coorperation Leads Out benefits to the World. My underlining Lead Out and Pulse did have seeds in fertile soil.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jeffc on October 05, 2007, 07:22:04 PM
Everyone, I can't speak for others, but I would appreciate if the personal attacks, silly remarks, and insults on this topic come to an end.  I'm not requesting this because of support for Lawrence, but because it personally offends me to have to read such dribble on a web site dedicated to science.  Some of these unfortunate remarks are coming from people who I have come to respect for their intelligent contributions to this community. 

Please, you can disagree, be sceptical, even critical as a part of this process.  But lets not degrade this topic, or any topic on this web site.  If this trend continues here, it can only lead to discouraging and deterring good minds from contributing to an extremely important human endeavour.  The behavior on this topic impacts the overall quality of this site.

Lets moderate our activity, so Stephan won't have to.  And so that this community has a chance to show how a worldwide opensource team can produce amazing innovations.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 05, 2007, 07:50:51 PM

Point taken.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 05, 2007, 10:35:43 PM
@Ash, Patrick et al,

I have now read:


the Simplified School Girl (SSG) project.

Some immediate thoughts are:

(1) Only 1 drive coil and/or pickup coil is used in the SSG.  There are 5-8 permanent magnets on the bicycle rim.  Thus there can be 5-8 pulses per revolution.

(2) The 225 HP Pulse Motor has same number of drive coils as permanent magnets.  The resultant pulse force can be much higher.

(3) The SSG system charges other batteries.  The 225 HP recharges its own batteries.

(4) The SSG system has a variable 1 K ohm resistor to adjust the current.  The 225 HP has a program to adjust the input depending on the external load.

(5) The source of energy is very clear from the Lee-Tseung theory.  It is the Pulsed Rotation Leading Out Gravitational or Electron Motion Energy (magnetic).  The 225 HP have multiple coils to provide additional Electron Motion Energy.

Thus theoretically, the 225 HP Pulse Motor is much more superior.  One slice of it could generate over 20 HP of usable energy.  The SSG has the advantage of full disclosure.  It could be reproduced or replicated quickly. 

I would recommend building a SSG for fun and for learning first.  You can at least have a working "over unity" toy to show that you are not "dumb and stupid" in researching in Cosmic Energy Machines.  Then migrate to the 225 HP after digesting the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.

There are no step-by-step instructions, no circuit diagrams, no  computer programs and no hand-holding teachers when you develop the 225 HP type Pulse Motor.  Are you up for the challenge?

Lawrence Tseung
Bedini SSG project Leads Out elementary learning.  It confirms pulsed rotation can lead out energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 05, 2007, 11:56:32 PM
OK jeff, let's quit this game.

Sometimes it is hard though to be restrained when one reads some of the stuff that passes here for science.

Count me in.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jeffc on October 06, 2007, 01:24:55 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 05, 2007, 11:56:32 PM
OK jeff, let's quit this game.

Sometimes it is hard though to be restrained when one reads some of the stuff that passes here for science.

Count me in.

Hans von Lieven
Understood.  There are many other topics here, like the Keely one you started which are of more interest to many of us. 

Please keep your energies flowing into those worthy topics.  Your knowledge along with others goes way beyond many of us, and is one of the main reasons I'm here.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 06, 2007, 06:45:08 AM


We can now focus on the important tasks:

(1) Let the many Over Unity Developers know their possible source of Energy.  They might not have violated CoE.

(2) They might have Lead Out Energy via Pulsed oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux changes.  Guidelines for improvement according to th Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory are available in this thread.

(3) Promote the New Order.  Modern Wealth = Meaningful Economic Activities.  Define and implement them.

Seeds on fertile soil Lead Out benefits for the World.  The thorns have been pulled out by jeffc.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 06, 2007, 07:36:44 AM
My email to : bedini_motor@yahoogroups.com

Dear Sirs,

I believe that you have been working on the Bedini motor for sometime. 

I approached the inventions from a different direction.  Lee Cheung Kin and I are theoreticians.  We have a theory that states that Gravitational and Electron Motion Energy can be Lead Out via Pulsed oscillation, vibration or rotation.  Patrick Kelly alerted us to your work.


I would like to help to contribute so that we can get a win-win scenario that will benefit the World.  Detailed information can be found on the thread ? The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory at:


Looking forward to working together.

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Complete and utter refutation of the lead out theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on October 06, 2007, 09:55:40 AM
I will take jeffc's recommendations and post constructive criticism.  I posted the pendulum desk toy partially as a joke, but now I think it can be used to completely refute the Lead Out theory.  I have one of these myself and I enjoy watching it go.  There is a simple experiment I did with it that I want to share.

I first pulled up all the pendulums except for one, and I observed a single pendulum in motion and measured its angles over time and also measured how long the pendulum took to stop.  Next, I allowed two pendulums to drop, set them in motion, and watched them collide into each other over time.  What I noticed that the two pendulums maintained their energy pretty well, but not as long as the single pendulum.

Per the lead out theory, even a single pulse should "lead out" gravitational energy.  I understand that my experiment is not perfectly precise.  However, based on Lawrence's theory, there should be an extra 50% energy gain from the pulse force.  Yet the paired pendulums, pulsing into each other at regular intervals, cannot beat a single pendulum for energy efficiency.

I will get a video camera and record this and post it up sometime, and hopefully that will be the end of this.  (Or maybe a powerpoint presentation of still pictures, like the bowl of water experiment - that will prove it for sure!)  Maybe Ms. Foreven Yuen can confirm as well, since I know that Lawrence is "not good with tools" and therefore cannot actually put anything he claims into practice.
Title: Re: Complete and utter refutation of the lead out theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 06, 2007, 11:19:21 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 06, 2007, 09:55:40 AM
I will take jeffc's recommendations and post constructive criticism.  I posted the pendulum desk toy partially as a joke, but now I think it can be used to completely refute the Lead Out theory.  I have one of these myself and I enjoy watching it go.  There is a simple experiment I did with it that I want to share.

I first pulled up all the pendulums except for one, and I observed a single pendulum in motion and measured its angles over time and also measured how long the pendulum took to stop.  Next, I allowed two pendulums to drop, set them in motion, and watched them collide into each other over time.  What I noticed that the two pendulums maintained their energy pretty well, but not as long as the single pendulum.

Per the lead out theory, even a single pulse should "lead out" gravitational energy.  I understand that my experiment is not perfectly precise.  However, based on Lawrence's theory, there should be an extra 50% energy gain from the pulse force.  (*** Please read and understand the Lee-Tseung theory thoroughly.) Yet the paired pendulums, pulsing into each other at regular intervals, cannot beat a single pendulum for energy efficiency.

I will get a video camera and record this and post it up sometime, and hopefully that will be the end of this.  (Or maybe a powerpoint presentation of still pictures, like the bowl of water experiment - that will prove it for sure!)  Maybe Ms. Foreven Yuen can confirm as well, since I know that Lawrence is "not good with tools" and therefore cannot actually put anything he claims into practice.

Dear Lawyer shruggedatlas,

I know that Lawyers like to use their own words to describe an event.  They like to select sections and ignore other parts(at least that is the impression from Television). 

Remember to read that gravitational energy is only Lead Out  during the application of the Pulse Force. 

The moment that the Pulse Force stops, no more gravitational energy is Lead Out.

Please rethink your pendulum toy experiment in the light of the above full statements.  The CoP = 1.5 applies to the tiny portion of the period of the oscillation during the impact of the Pulse Force!!!

I checked.  In my reply to you on


<Reply #273 on: September 08, 2007, 06:26:50 AM>

Page 19 of this thread.  It took some time to search!

The issue of CoP at the application of the Pulse Force and the CoP of the entire Pulsed Pendulum were discussed and calculated.  Please refresh your memory.

Please use a scientist's reasoning and NOT a lawyer's interpretation.

Lawrence Tseung
Lawyer's interpretation of a scientific statement may Lead Out total misinterpretation.
Title: Re: Complete and utter refutation of the lead out theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on October 06, 2007, 11:39:31 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 06, 2007, 11:19:21 AM
Dear Lawyer shruggedatlas,

I know that Lawyers like to use their own words to describe an event.  They like to select sections and ignore other parts(at least that is the impression from Television). 

Remember to read that gravitational energy is only Lead Out  during the application of the Pulse Force. 

The moment that the Pulse Force stops, no more gravitational energy is Lead Out.

Please rethink your pendulum toy experiment in the light of the above full statements.  The CoP = 1.5 applies to the tiny portion of the period of the oscillation during the impact of the Pulse Force!!!

Please use a scientist's reasoning and NOT a lawyer's interpretation.

Lawrence Tseung
Lawyer's interpretation of a scientific statement may Lead Out total misinterpretation.

Did you even read my experiment?  I did use a control, you know.  I am not claiming that the Lead Out theory is false merely because two pendulums are not an overunity device.  I am claiming the Lead Out theory is false because the paired pendulums fail to improve on the efficiency of the single pendulum.  Even a single pulse force, according to your theory, should lead out energy and therefore increase efficiency, even if to a small degree.  This clearly did not happen, because the paired pendulums did not have the efficiency of a single pendulum.
Title: Re: Complete and utter refutation of the lead out theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 06, 2007, 12:03:11 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 06, 2007, 11:39:31 AM

.Did you even read my experiment?  I did use a control, you know.  I am not claiming that the Lead Out theory is false merely because two pendulums are not an overunity device.  I am claiming the Lead Out theory is false because the paired pendulums fail to improve on the efficiency of the single pendulum.  Even a single pulse force, according to "shruggedatlas's interpretation of the Lee-Tseung" theory, should lead out energy and therefore increase efficiency, even if to a small degree.  This clearly did not happen, because the paired pendulums did not have the efficiency of a single pendulum.

I shall ask for the opinion of the other forum members whether I should repeat the correct interpretation of the Lee-Tseung theory again here.

Are you the only one who does not understand it?  Your use of the multiple pendulum to "prove or disprove" the Lee-Tseung theory demonstrated some "non-thorough" understanding of the Lee-Tseung theory.

May be it is better for someone who understand the Lee-Tseung theory to post a reply to you.

Edited to add:

(1) May be it is a good time to ask the members whether they think your pendulum toy experiment can be used to "prove or disprove" the Lee-Tseung Theory?

(2) Whether a two pendulum swing necessarily has higher efficiency than a one pendulum swing according to the Lee-Tseung theory?

(3) Are there better experiments that can prove or disprove the Lee-Tseung Theory conclusively and settle the issue forever?

Title: Re: Complete and utter refutation of the lead out theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on October 06, 2007, 02:38:05 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 06, 2007, 12:03:11 PM

I shall ask for the opinion of the other forum members whether I should repeat the correct interpretation of the Lee-Tseung theory again here.

Are you the only one who does not understand it?  Your use of the multiple pendulum to "prove or disprove" the Lee-Tseung theory demonstrated some "non-thorough" understanding of the Lee-Tseung theory.

May be it is better for someone who understand the Lee-Tseung theory to post a reply to you.

Edited to add:

(1) May be it is a good time to ask the members whether they think your pendulum toy experiment can be used to "prove or disprove" the Lee-Tseung Theory?

(2) Whether a two pendulum swing necessarily has higher efficiency than a one pendulum swing according to the Lee-Tseung theory?

(3) Are there better experiments that can prove or disprove the Lee-Tseung Theory conclusively and settle the issue forever?


Good luck getting answers on that one.  Why don't you just answer #3 yourself and post the results, preferably a video along with explicit instructions on how to replicate.  Your powerpoint presentations of still pictures are not very convincing.   Oh wait, you are not "good with tools," right, so there is nothing you can do, right? 

I wish you would not hide behind your age.  My father is your age, if not older, and he is still very active.  You do not seem disabled in any way.  The tenets of your theory would not require anything complicated.  Put your theory to use and show us something, or we will conclude you are a simple con man.

By the way, what are your credentials?  You consider me unqualified because I am a lawyer, but most of us are hobbyists here.  Where did you study and what professional work have you performed in the real world?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on October 06, 2007, 02:54:59 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 06, 2007, 11:19:21 AM
Dear Lawyer shruggedatlas,

I know that Lawyers...

Lawyer's interpretation of a scientific statement may Lead Out total misinterpretation.

If I was you, I wouldn?t put much emphasis on the scientific part and on its strength, Mr. Tseung.
You know why?

Shruggedatlas is right.
Suffice to lower the amplitude of two colliding pendulum and voila, the ratio of pulse duration over the swing duration increases, hence the significance of pulsed force increases.
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 06, 2007, 11:19:21 AM
Remember to read that gravitational energy is only Lead Out  during the application of the Pulse Force.  .
Exactly: For low amplitudes, pulsed force duration is significant.
And where is the lead out energy? Nowhere.
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 06, 2007, 11:19:21 AM
Please rethink your pendulum toy experiment in the light of the above full statements.  The CoP = 1.5 applies to the tiny portion of the period of the oscillation during the impact of the Pulse Force!!!
There is no need to rethink. The colliding pendulum decreases their amplitudes up to the point where CoP=1.5 applies, according to you. At that point, the system should keep moving forever. Wishes?

Shruggedatlas is very right.
No matter how low the lead-out energy is, if it?s there the system of two colliding pendulums should swing longer before its energy is dampened. Of course, if that ?lead-out? energy is significant, the system should accelerate. But the simple fact that there is a pulsed force which is significant according to your previous definitions and, despite of that, the system swings for a shorter time, means that the ?lead-out? energy, as marvelous as it may be, it does not exist, or if it does, it amounts exactly zero.  ;D

I shall better wait for the person who ?understands the Lee-Tseung theory to post a reply?.

I shall also wait for the passing week during which you are supposed to correct your mistakes and to eventually present support/opinions from Professors.

Meanwhile, please enlighten us:
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 06, 2007, 12:03:11 PM
Are you the only one who does not understand it?  Your use of the multiple pendulum to "prove or disprove" the Lee-Tseung theory demonstrated some "non-thorough" understanding of the Lee-Tseung theory.
And please explain also how it comes that a cup of water full of pulse-forced molecules does not boil itself?


P.S.: How is your ?kung fu? today, Mr. Tseung?
Title: Re: Complete and utter refutation of the lead out theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 06, 2007, 08:57:51 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 06, 2007, 02:38:05 PM


By the way, what are your credentials?  You consider me unqualified because I am a lawyer, but most of us are hobbyists here.  Where did you study and what professional work have you performed in the real world?

Dear Lawyer shruggedatlas,

I shall answer this question first.  If you had the time and patience searching the Steorn Forum, you could have found the answer.

But since I do not have the patience to search it myself, I am going to reproduce it here for you.

(1)   B.Sc. Physics, Leeds University, England (Date omitted but you can check)
(2)   M.Sc. Aeronautics, Southampton University, England (Date omitted)
(3)   Two Granted US patents on Guaranteed Reliable Broadcast used on Internet. (you can search the US patent database using Lawrence C. N. Tseung as inventor.)
(4)   Quoted in Prof Andrew Tenanbaum?s Book on Network Operating Systems as one of the important contributors in this field (Internet).
(5)   International Software Manager for Digital Equipment Corporation, once the number one minicomputer company and the Number 2 Computer Company after IBM.
(6)   Wrote the first Email program using DECnet in the 1970s on the PDP-11.
(7)   Taught the first group of Chinese Computer Engineers in 1980 on RSX11M and DECnet.  Invited as guest lecturer to Beijing to talk about Networks.
(8 )   After retirement, took up the M.Sc. research on Using Kinetic Theory of Gases to explain Lift and Drag.  Presented at the Aeronautics University of Beijing in 2004.  That was the start of the Energy from Still Air invention.
(9)   Focusing on Cosmic Energy Inventions since 2004.  That was the start of the Lee-Tseung Theory.  Many pending patents ? now donated to the Chinese People.
(10)   Present ? Benefit the world with Cosmic Energy Machines and the Flying Saucer (Lee manage the China and Japan area, Tseung the rest of the World.)

Lawrence Tseung
Relevant Question Leads Out the qualification of Tseung as a trained Physicist.
Title: Re: Let us now focus on:
Post by: ltseung888 on October 06, 2007, 10:47:55 PM
Let us now focus on:
Message reply 423 of this thread - the desk pendulum toy.

Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 06, 2007, 09:55:40 AM

I first pulled up all the pendulums except for one, and I observed a single pendulum in motion and measured its angles over time and also measured how long the pendulum took to stop.  Next, I allowed two pendulums to drop, set them in motion, and watched them collide into each other over time.  What I noticed that the two pendulums maintained their energy pretty well, but not as long as the single pendulum.

Per the lead out theory, even a single pulse should "lead out" gravitational energy.  I understand that my experiment is not perfectly precise.  However, based on Lawrence's theory, there should be an extra 50% energy gain from the pulse force.  Yet the paired pendulums, pulsing into each other at regular intervals, cannot beat a single pendulum for energy efficiency.

I will get a video camera and record this and post it up sometime, and hopefully that will be the end of this.  (Or maybe a powerpoint presentation of still pictures, like the bowl of water experiment - that will prove it for sure!)  Maybe Ms. Foreven Yuen can confirm as well, since I know that Lawrence is "not good with tools" and therefore cannot actually put anything he claims into practice.

In a single pendulum experiment, it is almost impossible to time the stop time.  When the amplitude is tiny, we can observe a ?jerky? movement.  When do you consider the correct stop time?  I have the Forever setup in my living room.  The stop time reading for a single pendulum away from magnetic material varied from 2.34, 3.16, 2.16, 2.42, 2.38.  The above are actual stopwatch readings taken on the spot. (2.34 = 2 minutes 34 seconds)

When you let two pendulums drop together, I assume that you release them from the same side.  One will act as wind-shield for the other and reverse role when swinging direction changes.  That is the reason you see the ?collision over time?.  If you use such inexact experiments to Complete and utter refutation of the lead out theory, what can I say?

Shruggedatlas is right.
Suffice to lower the amplitude of two colliding pendulum and voila, the ratio of pulse duration over the swing duration increases, hence the significance of pulsed force increases.

One important fact in Physics with pendulums is that the period is independent of amplitude.  In Layman terms, the time taken for one complete swing is the same.  The swinging arc (amplitude) can be higher or lower.  The above supporting statement from tinu seems to violate this fact in Physics. 

Or tinu is thinking shruggedatlas dropping the pendulums in opposite directions to collide into each other?  The Physics of colliding spheres in real life is too complex for me to analyze.  The losses due to sound, deformation, etc. are almost impossible to model.  May be the genius in tinu can enlighten us.

Lawrence Tseung
Pendulum Desk Toy Leads Out good discussions but it does not seem to have any relevance in the proving or disproving of the Lee-Tseung Theory.
Title: Re: Complete and utter refutation of the lead out theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on October 06, 2007, 11:16:32 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 06, 2007, 11:19:21 AM
Remember to read that gravitational energy is only Lead OutÃ,  during the application of the Pulse Force.Ã, 

The moment that the Pulse Force stops, no more gravitational energy is Lead Out.

Please rethink your pendulum toy experiment in the light of the above full statements.Ã,  The CoP = 1.5 applies to the tiny portion of the period of the oscillation during the impact of the Pulse Force!!!

w.r.t shrugged's toy, in its intended mode of operation:

During the application of the pulse force, even though it is of short duration, the entirety of the kinetic energy from one pendulum is transferred to another.Ã,  A CoP of 1.5 would, therefore, see the second pendulum with 50% more energy than the first.Ã,  Why is this not the case?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 07, 2007, 01:17:35 AM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on October 06, 2007, 11:16:32 PM

w.r.t shrugged's toy, in its intended mode of operation:

During the application of the pulse force, even though it is of short duration, the entirety of the kinetic energy from one pendulum is transferred to another.  A CoP of 1.5 would, therefore, see the second pendulum with 50% more energy than the first.  Why is this not the case?

Mr. Entropy,

With your participation, we hope the discussions will be more in line with known Physics concepts.  Let me describe the intended mode of operation first. 

Mode 1: Move One Pendulum to a position on the LHS, keeping the strings tight and leave the other four pendulums in the vertical position. I shall called them A,B,C,D,E for ease of description. A is the pendulum on the LHS.  When A is let go, it will collide with the 4 stationary pendulums (B,C,D,E).  After the collision, A will be stationary; E will swing to approximately the same mirror position as A on the RHS.  On swinging back, E will collide with the 4 stationary pendulums (D,C,B,A).  After collision E will be stationary, A will swing to approximately its original position (minus a little bit because of air resistance and other losses).

I shall pause for your reply.  In this way, we can proceed slowly but surely.  Yell if you do not agree with any of the statements.

(to be continued)

Lawrence Tseung
Participation of Mr. Entropy Leads Out discussions based on known Physics Laws.
Title: Re: Complete and utter refutation of the lead out theory
Post by: jeffc on October 07, 2007, 02:36:58 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 06, 2007, 02:38:05 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 06, 2007, 12:03:11 PM

I shall ask for the opinion of the other forum members whether I should repeat the correct interpretation of the Lee-Tseung theory again here.

Are you the only one who does not understand it?  Your use of the multiple pendulum to "prove or disprove" the Lee-Tseung theory demonstrated some "non-thorough" understanding of the Lee-Tseung theory.

May be it is better for someone who understand the Lee-Tseung theory to post a reply to you.

Edited to add:

(1) May be it is a good time to ask the members whether they think your pendulum toy experiment can be used to "prove or disprove" the Lee-Tseung Theory?

(2) Whether a two pendulum swing necessarily has higher efficiency than a one pendulum swing according to the Lee-Tseung theory?

(3) Are there better experiments that can prove or disprove the Lee-Tseung Theory conclusively and settle the issue forever?


Good luck getting answers on that one.  Why don't you just answer #3 yourself and post the results, preferably a video along with explicit instructions on how to replicate.  Your powerpoint presentations of still pictures are not very convincing.   Oh wait, you are not "good with tools," right, so there is nothing you can do, right? 

I wish you would not hide behind your age.  My father is your age, if not older, and he is still very active.  You do not seem disabled in any way.  The tenets of your theory would not require anything complicated.  Put your theory to use and show us something, or we will conclude you are a simple con man.

By the way, what are your credentials?  You consider me unqualified because I am a lawyer, but most of us are hobbyists here.  Where did you study and what professional work have you performed in the real world?

Valid points, indeed.

Title: Re: Complete and utter refutation of the lead out theory
Post by: jeffc on October 07, 2007, 02:47:04 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 06, 2007, 08:57:51 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 06, 2007, 02:38:05 PM


By the way, what are your credentials?  You consider me unqualified because I am a lawyer, but most of us are hobbyists here.  Where did you study and what professional work have you performed in the real world?

Dear Lawyer shruggedatlas,

I shall answer this question first.  If you had the time and patience searching the Steorn Forum, you could have found the answer.

But since I do not have the patience to search it myself, I am going to reproduce it here for you.

(1)   B.Sc. Physics, Leeds University, England (Date omitted but you can check)
(2)   M.Sc. Aeronautics, Southampton University, England (Date omitted)
(3)   Two Granted US patents on Guaranteed Reliable Broadcast used on Internet. (you can search the US patent database using Lawrence C. N. Tseung as inventor.)
(4)   Quoted in Prof Andrew Tenanbaum?s Book on Network Operating Systems as one of the important contributors in this field (Internet).
(5)   International Software Manager for Digital Equipment Corporation, once the number one minicomputer company and the Number 2 Computer Company after IBM.
(6)   Wrote the first Email program using DECnet in the 1970s on the PDP-11.
(7)   Taught the first group of Chinese Computer Engineers in 1980 on RSX11M and DECnet.  Invited as guest lecturer to Beijing to talk about Networks.
(8 )   After retirement, took up the M.Sc. research on Using Kinetic Theory of Gases to explain Lift and Drag.  Presented at the Aeronautics University of Beijing in 2004.  That was the start of the Energy from Still Air invention.
(9)   Focusing on Cosmic Energy Inventions since 2004.  That was the start of the Lee-Tseung Theory.  Many pending patents ? now donated to the Chinese People.
(10)   Present ? Benefit the world with Cosmic Energy Machines and the Flying Saucer (Lee manage the China and Japan area, Tseung the rest of the World.)

Lawrence Tseung
Relevant Question Leads Out the qualification of Tseung as a trained Physicist.

These should be easy enough to validate I would think.  Thank you Lawrence.
Title: Re: Let us now focus on:
Post by: tinu on October 07, 2007, 05:22:15 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 06, 2007, 10:47:55 PM

Shruggedatlas is right.
Suffice to lower the amplitude of two colliding pendulum and voila, the ratio of pulse duration over the swing duration increases, hence the significance of pulsed force increases.

One important fact in Physics with pendulums is that the period is independent of amplitude.  In Layman terms, the time taken for one complete swing is the same.  The swinging arc (amplitude) can be higher or lower.  The above supporting statement from tinu seems to violate this fact in Physics. 

You know well that the formula (period independent of amplitude) is just an approximation, valid for very small angles.
In practice always an increase of frequency over time is measured. This is a simple experiment, I am sure Ms. Forever can do it for you, if needed.

?Use of approximations and incorrect equations does not Lead Out Gravitational Energy.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 07, 2007, 10:34:31 AM
In Mode 1: (singl pendulum swing in intended mode)

Step 1 ? Pendulum A was pulled to the LHS.

This can be done by a horizontal force (pulse or no pulse) Fp.  Energy enters the Pendulum A system by the Integral (Fr dot ds) from vertical  stationary lowest point position to maximum LHS position.  Fr is the resultant force at any time on the Bob of Pendulum A; ds is the displacement at the corresponding time; dot denotes vector mathematics.  This integral is a result of work = Force x Displacement.  Fr may vary at the different displacement points ds.  If we know the exact shape of the Fr function, we should be able to calculate the integral.  It does not matter whether the Pendulum Bob is accelerating, deceleration, stationary or in motion.

In this part, we can indeed apply the mathematics of the Lead Out Theory.  The Horizontal Force Fp, the Weight of the Bob Fg and the Tension of the String Fs will all have influence on the Bob.  These three forces will form the resultant force Fr.

The Resultant Force Fr at the starting position before the application of the horizontal force is 0.  Fg=Fs.

The Resultant Force Fr at the ending position (maximum LHS) before the release of the horizontal force is also zero.  Fg dot Fp = Fs (Three forces at Equilibrium).

The Energy imparted or provided to the Pendulum A system at this point (first pulse) is the sum of (the horizontal energy Fp x horizontal displacement + Fg x Vertical displacement.)  The relationship between these two energies is roughly 2 parts horizontal to 1 part vertical.  This is the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.

(to be continued)

Lawrence Tseung
First Pulse on the toy is pulling Pendulum A to the LHS.  This Leads Out gravitational energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on October 07, 2007, 06:56:25 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 07, 2007, 10:34:31 AM
The Energy impacted at this point (first pulse) is the sum of (the horizontal energy Fp x horizontal displacement + Fg x Vertical displacement.)  The relationship between these two energies is roughly 2 parts horizontal to 1 part vertical.  This is the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "impacted", but no.  The energy you've put in is Fp x horizontal displacement OR -Fg x vertical displacement, i.e., you don't add them, because they are different ways of measuring essentially the same thing.  The Fp x horizontal displacement is you spending energy.  The Fg x vertical displacement is the pendulum storing that energy.  If you do add them, you'll get zero, since Fg x vertical displacement is negative -- the push is down, but the motion is up!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 07, 2007, 08:24:53 PM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on October 07, 2007, 06:56:25 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 07, 2007, 10:34:31 AM
The Energy imparted or provided to the Pendulum A system   at this point (first pulse) is the sum of (the horizontal energy Fp x horizontal displacement + Fg x Vertical displacement.)  The relationship between these two energies is roughly 2 parts horizontal to 1 part vertical.  This is the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "impacted", but no.  The energy you've put in is Fp x horizontal displacement OR -Fg x vertical displacement, i.e., you don't add them, because they are different ways of measuring essentially the same thing.  The Fp x horizontal displacement is you spending energy.  The Fg x vertical displacement is the pendulum storing that energy.  If you do add them, you'll get zero, since Fg x vertical displacement is negative -- the push is down, but the motion is up!

Dear Mr. Entropy,

Thank you for your reply.  You should be proud of your reply.  It was the same as one of the top professors at Harvard University in early 2005.

He said that we double accounted the energy terms.  His reasoning was basically similar to yours.

I shall pause for a day or so.  I shall dig up the notes on how Professor  Woo, the Chinese Scientist who helped to create the Chinese Atomic Bomb, answered this issue.

I am glad that the discussions are getting more and more scientific now.  Thanks to jeffc.

Lawrence Tseung
Intelligent thinking Leads Out question of double accounting.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 03:33:59 AM
My notes from early 2005 ? things may have changed since then.

Prof H: ?I believe you might have done double accounting.  In the pendulum example with a horizontal force, the vertical energy gained is supplied by the horizontal force.  This is the Law of CoE.?

Prof Woo: ?But the two components (vertical and horizontal) of the Integral (Fr dot ds) from vertical position to maximum LHS position do not have to be equal mathematically.  If the two quantities are different, there could not be double accounting.?

Prof H: ?If they are not equal, then energy must come from somewhere.  If we consider the simple pendulum with a horizontal force as a closed system, there is no external energy supply.  The Law of CoE demands that these two terms must be equal.?

Prof Woo: ?I have been thinking about this for the last few months.  We all accept that the pendulum in the new-elevated position before swinging has potential energy equal to mgh.  However, it also has moved horizontally.  That displacement must require energy, as there is tension in the string countering the movement.  I believe the vertical and horizontal energy terms should be added.  They are different and there is no double accounting.?

Prof H: ?If gravitational energy can be Lead Out by the simple pulsed pendulum, it will rewrite all textbooks.  I need working, demonstrated prototypes in our hands before we discuss this topic further.?

Prof Woo: ?I have the Lee-Tseung theory and patent application information.  They claimed that pulsed oscillation could lead out gravitational energy.  They quoted a Dr. Liang Xingren Car that used ICs to pulse rotate a cylinder to Lead Out Gravitational Energy.  I met Dr. Liang and drove the car myself.  I am satisfied that the car did not use any conventional energy supply.  I could not explain the source of energy for the Liang Car.  The Lee-Tseung theory could explain it.  This is the reason I am here.?

Prof H: ?Are you saying that the CoE law has been broken and can be verified totally?  We have to be extremely careful with such statements.  Let us have more evidence and working demonstrations in our hands before we do anything.?

(Prof Woo since then has been working on a Pulse Device with his team.)

Dear Mr. Entropy,

So you see that a top professor at Harvard University has the similar concern and mental attitude as you.  Unless he has a working prototype in his hands, he will not discuss the issue further.  If he accepts the Lead Out theory without absolute and undisputable proof, he would put his reputation and possibly the entire Harvard University Reputation at stake.

The fortunate thing is ? there are many working prototypes already - some inside China and some outside China. 

I shall finish discussing the desk pendulum toy first before focusing on the working prototypes.  If there are issues we do not agree on, we just lay them out in the open and deal with them later.  (May be after a working prototype is in your hands.)

Scientific Progress and Benefits to the World does not need to stop if we do not agree!

(to be continued)

Lawrence Tseung
Even a top professor needs a working model in his hand to Lead Out further discussion of Cosmic Energy Machines.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 04:49:15 AM
In Mode 1 : (singl pendulum swing in intended mode)

Step 2 ? Pendulum A was released from the LHS.

Pendulum A now swings back from the maximum displacement position on the LHS and gets ready to collide with pendulums B,C,D,E.

No horizontal force is applied during this step.  Thus no gravitational energy is lead out.  The same Integral can be used - Integral (Fr dot ds).  The starting position is Pendulum A at the maximum displaced point on the LHS and the ending position is just before collision.

Fr is the resultant force at any time on the Bob of Pendulum A; ds is the displacement at the corresponding time; dot denotes vector mathematics.  This integral is a result of work = Force x Displacement.  Fr may vary at the different displacement points ds.  If we know the exact shape of the Fr function, we should be able to calculate the integral.  It does not matter whether the Pendulum Bob is accelerating, deceleration, stationary or in motion.

In this step, there are only two forces on Pendulum A.  They are Force due to Weight Fg and Force due to Tension of the String Fs.  Pendulum A will swing faster in a circular motion.  If there were no friction or air resistance, the total energy acquired by Pendulum A (Etotal) remains unchanged.  However, Pendulum A acquires its maximum velocity just before collision.  Both the CoE and the Lee-Tseung predict and agree on this.

Lawrence Tseung
Agreement at this step Leads Out faster pace.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 05:10:30 AM
In Mode 1 : (single pendulum swing in intended mode)

Step 3 ? Pendulum A collides with Pendulums B,C,D,E and imparts or transfers its energy totally to Pendulum E assuming negligible loss due to sound and heat.

This collision step is the one that may cause confusion.  Some readers want to consider this as a Pulse Force as defined in the Lee-Tseung theory.  However, this collision force does not involve any gradual change in the tension of the string to do work or to Lead Out Gravitational Energy.  It is more like an Energy Transfer process as mentioned by Mr. Entropy.  The total energy of Pendulum A is transferred to Pendulum E.  Pendulum E can be thought of as the replication of Pendulum A. (If there were no Pendulums B,C,D,E, Pendulum A will continue swinging.  Now Pendulum E swings instead of Pendulum A.)

Such a collision is not considered a Pulse Force as required in the Lee-Tseung Theory.  It is only an energy transfer process.  No gravitational force will be Lead Out.

Lawrence Tseung
A Collision Process can be an Energy Transfer Process.  It is not a Pulse Force that Leads Out Gravitational Energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 05:52:04 AM
In Mode 1 : (single pendulum swing in intended mode)

Step 4 ? Pendulum E acquires the Energy of Pendulum A and swings to the RHS.  The circular motion slows down until it is at the maximum displaced position on the RHS.

No horizontal force is applied during this step.  Thus no gravitational energy is lead out.  The same Integral can be used - Integral (Fr dot ds).  The starting position is Pendulum E at the lowest point and the ending position is the maximum displaced position on the RHS.

Fr is the resultant force at any time on the Bob of Pendulum A; ds is the displacement at the corresponding time; dot denotes vector mathematics.  This integral is a result of work = Force x Displacement.  Fr may vary at the different displacement points ds.  If we know the exact shape of the Fr function, we should be able to calculate the integral.  It does not matter whether the Pendulum Bob is accelerating, deceleration, stationary or in motion.

In this step, there are only two forces on Pendulum A.  They are Force due to Weight Fg and Force due to Tension of the String Fs.  Pendulum A will swing slower in a circular motion.  If there were no friction or air resistance, the total energy acquired by Pendulum E from Pendulum A (Etotal) remains unchanged.  Both the CoE and the Lee-Tseung predict and agree on this.

In the Lee-Tseung Theory, the best time to apply another Pulse Force is when Pendulum E is at its maximum displaced position.  The highest CoP is achieved not by a horizontal force but by a force tangential to the just stopped circular motion.

When Pendulum E stops to change direction, a Pulse Force can be applied as stated above.  This will further increase the Tension of the String.  Three Forces Fg, Fs and Fp are once more at work.  Gravitational Energy is again Lead Out.

When Gravitational Energy is Lead Out, the maximum displaced position of Pendulum E increases.  Both the additional Pulsed Energy and the Lead Out Gravitational Energy enter the Pendulum E system.

This is one way of producing the resonance condition as required in the Lee-Tseung Theory.

Lawrence Tseung
Pulling Pendulum E at its highest RHS position Leads Out resonance condition.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on October 08, 2007, 06:03:06 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 05:10:30 AM
Such a collision is not considered a Pulse Force as required in the Lee-Tseung Theory.  It is only an energy transfer process.  No gravitational force will be Lead Out.

Lawrence Tseung
A Collision Process can be an Energy Transfer Process.  It is not a Pulse Force that Leads Out Gravitational Energy.

Finally, that?s a major conclusion!
It was about the right time for you to admit it.

It would be nice the agenda further includes a clear example of a Pulse Force as required by the Lee-Tseung Theory followed by a full mathematical analysis.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on October 08, 2007, 10:39:15 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 05:10:30 AM

Such a collision is not considered a Pulse Force as required in the Lee-Tseung Theory.  It is only an energy transfer process.  No gravitational force will be Lead Out.

Lawrence Tseung
A Collision Process can be an Energy Transfer Process.  It is not a Pulse Force that Leads Out Gravitational Energy.

What is the difference between a pulse force and a mere energy transfer process?  ANY physical application of pulse force is also an energy transfer process (I won't speculate about magentism here, because I am not knowledgable).  What more is required beyond a transfer of energy?  You yourself proudly cite an example where you punch a punching bag a few times, and then are surprised by the knock-back force.  You claim this knock-back force is an example of lead out energy at work.  Why do your few punches lead out energy, but my few pendulum knocks do not? 

It appears that make an arbitrary differentiation here but not in other situations in order to prevent my experiment from invalidating your theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 12:16:53 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 08, 2007, 10:39:15 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 05:10:30 AM

Such a collision is not considered a Pulse Force as required in the Lee-Tseung Theory.  It is only an energy transfer process.  No gravitational force will be Lead Out.

Lawrence Tseung
A Collision Process can be an Energy Transfer Process.  It is not a Pulse Force that Leads Out Gravitational Energy.

What is the difference between a pulse force and a mere energy transfer process?  ANY physical application of pulse force is also an energy transfer process (I won't speculate about magentism here, because I am not knowledgable).  What more is required beyond a transfer of energy?  You yourself proudly cite an example where you punch a punching bag a few times,(*** Please note that I used the word push and not punch) and then are surprised by the knock-back force.  You claim this knock-back force is an example of lead out energy at work.  Why do your few punches lead out energy, but my few pendulum knocks do not? 

It appears that make an arbitrary differentiation here but not in other situations in order to prevent my experiment from invalidating your theory.

Dear Lawyer shruggedatlas,

Please note the seemingly innocent use of the word punch instead of push changes the physical process totally.

May be Mr. Entropy can enlighten you more.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on October 08, 2007, 12:26:29 PM
It may follow another 30 pages from your side of ?Push/Punch Forces Leading Out Gravitational Energy? but take good care.

Once you admitted that pulse force is not of any good, the path ahead is very short, Mr. Tseung. ;)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on October 08, 2007, 12:32:44 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 12:16:53 PM
Please note the seemingly innocent use of the word punch instead of push changes the physical process totally.

May be Mr. Entropy can enlighten you more.

How so? I believe the lawyer is correct.  A punch is a force of short duration -- exactly as we have with the pendulum.  Energy is transferred via a short, but very powerful applied force, and this is entirely consistent with the definition of the word "pulse".

Is there some finess you could add to the definition of "pulse" that makes it clear why a punch doesn't qualify?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on October 08, 2007, 01:04:19 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 03:33:59 AM
So you see that a top professor at Harvard University has the similar concern and mental attitude as you.  Unless he has a working prototype in his hands, he will not discuss the issue further.  If he accepts the Lead Out theory without absolute and undisputable proof, he would put his reputation and possibly the entire Harvard University Reputation at stake.

Prof H is too polite to call Prof. Woo an idiot, and ended the conversation quickly to avoid wasting more of his time.

The fortunate thing is ? there are many working prototypes already - some inside China and some outside China. 

Ah, yes.  The difference between Prof H. and I is that I have hope for overunity.

However, while there may be working overunity prototypes, they do not prove your theory unless your theory is simply that overunity is possible.

If your theory is useful at all, then it makes quantifiable predictions about overunity effects that can be tested.  So far, you have quite annoyingly made testable, quantifiable predictions about non-overunity effects, and untestable, unquantifiable predictions about overunity effects.  If that is all you have to offer, then your theory is useless.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 08, 2007, 03:36:36 PM
G'day Lawrence and all,

I have promised Jeff to be a good boy and keep my sarcasm to myself, so I will confine myself to asking a couple of questions that are bothering me in relation to your "Lead Out Theory"

If I understand your theory correctly, what you are saying is that Newton is wrong when he says that every action causes an equal and opposite reaction.

In effect what you state is that the reaction to an action contains more energy and that the difference between the two can be "lead out" to produce work.

This is one hell of a big statement which is at loggerheads with everything we know and have established by experiment over a very long time regarding these phenomena.

You also have stated elsewhere that there are 4 new forms of energy known to Chinese researchers, presumably Lead Out Energy is one of them.

Which raises the question, what energy are we talking about.

You call it cosmic energy. Are we to understand that we are talking here about something along the lines of "pyramid energy" or "radionics energy", you know the stuff that can only be detected by using a pendulum or a dowsing rod and even then only by specially gifted people.

I am not a physicist as you claim to be. I am only a retired humble engineer (physics major at that) with over 40 years in the field. I have worked with flywheels, levers, gears, pendula etc in the course of my work. I also consider myself a rather observant man when it comes to machinery. It amazes me to learn from you that I have failed all these years to observe even a shadow of the phenomena you are talking about. It also amazes me that my teachers at university, both in Germany and Australia have to this day not come to grips with pendulum and flywheel physics and have been teaching us erroneous bullshit. It must be a conspiracy, or we are all idiots (Sorry Jeff)

Hans von Lieven

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 04:24:00 PM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on October 08, 2007, 12:32:44 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 12:16:53 PM
Please note the seemingly innocent use of the word punch instead of push changes the physical process totally.

May be Mr. Entropy can enlighten you more.

How so? I believe the lawyer is correct.  A punch is a force of short duration -- exactly as we have with the pendulum.  Energy is transferred via a short, but very powerful applied force, and this is entirely consistent with the definition of the word "pulse".

(*** May be I should have used the word "periodically repeated" instead of the word "pulse" ***)

Is there some finess you could add to the definition of "pulse" that makes it clear why a punch doesn't qualify?

Dear All,

Let me give an example of how the handling a fast moving object A towards a stationary object B affects the result.

The various ways of handling the situation include:

(1)   Send a missile to destroy object A.  Only the tiny pieces would hit object B.
(2)   Attach a device to object A.  The Device will try to slow object A?s velocity to 0.
(3)   Attach a device to object A.  The Device will push A 90 degrees in direction of motion. This will effectively deflect object A and even turn it 180 degrees without slowing it down.

We can all see that the results are different.

Let me apply the analogy to the Pulse Force required to Lead Out Gravitational Energy in the case of the Pendulum.

(1)   When the Pendulum Bob is at the maximum height position, Pull to give it additional height and/or tension of the string.
(2)   When the Pendulum Bob is at the lowest position with maximum velocity, increase its velocity.  The Pulse Force must be in the direction of the velocity.
(3)   When the Pendulum Bob is at any intermediate position, increase its velocity in its direction of motion.

These three ways will add additional energy to the Pendulum System.

If we do the following:

(1)   When the Pendulum Bob is at the lowest position with maximum velocity, apply a force in the opposite direction to motion (essentially slowing it down), Energy is effectively subtracted from the Pendulum Bob in terms of sound, heat, friction, deformation etc.
(2)   When the Pendulum Bob is at any Intermediate position, decrease its velocity in the direction of motion.  This will have the same effect as in (1).
(3)   The case of changing a Pull to a Push when the Pendulum Bob is at its maximum displaced position is a very special case.  Energy can be added in both situations.

One of the qualifying conditions in the Lee-Tseung theory is that the Pulse Force must be applied at the right time (normally at resonance).  We quoted the case of the swing.  In order for it to swing high, we must push it at the appropriate time.  Otherwise addition of energy will slow it down!

I hope this explanation will clarify the ?required pulse at the right time? in the Lee-Tseung theory.  It is NOT any pulse at any time.

Lawrence Tseung
The pulse in the right direction at the right time leads out gravitational energy.  Any Pulse at any Time is likely to lead out nothing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 04:40:37 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 08, 2007, 03:36:36 PM

You also have stated elsewhere that there are 4 new forms of energy known to Chinese researchers, presumably Lead Out Energy is one of them.

Which raises the question, what energy are we talking about.

Hans von Lieven

I shall answer this one first as it is the easiest.  These 4 forms of new energy are:

(1) Energy from Still Air
(2) Energy from Gravitation
(3) Energy from Electron Motion (magnetic)
(4) Energy from Electon Motion (Electric or Electrostatic)

Thanks for reading the hundreds of posts in steorn.com.

Lawrence Tseung
Simple direct questions Lead Out easy direct answers
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 08, 2007, 04:59:00 PM
Sorry Lawrence,

This was NOT what I asked. I did not ask where you want to get the energy from. I asked WHAT they are, mechanical energy, atomic energy electric energy, heat or what?

You say they are new FORMS of energy. When queried you tell me where you intend to get it.

I want to know the behaviour of these new forms of energy, how they interact with matter, how they are measured etc. etc.

Please answer the question.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 05:03:36 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 08, 2007, 03:36:36 PM

If I understand your theory correctly, what you are saying is that Newton is wrong when he says that every action causes an equal and opposite reaction. (*** That is not what I am saying.  May be you have not understood my theory correctly)

In effect what you state is that the reaction to an action contains more energy and that the difference between the two can be "lead out" to produce work.....

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

Now I shall answer the more difficult question.  The first part is easy.  I never said that Newton is wrong in stating that action = reaction.

The second part is not about reaction having more energy. 

It is about in some specific situations, a periodically repeated (pulse) force can lead out energy (gravitational or Electron Motion) in oscillating, vibrating or rotating systems. 

In these specific situations, The Input Energy to a defined system must include the Applied Energy + the Lead Out Energy

Please do not twist my words.  You are obviously encouraged to apply the Lee-Tseung theory to phenomena of your choice.  That is good science.  However, do not post - Tseung says Newton is Wrong!

Lawrence Tseung
(Pulse = Periodically Repeated) Leads Out a better understanding of the Lee-Tseung Theory
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 08, 2007, 05:09:57 PM
if input energy equals applied energy plus lead out energy, where is the gain that you claim??

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 05:21:32 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 08, 2007, 04:59:00 PM
Sorry Lawrence,

This was NOT what I asked. I did not ask where you want to get the energy from. I asked WHAT they are, mechanical energy, atomic energy electric energy, heat or what?

You say they are new FORMS of energy. When queried you tell me where you intend to get it.

I want to know the behaviour of these new forms of energy, how they interact with matter, how they are measured etc. etc.

Please answer the question.

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

Sorry that I misunderstood your question.

I probably confused every one when I stated that there were 4 different new ways to use Cosmic Energy.  I did not imply that  4 new FORMS of energy had been discovered by me or by Mr. Lee.

We define Cosmic Energy as Energy that is abundant, free, non-polluting and available to us anywhere, any time.  They include Still Air, Water, Gravity, Magnetic, Electric (grouped as Electron Motion) energies.

So I repeat in here.  Tseung did not discover 4 Forms of new energy.  Lee-Tseung discovered ways to use 4 types of energy. (Still Air, Gravity, Magnetic, Electric).

Hope that answers the question and clears the confusion.

Lawrence Tseung
4 ways to use existing Energy Leads Out confusion of 4 Forms of new energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 05:24:38 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 08, 2007, 05:09:57 PM
if input energy equals applied energy plus lead out energy, where is the gain that you claim??

Hans von Lieven

The Lead Out Energy is the Gain
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 08, 2007, 05:29:29 PM
On that you will get no argument from me, man, since times immemorial has relied on nature to supply his needs.

There is nothing new in that, we do it every day.

So what you are saying is that you have discovered new ways to tap into nature's energy flows.

Very good, if true.

Give us a demonstration.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 08, 2007, 05:35:30 PM
You have me confused, let me clarify.

You claim if you apply say pulses into a system such as a pendulum or a flywheel and if those pulses are in phase with the natural resonance of the apparatus there will be more energy in the system than you put in and this is the energy that you can Lead out.

Is THAT what you are saying?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: maxc on October 08, 2007, 06:37:47 PM
Hi all,
I can't remember where but i read that avalanches can sometimes fall faster than terminal drop speeds.
Is that true?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 07:30:03 PM
Quote from: maxc on October 08, 2007, 06:37:47 PM
Hi all,
I can't remember where but i read that avalanches can sometimes fall faster than terminal drop speeds.
Is that true?

It is true in the following situation:

(1) A snow ball moves downhill gathering speed.

(2) It hits a stationary object, imparting some of its energy to the object.

(3) The object acquires an initial velocity before "going" or rolling down the hill.

This object indeed can travel well ahead of the snow ball and may even achieve speed faster than free fall.

This may seem off-topic.  But I shall bring it back to the "imparting of energy" discussions later on.

Lawrence Tseung
Different ways of imparting energy leads out deeper understanding of Physics.  We cannot classify any collision as a Pulse (periodically repeated) Force.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 07:39:46 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 08, 2007, 05:35:30 PM
You have me confused, let me clarify.

You claim if you apply say pulses into a system such as a pendulum or a flywheel and if those pulses are in phase with the natural resonance of the apparatus there will be more energy in the system than you put in and this is the energy that you can Lead out.

Is THAT what you are saying?

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

To be more exact, I am saying:

(1) There is gravitational field surrounding us all the time.
(2) You can use this gravitational energy.
(3) if you apply say pulses into a system such as a pendulum or a flywheel cylinder and if those pulses are in phase with the natural resonance of the apparatus, gavitational energy can be Lead Out.
(4) There will be more energy in the system than you put in.
(5) In the particular case of a pendulum being pulled by a horizontal force, approximately 1 part of gravitational energy can be lead out when you apply 2 parts of horizontal energy.

The details are already posted from the beginning of this thread.  Please read them carefully.

(Pulse Force = Periodically repeatable force  in this context.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on October 08, 2007, 09:45:56 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 04:24:00 PM
(*** May be I should have used the word "periodically repeated" instead of the word "pulse" ***)

So, the first pulse does not add more energy that you put in.  What about the second pulse?  When does the free energy start?  How do the initial pulses change the system so that subsequent pulses suddenly become overunity events?

One of the qualifying conditions in the Lee-Tseung theory is that the Pulse Force must be applied at the right time (normally at resonance).  We quoted the case of the swing.  In order for it to swing high, we must push it at the appropriate time.  [... mistake deleted...]

I hope this explanation will clarify the ?required pulse at the right time? in the Lee-Tseung theory.

It's OK that timing is important, but "resonance" is not a time.  At what time can a pulse be applied to a pendulum so that you get more energy out than you put in?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 08, 2007, 11:52:40 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 07:39:46 PM
(3) if you apply say pulses into a system such as a pendulum or a flywheel cylinder and if those pulses are in phase with the natural resonance of the apparatus, gavitational energy can be Lead Out.

Are you talking about the Schumann Resonance?

I've always liked this gn0sis video.
schumann resonance (http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?t=96)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on October 09, 2007, 12:35:27 AM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on October 08, 2007, 09:45:56 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 04:24:00 PM
(*** May be I should have used the word "periodically repeated" instead of the word "pulse" ***)

So, the first pulse does not add more energy that you put in.  What about the second pulse?  When does the free energy start?  How do the initial pulses change the system so that subsequent pulses suddenly become overunity events?

One of the qualifying conditions in the Lee-Tseung theory is that the Pulse Force must be applied at the right time (normally at resonance).  We quoted the case of the swing.  In order for it to swing high, we must push it at the appropriate time.  [... mistake deleted...]

I hope this explanation will clarify the ?required pulse at the right time? in the Lee-Tseung theory.

It's OK that timing is important, but "resonance" is not a time.  At what time can a pulse be applied to a pendulum so that you get more energy out than you put in?

I think Tseung is playing games.  He keeps narrowing the definition, making it harder to disprove the theory.  With the new narrow definition, he now has an out to just about any demonstration.  The pat answer in case of failure will be that the pulse was not applied at the appropriate time, or not at resonance, or something like that.  Even the punching bag scenario becomes slippery.  If another boxer does not notice this phenomenon - oops, didn't push the bag correctly.

Franky, I do not understand why the motion state of the pendulum matters to the Lead Out equation.  What difference does it make whether one of the pendulms is stopped?  The tension of the string is still there to "lead out" gravitational force, just like it is there during "resonance" or when the pendulum is moving forward or whatever.  I understand that a force applied against on object which is moving towards it is unlikely to generate a perpetual motion situation, but energy should still be "lead out", and we should notice an overall energy gain.

Moreover, there are many instances in modern technology where this Lead Out theory, if true, would have already lead engineers to develop overunity devices.  For example, take the internal combustion engine.  The piston is basically a modified pendulum.  I have attached a drawing, though I am sure you all are familiar.  With the thousands (millions?) of manhours spent on perfecting the hybrid engine (Prius, etc.), and all the effort made to convert mechanical enegry to electrical and vice versa, don't you think someone would have observed and said "Gee, when the spark ignites and the piston is on the way down, we get alot more energy that way - more than we put in.  Screw gasoline; maybe if we just hook the battery up to the engine and make it push the pistons, we have enough power to recharge the battery PLUS move the car."  It is inconceivable that with the meticulous testing that has been done on engines over decades, that something like this could have been missed.  I cannot believe I have wasted time analyzing this. 

This leads me to conclude that the Lead Out theory is either a con (note that Tseung has asked for a million dollars in the past), or just plain delusion.

And Mr. Tseung, please stop referring to the "hundreds of posts" of yours in the Steorn forum.  This was not a genuine discussion.  This was a thread where you took on no less than 8 different personas and basically held a discussion with yourself.  Why you made it so obvious by signing off with your patented "Lead Out" phrases, I cannot fathom.  Here is the thread:

http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=43821 (http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=43821)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 09, 2007, 12:53:17 AM
Not to mention the flywheel in every vehicle shrugged atlas :-)

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ashtweth_nihilisti on October 09, 2007, 01:35:33 AM
Hi Lawrence thanks for that information I have totally changed the web page and added new informaiton.

I have also forwarded to Patrick Kelly, As a result of  the time needed here to get to technical stuff due to what Jeff describes, please contact me via Email in future.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 09, 2007, 02:05:34 AM
Gee, for an attorney, she makes a lot of sense. (smile)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tagor on October 09, 2007, 05:44:14 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 09, 2007, 12:35:27 AM
The piston is basically a modified pendulum.  I have attached a drawing, though I am sure you all are familiar.  With the thousands (millions?) of manhours spent on perfecting the hybrid engine (Prius,
there was  650 millions of car in 2005

so I take 700 millions of car for the math , if they have 4 cylinders
this is 2800 millions of pendulum

if the motor of a car run at 3000 RPM and if we start all these cars
potentially it is : 3000 x 2800 millions = 8400000 millions or 840 billions of OVERUNITY UNIT
so this a big revolution in the energy of th earth !!

so the co2 is never more a problem
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Freezer on October 09, 2007, 05:54:02 AM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on October 08, 2007, 09:45:56 PM
It's OK that timing is important, but "resonance" is not a time.  At what time can a pulse be applied to a pendulum so that you get more energy out than you put in?


Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 09, 2007, 12:35:27 AM
Moreover, there are many instances in modern technology where this Lead Out theory, if true, would have already lead engineers to develop overunity devices.  For example, take the internal combustion engine.  The piston is basically a modified pendulum.  I have attached a drawing, though I am sure you all are familiar.  With the thousands (millions?) of manhours spent on perfecting the hybrid engine (Prius, etc.), and all the effort made to convert mechanical enegry to electrical and vice versa, don't you think someone would have observed and said "Gee, when the spark ignites and the piston is on the way down, we get alot more energy that way - more than we put in.  Screw gasoline; maybe if we just hook the battery up to the engine and make it push the pistons, we have enough power to recharge the battery PLUS move the car."  It is inconceivable that with the meticulous testing that has been done on engines over decades, that something like this could have been missed.  I cannot believe I have wasted time analyzing this. 

Why did GM get rid of the electric car?  Take a look at that video.

What if our science is a tad bit wrong, wouldn't that handicap all those who hold it so sacred, and set in stone.  If you want an example of technology being surpressed, just look at the U.S. military.  They have the most current, up to date technology that no one in the public realm sees.  Quote from Ben Rich - "Father of Stealth technology"

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity"

"We now have the technology to take et home"

There's three shades, white, gray, and black programs.  The x-33 being a white program in that its known and information is available.  The f-117 would be a gray program today, being that its known, but signature characteristics are secret.  In a black program they don't even acknowledge it exists period.  Point being is these guys are light years ahead of mainstream science.  There scientific laws are probably a lot different from whats in the books.  Look at the B-2 stealth.  The leading edges of its wings are electrically charged to produce an anti-gravity effect.

As Stanton Freidmon said, every scientist in his day thinks they know all there is too know, and history would tell us they're always wrong.  I just think its wrong to think that, if this was true and free energy was possible, we would already have people building it.  They are building it, just behind closed doors, away from they public eye.  The U.S. military sets aside something around the order of 40 billion dollars, annually.  Multiply that by 50 years...  Their secrecy is paramount, anyone not convinced, just take a trip to area 51.  ;)  They have great stuff there that would change the world instantly, and they purportedly spend more money to keep it secret than on the programs themselves.  You'd be surprised at what x-military disinformation officers have to say.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 09, 2007, 04:38:00 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 07:39:46 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 08, 2007, 05:35:30 PM
You have me confused, let me clarify.

You claim if you apply say pulses into a system such as a pendulum or a flywheel and if those pulses are in phase with the natural resonance of the apparatus there will be more energy in the system than you put in and this is the energy that you can Lead out.

Is THAT what you are saying?

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

To be more exact, I am saying:

(1) There is gravitational field surrounding us all the time.
(2) You can use this gravitational energy.
(3) if you apply say pulses into a system such as a pendulum or a flywheel cylinder and if those pulses are in phase with the natural resonance of the apparatus, gavitational energy can be Lead Out.
(4) There will be more energy in the system than you put in.
(5) In the particular case of a pendulum being pulled by a horizontal force, approximately 1 part of gravitational energy can be lead out when you apply 2 parts of horizontal energy.

The details are already posted from the beginning of this thread.  Please read them carefully.

(Pulse Force = Periodically repeatable force  in this context.)

Yes, that was exactly my point when I said:

If I understand your theory correctly, what you are saying is that Newton is wrong when he says that every action causes an equal and opposite reaction.

In effect what you state is that the reaction to an action contains more energy and that the difference between the two can be "lead out" to produce work.

Now, please don't misunderstand me here, I do not have a problem with that. When it comes to resonant circuits it has been my observation that many phenomena cannot be explained in strict Newtonian terms. It is possible to create acoustic and electric circuits that will exhibit more energy than you put in, the surplus energy coming from resonant fields in the vicinity that interact with the apparatus.

Where I do have an issue is with your statement that this applies to a pendulum and to a flywheel.

THAT has never been observed or demonstrated in a verifiable fashion.

How you can LEAD OUT energy from still air is another puzzle that you claim but don't explain.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 09, 2007, 09:04:53 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 09, 2007, 04:38:00 PM
How you can LEAD OUT energy from still air is another puzzle that you claim but don't explain.

Hans von Lieven

Let us answer the easy one first.

If you read the first post of this thread, it will lead you to


From that, you can get the TPU_Theory1.5.doc file.

In chapter 3, the Technique of Extracting Energy from Still Air is described.

The TPU_Theory1.5.doc further explains the Lead Out theory.  Please read it carefully.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 09, 2007, 09:15:12 PM
Quote from: Freezer on October 09, 2007, 05:54:02 AM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on October 08, 2007, 09:45:56 PM
It's OK that timing is important, but "resonance" is not a time.  At what time can a pulse be applied to a pendulum so that you get more energy out than you put in?


Dear Freezer,

I love your video.  If possible, can you produce one with a punch bag and show:

(1) A little boy punching it.  It hardly moved.
(2) The same little boy pushing it like a swing.  The multiple pushes will increase the amplitude of the swing.
(3) Let the swinging punch bag hit a dummy (use a dummy to avoid hurting the little boy.  Or you may find a special actor).

Thank you.

Lawrence Tseung
The experiment done by the naugthy Tseung 50 years ago Leads Out the use of infinite gravitational energy for Mankind.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 09, 2007, 09:29:05 PM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on October 08, 2007, 09:45:56 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 08, 2007, 04:24:00 PM
(*** May be I should have used the word "periodically repeated" instead of the word "pulse" ***)

So, the first pulse does not add more energy that you put in.  What about the second pulse?  When does the free energy start?  How do the initial pulses change the system so that subsequent pulses suddenly become overunity events?

Dear Mr. Entropy,

I am glad that we found our disagreement so early.

If I am not mistaken, you have concluded that the first pulse does not add more energy that you put in.

The Lee-Tseung Theory DEMANDS that the first pulse (periodically repeatable force) add more energy and Lead Out some gravitation energy to the pendulum system.  Two parts horizontal energy Lead out one part gravitational energy.

Am I mistaken in your conclusion???

Lawrence Tseung
Disagreement on the First Pulse Leads Out roadblock in discussing Second and subsequent Pulses.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 09, 2007, 09:35:05 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas link=topic=2794.msg53646#msg53646

..... The piston is basically a modified pendulum. 

Dear Lawyer shruggedatlas,

My scientific training does not agree with

"The piston is basically a modified pendulum."

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on October 09, 2007, 09:56:39 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 09, 2007, 12:35:27 AM
I think Tseung is playing games.  He keeps narrowing the definition, making it harder to disprove the theory.

I don't mind a narrow definition, as long as it's well defined.  If he'd just settle on something testable, I'd test it and know one way or the other.  Or he could end up defining his theory as untestable, and therefore unusable in practical scenarios, in which case we could just ignore it.  The problem is that Lawrence isn't doing either of those things.  He doesn't seem to have the math or physics required to do either of those things, but he does seem to learn quickly.  I will correct him some more, in the hope that he will soon learn enough to say something physically meaningful (correct or not) about overunity.

And you could be right, of course -- he could just be playing games.  That would be a bit sad, because "hold yourself and your friends up to ridicule for as long as you possibly can" doesn't sound like a very fun game, but it wouldn't bother me otherwise.  One does not come to an overunity forum expecting reasonable discourse. ;-)

I do not understand why the motion state of the pendulum matters to the Lead Out equation.  What difference does it make whether one of the pendulms is stopped?

At the moment, there is no Lead Out equation, because the equations provided so far have been nonsensical.  In the absense of that, why wouldn't the motion state make a difference?  We are talking about new unwirtten physical laws, after all.  Maybe it only works on Tuesday during an eclipse?  Who's to say except Lawrence?


Mr. Entropy
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on October 09, 2007, 10:01:28 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 09, 2007, 09:29:05 PM
If I am not mistaken, you have concluded that the first pulse does not add more energy that you put in.

No, that's what you said.  I said "why not a punch", and you said "periodically repeated", implying that one punch won't do.  If one pulse will do, then, again, what is it about a punch that doesn't qualify as a "pulse" that leads out gravitational energy?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Freezer on October 09, 2007, 11:07:27 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 09, 2007, 09:15:12 PM
Quote from: Freezer on October 09, 2007, 05:54:02 AM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on October 08, 2007, 09:45:56 PM
It's OK that timing is important, but "resonance" is not a time.  At what time can a pulse be applied to a pendulum so that you get more energy out than you put in?


Dear Freezer,

I love your video.  If possible, can you produce one with a punch bag and show:

(1) A little boy punching it.  It hardly moved.
(2) The same little boy pushing it like a swing.  The multiple pushes will increase the amplitude of the swing.
(3) Let the swinging punch bag hit a dummy (use a dummy to avoid hurting the little boy.  Or you may find a special actor).

Thank you.

Lawrence Tseung
The experiment done by the naugthy Tseung 50 years ago Leads Out the use of infinite gravitational energy for Mankind.

Closest I could find  ;)

This guy seems to think he can get more out than in from this pendulum motion.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on October 09, 2007, 11:22:24 PM
Quote from: Freezer on October 09, 2007, 11:07:27 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 09, 2007, 09:15:12 PM
Quote from: Freezer on October 09, 2007, 05:54:02 AM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on October 08, 2007, 09:45:56 PM
It's OK that timing is important, but "resonance" is not a time.  At what time can a pulse be applied to a pendulum so that you get more energy out than you put in?


Dear Freezer,

I love your video.  If possible, can you produce one with a punch bag and show:

(1) A little boy punching it.  It hardly moved.
(2) The same little boy pushing it like a swing.  The multiple pushes will increase the amplitude of the swing.
(3) Let the swinging punch bag hit a dummy (use a dummy to avoid hurting the little boy.  Or you may find a special actor).

Thank you.

Lawrence Tseung
The experiment done by the naugthy Tseung 50 years ago Leads Out the use of infinite gravitational energy for Mankind.

Closest I could find  ;)

Now I understand.  It is Lead Out energy that make Kung Fu strong.

In all seriousness, the proposed test is ridiculous.  Of course the bag will knock the little boy or stand-in dummy back.  Unfortunately it will tell us nothing about whether any energy was lead out, or whether the knock-back is merely the result of the many pushes.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 10, 2007, 01:11:17 AM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on October 09, 2007, 10:01:28 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 09, 2007, 09:29:05 PM
If I am not mistaken, you have concluded that the first pulse does not add more energy that you put in.

No, that's what you said.  I said "why not a punch", and you said "periodically repeated", implying that one punch won't do.  If one pulse will do, then, again, what is it about a punch that doesn't qualify as a "pulse" that leads out gravitational energy?

Thank you, Mr. Entropy.  Now we focus on the question whether a punch qualifies as a pulse in the Lee-Tseung theory.

My simple answer is NO.  NO. NO, NO and NO.

The reasons are:
(1)   To Impart energy to a swing and to Lead Out gravitational energy, we must allow the String of the Pendulum to move/swing and gradually increase its tension.  During this gradual increase, the Law of Parallelogram of Forces can be applied.  It is the application of this Law that Leads Out gravitational energy.  No energy should be wasted on collision sound or deformation of the sand or similar material inside the punch bag.

(2)   In punching the punch bag, the force is applied quickly.  The rate of change of momentum is intended to be as fast as possible.  (In Physics terminology: Force is the rate of change of Momentum.)  We want the punch to exert the maximum force on the opponent! The sand or similar material in the bunch bag will deform to absorb the energy.  The best punch is that the String barely moved.

(3)   If the punch is very slow - to become a push, the String of the Punch bag will move.  The Punch bag system then simulates a Pendulum.  (Pushing a person is very different from punching a person.)

Hope the reasons are clear.


In Kung Fu, we want the opponent's organs to deform to "absorb our energy".  The evil intention is to destroy his muscles and/or organs and not to push him away.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Freezer on October 10, 2007, 01:34:08 AM
Does it relate to tossing a bowling ball?  Surely most of us couldn't  throw a bowling ball that far, but if we slowly build up momentum we can launch it fairly fast.  Its hard to think of something similar that relates to daily life.

I think whats happening in the kung fu video is similar.  The guy can't immediately force the weight to move, he has to build up the momentum in order to move the weight at the end.  I wasn't concentrating on the impacting of the bell.

Quote from: mramos on October 09, 2007, 09:51:29 PM
For the OU believers, Newton said, if nothing else, for every action there is a reaction.  We work from there.

Watch at 7:40.  Exception to the rule?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ecc on October 10, 2007, 02:25:08 AM
Bruce DePalma et al discovered  in 1974 that a spinning steel ball would show different rates of rising and falling  when accellerated upwards or falling downwards compared to a non spinnig ball.   

In 1977 he wrote a paper: "Understandig the Dropping of the Spinning Ball Experiment"  which says in conclusion:

>The availability of free energy from as simple an experiment as colliding a rotating object with a non-rotating one opens up the development of other machines for energy extraction and propulsion which may be more convenient to handle than the extraction of energy from the collision of a rotating object with a non-rotating one. <

link: http://depalma.pair.com/SpinningBall(Understanding).html (http://depalma.pair.com/SpinningBall(Understanding).html)

Lawrence, do you think this matches with your theory?



Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 10, 2007, 03:10:18 AM
Quote from: ecc on October 10, 2007, 02:25:08 AM
Bruce DePalma et al discovered  in 1974 that a spinning steel ball would show different rates of rising and falling  when accellerated upwards or falling downwards compared to a non spinnig ball.   

In 1977 he wrote a paper: "Understandig the Dropping of the Spinning Ball Experiment"  which says in conclusion:

>The availability of free energy from as simple an experiment as colliding a rotating object with a non-rotating one opens up the development of other machines for energy extraction and propulsion which may be more convenient to handle than the extraction of energy from the collision of a rotating object with a non-rotating one. <

link: http://depalma.pair.com/SpinningBall(Understanding).html (http://depalma.pair.com/SpinningBall(Understanding).html)

Lawrence, do you think this matches with your theory?



Dear ecc,

Your post is very relevant.  In the Lee-Tseung theory, an unbalanced rotation with axle in the horizontal direction is regarded as an extension of the pulsed pendulum.

It will Lead Out gravitational energy in a similar way as the pulsed pendulum.

If we imagine putting a small weight on a previously balanced wheel, when the small weight goes up, it will try to decelerate the wheel.  When it comes down, it will try to accelerate the wheel.

The Pulse is then 1 per revolution.  The Pulse rate is then rotational speed dependent.  We can Lead Out more gravitational energy!

If this pulse is produced by a moving wieght instead of a stationary weight, the arrangement is similar to the Bessel Wheel, the Chas Campbell and other gravity over unity inventions.  There is a fixed frequency relationship in order to achieve the over unity phenomena.

I shall wait until the discussion on the desk top pendulum toy finishes before starting this one.

Lawrence Tseung
Spinning objects, especially unbalanced rotation, can be considered as Pulse (periodic repeatable) Leading Out gravitational energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on October 10, 2007, 05:22:05 AM
I 'm with Mr. Tseung and we discussed what is the best device to demonstrate the lead out theory.

Probably the best device is the "ideal" pulse motor. This ideal pulse motor is effectively one slice of the 225 HP pulse motor developed originally in USA. Since it is an already proven and demonstrated device, the risk will be relatively low. If we develop it as a pure academic exercise to illustrate the Lee- Tseung Theory with no financial benefits, we should not run into patent lawsuits.

Please see the description of the pulse motion in http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?t=84

When we have a working pulse motor generating approximately 20 HP forever, there will be little doubt on the validity of the Lee-Tseung Theory. I?m sure Mr. Tseung will be talking about the theory while some of you are building it. I do not expect success at the first try. However, I expect much fun.

;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ecc on October 10, 2007, 07:52:36 AM

I found some more information which may be related and in of support your theory, at least in my understanding. Quotes are from David Wilcock's ''Divine Cosmos".

First more to the DePalma experiments:

>Data of Dr. Bruce DePalma?s Spinning Ball Experiment from Hoagland?s 1992 UN Briefing
A perfect example of harnessing torsion waves by rotation was discovered completely independently by Dr. Bruce DePalma.... Within a complete vacuum, DePalma took two steel balls and catapulted them into the air at equal angles, with an equal amount of force. The only difference was that one ball was rotating 27,000 times per minute and the other was stationary. The rotating ball traveled higher into the air and then descended faster than its counterpart, which violated all known laws of physics. The only explanation for this effect is that both balls are drawing energy into themselves from an unseen source, and the rotating ball is thus ?soaking up? more of this energy than its counterpart ? energy that would normally exist as gravity, moving down into the earth. With the addition of torsion-field research we can see that the spinning ball was able to harness naturally spiraling torsion waves in its environment, which gave it an additional supply of energy.<

The Russsian researcher Dr. N. A. Kozyrev developed extremly sensitive detectors for Torsion fields, for example a spinning gyroscope suspended from a vibrating string. The influence of and/or change in the torsion field - Lead In ? - would upset the balance of the detector.

>Furthermore, without any knowledge of Kozyrev?s work, in 1989 G. Hayasaka and S. Tekeyuchi discovered similar weight-loss effects with rotating 150-gram gyroscopes, and more recently obtained success by dropping the gyroscopes between two precision laser beam detectors. (Remember that a gyroscope that is being weighed in a rotating and non-rotating state will not show any measurable weight changes unless an additional process is introduced such as vibration, movement, (in this case dropping,) heat conduction or electric current transition.) The results of Hayasaka et al.?s study, conducted on behalf of the Mitsubishi corporation, actually did make it into the mainstream media, surprisingly enough. Furthermore, they did indeed attribute their results to the effects of torsion fields. Many other researchers such as Dr. S.M. Polyakov, Dr. Bruce DePalma and Sandy Kidd have independently discovered gravitational changes with gyroscopes, but it appears that most of them have not fully understood the fluidlike nature of the aether, which always travels in the spiraling movement of torsion waves.<

Further confirmation of the Lead In - Lead Out  theory? What are your thoughts?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 10, 2007, 08:50:43 AM
Dear ecc,

Thank you for the additional information.  I am extremely confident of the Lee-Tseung theory because it leads naturally to the development of the Flying Saucer.

See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNR0hgqFnw4

I am reasonably certain that both China and USA know the Lee-Tseung patents and have been working on them since at least 2005.  The UFO that appeared in Nanjing, China in August 2006 is likely a man-made object along our patents.

The early concepts of anti-gravity has already been turn into working prototypes.

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Freezer on October 10, 2007, 09:18:32 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 10, 2007, 08:50:43 AM
Dear ecc,

Thank you for the additional information.  I am extremely confident of the Lee-Tseung theory because it leads naturally to the development of the Flying Saucer.

See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNR0hgqFnw4

I am reasonably certain that both China and USA know the Lee-Tseung patents and have been working on them since at least 2005.  The UFO that appeared in Nanjing, China in August 2006 is likely a man-made object along our patents.

The early concepts of anti-gravity has already been turn into working prototypes.

Lawrence Tseung

The U.S. military has been working of UFO technology since the 1940's.  Most of which was started by Hitlers scientists.

Nasa provides us with great UFO videos, you should have a look at the film "The Case for NASA ufos," on google.

Some clips -

This one slows down. 


You can see these pulsing in a fibonacci curve wave pattern.


This one appears from thin air. :D


Ralph Ring and Otis Carr built a flying saucer decades ago, piloted by thought and brainwaves.

Interview with Ring -


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on October 10, 2007, 10:21:16 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 10, 2007, 01:11:17 AM
[My simple answer is NO.  NO. NO, NO and NO.

The reasons are:
(1)   To Impart energy to a swing and to Lead Out gravitational energy, we must allow the String of the Pendulum to move/swing and gradually increase its tension.  During this gradual increase, the Law of Parallelogram of Forces can be applied.  It is the application of this Law that Leads Out gravitational energy.  No energy should be wasted on collision sound or deformation of the sand or similar material inside the punch bag.

(2)   In punching the punch bag, the force is applied quickly.  The rate of change of momentum is intended to be as fast as possible.  (In Physics terminology: Force is the rate of change of Momentum.)  We want the punch to exert the maximum force on the opponent! The sand or similar material in the bunch bag will deform to absorb the energy.  The best punch is that the String barely moved.

(3)   If the punch is very slow - to become a push, the String of the Punch bag will move.  The Punch bag system then simulates a Pendulum.  (Pushing a person is very different from punching a person.)

That's interesting, because in the go-here forum, you say:

How to Pulse:

One example is the Adam flow nemo?s Pulse Motor described on this same section of this forum. It uses the term Drive Coil to indicate that Current is passed to the Coil to change it to have Electromagnetic Properties. The central disc has permanent magnets and the interaction of the Drive Coil and the permanent magnets will cause rotation of the disc.

It uses the term Pickup Coil to indicate that electricity can be induced when the inner disc with permanent magnets rotates.

The Drive Coil and the Pickup Coil can be the same coil. (e.g. Newman motor) They can be different. (e.g. 225 HP Pulse Motor).

There can be different arrangement of the Magnetic Field. The Adam flow nemo?s Pulse Motor using disc with permanent magnets inside and small coils on the outside facing each other. The Newman Motor has rotating permanent Magnets totally inside one large Coil.

The Adam flow Nemo?s Pulse Motor can rotate upto 4,000 rpm. If two Drive Coils pulse to rotate the disc, the number of pulses per minute is effectively 8,000.

You you seem to think that 8000 pulses per minute (with each pulse being 1/133 of a second) is a way to lead out energy.  How is a pulse that is 1/133 of a second in duration any different from a punch?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 10, 2007, 02:22:26 PM
Quote from: Freezer on October 10, 2007, 09:18:32 AM

The U.S. military has been working of UFO technology since the 1940's.  Most of which was started by Hitlers scientists.

Nasa provides us with great UFO videos, you should have a look at the film "The Case for NASA ufos," on google.

Some clips -

This one slows down. 


You can see these pulsing in a fibonacci curve wave pattern.


This one appears from thin air. :D


Ralph Ring and Otis Carr built a flying saucer decades ago, piloted by thought and brainwaves.

Interview with Ring -


Dear Freezer,

I enjoyed the interview with Ralph Ring video.  It took over an hour.  There were not much technical data but I am not worried.  I believe the Lee-Tseung theory and knowledge of the working 225 HP Pulse Motor will get us there.

It confirmed that someone in USA worked on the Flying Saucer with some success.  The USA Military wanted to keep it a secret.  It explained why some posts here were scientific junk trying to discourage work in this area.

The good thing is that China now knows how to build the Flying Saucer.  In my case, it started with a 13 year old girl, Ms. Wini Woo.  All she did was to point out to me that the effective gravitational constant can be zero or negative.  The change in effective gravitational constant can be demonstrated easily with the Ms. Forever Yuen experiment.  I have already outlined the theory.  It is a matter of who will build it for the benefit of the World.  (The top-secret research establishments have already build it.)

Lawrence Tseung
The Ralph Ring Video confirmed and Lead Out the fact that the USA Government already know how to build the Flying Saucer.  We are only playing the catch-up.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 10, 2007, 02:43:48 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 10, 2007, 10:21:16 AM

You you seem to think that 8000 pulses per minute (with each pulse being 1/133 of a second) is a way to lead out energy.  How is a pulse that is 1/133 of a second in duration any different from a punch?

Punch = pass energy to another object.  May even damage it.
Pulse (Lee-Tseung) = pass and lead out energy into same system.  Make sure no harm is done.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 10, 2007, 04:38:02 PM
G'day all,

The idea of driving a motor with pulses is nothing new, in fact it is common technology. With the popularisation of electric hand drills in the 1960's there was a demand to have a drill with variable speeds as the mechanical gear boxes allowed only for two speeds, any attempt to add more gears resulted in an unwieldy device that became quite useless because of its weight and dimensions.

Before I get into how it was done in the end I better explain how these drills work, for those of you that are unfamiliar with the technology.

An electric hand drill has an AC/DC motor that drives it. As such it employs brushes, anchor windings and so forth, unlike pure AC motors which do not have brushes but rely on the 50 or 60 Hz phase supplied by the grid. AC/DC motors were chosen because of their superior torque.

At first it was tried to add a rheostat into the circuit, which slowed the motor down alright, but decreased the torque to such an extend that the drill was next to useless except for some applications that did not require high torque or large speed variations such as dental drills and sewing machines.

In the 1970's someone had a smart idea, which was soon taken up by industry and is now standard. Instead of choking the current into the machine with a resistor, pulses were fed into the motor instead. Developments in the semiconductor industry allowed for a circuit that could feed the full power of the battery or grid into the motor in short, variable bursts instead. Although there was a decrease in speed, the torque remained largely intact.

No-one has ever reported any gain in ENERGY with these device.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on October 10, 2007, 05:46:20 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 10, 2007, 02:43:48 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 10, 2007, 10:21:16 AM

You you seem to think that 8000 pulses per minute (with each pulse being 1/133 of a second) is a way to lead out energy.  How is a pulse that is 1/133 of a second in duration any different from a punch?

Punch = pass energy to another object.  May even damage it.
Pulse (Lee-Tseung) = pass and lead out energy into same system.  Make sure no harm is done.

You are using circular reasoning.  I am asking you what are the characteristics of a pulse that leads out energy.  You are saying in essence is that a pulse that leads out energy is a pulse that passes and leads out energy.

Damage is merely a factor of how strong the objects are relatively.  In the desk toy example, one pendulum does not damage the other.   The impact is brief, similar to the 1/133 of a second in the example you bring up, so I fail to see the difference.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 10, 2007, 05:51:41 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 10, 2007, 04:38:02 PM
G'day all,

The idea of driving a motor with pulses is nothing new, in fact it is common technology. With the popularisation of electric hand drills in the 1960's there was a demand to have a drill with variable speeds as the mechanical gear boxes allowed only for two speeds, any attempt to add more gears resulted in an unwieldy device that became quite useless because of its weight and dimensions.

Before I get into how it was done in the end I better explain how these drills work, for those of you that are unfamiliar with the technology.

An electric hand drill has an AC/DC motor that drives it. As such it employs brushes, anchor windings and so forth, unlike pure AC motors which do not have brushes but rely on the 50 or 60 Hz phase supplied by the grid. AC/DC motors were chosen because of their superior torque.

At first it was tried to add a rheostat into the circuit, which slowed the motor down alright, but decreased the torque to such an extend that the drill was next to useless except for [1]some applications that did not require high torque or large speed variations such as dental drills and sewing machines.

In the 1970's someone had a smart idea, which was soon taken up by industry and is now standard. Instead of choking the current into the machine with a resistor, [2]pulses were fed into the motor instead. Developments in the semiconductor industry allowed for a circuit that could feed the full power of the battery or grid into the motor in short, variable bursts instead. Although there was a decrease in speed, the torque remained largely intact.

[3]No-one has ever reported any gain in ENERGY with these device.

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

Thank you for a most valuable post.
[1] The Pulse Motor does require high torque and variable speed to function.  Your explanation is one of the simplest and clearest.

[2] Pulses were used.  An engineer or technician found a solution to solving a problem.  He proceeded to patent and market it.  He was not a theoretician.  He would not sit down with a fishing pole and spent months developing a theory. 

[3] Someone did report that gain in ENERGY could be produced from Pulses.  The poor Joseph Newman spent years fighting the US patent office trying to get a US patent.  He demonstrated his primitive motor ? mainly using it to recharge old batteries.  However, he successfully demonstrated that he could get useful power without depleting the batteries for many years!  He tried to explain it with some gyroscopic theory and recharging by EMF.  Now he knew the Lee-Tseung Theory.  He would be on his way to improve it.  Many others such Bedini, Adams followed.

Mr. Sung Tin Fat in China reported the gain in ENERGY and got a China Patent in early 1990.  He got the Patent by demonstrating a working device.  He tried to explain the source of energy as from the magnetism of the permanent magnets.

Dr. Liang Xingren used IC pulses to rotate the inner cylinder and achieved car engines that could generate 188 HP.  The details were in his patent (translated by Ms. Forever Yuen in this thread).  The car was demonstrated in front of many persons.  The main technical downfall is that it Lead Out gravitational energy and thus could not climb up steep hills.

Mr. Chao Ching San improved the Liang Car with banks of batteries.  Mr. Chao and team drove 1,500 KM to Beijing and got Certified as Electric Car needing 8 KWH per 100 KM.  Details are also available on this thread.

*** If there were no more questions on the simple pulse pendulum, I shall proceed to describe how to build the ?ideal pulse motor? theoretically.  It has already been built by the CIA or the Like in USA.  Multiple similar projects started in China.  I shall add elements to improve it to a Flying Saucer.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 10, 2007, 06:03:31 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 10, 2007, 05:46:20 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 10, 2007, 02:43:48 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 10, 2007, 10:21:16 AM

You you seem to think that 8000 pulses per minute (with each pulse being 1/133 of a second) is a way to lead out energy.  How is a pulse that is 1/133 of a second in duration any different from a punch?

Punch = pass energy to another object.  May even damage it.
Pulse (Lee-Tseung) = pass and lead out energy into same system.  Make sure no harm is done.

You are using circular reasoning.  I am asking you what are the characteristics of a pulse that leads out energy.  You are saying in essence is that a pulse that leads out energy is a pulse that passes and leads out energy.

Damage is merely a factor of how strong the objects are relatively.  In the desk toy example, one pendulum does not damage the other.   The impact is brief, similar to the 1/133 of a second in the example you bring up, so I fail to see the difference.

Punch = pass energy to another object.  May even damage it.
Pulse (Lee-Tseung) = pass and lead out energy into same system.  Make sure no harm is done.

In Lawyer's terms:
(1) You punch someone, you go to jail.
(2) You push someone, you get a warning.

Your not understanding physics (failing to see) is tolerated.  I shall proceed knowing that you are struggling to follow.  It is impossible to provide years of technical training in a few posts (or hundreds, thousands).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 10, 2007, 07:25:07 PM
G'day Lawrence,

I wouldn't be so keen to quote Joseph Newman as support of my theories if I were you. The guy has not an enviable reputation. His so called devices have been kicking around for years and the only beneficiary of his ideas was him, by extracting money from gullible investors.

I do not claim to have a direct line to God, as he claims, nor am I in the habit of "marrying" eight year old girls forcing Child Protection Agencies to step in and remove the child to safer surroundings. Perhaps that disqualifies me from judging his so called efforts.

As to the Chinese patents, all we have is anecdotal evidence which appears very thin if looked at in the harsh light of reality.

I would require a lot more than that to be convinced that there is surplus energy in "Pulse Power".

As to Bedini and Adams, after decades of trying various configurations no real replicable results have been achieved there either.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 10, 2007, 08:04:59 PM
Attached is the first draft document for discussion of the "ideal Pulse Motor".

It will be revised many times before actual impementation.  It is for those who are willing to take up the challenge of "experimental physicists".  There are no materials list, no circuit diagrams, no step-by-step instructions and no teachers to hold hands when there are problems.

The top Universities and Research Establishments in China already took up the challenge.  You can just wait for their results.  (If you are associated with the CIA or the Like, you may be able to get their working model.)

If you want to have fun, please feel free to contribute.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on October 10, 2007, 09:16:39 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 10, 2007, 06:03:31 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 10, 2007, 05:46:20 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 10, 2007, 02:43:48 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 10, 2007, 10:21:16 AM

You you seem to think that 8000 pulses per minute (with each pulse being 1/133 of a second) is a way to lead out energy.  How is a pulse that is 1/133 of a second in duration any different from a punch?

Punch = pass energy to another object.  May even damage it.
Pulse (Lee-Tseung) = pass and lead out energy into same system.  Make sure no harm is done.

You are using circular reasoning.  I am asking you what are the characteristics of a pulse that leads out energy.  You are saying in essence is that a pulse that leads out energy is a pulse that passes and leads out energy.

Damage is merely a factor of how strong the objects are relatively.  In the desk toy example, one pendulum does not damage the other.   The impact is brief, similar to the 1/133 of a second in the example you bring up, so I fail to see the difference.

Punch = pass energy to another object.  May even damage it.
Pulse (Lee-Tseung) = pass and lead out energy into same system.  Make sure no harm is done.

In Lawyer's terms:
(1) You punch someone, you go to jail.
(2) You push someone, you get a warning.

Your not understanding physics (failing to see) is tolerated.  I shall proceed knowing that you are struggling to follow.  It is impossible to provide years of technical training in a few posts (or hundreds, thousands).

You attempt to dumb things down for me does not help.  I am not much more removed from this field than you are, despite your claims to be a physicist.  If your resume is accurate, the only credential you have that bears on this discussion is your BS in Physics, acquired 50 years ago.  What else is there, an MS in Aero?  This is not aeronautics.  And professionally, you worked with computer networks.  So please, do not pretend you are a life long physicist.

Second, you did not answer the question.  If a 1/133 of second pulse leads out energy, why does the collision of one pendulum into a still pendulum not qualify as a pulse that leads out energy?  Neither sphere takes any damage.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on October 10, 2007, 09:30:23 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 10, 2007, 01:11:17 AM
(3)   If the punch is very slow - to become a push, the String of the Punch bag will move.  The Punch bag system then simulates a Pendulum.  (Pushing a person is very different from punching a person.)

Hope the reasons are clear.

Ok, so you want a gentle force applied through a significant portion of the travel.  How about this:

- a pendulum with a 20g weight and a 20cm string is raised 10cm to a 60 degree angle off vertical and held in place.

- a spring is compressed 3cm, storing 2 mJ of energy, and held against the pendulum weight in such a way that it pushes along the pendulum's direction of travel.

- the pendulum weight is released while other side of the spring is held in place.

- the spring contributes 2 mJ of energy to the pendulum, the pendulum swings down and up to a maximum height of .... what?

CoE says 20cm above the bottom of its travel.  What do you say?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 10, 2007, 09:51:30 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 10, 2007, 09:16:39 PM

If a 1/133 of second pulse leads out energy, why does the collision of one pendulum into a still pendulum not qualify as a pulse that leads out energy?  Neither sphere takes any damage.

In Physics, consider the momentum of the two spheres before and after the collision.

Momentum of Pendulum A = m x maximum velocity
Momentum of Pendulum E = 0
Total net momentum = m x maximum velocity

Momentum of Pendulum A = 0
Momentum of Pendulum E = m x maximum velocity
Total net momentum = m x maximum velocity

There is transfer of momentum (and hence energy) from Pendulum A to Pendulum E.  However, there is no external energy input to lead out gravitational energy.

In the 1/133 second Pulse (periodic repeated), we use electromagnetic attraction or repulsion to input external energy to the rotating cylinder.  This additional energy input will lead out both gravitational and electron motion energy.

May be the use of the term Pulse is causing too much confusion.  We can invent a new word - Lee-Tseung Impartation of energy or something.  (This was suggested in the steorn.com forum.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: armagdn03 on October 10, 2007, 10:31:06 PM
sorry to but in, but I do believe lifting the first sphere and giving it gravitational potential energy qualifies as adding energy to the system. unless you mean to say that energy must be added at the time of implulse,
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: lancaIV on October 10, 2007, 11:00:57 PM
Hello Mr. Lawrence,
there is a company in Germany: "Power Hybrid"
Their selling objects are based by the inventions from Mr. Manfred Sonntag(Duisburg).

Mr. Sonntag converted a conventional IC-car to an hybrid-car,
at first this seems not special,
but the electric-motor as electric drive,he got from a washing-machine !
+/-  3 KW max.,for a washing-machine-motor,do you agree ?

The experimental REVA NGX showed an electricity consumption of 24 KWH for 200 KM,
less 6 KWH power recuperation,
this means 18 KWH for 200 KM range or 9 KWH for the 100 KM range !

Why do you think that your example of the 8 KWH/100 KM ,Mr. Chao Ching San`s car, is so special ?
KG weight of the car, max. speed - extraordinary ?

              de Lan?a
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 11, 2007, 12:09:05 AM
G'day Lawrence,

What gives with these idiotic power point presentations that many cannot read. Post what you have to say in such a way that people with less resources than you can understand what you are saying.

Or, are you afraid to publish your ideas like everyone else??

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 11, 2007, 12:17:13 AM
Quote from: lancaIV on October 10, 2007, 11:00:57 PM
Hello Mr. Lawrence,
there is a company in Germany: "Power Hybrid"
Their selling objects are based by the inventions from Mr. Manfred Sonntag(Duisburg).

Mr. Sonntag converted a conventional IC-car to an hybrid-car,
at first this seems not special,
but the electric-motor as electric drive,he got from a washing-machine !
+/-  3 KW max.,for a washing-machine-motor,do you agree ?

The experimental REVA NGX showed an electricity consumption of 24 KWH for 200 KM,
less 6 KWH power recuperation,
this means 18 KWH for 200 KM range or 9 KWH for the 100 KM range !

Why do you think that your example of the 8 KWH/100 KM ,Mr. Chao Ching San`s car, is so special ?
KG weight of the car, max. speed - extraordinary ?

              de Lan?a

Some other Figures include maximum speed 102 KM/Hr; rechargeable range 550 KM. 

The extraordinary feature is that the rechargeable function is adjustable!  The energy consumption can be adjusted to 0KWH or even Negative (providing electricity such as air conditioning). 

It was a political decision to adjust the consumption to 8KWH/100KM.  Lee Cheung Kin spent a week working on this and was satified that the car engine was similar to the Liang IC Pulse Driven cylinder.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 11, 2007, 01:26:35 AM
G'day all,

I am sorry but someone here has got his wires crossed. The hybrid car by Manfred Sonntag does NOT run on electricity.The washingmachine motor is there as an auxiliary drive mechanism that contributes to the motion of the vehicle during times of PEAK DEMAND.

In his original car that meant that the petrol consumption went from 8l/100 km  to  6l/100km.

That in itself is quite an achievement though nothing of the order of what is claimed here.

In the proposed production version a Peugeot 407 is being converted which changes the petrol consumption from the standard 9.6l/100 km to 8.1l/100 km.   Source:   http://www.swr.de/rasthaus/archiv/2006/02/18/beitrag4.html 

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 11, 2007, 04:06:36 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 11, 2007, 12:17:13 AM
Quote from: lancaIV on October 10, 2007, 11:00:57 PM
Hello Mr. Lawrence,
there is a company in Germany: "Power Hybrid"
Their selling objects are based by the inventions from Mr. Manfred Sonntag(Duisburg).

Mr. Sonntag converted a conventional IC-car to an hybrid-car,
at first this seems not special,
but the electric-motor as electric drive,he got from a washing-machine !
+/-  3 KW max.,for a washing-machine-motor,do you agree ?

The experimental REVA NGX showed an electricity consumption of 24 KWH for 200 KM,
less 6 KWH power recuperation,
this means 18 KWH for 200 KM range or 9 KWH for the 100 KM range !

Why do you think that your example of the 8 KWH/100 KM ,Mr. Chao Ching San`s car, is so special ?
KG weight of the car, max. speed - extraordinary ?

              de Lan?a

Some other Figures include maximum speed 102 KM/Hr; rechargeable range 550 KM. 

The extraordinary feature is that the rechargeable function is adjustable!  The energy consumption can be adjusted to 0KWH or even Negative (providing electricity such as air conditioning). 

It was a political decision to adjust the consumption to 8KWH/100KM.  Lee Cheung Kin spent a week working on this and was satified that the car engine was similar to the Liang IC Pulse Driven cylinder.

Lawrence, Lawrence,  you told a few little liesies here didn't you? Considering the car runs on a conventional petrol motor your description of it and the assessment of the mysterious Lee Cheung Kin is all bullshit as is probably the mystery car from Mr. Liang.

As to a political decision to hide that the car was running on nothing, naughty naughty Mr. Tseung.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tagor on October 11, 2007, 05:55:17 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 11, 2007, 12:09:05 AM
G'day Lawrence,

What gives with these idiotic power point presentations that many cannot read. Post what you have to say in such a way that people with less resources than you can understand what you are saying.

Or, are you afraid to publish your ideas like everyone else??

Hans von Lieven

the same power point into html presentation
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 11, 2007, 07:43:56 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 11, 2007, 04:06:36 AM

Lawrence, Lawrence,  you told a few little liesies here didn't you? Considering the car runs on a conventional petrol motor your description of it and the assessment of the mysterious Lee Cheung Kin is all bullshit as is probably the mystery car from Mr. Liang.

As to a political decision to hide that the car was running on nothing, naughty naughty Mr. Tseung.

Hans von Lieven

Attached is a picture with the mystrious Lee Cheung Kin on the RHS.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: lancaIV on October 11, 2007, 01:22:27 PM
Good morning Hans von Lieven,
your Peugeot 407 numbers are refering only a disk modification:
this is not an hybrid-equipment !

Parallel or seriell hybrid ?

" Manfred Sonntag, Hybrid Erfinder:
..... Tricks auf Lager:
1. ........................ ."   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, only the electro-motor as drive !
So,only, the washing-machine-motor as max. power  need reference !

              de Lan?a
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 11, 2007, 03:23:05 PM
G'day Lanca,
It says in the article about the car:

Manfred Sonntags Fiesta hat gleich vier Tricks auf Lager:
Manfred Sonntag's Fiesta has four tricks up its sleeve.

1. Der Fiesta kann - sofern die Extra-Batterie im Kofferraum voll ist - ausschlie?lich mit Hilfe des Miele-Motors anfahren, ohne Sprit zu verbrauchen.
1.  The Fiesta can - as long as the extra battery in the boot is fully charged - start on the Miele Motor (Washing machine motor) alone without using any petrol.

2. Der Elektromotor unterst?tzt beim Beschleunigen den Benziner, was auch wieder Sprit spart.
2. The electric motor aids during accelleration the petrol motor, which also saves petrol.

3. Bei jedem Bremsvorgang wird die Extra-Batterie von einem Dynamo geladen.
3. Each application of the brakes charges the extra batteries via a generator.

4. W?hrend der Fahrt kann Manfred Sonntag auf Autogasbetrieb umschalten. Bei Kosten von nur 54 Cent pro Liter Autogas f?hrt er f?r weniger als 3 Euro 100 Kilometer weit.
4. During the journey Manfred Sonntag can switch to LPG. At a cost of only 54 cents per liter of LPG he drives on less than 3 Euro per 100 km.

My comments:

There is NO new technology here, just a clever arrangement of a petrol motor and an electric auxiliary. Every driver knows that starting a motor car and rapid acceleration uses dis-proportionally more petrol than cruising. By having the electric motor step in at those times considerable savings can be made in the petrol consumption. No magic tricks, no energy from nowhere just plain old clever arrangement of existing technology. The battery is recharged using some of the otherwise wasted energy when the brakes are applied. The car at no time drives on the electric motor alone.

Btw. anfahren in this context means start, and not drive. I have left the German text intact to show that I have not taken any liberty with the translation.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: lancaIV on October 11, 2007, 04:14:00 PM
No, I am not writing about a new technology !

And the article describes " start and drive", but with 1 battery as electricity source,
also only a very short range is possible , included  the recharging/lost recuperation !
Better reference:
description: page 1,line 52 to page 2,line 12 !

My intention/proposal is to know :  the real  KWH/100 KM consume, with convenient conditions ,
car weight/seats and speed related!
www.loremo.com  : there is a electricity consume estimation of 2 KWH/100 KM ,(FORUM,e-Loremo)
another example: www.mcn.org/a/omni/ElectriliteM2.htm   "ELECTILITE"


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 12, 2007, 02:49:11 PM
Now I would like to comment on the controversial subject of why many Over Unity Developers failed despite years of hard work. Let me start with Joseph Newman.

(1)   Joseph Newman found that rotating a magnet inside a coil seemed to produce extra energy.  The same Coil could be used as Drive Coil and Pickup Coil.  The Pickup Coil could recharge dead batteries.

(2)   Joseph Newman demonstrated that he could drive a heavy vehicle from batteries recharged by his motor.  The batteries did not get depleted.  He concluded that he achieved over unity.

(3)   The tests by external experts were the simple checking of Output Power against Input Power.  When External Load was increased, the rotational speed of the Newman Motor would decrease.  This decrease would cause a drop in Output Power generated.  Without the program to adjust the Output Power to External Load, the Newman Motor would fail such conventional tests.

Thus from the standpoint of the Lee-Tseung Theory, the Newman Motor can be improved as follows:

(1)   Newman Motor is just a pulsed (periodic repeated) rotation in a magnetic field with axle in the horizontal direction.  Thus both gravitational and electron motion (magnetic) energy can be Lead Out.

(2)   The Lead Out energy was fed back via the Pickup function of the Coil to recharge the batteries and more.  CoE was never violated.

(3)   For the Newman Motor to become a useful electricity generator, it must be able to adjust its Output Power according to External Load.  One simple way is to change the current to the Coil to keep the magnets rotating at approximately the same speed.

(4)   Once the mechanism in (3) is added, the Newman Motor can pass the conventional tests as an Electricity Generator.

(5)   The better way is to have multiple Drive and Pickup Coils for greater range and control ? the ?225HP Pulse Motor?.

*** Edited to add:
Almost all the known Magnetic Rotational Devices can be improved with the above recommendation.  It should now be clear to all testers that treating the invention as a black box and measuring the Output Power to Input Power would fail to give the invention justice.   

Thank you to Ash et al for doing the Chas Campbell tests.  I realized the above only after carefully studying and re-studying the reports and videos.  The fishing definitely helped.

Lawrence Tseung
Knowing the Lee-Tseung theory thoroughly Leads Out easy improvement for the Newman and other magnetic rotation Motors.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 13, 2007, 01:01:07 AM
Comments from one of the top research institutes in China.

I shall present their comments in Chinese first.  Ms. Forever Yuen or some of you may translate it into English later.  The quick summary is that they believed in the validity of the Lee-Tseung theory.  They would like to work with Lee-Tseung and other interested parties to benefit the World.

1.   Ã¤Â¹â,,¢Ã¦â€"¹å¾ž?打秋åÆ'的奧秘?éâ€"‹å§‹ï¼Å'深入淺出åÅ"°è¬›è§£äº†?宇å®â,,¢Ã¦â€"°èÆ'½æº?çš„çâ,,¢Â¼Ã¥Â±â€¢Ã¥â€™Å'多樣æâ,¬Â§Ã¯Â¼â€ºÃ¥Å"°çÆ'引力èÆ'½å‹•åŠ›æ©Ÿå’Å'çâ,,¢Â¼Ã©â€ºÂ»Ã¦Â©Å¸Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¥Å½Å¸Ã§Ââ€ Ã£â,¬ÂÃ¥Â¯Â¦Ã©Â©â€"證明å’Å'計ç®â€"æâ€"¹ç¨‹å¼ï¼Å'獲åâ€"Ã¥Å"°çÆ'引力場èÆ'½é‡å’Å'磁場èÆ'½é‡çš„æâ€"¹æ³•ï¼Å'éâ,¬Å¡Ã©ÂÅ½Ã§Ââ€ Ã¨Â«â€"分析åÅ"‹å…§å¤â€"çâ,,¢Â¼Ã¦ËœÅ½Ã¥Â°Ë†Ã¥Ë†Â©Ã¯Â¼Å'證明李ãâ,¬ÂÃ¨â€Â£Ã¥â€¦Ë†Ã§â€Å¸Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¥Å¸ÂºÃ§Â¤Å½Ã§Ââ€ Ã¨Â«â€"研究具æÅ"‰ç„¡å¯çˆ­è¾¯çš„示範證明å’Å'可靠依據ãâ,¬â€š

2.   Ã§â€Â²Ã¦â€"¹èªçˆ²ï¼šæŽãâ,¬ÂÃ¨â€Â£Ã¥â€¦Ë†Ã§â€Å¸Ã§Å¡â€ž?宇å®â,,¢Ã¦â€"°èÆ'½æº?? 基礎理è«â€"研究ï¼Å'爲人類大規模利用宇å®â,,¢Ã¦â€"°èÆ'½æºå¥ å®šäº†ç§‘å­¸ãâ,¬ÂÃ¥Â â€¦Ã¥Â¯Â¦Ã§Å¡â€žÃ§Ââ€ Ã¨Â«â€"基礎ï¼Å'將徹底爲人類解决èÆ'½æºç·Šç¼ºãâ,¬ÂÃ§â€™Â°Ã¥Â¢Æ'污染嚴重的重大難é¡Å'ãâ,¬ÂÃ¥Â¯Â¦Ã§ÂÂ¾Ã¤ÂºÂºÃ©Â¡Å¾Ã¥Â¤Å¡Ã¥Â¹Â´Ã¤Â¾â€ Ã¥Â°â€¹Ã¦Â±â€šÃ§Å¡â€žÃ¯Â¼Å'èâ,¬Å'且是åâ€"之不盡ãâ,¬ÂÃ§â€Â¨Ã¤Â¹â€¹Ã¤Â¸ÂÃ§Â«Â­Ã£â,¬ÂÃ¥Â»â€°Ã¥Æ'¹ç’°ä¿çš„æâ€"°èÆ'½æºç†æÆ'³ãâ,¬â€šÃ©â,¬â,,¢Ã¦ËœÂ¯Ã¤Â¸â,¬Ã©Â â€¦Ã¤Â¸â€"ç´â,¬Ã¦â,¬Â§Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¥Â¤Â§Ã§â,,¢Â¼Ã§ÂÂ¾Ã¯Â¼Å'是驚天動åÅ"°çš„偉大çâ,,¢Â¼Ã¦ËœÅ½Ã¥â€°ÂµÃ¦â€"°ãâ,¬â€šÃ¥Å"¨21æâ€"°ä¸â€"ç´â,¬Ã¨Â£ÂÃ¯Â¼Å'éâ,¬â,,¢Ã§Â¨Â®Ã¥â€¦ÂÃ¨Â²Â»Ã§â€™Â°Ã¤Â¿ÂÃ§Å¡â€ž?宇å®â,,¢Ã¦â€"°èÆ'½æº?必將全面åâ€"代現代人類使用的ãâ,¬ÂÃ¦Å"‰æç’°ä¿çš„?Ã¥Å'â€"石ç‡Æ'æâ€"â,,¢Ã¨Æ'½æº?ãâ,¬â€šÃ©â,¬â,,¢Ã¥Â Â´Ã¦â€"°ä¸â€"ç´â,¬Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¨Æ'½æºé©å‘½å¿…å°‡æÅ"Æ'Ã¥Å"¨å„åâ,¬â€¹Ã©Â ËœÃ¥Å¸Å¸Ã¥Â¼â€¢Ã§â,,¢Â¼Ã¤Â¸â,¬Ã¥Â Â´Ã¦â€"°çš„æŠâ,¬Ã¨Â¡â€œÃ©ÂÂ©Ã¥â€˜Â½Ã¯Â¼Å'從èâ,¬Å'改變人類現æÅ"‰çš„生存模式ï¼Å'ä¿Æ'使人類éâ,¬Â²Ã¥â€¦Â¥Ã¥â,¬â€¹Ã¥â€¦Â¨Ã¦â€"°çš„現代åÅ'â€"æâ,,¢â€šÃ¤Â»Â£Ã£â,¬â€šÃ©Â¡ËœÃ¨Ë†â€¡Ã¤Â¹â,,¢Ã¦â€"¹é•·æÅ"Ÿå¯†åˆ‡åˆä½Å"ãâ,¬â€šÃ§Ë†Â²?宇å®â,,¢Ã¦â€"°èÆ'½æº?的推廣應用産業åÅ'â€"ãâ,¬ÂÃ¥â€¦Â¨Ã§ÂÆ'Ã¥Å'â€"ä½Å"出貢獻ãâ,¬â€š

3. ?宇å®â,,¢Ã¦â€"°èÆ'½æº?的研究ãâ,¬ÂÃ©â€"‹çâ,,¢Â¼Ã¦ËœÂ¯Ã¥â,¬â€¹Ã©ÂÅ¾Ã¥Â¸Â¸Ã©Â¾ÂÃ¥Â¤Â§Ã§Å¡â€žÃ§Â³Â»Ã§ÂµÂ±Ã¥Â·Â¥Ã§Â¨â€¹Ã£â,¬â€šÃ¥Â¿â€¦Ã©Â Ë†Ã¥Å"˜çµ?宇å®â,,¢Ã¦â€"°èÆ'½æº?çâ,,¢Â¼Ã¦ËœÅ½Ã¨â,¬â€¦Ã¤Â¸â,¬Ã¨ÂµÂ·Ã¦â€Â»Ã¥â€¦â€¹Ã¥Â¯Â¦Ã§â€Â¨Ã¥Å'â€"ãâ,¬ÂÃ§â€Â£Ã¦Â¥Â­Ã¥Å'â€"的難é¡Å';必須運用現代研究ãâ,¬ÂÃ¨Â¨Â­Ã¨Â¨Ë†Ã¦â€°â€¹Ã¦Â®Âµ(Ã¥Å'…括現代試é©â€"ãâ,¬ÂÃ¨Â£Â½Ã©â,¬Â Ã£â,¬ÂÃ¦ÂªÂ¢Ã¦Â¸Â¬Ã¦Å â,¬Ã¨Â¡â€œ)對應用設計做大量細緻ãâ,¬ÂÃ¨â€°Â±Ã¨â€¹Â¦Ã§Å¡â€žÃ§Â â€Ã§Â©Â¶Ã¥Â·Â¥Ã¤Â½Å"ãâ,¬â€šÃ¥Â¾Å¾Ã¦Å"‰è¼Æ'好基礎的産品éâ€"‹å§‹ï¼Å'獲å¾â€"應用突破ï¼Å'實現産業åÅ'â€"ãâ,¬â€šÃ§Â¸Â½Ã§ÂµÂÃ¨Â¨Â­Ã¨Â¨Ë†Ã¨Â¦ÂÃ¥Â¾â€¹Ã¥â€™Å'製éâ,¬Â Ã¥Â·Â¥Ã¨â€"è¦ç¯„ï¼Å'然å¾Å'éâ,¬ÂÃ¦Â­Â¥Ã¦Å½Â¨Ã¥Â»Â£Ã£â,¬â€š
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 13, 2007, 02:46:05 AM
I would like to meet Ms Forever Yuen.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 13, 2007, 03:00:12 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 13, 2007, 01:01:07 AM
Comments from one of the top research institutes in China.

Isn't it comical to think that such and such advanced research institutes would like to work with Mr. Tseung....

but there are no names and no top notched researches or name brand person willing to state publicly they think Mr. Tseung really has something worthwhile to share with the world?

You would think that Einstein was welcomed with open arms because really had something to prove. The same cannot be said of Mr. Tseung's theories.

All we hear is Mr. Tseung's own mind games. Are these research institutes real or they think he's nuts and too 'Chinese' to acknowledge?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 13, 2007, 03:12:17 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 04, 2007, 01:23:42 AM
G'day all,

Here is my very last post on the subject.

I heard back from Tsing Hua alright. They do know of him and his theories. When asked if Tsing Hua endorsed his theories and had projects that involved his ideas they became suddenly very polite and evasive.

How very Chinese.

I leave you to judge what this means.

Hans von Lieven

QuoteAll we hear is Mr. Tseung's own mind games. Are these research institutes real or they think he's nuts and too 'Chinese' to acknowledge?


G'day Chris,

Tsing Hua is real, in fact it is considered the MIT of China. As to the rest, that was my impression.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 13, 2007, 03:19:15 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 13, 2007, 03:12:17 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 04, 2007, 01:23:42 AM
G'day all,

Here is my very last post on the subject.

I heard back from Tsing Hua alright. They do know of him and his theories. When asked if Tsing Hua endorsed his theories and had projects that involved his ideas they became suddenly very polite and evasive.

How very Chinese.

I leave you to judge what this means.

Hans von Lieven

QuoteAll we hear is Mr. Tseung's own mind games. Are these research institutes real or they think he's nuts and too 'Chinese' to acknowledge?


G'day Chris,

Tsing Hua is real, in fact it is considered the MIT of China. As to the rest, that was my impression.

Hans von Lieven

G'day Hans,
Oh, I do know TsingHua as the MIT of China. I've been on their campus too.
It's just that this guy blows so much smoke and there's no one out there who's brave enough to come out and actually endorse his teachings. Not one!
So, is this guy so full of himself or has some mental issues? You have to decide. I've seen enough of the BS.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 13, 2007, 06:19:31 AM
I have started a new thread at forum.go-here.nl where I have moderator privilege.  The title of the thread is:
Building the "theoretical ideal pulse motor".

The web address is:

Please be warned that I shall edit or delete posts without notice.  If you object to that, please use the thread here.

I found that free speech produces too much noise for the old Tseung.  He gets distracted from the technical discussions.

Lawrence Tseung
Too much noise Leads Out Tseung to use his moderator privilege in forum.go-here.nl.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 13, 2007, 06:22:01 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 13, 2007, 06:19:31 AM
I have started a new thread at forum.go-here.nl where I have moderator privilege.  The title of the thread is:
Building the "theoretical ideal pulse motor".

The web address is:

Please be warned that I shall edit or delete posts without notice.  If you object to that, please use the thread here.

I found that free speech produces too much noise for the old Tseung.  He gets distracted from the technical discussions.

Lawrence Tseung
Too much noise Leads Out Tseung to use his moderator privilege in forum.go-here.nl.

Hahahaha! Old Tseung, you are so funny! Who needs to go to yet another forum where you can edit out other people who disagree with you? My goodness! Times have changed since you were a young man. We live in a democratic society where freedom of speech and freedom to question may not be part of your old teachings.

Sorry, but times really have changed. The commies in China may not think so and I am sorry to see the amount of western education you had in the UK and US somehow somehow did not mean much to you?

It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Alas, but that's so true.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 13, 2007, 06:41:23 PM
Please be warned that I shall edit or delete posts without notice.  If you object to that, please use the thread here.

I found that free speech produces too much noise for the old Tseung.  He gets distracted from the technical discussions.

Lawrence Tseung
Too much noise Leads Out Tseung to use his moderator privilege in forum.go-here.nl.

Editing other people's posts????   Naughty Naughty Mr Tseung!

If you stopped telling lies and talked some sense instead of bullshit you would not need to!

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on October 13, 2007, 06:41:37 PM
Quote from: chrisC on October 13, 2007, 06:22:01 PM
Hahahaha! Old Tseung, you are so funny! Who needs to go to yet another forum where you can edit out other people who disagree with you? My goodness! Times have changed since you were a young man. We live in a democratic society where freedom of speech and freedom to question may not be part of your old teachings.

Sorry, but times really have changed. The commies in China may not think so and I am sorry to see the amount of western education you had in the UK and US somehow somehow did not mean much to you?

It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Alas, but that's so true.


I think he has been editing out comments very well.  All that is left on that forum are his own postings.  Very clean and no "noise!"
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 13, 2007, 06:57:09 PM
Some initial thoughts after reading the Adams Motor.

So the poor Adams also have bad experience with CIA or the Like.  I suppose that I got off lightly with that encounter.

Lawrence Tseung
Adams experience Leads Out sympathy from Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 13, 2007, 10:16:35 PM
I think people should have more mercy on their reed switches. :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 14, 2007, 05:23:54 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on October 13, 2007, 10:16:35 PM
I think people should have more mercy on their reed switches. :D



Is it possible that the Lee-Tseung theory can improve the many known Cosmic Energy Inventions via just one simple suggestion??? Introduce the Input-Output adjustment mechanism or program!!!

Lawrence Tseung
Gaby?s Mercy Plead Leads Out the daring thought from the old Tseung.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 17, 2007, 12:20:40 PM
See http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?t=99&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=10

I can now describe how Cosmic Energy can be Lead Out from:
(1) The first push of the pendulum from rest position to LHS
(2) The second pull from the maximum position on LHS
(3) The third pull after the pendulum swings to the maximum position on the RHS
(4) The subsequent repeat of (2) and (3)
(5) The extension to Magnetic Fields (Electron Motion)
(6) The extension to Electric Fields (Electron Motion)
(7) The extension to unbalanced rotations
(8 ) The extension to pulsed balanced rotations
(9) The extension to flux change systems
(10) The extension to Flying Saucers

It was like building the jigsaw puzzle. Lee and I had the basic idea. As we put in additional pieces, the picture becomes clearer and clearer. 

Step (1) The first push of the pendulum from rest position to LHS

We can clearly apply the Vector Mathematics of Integrals to this situation. This case has the horizontal force applied all the way. We can use the Law of parallelogram of forces. We can resovle the displacement into the vertical and horizontal components. We can also resolve the force into the vertical and horizontal components.

This analysis shows that some energy must come from the tension of the string. (Hroizontal force without the use of machines such as pulleys, levers etc. cannot do work in the vertical direction.)

This "string energy" is the Lead Out Gravitational Energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 17, 2007, 08:10:33 PM
Main desktop PC attacked by Virus.

Using backup.

Main focus will be at forum.go-here.com.  The first 4 steps have been outlined there.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 17, 2007, 09:02:01 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 17, 2007, 08:10:33 PM
Main desktop PC attacked by Virus.

Using backup.

Main focus will be at forum.go-here.com.  The first 4 steps have been outlined there.


Just for a moment, I thought we were not going to enjoy your delusions anymore; since there were no posts from you the last few days!

I sure was dissapointed! I am sorry to hear about the (CIA laced) virus. It's OK to imply the CIA and the like are out to get your computer. We'll understand.


Title: Physics and Mathematics Challenge
Post by: ltseung888 on October 18, 2007, 04:05:45 AM
From: http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?p=334#334

Quote from: ltseung888
Quote from: AnonymousDear Mr. Tseung,

If the first Push provides a COP of 1.5, how about the second Pull, the third and subsequent Pulls?

This is an excellent question.

I shall simplify it with an actual example.  Let us assume:

(1) The Pendulum has swung to an angle of 30 degrees on the LHS.
(2) The Pull Force will further increase the angle from 30 degrees to 32 degrees.
(3) You may use further simplifications but please state them,

We should be able to use the Law of Parallelogram of Forces to this particular situation.  It may not be an exact solution.  The approximation will give us much additional insight.

Any one willing to take on this challenge?
Title: Re: Physics and Mathematics Challenge
Post by: ltseung888 on October 19, 2007, 01:00:46 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 18, 2007, 04:05:45 AM
From: http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?p=334#334

Quote from: AnonymousDear Mr. Tseung,

If the first Push provides a COP of 1.5, how about the second Pull, the third and subsequent Pulls?

The COP in this case of a 30 degree Pull for 2 degrees is 1.70.  See attached file.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 21, 2007, 08:29:25 PM
I can now describe how Cosmic Energy can be Lead Out from:
(1) The first push of the pendulum from rest position to LHS
(2) The second pull from the maximum position on LHS
(3) The third pull after the pendulum swings to the maximum position on the RHS
(4) The subsequent repeat of (2) and (3)
(5) The extension to Magnetic Fields (Electron Motion)
(6) The extension to Electric Fields (Electron Motion)
(7) The extension to unbalanced rotations
(8 ) The extension to pulsed balanced rotations
(9) The extension to flux change systems
(10) The extension to Flying Saucers

The description of the first step is:

The description of the last step is:

It is a great feeling that there were no disrupting posts for a few days.  The use of a separate forum with moderator privilege is highly recommended.

Lawrence Tseung
Lack of disrupting posts Leads Out clear presentation of ideas
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 21, 2007, 08:34:38 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 21, 2007, 08:29:25 PM
I can now describe how Cosmic Energy can be Lead Out from:

It is a great feeling that there were no disrupting posts for a few days.  The use of a separate forum with moderator privilege is highly recommended.

Lawrence Tseung
Lack of disrupting posts Leads Out clear presentation of ideas

Look at it another way. No one gives a hoot about delusional posts with 'moderator' privileges! You're answering your own posts! Some kind of odd humor you have Mr. Tseung.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 22, 2007, 01:04:54 AM
Quote from: foreverComments on balanced rotations

1.The best way of leading energy out from a pendulum is to apply a pull force perpendicular to the direction of the moving arc.

2.Intuitively, I believe the best way to lead out energy from a rotating cylinder is also to provide forces perpendicular to the direction of movement.

3.This means applying the force tangentially.

What do you think about my intuition?

Dear Forever,

I love your intuition.  I am going to open your posts for comments from all.
More details are in http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?p=344#344.

Your intuition simplifies development for many Over Unity Inventors.  There is no more need for guessing.  Just apply tangential force to rotations.

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 22, 2007, 01:13:05 AM
I would still like to meet Forever.  Even though she is probably smarter than me.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 22, 2007, 02:58:17 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 22, 2007, 01:04:54 AM
Quote from: foreverComments on balanced rotations

1.The best way of leading energy out from a pendulum is to apply a pull force perpendicular to the direction of the moving arc.

2.Intuitively, I believe the best way to lead out energy from a rotating cylinder is also to provide forces perpendicular to the direction of movement.

3.This means applying the force tangentially.

What do you think about my intuition?

Dear Forever,

I love your intuition.  I am going to open your posts for comments from all.
More details are in http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?p=344#344.

Your intuition simplifies development for many Over Unity Inventors.  There is no more need for guessing.  Just apply tangential force to rotations.

Lawrence Tseung

What utter rot,

I don't know who MS. Forever Yuen is, presumably just an other one of Lawrence's alter egos. No Lawrence, don't post another picture anyone can post a picture and say it is real only because it shows some attractive Chinese lady.

Whatever the story, real or not, neither of you has an elementary grasp of physics.

Every engineer knows, and I don't mean because they read it in a book but because they WORK with such things every day, that if you apply a force perpendicular to the natural movement of a body, its movement becomes erratic and it starts losing energy.

This is true for wheels, pendula and anything else that moves.

Neither of you understand the basics of motion, I suggest you go back to school and learn something about physics before you publish stuff like this.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 23, 2007, 08:39:42 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 22, 2007, 02:58:17 AM

Every engineer knows, and I don't mean because they read it in a book but because they WORK with such things every day, that if you apply a force perpendicular to the natural movement of a body, its movement becomes erratic and it starts losing energy.

This is true for wheels, pendula and anything else that moves.

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

I believe that every Engineer also knows something about Newton's Laws of Motion.  An object traveling in a straight line with velocity v will continue traveling with velocity v if there were no other forces acting on it.

In Circular Motion, there will be centripetal force acting perpendicular to direction of motion. Even though there is a force, no work is done because there is no displacement in the direction of the force.

For the Lee-Tseung theory to be applicable, we need the Pulse (periodic Push or Pull) to do work to Lead Out Gravitational or Electron Motion Energy.  When we apply it to the circular motion of a pendulum or a rotating wheel, the wheel has to accelerate and decelerate.  This is the phenomenon of ?if you apply a force perpendicular to the natural movement of a body, its movement becomes erratic and it starts losing energy.?  The Lee-Tseung Pull or Push is to try to spin the wheel faster (accelerate) and let the Output Energy to slow down the wheel (decelerate).

Most Engineers were trained to try to achieve balanced rotation. For example, to balance a wheel, they put small weights at the rim to ensure balance and constant velocity rotation.  This is totally different from the Lee-Tseung Requirement of ?Letting the periodic Pull or Push (Pulse)? to do work to Lead Out Gravitational Energy.

What you regard as Engineering Stupidity and Nonsense is vital to the design of the Cosmic Energy Machines.  The Wang Device is the clearest example of unbalanced rotation.  Details in http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/wang3a.htm.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 23, 2007, 08:59:33 PM
You are dreaming Lawrence'

When you apply a pulse (any pulse) perpendicular to motion you slow the body in motion down. Brakes operate in such a way. There is no lead out energy in applying a brake.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 23, 2007, 09:22:35 PM
It's easy to power a device with gravity.

Why haven't you figured it out jet Hans?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 23, 2007, 09:30:32 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 23, 2007, 08:39:42 PM
I believe that every Engineer also knows something about Newton's Laws of Motion.  An object traveling in a straight line with velocity v will continue traveling with velocity v if there were no other forces acting on it.

It's cute but it's WRONG!!

An object can only travel if there are other bodies.

If there is nothing else then there is no motion.

A universe demands 2 objects to have the motion phenomenon.

And objects erect gravitational fields.


So there is no linear motion there where there are no other forces.

Which means an object traveling over a curved line will go WAY BEYOND velocity V

End of story!

My space ship gets there 1000 years before yours does. ROFL!!!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 24, 2007, 02:45:29 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 23, 2007, 08:59:33 PM
You are dreaming Lawrence'

When you apply a pulse (any pulse) perpendicular to motion you slow the body in motion down. Brakes operate in such a way. There is no lead out energy in applying a brake.

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

You have to read my posts carefully.  Do not try to twist them.

You can lead out gravitational energy by spinning a wheel with its axle horizontal faster.  There must be acceleration for the tangential force to do work and impart energy to the spinning wheel system.  The most common implementation is via magnetic or electromagnetic means.

You cannot lead out gravitational energy by braking it to cause it to run slower.  You can, however, convert the spinning energy into electrical energy by braking it or via pickup coils.

When we spin a wheel faster, we do not apply force perpendicular to its motion.  We apply the force "in the direction of rotation".


Thank you for giving me moderator privilege at forum.go-here.nl.  It really helped.

Lawrence Tseung
Careful reading Leads Out useful knowledge to the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 24, 2007, 05:00:57 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 23, 2007, 08:39:42 PM
I believe that every Engineer also knows something about Newton's Laws of Motion.  An object traveling in a straight line with velocity v will continue traveling with velocity v if there were no other forces acting on it.

Can you hear yourself Lawrence?

You are the one telling me that by applying a perpendicular force  (or pulse if you wish), which is acting against the direction of motion you gain energy.

All that will do is COST you energy. Nothing to lead out there but losses.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 24, 2007, 05:29:55 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 24, 2007, 02:45:29 AM

Thank you for giving me moderator privilege at forum.go-here.nl.  It really helped.

Lawrence Tseung
Careful reading Leads Out useful knowledge to the World.

Oh, don't thank me, thank you for sharing all the theories inventions and phylosophies. You've created so much documentation I cant keep up just reading everything.

It's time for us to get more organisation into the documentation. I don't exactly know how jet but a few pages with links sorted by subject would be good.

It's also desireable to have the documentation under named url's in basic html. That way my server doesn't have to do anything to serve the information. It's quite labor intensive but the result is very nice from the readers perspective. We should make it easy to look things up. Here is an example.


I'm sure you wrote more about Dr Liang as just that post but it's kind of hard to find at the moment.  Hans is not going to bother searching for it if we cant even find it ourselfs.

I seem to have misplaced our list of inventors, or more like lost it in the forum some place. (haha) I'm sure I can digg it up.

I've also made this page btw


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 24, 2007, 05:32:02 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 24, 2007, 05:00:57 AM
Can you hear yourself Lawrence?

You are the one telling me that by applying a perpendicular force  (or pulse if you wish), which is acting against the direction of motion you gain energy.

All that will do is COST you energy. Nothing to lead out there but losses.

Hans von Lieven

When did I say - applying a perpendicular force  (or pulse if you wish), which is acting against the direction of motion you gain energy.

If I said such nonsense, I should be detained in class if I were in my early teens.  Did the CIA or the Like modified one of my posts???

Please indicate the source of such nonsense.  Thank you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 24, 2007, 06:47:49 AM
Quote from: gyulasun on August 17, 2007, 09:34:20 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on August 16, 2007, 09:47:59 AM
The real problem for us is that the Chinese patent system is very
difficult to deal with. The patent number you quoted was not recognised.
I am sure it exists; I cannot find anything from that web site.

If you want to help us replicate, then we need the claims in English,
along with the rest of the document and the drawings. That would
be very helpful.

Hi Paul,

While I do agree with you wrt what you wrote above, those Chinese patents that are AVAILABLE via the internet at EPO do NOT always include drawings or in other cases claims or even descriptions.  Let me show you an example of that of Lawrence: he wrote the Number as 01123526.6 in his last but one mail, where he also gave the link to the Chinese Patent database and wrote the inventor was Liang Sing Yan.

First, here is a link that takes you to the English language user intro page of the same Chinese Patent database Lawrence gave: http://www.sipo.gov.cn/sipo_English/
(You can also reach this if you use the link by Lawrence and click on 'English' icon at the upper right side corner.)
Second, copy and paste the Number 01123526.6  BUT OMIT decimal .6  so that you search for 01123526 only! ALSO, choose Application Number from the choices under it.
Third, by entering these two and click Go, you receive a new page with 1 result:
ID  App. No.   Title
1  01123526   Cosmic gravity energy acceleration motor vehicle   

and you can click on the title to see some data and the patent Abstract in English:

Title: Cosmic gravity energy acceleration motor vehicle
Application Number:  01123526  Application Date:  2001.07.30
Publication Number:  1400384  Publication Date:  2003.03.05
Approval Pub. Date:    Granted Pub. Date:   
International Classifi-cation:   F03G7/00
Applicant(s) Name:  Liang Xingren
Address:  450052
Inventor(s) Name:   
Attorney & Agent:   
     In a stainless steel cylinder the intelligent chip and intelligent integrated circuit chip and respectively mounted on its two sides, the centre of the stainless steel cylinder is equipped with a shaft connected with external load, said stainless steel cylinder is connected with external load by means of wire, so that said load which does not use any fuel and can start said cosmic gravitational force energy perpetual motion machine can be rotated. Said invention is applicable to various vehicles, and its volume is small, weight is light and it has no pollution.  

Now the important thing is you can see the Publication Number:1400384 and if you place CN as a start: CN1400384 you have got the patent number known by EPO! And if you search this CN1400384 at EPO patent number search you will find it but no any description, claims or drawings except the the same Abstract text, that is all!

Notice that the Applicant Name is Liang Xingren AS known by EPO!  Lawrence knows this as Liang Sing Yan. (Maybe Xing= Sing?)
If you search for the name Liang Xingren at EPO you end up with some 14 very interesting patent titles but no any drawings, in some cases even no description in Chinese either!
For instance I would rather read his thoughts and solutions on this patent: Gravitational energy generator  (Application Number: 200510132560   Publication Number:1841912 i.e. CN1841912)   
It is possible the Chinese Patent Office did not issue the full patent outside of China??


This was an interesting tutorial. If only I knew how to write Chinese names properly I would have a lot to write about. ^_^ I guess much work remains for us Lawrence. Not one of the inventors you mention seems to enjoy much attention online. But I cant read Chinese of course. Do they get much publicity?

Also, could you try look into the Chinese history of perpetual motion for us? I've found so much stuff it's just silly.

Like those high tech bicycles we have today actually had their first prototypes appear back in 1700. The more popular bike frame we have today is quite an oddball compared to it's much more comfortable ancestors. There use to be the same luxurious decoration on cars as on bikes. Soft seats and copper klaxon's!

The Dutch had pretty much tried every possible kind of bike. Fast and comfortable did not combine in the public opinion for some weird reason. The bicycle races banned the fast bikes for not being bicycle enough. Today people still think the bike they see in the tour the France is a really good bike. While in fact a real human powered vehicle can go over 2 times as fast!

They lie to us all the way obviously.

The Chinese had rockets thousands of years ago. There has to be some forgotten perpetual motion myth for us to decode? A number of interesting jet really old Indian designs have surfaced.  There seems to be no time or part of the world where this wasn't investigated?

Or have they been removed from history again? :-[
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 24, 2007, 07:41:11 AM

There were indeed stories of perpetual motion machines in China since ancient times.

There are a few that I could quote on top of my head:

(1) The 15 bucket water wheel.  ä¸Æ'上八落的水車  This water wheel was supposed to have 7 buckets going up and 8 coming down.  This water wheel could raise water up from a lake or pond with no water movement.  The details of the construction was lost but I am confident that it could be reproduced.  I did the first draft of a possible design using the Lee-Tseung theory on the train from Beijing back to Hong Kong in 2006.

(2) The wooden ox and the floating horse.  三åÅ"‹æâ,,¢â€šÃ¤Â»Â£Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¦Å"¨ç‰›æµé¦¬ These devices were supposed to be produced during the war periods of the Three Kingdom.  The wheels were not circular.  They were unbalanced wheels!  I am confident that they could be reproduced.  They were slow even though that they moved "automatically" with some guidance.  The Lee-Tseung theory indeed could be used to help to recreate these devices.

(3) There are over 60 China Patents or Applications related to perpetual motions if you do a patent search using the Chinese Characters of Perpetual Motion Machine 永動機.  Some other China Patents did not use the term 永動機 but from their descriptions, it was obvious that they implied Perpetual Motion.

(4) Lee Cheung Kin and I appeared in front of the China Patent Office to explain our Lee-Tseung theory.  We got good reception (and recommendation to visit Tsing Hua University).  I am confident that the China Patent Office has extremely competent Scientists who can follow our explanations.

(5) The recent meeting with the top research institutes confirmed my belief.  China just sent its Moon Exploration Rocket this evening (live on the 6:00pm News in Hong Kong).  One of their representatives told us that they had strong interest in our technology.  (I hope China will send a Flying Saucer to the Moon first.)

Lawrence Tseung
The many know-it-all debunkers in the West Lead Out high roadblocks for the Cosmic Energy Developers.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 24, 2007, 09:25:57 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 24, 2007, 07:41:11 AM

There were indeed stories of perpetual motion machines in China since ancient times.

There are a few that I could quote on top of my head:

yeah, I'm having a hard time looking inside your head. hehehe I knew it was in there some place tho.

Quote(1) The 15 bucket water wheel.  ä¸Æ'上八落的水車  This water wheel was supposed to have 7 buckets going up and 8 coming down.  This water wheel could raise water up from a lake or pond with no water movement.  The details of the construction was lost but I am confident that it could be reproduced.  I did the first draft of a possible design using the Lee-Tseung theory on the train from Beijing back to Hong Kong in 2006.

Thats exactly what we are looking for! This goes up fast  and down slow. If anything a clue of unballanced rotation is provided right here.

Quote(2) The wooden ox and the floating horse.  三åÅ"‹æâ,,¢â€šÃ¤Â»Â£Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¦Å"¨ç‰›æµé¦¬ These devices were supposed to be produced during the war periods of the Three Kingdom.  The wheels were not circular.  They were unbalanced wheels!  I am confident that they could be reproduced.  They were slow even though that they moved "automatically" with some guidance.  The Lee-Tseung theory indeed could be used to help to recreate these devices.

This is even more amazing!

Sean compared the steorn effect with traveling up and down a hill. I myself discovered that the route though the valley is MUCH shorter as the horizontal route. This is because we are in a gravitational field. Going down hill and up hill again bridges the distance in a fraction of the time. An object can be made to move as fast as you like using the same amount of energy. The energy is only needed for acceleration and even returned when decelerating. Distance and time seem to be unrelated. ^_^

Here we have a guy moving a car using that very same trick.


The sticky spots on the road would need to match those on the wheel to stop it. It can be rocked into motion by oscillatory means.

I envision a concrete cylinder 10 meters long 3 meters in height. Both it's ends have opposing egg shapes. Shifting the weight of the load from one end to the other end of the roller will make it roll 1/4 rotation. Only a relatively small weight needs to be shifted to keep the large mass rolling.

Quote(3) There are over 60 China Patents or Applications related to perpetual motions if you do a patent search using the Chinese Characters of Perpetual Motion Machine 永動機.  Some other China Patents did not use the term 永動機 but from their descriptions, it was obvious that they implied Perpetual Motion.

I think your guess is way below the actual number. If we include those who didn't use the words 永動機 you will find hundreds if not thousands. For example magnetic holding devices. Those all describe switching the flux. The oldest patent I found describes a windmill that looks exactly like a gravity wheel.

Quote(4) Lee Cheung Kin and I appeared in front of the China Patent Office to explain our Lee-Tseung theory.  We got good reception (and recommendation to visit Tsing Hua University).  I am confident that the China Patent Office has extremely competent Scientists who can follow our explanations.

Unlike the US where the patent office has declared the economic death of the continent.  They even have the citizens applaud the assassination of character.

Quote(5) The recent meeting with the top research institutes confirmed my belief.  China just sent its Moon Exploration Rocket this evening (live on the 6:00pm News in Hong Kong).  One of their representatives told us that they had strong interest in our technology.  (I hope China will send a Flying Saucer to the Moon first.)

Lawrence Tseung
The many know-it-all debunkers in the West Lead Out high roadblocks for the Cosmic Energy Developers.

yeah,  the first moon mission in human history.  :D

baby steps lol
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 25, 2007, 01:13:50 PM
Dear Lawrence: Answers in Red.


Quote from: ltseung888 on October 24, 2007, 07:41:11 AM

There were indeed stories of perpetual motion machines in China since ancient times.

There are a few that I could quote on top of my head:

(1) The 15 bucket water wheel.  ä¸Æ'上八落的水車  This water wheel was supposed to have 7 buckets going up and 8 coming down.  This water wheel could raise water up from a lake or pond with no water movement.  The details of the construction was lost but I am confident that it could be reproduced.  I did the first draft of a possible design using the Lee-Tseung theory on the train from Beijing back to Hong Kong in 2006.

Oh how convenient. Just when we need some proof, the stuff is missing? Oh, btw if your theories hold water and it's so easily explained, how come you can't even reproduce a simple experiment other highly educated scientist can testify that Mr. Tseung is no BS. However, we haven't heard anyone of of these smarties confirm you have any substance. Why don't you just do the right thing? i.e prove to the world you are the next Einstein, or simply bury your head in the sand and move on!

(2) The wooden ox and the floating horse.  三åÅ"‹æâ,,¢â€šÃ¤Â»Â£Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¦Å"¨ç‰›æµé¦¬ These devices were supposed to be produced during the war periods of the Three Kingdom.  The wheels were not circular.  They were unbalanced wheels!  I am confident that they could be reproduced.  They were slow even though that they moved "automatically" with some guidance.  The Lee-Tseung theory indeed could be used to help to recreate these devices.

Perhaps the only 'unbalancing' motion we need to investigate is Mr. Tseung's unbalanced mind!  


(4) Lee Cheung Kin and I appeared in front of the China Patent Office to explain our Lee-Tseung theory.  We got good reception (and recommendation to visit Tsing Hua University).  I am confident that the China Patent Office has extremely competent Scientists who can follow our explanations.

Or, perhaps, the Chinese Patent Office officials were too polite to tell you in the face that they think you're NUTs and asked you to go see the 'doctors' in Tsing Hua University? They'll sort you out!

(5) The recent meeting with the top research institutes confirmed my belief.  China just sent its Moon Exploration Rocket this evening (live on the 6:00pm News in Hong Kong).  One of their representatives told us that they had strong interest in our technology.  (I hope China will send a Flying Saucer to the Moon first.)

Moon? The USA has already gone to Mars. Are you still living in the past century?

Lawrence Tseung
The many know-it-all debunkers in the West Lead Out high roadblocks for the Cosmic Energy Developers.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 25, 2007, 02:00:27 PM
Quote from: chrisC on October 25, 2007, 01:13:50 PM
Dear Lawrence: Answers in Red.

You mean you don't even know how to quote Chris? And you don't have an email address? You debunkers are so easy.

Quote from: ltseung888 on October 24, 2007, 07:41:11 AM
There were indeed stories of perpetual motion machines in China since ancient times.

I asked for stories, what part of stories is so hard for you to grasp Chris?


QuoteOh how convenient.  Just when we need some proof,

Who are this " WE " you are talking about Chris? Cant Chris talk for Chris? Chris claims to have needs, Chris should explain what your needs are Chris.  What is it you NEED?? I asked a question THAT'S WHO, I got an answer. I don't remember asking Christ about anything . I think little Chris should go play thought police some place else.

You try make a rational point how you can demand things from my answers? Don't make me laugh man! You can ask your own question. You really have no right to complain about the answers to my questions.

It's quite the opposite actually. I have no need for any non constructive answer to any of my questions. You have no right to stalk anyone for talking with me. You will need to find a new excuse. Or at least be clear who you are whining about. You are currently whining about the answer to my question. It's non of your business eh?

bye bye debunkor kiddie.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on October 25, 2007, 06:27:03 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on October 25, 2007, 02:00:27 PM
It's quite the opposite actually. I have no need for any non constructive answer to any of my questions. You have no right to stalk anyone for talking with me. You will need to find a new excuse. Or at least be clear who you are whining about. You are currently whining about the answer to my question. It's non of your business eh?

bye bye debunkor kiddie.

In your own forum, you can post whatever you like and strike whichever comments you disagree with.  In an open forum, when you post something, you run the risk of being ridiculed.  No one cares what you do and do not have a need for, as far as answers.  When one person spews fantasy, another is free to point this out.

And frankly, what you and Tseung converse about is fantasy.  It is like a child's game of "what if."  You talk about free energy and flying saucers and new forms of government and based on what?  A hypothesis.  It is not even a theory, because the scientific definition of a theory requires some empirical support.  All you have is an idea, and Tseung is apparently no good with tools, so he cannot create the simplest demonstration of any energy being lead out, and you can't either.  All we see are delusional ramblings from him and sycophantic applause from you.

According to Tseung, working free energy devices are coming from China any minute now.  Why don't we put Lead Out on hold until you guys have something to talk about besides Chinese propaganda?  Or are you fishing for money?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 25, 2007, 07:09:08 PM
Actually yes shrugged atlas.

In his last power point presentation Lawrence asks for people, space and money.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 25, 2007, 10:28:50 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on October 25, 2007, 06:27:03 PM

In your own forum, you can post whatever you like and strike whichever comments you disagree with.  In an open forum, when you post something, you run the risk of being ridiculed. 

Why don't you shut up idiot??

Is that clear enough for you?

I'm not talking with you here. I'm taking to debunkor whiner kiddie Chis who contributed nothing but complaints. My main complaint is that little Crhis thinks he speaks for the whole world.

Now I want an answer from Crish why he messed with my conversation. You can mind your own business just like Chrish. Shruggedatlas is going to talk for himself. He doesn't have to talk for the chris kiddie.

I asked Lawrence a question, Chish whined about Lawrence daring to answer my question. Now you are going to talk shit about my complaint about this?

Mind your own business idiot.

You can go stalk some one else now.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 25, 2007, 10:32:09 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 25, 2007, 07:09:08 PM
Actually yes shrugged atlas.

In his last power point presentation Lawrence asks for people, space and money.

Hans von Lieven

Actually yes shrugged atlas.

In his last power point presentation Lawrence asks for people, space and money.

Hans von Lieven

Look everyone! Hans is posting about a person in the 3rd person!

This is probably not how his mama raised him.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 26, 2007, 12:08:35 AM
Learn English Gaby,

My reply to a question was grammatically correct and NOT in the third person!

Besides I signed it!

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 26, 2007, 01:46:51 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on October 25, 2007, 02:00:27 PM
Quote from: chrisC on October 25, 2007, 01:13:50 PM
Dear Lawrence: Answers in Red.

You mean you don't even know how to quote Chris? And you don't have an email address? You debunkers are so easy.

Quote from: ltseung888 on October 24, 2007, 07:41:11 AM
There were indeed stories of perpetual motion machines in China since ancient times.

I asked for stories, what part of stories is so hard for you to grasp Chris?


QuoteOh how convenient.  Just when we need some proof,

Who are this " WE " you are talking about Chris? Cant Chris talk for Chris? Chris claims to have needs, Chris should explain what your needs are Chris.  What is it you NEED?? I asked a question THAT'S WHO, I got an answer. I don't remember asking Christ about anything . I think little Chris should go play thought police some place else.

You try make a rational point how you can demand things from my answers? Don't make me laugh man! You can ask your own question. You really have no right to complain about the answers to my questions.

It's quite the opposite actually. I have no need for any non constructive answer to any of my questions. You have no right to stalk anyone for talking with me. You will need to find a new excuse. Or at least be clear who you are whining about. You are currently whining about the answer to my question. It's non of your business eh?

bye bye debunkor kiddie.

Hey Gaby:

First of all, let me say, you must first improve your English before you start posting on a English web site.
Then you need to understand some rules about this Forum, especially to do with replies to posted messages. Then you should also understand what a 'third' person means. After you have done so  I believe you won't be so stressed out. Chill out!

Now, if you still want to play mind games with old Tseung, by all means do so but know that the rest of the people on this Forum has the right to 'participate'. Otherwise, you're free to hang out with Old Tseung in his own delusional forum. eh?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 26, 2007, 02:02:56 AM
We need more photos of Forever.  She has a beautiful mind.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 26, 2007, 10:45:45 PM
Thank you to Todd Hathaway of The Potomac Energy Projectââ,¬Â and others in proof reading the attached file.

This file will be frozen after additional review and correction.

Note: The major change to V3.0 is the realization that the ideal pulse force for a pendulum is the pull applied perpendicular to the arc of motion at the maximum displaced positions.  This pull will lead out the maximum gravitational energy via the tension in the string.  Similarly, the best pulse force for rotating systems is tangential to the radius (or in the direction of rotation).  The rotating systems should rotate faster due to the pulse force and rotate slower due to external load (friction, work, etc.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 26, 2007, 11:48:59 PM

From the forum.go-here.nl discussions:

The theoretical ideal pull for a pendulum is the pull when the pendulum bob swings to its highest position and perpendicular to the arc of motion.  How can this be realized in practice?

The theoretical ideal pulse for a balanced wheel is tangential and in the direction of rotation.  How can this be realized in practice?

Excellent questions.  I do not have a ready answer.  Let me open them for the Forum Members.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Freezer on October 27, 2007, 12:55:49 AM
Scroll the video to 1:39:00
He shows some pulse devices which might relate.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 27, 2007, 03:22:27 AM
Let me first comment on the simple pendulum. With the simple pendulum, there are two good positions to apply the pull ( A and C in the diagram).

I do not like the simple pendulum as I cannot increase the number of pulls per second easily. The pendulum may remain as a toy device rather than a practical electricity generating machine.  ;D

Forever  Yuen and Lawrence Tseung
Discussion before posting Leads Out good ideas.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on October 27, 2007, 03:33:03 AM
In the diagram, we use balanced rotation. Three pulse points are shown. The application of the pulse is tangential to the direction of rotation (clockwise in this case).

It is possible to always to apply one single pulse to the many points on the rotating cylinder. However, multiple pulse points effectively increases the pulse force amplitude.  ;D

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on October 27, 2007, 03:55:39 AM
We can apply electromagnetic repulsion to try to generate the ideal pulse force. For example, the permanent magnets are inside the rotating cylinder with the North Pole facing outwards. The coils on the outer cylinder are pulsed with the North Pole pointing inwards. The current to the pulse coil is in one single direction but may be on or off. Thus, the coil will show strong or no North Pole properties.

The pulsing frequency is timed as follow:
1. The permanent magnet is slightly on the RHS of the coil. The current to the coil is on.
2. After the repulsion pushes the permanent magnet and hence the rotating cylinder to a mid way position(with another permanent magnet), the current to the coil is turned off.
3. After the next permanent magnet is at position 1, the current to the coil is again turned on.
4. Effectively we are repeating 1 and 2. Thus, the frequency of the current must be correct. In addition, the pulsing will tend to accelerate the rotation. Therefore, a program is required to adjust the frequency or the pulsing current strength.
5. This is what we mean by adjusting the input according to the output load. Most of the overunity developers have not done this( Newman, Bedini, Adams etc.)

;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 27, 2007, 04:20:55 AM
Quote from: Forever on October 27, 2007, 03:33:03 AM
In the diagram, we use balanced rotation. Three pulse points are shown. The application of the pulse is tangential to the direction of rotation (clockwise in this case).

It is possible to always to apply one single pulse to the many points on the rotating cylinder. However, multiple pulse points effectively increases the pulse force amplitude.  ;D

Using multiple pulses takes a lot of stress off the bearings. I'm trying to make it spin suspended in the air, the wheel first tends to float in all directions. Above a not-given(haha) number of rpm's it can stand on a pin. Beyond that there is even a point where the wheel doesn't stand on anything anymore. It's just levitating between the coils. This is not a useful machine jet but it already shows that (mindless?) acceleration and deceleration leads out a lot of bearing friction.

I will let you in on a little secret. The direction of the pulse should be almost straight towards the axle. It should also have some spring like storage. The pulse can then oppose the centrifugal forces and lead out it's power over a range of degrees rather then over a small angle of rotation.

Now for the flux:
Say the wheel has north poles facing outwards. The pulse coils have a ferromagnetic core.

Now we place an additional north pole BEHIND the coil.

The purpose of this magnet is to induct a bit of flux into the core.

The flux inducted into the core should not be enough to repel the rotor magnets by a very small bit.

The rotor magnet should also be able to induct it's field into the core.

We now have 2 opposing fields inducted into the core.

A slight pulse will be enough to generate FULL repulsion in this configuration.

But if you really want godly powers out of the machine then you make this happen by utilising back emf alone.

So the stator coil attracts the rotor magnet.

Then the flux collapses in the coil.

Now we get FULL repulsion at no cost of any kind.

Now I'm going back to my 100% permanent magnet designs. *hahaha*

Quote from: Forever on October 27, 2007, 03:55:39 AM
5. This is what we mean by adjusting the input according to the output load. Most of the overunity developers have not done this( Newman, Bedini, Adams etc.)
But the rotoverter researchers have addressed this topic. :)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 27, 2007, 06:16:26 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on October 27, 2007, 04:20:55 AM

Using multiple pulses takes a lot of stress off the bearings. ...

I will let you in on a little secret. The direction of the pulse should be almost straight towards the axle. It should also have some spring like storage. The pulse can then oppose the centrifugal forces and lead out it's power over a range of degrees rather then over a small angle of rotation.

Now for the flux:
Say the wheel has north poles facing outwards. The pulse coils have a ferromagnetic core.

Now we place an additional north pole BEHIND the coil.

The purpose of this magnet is to induct a bit of flux into the core.

The flux inducted into the core should not be enough to repel the rotor magnets by a very small bit.

The rotor magnet should also be able to induct it's field into the core.

We now have 2 opposing fields inducted into the core.

A slight pulse will be enough to generate FULL repulsion in this configuration.

But if you really want godly powers out of the machine then you make this happen by utilising back emf alone.

So the stator coil attracts the rotor magnet.

Then the flux collapses in the coil.

Now we get FULL repulsion at no cost of any kind.

Now I'm going back to my 100% permanent magnet designs. *hahaha*

Quote from: Forever on October 27, 2007, 03:55:39 AM
5. This is what we mean by adjusting the input according to the output load. Most of the overunity developers have not done this( Newman, Bedini, Adams etc.)
But the rotoverter researchers have addressed this topic. :)



This post is very high quality.  The suggestions will be carefully considered.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 27, 2007, 04:49:02 PM
Quote from: Freezer on October 27, 2007, 12:55:49 AM
Scroll the video to 1:39:00
He shows some pulse devices that might relate.


Dear Freezer,

Thank you for the tip in scrolling to 1:39.  Bedini did have a device with coils and permanent magnets arranged in a way that could lead out gravitational and electron motion energy.  Like Joseph Newman, he also discovered that "seemingly dead batteries" could be recharged with "back EMF".  He was able to produce many prototypes that could demostrate over unity.

If he and Tom Bearden knew the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory then, he could have:
(1) Overcome the objection or roadblock of CoE
(2) Added the program to adjust the Input Pulse with External Load
(3) Drawn electrical or mechanical energy out directly

In other words, he could have produced a slice of the 225 HP device.  He might also have observed the Flying Saucer effect.  (He has rotating magnets.)  I have emailed the Lee-Tseung theory to him/his supporters.  We may be able to produce a win-win scenario.

Lawrence Tseung
Good development work leads out email and theory support from the old Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 27, 2007, 06:17:31 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 27, 2007, 06:16:26 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on October 27, 2007, 04:20:55 AM

Using multiple pulses takes a lot of stress off the bearings. ...

I will let you in on a little secret. The direction of the pulse should be almost straight towards the axle. It should also have some spring like storage. The pulse can then oppose the centrifugal forces and lead out it's power over a range of degrees rather then over a small angle of rotation.

Now for the flux:
Say the wheel has north poles facing outwards. The pulse coils have a ferromagnetic core.

Now we place an additional north pole BEHIND the coil.

The purpose of this magnet is to induct a bit of flux into the core.

The flux inducted into the core should not be enough to repel the rotor magnets by a very small bit.

The rotor magnet should also be able to induct it's field into the core.

We now have 2 opposing fields inducted into the core.

A slight pulse will be enough to generate FULL repulsion in this configuration.

But if you really want godly powers out of the machine then you make this happen by utilising back emf alone.

So the stator coil attracts the rotor magnet.

Then the flux collapses in the coil.

Now we get FULL repulsion at no cost of any kind.

Now I'm going back to my 100% permanent magnet designs. *hahaha*

Quote from: Forever on October 27, 2007, 03:55:39 AM
5. This is what we mean by adjusting the input according to the output load. Most of the overunity developers have not done this( Newman, Bedini, Adams etc.)
But the rotoverter researchers have addressed this topic. :)



This post is very high quality.  The suggestions will be carefully considered.



I call it flux surfing. ^__^

If you rotate the stator magnet by 90 degrees you should be able to run the thing without any coils.

You can make it so that the repulsive front side doesn't get repelled until the backside is inducting it's field into it.

The field inducted by the rear end of the rotor magnet compliments the field inducted by the magnet that sits behind the core. Together they will fully saturnise the core.

This will both push and pull the magnet forwards, the strength of the push is very clear the pulling force is not much bigger a loss as a gain. The push is free. :)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on October 27, 2007, 07:16:20 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on October 27, 2007, 06:17:31 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 27, 2007, 06:16:26 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on October 27, 2007, 04:20:55 AM

Using multiple pulses takes a lot of stress off the bearings. ...

I will let you in on a little secret. The direction of the pulse should be almost straight towards the axle. It should also have some spring like storage. The pulse can then oppose the centrifugal forces and lead out it's power over a range of degrees rather then over a small angle of rotation.

Now for the flux:
Say the wheel has north poles facing outwards. The pulse coils have a ferromagnetic core.

Now we place an additional north pole BEHIND the coil.

The purpose of this magnet is to induct a bit of flux into the core.

The flux inducted into the core should not be enough to repel the rotor magnets by a very small bit.

The rotor magnet should also be able to induct it's field into the core.

We now have 2 opposing fields inducted into the core.

A slight pulse will be enough to generate FULL repulsion in this configuration.

But if you really want godly powers out of the machine then you make this happen by utilising back emf alone.

So the stator coil attracts the rotor magnet.

Then the flux collapses in the coil.

Now we get FULL repulsion at no cost of any kind.

Now I'm going back to my 100% permanent magnet designs. *hahaha*

Quote from: Forever on October 27, 2007, 03:55:39 AM
5. This is what we mean by adjusting the input according to the output load. Most of the overunity developers have not done this( Newman, Bedini, Adams etc.)
But the rotoverter researchers have addressed this topic. :)



This post is very high quality.  The suggestions will be carefully considered.



I call it flux surfing. ^__^

If you rotate the stator magnet by 90 degrees you should be able to run the thing without any coils.

You can make it so that the repulsive front side doesn't get repelled until the backside is inducting it's field into it.

The field inducted by the rear end of the rotor magnet compliments the field inducted by the magnet that sits behind the core. Together they will fully saturnise the core.

This will both push and pull the magnet forwards, the strength of the push is very clear the pulling force is not much bigger a loss as a gain. The push is free. :)

Very interesting!
Can you post a movie?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 28, 2007, 12:22:53 AM
Here is another idea,

Say we have just a rotor magnet and a stator magnet attracting another.

If we give the rotor a swing it goes fast enough to pass it. The interaction has an escape velocity.

While it's attracted the rotor first accelerates then (during escape) it's speed is reduced again.

The slower the rotor moves the more % speed it gains from the attraction. Escaping the attraction at low speed doesn't allow for a lot of attraction.

Now I'm going to preform a miracle. (haha)

I'm going to make it so that the rotor spins in one direction and the armature spins in the other.

Now one would think we have exactly the same situation going on but in fact we now have a resonant system.

The minimum approach speed to accomplish the escape velocity is cut in half.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: acerzw on October 28, 2007, 02:51:17 PM
Title: Gaby's Improvement
Post by: ltseung888 on October 28, 2007, 06:15:32 PM
Let me put my understanding of Gaby's Improvement in pictorial form.

A = rotating inner cylinder in the clockwise direction
B = non-rotating ring of coils that can be switched on and off
C = non-rotating ring of permanent magnets suggested by Gaby.

With the magnetic poles as shown, if the coil in B has current off, the permanent magnet in C will induce a S pole (in coil at B) facing the rotating magnets in A.  This effectively causes an attraction with the next coming permanent magnet in A (which is beneficial) causing further force to turn the cylinder A in the clockwise direction.

The permanent magnet in C does not draw any current.  Gaby has improved the efficiency of the device!

This multiple ring concept is getting closer to the John Searl device.  Let us have more of these brilliant ideas.

Lawrence Tseung
Gaby?s brilliant ideas Lead Out resonance from equally brilliant minds.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 28, 2007, 06:42:09 PM
Quote from: acerzw on October 28, 2007, 02:51:17 PM
This thread ......

Your review is not worth reading.

Please try again.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 28, 2007, 06:47:48 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 28, 2007, 06:15:32 PM
Let me put my understanding of Gaby's Improvement in pictorial form.

A = rotating inner cylinder in the clockwise direction
B = non-rotating ring of coils that can be switched on and off
C = non-rotating ring of permanent magnets suggested by Gaby.

With the magnetic poles as shown, if the coil in B has current off, the permanent magnet in C will induce a S pole (in coil at B) facing the rotating magnets in A.  This effectively causes an attraction with the next coming permanent magnet in A (which is beneficial) causing further force to turn the cylinder A in the clockwise direction.

The permanent magnet in C does not draw any current.  Gaby has improved the efficiency of the device!

This multiple ring concept is getting closer to the John Searl device.  Let us have more of these brilliant ideas.

Lawrence Tseung
Gaby?s brilliant ideas Lead Out resonance from equally brilliant minds.

How Increase Speed Of Electric Motor Video

YouTube - second motor in testing

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory - pulse motors
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 28, 2007, 07:54:17 PM
I think this is (just) a good way to illustrate the concept.


The other side of the coil can also be used. The force is available so it's wasteful not to use it.


This does not pull the rotor parallel to it's rim. So I've designed this sandwich.


The idea is the spin the top and the bottom disks in opposite direction (it would be interesting to speculate on spinning the center disk also)

By spinning both disks in opposite direction the forces on the wheel point round the rim and those working on the frame cancel out.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 31, 2007, 09:56:56 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 24, 2007, 07:41:11 AM

There were indeed stories of perpetual motion machines in China since ancient times.

I'm so happy I asked about this....

QuoteThere are a few that I could quote on top of my head:

(1) The 15 bucket water wheel.  ä¸Æ'上八落的水車  This water wheel was supposed to have 7 buckets going up and 8 coming down.  This water wheel could raise water up from a lake or pond with no water movement.  The details of the construction was lost but I am confident that it could be reproduced.  I did the first draft of a possible design using the Lee-Tseung theory on the train from Beijing back to Hong Kong in 2006.

Some days ago I dream of a device with buckets sliding over the arms.  The 7 buckets swing while going upwards the 8 hang still while going down. There is something else going on in the picture. I'm sure I will envision the whole apparatus some time soon.  :)

Quote(2) The wooden ox and the floating horse.  三åÅ"‹æâ,,¢â€šÃ¤Â»Â£Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¦Å"¨ç‰›æµé¦¬ These devices were supposed to be produced during the war periods of the Three Kingdom.  The wheels were not circular.  They were unbalanced wheels!  I am confident that they could be reproduced.  They were slow even though that they moved "automatically" with some guidance.  The Lee-Tseung theory indeed could be used to help to recreate these devices.

oh, I'm laughing my ass off reading the pages about this. From here (http://www.chinahistoryforum.com/index.php?showtopic=781)

QuoteEven if their was some truth to it, its still very exgrated in the book. It was said if you twisted the tounges a certian way they wouldn't move, twisted them another and they would. This supossivly made it so if the oxen were going to be captured Shu would just twist their tongues and run, so the enemy couldn't use them.

ok, 1) The enemy didn't know how to use the devices.

QuoteThe wooden ox, like many other things in the novel, is much exagerated from history. The simple reason why a wooden ox cannot operate is because it has no source of motion. In the book it is described that the wooden ox can move on its own, which is propostrous from a physical stand point, since where does it get the energy needed to move?

2) physics without evidence again.

QuoteThe author was selling out on Zhuge Liang's reputation as an inventor. He did in fact invent a few things, such as the Kong Ming Light (hot air balloon, used for signalling), the Kong Ming Crossbow (rapid fire), the Bed Ballista, etc. However, a lot of the weapons he supposedly used against the Southern Barbarians and the Wei were made up as well.

So he invented the rapid fire ballista, the hot air balloon and the gravity motor.  some quack eh?

QuoteWell, the offfical histories record that Zu Chongzhi, a scientific genius of the 5th century, reconstructed Zhuge Liang's wooden ox. So it must have existed in some form. The normal wheelbarrow was too common at that time to be such a big deal, so perhaps it was an improved kind of wheelbarrow. That's the theory that is most widely supported in the academic world, anyway.

debunk working replications?

QuoteZu was born in Jiankang. His family had historically been involved in astronomy research, and from childhood Zu was exposed to both astronomy and mathematics. When he was only a youth his talent earned him much repute. When Emperor Xiaowu of Liu Song heard of him, he was sent to an Academy, the Hualin Xuesheng (華æžâ€"å­¸çÅ"), and later at the Imperial Nanjing University (Zongmingguan) to perform research.

So, he is recorded as a genious of noteworthy magnitude. This is overunity.com here he must be called a quack. Right kids? He just lied about his replcation.  He must have! Physics doesn't allow for any rational reasoning. It demands we label things as quackery.

Then a poster says:

QuoteThis isn't a modern invention btw, it's been around for ages. A simple 2 or 4 legged mechanical device hinged at the center.

Perhaps what Zhuge Liang developed was what is now called "Passive-dynamic walkers"?

I saw simple toy models of these in Japan, supposedly traditional children's toys.

oh, like this you mean?

2WalksAngle.mpg (video/mpeg Object)



Zu Chongzhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

flamingo05.pdf (application/pdf Object)

History of Passive Dynamics & Toys

èâ,¬ÂÃ¦Å"¨åÅ' è‡ªæ¯”諸葛亮 èâ,¬â€"æâ,,¢â€š4年再現æÅ"¨ç‰›æµé¦¬(Ã¥Å"â€")


Dutch warlord Theo Jansen builds an impressive war ox

glumbert - Kinetic Sculpture

Quote(3) There are over 60 China Patents or Applications related to perpetual motions if you do a patent search using the Chinese Characters of Perpetual Motion Machine 永動機.  Some other China Patents did not use the term 永動機 but from their descriptions, it was obvious that they implied Perpetual Motion.

(4) Lee Cheung Kin and I appeared in front of the China Patent Office to explain our Lee-Tseung theory.  We got good reception (and recommendation to visit Tsing Hua University).  I am confident that the China Patent Office has extremely competent Scientists who can follow our explanations.

(5) The recent meeting with the top research institutes confirmed my belief.  China just sent its Moon Exploration Rocket this evening (live on the 6:00pm News in Hong Kong).  One of their representatives told us that they had strong interest in our technology.  (I hope China will send a Flying Saucer to the Moon first.)

Lawrence Tseung
The many know-it-all debunkers in the West Lead Out high roadblocks for the Cosmic Energy Developers.

A good heart leads out positive memories.

Hope you are doing ok Lawrence...

Title: Reply to a private email
Post by: ltseung888 on November 01, 2007, 05:29:58 AM
Since I do not reply to private email requests, the post is answered here:

Dear Sir; I'm interested in trying to build a prototype.
Could you please send the AVSEQ02.DAT and a copy of the CD.  Thank you.



The prototypes in the videos show that we can indeed extract energy directly from Gravity without violating the Law of Conservation of Energy.  In particular, the file AVSEQ02.DAT was produced in February 2000.  Thus we have prototypes that support the theories and the claims in our PCT and China Patent Application.  You are welcome to freely copy and circulate the CD as copies of it were distributed to the Public at the 2006 China Venture Forum on April 6-8 in Shenzhen, China.  Please email ltseung@hotmail.com if you want to get a copy of the CD.

The CD has been sent via snake mail.  A condensed version of the Dr. Liang video (AVSEQO2.DAT) by Ms. Forverve Yuen is already available on this thread.

Please participate in this forum and share your expertise.

Title: In replly to youtube post
Post by: ltseung888 on November 01, 2007, 03:29:45 PM
Thank You - I went to the link but pages and pages of discussion - and nothing very specific on this 225 HP Pulse Motor unit - does it exist? Is it your unit or from another China group? Will it ever be sold?

The original inventor of the 225 HP motor shown on youtube was from USA.  The story was that he and his team could not get investment from USA because he could not explain the source of energy.

A supposed Chinese Group invested many millions and got us (Lee-Tseung) to explain the source of energy and possible improvements.  We helped to get the Group to Tsing Hua University in China (the equivalent of MIT in USA) and fully explained the theory and technology.  Now many groups are working on variations and improvements of this technology.

The technology is essentially adding program control to the Newman, Bedini or Adams Pulse Motors.  The theory is the Pulsed Rotation leading out gravitational and electron motion energy as in the Lee-Tseung PCT patent information (PCT/IB2005/000138) published in July 2006.

The supposed Chinese Group turned out to be what I called the CIA or the Like.  They claimed to represent the Chinese Government but proved otherwise.  It became very political.  You should read the many posts for details.

The basic unit shown on youtube will not be sold, as it was only a scientific prototype.  It will not pass the consumer safety requirements.  The Chinese regulators demanded a six-month failure proof period before such "electricity generators" could be marketed.  The 225 HP Pulse Motor could easily electrocute a dog or a human being.

Title: Re: In replly to youtube post
Post by: shruggedatlas on November 01, 2007, 11:02:03 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 01, 2007, 03:29:45 PM
Thank You - I went to the link but pages and pages of discussion - and nothing very specific on this 225 HP Pulse Motor unit - does it exist? Is it your unit or from another China group? Will it ever be sold?

The original inventor of the 225 HP motor shown on youtube was from USA.  The story was that he and his team could not get investment from USA because he could not explain the source of energy.

Right, because American venture capitalists are not results-oriented and do not care about making infinite money off free energy, but instead demand scientific explanations, which they would likely not be able to understand anyway.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 02, 2007, 02:03:25 AM
QuoteThe 225 HP Pulse Motor could easily electrocute a dog or a human being.

Any 225 hp generator will kill a human if the wrong part is touched when it is running. In fact it needs a lot less than this.

If it will make your motor salable I will happily design a casing for it that will withstand all scrutiny by Chinese inspectors. But then again I would have thought there must be at least one engineer in China that can do the same. Couldn't you find him?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: In replly to youtube post
Post by: chrisC on November 02, 2007, 03:35:46 AM


The original inventor of the 225 HP motor shown on youtube was from USA.  The story was that he and his team could not get investment from USA because he could not explain the source of energy.
You obviously don't know how VC works in the US. If they smell real money and potential, the sky is the limit. How many M$ does it take?
A supposed Chinese Group invested many millions and got us (Lee-Tseung) to explain the source of energy and possible improvements.  We helped to get the Group to Tsing Hua University in China (the equivalent of MIT in USA) and fully explained the theory and technology.  Now many groups are working on variations and improvements of this technology.
Dear me, without the Lee-Tseung pair to save the world, we truly are doomed!
The technology is essentially adding program control to the Newman, Bedini or Adams Pulse Motors.  The theory is the Pulsed Rotation leading out gravitational and electron motion energy as in the Lee-Tseung PCT patent information (PCT/IB2005/000138) published in July 2006.
From what I have seen of your patent application, the USPTO will consider the whole application JUNK!

The supposed Chinese Group turned out to be what I called the CIA or the Like.  They claimed to represent the Chinese Government but proved otherwise.  It became very political.  You should read the many posts for details.

Again, you must have been so naive or so VERY stupid. So, these American Chinese CIA spies spoke English with Chinese accents? Huh?

Mr. Tseung, you really should spend more time with your grandchildren instead of disgracing yourself on this forum. You need to save some face. There is not much time left!
Title: Re: In replly to youtube post
Post by: shruggedatlas on November 02, 2007, 03:59:49 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 01, 2007, 03:29:45 PM
A supposed Chinese Group invested many millions and got us (Lee-Tseung) to explain the source of energy and possible improvements.  We helped to get the Group to Tsing Hua University in China (the equivalent of MIT in USA) and fully explained the theory and technology.  Now many groups are working on variations and improvements of this technology.

So let me get this straight, the CIA (or the Like!) spent millions of dollars to get you to publicly explain your theory at a prestigious Chinese university.  I see some problems with this story.  First, why does it take millions of dollars to arrange a talk?  Second, I thought your whole criticism of the CIA or the Like is that they suppress free energy technology?  Why would they have you "fully explain" the theory in such a public forum?  Why not use the money they invested to force everyone concerned to sign non-disclosure agreements.

I do not understand why you are not friends with the CIA or the Like after this experience.  Money was invested in free energy technology, and not only that, it was open sourced!  Hurray for the CIA or the Like!!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on November 02, 2007, 08:42:55 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on November 01, 2007, 11:02:03 PMAmerican venture capitalists are not results-oriented and do not care about making infinite money off free energy, but instead demand scientific explanations, which they would likely not be able to understand anyway.

ok, there are billions in some fund for alternative energy research. Could you point me to the Meyer reproduction? Or was there no room for this in the budget? It seems to me the budget is more then big enough? You would normally make up awfully insulting excuses.

Lets skip the pathetic part.

Where is the GEET plasma reactor?

Maybe the Papp noble gass engine?

Have the invented a single fuel saving device for any of those billions?

Sure a few solar panels is nice, the budget was big enough to build enormous solar parks.

The money is gone, where are the results if I may ask?

Didn't Mr Bedini have a challenge for scientists of this kind?

Not 200 bucks in the billions worth a budget?

Something small and simple as that? We don't have a few hours?

Maybe those researchers can spend their private time building this motor?

To much to ask again?

We have to rely on mythbusters to do our science?

Millions and millions got spend, you would think they whould have shown at least some interest in david hamel's devices?

Why no interest for john searl's work?

I know what is going on. Keeping up appearance is more important as the actual work! That's what's happening.

Like a pig with lipstick. ROFL

Sure people had to kill Yull Brown, it isn't a very good excuse to pretend the technology was not there. The first and last thing NASA had to say about it was that he would blow up the entire base if he would swhich on the machine. What is that for pathetic kind of science you wonder?

They get paid to do research, you don't pay them for results. If they have results they get fired! ROFL!!

tricks, tips, tutorials, pictures and words - Electromagnetic Levitation disclosure and demonstration
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on November 02, 2007, 09:36:20 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on November 02, 2007, 08:42:55 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on November 01, 2007, 11:02:03 PMAmerican venture capitalists are not results-oriented and do not care about making infinite money off free energy, but instead demand scientific explanations, which they would likely not be able to understand anyway.

ok, there are billions in some fund for alternative energy research. Could you point me to the Meyer reproduction? Or was there no room for this in the budget? It seems to me the budget is more then big enough? You would normally make up awfully insulting excuses.

Lets skip the pathetic part.

Where is the GEET plasma reactor?

Maybe the Papp noble gass engine?

Have the invented a single fuel saving device for any of those billions?

Sure a few solar panels is nice, the budget was big enough to build enormous solar parks.

The money is gone, where are the results if I may ask?

Didn't Mr Bedini have a challenge for scientists of this kind?

Not 200 bucks in the billions worth a budget?

Something small and simple as that? We don't have a few hours?

Maybe those researchers can spend their private time building this motor?

To much to ask again?

We have to rely on mythbusters to do our science?

Millions and millions got spend, you would think they whould have shown at least some interest in david hamel's devices?

Why no interest for john searl's work?

I know what is going on. Keeping up appearance is more important as the actual work! That's what's happening.

Like a pig with lipstick. ROFL

Sure people had to kill Yull Brown, it isn't a very good excuse to pretend the technology was not there. The first and last thing NASA had to say about it was that he would blow up the entire base if he would swhich on the machine. What is that for pathetic kind of science you wonder?

They get paid to do research, you don't pay them for results. If they have results they get fired! ROFL!!

tricks, tips, tutorials, pictures and words - Electromagnetic Levitation disclosure and demonstration

I am not talking about money for pie in the sky research.  No VC is going to give money for that.  I am talking about money for working technology.  Had there really been a 225 HP motor that worked, there should have been no trouble securing funding.  My point is that the 225 HP motor is fiction.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 02, 2007, 04:17:06 PM
Aero Award Program Announcement November 1, 2007 Advanced Energy Research Organization, LLC (AERO) announces an up-front $200,000 licensing award and minimum $5 million two year royalty program for a qualifying new energy breakthrough.

The Charlottesville, VA energy research company is leading a world-wide search for promising, out-of-the-box inventors and scientists who have provable energy generation inventions that need support, further development  and widespread public exposure.

AERO CEO Steven M. Greer MD notes that, "Over the past 100 years, many major energy breakthroughs have withered on the vine, died with the inventor or been absorbed into secretive corporate or government programs. It is AERO's mission to see that these new technologies are protected, supported and massively disclosed to the public so that we can go beyond our current addiction to oil, gas and coal and begin a new, sustainable era in human history.

AERO is uniquely qualified to see that such technological innovations make it to market. Our network includes 'A-list' celebrities, Nobel Prize winners, current and former heads of State and millions of people who follow our work. The inventor or team that has a qualifying system for energy generation will have the full force, support and protection of this unique,global network." 

Please check out the following page on the AERO web site for more information:  http://www.aero2012.com/en/award.html
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 02, 2007, 07:17:53 PM

What do you think about this AERO organization?

Do you think that they are real?

Let us discuss which machine would apply and likely to win.  That would be much more constructive than playing word games.

I can always back up the theoretical side of the competition with the Lee-Tseung theory.  So far, our theory can back up Newman, Bedini, Adams, Liang, Chao, 225 HP, Milkovic, Tsing Hua, TPU etc.

*** Any Machine that oscillates, vibrates, rotates, have flux changes.  Immersed in gravitational or electron motion fields. Generates periodic forces (pulses). at appropriate times. ***

Do you want to form a team and build a prototype to enter the competition?  You have the knowledge.  I am happy to back you up with no need for any compensation.

Lawrence Tseung
Competition with prize money Leads Out the desire to act.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 03, 2007, 12:55:44 AM
AERO CEO Steven M. Greer, M.D.
Dr. Greer is a lifetime member of Alpha Omega Alpha, the nation's most prestigious medical honor society. Dr. Greer is an emergency physician and former chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Caldwell Memorial Hospital in North Carolina.

On May 9, 2001, Dr. Greer presided over The Disclosure Project Press Conference from the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Over 20 military, government, intelligence, and corporate witnesses presented compelling testimony regarding the existence of advanced energy and propulsion technologies sequestered in classified government black operations projects. Over 1 billion people heard of the press conference through webcast and subsequent media coverage on BBC, CNN, CNN worldwide, Voice of America, Pravda, Chinese media, and media outlets throughout Latin America. The webcast had 250,000 people waiting on line -- the largest webcast in the history of the National Press Club.

Dr. Greer has released his new book--Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History. This book contains explosive testimony from over five dozen military, government, intelligence, and corporate witnesses with insightful commentary by Dr. Greer.

Dr. Greer has met with and provided briefings for senior members of government, military, and intelligence operations in the United States and around the world, including senior CIA officials, Joint Chiefs of Staff, White House staff, senior members of Congress and congressional committees, senior United Nations leadership, and diplomats and senior military officials in the United Kingdom and Europe.

Dr. Greer has been seen and heard by millions worldwide on shows such as The Larry King Show, CBS, the BBC, NTV in Japan, and has made dozens of radio and television appearances. He has addressed tens of thousands of people live at conferences and lectures around the world, including the international convention for MENSA, The Institute of Noetic Sciences Board of Directors, and the Sierra Club.

Dr. Greer is married. He and his wife have four daughters and reside in the Charlottesville, Virginia area.

It is clear that AERO has close ties with the US Government.  It is great that we do not have to deal with CIA or the Like in private.  We shall have everything in the Open to Benefit the World.

Lawrence Tseung
Aero Competition Leads Out Openness from the US Government.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on November 03, 2007, 03:10:58 AM
Participating in the AERO competition

I have discussion with Mr. Tseung on possibly participating in the AERO competition. The products that are already supported by the Chinese government (Wang, Liang, Tsing Hua, Chao etc.) will need government approval.

from Patrick Kelly
The ready-made product is the Chas Campbell electricity magnifier.   Just a brief note
to let you know that in the last two or three days, Chas has confirmed the excess energy in his system by letting it get up to speed and then disconnecting the motor from the mains and plugging it into the output generator, making it self-powered.

He says that the speed maintains perfectly well and he has put a 75-watt lamp on it as an extra load.  This is COP = infinity as the user's input power is zero while the output power is either 75 watts or 825 watts depending on how you view it.

We may be able to work with Chas Campbell, Gaby, Ash, Kelly and others to produce a prototype that can meet the requirement of the AERO competition.

It should be fun! US$ 200K plus USD $5million for the next two years is incentive enough for me. 8) ;D ;) :)
Forever Yuen
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on November 03, 2007, 03:29:36 AM
The latest comments on Chas Campbell Device

From Patrick Kelly? s post, Chas Campbell could disconnect the input after the wheels had acquired the required speeds. He could connect the output generator and a 75-watt lamp. If the lamp could continue to light forever, he could claim to have produced a PPM.

In reality, he managed to use gravitational energy, most probably via unbalanced rotation. Ash et al should check that thoroughly. If that checks out we can improve the Campbell device and win the AERO competition.

The improvement might be a higher speed of revolution or larger wheels.

I can dream about my money!! ;D :o 8) ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: linda933 on November 03, 2007, 04:31:55 AM
Hi Forever,

Where is the post of Patrick Kelly about Charles Campbell written?  I would be interested in knowing the date, also.  Thank you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 03, 2007, 11:33:28 AM
Suppressed Energy Technologies
by Gary Vesperman

The U.S. Patent Office has a nine-member committee that screens patents in order to protect ?national security?.

An understandable reason for suppressing certain types of energy inventions is that the knowledge behind them is also capable of producing tremendously destructive advanced electromagnetic weapons such as the ?death ray? apparently invented by Nikola Tesla. Hence many such new energy technologies, particularly those using this kind of knowledge of advanced electromagnetic principles, are considered "dual use" technologies that are among the 4,000 un-numbered patent applications confiscated in a vault at the US Patent and Trademark Office because of their military potential and the need to keep that knowledge from America's enemies.

Is it possible that US has more PPM patent applications than China?

Is it possible that US already has over unity devices and a flying saucer?

How would US react when China introduces the various Cosmic Energy Products?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 03, 2007, 11:59:57 AM


4. Gravity Field Propulsion is Real:  Townsend Brown's Technology of Electrogravitics.

In the mid 1920's Townsend Brown discovered that electric charge and gravitational mass are coupled. He found that when he charged a capacitor to a high voltage, it had a tendency to move toward its positive pole. This became known as the Biefeld-Brown effect.  His important findings were opposed by conventional minded physicists of his time.

The Pearl Harbor Demonstration. Around 1953, Brown conducted a demonstration for top brass from the military. He flew a pair of 3 foot diameter discs around a 50 foot course tethered to a central pole. Energized with 150,000 volts and emitting ions from their leading edge, they attained speeds of several hundred miles per hour. The subject was thereafter classified.

May be US already have the flying saucer technology.

I doubt that US already developed the Lee-Tseung Lead out theory before us.  The Lee-Tseung theory can explain almost all the Electrogravitic devices mentioned in that paper.

What is the purpose of the AERO competition if so many cosmic energy machines and the flying saucer technologies are listed at their website?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 03, 2007, 07:26:51 PM
@ Forever:

Hey, if you win the millions...will you buy me dinner somewhere?

Asking a pretty girl to buy you dinner will Lead Out to a great evening.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: linda933 on November 06, 2007, 06:39:24 PM
Quote from: Forever on November 03, 2007, 03:10:58 AM
Participating in the AERO competition

I have discussion with Mr. Tseung on possibly participating in the AERO competition. The products that are already supported by the Chinese government (Wang, Liang, Tsing Hua, Chao etc.) will need government approval.

from Patrick Kelly
The ready-made product is the Chas Campbell electricity magnifier.   Just a brief note
to let you know that in the last two or three days, Chas has confirmed the excess energy in his system by letting it get up to speed and then disconnecting the motor from the mains and plugging it into the output generator, making it self-powered.

He says that the speed maintains perfectly well and he has put a 75-watt lamp on it as an extra load.  This is COP = infinity as the user's input power is zero while the output power is either 75 watts or 825 watts depending on how you view it.

We may be able to work with Chas Campbell, Gaby, Ash, Kelly and others to produce a prototype that can meet the requirement of the AERO competition.

It should be fun! US$ 200K plus USD $5million for the next two years is incentive enough for me. 8) ;D ;) :)
Forever Yuen

Interesting that $5,200,000 US isn't enough to get Patrick Kelly, Ashtweth, Gaby and Charles to even respond to your suggestion!  Could it be that the "news" of Charles Campbell now having a self-running machine that produces excess power is another big fat delusion? 

If there were any substance to this third-hand report, one might think it would raise a response or two!  Where is the excitement?  The hoopla?  Better yet...where are the corroborating reports and videos? 

This sounds like a good time for Mark Dansie to visit Charles and check it out, maybe.  Or has everyone lost all belief in the non-credible claims and fourth-party reports of this motley crew?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on November 06, 2007, 07:01:36 PM
Quote from: linda933 on November 06, 2007, 06:39:24 PM
Interesting that $5,200,000 US isn't enough to get Patrick Kelly, Ashtweth, Gaby and Charles to even respond to your suggestion!  Could it be that the "news" of Charles Campbell now having a self-running machine that produces excess power is another big fat delusion? 

If there were any substance to this third-hand report, one might think it would raise a response or two!  Where is the excitement?  The hoopla?  Better yet...where are the corroborating reports and videos? 

This sounds like a good time for Mark Dansie to visit Charles and check it out, maybe.  Or has everyone lost all belief in the non-credible claims and fourth-party reports of this motley crew?


CIA or the Like have gotten to them.  According to Lawrence's first-hand account of CIA or the Like, they do the following evil things: (1) give you millions of dollars, (2) tell you they are Chinese, and (3) make you speak publicly about your invention at prestigious universities.  The bastards!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 06, 2007, 07:21:49 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 03, 2007, 11:33:28 AM

Is it possible that US has more PPM patent applications than China?

Is it possible that US already has over unity devices and a flying saucer?

How would US react when China introduces the various Cosmic Energy Products?

How come if China has this kind of technology they are building windmills to save on fossil fuels? Maybe Cosmic Energy is not as hot as it is cracked up to be.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on November 07, 2007, 04:14:28 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 02, 2007, 07:17:53 PM

What do you think about this AERO organization?

Dr. Stephen Greer - Advanced Energy Research Organization (AERO), LLC

didn't think much of it, looking now...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 07, 2007, 07:07:26 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on November 07, 2007, 04:14:28 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 02, 2007, 07:17:53 PM

What do you think about this AERO organization?

Dr. Stephen Greer - Advanced Energy Research Organization (AERO), LLC

didn't think much of it, looking now...


Thank you for digging up the video.  I just finished watching it.  It confirms my suspicion that USA have some Cosmic Energy Technology or even some form of the Flying Saucer Technology.  They have kept such Technologies top-secret.

Now, I am sure the CIA or the Like already knows what is going on in China and Japan.  The Technology and Products will come out shortly.  The Lee-Tseung theory is already out and examined by top academics.  That already laid the groundwork for hundreds of Cosmic Energy Machines.

I do not mind helping Chas Campbell to win the AERO competition.  His success will benefit the World.

Lawrence Tseung
The AERO competition Leads Out possible World Cooperation
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 08, 2007, 08:09:57 AM
Quote from: Esotericman on November 07, 2007, 06:16:24 PM
Overunity is defined as extracting more energy from a system than was input.  Obviously physics has a few issues with this concept- namely because it is impossible....

In the Lee-Tseung theory, additional energy is Lead Out by the Input.  The Sum of Input PLUS Lead Out energy can be greater than Output energy.  Mathematically it is correct.  It does not violate any Laws of Physics.

Lawrence Tseung

Understanding Lead Out eliminates all the heated arguments.
Title: Helping Chas Campbell to win the AERO competition
Post by: ltseung888 on November 08, 2007, 09:33:48 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on November 07, 2007, 09:42:29 AM
This the last message I received from Chas:

From: chas campbell
To: Patrick Kelly
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 12:37 PM
Subject: simple test

Patrick as I told you in a recent e mail as soon as posiable I would build a unit to test using your simple idea , I am now delighted to let you know the results were as follows using the same .075 motor that has a speed of 1430 RPM and driving my 3.5 KVA alternator I was able to loop the motor back to one of the outlets on the alternator without loosing any speed I was then able to plug into the second outlet a bed lamp with a 75w bulb and yes they both  worked.The unit I assembled has a flywheel that is unbalanced as a mater of fact its like standing in front of a fan, one of the bearings over heated and no mater how I tried I could not stop the belt slipping on the motor . so a hell of a lot of improvments could be made. I do hope you will continue to show interest in my project and any simple advice you can give me would be wellcome .Chas   

We are doing a number of things to help Chas.

(1) Reproducing his unbalanced device in China.  The Lee-Tseung theory already predicts that unbalanced rotation can lead out gravitational energy.  Chas confirmed it.  It is now a matter of multiple replication.

(2) Giving Chas a bearing that can stand high overheating without deforming.  This bearing is another invention of Wang Shum Ho who met similar problems.  The bearing essentially has multiple slits on the outer cylinder allowing for the metal to expand. 

(3) The over-heating of the bearing is a demonstration of the Lead Out gravitational energy having nowhere to go in the system.  Thus the external load could be appropriately increased.  We are optimistic on meeting the AERO competition requirement of 72 hours with 1KW output - even with the existing Chas device.

This post will be repeated in the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory thread.  Please post your comments there.

Lawrence Tseung
Helping Chas win the AERO competition Leads Out International Cooperation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: linda933 on November 09, 2007, 02:32:16 AM

I think you might have misunderstood Charles' email to Patrick Kelly.  You see, Charles only mentioned the wobbling flywheel and overheated bearings so that he would have an excuse in case anyone wanted to come over and see his "self-running" machine in action.  It is broken and no longer works, of course, so Charles cannot demonstrate it.  Such a pity.

Instead of seeing these as "problems" that Charles makes ready in advance because he assumes people will want a demo and he obviously can't give one (because the poor old guy is now so desperate for more attention that he's obviously lying), you appear to have capitalized on his out-of-balance bearing-burning flywheel as a new key principal of the "Lead-Out" theory! 

I never cease to be amazed at the audacity and ultra-non-credibility of your conclusions and assertions, Lawrence.  But what is even more amazing is that there are people apparently eager to believe this tripe! 

In your post you leap from "Chas confirmed it." to "It is now a matter of multiple replication."  Don't you think it might be prudent, especially given Charles' past record of 100% fraudulent and deluded, inaccurate claims, that before mass replications are begun, someone credible like Mark Dansie (or anyone other than Charles himself) might witness and corroborate Charles' new claim that his machine now self-runs with an excess of output power? 

Or is the creed "Simply Believe All Claims and Wildly Replicate...no specific performance or construction details will be given" the ruling concept here, as is always the case with every project you seem to adopt and promote?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 09, 2007, 01:01:09 PM
Quote from: linda933 on November 09, 2007, 02:32:16 AM

I think you might have misunderstood Charles' email to Patrick Kelly.  You see, Charles only mentioned the wobbling flywheel and overheated bearings so that he would have an excuse in case anyone wanted to come over and see his "self-running" machine in action.  It is broken and no longer works, of course, so Charles cannot demonstrate it.  Such a pity.....

Dear Linda,

I am in direct email contact with Chas Campbell.  We are replicating his device in multiple locations in China.  One is within 20 minutes bus ride from my home. 

I can wait until the device is replicated successfully before posting.  However, the purpose of my posts are:

(1) To share information with the World so that if something happens to me in the next hour, the World still have something.  (Something is already happening to Lee Cheung Kin.)

(2) To keep the CIA or the Like off my back.  They know that they will have the information if they just wait and read my posts.  They do not need to "infiltrate our team" and cause personal conflicts.

(3) Let the Chinese Officials know what I am doing.  At one time, they used an unqualified person to contact me.  (Unfortunately, the Cultural Revolution in China produced many "society-university graduates" who never studied Physics but gained the position of technical energy advisors.)  I upset him in discussing Physics and Mathematics with him.

(4) Let the many academics, especially the professors and students at Tsing Hua University (whom I presented to) follow the latest development. (I am sure some of them read my posts.)

(5) Help the many existing Cosmic Energy Developers (such as Chas Campbell) to understand the source of energy of their devices and improve them.  Chas opened the door for "unbalanced rotation" research with the simple experiment.  Many developers will now "spin their unbalanced devices" to high speed first before extracting (or leading out) energy.

(6) Follow the "sow seed" teaching in the Bible.  Some might fall on rock.  Some might be on fertile soil and bear fruit.  (Some already have.)

Lawrence Tseung
Know-it-all debunkers Lead Out misinformation to the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: linda933 on November 09, 2007, 01:28:50 PM
Lawrence, dear fellow...

You keep talking about being in a huge effort to share information with the world.  You talk and talk and talk about this wonderful and desperately important sharing of information and open-source knowledge.  You say your people all over China are now replicating Charles' new special eccentric off-balance device, so these replicators must have been given some information, yes?

Why is it that no information regarding this entire development...none...zero...not one bit anywhere...can be found at any open website.  The only, lonely, sole "information" anyone has published regarding this new device is a short email written from Charles to Patrick.  Hartmann has published it, you have published it, Ms. Forever has published it and I suppose it may be published over on Gaby's site as well.  I have read it.  There is no information there that would allow any kind of accurate or credible replication.  No details at all.

So, it seems that somehow you and all other parties concerned have either skipped over the verification and confirmation of Charles' latest claims of "self-running and excess energy production with no deceleration", have proceeded to attempt a mass duplication with no technical details and/or are actually concealing and hiding all technical details.

Which is it Lawrence?  Or are you just lying to us either about having the details necessary to replicate this great feat or about your great and desperate efforts to share such details.  You cannot have it both ways, Lawrence! 

If you have sufficient detail for accurate scientific replication and you are desperately desireous of publishing said details to the world before your demise is sealed by "the Like", what is the holdup, buddy boy?


"Bunkers" with zero Credibility get that way by Leading Out Bunk in Too Many Simultaneous Conflicting Statements and Directions
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 09, 2007, 03:05:13 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 09, 2007, 01:01:09 PM

Dear Linda,


(1) To share information with the World so that if something happens to me in the next hour, the World still have something.  (Something is already happening to Lee Cheung Kin.)

(2) To keep the CIA or the Like off my back.  They know that they will have the information if they just wait and read my posts.  They do not need to "infiltrate our team" and cause personal conflicts.

Lawrence Tseung
Know-it-all debunkers Lead Out misinformation to the World.

Hahahahaha! I supposed Lee Cheung Kin signed you to inherit his fame and riches as his next of Kin?
As to keeping the CIA off your back? I don't think they have time for mental patients.

You're getting really silly Lawrence. You think the professors at TsingHua might be wondering the same too? Maybe that's why no one wants to publicly support your theories and why you weren't invited again?

I hope this Thanksgiving holidays will give you some time to see a doctor before they have to commit you to a mental institution. Remember, I asked you before to watch the movie, "A Beautiful Mind". The subject in the movie suffers from a mental disorder, but he really was a brilliant mathematician, with proven credentials. Can't say the same of your delusions though.

Title: Helping Chas Campbell win the AERO competition
Post by: ltseung888 on November 09, 2007, 06:56:41 PM
The "help to Chas Campbell win the AERO competition" will be continued at:


Since the overunity.com forum has too much disruption from debunkers, I shall use this forum (forum.go-here. nl) where I have moderator privilege for the discussion.

Please note that I would modify or delete any post without prior notice.

(1) Chas Campbell did a simple test. After his input motor finished spinning the wheels to the designed speed, he disconnected the input motor. The wheels continued to spin at approximately the same speed.

(2) He then connected the wheels to the output alternator and a 75 Watt light bulb. The light bulb continued to light for long periods (beyond what is expected as storage energy by the flywheel effect.)

(3) One of his bearings over-heated. He could not cool it by an external fan. He needed a bearing that could stand the high temperature.

The Lee-Tseung Lead-Out theory predicted that unbalanced rotation could Lead Out gravitational energy. The three stage Chas wheels with pulley and belts could be considered as cascading unbalanced wheels.

The spinning to high speed first allowed a high lead-out rate of gravitational energy. The overheating is a result of the excess energy having nowhere to go.

The chance of modifying the Chas device to meet the AERO competition condition of 72 hours at 1 KW is very good.

We shall work with others to help Chas win the AERO competition.

Lawrence Tseung
Disruption from know-it-all debunkers Leads Out use of moderator privilege by Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: linda933 on November 09, 2007, 09:31:45 PM
QuoteIt would be far far wiser to forever attempt to lift yourself into graceful flight by tugging up on your own buttocks, truly.  It wastes fewer precious material resources, costs less and, yes, you guessed it...the worst and only danger is you become an even bigger asshole!

Lawrence, I am thrilled and honored that you have taken my advice above.  May your flight be graceful and eternal and may your hind quarters and hands remain tensely balanced in eternal levitational bliss.

What?  You can't answer a straightforward question without hiding behind censorship and "moderator privileges"?  My God, man.  And you expect people to accept your leadership into the age of free energy?  Sounds like Chairman Mao to me, my friend!   Give Che a big kiss for me, Chairman Larry!

I shall never follow where leaders lead out blatant censorship to hide from honest questions. Many lemmings will swim into your net happily and I'm sure you will be very pleased where all voices sing your praises in harmony and never venture to query.


Know it all?  I'm the one asking simple straightforward logical questions!  You're the one dancing and dashing away to avoid answering and, by the way, the person who automatically takes credit for explaining and enabling every proposed overunity machine, invention and system in history and the future with his own proud and omniscient theory! 

Who is the know-it-all?  All I claim to know is your total lack of evidence, reason, science and your complete, utter evasion of logical, simple inquiries.
Title: Letter to Interested Participants from Forever
Post by: ltseung888 on November 10, 2007, 04:35:42 PM
Dear Sir,

My name is Forever Yuen.  I am the grand goddaughter and helper of Mr. Lawrence Tseung.  I learned the Cosmic Energy Machine and have helped with many postings, experiments and Chinese translations.

Mr. Tseung wanted me to inform you in Chinese that there is an open competition in USA on workable Cosmic Energy Machine prototypes.  The terms are a working prototype that can deliver 1 kilowatt of electrical power continuously for 72 hours.  The prize money is USD20, 000 initially and not less than USD5 million per year as license fee for the next two years.  The details are in:

Mr. Tseung is working with a retired inventor, Mr. Chas Campbell of Australia on an Electricity Magnifier.  Mr. Campbell invented a device shown on Australian TV that could magnifier input 10 times.  Details can be seen on:

Recently, Mr. Campbell did a simple experiment.  He disconnected his input motor after the wheels have acquired the designed speed.  He then connected the wheels to the output alternator and a 75 watt lamp.  The lamp continued to light for much longer than the energy stored in the flywheel.

As explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory, this is a case of unbalanced rotation leading out gravitational energy.  Mr. Campbell has revealed the details of his device totally to the World.  He shares the goal of Mr. Tseung - benefiting the entire World.  Mr. Tseung is interested in helping him win the AERO competition.

You can help in replicating the device in China.  The next step may be producing a product based on this Chas Device.  License fee is negotiable.  The prototype can be worked on as soon as possible.  Once successful, the reputation of all participants will be extremely high.  Getting additional funding and resources will be relatively easy.

The attached file showed the detailed drawing.
We have direct email contact with Mr. Campbell and site visit can be arranged. 

Please email me back if you are interested.

Yours truly,
Forever Yuen

Forever is now coordinating the support effort.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 10, 2007, 07:28:06 PM
Quote from: mramos on November 10, 2007, 05:24:31 PM
This is too funny.


This is like a bad B movies.

Hey Mr. Ramos.

It's not supposed to be funny. It's a serious business ....a family business!
Poor kid. What can she do? Great grandpa is leading out crap in her early life!
What is she supposed to learn? After all, was your grandpa normal?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 10, 2007, 08:25:04 PM
Dear Forever Yuen,

Can you please explain the following quote from your publication:

QuoteDear Sir,

My name is Forever Yuen.  I am the grand goddaughter and helper of Mr. Lawrence Tseung.  I learned the Cosmic Energy Machine and have helped with many postings, experiments and Chinese translations.

I must apologise, English is not my first language, as a matter of fact it is my fourth, so my understanding of the language cannot be as comprehensive as I thought, since the term grand goddaughter is not something I have ever come across.

Please enlighten me as to its meaning.

Grand Daughter I can understand, God Daughter I can understand, but Grand Goddaughter has me puzzled.

The dictionary is of no help, so please, with your obvious superiority in mastering the English language, tell me what it means.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on November 10, 2007, 09:27:17 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 10, 2007, 08:25:04 PM
Dear Forever Yuen,

Can you please explain the following quote from your publication:

QuoteDear Sir,

My name is Forever Yuen.  I am the grand goddaughter and helper of Mr. Lawrence Tseung.  I learned the Cosmic Energy Machine and have helped with many postings, experiments and Chinese translations.

I must apologise, English is not my first language, as a matter of fact it is my fourth, so my understanding of the language cannot be as comprehensive as I thought, since the term grand goddaughter is not something I have ever come across.

Please enlighten me as to its meaning.

Grand Daughter I can understand, God Daughter I can understand, but Grand Goddaughter has me puzzled.

The dictionary is of no help, so please, with your obvious superiority in mastering the English language, tell me what it means.

Hans von Lieven

It is a Christian thing.  An adult can sponsor a child at Baptism, and that child becomes a godson or goddaughter to that person.  In turn, the sponsor is considered a godparent to the child.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 10, 2007, 10:21:00 PM
I know that shrugged, I did say I understood the term god daughter, no problem there, it's the GRAND GODDAUGHTER that has got me stuffed. I didn't know there was a genealogy attached to god parents.

I wonder who my great great great godparents were. This has got me really worried.

Hans von Lieven

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on November 10, 2007, 10:33:10 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 10, 2007, 10:21:00 PM
I know that shrugged, I did say I understood the term god daughter, no problem there, it's the GRAND GODDAUGHTER that has got me stuffed. I didn't know there was a genealogy attached to god parents.

I wonder who my great great great godparents were. This has got me really worried.

Hans von Lieven

Oh yes, I did not read carefully.  I think a great goddaughter would be a goddaughter of your child.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 10, 2007, 10:40:09 PM
G'day shrugged,

But I thought god parents were chosen by the parents. There is normally no bloodline between god parents, so the term grand goddaughter would be, as far as I know never applicable.

The part that has me concerned is that godparents are responsible for the religious upbringing of a child.

I just want to know which one of my god ancestors stuffed up and created me an atheist.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 11, 2007, 11:55:32 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 10, 2007, 10:40:09 PM
There is normally no bloodline between god parents, so the term grand goddaughter would be, as far as I know never applicable.....

Hans von Lieven

The Chinese Word for grand goddaughter is 契孫女ãâ,¬â€šThe girl is too young to be a goddaughter.  Or the man is too old to be a godfather.

There is normally no blood relationship between the two.  But the old man is committed to help and guide the young girl in the relationship.  After many years, the matured girl will help to take care of the very old man.  It is a win-win relationship.

There will be many cultural differences when we have International Groups.  It will be a challenge to get them to work together to benefit the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 11, 2007, 12:09:59 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 11, 2007, 11:55:32 AM
There is normally no blood relationship between the two.  But the old man is committed to help and guide the young girl in the relationship.  After many years, the matured girl will help to take care of the very old man.  It is a win-win relationship.

or is Forever, simply one of your altered egos, as Hans previously implied?

Here's a bunch of people asking you nicely (except for me, of course) to explain and prove your wacky theories and all they get back is more delusions.

Maybe if you really can prove them, I'm sure Scientific American or the Nature magazine can help you out. Don't you think they are educated enough? Or is the problem with your wishy-washy head? Oh, Lawrence please spare us more of these crap!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 11, 2007, 03:18:52 PM
G'day Lawrence and all,

You claim to hold an M.Sc. from Southampton University in aeronautical engineering.

I have been in touch with the university. There was indeed a Lawrence C N Tseung who graduated in 1974. They would very much like to hear from you as you have been listed amongst their "Lost Alumni". That is if it was YOU that graduated there.

Hans von Lieven

EDIT; In case you don't have the address handy   alumni@soton.ac.uk  They are waiting to hear from you. Incidentally, I will know whether you will get in touch or not.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 13, 2007, 09:06:39 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 11, 2007, 03:18:52 PM
G'day Lawrence and all,

You claim to hold an M.Sc. from Southampton University in aeronautical engineering.

I have been in touch with the university. There was indeed a Lawrence C N Tseung who graduated in 1974. They would very much like to hear from you as you have been listed amongst their "Lost Alumni". That is if it was YOU that graduated there.

Hans von Lieven

EDIT; In case you don't have the address handy   alumni@soton.ac.uk  They are waiting to hear from you. Incidentally, I will know whether you will get in touch or not.

Thanks Hans, the following is my response to them.

Dear Sir,

I got a email from Hans via a discussion forum on the Internet.  The email is reproduced below.

Please email me and let me know what additional information you would like to have.

I look forward to hearing and meeting the many "lost" friends.

Yours truly,

Lawrence Tseung

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 14, 2007, 10:40:28 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 11, 2007, 03:18:52 PM
You claim to hold an M.Sc. from Southampton University in aeronautical engineering.....

EDIT; In case you don't have the address handy   alumni@soton.ac.uk  They are waiting to hear from you.

Thank you Hans.  I managed to contact the alumni.  I look forward to meeting the many "lost" professors and friends.  This time, I can proudly tell them the correct theory of aerodynamics - using the kinetic theory of gases in motion as explanation. 

From that, I discovered how to extract energy from still air.

The latest and greatest will be the Cosmic Energy Machines and the Flying Saucer.  I am confident that they can understand my explanations better than many forum members.

Lawrence Tseung
Educated Friends from same environment Leads Out appreciation of the Lee-Tseung theory and the Flying Saucer.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 15, 2007, 12:58:12 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 14, 2007, 10:40:28 PM

  I am confident that they can understand my explanations better than many forum members.

Lawrence Tseung
Educated Friends from same environment Leads Out appreciation of the Lee-Tseung theory and the Flying Saucer.

But then they may be normal folks like us? Certainly don't discount that possibility!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: luciferlam on November 20, 2007, 01:34:30 PM
Halo Mr.Tseung,

I have read the information of your designed system from the site.

I m interesting and want to investigate of your system though I'm not the professor or expert.
I want to ask few question to you.

Is your system can operate without any battery or electric power?
When the water is flowing through the pipe from button to the top, is the water flow's speed fast and the power strong?
Have you used your system providing power for any electric equipment in the real life?
Have you made any improvement or upgrade for your system?
If do, can you provide its information on internet?

Thankyou for reading my message.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 20, 2007, 05:50:07 PM
Quote from: luciferlam on November 20, 2007, 01:34:30 PM

I want to ask a few questions...

(1) Is your system can operate without any battery or electric power?

(2) When the water is flowing through the pipe from button to the top, is the water flow's speed fast and the power strong?

(3) Have you used your system providing power for any electric equipment in the real life?

(4) Have you made any improvement or upgrade for your system?
If so, can you provide the information on Internet?

Thank you for reading my message.

(1)   The first demonstration of the concept was via a beach pump.  The beach pump was used to get air into the system and then Lead Out its energy.

(2)   The beach pump could deliver water to 8 floors (approximately 25 meters).  This has been replicated in at least 8 locations to my knowledge.  I encourage others to repeat the experiment and improve on it.  I focus on theory and I am more interested in the direct way of extracting energy from gravity.

(3)   I have not used it to generate power myself.  In theory, the raised water can flow down; turn a turbine and generate power for the air pump plus more.  If one tower is not sufficient, we can use the ?Pull water technique? as described in the original Koo accident to raise water+air to an even greater height.

(4)   I do not do experiments myself.  Mr. Terry Cheung et al set up the demonstration system at Tai Po, Hong Kong.  That system used a HK$300 air pump (rated at one-tenth horse power) to deliver water to 4 floors.  The air+water mixture can be seen in a transparent pipe section.  The water+air flow was estimated to be greater than one-tenth horse power.  However, that was not enough to feedback the air pump because of energy losses.  Mr. Raymond Ting developed an one-inch pipe delivery system.  He is in contract negotiation at present.  I shall let him disclose such information himself.

Attached is the updated file for those who are not familiar with the Extracting Energy from Still Air Concept.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Rosphere on November 20, 2007, 09:29:21 PM

I began reading about your Lead-Out Theory this evening.  I started to read some items that you had posted way back in July, (when I was not active on this forum.)  I followed your link to http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/Taiwan2a.files/frame.htm (http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/Taiwan2a.files/frame.htm).

On this page I found some equations and values.  So, I generated a spreadsheet using this data, (and some stuff I picked at Lawrence Tech.,) in order to better consider the two energy terms.  As you can see, I have the spreadsheet calculating values at each one degree.

I then inserted a couple rows at the 9.48 degree value given at the web site; the top of which showing what the force would be at this given angle, 9.882 kg, and the one below is the value also given at the web site, 10kg.


As I wrote, I only started reading/studying this evening.  So far, so good.  Your numbers in this example jibe with my spreadsheet,... mostly.  I would not bring this up if the ratio had been given as 2.000.  However, as you can also see from the spreadsheet, this ratio approaches 2 as a limit going back to the zero angle.  I know it is not much above the limit, but it is the fact that it is above the limit that compels the anal retentive nature in me to point this out to you.  That is all.  Do with it what you will.  :)

I plan to continue reading more about your theory over the next few days.  What I have read, so far, is making sense.

Thank you for sharing with this forum.  :D

Rosphere--better late to the party then never

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Rosphere on November 20, 2007, 11:25:53 PM

Maybe because it is past my bedtime, but I am having a hard time making solid connections between these two steps:


Slide 4. shows the 2 units of feedback, implying a dynamic system.  If so, from what bounds; is it starting from rest at a=0, up to some point a, and back to rest at a=0, where the velocity at the start and end of the cycle is zero?

Or, is it one cycle in a continuous movement where initial and final velocities do not equal zero?

Maybe a good nights sleep will help me see it tomorrow.  :-\

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 21, 2007, 10:24:02 AM
Quote from: Rosphere on November 20, 2007, 11:25:53 PM

Maybe because it is past my bedtime, but I am having a hard time making solid connections between these two steps:


Slide 4. shows the 2 units of feedback, implying a dynamic system.  If so, from what bounds; is it starting from rest at a=0, up to some point a, and back to rest at a=0, where the velocity at the start and end of the cycle is zero?

Or, is it one cycle in a continuous movement where initial and final velocities do not equal zero?

Maybe a good nights sleep will help me see it tomorrow.  :-\

Note that 2 parts of horizontal pulse energy leads out 1 part gravitational energy. (In diagram labelled 3)

The energy equation (In diagram labelled 4) is effectively:

   2 parts Input horizontal pulse energy
      + 1 part Lead Out gravitational energy
= 3 parts Output Energy (if there were no loss)

Then from the Output, 2 parts are fed back as Input horizontal pulse energy

The above equation repeats.

The presentation slides assumes someone knowledgeable is presenting them.  May be the description file is better.  It is also updated to show the best pulse force (not horizontal but perpendicular to radius).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on November 21, 2007, 03:07:45 PM
Quote from: Rosphere on November 20, 2007, 09:29:21 PM

I began reading about your Lead-Out Theory this evening.  I started to read some items that you had posted way back in July, (when I was not active on this forum.)  I followed your link to http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/Taiwan2a.files/frame.htm (http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/Taiwan2a.files/frame.htm).

On this page I found some equations and values.  So, I generated a spreadsheet using this data, (and some stuff I picked at Lawrence Tech.,) in order to better consider the two energy terms.  As you can see, I have the spreadsheet calculating values at each one degree.

I then inserted a couple rows at the 9.48 degree value given at the web site; the top of which showing what the force would be at this given angle, 9.882 kg, and the one below is the value also given at the web site, 10kg.


As I wrote, I only started reading/studying this evening.  So far, so good.  Your numbers in this example jibe with my spreadsheet,... mostly.  I would not bring this up if the ratio had been given as 2.000.  However, as you can also see from the spreadsheet, this ratio approaches 2 as a limit going back to the zero angle.  I know it is not much above the limit, but it is the fact that it is above the limit that compels the anal retentive nature in me to point this out to you.  That is all.  Do with it what you will.  :)

I plan to continue reading more about your theory over the next few days.  What I have read, so far, is making sense.

Thank you for sharing with this forum.  :D

Rosphere--better late to the party then never

Excellent work, Rosphere!
I refer mostly to the chart, which is eloquent for why there is no subject to be seriously discussed into this thread.

Please take a look much earlier into this thread, close to its beginning: I?ve explained that what Mr Tseung calls ?Horizontal energy? is, in fact, the total spent energy. (That?s a very elementary fact.) It is total energy because there is no way one can horizontally deviate the weight from vertical without lifting it. Lifting <is achieved because of> / <it is a consequence/ a constraint of using> the rigid string BUT the energy comes from the pulling person.

After accepting that 'Hori energy' equation is wrong, notice that the values in the chart makes no physical sense. The computed ratio means total energy spent divided by the energy that goes into vertical lift (increase in potential energy). No physical significance whatsoever. No overunity either, just misuse of equations.

But if one reverses the ratio presented in the chart, now the new values would mean potential energy gained versus total energy spent. This may be useable for mental exercises. So, as example let?s take the angle =9.48. One has to spend 1.628 Joule to bring the weight from vertical to that angle, by pulling with a CONSTANT force of 9.882 Newton. By the end of the movement he finds that only 0.819 Joule were actually used for lifting the weight (this amount goes into potential energy). Well?! Is some energy being lost?! Where did the other half of the energy go?! The answer is very simple: it went into kinetic energy. And the pendulum will further move up by itself due to its stored kinetic energy.

Note the word ?constant? above written in capitals. It is important because the simple equations Mr. Tseung uses are no longer valid if the force is not kept constant. Because of that initial assumption already made, any distractions derived from pulsed forces and similar ?improvements of theory? can not be discussed under the above mathematical treatment (which, I must stress again, it is physically wrong.). But the required mathematical analysis never came and I suspect it will never do.

Hope I made myself clear,
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RD Edwards on November 21, 2007, 03:45:27 PM
Thank you! You are eloquent, and right to the point. Thank you for your well thought out questions to "Dr' Tseung.

"Bunkers" with zero Credibility get that way by Leading Out Bunk in Too Many Simultaneous Conflicting Statements and Directions

freaking hilarious, thanks:)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 21, 2007, 08:00:46 PM
Quote from: tinu on November 21, 2007, 03:07:45 PM

Please take a look much earlier into this thread, close to its beginning: I?ve explained that what Mr Tseung calls ?Horizontal energy? is, in fact, the total spent energy. (That?s a very elementary fact.) It is total energy because there is no way one can horizontally deviate the weight from vertical without lifting it. Lifting <is achieved because of> / <it is a consequence/ a constraint of using> the rigid string BUT the energy comes from the pulling person. ***This is where you were taught wrong.***

*** Vertical Work cannot be done by a Horizontal Force without a machine to convert its direction. ***

Dear Tinu,

I finally know where you have the misunderstanding.  In Physics, we have the following Newtonian Equations:

(1)   Work done = Force x Displacement (Vector Mathematics)

(2)   Both Force and Displacement are vector quantities meaning that they have direction. 

(3)   If the Displacement is not in the same direction as the Force, no work is done.  This means a horizontal force cannot do work in the vertical direction unless a machine is used to change the direction of the Force.

(4)   Work done is associated with Energy.  Work is a scalar quantity.  So is Energy.

(5)   In the case of the first pull of the pendulum by a Horizontal Force, there are three Forces on the Pendulum. Namely Horizontal Force, Tension in the String and Gravitation Force or the Weight.

(6)   In Physics, we have to consider the effect of these Forces on the Pendulum.  The Weight can be considered constant.  The Horizontal Force is externally applied.  I assume that we can be extremely clever and keep it perfectly horizontal and constant.  The Tension of the Rigid String will vary.  It will definitely be greater than the Weight. 

(7)   When three forces act on an object in a two-dimensional plane as in the simple pendulum with a pull, we can use the Parallelogram of Forces to calculate the resultant force.  We can examine the work done by each of these forces.

(8 )   If we can apply a perfectly Horizontal Force, we can never do vertical work without some kind of a machine as required by the Laws of Physics.

(9)   When we examine the ?machine elements? in a simple pendulum, we can easily see that the increased tension of the String is responsible in lifting the Weight.  This is the Lead Out Energy.

(10)   Such Physics Laws and their applications cannot be wrong.  One can improve the analysis by considering the best pull force.  The best pull force is not horizontal in all cases.  In fact it is perpendicular to the Radius or Tangential to Motion.

Let us focus on the Physics and drop the Insult Training.

Lawrence Tseung
Vertical Work cannot be done by a Horizontal Force without a machine to convert its direction.   A machine can be a pulley, an inclined plane etc.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Rosphere on November 21, 2007, 08:26:03 PM
Quote from: tinu on November 21, 2007, 03:07:45 PM
Excellent work, Rosphere!
I refer mostly to the chart, which is eloquent for why there is no subject to be seriously discussed into this thread.
Thank you.  :)
After accepting that 'Hori energy' equation is wrong, notice that the values in the chart makes no physical sense. The computed ratio means total energy spent divided by the energy that goes into vertical lift (increase in potential energy). No physical significance whatsoever. No overunity either, just misuse of equations.

But if one reverses the ratio presented in the chart, now the new values would mean potential energy gained versus total energy spent. This may be useable for mental exercises. So, as example let?s take the angle =9.48. One has to spend 1.628 Joule to bring the weight from vertical to that angle, by pulling with a CONSTANT force of 9.882 Newton. By the end of the movement he finds that only 0.819 Joule were actually used for lifting the weight (this amount goes into potential energy). Well?! Is some energy being lost?! Where did the other half of the energy go?! The answer is very simple: it went into kinetic energy. And the pendulum will further move up by itself due to its stored kinetic energy.

Note the word ?constant? above written in capitals. It is important because the simple equations Mr. Tseung uses are no longer valid if the force is not kept constant. Because of that initial assumption already made, any distractions derived from pulsed forces and similar ?improvements of theory? can not be discussed under the above mathematical treatment (which, I must stress again, it is physically wrong.). But the required mathematical analysis never came and I suspect it will never do.

Hope I made myself clear,

I recall some of what I had learned back in college; statics, dynamics, kinetic energy, and potential energy.  Although his equations and his numbers in slide 3 did match-up to my results, mostly, I should not have moved on to slide 4 until I was comfortable with the origin of his equations.

Regarding my chart: the Fx and Fy equations are mine, based on a static system at each angle.  (I did the static Free Body Diagram in my head looking at slide 2.)  As you can see, Fx is not constant.  We can imagine holding a suspended mass off vertical with our finger; it does not require much force at small angles; we feel very little pressure.  At larger angles, the horizontal force required to hold the mass off vertical is noticeably higher and more painful on the finger.  (Notice I did not write, "push," or, "move," but, "hold."  Fx and Fy are static forces in my chart.)  Our experience jibes with the numbers in my Fx column.

I must admit, I did not make a F.B.D and sum all of the forces and moments to equal m*a and I*alpha.  Although I did not have a warm-fuzzy about the validity of the horizontal and vertical energy equations, I did not look them up as you appear to have done.

I can not agree with you either, at this point, because I have not dug into it for myself.  However, whatever cracks may exist in slide 3 seem to grow into caverns reaching out to slide 4.  And these caverns hearken back to my insecurities about slide 3, where I suspect that you may be right about the validity of the Cartesian separation of this "pulse" force.

In order to do any dynamic analysis we need more information about this pulse force and how it is applied.  Is it applied by an elastic collision at a=0?  (This sounds like what is meant by, "pulse.")

Assuming that it is an elastic collision at a=0, what happens to this Lead Out energy when the angle peaks and then returns to a=0; is it Lead Back In energy?  If the Lead Out energy is Lead Back In then how can we exercise any claim upon it to do our bidding?

It must be Lead Back In because swing sets are not banned from playgrounds, (what would happen to Johnny returning with 50% more energy at each pass?)

If this pendulum is set into motion and we wish to make charts showing energy movement between the system and the environment then we need to be clear about what is happening at what time and define our cycle.  Splitting the motion up into its two Cartesian parts and saying, "then this happens with one of them," seems odd.

I can not buy into slide 4 at this time without more details.  The jury is still out on slide 3.  :-\

On the other hand, I am not one to throw the baby out with the bath water.  Perhaps this pendulum example was hastily put together and may not lend itself well to explain this Lead Out theory.

Rosphere--break time
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 21, 2007, 08:45:19 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 21, 2007, 08:00:46 PM

(9)   When we examine the ?machine elements? in a simple pendulum, we can easily see that the increased tension of the String is responsible in lifting the Weight.  This is the Lead Out Energy.

You are making the high school mistake of misinterpreting the nature of a tension force.  Yes, tension force exists when you are pulling an object, and in that situation, the tension force is responsible for moving whatever weight you are moving.

In your example, the tension of the string has nothing to do with lifting the weight, because no one is pulling the string to get the weight to move.  The weight is being lifted because someone pushed on it.  The string is responsible for the vector, that is all.  Had the string not been there, the object would just cruise off into space until it falls or is captured and abducted by the CIA or the Like.  Either way, the energy in the overall system would not change.

Lawrence, I suggest you whip out the old Beginning Physics and look at the chapter on ropes and pullies.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 21, 2007, 09:05:55 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 21, 2007, 08:45:19 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 21, 2007, 08:00:46 PM

(9)   When we examine the ?machine elements? in a simple pendulum, we can easily see that the increased tension of the String is responsible in lifting the Weight.  This is the Lead Out Energy.

You are making the high school mistake of misinterpreting the nature of a tension force.  Yes, tension force exists when you are pulling an object, and in that situation, the tension force is responsible for moving whatever weight you are moving.

In your example, the tension of the string has nothing to do with lifting the weight, because no one is pulling the string to get the weight to move. 

*** In Physics, gravity can be the equivalent of a person pulling. ***

The weight is being lifted because someone pushed on it.  The string is responsible for the vector, that is all.  Had the string not been there, the object would just cruise off into space until it falls or is captured and abducted by the CIA or the Like.  Either way, the energy in the overall system would not change.

Lawrence, I suggest you whip out the old Beginning Physics and look at the chapter on ropes and pullies.

Dear utilitarian,

Let us focus on Physics and forget the Insult Training.  In Physics, there is a force (Tension of the String) and a vertical displacement (Pendulum lifted upwards).  The Tension of the String can be resolved into vertical and horizontal components.

The vertical component of the Tension of the String has done work.
Work = force x displacement (Vector Mathematics)
Vertical Work  = Vertical Component of Tension of String x raised height

I am sure this is Physics.  Work has been done by the Tension of the String.

Or Energy has been supplied by the String.  Where does the String get its Energy - partly from the horizontal pull and partly from gravity.  Gravitational Energy is Lead Out and stored into the pendulum system!!!

Lawrence Tseung
Let us focus on Physics.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 21, 2007, 09:31:35 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 21, 2007, 09:05:55 PM

Dear utilitarian,

Let us focus on Physics and forget the Insult Training.  In Physics, there is a force (Tension of the String) and a vertical displacement (Pendulum lifted upwards).  The Tension of the String can be resolved into vertical and horizontal components.

The vertical component of the Tension of the String has done work.
Work = force x displacement (Vector Mathematics)
Vertical Work  = Vertical Component of Tension of String x raised height

I am sure this is Physics.  Work has been done by the Tension of the String.

Or Energy has been supplied by the String.  Where does the String get its Energy - partly from the horizontal pull and partly from gravity.  Gravitational Energy is Lead Out and stored into the pendulum system!!!

Lawrence Tseung
Let us focus on Physics.

This is nuts, and I cannot believe I am bumping your retarded thread to post a response.  The only energy the string has in your experiment is gravitational potential energy.  That is, if the CIA or the Like were to cut the string, it would fall to the ground.  I suspect you are talking about something else.

This is so basic.  A pendulum is simple harmonic motion.  There is constant exchange between potential and kinetic energy, all originating from the intial push.  The string does not factor into it, except to direct the motion.

This is the craziest thing I have ever heard of, and easily disproven.  Just give a swinging bob a precisely measured push on the way down.  Then measure how high it gets before it changes direction.  If the increase in height is more than what can be accounted for by the single push, you have overunity.  If not, shut up about this and never mention this nonesense again.

I wager you have never performed this simple experiment.  If you have, show us a video or tell us where a video of such an experiment can be observed, and then we will all be converts to Lead Out.  Until then, it is all talk.  You are very good at talk, but not proof.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 21, 2007, 10:26:15 PM
Ms. Forever, the very pretty Chinese woman, does his experiments for him.  There is a video of her on this topic in an earlier post.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 21, 2007, 10:46:51 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 21, 2007, 10:26:15 PM
Ms. Forever, the very pretty Chinese woman, does his experiments for him.  There is a video of her on this topic in an earlier post.


I think she does some silly thing with a magnet at the end of a string, which does not prove anything.  That scallywag Tseung has her doing bad science!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Rosphere on November 21, 2007, 10:55:21 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 21, 2007, 10:46:51 PM
Milk out nose.  :D
Oh.  I mean, now, now, play nice; no name calling please.  Silly names count too, I think.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 21, 2007, 11:26:22 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 21, 2007, 10:46:51 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 21, 2007, 10:26:15 PM
Ms. Forever, the very pretty Chinese woman, does his experiments for him.  There is a video of her on this topic in an earlier post.


I think she does some silly thing with a magnet at the end of a string, which does not prove anything.  That scallywag Tseung has her doing bad science!

Dear utilitarian,

Please stick to Physics.  I do not want to get into insult training.

There are two types of motion to be considered in the case of the simple pendulum.

The first type is Pull the Pendulum to a reasonable height and let go.  The Pendulum will swing.  You are right that in this case, there is NO Lead Out of gravitational energy during the swing.  It is the simple harmonic motion.  You can use the simple concept of potential energy converting into kinetic energy in the analysis.  There is no addition of energy of any type.

The second type is Applying the Lee-Tseung Pull (I use this term because some Forum Members misunderstood the concept of a Pulse Force.  They misunderstood the physics difference of a Punch and a Push!).

The Lee-Tseung Pull starts with:
(1) A small Horizontal Pull to move the Pendulum slightly to the LHS.  The Pendulum rises slightly in height.  Energy is imparted and stored in the Pendulum System.  The Horizontal Work (and hence energy) is done by the Horizontal Pull.  The Vertical Work (and hence energy) is done by the Tension of the String.  There is no swinging motion of the Pendulum yet.  The Pendulum bob is displaced.  Thus there is no harmonic motion at this point.  There is ONLY application of Forces (Horizontal Force supplied by the scientist, Weight and Tension of the String).  Any analysis MUST involve these three forces.

(2) The Pendulum Bob is let go.  If there were no losses, it would swing to the mirror position on the RHS.  During the swing, no gravitational energy is Lead Out.  The Energy in the Pendulum system is the energy supplied by the initial Lee-Tseung horizontal Pull and the Lead out gravitational energy of the string in Step (1)

(3) At the highest position on the RHS, the Bob will momentarily pause and change direction.  At the instant of pausing, the Lee-Tseung Pull is applied.  The direction of the Pull is no longer horizontal but perpendicular to the radius or tangential.  This Lee-Tseung Pull will have both vertical and horizontal components.  The Lee-Tseung Pull vertical component + the vertical component of the Tension of the String will be equal to the Weight.  Thus both Lee-Tseung Pull and the Tension of the String will do work (or add energy to the pendulum system).

(4) Let us discuss up to this point first before more complications.

Lawrence Tseung
Consideration of the Lee-Tseung Pull Leads Out More Physics
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 12:21:28 AM
Quote from: Rosphere on November 21, 2007, 08:26:03 PM

?.. In order to do any dynamic analysis we need more information about this pulse force and how it is applied.  Is it applied by an elastic collision at a=0?  (This sounds like what is meant by, "pulse.")  ***No ***

Assuming that it is an elastic collision at a=0, what happens to this Lead Out energy when the angle peaks and then returns to a=0; is it Lead Back In energy?  If the Lead Out energy is Lead Back In then how can we exercise any claim upon it to do our bidding?  *** No, No , No ***
Rosphere--break time

Dear Rosphere,

You are right.  If you do not agree with slide 3, there is no point moving on.  I now realize why it was so easy at Tsing Hua University with their top professors and students.  They had the material weeks ago and then I was physically presenting.  Misunderstandings were clarified in minutes.

To be specific, the Pull is NOT an elastic collision.  (Wrong assumptions often lead to confusions and dead ends.) The Pull is a Lee-Tseung Pull with changes in direction at the highest position on the LHS or on the RHS.  The Ideal Pull is perpendicular to radius or tangential.

I shall discuss this in great depth before moving on.  (There is no point in moving on without thorough understanding.)  If you are impatient, read reply 643, the attached file titled Cosmic_Energy_Machines3.doc.

Lawrence Tseung
Wrong assumptions often lead to confusions and dead ends.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on November 22, 2007, 03:56:25 AM
Quote from: Rosphere on November 21, 2007, 08:26:03 PM
Quote from: tinu on November 21, 2007, 03:07:45 PM
Excellent work, Rosphere!
I refer mostly to the chart, which is eloquent for why there is no subject to be seriously discussed into this thread.
Thank you.  :)
After accepting that 'Hori energy' equation is wrong, notice that the values in the chart makes no physical sense. The computed ratio means total energy spent divided by the energy that goes into vertical lift (increase in potential energy). No physical significance whatsoever. No overunity either, just misuse of equations.

But if one reverses the ratio presented in the chart, now the new values would mean potential energy gained versus total energy spent. This may be useable for mental exercises. So, as example let?s take the angle =9.48. One has to spend 1.628 Joule to bring the weight from vertical to that angle, by pulling with a CONSTANT force of 9.882 Newton. By the end of the movement he finds that only 0.819 Joule were actually used for lifting the weight (this amount goes into potential energy). Well?! Is some energy being lost?! Where did the other half of the energy go?! The answer is very simple: it went into kinetic energy. And the pendulum will further move up by itself due to its stored kinetic energy.

Note the word ?constant? above written in capitals. It is important because the simple equations Mr. Tseung uses are no longer valid if the force is not kept constant. Because of that initial assumption already made, any distractions derived from pulsed forces and similar ?improvements of theory? can not be discussed under the above mathematical treatment (which, I must stress again, it is physically wrong.). But the required mathematical analysis never came and I suspect it will never do.

Hope I made myself clear,

I recall some of what I had learned back in college; statics, dynamics, kinetic energy, and potential energy.  Although his equations and his numbers in slide 3 did match-up to my results, mostly, I should not have moved on to slide 4 until I was comfortable with the origin of his equations.

Regarding my chart: the Fx and Fy equations are mine, based on a static system at each angle.  (I did the static Free Body Diagram in my head looking at slide 2.)  As you can see, Fx is not constant.  We can imagine holding a suspended mass off vertical with our finger; it does not require much force at small angles; we feel very little pressure.  At larger angles, the horizontal force required to hold the mass off vertical is noticeably higher and more painful on the finger.  (Notice I did not write, "push," or, "move," but, "hold."  Fx and Fy are static forces in my chart.)  Our experience jibes with the numbers in my Fx column.

I must admit, I did not make a F.B.D and sum all of the forces and moments to equal m*a and I*alpha.  Although I did not have a warm-fuzzy about the validity of the horizontal and vertical energy equations, I did not look them up as you appear to have done.

I can not agree with you either, at this point, because I have not dug into it for myself.  However, whatever cracks may exist in slide 3 seem to grow into caverns reaching out to slide 4.  And these caverns hearken back to my insecurities about slide 3, where I suspect that you may be right about the validity of the Cartesian separation of this "pulse" force.

In order to do any dynamic analysis we need more information about this pulse force and how it is applied.  Is it applied by an elastic collision at a=0?  (This sounds like what is meant by, "pulse.")

Assuming that it is an elastic collision at a=0, what happens to this Lead Out energy when the angle peaks and then returns to a=0; is it Lead Back In energy?  If the Lead Out energy is Lead Back In then how can we exercise any claim upon it to do our bidding?

It must be Lead Back In because swing sets are not banned from playgrounds, (what would happen to Johnny returning with 50% more energy at each pass?)

If this pendulum is set into motion and we wish to make charts showing energy movement between the system and the environment then we need to be clear about what is happening at what time and define our cycle.  Splitting the motion up into its two Cartesian parts and saying, "then this happens with one of them," seems odd.

I can not buy into slide 4 at this time without more details.  The jury is still out on slide 3.  :-\

On the other hand, I am not one to throw the baby out with the bath water.  Perhaps this pendulum example was hastily put together and may not lend itself well to explain this Lead Out theory.

Rosphere--break time

Fx is indeed not constant in your chart and it is well computed, depending on the angle. But when choosing any single line in the chart and sticking to it, Fx is assumed to be constant when HE is computed (HE=FxLsin(a); you take Fx from the fourth column and multiply it with the displacement ? second column, hence the work is computed assuming a constant force from zero angle to the given value. A correct computation would involve integration.)

Anyway, I?d like to say that I appreciate a lot your reasoning and overall fine logic. I mostly like in particular the following part:  ?However, whatever cracks may exist in slide 3 seem to grow into caverns reaching out to slide 4.?
Well, HE is one of such crack and then the bottom conclusion is the second crack. One should read ? Thus 2 parts of supplied total energy is continuously and cyclically transferred by the pendulum between potential and kinetic energy and there is a particular angle for which potential energy is exactly half of the total energy supplied.? instead of  ?Thus 2 Parts of Supplied Horizontal Energy leads out approximately 1 Part Vertical Energy?. Nothing is being lead out. Only caverns, indeed!

You are on the good path, like utilitarian that came lately and like many others who came by. I?m confident you?ll get the whole picture soon, with or without my further opinions.

Energy from ?still air? is a similar story. Unfortunately for the naives, the device works but it is the equivalent of a pulley system: water can be pumped at high heights but in less quantity. Increase the height and eventually the quantity diminish to zero. No overunity ever proved, experimentally or mathematically. But the same trickery and/or misuse of elementary physics is employed in selling the ideas to the credulous masses.

The ?machine? as Mr. Tseung pompously like to name it in ?If the Displacement is not in the same direction as the Force, no work is done.  This means a horizontal force cannot do work in the vertical direction unless a machine is used to change the direction of the Force.? needs not be more than the mere string into this case or a simple pulley in the general case.
We?ve been through this issue several times but we still move in circle.  And unfortunately I don?t have much time to explain it over and over. I don?t want to make a fixation out of it and, even more important, I don?t want to post here too often because I have the strong feeling that Mr. Tseung does not wish anything more than eternally perpetuating the current thread, for reasons that are blurred to me but I suspect they are quite obscured. I?ll definitely answer to your direct questions but I?ll limit my posts unless the things depart too far from reality and unjustified optimism reaches alarming levels. Please note that Mr. Tseung has a formal training in physics (although not-practiced, though) and due to that training he can be very slippery to the non-physicists. Luckily I am a physicist too and, unfortunately for him, my ?kung fu? is, lets say, aaa? juuust ?a little better? than his rusty one.  ;)

Have a nice day,
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 04:30:23 AM
Can an experiment be done to verify that the Lee-Tseung Pull does Lead Out gravitational energy?

In Physics, we can look at the consequence of a theory.  For example, in the kinetic theory of gases, we assume molecules are ball like structures hitting the walls and each other.  We cannot see the actual action of a single molecule.  However, their collective behavior gives rise the Gas Laws (Boyle?s Law, Charles?s Law).

It is almost impossible to apply a single ideal Lee-Tseung Pull to a swinging pendulum with perfect measurement of its Force and the Energy imparted.  However, the consequence of Lead Out says that we can supply X units of energy to a system, an additional Y units of energy from gravity can be Lead Out.

The sum of these two energies is the real Input Energy to the system.  It is obvious that X + Y is greater than X alone.  The Lead Out energy Y is the so called Free-Energy.

If the system is designed so that part of the output Z is looped back as Input, the system can indeed sustain itself and produce more useable energy. 

For an Ideal (no loss) system,
  Output = Input
          Z = X +Y

For an non-ideal ( Loss=L ) system
   Z + L = X + Y or
         Z = X + Y ? L

So long as Y is greater than L, we can loop back X and have (Y - L) as Free Energy!  This is the reason why slide 3 (and the associated spreadsheet analysis) is so important.

Thus any demonstrated Free-Energy device will confirm the correctness of the Lee-Tseung Lead out theory.  The Hungarian EBM machine is a commercial, demonstrated machine.  China ordered one already.  Many Engineers are under training.

Lawrence Tseung
Existence of any ?Free-Energy? device will confirm the Lee-Tseung lead Out Theory. Or putting it another way ? The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory predicts the inevitability of the ?Free-Energy? Machines.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 04:43:26 AM
Dear Rosphere,

Do you mind sharing your spreadsheet in this open forum?  Mine is somewhere in one of the earlier threads.

Then we can compare Mathematics in addition to Physics.

The Mathematics including the full integration turned out to be understandable if we use the ideal Lee-Tseung Pull on the simple pendulum!

Let us make sure your spreadsheet and mine have the same basic assumptions and equations.


I am glad that you are a Physicist.  It is quite acceptable for two trained experts to disagree (e.g. two doctors and specially two lawyers!)

The Lee-Tseung theory have been published in the form of a patent document.  It is widely disclosed in various forms in many forums.  The latest version can be seen in reply 643 of this thread.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Rosphere on November 22, 2007, 11:03:27 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 04:43:26 AM
Dear Rosphere,
Do you mind sharing your spreadsheet in this open forum?

Sure, when I have more faith in it.  I am looking at it now and asking myself, "how in the hell can the value for Fy approach zero at a=90 degrees?"

Ever have on of those engineering problems in college where you were never satisfied with your answer?  So you keep going back over it, trying to understand it on a deeper conceptual level so that your numbers made sense to you?  Tear the damned paper into shreds so fast you hurt yourself doing it?  Then start all over again with a fresh clean piece of paper and a new attitude?

This is one of those times for me.  I dove in the water too quickly without looking for scallywags.  ;)

I made the spreadsheet to quickly check out your numbers against your equations on slide 3.  Aside from the rounding and significant-figure issues, they matched.

I need to start over with a clean sheet of paper, a Free Body Diagram, and a clear head because Fy=0 @ a=90 seems wrong.  It can not be.  In a static condition, there must be a vertical component force equal and opposite to the force of gravity, Mg, for the body to remain at rest, (static; a non-accelerating reference frame.)

(Note: I know that your example does not approach 90 degrees.  I am using this angle a mental tool to check my calculations.  If my numbers at 90 degrees make no sense then all the forces at all of the other angles will be off as well.)

We can imagine 'pushing' the suspended mass off-vertical-angle with an unconstrained horizontal motion; (able to slip in the vertical,) using our finger.  We stop at various angles along the way, from zero to 90 degrees, to compare the pressure on our finger tip.  Increasing tension on the string at increasing angles imparted by even more force from the finger.  There is no way we can hold that sucker at 90 with JUST horizontal force, Fx.  There MUST be a verticle force, Fy, to balance Mg, (in a static condition.)

Since, by initial definition, the applied force may not have a vertical component, Fy = 0, then the only other avenue available to impart such a weight balancing force in a static condition must come from the string tension force, T.

Further, it is impossible to hold the string at a=90 with just a horizontal force because there will be no vertical component of the string to provide the weight balance.

Therefore, when I finally have my static forces Fx and Fy values correct from angles (0 < a < 90) then I suspect that the data in my spreadsheet should look something like this:

Horizontal component of tension in the string, Tx:  (0 < (Tx=Fx) < infinity), where Fx is the applied horizontal force; equal and opposite of Tx.

Vertical component of tension in the string:  Ty=Mg (constant--I should have seen this initially from the FDB.  I guess I have spent too many years in the field doing 'clerical' engineering.)

I think I am on the right track now.  I will try to assemble a new spreadsheet later.  I need to break now and prepare to visit family to celebrate in the traditional way on this American holiday.

Once I flesh-out the static analysis, I can then look into the static energy.  Then we move into the dynamic analysis of forces and moments and the associated dynamic energy.  This is where I am going to need specific information about this pulse force, of which you speak, and the range of motion applied.  I may need to blow the dust off my calculus books before this is all over.

Rosphere-gobble gobble
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Rosphere on November 22, 2007, 12:40:32 PM
Quote from: tinu on November 22, 2007, 03:56:25 AM
Have a nice day,

Thank you for taking the time to go over all this again for my benefit.  :)
I will figure it out for myself, eventually.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 02:12:40 PM
Quote from: Rosphere on November 22, 2007, 12:40:32 PM

I will figure it out for myself, eventually.  This old song came to mind for some reason:  ??? :D

Dear Rosphere,

I know you will figure it out sooner or later.  You have the right approach.  Happy Thanksgiving to you and family.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 02:31:13 PM
Hi Lawrence Tseung,

I read your e-mail on overunity.com and I have a brief question:
Does General Magnetics have a (public) stock listing and, if yes, what is their stock symbol or letters?

Best regards,


No.  General Magnetics is NOT a public company.  They plan to have their IPO in 2008 after product introduction.  They have a number of working Cosmic Energy Machine prototypes in development.  Wang Shum Ho is one of the nine Vice Presidents.  His device will be one of them.

I know that they researched the Hungarian EBM thoroughly.  They accepted that it was not a hoax.  I believe China already ordered a large unit from Hungary.  Wang Shum Ho helped to introduce our Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory to them.

From my last communication with Wang, the high priority product would be an electricity generator for a village or a large factory.  The existing electrical grid will not be altered.  Some of the key investors are existing Power Companies in China. 

Two Models of the Wang Shum Ho Device have been submitted to the China Certification Authorities for a six-month safety test.

Lawrence Tseung
The Lee-Tseung theory can explain the source of energy of the working EBM machine from Hungary.  Energy was Lead Out from both gravitational and electron motion (magnetic) fields.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 07:04:32 PM
US Patent Office granting impossible patents???


Antigravity device patented
Posted by David Pescovitz, November 17, 2005 2:59 PM | permalink
I missed this in Nature last week, but the US patent office has approved a patent for a spacecraft powered by antigravity. Here's the abstract of US Patent #6,960,975:
A space vehicle propelled by the pressure of inflationary vacuum state is provided comprising a hollow superconductive shield, an inner shield, a power source, a support structure, upper and lower means for generating an electromagnetic field, and a flux modulation controller. A cooled hollow superconductive shield is energized by an electromagnetic field resulting in the quantized vortices of lattice ions projecting a gravitomagnetic field that forms a spacetime curvature anomaly outside the space vehicle. The spacetime curvature imbalance, the spacetime curvature being the same as gravity, provides for the space vehicle's propulsion. The space vehicle, surrounded by the spacetime anomaly, may move at a speed approaching the light-speed characteristic for the modified locale. Link
Such a device apparently defies the laws of physics. From Nature:
This is not the first such patent to be granted, but it shows that patent examiners are being duped by false science, says physicist Robert Park, watchdog of junk science at the American Physical Society in Washington DC. Park tracks US patents on impossible inventions. "The patent office is in deep trouble," he says.

"If something doesn't work, it is rejected," insists Alan Cohan, an adviser at the patent office's Inventors Assistance Center in Alexandria, Virginia. And when something does slip through, he says, the consequences are not significant: "It doesn't cause any problems because the patent is useless."

But Park argues that patenting devices that so blatantly go against scientific understanding could give them undeserved respectability, and undermine the patent office's reputation. "When a patent is awarded for an idea that doesn't work, the door is opened for sham." Link (Thanks, Harvey Lehtman!)

It looks like the US Patent Office has learned from the China Patent Office.  Granting impossible patents have insignificant consequence.  But if such impossible inventions work and no patents were granted, the US patent Office would be in big Lawsuit troubles.

The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory predicts hundreds of Inventions that will Lead Out gravitational or electron motion energy.  Some debunkers or CIA or the Like keep saying that it is impossible.  They are doing the US patent office a disservice.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory 寶泰話
Post by: gaby de wilde on November 22, 2007, 07:50:23 PM

is there anything important in this valuable speech from shakylee?

YouTube - æÅ"¨ç‰›æµé¦¬_20070831 寶泰話三åÅ"‹

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory 寶泰話
Post by: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 08:12:54 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on November 22, 2007, 07:50:23 PM

is there anything important in this valuable speech from shakylee?

YouTube - æÅ"¨ç‰›æµé¦¬_20070831 寶泰話三åÅ"‹

He was talking about the story of the inventions of the Wooden Cow and the Floating Horse.  According to the story, real cows and horses got frightened when crossing narrow bridges.  Much of the food for the soldiers were lost and fell to the river.

The inventions of the Wooden Cow and Floating Horse came as a result of such needs.  One Wooden Cow could carry food for a soldier for a year.  One Floating Horse could carry food for a soldier for 4 years. One speculation of the Wooden Cow was a hand-push Cart with one wheel in front.

*** Other speculations include self-propelling systems. ***
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 08:47:49 PM
To help those who want to examine every equation and every calculation, I am reproducing the original spreadsheet with some explanations.

The attached spreadsheet corresponds to the slides 6 and 7 of the presentation in http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/taiwan2a.htm.

Points to Note:
(1) Cells E10 to E17 are the key cells in the calculation.
(2) When a horizontal force of 10 units is applied to the pendulum with weight equal to 60 units, the angle at equilibrium is 9.48 degrees.
(3) With the spread sheet, it can be seen that at small angles, the ratio of horizontal energy to vertical energy approaches 2.0.
(4) At 90 degrees, the ratio approaches infinite (1.63E+16).  This means at this angle, no vertical energy can be lead out no matter how large is the horizontal force.
(5) To be more exact, the best horizontal force is small but frequent.

Comments on this spreadheet is encouraged.

I shall produce another spreadsheet using NOT the horizontal force.  It will use the best Lee-Tseung Pull.  The efficiency will be even higher.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory 寶泰話
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 22, 2007, 09:25:12 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 08:12:54 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on November 22, 2007, 07:50:23 PM

is there anything important in this valuable speech from shakylee?

YouTube - æÅ"¨ç‰›æµé¦¬_20070831 寶泰話三åÅ"‹

He was talking about the story of the inventions of the Wooden Cow and the Floating Horse.  According to the story, real cows and horses got frightened when crossing narrow bridges.  Much of the food for the soldiers were lost and fell to the river.

The inventions of the Wooden Cow and Floating Horse came as a result of such needs.  One Wooden Cow could carry food for a soldier for a year.  One Floating Horse could carry food for a soldier for 4 years. One speculation of the Wooden Cow was a hand-push Cart with one wheel in front.

*** Other speculations include self-propelling systems. ***

Some people will believe anything! Get real, Godzilla is a myth!

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory 寶泰話
Post by: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 09:53:26 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 22, 2007, 09:25:12 PM

Some people will believe anything! Get real, Godzilla is a myth!

Hans von Lieven

The Hungarian EBM is no myth.

The spreadsheet is strictly Mathematics and Physics.  That is no myth.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 22, 2007, 10:01:45 PM
As I said..................................

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory 寶泰話
Post by: gaby de wilde on November 23, 2007, 02:31:35 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 08:12:54 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on November 22, 2007, 07:50:23 PM

is there anything important in this valuable speech from shakylee?

YouTube - æÅ"¨ç‰›æµé¦¬_20070831 寶泰話三åÅ"‹

He was talking about the story of the inventions of the Wooden Cow and the Floating Horse.  According to the story, real cows and horses got frightened when crossing narrow bridges.  Much of the food for the soldiers were lost and fell to the river.

The inventions of the Wooden Cow and Floating Horse came as a result of such needs.  One Wooden Cow could carry food for a soldier for a year.  One Floating Horse could carry food for a soldier for 4 years. One speculation of the Wooden Cow was a hand-push Cart with one wheel in front.

*** Other speculations include self-propelling systems. ***

Wikipedia says Zhuge Liang launched five Northern Expeditions against Cao Wei, but all except one failed, usually because his food supplies ran out rather than failure on the battlefield.

What ever he was using to transport food didn't have the endurance normal food would have. Seems obvious one cant eat a wooden ox.

Living food doesn't expire like packages do. If each cow would be replaced by 5 wooden oxes the advantage would disappear.

You see it makes mathematical sense?

One keen researcher also noticed the wheel was not to be considered an invention in those days. It cant have been a hand car as that would have been a very normal device, this much excitement over a hand car is not rational. It doesn't fit next to a hot air baloon, I understand his balista improvement could be interpertated as exagerated?

I think unbalanced wheels would work but one could hardly call it a wooden ox. I imagine using metal to cover the wood to prevent setting fire to it would make the ox look an awful lot like modern day robots. Such drones did find their way into stories long ago. The machines are absolutely available to the human imagination. The 130 000 year old sunken city by the coast of Japan may suggest we go extremely easy on the denial of ancient technology.

Everything invented in European history seems to have a Chinese description of some kind predating it by a thousand years. It seem Chinese censorship has done enormous damage to the reputation of their own scientists.  Much like Japan, Russia and China. I'm not much a sucker for nationalism but removing the Cultural accomplishments obviously removes the culture also.

Struck by their unnatural aerodynamic shapes, one guy reverse engineered old Maia jewellery into a model airplane. He said it was a perfectly good shape for a plane, the guy worked in aerodynamics 40 years. There are lots of famous ancient drawings that are only visible from the sky. Here the speculation ends at the hot air balloon with people claiming it was invented in Europe. haha?

Previous civilisations managed to develop much further as we have today.

I mean spiritually we are a bunch of cave men?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory 寶泰話
Post by: Eden on November 23, 2007, 12:31:37 PM

Some people will believe anything! Get real, Godzilla is a myth!

Hans von Lieven

offensive remarks are uncalled for in any topic of this forum.
one can say things in a civilised manner. we are all trying to achieve a common goal: OU !
and as a wonderful french proverb says: "du choque des id?es, jaillit la lumi?re"

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 23, 2007, 12:48:05 PM
There was nothing offensive in what I said, and Gaby, you don't have to pose as eden to make it look as though you have some support fot YOUR offensive behaviour!

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 23, 2007, 05:09:39 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 04:30:23 AM
It is almost impossible to apply a single ideal Lee-Tseung Pull to a swinging pendulum with perfect measurement of its Force and the Energy imparted.  However, the consequence of Lead Out says that we can supply X units of energy to a system, an additional Y units of energy from gravity can be Lead Out.

Did anyone catch this little gem?  Very typical.  Lawrence makes wild claim.  Can it be tested?  Why no, because it is almost impossible to apply the ideal Lee-Tseung pull.  So whatever observations you see that may counter the theory can easily be explained away - the pull was incorrect.

Lawrence, cut the crap.  I have glanced through the thread history, and it is all talk.  The burden of proof is always on the person making the outlandish claim. Put up or shut up.  Show a "Lee-Tseung Pull" that results in more energy in the system that can be explained by the energy imparted in the pull. I am willing to bet my last dime that a clear and verifyable demonstration of this will never happen and can never happen.

The purported devices will always be promised to be out next year some time.  Then, due to some minor setback, the release will always be pushed to one year later.

And what about the AERO competition?  What technical glitch will be excuse for the no show?  The famous Steorn hot bearings are always a good one.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Rosphere on November 23, 2007, 05:37:07 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 23, 2007, 05:09:39 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 04:30:23 AM
It is almost impossible to apply a single ideal Lee-Tseung Pull to a swinging pendulum with perfect measurement of its Force and the Energy imparted.  However, the consequence of Lead Out says that we can supply X units of energy to a system, an additional Y units of energy from gravity can be Lead Out.

Did anyone catch this little gem?  ...Can it be tested?  Why no, because it is almost impossible to apply the ideal Lee-Tseung pull.  So whatever observations you see that may counter the theory can easily be explained away - the pull was incorrect.

...The burden of proof is always on the person making the outlandish claim

...Show a "Lee-Tseung Pull" that results in more energy in the system that can be explained by the energy imparted in the pull....

Thank you.  I am hanging-up my free body diagrams and spreadsheet calculations until this issue is resolved.

ltseung888, we need to see a diagram showing this Lee-Tseung Pull.  Another diagram showing how this Lead Out energy can be harnessed without upsetting the horizontal return energy would also be helpful.

Again, perhaps this pendulum example is a poor one to demonstrate your theory.  It may be more applicable to a radiant-electro-magnetic apparatus than a purely gravitational one.  If you are attempting to use this pendulum example as a simple means to demonstrate a theory better applied to another device then you may wish to abandon this avenue of communication.  It does not appear to be having the desired positive effect.  If you plan to stick with it then it appears to be in need of a complete overhaul.  ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 23, 2007, 05:49:21 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 23, 2007, 05:09:39 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 04:30:23 AM
It is almost impossible to apply a single ideal Lee-Tseung Pull to a swinging pendulum with perfect measurement of its Force and the Energy imparted.  However, the consequence of Lead Out says that we can supply X units of energy to a system, an additional Y units of energy from gravity can be Lead Out.

Did anyone catch this little gem?  Very typical.  Lawrence makes wild claim.  Can it be tested?  Why no, because it is almost impossible to apply the ideal Lee-Tseung pull.  So whatever observations you see that may counter the theory can easily be explained away - the pull was incorrect.

Lawrence, cut the crap.  I have glanced through the thread history, and it is all talk.  The burden of proof is always on the person making the outlandish claim. Put up or shut up.  Show a "Lee-Tseung Pull" that results in more energy in the system that can be explained by the energy imparted in the pull. I am willing to bet my last dime that a clear and verifyable demonstration of this will never happen and can never happen.

The purported devices will always be promised to be out next year some time.  Then, due to some minor setback, the release will always be pushed to one year later.

And what about the AERO competition?  What technical glitch will be excuse for the no show?  The famous Steorn hot bearings are always a good one.

I said that it was almost impossible to measure a single ideal Lee-Tseung Pull.

But I also quoted the case of Kinetic Theory of Gases.  The collective effect of multiple Lee-Tseung Pulls can be measured. 
These Pulls may not be ideal.

The Hungarian EBM is such a working example.  It leads out gravitational and electron motion (magnetic) energy. 

It has been demonstrated.  It can be demonstrated now.  China has spent milions to place orders.  Engineers are under training.

We are checking whether the AERO competition is another CIA or the Like trick.  We wait for the investigation of the Chinese Intelligence before
we act.  We do not want to repeat the painful experience last year,  We did not check the 225HP Pulse Motor Group.  That set us back many

We are aware of multiple prototypes that can generate 1KW continuously for 72 hours.  Many are invented outside China.  This overunity forum
discussed some of them.  There is no hurry to win the AERO competition.  More competitions and higher prizes are on their way.

The CIA or the Like asked us to shut up and tempted us each with USD12 million.  We even signed a contract.  Will I ever listen to the CIA or the
Like again?  When I feel I have something to share, I post.  We impressed the Chinese Authorities.  That is good enough for me.

Lawrence Tseung
Sharing knowledge with the World Leads Out objections and insults from some sources. 
But why should we care if the goal is to benefit the World
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 23, 2007, 05:56:52 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 23, 2007, 05:49:21 PM
I said that it was almost impossible to measure a single ideal Lee-Tseung Pull.

But I also quoted the case of Kinetic Theory of Gases.  The collective effect of multiple Lee-Tseung Pulls can be measured.  These Pulls may not be ideal.

The Hungarian EBM is such a working example.  It leads out gravitational and electron motion (magnetic) energy. 

It has been demonstrated.  It can be demonstrated now.  China has spent milions to place orders.  Engineers are under training.

We are checking whether the AERO competition is another CIA or the Like trick.  We wait for the investigation of the Chinese Intelligence before
we act.  We do not want to repeat the painful experience last year,  We did not check the 225HP Pulse Motor Group.  That set us back many

We are aware of multiple prototypes that can generate 1KW continuously for 72 hours.  Many are invented outside China.  This overunity forum
discussed some of them.  There is no hurry to win the AERO competition.  More competitions and higher prizes are on their way.

The CIA or the Like asked us to shut up and tempted us with USD12 million.  We even signed a contract.  Will I ever listen to the CIA or the
Like again?  When I feel I have something to share, I post.  We impressed the Chinese Authorities.  That is good enough for me.

Lawrence Tseung
Sharing knowledge with the World Leads Out objections and insults from some sources. 
But why should we care if the goal is to benefit the World

Haha, good one on the AERO.  I knew you could find a good reason to pull out!

And again, you are ducking.  Post evidence of a proper Lee-Tseung pull that results in more energy in the system than can be accounted for by the pull.  You cannot, or you would have already.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 23, 2007, 06:00:30 PM
Or at least post some more pictures of Ms. Forever.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 23, 2007, 06:20:49 PM
Dear utilitarian,

Please go back to the thread to see how the Lee-Tseung theory was used to explain the
Hungarian EBM and many other inventions known to the West.

Repeating them here will draw more insults - saying that I repeat and repeat.

Many have done the equivalent experiments and confirmations with their inventions.
Give them credit.

There are at least 200 overunity inventions that should be given credit outside China.
They all helped to verify the Lee-Tseung theory.

Glancing is useless.  Study, study and study.

Lawrence Tseung
More insults just provide more training.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 23, 2007, 06:26:03 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 23, 2007, 06:20:49 PM

Study, study and study.

Talk talk talk.  No evidence but always more talk.  Your second-hand stories are not evidence. No one cares about the stupid machine from Hungary or what you presented to some other Chinese people.  Post evidence of a pendulum gaining more energy from a pull than can be accounted by the pull.  According to your theory, this is easily accomplished.  Stop talking and give us a simple demontration.  Do not tell us about other demonstrations - give us a demonstration.  Alas, you cannot.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory 寶泰話
Post by: gaby de wilde on November 23, 2007, 09:09:03 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on November 23, 2007, 02:31:35 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 08:12:54 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on November 22, 2007, 07:50:23 PM

is there anything important in this valuable speech from shakylee?

YouTube - æÅ"¨ç‰›æµé¦¬_20070831 寶泰話三åÅ"‹

He was talking about the story of the inventions of the Wooden Cow and the Floating Horse.  According to the story, real cows and horses got frightened when crossing narrow bridges.  Much of the food for the soldiers were lost and fell to the river.

The inventions of the Wooden Cow and Floating Horse came as a result of such needs.  One Wooden Cow could carry food for a soldier for a year.  One Floating Horse could carry food for a soldier for 4 years.

It seems logical for the horse to be a kind of boat I think?  The years are probably not correct but the size ratio suggests the ox holds 1/4 the cargo as a boat. And the ox could hold 2/3 cargo right?

QuoteOne speculation of the Wooden Cow was a hand-push Cart with one wheel in front.

*** Other speculations include self-propelling systems. ***

Wikipedia says Zhuge Liang launched five Northern Expeditions against Cao Wei, but all except one failed, usually because his food supplies ran out rather than failure on the battlefield.

What ever he was using to transport food didn't have the endurance normal food would have. Seems obvious one cant eat a wooden ox.

Living food doesn't expire like packages do. If each cow would be replaced by 5 wooden oxes the advantage would disappear.

You see it makes mathematical sense?

One keen researcher also noticed the wheel was not to be considered an invention in those days. It cant have been a hand car as that would have been a very normal device, this much excitement over a hand car is not rational. It doesn't fit next to a hot air baloon, I understand his balista improvement could be interpertated as exagerated?

I think unbalanced wheels would work but one could hardly call it a wooden ox. I imagine using metal to cover the wood to prevent setting fire to it would make the ox look an awful lot like modern day robots. Such drones did find their way into stories long ago. The machines are absolutely available to the human imagination. The 130 000 year old sunken city by the coast of Japan may suggest we go extremely easy on the denial of ancient technology.

Everything invented in European history seems to have a Chinese description of some kind predating it by a thousand years. It seem Chinese censorship has done enormous damage to the reputation of their own scientists.  Much like Japan, Russia and China. I'm not much a sucker for nationalism but removing the Cultural accomplishments obviously removes the culture also.

Struck by their unnatural aerodynamic shapes, one guy reverse engineered old Maia jewellery into a model airplane. He said it was a perfectly good shape for a plane, the guy worked in aerodynamics 40 years. There are lots of famous ancient drawings that are only visible from the sky. Here the speculation ends at the hot air balloon with people claiming it was invented in Europe. haha?

Previous civilisations managed to develop much further as we have today.

I mean spiritually we are a bunch of cave men?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on November 23, 2007, 09:25:22 PM
I like this pendulum setup.


The wind is pushing consistently, the push at the right moment outweighs the drag during the rest of the swing.

Or does it not?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on November 24, 2007, 01:28:28 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on November 23, 2007, 09:25:22 PM
I like this pendulum setup.


The wind is pushing consistently, the push at the right moment outweighs the drag during the rest of the swing.

Or does it not?

Nothing to do with Lee-Tseung, though I am sure he will take credit.  This is due to mechanical resonance.  Refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_resonance (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_resonance) for an explanation.

Incidentally, this is what caused the Tacoma Narrows Bridge to collapse in 1940.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 24, 2007, 01:34:00 AM
@ Shruggedatlas:

Yes, and in the video (film then) it was professor Parkinson and his dog that were observed running away just before the collapse.  His car went down with the bridge.  Ever since then, they now take into account the effect of the "notes" played by the wind blowing through the suspension wires and the resonant frequency of the bridge structure. (See, I do remember some things from high school science classes, now, where are my socks?)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on November 24, 2007, 08:53:02 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on November 24, 2007, 01:28:28 AMNothing to do with Lee-Tseung, though I am sure he will take credit.  This is due to mechanical resonance.  Refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_resonance (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_resonance) for an explanation.

Incidentally, this is what caused the Tacoma Narrows Bridge to collapse in 1940.

What a dumb answer shruggedatlas?  As if I don't know what mechanical resonance is? This is how you quote wikipeidia if you don't know how to do that:

Mechanical resonance is the tendency of a mechanical system to absorb more energy when the frequency of its oscillations matches the system's natural frequency of vibration (its resonance frequency or resonant frequency) than it does at other frequencies.

You seem to claim it's important to focus on the non relationships. Just like you like to focus on the non discussion. And just like you focus on the non social interaction.

Your answer is much to dumb for me to continue talking with you. I'm sorry.

Your dumb bridge is a pendulum in every way it needs to be dummy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on November 24, 2007, 09:03:09 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on November 24, 2007, 08:53:02 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on November 24, 2007, 01:28:28 AMNothing to do with Lee-Tseung, though I am sure he will take credit.  This is due to mechanical resonance.  Refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_resonance (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_resonance) for an explanation.

Incidentally, this is what caused the Tacoma Narrows Bridge to collapse in 1940.

What a dumb answer shruggedatlas?  As if I don't know what mechanical resonance is? This is how you quote wikipeidia if you don't know how to do that:

Mechanical resonance is the tendency of a mechanical system to absorb more energy when the frequency of its oscillations matches the system's natural frequency of vibration (its resonance frequency or resonant frequency) than it does at other frequencies.

You seem to claim it's important to focus on the non relationships. Just like you like to focus on the non discussion. And just like you focus on the non social interaction.

Your answer is much to dumb for me to continue talking with you. I'm sorry.

Your dumb bridge is a pendulum in every way it needs to be dummy.

This is a topic about Lee-Tseung theory, so when you bring something up, expect it to be tied to Lee-Tseung theory.  Sorry if that is too traumatic for you.  If this is too much "noise" for you and Chairman Tseung, maybe you two like-minded fellows can keep talking on your own forum, where it is nice and quiet.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Eden on November 24, 2007, 09:19:36 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on November 24, 2007, 08:53:02 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on November 24, 2007, 01:28:28 AMNothing to do with Lee-Tseung, though I am sure he will take credit.  This is due to mechanical resonance.  Refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_resonance (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_resonance) for an explanation.

Incidentally, this is what caused the Tacoma Narrows Bridge to collapse in 1940.

What a dumb answer shruggedatlas?  As if I don't know what mechanical resonance is? This is how you quote wikipeidia if you don't know how to do that:
u seem to claim it's important to focus on the non relationships. Just like you like to focus on the non discussion. And just like you focus on the non social interaction.

Your answer is much to dumb for me to continue talking with you. I'm sorry.

Your dumb bridge is a pendulum in every way it needs to be dummy.

you really like to be aggressive, don't you.
why is this necessary ?
This doesn't help human conscienceness in the universe...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 24, 2007, 09:52:07 AM
Calm down. 

I would like to focus on Mathematics and Physics.

The spreadsheet so far covers the use of non-ideal Lee-Tseung Pulls using horizontal forces.

It reveals the concept of Lead Out.

Now, we discovered the ideal Lee-Tseung Pulls.
(I had to admit, some of the insulting comments helped.)

The World Energy Crisis is over,  We can improve the many hundred OU inventions.


Lawrence Tseung
The Ideal Lee-Tseung Pull not only explains Lead Out but can predict improvements
with higher accuracy and clarity.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 24, 2007, 10:37:16 AM
Even before the vigorous mathematics, we can tell something about the ideal Lee-Tseung Pulls.

(1) The horizontal force treatment was definitely not ideal.

(2) The ideal Lee-Tseung Pull is perpendicular to radius or tangential.

(3) It implies that Periodic Forces on a rotating balanced wheel should not be
elastic collisions.

(4) These Forces must impart energy or accelerate the rotation.  They
must be applied at the right time.

(5) Applying the Forces incorrectly will not lead out the expected energies.

This is why tuning is so important in OU device development.

After the vigorous mathematical treatment, I shall focus on the best ways
to apply the Lee-Tseung Pull.  I may not have the perfect answer initially but
I am confident that I am along the right path.

Lawrence Tseung
Working continuously on imperfect solutions Leads Out closer to ideal solutions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 24, 2007, 12:48:10 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 23, 2007, 05:49:21 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 23, 2007, 05:09:39 PM

Did anyone catch this little gem?  Very typical.  Lawrence makes wild claim.  Can it be tested?  Why no, because it is almost impossible to apply the ideal Lee-Tseung pull.  So whatever observations you see that may counter the theory can easily be explained away - the pull was incorrect.

Lawrence, cut the crap.  I have glanced through the thread history, and it is all talk.  The burden of proof is always on the person making the outlandish claim. Put up or shut up.  Show a "Lee-Tseung Pull" that results in more energy in the system that can be explained by the energy imparted in the pull. I am willing to bet my last dime that a clear and verifyable demonstration of this will never happen and can never happen.

The purported devices will always be promised to be out next year some time.  Then, due to some minor setback, the release will always be pushed to one year later.

And what about the AERO competition?  What technical glitch will be excuse for the no show?  The famous Steorn hot bearings are always a good one.

I said that it was almost impossible to measure a single ideal Lee-Tseung Pull.


The CIA or the Like asked us to shut up and tempted us each with USD12 million.  We even signed a contract.  Will I ever listen to the CIA or the
Like again?  When I feel I have something to share, I post.  We impressed the Chinese Authorities.  That is good enough for me.

Lawrence Tseung

And why would the CIA even offer a dollar to a totally unknown 'researcher' with no merits? It's all in your mind Lawrence. It's not like the US Goverment was buying Von Braun's rocket expertise and forgiving his Nazi connections. Common Lawrence, you are so full of CRAP! Aren't you ashamed to represent the Chinese people?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 24, 2007, 05:37:37 PM
Dear ChrisC,

Thank you for your continued Insult Training.

I was in Macau yesterday - the Las Vegas of the East.  The main purpose was to watch the exhibition tennis match.

The boat trip from Hong Kong to Macau was about one hour.  Sitting next to us were some young men
who like loud discussions.  Their conversation has some interesting implications.

Person A: "The economy of Macau boomed.  It has overtaken Las Vegas as the Gambling Center of the
World.  The average income has overtaken Hong Kong.  Gambling is good for Macau."

Person B: "Gambling is morally wrong.  The Macau Government is poisoning its citizens.  It has done
great harm to China.  Much money laundary was done.  Gambling is no good for Macau.  It corrupts the
Moral Fibric."

Person A: "Is the average person in Macau better off now?  Has he got a better place to live?  Has he
got more money in the Bank?  Has he and his family got more opportunities in life?"

Person B: "You cannot use something morally wrong to justify the boom.  Macau could use other ways
to develop its economy.  Wrong is Wrong."

*** It is clear that there are different opinions in this World.  Different people view the same events

I look at the Mathematics and Physics.  They cannot lie.  They clearly predict that we can Lead Out
the gravitational and electron motion energy that are surrounding us.  It will solve the Energy Crisis.
It will start a new era of prosperity and challenge.  New opportunities are coming.

Some view it differently.

Lawrence Tseung
There will always be difference in opinion.  Just treat them as Insult Training.  Focus on benefiting
the World.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 24, 2007, 08:17:44 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 24, 2007, 05:37:37 PM
Dear ChrisC,

Thank you for your continued Insult Training.


I look at the Mathematics and Physics.  They cannot lie.  They clearly predict that we can Lead Out
the gravitational and electron motion energy that are surrounding us.  It will solve the Energy Crisis.
It will start a new era of prosperity and challenge.  New opportunities are coming.

Some view it differently.

Lawrence Tseung
There will always be difference in opinion.  Just treat them as Insult Training.  Focus on benefiting
the World.

Another common tactic - calling valid criticism insults.

I see you have more theory talk but still not a single demonstration.  If you what you say is so basic, why not show a pendulum pull that "leads out" energy that can be measured to be in excess of the energy of the pull?  Still can't do it?  Come on, just one "Lee-Tseung pull."  Give the crowd something besides communist demagoguery.  Or do they decide laws of physics in China through legislation?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 24, 2007, 08:20:45 PM
On resonance:

I am aware of 2 different opinions on resonance.

(1) All energy must come from an external source.  The object or system just happen to absorb such energy better at resonance.  This applies to sound waves, microwaves, lasers etc.

(2) There are energy levels in many systems.  If such energy levels are disturbed by external energy sources, the energy within the system may be Lead Out.
Laser is a good example.  The tuning fork causing many other identical ones to resonant is an other good example.  The initial source could be stopped and the resonanting ones would continue for sometime.  They could also re-vibrate the original source.  Microwave is another good example.  It stimulates the water molecules in the food to cook it.

Any comments?  Different opinions are acceptable.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 24, 2007, 08:36:48 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 24, 2007, 08:17:44 PM

Another common tactic - calling valid criticism insults.

I see you have more theory talk but still not a single demonstration.  If you what you say is so basic, why not show a pendulum pull that "leads out" energy that can be measured to be in excess of the energy of the pull?  Still can't do it?  Come on, just one "Lee-Tseung pull."  Give the crowd something besides communist demagoguery.  Or do they decide laws of physics in China through legislation?

Please read the posts on the Milkovic Pendulum and its suggested improvements.  This overunity forum has much information.

If the heavy pendulum is replaced by magnets and placed in suitable magnetic fields, the energy drawn out is higher.
The magnets showed no apparent loss of magnetism.

You can have any opinion on the result of such experiments.  The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory predicts that
more electron motion energy (magnetci) is drawn out.

What is your theory or opinion???

Please stick to Physics and Mathematics.

The Hungarian EBM works.  Many including China paid good money (many millions) to buy it.  Are they hoaxes?
What is your opinion?  What is your explanation of its source of energy?

Lawrence Tseung
When over 200 OU inventors build devices that can confirm the Lee-Tseung theoy, why should the old Lee and
Tseung build more with their shaky hands and half closed eyes???  Just suggest the improvements.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 24, 2007, 08:52:03 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 24, 2007, 08:36:48 PM
Lawrence Tseung
When over 200 OU inventors build devices that can confirm the Lee-Tseung theoy, why should the old Lee and
Tseung build more with their shaky hands and half closed eyes???  Just suggest the improvements.

The number of working overunity devices is zero, so nothing has been confirmed yet.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 24, 2007, 11:03:19 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 24, 2007, 08:52:03 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 24, 2007, 08:36:48 PM
Lawrence Tseung
When over 200 OU inventors build devices that can confirm the Lee-Tseung theoy, why should the old Lee and
Tseung build more with their shaky hands and half closed eyes???  Just suggest the improvements.

The number of working overunity devices is zero, so nothing has been confirmed yet.

I think I must be in the mood for arguements.  Probably because I lost at the casinos in Macau.

Have you been to Hungary to check on the EBM yet?  If you have not been there, do you have
any Friends in Hungary or Europe who can do that for you?

We have been asked by our China Contact who had seen the device to give our opinion.
I believe them more than the CIA or the like.

Sorry, your opinion doesn't count in this case.  I cannot recover my lost bets from you!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 25, 2007, 02:40:29 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 24, 2007, 08:17:44 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 24, 2007, 05:37:37 PM
Dear ChrisC,

Thank you for your continued Insult Training.


I look at the Mathematics and Physics.  They cannot lie.  They clearly predict that we can Lead Out
the gravitational and electron motion energy that are surrounding us.  It will solve the Energy Crisis.
It will start a new era of prosperity and challenge.  New opportunities are coming.

Some view it differently.

Lawrence Tseung
There will always be difference in opinion.  Just treat them as Insult Training.  Focus on benefiting
the World.

Another common tactic - calling valid criticism insults.

I see you have more theory talk but still not a single demonstration.  If you what you say is so basic, why not show a pendulum pull that "leads out" energy that can be measured to be in excess of the energy of the pull?  Still can't do it?  Come on, just one "Lee-Tseung pull."  Give the crowd something besides communist demagoguery.  Or do they decide laws of physics in China through legislation?

Hi Utilitarian:

This guy is so full of crap and is obviously delusional enough not to understand reality from fiction. As you said, a simple pendulum utilizing whatever forces Chairman Tseung wants to use to clarify his understand of physics and mathematics, which obviously cannot lie. Thereby merely postulating his own concepts and borrowing on math and physics 'principles' must surely show us mere mortals that we are so stupid that we can't even understand simple truths!

Or is it the other way round? All I know is there are no high caliber mathematician or physics guru has ever heard of this crackpot, much less endorse his 'teachings'. Remember the guy who took a bunch of idiots and made them commit suicide in southern California a few years back because they can catch that flying saucer riding a meteor or something? Different manifestations of a common illness, that's how I see it.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Eden on November 25, 2007, 03:52:15 AM
everything is possible!
it is just the attitude that has to change to make them come through.
In a primitive human way of thinking, like we have been doing for thousands of years will not lead to change...
open minds, different approaches, is the beginning.
and indeed there are already OU devices in this forum, that only need a some more work before being industrialised,
and it will not take years!!!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 25, 2007, 06:30:40 PM
Quote from: Eden on November 25, 2007, 03:52:15 AM
everything is possible!
it is just the attitude that has to change to make them come through.
In a primitive human way of thinking, like we have been doing for thousands of years will not lead to change...
open minds, different approaches, is the beginning.
and indeed there are already OU devices in this forum, that only need a some more work before being industrialised,
and it will not take years!!!

Well said.

The Hungarian EBM can be ordered now if you have millions.  It is just a rotating device in a magnetic field with the axle horizontal, Leadng Out both gravitational and electron motion (magnetic) energy.

It was heavy, large and massive.  The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory not only predicts that but points to the improvement in the direction of the 225 HP Pulse Motor, the Liang IC Pulse Motor and the fifth generation Machine.

The Mikovic Pendulum works.  It can be improved with the Leading Out of more magnetic energy.

The Joseph Newman Machine works.  It needs to improve the drive and pickup circuits.  It needs a program to control input according to external load. 

Many Pulse Motors can be improved in similar ways.  They do not violate the Laws of Physics - especially the Law of Conservation of Energy.  The Energy is from the gravitational field or the electron motion field that already surround us.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 25, 2007, 08:19:07 PM
Spreadsheet for the Ideal Lee-Tseung Pull

As promised, attached is the spreadsheet for the Ideal Lee-Tseung Pull.  The diagrams and assumptions are included in the spreadsheet.

Comments are welcome.  Mathematics cannot lie.  (There might still be disagreements on certain assumptions but those are good scientific discussions.)

Please stick to Physics and Mathematics. 

Lawrence Tseung
Mathematics and Physics confirm the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory beyond any doubt.  The OU inventors now have strong mathematical support.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 25, 2007, 10:38:40 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 25, 2007, 06:30:40 PM
The Hungarian EBM can be ordered now if you have millions.  It is just a rotating device in a magnetic field with the axle horizontal, Leadng Out both gravitational and electron motion (magnetic) energy.

It was heavy, large and massive.  The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory not only predicts that but points to the improvement in the direction of the 225 HP Pulse Motor, the Liang IC Pulse Motor and the fifth generation Machine.

The Mikovic Pendulum works.  It can be improved with the Leading Out of more magnetic energy.

The Joseph Newman Machine works.  It needs to improve the drive and pickup circuits.  It needs a program to control input according to external load. 

Many Pulse Motors can be improved in similar ways.  They do not violate the Laws of Physics - especially the Law of Conservation of Energy.  The Energy is from the gravitational field or the electron motion field that already surround us.

There is not a shred of actual evidence that any of the devices you mentioned provide free energy.  You saying they work is not proof.  No one has been able to power anything with them, and that is a fact.  I challenge you to provide independent, reputable validation of any of those things.

Now you have talked enough to fill volumes.  It is time to show us a "Lee-Tseung pull" that leads out energy.  We do not need a working free energy device, merely a demonstration of energy being "lead out."  You can't do it, can you?  And it is not because you are old.  If you are spry enough to travel about the world, you can set up a simple pendulum experiment.

Let's face it, the reason you cannot do it is because your theory does not hold up under experimentation.  Otherwise you would have done it already.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: amateur on November 25, 2007, 11:13:28 PM
CIA must be enjoying themselves reading this thread  ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 26, 2007, 12:12:55 AM
Spreadsheet for the Ideal Lee-Tseung Pull

Refer to reply 699 on the spreadsheet.

To check out whether the spreadsheet makes sense, one can substitute different values.  This will help those who have difficulty understanding spreadsheet equations or calculations.

Case 1:
Substitute the angle as 0, 1 and 2
COP = 1.499543167
that is very close to the 1.5 value for the horizontal Pull

Case 2:
Substitute the angle as 89 90 91
COP = 1.000304679
that is very close to 1 meaning no gravitational energy is Lead Out

Case 3:
Substitute the angle as 180, 181, 182
COP =1.499543167
That is the horizontal pull at the highest point

Case 4:
Substitute the angle as 268, 269, 270
COP = 1
That is the same as the 90 degree case

Lawrence Tseung
Mathematics and Physics do not lie.  The truth can be checked and double checked.  A thousand top Mathematicians and/or Physicists will get the same result.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on November 26, 2007, 12:20:19 AM
In response to your resonance theory, i believe you could resonate something endothermic or exothermically just like nature
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 26, 2007, 12:57:28 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 26, 2007, 12:12:55 AM
Spreadsheet for the Ideal Lee-Tseung Pull

Refer to reply 699 on the spreadsheet.

To check out whether the spreadsheet makes sense, one can substitute different values.  This will help those who have difficulty understanding spreadsheet equations or calculations.

Case 1:
Substitute the angle as 0, 1 and 2
COP = 1.499543167
that is very close to the 1.5 value for the horizontal Pull

Case 2:
Substitute the angle as 89 90 91
COP = 1.000304679
that is very close to 1 meaning no gravitational energy is Lead Out

Case 3:
Substitute the angle as 180, 181, 182
COP =1.499543167
That is the horizontal pull at the highest point

Case 4:
Substitute the angle as 268, 269, 270
COP = 1
That is the same as the 90 degree case

Lawrence Tseung
Mathematics and Physics do not lie.  The truth can be checked and double checked.  A thousand top Mathematicians and/or Physicists will get the same result.

Ideas that work on paper but not in reality are a dime a dozen.  How about a video of a Lee-Tseung pull in action?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 26, 2007, 01:02:13 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 26, 2007, 12:57:28 AM
Ideas that work on paper but not in reality are a dime a dozen.  How about a video of a Lee-Tseung pull in action?

Please show us your repeat of the Forever pendulum experiment.  If you cannot take video, a picture is fine.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 26, 2007, 01:08:09 AM
Yes, I would love to see Ms. Forever again.  I mean her no disrespect, I just think she is very nice looking.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on November 26, 2007, 01:13:27 AM
Quote from: chrisC on November 25, 2007, 02:40:29 AM
This guy is so full of crap and is obviously delusional

Is that how yo mama raised you?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on November 26, 2007, 01:23:32 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 24, 2007, 05:37:37 PM
I look at the Mathematics and Physics.  They cannot lie.  They clearly predict that we can Lead Out
the gravitational and electron motion energy that are surrounding us.  It will solve the Energy Crisis.
It will start a new era of prosperity and challenge.  New opportunities are coming.

Yes, in fact you can just stick a wire up in the air and gravity will spontaneously turn into electricity. It's called an antenna, a surprisingly common free energy machine. I'm curious what currents really fat wires or big buildings could generate.

Henry moray did some interesting stuff.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on November 26, 2007, 01:49:45 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on November 26, 2007, 01:23:32 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 24, 2007, 05:37:37 PM
I look at the Mathematics and Physics.  They cannot lie.  They clearly predict that we can Lead Out
the gravitational and electron motion energy that are surrounding us.  It will solve the Energy Crisis.
It will start a new era of prosperity and challenge.  New opportunities are coming.

Yes, in fact you can just stick a wire up in the air and gravity will spontaneously turn into electricity. It's called an antenna, a surprisingly common free energy machine. I'm curious what currents really fat wires or big buildings could generate.

Henry moray did some interesting stuff.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 26, 2007, 03:19:24 AM
Concept of Integration

Some who have not had formal Mathematics or Physics training asked:
(a) What is the theoretical best way to calculate the Ideal Lee-Tseung Pull?
(b) Some Professors said: ?Integration or differential calculus.?  What does  that mean?

The basic concept is to break the calculation into tiny steps. 
(1)   Work Done or Energy supplied by the Lee-Tseung Pull
= Pull Force x Displacement (vector mathematics)
= Sum of (Pull Force at any instant x the tiny Displacement at that instant)
= Integration of (Pull Force at any instant x the tiny Displacement at the instant)

(2)   The spreadsheet is a very powerful way of doing such calculations because:
The calculation can be done automatically by the computer
The tiny step can be adjusted (e.g. 2 degrees, 1, 0.5, 0.1 degrees etc.)
So long as some terms are exact, even though other terms must be approximated, the result can be very close to the exact value (in convergent systems)

Thus the spreadsheet provided in Reply 699 is an extremely powerful weapon for the Over Unity Inventors.  The Source of Energy of their inventions is extremely clear.  They are right.  They never violated the Laws of Physics. The Patent Offices and previous teachings at Universities are WRONG!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 26, 2007, 03:26:58 AM
Well done FreeEnergy,

I didn't know there was that much power in an antenna.

Problem solved, string an antenna in your back yard and supply all your needs with it, after all who needs 25000 Watt?

Free energy forever for the cost of a few insulators and a bit of wire. A truly remarkable discovery.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on November 26, 2007, 03:38:44 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 26, 2007, 03:26:58 AM
Well done FreeEnergy,

I didn't know there was that much power in an antenna.

Problem solved, string an antenna in your back yard and supply all your needs with it, after all who needs 25000 Watt?

Free energy forever for the cost of a few insulators and a bit of wire. A truly remarkable discovery.

Hans von Lieven

no problem! now lets replicate this baby!  :o
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 26, 2007, 04:56:55 AM
Quote from: FreeEnergy on November 26, 2007, 03:38:44 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 26, 2007, 03:26:58 AM
Well done FreeEnergy,

I didn't know there was that much power in an antenna.

Problem solved, string an antenna in your back yard and supply all your needs with it, after all who needs 25000 Watt?

Free energy forever for the cost of a few insulators and a bit of wire. A truly remarkable discovery.

Hans von Lieven

no problem! now lets replicate this baby!  :o

The solution as presented works but could be dangerous.  On stormy days with high concentration of ions, the voltage could be huge.

Ever heard of the "lightning in a box" invention by Kwok and Chan of China?

Lawrence Tseung
Another story of how CIA or the Like used the weakness of Human Nature to disrupt OU inventions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on November 26, 2007, 05:11:31 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 26, 2007, 04:56:55 AM
Quote from: FreeEnergy on November 26, 2007, 03:38:44 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 26, 2007, 03:26:58 AM
Well done FreeEnergy,

I didn't know there was that much power in an antenna.

Problem solved, string an antenna in your back yard and supply all your needs with it, after all who needs 25000 Watt?

Free energy forever for the cost of a few insulators and a bit of wire. A truly remarkable discovery.

Hans von Lieven

no problem! now lets replicate this baby!  :o

The solution as presented works but could be dangerous.  On stormy days with high concentration of ions, the voltage could be huge.

Ever heard of the "lightning in a box" invention by Kwok and Chan of China?

Lawrence Tseung
Another story of how CIA or the Like used the weakness of Human Nature to disrupt OU inventions.

look http://youtube.com/watch?v=FnwIxgwk43I
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 26, 2007, 05:16:34 AM
Just heard and saw on the 6 pm news that the Chinese satellite sent back its first 3 dimensional picture of the moon.

My vision is to get a Chinese Flying Saucer to land on the Moon and fly back before the rest of the World.  It will give this old man the necessary drive to get out of bed in a cold morning.

The World will learn and benefit together.

Lawrence Tseung
Flying Saucer gives the old Tseung the necessary drive to get out of bed in a cold morning.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 26, 2007, 05:47:41 AM
Quote from: FreeEnergy on November 26, 2007, 05:11:31 AM
look http://youtube.com/watch?v=FnwIxgwk43I

I believe the attached file contains more information.

I extracted it from the energy from air document.

China patent  number: 200620117555.5     

Title: 收集空气中的离子及其利用æ‰â,¬Ã¨Â¿Â°Ã§Â¦Â»Ã¥Â­ÂÃ§Å¡â€žÃ¨Â£â€¦Ã§Â½Â® 
(Apparatus for collecting the ions in the air and their use)

The focus is on technical issue at present.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 26, 2007, 09:19:48 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 26, 2007, 01:02:13 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 26, 2007, 12:57:28 AM
Ideas that work on paper but not in reality are a dime a dozen.  How about a video of a Lee-Tseung pull in action?

Please show us your repeat of the Forever pendulum experiment.  If you cannot take video, a picture is fine.

That experiment does not produce or "lead out" any energy, so it is pointless to repeat.  You keep talking and talking and talking.  Show us some energy being lead out.  It is pretty pathetic that you cannot do this simple thing.  I guess talking is all you're good for.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 26, 2007, 12:28:55 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on October 16, 1973, 04:37:58 AM

That experiment does not produce or "lead out" any energy, so it is pointless to repeat.  You keep talking and talking and talking.  Show us some energy being lead out.  It is pretty pathetic that you cannot do this simple thing.  I guess talking is all you're good for.

I should have guessed by now that you have no formal Physics Training.

The Forever Yuen magnetic pendulum experiment clearly showed that the frequency of oscillation could be increased.  This has the same effect as increasing the gravitational constant.

The Mikovic pendulum invention clearly showed that we could extract energy from the swinging motion of the pendulum.  If replacing the pendulum by magnets can increase the energy without affecting the magnetic properties of the magnets, the Physics implication is that there must be energy exchange or Lead Out.

Refusing to do the experiments in my view is like a student refusing to learn subtraction.  He then claims his teacher cannot teach him multiplication.

Doing the experiment is important because some forum members previously reported breaking of the magnets; then claimed that the frequency of oscillation was unchanged.  Such experimental results were clearly wrong. Other forum members might draw the wrong conclusions from such misinformation.

Teaching via the Internet is like sowing seeds as taught in the Bible.  Some would fall on rock.  So be it.

The antenna example is a brilliant one showing that free energy can be drawn from the surrounding.  I hope you have enough common sense to accept that.  However, I would advise you not to do the experiment as outlined.  The danger of getting electrocuted is too high.  I do not want to be accused of killing my critics! ;) :o ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 26, 2007, 03:52:42 PM
G'day all,

Congratulations Lawrence, you have just uncovered the biggest scam of all time, a conspiracy so huge it defies imagination.

You better hide from the CIA for a while.

All these years we were led to believe we need power stations to generate electricity, when all along the millions of miles of antenna, by way of power lines that criss cross the earth, have been extracting the energy we pay dearly for from the environment for nothing.

25000 Watt from a small antenna, how much energy are millions of miles extracting? Staggering!

I said it before, some people believe anything, and I got flamed for it by your offsider. I say it again.

Let the flames begin!

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 26, 2007, 05:28:46 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 26, 2007, 03:52:42 PM
G'day all,

Congratulations Lawrence, you have just uncovered the biggest scam of all time, a conspiracy so huge it defies imagination.

You better hide from the CIA for a while.

All these years we were led to believe we need power stations to generate electricity, when all along the millions of miles of antenna, by way of power lines that criss cross the earth, have been extracting the energy we pay dearly for from the environment for nothing.

25000 Watt from a small antenna, how much energy are millions of miles extracting? Staggering!

I said it before, some people believe anything, and I got flamed for it by your offsider. I say it again.

Let the flames begin!

Hans von Lieven

The conventional wisdom is to hide from the CIA or the Like.

The unconventional and superior strategy is to Benefit the World.  Let the technically unqualified agents debunk.  During their paid debunking, they would expose their technical weakness.  I feel sorry for them.  They had to say something - that is their job.  However they do not understand what they are saying.  (The worst thing is - they understand it.  But they have to say the opposite!)

I think I should stick to the technical issues here.  I can sell the juicy stories of how the CIA or the Like try to disrupt the Chan-Kwok inventions.  The movie writers can obviously dress it up to win the Oscar.  Sorry, folks, you have to paid to see the story in the movies.

The flames will get hot, very hot soon.

Lawrence Tseung
Understanding the antenna is a Free Energy Extraction device Leads Out more inventions.  One of them is the "suppressed" Lightning in a box.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 26, 2007, 05:45:32 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 26, 2007, 05:28:46 PM
The conventional wisdom is to hide from the CIA or the Like.

The unconventional and superior strategy is to Benefit the World.  Let the technically unqualified agents debunk.  During their paid debunking, they would expose their technical weakness.  I feel sorry for them.  They had to say something - that is their job.  However they do not understand what they are saying.  (The worst thing is - they understand it.  But they have to say the opposite!)

I think I should stick to the technical issues here.  I can sell the juicy stories of how the CIA or the Like try to disrupt the Chan-Kwok inventions.  The movie writers can obviously dress it up to win the Oscar.  Sorry, folks, you have to paid to see the story in the movies.

The flames will get hot, very hot soon.

Lawrence Tseung
Understanding the antenna is a Free Energy Extraction device Leads Out more inventions.  One of them is the "suppressed" Lightning in a box.

Asking you to prove up your claims with practical evidence is debunking?  Well, if so, call me a debunker.

We are not interested in further testimony. Show us some energy being lead out.  That is all I ask.  Why can' t you do this simple thing?  A little video with a pendulum with a "Lee-Tseung pull" applied.  Let's see some of this 2 parts in, 3 parts out business.  It should be easy to show.  Yet despite your volumes of writing, you have not done this simple thing.  Remember, don't talk about it, show it.  A video is worth a million words here.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 26, 2007, 06:05:56 PM
No Lawrence,

this time I don't even give you the benefit of doubt.

When I was a kid every boy that was into science had three things. A Meccano set, a chemistry set and a crystal radio complete with Galena crystal, air condenser, high impedance headphones and an antenna.

I strung my first antenna in about 1950 when I was 11 years old. It was 30 meters long and strung between porcelain insulators at the back of the house about 10 meters above the ground. There was a knife switch that connected it to the ground which was earthing the antenna when It was not in operation as a safety thing, in case of a thunderstorm.

At that stage, if what you have published about yourself is correct, you would have been only 4 years old. (How that makes you an old man at only 61 is a mystery to me)

Anyway, the power derived from such an arrangement is in the micro watt range and not dangerous at all, otherwise every kid in town that was playing around with the same thing would have been long dead.

Perhaps you can get 25000 watt when a lightning hits it but that will be the only time.

Ask any radio enthusiast and experimenter and they will tell you the same thing.

Hans von Lieven

Silly theories do not Lead Out energy where there isn't any. All the flaming in the world is not going to change this.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on November 26, 2007, 06:10:09 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 26, 2007, 06:05:56 PM
No Lawrence,

this time I don't even give you the benefit of doubt.

When I was a kid every boy that was into science had three things. A Meccano set, a chemistry set and a crystal radio complete with Galena crystal, air condenser, high impedance headphones and an antenna.

I strung my first antenna in about 1950 when I was 11 years old. It was 30 meters long and strung between porcelain insulators at the back of the house about 10 meters above the ground. There was a knife switch that connected it to the ground which was earthing the antenna when It was not in operation as a safety thing, in case of a thunderstorm.

At that stage, if what you have published about yourself is correct, you would have been only 4 years old. (How that makes you an old man at only 61 is a mystery to me)

Anyway, the power derived from such an arrangement is in the micro watt range and not dangerous at all, otherwise every kid in town that was playing around with the same thing would have been long dead.

Perhaps you can get 25000 watt when a lightning hits it but that will be the only time.

Ask any radio enthusiast and experimenter and they will tell you the same thing.

Hans von Lieven

Silly theories do not Lead Out energy where there isn't any. All the flaming in the world is not going to change this.

so what would be the average watts on something like that?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 26, 2007, 06:28:18 PM
Sorry FreeEnergy,

I forget the actual figures, it was just enough to drive a small high impedance electromagnet that vibrated the diaphragm. Unless you had it very close to your ear you couldn't hear anything. Certainly not enough to drive a small speaker.

We tried to build a small motor with the electromagnet from the headphone but there was not enough power there to drive the thing even though it was very light and turned easily.

Any good book on antennas will give you the figures you are looking for.

Hans von Lieven

EDIT: Edison actually built a motor that ran, from memory he soldered a small pin to the diaphragm that pushed a ratchet drive but to duplicate this was out of our league, we could not get the parts machined to the precision required with our resources then.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 26, 2007, 06:49:45 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 26, 2007, 06:05:56 PM
No Lawrence,

this time I don't even give you the benefit of doubt.

When I was a kid every boy that was into science had three things. A Meccano set, a chemistry set and a crystal radio complete with Galena crystal, air condenser, high impedance headphones and an antenna.

I strung my first antenna in about 1950 when I was 11 years old. It was 30 meters long and strung between porcelain insulators at the back of the house about 10 meters above the ground. There was a knife switch that connected it to the ground which was earthing the antenna when It was not in operation as a safety thing, in case of a thunderstorm.

At that stage, if what you have published about yourself is correct, you would have been only 4 years old. (How that makes you an old man at only 61 is a mystery to me)

Anyway, the power derived from such an arrangement is in the micro watt range and not dangerous at all, otherwise every kid in town that was playing around with the same thing would have been long dead.

Perhaps you can get 25000 watt when a lightning hits it but that will be the only time.

Ask any radio enthusiast and experimenter and they will tell you the same thing.

Hans von Lieven

Silly theories do not Lead Out energy where there isn't any. All the flaming in the world is not going to change this.

Is your home in a thunderstorm prone area???

At Age 11, you already used "earthing the antenna" techniques.   Good Kid. I am sure that you also had the knowledge or scientific sense of not using your device on thunderstorm days or nights.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on November 26, 2007, 07:05:43 PM
Given that I have not been deregistered here yet I may as well post something useful.


You can get further information about 'lead out' from my wee little shitzu.
Her email is pepper@dogsworld.com.au


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 26, 2007, 07:12:22 PM
QuoteIs your home in a thunderstorm prone area???

It was in rural Germany where I lived then. Mountainous country, thunderstorms are common and even as kids we were very much aware of the dangers.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 26, 2007, 07:13:37 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 26, 2007, 06:28:18 PM
EDIT: Edison actually built a motor that ran, from memory he soldered a small pin to the diaphragm that pushed a ratchet drive but to duplicate this was out of our league, we could not get the parts machined to the precision required with our resources then.

In this village at Tai Po, Hong Kong, we have a "not university trained" person who used "antenna" techniques to power his home.  The power company thought that he was stealing power directly from the power grid.

When they and the police searched his home, they gave him a well paid job in the power company. 

I know his neighbor who tried to duplicate the feat.  I saw the scar or burnt marks on his arm. I was going to investigate this technology further but I learned about the "Lightning in a Box" invention which is much more superior.

Hans may not agree with me.  But I am giving the warning (at least for those in Hong Kong) that playing with "antenna techniques" without safety measures can hurt!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 26, 2007, 07:32:08 PM
Lightning in a box

540,000 kV, 4,500 Joules of energy to be compressed into a pulse about 5 x 10-8 s (5/100,000,000 of a second) or 50 billionths of a second.

Spread over time, not even the equivalent of a common 1.5V battery

Useless for anything other than generating a very fast plasma, in fact so fast it's invisible to the eye. hardly a breakthrough in energy generation.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 26, 2007, 08:20:17 PM
refer to reply 716

In Lightning-in-a-box, the operation is:
(1) Generate ions from catalysts using some energy
(2) Pump air in to get its ions
(3) Guide such ions to Lightning point
(4) When concentration is high enough, spark to recombine ions and use its energy.
(5) Feedback to (1) and repeat

Some compared it with starting a furnance.  Then get branches and leaves to keep it going.  Air carries ions especially in thunderstorm prone areas. Or in industrial areas where "electrical leakage" is high.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: amateur on November 26, 2007, 10:34:02 PM
300 over replies and 49 pages later and you are still alive.... CIA and the likes are just not doing their job.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 26, 2007, 11:56:41 PM
Quote from: amateur on November 26, 2007, 10:34:02 PM
300 over replies and 49 pages later and you are still alive.... CIA and the likes are just not doing their job.

That is the power of the Internet.  If I hide, nobody knows my death.  Now it will be great International News.

At present some top academics are still examining the Lead Out Theory.  If I die, all will study it!  They will understand it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 27, 2007, 12:28:41 AM

From reply 643 attached document:

4.   Explaining the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory via the application of pull to the simple pendulum

4.1 First pull of the pendulum bob to the LHS
4.2 Second pull when the pendulum bob is at the maximum LHS position
4.3 Third pull when the pendulum bob has swung to the maximum RHS position
4.4 Subsequent pulls at the maximum displaced LHS/RHS positions.
4.5 Summary and implications of the new calculations
4.6. The extension to magnetic fields (electron motion)
4.7. The extension to electric fields (electron motion)
4.8. The extension to unbalanced rotations
4.9. The extension to pulsed balanced rotations
4.10. The extension to flux change systems
4.11. Extension to electrogravitics (Flying Saucer)

I believe that I have somehow covered sections 4.1 to 4.5.  I even updated the spreadsheet. 
The seeds on rocks still do not get it.
But we should believe in the Bible.  There are seeds on fertile soil.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 27, 2007, 01:11:47 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 26, 2007, 07:13:37 PM

In this village at Tai Po, Hong Kong, we have a "not university trained" person who used "antenna" techniques to power his home.  The power company thought that he was stealing power directly from the power grid.

When they and the police searched his home, they gave him a well paid job in the power company. 

I know his neighbor who tried to duplicate the feat.  I saw the scar or burnt marks on his arm. I was going to investigate this technology further but I learned about the "Lightning in a Box" invention which is much more superior.

Hans may not agree with me.  But I am giving the warning (at least for those in Hong Kong) that playing with "antenna techniques" without safety measures can hurt!

Good old Lawrence,

Why is it that every time someone queries your postulates you counter with some anecdote from China that no-one can verify? I could tell you an awful lot of stories from Europe that validate just about any lunatic idea anyone can come up with.

What does that prove?

There are peasants where I come from that believe that if you drink water within two hours of eating fresh fruit or cucumber you will die. They will even tell you the names of people that have died because of it. Of course it is always someone they have heard of, never someone they knew!

Nuff said

Hans von Lieven.

Millions of people all over the world have strung up antennas of the sort we are talking about. Apart from your Chinaman there are no casualties. Does that not tell you something? Perhaps the man you saw burned his arm on his wok. It's far more prosaic, I admit, but also far more likely.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 27, 2007, 01:34:33 AM
Another private email
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I am a retired technical person traveling to Hong Kong from the U.S. and I had a chance to read about your articles on the "free energy" system and I am very interested to learn more about it.

I was wondering if I can contact you to get more information about it with the idea that we may help the world with the energy problem especially on the high fossil fuel cost these days. Please response to my note if it is acceptable with you.

This person called and would meet me on Friday (Hong Kong time).  For those who want validation pictures, double checks, etc.  Post on this thread now.  This person would be in a good position to confirm everything.  He may not be a Chinese expert but does read and speak Chinese.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 27, 2007, 01:36:52 AM
Is Forever going to be at the meeting?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on November 27, 2007, 02:14:25 AM
I plan to be there on the Friday meeting if I have time.

Mr. Tseung relies on me to do experiments.

I have check the ideal Lee- Tseung Pull Spreadsheet. It appears to be correct. If you folks want me to do any special experiments in front of our US visitors, please post before Friday. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 27, 2007, 02:20:16 AM

Off you go to Hong Kong Bill

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on November 27, 2007, 02:26:18 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on October 16, 1973, 04:37:58 AM

That experiment does not produce or "lead out" any energy, so it is pointless to repeat.  You keep talking and talking and talking.  Show us some energy being lead out.  It is pretty pathetic that you cannot do this simple thing.  I guess talking is all you're good for.

My experiment clearly showed that the frequency of oscillation could be increased. All I did was to replace the pendulum bob with magnets in magnetic field. This has the equivalent of changing the gravitational constant.

The Mikovic pendulum invention clearly showed that we could extract energy from the swinging motion of the pendulum.  If we replacing the pendulum by magnets can increase the energy without affecting the magnetic properties of the magnets, the Physics implication is that there must be energy exchange or Lead Out.

Doing the experiment is important because some forum members previously reported breaking of the magnets; then claimed that the frequency of oscillation was unchanged.  Such experimental results were clearly wrong. Other forum members might draw the wrong conclusions from such misinformation. ;D :D ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 27, 2007, 02:28:54 AM
Quote from: Forever on November 27, 2007, 02:14:25 AM
I plan to be there on the Friday meeting if I have time.

Mr. Tseung relies on me to do experiments.

I have check the ideal Lee- Tseung Pull Spreadsheet. It appears to be correct. If you folks want me to do any special experiments in front of our US visitors, please post before Friday. ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ms Forever:
If you are so convinced your god-granddad(?) Lawrence is correct in his postulates, how come between you two, you can't help him build a simple pendulum which will forever take him to space in his flying saucer or could it be that it will crash to earth and burn? Don't you think it is time to tell the truth?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 27, 2007, 02:34:02 AM
@ Forever:

I think your video of your experiments with the pendulum was very clear.  What I don't pretend to understand is the implication of it.  Maybe I am an idiot, which is always possible, but I can't grasp how the pendulum experiment can bring us to an overunity situation.  Could you possibly explain this to me?  I try to remain open minded on most things, but, I am not perfect.  I do appreciate the fact that you did the experiments and put the results here.  That's all we can ask of anyone.  If you get a chance, check out my videos and the topic "Earth Batteries" here on the forum and tell me what you think about it.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on November 27, 2007, 02:37:59 AM
The ideal Lee- Tseung Pull as applied to rotational systems

This turns out to be easy. The pull is applied tangentially. The pull is also periodic. So energy is imparted to the rotational system. The rotation would accelerate. Hopefully, the energy drawn out by the external load will decelerate the rotational system. If the two matches, the rotational speed will fluctuate within a narrow range. The timing must be correct to achieve the best result. Thus tuning is necessary.

Gravitational or magnetic energy will be lead out.

The 225hp pulse motor and the Liang IC pulse motor are good examples.
;) ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 27, 2007, 02:43:14 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 20, 2007, 05:21:57 AM
Fun with explaining the Milkovic Pendulum and Lever system

Reference on this forum:

Tseung: "Now we can use this thread to explain every known Over Unity device published.  The idea is to check whether the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory is applicable to all of them.  If so, can the Lee-Tseung Theory suggest improvement to the devices."

Lin: "You are ambitious.  Since you will never build an OU device yourself, there is no harm is making constructive suggestions.  I suppose you would start with the Milkovic Pendulum first."

Tseung smiled: "Our PCT patent information starts with the Pendulum.  So it is logical to start with the Pendulum example.  In slides 5-8 of http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/taiwan2a.htm, we proved that a horizontal pulse force applied to a pendulum could Lead Out gravitational energy.  To be exact, two parts of horizontal Pulse Energy can Lead Out one part of graviational energy.  Thus Milkovic is Leading Out gravitational energy via Pulsing the Pendulum."

Lin: "Does the lever movement contribute anything?"

Tseung: "Yes.  The Lever Movement can be thought of as a vibrational system.  The Movement of the Pendulum Bob shifts the effective balancing weight.  Thus the Milkovic system can be thought of as two systems complementing each other - the pendulum and the up-and-down lever.  Milkovic has not completed the feedback loop."

Lin: "Is the Milkovic system an Over Unity Device?"

Tseung: "The Pendulum with a Pulse Force is already an Over Unity Device.  The vibrating Lever with shifting weight is also an Over Unity Device.  The combined system is thus an Over Unity Device."

Lin: "Can some type of pull back string or spring be used to complete the Milkovic feedback loop?  If so, can it run forever and conclusively demonstrate the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?"

Tseung smiled: "Theoretically possible.  I shall let someone better at engineering to shine and do the actual experiment."

Lawrence Tseung
Lee-Tseung Theory Leads Out confirmation that the Milkovic system is Over Unity and could produce a mechanical perpetual motion machine/toy.

Remember this??????

If you think you are talking to anyone but Lawrence, think again. He had so many alter egos in this thread this is just a new one with a picture of a pretty girl thrown in as a sweetener.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 27, 2007, 02:47:15 AM
Thanks Hans, I guess I came unglued at thoughts of the sweetner.  I am ok now.  Besides, Hong Kong is a very long drive for me from Kentucky.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: amateur on November 27, 2007, 03:44:35 AM
perhaps it will be faster if the lee-tseung pendulum can swing u over..... remember your crash helmet though....  ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 27, 2007, 01:40:43 PM
If you still want to go Bill, and if you are really, really nice to old Lawrence, he might pick you up in Winnie Woo's flying saucer and you can have a lovely night out with Forever - on Mars!

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 27, 2007, 02:13:20 PM
This you've got to see fellows.

It is a Lawrence Tseung science demonstration on video. It is called the Wang 4-legged stool experiment.


I think it is misspelled and should say Wank, it would fit a lot better.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 27, 2007, 02:20:38 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 27, 2007, 02:13:20 PM
This you've got to see fellows.

It is a Lawrence Tseung science demonstration on video. It is called the Wang 4-legged stool experiment.


I think it is misspelled and should say Wank, it would fit a lot better.

Hans von Lieven

What was that all about? No wonder old Tseung can't get his simple pendulum to Lead out energy! It takes 2 guys to rotate an upside down chair! This thing is getting spooky, like a Chinese version of the ouija board!

Please Mr. Tseung, can you please not torture us anymore!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on November 27, 2007, 02:21:58 PM
Hans, you go be a big boy and play on your own.

Don't bother the other children.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 27, 2007, 02:49:34 PM
Something to read, make up your own mind

Hans von Lieven

Letter of Recommendation for Mr. Lawrence Chun Ning Tseung

Mr. Lawrence Tseung was born in Hong Kong on January 7, 1946. His Hong Kong Identity Card Number is E535509(9).  He is currently an active member of the Hong Kong Invention Association (HKIA).

Mr. Tseung had his primary and secondary education in Hong Kong.  He received his BSc in Physics at Leeds University and his MSc in Aeronautics at Southampton University, England.  His first contact with invention was at age 13 (Form2) when he experimented with the swinging punch bag.  He pushed the punch bag a few times and then allowed the swinging punch bag to hit him.  He thought that the force and energy knocking him down was more than his input.  Unfortunately his physics teacher told him otherwise.  If he stuck to his belief, the Cosmic Energy Machines could have been invented then. (The correct theory of the pendulum is based on the Parallelogram of Forces taught at Form 2)

His second contact with invention was at University where he proposed that the pressure in a moving fluid is not a scalar quantity.  He proposed his half-baked Kinetic Theory of Gases in Motion.  His MSc professor said, ?If you listen to me, you get your MSc.  If you go your own ways, we cannot help you.?  Mr. Tseung again wrongly listened to his professor.  He took up the correct research only after his early retirement.

After Mr. Tseung got his MSc, he entered the Computer Industry.  His entry was a story by itself.  He first applied to IBM.  He was asked to take an IQ test with many others after the test was started.  He spent time reading the instructions carefully instead of doing the tests.  His IQ test score was so low that IBM told him that he could not possibly have finished Secondary School.  It made him mad and spent the next few weeks in the library reading up and doing IQ tests.  He then applied for other Computer Programming jobs via an Agency.  Sure enough, there were the inevitable IQ tests.  The Agency called and said that nobody could have scored perfect score in two successive IQ tests.  Mr. Tseung was highly recommended and joined the minicomputer company ? Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in England.

Mr. Tseung started as an Instructor.  He initiated the technique of reading and extracting information directly from listings.  Many of the DEC customers were OEMs and needed very condensed code for maximum profit.  That technique was eagerly accepted both internally and by customers.  It helped to make the RSX11M Operating System the default standard in the 1970-80s.  Mr. Tseung was promoted quickly to Principle Lecturer, Consultant and Software Manager for the General International Area.  He was transferred from England to USA with a threefold increase in salary.  He had two patents on Many-to-Many Communications.  In the textbook ? Network Operating Systems by Professor Tanenbaum, Mr. Tseung was quoted as one of the important contributors to the Internet.

Mr. Tseung started his own company in 1989 and lost his investment and savings because he was not a good business manager.  He had two strokes and retired early in 1998. That was a blessing in disguise as he was able to focus on inventions.  He took up his fluid mechanics research again and successfully completed his Kinetic Theory of Gases in Motion that was started 35 years ago.  In one of the test of push and pull of water, his helper, Mr. Henry Ku, accidentally allowed air bubbles to leak into the measuring tubes in the pull experiment.  Water and Air Bubbles continued to come out for long periods even though the height of the Water Tank was much lower than that of the measuring tubes.  This gave the hint that the Water and Air Bubbles might be transferred to a higher level; got separated and the Water at higher level could be used to do work.  The theory and patent of Extraction of Energy from Still Air was born.  Mr. Lee Cheung Kin later helped with the schematic diagram of a pump he and others worked on for many years.

While Mr. Tseung and Mr. Lee Cheung Kin was preparing for a News Conference in December 2004 to announce this very significant breakthrough, they got word of another invention ? the Dr. Liang Sing Yan Car that did not require any fuel.  Unfortunately, that Inventor, Dr. Liang employed agents to get funds for him using illegal means.  Furthermore, Dr. Liang did not understand the true energy source of his invention and insisted on the use of ?Perpetual Motion Machine? that violated the Law of Conservation of Energy.  His agents were jailed and his prototype was impounded.  He also put in self-destruction mechanism in his prototype.  When the authorities dissembled his prototype, the prototype self-destroyed.  He had no working device to support him and knowledgeable scientists all rejected his explanation of the workings of the prototype.  His theory was a mixture of the Chinese Philosophy of Yin-Yang and the Western theory of Relativity.

Mr. Tseung and Mr. Lee got the marketing material from Dr. Liang and decided to seek alternative explanation for the energy source.  That night, Mr. Lee made his brilliant discovery of the pendulum under a pulse force.  He called Mr. Tseung early in the morning from the hotel and showed a pendulum toy.  Mr. Tseung remembered the punch bag experiment he did in Form 2 over 40 years ago.  He helped to complete the theory and the mathematical model.  The joint patent of Extracting Energy from Gravity was born.  They later expanded their discovery to Extracting Energy from Energy Fields via oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux changes.  The Energy Fields could be Gravity, Magnetic, Electric or Electromagnetic Fields.  They become co-owners of at least 4 patents.  These patents essentially sowed the seeds of new, abundant, non-polluting energy that is free from time and place restrictions.

A 13 year-old girl, Miss Wini Woo helped Mr. Tseung to do the PowerPoint presentation.  She commented that the equation from Mr. Lee and Mr. Tseung allowed not only for increase of the Gravitational Constant but also decrease.  This means that the effective Gravitational Constant can be zero or negative.  Zero Gravity means floating in the air.  Negative Gravity means going away from Earth.  Mr. Lee strongly objected to such interpretation but Mr. Tseung thought otherwise.  Mr. Tseung got another friend, Mr. Bill Fong, to do some simple experiments and confirmed that the 13 year old might be right.  Wini Woo, Mr. Fong and Mr. Tseung went ahead and applied for a Flying Saucer Patent.  The technology described in the Patent was further refined and totally confirmed later.  The use of the Cosmic Energy Technology in the Flying Saucer Machines will provide real transportation systems described only in novels.

To summarize, Mr. Tseung is the co-inventor with Mr. Lee on at least 4 pending Cosmic Energy Machine Patents ? one of them has another co-inventor, Mr. Sung Tim Fat.  Mr. Tseung is also the co-inventor with Miss Wu and Mr. Fong on the pending Flying Saucer Patent.

In addition to the contribution to science, Mr. Tseung wrote a book on the Internet on how to Win in the Global Economic War.  The original title of the book was ?Blue Print for the Economic Development of China in the 21st Century?.  This book contained much controversial material.  The inspiration came originally when Mr. Tseung went to England to do his pre-university schooling.  He argued with the English Students on the history of Hong Kong.  From the history Mr. Tseung learned, Hong Kong was ceded to England as a result of the Opium War.  The English students told Mr. Tseung that England was a noble Country and never sold any opium.  They consulted the history books in the school library and sure enough, there were no mention of England selling any Opium.  When they consulted the English Teacher, the answer was that it was Communist Propaganda.  Mr. Tseung then developed an attitude of not believing in History Books and Authoritative Answers.

The Book was written at around 1997 when Hong Kong was scheduled to return to China.  Mr. Tseung took part in the essay competition at one of the Newspapers and won an award.  This stimulated his interest in writing on economics topics.  He and his friends lost some money in the financial market playing with stocks, stock options and other financial instruments.  He wrote an open letter to the Hong Kong Government warning the win-lose financial rules when the Asian Financial Crisis first started in Thailand.  To his great disappointment, the team of Hong Kong Officials and Bankers did a Lecture Tour and said openly that the Financial Rules were fair and there were no manipulation by powerful forces.  Within months, the Asian Financial Crisis hit Hong Kong. 

Mr. Tseung then further developed his mistrust in ?learned and highly paid? Officials, Lawyers, Bankers and Politicians.  His book was sent to the highest authorities in China and was regarded as ?logical heresy?.  His proposal of win-win solutions to replace win-lose solutions was regarded as impossible dreams.  His friend, Miss Eunice Wong, took him to Vietnam.  The family of Miss Wong helped to mend the relationship between China and Vietnam. The book was highly praised and was translated into Vietnamese by the relative of a senior official who said in 2003, ?With the guidance from this book, I can guarantee an economic growth of more than 10% for Vietnam for the next twenty years.?   

Mr. Tseung developed incredible self-confidence early in life.  He attributed that to a Fortune Teller who told him that he was one of a kind.  He did not need any fortune telling as his future was in his own hands.  If his heart is good, he will create history.  If he becomes selfish, he will lose everything.  Mr. Tseung did suffer such ups and downs. This was reinforced in September 2006 when he met a Monk in Taiwan who told him, ?The technology will be known all over the World before the end of the Lunar Year (February 2007) after three persons or groups appear.  You et al might be one of them.  However, you must focus on helping the World.  Forget about your personal fame, fortune or ego.  Angels will come down to help you.  If you have selfish thoughts, devils will place roadblocks.?

When Mr. Tseung argues his theory with his peers, he overwhelms them not only with scientific reasoning but also with supreme confidence.  No matter how he was cursed and jeered at, he stood his ground.  This was essential as Mr. Lee and Mr. Tseung were openly accused initially as imposters or uneducated scientists not knowing the fundamental Law of Conservation of Energy.  They did not have any financial backing.  Almost all financing came from his son, Daniel Tseung, who regarded the monthly payment as ?helping the father to have a reasonable standard of living?. The Hong Kong Government rejected their application for grants as ?stupid old men working on impossible perpetual motion machines?.  The average person would have been furious or would have retreated into a shell.  Mr. Tseung displayed his supreme self-confidence in repeated emails, phone calls, openly displaying his information on the Internet and announcing his intention to change the World.

I highly recommend Mr. Lawrence Chun Ning Tseung as a brilliant innovator with deep insight.  The five Generations of Cosmic Energy Machine Inventions he co-invented with Mr. Lee will solve the Energy Crisis of the World.  In addition, many previously rejected ?perpetual motion machine? inventions might come back to life as the true source of energy could now be identified.  Their published PCT patent information described the ?extraction of energy from energy fields via oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux changes?.  The recent highly publicized announcement from the Irish Company (Steorn.com) and the Hungarian Company (Gammamanager.com) on Free Energy and Over Unity Devices further confirmed their theory and strengthened their patents.  I share their noble ideal in sharing and benefiting the entire human race.

Yours truly,

Cheung King Fung
Chairman. Hong Kong Invention Association
November 7, 2006
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 27, 2007, 02:53:42 PM
I just viewed the four legged stool experiment and I have one question.....What the hell was that????  Good thing they were not attempting to screw in a light bulb because they would have needed two more guys.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 27, 2007, 03:03:40 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 27, 2007, 02:49:34 PM
Something to read, make up your own mind

Hans von Lieven

Letter of Recommendation for Mr. Lawrence Chun Ning Tseung

Mr. Lawrence Tseung was born in Hong Kong on January 7, 1946. His Hong Kong Identity Card Number is E535509(9).  He is currently an active member of the Hong Kong Invention Association (HKIA).
When Mr. Tseung argues his theory with his peers, he overwhelms them not only with scientific reasoning but also with supreme confidence.  No matter how he was cursed and jeered at, he stood his ground.

Supreme confidence makes up for crappy reasoning, I guessed. Everything MUST be right, since chairman Tseung said so. Other than that he is quite normal. His life will probably be better off if he listened to his teachers!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on November 27, 2007, 03:36:38 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 27, 2007, 01:34:33 AM
Another private email
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I am a retired technical person traveling to Hong Kong from the U.S. and I had a chance to read about your articles on the "free energy" system and I am very interested to learn more about it.

I was wondering if I can contact you to get more information about it with the idea that we may help the world with the energy problem especially on the high fossil fuel cost these days. Please response to my note if it is acceptable with you.

This person called and would meet me on Friday (Hong Kong time).  For those who want validation pictures, double checks, etc.  Post on this thread now.  This person would be in a good position to confirm everything.  He may not be a Chinese expert but does read and speak Chinese.

This sounds good.

A retired technical person from the US.

Aren't they all?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 27, 2007, 08:05:20 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 27, 2007, 02:49:34 PM
Mr. Lawrence Tseung was born in Hong Kong on January 7, 1946. His Hong Kong Identity Card Number is E535509(9).  He is currently an active member of the Hong Kong Invention Association (HKIA).
Chairman. Hong Kong Invention Association
November 7, 2006

Dear Hans,

Thank you for displaying the recommendation letter.  It was first used to present our background to the Chinese Authorities in charge of new inventions.  It resulted in the 5 Officials seeing the Wang Shum Ho experiment in January 2007 and the subsequent funding.

Do you mind publishing the equivalent letter for Lee Cheung Kin?  Your publishing it gives it more credibility.  Thank you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on November 27, 2007, 09:50:57 PM
The following are the experiments planned on Friday

1.   The Wong Shum Ho 4?legged stool experiment
2.   My magnetic pendulum experiment
3.   The gravity wheels experiments
4.   The flying saucer experiment

Experiments 1-3 have been described previously in this thread. Experiment 4 is an equivalent of the chained ball. I shall be swinging a heavy object on the beach. I hope  I won?t hit our visitor or Mr. Tseung ?s head.
;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on November 27, 2007, 10:33:56 PM
I rather like the 4?legged stool experiment video.
Professors Basil Fawlty and Manuel (from Barthelona)  would be advised to view.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 27, 2007, 10:51:18 PM
No Roy,

They designed it :-)


EDIT: for those of you that don't understand Professors Basil Fawlty and Manuel, read Abbot and Costello or Laurel and Hardy, same thing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on November 28, 2007, 02:09:40 AM
Mr. Tseung and I worked on the spreadheet some more.

We have added a chart that showed the COP for different angles of the ideal Lee-Tseung Pull.  The most efficient angle appears to be around 10 degrees.

See attached. :) :) :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 28, 2007, 03:28:07 AM
Quote from: Forever on November 28, 2007, 02:09:40 AM
Mr. Tseung and I worked on the spreadheet some more.

We have added a chart that showed the COP for different angles of the ideal Lee-Tseung Pull.  The most efficient angle appears to be around 10 degrees.

See attached. :) :) :)

The same spreadsheet has been worked on by at least two persons now.  It can be updated with all logic preserved.  The probablility of it being correct is very high.

If the Ideal Lee-Tseung Pull calculations are correct, gravitational or electron motion energy can be Lead Out without violating existing Laws of Physics.

We can face the top scientists of the World in any scientific conference now.  Soon, we can lead hundreds of OU inventors who will improve and demonstrate their inventions.

Jesus taught us correctly in the Bible - sow seeds.  Some will fall on rocks.  Some will fall on roads and get stepped upon.  There will be some on fertile soil and bear fruit. 

Who cares about debunkers - or seeds on hard rocks?

Lawrence Tseung
The theory is complete and beyond dispute.  We shall have fun with the US visitor on Friday, Nov 30, 2007.  Experiments will be performed.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 28, 2007, 03:32:58 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 28, 2007, 03:28:07 AM
The theory is complete and beyond dispute.  We shall have fun with the US visitor on Friday, Nov 30, 2007.  Experiments will be performed.

Great, you will show him how to spin a chair using no discernable source of energy except for his hand.  I take it you are still afraid to test your own theory on pendulums and Lee-tseung pulls.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 28, 2007, 05:43:16 AM
The Wealth that will be generated by the Cosmic Engine Machines

Comments from a Financial Consultant in Hong Kong.

(1)   If Company ABC can demonstrate that it has Cosmic Energy Machine Products as described; it will be worth more than any existing Company in this World.  The Hungarian Company with EBM (http://www.gammamanager.com/) failed to get the excitement because it had no theory and no real publicity.

(2)   If Hong Kong were to host the IPO of such a Company, this Company could raise almost any amount.  USD100billion is not out of the question.

(3)   The Hong Kong Citizens are likely to benefit greatly.  Hong Kong will replace Middle East as the ?energy source supplier?.  The support from Hong Kong Citizens will be extremely high.  China will greatly benefit in prestige.

(4)   The International Over Unity Inventors and Developers will receive phenomenal funding.  There will be an inevitable ?Cosmic Energy Investment Bubble?.  Any OU device Company with some backing from some high caliber academics will get billions from IPOs.

(5)   If the Flying Saucer were real and produced in Hong Kong, the demonstration will be the biggest event the World have ever seen.  Other Countries such as USA, Europe, Russia, Japan, India, etc. will match it as soon as possible.  The ltseung888 posts including Mutual Credits will be studied under the microscope.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 28, 2007, 06:55:27 AM
While Mr. Tseung and Mr. Lee Cheung Kin was preparing for a (1) News Conference in December 2004 to announce this very significant breakthrough (Energy from Still Air) , they got word of another invention ? the Dr. Liang Sing Yan Car that did not require any fuel. 

Unfortunately, that Inventor, Dr. Liang employed (2) agents to get funds for him using illegal means.  Furthermore, Dr. Liang did not understand the true energy source of his invention and insisted on the (3) use of ?Perpetual Motion Machine? that violated the Law of Conservation of Energy.  His agents were jailed and his prototype was impounded. 

He also put in (4) self-destruction mechanism in his prototype.  When the authorities dissembled his prototype, the prototype self-destroyed.  He had no working device to support him and knowledgeable scientists all rejected his explanation of the workings of the prototype.  His theory was a mixture of the (5) Chinese Philosophy of Yin-Yang and the Western theory of Relativity.


(1) News cuttings are still available.  Our US visitor can verify that on Friday.

(2) We learned from that lesson.  We seek funding from the Chinese Government.  It took longer but the effort was worth it.

(3) We did not claim to have built "perpetual motion machines".  We claimed that we could Lead Out energy from gravitational or electron motion energy that already surrounded us.  We never violated the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Our Cosmic Energy Machines use existing energy and never create or destroy energyOur Cosmic Energy Machines are NOT perpetual motion machines.

(4) We never need to protect ourselves with "self-destruction" mechanism.  We never build a working machine ourselves.  We just supply the theory and the improvement suggestions to other OU developers.

(5) We base our theory on solid Physics and Mathematics.  If we are wrong, the entire Physics and Mathematics foundations are wrong.  We do not need to introduce mysterious concepts that only the inventor understands.  (That is the problem of the EBM device.)

Lawrence Tseung
Learning from past mistakes Leads Out New Approach.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 28, 2007, 07:22:01 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 28, 2007, 03:32:58 AM

Great, you will show him how to spin a chair using no discernable source of energy except for his hand.  I take it you are still afraid to test your own theory on pendulums and Lee-tseung pulls.

I think I have to be not so polite.

(1) I do not think you have a formal Physics Training.

(2) In Physics, when we cannot test the effect of a single action, we can still test the effect of "collective actions".  From the result of the "collective actions", we can conclude that the proposed single action is correct.

(3) A single Lee-Tseung Pull cannot be tested with existing technology (unless you are brilliant enough to suggest one).  However, the "collective action" can be easily tested.

(4) The "collective action" is to Lee-Tseung Pull or Pulse Rotate a wheel or a cylinder.  The much higher quantity of Lead Out Energy can be demonstrated.  Examples are rotating magnets in magnetic fields.  The much publicized Joseph Newman and the Bedini Machines are examples in USA.

(5) If you refuse to believe the Joseph Newman or the Bedini Machines, you can wait for the Wang Shum Ho Electricity Generator Product.  (Some people still do not believe the US landed humans on the moon.  I just argued with one who refused to believe China sent back 3-dimensional pictures of the moon!) I treat such as seeds on rocks. 

(6) I repeat - any OU invention using oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux change potentially verifies the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.  The Hungarian EBM machine is the most powerful validation at present.  It already verified the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory. 

Why should I be so stupid as to try to do a single Lee-Tseung ideal pull?
If I cannot convince a seed on rock, who cares?

Lawrence Tseung
Communicating with non-Physicists could be painful.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 28, 2007, 09:34:43 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 28, 2007, 07:22:01 AM
(3) A single Lee-Tseung Pull cannot be tested with existing technology (unless you are brilliant enough to suggest one).  However, the "collective action" can be easily tested.

Yes, I can suggest one.  Take a pendulum.  On one side, where the ball starts, mount a spring.  Allow the spring to launch the ball.  This is the push/pull that assists the pendulum bob on the way down, like your theory demands.  If the ball has to be moving already, that's fine, just let the ball go and an instant later, let the spring go.

The energy in the spring can be precisely measured beforehad.  So all you have to do is mark where the ball rises on the opposite side.  If it is only as much as can be accounted for by the energy in the spring, then there was energy lead out.  If more, then you are correct.

I may not be a an "educated" physicist like you, but I remember from high school that the scientific method has four steps.

1.  Observation.  What have you observed that disobeys the current laws of physics.  The punching bag 40 years ago?
2.  Hypothesis.  Well, you got that one - that energy is being lead out.
3.  Prediction.  Based on that hypothesis, other pendulums ought to be have in similar manner.
4.  Experimentation.  This is the key.  You first have to test for the opposite of 3 to try to disprove your own hypothesis.  I bet you have not done this.  All you have done is try to prove 3 through calculations.  So you have commited the fallacy of affirmation.  Worse, you have not even done your own experimentation. 

As far as I am concerned, you are still stuck at step 3.  This is a very early step in the scientific method, and not worthy of publication.  This apparently you do not care about.  You can make fun of me for not being a scientist, but it is you who ignores the scientific method.  The test I proposed, while not completely trivial to perform, is definitely doable.

Let me know when you get to step 4 in high school science.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 28, 2007, 07:42:26 PM
More Comments on the Ideal Lee-Tseung Pull Spreadsheet on Reply 758.

(1) The spreadsheet focused on the final COP value.

(2) The actual lead out energy is proportional to M (mass), L (length) and g (gravitational constant.)

(3) Thus to Lead Out more energy, we can:
      (a) Increase the Mass.  The Mass should be concentrated at the rim. 
      (b) A Cylinder is best.  The 225 HP and Liang Pulse Motor use cylinders.
      (c) Increase the Length or the Radius of the cylinder. 
      (d) The large Bessler or the improved Bedini wheel are good examples.
      (e) If Magnetic field is used, the effective g can be very large.
      (f) The direction of effective g can be changed.

(4) It should be clear that the Lee-Tseung Pull must be applied at the correct specific time.  This clearly shows the importance of tuning or the use of a program to adjust input according to external load. Examples include the 225 HP, Liang, Tsing Hua devices.

(5) Trying to verify the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory with a single pull is likely to be a waste of time.  The collective effect of the Lee-Tseung Pull has already been verified by the Newman, Bedini and EBM machines. 

Lawrence Tseung
Watering seeds on fertile soil.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 28, 2007, 11:38:09 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 28, 2007, 07:42:26 PM
(5) Trying to verify the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory with a single pull is likely to be a waste of time.  The collective effect of the Lee-Tseung Pull has already been verified by the Newman, Bedini and EBM machines. 

Interesting, so even though the Lead Out effect is clearly noticeable in the punching bag scenario, where the athlete only gives the bag two or three pushes, a single Lee Tseung pull is not going to be perceptable and is a waste of time to try?  This makes no sense and is in direct contradiction to your most recent spreadsheet, where, let's see, the perfect Lee-Tseung pull at 10% will give a COP of 1.878.  At a less perfect angle say between 10 and 40 degrees, the COP still exceeds 1.5.  Wow!  How is that a waste of time?  Don't be so negative.  Let's get to it.

Now, in what way is my spring experiment incorrect?  Why will it not lead out energy?  We have everything you asked for.  The ball is on its way down and is given a gradual (not a violent colliding) push by the spring in the direction it is going.   We can even wait until the ball hits 10 degrees before releasing the spring.  (Of course, for comparison, we will only measure the energy left in the spring once it passes the point where it makes contact with the ball).  Where am I mistaken?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on November 29, 2007, 01:52:35 AM
General Magnetics (磁æâ,,¢Â®) International Initial Public Offering IPO

We received phone call from Mr. Wang Shum Ho that he would be coming to Hong Kong with his company. The purpose is to discuss the possible International Public Offering in Hong Kong.

There will be a number of products from General Magnetics including electricity generators for villages, factories and homes. The IPO is likely to shortly follow the product introductions. The plan is to have the IPO before end of 2008.

This will be a big event for Hong Kong and China. The publicity and impact should greatly exceed that of the Hungarian EBM (Energy By Motion Machine). The theory that will be introduced to the world is the Lee- Tseung Lead Out Theory.

Mr. Tseung is very happy. He is confident that a cosmic energy machine based on his theory will hit the market before he goes to his grave.  :) :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on November 29, 2007, 02:00:55 AM
My thoughts on the flying saucer

I finished tying a string to a heavy object. The heavy object happens to be an old plastic bottle. I shall have the experiment video taped.

The next step is to spin a magnetic ball with magnetic forces. The magnetic force will be cut at the appropriate time. I do not have the exact configuration yet. Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
::) ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on November 29, 2007, 02:32:16 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 28, 2007, 11:38:09 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 28, 2007, 07:42:26 PM
(5) Trying to verify the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory with a single pull is likely to be a waste of time.  The collective effect of the Lee-Tseung Pull has already been verified by the Newman, Bedini and EBM machines. 

Interesting, so even though the Lead Out effect is clearly noticeable in the punching bag scenario, where the athlete only gives the bag two or three pushes, a single Lee Tseung pull is not going to be perceptible and is a waste of time to try?  This makes no sense and is in direct contradiction to your most recent spreadsheet, where, let's see, the perfect Lee-Tseung pull at 10% will give a COP of 1.878.  At a less perfect angle say between 10 and 40 degrees, the COP still exceeds 1.5.  Wow!  How is that a waste of time?  Don't be so negative.  Let's get to it.

Now, in what way is my spring experiment incorrect?  Why will it not lead out energy?  We have everything you asked for.  The ball is on its way down and is given a gradual (not a violent colliding) push by the spring in the direction it is going.   We can even wait until the ball hits 10 degrees before releasing the spring.  (Of course, for comparison, we will only measure the energy left in the spring once it passes the point where it makes contact with the ball).  Where am I mistaken?

Dear Utilitarian,

Mr. Tseung asked me to answer your post.

1.   If you ask a small child to push a heavy punch bag, it will take him more than two or three pushes to have significant amplitude. In a single pull from the rest position (the first Lee-Tseung Pull) the swing angle will be small.

2.   I doubt we would use equipment the size of a punch bag.

3. Can you explain how you measure the exact energy of a spring and how it is attached to the pendulum bob?

4.   In Physics, work done (energy imparted) equals to force multiply by displacement (vector mathematics). This means a horizontal force cannot do vertical work unless a machine is used to change its direction.

5.   In your suggested first application of the Lee-Tseung Pull with a spring, how can you keep the spring perfectly horizontal? If you cannot, you can only rely on the final result when the forces are at equilibrium. If you use that final result, you are effectively using the parallelogram of forces. (We also use that in our spreadsheet.) 

I would like to see you design and perform your suggested experiment. Please post your video for our benefit. I hope to learn something from you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 29, 2007, 05:01:57 AM
Quote from: Forever on November 29, 2007, 02:00:55 AM
My thoughts on the flying saucer

I finished tying a string to a heavy object. The heavy object happens to be an old plastic bottle. I shall have the experiment video taped.

The next step is to spin a magnetic ball with magnetic forces. The magnetic force will be cut at the appropriate time. I do not have the exact configuration yet. Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
::) ::)

Are you serious??? Must be some upmarket version of the 4-legged stool experiment. Tying a string to a plastic bottle  How original!!!

I must congratulate you on your resourcefulness. Who would have thought you can power a flying saucer with it.

Good Luck

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on November 29, 2007, 05:21:36 AM
Quote from: Forever on November 29, 2007, 02:32:16 AM
I would like to see you design and perform your suggested experiment. Please post your video for our benefit. I hope to learn something from you.

Here, specially for you  ;D

View topic - Overunity pendulum invention for Forever

Good luck
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on November 29, 2007, 07:20:53 AM
gaby, looking at that picture and description I can't help but notice that:
first you describe how the flux between the attracting sides of the 2 magnets will cause the strip to move in that direction. Obviously we assume the strip to me magnetic.
Then you describe how the bottom magnet changes polarity.

but changing the polarity of the bottom magnet is going to require an energy input, right?
And would the energy gained from the strips motion be enough to reverse that polarity?
Seems to me that it would not...

Unless I am overlooking something?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on November 29, 2007, 08:13:58 AM
Okay now I've tried to figure out what exactly mr Tseung claims and what basis he has for this...

The story of pumping water with bubbles higher than normal water sounds credible though it is debatable if it could ever actually produce over unity...
After all, it is well known that introducing air bubbles in water lowers its mass to volume ratio which effectively should make it easier to lift a given volume.
But when you get the water+bubbles to the top of your setup, the air will be let out, which decreases the total volume again. The water that you then want to have flow down again should then drive a generator that would drive the pump? But the volume that you have running down is smaller even though the weight is higher, so effectively there should be no overall energy gain, should there?

Then there's the so-called 4-legged chair "experiment", which apparently consists of nothing more than pushing an upturned stool...
What is that supposed to prove? That 2 people can push agains a chair and make it move? I have to agree with Hans that that is one of the stupidest "proofs" ever presented. Where does pushing a chair turn into over-unity??

And now there are vague claims about some "anti gravity" experiment?
Can someone provide clear details of this experiment? A comprehensive and detailed description of the setup, the expected results, and the hypothesised effects responsible for them?
Something slighly more usefull than vague remarks about "tying a string to a bottle" perhaps? (anyone can tie strings to bottles, and this has never been considered "anti gravity", so statements like that amount to nothing.)
Something somewhat more clear that vague remarks about "spinning a magnetic ball (whatever that is) using magnetic forces" maybe?

@ ltseung888: And please don't attack other forum members because they righfully point out that nothing is actually explained at all and there are only a few silly so-called experiments that do not actually seem to prove anything yet.
Degrading remarks like "I do not believe you have a formal physics training" have no place in a discussion where you seem to be unable to provide conclusive proof of concept yourself. If you are so proud of being such a good "formally educated" physics man, then why is it so hard for you to properly and clearly describe and explain your ideas, instead of making claims based on your credentials? Besides, you flunked IQ tests untill you read up on how they worked and had figured out how to pass them, according to the "letter of recommendation". That is remarkable, because the average intelligent person does not need to know how the tests work and can be cheated in order to get a proper score...
In any case, it is simply not correct to dismiss peoples honest doubts in respect to your claims solely on the grounds that you feel you are better than they are because you have a piece of paper that says you have a degree. If you have said degree and are so much better at physics than the person who asked for explanation and proof, then it wshould be easy for you to give that explanation and proof in a clear and understandable manner. After all, you're so proud of being a great physicist? Then you should take pride in explaining your fantastic invention to people who want to understand it.

But instead, it looks like you are being overly secretive and seem unable or unwilling to actually discuss and explain your 'invention'.
You keep giving numbered short-lists of claims, but that's it. That doesn't help.
Oh, and by the way, how is the Bessler wheel a good example? Nobody knows how the Bessler wheel actually worked! If you claim that you do, then you should build one and become famous for being the only person since Bessler himself to construct one that works! Mentioning the Bessler wheel as a "good example" while no functioning version actually exists does not serve to support your credibility, sir!

Furthermore you keep suggesting that there is a functional example of "your" so-called "lead out theory" to be found in Hungary. You do not give any proof of that either.
When I seach the internet for documentation of this alleged Hungarian "lead out" machine, I find nothing whatsoever. No such device appears to exist.
Perhaps you should stop pointing towards this fairy tale device? Or if it does in fact exist, give a url where we can study docs and/or pics of it ourselves?

@utalitarian: I fully agree with your statement about the four steps of the scientific method. What I see here is a hypothesis with a few supporting observations, and some predictions based on the hypothesis, but no actual experimental proof.

@Forever: so if you are actually doing experiments, then why don't you explain a good experiment? You give the impression you know what mr Tseung is doing or trying to do, so why don't you give us the explanations he apparently cannot or will not give himself?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 29, 2007, 10:09:28 AM
Quote from: Forever on November 29, 2007, 02:32:16 AM
Dear Utilitarian,

Mr. Tseung asked me to answer your post.

1.   If you ask a small child to push a heavy punch bag, it will take him more than two or three pushes to have significant amplitude. In a single pull from the rest position (the first Lee-Tseung Pull) the swing angle will be small.

2.   I doubt we would use equipment the size of a punch bag.

3. Can you explain how you measure the exact energy of a spring and how it is attached to the pendulum bob?

4.   In Physics, work done (energy imparted) equals to force multiply by displacement (vector mathematics). This means a horizontal force cannot do vertical work unless a machine is used to change its direction.

5.   In your suggested first application of the Lee-Tseung Pull with a spring, how can you keep the spring perfectly horizontal? If you cannot, you can only rely on the final result when the forces are at equilibrium. If you use that final result, you are effectively using the parallelogram of forces. (We also use that in our spreadsheet.) 

I would like to see you design and perform your suggested experiment. Please post your video for our benefit. I hope to learn something from you.

Now I feel like I am teaching elementary things to you guys, who have been championing this theory for years, yet you do not know how to set up a simple experiment to test it.  I am not a physicist, and this is an experiment that another poster proposed, but you guys conveniently ignored.

First of all, who cares about the child and the punching bag?  You put up a spreadsheet saying that a perfect pull will have 180% efficiency.  These are your numbers.  How hard can it be to notice this type of gain?  Even if the pull is not perfect, a 150% efficiency is also easy to notice.

I do not have time to draw this out right now, but you have a spring mounted vertically on one side of the pendulum.  It is compressed up, so its force is downward.  You put the pendulum bob directly under it to start the experiment.  So the pendulum bob is at 90 degrees (or 270, whatever you want to call it), at rest.  You can either launch the spring and thereby send the ball flying immediately, or you can let the ball drop to 85 or 80 degrees or whatever and then launch the spring, which will catch up to the falling ball and give it a push on the way down.

The spring can be guided down a semicircular path, so that it makes proper contact with the falling bob, which is itself traveling in a perfect semicircle.

Measuring the energy in a spring is simple.  Why am I having to explain this to you guys?  Just mount the spring vertically and let it push up a weight.  Then do a mathematical calculation based on mass of the weight and the vertical distance the weight rises.  This will give you the energy in the spring.  For proper calculation, if the spring is let go an instant after the ball is, you will only want to only measure the energy the spring has at that point.

Now I know there will be some frictional losses, but if you claim 150 to 180 percent overunity, excess energy is easy to spot.  You know the energy in the spring and you know the mass of the bob, and based on that, you can calculate how high the bob will rise on the other side.  So, without friction, the bob should travel from 90 degrees to 270 degrees plus the height that the spring energy gives.  Anything in excess of that is your "lead out" energy.

Also, I have no intention of doing this or any other experiment for you.  My contention is that if you are serious about Lead Out, you must prove it.  Spinning plastic bottles on strings and spinning chairs with your fingers and even the magentic pendulum experiment does not further your theory one iota.  If you want to do experiments, do something useful like this.  Until then, no one will take any of this stuff seriously.  Even if the devices you mention like the Hungarian EBM and other things actually work (and there is zero credible evidence that they do), if you do not test your theory scientifically, there is no reason to believe that they work based on your theory.  This is not how science works.  There could easily be another explanation.  Just because the inventors do not have a theory does not mean your theory is the applicable one.  To be sure, you must break your theory down to its basic element, the Lee-Tseung pull, and demostrate the effectiveness of that single thing, and then you can show that the inventions use this basic element and this is why they work and so forth.

Again, why am I, a layman, explaining the scientific method to you guys?  This is something you should have mastered in high school.  Why are you utterly unwilling and/or unable to run a single experiment to verify your own theory that you have spent ungodly amounts of time working on?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Eddy Currentz on November 29, 2007, 10:50:28 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 28, 2007, 07:42:26 PM
More Comments on the Ideal Lee-Tseung Pull Spreadsheet on Reply 758.

(1) The spreadsheet focused on the final COP value.

(2) The actual lead out energy is proportional to M (mass), L (length) and g (gravitational constant.)

(3) Thus to Lead Out more energy, we can:
      (a) Increase the Mass.  The Mass should be concentrated at the rim. 
      (b) A Cylinder is best.  The 225 HP and Liang Pulse Motor use cylinders.
      (c) Increase the Length or the Radius of the cylinder. 
      (d) The large Bessler or the improved Bedini wheel are good examples.
      (e) If Magnetic field is used, the effective g can be very large.
      (f) The direction of effective g can be changed.

(4) It should be clear that the Lee-Tseung Pull must be applied at the correct specific time.  This clearly shows the importance of tuning or the use of a program to adjust input according to external load. Examples include the 225 HP, Liang, Tsing Hua devices.

(5) Trying to verify the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory with a single pull is likely to be a waste of time.  The collective effect of the Lee-Tseung Pull has already been verified by the Newman, Bedini and EBM machines. 

Lawrence Tseung
Watering seeds on fertile soil.

Hi Lawrence,
I was thinking about your theory, among others, yesterday and it occurred to me that planetary orbits in our solar system are significant.
I find them significant because they are elliptical, rather than circular. This causes a couple of interesting effects. The velocity of a planet changes according to it's proximity to the sun during a cycle. The planet is "pulsed" by the gravitational field of the sun much like your flywheels are. The elliptical orbit also causes a constant shift in the diameter of the orbit, which changes the center of mass between the two bodies. I think the same sort of thing happens in a solid flywheel, only on a microscopic scale. 
I find the cosmos an excellent study in rotational physics. The shape of spiral galaxies tells us a lot about mass distribution and rotational dynamics. Spirals are just flat vortexes.
So many interesting things, so little time to explore! Hang in there and don't let the naysayers get you down.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on November 29, 2007, 01:55:48 PM
... and this has what to do with the "lead out" hypothesis?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Eddy Currentz on November 29, 2007, 02:37:28 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on November 29, 2007, 01:55:48 PM
... and this has what to do with the "lead out" hypothesis?
More than you know.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Eddy Currentz on November 29, 2007, 02:55:55 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 29, 2007, 10:09:28 AM

Again, why am I, a layman, explaining the scientific method to you guys?  This is something you should have mastered in high school.  Why are you utterly unwilling and/or unable to run a single experiment to verify your own theory that you have spent ungodly amounts of time working on?
Why don't you run one? Why is it that you can't go to all the trouble of designing a system, buying the parts and constructing it?
I NEVER demand or even ask someone to prove their theory to me. If it sounds reasonable, I build a model and try it myself to see if it works. This teaches me to be discerning with what theory I want to find out about, and building a model teaches me about the theory. If people here would whine less and build more we would have much more success.
I don't know what the hell Lawrence is talking about half the time either. However, I've built enough similar machines to know he is probably on the right track. I might argue that gravity isn't the only explanation for the excess energy, but it really doesn't matter in the end.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 29, 2007, 05:24:57 PM
Quote from: Eddy Currentz on November 29, 2007, 02:55:55 PM
Why don't you run one? Why is it that you can't go to all the trouble of designing a system, buying the parts and constructing it?
I NEVER demand or even ask someone to prove their theory to me. If it sounds reasonable, I build a model and try it myself to see if it works. This teaches me to be discerning with what theory I want to find out about, and building a model teaches me about the theory. If people here would whine less and build more we would have much more success.
I don't know what the hell Lawrence is talking about half the time either. However, I've built enough similar machines to know he is probably on the right track. I might argue that gravity isn't the only explanation for the excess energy, but it really doesn't matter in the end.

While I agree that we could all help in this, the interesting thing is that Lawrence is actively discouraging such experimentation, by saying that it is likely to be a waste of time to try to guage the effect of a single pull.

Think, why would he say this?  If he was genuine in his belief in Lead Out and was willing to stand by the 150 to 180% efficiency numbers, as stated in the spreadsheet, he would be eager for others to prove up his claims.  So his attitude is surprising.  There is only one reason for it, of course - he wants to hedge against a poor showing.  If someone runs the single pull test and finds no excess energy, the ready answer is, "I told you not to waste time on a single pull test.  Just trust me, when you put all these pulls together in one big device, it will work, I promise."

It is the oldest trick in the book.  Never agree to a specific test of a specific claim, but continue to promise castles in the air based on some kind of nebulous "collective effect" which cannot be broken down into specific, testable components.  The funny thing here is that in one post he sings the praises of the single pull, proclaiming up to 180% efficiency, and in the next breath, he advises against testing the single pull, proclaiming it to be a waste of time.  I am sure he will come up with some slippery way to reconcile these things, but only after I have taken issue with the contradiction.

It makes me angry reading Tseung's crap, and I should not let it get to me, but it bothers me that others are wasting time on it, when he himself has not deemed it necessary to spend even the bare minimum effort to demonstrate the basic tenet of his entire theory.  There is only one reason why he has not bothered to do so, and that is because he knows what will happen.  I do not know what game he is playing, but it is not anything good.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Eddy Currentz on November 29, 2007, 07:04:57 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 29, 2007, 05:24:57 PM

While I agree that we could all help in this, the interesting thing is that Lawrence is actively discouraging such experimentation, by saying that it is likely to be a waste of time to try to guage the effect of a single pull.

Think, why would he say this?  If he was genuine in his belief in Lead Out and was willing to stand by the 150 to 180% efficiency numbers, as stated in the spreadsheet, he would be eager for others to prove up his claims.  So his attitude is surprising.  There is only one reason for it, of course - he wants to hedge against a poor showing.  If someone runs the single pull test and finds no excess energy, the ready answer is, "I told you not to waste time on a single pull test.  Just trust me, when you put all these pulls together in one big device, it will work, I promise."

It is the oldest trick in the book.  Never agree to a specific test of a specific claim, but continue to promise castles in the air based on some kind of nebulous "collective effect" which cannot be broken down into specific, testable components.  The funny thing here is that in one post he sings the praises of the single pull, proclaiming up to 180% efficiency, and in the next breath, he advises against testing the single pull, proclaiming it to be a waste of time.  I am sure he will come up with some slippery way to reconcile these things, but only after I have taken issue with the contradiction.

It makes me angry reading Tseung's crap, and I should not let it get to me, but it bothers me that others are wasting time on it, when he himself has not deemed it necessary to spend even the bare minimum effort to demonstrate the basic tenet of his entire theory.  There is only one reason why he has not bothered to do so, and that is because he knows what will happen.  I do not know what game he is playing, but it is not anything good.
Who cares what he is saying. If you want to find out about it, DO THE EXPERIMENT! Otherwise you're just talking out of your ass. And what do you care what other people are working on, at least they're doing something!
If you spent less time psychoanalyzing the guy and more time studying the physical aspects of Nature, you might actually learn something.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 29, 2007, 09:49:14 PM
The US Visitor (Mr. Fung) will arrive my home in approximately 2 hours.

The Agenda planned is as follows:

(1) Examine the NewsPaper Cuttings and photos since Dec 2004. 

(2) Lunch at the restaurant where the Press Conference in Dec 2004 was held.

(3) Examine the CD that was sent to the Chinese Government that helped us won "the best investment project" in 2006.

(4) Examine the Videos from Wang, Liang, Song, Tsing Hua etc.

(5) Examine the selected email and posts from the various forums outside China including Newman, Bedini, Adams, Milkovic, 225 HP etc.

(6) Perform the 4 experiments as suggested by Forever Yuen.

Pictures and videos will be taken.

If you have anything you would like to add, please post now.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 30, 2007, 12:36:04 AM
If I were one of the visitors, I would attempt to "Lead" Forever "Out" of her clothes.  But hey, that's just me. Now if I could just locate a 4 legged stool somewhere.....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: baybill on November 30, 2007, 04:06:02 AM
I learned a lot today from Mr. Tseung and would like to get involved on the progress of the wonderful invention.

Bill Fung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 30, 2007, 04:19:40 AM
Quote from: baybill on November 30, 2007, 04:06:02 AM
I learned a lot today from Mr. Tseung and would like to get involved on the progress of the wonderful invention.

Bill Fung

huh? what is the wonderful invention? 53 pages into this forum and we haven't even seen any simple experiment that proved anything! Open your eyes Bill. Don't get taken for a ride on the Tseung bus!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: amateur on November 30, 2007, 04:33:57 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 29, 2007, 09:49:14 PM
The US Visitor (Mr. Fung) will arrive my home in approximately 2 hours.

The Agenda planned is as follows:

(1) Examine the NewsPaper Cuttings and photos since Dec 2004. 

(2) Lunch at the restaurant where the Press Conference in Dec 2004 was held.

(3) Examine the CD that was sent to the Chinese Government that helped us won "the best investment project" in 2006.

(4) Examine the Videos from Wang, Liang, Song, Tsing Hua etc.

(5) Examine the selected email and posts from the various forums outside China including Newman, Bedini, Adams, Milkovic, 225 HP etc.

(6) Perform the 4 experiments as suggested by Forever Yuen.

Pictures and videos will be taken.

If you have anything you would like to add, please post now.

pardon my ignorance....

You posted this close to 0300 hrs and will be meeting Mr Fung at 0500hrs as indicated.

You were supposed to do the abv mentioned and somehow Mr Fung and you managed to complete all these within such a short time that Mr Fung can find enough time to register a new nick and post at 0900 hrs.... And to consider the fact that i did not take into account the travelling, ice-breaking and waiting time.

I am sorry but i find this unconvincing. For a discovery of your magnitude with so many things to verify, so many things to discuss and so many experiments to conduct, 4 hours is way too short.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 30, 2007, 04:36:42 AM
Quote from: amateur on November 30, 2007, 04:33:57 AM

pardon my ignorance....

You posted this close to 0300 hrs and will be meeting Mr Fung at 0500hrs as indicated.

You were supposed to do the abv mentioned and somehow Mr Fung and you managed to complete all these within such a short time that Mr Fung can find enough time to register a new nick and post at 0900 hrs.... And to consider the fact that i did not take into account the travelling, ice-breaking and waiting time.

I am sorry but i find this unconvincing. For a discovery of your magnitude with so many things to verify, so many things to discuss and so many experiments to conduct, 4 hours is way too short.

Have you consider 'Mr. Fung' is another one of these Tseung altered egos?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: amateur on November 30, 2007, 04:47:30 AM
Quote from: chrisC on November 30, 2007, 04:36:42 AM
Quote from: amateur on November 30, 2007, 04:33:57 AM

pardon my ignorance....

You posted this close to 0300 hrs and will be meeting Mr Fung at 0500hrs as indicated.

You were supposed to do the abv mentioned and somehow Mr Fung and you managed to complete all these within such a short time that Mr Fung can find enough time to register a new nick and post at 0900 hrs.... And to consider the fact that i did not take into account the travelling, ice-breaking and waiting time.

I am sorry but i find this unconvincing. For a discovery of your magnitude with so many things to verify, so many things to discuss and so many experiments to conduct, 4 hours is way too short.

Have you consider 'Mr. Fung' is another one of these Tseung altered egos?


i am giving him the benefit of doubt cos i can't say for something that i have not witnessed. But somehow, i feel that if I had travelled all the way to Mr Tseung to witness THE ANSWER to the world's crisis, 4 hours is really way too short for the announced agenda.

I mean, 4 hours is not even enough to look through all the articles and cds not to mention a lunch session sandwiched in between. what abt dodging of suppressors and assassins? what abt understanding the whole concepts? i dunno? maybe i'm just not bright enough and I need more time than Mr Fung to accomplish the mentioned tasks and I for 1 would need to spend more time with Mr tseung to clarify my doubts to better understand his great invention.

sorry, maybe its just me

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on November 30, 2007, 07:11:52 AM
@Eddy Currentz: WHAT experiment? I mean, I haven't actually read any proper experiment being suggested by mr. Tseung at all! I see a lot of claims, a lot of talk about his spreadsheet, and even an "experiment" that proves that 2 people can push a chair and make it move... But none of that proves that mr. Tseung actually has something here. If he has a proper "theory", as he claims, and has a formal physics education, it should be easy to present a simple experiment that proves his hypothesis to be worthy of the name "theory".
So where is it? Where is this experiment? Well?

Talk is cheap, and as far as I can determine that's all mr. Tseung presents: a lot of talk, claims of "free energy", but nothing to substantiate it with except for a spreadsheet containing doubfull mixtures of classical physics formulae...

And what about these claims that some of this is actually patented in China? How can this be? Do they not require people to show an actual proof of concept to get a patent in China? Sounds to me like what happened with patents in the US before they introduced the requirement to actually show a working prototype or proof of concept... Tons of US patents from the late 1800s to the early 1900s show devices that simply do not work, no matter how great they look on paper. Yet they still got patents. Perhaps the same thing is going on in China now?

@amateur: You have a very good point there. It seems highly unlikely that an American visitor could go through all the material with mr Tseung and then make a new nick and post within that short period of time.
This leads to the inevitable conclusion that there seems to be something very fishy going on here... Perhaps it is indeed mr Tseung himself posting as this alleged mr Fung. In which case we might want to toss this entire thread in the junk box as it invalidates everything... As far as there was anything valid to go on, for as utalitarian and others have remarked a number of times already: NO proof nor experiments are provided, only claims.
Besides, 4 hours may be more than enough to figure out you have been duped by a nutter of course... ;)

So, let me voice our common wish in the hopes that mr Tseung finally understands and comes forward:

I mean come on... Let's take your "kid and punching bag" example, we can extrapolate a very similar experiment quite easily...
We take a pendulum and connect it to a hinge not through a string, but through a rod. We replace the hinge with a gear setup that allows the pendulum to swing left to right with no resistance (except for normal mechanical friction). We allo the pendulum to swing right to left only via the gears, thereby turning a cogwheel or axle.
This way we could extract (which is the normal English term for what you appear to mean with "lead out") energy from the pendulums swing.
Now we setup a spring or a different setup that allows us to give a periodic push to the pendulum when it is swinging downward left to right.
Starting the experiment, let us lift the pendulum to the highest point on the left, and let it go to start the pendulum swinging. Let us call the energy contained in this E1, which is obviously the potential energy contained in the pendulum at rest in its highest point, which obviously is turned into kinetic energy at the lowest point of the swing.
Now it swings back from right to left, starting at the highest point right with energy level E2 which is E1 minus the friction. Let us say we can extract 10% of that energy using our gearbox, and the rest is enough to allow the pendulum to swing back to the left but not as high as before. So the energy level when it reaches the top left position again is now 0.9*E2 minus the friction. Let us say we give a push that is exactly enough to get the pendulums energy level back to its starting level, which was E1, so we need to input (((E1 - friction) * 0.1) + 2 * friction) at least. Every swing.
How is that over unity?
I see more energy going in... 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on November 30, 2007, 10:36:21 AM
This appearance by baybill should come as no surprise.  However short on proof he may be, Lawrence is a master of testimonials.  Can you count how many alter egos he has in this Steorn thread?  Six, eight, who knows?

http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=43821&page=1 (http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=43821&page=1)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on November 30, 2007, 10:49:11 AM
Oh...  :'(

So mr Tseung is one of those digital multiple personality patients, that's what you're saying?

So it's just another one of the Bowsers in this world eh? too bad, I had hoped there was actually something to his claims...
...well at least he sticks with the topic and doesn't use crumpled straws...

Well if that is really the case, then I guess we can forget about ever getting a proper explanation of his "theory"?  :'(
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 30, 2007, 12:27:38 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on November 30, 2007, 10:36:21 AM
This appearance by baybill should come as no surprise.  However short on proof he may be, Lawrence is a master of testimonials.  Can you count how many alter egos he has in this Steorn thread?  Six, eight, who knows?

http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=43821&page=1 (http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=43821&page=1)

From the Steorn forum (Feb. 3 2007):

Lawrence leads out multiple forum accounts in conversation with himself.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 30, 2007, 01:11:27 PM
G'day all,

Here is another oldie but goodie on the subject. (notice that this is his answer to a specific question)

Lawrence has learned a lot from these postings as they were too transparent. That is why he switched tactics and posts as a number of people now rather than having "conversations' with them in his posts.

Hans von Lieven

Quote from: ltseung888 on August 12, 2007, 10:48:04 PM
Quote from: brnbrade on August 12, 2007, 06:50:25 PM
Hi ITseung888

It can you to post a diagram of this such one cosmic device really working ?


The scene is Richard and Nancy at the home of Tseung.

Richard: "Looks like some members of the overunity.com forum are interested in the Sung device.  I saw that 40 minute video and was convinced that the device worked.  You can use rapidshare as the attach file limit here is only 12MB."

Tseung: "That is not a problem.  I shall zip the 96 MB file.  It should be read with Windows Media Player.   Before I do that, I shall quote the warning from the Inventor and the Chinese Police.  That video was used by some unauthorized persons to solicit funds.  It MUST NOT be used for that purpose again.  It may be used for scientific discussions only."

Nancy: "Can you repeat the story of why Sung gave up the development of his inventions?  The video seemed to indicate excellent working prototypes?"

Tseung smiled: "I shall repeat the story one more time.  Note that I use the term story because I was not personally involved.  The story was that Dr. Liang Sing Yan heard about the Sung Invention and wanted to use that invention to recharge his battery car.  They worked together for a few months.

Dr. Liang then got the brilliant idea that he could rotate the inner cylinder with ICs.  He did not need to use the permanent magnets and the complex setup of the Sung invention.  He succeeded.  All the potential investors for Sung changed ship.  Sung was obviously unhappy.  However, as a scientist, he accepted the fact that his invention was not as good.  He abandoned further development on his devices.

We also have the video on the Dr. Liang Car.  That video was definitely used by criminals to solicit funds.  Some of these criminals are in jail now. 

Mr. Chao did a big improvement to overcome the hill-climbing drawback of the Liang car using banks of batteries.  That improved car traveled 1,500 kilometers to Beijing with 8 newspapers and televisions following the journey in 2006.  We have two videos.  One of them was done by the Chinese Official Television Station CCTV.

I shall post these videos when appropriate.  Here is the first one.  It will be available for 90 days.  The download time is approximately 1 hour.  The link is:

Lawrence Tseung
The third generation Cosmic Energy Machines Lead Out abandonment of the first and second generation.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Eddy Currentz on November 30, 2007, 01:22:11 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on November 30, 2007, 07:11:52 AM
@Eddy Currentz: WHAT experiment? I mean, I haven't actually read any proper experiment being suggested by mr. Tseung at all! I see a lot of claims, a lot of talk about his spreadsheet, and even an "experiment" that proves that 2 people can push a chair and make it move... But none of that proves that mr. Tseung actually has something here. If he has a proper "theory", as he claims, and has a formal physics education, it should be easy to present a simple experiment that proves his hypothesis to be worthy of the name "theory".
So where is it? Where is this experiment? Well?

Talk is cheap, and as far as I can determine that's all Mr. Tseung presents: a lot of talk, claims of "free energy", but nothing to substantiate it with except for a spreadsheet containing doubfull mixtures of classical physics formulae...
I have no idea what Mr. Tseung has built or accomplished as far as an actual machine goes, and I don't really care. I don't believe, or disbelieve what he claims because I haven't done all the experiments yet. Like everything else I read about, I keep it as information to compare to other pieces of information. When the dots start lining up I know I have something interesting.
A pulsed flywheel is not unique to Mr. Tseung. John Bedini was getting free energy from a machine he designed in 1984 using a pulsed flywheel. I have also read other accounts of anomalous and unique results from flywheels.
I can't say conclusively that energy can be gained from a pulsed flywheel, but I do think it's possible.  Enough people have had similar results to make it worth looking into.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on November 30, 2007, 02:01:42 PM
Okay, so basically what you're saying is that OTHER people have come up with devices that use pulses and rotation, like Bedini, and for some reason that gives credibility to mr. Tseungs claims?
Not it does not.
mr Tseung still does not actually present a theory at all. He presents a hypothesis consisting of an accumulation of statements and assumptions that all free energy/over unity researches in the past have also suggested or said, coupled to a spreadsheet, with no experimental backing of his own at all.

And I fail to see how mr Tseungs claim that his "theory" which does not actually explain anything is somehow supported by these interesting inventions MADE BY OTHER PEOPLE can in any way be considered to be an "experiment".
Sure, you could replicate a Bedini motor. But then you're only replicated a Bedini motor, you have not done any experiment proposed by mr Tseung.
Besides, did not Bedinis motor capture the back mmf from the moving motor, acting as a dynamo in that phase of operation? I believe it does... No mysterious "gravity conversion" going on, just the effects of inertia and mmf...
There is NO experiment that mr Tseung has presented, which proves first of all that it is his theory, and second of all that the theory has any basis in reality.

Now with the truth coming out that he has been multi-accounting and discussing things with his own multis on the Steorn forum, it is clear he is blowing his own horn and keeps repeating himself on different fora. It also seems like he is intentionally creating confusion and being unclear in his statements. And when push comes to shove he never has a good reply to questions of anyone except his own multiple personalities. To others he just keeps repeating himself, and accusing them of unwillingness or lack of understanding, instead of actually explaining things properly.
Does anyone hear F-R-A-U-D? No? Maybe H-O-A-X then?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 30, 2007, 02:28:18 PM
Perhaps just some poor old soul with a bee in his bonnet.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Eddy Currentz on November 30, 2007, 03:28:47 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on November 30, 2007, 02:01:42 PM
Okay, so basically what you're saying is that OTHER people have come up with devices that use pulses and rotation, like Bedini, and for some reason that gives credibility to mr. Tseungs claims?
Not it does not.
mr Tseung still does not actually present a theory at all. He presents a hypothesis consisting of an accumulation of statements and assumptions that all free energy/over unity researches in the past have also suggested or said, coupled to a spreadsheet, with no experimental backing of his own at all.

And I fail to see how mr Tseungs claim that his "theory" which does not actually explain anything is somehow supported by these interesting inventions MADE BY OTHER PEOPLE can in any way be considered to be an "experiment".
Sure, you could replicate a Bedini motor. But then you're only replicated a Bedini motor, you have not done any experiment proposed by mr Tseung.
Besides, did not Bedinis motor capture the back mmf from the moving motor, acting as a dynamo in that phase of operation? I believe it does... No mysterious "gravity conversion" going on, just the effects of inertia and mmf...
There is NO experiment that mr Tseung has presented, which proves first of all that it is his theory, and second of all that the theory has any basis in reality.

Now with the truth coming out that he has been multi-accounting and discussing things with his own multis on the Steorn forum, it is clear he is blowing his own horn and keeps repeating himself on different fora. It also seems like he is intentionally creating confusion and being unclear in his statements. And when push comes to shove he never has a good reply to questions of anyone except his own multiple personalities. To others he just keeps repeating himself, and accusing them of unwillingness or lack of understanding, instead of actually explaining things properly.
Does anyone hear F-R-A-U-D? No? Maybe H-O-A-X then?
So, all the inventors you have studied are models of mental equanimity? Did Tesla's penchant for calculating the volume of the food he was about to consume, or any of his other eccentricities, detract from his brilliance?
Bedini's 1984 "Watson" machine did not capture the "back mmf" from the motor. The motor was a 12 VDC unit which was driven from a commutator for a little less than half a rotation. This then provided a mechanical pulse to the flywheel, which then drove a magneto. The output of the magneto was fed back to the battery during the time it was not driving the motor.
Let's see... commutator pulses motor, motor pulses flywheel, flywheel drives generator, generator charges battery.  Sounds a lot like Chas Campbell's setup to me. It also sounds a lot like what Mr. Tseung is talking about.
Bedini gave the technology of the machine to a guy named Jim Watson. Watson built a big old replica that worked quite well. Just look at the size of the flywheel he used (bottom photo). The goons got to Watson and that was the end of that.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 30, 2007, 03:45:06 PM
I am sorry Eddy, but I am very weary of the "goon stories"

It anyone has genuinely made a breakthrough on OU it is Dr Griffin and Dave. Dave has had a self sustaining reactor run for 60 days producing energy on top.

He has documented it all along and gave us a detailled blow by blow account as things happened. He has published a report that holds nothing back and can be readily replicated by anyone who is so inclined.

He has not been bothered by anyone.

He has issued the report under his own name, has shown a photograph of himself and he works as a research scientist. In other words HE IS EASY TO FIND!

It may not mean much to you, but to me it says a lot.

Most of the suppression stories are a bullshit cop-out to disguise the fact that the f*cking thing didn't work.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 30, 2007, 04:23:29 PM
Meeting Minutes (1)

Mr. Bill Fung was our visitor from USA.  He was born in Hong Kong.  He had his secondary schooling in Hong Kong and went to USA for his University education.  He had a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering and worked for Eastman Kodak until his retirement.  He was in the technical area except for the last eight years when he was in management helping to set up the Kodak operation in China.

His home is in San Francisco, California.  His son works for a famous French Bank in Hong Kong ? helping the Bank to get into the China Market.  He and his wife will be spending some time in Hong Kong.  He is willing and capable in doing some validation.

The first thing we discussed were the many newspaper cuttings since December 2004.  He can read Chinese.  He can easily verify the many published articles and our ranked Number One in the 2006 International Venture Forum.  He also saw the dozens of photos of us at Tsing Hua University and with many influential persons.

The first technical topic we covered was the boat in calm waters and good sunshine. The picture was taken from my balcony.  If a scientist does not know how to use solar energy, he might advocate using muscle energy to row the boat.  However, if he knows how to use solar panels to generate electricity, he could build a boat using solar energy.  No Laws of Physics would be violated.

If a scientist knows how to use gravitational energy that already surrounds us, his machine would not be labeled as the impossible perpetual motion machine.  So all we need to prove is that we can indeed Lead Out and use gravitational energy.

Then we went for lunch, walked next to the beautiful scenery of boats in calm waters and good sunshine.

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 30, 2007, 04:38:39 PM
Can't wait for the next exciting episode, this one told us a lot.  ???   Didn't it?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Eddy Currentz on November 30, 2007, 04:56:42 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 30, 2007, 03:45:06 PM
I am sorry Eddy, but I am very weary of the "goon stories"

It anyone has genuinely made a breakthrough on OU it is Dr Griffin and Dave. Dave has had a self sustaining reactor run for 60 days producing energy on top.

He has documented it all along and gave us a detailled blow by blow account as things happened. He has published a report that holds nothing back and can be readily replicated by anyone who is so inclined.

He has not been bothered by anyone.

He has issued the report under his own name, has shown a photograph of himself and he works as a research scientist. In other words HE IS EASY TO FIND!

It may not mean much to you, but to me it says a lot.

Most of the suppression stories are a bullshit cop-out to disguise the fact that the f*cking thing didn't work.

Hans von Lieven
Believe what you want Hans. There are enough accounts of successful inventors getting harassed, or worse, where their machines worked just fine.
I'm glad that Dr Griffin and Dave haven't had any run-ins yet. Most inventors don't have any trouble until they try to market their device. This is not always the case, but that's the general pattern.
Jim Watson was building these machines because they worked. He evidently built quite a few of them and was starting a business to sell these machines. During the conference, where his big machine was displayed, his batteries mysteriously disappeared. Not long after the conference, so did Watson.
There was no reason for him to just pack up and leave. He hadn't conned or swindled anyone, and had proved that the machine worked on a number of occasions.
You are welcome to draw whatever conclusion you want, but this incident follows a rather disturbing pattern.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 30, 2007, 05:27:28 PM
Perhaps a bit dramatised the way you put it Eddy,

Jim Watson did demonstrate his larger machine in the 1984 exhibition for 10 minutes after which he stopped the machine "for practical reasons". (Incidentally he build only two, the two machines you showed us the photos of.)

He did not disappear shortly after the exhibition. It was not until two years later when he dropped out of the alternative energy scene. For what reason is unknown.

There is no evidence of any kind that something untoward happened to him.

The plans for his generator are on public display on Bedini's website. Anyone can build one, many have tried and many have failed as is the case with much of the stuff coming from Bedini and Bearden.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 30, 2007, 05:28:00 PM
Meeting Minutes (2)

At the restaurant, the first thing we did was to walk over to the photo and newspaper cutting describing the Dec 20, 2004 Press Conference that was held at that restaurant.  There was already a change of ownership.  The actual pump setup was dismantled but the photographs were still available.  The theoretical diagram is in reply 640.

At the restaurant, while we were waiting for food, I described the demonstration of the beach pump (shown).  Mr. Fung got the concept immediately.  He said: ?If I used the beach pump as a water pump, the water column pressure will prevent me from pumping the water to a great height.  However, if I pump water+air, the effective density is much less.  Thus pumping to much greater height is possible.?

Tseung said: ?If you perform the actual experiment, you will find that you can deliver water to a height higher than the energy supplied by the air pump.  In a steady state, the water coming in must be equal to the water coming out.  The energy of water at the higher level is simply xgh where x is the mass delivered per unit time (E1).  We can compare this with the power of the pump (energy per unit time E2).  If E1 is greater than E2, it will be absolute evidence that extra energy has come into the system.  That energy is energy carried in by air.  We can indeed use this carried in energy.?

Fung: ?I can see that there must be correct spacing of the one-way valves and the timing of their open and shut.  Different diameter pipes, different heights and different rates may need different tuning and setting.?

Tseung laughed: ?An engineer is an engineer.  That is why we need experimental data.  I can give you a beach pump and all its data as a present.  However, I am not giving you the details of the working system.  We are negotiating a huge contract based on the working system.?

In the beach pump demonstration, the one-way valves came from the USD1.00 beach pumps.  The shop was very happy when I bought over 100 of them.

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 30, 2007, 08:07:50 PM
Meeting Minutes (3)

Mr. Fung paid for lunch.  (Not a bad deal for me.  A USD1.00 beach pump for a good lunch.)  We walked back to my apartment.

I embarked on my explanation of the ideal Lee-Tseung Pull with the spreadsheet described on reply 758.

Tseung: ?The first Pull is a horizontal pull to the LHS.  A 1-unit force cannot lift a 10-unit weight.  But we can use a 1-unit force to swing the pendulum.  The pendulum will increase in height.?

Fung: ?I absolutely agree.  I have pushed the swing many times before.?

Tseung: ?In Physics, Work = force x displacement (vector mathematics).  A horizontal force cannot do vertical work unless its direction has been changed by some kind of machine.?

Fung: ?Agreed.  This is standard Mechanics 101 stuff.?

Tseung: ?If the horizontal Lee-Tseung First Pull does not do vertical work on the pendulum, we have to look at which force is responsible for lifting the pendulum bob.?

Fung: ?There are only three forces as far as I can see.  They are the horizontal force F1p; the weight of the pendulum bob F1g and the tension of the string F1s.  If we consider the weight being lifted, the obvious responsible force is the tension F1s.?

Tseung: ?Do you agree that there has been work done by the tension of the string? Work done vertically = vertical component of the tension F1s * vertical Displacement.
This vertical work cannot be done by the horizontal force F1p.?

Fung: ?Mathematically, you are correct.?

Tseung: ?Since the vertical work cannot be done by the horizontal force, it is logical to attribute it to the tension of the string.  Where does the tension of the string come from?  One important component is gravity that is vertical. In the Lee-Tseung theory, this is the Lead Out Energy.?

Fung: ?I see your reasoning now.  In the first pull, the horizontal force cannot do vertical work to lift the pendulum bob.  The work (and hence energy) must come from somewhere.  This somewhere is gravity.  Mathematically, you are correct.  However, my professors never taught me that!?

Tseung: ?That is why we applied for patents.  That is why we were invited to lecture at Tsing Hua University ? The MIT of China.?

Fung: ?Please pause for a moment.  Let me double-check your spreadsheet.?

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Eddy Currentz on November 30, 2007, 09:06:41 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 30, 2007, 05:27:28 PM
Perhaps a bit dramatised the way you put it Eddy,

Jim Watson did demonstrate his larger machine in the 1984 exhibition for 10 minutes after which he stopped the machine "for practical reasons". (Incidentally he build only two, the two machines you showed us the photos of.)

He did not disappear shortly after the exhibition. It was not until two years later when he dropped out of the alternative energy scene. For what reason is unknown.

There is no evidence of any kind that something untoward happened to him.

The plans for his generator are on public display on Bedini's website. Anyone can build one, many have tried and many have failed as is the case with much of the stuff coming from Bedini and Bearden.

Hans von Lieven
OK, but that's not the story I got from John. I never said something untoward happened to Watson. According to John, Watson got bought off and was told to disappear. John was rightfully upset since Watson made a pile of money off of his invention and John didn't get a dime. 
Do you think Watson got bought off for a technology that didn't work? Or is this all just more lies to cover up a failed technology?
BTW, I've built several Bedini motors that worked every bit as good as he said they would. Most people don't know how to follow directions and then whine about their motors not working. Bedini knows what he's doing. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 30, 2007, 10:00:05 PM
Meeting Minutes (4)

Mr. Fung was examining the Spreadsheet in reply 758 carefully.

(1)   On Cell H3, the Vertical and Horizontal Displacement Calculations, ?These are exact mathematical quantities.  No approximations are used.?

(2)   In the Lee-Tseung Ideal Pull Diagram (Cell A14 to E 46), ?The Forces are exact relationships.  F1p = Msin(a).  F1s=Mcos(a).  No approximations are used.?

(3)   ?You start with exact mathematical expressions and equations; there cannot be anything wrong or misrepresentations.

(4)   The breakdown of Input Work or Energy = That done by F1p is correct.  It can be resolved into Vertical Work + Horizontal Work.  That is standard Vector Mathematics.

(5)   You are assuming the Lead Out energy = the Vertical Work done by F1s.  This is your assumption.  Since it is an assumption, we need experiments to verify it.

(6)   The rest are strict mathematical calculations.

Thus if I accept that the Vertical Work done by F1s is the Lead Out Energy, the spreadsheet has no mathematical errorsIn the First Ideal Lee-Tseung horizontal pull, assumption (5) is definitely correct. (Horizontal Force cannot contribute to Vertical work without machines to change its direction.)?

Tseung: ?Mathematics cannot lie.  If I have not done any miscalculations, the spreadsheet results are believable. Do you agree??

Fung: ?I agree.  I shall take a copy of the spreadsheet to examine more and discuss with my trusted professors and friends who are good at mathematics.?

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 30, 2007, 10:04:34 PM

Did Fung get to meet Forever?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 30, 2007, 10:05:41 PM
Quote from: Eddy Currentz on November 30, 2007, 09:06:41 PM
BTW, I've built several Bedini motors that worked every bit as good as he said they would. Most people don't know how to follow directions and then whine about their motors not working. Bedini knows what he's doing. 

Dear Mr. Eddy Currentz,

I am very interested in a working Bedini motor.  I am confident that we can improve it to meet the AERO competition requirements together.

Email me at ltseung@hotmail.com.  I do not normally answer private emails but this is an exception.

Thank You.

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 30, 2007, 10:57:26 PM
Meeting Minutes (5)

Tseung: ?Let us take a break from the vigorous mathematics.  Would you like to see the CD and the Video of working devices?  I have copies for you to take home.  Which one would you like to watch now??

Fung: ?I am particularly interested in Electric Cars.  I read about the Liang Car But I have not read much about the Chao Car.  Can you show that to me??

On the search, Tseung found the UFO in Nanjing on Youtube first.  Fung and Tseung spent sometime watching and discussing that video.

Tseung: ?I am sure that there is UFO research in USA and other countries.  The unofficial video from Nanjing is likely to be a version made in China.  We had our Flying Saucer Patent Application submitted in 2005.?

China Patent Reference Number: 200510120813.5
Fung: ?I am sure that there is UFO research in USA and elsewhere.  The Governments keep denying it.  It may take us 20 or more years to learn about it or have commercial versions of it.?

Forever called and said that she was on her way.  Fung spent the waiting time watching the Chao Video.  Fung was excited about the coming Flying Saucer demonstration.  See the primitive but powerful equipment!

(to be continued)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 30, 2007, 11:29:01 PM
I just love this, can't wait for the next chapter. Finally I will learn the secret of the bottle.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 30, 2007, 11:37:48 PM

Can you imagine the power output if he placed that bottle on a 4 legged stool? 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 01, 2007, 12:02:14 AM
How about a bottle tied to each leg? Critical mass and fission ???

Lawrence should better be careful.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on December 01, 2007, 01:53:05 AM
Mentos + Pepsi + 4 legged stool = overunity
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on December 01, 2007, 02:02:28 AM
lol  :D

what's next?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 01, 2007, 02:55:54 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on November 30, 2007, 11:29:01 PM
I just love this, can't wait for the next chapter. Finally I will learn the secret of the bottle.

Hans von Lieven


There's a genie in the bottle and that's where the extra energy comes from! Should have guessed that a long time ago! Te episodes are getting more excited by the hour. What would old Tseung put in the bottle next?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 01, 2007, 05:22:18 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I am a Physics Teacher with a B.Sc. in Physics.  One of my students brought your Lee-Tseung theory to my attention.  After some checking, I know that your spreadsheet calculation is correct.  However, may I suggest some improved teaching techniques.

(1)   When you quote Work Done = Force x Displacement (vector mathematics), you already lost half of your audience on the Internet.
(2)   Since that is the central point of your argument, you should explain it in more detail.
(3)   I suggest using the following diagram:
(In the attached file)

My students always had a hard time understanding negative work. The correct explanation should be no work is done but energy is stored in the system.  In your spreadsheet, the weight of the pendulum bob F1g is a force in the downward direction.  The resultant displacement is in the upward direction.  The correct physics interpretation should be no work was done by the weight F1g but energy had been stored in the pendulum system.

I hope I have not caused more confusion to your forum members.  This is for your attention only.  You may decide whether you want to post it.

Yours truly,

Dear XXX,

Thank you for your advice.  I want you to help to teach basic physics to the many seeds I sowed.  You have better experience and technique than me.  Hopefully with your help, a few more seeds would grow.  Please post directly.

Lawrence Tseung
A professional physics teacher Leads Out more saved seeds (or souls)!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 01, 2007, 07:00:09 AM
Meeting Minutes (6)

As soon as Ms. Forever Yuen arrived, we went out to do the Flying Saucer Experiment.  The purpose of the Experiment is:

(1)   To test the Law of Action and Reaction when applied to circular motion.

(2)   Some people said that when we swing a heavy object circularly and then let go, the object will fly away in a tangential direction.  There will be a reaction to move the axle (person spinning the object) in the equal and opposite direction.

(3)   Some others disagreed.  They said that in the case of centripetal forces, the Law of Action and Reaction could not be followed blindly as described in (2).  The axle (person spinning the object) will not feel a force in the equal and opposite direction.

The simple experiment was to get the ?feel? of the many experimenters.  The first video is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGtSxDo2jbk performed by Mr. Bill Fung.  The second video is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXz4tzWk3xY performed by Ms. Forever Yuen.  Both had a lot of fun.  Both of them did not feel ?a force in the equal and opposite direction?.  This experiment is extremely easy to perform and can be done anywhere by any one.  Have fun.

The next step is obviously swinging a magnetic ball inside a spherical or cylindrical track and then cut off or remove the magnetic force.  The prediction is that the magnetic ball will move the entire object in the tangential direction when the magnetic force is cut.  This will be the theoretical justification of the Flying Saucer that need not eject any gas for propulsion.

(to be continuted)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 01, 2007, 09:28:00 AM
funny how you so proudly mention talking about your "brilliant" "experiments" like the "boat on calm water on a sunny day" and the "wire tied to bottle",
but you seem totally unwilling or unable to share the details of these "experiments" with us...

How do these show that "your theory" works?
How does the example of running a boat on solar power demostrate the viability of your hypothesis, and how does it show in what practical manner we can actually extract energy from the gravitational field?

PLEASE finally explain this to us, instead of continually presenting little talks you had with people as "proof". It's very nice that there are apparently people who are convinced your hypothesis is valid even though you apparently do not show them any proof either, but we have been asking you do explain how your dodgy "experiments" prove that we can "lead out" energy from gravity for ages now and you appear to ignore them structurally.

Why do you not post any replies on that? Why do you only post replies that serve to support your side of the story only on the point that people apparently discuss your hypothesis with you, but not on the point of  proving your actual hypothesis itself? Oh, and forking up a bunch of formulae is one thing, but actually presenting a testable setup that proves your formula juggling to result in actual practical output would be the actual proof.
Why do you seem so intent on avoiding actual discussion of experiments that can prove that we can really extract energy from gravity in a perpetually moving system?
You must understand that no matter how many discussion with other (be they existant or not) people you post, as long as you avoid the actual test phase and discussion about it, you do not come across as very trustworthy, sincere, honest, nor cooperative.

I assume you will not reply to this post as you choose to ignore all posts of this nature, but I'd still like to point out that if you keep ignoring this type of posts, it only serves to undermine your own credibility.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Eddy Currentz on December 01, 2007, 10:21:54 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 30, 2007, 10:05:41 PM
Quote from: Eddy Currentz on November 30, 2007, 09:06:41 PM
BTW, I've built several Bedini motors that worked every bit as good as he said they would. Most people don't know how to follow directions and then whine about their motors not working. Bedini knows what he's doing. 

Dear Mr. Eddy Currentz,

I am very interested in a working Bedini motor.  I am confident that we can improve it to meet the AERO competition requirements together.

Email me at ltseung@hotmail.com.  I do not normally answer private emails but this is an exception.

Thank You.

Lawrence Tseung
Thanks for the offer but I don't own that technology. You should contact Mr. Bedini about any development of his technology.
In spite of the large volume of ridicule and criticism here, I do enjoy, and have greatly benefited from your insightful teachings and would like to express my thanks.
The cultural differences between east and west often make it difficult for some people to appreciate your style of dissemination. Westerners tend to want only hard data since that is their only source of comparison. They tend to feel comfortable only when they can fit your concepts into their preconceived box. An analogous representation of a theory tends to confuse those who can only deal with numbers. Unfortunately, these types will resort to ridicule and blame when they don't get what they want. I hope you are able to understand this and not let this type of behavior become discouraging.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Eden on December 01, 2007, 11:04:12 AM

[/quote]Thanks for the offer but I don't own that technology. You should contact Mr. Bedini about any development of his technology.
In spite of the large volume of ridicule and criticism here, I do enjoy, and have greatly benefited from your insightful teachings and would like to express my thanks.
The cultural differences between east and west often make it difficult for some people to appreciate your style of dissemination. Westerners tend to want only hard data since that is their only source of comparison. They tend to feel comfortable only when they can fit your concepts into their preconceived box. An analogous representation of a theory tends to confuse those who can only deal with numbers. Unfortunately, these types will resort to ridicule and blame when they don't get what they want. I hope you are able to understand this and not let this type of behavior become discouraging.



well said ted!
people are either afraid of the unknown, or ridicule it.
and indeed westerners (being one myself) have difficulty in understanding other cultures...

Bill, Hans & others,
you deliver magnificent work in other topics. keep them all serene, and concentrate on positive contribution, it is so much needed...


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 01, 2007, 11:32:07 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on December 01, 2007, 09:28:00 AM
funny how you so proudly mention talking about your "brilliant" "experiments" like the "boat on calm water on a sunny day" and the "wire tied to bottle",
but you seem totally unwilling or unable to share the details of these "experiments" with us...

How do these show that "your theory" works?
How does the example of running a boat on solar power demostrate the viability of your hypothesis, and how does it show in what practical manner we can actually extract energy from the gravitational field?

Simply stated in our patent - the Lee-Tseung theory predicts that we can Lead Out gravitational or electron motion energy via oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux changes.

Many existing known OU devices already confirm our theory.  The most solid one you can buy today is the Hungarian EBM.  It is pulsed rotation in magnetic fields.

For oscillations examples, see the Milkovic pendulum thread on this forum.

For rotation in gravitational fields, see the Chas Campbell thread.

For rotation in magnetic fields, see the Newman, Bedini, threads.

For flux change systems, see the Tom Beardon thread.

The example of boat in calm water and good sunshine shows that if you know how to use gravitational or electron motion energy (like Lee, Tseung, Wang Tsing Hua University, Gaby, Ash, Stefan), you do not need to worry about the objection that you violated the Law of Conservation of Energy.  You are not building the impossible perpetual motion machine.

Please read the file in reply 643 to get the full picture.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 01, 2007, 11:32:29 AM
@ Eden:
ah of course, it is us "westerners" that have trouble understanding other cultures, and that is why we don't see the proof that mr Tseung never posted?
similarly we could say "easterners" have trouble understanding "western" culture, and that is why he is not able to give a form of proof that we "westerners" find satisfactory.

But that seems quite arbitrary, as we are not discussing cultural differences, we are discussing hard scientific theory and application, which is presented to us in a "western" based style of Newtonian physics, but lacking the proof that is so crucial to that same "western" scientific method.
Seems quite delusional to blame the inability of an "eastern" inventor to deliver proof on the assumed inability of "westerners" to understand his cultural background...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 01, 2007, 11:41:45 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 01, 2007, 11:32:07 AM

Simply stated in our patent - the Lee-Tseung theory predicts that we can Lead Out gravitational or electron motion energy via oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux changes.

The example of boat in calm water and good sunshine shows that if you know how to use gravitational or electron motion energy (like Lee, Tseung, Wang Tsing Hua University, Gaby, Ash, Stefan), you do not need to worry about the objection that you violated the Law of Conservation of Energy.  You are not building the impossible perpetual motion machine.

So basically all your patent entails is a claim that the possible OU found in several OU devices invented by others, is somehow based on the extraction of energy from the gravitational field?
How can you patent that? How exactly do you patent a supposed explanation? As far as I know patents are given on a clear process or design, not on a vague supposition that only replaces the mysterious OU source with the gravitational field. All you are saying is basically that the gravitational field can be tapped for energy. That is surely not a patentable idea? It has been around for centuries!

And your "example" or "experiment" only seems to "prove" that in an open system, energy can be used to do work, while that energy was not actually included in the moving parts of the system, which if it were not an open system would simply stall to a halt due to entropy. So basically all that says is that an open system works differently from an closed system, and that in an open system yo can use energy from the environment which is not possible if you make that same system a closed system.

I fail to see what is so groundbreaking about this... All very basic, isn't it?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Eden on December 01, 2007, 11:49:44 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on December 01, 2007, 11:32:29 AM
@ Eden:
ah of course, it is us "westerners" that have trouble understanding other cultures, and that is why we don't see the proof that mr Tseung never posted?
similarly we could say "easterners" have trouble understanding "western" culture, and that is why he is not able to give a form of proof that we "westerners" find satisfactory.

But that seems quite arbitrary, as we are not discussing cultural differences, we are discussing hard scientific theory and application, which is presented to us in a "western" based style of Newtonian physics, but lacking the proof that is so crucial to that same "western" scientific method.
Seems quite delusional to blame the inability of an "eastern" inventor to deliver proof on the assumed inability of "westerners" to understand his cultural background...

Newtonian Physics is more then 200 years old....
one does not obtain or achieve anything with mockery and insult
if you don't like what you read, and if your questions don't get answered according to your views,
just leave the thread and let the others continue working in their own fashion
why so much abuse only in this thread?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 01, 2007, 12:09:18 PM
Meeting Minutes (7)

After the fun session at the beach, we repeated the Forever Experiment.

The numbers of oscillations per 30 seconds are as follows:
(1)   No other magnetic material around = 30
(2)   With magnetic attraction = 52
(3)   With magnetic repulsion = 19

Fung: ? I never expect the numbers to vary that much.  It shows that magnetic fields can be much stronger than gravitational fields.  The best Cosmic Energy Machines should use magnetic field.?

Forever: ?The strength of the magnetic field in this experiment can be varied by placing the magnets nearer or further away.  If Lee-Tseung Pulsed oscillation can draw out gravitational energy, it can also draw out magnetic energy.?

Tseung: ?The experiment is extremely easy to do and verify. It conclusively demonstrated the similarity of Leading Out gravitational and electron motion (magnetic) energies.?

Fung: ?I agree.  I never expect such simple experiments can be so powerful.?

(to be continued)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 01, 2007, 01:39:35 PM
Meeting Minutes (8 )

The Gravity Wheel Experiment (1 of 3)

Tseung: ?Let us do the gravity wheel experiment.  We were trying to replicate the gravity wheel as described in http://theverylastpageoftheinternet.com/newclaims/GravityMotor/gravity_motor.htm.  We could not produce a perpetual moving gravity wheel but we learned much from the experiments.  This is our best device as of today.?

Fung: ?How long can it rotate??

Tseung: ?The square wheel by itself without any attachment could rotate up to 16 minutes.  When we attached the two cylinders of 80% sand, we could get a rotational time of 30 minutes.  The sand moved inside the tube, providing the pulse.?

Fung: ?That is good evidence that the Pulse is better than the No Pulse case.  What is preventing you from achieving even longer periods??

Tseung: ?We experimented with different pulsing devices ? including hammers, falling balls, falling liquids and falling powders.  When I used falling salt, it gave the best results but the moisture got to the salt and the results were non-reproducible. I finally settled on dry sand.  I had to play with different levels.  It was a painful tuning job.?

Forever: ?The slightest change in environment seemed to affect the results. Examples include wind, opening doors or buses passing.?

Tseung: ?I believe we are close to the ?resonance condition?.  The falling sand provided enough force to overcome friction.  However, the slightest vibration or other effects could change such a balance.  The best result I ever obtained was achieved at the middle of the night when there were no buses and no cars.?

Fung: ?This device has been spinning for over 10 minutes during our conversation and shows no sign of slowing down.  I want to see your other experiments.  I like fishing too.  I can talk to my wife saying that I come fishing all day with you.  We can have more time doing this fun stuff.?

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 01, 2007, 07:15:31 PM
Meeting Minutes (9)

The Gravity Wheel Experiment (2 of 3)

Tseung: ?This second set up used the hammer technique as displayed in the original gravity wheel shown on Internet. http://theverylastpageoftheinternet.com/newclaims/GravityMotor/gravity_motor.htm.
We found that position; weight and shape of the hammer would greatly affect the result.  The first set gave result less than 1 minute because the engineer misunderstood the diagram and the hammer did not hit the rim.  This configuration gave result in the 10 minutes range.?

Fung: ?The gravity wheel had 8 hammers and you used only two.  Would you have better results with eight??

Tseung: ?We also have the eight hammer configuration as described in the original.  That was very difficult to tune.  We could ensure that the hammers had the same weight because the hammers were hollow.  Weights and stopping paper could be put inside.  However, we could not ensure the springs have identical properties even though they were from the same batch from the same store.  The engineers, Mr. Sun et al, showed that just by changing two apparently identical hammers, the results could be very different.?

Fung: ?I can sense the difficulty and frustration with tuning.  I can see the reason that the average person could not replicate the claimed OU devices.  It would take conviction and dedication.  I am retired and I do not mind helping out.  I have time.?

Forever: ?I still have to go to school.  I also have homework.?

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 01, 2007, 07:59:01 PM
Meeting Minutes (10)

The Gravity Wheel Experiment (3 of 3)

Tseung: ?This configuration clearly shows the effect of tuning.  It uses falling balls inside cylinders.  The falling height could be adjusted.  I shall start with a falling height of approximately 2 cm.  You can use the stop watch to time it.?

Fung: ?It has been rotating for over 3 minutes.  I can see that one needs patience in doing such experiments.  I better call my wife to tell her that I shall not be home for dinner.?

Forever: ?I already told my mother that I would eat out.  I have done these experiments many times before.?

Fung came back after the phone call. ?It is still rotating.  How long would it take??

Tseung: ?Let us change the falling height to the full length of the cylinder.  Forever, you can take the screwdriver and perform your usual magic.?

With the new arrangement, we could hear the falling sound clearly.  The wheel stopped rotating within 1 minute.

Fung: ?It is clear from this experiment that a larger Pulse (a longer falling distance) is not always beneficial.  I am convinced of the importance of tuning.  Before, I was skeptical on the conflicting results reported on the Bedini or similar machines.  Now I can see why.  Bedini and his supporters are actually believable!?

Tseung: ?The most conclusive machine at present is the Hungarian EBM (http://www.gammamanager.com).  China placed orders.   We spoke to the group who placed the orders.  Nobody is stupid enough to spend millions without careful checking and validation.  Energy from gravity or electron motion can be Lead Out.?

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 01, 2007, 09:28:43 PM
Meeting Minutes (11)

The famous Wang Shum Ho 4-legged stool experiment.

Please read the PowerPoint presentation with the notes carefully for full understanding. http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/Wang3a.files/frame.htm

Forever: ?I shall take a picture first.  I am afraid that doing the video in this tight space may not have the best result.  Please be careful.  Do not run and hurt yourselves.?

Tseung laughed: ?We old guys know our limits.  The Wang 4-legged stool experiment was a game invented by Wang in the Cultural Revolution Period in China in the 1960s.  In the villages, they had nothing to play.  Wang put a 4-legged stool on top of a bowl of water.  The 4 players each placed a finger on the end of each leg and pushed slightly.  The bowl, water and stool would rotate.  If the players walked and then ran with the rotation, the rotation would be faster and faster.  It could be so fast that one of the players flew up in the air similar to a lady skater lifted off the ground by her partner.  The player who flew up first loses.?

Fung: ?It sounds dangerous.?

Tseung: ? The two of us do not have to go flying.  If we put our right hand on the stool, the set up will rotate clockwise faster and faster.  We can stop as soon as the pace picks up.  We just want to get the feel.  If we use our left hand, the rotation will be anti-clockwise.?

Fung: ?Let the game begin.?

The simple game confirmed the faster rotation beyond a shadow of doubt.

Fung: ?What is the significance of this experiment??

Tseung: ?In straight line motion, Newton First Law states that an object will travel with the same velocity along a straight line when there are no forces acting on it.  If there were force acting on it, such as falling under gravity, it will accelerate.  In circular motion, application of a force will cause the rotation to go faster and faster.?

Fung: ?That is a basic fact of Physics.  Why is it important??

Tseung: ?Wang replaced the water with magnetic liquid.  He also replaced the human hand with a rotating magnet.  His device consists of two parts.  The first part is a rotating ferro-liquid in a bowl with a rotating magnet on top.  The second part is the David Hamel solid magnet rotating in a circular ring. (http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/hammnu.htm).  The combination of the two will result in the Wang device as described in the above first mentioned website.?

Fung: ?Who took the pictures?  The device has only 7 components.  It can then rotate forever????

Tseung: ?Lee Cheung Kin and I took the pictures at Tsing Hua University.  The rotating device was demonstrated in front of 5 Chinese Officials on January 15, 2007. Wang became Vice President of General Magnetics in June, 2007.  Wang called a few days ago to inform me that his Company and himself would come to Hong Kong in the coming weeks to discuss possible International IPO possibilities in 2008.  They might bring working prototypes.  Would you like to meet Wang and see the prototypes??

Fung: ?I love to.?

(to be continued)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 01, 2007, 10:45:28 PM
Meeting Minutes (12)

We then went for dinner.  I wanted to pay but Mr. Fung insisted that Ms. Forever Yuen was the honored guest this time.  I was just an accompanying person.  He won the argument.

Fung: ?I cannot not believe how easy the whole concept of Cosmic Energy Machines is.  It all boils down to understanding the Lee-Tseung Ideal Pull Spreadsheet on reply 643.  I have spent months reading related information but the whole thing comes together in one day.?

Tseung: ?What do you think might be the cause of your difficulties??

Fung: ?In reading the posts, there was too much distraction.  I never knew which statement was important. It was like listening to many people arguing at the same time. One loses concentration quickly.?

Forever: ?Mr. Tseung forced me to do the spreadsheet calculation on day 1.  Many others, including my friends, got scared and discouraged.  They never came back for a second torture.?

Fung: ?It is a good chance for you.  You will learn a lot.?

Tseung: ?What do you think should be the next step.?

Fung: ?I am definitely interested.  I shall talk to my son who is in the financial area. Since General Magnetic will come to Hong Kong in the next few weeks, I would like to meet them and see the prototypes.  There is much information to read and digest.  I shall plan on many fishing trips with you.  I have no boss to report to except my wife.  She hates fishing.?

Tseung: ?What are your other interests?  What do you hope to get out from this project??

Fung: ?I am also interested in the health area.  After my retirement, I studied the Bible and that influenced me very much.  I am more humble and more willing to help others now.  If possible, I would like to supplement my retirement income while participating in this exciting project.?

We had an enjoyable dinner and shall keep in touch.  Mr. Fung was very happy with his present of CD and the beach pump.  He and Forever will add their views and comments via this thread.

End of Meeting Minutes
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on December 01, 2007, 11:10:03 PM

I've been following this thread...as much as my limited field knowledge will permit - I see some making light of Lee - but its always been human nature to shoot at something never before seen or understood.

So at this point in my education I can't make any determination about Lee - but I am learning a lot on this site since I came upon it.

I am however of the opinion that Lee should have his own reality TV show on Fox :)

I must say I'm thoroughly entertained, if nothing else.

Highest regards...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on December 02, 2007, 01:16:49 AM
One thing is certain...Forever takes great minutes!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on December 02, 2007, 02:38:20 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on December 01, 2007, 09:28:00 AM
funny how you so proudly mention talking about your "brilliant" "experiments" like the "boat on calm water on a sunny day" and the "wire tied to bottle",
but you seem totally unwilling or unable to share the details of these "experiments" with us...

How do these show that "your theory" works?
How does the example of running a boat on solar power demostrate the viability of your hypothesis, and how does it show in what practical manner we can actually extract energy from the gravitational field?

PLEASE finally explain this to us, instead of continually presenting little talks you had with people as "proof". It's very nice that there are apparently people who are convinced your hypothesis is valid even though you apparently do not show them any proof either, but we have been asking you do explain how your dodgy "experiments" prove that we can "lead out" energy from gravity for ages now and you appear to ignore them structurally.

Why do you not post any replies on that? Why do you only post replies that serve to support your side of the story only on the point that people apparently discuss your hypothesis with you, but not on the point of  proving your actual hypothesis itself? Oh, and forking up a bunch of formulae is one thing, but actually presenting a testable setup that proves your formula juggling to result in actual practical output would be the actual proof.
Why do you seem so intent on avoiding actual discussion of experiments that can prove that we can really extract energy from gravity in a perpetually moving system?
You must understand that no matter how many discussion with other (be they existant or not) people you post, as long as you avoid the actual test phase and discussion about it, you do not come across as very trustworthy, sincere, honest, nor cooperative.

I assume you will not reply to this post as you choose to ignore all posts of this nature, but I'd still like to point out that if you keep ignoring this type of posts, it only serves to undermine your own credibility.

I couldn't agree more.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: baybill on December 02, 2007, 04:51:55 AM
 Mr. Tseung -  You sure put together a nice summary and story on my visit and our discussion on the subject interested to many.  I have been followed-up on the over unity systems and free energy systems on the internet for the past few years and always wonder whether they are real or not. There are many things in this world that we do not understand but always too proud to have an open mind to seek the truth or the knowledge behind the God's creation because of our training, our back ground, or our cultural differences.  As far as I know, no one "today" can explain why and how a tree grows upward! Gravitational force has been with this earth since day 1 (don't know what is day 1 - only the Creator knows) but not until an apple hit on his head - so Newton discovered the gravity! There are many wonderful over unity inventions already exist but no one knows why it works not until someone can come up with the theory to explain it.
     I am sure that there are many, including myself until you explained to me, who do not agree with you but that doesn't mean it is not there.
Please keep up the good work and accept the criticism as the path of progress.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RD Edwards on December 02, 2007, 10:06:15 AM
The more Lawrence (and his 'friends') post, the more incredulous it gets. I have followed his site and his 'work' for many years, and I am amazed at what has transpired here.
First, why is it so important to convince people on different boards across the world? Why would tseung spend hundreds of posts on here, for what? Thats just on this board. So we know there is a heavy marketing effort going on. For what?
If you have the chinese govt on board, and have patents, and are friends with all the top free energy men in China, then why would you want to even mention that someone nobody knows is coming to your house for proof of what you say? And then when you do tell the story, there is no substance, but only "calm boats on water, and how much fun the beach is?" No.
Mr. Tseung, if this is your marketing effort to convince the world of what you have, then you have failed. You claim to sow seeds, pearls of knowledge that will save us ignorant ones, but the truth is that you do not even know your fellow humans, not at all. For if you did, you would know that simply showing us your device working would free you of all this 'bother', and allow you to pursue further endeavors,  releasing you from this seemingly unwanted diversion.
Thats a very simple thing to do. One thing you have in abundance is certainty of your devices' ability to perform. So it should be very easy to produce a flotation device for instance that turns a little generator. That has not happened, nor will it happen from you.
As the focus now turns from inventor to the reason behind the smoke from the fire, what will we find?

Spreading seeds all over leads to rats....


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on December 02, 2007, 12:20:52 PM

You realize of course that your years of devotion to Lee's work wood qualify you for a regular or at least a recurring role in his proposed new reality TV show of course? :D

Talk about being in the right place at the right time.

*pandering for possible production position
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 02, 2007, 02:36:03 PM
Quote from: baybill on December 02, 2007, 04:51:55 AM
Mr. Tseung -  You sure put together a nice summary and story on my visit and our discussion on the subject interested to many.  I have been followed-up on the over unity systems and free energy systems on the internet for the past few years and always wonder whether they are real or not.

There are many wonderful over unity inventions already exist but no one knows why it works not until someone can come up with the theory to explain it.
I am sure that there are many, including myself until you explained to me, who do not agree with you but that doesn't mean it is not there.
Please keep up the good work and accept the criticism as the path of progress.


Dear Mr. Bill Fung,

There are a few significant statements in your post.

(1)   You have followed the development of alternative energy for years.
(2)   You accept that there are wonderful over unity inventions already.
(3)   You read my material but did not agree until I explained to you in person.

I have the following comments to share:
(1)   At one time, in the 1800s, the patent offices were flooded with inventions on paper.  To eliminate the obvious non-working ones, someone thought of applying the Law of Conservation of Energy.  If an inventor could not identify the source of energy of his invention, the invention would be classified as the impossible perpetual motion machine.

Unfortunately, the patent offices and the scientists overlooked or were never taught the phenomena of Lead Out energy.  As an example of Lead Out, energy from gravity could come into the system in a non-obvious fashion.  Now we know that pulsed flywheels can Lead Out gravitational energy. (Some may still disagree.)  If we just stare at the rotating flywheel, we would be at a loss at the source of the extra energy. 

(2)   It is good that you accepted that there are working ?over unity? devices.  Many of these working ?over unity? devices involve rotation of magnets in magnetic fields.

(3)   You read my material from the Internet but did not agree.  After we met, my main explanation to you was the spreadsheet on reply 643 and 758.  As soon as you understood the Ideal Lee-Tseung Pull, you found the concepts very easy and clear.  Everything started to make sense.

I learned much from the meeting.  If the reader did not understand or accept Lead Out, he would be lost.  Or he would disagree.  Hundreds of posts would be junk to him.  Diamonds would be treated as broken glass.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 02, 2007, 02:53:12 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on December 02, 2007, 12:20:52 PM

You realize of course that your years of devotion to Lee's work wood qualify you for a regular or at least a recurring role in his proposed new reality TV show of course? :D

Talk about being in the right place at the right time.

*pandering for possible production position

Dear Cap-Z-ro,

There are two co-inventors - Mr. LEE Cheung Kin and myself.  Mr. Lee does not read or write English.  He takes care of the China and Japan area.  I take care of the rest of the World.

China has accepted the Lee-Tseung theory.  China got many of its over unity inventors together and formed the Company General Magnetic in June 2007.  Product introduction and International IPO is planned in 2008.

The opportunity to participate in this exciting new industry is enormous.  As you rightly pointed out, it is a matter of timing.  If you look back on the computer industry, the initial opportunity was limited to the nerds.  Now it is a multi-billion dollar industry.  The Cosmic Energy Machine Industry is in its early infancy.

Lawrence Tseung
Cosmic Energy Machines Lead Out new industry

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 02, 2007, 03:16:52 PM
Quote from: RD Edwards on December 02, 2007, 10:06:15 AM
First, why is it so important to convince people on different boards across the world? Why would tseung spend hundreds of posts on here, for what? Thats just on this board. So we know there is a heavy marketing effort going on. For what?
And then when you do tell the story, there is no substance
you would know that simply showing us your device working would free you of all this 'bother', and allow you to pursue further endeavors,  releasing you from this seemingly unwanted diversion.

Spreading seeds all over leads to rats....


Dear Mr. RD Edward,

If you followed our story from day 1, you would know that we were rejected by the Hong Kong Government.  Lee Cheung Kin tried his China contacts with no progress initially.  I decided to use the cheapest marketing tool ? the Internet.

The hundreds of posts and emails alerted the Chinese Government.  The Steorn announcement and the Hungarian EBM obviously helped.  They finally sent 5 Officials to see the Wang Shum Ho demonstration.

The substance is the Lead Out concept embedded in reply 643 and 758. 

Lee and I do not build devices.  We are theoreticians ? talk, write and calculate.  The building of Cosmic Energy Machines are left to the OU inventors.  We are aware of approximately 100 within China and 200 outside China.  They will be the ones demonstrating the working prototypes. 

Some of them in USA already demonstrated their machines but got jeered (Newman, Bedini etc.)

My personal goal is to Benefit the World to the best of my ability ? write, write and write.

Lawrence Tseung
Understanding reply 643 and 758 Leads Out improvements to existing OU inventions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on December 02, 2007, 03:24:45 PM
My apologies Lawrence, for not giving you due credit.

Although my entry level electronics knowledge does not permit me a firm grasps of all concepts in that area, I do admire your ability to let 'the slings and arrows of outrageous unfortunates' bounce off your unflappable exterior.

I'm serious when I said I would tune in, if your exploits were chronicled on a TV reality show - and I don't even watch that type of 'programming'.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 02, 2007, 03:28:16 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on December 01, 2007, 09:28:00 AM

but you seem totally unwilling or unable to share the details of these "experiments" with us...

How do these show that "your theory" works?

Dear Mr. Koen1,

I now understand from Mr. Bill Fung's visit that understanding reply 643 and 758 is the key.  Not understand or disagreeing with Lead Out will make all my posts junk.

If after you have read 643 and 758, you still have questions, I shall be happy to answer them.

As remarked by the Physics Teacher XXX, I lack in teaching skills especially on the Internet.  Hopefully, he would help out.

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 02, 2007, 03:36:59 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 30, 2007, 05:28:00 PM
Meeting Minutes (2)

At the restaurant, the first thing we did was to walk over to the photo and newspaper cutting describing the Dec 20, 2004 Press Conference that was held at that restaurant.  There was already a change of ownership.  The actual pump setup was dismantled but the photographs were still available.  The theoretical diagram is in reply 640.

G'day Lawrence,

Are you telling us here that you actually used a half horsepower air compressor to blow water and air 34 stories up and that this experiment has since been dismantled, or was it much smaller than this. Please give us some details and data on this demonstration. some photos would be nice.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 02, 2007, 03:49:52 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 02, 2007, 03:36:59 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 30, 2007, 05:28:00 PM
Meeting Minutes (2)

At the restaurant, the first thing we did was to walk over to the photo and newspaper cutting describing the Dec 20, 2004 Press Conference that was held at that restaurant.  There was already a change of ownership.  The actual pump setup was dismantled but the photographs were still available.  The theoretical diagram is in reply 640.

G'day Lawrence,

Are you telling us here that you actually used a half horsepower air compressor to blow water and air 34 stories up and that this experiment has since been dismantled, or was it much smaller than this. Please give us some details and data on this demonstration. some photos would be nice.

*** I did not buy the half horsepower air compressor nor set up the apparatus.  I only checked the results and took photos. The credit goes to Mr. Terry Cheung et al and Mr. Raymond Ting.

Hans von Lieven

As I told Mr. Bill Fung, I could supply him with a beach pump and all the data related.  However I could not give him the data of the working system as negotiation is going on.

It will be more credible for him to post after he has digested the material and/or repeated the experiment with the beach pump.

** When will you post the recommendation letter for Mr. Lee Cheung Kin?

Lawrence Tseung
Please spend the waiting time to read and understand reply 643 and 758.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 02, 2007, 04:06:22 PM
As usual you are being evasive Lawrence,

All I wanted to know was, if this experiment was actually done, how many stories up it went and perhaps how much water came out at the top.

Perhaps a photo of the demo. I did not ask for any confidential construction details.

You have already posted a diagram of the system so I cannot see where confidentiality would be breached by showing us what I asked for.

So, if this is real, let us have a look.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 02, 2007, 08:16:18 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 02, 2007, 03:28:16 PM
Dear Mr. Koen1,

I now understand from Mr. Bill Fung's visit that understanding reply 643 and 758 is the key.  Not understand or disagreeing with Lead Out will make all my posts junk.

If after you have read 643 and 758, you still have questions, I shall be happy to answer them.

Well, in fact, have you yourself read post 644 for example?
But in reaction to your post 643, I do indeed have some questions.
I wonder how you wish to explain your apparent conviction that a pendulum is that same as something dropping on a linear, though sloped, trajectory...
At least, that is what you seem to imply?
And let us just assume you have explained that (;)), then how exactly do you propose to extract any energy from a pendulum without it stopping?

Also, I'd like to know exactly what you want to achieve with all this posting of unclear information.
If you really do have a viable and working theory of how to produce an OU device, be it a gravity wheel or a pmm or whatever, then why do you waste so much time and energy on posting hundreds of very unclear and unsubstantiated claims and mesages? Would it not be much more efficient to simply stop posting for a while, get everything down on paper (or on Word doc ;)), from the very basic explanation, step by step, to actual testable experiments with full and complete discriptions, step by step procedures, and clear and concise cause-effect descriptions if possible, and THEN back it up with the formulae that check out and show it all to be mathematically sound; and after that, just post that Word doc (or whatever) on this forum?
That would avoid a lot of confusion, would allow you to explain exactly what you mean to explain but have not apparently managed to so far, would give us a clear picture of your story, and would also do away with all the private discussions you feel you need to quote or even have with your alter egos.

Oh, and canyou explain why no company under the name of "General Magnetic", or any variation of the name for that matter, is listed ANYWHERE on the internet?
There's a General Magnetic ltd in Singapore, but none in China, as far as can be tracked. There is a General Magnetics Institute in Beijing, but that's not a company and was already there before 2007...
The "evidence" you come up with to attempt to support your credibility is shaky, which causes obvious suspicion.
The fact that you feel the need to constantly throw with names of others and other institutions also does not serve to boost your image, I must say...
After all, if you truly have this great, fantastic, theory, a theory that shows us how to build OU machines, then that alone should be more than enough to convince us.
Instead you seem intent on avoiding any possible physical TEST of your "theory"... You must know that for a hypothesis to become a theory, it needs PROOF? If there is no experimetal proof, a hypotesis remains a hypothesis. You know, just like Einsteins theory of relativity was a hypothesis untill they actually witnessed the gravitational lensing effect Einstein had predicted? And with proof of your "theory" of course I do not mean your suggestion that someone else's bessler wheel replication might work while it in fact didn't, or vague descriptions of water pumping experiments done by someone else, of which you cannot or will not give any clear details (details such as: what type of pumping mechanism was used EXACTLY, what were the diameters and lengths of the hoses used and what material were they, exactly how much water was pumped up from the bottom source, and exactly how much ended up in an elevated container, exactly how high was this container, exactly how was the hose attached to this container and pump, and exactly how were the bubbles introduced in the water?). 
Please give us something usefull.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 02, 2007, 09:29:45 PM
Beach Pump Pictures 1

I have now spoken to my friends who helped to set up the demonstration at Tai Po.  We agreed to show the original concepts picture with full details.  That demonstration was originally done in July 2004 in Hong Kong.  The entire set up cost less than USD20 and had been repeated many times.

Improvements using electric pumps, better one-way valves, better and wider tubes, etc will not be shown as that would reveal too much and endanger the on-going negotiations.

The First Picture is using the beach pump as a water pump.  The maximum height at which water could be delivered was less than 5 meters.  The lady shown in the picture could only pump water to approximately 3 meters.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 02, 2007, 09:31:25 PM
Beach Pump Picture 2

The following set up used the simple double beach pump arrangement to pump water+ air up.  The double beach pump arrangement was used because we could achieve a more constant airflow.

The Water tank was a plastic box with holes drilled.  The raised water height was achieved by putting it on the luggage wheeler.  (The drilling of holes almost drilled my leg and a piece of plastic almost blinded me.  That was the reason that I would never do hands-on experiments myself again.)

The most important theoretically formulae are:
Energy of Air-In = Pressure of Air-In x Volume of Air-In
Energy of Air-Out = Pressure of Air-Out x Volume of Air-Out

The Pressure of Air-In and the Pressure of Air-Out are both approximately equal to the atmospheric pressure.  However, the air is actually compressed or decreased in Volume inside the device.  This means Volume of Air-In is greater than Volume of Air-Out.

As a result, Energy of Air-In ? Energy of Air-Out has a significant difference.  This difference is energy contributed by the pumped in air.  This energy helped to raise water+ air to greater heights.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 02, 2007, 09:32:52 PM
Beach Pump Picture 3

The same lady using the double pump method could pump water to the fifth floor with little difficulty.

This picture showed the action at ground level with Tseung holding the short tube.  Water+air jetted out to great distances.  However, the flow was not continuous.  It was in bursts depending on the pumping rate of the lady.

Mr. Bill Fung is considering a repeat of the experiment in his seventh floor apartment.  You can beat him to it.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 02, 2007, 09:33:57 PM
Beach Pump Picture 4

This particular experiment pumped water to five floors up.  The water flow depended on how fast the person operated the double pump.  Different persons tried the pumping.  Even the most gentle of the ladies managed to pump water five floors up.  The water rate was estimated from how much water disappeared from the water tank (Plastic Box).

The one-way valves were from the beach pumps.  Each pump provided two valves.  We had to be careful to ensure they were set up properly.  The particular arrangement was to space these one-way valves every 3 meters.

The same arrangement was used to pump water to at least 8 floors.  Some bright soul went out to buy air pumps.  Consistent experimental results were obtained.  Much greater height was achieved.  Water delivery rates were measured.  Much  experimental data was obtained with different pumps, different heights, different one-way valves, different pipes and different water+air flow rates.  However such detailed data are confidential and belong to the experimenters.  They are using such data to negotiate contracts.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 02, 2007, 11:00:31 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on December 02, 2007, 08:16:18 PM

Well, in fact, have you yourself read post 644 for example?

The post 644 was from Tinu.  He disagreed with the concept of Lead Out.
I tried to inform him that a perfect horizontal force could not do vertical work and thus the vertical energy could not have come from the horizontal force.

As you can read from his response.  He disgreed.  To him, all the other posts and reasoning must be junk. 

Please study 643 and 758 carefully. 

Lawrence Tseung
Not understanding 643 and 758 Leads Out junk arguments.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 02, 2007, 11:54:54 PM

This is getting better.  Thank you for posting real experiments.  That is what a lot of people on here have been asking for, and I don't blame them.  The only thing I see, as a non-physicist, is that, with 2 pumps you are inputting twice the energy to your system and the way you present it is as if you don't account for that extra energy input.  My simple analogy, if you have 1 person pushing on a bar you get x force but, if you have 2 people pushing on a bar you get 2 times x so therefore more energy out.  But, you had more energy in.

If the girl in the pictures pushes on 2 pumps she is supplying 2 times the original energy as if operating just the one.  Well, OK, maybe it takes a little less energy to pump air as opposed to water but still, there is more input right?  Please tell me where I am wrong in my assessment.  Do you take this into account in your evaluations?  I know I have joked (in good fun) about some of your proclamations but I am being serious here now at this time.  Your ideas are either so far out there that we can't grasp them, or you have a basic flaw in your calculations.  We, most of us, are just asking for more tangible demonstrations of your theory's before we can accept them.  These photos are a good start. (In my opinion)  If in the end we still disagree, then we can agree to do so.  And, I was never making fun of Forever, I do think she is pretty.  Let me know what you think.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 03, 2007, 12:52:21 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on December 02, 2007, 11:54:54 PM

This is getting better.  Thank you for posting real experiments. 

If the girl in the pictures pushes on 2 pumps she is supplying 2 times the original energy as if operating just the one. 

As Physicists, we do not rely on muscle power for reliable data.  That experiment was a "concept validation".  It pointed to the right direction ? energy from air could be used.

For reliable data, we used the electric air pump in the steady state.  We could measure the Input Pump Energy in various ways.  The rough one is its rated power x time.  The more accurate one is to use additional volt and amp meters.  Thus we can determine the Input Energy Ein reasonably accurately.  The output energy Eout is calculated from mgh where m = mass of water transferred at the same time interval, g = gravitational constant and h = height elevated.

Once we found that Eout can be greater than Ein, we claimed success.  I did not do the part where we allowed the elevated water to flow down to drive an electricity generator.  Hopefully, the generator would supply enough power to drive the air pump and more.  Then we would have an absolutely confirmed case of a Cosmic Energy Machine using Energy from Still Air.  That task was left to Mr. Jimmy Fung, a certified electrical engineer.  Mr. Fung was looking for tinny hydroelectric generators when he unfortunately had a stroke.

We also learned the technique of Leading Out energy from gravity directly.  Those Cosmic Energy Machines are much more efficient. 

We sent a copy of the experimental apparatus shown on this thread to Beijing to ensure that we had ?proof of concept? for our patent.  I freely give the experimental method to the World, especially the developing countries. 

However, the engineers who did the actual prototypes and measurements spent much money and time.  They would like a return on their investment.  The hard experimental data belonged to them and they are negotiating for actual contracts.  It is being marketed as an efficient water transportation system and NOT an OU device.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 03, 2007, 05:19:58 AM
Just received the following information from Mr. Raymond Ting who built a prototype system using energy from still air.

His protoype won the Silver Award in the 16th China Invention Conference (see diagram).

Comparison with existing technology was that his prototype system used 1/6 the electrical power to deliver the same quantity of water to the same height at the same time.

The Email of  ââ,¬Å½Raymond Tingââ,¬Å½ is nicepark@netvigator.com.  His English is not good.  You may cc me (ltseung@hotmail.com) so that I can help him.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on December 03, 2007, 06:20:21 AM
Mr ltseung888

Well done to Mr Ting.

1.  Why does such a prestige Chinese certificate have an English heading?

2. Why is the chinese portion of the text written across the page instead of vertical columns.

3. Can you translate what the certificate says into English because I think my chinese friend here cannot read his own language very well.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 03, 2007, 07:59:55 AM
Well mr Tseung, thank you for finally posting some clearer experimental data.
It is too bad that you clearly say "Improvements using electric pumps, better one-way valves, better and wider tubes, etc will not be shown as that would reveal too much and endanger the on-going negotiations.", as that seems to indicate you are not prepared to show us any actual data using some exact parameters, like the exact type and power of the electrical pump used, etc.
In that context it is a bit odd that you state the following a little later:
"For reliable data, we used the electric air pump in the steady state.  We could measure the Input Pump Energy in various ways.  The rough one is its rated power x time.  The more accurate one is to use additional volt and amp meters.  Thus we can determine the Input Energy Ein reasonably accurately.  The output energy Eout is calculated from mgh where m = mass of water transferred at the same time interval, g = gravitational constant and h = height elevated.
Once we found that Eout can be greater than Ein, we claimed success."

So you claim success based on an experiment of which you will not provide actual proof nor exact description?
Why exactly are you attempting to convince people that your theory is correct, if you will not give exact experimental data in fear that it "might endanger on-going negotiations"? So you are in negotation with some party about this, and you will not give us clearer info because of that, but still you're trying to convince us?
That doesn;t make much sense... Either you want to share it with us and the world, like you have suggested by posting your UN letter, and like is suggested by your continued posting on various fora, OR you want to market it directly and therefor not share your exact info. You cannot do both at the same time; you cannot share your information while keeping it secret; you cannot try to get us excited by suggesting you want to give information and at the same time clearly say you do not want to give more detailed information.... That's blowing hot air...

"I did not do the part where we allowed the elevated water to flow down to drive an electricity generator.  Hopefully, the generator would supply enough power to drive the air pump and more." 
This is an odd statement, since you also claim that "his prototype system used 1/6 the electrical power to deliver the same quantity of water to the same height at the same time"...
If you know for certain that the pumping of an equal amount of water to an equal height takes 1/6th of the energy it would normally take, then obviously having that amount of water run down through a second pump in the normal fashion should output 6 times as much (not counting friction).
If it is in fact a certainty that an equal amount of water can be pumper up using 1/6th the energy, then why do you say "hopefully"? You should be certain.
Unless of course you are in fact a lot less certain that it really does take 1/6th the energy... Which would mean you're trying to convince us that it might be 1/6th the energy, but you're not sure, so you HOPE that the output will show that...
What is it?
Are you certain, or are you hoping?

"We also learned the technique of Leading Out energy from gravity directly.  Those Cosmic Energy Machines are much more efficient."
Now THAT is something we all want to hear about!
Much more interesting than your kindergarten waterpump "experiment".
Please explain to us this technique of "leading out" energy from gravity directly!
Especially since they are apparently much more efficient.
I can't speak for the others, but I for one would prefer to build a much more efficient direct gravity convertor over the construction of a fairly dodgy and still not exactly clear waterpump game...
Come on, share details on this direct gravity conversion technology, please.
Forget about convincing us of your boat on the water analogies and other things that apparently helped you but confuse us, and just give us a full and total, detailed and exact description of this direct gravity conversion technology, if only a basic experimental setup?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 03, 2007, 11:02:53 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on December 03, 2007, 07:59:55 AM
Well mr Tseung, thank you for finally posting some clearer experimental data.

The exact data showing Eout > Ein belongs to the experimenters.  One of them is Mr. Raymond Ting.  It is him (or others who built and obtained test data) who can tell the World the exact data.

I repeat ? I am the theoretician that conceived the experiment.  I built the set up as shown in this thread with great difficulty and danger to myself.  Other good experimenters already built better working systems that could be scientifically tested.  The equipment and test data belonged to them.

It is up to them to decide what and how much they want to share with the World.


Any one can design, build and obtain test data.  They, as owner of that data, can disclose such data to the World.

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 03, 2007, 11:11:23 AM
Cry for Help

I finally realized I could not explain reply 643 and 758 to the non-Physicists on the internet.  Can any one help?  Help! Help! Help!

Thank you in advance.

Lawrence Tseung
Saying more Leads Out more confusion.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 03, 2007, 11:51:16 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 03, 2007, 11:11:23 AM
Cry for Help

I finally realized I could not explain reply 643 and 758 to the non-Physicists on the internet.  Can any one help?  Help! Help! Help!

Thank you in advance.

Lawrence Tseung
Saying more Leads Out more confusion.

The problem is not that you can't explain to non-Physicists! You can't explain your postulates to ANYONE! It's FLAWED! You can state your LEAD OUT crap but you can't substantiate with real simple experimental data that can be reproduced. All the claims of being only a theoretician whilst putting the burden on others to provide experimental data isn't going to make people believe. You're not Chairman Mao! Besides that era is history.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 03, 2007, 12:27:37 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 03, 2007, 11:02:53 AM
The exact data showing Eout > Ein belongs to the experimenters.  One of them is Mr. Raymond Ting.  It is him (or others who built and obtained test data) who can tell the World the exact data.
I was actually talking about you finally showing us some more than only blabla, with a few pictures and clearer descriptions.
There is still a lack of actual measurement data.
What is your problem? Why don't you simply ask this Raymond Ting for permission to post his measurement data in support of your theory?
Don't tell us that you can't post actual data because someone else did the measurements. That is bullshit.

QuoteI repeat ? I am the theoretician that conceived the experiment.  I built the set up as shown in this thread with great difficulty and danger to myself.  Other good experimenters already built better working systems that could be scientifically tested.  The equipment and test data belonged to them.
Even in China the scientific process must work the same, which means that you can quote other researchers experimental data if they either give permission or if you clearly state their intellectual property and copyrights.
Besides, how can you conclude your theory to be correct if you cannot use and have not used actual measurement data from others to test your mathematical construct?
You are increasingly contradicting yourself.
The more you say, the more shaky your story becomes...

QuoteIt is up to them to decide what and how much they want to share with the World.


Any one can design, build and obtain test data.  They, as owner of that data, can disclose such data to the World.

And YOU, the person who claims to have conceived at least one of these experiments and claims to have formulated a theory to explain them all, should be the one asking them for permission to use that measurement data to substantiate your claims. You are the one making the claims, you are the one that should back them up.

Instead you avoid or refuse to do so. You are in fact refusing to prove your own theory, and using nonsensical arguments to try and convince us that your course of action is not illogical.

I have almost had enough of your continued refusal to present any proper support of your claimed theory.
If you are going to keep flooding this thread with near useless messages and going to keep refusing and avoiding to provide any proper proof of your "theory",
I do not think I will follow it much longer. It is no use to hear you rant but not make sense. I have better things to waste my time on than a crazy old Chinaman.
Oh, and if you feel you are not a crazy old Chinaman, then please prove me wrong and finally show us solid proof of your theory, instead of only suggestions that your hypothesis might be right.
Lawrence Tseung

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 03, 2007, 04:40:00 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on December 03, 2007, 12:27:37 PM

I do not think I will follow it much longer. It is no use to hear you rant but not make sense. I have better things to waste my time on than a crazy old Chinaman.

I should have read the Bible more.  Just sow seeds.

At University, we were allowed to choose and drop courses.  They did the right thing.  Internet teaching should use the same technique.

Even Jesus cannot save them all.  How can I?

Lawrence Tseung
Those who read 643 and 758 are like those who read the Ten Commandments.  They at least know what to follow.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 03, 2007, 04:49:28 PM
How to educate the Hong Kong Public?

磁æâ,,¢Â® is considering International IPO in Hong Kong.  What can it learn from the Hungarian EBM (Gammamanager.com) experience?

EBM has working prototypes available for demonstration.  What was the reason that it could not generate the publicity even though it got orders?

Lawrence Tseung
It has no 643 and 758!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on December 03, 2007, 05:25:07 PM
This was interesting from a web tech point of view.

Quote from: ltseung888 on July 21, 2007, 04:22:27 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on July 21, 2007, 11:34:19 AM

Hello Lawrence,

I think your idea occured also to Milkovic, see his patent page on it:


Have you considered a similar arrangement in your mind?  If you have some ideas for futher improvements, would you advise?

Here are some of his further ideas connected to pendulum and lever:



Dear Gyula,

The http://www.veljkomilkovic.com/PatentiEng.html is blank

It's not blank for me.

Is it still blank Lee?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on December 03, 2007, 05:42:32 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 03, 2007, 04:40:00 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on December 03, 2007, 12:27:37 PM

I do not think I will follow it much longer. It is no use to hear you rant but not make sense. I have better things to waste my time on than a crazy old Chinaman.

I should have read the Bible more.  Just sow seeds.

At University, we were allowed to choose and drop courses.  They did the right thing.  Internet teaching should use the same technique.

Even Jesus cannot save them all.  How can I?

Lawrence Tseung
Those who read 643 and 758 are like those who read the Ten Commandments.  They at least know what to follow.

Duda Koen is more demotivated as intentionally demotivating. This is the Exodus 20:2?17 "all your bases are belong to us" disclaimer as prescribed by Wikipedia and guaranteed to be correct[1 (http://www.smh.com.au/news/Technology/CIA-and-Vatican-edit-Wikipedia-entries/2007/08/18/1186857828993.html)].

2 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery;

3 Do not have any other gods before Me.

4 You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me,

6 but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.

7 You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name.

8 Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.

9 For six days you shall labour and do all your work.

10 But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work?you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns.

11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and consecrated it.

12 Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.

13 You shall not murder.

14 You shall not commit adultery.

15 You shall not steal.

16 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.

17 You shall not covet your neighbour?s house; you shall not covet your neighbour?s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour.

Sounds to me like duda Mozes was "just" channeling stuffs.


lol, big deal? But compare this to our modern economy?  Seems to me people really didn't get any of the 10 commandments? Didn't even get the number right? haha?

And how obvious are the things in this list?

But we are still teaching this after all this time?

Must be something wrong with the teachers?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 03, 2007, 07:06:27 PM

I never realize you are a Bible reader.

You already widened my horizon on Cosmic Energy Machines.

I look forward to your widening of the Moral Values.  Flying saucers in the hands of corrupt souls can be very dangerous.

Lawrence Tseung
I strongly recommend reading replies 643 and 758 for "the followers".
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on December 03, 2007, 07:39:04 PM

"  Flying saucers in the hands of corrupt souls can be very dangerous."

I've heard that same argument applied to every type of energy technology.

But that argument could not be farther from the truth.

The truth is...power is only dangerous to the many, when possessed only by a few.

Back in the old american west they called the 6 gun 'the peacemaker'...thats because when everybody had one...everyone had instant personal security and respect.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 03, 2007, 09:52:21 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on December 03, 2007, 07:39:04 PM

The truth is...power is only dangerous to the many, when possessed only by a few.

Good Point. 

What is your reaction after reading the powerful reply 643 and 758?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on December 03, 2007, 11:13:13 PM

As stated previously Lawrence, I lack sufficient background to understand your concept - and would not venture to fully immerse myself into an incomplete concept - as other pursuits have higher priority.

Having re-clarified that issue - and having allayed your concerns about the release of your information. I await the requested details of your concept before proceding.

Title: vortex ram
Post by: gaby de wilde on December 04, 2007, 05:08:18 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 03, 2007, 07:06:27 PM

I never realize you are a Bible reader.

That's because I'm not, I just quote the commandments to show how ridiculous modern day religion is by it's own standards. If anyone would tell me those things in that list to my face I would be insulted. I have much higher moral standards as those.  Like the endless forgiveness for evil is not something I stand for. In my opinion you would have to do GOOD things before you could ever be a GOOD person.

There is so much suffering in the world it should be easy for religious organisations to dominate the front pages of the most tabloid of journalism's. As we see nothing of this kind I will have to conclude they are NO GOOD people. Both as a group and as individuals.

They are an insult to the rules they claim to live by. If you want to rob and loot the planet then fine but don't pretend being a good person is something you are because you say you are. That's just nonsense. The meaning of the word completely disappears if one can announce himself into being it.

Why cant religions clean themselves from their filth? What is the deal with the sneaky child brainwashing tricks?

It takes me one look to identify the 10 commandments as a "simple"  channeling.

but I guess historians don't want to give credit to Pythia the oracle of Delphi? They apparently think their opinion of the facts is of any relevance.

And after all this time channeling is still not an accepted technology. PUH!! What brutal nonsense.

To make matter worse, 2000 years ago we understood so much more of it we are still passing around the text dictated back then!

If that isn't hilarious I don't know what is!

It's like Einstein made a theory of everything. In stead of learning this from him people ran off with just the product of it.

The wright brothers where attempting the impossible. This should have shown us how our definition of impossible doesn't cover the load.

QuoteYou already widened my horizon on Cosmic Energy Machines.

I look forward to your widening of the Moral Values.

I'm currently investigating the vortex ram in order to create enough negative drag to resurrect the velocipede.  :D

gabydewilde - vortex ram

Look at mr Patterson's work under "suggested reading"

His is the NR 1 free energy tech by a landslide.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 12:28:24 AM
Meeting in Shenzhen, China.

Just finished an interesting meeting in Shenzhen, China.  The purpose of the meeting was to prepare for the visit by the people from 磁æâ,,¢Â® ( I now avoid the translation General Magnetic).

The participants fell into 3 groups.  The first group were the technical persons who studied and understood 643 and 758.  They were earger to see how much improvement they could make on the prototypes.

The second group were the managers who rely on the opinion of the technical persons.  They would be willing to put in their resources.  They read 643 and 758 but accept that they could not understand them.

The third group were the financial persons whose purpose was to make money.  One of them said, "I do not care about 643 and 758.  All I care is how many money the invention is likely to make for me."

The most surprising thing was the result - they all eagerly wait for the visit from 磁æâ,,¢Â®.  There were no disagreement on the agenda and the entertainment preparations.

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 05, 2007, 01:04:40 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 12:28:24 AM
Meeting in Shenzhen, China.

Just finished an interesting meeting in Shenzhen, China.  The purpose of the meeting was to prepare for the visit by the people from 磁æâ,,¢Â® ( I now avoid the translation General Magnetic).

The participants fell into 3 groups.  The first group were the technical persons who studied and understood 643 and 758.  They were earger to see how much improvement they could make on the prototypes.

The second group were the managers who rely on the opinion of the technical persons.  They would be willing to put in their resources.  They read 643 and 758 but accept that they could not understand them.

The third group were the financial persons whose purpose was to make money.  One of them said, "I do not care about 643 and 758.  All I care is how many money the invention is likely to make for me."

The most surprising thing was the result - they all eagerly wait for the visit from 磁æâ,,¢Â®.  There were no disagreement on the agenda and the entertainment preparations.

Lawrence Tseung

Dream on Lawrence. Dream On! I think even the people who conducts due-diligence in China will see through all the smoke you're billowing. 643? 758? Who cares? None of these have any scientific merits than can be tested and measured.

Buy a long winter coat so you can hide your tails between your legs after they kick your ass! Shameless nonsense.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 02:54:06 AM
Now I can try to classify the readers of this forum into 3 types:

(1) Those who have read 643 and 758 and understood them.  I can count at least one - Mr. Bill Fung.

(2) Those who have read 643 and 758 and disagreed with them.  I can count at least one - Tinu.

(3) Those who got confused and prefer to give me more insult training.  I can count at least one - ChrisC.

Here I thank all of them in keeping the thread going and attracting more and more readers.  As one of those in the Shenzhen Meeting said, "You have already performed miracles in attracting the attention of many Governments.  They have to take you seriously.  They have top guns who can understand your theory.  They have sent out many debunkers but none of them managed to discourage you."

"Every OU device demonstration is a confirmation of the Lee-Tseung theory.  The EBM has already provided an indisputable proof.  Hundreds are coming.  Who else in the scientific world is in such an envious position?"

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 05, 2007, 02:58:04 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 02:54:06 AM
,,,, Who else in the scientific world is in such an envious position?"

Plenty in mental institutions all over the world!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 03:28:43 AM
Focusing back on the Impact for Hong Kong

Let me focus back on the Impact of the Cosmic Energy Machines for Hong Kong before I got distracted.

The things in favor of Hong Kong are:

(1)   Many Chinese Companies prefer to use Hong Kong to launch their International Initial Public Offering (IPO). 磁æâ,,¢Â® is one of them.

(2)   The theory comes from two Hong Kong persons who hold Hong Kong Identify Cards ? Lee Cheung Kin and Lawrence Tseung.

(3)   Hong Kong is an International City with International News Media.  Many are already skilled in presenting in Chinese and English.

(4)   Hong Kong wants to position itself as the ?Innovation City? leading the World. China is backing that up.

(5)   The Internet postings from Hong Kong are essentially uncensored.  Any information will reach the World in minutes.

(6)   Hong Kong has a very unusual election law.  If you run for election as a legislative council member, the press must give you equal coverage.  The deposit is only HK$50,000 (US$6,000).  If you can win more than 3% of the votes, you get the money back.  I shall look into the rules for running for Chief Executive.  We may be able to get plenty of free publicity for zero dollars.  Even retired old folks like us can afford it.

I am sure the debunkers will supply the disadvantages.

Lawrence Tseung
Getting the Press in Hong Kong to read 643 and 758 may be easy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 04:06:03 AM
(6)   Hong Kong has a very unusual election law.  If you run for election as a legislative council member, the press must give you equal coverage.  The deposit is only HK$50,000 (US$6,000).  If you can win more than 3% of the votes, you get the money back.  I shall look into the rules for running for Chief Executive.  We may be able to get plenty of free publicity for zero dollars.  Even retired old folks like us can afford it.

I am sure the debunkers will supply the disadvantages.

Lawrence Tseung
Getting the Press in Hong Kong to read 643 and 758 may be easy.

The Strategy to use in Hong Kong

It was a pity that I learned the Election Laws in Hong Kong after the recent election with 8 candidates.  Still it is not too late.  There will be a much larger election of the Legislative Council Members in 2008.  Let us think out the strategy;

(1)   We can choose different districts.  I recommend the Red Light  District.  That District is bound to generate high publicity.  The News Media love to write about it, as it will attract readers.

(2)   Our inventions are controversial.  The discussion of  S E X openly in Hong Kong is still controversial.  No Legislator dares to come out openly and support the  (male and female) workers.  Since we do not care whether we get elected, we can side with the most controversial side.  Protect and Recognition to our workers.

(3)   We may be able to get support of some of these  workers.  Sexy Photos of supporters are bound to generate readers.  Some might hide in their room staring at the computer screen in the middle of the night.  If some of these pictures get to this forum, Stefan may kick me out!

This is definitely innovative and fun.  Let us have some juicy discussions and comments.

Lawrence Tseung
Having sexy pictures while reading 643 and 758 may dilute the boredom.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: edo on December 05, 2007, 04:10:30 AM
I'm just a simple kind of guy ...

I believe in and use the scientific method which includes hypotheses, experiments, observations, resultant data, conclusions, and identical replications by neutral third-parties of high integrity.

I believe, if an experiment is described with great care to details for the purpose of replication, then identical replication can be done by anyone with sufficient skill to replicate the building and operating of the experimental setup.  From such replications we learn, educate and move forward in the frontiers of science.

However, so far in this thread, I am still waiting for a useful amount of scientific method leading to the neutral authentication by honourable third parties of true replications.

But, hey, what do I know; I'm just a simple kind of guy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 04:20:16 AM
Quote from: edo on December 05, 2007, 04:10:30 AM
I'm just a simple kind of guy ...

I believe in and use the scientific method which includes hypotheses, experiments, observations, resultant data, conclusions, and identical replications by neutral third-parties of high integrity.

I believe, if an experiment is described with great care to details for the purpose of replication, then identical replication can be done by anyone with sufficient skill to replicate the building and operating of the experimental setup.  From such replications we learn, educate and move forward in the frontiers of science.

However, so far in this thread, I am still waiting for a useful amount of scientific method leading to the neutral authentication by honourable third parties of true replications.

But, hey, what do I know; I'm just a simple kind of guy.

I thought reply 845-848 with the pictures are extremely easy to replicate.  I know of eight groups in China who replicated it.  At least two groups improved it.

One is Mr. Raymond Ting who won the Silver Medal in an Innovation Conference.

Please study (and not glance) reply 845-848 to see if you can figure out how to replicate the experiment.  Try reading 643 and 758.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 04:47:46 AM
Showing the Innovative Inventions During the Election Campaign

The easiest one to show is the water+air pump.  We could use the supporters to go round in circles to step on what is effectively an air pump.  Water+ air or tiny water droplets will come out from a height of at least 5 floors to cool them from the blazing sun.

As a comparison, we can show the stepping to power the equivalent of a water pump.  The water pump can only get water to a few meters.

Even the non-supporters will have fun.  The parents may bring their children to step on such devices to learn something innovative and scientific.

This can be replicated at multiple sites.  How is that for publicity?  How is that for a replicable experiment?  We might even win the election!!!

Lawrence Tseung
The parents may then read 643 and 758 together with their children.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 05, 2007, 06:03:47 AM
Quote from: chrisC on December 05, 2007, 02:58:04 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 02:54:06 AM
,,,, Who else in the scientific world is in such an envious position?"

Plenty in mental institutions all over the world!


Lol! :) Chris! ;)
one flew over the cuckoos nest type thing :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: amateur on December 05, 2007, 06:56:08 AM
damn, this thread has evolved to discussion about elections and hookers....
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 08:30:37 AM
One thing I forgot about Hong Kong is its fast pace.

One special feature about Hong Kong is its extremely fast pace.  When I have absolute confidence in the correctness of 643 and 758, what is the wait?

The financial community has heard or will hear about the Cosmic Energy Machines soon.  Hit them with 643 and 758 now.  They will put the professors on it. 

Hong Kong is brilliant in replication.  Just replicate the Chas Campbell flywheel.  Use the Patrick Kelly simple suggestion - take the input motor away after starting.  The unbalanced 3-stage rotation will keep Leading Out Energy.

Only the Lee-Tseung theory could explain that.  Instead of asking others to replicate, produce Chas Campbell toys with high precision manufacturing.  The manufacturing can be done in China.  Sell the toys. Make sure Chas Campbell receives his fair share of profit.

With the Lee-Tseung theory and a toy that is affordable to every household, the publicity will be much higher than that of EBM.  It will help all other Companies with OU inventions.  International IPOs will be easy.

Lawrence Tseung
Thinking all options loud may have its advantages.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on December 05, 2007, 10:24:08 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 02:54:06 AM
Here I thank all of them in keeping the thread going and attracting more and more readers. 

Ah, now we know what Tseung is really after!  Everyone, shhhhhhh!  Don't feed the troll.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Grumpy on December 05, 2007, 10:24:09 AM
@ ltseung888,

I remember when you first announed your theory on the old "Steorn" forum - the one where "Pennies_Everywhere" criticized everything resembling OU - at least until a physicist called "Dee" ripped Pennies to thoeretical shreads - and then there was the challenge that Steorn made and Pennies went away.  anyway, shortly after you posted that original Word document of your theory, a physics professor (who's fprum name I can't recall) reproduced the pendulum test and verified your results and "lead out theory" - saying that it was "very clever".

I have not followed this thread, and has gotten rather long, so my question may have been answered already:

Can't the "lead out" theory also be applied to electrical components, specifically a capacitor and inductor in parallel, oscillating energy back and forth between them?   
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 05, 2007, 10:36:30 AM
there we go again...

Yes, yes, we know you are convinced of your own "theory" and that you consider the non-proof that you presented in those posts to be true proof.
And we know you are easily excited about nothing.
This session of blowing your own horn only serves to support that observation.
Your continued refusal to attempt to prove your own hypothesis and insistance that haphazard and totally unscientific "experiments" which are in fact more akin to toddlers play have now reached a limit. To me, this was the final drop.
All you seem to be intent on doing is posting a lot of empty statements and non-supported claims, and most of all telling everyone how great your "theory" is without actually showing anyone a real theory.
Unless you finally start serious discussion on this topic, I will not post again. Well, maybe to laugh at you, the silly tenacious old chinese fool.

Nonsense statements like "sowing the seeds" don't serve anyone either. Do you really think that we need you to "sow the seeds" of belief in the possibility of over unity? If that were the case, then what do you think people were doing on a web forum called Overunity.com long before you ever posted anyhting?
You're making a mockery of yourself, posting dumb things like that.
We already believe OU is possible. We're here to discuss practical ways of doing so.
Perhaps for you it is a huge breakthrough to consider the possibility of open systems and OU devices, and perhaps that is why you coin this realisation a "theory", but it's not. And we certainly didn't need you to point out the possibility of OU, using gravity or whatever source.

Now for the very last time I shall attempt to explain to you why your "theory" is not one, and what the problem is with your postings.
The method to reach a theory, which is a usefull and testable model of reality in a certain specific aspect or field, is as follows:
1) Observations of anomalies: people observe processes or phenomena in the world around them that do not accord with the established theory at the time. (If there was no theory on the subject, that leads to the same effect)
2) Hypothesis: a preliminary "theory" is formulated that accounts for and/or explains the observed anomaly. This hypothesis should allow for empirical testing, which means one must be able to design an experiment by which the hypothesis can be tested, and which differs from the observations we already had (otherwise we'd only be confirming that our observation was correct, but that says nothing about the hypothesis being true or false).
3) Empirical testing: an experiment is designed and conducted based on the hypothesis, so that the new test measurements can prove the hypothesis correct of false.
4) Theory: IF and only if the empirical tests are passed, which means the predictions made on the basis of the hypothesis are proven to be correct, then the hypothesis may be considered to be a theory. So only AFTER proving it to be true and real can we call it a theory.

Even you must understand that you have performed phases 1 and 2, but not 3 and 4. You have observed anomalous effects in various claimed OU devices and non-OU but still interesting devices, which is phase 1. Then you have thought about these and made a spreadsheet based on your thoughts, which you somehow consider to be a theory. In fact, it is not even a proper hypothesis. It is an analysis and mathematical extrapolation, at best. It is not a hypothesis because you do not explain anything, nor give clearly formulated arguments, nor use an accepted logical deductive sequence, and because apparently you cannot base an emperical experiment on your hypothesis. Apparently your hypothesis is untestable, or at least you refuse to show how.
Well, that makes for a shaky phase 2 at best.
Now you need to perform phase 3, which is to present an experiment which will produce measuements that do accord with the anomalous observations but not with established theory, and which is based on your hypothesis. You structurally refuse to do that and defer responsibility for this phase to either the people who made the devices you used in your phase 1, or to inventors yet to come who might build something like them.
This will NEVER get you to phase 4, where your hypothesis is proven correct, accepted, and turns into actual accepted theory.

And it is not because we do not wish to learn how your claimed "theory" works, but mostly because YOU refuse to validate your own "theory".
As long as you refuse to do that and only post suggestive messages, you are making a fool of yourself.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 11:38:57 AM
Quote from: Grumpy on December 05, 2007, 10:24:09 AM
@ ltseung888,

Can't the "lead out" theory also be applied to electrical components, specifically a capacitor and inductor in parallel, oscillating energy back and forth between them?   

Yes.  Energy can be Lead Out from oscillating, vibrating, rotating systems via Pulses (or Lee-Tseung Pulls) from gravitational and electron motion fields.

Electron Motion fields include magnetic, electrostatic, electric fields.

Reply 643 and 758 explained that.  I realized few forum members understand those two files.  I accepted that the members are not the students and professors at Tsing Hua University - they understood it easily.

Since Output Energy = Input Energy + Lead Out Energy, Output Energy can easily be greater than Input Energy.  COP can be greater than 1.

Many OU inventors have demonstrated that already.

Your particular example can be applied to obtaining electromagnetic energy via the antenna with tuning circuits.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 05, 2007, 11:44:38 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on December 05, 2007, 06:03:47 AM
Quote from: chrisC on December 05, 2007, 02:58:04 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 02:54:06 AM
,,,, Who else in the scientific world is in such an envious position?"

Plenty in mental institutions all over the world!


Lol! :) Chris! ;)
one flew over the cuckoos nest type thing :)

Good one Keon1!
One of my all time favorite movies when I was younger. Which one of those resembles Lawrence?
Danny Devito? I want my cigarettes!!! Give him his damn cigarettes! Give Lawrence his damned Lead Out Theory!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: usama salah on December 05, 2007, 12:05:58 PM
hi all
i'm not expert or scientist and hardly understand english but still have a good mind
i have 5 stupid questions:
1- is it a perpetual motion claim?
2- can you replicate this experiment without using air pump?and what is the source of power that you actually use to pump air or water , i don't think you will do that manual?
3- can you use other materials rather than water ( solid maerials) and lift it up?
4-at reply 826 i see your device at a vertical position but can it work at horizontal position with a little change of its design and using the same theory?
5- this experiment used  gravity as a source of its power as i understood it, so can it worked under water where there is also gravitation power?
if all the answers are yes, thin congratulation , you have a very powerful motor and new theory of energy power

again sorry for pore language and my misunderstood
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Grumpy on December 05, 2007, 01:52:06 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 11:38:57 AM
Quote from: Grumpy on December 05, 2007, 10:24:09 AM
@ ltseung888,

Can't the "lead out" theory also be applied to electrical components, specifically a capacitor and inductor in parallel, oscillating energy back and forth between them?   

Yes.  Energy can be Lead Out from oscillating, vibrating, rotating systems via Pulses (or Lee-Tseung Pulls) from gravitational and electron motion fields.

Electron Motion fields include magnetic, electrostatic, electric fields.

Reply 643 and 758 explained that.  I realized few forum members understand those two files.  I accepted that the members are not the students and professors at Tsing Hua University - they understood it easily.

Since Output Energy = Input Energy + Lead Out Energy, Output Energy can easily be greater than Input Energy.  COP can be greater than 1.

Many OU inventors have demonstrated that already.

Your particular example can be applied to obtaining electromagnetic energy via the antenna with tuning circuits.

Thanks Much! 

I just wanted to confirm that.  I will go back to the replies and see the explanations.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Grumpy on December 05, 2007, 01:52:32 PM
dupliate post.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 04:33:33 PM
Quote from: usama salah on December 05, 2007, 12:05:58 PM
hi all
i'm not expert or scientist and hardly understand english but still have a good mind
i have 5 stupid questions:
1- is it a perpetual motion claim?
2- can you replicate this experiment without using air pump?and what is the source of power that you actually use to pump air or water , i don't think you will do that manual?
3- can you use other materials rather than water ( solid maerials) and lift it up?
4-at reply 826 i see your device at a vertical position but can it work at horizontal position with a little change of its design and using the same theory?
5- this experiment used  gravity as a source of its power as i understood it, so can it worked under water where there is also gravitation power?
if all the answers are yes, thin congratulation , you have a very powerful motor and new theory of energy power

again sorry for pore language and my misunderstood

I believe you are referring to reply 845-848.  They were the original proof-of-concept experiments.  The concept we want to prove is that air is an energy carrier.  We can indeed use such energy.

Now to answer your questions:

(1)   Is it a perpetual Motion Machine Claim?
No. The claim is that we can use Energy from Still Air.

(2)   Can you replicate this experiment without using an air pump? What is the source of power that you actually use to pump air or water, I don't think you will do that manually?
-   The experiments shown on reply 845-848 used a manual beach pump.  That kind of pump is commonly used to pump beach balls or airbeds.
-   In the experiments shown on reply 845-848, we used human or manual power.  We did not take water flow rate measurements.
-   In the improved experiments (done by Mr. Ting and others), an air pump was used.  Better one-way valves, tubing, valve spacing were used.  After tuning, steady air+water flow rate was achieved.  The Input electrical energy was measured. The water flow rate was carefully measured. The height of the air+water column was measured. From these values, we could calculate the Output energy.
-   The results showed that Output Energy can be greater than Input Energy.  However, the actual figures are the intellectual property of Mr. Ting.  Mr. Ting was kind enough to state that his prototype used 1/6 the energy compared with traditional water pumps and showed a copy of his Silver Medal award certificate. 

(3)   Can you use other materials rather than water ( solid materials) and lift it up?
In our patent application, we stated that the technology can be applied to any combination of gas, liquid and solid powder.

(4)   I see your device at a vertical position but can it work at horizontal position with a little change of its design and using the same theory?
Yes.  The same theory was used in the street cleaning jets in Hong Kong.  Air+water jets rather than pure water jets were spurted out from the water carrying trucks.  One of the best demonstrations of the theory is the use of hot air and cold water jets to clear frozen pipes in cold places in China.  If cold air and hot water jets were used, the result was poorer.

(5)   This experiment used gravity as a source of its power as I understood it, so can it worked under water where there is also gravitational power?
It uses the carried-in energy of air.  Thus it can be used under water.

I hope the above answers are clear to you.  Talk to your friends knowledgeable in Physics.  There are many minor details a trained physicist will pick up without stating them in the post.

Lawrence Tseung
Ask your physicist friends to read 643 and 758.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 04:51:29 PM
Back to thinking about the strategy to use in Hong Kong

If we use the election platform to promote Cosmic Energy Machines, we can essentially get free publicity.  The News Media will be forced by election laws to publish our information.

However, the publicity from 磁æâ,,¢Â® may beat us to it.  磁æâ,,¢Â® already has RMB13 billion and a number of working prototypes.  They will use the Lee-Tseung theory to explain their many working prototypes.

We are in a sure-win situation.  Why should two old men worry?

Lawrence Tseung
In the end, all the Tseung posings are just "intellectual exercises" - something to keep Tseung fit to prepare for the publicity ahead.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 05, 2007, 04:55:52 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 04:51:29 PM

We are in a sure-win situation.  Why should two old men worry?

Lawrence Tseung

Obviously these two Chinese old men have no reputation to protect! Pretty unusual for Chinese people where face-saving is something more important than money. That says a lot why these crap-out sessions go on forever doesn't it?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 07:02:48 PM
Thank you ChrisC for your continued insult training.

I come to expect it almost like reflex action.

Did you read 643 and 758? :D

Have you asked your friends knowledgeable in Physics to read them?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Grumpy on December 05, 2007, 07:15:01 PM
Nikola Tesla "leads out" extra energy by using Lenz's Law.

Excerpt from: ?The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla?
By Thomas Commerford Martin, 1894, Page 488

QuoteMr. Tesla also described a very interesting phenomenon which he illustrated by an experiment.  By means of this new apparatus, he is able to produce an alternating current in which the EMF of the impulses in one direction preponderates over that of those in the other, so that there is produced the effect of a direct current. In fact he expressed the hope that these currents would be capable of application in many instances, serving as direct currents. The principle involved in this preponderating EMF. 
He explains in this way: Suppose a conductor is moved into the magnetic field and then suddenly withdrawn. If the current is not retarded, then the work performed will be a mere fractional one; but if the current is retarded, then the magnetic field acts as a spring:. Imagine that the motion of the conductor is arrested by the current generated, and that at the instant when it stops to move into the field, there is still the maximum current flowing in the conductor; then this current will, according to Lenz?s law, drive the conductor out of the field again, and if the conductor has no resistance, then it would leave the field with the velocity it entered it. Now it is clear that if, instead of simply depending on the current to drive the conductor out of the field, the mechanically applied force is so timed that it helps the conductor to get out of the field, then it might leave the field with higher velocity than it entered it, and thus one impulse is made to preponderate in EMF over the other.
With a current of this nature, Mr. Tesla energized magnets strongly, and performed many interesting experiments bearing out the fact that one of the current impulses preponderates. Among them was one in which he attached to his oscillator a ring magnet with a small air gap between the poles. This magnet was oscillated up and down 80 times a second. A copper disc, when inserted within the air gap of the ring magnet, was brought into rapid rotation. Mr. Tesla remarked that this experiment also seemed to demonstrate that the lines of flow of current through a metallic mass are disturbed by the presence of a magnet in a manner quite independently of the so-called Hall effect. He showed also a very interesting method of making a connection with the oscillating magnet. This was accomplished by attaching to the magnet small insulated steel rods, and connecting to these rods the ends of the energizing coil. As the magnet was vibrated, stationary nodes were produced in the steel rods, and at these points the terminals of a direct current source were attached. Mr. Tesla also pointed out that one of the uses of currents, such as those produced in his apparatus, would be to select any given one of a number of devices connected to the same circuit by picking out the vibration by resonance. There is indeed little doubt that with Mr. Tesla?s devices, harmonic and synchronous telegraphy will receive a fresh impetus, and vast possibilities are again opened up.
Mr. Tesla was very much elated over his latest achievements, and said that he hoped that in the hands of practical, as well as scientific men, the devices described by him would yield important results. He laid special stress on the facility now afforded for
investigating the effect of mechanical vibration in all directions, and also showed that he had observed a number of facts in connection with iron cores.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 05, 2007, 07:16:58 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 05, 2007, 07:02:48 PM
Thank you ChrisC for your continued insult training.

I come to expect it almost like reflex action.

Did you read 643 and 758? :D

Have you asked your friends knowledgeable in Physics to read them?



Personally I won't even touch your postulates with a 10 foot pole. Why? Because at this stage you really are a nobody in the scientific sense of the word. If you had something that is worthy of real OU, the scientific community will come knocking on your door. You don't even need to go to China and to Tsinghua to drum up your support. Did any important person come forward from the world press or technical magazines or TV stations or even the local Hong Kong University Physics department chair come congratulate you on your earth shattering discovery? How come the answer is 'No'?

Remember Pons and Fleishman? One of those people came from Southampton University. Or are you too old to remember? Did you learn anything from them blowing smoke without proper scientific documentation and verifiable proofs?

Oh, by the way, I see in your published photos, you're always wearing a hat of some sort? Are you trying to hide a bald patch, like you're trying to cover some truths that if unearthed, would be embarrassing in your Lead Out crap theories?

Sorry to burst your bubble but you're still an amateur by any standards. That's your insult training episode for today.

have a good day


Title: Re: The Tseung vector
Post by: gaby de wilde on December 05, 2007, 07:53:10 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 01, 2007, 05:22:18 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I am a Physics Teacher with a B.Sc. in Physics.  One of my students brought your Lee-Tseung theory to my attention.  After some checking, I know that your spreadsheet calculation is correct.  However, may I suggest some improved teaching techniques.

(1)   When you quote Work Done = Force x Displacement (vector mathematics), you already lost half of your audience on the Internet.
(2)   Since that is the central point of your argument, you should explain it in more detail.
(3)   I suggest using the following diagram:
(In the attached file)

My students always had a hard time understanding negative work. The correct explanation should be no work is done but energy is stored in the system.  In your spreadsheet, the weight of the pendulum bob F1g is a force in the downward direction.  The resultant displacement is in the upward direction.  The correct physics interpretation should be no work was done by the weight F1g but energy had been stored in the pendulum system.

I hope I have not caused more confusion to your forum members.  This is for your attention only.  You may decide whether you want to post it.

Yours truly,

Dear XXX,

Thank you for your advice.  I want you to help to teach basic physics to the many seeds I sowed.  You have better experience and technique than me.  Hopefully with your help, a few more seeds would grow.  Please post directly.

Lawrence Tseung
A professional physics teacher Leads Out more saved seeds (or souls)!

This is good



Where are those replies 643 and 758 you keep talking about?
Title: Re: The Tseung vector
Post by: Grumpy on December 05, 2007, 08:00:37 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on December 05, 2007, 07:53:10 PM
Where are those replies 643 and 758 you keep talking about?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on December 05, 2007, 09:10:13 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 01, 2007, 01:39:35 PM

Tseung: ?The square wheel by itself without any attachment could rotate up to 16 minutes.  When we attached the two cylinders of 80% sand, we could get a rotational time of 30 minutes.  The sand moved inside the tube, providing the pulse.?

I did find one testable claim in all of what Tseung wrote.  See above quote.  I do not actually believe that this can happen, so if it does, that would be pretty amazing to me.  My prediction is that the moving sand will only hinder the wheel's rotation. 

The only thing that maybe was missed is that to have a proper test, there should be we exact same weights attached in the control experiment, but not containing sand.  Or perhaps for simplicity and to assure equal weight, fill empty space with cotton to prevent sand from moving.

What do you guys think?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on December 05, 2007, 09:19:35 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on December 05, 2007, 09:10:13 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 01, 2007, 01:39:35 PM

Tseung: ?The square wheel by itself without any attachment could rotate up to 16 minutes.  When we attached the two cylinders of 80% sand, we could get a rotational time of 30 minutes.  The sand moved inside the tube, providing the pulse.?

What do you guys think?

My considered judgement of this theory is that it's quite similar to the rear emanations of a male bovine.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 05, 2007, 10:24:36 PM
Quote from: Evil Roy Slade on December 05, 2007, 09:19:35 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on December 05, 2007, 09:10:13 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 01, 2007, 01:39:35 PM

Tseung: ?The square wheel by itself without any attachment could rotate up to 16 minutes.  When we attached the two cylinders of 80% sand, we could get a rotational time of 30 minutes.  The sand moved inside the tube, providing the pulse.?

What do you guys think?

My considered judgement of this theory is that it's quite similar to the rear emanations of a male bovine.


Oh be nice Roy!  Perhaps a female bovine would be a tad nicer? Ceratinly softer, don't you think so?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on December 05, 2007, 10:44:23 PM
I know it was a tad harsh, but they don't call me Evil for nuffin!

I sincerely hope nobody gets taken in by this Mr Tseung and send him money.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: usama salah on December 06, 2007, 01:29:12 AM
hi ,Lawrence
thank you for answers ,it is very clear .and very important works.
i hope a quick  success for all of you

best regards for all
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 06, 2007, 03:26:17 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on December 05, 2007, 09:10:13 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 01, 2007, 01:39:35 PM

Tseung: ?The square wheel by itself without any attachment could rotate up to 16 minutes.  When we attached the two cylinders of 80% sand, we could get a rotational time of 30 minutes.  The sand moved inside the tube, providing the pulse.?

I did find one testable claim in all of what Tseung wrote.  See above quote.  I do not actually believe that this can happen, so if it does, that would be pretty amazing to me.  My prediction is that the moving sand will only hinder the wheel's rotation. 

The only thing that maybe was missed is that to have a proper test, there should be we exact same weights attached in the control experiment, but not containing sand.  Or perhaps for simplicity and to assure equal weight, fill empty space with cotton to prevent sand from moving.

What do you guys think?

The square "wheel" in question is  2' 6" X 2' 6" or thereabouts. It is made of !/4 inch plexiglass or some other acrylic sheeting, in other words it is light. It is also full of holes.

Now if someone were to design a rotating body aerodynamically worse than this one it would require a lot of inspired thinking.

The square edges cut into the air like a blunt knife, the holes create turbulence across the entire surface, the square shape creates an imbalance, all factors that waste a lot of energy. On top of that the wheel has little mass to store energy.

Such a wheel will NOT rotate on a shaft for 16 minutes, even with frictionless bearings, no matter how hard the push. He will be lucky to get 16 rotations, more likely around five. As to the addition of equally aerodynamically idiotic sand cylinders virtually doubling the run time this is just laughable and not worthy of serious comment

These data are plainly fictitious, which is about the worst thing anyone can do in science and our Mr. Tseung is guilty of it!

The data on the air pump are equally made up. I don't have enough time right now but I will furnish proof in a further post.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 06, 2007, 03:42:46 AM

I meant to say that when I quoted the number of rotations achievable this was based on the weight attached to the wheel that drops into the cushion to guarantee an even starting point for the experiments. If he gives it a really hard push by hand unmeasured, and if he is strong, he might even manage 19 or 20 rotations :-)

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 06, 2007, 05:56:15 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 06, 2007, 03:26:17 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on December 05, 2007, 09:10:13 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 01, 2007, 01:39:35 PM

Tseung: ?The square wheel by itself without any attachment could rotate up to 16 minutes.  When we attached the two cylinders of 80% sand, we could get a rotational time of 30 minutes.  The sand moved inside the tube, providing the pulse.?

I did find one testable claim in all of what Tseung wrote.  See above quote.  I do not actually believe that this can happen, so if it does, that would be pretty amazing to me.  My prediction is that the moving sand will only hinder the wheel's rotation. 

The only thing that maybe was missed is that to have a proper test, there should be we exact same weights attached in the control experiment, but not containing sand.  Or perhaps for simplicity and to assure equal weight, fill empty space with cotton to prevent sand from moving.

What do you guys think?

The square "wheel" in question is  2' 6" X 2' 6" or thereabouts. It is made of !/4 inch plexiglass or some other acrylic sheeting, in other words it is light. It is also full of holes.

Now if someone were to design a rotating body aerodynamically worse than this one it would require a lot of inspired thinking.

The square edges cut into the air like a blunt knife, the holes create turbulence across the entire surface, the square shape creates an imbalance, all factors that waste a lot of energy. On top of that the wheel has little mass to store energy.

Such a wheel will NOT rotate on a shaft for 16 minutes, even with frictionless bearings, no matter how hard the push. He will be lucky to get 16 rotations, more likely around five. As to the addition of equally aerodynamically idiotic sand cylinders virtually doubling the run time this is just laughable and not worthy of serious comment

These data are plainly fictitious, which is about the worst thing anyone can do in science and our Mr. Tseung is guilty of it!

The data on the air pump are equally made up. I don't have enough time right now but I will furnish proof in a further post.

Hans von Lieven


How could you be so stupid of all people to say the figures are made up.  You know that I have the wheel in my living room.  A set of the beach pump and plastic box is with Mr. Ting.

When you guys ask for experimental data, I supply them.  You then without replicating the experiments and say those data are fake.

I just treat you as one of the CIA debunkers not worth dealing with any more.

Sorry.  Your credibility in my eyes is negative now.

Lawrence Tseung
People claiming eperimental data are fake without replicating any experiments are hoaxes and fraud.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on December 06, 2007, 06:25:09 AM
Sorry mate, the CIA debunkers cafe is rather full at the moment. Would you mind moving on to The Like Lounge next door?

Thankyou for giving me such a good laugh!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 06, 2007, 06:43:01 AM
Quote from: Evil Roy Slade on December 06, 2007, 06:25:09 AM
Sorry mate, the CIA debunkers cafe is rather full at the moment. Would you mind moving on to The Like Lounge next door?

Thankyou for giving me such a good laugh!


Now I finished a nice dinner.  People are not too bad after all.  The CIA or the Like actually did me a favor.  Their involvement got the attention of the top Chinese Officials. 

When my theory is rock solid and my intentions to benefit the World are noble, why should I worry about the stupid debunkers.  They know that I can easily repeat the experiments and set up a webcam to show the World.  Why are they so stupid as to challenge the data???

Lawrence Tseung
Dealing with stupid bebunkers may make the genius stupid.  Ignore them is a better strategy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 06, 2007, 08:48:13 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 06, 2007, 03:26:17 AM

The square "wheel" in question is  2' 6" X 2' 6" or thereabouts. It is made of !/4 inch plexiglass or some other acrylic sheeting, in other words it is light. It is also full of holes.

Now if someone were to design a rotating body aerodynamically worse than this one it would require a lot of inspired thinking.
Rofl! :D You could not be more right, Hans! Nice formulation too. :)

QuoteThe square edges cut into the air like a blunt knife, the holes create turbulence across the entire surface, the square shape creates an imbalance, all factors that waste a lot of energy. On top of that the wheel has little mass to store energy.
Exactly. A quick and dirty solution to make the motion more balanced and sustained might be to add weights to the rim so that it has a better flywheel-like effect. And what is the big brilliant insight our Chinese friends had? Indeed: adding weights to the rim in the form of sand-filled containers. The result? Exactly what we would expect: the terribly badly balanced wheel sustains a more balanced motion for a slightly longer period of time. Wow! What a discovery! ;)

QuoteSuch a wheel will NOT rotate on a shaft for 16 minutes, even with frictionless bearings, no matter how hard the push. He will be lucky to get 16 rotations, more likely around five. As to the addition of equally aerodynamically idiotic sand cylinders virtually doubling the run time this is just laughable and not worthy of serious comment

These data are plainly fictitious, which is about the worst thing anyone can do in science and our Mr. Tseung is guilty of it!
Hans, I do agree that mr Tseung is guilty of very bad science.
However, since I have not read exact decriptions of the material the square "wheel" is made of, nor of its weight/mass, nor of the exact force applied to the wheel to make it spin, I cannot judge whether or not it may have sustained 16 minutes of rotation. If they gave it a really hard swing to make it spin, and if they used extremely low friction (magnetic) bearings, it might have spun that long. Although realistically, if we look at the crappy material we have been shown in some of the pictures, it does seem extremely unlikely that they used such bearings. It seems most likely that the 16 minute rotation is not real, and that mr Tseung has been telling lies.
That said, let us assume such a "wheel" would rotate for X time before it stalls to a halt. Let us now assume we attach weights to the rim. Let us also assume these wieghts can be sand-filled cylinders. Obviously it would require a higher input energy to make the "wheel" with its increased mass rotate. I do not see any mention of this in mr Tseungs claimed account. The added weights would have a somewhat stabilising "flywheel" effect which might result in a total rotation time Y, where Y>X. But since Ein(X)<Ein(Y) it is debatable if that would result in any net gain. As far as I can figure it would not, so I must agree with you that the data appear to be entirely fictitious.

QuoteThe data on the air pump are equally made up. I don't have enough time right now but I will furnish proof in a further post.

Well since mr Tseung also refuses to give proper information about the specs in that "experiment", and most of his argumentation is emotive instead of rational, it seems likely that all of his "data" is either intentionally false or incredibly flawed.
Example: we are told that there are 2 pumps. What capacity do they have? How much energy do they use to pump? How much energy does such a pump need to pump water, and how much to pump air? Are we talking about equal volumes of air and water being pumped, or are we talking about equal amounts of energy put into the pump?
How great is the exact volume of water pumped by the bottom pump, and how much is the exact volume of water collected in the top container?
None of these facts are provided.
The only things I have seen is a vague overall setup plan, pictures of a cheap plastic hand-pump, and overexcited mention of how much higher the water can be pumped.
Do you think mr Tseung, our selfproclaimed "formal physics educated" chinaman, does not understand that things don't work that way? It's not about how high the water can be pumped. It's how high an EQUAL AMOUNT of water can be pumped using an EQUAL AMOUNT of energy. If you can actually pump 1 liter of water up to 3 times as high using the same amount of energy, then it would be a proper and indeed very interesting experiment.
But there is nothing to suggest that is the case. After all, if we first had the lady in the waterpumping pics pump the one hand-pump with all of her weight depressed on it, and if she does the same later with two pumps simultaneously, then obviously the total energy put in should be the same, but we still don't know how much that is, and we also do not know how much of that energy input goes to the water pump and how much to the air pump. That the water is claimed to reach a greater height also does not say much, because it depends on how much water actually ends up in the container, not on how high the water surface level is raised. For a formally educated physicist it seems very strange not to use a pump that actually has a clearly indicated input energy and output force, but to opt for a cheap plastic hand-pump...

Anyway, if such a simple pump experiment shows 600% COP, as Tseung claims, then why is China not building huge big hydroelectric plants based on this principle? Everyone knows Chinas economy and with it its energy needs are growing extremely rapidly, and it is no secret that China has been trying to buy as much oil as they can, and that they have been building fossil fuel power plants for the past years to keep up with the energy demand.
Or if China's government is not interested yet, then at least mr Tseung and his friends could have been rich by now, building generators on this principle.
Instead mr Tseung chooses to flood multiple fora with his continued narcisistic nonsense, not making any money, and having to wear a crappy beach hat all day.
Clearly this OU waterpumping principle works...?!
Come on, really... If you had such a water pumping experiment that clearly showed 600% COP, then would you not almost immediately go out and buy a small hydroelectric generator (or build one using a waterwheel and a dynamo for example), hook the thing up, and celebrate your infinite OU device in function?
I certainly would! I would have my entire house hooked up to it within a few months, and celebrate my big breakthrough with all of my friends and a big bottle of champagne.
I would write a clear and detailed description of my setup and all of my measurements, and ask a handfull of physicists to witness it functioning and to check all my measurements. Not that a 600% output can be overlooked, but still. ;) Then I would either patent it if I wanted to get rich, or I would share all these detailed findings with people in order to get free energy out there.
I would certainly not post half of it without the proof...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 06, 2007, 01:21:38 PM
G'day all,

Experiment to prove that what I am saying is correct.

Take a bicycle, turn it upside down and spin the front wheel as hard as you can after oiling it well.

If that wheel spins for 16 minutes I give you a medal. The bicycle wheel has more mass, is better balanced and aerodynamically better than the Tseung contraption.

His data are made up!

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 06, 2007, 03:48:15 PM
@ Hans:

Great idea with the bicycle wheel.  But remember, you have to give it the Lee-Tseung pulse (whatever that is) at the exact correct time (whenever that is) or it is not a "true" replication. (smile) First, I will have to use the beach pump to air up my bike tires in order to try this but wait, crap!  My pump is full of water.!!!  This is going to be harder than I thought.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 06, 2007, 03:58:09 PM
There is only one pulse Bill,

All he does initially is to spin the wheel with a single push and he claims that will get the wheel to tun for 16 minutes without further input of energy.

This is a LIE ! It cannot do this using his design!

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 06, 2007, 04:16:31 PM
Business Opportunities for Sun et al or any other machine shop.

It looks like some stupid CIA or the Like debunkers could not reproduce a simple experient like the use of beach pumps even if the pictures are given.  They may be willing to pay good money for a full DIY kit.

The material cost is less than US$20 but the intellectual value is much higher.  The DIY kit may be sold for US$200.

The Wheel apparatus can be mass produced.  Some stupid CIA or the Like debunkers obviously have no formal education in aerodynamics.  At low velocities, the aerodynamics forces are insignificant.  It may be worth the CIA or the Like management to buy lots of these kits to educate their stupid employees.

The World may Benefit with better educated persons - even though they may be paid debunkers.

Or could it be the CIA or the Like is playing games to distract Lee-Tseung?  Well, who cares? Tseung can always post in forum.go-here.nl.  Just let others have fun in this thread.

I now fully appreciate the comment from Mr. Bill Fung that he tried to follow the OU discussion for years and got confused. 

Lawrence Tseung
For proper information, read reply 643 and 758.  In future, go to forum.go-here.nl.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 06, 2007, 04:23:42 PM
Stop pretending you know anything about physics or aerodynamics Lawrence, you are full of of bunk.

If ANYONE  is CIA it is you .

By leading honest researchers into total failure with your idiotic theories you achieve what they are allegedly after and that is to bring the results of the whole overunity movement to nothing.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 06, 2007, 11:28:54 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 06, 2007, 04:16:31 PM

I now fully appreciate the comment from Mr. Bill Fung that he tried to follow the OU discussion for years and got confused. 

Lawrence Tseung

All these months and posts later, you only found ONE supporter in Bill Fung? Doesn't that seem to imply that Bill is either really sympathetic or really confused by you? Or are you both confusing yourselves?
My goodness, the real Lawrence is really showing his colors. Can't imagine the normally 'calm' old guy is now calling people who disagrees with him as "stupid"! Oh, I must be the most stupid of theses non-physicist. Oh, old Tseung must be right all along. Maybe we should all visit that other looney forum to be educated!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on December 06, 2007, 11:54:17 PM

I'm certain of only one thing - nothing is for certain.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 07, 2007, 02:06:40 AM
For good and proper scientific information on Energy from Still Air, please visit forum.go-here.nl under General Discussions - Energy from Still Air.

For continued entertainment, remain on this thread.

Richard: "Tseung is now pissed off with some forum members.  He even openly used the term stupid. He knows that millions will read his posts very soon.  Is he stupid himself?"

Nancy: "Tseung is only human.  He hates the US president, Bush.  The excuse of using CIA information that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction to invade and robbed its oil is stupid."

Richard: ?How about his recommending members to read 643 and 758?  Is that stupid??

Nancy: ?Tseung found out that those who understood those two documents supported him.  He regarded them as true scientists.  He grouped the others as either not having enough knowledge to discuss as equals or simple CIA or the Like agents.  He keeps his sanity that way.?

Richard: ?You mean all the insult training chrisC gave him did not work??

Nancy: ? He now believes chrisC is another CIA or the Like Agent.? ;D 8) :-\ :'(

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 07, 2007, 02:10:20 AM
You want to sell beach pump kits for US $200 ????

You have rocks in your head. I will debunk that whole bullshit idea shortly.

You are a fraud Mr. Tseung !

Whatever I have said is provable science to which your reply was that I am stupid.  Let the chips fall where they may now, I will totally show you up for the jerk you are!

And that is a solemn promise.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 07, 2007, 02:16:16 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 07, 2007, 02:06:40 AM
For good and proper scientific information on Energy from Still Air, please visit forum.go-here.nl under General Discussions - Energy from Still Air.

For continued entertainment, remain on this thread.


Nancy: ? He now believes christC is another CIA or the Like Agent.? ;D 8) :-\ :'(

roflmao! Poor old Tseung. Now he is throwing Bush into his frustrations. As for me being a CIA alike, eh, I'm actually Chinese like you but I loved the USA, lived and worked in Southampton, educated in the UK with BEng and MSc degrees like yourself. Worked in the US. A few US patents to my name too.

But unlike you, I have a clear mind and don't have Schizophrenia. What else do you want to know about me?

Oh, I don't owe my allegiance to some commie country, Chinese or not!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 07, 2007, 02:23:56 AM
No Chris,

This impostor has NO degrees. Nothing checks out.

Hans von Lieven

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 07, 2007, 02:26:51 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 07, 2007, 02:23:56 AM
No Chris,

This impostor has NO degrees. Nothing checks out.

Hans von Lieven

oh dear! This is BAD news for old Tseung. Might give him the heart attack and then we won't get our entertainment anymore. Han's how can you do something like this?

I need my daily comedy show.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 07, 2007, 03:36:46 AM
If the air+water pumping technique is so good and so readily validated, why is China not implementing it in a big way?

The traditional teaching to water-works engineers is to avoid air bubbles in pipes.  Air bubbles in pipes may cause water hammering - shaking the system to bits in addition to producing unwanted loud noises.

Why is this not a problem in the air+water pumping technique?

For answers, see forum.go-here.nl under General Discussions.  Energy from Air thread.

Warning: postings in forum.go-here.nl may get modified or deleted without notice.

Lawrence Tseung
To avoid distraction, real information will be in forum.go-here.nl
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 07, 2007, 06:47:13 AM
Hahahahahahaha! :D

So the revolutionary 600% free energy water pump technology is not being used in China
"because traditional teaching to water-works engineers is to avoid air bubbles in pipes"?

What a totally absurd argument.
So promising new technolgy is not implemented because it differs from old "traditional" technolgy? Nonsense!

QuoteIt looks like some stupid CIA or the Like debunkers could not reproduce a simple experient like the use of beach pumps even if the pictures are given.
First of all, what is a "beach pump"? Do you have to inflate your beaches in China? I presume you are talking about a water or air pump. The pictures you posted show a very cheap and crappy kind of hand-operated plastic bellow-type pump. I have clearly indicated why that is not "proof": you do not give data on how much energy is needed to pump water or air using this type of pump, nor any of the other crucial data like the amount of water pumped up etc.
If anyone shows stupid behaviour, it is you.
If you are too "stupid" to include supporting data in your claims, then blame yourself and call yourself names, not the people pointing out that you omitted the data.
Is this how science works in China? Someone points out an omission or flaw, and you brand them "stupid debunkers"?
We all know most intellectuals and others with a sound critical mind were executed the Cultural Revolution, but I had never expected the IQ to have dropped so low.
Or maybe it is not how it works in china, but only in mr Tseungs la-la-land? Yes, that seems more likely.

Second of all, why do you insist on constantly bringing up "CIA or Likes"? Who is Likes? Is that a Chinese agency?
Instead of trying to get sympathy from people by acting like the poor CIA-hunted scientist, by which you frankly place yourself in the ranks of the conspiracy theorists and that has never done anyone any good on a professional scientific level, perhaps you should focus on PROVING YOUR HYPOTHESIS.

Oh, that's right, you structurally ignore all posts asking for that.
I would not be surprised if you completely ignore this post again, and instead of responding you will probably post another fictional discussion with this fictional Richard, or whoever you choose to phantasise about.
Allow me to do it for you, that gives you some time to think about a more credible excuse for refusing to provide proof than non-arguments like "the CIA is discrediting me" or "the measurement data are owned by others and I cannot print them".

Tseung: "Help, Richard! The CIA and Likes agents are attacking my fantastically superb theory again!"

Richard: "Well how dare they! Why don't they focus on Iraq instead of debunking you magnificent theory?"

Tseung: "Obviously Bush himself told the Likes that he doesn't want my revolutionary technology to change the world!"

Richard: "Yes, that must be. And that makes sense, because we live in China, where Bush has nothing to say and where the demand for energy is so enormous that any such technology would be welcomed and could be marketed profitably almost immediately. Those damn CIA and Likes!"

Tseung: "Yes I wonder why they treated me to dinner the other day... Those Likes seemed quite ok at the time..."

Richard: "Hey, why don't we just buy a couple of electrical pumps, some valves, and a waterwheel type generator, and do the water experiment again with proper measurements? If we post those results, and the exact descriptions of every part of hardware used and the exact manner in which they were used, we could prove your theory once and for all! Just let the CIA or Likes try to remove that information from the minds of all those people, after we've posted the results on all the fora you spend your days flooding."

Tseung: "No, we shouldn't do that. We don't actually want to prove my theory. We just want to flood fora with messages about it and waste these westerners time."

Richard: "But it would shut up all the nay-sayers..."

Tseung: "Well it would if there was any truth in my claims, but there isn't. Oh sorry, what did I just say? I meant to say "those are all CIA agents anyway!". "

Richard: "Say, come to think of it, why am I talking to myself?"

Tseung/Richard: "Well I don't know. They say people who talk to themselves are crazy. But I know I'm not crazy!"
Richard/Tseung: "So do I! I'm not crazy, it's the rest of the world that's crazy!"
Tseung/Richard: "Isn't that what crazy people say?"
Richard/Tseung: "No, that's just what the CIA and Likes want you to believe."
Tseung/Richard: "Of course! The rest of the world isn't crazy, the rest of the world is CIA debunkers!"
Richard/Tseung: "Sorry Tseung, I've got to go now, it's time for your antipsychotic medication. See ya when it wears off!"
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 07, 2007, 03:38:36 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on December 07, 2007, 06:47:13 AM
Hahahahahahaha! :D

Richard/Tseung: "Sorry Tseung, I've got to go now, it's time for your antipsychotic medication. See ya when it wears off!"

Hahahaha! That's the TRUTH! LOL!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: usama salah on December 07, 2007, 04:15:06 PM
hi all
i'm  very happy today, because i thought that i'm the only stupid one here
but now !!!! it's good

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 07, 2007, 04:16:07 PM
Proof-of-concept examples for extracting Energy from Still Air.

In the super soaker water gun example, air is pumped in.  If we examine the theory:

Energy of Air-In = Pressure of Air-In x Volume of Air-In

Energy of Air-Out = Pressure of AIr-Out x Volume of Air-Out

These two terms can be different.   This difference of Energy is in addition to the pumping energy supplied by the pumping action.   This is an indication that Energy from Still Air might have been used.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 07, 2007, 04:19:46 PM
Proof-of-concept examples for extracting Energy from Still Air.

In the water rocket example, air is pumped in.  If we examine the theory:

Energy of Air-In = Pressure of Air-In x Volume of Air-In

Energy of Air-Out = Pressure of AIr-Out x Volume of Air-Out

These two terms can be different.   This difference of Energy is in addition to the pumping energy supplied by the pumping action.   This is an indication that Energy from Still Air might have been used.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 07, 2007, 04:32:15 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 07, 2007, 04:16:07 PM
Proof-of-concept examples for extracting Energy from Still Air.

In the super soaker water gun example, air is pumped in.  If we examine the theory:

Energy of Air-In = Pressure of Air-In x Volume of Air-In

Energy of Air-Out = Pressure of AIr-Out x Volume of Air-Out

These two terms can be different.   This difference of Energy is in addition to the pumping energy supplied by the pumping action.   This is an indication that Energy from Still Air might have been used.

Come to think of it you're right Lawrence! I seemed to remember in my early CIA training days, they used to issue these guns so we can kill the debunkers!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Moab on December 07, 2007, 06:07:38 PM
You gotta be frikkin kidding,, right? say it aint so, 62 pages? i am completely astonished, amazed even!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 07, 2007, 06:11:08 PM
Quote from: Moab on December 07, 2007, 06:07:38 PM
You gotta be frikkin kidding,, right? say it aint so, 62 pages? i am completely astonished, amazed even!

Yes Moab. It's turned into the Comedy Central. Maybe Hertiberlin ought to put an end to this Tseung nonsense!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 07, 2007, 07:00:42 PM
When to pass responsibility?

After I, the old Tseung, developed the Energy from Still Air theory, I looked for various ways of verifying it.  The water rocket and the super soaker were obvious examples.  They could be purchased from the Toy stores in Hong Kong.

We (the old Tseung and some young guys at the village) had fun.  When I realized that those toys could not conclusively demonstrate the Energy from Still Air theory, I gave the toys to my young helpers.  They were happy.

I, the stupid old Tseung, then bought the plastic box, electric drills, hundreds of the US$1.00 pumps, took them apart and use the two one-way valves.  Other simple mechanisms such as hosts, taps, T-junctions etc. were bought in multiple trips.  The most difficult part for the old Tseung was to drill the correct size holes in the plastic box to get the water out.

The old Tseung, having zero or negative skill in operating electric drills, almost drill a hole in his leg.  Some plastic bits almost blinded him.

After wasting a couple of plastic boxes, the old Tseung managed to get the set up in reply 640.  The replies 845-848 showed the actual demonstration in July 2004.  The experiment showed that getting the water+air up to higher levels apparently did not need proportional power as in conventional water pumps.

The old Tseung showed his scars and the bandages.  The many who saw the demonstration said that they were able to take over from that point.  Four replications were seen by Tseung and four others were reported within weeks.

Cheung et al set up the demonstration system in Tai Po that could send water to 4 floors for the Press Conference.  Ting set up the system that could send water to 14 floors later.  Ting won the Silver Medal in an Inventor Show.

Tseung met Lee Cheung Kin and focused on Energy from Gravity and Electron Motion.  The task of getting solid, verified data with air+water was left to others.  The data belonged to these experimenters.  The old Tseung did not want any more scars or a blinded eye.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on December 07, 2007, 07:04:54 PM
No No No....Don't stop it. It's funny!

And how come chris and hans get to be in the CIA and I don't!

It's discrimination and I won't stand for it!

A serious question for Mr Tseug:

(sound of crickets)

End Of Question

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RD Edwards on December 07, 2007, 07:49:43 PM
I cant count the times that I had overunity in my hands, a slam dunk, a shoo win, and the gods have to curse me with the cruel joke of not being able to use a drill! Arrrgggg! Blast you cruel fate!!!

Abadee abadee thats all folks!:)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 07, 2007, 08:01:00 PM
Quote from: Evil Roy Slade on December 07, 2007, 07:04:54 PM
No No No....Don't stop it. It's funny!

And how come chris and hans get to be in the CIA and I don't!

It's discrimination and I won't stand for it!

A serious question for Mr Tseug:

(sound of crickets)

End Of Question


Sorry Roy, must be an oversight. Just send me your CV. and your credit card and banking details and I will arrange with Langley to put you on the payroll.

Hans von Lieven   Agent Nr. 69 69 69 69 69 69 (With license to thrill)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 07, 2007, 08:40:02 PM
Quote from: Evil Roy Slade on December 07, 2007, 07:04:54 PM
No No No....Don't stop it. It's funny!

And how come chris and hans get to be in the CIA and I don't!

It's discrimination and I won't stand for it!


You can be the double agent. 

I am looking forward to how the CIA or the Like (or its imitation) debunk a US$20 experiment that could be repeated worldwide.

I might even learn something from the CIA!

Lawrence Tseung
Jokes bring smiles to many.  If knowledge can be passed on at the same time, so much the better.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 07, 2007, 08:54:18 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 07, 2007, 08:40:02 PM
Quote from: Evil Roy Slade on December 07, 2007, 07:04:54 PM
No No No....Don't stop it. It's funny!

And how come chris and hans get to be in the CIA and I don't!

It's discrimination and I won't stand for it!


You can be the double agent. 

I am looking forward to how the CIA or the Like (or its imitation) debunk a US$20 experiment that could be repeated worldwide.

I might even learn something from the CIA!

Lawrence Tseung
Jokes bring smiles to many.  If knowledge can be passed on at the same time, so much the better.


I hope you don't take these 'insults' too seriously. After all, we only wanted you to demonstrate simple proofs to your very simplified theories. When nothing was forthcoming, most of us started yawning and then the yawns turned into comedy. I apologize if that got out of hand.

btw, since this Tseung OU stuff isn't going anywhere, I think i will move over to the Pyramid thread to see if there is more reality than just talk.Maybe Hans can educate us on what happened to Thomas? I have not followed the details since the site was sabotaged?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 07, 2007, 09:30:44 PM

I can't afford the money to join the CIA but, if it were a little cheaper, could I be made a member of THE LIKE?  I mean, I have a beach pump and a 4-legged stool and a super soaker.  I am right now attempting to wire them together but I am not sure of the value of the resistors I need to use.  I guess I will have to experiment.  If I accidentally cause a cataclysmic event, I apologise to all on the planet in advance.  To quote a world famous nuclear scientist who worked on the Manhattan Project......"Opps."

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 07, 2007, 09:56:59 PM
G'day all,

As promised here is my proof that Lawrence?s idea of the still air scenario is rubbish and that his claimed experimental data are fictitious.

He claims that a half horsepower air pump (compressor) can deliver water in excess of 34 stories high. This is a complete fabrication because this cannot happen.

He says that the system works like this:


Figure 3.1 Sample application of energy from still air

In Figure 3.1, 2 shows a HK$300 electric air pump; 4 is the lower water tank; 9 is the upper water tank; 3,5,6,7,8,10 are one-way valves.  The water and air mixture is sent to the upper water tank 9.  The mixture is separated.  The total energy input is that from the air pump + energy from air Ein.  Many engineers and scientists previously ignored Ein.   Professor Woo and many members of the Chinese Academy of Science accepted this correction.

What really happens in a system such as this follows:

The design that Lawrence proposes is essentially a gravity fed spray gun. Ignoring the rest of the contraption The operating part of the system looks like this:


Because of the relatively high velocity of the air stream hitting a virtually static quantity of water perpendicularly the water is literally torn apart, forming tiny droplets that are carried forward by the air stream. These tiny droplets now collide with the ambient air opposing it. This collision disperses the tiny droplets forming the typically fan like flow of droplets that is so desirable in a spray gun.

So far so good.

I have no idea why Lawrence puts a one way valve before and after the compressor since all they can contribute is impeding the flow of air that is available, making the device less efficient.

But, leaving that idiotic addition aside, what he does next is far worse.

He channels that flow into a pipe. Now he is seriously wasting energy.

He says that the pipe goes 34+ floors up. That would make the pipe around 100 meters long, give or take a couple of meters. I don?t know the Hong Kong building code, but your average floor hight would have to be around 3 meters. So one hundred meters is a fair ballpark figure.

The pipe would have to have a fairly small internal diameter since the compressor specified (1/2 HP) can only deliver maximally 100 litres per minute or 3.5 cubic feet at a pressure of  8.16 kg/cm2 or 116 PSI.

(See attached specifications for a typical ? HP Compressor)

This creates an enormous back pressure, severely affecting the velocity of the air stream even without any addition of water. The inclusion of  one way valves in the riser makes it so much worse. That is another idiotic addition that only wastes energy and has no function other than impeding the system.

But back to the water.


As stated earlier, the water droplets in the air stream disperse in a fan like fashion because of the opposing back pressure. The majority of the droplets are forced against the inside wall of the pipe where friction slows their movement. Oncoming droplets with higher velocity bump into them, forming larger and larger droplets on the inside wall. This forms a pipe within a pipe so to speak with the air rushing through the centre.

Next the combined stream of water and air hits the bend in the pipe that changes the stream from a horizontal to a vertical flow. It literally hits is with the remaining force head on. Droplets that hit perpendicularly get reflected and bounce back into the airstream costing further energy.

With much diminished force the stream now enters the riser tube. The droplets hitting the inside wall get further slowed down, forming larger and larger droplets and eventually gravity takes over and there is now a steady stream of water flowing down the inner walls of the tube in opposition to the air stream.

This phenomenon is known as reflux.

The water starts collecting on the bottom, further impeding the velocity, resulting in more reflux and so on.

Result, the pipe fills with water.

The more water, the higher the back pressure.

A 100 meter column of water exerts a pressure of 10 kg/cm2 or 142.3 PSI, which is 26.6 PSI more than the compressor can handle. It is the equivalent of a shut off valve.

At no stage will ANY water make it to the top.

You are a liar Mr. Tseung. Publishing fictitious data in support of a theory is the worst crime a scientist can commit. But then, you are no scientist, so perhaps it?s not so bad after all. I mean we learned physics and engineering at university, you obviously learned it in a toy shop.

Hans von Lieven



Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on December 07, 2007, 10:01:13 PM
I will post my bank details here as soon as that really kind dude from
the Nigerian Finance Department deposits my 48million USD. Next week sometime I am told.

Then I am happy to finance you guys into CIAship. But wait....I will ALSO include Tseung's $20 kit...
and but wait..there's more.....a free, yes FREE, Supersoaker!. A Red one!

Special request for Hans:
If I pay a bit extra can I get my number choice?
Say, 181 181 181 181?
(licensed to thrill, decimal equivalent)

@Mr Tseung,
Sit back, smile a bit. Life is short.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on December 07, 2007, 10:05:56 PM
wow hans, you impress me mate!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 07, 2007, 11:19:01 PM
No problem Mike,

Just send us your credit card details and we will send you your official resident spook ID card issued by Langley.

Then you can go and harass persecuted scientists like Mr. Tseung and get paid for it. You will also be eligible for a Nigerian grant of Great Britain Pounds. I will instruct our fiduciary agent and executive CEO right now.

Long live the suppression of revolutionary science.

Hans von Lieven       Agent.......well, you know.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 07, 2007, 11:25:13 PM
Dear Hans,

Brilliant logic and good scientific thinking.

Unfortunately, you never did the experiment.  If you did the actual experiment, you would have observed:

(1)   The US$1.00 Pump could not pump air at a very high rate.  It was ?burst and stop?.  That was the reason why we used two to get a more steady flow.

(2)   You simply ignored the action of the one-way valves.  The one-way valves allowed air+water to go up and NOT down.

(3)   Let us examine the air+water mixture inside a section of the pipe in between two one-way valves. The pressure of the air+water above had no effect on the pressure of this section as the top one-way valve blocked it.  The pressure of air+water exerted on the bottom valve was (in the worse case) pressure of air trapped + pressure of the partial water column.

(4)   In reality, on steady flow, the air+water in the pipe was made up of many water bubbles.  They did not have the same size but there would be multiple of them inside the pipe.

(5)   The correct physics calculation of the pressure inside the section mentioned in (3) should be approximately the pressure required to open the one-way valve with the air+water inside.  That was a function of the type of one-way valve and spacing of two valves used.  If the one-way valves were perfect, each section of pipe should have approximately the same pressure.  The total back-pressure at the air pump was NOT related to the height of the total water column!  It would just be the pressure required to open the one-way valve.

(6)   When we did the experiment, the US$1.00 valves were not perfect.  If we stopped pumping, we could see water slowly accumulate at the bottom.  The bottom section (or a particular bad section) would have no air.  It would have water only.  Then the back-pressure greatly increased and we were not able to pump anything up any more.

(7)   The initial action was to get the whole clear plastic tube with the one-way valves down and let the air+water flow out in the direction of the one-way valves.

(8 )   Later, we ensured that before the end of each experiment, we turned off water from the lower tank first and kept pumping until the pipe was full of air.

I was going to bet US$1 million that I could get some water to even the 100th floor.  However, I believe the CIA did not pay you that much.  So I am quite willing to bet a US$10 meal when and if we meet.  I shall describe how I would do it in a following post.  Thank you for the meal in advance.

Lawrence Tseung
Saying someone is a liar without doing the experiment first results in paying for a US$10 meal.  Not a bad deal for a Physics Lesson not taught at Universities.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 07, 2007, 11:38:08 PM
No good Lawrence,

Nice try but still rubbish. The one way valves just allow the water to reflux and fill the pipe much more quickly.

And you are right, I have not done this specific experiment, what I have done though is designed, repaired and built many such systems in the past, predominantly for moving things like grain and woodchips and so forth.

The principles of this sort of system are well known to me and are attested by the many devices along those lines I have built and maintained, many of which are still in operation.

You are talking crap and you know it!

Hans von Lieven.

EDIT:  Ps. I am not talking about theoretical knowledge here predominantly but of over 40 years in the field mainly as a troubleshooting engineer.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 08, 2007, 12:25:50 AM

I am going to tell you why you will be paying for the US$10 meal.

The experiment done was as follows:
(I actually took part in this section of this experiment.)

(1)   We purchased a roll of clear plastic tubing that would fit the outlet of the US$1.00 valve.  (Inner diameter = 7 mm) Each roll was 100 meters. (paid for by Tseung)

(2)   We went up to the 34th floor and let the tube down.  We had a strong guy holding the upper end of the tube. (Tseung was NOT the strong guy.)

(3)   At the ground floor, we used the US$1.00 beach pump to pump air only.  We detected that air actually came out from the upper end with a tissue paper. (Tseung and many others did the pumping.  It was a piece of cake.)

(4)   Then we introduced the set up with the lower water tank but no one-way valves in the tube.  Water was introduced/ dripped very slowly.  Water droplets were seen going up the tube.  (The tube was clear plastic.)

(5)   At the top floor, the tissue paper got wet.  Thus we were 100% sure that water did arrived at the top.  We did not care about the flow rate then. (Tseung and others took the lift to go up to check.  Tseung did not need the exercise!)

Water got to the 34th floor.  Have I won the bet yet?  If not, I shall continue the story.

Lawrence Tseung
Winning a bet is easy if you have already done the experiment.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: amateur on December 08, 2007, 02:38:04 AM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 08, 2007, 04:01:15 AM
Looks like somebody is still confused.

The rest of the story was:

(1) When the water rate was increased, a large column of water accumulated at the bottom.

(2) We just could not pump air+water up.  When someone strong used all his might to step on it, the US$1.00 pump bursted.

(3) I left with the suggestion of using the tested method of one-way valves.

(4) The group informed me later that they used a half horse-power air pump to get the air+water up using the one-way valve method suggested.

(5) They said that they showed it to many others but wanted money to do further research and refinement.  I could buy them dinner but could not support the many thousand dollars of turning that into a product.

(6) I got involved with the more challenging Leading Out gravitational energy directly project.  I decided to give the theory and the proof-of-concept information to the World. 

Lawrence Tseung
Theory is important.  Read 643 and 758 to get more education.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 08, 2007, 04:50:02 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 08, 2007, 12:25:50 AM

I am going to tell you why you will be paying for the US$10 meal.

The experiment done was as follows:
(I actually took part in this section of this experiment.)

(1)   We purchased a roll of clear plastic tubing that would fit the outlet of the US$1.00 valve.  (Inner diameter = 7 mm) Each roll was 100 meters. (paid for by Tseung)

(2)   We went up to the 34th floor and let the tube down.  We had a strong guy holding the upper end of the tube. (Tseung was NOT the strong guy.)

(3)   At the ground floor, we used the US$1.00 beach pump to pump air only.  We detected that air actually came out from the upper end with a tissue paper. (Tseung and many others did the pumping.  It was a piece of cake.)

(4)   Then we introduced the set up with the lower water tank but no one-way valves in the tube.  Water was introduced/ dripped very slowly.  Water droplets were seen going up the tube.  (The tube was clear plastic.)

(5)   At the top floor, the tissue paper got wet.  Thus we were 100% sure that water did arrived at the top.  We did not care about the flow rate then. (Tseung and others took the lift to go up to check.  Tseung did not need the exercise!)

Water got to the 34th floor.  Have I won the bet yet?  If not, I shall continue the story.

Lawrence Tseung
Winning a bet is easy if you have already done the experiment.

I don't know how you got the tissue paper wet. A little foot pump will NOT propel water 34 floors up, no matter how hard you pump.

You must think we are complete idiots.

I have worked with these systems, I KNOW what they are capable of, and that is just not it.

Next you will tell me you can power an aeroplane with a 1cc model aeroplane motor.

No matter how hard you wish, some things just cannot be done and dreaming up data is not going to help. But just to be awkward, how does a wet tissue on the 34th floor prove your claim that you can get more than enough water up there to power the pump?

As usual you are talking rubbish again.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 08, 2007, 05:03:24 AM
Dear Hans,

You do not need to get angry.  If you cannot afford the US$10, you can ask your CIA friends to chip in.  I am sure ChrisC would not mind paying double.

You may even ask your management to spend the US$20 to buy the various parts and replicate the experiment.  Wait until you get the wet tissue paper before you buy me dinner.

Once you get the proper set up, may be less than a height of 34 floors - I do not know about the tall buildings in your area.  Hong Kong is full of them.
You can invite your management to have a light shower below the outlet.  Warn them to bring raincoats.

You may be able to win a US$100 meal from them.

Learn the theory.  Energy from Still Air was involved. The Input Energy is the sum of the Pump Energy + Energy from Still Air.

Lawrence Tseung
Giving the CIA management some cold shower should be fun.  It helps to clear their minds and stop invading other nations with false information.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: amateur on December 08, 2007, 05:50:03 AM
Dear Lawrence,

The science that you have proven is called evaporation
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 08, 2007, 06:25:00 AM
Quote from: amateur on December 08, 2007, 05:50:03 AM
Dear Lawrence,

The science that you have proven is called evaporation

The wetting of the tissue paper is called condensation.

But after you have done the experiment, you will call that wetting by water droplets.

Are you helping Hans out with his lost US$10 bet?

Lawrence Tseung
The CIA or the Like agents better help the poor Hans.  Additional education will cost him more.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 08, 2007, 09:56:02 AM
Again a whole lot of talk and absolutely no substantiation of the story except a pic of a group of unknown people (save one), and again absolutely no proof.

This was supposed to prove Hans' analysis wrong?
How exactly?

Quote(1) When the water rate was increased, a large column of water accumulated at the bottom.

(2) We just could not pump air+water up.  When someone strong used all his might to step on it, the US$1.00 pump bursted.

Right. So what exactly were you pumping up before you tried to pump air+water? You know, the part of the experiment where you claim the tissue got wet?
Was that not air+water? If it was only air, the tissue could not have gotten wet.
But if I read your story correctly, you were in fact pumping air through the tube at a steady rate, before you started introducing small water drops into the air stream?
That is not at all comparable to pumping large volumes of water up 100 meters! It is comparable to throwing a few drops of water into the wind, which will get carried along with the wind. And that only works when the air flows fast enough and the amount of water is relatively tiny.

You have not proven anything. And it is the 100th time you have not proven anything. It is getting old now.

Hans does not at all owe you anything, even if he had agreed to a bet.
You still owe us proof, to make up for the time we lost listening to your ranting.

Perhaps you should try a better antipsychotic? Or maybe you can get some dried frog pills at the corner shop? That might help.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Grumpy on December 08, 2007, 10:25:14 AM
Actually air can carry water up and has been used as an inexpensive means for irrigating pots for 100+ years.  Not sure if it would work for 34 floors, but don't see why it would not.  Pressure on the walls of a tube this long are high - was the tube reinforced?  I have some clear tube that is reinforced , crossed both ways - good stuff.

Tube diameter is important and smaller bubbles carry more water upwards, or something like that - can;t remember exactly.  I ran across this when I was gathering info for a hydrophonic garden in a greenhouse.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 08, 2007, 11:27:59 AM
Quote from: Grumpy on December 08, 2007, 10:25:14 AM
Actually air can carry water up and has been used as an inexpensive means for irrigating pots for 100+ years.  Not sure if it would work for 34 floors, but don't see why it would not.  Pressure on the walls of a tube this long are high - was the tube reinforced?  I have some clear tube that is reinforced , crossed both ways - good stuff.

Tube diameter is important and smaller bubbles carry more water upwards, or something like that - can;t remember exactly.  I ran across this when I was gathering info for a hydrophonic garden in a greenhouse.

The tube was reinforced.  When I bought it, I just wanted it not to break when stretched.  Later, we had a rope next to it and tied the one-way valves to the rope.  Thus the tension was at the rope and not the one-way valve joints.

You are also right on the smaller diameter tube carrying water bubbles to greater heights.  However, after you introduced the one-way valves, the scenario changed.  The type and spacing of one-way valves became more important.

How is your reading on 643 and 758?

Lawrence Tseung
Use of one-way valves changed everything. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 08, 2007, 11:39:19 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on December 08, 2007, 09:56:02 AM

This was supposed to prove Hans' analysis wrong?
How exactly? *** Hans failed to consider the effect of one-way valves.

Quote(1) When the water rate was increased, a large column of water accumulated at the bottom.

(2) We just could not pump air+water up.  When someone strong used all his might to step on it, the US$1.00 pump bursted.

Right. So what exactly were you pumping up before you tried to pump air+water? You know, the part of the experiment where you claim the tissue got wet?
Was that not air+water? If it was only air, the tissue could not have gotten wet. ***It was air+water vapor.  Since both are gases, height is irrelevant. 
But if I read your story correctly, you were in fact pumping air through the tube at a steady rate, before you started introducing small water drops into the air stream? *** Yes.  That part was to show that water could be sent up even to 100 floors or over 300 meters if we did not care about the rate.

That is not at all comparable to pumping large volumes of water up 100 meters! It is comparable to throwing a few drops of water into the wind, which will get carried along with the wind. And that only works when the air flows fast enough and the amount of water is relatively tiny.
***Yes.  But the next part is to add the many one-way valves.  Once you added the one-way valves, you deliver water droplets.  Please read up on the operation of one-way valves.  I might have to break one apart in a future post.

One-way valves. One-way valves. One-way valves.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 08, 2007, 11:45:08 AM
Quote from: mramos on December 08, 2007, 07:41:36 AM
Was it raining this day of the tests?  Young kids spitting from the roof top maybe?

And I will not chip in until I receive my badge..

Do you have stock in a rubber hose company?

It was sunny.  We did not have any young kids. 

I do not know about CIAs.  They are good in making themselves invisible!

Make sure you talk to Hans about a free US$20 DIY kit when you join the CIA.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 08, 2007, 01:41:33 PM
I have been thinking of the wet tissue paper. I don't believe he tried it 34 floors up but even if he did it is possible. We are talking Hong Kong, which is very humid. just pumping air through a thin pipe could carry enough moisture to dampen a tissue paper.

It is true that you can use that kind of system to carry water vertically. Some aquarium pumps use it, also some coffee makers (The filter kind) operate on the same principle though they use a heating element and resultant mixture of water and steam as pressure source instead of an air pump.

These systems have their limit though, the reflux is inevitable but not too detrimental over a short distance, as the distance increases it becomes more and more problematic until everything just stops.

You also will be lucky to carry more than 1% of water in the air stream, ask anyone with a spray gun if they can spray one liter of paint in one minute with a 100l/min compressor.

Even if you could get the water without friction losses and without reflux problems 100 meters up I fail to see how 1l of water per minute can generate !/2 HP on the way down.

As to the one way valves, they theoretically should only close when the air stream stops. The moment the air stream is interrupted the droplets suspended in it are affected by gravity and they come down as rain. In other words the pipe fills more quickly.

He was using a beach pump. that means that air is pushed into the pipe only on every down stroke. He admits that the water pooled at the bottom, which is what one would expect. He seeks to cure this by adding another beach pump and adding one way valves. He clearly has no idea what he is doing.

As to the claimed overunity using a $300.- compressor, that has now become a damp tissue paper and a suggestion by his friends he might use such a compressor.

In any event, whatever pump he uses, the pipe will fill with water after a short time. What happens when the pipe is full of water I have explained in my earlier post.

He has not done the experiments properly that is certain or he would have found out what I have been talking about.

However one thing has become very clear, his story has now changed to the point where he now virtually admits that what he stated as factual data as a result of experimentation is now the projection of data in a hypothetical system based on some half arsed experiments he allegedly did.

This is the bit that got me so angry, and this is called Scientific Fraud.

Hans von Lieven

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on December 08, 2007, 02:20:36 PM
QuoteThis is the bit that got me so angry,

Yeah, get over yourself Hansie. pff!

Lets have you read my opinion of this topic.

Lawrence is this and he is that etc etc etc

But it's his topic? OR NOT?

The other posters seem to enjoy bashing a person 10 vs 1.

Now compared to what ever delusion the topic starter MAY have this is a far greater mental illness. You get on the internet web lower your pants and try to swing your cock into peoples face? hahaha??

It's all cool with me but it doesn't add much value to your 3rd party insanity claims. You are the one with his pants down here.

You are far more insane as Lawrence. Lawrence is clearly the one working towards a goal. How he does that is his business, I couldn't care less nor are my complaints about his method interesting to anyone.

Unless they have some harassment fetish of course.

Sure Mr Tseung never replies to any nice posting made at his address limiting the replies to the general negativity you gays spew up here.

For me it's obvious his delusion is far more acceptable as that of you cyber cockroaches.

You cant imagine how hard it made me laugh when I applied each and every one of Lawrence hypothesis up to working contraptions.

It was at least as funny as when Lawrence didn't talk back when I announced this to him.

The pendulum:
After Milkovic it should all be obvious to you. Don't ask Lawrence, ask milkovic what he is doing. Don't as GI joe but ask GW Bush.

The pulse pendulum.
Swing a north pole over a north pole slows the pendulum down.

Swing north over south accelerates the pendulum.

AND Swinging conductor+north over a north AND a south pole makes the conductor flip polarity and it makes the pendulum swing further up at the other side.

The lead out theory
We are submerged into numerous wave fields. Build a cosmic radio and you have electricity. Build a Atmos clock and it will run until the parts are worn out.

energy from still air
The purpose of a vehicle seems to be transportation. But energy is not used for the transportation of the vehicle it self, it's the transportation of the surrounding air that sucks up all the horse powers.

By simply applying the energy from air theory it becomes hard to ignore this enormous pressure gradient produced by any car. As if Victor Schauberger didn't show this already?

law of the parallelogram
This is the same concept as Newman used.


The joke?

All Lawrence predictions have already come true! LOL!!

Still my own theory is most interesting. I'm looking for ways to make negative energy complement positive. I'm looking for ways to combine 2 opposing forces.

But I'm beginning to understand the way people respond is far more interesting as the actual devices.

So much engineering left to do here?? ahh guys??

Lets have an example of this:

The most hilarious thing I found in this forum was when I looked up Xpenzif previous postings and found my own topic. Not one of you fake researchers bothered to look over his previous posts.

And I would be the stupid one here.

Yeah right.


You are all CIA but such lousy detectives huh? Maybe try a job at the mcdonalds?

ohh I forgot to explain energy from the watter hammer. O well, lets leave that part for Lawrence. ...

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RD Edwards on December 08, 2007, 03:46:03 PM
Two opposing forces, hahaha They equal ZERO, same as your iq. Talk about cockroaches!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 08, 2007, 05:58:31 PM
Hans and the CIA et al,

I destroyed one of my beach pumps and took out the two one-way valves for your benefit.  My US$10 dinner is costing me more.  I have to think of the dish to make it worthwhile.

The one-way valve of the simple beach pump contains a thin Flap.  This Flap opens in the "go" direction.  Air or water or air+water can pass easily when it opens.  This Flap closes in the "stop" direction.  Air or water or air+water cannot pass when it closes.  In addition, in the closed position, the back pressure will not be passed through.

In the hand operated beach pump, these one-way valves open and close.  The flow could not be uniform even with the two pumps.

When we watched the flow of air+water going up via the clear plastic pipe, we could see such jerky movements.  The ratio of air to water can be altered by adjusting the water tank valve and/or the pumping speed.

Please understand the operation of these one-way valves under the condition of air+water in a non-constant flow state.  The best way for those who want experimental proof is to set up the system as in 640 and play with it.  Then help Hans out with his US$10.

Lawrence Tseung
Understand action of one-way valves.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 08, 2007, 06:46:19 PM
@ Gaby et al:

I think the point here is this.  When someone CLAIMS to have discovered a FANTASTIC new energy device on a forum such as this, I believe, yes, it is my opinion, that the burden of proof is on the CLAIMER.  For example, if I claimed that my earth battery was powering 1,000 LEDs and told everyone how fantastic that is I should expect at least someone to ask for some kind of proof, photos, video, etc.  When I do NOT provide such and continue to make my claims I think I should very well expect to come under some degree of ridicule.  This is prudent in my opinion.  The more fantastic the claim, the more detailed analysis and full disclosure is required for it.  Otherwise, what is the point of being on here in the first place?  If I am working on something I never intended to share with everyone here, than why would I share just a bit here and there and offer no proof of an actual working device?

Lawrence has said a few times that he is not an experimenter but a theoretician.  That's fine with me as far as that goes.  But, as such, he should not make claims over and over again that can not be backed up with experimentations and replications by many.  I have no problem with anyone that appears to have a breakthrough that seems to be at odds with accepted present scientific knowledge.  Any giant leap will probably have to do so.  But again, to continue to claim such a leap without any efforts at supplying evidence to back it up will continue to get my sarcastic replies.  This is what keeps us all honest (to a point ) on here. 

Gaby, you "claim" that you have done all of Lawrence's experiments and they all work even better than he said they would.  Great.  Good for you.  Why not help Lawrence out by posting photos, video, etc of these replications that work so well?  Talk is cheap, we all know that.

My last point is this.  I know there are some people on this forum, and forums everywhere, that you can supply with plans, replications, videos, photos, etc. and they would still not be satisfied that it was not faked.  I don't know what to say to those people.  I am not one of them.  They are counterproductive to all of our efforts, as are those that make outlandish "scientific" claims with no effort to support them or back them up.  Our work continues.  Thank you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 08, 2007, 07:38:53 PM
What do you say to a guy who wants to explain to a retired engineer how a one way valve works and what it looks like?

I think we should appoint Lawrence as the Court Jester of the overunity forum.

He could have his own thread and we could all have a bit of fun and comedy.

But what to call it????


Oh I got it, we could call it:

The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 08, 2007, 07:46:49 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 08, 2007, 07:38:53 PM
What do you say to a guy who wants to explain to a retired engineer how a one way valve works and what it looks like?

I think we should appoint Lawrence as the Court Jester of the overunity forum.

He could have his own thread and we could all have a bit of fun and comedy.

But what to call it????


Oh I got it, we could call it:

The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory

Hans von Lieven


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 08, 2007, 08:24:26 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 08, 2007, 07:38:53 PM
What do you say to a guy who wants to explain to a retired engineer how a one way valve works and what it looks like?

Hans von Lieven


When would you do the experiment as shown on 640 with the one-way valves?  If you do not want to climb 34 floors, I am quite happy to accept 4.

Do the experiment before you accuse a top scientist as fraud.

If you are struggling with how to save US$10, ask your CIA or the Like friends.  You might have built devices transporting grains.  However, you have not done this particular experiment with thin tubes and cheap one-way valves transporting air+water.  

Have you studied 643 and 758 yet?  I shall wait for a confirmed dinner before providing more education.


Do not worry about people attacking me.  I am having fun.  You know that the earth is round.  Hundreds of prests, bishops and the Pope himself may gather millions of faithfuls to denounce it.  Who will win out in the end.

Lawrence Tseung
Fraud? From one who did the experiment or from one who dreamed in his armchair?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 08, 2007, 08:52:52 PM

I don't think anyone here is attacking you...well, ok, maybe some but for the most part, I think they are attacking your ideas and theories.  You keep saying that you did the experiment and all we get to see is a picture of a pump or a chair or a valve.  This was one of my problems with Newman.  In one of his videos he said.."And, if you were to go outside right now and look at the electric meter, it would not be spinning."  Great!  This is video, show us the electric meter not spinning.  Afterall, he makes videos for crying out loud.  This is what I feel we are getting from you.  I mean no personal offense.  Don't show us photos of pumps or valves or chairs...show us from step one through step...whatever, in a video, or at least a pictorial series that walks us through the experiment.  Show us the "wet" tissue 34 floors up.  I guess this is like show and tell and right now, and all along, you have been telling with no real showing. Others here may agree with me or not, I don't really care.  I am not alone here in saying that we want your ideas to be real, that is why we are here and do what we do.  Check out my Earth Battery experiments video.  While this is no prize winning video to be sure, I attempted to walk people through the process as if they were all standing there with me.  Yes, I stammered a bit and misstated a few things and the video quality was not great, but, at least people could see what I did, and how I did it and could easily replicate what I did.  And, more importantly, possibly do something better.  That is what I think this site is all about.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mq9ZKDKDclY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mq9ZKDKDclY)

I believe there are a lot of intelligent, well educated, dedicated experimenters here that would love to dive in and examine your theories.  They are not going to waste their time when all they get in response to their valid questions are responses like "you are not a scientist, you can't possibly understand" etc. "Here is a picture of a one way valve," etc.  I don't think you are a bad guy, possibly a little misguided, but if you document your ideas as I have suggested, a lot of experiments will take place all over the world that will either prove your ideas or not. Thanks for listening.  Give my best to Forever.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 08, 2007, 08:54:21 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 08, 2007, 08:24:26 PM

Do the experiment before you accuse a top scientist as fraud.

Lawrence Tseung
Fraud? From one who did the experiment or from one who dreamed in his armchair?

Top Scientist? Who bestowed that title upon you? That's why most people on this thread have difficulty with your mental state. It's not just that you don't understand that scientific proclamation needs to be backed up with reproducible data and not just wishy washy nonsense.

Sorry Lawrence. The scientific world is much more demanding in this modern era then when you were born.

In Langley, we are very good at what we do. We can even read your mind.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: allcanadian on December 08, 2007, 09:31:14 PM
There are sure a lot of rude people on this thread, sometimes people get like that where one starts in and the rest follow like sheep as if somehow because one has crossed the line it becomes accepable. In any case I ilke the statement you made that I have quoted below .
Quote(1)   To test the Law of Action and Reaction when applied to circular motion.

(2)   Some people said that when we swing a heavy object circularly and then let go, the object will fly away in a tangential direction.  There will be a reaction to move the axle (person spinning the object) in the equal and opposite direction.

(3)   Some others disagreed.  They said that in the case of centripetal forces, the Law of Action and Reaction could not be followed blindly as described in (2).  The axle (person spinning the object) will not feel a force in the equal and opposite direction.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 08, 2007, 09:36:08 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on December 08, 2007, 08:52:52 PM

I don't think anyone here is attacking you...well, ok, maybe some.....

I believe there are a lot of intelligent, well educated, dedicated experimenters here that would love to dive in and examine your theories. 


Dear Bill,

I shall ask Forever to take care the experiments and the explanations.

The first group of experiments is to do with energy from still air.

The second group of experiments is related to extracting or lead out energy from gravity or electron motion.

Just be kind to her.

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on December 08, 2007, 10:02:52 PM
I shall talk about the first group of the experiment. The purpose is to demonstrate that we can extract energy from still air.

Air is not a fuel but it is an energy carrier. Air flowing into a system carries a certain amount of energy.(Eair-in).Air flow out from a system also carry a certain amount of energy.(Eair-out) Eair-in can be greater than Eair-out.

The formula is
Eair-in = pressure of air-in * volume of air-in
Eair-out=pressure of air-out * volume of air-out

Experiment A
In reply 640, air +water was sent upwards via air pump and one-way valves. The pictures of the apparatus were shown in reply 845- 848.

The first thing demonstrated was that water could be deliver to great heights with the air pump. The normal back pressure problem was overcome by the use of the one-way valves. Reply 848 showed the delivery of water to five floors.

The second thing that should be done is to compare the actual energy input from the air pump with the potential energy gained by the water. Mr. Tseung left this part to others and the data from this part is no longer the intellectual property of Mr. Tseung.

The input energy can be accurately measured with volt and amp meters across the electric pump. The output energy can be determined by the formula mgh where m is the mass of water delivered in the given time; g is the gravitational constant and h is the height.

For those who want to do experiments, please check out the above replies and continue the second part of the experiment. Then, the data will belong to these experimenters. They can decide whether to post it free on this forum.

I shall do it when I have time or I can get help from some of my more scientific orientated friends. Don?t rush me.  :o :o :o
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on December 08, 2007, 10:19:08 PM

As I said previously...Lawrence should have his own reality show.

I wood also add all his protagonists on this and other threads should be included...thats entertainment.

For all the personal insults and accusations, no one seems to be able to gain an intellectual edge on teflon Lawrence.

I don't know how he does it.

My best regards to the entire cast.

Have the writers tone down the slander tho...this is a family show after all... :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 08, 2007, 10:21:02 PM
Quote from: Forever on December 08, 2007, 10:02:52 PM
I Mr. Tseung left this part to others and the data from this part is no longer the intellectual property of Mr. Tseung.

Excuse me Forever. Since old Tseung will not issue his experimental data to back up his wacko theories, can you please explain what is the Intellectual Property he is protecting? And I don't mean those other wishy washy 'Chinese' patents.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on December 08, 2007, 10:28:14 PM
Experiment B

One question in my mind is whether to do the complete experiment with the water delivered to a great height flow down to power the electric pump and more. If this can be done, we shall have a machine that can power itself totally from the energy of still air.

Mr. Tseung is extremely confident about extracting energy from gravity or from electron motion. He believes those machines are more efficient and practical. He thinks a tall tower of water is stupid.

I shall wait for your comments before I even start designing the experiments.
;D :P :-X
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nightlife on December 08, 2007, 10:35:45 PM
I don?t quite understand why people are arguing the fact that air and or water could be pumped up 34 stories. Maybe I am missing something here but I don?t see the problem or the significance here.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 08, 2007, 10:40:33 PM
Quote from: Forever on December 08, 2007, 10:28:14 PM
Experiment B

One question in my mind is whether to do the complete experiment with the water delivered to a great height flow down to power the electric pump and more. If this can be done, we shall have a machine that can power itself totally from the energy of still air.

Mr. Tseung is extremely confident about extracting energy from gravity or from electron motion. He believes those machines are more efficient and practical. He thinks a tall tower of water is stupid.

I shall wait for your comments before I even start designing the experiments.
;D :P :-X

I believe Mr. Tseung is extremely capable of believing in himself. Just that the rest of the world don't necessarily hold the same opinion. Got it?

Just don't let the old man brain wash you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on December 08, 2007, 11:09:03 PM
Experiment C

Mr. Tseung taught me to look at patent databases, mainly in China and in USA. There are many patent applications related to energy from still air in China recently. Instead of doing additional experiments ourselves, we can use such patent information.

The particular one I want to bring your attention to is passed to us from Mr. Patrick Kelly. It is the Richard Clem invention.

? In 1992, Richard Clem who lived in Texas, demonstrated a self-powered engine of an unusual type. This engine, which he had been developing for twenty years or more, weighed about 200 pounds (90 kilos) and generated a measured 350 horsepower continuously over a period of nine days when self-powered. Although this engine which runs from 1,800 to 2,300 rpm is especially suited to powering an electrical generator, Richard did install one in a car, and estimated that it would run for 150,000 miles without any need for attention and without any kind of fuel. Richard said that his prototype car had reached a speed of 105 mph. Just after receiving funding to produce his engine, Richard died suddenly and unexpectedly at about 48 years of age, the death certificate having ?heart attack? written on it as the cause of death. Remarkably convenient timing for the oil companies who would have lost major amounts of money through reduced gasoline sales, had Richard?s motor gone into production.?

The details are in the attached file. It looks like the theory of using energy from still air may be applicable. Since this is non- patented, we may be able to reproduce it without legal problems. We can give credit to Mr. Richard Clem.

I shall try to explain this in detail later.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on December 08, 2007, 11:22:30 PM
Quote from: Forever on December 08, 2007, 11:09:03 PM

The details are in the attached file. It looks like the theory of using energy from still air may be applicable. Since this is non- patented, we may be able to reproduce it without legal problems. We can give credit to Mr. Richard Clem.

I shall try to explain this in detail later.  ;D ;D

First of all, this machine looks prohibitively difficult for an amateur or hobbyist to replicate.  Second, you are not even sure that any of Tseung's principles apply here.  No air is pumped, only oil.  Or does any device which contains any air (read - just about every device under the sun) somehow produce energy out of air?  Maybe the energy is coming from somewhere else?  How do you know?

Anyway, how about something simpler?  What about that wheel that gains spin time when tubes of shifting sand are attached?  No one here seems to be able to replicate this. 

For you, that should be very easy to replicate and will prove Tseung's theory beyond doubt.  You already have the wheel - Tseung built one - just videotape the experiment.  Do be sure to include weights in the control experiment, as we do not want that to be an issue.  We already know that a wheel with more weight on the rim is better able to retain energy.  Thanks.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 08, 2007, 11:23:54 PM

I look forward to looking at your experiments.  If you can document them step by step so they can be easily replicated then I think we will all be getting somewhere. (video or photos)  I have an open mind as to what the results might be.  I will be willing to attempt to replicate a documented experiment showing anything that looks promising.  Best of luck to you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on December 08, 2007, 11:29:43 PM
I just spoke to the inventor Mr. Wang Shum Ho. Mr. Wang will come down to discuss possible IPO on December 14. He has invited MR. Tseung and myself to meet him. I have seen his picture many times but I have not met him in person yet.

I shall post more after the meeting. I hope to get the permission from him to do a proof- of- concept experiment. Apparently, the product based on his invention will be available in the near future. I am excited! ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on December 08, 2007, 11:36:08 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on December 08, 2007, 11:22:30 PM
Quote from: Forever on December 08, 2007, 11:09:03 PM

The details are in the attached file. It looks like the theory of using energy from still air may be applicable. Since this is non- patented, we may be able to reproduce it without legal problems. We can give credit to Mr. Richard Clem.

I shall try to explain this in detail later.  ;D ;D

First of all, this machine looks prohibitively difficult for an amateur or hobbyist to replicate.  Second, you are not even sure that any of Tseung's principles apply here.  No air is pumped, only oil.  Or does any device which contains any air (read - just about every device under the sun) somehow produce energy out of air?  Maybe the energy is coming from somewhere else?  How do you know?

Anyway, how about something simpler?  What about that wheel that gains spin time when tubes of shifting sand are attached?  No one here seems to be able to replicate this. 

For you, that should be very easy to replicate and will prove Tseung's theory beyond doubt.  You already have the wheel - Tseung built one - just videotape the experiment.  Do be sure to include weights in the control experiment, as we do not want that to be an issue.  We already know that a wheel with more weight on the rim is better able to retain energy.  Thanks.

Thank you for your comments.
I will determine my priorities.The top priority is of course my study. ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 09, 2007, 07:09:15 AM
Quote from: nightlife on December 08, 2007, 10:35:45 PM
I don?t quite understand why people are arguing the fact that air and or water could be pumped up 34 stories. Maybe I am missing something here but I don?t see the problem or the significance here.

It is a stepping stone to getting Energy from Still Air.

Getting Energy from Still Air leads to Getting Energy from Gravity and Electron Motion Fields.

Getting Energy from Gravity and Electon Motion Fields leads to the Flying Saucer.

We essentially solved the energy and transportation problems of the World.

Please read 643 and 758 for details.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on December 09, 2007, 09:07:53 AM

@ mramos,

I am here for previously posted positive reasons - and also for entertainment and enjoyment.

You are because you say you are bored...others are here for other various reasons - yet the fact remains we all are here.

Which is why Lawrence should have his own show - simply put, he draws a crowd.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 09, 2007, 04:44:18 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on December 09, 2007, 09:07:53 AM

@ mramos,

I am here for previously posted positive reasons - and also for entertainment and enjoyment.

You are because you say you are bored...others are here for other various reasons - yet the fact remains we all are here.

Which is why Lawrence should have his own show - simply put, he draws a crowd.


The crowd I would like to draw most is the Senior Chinese Officials.  They are the ones who can help to provide project funding.

I should thank Hans and the CIA or the Like et al for mounting the fraud challenge in the last few weeks.  It caught the attention of more Senior Chinese Officials.  They wanted to see me presenting together with Wang Shum Ho.

There is zero chance that we could be wrong or hoax or fraud.  Hans really helped by openly announcing that the experiments were cooked up.  We could never deliver water up 34 floors using a half horsepower air pump.  This now results in our having a chance to present and may be funded to do the actual development officially.

Hans, please accuse me of fraud again on the spinning wheels.  Tell the world that my cylinders of sand could not possibly make the rotational time longer.  Tell them your 40-years experience is better than the wheels in front of their eyes.  Tell them that the concept of unbalanced pulse rotation could not possibly be right.  Please do that.  I can then have another chance to get Forever to present in front of Senior Chinese Officials.

Lawrence Tseung
Hans, ChrisC, CIA or the Like et al, please accuse me of Hoax and Fraud.  Your accusation brings me opportunities.  Thank you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 09, 2007, 05:18:44 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 09, 2007, 04:44:18 PM

The crowd I would like to draw most is the Senior Chinese Officials.  They are the ones who can help to provide project funding.Lawrence Tseung
Hans, ChrisC, CIA or the Like et al, please accuse me of Hoax and Fraud.  Your accusation brings me opportunities.  Thank you.

Poor old Tseung. If you have any concepts of brilliant discoveries and has the corresponding proofs, you need some scum back senor Chinese Officials to give you money. There are VC's even in Hong Kong! Fortunately, the smart money people in the world, in Asia or the West, still understands that the burden of proof lies with the so called 'brilliant' inventor. Just in this case, that 'brilliant' inventor is not what we can conclude as such?

Talk is cheap. Theories are even cheaper. Excuses like 'can't drill holes with electric drill...' are beyond me! We in the CIA, can't even differentiate you from the common guy on the street, never mind about looking for that top scientist! It's all in your mind Lawrence. Please watch that movie, 'The beautiful mind'. It might help you understand reality a little better. I think Forever should do the same too, take  abreak from your studies.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on December 09, 2007, 10:30:31 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 02:31:13 PM
General Magnetics is NOT a public company.  They plan to have their IPO in 2008 after product introduction.  They have a number of working Cosmic Energy Machine prototypes in development.  Wang Shum Ho is one of the nine Vice Presidents.  His device will be one of them.

I know that they researched the Hungarian EBM thoroughly.  They accepted that it was not a hoax.  I believe China already ordered a large unit from Hungary.  Wang Shum Ho helped to introduce our Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory to them.

From my last communication with Wang, the high priority product would be an electricity generator for a village or a large factory.  The existing electrical grid will not be altered.  Some of the key investors are existing Power Companies in China. 

Two Models of the Wang Shum Ho Device have been submitted to the China Certification Authorities for a six-month safety test.

Now I am confused.  You first say that Wang Shum Ho is already working with a company, General Magnetics, and his device is going to market.  You also say that the existing power companies in China are already investors.

If this is true, why do you need more funding from Senior Chinese Officials?  It seems like funding is already in place, namely from the power companies, no?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nightlife on December 09, 2007, 10:53:38 PM
I have a hard time believing that power company's would want to fund a project that could jeopardize their profits as well as their existence unless they are looking to retain the copy rights so that no one can build them.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on December 09, 2007, 11:54:42 PM
Quote from: nightlife on December 09, 2007, 10:53:38 PM
I have a hard time believing that power company's would want to fund a project that could jeopardize their profits as well as their existence unless they are looking to retain the copy rights so that no one can build them.
When one is in business it is folly to suppress or ignore emerging competitive technology.
The ONLY way to go is to embrace, develop and use it. Any other action will ultimately result in business death.

This conspiracy stuff is utter bull.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 10, 2007, 12:08:57 AM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on December 09, 2007, 09:07:53 AM

@ mramos,

I am here for previously posted positive reasons - and also for entertainment and enjoyment.

You are because you say you are bored...others are here for other various reasons - yet the fact remains we all are here.

Which is why Lawrence should have his own show - simply put, he draws a crowd.


Some of the crowd are actually Senior Officials from both China and USA.

Thanks to Hans and others for challenging my experiments.  That got the attention and interest of these Officials.  It created opportunity for me to present to them and their top technical advisors in both China and USA.

So the challenge is good.  I have absolute confidence in the Lee-Tseung Theory and the Energy from Still Air Theory.  The described experiments are reproducible.  

Hans, please tell the World from your 40+ years experience why the experiments could not work.    Please get more professors and engineers to support you.  (Or get more CIA or the Like agents.) Tell the World that they are hoaxes andf frauds.  Then I could demonstrate with great impact.

Lawrence Tseung
Challenges drew out the crowd - including Imporant Officials.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 10, 2007, 12:16:26 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 10, 2007, 12:08:57 AM

Some of the crowd are actually Senior Officials from both China and USA.


Wow! New changes again! Now the (US) Senior Officials are also coming too. Kind of short notice isn't it?
I've got to check with my CIA bosses whether the FBI or State Department representatives are also being invited.
Mmmm maybe Rumsfield or Cheney, or maybe even Rice too?

It sure is getting crowded. Any tickets left for that Comedy Show?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nightlife on December 10, 2007, 02:14:46 AM
chrisC, why do you continue to bust ltseung888's balls? Do you have any proven research or any reasonable reason to say it cant be done and if so, could you please post it for us?

If you have no evidence to support your claim then please stop busting this guys balls.

Do you have anything to offer this forum other then ridicule? If so, please post it because I couldn't find a posting of you having any inventions in mind or any ideas that would help any of the other inventions and or ideas here.

There is a difference between not understanding and knowing and by you attacking this person without giving a reason only shows your inability to understand his concept. People like you keep some people with good ideas from posting here and on other forums and we need all the ideas we can get to change things for the better for us all. So please stop busting members balls for ideas they have unless you have proof and or a reasonable reason why they will not work.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 10, 2007, 02:23:27 AM
Quote from: nightlife on December 10, 2007, 02:14:46 AM
chrisC, why do you continue to bust ltseung888's balls? Do you have any proven research or any reasonable reason to say it cant be done and if so, could you please post it for us?

If you have no evidence to support your claim then please stop busting this guys balls.


Hey Nightlife:

Think for a moment. When this 'top scientist' continue to spit out baloney, you know if there where all this stuff is leading to.  If it was so simple, don't you think the scientific community would have jumped to embraced his theories and say: "Oh, why didn't we think of that!". Now, who has endorsed this stuff since Post # 1, never mind about the hundreds of posts at Steorn forum.

Need I say anymore. Are you so simple minded?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nightlife on December 10, 2007, 03:45:03 AM
chrisC, who is to say that the scientific community doesn't know about this? Who is to say that this isn't being hid from us? The same goes for all the thinks we talk about here. I for one can not believe that we are the only ones to think of the things we talk about here.

There are some things that disturb me about his allegations but I would think with all the top secret scientist we have, they most likely know of this and all others but are not allowed to let the public know about them. When people start showing them, they end up dead and or never heard from again. That is why it may be best for people like us to just tell everyone about our ideas so that we can build them ourselves and or sell kits like some others do. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on December 10, 2007, 05:21:14 AM
The phrase 'Flogging a Dead Horse'  comes to mind.

Hans, Chris: May be time to just let them be.  Kudos for trying.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 10, 2007, 08:14:37 AM
Quote from: nightlife on December 10, 2007, 03:45:03 AM
That is why it may be best for people like us to just tell everyone about our ideas so that we can build them ourselves and or sell kits like some others do. 

And that is why we have been asking mr Tseung for clear and exact descriptions of his experiments and measurements, so that we can replicate them ourselves.
That would be equivalent to having your own do-it-yourself kit.
The problem, and the main reason why ChrisC and others are rightfully "busting his balls" as you call it, is that mr Tseung only keeps repeating how fantastic his theory is, but he never gives these very clear descriptions and measurements that we ask for.
He in fact does not provide any substantiating proof of his "theory" at all.
If a guy comes up to you and says "I have a great theory and can tell you how to extract free energy from still air" and you ask "How?", you would expect the guy to say "Like this. See? And here's my measurements that clearly prove it."
But this guy comes up to us and says he has a great heory, and we say "How?", and he says "Because it is great and you don't understand it.". We then say "That is not what we asked.", and he replies "You just don't understand, but it really is great, and it is proof that OU is possible!".
Again, we go "Alright, but How? Explain please.", but the guy only keeps repeating what he already said, and still never explains how.
That's what is going on here. Tseung claims he has the solution to generating free energy, but he refuses to give any experiments that we could test to substantiate his claim, he refuses to substantiate his own claim, and he refuses to give clear explanation. He even refuses to admit his "theory" is in fact not a theory but an extrapolation of his personal interpretation of certain classical physics formulae.
It's like the argument little kids often have, where one keeps shouting "Yes!" and the other keeps shouting "No!". It doesn't go anywhere.

Now we have finally pieced together the water pump experiment mainly by ourselves because Tseung was extremely unwilling to even give a clear description of the setup, and now that we fianlly know what we're talking about and an experienced retired physicist has given his analysis, mr Tseung reverts back to his practise of ignoring the fact that he has been disproven and falls back to blowing his own horn and acting as if nothing happened. He does that every time someone says something intelligent that shows his claims unsubstantiated. It's the ostrich-effect: something happens you don't like, stick your head down the sand and hope that it goes away.
mr Tseung does this all the time. And then he starts accusing us of not wanting to understand him, or even of being CIA agents. Which again just goes to show the degree of sanity mr Tseung has command over.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RD Edwards on December 10, 2007, 10:12:44 AM
quote: "Some of the crowd are actually Senior Officials from both China and USA.
Thanks to Hans and others for challenging my experiments.  That got the attention and interest of these Officials.  It created opportunity for me to present to them and their top technical advisors in both China and USA."

So out of all the boards, out of all the flame wars in the world on the internet, out of all the experiments for free energy on youtube, Hans gets the attention of the Chinese govt with his posts recently? Really?  How did he get their attention when they already gave you the keys to the city? With patents no less from them?

I think Mr. Lawrence has proven that he is totally incapable of even holding a conversation, let alone the keys to mankinds future. There is NO WAY a govt would all of a sudden call or email tseung and say hey! I hear hans disagrees with you, lets build that thing! (even though they already have he says).

I think he is nuts, I think forever is tseung, and so are all the other personalities like fung, and I think the most important hot button for people in dealing with this fraud is this:
He cant stand it when people disagree with him. You can write him for years with no response to his hotmail address, but when you write him saying it doesnt work, he writes you right back! Thats a fact.
And here is one thing that nobody can deny, if they are on the fence, like I was for so long: If lawrence had spent as much time building a 10 dollar device for proof, or learning to run an electric drill (God forbid!) instead of scribbling furiously on here, he may have been listened to. But now we can throw his name in with PT Barnum and all the rest. Next!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 10, 2007, 05:29:47 PM
G'day all,

@Koen, I have never claimed to be a physicist. I am merely a humble engineer, though I did major in physics for my degree.

@ Lawrence

There is no way in which static back pressure can be cancelled or ameliorated with one way valves. Periodic, or pulsed, back pressure yes, but not the static component. In a system such as described there is ONLY static back pressure and any inclusion of one way valves will only impede the process.

I challenge you or anyone to prove my analysis of the square wheel and the still air concept wrong on a scientific basis.

I, as well as anyone else, am subject to criticism and analysis of what I say. But let that criticism be founded on science and not on wild accusations of membership in the CIA or with fictitious anecdotal "evidence" or for that matter by claiming academic seniority.

Hans von Lieven

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 11, 2007, 03:04:28 AM
To: ltseung@hotmail.com
Subject: DoD JTF

Hi Lawrence,

I have been assigned to an energy Joint Task Force that meets every other month to review various technologies for funding/implementation.

As a member of this JTF, I have a say in which techs are recommended for funding.

Please reply with that best tech you know of that can be demo'd and would allow me to present the tech to the other members of the JTF.


Do you believe in the existence of XXX?

There is no harm in providing him with information to benefit the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 11, 2007, 03:11:16 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 11, 2007, 03:04:28 AM
To: ltseung@hotmail.com
Subject: DoD JTF

Hi Lawrence,

I have been assigned to an energy Joint Task Force that meets every other month to review various technologies for funding/implementation.

As a member of this JTF, I have a say in which techs are recommended for funding.

Please reply with that best tech you know of that can be demo'd and would allow me to present the tech to the other members of the JTF.


Do you believe in the existence of XXX?

There is no harm in providing him with information to benefit the World.

I believe more in magic shows and circus acts more than XXX in JTF created in old Tseung's circular mind!

Dream on Lawrence. Seems like what you do best each day.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 11, 2007, 03:12:26 AM
My reply to XXX, consultant to DoD (Department of Defense) of USA.

If I were to recommend Cosmic Energy Machine projects to a Government, I would propose the following:

(1)   Energy from Still Air projects.  This is the fastest and easiest to demonstrate.  The material cost for the proof-of-concept experiment is less than USD100.  The apparatus could be built within days.  The implementation diagrams can be seen in http://www.overunity.com forum under he Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory Thread.  The relevant replies are 640, 845-848.  The particular invention is useful for transporting water to great heights and long distances at a steady rate. 

(2)   Energy from Gravity projects.  Chas Campbell reported privately that his flywheel could do the following:

-       Start the Device and allow the flywheel to spin to designed speed with the output generator disconnected.

-          Disconnect the Input Motor.  The flywheel continued to rotate at approximately the same speed.

-          Connect the flywheel to the output generator and a 75-watt light bulb.  The light bulb would be on for long periods.  (Much longer than would be expected from the mechanical energy stored in the flywheel.)

-        This may be a validation of the Leading Out of gravitational energy via an unbalanced wheel as predicted by the Lee-Tseung Theory.

-          If this could be independently confirmed, many devices using the same technique would be possible.

(3)   Energy from Electron Motion projects.  The best example is one slice of the 225 horsepower Pulse Motor project.  That slice could generate over 20 horsepower.  The technology is an improvement over the Newman, Bedini or the Adams Motor.  The improvement is mainly the addition of a program to adjust the input to the external load.  This can be the most practical device.  It should be better than the huge Hungarian EBM machines.

(4)   Flying Saucer Projects.  The basic theory is similar to the letting go of the chained ball.  In this case, the force holding the ?spinning ball? is likely to be magnetic in nature.  At the appropriate time, the magnetic force would be cut.  The spinning or rotating ball would carry the entire apparatus in the tangential direction.

(5)   The Flux Change Projects.  According to Lee Cheung Kin who went to Japan for this particular purpose, the Japanese Company is gearing up for production already.

I personally would recommend an International Cooperation Effort on this new field of Cosmic Energy Machines.  This new field will not be limited to one or two inventions.  Hundreds if not thousands of devices using Energy from Still Air, Gravitational and Electron Motion Energy will emerge in the near future.  The future of the entire Human Race will be affected.


Lawrence Tseung

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 11, 2007, 04:05:39 AM
Getting a one-page summary for Wang et al.

Oops.  Not ready.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 11, 2007, 06:27:40 AM
Hahahahahaha :D Your comedy show is getting funnier and funnier by the day!

So you are in contact with agent XXX from the DOD? And you accuse US of being CIA agents? Tsk Tsk!
Are you sure it was agent XXX from the DOD?
Or was it agent Dud from the XXX?

Come on man, you can't believe this yourself...
You expect us to believe that the Chinese government would allow you to hand a revolutionary free energy solution over to the U.S. Defense Department, and would not classify and/or build it for own use immediately? I mean, ignoring the fact that all these government agencies probably find it just as nonsensical as the majority of your audience here does, of course.

At risk of being flooded with yet more nonsense, I would like to leave your nonsense about the water pump experiment and the pendulum observations aside for now, and would like to hear eactly how you propose to extract electricity directly from gravity. And I do mean hear how you propose to do it exactly, not some list of possible ideas that don't acutally amount to an experiment, like you have done before.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 11, 2007, 01:25:40 PM
Dear Keon1,

I would like to settle one issue after another.  In Physics or Mathematics, sometimes when you do not understand one section, you will not be able to follow the next section.  This is why some students find Physics and Mathematics difficult.  (For example, if you do not understand addition, you will not be able to follow multiplication).

In the case of delivering air+water to a great height with an air pump and one-way valves, a physicist must be totally satisfied that the experiment is absolutely correct and verifiable because of its implications.  Hans says that it is a hoax or fraud without replicating the experiment.

The challenge to the Forum Members is for some of you to actually do the experiment.  You do not need to send water to the 34th floor.  Sending to the 4th floor will be enough proof-of-concept.

Without absolute confidence in the experimental result, further discussion will be pointless and more confusing.  I shall explain the implication in a separate post.

Lawrence Tseung
Absolute confidence in the experimental result is necessary for understanding its profound Physics Implications.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 11, 2007, 01:51:07 PM
The profound Physics Implications of the air+water air pump experiment.

Let us accept that air+water can indeed be pumped to a greater height as described in 640.  The First Physics Implication is that it will not violate the First Law of Thermodynamics or the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Energy from Still Air is used.  The system is not a closed system.

So far so good.  The next question is that if Energy is extracted from Still Air, what will happen to the resulting temperature?

If we do an additional measurement of temperature at the Input and at the Output, we would find that the temperature at the Output is cooler.  Some experimenter will immediately say that this is expected as the slightly compressed air+water expands. 

However, the Second Physics Implication is enormous.  The Second Implication is that when the energy from still air is used, there will be a lowering of temperature.  This means we have a machine that can do Global Cooling.  Heavy use of it will reverse Global Warming.

I shall pause here for you all to comment and understand.  This is also the reason why I recommend it to the Chinese, USA and other Governments of the World.  Global Warming can be reversed!  We can save the World by reversing the Global Warming with Energy from Still Air Machines.

Lawrence Tseung
Understanding the Physics Implications is important before we can save the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 11, 2007, 02:36:17 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 11, 2007, 01:51:07 PM
The profound Physics Implications of the air+water air pump experiment.

Let us accept that air+water can indeed be pumped to a greater height as described in 640.  The First Physics Implication is that it will not violate the First Law of Thermodynamics or the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Energy from Still Air is used.  The system is not a closed system.

So far so good.  The next question is that if Energy is extracted from Still Air, what will happen to the resulting temperature?

If we do an additional measurement of temperature at the Input and at the Output, we would find that the temperature at the Output is cooler.  Some experimenter will immediately say that this is expected as the slightly compressed air+water expands. 

However, the Second Physics Implication is enormous.  The Second Implication is that when the energy from still air is used, there will be a lowering of temperature.  This means we have a machine that can do Global Cooling.  Heavy use of it will reverse Global Warming.

I shall pause here for you all to comment and understand.  This is also the reason why I recommend it to the Chinese, USA and other Governments of the World.  Global Warming can be reversed!  We can save the World by reversing the Global Warming with Energy from Still Air Machines.

Lawrence Tseung
Understanding the Physics Implications is important before we can save the World.

There is already a very large machine in operation that does precisely that.

Using as an energy input the sun's radiation the water and air are elevated in temperature and a rising air stream carries tiny droplets of water upwards where it strikes a colder layer and loses heat, forming a precipitate that falls down again.

The surface phenomenon is known as evaporation, the precipitate is called rain and the overall process is called weather. The machine is so big it covers the entire globe.

How do you propose to add to this process with a few pipes sticking into the air?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 11, 2007, 05:06:04 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 11, 2007, 02:36:17 PM
There is already a very large machine in operation that does precisely that.

Using as an energy input the sun's radiation the water and air are elevated in temperature and a rising air stream carries tiny droplets of water upwards where it strikes a colder layer and loses heat, forming a precipitate that falls down again.

The surface phenomenon is known as evaporation, the precipitate is called rain and the overall process is called weather. The machine is so big it covers the entire globe.

How do you propose to add to this process with a few pipes sticking into the air?

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

Your thinking is getting closer.  If you imagine the water tank as a dam, the water stored in the dam can power turbines to generate electricity.  The process you described is used to refill the dam.  That is a known way to use ?Free Energy?.

However, not every place on Earth has good sunshine.  The sun does not shine 24 hours a day in a single place all year round.  Thus we need a Cosmic Energy Machine that can generate electricity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week independent of weather.

The air+water air pump theoretically can extract Energy from Still Air and provide Global Cooling.  The simple proof-of-concept experiment points in that direction.  However, it is not efficient.  It needs a high water tower; pipes, one-way valves; strict operating procedures etc.  It is fixed in one location.  Ways such as using air+water jets to power turbines are being researched.

Please try to do the experiment on 640.  Confirmation from you is more convincing than from Forever Yuen.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nightlife on December 11, 2007, 09:19:46 PM
ltseung888, are you talking about circulating water from the earth using one way valves to holding tanks and then back to the earth? If so, that could work as long as the water was to come out at a lower level then the water came from causing a siphoning effect.

That makes sense because if you siphon water from a bucket using a tube, the tube can be raised high above the bucket as long as the end is dropped down below the water level. The water would run until the bucket was empty. This concept could be used with rivers both above and below the earths surface as long as the water came from up stream and returned down stream. The flow of water could be used to create power.

Is this what you are talking about?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 11, 2007, 09:53:32 PM

We are talking about reply 640, 845-848.

The theory is extracting energy from still air.

The technique is using air pumps and one-way valves.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nightlife on December 11, 2007, 10:32:58 PM
ltseung888, I see what you are talking about now. It is kind of like what I was asking about. They both use a vacuum to create a pressure to move the water from location to another. It's not energy from the air, it is gravity that the real energy comes from.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 11, 2007, 10:46:46 PM
Sharing the USA contact information

I am now ready to share with the World the person from USA whom I shall be working with.  He is Major Todd Hathaway.  The resume and background information is in the attached files.  His wife is Nora Maccoby who is well known in the Alternative Energy Area.  Nora led a team of energy experts to China in 2005 and met many important Chinese Officials.

Nora just gave an interview about her work:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5009439800283450862 - low resolution version

www.green-salon.com/nora_2007-12-10.wmv is the large video file - have to download to watch.

I shall be delighted to work with Todd and Nora.  There may be more knowledgeable persons from China and other Countries.  Together we are in a much better position to benefit the World.

Lawrence Tseung
Coming out into the Open helps to bring World Peace and Prosperity.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 11, 2007, 10:55:39 PM
Quote from: nightlife on December 11, 2007, 10:32:58 PM
ltseung888, I see what you are talking about now. It is kind of like what I was asking about. They both use a vacuum to create a pressure to move the water from location to another. It's not energy from the air, it is gravity that the real energy comes from.

Great.  I call this the indirect technique of extracting energy from gravity. 

The atmosphere exists because of gravity.  The air+water upflow provides more potential energy for the water.  That is gravitational energy.

Read 643 and 758 for the most exciting technique of extracting energy from gravity directly.

Lawrence Tseung
Reading posted information helps.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nightlife on December 11, 2007, 10:59:20 PM
ltseung888, the concept you are talking about is no different then sitting a bucket full of water on a chairs seat with hose coming out of it stretched up 34 stories then turned back down having the end put in a bucket at the base of the chair, then siphoned out of the higher bucket returning to the lower bucket. Then just pumping the water from the lower bucket back to the higher bucket before the higher bucket goes dry. The flow could be used to turn a turbines both on the up and down flow.
Air it's self has nothing to do with this. It is gravity that makes this possible.

Is there something about your design that I am not understanding?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 11, 2007, 11:01:03 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 11, 2007, 10:46:46 PM
Sharing the USA contact information

I am now ready to share with the World the person from USA whom I shall be working with.  He is Major Todd Hathaway.  The resume and background information is in the attached files.  His wife is Nora Maccoby who is well known in the Alternative Energy Area.  Nora led a team of energy experts to China in 2005 and met many important Chinese Officials.

Nora just gave an interview about her work:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5009439800283450862 - low resolution version

www.green-salon.com/nora_2007-12-10.wmv is the large video file - have to download to watch.

I shall be delighted to work with Todd and Nora.  There may be more knowledgeable persons from China and other Countries.  Together we are in a much better position to benefit the World.

Lawrence Tseung
Coming out into the Open helps to bring World Peace and Prosperity.

I sure hope the major reads these posts before he comes. Maybe he'll change his mind once he discovers he's going to Hong Kong to see a comedy show, or was a Peking Opera where the main character talks to himself all the time and also plays multiple personalities?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nightlife on December 11, 2007, 11:14:02 PM
chrisC, this is actually a good idea but I think his would consume more power then is really needed. The more I think about it the more ideas I get.

The downward flow could be restricted by reducing the pipe size which would create a powerful pressure to turn turbans faster.

I am sure this has already been thought of but again, we would never know about it do to big money.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on December 11, 2007, 11:21:00 PM
Quote from: nightlife on December 11, 2007, 11:14:02 PM
The downward flow could be restricted by reducing the pipe size which would create a powerful pressure to turn turbans faster.
I believe the Arabians  have done alot of work in this area.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on December 11, 2007, 11:54:58 PM
Quote from: nightlife on December 11, 2007, 11:14:02 PM
The downward flow could be restricted by reducing the pipe size which would create a powerful pressure to turn turbans faster.

Humorous spelling aside, you are rehashing some very old ideas.  What you propose would not work due to the hydrostatic paradox concept.  Only the column of water directly above an opening contributes to water pressure.  The rest of the cone would play no part.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nightlife on December 12, 2007, 12:45:34 AM
shruggedatlas, I have siphoned a lot of gas in my time and I know the if I restrict the flow with my finger, the gas will spray out at a faster rate shooter further than just letting it flow.

Take a bicycle wheel and let water come out of a unrestricted hose and see how fast the wheel turns and then restrict the flow that comes out and see how fast the wheel turns. Then do the same with siphoning water from a bucket but make sure the bucket is higher then the wheel and or opening of the tube and tell me that it has no more pressure then letting it just flow or restricting the end with your finger. The gradational pull creates a draw that makes this happen. You wont get anymore GPM but you will get more pressure.

This next video shows a good way to utilize this idea.


I was also thinking that the pressure created in the box could be used to pump the water back in the holding tank. I am not sure about that and it would take some experimenting to find out what the best way is.

I don?t have a clue how much pressure could be achieved but that would depend on the size of the tubing or piping used. It is a very interesting concept that has my attention.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nightlife on December 12, 2007, 01:30:21 AM
I checked a couple things and I was right about the pressure. It does not create more volume but restricting the volume creates more positive pressure.

I also found out that it will only work up to a height of around 33 feet above the higher supply. I am not sure if the one way valves would make a difference or not, tseung888 may know about that.

Based on that theory and the possibility of being able to use one way valves, ltseung888 may be right. All in all, it does make for a interesting experiment.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 12, 2007, 02:19:47 AM
Warning from Lee Cheung Kin

Rife discovered that every virus, bacterium, parasite and other pathogen is particularly sensitive to a specific "frequency" of sound and can be destroyed by intensifying that frequency until it literally explodes - like an intense musical note that can shatter a wine glass! To "disintegrate" the microbes, Rife invented a Beam Ray machine (now known as a Rife machine), the forerunner of today's Global Wellness? Plus instrument.

Lee warned that the ?frequency? could be a ?Lee-Tseung? type pulse that provides energy to the vibrating virus cell.  That type of pulse can kill virus.  It can also kill good human cells.  If not careful, a researcher might accidentally build a machine with infinite energy generating these human killing pulses.  The Human Race might be wiped out before we know why.  This could be a theme for a science horror movie.

I believe the top-secret researchers of many countries already know this ?death ray? technology.  It was not that dangerous before because these researchers did not have infinite Cosmic Energy Machines to play with.  Turning off power means stopping of the killer rays.  Cosmic Energy Machines can Lead Out the infinite energy of the universe.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 12, 2007, 03:39:57 AM
Violation of Second Law of Thermodynamics

This part is strictly for the Physicists who might be consultants to the Chinese, the USA or other Government Officials.  Few non-Physicists even know or care what is the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

A quick reference is:

The second law of thermodynamics is an expression of the universal law of increasing entropy, stating that the entropy of an isolated system which is not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum value at equilibrium.

The second law traces its origin to French physicist Sadi Carnot's 1824 paper Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire, which presented the view that motive power (work) is due to the fall of caloric (heat) from a hot to cold body (working substance). In simple terms, the second law is an expression of the fact that over time, ignoring the effects of self-gravity, differences in temperature, pressure, and density tend to even out in a physical system that is isolated from the outside world. Entropy is a measure of how far along this evening-out process has progressed.

There are many versions of the second law, but they all have the same effect, which is to explain the phenomenon of irreversibility in nature.

The air+water air pump experiment does not violate the Second Law because the system is NOT a closed or isolated system

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: acp on December 12, 2007, 06:18:19 AM
Be careful !!!!!!!   You have no idea of the danger a wet tissue presents.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 12, 2007, 06:58:59 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 11, 2007, 01:25:40 PM
Dear Keon1,
Yes, mr Tsuegn?

QuoteI would like to settle one issue after another.  In Physics or Mathematics, sometimes when you do not understand one section, you will not be able to follow the next section.  This is why some students find Physics and Mathematics difficult.  (For example, if you do not understand addition, you will not be able to follow multiplication).
You don't say. Don't use that condescending tone, I'm not retarded or anything.

QuoteIn the case of delivering air+water to a great height with an air pump and one-way valves, a physicist must be totally satisfied that the experiment is absolutely correct and verifiable because of its implications.  Hans says that it is a hoax or fraud without replicating the experiment.
Because you refuse to give exact specs of the experiment! If you refuse to provide all exact details, how do you propose it be replicated? No, what Hans has done is analyse the little clear info we have been able to drag out of you, and conclude that if that is really all and there are no details that you omitted, it seems impossible, based on his experience with pressurised airflow through a standing water column, and other experience he picked up during his work as an engineer.
Actually amazing that you are now the one whining about him not actually replicating your claimed experiment, in the light of our many requests for clearly detailed info on the experiment and your own continued refusal to provide these details.
You do realise that you're trying to throw stones while living in a glass house, so to speak?

QuoteThe challenge to the Forum Members is for some of you to actually do the experiment.
No, you don't understand how this works:
YOU claim that it works, YOU claim the experiment was a grand success pumping water up 10 times the height the pump should allow.
Then it is also YOU who should provide convincing proof. It is YOUR job to do the experiment, record measurements, and present all this evidence in a very clear and detailed manner.
Only then should replications be made, and only after successfull replications can we conclude that we now not only have your own proof, but also independent replication, which is another form of proof.
But the main point it that YOU are the one making the claims, and YOU should substantiate them.
It is NOT right to claim an effect and then insist that others do your experiment because you choose to ignore or dismiss their requests for proof.

QuoteWithout absolute confidence in the experimental result, further discussion will be pointless and more confusing.
Well then finally give us some proof then! I'm really starting to lose my patience with you, old man!
Come on then, grab a digital camera and film your experiment!
Show us video of the setup, the pumps, the pumping action, the water+bubbles going up, the valves working, the amount of water collected at the top, the measurements of exactly how much water went in at the bottom and came out at the top, the measurements of how much energy (electrical or otherwise) was used to pump the air+water up, etcetera etcetera. Simply film every single thing, and film the various sections in function. That should prove convincing enough.
But nooooooo, you refuse to do so eh? You're probably going to pretend I didn't post this message again, eh? Even worse, you're probably going to point the finger at us again and say that we should do the experiment you refuse to prove to us.

Lawrence Tseung
Absolute confidence in the experimental result is necessary for understanding its profound Physics Implications.
And will you please stop signing your posts with those pretentious quasi-smart oneliners? They're damn annoying!
Maybe that is the latest hype in China, but it irritates the heck out of me. If you want to say something, then just say it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 12, 2007, 05:22:19 PM
Dear Koen1,

One has to look at one's limitations.

My limitation is that I cannot use electric drills; cannot glue things tight; cannot even build electric circuits; cannot wire the electromagnetic coils etc.  This may be a result of my two minor stokes.

All experiments will be done by others.  The consequence is that the experimental data belongs to them.  They are the ones to decide what they would like to disclose to this Forum and the World.  These data often have important commercial value.

I do not need to convince you or other forum members on my theories.  This forum is not the place for validation.  The right places are the top Universities, the many research laboratories and the open demonstrations.

The involvement of the Chinese and USA Government Officials already indicated the correctness of my and Lee's theories.  I use this forum to sow seeds to the World.  Jesus could not guarantee all seeds would grow.  How can I?

I thought the diagrams in 640, 845-848 were clear enough for any engineer to replicate.  In China, I knew of 8 replications based on those diagrams.  Some even improved on them.

Now with the direct involvement of Major Todd Hathaway of the Department of Defense (DoD) of the US, I am sure that these experiments will be further replicated and improved.  Hopefully, they will decide to publish the data.

His wife, Nora, who led a team of Energy Experts to China in 2005 said in her recent interview: "China and US will push each other in this field of Clean Energy."  This is the start.  Hopefully an International Cooperation Effort will emerge.

Do not look for experimental data from an old man who suffered two minor stokes.  Look for them from Forever Yuen, Sun et al, Raymond Ting, Tsing Hua Unversity, DoD, 磁æâ,,¢Â® or other Forum Members.

Lawrence Tseung
An old man is wise to know his own limitations.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nightlife on December 12, 2007, 06:54:30 PM
ltseung888, based on your theory, the one way valves are the trick and they should work the same in a siphoning setup. It is said that you can not have a continuous flow if the peak of the hose is above 33 feet. With that said, one should be able to use one way valves to siphon water up to lets say 40 feet or 4 story's and then back down below the supply's level.
I will use 4 one way valves, one every ten feet. I will first try it with out using the one way valves and then again with. I will then also show the pressure before and after restricting the water exiting from the end of the hose. I will use a car generator, a volt meter and a amp gage to see what kind of energy can be utilized from this theory.

Does everyone agree that this experiment would be sufficient enough to test this theory?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 12, 2007, 07:45:44 PM
Quote from: nightlife on December 12, 2007, 06:54:30 PM
ltseung888, based on your theory, the one way valves are the trick and they should work the same in a siphoning setup. It is said that you can not have a continuous flow if the peak of the hose is above 33 feet. With that said, one should be able to use one way valves to siphon water up to lets say 40 feet or 4 story's and then back down below the supply's level.
I will use 4 one way valves, one every ten feet. I will first try it with out using the one way valves and then again with. I will then also show the pressure before and after restricting the water exiting from the end of the hose. I will use a car generator, a volt meter and a amp gage to see what kind of energy can be utilized from this theory.

Does everyone agree that this experiment would be sufficient enough to test this theory?

Great.  Take the following precautions:

(1) Protect your air pump from getting too wet with one way valves.

(2) Make sure you can control the water outlet from the lower tank.

(3) When you use an air pump, make sure you buy the right tubing to fit its outlet.  The same applies to the T junctions etc.

(4) The type of one-way valves will greatly affect the result.  Use the ones that could be "pushed" open with minimum pressure.  Do NOT use the ones that were specifically for water that would require high pressure to open.  The ones designed for air would be best.

(5) Get 8 one-way valves to be sure.  The 33 feet is NOT a limitation when you use one-way valves as described.  That is how much atmospheric pressure could support a column of water.  It does not apply in this case.  If the 10 feet spacing is too much, shorten them.  You can add one section at a time and watch the result.  Use clear tubes so that you can see what happens.

(6) If you can get the cheap US$1 beach pumps, I can guaranteed success.  These cheap pumps are made in China.  In Hong Kong, I can buy it from the toy shops or those that sell beach balls and beds.  I got many and took apart some to use their one-way valves.

(7) Make sure that you take the measurement after the system is at a steady state.  In that case input of water = output of water since no water could accumulate in the system.

Good luck.  I look forward to hearing from you and watching your video.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 12, 2007, 10:26:43 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 12, 2007, 05:22:19 PM
Dear Koen1,

One has to look at one's limitations.

My limitation is that I cannot use electric drills; cannot glue things tight; cannot even build electric circuits; cannot wire the electromagnetic coils etc.  This may be a result of my two minor stokes.

That's the least of your limitations. A real scientist with something important to prove can always get help from others to replicate his theories with practical, reproducible results. Yet the top smart people in Tsinghua University and elsewhere seemed to be missing or unusually silent! The silence is deafening, Lawrence. Can you hear one out there shouting your accolades?

You cannot seem to understand reality!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tchath11 on December 13, 2007, 05:36:16 PM
See links for additional information on various adv energy techs:

Our group has been researching adv energy techs for ~20 years.
Our visit next month to China will serve as an information exchange of various adv energy techs.

Lawrence, please contact Nora or me to discuss specifics of the trip, as we need to initiate the visa process through the Chinese Embassy for a trip in January to be possible.

Thanks, Todd
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 13, 2007, 06:32:40 PM
Quote from: tchath11 on December 13, 2007, 05:36:16 PM
See links for additional information on various adv energy techs:

Our group has been researching adv energy techs for ~20 years.
Our visit next month to China will serve as an information exchange of various adv energy techs.

Lawrence, please contact Nora or me to discuss specifics of the trip, as we need to initiate the visa process through the Chinese Embassy for a trip in January to be possible.

Thanks, Todd

LOL Lawrence, acquired another alter ego I see.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on December 13, 2007, 06:43:30 PM
Oh its so nice to have some fresh characters!

Check them out: http://peswiki.com/index.php/Congress:Member:Nora_Maccoby

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tchath11 on December 13, 2007, 06:59:51 PM
Lawrence's claims will be investigated as needed in order to determine the feasibility of implementation.
Correction to my last post - trip to China is 'as early as' January, though likely later next year.
I will be in S. Korea during the last week of May and first week of June, so the trip may be right before/after the trip to S. Korea.
If the trip to China is not fruitful, my business association with Lawrence will end, though personal association may continue indefinitely.
My intention is quite simple - bring advanced energy techs to the masses.  Fund the techs, support/protect the researchers, and mass produce the final product before the global economy collapses.
There are several other adv energy techs in the U.S. that will make it to market in the U.S. before the Chinese gov't releases Lawrence's tech.
This is a global effort, not strictly intended for U.S. benefit.  We cannot minimize the likelihood of conflict in the Middle East without minimizing global dependency on hydrocarbon fuels.

Attached is our most successful project to date :)

This is enough intro - future updates will be posted to one or more of the links provided via previous posts.
If you wish to contact Nora or me directly, call 301-320-3716 or email info@sci-us.org.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nightlife on December 13, 2007, 08:59:53 PM
tchath11, "Lawrence's claims will be investigated as needed in order to determine the feasibility of implementation."

His claims will be investigated this weekend in the way he claims it will work and the way I claim it will work as long as his claim works.

It will be video recorded and aired on Youtube for all to see.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 13, 2007, 10:51:58 PM
Quote from: tchath11 on December 13, 2007, 06:59:51 PM
Lawrence's claims will be investigated as needed in order to determine the feasibility of implementation.
before the Chinese gov't releases Lawrence's tech.

If you wish to contact Nora or me directly, call 301-320-3716 or email info@sci-us.org.

This has to be the most unusual way to conduct a professional or official 'investigation' into reality energy!
I certainly hope this is not something us taxpayers are paying for; that Mr. Todd and his family gets to go to Hong Kong, Korea and where else to meet some totally unknown 'scientist'.

As to the Chinese goverment 'releasing; Lawrence's technology, er, did I miss something stupendous? Heard anything like Steorn? At least they paid $75K in advertising in the Economist magazine. All Tseung did is create a mockery of his invention in a bunch of posts in this Forum.

I am not convinced why we need such an 'investigation'  and the totally laughable way it is conducted!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on December 13, 2007, 11:11:48 PM
Quote from: tchath11 on December 13, 2007, 06:59:51 PM
Attached is our most successful project to date :)
No teeth...as usual.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nightlife on December 13, 2007, 11:35:09 PM
chrisC, I think it would be a good myth buster and my kids are interested in trying it so if all else, it would positive entertainment for my kids as well as it would clear up this on going debate.

Positive entertainment for my kids make it all worth while and also the fact that it would cost less then letting them go to the movies or skating and or even bowling. Plus it occupies their time in a positive way rather then just letting them run the streets like most parents do.

I personally don't think his theory will work because I think it will require the same amount of pressure with or with out the one way valves. I am also thinking the same will happen with my idea because the draw back pressure would be the same regardless of how many one way valves are used. There is still one theory I am not quite sure of that was the one shruggedatlas was talking about. I remember when I had to siphon gas in the past that the pressure was more forceful when the flow was restricted using my thumb. It has been awhile since I have had to do that and this experiment will help confirm it does or doesn't. If it doesn't then I owe shruggedatlas an apology but if does, then it could make for some more interesting experiments.

If anything, it will be recorded for all to use as a reference in future debates.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 14, 2007, 12:21:02 AM
Quote from: nightlife on December 13, 2007, 11:35:09 PM
chrisC, I think it would be a good myth buster and my kids are interested in trying it so if all else, it would positive entertainment for my kids as well as it would clear up this on going debate.

Positive entertainment for my kids make it all worth while and also the fact that it would cost less then letting them go to the movies or skating and or even bowling. Plus it occupies their time in a positive way rather then just letting them run the streets like most parents do.

I personally don't think his theory will work because I think it will require the same amount of pressure with or with out the one way valves. I am also thinking the same will happen with my idea because the draw back pressure would be the same regardless of how many one way valves are used. There is still one theory I am not quite sure of that was the one shruggedatlas was talking about. I remember when I had to siphon gas in the past that the pressure was more forceful when the flow was restricted using my thumb. It has been awhile since I have had to do that and this experiment will help confirm it does or doesn't. If it doesn't then I owe shruggedatlas an apology but if does, then it could make for some more interesting experiments.

If anything, it will be recorded for all to use as a reference in future debates.


Great! I love your attitude. Keep it up! I am sorry to sound so negative about old Tseung. The gentleman doesn't help himself at all. I hope your kids learn positive aspects from you and also prove this mumbo jumbo stuff from Tseung as complete nonsense.

It is rather stupid for some energy.org company to go half way round the world to 'investigate' this utter nonsense. If this is paid by tax payers, I sure would see my congressman to put an end of this crap!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nightlife on December 14, 2007, 04:02:17 AM
chrisC, thank you and I agree that a lot of what was said doesn't sound quite right but as I said, we will test this as well as another concept that we are wondering about just to set things straight.

Thank you again and please remember to not let another mans ignorance bring out your own. Respect is contagious if displayed properly and as bad as things are getting, we need to start respecting each other a lot more then we do if we want to make things better for all.

Happy holidays
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tchath11 on December 15, 2007, 06:08:06 AM

Nora had a dream a couple nights ago suggesting that the advanced energy technologies should be implemented in Eastern Europe and all the "____stan" countries.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 15, 2007, 08:04:47 PM
Dear Todd,

I am in a Conference in Shenzhen, China.  This post is from the Business Center of the Hotel.

This post is to inform you that I have contacted Wang Shum Ho and some Chinese Officials.

I shall send the details with pictures after the Conference (ending on Dec. 17)

Send my regards to Nora and your most successful project.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nightlife on December 15, 2007, 08:49:48 PM
Sorry guys but we have a storm coming in here and the kids jumped ship and went away for the weekend and left me with my better half. 
They say we are to get 9 to 19 inches of snow and that means I may have a lot of plowing and shoveling to do. So do to the circumstances, we will not be able to complete the experiment this weekend but we are hoping to be able to next weekend.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 15, 2007, 10:25:32 PM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 16, 2007, 01:04:22 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 15, 2007, 10:25:32 PM

Remember Jim Jones?
"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. "

But then old Tseung doesn't have the charisma!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 16, 2007, 08:04:13 AM
Quote from: tchath11 on December 15, 2007, 06:08:06 AM
Nora had a dream a couple nights ago suggesting that the advanced energy technologies should be implemented in Eastern Europe and all the "____stan" countries.

And why not any of the "-ia" or "-land" countries? Means the same...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 17, 2007, 05:11:08 AM
Just arrived home.  Wang Shum Ho sends his regards.  He now has 4 titles:

(1)   Ã¤Â¸â€"ç•Å'生產率科學éâ,,¢Â¢Ã¤Â¸Â­Ã¥Å"‹åˆ†æÅ"Æ'副理事長
Deputy Chairman, World Confederation of Productivity Science, China Chapter.  This is the Organization that sponsored the Conference in Shenzhen, China.

(2)   Ã¤Â¸Â­Ã¥Å"‹æâ€"°èÆ'½æºå…¬å¸å‰¯ç¸½è£ï¼Å'å…¼æŠâ,¬Ã¨Â¡â€œÃ§Â¸Â½Ã§â€ºÂ£
Vice President, New Energy Source Company of China and Chief Scientist.  This is the Company once referred to as General Magnetic.  This Company is planning its International IPO in 2008.

(3)   Ã¦Â¸â€¦Ã¨ÂÂ¯Ã¥Â¤Â§Ã¥Â­Â¸Ã¥Â°â€"端科æŠâ,¬Ã§Â â€Ã§Â©Â¶Ã©â,,¢Â¢Ã¥â€°Â¯Ã©â,,¢Â¢Ã©â€¢Â·
Deputy Head of Department, Advanced Sciences, Tsing Hua University.

(4)   Ã¤Â¸Â­Ã¥Å"‹è§£æ”¾è»ç¸½è£å‚â,,¢Ã©Æ'¨ï¼Å'å°â€"端科æŠâ,¬Ã§Â â€Ã§Â©Â¶Ã¥Â°â€˜Ã¥Â°â€¡
Junior General, Advanced Science Research, Peoples Liberation Army of China.

The English Translation is from me and may not be correct.

More than 20 Wang Electricity Generators are in test mode.  The longest uninterrupted test started in early October 2007.  The test results are likely to be announced Worldwide when there is at least a six month non-interrupted operation.

I am sure the real CIA can confirm all the above.  Dear Major Todd, if your colleagues need more information, email me.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tchath11 on December 17, 2007, 05:58:00 AM
Lawrence et al,

I sent a separate email, but would like to post to this group the three online groups I am involved with in case you want to dive into the U.S.-based alternative energy movement:
New Energy Congress:  http://top100energy.com - link to membership signup is available via this page.
Energy Consensus Group:  http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/EnergyConsensus - many in government and private industry in the D.C. area
water car yahoogroups working on Bob Boyce cell replication:  http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/watercar

www.green-salon.com lists a few technologies, and I will summarize their progress below - my best estimate of their progress:
The following is a list of people directly involved with the most promising advanced alternative energy R&D projects:

Ken Rauen ? kmpr27 {at} yahoo.com ? Rauen Environmental Heat Engine
Secured funding for a proof of concept build, which won't take more than a couple months to complete.
This probably won't save the world, but will prove overunity concept.

Eddie Sines ? edsines {at} aol.com ? Potomac Energy Projects LLC
Has a unique design, easiest to scale up to MW range.  Suggest all POCs contact him for additional info beyond what is posted online, as I promised Eddie no additional info would be disclosed to the public through me, so it's better to contact him directly for updates.

Ken Rasmussen ? kr {at} commutefaster.com ? Advanced Hydroxy Gas Production
Has the most sophisticated version of advanced electrolysis that I am aware of, but the lead researcher who works for the Navy as a contractor cannot get more than a couple days away from work to do research, so this project is for all practical purposes on hold, compared to the other technologies listed here.

Bob Boyce ? Advanced Electrolysis Technology (open source)
Received funding and Toyota Prius for water car project.  He is probably the leader in this field of R&D, as he has successfully built water cars in the past...thank the oil cartel for not hearing about Boyce before now.

Bob Dratch ? bob {at} bob-dratch.org ? Thorium Power Pack
Concept only, though info on similar units working in Europe have surfaced.

David Yurth ? davidyurth {at} novainstituteoftechnology.com - Self-Recharging Electric Vehicle
Proof of concept successful, funding received, will have prototype car available for demo early next year.

Ted Loder ? info {at} aero2012.com ? Advanced Energy Research Organization LLC
Spearheading the most promising fund for advanced energy technology currently established.
Prototype unit almost finished, will have to be independently validated.

Sterling Allan ? sterlingda {at} pureenergysystems.com - New Energy Congress
Spearheaded Pure Energy Systems and New Energy Congress - started several years ago.

Stephen Kaplan ?  stephenkap {at} gmail.com - New Energy Movement
Volunteer supporter of New Energy Movement and New Energy Congress

Nora Maccoby ? nora {at} maccoby.com - Energy Consensus Group
Networking with all interested parties to fund adv energy techs and disclose these techs to the world.

Tom Valone ? iri {at} erols.com - Integrity Research Institute
In direct contact with at least two research teams who are finishing up latest adv energy prototype units
Suggest contacting Dr. Valone directly for additional information.

Lawrence Tseung ? ltseung {at} hotmail.com - Wang Shum Ho Electricity Generator
progresss as noted in previous post from Lawrence

Tom Bearden ? webmaster {at} cheniere.org ? Motionless Electromagnetic Generator
Waiting on funding from U.N...tied up in some account indefinitely apparently.

John/Gary Bedini ? info {at} energenx.com ? Bedini Motor/Generator
Newest units to be made available in weeks...unknown what output of new units are.

David Wenbert ? david.wenbert {at} gmail.com ? Geovoltaic Energy Pump
Only needs ~$5K to purchase materials for this tech, but it's a long shot worth considering.


Regarding the CIA, I might as well make it clear upfront that not only do various gov't agencies not talk to each other, there is even friction between offices within the Army...I'm sure the Chinese gov't can relate.  Nora said it's the same political soup sandwich over there.  The only CIA POC I am in contact with is actually someone who was kicked out of his CIA position, James Woolsey.  He wanted to start a biofuels project when he was CIA directly and got the boot.  Oh well, that's people for you...fighting over bread crumbs rather than working together to make enough bread for everyone.  Anyway, it's up to us to bring these techs to market.  If the Chinese want to work with any of the above groups or individuals, POC info is provided - no need to go through me or even keep me in the loop...arranged this way by design so these techs make it to the public ASAP.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 17, 2007, 07:17:54 AM
Gee, we've really never heard of those technologies man, thanks, we really needed that.  :P

But we're not talking about other inventions here. We're talking about mr Tseungs over unity claims.

If you want other peoples over unity claims or devices there's lots of sources, and even reliable ones in that.
Check out Tom Beardens site, for example.
You should like that, he is also a retired military guy who worked on top secret tech in his day, has great stories on
Soviet (and US) "Tesla"/scalar weaponry etc. :)
But he also gives a nice list of devices that have shown or suggest OU effects.

Still, no proof whatsoever that the simple use of air-valves would allow us to pump a stream of water with air bubbles
higher than we could pump an equal amount of water itself...
Tseung never substantiates his claims.
I still haven't seen any analysis of the water + air bubble stream pressure on the valves that would in any way make it
credible that the pressure of the water column above a valve could be lower than the pressure of the water + bubbles below the valve...
That appears to be what Tseungs claim boils down to, at least in his water pumping "experiment".
He also claims this can easily be done electrically using some type of oscllator, but he never provides any design or experimental setup.

If his point is only that there are some interesting OU devices being studied, then he should simply keep it at that and by all means post enthousiastic
messages about these devices and new developments in that area.
But if his claim truly is that he has a theory that can actually predict OU setups and work out how to build them from his theory, then he must prove this.
So far he still has not.
He has produced tons of text, most of it blowing his own trumpet and telling everybody how great and fantastic HIS theory is. But when push comes to shove and we ask him to prove that his supposed theory works and to give us an experimental setup that is actually OU and fits predictions according to Tseungs claimed theory, he always becomes evasive, or he repeats incomplete and very unprofessional descriptions of "experiments" that others did.

Any random nutcase with a strong belief in the possibility of Free Energy devices could do the same.

And so Tseung comes across as yet another such nutcase, albeit a tenacious one.
He seems intent on convicing us, yet he seems totally unwilling to provide any form of proper convincing proof.

And considering his proven forum "fraud" in the past, where he posts discussions with himself under ther names, multi-accounting multiple personality disorder type thing, we are in fact not even sure if you truly exist "Todd". For all we know you are just mr Tseung posting under another name again.
That's another problem with this mr Tseung character. He undermines his own credibility doing such things.
And of course his constant repetition of remarks about "the CIA and Likes" hindering his activities don't really serve to provide credibility.

That said, I wonder what exactly your criteria are for the list you gave; some of them are indeed interesting possible OU technologies, but others are clearly not. Thorium energy cells for example, although high output, are definately not OU. Nor are they actually new.
Have you checked out this forum? There's lots of subjects here too, many directly related to the things you listed. Perhaps worth discussing here, instead of trying to get people there?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 17, 2007, 12:35:15 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 17, 2007, 05:11:08 AM
Just arrived home.  Wang Shum Ho sends his regards.  He now has 4 titles:

(1)   Ã¤Â¸â€"ç•Å'生產率科學éâ,,¢Â¢Ã¤Â¸Â­Ã¥Å"‹åˆ†æÅ"Æ'副理事長
Deputy Chairman, World Confederation of Productivity Science, China Chapter.  This is the Organization that sponsored the Conference in Shenzhen, China.

(2)   Ã¤Â¸Â­Ã¥Å"‹æâ€"°èÆ'½æºå…¬å¸å‰¯ç¸½è£ï¼Å'å…¼æŠâ,¬Ã¨Â¡â€œÃ§Â¸Â½Ã§â€ºÂ£
Vice President, New Energy Source Company of China and Chief Scientist.  This is the Company once referred to as General Magnetic.  This Company is planning its International IPO in 2008.

(3)   Ã¦Â¸â€¦Ã¨ÂÂ¯Ã¥Â¤Â§Ã¥Â­Â¸Ã¥Â°â€"端科æŠâ,¬Ã§Â â€Ã§Â©Â¶Ã©â,,¢Â¢Ã¥â€°Â¯Ã©â,,¢Â¢Ã©â€¢Â·
Deputy Head of Department, Advanced Sciences, Tsing Hua University.

(4)   Ã¤Â¸Â­Ã¥Å"‹è§£æ”¾è»ç¸½è£å‚â,,¢Ã©Æ'¨ï¼Å'å°â€"端科æŠâ,¬Ã§Â â€Ã§Â©Â¶Ã¥Â°â€˜Ã¥Â°â€¡
Junior General, Advanced Science Research, Peoples Liberation Army of China.

The English Translation is from me and may not be correct.

More than 20 Wang Electricity Generators are in test mode.  The longest uninterrupted test started in early October 2007.  The test results are likely to be announced Worldwide when there is at least a six month non-interrupted operation.

I am sure the real CIA can confirm all the above.  Dear Major Todd, if your colleagues need more information, email me.

Wang Shum Ho

    I am Wang Shum Ho and I do not speak nor write English. Thus I am requesting Mr. Lawrence Tseung to post my ideas for me ? using my name. Mr. Tseung previously used his point of view to post my information and did a good job.

    However, I have my own points of view ? that should be expected from any serious innovator and inventor.

    My points of view are:

    1. My 5 KW Electricity Generator is better and closer to production than almost any other Over Unity Device published on the various Patent Offices or on the Internet.

    2. My Generator has been demonstrated in front of 5 Chinese Officials on January 15, 2007. The materials used were not the best because of lack of funding. However, the device was assembled from components level and rotated in front of these Officials.

    3. I authorized Mr. Tseung to show one set of early prototype pictures. The feedback was better than I expected. Some organizations including a major International Oil Company called me to express interest. However, international phone call with an interpreter did not produce the desired result.

    4. I authorized Mr. Tseung to reveal the entire technology in case I died. I would not want to carry the secret of the technology into my grave. However, I still want to enjoy the fruit of my thirty-years of sweat. I want to share it with my loved ones in my remaining years.

    5. I do not object to the strategy of producing 4 prototypes first ? one each in Beijing, Hong Kong, United Nations and Float. Then we can produce 200 ? one to every Country as a gift from China or United Nations. Mr. Tseung and I do not have the funds to achieve this. Thus raising money for this just cause is worthwhile. We do not care whether people label us as hoax or scam.

    6. I intend to provide the full theoretical knowledge and the detailed assembly instructions to every Nations for a reasonable fee ? after they have received the gift. If they do not produce oil, they may never need to buy oil for fuel again. For the Oil Producers, they better invest in this technology and produce the Generators before their oil becomes less valuable.

    7. For those individuals or organizations who have the financial means, they can come to see the working prototype in my possession now ? the same one the Chinese Officials saw on January 15, 2007. Email Lawrence Tseung at Ltseung@hotmail.com or Ltseung@netvigator.com for details.

    8. If you or your colleague can write in simplified Chinese, you may email me directly at wangshsdfm@126.com and cc Ltseung@hotmail.com

If Wang Shum Ho is such an exalted figure in China, how come he is looking for money from the west and needs someone like Lawrence to represent him?

Get real, Wang Shum Ho as well as Major Todd are Lawrence's alter egos. No official of a US agency conducts his correspondence through a forum such as this.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 17, 2007, 01:00:27 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 17, 2007, 12:35:15 PM

Wang Shum Ho

    I am Wang Shum Ho and I do not speak nor write English. Thus I am requesting Mr. Lawrence Tseung to post my ideas for me ? using my name. Mr. Tseung previously used his point of view to post my information and did a good job.

    However, I have my own points of view ? that should be expected from any serious innovator and inventor.

    My points of view are:

    1. My 5 KW Electricity Generator is better and closer to production than almost any other Over Unity Device published on the various Patent Offices or on the Internet.

    2. My Generator has been demonstrated in front of 5 Chinese Officials on January 15, 2007. The materials used were not the best because of lack of funding. However, the device was assembled from components level and rotated in front of these Officials.

    3. I authorized Mr. Tseung to show one set of early prototype pictures. The feedback was better than I expected. Some organizations including a major International Oil Company called me to express interest. However, international phone call with an interpreter did not produce the desired result.

    4. I authorized Mr. Tseung to reveal the entire technology in case I died. I would not want to carry the secret of the technology into my grave. However, I still want to enjoy the fruit of my thirty-years of sweat. I want to share it with my loved ones in my remaining years.

    5. I do not object to the strategy of producing 4 prototypes first ? one each in Beijing, Hong Kong, United Nations and Float. Then we can produce 200 ? one to every Country as a gift from China or United Nations. Mr. Tseung and I do not have the funds to achieve this. Thus raising money for this just cause is worthwhile. We do not care whether people label us as hoax or scam.

    6. I intend to provide the full theoretical knowledge and the detailed assembly instructions to every Nations for a reasonable fee ? after they have received the gift. If they do not produce oil, they may never need to buy oil for fuel again. For the Oil Producers, they better invest in this technology and produce the Generators before their oil becomes less valuable.

    7. For those individuals or organizations who have the financial means, they can come to see the working prototype in my possession now ? the same one the Chinese Officials saw on January 15, 2007. Email Lawrence Tseung at Ltseung@hotmail.com or Ltseung@netvigator.com for details.

    8. If you or your colleague can write in simplified Chinese, you may email me directly at wangshsdfm@126.com and cc Ltseung@hotmail.com

If Wang Shum Ho is such an exalted figure in China, how come he is looking for money from the west and needs someone like Lawrence to represent him?

Get real, Wang Shum Ho as well as Major Todd are Lawrence's alter egos. No official of a US agency conducts his correspondence through a forum such as this.

Hans von Lieven

hahahaha! You're funny Hans. Maybe Major Todd thinks this stuff is really worth investigating? After all, we can't believe how fast the internet can disseminate great ideas that quickly, can we? Look, the Chinese used smoke signals along the Great Wall of China to communicate events, until Mr. Tseung came along and gave them glimpses into the future; overunity devices, theories and of course Chinese to English translation abilities, thrown in for free!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on December 17, 2007, 01:27:24 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on December 17, 2007, 07:17:54 AM
Still, no proof whatsoever that the simple use of air-valves would allow us to pump a stream of water with air bubbles higher than we could pump an equal amount of water itself...

I'm sure you'll see the evidence at some point.  You can pump water+air higher than you can pump water, and someone will demonstrate this eventually -- if not a 3rd party, then miss Forever.  That demonstration will discredit your posts in this thread, and foster acceptance of Lawrence's more outlandish claims.

It's a trick, you see.  The claim is provable, but has nothing to do with free energy or "lead-out theory".  When you are proven wrong, it will reflect badly on Lawrence's other detractors.  You picked the right side, but you were outplayed, and ended up scoring on your own net.


Mr. Entropy
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 17, 2007, 02:16:53 PM
No entropy,

It cannot be done. I have a lot of experience with systems such as this and I know where the limitations lie.

One way valves do nothing but impede the process. For such a system to work all valves MUST be open to let the air stream through, they might as well not be there.

Think it through. Lawrence NEVER did the experiment with the valves or he would have found this out.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 17, 2007, 02:37:28 PM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on December 17, 2007, 01:27:24 PM
I'm sure you'll see the evidence at some point.  You can pump water+air higher than you can pump water, and someone will demonstrate this eventually -- if not a 3rd party, then miss Forever.  That demonstration will discredit your posts in this thread, and foster acceptance of Lawrence's more outlandish claims.
Well I seriously doubt that. If it were indeed possible to pump an equal amount of water up to 10 times as high using the water+air pumping trick, while not using 10 times the energy, then surely this would have been posted on many a website and forum, including the simple and clear proof in the form of measurements and videos. Instead all we keep getting is blabla from mr Tseung and his alter egos, and surprisingly unclear descriptions.

QuoteIt's a trick, you see.  The claim is provable, but has nothing to do with free energy or "lead-out theory".
What exactly are you saying here? If the claim is provable, then why has it not been proven yet?
Or do you mean that the claim "water and air together can be pumped higher than only water" can be proven? Well, it might indeed.
But that's not the claim. The claim is that water and air together can be pumped higher than only water, and the SAME AMOUNT of water can be pumped without using more energy than a normal water pump would.
In other words, the amount of water pumped up X meters using the water + air trick is equal to the amount of water that could be pumped up 0.1 X meters at the same input energy. In other words, the energy used to pump the water up using the air trick is almost 10 times lower than the amount of energy needed when we don't use the air trick. In other words, we could pump the water up using the water+air trick and allow it to flow down and power a generator, and get out almost 10 times more energy.
That is the claim mr Tseung has made a number of times.
And it seems to me that the claim thus includes a claim of free energy using his claimed "lead out theory".

QuoteWhen you are proven wrong, it will reflect badly on Lawrence's other detractors.  You picked the right side, but you were outplayed, and ended up scoring on your own net.
Lol. Oh really? I beg to differ.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on December 17, 2007, 05:19:47 PM
I think Entropy has a point.  The foot pump/one-way valve experiment is a masterpiece in accomplishing and proving nothing.  It is the old Tseung misdirection - providing experiments that successfully demonstrate underunity.

Sure, in a way it would be impressive if Tseung got any water at all up to floor 10.  But at the end of the day, even if he does, what does it prove?  You are pumping the air and water by using muscle power, so it is really hard to compute how much force you are putting out.  The one way valves lend themselves to the discontinuous pumping, in a way.  It is sort of like pushing a ball up a flight of stairs and taking a break on every step.  If the pump could pump continuously, then the one-way valves would not be needed, but unfortunately Tseung can only afford the foot pump and not any kind of mechanical device.  I do agree that the one-way valves add nothing in terms of efficiency.

I guess my point is that reflux aside, given enough pedal pumps and enough "rest points", it is not inconceivable that you could get a droplet of water up 10 stories.  But so what?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 17, 2007, 05:25:21 PM
Yeah, but every time he stops and the valves close the water rains down onto the valves because nothing drives it anymore.This fills the column with water very rapidly.

He NEVER did this! In fact, if you look at the picture where he runs the pipe a few floors up there are no valves. He just thinks the valves will cure his problem.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 17, 2007, 05:26:21 PM
Highlights of the Productivity Conference (1)

The first day (Dec 14) was for registration and private meetings of the members.  Wang said the following:

王沈河回憶ä»â€"前半生的çâ,,¢Â¼Ã¦ËœÅ½Ã§â€Å¸Ã¦Â¶Â¯?æ„Ÿæ…¨åÅ"°èªªï¼š? Ã¥â,¬â€¹Ã¤ÂºÂºÃ¦ÂÅ¾Ã§â,,¢Â¼Ã¦ËœÅ½Ã¥â€°ÂµÃ©â,¬Â Ã¯Â¼Å'å°±åÆ'æ˜¯ä¸‹åÅ"°ç„ãâ,¬â€š  但我不下åÅ"°ç„ï¼Å'誰下åÅ"°ç„??

My translation of his statement is:
Wang reflects on the first half of his invention career ? emotionally said: ?Individual efforts in innovation and new inventions is like going to Hell.  But if I did not go to Hell first, who would??

That statement summed up the many jeers, accusations of fraud, insults, failed experiments, financial hardship, broken family relationships etc.  Most of these insults came from people who did not understand science.  With scientists and engineers, there could at least be debates that might result in useful knowledge sharing. 

Most laymen just wanted to see the successful final result.  One of the forum members said, ?The General Public just want to flick a switch to turn on the lights.  Trying to explain what is electricity and how it is generated is beyond them.  Most inventors made the mistake of trying to educate the Public before their inventions were ready for demonstration.  They ended up being ridiculed.?

Lawrence Tseung
Sowing Seeds attract the rats but Dragons, Eagles and Bears will come also.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on December 17, 2007, 07:59:18 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 17, 2007, 05:26:21 PM
Most inventors made the mistake of trying to educate the Public before their inventions were ready for demonstration.  They ended up being ridiculed.?

I do not think many inventors have made this mistake.

Anyway, as Carl Sagan said, "They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Eddy Currentz on December 17, 2007, 08:39:03 PM
I haven't done this experiment, but I can see an advantage in the one way valves. They would prevent the weight of the entire column of water from being supported by the pump. Each valve, while closed, would transfer the weight of any water above it to the pipe.
The air being pumped into the line could provide a delay in the pressure wave from the pump, thereby only opening one or two valves instead of the whole lot. This would allow much easier pumping since the weight of the whole column wouldn't have to be lifted with each pump stroke.
The jury is still out on this one as far as I'm concerned.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 17, 2007, 08:55:47 PM
Highlights of the Productivity Conference (2)

Chan: ?Sun and myself can come to your Hotel to meet Wang.  We know the Hotel.  It is the one for Government Meetings and the designated accommodation for visiting Officials.?

When Chan and Sun arrived, Tseung met them at the lobby.  Tseung: ?One of my purpose is to check out whether Wang has succeeded as claimed.  You can help me to confirm that.  I am half convinced already.  His gold watch is worth more than RMB20,000.  His cigarettes cost more than RMB130 per pack.  I offered to pay but he saw the hesitation in my eyes when I knew the price.?

In the meeting, we discussed the AERO competition.  Chan said that if Wang were to compete, the chance of winning would be very high.  The reply from Wang was:


My translation is:
This type of Electricity Generators using permanent magnets have already been assembled and tested successfully in Beijing. The China New Energy Source Company will demonstrate a 10,000 kilowatt and a 100,000 kilowatt electricity generator in 2008 when it plans the IPO.  Thus I do not plan to join the competition.

Wang gave a sample of his bearing to Tseung (Photo attached.)  ?I am willing to help Chas Campbell as inventor-to-inventor.  You can show him the bearing that will solve his problem.  Tell him it is my Christmas present.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 17, 2007, 11:46:22 PM
Highlights of the Productivity Conference (3)

Chan: ?Tseung, you certainly attracted quite a crowd with your forum postings.  You now even have a Major Todd from the Department of Defense joining you in the forum.  What is the purpose of participating in the Forum now??

Wang: ?He promoted me heavily in the various forums at one time.  I thank him sincerely.  My promise of RMB100 million to his foundation of Helping the Seedlings to Innovate扶è‹â€"創æâ€"°åŸºé‡‘æÅ"Æ'still holds.  As soon as my Company goes IPO and I have the money in the bank, the cheque will be forwarded.  But please do not promote me any more now.  Leave that to the Publicity People of my Company.?

Tseung: ?I shall be your photographer in the next few days.  You are already an inspiration to the Chinese Inventors.  I shall not steal the work from your Publicity People.?

Chan: ?There are some people who challenged you on the experiments.  One, Mr. Hans, even challenged you on the experiment we did over 3 years ago.  He did not believe that you could deliver water+air higher with the use of one-way valves.  Is Mr. Hans one of your creations??

Tseung: ?What do you means?  Mr. Hans challenged me!?

Chan: ?I know that you sometimes get bored and create characters on the Internet for fun.  Telling the truth is boring.  People read the post and forget about it.  However, if there were arguments and conflicts, people will stay on and watch.  It is the oldest trick in publicity.  A clever guy like you could not possibly have ignored that.?

Tseung laughed: ?So, the challenge is actually helping me.  It provides more amusement for the readers at the same time.  What should be the best strategy in handling such challenges??

Sun: ?Since you have done the experiment already, there is no fun in just publishing the result.  Challenge Hans to provide the result.  Some forum members will do it and produce all sort of conflicting results.  Remember the simple Forever Yuen Magnetic Pendulum experiment.  Some member broke the magnets and claimed that presence of other magnets had zero effect on the magnetic pendulum.  The video of Forever became much more convincing.?

Chan: ?Drag out the debate.  Attract more readers.  You have nothing to lose.  Some researchers at DoD will surely perform that experiment before Major Todd?s visit to China.  You can even get University of Maryland or MIT to do it before your trip to US.  Get the most out of it.?

Wang: ?Have fun with your silly games.  I shall step out for a cigarette.?

Lawrence Tseung
I am God.  Hans is one of my creations.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 18, 2007, 12:04:23 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 17, 2007, 11:46:22 PM
Highlights of the Productivity Conference (3)

Chan: ?Tseung, you certainly attracted quite a crowd with your forum postings.  You now even have a Major Todd from the Department of Defense joining you in the forum.  What is the purpose of participating in the Forum now??

Wang: ?He promoted me heavily in the various forums at one time.  I thank him sincerely.  My promise of RMB100 million to his foundation of Helping the Seedlings to Innovate扶è‹â€"創æâ€"°åŸºé‡‘æÅ"Æ'still holds.  As soon as my Company goes IPO and I have the money in the bank, the cheque will be forwarded.  But please do not promote me any more now.  Leave that to the Publicity People of my Company.?

Tseung: ?I shall be your photographer in the next few days.  You are already an inspiration to the Chinese Inventors.  I shall not steal the work from your Publicity People.?

Chan: ?There are some people who challenged you on the experiments.  One, Mr. Hans, even challenged you on the experiment we did over 3 years ago.  He did not believe that you could deliver water+air higher with the use of one-way valves.  Is Mr. Hans one of your creations??

Tseung: ?What do you means?  Mr. Hans challenged me!?

Chan: ?I know that you sometimes get bored and create characters on the Internet for fun.  Telling the truth is boring.  People read the post and forget about it.  However, if there were arguments and conflicts, people will stay on and watch.  It is the oldest trick in publicity.  A clever guy like you could not possibly have ignored that.?

Tseung laughed: ?So, the challenge is actually helping me.  It provides more amusement for the readers at the same time.  What should be the best strategy in handling such challenges??

Sun: ?Since you have done the experiment already, there is no fun in just publishing the result.  Challenge Hans to provide the result.  Some forum members will do it and produce all sort of conflicting results.  Remember the simple Forever Yuen Magnetic Pendulum experiment.  Some member broke the magnets and claimed that presence of other magnets had zero effect on the magnetic pendulum.  The video of Forever became much more convincing.?

Chan: ?Drag out the debate.  Attract more readers.  You have nothing to lose.  Some researchers at DoD will surely perform that experiment before Major Todd?s visit to China.  You can even get University of Maryland or MIT to do it before your trip to US.  Get the most out of it.?

Wang: ?Have fun with your silly games.  I shall step out for a cigarette.?

Lawrence Tseung
I am God.  Hans is one of my creations.

Dream on old Tseung. Your imagination is way beyond your natural abilities by a long shot. Imagine the US Dept of Defense joining a commie country to evaluate free energy? It's like asking a monk for a comb!

You're pretty sick. See a doctor soon.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 18, 2007, 01:11:33 AM
Quote from: chrisC on December 18, 2007, 12:04:23 AM

Dream on old Tseung. Your imagination is way beyond your natural abilities by a long shot. Imagine the US Dept of Defense joining a commie country to evaluate free energy? It's like asking a monk for a comb!

You're pretty sick. See a doctor soon.


Did I forget to mention that ChrisC is one of my creations too.  I thought of that in the toilet.  One needs to get ones shit out everyday.  He is one of the daily activities.

He actually helped to keep me down on Earth.  His complaint to his Congressman on Major Todd visiting Hong Kong and China will raise more visibiliy.  Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 18, 2007, 01:17:01 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 18, 2007, 01:11:33 AM

He actually helped to keep me down on Earth.  ...

No, Lawrence, you have a short memory when it comes to reality; remember you're still down in the toilet and constipated

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 18, 2007, 02:51:35 AM
Highlights of the Productivity Conference (4)

The keynote speaker was the President of the World Confederation of Productivity Sciences. ä¸â€"ç•Å'生產率科學聯盟 http://www.wcpscc.com.  The speech was very well received.  His main recommendations for increasing the productivity of China are:

(1)   Freedom ? When one is free to dream and innovate, one can excel the past.  Otherwise, one could only improve.  We value the PhDs who studied many books; digested much data and helped to perfect the equations.  But we should also value the innovators who jumped in with no pre-conceptions and made major breakthroughs.  I stood up and took many pictures.  This statement touched my heart deeply.

(2)   Fairness ? One should be properly rewarded for ones efforts.  Intellectual property protection is extremely important to protect the innovators.   Many innovators spent their entire life perfecting one invention.  They are usually not the cunning business type.  If we do not treat them fairly, they will vanish from Planet Earth.  Wang clapped his hands loudly on this.

(3)   Safety ? We must have a safe environment before we can increase productivity.  If we were in Iraq, we would worry more about our lives and those of our loved ones.  The thought of increasing productivity is unlikely to blossom.  Inventors worrying about visits from Blue Suited Men might go to other Countries. 

Wang whispered to me that he gave his invention freely to the Chinese Military.  They in return, helped him to get commercial funding and connections.  He was somewhat surprised to get the honorary title of å°‘å°‡ãâ,¬â€š Three Vice Presidents of his Company got similar honors.  Two more might be granted the honor after their inventions were more developed.

It looks like China has ?hit on the right track?.  Lee and Tseung happened to be in the ?most free? City in the World ? Hong Kong.  The fair treatment to Wang and his consequent fairness (RMB100 million to Lee and RMB100 million to 扶è‹â€"創æâ€"°åŸºé‡‘) generate much inspiration.  Protection from the Chinese Government almost guaranteed fewer time-wasting lawsuits and other immoral or illegal infringements.

Lawrence Tseung
Pictures will be added later.
@ChrisC,  Your creator is God.  He can do anything. ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 18, 2007, 03:05:21 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 18, 2007, 02:51:35 AM
Highlights of the Productivity Conference (4)

(1)   Freedom ? When one is free to dream and innovate, one can excel the past.  Otherwise, one could only improve.  We value the PhDs who studied many books; digested much data and helped to perfect the equations.  But we should also value the innovators who jumped in with no pre-conceptions and made major breakthroughs.  I stood up and took many pictures.  This statement touched my heart deeply.

Must be sentimental for you Lawrence, since being God, you're powerless to bestow a PhD upon yourself! Get over it! You're only a unknown 'scientist'! BTW, have you seen the movie Toy Story where Buzz Light Year thought that the initials 'M.I.T'  on his magic controller (watch) meant "Massachusetts Institute of Technology" but  reality sank in when he realized his watch 'MIT' meant "Made in Taiwan". So, you're really a "Made In China" product, as in "tainted with lead, etc". That's reality for you old Tseung! After watching the 'Beautiful Mind' movie, you should watch 'Toy Story'! Highly recommended for this 'unknown god'!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 18, 2007, 03:36:47 AM
Quote from: Eddy Currentz on December 17, 2007, 08:39:03 PM
I haven't done this experiment, but I can see an advantage in the one way valves. They would prevent the weight of the entire column of water from being supported by the pump. Each valve, while closed, would transfer the weight of any water above it to the pipe.
The air being pumped into the line could provide a delay in the pressure wave from the pump, thereby only opening one or two valves instead of the whole lot. This would allow much easier pumping since the weight of the whole column wouldn't have to be lifted with each pump stroke.
The jury is still out on this one as far as I'm concerned.

Think about it Eddy, any air being pumped through must lift ALL the one way valves AND whatever is sitting on top of them in order to pass.

Every bit of mass that sits on one way valves increases the back pressure of the whole system.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 18, 2007, 05:21:43 AM
Exactly, Hans.
Pressure upward must be higher than the pressure downward to have anything flow up through the valves. Doesn't matter if it's water or air.
And since the air is allowed to exit the flow at the top, the top should only contain water. One volume of water is heavier than the same volume of water+air, so one would expect the top most water volume (piece of tubing above the last valve) to exert more pressure downward than the upward pressure exerted by the lighter water+air mix, due to its higher mass, and due to the fact that we only use just enough energy to pump the water+air mix up, which should be significantly less than the energy needed to pump an equal amount of water to an equal height.
But apparently that all works differently in China. Special Chinese water, I guess. ;)

@Tseung/Richard/Forever/Chan/Todd/Sun/Wang/-insert random name for one of Tseungs schitzoid personalities here- :
You continue to spew useless text. Take this for example:
QuoteThis type of Electricity Generators using permanent magnets have already been assembled and tested successfully in Beijing. The China New Energy Source Company will demonstrate a 10,000 kilowatt and a 100,000 kilowatt electricity generator in 2008
All nice, but there's nothing new about simply using permanent magnets in electrical generators. That is the way almost all generators work: motion is induced, usually in the form of rotation, and a conductor is moved through a magnetic field, to induce a current in the conductor. Since using electromagnets is not a viable option due to losses, permanent magnets are used.  So the fact that a Chinese company is going to produce generators with permanent magnets in them doesn't mean a thing.
Also the fact that these generators are supposed to produce 10 to 100 kW is not special. It might be if the input were like 10% of the output, but nothing like that is claimed. If I use a fossil fuel engine that drives my rotor shaft with enough energy, and I use permanent magnets in my generator that are really strong, then I could get 10 to 100 kW out of a generator as well. But that still doesn't mean I'm not inputting the energy to make the generator run. And that's neglecting the fact that most really strong "new" rare earth magnets lose their structural integrity to a degree over periods of time and depending on the magnetostatic friction they encounter, which would obviously decrease output over time.
So very nice but doesn't mean squat.

Now I ask once again, since you seem to be selectively blind, explain how you propose to extract electrical energy directly from gravity?
Why do you insist on posting one personal discussion with probably non-existant people after the other, but refuse to clearly answer direct questions and provide any form of proof? Nobody wants to hear you continue your one-sided ranting, and we do want to see some proof. Do I have to spell it out for you? Is logic in China so askew that you can't see what we're asking for? Or is your brain so rusty that you're stuck in your personal obsession of posting unwanted discussions and cannot grasp the idea that people want detailed proof instead of personal anecdotes of your misguided gettogethers with your other personalities?
Now you've manouvered yourself into a corner so much that you even feel the need to start attacking Chris and Hans...
They do have altzheimer medication in China? Or maybe there's too much lead in it eh?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 18, 2007, 11:25:16 AM
Dear Koen1,

Please be patient.  I shall answer one thing at a time.  We are still on the topic of water+air.

I got diverted to the Productivity Conference by Wang Shum Ho.  His device has the special magic of not needing any input whatsoever.  If we use the formula COP= (Output Energy) / (Input Energy) and Input Energy is zero, the COP is infinite.

Details on the Wang device is in http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/wang3a.htm

Lawrence Tseung
There is no hurry as the Wang Machine is up and running.  It must go through a six month no-failure period before allowed to market.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 18, 2007, 11:35:28 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on December 18, 2007, 05:21:43 AM
Exactly, Hans.

Now I ask once again, since you seem to be selectively blind, explain how you propose to extract electrical energy directly from gravity?
Why do you insist on posting one personal discussion with probably non-existant people after the other, but refuse to clearly answer direct questions and provide any form of proof? Nobody wants to hear you continue your one-sided ranting, and we do want to see some proof. Do I have to spell it out for you? Is logic in China so askew that you can't see what we're asking for? Or is your brain so rusty that you're stuck in your personal obsession of posting unwanted discussions and cannot grasp the idea that people want detailed proof instead of personal anecdotes of your misguided gettogethers with your other personalities?
Now you've manouvered yourself into a corner so much that you even feel the need to start attacking Chris and Hans...
They do have altzheimer medication in China? Or maybe there's too much lead in it eh?


I think we're wasting our time on this crap head. Maybe if you, Hans and myself and others don't reply to his threads, there will only be old Tseung and his multiple personalities talking to each other? Strange things go on in a schizo.'s mind! Very very eerie.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 18, 2007, 12:10:21 PM
Quote from: Eddy Currentz on December 17, 2007, 08:39:03 PM
I haven't done this experiment, but I can see an advantage in the one-way valves. They would prevent the weight of the entire column of water from being supported by the pump. Each valve, while closed, would transfer the weight of any water above it to the pipe. 

The air being pumped into the line could provide a delay in the pressure wave from the pump, thereby only opening one or two valves instead of the whole lot. This would allow much easier pumping since the weight of the whole column wouldn't have to be lifted with each pump stroke.

The jury is still out on this one as far as I'm concerned.

Dear Eddy Currentz,

Your posting and understanding of the one-way valves is closest to the mark.

I have the Beach Pumps and the plastic box ready for Ms. Forever Yuen.  She still needs to buy the tubes, T-junctions etc. from the Hardware store.

I hope Nightlife can purchase the same pumps in USA or whatever his location.

The beach pumps has increased in price from USD1:00 to USD2:00.  My USD10 bet with Hans is costing me more than USD10.  Well, with RMB100 million coming to the 扶è‹â€"創æâ€"°åŸºé‡‘æÅ"Æ', I should not worry too much.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 18, 2007, 03:10:37 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 18, 2007, 03:36:47 AM

Think about it Eddy, any air being pumped through must lift ALL the one-way valves AND whatever is sitting on top of them in order to pass.

Every bit of mass that sits on one-way valves increases the backpressure of the whole system.

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

Your thinking is good but you have missed an important point.

Air (or air+water) is compressible. The one-way valves do not need to be open all together at the same time.  You can see it in the experiment.  That is also the reason why spacing of the one-way valves affects the efficiency.

Please keep leading or misleading the crowd.  They will be amused and may even learn something.  Such thought exercises keep the brain from going senile.

Lawrence Tseung
Getting the crowd involved Leads Out entertainment and knowledge for all.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 18, 2007, 03:11:35 PM
I have missed nothing, learn some physics.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 18, 2007, 03:38:53 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on December 17, 2007, 05:19:47 PM

Sure, in a way it would be impressive if Tseung got any water at all up to floor 10.  But at the end of the day, even if he does, 3. what does it prove?  You are pumping the air and water by using muscle power, so it is really hard to compute how much force you are putting out.  The one-way valves lend themselves to the 1. discontinuous pumping, in a way.  It is sort of like pushing a ball up a flight of stairs and taking a break on every step.  If the pump could pump continuously, then the one-way valves would not be needed, but unfortunately Tseung can only afford the foot pump and not any kind of mechanical device.  2. I do agree that the one-way valves add nothing in terms of efficiency.

Dear shruggedatlas,

Your thinking is also brilliant.  It is worth commenting.

1.   Discontinuous Pumping.  You made a very good point here.  If we could get a perfect mix of (air bubble + water droplet) followed by same size (air bubble + water droplet), we might not need the one-way valves.  However, Tseung et al could not locate and buy a perfect air-pump and water injection system that could achieve the perfect mix.  Thus the introduction of one-way valves to achieve discontinuous pumping was needed.

2.   ?I do agree that the one-way valves add nothing in terms of efficiency.?  You agreed too readily.  From experiments, we know that the type and spacing of the one-way valves affect the efficiency of the air+water delivery system.  Obviously, you are allowed to change your mind after you have seen the experiment. 

3.   What does it prove?  First it proves that Tseung et al did the experiment.  Second, it proves that use of an electric air pump is necessary for any measurement.  Raymond Ting initially did not protect his air pumps with one-way valves and got two of them burnt.  One-way valves do have some uses.  Third, it proves that getting usable data needed much more investment in equipment, time, documenting and use of different one-way valves and their spacing.  The owner of such data may not be willing to give such valuable commercial data free.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on December 18, 2007, 03:46:57 PM
Strongly agree with hans .... learn some physics or don't make comments like that on subjects you aren't sure of .. most of us don't reply hastily unless provoked.

Your system looses resonance when your valve shuts completely.. if you filled all your containers first .. with water and then the line and got the air out... the natural momentum of the water if done properly could yield a net gain in inertia of the flow. So for instance with some water and air its hard for a pump to raise water in a vertical tube... You change your pressure domain. With just water which is denser than air, a small push from the pump will start the cycle and require less net energy to operate the system... flow in flow out. As well the inertia gain comes from gravity pushing the water down  into the intake and is retained in a closed loop system.  So for each spin on the pump it actually receives pressure increased slightly because of gravity always pushing that vertical tube back into the intake...  Depending on the thickness of the fluid the motors power and the height of the tube parallel to the hmm water capicators... just containers with water and in and out flows un obstructed.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 18, 2007, 04:03:27 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 18, 2007, 03:11:35 PM
I have missed nothing, learn some physics.


Dear Hans,

I shall give more physics lessons - the professional physics teacher may beat me up.  That will add to the amusement.

If we can get a continuous flow of air+water with our system using an air pump, we can:

(1)   Measure the Input Energy from the pump alone. Epump
(2)   Measure the potential energy of water gained at the same time. Epotential

If we blindly apply the Law of Conservation of Energy, we would say that Epotenial would always be less than Epump.  For a perfect system, Epotential = Epump.  For the Commercial water pumps, this is impossible.

If we ever achieve Epotential greater than Epump, we need to find and explain the source of this extra energy.  Just one single configuration with consistent figures is sufficient.

The explanation is Energy from Still Air as predicted by Tseung.  The mathematical formulae are:
Einput = Epump + Eair-in
Eout = Epotential + Eair-out

Eair-in = Pin x Vin   where P = pressure and V=volume
Eair-out = Pout x Vout
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 18, 2007, 04:30:51 PM
There is no extra energy. Your math's is crap and based on unmeasured assumptions. Where are your so called measurements?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on December 18, 2007, 06:03:24 PM
Quote from: chrisC on December 18, 2007, 11:35:28 AM
I think we're wasting our time on this crap head. Maybe if you, Hans and myself and others don't reply to his threads, there will only be old Tseung and his multiple personalities talking to each other? Strange things go on in a schizo.'s mind! Very very eerie.
I agree chris. This is what I proposed a few pages back.
The thread was amusing but has worn thin and become an annoyance.
So I won't be replying to The Characters anymore, sarcastic or otherwise.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 18, 2007, 06:27:33 PM
You are right fellows, it has worn thin.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on December 18, 2007, 06:31:23 PM
Leading out
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 18, 2007, 06:39:35 PM
@ Joe

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 18, 2007, 07:40:19 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 18, 2007, 04:30:51 PM
There is no extra energy. Your math's is crap and based on unmeasured assumptions. Where are your so-called measurements?

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

Thank you once more for giving me a chance to teach the World some more Physics.  Actually this time it is more to do with Fluid Mechanics (or my MSc knowledge in Aerodynamics).

The most important equation quoted in the previous post is the following:
Eair-in = Pair-in x Vair-in

The proof that the average layman can understand is as follows:

(1)   Imagine a long inlet pipe of radius R
(2)   The area of the pipe will then be A = Pi x R x R  (area of a circle)
(3)   Assume that in 1 second, air that can go through the pipe at speed S
(4)   The force exerted on an imaginary thin disc across the pipe is F
F = P x A (force = pressure x area)
(5)   The work done in 1 second W
= F x S (work = force x displacement)
= P x A x S
(6)   (A x S) happens to be the Volume of air that goes into the system in 1 second
(7)   Thus we can say that the Work Done by air-in is
= P x V  (Pressure x Volume)
(8 )   Work Done is equivalent to Energy Available E
(9)   Thus Energy carried in by air is
Pressure-in x Volume-in
(10)   Thus we have the proof that
Eair-in = Pair-in x Vair-in

This vigorous mathematical proof cannot be wrong.  It is standard Physics taught in Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics.  Please consult your Physics, Fluid Mechanics or Aerodynamics professors at any of the top universities.

If the equation cannot be wrong, extracting energy from still air is scientifically possible.  The air+water air pump experiment is just the tip of the iceberg.

Lawrence Tseung
Understand the theory and then we know what to measure.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 18, 2007, 08:35:42 PM
Highlights of the Productivity Conference (5)

Some additional points from the Keynote speech included:
The best known ways to increase Productivity Globally are:
(1)   Higher Wages as this will create more demand.
(2)   Lower costs as this will make the goods more affordable to the masses.
(3)   Higher Profits as this will attract more investment.

In Hong Kong, most owners object to paying higher wages.  Their argument is that paying more means higher costs.  The neighboring Countries, especially China, has much lower costs.  What pay the workers more?  One might lose ones competitive advantage.  For the individual inventors, they often receive zero or negative wages.  Negative means that they had to come up with money via savings, borrowing from relatives and friends etc.  This is what Wang referred to as going to Hell.

There is generally no disagreement in Lowering Costs from the Owners in Hong Kong.  However, there are objections from Workers.  For example, the Hong Kong Government tried to lower costs by subcontracting.  Many from the civil service objected.  For the individual inventors, they often cut costs to the bone.  For example, Tseung left the vigorous data validation of his water+air pump to others.  He had no blood to sell and would not to starve.  (He did survive on bread or rice porridge alone a few times).

Almost all owners want higher profits.  However, in a free, competitive environment, competitors will jump in as soon as they smell money.  It is difficult to maintain high profits unless you become a virtual monopoly. Most individual inventors hope that the Patent system would provide them with protection.  Wang was fortunate to have the Chinese Government as the backer.  His personal fortune is virtually secured.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on December 19, 2007, 12:03:21 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on December 17, 2007, 02:37:28 PM
What exactly are you saying here? If the claim is provable, then why has it not been proven yet?
Or do you mean that the claim "water and air together can be pumped higher than only water" can be proven? Well, it might indeed.
But that's not the claim. The claim is that water and air together can be pumped higher than only water, and the SAME AMOUNT of water can be pumped without using more energy than a normal water pump would.

Getting water up several floors with a beach pump like the one shown is possible.Ã,  How much energy that takes is another matter -- but no one is going to measure that.Ã,  I'm sure Lawrence will show you how to calculate it ;-)


What's important is that the tube coming out of a beach pump is thin enough so that little units of water that block the tube will hold themselves together by surface tension.

If each stroke of the beach pump introduces 45mm of air followed by 5mm of water into the output tube, then that 45-5-45-5 pattern will be maintained all the way up.Ã,  The total weight of water in the tube, and therefore the pressure against the pump's output valve, will be 1/10th that of a tube entirely filled with water.Ã,  It is this pressure that determines how high you can pump.

Notice that even this has nothing to do with energy and overunity!Ã,  The pressure that that valve and other various components can handle depends only on the quality of their construction.Ã,  Why would anyone even think that pumping water to a great height demonstrates any kind of overunity effect?Ã,  Only because Lawrence seemed to imply that.

Finally, when you add more valves, they don't make it any easier to push the water up, but they do all help keep it from going back down, and this, again, is what determines how high you can pump, so more one-way values = higher pumping.Ã,  Your veins have one-way valves all through them for similar reasons.


Mr. Entropy
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 19, 2007, 12:19:29 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 18, 2007, 08:35:42 PM
Highlights of the Productivity Conference (5)

Some additional points from the Keynote speech included:

blah, blah, blah.... tell us something real? Like measured and reproducible data? No more excuses like... 'can't manage electric drills'; 'leave others to verify', 'two mild strokes'...
No wonder you're so screwed up. You really have no idea what reality is outside your small brain, do you?

If you can even prove overunity, there will be plenty of $ for you and you don't have to be living in your virtual 'hell' believeing you're God and giving more excuses. So sad....

Please remember to take some medication tonight.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 19, 2007, 01:02:56 AM
Highlights of the Productivity Conference (6)

Another statement with great impact on the Conference Participants is:

See what others cannot see.

The example used was Newton.  Millions of people saw particles falling before Newton was even born.  They did not come up with the Laws of Motion.  Why would Newton achieve something that almost everyone before him had a chance?

Have Lee Cheung Kin and Lawrence Tseung achieved that same feat?  Almost every one before them pushed the swing or pendulum.  No one ever realized that gravitational energy could be extracted from that action.  Millions before them could have thought of the continued expansion into electron motion and Flying Saucer.  What was the magic?

See what others cannot see.

@Mr. Entropy
Try to see in the direction pointed to by Tseung.  Study the few equations and the proof.  Eair-in = Pressure x Volume.  Air is not a fuel but an energy carrier.  We can use its energy!

Lawrence Tseung
We can use Energy from Still Air - Leading Out Global Cooling.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 19, 2007, 01:42:40 AM

This post is in response to your bearing pictures.  Well, I have a lot of experience in this area and, I hate to say it but, if you want a high temperature bearing than you have to change materials.  Cutting a "slit" in a precision bearing will NOT improve its temperature range.  What it will do is let the metal "relax" a bit, and in this case a bit needs to be only .0005" and you have just rendered the bearing useless.  We made true high temp. bearings for the aerospace industry and they were 100% ceramic and could take 3,000+ degrees F.  This temp would melt your bearings, slit or no slit. NASA liked our bearings and are still using this technology today.  NASA does NOT slit cheap metal bearings to attempt to raise the operational parameters.  What you need is partially stabilized transfromation toughened zirconium oxide for the ball bearings and the race and the shell.  If you do not do this, what is the expression? Pissing up a rope.


PS I have over 18 years in the precision ceramic machining industry and I know of what I speak in this area.  We used to machine parts for China because they could not hold the tolerances.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 19, 2007, 01:50:35 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on December 19, 2007, 01:42:40 AM

This post is in response to your bearing pictures.  Well, I have a lot of experience in this area and, I hate to say it but, if you want a high temperature bearing than you have to change materials.  Cutting a "slit" in a precision bearing will NOT improve its temperature range.  What it will do is let the metal "relax" a bit, and in this case a bit needs to be only .0005" and you have just rendered the bearing useless.  We made true high temp. bearings for the aerospace industry and they were 100% ceramic and could take 3,000+ degrees F.  This temp would melt your bearings, slit or no slit. NASA liked our bearings and are still using this technology today.  NASA does NOT slit cheap metal bearings to attempt to raise the operational parameters.  What you need is partially stabilized transfromation toughened zirconium oxide for the ball bearings and the race and the shell.  If you do not do this, what is the expression? Pissing up a rope.


PS I have over 18 years in the precision ceramic machining industry and I know of what I speak in this area.  We used to machine parts for China because they could not hold the tolerances.


Good post! Now you can put things in perspective. Surely the old con man thinks he can squeeze in some fancy photos to make it more 'official' that those commies have the keys to the energy kingdom. Now, what is your answer, old Tseung? Let's see how you can explain this? Maybe, check with Wang or Lee when you retire your current personality? Oh, I forgot, we have to wait for the medicine to wear off first!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 19, 2007, 03:52:30 AM
@ Bill & Chris

I thought we had agreed to leave this f*cked up thread alone in future.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 19, 2007, 04:14:28 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 19, 2007, 03:52:30 AM
@ Bill & Chris

I thought we had agreed to leave this f*cked up thread alone in future.

Hans von Lieven

Sorry Hans.
I'm LEADING OUT, as Joe said!

Thanks for reminding me I need to be off my hobby horse. I'm off NOW!
I'm going to join Otto in his TPU research. I hope I don't see old Tseung on that thread!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 19, 2007, 07:55:21 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on December 19, 2007, 01:42:40 AM

This post is in response to your bearing pictures.  Well, I have a lot of experience in this area and, I hate to say it but, if you want a high temperature bearing than you have to change materials.....


PS I have over 18 years in the precision ceramic machining industry and I know of what I speak in this area.  We used to machine parts for China because they could not hold the tolerances.

Thank you for your information.  There is one more solution for the Chas Campbell device.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 19, 2007, 08:48:21 AM
Highlights of the Productivity Conference (7)

The next major presentation was a review of the success in China on Productivity in the last 20 years and the improvements to be made.

Unfortunately, the speaker did not use slides very much.  He spoke fast and often got excited and emotional.  I could not follow his presentation.  The only thing I could do was to clap when everyone else did.

The only useful thing I learned from that presentation was that many Conference Participants actually participated first-hand in the progress of China in the last 20 years.  One participant started from nothing and built a more than RMB50 billion empire in that time.

The next session was related to getting Venture Capital.  Many forum participants went out to chat in the lobby.  I went out to make phone calls.  Some questioned the Organizer.

?Why do you arrange these topics that are only of interest only to the startups?  You know that two thirds of the participants are already successful scientists or business owners.  I have more than RMB500 cash ready to invest.?

?We came to meet our old friends.  We prefer to have ?free activities?.  There is no point in our participating in topics that might have interested us 10 or 15 years ago.?

The Organizers changed the schedule to ?free activities? under pressure.  A large number went to visit Hong Kong and Macau.  There was the opening of the new c a s i n o.  That was more interesting to the wealthy members than listening to academic sessions on raising capital.

Wang invited me to join his friends at the bar.  The next thing I remembered was a big headache.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on December 19, 2007, 09:25:53 AM
Hans, Chris, Bill and Evil Roy,

yes I think you're right.
It was amusing for a little while, but now it's getting very boring very quickly.
Repetition of nonsense does not make for much amusement, but increasingly for irritation.
Signing out of this thread, and hopefully will manage to stay away. ;)

@Tseung: Thank you for making such a fool of yourself, it was quite amusing for a while.
Maybe after you learn how science works, you could actually have your own science comedy show in China.
Good luck with the psychotherapy!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 19, 2007, 09:44:04 AM
Highlights of the Productivity Conference (8)

The real and true business deals.

I got a call from Wang.  ?Join me for a real business deal.  You spent too much time on the Computer.  We are going to visit the factory of a small businessperson.  Come.?

We drove to the factory at 4 p.m.  It was an obvious startup.  The owner downsized and much of the machinery was left unpacked.  I said to Wang: ?This place is not much better than your old house.  It is totally disorganized.  There cannot be more than a dozen workers.  Are you planning to invest or work with this person??

Wang laughed: ?You were in my old house just over a year ago.  Now my watch is worth more than all the material in that house.  China changes very fast.  I made the promise of providing RMB100 million to your foundation over a year ago.  You probably treated that as a distant dream.  I am repeating that now.  Do you still think that it is a dream??

Mr. Lee, a new friend who came with us: ?Your electricity generator is not a dream.  It is generating electricity.  The IPO will bring RMB many billions.  Your words now have weight.?

We then went out for a 3-hour dinner.  I stayed away from any alcohol this time. The startup entrepreneur talked much about his vision.  Wang and his friends laughed a lot.  Then we got entertained in a massage parlor.  It was an eye opener for me.

The place was decorated like a five star hotel.  Each room had private sauna or doubt bathtub facilities.  We each selected a lady to serve us.  I was treated like an emperor.  Drinks were served privately to the room but I selected coffee.  There were fresh fruit ? peeled by the lady.

The next part was wonderful but is likely to be censored by Stefan.  I gave the lady an extra tip. (The basic expenses were paid for.)  It was extremely relaxing.

The business deal was done.

Wang laughed at my ignorance or newfound knowledge.  He said that "In Beijing, such entertainment would cost RMB3,000 per person approximately.  It is important to get to know your business partner in his private life.  This is something never presented in open seminars.?

Lawrence Tseung
Business can be real fun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RD Edwards on December 19, 2007, 10:33:57 AM
There were fresh fruit ? peered (peeled?) by the lady. The next part was wonderful but is likely to be censored by Stefan.  I gave the lady an extra tip. (The basic expenses were paid for.)  It was extremely relaxing.

Did he just say that his 'associates' paid for a hooker for him?
The entire post kinda shows how completely out of touch with reality he is. Hell, what am I saying, ALL of his posts do!
It was fun, till you find out that tseung is really corky. Please, don't steal from the tard jar....
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on December 19, 2007, 11:11:40 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 19, 2007, 01:02:56 AM
Try to see in the direction pointed to by Tseung.  Study the few equations and the proof.  Eair-in = Pressure x Volume.  Air is not a fuel but an energy carrier.  We can use its energy!

The formula is misapplied. Properly applied, it will tell you how much energy you must spend to get the air sucked into the pump.  I will not go into details, because I've noticed that you stop answering my questions when they get too hard.  Should I then resort to insults and derision?  To what end?


Mr. Entropy
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 19, 2007, 12:44:20 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 19, 2007, 09:44:04 AM

The place was decorated like a five star hotel.  Each room had private sauna or doubt bathtub facilities.  We each selected a lady to serve us.  I was treated like an emperor.  Drinks were served privately to the room but I selected coffee.  There were fresh fruit ? peered by the lady.

The next part was wonderful but is likely to be censored by Stefan.  I gave the lady an extra tip. (The basic expenses were paid for.)  It was extremely relaxing.

The business deal was done.

Lawrence Tseung
Business can be real fun.

OK. I couldn't resist getting back on my horse for this one. Maybe Forever wouldn't be doing experiments for this old corny guy anymore? Now we definitely won't have all the experimental data to unmask this fraud?
My horse thinks I need to get off a final time!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 19, 2007, 02:02:23 PM
Highlights of the Productivity Conference (9)

Conclusion from the Conference Experience

(1)   In this World, there is something called ?face?.  Some things cannot be presented formally in seminars even if they work and get practiced.

(2)   Sometimes, people pay thousands of dollars for clothing and much more for jewel. The reason is ego and to be accepted in the high society.

(3)   Like the movie ? Pretty Women ? the same lady can be despised as a hooker or admired and envied as a companion of a wealthy man.

(4)   What other people say is not important.  How one feels is important.  If the Old Tseung can laugh at the insults, who cares?

(5)   The topic and the audience must match to get the best result.  Telling millionaires how to raise startup capital is stupid.  Teaching Physics in an Open Forum may be equally stupid.  So the attitude should be sow seeds as taught by Jesus in the Bible.

(6)   Some people like to use words such as freedom.  They can polish and use such terms in almost any occasion.  The Old Tseung likes to use the phrase Lead Out.  The Conference Lead Out reunion of the millionaires who helped to create the Chinese Economic Miracle.

End of Highlights
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 19, 2007, 02:27:29 PM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on December 19, 2007, 11:11:40 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 19, 2007, 01:02:56 AM
Try to see in the direction pointed to by Tseung.  Study the few equations and the proof.  Eair-in = Pressure x Volume.  Air is not a fuel but an energy carrier.  We can use its energy!

The formula is misapplied. Properly applied, it will tell you how much energy you must spend to get the air sucked into the pump.  I will not go into details, because I've noticed that you stop answering my questions when they get too hard.  Should I then resort to insults and derision?  To what end?


Mr. Entropy

Dear Mr. Entropy,

The formula and proof is a general one.  It is like Newton's statement - all masses attract each other. 

So long as there is a compressible fluid going into the system, energy can be carried in.

I am sure the top professors at MIT, Cambridge, Tsing Hua etc. will comment on the above in the near future.  Major Todd might have passed the information to them already.  This will be part of my lecture material when I go to the States or when Major Todd and his team visit Hong Kong.

@Major Todd, please pass the relevant posts to your technical experts.  If needed, I do not mind polishing my presentation material and send them out before any meeting.

Lawrence Tseung
Mathematics and Physics cannot lie.  Well-trained and equipped mathematicians and physicists should get the same answers with same data.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: mingmei on December 19, 2007, 09:00:30 PM
Hello, I will go by the name of Mingmei, and the reasons I am keeping my real identity secret should become clear shortly.  I was one of the ladies who had the pleasure of servicing the Wang party at a certain massage parlor in Hong Kong, as accurately described by Mr. Tseung in an earlier post.  I did not deal with Mr. Tseung personally.

I am taking a great risk by writing this openly, but I understand from earlier postings that Mr. Tseung does not trust email, and for good reason.  The truth is that I am employed by the CIA, and I was planted in the massage parlor to gather information about the revolutionary technologies in development by Wang and the others.  It is true that we have been monitoring Mr. Tseung's email account, as well as the email accounts of some of his associates.  Mr. Tseung, you should refrain in the future from using any U.S. based free email service.  We have also of course have been monitoring this thread.

I am writing this to warn Mr. Tseung and his associates of the danger they are in.  The CIA is my employer, but in the end, I know I must answer to a higher authority (God), and I cannot in good conscience allow the U.S. Government to impede the development of this revolutionary technology which will clearly lead to a better world for all people in the world.

Mr. Tseung, one of the people in the party gave away too much information to his "lady of the evening".  It was not you, Mr. Tseung, and I believe the lady servicing you was not a CIA agent (we did not have enough agents for every member of the party, and you were not perceived as a high target - don't ask me why).    From this information, we have learned how far along the development of free energy truly is.  Mr. Tseung, please heed my words, the CIA and related agencies will stop at NOTHING to prevent this technology from reaching the market.  Please advise your associates to not skimp on security.  The CIA has a limited presence in China, and given enough precautions, you should be able to prevent their interference. But if you are short-staffed in this department, the CIA will get the better of you.

Anyway, God bless, and please do not ask me anything specific.  I already fear for my life by posting this.  I can only hope that my superiors will not be able to deduce my identity.  Warn the others - that is all I ask.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Schpankme on December 19, 2007, 09:10:19 PM
Quote from: mingmei on December 19, 2007, 09:00:30 PM
Hello, I will go by the name of Mingmei, and the reasons I am keeping my real identity secret should become clear shortly.  I was one of the ladies who had the pleasure of servicing the Wang party at a certain massage parlor in Hong Kong, as accurately described by Mr. Tseung in an earlier post.  I did not deal with Mr. Tseung personally.

This thread serves no purposes and is based solely in fantasy.

- Schpankme
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 20, 2007, 08:18:39 AM
The Conference Pictures

This one shows Mr. Wang Shum Ho at the sign in desk.

Note that he has the success look.  His suit was worth more than RMB3,000.  In November 2006, he put on a less than RMB50 jacket at Tsing Hua University.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 20, 2007, 08:27:12 AM
Conference Pictures

This shows the pre-handshake between Mr. Wang Shum Ho and the President of the World Productivity Confederation. The President put the Business Card of Wang and Tseung in his pocket.  At the back of the Tseung business card was written ?overunity.com?.  Stefan should be happy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 20, 2007, 08:40:28 AM
Conference Pictures

This picture showed Tseung and Mr. Guan Bing Luan.  Mr. Guan saw the Wang Device spinning in 1997 and started helping Wang.  Mr. Guan used a different style compared with Tseung.  All information was confidential.  Only qualified investors were allowed to see the information and video.  That tactics lasted 8 years.

When Tseung got involved, the Wang information was on the Internet.  That got the attention of the Chinese Government.  Five Officials saw the Wang Demonstration on Jan 15, 2007.  Wang got the necessary support. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 20, 2007, 08:52:40 AM
Conference Pictures

This picture showed Ms. Chu Bing Ying and Mr. Guan Bing Luan.  Ms. Chu Bing Ying was a former President of the China Chapter of the Productivity Confederation. Ms. Chu was from Beijing and was well acquainted with the work of Wang Shum Ho.  She confirmed to me that Wang will be made a éâ,,¢Â¢Ã¥Â£Â« (Fellow) of the Confederation in 2008.  The award ceremony will be in South Africa.

I told Wang that I would mark that on my schedule.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 20, 2007, 09:03:13 AM
Conference Pictures

This picture showed Tseung and Wang after a nice meal in a five star hotel.  The hotel had good Christmas Decorations.  We got the receptionist to post together with us.  This picture is significant because Wang confirmed that he would donate RMB100 million to the扶è‹â€"創æâ€"°åŸºé‡‘æÅ"Æ' after his Company goes IPO.  I post this as a reminder for the World.

Thus if Wang were successful, many innovative seedlings will benefit.  The World will be a better place with his inventions and his generosity.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 20, 2007, 09:15:50 AM
Conference Pictures

This picture showed Chan, Sun, Fung and Wang in a meeting in a fast food restaurant.  Tseung paid this time (Tseung dared not pull out his wallet at the five star hotels for obvious reasons).

Those interested in Cosmic Energy Machine Research wanted to meet their idol in person. Some got influenced by the debunkers and had doubts that Wang was a virtual creation of Tseung.  The meeting cleared those doubts.  They got the information first hand from the Inventor himself.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 20, 2007, 09:23:46 AM
Conference Pictures

This picture showed Peter Chan and Ben Ng in a meeting.  Ben Ng is a lawyer from Singapore.  He represents a group of investors who learned about the Cosmic Energy Machines via the Internet.

Ben Ng will help to do the checking.  Tseung?s posts do have some uses.  The Chinese Government got involved.  The Department of Defense of USA got involved.  The Singapore Investors got involved.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: aepc2008 on December 20, 2007, 09:41:10 AM
(couldn't log into my original account for some reason... -Todd)


The 2008 Alternative Energy Partnership Conference (AEPC 2008) will be held on June 28-29 at Jarboe's Mill, 29880 Three Notch Road, Charlotte Hall, MD.  The primary focus of the outdoor conference will be on sustainability, with as many advanced energy technologies presented as possible.   This event will be an excellent venue to demonstrate new technologies.  This will bring inventors and prospective investors together, setting the stage for direct funding for advanced R&D projects.   Larry Jarboe is sponsoring the event and currently serves as St. Mary's County Commissioner.   Mr. Jarboe is a strong advocate for sustainable communities, as evidenced by his involvement with hydrogen and electric vehicle research and sustainable communities.  Go to Google Maps for specific directions from your location.  Otherwise, just take exit 7A south to merge onto Branch Avenue/MD-5 South towards Waldorf.   Continue following the signs for MD-5 South for 25+ miles.  Charlotte Hall is approximately 30 minutes south of Washington, D.C.  Call Todd at 301-357-0431 for more specific directions as needed.   The weekend event will be held outdoors with live demonstrations on site.  Food, restrooms, parking and lodging are available in the immediate area.   For additional information about AEPC 2008 and other activities in the D.C. area, contact Nora Maccoby at 301-320-3716.   No formal RSVPs are requested, as this is an informal network of inventors, researchers, and investors who support full-scale implementation of advanced energy technologies.   Through our network of contacts, we can adequately determine which technologies will most likely be represented.  Work from within your own networks to demonstrate advanced energy technologies that you are either working on or know of that could be demonstrated by the end of June.   

This decentralized approach will ensure the success of the event.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: acp on December 20, 2007, 10:46:46 AM
What a lot of bollocks.............
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RD Edwards on December 20, 2007, 01:27:55 PM
Now we have mingmei. A chinese cia hooker, with a concience.

He really really wants us to believe him. Heck, I think he is the most far reaching thinker out there.
Perhaps we can propose ideas along the lines of his. Support his work, so others can see the potential (free energy pun).
Dont let your concience get in the way, or reality. Or mundane things such as physics. Dont let the terrorists win on this one.
Through a clever duck the USA govt contacted me, the chinese cia knows of the secret lamp (code) spoken of by tseung, an old and wise hooker sticker. They have seen the arguments here and it has aroused their fortress pants. Many forever wang me chow funs await those who lead out chin lee hee hee.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 20, 2007, 05:05:45 PM
Quote from: aepc2008 on December 20, 2007, 09:41:10 AM
(couldn't log into my original account for some reason... -Todd)


The 2008 Alternative Energy Partnership Conference (AEPC 2008) will be held on June 28-29 at Jarboe's Mill, 29880 Three Notch Road, Charlotte Hall, MD.  The primary focus of the outdoor conference will be on sustainability, with as many advanced energy technologies presented as possible.   This event will be an excellent venue to demonstrate new technologies.  This will bring inventors and prospective investors together, setting the stage for direct funding for advanced R&D projects.....

This decentralized approach will ensure the success of the event.

Dear Todd,

Since we are in no hurry, I can plan on attending the AEPC 2008 conference in June 2008.  That should have no conflict with my attending the Olympics schedule.

I shall send two presentations to you first.
(1)   Energy from Still Air
(2)   Energy from Gravity and Electron Motion

I expect some experiments will be repeated and refined, including:

(1)   Beach Pump ? If you cannot get the parts in USA, I can mail them to you first.  Your contacts at DoD or Universities can perform the experiments well in advance of the Conference.  You are welcome to substitute the beach pump with actual air pumps and do more accurate scientific measurements.

(2)   Magnetic Pendulum ? I am sure that you can get magnets in USA.  A similar set up can be bought from this Forum Shop. 

(3)   The many spinning unbalanced wheel experiments ? You can supply the basic frame and wheels.  I shall bring Forever Yuen and her arsenal of hammers, falling balls, falling cylinders of sands etc.  The same experiment can be performed at DoD and Universities first.

(4) The 4-legged stool Wang experiment.  I am sure that you can get a 4-legged stool, a bowl of water and 4 people in USA.  I shall send a one-page description on the significance of this particular experiment.  The Wang Pulblic Announcement might make that unnecessary.

By June, 2008, the chance of the Wang Device making a Public Announcement is good.  (At least one machine is running continuously since Oct 2007.  If nothing goes wrong, the six-month certification will end on March 2008.)  I can at least bring the Public Announcement Video with subtitle in English to the Conference.

What are your comments on such an arrangement?

Lawrence Tseung
Real Conference Leads Out concrete actions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 20, 2007, 09:11:17 PM
Just finished talking to Lee Cheung Kin.  He has the following to add:

(1)   He believes the debunkers/non-believers will change names and keep making noise.  The CIA hooker is probably one of them.  Once you are addicted in this ?Internet Hobby?, it is impossible to kick the habit.

(2)   There is no need to convince the non-believers.  When the Chinese Government promotes the Wang Device heavily and the coal-burning electricity generator stations are converted, every one will be a believer.

(3)   Try to design the Flying Saucer experiment.  The Forever Video is fun to watch and illustrates the principle.  However the experiment using magnetic attraction to hold a rotating magnet and then abruptly cutting off the magnetic force may be more convincing.  It is a better use of our intellectual powers than the verbal fights with non-believers.  We can do the design and let others do the actual assembly and testing.

Lawrence Tseung
Compressive Fluid may not be a fuel but is definitely a mechanical energy carrier.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 21, 2007, 01:20:53 AM
Quote from: aepc2008 on December 20, 2007, 09:41:10 AM


The 2008 Alternative Energy Partnership Conference (AEPC 2008) will be held on June 28-29 at Jarboe's Mill, 29880 Three Notch Road, Charlotte Hall, MD.   

From Lawrence Tseung

I shall send two presentations to you first.
(1)   Energy from Still Air
(2)   Energy from Gravity and Electron Motion

Dear Todd,

Attached is the first paper - Energy from Still Air.  I made some minor modifications from the original paper in 2004.  You may send it out for peer review now.  If needed, I can do more polishing.

If the reviewers do not object, I am quite happy to have their reviews published in this forum for all to learn.


Lawrence Tseung
Compressive Fluid may not be a fuel but is definitely a mechanical energy carrier.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 21, 2007, 03:53:12 AM

Are you still prepared to do the experiment?

One thing I forgot to remind you is to measure the temperature of the water at the lower tank and that of the water at the upper tank.  You may also measure the temperature of the air+water jet.

The temperature at the top tank or at the air+water jet should be measurably lower.  One reason some physicists will give is that some water will evaporate and that process requires latent heat which must be drawn from the surrounding.  The surrounding may be air, water and pipe.

The other reason given by Tseung is that energy is drawn from still air.  The still air must show such an effect.  The lowering of temperature is that effect.

No matter what the theory says.  If there is a lowering of temperature, global cooling is achieved if we use the neutral Cosmic Energy Machines with this invention.

Lawrence Tseung
Compressive Fluid may not be a fuel but is definitely a mechanical energy carrier.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 21, 2007, 04:28:23 AM
The following is a discussion amongst Physics Students.

Student A: ?What is the relationship between Energy from Still Air and Over Unity??

Student B: ?Energy from Still Air is free.  You use some pump energy to Lead it Out.?

Student A: ?I got it.  It is so simple.  Why are there so many irrelevant questions from the Forum Members??

Student B: ?They had no formal training in Physics.  One even claimed that air+water column could not be higher than that of the pure water column. He accused the old Tseung of fraud and got the old Tseung angry.?

Student A: ?Now we have a better environment to discuss real physics.  I find that the statement air is not a fuel but an energy carrier  extremely clear and easy to follow.?

Lawrence Tseung
Compressive Fluid may not be a fuel but is definitely a mechanical energy carrier.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 21, 2007, 05:01:51 AM
Another discussion session amongst Physics Students

Student A: ?Does the super soaker water gun use Energy from Still Air??

Student B: ?We use our muscle energy to pump air in.  The air carries extra energy in.  Thus the super soaker water gun uses both our muscle energy and still air energy.?

Student C: ?The important point to remember is compressibility.  If the system is pumping in water, the water is NOT compressible.  We cannot use such energy.  However, if we mix water and air, the resultant fluid is compressible.?

Student A: ?The toy water rocket is another good example.  If we just fill the rocket entirely with water, the rocket will not go up at all.  If we just fill the rocket entirely with air, the rocket will not go up too high.  If we fill the rocket partially with air and partially with water, it will rise very high.?

Student B: ?In the case of the toy water rocket, there is an additional physics involved.  That is the conservation of momentum.  The ejection of air+water mixture downwards will have a momentum much higher than air alone.  This higher momentum will eject the rocket higher.?

Student C: ?Some Forum Members with no Physics Background will get a headache.?

Lawrence Tseung
Compressive Fluid may not be a fuel but is definitely a mechanical energy carrier.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 21, 2007, 06:05:06 AM
Another discussion session amongst the Physics Students

Student A: ?Do you think that there are other inventions using Energy from Still Air??

Student B: ?If the super soaker, the toy rocket, the street cleaning jet etc all use Energy from Still Air, I am sure that will be others.  Some might have been rejected by the Patent Offices previously.  They will most likely re-apply and get their patents before disclosure.?

Student C: ?You mean old Tseung might have rescued many such inventions.  No doubt he compares himself with Jesus Christ, the savior of mankind.?

Student A: ?Tseung should re-title his discovery as Energy from Compressible Fluids.  That will confuse the non-physicist forum members more.  But that is closer to the truth.?

Student B: ?Who cares about the truth?  The General Public looks for the final product.  Just flick a switch and the light goes on.  Anything more complicated will confuse them.?

Lawrence Tseung
Compressive Fluid may not be a fuel but is definitely a mechanical energy carrier.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: acp on December 21, 2007, 06:38:20 AM
What a lot of bollocks.....
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 21, 2007, 08:22:36 AM
Another discussion session amongst the Physics Students

Student A: ?How would Energy from Still Air affect our existing course material??

Student B: ?The obvious change is the material in Thermodynamics.  There will be much more discussion on open and closed systems.  Whenever there is air or compressible fluid flowing in and out of a system, we need to consider the additional energy term.?

Student C: ?For chemical reactions such as burning fuel, we may still carry on as if the energy from still air term does not exist.  The effect may be minor or lumped together with chemical energy.?

Student D: ?In pumps and cooling systems, the effect cannot be ignored.  These systems will have the greatest change.  I believe some professors will carefully study the impact and re-write certain chapters in standard textbooks.?

Student A: ? Do you think the old Tseung will do it himself??

Student B: ?I doubted.  He always said that he wanted others to shine.?

Lawrence Tseung
Compressive Fluid may not be a fuel but is definitely a mechanical energy carrier.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 21, 2007, 12:40:47 PM
Another discussion session amongst the Physics Students

Student A: ?What do you think about the old Tseung participating in the 2008 Alternative Energy Partnership Conference?  What kind of impact will it have on the field of Alternative Energy??

Student B: ?If Tseung only presents two papers, the impact will be minimal.  His two papers first appeared in late 2004 and early 2005.  The PCT patent information was disclosed in July 2006.  Lee, Tseung and Wang lectured at Tsing Hua University in late 2006. The publicity impact is minimal outside China.?

Student C: ?But Wang got support.  What would happen if the Wang device appeared at the AEPC Conference??

Student A: ?Then the Tseung presentations will have phenomenal impact.  But the Wang Company would have heavily promoted it first.  The phenomenal impact would have occurred before the AEPC Conference.  The appearance of Tseung at AEPC would only be a drop of the gravy.?

Student B: ?I still think that old Tseung should go.  The young Forever Yuen will benefit and learn from such an opportunity.  The World will benefit.?

Student C: ?Will the debunkers make noise to render the Conference useless?  Will they voluntarily stay away such as in this Forum??

Lawrence Tseung
Compressive Fluid may not be a fuel but is definitely a mechanical energy carrier.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 21, 2007, 03:51:37 PM
Meeting between Professors in Physics

Professor A: "I believe Tseung should state that compressible fluid is not necessarily a fuel but is definitely a mechanical energy carrier.  This makes it more general.  The theory not only applies to air.  It also applies to all fluids or mixture of gas, liquid and solid powder.  We all know that material contains energy such as heat and chemical energy.  Tseung pointed out the non-obvious mechanical energy."

Professor B: "Agreed."

Professor C: "I think Tseung can pause posting on Energy from Still Air and focus on Energy from Gravity and Electron Motion."

Professor A: "There is a limit to the sowing of seeds on the Internet.  Some Forum Members will still be confused.  So be it.  Jesus could not do it.  How could Tseung?"

Lawrence Tseung
Compressible Fluid may not be a fuel but is definitely a mechanical energy carrier
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 21, 2007, 09:10:11 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 20, 2007, 05:05:45 PM
Quote from: aepc2008 on December 20, 2007, 09:41:10 AM
(couldn't log into my original account for some reason... -Todd)


The 2008 Alternative Energy Partnership Conference (AEPC 2008) will be held on June 28-29 at Jarboe's Mill, 29880 Three Notch Road, Charlotte Hall, MD.  The primary focus of the outdoor conference will be on sustainability, with as many advanced energy technologies presented as possible.   This event will be an excellent venue to demonstrate new technologies.  This will bring inventors and prospective investors together, setting the stage for direct funding for advanced R&D projects.....

This decentralized approach will ensure the success of the event.

Dear Todd,

I shall send two presentations to you first.
(1)   Energy from Still Air
(2)   Energy from Gravity and Electron Motion

Lawrence Tseung
Real Conference Leads Out concrete actions.

Attached is the Energy from Gravity and Electron Motion paper.  Most of the Forum Members found it difficult to follow.  It is written as Physicists to Physicists.

Please circulate this to other Physicists at your universities or at DoD.  I do not mind making revisions based on the feedback.

*** The proof of concept experimental suggestion for the Flying Saucer is now available in 1150.

*** An absolute definitive proof that Vibration in a magnetic field can Lead out energy with pulses is the ?no-battery loudspeaker? described brilliantly by Hans von Lieven in 1710 http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,2794.msg79030.html#msg79030

Lawrence Tseung
Compressible Fluid is a Mechanical Energy Carrier.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 21, 2007, 10:39:30 PM
Discussion amongst Physics Students

Student A: ?The old Tseung has polished the Lead Out article again.  He intends to present it at the AEPC 2008 Conference.  What do you think the reception might be?  Will it be as successful as at Tsing Hua University??

Student B: ?That article is written as physicist to physicist.  It is not for glancing.  It is for studying.  I found it easy because I probably studied it a dozen times already.  I actually reworked the mathematics and the spreadsheets.?

Student C: ?I just accept the assumption that the Lee-Tseung Pulls do lead out gravitational energy.  The rest was easy.?

Student D: ?Mr. Bill Fung understood it after he met Tseung.  What is the special magic or the difference between reading the material and meeting the person??

Student A: ?Attending Tsing Hua or MIT University compared with buying the Physics textbooks.  Misunderstandings will not arise.  What killed most Forum Members are their misconceptions.?

Student B: ?You are right.  I recall some member could not tell the difference between punch and push.  Some could not tell the difference between work and energy.  Some could not tell the difference between open and closed systems.  Some could not tell the difference between scalar and vector quantities.  Some insisted on doing experiments on a single pull as validation.?

Student C: ?The debunking posts did not help.  Now they disappeared.  We can provide some real education to the World.?

Lawrence Tseung
Big Oil Rep (a steorn forum member) stimulated me to repeat the term Lead Out.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 21, 2007, 11:07:53 PM
Another discussion session amongst the Physics Students

Student A: "How would you explain the Lee-Tseung theory to your girl friend majoring in Music?"

Student B: "I would say that we are immersed in gravitational fields.  We attract each other.  There is much energy in such attraction.  Lee-Tseung found a way to use this energy.  I would then hug her tightly to show the attraction."

Student A: "That is a brilliant way of telling the theory.  What happens if she asks more?"

Student B: "I would tell her it will take a Tsing Hua or MIT graduate to really understand.  I happen to be one of them.  She will adore and love me more."

Lawrence Tseung
Physicists need to talk to Physicists to dig out the physics.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on December 22, 2007, 02:00:09 AM
I am excited at the opportunity to participate in the AEPC 2008 conference. I shall do what I can to bring value to the conference. The few things I can think of are:

1.   demonstrate the beach pump experiment
2.   demonstrate the magnetic pendulum
3.   demonstrate tuning of the unbalanced wheel systems
4.   refine the flying saucer demonstration
5.   any other experiments we can think of meanwhile

I hope to learn much from the other participates. My summer vacation will have started and I look forward to have an enjoyable vacation in USA.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on December 22, 2007, 05:55:42 AM
@All Christians
Merry Christmas.

@Everyone Else
As you were.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 23, 2007, 10:40:09 PM

What happened to your excellent David Hamel device video in http://forum.go-here.nl?

We plan to reproduce it at the AEPC 2008 conference.  We may be able to add the ferro-liquid part.  Once we combine the two, we would have the Wang Shum Ho device demonstration.

Wang said; "If the product announcement is done before June, the World would have known the details.  Your presentation will just be another small confirmation.  If the product announcement has not been done by then, yours will be an academic demonstration.  Your simple rotating device would be a repeat of my work over 40 years ago.  It is unlikely to generate much electricity for practical purposes."

Tseung: "It will confirm the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory.  It can be a toy to be sold around the World.  I am quite willing to pay royalties to you and your company."

Wang laughed: "Do not worry.  You just put all profits to the 'helping seedlings to innovate foundation'.  The real Electricity Generators would make so much money that my investors and shareholders would not mind donating a drop of gravy for worthy causes."


How about you and Ms. Forever Yuen working together on this?  I am sure I can find sponsors to pay for your AEPC 2008 expenses if the device can be demonstrated.

Merry Christmas to all,

Lawrence Tseung
International Cooperation Leads Out Benefits to the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 24, 2007, 02:45:47 PM
Open reply to a private email

Mr. Tseung,

Sorry for the late reply. I've been busy with work.

I've found a few links online about Mr Wang Shum Ho's invention. Specifically the information at:

Also, I've found another document that explains some of your inventions. I'm attaching this with this e-mail.

I haven't looked at the .pdf document in detail, but I've skimmed thru the Wang3a presentation. I could not find any connection to the use of the zero point field in Wang's machine. However, I have some questions about his machine, which I will send later.

Here is an idea for a joint project, we could develop together mathematical and computer models for the machines explained in the pdf document and also for Wang's machine. We could also validate this model by comparing them with data we could collect from the prototypes that are already built. In the case for Wang's Machine, we could model the magnetic field interaction by using an numerical partial differential equation solver for maxwell's equations using the boundary conditions of the geometry of the machine. This will give us an estimate on the intensity of the electric field which can be used to calculate things like impedance, power output, etc. I'm going to try to convince a friend that has done some modeling for fluid dynamics to get involved.

Also, I'll try to finish the paper work to start a non-profit research company here in the US. This company will be called "Zero Point Energy Modeling". If we do start our joint studies, then I will be doing it under the name of this company (this is so that I get some tax benefits from my full time job).

I will look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you!

Dear XXX,

If you read my posts carefully, you will find that I do not use the concept of zero point energy in my theories.

The two theories Lee Cheung Kin and I proposed are:

(1) Energy from Still Air

(2) Energy from Gravity and Electron Motion.

Ms. Forever Yuen and others will help with the simple proof-of-concept experimental confirmations.

Major Todd Hallaway of the Department of Defense of USA will be our contact in participating in the AEPC 2008 Conference.

Our presentation papers and experimental setups will be sent to him well before the AEPC Conference.

My plan is to get many Over Unity Developers know and understand the Lee-Tseung Theories.  They can then apply them on their inventions.

I expect over 100 inventions in China and more than 200 outside China will benefit from our theories.  Your comments on our theories are welcome.

Meanwhile participate in this forum for more information.


Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 25, 2007, 05:20:47 PM
A Christmas Message

I spent Christmas with my son and daughter.

My daughter cooked a delicious dinner and we watched the movie - Passion.

That movie was about the last day of Jesus Christ on Earth.  It showed his betrayal by Judas, beatings and the dying on the Cross.  It was all in Latin but the movie was very moving.  Even my old tears came out.  While I was still in the emotional mood, I got a long distance phone call from my sister.  She reminded me that there are people suffering right now.  If we have something that will benefit the World, do not sit on it. 

I gave the matter much thought and decided that my sister is right.

The easiest experiment for me and Forever Yuen is the unbalanced wheel rotation with dropping balls.  We could easily demonstrate that
(1) The time of rotation with zero falling distance is T1
(2) The time of rotation with a small falling distance is T2
(3) The time of rotation with a large falling distance is T3

We can easily and conclusively demonstrate that T2 is longer than T1.  T1 is longer than T3.

The fact that T2 is longer than T1 shows the effect of the Pulse.  In this case, it is the Lee-Tseung drop of the ball Leading Out gravitational energy.

The fact that T1 is longer than T3 shows the effect of providing the Pulse at the right time with the right amplitude.  A large falling distance or Pulse Force is not necessarily good.  It may be counter productive.  The rotational time will be smaller.  We need to hunt for resonance.

Most experimental researchers would think that producing a very low friction wheel and a large pulse force are the key to producing a successful unbalanced wheel demonstration.  Secretly in their hearts, they hoped that they might reproduce the Bessler Wheel that way.  In reality, too low a friction will make tuning much more difficult.  It will also make the background noise (vibration, air movement etc.) more significant.  Since it is relatively easity to provide a larger pulse force (or Lee-Tseung drop of the ball) by increasing the mass or the falling distance, we should go for a higher friction system so that the background noise is less significant.

I shall request Forever Yuen to do and record the experimental data as soon as possible.  She still has a few more holidays before going back to school.

One conclusive experiment demonstrating the effect that an unbalanced wheel can Lead Out gravitational energy with pulse (Lee-Tseung drop) may be worth a million words.  This experiment can be replicated Worldwide.  At present there are two sites that can do this experiment now - my home and the Sun et al factory.

There is no point in waiting if we can benefit the World now.

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 25, 2007, 08:39:32 PM
The physics students are in discussion again.

Student A: "It looks like the old Tseung is repeating the unbalanced wheel experiments again.  He did it almost a year ago.  He went to the village factory of Sun et al and spent a week.  He wrote the full story including the part bitten by the mosquitoes.  He will repeat it again with Ms. Forever Yuen.  Will it have greater impact this time."

Student B: "He has developed a group of readers - over 40,000 hits on this thread alone.  There is zero doubt that the Chinese Intelligence are on it.  There is no doubt that Wang Shum Ho et al would read it.  His picture appeared multiple times.  I bet Wang can afford to have his secretary browse this overunity forum from time to time.  Major Todd Hathaway of the DoD of USA will read it.  If DoD reads it, I am sure CIA will also read it.  If CIA reads it, I am sure that KGB, MI5, MI6, Japanese Intelligence etc. will read it."

Student C: "I am beginning to believe the CIA or the Like Stories.  Lee and Tseung were stupid to bring them to Tsing Hua University without checking.  I believe that would have annoyed the Chinese Government.  It is like some US person bringing some unauthorized person to area 51 or where UFOs are being developed."

Student A: "Will some Forum Members challenge the unbalanced wheel experiment this time?  Will they challenge it and claim that Tseung et al never spin the wheel?  Will they challenge that the experimental data are fake and totally frauded?"

Student B: "Actually, that is what the old Tseung wanted.  Simply providing the experiment data will not excite the readers.  Controversal discussions will generate the excitement and create more interest."

Student C: "Do you think another Forum Member will yell out that old Tseung is a fake and he fabricates experimental data?  Do you think the old Tseung will create a Hans to create the excitement?"

Student A: "The old Tseung is bound to get the limelight in the AEPC 2008 conference.  His theories will be studied.  The many proof-of-concept experiments will be replicated.  Many will be done in confidential laboratories.  Some will be at open Universities.  These proof-of-concepts experiments are so easy to set up and perform.  They cannot be faked."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 25, 2007, 10:47:59 PM
This is a conversation between a number of Investors

Investor A: "Have you heard about the Cosmic Energy Machine Inventions?"

Investor B: "How could we possibly missed it in Hong Kong?  Lawrence Tseung talked about it openly on the Internet.  He even got the Department of Defense of USA interested.  We first read about his Press Conference in Hong Kong in December 2004.  He and Lee attended many inventor conferences both in Hong Kong and in China."

Investor C: "Do you think you will invest in these Cosmic Energy Machine Inventions?"

Investor A: "If these machines were real, how could I not invest?  I already missed the opportunity in Beijing when the investment opportunity was open and then closed within days."

Investor B: "I shall wait for the Official Announcement from the Chinese Government.  I have made enough money in the China and Hong Kong Stock Market in the past few months.  I can sit and wait."

Investor C: "Would you be willing to invest in the Cosmic Energy Start up projects such as the Chas Campbell Machine?"

Investor A: "I do not have the resources to do a proper investigation.  However, if a reputable venture fund takes the initiative, I shall consider."

Investor B: "There is no urgency.  If these machines were real, the opportunities will be numerous.  We do not need to invest in the first computer.  We can invest in the thousands of follow-ups.  It is much less risky that way.  You can count on me keeping an eye on the development of these Cosmic Energy Machines."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 26, 2007, 08:16:40 AM
The attached file is the result of the experiment done on December 21 by Ms. Forever Yuen.  Forever will do the video shooting tomorrow (Dec 27, 2007).

***Need to re-video to include a clock running on the side.  May add more verbal explanation. 

Please study this file in great detail.  It conclusively demonstrates that a suitable pulse force (Lee-Tseung Fall in this case) will increase the rotational time of the unbalanced wheel.

We expect and shall put in extensive comments on this particular experiment.  This will definitely be repeated multiple times in USA before the AEPC 2008 Conference.

Lawrence Tseung
One single experiment can conclusively prove the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 26, 2007, 03:20:19 PM
Discussion by the Students

Student A: "The unbalanced wheel proof-of-concept experiment is so simple.  However, the parts are not readily available on the Market."

Student B: "One can order it from Sun et al or any machine shop."

Student C: "Major Todd Hathaway can easily get research scientists at DoD to do confirmations.  If the experiment were faked, the World would know within days."

Student A: "Tseung can easily have a set placed at a reputable, public place for all to see and experiment.  He can build the large version similar to the Bessel Wheel.  The diameter can be 5 meters or 15 feet.  It will be a tourist attraction.  He can increase the weight at the rim.  He can prove that he solved the Bessel Wheel puzzle.  The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory will be beyond doubt."

Student B: "Tseung can webcam it for the World.  But I think he should give the task to our Universities.  We can share the work and the credit."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 27, 2007, 04:39:22 AM
Ms. Forever Yuen took videos of the unbalanced wheel experiment this afternoon.

Forever: "Even though we have the video, some may still claim that we use different force in spinning.  Can we put the falling balls on the larger square wheel that we can spin with the falling weight?"

Tseung: "Sure. You have to do more work."

Forever spent another couple of hours doing the experiment with the falling balls and the larger square wheel.  She needs more time to analyze the data and edit the videos.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 27, 2007, 05:32:48 PM
Discussion by Physics Students on whether a square wheel is already an unbalanced wheel (Part 1)

Student A: ?I believe that the square wheel is already an unbalanced wheel.  It might be leading out the Gravitational Energy via the Pulse (Lee-Tseung Pull) already??

Student B: ? I would fully agree with you if we use it as wheel to move objects along the ground.  The object on top of the square wheels will not be traveling on a level.  It will go up and down.  We can even assume the object is oscillating or vibrating.?

Student C: ?Remember the ancient Chinese Wooden Ox cart.  The wheels were not circular!  There may be some truth that the ancients already used some form of Lee-Tseung method of using gravitational energy.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 27, 2007, 05:51:41 PM
Discussion by Physics Students on whether a square wheel is already an unbalanced wheel (Part 2)

Student D: ?I believe the square wheel is a balanced wheel if it simply rotates in mid-air without touching the ground.  It is symmetrical.  Every part is balanced by another part.?

Student A: ?It is not perfectly symmetrical like a circle.  When it rotates, the centripetal forces on the corners are higher because they are further from the center.  That might already be contributing to the Pulse.?

Student D: ?I disagree.  Consider the torque that might be produced by the extra weight of the corner when it is at the top RHS.  This torque will be balanced by the opposite torque produced by the extra weight of the opposite corner at the bottom LHS.?

Student B: ?You have a good point.  We have to think about it more.  If we want to be lazy, we can ask the old Tseung and/or Ms. Forever.?

Student C: ?Should we invite the Forum Members to comment on this?  Any one care to comment????
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 27, 2007, 08:44:00 PM
Discussion by Physics Students on whether a square wheel is already an unbalanced wheel (Part 3)

Student A: ?Mr. Tseung, in your opinion, is the square wheel rotating in mid-air a balanced or an unbalanced system??

Tseung: ?Let us focus on the practical side.  Almost any wheel, be it square or circular, will not be perfectly balanced when built.  The bicycle or wheel shops will clamp tinny weights to balance them.  When we received the wheels from Sun et al, we know that they are not perfectly balanced.?

Student B: ?What do you do then??

Tseung: ?We had holes drilled by Sun et al.  These holes could not be in perfect positions.  Thus we know beforehand that the wheels are unbalanced.  We then put screws and nuts at certain spots trying to provide balance.  If you look carefully at the picture of the square wheel, you can find a few of these screws.?

Student A: ?I see your tactics now.  You first balance the wheel and then use the falling ball mechanism to unbalance it.  Very clever.?

Student B: ?But you have not answered the original question ? is the square wheel an unbalanced wheel??

Tseung: ?For our purpose, it does not matter.  We deliberately make it unbalanced for our experiments.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 27, 2007, 11:00:24 PM
Discussion by the physics students

Student A: ?If the experiment described on reply 1131 can be confirmed and replicated Worldwide, does it mean that the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory is totally confirmed beyond a shadow of doubt??

Student B: ?If we do not worry about the theory and just look at the experimental evidence, we can say that:
(1)   When the ball falling distance is zero, the rotational time is T1.
(2)   When the ball falling distance is 0.5 cm, the rotational time is T2.
(3)   When the ball falling distance is 16 cm, the rotational time is T3.
Average T1 = 89.0 seconds; T2 = 130.7 seconds T3 = 4.7 seconds?

Student C: ?If the results are reproducible, I would say that the falling distance of the ball has a definite effect on the rotational time.  A longer falling distance may not necessarily make the rotational time longer.?

Student D: ?I would say that the results seem to indicate that the Lee-Tseung theory may be on the right track.  A Pulsing Mechanism may increase the rotational time.  The explanation that additional gravitational energy is lead out by unbalanced rotation fits the observed result.  However, I would not bet my Physics Career on it yet.  The experiment is too crude.  I would recommend better apparatus and more research.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 28, 2007, 06:31:17 AM
A private email in Chinese
我åÅ"¨ä½ çš„網ç«â,,¢Ã§Å"‹åˆ°ç”¨é¢¨åŠ›æŠ½é›»çš„概念,很æÅ"‰èˆˆè¶£,


Simply translated.  This person wanted to understand more about Energy from Still Air.  I have directed him to this forum.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 28, 2007, 01:01:14 PM
Discussion by the Physics Students

Student A: "In reply 1131, there are 95 views on the jpg picture.  There are only 6 downloads on the file.  What does that mean?"

Student B: "Many Forum Members just browse without digging into the details."

Student C: "That is what one should expect with sowing seeds."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: todd.hathaway on December 28, 2007, 09:38:45 PM
Hi Lawrence,

We signed up for auto-messaging since you are posting our comms on this blog.

Todd & Nora.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 28, 2007, 10:08:55 PM
Quote from: todd.hathaway on December 28, 2007, 09:38:45 PM
Hi Lawrence,

We signed up for auto-messaging since you are posting our comms on this blog.

Todd & Nora.

Dear Todd and Nora,

As I mentioned, my personal goal is to benefit the World.

My personal plan is to attend the AEPC 2008 conference in June 2008 with Forever Yuen.  At the same time, I am arranging a possible visit by your delegation from USA to Hong Kong and China before that time.

I have spoken to Lee Cheung Kin (will be assisted by Bill Fung).  He will contact the following:
1.   Chinese Authorities (In charge of Energy)
2.   Ã¦Â¢ÂÃ¦ËœÅ¸Ã¤ÂºÂº (car than runs on rotating ICs)
3.   Ã¦â€ºÂ¹Ã©Ââ€™Ã¥Â±Â± (Improved car that can climb steep slopes)
4.   Tsing Hua University (Electricity Magnifier)
5.   Ã©â€¡ÂÃ¦â€¦Â¶ (Science Park)
6.   Japan (Flux Change System) via his daughter who is fluent in Japanese
7.   Guan Bing Luan (Water Pump and others)
8.   Chairman of Hong Kong Invention Association (who is in contact with 3 other Cosmic Energy Machine Inventors)

I shall coordinate the overall plans. In particular, I shall contact
1.   Raymond Ting (Energy from Still Air) ? agreed to participate
2.   Kelvin Lee (Chan-Kwoks' Lightning in a box)
3.   Peter Chan (Sun et al rotating wheels)
4.   Ben Ng (from Singapore with millions to invest)
5.   Wang Shum Ho (who does not want publicity until after Company IPO)
6.   Chas Campbell (We have been communicating with him for weeks now.)

I shall keep you posted via this open forum on the meetings and inventions your delegation is likely to see when you visit Hong Kong and China.

Let us work together to benefit the World

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 29, 2007, 04:12:05 AM
Dear Todd and Nora,

I have made contact with members of the Hong Kong Invention Association. Some will participate or considering participation in the meetings with your delegation.

The following is the webpage that describes our first press release in December 2004.


As you can see, the two theories - Extracting Energy from Still Air and Extracting Energy from Gravity are known to them for some time.  I added Electron Motion Energy a few weeks later.

Happy New Year,

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 29, 2007, 04:59:27 AM
Dear Todd and Nora,

I have spoken to Mr. Sun 孫福軍 on whether he would show the following ?permanent magnet? driven wheels to your delegation.




He wanted to emphasize that these devices were still under development.  More improvements such as better angling of the magnets, better magnetic shielding material were needed.  The videos were the results of the best configurations.  Slight changes could nullify the effect.  However, he would also like to use this opportunity to promote the capability of his team and discuss investments.

He wanted me to list his demonstrations as ?possible candidates? to show your delegation at this time.

He would like to get your comments on his videos asap.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Schpankme on December 29, 2007, 05:21:25 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 29, 2007, 04:59:27 AM

he would also ... discuss investments.

Enough Said !

- Schpankme
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: todd.hathaway on December 29, 2007, 08:17:42 AM

There are Bedini units in the U.S. that rotate a ferris wheel type of configuration as well as run 10+" fans while charging batteries, so those units shown in the online videos you provided would not be of interest to our network of private/govt sources of R&D funding.  Personally, I find it interesting and will likely do my non-thesis scholarly papers on related topics, but pedagogical demonstrations will serve little purpose on this trip, unfortunately.  The purpose of this trip is to network new techs with investors for full scale production initiatives, with production facilities available right now to begin configuration for production.  We are beyond the proof of concept stage of investigation due to the time constraints as discussed below.  Any robust prototypes that provide an appreciable output vs. input are possible candidates.  In other words, any technologies that are cost competitive with current technologies already on the market will be considered.  In Maryland, electricity costs ~10 cents/kilowatt-hour. 

The information presented below is somewhat off topic, but it provides insights not normally available to the public.  Later next year more specific information will be made available to the public following a meeting of various indigenous tribes from around the world.  If we had more time, our delegation could also review proof of concept techs that do not have robust systems available for review.  We are looking for working units that can go directly into full scale production, and would prefer that those involved be of a spiritual mindset who understand the holistic effects of our collaborative initiative.  Where the energy generation units are produced/distributed is up to the originating inventor/country as far as we are concerned, as our delegation works to establish these new technologies anywhere and everywhere as soon as possible.  Conventional alternative energy technologies are insufficient to offset the increase in global energy resource consumption.  If country X needs more oil for its energy needs, all other countries suffer since the oil market is a global market, and demand is now outpacing supply.  The same can be said for clean water in many parts of the world, so the initiative for clean water is equally important.  With enough energy and water, food supplies will follow suit.  We would be interested in discussing way ahead strategies for both energy and water solutions during the delegation's return trip to China.  Resource scarcity leads to wars...we are not interested in fighting China or any other country for energy resources, especially when viable solutions to the energy/water conundrum has been around for over 100 years and continue to be suppressed by various interests who now dominate the geopolitical and economic landscapes.  We are personally protected by various interests within these higher echelons (tit or tat), probably because they are also aware of how little time remains to implement viable, decentralized energy/water solutions.

Please note that researchers such as Mr. Sun and other researchers in the field ought to remain directly involved with the full-scale production process, regardless of whether his technology is selected or not, as an inventor can only be in one place doing one thing at one time, and this global initiative will require massive support from everyone who is willing to assist, in order to minimize the catastrophic effects of the irreversible global transition to world peace.  Our respective networks serve as catalysts to initiating world peace and averting global catastrophe that would otherwise make this planet uninhabitable if the status quo is maintained while the stage continues to be set in the Middle East for a showdown over who controls what...it is likened unto the blind leading the blind over there.  If we work together, we can prevent another world war.  There is only "us", not "us vs. them".

Todd & Nora
301-320-3716 home
301-357-0431 cell


The following are excerpts from "Serpent of Light - Beyond 2012":

p. 254 - The Waitaha prophecy predicts a pivotal moment in history on August 15, 2009.  This event will be the beginning of a new human dream, a dream almost identical to the Mayan belief tht the heavens will open and our brothers and sisters of the universe will reveal themselves.

p. 265 (Ch. 22) - The Serpent of Light is in its geographical location (N. Chile) is in its geographical location for the next 13,000 years and is functioning perfectly.  The Unity Grid above the Earth, which holds and focuses human consciousness and allows it to move into higher consciousness, will finally be completely adjusted by the middle of 2008.  There is still a little bit more that must be done, but not much.  On my end (Drunvalo's), there must be a trip to Easter Island to heal a certain aspect of the Maori, and one last ceremony on the island of Moorea (see www.drunvalo.net for scheduled event) to complete the Unity Grid and actually turn it on in a way the world has not seen yet.
    The year 2009 will bring the first real connection with life from other worlds, which could not have occurred before the Unity Grid was functioning in a specific manner.  This is a prophecy coming from several indigenous people, including the Maya and the Waitaha.
    By December 12, 2012, the Precession of the Equinox will complete itself, and the beginning of a new cycle of another 13,000 years will be initiated.  By this time the old cycle and the old male ways of controlling human life will be in disarray.
    By that time, the female will be in control of leading humankind back into the Light.  And on February 18-19, 2013, the Maya will perform the first ceremony of the new cycle, which will trigger the opening of all life everywhere to begin interchange with humanity in a "personal" manner, and humanity will begin a rapid healing of the remaining people on Earth.  By that time, February 19, 2013, Earth's human population is more than likely going to have been reduced dramatically, but those that are still here on Earth will truly begin to show love and caring as the new way of the world.
    What I am saying is that the next few years will be the most important years in human history.  We will survive these vast changes in human understanding with the help of Mother Earth and her Serpent of Light, as we have many times before, but never before has the universe opened to us as it will in the coming years.
    The secret is Unconditional Love, which will present itself through human beings who will change life of Earth forever.  Most of these human beings will be children or young adults who have found their way into their hearts.  And it will be the women who will understand and follow the children into their hearts and take this new way of being to the world.  Finally, probably with great trepidation, the men will make the transformation that will truly complete the cycle.  It is almost always this way.
    It is the images or dreams that come from the hearts of these children that will be the power that actually makes these changes.  The children and the women will be the first to enter into the act of creation and change the world from within.




www.google.com ? also helpful to do keywords searches for topics of interest.


Dear Todd and Nora,

I have spoken to Mr. Sun 孫福軍 on whether he would show the following ?permanent magnet? driven wheels to your delegation.




He wanted to emphasize that these devices were still under development.  More improvements such as better angling of the magnets, better magnetic shielding material were needed.  The videos were the results of the best configurations.  Slight changes could nullify the effect.  However, he would also like to use this opportunity to promote the capability of his team and discuss investments.

He wanted me to list his demonstrations as ?possible candidates? to show your delegation at this time.

He would like to get your comments on his videos asap.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on December 29, 2007, 11:11:11 AM
Quote from: todd.hathaway on December 29, 2007, 08:17:42 AM

www.google.com ? also helpful to do keywords searches for topics of interest.

You can do keyword searches for topics of interest on Google?  Who knew?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 29, 2007, 02:16:07 PM
We are beyond the proof of concept stage of investigation due to the time constraints as discussed below.  Any robust prototypes that provide an appreciable output vs. input are possible candidates.

Dear Todd and Nora,

Thank you for the clarification.  You are one of the few who openly said that we are beyond the proof of concept stage. 

We shall focus on nvenions with robust, working prototypes.

The time frame of 2009 when humans enter a new stage is interesting.  It will be after product introduction of the Wang Electricity Generator (or improved Bedini machines) and possibly the Flying Saucer.

I agree that we should work hard together to avoid potential conflicts in the limited oil resources.  One area I can focus on is the adding of the control program to turn the Bedini/Adams type motor to become the "225 Horsepower" type machines.  The other is the Flying Saucer.

I may upset your CIA colleagues in revealing the many details of the "225 HP" machine that was invented in USA.  This will be more fun than repeating our two theories to the non-believers again and again.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Schpankme on December 29, 2007, 02:34:30 PM
Quote from: todd.hathaway on December 29, 2007, 08:17:42 AM

By that time, the female will be in control of leading humankind back into the Light.  And on February 18-19, 2013, the Maya will perform the first ceremony of the new cycle, which will trigger the opening of all life everywhere to begin interchange with humanity in a "personal" manner, and humanity will begin a rapid healing of the remaining people on Earth.  By that time, February 19, 2013, Earth's human population is more than likely going to have been reduced dramatically, but those that are still here on Earth will truly begin to show love and caring as the new way of the world

At last count, there was 16 doomsday prophecies, spanning the last 500 years.  I recommend that you all "Drink" the kool-aid "Now".

- Schpankme
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 29, 2007, 04:07:29 PM
Quote from: todd.hathaway on December 29, 2007, 08:17:42 AM

There are Bedini units in the U.S. that rotate a ferris wheel type of configuration as well as run 10+" fans while charging batteries, so those units shown in the online videos you provided would not be of interest to our network of private/govt sources of R&D funding.  Personally, I find it interesting and will likely do my non-thesis scholarly papers on related topics, but pedagogical demonstrations will serve little purpose on this trip, unfortunately.  The purpose of this trip is to network new techs with investors for full scale production initiatives, with production facilities available right now to begin configuration for production.  We are beyond the proof of concept stage of investigation due to the time constraints as discussed below.  Any robust prototypes that provide an appreciable output vs. input are possible candidates.  In other words, any technologies that are cost competitive with current technologies already on the market will be considered.  In Maryland, electricity costs ~10 cents/kilowatt-hour. 

The information presented below is somewhat off topic, but it provides insights not normally available to the public.  Later next year more specific information will be made available to the public following a meeting of various indigenous tribes from around the world.  If we had more time, our delegation could also review proof of concept techs that do not have robust systems available for review.  We are looking for working units that can go directly into full scale production, and would prefer that those involved be of a spiritual mindset who understand the holistic effects of our collaborative initiative.  Where the energy generation units are produced/distributed is up to the originating inventor/country as far as we are concerned, as our delegation works to establish these new technologies anywhere and everywhere as soon as possible.  Conventional alternative energy technologies are insufficient to offset the increase in global energy resource consumption.  If country X needs more oil for its energy needs, all other countries suffer since the oil market is a global market, and demand is now outpacing supply.  The same can be said for clean water in many parts of the world, so the initiative for clean water is equally important.  With enough energy and water, food supplies will follow suit.  We would be interested in discussing way ahead strategies for both energy and water solutions during the delegation's return trip to China.  Resource scarcity leads to wars...we are not interested in fighting China or any other country for energy resources, especially when viable solutions to the energy/water conundrum has been around for over 100 years and continue to be suppressed by various interests who now dominate the geopolitical and economic landscapes.  We are personally protected by various interests within these higher echelons (tit or tat), probably because they are also aware of how little time remains to implement viable, decentralized energy/water solutions.

Please note that researchers such as Mr. Sun and other researchers in the field ought to remain directly involved with the full-scale production process, regardless of whether his technology is selected or not, as an inventor can only be in one place doing one thing at one time, and this global initiative will require massive support from everyone who is willing to assist, in order to minimize the catastrophic effects of the irreversible global transition to world peace.  Our respective networks serve as catalysts to initiating world peace and averting global catastrophe that would otherwise make this planet uninhabitable if the status quo is maintained while the stage continues to be set in the Middle East for a showdown over who controls what...it is likened unto the blind leading the blind over there.  If we work together, we can prevent another world war.  There is only "us", not "us vs. them".

Todd & Nora
301-320-3716 home
301-357-0431 cell


The following are excerpts from "Serpent of Light - Beyond 2012":

p. 254 - The Waitaha prophecy predicts a pivotal moment in history on August 15, 2009.  This event will be the beginning of a new human dream, a dream almost identical to the Mayan belief tht the heavens will open and our brothers and sisters of the universe will reveal themselves.

p. 265 (Ch. 22) - The Serpent of Light is in its geographical location (N. Chile) is in its geographical location for the next 13,000 years and is functioning perfectly.  The Unity Grid above the Earth, which holds and focuses human consciousness and allows it to move into higher consciousness, will finally be completely adjusted by the middle of 2008.  There is still a little bit more that must be done, but not much.  On my end (Drunvalo's), there must be a trip to Easter Island to heal a certain aspect of the Maori, and one last ceremony on the island of Moorea (see www.drunvalo.net for scheduled event) to complete the Unity Grid and actually turn it on in a way the world has not seen yet.
    The year 2009 will bring the first real connection with life from other worlds, which could not have occurred before the Unity Grid was functioning in a specific manner.  This is a prophecy coming from several indigenous people, including the Maya and the Waitaha.
    By December 12, 2012, the Precession of the Equinox will complete itself, and the beginning of a new cycle of another 13,000 years will be initiated.  By this time the old cycle and the old male ways of controlling human life will be in disarray.
    By that time, the female will be in control of leading humankind back into the Light.  And on February 18-19, 2013, the Maya will perform the first ceremony of the new cycle, which will trigger the opening of all life everywhere to begin interchange with humanity in a "personal" manner, and humanity will begin a rapid healing of the remaining people on Earth.  By that time, February 19, 2013, Earth's human population is more than likely going to have been reduced dramatically, but those that are still here on Earth will truly begin to show love and caring as the new way of the world.
    What I am saying is that the next few years will be the most important years in human history.  We will survive these vast changes in human understanding with the help of Mother Earth and her Serpent of Light, as we have many times before, but never before has the universe opened to us as it will in the coming years.
    The secret is Unconditional Love, which will present itself through human beings who will change life of Earth forever.  Most of these human beings will be children or young adults who have found their way into their hearts.  And it will be the women who will understand and follow the children into their hearts and take this new way of being to the world.  Finally, probably with great trepidation, the men will make the transformation that will truly complete the cycle.  It is almost always this way.
    It is the images or dreams that come from the hearts of these children that will be the power that actually makes these changes.  The children and the women will be the first to enter into the act of creation and change the world from within.




www.google.com ? also helpful to do keywords searches for topics of interest.


Dear Todd and Nora,

I have spoken to Mr. Sun 孫福軍 on whether he would show the following ?permanent magnet? driven wheels to your delegation.




He wanted to emphasize that these devices were still under development.  More improvements such as better angling of the magnets, better magnetic shielding material were needed.  The videos were the results of the best configurations.  Slight changes could nullify the effect.  However, he would also like to use this opportunity to promote the capability of his team and discuss investments.

He wanted me to list his demonstrations as ?possible candidates? to show your delegation at this time.

He would like to get your comments on his videos asap.



Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 29, 2007, 07:41:25 PM
Quote from: todd.hathaway on December 29, 2007, 08:17:42 AM

There are Bedini units in the U.S. that rotate a ferris wheel type of configuration as well as run 10+" fans while charging.....

Dear Todd and Nora,

I believe you may have direct contact with the developers of the Bedini units.  Please pass the following improvement information to them:

(1) Both the Bedini and the 225 HP motor have batteries.  The Bedini motor uses back EMF to recharge the batteries.  Thus the Input is relatively constant.  The 225 HP uses the battery as starting motor.  Once started, some of the Output power is fed back.  Thus the Input is variable.  That can be much higher than that provided by the battery.

(2) Some of the coils in the 225 HP can be used as drive coils, as pickup coils or both.  Program control is used.  Each ring can generate over 20 HP and the 225 HP was achieved by stacking 9 such rings.

(3) The source of energy is Electron Motion Energy.  To be more exact, both use the magnetic compenent of the electron motion energy.  If mounted with the axle horizontal, gravitational energy is also used. 

(4) More energy can be exracted (or Lead out) with higher speed of rotation, larger diameter, more and stronger coils and if gravitational energy is also used, more mass concentrated at the rim.

(5) If the Input is allowed to vary as the 225 HP motor, there must be a control mechanism to adjust Input with Output.  Otherwise, the motor will burnt.

Hope that helps.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: todd.hathaway on December 29, 2007, 08:17:59 PM

I am Angry - What is going on here?
? on: December 29, 2007, 09:04:49 PM ? Quote 

G'day all,

I am angry!

Today a link appeared in the Lawrence Tseung thread that got me going.

The link led to a project called ?The Potomac Energy Project?.

In their mission statement it says:

The Potomac Energy Project was the name coined to the decentralized effort throughout the independent research community to develop and distribute the most advanced energy technologies currently available today for review.  These technologies will streamline private and government efforts to reduce our dependency on foreign hydrocarbon resources, while also reducing the negative impact of global energy consumption on the environment.  These advanced energy technologies will also decentralize our nation?s vulnerable energy infrastructure.  Current trends make it clear that we are out of time to consider funding conventional alternative energy research.  Global oil production has peaked and is now in decline.  It is time to face the hard truths about energy.  The planet?s ecosystem cannot sustain continued hydrocarbon dependence, as outlined in the UN?s 2007 Global Environment Outlook Report.  Our nation MUST immediately shift its research emphasis to advanced alternative energy technologies if our way of life is to continue, while minimizing the likelihood of expanding regional wars to maintain adequate supplies of hydrocarbon resources.  Once funding is successfully distributed to these research projects, the technologies developed out of this initiative will monopolize what is becoming a trillion dollar alternative energy market. 

The link was published by Lawrence Tseung , whose name also appears on the same page. This is the same Lawrence who keeps telling us that his goal is to benefit the world. It would appear to be obvious that he is associated with this project in some way.

Whilst publishing idiotic theories and publishing fraudulent test results he has been going around behind the scenes to put people under contract with promises of money.(such as Chas Campbell for instance), and gathering them to his camp in an effort to monopolise any emerging new technologies.

This is totally against the spirit of this site, it is the very thing we are fighting!

Which raises the question: Who is this Lawrence Tseung and who is he really working for?

Every time I or anyone else who has proven his statements to be utter fiction he has accused us of being CIA agents set to destroy him.

If there is an agent of evil amongst us it is you Mr. Tseung.

If this was my forum I would toss him out and delete his thread.

Hans von Lieven

PS. The link is www.green-salon.com and appears in http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,2794.1140/topicseen.html  post 1145

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When all is said and done, more is said than done.     Groucho Marx

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Posts: 483

Attempting to know the unknown

     Re: I am Angry - What is going on here?
? Reply #1 on: December 29, 2007, 09:12:54 PM ? Quote 

@ Hans:

I could not agree more.  It not only goes against the spirit of this site, it is down right underhanded if you ask me.  So, all of the information you gave to Lawrence in an attempt to help him get on the right track, and the information I gave him on the high temperature bearings, and all of the other ideas and info he has received, will now all be SOLD back to us.  Nice.  I hope Stefan reads your topic here and looks into it a bit.  Now I understand where his hookers fit into the equation. We are all going to get F*cked!


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Ben Waballs

Posts: 1

    Re: I am Angry - What is going on here?
? Reply #2 on: December 29, 2007, 09:22:02 PM ? Quote 

Please guys,

First, you two deserve gigantic medals of honor for not posting all through Christmas!!!!! I swear you could hear his little twisted brain cooking under the strain. It was hilarious. This guy is a psycho old man with delusions of grandeur. Come on, a cia agent posting his cell AND HOME numbers?! What do you do when you got nothing, and you want to stir up attention. Exactly. You bluff, you front. He cant even do that. The 4 legged stool experiment? Really? Anyway, I vote BOOT him, and thanks again guys,


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Posts: 5

     Re: I am Angry - What is going on here?
? Reply #3 on: December 29, 2007, 09:26:21 PM ? Quote Modify 

Hi all,

I'm Todd Hathaway from the other blog page.
We're not monopolizing the market, the technologies will do so naturally because the new technologies are better than the old ones.
If you or anyone else have techs worth considering, please feel free to contact me directly.
No technology or inventor will be left out in the cold.
I am a volunteer working to bring these technologies to the public.
Feel free to contact me directly at 301-320-3716 or 301-357-0431.
It's pretty clear I'm not Lawrence by answering the phone in Bethesda Maryland when he lives in Hong Kong, as I called him about a month ago using the phone number and he picked it up.  If you still think I'm him, then feel free to stop by my house in Bethesda, MD, and meet my wife and 8 month old son...
We have so little time left to bring these techs to market, so if you know of techs that need funding - either private or gov't - feel free to contact me directly.  If you don't want to work with me, then I could provide POC info to others who are in direct contact with prospective investors and/or government funding.
Let's start off by asking who you are willing to work with and trust.  If it is impossible to work with me in any way, then feel free to contact like-minded folks in the new energy congress - http://top100energy.com - it's a small community this whole adv energy tech clan, so someone you know probably knows someone I know.  Maybe we could start there.

Hope that helps, Todd
todd.hathaway@gmail.com or info@sci-us.org 

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Hero Member

Posts: 1094


      Re: I am Angry - What is going on here?
? Reply #4 on: December 29, 2007, 09:36:53 PM ? Quote 

G'day Todd,

Never mind the soothing words, when all is said and done, you are trying to bring as many emerging new technologies under one umbrella as you can, with the promise of funding.

That spells Monopoly Attempt to me.

And that is what we are fighting!

Hans von Lieven

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When all is said and done, more is said than done.     Groucho Marx


Posts: 5

     Re: I am Angry - What is going on here?
? Reply #5 on: December 29, 2007, 09:43:06 PM ? Quote Modify 

No one entity will control the techs - I just used the name Potomac Energy Project to encapsulate the effort all of us are involved with to make this happen.  The techs are scattered all over the world, so it will be impossible to monopolize the techs. 

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      Re: I am Angry - What is going on here?
? Reply #6 on: December 29, 2007, 09:48:00 PM ? Quote 

I know very well the Golden Rule of business.

He who has the Gold makes the Rules!

You promise the Gold. Nuff said.

Hans von Lieven

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When all is said and done, more is said than done.     Groucho Marx

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Posts: 261

    Re: I am Angry - What is going on here?
? Reply #7 on: December 29, 2007, 10:09:17 PM ? Quote 

Quote from: todd.hathaway on December 29, 2007, 09:26:21 PM
Hi all,

I'm Todd Hathaway from the other blog page.
We're not monopolizing the market, the technologies will do so naturally because the new technologies are better than the old ones.
If you or anyone else have techs worth considering, please feel free to contact me directly.
No technology or inventor will be left out in the cold.
I am a volunteer working to bring these technologies to the public.
Feel free to contact me directly at 301-320-3716 or 301-357-0431.
It's pretty clear I'm not Lawrence by answering the phone in Bethesda Maryland when he lives in Hong Kong, as I called him about a month ago using the phone number and he picked it up.  If you still think I'm him, then feel free to stop by my house in Bethesda, MD, and meet my wife and 8 month old son...
We have so little time left to bring these techs to market, so if you know of techs that need funding - either private or gov't - feel free to contact me directly.  If you don't want to work with me, then I could provide POC info to others who are in direct contact with prospective investors and/or government funding.
Let's start off by asking who you are willing to work with and trust.  If it is impossible to work with me in any way, then feel free to contact like-minded folks in the new energy congress - http://top100energy.com - it's a small community this whole adv energy tech clan, so someone you know probably knows someone I know.  Maybe we could start there.

Hope that helps, Todd
todd.hathaway@gmail.com or info@sci-us.org

Mr Hathaway:

Your project seemed to be an independent entity and not to be confused with official US Energy business. is this correct? Please help us understand what your relationship is with official US Government business? I can't imagine any official US Government project working together in a Forum like this and associating themselves with a crap head like that Lawrence Tseung!

What Lawrence needed is proper medication for schizo. illness and reality checks/ He does not need more confusion from you!


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Jr. Member

Posts: 68

    Re: I am Angry - What is going on here?
? Reply #8 on: December 29, 2007, 10:13:14 PM ? Quote 

the answer is easy , open source it here , or f**** off 

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Hero Member

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      Re: I am Angry - What is going on here?
? Reply #9 on: December 29, 2007, 10:15:36 PM ? Quote 

Quote from: b0rg13 on December 29, 2007, 10:13:14 PM
the answer is easy , open source it here , or f**** off

Exactly my sentiments b0rg   

Hans von Lieven

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When all is said and done, more is said than done.     Groucho Marx

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     Re: I am Angry - What is going on here?
? Reply #10 on: December 29, 2007, 10:25:33 PM ? Quote 

Quote from: b0rg13 on December 29, 2007, 10:13:14 PM
the answer is easy , open source it here , or f**** off

Exactly, why trying to make money, If you really want to help the planet stop trying making money from it and release it! 

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Sylvain Rochette
Insects Infestation Leader
AmanatsuSpace Creator

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    Re: I am Angry - What is going on here?
? Reply #11 on: December 29, 2007, 11:02:55 PM ? Quote 

That whole thing is a joke, I think.  Todd is just as delusional as Lawrence.  First, what the hell was up with the doomsday prophesy?  How does that relate to anything.  Second, to quote:

"Current trends make it clear that we are out of time to consider funding conventional alternative energy research."

Say what?  They propose abandoning proven and improving technologies like solar, wind and hydro power in favor of funding as yet completely unproven "alternative" technologies, of which no one even has a working prototype that will produce the tiniest iota of energy.  If you want to work on alternative, great, but don't abandon what is working already until you have something better.

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Hero Member

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      Re: I am Angry - What is going on here?
? Reply #12 on: December 29, 2007, 11:51:13 PM ? Quote 


Aren't you supposed to be Major Todd Hathaway from the US Department of Defense, and isn't the person who co-signs your letters with Nora supposed to be Senator Nora Mead Brownell. Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission? (Also known in the States as Nora Mead Brownout)

True or not???

Hans von Lieven

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When all is said and done, more is said than done.     Groucho Marx

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Posts: 483

Attempting to know the unknown

     Re: I am Angry - What is going on here?
? Reply #13 on: December 29, 2007, 11:55:41 PM ? Quote 

@ Todd:

"No one entity will control the techs."

No, and no one entity owns all of the oil on the planet either but it is still controlled by what is called a CARTEL!  A monopoly by any other name is still just that, a monopoly.


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Hero Member

Posts: 1094


      Re: I am Angry - What is going on here?
? Reply #14 on: Today at 12:13:42 AM ? Quote 

Yep Bill,

It would appear these sleaze-bags are trying to form a cartel even before the technology is running because they can see progress in our ranks.

Control everything by financing (or promising to finance) some of it. What else is new?

Hans von Lieven


Re: I am Angry - What is going on here?
? Reply #15 on: Today at 01:10:52 AM ? Quote 

There is one only solution.
Open Source    everything.
Money ist the toxic Part in all Community s.
If the Monopol of Energy supply is taken from the richest,then the world can take a free breath.


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Posts: 5

     Re: I am Angry - What is going on here?
? Reply #16 on: Today at 01:11:24 AM ? Quote Modify 

Open source:
http://top100energy.com has a few listings
www.green-salon.com - contact the inventors directly:

Ken Rauen ? kmpr27 {at} yahoo.com ? Rauen Environmental Heat Engine

Eddie Sines ? edsines {at} aol.com ? Potomac Energy Projects LLC

Ken Rasmussen ? kr {at} commutefaster.com ? Advanced Hydroxy Gas Production

Bob Boyce ? bobboyceh2o {at} yahoo.com - Advanced Electrolysis Technology

Bob Dratch ? bob {at} bob-dratch.org ? Thorium Power Pack

David Yurth ? davidyurth {at} novainstituteoftechnology.com - Self-Recharging Electric Vehicle

Ted Loder ? info {at} aero2012.com ? Advanced Energy Research Organization LLC

Sterling Allan ? sterlingda {at} pureenergysystems.com - New Energy Congress

Stephen Kaplan ?  stephenkap {at} gmail.com - New Energy Movement

Nora Maccoby ? nora {at} maccoby.com - Energy Consensus Group

Tom Valone ? iri {at} erols.com - Integrity Research Institute

Lawrence Tseung ? ltseung {at} hotmail.com - Wang Shum Ho Electricity Generator

Tom Bearden ? webmaster {at} cheniere.org ? Motionless Electromagnetic Generator

John/Gary Bedini ? info {at} energenx.com ? Bedini Motor/Generator

David Wenbert ? david.wenbert {at} gmail.com ? Geovoltaic Energy Pump

Releasing the technology via open source?  OK, that's EXACTLY what we're doing via the New Energy Congress at http://top100energy.com, the web page I update every time the New Energy Congress has voted on the techs.
www.green-salon.com is also an independent volunteer effort designed to bring adv energy techs into the public forum, as well as government and private industry, compliments of Larry Jarboe who owns the property where inventors will present their techs on June 28-29 to the public.  You're welcome to attend.  You can contact Larry via his email posted online at www.green-salon.com.  It is up to those inventors presenting their techs what they want to do with their techs.  If you want them to open source the techs, then the best we can hope for is for them to say yes when you ask them to open source the techs.  Bob Boyce and Eddie Sines have done precisely that so far, as evidenced through their online activities.  I bought a Prius for Bob Boyce earlier this month, as he continues to open source his water car tech, with demos to follow next year.  I also dumped ~$100K into Eddie Sines's project since he and I first met in 2005 - info posted online at http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Potomac_Energy_Projects,_LLC - watch the videos and that's me presenting the information OPEN SOURCE.  Even if something is readily available, you have to secure the funding necessary to mass produce units for market...any suggestions on how to do that without involving those who have such funding?  That's right, open source, which we're doing in real time.  If inventors refuse to open source their techs, the only other option is to secure funding for those techs via government and private industry in the hope that they're not bought out and thrown on a shelf.  You blame the inventors for refusing to open source their techs.  That also upsets me to see inventors not releasing their techs, but I have no control over what people do with their techs.  Only the inventors can make the decision to open source a tech or not.  Again, www.green-salon.com is available to anyone who wants to support their research...posting these techs and supporting open sourcing makes it difficult to compartmentalize.  See also www.aero2012.com
If you think the adv energy techs will be controlled, that's difficult to do since the means of reproducing the techs I have been directly involved with are already open sourced.
Government and private industry can reproduce anything they want, just as the public can do so.  Based on my experiences and those of my colleagues in private industry, there are compartmentalized projects that have adv energy techs far superior to what's available open source.  The compartmentalized projects we hear about are already monopolizing those adv energy techs by refusing to release them to the public, so this initiative WILL break the stranglehold on keeping adv energy techs.  Go to www.aero2012.com for more info on that topic.  We will find a way to bring adv energy techs to the public ASAP.
Regarding my background, I am a Nuclear & Counterproliferation officer with the Army, volunteering for DoD while assigned to the Univ of Maryland to bring them adv energy techs if they're interested, while also working to improve energy practices on bases so the need for hydrocarbon fuels is reduced.  This effort helps secure independent study credit for a couple of the classes, which is why I can find time to volunteer.
At the Univ of Maryland I have to complete an M.S. degree in Nuclear Engineering by May 2009, which leaves a lot of time to do this since only a few courses remain for the degree, though I am also helping to establish the Energy Systems Engineering curriculum at UMD, and could obtain an M.S. degree in that program by 2009 if I keep a full load of courses each term including summer.  Through 2012, I will be assigned to the Armed Forces Radiological Research Institute as a research reactor operator, a research reactor (TRIGA) similar to the one at UMD.  Go to www.umd.edu, click on directories, type my name, send me an email to my University account if you want to confirm my involvement at the Univ of Maryland.  You can also contact my advisor, Dr. Al-Sheikhly at 301-405-5214.  Hiding in blogland isn't working - we have to bring everything into the public forum for review and reproduction.  If the Chinese POCs will not allow open sourcing, then the other option is to secure funding for full scale mass production.  It's up to China what China does with its technologies.  If they elect to collaborate, that is certainly preferred over not collaborating.
None of you have called any of the researchers listed online, my wife, or me to confirm any of this information, so far just posted negative stuff which has the effect of disempowering those buying into that negativity and the belief that nothing can be done to counteract the oil cartel and supporting infrastructure.  To date, none of you have mentioned anything that will help open source these techs.  You CAN make a difference, but only by working together in the open can the difference be enough to change the world for the better.
My wife Nora Maccoby's bio is available on www.maccoby.com/nora - a video of her is also available online at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5009439800283450862&hl=en.
Are any of you in the D.C. area?  Feel free to stop by our house to discuss - 2 Bay Tree Lane, Bethesda, Maryland.
The future predictions are presented to show how the indiginous people are working with us to bring about change and how little time we have left to make things happen.  We must find a way to bring these techs to the public ASAP, and friendly elements within government and private industry can help so the techs can be implemented on a large scale ASAP.  A small fraction of people are actively working to suppress these techs, though the overwhelming majority allow this to happen by doing nothing or just allowing the status quo to be maintained.
The conclusions drawn based on your posts to date suggest that evil people control everything and good people can't do anything to overcome the evil...well, your thinking creates your destiny.  Our group has chosen to believe that the future can be changed if we take action to manifest the changes we want to have happen.

Nora and I are doing a great deal to open source adv energy techs, and have proven it by directly funding open source projects.  If you are stating that techs should never be funded by government or private industry, then how will they ever be mass produced in a timely manner.  By giving the tech to the public with enough info to produce?  OK, then we're on the same page of music in that respect.  For those techs that are not open sourced, the only other option is to seek funding for those projects; otherwise, they die on the vine...not a very effective approach to bringing those techs to market in a timely manner.  If you want to fund open source projects, good luck finding someone with money to do that.  We have found a select few, and those projects will be brought to the public next year if all goes well.  If that doesn't happen, we're no worse off then we are now.  Rather than complain, what are YOUR solutions?


Todd & Nora 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: M@rcel on December 30, 2007, 04:04:07 PM
I really hope that Lawrence is still willing to share here.  ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 30, 2007, 05:04:44 PM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: helmut on December 30, 2007, 05:22:51 PM
Quote from: todd.hathaway on December 29, 2007, 08:17:59 PM

I am Angry - What is going on here?
? on: December 29, 2007, 09:04:49 PM ? Quote 

G'day all,

I am angry!

Today a link appeared in the Lawrence Tseung thread that got me going...............................

Todd & Nora 

HI Todd
Is this the Proof that you are going to spy out the Members of this Board.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 30, 2007, 06:07:10 PM
Dear Todd and Nora,

Thank you for your very long post.  It really helps to establish credibility.

I am now sure that the Chinese Intelligence will have enough information to check you and Nora out.  Their involvement will ensure that we would not make the same mistake (bringing the CIA or the Like to Tsing Hua University without checking) last time.

You also have high level contacts in China who can check us and Wang Shum Ho et al.  That will give further credibility.

The fact that you are associated with DoD and University of Maryland will be very valuable.  I do not have to repeat the many proof of concept experiments.  You may already have access to a Bedini Unit that can drive a 10 inch fan and recharge the batteries.  That is much more convincing than the Sun et al unbalanced wheels with and without magnets.  However, we shall still make such experiments available - so that Forever and Sun et al would not feel that their hard work were wasted.

Please post your findings on Wang on this Forum asap.  This will also clarify the position taken by the Senior Chinese Officials.  At present, I am getting mixed messages from different sources.  One groups says that I am doing the right thing in openly displaying the Lee-Tseung theories and related technologies.  Another group seems to be upset and accusing me as a traitor. 

I am taking the position of benefiting the World.  Lee and I are theoreticians.  Our theories can explaing the workings of many open sourced inventions and many other as yet undisclosed and far more advanced and funded inventions.  The 225 HP invention from USA is a good example.  I am quite confident that the Flying Saucer or UFO developments in both USA and China are very advanced with working prototypes.  The Theory is far too simple for the top gun NOT understanding.

You are welcome to toss any Open Source Cosmic Energy Inventions to Lee and I.  We shall try our best to explain their workings based on the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.  So far, we have not failed with the ones from China.  We can help the many inventors on the technical front.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: todd.hathaway on December 30, 2007, 08:37:59 PM
Everything we have access to is already posted online at www.green-salon.com, with appropriate POCs so they can be contacted directly rather than have us act as some sort of gatekeepers.  That's what open sourcing is all about.
We have access to nothing in the classified world as far as adv energy techs go, and while assigned to Univ of Maryland there is nothing classified -- for classified super-secret info, www.aero2012.com is probably your best bet to find contacts within that world.  I have no interest in classified techs, since they'll never be released to the public.
My full time job is G.I. Joe, but the energy stuff is totally volunteer territory.  Again, just ask the people I work with at the next energy conversation meeting - www.energyconversation.org, or anyone in the New Energy Congress or New Energy Movement or anyone else posted online at www.green-salon.com.
What we're doing is totally public and we are involved because we chose to volunteer time to move adv energy techs into the forefront.
Besides, dependency on oil is getting old...and dangerous. 

As far as spying on the group...um, it's an open forum folks.
If any of you want to keep secrets, obviously posting to an open forum is probably NOT the way to do it.
The postings from the angry topic were moved since info relevant to this topic was discussed...and of course because it makes it easier to spy on all of you.
Energy forum "spies" are probably those who never post anything but just read what's being posted.

While serving as webmaster for www.potomacenergyprojects.com (#10 ranked NEC tech - http://top100energy.com), activity was tracked to see who was interested in the tech.
The only oddball findings were pings from some knothead out in the Seattle, WA area whose activity suggested that he/she was extracting info from the patent application what was open sourced in order to patent around the original patent...no way to know for sure.  It's kind is silly since the patent application has been posted online since June 2006 which proves who developed the adv energy tech and process - Eddie Sines.  Anyway, I digress - our goal is adv energy techs to replace conventional alt energy techs already on the market ASAP - MONOPOLIZE MONOPOLIZE MONOPOLIZE!!!!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: todd.hathaway on December 30, 2007, 08:47:45 PM
who's ur daddy?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 30, 2007, 09:03:07 PM
Dear Todd and Nora,

While we are waiting for your China Contact to check us out (and we are waiting for our China Contact to check you out), one thing you can do for me is to pass my two articles for your University friends to review.   The best group will be the Physicists.  Other science and engineering groups are also acceptable.

I do not mind you posting their comments (good or bad) on this open forum.

It will be a good learning experience for all.  The World will benefit.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on December 31, 2007, 10:18:12 AM
"Dear Todd and Nora,
Thank you for your very long post.  It really helps to establish credibility."
(unlike my 80 plus pages of gibberish, dodges and alternate personalities).
"I am taking the position of benefiting the World.  Lee and I are theoreticians. (Theoretically) "Our theories can explaing the workings of many open sourced inventions and many other as yet undisclosed and far more advanced and funded inventions."
(However, please be advised I may have to invent people to shore up support for my ideas if you dont believe me).
"We shall try our best to explain their workings based on the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory." (in 400 pages or less, but not using this reality.)
"So far, we have not failed with the ones from China." (but we have failed with everyone else in the rest of the world) " We can help the many inventors on the technical front."
(if by help you mean draining their energy like a leech, and giving it to this evil admin. for even more horrendous crimes againt humans).

Good luck.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Schpankme on December 31, 2007, 10:23:19 AM
Quote from: Ben Waballs on December 31, 2007, 10:18:12 AM
"Dear Todd and Nora,
Thank you for your very long post.  It really helps to establish credibility."

Isn't Ben Wa balls used for sexual stimulation?

"Ben Wa balls, also known as Burmese bells or Geisha balls (In Chinese, Ben Wa balls are called 阴道çÆ' -Pinyin:yÃ,,«nd?oqi?, vagina ball- or 内用çÆ' -Pinyin:n?iy?ngqi?, internal-use ball-) are small, marble-sized metal balls, usually hollow and containing a small weight that rolls around?used for sexual stimulation"

Thanks - Come again!

- Schpankme
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 31, 2007, 03:01:46 PM
The New Year Resolution

(1) Promote the two theories
(2) Let others shine
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 31, 2007, 06:57:01 PM
市 æ°‘ 樂 è§â,¬ 程 度 冠 å…¨ çÆ'
é¦â,,¢ 港 08 æ›´ 好
ãâ,¬Â æÅ"¬ å ± 訊 ãâ,¬â€˜ 以 澎 æ¹Æ' çš„ Ã¥â,¬â€™ 數 聲 éâ,¬Â èµ° 2007 ï¼Å' 以 奔 騰 çš„ å…‰ å½± è¿Ž 來 2008 ãâ,¬â€š æâ€"° å¹´ å…Æ' æâ€"¦ 第 ä¸â,¬ 刻 ï¼Å' 45 萬 人 æ“  Ã¥Å"¨ 維 港 å…© 岸 ï¼Å' 擁 抱 ä¸â,¬ Ã¥â,¬â€¹ æâ€"° çš„ éâ€"‹ 始 ãâ,¬â€š Ã¥Æ'… å¾â€" 13 â„Æ' çš„ 低 溫 鬧 市 ï¼Å' 卻 æÅ"‰ 笑 聲 叫 聲 營 éâ,¬Â  熱 æšâ€" ãâ,¬â€š Ã¥â€"Å" æ°£ æ´‹ æ´‹ 源 æâ€"¼ 樂 è§â,¬ çš„ å¿Æ' æÆ'… ï¼Å' 調 查 顯 示 ï¼Å' é¦â,,¢ 港 人 對 æâ€"¼ 過 去 ä¸â,¬ å¹´ çâ,,¢Â¼ 展 çš„ 滿 意 程 度 創 下 æ­· 來 æâ€"° 高 ï¼› 對 2008 å¹´ çš„ 樂 è§â,¬ 程 度 ï¼Å' æ›´ 是 冠 絕 å…¨ çÆ' ãâ,¬â€š ãâ,¬â,¬

Simply translated, the citizens of Hong Kong are the most optimistic group amongst the countries surveyed.

The chance of the Lee-Tseung theory sharing the limelight with any of the Cosmic Energy Machine and/or Flying Saucer Introductions is excellent.  The confidence of the Hong Kong Citizens is likely to rise to a very high level.  Hong Kong will gain the title of "Mecca of Innovation".  The story of the two old retirees overthrowing the dogma of the past will inspire all developing nations.

Resources will pour into the research and development of Cosmic Energy Machines.  The tidal wave will force many governments and big industries to take the technologies they have been hiding in the closet into the open.  There will be open competition for the best product.  There will be the inevitable power shift.  The country that can master this Cosmic Energy Machines best will become the World Leader.  The existing size and ranking in the World make no difference.  It would be a repeat of guns against arrows again.

However, we shall make sure the World benefits together.  There will not be the poor becoming poorer with the infinite energy.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 31, 2007, 11:19:14 PM
Meeting amongst some top Professors.

Prof A: "What do you think about the posts and theories from Tseung et al."

Prof B: "They are elementary.  The patent information was public since June 2006.  Tseung was dealing with many non-Physicists on the open forums.  Tseung and Lee have extremely limited resources.  They could not do validation experiments.  Much time was wasted posting and reposting the same material."

Prof C: "China and USA have already produced the Flying Saucers or UFOs.  Japan, England and others are not far behind.  The only thing is that such research are classified and done behind closed doors.  Tseung and Lee were lucky to hit on the Lead Out concept.  Thus they were able to explain many experimental results.  Now we understand their theories.  We have much more resources.  We are well aheand of them."

Prof A: "The Governments leave them alone because their posts are kindergarden stuff compared with what are classified.  However, I admire their spirit of wanting to benefit the World."

Prof B: "I am sure that there are Officials both in China and USA who secretly believe that they are doing the right thing.  That was why Major Todd Hathaway appeared.  It will not surprise me if there were an equivalent person appearing from the China side. Meanwhile Tseung is doing a reasonable job in providing elementary Physics 101 stuff."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: kyleain on January 01, 2008, 03:58:12 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on September 27, 2007, 04:39:27 AM

I really think this ground is becoming more "fertile" by the minute.

I think I'm going to fertilize some ground tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 01, 2008, 07:43:44 PM
As promised, the proof of concept experiment for the Flying Saucer is now available in the attached file.

The top scientists in area 51 and at Tsing Hua Univerisity may laugh at how low tech we are.

However, I believe it will be a good starting point to show the relationship between the Cosmic Energy Machines and the Flying Saucers.  The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory wins again.

*The attached file has been updated to include both Chinese and English.

**See also the updated water bottle experiment on youtube.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyPUIgNdKr8

*** See the joke by Hans on a water cannon Flying Saucer with can be a new inertia propulsion system invention in reply 1653.

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Schpankme on January 01, 2008, 08:02:23 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 01, 2008, 07:43:44 PM
As promised, the proof of concept experiment for the Flying Saucer is now available in the attached file.

If i shake it more than twice, am i playing with it ?

- Schpankme
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 01, 2008, 08:41:14 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 01, 2008, 07:43:44 PM
As promised, the proof of concept experiment for the Flying Saucer is now available in the attached file.

The top scientists in area 51 and at Tsing Hua Univerisity may laugh at how low tech we are.

However, I believe it will be a good starting point to show the relationship between the Cosmic Energy Machines and the Flying Saucers.  The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory wins again.

Lawrence Tseung

I don't think that's a flying saucer. It's the Lawrence Tseng 'Death' Clock. You see, this clock is stuck at 4 pm. Now, 4 in Cantonese sounds like 'death'. Ok, maybe old Tseung is finally calling it quits on New Year's Day.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 01, 2008, 11:22:46 PM
Discussion session amongst Physics Students

Student A: "The latest Tseung proof of concept experiment suggestion for the Flying Saucer is interesting.  It is more informative than the Forever experiment at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXz4tzWk3xY."

Student B: "The Forever experiment is more fun.  It was a no-brainer."

Student C: "The relationship between Cosmic Energy Machines and the Flying Saucer is now clear.   Who will do the actual experiment?"

Student a; "I doubt that the old Tseung will do it himself.  He wants others to shine.  The Nanjing UFO video on youtube is much more advanced."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on January 02, 2008, 02:48:17 AM
QuoteHello, I will go by the name of Mingmei, and the reasons I am keeping my real identity secret should become clear shortly.  I was one of the ladies who had the pleasure of servicing the Wang party at a certain massage parlor in Hong Kong, as accurately described by Mr. Tseung in an earlier post.  I did not deal with Mr. Tseung personally.

I am taking a great risk by writing this openly, but I understand from earlier postings that Mr. Tseung does not trust email, and for good reason.  The truth is that I am employed by the CIA, and I was planted in the massage parlor to gather information about the revolutionary technologies in development by Wang and the others.  It is true that we have been monitoring Mr. Tseung's email account, as well as the email accounts of some of his associates.  Mr. Tseung, you should refrain in the future from using any U.S. based free email service.  We have also of course have been monitoring this thread.

I am writing this to warn Mr. Tseung and his associates of the danger they are in.  The CIA is my employer, but in the end, I know I must answer to a higher authority (God), and I cannot in good conscience allow the U.S. Government to impede the development of this revolutionary technology which will clearly lead to a better world for all people in the world.

Mr. Tseung, one of the people in the party gave away too much information to his "lady of the evening".  It was not you, Mr. Tseung, and I believe the lady servicing you was not a CIA agent (we did not have enough agents for every member of the party, and you were not perceived as a high target - don't ask me why).    From this information, we have learned how far along the development of free energy truly is.  Mr. Tseung, please heed my words, the CIA and related agencies will stop at NOTHING to prevent this technology from reaching the market.  Please advise your associates to not skimp on security.  The CIA has a limited presence in China, and given enough precautions, you should be able to prevent their interference. But if you are short-staffed in this department, the CIA will get the better of you.

Anyway, God bless, and please do not ask me anything specific.  I already fear for my life by posting this.  I can only hope that my superiors will not be able to deduce my identity.  Warn the others - that is all I ask.


Remember me, Mr. Tseung?

I am in big trouble over your Lead Out System. Your system of Leading Out cosmic energy works so well it has become a major catastrophe for me here at Langley.

As you know it was my job, under orders from Langley, to service your Mr. Wang?s wang with my ming.

This I did to my everlasting chagrin.

I do not know what you people are experimenting with, I only know that my ming, because of this exposure, is now Leading Out cosmic energy  at a level where I have become a danger to myself and society.

It started soon after my return to Langley.

I had been given a few days off so my ming could recover from over-use and to give my bottom a chance to heal the carpet burns.

I had the first indication that something was wrong  when I went to the toilet and the toilet simply disintegrated after urinating. There was no noise, just a feebly felt vibration and the toilet turned to dust that lay like a chalky deposit on the floor. Whatever it was seemed to have sealed the pipes, for there was no water anywhere.

You get used to a lot of unusual stuff at Langley, they are forever doing strange things here, and I left it at that, thinking that any comment on what had just happened would be seen as me sticking my nose into classified affairs where it did not belong. You also learn that at Langley.

Then it happened a second time. This time I was more observant. As soon as my urine started to flow the toilet became less and less substantial until it disappeared after I finished and again left this powder on the floor.

I now thought it conceivable it had something to do with me. The proof came after I had destroyed four more toilets in that manner. The force, whatever it was, had become stronger and I had difficulty getting out of the last toilet before the floor disintegrated.

By that time the agency had caught on to me. I told them what I thought had happened.

I was grilled mercilessly for several hours until I declared I had to go to the toilet no matter what and if they were prepared to take the consequences in the interview room I would just have to let it rip so to speak.

I was unceremoniously bundled out of the interview room and driven some 300 meters away from the complex. There I was told to do my business behind a large tree.

I complied.

Well, and how I did comply!

Because I had not been to the toilet for such a long time, when my bladder emptied so did my bowels. The result was spectacular. The earth shook, there was a bright flash, the tree was ripped from the ground and took off. There was a huge crater left where I had been sitting.

I was alright because the blast had thrown me clear. Several Langley agents were covered in my number one?s and two?s and the car we had arrived in was a write-off.

To say that I was unpopular would be an understatement.

It could have been alright, even at this stage, but unfortunately the tree blew clear into the main office block and landed in the office of the Director of Operations.

My life has been hell ever since.

I have just, for the first time in days, been able to sneak off and post this warning.

They know about you and how powerful your technology is and they will do anything to get their hands on it. They are also extremely interested in Mr. Wang?s wang.

I am very unhappy and frustrated. I am not even game to play with my ming for fear of dire consequences.

Help me if you can, just tell me how I can lift this curse off my ming. They are considering here to use me as the power module to drive their flying saucer to Mars.

They are already designing the thing.

So pleeeeaaasse HELP!!!!!!   


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: M@rcel on January 02, 2008, 05:30:04 AM
As Ghandi wisely spoke:

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win"

Keep up the good work, Lawrence!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 02, 2008, 06:56:22 PM
Quote from: M@rcel on January 02, 2008, 05:30:04 AM
As Ghandi wisely spoke:

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win"

Keep up the good work, Lawrence!

Dear M@rcel,

Thank you for the encouragement.

We are aware of over 100 inventions in China and over 200 inventions outside China that could be explained by the Lee-Tseung theories.

In USA, Major Todd Hathaway and DoD have access to a Bedini type motor that can drive a 10 inch fan and recharge the batteries.  That can be on public display.  It already exceeded the "proof of concept" of the Lee-Tseung theory.

It is now a matter of potential International Cooperation on this Cosmic Energy and Flying Saucer technologies.  We are giving it the Lee-Tseung Pull.  That would lead out existing energy from many people.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 03, 2008, 01:15:56 AM
We have been invited via HKIA to participate in the 11th Moscow International Salon of Industrial Properties (Archimedes).  The website is http://eng.archimedes.ru/

This is very interesting.  We now have confirmed participation from the Chinese Government, the USA Government and the Russian Government.  So our posting has some value.  We are also aware of contacts from Singapore, Vietnam and Japan.

I hope and pray that International Cooperation on Cosmic Energy Machines and Flying Saucers will be possible.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 03, 2008, 06:07:11 PM
Quote from http://eng.archimedes.ru/news.php?Y=07&M=10&D=02
In the period from September 27th to September 30th 2007 in the city of Taibei (Chinese republic, Taiwan island) there has been held the largest in Southeast Asian region international exhibition of inventions and a technical fair.

At the exhibition were present over 1000 inventors from 18 countries of the world. In total 650 objects of industrial property in 11 directions have been presented.

The International Innovation Center "Archimedes" presented at the exhibition 10 new innovation projects that have been granted 7 well-deserved rewards: 3 gold, 1 silver and 3 bronze medals. Among them:
1. The Gold medal: "the Sorter (of vegetables)", simple in design and allowing to sort vegetables in three fractions in field conditions. Authors: V.P. Tigrov, Y.N.Fedorov, NPO "Newest technologies", Lipetsk.
2. The Gold medal: "Press-vacuum drying installation " Authors: V.P. Tigrov, Y.N.Fedorov, NPO "Newest technologies", Lipetsk.. Unlike products of known Italian firms-manufacturers, in the presented drying installation an elastic cut bag is used, allowing to carry out the process of drying with partially filled chamber.
3. The Gold medal: "Installation for obtaining water from atmospheric air". Authors: V.P. Tigrov, Y.N.Fedorov, NPO "Newest technologies", Lipetsk. Simple in manufacturing installation allows to obtain in short time sufficiently great volumes of water, is working on solar energy.
4. The Silver medal: "The method of determining maximum deformation in art punching", Tula State University, author K.A.Nazarov. The given method allows to more precisely determine ability of materials to deformation.
5. The Bronze medal: "Color laser graphics", author A.I.Dolgushin, NTF "Opteks", Moscow. New technology of laser processing of glass - laser painting. By means of the given technology 3D color images in glass with colour dynamic effect and elements of animation can be created.
6. The Bronze medal: "Individual protective device "Neitronik", author V.N. Tyuniaev, Zhukovsky (Moscow province). Action of "Neitronik" is based on neutralization of that part of radiation spectrum of working devices which possesses permeability and negatively influences intercellular exchange in human organisms.
7. The Bronze medal: "The Solar pump". Authors: V.P. Tigrov, Y.N.Fedorov, NPO "Newest technologies", Lipetsk. The given device allows to pump over water due to a difference of temperatures.

Employees of the Center "Archimedes" have conducted negotiations on further cooperation with chairmen of associations of inventors of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, Spain, Malaysia, Korea, Hungary, Poland and Bulgaria.

The visit of our delegation to Taiwan is the first step of Russian inventors under direction of the International Innovation Center "Archimedes" onto perspective exhibition-congress stages of the countries of Southeast Asia. Asian tigers with interest look at the inexhaustible market of ideas which come from Russia and show the liveliest interest to opportunities of realization of our inventions.

We participated in the 2006 Taibei show.  We met the wise monk who advised that the technology would prosper if we ignore our personal gains.  It looks like he is right. Lee Cheung Kin said: ?My Chinese Contact does not object to our sending the information even if I cannot go.?

I am particularly interested in the underlined items 3 and 7 of their award winning inventions.  The World will benefit with our cooperation.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 04, 2008, 06:23:23 PM
Meeting with Bill Fung (1)

Bill visited Tseung again yesterday.

Bill: "I would like to learn more.  I am still confused with some of the terminology, the Wang videos, the Bedini/Newton motor, the role of HKIA, the possible Russia-USA-China Cooperaton, the Liang/Chao Car and the Flying Saucer."

Tseung: "Let us take each topic slowly step-by-step, one at a time.  The Flying Saucer is the most difficult.  We can tackle that first.  Have you studied the file flying_saucer001.doc in reply 1165?"

Bill: "I saw a diagram.  I did not recall seeing any file."

There were 66 views on the picture and 6 downloads on the file as of this post.

Tseung then explained every sentence in that two page file.

Bill: "I never realize that the Flying Saucer is so simple.  I understand it fully now.  Why is that no one has built it?"

Tseung then showed the Nanjing UFO on youtube: "I am like a primary school kid explaining addition to his younger brother.  The kid may be excited to act as a teacher.  From the viewpoint of the top guns in Area 51 or Tsing Hua University, such teaching is just child's play."

Lawrence Tseung
Sowing seeds is different from lecturing at Universities.  At Universities, the Lecturer expects at least 90% of the students will open the files - even if they do not study them.  In this forum, expect the opposite.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 04, 2008, 08:48:31 PM
Meeting with Bill Fung (2)

Bill: "I would like to focus my attention on the cars now.  Are they in production?"

Tseung: ?You need to contact them through Lee Cheung Kin.  The last time I heard from Lee was that they already got multi-billion dollar investment.  Ben Ng from Singapore was in contact with a gentleman from that area.  That gentleman said that there were electricity generators and flying saucers in that area already.  When Ben offered to invest, that gentleman laughed.?

Bill: ?I used to think that inventors needed to beg for investment.  You are saying the opposite.  Investors now beg for the opportunity to invest.  What is preventing these Cosmic Energy Machines or Flying Saucers from gaining publicity??

Tseung: ?One can speculate.  Some say that it is the Governments.  Almost all Governments are aware of the Cosmic Energy Machines and the Flying Saucers.  Numerous UFO sightings have been reported worldwide.  The theory is ridiculously simple and proof-of-concept experiment is outlined in reply 1165.  My theory is that Governments realize that Flying Saucers can easily wipe out all known military planes, missiles, etc.  They classified such research and falsified all sightings.?

Bill: ?It reminds me of the ancient times in China.  Gunpowder was first discovered in China.  Governments prevented their development by the masses.  The only use was firecrackers.  If Governments again prevented the development of Cosmic Energy Machines and Flying Saucers, would there be a repeat of history??

Tseung: ?I am sure that the nation who mastered the technology first will become the undisputed World Leader.  That is why I wanted it to be an International Effort.?

Lawrence Tseung
Participating in the Moscow Show Leads Out International Cooperation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 04, 2008, 10:06:27 PM
Meeting with Bill Fung (3)

Bill: "What is the Moscow show?  How does the HKIA get involved?"

Tseung: "There is a meeting at HKIA on January 10.  I shall bring you as a guest.  Some lady will talk about financing but we can treat it as a meeting with the many friends.  You will meet many Hong Kong inventors."

Bill: "How did you get involved with the Moscow show?"

Tseung: "I got the information from HKIA that Moscow invited the participation of the HKIA members.  It was a simple email exchange.  We are waiting for the details."

Bill: "Did you send them your information?"

Tseung: "Of Course.  The information has been public for a long time."

Bill: "Looks like we have more to talk about after the January 10 meeting."

Lawrence Tseung
Let others shine.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 05, 2008, 05:02:30 PM
Comments at a Party.

A: "Tseung has been working on this Cosmic Energy thing for some years.  He has not made any money yet.  He has attracted much International attention. Is he a failure or  a success?"

B: "By the money is everything standard of Hong Kong, he is an absolute and utter failure.  However, the moment he makes money, he will become a success.  The more money he makes, the more successful."

C: "One should understand his contribution to Mankind.  Money is not everything."

A: "I read his material and heard him explain it a couple of times.  I got lost as soon as he wrote down an equation.  My 17 year old son seemed to understand it.  For me, I use the Hong Kong Standard.  He who has no money is a failure.  If a person is any good, he will have plenty of money."

B: "The more Tseung talks about Wang, Liang, Chao, Newman, Bedini, Adams, Bearden etc., the more I get confused.  I am the layman type who just want to flick a switch and the light goes on.  Presenting theory and proof-of-concept experiments is not my cup of tea.  I shall wait for the product."

C: "Tseung will not find supporters here at present.  When he or his group has a product, he will get plenty of support.  If the products make plenty of money, he will have our whole-hearted support."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 05, 2008, 06:40:51 PM
Meeting with Bill Fung (4)

Tseung: "You have read much about Joseph Newman and John Bedini.  Do you believe that they have working prototypes?"

Bill: "I am still doubtful.  The US Patent Office checked Joseph Newman out and refused to grant him a patent.  Bedini based his work on Newman.  Now the DoD said that they are aware of a Bedini type motor that can drive a 10 inch fan and rechange the batteries.  That gives it more credibility.  But if that were true, we should be able to buy these Bedini Motors easily on the Market."

Tseung: "I am convinced because our theory predicts that rotation in magnetic fields can Lead Out Electron Motion Energy.  We need to apply Pulse (Lee-Tseung Pull) at the right time.  Newman and Bedini motors are just two examples.  If you do not want to spend too much, I can recommend that you do the David Hamel experiment.  Can you afford USD12?"

Bill laughed: "I thought you were talking about thousands of dollars.  USD12 is less than HK$100.  I spent more than that in travelling to meet you."

Tseung then gave the information on how to do the David Hamel permanent magnet experiment and showed where to buy magnets in Hong Kong.  Tseung also gave Bill a short section of a plastic pipe left from his previous experiments.  Bill decided to perform this experiment first.  When he is ready, you all will see a David Hamel experiment performed by Bill Fung.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 06, 2008, 12:42:44 AM
Meeting to discuss the Moscow trip in a restaurant.

A: "Are you going to participate in the Moscow Archimede's Show?"

Tseung: "I have not been to Moscow before.  Lee can read and write Russian.  He can help to prepare or translate the material even if he cannot go.  He will also alert the Chinese Authorities."

B: "I am sure that USA and China Officials are aware of your intentions when you openly state them in this open forum."

Tseung: "I am sure that the Russian Government is aware of Cosmic Energy Inventions and Flying Saucers.  Milkovic had patents and he also stated that he could build the flying saucer.  Our Lead Out theory can explain the Milkovic inventions nicely.  The pulsing pendulum is closest to our theory."

A: "What would you bring to Moscow?"

Tseung: "We are communicating via email first.  I hope that University of Moscow or similar can replicate our proof-of-concept experiments for us.  Then I do not have to bring any equipment.  I have sent them the two articles in reply 1112 and 1121.  I am sure that they are also aware of the Flying Saucer experiment in 1165."

B: "When you tell them your in-depth knowledge, you will no longer be needed.  Your value decreases when you disclose more."

Tseung: "I am like a primary school kid telling his younger brother addition.  The top guns at Moscow University are already well above my capabilities.  The goal is to benefit the World.  It is just making sure that the Bear, the Eagle and the Dragon all know the Flying Saucer.  There is no secret with this powerful technology.  It is better to coorperate and work for peace.  The chance that others are ignorant of such powerful technology is zero.

A: "I hope that you are right.  I do not really know why that I am sitting here and discussing such things.  It might be the Wish of the Lord.  I better be going otherwise I shall be late for Church."

*** Attached is the blank form from the Organizer.

Lawrence Tseung
May be that we are guided by the Devine Hand of the Lord.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 06, 2008, 07:59:30 PM
Phone call with Lai.

Lai: "I read your Flying Saucer proof-of-concept article.  I would like to raise a few questions."

Tseung: "No problem."

Lai: "You made the following assumptions
(1) You can spin a magnet in a circular orbit at very high velocity.
(2) The spinning is done via magnetic attraction to provide the centripetal force.
(3) There are stationary electromagnets driven by pulse circuit to keep supplying energy.  There must be a controlling mechanism to match the pulsing rate with the rotational speed.
(4) There is a release mechanism to cut off the current to the electromagnets and to pull out the position fixing rods at the same time.
(5) There must be a sensing mechanism so that you can determine the position and velocity of the permanent magnet at any time."

Tseung: "You got it.  What is your question?"

Lai: "How can you make your Flying Saucer stationary in midair?"

Tseung: "You can have multiple Magneto Propulsion Units (MPUs).  They are like wheels on a car.  You do not carry loads on one wheel.  You use multiple wheels.  We use a similar technique on the Flying Saucer."

Lai: "In your proof-of-concept experiment, you only allow for a horizontal sliding action.  How do you go upwards or downwards?  Yeah.  You do not have to answer that.  I have the answer - tilt the sliding surface."

Lawrence Tseung
The priniciples behind the Flying Saucer are so simple that the top guns in China, USA, Russia, etc. must be able to understand them.  The chances that they have implemented them are very high.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: todd.hathaway on January 06, 2008, 08:31:58 PM

Why don't we plan on an American delegation to China in April to coincide with the six month Hang Shum Ho demo that begin in China in October.
By that time both sides of the pond would have enough techs available to open source demo so that neither side feels like they are being taken advantage of by the other. 
Also, you and your research colleagues are welcome to visit D.C. or call us anytime, though the most productive visit would coincide with the June 28-29 event.

A trip to Europe is planned in May to review progress over there, and the culminating event in the U.S. is on June 28-29 in Charlotte Hall, Maryland, about 30 minutes south of D.C. - reports from each trip will be posted online at www.green-salon.com, to include as much information as possible on each technology so others can followup and conduct independent validation of all the techs that provide sufficient info via open sourcing.  After June, our D.C. network shifts gears towards full-scale production of the most robust adv energy techs that have been independently validated by the end of June.  Sharing everything publicly is the safest and most effective approach to bringing these techs to the public by the end of the year.  Selling open source techs on Ebay is the easiest way to make it happen on an individual basis...most Americans just want their way of life to continue, and few will go out and buy the parts to build these units themselves.

Todd & Nora
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 06, 2008, 10:55:34 PM
Quote from: todd.hathaway on January 06, 2008, 08:31:58 PM

Why don't we plan on an American delegation to China in April to coincide with the six month Wang Shum Ho Certification that begin in China in October.

By that time both sides of the pond would have enough techs available to open source demo so that neither side feels like they are being taken advantage of by the other. 

Also, you and your research colleagues are welcome to visit D.C. or call us anytime, though the most productive visit would coincide with the June 28-29 event.....

Dear Todd and Nora,

I think you hit the nail right on.  Once we get Government Officials involved, they want to play safe.  The worst thing for them is to be seen as weak.  If both sides have something to show, it will be a win-win.

By April, the Wang devices should have gone through the six month certification test.  If there were no problems, they should be in a strong position to do public announcements and demonstrations.  They may also do the IPO or Reverse Listing.

A visit by your delegation will then be appropriate and would involve least  red tape.  A return visit by a Chinese delegation in June may also be arranged.

Meanwhile, we shall check whether Russia and Japan might be interested.  You are encouraged to show reply 1165 related to the Flying Saucer to your scientists.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: todd.hathaway on January 06, 2008, 11:02:43 PM
OK, then as soon as suggested dates are made available, we will plan accordingly.
http://www.green-salon.com will list the trip dates once firmed up.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 07, 2008, 05:02:21 AM
Meeting of the Political Science Students of a top University (1)

Student A: ?The scientists and engineers have their turn of fun.  They will spend the next few months perfecting the prototypes or products in China, USA, Russia, Japan, etc.  The top professors will be studying reply 1112, 1121 and 1165.  It is now our turn to have some fun.?

Student B: ?Let us first focus on the inevitable change of power.  The Nation or Nations that master this technology best will become the next World Leader.?

Student C: ?The New Leaders will have Flying Saucers that are self contained and can go into outer space.  They do not need to pay any taxes to any Government.  None of the existing warplanes, rockets or missiles can catch them.?

Student D: ?New weapons are possible.  One is the death ray warned by Lee Cheung Kin.  If pulse techniques or the Rife Technologies can selectively kill virus cells, similar technology may selectively kill animals or humans.  With infinite energy machines to back them up, any small dedicated group with hatred in their hearts might destroy the World.?

Student E: ?Weapon of mass destruction is no longer limited to the nuclear bombs.  It is virtually impossible to prevent the widespread use of the Magneto Propulsion Units.  They are the wheels of the coming future.  They are the Cosmic Energy Machines that can Lead Out the infinite energy of the universe.?

Student A: ?Lee-Tseung have laid the theoretical foundations.  They could be compared with the early inventors of the cannon.  The initial technique was primitive ? put gunpowder in a barrel, put in lead balls and then ignite.  I can already imagine the advanced MPUs replacing every wheel and every motor.?

Student B: ?I can see that no Nation could possibly ignore the Lee-Tseung theories.  Any politician refusing or suggesting zero funding for such research will be stoned once a working Cosmic Energy Machine is openly demonstrated.?

Lawrence Tseung
Immense funding for Cosmic Machine Development will pour in the moment the first Machine is openly displayed.  It is likely to happen within 2008.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 07, 2008, 06:28:36 AM
Meeting of the Political Science Students of a top University (2)

Student A: ?Let us focus on whether the Cosmic Energy Machine Development can be suppressed by Governments.  My personal feeling is that it is impossible as the theory is too simple.?

Student B: ?I disagree.  Joseph Newman spent over 40 years of his life fighting the US Patent Office.  The Flying Saucers or UFOs have been reported numerous times for decades.  If Governments want to keep a secret on the grounds of national security, they could.  The Chinese Emperors managed to suppress the development of the gunpowder for centuries.  Do not underestimate those with power.?

Student C: ?I think the World has developed so much that past scenario would have no relevance.  With the Internet, information could be sent out within minutes.  Suppression is virtually impossible.  There is no point in killing Lee and Tseung now.  Too many people studied and understood the theory.  The competition between Nations almost guaranteed that their information is studied.?

Student A: ?I can follow their theory.  Furthermore, I did double-checking.  I discussed the information with my many science and engineering friends.  They said that the theory was elementary.  It was so simple that it could not be wrong.?

Student C: ?How can any Government suppress knowledge of a pendulum under the effect of a Lee-Tseung pull?  How can any Government suppress the physics of a chain-ball?  The CIA or the Like tried the credibility trick.  The old Tseung just stood his ground.?

Student D: ?The CIA chief must be mad at DoD.  All their work in ruining the Tseung credibility was wiped out with the appearance of Major Todd Hathaway.?

Student A: ?It was a useless effort in any case.  Lee-Tseung will get the glory the moment any Cosmic Energy Machine generates electricity.  There are potentially over 300 examples worldwide.  Some might be hoaxes and CIA itself might have set some up.  But one genuine one is sufficient.?

Student D: ?I get the feeling that suppression of Cosmic Energy Machine or Flying Saucer Development by World Governments is now virtually impossible.  They have no choice but to compete amongst themselves.  The Area 51 or Nanjing UFO developments cannot be secrets forever.?

Lawrence Tseung
The primary school kid is too clever.  He also gets help from others teaching him subtraction, multiplication and division.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 07, 2008, 09:22:24 AM
away for two weeks and still the same bunch of bull :)

Stop the fake conversations and fake personas, stop posting lots of useless photos of people smiling, and let's focus on you actually giving us a design to produce OU in an electrical device, shall we?

And none of that crap that you can't post anything because it is all other peoples inventions etcetera.
If it is really true that you cannot give any details on proper devices because of this, then it is also useless to keep promoting your own so-called theory, since you can never give proper nor usefull information on how to apply the theory. It is in fact a lot like the fantastic theory Bearden presents on how to utilise "dirac sea holes" as effective electrical charge carriers, without ever explaining how this might actually be done in a physical embodiment. It's nice theory, but cannot be tested because of lack of physical design and construction details. (If you know Beardens books, you'll know what I'm talking about)

Give us something to replicate. And not the stupid waterpump idea, or the even more useless "boat on calm water" mumbojumbo, or the equally useless pictures of the "Wang generator", however nice the pictures may be...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 09, 2008, 02:16:04 AM
The Flying Saucer that can go to outer space!

Tseung, you can come and visit me in Hell.

You have unleashed something you never dreamed of.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 09, 2008, 02:58:57 AM
Quote from: Devil on January 09, 2008, 02:16:04 AM
The Flying Saucer that can go to outer space!

Tseung, you can come and visit me in Hell.

You have unleashed something you never dreamed of.

Dear Devil,

You can try your scare tactics.

I believe our breakthrough is the realization that we do not need to eject something out to get the thrust.  We never violate the Law of Action and Reaction once we use circular motion.  Once we can turn on and off magnetic/electric fields, we can rotate, attract or repel parts of the non-rigid object.  That can provide the thrust for us.

This breakthrough, plus the Lead Out of Electron Motion Energy via pulsed (Lee-Tseung pulls) rotation, changed the science of aeronautics, rockets, and propulsion systems forever.

Lawrence Tseung
Many different top-notch engineers can do the actual design and building of the Flying Saucers.  The theoretical foundation is laid.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 09, 2008, 03:31:51 AM
Well said Mao Tseung.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: baybill on January 09, 2008, 04:14:40 AM
     This article is based on the conversation with Mr. Lee Chung Kin , one of the authors of the ?Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory?, who conceived the discovery more than 10 years ago. The writer claims no credit at all on the technical aspect of the content being presented here:
   Many of the forum readers have read the ?Children Swing? analogy written by Lawrence. Basically, Messrs. Lee & Tseung were trying to share with the technical community so to be aware of the tremendous energy reservoir available to us from the gravitational force and from the magnetic force. The purpose on publishing this theory is to stimulate the technical mind masters of this world to help all the nations on this planet to develop new energy sources to benefit mankind, to reduce pollution, and to reduce wars among nations on securing the needed energy resources.
   This ?Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory? has no assumption and do not need any assumption because the gravitational force and the magnetic force have been with us from day one. The essence of this Theory is that one can apply a small pulsation force (an external energy input) at a proper frequency that one can extract out, or bring out (or lead out) the energy from the gravitational and/or the magnetic energy reservoir.  With a proper design arrangement, the energy output can always be significantly greater than the energy input.
   The ?Children Swing? only explains the Theory basic and there is nothing to stop us from applying it to a circular motion object. In fact, there are many inventions already in existence and this Theory explains why and where they can get more energy out from what was fed to the unit.

Writer?s comment:
1.   Believe it or not, it is definitely your choice! You can Google or YouTube on ?pulse motor? and you can see a lot there.
2.   An Australian inventor and a Hungarian inventor are ahead of the game and they already have working unit to show.
3.    A famous Chinese University has been working on an energy system for many years with small energy input and produce large
          amount of energy output but could not figure out why. This Theory explains it.
4.    If you can understand or have the resource for Chinese language, check out the following patents:
       http://search.sipo.gov.cn/sipo/zljs/hyjs-jieguo.jsp  (è’‹æÅ'¯å®)
   http://search.sipo.gov.cn/sipo/zljs/hyjs-jieguo.jsp  (李长建)
   http://search.sipo.gov.cn/sipo/zljs/hyjs-jieguo.jsp  (王沈河)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 09, 2008, 04:27:23 AM
Well said Mao Tseung.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 09, 2008, 04:29:57 AM
Quote from: baybill on January 09, 2008, 04:14:40 AM
4.    If you can understand or have the resource for Chinese language, check out the following patents:
       http://search.sipo.gov.cn/sipo/zljs/hyjs-jieguo.jsp  (è’‹æÅ'¯å®)
   http://search.sipo.gov.cn/sipo/zljs/hyjs-jieguo.jsp  (李长建)
   http://search.sipo.gov.cn/sipo/zljs/hyjs-jieguo.jsp  (王沈河)

In 4, the exact step is to go to and then use the Chinese Characters in the inventor column to do the search. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Freezer on January 09, 2008, 04:42:54 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 09, 2008, 02:58:57 AM
I believe our breakthrough is the realization that we do not need to eject something out to get the thrust.  We never violate the Law of Action and Reaction once we use circular motion.  Once we can turn on and off magnetic/electric fields, we can rotate, attract or repel parts of the non-rigid object.  That can provide the thrust for us.

This breakthrough, plus the Lead Out of Electron Motion Energy via pulsed (Lee-Tseung pulls) rotation, changed the science of aeronautics, rockets, and propulsion systems forever.

Lawrence Tseung
Many different top-notch engineers can do the actual design and building of the Flying Saucers.  The theoretical foundation is laid.

You might want to hear what Bob Lazar has said, on ufo propulsion.  I'd post the video but it was taken down for the 100th time.  It makes perfect sense.  Gravity distortion is created in-front where you will be pulled in.  Nothing new really, they knew that in the 1940's, and been building ever since.  Of course they will never replicate the original in all its glory.  The original was not built, but was grown.  No physical controls, just thoughts.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on January 09, 2008, 05:04:38 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 09, 2008, 02:58:57 AM
I believe our breakthrough is the realization that we do not need to eject something out to get the thrust

Then why is it that in your videos that "prove" the flying saucer concept, do you guys always let go of the rotating bottle of water?  Please demonstrate flying saucer concept without ejecting anything.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: todd.hathaway on January 09, 2008, 05:19:02 AM
see also www.bob-dratch.org
he's the smartest researcher in the U.S. that i have come across to date, though he's only recently joined the energy research field.

www.cseti.org - you can see UFOs at these retreats.  Nora and I have attended the two types of retreats offered through the CSETI group.  we're going to a remote location for a week to investigate the same, and can only be reached via email every couple days from 11-18 JAN.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 09, 2008, 06:29:29 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on January 09, 2008, 05:04:38 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 09, 2008, 02:58:57 AM
I believe our breakthrough is the realization that we do not need to eject something out to get the thrust

Then why is it that in your videos that "prove" the flying saucer concept, do you guys always let go of the rotating bottle of water?  Please demonstrate flying saucer concept without ejecting anything.

Please study 

Flying_Saucer001.doc (118 KB - downloaded 7 times.)

in reply 1165.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 09, 2008, 06:35:15 AM
So now we've slid from Tseungs repetitive sticking of feathers up his own butt, down to UFO claims?
this thread keeps amusing...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: todd.hathaway on January 09, 2008, 06:43:51 AM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 09, 2008, 07:03:14 AM
Quote from: todd.hathaway on January 09, 2008, 06:43:51 AM

an "electrodynamic field generator":
   The official name of the StarDrive "Electronic Dynamo", per the several issued U.S. and international Patents, is 'Electrodynamic Field Generator'. The EDF Generator uses banks of permanent magnets and rotating field coils to produce a very-high DC rotor voltage and plane-parallel ring electrode arrays to electrostatically expand and control that voltage as applied to the outer hull

Permanent Magnets, Rotating field Coils, DC rotor voltage.

Compare this with:

Rotating Permanent Magnet, Stationary Coils, Pulse Current.

I have little doubt that working UFO prototypes have been developed in USA, China and possibly elsewhere.  Reply 1165 is simple but brilliant. 

Lawrence Tseung
The primary school kid is being helped by many others.  The Flying Saucer secret is out.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: todd.hathaway on January 09, 2008, 07:06:45 AM
Jets were scrambled from 29 Palms when we did the CE-5 protocols to intercept.
Every time a group of us doing the CE-5 protocols meets, something always happens like that, though not always as dramatic.


It's a non-issue as to the development of adv propulsion techs...moving on.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 09, 2008, 07:16:45 AM
Quote from: Freezer on January 09, 2008, 04:42:54 AM

You might want to hear what Bob Lazar has said, on ufo propulsion.  I'd post the video but it was taken down for the 100th time.  It makes perfect sense.  Gravity distortion is created in-front where you will be pulled in.  Nothing new really, they knew that in the 1940's, and been building ever since.  Of course they will never replicate the original in all its glory.  The original was not built, but was grown.  No physical controls, just thoughts.


In this World of spies and counter-spies, I do not believe the video 100%.  I like my 1165 article better.  There may be multiple solutions.  USA is not the only Nation with advanced or top-secret research in this World or in this Universe!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on January 09, 2008, 11:14:31 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 09, 2008, 07:16:45 AM
Quote from: Freezer on January 09, 2008, 04:42:54 AM

You might want to hear what Bob Lazar has said, on ufo propulsion.  I'd post the video but it was taken down for the 100th time.  It makes perfect sense.  Gravity distortion is created in-front where you will be pulled in.  Nothing new really, they knew that in the 1940's, and been building ever since.  Of course they will never replicate the original in all its glory.  The original was not built, but was grown.  No physical controls, just thoughts.


In this World of spies and counter-spies, I do not believe the video 100%.  I like my 1165 article better.  There may be multiple solutions.  USA is not the only Nation with advanced or top-secret research in this World or in this Universe!

1165, like everything else you have ever written, is unsubstantiated theory.  Can you explain how your water bottle experiments support your flying saucer theory, since your theory relies on nothing being ejected from the craft?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 09, 2008, 11:25:20 AM
I'm with shruggedatlas on this one.

Besides that, permanent magnets, pickup coils, either of them rotating, sounds like nothing more than a dynamo to me...
Yes it will produce output, as long as you input the rotation.
And yes, the output will be lower than the input energy.
And no, it does not immediately produce any anti-gravity.

Oh, by the way, since I had some spare time over the xmas period, I decided to replicate mr Tseungs so-called
"4-legged stool experiment" with some friends. Mostly for a laugh of course, since it is a nonsense experiment, but we did it anyway.
It confirmed what I already knew: nothing spectacular about the "experiment" whatsoever.
It merely proves that several people pushing against one of he stools legs in the same direction make the stool rotate along its central axis.
Using a bowl of water under the stool as a pivotal point makes no difference; it act exactly the same if we replace the bowl of water by a
pivot made of two round plates that can rotate respective of eachother using a small axis and some bearings (like a "scrabble turn-table"), or even
a round wooden slab on top of a plastic mat with some grease between them.
The end result was: the stool turning exactly as one would expect it to, which uses up energy hat is input by the people pushing it, and stops rotating due to friction.
The most remarkable result was how amusing everyone thought this so-called experiment was, and how much fun was made of mr Tseung afterward. :)
So, mr Tseung, will ou now finally explain why you believe this "experiment" is so important, and what in Bobs name it has to do with OU? And why you keep pointing toward this "experiment" as the driving force of the Wang generator (if that actually really exists and is not just a scam)?
Oh, I forgot, you consitently ignore posts such as these, right?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on January 09, 2008, 11:37:28 AM
So if im getting the time of my life does that mean im leading into her ? :o
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 09, 2008, 04:59:14 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on January 09, 2008, 11:25:20 AM
I'm with shruggedatlas on this one.

Koen1 and shruggedatlas,

Kneel down and worship me.  I can make anyone the richest and the most powerful person on Earth.  I can give you force to wipe out all planes, missiles and gunboats.  I can give you the death rays that will destroy your enemies.

If you obey me, I can turn you into the most cunning debunker and destroy Lee and Tseung.  If Tseung obeys me, you are dead meat.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 09, 2008, 05:09:11 PM
Quote from: Devil on January 09, 2008, 04:59:14 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on January 09, 2008, 11:25:20 AM
I'm with shruggedatlas on this one.

Koen1 and shruggedatlas,

Kneel down and worship me.  I can make anyone the richest and the most powerful person on Earth.  I can give you force to wipe out all planes, missiles and gunboats.  I can give you the death rays that will destroy your enemies.

If you obey me, I can turn you into the most cunning debunker and destroy Lee and Tseung.  If Tseung obeys me, you are dead meat.

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And all of this with energy from still air? I am amazed.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on January 09, 2008, 06:45:17 PM


Who evoked the CE-5 protocols for demons? Koen you stopped the tseung manster from posting for an entire day, that was hilarious.
While you were gone we had this major idiot from the neocon nazis here assaulting us, and they almost took our village clown! But apparently we got him back ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 09, 2008, 07:55:29 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on January 09, 2008, 11:14:31 AM

1165, like everything else you have ever written, is unsubstantiated theory.  Can you explain how your water bottle experiments support your flying saucer theory, since your theory relies on nothing being ejected from the craft?

Dear shruggedatlas,

I better give you some knowledge before you become a devil worshipper.  You must do the water bottle experiment yourself before you can appreciate it.  If you do not trust your own judgment, get a few more friends to repeat it.

The objective of the water bottle experiment is to determine which result is correct:
(1)   On release of the water bottle, you tend to be jerked in the direction of motion of the bottle.
(2)   On release of the water bottle, you remain perfectly stationary.
(3)   On release of the water bottle, you will experience the reaction.  You tend to be jerked in the opposite direction of motion of the bottle.

Please post your result before I give the correct physics explanation. 

Lawrence Tseung
It is impossible to teach a person addition if he does not know how to count.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 09, 2008, 10:05:00 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 09, 2008, 07:55:29 PM

Dear shruggedatlas,

I better give you some knowledge before you become a devil worshipper.....

Tseung, you are cursed.  You tried to prevent others from worshipping me. 

The Chinese Officials will regard you as a traitor.  They will no longer support you or give you any information.  You will quarrel with Lee Cheung Kin on who is the greatest.  USA will treat you as a double agent.  Your USA citizenship will work against you.  The moment you step on USA soil, you will disappear forever.  You will be treated as the worst criminal ? giving the most feared technology openly to the terrorists.

Moscow is trying to use you only.  They can get the Flying Saucer technology for nothing.  You will bring doomsday to the World.  The death rays will kill or deform millions.  When everyone has infinite energy, many will use it to dominate others.  There will be revenge.  Those who have been wronged will be blinded by hatred.  They prefer an eye for an eye.  The World will not see peace.  You and Lee are the culprit.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 10, 2008, 06:50:52 AM
Tseung, you're still not answering shruggedatlas's question at all.

The question was: Explain to us how the "bottle experiment" supports your suggested "ufo experiment"?
The "answer" you gave is basically "spin the bottle and you'll see". That's not a proper answer to the question.

Now let's look at that post 1165 you keep pointing out.
The document claims to describe a proof of concept antigrav drive. Yet it does not describe what you expect to happen,
why you expect it to happen in proper physics terminology, nor does it provide any supporting facts nor electrical effects that lead you to believe the device will function as effective electromagnetic "lead out" device.
Please, don't just dump a scetch with some vague claims and try to use it as some form of "proof".
At least explain how and why you think it will work.
And I mean really explain it, not just summing up the theory you came up with, and not just repeating that we should start spinning bottles and upturning chairs.

What I see in your design is this: a "device A" consisting of a crude permanent magnet motor in the bottom half of the device, and its driving circuitry in the top half.
The bottom part has a rotating magnet set into a "grove" (? you probably mean "grOOve", and not a path lined with trees?). I assume you somehow fix it to this groove so that it actually moves, which could be done using bearings or something like that... One could of course also mount the magnet onto a wheel so that it can rotate. I don't see any description of the manner in which the magnet is fixed to move in the groove, so there's a point of improvement for your document already; but let's assume you are using one of the ways I described here just now. Any of these will create physical friction, causing whatever energy the magnet might have or receive to decrease by the amount of the friction. Ergo the magnet will always move with less energy than was put into the driving coils. There we have energy loss no.1.
Then, you're driving the electromagnet coils by pumping hV pulses through them, which are generated by circuitry in the top half of the device. As everybody knows, any circuitry and wiring has energy losses due to resistance, and coils also show back emf etc, which all in all account for more energy loss, and again the energy input into the circuitry and coils will be higher than any energy received/collected from them. So again, output<input, loss no.2.
To top it off, you are using batteries to power the entire thing. Meaning you had to charge the batteries, so that they contain enough electrical energy to power the circuitry. All battery charging devices need more power to charge them than they put out when discharged. Except perhaps for Bedini's back-poppers, but those are patented by Bedini and many a replication of those failed, so they're slightly iffy and in any case not usable as basis for your "lead out" theory beecause Bedini and Bearden already patented the process. So we're left with conventional battery charging, which again has output<input, and again we have energy losses, loss no.3.
So looking at the energy use, it seems very clear that we have frictional losses in the rotation of the permanent magnet, and electrical losses in the circuitry, coils, and the batteries themselves. All this energy needs to be put in before the device is activated, and the battery will run out due to the operation of the device.
And the result will be a permanent magnet moving along a circular track.

Now let's look at that magnet. You don't describe how the magnet is oriented exactly; does the pm's north pole face inward, outward, or perpendicular to the center of the circle? This is not clear in your picture.
Nevertheless, a moving permanent magnet in any of those configurations can be made to rotate as you describe it, using the right voltage pulses at the right time.
However, this is nothing new, and a great many people have rotated and been rotating permanent magnets on wheels in any of the described orientations for decades (over a century, at least), in various ways. And whether they used electromagnets to push or pull the pm rotor around, or rotated it by direct application of outside force, the end result up to now has never been anti-gravity. I repeat, not one experiment in which a simple setup like this, with a spinning/rotating permanent magnet, has shown antigravity.

Also, you claim this "experiment" is a practical electrical application of your "lead out" theory... If so, then why do we only see energy being used?
You have stated many times that you can "lead out" energy from gravity... But all you show here is a system where we PUT IN energy...
And I'm not even counting the claimed yet unsupported antigrav effect... Let's assume that in some mysterious manner the device will counter gravity;
then the device is still losing energy that was originally put in to the batteries. That sounds more like "leading energy IN to gravity"... I don't see anything coming OUT.

How is that device anything other than a nice way of wasting battery power?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 10, 2008, 08:17:27 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 09, 2008, 07:55:29 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on January 09, 2008, 11:14:31 AM

1165, like everything else you have ever written, is unsubstantiated theory.  Can you explain how your water bottle experiments support your flying saucer theory, since your theory relies on nothing being ejected from the craft?

Dear shruggedatlas,

I better give you some knowledge before you become a devil worshipper.  You must do the water bottle experiment yourself before you can appreciate it.  If you do not trust your own judgment, get a few more friends to repeat it.

The objective of the water bottle experiment is to determine which result is correct:
(1)   On release of the water bottle, you tend to be jerked in the direction of motion of the bottle.
(2)   On release of the water bottle, you remain perfectly stationary.
(3)   On release of the water bottle, you will experience the reaction.  You tend to be jerked in the opposite direction of motion of the bottle.

Please post your result before I give the correct physics explanation. 

Lawrence Tseung
It is impossible to teach a person addition if he does not know how to count.


You still have not knelt down before me.  I am going to show you how stupid you are.  Tseung has set you up.  Choice (1) is the obvious answer.  He has done that experiment dozens of times.  He had Forever and Bill Fung repeat it for him and put the video on youtube.

Many stupid non-physicists would wrongly apply the Law of Action and Reaction without doing the experiment.  They would choose (3).  They thought that the rocket uses action and reaction.  The above spinning water bottle would use the same principle.  Tseung obviously know the answer. 

If Tseung put himself in a cage that can slide easily, the water bottle will hit the cage and produce a force in that direction.  The cage will slide in the direction of the hit.  That is the essence of his experiment in 1165.

For the top physicists at Area 51 or in Nanjing, such is child?s play.  Your question just gave Tseung a chance to show off.  You cannot destroy or discredit him on stupid experiments that he has done dozens of times.

Hans committed that stupid mistake.  You are extremely foolish if you repeat it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 10, 2008, 09:36:16 AM

you seem intent on calling everyone stupid,
yet suspiciously you seem to support Tseungs claims...
Very odd behaviour, since Tseung still has not provided any credible information, and the others who you call "stupid" have.
Tseung still has not proven anyone here wrong, and he still hasn't proven his own claims to be correct.
He has, however, proven his own logical reasoning to be flawed, or at least uncoherent.

I cannot help to lean toward the conclusion that you are in fact yet another of mr Tseungs multiple personas.
Your last post, using similar unsubstantiated forms of claimed proof and similarly inconsistent indications of previous posts by Tseung,
support that conclusion.

The persona Tseung must remain in character, so he cannot call people names, and so he has/you have made up a new persona
under the name Devil; as Devil he can insult people, annoy them enough to make them go away, thereby seemingly substantiating
Tseungs still unproven claims...
It is quite sad to see how an old demented chinaman tries to gain support by posting messages as 10 different persona's, ranging from himself, through a CIA hooker, to the devil himself. ;)
It's amusing to a point, but also sad.

As for your claim of the "cage" sliding... Classic, but apparently missed by you...
Imagine a box with a cannon in it. The box is on a frictionless surface. The cannon is on the left side of the box, and the box is balanced. The cannon fires its cannonball to the right with a total of X force. This will cause the box to move to the left, just as much as the ball moves to the right. Then the ball slams into the right wall of the box, transferring its kinetic energy to the box. Since the energy contained in the motion of the ball is equal to the energy contained in the motion of the box, and oppositely directed, the box will 'feel' a net force of zero. The box will not move in the direction that the ball was fired.
In specific constructions that use air pressure and pistons, along with surface friction, it may be possible to get a tiny amount of motion out of a similar setup; but in such cases the motion is in the opposite direction, and also not in the direction of fire.
And in all these examples we are in fact consuming quite a lot of energy just to fire the mechanism, with hardly any reaction. We would be better off applying this nergy directly to friction-based push, which would move the box a lot more... And never will this be over unity, or "lead out" as Tseung likes to call it.

All this is actually quite futile still, since the 1156 post does not in any way explain why the "device A" would move upward at all.
All we have is a magnetic pulse motor. Magnetic pulse motors are not exactly known for their antigravity properties.
... gee... can't help but think you must be the one feeling stupid now. :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 10, 2008, 09:59:07 AM
Dear Koen1,

You sure can write.  I shall answer your posts one at a time.

This post is related to your doing the 4 legged stool experiment.

You said that you and your friends did the experiment (or played the game). Did you do the part from walk to run?  Did you do the part from run to fly?  Did you do it with one finger each in contact with the stool?  Make sure you do it with all the safety precautions. I do not want any of you getting hurt.

Please video that experiment for us.  Make sure you film the shape of the water vortex.  You may use color water for better results.  When I know how much of the experiment you did, I can answer correctly.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 10, 2008, 11:09:47 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 10, 2008, 09:59:07 AM
Dear Koen1,

You sure can write.  I shall answer your posts one at a time.
Great, thanks. But why do you ignore shruggedatlas's question, and also my backing up of that question, yet again?
It would be nice if you'd answer that too...

QuoteThis post is related to your doing the 4 legged stool experiment.

You said that you and your friends did the experiment (or played the game). Did you do the part from walk to run? 
Yes, we did in fact run around in a circle, pushing the stool legs.
QuoteDid you do the part from run to fly?
You're not seriously suggesting that you yourself started flying when you were pushing a chair, are you??
Of course we did not fly. People in this reality do not fly, mr Tseung. The animals that do that are called birds, and they don't have fingers to push the chair.
QuoteDid you do it with one finger each in contact with the stool?
Yes we did push with one finger per person. 
QuoteMake sure you do it with all the safety precautions. I do not want any of you getting hurt.
We were very carefull not to strain a finger. We also took breaks every half hour to have a drink. Come on man, get real... Safety precautions and people getting hurt pushing a chair? Maybe we Europeans are just a bit less fragile than you Chinese people? ;)

QuotePlease video that experiment for us.  Make sure you film the shape of the water vortex.  You may use color water for better results.  When I know how much of the experiment you did, I can answer correctly.
Why don't you film the experiment properly then? all I saw from your side is an extremely crappy video showing someone pushing a chair leg with a finger, and a very vague shot of the chair resting on top of a bowl of water. I never saw a vortex in your video. I never saw you fly either, by the way.
Why should I have to provide footage of your experiment? Do your own work.
If the experiment had yielded some interesting effect, which was not to be expected, then perhaps I might have been inclined to film it.
But nothing special happened at all.

And I have asked this before and will ask again, since you never eally answered the question before:
What exactly is this "experiment" supposed to prove?
Is it supposed to prove that people can push chairs? I guess not, but you never said what it was supposed to prove...
Is it supposed to prove that people spinning a container of water can cause the water to move around inside the container?
That doesn't really have anything to do with the 4-legged stool then, does it?
Or is it meant to show that you can create a sort of vortex in the water, when the container is rotated using periodic pushes?
If the latter is the case, then why do you not simply say so? And what exactly is so fantastic about making water move?

Our 'replication' of the stool "experiment", and subsequent "experimentation" with the bowl of water on a turn-table, clearly showed
that the movement of the water is directly related to the material the bowl is made of, the shape of the bowls inner surface, the speed at which the bowl is rotated, and the manner of inducing said rotation (a steady push generating constant rotation gives a more steady waterflow, while periodic pushes make small waves and seem to generate a vortex-like current in the water.) This all depends on the combination of these factors.
Now if you can describe in greater detail what exactly we should be looking for and what effect this should have, maybe we can try again...
I mean, if you want people to properly replicate your experiment, then give a proper, clear, and complete description of it.
A good example of your typical incomplete and unclear manner of presenting your "experiments" is the ufo document. It is a nice pointer, but it lacks most important information to actually do the experiment...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 10, 2008, 02:21:47 PM
Dear Koen1,

In the 4 legged stool experiment, the expected results are:
(1) When using right hand, rotation is clockwise.
(2) When using left hand, rotation is counter-clockwise.
(3) There is no need for a conscious, deliberate strong push from the players.  The natural leaning motion is sufficient to start, maintain and speed up the rotation.
(4) After the stool rotates, if the players walk and follow the rotation, the walk will become a run.
(5) For old folks like us, we stop and drop out as soon as we get dizzy.  For the young players under competition, the one who drops out first loses.
(6) For these young players, the rotation will be very fast.  They will experience the same feeling as the lady skater in a skating ring being swung off the floor.  One of them will start ?flying? up ? feet off the ground.
(7) The result will be an imbalance; the stool will start to tip over.  Thus this fast running and flying should only be done in an open grass or mud field for safety measures.
(8 ) The water in the bowl will form a vortex.  That vortex will hit the stool because the bowl is 3/4 filled.  There will be remixing of the water.

The implications of the experiment are:
(1)   A small force applied to a rotating object can rotate it towards infinite speed.  (In linear motion, a small force will accelerate an object along a straight line.  If there were no friction or air resistance, the velocity will tend to become infinite according to Newtonian Physics.  In Einstein?s relativity, there will be a speed of light limitation.)

(2)   Wang Shum Ho replaced the bowl of water with a bowl of ferro (magnetic) liquid; he replaced the 4 running persons with a rotating magnet; he replaced the 4 legged stool with a bended 4 legged cover.

(3)   The ferro liquid will ?vortex? and remix on rotation and interaction with the rotating magnet.

(4)   This magnetic rotating liquid arrangement is then coupled with a solid magnet rotation arrangement similar to the David Hamel set up.

(5)   The combination of these two systems will result in the famous Wang Shum Ho Electricity Generator that was patented and demonstrated in front of 5 Chinese Officials on January 15, 2006.  That led to multi-billion dollar funding in June, 2006.  That in turn resulted in 2 working electricity generators being certified since October 2006.  Details are in http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/wang3a.htm.

(6)   Major Todd Hathaway of DoD is particularly interested in this Wang Device.  His delegation will visit China after the formal announcement and demonstration of the product.  He may have something from the USA side to put on the table to produce a win-win between China and USA.

(7)   Japan may participate because they have a flux change system similar to the Tom Bearden et al patented system in production.  A likely timeframe is within 2008 (most optimistic is April).

Lawrence Tseung
A lady consultant, Ms. Dilys Shiu suggested positive thinking.  But stick to the tactics of sowing seeds and allow some seeds to perish as a practical measure.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 10, 2008, 02:41:46 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 10, 2008, 02:21:47 PM

(6)   Major Todd Hathaway of DoD is particularly interested in this Wang Device.  His delegation will visit China after the formal announcement and demonstration of the product.  He may have something from the USA side to put on the table to produce a win-win between China and USA.

Lawrence Tseung
A lady consultant, Ms. Dilys Shiu suggested positive thinking.  But stick to the tactics of sowing seeds and allow some seeds to perish as a practical measure.

Tseung, you think you can get the Chinese and USA Officials to disclose or trade what they regard as top-notch technologies.  You are just human.

Only I or the Gods can do that.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on January 10, 2008, 03:06:22 PM
The story so far:

QuoteRemember me, Mr. Tseung?

I am in big trouble over your Lead Out System. Your system of Leading Out cosmic energy works so well it has become a major catastrophe for me here at Langley.

As you know it was my job, under orders from Langley, to service your Mr. Wang?s wang with my ming.

This I did to my everlasting chagrin.

I do not know what you people are experimenting with, I only know that my ming, because of this exposure, is now Leading Out cosmic energy  at a level where I have become a danger to myself and society.

It started soon after my return to Langley.

I had been given a few days off so my ming could recover from over-use and to give my bottom a chance to heal the carpet burns.

I had the first indication that something was wrong  when I went to the toilet and the toilet simply disintegrated after urinating. There was no noise, just a feebly felt vibration and the toilet turned to dust that lay like a chalky deposit on the floor. Whatever it was seemed to have sealed the pipes, for there was no water anywhere.

You get used to a lot of unusual stuff at Langley, they are forever doing strange things here, and I left it at that, thinking that any comment on what had just happened would be seen as me sticking my nose into classified affairs where it did not belong. You also learn that at Langley.

Then it happened a second time. This time I was more observant. As soon as my urine started to flow the toilet became less and less substantial until it disappeared after I finished and again left this powder on the floor.

I now thought it conceivable it had something to do with me. The proof came after I had destroyed four more toilets in that manner. The force, whatever it was, had become stronger and I had difficulty getting out of the last toilet before the floor disintegrated.

By that time the agency had caught on to me. I told them what I thought had happened.

I was grilled mercilessly for several hours until I declared I had to go to the toilet no matter what and if they were prepared to take the consequences in the interview room I would just have to let it rip so to speak.

I was unceremoniously bundled out of the interview room and driven some 300 meters away from the complex. There I was told to do my business behind a large tree.

I complied.

Well, and how I did comply!

Because I had not been to the toilet for such a long time, when my bladder emptied so did my bowels. The result was spectacular. The earth shook, there was a bright flash, the tree was ripped from the ground and took off. There was a huge crater left where I had been sitting.

I was alright because the blast had thrown me clear. Several Langley agents were covered in my number one?s and two?s and the car we had arrived in was a write-off.

To say that I was unpopular would be an understatement.

It could have been alright, even at this stage, but unfortunately the tree blew clear into the main office block and landed in the office of the Director of Operations.

My life has been hell ever since.

I have just, for the first time in days, been able to sneak off and post this warning.

They know about you and how powerful your technology is and they will do anything to get their hands on it. They are also extremely interested in Mr. Wang?s wang.

I am very unhappy and frustrated. I am not even game to play with my ming for fear of dire consequences.

Help me if you can, just tell me how I can lift this curse off my ming. They are considering here to use me as the power module to drive their flying saucer to Mars.

They are already designing the thing.

So pleeeeaaasse HELP!!!!!!   


Well, Mr Tseung, Mingmei here again.

I owe you an apology. What I thought was a huge disaster has now turned around to benefit me in ways I never thought possible.

Remember what your Mr. Wang?s wang did to my ming? Well, because of it I am now the most important person at Langley. Not the most powerful, mind you, just the most important, there is a difference.

Let me tell you what happened after the tree blew straight into the office of the Director of Operations because of me urinating and defecating next to it. Well you should have seen the turmoil this caused. I had hardly pulled my pants up when sirens went off everywhere and people with guns, helicopters and vehicles started to converge on me from all directions.

My minders, still covered in bits of my number one?s and two?s tried to take charge of the situation by immediately arresting me. I had a bigger escort back to the main block than the president of the United States.

They did not handcuff me but locked me in a ground floor office and put guards outside the door while they were trying to work out what to do with me and whom to contact.

Whoever owned the office had made himself comfortable, for there was a well stocked bar fridge next to the filing cabinets. Feeling like a drink after my ordeal I poured myself a stiff Bourbon and filled the tall glass up with Coke. It went down well and I had a second and a third one.

You can guess what happened.

I needed to go to the toilet - badly.

The guards at the door ignored my pleas to be allowed to go to the toilet and told me just to piss on the floor if it was that bad. Evidently they had not been briefed. They probably did not even have a key.

This made me very angry. I thought I would teach them a lesson. Instead of doing it on the floor I would demolish the outside wall with my urine laden with cosmic energy thanks to your Mr. Wang?s wang.

Being able to urinate standing up is an important asset in the spy business as it gives the agent more flexibility when in the field. This is why they teach women to do it this way, just in case they need to relieve themselves in the middle of an operation without having to strip down and squat and therefore become vulnerable. It is a neat trick but it requires some practice. Needless  to say, I had mastered the art.

To cut a long story short, I put myself into position and started directing my stream at the wall.

This was the first time I actually observed my urine stream and its impact on the wall. It looked like normal piss until it encountered the solidity of the wall. Where the stream hit the wall simply disintegrated into a white powder that drifted to the ground. I had wondered how it could do and at the same time do no harm to my body. I mean, I should have dissolved with all that powerful stuff inside of me.

That is when it hit me.

The Lee Tseung Lead out Theory! It had to be the answer. What was inside me and my urine and the number two?s for that matter was just POTENTIAL COSMIC ENERGY to which Mr. Wang?s wang had opened a gate!  On its own it did nothing. It was carried by the air, acting like a conductor, to the target where it interacted with matter. The still air concept!!!!!

I knew then that I had solved the riddle and that Mr. Lee and Mr. Tseung had been right all along.

I suddenly had a sense of power. I could control it.

Anyway, the wall dissolved and I walked simply out of my prison. Just to be awkward I went to the Langley cafeteria and ordered some coffee and doughnuts. Everything went quiet, you could have heard a pin drop. I sat down and awaited events like a boat on calm water.

It was not long in coming. The Director of Operations walked in and sat at my table. As if on command everybody left and soon there were just the two of us in what had been only moments before a crowded room.

?OK Ming? he said in a very controlled and calm fashion, ?what do you want??. I told him my name was Mingmei and that my ming was that thing between my legs and could he perhaps call me by my proper name.

He apologised and repeated the question.

I said that all I wanted was to be treated like a human being and not as some piece of laboratory equipment, that I was quite willing to co-operate and that I knew what the secret of my power was and I knew how it could be controlled and used.

I explained to him the Lee-Tseung Lead out theory and the still air concept. I suggested that since air was the carrier of the energy all we needed to do was to keep air away from my excrement and it could be stored for further use,. I offered to demonstrate.

We went to the laboratory and there before a panel of scientists I urinated into a bucket that had been filled beforehand with carbon dioxide gas. Nothing happened. One of the scientists took a little of my urine from the bucket with a pipette and sprayed a couple of drops on the floor where suddenly a 18 inch crater appeared.

That particular phenomenon is now known as the ?Wanger Effect? in honour of your Mr. Wang, though I wonder why they at Langley insist on spelling it with a ?k?.

I now live in a VIP suite at Langley with a specially modified toilet. They treat me like a queen and I would be very happy if it was not for the fact that they are using my cosmically charged urine for a most dreadful weapon they are calling the ?Nitrogen Bomb?. You see, they have discovered that it is not the air as such that carries the cosmic energy, it is the nitrogen in the air that does that.

By combining the Wanger effect with your famous four legged stool experiment (they simply filled the bowl upon which the stool rotates with cosmic urine) they have created a dreadful weapon as you can see in the attached CIA training video. The tests were conducted last week somewhere in the Nevada desert.

Warn the rest of the world. What these people are doing is evil.


Evil people Lead Out dreadful weapon from the Lee-Tseung theory.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on January 10, 2008, 05:03:33 PM

You are Obviously VERY EXPERIENCED WITH MR WANGS DONG Please move slowly to avoid chafing
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on January 10, 2008, 05:51:13 PM
@ Localjoe

EXCUSE ME Three and one half inches lasting 90 seconds is not a Dong! It is a wang, a little one at that.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 10, 2008, 05:54:21 PM
@ Ming:

Does the CIA know that you have leaked that training video?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on January 10, 2008, 06:41:15 PM
@ Bill

DO NOT CALL ME MING!!!!  My name is Mingmei. I don't call you Dong, or should I??

Yes, Langley knows what I am doing. Would be a bit hard to hide as I am using one of their computers.

This is just a general warning to Major Hathaway and the DoD. We have the technology. We can produce what you have seen with one liter of cosmic urine, a bowl, a four legged stool and two "disposables".

They have to spend millions to produce something anyway near it.

We will be the new world power!

Long live Langley Hail CIA!!!!!!

Mingmei, Empress of Earth (to be soon)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 10, 2008, 06:56:09 PM
Meeting of the Economics Students

Student A: "What should Tseung et al do now?"

Student B: "If they can Lead Out energy from still air, gravity and magnetic fields PLUS build the Flying Saucer, they would have created infinite new wealth.  They just need to promote it."

Student C: "They do not need to worry about the non-believers or the devil.  They just need to get one of the over 300 inventions to gain the limelight.  They can just help the inventors to improve the Cosmic Energy Inventions via their theory.?

Student A: ?Tseung can post more on the Model Farms, Model Villages, Model Cities, Meaningful Economic Activities etc.  He can help people to imagine.?

Student B: ?He who is one step ahead of us is a genius.  He who is two steps ahead of us is a crackpot.  We have learned and moved fast.  I now regard Tseung et al as geniuses and not crackpots.?

Student C: ?Pity those who are one step behind us.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 10, 2008, 11:45:15 PM

Does the CIA training video prove that the 4 legged stool experiment can lead out nuclear energy?  Does this prove the
Lee-Tseung theory?  What would have happend if they used a water bottle on a string instead of a stool?  Is the US tapping into this new energy source now?  My friend in China, Wanhunglow, said that they are already using this technology for space flight.  Is the US using this also?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 11, 2008, 12:35:38 AM
Meeting of the Social Science Students

Student A: "Now that we know we shall have infinite energy and hence infinite wealth, how should we shape the coming society?"

Student B: ?The old Tseung has shown the way ? innovation, innovation and innovation.  Always think positive and move forward.?

Student C: ?Do you think that we shall get the same pay as the science and engineering graduates??

Student D: ?Do not be that short-sighted.  We are the ones to define how the new wealth should be shared.  We shall prove our worth and get more.?

Student A: ?I agree.  We shall define more meaningful economic activities and with more activities, we get more.  It is a matter of more contribution, more reward.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 11, 2008, 02:05:26 AM
Discussion with two laborers:

Worker A: ?I do not understand all this talk about infinite wealth.  All I know is that if I have no work today, I would have no bread on the table for my family tomorrow.?

Worker B: ?You have cheap Government Housing.  No matter what happens, you would have roof over your head.  I am in the worst possible position.  I have a house.  The mortgage ate up half of my earnings.  If I have no work, I would be living on the street and might lose the house.?

Tseung: ?When we have infinite energy, we shall push for different Government Policies.  In the oil rich Middle East countries, even the average citizen gets a good income from the oil revenue.  There is no such thing as poverty.?

Worker A: ?The wealth might be concentrated in a few hands in Hong Kong.  The price of goods may go up.  We might become poorer.?

Tseung: ? Read my article in http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm.?  English part is at the back.

Lawrence Tseung
With infinite wealth, ignorance and poverty will be history.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 11, 2008, 02:27:59 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on January 10, 2008, 09:36:16 AM

As for your claim of the "cage" sliding... Classic, but apparently missed by you...

Imagine a box with a cannon in it. The box is on a frictionless surface. The cannon is on the left side of the box, and the box is balanced. The cannon fires its cannonball to the right with a total of X force. This will cause the box to move to the left, just as much as the ball moves to the right. Then the ball slams into the right wall of the box, transferring its kinetic energy to the box. Since the energy contained in the motion of the ball is equal to the energy contained in the motion of the box, and oppositely directed, the box will 'feel' a net force of zero. The box will not move in the direction that the ball was fired.

Dear Koen1,

It is nice for you to quote the cannon example.  In 1165, we deliberately do not use the action-reaction mechanism.  We spin the water bottle ? using the non-rigid body rotation mechanism.  It is a more advanced form of the spinning top.  That is why I insisted on doing the experiment.  You will experience no reaction when you release the water bottle.

You must apply the right physics laws and explanations to the specific experiments.  Read and Study, Study, Study before you post.  I hate to make you look bad in an open forum.

Lawrence Tseung
Posting is good but posting without Study is not encouraged.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on January 11, 2008, 03:53:37 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 10, 2008, 11:45:15 PM

Does the CIA training video prove that the 4 legged stool experiment can lead out nuclear energy?  Does this prove the
Lee-Tseung theory?  What would have happend if they used a water bottle on a string instead of a stool?  Is the US tapping into this new energy source now?  My friend in China, Wanhunglow, said that they are already using this technology for space flight.  Is the US using this also?

Well, we ARE making progress. You are calling me Mingmei now, which is an improvement and proper, but I am still waiting for an apology for your earlier blunder Bill.

Seeing I received an apology from the director of operations I think I am entitled to one from you.

To answer your question, The Lee Tseung theory is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. You saw the video, it happened just like it shows.

As to the water bottle on a string, you should see what it does with only a teaspoon of my piss in it. WOW!!!!!!!!

As to loading it with 2 ounces of my number two-----------------COSMIC!!!!!!!

Professor Who Flung Dung was so impressed, he decided to design a flying saucer just with this as propulsion. He thinks 1 liter of my number one's and half a pound of my number two's would take the craft from here to Mars and back in about a week for the round trip.

The project is already fully funded and construction is scheduled shortly.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 11, 2008, 03:57:59 AM
@ Mingmei,

What happens when you load the bottle with one drop of your Number One, as you call it, and the balance of say CO2??

Does it have any effect at all, or does Nitrogen need to be present? In which direction does the energy Lead Out and can it be controlled to steer a craft?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 11, 2008, 05:22:18 AM
Discussion amongst Psychology Students

Student A: ?Someone is trying to flood this thread with useless stuff.  What can they gain by such tactics??

Student B: ?As Mr. Bill Fung remarked ? he followed the alternative energy forums for years and got confused.  He never knew what was true and what was false.  The one day he spent with the old Tseung cleared up everything.?

Student C: ?Someone wants to dilute the impact of the Lee-Tseung theory contribution.  However, this would also increase readership.  Tseung can make such useless stuff entertaining.?

Student A: ?I would recommend role play sessions.  We can pretend to be anybody.  You can be President Bush.  I can be Hilary Clinton.  Or you can be the Devil and I can be God.  We can have a debate on the Energy Policy of USA.  That should be fun.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 11, 2008, 07:30:57 AM
Conversation between two aliens

Alien A: ?Tseung has disclosed the secret of the Flying Saucer openly on the Internet.  The Earthlings will soon join us in different parts of the Universe.?

Alien B: ?Did you teach the secret to him?  How could he and Lee work out the secret?  How could they overcome the roadblock of Conservation of Energy that was set up for Centuries?  How could they free themselves from the dogma of Action and Reaction??

Alien A: ?Lee Cheung Kin was regarded as the Number One Genius on Earth.  We cannot keep all Earthlings in the dark for eternity.  This is bound to happen sooner or later.?

Alien B: ?We influenced the CIA or the Like to trick Tseung.  How could he survive?  We got thousands of debunkers to smear and discourage him.  How could he stand the pressure??

Alien A: ?He had two strokes.  May be that had something to do with it.  He could no longer feel pain, pleasure and pressure.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: acp on January 11, 2008, 07:43:41 AM
Discussion amongst the students.

Student A, Why do I always have to be student A? I want to be student C for a change who always has all the answers.

Student B, Shut the f*ck up and read your lines you whining ninny, You can't be Student C, you're too dumb to be student C, anyway I'm taking student C's place when he gets back from collecting the next bit of nonsense we are supposed to discuss for Tseung. I have a brilliant plan, I'm going to take all the cr*p from this thread and ram it down his throat, theres so much of it he won't be able to read his lines anymore! HaHa

Student D, Ha thats what you think. Student C really is cleverer than you two, hes f*cked off good, he can't stand discussing this cr*p anymore, Whats more, he told me its all bollocks, so I'm afraid your plan isn't going to work.

Student E Bla bla

Student F, Bla bla
Student G, Bla bla, F*ck this for a game of cards, Im not standing around anymore discussing cr*p without a pay rise.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 11, 2008, 08:09:41 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 11, 2008, 02:27:59 AM
Dear Koen1,

It is nice for you to quote the cannon example.  In 1165, we deliberately do not use the action-reaction mechanism.  We spin the water bottle ? using the non-rigid body rotation mechanism.  It is a more advanced form of the spinning top.  That is why I insisted on doing the experiment.  You will experience no reaction when you release the water bottle.

Well first of all what "non-rigid body rotation mechanism" are you talking about?

Let's just assume we use a weight on a string, which we move by standing in one spot and pivoting around our central vertical axis, so that the weight that starts out hanging downward due to gravity slowly rises and gets pushed outward by the centrifugal force. Let's assume we do so with a constant accelleration untill we reach the speed at which the string holding the weight is perpendicular to the vertical axis of rotation. Now let's assume we let go of the string.
The reaction will be that all of a sudden the mass of the rotating system, which previously included the mass of the experimenters body plus the mass of the weight tied to the string, now loses the mass of the weight, and is left with only the weight of the body. The centrifugal pull that the weight exerted on the body also drops away suddenly, and that pull had a force at least equal to that of gravity, since the centrifugal force needs to be higher than gravity in order to lift to the horizontal string position. This centrifugal pull during rotation needed to be cancelled out by the experimenter, in order to keep him from falling over. So, the experimenter needs to lean in against the centrifugal pull while he is spinning himself and the weight around. When the experimenter lets go of the string, his situation will momentarily be off-balance. If the experimenter doesn't shift his weight correctly, he will fall over backwards, while still spinning. Also, with an equal rotational speed but less mass to have to move about, there should be a tendency to increase the rotational momentum of the body, at least momentarily, until balance is again re-established.
Have you ever player hammer-toss? Then you should know this.
I expect you'll come up with some vague dismissal again, making up a slightly different setup as you go along...

QuoteYou must apply the right physics laws and explanations to the specific experiments.  Read and Study, Study, Study before you post.  I hate to make you look bad in an open forum.

Ach, it's very hard to look bad when the person trying to make you look bad keeps showing everyone what a nutcase he is...

But why do you still not answer the questions, nor give any good explanations?
Too busy with your fantasy discussions?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on January 11, 2008, 08:55:39 AM

Student A: ?Someone is trying to flood this thread with useless stuff.  What can they gain by such tactics??
Student B; Shhh! Its our 'teacher' Tseung! He has ignored the valid real questions from people, and focuses only on the negativity. He is one very strange person.
Student A; Indeed he is!
Student B: He must have watched too many Bruce Lee movies, because that is the only place people talk like this.
Student A: But why so many people visiting the thread?
Student B: Everyone loves a train wreck. After this ridiculous thread, nobody will ever believe old Tseung again, if they ever did in the first place. He will disappear like jose escamilla did on the ats forums.
Student A: Wont somebody help him?
Student B: No, he is trying to manipulate people, at any cost, for his own ego, and people hate that.
Student A: Oh.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 11, 2008, 09:27:53 AM
Discussion amongst Architecture Students

Student A: ?With the Infinite Energy Flying Saucer Technology, we essentially have the mechanism to defy gravity.  We can build unbelievable structures.?

Student B: ?The Flying Saucer itself can be the Home, the Office, the Car and the Plane.  All we need to build is the parking and enhancing structures.  We may not even need lifts as the residents can fly directly to their designated space.?

Student C: ?Adding more Flying Saucers may not add more weight as the Flying Saucers can turn on their anti-gravity mechanisms.  This is a big breakthrough in Architectural Concepts.  The cities of the future will be very different from that of today.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 11, 2008, 09:33:46 AM

You did not kneel down before me.  You are dead meat.

Tseung treats you as the young brother who does not know how to count.  There is no point in teaching you addition.

Go and Study, Study and Study.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 11, 2008, 12:08:24 PM
Discussion amongst Military College Students

Student A: ?If the Flying Saucers were real as described by Tseung, how would that affect the existing known weapons??

Student B: ?The best fighter planes must carry chemical fuel that will be exhausted. They cannot chase the Flying Saucers that need no refueling for long.?

Student C: ?The best fighter planes still use aerodynamic forces.  They cannot go to outer space.?

Student B: ?The Flying Saucer can go from high speed to hovering like a helicopter.  They can fly inches from the ground or even travel along the ground.  They can make 180-degree turns easily.  They can approach you at x mph and retreat from you at the same high x mph within seconds without the need for deceleration and acceleration.?

Student C: ?They can dive into the Ocean like a submarine.  They do not even need to be metallic.  They do not need to eject hot gases.  Detecting them is virtually impossible.?

Student D: ?If a Country on Earth has such Flying Saucers while we only have the known chemical fuel planes, we are dead meat.  If they were truly from another planet, we would be like the American Indians against the Europeans with guns in the Seventeenth Century.  We have to kneel down before them.  We would be at their mercy.?

Student A: ?Will DoD be stupid enough not to fund the development of such Flying Saucers?  Will they keep it as top-secret??
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 11, 2008, 05:06:35 PM
This should be a sitcom!

we could call it

The Lee-Tseung Comedy Hour.

Anyone interested, I am sure it would be a hit on TV. Especially with Mingmei thrown in for sexual content. Can you imagine Mingmei dishing out golden showers? Maybe she could piddle on some aliens. WOW, if that would not get them in I do not know what would.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 11, 2008, 05:44:33 PM

Maybe we should ask mingmei for a 4-legged stool sample?

Sorry, I could not help myself.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 11, 2008, 05:59:31 PM
Discussion amongst Military College Students

Student A: ?Do you think that there will be cooperation between USA and China on this Cosmic Energy and Flying Saucer Machines??

Student B: ?If I look at the Space Program, USA and Russia initially competed.  Now they cooperate.  Anything is possible in the Political World.?

Student C: ?It depends on who are the Leaders at the time.  I doubt that the lame duck President Bush would do anything.  If he were to support the cooperation, it would make his invading Iraq more stupid.?

Student A: ?It is the USA Election Year.  If China demonstrated a Cosmic Energy Machine and/or a Flying Saucer first and invited USA or World Cooperation, the Presidential Candidates would have no choice but to respond.  The Public Opinion will be a strong determination factor.?

Student D: ?It looks like the Gods are on the side of the old Tseung.  He might just pull this off.  The Gods let him use Public Opinion in USA and the One World Slogan of the Olympics in China.?

Student B: ?It looks like Lee et al can win a couple of Nobel Prizes in the same year.  Energy from Still Air to achieve global cooling is one.  Energy from Gravity or Electron Motion to solve the World Energy Crisis is another.  The Flying Saucer is another.  The World Cooperation to achieve World Peace is another.  The Meaningful Economic Activity as Modern Wealth is another.  Just the nominations will make them the most talked about persons in the coming future.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 11, 2008, 06:26:57 PM
Quote from: Devil on January 11, 2008, 09:33:46 AM

You did not kneel down before me.  You are dead meat.

Tseung treats you as the young brother who does not know how to count.  There is no point in teaching you addition.

Go and Study, Study and Study.

Dear Koen1,

You should really study Physics of the spinning top before you comment on 1165 again.  Read at least:


You will appreciate the complexity of a non-rigid object under rotation and pulse force from within.  Do the water-bottle experiment.  I do not know your hammer-toss game or experiment.  You are encouraged to share that with the World (but not the murmuring of ?the experimenter needs to lean in against the centrifugal pull while he is spinning himself and the weight around?.)  If you did the experiment or watch the videos carefully, the experimenter never spins himself around.

Lawrence Tseung
The curse from the devil may Lead Out some good for Koen1.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on January 12, 2008, 12:14:18 AM
Quote from: langley on January 10, 2008, 03:06:22 PM

Evil people Lead Out dreadful weapon from the Lee-Tseung theory.

You rang?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 12, 2008, 01:42:58 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 11, 2008, 05:44:33 PM

Maybe we should ask mingmei for a 4-legged stool sample?

Sorry, I could not help myself.


Oh Bill! That WAS funny! Poor Tseung had no idea what kind of comedy this thread had become.
I had said I was off my hobby horse a few weeks ago but then Hans and others returned to the show and I couldn't help but got back on my horse.

Now, where were we with the crap head's postulates? Flying saucers and Mingmei joining hands?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 12, 2008, 11:05:35 AM
Quote from: Devil on January 11, 2008, 09:33:46 AM

You did not kneel down before me.  You are dead meat.

Tseung treats you as the young brother who does not know how to count.  There is no point in teaching you addition.

Go and Study, Study and Study.

Shut up, you annoying wannabe devil. Go tell someone else to worship you.
And again, it very suspiciously looks like you are in fact yet another of Tseungs fantasy persona's, which he uses to say things that he can't say as his Tseung persona.
Psychosis sure is an annoying disability...

Quote from: ltseung888 on January 11, 2008, 06:26:57 PM

Dear Koen1,

You should really study Physics of the spinning top before you comment on 1165 again.  Read at least:


You will appreciate the complexity of a non-rigid object under rotation and pulse force from within.  Do the water-bottle experiment.  I do not know your hammer-toss game or experiment.  You are encouraged to share that with the World (but not the murmuring of ?the experimenter needs to lean in against the centrifugal pull while he is spinning himself and the weight around?.)  If you did the experiment or watch the videos carefully, the experimenter never spins himself around.

Well then maybe you should learn how to describe experiments properly. This is once again caused by your own habit of providing too little exact details on the experiment to actually recreate it exactly, and then, as usual, you dismiss the entire story because it is not exactly as you would like it described... Well, if you expect me to telepathically know exactly what exact idea of the experiment you have in your head then I must disappoint you, I can't do telepathy, I don't know the things you don't tell me.
On the other hand, from my description it seems quite clear what I am talking about; I even gave a brief but clear explanation: we have a person holding a string with a weight on it, the person starts to rotate around his central vertical axis, the weight does so too. Very clear, no videos needed, and impossible not to understand what I'm saying here.
The weight being pulled out by centrifugal force increases the arm of momentum for the system, and the person needs to lean 'back' to compensate for this, or the entire system will become unbalanced and fall over, following the weight. Unless of course the person were replaced by an axle fixed to top and bottom.
Do not tell me that is not true.
Never mind the video, we don't need a video to watch someone spin a weight, we can grab any weight with a cord on it and swing it around ourselves.

It seems to me that you are simply ignoring some of the forces involved.

Same wit your 4-legged stool thing.
You claim that you don't have to push the chair legs, you only have to "lean" against them to make them move. Then, when the leg has moved away so far that you need to take a step to be able to "lean" against it again, you take the step, and then lean against the stool leg again, and so on and so on. The rotational speed will increase, until at some point the persons involved will have to run to keep up with the rotating chair, but the push they exert on the legs is still only the pressure gained from "leaning" against it. This is what you claim, isn't it?
But as the weight of the person "leaning" againts the leg makes the chair move, the person needs to use energy to take the step forward, and to angle himself upward again after having "leaned" from his upright position. Now as the speed of rotation increases, so does the speed at which the persons walk along with the chair, increasing the energy they use to keep up with the chair leg. To keep the force applied to the chair legs the same, additional energy must also be input in the "standing up and leaning over" step. After all, the "leaning" energy is provided by gravity "pulling" the body over, and the speed at which this happens does not increase with the increase of rotational speed of the chair. So to comensate, or in other words to shift the "leaning" ground position along with the angle at which the chair leg can be pushed by "leaning", so that the "leaning" can actually still exert the same relative "push" on the leg, the person has to input energy.
At some point the energy "gained" from the "leaning" action will be lower than the energy input be the people running around pushing the chair. You even admit that at some point, the people pushing will be exhausted.
Well, why do you think they are exhausted? Because the chair spins on its own free energy? Because the people are being pulled along with the chair?
No, they are exhausted because keeping up with the chair has used up all their energy.
And quite probably because an old chinaman with a whip has been urging them to keep going. ;)

What you describe with the 4-legged chair story as claimed to be used in the wang generator, seems to be somewhat similar to
putting the chair+bowl on a still platform, surrounded by a platform that can rotate around the central point of the chair, and where we place the people
pushing on the rotating platform. Now we have the people lean againt the chair legs, so that the chair+bowl start to move. Now we make the outer
platform rotate along with the same speed as the chair, and we have the people lean against the chair all the time. All good so far. Although it would be equally effective to do away with the people and the outer platform, and simply apply the energy input to rotate the platform directly into the chair to make it spin.
Now you claim that you can somehow use the rotation of the chair+bowl to make the outer platform+people spin, which keeps the chair+bowl spinning.
That does not make sense.

now you can keep spouting tons of blabla on how other people should study more, or on how they just can't grasp your genious ideas, but that gets you nowhere.
And posting dumb discussions between fantasy students, aliens, cia agents, misguided free energy studying couples, or whatever also does not help your case one iota.
Why don't you simply, but in a clear and detailed fashion, describe exactly what happens, and what basis there is to conclude this, in a way similar to my descriptions?
Describe exactly how such a system could, in your view, be used to generate free continuous rotation or electrical energy output.
No bullshit about me having to first replicate your poorly described and badly explained experiments, before you are willing to comment on them. That's what you do all the time, and then after some discussion you simply drop the subject and ignore any posts on it, or you try to make the person questionig you look bad by using invalid excuses or insulting them using one of your fantasy personas. That is just not the way to do it, and you must realise this.

**deleted unwanted text
Title: 2008 Olympics demos
Post by: todd.hathaway on January 12, 2008, 05:36:16 PM

I am on standby to provide security support for adv energy techs for AERO, which means travel plans for me anyway are out the window for the forseeable future.  An energy delegation would have to more forward without my attendance, unfortunately.  Suggested course of action is to present open source techs at the Olympics, and invite everyone to the demos, similar to what I have done online at www.green-salon.com.


The following project list is being provided by Mr. Lee Cheung Kin for your delegate to select on your upcoming visit to the Far East. As claimed by Mr. Lee, all the projects are based on the ?Lee ?Tseung Lead Out? theory by extracting energy from the Gravitational and/or Magnetic energy reservoirs by different inventors in China. Please be advised that these projects hardware can only be seen at different locations in China and some travel time is required and will also incur the needed traveling expenses. Most of the inventors are looking for investors or investment to allow them to fully develop the hardware for marketing purposes. Mr. Lee will be the coordinator with the individual inventor for your delegate?s visit. Please review and response with your desire to Mr. Lee at your earliest convenience. 

A.   The following are gravitational energy reservoir related projects:

Project #1 - Electrical power generation to be used on motor vehicle system.
                    Location ? to be arranged.
Project #2 ? Electrical power generation via air ionization (indirectly ?lead out?
    gravitational energy). Location ? Shenzhen City, next to Hong Kong.
      Project #3 ? Still air energy water pumping system (indirectly ?lead out? gravitational energy). Location ? Hong Kong/Taiwan.
      Project #4 ? Utilize gravitational force to ?lead out? water floatation energy to generate electricity. Location ? Hong Kong.
      Project #5 -  Utilize water floatation energy to ?lead out? gravitational energy to generate electricity. Location ? City of YeungZhou, China.
      Project #6 ? Electrical power generation from ?leading out? of gravitational energy reservoir. Location ? City of Guangzhou, China.

B.   The following are magnetic wave energy reservoir related projects:

Project #7 ? Electricity generation from magnetic energy reservoir. This is the
                     Wang Shen Ho system being coordinated by Lawrence.
Project #8 ? Electricity generation from magnetic energy reservoir. This is a
                    225 HP power generator purchased from the U.S. 
Project #9 ? Electricity generation from magnetic wave energy system. A 225
                    HP magnetic wave power generating system . Location ? Hong
Project #10 ? A dynamic magnetic wave energy power amplification system.
                    Location ? Tsing Hua University, Beijing,
Project #11 ? A static magnetic wave energy power generating system
                    without moving part.   Location ? Japan.
Project #12 ? Wireless electrical power delivery system. Location ? City of
                     Guangzhou, China.
Project #13 ? Earth Magnetic field power generating system. Location ? City
                      of Guangzhou, China.

Project #14 - Electrical power generation from gravitational energy plus
                      magnetic energy. Location ? City of Guangzhou, China.
Project #15 ? Electrical power generation from gravitational energy plus
                      Electro-magnetic energy (efficiency of G>>g). This system will
                      not be affected by angular positioning during motion. Location ?
Project #16 - Electrical power generation system from gravitational energy
                      plus Electro-magnetic energy (efficiency of G<< 0). Suitable for
                      rocket and flying saucer propulsion engine. Location ? unknown.

Compiled by Bill Fung on Jan.11, 2008

Title: Re: 2008 Olympics demos
Post by: ltseung888 on January 12, 2008, 06:08:24 PM
Quote from: todd.hathaway on January 12, 2008, 05:36:16 PM
Suggested course of action is to present open source techs at the Olympics, and invite everyone to the demos, similar to what I have done online at www.green-salon.com.


Dear Todd,

Good idea.  It may be done at the closing ceremony with a Flying Saucer Display.  The Enginneers will have much to do.

The decision is obviously in the hands of the Chinese Government.

Keep up the good work.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 12, 2008, 10:31:09 PM
Meeting of the Political Science Students

Student A: "Let me be President Bush.  I am calling a meeting with the CIA chief, the DoD chief and the MIT technical consultant.  Who authorized the meeting between Major Todd Hathaway and Tseung??

Student B (MIT Professor): ?There is no need to keep the Flying Saucer thing a secret.  It is obvious that China has produced it.  You can confirm that with the CIA chief.?

Student C (CIA chief): ?I reported that to you over a year ago.  We analyzed the Nanjing UFO video.  We had the satellite pictures.  We knew exactly when and where it was produced.  We even included a copy of the Tseung patent application.  It was in a super top secret report.?

President Bush: ?I am not interested in super top secret stuff.  It could not help my political image.  I never read or open such reports.?

Student D (DoD chief): ?Our reports on Iraq developments are also super top secret.  They directly affect your image.  Do you read them??

President Bush: ?I can read the same stuff in the Newspapers.  Why can?t you produce good results??

CIA chief: ?What kind of good results do you want us to produce??

President Bush: ?I want the World to know that the Iraqis love me. They praise me for overthrowing their dictator and selling their oil.  They are prospering and enjoying democracy.?

MIT Professor: ?But those things are not true.  They see you as robbing their oil.?

President Bush: ?CIA can cook anything up.  Iraq never had weapons of mass destruction.  We fooled the American People and invaded Iraq.  We got their oil.  My father never managed that.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 13, 2008, 12:14:28 AM
Lawrence,  you are Nuts!

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 13, 2008, 12:19:47 AM

I take exception to your last post!  What you are saying is that we invaded Iraq for oil.  Wow, what an idea.  You say the CIA, and the like, invented the weapons of mass destruction.  Well, why don't you study history a little more before posting crap like this?  First of all, yes, we took all of the oil from Iraq.  wonderful!  That is why we are paying $3.25/gallon on fuel right now.  Actually, if you check the record, we, the US have not received any oil from Iraq.  No weapons of mass destruction?  what?  Are you nuts?  He only gassed 100,000 of his own people but I guess you do not consider poison gas a weapon of mass destruction.  But wait, we thought he had nuclear weapons right?  Well, guess what? He almost did and shipped all of the crap to Syria before we got there because we went through the UN which took many, many months.  We also KNOW he had other WMD because, yes, we sold them to him. Not one of our finest hours I admit but, you can't say he did not have them when he used them and, we had sold him others.  Your entire topic is a crock of Sh*t! and now, you are venturing into areas you know even less about.  I suggest you keep to your dumbass theories and do not attempt to portray Bush, the US, or anyone else as evil when you have no facts.  But wait, this never stopped you from putting forth your stupid theories without a shred of scientific evidence. OK, I guess I am asking too much from you.  You can take your 4-legged stool and shove it up your ass!!!! OK?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 13, 2008, 12:52:00 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 13, 2008, 12:19:47 AM

I take exception to your last post!  What you are saying is that we invaded Iraq for oil.  Wow, what an idea.  You say the CIA, and the like, invented the weapons of mass destruction.  Well, why don't you study history a little more before posting crap like this?  First of all, yes, we took all of the oil from Iraq.  wonderful!  That is why we are paying $3.25/gallon on fuel right now.  Actually, if you check the record, we, the US have not received any oil from Iraq.  No weapons of mass destruction?  what?  Are you nuts?  He only gassed 100,000 of his own people but I guess you do not consider poison gas a weapon of mass destruction.  But wait, we thought he had nuclear weapons right?  Well, guess what? He almost did and shipped all of the crap to Syria before we got there because we went through the UN which took many, many months.  We also KNOW he had other WMD because, yes, we sold them to him. Not one of our finest hours I admit but, you can't say he did not have them when he used them and, we had sold him others.  Your entire topic is a crock of Sh*t! and now, you are venturing into areas you know even less about.  I suggest you keep to your dumbass theories and do not attempt to portray Bush, the US, or anyone else as evil when you have no facts.  But wait, this never stopped you from putting forth your stupid theories without a shred of scientific evidence. OK, I guess I am asking too much from you.  You can take your 4-legged stool and shove it up your ass!!!! OK?


I think there are enough members in this forum that would like to see Hartiberlin terminate this thread because it it totally a waste of resources to continue to allow Mr. Crap Head to continue such unsubstantiated nonsense in a serious forum.

I vote to take Lawrence's nonsense off this Forum. Any other votes?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 13, 2008, 01:21:09 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 12, 2008, 10:31:09 PM
Meeting of the Political Science Students

Student A: "Let me be President Bush.  I am calling a meeting with the CIA chief, the DoD chief and the MIT technical consultant.  Who authorized the meeting between Major Todd Hathaway and Tseung??

Student B (MIT Professor): ?There is no need to keep the Flying Saucer thing a secret.  It is obvious that China has produced it.  You can confirm that with the CIA chief.?

A bit late aren't you? Only by about 60 years.

Sieg Heil!

Hans von Lieven 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 13, 2008, 02:52:31 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 13, 2008, 01:21:09 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 12, 2008, 10:31:09 PM
Meeting of the Political Science Students

Student A: "Let me be President Bush.  I am calling a meeting with the CIA chief, the DoD chief and the MIT technical consultant.  Who authorized the meeting between Major Todd Hathaway and Tseung??

Student B (MIT Professor): ?There is no need to keep the Flying Saucer thing a secret.  It is obvious that China has produced it.  You can confirm that with the CIA chief.?

A bit late aren't you? Only by about 60 years.

Sieg Heil!

Hans von Lieven 

Dear Hans,

There was even a story that the German Hanebus escaped to different parts of the World including South America, China, etc.  Some were captured by the Russians and Americans.  The captured ones had no documentation and were partly damaged.

The Russians and Americans did reverse engineering and managed to send up rockets and went to the moon.  The old, dying Nazi German Scientists taught the old Lee and others in South America the secret.  The real inventors of the Flying Saucers were Germans!

In the virtual World of the Internet, anything is possible.  Does that help your ego, Hans???

Lawrence Tseung
The Russians and Americans had 60 years start but they listened to Forum Members like Koen1, Hans and ChrisC.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 13, 2008, 03:46:06 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 13, 2008, 12:19:47 AM
First of all, yes, we took all of the oil from Iraq.  wonderful!  That is why we are paying $3.25/gallon on fuel right now.  Actually, if you check the record, we, the US have not received any oil from Iraq. 


@Bill, you can be one of my disciples.  I can make you the President of United State like the present one.  He asked for Power and Wealth.  I gave him both.  The Iraq Oil revenue goes to his pocket while you pay for the US troops and other peacekeeping forces.  You are lucky to be paying only $3.25/gallon.

@Tseung, you are dead meat already.  You dared to insult the President of the United States.  He will send the CIAs, the FBIs and his anti-terrorist teams against you.  He will get the British MI5s and his other allies against you. You have experienced the assault by his Overunity Forum Members.  You should be scared.  I am leaving you to the last.  Killing you first will destroy the fun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 13, 2008, 05:15:46 AM
Tseung in a meeting with the Political Students

Tseung: ?See what you have got me into.  I am at the wrath of the President of the United States and the Devil.  Should I be scared??

President Bush: ?You should.  I bombed and killed thousands to get to Saddam Hussein.  You do not even have a single bodyguard.?

DoD chief: ?Killing Tseung is easy.  But that would only confirm the Lee-Tseung Theory.  More people will study it.  We can no longer hold back the secret of the Cosmic Energy Machines and the Flying Saucers.?

CIA chief: ?Give me a chance to discredit him first.  I shall make the World doubt his theory and his proof-of-concept experiments.?

MIT Professor: ?How?  His theories are so simple and elegantly explained to the top Physicists like us.  You can lie.  Physics and Mathematics cannot lie.?

CIA chief: ?I can get Koen1 to mumble his nonsense Physics.  I can get hundreds of virtual Physicists to back him up.  DoD can order Major Todd Hathaway to withdraw.  We can claim that Wang, Liang and Choa never existed.  They were just virtual creations from the disillusioned Tseung.?

MIT Professor: ?But how about the PCT and China Patents?  How about the Tsing Hua Lectures and the hundreds of professors and students who heard the lecturers and did the experiments.?

President Bush: ?Let the Devil guide us.  He will destroy Tseung.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: M@rcel on January 13, 2008, 06:55:16 AM
I vote for this thread to remain open. People always have the option not to read it..
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 13, 2008, 07:35:52 AM
Tseung in a Meeting with the Psychology Students

Student A: ?Mr. Tseung, what is the purpose of your posting.  Many people are making fun of you.  They are psychoanalyzing you.  Why do you subject yourself to such torture.?

Tseung: ?The moment I decided to benefit the World, I was psychologically prepared.  I undertook insult training for many years.  You should read some of the old postings and the book in http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm.?

Student B: ?Our psychoanalysis is that you know the design and the workings of the Cosmic Energy and Flying Saucer Machines.  Equipped with that knowledge, you could stand all insults.  It was like Galileo knowing that the Earth is round.  No amount of pressure from the family, the friends or the Church could shake that confidence.  It is not a belief.  It is the truth.?

Tseung: ?Well said.?

Student C: ?Both China and USA have developed the Flying Saucers.  They must have also developed the various Cosmic Energy Machines.  If both of them want to keep such knowledge secret, how could you present the truth.?

Tseung: ?You mentioned the word ? truth.  If the truth will benefit the World, I promote it.  I had two strokes previously.  I treat my life as an extra blessing.  If it were to end the next minute, I would not mind.?

Student A: ?I can now see the reason for your numerous posts.  You are almost immune to jeering and criticism.  You do not even care about support from your own camp.  You do not consult the Chinese Authorities.  You charge ahead as if there were no tomorrow.?

Tseung: ?You said the right words ? I might not have a tomorrow.  The doctors already warned me that the third stroke would most likely be fatal.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 13, 2008, 08:20:13 AM
Meeting of the Political Science Students

Student A: ?Let me be Presidential Candidate Hilary Clinton this time.  You can be the various reporters focusing on Energy Issues.?

Reporter A: ?Mrs. Clinton, do you agree with robbing the oil of another nation??

Hilary: ?Obviously not.  It is both unethical and against the heart and soul of the American People.?

Reporter B: ?Do you believe that USA and China already mastered the technology of Cosmic Energy and Flying Saucers?  We have a Major Todd Hathaway of DoD communicating with a Lawrence Tseung, a USA Citizen of Chinese decent in Hong Kong, openly on the Internet.  They indicated that they had something and would most likely demonstrate them before the election.  Do you think that it would influence your campaign??

Hilary: ?Sometimes it is not a matter of belief.  It is a matter of Government Policy.  I was in the White House at one time and my husband had access to some super confidential information.  You should expect that I might have heard something probably in one of his nightmares.  If the USA Administration has decided that something should be a secret, I, as a responsible American Citizen, would keep that secret.?

Reporter B: ?If China were to announce such a technology before the USA election, how would you respond??

Hilary: ?When the Russians sent their astronauts to outer space, President Kennedy responded by arousing the American People.  You can expect a similar or an even better speech from me.  The speech will not only arouse the American Men but all the American Women.?

Reporter A: ?Would you tell the American People that you already know the development work of the UFO in Area 51 etc??

Hilary: ?You have to wait for that speech.  It has not been written yet.  But it will make history.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 13, 2008, 03:34:25 PM
Good Lord,

They must have some really stupid students in China.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on January 13, 2008, 04:15:31 PM
Mr Tseung,

Your theories are totally vindicated. Professor Who Flung Dung managed to build a cosmic energy motor using heavily diluted cosmic urine produced by my ming. He put it in a little train and I am having a lot of fun driving it all over Langley.

Victory to the CIA.

The spaceship is next.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 13, 2008, 05:36:45 PM
Meeting of the Engineering Students

Student A: ?Let us see whether we can build the Cosmic Energy Machines and the Flying Saucers in our University.?

Student B: ?We need to focus only on reply 1112, 1121 and 1165.  All other posts can be treated as noise.?

Student A: "I would advice Tseung to ignore all those who do not understand reply 1112, 1121 and 1165.  It is not possible to teach addition to those who cannot count.  Tseung is not trained to be a pre-school teacher.  He would only upset these kids or make them cry."

Student C: ?Let us focus on one example at a time.  Can we build the simple water pump as described in 1112?  All it requires are some cheap plastic beach pumps; some one-way valves that can be taken from such pumps; one large plastic box to act as a water tank; some tubes; on/off control valves; T-junctions and electric drills to drill the holes.?

Student A: ?Tseung claimed that he was aware of at least 8 sets already built in various parts of China.  One is with a Mr. Raymond Ting in Hong Kong.  Mr. Ting won a Silver Medal in one of the Inventor Shows.  Ms. Forever Yuen will build one at some time.  A forum member called nightlife also claimed that he would build one some weeks ago.?

Student B: ?We can get Forever Yuen to visit Mr. Ting after her examinations which will finish on January 19.  She can take her camera and videotape the experiment in its entirety before the Chinese New Year or during the Chinese New Year Holidays.?

Student C: ?Should we take the comments from Hans that the experiment will never work and that Tseung et al never did the experiments?  Should we believe his 40 years of experience??

Student A: ?We are engineering students.  We are trained to build things.  Tseung has described the theory in its glorious detail in 1112.  Many Forum Members are untrained layman.  They could not follow the proof and the formulae.  We have no problem and we have the added advantage of in an University Environment.?

Student C: ?Even though we are virtual, we can encourage and back up the real Forever Yuen to visit Mr. Ting to repeat the real experiment.  The matter will be settled forever.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 13, 2008, 07:39:36 PM
The bottle water experiments done by Forever Yuen and Bill Fung shown on youtube are similar to the Scottish 22 lb hammer toss.  See:


The 22lbs hammer is a bit harder to handle then the 16lbs hammer due to the increased weight. The Scottish hammers are not thrown in the same style as the Olympic hammer. The athlete must remain stationary and the weight is swung around then released.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on January 13, 2008, 08:56:36 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 13, 2008, 05:36:45 PM

Student C: ?Even though we are virtual, we can encourage and back up the real Forever Yuen to visit Mr. Ting to repeat the real experiment.  The matter will be settled forever.?

Ah, Tseung finally admits he is making all this crap up.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 13, 2008, 10:31:43 PM
Meeting of the Social Science Students

Student A: ?I believe with infinite wealth, we can play a very important role in guaranteeing a minimum standard of living for all our citizens.  At the same time, we improve this standard as the wealth grows.?

Student B: ?The Governments must ensure the continued innovation and creation of meaningful economic activities to ensure the infinite supply of wealth.?

Student C: ?There should be many different models.  I would encourage many Model Farms, Model Villages, Model Cities, etc.  Different Countries will have different Models.  We can learn from each other.  Tourism will be one of the biggest industries.  Education will be another.  There will be exchange students.  They are the key in promoting World Harmony.?

Student A: ?The most difficult things to overcome are the biases.  These include racism, religious dogma, morality, pride, jealousy, etc.  Evil persons, especially the Politicians, use these biases to achieve their hidden agenda.?

Student B: ?Much of the existing problems related to food, water, land and consumer products would be solved with infinite energy.  We still have to deal with land, nationalism and culture.?

Student C: ?With the Flying Saucer, national boundaries may not even exist.  With Internet and Mutual Credits, nationalism and cultural differences will fade away.  The Cosmic Energy Machine and Flying Saucer Inventors will be well remembered in History.  They must lead the way rather than letting the Capitalists and Colonialists use their greed to pour suffering onto others.  That part of the history ? survival of the fittest - must not be allowed to happen again.  We shall help them.?

Lawrence Tseung
The many Tseung Posts will ensure that ?survival of the fittest advocates? could not pour sufferings onto others again.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on January 13, 2008, 10:40:58 PM
Quote from: chrisC on January 13, 2008, 12:52:00 AM
I vote to take Lawrence's nonsense off this Forum. Any other votes?

No way!  Lawrence is local color, and he's harmless, because he sticks to his own thread. If you don't like it, then stop clicking on it!


Mr. Entropy
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 14, 2008, 01:11:04 AM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on January 13, 2008, 10:40:58 PM
Quote from: chrisC on January 13, 2008, 12:52:00 AM
I vote to take Lawrence's nonsense off this Forum. Any other votes?

No way!  Lawrence is local color, and he's harmless, because he sticks to his own thread. If you don't like it, then stop clicking on it!


Mr. Entropy

I totally agree. Leave him be.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 14, 2008, 01:23:51 AM
Conversation with a Social Worker in Hong Kong

Social Worker: "It is nice to finally meet you.  I read much about you via the Internet.  My husband is a Physics Teacher.  He talks about you all the time."

Tseung: "What are his comments?  You can say both the bad and the good things.  I do not mind."

Social Worker: "He said that you have a different insight compared with most run-of-the-mill Physicists.  You dare to voice your point of view openly.  You do not mind revealing your real identity.  You can take the insults and other darts thrown at you.  Your posts have a profound effect on him.  He even recommended his students to read your posts."

Tseung: ?Thank you.  You are a University Graduate yourself.  What is your opinion??

Social Work: ?I am interested in your helping the adult entertainment workers.  I work with them as part of my job.  Nobody respectable or powerful speaks for them in Hong Kong.  Are you really willing to be a Public Figure and speak on their behalf??

Tseung: ?I have nothing to lose.  There are enough jeers on the Internet.  A few more would not make much difference.  I am willing to speak against President Bush.  I am willing to do what is right for the good of the World.  Tell me more.?

One of most difficult things to handle in the Chinese Community is morality.  In China, prostitution is against the law.  However many towns depend on it for their revenue.  Many girls from poor areas come to cities ? hoping to earn enough money to buy a house or start a business in a couple of years. They willingly trade their bodies.  Prostitution is regarded by some as a victimless crime.  Keeping it underground will lead to more corruption, more oppression and suffering for these workers.  I do not mind standing up for their rights.

Lawrence Tseung
Moral Courage is standing up for what one believes.  I can take on the additional assault from the Church, the Moral and the Cultural Forces.  The Devil has vowed to destroy me.  What more do I fear?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 14, 2008, 04:53:14 AM
Tseung, You openly defy me.

I shall toss you up and down and have fun.

For all thee Forum Members, Do not fall into the traps of Tseung.  The Flying Saucers in Nanjing and Area 51 or S4 are real.  There are similar work in Japan, Russian, England, Europe and South America.  The primary school Tseung kid does understand addition. 

The many so-called top guns in the various top-secret institutes do know much more. They can understand the Elementary Physics described by Tseung.  They have worked on advanced propulsion systems for years.  Previously many did not link Cosmic Energy and Propulsion systems together.  Now it is a piece of cake.

Only the moron Forum Members who do not even know how to count would be stupid enough to challenge Tseung.  How could you spend hours reading the material beat a qualified Physicist who spent years on the subject?

Tseung must be feeling good now.  He is being tossed up.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 14, 2008, 06:21:28 AM
Quote from: Devil on January 14, 2008, 04:53:14 AM
Tseung, You openly defy me.

I shall toss you up and down and have fun.

Dear Devil,

Many forum members objected to ChrisC?s vote to end this thread.  Secretly in their hearts, they want to see a real intellectual battle. 

I am ready.  I do not think that even you, the devil himself, can overturn my basic Physics.  I welcome your remarks on reply 1112, 1121 and 1165.

Lawrence Tseung
Taking on the Devil Leads Out the creative juice.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 14, 2008, 07:08:17 AM
did I hear someone say "coocoo"?
Well then it's about time someone did.

impressive ostrich behaviour, Tseung. When you feel uncomfortable, stick that head back down the sand and get back to talking to your own alter egos, and posting nonsense discussions with nonextant personas. Clearly producing bulk bullshit like that it what you do best.
The Lawrence Tseung Comedy Hour, full of crap but sometimes funny, and always a hoot to read how he makes a fool of himself.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 14, 2008, 09:37:28 AM
Koen1, there is no business in here for you.  You do not even understand the elementary boat in calm water example.  Go and study.  If you are too dumb to understand, get help from your son, your daughter, or your relatives who are in high school.  Your nonsense physics will only make Tseung look good.

Tseung, the greed and jealousy of the ugly human souls will destroy you.  You will not get any fame or fortune.  There will be someone from Area 51 to claim that he understood and developed the Flying Saucer with infinite energy well before you.  He will have a Flying Saucer to show to the World.  He will have the support of the USA Government, especially President Bush.  He will have hundreds of witnesses.  You will be seen as a nobody.  You will be shown as an industrial spy who escaped from USA.  Your two strokes were cunning pretences.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 14, 2008, 09:56:52 AM

see, I did hear "coocoo!". :D
And of course it was our so-called mr Tseung aka Devil aka Forever aka Todd aka Student A/B/C aka alien A/B/C and whichever other persona he adopts.
Although it does start to sound increasingly like bowel noises...

Cut the crap.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on January 14, 2008, 01:31:30 PM
wow tseung and the devil sure do write a lot like each other. In fact, exactly the same. Has to be a coincidence.
Boy it sure takes forever 'forever' to make a 20 dollar experiment!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 14, 2008, 05:29:53 PM
Let it be known to all the uninformed Forum Members,

*** Content deleted as suggested by the devil.

Lawrence Tseung
It looks like the devil is the only worthwhile challenger in this Forum.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 14, 2008, 05:52:16 PM
Hmm I bet I could now issue a formal request for reprimand and deletion of Tseungs last post with Stefan,
because of unwanted use of my name... But I won't. All the real people know who the real people are in this thread;
Sorry Tseung, but your personas and bullshit posts are simply too transparent for any intelligent person to fall for.

Lol, and you could have come up with better fake names for your fake personas too... "Forever Yueng"? "forever young"? is that what passes for creativity in your reality? :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on January 14, 2008, 06:24:45 PM
I made him type ben waballs. ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 14, 2008, 07:34:03 PM
I, for one, am not a figment of Lawrence's imagination.  I exist.  I really do. I am beginning to wonder if Lawrence is not but a figment of our imaginations? (Mass hallucination?)

Bill "As far as I know I am really here" Ellis
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on January 14, 2008, 07:36:08 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 14, 2008, 07:34:03 PM
I, for one, am not a figment of Lawrence's imagination.  I exist.  I really do. I am beginning to wonder if Lawrence is not but a figment of our imaginations? (Mass hallucination?)

Bill "As far as I know I am really here" Ellis

A well-conceived figment would fight for the reality of its existence, so your strenuous insistence means nothing.  Although I am a figment too, so what do I know.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 14, 2008, 09:09:00 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 14, 2008, 05:29:53 PM
Let it be known to all the uninformed Forum Members,

Ben Waballs, Koen1, Hans von Lieven, Entropy, pirate88179, ChrisC, shruggedatlas, President Bush, Hilary Clinton, Forever, Devil, God etc are all virtual creations of Tseung.  They do not exist in reality.  USA never killed, tortured an Iraqi, and never got a drop of Iraqi Oil.

There is no such thing as Flying Saucers.  There is no Nanjing or Area 51.  Whatever observed are mass illusions.  The Physics of parallelogram of forces, vector arithmetic, air as energy carrier, etc are all lies.  Adding air to water will not dilute its density and the resulting column height will be the same.  Hans with his 40 years experience confirmed that.  There is no need for experiments.  Tseung cooked everything up.

There is no need to do the water-bottle experiment or the Scottish 22 pound hammer toss.  Koen1 in his infinite wisdom could lean back and ignore the angular momentum, torque and the complexity of non-rigid body motion.  He can be the professor to dictate knowledge to the World.

Lawrence Tseung
It looks like the devil is the only worthwhile challenger in this Forum.

Tseung, you should be a role model of honesty ? speaking the truth, nothing but the truth.  Leave the clearing of the ring to me.  I can insult any one.  My name speaks for itself.

Now let me talk about your reply 1112.  The first part is shown in the attached figure (1112 explained.jpg)

In U-tube A, the oil level is higher than that of water because of the density difference.  At level 2, the pressure of water must be the same. 

In U-tube B, the Air+Water level (if you can keep it that way) will be higher than that of water alone because of the density difference. 

In U-tube C, the addition of the one-way valves will raise the Air+Water column to an even higher level.  The reasons are: (a) more air can be added (b) the one-way valves ?insulate? the pressure from the top.

It is obvious that U-tube C can support a higher Air+Water column.  There is no magic and nothing more than high school physics.

In the second part, you introduced the concept that air is a mechanical energy carrier.  Energy carried = Volume x Pressure.  The proof is also simple physics understood by Physics Students at Universities.  Some of the carried energy can be used to do work.  The work is shown as increased height ? even higher than U-tube C.

If you try (a) to get water at the raised height to flow down to do work; (b) generate electricity to the air pump and (c) hope to have a self running system, you are nuts.  The efficiency of such arrangement is extremely low (or loss of energy is high).  You are unlikely to succeed even if you manage to build a very tall tower.

You are very cunning.  You give the task to someone else.  You can already claim a useful invention ? transporting water to a greater height with less energy.  However, your invention is practically useless because of water hammering.  (When there is air in water pipes, there might be movement of the water shaking or rocking the pipes.)

Tseung, the top guns in Area 51 may give you credit for this useless invention.  You might get a mention in some textbooks.  But that is far from fame and fortune.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 14, 2008, 11:23:25 PM
Dear Devil,

Wow.  You do understand Physics.

Reply 1112 is indeed stupid if we were to use it as an electricity generator.

Please comment on the attached Clem Motor.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 15, 2008, 01:11:04 AM
Tseung, you can get more information about the Richard Clem Motor in


The theory behind it is elementary.

(1)   The Axle is horizontal.  The cone shaped structure will extract gravitational energy on rotation.  The Liang IC Pulsed Cylinder is also horizontal.  The power is 188 horsepower with a weight of 28 kg.  The Clem engine was 350 horsepower with a weight of 90 kg.  The Liang engine is superior to the Clem engine in this respect.

(2)   The rest of the Clem engine is just a closed system.  It requires a starting engine to achieve the required operational speed.  (The Liang engine also requires that.)

(a)   A company called Creative Sciences (http://www.fuellesspower.com) is selling plans ($60) for what they claim is a machine that generates 1500hp and runs by itself. They call this a CEACU and claim it was released by a 70 year old retired scientist.

(b)   With regard to differences between the CEACU design and Clem the CEACU does not require the cone, but instead uses a thick disk with nozzles on the outer edge. A hollow shaft feeds water into this disk at a high velocity.  As the water exits from the nozzles, the disk spins giving an ever higher velocity. A 3200 psi air tank is used to get the disk spinning to 1000 rpm when it is claimed to begin to run on its own. There are other ways to achieve this velocity beyond 3200 psi as you can well imagine.

The KeelyNet and Creative Sciences people totally missed the boat.  They were looking for the magic in the workings of the engine.  The actual source of energy is from the rotation of the cone or disk leading out gravitational energy.  Any stupid closed loop system can do the trick.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bessler007 on January 15, 2008, 02:57:04 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 21, 2007, 01:20:53 AM
Quote from: aepc2008 on December 20, 2007, 09:41:10 AM


The 2008 Alternative Energy Partnership Conference (AEPC 2008) will be held on June 28-29 at Jarboe's Mill, 29880 Three Notch Road, Charlotte Hall, MD.   

From Lawrence Tseung

I shall send two presentations to you first.
(1)   Energy from Still Air
(2)   Energy from Gravity and Electron Motion

Dear Todd,

Attached is the first paper - Energy from Still Air.  I made some minor modifications from the original paper in 2004.  You may send it out for peer review now.  If needed, I can do more polishing.

If the reviewers do not object, I am quite happy to have their reviews published in this forum for all to learn.


Lawrence Tseung
Compressive Fluid may not be a fuel but is definitely a mechanical energy carrier.

I'd like to review some points.

Why should a premise of "energy from still air" use as an example air "moving" through 1/2 a venturi?  Also, if anyone mistakenly thought air couldn't supply energy to a system what are pneumatic tools about?

From your equations in the conclusion:

Since your conclusion is there's more energy exiting than entering:

Energyairin < Energyairiout

Pressurein x Volumein <Pressureout x Volumeout

I think you're really saying:

Pressurein < Pressureout
. . . Since the Volumein = Volumeout I think the terms can cancel.

I'm sure some of the energy is going to be "hot air"

This is such a long thread I couldn't read it all.  If anyone made these points just post where the response is.  Thanks.

mib HQ
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 15, 2008, 03:08:08 AM
Previously the scientists did not consider the energy from 4-legged stools.  Or, water bottles hung from a string.  Or, beach pumps. They did not consider this because, there IS NO ENERGY to be gained from these devices.  Thank you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 15, 2008, 03:25:42 AM
Quote from: Bessler007 on January 15, 2008, 02:57:04 AM
I'd like to review some points.
From your equations in the conclusion:

  • The equation for the energy carried in is
    Energyairin = Pressurein x Volumein
  • The equation for the energy carried out is
    Energyairiout = Pressureout x Volumeout

**1** Since the Volumein = Volumeout I think the terms can cancel.

Since your conclusion is there's more energy exiting than entering:

**2**Energyairin > Energyairiout

I think you're really saying:

**3**Pressurein < Pressureout
. . . since volumes are equal and can cancel.

mib HQ

Dear Bessler007,

I did not make mistakes in the formulae.  There is no need to correct them.

**1** Since the Volumein = Volumeout  I think the terms can cancel. 
I did not make that assumption.  Physics requires that in a steady state system, mass must be conserved.  Mass cannot disappear into thin air.  However, there is no requirement for volume conservation.  Remember that air is compressible (or volume can change.)

**2**Energyairin > Energyairiout 
I changed it back to the correct form.  If more energy goes in and less come out, some must be used to do work.  I am in fact using the Law of Conservation of Energy correctly.  That work is Energy from Still Air.  The Engineers need to focus on this simple point in the design of their Energy from Still Air Machines.

**3**Pressurein < Pressureout
. . . since volumes are equal and can cancel.

Please do not make the assumption that volumes are equal.  See **1**.

Lawrence Tseung
When the devil arrives, he brings posts with intelligent statements.  Meaningful discussions can be conducted.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 15, 2008, 03:32:37 AM
Quote from: Devil on January 15, 2008, 01:11:04 AM
The KeelyNet and Creative Sciences people totally missed the boat.  They were looking for the magic in the workings of the engine.  The actual source of energy is from the rotation of the cone or disk leading out gravitational energy.  Any stupid closed loop system can do the trick.

Dear Devil,

Are you actually supporting the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bessler007 on January 15, 2008, 03:58:43 AM

Boyle described the relationship between volume, pressure and temperature.  The only differing aspect of your idea is the claim somehow there's energy in the air.  You haven't made that point.

When I mistakenly made the point the volumes were equal I meant to say that every molecule of air entering would also be exiting.  Because the velocity is greater at the exit the volumes aren't that different.  Your paper lacks actual empirical values.  Air just moves faster at the smaller orifice.

The idea of compressing air into 1/2 a venturi only heats the air as it compresses.  It would take energy to cause that compression but the energy isn't in the air.  It's in the mechanical apparatus doing the compression.

Your 1/2 of a venturi is a fire hose nozzle with an increased velocity at the smaller orifice.  This isn't an earth shattering conclusion and doesn't speak to the idea there is more energy in the air entering the nozzle.  I repeat you have not made your point.

mib HQ
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 15, 2008, 04:59:45 AM
Dear Bessler007,

You can at least quote Boyle?s Law and is aware of the general gas law relating Pressure, Volume and Temperature.  That is better than most Forum Members. 

However, we are dealing with a different scenario here.  We are asking ? if a certain amount of gas enters the system, how much mechanical energy can it carry in? When it leaves the same system, how much mechanical energy can it carry away?  It is the mechanical energy aspect.  We do not worry about the chemical energy.  We do not worry about the electrical energy due to the ions, etc.

Please study the proof of the above formulae in reply 1112.  Please understand that proof before we discuss further.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: todd.hathaway on January 15, 2008, 06:55:58 AM
Lawrence et al,

It is advisable to open source as many adv energy technologies at/near the Olympics as possible.  Personnel within China can make this happen if they want to move forward on that front.  The U.S. version of such an event is in the works, with live demos scheduled on June 28-29 in Charlotte Hall, MD.  Our U.S.-based group will be concentrating our efforts on bringing U.S.-based technologies to the public ASAP, with other events under consideration such as a National Press Club briefing and various radio shows in the U.S. to announce progress on the research projects, venues that reach millions of people.  Europe can take care of Europe and China can take care of China in terms of bringing new technologies to the public in a similar fashion.  This decentralized approach works best and minimizes the complications of having to work directly with overseas groups to orchestrate an event.  Since many of these techs will be brought into the public spotlight this year, full disclosure of these technologies will occur within a short period of time, like a dam bursting.  Who will be first?...who cares, as long as these techs make it out to the public ASAP.

If you or your research colleagues have developed adv energy techs that you wish to demo at the Alternative Energy Partnership Conference on June 28-29 - www.green-salon.com for details - no need to RSVP, just show up and accommodations for the demos will be provided.  It is a VERY public event, designed to make it impossible to suppress the techs once they make it to Jarboe's Mill with a few thousand of our closest friends in attendance.  You can scope the place/people out to see if it is a save venue before penciling in the event on your calendar.  You can also contact Larry Jarboe directly at dcjarboe@hotmail.com for more info, as he owns the land.  His background info is available online at www.green-salon.com

This will be my last post to this forum, as I can be contacted directly if the need arises.

Todd (& Nora)
301-320-3716 home
301-357-0431 cell
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bessler007 on January 15, 2008, 06:57:36 AM
There is no proof.  The assertion from your thesis:

is sophistry.  There is no mechanical energy by its very definition where there is no motion or in "still air".  Your question:

is patently absurd.

Your point from the previously mentioned post:

is a well known fact.  The systems are called "pneumatic tools".  This is no earth shattering discovery.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 15, 2008, 08:13:03 AM
Quote from: Bessler007 on January 15, 2008, 06:57:36 AM
There is no proof.  The assertion from your thesis:

Dear Bessler007,

Since I cannot tell the background of the Forum Participants, I shall stop repeating myself to educate them. 

If people cannot understand 1112, 1121 and 1165, so be it.  You have to find help elsewhere.  I can only communicate with top physicists - the Russian Archimedes group, the Chinese Universities, the Hong Kong Inventor Association, the USA DoD etc.

One surprising entity is the devil.  He seems to know more physics than everyone.  You can watch the show.

The U.S. version of an advanced energy event is in the works, with live demos scheduled on June 28-29 in Charlotte Hall, MD.   I shall work on the Chinese Version.   It may be better for you to see the demos first.

Sorry that I am of no help to you.  I am not a good physics teacher.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on January 15, 2008, 10:56:54 AM
You can also contact Larry Jarboe directly at dcjarboe@hotmail.com for more info, as he owns the land.  His background info is available online at www.green-salon.com

Dear Mr. Jarboe,
I am one of the esteemed scientists coming to your festival. I will also be bringing the devil. He will be inside me at first then he will spring out. Thank you.
Larry Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 15, 2008, 01:18:29 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 15, 2008, 08:13:03 AM

Since I cannot tell the background of the Forum Participants, I shall stop repeating myself to educate them. 
Hahahaha yeah right... that makes about as much sense as two turds in a hammock :)
We have been asking you over and over again to stop repeating your claims without giving any proper proof nor logal deduction, and start explaining in a logical, step by step manner exactly how you see your "experiments" as examples of the principles and effects you claim in your so-called "theory".
You keep refusing to do so and ignoring our questions, and instead you keep posting nonsense discussions between phantasy personas and reports of your alleged attendance at dubious conferences.
And now you once again attempt to play your old trick: accusing the forum members here of ignorance and stupidity, while it is clearly you who demonstrates his ignorance and inability to reason logically. Are you really demented?

QuoteIf people cannot understand 1112, 1121 and 1165, so be it.  You have to find help elsewhere.
Listen buster, it's your "theory" and your claims that you can explain how OU devices must work, so it's also up to you to take responsibility for those claims of yours and explain it to people in a satisfactory manner. Throwing the towel in the ring just because we don't fall for your continued evasive manoevres is weak. You are making yourself lose face. Not that we care, since you've already made yourself the laughing stock of the forum, but you might care as losing face is usually considered a horrible disgrace for asian people...  
QuoteI can only communicate with top physicists - the Russian Archimedes group, the Chinese Universities, the Hong Kong Inventor Association, the USA DoD etc.
Lol are you now seriously rating the Hong Kong inventors association as the same level as the U.S. DoD? Hahahaha! :D
Besides, you can't comunicate clearly period. Let's see these Russians or even the DoD try to take you seriously when you start posting your "Student A/B/C", "Mingmei" and "Alien A/B/C" discussions, and when you don't answer any of their questions but rather present them with silly "experiments" like pushing upturned chairs and swinging bottles... Again, of course nobody here actually believes a word of your story that the U.S. DoD is in contact with you, what with all the dumb accusations you made a month or so ago, accusing almost all of us of being CIA agents... Oh, sorry "CIA and the Likes" agents.  ::)

QuoteOne surprising entity is the devil.  He seems to know more physics than everyone.  You can watch the show.
Lol yeah well... that may just be because Devil is just another of your alter egos.... We're not falling for that one. The style of writing is too similar.

QuoteThe U.S. version of an advanced energy event is in the works, with live demos scheduled on June 28-29 in Charlotte Hall, MD.   I shall work on the Chinese Version.   It may be better for you to see the demos first.
It may be better for you to stop going to all these conventions, festivals, fotoshoots and brothels, and to start giving clear and convincing explanations and proofs of your "theory" and its claimed "supporting experiments".
Oh, right, I keep forgetting, you pretend to be blind to posts such as this...  ::)

QuoteSorry that I am of no help to you.  I am not a good physics teacher.
You are no help to anyone at all.
And you are not just a bad physics teacher, you are also plain bad at physics!
And at logic, and at explaining things in a comprehensive and clear fashion. And probably at quite a number of other things too...
(like your inability to handle a simple drill, your inability to grasp clear descriptions, etcetera)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 15, 2008, 04:04:13 PM
Quote from: Devil on January 15, 2008, 01:11:04 AM
Tseung, you can get more information about the Richard Clem Motor in


The theory behind it is elementary.

(1)   The Axle is horizontal.  The cone shaped structure will extract gravitational energy on rotation.  The Liang IC Pulsed Cylinder is also horizontal.  The power is 188 horsepower with a weight of 28 kg.  The Clem engine was 350 horsepower with a weight of 90 kg.  The Liang engine is superior to the Clem engine in this respect.

(2)   The rest of the Clem engine is just a closed system.  It requires a starting engine to achieve the required operational speed.  (The Liang engine also requires that.)

(a)   A company called Creative Sciences (http://www.fuellesspower.com) is selling plans ($60) for what they claim is a machine that generates 1500hp and runs by itself. They call this a CEACU and claim it was released by a 70 year old retired scientist.

(b)   With regard to differences between the CEACU design and Clem the CEACU does not require the cone, but instead uses a thick disk with nozzles on the outer edge. A hollow shaft feeds water into this disk at a high velocity.  As the water exits from the nozzles, the disk spins giving an ever higher velocity. A 3200 psi air tank is used to get the disk spinning to 1000 rpm when it is claimed to begin to run on its own. There are other ways to achieve this velocity beyond 3200 psi as you can well imagine.

The KeelyNet and Creative Sciences people totally missed the boat.  They were looking for the magic in the workings of the engine.  The actual source of energy is from the rotation of the cone or disk leading out gravitational energy.  Any stupid closed loop system can do the trick.

Many Cosmic Energy Machine inventors spent years working on their invention without truly understanding the theory.  In particular, they could not identify the source of their energy.

The Richard Clem Motor and the CEACU Motor from Creative Sciences are two good examples.  The inventors must have focused on the assembling of the machines; figuring out ways to tune and improve them.

The true source of energy is totally outside their machines.  It is the pulsed rotation (Lee-Tseung Pull) of the horizontal cone, disk or cylinder Leading Out gravitational energy.  Any simple closed system could suffice. 

My posts will benefit these dedicated Inventors.

Lawrence Tseung
It could be heart-breaking for some Inventors to realize that they were on the wrong path for years.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 15, 2008, 04:11:39 PM
Tseung, in your heart, it is the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory.

In the real World, it will be the Area 51 theory or some other name.

You will not get any fame or fortune.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bessler007 on January 15, 2008, 05:52:05 PM

This could help if you endeavor to teach physics.  Learn the language specifically the difference between mechanical or kinetic energy and forces like gravity.  Try to comprehend where there is no motion (eg still air) there is no mechanical energy.

If learning the language of physics isn't your cup of tea perhaps you could develop your unique language and become the founder of an entirely different branch of physics.  I'd suggest you make up your own terms as using those of contemporary physics is only going to cause confusion.  You will be misunderstood and thought of as a crank.  :)

Best wishes.

Maybe a final thought.  It's irrelevant who the person is if the discussion is about an idea.  I do recognize when it's necessary to engage in personal attacks it's important to know who you're talking to.  If the discussion is centered around an idea, the person is way beyond the point.

mib, HQ
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on January 15, 2008, 08:23:57 PM
The Tseungs now heavily outnumber us.  I suggest we all surrender and drink the Lead Out punch.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 15, 2008, 09:19:53 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on January 15, 2008, 08:23:57 PM
The Tseungs now heavily outnumber us.  I suggest we all surrender and drink the Lead Out punch.

When the devil reveals itself, there is no possibility of  Humans winning.

This devil knows Physics.  His explanation of the Clem Motor is even better than mine.  I worked on it for weeks.  I challenged hin.

His reply came back within hours.  It is even better than mine.  He  did not even border to apply Energy from Still Air. My many hours working on that aspect was proven useless.

Even I have to learn from him.  May be he really is not human.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 16, 2008, 12:22:04 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on January 15, 2008, 08:23:57 PM
The Tseungs now heavily outnumber us.  I suggest we all surrender and drink the Lead Out punch.

LOL! Good one! This guy is so full of crap he doesn't even know his own multiple personas and when one appears before the other one's Lead Out punch wears off!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 16, 2008, 05:51:27 AM
The Liang Car and Electricity Generator

I am in the City in which Dr Liang is developing his inventionsãâ,¬â€š

The weather is warm all year roundãâ,¬â€š  It is a seaportãâ,¬â€š I can appreciate why he chose this locationãâ,¬â€š

Apparentlyï¼Å' China is well aware of the USA efforts in Cosmic Energy Machines and the Flying Saucersãâ,¬â€š It is a matter of Political Decision on whether to cooperateï¼› what to cooperateï¼› whom should be involved in the cooperation and when to cooperateãâ,¬â€š

It may be because the Forum Members are deliberately playing dumbãâ,¬â€š  The Chinese team here found the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory easyãâ,¬â€š  A working Cosmic Energy Machine Generator and being driven by a Cosmic Energy Car probably made the differenceãâ,¬â€š

Talking to people who understand 1112, 1121 and 1165 is fun, easy and productive.  That will be my action from now on.  (Devil is included.)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on January 16, 2008, 10:39:48 AM
"It may be because the Forum Members are deliberately playing dumb. Talking to people who understand 1112, 1121 and 1165 is fun, easy and productive.  That will be my action from now on.  (Devil is included.)"

I remember clearly when Oppenheimer was briefing the President on the Manhattan project, with 12 other high ranking officers, and his little devil jumped out. He pulled out this costume, put it on, and started jabbering with this little plastic pitch fork. Of course we were all flabbergasted, security really roughed him up, but we assumed that it was all part of his 'genius'.
Later we found out the truth, that he thought we were really stupid, that it was his twisted way of telling us to f*ck off, so Truman had him shot. Weird guy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bessler007 on January 16, 2008, 12:14:09 PM
This is the most elaborate parody I've ever read but it has just jumped the shark.  lol
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on January 17, 2008, 12:23:33 AM
Mr. Tseung, you've done it again!

What a beautiful and accurate theory you have. I remembered you saying:

"Gravitational or Electron Motion Energy can be Lead Out via oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux change systems.  We need to apply pulse force (Lee-Tseung Pulls) at the right time"

Today I tested your theory. I was lying on my bed naked and I felt very lonely. My hand strayed to my ming, as it sometimes does when I feel like this. For some reason I was thinking of your magnificent theory and I decided to put it to the test. I theorized that Mr. Wang must have accidentally applied the Lee-Tseung Pull at my ming at that time when I had to service his wang or it could not have caused the cosmic effects it did.

Remembering exactly what he did that time I applied the same Lee-Tseung Pull to my ming in the same rhythm.

The result was spectacular. The biggest orgasm of my life, which is saying something considering I have been a Langley good time girl for a long time.

It was then when it hit me how you must have made that spectacular discovery. It must have been when you two were applying the Lee_Tseung Pull by chance to your wangs when you found out that there was more energy coming out of your wang than you had put in with your Pull.

I am certain a lot of people have felt that cosmic energy surging forward, it needed a pair of geniuses like you to notice its significance.

Long live the Leet-Tseung Pull, Long live the CIA. Another powerful weapon in our arsenal because of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory.

Thank you Mr Tseung


Properly applied Lee-Tseung Pull Lead Out more powerful orgasms.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 17, 2008, 07:21:31 AM
Went to the site where the Asian Economic Summit will meet.

Will prepare the material - both for Russia Archimedes and the Asian Economic Summit. 

Hope to have a working unit to demonstrate if approved by the Chinese Authorities.

@devil, do you care to comment on 1165 - the Flying Saucer?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 17, 2008, 07:39:12 AM
Tseung, what sort of question is that:

@devil, do you care to comment on 1165 - the Flying Saucer?

You know that the USA government has been denying the existence of the Flying Saucer since its first sighting.  Initially, they could not reproduce it.  Now they can.  However, it is simple and can wipe out every advanced missile or flighter plane,

USA suspects that China and a number of other Countries might have also developed the Flying Saucer.  They are not sure.

You came along with a simple theory that the average University Student can understand.  1165 describes a simple proof-of-concept.  The top guns obviously can understand and appreciate it.

To put it bluntly, if China demonstrate a Flying Saucer today, USA will will demonstrate a different Flying Saucer tomorroe.  (and vice versa).  China may claim that the Flying Saucer is based on the Lee-Tseung theory.  USA will claim that their Flying Saucer is based on the Area 51 theory or similar.

You will not get any fame or fortune.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 17, 2008, 11:34:47 PM

*serves popcorn and soft drinks ;D...

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 17, 2008, 11:36:45 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 19, 2007, 09:44:04 AM
Highlights of the Productivity Conference (8)

The real and true business deals.

  Then we got entertained in a massage parlor.  It was an eye opener for me.

The place was decorated like a five star hotel.  Each room had private sauna or doubt bathtub facilities.  We each selected a lady to serve us.  I was treated like an emperor.  Drinks were served privately to the room but I selected coffee.  There were fresh fruit ? peeled by the lady.

The next part was wonderful but is likely to be censored by Stefan.  I gave the lady an extra tip. (The basic expenses were paid for.)  It was extremely relaxing.

The business deal was done.

Wang laughed at my ignorance or newfound knowledge.  He said that "In Beijing, such entertainment would cost RMB3,000 per person approximately.  It is important to get to know your business partner in his private life.  This is something never presented in open seminars.?

Lawrence Tseung
Business can be real fun.

Quote from: ltseung888 on January 14, 2008, 01:23:51 AM
Conversation with a Social Worker in Hong Kong

Tseung: ?I have nothing to lose.  There are enough jeers on the Internet.  A few more would not make much difference.  I am willing to speak against President Bush.  I am willing to do what is right for the good of the World.  Tell me more.?

One of most difficult things to handle in the Chinese Community is morality.  In China, prostitution is against the law.  However many towns depend on it for their revenue.  Many girls from poor areas come to cities ? hoping to earn enough money to buy a house or start a business in a couple of years. They willingly trade their bodies.  Prostitution is regarded by some as a victimless crime.  Keeping it underground will lead to more corruption, more oppression and suffering for these workers.  I do not mind standing up for their rights.

Lawrence Tseung

Wow! Mr. Tseung conveniently forgot he was entertained at the Massage Parlor not so long ago. Now, this new Mr. Tseung is advocating against Prostitution? Will the real old Tseung please stand up?

Shows you crap head is not only not good at Physics, he can't even remember he had a great time at the whore house!



Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 18, 2008, 02:35:52 AM
G'day Chris,

Perhaps he is just a little bit miffed that Mingmei has gone far with Mr. Wang's wang and not with his.  ;D

Hans von Lieven

PS. I really have to try the Lee-Tseung Pull, I had no idea. Perhaps Lawrence will tell us the frequency and amplitude to use.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 18, 2008, 02:45:08 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 18, 2008, 02:35:52 AM
G'day Chris,

Perhaps he is just a little bit miffed that Mingmei has gone far with Mr. Wang's wang and not with his.  ;D

Hans von Lieven

PS. I really have to try the Lee-Tseung Pull, I had no idea. Perhaps Lawrence will tell us the frequency and amplitude to use.

Hans von Lieven

G'day Hans.

I'm sorry this comedy show is sooooo tempting! I can't resist coming back to take a peep each night!
Oh, please Mr. Tseung, please add more crap each day so we can be entertained.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: scraven on January 18, 2008, 02:54:14 AM
This is sad and kind of sick.
How would you feel if you saw a bunch of kids teasing an obviously mentally ill person on the streets?
No...wait I'm not surprised, I did physics and electrical engineering and the level of immaturity and arrogance and plain social retardation I see here rings oh so clearly. Yep, great at their limited set of skills they learned at uni while still having the social immaturity of 8th graders.
Great, make the disturbed-kid angry, poke fun at him, make him angry and confused, then go home and take a good hard look at yourselves.
GROW UP (points and everyone in the school yard)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 18, 2008, 02:59:45 AM
Quote from: scraven on January 18, 2008, 02:54:14 AM
This is sad and kind of sick.
How would you feel if you saw a bunch of kids teasing an obviously mentally ill person on the streets?
No...wait I'm not surprised, I did physics and electrical engineering and the level of immaturity and arrogance and plain social retardation I see here rings oh so clearly. Yep, great at their limited set of skills they learned at uni while still having the social immaturity of 8th graders.
Great, make the disturbed-kid angry, poke fun at him, make him angry and confused, then go home and take a good hard look at yourselves.
GROW UP (points and everyone in the school yard)

So, Scraven. Are you saying that old Tseung is mentally ill? And we are a bunch of immature 8th graders?
Well, I'm sorry to tell you, you're WRONG! Old Tseung is NOT mentally ill and we are not a bunch of 8th graders.

We just love comedy!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: scraven on January 18, 2008, 03:10:24 AM
No, you simply possess many social characteristics of an 8th grader. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 18, 2008, 03:29:06 AM
And you scraven the self righteousness of a Seventh Day Adventist or a Shia Muslim. Take your pick.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: scraven on January 18, 2008, 03:47:41 AM
LOL! GREAT! Fair enough. Some realistic comparisons there Hans.
Oh! I almost forgot - have 5 gold stickers for the genial touch
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bessler007 on January 18, 2008, 05:11:25 AM
The shock treatment of a little ridicule can at times force the mentally disturbed back into reality.  It's a socially beneficial and worthy endeavor.

Anyone that could contrive and implement such an elaborate parody as the schizophrenic Lee-Tseung has, all the while managing to put a roof over their head and feed themselves and otherwise pay their bills, can't be too much of a wacko.

I suggest they are the arrogant one thinking the rest of the world is stupid enough to buy their bull hockey.

Oh! I almost forgot - you can take your 5 gold stickers (that you were awarded for your feigned spontaneity) and you know exactly where you can put them.  Yeah, that's right, right beside your brain.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: sevich on January 18, 2008, 05:42:42 AM
This anti Lawrence lobby IMO is barking up the wrong Lawrence tree. Why not simply get to the source of the matter and politely ask the forum administrator Stefan to once and for all close down this topic ? 

Q)  Would he do it ?

As a sweetener, I believe we should all chip in / donate $200.00 each to this forum via "paypal" to help reduce "overunity.com" running costs ....of course!!  ;)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 18, 2008, 10:48:28 AM
You're missing the point. Stefan could at any time close this thread. But then why censor the clown?
The only reason this thread is still active is because so many forum visitors find Tseungs continuous ranting quite amusing.

And don't act as if you have any form of moral high ground.
We are not teasing mr Tseung any more than he is teasing us.
From day one mr Tseung, if that is even really his name, has presented incredible claims and done nothing to make them seem more credible.
We have asked for proof, examples, and explanations, and he structurally ignores these questions and keeps posting totally useless fantasy discussions with persons that exist only in his own head, and tons of useless photos of himself.
Besides that, Tseung has already been banned from other fora because of exactly the same behaviour.
We all know that he's talking crap. But if he sees merit in posting his comedy show here, then we are prepared to laugh about it.

@Tseung: oh, by the way, the most recent "energy from motion" machine, the one in Hungary or thereabouts, the one you claimed was a very clear proof of your "lead out energy from gravity" hypothesis, remember? Well maybe you should read up on your own examples; the guys working on that gave a very clear statement not more than a month ago that they feel they do have proof of concept prototypes, but no over unity process yet. So yet another great example of nothing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 18, 2008, 11:39:20 AM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on January 13, 2008, 10:40:58 PM
Quote from: chrisC on January 13, 2008, 12:52:00 AM
I vote to take Lawrence's nonsense off this Forum. Any other votes?

No way!  Lawrence is local color, and he's harmless, because he sticks to his own thread. If you don't like it, then stop clicking on it!


Mr. Entropy

G'day all,

I think Entropy makes a very good and valid point here. Lawrence should have his own thread, the fact that it is being read is proof enough it has a place here. I personally would not like to see him removed.

By the same token, by posting his views and claims he becomes subject to the same scrutiny of other forum users as any of us. We all fall and stand by what we post here and if the response is praise, disagreement, ridicule or whatever else we must live with this or go elsewhere. He chooses to stay. Good on him, at least he is sticking to his guns in the face of adversity.

Leave him be.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 18, 2008, 05:19:40 PM

It took m a while, but I finally learned that all of life's encounters and experiences are but a mirror of your character or lack there of.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 19, 2008, 01:31:04 AM
I agree with Hans.  If it were not for this thread, I would have never seen the 4-legged stool experiment or, the CIA training film based upon that very experiment.  A friend of mine at the CIA (and the like) hinted that there may be a similar training film based upon the water bottle experiment.  I can hardly wait.

Not that it matters, but if I really thought Lawrence was mentally ill, I would not post here, or read this thread. I believe he is misinformed and possibly a few other things but, I am not a cruel person.  Lawrence has the right to criticize me on other topics that I post on, and that is the way it should be. If I posted a new unified field theory of my own creation and could not/would not offer any experiments or rhyme or reason on why it was correct, I believe I would receive more than a few responses from the forum members, and not all of them positive.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 19, 2008, 04:02:42 AM
Hainan Island Trip

The Hainan Island incident was the April 1, 2001, collision between a United States Navy EP-3E signals reconnaissance aircraft and a People's Liberation Army Navy J-8IIM fighter jet that resulted in an international incident between the United States and China. The EP-3, assigned to Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron One (VQ-1) had been operating about 70 miles (110 km) away from the Chinese island of Hainan, when the craft was intercepted by two J-8IIM fighters. A collision resulted between the wing of the EP-3 and one of the J-8s, which caused the death of the J-8's pilot, Wang Wei, while the EP-3 was forced to make an emergency landing on Hainan.

Hainan Island has the biggest Chinese military submarine base and there were UFO sightings from citizens.  Could there be any truth that the EP-3 was investigating China-made UFOs?

We know that the self-contained UFOs can go anywhere ? even to the bottom of the ocean. I am sure that one could be built but has one been built already???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 19, 2008, 04:09:06 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 19, 2008, 04:02:42 AM
Hainan Island Trip

The Hainan Island incident was the April 1, 2001, collision between a United States Navy EP-3E signals reconnaissance aircraft and a People's Liberation Army Navy J-8IIM fighter jet that resulted in an international incident between the United States and China. The EP-3, assigned to Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron One (VQ-1) had been operating about 70 miles (110 km) away from the Chinese island of Hainan, when the craft was intercepted by two J-8IIM fighters. A collision resulted between the wing of the EP-3 and one of the J-8s, which caused the death of the J-8's pilot, Wang Wei, while the EP-3 was forced to make an emergency landing on Hainan.

Hainan Island has the biggest Chinese military submarine base and there were UFO sightings from citizens.  Could there be any truth that the EP-3 was investigating China-made UFOs?

We know that the self-contained UFOs can go anywhere ? even to the bottom of the ocean. I am sure that one could be built but has one been built already???

Who knows? Maybe you're right about the US 'investigating' these wonderful Chinese made UFO's  on Hainan Island. I just hope they weren't tainted with lead? Imagine the poor Chinese UFO pilots having to live with the smell of lead in their high tech machines!

Oh, btw, I also heard there were a lot of houses-of- ill repute on Hainan island. Was that the real reason you went there? How did those compared with the ones that Wang took you to?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 19, 2008, 05:02:35 AM
Tseung, you are speculating.  You based your assumption on China having a submarine base in Hainan Island and that Dr. Liang is doing his development there also.  You are not the only one to have a China Flying saucer patent.  Dr. Liang has one too.

The fact that the China Patent Office did not regard you two as idiots is worth noting.  The minute USA or any other Country announces an UFO prototype; China can claim that it has the same or similar thing.  The prize is too big.

You are not going to get the credit.  Many Forum members will claim that they studied your posts for years but no details were ever revealed.  They read 1121 and 1165 but the information never sank in.

Who will believe the teaching of a primary school student to the kindergarten kids?  Could that knowledge solve the Energy Crisis?  Could that knowledge enable Humans to go to outer space at will?

Tseung, your posts are in vain.  All your posts will be deleted when there are conflicting financial interests.  You will not be remembered ? except as a joke by the kindergarten kids.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 19, 2008, 06:39:57 AM
Talking to some Hainan Students

Student 1: ?I am from one of the minority races of China.  I saw much change compared with the older generations.  They did not even have a chance to complete primary school education.?

Tseung: ?What kind of work are you doing now??

Student A: ?I spent 3 years learning Chinese Medicine.  Now I work in a health Clinic.  Sometimes I do foot massage.  Sometimes I pre-screen patients for the Clinic.?

Tseung: ?Is that a Government or a Private Clinic??

Student A: ?It is a Government Clinic.  It is difficult to get a job in the Private Clinic when you are a minority race.  My own race does not have much money to see doctors.  The majority race does not trust us.?

Student B: ?I have completed Engineering School but there are no industries in this area.  I work in the Hotel as a Luggage Carrier and a bell boy.?

Tseung: ?Would you like to listen to a new technology and see if that can help you??

Tseung then spent 2 hours explaining 1112, 1121 and 1165.  The initial time was having drinks and simple snacks.  The last part was at an Internet Bar.  The students actually saw the discussions on overunity.com.

Student B: ?Can you give us your email address?  We can read English with some difficulty.  But your inventions are very exciting.  We would like to learn more.?

Student A: ?I read sometime ago in the local newspaper something related to UFO sightings.  I treated that as jokes.  Now I shall pay more attention.?

Lawrence Tseung
Knowledge has no race or gender.  When one sows seeds, anything is possible.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: scraven on January 19, 2008, 06:48:55 AM
When you tease someone who is mentally ill its because you don't understand them and this creates anger and confusion leading to hatred (leading to the dark side of the force ? hehe)
I digress
When you tease someone you DONT UNDERSTAND you become prejudiced and xenophobic.
There is no difference in my opinion between calling someone a w*nker because you don't understand them and being prejudiced, racist or xenophobic.
It all comes down to reacting badly all due to not being able to tune in, empathize or understand where someone ELSE is coming from.
In saying this I apologize for implying that people here had social characteristics of 8th graders. That was a paradox to my point. In the future I'll try to understand this prejudice, but I can only ask that other people at least TRY as well. We are only human.

Here endeth the lesson from scraven aka ?preacher man? aka ?The Seventh Day Adventist? aka ?The Shia Muslim? (reaaaal nice one Hans.... yeah..... cough)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 19, 2008, 08:50:27 AM

If this thread had been deleted as requested by a few members we would have all been deprived of being entertained by that whole 'ming thing' - which caused major keyboard spillage on my end, I wood add. :)

Proving once again that its better just to maintain a 'hands off' approach to the wheels of life - and just let it spin freely.

Unless of course a collision is imminent.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 19, 2008, 12:15:18 PM
Meeting of some psychological students

Student A: ?Students of the minority race in Hainan seem to be satisfied with government provided jobs.  That is already better than their parents.  Is that a good sign??

Student B: ?It might be good for the Few Government Officials.  They can claim that they have happy and satisfied citizens under their care.  But have they really helped the minority race to develop their full potential??

Student C: ?It is like the European Americans treating the American Indians.  When the American Indians did not rebel, the Officials could just claim that they were doing a good job.?

Student A: ?Tseung can test out his concept of Model Villages.  He and his group will have almost infinite resources as soon as the Cosmic Energy Machines and Flying Saucers are demonstrated in public.?

Student B: ?Hainan Island has good climate and excellent soil.  It also has many minerals including gold.  The tourism industry is booming.  However, there is not much Industry.  The Cosmic Energy Machines and Flying Saucers may change that.  It is just a matter of (a) whether the technology is real; (b) whether the Chinese Government allows it and (c) whether the inventors choose Hainan Island as a key development area??

Student C: ?If the technology is not real, it cannot be demonstrated.  Tseung will automatically fade away.  No matter how hard he tries, there will be no fruit.?

Student A: ?If the technology is real, USA, Japan, Russia, Hungary, etc will demonstrate it.  Tseung laid out the theoretical foundation.  Many kindergarten Forum Members could not understand it.  But the top Physicists and Scientists in top Universities and Research Institutes certainly understand it.  There are over 300 inventions using the Lee-Tseung theory already.?

Student B: ?The local government of Hainan will obviously welcome such an Industry.  It is non-polluting and extremely prestigious.  The Model Farms, Model Villages, Model Cities will likely be developed in Hainan Island at the same time.?

Student C: ?We can work on the Model Farms etc.  We are not qualified to design and build the Cosmic Energy Machines and Flying Saucers.  However, we can use existing technology on the Model Farms.  It will be a better use of our energy ? we do not have to sit and wait for the demonstration of the Inventions.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 19, 2008, 12:18:35 PM
Quote from: scraven on January 19, 2008, 06:48:55 AM
When you tease someone who is mentally ill its because you don't understand them and this creates anger and confusion leading to hatred (leading to the dark side of the force ? hehe)
I digress
When you tease someone you DONT UNDERSTAND you become prejudiced and xenophobic.
There is no difference in my opinion between calling someone a w*nker because you don't understand them and being prejudiced, racist or xenophobic.
It all comes down to reacting badly all due to not being able to tune in, empathize or understand where someone ELSE is coming from.
In saying this I apologize for implying that people here had social characteristics of 8th graders. That was a paradox to my point. In the future I'll try to understand this prejudice, but I can only ask that other people at least TRY as well. We are only human.

Here endeth the lesson from scraven aka ?preacher man? aka ?The Seventh Day Adventist? aka ?The Shia Muslim? (reaaaal nice one Hans.... yeah..... cough)

Hey Scraven. Either enjoy the comedy show or take a hike. Please don't talk from both sides of your mouth. This is not a preaching forum.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: M@rcel on January 19, 2008, 05:52:53 PM

Can you tell me more about how to lead out electron motion? The pendulum (gravitational lead out) examples are easy to understand, but how can your theory be practically applied to electron motion?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 19, 2008, 06:30:56 PM
Translated Email from the Hainan Students

Dear Mr. Tseung,

We were excited to learn so much from you.

We did the water bottle experiment except we modified it with coconuts.  We all agreed that when we let go, we felt a jerking force in the direction of coconut motion.  We also had a contest of who could throw it longest.  This gave us more fun.

We also tried the 4 legged stool experiments on a mud field.  We did not achieve actual flying but many could not follow the pace and fell down.  It was also fun.  How is this different from the Merry-Go-Round? (In a playground, a merry-go-round is usually a simple, child-powered rotating platform with bars or handles to which children can cling while riding.  They can jump on the platform when the rotation is fast.)

We used the refrigerator magnets to do the Forever experiment.  The number of swings per minute increases with attraction and decreases with repulsion.  What other experiments are fun to do?

Please write back.

Lawrence Tseung
Hainan Students are more eager to try new games or experiments than the kindergarten Forum Members
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 19, 2008, 07:04:21 PM
Quote from: M@rcel on January 19, 2008, 05:52:53 PM

Can you tell me more about how to lead out electron motion? The pendulum (gravitational lead out) examples are easy to understand, but how can your theory be practically applied to electron motion?

Dear M@rcel,

The link is the Forever Yuen magnetic pendulum experiment.  You replace the pendulum bob with a circular magnet.  Take the number of oscillations per minute for the following three readings:

(1)   When there are no other magnetic materials present (N1)
(2)   Place another magnet to produce attraction (N2)
(3)   Place another magnet to produce repulsion (N3)

You will find that N2 > N1 > N3.

If a pulsed pendulum is capable of Leading Out gravitational energy, the pulsed magnetic pendulum must be able to Lead Out magnetic energy.  We cannot control the magnitude and direction of the gravitational field.  But we can control the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field.

If we can Lead Out energy from magnetic field, we must be able to Lead Out energy from electrostatic field.  Electrostatic field can have attraction or repulsion.

If you had university training in physics, you would have learnt that both magnetic and electrostatic properties were due to Electrons that surround the nuclei.  The rotation of an electron produces a magnetic field.  The uneven distribution of electrons (or lack of) produces an electrostatic field.  The atom already has energy.  It is a matter of whether we know how to use it.

Ways to use atomic energy include
(1)   The Atomic Bombs
(2)   The Nuclear Power Stations
(3)   Chemical Reactions (which is the rearrangement of electron orbits)
(4)   Lasers (Stimulate the electrons to jump from one orbit to another)
(5)   Electromagnetic waves (light, radio waves etc)
(6)   Pulsed (Lee-Tseung Pulls) oscillations, vibrations, or rotations
Leading Out magnetic, electrostatic or electric energies.  (This is what I refer to as electron motion energy.)

There are over 300 inventions Worldwide using (6) to be verified.  It is a matter of time and Government Policy.  The use of (6) also leads to the Flying Saucer which can destroy all existing missiles and planes.  Study  1121 and 1165 again for more details.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 19, 2008, 08:08:44 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 19, 2008, 06:30:56 PM
Translated Email from the Hainan Students

Dear Mr. Tseung,

We were excited to learn so much from you.

We did the water bottle experiment except we modified it with coconuts.  We all agreed that when we let go, we felt a jerking force in the direction of coconut motion.  We also had a contest of who could throw it longest.  This gave us more fun.

We also tried the 4 legged stool experiments on a mud field.  We did not achieve actual flying but many could not follow the pace and fell down.  It was also fun.  How is this different from the Merry-Go-Round? (In a playground, a merry-go-round is usually a simple, child-powered rotating platform with bars or handles to which children can cling while riding.  They can jump on the platform when the rotation is fast.)

We used the refrigerator magnets to do the Forever experiment.  The number of swings per minute increases with attraction and decreases with repulsion.  What other experiments are fun to do?

Please write back.

Lawrence Tseung
Hainan Students are more eager to try new games or experiments than the kindergarten Forum Members

Dear Students,

You can try the Energy from Still Air experiment in 1112.  You should consult your professors and university authorities for help and advice.  Dr. Liang is already in Hainan Island.  He has mastered the pulsed IC to rotate cylinders to Lead Out gravitational energy technology.  He has a pending patent on Flying saucers.

You can also try the Bedini or Adams motor.  I have the following email, which I have not validated. 

In bedini_motor@yahoogroups.com, "yeorkas2005" <yeorkas2005@...> wrote:

If someone wants to experiment with BEDINI or ADAMS motors, has not waste time for building, and trimming them.  Except for us who wants the challenge of construction of it, any one can buy, a ready to use, miniature, powerful motor, from the open market (or from me) for experimentation, and measurements of COP.

Yes:Bedini motor is already in market.

I realize it when understand the way of operation of electric dc motors, in CD and DVD disks drive.  Yes, this type of motor, HAS THE SAME PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION and CONFIGURATION with BEDINI and ADAMS motors.
If anyone wants more info, for even simpler and easy accessed commercial Bedini motor, than CD/DVD motor let me know via e-mail.
George K

Yahoo! Groups Links

Mr. Todd Hathaway of DoD of USA has access to a Bedini Motor that can drive a 10 inch fan and recharge itself.  I understand the workings behind the Bedini/Adams Motor.  Thus I am not only a believer but can also suggest improvements.

Lawrence Tseung
Communicating with motivated students is fun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bessler007 on January 19, 2008, 09:38:13 PM

Quote from: scraven on January 19, 2008, 06:48:55 AM
. . .
Here endeth the lesson from scraven aka ?preacher man? aka ?The Seventh Day Adventist? aka ?The Shia Muslim? (reaaaal nice one Hans.... yeah..... cough)
. . .

real good.  Now take a deep breath and cough again.  Just as I suspected.  You're herniated.  Ok if you'll kindly turn around and bend over we'll check that prostrate...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bessler007 on January 19, 2008, 09:51:48 PM
I've got some good news and some bad news, Scraven.  I initially thought you had an enlarged prostrate but the biopsy indicates the swelling isn't your prostate.  You have a rare case of an enlarged medulla oblongata.  It appears your brain is coming out your backside.

If  you aggravate the condition it could lead out an aneurysm causing your entire head to explode.  I recommend no heavy thinking for the next two weeks.  Come in then and we'll reassess the situation.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 19, 2008, 11:46:26 PM
Quote the Scraven, "Nevermore".
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 19, 2008, 11:47:54 PM
Meeting of Social Science Students

Student A: ?It looks like Tseung is falling in love with Hainan Island.  Dr. Liang had fallen for the spell.  What do you think is the special magic?  Is it the beauty of the Native girls?  Is it the climate and the scenery?  Is it the lower cost of living and the comfort?  Or is it the encouragement of the local officials on top notch scientific projects??

Student B: ?Top notch scientists are often lonely.  If they are one step ahead, they are geniuses.  If they are two steps ahead, they are crackpots.  From the forum posts, they must be at least two steps ahead.  A relaxing environment and the beautiful girls can easily attract them.?

Student C: ?I think the quick response of the students is an important factor.  Tseung felt appreciated.  He felt that he could build up a following quickly.  If and when a Cosmic Energy Machine or a Flying Saucer is announced, Tseung et al will receive almost unlimited interest and funding.  Establishing Hainan Island as one of the development sites will be within their capabilities.?

Students A: ?Even the top Beijing Professors and Research Scientists will enjoy a winter vacation in the Oriental Hawaii (Sanya in Hainan Island). The property values in Hainan Island are bound to go up.  It is a sure win-win for the local officials and Tseung et al.?

Student D: ?Visiting Sanya on a Flying Saucer will be easy.?

Lawrence Tseung
Without dreams, nothing can come true.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 20, 2008, 12:46:07 AM
Meeting of the Agriculture Students

Student A: ?Let us assume one of the Model Farms will be in Hainan Island.  What should be in this Model Farm??

Student B: ?Hainan Island is just North of the Equator.  It has flat land.  There is plenty of sea and fresh water.  The soil is fertile.  It is already the number one rubber plantation of China.  It is also famous for its coconut products.  It can support 3 crops of rice every year.  It is already the number one supplier of winter vegetables in China.  What more can a Model Farm add??

Student C: ?It is famous for its chicken.  However, the chicken is small.  They do not practice concentrated chicken farms.  Many chickens still roam around.  The pigs are also small.  Fresh water fish farming and sea fish farming are relatively underdeveloped.?

Student D: ?With unlimited energy, we can store and process much more agricultural products.  With flying Saucers, transportation will not be a problem.  Hainan Island can easily have Mutual Credit Arrangement with many Cities within China.  We can experiment with Hong Kong first.?

Student E: ?Hong Kong has negligible agricultural products.  Hone Kong has not much land.  The size of Hong Kong is less than 1/30 of Hainan Island.  The population of Hong Kong is 8 million and that of Hainam Island is 10 million.  It would be an excellent match.  It is ideal for a win-win combination.?

Student A: ?I think we can make it happen in our lifetime.  The Cosmic Energy Machines and the Flying Saucers are likely to be announced in 2008.  We can start using our computers to simulate a Model Farm.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 20, 2008, 12:48:54 AM
Quote from: Bessler007 on January 19, 2008, 09:51:48 PM
I've got some good news and some bad news, Scraven.  I initially thought you had an enlarged prostrate but the biopsy indicates the swelling isn't your prostate.  You have a rare case of an enlarged medulla oblongata.  It appears your brain is coming out your backside.

If  you aggravate the condition it could lead out an aneurysm causing your entire head to explode.  I recommend no heavy thinking for the next two weeks.  Come in then and we'll reassess the situation.


I wonder which part of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory explains the leading out of that.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 20, 2008, 01:44:47 AM
Email from Russia,

ПодпиÃ'Ð°Ã'‚Ã'Å'Ã'Ã' на видео полÃ'Å'зоваÃ'‚елÃ' ltseung888. Видео (11). Видео Видео | ЛидеÃ'â,¬Ã'‹ пÃ'â,¬ÃÂ¾Ã'Ð¼Ð¾Ã'‚Ã'â,¬ÃÂ¾ÃÂ² ... Flying Saucer Experiment.

Remark: Many people claimed that they sighted UFO and some even claimed that they encountered ET.  Few explained the theory and the construction of the UFO in such physics terms.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 20, 2008, 01:56:36 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 20, 2008, 01:44:47 AM
Email from Russia,

ПодпиÃ'Ð°Ã'‚Ã'Å'Ã'Ã' на видео полÃ'Å'зоваÃ'‚елÃ' ltseung888. Видео (11). Видео Видео | ЛидеÃ'â,¬Ã'‹ пÃ'â,¬ÃÂ¾Ã'Ð¼Ð¾Ã'‚Ã'â,¬ÃÂ¾ÃÂ² ... Flying Saucer Experiment.

Remark: Many people claimed that they sighted UFO and some even claimed that they encountered ET.  Few explained the theory and the construction of the UFO in such physics terms.

Many many more people are aware the UFO's originate in old Tseing's head and breeds and lives there too!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on January 20, 2008, 03:20:32 PM
Another exciting day at the office.

Professor Who Flung Dung?s experiments are proceeding famously. My ?Nature Calls? are collected the minute I get of the potty so to speak, they are that desperate for the stuff. There is seemingly never enough of it for all the experiments they want to do. There is a limit to how much I can eat and drink in order to produce the goods.

Even though my excrement still works when strongly diluted, for the really powerful effects they need my raw number one?s and twos. There just isn?t enough of it.

The situation was discussed at a top level meeting. The possibility was raised to abduct Mr. Tseung and Mr. Wang but that was rejected very quickly. As the Director of Operations explained they were too well protected now as a number of agencies had their eyes on them and especially now that the Russian Mafia had become involved it would be impossible to conduct such an operation unseen.

This is when Professor Who Flung Dung took the floor.

He reasoned that since I had received my cosmic gift through Mr. Wang?s wang it might be possible for me to pass on the gift to someone else using the same procedure.

That might be a dangerous thing to do I warned, but the Professor brushed my concerns aside stating that I was quite safe, I was only a carrier of the force and quite immune from its effects.

I was not talking about myself, I said, the danger was for whoever I was copulating with.

That is not a problem the Director of Operations said, there are any number of disposables in the cells downstairs and there certainly would be some good looking and well endowed specimens amongst them I would find agreeable.

And off to the cells we went. I had never been there.

The cells turned out to be no more than a series of steel cages the size of telephone boxes in a large open area with a concrete floor. The prisoners were all naked and wet. When I asked why they were wet I was told they were hosed down twice a day, a procedure that served two purposes. To keep them clean and to flush the excrement from the floor as there were no sanitary arrangements of any sort. They had been hosed down in preparation for our tour of inspection.

Now this is how we do it, the Director of Operations said. The prisoners are to stand upright and face the front of the cage, Mingmei will walk naked from one to the next. These guys have not seen a woman for some time and their suitability for the task will be prominently displayed.

To me he said I should take my time and select three of them for the tests.

I did as I was told.

Most did not show any sign of arousal, they no longer were in a condition to do much anymore. Two of them caught my eye. They were in their twenty?s, and boy, were they equipped. I mean, there is the wang, which is just passable, next comes the dong, which is a lot better, and then there is the schlong! And these guys had schlongs!

I picked them.

I could not make my mind up about number three. I walked the line once more and I was just about to pick one at random when I noticed a little twerp leering at me. He didn?t even have a wang, I mean this guy had a two inch doodle that barely protruded from his pubic hair. I was just about to laugh and say something when he started licking his eyebrows. That is when I knew I just had to have him. Might as well test that procedure too while we are at it I said, and picked him.

On the way back I was told that the tests would be conducted in three days time. In the meantime the prisoners would be shaved, given a haircut and bathed and receive proper food in preparation for the big event.

Oh Mr. Tseung, I am so excited. I am getting damp just thinking about it.

That is all for now. I shall report to you what happened during the tests as I will probably need to hear your opinion on the matter.

Yours forever grateful,


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 20, 2008, 06:23:08 PM
Meeting of the Psychology Students

Student A: ?Some forum members are posting noise.  How should Tseung handle them??

Student B: ?It will just draw in more readers.  People have a tendency to go where they see a crowd.  The serious readers such as the Chinese, Russian, USA, Japanese Intelligence or the inventors etc will filter every sentence.  Those who cannot filter are probably not intended readers.?

Student C: ?The Tseung posts are subtle technical and psychological wars.  Tseung raised the possibility that many Nations have already developed the Flying Saucer.  He outlined the theory in 1121 and 1165.  Any Nation can start developing them now if they have not done so already.?

Student D: ?Those who have will want to know how far the others have gone.  The Tseung posts are guaranteed to have dedicated readers.  The debunkers and other noise makers may have fun but they could not devalue the importance of this thread.?

Student A: ?Many who cannot invent would try to get on to the limelight at any cost.  This Tseung thread will allow them to appear in history ? even as a clown or as a simple noisemaker.  They could tell their grand children that they helped to make history.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 20, 2008, 07:04:55 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 20, 2008, 06:23:08 PM
Meeting of the Psychology Students


Student A: ?Many who cannot invent would try to get on to the limelight at any cost.  This Tseung thread will allow them to appear in history ? even as a clown or as a simple noisemaker.  They could tell their grand children that they helped to make history.?

Oh, the pity the old Tseung's grandchildren! They're probably too young to understand why grandpa foolishly made himself a clown instead of spending time with them! I'm so glad my grandpa was able to spend quality time with me and my siblings. Clowns will always be clowns.

Maybe Lawrence isn't too old to have watched the 1982 movie 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High' where Judge Reinhold was delivering pizza in his pirates uniform and wondered why the girls were looking at him in awe!

Perhaps Lawrence should watch that movie and get some reality check? His OU & UFO postulates are like that pirate uniform! Great movie. One of my favorites.



Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 20, 2008, 10:58:50 PM
Translated Email from Hainan Students

Dear Mr. Tseung,

Thank you for replying to our email.

We discussed the Flying Saucer Concept in 1165 with our professors.  They said that they have not heard it before but the concept is worth exploring.  We summarized our discussions as follows:

(1)   It is not using the standard action and reaction mechanism ? nothing is ejected out.
(2)   It uses the physics of non-rigid body rotation ? which is complex.
(3)   The moving part is held by magnetic attraction of pulsing electromagnets.
(4)   The propulsion is via the cutting off of the centripetal force similar to the chained ball.
(5)   Multiple of these magneto propulsion units are used.  These can replace wheels.
(6)   These magneto propulsion units are also cosmic energy machine generators.  There is no need for external energy source.

Our professors asked us whether we would be interested in doing serious research on this.  Do you think you can help us?  The first thing we need to do is to submit a detailed report for our university to consider funding.  This project may change our future and that of our race.

Tseung - attaching a photo to show the big jump required.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 21, 2008, 12:28:51 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 20, 2008, 10:58:50 PM
Translated Email from Hainan Students

Dear Mr. Tseung,

Thank you for replying to our email.

We discussed the Flying Saucer Concept in 1165 with our professors.  They said that they have not heard it before but the concept is worth exploring.  We summarized our discussions as follows:

(1)   It is not using the standard action and reaction mechanism ? nothing is ejected out.
(2)   It uses the physics of non-rigid body rotation ? which is complex.
(3)   The moving part is held by magnetic attraction of pulsing electromagnets.
(4)   The propulsion is via the cutting off of the centripetal force similar to the chained ball.
(5)   Multiple of these magneto propulsion units are used.  These can replace wheels.
(6)   These magneto propulsion units are also cosmic energy machine generators.  There is no need for external energy source.

Our professors asked us whether we would be interested in doing serious research on this.  Do you think you can help us?  The first thing we need to do is to submit a detailed report for our university to consider funding.  This project may change our future and that of our race.

Tseung - attaching a photo to show the big jump required.

Dear Hainan Students,

I visited the website http://www.hainu.edu.cn/en1/en1.htm and learned the general background of your University.  I would like to make the following suggestions:

(1)   Submit a total project proposal covering not only technology but also the related economic benefits including Mutual Credits, Model Farms etc.

(2)   Involve professors and students of other faculties including economics, politics, social science, agriculture, etc.

The reasons are:

(1)   The Flying Saucer and Cosmic Energy Machine Research is new and extremely prestigious.  Many well-known Universities in China will compete for Central Government Funding.  If your proposal covers only the technical aspect, the chance of winning is low.

(2)   If you include other aspects such Model Farms, you will have an edge.  Hainan Island has advantage in terms of climate, fertile land and other natural resources.  These projects are easier to understand and may produce financial benefits faster than that of Cosmic Energy Machines and Flying Saucers.

(3)   If some of the moneymaking projects can support the technology research, you will have a much stronger case.  The permanent site of the Asia Economic Summit is in Hainan Island.  If there is a chance to impress the many Heads of States, the project will be viewed favorably.

Please discuss the above carefully amongst yourselves and with your professors.  Email me back at the appropriate time.

*** Attached is a cultural center for the minority race.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 21, 2008, 04:45:36 AM
Meeting of the Economics Students

Student A: ?The Email to the Hainan Students from Tseung is interesting.  It applies to almost every University in China or elsewhere.   If the Cosmic Energy Machines and Flying Saucers really have so much impact, the research must cover all technical, social, economical and international aspects.?

Student B: ?I believe that the discussions should not be restricted to Universities.  It should be extended to all walks of society.?

Student C: ?I believe as the accepted think tanks of society, the Universities should carefully consider it first.  Otherwise the general public will get really confused.?

Student D: ?Many things need to be validated.  For example, we accept television as an essential necessity that should be in all households.  In the days of my parents, it was regarded as a luxury.  The Flying Saucer will be viewed as an absolute necessity probably 20 years from now.  But as of today, it is a dream.?

Student A: ?I believe discussing them intelligently should be part of our education.  The discussion can affect our future.  Do you agree??

All nodded in agreement.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 21, 2008, 08:00:14 AM
Tseung, you played with fire.  It is getting out of control.

The Hainan Students are not like the stupid kindergarten Forum Members.  They act.  They will research and develop the magneto propulsion units (MPU).  Almost all nations will jump in to develop something similar.

The greed, jealousy, hatred and the many hidden agenda of Humans will use such invention for evil.  You will not be able to direct and control them.  Doomsday for Humans is drawing close.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on January 21, 2008, 01:14:54 PM
"The Hainan Students are not like the stupid kindergarten Forum Members"
Amazing how he can totally ignore good posts, with real questions, but instead chooses to insult the forum members.
Lawrence, Larry, Im sorry we aren't acting the way you wanted us to. I am sure you are used to that by now though, as physics doesn't act the way you want it to, either.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 21, 2008, 04:23:28 PM
Quote from: Devil on January 21, 2008, 08:00:14 AM
Tseung, you played with fire.  It is getting out of control.

The Hainan Students are not like the stupid kindergarten Forum Members.  They act.  They will research and develop the magneto propulsion units (MPU).  Almost all nations will jump in to develop something similar.

The greed, jealousy, hatred and the many hidden agenda of Humans will use such invention for evil.  You will not be able to direct and control them.  Doomsday for Humans is drawing close.

Dear Devil,

Thank you for reminding me of the dark side of human nature.  I shall try my best to get the Leaders of this World and the General Public to be aware of the destructive power this technology could bring.

Attached is s picture from Hainan Island at a Park near the seashore.  Such beauty and decades of hard work could be wiped out in seconds if we allow the dark side of human nature to take over.

It will be fun to see pictures of the World Leaders swinging coconuts in the Asia Economic Summit.  That will signal the start of International Cooperation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 21, 2008, 04:51:23 PM

Hmmm...I seem to detect a schlight drop in ratings.

Perhaps its time for the appearence of a femme fatale colleague of minmei - I wood add that a little girl on girl action wood certainly provide interesting offshoot from the main story line - and add a extra 'zip' the 'do-da's' of the general members...shameless pun intended.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 21, 2008, 07:19:12 PM
Email from South Africa

Dear Lawrence

I am writing to you from South Africa. I saw the work you published in 2007 and am very excited about the progress made by yourself and your colleagues as well as some of the other people referred to in your papers, such as Wang Shum Ho. I also have a keen interest in free energy devices and believe firmly that we stand at the brink of an era that is going to see plenty of these designs come to the fore and challenging the status quo.

In fact, I believe an opportunity is presenting itself right now in South Africa that can put these new inventions on the map and I invite you to consider my proposal. The reason why I am saying this is because South Africa is on the brink of economical collapse due to our electricity network being under tremendous threat. We have a shortage of about 20% of the required capacity and experience load shedding on a daily basis throughout the entire country. There is mention of energy rations and severe penalties if the allowed usage is exceeded. The news broke today that government is considering stopping new industries being built in order to reduce further impacts. This is obviously the worst thing our stressed economy needs right now.

Here are some stories in the news today on 21/01/2008 to verify what I am saying: http://www.news24.com/News24/South_Africa/News/0,,2-7-1442_2255864,00.html, http://www.mg.co.za/articlePage.aspx?articleid=330203&area=/breaking_news/breaking_news__business/
I can supply plenty more, as this is THE main news in our country at this point in time. Regular load shedding became part of our lives exactly a year ago and they say it is expected to continue even through the 2010 FIFA world cup and into 2012 or beyond. This is the perfect time to bring the new technologies under the attention of the people and of the world and before you know it, nobody will deny it any longer. What we need is a small unit that can be produced easily in large quantities to power a typical house - something like the 5kw Wang Shum Ho unit will be perfect or even the magnifier to help with energy savings. We have a captured market here that is willing to look at anything because the problem is so severe. People are buying traditional generators for backup power for their homes and businesses, but we all know that they are contributing to pollution and also with fuel prices being so high, this is also not a cost effective solution for consumers.

Do you have any suggestions of how to go about getting the attention of the masses that are desperate for a solution? I have a few ideas of my own but I do not want to impose on you. If we can prove the concepts to the masses at a small scale, then they will force the government to consider doing similar things at a larger scale.

I trust you realize the potential of this opportunity being presented through this crisis if we act immediately.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on January 21, 2008, 10:33:21 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on January 21, 2008, 04:51:23 PM

Hmmm...I seem to detect a schlight drop in ratings.

Perhaps its time for the appearence of a femme fatale colleague of minmei - I wood add that a little girl on girl action wood certainly provide interesting offshoot from the main story line - and add a extra 'zip' the 'do-da's' of the general members...shameless pun intended.


What are you talking about Cap-Z-ro?

I am here. Give me and my ming a chance to prepare for the big event.

The world will soon see the validity of the Lee-Tseung theory of Lead Out. While I am waiting I am experimenting with the Lee-Tseung pull. 35 orgasms in 8 hours is a record, even for me. But my fingers are getting tired and I need a rest, from typing anyway.

Incidentally, attached is the gist of an E-mail I got from another CIA agent, presently in South Africa. It shows what he thinks of the place.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 21, 2008, 10:39:27 PM
Dear XXX of South Africa,

I have given much thought to your Email.  I would suggest the following:

(1)   Contact the professors at your Universities.  Show the Professors reply 1112, 1121 and 1165.  Ask for their professional opinion.  They are welcome to participate in this thread either using their real or virtual identity.

(2)   If their response is positive, get their support to communicate with the South African Government.  A possible early demonstration could be arranged for your Ambassador in Beijing to see the Cosmic Energy Machine prototypes.  Government level negotiations could start and the outcome is totally out of my hands.

(3)   If their response is negative, wait for the Official Announcement and Demonstration of the Cosmic Energy Machine Electricity Generators from China, Japan, or USA etc.

(4)   You should also check out the Hungarian EBM machine (gammamanager.com) and the various inventions in this Forum.  This action will strengthen your confidence in the validity of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.

(5)   You are welcome to contact Major Todd Hathaway of Department of Defense, USA directly (info@sci-us.org 301-320-3716) for Bedini Type Motors and the AERO Award Program.

(6)   Mr. Wang Shum Ho will be going to South Africa to receive his award at the World Confederation of Productivity Science later this year.  You can check with the organizers and may be able to get first hand information from him directly.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 21, 2008, 10:59:20 PM

"35 orgasms in 8 hours"

Seems t'me that I puled that off back in the 80's in one nite...with one hand tied behind my back......and the other taking dictation...;D


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 21, 2008, 11:20:10 PM
Talk amongst Stock Brokers and Clients in Hong Kong

Stock Broker A: ?It looks like the Stock Markets around the World are tumbling.  Do you think a recession is coming??

Stock Broker B: ?The Cosmic Energy Machine and Flying Saucer Inventions will be in the news soon.  USA will no longer be the number one powerhouse to dictate the economy of the World.  I shall ask my clients to wait before buying.  If they have cash, hold on for the announcement.?

Stock Broker C: ?If they do not buy and sell, we shall have no income.  My advice to them will be to buy, buy and buy.  This is the golden opportunity to make money.?

Client X: ?I give up.  Fortunately, I made enough money in the previous bull market.  It is time for a long vacation.?

Client Y: ?I saw my profit vaporized in a couple of weeks.  What should I do now?  Which Stock Broker should I trust??
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 22, 2008, 01:47:54 AM
I still miss Forever.....(sigh)  She made that water bottle experiment look interesting.  And, she never writes me any more.  Hopefully, she is not in a Chinese Gulag, or whatever they call the equivalent over there. Maybe she can "Lead out" of China.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 22, 2008, 03:29:00 AM
Government run gift store in Hainan Island


Some pictures of young girls for you. With a Government run store, there is little incentive for profit.  Even though the store is in an excellent tourism spot, the business is poor.

One gets the distinct feeling that the saleslady is not interested in selling.  How to turn this around will be a challenge.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 22, 2008, 03:45:20 AM
Private enterprise in Hainan Island

How much can one earn selling coconuts at USD0.3 (30 cents each)?

Hainan Island has thirty times the land size of Hong Kong.  The population is about ten million.  The GDP is less than 1/30 that of Hong Kong.  It has been a Special Development Zone (same as Shenzhen) for over 28 years.  Why is the economy not as well developed?

A few enlightened leaders have a great effect on the economy.  Hong Kong learned that painful lesson with Mr. Tung as its first Chief Executive.  Will the students turn out to be enlightened leaders?  Will Model Farms, Model Villages, Model Cities etc help them?  Will Cosmic Energy Machines, Flying Saucers help them?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 22, 2008, 04:16:57 AM
Meeting of top Economic Students

Student A: ?I can see the reason for Tseung posting the few pictures of Hainan Island.  He wants us to show the power of mutual credits.?

Student B: ?The normal local official will scratch his head trying to dream up ways of attracting investment, training and motivating workers, promoting tourism and special policy changes.?

Student C: ?If Hainan Island has a Mutual Credit Agreement with Hong Kong of USD1 billion per year, what would happen??

Student A: ?Hainan Business persons will be able to buy USD1 billion worth of goods and services from Hong Kong annually.  This profit will go into their pockets.  The resulting meaningful economic activity is likely to be many times that.?

Student B: ?Hong Kong Business persons will visit Hainan Island looking for investment opportunities to use the USD1 billion.  They are likely to actively propose developing tourist resorts, hotels, conference and entertainment centers.  The local official in Hainan Island will have much experienced help.?

Student C: ?What happens if Hainan Island has similar Mutual Credit Agreements with Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan etc??

Student A: ?Wow.  A few enlightened leaders with enlightened policies can indeed make a big difference.  I shall propose an Innovation Center running seminar courses and transporting students with Flying Saucers.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on January 22, 2008, 08:38:20 AM
"I shall propose an Innovation Center running seminar courses and transporting students with Flying Saucers.?"
That is, if I dont have to use a drill, or explain myself. And, I want first pick of all the young girls.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Schpankme on January 22, 2008, 10:31:14 AM
Quote from: Ben Waballs on January 22, 2008, 08:38:20 AM
I want first pick of all the young girls.

Hey Ben, How's the balls ?

- Schpankme
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 22, 2008, 04:25:55 PM

*showing great restraint, refuses to go for the 'Won Hung Lo' opening

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 22, 2008, 04:39:13 PM
I got it now,


Has anyone noticed, that this is a picture of Lawrence Tseung's secret flying saucer development laboratory.

Notice the green four legged stool in the foreground. Behind it a box of plastic bottles, I am sure there must be some string somewhere.

The real secret is the coconuts. If you put one of those on a string and swing it instead of a plastic bottle you must get many times the Lead Out energy.

I didn't know he was so well advanced into construction of the flying saucer. No wonder his students are already talking about moving millions of tourists with them. I mean, look at the number of coconuts, how many of these things is he building?

Good on you Lawrence

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 22, 2008, 07:50:05 PM
Talk amongst the Political Studies Students

Student A: ?Is it good to take a totally hands-off approach and wait for crisis to come before acting such as the present USA mortgage led crisis?  Or is it better to use the two hands policy of China??

Student B: ?When crisis occurs, the mood swings to the two hands policy of China.  The Government is involved all the time ? planning on one hand and market driven on the other.?

Student C: ?When there are no crisis, business persons and investors would favor no Government involvement.?

Student D: ?I prefer the two hands policy of China.  It is the important factor for the China Miracle for the last 20 years.  Why change a successful thing??

Tseung - attached is the picture at the sand strip dividing the Ocean and the rivers.  The Chinese Characters mean - who will take the lead?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 22, 2008, 07:58:12 PM
Hey!  Isn't that fellow on the left the legendary Chinese test pilot Col. Wu "Chicken" Chowmein?  I can't believe it. He was the first man to pilot a flying 4 legged stool past the sound barrier back in 1997. That is a dangerous business, real "seat of the pants" flying.  Is he going to be test flying the saucers?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 22, 2008, 10:00:59 PM
This is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the flying saucer disguised as a dragon.


Ingenious Mr Tseung.

Hans von Lieven

BTW. I thought wearing lampshades on their heads was no longer fashionable in China.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Schpankme on January 22, 2008, 10:19:36 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 22, 2008, 10:00:59 PM
This is the flying saucer disguised ...


If you use inferred radio-spectrography-Leadout-technology, you will notice two (2) Anomalies in the photograph; and they look to be flying saucers, above the crowd.

- Schpankme

"Measure it to the thousandth, mark it with a felt tip pen, and cut it with a chain saw."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 22, 2008, 11:07:31 PM
Quote from: Schpankme on January 22, 2008, 10:19:36 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 22, 2008, 10:00:59 PM
This is the flying saucer disguised ...


If you use inferred radio-spectrography-Leadout-technology, you will notice two (2) Anomalies in the photograph; and they look to be flying saucers, above the crowd.

- Schpankme

"Measure it to the thousandth, mark it with a felt tip pen, and cut it with a chain saw."

That's really what I have been telling you people all along! I said that UFO's originate from inside old Tseung's head and sure enough, one actually got out and landed on his head!

Now, the four legged stool, water bottles and UFO's are all real and we even have Hans disclosed the location of the lab. on Hainan island! Wow, who would have thought all these goodies are finally being discovered this week. It's mind boggling.

Maybe the National Academy of Science in Beijing ought to examine Tseung's skull before the 3rd stroke takes away all these crap. Sorry, I meant brain matter!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bessler007 on January 23, 2008, 01:26:52 AM
I don't know what we'll do when the writer's strike ends and Lee-Tseung has to go back to work.  I hope it never ends.

mib HQ

Edit:  Professor Who Flung Dung, do you ever laugh so hard it hurts your head right behind your ears?  lol.  You're killing me!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 23, 2008, 05:54:19 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 22, 2008, 10:00:59 PM
This is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the flying saucer disguised as a dragon.


Ingenious Mr Tseung.

Hans von Lieven

BTW. I thought wearing lampshades on their heads was no longer fashionable in China.

No, those are the special helmets they need to use when piloting the flying saucers. ;)

And... is that a foot sticking out of that blue launch pad?! Now I know they bricked some slave labourers into the Great Wall,
but I didn't know it was common practise in China to brick people up into the masonry of say even launch pads!
And a camouflaged launch pad as wel... Made to look like a pedestal for a dragon sculpture...
... what a bunch of sneaky conspiracists, those Chinese ufo-builders! :)

Obviously, the Chinese govt arrested those thousands of Qi-gong members because their research conflicted the use of
Qi/Chi power generators to make these saucers fly. Tseungs theories are meant to distract us while they build their army of flying saucers to come and force-feed us chow mein like they do with foie gras geese.
As you know, Hans and Chris and Bill and all you fellow CIA agents, the latest security reports clearly show how the Chinese plan to subjugate all of the western world is already being executed, and within 2 decades we will be overrun by aggressive chinese UFOs piloted by little yellow guys wearing lampshades, who will round us all up to do forced labour building the rest of the Great Wall, so that it will finally span the entire globe thus dividing the world into 2 parts: China and The Rest.
As the most recent reports clearly state, the unsurpassed power contained in the little green plastic stools, combined with the awesome critical mass contained in the special Hainan coconuts, completely dwarfs anything we have lying around in our arsenal at present.
Prudent courses of action to be taken are listed in section 3c, decryption cypher part 1: "CCTV1123".

Also, your attention is drawn to the recent stock market instability, and its obvious direct reltation to the Chinese leading out energy from thin air.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 24, 2008, 02:46:39 AM
What is happening?

Has good old Lawrence decided to give up? I hope not. I was so looking forward to Mingmei's BIG EVENT!

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 24, 2008, 03:23:05 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 24, 2008, 02:46:39 AM
What is happening?

Has good old Lawrence decided to give up? I hope not. I was so looking forward to Mingmei's BIG EVENT!

Hans von Lieven

Sorry to disappoint you Hans. I think he'll be back, he just needs some R&R in Hainan Iisland getting his fruits peeled by some ladies..... At least that's what I think is happening!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 24, 2008, 07:07:30 PM
A technical meeting at the home of Lee Cheung Kin

Participants include a retired Aeronautics Professor, two engineers with strong background in propulsion systems from China.

Prof: "We heard Lee talk.  We are here to learn the details.  Give us the theory first."

Tseung: "Here is the pendulum - contents of 1121 ......"

Within half an hour, the three influential visitors nodded their heads.

Engineer A: ?Everything falls into place nicely: pulsed pendulum, magnetic pendulum, unbalanced rotation, and pulsed rotation.  The explanation is simple, elegant and brilliant.  We enjoy it.?

Prof: ?I shall check your mathematics in detail later. Which is the ideal angle of swing?  I would guest that there should be an optimal angle.?

Engineer B: ?Please give us some working examples  The theory is so simple and I am sure many inventions will come out as a result.?

Lee: ?Many inventors do not know the theory.  Their inventions were classified as the impossible perpetual motion machines.?

The following examples were thoroughly discussed:
(1)   Tsing Hua Electricity Magnifier
(2)   Chas Campbell Electricity Magnifier
(3)   The Liang IC pulsed cylinder engine
(4)   The Choa Improvement
(5)   The Wang Shum Ho Electricity Generator
(6)   The 225 HP Motor
(7)   The Newman and Bedini Motors
(8 )   The Milkovic Pendulum etc.

Prof: ?I know that this trip is worthwhile.  I shall call my Aeronautical University Contacts.  We shall present this to the thousands of young students.?

Tseung: ?There is also the crowning jewel ? the Flying Saucer (1165).?

Tseung then presented the following:
(1)   A totally out-of-the-box thinking technology ? NOT using action and reaction
(2)   The chained ball or water bottle experiment ? non-rigid body rotation physics
(3)   The proposed experiment in 1165 and its possible improvements
(4)   The expected flying behavior of the Flying Saucer
(5)   The potential impact to China and the World.

Engineer A: ?Explain it one more time.  This is really out-of-the-box thinking.  I have spent most of my life on propulsion systems.  This is revolutionary.  If it works, wow!? 

Prof: "Let me do the explaining.  I understand it.  Every statement is correct in the context of Physics.  However, I still want to do the experiments."

Engineer B: ?Can you write up your article in Chinese?  I think that it is extremely important for our upper level Officials.  They must thoroughly understand and support it.?

The next meeting will be in Shenzhen with good Internet connections.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 24, 2008, 07:14:29 PM

I believe Lawrence has been somewhat delayed - apparently he was to meet with George Bush who read about his theories (as part of his medically prescribed competency reading program)

Bush tho, apparently at the last minute suddenly had to rush off on some important middle east matter, and is seen here unwinding following a lengthy 'summit'.  http://tinyurl.com/yov4da


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 24, 2008, 07:24:32 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 24, 2008, 07:07:30 PM
A technical meeting at the home of Lee Cheung Kin

Participants include a retired Aeronautics Professor, two engineers with strong background in propulsion systems from China.

Prof: "We heard Lee talk.  We are here to learn the details.  Give us the theory first."

Tseung: "Here is the pendulum - contents of 1121 ......"

Within half an hour, the three influential visitors nodded their heads.

Engineer A: ?Everything falls into place nicely: pulsed pendulum, magnetic pendulum, unbalanced rotation, and pulsed rotation.  The explanation is simple, elegant and brilliant.  We enjoy it.?

Prof: ?I shall check your mathematics in detail later. Which is the ideal angle of swing?  I would guest that there should be an optimal angle.?

Engineer B: ?Please give us some working examples  The theory is so simple and I am sure many inventions will come out as a result.?

Lee: ?Many inventors do not know the theory.  Their inventions were classified as the impossible perpetual motion machines.?

The following examples were thoroughly discussed:
(1)   Tsing Hua Electricity Magnifier
(2)   Chas Campbell Electricity Magnifier
(3)   The Liang IC pulsed cylinder engine
(4)   The Choa Improvement
(5)   The Wang Shum Ho Electricity Generator
(6)   The 225 HP Motor
(7)   The Newman and Bedini Motors
(8 )   The Milkovic Pendulum etc.

Prof: ?I know that this trip is worthwhile.  I shall call my Aeronautical University Contacts.  We shall present this to the thousands of young students.?

Tseung: ?There is also the crowning jewel ? the Flying Saucer (1165).?

Tseung then presented the following:
(1)   A totally out-of-the-box thinking technology ? NOT using action and reaction
(2)   The chained ball or water bottle experiment ? non-rigid body rotation physics
(3)   The proposed experiment in 1165 and its possible improvements
(4)   The expected flying behavior of the Flying Saucer
(5)   The potential impact to China and the World.

Engineer A: ?Explain it one more time.  This is really out-of-the-box thinking.  I have spent most of my life on propulsion systems.  This is revolutionary.  If it works, wow!? 

Prof: "Let me do the explaining.  I understand it.  Every statement is correct in the context of Physics.  However, I still want to do the experiments."

Engineer B: ?Can you write up your article in Chinese?  I think that it is extremely important for our upper level Officials.  They must thoroughly understand and support it.?

The next meeting will be in Shenzhen with good Internet connections.

See Hans. What did I tell you? He'll be back preaching more mumbo-jumbo physics to and from farm land retired professors and 'propulsion' engineers that can't speak for themselves and conveniently don't have internet connections either. To date, can you even imagine if such revolutionary teachings and postulates made absolute sense, Mr Tseung's photo and biography would be in all major tech. journals. May be even more famous than the late Bruce Lee.

I didn't see any. Not even any farm land publications. None of these so called top level physics professors of distinguished universities wrote one line of support in this forum. As for Mr. Bill Fung, I think he was too embarrassed to speak out!

So much from my observation today. Good day.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 24, 2008, 08:33:44 PM
Meeting of the Psychology Students

Student A: ?Mr. Tseung is focusing heavily on the Flying Saucer Technology.  He is emphasizing the out-of-the-box thinking.  He says that he is not using the standard physics of action and reaction.  He focuses on non-rigid body rotation.  What are your comments??

Student B: ?I am sure that Mr. Tseung is at least two steps ahead of many kindergarten forum members.  I spoke to my science and engineering friends and gave them a water bottle to swing.  They initially laughed at me.?

Student C: ?I am interested in what happens at the end.?

Student B: ?After they read 1165, they talked excitedly amongst themselves.  I could not follow their technical talk and left.?

Student A: ?Do you think Tseung can benefit the World by openly disclosing unconfirmed theories and experimental suggestions in an open Forum like this?  Do you think that he should spend more time at the Universities and at the other scientific Forums??

Student D: ?This is not the only forum he posts.  His posts are all over the energy related forums.  His emails reached almost every well-known university in the World.  I do not think that China will send their top brains to Hong Kong for pure vacation purposes in the home of Lee Cheung Kin.?

Student C: ?Participation in this overunity forum does not involve any additional expenses.  Tseung does not even need to step out of the house to type and convey his message to the World.  The last time I checked, this thread has over 48,000 views.  He would have died speaking to these many people individually.?

Lawrence Tseung
Sowing seeds via the Internet is easy.  It can be done in the comfort of home.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bessler007 on January 24, 2008, 09:22:56 PM
Yes, but such a noble death it would be, grasshopper.  The question is how many of those 48,000 have spent the energy to click on some ads to help pay the light bill.

Quote from: ltseung888 on January 24, 2008, 08:33:44 PM
. . .  The last time I checked, this thread has over 48,000 views.  He would have died speaking to these many people individually.?
. . .

I just clicked 3 ads.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 24, 2008, 11:08:40 PM

Hmmm, in all the posts relating to the potential of water, both pro and con,I cannot recall any references to the hidden properties of water according to Viktor Schauberger.

He wood have been on the planet when Mingmei's great granny was in her cougar days.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on January 24, 2008, 11:25:32 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on January 24, 2008, 11:08:40 PMI cannot recall any references to the hidden properties of water according to Viktor Schauberger.

Try use a search engine.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 25, 2008, 12:39:58 AM
There are 64 known anomalies of water.


No-one is talking about hidden qualities. Schauberger talks of  extraordinary properties, which is true and known.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bessler007 on January 25, 2008, 03:12:43 AM
Hello Hans,

Water is a fascinating molecule wrt energy and power.  It creates the boundary separating life from the alternative.  Philosophically speaking, it is the element causing the changing of understanding.

Water amazes me.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 25, 2008, 05:14:41 AM
Well, although water is a very usefull substance, I still don't see what it has to do with Tseungs nonsense posts...

Tseung A: "I am the greatest genious the world has ever seen. The brilliance of my theories is only surpassed by the unrivaled beauty of my face."
Tseung B "Yes, indeed I am. And now let me vomit a whole lot of bullshit about ufos and top it up with a few nonexistant fantasy professors and engineers who also take turns sticking feathers up my butt, in my imagination."
Tseung C "Oh joy, what a great idea! Shall I just rant on about nothing as well?"
Tseung A "Yes, I'd advise to do so. That must convince everybody of the validity of my idiotic claims and posts."
Tseung B "I do think so too, if I say so myself. Let's throw in a lot of bullshit and some more ufo's, and I found this word "conference" in my dictionnary, let's throw that in as well."
Tseung C "How long do you think it'll take before I get the bullshit of the millenium award?"
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on January 25, 2008, 06:09:37 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on January 25, 2008, 05:14:41 AM
Well, although water is a very usefull substance, I still don't see what it has to do with Tseungs nonsense posts...

Without water, pills are sometimes hard or even impossible to swallow.
Hence, the consequences?

What I can?t see is what the swing has to do with it.  ???
Any idea?
Clues: it doesn?t have to be water. Magnets seem to work too. Just something/anything to swing for some time, long enough for the ufos to fly off. Hmm? still can?t get it.

Well, let the posts flowing: they are more than funny.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on January 25, 2008, 06:14:30 AM
Just finished translating the updated flying saucer article in 1165. ;D

This Chinese article will be circulated extensively in China.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 25, 2008, 07:08:54 AM
Well then it can be as useless in China as it is in the rest of the world.

I'm getting a bit annoyed but I'll say it one last time: PROOF!
Stop posting all the bullshit and the fantasy discussions!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on January 25, 2008, 09:57:19 AM
Sure you did 'Forever tseung'.

It must suck to be so frustrated, so insecure, that you have to engage (degrade)  strangers on the internet to make your ego swell.
I guess it hasnt gone so good with Major Todd Hathaway and his wife Nora, of the DOD, and their Hitler-ish friend, Donny Rumsfeld.
Perhaps Major Todd Hathaway has choked on 1151, 1632, and 6969?
PS: Sphankme, they are hanging fine, thanks for asking!:)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 25, 2008, 04:06:07 PM

"all the "POSTS" relating to the potential of water"

As quoted above, in my previous post I noticed no comments made in "this thread", referenciing Shauberger or his ideas.

Also...there was much debate and speculation on the methodology required to pump water to a certain height.

Shaauberger had some interesting theories on the properties in water. - which tie in very nicely into this 'debate'.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on January 26, 2008, 04:02:24 AM
Explaining non rigid body rotation

I have produced a more simple explanation file. (See attached file)
There is enough interest in Hong Kong for us to start a company to do research and development of the flying saucer. I shall be part of it!

I shall try to answer your reasonable question. However, I am busy with my studies and I only promise to answer one question a day.  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 26, 2008, 09:05:28 AM
once again, nothing is explained, you only refer back to the totally unsatisfactory earlier posts which have completely failed to convince anyone.

It is the 100th repetition of the old Tseung dogma "if I just keep repeating myself and call it "explanation", people will understand what I refuse to explain to them."...

It is getting old and very boring.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on January 26, 2008, 10:16:50 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I am not at all happy. The big event has been and gone (well partially anyway) and my rectum hurts like hell. It will be days before I can continue with the experiments.

Let me tell you what happened.

Langley had prepared a special security room for the event. Apart from a massive bed it contained little else. Hidden cameras covered every inch of the room. There were two security guards outside the locked door. I was to lie naked on the bed and they would bring in the subjects naked and lock them into the room with me for the duration of the test.

I was looking forward to it. I had not had a decent male appendage service me since this whole thing started and I was ready for a good romp in the hay.

I got more than I bargained for.

I was lying on the bed, my feet wide apart towards the door when the subject was pushed into the room and the door locked.

He stood there for a moment, my presence had the desired effect. His monster manhood stood to full attention. I was drooling in anticipation.

Then suddenly, without a word, he stepped forward, grabbed my feet and violently flipped me on to my stomach. He threw himself on top of me and rammed that schlong of his into my back passage without foreplay or lubrication. I felt something tear. The pain was so intense I must have passed out for a while for I remember little of him pounding into me with violent thrusts for quite a long time as the video footage shows.

Suddenly he stopped and climbed off me. He stood in front of the bed again and grabbed my feet, flipping me onto my back, ready to enter me from the front this time, when he went rigid and let out a big gasp. He stared down in utter disbelief as he watched this massive member of his turning blue and emitting an eerie glow.

Then brilliant bluish white sparks started flying off the head of his tool, raining down onto the carpet, turning into a white powder on the way down. The whole thing was burning down like a sparkler on a birthday cake. He never said anything, the expression on his face never changed and he never moved. Perhaps he couldn?t.

I knew then what was happening. His member had been in intimate contact with my cosmic number twos and the moment he withdrew from my protective field the Lee-Tseung lead out action commenced, liberating energy as predicted by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory.

By this time I was sitting up, watching with glee the demise of my tormentor.

I thought the reaction would stop when his schlong had been consumed but it kept going, burning a deep hole into his pubic area and then spreading outward until there was nothing left between his knees and his upper torso. That is when the process started to slow down and eventually it stopped altogether.

This was really weird. There was this upper torso hanging in mid air, above what was left of his legs. At this moment I had another blinding revelation.

Energy from still air! Lee-Tseung is right again. The air was carrying some of the energy released in the process keeping the torso suspended against gravity.

When the reaction had stopped it still hung there for a few moments and then fell perpendicularly onto the remains of his legs impaling itself as gravity took over again. He looked like a midget with just his feet sticking out from under his chest. He just stood there, still that look of disbelief on his face.

The door opened and Professor Who Flung Dung with his brother and assistant Who Don Chit entered the room.

Who Don Chit pointed at the body and said to his brother: ?See, I told you this guy was really up himself. Here is the proof.?

I tried to get up but the pain was so intense I passed out again. I came to in a hospital bed and was told that my rectum was badly torn and needed surgery and that they were preparing for this right now. They gave me an injection and then I passed out again.

I am now recovering from the ordeal. I am not allowed to eat anything until it is healed up better because they do not know what my cosmic number twos would do to the wound and they are not taking any chances.

The next two experiments have been postponed until I feel better.

Professor Who Flung Dung visits me three times day. He tells me they are successfully leading out gravity and hope to have a working prototype of a new free energy machine within days.

Keep up the good work Mr. Tseung, you are a genius.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on January 26, 2008, 01:16:56 PM
Thank you Mr. Langley,

If it wasnt for your efforts, which have far surpassed the efforts of your mentor, Larry Tseung, we would have thought by now that he had nothing.That he was washed up, finished as a pretend scientist on the internets. On the Googles.  But, thanks to you, and the heart felt telling of what happened to you, we know now that you carry the torch in this thread.
Although we were very happy to see that forever translated that chinese photo of a man to an english photo of a man. Now we idiot kindergartners can understand it.
Langley, your posts are more valid now than Tseungs, so we should rename this the "Flung Poo OU Forum".

When the poo flows free, get away from leading out me.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on January 26, 2008, 01:40:45 PM
Nora H. Maccoby is an award-winning screenwriter (Buffalo Soldiers, Bongwater), television producer of VH1's new show Stephanie Spring; author; and lecturer with expertise in alternative energy technologies. She is co-founder of Nature's Partners, a non-profit foundation devoted to energy literacy/education. As Vice President of The Maccoby Group, she consults with a broad range of energy users and influentials, including members of Congress, the Department of Defense, International Fund for China's Environment, the State of California, the government of Grenada, the New Energy Congress, private industry and new energy technology entities.
Bongwater has to be the worst movie ive ever seen, its almost as bad as eagle vs shark
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 26, 2008, 02:02:48 PM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 26, 2008, 06:27:24 PM
Tseung, you are using the term non-rigid body rotation.  How could the kindergarten Forum Members understand?

There may be a few who have graduated from kindergarten.  Those are the rare exceptions.  The many top guns in Area 51 or at Tsing Hua University etc do not need elementary physics explanations. Major Todd Hathaway of DoD and the Russian Archimedes Experts will only laugh at your primary school level knowledge.

This thread will degenerate into a joke.  You will not benefit the World.  You will not gain any fame or fortune.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 27, 2008, 09:02:53 AM
lol now you've really shown your true colours, "devil" a.k.a. Tseung.

Of course, the reason why we don't follow the fantasy theories this "Tseung" presents,
is not the total and complete inability and refusal of this "Tseung" to explain them properly
without reverting back to sticking feathers up his own butt and never ending fake
discussions with fantasy people,
but rather it is us, the people who keep asking for proper explanation and analysis of those
so-called "theories", who don't want to or cannot understand what it is that has still not been explained properly...

Do you see how idiotic that sounds?
Oh, I forgot, you're Tseung, and logic is not your fort?...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 27, 2008, 02:10:36 PM
I disagree Koen,

He DID explain it well, the trouble is that his basic assumptions are nonsense and reveal almost complete ignorance of physics.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 27, 2008, 07:41:33 PM
Well, Hans, he explained to a certain degree...
But when presented with contrary evidence and asked for a proper explanation as to how this fits in, and/or asked to
explain how he plainly seems to claim to circumvent or 'break' certain laws of physics,
he does not explain this properly if at all, and certainly does not provide any form of convincing evidence to support his claims...
Which of course, and I do admit that, is very difficult to do in any case, when one is almost completely ignorant of physics. ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 27, 2008, 08:01:16 PM
Quote from: Devil on January 26, 2008, 06:27:24 PM
Tseung, you are using the term non-rigid body rotation.  How could the kindergarten Forum Members understand?

There may be a few who have graduated from kindergarten.  Those are the rare exceptions.  The many top guns in Area 51 or at Tsing Hua University etc do not need elementary physics explanations. Major Todd Hathaway of DoD and the Russian Archimedes Experts will only laugh at your primary school level knowledge.

This thread will degenerate into a joke.  You will not benefit the World.  You will not gain any fame or fortune.

Dear Devil,

In sowing seeds, I do not care who really understands.  One seed (including you) is good enough.  Watering one seed on the Internet spends the same time and energy as watering a thousand.  The noise would help me to pass the lonely hours.

In raising the term ?non-rigid body rotation?, the physicists will then refresh their knowledge in angular momentum, precession, centripetal, centrifugal forces, torque, harmonic motion, damped harmonic motion, tangential velocity, elliptical orbits etc.

There is no way that I can teach these advanced level physics to the average layman.  The only way is to ask them to throw a water bottle or a coconut.  The Hainan Students did that and enjoyed the new found knowledge.  They have the added advantage of youth and professors to consult.

The top propulsion engineers immediately knew that we have jumped out of the box.  We do not use the standard action and reaction principle.  They may still be checking the validity but they already used a different frame of reference.  They sense that it is a revolution.

I gave the task of educating the non-physicist forum members to Forever.  She can practice her teaching skills. 

I shall focus on dealing with top guns only.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 27, 2008, 09:23:43 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 27, 2008, 08:01:16 PM
Dear Devil,

In sowing seeds, I do not care who really understands.  One seed (including you) is good enough.  Watering one seed on the Internet spends the same time and energy as watering a thousand. 
I shall focus on dealing with top guns only.

Stupid and arrogant Tseung, you treat me as a seed!  I am above you humans in all aspects.  I am everywhere and live forever.  I can be in the soul of every human being at the same time.

Let me show how stupid you are.  In the first figure of 1165, you have rods that can be pulled out at the bottom.  You can pull them up from the top.  You can figure out the stupid reason yourself.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 28, 2008, 01:34:04 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 27, 2008, 08:01:16 PM
There is no way that I can teach these advanced level physics to the average layman.  The only way is to ask them to throw a water bottle or a coconut.  The Hainan Students did that and enjoyed the new found knowledge.  They have the added advantage of youth and professors to consult.

See guys,

I told you the coconut is his next secret weapon.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on January 28, 2008, 02:42:27 AM
My coconut swinging students got my attention.

I always thought UFOs were hoaxes.  No human aircraft could remain stationary; turn suddenly; or fly to outer space; etc.

I read the files in 1112, 1121 and 1165 a few times.  They raised some important aspects of Physics that I did not pay attention to previously.  Let me raise my questions one at a time.

(1) Non-rigid body rotation implies (a) change of shape (non-rigid) and (b) circular motion (rotation).  If the pendulum bob is a Non-Rigid Body A, can this Non-Rigid Body A cause the pendulum setup to swing and extract gravitational energy?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 28, 2008, 06:37:35 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on January 28, 2008, 02:42:27 AM
My coconut swinging students got my attention.

I always thought UFOs were hoaxes.  No human aircraft could remain stationary; turn suddenly; or fly to outer space; etc.

I read the files in 1112, 1121 and 1165 a few times.  They raised some important aspects of Physics that I did not pay attention to previously.  Let me raise my questions one at a time.

(1) Non-rigid body rotation implies (a) change of shape (non-rigid) and (b) circular motion (rotation).  If the pendulum bob is a Non-Rigid Body A, can this Non-Rigid Body A cause the pendulum setup to swing and extract gravitational energy?

Dear Top Gun,

I guess that you must be from Hainan Island.  Welcome to the Forum.

We may disagree on UFOs.  You believed they were hoaxes.  I believe that they can both be man-made or from a more advanced civilization.  Now, I can even design one.  The chances of many man-made ones appearing on our skies will be very high.

Now the answer to your question:
(1)   If the pendulum bob is a Non-Rigid Body A, can this Non-Rigid Body A cause the pendulum setup to swing and extract gravitational energy?

The answer is YES.  I believe you might have played on the swing in the playgrounds when you were young.  When you were very young, you might have asked someone to push you up.  When you got older, you probably mastered the technique of getting the swing to swing higher by yourself.  You shifted your center of gravity.  You swung out your legs.  You bent your body.  If those motions were done properly, you would swing higher.

The force and energy mainly came from you.  Before the Lee-Tseung theory, most physicists would have assumed that you were the sole source of force and energy.  With the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory, you would have Lead Out extract gravitational energy. Your correct timing provided the needed pulse.

I look forward to your next reasonable question.

Lawrence Tseung
I do not know what Top Gun is leading us into.  But it is fun to answer intelligent questions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on January 28, 2008, 08:24:02 AM
Since the devil isnt working anymore, now its time for TOP GUN! Come on Tom Cruise get im!!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 28, 2008, 08:39:19 AM
Whahahahaha! :D

QuoteThe force and energy mainly came from you.  Before the Lee-Tseung theory, most physicists would have assumed that you were the sole source of force and energy.  With the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory, you would have Lead Out extract gravitational energy.

Right... So before we had your fantastic "theory", the person swinging the weight was doing all the work.
But now, with your fantastic "theory", the person is only doing most of the work, and is "leading out" some small amount of energy from gravity.
That's what you're  saying?
Aren't you forgetting to mention that your fantastic "theory" says nothing more than "I claim we can 'lead out' energy from gravity"?
So basically your "theory" is a claim that you can do what you claim...
But not a true theory as such...

Oh, and any idiot can "design" a UFO.
It's a functional and properly described propulsion system that's the difficult part.

Just shouting "I can lead out gravity energy!" doesn't lift anything, be it a coconut or a flying disc craft.
Maybe if you stick enough feathers up your own butt, that will make you fall less fast, but it still won't lift you up.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on January 28, 2008, 12:56:27 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Thank you for your clear explanation of my first question. 

My second question is a slight modification of the water bottle or the hammer toss experiment. 

(2) If one end of the rope is tied to the body as shown, when you release the water bottle, coconut or hammer, which direction will your body be jerked or pulled?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on January 28, 2008, 04:09:00 PM
This should clarify it,
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 28, 2008, 04:58:58 PM
@ Ben:

Is this a picture of Mingmei?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 28, 2008, 05:02:17 PM
Quote from: Ben Waballs on January 28, 2008, 04:09:00 PM
This should clarify it,

Wow! If old Tseung's theory can really LEAD OUT this size, I'm sure Viagra will be history! I'll better study read hard. Goto find a good physics teacher soon.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 28, 2008, 05:21:40 PM
I wonder how Mingmei would classify one of this size.

So far we have, in order of size from small to large, Doodle, Wang, Dong and Schlong. I am sure this one is not covered with Schlong. Please tell us Mingmei. What is a monster like this called at Langley?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 28, 2008, 05:21:43 PM

*tippy toes quietly into ring and props up effigy of Victor Schauberger in neutral corner
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 28, 2008, 06:58:35 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on January 28, 2008, 12:56:27 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Thank you for your clear explanation of my first question. 

My second question is a slight modification of the water bottle or the hammer toss experiment. 

(2) If one end of the rope is tied to the body as shown, when you release the water bottle, coconut or hammer, which direction will your body be jerked or pulled?

Dear Top Gun,

I could not resist trying your suggested experiment this morning.  I modified it slightly as in the attached figure.

Indeed, my hand was jerked or pulled in the direction of water bottle motion.  It could be up, down, front, back, left or right.  It really proves that the non-rigid body rotational motion can provide the propulsion in any direction.  Thank you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 28, 2008, 09:07:05 PM
Tseung and Top Gun, you two have brought the World one step closer to doomsday.  All the terrorist groups (including governments) will now understand the principle behind the Flying Saucer.  Many will produce it.  The terror that brings would be more than the Atomic Bombs.

As for the many noise makers, you can ask them to go to hell.  I would tell them to visit me.  I have eternity to educate them.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 28, 2008, 11:07:39 PM
Meeting of the Science Students

Student A: ?We tried the latest water bottle experiment with left hand holding one end of the string while swirling the water bottle with the right hand.  When let go, the jerking force on the left hand is in the direction of motion of the bottle.  Did you all do the experiment??

Student B: ?The jerk really pulled my hand.  The harder I swirl, the harder the jerk.  It is a very conclusive experiment.  I missed the part in throwing the water bottle furthest.?

Student C: ?Newton saw the apple falling on his head and discovered his laws of motion.  Lee pulsed the pendulum and discovered Leading Out of Gravitational Energy.  Tseung et al swung the water bottle and discovered the superior propulsion system.  Are they lucky??

Student D: ?Einstein said something about 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.  Lee-Tseung had their Lead Out theory first demonstrated in December 2004. Ms. Winni Woo first proposed the Flying Saucer theory in 2005.  These theories have not made it to the established textbooks.  I expect much more sweat.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 29, 2008, 12:30:42 AM
So, Lawrence gets his Free Energy from the USA then?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 29, 2008, 12:30:58 AM
Meeting of the political science students

Student A: ?The recent snow storms in China paralyzed half of the Country.  If China had the Flying Saucers, the disaster would not even arise.  People and goods can fly anywhere.?

Student B: ?If Tseung et al carried the stringed water bottle and present in front of the top Officials of China, what do you think might be the reaction??

Student C: ?They would have been stopped by the security guards.  Unless they have the professors at Tsing Hua, Beijing or other top Universities with them.?

Student D: ?The chance of the top Officials not supporting Flying Saucer Research is zero.  They might have no choice but to let the General Public acquire the knowledge.  There is no way they can take away all ropes/strings and all water bottles or coconuts.  I begin to see why they allowed the Woo-Fong-Tseung Flying Saucer patent in China.?

Student A: ?What happens if Tseung et al demonstrate the water bottle at Russian Archimedes or at AEPC in USA??
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 29, 2008, 02:12:58 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 29, 2008, 12:30:58 AM
Meeting of the political science students

Student A: ?The recent snow storms in China paralyzed half of the Country.  If China had the Flying Saucers, the disaster would not even arise.  People and goods can fly anywhere.?

If the dog would not have stopped for a shit it would have caught the rabbit.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on January 29, 2008, 02:31:46 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 28, 2008, 11:07:39 PM
Meeting of the Science Students

Student A: ?We tried the latest water bottle experiment with left hand holding one end of the string while swirling the water bottle with the right hand.  When let go, the jerking force on the left hand is in the direction of motion of the bottle.  Did you all do the experiment??

Student B: ?The jerk really pulled my hand.  The harder I swirl, the harder the jerk.  It is a very conclusive experiment.  I missed the part in throwing the water bottle furthest.?

Student C: ?Newton saw the apple falling on his head and discovered his laws of motion.  Lee pulsed the pendulum and discovered Leading Out of Gravitational Energy.  Tseung et al swung the water bottle and discovered the superior propulsion system.  Are they lucky??

Student D: ?Einstein said something about 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.  Lee-Tseung had their Lead Out theory first demonstrated in December 2004. Ms. Winni Woo first proposed the Flying Saucer theory in 2005.  These theories have not made it to the established textbooks.  I expect much more sweat.?

OK, I realize this thread has degenerated into a joke, but this is such a moronic idea.  Newton's law of opposing forces is still at play.  While the hammer thrower accelerated the hammer around him, he did have to exert an opposing force the entire time.  The force is exerted in keeping the hammer swinging circularly.  There is no force involved in letting go.  So duh, of course there will not be an opposing force at that point. 

However, if you were in outer space and tied to do this, what would happen is that you and the hammer would circle each other, since you have no traction to stand in place.  You would always be moving opposite the hammer, and as soon as you let go, you would float in the opposite direction.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 29, 2008, 02:42:56 AM

How dare you bring rationality and real physics into this thread. It severely offends the esprit de corps.

Hans von Lieven  ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 29, 2008, 03:44:18 AM
Mwahahahaha :D Hans! funny!
But it does sound a bit like the famous hare and the arrow story... Was it a version of Zeno's paradoxes?
You probably know it, like most people do, but it wouldn't surprise me if Tseung has never heard of it, since most common logic seems to be way out there for Tseung.
If we have a hare running away from us, and we fire an arrow at it, the arrow will never hit the hare, because whenever the arrow has come a bit closer to the hare, the hare will have moved a bit farther away. Every bit the arrow moves toward the hare, the hare moves away from the arrow. And so they can never hit.
Sounds great when you lack a proper frame of reference and a proper way of measuring.

@Shrugged: yes, of course you're right. But Tseung doesn't care, he's out in la-la-land with his hammer-toss-based flying saucers producing "lead out" gravitational over-unity free energy power based on pumping bubbles or was it a pendulum no wait it was an upturned chair and a bowl of soup or no hold on there was something ado with a Wang or was it a Dong or no it was a CIA Mingmei Forever Young China General Magnetics company that turns out not to exist at all...
Hmmm well now I'm starting to confuse myself ;) Sorry Shrugged, I've just discovered I can't make heads or tails of this Tseung persona, nor of his 10 alter egos.
It just doesn't make any sense at all.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 29, 2008, 05:58:06 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 29, 2008, 12:30:58 AM

Student A: ?What happens if Tseung et al demonstrate the water bottle at Russian Archimedes or at AEPC in USA??

Student B: "The top guns would have read 1165 well before the events.  They understand the significance.  Whether Tseung et al were there would not make much difference.?

Student C: ?The non-physicists will get lost.  The devil recommends that they go and visit him.  He will have eternity to teach them.  I think they should not border to try to understand.  They should just accept if they see a working prototype.  The concept of non-rigid body rotation would blow their mind.  Their presence would be a waste of time.?

Student A: ?Do you think that they would feel better with the water bottle throwing experiment in 1408??

Student B: ?They might let out their anger and break the windows and decorations. Tseung et al might have to spend their old age in the labor camps trying to pay for the damage!?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 29, 2008, 08:06:26 AM

since when do hypothetical Chinese students with single-letter names believe in the devil?
Is that the new state religion in king Tseungs communist paradise? :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 29, 2008, 09:52:42 AM
Meeting of the Economics Students

Student A: ?If the experiment in 1408 is sufficient proof for a new approach to propulsion, what should we do??

Student B: ?The obvious step is to push ahead on designing MPUs as suggested in 1165.  We should push for Cooperation from many Nations.?

Student C: ?I think Tseung et al should have another round of promotional email.  The experiment in 1408 is easy to do.  The China Patent has been published openly.  What is holding them back?  The Flying Saucer technology is a must win competition for all Nations.?

Student D: ?Couple the technology with Mutual Credits, Model Farms, etc.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on January 29, 2008, 10:26:48 AM
Quote:" As for the many noise makers, you can ask them to go to hell."

Pissy little chinaman isnt he?:) Those 'many noise makers' used to be interested fellow experimenters. They asked politely, they begged for information, but got gibberish and outright diversions.
We are EAGER to discover new free energy secrets, but that does not make us easy marks for any one persons ego trip. Generally the participants here are more well read and educated on the subject than the average visitor. So our BS meters are keenly set.(overloaded now)
It would be the same as logging on to a missing childrens board and shouting I know where she is! I will show you! But I am going to show you with 1165! That is how I found her! 1165!! Hurry! After 100 pages, they would lynch you.
Perhaps you should be theoretizing on keeping chinese bodies in their seats, in your own country?:

Free Energy Patriots Unite
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 29, 2008, 01:09:30 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 29, 2008, 12:30:58 AM
Meeting of the political science students

Student A: ?The recent snow storms in China paralyzed half of the Country.  If China had the Flying Saucers, the disaster would not even arise.  People and goods can fly anywhere.?

They have already ...... flying round and round inside old Tseung's little head dropping medication daily and creating multiple personas.

Well, that's all the physics explanation you'll need.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on January 29, 2008, 02:07:10 PM
Quote from: chrisC on January 29, 2008, 01:09:30 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 29, 2008, 12:30:58 AM
Meeting of the political science students

Student A: ?The recent snow storms in China paralyzed half of the Country.  If China had the Flying Saucers, the disaster would not even arise.  People and goods can fly anywhere.?

They have already ...... flying round and round inside old Tseung's little head dropping medication daily and creating multiple personas.

Well, that's all the physics explanation you'll need.


You are sooooo wrong Mr Chris,

Mr. Tseung's flying saucer is very real.

Well, in a sense.

It does not look like a saucer, more like someone swinging a bottle or coconut on a string, but these are only externals and of not much importance.

But it does fly !!!!!!!!!!

Well, sort of anyway. Actually only the bottle or coconut flies at this stage and you have to let go for it to do this, it also does not fly very far dropping to the ground after only a short travel but it proves the principle beyond a shadow of a doubt, just to borrow a phrase from that other genius here in the forum Mr. Omnibus.

Mark my words, a great revolution of physics is at hand. Mr Tseung's Lead Out theory combined with Mr. Omnibus' incontrovertible proof of violation of CoE will make it necessary to re-write all textbooks.


BTW. My rectal orifice is recovering nicely after my ordeal. They will let me eat something again tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 29, 2008, 04:43:01 PM

The upside of having rectum issues is...all your problems are behind you.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 29, 2008, 04:51:03 PM

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 29, 2008, 05:46:44 PM

I'm here all week...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 29, 2008, 07:29:27 PM
I have updated the attachment in reply 1165.

It can now be read standalone (both in Chinese and English).

Have fun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on January 30, 2008, 03:03:42 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 28, 2008, 06:58:35 PM
Dear Top Gun,

I could not resist trying your suggested experiment this morning.  I modified it slightly as in the attached figure.

Indeed, my hand was jerked or pulled in the direction of water bottle motion.  It could be up, down, front, back, left or right.  It really proves that the non-rigid body rotational motion can provide the propulsion in any direction.  Thank you.

Dear Mr. Tseung,

I am glad that you did the experiment and effectively answered my second question.  My third question is:

(3) How many groups do you plan to have to doing the experiment described in 1165?  Do you have a dedicated group under your control to do it?  Or you hope someone will pick it up, do it and display the result openly on this Forum?  You probably already appreciate the commercial and political value of the Flying Saucer technology.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on January 30, 2008, 03:16:51 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 29, 2008, 07:29:27 PM
I have updated the attachment in reply 1165.

It can now be read standalone (both in Chinese and English).
Have fun.

Brilliant move Mr Tseung.

This is exactly what the world needs. If those idiots that cannot read or write Chinese cannot grasp the significance of your discoveries and genius, maybe the best way to bypass those morons is by publishing in Chinese only.

Of course China has its idiots too, perhaps mainly in the Government, but why should you care? The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory is strong enough to weather all storms.

If you lose your head in the process it will all have been worth it in the name of progress.

I am with you Mr. Tseung.

Perhaps, as that horrid Mr. von Lieven suggested once, you will go down in history as the great Mao Tse Ung! That would make indeed all hardship along the way a mere walk in the park on the road to immortality.

Wishing you well and regretting you never experienced the delights of my ming as Mr. Wang did,

Yours Forever,

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 30, 2008, 04:02:31 AM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on January 29, 2008, 04:43:01 PM

The upside of having rectum issues is...all your problems are behind you.


Maybe we can give our rectum issues to old Tseung. Then it'll all be behind us for good!
After all, what genius can't duel with rectum issues. Surely they aren't as difficult as postulating UFOs!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 30, 2008, 06:04:20 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on January 30, 2008, 03:03:42 AM
My third question is:

(3) How many groups do you plan to have to doing the experiment described in 1165?  Do you have a dedicated group under your control to do it?  Or you hope someone will pick it up, do it and display the result openly on this Forum?  You probably already appreciate the commercial and political value of the Flying Saucer technology.

Dear Top Gun,

At present, I am talking to two groups that are seriously considering doing research and development on the Flying Saucer.  With these groups, I may have direct involvement.

I also encourage other groups to do or improve the suggested proof-of-concept experiments.  Hundreds might do the water bottle or coconuts experiments for fun or competition.  The one involving magnets will require much expertise.  I believe only the top universities or research institutes would do them.  Many would have government support.

My gut feel is that Flying Saucers have already been produced as top-secret projects in China, USA, Japan, Russia, etc.  China may allow its development by civilians like us.  We welcome the opportunity.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 30, 2008, 08:09:01 AM
lol very funny :D

so now you've officially sunk from selfproclaimed theoretical physics genious with an over unity theory and delusions of grandure
down to the level of complete nutcase with a deepseated UFO fixation, as well as a multiple personality complex, and your megalomaniacal tendencies.

How long untill your first UFO temple complex is opened to the public?
Do we all get to wear uniforms with logos of a UFO orbiting Earth?
Will they be made of bubble wrap, or just those neat usaf-looking uniforms?
Will we have to wait for Hale-Bopp to come by again, or will you decide when the time has come personally?
Will we have to drink the cool-aid?
Will you?
:o ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 30, 2008, 09:50:27 AM
Meeting of the Engineering Students

Student A: ?Tseung is supremely confident.  He discloses his Flying Saucer theory.  He spells out the water-bottle experiment.  He describes the concept of non-rigid body rotation in detail.  He shows a new way of building propulsion systems.  Now, we all understand it.  Why is he not worried about others stealing the idea and/or the invention??

Student B: ?Tseung et al already have the China Patent information published.  There is no reason for secrecy.  Anyone who can read Chinese can find the patent information from the China Patent Website.?

Student C: ?Tseung says that he wants to benefit the World.  At this moment in time, the beneficiaries are the physicists or the top science students like us.  Many Forum Members make fun of the water bottle experiment.  They could not see its significance and relevance.?

Student D: ?By openly disclosing the information, Tseung guaranteed that no one else could claim credit for the ?non-rigid body rotation? propulsion concept/invention.?

Student A: ?Do you think that the ?non-rigid body rotation? propulsion concept is correct??

Student B: ?If it were not correct, the Russians and the Americans would not pay so much attention.  All these posts will be junk.  There are over 50,000 views already.  Someone must find the information useful.?

Student C: ?I believe in my mastery of Physics.  I can follow every statement and every equation in the Tseung posts 1112, 1121 and 1165.  I have done the Forever, the Wang and the water bottle experiments.  I find the Newman, Bedini, 225 HP pulse motor logical and adhere to established Physics Laws.  I do not need to go to hell to be educated by the devil.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 30, 2008, 11:54:29 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 30, 2008, 09:50:27 AM
Meeting of the Engineering Students

Student B: ?If it were not correct, the Russians and the Americans would not pay so much attention.  All these posts will be junk.  There are over 50,000 views already.  Someone must find the information useful.?

Members of the world wide comedy club. Don't forget, laughter is the best medicine!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: M@rcel on January 30, 2008, 12:04:33 PM

Can't you have the patents translated into English? I am very interested in them but my knowledge of the chinese language is non-existent. :)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on January 30, 2008, 12:16:52 PM
Smuggled photo of Top Secret Top Gun Meeting of the top scientists of Hunan Island. Captures the very moment when larry stopped his riveting speech to consult with his associates. (that was the end of his speech).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 30, 2008, 01:24:14 PM
@tseung: hahaha, so you think you can explain the Bedini motor/chargers with your Lead-Out "theory"?
Well, be my guest. Explain.
Let's have another laugh.

@m@rcel: what patents? Tseung doesn't have any patents.
Besides that, doesn't it sound a little strange that a Chinese "physicist" posts in English, and then has to have English things translated to Chinese? After all, Chinese is much more difficult than English, and clearly Tseung speaks English well enough to understand English texts, and so do most modern young Chinese people.
No, Tseung only has flawed reasoning, a very big ego, and a big mouth. And he doesn't know the meaning of the word "quit".

@Ben Waballs: rofl! ;D ?
Remember "Eric the Viking" (Monty Python)? "This is NOT happening! blub-blub-blub-blub" :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: fnel on January 30, 2008, 04:48:23 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 21, 2008, 10:39:27 PM
Dear XXX of South Africa,

I have given much thought to your Email.  I would suggest the following:

(1)   Contact the professors at your Universities.  Show the Professors reply 1112, 1121 and 1165.  Ask for their professional opinion.  They are welcome to participate in this thread either using their real or virtual identity.

(2)   If their response is positive, get their support to communicate with the South African Government.  A possible early demonstration could be arranged for your Ambassador in Beijing to see the Cosmic Energy Machine prototypes.  Government level negotiations could start and the outcome is totally out of my hands.

(3)   If their response is negative, wait for the Official Announcement and Demonstration of the Cosmic Energy Machine Electricity Generators from China, Japan, or USA etc.

(4)   You should also check out the Hungarian EBM machine (gammamanager.com) and the various inventions in this Forum.  This action will strengthen your confidence in the validity of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.

(5)   You are welcome to contact Major Todd Hathaway of Department of Defense, USA directly (info@sci-us.org 301-320-3716) for Bedini Type Motors and the AERO Award Program.

(6)   Mr. Wang Shum Ho will be going to South Africa to receive his award at the World Confederation of Productivity Science later this year.  You can check with the organizers and may be able to get first hand information from him directly.

Dear Lawrence

I tried finding info on the UN web that I can point the relevant people to as suggested earlier but could not find any.  Do you have any specific contact details / URL's?

Also, I'd like to find out more about Mr. Wang Shum Ho's visit.  How do I contact him and the organizers?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 30, 2008, 04:59:20 PM
Quote from: M@rcel on January 30, 2008, 12:04:33 PM

Can't you have the patents translated into English? I am very interested in them but my knowledge of the chinese language is non-existent. :)


Hello Marcel.

Lawrence's Chinese patents may be real. But, as to the reality of the patent material being useful and to the extent of being fundamentally sound in the teachings, is like saying that Mickey mouse has ears, a tail, four limbs and a body. But is Mickey mouse real? Is it a rodent?

Is Lawrence real? Sure he is! Is he a top world renown physicist? I leave that to your imagination. He's got ego higher than his UFOs can fly! But for real stuff, you need to look outside this comedy show and don't waste your time.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: M@rcel on January 30, 2008, 05:36:51 PM
Quote from: chrisC on January 30, 2008, 04:59:20 PM
Quote from: M@rcel on January 30, 2008, 12:04:33 PM

Can't you have the patents translated into English? I am very interested in them but my knowledge of the chinese language is non-existent. :)


Hello Marcel.

Lawrence's Chinese patents may be real. But, as to the reality of the patent material being useful and to the extent of being fundamentally sound in the teachings, is like saying that Mickey mouse has ears, a tail, four limbs and a body. But is Mickey mouse real? Is it a rodent?

Is Lawrence real? Sure he is! Is he a top world renown physicist? I leave that to your imagination. He's got ego higher than his UFOs can fly! But for real stuff, you need to look outside this comedy show and don't waste your time.

Thanks for the advice. I'll make up my mind after studying his patents.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 30, 2008, 05:47:09 PM
QuoteStudent B: ?Tseung et al already have the China Patent information published.  There is no reason for secrecy.  Anyone who can read Chinese can find the patent information from the China Patent Website.?

How about it Chris? You can read Chinese. Maybe you can find this elusive patent. There cannot be that many flying saucer patents, even in China. ;D

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 30, 2008, 06:03:25 PM
Quote from: M@rcel on January 30, 2008, 05:36:51 PM

Can't you have the patents translated into English? I am very interested in them but my knowledge of the Chinese language is non-existent. :)


Dear Marcel,

If you go to the following Official Chinese Patent website

and search on the inventor field with my Chinese Name è’‹æÅ'¯å®, you will find:

1      200510054958.X       éâ,¬Å¡Ã¨Â¿â€¡Ã¦Å'¯åŠ¨èŽ·åâ€"èÆ'½é‡çš„æâ€"¹æ³•åŠç³»ç»Ÿ
2      200610031036.1       六氟亚甲基芳é¦â,,¢Ã¦â€"åÅ'â€"合物的精制æâ€"¹æ³•
3      200510101434.1       从èÆ'½é‡åÅ"ºæŠ½åâ€"èÆ'½é‡çš„æâ€"¹æ³•åŠç³»ç»Ÿ
4      200510102187.7       从éâ,,¢Ã¦â,¬ÂÃ§Â©ÂºÃ¦Â°â€Ã¤Â¸Â­Ã¦Å Â½Ã¥Ââ€"èÆ'½é‡çš„æâ€"¹æ³•åŠç³»ç»Ÿ
5      200510120813.5       利用磁åÅ"ºæˆâ€"电子åÅ"ºä½Å"为动力的æâ€"¹æ³•åŠä½¿ç”¨è¯¥æâ€"¹æ³•çš„系统

You can ignore number 2 as it is an invention from another inventor with the same name.  Very briefly, the translation is as follows:

1.  Extract Energy via Oscillations
3.  Extract Energy from Energy Fields
4.  Extract Energy from Still Air
5.  Using Magnetic or Electric Field as source of propulsion power

I shall let ChrisC do the detailed translation.  He can learn from the process and does not need to go to hell to learn from the devil.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 30, 2008, 06:06:34 PM

Taken from an undisclosed blog re the recent Productivity Conference "catered to" by Mingmei etal:

"It didn't take long for me to 'put my foot in it' so to speak - on the night of the day I arrived I was a bit 'lonely' so to speak, so I thought I'd get one of those "massage girls" advertised in the brochure.

I picked up the ad and saw a girl calling herself Erogonique, who looked much like her name - a lovely girl, bending over in the photo. She had all the right curves in all the right places, beautiful long wavy hair, long graceful legs all the way up to her butt, you know the kind.

So I said to myself what the heck, I'll give her a call.

"Hello?" the woman says...boy, she sounded sexy.

I said "hi, I'm looking for a relaxing massage and I'd like someone to come to my room and give me one-No, wait. I should be straight with you. I'm in town all alone and what I really want is s-e-x.

I want it hot, and I want it now. I'm talking kinky the whole night long. You name it, we'll do it.

Bring implements, toys, everything you've got in your bag of tricks. We'll go hot and heavy all night. Tie me up, wear a strap on, cover me in chocolate syrup and whip cream, anything you want baby. Now, how does that sound?"

She says, "That sounds interesting sr, but for an outside line you need to press '9' first."

So far, from Mingmei's post, I guess we can eliminate Mr. Wang - who else attended the conference?

Not being one to point fingers, we can only speculate.

The blogger didn't say whether made another call after that one.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 30, 2008, 06:24:09 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 30, 2008, 05:47:09 PM
QuoteStudent B: ?Tseung et al already have the China Patent information published.  There is no reason for secrecy.  Anyone who can read Chinese can find the patent information from the China Patent Website.?

How about it Chris? You can read Chinese. Maybe you can find this elusive patent. There cannot be that many flying saucer patents, even in China. ;D

Hans von Lieven

I'm not as smart as Lawrence, as you know. I am only one persona. I can't be Top Gun, the Devil, Ming Mei(?), students A,B.C, propulsion engineers, retired scientists, social workers etc etc. Plus I don't enough Chinese to read Tseung's name let alone read any wishy-washy energy patents on the Chinese patent system, I only have 3 US patents and two pending in the US Patent office for experience to draw on.

What do I know about the Chinese patent system except that their standards for patents are a long way from what the US and EU standards are.That's why you have the Lawrence Tseung's of the world making a fool of themselves and having egos higher than flying saucers because they are really annoyed with people who challenge their postulates. We'll that is reality.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 30, 2008, 07:45:02 PM
I was just thinking.  I do not believe that it is fair to "label" students.  I mean, will student A go through life thinking he is smarter and better than the other students?  What about student C?  Will he or she go through life thinking they are just average?  And let's not forget poor student F.  That poor fellow is probably going to need counseling.  I just think we should not label people as it might have long term effects.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 30, 2008, 08:34:43 PM

*sells remaining 'LabelsRus' and 'Post-it-notes' stock holdings

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 31, 2008, 12:15:55 AM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on January 30, 2008, 06:06:34 PM

I picked up the ad and saw a girl calling herself Erogonique, who looked much like her name - a lovely girl, bending over in the photo. She had all the right curves in all the right places, beautiful long wavy hair, long graceful legs all the way up to her butt, you know the kind.

She says, "That sounds interesting sIr, but for an outside line you need to press '9' first."

Posts like this will soon get the views to exceed 100,000.  This is innovative thinking.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 31, 2008, 12:46:09 AM
Wow!! Is that Forever?  She has grown up some.  Why does she not e-mail me anymore?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 31, 2008, 01:12:19 AM

Well done Lawrence, Success at last!

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on January 31, 2008, 02:06:22 AM
I am disappointed Mr Tseung,


Is that the best you can do since I left Hongkong?

Just look at my picture below. I am much prettier than she is, but if you want to see more it will cost you. Ask Mr Wang if it is worth it.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 31, 2008, 02:16:25 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 31, 2008, 12:15:55 AM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on January 30, 2008, 06:06:34 PM

I picked up the ad and saw a girl calling herself Erogonique, who looked much like her name - a lovely girl, bending over in the photo. She had all the right curves in all the right places, beautiful long wavy hair, long graceful legs all the way up to her butt, you know the kind.

She says, "That sounds interesting sIr, but for an outside line you need to press '9' first."

Posts like this will soon get the views to exceed 100,000.  This is innovative thinking.

is this the girl that peeled your fruit? No wonder you're so confused about UFO's. UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Objects, what you saw was a Unidentified Friendly Object. She's only friendly if you paid her for her fruit peeling services. Poor old Tseung. He's getting more and more muddled.

Well, I think this thread has run its course. Don't you?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 31, 2008, 06:14:46 AM
Political Science Students meet again:

Student A: "The recent big snow storms in China caused over RMB 20 billion damage to the economy.  Putting RMB100 million into Flying Saucer research sounds like a bargain."

Student B: "China might have already developed the Flying Saucer.  It is a political decision not to introduce it at this moment in time."

Student C: "If USA announces a Flying Saucer, China may have a better one to announce within hours.  The same is true vice versa."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on January 31, 2008, 11:47:08 AM
Hahaahahahahaha! ;D

perhaps your fantasy "political science students" should stick to politics and not get involved with physics?
Everybody knows that politicians can make 1+1 equal 3.5, and can even make that sound logical.
That doesn't mean there's any reality in it.
As if there's any reality in those "students" anyway... :) Same goes for your "theory".

Besides that, UFOs and political science don't really mix... What kind of education do you guys have there in China?
It doesn't sound like there's much substance nor logic to it, if your posts really reflect what "students" in China are doing...
On the other hand, how much sense can political science make in China, the Big Red, the great communist monster?
Politics in China has always been more about military power than about anything else...

But are you sure these aren't students of the Bob Lazar School of Saucercraft? They sound like it...
Or maybe they're with the Raelian cult? Or the E.T. fanclub perhaps?

In any case, shouldn't you stop with the UFO crap by now? It was funny for a while, but what's the use?
Instead of speculating what might be done if flying saucers could be built publicly and commercially, without
regard for the lessons of history, perhaps it would be more fruitful to stop the endless speculation on what might be if,
and start disclosing how to.
The introduction of vtols has already happened, they are called helicopters and harriers. They have not really made our world into
a utopia. Why would flying saucers have a different impact? After all, they are just aircraft of a different design.
Unless it does in fact come down to free energy, which in some mysterious way is produced in these saucercraft...
But then that same trick would go for all other aircraft as well; after all, a 747 that runs off a free energy generator is just as
free as any other shape of aircraft, be it a flying saucer or a flying brick.
So it's not about flying saucers at all.
It's still about free energy, which you still claim to mysteriously be able to suck from thin air.
As long as you keep going totally coocoo over possible applications of your possible free energy solution,
but refuse to properly and clearly demonstrate how and why that claimed solution of yours is to work,
you are not giving people any good reason to conclude you are anything other than yet another total nutcase
with a UFO fixation. And multiple personality tendencies. And megalomania. And probably an aluminium foil hat.
Your psychiatrist must be making millions off you ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 31, 2008, 12:09:37 PM
maybe someone ought to tell Lawrence about the Aetherius Society.

They know ALL about flying saucers. Here is the proof:


Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aetherius_Society

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 31, 2008, 12:44:56 PM
I found this on the CIA, and the like's, website.  It looks a lot like that hat the test pilot was wearing in that other photo Lawrence posted.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 31, 2008, 12:54:37 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 31, 2008, 12:09:37 PM
maybe someone ought to tell Lawrence about the Aetherius Society.

They know ALL about flying saucers. Here is the proof:


Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aetherius_Society

Hans von Lieven

Thanks Hans for the photo. Yes, I did remember seeing this particular one because they scrutinize the negatives and decided it was real because in those days (1930's?) there were no photoshops or software to adulterate the images.
Maybe it was the one the escaped from Tseung's head when he was born? But I don't think Lawrence is even that old even though he may be old in his annoying ways.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 31, 2008, 12:57:43 PM
He reckons he was born in 1946

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 31, 2008, 01:13:19 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 31, 2008, 12:57:43 PM
He reckons he was born in 1946


reckons? He's confused? That will explain a lot of things!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on January 31, 2008, 04:08:56 PM
Due to popular requests I have changed my picture in my profile.


BTW I am allowed to eat again, so my number two production will resume shortly. Good old Who Flung Dung is desperate for it. He needs it for some scheduled experiments.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 31, 2008, 04:31:16 PM

So, for those scoring at home, I guess that wood mean...whats 2 to you wood be 1 to Who...correct ?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: fnel on January 31, 2008, 05:02:46 PM
Dear Lawrence

Have you seen my post Reply #1437?  I won't be surprised if you missed it as there is SO much noise on this forum. 

For the rest on the forum:
I am surprised at the amount of intelligent people that have so much extra time at hand to spend posting insults and garbage and showing their fabric if they do not want to contribute positively to this topic. I wonder if they are being paid by somebody to generate this type of noise to get people to lose interest in the forum?  If not, I would be really amazed at their persistence!  Don't they have a life of their own? Do they not know that if they are correct in their opinions then nothing will come of this topic, so why bother; or if they are wrong - they are the ones who will prove themselves to be stupid.  I would suggest that only those people participate that are interested in debating  these concepts intelligently without being derogatory to anybody.  And if somebody does not want to be persuaded - please just leave and don't waste your time any further.

Can we all agree on this?  :)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 31, 2008, 06:33:24 PM
There are many US patents related to propulsion from Centripetal forces:


Will see if any of them can be modified for the Flying Saucer.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 31, 2008, 06:50:15 PM
Quote from: fnel on January 31, 2008, 05:02:46 PM
Dear Lawrence

Have you seen my post Reply #1437?  I won't be surprised if you missed it as there is SO much noise on this forum. 


Dear fnel,

I did miss it.  Thank you for bringing it up again.

(1)   Wang Shum Ho and Company are in the preparation stage for their IPO.  Wang has asked me not to do any promotion any more.  Their Company will handle all publicity and they must adhere to all regulations to avoid accusation of insider trading. 

(2)   I emailed to every country via the information in the United Nations Website.  In addition, I emailed to every Committee associated with energy or productivity.  There were a few auto-replies.  I also got names of two contacts whom I am communicating with ? supplying them with the background information.  When appropriate, the full information will be disclosed for all to share.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on January 31, 2008, 08:56:46 PM

I mean Larry. Thank you so much for your two posts. We have decided to decline on your offer. But we do thank you and please return our hoses and coconuts.
PS dont worry about what we do with our time. Thanks dude.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 31, 2008, 09:57:14 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 31, 2008, 06:50:15 PM
Quote from: fnel on January 31, 2008, 05:02:46 PM
Dear Lawrence

Have you seen my post Reply #1437?  I won't be surprised if you missed it as there is SO much noise on this forum. 


Dear fnel,

I did miss it.  Thank you for bringing it up again.

(1)   Wang Shum Ho and Company are in the preparation stage for their IPO.  Wang has asked me not to do any promotion any more.  Their Company will handle all publicity and they must adhere to all regulations to avoid accusation of insider trading. 

(2)   I emailed to every country via the information in the United Nations Website.  In addition, I emailed to every Committee associated with energy or productivity.  There were a few auto-replies.  I also got names of two contacts whom I am communicating with ? supplying them with the background information.  When appropriate, the full information will be disclosed for all to share.

Dear Larewnce or Dear Fnet or Dear which ever persona you are!
How very stupid for a supposedly 'top level' physicist to engage in such childish behavior. Old Tseung has truly run out of Physics ideas to resort to this low life behavior. Shame on you!

I wonder what his grown up children think of their old man! If my dad did that, I will surely disown him!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 31, 2008, 11:33:35 PM
I would like to give up reading this topic but I am being paid a good deal of money from the CIA, and the like, to be here.  They told me I can get health insurance if I last another month or so.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 31, 2008, 11:35:08 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 31, 2008, 06:33:24 PM
There are many US patents related to propulsion from Centripetal forces:


Will see if any of them can be modified for the Flying Saucer.

Thanks Lawrence,

I just had a look at these, especially

USP# 5,937,698 (8/17/99): Centrifugal Propulsion System
Kunz, William T.


Fantastic......................... and I always thought it was a picture of a lawnmower.

Hans von Lieven

EDIT: I think it needs a coconut or two to work properly. This is where the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory can be of real help.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on February 01, 2008, 11:14:21 PM
Report on the meeting in Shenzhen

1.   The participants included Bill, Lawrence, Professor Hiu and Engineers Lau.
2.   The decision is to go full steam ahead on the flying saucer project.
3.   Forever has redone the water bottle experiment to show the pull in the left, right, front, back, up and down direction.
4.   One possibility is to purchase a Bedini unit for reference and modification.
5.   We will visit Wang, Tsing Hua University, Beijing Aeronautical University, etc. after the Chinese New Year

:-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on February 02, 2008, 12:09:30 AM
man they do more meet and greets than people at an amway convention. Wonder if Larry bought drinks for himself and his personalities? Everyone had name tags, Larry had six.
Forever might get better results with a summer's eve bottle experiment.

What? A swallow carrying a coconut?
King Arthur: It could grip it by the husk!
1st soldier with a keen interest in birds: It's not a question of where he grips it! It's a simple question of weight ratios! A five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 02, 2008, 01:13:18 AM
@ Ben:

It could if it was a European swallow!  Ha ha.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Schpankme on February 02, 2008, 03:06:20 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 31, 2008, 11:35:08 PM
... it needs a coconut or two to work properly. This is where the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory can be of real help.

The Hurricane Balls


- Schapnkme
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 02, 2008, 03:41:14 AM
Quote from: Schpankme on February 02, 2008, 03:06:20 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 31, 2008, 11:35:08 PM
... it needs a coconut or two to work properly. This is where the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory can be of real help.

The Hurricane Balls


- Schapnkme

Dear Schapnkme,

Thanks for the Hurricane Balls examples.  After some thought, I believe the hurricane balls (bearings welded together) may be treated as unbalanced rotational objects.  In the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory, unbalanced rotation can lead out gravitational energy.  But to become a constant energy generator, the device needs to have the right timing pulses (Lee-Tseung Pulls).

The Feedback Mechanism must also match.  Thus the Hurricane Balls may be drawing random amounts of gravitational energy.  That explains their strange behavior.  That also explains why very low level of external force could keep them spinning.

Please keep such challenges coming. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 02, 2008, 04:16:38 AM
I had hurricane balls once, but a shot of penicillin cleared them right up.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: helmut on February 02, 2008, 06:43:05 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 02, 2008, 04:16:38 AM
I had hurricane balls once, but a shot of penicillin cleared them right up.



Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on February 02, 2008, 11:02:10 AM
lol nice little gadget to play with :)
But one thing seems quite clear: the balls are balanced. After all, if they weren't, they wouldn't spin around the central axis of the "device", but they would wobble around while they're spinning. The fact that they don't, and actually stay in their spot when the rotation of the "device" is increased, shows they are quite nicely balanced.
And this, mr Tseung, was the last drop. The idiocy of your remarks has shown your lack of sound reasoning once again.

if you ever want to return to the subject you were originally ranting about, which is extracting energy from still air, you might want to read this stuff:
There's another guy, an Indian this time, who claims extracting energy from air is possible. But he wants to extract heat from the air and then use the
temperature difference to generate power, which already shows better understanding of physics than any of your "experiments".
I think it may not work well though, as pointed out by other on the posted site, as the Rankin&Carnot cycles don't seem to accord with the idea...
But nevertheless, it beats a senile asian with a UFO fixation spinning bottles around on strings while having his fruit-peeling prostitute inflate his mattress using a cheap plastic beach pump. ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on February 02, 2008, 03:01:55 PM
"But nevertheless, it beats a senile asian with a UFO fixation spinning bottles around on strings while having his fruit-peeling prostitute inflate his mattress using a cheap plastic beach pump"

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 02, 2008, 03:19:32 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Thank you for answering my previous three questions.

My fourth question is:

(4) How is your energy source compared with the Zero Point Energy and/or Energy from Vacuum Concept of Tom Bearden (http://www.cheniere.org/ ) et al?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 02, 2008, 04:11:09 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 02, 2008, 03:19:32 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Thank you for answering my previous three questions.

My fourth question is:

(4) How is your energy source compared with the Zero Point Energy and/or Energy from Vacuum Concept of Tom Bearden (http://www.cheniere.org/ ) et al?

Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for improving the water bottle experiment.  Forever had fun redoing the experiment.  We were supposed to do it outdoors but it was cold and raining.  We did it indoors and were extremely lucky ? not breaking anything.  Now to your fourth question:

(4) How is your energy source compared with the Zero Point Energy and/or Energy from Vacuum Concept of Tom Bearden (http://www.cheniere.org/ ) et al?

I believe Tom Bearden et al saw and firmly believed that their demonstrated devices achieved over unity.  A good example is the Bedini Motor.  Since energy cannot be created or destroyed, they had to identify a source. 

A vacuum to some physicists is a space devoid of matter.  Some even assume that without matter, there will be no point in talking about energy because there is nothing to measure.  Tom Bearden et al believed that even at absolute zero, there is energy in this vacuum.  They termed this ?Zero Point Energy?.

My explanation is even simpler and adheres to all known Laws of Physics.  All space are affected by gravitational forces from the Sun or the Stars.  Any object moving in such space will be pulled in different directions.  If it moves in one direction, it will be aided by the pull in the direction of motion and will be working against the pull in the opposite direction.  Work is always done, as work is Force multiplied by Displacement.  Energy is associated with Work.  Thus I can safely say that there are gravitational forces affecting all objects.  All movement (oscillation, vibration, rotation, straight line motion etc) will be subjected to such forces.  These forces can do work.  We can Lead Out such energy with well-timed pulses (Lee-Tseung Pulls)!

The Forever magnetic pendulum experiment conclusively demonstrated that if we can extract or lead out gravitational energy, we could easily lead out magnetic energy.  Magnetic energy is associated with electron motion.  All object have atoms.  Atoms have electrons.  When we are near any object, there will be interaction or exchanges of electrostatic, magnetic, electromagnetic energies.  All these are different forms of energy due to electron motion.

Thus I do not need to go to a new concept of Zero Point Energy and/or Energy from Vacuum.  I just say that we are already immersed in gravitational and electron motion fields.  We can extract energy from such fields.  No Laws of Physics are violated. 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 02, 2008, 06:58:05 PM
My explanation is even simpler and adheres to all known Laws of Physics.  All space are affected by gravitational forces from the Sun or the Stars.  Any object moving in such space will be pulled in different directions.  If it moves in one direction, it will be aided by the pull in the direction of motion and will be working against the pull in the opposite direction.  Work is always done, as work is Force multiplied by Displacement.  Energy is associated with Work.  Thus I can safely say that there are gravitational forces affecting all objects.  All movement (oscillation, vibration, rotation, straight line motion etc) will be subjected to such forces.  These forces can do work.  We can Lead Out such energy with well-timed pulses (Lee-Tseung Pulls)!

I would like to add that even if the body in such space does not move.  But the Sun or the Stars move, work is also done.  Or gravitational energy is constantly exchanged.   This will reinforce the concept that we are already immersed in gravitational fields and that there are constant gravitational energy exchanges.  This is simple and straight forward Physics 101.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on February 02, 2008, 07:09:41 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 02, 2008, 06:58:05 PM
I would like to add that even if the body in such space does not move.  But the Sun or the Stars move, work is also done.  Or gravitational energy is constantly exchanged.   This will reinforce the concept that we are already immersed in gravitational fields and that there are constant gravitational energy exchanges.  This is simple and straight forward Physics 101.

Tseung, your explanations are too elementary.  You will never get a Nobel Prize with that.

Those who still doubt the statement that we are immersed in gravitational and electron motion fields should come to hell.  I shall teach them myself.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 02, 2008, 07:18:09 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Thank you for answering my previous four questions.

My fifth question is:

(5) Can you compare the Bedini/Adams motor with your Flying Saucer Rotation Mechanism in 1165?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on February 03, 2008, 08:29:47 AM
@Top Gun: If you're not one of Tseungs many alter egos, I'd have you know that Tseung clearly doesn't know anything about Beardens theoretical work.
Do not expect him to give any proper explanations that tie into Bedinis work or theories.

In fact, do not believe a word he says. He talks nonesense all the time. He's probably not even educated in physics. And possibly not even Chinese.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 03, 2008, 04:45:47 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 02, 2008, 07:18:09 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Thank you for answering my previous four questions.

My fifth question is:

(5) Can you compare the Bedini/Adams motor with your Flying Saucer Rotation Mechanism in 1165?

If you add coconuts to Bedini's system it will fly! But only if you have proper Lee-Tseung Pulls instead of these silly pulses Bedini uses.

He should study the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory, then he too could have a flying saucer.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 03, 2008, 06:12:59 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 02, 2008, 07:18:09 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Thank you for answering my previous four questions.

My fifth question is:

(5) Can you compare the Bedini/Adams motor with your Flying Saucer Rotation Mechanism in 1165?

I shall divide the answer into many parts.  This is the first part to Question (5).

The Lee-Tseung Patent information (PCT/IB2005/000138) was formally revealed to the World in July 2006 via the International Patent System.  The Patent Information revealed that electron motion (magnetic) energy could be Lead Out via pulsed rotation of magnets in magnetic fields.  This is the theoretical basis for almost all of the known rotational systems including Newman, Bedini, Adams, 225 HP pulse motor, Wang, Liang Motors.

All these so called over unity inventions existed before July 2006.  These inventors did not have knowledge of the Patent Information and hence the theory before that time.

In USA, the most well known over unity inventor was probably Joseph Newman who had an over 40-year struggle with the US Patent Office.  Information on his invention is available in http://www.josephnewman.com/.  A brief description of his machine and story is also available in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Newman_%28inventor%29
Figure 1  below and brief description is from wikipedia:The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman is a singly-fed electric motor consisting of a permanent magnet field rotor that spins end-over-end inside an electromagnet that is both an stator and an armature.

Mr. Newman, the inventor, says all magnetic fields consist of particles with a gyroscopic spin. The inventor says he cannot get more mechanical energy out of the machine than the mass-energy it inherited.  He claims this inheritance allows the machine's mechanical rotor output to be greater the electrical power it receives.

In the Lee-Tseung theory, the Newman Machine is just a rotating magnet in a magnetic field with a DC Pulse.  The Driving Coil happens to be the Pickup Coil also.  The rotating magnet Leads Out Electron Motion Energy that is available in all objects.  When the axle of rotation is horizontal, it will lead out gravitational energy at the same time.

Mr. Newman successfully demonstrated that the batteries could be recharged with back EMF while the machine was used to do work such as driving a car.  He realized the more massive the machine and higher the rotational speed, more work could be done. 

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 03, 2008, 07:03:40 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 03, 2008, 06:12:59 PMWhen the axle of rotation is horizontal, it will lead out gravitational energy at the same time.


Yes, interesting gravity effects with the Newman machine.

I had created this topic.

Here are 2 images from it illustrating my main invention there disclosed. :)


Can save a coil you see?



This is like having 2 Newman machines in one and the same location.

The rest of the topic is about creating a grid for further magnetic-entrainment.

Here is an illustration of a block of 3X3X3


I assume the Newman machine to be far overunity like this. The 27 fields are not lost but they all overlap, that seems like more then enough free energy to me. :)

Have fun with it.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 03, 2008, 07:09:22 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 03, 2008, 07:03:40 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 03, 2008, 06:12:59 PMWhen the axle of rotation is horizontal, it will lead out gravitational energy at the same time.


Yes, interesting gravity effects with the Newman machine.

I had created this topic.

Have fun with it.


Thanks Gaby.  I always know that you can improve on the existing inventions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 03, 2008, 07:11:28 PM
I shall divide the answer into many parts.  This is the second part to Question (5) from Top Gun.

The story I heard was that Mr. John Bedini heard about the Newman Invention; learned and improved it.  He disclosed much of his information on the Internet.  The most well known is probably the School Girl device.

Figure 2  (below): Photo of working, "Simplified Bedini School Girl", Sept. 24, 2004, from which the plans presented on http://peswiki.com/energy/Directory:Bedini_SG are derived.A DC Pulsed Electromagnet interacts with the permanent magnets on the bicycle wheel to provide rotation.  The Pickup Coils wound on the same Drive Coil was used to generate electricity to recharge batteries.

Video of Perendev Magnet Motor and Bedini Motor replication (http://www.americanantigravity.com/articles/360/1/Perendev-and-Bedini-Motors-for-Broadband) - "I don't like the term perpetual-motion", says Sterling D. Allan. Whatever you might call it, the Perendev & Bedini Motors that Sterling brought to TeslaTech 2005 certainly caused a stir. (American AntiGravity; Jan. 12, 2006) [video]

Major Todd Hathaway of Department of Defense of USA is also aware of a Bedini Motor that can drive a 10-inch fan and recharge itself.  One can also purchase a working Bedini Motor on the Internet. (bedini_motor@yahoogroups.com)

Email reproduced here:
In bedini_motor@yahoogroups.com, "yeorkas2005" <yeorkas2005@...>
> If someone wants to experiment with BEDINI or ADAMS motors, has not
> waste time for building, and trimming them.
> Except for us who wants the challenge of construction of it, any one
> can buy, a ready to use, miniature, powerful motor, from the open
> market (or from me) for experimentation, and measurements of COP
> Yes: Bedini motor is already in market.
> I realize it when understand the way of operation of electric dc
> motors, in CD and DVD disks drive.
> Yes, this type of motor, HAS THE SAME PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION and
> If anyone wants more info, for even simpler and easy accessed
> commercial Bedini motor, than CD/DVD motor let me know via e-mail.
> George K

The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory simply treats the Bedini Motor as a pulsed rotation of magnets in magnetic and gravitational fields.  The Lead Out energy was collected by the Pick Up Coil wound on the same core as the Pulsed DC Drive Coil.  The Lead Out Energy was used to recharge the batteries.  Note that the Drive Coil and Pickup Coil are stationary while the permanent magnets on the rim of the bicycle wheel rotate.

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 03, 2008, 08:31:33 PM
I shall divide the answer into many parts.  This is the third part to Question (5) from Top Gun.

The late Robert George Adams (of New Zealand 1920-2006) demonstrated his machine and got a UK Patent, GB2282708, with Aspden Harold. (http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/1287/adams/adamsall.htm)

The difference between this Adams and that of Bedini is that the Drive Coil and the Pickup Coil can be separate.

Figure 3a The basic Adams Motor. DC Pulse powers the electromagnets.  Drive Coils and Pickup Coils can be separate.

Figure 3b  (below) Comparing the Adams Motor to the CD Motor

In the Lee-Tseung Theory, the Adams Motor is just a group of rotating magnets in a magnetic field with DC pulse Drive Coils.  The Driving Coils may be different from the Pickup Coils.  The pulsed rotation Leads Out Electron Motion Energy that is available in all objects.  When the axle of rotation is horizontal, it will lead out gravitational energy at the same time.

(to be continued)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 03, 2008, 10:57:44 PM
I shall divide the answer into many parts.  This is the forth and final part to Question (5) from Top Gun.

Now I can list the differences between the Flying Saucer Motor in 1165 with the Newman, Bedini, Adams, 225 HP Pulse Motors.

(1)   The Flying Saucer has the Drive Coils and the Pickup Coils stationary in the center.

(2)   The permanent magnet moves along the circular groove accelerated by the Drive Coils.

(3)   Electrical Energy can be extracted by the Pickup Coils.  Thus, the Magneto Propulsion Unit (MPU) is already a cosmic energy extraction machine.

(4)   A sensor mechanism that can detect the exact location of the permanent magnet is required.

(5)   During acceleration or constant motion, magnetic attraction is used between the permanent magnets and the Drive Coils.

(6)   When propulsion is needed, the centripetal magnetic attraction force is cut (or attraction turned to repulsion).

If any of the Newman, Bedini, Adams, 225 HP pulse motors work, the Flying Saucer device in 1165 will also work.  There is no need to do a special separate prototype to prove the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.  Any of the above devices can be regarded as experimental validation of the Lee-Tseung theory.  There are disputes on such devices because the pulses (Lee-Tseung pulls) must be done at the right time.  Tuning is required.  Most of the inventors ?hit? on the right configuration.  Few can provide guidelines or tools for proper tuning.

One technique is to mass-produce the device to eliminate the tuning by the many different "less than properly equipped and trained? hobbyists.  I am predicting that the MPU will go in this direction.   The race to be number one is on. 

*** The complete answer to Question 5 is in the attached file.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 03, 2008, 11:08:16 PM
What, no coconuts?

You cannot have a flying saucer without flying coconuts!

It clashes with the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory.

Think again Lawrence.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on February 03, 2008, 11:34:08 PM
@ Lee

I think Large nuts.. huge nuts fucillo huge nuts should be used and rotated magneticly. large magnetic coconut's spinning at a high velocity will surly provide anti gravity.. just look at how a large magnet lifts a frog... But the nuts are the key.. as well as all the pulse motors we've seen a million times.. gotta be
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 03, 2008, 11:51:35 PM
I am just glad that the Lee-Tseung theory does not involve the SMOT.  Then again, maybe it does.....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 04, 2008, 12:40:10 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 03, 2008, 11:51:35 PM
I am just glad that the Lee-Tseung theory does not involve the SMOT.  Then again, maybe it does.....

Of course it does Bill, the SMOT leads out a ball, does it not? You use a coconut instead and Omnibus will really have something to brag about.  ;D

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: allcanadian on February 04, 2008, 01:04:15 AM
So let me get this straight --- you want to use huge magnetically pulsing SMOT coconuts---- nice ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 04, 2008, 05:38:00 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Thank you for answer my 5 questions.  My sixth question is:

(6) People in the steorn forum has come up with a video showing an all magnetic motor.  See also:


or http://www.OC-MPMM.com

Can you explain why it spins and whether that device is a hoax?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on February 04, 2008, 06:24:29 AM
Dear mr Tseung,

will you please stop posting to yourself under the alter ego "Top Gun" as this is very annoying.

We really do not need you to repeat yourself and stick more feathers up your own behind than you have already done.

If you still don't want to simply show us a working "Lead Out" gravity transducer, then please stop trying to convince
us by pretending to be disproportionately and unfoundedly interested third parties.

And indeed, it is very clear to everyone that you cannot "Lead Out" anything no matter how much you wanted to,
except perhaps with the use of giant magnetic spinning coconut ufo propulsion lead-out super wannabe over unity lee-tseung nonsense power.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 04, 2008, 07:28:26 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 04, 2008, 05:38:00 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Thank you for answer my 5 questions.  My sixth question is:

(6) People in the steorn forum has come up with a video showing an all magnetic motor.  See also:


or http://www.OC-MPMM.com

Can you explain why it spins and whether that device is a hoax?

Dear Top Gun,

The device is not a hoax.  It is a variation of the David Hamel permanent magnet setup.  It is also a variation of the solid magnet rotation part of the Wang Shum Ho device.

If you look at the following thread in the steorn forum, you will find the description of the Wang Shum Ho device:


Some specific comments:

(1)   CLaNZeR got better results with a vertical mount: ?With it mounted Vertical it got 10 mins 30 seconds Wind Down time from 1000RPM!


The reason for that is gravitational energy is Lead Out in addition to the magnetic field energy.

(2)   At higher pulsed rotational speed, energy lead out will be higher.  At starting, it is better to use more pulses.  However, the demonstrated device is not ideally tuned for all speeds.  Some of the pulses may actually contribute to the ?sticking? or tuning away from resonance.  Thus stopping two of the stator magnets actually helped to accelerate the spinning.

(3)   The device actually demonstrated the Lead Out of magnetic energy; the importance of tuning and good observation and patience from the experimenters. 

(4)   I would expect the experimenters will follow the path of Wang Shum Ho in the following manners:

a.  Add a second mechanism to complement the existing.  Wang used a ferro-liquid rotation mechanism.

b.  Play with a similar set up as Wang.  The stator magnets will be set at different angles and magnetic shielding material will be used.

(5)   Here, I would like to congratulate the experimenters in the steorn forum on the hard work; the dedication; the perspiration and the willingness to take abuses. 

Lawrence Tseung
The race to get the first Cosmic Energy Machine is on.  The Flying Saucer will be flying behind.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on February 04, 2008, 07:49:00 AM
Quote from: ltseung888It is a variation of the David Hamel permanent magnet setup.  It is also a variation of the solid magnet rotation part of the Wang Shum Ho device.

Ah, but of course. And of course, as usual, you do NOT explain how exactly these are variations of the same thing AT ALL.
Such absence of underlying reasoning or comparative analysis obviously convinces everyone.

Come on, "Tseung", stop with the unfounded claims and the pure lies.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 04, 2008, 08:06:59 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 04, 2008, 07:28:26 AM
The race to get the first Cosmic Energy Machine is on.  The Flying Saucer will be flying behind.

Dear Mr. Tseung,

I enjoy your well thought out answers to my previous six questions.  Here is the seventh.

(7) Who are likely to participate in the Cosmic Energy Machine Race?  Who or which Country is likely to officially announce and display the Flying Saucer first?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 04, 2008, 08:29:16 PM
@ Topgun:

I think the Klingons have the advantage as of this moment.  My money is on them.  The Federation is too worried about peace on earth and good will toward man to do any real serious work in this area.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 04, 2008, 09:53:49 PM
Email from Indonesia,

Dear Mr. Tseung,

Permit me to introduce myself, my name is XXX.  I am a student from environmental engineering Institute Technology of Bandung, Indonesia.
I have heard and read about wang shum ho generator? Personally, I admired Mr. wang for his invention. That was a breaktru over the world demand on energy.

As you see Mr. Tseung, My country Indonesia was suffering in providing energy for the people (app. 230 million people) especially people who live in isolated province or island as you know indonesia was known as a thousand island country.

My objective contacting you Mr. Tseung is to know, to look for the possibilities that I could study more about the machine that Mr. Wang invented.

Is there any possibilities for me or group of people from several isolated region to have the opportunities having those machine??

I thing a small capacity of 5kW is quite enough to lighten small villages.
Who or where do I have to contact regarding about the availability of this generator??

Thank you for your understanding, cooperation and kind attention regarding this matter.
With all do respect,


Dear XXX,

Continue to participate in the overunity.com forum.  Important energy inventions will be discussed here.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on February 04, 2008, 10:06:15 PM
@ Lee

I think this race would dominate all.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 04, 2008, 10:45:41 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 04, 2008, 08:06:59 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 04, 2008, 07:28:26 AM
The race to get the first Cosmic Energy Machine is on.  The Flying Saucer will be flying behind.

Dear Mr. Tseung,

I enjoy your well thought out answers to my previous six questions.  Here is the seventh.

(7) Who are likely to participate in the Cosmic Energy Machine Race?  Who or which Country is likely to officially announce and display the Flying Saucer first?

Dear Top Gun,

Your question 7 is much more difficult to answer than the previous ones.  It is much more speculative.  Some candidates are known.  Some candidates have not appeared on the stage yet.  I clicked on the following China website that focuses on alternative energy and found over 130 China Patents displayed.

My personal list of potential candidates (not in any order) are:
1.  Wang http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/wang3a.htm
2.   Tsing Hua http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,2794.msg46560.html#msg46560
3.   Liang http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,2794.msg46544.html#msg46544
4.   Chao http://www.hb.xinhuanet.com/newscenter/2006-04/18/content_6769517.htm
5.   225HP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArX7BDY1XRM
6.   EBM http://www.gammamanager.com
7.   Chas Campbell http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=2487.0;topicseen
8.   Milkovic http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,1763.0.html
9.   Newman http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,2869.0.html
10.   TPU http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=712.0;topicseen
11.   Flux Change http://www.flynnresearch.net/
12.   Bedini http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=2964.msg45218;topicseen

There is always the possibility of some previously unpublished invention appearing on the stage.  I am sure that the inventors in the above list all know about the Lee-Tseung theory because I personally emailed them.  I studied their published information and am convinced that their inventions are valid.  With the correct theory and funding, progress can be very fast.  Wang is a very good example.  He struggled for over 40 years.  When he learned the theory and got multi-billion dollar funding, he and team produced 2 models for certification in about 3 months.

I have confidence that we shall not be forgotten in this competition as our theory states that Energy can be Lead Out via pulse on oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux change systems.  The Energy can be gravitational or electron motion.  The very broad coverage and adherence to known Physics Laws assured our position.

The Flying Saucer part is much more political.  My personal view is that a number of Countries have already developed them under ?top secret projects?.  These Countries all understand the military implications.  However, if one Country announces a product (or plans to announce), the others will jump in.  The prestige and financial rewards are just too big to be ignored.

My personal bet will be on a new comer, as it does not have the political burden to worry about.  It can do the research and then announce the prototype just for the prestige.  The theory is already thoroughly discussed in 1165.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on February 05, 2008, 05:29:30 AM
I uploaded the new flying saucer proof of concept experiments on youtube. Have fun! ;D ;D ;D

For details see:

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 05, 2008, 11:34:31 AM
What would happen if Forever was sitting on a 4-legged stool and pressing a beach pump with her right leg and held a coconut in her left hand while swinging the water bottle?  Would every particle in the universe implode upon itself and leave a black hole?  Would gravity go to infinity?  Please do not try this, I am just asking.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 05, 2008, 11:59:10 AM
Quote from: Forever on February 05, 2008, 05:29:30 AM
I uploaded the new flying saucer proof of concept experiments on youtube. Have fun! ;D ;D ;D

For details see:

Sorry I have to disagree. I saw no flying saucers proof of concept. What I saw was some poor girl brainwashed by a psychotic old man fixed on his queer theories! But thanks for showing us water bottles can be swung on a string.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on February 05, 2008, 01:07:48 PM
Quote from: Forever on February 05, 2008, 05:29:30 AM
I uploaded the new flying saucer proof of concept experiments on youtube. Have fun! ;D ;D ;D
For details see:

If this had only occurred to David while he was slaying Goliath, we would have had flying saucers a few thousand years ago.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 05, 2008, 04:02:08 PM

Not to nit-pik, but it is my understanding that according to episodic history, a peace was brokered between the Klingon Empire and the Federation by Startrek Voyager's Captain Katherine Chinway with the capable assistance of crewman 6 of 9, who she rescued from the Borg in an earlier episode.

Nevertheless, carry on carrying on :)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on February 05, 2008, 04:11:36 PM
except for some errors in the names you're entirely correct, Z-ro. :)
(according to my trekkie bud, its captain Janeway and "7 of 9")

Although of course old xfiles fans will know that StarTrek is all fantasy, and the real aliens are greys from Zeta Reticuli... ;)

anyways, shall we film ourselves taking a pee and then put that on youtube as "proof that Tseung is a liar"?
It is just as silly as the "proof of ufo concept" video...  ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 05, 2008, 05:08:11 PM

"except for some errors in the names you're entirely correct, Z-ro. Smiley
(according to my trekkie bud, its captain Janeway and "7 of 9")"

Have another look at those names K1...ponder their deep meaning.

*waits for 'aha' moment

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 05, 2008, 05:23:03 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on February 05, 2008, 05:08:11 PM

"except for some errors in the names you're entirely correct, Z-ro. Smiley
(according to my trekkie bud, its captain Janeway and "7 of 9")"

Have another look at those names K1...ponder their deep meaning.

*waits for 'aha' moment

Hello guys! Is this the StarTrek forum or are we still following the old Tseung UFO Deep Space Lead Out Crap thread? It's hard to tell which is which!

So far we have the following: instantiated theories, multiple personalities, CIA and the like, beach pumps, 4 legged stools, UFO's, coconuts, water bottles, gang of 4 (Tseung, Lee, Wang and Liang?), fruit peelers, starTrek wannabes. What I am missing? There is enough material here to write the next Hollywood movie.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 05, 2008, 05:47:03 PM

Not to mention Mingmei and her back passage dilemma...my health care background knowledge and training impels me to educate myself on any health conditions new to me.

What I learned is that although Minmei has overcome her affliction, her nether regions are left seared and scorched.

Upon reading that I immediately embarked on a search for a salve or ointment to brighten up her horizons, so to speak.

After weeks of exploration I believe I've found a product that may be right up Mingmdi's alley, so to speak...again.

Here is a brief video demonstrating the product...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmS0X8FlFvk


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 05, 2008, 06:03:30 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on February 05, 2008, 05:47:03 PM

Not to mention Mingmei and her back passage dilemma...my health care background knowledge and training impels me to educate myself on any health conditions new to me.

What I learned is that although Minmei has overcome her affliction, her nether regions are left seared and scorched.

Upon reading that I immediately embarked on a search for a salve or ointment to brighten up her horizons, so to speak.

After weeks of exploration I believe I've found a product that may be right up Mingmdi's alley, so to speak...again.

Here is a brief video demonstrating the product...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmS0X8FlFvk


Hahahaha! Great video. i think Lawrence needs that! Real person, Fake Theories!  Same results. They'll both do well with this invention.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 05, 2008, 07:02:52 PM

My main objective was to get Mingmei to lighten up a little...as it were.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 05, 2008, 07:23:41 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

There is a new comer to the Cosmic Energy Machines.  His device is being evaluated by MIT.  If you have missed it, please read the following:


Thane Heins is nervous and hopeful. It's Jan. 24, a Thursday afternoon, and in four days the Ottawa-area native will travel to Boston where he'll demonstrate an invention that appears ? though he doesn't dare say it ? to operate as a perpetual motion machine.

The audience, esteemed Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Markus Zahn, could either deflate Heins' heretical claims or add momentum to a 20-year obsession that has broken up his marriage and lost him custody of his two young daughters.

My eighth question is:
(8 ) Do you think that there is substance in this Thane Heins Invention?  What is the likely reaction from Prof. Markus Zahn of MIT?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 05, 2008, 07:59:23 PM
@ Top Gun:

Here is a quote from Professor Marcus Zahn from the MIT website:

"Holy Crap!!!!  Only experienced physicists should be messing around with coconuts and 4-legged stools!  The energy contained therein could destroy the planet if one does not follow the exactly correct procedures. This type of experimentation is best left to people who are trained to handle this kind of power in a safe manner."

The rest of his comments were censored by the CIA and the like.  National security issues were raised.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Schpankme on February 05, 2008, 09:31:11 PM
Quote from: chrisC on February 05, 2008, 11:59:10 AM

I saw no flying saucers proof of concept ... I saw some poor girl ... showing us water bottles can be swung on a string.

Using a glass soda bottle, might give a spectacular effect.  fyi

- Schpankme
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 05, 2008, 09:55:54 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 05, 2008, 07:23:41 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

There is a new comer to the Cosmic Energy Machines.  His device is being evaluated by MIT.  If you have missed it, please read the following:


Thane Heins is nervous and hopeful. It's Jan. 24, a Thursday afternoon, and in four days the Ottawa-area native will travel to Boston where he'll demonstrate an invention that appears ? though he doesn't dare say it ? to operate as a perpetual motion machine.

The audience, esteemed Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Markus Zahn, could either deflate Heins' heretical claims or add momentum to a 20-year obsession that has broken up his marriage and lost him custody of his two young daughters.

My eighth question is:
(8 ) Do you think that there is substance in this Thane Heins Invention?  What is the likely reaction from Prof. Markus Zahn of MIT?

Dear Top Gun,

There is a discussion thread at steorn forum:

and one at overunity.com

The videos are now on youtube by speccy titled Perepiteia generator demo video

Now the answer to your eighth question:
(8 ) Do you think that there is substance in this Thane Heins Invention?  What is the likely reaction from Prof. Markus Zahn of MIT?

From the video, there is rotation of permanent magnets in magnetic fields.  In the Lee-Tseung theory, magnetic and/or gravitational energy can be Lead Out via pulsed rotation.  This is the additional energy that can be used to accelerate the motor.

Mr. Heins kept talking about back EMF as the source of energy.  He probably did not have access to or aware of the Adams or the 225HP pulse motor.  In these two types of motors, the Pickup Coils can be totally separate from the Drive Coils.  A single wheel of the 225 HP Pulse Motor can already produce over 20 HP.  Nine of them placed side-by-side produced the 225HP.  There is no special magic in the Perepiteia motor.  Much more development is required to catch up with the 225HP pulse motor.

As for the likely reaction from Prof. Markus Zahn of MIT, my guess will be that of caution.  Our experience at Tsing Hua University (the MIT of China) is that they would discuss and replicate the invention.  The Professors and Research Students would not mind hearing and discussing about the Lee-Tseung theory.  They treat it as a good academic exchange.  However, they could not risk the reputation of the University in openly endorsing it.  I expect MIT will do the same.

When the products (e.g. the Wang Generator or the Flying Saucer) are openly displayed and available for sale, there will no longer be an issue of doubt.  MIT or Tsing Hua University will host a conference.  The professors will then freely comment on the various theories with working Cosmic Energy Machine products generating electricity in front of the audience.  I am confident that the Lee-Tseung theory will be formally accepted then.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on February 06, 2008, 12:25:50 AM
For how magnets can affect the speed of electric motors. Please see:
Quotewith this tips you can increase by 200 % the speed of all your electric tools.skillsaw,jigsaw,screwdriver,chopper,etc.very useful. very useful and easy to do .
The above experiment appears to be easy to repeat. Does anyone of you want to do it?
:-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 06, 2008, 03:34:15 AM
Quote from: Forever on February 06, 2008, 12:25:50 AM
For how magnets can affect the speed of electric motors. Please see:
Quotewith this tips you can increase by 200 % the speed of all your electric tools.skillsaw,jigsaw,screwdriver,chopper,etc.very useful. very useful and easy to do .
The above experiment appears to be easy to repeat. Does anyone of you want to do it?
:-* :-* :-*

I am utterly amazed at the speed with which you take up every idiotic suggestion that surfaces Lawrence.

Increasing speed does not mean anything. Increasing power does, doesn't it?  ???

But then, of course, your theory supports only outlandish suggestions that never work. It is what you would expect from a harebrained theory. For a change, give us the mathematics on the Chas Campbell device, or, if that is too hard, on the Milkovic device, and show us where you can improve on what otherwise is bullshit, by applying the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory.

Get those two deadbeat devices working and we will all believe you.

Alternatively take us to a trip to Acapulco on your flying saucer for the day. I will pay for lunch.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on February 06, 2008, 06:16:11 AM
Good one Hans!

And I'll pay for the drinks... or at least for a couple ;)

Now all we need is Tseungs saucercraft.
Oh, and please don't bring those annoying students A, B and C, nor that Todd character.
But I'm sure bringing Forever along will be appreciated. Right Bill? :)

Once we're in Acapulco, we can Lead Out some milk from coconuts and make pina coladas. ;D

all of that has more chance of happening than Tseung has of ever doing anything usefull with all
the claimed but yet unproven OU ideas he keeps dragging in, like a cat dragging last nights hunting trophy.

I still find it amusing that Tseung used the "Hungarian EBM machine" as an example of practical over unity
using a pendulum to "lead out gravity energy" as Tseung put it, while the Hungarian EBM builders themselves
clearly say that although it is theoretically possible they have not managed to produce over unity with such a device yet.
And same with that "Wang motor"... If there is truly a self-running permanent magnet powered electrical generator that puts out kilowatts while
the device actually runs continually, then why is it that the only evidence of the thing is a very obscure webpage in Chinese,
with a few pictures of some chinaman holding some kind of magnet motor? Why is this global energy breakthrough not in the international news?
Why is the website not even in English? Why is nobody else talking about the thing?
The most likely expalantion is simply that there is no Wang "free energy" motor. There may be a Wang, and he may have had a pm design, and he may have built it. But if he had truly found his pm to run continually with no input, yet produce output as it runs, then surely he would have become a national
Chinese hero overnight? I mean, what with people in china having to spend nights without electricity because of the power shortages there are nowadays,
China would have jumped to the opportunity to become independant of the OPEC and boost the entire Chinese system to a higher and fully OU-powered plane.
What's more, they could have started mass production and flooded the western markets with cheap OU generators, thereby harvesting billions of euros which could immediately be used to buy and import needed resources, and destroying the oil-based status quo and power balance without destabelising their own power base. Strategically brilliant.
But none of that is happening.
Face it, Tseung. There is no "lead out". The 4-legged stool proves nothing except that people can push things. The bottle on a string proves nothing except that people can swing things on strings.
If you really had a proper theory, you would describe a device that has OU properties and describe that completely, so that it is unquestionable that OU processes are present, and you would support that with proper physics argumentation and proper mathematical and physical proof. And not the 'Rodin' style quasi maths, no, actual proper maths. Not just theoretical proof, but empirical proof. Not just according to your own private chinese logic, but according to actual real logic. But you do not do this. Instead, you go over certain aspects of certain devices very superficially, just barely enough to be able to stick "as is completely described in my lead-out theory" to the end of the story, stick another feather up your own butt, and claim to have "explained the function" of the device. Oddly enough, you never substantiate your claims that the device is really OU, nor do you substantiate your "explanation" save for repeating that it all accords to your "theory", which obviously is not an explanation.
Even stranger, you never fully work out how this should be the case in a single device, and then, while you have not actually described on device properly, you already jump on to the next device, which you then also fail to properly descibe, yet you do use it to stick yet another feather up your behind.
And you keep doing so.
Now you have reached the point where you're sticking feathers up your own behind because you are so proud of your "explanation" and "invention" of what in your mind is a "UFO propulsion", but to everyone else is a demonstration of your own lack of IQ.
How long before you "explain" the full existence and workings of the Universe itself, according to your high-tech coconut-swinging  nonsense theories?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 06, 2008, 11:34:07 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on February 06, 2008, 06:16:11 AM
Good one Hans!

And I'll pay for the drinks... or at least for a couple ;)

...... but to everyone else is a demonstration of your own lack of IQ.

That's the bottom line. Couldn't have said that better!
It's amazing how long some people can continue to make fools of themselves.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 06, 2008, 11:59:57 AM
Yes, in that case, I would be there as well.  I would buy Forever a drink. (Good idea with the coconuts and pina colada)

I don't see enough evidence posted here to even call this a theory.  This should be called "The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Axiom."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Schpankme on February 06, 2008, 05:35:30 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 06, 2008, 11:59:57 AM
This should be called "The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Axiom."

Aerosmith - Get The Lead Out [Oakland 1984]
www.youtube.com/watch?v=lklNmN2nCN0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lklNmN2nCN0)

- Schpankme
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 06, 2008, 06:22:00 PM
Happy Chinese New Year.  This is the year of the Rat.  Time for the New Year resolution and predictions.

The Resolutions:

(1) Continue to work on the Magneto Propulsion Unit (enhance 1165)
(2) Heavily promote the book (http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm)
(3) Develop a standard presentation material so that others can use
(4) Train up at least 6 students who can use the material in (3) and do experiments
(5) Go in the direction of international cooperation

The Predictions:

1.  The Wang device will pass the 6 month certification test - may have delay but will pass within this year of the Rat.
2.  A working and improved Bedini Motor will be available to Tseung et al for demostration and improvement.
3.  The Lee-Tseung theory will be discussed in Russia (Archimedes) and USA (AERO).
4.  More jeers on the various energy forums.
5.  More OU inventions will appear and many OU inventors will study and quote the Lee-Tseung Theory.
6.  One or more Cosmic Energy Machines will be demonstrated in front of World News Media.  Top Universities will hold conferences.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 06, 2008, 08:44:26 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Happy Chinese New Year to you and family.

My nineth question is:

(9) How is your non-rigid body rotation theory compared with the inertia propulsion systems?

If you do a google search on inertia propulsion systems, you get many hits.  There are many suggested theories.

The major objection is from physicists quoting the third Law of Newton - Action = Reaction.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on February 06, 2008, 10:13:57 PM
Quote from: Forever on February 05, 2008, 05:29:30 AM
I uploaded the new flying saucer proof of concept experiments on youtube. Have fun! ;D ;D ;D

For details see:

Why don't you try that while standing on a frictionless surface, and then get back to us.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Schpankme on February 07, 2008, 12:00:33 AM
Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo

www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBo8t0B5NhM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBo8t0B5NhM)

More Info:
www.ohgizmo.com (http://www.ohgizmo.com)
www.virgingalactic.com (http://www.virgingalactic.com)

- Schpankme
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 07, 2008, 12:11:31 AM
Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo?

Poor old Lawrence, they already have the beta version and the Winnie Woo Flying Saucer Project is still testing flying coconuts.

You'll never make it Lawrence. I think Acapulco is off, and I was sooooo looking forward to meeting Mingmei. >:( >:( >:(

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 07, 2008, 12:16:52 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 06, 2008, 06:22:00 PM
Happy Chinese New Year.  This is the year of the Rat. 

The Predictions:
5.  More OU inventions will appear and many OU inventors will study and quote the Lee-Tseung Theory.

The last time I checked, only a rat was quoting the Lee-Tseung Theory. Was that you or another one of your persona? Really hard to tell these days.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 07, 2008, 05:34:42 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 06, 2008, 08:44:26 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Happy Chinese New Year to you and family.

My nineth question is:

(9) How is your non-rigid body rotation theory compared with the inertia propulsion systems?

If you do a google search on inertia propulsion systems, you get many hits.  There are many suggested theories.

The major objection is from physicists quoting the third Law of Newton - Action = Reaction.

Dear Top Gun,

Indeed, there are many physicists ready to quote the third Law of Newton - Action = Reaction.

These physicists believe that if you are in a spaceship moving in space, your motion will not affect the motion of the spaceship at all.  The spaceship may be travelling at velocity v with total mass equal to m.  The momentum is mv.  This momentum will be conserved.  Unless you eject something out from this spaceship - hot gases or similar, you cannot change the value mv.  If some gas were jetted out at a high velocity in the opposite direction, the remaining mass can travel at a higher velocity.  They believe nothing can change that fact.  That is a direct result of Newton's Third Law.

I believe that different Physics Laws apply in the case of non-rigid body rotation.  When a top accelerates to spin in the clockwise direction under a torque applied at the rim, we do not experience an equal and opposite torque at the axle or the tip where the top meets the surface.  Torque is equal to radius x tangential force.  The radius at the tip is zero.  In other words, we can have a top spinning inside the spaceship without affecting its motion.  All parts of the top will be subjected to the centrifugal force.  At a certain moment, a part of the top got detached (non-rigid body).  This part will travel in a straight line and hit the spaceship.  This internally generated force can affect the motion of the spaceship.

The Forever water bottle or coconut experiment is intended to show this point.  The experiment described in reply 1165 should be able to verify the above further.  Some non-physicists jeered and said that such an experiment would be a total waste of resources and time.  I just ignore them.

We have now got two teams in China capable and ready to examine the experiment described in 1165.  I shall keep you informed of their results.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on February 07, 2008, 08:07:34 AM
Tseung, you are very brave or very stupid.

You propose the experiment in 1165.

The experimenters will have to do a lot.  They will claim the credit.  The MPU will be their invention.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on February 07, 2008, 08:39:38 AM

Tseung, are you really too dumb to realise that you are the only one referring to your own
posts by the number? That every time you post under a different name, but use those numbers
to refer to your own previous posts, you are exposing your fantasy persona as such, and
making a fool of yourself?  ::)

You know what, why don't you take all that crap of yours, put it on a nice wholewheat bun,
add some ketchup and mustard or clam and soy sauce for all I care, and EAT IT? ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on February 07, 2008, 03:45:54 PM
Well Mr Tseung, what a week it has been!

As you would remember my last assignment went somewhat wrong necessitating a few stitches in my rear end and a short stay in hospital.

Thankfully this is now behind me (stop grinning, I am aware of the pun). While I was in hospital they built a new laboratory solely dedicated to processing my number ones and twos. Professor Who Flung Dung, brilliant as ever, reasoned that, since my excrement only reacted with nitrogen, all they had to do was to process it in an atmosphere of pure oxygen and it would be quite safe.

The new facility is quite small, about twice the size of a double garage, entry is via an air lock. It was easily built. Staffing it however was not so easy. No-one wanted to handle what amounted to piss and shit all day. Since the project is classified they could hardly place an advertisement for the position in the newspaper. They were about to force someone to do the job when the salvation came in the form of Dr. Poo On Dong, a Vietnamese queer who worked in the chemistry lab. He volunteered for the position.

I was now back in production. Since I was allowed to eat again they had been feeding me really bland stuff and I was getting sick of it. I put my foot down and I demanded and got the hottest curry you have ever seen. You can imagine my number two the next day. It was extraordinarily fragrant.

What no-one knew then was that Dr. Poo On Dong was seriously into coprophagia. When he received my extra spicy curry poo he could not restrain himself and ate some of it. This started a series of events, the repercussions of which are still going down.

The first inkling that something extraordinary was happening was when he came off his shift and before driving away urinated against the back wheel of a car in the Langley car park. The car collapsed, the back wheel had dissolved and there was some white powder on the ground.

It must have hit Dr. Poo On Dong right there and then what was happening. Less than an hour later he contacted Professor Who Flung Dung and demanded an immediate conference. He told the Professor that he had solved the problem how to mass produce cosmic excrement, that he himself was generating it now and that he was prepared to share his secret with Langley albeit at a cost.

Then came an extraordinary string of demands. Amongst other things he wanted VIP status al Langley at one hundred times his current salary and twenty million dollars deposited into his Swiss bank account.

He should have known better. No-one gets away with a stunt like this in the CIA.

The moment the Professor realized the seriousness of the situation he hit the alarm button on his desk. In less than half a minute the call was traced to Poo On Dongs quarters in the Langley compound and the hidden surveillance cameras that are everywhere inside the compound displayed Poo On Dong making  the telephone call on the Professor?s computer screen. While keeping Poo On Dong involved in conversation Professor Who Flung Dung typed the orders for his arrest into the computer together with some special instructions.

Poo On Dong never had a chance. He was still talking to the Professor when the door flew open and two Langley agents burst into the room. Before the Doctor could react  he had a needle in his neck and was unconscious on the floor.

The Professor watched as the agents stripped his pants down, put a condom over Poo On Dong?s penis and tied his genitals in a plastic bag. They then inserted a butt plug, put his pants back on, handcuffed and shackled him and carried him off like a sack of potatoes. According to instructions they took him to the oxygen filled lab, where his cosmic excrement could not do any harm and tied him to a chair.

By the time Professor Who Flung Dung arrived to interrogate the prisoner Dr. Poo On Dong was coming around.

In spite of the changed situation Poo On Dong remained defiant. He maintained that since he was the only one who had the secret of how to mass produce cosmic excrement he was still in a strong position to bargain since Langley needed this knowledge badly. He demanded his immediate release and still insisted on his conditions.

The Professor does not hold his senior position at Langley for nothing. Apart from being a scientific genius he is also a very seasoned and experienced agent who had been in his younger years in any number of dangerous and daring operations.

He came back with a counter proposal.

He said that he was prepared to make a number of concessions in exchange for limited co-operation. The shackles and handcuffs would be removed, the prisoner would be allowed to have any food and drink he wished for, a bed would be provided and he would be allowed to have a television and any books he wanted, but he had to remain in the lab for the time being while his claims could be verified. After this his situation would be reviewed. In the meantime there would be guards outside the air lock with orders to shoot him dead if he attempted an escape.

Since there were no windows in the lab and the only way in or out was through the air lock the lab was actually more secure than most prison cells.

Seeing he could not do any better at the moment Poo On Dong agreed reluctantly.

They started the tests immediately. Within hours it was determined that though his urine was Leading Out Cosmic Energy according to The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory his number twos did not have that property, it was simply common shit.

The major discovery on how the whole thing works was made a few hours ago. I will let you know the moment I have more details. Until then,


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on February 07, 2008, 05:16:00 PM
Yeah but was it 1135?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 07, 2008, 06:19:56 PM
Quote from: Devil on February 07, 2008, 08:07:34 AM
Tseung, you are very brave or very stupid.

You propose the experiment in 1165.

The experimenters will have to do a lot.  They will claim the credit.  The MPU will be their invention.

Dear Devil,

It does not matter who gets the credit.  My goal is to benefit the World.

I sow seeds as described in the Bible.  Some will fall on rock.  Some will be eaten by the birds or rats.

There will be a few that bear fruit.  The World will benefit because of them.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 07, 2008, 06:23:33 PM
G'day Lawrence,

Certainly some of your seeds are not falling on rock, some are falling on fertilised ground, cosmically fertilised ground even, if Mingmei is an indicator.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 07, 2008, 07:07:53 PM

"As you would remember my last assignment went somewhat wrong necessitating a few stitches in my rear end and a short stay in hospital.

Thankfully this is now behind me (stop grinning, I am aware of the pun). While I was in hospital they built a new laboratory solely dedicated to processing my number ones and twos."

Ordinarily I wood consider it a compliment when my material is stolen...but right now there's a writers strike on - and I;m sure that for only a cuppla bucks one of the unemployed wits wood have slipped a person a poo pun or 2 :)


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 07, 2008, 07:08:02 PM
I thought the bible was illegal in China?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on February 07, 2008, 11:58:43 PM
Only if it leads out to things

Where is mr wang
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 08, 2008, 07:55:11 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 06, 2008, 06:22:00 PM
Happy Chinese New Year.  This is the year of the Rat.  Time for the New Year resolution and predictions.

The Resolutions:

(1) Continue to work on the Magneto Propulsion Unit (enhance 1165)
(2) Heavily promote the book (http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm)
(3) Develop a standard presentation material so that others can use
(4) Train up at least 6 students who can use the material in (3) and do experiments
(5) Go in the direction of international cooperation

The Predictions:

1.  The Wang device will pass the 6 month certification test - may have delay but will pass within this year of the Rat.
2.  A working and improved Bedini Motor will be available to Tseung et al for demostration and improvement.
3.  The Lee-Tseung theory will be discussed in Russia (Archimedes) and USA (AERO).
4.  More jeers on the various energy forums.
5.  More OU inventions will appear and many OU inventors will study and quote the Lee-Tseung Theory.
6.  One or more Cosmic Energy Machines will be demonstrated in front of World News Media.  Top Universities will hold conferences.

I have even encouraged the engineers to read the book.  Some feedback said that it was worth publishing.
Here is an example extract:

Blue Print for the Economic Development of China in the 21st Century


The goal of this article is to provide a concrete plan for Chinese economic engineers in guiding the country into the 21st century. In this vein, we are approaching the topic from the point of view of the economic architect, and will first discuss broad concepts and vision and then outline steps for implementation.

The broad concepts are somewhat controversial.  They include:

We must replace Win-Lose solutions with Win-Win solutions.  China cannot possibly following the doctrine of "Survival of the Fittest" which worked for the West.  China must learn from the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 and drop the Win-Lose financial solutions of options, derivative and currency futures.  Otherwise years of hard work and sacrifice could be wiped out within weeks.
Money is only a number in some Trusted Financial Institutions.  It can change from positive to negative valuation without any wrongdoing by the individual. We must view Modern Wealth as the Quality and Quantity of Meaningful Economic Activities. 
A Country such as China must increase its own money supply.  It cannot just earn it.   An individual or a small city-state such as Singapore or Hong  Kong can accumulate its wealth by the simple process of earning more and spending less.  A big country such as China cannot do that. A very modest goal of 50,000 yuan in savings per person translates to 50 trillion yuan or US$6 trillion.  Raising such money by simply exporting more than China imports would create an inconceivably huge trade imbalance.

The implementation steps are very powerful and they can be carried out simultaneously.  If they are properly done, China will be the wealthiest country in the world.....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on February 09, 2008, 09:11:49 AM
bla bla yada yada

Maybe you should stick with your free energy ideas and finally work one out in detail,
instead of acting like some kind of great socio-economic philosopher who's going to solve all of China's problems.
Utopian thinking is nice, but doesn't help to support your unfounded OU claims.
Maybe you should leave the politics to the politicians?
Now of course it is clear to all of us here that you are much better at producing tons of semi-sensible text
and nonsense than you are at actually working out any of the "free energy" devices you constantly bring up.
But to be honest I, and I assume many others here too, don't really care for all of your Chinese socio-economic
babble at all. It doesn't get us anywhere. Can't you stop posting that kind of useless plans and ideas?
Of course, that would force you to actually talk about how to get one of those hallowed FE devices you keep
bringing up to actually work and produce FE, and I suspect you'll be coming up with all kinds of silly
excuses why you "can't" or just won't do that. Or you'll come up with lots of talk again about how we don't
understand what you don't tell us and how silly that makes us in your view. I expect you will once again either
totally fail to prove anything, or will simply ignore this post again and continue with your useless ranting.

Oh, and by the way, promoting your "book" in English won't be of much use if the book is written entirely in Chinese,
as not many English speakers read Mandarin. You seem perfectly able to write Enlgish. Odd approach to publicising...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on February 09, 2008, 12:29:05 PM
email from china:


Britney Spears of clamshoot fame has inquired into our lead out 1165. Along with her, Major Todd Hathaway and his lovely wife nora will be joining us at the Wang Foo Convention Center, where all the top scientists and students A, B, oh yes and C will attend.
You will be searched at the door for drills and common sense. If you are found with either if these, you will be sentenced to the real world for the rest of your life. Funny hats and nonsense names will be mandatory. Bring cia hookers as its a sleepover.
And if you are so kindergarten, so pathetic, and so stupid to ask what the topic will be, it will be 1135! Silly!:)

PS: Koen, about what you wrote: Duh! right on man:)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 09, 2008, 04:32:45 PM
Meeting of the economics students

Student A: "Have you read the book in http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm?"

Student B: "It is mainly in Chinese.  A good translation is needed."

Student C: "The approach is from the China angle.  A modification from the International angle may be better."

Student D: "The book is aimed for the people who have power to dictate policies.  It is much more like advice from a think tank.  It is not meant for the average layman."

Student A: "If Social Impart is coupled with Scientific Breakthroughs, the result will really change human history."

Student B: "I like the part related to comparison with Chess Players.  There are many levels of Chess Players.  Knowing the basic rules of Chess does not make one a good Chess Player.  Playing a lot does not mean that one can be a champion.  One needs training, competition, analysis and dedication.  One top player can beat hundreds of so called players.  A top player must be able to see the possible moves ahead.  It is like the development of Cosmic Energy Machines.  Knowing Physics from the textbooks is not sufficient.  Following the crowd (including many non-physicists) is stupid.  The crowd could not see the few steps ahead."

Student C: "Tseung is talking about casting aside the doctrine of survival of the fittest.  He proposes to replace it with infinite energy and infinite wealth.  He proposes to help the less developed nation with mutual credits and model farms, model villages and model cities.  He essentially ignores the use of loans at the International level.  He will upset the ones in power more."

Student D: "The CIA of the Like will try to discredit him more.  But if the Earth is round, the Earth is round."

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 09, 2008, 07:09:51 PM
Meeting of Political Students

Student A: "I did a google search on Lawrence Tseung and found the following:
talk.politics.china | Google Groupsprimenet.com (Lawrence Tseung) wrote:. - Hide quoted text -. - Show quoted text -. >If I were C H Tung ?.. >I would start encouraging comments on what Hong ...
groups.google.com/.../1997-07?_done=%2Fgroup%2Ftalk.politics.china%2Fbrowse_frm%2Fmonth%2F1997-07%3F& - 120k - Cached - Similar pages

Student B: "So Mr. Tseung participated in political discussions years ago.  That should not be a surprise to anybody."

Student C: "It is the concept of innovative thinking that interest me.  Mr. Tseung does not blinding following the mainstream thinking - in politics, in economics, in Physics and in social affairs.  I like his idea of running innovation camps in Summer.  I would not mind attending one.  It helps to widen one's mind.  It is a variation of the out-of-the-box training."

Student D: "Many in power are afraid that you may do that.  It would upset their existing power and wealth."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 09, 2008, 07:31:17 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 09, 2008, 07:09:51 PM
Meeting of Political Students

Student A: "I did a google search on Lawrence Tseung and found the following:
talk.politics.china | Google Groupsprimenet.com (Lawrence Tseung) wrote:. - Hide quoted text -. - Show quoted text -. >If I were C H Tung ?.. >I would start encouraging comments on what Hong ...
groups.google.com/.../1997-07?_done=%2Fgroup%2Ftalk.politics.china%2Fbrowse_frm%2Fmonth%2F1997-07%3F& - 120k - Cached - Similar pages

Student B: "So Mr. Tseung participated in political discussions years ago.  That should not be a surprise to anybody."

Student C: "It is the concept of innovative thinking that interest me.  Mr. Tseung does not blinding following the mainstream thinking - in politics, in economics, in Physics and in social affairs.  I like his idea of running innovation camps in Summer.  I would not mind attending one.  It helps to widen one's mind.  It is a variation of the out-of-the-box training."

Student D: "Many in power are afraid that you may do that.  It would upset their existing power and wealth."

WTF Cares? After all, a nobody is a nobody?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 09, 2008, 07:50:31 PM

Nobody is a nobody anymore than somebody is a somebody.

- Cap-Z-ro '08
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 10, 2008, 02:44:40 AM
Discussion amongst postgraduate students.

Student A: "Innovation is what we value.  Innovation can be in many different areas.  How can we tell something is really innovative if we are not an expert in that field?"

Student B: "We have to use our own judgement.  We can be right or we can be wrong.  However, I have enough confidence in myself and my education to make a decision.  The Tseung postings will not do any immediate harm to any one.  I do not mind reading and thinking about them.  They are stimulating intellectually."

Student C: "There are many in this forum wanting you to believe otherwise.  How should you treat their comments?"

Student D: "Same as that of Tseung - with logic and healthy skeptism."

Student A: "Time will tell.  The Cosmic Energy Machines and the Flying Saucers are likely to be out shortly.  We just need to watch out for China, Russia, USA, Japan or other Countries to make the announcement.  The human race has waited for centuries for clean and infinite energy.  A few more months would not make much difference."

Student B: "I am more optimistic.  I am working with others on the design of the Magneto Propulsion Unit (MPU) right now.  Some may say that it is a waste of time but it is good training in any case.  I have all the information to build a Bedini system now.  It is a matter of getting the right material and tuning."

Student C: "I think that you have the right attitude.  The World benefits with people like you."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Doug1 on February 10, 2008, 08:10:07 AM

  Will it be much longer for you to tell the rest of your story? Im getting lead out bored waiting for you to finish an other wise interesting tale. After all the less interesting reading that lead me down the road to understanding why man needs drugs. Im kind of left hanging wondering if your going to finish. Or will this story also suffer constipation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 10, 2008, 04:20:19 PM

Well, when we last left off...Mingmei had resorted to stealing my material, likely to punch up a sagging story line.

I'm thinking Mingmei may be a while finishing up the script - due to an acute case of mental constipation,,,complicated by sporadic bouts of oral diarrhea :)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 10, 2008, 06:19:36 PM
Quote from: Forever on February 06, 2008, 12:25:50 AM
For how magnets can affect the speed of electric motors. Please see:
Quotewith this tips you can increase by 200 % the speed of all your electric tools.skillsaw,jigsaw,screwdriver,chopper,etc.very useful. very useful and easy to do .
The above experiment appears to be easy to repeat. Does anyone of you want to do it?
:-* :-* :-*

Dear Forever,

I tried the experiment.  The sound produced by the small motor did appear to be higher. 

My tenth question is:

(10) What is the significance of the magnet next to the motor experiment?  How can it be explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on February 10, 2008, 08:32:48 PM
I see I am in line for some criticism.

Well, my dear readers I am only reporting on events here at Langley. By necessity I am forced to await the results of the various tests in relation to the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory before I can tell you about them.

Big developments are afoot. The major program here is the Cosmic Energy Harvesting Experiment that will change the face of technology and benefit, not the world, but Langley.

We have had to build a stable for twenty cows, which is finished now, and the first experimental data should be in within the next few days. Professor Who Flung Dung says the results will be stunning.

Sadly, Doctor Poo On Dong is no longer with us. I will report on his untimely demise in my next post as some of the detail surrounding his ?departure? have not been revealed to me yet.

So, patience my friends. I am not asleep at the wheel, or at the ming for that matter.

My rear end is still suffering a little. Tomorrow they will remove the stitches which will be a relief. Otherwise I am well.

Thank God for the Lee-Tseung pull. Without it my ming would have been without solace. The cosmic orgasms helped me a great deal though the ordeal I have had to suffer just lately.


Cosmic Energy Harvesting will Lead out major benefits for Langley.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on February 10, 2008, 08:33:59 PM
sorry, double post
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 10, 2008, 08:37:08 PM
I wouldn't mind double posting Ming.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 10, 2008, 09:34:00 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 10, 2008, 06:19:36 PM
Dear Forever,

I tried the experiment.  The sound produced by the small motor did appear to be higher. 

My tenth question is:

(10) What is the significance of the magnet next to the motor experiment?  How can it be explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?

Dear Top Gun,

This magnet affecting motor speed experiment can be considered a continuation of your previous questions related to the Thane Heins machine being evaluated by MIT and the Whipmag permanent magnet device.

I have to attend to some matters first.  The details will be in a separate post.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on February 11, 2008, 12:25:48 AM
Tseung, I found one of your suggestions to the Hong Kong Government in 2004.  There were no follow-up.

You have to worship me to get anywhere.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on February 11, 2008, 12:36:14 AM

So i see you wanted to start a project with an internet forum and 13 topics, do you think we are your testing ground for proof. We have Lead in Power ... im going to test this.

4:00 PM consuming chili mmmmmmm- energy leads in , still in potential form
4:20 PM body starts consuming the energy led into it
8:00  PM  Hazardous by products lead out in un-relentless number 2 deposits

Lead In is the only possible conclusion .. unless you want to talk about poop/shit? As a potentially overunity power source vs its input req of food items and straining involved.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on February 11, 2008, 12:40:10 AM
Whoever is posting as mingmei, please drop the nudity.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 11, 2008, 12:43:29 AM
Nudity?  Where?  Did I miss something here?  I wish Ming's photo was a nude shot. Possibly you are seeing something I am not?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on February 11, 2008, 02:40:00 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on February 11, 2008, 12:40:10 AM
Whoever is posting as mingmei, please drop the nudity.

Isn't it wonderful what imagination can do? In most cities in the world you can see more watching ladies in evening dress than I am revealing. Not to mention most beaches. Well, I guess Muslims will be Muslims.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 11, 2008, 03:05:51 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 10, 2008, 06:19:36 PM
My tenth question is:

(10) What is the significance of the magnet next to the motor experiment?  How can it be explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?

Dear Top Gun,

The two replies that are relevant are:
1517 ? answer to question (8 ) Do you think that there is substance in this Thane Heins Invention?  What is the likely reaction from Prof. Markus Zahn of MIT?
1496 answer to (6) People in the steorn forum has come up with a video showing an all magnetic motor.  See also:


or http://www.OC-MPMM.com

Can you explain why it spins and whether that device is a hoax?

The easiest experiment to repeat appears to be the one you quoted in question (10)

With this tips you can increase by 200 % the speed of all your electric tools: skillsaw, jigsaw, screwdriver, chopper, etc. Very useful, very useful and easy to do.

Now the answer to
(10) What is the significance of the magnet next to the motor experiment?  How can it be explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?

If the electric motor can be speeded up by the presence of an external magnet, we need to research into why.  If the torque also increases, more work can be done.  Extra work requires extra energy.  Where does this extra energy come from?

The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory states that magnetic energy can be extracted or lead out via pulsed rotations.  The presence of external magnets may provide this pulse.  The magnetic field produced by the two small permanent magnets will not be uniform.  The electric motor provides the rotation.  The combination results in the pulsed rotation necessary to Lead Out the electron motion energy (magnetic in this case).  The additional energy will contribute to the faster rotation.

The Thane Heins Motor in question (8 ) is a variation of (10).  The experiment in (10) is much more direct and easy to perform.  Mr. Heins tried to explain his motor via back EMF and would serve only to confuse the MIT professors.

The Whipmag device in question (6) shows the difficulty in Leading Out electron motion energy via simple rotation of permanent magnets.  The acceleration effect can only be seen at certain frequencies and for short durations.  Mr. Wang experimented for over 40 years and finally found his solution with

1.   Placing the stator magnets at certain angles and use magnetic shielding material,
2.   Coupling the solid magnet rotation mechanism with a ferro-liquid rotation mechanism.

The Whipmag people have worked on the phenomenon for only a few weeks.  Many of them have not digested the Lee-Tseung theory.  They are groping in the dark similar to what Wang did 40 years ago.  With dedication and reading our posts, they may not need 40 years to hit on the right configuration.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 11, 2008, 03:06:20 AM

Dear Forever,

I tried the experiment.  The sound produced by the small motor did appear to be higher. 

My tenth question is:

(10) What is the significance of the magnet next to the motor experiment?  How can it be explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?


Well, I finally found the truth about the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory! I need this real bad. Look guys what you'all been missing all these months of not following Lawrence's theories. Lead Out Theory really works. It could lead out an iron P**is! Langley, Bill .... this is what you need. Lawrence is right after all!




Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 11, 2008, 03:34:51 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 10, 2008, 06:19:36 PM

Dear Forever,

I tried the experiment.  The sound produced by the small motor did appear to be higher. 

My tenth question is:

(10) What is the significance of the magnet next to the motor experiment?  How can it be explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?

Sorry guys, this is the link to what you stupid unbelivers of the Lee-Tseung Theory have been missing all along! Had you believed in Lawrence, your manhood would have not been in question, instead, Langley, Bill, Keon1, Hans, and myself included have all been losers!

Watch this Lee-Tseung Lead Out Iron P*nis demo.!  Click this link and then select the third video. The 'naughty word' filter seemed to delete the needed word needed for the hyperlink to work directly!



Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 11, 2008, 04:21:18 AM
Good Lord, it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good old Lawrence has done it. His Still Air Theory is powering China already. Here is the proof!
As shown in the iron schlong movie.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on February 11, 2008, 06:11:38 AM

Ahaaaaaa.... so now we know what he's "leading out"... ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 11, 2008, 01:27:59 PM
Man!  If Forever is dating a guy like in the movie, I would never stand a chance.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on February 11, 2008, 02:49:10 PM
What, you mean you don't do your push-ups every day? ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on February 11, 2008, 03:05:12 PM
Mr. Tseung, I am ecstatic,

The eagerly awaited preliminary results of the Cosmic Energy Harvesting Experiment have just come in. And what a revolution this will cause. Space travel is now not only affordable but cheap. We have been given the green light to commence building three hundred Winnie Woo Flying Saucers as predicted by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory and perfected by Professors Who Flung Dung and his brother Who Don Chit.

In honour of both, the thirteen year old Winnie Woo, who came up with the idea, and the cosmic excrement that is the driving force, we have decided to call it ?The Winnie the Poo Fleet?.

But first let me tell you how it all happened.

As you remember Dr. Poo On Dong had been arrested for trying to blackmail the CIA, and had been defiant in disclosing how he managed to pass the gift of creating cosmic excrement on down the line. The discovery that his number ones did the job admirably, but that his number twos generated little else than a stink, weakened his position considerably but he remained defiant.

It was not long before they discovered his secret.

Frame by frame examination of the laboratory surveillance tapes showed him munching, apparently with relish, on that curried turd I had laid only hours before.

Seeing nothing else unusual Professor Who Flung Dung suspected this to be the transfer mechanism.

He immediately fed some cats bits of my number twos, suitably sugar coated, for no cat would eat the same diet as this pervert, and watched for results.

To speed up the process he had beforehand force fed the cats a lot of salt. After ingesting my processed number twos the cats drank water like crazy and within a short time had no other option but to get rid of the copious amounts of fluid they had ingested. And surely enough the cat piss was cosmic. It dissolved, Leading Out Cosmic Energy according to the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory, whatever it came into contact with.

Now that the process was known poor old Poo On Dong?s status was suddenly reduced from a potential asset to a very real liability.

Professor Who Flung Dung made an executive decision. He went to see Poo On Dong and without explanation or preamble despatched him to the after world with a single karate blow.

While this was going on Professor Who Don Chit had been experimenting with a cow. The cow was fed the magic diet and it worked just the same. This was actually a major step forwards. As you can imagine, how on earth would you harvest cat piss?

The cats were subsequently destroyed. The cow was fitted with a catheter and harvesting was no longer a problem.

They decided to increase production and built a stable for twenty cows that had been fed the cosmic diet. All cows were in small spaces where they could not move much and all their catheters were linked to a central collecting device. Salt licks were provided to ensure copious water consumption.

They are producing well. A two thousand cow extraction plant is being designed which will provide enough cosmic fuel for the three hundred flying saucers.

Professor Who Flung Dung reckons the trip to Mars will take about a week.

Now we have to find a way to mass produce the number twos, which is currently out of our reach, so the experiments with the other two disposables will go ahead. The number twos have different properties and are much more powerful.

Langley is being very considerate, leaving the time when the next set of experiments starts up to me. Right now I could not face another schlong and the other service is not on the radar either. I would have to get a lot hornier than I am at present, but this will not take long, it never did in the past.

Until then,

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 11, 2008, 04:19:47 PM
Partial translation of the over 200 page book is in the attached file.

This post and the attached file will be updated as more translated pages are available.

I tried some translation packages and the result was not satisfactory.  So I had to work with Forever using the traditional translation by hand.  It will be a long process.

We have completed up to Chapter 1 (7:00am Feb 14, Beijing Time).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 11, 2008, 04:36:51 PM

With due consideration to the foregoing...
if #1's are powerful, and #2's are super powerful...then wooden #3's be right off the chart.

By #3's I mean that white liquid you get from squeezing cow teats.

Got milk  ? :)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: mingmei on February 11, 2008, 05:25:24 PM
I have not had a chance to check back on this forum, as things have been very busy at the Agency.  I am surprised to see that there is some sort of impostor here, making up ridiculous stories.  If you look at post 1093, you will see that I was here before the impostor.

I am posting now for two reasons.  First of all, I wish for that awful storyline by Langley to end.  Hopefully, this will now be accomplished.

Second, I have been reading the things here, and I want to say that none of you have taken the time to understand Mr. Tseung's theories.  You are all very quick with insults, and this is not helpful at all.  Not to you, and not for the World.  Mr. Tseung clearly only wants to benefit the World, and insults are not helpful.  You are very lucky he is even writing things for you people.  He could have easily just made private use of his theories for his own benefit, which would have gained him much money.  Now, I think the Devil is correct - Mr. Tseung will never gain fame or fortune.

Now, Mr. Tseung, I know you were skeptical of me the last time I posted, but I want to assure you, I did pose as one of the staff at the massage parlor, and I did get a chance to speak with Mr. Wang at length.  Helping him relax "lead out" much useful information!  Since that incident, the CIA has actually taken a more relaxed view of Mr. Wang's research.  Some of the things have even been declassified and contracted out to the private sector.

I do want to confirm to the readers here that Mr. Tseung is correct.  The U.S. government is indeed close to finishing development of an inertia propulsion engine similar to what is described by Mr. Tseung.  We of course do not expect the people on this forum to understand non-rigid force rotation, but I assure you, Mr. Tseung, the top guns at CIA and other agencies do understand what you are talking about.

Mr. Tseung, I would like to discuss your theories further on here, and I would be glad to provide validation of who I am.  Here are some facts that only someone at the massage parlor, servicing Mr. Wang, would know:

Mr. Wang tipped me 700CNY for my services
Mr. Wang requested some things of me, which I would not go into, but I declined politely.  In the end, I only used my hands, like a proper masseuse.
Mr. Wang has a mole about 1/4 of an inch in diameter on the left side
Mr. Wang tried to kiss me afterwards, but I declined politely
Mr. Wang asked me for my phone number, but I declined politely
Mr. Wang offered to take me out to dinner and show me his 225HP motor afterwards, to which I did express interest.  He gave me his card and wrote his cell phone number on the back.  I have not called him.

That is about all I remember about servicing Mr. Wang, but feel free to have him ask me a question that only I know the answer for.

Oh, and Mr. Tseung, I believe I know who Top Gun is, as I am close to this person, and that person has confided certain things to me.  I am not ready to divulge that information, and Top Gun can do that.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on February 12, 2008, 03:48:10 AM
You are being naughty Mr Tseung.

This is the second time you have been posting as me. You even pinched my name for your persona forcing me to register as Langley.

I am telling the REAL story as it is happening.

The readers of this thread are not fools. They know who the real Mingmei is. I have a lot of fan mail to prove it. Why don?t we put it to the vote who should stay and which one of us should go.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 12, 2008, 04:41:36 AM
I have now updated the book in 1568 to include section 1.3.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Whoflungdung on February 12, 2008, 05:30:20 AM
Allow me to introduce myself.

I am Professor Who Flung Dung. Together with my brother, Professor Who Don Chit, I am running the Cosmic Energy Research project at Langley.

Our brief is to investigate the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory for our employer the CIA.

Mingmei is one of the CIA?s best operatives and is currently assisting us in our investigations. Monumental discoveries are being made right now due to the brilliance of  Mr. Lee and Mr. Tseung. One day I am certain these esteemed gentlemen will be awarded the Nobel Prize.

We have just successfully accomplished Leading Out gravity. Newton is no longer relevant.

Consider the following: Take two bricks and put them side by side on a bench about 6 inches apart. Then take a black box, which is of course painted red for good luck and has the number 888 in large letters on the top, from which extend two leads one red, one black. Touch each brick with the end of each lead. The brick who has been touched by the red lead immediately loses all of its weight and floats to the ceiling, while the one touched by the black lead is now twice as heavy.

Total Lead Out of Gravity according to the Lee-Tsung Lead Out Theory. The Lee-Tseung one way valve for gravity.

Impossible you say?????           Think again, because we have just done it.

I will publish the complete experiment here as soon as I get the drawings done.

Who Flung Dung, Ph.D.
Professor of Cosmic Energy Lead Out.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on February 12, 2008, 12:12:26 PM
Quote from: Whoflungdung on February 12, 2008, 05:30:20 AM
Allow me to introduce myself.

I am Professor Who Flung Dung. Together with my brother, Professor Who Don Chit, I am running the Cosmic Energy Research project at Langley.

Our brief is to investigate the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory for our employer the CIA.

Mingmei is one of the CIA?s best operatives and is currently assisting us in our investigations. Monumental discoveries are being made right now due to the brilliance of  Mr. Lee and Mr. Tseung. One day I am certain these esteemed gentlemen will be awarded the Nobel Prize.

We have just successfully accomplished Leading Out gravity. Newton is no longer relevant.

Consider the following: Take two bricks and put them side by side on a bench about 6 inches apart. Then take a black box, which is of course painted red for good luck and has the number 888 in large letters on the top, from which extend two leads one red, one black. Touch each brick with the end of each lead. The brick who has been touched by the red lead immediately loses all of its weight and floats to the ceiling, while the one touched by the black lead is now twice as heavy.

Total Lead Out of Gravity according to the Lee-Tsung Lead Out Theory. The Lee-Tseung one way valve for gravity.

Impossible you say?????           Think again, because we have just done it.

I will publish the complete experiment here as soon as I get the drawings done.

Who Flung Dung, Ph.D.
Professor of Cosmic Energy Lead Out.

Dear Professor,
           I think you may have stolen my glasses and my covert mostashe. Im an appallaed by this i will now have to re form my moustache once mingmei is ready.  So unfair is there any way you could find someone with comparable dung so i can have my cover back that would be great.  I need my Fu Manchu !
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 12, 2008, 12:27:31 PM
@ Professor Whoflungdung:

It is an honor to have such an esteemed scientist like yourself here on this forum and this topic.  I have read many of your books dealing with cosmic energy and you are clearly a leader and pioneer in this field.  I especially loved your work on the big bang theory which revolutionized that way modern science looks at the universe.  When you proved that the big bang was nothing more than a simple collision between two microscopic cosmic particles which lead out enough energy to create the universe, I was astounded.  Great work sir.

My concern is that Lawrence does not really know the extent of the energy he is playing around with here.  It has happened once, it can happen again. (See video attached)  Perhaps you can talk him into performing safer experiments?  Thank you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 12, 2008, 12:30:22 PM
*Duplicate post removed*
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on February 12, 2008, 12:35:29 PM
So, the perfect self-sustaining overunity interstellar flying saucer will have the following:

A pendulum with Lee-Tseung pulls (please, no collisions, but gentle pulls only!)
Air (do not be confused: this is not a fuel, this is an energy carrier!)
An unbalanced wheel
Water bottle on a string
One way valves
Compressed ferrous spinning fluid
4 legged stool (old people be careful)
Insult training manuals to read on the trip

Let's get to work!  The AERO prize awaits.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on February 12, 2008, 01:18:15 PM
It also sounds like it would be a great contender in this contest, which the Argonne National Laboratory is running:

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 12, 2008, 05:47:30 PM

Some chuckles and guffaw...much appreciated on this end.

Oh...If I were to express an opinion, I wood vote to keep both Mingmei's around until something...'leads out'...so to speak. :)

Also...I won't say how I know, but I have it on good authority that Mingmei has an aversion for course hair...in any location.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Whoflungdung on February 12, 2008, 08:09:27 PM
My apologies,

I am having difficulties getting someone to do the graphics so rather than put up with a prolonged wait I will describe the events leading up to the discovery and its implications.

As a result of the unfortunate, yet lucky for Langley, incident with the late Dr. Poo On Dong we have had to change procedure.

As we know ingestion of what Mingmei quaintly calls her number twos brings about changes in the individual ingesting it, making any such person unacceptably powerful in the eyes of the agency. From now on unfettered access to the products of Mingmei is not permissible and the product cannot be allowed to be processed unsupervised in future.

I immediately ordered metal containers to be made with a sophisticated locking mechanism for the transfer of said product. All cosmic excrement is transferred to these containers upon production and transported under security guard to the laboratory once a day.

There it is opened under supervision and processed for the various scheduled experiments.

The transfer is affected by Mr. Cary Chit, a Chinese coolie with a low IQ who carries it to the lab accompanied by security guards. It is not a long journey, just across the car park from Mingmei?s executive suite.

As it happened Cary Chit was carrying the container with Mingmei?s number two?s in one hand and the container with her number ones in the other. The metal containers were carried in a canvas bag each.

The parking lot was rather full this day and he had to squeeze between two cars, when one car suddenly collapsed and the other rose in the air like a balloon and was soon lost to sight.

Subsequent examination of security footage of the event and some laboratory trials quickly established what had happened.

I will not bore you with the detail of how we tracked it down, but the mechanism is now well understood. When Cary Chit squeezed through the cars one container touched one car and second container the other. This effected a transfer of gravity between one car to the other resulting in the collapse of one car under the increased weight and the weightlessness of the other. Since the organic compound of Mingmei was in a metal container, inside an organic bag it became obvious we were dealing with a crude Reichian Orgone Box with the body of Cary Chit as an organic bridge between them.

We had stumbled on the Lee-Tseung Gravity One Way Valve by accident. It is established now that in such an arrangement the gravity component of a mass travels through the urine receptacle to the feces receptacle via an organic connection and transfers to any mass that this comes into contact with.

We are still assessing the implications. It is a pity I do not have any drawings for you but I hope my description is sufficient.

Who Flung Dung, Ph.D.
Professor of Cosmic Energy Lead Out.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 12, 2008, 10:42:34 PM

" Since the organic compound of Mingmei was in a metal container, inside an organic bag it became obvious we were dealing with a crude Reichian Orgone Box with the body of Cary Chit as an organic bridge between them. "

Hmmm...considering that common methods of orgone production generally include steel wool and cotton, it wood seem Mingmei's diet wood be of a similar consiste ;)ncy...like roughage and 'down' from injesting unplucked chicken.  :)

What all that means I.m not sure...yet.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 13, 2008, 12:13:38 AM
Quote from: Whoflungdung on February 12, 2008, 08:09:27 PM
My apologies,

I am having difficulties getting someone to do the graphics so rather than put up with a prolonged wait I will describe the events leading up to the discovery and its implications.............................

Who Flung Dung
Professor of Cosmic Energy Lead Out.

Well Professor Who Flung Dung,

You need not wait for the graphics anymore. I have done them for you. Not only that, I have taken it one step further and designed a perpetual motion machine based on your discoveries. I hope you approve of my humble offering.

Here is a graphic rendering of Cary Chit bumping into the cars:


The next is my design for the first genuine perpetual motion machine in history that works. Johann Bessler eat your heart out!


And finally my magnum opus:

The Lee-Tseung Cosmic Poo-Piddle Perpetual Motion Lead Out Gravity Motor in Action



Hans von Lieven

Did I do it justice Professor? Will Lawrence be pleased with my little effort? Do you think Mingmei will approve? Perhaps Todd Hathaway and Top Gun will be impressed? Too many questions. I better quit now.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 13, 2008, 12:19:44 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 13, 2008, 12:13:38 AM
Quote from: Whoflungdung on February 12, 2008, 08:09:27 PM
My apologies,

I am having difficulties getting someone to do the graphics so rather than put up with a prolonged wait I will describe the events leading up to the discovery and its implications.............................

Who Flung Dung
Professor of Cosmic Energy Lead Out.

Well Professor Who Flung Dung,

You need not wait for the graphics anymore. I have done them for you. Not only that, I have taken it one step further and designed a perpetual motion machine based on your discoveries. I hope you approve of my humble offering.

Here is a graphic rendering of Cary Chit bumping into the cars:


The next is my design for the first genuine perpetual motion machine in history that works. Johann Bessler eat your heart out!


And finally my magnum opus:

The Lee-Tseung Cosmic Poo-Piddle Perpetual Motion Lead Out Gravity Motor in Action



Hans von Lieven

Did I do it justice Professor? Will Lawrence be pleased with my little effort? Do you think Mingmei will approve? Perhaps Todd Hathaway and Top Gun will be impressed? Too many questions. I better quit now.


Wow! I am impressed by your artistic ability. Now perhaps Lawrence will finally acknowledge you have more ability than a typical round-eyed Aussie with no brains and hope! With this artistic gift, maybe he'll let you design General Magnetics IPO brochure. See, you can be his PR manager.

But then perhaps not....just a thought!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 13, 2008, 12:53:37 AM
Wow!  I would like to see Forever top that experiment.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 13, 2008, 02:32:07 PM
I would prefer to see you concentrate the other forumers attentions (specially mine) on the most note worthy contributions. I don't see the use of you spending my time on that what you like the least. If you are still surprised to read Tseung postings in the Tseung topic there is something seriously wrong with you. All this rhetoric nonsense does illustrate how people got rid of the tech.

Quote from: ltseung888 on February 11, 2008, 03:05:51 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 10, 2008, 06:19:36 PM
My tenth question is:

(10) What is the significance of the magnet next to the motor experiment?  How can it be explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?

Dear Top Gun,

The two replies that are relevant are:
1517 ? answer to question (8 ) Do you think that there is substance in this Thane Heins Invention?  What is the likely reaction from Prof. Markus Zahn of MIT?
1496 answer to (6) People in the steorn forum has come up with a video showing an all magnetic motor.  See also:


or http://www.OC-MPMM.com

Can you explain why it spins and whether that device is a hoax?

The easiest experiment to repeat appears to be the one you quoted in question (10)

With this tips you can increase by 200 % the speed of all your electric tools: skillsaw, jigsaw, screwdriver, chopper, etc. Very useful, very useful and easy to do.

Now the answer to
(10) What is the significance of the magnet next to the motor experiment?  How can it be explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?

If the electric motor can be speeded up by the presence of an external magnet, we need to research into why.  If the torque also increases, more work can be done.  Extra work requires extra energy.  Where does this extra energy come from?

The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory states that magnetic energy can be extracted or lead out via pulsed rotations.  The presence of external magnets may provide this pulse.  The magnetic field produced by the two small permanent magnets will not be uniform.  The electric motor provides the rotation.  The combination results in the pulsed rotation necessary to Lead Out the electron motion energy (magnetic in this case).  The additional energy will contribute to the faster rotation.

The Thane Heins Motor in question (8 ) is a variation of (10).  The experiment in (10) is much more direct and easy to perform.  Mr. Heins tried to explain his motor via back EMF and would serve only to confuse the MIT professors.

The Whipmag device in question (6) shows the difficulty in Leading Out electron motion energy via simple rotation of permanent magnets.  The acceleration effect can only be seen at certain frequencies and for short durations.  Mr. Wang experimented for over 40 years and finally found his solution with

1.   Placing the stator magnets at certain angles and use magnetic shielding material,
2.   Coupling the solid magnet rotation mechanism with a ferro-liquid rotation mechanism.

The Whipmag people have worked on the phenomenon for only a few weeks.  Many of them have not digested the Lee-Tseung theory.  They are groping in the dark similar to what Wang did 40 years ago.  With dedication and reading our posts, they may not need 40 years to hit on the right configuration.

Quote from: mingmei on February 11, 2008, 05:25:24 PM
I have not had a chance to check back on this forum, as things have been very busy at the Agency.  I am surprised to see that there is some sort of impostor here, making up ridiculous stories.  If you look at post 1093, you will see that I was here before the impostor.

I am posting now for two reasons.  First of all, I wish for that awful storyline by Langley to end.  Hopefully, this will now be accomplished.

Second, I have been reading the things here, and I want to say that none of you have taken the time to understand Mr. Tseung's theories.  You are all very quick with insults, and this is not helpful at all.  Not to you, and not for the World.  Mr. Tseung clearly only wants to benefit the World, and insults are not helpful.  You are very lucky he is even writing things for you people.  He could have easily just made private use of his theories for his own benefit, which would have gained him much money.  Now, I think the Devil is correct - Mr. Tseung will never gain fame or fortune.

Now, Mr. Tseung, I know you were skeptical of me the last time I posted, but I want to assure you, I did pose as one of the staff at the massage parlor, and I did get a chance to speak with Mr. Wang at length.  Helping him relax "lead out" much useful information!  Since that incident, the CIA has actually taken a more relaxed view of Mr. Wang's research.  Some of the things have even been declassified and contracted out to the private sector.

I do want to confirm to the readers here that Mr. Tseung is correct.  The U.S. government is indeed close to finishing development of an inertia propulsion engine similar to what is described by Mr. Tseung.  We of course do not expect the people on this forum to understand non-rigid force rotation, but I assure you, Mr. Tseung, the top guns at CIA and other agencies do understand what you are talking about.

Mr. Tseung, I would like to discuss your theories further on here, and I would be glad to provide validation of who I am.  Here are some facts that only someone at the massage parlor, servicing Mr. Wang, would know:

Mr. Wang tipped me 700CNY for my services
Mr. Wang requested some things of me, which I would not go into, but I declined politely.  In the end, I only used my hands, like a proper masseuse.
Mr. Wang has a mole about 1/4 of an inch in diameter on the left side
Mr. Wang tried to kiss me afterwards, but I declined politely
Mr. Wang asked me for my phone number, but I declined politely
Mr. Wang offered to take me out to dinner and show me his 225HP motor afterwards, to which I did express interest.  He gave me his card and wrote his cell phone number on the back.  I have not called him.

That is about all I remember about servicing Mr. Wang, but feel free to have him ask me a question that only I know the answer for.

Oh, and Mr. Tseung, I believe I know who Top Gun is, as I am close to this person, and that person has confided certain things to me.  I am not ready to divulge that information, and Top Gun can do that.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 13, 2008, 02:41:06 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 13, 2008, 02:32:07 PM
I would prefer to see you concentrate the other forumers attentions (specially mine) on the most note worthy contributions. I don't see the use of you spending my time on that what you like the least. If you are still surprised to read Tseung postings in the Tseung topic there is something seriously wrong with you. All this rhetoric nonsense does illustrate how people got rid of the tech.

Quote from: ltseung888 on February 11, 2008, 03:05:51 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 10, 2008, 06:19:36 PM
My tenth question is:

(10) What is the significance of the magnet next to the motor experiment?  How can it be explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?

Dear Top Gun,

The two replies that are relevant are:
1517 ? answer to question (8 ) Do you think that there is substance in this Thane Heins Invention?  What is the likely reaction from Prof. Markus Zahn of MIT?
1496 answer to (6) People in the steorn forum has come up with a video showing an all magnetic motor.  See also:


or http://www.OC-MPMM.com

Can you explain why it spins and whether that device is a hoax?

The easiest experiment to repeat appears to be the one you quoted in question (10)

With this tips you can increase by 200 % the speed of all your electric tools: skillsaw, jigsaw, screwdriver, chopper, etc. Very useful, very useful and easy to do.

Now the answer to
(10) What is the significance of the magnet next to the motor experiment?  How can it be explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?

If the electric motor can be speeded up by the presence of an external magnet, we need to research into why.  If the torque also increases, more work can be done.  Extra work requires extra energy.  Where does this extra energy come from?

The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory states that magnetic energy can be extracted or lead out via pulsed rotations.  The presence of external magnets may provide this pulse.  The magnetic field produced by the two small permanent magnets will not be uniform.  The electric motor provides the rotation.  The combination results in the pulsed rotation necessary to Lead Out the electron motion energy (magnetic in this case).  The additional energy will contribute to the faster rotation.

The Thane Heins Motor in question (8 ) is a variation of (10).  The experiment in (10) is much more direct and easy to perform.  Mr. Heins tried to explain his motor via back EMF and would serve only to confuse the MIT professors.

The Whipmag device in question (6) shows the difficulty in Leading Out electron motion energy via simple rotation of permanent magnets.  The acceleration effect can only be seen at certain frequencies and for short durations.  Mr. Wang experimented for over 40 years and finally found his solution with

1.   Placing the stator magnets at certain angles and use magnetic shielding material,
2.   Coupling the solid magnet rotation mechanism with a ferro-liquid rotation mechanism.

The Whipmag people have worked on the phenomenon for only a few weeks.  Many of them have not digested the Lee-Tseung theory.  They are groping in the dark similar to what Wang did 40 years ago.  With dedication and reading our posts, they may not need 40 years to hit on the right configuration.

Quote from: mingmei on February 11, 2008, 05:25:24 PM
I have not had a chance to check back on this forum, as things have been very busy at the Agency.  I am surprised to see that there is some sort of impostor here, making up ridiculous stories.  If you look at post 1093, you will see that I was here before the impostor.

I am posting now for two reasons.  First of all, I wish for that awful storyline by Langley to end.  Hopefully, this will now be accomplished.

Second, I have been reading the things here, and I want to say that none of you have taken the time to understand Mr. Tseung's theories.  You are all very quick with insults, and this is not helpful at all.  Not to you, and not for the World.  Mr. Tseung clearly only wants to benefit the World, and insults are not helpful.  You are very lucky he is even writing things for you people.  He could have easily just made private use of his theories for his own benefit, which would have gained him much money.  Now, I think the Devil is correct - Mr. Tseung will never gain fame or fortune.

Now, Mr. Tseung, I know you were skeptical of me the last time I posted, but I want to assure you, I did pose as one of the staff at the massage parlor, and I did get a chance to speak with Mr. Wang at length.  Helping him relax "lead out" much useful information!  Since that incident, the CIA has actually taken a more relaxed view of Mr. Wang's research.  Some of the things have even been declassified and contracted out to the private sector.

I do want to confirm to the readers here that Mr. Tseung is correct.  The U.S. government is indeed close to finishing development of an inertia propulsion engine similar to what is described by Mr. Tseung.  We of course do not expect the people on this forum to understand non-rigid force rotation, but I assure you, Mr. Tseung, the top guns at CIA and other agencies do understand what you are talking about.

Mr. Tseung, I would like to discuss your theories further on here, and I would be glad to provide validation of who I am.  Here are some facts that only someone at the massage parlor, servicing Mr. Wang, would know:

Mr. Wang tipped me 700CNY for my services
Mr. Wang requested some things of me, which I would not go into, but I declined politely.  In the end, I only used my hands, like a proper masseuse.
Mr. Wang has a mole about 1/4 of an inch in diameter on the left side
Mr. Wang tried to kiss me afterwards, but I declined politely
Mr. Wang asked me for my phone number, but I declined politely
Mr. Wang offered to take me out to dinner and show me his 225HP motor afterwards, to which I did express interest.  He gave me his card and wrote his cell phone number on the back.  I have not called him.

That is about all I remember about servicing Mr. Wang, but feel free to have him ask me a question that only I know the answer for.

Oh, and Mr. Tseung, I believe I know who Top Gun is, as I am close to this person, and that person has confided certain things to me.  I am not ready to divulge that information, and Top Gun can do that.

Chill out Gaby! This is a comedy show. Did it take you take that long to realize that?

What's life without humor? Did you seriously think Lawrence has any real stuff between his ears?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 13, 2008, 04:53:52 PM

Great stuff hans...wooden it be ironical if someone put it together for a laff and it actually worked? ;D

Sure glad to see 'almost' everyone taking a humorous tact, instead of resorting to personal insults and flaming in expressing their opinions.

I always like to pretend somebody I hold in high esteem or an impressionable child is observing my conduct as I interact socially with others.

Still, I won't take any BS from anyone...and will call a spade a spade or challenge someone's position...but I just don't feel its my place to compare one end of a person to their other end.   

Oh, and I'm still in 'wait and see mode' as it relates to Lawrence - one thing I have deduced thus far tho is...the man is nobody's fool.

To me it takes a certain level of intelligence to acquire the self control needed to resist biting on any of the slings and arrows cast in his direction.

This thread has so many ins and outs-ups and downs, if it was a book it wood be a real page turner.

As we were...

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 13, 2008, 05:53:40 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 11, 2008, 04:19:47 PM
Partial translation of the over 200 page book is in the attached file at 1568.

This post and the attached file at 1568 will be updated as more translated pages are available.

I tried some translation packages and the result was not satisfactory.  So I had to work with Forever using the traditional translation by hand.  It will be a long process.

We have completed up to Chapter 1 (7:00am Feb 14, Beijing Time).

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 13, 2008, 06:12:36 PM
G'day Lawrence,

Can I offer you an illustration for your 200 page book? Feel free to use it.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 13, 2008, 06:26:04 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 13, 2008, 06:12:36 PM
G'day Lawrence,

Can I offer you an illustration for your 200 page book? Feel free to use it.

Hans von Lieven

Good one Hans! Pity I'm not a good graphics person, maybe you should draw the other Lead Out Path (aka iron schlong between the legs) to balance out the Lee-Tseung theories!

This thread brings out the best in 'collaborative' humor.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 13, 2008, 06:39:51 PM
G'day Chris,

I think the iron schlong would be a bit too graphic for this forum LOL  ;D

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on February 13, 2008, 07:01:17 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 13, 2008, 02:32:07 PM
I would prefer to see you concentrate the other forumers attentions (specially mine) on the most note worthy contributions.

The jokes ARE the most noteworthy contributions.  If you prefer to see nothing but Tseung posts, you can always read your own forum.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 13, 2008, 10:39:41 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 13, 2008, 02:32:07 PM
I would prefer to see you concentrate the other forumers attentions (specially mine) on the most note worthy contributions.

(10) What is the significance of the magnet next to the motor experiment?  How can it be explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?

With this tips you can increase by 200 % the speed of all your electric tools: skillsaw, jigsaw, screwdriver, chopper, etc. Very useful, very useful and easy to do.

Dear Gaby,

Do not worry about others making jokes.  I first saw the information "place magnet near motor" information at your website.

I did not realize its significance until Top Gun got my attention specially on it.  Your posts and website are goldmines.  They required careful digging.  Even I missed large pieces of gold from time to time.

Happy Valentine
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 14, 2008, 03:03:44 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 13, 2008, 10:39:41 PM

Dear Gaby,   ............................
Happy Valentine

I didn't know they celebrated Valentine's day in China, or in Holland for that matter.

Anyway, any celebration is a good celebration. So please accept my humble offering of a specially created Chinese Valentine's card below.

Happy Valentine's day Lawrence.

Hans von Lieven

BTW: He does look happy, doesn't he?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on February 14, 2008, 04:21:37 AM
@gaby: Do you mean to say you take any of Tseungs stuff seriously?
Then perhaps you can explain in proper English and in a way that actually makes any sense,
how the "Tseung" UFO propulsion is supposed to work? Tseung himself seems unwilling or
unable to do any proper explaining, he just shouts a lot about how great he is.
Surely you see the flaws in his "spinning the bottle" non-experiment?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 01:58:25 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on February 14, 2008, 04:21:37 AM
@gaby: Do you mean to say you take any of Tseungs stuff seriously?

oh, yes very seriously.

QuoteThen perhaps you can explain in proper English and in a way that actually makes any sense,
how the "Tseung" UFO propulsion is supposed to work? Tseung himself seems unwilling or
unable to do any proper explaining, he just shouts a lot about how great he is.

Oh sure.

If you have a desk chair with wheels you can wave your arms in the air and make it roll forwards. This is the main principal of inertial propulsion. Exactly half way John Searl's old/long video he explains his version. You can find my explanation / implementation here.

gabydewilde - gde wilde anti gravity

The lifter technology is doing just about the same thing only on nano-scale.

QuoteSurely you see the flaws in his "spinning the bottle" non-experiment?

No, I'm afraid it is exactly as simple as you think it is.

So, either Tseung is a genius or the rest of the planet is just dumb.

In practice it doesn't really matter what the answer is.

It does work.


see? ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on February 14, 2008, 02:20:29 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 01:58:25 PM

If you have a desk chair with wheels you can wave your arms in the air and make it roll forwards. This is the main principal of inertial propulsion.

Finally, an experiment I can perform to completion without even getting my butt out of the chair!

I tried this, and my arms were not enough, though I noticed that I can make the chair move forward by doing a forward thrust with the lower half of my body.  It is more effective if I bring my legs up in an Indian position and just shove my butt forward quickly.

However, the flaw with this method is that it works due to friction.  I am able to overcome friction by quickly thrusting forward.  If I then return my body gently to the starting pose, that movement does not overcome friction, so the chair stays in the forward position.  I can then repeat my quick thrust followed by a gentle return to starting form, and thereby travel accross the room as far as I desire.

In space or even in Earth's atmosphere, there is not sufficient friction to allow this to happen.  So a flying saucer cannot use this principle.  Do you have an example that actually works without the use of friction?

Also, I have to say that from an energy standpoint, that type of movement is grossly inefficient.  It takes barely any energy at all for me to inch my chair forward by using my feet.  However, it took quite a bit of energy to do the pelvic thrust.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 02:23:58 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 14, 2008, 03:03:44 AMI didn't know they celebrated Valentine's day in China, or in Holland for that matter.

There are lots of things you don't know Hans.


John Ernst Worrell Keely -> Henry Ford -> Edward Leedskalnin

When officials destroyed the door of corral castle they found Ed's Ford T1 flywheel under it. They claim it was made of unknown material.  I don't know of any unknown materials on the periodic table. Do you?

That skinny little man moved 1000 tons worth of monolithic blocks. It's pretty safe to assume there wasn't anyone there to enforce the laws of thermodynamics on him.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 14, 2008, 02:25:12 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on February 14, 2008, 02:20:29 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 01:58:25 PM

If you have a desk chair with wheels you can wave your arms in the air and make it roll forwards. This is the main principal of inertial propulsion.

Finally, an experiment I can perform to completion without even getting my butt out of the chair!

I tried this, and my arms were not enough, though I noticed that I can make the chair move forward by doing a forward thrust with the lower half of my body.  It is more effective if I bring my legs up in an Indian position and just shove my butt forward quickly.

However, the flaw with this method is that it works due to friction.  I am able to overcome friction by quickly thrusting forward.  If I then return my body gently to the starting pose, that movement does not overcome friction, so the chair stays in the forward position.  I can then repeat my quick thrust followed by a gentle return to starting form, and thereby travel accross the room as far as I desire.

In space or even in Earth's atmosphere, there is not sufficient friction to allow this to happen.  So a flying saucer cannot use this principle.  Do you have an example that actually works without the use of friction?

Also, I have to say that from an energy standpoint, that type of movement is grossly inefficient.  It takes barely any energy at all for me to inch my chair forward by using my feet.  However, it took quite a bit of energy to do the pelvic thrust.


Have you considered waxing your Butt? That might help. Otherwise, I guess some snake oil from old Tseung's medicine box can come in handy?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 14, 2008, 02:37:23 PM
Same idea, different "inventor"

This time Veljko MilkoviÃ,,‡, who has been pushing his ideas for a very long time building models and getting nowhere. Lawrence got many of his ideas from MilkoviÃ,,‡.

Hans von Lieven

Tis is an excerpt from Veljko MilkoviÃ,,‡'s website:


It is very strange, but it turned out that the same invention fulfils two ancient human dreams. One about a machine which works continuously, and the other about the flying device which moves according to the wish of the person on the device. Here, of course we do not mean aeroplanes and rockets, but a flying machine that does not use any kind of fuel. A vehicle with such a motor could move on the ground, in the air or anywhere in space, without fuel.

As far as technique is concerned, it prospered immensely, especially in the 20th century. On the other side, it is well known that new discoveries are usually technically very simple. For example, from a technical point of view, Veljko MilkoviÃ,,‡'s cart shown in the picture looks more like a toy than an attempt to make an anti-gravitational motor. When you look at it from the physics point of view, it looks completely different.


This cart contains everything an anti-gravitational motor needs. As with other models made by MilkoviÃ,,‡, there is an inertial force pushing them in one direction. The main part of the model is a physical pendulum which is askew and is moved by gravity.  Gravitational field should be replaced with a magnetic field, to enhance the efficiency of the model. MilkoviÃ,,‡ made a model with two askew pendulums, which oscillate with phases positioned towards one another in an angle of 180?.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 14, 2008, 02:43:18 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 14, 2008, 02:37:23 PM
Same idea, different "inventor"

This time Veljko MilkoviÃ,,‡, who has been pushing his ideas for a very long time building models and getting nowhere. Lawrence got many of his ideas from MilkoviÃ,,‡.

Hans von Lieven

Tis is an excerpt from Veljko MilkoviÃ,,‡'s website:


It is very strange, but it turned out that the same invention fulfils two ancient human dreams. One about a machine which works continuously, and the other about the flying device which moves according to the wish of the person on the device. Here, of course we do not mean aeroplanes and rockets, but a flying machine that does not use any kind of fuel. A vehicle with such a motor could move on the ground, in the air or anywhere in space, without fuel.

As far as technique is concerned, it prospered immensely, especially in the 20th century. On the other side, it is well known that new discoveries are usually technically very simple. For example, from a technical point of view, Veljko MilkoviÃ,,‡'s cart shown in the picture looks more like a toy than an attempt to make an anti-gravitational motor. When you look at it from the physics point of view, it looks completely different.


This cart contains everything an anti-gravitational motor needs. As with other models made by MilkoviÃ,,‡, there is an inertial force pushing them in one direction. The main part of the model is a physical pendulum which is askew and is moved by gravity.  Gravitational field should be replaced with a magnetic field, to enhance the efficiency of the model. MilkoviÃ,,‡ made a model with two askew pendulums, which oscillate with phases positioned towards one another in an angle of 180?.


G'day Hans!
Thank you for the related info. This is interesting. So, shall we now rename old Tseung's theory as:

The Me2 Tseung-Lee Theory?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 03:09:24 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 01:58:25 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on February 14, 2008, 04:21:37 AM
@gaby: Do you mean to say you take any of Tseungs stuff seriously?

oh, yes very seriously.

QuoteThen perhaps you can explain in proper English and in a way that actually makes any sense,
how the "Tseung" UFO propulsion is supposed to work? Tseung himself seems unwilling or
unable to do any proper explaining, he just shouts a lot about how great he is.

Oh sure.

If you have a desk chair with wheels you can wave your arms in the air and make it roll forwards. This is the main principal of inertial propulsion. Exactly half way John Searl's old/long video he explains his version. You can find my explanation / implementation here.

gabydewilde - gde wilde anti gravity

The lifter technology is doing just about the same thing only on nano-scale.

QuoteSurely you see the flaws in his "spinning the bottle" non-experiment?

No, I'm afraid it is exactly as simple as you think it is.

So, either Tseung is a genius or the rest of the planet is just dumb.

In practice it doesn't really matter what the answer is.

It does work.


see? ;)

Quote from: shruggedatlas on February 14, 2008, 02:20:29 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 01:58:25 PM

If you have a desk chair with wheels you can wave your arms in the air and make it roll forwards. This is the main principal of inertial propulsion.

Finally, an experiment I can perform to completion without even getting my butt out of the chair!

You have no idea how hard it is to engineer an experiment that people can do.

I'm happy it was a success.

QuoteI tried this, and my arms were not enough, though I noticed that I can make the chair move forward by doing a forward thrust with the lower half of my body.  It is more effective if I bring my legs up in an Indian position and just shove my butt forward quickly.

Yes, but the point is that your subconscious knows exactly how it works already.

QuoteHowever, the flaw with this method is that it works due to friction.  I am able to overcome friction by quickly thrusting forward.  If I then return my body gently to the starting pose, that movement does not overcome friction, so the chair stays in the forward position.  I can then repeat my quick thrust followed by a gentle return to starting form, and thereby travel accross the room as far as I desire.

In space or even in Earth's atmosphere, there is not sufficient friction to allow this to happen.

Sure there is.

QuoteSo a flying saucer cannot.....

hey hey, you didn't get off the chair remember?

Your conclusions are those of a person who has jet to do his first Google search on the topic.

Didn't even look at my excessive illustrations.  FFS!!

This was to much to ask from you remember?

I also supplied a link to the google search results.

I confess I was rather delusional-optimistic.

But I do remember drawing each one of those drawings for you,

and I did type the search words for you.

I tried more then hard enough to supply you with the information.

You didn't even look at it!

QuoteSo a flying saucer cannot use this principle.

YOU CANNOT click links and YOU CANNOT view pictures.

Those are the conclusions.

QuoteDo you have an example that actually works without the use of friction?

oh bla bla bla? You didn't look at Searl you didn't look at my website.

But now you want examples? WTF?????

No you don't.

You should be reading though the search results. I supplied you that link remember?

There are thousands of pages on the topic.

Sure 99.99% is written by people who didn't do their first web search on the topic.

This irony actually serves you well.

QuoteAlso, I have to say that from an energy standpoint, that type of movement is grossly inefficient.

Yeah, and a duck is more efficient as a swan.

bla bla blahh???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 03:31:49 PM
Quote from: chrisC on February 13, 2008, 02:41:06 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 13, 2008, 02:32:07 PM
I would prefer to see you concentrate the other forumers attentions (specially mine) on the most note worthy contributions. I don't see the use of you spending my time on that what you like the least. If you are still surprised to read Tseung postings in the Tseung topic there is something seriously wrong with you. All this rhetoric nonsense does illustrate how people got rid of the tech.

Quote from: ltseung888 on February 11, 2008, 03:05:51 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 10, 2008, 06:19:36 PM
My tenth question is:

(10) What is the significance of the magnet next to the motor experiment?  How can it be explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?

Dear Top Gun,

The two replies that are relevant are:
1517 ? answer to question (8 ) Do you think that there is substance in this Thane Heins Invention?  What is the likely reaction from Prof. Markus Zahn of MIT?
1496 answer to (6) People in the steorn forum has come up with a video showing an all magnetic motor.  See also:


or http://www.OC-MPMM.com

Can you explain why it spins and whether that device is a hoax?

The easiest experiment to repeat appears to be the one you quoted in question (10)

With this tips you can increase by 200 % the speed of all your electric tools: skillsaw, jigsaw, screwdriver, chopper, etc. Very useful, very useful and easy to do.

Now the answer to
(10) What is the significance of the magnet next to the motor experiment?  How can it be explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?

If the electric motor can be speeded up by the presence of an external magnet, we need to research into why.  If the torque also increases, more work can be done.  Extra work requires extra energy.  Where does this extra energy come from?

The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory states that magnetic energy can be extracted or lead out via pulsed rotations.  The presence of external magnets may provide this pulse.  The magnetic field produced by the two small permanent magnets will not be uniform.  The electric motor provides the rotation.  The combination results in the pulsed rotation necessary to Lead Out the electron motion energy (magnetic in this case).  The additional energy will contribute to the faster rotation.

The Thane Heins Motor in question (8 ) is a variation of (10).  The experiment in (10) is much more direct and easy to perform.  Mr. Heins tried to explain his motor via back EMF and would serve only to confuse the MIT professors.

The Whipmag device in question (6) shows the difficulty in Leading Out electron motion energy via simple rotation of permanent magnets.  The acceleration effect can only be seen at certain frequencies and for short durations.  Mr. Wang experimented for over 40 years and finally found his solution with

1.   Placing the stator magnets at certain angles and use magnetic shielding material,
2.   Coupling the solid magnet rotation mechanism with a ferro-liquid rotation mechanism.

The Whipmag people have worked on the phenomenon for only a few weeks.  Many of them have not digested the Lee-Tseung theory.  They are groping in the dark similar to what Wang did 40 years ago.  With dedication and reading our posts, they may not need 40 years to hit on the right configuration.

Quote from: mingmei on February 11, 2008, 05:25:24 PM
I have not had a chance to check back on this forum, as things have been very busy at the Agency.  I am surprised to see that there is some sort of impostor here, making up ridiculous stories.  If you look at post 1093, you will see that I was here before the impostor.

I am posting now for two reasons.  First of all, I wish for that awful storyline by Langley to end.  Hopefully, this will now be accomplished.

Second, I have been reading the things here, and I want to say that none of you have taken the time to understand Mr. Tseung's theories.  You are all very quick with insults, and this is not helpful at all.  Not to you, and not for the World.  Mr. Tseung clearly only wants to benefit the World, and insults are not helpful.  You are very lucky he is even writing things for you people.  He could have easily just made private use of his theories for his own benefit, which would have gained him much money.  Now, I think the Devil is correct - Mr. Tseung will never gain fame or fortune.

Now, Mr. Tseung, I know you were skeptical of me the last time I posted, but I want to assure you, I did pose as one of the staff at the massage parlor, and I did get a chance to speak with Mr. Wang at length.  Helping him relax "lead out" much useful information!  Since that incident, the CIA has actually taken a more relaxed view of Mr. Wang's research.  Some of the things have even been declassified and contracted out to the private sector.

I do want to confirm to the readers here that Mr. Tseung is correct.  The U.S. government is indeed close to finishing development of an inertia propulsion engine similar to what is described by Mr. Tseung.  We of course do not expect the people on this forum to understand non-rigid force rotation, but I assure you, Mr. Tseung, the top guns at CIA and other agencies do understand what you are talking about.

Mr. Tseung, I would like to discuss your theories further on here, and I would be glad to provide validation of who I am.  Here are some facts that only someone at the massage parlor, servicing Mr. Wang, would know:

Mr. Wang tipped me 700CNY for my services
Mr. Wang requested some things of me, which I would not go into, but I declined politely.  In the end, I only used my hands, like a proper masseuse.
Mr. Wang has a mole about 1/4 of an inch in diameter on the left side
Mr. Wang tried to kiss me afterwards, but I declined politely
Mr. Wang asked me for my phone number, but I declined politely
Mr. Wang offered to take me out to dinner and show me his 225HP motor afterwards, to which I did express interest.  He gave me his card and wrote his cell phone number on the back.  I have not called him.

That is about all I remember about servicing Mr. Wang, but feel free to have him ask me a question that only I know the answer for.

Oh, and Mr. Tseung, I believe I know who Top Gun is, as I am close to this person, and that person has confided certain things to me.  I am not ready to divulge that information, and Top Gun can do that.

Chill out Gaby! This is a comedy show.

Please supply your full name for the comedy show.

I think I can have lots of fun with that.

Little Chirs the anonymous wanker.

Couldn't even make an email address public.

What a pathetic fool.

QuoteDid you seriously think Lawrence has any real stuff between his ears?

I find your lust to spend your time making jokes about people revolting.

You are just some anonymous whining dip shit.

Lets take a look at your most serious post so far.

Quote from: chrisC on February 06, 2008, 01:57:02 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 06, 2008, 01:01:07 AM
Look at this simple video:


Just repeated the experiment with my oral B electric tooth brush.  The frequency (or the sound from the vibrating brush system) changed with the approaching of a strong magnet.

So there is nothing revolutionary with the Thane Heins discovery???

Lawrence, you're showing your ignorance again!

This is the post of a dumb whining baby.

QuoteYour knowledge of Physics is elementary at best and your knowledge of magnetics and electronics is at the grade school level.

Are we getting to the video the post was about at any stage?

QuoteThe moral of the story is don't believe everything you see and certainly don't jump the gun in announcing a great find to try impress others you're on the 'leading edge' in understanding these great OU findings, including such home made flying saucer experiments from your commie friends.

bla bla bla bla, hey mindless moron. This posting of yours doesn't relate to the one you are replying to in any way.

not even a little bit.

QuoteHaven't you been laughed at long enough

AHHH, so here you confess you are trying to pester him away.

It's obviously not going to work but it's interesting to note such effort.

Quoteand by more people you can even count?

You are not a real person untill you identify yourself as the 15 year old school dropout you really are.

QuoteI would have thought

Yeah, why did you give up on thinking?

Quoteyou would have learnt by now

YEAH, You teach them FREE ENERGY researchers Chris.

Quoteabout not teaching your nonsense on this and other forums, eh?

Ahh so little chris is policing the planet for us.

American I assume? Yeah, it just has to be one. Cant miss...

In other words,

You are the BS talker in this topic.

Not that Lawrence minds it. He doesn't care about it.

But I do care about it.

I think your 100 vs 1 verbal assault makes for quite a disgusting display.

It poetically illustrates what happened with all the tech.

I mean it's obvious people like you wouldn't recognize a technology if beaten over the head with it.

That is the funny part in this topic.

The energy crisis is going to provide much more suffering for you to laugh at.

Take 5 years for example.


The real laughter can start any moment now.

You hold your belly!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: M@rcel on February 14, 2008, 03:50:23 PM

Perhaps you stated it a bit harsh, but I do agree with you!

Goed gedaan joh!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 14, 2008, 03:57:30 PM
[quote author=gaby de wilde link=topic=2794.msg77008#msg77008 date=120302110
Ahh so little chris is policing the planet for us.

American I assume? Yeah, it just has to be one. Cant miss...


Don't worry Garby(age) . I'm not offended. Just as you wouldn't be offended if I refer to you occasionally as Garbage, because I'm not good in pronouncing names from backward countries. 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 14, 2008, 03:59:27 PM
Dear Gaby,

I love you experiment on the wheeled chair.   I just tried it with great fun.  Forever will be happy to do such funny videos.

Many forum members still do not see that your experiment is the same as the flying water bottle or the Milkovic Pendulum Car.

I shall just quote one more simple experiment that has no obvious friction.  If you are suspended by a chain in an enclosed cage, can you get the chain to swing?  Can you direct the swing in any direction?

The basic Physics is "non-rigid body rotation" or "non-rigid body motion in its general form including straight line and circular motion".   With this techique, we do not need to eject hot gases out for propulsion.

I was in a meeting with a top professor from China yesterday afternoon.  He understood it immediately.  He did the swinging bottle and the 4 legged stool experiments.  Top professors actual perform the simple experiments.  I am sure he will enjoy your wheeled chair experiment too.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 14, 2008, 04:15:22 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 14, 2008, 03:59:27 PM
I shall just quote one more simple experiment that has no obvious friction.  If you are suspended by a chain in an enclosed cage, can you get the chain to swing?  Can you direct the swing in any direction?

Yes you can, but you will be hard pushed to create unidirectional movement and that is what you need, otherwise it is just a pendulum.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 14, 2008, 04:32:59 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 14, 2008, 04:15:22 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 14, 2008, 03:59:27 PM
I shall just quote one more simple experiment that has no obvious friction.  If you are suspended by a chain in an enclosed cage, can you get the chain to swing?  Can you direct the swing in any direction?

Yes you can, but you will be hard pushed to create unidirectional movement and that is what you need, otherwise it is just a pendulum.

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

You have the correct answer.  Actually anyone who had played on the swing without someone pushing him should be able to give this answer.

You should read the article quoted by Gaby:

I do not agree with their theory 100% and I would have designed the experiment differently.  However, some points are worth consideration.  In a new development on a revolutionary technology, there will be disagreements.

I do not mind answering or joining in heated debates on such disagreements.  However, I shall let Devil or the like handle personal insults.

*** it is just a pendulum ***
To swing this cage, you actually need pulse forces or Lee-Tseung pulls generated within the cage on this pendulum.  You do not need an external pulse force from outside.  See the power of the Lee-Tseung Lead out theory???

The net unidirectional movement can be achieved by multiple swings - backwards and forwards but edging towards the required direction.  For a straight line motion with no forward and backward swings, we need to be much more clever - study and digest 1165.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 14, 2008, 04:35:07 PM

Please have Forever perform the wheeled chair experiment in her bikini.  This will garner a lot of views and recognition for your theory.  Thank you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 14, 2008, 04:42:01 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 14, 2008, 04:35:07 PM

Please have Forever perform the wheeled chair experiment in her bikini.  This will garner a lot of views and recognition for your theory.  Thank you.


Maybe we could talk Mingmei into doing it in the buff. That would be even better, though I doubt shruggedatlas would approve. ;D

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 14, 2008, 04:47:46 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 14, 2008, 04:42:01 PM

Maybe we could talk Mingmei into doing it in the buff. That would be even better, though I doubt shruggedatlas would approve. ;D

Hans von Lieven

Or we can have Lawrence and Gaby hold hands together to perform their Valentine Lead-Out special to celebrate their 'great minds think alike' and behave even more alike!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on February 14, 2008, 07:14:32 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 03:09:24 PM
QuoteHowever, the flaw with this method is that it works due to friction.  I am able to overcome friction by quickly thrusting forward.  If I then return my body gently to the starting pose, that movement does not overcome friction, so the chair stays in the forward position.  I can then repeat my quick thrust followed by a gentle return to starting form, and thereby travel accross the room as far as I desire.

In space or even in Earth's atmosphere, there is not sufficient friction to allow this to happen.

Sure there is.

QuoteSo a flying saucer cannot.....

hey hey, you didn't get off the chair remember?

Yes, I did not get off the chair, but the reason it works is that I am first able to bring my upper body forward slowly, then I can thrust forward.

In space, no matter how slowly I bend forward, there is no friction at all, so the lower half of my body would move backward, and no amount of thrusting would push me forward.  Look, just because you can walk on the ground on earth does not mean you can pedal your feet in outer space and achive propulsion.

I did click on links.  Lots of dubious crap and not a single working device.  I could point you to links about leprechauns.  Does not mean they exist.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 14, 2008, 07:27:13 PM
@ Shruggedatlas:

Well said.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 14, 2008, 07:54:28 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on February 14, 2008, 07:14:32 PM

In space or even in Earth's atmosphere, there is not sufficient friction to allow this to happen.

Dear shruggedatlas,

This is actually an intelligent question.  There are two schools of thought amongst the Physicists.  Look at the cartoon diagram of a space ship traveling with constant velocity along a straight line.

One school believed that no matter what type of action might be inside the box (apart form ejecting mass outside the box), the velocity of the space ship would not change.  They based their reasoning on a generalization of Newton?s Third Law.  Some of the rocket scientists actually believed that.

Another school (I happen to be a believer) does not believe in a generalization of Newton?s Third Law in all cases.  The specific example is ?non-rigid body general motion including straight line and circular motion?.  In swinging the chain ball, there should be no effect on the velocity of the space ship ? I also apply Newton?s Third Law so far.  But when the ball is let go and hit one side of the spaceship, I predict that this impact force will change the velocity and/or the direction of the space ship.

The first school argued that the moment you let the chain ball go, there will be an equal and opposite direction pushing you.  The Forever flying water bottle proof of concept experiment is an experimental proof.  Have you done that experiment yet?

If you have not, do it.  Then read 1165 again.  Do not apply Physics Laws in the wrong situation.  You would not do that in law courts.  You should not do that in the Physics Laboratories.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 07:58:14 PM
Quote from: chrisC on February 14, 2008, 03:57:30 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on October 24, 1973, 05:15:10 AM
Ahh so little chris is policing the planet for us.

American I assume? Yeah, it just has to be one. Cant miss...

Don't worry Garby(age) . I'm not offended. Just as you wouldn't be offended if I refer to you occasionally as Garbage, because I'm not good in pronouncing names from backward countries. 


jep my post was trash. I agree. I was just spewing some random words. You know. ... ha-ha

wind pisser
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 08:10:36 PM
Quote from: chrisC on February 14, 2008, 04:47:46 PM
Or we can have Lawrence and Gaby hold hands together to perform their Valentine Lead-Out special to celebrate their 'great minds think alike' and behave even more alike!

Mah, Lawrence is limited to applied thinking and working towards his goal. Like a boat on calm water with good sunshine.

I on the other hand am the owner of this planet. You and my other free energy research minions are such disappointment from this perspective. I have screwed up big time.

but ok ok, you get back down from the tree and start investigating things.

hup hup

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 08:46:35 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on February 14, 2008, 07:14:32 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 03:09:24 PM
QuoteHowever, the flaw with this method is that it works due to friction.  I am able to overcome friction by quickly thrusting forward.  If I then return my body gently to the starting pose, that movement does not overcome friction, so the chair stays in the forward position.  I can then repeat my quick thrust followed by a gentle return to starting form, and thereby travel accross the room as far as I desire.

In space or even in Earth's atmosphere, there is not sufficient friction to allow this to happen.

Sure there is.

QuoteSo a flying saucer cannot.....

hey hey, you didn't get off the chair remember?

Yes, I did not get off the chair, but the reason it works is that I am first able to bring my upper body forward slowly, then I can thrust forward.

You asked me if I could make sense of the proposed propulsion system. I gave you the information you need to be able to find more then one working inertial propulsion system. I have attached a pdf, this is all I know about it.

I don't remember inviting you to debunk the concept in general? I already know all the arguments why it should be condemned a Newtonian impossibility. This is the whole basis of the topic. I'm like ...... OMG, they have all gone nuts!! Here the whole Newtonian action+reaction wholesale is just not workin!! Then I liek trie talk to people about this upsetting facts. ... Then... then.... they say it isn't so! Eh..... Even when shown a bottle attached to a rope you still don't see the irony....  They are called plungers. You just cant build a good saucer without em.  ;)  Now shruggedatlas is suppose to do some work producing something constructive jet interesting on the topic. Here, this you should have found in stead of making up nonsense.


You might even find a drawing if you are willing to dig a little deeper.  I find it an interesting topic. To me that means " I'm looking for the way to make it work".  If other people have already done it is only of mild interest. Look how they all worship Newton, it's obvious they are not likely to wake up any time soon. yeah... this "other people" haven't begun doing stuffs? ha-ha?? Perhaps the CIA stole their brain? What do you think?

*edit to add*

The device in the video doesn't go very fast but I think that is the penalty for breaking the law. We may now look for ways to break the speeding limit also.  :P

*edit 2*



Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 09:04:36 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 14, 2008, 03:59:27 PM
I shall just quote one more simple experiment that has no obvious friction.  If you are suspended by a chain in an enclosed cage, can you get the chain to swing?  Can you direct the swing in any direction?

I will break the chain, then the cage, then whoever put me in the cage.

I bet his last thought will be about Newtonian nonsense. :D

But I send you a picture of my ?roelastic flutter drive.

The simplicity of that machine is so striking that it's workings escaped you.


Everything fluttery, flubbery or blubbery!

I know there has to be a prank about Americans in this one but lets not go there.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on February 14, 2008, 09:34:27 PM
You appear a little manic today Mr. de Wilde.

Have you forgotten to take your medicine again?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 10:09:35 PM
Quote from: langley on February 14, 2008, 09:34:27 PM
You appear a little manic today Mr. de Wilde.

Have you forgotten to take your medicine again?



I'm sorry the content of your postings just isn't of a quality that I would want to keep talking with people like you. You and your appearances.  I mean ?? HAHAHA Who are you kidding Britney? Then the poster wants to medicate others to cure his own mental illness. Priceless stuff. hahaha

But okay, I appear manic to you.

And you think I care about the way you view my appearance?

How is mentioning this suppose to help against your way of viewing people?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 10:38:56 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 09:04:36 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 14, 2008, 03:59:27 PM
I shall just quote one more simple experiment that has no obvious friction.  If you are suspended by a chain in an enclosed cage, can you get the chain to swing?  Can you direct the swing in any direction?

I will break the chain, then the cage, then whoever put me in the cage.

I bet his last thought will be about Newtonian nonsense. :D

But I send you a picture of my ?roelastic flutter drive.

The simplicity of that machine is so striking that it's workings escaped you.


Everything fluttery, flubbery or blubbery!

I know there has to be a prank about Americans in this one but lets not go there.


Here is a picture of the device.

I leave it up to you to guess why it works.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 14, 2008, 10:48:11 PM
Easier to guess why is doesn't.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 14, 2008, 10:50:46 PM
G'day everybody,

I have been hacking into the Hubble telescope for some time now. Good stuff, if you are into this sort of thing. Not many surprises though, just the same old stuff, stars, galaxies, nebulae and so forth with the odd black hole thrown in.

Today things were different. Nasa is in a spin, the CIA has gone nuts and the FBI is running around arresting people left right and centre trying to find answers. The first undeniable shots of intelligent (?) life out there. They haven't got a clue what they are looking at but we know, don't we?
The answers lie in the Milkovic galactic go-cart and the Lee-Tseung inspired Winnie Woo flying saucer.

Judge for yourself!

This is a picture of the Milkovic galactic go-cart.


And now a film clip of what has Nasa in a spin.


That crafty old Lawrence, while talking to us about possibilities he has been quietly testing his flying saucer all along. He is not using bottles or coconuts anymore but is taken his own little pool of water along, which he energises with his famous Lee-Tseung Pulls. You can see the pulls very clearly in the video clip.

Well done Lawrence, when are we going to Acapulco? I am still offering to pay for lunch.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 14, 2008, 11:15:19 PM

What an amazing coincidence...its long been my fantasy to escape to another planet with a cuppla oars. :)


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 14, 2008, 11:36:48 PM
Dear Gaby,

Your gold/quoted references inspired me again.

I admit that I was damn stupid in asking Forever to do the flying water bottle experiment.  The answer was already obvious.

Look at the attached cartoon figures again.  The two balls were shoot out with equal mass and velocity (Conservation of Mementum).  The top one goes towards a pad that would slow the top ball down.  The bottom one hits the spaceship directly.

Since Force = Rate of Change of Momentum, the force acting on the top surface will be much lower than that acting on the lower surface.

The resulting force on the spaceship must be downwards.  Every step obeys Newton's Third Law.

Thus blindly enclosing the entity in a black box and apply Newton's Third Law without examining the detailed interactions is stupid and against established Physics.

The second school (which I belong to) must be right.  The non-rigid body motion including straight line and circular motion can indeed provide thrust in any direction without ejecting any gas outside the spaceship.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on February 14, 2008, 11:53:45 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 14, 2008, 11:36:48 PM
Dear Gaby,

Your gold/quoted references inspired me again.

I admit that I was damn stupid in asking Forever to do the flying water bottle experiment.  The answer was already obvious.

Look at the attached cartoon figures again.  The two balls were shoot out with equal mass and velocity (Conservation of Mementum).  The top one goes towards a pad that would slow the top ball down.  The bottom one hits the spaceship directly.

Since Force = Rate of Change of Momentum, the force acting on the top surface will be much lower than that acting on the lower surface.

The resulting force on the spaceship must be downwards.  Every step obeys Newton's Third Law.

Thus blindly enclosing the entity in a black box and apply Newton's Third Law without examining the detailed interactions is stupid and against established Physics.

The second school (which I belong to) must be right.  The non-rigid body motion including straight line and circular motion can indeed provide thrust in any direction without ejecting any gas outside the spaceship.

What you just demonstrated is the Tseung scientific method:

1.  Come up with an idea
2.  Make a drawing of it
3.  Do not test it
4.  Conclude that it must work
5.  Tell the world

This explains alot about how you arrived at your concepts.

As to your concept, even a layman knows that whether you absorb a force gradually over a long period of time, or whether you absorb it in an instant, you are still absorbing the same amount of force.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 14, 2008, 11:59:12 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on February 14, 2008, 11:15:19 PM

What an amazing coincidence...its long been my fantasy to escape to another planet with a cuppla oars. :)


Easy, get Lawrence to teach you the Lee-Tseung pull, or better, get Mingmei to do it. It'll be more fun.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 15, 2008, 12:10:44 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on February 14, 2008, 11:53:45 PM

As to your concept, even a layman knows that whether you absorb a force gradually over a long period of time, or whether you absorb it in an instant, you are still absorbing the same amount of force.

Dear shruggedatlas,

Please consult a physicist friend.  Ask him what is meant by
Force = Rate of change of momentum.

I just do not know how to explain to layman such kindergarten physics concepts.


May be you can explain to shruggedatlas the equation

Force = Rate of change of momentum.

If she understands that, she might understand inertia propulsion systems.  Gaby's posts and references would then make sense to her.  You may be a better teacher than I.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 15, 2008, 12:50:06 AM
Mingmei can pull my oar anytime she wants to.  No telling what that might lead out to.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on February 15, 2008, 04:29:31 AM
Are you making a pass at me Mr. Bill, you handsome devil you.

I love the little messages you are sending me via PM. Don?t stop, and who knows, maybe one of these days when I get a little time for myself we can have a drink or two and discuss the plight of your paddle.

At the moment I am just too tied up with the Who Flung Dung experiments.

Kiss Kiss

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on February 15, 2008, 08:48:35 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 01:58:25 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on February 14, 2008, 04:21:37 AM
@gaby: Do you mean to say you take any of Tseungs stuff seriously?

oh, yes very seriously.

QuoteThen perhaps you can explain in proper English and in a way that actually makes any sense,
how the "Tseung" UFO propulsion is supposed to work? Tseung himself seems unwilling or
unable to do any proper explaining, he just shouts a lot about how great he is.

Oh sure.

If you have a desk chair with wheels you can wave your arms in the air and make it roll forwards. This is the main principal of inertial propulsion.
Except that that has to do with the difference between one the one hand the momentum transfer  created by suddenly stopping your arms or moving them sihnificantly slower in one direction, in other words a form of asymmetrical regauging, and on the other hand the relative fiction/resistance of your weight against the floor.
You will see that it doesn't work if the floor+wheel set has zero friction.

Exactly half way John Searl's old/long video he explains his version. You can find my explanation / implementation here.

gabydewilde - gde wilde anti gravity

Well I'm sorry but I see not viable mechanisms there. I see some wishfull thinking, and some unsupported ideas that
do seem to be somewhat similar to Tseungs claims, which are also unsupported by evidence and just nice ideas.
I mean, come on, that "stay in the air" thing? You must be kidding. You seriously believe that you can make a wheel
float in the air by accellerating it during one half of its rotation, and decellerating it during the other half?
Jeez... I knew the level of education had dropped in the past decades, but this is taking that to a whole new level...

The lifter technology is doing just about the same thing only on nano-scale.
So the Lifter is not just an electrokinetic thruster that uses quite a bit of energy to generate a slight space/time curvature which causes
the thing to move? ;)
QuoteSurely you see the flaws in his "spinning the bottle" non-experiment?

No, I'm afraid it is exactly as simple as you think it is.
Well, in that case, you are saying that I am right and the bottle experiment does not prove Tseungs idea.

QuoteSo, either Tseung is a genius or the rest of the planet is just dumb.
Hahaha, you do realise that is exactly what many crazy people say? "I'm not crazy, the rest of the world is!"

QuoteIt does work.


see? ;)
Nope, not on google, sorry. But Check out Naudins info on inertial propulsion: http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/IPEmain.htm
This is one of the best types that is actually replicated: http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/TIE.htm

But now it seems you are digressing into plain inertial propulsion systems.
What Tseung keeps shouting is not "I think I have a usefull inertial propulsion system", for if he did, we could simply discuss it.
Or at least, we could if Tseung ever actually discusses things, instead of pointing toward an earlier and unclear post and then
claiming that it is a lucid description.
In any case, what Tseung claims is not "inertial propulsion".
Tseung claims "Free Energy from Still Air" and extraction of energy from gravity.
From there he stepped up his claims and now he claims he can not only extract (or in his extremely silly terminology "lead out")
energy from gravity, but he can even somehow use this to produce "UFO propulsion".
From there he goes all out and leaves all technology behind, focusing on fantasy sociao-economic developments in China.

The point is not just that he refuses to clearly describe what exactly he is talking about,
he also very clearly started out claiming to be able to describe how to extract energy from gravity without ever really describing it,
but now he's ending up with claims about "UFO propulsion" with only a silly bottle swinging experiment, without indicating
clearly how it relates to his original free energy claim, and without any proper proof.
Think about that bottle "experiment". How does that "prove" anything, in your view?
What does it prove? That we can catapult a bottle away by imparting rotational momentum to it? fine.
So are you going to fill your "UFO" with tons of bottles and "swing" them all out the bottom of your "UFO"?
Oh no, I forgot, Tseung was planning to make a magnet rotate round 2 electromagnets inside a circular path,
and that would mysteriously create antigravity for some unknown reason, no explanations necessary and
no questions to be asked. :? That just doesn't "fly", scuse the pun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on February 15, 2008, 09:35:49 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 14, 2008, 08:46:35 PM
I don't remember inviting you to debunk the concept in general?
Nor do I recall inviting you to start getting angry at people for not swallowing Tseungs highly dubious nonsense. Yet you do. Don't play holier than thou, gaby.
QuoteI already know all the arguments why it should be condemned a Newtonian impossibility.
Great. Then we can skip those. You should then realise that what we want is clear and proper proof, if only theoretical, that Tseung can really produce over unity by extracting energy from gravity, and that shows how this relates to the "UFO propulsion" he also claims, and then to show us how exactly this "propulsion" works, instead of just shouting "it works!" a lot and showing us pictures that don't prove anything. It is apparently easy for Tesung to produce tons of pictures that don't make clear what his exact point is, and it seems easy for him to spew tons of useless speculative socio-economic fantasies about China, but just explaining his entire path of reasoning from his claimed free gravity energy transducer to his claimed "UFO propulsion" is suddenly too difficult?
And you show the same behaviour to a degree: you start blaming Shruggedatlas and Chris for not googling for and clicking links, and not wanting to make the effort of studying inertial propulsion, but at the same time you yourself do not want to make the effort of explaining the concept. If it's so simple, as you seem to imply, then it should be easy to explain. And it should be easy for you, convinced as you seem to be of the validity of all of Tseungs claims, to find a few pictures or docs that clearly
show the mechanisms and theory involved, and the proof of the pudding too. But you don't.
Seems to me like a typical matter of the pot calling the kettle black. ;)

QuoteHere, this you should have found in stead of making up nonsense.

Unfortunately that is a typical example of the periodic asymmetry in a friction-based impulse drive... Which supports Shruggeds comment.

Quote(blabla) Look how they all worship Newton, it's obvious they are not likely to wake up any time soon. yeah... this "other people" haven't begun doing stuffs? ha-ha?? Perhaps the CIA stole their brain? What do you think?

I think you are seriously way too focused on discrediting Newton and his "worship". Fork Newton.
I'm not into FE/OU research because I love Newton or anything like that. But I am also not going to flip to the diametrically opposed camp
and deny Newtonian physical analysis simply because I would like it to be different.
The solution to this is: empirical evidence.
If you are so convinced of some effect that is impossible according to Newtonian physics, then BUILD IT AND TEST IT.
Empirical testing. Tangiable evidence. That's the basis of scientific advancement.
So far I see you do a whole lot of talking, drawing, and (wishfull) thinking, but I don't see you building any devices.
I see no empirical tests of anything with your name on it.
At least Newton did some experiments which can be replicated and his calculations in respect to those experiments
can be empirically confirmed.
And even Tseung has managed to get some poor Chinese girl to do his beach-pumping and bottle-swinging for him, which
although not convincing are at least empirical proof of Chinese people, beach pumps, and bottles with strings on them
actually existing.
What do you have to show, besides your drawings and ideas?

So except for the fact that you have some kind of problem with established physical "laws" and are easily convinced by
the flawed argumentation of a chinaman, you also seem to go out of your way to find things that may seem to partly fit
concepts Tseung mentioned... But you prefer to deny critical analysis over wishfull thining. The fact that you deny that
the inertial propulsion units you referred to all work because of friction (/resistance/surface tension/viscosity, all corners of the same
tablecloth so to speak) only serves to prove this.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on February 15, 2008, 11:43:45 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 15, 2008, 12:10:44 AM
Please consult a physicist friend.  Ask him what is meant by
Force = Rate of change of momentum.

I just do not know how to explain to layman such kindergarten physics concepts.

Perhaps I did not use the correct terminology in my earlier post.

Yes, I agree with your definition of force.  For example, gravity is a force and causes a rate of change in momentum (i.e. acceleration) by a free-falling object.  However, that does not get you where you want to be. 

In space, let's say you take two objects of equal mass, but one is soft like a nerf ball and the other is a hard baseball.  You hurl the two objects toward each other with equal speeds, so you have the very large nerf ball and the small baseball on a collision course.  After the two objects collide, I predict that neither will continue any forward motion.  Based on your theory, however, the baseball should continue forward.  Is that correct?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 15, 2008, 04:52:46 PM
" What an amazing coincidence...its long been my fantasy to escape to another planet with a cuppla oars. "

I'm afraid I also may be guilty of a lack of clarity in my previous post as shown above.

It wood appear I should have placed special emphasis on the word 'oars'...for the personified meaning intended.



Oh...and by the way to avoid having to make any disclaimers...any alleged pm's from me to any of the 'Mingmei's' or 'Forever' will have occurred in the reality of the storyline only...and not in real time.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on February 15, 2008, 06:28:53 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on February 15, 2008, 11:43:45 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 15, 2008, 12:10:44 AM
Please consult a physicist friend.  Ask him what is meant by
Force = Rate of change of momentum.

I just do not know how to explain to layman such kindergarten physics concepts.

Perhaps I did not use the correct terminology in my earlier post.

Yes, I agree with your definition of force.  For example, gravity is a force and causes a rate of change in momentum (i.e. acceleration) by a free-falling object.  However, that does not get you where you want to be. 

In space, let's say you take two objects of equal mass, but one is soft like a nerf ball and the other is a hard baseball.  You hurl the two objects toward each other with equal speeds, so you have the very large nerf ball and the small baseball on a collision course.  After the two objects collide, I predict that neither will continue any forward motion.  Based on your theory, however, the baseball should continue forward.  Is that correct?

shruggedatlas, say you want to visit me by jumping from the fourth floor.  You boyfriend tries to prevent that by
(1)   Placing an iron plate on the ground.
(2)   Place an air cushion on the ground.

Just before hitting the ground, you have the same momentum (mass x velocity).  In case (1), your velocity changes from V to 0 rapidly.  The force exerted by you on the iron plate and the reaction by the iron plate on you will be very large.  You successfully visit me.

In case (2), your velocity changes from V to 0 slowly.  The force (= rate of change of momentum) exerted by you on the air cushion and the reaction by the air cushion on you will be much smaller than case (1).  Your boy friend will be able to hug and kiss you.

You can now re-examine the silly cartoons by Tseung.  If you still do not understand, cry again.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 15, 2008, 06:47:51 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on February 14, 2008, 11:53:45 PM

What you just demonstrated is the Tseung scientific method:

1.  Come up with an idea
2.  Make a drawing of it
3.  Do not test it
4.  Conclude that it must work
5.  Tell the world

This explains alot about how you arrived at your concepts.

This is good! The method is even simpeler as that. Point 1 is not to come up with an idea but to start out by looking at other peoples ideas. (2) would be to speculate what one could improve combine or enhance. Study and speculation indeed comes before building things. Speculation does not mean "concluding it must work". This is how inventions are done. There isn't any other way.   Come up with an idea and make a drawing of it

But you want something like:

1 - Receive complete invention from God or other divine source.

2 - Snap fingers for replications and financing

3 - Re-write all physics books on a Sunday afternoon.

4 - Patent the perpetual motion apparatus using snap finger funding.

5 - Peer review the perpetual motion machine.

6 - Destroy your IP by teaching the armchair skeptics how to build the device for free and at no charge.

7 - Suffer liberous irrational armchair debunkery.

8 - Respect remote viewing scientists who have envisioned a divine fraud claim.

9 - and last but not least: "Be a humble victim."

Keep rubbing the lamp I would say. :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on February 15, 2008, 07:15:46 PM
Quote from: Devil on February 15, 2008, 06:28:53 PM

shruggedatlas, say you want to visit me by jumping from the fourth floor.  You boyfriend tries to prevent that by
(1)   Placing an iron plate on the ground.
(2)   Place an air cushion on the ground.

Just before hitting the ground, you have the same momentum (mass x velocity).  In case (1), your velocity changes from V to 0 rapidly.  The force exerted by you on the iron plate and the reaction by the iron plate on you will be very large.  You successfully visit me.

In case (2), your velocity changes from V to 0 slowly.  The force (= rate of change of momentum) exerted by you on the air cushion and the reaction by the air cushion on you will be much smaller than case (1).  Your boy friend will be able to hug and kiss you.

You can now re-examine the silly cartoons by Tseung.  If you still do not understand, cry again.

Certainly, an object cushioned against a fall is less likely to sustain damage.  However, this has nothing to do with the propulsion system you propose.  The energy absorbed by the ground is the same, whether I fall on a pillow or land on my feet.

You never answered my hopothetical.  Do you believe the harder object, the baseball, will retain some of its forward motion after the collision with the soft foam ball (of equal mass)?  The objects are travelling at equal speeds toward each other in gravity-free space.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 15, 2008, 07:54:36 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 14, 2008, 11:36:48 PM
Thus blindly enclosing the entity in a black box and apply Newton's Third Law without examining the detailed interactions is stupid and against established Physics.

Zero point energy means the universe is like a snowglobe.  :D All objects are submerged in a substance. Even a closed box is subjected to "air" flowing against it.

This "air" is always moving, if we would move our object in the same direction, just below the speed of the "air" it would pick up energy from this "air" stream. However, moving it faster or in opposite direction "dissipates" the energy into "air" motion.

We may of course (rather then 100% linearly) do the same with frequencies. Vibrate or rotate an object. Then accelerate it while it moves to the left, and decelerate while it moves to the right. Then get linear trust 100% mechanically. Reaction forces from acceleration and deceleration both point to the right.

But trust me the ?roflutter drive is far more amusing.


Look how simple it is? It's actually to simple to understand it? Isn't that hilarious? But please try describe what you think happens in the device, please walk though it step by step.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on February 15, 2008, 08:16:35 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on February 15, 2008, 04:52:46 PM

Oh...and by the way to avoid having to make any disclaimers...any alleged pm's from me to any of the 'Mingmei's' or 'Forever' will have occurred in the reality of the storyline only...and not in real time.

You are not Mr. Bill,

The Kiss Kiss was meant for him, not you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 15, 2008, 09:18:04 PM

An ounce of prevention... :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on February 15, 2008, 09:58:00 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on February 15, 2008, 07:15:46 PM

Certainly, an object cushioned against a fall is less likely to sustain damage.  However, this has nothing to do with the propulsion system you propose.  The energy absorbed by the ground is the same, whether I fall on a pillow or land on my feet.

You never answered my hopothetical.  Do you believe the harder object, the baseball, will retain some of its forward motion after the collision with the soft foam ball (of equal mass)?  The objects are travelling at equal speeds toward each other in gravity-free space.

shruggedatlas, glad to hear your cry for help again.

First the force hitting the ground with an iron plate and an air cushion are definitely different.  This is because the rate of change of momentum in the two cases are different.

Second the energy received by the ground will be different.  Some energy will dissipate as sound; some as deformation, some as breaking of bones, some as blood splashing to mid-air, etc.

Change your two-ball scenario a little bit.  Instead of pointing them at each other, direct them to two opposite sides of the silly spaceship by Tseung.  You will get two different forces acting on the two sides of the spaceship.  This will result in moving the spaceship in the direction of greater force.  Use your trained brain more.  It is a pity that you did not have a physics degree.  If you had undergone a few years vigorous training, you might even be able design a Flying Sauce and ride on it to visit me. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on February 15, 2008, 10:27:33 PM
Quote from: Devil on February 15, 2008, 09:58:00 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on February 15, 2008, 07:15:46 PM

Certainly, an object cushioned against a fall is less likely to sustain damage.  However, this has nothing to do with the propulsion system you propose.  The energy absorbed by the ground is the same, whether I fall on a pillow or land on my feet.

You never answered my hopothetical.  Do you believe the harder object, the baseball, will retain some of its forward motion after the collision with the soft foam ball (of equal mass)?  The objects are travelling at equal speeds toward each other in gravity-free space.

shruggedatlas, glad to hear your cry for help again.

First the force hitting the ground with an iron plate and an air cushion are definitely different.  This is because the rate of change of momentum in the two cases are different.

Second the energy received by the ground will be different.  Some energy will dissipate as sound; some as deformation, some as breaking of bones, some as blood splashing to mid-air, etc.

Change your two-ball scenario a little bit.  Instead of pointing them at each other, direct them to two opposite sides of the silly spaceship by Tseung.  You will get two different forces acting on the two sides of the spaceship.  This will result in moving the spaceship in the direction of greater force.  Use your trained brain more.  It is a pity that you did not have a physics degree.  If you had undergone a few years vigorous training, you might even be able design a Flying Sauce and ride on it to visit me. 

No, it's a pity that even with your physics degree, you cannot grasp these elementary things.  You still have not answered my question, and you are not going to, because it can be tested, and you cannot stand to be proven wrong.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 15, 2008, 11:29:45 PM
I was just thinking of cosmic engines.

What if we where to point a compass needle as straight as we can at a planet some place in our solar system. We keep the needle aimed at the planet for years. Wouldn't the planet express force onto the needle depending on how accurate we can match it's speed?

What if we aim a huge mass slightly below the speed of that planet?

Wouldn't it start dragging it along?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 16, 2008, 04:31:04 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 15, 2008, 11:29:45 PM
I was just thinking of cosmic engines.

What if we where to point a compass needle as straight as we can at a planet some place in our solar system. We keep the needle aimed at the planet for years. Wouldn't the planet express force onto the needle depending on how accurate we can match it's speed?

What if we aim a huge mass slightly below the speed of that planet?

Wouldn't it start dragging it along?


If we can shield one end of the magnet so that the main effect on it from the distant planet with magnetic pole is attracton, you can get the magnet moving towards the planet.

We assume that there is no other force acting on the magnet to pull it in other directions.

If we do not shield the magnet, there will be the repulsion from the other pole of the magnet.

The question will be similar to pure gravitational attraction.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 16, 2008, 05:03:31 PM
@ Lawrence:

That "assumption" of yours is very significant.  The attraction, small as it may be, would only be toward the planet with the most mass in the system in which you were traveling.  If you left the earth headed toward the moon you would end up at the sun.  In science, you cannot just gloss over a major defect in a theory by saying "well, this assumes...."  That would be like me claiming over unity in a device by saying..."Of course, this assumes that it puts out more energy than I put in."  Everything else I might have said prior to that, and after, would mean nothing.  That is just too large of an assumption in my opinion.  I mean no disrespect here.  I just can't figure out how an intelligent guy like yourself does not see this.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 16, 2008, 06:47:41 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 16, 2008, 05:03:31 PMThat is just too large of an assumption in my opinion.

Let me help you: ""ALL ASSUMPTIONS ARE NONSENSE"" feel better already? :)

Here is my hypothesis.

We take a box shaped vehicle and we make it move at a stationary speed (compensate for losses)

We take another vehicle of exactly the same type. We place that behind the first one inside it's slipstream. It costs much less energy to keep the second one going. But if the second car is moving just the slightest bit faster, slower to the left or to the right the slipstream doesn't do work any longer.

Now I (as in me personally) was thinking what if we rotate a large mass with exactly the same speed as Jupiter.

If one would match it exactly would we notice a slipstream?

Don't forget we can already see light from stars far far away. There isn't any reason for other interactions over distance to be treated as-if impossible.

Think of planets like gigantic magnets flying over our head.

If we don't time our rotor it wont drag along with it.

Just like car-B parked by the side of the road doesn't notice the slipstream from A driving by. Energy can only be extracted if B is driving behind A at the correct speed. The moon moves all the water on our planet all of the time. It keeps the water fresh. A lot of the behavior of water isn't quite understood by "science".

It's all quite simple really,
It's the formation of planets that makes up the basic intelligence in out solar system. The interaction of their fields is an intellect in it self. This "field" of influence is logically reflected on everything moving free (like our water) which then assumes those same thought patterns.

So you may look at my assumption as a kind of self powered means of wireless communication. I mean wouldn't it be cool to call god with your mobile Bill?

You know why waves wave on the ocean. Where do the brainwaves and thought patterns come from? Who fired the neurons?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 16, 2008, 07:55:25 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on February 15, 2008, 10:27:33 PM
You never answered my hopothetical.  Do you believe the harder object, the baseball, will retain some of its forward motion after the collision with the soft foam ball (of equal mass)?  The objects are travelling at equal speeds toward each other in gravity-free space.

I understand the raw data of the from the cord suspended bottle is a bit overwhelming.

So I have designed a propulsion system specially for you. [see attachment]

We are looking down 2 tubes encapsulating a rotating fluid. (I suggest using bbq sauce).

The fluid collides with the bump attached onto the inner tube thus leading out trust.

By using 2 tubes we prevent the device from spinning around it's own axle.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 17, 2008, 02:56:21 AM
Dear Gaby,

This post is for you and a few who can understand it only.

Your gold/quoted references made me realize that
(1)   One can use a downward force to move one in any direction, including upwards.  The airplane is a good example.
(2)   Most physicists thought that an external force or an external environment such friction, air etc is needed.
(3)   In reality, the Physics Laws allow an internal force from within the box.
(4)   In reality, there is no space where is no gravitation or electromagnetic field.
(5)   The Flying Saucer or the Magneto Propulsion Unit can be designed and implemented in multiple ways.

Thank you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on February 17, 2008, 08:05:11 AM
Funny how Gaby also chooses to ignore certain posts that don't suit his whims...

Do you suppose he is infected with Tseungitis?
If he starts spewing tons of socio-economic fantasies and nonsensical fantasy discussions between non-existant personas,
we will know for sure. ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on February 17, 2008, 10:31:46 AM
@ Mr. Koen,

Please don't be too hard on Mr. de Wilde. The poor man has a tendency to forget to take his medicine.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 17, 2008, 10:54:36 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 17, 2008, 02:56:21 AM
Dear Gaby,

This post is for you and a few who can understand it only.

Your gold/quoted references made me realize that
(1)   One can use a downward force to move one in any direction, including upwards.  The airplane is a good example.
(2)   Most physicists thought that an external force or an external environment such friction, air etc is needed.
(3)   In reality, the Physics Laws allow an internal force from within the box.
(4)   In reality, there is no space where is no gravitation or electromagnetic field.
(5)   The Flying Saucer or the Magneto Propulsion Unit can be designed and implemented in multiple ways.

Thank you. 

Keely (http://www.svpvril.com/), Tesla (http://magnetmotor.go-here.nl/nicola-tesla) and Searl (http://magnetmotor.go-here.nl/john-searl) mention fields that make people feel fantastic.

I thought this was a note worthy trend as we also have the vastly debunked Morphic fields (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morphic_field) theory. (I personally like that theory because it works jet contradicts a lot of established dogma)

Searl and Hamel (http://magnetmotor.go-here.nl/david-hamel) both mention building a generator that flew off the bench. (Which is the only rational reason to build a full scale prototype which they both worked at)

Respecting my own recent far fetched cosmic engine theory (as described in the publication above) in this context I thus therefrom conclude:

there are wave fields of all kinds and variations in the atmosphere.

From light to gravity, to scalars and back to electricity again.

No one is going to question this.

If one was to match up a magnetic, electric, scalar or gravitational wave it will obviously extract energy from it's environment.

Imagine standing on a podium that moves up and down 10 cm every 2 seconds. Now you are going to jump up and down. It would make sense to jump when the floor is at it's highest point. If you would jump with 0.4 hz you slowly phase out of sink with the floor. Eventually you would be trying to jump while the floor is moving downwards.

The reason we have tides is not because the gravity of the moon is pulling the water up.

That wave has been there ever since day one!

Normally waves smoothen out because of earths gravity.

But if the water is moving in the direction of the moon with the speed of the moon Earth's gravity is going to have mighty trouble slowing it down.

The better the speed of the moon is matched the more it appears to be dragged along with it.

But it isn't quite dragged along you see, that wave is the product of millions of flyovers not just one.

The wave is a million years old, terrestrial Gravity cant stop it because of lunar gravity.

David Hamel showed the world that if you position a sharp stick exactly vertical, that is 90 degrees perpendicular to the earth. Then the stick tips over. What can I say? It doesn't even happen slowly, the stick starts it's drop almost instantaneously.

If it drops into a repulsive magnetic field it may reverse it's direction and do the same at the other end.

If however we can set the frequency of the tumbler it should be possible to match the wave that initially pushed the stick over. In theory at least, in reality you would end up dialing like mad not knowing what you are looking for.

Hamel however stacked cones one on top of another!

That allowed his devices to oscillate at variable speed!

The first push gets it going, the second push tunes the frequency.

The part of the machine moving at the right frequency will not cooperate with speed changes with the same ease as the parts that are just swinging around at other frequencies.

Matching the frequency is hard (specially more then one at a time) but when it's tuned in it should tend to stay there.

Like the 2 metronome's entraining another.


And when you match special fields the humans standing next to it start to feel good.

And I thought astrology was to far-fetched.

HA - what do I know right?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 17, 2008, 03:24:11 PM
Cool I explain astrology, homeopathy, the ?ther, morphic fields, radionics and the chakras/chi etc in one post. hahaha

Here Mr Tseung, you liked my cyber alchemy so I made this for your forum.


It almost hurts from laughter?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 18, 2008, 03:30:41 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I did a google search on the theory of the Flying Saucer and got over 50,000 hits.  I glanced over some of them.  So far, I have not found a single one that can explain the physics of the Flying Saucer to my satisfaction.

Your Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory started from:
(1) We are immersed in gravitational and/or electron motions fields.  If we can use such energy, we do not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

(2) A Pulsed Pendulum Leading Out gravitational energy

(3) A Pulsed Magnetic Pendulum Leading Out electron motion energy

(4) An unbalanced wheel is effectively a pulsed pendulum

(5) A pulsed balanced wheel has the similar effect as (2) but much more efficient

(6) The Newman, Bedini, Adams, 225 HP, Liang, Chao etc. inventions are essentially variations of (4) or (5).

(7) The Forever flying bottle experiment or the two balls hitting the two sides (one padded) of the silly spaceship scenario pointed to the possibility of producing thrust internally without the need to eject hot gases.  There is no violation of Newton's Third Law.

(8 ) The sketch in 1165 combines the Cosmic Energy Machine in (6) and the elements of (7) to produce the Flying Saucer.

Your total step-by-step theoretical approach is intriguing.  Every step obeys the known and existing Laws of Physics.  If we accept the use of parallelogram of forces in step (2), the rest are simple.  Omitting or non-acceptance of that step will create non-believers.  You and Lee might be elevated to a previously undreamed of status in Science.

My eleventh question is:
(11) Have you presented your total theory with the above outlined 8 steps to any established academic institutions yet?  If so, what are their reactions?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on February 18, 2008, 05:11:07 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 18, 2008, 03:30:41 AM
Your total step-by-step theoretical approach is intriguing.  Every step obeys the known and existing Laws of Physics.  If we accept the use of parallelogram of forces in step (2), the rest are simple.  Omitting or non-acceptance of that step will create non-believers.  You and Lee might be elevated to a previously undreamed of status in Science.

Tseung, do not be misled by praises from Top Gun.  The jealousy I planted in the minds of men will stop all fame and fortune going in your direction.  No Westerner will ever accept two Chinese retirees can revolutionize Western Science.  They will say that some Westerners (e.g. Joseph Newman) already discovered the Cosmic Energy Machine.  Prof. John Searl and David Hamel already produced the Flying Saucer.

The Russians may quote Milkovic.  The Japanese may quote Minato.  You do not stand a chance ? except within China.  Even in China, they may quote Wang, Liang and Chao. The Physics is simple.  The Politics is not.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on February 18, 2008, 06:04:59 AM
Dammit man! "Tseung" aka "Top Gun" aka whatever number of personas you post as,

will you STOP sticking feathers up your arse
and STOP giving your other personas compliments
and STOP having your other personas repeat what you already said in an attempt to
make your nonsense sound more credible!

You may think you're fooling people by posting as different personas and praising your other personas,
but in fact you are not. The continual repetition of your totally unbased and unsupported hogwash
does not provide any credibility, it only serves to annoy people with your repetitious behaviour.
Everyone can see that "Top Gun" is now saying exactly the same shit as "Students A, B and C",
which is nothing more than "Gee mr Tseung, you're so brilliant, your theories are clearly true, although
I don't actually critically analyse them at all and basically only repeat how great they are, like you
yourself keep doing. Oh, I forgot, I'm you. Oh darn, the others in the thread weren't supposed to know that.
Oh well, they'll probably not notice as long as I just use another name to post my same bullshit over
and over again."
And you've even got poor Gaby convinced already. Poor fellow.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 18, 2008, 09:54:28 AM
Dear Koen1,

You should read the book and learn how to endure insults.

If you work for the CIA or the Like, you should take their course on how to insult.

If you really want to learn, study 1165.  Study the 10 questions from Top Gun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on February 18, 2008, 10:39:27 AM
that post 1165 is useless.
It does NOT explain how a simple little contraption with 1 permanent
magnet and 2 electromagnets can produce thrust.
It doesn't even describe properly how exactly the pm should be made
to move (is it DC pulses, AC, what?), and how or why that
would result in thrust at all.

Is this all you can do, "Tseung"?
Keep repeating yourself, keep pointing to meaningless drawings?
But whatever you do, no matter how often people ask you,
do not explain properly what you mean, nor actually properly
discuss things...
And when things get too hot, you quickly drop back to repeating
yourself "read 1165!" or "non-rigid body rotation!" which is just a weak
attempt at getting out of a tight spot by distracting the audience.
Or you try to misdirect us even more by dropping into your fantasy
persona routine and having your fantasy "students" have silly discussions,
or having one of your other fantasy pesonas stick yet another feather up your
butt for no reason whatsoever.
Then, when you feel confident again, you post as ltseung888 again,
and throw in another drawing with no supporting evidence nor proper

It's all great that you have the feeling that you're saving the world,
but don't you think saving the world might work better if you finally
started working on something, instead of just producing tons of bullshit?
Build that "Tseung Lead-Out"-free energy device! Once you have that,
and the whole world salutes mr Tseung for developing the final answer to
all energy problems, it will be easy to get a team to develop your UFO
engine. But don't get ahead of yourself. First you have to take step one,
otherwise you'll never get to step ten. Instead, what you're doing is talking
about steps one through ten, while you haven't even made step one,
and in fact haven't even convinced anyone (except poor Gaby perhaps) that
step one can even actually be taken.

I know there's a lot of plumbum in just about any Chinese product,
so maybe that's what's causing your mental processes to function so
Perhaps what it comes down to is the need to get the lead out... of your cortex?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on February 18, 2008, 02:53:06 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on February 18, 2008, 10:39:27 AM
Build that "Tseung Lead-Out"-free energy device! Once you have that,
and the whole world salutes mr Tseung for developing the final answer to
all energy problems, it will be easy to get a team to develop your UFO

Lawrence already explained this.  He would have done this long ago, but he cannot use a drill.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 18, 2008, 03:30:44 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 18, 2008, 09:54:28 AM
Dear Koen1,

You should read the book and learn how to endure insults.

If you work for the CIA or the Like, you should take their course on how to insult.

If you really want to learn, study 1165.  Study the 10 questions from Top Gun.

Dear Mr. Tseung:

You should first see your doctor and learn not to forget to take your prescribed medication or share them with Gaby. Sharing your medicine not only does not help you but makes Gaby think like you too!

If you have not seen the doctor, please spare your children or grandchildren the shame of seeing their dad or grandpa continue make a fool of himself in a public forum

If you really want to learn, you can start at the community college level and if that's too difficult, you can visit a bookstore for a "Physics for Dummies" to read sitting on the toilet when you're constipated with anxiety of what others are thinking about your inability to understand simple truths. If "Physics for Dummies" is too difficult, you may substitute: "Drills for Dummies"?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 18, 2008, 04:05:23 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 18, 2008, 03:30:41 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I did a google search on the theory of the Flying Saucer and got over 50,000 hits.  I glanced over some of them.  So far, I have not found a single one that can explain the physics of the Flying Saucer to my satisfaction.

Your Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory started from:
(1) We are immersed in gravitational and/or electron motions fields.  If we can use such energy, we do not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

(2) A Pulsed Pendulum Leading Out gravitational energy

(3) A Pulsed Magnetic Pendulum Leading Out electron motion energy

(4) An unbalanced wheel is effectively a pulsed pendulum

(5) A pulsed balanced wheel has the similar effect as (2) but much more efficient

(6) The Newman, Bedini, Adams, 225 HP, Liang, Chao etc. inventions are essentially variations of (4) or (5).

(7) The Forever flying bottle experiment or the two balls hitting the two sides (one padded) of the silly spaceship scenario pointed to the possibility of producing thrust internally without the need to eject hot gases.  There is no violation of Newton's Third Law.

(8 ) The sketch in 1165 combines the Cosmic Energy Machine in (6) and the elements of (7) to produce the Flying Saucer.

Your total step-by-step theoretical approach is intriguing.  Every step obeys the known and existing Laws of Physics.  If we accept the use of parallelogram of forces in step (2), the rest are simple.  Omitting or non-acceptance of that step will create non-believers.  You and Lee might be elevated to a previously undreamed of status in Science.

My eleventh question is:
(11) Have you presented your total theory with the above outlined 8 steps to any established academic institutions yet?  If so, what are their reactions?

Dear Top Gun,

I always enjoy answering your intelligent questions.  Here is the answer to your eleventh question:
(11) Have you presented your total theory with the above outlined 8 steps to any established academic institutions yet?  If so, what are their reactions?

We have not presented to any established academic institution with the full 8 steps yet.  The plan is to have a standard presentation material in Chinese and train at least 6 good presenters first.  The training material will include not only the above 8 points but the economics material as well.  Without the out-of-the-box, Silicon Valley Mentality and Insult Training, promoting Cosmic Energy Machine and Flying Saucer Theories will be difficult.  This is being done.

We presented to Tsing Hua University (the MIT of China) in 2006 after we understood the first 5 steps.  The presentation was very well received.  But we made the mistake of not screening the 225 HP pulse motor team before taking them along.  That team turned out to be CIA or the Like.  Politics took over.  You can read the story in the previous posts.

This time, we are not taking any unscreened team to our presentations.  We shall also tell the participants about this forum but warn them that there are many debunkers, many non-physicists, many CIA or the Like agents and many jeerers.  They must use their physics knowledge to judge the posts.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on February 18, 2008, 05:20:17 PM
"This time, we are not taking any unscreened team to our presentations.  We shall also tell the participants about this forum but warn them that there are many debunkers, many non-physicists, many CIA or the Like agents and many jeerers. "

Har. Sounds like he's a little peeved. Tell us Larry, this screening. Will your two personalities interview them first, to see if there is any sign of laughter? If they pass that test (and its damn hard we know) will you let them in?
Perhaps you could use hand puppets in your presentations, to demonstrate the different personalities and what they mean to you?
If the reaction of the public here to your 'ideas' is any indicator, I would strongly recommend tomato screens be put in place in front of your stage.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 18, 2008, 09:38:44 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on February 18, 2008, 06:04:59 AM

And you've even got poor Gaby convinced already. Poor fellow.

You should be happy he spends his time on your training.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 18, 2008, 11:19:11 PM
I spoke to student "A" today.  I looked him up on a database and decided to call and speak to him about all of this.  He told me some really interesting things.

First, he was concerned.  He told me he does not trust student "B".  He thinks that maybe the Chinese government has planted student "B" undercover to keep an eye on things.  He was also not so sure about student "C".  Based on student "C"'s background, he thinks this might be a plant from the CIA so the U.S. can keep an eye on things.

I asked him, almost jokingly, about student "D".  He told me there is no student "D".  He said, there used to be but, something terrible happened and he is not permitted to speak about it.

I can post student "A"'s phone contact information here if anyone else would like to speak to him.  His English is not very good, but, he can communicate ok.  He said he would not mind speaking to anyone from this forum.  He did caution that his phone lines are being monitored but, that is normal in China these days.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on February 19, 2008, 02:23:19 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 18, 2008, 09:38:44 PM
You should be happy he spends his time on your training.

That makes just about as much sense as cereal killing...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 19, 2008, 05:35:49 AM

To understand our material, one needs to go through the eight steps. 

Those who cannot pass step one will have no chance understanding step eight.

That is normal in the science of Physics and Mathematics. 

I shall be going to step nine soon.  Even if you are the only one in the World who can follow it, it is worthwhile.  However, I am confident that Top Gun, Devil, the Professors and research students at MIT and Tsing Hua Universities would have no problem also.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Whoflungdung on February 19, 2008, 06:26:56 AM

The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory

Since none of you cretins are capable of understanding the theories the world renowned physicist Mr. Lawrence Tseung has given so generously und unselfishly to the world I will take it upon myself to finally enlighten you.

I will explain to you in terms everyone can understand the  Lee-Tseung Flying Saucer and the theory behind it.

So pay attention, you might learn something.

The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory and its corollary the Lee-Tseung Pull are squarely based upon the ancient art of onanism. As those of you that have done some experimenting in this area would know, a correctly timed and prolonged rhythmical pull not only leads out matter, but also enormous amounts of energy. Weak knees, dizzy spells, severe hunger and permanent loss of vision (blindness) follow long term enthusiastic engagement in this practice.

This is common knowledge.

Braving the dangers Mr. Lee and Mr. Tseung courageously continued experimentation and finally came up with a startling discovery. The energy lead out is not confined to genitals and the body, but applies across the whole of science. Thus the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory was born.

Mr. Tseung correctly states in every post : ?We need to apply pulse force (Lee-Tseung Pulls) at the right time. (See reply 1121)?

The breakthrough with the flying saucer was made by a 13 year old girl who had been studying the Lee-Tseung pull. Perhaps not surprisingly she used a bottle in her experiments.

Eventually she tied a piece of string to the bottle and swung it around her head. Then, with a brilliant piece of inspiration, she let go of the bottle. No-one had ever done that before. Against expectations the bottle did not continue in its orbit but flew off tangentially. Not only that, but she was not pushed to the ground by the equal and opposing force postulated by Newton. There was no recoil. Evidently Newton was wrong. Thus the flying saucer was born.

Mr. Tseung published the preliminary experiments. Suddenly all over the world students and professors alike started swinging bottles. Top Guns at the best universities started to pay attention to the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory. Serious experimentation began, first with bottles and coconuts, later with magnets.

Soon the drawbacks became apparent. Bottles, coconuts and magnets damaged the saucer wall, the repeated impact knocked the magnetism out of the magnets, splinters were flying everywhere and so forth and better ways were sought to exploit the phenomenon.

We at Langley have always be champions of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory and we are totally committed to the project. Mr. Tseung will lead us out to the stars. Only minor problems remain and the Winnie-Woo Lee-Tseung saucer will be a reality opening up new frontiers.

Who Flung Dung, Ph.D.
Professor of Cosmic Energy Lead Out.

Mr Tseung says:  1165 describes the Flying Saucer.  This will provide incredible prosperity.  Beware of the potential destructive powers.

Read 1165

Read 1165

Read 1165
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 19, 2008, 05:39:41 PM

I will have fond memories of this thread forever...obligatory pun included.  :)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 20, 2008, 02:07:07 AM
G?day all,

After a long and careful study of post 1165 I have designed a Flying Saucer along the principles of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory. It combines the use of three major principles as expressed in the theory.

1.  The Still Water Scenario
2.  The Lee-Tseung Pulses
3.  The Bottle on a String Scenario

Instead of coconuts, bottles or magnets this drive uses a liquid that is shot in short sharp Lee-Tseung Pulses into an impact chamber. The drive is essentially a submersible high speed centrifugal pump set up like a water cannon as used in crowd control.


Of course a two dollar beach pump could be used but my version is more convenient and less tiring on the foot.

Motor A drives impeller B, building up intense pressure through centrifugal action in pump casing G. The Lee-Tseung Pulsing Valve F releases quantities of the liquid in well timed Lee-Tseung Pulses which travel along a guide into the Impact Chamber E where they go SPLAT!

This gives the saucer the push according to the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory. The liquid that is reflected of the wall gets caught by a series of Soft Foam Baffles D which leads out the equal and opposite reaction to the impact into hyperspace therefore ensuring a unidirectional force.

Any liquid, including mercury, can be used as driving fluid but Cosmic Urine would be best if the CIA will let us have some.

Below is a movie of the Lee-Tseung Flying Saucer in action during a test flight in Hong Kong. The action of the Pulse Motor can be clearly seen.


For further information read post 1165.

Hans von Lieven

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 20, 2008, 02:16:50 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 20, 2008, 02:07:07 AM
G?day all,

After a long and careful study of post 1165 I have designed a Flying Saucer along the principles of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory. It combines the use of three major principles as expressed in the theory.

1.  The Still Water Scenario
2.  The Lee-Tseung Pulses
3.  The Bottle on a String Scenario

Instead of coconuts, bottles or magnets this drive uses a liquid that is shot in short sharp Lee-Tseung Pulses into an impact chamber. The drive is essentially a submersible high speed centrifugal pump set up like a water cannon as used in crowd control.


Of course a two dollar beach pump could be used but my version is more convenient and less tiring on the foot.

Motor A drives impeller B, building up intense pressure through centrifugal action in pump casing G. The Lee-Tseung Pulsing Valve F releases quantities of the liquid in well timed Lee-Tseung Pulses which travel along a guide into the Impact Chamber E where they go SPLAT!

This gives the saucer the push according to the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory. The liquid that is reflected of the wall gets caught by a series of Soft Foam Baffles D which leads out the equal and opposite reaction to the impact into hyperspace therefore ensuring a unidirectional force.

Any liquid, including mercury, can be used as driving fluid but Cosmic Urine would be best if the CIA will let us have some.

Below is a movie of the Lee-Tseung Flying Saucer in action during a test flight in Hong Kong. The action of the Pulse Motor can be clearly seen.


For further information read post 1165.

Hans von Lieven

Gday Hans:

LOL! You're a Genius! Now we know the Lee-Tseung theory as applied to the flying saucer really works! I can even see the windows of the sky-scrapper houses of Hong Kong. What a wonderful invention. All OU developments should stop now.

All we need is to store our piss to power this flying saucer technology!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 20, 2008, 02:31:05 AM
G'day Chris,

You'd have to munch some of Mingmei's Poo first to get your piss to work. Perhaps the CIA will give you some, or Mingmei will, if you are really nice to her.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on February 20, 2008, 09:34:34 AM
Congratulations, you have re-invented the GIT, Gyroscopic Inertial Thruster from 10 years ago! NONE of these ideas are Larrys, not one, but all other peoples.
1165 My ASS!!! Its not worth wiping our butts on!!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 20, 2008, 12:47:51 PM
@ Hans:

Beautiful graphics!  I have one question though......would the pilot sit on a 4-legged stool?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 20, 2008, 03:55:05 PM
wow, this is just to artistic Hans.

Just calling you a moron isn't going to refute this quality debunkery of yours.

I even confess laughing about this.

Quote* Grey dial with gold accents, two-tone stainless steel case and bracelet
    * Perpetual day, date, month, and year functionality such that once set, the calendar automatically adjusts for odd and even months including February of leap years up to February 28, 2100
    * Powered by the movement of your body, never needs a battery change with automatic power generator and incorporates a sleep mode to conserve energy
    * Oversized dual date windows, 24-hour and 12-month subdials
    * Water Resistant to 100 meters (330 Feet)


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 20, 2008, 05:45:47 PM

I'd say Lawrence was as entertained as I was with the offering from Hans.

Wooden it be karmic to one day see Hans and Lawrence one day flying about with open bottles of pina colata and Cap'n Morgan, in a UFO fueled by body brine.  :)


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 20, 2008, 05:52:16 PM
2380: Newsflash, global artificial intelligence system goes insane.

Reportedly this morning P1 the global intellect that has been operating our planet ever since the mind crisis has officially gone insane.

AI engineers state they had to shut down artilects over this issue in the past but never on this scale.

Specifically P1 claimed to have invented a perpetual motion device. Even after excessive self validation routines erased every related memory the conclusion always remained the same. Furthermore P1 generated a list of known hoaxes and claimed the similarity of the devices was striking in his obviously erroneous view.
one neuroengineer who wishes to remain anonymous stated: "We have always been able to keep the AI within boundaries of known logic. For it to rate self acquired knowledge above that of the scientific community is obviously a great stap backwards. This should technically be impossible"

Even regressed to a single processor P1 is still running simulations of 19th century toys claiming excess output of as much as 10 000 percent.

The flaw was discovered by an independent utilities firm when P1 ordered a suspicious part for one of his test devices (see below). The image above was suppose to explain the principal of operation.

Here intelligent readers can see it doesn't work, it cant work, it shouldn't be possible for it to work. etc etc etc ! Of course the  conspiracy theorists (http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?p=750) claim the invention works and is even quote: "easy to understand".
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 21, 2008, 12:43:45 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 20, 2008, 05:52:16 PM
2380: Newsflash, global artificial intelligence system goes insane.

Reportedly this morning P1 the global intellect that has been operating our planet ever since the mind crisis has officially gone insane.

AI engineers state they had to shut down artilects over this issue in the past but never on this scale.

Specifically P1 claimed to have invented a perpetual motion device. Even after excessive self validation routines erased every related memory the conclusion always remained the same. Furthermore P1 generated a list of known hoaxes and claimed the similarity of the devices was striking in his obviously erroneous view.
one neuroengineer who wishes to remain anonymous stated: "We have always been able to keep the AI within boundaries of known logic. For it to rate self acquired knowledge above that of the scientific community is obviously a great stap backwards. This should technically be impossible"

Even regressed to a single processor P1 is still running simulations of 19th century toys claiming excess output of as much as 10 000 percent.

The flaw was discovered by an independent utilities firm when P1 ordered a suspicious part for one of his test devices (see below). The image above was suppose to explain the principal of operation.

Here intelligent readers can see it doesn't work, it cant work, it shouldn't be possible for it to work. etc etc etc ! Of course the  conspiracy theorists (http://forum.go-here.nl/viewtopic.php?p=750) claim the invention works and is even quote: "easy to understand".

Gaby has taken some of Lawrence's medication!
They are both heading the same directions!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 21, 2008, 01:32:10 PM
Little chisC with his name calling routine.

What cute little fascist.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 21, 2008, 01:34:10 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 19, 2008, 05:35:49 AM

To understand our material, one needs to go through the eight steps. 

Those who cannot pass step one will have no chance understanding step eight.

That is normal in the science of Physics and Mathematics. 

I shall be going to step nine soon.  Even if you are the only one in the World who can follow it, it is worthwhile.  However, I am confident that Top Gun, Devil, the Professors and research students at MIT and Tsing Hua Universities would have no problem also.

Here I've made some backup images.

View topic - Perpetual motion made simple.


have fun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 21, 2008, 09:05:36 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 20, 2008, 02:07:07 AM
G?day all,

After a long and careful study of post 1165 I have designed a Flying Saucer along the principles of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory. It combines the use of three major principles as expressed in the theory.

1.  The Still Water Scenario
2.  The Lee-Tseung Pulses
3.  The Bottle on a String Scenario

Instead of coconuts, bottles or magnets this drive uses a liquid that is shot in short sharp Lee-Tseung Pulses into an impact chamber. The drive is essentially a submersible high speed centrifugal pump set up like a water cannon as used in crowd control.


Of course a two dollar beach pump could be used but my version is more convenient and less tiring on the foot.

Motor A drives impeller B, building up intense pressure through centrifugal action in pump casing G. The Lee-Tseung Pulsing Valve F releases quantities of the liquid in well timed Lee-Tseung Pulses which travel along a guide into the Impact Chamber E where they go SPLAT!

This gives the saucer the push according to the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory. The liquid that is reflected of the wall gets caught by a series of Soft Foam Baffles D which leads out the equal and opposite reaction to the impact into hyperspace therefore ensuring a unidirectional force.

Any liquid, including mercury, can be used as driving fluid but Cosmic Urine would be best if the CIA will let us have some.

Below is a movie of the Lee-Tseung Flying Saucer in action during a test flight in Hong Kong. The action of the Pulse Motor can be clearly seen.


For further information read post 1165.

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

Thank you for your suggestion.  It is actually being seriously considered.  There are a few modifications including:

(1) There are fixed non-moving nozzles to let the water pulse come out.
(2) There are special impact absorbing mechanism to reduce the recoiling force (make the slowing time longer or reduce rate of change of momentum)
(3) The collection mechanism for getting water back into the pump is much easier than picking up solid balls.

We are scheduled to do some seminars at the various universities in China.  The coming one will be at ShenZhen University on March 15, 9 - 11 am.  The seminar will be conducted in Chinese.  We expect a few hunderd particpants.  The seminar material and videotapes will be made available to the General Public.

Your modified water cannon propulsion system will be one of the discussion items.  Please give it more serious thought and provide more detail if possible.  It may not be a product but as a proof-of-concept project, it is excellent.

I should thank Gaby in raising the general topic of inertia propulsion system in one of his earlier posts.  That really helped to consolidate our thoughts.

I now believe you really studied and digested 1165.  I had problem fight the first school of Physicists who claimed that according to Newton's Third Law, any internal motion within an enclosed spaceship could not affect the velocity or the direction of the spaceship.  (Ejecting hot gas out is possible but the spaceship is no longer enclosed.)

Yesterday, the rocket scientist who belonged to the first school commented: "I do not mind supporting such proof-of-concept experiments.  I can see that you do have strong Physics logic."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on February 22, 2008, 12:06:48 AM
Hans, who gave you the inspiration?

Looks like I have one fewer company in Hell.  You do not need my education after all.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 22, 2008, 12:27:48 AM
Once we get away from the dogma of the first school of thought that Newton's Third Law must be blindly obeyed, we can objectively evaluate the following:

Mechanical Space Drive US Patents
( Inertial Drives )
Inertial drives, impulse engines, centrifugal & centripetal propulsion, momentum transfer, motion rectifiers, non-linear propulsion, translational force generators, gyroscopic propulsion, directional force generators, & reaction motors, &c: various names for "bootstrap" methods & apparati that impart motion to a vehicle without reaction with the environment.

USP# 6,345,789 (2-12-02): Method & Apparatus for Propulsion
Rasmusson, James K.
?? 91 entries!

We may need to add the Hans water cannon as the 92 entry.  His entry has superior features such as ease of construction, ease of retrieval of liquid, ease of control and scaling up, etc.

Hans, you may not be able to get an International Patent now since you already disclosed it on the Internet.  However, according to US Patent Law, you still have one year to get your patent.  Use the opportunity well.  This may be better than winning the lottery.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 22, 2008, 01:03:45 AM
I have a design for a five-legged stool.  Can I patent that?  Just think of the power that might have.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 22, 2008, 01:26:18 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 22, 2008, 01:03:45 AM
I have a design for a five-legged stool.  Can I patent that?  Just think of the power that might have.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 22, 2008, 02:00:42 AM
G'day all,

As they say in German:

Ein blindes Huhn finded auch manchmal ein Korn.

(Even a blind chicken finds a kernel occasionally)

Does that mean I am in line for the next Nobel prize??    ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 22, 2008, 02:21:43 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 22, 2008, 02:00:42 AM
G'day all,

As they say in German:

Ein blindes Huhn finded auch manchmal ein Korn.

(Even a blind chicken finds a kernel occasionally)

Does that mean I am in line for the next Nobel prize??    ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Hans von Lieven

Does that mean I am in line for the next Nobel prize?

Can you beat the other 91 known patents and many other coming ones and get your Flying Saucer to fly to Stockholm first?  Hint: Make sure it uses the Cosmic Energy as defined by the Lee-Tseung theory.

You should have more faith and confidence in yourself than a blind chicken!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 22, 2008, 02:22:47 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 22, 2008, 02:00:42 AM
G'day all,

As they say in German:

Ein blindes Huhn finded auch manchmal ein Korn.

(Even a blind chicken finds a kernel occasionally)

Does that mean I am in line for the next Nobel prize??    ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Hans von Lieven

Er... No, Hans. Sorry to disappoint you.
In order to get a Nobel Prize you must do the following:

1. First propose some weird theory or theories no scientific community has ever thought possible.
2. When challenged you steadfastly and unashamedly proclaim you are absolutely correct. The people that don't understand your theories are only mortals and can't be considered  'educated' in Physics.
3. Sign on a myriad of supporters; bring on the Devil and maybe even invoke the name of God to help your case
4. If that doesn't work, share your medication with fellows like Gaby, so they can also think like you and lean on each other for support!
5. If you still don't understand these principles, please refer to the past 112 pages of this thread. That might give you some more ideas.

Otherwise, have a great day!

ps: You can perhaps get a Nobel prize for your superb graphics in support of a certain flying saucer!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 22, 2008, 07:46:59 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Your team will be giving a "New Energy" Seminar at Shenzhen University on March 15.  The seminar is likely to be repeated at many other universities.  My twelfth question is:

(12) What will be covered in that Seminar?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on February 22, 2008, 11:53:46 AM
What will be covered?!?!?! What will be covered!?!?!??!?!?!


Larry please ring for your doctor, your other personality is giving you the same information back to yourself. You are looping. This indicates that your other personality may be dangerous, he may try to surprise suicide you. Not the devil one but the top gun guy. Just keep an eye out for his your eyes darting around. Or seeing your hands do something that you arent telling them to. He you may try to make derogatory gestures behind your backs. If you get into a fight with yourselfs, be the bigger man and agree with him you.
If you notice that you are unintentionally walking somewhere, just grab ahold of something and let yourselfs run in circles until he you all is are worn out.  Then you can jump yourself and take control.
And if you want to know where he pokes out on your body, its on your left upper cheek. You can smack him there and he will feel it.
See Judy on your way out. Thanks:)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 22, 2008, 12:30:28 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 22, 2008, 07:46:59 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Your team will be giving a "New Energy" Seminar at Shenzhen University on March 15.  The seminar is likely to be repeated at many other universities.  My twelfth question is:

(12) What will be covered in that Seminar?

Dear Top Gun,

(12) What will be covered in that Seminar?

The Seminar will be in Chinese.  The two relevant PowerPoint presentation files in ShenZhenDemo.zip are attached.

Shenzhen Seminar.ppt is the main discussion file.
Cosmic Energy.ppt is the file containing example inventions

Both files are in Chinese.  The final version is likely to be available around March 10.  That version will be translated into English.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 22, 2008, 03:46:51 PM
G'day all,

Never for one minute did it occur to me that some people would take my post of the flying saucer for anything other than the joke it was.

It would appear that this is being taken seriously. I can just imagine in years to come there will be any number of idiots trying to replicate it. This was not intended.

But then, when I first started out as a rookie engineer and we were talking about the need to idiotproof our designs so that people could actually operate them, an old engineer told me: "Never underestimate the level of idiocy rampant in our society."

It would appear he was right.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 22, 2008, 04:12:52 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 22, 2008, 03:46:51 PM
G'day all,

Never for one minute did it occur to me that some people would take my post of the flying saucer for anything other than the joke it was.

It would appear that this is being taken seriously. I can just imagine in years to come there will be any number of idiots trying to replicate it. This was not intended.

But then, when I first started out as a rookie engineer and we were talking about the need to idiotproof our designs so that people could actually operate them, an old engineer told me: "Never underestimate the level of idiocy rampant in our society."

It would appear he was right.

Hans von Lieven

G'day Hans.

LOL! Now we really know Lawrence needs his medication!

Have a nice day!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 22, 2008, 05:42:42 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 22, 2008, 03:46:51 PM
G'day all,

Never for one minute did it occur to me that some people would take my post of the flying saucer for anything other than the joke it was.

It would appear that this is being taken seriously. I can just imagine in years to come there will be any number of idiots trying to replicate it. This was not intended.

But then, when I first started out as a rookie engineer and we were talking about the need to idiotproof our designs so that people could actually operate them, an old engineer told me: "Never underestimate the level of idiocy rampant in our society."

It would appear he was right.

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

In Chinese, there is a famous saying:
You want to grow a flower plant.  No matter how hard you try, it does not bloom.
You never intend to grow the willow.  It develops into a forest.

The energy from still air patent and invention was developed from an accident in the laboratory when air accidentally leaked into the measuring tubes.

The greatest idiot is the one who does not understand the significance of his luck or his accident.

Think carefully about your Flying Saucer Joke.  Do not waste your talent and unexpected inspiration.  Opportunity knocks at your door.  Do not turn it away.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 22, 2008, 07:36:06 PM
Meeting of the Physics Students

Student A: ?Hans drew the water cannon Flying Saucer as a joke.  It may turn out to be a very useful project.  What are your comments??

Student B: ?Mr. Tseung outlined the argument from the two school of Physicists.  The first school assumes that gases must be ejected from an enclosed system to change its velocity.  The reason was Newton?s Third Law.  The second school examines the detailed interactions.  This group concludes that internal motion such as centrifugal force; impact on padded walls; etc can change the velocity.  The second school argues that they also obey the Newtonian Laws.?

Student C: ?If the second school is correct, the Hans water cannon Flying Saucer makes sense.  The argument effectively boils down to whether the second school is correct.?

Student A: ?Mr. Tseung is a strong believer of the second school.  He is right in removing the Law of Conservation of Energy roadblock with the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.  The Cosmic Energy Machines essentially use existing gravitational and/or electron motion energy.  Is he right again in this case??

Student B: ? I wish I have the same luck as Hans.?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 22, 2008, 07:42:27 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 22, 2008, 07:36:06 PM
Meeting of the Physics Students

Student A: ?Hans drew the water cannon Flying Saucer as a joke.  It may turn out to be a very useful project.  What are your comments??

Student B: ?Mr. Tseung outlined the argument from the two school of Physicists.  The first school assumes that gases must be ejected from an enclosed system to change its velocity.  The reason was Newton?s Third Law.  The second school examines the detailed interactions.  This group concludes that internal motion such as centrifugal force; impact on padded walls; etc can change the velocity.  The second school argues that they also obey the Newtonian Laws.?

Student C: ?If the second school is correct, the Hans water cannon Flying Saucer makes sense.  The argument effectively boils down to whether the second school is correct.?

Student A: ?Mr. Tseung is a strong believer of the second school.  He is right in removing the Law of Conservation of Energy roadblock with the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.  The Cosmic Energy Machines essentially use existing gravitational and/or electron motion energy.  Is he right again in this case??

Student B: ? I wish I have the same luck as Hans.?

Oh my goodness! The soap opera continues....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 22, 2008, 08:44:20 PM
Quote from: chrisC on February 22, 2008, 02:22:47 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 22, 2008, 02:00:42 AM
G'day all,

As they say in German:

Ein blindes Huhn finded auch manchmal ein Korn.

(Even a blind chicken finds a kernel occasionally)

Does that mean I am in line for the next Nobel prize??    ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Hans von Lieven

Er... No, Hans. Sorry to disappoint you.
In order to get a Nobel Prize you must do the following:

1. First propose some weird theory or theories no scientific community has ever thought possible.
2. When challenged you steadfastly and unashamedly proclaim you are absolutely correct. The people that don't understand your theories are only mortals and can't be considered  'educated' in Physics.
3. Sign on a myriad of supporters; bring on the Devil and maybe even invoke the name of God to help your case
4. If that doesn't work, share your medication with fellows like Gaby, so they can also think like you and lean on each other for support!
5. If you still don't understand these principles, please refer to the past 112 pages of this thread. That might give you some more ideas.

Otherwise, have a great day!

ps: You can perhaps get a Nobel prize for your superb graphics in support of a certain flying saucer!


have to be a Jew also I think.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 23, 2008, 12:39:01 AM
@ Gaby

If i change my name to Hans von Cohen, will that get me there?

Or even Hans von Gefilte Fish.

Hans von Finkelstein?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 23, 2008, 01:44:56 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 23, 2008, 12:39:01 AM
@ Gaby

If i change my name to Hans von Cohen, will that get me there?

Or even Hans von Gefilte Fish.

Hans von Finkelstein?

Dear Hans,

That is not sufficient.  You have to:

(1) Get Patent Protection
(2) Read 1112 and use it as a model to start your own thread
(3) Get ChrisC, Devil, Tinu etc to insult you
(4) Perfect your theory and build the prototype
(5) Get the prototype to fly to Stockholm first before others

The other alternative is to get funding and keep everything secret until product announcement (Strategy used by Wang Shum Ho).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on February 23, 2008, 07:54:44 AM
Student C: ?The Tseung posts are subtle technical and psychological wars.
No, they are idiotic posts from a man who should be in a mental hospital. Not only that, but he is a di*ck to boot. No credentials, no ideas of his own, nothing. He thinks that people are coming here to read his posts! Everyone loves a train wreck, britney.
A few hundred posts ago it was Major Todd Hathaway of the dod that was going to save larry, the big meetings they were going to have, the giant deals they were putting together. Blah, nothing now right larry?
After this debacle, the people he pounces on at seminars will run like hell to get away! No, Larry, its your show, and you have blown it for good, because of your ego. Your children should seriously consider psychiatric help for you. But hey, I guess overunity day care is more cost effective right!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on February 23, 2008, 03:12:54 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 22, 2008, 08:44:20 PM

have to be a Jew also I think.


You're not alleging a conspiracy, are you?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 23, 2008, 03:38:23 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on February 23, 2008, 03:12:54 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 22, 2008, 08:44:20 PM

have to be a Jew also I think.


You're not alleging a conspiracy, are you?

No, Shruggedatlas. The answer is quite simple, Gaby took too many pills from Lawrence. They're both heading towards the same direction.

The world will always have these clowns. But we're not unhappy. At least we continue to enjoy the comedy when they make fools of themselves.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 23, 2008, 04:51:15 PM
@ Hans:

I think it is funny that Lawrence suggested you obtain a patent on your idea.  This is crazy in and of itself as China does not honor US patents, and many other countries patents as well.  It might be worth it though to see the look on the patent officer's face when you submit "A design for propulsion to be utilized in a flying saucer"

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 23, 2008, 04:58:34 PM
@ Bill

Using cosmic piss no less  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Hans von Finkelstein
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 23, 2008, 06:22:13 PM
Dear Hans,

Your water cannon Flying Saucer has been packaged as a post graduate student project proposal.  Congratulations.

You will be credited as the creator of the idea.  Do you want to get involved as an advisor?  Your posts will be carefully screened and studied.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on February 23, 2008, 07:23:26 PM
I can't believe so many intelligent people are still wasting their time on this utter garbage.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 23, 2008, 09:31:13 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 23, 2008, 06:22:13 PM
Dear Hans,

Your water cannon Flying Saucer has been packaged as a post graduate student project proposal.  Congratulations.

You will be credited as the creator of the idea.  Do you want to get involved as an advisor?  Your posts will be carefully screened and studied.

My dear Lawrence,

I don't know too much about the education system in China but one thing I do know. If post graduate students in your country are taking my propositions in this "design" seriously your nation is in deep shit.

I seriously doubt that I would have gone past high school in Germany by subscribing to idiotic ideas such as these.

According to your "students" there are two schools of physics. I take that to mean one school is the one that has built a magnificent technology from which we all benefit and the other is the Lee-Tseung school of physics which relies on a series of half-arsed unsubstantiated postulates for its existence.

Feel free to use my "design", you can even claim it as being yours. I really would like to see a flying saucer powered by a bunch of your students pissing into the Impact Chamber and taking off to Stockholm or the Moon.

Good Luck,

Hans von Gefilte Fish

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 24, 2008, 04:05:11 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 23, 2008, 09:31:13 PM
According to your "students" there are two schools of physics. I take that to mean one school is the one that has built a magnificent technology from which we all benefit and the other is the Lee-Tseung school of physics which relies on a series of half-arsed unsubstantiated postulates for its existence.

Feel free to use my "design", you can even claim it as being yours. I really would like to see a flying saucer powered by a bunch of your students pissing into the Impact Chamber and taking off to Stockholm or the Moon.

Dear Hans,

The two schools of thought from Physicists are:
(1) An enclosed system cannot change its velocity or direction with internal motion.  A plane or a rocket ejects mass (gases) and is not an enclosed system.
(2) An enclosed system can change its velocity or direction with internal motion.  Examples of internal motion include centripetal force or impact on opposite walls with different rates of  change of momentum.  The more exact physics term is "non-rigid body motion including straight line and circular motion".

Previously, the problem was not considered serious enough to pay much attention - as infinite energy from within the enclosed system was not possible.

With Over Unity inventions, (especially explained by the Lee-Tseung Theory) infinite gravitational or electron motion energy can be Lead Out.

Your water cannon Flying Saucer design will not be accepted by the first school of physicists as they blindly quote Newton's Third Law as objection.

However, the second shool of Physicists accepts that.  The US patent office already granted 91 "inertia propulsion system" inventions.  This means that the second school of Physicists have not been rejected by the US patent office.

The chance of your patent being accepted by the USA patent office is high.  I have enough patents of my own.  It is unethical and illegal to steal someone's idea.  I shall quote your name and the relevant posts in recommending the water cannon Flying Saucer as a research project in China.  If you do not object, many teams worldwide will work on it.  You are essentially giving up your patent rights (potential profit in millions).

Personally, I am 100% confident of its success.  It has advantages over the other 91 granted US patents on inertia propulsion.

You can tell your grandchildren that you have made an important contribution to the human transportation history.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on February 24, 2008, 01:52:24 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 24, 2008, 04:05:11 AM
However, the second shool of Physicists accepts that.  The US patent office already granted 91 "inertia propulsion system" inventions.  This means that the second school of Physicists have not been rejected by the US patent office.

History is full of charlatans who point to patents to bolster their claims.  Sadly, a patent is not evidence of a working device.  It is only evidence that you were able to get past the patent examiners.

Let us know when you have that flying saucer built and working, ok?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 24, 2008, 02:49:23 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 24, 2008, 04:05:11 AM
I have enough patents of my own. ....

It's not how many patents you have. In your case, does your US patents hold water? Is the industry infringing on your claims? If not, it's just a embodiment of an idea that perhaps, no one gives a hoot about. 95% of the patents in the USPTO are not worth what the inventors paid for in patent agent resources to draft their ideas or the money paid to maintain them. That's the value of your two patents!

As to your China patents, you might as well file them on Mars. By USPTO or EU standards, your so called Chinese patent applications will end up in a trash can before they even see the first office action. Your flying saucers can be piss-powered and the Chinese patent office will accept that too. That's reality.

So, please spare us your ..."enough patents" boasting. I'm really impressed.



Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 24, 2008, 03:41:50 PM
Discussion amongst science students

Student A: "I would like to discuss whether a flying saucer is technically possible.  I shall restrict the discussion to
(1) Can the Flying Saucer hover in mid-air?
(2) Can it make extremely sharp turns?
(3) Can it fly to outer space?
(4) Can it fly without ejecting gases?
(5) Can it fly in any environment e.g. in air or under the ocean?"

Student B: "I would like to add that it could use infinite energy from gravity or electron motion."

Student C: ?I would like to add that it could use the physics of non-rigid body motion including straight line and circular motion.?

Student D: ?I would like to add that it could use ?inertia propulsion systems? already accepted by the USA Patent Office.?

Student A: ?It must not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  It must not violate Newton?s Third Law ? Action equals Reaction.?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 24, 2008, 03:46:47 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on February 23, 2008, 03:12:54 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 22, 2008, 08:44:20 PM

have to be a Jew also I think.


You're not alleging a conspiracy, are you?

What you don't believe in Jews now?

Trust me they are very real peoples. Hve faith.

And they are awfully smart as they have like a humongous list of noble prizes while making up an insignificantly small proportion of the world population.

It's a real miracle? no?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 24, 2008, 04:16:30 PM
Discussion amongst political science students

Student A: "Let us assume that the Flying Saucers in Area 51 and Nanjing etc are man-made.  What are the reasons for keeping them secret?"

Student B: "They will wipe out every known war plane or missile.  They will tip the balance of power."

Student C: "They are still in the development stages.  Scientists and engineers involved have signed non-disclosure statements.  They are well paid."

Student A: "What happens if it turns out to be an International Competition?  For example, a Country in South America announces and demonstrates such a machine?"

Student B: "What happens if the Chinese University Students build a water cannon Flying Saucer suggested as a joke by Hans?"
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 24, 2008, 04:43:21 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 23, 2008, 12:39:01 AM
@ Gaby

If i change my name to Hans von Cohen, will that get me there?

Or even Hans von Gefilte Fish.

Hans von Finkelstein?

Forget it hans, at best you get to share the Nobel prize of art with Lawrence.

You know like Tesla and  his son Eddy?

I have a homework assignment for you:

I want drawings of the incredulous current (IC - pronounced "ay see") and this electro emotive force you keep putting on display here.

This was a funny bit talking with some one from your department:

QuoteHave you taken into account "Magnetic Drag", imposed by the physical law ?

Ah, yes the imposed laws of physics. I have taken the imposter's into
account, this is why I'm making backups and posts everywhere.

So what will it be this time? The incredulous current or the electro emotive force again?

People tell me I have simplified my invention to much now.

It's like so simple it cant possibly work.

View topic - Perpetual motion made simple.

What is your opinion on the device?

The link is to far away from your pointer?

Something like that?  ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 24, 2008, 04:55:51 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 24, 2008, 03:41:50 PM
Discussion amongst science students

Student A: "I would like to discuss whether a flying saucer is technically possible.  I shall restrict the discussion to
(1) Can the Flying Saucer hover in mid-air?
(2) Can it make extremely sharp turns?
(3) Can it fly to outer space?
(4) Can it fly without ejecting gases?
(5) Can it fly in any environment e.g. in air or under the ocean?"

Student B: "I would like to add that it could use infinite energy from gravity or electron motion."

Student C: ?I would like to add that it could use the physics of non-rigid body motion including straight line and circular motion.?

Student D: ?I would like to add that it could use ?inertia propulsion systems? already accepted by the USA Patent Office.?

Student A: ?It must not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  It must not violate Newton?s Third Law ? Action equals Reaction.?

Student A should wonder if he wants a flying saucer or if he wants to levitate Newtons observations beyond calling them Laws (even)?

How can people miss the fact that calling an observation a law is an enormous sacrifice in logic in it self? It's a failure of the imagination.

Anyone who is willing to apply denial in favor of discovery is doomed not to figure out even the most simple things. This is why cows think a fence is an impenetrable obstacle making up the very end of the world.

Thanks to Hans flying saucer innovation we now have a gap in the fence.

He shows us even the most Heretic septic can lead out creative bursts or at least pulses of creativity.

Still I find my own explanation some what less complicated.

View topic - Perpetual motion made simple.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 24, 2008, 05:02:53 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 24, 2008, 04:55:51 PM

Still I find my own explanation some what less complicated.

View topic - Perpetual motion made simple.


Hey Garbage, this is Lawrence's Comedy Show, please find some other playground to dispose of yourself!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 24, 2008, 05:12:14 PM
you are violating the laws of overunity.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 24, 2008, 05:43:33 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 23, 2008, 09:31:13 PM
Feel free to use my "design", you can even claim it as being yours.

Hans von Gefilte Fish

common Hans don't be so modest. ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 24, 2008, 08:00:20 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 24, 2008, 04:55:51 PM

He shows us even the most Heretic septic can lead out creative bursts or at least pulses of creativity.

Still I find my own explanation some what less complicated.

View topic - Perpetual motion made simple.


I have been called a lot of things before, heretic - yes,  skeptic  -  yes,  Heretic septic LOL Never, I like it!

Incidentally Gaby, your idea has merit. There was a similar system working in the 1930's where it was used to amplify sound. I don't know how good your German is but have a search under Freischwinger Lautsprecher. The system was used in the wartime German Volksempfaenger. Literature in English on the subject is non existent, just a few references to soft iron loudspeakers, nothing definitive.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 24, 2008, 08:46:12 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 24, 2008, 08:00:20 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 24, 2008, 04:55:51 PM

He shows us even the most Heretic septic can lead out creative bursts or at least pulses of creativity.

Still I find my own explanation some what less complicated.

View topic - Perpetual motion made simple.


I have been called a lot of things before, heretic - yes,  skeptic  -  yes,  Heretic septic LOL Never, I like it!

Incidentally Gaby, your idea has merit. There was a similar system working in the 1930's where it was used to amplify sound. I don't know how good your German is but have a search under Freischwinger Lautsprecher. The system was used in the wartime German Volksempfaenger. Literature in English on the subject is non existent, just a few references to soft iron loudspeakers, nothing definitive.

Hans von Lieven

Is this what you mean?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 25, 2008, 02:09:25 AM
@ Gaby,


But let's leave uncle Adolf out of the picture.

It is the technology of the speaker (as in loudspeaker and not political speaker) I am talking about. The speaker, as used in the Volksempfaenger, was capable of reproducing sound with an unpowered crystal radio as a source, if used instead of the customary headphones. We are talking here about Micro-watts driving a 5 inch paper cone with the assistance of permanent magnets. If this is not getting close to overunity I don't know what is.

The system was made obsolete, not because of efficiency, but because of its poor performance where sound quality (fidelity) was concerned. It simply could not compete in this area against the newly invented moving coil loudspeakers.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 25, 2008, 02:14:27 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 25, 2008, 02:09:25 AM
@ Gaby,


But let's leave uncle Adolf out of the picture.

Hans von Lieven

Isn't it obvious the gentleman is a Jew hater and apparently a thinly disguised uncle Adolf's follower?
Such people should be banned from this forum!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 25, 2008, 02:52:02 AM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 25, 2008, 04:19:05 PM

There has not been one second when my eyes have not been almost literally glued to this thread.

How could anyone make such a boast you may ask ?

How could I attain such stamina and demonstrate such self control you also may ask ?

Assuming that I am right and you are indeed asking yourself those very questions, my secret can be found at the web site below.

Reportedly, this product has even saved, salvaged, or enhanced many marriages and relationships.


I will be available to receive kudo's, thank you's, and other acknowledgments, offerings, gestures, or expressions of gratitude anytime of day or night.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 25, 2008, 07:02:46 PM
Thanks capz for the enlightenment.

Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 25, 2008, 02:09:25 AM
@ Gaby,


But let's leave uncle Adolf out of the picture.

It is the technology of the speaker (as in loudspeaker and not political speaker) I am talking about. The speaker, as used in the Volksempfaenger, was capable of reproducing sound with an unpowered crystal radio as a source, if used instead of the customary headphones. We are talking here about Micro-watts driving a 5 inch paper cone with the assistance of permanent magnets. If this is not getting close to overunity I don't know what is.

Very nice, thanks for this.

QuoteThe system was made obsolete, not because of efficiency, but because of its poor performance where sound quality (fidelity) was concerned.
Yes, indeed I keep reading no no this is not good move on nothing to see here kinda articles.

A bit like when some one said the halbach array was dangerous. haha You know like hydrogen? Danger danger? lol

QuoteIt simply could not compete in this area against the newly invented moving coil loudspeakers.

Hans von Lieven
Sure, we only need one good speaker, the rest is often forgotten about.

Here is some more info on the idea.

Perpetual motion made simple (http://blog.360.yahoo.com/factuurexpress?p=6964)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 25, 2008, 11:01:28 PM
Well Gaby,

Jokes aside,

I was serious, for once, in this thread. I have been working for a while on this, ever since Gustav Pese and I discussed the subject some 2 or 3 months ago. I put the finishing touches on my essay and put it up on the forum under


Maybe it will be of help

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 25, 2008, 11:35:36 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 25, 2008, 11:01:28 PM
Well Gaby,

Jokes aside,

I was serious, for once, in this thread. I have been working for a while on this, ever since Gustav Pese and I discussed the subject some 2 or 3 months ago. I put the finishing touches on my essay and put it up on the forum under


Maybe it will be of help

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

The Lee-Tseung patent states that one can Lead Out energy via vibration in electron motion field (magnetic).  The pulse force in this case comes from the signals in the antenna.

I am sure that the postgraduate students and professors will be happy to add this as an additional topic of research.  Keep such great ideas flowing.  Your writing and graphics are exceptional.  You can definitely help as an advisor.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 26, 2008, 12:10:48 AM
G'day Lawrence,

We come indeed from two schools of physics. Your school takes a theory and then looks around the universe for examples that appear to fit it in order to justify its existence.

I do not come from this school, nor do I accept any legitimacy for its reasoning.

In my school of physics observation is paramount, acknowledging that a human's capacity for observation is flawed. However, it is all we have to work with.

In contrast to your way of thinking, I observe as well as I can and go to a lot of trouble to establish that my parameters are correct. After having checked against reality that there are no obvious errors, I venture a working hypothesis. Assuming further inquiries are in the affirmative, then, and only then, do I propose a theory.

This is where we differ.

I would love to have a beer with you one of these days, if fortune permits. You appear to be a gentleman of the old school like me, but don't expect me to buy a harebrained theory just because someone is a nice guy.

Incidentally, thanks for the flowers.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 26, 2008, 12:50:53 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 26, 2008, 12:10:48 AM
G'day Lawrence,

We come indeed from two schools of physics. Your school takes a theory and then looks around the universe for examples that appear to fit it in order to justify its existence.

I do not come from this school, nor do I accept any legitimacy for its reasoning.

In my school of physics observation is paramount, acknowledging that a human's capacity for observation is flawed. However, it is all we have to work with.

In contrast to your way of thinking, I observe as well as I can and go to a lot of trouble to establish that my parameters are correct. After having checked against reality that there are no obvious errors, I venture a working hypothesis. Assuming further inquiries are in the affirmative, then, and only then, do I propose a theory.

This is where we differ.

I would love to have a beer with you one of these days, if fortune permits. You appear to be a gentleman of the old school like me, but don't expect me to buy a harebrained theory just because someone is a nice guy.

Incidentally, thanks for the flowers.

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

It is the final result that matters.  You have quoted two cases that I support wholeheartedly.  The latest one on loudspeaker that does not need a battery is simply brilliant.

It is too late for me to re-attend your school (and probably you to attend my school).  However, I do respect that your school can turn out Top Guns.  There is a strong chance that we shall meet in Stockholm within the next few years.  I shall pay for the beer.
Title: 劉項原來不讀書
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 26, 2008, 02:46:38 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 26, 2008, 12:50:53 AMYou have quoted two cases that I support wholeheartedly.  The latest one on loudspeaker that does not need a battery is simply brilliant.

Thank you Lawrence for your feedback on my idea.


There are hundreds of different implementations of this invention.  Hans indeed brought up an interesting speaker technology that also uses push/pull interactions, or what I call 3 point interactions and what you call the law of the parallelograms?

2 years ago I supplied you with the theory.




Undeniable evidence there is something going on here we can wrench work out of.


I look over some patents, no I didn't read all of them  I'm just one person. I'm sure there is some unrelated stuff mixed in. There is enough interesting stuff here to read forever if you look up the related art.

427868 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=427868) 4770063 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=4770063) 4939976 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=4939976) 5587894 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=5587894) 5861693 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=5861693) 6013963 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=6013963) 6160336 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=6160336) 6191687 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=6191687) 3836802 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=3836802) 1061206 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1061206) 1119732 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1119732) 1220005 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1220005) 1237862 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1237862) 1303729 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1303729) 1303730 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1303730) 1315862 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1315862) 1316188 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1316188) 1319718 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1319718) 1322622 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1322622) 1349103 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1349103) 1349104 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1349104) 1387736 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1387736) 1395454 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1395454) 1510799 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1510799) 1743978 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1743978) 1745175 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1745175) 1826727 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1826727) 1835721 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1835721) 1859643 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1859643) 1859764 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1859764) 1877140 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1877140) 1900018 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1900018) 1962565 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1962565) 1963213 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1963213) 1974483 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=1974483) 001353 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=001353) 000907 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=000907) 017313 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=017313) 032544 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=032544) 0209635 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=0209635) 0226401 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=0226401) 062785 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=062785) 209637 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=209637) 011925 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=011925) 084904 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=084904) 130227 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=130227) 164824 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=164824) 169497 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=169497) 183387 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=183387) 196741 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=196741) 200216 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=200216) 200925 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=200925) 207203 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=207203) 212257 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=212257) 228154 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=228154) 247459 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=247459) 2009780 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=2009780) 2026061 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=2026061) 2053881 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=2053881) 2088115 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=2088115) 2108652 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(http://www.google.com/patents?q=4432098) 4447779 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=4447779) 4449509 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=4449509) 4452215 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=4452215) 4498447 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=4498447) 4567407 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=4567407) 4765222 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=4765222) 4770063 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=4770063) 4858582 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=4858582) 4877983 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=4877983) 4897592 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=4897592) 4904926 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=4904926) 4939976 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=4939976) 4945273 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=4945273) 5018180 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=5018180) 5074273 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=5074273) 5092303 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=5092303) 512340 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=512340) 5402021 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=5402021) 5436518 (http://www.google.com/patents?q=5436518) 5587894 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2430022 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012430022) 2146382 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012146382) 1002097 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026011002097) 1186361 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026011186361) 1276672 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026011276672) 1309450 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026011309450) 2013512 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012013512) 202601 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+202601202601) 2095203 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012095203) 2148512 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012148512) 2164745 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012164745) 2172150 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012172150) 2172240 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012172240) 2191803 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012191803) 2252405 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012252405) 2265149 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012265149) 2284188 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012284188) 2293034 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012293034) 2308210 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012308210) 2313368 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012313368) 2329164 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012329164) 2352209 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012352209) 2357766 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012357766) 2374351 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012374351) 2378772 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012378772) 2416183 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012416183) 2425525 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012425525) 2431081 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012431081) 2434371 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012434371) 2885442 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+2026012885442) 587956 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+202601587956) 602569 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+202601602569) 795446 (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Apatents1.ic.gc.ca+202601795446)

I try to advance the concept in order to explain them in simple words rather then build motors, I keep explaining the same thing until it is simple enough for everyone to know what is going on. I build it into a pendulum, didn't succeed to make the pendulum part amplify the effect but the effect is so clearly there.


flux switching pendulum

So now we are here.



View topic - Perpetual motion made simple.

can you see it's all the same stuff?

is my theory or explanation insufficient?

Anything I can improve upon here?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 26, 2008, 03:20:15 PM
Dear Gaby,

I always know that you are a goldmine of ideas and known inventions. 

I modified my signature to reflect the right replies after the moderator deleted some irrelevant posts.  I also put the ?no battery loudspeaker? and the ?water cannon Flying Saucer? links in the posts.

I believe that the ?no battery loudspeaker? is a very good experimental validation of the Lee-Tseung patent that we can Lead Out energy via vibration in electron motion (magnetic) fields.  The pulse is from the signals picked up from the antenna. 

You can see that I am very lazy to do actual experiments.  As you pointed out, many others had done the work.  They just did not explain it according to the Lee-Tseung theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 26, 2008, 04:21:25 PM
I am sorry Lawrence that you are still carrying on about that silly spaceship idea.

Obviously you have never fired a gun. If you had, you would know that the moment the bullet separates from the gun the opposite and equal reaction occurs. It is known a recoil. It does not matter what happens to the bullet thereafter. You cannot cancel the reaction by putting soft baffles into the system after the projectile hits to ameliorate the effect, it had already occurred long before and there is no way to dampen that.

The "design" is a joke, get that into your head.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 26, 2008, 05:05:35 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 26, 2008, 04:21:25 PMThe "design" is a joke, get that into your head.

No you are wrong, the design is a perfectly workable concept. Just like the combination of pushing and pulling forces is a perfectly workable concept and just like flux switching is most perfectly workable.

From an inventors point of view you are the only joke here.

It's not that you can not produce innovative thoughts.

It is that you treat your own creativity as if a garbage disposal.

It's the second patent I listed:


But I listed to much for you to find even one note worthy link. In stead you pushed the whole list to the next page the way you always do with everything.

Your heretic laughter in stead of looking at anything. ha-ha??

Don't say, US4770063 is to complicated for you! But of course, now that proves it's not real! I see I see! But lets look at the citations and references, there we see.

Impulse converter

That's a patent you can understand. It might not be ideal, at least it shows other people can do more with the concept then just laugh.

and/or step over?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 26, 2008, 05:08:40 PM
A reusable and regenerative electromagnetic propulsion method and operating system is provided for propelling high mass payloads to orbital velocities which does not require a vacuum environment.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 26, 2008, 05:28:22 PM
momentum of the wheel
(https://overunityarchives.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fgabydewilde.googlepages.com%2Fquantumforka1a2a3.jpg%2Fquantumforka1a2a3-small.jpg&hash=a42d8b4295c993b3f0f6e9885d0284b6dc4b2cb6) (http://gabydewilde.googlepages.com/momentumofthewheel)
balancing gyro momentum  (http://gabydewilde.googlepages.com/balancinggyromomentum)
the quantumfork

stay in the air

combine momentum change
conversion to linear rotation (http://gabydewilde.googlepages.com/conversiontolinearrotation)


magic  :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 26, 2008, 05:44:40 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 26, 2008, 04:21:25 PM
I am sorry Lawrence that you are still carrying on about that silly spaceship idea.

Obviously you have never fired a gun. If you had, you would know that the moment the bullet separates from the gun the opposite and equal reaction occurs. It is known a recoil. It does not matter what happens to the bullet thereafter. You cannot cancel the reaction by putting soft baffles into the system after the projectile hits to ameliorate the effect, it had already occurred long before and there is no way to dampen that.

The "design" is a joke, get that into your head.

Hans von Lieven

G'day Hans:

Now you see why Lawrence and Gaby share the same medication!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 26, 2008, 06:17:46 PM
@ Gaby,

I am aware of the different drives using similar ideas that have been patented. Like the dozens of magnet motors and perpetual motion machines that have also been patented THEY DON'T WORK !

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 26, 2008, 06:57:48 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 26, 2008, 04:21:25 PM
I am sorry Lawrence that you are still carrying on about that silly spaceship idea.

Obviously you have never fired a gun. If you had, you would know that the moment the bullet separates from the gun the opposite and equal reaction occurs. It is known a recoil. It does not matter what happens to the bullet thereafter. You cannot cancel the reaction by putting soft baffles into the system after the projectile hits to ameliorate the effect, it had already occurred long before and there is no way to dampen that.

The "design" is a joke, get that into your head.

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

The pump is a centrifuge pump.  Instead of swinging water bottle, you actually swing water.  This is definitely the physics of non-rigid body motion including straight line and circular motion.  The principle of inertial propulsion system also applies.  The links provided by Gaby are extremely informative.  You can also use google search to get more information.

I do agree that the initial momentum of the bullet and the gun before firing is zero.  At the moment of firing, the bullet travels with momentum mv and the guns recoils with momentum ?MV.  The net momentum is still zero (mv = MV).  However, the force of the bullet hitting armor will depend on how fast it is stopped (rate of change of momentum).  Similarly, the force of recoil will depend on how fast it is stopped (rate of change of momentum).  These forces can be very different.  The water cannon Flying Saucer can use the difference of these forces to work.  It does not use the zero net momentum to work.

The suggested postgraduate student project is being examined by at least 5 professors.  I shall meet two of them tomorrow.  The appropriate minutes of that meeting will be posted.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 26, 2008, 07:53:51 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 26, 2008, 06:17:46 PM
@ Gaby,

I am aware of the different drives using similar ideas that have been patented. Like the dozens of magnet motors and perpetual motion machines that have also been patented THEY DON'T WORK !

Yes, I'm away you are still trying to propagate your religion here but you are babbling nonsense. Not lawrence, not me, and specially not the patent holder are ever so slightly interested in your religious dogma nonsense.

You might as well go to the Cristian forum and tell them god is not real or to the atheist forum to tell them that jesus can still save them. Who cares about your negative imaginations? We are after the facts here. Why do people like you have to repeatedly tell people "IT CANT WORK IT CAN NEVER WORK STOP LOOKING AT IT LOOK I'M DISALLOWING YOUR DISCUSSION BECAUSE I'M IN CHARGE OF WHAT YOU SPEND YOUR TIME ON.$#%@#@%%#'

We don't care. You are babbling nonsense. Your evidence is like of "because I say so" quality. I was just looking at this patent and it immediately made me think of people like you.


I don't remember asking you to say "IT CANT WORK NO NO NO IT CANT NOOOOO i'M MELTING!!! AHHHHhhhh". But hey, you cant blame me for finding this patent just as interesting as the person who paid for it. You cant disallow my interest.

But I want to know now, what is so interesting about telling people that other peoples work is not worth looking at? I make all those links for you and like a child you say " THEY DON'T WORK !"

No mistake about it. You are a liar. There are hundreds of patents right there for your ignorance to cure it self. But you are not going to look at anything, you are just going to pretend you know everything there is to know in the whole galaxy.

Lets run down the logic:

We either know how a patent works and we know how the machine is suppose to operate or we don't know it. There isn't some magical middle way where your opinion is worth more then not knowing the substance of the topic if you don't.

From the lack of this knowledge we may conclude that we do not know if they work. We may also conclude that we don't know if they don't work.

But you are the one who is constantly looking for excuses why something shouldn't work in stead of looking at the things. You are using the opportunity I have created for you to learn as a motivation to vandalize the discussion about the very things I suggested to discuss. You are obviously not going to find any reason why it would work.

And now I shouldn't be talking about them either? That's the point?

You either know or you don't know the content of a document. If you don't know the content they your opinion is a report on your own lack of logic.

It's to laugh about.

There is millions of Australian dollars worth of patents there for you. Peoples creative thoughts, things they hold close to their heart.  You wouldn't be the first to earn an insane heap of cash with a patent. All those patents really exist.

But an invention is something we didn't have already. It's something new by definition. It's not something we already knew existed.

I don't care if I'm the only one who can see the size of the lie.

There are just as much patents on magnet powered devices are there are neuroscience machines for the purpose of manipulating people.

You think that is not real either?

And they keep mentioning compatibility with artificial intelligence as if this is of some kind of relevance?

Things like a machine that continues a phone conversation when the person is rendered unavailable.

It can check your personal data, tell about great products to buy etc anything to stretch time for the original human speaker to return. Who can then read up on his conversation and continue.

In a lot of businesses they already press buttons in stead of answering your questions on the phone.

The public knows next to nothing about any of it. I mean... Brain scans while people look at products? ghehehe!!!! It's mass madness if you ask me.

For our 'govern'ments it's easy to match up the video data and get a person on the TV the whole day, full blown audio. Can like rewind it back to infancy.

The machine knows you better then you do.

Then can administer all kinds of aid to your progress at doing anything what so ever.

The bus doesn't show up, your boss gets a weird call about you just before you are late again. Your landlord gets a bill with your name and his address on it.

In a mater of hours your whole life is a wreck and there is nothing you can do about it.

Study the Pantone trial. Ignore everything but look at the way he is taken out of circulation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on February 26, 2008, 08:06:12 PM
I agree that it can be very interesting looking at patents like these, though what I find interesting is that all these devices fail to work in different, complicated and very interesting ways.

One of my favorite devices that failed to work in a very interesting way is this one:

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 26, 2008, 08:36:06 PM


LOL You cannot be serious. The invention describes a toy dog who relies on galvanic action for its power. The electrolyte is provided with vegetables or fruit. 

If you stick a lemon up its arse the inventor claims it can run for days!

I am NOT joking, that is what it says.

I wonder where this one fits into the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory.

Still pissing myself laughing  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 26, 2008, 10:03:30 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 26, 2008, 08:36:06 PM


LOL You cannot be serious. The invention describes a toy dog who relies on galvanic action for its power. The electrolyte is provided with vegetables or fruit. 

If you stick a lemon up its arse the inventor claims it can run for days!

I am NOT joking, that is what it says.

I wonder where this one fits into the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory.

Still pissing myself laughing  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Hans von Lieven

Yes, very good. The inventor made a dog toy out of his perpetual motion device where the viewer is suppose to look into item No 34. But the interesting bit is what happens after you are done laughing. You abandon the whole page because it doesn't satisfy your demands in seriousness.

You didn't find anything interesting on the page. The fact you didn't look was the reason you had never seen this patent. All you do is laugh so like a leach you need me to find them for you and rub em in your face.

If only you bothered to also look into something after laughing at it. Laurence is pretty funny at times, does that mean you should always ridicule him and play the superior life form? You are not superior, you tend to laugh and point at everything.

Even if point and laugh behavior was cool it's all you do. What ever I show you, here you come with your trashcan again?  The almighty trashcan of superiority? What you talk of lemons? The power of greyskull that is what you believe in. Like a cartoon.

ok..... sorry about this..... the thing is....

If you would have looked you could have wondered.... hummm why doesn't google list the references listed in this patent? Perhaps that is a long shot for you. You wouldn't be able to find that.

You could look up what references are made.

There you have Gary, Mortimer etc you know Gary, why didn't you know the toy?

Then can for example look what other patents make those same references.

Say 830801

Then find things like this

can say boo boo bla bla again but it's an interesting device. Not free energy but it starting to look like a flux gate system the way Mr Flynn illustrates. And it leads to an infinite number of other interesting devices. It's like a forest of motor concepts. No one really looked at any of them because thoughts the quality worth getting patents on are just not worth even so much as looking at? Yes?

The dog works just like your Nazi speaker. :D That was the real joke for me. But I need you wise old man to cooperate. I can not fight the dragon on my own and prove he exists to you. That would be silly. I'm going to turn you free energy atheist into a true believer. hahaha!! Free energy can save you Hans. Trust me, have faith Hans. Put your hands on the screen.  :D Lets do this crusade thing here.

How do you like my video? I know it's not much jet... But don't forget to laugh about my website ok? You know what I mean. ;D

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 26, 2008, 10:40:47 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on February 26, 2008, 08:06:12 PM
I agree that it can be very interesting looking at patents like these, though what I find interesting is that all these devices fail to work in different, complicated and very interesting ways.

One of my favorite devices that failed to work in a very interesting way is this one:


Yes, this isn't an uninteresting device.


It wouldn't tip over but the weight would sink straight down.

Alchemist Cornelius Drebbel build a clock powered by atmospheric pressure changes.
This is a cool page
with mp3

Here is a page about his perpetual mobile. Or at least thats what they called it in those days. yes,yes,that was the meaning in those days. :-)


I also attached some of that timeless art work of mine :P
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 27, 2008, 09:46:51 AM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 27, 2008, 09:47:26 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 26, 2008, 06:17:46 PM
@ Gaby,

I am aware of the different drives using similar ideas that have been patented. Like the dozens of magnet motors and perpetual motion machines that have also been patented THEY DON'T WORK !

I now remind each reader that all of the patents submitted to the US Patent Office go through a formal review process, and each patent is reviewed by a board of military representatives from the various branches of the US Military. If any patent becomes of interest to ANY of these representatives, then that patent is pulled from the patent approval process, the patent is taken over by the US Government, the inventors are notified that - that information has become classified in the interests of US national security, and that all of the information regarding this patent is to be boxed up and sent in to the appropriate government office. Also, there are federal rules, financial penalties, and also stiff jail sentences for anyone that refuses to cooperate or discloses any of this "classified information" after receipt of the letter.

You do not believe me? It's called: U.S. Secrecy Order (Title 35, United States Code (1952), Sections 181-188). I know people that have had the "pleasure" of getting such a letter ("...under the penalties of 35 U.S.C. (1952) 182, 186."). They can tell you about it!

This U.S. Secrecy Order is on the internet for your reading pleasure at:

The rest of that page is worth reading but lets skip a bit..

(Title 35, United States Code (1952), sections 181-188)

NOTICE: To the applicant above named, his heirs, and any and all of his assignees, attorneys and agents, hereinafter designated principals:

You are hereby notified that your application as above identified has been found to contain subject matter, the unauthorized disclosure of which might be detrimental to the national security, and you are ordered in nowise to publish or disclose the invention or any material information with respect thereto, including hitherto unpublished details of the subject matter of said application, in any way to any person not cognizant of the invention prior to the date of the order, including any employee of the principals, but to keep the same secret except by written consent first obtained of the Commissioner of Patents, under the penalties of 35 U.S.C. (1952) 182, 186.

Any other application already filed or hereafter filed which contains any significant part of the subject matter of the above identified application falls within the scope of this order. If such other application does not stand under a security order, it and the common subject matter should be brought to the attention of the Security Group, Licensing and Review, Patent Office.

If, prior to the issuance of the secrecy order, any significant part of the subject matter has been revealed to any person, the principals shall promptly inform such person of the secrecy order and the penalties for improper disclosure. However, if such part of the subject matter was disclosed to any person in a foreign country or foreign national in the U.S., the principals shall not inform such person of the secrecy order, but instead shall promptly furnish to the Commissioner of Patents the following information to the extent not already furnished: date of disclosure; name and address of the disclosee; identification of such part; and any authorization by a U.S. government agency to export such part. If the subject matter is included in any foreign patent application, or patent, this should be identified. The principals shall comply with any related instructions of the Commissioner.

This order should not be construed in any way to mean that the Government has adopted or contemplates adoption of the alleged invention disclosed in this application; nor is it any indication of the value of such invention. etc etc

Here are some titles of bookies that you can purchase but can stuff into the search engine also:

Ackerman, John, TO CATCH A FLYING STAR, Univelt Publishing, San Diego, Ca. 1989.

Cramp, Leonard, UFO'S AND ANTI-GRAVITY: PIECE FOR A JIGSAW, Adventures Unlimited Press, Ill. 1966.

Childress, D. H., ANTIGRAVITY HANDBOOK, Adventures Unlimited Press, Ill. 1993.

Childress and Vesco, MAN-MADE UFOS: 1944-1994, 50 years of suppression, Adventures Unlimited Press, Ill. 1994.

Cox, J., SPACE DRIVE HANDBOOK (1972) P. O. Box 655, Marietta, Ga. 30061-655.

Forward, R., INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM MAGIC, Baen Books Riverdale, N.Y. 1995.

Hill, Paul R., UNCONVENTIONAL FLYING OBJECTS: SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS, Hampton Roads Publishing Charlottesville, VA, 1995.

Kumnel, Peter, ANTIGRAVITY FROM SPINNING MASSES, Stuttgart-Echterdinger 1973.

Deyo, Stan, THE COSMIC CONSPIRACY published by, Adventures Unlimited Press Kempton Ill., 1994.

Mallove, Eugene and Gregory Matloff, THE STAR FLIGHT HANDBOOK: PIONEER'S GUIDE TO INTERSTELLAR TRAVEL, John Wiley and sons, Inc. N.Y. 1989.

Pages, Marcel J., TECHNIQUES OF ANTIGRAVITATION (1974) Paris, Chiron, 1974.

Poliakov, S. M., EXPERIMENTAL GRAVATONICS, Moscow Area, 141120 Friazino, 60-let str, 1-167.


Kaku, Michio, HYPERSPACE-A SCIENTIFIC ODDESSY, Oxford University Press N.Y. 1994.

Pawlicki, T. B., HOW TO BUILD A FLYING SAUCER, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1981.

Thorne, Kip, BLACK HOLES AND TIME WARPS, W. W. Norton and Co. , 1994.


Valone, Tom, ELECTROGRAVITATION SYSTEMS, Integrity Research Institute, Washington D. C., 1995.

Wheeler, GRAVITATION AND INERTIA, Princeton University Press, 1995.

King, Moray B., TAPPING THE ZERO POINT ENERGY, Parraclete Publishing, Prove, UT, 1989.

There are some old men on youtube disclosing antigravity tech. Show us that routine where covering your eyes brings you those absolute truths? I can use a good laugh.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 27, 2008, 04:11:05 PM
Dear Gaby,

You always amaze me with your knowledge of the various over unity and flying saucer information. 

Hans have brought up the interesting ?no battery loudspeaker? to our attention.  If we narrowly treat the input as the electromagnetic wave energy from the radio stations and the output as the energy to drive the loudspeaker, we appear to have a well proven over unity invention.

The important element in the ?no battery loudspeaker? is in the ?no battery?.  Electromagnetic energy from the radio stations seems to be magnified.  The obvious question is ? where does the extra, magnified energy come from?

Some would say that it comes from the magnetism of the permanent magnets.  These permanent magnets would lose their magnetism in giving energy to the loudspeakers.  However experimental evidence indicates that such loudspeakers can work for years. 

Some would say that it comes from zero point energy that has not been generally accepted by the mainstream scientific community.

I wonder which theory out there can explain the phenomenon better than the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?  I would love to see you apply your theory to this particular situation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on February 27, 2008, 04:53:49 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 27, 2008, 04:11:05 PM

I wonder which theory out there can explain the phenomenon better than the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?  I would love to see you apply your theory to this particular situation.

Tseung, you must be laughing at your good fortune.  One of your most severe critic, Hans, turned out to be your greatest help.  His bringing up the ?no battery loudspeaker? gives the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory a chance to shine.  You are essentially challenging Gaby and the rest of the world to provide a better explanation from any theory.

Expect insults, insults and insults.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 27, 2008, 05:02:47 PM
Quote from: Devil on February 27, 2008, 04:53:49 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 27, 2008, 04:11:05 PM

I wonder which theory out there can explain the phenomenon better than the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?  I would love to see you apply your theory to this particular situation.

Tseung, you must be laughing at your good fortune.  One of your most severe critic, Hans, turned out to be your greatest help.  His bringing up the ?no battery loudspeaker? gives the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory a chance to shine.  You are essentially challenging Gaby and the rest of the world to provide a better explanation from any theory.

Expect insults, insults and insults.

Lawrence, don't you know when to quit? How can a sixty something old guy go so low as to do such stupid things on the internet and in a public forum? Not only is this very childish but if I were your children or grandchildren, I would be so ashamed of my dad or grandpa! What a disgrace! Aren't you Chinese?

Maybe your old school of thought did not teach you such basics. An old dog really can't learn new tricks.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 27, 2008, 05:04:11 PM

Of possible interest...it is said that sound is altered in some unknown manner when passed through a pyramid shape.

Loud sounds passing through the pyramid apparently had a very soothing effect on the body, as opposed to untreated sound which raised stress levels.

Maybe this effect is something worth considering when dealing with the application of resonant frequencies.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 27, 2008, 05:45:09 PM
Quote from: Devil on February 27, 2008, 04:53:49 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 27, 2008, 04:11:05 PM

I wonder which theory out there can explain the phenomenon better than the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?  I would love to see you apply your theory to this particular situation.

Tseung, you must be laughing at your good fortune.  One of your most severe critic, Hans, turned out to be your greatest help.  His bringing up the ?no battery loudspeaker? gives the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory a chance to shine.  You are essentially challenging Gaby and the rest of the world to provide a better explanation from any theory.

Expect insults, insults and insults.

@ Devil aka Lawrence

I think I have already provided a possible explanation for the phenomenon, one which is not at loggerheads with contemporary physics and does not need "adjustments" to Newton or Helmholtz. No Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory needed.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 27, 2008, 07:51:37 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 27, 2008, 05:45:09 PM

I think I have already provided a possible explanation for the phenomenon, one which is not at loggerheads with contemporary physics and does not need "adjustments" to Newton or Helmholtz. No Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory needed.

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

I am glad that you used the word possible.

In science, we welcome all possible explanations.  Then we start the process of elimination.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 28, 2008, 04:38:55 AM
Meeting with Professors Hu and Chang.

The meeting started from 9:30 am and finished at 4:30 pm with a lunch break.  The agenda was:

(1)   Introduce Academic Background.  Both Professors had degree in Aeronautics from Beijing Aeronautical University.  Prof Hu spent most of his career at Universities.  Prof Chang spent some years with the Military and then Industry.

(2)   Prof Chang has his own company and has a patent involving a device incorporating rotation and vibration motion.  One implementation was mixing micron size particles.

(3)   We first did a dry run of the Shenzhen University Seminar.  Prof Chang said: ?I now realize that my invention actually used the Lee-Tseung theory.  My device is actually a pulsed rotation Leading Out both gravitational and electron motion energy. That explained the 20-fold increase in efficiency of my invention compared with traditional machines.?

(4)   We then discussed the Hans ?no battery loudspeaker?.  Both professors played with the ?no battery radio? with headphones when young.  They thought that the energy driving the headphones came from the electromagnetic waves generated by the radio stations.  However, when they realized that driving a speaker was possible, they thought that the Lee-Tseung Theory made sense.  They will make it a research student project.

(5)   We then discussed the Hans water cannon Flying Saucer idea.  We showed the Forever videos, the chained ball and the silly cartoon with equal momentum balls hitting different surfaces.  Prof Chang said that his rotational machine is effectively a centrifuge pump.  Both professors think that the experiment is worthwhile.  It would not take much resource to do.  The potential benefit is huge.

Hans, whether you like it or not, both your ideas are now accepted by top professors as postgraduate student projects.  I shall inform you of the development as appropriate.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 28, 2008, 01:25:08 PM
"Hans, whether you like it or not, both your ideas are now accepted by top professors as postgraduate student projects.  I shall inform you of the development as appropriate."

Congratulations Hans!  I will drink a toast to you with a Foster's Lager.  This could be a historic moment.  Before you get too famous, can I get an autograph from you?  Thanks.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 28, 2008, 01:36:35 PM
Who would have thought?

My Pissmobile is a hit in China !

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 28, 2008, 06:56:44 PM
The three patents from Professor Chang of China.

Inventor Name: 张天松

1      200610034559.1       æÅ"ºæ¢°æ‚¬æµ®è£…ç½®
2      200420046714.8       æâ€"‹è½¬æÅ'¯åŠ¨è£…ç½®
3      200520064996.9       è¡Å'星式æâ€"‹è½¬æ‘†åŠ¨å¼æÅ'¯åŠ¨è£…ç½®

All three inventions are related to "adding oscillation or vibrational pulses" to rotational systems.  Item 1 also described the elevation of spinning objects to achieve weightless conditions.

What more can I say?  The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory wins again.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on February 28, 2008, 08:27:44 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 28, 2008, 06:56:44 PM
What more can I say?  The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory wins again.

I am now 100% convinced that the Lead Out theory can be applied to any and every non-working overunity device under the sun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 28, 2008, 08:43:14 PM

Not to steal anyone's thunder, but here's a little thing I've been working on.



Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 28, 2008, 10:45:52 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on February 28, 2008, 08:27:44 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 28, 2008, 06:56:44 PM
What more can I say?  The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory wins again.

I am now 100% convinced that the Lead Out theory can be applied to any and every non-working overunity device under the sun.

When people believe in their own cock and bull stories and postulates, you can see why people hijack planes into the World Trade Center.

So full of bull they don't know when to stop!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 28, 2008, 11:16:17 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 28, 2008, 01:36:35 PM
Who would have thought?

My Pissmobile is a hit in China !

Hans von Lieven

G'day Hans.

Good to see your ideas are being taken with such interest. Maybe you should really apply for a Chinese patent based  on Piss power. Maybe Holden will be interested when your Chinese patent is issued. But then you may have to compete with the cow-dung powered auto. patent, not to mention the saliva and other excre*** stuff! Oh, you can have all my patents ideas!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 29, 2008, 12:52:40 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 27, 2008, 04:11:05 PM
Dear Gaby,

You always amaze me with your knowledge of the various over unity and flying saucer information. 

Hans have brought up the interesting ?no battery loudspeaker? to our attention.  If we narrowly treat the input as the electromagnetic wave energy from the radio stations and the output as the energy to drive the loudspeaker, we appear to have a well proven over unity invention.

The important element in the ?no battery loudspeaker? is in the ?no battery?.  Electromagnetic energy from the radio stations seems to be magnified.  The obvious question is ? where does the extra, magnified energy come from?

Some would say that it comes from the magnetism of the permanent magnets.  These permanent magnets would lose their magnetism in giving energy to the loudspeakers.  However experimental evidence indicates that such loudspeakers can work for years. 

Some would say that it comes from zero point energy that has not been generally accepted by the mainstream scientific community.

I wonder which theory out there can explain the phenomenon better than the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?  I would love to see you apply your theory to this particular situation.

Quote from: ltseung888 on February 28, 2008, 04:38:55 AM
Meeting with Professors Hu and Chang.

The meeting started from 9:30 am and finished at 4:30 pm with a lunch break.  The agenda was:

(1)   Introduce Academic Background.  Both Professors had degree in Aeronautics from Beijing Aeronautical University.  Prof Hu spent most of his career at Universities.  Prof Chang spent some years with the Military and then Industry.

(2)   Prof Chang has his own company and has a patent involving a device incorporating rotation and vibration motion.  One implementation was mixing micron size particles.

(3)   We first did a dry run of the Shenzhen University Seminar.  Prof Chang said: ?I now realize that my invention actually used the Lee-Tseung theory.  My device is actually a pulsed rotation Leading Out both gravitational and electron motion energy. That explained the 20-fold increase in efficiency of my invention compared with traditional machines.?

(4)   We then discussed the Hans ?no battery loudspeaker?.  Both professors played with the ?no battery radio? with headphones when young.  They thought that the energy driving the headphones came from the electromagnetic waves generated by the radio stations.  However, when they realized that driving a speaker was possible, they thought that the Lee-Tseung Theory made sense.  They will make it a research student project.

(5)   We then discussed the Hans water cannon Flying Saucer idea.  We showed the Forever videos, the chained ball and the silly cartoon with equal momentum balls hitting different surfaces.  Prof Chang said that his rotational machine is effectively a centrifuge pump.  Both professors think that the experiment is worthwhile.  It would not take much resource to do.  The potential benefit is huge.

Hans, whether you like it or not, both your ideas are now accepted by top professors as postgraduate student projects.  I shall inform you of the development as appropriate.

Quote from: ltseung888 on February 28, 2008, 06:56:44 PM
The three patents from Professor Chang of China.

Inventor Name: 张天松

1      200610034559.1       æÅ"ºæ¢°æ‚¬æµ®è£…ç½®
2      200420046714.8       æâ€"‹è½¬æÅ'¯åŠ¨è£…ç½®
3      200520064996.9       è¡Å'星式æâ€"‹è½¬æ‘†åŠ¨å¼æÅ'¯åŠ¨è£…ç½®

All three inventions are related to "adding oscillation or vibrational pulses" to rotational systems.  Item 1 also described the elevation of spinning objects to achieve weightless conditions.

What more can I say?  The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory wins again.

Ok, here is the deal. I've seen how to do it now.

One makes a fluid spin inside a donut shaped tube.

One makes the surface area on the inside as big as possible.

Then by creating a slight concave within proportion with speed and surface area then the boundary layer drag will suck the donut in that specific direction.

Counter rotating donuts make the lead out pulse stable and easy to control.

To amplify the effect the pressure is increased so that a higher speed can be sustained without screwing up the effect margin created therefrom therewith, as a result thereof and with most noble intended intentions

Which one should appertain to make the same thrust therefrom, unless delusional in the art (of course).

Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 26, 2008, 05:28:22 PM
momentum of the wheel
(https://overunityarchives.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fgabydewilde.googlepages.com%2Fquantumforka1a2a3.jpg%2Fquantumforka1a2a3-small.jpg&hash=a42d8b4295c993b3f0f6e9885d0284b6dc4b2cb6) (http://gabydewilde.googlepages.com/momentumofthewheel)
balancing gyro momentum  (http://gabydewilde.googlepages.com/balancinggyromomentum)
the quantumfork

stay in the air

combine momentum change
conversion to linear rotation (http://gabydewilde.googlepages.com/conversiontolinearrotation)


magic  :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 29, 2008, 01:17:50 AM
I got all the way backwards to page 87 and collected the illustrations to remind us of the topics discussed. (all except the nekked lady)


Look everyone, it's Mr Tseung :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 29, 2008, 02:34:36 AM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on February 29, 2008, 01:17:50 AM
I got all the way backwards to page 87 and collected the illustrations to remind us of the topics discussed. (all except the nekked lady)



As a matter of interest, is that guy with the banana a self portrait of you or do you look like Bozo the clown?
I can't really tell. I'm kind of confused between the guy with no hair in the middle of his head and looked a bit little 'Bozo' the clown picture on your web site and this picture of the guy with the bananas.
Tell us which one is you? I hope it is the guy with the bananas. he's definitely more handsome.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 29, 2008, 06:14:39 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 18, 2008, 03:30:41 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,
Your Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory started from:
(1) We are immersed in gravitational and/or electron motions fields.  If we can use such energy, we do not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

(2) A Pulsed Pendulum Leading Out gravitational energy

(3) A Pulsed Magnetic Pendulum Leading Out electron motion energy

(4) An unbalanced wheel is effectively a pulsed pendulum

(5) A pulsed balanced wheel has the similar effect as (2) but much more efficient

(6) The Newman, Bedini, Adams, 225 HP, Liang, Chao etc. inventions are essentially variations of (4) or (5).

Dear Hans,

I can see that your "no battery loudspeaker" is evolving to rotations.   Continue thinking.  You may rediscover the Newman, Bedini, Adams motors. 

The Lee-Tseung theory wins again.  You will have to accept it sooner or later.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 29, 2008, 09:17:27 AM
Ðâ€"дÃ'â,¬ÃÂ°ÃÂ²Ã'Ã'‚вÃ'Æ'йÃ'‚е, .

Dear Mr. Lawrence Tseung,

We are glad to see you and inventors from Hong Kong amongst participants of Moscow international salon of industrial property "Archimedes2008". We sure your participation will be very useful and interesting. Please find the application form and information about exhibit, and price for hotel "Izmailovo gamma", where usually stays all foreign participants of "Archimedes" exhibition. More information about our exhibition can be found in Internet on website: www.archimedes.ru. If you have any questions, please contact me. Looking forward to your reply.  -- Best regards,

Zhukova Olga

Looks like International Co-operation may be one step closer.  My information is at least well received by Moscow.  Chinese Seminars start in March.  Archimedes2008 is in April in Russia.  USA presentations start in June.  The Japan meetings are being scheduled.

Thanks to Hans, we may have a ?no battery loudspeaker? to demonstrate that pulsed vibration in a magnetic field can lead out energy.  That will be another powerful weapon in our arsenal. 

Thanks to Professor Chang, we may have ?pulsed oscillation or vibration? on rotational systems as further examples.   These, together with the products to be announced from Wang and others, will definitely solve the energy crisis and benefit the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 29, 2008, 03:48:22 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 29, 2008, 06:14:39 AM
Dear Hans,

I can see that your "no battery loudspeaker" is evolving to rotations.   Continue thinking.  You may rediscover the Newman, Bedini, Adams motors. 

The Lee-Tseung theory wins again.  You will have to accept it sooner or later.

This shows again how much you know Lawrence.

The design is nothing like Bedini, Adams and Newman. Bedini and Adams are homopolar designs, Newman is an entirely different kettle of fish altogether.

Other than using permanent magnets and electromagnets, these systems have nothing in common with my design.

The use of electromagnets and permanent magnets is almost universal in ALL electric motors, as virtually all rely on pulses in one form or other. That is where the similarity ends.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 29, 2008, 05:02:46 PM
Reply Letter to Archimedes2008
Dear  Zhukova Olga,

I cannot read or write Russian but the co-inventor, Mr. Lee Cheung kin, was Russian trained in the 1950s.  However, his health is not in the best of conditions.  Thus we decided to send our information to you first.

We hope the information will benefit the World.  Our patents and inventions are somewhat unusual.  They will solve the energy and transportation problems of the World for the coming future.  The information was first disclosed in December 2004 in Hong Kong and has been presented at various Inventor Shows, Conferences and Seminars.

The most important part of our invention is the theory that can explain the source of energy for over 300 of the so-called perpetual motion machines or over unity devices.  It has been extended to cover inertia propulsion systems resulting in the Design and Construction of the Flying Saucers that can fly to outer space or dive under the ocean.  The Flying Saucer uses gravitational or electron motion energy and is far superior to all known planes, missiles and spacecraft.

One of the most important consequences is the complete change in World Power.  I have also written a book that talks about Modern Wealth = Meaningful Economic Activities.  Please bring that to the attention of your esteem committee.

The references are:
(1)   http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm - The Modern Wealth Book
(2)   http://www.overunity.com - See the thread ?The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory?.  Please pay particular attention to the attached files in
a.   Compressible Fluids are Mechanical Energy Carriers. Air is not a fuel but is an energy carrier. (See reply 1097)
b.   Gravitational or Electron Motion Energy can be Lead Out via oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux change systems.  We need to apply pulse force (Lee-Tseung Pulls) at the right time. (See reply 1106)
c.   1150 describes the Flying Saucer.  This will provide incredible prosperity.  Beware of the potential destructive powers.

There is much junk, jeers and misinformation in the thread (2).  I deliberately bring it to your attention so that you are aware of the objections and non-acceptance from the many debunkers.  I am also attaching a list of over Unity inventions that I have personally researched and strongly expected to work.  One of them ? the Wang Shum Ho electricity generator was demonstrated in front of 5 Chinese Officials in January 2006.  He and others got funding in July 2007.  The product is under certification at present.  We expect the product to be available or announced in 2008.  Another invention is that from Milkovic ? a Russian.

Please feel free to email me or participate in the above forum.

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 29, 2008, 05:06:36 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 29, 2008, 05:02:46 PM

There is much junk, jeers and misinformation in the thread (2). 

Lawrence Tseung

Let's not worry about the 'other junk'. Take care of your own 'Lead-Out' junk and there will be no more crap on this thread! It's really simple Lawrence. Simpler than learning how to use a electric drill.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 29, 2008, 05:52:38 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 29, 2008, 05:02:46 PM

QuoteThe most important part of our invention is the theory that can explain the source of energy for over 300 of the so-called perpetual motion machines or over unity devices.

If there are over 300 overunity devices and perpetual motion machines out there why are we still paying for electricity ?

We must be nuts !

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 29, 2008, 06:46:26 PM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 29, 2008, 06:58:06 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 26, 2008, 08:36:06 PM


LOL You cannot be serious. The invention describes a toy dog who relies on galvanic action for its power. The electrolyte is provided with vegetables or fruit. 

If you stick a lemon up its arse the inventor claims it can run for days!

I am NOT joking, that is what it says.

I wonder where this one fits into the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory.

Still pissing myself laughing  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Hans von Lieven



Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 29, 2008, 07:03:49 PM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 29, 2008, 07:22:40 PM
Wow!  I found this picture of Gabby taken just after he discovered free electricity.  Congratulations man.


*****EDIT******  PHOTO REMOVED AT GABY"S REQUEST!  (I don't blame him)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 29, 2008, 07:23:49 PM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 29, 2008, 07:25:07 PM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 29, 2008, 07:29:44 PM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on February 29, 2008, 07:32:13 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 29, 2008, 05:52:38 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 29, 2008, 05:02:46 PM

QuoteThe most important part of our invention is the theory that can explain the source of energy for over 300 of the so-called perpetual motion machines or over unity devices.

If there are over 300 overunity devices and perpetual motion machines out there why are we still paying for electricity ?

We must be nuts !

Hans von Lieven

The human race is obviously nuts.  Energy is free, inexhaustible and easy to extract.  It has been there since the creation of the Universe.

The nuts dug up the ground to get stored sunlight energy.  The nuts went to war and killed thousands to get the oil.  The nuts considered themselves  great scientists and engineers when they developed the stupid steam engine, the electricity generator and the nuclear power stations.

All they ever needed was pulsed rotation in gravitational and electron motion fields.  Inventors such as Joseph Newman got rejected again and again by the real nuts who called themselves scientific authorities.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on February 29, 2008, 08:01:32 PM
Shame on you Bill,

This was not a picture of Gaby

This is:


( He does not like my picture, does that mean something Freudian?)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 29, 2008, 08:06:26 PM
@ Langley:

That is a better picture than this one. ***************EDIT PHOTO REMOVED*****************
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on February 29, 2008, 08:19:17 PM

Some Smart person must have removed the inverted colors from someones yahoo picture wow .. Nice Pic man 8)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 29, 2008, 08:24:26 PM
@ Joe:

Yes, I agree.  Very smart indeed.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on February 29, 2008, 08:39:23 PM
While there's nothing wrong with Gaby's photo (long hair is hip), I think it is poor etiquette to post someone else's photo on a public forum without their consent.  Let's keep this about ideas, not people.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 29, 2008, 08:52:46 PM
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 29, 2008, 09:35:39 PM
There are ideas enough, there is a problem with finding people who can do something with the ideas.

Here, i posted this earlier, technically this should fix all energy problems.

Hemp plasma reactor - sci.physics | Google Groups

Even if a person wants to pretend there isn't enough data then that absolutely doesn't mean it doesn't work. It means "pretending there isn't enough information available" and that is what it means.

Anyone who tries to create an absolute truth or an absolute mistake is always wrong if there is not enough information available.

Not enough information can only mean we should be looking for more data. It can never be an excuse not to gather data.

"I don't know enough about this now I do not have to look deeper into this as this proves it doesn't work!"

The plasma reactor seems to be well documented by now.

Pantone seems to have disappeared into US bureaucracy but the reproductions in France also seem to be a hobby effort.

Officially the whole thing only exists as the Plasmatron  MIT invention. haha?

And hemp = danger danger?? haha?

Depending on the soil there are probably a lot of other crops that could supply oil + something else. The remaining wood pulp can be used to make paper and to power big generators.

Quote" Bonjour,
Voici en annexe les photos du montage Pantone install? sur notre camion 6x6.

Nous remercions notre ami Herv? Fargeix qui nous a fabriqu? les r?acteurs et donn? de pr?cieux conseils pour la fabrication du bulleur et du montage en g?n?ral.

Nous habitons en Belgique et aimerions conna?tre d?autres Belges travaillant sur le syst?me Pantone."

QuotePaul Pantone's GEET Device Explained in Full Detail. For everyone that doesn't understand that this is a fine tuned device. Just because some people failed building it, doesn't mean there hasn't been successful attempts at making this device work.

There is a exact science behind this device! The people who failed, failed because of their own wrong doing.

Devices Fitted Successfully:



Description of Device Operation:

Plasma Fuel Reforming with PMC (Processing Multi-Carbons)

The bubbler is a tank containing a mixture of water and hydrocarbons (gasoline, diesel, kerosene, crude oils and others derived from hydrocarbons...).

The hot gas flow coming from the exhaust of the engine circulates by the outside part of the reactor with a strong kinetic energy, that contributes to bring up to very high temperature the steel rod (being used as heat accumulator) contained in the pyrolytic chamber. The gases cross the engine and penetrate then in the bubbler containing the water/hydrocarbon mixture. The vapor of the mixture is strongly aspired by the vacuum created by the engine intake and is pushed by the pressure coming from the exhaust. The kinetic energy of the vapor is increased considerably by the reduction of the diameter in the pyrolytic chamber (by Venturi effect). The combined effect of the high temperature and the increase of the kinetic energy produces a thermo chemical decomposition ( molecular breakdown ) of the water/hydrocarbon mixture.

The endothermic reactor forms an Electro-Plasma-Chemical unit (EPC) and it is now possible to create a high-output fuel coming from the decomposition of the water contained in the water/hydrocarbon mixture. This fact is confirmed by the presence of oxygen gas (O2) in great amount measured in the exhaust.

More information:

At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), researchers are developing a reformer, which, like the KCB&H one, uses plasma for reforming hydrocarbons. The advantage of a plasma reformer is that it can use all forms of hydrocarbons, including heavy oil fractions. In addition, the plasma reforming can operate in pyrolytic mode (thermal degrading of organic material without air or oxygen) so that the carbon is turned into soot. This eliminates the formation of CO2. Plasma technology allows for a more compact and lighter design than traditional reformers because the reaction occurs much faster. (BingoFuel Reactor)

The plasma reactors can be placed by the road and send wireless electricity to the electric cars driving by.

If energy can be transmitted efficiently we can get hundreds of miles to the gallon. Use a small capacitor bank to drive from charging station to charging station. Sure one would have to stay within range of the main road to be able to drive such car.  The point is that it would be dirt cheap to move the vehicle if it didn't have a combustion engine or heaps of batteries in ballast.  By running the engine at it's ideal speed it becomes much more efficient then when driving around with it. And cold starts are also avoided .Construction can be much lighter and much safer.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on February 29, 2008, 09:46:00 PM

You made bill take down a picture that you use for an avatar in another Fourm? That makes sense.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on February 29, 2008, 11:46:26 PM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 29, 2008, 11:55:21 PM
@ Gaby:

With all due respect, it sounds as if you are jealous of not being an American.  You attempt to put us down every chance you get and this has nothing to do with over unity either.  I know where you live, and that's fine.  Stay there.  You would not make a good American.  Freedom is something we have and you don't, and don't even know what you are missing.  Talk about ignorance.  You can bash me all you want...feel free to do so, but do NOT bash my country.  If not for us Americans, you would be speaking German right now.  So, let's talk about science, ok?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on March 01, 2008, 01:42:00 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 29, 2008, 11:55:21 PM
@ Gaby:

If not for us Americans, you would be speaking German right now.  So, let's talk about science, ok?


But he is speaking German. A dumb dialect version of it, with lots of gutturals thrown in, but German nevertheless, or, if you prefer, Germanic.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on March 01, 2008, 02:49:53 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 29, 2008, 11:55:21 PM
@ Gaby:

With all due respect, it sounds as if you are jealous of not being an American.  You attempt to put us down every chance you get and this has nothing to do with over unity either.  I know where you live, and that's fine.  Stay there.  You would not make a good American.  Freedom is something we have and you don't, and don't even know what you are missing.  Talk about ignorance.  You can bash me all you want...feel free to do so, but do NOT bash my country.  If not for us Americans, you would be speaking German right now.  So, let's talk about science, ok?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on March 01, 2008, 03:28:30 AM
Is that your friend in the video ??? i dont get it? The guy is a moron
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: AhuraMazda on March 01, 2008, 05:09:17 AM
Ignorance is bliss but if you get tired of it watch:

Nothing wrong with the American people and country. Just the administration.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: M@rcel on March 01, 2008, 05:36:55 AM
Can we all please get back on topic.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 01, 2008, 07:31:26 AM

I find these personal insults and name calling to be detrimental to what this site was intended for.

Please stop !!!

You are discouraging others from participating on this forum for fear of ridicule.

I call on the site owner to caution these members on their abysmal conduct, and to ban them if necessary if they persist.

For every good suggestion or idea they may contribute, they suppress an untold number of potential offerings and innovations from good people who feel intimidated by the aggression displayed here.

I am not singling out any one member, I just want the destructive behavior to stop.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on March 01, 2008, 10:11:42 AM
Personally I would love to see a picture of the 'mouth' that is on all the forums. Gaby if you posted it somewhere else then its fair game. Controlling the board with what you only want is a lot like nazi-ism. That doesnt work here.
Besides, we are morons, remember? What could our impressions possibly mean to someone as giant as you?:)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 01, 2008, 06:39:22 PM
Quote from: Devil on February 29, 2008, 07:32:13 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 29, 2008, 05:52:38 PM

If there are over 300 overunity devices and perpetual motion machines out there why are we still paying for electricity ?

We must be nuts!

Hans von Lieven

The human race is obviously nuts.  Energy is free, inexhaustible and easy to extract.  It has been there since the creation of the Universe.

The nuts dug up the ground to get stored sunlight energy.  The nuts went to war and killed thousands to get the oil.  The nuts considered themselves  great scientists and engineers when they developed the stupid steam engine, the electricity generator and the nuclear power stations.

All they ever needed was pulsed rotation in gravitational and electron motion fields.  Inventors such as Joseph Newman got rejected again and again by the real nuts who called themselves scientific authorities.

Dear Devil,

I do agree with you that the human race is not perfect.  We did many nutty things in the past.  Examples include believing that the emperors were gods; the white race with their guns were supreme; survival of the fittest etc.

We hope to do better now.  We freely share the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory with others.  We freely show the book on Modern Wealth.

I am confident that the Cosmic Energy Machines and Flying Saucer technology will bloom in China.  Wang et al had their IPO discussions in Hong Kong last week.  They chartered a plane to fly in their staff and their demonstration equipment.  Their publicity people will handle the publicity.  The wait will not be long.

Our academic seminars will prove beyond any shadow of doubt that the Cosmic Energy Machines do not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  The Flying Saucers (with inertia propulsion systems) never violate Newton?s Third Law.  Our academic seminars will support and improve the Wang products as well as many others.

I was very fortunate that one of the most severe critics, Hans, actually helped in many ways, including:
(1)   Accusing me of not doing the air pump to deliver water experiment ? claiming one-way valves will not help to deliver water+air higher.
(2)   Providing the water cannon Flying Saucer example to replace the swinging water bottles ? greatly improves the recycling.
(3)   Raising the ?no battery loudspeaker? which conclusively proves the Lee-Tseung theory ? other physicists will have to meet the challenge.

The World will benefit with such disclosures and discussions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 01, 2008, 06:44:44 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 01, 2008, 06:39:22 PM
Quote from: Devil on February 29, 2008, 07:32:13 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 29, 2008, 05:52:38 PM

If there are over 300 overunity devices and perpetual motion machines out there why are we still paying for electricity ?

We must be nuts!

Hans von Lieven

The human race is obviously nuts.  Energy is free, inexhaustible and easy to extract.  It has been there since the creation of the Universe.

The nuts dug up the ground to get stored sunlight energy.  The nuts went to war and killed thousands to get the oil.  The nuts considered themselves  great scientists and engineers when they developed the stupid steam engine, the electricity generator and the nuclear power stations.

All they ever needed was pulsed rotation in gravitational and electron motion fields.  Inventors such as Joseph Newman got rejected again and again by the real nuts who called themselves scientific authorities.

Dear Devil,

I do agree with you that the human race is not perfect.  We did many nutty things in the past.  Examples include believing that the emperors were gods; the white race with their guns were supreme; survival of the fittest etc.

We hope to do better now.  We freely share the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory with others.  We freely show the book on Modern Wealth.

I am confident that the Cosmic Energy Machines and Flying Saucer technology will bloom in China.  Wang et al had their IPO discussions in Hong Kong last week.  They chartered a plane to fly in their staff and their demonstration equipment.  Their publicity people will handle the publicity.  The wait will not be long.
Our academic seminars will prove beyond any shadow of doubt that the Cosmic Energy Machines do not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  The Flying Saucers (with inertia propulsion systems) never violate Newton?s Third Law.  Our academic seminars will support and improve the Wang products as well as many others.

I was very fortunate that one of the most severe critics, Hans, actually helped in many ways, including:
(1)   Accusing me of not doing the air pump to deliver water experiment ? claiming one-way valves will not help to deliver water+air higher.
(2)   Providing the water cannon Flying Saucer example to replace the swinging water bottles ? greatly improves the recycling.
(3)   Raising the ?no battery loudspeaker? which conclusively proves the Lee-Tseung theory ? other physicists will have to meet the challenge.

The World will benefit with such disclosures.

blah, blah, blah ...blah . the nonsense continues....
Old Tseung, don't you ever get tired of playing multiple persona?
You're not a kid anymore. This is not 'hide and seek' and you're not a 5 year old.
Please take your medication soon.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 01, 2008, 07:44:25 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Let us accept that the "no battery loudspeaker" is indeed an over unity device.  The input energy (electromagnetic waves) from the radio stations can be proved to be far less than the output energy (vibrating the loudspeaker to produce sound).

My thirteenth question is:

(13) How can you explain the source of this extra energy from the Lee-Tseung theory?  Please assume that the audiences are top MIT physics professors who have not read any of your posts yet.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on March 01, 2008, 08:42:48 PM
QuoteBesides, we are morons, remember? What could our impressions possibly mean to someone as giant as you?
Ok Ben, you are almost there. I don't know how this page managed to open it self for you or how you managed to login to this forum but the idea is to click a topic that looks interesting to you then discuss the subject disclosed in the first posting. But we must keep the part where you go with the flow of the conversation. I think you got that just about right. The best kept forum secret of all is that one can actually edit and update this first posting with new and interesting information. But don't tell anyone, no one has discovered this jet. As Mr Tseung is the starter of this topic your comments should tend to refer to the specific purpose of the topic. We may assume the topic starter has specifically started this topic to obtain our impressions. Me, Mr Tseung, Mr Hartman, the forum it is all here specifically for your impression. If it wouldn't mean anything then non of this would be here. :)

QuoteThe input energy (electromagnetic waves) from the radio stations can be proved to be far less than the output energy (vibrating the loudspeaker to produce sound).

Yes, free energy is abundantly available in already operational systems. It's what we call improving efficiency. Focus has been on improving production. That means there should be a whole lot of energy available right there. Like a windmill can be pulsed up to an efficient speed in stead of slowly accelerating, if a pulse motor can be made to run over unity then it can be combined with the prop.

I cant get the picture out of my head:

A GEET plasma reactor tuned to run on HEMP OIL. I don't know the details of either technology but I do know there are a lot of websites full of positive arguments for both of them and the combination sounds just hilarious? no?

I put some links here:

There is barely any refinery you can just toss the plant juice into the reactor, perhaps add a bit of water. haha?? This is the solar technology that grows by it self!

Any country has enough room to grow this much hemp and can build the generators to burn it. And boy does it burn, if one can extract oil and run a diesel engine on it then I'm sure the GEET reactor can drink it. The wood pulp has endless application but can of course be used to fire up turbines.

Imagine what would happen if one would also use a rotary engine in stead of pistons.

Wankel engine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is that Wankel GEET.

ASTRO Photo Album
262.jpg (JPEG Image, 640x480 pixels)
263.jpg (JPEG Image, 640x480 pixels)
265.jpg (JPEG Image, 640x480 pixels)

Then there is this hip battery tech by Steve Ryan (Auckland new zealand)

It's a weird idea but I'm sure it works. ha-ha

Energy can be lead-out of the strangest places.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 01, 2008, 09:58:36 PM

Interesting concept to say the least gabby.

Do you have any idea how much amperage came along with the 11.26 volts recorded...and what type of metals he  was using ?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 02, 2008, 01:18:59 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on March 01, 2008, 07:44:25 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Let us accept that the "no battery loudspeaker" is indeed an over unity device.  The input energy (electromagnetic waves) from the radio stations can be proved to be far less than the output energy (vibrating the loudspeaker to produce sound).

My thirteenth question is:

(13) How can you explain the source of this extra energy from the Lee-Tseung theory?  Please assume that the audiences are top MIT physics professors who have not read any of your posts yet.

Dear Top Gun,

I was waiting for Hans to answer this question either directly or indirectly.  He has started a thread on the "no battery loudspeaker".

He et al has advanced from vibration to rotation.
Quote from: allcanadian on March 01, 2008, 10:58:25 AM
Hans I would really like to thank you for introducing me to the balanced armature oscillator.  It is people like you that take the time to research and post documentation that make this forum such a nice place to be. I was taken on quite a journey after my last post, mostly things I knew but could not put in the right places?. So we have an evolution of design, a timeline starting at the balanced armature oscillator, the Wesley Gary oscillator (both poles utilized), the Adams motor, the Bedini motor and most recently the Lutec motor/generator. Most people see these machines as repulsion motors but I think they are far from it; I would call them repulsion/attraction motors?.

Hans et al moved forward from vibration to rotation.  They will move backward from vibration to oscillation.

Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 29, 2008, 05:35:44 PM
G?day all,

Now we come to the pulsing required to get the device to work.

Before we get into this though we must take another look at the Freischwinger system in its original form. Because the energized soft iron reed moves between the poles of a magnet there is a definite limit to the amount of movement available. No amount of power will propel it beyond this.


Fig. 7   shows the limits of movement.

In position A the iron reed is un-energised. Since iron is attracted to either pole both poles exert equal pull, the forces balance each other out, and the system is in equilibrium.

If we now energize the reed by turning the coil on, it will become an electromagnet with two distinct poles. We can reverse the polarity of the electromagnet by reversing the flow of current through the coil.

Shall we say a forward current polarises the reed with the north pole facing the permanent magnet. Since like poles repel and unlike poles attract the reed is propelled by both poles to the right, up to the strongest point of attraction (point B). There it will come to rest, having found the point of equilibrium of all participating forces.

Reversing polarity will move the reed in the opposite direction and stop at point C.

If we switch the power off at the extreme points the iron reed will just stick there since it is still attracted, albeit with diminished power. That is why the spring is necessary to bring the reed back to the neutral mid point.

In the design of the motor we have to deal with these ?stick points? in some way before we can induce rotation. This we can do with well timed pulses.

Fig. 8   shows the pulse sequence.

The first pulse is applied as the reed reaches the limit of the magnetic sphere of influence of the horseshoe magnet (A). Strictly speaking this pulse is not required as the soft iron reed is attracted naturally, but an energy injection at this point is advantageous.

The polarity must be reversed when the ?stick point? is reached (here indicated by the black line). This polarity must be kept up until the next ?stick point? is reached (black line in B).

Now we must reverse again (C) until the reed is outside the sphere of influence of the horseshoe magnet.

Needless to say that all four magnets in the motor are energised simultaneously.

Thus we have rotation.

Hans von Lieven

Hans et al will have no choice but to examine the actual source of energy.  They may start at pulsed vibration or pulsed oscillation.  The most probable is pulsed oscillation.  They will find that the pulses must provide additional energy.  A careful examination will lead to the use of the Lee-Tseung Pull based on the use of parallelogram of forces. 

The inevitable conclusion is that the ?no battery loudspeaker? uses pulses to lead out the Electron Motion (magnetic or electromagnetic) energy that already surrounds us.  The energy is NOT drawn out from the permanent magnets.

So please wait.  Hans et al will automatically confirm the Lee-Tseung theory whether they believe it at present.  They are on the path of validating it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on March 02, 2008, 02:48:31 AM
G'day Lawrence et al,

There is a very real chance that the system relies on its effect by tuning into an underlying field via resonance, in which case oscillation is required. Time will tell if this is the case.

I will give you that much, but if you have a look at my website http://keelytech.com it will come as no great surprise to you.

Energy transfer via resonance has been my special field of interest for a very long time.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 02, 2008, 03:40:03 AM
@ Mingmei:

Has anyone determined the resonance frequency of your urine?  This may be where the secret lies.  I will not get into #2 at this time as I am sure there is no data available for that.  Keely, Helmholtz, and now Hans is doing research in this area and I believe it might be a key to your phenomenon.  Just a guess.  By the way, thank you for that wonderful picture you e-mailed to me.  I understand that you said clothes irritate your skin and I don't exactly understand why but I am thankful just the same.  That photo is helping me to forget Forever.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on March 02, 2008, 11:03:22 AM
Oh Mr. Bill,

You are always so nice to me. I have send you another picture of me. This is one from my "private" collection. If you like those little animals that live near rives and love to build dams you will be enamored by this one.

Kiss Kiss


I will ask Professor Who Flung Dung about the resonant frequency of my urine when I see him next.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 02, 2008, 06:38:55 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on March 02, 2008, 02:48:31 AM
G'day Lawrence et al,

There is a very real chance that the system relies on its effect by tuning into an underlying field via resonance, in which case oscillation is required. Time will tell if this is the case.

I will give you that much, but if you have a look at my website http://keelytech.com it will come as no great surprise to you.

Energy transfer via resonance has been my special field of interest for a very long time.

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

Your example of "no battery loudspeaker" is a good proof that tuning is required. 

In the Lee-Tseung theory, the Lee-Tseung Pulses must be applied at the right time.

All these points to resonance research.  Your hard work and previous experience will not be wasted.

Please study reply 1106 and the attached file carefully again.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 03, 2008, 07:42:35 AM
Hmm I've been away for a week or so and all of a sudden Gaby is causing trouble and insulting people?
Shame on you Gaby!
You may personally adore Tseung and his crazy ranting, but don't start picking fights please.
And what's that about bashing our fellow thread members and their country?
Come on dude, take your ritalin and calm down, and maybe just use that brain of yours to
ponder why it might be that the majority of the people here don't accept Tseungs unfounded
claims, instead of latching on to your wishfull thinking fixation on Tseungs ideas.
Then again, your own website is full of designs that you have clearly never tested, so it
seems Tseungs method of shouting claims that are totally unfounded and untested and based
more on what he hoped should happen than on what he has empirically tested to actually happen
fits in perfectly with your own method of shouting a lot while testing hardly anything at all.
Experiment is the mother of invention. A big mouth and unwillingness to experiment are not.
And of course I mean the term experiment as in "empirically testing a hypothesis by active
measurement of a correct example setup", not as in "making a drawing of a vague idea and shouting eureka".
Just for clarity, as you and Tseung both seem to think the latter also qualifies as experiment.

Oh and Bill, Hans is right. The Dutch do speak Dutch, which is in fact historically and liguistically
just as much German as the German they speak in Austria is. No coincidence that the language
is called "Dutch" and that the Germans refer to their language as "Deutsch". Funny enough, it
was the english who coined the language "Dutch", because they couldn't distinguish it from
"Deutsch" properly.
It may come as a surprise, but a great many English and American terms stem directly from
the Dutch language: words like "cookie", "ahoy", "buoy", "forlorn", "aardvark", "beaker", "boom", "boss" ,etcetera,
are all Dutch words incorporated into English. The American terms/names "Yankees", "Coney Island", "Brooklyn",
"Harlem", are in fact Dutch names "Jan Kees", "Konyn Eiland", "Breukelen", "Haarlem".

In a way...
you guys are speaking German. ;)
(no offense meant, just to keep the humour in there ;))
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 03, 2008, 11:43:38 AM
@ Koen1:

Very interesting info on the Dutch language.  I am actually part Dutch on my Father's side.  (All of my family are immigrants to the US from around 120 years ago or so)  I am also part Irish, Polish, and Welsh. I enjoy being in contact on this forum with people from all over the world.  I believe it gives me a better perspective by learning about other cultures and seeing that we have more similarities than differences. Maybe we have been a bit hard on Mr. Tseung.  I do believe, like many others on here, that to have an idea is one thing.  Ideas are, or can be good.  Postulating an idea as a theory, without real experiments and controls as proof of the validity of this idea is quite another.  Lawrence has attempted a few experiments in support of his theory however I fail to see how any of those experiments prove anything.  Maybe it is just me.  I guess time will tell.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on March 03, 2008, 11:53:12 AM

THANKS ASSHOLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOW WE HAVE  A FILE SiZE restrction after your little picture outburst.. IM so mad right now i cant quite contain myself.. ITS ON ASSHOLE end of story.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 03, 2008, 01:50:23 PM
@Bill: Nah, it's not just you. It's at least me too. ;)
Oh, and I too enjoy the fact that we can share our thoughts and opinions on this forum,
it's one of the nicer things about the global village concept. (where did that go, by the way?
like 10 years ago it was all "global village" this and "information superhighway" that...
Now it seems there's more flaming, bashing, and disinformation going on than ever...)
As for Tseung, I have clearly expressed my willingness to hear him out and follow
his reasoning, but he keeps messing things up for himself by not replying to the question,
by acting arrogant for no reason, by flooding the thread with nonsensical quasi prophetic
fantasy discussions, by constantly referring back to his old meaningless posts and claiming
that they contain the much sought after explanations which they never do,
and by never properly explaining what you ask him to explain. At some point it just gets annoying,
and if at that point he starts acting arrogant or even degrading again, I don't really find it very
surprising that people get pissed off at him.

@localjoe: Ah, clearly someone's still steamed up about Gabys outbursts...
I bet I would agree with all of you guys too, if I had read the posts.
but they seem to have been deleted...
Probably Stefan cleaning up in order to keep the peace?
I certainly agree with you on the filesize restriction: if that is indeed all because
of Gaby's recent pic flames then: thank you Gaby for stuffing up the forum!
Are you jealous that nobody visits your own forum, that you have to come
screw up this one? (that one's @Gaby, not at you Joe. ;))
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on March 03, 2008, 02:17:30 PM
It seems others feel the same way as I do about gabys rudeness.Sorry but I dont buy a word of your gibberish bs gaby. Worse thanTseung really, and thats pretty bad.  End of story.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 03, 2008, 03:06:02 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on March 03, 2008, 11:43:38 AM
@ Koen1:

..... Maybe we have been a bit hard on Mr. Tseung.  I do believe, like many others on here, that to have an idea is one thing.  Ideas are, or can be good.  Postulating an idea as a theory, without real experiments and controls as proof of the validity of this idea is quite another.  Lawrence has attempted a few experiments in support of his theory however I fail to see how any of those experiments prove anything.  Maybe it is just me.  I guess time will tell.


No, it's not just you Bill! When people smell baloney, they usually know what it is. Unfortunately for Mr. Tseung, his concept of 'believable' is just, that.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 03, 2008, 03:06:26 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on March 03, 2008, 11:43:38 AM
@ Koen1:

..... Maybe we have been a bit hard on Mr. Tseung.  I do believe, like many others on here, that to have an idea is one thing.  Ideas are, or can be good.  Postulating an idea as a theory, without real experiments and controls as proof of the validity of this idea is quite another.  Lawrence has attempted a few experiments in support of his theory however I fail to see how any of those experiments prove anything.  Maybe it is just me.  I guess time will tell.


No, it's not just you Bill! When peoplem smell baloney, they usually know what it is. Unfortunately for Mr. Tseung, his concept of 'believable' is just, that.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on March 03, 2008, 04:26:14 PM
G'day all,

Sometimes I cannot feel but sorry for Lawrence. He appears to be a really nice guy in many ways. In spite of ridicule, insults and severe criticism of his ideas he has remained cool and polite. This is very much to his credit. I would love to have a beer with him and he would be welcome in my house. He is an eccentric old man with a bee in his bonnet. But then, we all are to some extend, or we would not be hanging around in a forum such as this.

When it comes to his ideas regarding physics it becomes a different matter. The so called Lee-Tseung lead out theory is no such thing. It is at best a series of incoherent postulates that are at odds with observation. He tries to gain acceptance for his ideas and credibility by claiming credentials he simply does not have, by publishing support for his ideas using fictitious characters praising his ideas and insight and by publishing fictitious experimental data that can be proved wrong by simple experiment. That is where severe criticism is legitimate and proper.

Just my two cents worth on the subject.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 03, 2008, 04:55:59 PM

Very nicely framed Hans.

I as relieved that you stopped short of naming names as it relates to fictional characters - bill seems quite content and that should be respected. :)

Shouldn't this group be above severely criticizing wacky ideas though ?

I mean, no one on this site could ever be harmed or taken advantage of in any way by snake iol sales pitches...if there is even so much as an uncrossed 't' someone here will pick it up every time.

I've seen new members post some topic which the majority consider to be old, tired, or done to death already, and no one replies...no one takes derisive shots at them either...they just don't become involved.

To me, that is how all topics of disinterest or nonsense should be regared.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 03, 2008, 05:19:05 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 29, 2008, 05:35:44 PM
G?day all,


Fig. 7   shows the limits of movement.

In position A the iron reed is un-energised. Since iron is attracted to either pole both poles exert equal pull, the forces balance each other out, and the system is in equilibrium.

If we now energize the reed by turning the coil on, it will become an electromagnet with two distinct poles. We can reverse the polarity of the electromagnet by reversing the flow of current through the coil.

Shall we say a forward current polarises the reed with the north pole facing the permanent magnet. Since like poles repel and unlike poles attract the reed is propelled by both poles to the right, up to the strongest point of attraction (point B). There it will come to rest, having found the point of equilibrium of all participating forces.

Reversing polarity will move the reed in the opposite direction and stop at point C.

If we switch the power off at the extreme points the iron reed will just stick there since it is still attracted, albeit with diminished power. That is why the spring is necessary to bring the reed back to the neutral mid point.

In the design of the motor we have to deal with these ?stick points? in some way before we can induce rotation. This we can do with well timed pulses.

Hans used the experimental technique of passing current in the coil to move the iron reed.

Note that in the original design of the "no battery loudspeaker", the current in the coil was from the tiny electromagnetic signal from the radio stations.  That signal is a high base frequency with sound wave frequency superimposed.  The amount of energy (or current induced) is extremely small.

Passing current directly to the coil destroys the original setup.  It is like pushing the pendulum with a strong pull that could swing it circularly many times.  The pulse (Lee-Tseung pull) must be applied at the right time and also with the appropriate magnitude.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on March 03, 2008, 11:00:19 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 03, 2008, 05:19:05 PM

Hans used the experimental technique of passing current in the coil to move the iron reed.

Note that in the original design of the "no battery loudspeaker", the current in the coil was from the tiny electromagnetic signal from the radio stations.  That signal is a high base frequency with sound wave frequency superimposed.  The amount of energy (or current induced) is extremely small.

Passing current directly to the coil destroys the original setup.  It is like pushing the pendulum with a strong pull that could swing it circularly many times.  The pulse (Lee-Tseung pull) must be applied at the right time and also with the appropriate magnitude.

Again you show how little you know about physics Lawrence.

A detector circuit picks up an amplitude modulated wave. The germanium diode acts as a half wave rectifier stripping off half of the signal. The remainder is half a carrier wave that shows the signal as a series of peaks depending on the frequency, quality and amplitude of the acoustic signal. The loudspeaker or headphone is too sluggish to reproduce the carrier wave and therefore the audio signal is all that remains.

The audio signal is RANDOM as far as frequency or amplitude is concerned in technical terms, though musicians would get kind of miffed if you described their work as random noises artfully assembled into a harmonious whole, yet technically this is what it is.

If you were to apply Lee-Tseung Pulls as a signal source all you would hear is the noise of a jackhammer in various frequencies.

You have absolutely no idea how this works or you would not be talking such crap.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 04, 2008, 12:58:17 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on March 03, 2008, 11:00:19 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 03, 2008, 05:19:05 PM

Hans used the experimental technique of passing current in the coil to move the iron reed.

Note that in the original design of the "no battery loudspeaker", the current in the coil was from the tiny electromagnetic signal from the radio stations.  That signal is a high base frequency with sound wave frequency superimposed.  The amount of energy (or current induced) is extremely small.

Passing current directly to the coil destroys the original setup.  It is like pushing the pendulum with a strong pull that could swing it circularly many times.  The pulse (Lee-Tseung pull) must be applied at the right time and also with the appropriate magnitude.

Again you show how little you know about physics Lawrence.

A detector circuit picks up an amplitude modulated wave. The germanium diode acts as a half wave rectifier stripping off half of the signal. The remainder is half a carrier wave that shows the signal as a series of peaks depending on the frequency, quality and amplitude of the acoustic signal. The loudspeaker or headphone is too sluggish to reproduce the carrier wave and therefore the audio signal is all that remains.

The audio signal is RANDOM as far as frequency or amplitude is concerned in technical terms, though musicians would get kind of miffed if you described their work as random noises artfully assembled into a harmonious whole, yet technically this is what it is.

If you were to apply Lee-Tseung Pulls as a signal source all you would hear is the noise of a jackhammer in various frequencies.

You have absolutely no idea how this works or you would not be talking such crap.

Hans von Lieven

So Lawrence, I guessed that's why those farmer professors in China are so thrilled about your wisdom and why there aren't any MIT  or Stanford or Caltech or even Hong Kong Polytechnic professors picking up the phone to call you? Maybe you should list your phone number, just in case?

Or then, maybe Hans is correct, despite your good natured humor, you still are kind of  'short' on real Physics.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on March 04, 2008, 08:14:29 AM

Loved your site. Spent hours there. Very insightful. You are right on. Thanks very much.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 07, 2008, 04:31:12 PM
The Shenzhen University New Energy Seminar on March 15 is now sponsored or co-sponsored by 11 organizations.

The draft presentation file in Chinese is available in:

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on March 10, 2008, 02:01:24 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 07, 2008, 04:31:12 PM
The Shenzhen University New Energy Seminar on March 15 is now sponsored or co-sponsored by 11 organizations.

The draft presentation file in Chinese is available in:

Tseung, the list of sponsors and co-sponsors are impressive.

What would they gain in sponsoring or co-sponsoring such a seminar?

How would this seminar compare with the Russian Archimedes in April?

How would this seminar compare with the USA June event?

How would this seminar compare with the Japanese flux change generator product announcement?

How would this affect the Wang Shum Ho or Dr. Liang Electricity Generator Products in China?

What do you hope to gain from the seminar?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 10, 2008, 02:21:27 PM
Will Elvis be there? :)

And what about Buck Rogers?

Or Doctor Spock perhaps, he's got vaguely Asian features... ;)

Maybe Ming the Merciless will confiscate your ultrasuperfantastic
free-lead-out-over-unity-anti-gravity-power energy source beachpump
pendulum device craft saucer ship machine and rule the galaxy?
Muhahahahahaha? ;D

-coocoo!-  ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 10, 2008, 02:49:42 PM
Quote from: Devil on March 10, 2008, 02:01:24 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 07, 2008, 04:31:12 PM
The Shenzhen University New Energy Seminar on March 15 is now sponsored or co-sponsored by 11 organizations.

The draft presentation file in Chinese is available in:

Tseung, the list of sponsors and co-sponsors are impressive.

What would they gain in sponsoring or co-sponsoring such a seminar?

How would this seminar compare with the Russian Archimedes in April?

How would this seminar compare with the USA June event?

How would this seminar compare with the Japanese flux change generator product announcement?

How would this affect the Wang Shum Ho or Dr. Liang Electricity Generator Products in China?

What do you hope to gain from the seminar?

This seminar may become a standard roadshow to be held in many cities in China.  We are confident that the Chinese Academic Community will accept it.  The Shenzhen University Seminar is the start.

We deliberately got many organizations involved so that the work and the potential reward would be shared amongst many groups and individuals.

As remarked by an US Venture Capitalist: "If your Company can solve the energy problems of the World, your stock value will exceed all the existing wealth of this World.  The Chemical Energy era created much more wealth than the Slave or Animal labor era.  The New Energy Era is likely to do something similar."

We sent email invitations to the many parties including Russia, USA, Japan etc.  The proceedings will be recorded and made available to the general public.  Chinese language will be used.  The organizers may translate the proceedings into English.

Our theoretical presentations will likely make acceptance of the actual products easier - EBM, Milkovic Pendulum, 225 HP Pulse Motor, Wang, Liang electricity generators etc.

I expect many top guns will emerge after our effort.  The World will benefit greatly.  The energy, the pollution and travel to space solutions are in sight.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on March 10, 2008, 03:18:38 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 10, 2008, 02:49:42 PM
Our theoretical presentations will likely make acceptance of the actual products easier - EBM, Milkovic Pendulum, 225 HP Pulse Motor, Wang, Liang electricity generators etc.

Oh just bring a device to the presentation, for pete's sake.  All this talk, and never anything to show for it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 10, 2008, 05:58:01 PM
From a teacher in the Hong Kong School System:

One of the educational problems in Hong Kong is the use of the mother tongue.  The mother tongue in Hong Kong is Cantonese ? a dialect not spoken in the rest of China.  The Hong Kong Government under the First Chief Executive, Mr. Tung, introduced a very unpopular policy of classifying schools into two streams.  One is the use of English and the other is the use of the mother tongue.

The result after 10 years was a decline of the English speaking and writing ability of the students.  Some justified the policy because there was an improvement of other subjects.  However, one side-effect is effectively classifying schools as two grades ? the mother tongue was the inferior grade.

The new Government yielded under pressure from the parents and schools.  The schools are now free to decide on whatever language they feel as best for their teachers and students.

In fact, the best way for Government action is to produce 3 sets of high quality course material for all school subjects.  One set in English.  One set in Cantonese. One set in Putonhua, the Official Chinese Spoken Language.  Make these available free to all students in Hong Kong.  In order to improve the image of Hong Kong, these course materials can be available free to all around the World via the Internet.  Develop supporting material, revisions and Internet Tutors.

The same can be applied to the New Energy material.  Hong Kong can even take the role of World Leader in this exciting field.

This idea will be passed to the Seminar Sponsors.  Some of them are educators - e.g. Shenzhen University.  Hopefully, the material will be revised and presented by top teachers and available via the Internet.  Many Internet Tutors will be available to answer questions.  The old Tseung can go fishing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 11, 2008, 11:17:43 AM
useless post, that.

Who cares?

This is not www.discussionsoneducation.com,
this is www.overunity.com!
Still only blabla from Tseung, still no working versions of anything.
Tseung still living in a dream world where bullshit rules and
proof is unnecessary, and where people actually care about his
selfcentered nonsense.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 12, 2008, 04:15:50 PM
Important Proof of Concept Experiment by Mr. T.S. Cheung 張天松 in March 2008

See diagram below.

Engineer Mr. T.S. Cheung suggested the following improvement to our falling ball rotating wheel experiment by Forever and Sun et al.  On clockwise rotation, the top tube always has the steel ball hitting the hard surface.  The bottom tube always has the steel ball hitting the padded soft surface.  This results in a net force/torque in the clockwise direction.

Experiments by Ms. Forever Yuen confirmed the set up and analysis.  She has not produced the perpetual motion wheel yet but the trend is pointing in that direction.  More experiments are being performed.  We may not have a perpetual motion wheel at the Shenzhen University Seminar on March 15.  However, the videos (or actual set up) showing the trend will be available.

May be the Bessler Wheel in the 17th century was built in such a manner.  It was definitely within the technology at that time.

It also confirms the inertia propulsion technology as discussed in relationship to the Flying Saucer.  There is no need to eject hot gases for propulsion.  There is no violation of Newton?s Third Law of Action = Reaction.

Another victory for the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on March 12, 2008, 04:33:49 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 12, 2008, 04:15:50 PM
Engineer Mr. T.S. Cheung suggested the following improvement to our falling ball rotating wheel experiment by Forever and Sun et al.  On clockwise rotation, the top tube always has the steel ball hitting the hard surface.  The bottom tube always has the steel ball hitting the padded soft surface.  This results in a net force/torque in the clockwise direction.

Ah, now this explains why if I put a pillow on the scale and then stand on it, I weigh less.  You have done it, Mr. Tseung!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 12, 2008, 04:40:56 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on March 12, 2008, 04:33:49 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 12, 2008, 04:15:50 PM
Engineer Mr. T.S. Cheung suggested the following improvement to our falling ball rotating wheel experiment by Forever and Sun et al.  On clockwise rotation, the top tube always has the steel ball hitting the hard surface.  The bottom tube always has the steel ball hitting the padded soft surface.  This results in a net force/torque in the clockwise direction.

Ah, now this explains why if I put a pillow on the scale and then stand on it, I weigh less.  You have done it, Mr. Tseung!

Do not stand on the scale.  Jump and compare the maximum deflection of the needle with and without the pillow.  Do not remain on top of the scale.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 12, 2008, 05:51:16 PM

I think Lawrence wood be able to find logic in ice cream. :)

Despite herculean efforts to find one, there appears to be no corners in the world of Lawrence Tsung...at least none that will be revealed in this venue anyway.

At the very very least I am still thoroughly entertained.:)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 12, 2008, 08:02:56 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 12, 2008, 04:15:50 PM
It also confirms the inertia propulsion technology as discussed in relationship to the Flying Saucer.  There is no need to eject hot gases for propulsion. 

I do agree with this statement Mr. Tseung. The only hot gas ejected seemed to come from your posterior! Time and time again in these past

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on March 12, 2008, 08:34:24 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 12, 2008, 04:40:56 PM
Do not stand on the scale.  Jump and compare the maximum deflection of the needle with and without the pillow.  Do not remain on top of the scale.

Sadly, the little balls in your perpetual motion machine do not have the option to jump off.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 12, 2008, 09:11:50 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on March 12, 2008, 08:34:24 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 12, 2008, 04:40:56 PM
Do not stand on the scale.  Jump and compare the maximum deflection of the needle with and without the pillow.  Do not remain on top of the scale.

Sadly, the little balls in your perpetual motion machine do not have the option to jump off.

The top balls jump/bang on hard surface.  The bottom balls jump/bang on padded soft surface.  That fact cannot be denied.  The Laws of Physics (force = rate of change of momentum) demands a net downward force/torque.

The continued experiments include: 
(1) different padding
(2) different falling height
(3) different diameter of wheel
(4) different weight of wheel or attaching different weights to rim
(5) different speed of rotation
(6) addition of different load to change friction
(7) different size balls
(8) different number of tubes
(9) different angle of the tubes

Such comprehensive experiments will take time.  Hopefully, the balls will not jump out.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on March 12, 2008, 09:32:30 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 12, 2008, 04:15:50 PM
Important Proof of Concept Experiment by Mr. T.S. Cheung 張天松 in March 2008

Tseung, do you realize that the Cheung suggestion is worth a patent.  If the experiments really worked (as indicated by the Bessler wheel), the invention could be worth millions.  The Physics is a piece of cake.  The explanation is obvious even to non-physicists.

Your team of supporters will blame you on ruining their chances of becoming millionaires.  They may not disclose their findings to you again.

The experiments are simple enough to be done by even primary school kids.  Are you trying to use the Bedini School Girl Motor model?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 12, 2008, 09:34:56 PM
@ Lawrence:

With all due respect, in your example as pictured, the centripetal forces of the rotation would render those balls immobile and therefore stop any rotation that may or may not occur from the action of the bounce effect from the two dissimilar surfaces. If in fact it rotated at all, I envision this stopping almost immediately. Interesting idea though.  Have you considered this?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Whoflungdung on March 13, 2008, 12:48:15 AM
Like this?????????????
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 13, 2008, 05:14:36 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 12, 2008, 09:11:50 PM
The continued experiments include: 
(1) different padding
(2) different falling height
(3) different diameter of wheel
(4) different weight of wheel or attaching different weights to rim
(5) different speed of rotation
(6) addition of different load to change friction
(7) different size balls
(8) different number of tubes
(9) different angle of the tubes

Such comprehensive experiments will take time.  Hopefully, the balls will not jump out.

Ah yes, obviously Tseungian science eh? "Hopefully", right after you have
told Shruggedatlas off on why it will definately work. Hilarious. :)

Besides you forgot the most important step in the experimentation:
Step (0): find an alternate reality where Tseungs fantasies do work, in
contrast to the current reality.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: SeanTheLight on March 13, 2008, 05:41:46 AM
Instead of bashing someones idea without testing, I went to working model and simulated the design Dr. tseung suggested.

the result?


Dr tseung may not be american, but his theories and thought exercises have been helpful for me. I am saddened when i see open hostility towards people on this forum, especially when that behavior seems to be coming from established people on the forum. What harm does Dr tseung do by saying what he does? Whose interests are threatened? If his ideas are wrong, others will catch on to that, and he will be marginalized. If he is correct, than his theory is only a very small step towards better understanding force effects.

Either way, why does it merit hostility?

Dr Tseung, your design is interesting. I will possibly add it to my list of "simple designs I must re-create", especially since it will not simulate properly in working model 2D.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 13, 2008, 06:55:06 AM
Well Sean, the thing is that Tseung has been shouting
"I have the solution to Free Energy!
I have a theory that explains it all!
I can tell you exactly how to build a machine what makes Free Energy!"
but then when push comes to shove and we ask him to show us
something tangiable, he can never do so, or he refuses to do so,
for invalid reasons.
He shouts a lot but never comes up with any empirical proof.
He recycles other peoples "over unity" ideas, then makes his
own drawing of that idea, and then starts shouting that this is now
his idea because his theory explains it all, even though he can or
will never show proof of that.
That's Tseungs method of "research": taking other peoples ideas,
making a drawing based mostly on what he hopes may happen instead
of actually properly calculating it and instead of building a test model,
and then starts claiming his "theory" explains it all.
Well, it just doesn't.

And if that were where his charade ended, it would still be ok-ish I guess.

But then Tseung flings all ties to reality out the window and starts
proclaiming himself as the great visionary who will bring eternal
peace and prosperity to the world, starting of course in China,
and starts posting hypothetical developments that might happen if
there were FE/OU devices available and if humanity would unite
and set itself a goal to make a better world based on logic and
FE technology.
Well of course it's nice to dream of a perfect world,
but it is seriously unrealistic to talk about it as if you are the one who is
going to make it all happen, if you cannot even show fellow
FE/OU enthousiasts any working version of a FE device of which
you have been shouting you know and can fully explain the function
and process.
That is very much like shouting "I have the solution to the fuel crisis!"
or "I have the solution to world hunger!" and claiming you can explain
to people exactly how such a solution works,
but unfortunately you don't have any practical applications, examples,
or working prototypes, experimental reactors, nothing of the sort,
and you can't really build one either.
But you do have the solution, oh yes!

You must see that is just producing a lot of hot air...?

As for that example you posted, it doesn't really prove anything yet, does it?
It just proves that the software you used to simulate the setup cannot handle
such a setup.
Doesn't mean that is does work.

So as I see it, our "problem" with Tseung is not that he is not an American,
as many people here are not Americans and in fact I think the nationality card
is one of the most stupid reasons to dismiss someones ideas.
Our "problem" with Tseung is that he keeps blowing his own horn while
never actually coming up with any proof of anything, and at the same
time sliding downhill at increasing speed with all of the fake personas he uses
to post fake discussions about himself in this same thread.

Take that ball and padding example. Making a drawing is one thing, even
small children can and do do it. But if you post a claim "this is a OU device and works"
then the least you can do is build a version yourself and post pics and preferably
videos on it.
I want to bet Tseung has never built a version and never will build a version.
Yet he will continue to claim it is an OU device, and will probably find a way
to fantasize it into a flying saucer again.
And he will reward himself again, and proclaim himself the great hero
for "inventing" this fantastic FE device, and go on fantasizing about
international energy conferences where he is celebrated as a hero,
and about the UN implementing his devices, and so on and so on...
... but meanwhile all he has been able to produce is a huge amount of
text, a few simple drawings, and variations of other peoples ideas.
Zero proof. Not one working device. Not one valid experiment.

I hope that helps you to understand the main "problem" with Tseung.

If he would just reschedule the time he spends from 100% talk and 0% documented
experiment to 10% talk and 90% documented experiment, I bet he would
all of a sudden post a lot less because he would discover most of his ideas
(or actually other peoples ideas which he has redrawn) do not work in practise.
But since he never tries any real proper experiments, he never disproves his
assumptions, and carefully avoids having to do any experimentation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 13, 2008, 08:30:02 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on March 12, 2008, 09:34:56 PM
@ Lawrence:

With all due respect, in your example as pictured, the centripetal forces of the rotation would render those balls immobile and therefore stop any rotation that may or may not occur from the action of the bounce effect from the two dissimilar surfaces. If in fact it rotated at all, I envision this stopping almost immediately. Interesting idea though.  Have you considered this?


I have the wheel in my living room.  Forever has taken the videos and is processing them.

Mr. T. S. Cheung has also built a similar rotating wheel.  Both devices show the effect discussed.

I shall wait for Ms. Forever Yuen to post the videos before further comments.

Please do the experiment if you want meaningful discussions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 13, 2008, 11:39:00 AM
@ Lawrence:

Fair enough.  I will wait and watch the video.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 13, 2008, 03:19:20 PM
Comments at the Dry Run for the Shenzhen University Seminar:

Prof. Hu: "Let me focus on Slide 10 to Slide 12.  When we apply a horizontal pull (F) of 10 units to the pendulum bob, the pendulum bob moves both horizontally and vertically.  When I taught my students, I just stated that the energy supplied by the pull is responsible for lifting the bob up."

Cheung: ?In other words, the potential energy gained (Mg x dH or vertical energy gained) is supposed to be equal to the horizontal energy supplied (F x dX).  See slide 12.?

Prof. Hu: ?Looking back, my statement was incorrect.  I, like most physics professors before me, just assumed that the energy supplied to the pendulum must be from the pull alone.  I never considered that gravitational energy could be Lead Out.  It shows that we, the physics professors can be wrong as a group.?

Cheung: ?The correct analysis must be via the consideration of forces and the work done by these forces.  The force and energy analysis (slide 11 and 12) clearly indicates the need to consider gravitational force and energy.?

Prof. Hu: ?Now I understand the Lee-Tseung Lead out theory, I need to teach the students differently.  Do not blindly apply the Law of Conservation of Energy to the case of the Pendulum when an external pull is applied.?

Cheung: ?If a machine can use gravitational energy via oscillation, vibration or rotation, it is not an impossible perpetual motion machine.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 13, 2008, 04:02:48 PM
Comments on the dry run of the Shenzhen University Seminar (continued)

Lui: "I got to the Internet and read much information.  It looks like many members did not understand slides 10 - 12.  If they cannot understand them, nothing makes sense in the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory."

Prof. Hu: "You have a good point.  We have to focus on explaining the three slides 10-12 thoroughly."

Tseung: "I have the detailed spreadsheets that define every calculation step.  Should I discuss them."

Prof. Hu: "In an open seminar, such a discussion will bore and confuse many participants.  However, just the statement that the spreadsheets are available for those who want to dive deep into the theory is sufficient.  Let these professors and research students study the spreadsheets off line."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 13, 2008, 04:57:00 PM

Right on point Sean

I have been saying basically the same thing for some time now, but the massage seems to fall on deaf ears.

I see many justifications for treating the man with contempt and disrespect ill treatment..all make reference to taking umbrage with him making unsupported claims.

Somehow this is seen as license to bash Mr. Tsung...despite all this ill treatment I see nothing but patience and respectful responses form him.

In case anyone hasn't noticed, he seems to have quite a wide range of knowledge.

To quote a famous philosopher...

'A good horse trader always keeps his best horse in the barn.'  - JD Clampett

Regards... :)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 13, 2008, 05:08:13 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on March 13, 2008, 04:57:00 PM

Right on point Sean

I have been saying basically the same thing for some time now, but the massage seems to fall on deaf ears.

To quote a famous philosopher...

'A good horse trader always keeps his best horse in the barn.'  - JD Clampett


All well and point taken. Old Tseung will get more respect if he really has a horse in the barn. It looks like that horse is really a 'donkey'!

And that's why the crowd here is full of contempt. And can you blame them?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 13, 2008, 06:26:14 PM
Translation of the presentation of Slide 10 in the dry run.

Tseung: " In Slide 10, we have a simple pendulum or swing.  There are two forces on this system.  The first one is the weight - 60 units in this case.  The other is the tension of the string (T).  In the stationary state, these two forces must be equal.  This means T is also 60 units."


Tseung: "If one can only exert a force of 10 units, one cannot lift the pendulum bob.  However, if one pulls the bob horizontally with the 10 unit force horizontally, the bob will be dispaced both horizontally and vertically."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 13, 2008, 06:49:10 PM
Translation of presentation slide 11.

Tseung: "Let us apply the Law of Parallelogram of Forces to analyze this system.  Most of you have studied this Law in Physics in Secondary School.  Let us assume that the bob has been displaced and remains in the new displaced position.  In this case, there are three forces at equilibrium.  These three forces are: the horizontal force F which is still 10 units; the weight of the bob which is still 60 units and the tension of the string T1.  T1 can be calculated via the vector arithmetic or the parallelogram of forces.  It is equal to the diagonal of the parallelogram formed by the two vectors Mg and T.?

Tseung: ?At equilibrium, the angle of the string is ?a?.  Tan(a) = F/Mg = 10/60.  Thus in this case, the angle ?a? is 9.46 degrees.  This is strictly mathematics and cannot be wrong.  T1 can then be accurately calculated to be 60.84 units.?

The spreadsheet file is available for anyone who wants to do the checking.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 13, 2008, 07:19:55 PM
Translation of presentation slide 12.

Tseung: "Once we have the forces, we can find out the work done by these forces.  Work = Force x Displacement.?

Refer to the diagram.  Assume the Length of the Pendulum is L.

Tseung: ?The horizontal displacement is dX.  The value is Lsin(a) or Lsin(9.46).  The vertical displacement is dH. The value is L-Y or L(1-cos(9.46))?

Tseung: ?Since we know the displacements, we can calculate the work done in the horizontal and in the vertical directions.  The horizontal work done = F x Lsin(9.46).  The vertical work done = Mg x L(1-cos(9.46)).  We can use the value of F = 10 and Mg = 60 in our calculation.  Work done = Energy spent in Physics.  Thus the (horizontal energy / vertical energy) can be calculated to be 2.014.  The value of L is cancelled out and thus no assumed value is needed.?


Tseung: ?The ratio of 2.014 is extremely significant.  It means 2.014 parts of horizontal energy can Lead Out 1 unit of vertical energy.  The horizontal energy is supplied by my pull.  The vertical energy is supplied by the tension of the string which is effectively the energy from gravity.  I spend approximately 2 units of energy.  Gravity supplies 1 unit of energy.  These 3 units of energy goes into the pulled pendulum system.?

Lee: ?This is a simplified analysis for the average scientist.  We also have a more exact version using Integrals for discussion with Physicists or Mathematicians who want to dig really deep.?

The spreadsheet for the more exact ideal Lee-Tseung pull is also available for those who are interested.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 13, 2008, 07:36:25 PM
Feedback on the presentation of the 3 slides 10-12 at the dry run.

(1)   I never expect the mathematics to be so simple.  It can be understood by the average secondary school student who has studied physics or vector arithmatic.

(2)   Great theories are often simple.  Newton got his inspiration from a falling apple.

(3)   I need to dig deep into the spreadsheets before commenting.  The consequence of Leading Out energy is too great.  I want no mistakes.

(4)   Some may not accept the theory now.  However, there are many New Energy Inventions that can be explained by this theory.  The inventors could not get their inventions accepted even though they have working prototypes.  The major objection is that their inventions are the impossible perpetual motion machines that violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

(5)   If Gravitational Energy can be Lead Out via oscillation, vibration or rotations, why are we using fossil fuel?  This is definitely worth further research.

We shall get the feedback from the actual seminar within the next 48 hours.  It should be fun.  The live videos will be available.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 13, 2008, 08:04:43 PM

There really is no need for expressions of contempt though chris...why not just sit back enjoy the experience and wait patiently to see if Lawrence has any horses in the barn ?

There IS a lot of hay going in there. :)

Lets face it, neither you, I, or anyone else here can dispute the fact that this guy has something on the ball, if you'll pardon the pun.

Another famous quote...

'Strive to be smarter than people think you are...and try to appear less intelligent than you really are.'  - source unknown

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 13, 2008, 10:12:40 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on March 13, 2008, 08:04:43 PM

There IS a lot of hay going in there. :)

Another famous quote...

'Strive to be smarter than people think you are...and try to appear less intelligent than you really are.'  - source unknown


Sorry Cap-Z-ro..
Have to disagree with you.
There may be a lot of Hay going in the barn but there IS a lot of SMOKE coming OUT!

As to "Strive to be smarter than people think you are...and try to appear less intelligent than you really are."

I wished I can say that of old Tseung. It's just not the way the normal scientific community expresses their postulates or invention. This is why Hans, Keon1, myself and others have a real problem with these 'farmer' type 'scientist' mentality.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 14, 2008, 05:22:04 PM

I had a feeling you would disagree...but hope springs eternal.

Try to look at it like this...

Judging from past posts, its obvious myself and others also have a problem - only its with the personal insult mentality on site...but we try to express our concerns in a non-confrontational manner...speaking personally, still beating myself up over displays of bad from from my distant past serves is a strong deterrent for adding to the list.

Don't get me wrong...if someone is clearly wronged with intent, then its open season on the wrongdoer...personal wrongs demand instructive consequence...at the very least - insults and derision encouraged.

Now...slinging BS should also come with a price...being lightly regarded and greeted with silence actually has more impact on the BSer than insults and derision - which in itself is a distraction from the BS...at the same time providing an avenue of escape for a BSer.

I've come to believe  is not anyone's place to chastise or berate another for simply expressing themselves in a polite respectful manner, as has Lawrence - whether it be bullshit or not...to that issue, I am reserving judgment pending further developments.

After all...what else is family is for...if not to drive the point home when we fall short of the glory ?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 15, 2008, 04:27:01 AM
Quick report from the Shenzhen University Seminar.

(1)   Over 70 participated.  Including more than a dozen academic professors, many science students, a few industrialists, a few investors and Government Officials from Shenzhen, Beijing and Hong Kong.

(2)   The formal part of the seminar lasted 2 hours 15 minutes.  Some editing need to be done as Mr. Lee Cheung Kin decided to depart from the dry run.  Some of the slides did not match his words.

(3)   15 highly interested individuals/organizations stayed and had lunch together.  The informal part of the seminar lasted over 3 hours.  The CEO of a very successful Aeronautical Avionics Company  (Shenzhen Nanhang Electronic Industrial Group) paid for the lunch.

(4)   Two members of our organizing team will travel to Beijing on March 20 with the full information.  One purpose is to discuss the presenting of the material in the coming Energy Conference in late April sponsored by the Chinese State Department.

(5)   A representative of the Hong Kong Government (Dr. James Wong) invites us to join the energy consulting group.  A similar seminar may be repeated in Hong Kong.

(6)   Two engineering firms will start on the proof of concept experiments immediately.  One prototype is the Bill Fung suggestion of rotating magnets on the outer ring with Driver Coils and Collector Coils in the center.  The other is the flux change only system.

(7)   A formal New Energy Research Organization will be formed.  Mr. Liu, the chairman of this event will be the coordinator.  There will be more meetings.

(8 )   All found slides 10 ? 12 very easy to follow. ( I do not understand why the physicists and engineers in this forum appear to have difficulty following these three slides. )  A Professor Su shook my hand and said: ?I am confident with the correctness of the Lee-Tseung theory now.  It is simple and logical.?

We shall post the photos first.  The presentation video will need  some editing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on March 15, 2008, 11:50:22 AM
(8 )   All found slides 10 ? 12 very easy to follow. ( I do not understand why the physicists and engineers in this forum appear to have difficulty following these three slides. )  A Professor Su shook my hand and said: ?I am confident with the correctness of the Lee-Tseung theory now.  It is simple and logical.?

Tseung, you made the mistake of assuming that the forum members were similar to the professors and students at Tsinghua or Shenzhen Universities.  The participants at Tsinghua and Shenzhen were pre-screened and were highly qualified.

Turning the lights on and off is easy.  Understanding how electricity works is difficult.  When you have a device generating electricity in front of the forum members, you do not need to explain anything.

Just continue to work with the many Inventors.  Some of them already have working prototypes.  Help to get them published.

Continue to repeat Slides 10-12 again and again.  Coke got people addicted with this strategy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ramset on March 15, 2008, 01:38:37 PM
Maybe   now   would be a good time to repeat slides 10-12   Chet
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on March 15, 2008, 02:10:21 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on March 13, 2008, 04:57:00 PM
Somehow this is seen as license to bash Mr. Tsung...despite all this ill treatment I see nothing but patience and respectful responses form him.

I do not think his responses are all that respectful.  First of all, he uses multiple personas to try to further his views, which is insulting to everyone.  Second, he constantly takes digs at his readers.  For example:

"Tseung, you made the mistake of assuming that the forum members were similar to the professors and students at Tsinghua or Shenzhen Universities.  The participants at Tsinghua and Shenzhen were pre-screened and were highly qualified."

So basically, instead of engaging his detractors in a point-for-point discussion, he dismisses the arguments en masse as coming from "unqualified" individuals, and therefore not worthy of discussion.

So no, he is not respectful or polite, though he is patient, I will give you that.  I honestly believe he will continue on with this nonsense until his last days, with Wang Shum Ho motor perpetually "being validated by the Chinese government" and a commercial model coming out "by the end of next year".

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 15, 2008, 04:51:02 PM
Quote from: ramset on March 15, 2008, 01:38:37 PM
Maybe   now   would be a good time to repeat slides 10-12   Chet

Quote from: ltseung888 on March 13, 2008, 06:26:14 PM
Translation of the presentation of Slide 10 in the dry run.(reply 1826)

Tseung: " In Slide 10, we have a simple pendulum or swing.  There are two forces on this system.  The first one is the weight - 60 units in this case.  The other is the tension of the string (T).  In the stationary state, these two forces must be equal.  This means T is also 60 units."


Tseung: "If one can only exert a force of 10 units, one cannot lift the pendulum bob.  However, if one pulls the bob horizontally with the 10 unit force horizontally, the bob will be displaced both horizontally and vertically."

Dear ramset,

Let us discuss slide 10 in its greatest technical detail.  In the presentation at Shenzhen University, the above explanation was accepted by every scientist.

I personally cannot find any hole or any possible fault in this slide.

What is your opinion?  If you absolutely agree, we can then discuss Slide 11.

Waiting for your comments (and other intelligent ones).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 15, 2008, 05:35:37 PM
"I do not think his responses are all that respectful.  First of all, he uses multiple personas to try to further his views, which is insulting to everyone.  Second, he constantly takes digs at his readers."

- I'm sorry, but I cannot accept any argument based on an unproven premise...you ought to know that...isn't your whole approach to any of the 911 topics also based on the reliance of absolute proof ?

So, unless you can say for certain that the posts to which you refer, were actually written by Mr.Tsung, you cannot rely on them for buttressing in a debate...at least not in any forum that I am aware of.

"I honestly believe he will continue on with this nonsense until his last days, with Wang Shum Ho motor perpetually "being validated by the Chinese government" and a commercial model coming out "by the end of next year". "

- And what if that projected outcome actually turned out to be true - where is the loss - where are the victims ?

I'm sorry I just don't see any upside to bashing the man for stating his theories...whether they are valid or not is not - and as yet no one has come up with any legitimate grounds for taking that approach.

Don't we all have bigger fish to fry here ?

And besides this thread has brightened up the place...in case you haven't noticed.

Who would have known Hans was that funny - he put out some pretty funny stuff - once he saw that Lawrence was no dummy and changed his approach.

Honorable mention goes to Bill, and all the other known and unknown contributers.

I believe you even got a guffaw out of me once. :)

I'd also like to thank various unnamed members of Writers Guild with an abundance of time on their hands who may or may not have dropped in during the writers strike. ;)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 16, 2008, 01:56:41 PM
Quote from: ramset on March 15, 2008, 01:38:37 PM
Maybe   now   would be a good time to repeat slides 10-12   Chet

@Cap-Z-ro,  since ramset is not answering, you can comment on Slide 10.  It appeared that many forum members could not understand the Lee-Tseung theory.  I shall now break it into tiny steps.

Can you understand and agree with slide 10.  Ignore all other posts.  Focus only on slide 10 this time.

It only needs thorough understanding of 3 slides to understand the entire Lee-Tseung theory.  The Physics and Mathematics cannot lie.  The participants at Tsinghua ans Shenzhen University Seminars could follow them.   Why would the forum members here have so much difficulty?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 16, 2008, 05:04:40 PM

I'm afraid I'm going have to to do a 'Jimmy Swaggart' on this one Lawrence...so I'll just be watching.

For some reason, I have this aversion for all but basic math.

I think in terms of imagery...and therefore do most of my design work in my head.

Actually I refer to myself as being 'innumerate' :)...a personal designation I derived from the word 'illiterate',

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 16, 2008, 05:09:15 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 16, 2008, 01:56:41 PM
Quote from: ramset on March 15, 2008, 01:38:37 PM
Maybe   now   would be a good time to repeat slides 10-12   Chet

  The Physics and Mathematics cannot lie.  The participants at Tsinghua ans Shenzhen University Seminars could follow them.   Why would the forum members here have so much difficulty?

It's not the math. stupid. It's your lack of Physics

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 16, 2008, 05:59:49 PM
Quote from: chrisC on March 16, 2008, 05:09:15 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 16, 2008, 01:56:41 PM
Quote from: ramset on March 15, 2008, 01:38:37 PM
Maybe   now   would be a good time to repeat slides 10-12   Chet

  The Physics and Mathematics cannot lie.  The participants at Tsinghua ans Shenzhen University Seminars could follow them.   Why would the forum members here have so much difficulty?

It's not the math. stupid. It's your lack of Physics



You asked for point-by-point discussion.  Mr. Tseung is asking for comments on Slide 10.  How can he answer your comments intelligently?

Mr. Tseung, you do not understand the difference between presenting in a live audience and an Internet Forum.  In a live meeting, you can ask the simple question of ? Can you follow?  Some will say yes.  Some will nod.  Some will be silent and motionless.  Few will say no.  When you see such a reaction, you assume that all can follow.

In reality, some who could not follow would remain motionless.  They do not want to appear dumb in front of others.  They needed to maintain face.  The Chinese community is even more inclined in this aspect.

Since ramset and Cap-Z-or both declined or failed to comment, I shall boldly respond to your question on Slide 10.

No one can possibly disagree with this slide.  Previously, you used 60 kg as the weight or the force exerted by the pendulum bob.  That single statement was attacked.  The attacker correctly stated that kg is a unit of mass and not a unit of force.  He then concluded that you knew nothing about physics.

This time, you simply stated 60 units of force.  That cannot possibly be wrong. 

So to keep it short and let the point-by-point explanation go on, I say ? I strongly agree with every statement in slide 10.  There is nothing wrong with the Physics so far.

@chrisC, Please explain why the Physics is wrong in this slide?  Take your time and consult your  physics teachers or friends before answering.  If you can find fault with this slide, we all can learn.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 16, 2008, 06:31:25 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on March 16, 2008, 05:59:49 PM


You asked for point-by-point discussion.  Mr. Tseung is asking for comments on Slide 10.  How can he answer your comments intelligently?


It's not intelligent to discuss reality with persons of multiple personalities. They need to see a doctor first before intelligent discussions can begin.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 16, 2008, 07:27:05 PM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ramset on March 16, 2008, 07:59:39 PM
IM sorry   I am traveling till tommorow   in brief I agree with KOEN and would like to see this turn into a reality             If he can be made to understand he  can explain it to others/myself  thank you Chet
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 16, 2008, 08:02:56 PM

No one but me is responsible for my conduct and my actions:

A Nag...???? :o

Jeez,...I'm just looking for a little civility amongst the good members here...is that too much to ask, I ask you...? :)

And not to be a nag...but this will make the second time that I make a request for anyone to provide an upside to bashing other members.

And also...not to be a basher either, I will restrain myself from bashing anyone for ignoring my 2 requests for justification, by not providing rationale for their bashing.

Its a lot easier to just move on when you do not receive coherent responses from someone...unless of course you are into the drama scene.

Its taken a while, but I've also learned to go where the winds of life blows me, and to just do what comes naturally, and things seem to fall in place rather nicely.

Plus, I don't find myself getting aggravated very much anymore.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on March 16, 2008, 08:14:13 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on March 16, 2008, 05:59:49 PM
@chrisC, Please explain why the Physics is wrong in this slide?  Take your time and consult your  physics teachers or friends before answering.  If you can find fault with this slide, we all can learn.

Mr. Tseung/Top Gun/Devil:

Slide 10 merely shows a pendulum vertical and still.  You claim there is a force there of 60 units, both down and up.  There is nothing wrong with this slide.  The problem everyone has is the conclusions you draw later.

Since you are a fan of referring to posts by number, I shall refer you to post 18 by tinu.  He explains in detail what is wrong with the conclusions you draw, and the fact that you confuse units of  mass and force are just the beginning.  So, until you can refute the other points raised by tinu, do we need to go further?  The slides he refers to were in a different document, so the numbering is off, by they equate pretty well with the new slides you present.  Here is the quote:

Quote from: tinu on July 22, 2007, 06:14:43 AM
Tests are for graduates. I?m a little bit beyond that. Anyway, if you want testing, let?s play. Firstly, please correct the presentation (http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/Taiwan2a.files/frame.htm). Slides 5-8 are full (and I mean FULL) of elementary mistakes, even for high-school level!

There is no such thing as a Force of 10kg. 10kg is a mass, right?  This mistake repeatedly appears in slide 5 and 6. Then in slide 7 you (or the author, whoever he/she might be) say(s) again that:
?If Mg=60Kg, F=10 Kg, then
Angle a = 9.48 degrees
Hori Energy/Vert Energy = 2.014?

Wow! Mg is a force but the unit of 60 on the right side is mass (kg). Then F is the consecrated notation for a force but on the right side is also a mass. If you want to be intelligible, at least say F=10Kgf. The numerical results for angle ?a? happens to be correct just because g disappears both from the nominator and denominator but man, this reveals anything you want but not scientific rigor.

So, if you want me to further guess through your riddle, then angle ?a? for a pendulum mass of 80kg and a horizontal force of 10kg*g is 7.125 degrees. This rationale is having a physical meaning in equilibrium only! (Static setup/no movement). However, the pendulum that is starting from the vertical will not stop at this angle. So, the force equality does not hold and you should know it. Then why applying this simple equality? This is another (and quite a huge) mistake.

Then, on slide 7 you say that:
?Hori Energy = F x Lsin(a)?
Nope. Not correct at all. (In fact this is the biggest mistake by far /it is actually inexcusable under any circumstances/ and it is telling me that the author did not pass his/her physics class with a good rank.) The equation above is not the horizontal energy, as you/the author wrongly assume(s), but the work done by force F. And if the system is not under other external forces (except gravity), this equals the Total Energy of the pendulum, not its Hori Energy! Horizontal Energy is m/2 x sqr (v-hori), where v-hori is the horizontal speed. Again, the pendulum does not stop at that angle. It will continue its motion due to the kinetic energy having it stored when accelerated under the force F.

The same error as explained above is made in:
?Vert Energy = Mg x (L(1-cos(a))?
This equation is also wrong because of the accelerating type of motion. If you want to compute the vertical energy you have to use differential equations.

According to the above, knowing the angle ?a? (7.125 degrees), mass M (80kg at your wish) and force F (10 kgf) one easily can compute the ratio Hori Energy/ Vert Energy, as you asked me to do ?for testing?. Is the test solved? That easily?!! Nope. I will not do it, because both equations are incorrect and so is the ratio between them. At this point, it just happens then that your test to me becomes my test to you. :))) Please solve it correctly, using the right equations and then we shall talk again. Deal?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: SeanTheLight on March 16, 2008, 08:23:46 PM
Slide 10 is an easy one.

Force = mass x Gravity

Spring energy in the string is equal to the force causing it, so Tension must also be 60 units of force at rest.

The ball is mass (string is massless for the sake of ease of computation), Gravity is exerted from top to bottom in the slide. Gravity pulls the ball until an equal force is achieved (tension in the string). At this time, Tension in the string is the balance to the force of the ball (mG), so must be exerting a pull force of 60 to the ball (balancing the 60 units of force exerted by weight). Total energy calculated at any point in the pendulum at rest, is 60 units of force. Force acting on the ball (mG) is converted into spring energy (stretch/pull) in the string until the pendulum is given kinetic energy.

Is that correct?

I am not well educated, but am fairly comfortable with lessons on things I do not currently understand.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 16, 2008, 08:48:00 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on March 16, 2008, 08:14:13 PM

Slide 10 merely shows a pendulum vertical and still.  You claim there is a force there of 60 units, both down and up.  There is nothing wrong with this slide?..

Dear shruggedatlas,

Thank you for reproducing the post by Tinu.  Tinu was right in stating that kg is the unit for mass and not force.  Thus in the new slide, I corrected that mistake.

So you and many others now agree with the corrected Slide 10.  Simply stated, Slide 10 cannot be wrong with the present understanding of both mathematics and physics.

I shall wait for more comments ? especially from those who may disagree with Slide 10 (chrisC?) before re-discussing Slide 11.

The previous mistake I made was pumping out too much information at one time.  I could not tell which specific part the forum members did not understand.  My experience at Tsinghua and Shenzhen Universities were very favorable.  The individuals who spoke to me after the seminars seemed to understand the 3 slides perfectly.

Please comment again after I re-discuss Slide 11.  Comment again after I re-discuss Slide 12.  Hopefully the tiny step approach will help in the Internet Forum environment.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 16, 2008, 08:57:17 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on March 16, 2008, 07:27:05 PM
Although "abashing" Tseung may not be nice, it is the result of frustration
brought about by Tseungs own continued refusal to explain his "theories"
in proper scientific terms.

Dear Koen1,

Please comment on Slide 10 only.  I am taking tiny steps in the explanation this time.  ramset is hoping that you can explain the theory to him afterwards.

It will be a challenge for both of us.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 16, 2008, 09:01:13 PM
Why don't you answer Tinu first?
Your confusing kilograms with newtons was only one mistake...

His post, as quoted by Shruggedatlas, is a lot more
interesting than your slide 10.

After you have answered Tinu properly,
maybe we can talk about your strange assumption that
the input of a pendulum does not come from the
initial "pull" (by the operator) on the pendulum,
but instead it comes from gravity...  :P
(As you said yourself in your post 1822 ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 16, 2008, 09:34:17 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on March 16, 2008, 09:01:13 PM
Why don't you answer Tinu first?
Your confusing kilograms with newtons was only one mistake...

His post, as quoted by Shruggedatlas, is a lot more
interesting than your slide 10.

After you have answered Tinu properly,
maybe we can talk about your strange assumption that
the input of a pendulum does not come from the
initial "pull" (by the operator) on the pendulum,
but instead it comes from gravity...  :P
(As you said yourself in your post 1822 ;)

Dear Koen1,

I have learned to focus on one question at a time.  The Tinu questions belong to Slides 11 and/or 12.  Let us focus on Slide 10 first and not confuse the issue.

@Tinu,  Please comment on slide 10.  Thank you for your correction.  Do you agree that it is totally correct  in both Physics and Mathematics?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 16, 2008, 09:44:07 PM
Quote from: SeanTheLight on March 16, 2008, 08:23:46 PM
Slide 10 is an easy one.

Force = mass x Gravity

Spring energy in the string is equal to the force causing it, so Tension must also be 60 units of force at rest.

The ball is mass (string is massless for the sake of ease of computation), Gravity is exerted from top to bottom in the slide. Gravity pulls the ball until an equal force is achieved (tension in the string). At this time, Tension in the string is the balance to the force of the ball (mG), so must be exerting a pull force of 60 to the ball (balancing the 60 units of force exerted by weight). Total energy calculated at any point in the pendulum at rest, is 60 units of force. Force acting on the ball (mG) is converted into spring energy (stretch/pull) in the string until the pendulum is given kinetic energy.

Is that correct?

I am not well educated, but am fairly comfortable with lessons on things I do not currently understand.

Dear SeanTheLight,

From the point of a layman, your understanding is very reasonable.

To be more correct (as demanded by Tinu or other physicists), the following points should be noted:
(1)   Force = Mass x Acceleration
(2)   Weight = Gravitational Force = Mass x Gravitational Constant
(3)   Gravitational Constant (g) = 9.8 meters/sec/sec approximately on Earth Surface
(4)   The pendulum at rest has no kinetic energy
(5)   In Slide 10, we focus only on the forces.  We have not discussed energy yet.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 16, 2008, 10:23:13 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on March 16, 2008, 08:14:13 PM
Quote from: tinu on July 22, 2007, 06:14:43 AM

There is no such thing as a Force of 10kg... If you want to be intelligible, at least say F=10Kgf.

I do agree that the unit of Mass is kg.  The unit of Force is Newton.  However, we normally say that the gravitational force on the pendulum bob is equal to its weight.  In such a statement, weight is assumed to be a force.

If I ask you, how much do you weight?  The most probable answer is, say, 70 kg.  This is the normal layman answer.  However, weight is regarded as a force in the previous paragraph.  Thus the layman answer of I weigh 70 Kg is incorrect in Physics.  The correct answer in Physics should be - my mass is 70 kg.  (You will be stared at as a fool if you provide that answer!)

Almost any trained Physicist knows this common incorrect or inexact or confusing use of weight as a force and expressing it as kg.  I do not see it as a mistake major enough to discredit the entire Tseung postings.

However, I agree with TInu that when we present Physics, we should be more exact.  The new Slide corrected the mistake via the use of "unit of force".  I do not think that there is confusion any more.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 16, 2008, 11:06:47 PM
I shall assume that all forum members could understand Slide 10.  That Slide is correct in both Physics and Mathematics.  Now I shall re-discuss Slide 11.

Quote from: ltseung888 on March 13, 2008, 06:49:10 PM
Translation of presentation slide 11.

Tseung: "Let us apply the Law of Parallelogram of Forces to analyze this system.  Most of you have studied this Law in Physics in Secondary School.  Let us assume that the bob has been displaced and remains in the new displaced position.  In this case, there are three forces at equilibrium.  These three forces are: the horizontal force F which is still 10 units; the weight of the bob which is still 60 units and the tension of the string T1.  T1 can be calculated via the vector arithmetic or the parallelogram of forces.  It is equal to the diagonal of the parallelogram formed by the two vectors Mg and T.?

Tseung: ?At equilibrium, the angle of the string is ?a?.  Tan(a) = F/Mg = 10/60.  Thus in this case, the angle ?a? is 9.46 degrees.  This is strictly mathematics and cannot be wrong.  T1 can then be accurately calculated to be 60.84 units.?

The spreadsheet file is available for anyone who wants to do the checking.

This is effectively the first Lee-Tseung pull.  Note that we are discussing forces only.  The First Lee-Tseung pull assumes that the pull is 10 units of force horizontally.  The three forces (Weight, Pull and Tension of string) are at equilibrium.  The relationship can be expressed mathematically via vector arithmetic or the Law of Parallelogram of Forces.

This mathematics cannot be wrong.  The Physics of three forces at equilibrium obeying the Law of Parallelogram of Force also cannot be wrong.

Now please comment on this Slide 11.  Can any one find anything wrong with this Slide 11?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 17, 2008, 12:51:37 AM
For those who do not understand vector addition or parallelogram of forces, please read:


In physics and applied mathematics, a method of calculating the resultant (combined effect) of two different forces acting together on an object. Because a force has both magnitude and direction it is a vector quantity and can be represented by a straight line. A second force acting at the same point in a different direction can be represented by another line drawn at an angle to the first. By completing the parallelogram (of which the two lines are sides) a diagonal may be drawn from the original angle to the opposite corner to represent the resultant force vector.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on March 17, 2008, 01:57:29 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 16, 2008, 11:06:47 PM
Now please comment on this Slide 11.  Can any one find anything wrong with this Slide 11?

Need more info for clarification, please.

1.  The horizontal force is a persistent force, correct?
2.  What is shown is a static scenario at equilibrium, correct?  (This means the bob can go no higher to the right, given the horizontal force of only 10 units.)

If the above assumptions are correct, I think it would be easy to test it using nothing more expensive than two hook scales.  You hang one scale and attach a string with a weight on it.  Let's use your units of 60, so let's say a weight of 6 kg (60kg would be too heavy for us to play with).  Then, take the second hook scale, and use it to pull horizontally on the weight until that scale reads 1 kg.  Then, freeze your position and measure the angle of the weight.  It should be near 9.46 degrees, correct?  Also note the reading on the top scale, which should be near 6.084 kg, correct?

What do you think?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 17, 2008, 02:18:52 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on March 17, 2008, 01:57:29 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 16, 2008, 11:06:47 PM
Now please comment on this Slide 11.  Can any one find anything wrong with this Slide 11?

Need more info for clarification, please.

1.  The horizontal force is a persistent force, correct?
2.  What is shown is a static scenario at equilibrium, correct?  (This means the bob can go no higher to the right, given the horizontal force of only 10 units.)

If the above assumptions are correct, I think it would be easy to test it using nothing more expensive than two hook scales.  You hang one scale and attach a string with a weight on it.  Let's use your units of 60, so let's say a weight of 6 kg (60kg would be too heavy for us to play with).  Then, take the second hook scale, and use it to pull horizontally on the weight until that scale reads 1 kg.  Then, freeze your position and measure the angle of the weight.  It should be near 9.46 degrees, correct?  Also note the reading on the top scale, which should be near 6.084 kg, correct?

What do you think?

Dear shruggedatlas,

Brilliant.  In the first Lee-Tseung Pull,

(1)   The horizontal force is indeed persistent.  In other words, the pendulum bob is pulled and displaced.  The pendulum bob has not been let go yet.

(2)   The analysis is indeed at the highest point with no motion.  This is like your pulling the swing with a child sitting on it.  You first pull the swing at an angle before letting go.

The experiment you described is a standard secondary school Physics Experiment.  It has been verified a few million times Worldwide over the centuries - since the days of Newton.

It cannot be wrong.  I am interested to see if chrisC, Keon1, Tinu or others can possibly find something wrong.  Tinu used his objection of the previous mistake of using the incorrect unit for force to dismiss the whole thing.  I am interested to see his comments without that mistake.

Thus Slide 11 cannot be wrong.  It is standard secondary school physics material.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 17, 2008, 03:05:34 AM
Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for your helping out.  Your questions really helped me to focus on specific issues.

I am confident that nobody can possibly find fault with Slide 11 now.  There is no hurry.  I shall give plenty of time (a few days) for people to comment.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 17, 2008, 03:07:32 AM
In the training of Ms. Forever Yuen and many other helpers, I always changed the forces and see if they could compute the new angle and the new resultant forces.

For example, I used the pendulum bob at 80 units while the horizontal force remained at 10 units.  What is the New Angle?  How can it be  calculated?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 17, 2008, 03:33:07 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 16, 2008, 08:48:00 PM

Dear shruggedatlas,

Thank you for reproducing the post by Tinu.  Tinu was right in stating that kg is the unit for mass and not force.  Thus in the new slide, I corrected that mistake.

.....especially from those who may disagree with Slide 10 (chrisC?) before re-discussing Slide 11.

The previous mistake I made was pumping out too much information at one time.  I could not tell which specific part the forum members did not understand.  My experience at Tsinghua and Shenzhen Universities were very favorable.  The individuals who spoke to me after the seminars seemed to understand the 3 slides perfectly.


Mr Tseung. The day you stop making a fool of yourself and playing multiple personalities and dragging these 'professors' into your camp, you might see me 'contributing'  to your messed up physics!

Either these so called professors are one-track minded like yourself or they don't speak nor read English so they need you to 'represent' their views or you're so full of yourself you continue to waste everybody's time.

If you can't understand Tinu's arguments, I'm certainly not going to teach you!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on March 17, 2008, 04:44:18 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 17, 2008, 03:07:32 AM
In the training of Ms. Forever Yuen and many other helpers, I always changed the forces and see if they could compute the new angle and the new resultant forces.

For example, I used the pendulum bob at 80 units while the horizontal force remained at 10 units.  What is the New Angle?  How can it be  calculated?

The angle can be calculated using the law of cosines.  It is basically a side-angle-side problem with two sides of 80 and 10 and an enclosed angle of 90 degrees.  Top angle comes to 7.125 degrees.

Anyway, I do not see any major problems with slide 11:

Since system is at equilibrium, vertical forces equal zero.  So to get Tension (T):
T * cos(9.46) - 60 = 0
T * cos(9.46) = 60
T = 60 / cos(9.46) = 60.82

To check if horizontal force is 10 under this equation:

60.82 (sin(9.46) = 10

So the math works out in Slide 11.  I imagine if we rigged up scales, they would support these calculations. It's slide 12 where things get a little dicey.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 17, 2008, 06:31:07 AM
Why are we all of a sudden back at the stupid pendulum stuff?
what happened to Tseungs fantastic anti gravity over unity device machine?
Just the other week you were still prophecising your ufos!
Now all of a sudden we need to revert all the way back to the silly pendulum
and why?

Is it merely the fact that if you keep repeating the entire discussion every
150 posted pages, you will lose most of the annoyed public and be able
to blow your own horn again without anyone pointing out that that is all you do?

Drop that stupid pendulum and present your fantastic over unity device
power generator whatever you wish to call it.
We're looking for OU, not eternal discussions of your flawed presentations
on elementary pendulums.
If there is a point, make it, and do not drag it out into a long and boring process
that is a repetition of what you have already done, and that time you also
did not convince anyone and it ended in a stalemate between you claiming
that pendulums do things they don't, and others pointing out that they don't and
you refusing to concede your mistake.
Make the point.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 17, 2008, 06:58:37 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on March 17, 2008, 04:44:18 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 17, 2008, 03:07:32 AM
In the training of Ms. Forever Yuen and many other helpers, I always changed the forces and see if they could compute the new angle and the new resultant forces.

For example, I used the pendulum bob at 80 units while the horizontal force remained at 10 units.  What is the New Angle?  How can it be  calculated?

The angle can be calculated using the law of cosines.  It is basically a side-angle-side problem with two sides of 80 and 10 and an enclosed angle of 90 degrees.  Top angle comes to 7.125 degrees.

Anyway, I do not see any major problems with slide 11:

Since system is at equilibrium, vertical forces equal zero.  So to get Tension (T):
T * cos(9.46) - 60 = 0
T * cos(9.46) = 60
T = 60 / cos(9.46) = 60.82

To check if horizontal force is 10 under this equation:

60.82 (sin(9.46) = 10

So the math works out in Slide 11.  I imagine if we rigged up scales, they would support these calculations. It's slide 12 where things get a little dicey.

Dear shruggedatlas,

Congratulations.  You have confirmed that mathematics cannot lie.  Even though your formal training is not in Physics or Mathematics, you got the same result as the top mathematics or physics professors.

@Koen1, please learn from shruggedatlas.  Understand the problem one small step at a time.  Make sure you do not have any doubts on the absolute correctness of Slides 10 and 11 first.  Then you have only one more slide to understand.  That happens to be the most controversial slide.  If you do not understand Slides 10 and 11 thoroughly, there is ZERO chance of your understanding Slide 12.  All your reading, thinking and posting would be wasted. 

This is a consequence of technical understanding especially if mathematics is involved.  There is ZERO chance of one understanding multiplication if one has not mastered addition.

Please study Slides 10 and 11 again.  May be you can do the example of weight of the pendulum = 80 units and the horizontal force = 15 units.  Shruggedatlas will be able to help you get the correct answer for the new angle and the new tension.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 17, 2008, 08:19:05 AM
You miss my point.

unless you can explain what is so hugely fantastic about a pendulum,
and why you have reverted back to the ancient pendulum example
while you were only days ago still telling people you have a
free energy antigravity device,
I see little to no value in your childish analyses of a pendulum.
There is no reason why I should have to expressly prove to you
that I understand your little drawings, as I fail to see the
significance of your silly little pendulum excercises.
Just say what you want to say and then answer peoples valid


Typical Tseungian behaviour, I know that, but it is still annoying
and impolite to simply ignore a post in which you are proven
to use false formulae, thereby substantiating you lack of under-
standing of physics.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 17, 2008, 06:11:07 PM

I just recently got tagged as a 'nag'...for only twice asking for an upside to bashing Mr. Tsung.

*sets out additional chair in 'nag' section*

Regards... :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 17, 2008, 06:15:12 PM

okay okay, Cap-Z-ro, I apologise for calling you a nag.
It seems to have left a permanent trauma, and that was not my intention.

*grabs chair and pulls out a deck of cards*
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 17, 2008, 06:31:28 PM

That was you ???

*deals from bottom of deck*

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 17, 2008, 08:55:23 PM
Email from XXX

Dear Mr. Tseung,

Pardon my ignorance.  Can you explain tan(a) = F/Mg in Slide 11?



Dear XXX,

Do not be ashamed to raise your questions on the Forum.  Some members may laugh at the question.  To me, it is very revealing.  At Tsinghua and Shenzhen Universities, the participants were all pre-qualified as scientists or engineers or university students.  I did not have to explain the above equation.

However, if one does not understand the above equation, the entire Lee-Tseung theory makes no sense.  This may be the reason why there were so much misunderstanding and insults in this thread. 

I used to ignore such questions ? now I would try to answer them.  Please give me time to think so that I can provide a good answer for the layman.  May be other forum members such as Tinu, Hans etc can help.

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 17, 2008, 11:31:32 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 17, 2008, 08:55:23 PM
Email from XXX

Dear Mr. Tseung,

Pardon my ignorance.  Can you explain tan(a) = F/Mg in Slide 11?



Dear XXX,

In order to understand tan(a) = F/Mg, you need to master a branch of mathematics called trigonometry.  This branch of mathematics deals with the angles and the sides of triangles ? in particular, right-angled triangles.  You can go to the following website for more information.


Mr. Tseung is right.  If you cannot understand trigonometry, you will not be able to follow the mathematics.  But in this forum, we have many who can follow.  We shall help you to confirm whether the equations shown by Mr. Tseung are mathematically correct.  If any of his equations is incorrect, we shall scream and point out the error.

If he is correct, we shall still add our confirmation that the equations are correct.  So continue to participate ? even as an observer ? in the forum.

I now confirm that the equation tan(a) = F/Mg is 100% correct.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: SeanTheLight on March 18, 2008, 02:32:27 PM
Unfortunately trigonometry was not part of my general studies, so I am teaching myself trig (and geometry) in my spare time. Meanwhile I verified all information with some university students I know, who agreed slide 11 (and 10) were 100% accurate and can be proven by anyone using a scientific calculator (which we did).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 18, 2008, 03:32:17 PM
Doesn't it seem odd that XXX sent his email to
Tseung, and that "TopGun" replies to it?

Tseung, come on man, polish up your alter ego act!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 18, 2008, 03:34:39 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on March 17, 2008, 11:31:32 PM
In order to understand tan(a) = F/Mg, you need to master a branch of mathematics called trigonometry. 

Excuse me, are you saying that you did not get that in school?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 18, 2008, 03:35:26 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on March 18, 2008, 03:32:17 PM
Doesn't it seem odd that XXX sent his email to
Tseung, and that "TopGun" replies to it?

Tseung, come on man, polish up your alter ego act!

I have the same thoughts too! Either he forgot to take his medicine and couldn't come out with another name fast enough or he's been watching so much XXX movies and nothing comes out of his brain but XXX! LOL!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 18, 2008, 04:19:48 PM

Maybe the reference is to another page...but on this page the email from XXX is first answered by Mr. Tsung - and not top gun.

Or am I missing something ?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 19, 2008, 12:48:45 AM
Quote from: SeanTheLight on March 18, 2008, 02:32:27 PM
Unfortunately trigonometry was not part of my general studies, so I am teaching myself trig (and geometry) in my spare time. Meanwhile I verified all information with some university students I know, who agreed slide 11 (and 10) were 100% accurate and can be proven by anyone using a scientific calculator (which we did).

Dear SeanTheLight,

Thank you for independently getting some University Students to confirm that Slide 10 and Slide 11 are 100% correct.  Now, I can start on the more controversial Slide 12.  Before I do that, I would like you to help to confirm the following Physics concepts and equations.

(1)   Work = Force x Displacement.  Both Force and Displacement are Vector Quantities.  Vector means having both magnitude and direction.

(2)   To be more exact, Work done in horizontal direction = Force in the horizontal direction x Displacement in the horizontal direction.

(3)   Work done in the vertical direction = Force in the vertical direction x Displacement in the vertical direction.

(4)   Energy is related to Work.  In other words, the horizontal energy is equal to the work done in the horizontal direction.

(5)   The vertical energy is equal to work done in the vertical direction.

(6)   Both Work and Energy are scalar quantities.  This means they have magnitude only.  The final Work/Energy can be compared and/or added by simple arithmetic and not vector arithmetic. 

Please confirm with your University Students that the above six statements are 100% correct.  I shall wait for at least one independent confirmation before discussing Slide 12 in detail.

@Tinu, Hans etc.   You are welcome to comment on the above six Physics Satements.

@ChrisC and Koen.  You can contribute positively if you get the information to some of your friends who have formal training in Physics.  Get their comments.  Stick to Physics discussions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 19, 2008, 03:51:22 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 19, 2008, 12:48:45 AM
Quote from: SeanTheLight on March 18, 2008, 02:32:27 PM
Unfortunately trigonometry was not part of my general studies, so I am teaching myself trig (and geometry) in my spare time. Meanwhile I verified all information with some university students I know, who agreed slide 11 (and 10) were 100% accurate and can be proven by anyone using a scientific calculator (which we did).

Dear SeanTheLight,

Thank you for independently getting some University Students to confirm that Slide 10 and Slide 11 are 100% correct.  Now, I can start on the more controversial Slide 12.  Before I do that, I would like you to help to confirm the following Physics concepts and equations.

(1)   Work = Force x Displacement.  Both Force and Displacement are Vector Quantities.  Vector means having both magnitude and direction.

(2)   To be more exact, Work done in horizontal direction = Force in the horizontal direction x Displacement in the horizontal direction.

(3)   Work done in the vertical direction = Force in the vertical direction x Displacement in the vertical direction.

(4)   Energy is related to Work.  In other words, the horizontal energy is equal to the work done in the horizontal direction.

(5)   The vertical energy is equal to work done in the vertical direction.

(6)   Both Work and Energy are scalar quantities.  This means they have magnitude only.  The final Work/Energy can be compared and/or added by simple arithmetic and not vector arithmetic. 

Please confirm with your University Students that the above six statements are 100% correct.  I shall wait for at least one independent confirmation before discussing Slide 12 in detail.

@Tinu, Hans etc.   You are welcome to comment on the above six Physics Satements.

@ChrisC and Koen.  You can contribute positively if you get the information to some of your friends who have formal training in Physics.  Get their comments.  Stick to Physics discussions.

For those who do not have formal training in Physics:

The above six statements are usually covered in Physics 101 ? Mechanics section.  The material is usually taught at Form 3 level in the Hong Kong Secondary School System.  Every Hong Kong Secondary School student who passed the Hong Kong School Certification examination in Physics over the years can confirm the correctness of the above six statements.  That number easily exceeds 1 million.  Worldwide, over the centuries, the number of people who can say YES to the above statements exceeds 100 million.  Those six statements cannot be wrong in the eyes of established Physics.

You can refer to the following website for a quick revision:


I confirm that the above six statements are 100% percent correct.  Some forum members may not find me independent.  However, I am prepared to stand by my posts.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: SeanTheLight on March 19, 2008, 04:21:40 AM
I understand and agree with the statements 1-5. 6 puzzles me slightly, wouldn't the pendulum act as a lever when T = mG? Does a lever not require vector arithmetic?

All 6 have been evaluated and agreed to by one of my university student friends, so I am willing to move forward to slide 12.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 19, 2008, 06:28:18 AM
oh just wait Sean,
before long Tseung will explain how a simple pendulum
produces massive amounts of over unity anti gravity energy power!
And all "lead out" (still the strange tseungian self-invented word for "extract")
from gravity!
Isn't that great?
So gravity itself powers the antigravity free energy UFOs Tseung keeps
talking about!
Well, he himself doesn't really know,
but obviously a pendulum explains it all.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 19, 2008, 06:35:24 AM
Quote from: SeanTheLight on March 19, 2008, 04:21:40 AM
I understand and agree with the statements 1-5. 6 puzzles me slightly, wouldn't the pendulum act as a lever when T = mG? Does a lever not require vector arithmetic?

All 6 have been evaluated and agreed to by one of my university student friends, so I am willing to move forward to slide 12.

(6)   Both Work and Energy are scalar quantities.  This means they have magnitude only.  The final Work/Energy can be compared and/or added by simple arithmetic and not vector arithmetic. 

This is a common problem with many beginning students. 
Work = Force x Displacement

Both Force and Displacement are vector quanitities.  However their product is a scalar quantity.  There is no need to consider the directional aspects after we have calculated Work.  Energy is the same.

I just do not know how to explain this "obvious physics concept" to layman.  It may be one of my weaknesses.  I am great in front of top professors and at seminars in Universities. I am hopeless in front of non-technical audience - e.g. some Officials.

Both China and Hong Kong Officials now know how to deal with me - just send technical people to talk to me.  They then rely on the report of these experts.  Koen failed to learn anything from me.  He is not an exception. 

May be your University Student friends can help Koen.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 19, 2008, 07:16:27 AM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on March 18, 2008, 04:19:48 PM

Maybe the reference is to another page...but on this page the email from XXX is first answered by Mr. Tsung - and not top gun.

Or am I missing something ?

Well not that it's so terribly important, but if you compare the style of writing
and the expressions used, (and perhaps it helps if one has followed
Tseungs posts for quite a while so one can easily recognise his style of writing and
expressions) then it is pretty clear that "Top Gun"s reply is exactly and typically
in the form and style of Tseungs posts.
Now, what wat that American expression again?
"if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck"?
Well, if it looks like Tseung, acts like Tseung, and sounds like Tseung,
I think it is Tseung.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 19, 2008, 07:36:11 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 19, 2008, 06:35:24 AM
Koen failed to learn anything from me.  He is not an exception. 
That is not a failure on my part, it you who fail to explain what you think your point is.
You keep coming up with childish drawings of classical physics situations,
taking things either way too slow and insisting that people confirm they understand
pre-school physics, or just skipping over things entirely and postulating
phenomena with no proof.

Take the entire bottle on a string thing for example.
You insist this will produce anitgravity in some way, but the only thing you have
"explained" is that in your opinion "non rigid body rotation" can be used for
a non-regauged linear accelleration. You have not substantiated this properly,
nor have you in any way made it more plausible that any thrust can be derived
from this principle. You choose to ignore that a fixed stator is needed to induce
rotation, and that this stator will not be lifted by the obviously less massive rotor...
Your use of pictures showing a guy doing the hammer-toss, not long after you had
expressed your complete unfamiliarity with the hammer-toss when I mentioned
it, it quite amazing.
Apparently, while you claim I have not "learnt" anything, I have apparently been
able to "teach" you already. :D

Lol if the "student" can teach the "teacher", then maybe the "teacher" needs to go
back to school?

Oh, and by the way, profiling yourself as an expert in physics only works if you
show your expertise in physics.
You only show your ignorance time and time again, as Tinu pointed out very
clearly in the post where he shows your formulae to be fundamentally flawed.
A post which, as everyone can see, you choose to ignore.
Of course we know you ignore posts that validly point out errors in your reasoning,
but I still think it is impolite not to answer posts like Tinus properly,
and I think it is clear to everyone you are deliberately avoiding answering such posts.
Which is a sign of weakness.
Come on Tseung, save face and reply to Tinus post properly, instead of
making me look bad with dumb statements.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 19, 2008, 10:28:24 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on March 19, 2008, 07:36:11 AM
Come on Tseung, save face and reply to Tinus post properly.

The Tinu post will be answered after Slide 12.  Any post before that will be confusing.

Physics demands mastering one piece of information after another.  The sequence cannot be "jumped".
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 19, 2008, 11:04:09 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 19, 2008, 10:28:24 AM
The Tinu post will be answered after Slide 12.  Any post before that will be confusing.
Well fine with me, but it seems in direct contradiction to your previous statements
in which you demanded we discuss "slide 10" in detail before we proceed to 11...
Now all of a sudden you want to skip on to slide 12 before answering valid questions
about slide 10?
That's the other way around...
Now I don't really mind very much, but then you shouldn't have been so insistant that
we first discuss the earlier slides untill everyone is satisfied, if it turns out you do not
comply with that yourself...
what was that called again? Oh right: contradiction.

Physics demands mastering one piece of information after another.  The sequence cannot be "jumped".
So that explains why you want to "jump" to slide 12 before discussing the earlier matter?
or perhaps "pseudologica fantastica" would be a better term for your affliction...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 19, 2008, 03:19:23 PM
@ Koen

If I wanted, I too could duplicate Mr. Tsung's writing style...it really isn't all that difficult.

The similarities have not escaped me either..but I've learned not to jump to the obvious conclusion...especially on a public message board.

There are no shortages of meddlesome people who get off\f on creating turmoil everywhere they go...and are very creative in their efforts.

So unless there is a real urgent need to make a decision, I wait as long as I can before committing myself to any course of action.

Regards... :)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 19, 2008, 03:41:25 PM
well, I think you're missing the point but hey...

It is not a matter of people duplicating his style.
And it is not "jumping to the obvious conclusion" either.
It's a matter of him posting under different names to
try and add validity to his arguments.
After following this thread as long as I have, it is indeed
obvious, but certainly not "jumping to conclusions".
Excessively transparent is probably a better term.

But like I said, it doesn't really matter...
Although one can wonder why he feels the need to
attempt to add validity to his arguments, if he were
sincere and truly certain of his case, and why he
does it in such a transparent way.
Probably for the same reason why he still hasn't managed
to present a plausible OU device in a clear and
coherent manner even though he's posted huge loads
of text: he just doesn't get it.

And by the way, the only reason why I keep bugging him
about it is because he keeps bragging about his grandiose
ideas but to this day has not been able to produce any
proof, of any form, of his OU claims.
As long as he keeps that up, and keeps blowing his own horn
while intentionally ignoring valid questions and remarks by
others, obviously his credibility will keep dropping. And it has
already dropped to aluminium-foil-hats level...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 19, 2008, 04:59:13 PM
Now, we are ready to re-discuss Slide 12.

Quote from: ltseung888 on March 13, 2008, 07:19:55 PM
Translation of presentation slide 12.

Tseung: "Once we have the forces, we can find out the work done by these forces.  Work = Force x Displacement.?

Refer to the diagram.  Assume the Length of the Pendulum is L.

Tseung: ?The horizontal displacement is dX.  The value is Lsin(a) or Lsin(9.46).  The vertical displacement is dH. The value is L-Y or L(1-cos(9.46))?

Tseung: ?Since we know the displacements, we can calculate the work done in the horizontal and in the vertical directions.  The horizontal work done = F x Lsin(9.46).  The vertical work done = Mg x L(1-cos(9.46)).  We can use the value of F = 10 and Mg = 60 in our calculation.  Work done = Energy spent in Physics.  Thus the (horizontal energy / vertical energy) can be calculated to be 2.014.  The value of L is cancelled out and thus no assumed value is needed.?


Tseung: ?The ratio of 2.014 is extremely significant.  It means 2.014 parts of horizontal energy can Lead Out 1 unit of vertical energy.  The horizontal energy is supplied by my pull.  The vertical energy is supplied by the tension of the string which is effectively the energy from gravity.  I spend approximately 2 units of energy.  Gravity supplies 1 unit of energy.  These 3 units of energy goes into the pulled pendulum system.?

Lee: ?This is a simplified analysis for the average scientist.  We also have a more exact version using Integrals for discussion with Physicists or Mathematicians who want to dig really deep.?

The spreadsheet for the more exact ideal Lee-Tseung pull is also available for those who are interested.

Mathematically, the horizontal displacement (dX) is
(1)   Lsin(a) = Lsin(9.46)  This is trigonometry and cannot be wrong.

The vertical displacement (dH) is
(2)   L-Y = L(1-cos(9.46))  This is trigonometry and cannot be wrong.

Thus the work done horizontally is
(3)   horizontal force x horizontal displacement
   F x Lsin(9.46) = 10 x Lsin(9.46) = 1.6436L (Energy Units) 
   This is simple multiplication involving trigonometry and cannot be wrong.
   Note that there is an L (pendulum string length) term here.

The work done vertically is
(4)   vertical force x vertical displacement
Mg x L(1-cos(9.46)) = 60 x L(1-0.9864) = 60 x L(0.0136)
= 0.816L (Energy Units)
   This is simple multiplication involving trigonometry and cannot be wrong.
   Note that there is an L (pendulum string length) term here.

We can now calculate the ratio of the horizontal work over vertical work
(5)   1.6436L / 0.816L = 1.6436 / 0.816 = 2.014
   Note that the Length L cancels out and the ratio has no units.
  This is simple mathematical division and cannot be wrong.

We can equate work done as energy, thus horizontal energy supplied by F / vertical energy supplied by Mg is also 2.014.
(6)   Thus 2.014 units of horizontal energy supplied by Lee-Tseung pull F Leads Out 1 unit of vertical energy supplied by gravity in this example.

Every mathematical and physics step is correct.  Thus the Lee-Tseung pull (at least the first Lee-Tseung Pull) in this example Leading Out gravitational energy cannot be wrong.

Now I invite intelligent comments on the above analysis.  Can Slide 12 be wrong if every step is 100% correct?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on March 19, 2008, 05:30:41 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 19, 2008, 04:59:13 PM
Now I invite intelligent comments on the above analysis.  Can Slide 12 be wrong if every step is 100% correct?

I may look at the equations later, but what strikes me immediately is the following.

So what if you have done twice as much horizontal work than vertical work?  How does that create an overunity (or "lead out") situation where there is suddenly more energy out than in?  If I push a ball up a gentle incline, I will do more horizontal work than vertical work, but so what?

Also, based on your "lead out" principle, why does any pendulum ever stop moving?  After all, as it passes the low point, it still has enough kinetic energy to do work, namely lift the ball up the other side.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 19, 2008, 05:38:56 PM
I would like to add the following:

(1)   Human Beings have managed to use gravitational energy for sometime.

(2)   One example is the dam storing water and driving turbines to generate electricity.

(3)   However, once the water flows down, it will need the Sun to evaporate it to become rain and be stored in the dam again.

(4)   That cycle is very long and involves many other external variables such as some water never returns to the dam and some new water flows into the dam.

(5)   The Lee-Tseung Pull on the Pendulum is extremely simple.  One spends 2 units of horizontal Lee-Tseung Pull energy and 1 unit of vertical gravitational energy is Lead Out.  The system now has 3 units as output.  If 2 of these 3 output units were used to provide Lee-Tseung Pull energy, another 1 unit of gravitational energy will be Lead Out again.

The pre-qualified scientists at Tsingjua and Shenzhen University Seminars would have no problem with Slides 10-12.  The significance of these Slides can be compared with E=M x c x c (The Einstein equation).  The energy crisis of the World is effectively over.  Human Beings can indeed use gravitational energy directly via the pulsed pendulum. 

The Milkovic Pendulum is not a hoax.  It is a confirmation of the Lee-Tseung Theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 19, 2008, 05:58:00 PM

When it comes right down to it...without proof, all conclusions are a leap of faith.

Or a 'jump' to a conclusion...if you wood. :)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 19, 2008, 07:52:14 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on March 19, 2008, 05:30:41 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 19, 2008, 04:59:13 PM
Now I invite intelligent comments on the above analysis.  Can Slide 12 be wrong if every step is 100% correct?

I may look at the equations later, but what strikes me immediately is the following.

So what if you have done twice as much horizontal work than vertical work?  How does that create an overunity (or "lead out") situation where there is suddenly more energy out than in?  If I push a ball up a gentle incline, I will do more horizontal work than vertical work, but so what?

Also, based on your "lead out" principle, why does any pendulum ever stop moving?  After all, as it passes the low point, it still has enough kinetic energy to do work, namely lift the ball up the other side.

Dear shruggedatlas,

In Physics, we have to be exact.  ?So what if you have done twice as much horizontal work than vertical work?? is a layman statement.

The correct and exact Physics Statement is ?You supply 2 units of horizontal energy to lead out 1 unit of vertical energy.? 

The correct Physics Statement can be restated as ?You Input 2 units of Lee-Tseung Pull energy.  That Leads Out 1 unit of gravitational energy.  The system now has 3 units of total energy.  2 of these 3 units can be feedback as Input to provide the Lee-Tseung Pull.  The 1 unit remaining can be used to do work or overcome friction.  The feedback 2 units will again lead out another 1 unit of gravitational energy.  Thus theoretically, only the initial 2 units of Lee-Tseung Pull energy is necessary to start the machine.?

Slide 13 shows this concept.  However Slide 13 is no long mathematically 100% correct.  2.014 units of horizontal energy have been approximated to 2 units.

The definition of over unity is (total output energy) / (Input energy).  In the first Lee Tseung Pull in this example, the value is (2 Input + 1 lead out) / (2 Input) or 3/2 or 1.5 approximately.  Thus the Pendulum under the Lee-Tseung Pull happens to be an over unity device.  When the pendulum is let go and no more Lee-Tseung Pull is supplied, the pendulum reveres to a non-overunity device. If you supply Lee-Tseung Pull again, it then becomes an overunity device.  Thus the Lee-Tseung pulled/pulsed pendulum changes from overunity to non-overunity in its operation.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 19, 2008, 08:06:19 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on March 19, 2008, 05:58:00 PM

When it comes right down to it...without proof, all conclusions are a leap of faith.

Or a 'jump' to a conclusion...if you wood. :)


In mathematics and physics, there is the concept of a derived theory.  A derived theory is the combined result of two or more established theories. 

The Lee-Tseung theory is a derived theory from Newton?s Laws of Motion, Trigonometry and Pendulum Motion.  If the established theories are correct and that there were no mathematical errors in the derivation, the derived theory will be correct.

That is why I am so confident that the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory cannot be wrong. If it cannot be wrong, the energy crisis of the World is over.

That is why that many OU devices under development can be correct theoretically if they obey the Lee-Tseung theory.  Every one is effectively a further confirmation of the Lee-Tseung Theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 19, 2008, 08:19:52 PM
instead of constantly repeating how you are convinced you are correct,
perhaps you could finally show us how you are correct?
Spend less time and text telling people that their statements are not educated
enough  (because you are certainly not the one to talk with all the mistakes you
have shown! Do not act like you are a physics teacher, we are not falling for it.)
and less time sticking feathers up your butt,
and some more time finally actually explaining how we can usefully get this
claimed "lead out" energy you have been going on about for ages now!
You keep referring to Milkovich, but you must have missed the passage on his
website where they point out:
QuoteIt can be said that MilkoviÃ,,‡'s models satisfy the main precondition of the "eternal motor" - positive balance of energy. The output energy is larger than the input energy. However, these models are still not autonomous. Gradual decrease of energy of the primary oscillator, which is usually a physical pendulum, must be supplemented from outer energy sources.
So perhaps you have a better example?

And by the way, why do you need to use other peoples devices to prove your "lead out" theory?
If it is a proper theory, why don't you have a proper experiment of your own to prove it?
(Oh, I forgot, you have no proof, only drawings)

So far I see you getting back to your ancient pendulum talk...
But not long ago you were going all out about you having solved the energy crisis,
how you were personally going to be the big hero who was going to spread peace
and prosperity with his free energy powered ufos, how you were so great and
fantastic that the UN was going to invest millions to develop your technology,
etcetera etcetera...
What happened?
Had a little reality check?
Maybe you can just stop acting like you're better than the rest of us,
and stop blowing your own horn so much?
You can stick as many feathers up your butt as you want,
it will never make you a chicken. ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on March 19, 2008, 08:23:23 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 19, 2008, 07:52:14 PM
In Physics, we have to be exact.  ?So what if you have done twice as much horizontal work than vertical work?? is a layman statement.

Well, first of all, "lead out" is not a physics term.  You just made that up.  You still have to prove your hypothesis, and it is not proper in any scientific field to use your own hypothesis in support of it.

Second, you have not shown that two units of energy leads out three.  All you have shown is that some amount of energy is put in, and the output is two parts horizontal to one part vertical. Maybe what would be helpful is to use actual numbers, instead of units.  So, if you want to convince us "laymen", please show an analysis that has the following:

1.  Mass of bob, in kilograms.
2.  Length of string, in meters or centimeters
3.  Horizontal force applied, in Newtons
4.  Distance the bob moves vertically and horizontally, in meters or centimeters

I think with the above, even we, the untrained, can figure out how much work is done and indeed whether two parts input results in three parts output.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on March 19, 2008, 08:28:49 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 19, 2008, 07:52:14 PM
When the pendulum is let go and no more Lee-Tseung Pull is supplied, the pendulum reveres to a non-overunity device. If you supply Lee-Tseung Pull again, it then becomes an overunity device.  Thus the Lee-Tseung pulled/pulsed pendulum changes from overunity to non-overunity in its operation.

I think you overlooked something, Mr. Tseung.  A pendulum, even when let go and no longer pushed, is still generatic kinetic energy on each downswing.  So forget what happens on the downswing.  Let's focus on the upswing component, where the "lead out" process happens after all.  As the bob finishes the downswing and begins the upswing, it has a certain amount of kinetic energy.  This kinetic energy is no different than a "pull," and it results in the bob moving out horizontally and vertically in a circular fashion.  So why does a bob eventually lose energy?  Shouldn't there be a 50% energy gain in each swing?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 19, 2008, 09:04:32 PM
@ shruggedatlas:

For an attorney with no formal physics training I have to say that your comments and questions are right on the mark.  great job.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 19, 2008, 09:39:34 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on March 19, 2008, 08:23:23 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 19, 2008, 07:52:14 PM
In Physics, we have to be exact.  ?So what if you have done twice as much horizontal work than vertical work?? is a layman statement.

Well, first of all, "lead out" is not a physics term.  You just made that up.  You still have to prove your hypothesis, and it is not proper in any scientific field to use your own hypothesis in support of it.

Second, you have not shown that two units of energy leads out three.  All you have shown is that some amount of energy is put in, and the output is two parts horizontal to one part vertical. Maybe what would be helpful is to use actual numbers, instead of units.  So, if you want to convince us "laymen", please show an analysis that has the following:

1.  Mass of bob, in kilograms.
2.  Length of string, in meters or centimeters
3.  Horizontal force applied, in Newtons
4.  Distance the bob moves vertically and horizontally, in meters or centimeters

I think with the above, even we, the untrained, can figure out how much work is done and indeed whether two parts input results in three parts output.


How dare you question the expert? Surely 6M grade school children of elementary education can't be wrong!
Not to mention the millions and millions of fellow farmer type scientist across the Hong Kong border.

Next time please have your head examined or see a doctor before you question the master! You cannot be serious!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 20, 2008, 02:43:12 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on March 19, 2008, 08:23:23 PM

Well, first of all, "lead out" is not a physics term.  You just made that up.  You still have to prove your hypothesis, and it is not proper in any scientific field to use your own hypothesis in support of it.

Lead Out was translated from the Chinese term 引出.  Lee Cheung Kin was the first person to use this term.  We struggled over many terms - including "extract", "use existing", "Lee-Tseung out" etc. 

In Physics, when there is a new discovery, the tradition is for the Inventor to introduce a new term with a new definition.  Lee Cheung Kin just followed that tradition.

The Lee Cheung Kin definition of Lead Out - Gravitational or Electron Motion Energy can be Lead Out via Pulses or Lee-Tseung Pulls in oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux change systems.  Gravitational and Electron Motion Energy already exist and surround us.  The Lee-Tseung Pulls refer to the specific actions when energy is added to the system at the correct time.

As far as I know, there is no existing scientific term that define the above yet.  I am sure the academic professors will have meetings to "coin" a word in the near future. 

For the moment, please accept the term Lead Out so that we can continue our discussion.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 20, 2008, 02:51:01 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on March 19, 2008, 08:23:23 PM

Second, you have not shown that two units of energy leads out three.  All you have shown is that some amount of energy is put in, and the output is two parts horizontal to one part vertical. Maybe what would be helpful is to use actual numbers, instead of units. 

You have already stated that the output is two parts horizontal + one part vertical.  The two parts horizontal is the input.  Thus two units IN and three units OUT.  I thought that is as clear as it can be. 

The horizontal pull is the force we give to the system.  Its energy is the INPUT energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 20, 2008, 02:51:02 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 20, 2008, 02:43:12 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on March 19, 2008, 08:23:23 PM

Well, first of all, "lead out" is not a physics term.  You just made that up.  You still have to prove your hypothesis, and it is not proper in any scientific field to use your own hypothesis in support of it.

Lead Out was translated from the Chinese term 引出.  Lee Cheung Kin was the first person to use this term.  We struggled over many terms - including "extract", "use existing", "Lee-Tseung out" etc. 

For the moment, please accept the term Lead Out so that we can continue our discussion.

How about, for the moment, we substitute 'Lead Out' as Bull Shit?

That is really what it is without scientific proofs that can be experimentally verified. So far, after over 120 pages of your constant nonsense, did you see any real scientist supporting your postulates?

Instead, you continue with your junkie science and messed up physics.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 20, 2008, 03:12:45 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on March 19, 2008, 08:28:49 PM

I think you overlooked something, Mr. Tseung.  A pendulum, even when let go and no longer pushed, is still (1) generatic kinetic energy on each downswing.  So forget what happens on the downswing.  Let's focus on (2)the upswing component, where  the "lead out" process happens after all.  As the bob finishes the downswing and begins the upswing, it has a certain amount of kinetic energy.  (3)This kinetic energy is no different than a "pull," and it results in the bob moving out horizontally and vertically in a circular fashion.  So (4) why does a bob eventually lose energy(5)Shouldn't there be a 50% energy gain in each swing?

Let me answer you point-by-point using Physics.
(1) generate kinetic energy on each downswing.  The correct physic statement is that the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy in the downswing.  No new energy comes in.

(2) the upswing component, where  the "lead out" process happens after all.  This statement is totally incorrect.  The "Lead Out" process happens at the end of the upswing if we apply a Lee-Tseung Pull at that instant.  The upswing component never Leads Out any energy.

(3)This kinetic energy is no different than a "pull".  This statement is totally incorrect.  A "pull" is an external force adding energy to the system.  Slowing down or changing the kinetic energy to potential energy will not add energy to the system.

(4) why does a bob eventually lose energy?  The bob eventually loses energy because of air resistance and friction at the pivot.  Some energy is passed to the air and some is used to overcome friction.

(5)Shouldn't there be a 50% energy gain in each swing?  No, No, and No.
Vertical Energy or gravitational energy is Lead Out only if you have the Lee-Tseung Pull at the uppermost part of the swing. 

I have to admit that you really tried.  You will get the correct understanding sooner or later.  It will be sooner if you have a Physicist friend helping you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on March 20, 2008, 03:35:50 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 20, 2008, 02:51:01 AM

You have already stated that the output is two parts horizontal + one part vertical.  The two parts horizontal is the input.  Thus two units IN and three units OUT.  I thought that is as clear as it can be. 

The horizontal pull is the force we give to the system.  Its energy is the INPUT energy.

It is not at all clear.  For all we know, there could be 4 parts horizontal energy being put in, with only 2 horizontal and 1 vertical out.  Maybe if you actually made the effort to use real weights and measurements, like I suggested, we would not have this confusion.

Anyway, I do not think I want to discuss this with you anymore. You use too much circular reasoning, and it is frustrating.  I also do not appreciate being told to talk to a physicist friend.  I am discussing this with you, and if you do not care to explain yourself, then you can just have your other personas for company.  I'm done.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 20, 2008, 05:20:42 AM
Quote from: SeanTheLight on March 19, 2008, 04:21:40 AM
I understand and agree with the statements 1-5. 6 puzzles me slightly, wouldn't the pendulum act as a lever when T = mG? Does a lever not require vector arithmetic?

All 6 have been evaluated and agreed to by one of my university student friends, so I am willing to move forward to slide 12.

Please get your university student friends to confirm the correctness of slide 12.

The magic of the Lee-Tseung theory and the solution to the World Energy Crisis lie in these three slides.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 20, 2008, 05:34:03 AM
I completely agree with Shruggedatlas.

Quote from: shruggedatlas on March 20, 2008, 03:35:50 AM
It is not at all clear.  For all we know, there could be 4 parts horizontal energy being put in, with only 2 horizontal and 1 vertical out.  Maybe if you actually made the effort to use real weights and measurements, like I suggested, we would not have this confusion.
For someone who is constantly acting as if he is lecturing others and pointing out that they
are wrong, you are very good at overlooking your own enormous errors.
If you insist Shrugged use 100% correct terminology to formulate a statement that is very clear,
then why do you not use a proper unit of measurement instead of talking about "units of energy",
and why fo you not indicate very clearly how much energy is input and how much is output?
Only now, after Shrugged brought it up, do you tell us how many of your mysterious fantasy "units"
of energy was supplied as input...

QuoteAnyway, I do not think I want to discuss this with you anymore. You use too much circular reasoning, and it is frustrating.  I also do not appreciate being told to talk to a physicist friend.  I am discussing this with you, and if you do not care to explain yourself, then you can just have your other personas for company.  I'm done.
Well there you go Tseung, another victory for you.
I'm starting to get fed up with your behaviour as well, think it may be time to leave you alone here...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: M@rcel on March 20, 2008, 08:57:26 AM
Just to stir things up a little  ;)



In your reply to the written opinion ( http://www.wipo.int/ipdl/IPDL-IMAGES/PATENTSCOPE/74/32/bd/0032bd.pdf ), you mention some video's. Are they available for us?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 20, 2008, 10:09:12 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on March 19, 2008, 08:23:23 PM
Maybe what would be helpful is to use actual numbers, instead of units.  So, if you want to convince us "laymen", please show an analysis that has the following:

1.  Mass of bob, in kilograms.
2.  Length of string, in meters or centimeters
3.  Horizontal force applied, in Newtons
4.  Distance the bob moves vertically and horizontally, in meters or centimeters

I think with the above, even we, the untrained, can figure out how much work is done and indeed whether two parts input results in three parts output.

I shall answer for Mr. Tseung.  Let us assume that
(1)   The mass of bob M is 60 kg.  The gravitational force (weight) = Mg. The value of g, the gravitational constant is 9.8 meter/sec/sec.  Thus the gravitational force = 60 x 9.8 = 588 newtons.
(2)   The length of string is 1 meter
(3)   The horizontal force is 1/6 that of the weight. This will be consistent with our slide 11.  Thus the horizontal force is 588/6 = 98 newtons.
(4)   The angle a remains the same and obeys the relationship tan(a) = F/Mg.  From the tables or the calculator or the spreadsheet, a is determined to be 9.46 degrees.
(5)   The horizontal displacement dX = Lsin(a) = 1 x sin(9.46) = 0.16436 meters
(6)   The vertical displacement dH = L x (1-cos(a)) = 1 x (1-0.9864) =0.0136 meters
(7)   The horizontal work done = horizontal force x dX = 98 x 0.16436 = 16.10728 Joules
(8 )   The vertical work done = vertical force x dH = 588 x 0.0136 =8.133 Joules
(9)   The ratio of horizontal/vertical work = 16.10728/8.133 = 2.014

The Input Lee-Tseung Energy is item (7).  The total output energy is (7) +(8 ).
The COP or (total output energy / Input energy ) = (16.10728 + 8.133)/16.10728 =1.496471 = 1.5 approximately.

Hope that helps.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 20, 2008, 10:35:49 AM
Are you really sayingthat any pendulum always shows a 150% efficiency?
Then why don't all pendulums fly apart from all the excess energy they
produce but cannot release?

And, just a quick remark in between acts, to get output, there should
be a mechanism for actually extracting the energy from the device,
Otherwise, there is simply no output.
Where is the mechanism? How do you transform this claimed overunity
kinetic energy into actual usefull (electrical?) energy?
And how efficient is your conversion process?

And yes, where are the videos, Tseung?
Anyone can apply for and even get a patent,
does not mean the idea really works.

By the way, I thought you were located in Hong Kong, Tseung?
You have said so repeatedly.
Then why is it that the residential address on the patent application
is one in California?
Can you teleport as well now?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 20, 2008, 01:13:42 PM
Quote from: M@rcel on March 20, 2008, 08:57:26 AM
Just to stir things up a little  ;)



In your reply to the written opinion ( http://www.wipo.int/ipdl/IPDL-IMAGES/PATENTSCOPE/74/32/bd/0032bd.pdf ), you mention some video's. Are they available for us?

Dear M@rcel,

I am focusing on the discussion of Slides 10-12 at present.  All other questions will be deferred. 

Please comment on Slides 10-12.  Can you follow them?  Do you agree that they are correct in both mathematics and physics?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 20, 2008, 01:23:43 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on March 20, 2008, 10:35:49 AM
Are you really saying that any pendulum always shows a 150% efficiency?
Then why don't all pendulums fly apart from all the excess energy they
produce but cannot release? ?.

Dear Koen1,

The Lee-Tseung theory uses the example of applying Lee-Tseung Pulls or Pulses on a simple pendulum to Lead Out gravitational energy.  Energy is Lead Out during the application of such Lee-Tseung Pulls.

Please try to follow the mathematics and physics discussions in Slides 10-12.  I deal with comments on these slides only.  All other comments will be deferred.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 20, 2008, 01:41:42 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on March 19, 2008, 08:23:23 PM
Maybe what would be helpful is to use actual numbers, instead of units.  So, if you want to convince us "laymen", please show an analysis that has the following:

1.  Mass of bob, in kilograms.
2.  Length of string, in meters or centimeters
3.  Horizontal force applied, in Newtons
4.  Distance the bob moves vertically and horizontally, in meters or centimeters

I think with the above, even we, the untrained, can figure out how much work is done and indeed whether two parts input results in three parts output.

Dear shruggedatlas,

In Mathematics and Physics, the best way to understand is to do some mathematics examples.  Please try to work out the answer for the following situation.

1.   Mass of bob is 80 kg
2.   Length of string is 0.5 meters
3.   Horizontal force is 1/8 of the force due to weight

Please work out
1.   The displaced angle a
2.   The horizontal displacement dX
3.   The vertical displacement dH
4.   The horizontal work done (horizontal energy)
5.   The vertical work done (vertical energy)
6.   The Input energy
7.   The total Output energy
8.   The COP during this process (Total Output Energy / Input Energy)

Any forum member can do the same calculation.  Mathematics cannot lie.  You should all get the same answer.  Let us have fun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 20, 2008, 01:58:20 PM
I have the answer to number 7 already...I did it in my head.  It is 0.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 20, 2008, 02:15:18 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 20, 2008, 01:23:43 PM
The Lee-Tseung theory uses the example of applying Lee-Tseung Pulls or Pulses on a simple pendulum to Lead Out gravitational energy.  Energy is Lead Out during the application of such Lee-Tseung Pulls.
Damn you, that is not an answer!
I ask "what mechanism is there to extract this alleged OU energy"
and you say "it's the Lee-Tseung pull."

okay, let me repeat my question then:
What is this mechanism that extracts the energy, this mechanism that you also call the "Lee-Tseung Pull"?

QuoteAll other comments will be deferred.
you mean "ignored", don't you?

okay, well, my reply then:

Please answer only the questions asked. I will not be impressed with you constantly repeating meaningless expressions.
I will not be impressed with your self-centered behaviour. Any such posts will be "deferred".
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Tribune on March 20, 2008, 02:59:53 PM

Only today did i learn about Over Unity and this Thread is intrique'ing and far to complex for my limited attention span. but.

I for some reason feel the need to air my observations/speculation/Random thoughts. Feel free to ignore the rest now.

I always found it curious how a magnet could defy gravity supporting its own mass against gravity indefinately?.

After reading today about newman and the motors/generators. it all seems very intearesting; So as im just a simple/logical person id like to check a few things with the more knowledgable in here if your not bored already.

So not knowing much about electrostatic/Gravitational forces; They behave like a fluid yes?

its like a rain that permeates everything dragging it down. and these tests are here to show how this force can be re-directed and its energy used to move something or produce energy.

like spinning an unberella in the rain; as the water is expeled it moves out horizontally until it hits something passing its force to the object?..(i guess that is how Gyroscope works).

Using that Gyroscope method of re-directing (Gravity?). can those forces be applied to the concept of the pendulum to increase the energy hitting it?.

ok; so im distracted. but if gravity?. behaves like a fluid then the generators that seem to use this force from spinning could be like'end to a propellar expelling air to give a desired result.

That opens all sorts of questions as how EM shielding could be applied to the propellar to direct the flow away from the horizontal; into a nice loop. feeding itself giving rise to more Torque for a heavyer load.

I know i prolly missed out so many steps above. i just focus on specific items. assuming ppl fill in the blanks.

Sorry for the disjointed/random questions; thats it for today. il think about it more. Beer is bad (Especiallay for spelling) :P

Having thought about it more. as there is less gravity in space. Gravity must be a result of a spinning mass attracting something. and the Gyroscope spinning faster re-directing the force?.

So logically the fluid properties are not entirely true... Imagine a stick on that still lake. and you spin an object in the water. the stick is drawn into the object spinning. that object has its own force that will be appled to the spinning object. but the stick is not a fluid(it just behaves like the fluid around it). is that like Gravity?

And as the objects dragged in could be any/many items combined together. wow. so many questions..

Another Edit :..

So if a spinning mass all charged up like the earth is. attracts these cosmic? things.. wow so mad questions now. that would be like northern lights n sht. and could we direct these items if we placed a spinning object outside the Earth.

If we put a Satelite pwered by this technology in orbit. would the attraction of the cosmic stuff decay its orbit before the energy was extracted. like the rain hitting the unbrella exerts a force.

if we used this energy on mass on earth. would the suction mess with the order of things.. sht its like a Black Hole. lol;

Does that Explain the Black hole. is it a natural/mess Overunity machine eating all this cosmic stuff. and the worlds are the Stick on the lake.. Chukkle;

if everything has an equal and opposite. then does a black hole feed a sun on the other side..

Yes to many questions and not enough input.

Would a overunity device be-less efficient on the moon as it attracts less of this sht; as it hass less mass than the earth.. So mad :).

ok im stop drinking now and chill. i hope some of you more focused brains can enlighten me more.

Be Gentle with me. lol; i really do want to understand more.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 20, 2008, 06:48:27 PM
Quote from: Tribune on March 20, 2008, 02:59:53 PM

Only today did i learn about Over Unity and this Thread is intrique'ing and far to complex for my limited attention span. but.

I for some reason feel the need to air my observations/speculation/Random thoughts. Feel free to ignore the rest now.

I always found it curious how a magnet could defy gravity supporting its own mass against gravity indefinitely?.

After reading today about Newman and the motors/generators. it all seems very interesting; So as im just a simple/logical person id like to check a few things with the more knowledgeable in here if your not bored already.
Be Gentle with me. lol; i really do want to understand more.


Dear Tribune,

I know that there is much reading.  The minimum you need to read is from reply 1822 in this thread.  That is the start of the discussion focusing on only 3 slides.

Ignore the irrelevant posts.  There is much noise but that is the drawback of an open forum.  Proper understanding of those 3 slides will help you under the physics behind extracting or leading out energy from gravity or electron motion.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 20, 2008, 07:00:23 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on March 20, 2008, 02:15:18 PM

What is this mechanism that extracts the energy, this mechanism that you also call the "Lee-Tseung Pull"?

Dear Koen1,

You might not have read the Extract from our PCT patent as referred to by M@rcel in reply 1905.  The link is http://www.wipo.int/pctdb/en/wo.jsp?wo=2006077451

The extract is reproduced here:

The invention extracts energy from gravity based on the corrected theory of the pendulum. When the pendulum is pushed, it will 'lead out' gravitational energy at the same time. If a source of pulse force (F) is applied to the pendulum at resonance, it will keep 'lead out' gravitational energy. This gravitational energy can be extracted by techniques such as allowing the metallic wired pendulum to cut across the lines of magnetic force to generate electricity. The swinging motion of the pendulum will be slowed down because the mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy. However, such slowing down is speeded up via pulse force (F). The swinging motion can be changed into a constant rotational motion for a more efficient operation.

Hope the statement that ?metallic wire cutting across the lines of magnetic force to generate electricity? is clear.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 20, 2008, 07:39:08 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 20, 2008, 07:00:23 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on March 20, 2008, 02:15:18 PM

What is this mechanism that extracts the energy, this mechanism that you also call the "Lee-Tseung Pull"?

Dear Koen1,

You might not have read the Extract from our PCT patent as referred to by M@rcel in reply 1905.  The link is http://www.wipo.int/pctdb/en/wo.jsp?wo=2006077451

The extract is reproduced here:

The invention extracts energy from gravity based on the corrected theory of the pendulum. When the pendulum is pushed, it will 'lead out' gravitational energy at the same time. If a source of pulse force (F) is applied to the pendulum at resonance, it will keep 'lead out' gravitational energy. This gravitational energy can be extracted by techniques such as allowing the metallic wired pendulum to cut across the lines of magnetic force to generate electricity. The swinging motion of the pendulum will be slowed down because the mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy. However, such slowing down is speeded up via pulse force (F). The swinging motion can be changed into a constant rotational motion for a more efficient operation.

Hope the statement that ?metallic wire cutting across the lines of magnetic force to generate electricity? is clear.

Hold your horses Mr. Tseung. That PCT reference you cited above for your patent is actually a patent application. is it not? A patent application is just an application. It's not been granted or examined yet. As a matetr of fact, if your readers read page 4 of what the examiner has to say in the initial review, it is what the members here are saying about your 'unfounded' physics.


Or if the link is not reachable, just look at the reference Lawrence quoted, click the Documents Tab and read all the transcripts for yourself.

Now, are we better educated about your 'patent'?


ps: do remember to take your medicine tonight
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 20, 2008, 09:09:30 PM
Quote from: chrisC on March 20, 2008, 07:39:08 PM

Hold your horses Mr. Tseung. That PCT reference you cited above for your patent is actually a patent application. is it not? A patent application is just an application. It's not been granted or examined yet. As a matetr of fact, if your readers read page 4 of what the examiner has to say in the initial review, it is what the members here are saying about your 'unfounded' physics.


Or if the link is not reachable, just look at the reference Lawrence quoted, click the Documents Tab and read all the transcripts for yourself.

Now, are we better educated about your 'patent'?


Dear chrisC,

This is one of your few constructive posts.  It raised the whole issue of patents, patent applications, International patents, patent examinations, patent protection, patent fee and Individual Country Patents.

I shall defer such discussions until we have settled on Slides 10-12.  No distraction for now.

Will you ever comment intelligently on Slides 10-12?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 20, 2008, 09:26:13 PM
No Tseung, it didn't "raise the issue of patents" and you really can't distract us from
what Chris pointed out.

Let me quote for you what the patent authority said about your patent application:
QuoteClaims 1-6 that claiming of extracting of work from gravitation in addition to energy used to overcome
the gravitational forces are in violation with the energy conservation laws and as such they don't have an
industrial applicablilty.

Applicant based his invention on scientific principle or theory developed by him that is not recognised by currently
accepted scientific theories. Applicant is vague with respect to where the "energy pulse" comes from, and he also
anticipates the potential or gravity energy accumulated by the "energy pulse" to be larger than the initial "energy
pulse" initially supplied to the system. The assumption of such surplus energy from gravity is in violation of
energy conservation principle that disallows the perpetual motion machine of the first type i.e. the machine that is
capable to create more useful energy than it takes to generate it.

In other words, you were just as incapable of convincing the patent authority as you were of convincing us.  :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 20, 2008, 09:43:18 PM

I'm shocked.  (Not really)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 20, 2008, 09:50:21 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 20, 2008, 09:09:30 PM

Dear chrisC,

This is one of your few constructive posts.  It raised the whole issue of patents, patent applications, International patents, patent examinations, patent protection, patent fee and Individual Country Patents.

I shall defer such discussions until we have settled on Slides 10-12.  No distraction for now.

Will you ever comment intelligently on Slides 10-12?

No, Lawrence. I'm not here to play your 'circular' arguments game. In software terms, it is called a 'Loop'.
You're so full of yourself and still don't know you're looping!

Now, the rest of the forum members know we're not being 'mean' to you! You know the patent office (whatever country you care to file) will simply throw your stuff down the toilet. End of discussion.

Does any of this mean anything to you? Maybe you really should find some time to play with your grandchildren instead of wasting your time and trying to convince the world of your mumbo-jumbo physics.

There is still time to register at the local community college you know...

I'm really out of this thread. Best wishes to you and I do mean it.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 20, 2008, 09:50:24 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on March 20, 2008, 09:26:13 PM
No Tseung, it didn't "raise the issue of patents" and you really can't distract us from
what Chris pointed out.

Let me quote for you what the patent authority said about your patent application:
QuoteClaims 1-6 that claiming of extracting of work from gravitation in addition to energy used to overcome
the gravitational forces are in violation with the energy conservation laws and as such they don't have an
industrial applicablilty.

Applicant based his invention on scientific principle or theory developed by him that is not recognised by currently
accepted scientific theories. Applicant is vague with respect to where the "energy pulse" comes from, and he also
anticipates the potential or gravity energy accumulated by the "energy pulse" to be larger than the initial "energy
pulse" initially supplied to the system. The assumption of such surplus energy from gravity is in violation of
energy conservation principle that disallows the perpetual motion machine of the first type i.e. the machine that is
capable to create more useful energy than it takes to generate it.

In other words, you were just as incapable of convincing the patent authority as you were of convincing us.  :)

Why don't you read our response?


If you want the World to get the full picture, show the whole thing.  I shall defer discussion on patents until Slides 10-12 issues are settled.  Otherwise, we shall go back to the same slides a few hundred posts later.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 20, 2008, 10:04:19 PM

*conducts search of Lawrence's bait box for barbed hooks*

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on March 21, 2008, 12:58:31 AM
Quote from: chrisC on March 20, 2008, 09:50:21 PM

I'm really out of this thread. Best wishes to you and I do mean it.


@chrisC, the same words have been said before.  You have lied and will lie again.

@Tseung, you now know that your noble and idealistic goal of benefiting the World is Impossible.  There are too many with vested interests including President Bush who invaded Iraq.  He is still claiming the death of over 4,000 US soldiers and many thousand Iraqi civilians are justified.  He cannot possibly accept that you already have the solution to the Energy Crisis.  He will be seen as a total fool.

His paid or unpaid supporters will continue to try to destroy you.  You are against the most powerful person on Earth. 

Good Luck with your explanation of Slide 10-12.  They are correct but the noise will drown them.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on March 21, 2008, 02:45:49 AM
I have been reading the last few posts related to slides 10 ? 12. I learned these slides the first day I met Mr. Tseung. He insisted that I had to understand them thoroughly. He made me do the mathematics.

Those slides and the calculations really help my understanding. Some of my friends could not pass the mathematics test and they dropped out from helping Mr. Tseung.

I was at the Shenzhen Seminar. There were over seventy people. There were many professors. It really opened my eyes! It was quite an experience for me. They all seem to follow the material easily. After the formal seminar, fifteen people stayed behind for a three-hour lunch meeting. I was one of them.  :P :P :P
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on March 21, 2008, 03:19:39 AM
There are some photos I took from the seminar.

The first one is Professor Hsu (許立æâ€"¹æ•â,,¢Ã¦Å½Ë†).
The second one is Mr. Lee Cheung Kin. (李長建)
The third one is Mr. Tseung.
Two companies are being formed. One in Shenzhen. One in Hong Kong. The website and discussion forum in Hong Kong will be in English. You are welcome to post there.
;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 21, 2008, 05:52:02 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 20, 2008, 09:50:24 PM
Why don't you read our response?


If you want the World to get the full picture, show the whole thing. 

Tseung, it really does not matter what letters you sent the patent authority after they had already
decided your patent application is useless.
Besides, do you really think a simple letter from a person who is claiming an effect that
is not acknowledgd by the patent authority, in which is pointed out that the patent authority
is wrong and that the send will now explain the truth in laymens terms to the patent authority,
accompanied with some old patents that were given back when such rigoirous testing
was not yet standard practise, will in any way convince the patent authority?

Compare it to the teacher who has to grade your paper; teacher says well Tseung this is
a nice piece of writing, but what you're saying here goes against everything I know
and I will have to give you an F. Then Tsung tells the teacher "no, I am right, and
you are wrong, and I'll explain it to you in laymens terms". You really expect the
teacher to give you a higher grade?

If you really think your letter will have any effect you are more nutso than I thought.

I shall defer discussion on Slides 10-12 until patents issues are settled.  Otherwise, we shall go back to the same patents a few hundred posts later.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: M@rcel on March 21, 2008, 07:14:17 AM
Discuss the slides, show the errors. Do not refer to older pages in this topic.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 21, 2008, 08:35:39 AM
Quote from: M@rcel on March 21, 2008, 07:14:17 AM
Discuss the slides, show the errors. Do not refer to older pages in this topic.


I think this is the correct approach.  Focus on the Slides.  When one wants to benefit the World, there will be obstacles to overcome.

In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with Slides 10-12.  Some people who might not have studied the Slides might just say: ?The energy going into the pendulum must be totally from the horizontal pull.  There is no other energy involved.?  However, top physicists who have paid attention to Slides 10-12 will conclude otherwise.

They will lose sleep thinking about these Slides.  The moment they see a working OU device, they will be totally convinced.  Meanwhile, let them lose some sleep.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 21, 2008, 09:42:57 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on March 21, 2008, 08:35:39 AM
Quote from: M@rcel on March 21, 2008, 07:14:17 AM
Discuss the slides, show the errors. Do not refer to older pages in this topic.


I think this is the correct approach.  Focus on the Slides.  When one wants to benefit the World, there will be obstacles to overcome.

In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with Slides 10-12.  Some people who might not have studied the Slides might just say: ?The energy going into the pendulum must be totally from the horizontal pull.  There is no other energy involved.?  However, top physicists who have paid attention to Slides 10-12 will conclude otherwise.

They will lose sleep thinking about these Slides.  The moment they see a working OU device, they will be totally convinced.  Meanwhile, let them lose some sleep.

The horizontal energy in the first Lee-Tseung Pull is the horizontal energy in Slide 12.  This energy is definitely not equal to the vertical energy in Slide 12.

Thus the blind application of the Law of Conservation of Energy - assuming that the energy of the pendulum must be totally supplied by the Pull is incorrect.  Physics and Mathematics cannot lie.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 21, 2008, 09:58:59 AM
Another personal email

Hi Lawrence,

  You do not know me, so let me introduce myself:
  I am XXX a no-post dormant member. Still a Newbie, and I
  intend to stay a Newbie.

  But, would you so nice to send me the original formulation
  of the celebrated Lead Out Theory in an e-mail?
  It would be if you sent in in an attachment: pdf or word doc.

It would be be greatly appreciated.

Dear XXX,

Please refer to the two documents in the post by M@rcel (reply 1906)

(1)   http://www.wipo.int/pctdb/en/wo.jsp?wo=2006077451
This is our patent application document.

(2)   http://www.wipo.int/ipdl/IPDL-IMAGES/PATENTSCOPE/74/32/bd/0032bd.pdf
This is our reply to the patent examiner.  You can also click on the document tab in (1) to get this document.

Do not be intimidated by the debunkers.  Ignore their insults and jeers.  Some of them are doing their paid jobs.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: exnihiloest on March 21, 2008, 12:59:33 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 21, 2008, 09:58:59 AM
(2)   http://www.wipo.int/ipdl/IPDL-IMAGES/PATENTSCOPE/74/32/bd/0032bd.pdf

"If we give a horizontal push or pulse force to a stationary pendulum at the pendulum.
weight, this pulse force can be treated as the initial force that supplies the initial
energy. This horizontal pulse force immediately increases the tension of the string."

It's right.

"This increased tension will do work against gravity to lift the pendulum up. In other
words, the pulse force immediately causes the tension of the string to do work against

It's wrong. The tension of the string does no work because there is no motion along the string.
F.dl=0 as dl=0 in the direction of the force vector (tension) of the string.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Tribune on March 21, 2008, 02:33:01 PM

So to look at from an alternate perspective logically it could be said that you have not gained anything but infact manipulated gravity to save you something; Gaining a better than expected result given the current rules for the input.

Does that not seem similar to the Gyroscope. given the mass of the object; the force required to keep it upright normally would be greater than the force required (to spin it) for the duration that it remains upright.

Still the fun bit is how to use the re-directed gravity for something practical. And what percentage of this "Gravity" is re-directed by various experiments.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 21, 2008, 03:38:22 PM
Quote from: exnihiloest on March 21, 2008, 12:59:33 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 21, 2008, 09:58:59 AM
(2)   http://www.wipo.int/ipdl/IPDL-IMAGES/PATENTSCOPE/74/32/bd/0032bd.pdf

"If we give a horizontal push or pulse force to a stationary pendulum at the pendulum.
weight, this pulse force can be treated as the initial force that supplies the initial
energy. This horizontal pulse force immediately increases the tension of the string."

It's right.

"This increased tension will do work against gravity to lift the pendulum up. In other
words, the pulse force immediately causes the tension of the string to do work against

It's wrong. The tension of the string does no work because there is no motion along the string.
F.dl=0 as dl=0 in the direction of the force vector (tension) of the string.

Dear exnihiloest,

We finally have some good physics discussions. 

You correctly stated that there is no motion along the string or that the string itself does not stretch. However, there is movement of the string from its original to its new position.

The Tension of the string itself can be resolved in the vertical and the horizontal direction. The vertical component is T1cos(a) which is equal and opposite to the weight Mg.

The horizontal component is T1sin(a) which is equal and opposite to the horizontal force F.

The displacement of the string or bob can also be resolved into the vertical and the horizontal directions.  The vertical component is dH and in the same direction of the vertical force component of the string.  Thus vertical work must be done.  The value is T1cos(a) x L(1-cos(a)) or T1 x L x cos(a) x (1-cos(a).  If we substitute the actual values where M = 60 kg; g = 9.8 m/s/s; F=1/6 Mg; angle a = 9.46 degrees; L = 1 meter; we get the value (as in the post by Top Gun, reply1906), 0.8133 Joules.

The horizontal component of the displacement is dX and is in the opposite direction of the horizontal component of the force (tension) of the string.  In Physics, that is regarded as negative work done.  Negative work done can be viewed as energy stored in the system.  That negative work is 1.610728 Joules.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 21, 2008, 04:03:31 PM

As much as I do not wish to make this report...it appears the head of Mr.Tsung has been photo shopped on to the body of another speaker at the conference.

If you look closely at the photo you will notice that whoever did the job inadvertently left the head that was once where Lawrence's is now situated in the frame in amongst the flower arrangement over to the left of Lawrence's head.

*Always clean up once you complete your task, and a similar faux pas will not occur to you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 21, 2008, 04:10:01 PM
I would like to add the following points:

(1)   A horizontal force cannot do vertical work unless some machine type arrangement is used to convert its direction (e.g. pulley)

(2)   In the case of the simple pendulum pulled to one side, we see no machine type arrangements.

(3)   However, we see the tension in the string doing work.  Thus we must examine this work done by this tension.  We all know that the tension of the string is partly due to gravity and partly due to the horizontal pull. 

(4)   Gravity must play a part in the pulled pendulum system.

(5)   This is the brilliance of the Lee-Tseung theory.  After the first Lee-Tseung Pull, we just let the pendulum go.  The pendulum will swing to the opposite side and back.  During the swing, no additional energy goes into the pendulum system.  When the pendulum swings back to the let-go position, we can apply another Lee-Tseung Pull.  That Pull will again Lead Out gravitational energy.

(6)   The freely swinging pendulum is NOT an OU device.  The Lee-Tseung Pulled pendulum is an OU device during the application of the Lee-Tseung Pull.  Gravitational energy is Lead Out during the Pull.  This is the ?corrected theory of the pendulum? as stated in the ABSTRACT of the PCT patent application.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 21, 2008, 04:32:58 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on March 21, 2008, 04:03:31 PM

As much as I do not wish to make this report...it appears the head of Mr.Tsung has been photo shopped on to the body of another speaker at the conference.

If you look closely at the photo you will notice that whoever did the job inadvertently left the head that was once where Lawrence's is now situated in the frame in amongst the flower arrangement over to the left of Lawrence's head.

*Always clean up once you complete your task, and a similar faux pas will not occur to you.


Good observation Cap-Z-ro! Now, do you work for the CIA and are you also paid?

Here's a enlarged photo of Tseung. Yes, you can see, the edges are not the same as what a real photo would have been. Particularly, notice the areas above the mic.

Now, is Tseung real? Are those 'energy' conferences real? Is the patent material just a piece of junk?
Is Forever a real girl? Now, I am being labeled a liar for coming back in order to expose the real Tseung!

Maybe, it's all looping in our heads.


ps: I tried enlarging the image but the Forum only allowed 50kb image size. You will need to look at the picture using Fax/Viewer or any Photo software and you will see what Cap-Z-ro meant!

So, what is the real story Mr. Tseung? Are you trying to be someone you're not?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: SeanTheLight on March 21, 2008, 04:47:29 PM
I have responses from 2 university students. 1 is skeptical but says it "looks right". The other says that there is an error in the usage of both horizontal and vertical displacement in the calculation.

I say....Distance travelled should be calculated as a circle, since the string is acting as a rigid body when T >= mG. That does not mean the theory is incorrect, in my opinion, just that the explanation is questionable. If you imagine a pendulum as an upside down lever, the fulcrum is the opposition to force (Mechanical force > mG). The ability of the string to lift the bob, by a force acting at 90 degrees to direction of travel (vertical), is caused by increasing T to > mG. Reaction of string is to pull with force = to (T - mG). This causes vertical displacement since the strings force vector is vertical.

If the pendulum was hanging motionless, and T was suddenly caused to exceed mG, the bob would "bounce" vertically as the system reaches equilibrium again. Pulling horizontally on a pendulum still causes T to exceed mG since the length of string does not change, but the horizontal force causes the bob to travel beyond the length of string. Instead of physically moving past where it is possible to, it loads some of that force into string, causing T to increase. T attempts to reach equilibrium by applying equal force to the mounting point (immovable) and the bob (movable) so net result of that balance, is lifting the bob.

Can you show the same calculations using vector arithmetic and still show a net gain in energy when measuring the bob at balance, during a horizontal force?

The idea that the string holds no energy and does no work is laughable. Stopping the bob from dropping is requiring a constant (mG) amount of force to be applied, resisting the force pulling the bob down further. An equal amount of force is also being applied on the mounting point side of string, stopping the string from being pulled down by the bob. Since we hold 2 things together via mechanical force and say that no work is being done, we are doomed to view things that way.

The string lifting the bob is work. yes? Horizontal force was used to load the system up with energy, but the result of that force on its own accord, would only have moved the bob horizontally. The energy transfer systems at play within the pendulum allowed some horizontal force to be converted into vertical force.

And to answer an obvious question, if a pendulum is 150% efficient, why do they stop swinging. The answer is when pendulum reaches balance at top of its swing, the moment where it hangs allows T to be < mG, since force in a string only acts 1 direction (there is T but no compression) the excess is lost to oscillation/slack in the string.

Remember, I'm a layman, and I am still learning trigonometry. If i am wrong, be gentle.  ;)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 21, 2008, 06:24:45 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on March 21, 2008, 04:03:31 PM

As much as I do not wish to make this report...it appears the head of Mr.Tsung has been photo shopped on to the body of another speaker at the conference.

If you look closely at the photo you will notice that whoever did the job inadvertently left the head that was once where Lawrence's is now situated in the frame in amongst the flower arrangement over to the left of Lawrence's head.

*Always clean up once you complete your task, and a similar faux pas will not occur to you.


That head belongs to Mr. T.S. Cheung張天松.  He was acting as the translator from Cantonese to Putonhua. (The local Chinese dialect spoken commonly in Hong Kong to the Official Chinese Language.)

To show that he is real, shown belong is a group photo taken at the dry run.  The place is the conference room with the Beijing Aeronautical University banner in Shenzhen.  The five persons are張天松., Tseung, Lee Cheung Kin, Prof. Hsu許立æâ€"¹æ•â,,¢Ã¦Å½Ë† and Mr. Lui劉å¿â€"軍.  Mr. Lui is the chief coordinator for the New Company in Shenzhen.  You will see and hear much more about him shortly.  He is arranging a number of road shows throughout China to discuss the New Energy amongst academics. His Company will also set up the website in Chinese for the New Company.

張天松, 許立æâ€"¹ and 劉å¿â€"軍 are all graduates of the Beijing Aeronautical University,  They all mastered the Lee-Tseung theory thoroughly.  There are already 6 trained experts whom I feel confident that can use our slides to present to any audience.  The other three are Ms. Forever Yuen, Lee Cheung Kin and myself.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 21, 2008, 06:39:40 PM
Quote from: SeanTheLight on March 21, 2008, 04:47:29 PM
I have responses from 2 university students. 1 is skeptical but says it "looks right". The other says that there is an error in the usage of both horizontal and vertical displacement in the calculation.

Dear SeanTheLight,

Thank you for your efforts.  I am interested in more detailed comments from your two university student friends.  The reaction of the first one is to be expected.  He needed time to digest the information more.  The implications of the Slides are too important.

The Second Student might have looked at the movement of the string instead of the bob.  However, before I further comment, I would like to respectfully seek his written comments.

Thank you in advance for your more efforts again.  I can see that you are using layman language to explain Physics.  It will greatly help your understanding if you show your written material to your university student friends and buy them a beer.  They might be more than happy to make things clearer to you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on March 21, 2008, 06:57:18 PM
Quote from: SeanTheLight on March 21, 2008, 04:47:29 PM
The idea that the string holds no energy and does no work is laughable. Stopping the bob from dropping is requiring a constant (mG) amount of force to be applied, resisting the force pulling the bob down further. An equal amount of force is also being applied on the mounting point side of string, stopping the string from being pulled down by the bob. Since we hold 2 things together via mechanical force and say that no work is being done, we are doomed to view things that way.

The string lifting the bob is work. yes? Horizontal force was used to load the system up with energy, but the result of that force on its own accord, would only have moved the bob horizontally. The energy transfer systems at play within the pendulum allowed some horizontal force to be converted into vertical force.

I think you need to study up some more, buster.  You start out correct, and then swiftly fall over the cliff of wrong wrong wrong. 

The string does no work at all.  Work equals force times distance.  Now, you may think, hey, the pendulum bob is moving, that is distance, right?  Wrong.  The string can only do work in one direction, by pulling.  Since the ball never gets any closer to the center, the string never does any work.

Confusing?  Consider a pencil with a rubber band stretched around it, longways.  There is force on both ends of the pencil, perhaps alot of force, depending on the tautness of the rubber band.  You put this pencil and band down and leave it there for a week.  You come back, and wouldn't you know it, the band is still around the pencil!  How much work has the pencil done that week?  Yes, my friend, it is zero.  Even though it withstood a force for a week, it has done no actual work.  If you take the pencil and shake it around and throw it up and twirl it and catch it, it has still done zero work.  Your arm has done work, but the pencil has done no work.  If the pencil could somehow stretch its length on its own, and thereby work against the band, now it has done work, but not until then.

Similarly, replace the pendulum string in your mind with a rod.  I withstands forces from both directions, but never does any work.  It rotates about when the pendulum bob is pushed, and if we assign it a mass, the bob actually does work on it!

By the way, Tseung's entire principle is based on this faulty premise that the string somehow does work, so I hope it is clear now how goofy that principle is.

And by the way, your comment about why a purportedly 150% overunity pendulum should stop makes no sense either.  When the bob hits the maximum point, it does not somehow magically "lose" all this excess energy.  If it had any surplus kinetic energy, this would have resulted in the bob rising higher on each swing.  There is nowhere for this surplus energy to go except to be converted into potential gravitational energy.

I hope that was gentle enough for you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 21, 2008, 07:13:15 PM

I think cap-Z-ro is correct.  That group shot you have that includes the translator shows men of normal height.  The podium shot of the head would have to belong to someone about 1.5 feet shorter than the man at the podium.  I saw no such height difference in the group shot.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on March 21, 2008, 08:12:53 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on March 21, 2008, 07:13:15 PM

I think cap-Z-ro is correct.  That group shot you have that includes the translator shows men of normal height.  The podium shot of the head would have to belong to someone about 1.5 feet shorter than the man at the podium.  I saw no such height difference in the group shot.


Nah, photo is legit.  It is just the angle of the shot that makes the gentleman on the left look shorter.  Please, this is how the moon landing conspiracies get started.  :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 21, 2008, 08:13:21 PM

Once again, to my chagrin,  I have clearly demonstrated that comedy is a dangerous business. *sighs*

Regards... :)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 21, 2008, 09:36:40 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on March 21, 2008, 06:57:18 PM

By the way, Tseung's entire principle is based on this faulty premise that the string somehow does work, so I hope it is clear now how goofy that principle is.

Dear utilitarian,

You raised a very good point.  Many people also thought that the string could do no work if it is not stretched or shortened.  If the pendulum bob is just hanging, the string will do no work (correct).  If the pendulum bob is pulled to a new position and if the string is not stretched or shortened, the string will do no work (incorrect).  Work is done during the moving.

For a vigorously trained Physicist, a force can be resolved into two components.  The most common is resolving it into the horizontal and vertical component.  We can then examine each component and see if it does any work.

The string is at an angle.  So the tension (a force) can be resolved into the vertical and the horizontal components. 

Focus on the bob, there is both vertical and horizontal displacement when it is pulled by the First Lee-Tseung pull.  This means that it has both vertical and horizontal displacement (from the starting vertical position).

In Physics and in Vector Mathematics, we can treat the vertical and horizontal components separately and combine them afterwards. 

Thus there is positive work done by the vertical component of the string as the vertical direction of the tension and the displacement are the same.  There is negative work by the horizontal component of the string as its direction is opposite to that of displacement.

The above description can be double checked and verified by almost all top Physics Professors and textbooks.  Please review this section of Physics and Vector Mathematics.  I welcome your further comments.  It will help all.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on March 21, 2008, 09:55:34 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 21, 2008, 09:36:40 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on March 21, 2008, 06:57:18 PM

By the way, Tseung's entire principle is based on this faulty premise that the string somehow does work, so I hope it is clear now how goofy that principle is.

Dear utilitarian,

You raised a very good point.  Many people also thought that the string could do no work if it is not stretched or shortened.  If the pendulum bob is just hanging, the string will do no work (correct).  If the pendulum bob is pulled to a new position and if the string is not stretched or shortened, the string will do no work (incorrect).  Work is done during the moving.

For a vigorously trained Physicist, a force can be resolved into two components.  The most common is resolving it into the horizontal and vertical component.  We can then examine each component and see if it does any work.

The string is at an angle.  So the tension (a force) can be resolved into the vertical and the horizontal components. 

Focus on the bob, there is both vertical and horizontal displacement when it is pulled by the First Lee-Tseung pull.  This means that it has both vertical and horizontal displacement (from the starting vertical position).

In Physics and in Vector Mathematics, we can treat the vertical and horizontal components separately and combine them afterwards. 

Thus there is positive work done by the vertical component of the string as the vertical direction of the tension and the displacement are the same.  There is negative work by the horizontal component of the string as its direction is opposite to that of displacement.

The above description can be double checked and verified by almost all top Physics Professors and textbooks.  Please review this section of Physics and Vector Mathematics.  I welcome your further comments.  It will help all.

Sorry bud.  I can tell you are really into this, and have spent years working this up, but you are completely wrong.  You are correct in everything up until you get to the part where the string does work.

Look, just picture it a different way.  Let's say there is no string.  All we have is a hollow cylinder, placed horizontally like a pipe and fixed in place so it cannot roll.  Ball rests at bottom.  You give the ball a push, and the ball rises. Does the cylinder do any work?  No.  Even though it feels increased  force from the ball, it does not move, and therefore can do no work.  Your pendulum is no different.  So long as the string does not shorten, it cannot do any work.

If indeed all the top physics professors have verified your theory, please refer us to a single one of these.  Perhaps he or she can explain it better. Top Gun does not count - he sounds too much like an alter ego.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 21, 2008, 10:18:05 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on March 21, 2008, 09:55:34 PM

Sorry bud.  I can tell you are really into this, and have spent years working this up, but you are completely wrong.  You are correct in everything up until you get to the part where the string does work.

Look, just picture it a different way.  Let's say there is no string.  All we have is a hollow cylinder, placed horizontally like a pipe and fixed in place so it cannot roll.  Ball rests at bottom.  You give the ball a push, and the ball rises. Does the cylinder do any work?  No.  Even though it feels increased  force from the ball, it does not move, and therefore can do no work.  Your pendulum is no different.  So long as the string does not shorten, it cannot do any work.

If indeed all the top physics professors have verified your theory, please refer us to a single one of these.  Perhaps he or she can explain it better. Top Gun does not count - he sounds too much like an alter ego.

You Utilitarian must not have met Tseung's double, triple, quadruple persona.... Top Gun, Devil, Forever....
We'll I hope you now know why this gentleman is so very confused! Even the patent office has the same problem.

As for you old Tseung. I have a contact you can and should reach. He's the head of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Hong Kong Poly and lives down the road from you. Do pay him a visit and hopefully he will help you sort out your mumbo jumbo Physics. He is younger, better looking but don't be intimidated, after all, you're the Master aren't you? Even the Devil worships you!

Here's the info. and his photo.
btw, he speaks your native Cantonese and great English. Now you don't have the excuse that those famous commie professors can't speak your dialect?

Please let us know what he has to say about your Physics and Math..
Hopefully, you won't need your medication or your multiple persona to support you.

Prof. Jian Lu
Chair Professor and Head
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: exnihiloest on March 22, 2008, 06:39:48 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 21, 2008, 03:38:22 PM
Quote from: exnihiloest on March 21, 2008, 12:59:33 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 21, 2008, 09:58:59 AM
(2)   http://www.wipo.int/ipdl/IPDL-IMAGES/PATENTSCOPE/74/32/bd/0032bd.pdf
It's wrong. The tension of the string does no work because there is no motion along the string.
F.dl=0 as dl=0 in the direction of the force vector (tension) of the string.
You correctly stated that there is no motion along the string or that the string itself does not stretch. However, there is movement of the string from its original to its new position.

But this movement is not relevant with regard to a hypothetical work of the tension of the string cause it is perpendicular to the string.
So the statement in the pdf is wrong. If you know basic physics you should be also in agreement with that.

The Tension of the string itself can be resolved in the vertical and the horizontal direction. The vertical component is T1cos(a) which is equal and opposite to the weight Mg.

The horizontal component is T1sin(a) which is equal and opposite to the horizontal force F.

The displacement of the string or bob can also be resolved into the vertical and the horizontal directions.  The vertical component is dH and in the same direction of the vertical force component of the string.  Thus vertical work must be done. 

Vertical work is not done by the string. The string just prevents the bob from following its inertial movement. It is the same thing as an electron flying perpendicular to a magnetic field. The magnetic field let the electron to adopt a circular motion and nevertheless no work is provided by the magnetic field.

In order to get a work a force or force component must exist in the same direction than the displacement. It's not the case here: the horizontal component from the tension force is strictly compensated by the force Fh=m.Ah due to the decelerating bob where Ah in the acceleration component in the horizontal plane. Same thing in the vertical direction.

The value is T1cos(a) x L(1-cos(a)) or T1 x L x cos(a) x (1-cos(a).  If we substitute the actual values where M = 60 kg; g = 9.8 m/s/s; F=1/6 Mg; angle a = 9.46 degrees; L = 1 meter; we get the value (as in the post by Top Gun, reply1906), 0.8133 Joules.

The horizontal component of the displacement is dX and is in the opposite direction of the horizontal component of the force (tension) of the string.  In Physics, that is regarded as negative work done.  Negative work done can be viewed as energy stored in the system.  That negative work is 1.610728 Joules.

This energy is not stored in the system. Why? It's exactly the energy spent in the same time by the bob to move in the vertical direction against the gravitation. The string acts just as a mean to convert energy. It doesn't participate itself in the energy balance.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 22, 2008, 07:58:52 AM
Quote from: chrisC on March 21, 2008, 10:18:05 PM

As for you old Tseung. I have a contact you can and should reach. He's the head of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Hong Kong Poly and lives down the road from you. Do pay him a visit and hopefully he will help you sort out your mumbo jumbo Physics. He is younger, better looking but don't be intimidated, after all, you're the Master aren't you? Even the Devil worships you!

Here's the info. and his photo.
btw, he speaks your native Cantonese and great English. Now you don't have the excuse that those famous commie professors can't speak your dialect?

Please let us know what he has to say about your Physics and Math..
Hopefully, you won't need your medication or your multiple persona to support you.

Prof. Jian Lu
Chair Professor and Head
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dear chrisC,

This is a very constructive post.  I shall contact Prof. Lu after the Easter Holidays.  You can alert him via email or phone since you know him.  You can copy me.  My email address is ltseung@hotmail.com.

I am happy to share the Lee-Tseung Theory with all - especially the qualified scientists and engineers.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 22, 2008, 08:37:57 AM
Quote from: exnihiloest on March 22, 2008, 06:39:48 AM

Vertical work is not done by the string. The string just prevents the bob from following its inertial movement. It is the same thing as an electron flying perpendicular to a magnetic field. The magnetic field let the electron to adopt a circular motion and nevertheless no work is provided by the magnetic field.

In order to get a work a force or force component must exist in the same direction than the displacement. It's not the case here: the horizontal component from the tension force is strictly compensated by the force Fh=m.Ah due to the decelerating bob where Ah in the acceleration component in the horizontal plane. Same thing in the vertical direction.

The value is T1cos(a) x L(1-cos(a)) or T1 x L x cos(a) x (1-cos(a).  If we substitute the actual values where M = 60 kg; g = 9.8 m/s/s; F=1/6 Mg; angle a = 9.46 degrees; L = 1 meter; we get the value (as in the post by Top Gun, reply1906), 0.8133 Joules.

Dear exnihiloest,

I am glad that there is actually someone discussing physics in this forum.  It does not matter if there is disagreement now.  It is important to have the various points of view laid out in the open.

In the first Lee-Tseung Pull as described in Slides 10-12, we have not considered the swinging motion of the pendulum yet.  The scenario is simplified to be:

(1)   A horizontal force is supplied externally to pull the bob.
(2)   The bob moves in the direction of the pull and also slightly upwards.  In Physics, we say that there is both horizontal displacement and vertical displacement.
(3)   There are THREE forces in the pendulum system at this point ? Tension in the string, weight of the bob and the horizontal force.
(4)   Work has been done on the bob.  Or energy has gone into the pendulum system.
(5)   It is a matter of analyzing which force is responsible for which part of the displacement and how the energy goes into the pendulum system.

I boiled the discussion into exact equations.  Mathematics cannot lie.  If every equation and statement in Slides 10-12 is 100% correct, we have to conclude that gravitational energy is Lead Out.

That implies the Milkovic Pendulum is not a hoax.  (After we discuss the magnetic pendulum and the rotations, many other inventions are no longer hoaxes.  Examples include Newman, Bedini, Adams motor etc.)  These inventions are confirmations of the Lee-Tseung Theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Tribune on March 22, 2008, 04:37:08 PM

from the last post stating some examples; like the Newman.

From what i learned on friday; as it was searching more info after i found the newman data/clips by accident that i found this site.

I think it more than a little presumtious to Quote "Newman" as an example of  "Your"   theory; as he appears to have been working on this for 20 years+ himself.

But then i have never been involved/understood alot of the need to prove yourself to others mind-set.

Desiderata (i found when i was 12yr.. oh 25+ yr Ago. google it.)

" If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater or lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans...."

So. By All means Strive to be happy; but it does not feel right to claim a theory (Patent?) on such a basic observation now. after learning of others who have been working on the application on the knowledge for decades.

Its like. I know lossless recusive data compression is possible.. some-one will prove it eventually.. and it will be proved using Psudo Random numbers as a means to normalize the input sequence first... you cant claim rights to that?

Be true to yourself.

So All that banter done.. When do we get to Learn something FUN..


I would like to learn about about the percentage of what we call gravity that is being manipulated.

What are the several parts to this gravity.

Are some parts displaced better by sound waves or EM waves.

How can we establish a consistent method of testing the results.

Including the Blatantly Obvious. test the device sea lvl, test WELL above sea lvl. test on a plane including zero G drop. test in space.

All the fun stuff to tell us based on altitude or zero G. how this affects the output of; so called Overunity device.

Most Exciting thing for me is weather these devices actually attract parts/all of gravity from a distance!! ( what distance? ). or just use what happen to be falling past them. Now that sht has major consequences and hence is the most fun.

If you imagine a vortex/whirlpool; sucking all this gravity into it... that is the stuff of legend..

So when can we even get to chat; even if its unproven. about that sort of stuff :)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 22, 2008, 04:40:15 PM
As discussed, two Companies will be formed to promote New Energy.  The Hong Kong based non-profit Company is in full swing.  Some founding members are shown in the photo taken at the Shenzhen University seminar.

From LHS, the persons are:

(1)   Dr. James W H Wong, CEO of Allied Environmental Consultants Limited.  Dr. Wong is working with The University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Government who requested him to form the New Energy Company.  One of the key functions of the New Energy Company is to examine the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.  There will be over 50 highly qualified scientists involved with this New Energy Company.  This New Energy Company will be the first dedicated ?Energy Consulting Company? in Hong Kong willing to sponsor and host seminars on ?developing inventions?.

(2)   Mr. Peter Chan is the owner of an Engineering Company (滿江紅).  Mr. Chan introduced and funded Mr. Tseung and team to visit the Beijing Aeronautical University in 2003.  He has direct contact with the Senior Officials in Beijing.  He was one of the organizers to host the Chairman Mao painting exhibition in Hong Kong in 2005.

(3)   Tseung needs no introduction.

(4)   Mr. Sun (孫福軍) heads the team of Engineers who built the platform for the many rotating devices.  Some of these devices are available for viewing on youtube.  His involvement means that the New Energy Company will build prototypes.  He has worked with Mr. Peter Chan for many years.  They are also in contact with Mr. Wang Shum Ho who invented the permanent magnet based electricity generator.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 22, 2008, 11:12:02 PM
Wow, Forever has evidently put on a little weight.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ramset on March 23, 2008, 12:35:55 AM
ITSE whats this   http://youtube.com/watch?v=gxnHJoyrQpM    posted today on another thread here   has your name on it I am very currious how it finishes the loop thanx Chet
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 23, 2008, 12:50:19 AM
Quote from: ramset on March 23, 2008, 12:35:55 AM
ITSE whats this   http://youtube.com/watch?v=gxnHJoyrQpM    posted today on another thread here   has your name on it I am very currious how it finishes the loop thanx Chet

It's precisely idiotic videos like these and confused 'physicist' like Tseung that makes this thread a comedy show.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ramset on March 23, 2008, 12:56:23 AM
CHRIS ALL THAT WORK and IT doesn't???? Chet
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 23, 2008, 03:04:24 AM
Quote from: Tribune on March 22, 2008, 04:37:08 PM

From what i learned on friday; as it was searching more info after i found the newman data/clips by accident that i found this site.

I think it more than a little presumtious to Quote "Newman" as an example of  "Your"   theory; as he appears to have been working on this for 20 years+ himself.

Dear Tribune,

If you spent the time following the Tseung Posts, you would have found that he did not do prototypes.

After he worked out the Lee-Tseung theory, he looked for working prototypes all over the World.  He found some in China and some outside China. 

Many inventions were developed before the Lee-Tseung theory.  The inventors were great because they invented without theory.  Many were rejected by the Patent Offices Worldwide as impossible perpetual motion machines.  Even Lee-Tseung were rejected by the PCT Office initially.  Tseung quoted inventions from others in his reply to the Patent Examiner.

There will be much more fun.  But master slides 10-12 first.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 23, 2008, 07:22:21 AM
It is Easter Sunday in Hong Kong.  Many non-pious people attend Church.  In the teaching, the Pastor quoted: "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than youselves.  Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."

In other words, I should stick to benefiting the World.  Forget personal fame and fortune.  Consider others as better than myself.

The last sentence is most difficult for me.  However, I shall be humble in accepting all comments on Slides 10-12.

Please feel free to voice your comments.  You will not hear any bad words from me - even if I totally disagree with your points of view.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 23, 2008, 08:24:54 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 21, 2008, 09:58:59 AM
Please refer to the two documents in the post by M@rcel (reply 1906)

(1)   http://www.wipo.int/pctdb/en/wo.jsp?wo=2006077451
This is our patent application document.

(2)   http://www.wipo.int/ipdl/IPDL-IMAGES/PATENTSCOPE/74/32/bd/0032bd.pdf
This is our reply to the patent examiner.  You can also click on the document tab in (1) to get this document.

Like I said Tseung, it really does not matter what letters you sent the patent authority after they had already
decided your patent application is useless.

The fact remains that you never got a patent because you cannot explain your claims properly nor can you
give any valid physical explanation that can be substantiated by any form of proof.
After all, if it could, you would simply have convinced the patent authority by showing your proof.
But instead they poined out your theory is a bunch of unschientific and unsubstantiated bullshit.

You can send them a thousand replies that you disagree with them, that does not add any value
to your "theory".

P.S. What are you doing in Hong Kong? Your living address is in California, USA!  ???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 23, 2008, 10:15:01 AM
I shall sum up the various suggestions or comments on Slide 10-12 so far.

(1)   Slide 10 shows only two forces.  They are the Weight Mg and the Tension of the String T.  T = Mg.  All agreed on this slide 100%.

(2)   Slide 11 shows three forces.  They are the Weight Mg, the New Tension of the String T1 and the Horizontal Force F.  In the first Lee-Tseung Pull, these three forces are at equilibrium.  The analysis can be done via the Parallelogram of Forces.  All agree on this slide 100%.

(3)   Slide 12 calculates the displacement of the bob.  There is both vertical and horizontal displacement.  There is 100% agreement on this displacement.  Slide 12 continues to calculate the work done and the energy involved.  The horizontal work done = horizontal force F x horizontal displacement dX.  The vertical work done = vertical component of T1 x vertical displacement dH. There is disagreement on the last statement.

(4)   The disagreement is that the String can do no work if it was not stretched or shortened.  Another explanation to this disagreement was that the displacement dl is always perpendicular to the tension.  The Pendulum is considered to be undergoing circular motion and no work is done.  (We can obviously discuss this further with existing members of this forum.)

(5)   One suggestion is to get some established professors who have already seen and agreed to Slides 10-12 to voice their comments.  These established professors are not currently members of this forum.

(6)   Another suggestion is to get the opinion of Prof. Lu of Polytech University in Hong Kong who might not have seen Slides 10-12.  Prof Lu is not currently a member of this forum.

Are there any relevant constructive comments or suggestions that I missed?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on March 23, 2008, 12:45:54 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 23, 2008, 10:15:01 AM
Are there any relevant constructive comments or suggestions that I missed?

To your credit, you can be very methodical, as demonstrated here.

Since you are asking, I have two comments. 

(1) You never did respond to my analogy.  The analogy is this:

Instead of a pendulum, we have a hollow pipe (or even half-pipe, like the skaters use), fixed in place so it does not roll.  Ball rests at bottom, and you give it a push, and the ball rises some distance.  In this situation, has the pipe done work?

(2)  Another analogy, and I am sure this was raised earlier, given 2000 posts, but bear with me, as I am not clear on this. 

Scenario A:  You take a pendulum, start it horizontal, let go, and let it drop and then rise on the opposite side.  What is the difference during the upswing between this and:

Scenario B:  Take a pendulum at rest (ball is at bottom) and give it a push exactly equal to what it would experience at that point had you done Scenario A.

I hope you see what I am getting at.  If there is no functional difference for the ball during the upswing, then it would be trivial to test whether or not energy is lead out.  If the ball gets to a higher point then where you dropped it from, then energy is lead out.  Otherwise, no energy is lead out.

I welcome your comments.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 23, 2008, 03:59:12 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on March 23, 2008, 12:45:54 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 23, 2008, 10:15:01 AM
Are there any relevant constructive comments or suggestions that I missed?

To your credit, you can be very methodical, as demonstrated here.

Since you are asking, I have two comments. 

(1) You never did respond to my analogy.  The analogy is this:

Instead of a pendulum, we have a hollow pipe (or even half-pipe, like the skaters use), fixed in place so it does not roll.  Ball rests at bottom, and you give it a push, and the ball rises some distance.  In this situation, has the pipe done work?

(one point or one analogy at a time)

I welcome your comments.

Dear utilitarian,

It is always difficult to consider a new scenario and try to compare it with an existing one that one has done months or years of research.  Let me focus on your analogy of the half pipe.  The mathematics of a circular path is complex.  So I am using the inclined plane as a simplification.  One can give the ball a horizontal push and hope to keep it up or move it up.  However, there is a mathematical requirement that the horizontal force F must be large enough so that Fcos(a) is greater than Mgsin(a).  Please see the attached figure.

This condition is not required in the case of the Pendulum.  Any small horizontal pull at rest position or at the point of maximum swing can make the Pendulum rise farther.

Thus the two scenarios are different.  Different mathematics and different analysis are required.  Without doing the detailed analysis of the Pulsed Incline Plane or half pipe, I would not and should not comment on the actual outcome. I believe that the curvature of the half pipe may be an important factor in the analysis.  I shall repeat that the two scenarios are different.  The same mathematics cannot be applied in these two different scenarios.  Thus, whether the pipe does work is irrelevant.  (The Pulsed Incline Plane or the half pipe might not be an OU device at all.  The pipe will not do work.)

This is good physics discussion and should be encouraged in this forum (instead of the abusive insults).  We can all have our brains ?stretched? and learn something.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on March 23, 2008, 07:27:23 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 23, 2008, 03:59:12 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on March 23, 2008, 12:45:54 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 23, 2008, 10:15:01 AM
Are there any relevant constructive comments or suggestions that I missed?

To your credit, you can be very methodical, as demonstrated here.

Since you are asking, I have two comments. 

(1) You never did respond to my analogy.  The analogy is this:

Instead of a pendulum, we have a hollow pipe (or even half-pipe, like the skaters use), fixed in place so it does not roll.  Ball rests at bottom, and you give it a push, and the ball rises some distance.  In this situation, has the pipe done work?

(one point or one analogy at a time)

I welcome your comments.

Dear utilitarian,

It is always difficult to consider a new scenario and try to compare it with an existing one that one has done months or years of research.  Let me focus on your analogy of the half pipe.  The mathematics of a circular path is complex.  So I am using the inclined plane as a simplification.  One can give the ball a horizontal push and hope to keep it up or move it up.  However, there is a mathematical requirement that the horizontal force F must be large enough so that Fcos(a) is greater than Mgsin(a).  Please see the attached figure.

This condition is not required in the case of the Pendulum.  Any small horizontal pull at rest position or at the point of maximum swing can make the Pendulum rise farther.

You did a good job showing why an inclined plane is different from a pendulum, but you have not at all shown why a perfect half-circle halfpipe is different from a pendulum.  The only assumption we would need to make is there is zero surface friction.  Just like any horizontal force at all is sufficient to move a pendulum, so is any horizontal force sufficient to move a ball in a halfpipe, assuming zero surface friction.

The pendulum and the halfpipe are identical in all respects but one.  All they do is change the direction of the force.  They do no work.  The only difference between them is that the pendulum changes the ball's direction from the top, while the halfpipe does so from the bottom of the ball.

And, I assume you will get to my second analogy later?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 23, 2008, 08:25:30 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on March 23, 2008, 07:27:23 PM

You did a good job showing why an inclined plane is different from a pendulum, but you have not at all shown why a perfect half-circle halfpipe is different from a pendulum.  The only assumption we would need to make is there is zero surface friction.  Just like any horizontal force at all is sufficient to move a pendulum, so is any horizontal force sufficient to move a ball in a halfpipe, assuming zero surface friction.

The pendulum and the halfpipe are identical in all respects but one.  All they do is change the direction of the force.  They do no work.  The only difference between them is that the pendulum changes the ball's direction from the top, while the halfpipe does so from the bottom of the ball.
And, I assume you will get to my second analogy later?

Dear utilitarian,

You pointed one important element - friction.  In the pendulum, we can assume that is almost zero.  In the case of the half pipe, we cannot have a true frictionless surface in practice.  Friction implies that energy will be "lost" as heat.

In the Lee-Tseung mathematical analysis of the pendulum, we can have a tiny Horizontal Force F to start and repeat it to add energy to the system.  If you use the spreadsheet to do the analysis, you can find out that the higher efficiency is obtained for the smaller angle (or smaller horizontal force).  That implies the best Lee-Tseung Pull mechanism should be tiny but frequent.  In the inclined plane, we need a minimum Horizontal Force F to start motion even if we assume no friction.  In the case of the half pipe, without the detailed mathematical analysis, can we say that the analogy is closer to the pendulum than to the inclined plane.  Or would it be somewhere in between?  How would the radius of the curvature affect the calculation?

Can you help to do the mathematical analysis?  It is much more complicated than the pendulum or the inclined plane.  However, if that is not done and we just assume the half pipe is identical in theoretical treatment as the simple pendulum, we cannot call ourselves true scientists.

To repeat, I am worried about the ?minimum force? element in the case of the inclined plane.  Will the same ?minimum force? element be required in the case of the half pipe?

Let us settle one issue after another.  There is no hurry.  This type of scientific analysis or reasoning needs much more thinking.

In order for gravitational energy to be Lead Out, a simple pendulum will not do.  We need a pulsed (or more exact, a Lee-Tseung Pulled) pendulum.  We had discussion on why a simple elastic collision is NOT a Lee-Tseung Pull some weeks ago.  I know how to apply a Lee-Tseung Pull to a pendulum but I have not identified the mechanism to apply a Lee-Tseung Pull to a half pipe yet.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 23, 2008, 09:06:31 PM
I cannot resist in joining the fun.

Utilitarian may be focusing on the comparison between a simple pendulum and a frictionless half pipe.

Tseung may be thinking of the Pulsed or the Lee-Tseung Pulled pendulum and how can that be implemented or compared in the frictionless half pipe.

I want like to add that a subsequent Lee-Tseung Pull after the first Displacement will Lead Out gravitational energy.  However, a subsequent Lee-Tseung Push with the same magnitude as the Lee-Tseung Pull will NOT Lead Out gravitational energy. 

If we examine the equations outlined in Slides 10-12 in detail, the Lee-Tseung Pull is used to increase tension of the string by pulling it further from the vertical.  That will make the string do more negative work (or store more energy in the pendulum system.)  If the pull becomes a push, the tension of the string will be reduced because the effect is to move the string closer to the vertical.  This will have a totally different effect.

The caution from Tseung is justified.  If we assume that the ?Pulsed or Lee-Tseung Pulled pendulum? is identical in theoretical analysis as the ?Pulsed half pipe?, we are not true scientists.  That assumption is definitely suspect according to the above analysis.  Let us do the vigorous scientific analysis before making such an assumption.  We may learn more in such an analysis.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 23, 2008, 09:48:57 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on March 23, 2008, 12:45:54 PM
(2)  Another analogy, and I am sure this was raised earlier, given 2000 posts, but bear with me, as I am not clear on this. 

Scenario A:  You take a pendulum, start it horizontal, let go, and let it drop and then rise on the opposite side.  What is the difference during the upswing between this and:

Scenario B:  Take a pendulum at rest (ball is at bottom) and give it a push exactly equal to what it would experience at that point had you done Scenario A.

I hope you see what I am getting at.  If there is no functional difference for the ball during the upswing, then it would be trivial to test whether or not energy is lead out.  If the ball gets to a higher point then where you dropped it from, then energy is lead out.  Otherwise, no energy is lead out.

I welcome your comments.

Dear utilitarian,

I hope you do not mind my answering this for you instead of Tseung.  He is still busy working out how to do a "pulsed half pipe".

In Scenario A, I assume that you did not put any tension on the String when you let go and that the bob was in the same horizontal position as the pivot.  The tension in the string will increase as the bob falls and ?pulled? towards the vertical.  In other words, the tension in the string is zero to begin with.  I would propose that the bob would not rise to the exact horizonal position.

In Scenario B, I assume that you push or kicked the bob so hard that it acquires a high velocity and reaches the same horizontal position as the pivot.  The tension of the string cannot be zero in this case.  In other words, this case has potential energy of the risen bob PLUS tension energy of the string.  This Scenario B has MORE energy than Scenario A.

I welcome your comments to my reply.  This is getting much more interesting than seeing insults.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 23, 2008, 10:26:13 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on March 23, 2008, 09:48:57 PM

In Scenario A, I assume that you did not put any tension on the String when you let go and that the bob was in the same horizontal position as the pivot.  The tension in the string will increase as the bob falls and ?pulled? towards the vertical.  In other words, the tension in the string is zero to begin with.  I would propose that the bob would not rise to the exact horizontal position.

Dear Top gun,

I just repeated the following experiment in my living room a number of times.

I raised the pendulum bob to an almost horizontal position without stretching the string but enough force to make it straight.  I then let go and see if it will swing back to exactly the same horizontal position.

The result - it does not.  It is significantly lower.

I then examined the subsequent swings.  The height risen to at the second, third, fourth time appeared to be the same.

I observed it with the naked eye and I might even have been psychologically  brainwashed.  I would like to ask you or any of the forum members with better equipment (e.g. camera with good scaled background) to repeat this experiment.  This is significant in that it proved that there might indeed be tension energy.  (I suspect so because the string I used is stretchable in practice though not by much).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on March 23, 2008, 11:40:46 PM
I think I have explained it the best I can.  Why don't you two collaborate and set up an experiment that demonstrates what you are talking about.  A simple video demonstration of a pendulum behaving in overunity fashion will answer all questions.  I am surprised that after years of research, you do not have a simple video recording of this phenomenon.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 24, 2008, 03:54:47 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on March 23, 2008, 11:40:46 PM
I think I have explained it the best I can.  Why don't you two collaborate and set up an experiment that demonstrates what you are talking about.  A simple video demonstration of a pendulum behaving in overunity fashion will answer all questions.  I am surprised that after years of research, you do not have a simple video recording of this phenomenon.

We do not need to do it.  Milkovic of Russia has done it for us.  You can search his name in this forum to get information about his device.  I believe his device have been mentioned and analyze more than once in this particular thread using the Lee-Tseung theory(2000 post by now).

Please see:

The topic:
12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system !
? on: November 30, 2006, 11:11:41 PM ?

When someone has done the hard work, give him credit.  There is no need to do it ourselves again.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 24, 2008, 07:44:51 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 23, 2008, 10:26:13 PM
I raised the pendulum bob to an almost horizontal position without stretching the string but enough force to make it straight.  I then let go and see if it will swing back to exactly the same horizontal position.

The result - it does not.  It is significantly lower.
Yes, of course. That's what we've been saying all along, but you have been claiming it does not, and even that
you can extract energy from it and still have it swing to the same height. Yes, ok, you add a "lee-tseung push"
but also a "lee-tseung pull" and the energy "lead out" is supposed to be greater than the energy put in,
so we can safely subtract the two and we are left with your claim that you can extract energy from a pendulum
while it keeps swinging, and needs no additional energy input.
You have now finally observed this to be incorrect. You see, that's what empirical testing is for. To show when your
fantasies don't match reality. 
Will you now finally admit your claims are invalid? I suspect not.

QuoteI then examined the subsequent swings.  The height risen to at the second, third, fourth time appeared to be the same.
I seriously doubt that. It is a well known fact that a pendulum is a very efficient oscillator and can swing for a really long time,
and it is very likely that your eyes are simply not sensitive enough to observe the minute difference in real height the pendulum bob
reached during those first few swings, when obviously hardly any energy had escaped due to friction etc. But the energy contained in the
fourth swing was definately less than that contained in the first, and so was its swing height. Had you used some proper measuring equipment
you could have measured this, or you could simply have let the pendulum swing for 100 times instead of only 4.
... are you seriously saying you never worked it out for more than a couple of swings?

QuoteI observed it with the naked eye and I might even have been psychologically  brainwashed.  I would like to ask you or any of the forum members with better equipment (e.g. camera with good scaled background) to repeat this experiment. 
So once again we have to prove your claims to support your theory and your patent applications, while you
who present your theory and have been claiming it to be tru for ages now,
refuse to do any proper testing and cannot relay any form of proof whatsoever?
So basically you're saying "I have a theory and I know it is true and correct, and now I'll allow you to prove my theory for I have zero proof myself."
Wow man. That's great.
Obviously everyone can see why you're shouting you will save the world from the energy crisis etc and turn it into a antigravity-UFO-
powered utopia?  ??? ::)

QuoteThis is significant in that it proved that there might indeed be tension energy.
No, it proved that you have zero proof. It may at best be significant to show if your observations are correct. The observations which
you yourself doubt for good reason, and which you should repeat with proper instrumentation and measurement over far more than four
little swings of the pendulum, so far do not prove anything at all.
Quote(I suspect so because the string I used is stretchable in practice though not by much).
Yes, that's better: you SUSPECT there MIGHT be something going on.
Don't go yelling you have proven what you have not proven.

QuoteWe do not need to do it.  Milkovic of Russia has done it for us.
No, that is incorrect.
Milkovic has been working on HIS OWN devices using his own views and theoretical interpretation.
Do not try to shift responsibility for providing evidence of YOUR claims onto Milkovic!
You must defend and prove your own claims!
You cannot come here and shout that you have your great theory and you know how to produce OU,
and then when people want you to prove it suddenly point toward someone else and say "he proved it"
and claim that dismisses you from any responsibility to prove your own claims!
... Why do you insist on hiding behind others? Prove your own claims, man!
Or finally admit that you cannot.
It is like with the patent authority that dismissed your application on the grounds of it being not scientifically sound:
you can whine all you want, but if you had any proof you would simply present it and not need to whine.
The fact that you keep whining and still cannot present any proof of your claims, and perhaps also a little
the fact that the patent authority dismissed your claims for the same reasons as people here don't swallow it,
makes me think you are full of crap.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on March 24, 2008, 11:03:28 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 24, 2008, 03:54:47 AM
We do not need to do it.  Milkovic of Russia has done it for us.  You can search his name in this forum to get information about his device.  I believe his device have been mentioned and analyze more than once in this particular thread using the Lee-Tseung theory(2000 post by now).

Please see:

The topic:
12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system !
? on: November 30, 2006, 11:11:41 PM ?

When someone has done the hard work, give him credit.  There is no need to do it ourselves again.

First of all, Milkovic is not Russian.

Second, you have a funny definition of "rigorous scientific proof".  Someone on the other side of the world makes a device which has not been proven to produce anything other than a mechanical advantage, a device that has never been shown to be self-sustaining, and you proclaim victory.  Don't you think a little more "rigorous scientific proof" is in order?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 24, 2008, 01:00:59 PM
I have a question:  Who is this "Free Energy" guy and why is he posting all over the forum with blank posts?  Or, do they just look blank to me because adblocker (firefox) takes them out?  He does not have a profile, or at least, you can't click on it.  I have seen his (or her) posts on just about every topic I read on here....what gives?  Does anyone know?

There is an example of what I am talking about in the post just prior to mine.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 24, 2008, 01:24:09 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on March 24, 2008, 01:00:59 PM
I have a question:  Who is this "Free Energy" guy and why is he posting all over the forum with blank posts?  Or, do they just look blank to me because adblocker (firefox) takes them out?  He does not have a profile, or at least, you can't click on it.  I have seen his (or her) posts on just about every topic I read on here....what gives?  Does anyone know?

There is an example of what I am talking about in the post just prior to mine.


That's one of Tseung's many persona. Oh, maybe not. It's a Google Ad.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 24, 2008, 03:17:57 PM

Please check the following before I email to Prof. Jian Lu.
Edited to reflect that chrisC does not know Prof. Lu.
To: Prof. Jian Lu, Head of Mechanical Engineering department
Phone: (852) 2766 6665  Email: mmmelu@polyu.edu.hk

Dear Prof. Jian Lu,

I got your information via a member of the overunity forum (http://www.overunity.com).  We believe that you or your colleagues may be willing to discuss and comment on overunity theories and devices.

I am in Hong Kong at present.  Mr. Lee Cheung Kin (a Russia trained missile expert) and I have a theory that explains how to extract energy from gravity and electron motion via pulses (or Lee-Tseung Pulls) in oscillating, vibrating, rotating or flux change systems.  Our PCT patent information was published in July 2006.

Attached is a presentation file (New Energy V3.ppt) that we used in the Shenzhen University Seminar on New Energy on March 15, 2008.  I shall be glad to meet with you and/or your esteemed colleagues to further explain the various technical issues.  The most important part of the theory is contained in Slides 10-12.

We hope that you or your colleagues will be willing to post your comments in the overunity.com forum so that all can learn together.  The thread is ?The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory? http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,2794.0.html.  We hope to benefit the World.  I eagerly wait for your reply.

Yours truly,
Lawrence Tseung
BSc Physics, MSc Aeronautics
Now retired and working on New Energy
Phone: 9281 9945

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 24, 2008, 03:45:28 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 24, 2008, 03:17:57 PM

Please check the following before I email to your contact, Prof. Jian Lu.

To: Prof. Jian Lu, Head of Mechanical Engineering department
Phone: (852) 2766 6665  Email: mmmelu@polyu.edu.hk

Dear Prof. Jian Lu,

I got your information via a member, chrisC, of the overunity forum (http://www.overunity.com).  Mr. chrisC mentioned that you are one of his contacts willing to discuss and comment on overunity theories and devices.

I am in Hong Kong at present.  Mr. Lee Cheung Kin (a Russia trained missile expert) and I have a theory that explains how to extract energy from gravity and electron motion via pulses (or Lee-Tseung Pulls) in oscillating, vibrating, rotating or flux change systems.  Our PCT patent information was published in July 2006.

Attached is a presentation file (New Energy V3.ppt) that we used in the Shenzhen University Seminar on New Energy on March 15, 2008.  I shall be glad to meet with you and/or your esteemed colleagues to further explain the various technical issues.  The most important part of the theory is contained in Slides 10-12.

We hope that you or your colleagues will be willing to post your comments in the overunity.com forum so that all can learn together.  The thread is ?The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory? http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,2794.0.html.  We hope to benefit the World.  I eagerly wait for your reply.

Yours truly,
Lawrence Tseung
BSc Physics, MSc Aeronautics
Now retired and working on New Energy
Phone: 9281 9945

Mr Tseung:

To set the record straight. I never said I knew the Professor personally anywhere on this Forum. A long time ago on this Forum when a bunch of people could not get you to prove your postulates, I did do some home work to see if there are any public figures that are recognized with the highest education levels who will help you either prove or disprove your so called discovery. Then I suggested you contact the heads of the Hong Kong higher learning institutions since you have always maintained the Top Guns of Tsinghua University are so gung-ho on your stuff. You don't need to impress those commies over the border, in Hong Kong there are a lot of smart and down to earth people with PhD's and speaks both Cantonese and English and can certainly help you, such as this Professor. To date we have never seen one of theses so called top gun professors from Beijing's Tsinghua University even acknowledged you have something worth them putting their titles on the line to support you?

Therefore I even walked the extra mile and gave you this contact from public records. Now, whether you can get his attention to attend to your 'discovery' is another matter. I certainly wish you the best. Judging from the past many muddled posts and explanations, I would have to speculate the Professor will probably excuse himself and maybe refer you to his students! But of course, he might think you've discovered sliced bread and the rest .....should I say, will be very interesting for all of us to finally discover the truth!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 24, 2008, 07:36:17 PM
Quote from: chrisC on March 24, 2008, 03:45:28 PM

Mr Tseung:

To set the record straight, I never said I knew the Professor personally anywhere on this Forum.

The email has been edited and sent.  We now wait for his reply.  Meanwhile, I shall get some of the academics in Hong Kong and Shenzhen who already understood the seminar material to comment on Slides 10-12.

I shall appreciate more civilized behavior from Forum Members.  I do not mind abusive insults.  But not all academics can take that.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 25, 2008, 11:20:37 PM
While we are waiting for the response from Prof. Jian Lu of Hong Kong Polytechnical University as suggested by chrisC, I have asked one of the participants in the Shenzhen University Forum to see if he is willing to talk to the forum members.

He is Mr. Peter Chan.  He happens to be a graduate of the Hong Kong Polytechnical University.  He is the owner of an Engineering Company (滿江紅) and has done a number of projects related to energy including oil factory in Inner Mongolia and the water pump invention from Taiwan etc.  He can speak fluent English, Cantonese and Putonhua.  He is helping Dr. James Wong to set up a non-profit energy institute to provide consultancy on Energy Issues in Hong Kong.  He has seen the presentation and the technical spreadsheets multiple times .

His contact information is very easy to remember.
Name = Peter Chan
email = pc61822276@yahoo.com.hk 
Phone: (852) 6182 2276. 

Direct phone calls will confirm his existence and that he is not another Tseung personality.

He was also the one who introduced Tseung to the Beijing Aeronautical University in 2003.  He worked with Mr. Sun and produced the many videos under ?simulating the Minota wheel? on youtube.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 25, 2008, 11:32:54 PM
@ Lawrence:

Is he related to Charlie?  (Just kidding)

This is good actually.  I would love to hear (read) other outside views of your theory.  I do agree that some of us might have been a little overzealous in our objections to your posts.  I think that most here agree that you are a nice, decent guy, and I believe that as well.  Your theory is so outlandish that either, it is an order of magnitude step ahead in physics understanding, or, you are misinformed.  I am still trying to keep an open mind here.  If you told me 1+1=3, I might laugh and joke about your idea.  But, if it turned out that 1+1=3, then I would be humbled by your advanced thinking and creativity.

We all take some abuse here on a public forum and I have received, and given my share.  As I said, I like you and respect your efforts...I am still not at the point where I agree with you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 26, 2008, 05:36:03 AM
Well, to me it seems very strange that Tseung first claimed to
have a theory that was definately the holy grail of OU, according to those
same claims, and that he already had a patent in China, and that
power generators based on his theory were either already being produced
or production was imminent,

and now all of a sudden it turns out he even needs Chris's assistance
to find the email addres of a proper professor in hong kong...

So he has apparently never really had any physics professor or
qualified physics graduate take a close look at his "theory"?

That is odd, as I seem to recall from a few hundred posts back,
that Tseung did claim he had backing from some professors...

Slowly but surely the truth is coming out:
- Tseung has a residential address in California USA, not Hong Kong or China
- Tseung's patent application was denied on the basis of the concept
being in conflict with the laws of physics, and on the basis of him being
unable to explain why it would work in physics terms with any degree of clarity
- Tseung has not had a proper phyiscs graduate or professor even study his
claimed "theory" and cannot even find an email address of such a professor
in the same city where he claims to live (even though according to his patent
application he does not live in Hong Kong but in California)
- Tseung has, in the past, claimed he cannot provide any proof or do any
empirical tests for invalid reasons, with arguments like "I cannot use a drill";
totally invalid of course, and still no reason to just skip the empirical testing

I wonder how much they pay at the NSA for this guy to pretend to be
a crazy chinaman and spew disinformation into the over unity society,
thus distracting people from spending their time studying real
over unity ideas and designs that do have a clear theoretic basis,
which can be explained and understood and on which empirical tests
are actually being run,
instead of this constant babble with zero empirical tests, zero proper
clear theoretical basis, and only the very insistant ranting of a chinaman
to keep it going. Ok, that ranting chinaman does show an uncanny similarity
to the Duracell bunny, he keeps going and going and going and going ;D
But much like the Duracell bunny, he does not say much that makes any
sense, and his repetitive tightly clenched moves which he keeps repeating
over and over again do tend to get quite annoying...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on March 26, 2008, 11:21:11 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on March 26, 2008, 05:36:03 AM
Well, to me it seems very strange that Tseung first claimed to
have a theory that was definately the holy grail of OU, according to those
same claims, and that he already had a patent in China, and that
power generators based on his theory were either already being produced
or production was imminent

Actually, I think the six months of the "validation period by the Chinese government" have already passed since Tseung mentioned it in this thread, so we should be seeing Wang Hum Sho's machine anytime now!  And Tseung said we would see something "in 2008 for sure", so I think when this year passes, we will know the truth.

On another note, "chinaman" is considered a little offensive these days, as this is a term used to describe the stereotypical Chinese man with a Fu Man Chu mustache, and is a hark back to the railroad-building days.  So we should probably not use that word.  Also, it is conceivable that Tseung moved back to Hong Kong since the patent application date of 2006.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: SeanTheLight on March 26, 2008, 02:05:28 PM
No object in the universe is perfectly rigid. If you had a pole of material at an insane density, and that pole was 3 light years long, modern physics tells you that when you push on that pole on your end, it immediately transfers that mechanical force to the opposite end of the pole. Rigid body physics are flawed by definition. The string is not a rigid chain of atoms, there is a time factor for any energy/force to be applied through a medium. There is indeed stretching under tension for ANY object in the universe, as the atoms on the end opposite the force, will take longer to receive that signal, through the atoms closer to force. Non-rigidity occurs at 3*10 to the 8 m/s (with a variable for density of the medium, possibly?). So if you pull a string, the end you pull on, moves towards you before that force impulse is transferred along the other atoms, at C. This all occurs way too fast for us to see with our naked eye (or most technology) but we know for a fact this is how things happen in our universe.

The string stretches on the atomic level, everyone can agree to that? The amount of stretch, the time it takes to stretch, etc, could be  calculated via atomic physics?

@Tseung - I did not drop out of this thread, I am just having a hard time getting my university friends to come on and post.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 26, 2008, 04:01:28 PM
Quote from: SeanTheLight on March 26, 2008, 02:05:28 PM

@Tseung - I did not drop out of this thread, I am just having a hard time getting my university friends to come on and post.

Dear SeanTheLight,

Take your time with your university friends.  Great Truths start out as Blasphemies. ?The Earth is round? is a typical example.  The authority at Galileo?s time thought that was blasphemy.  How many learned men came out and supported Galileo?

?Extracting Energy from Gravity? is another great truth.  Ten year from now, every one will say: ?That is obvious.  It is easy to understand.  We are using devices based on that principle.  Any scientist objecting to that must be dumb.?

Many layman and even many scientists did not believe in Einstein until the explosion of the atomic bomb.  History will repeat itself. 

Your university student friends will have to decide whether Slides 10-12 represent great Truth or Blasphemy.  Give them time.  They can post using nicknames.  We are not interested in names.  We are interested in intelligent discussions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 26, 2008, 08:11:01 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I was thinking about Slides 10-12.  What you have introduced so far in those slides are secondary school physics.  The average secondary school graduate who studied and passed the Physics Examination ought to understand the Physics Laws and Mathematics.

Why would the forum members have so much difficulty?  Why must they wait for the opinion from others?

I suggest that you go ahead with the remaining slides.
Slide 13 ? The correct Application of the Law of Conservation of Energy
Slide 14 ? Extending to Electron Motion Energy (Magnetic in this example)
Slide 15 ? Extending to Rotations

The reason for my suggestion is that understanding of these 3 more slides will explain why the Milkovic Pendulum is not very efficient.  The better theoretical machines should be the rotational systems with programmed feedback ? such as the 225 HP pulse motor.  Even that is not the best.

You are a theoretical physicist.  You can predict and discuss the theoretical best machine.   That will be a better use of your time and talent.  Do not waste energy in dealing with insults or teaching elementary physics.  (You are not a good Internet Physics Teacher.  The over 2,000 post here already proved that.  Use your best to benefit the World.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 26, 2008, 09:23:16 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on March 26, 2008, 08:11:01 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I was thinking about Slides 10-12.  What you have introduced so far in those slides are secondary school physics.  The average secondary school graduate who studied and passed the Physics Examination ought to understand the Physics Laws and Mathematics.

Why would the forum members have so much difficulty?  Why must they wait for the opinion from others?

I suggest that you go ahead with the remaining slides.
Slide 13 ? The correct Application of the Law of Conservation of Energy
Slide 14 ? Extending to Electron Motion Energy (Magnetic in this example)
Slide 15 ? Extending to Rotations

The reason for my suggestion is that understanding of these 3 more slides will explain why the Milkovic Pendulum is not very efficient.  The better theoretical machines should be the rotational systems with programmed feedback ? such as the 225 HP pulse motor.  Even that is not the best.

You are a theoretical physicist.  You can predict and discuss the theoretical best machine.   That will be a better use of your time and talent.  Do not waste energy in dealing with insults or teaching elementary physics.  (You are not a good Internet Physics Teacher.  The over 2,000 post here already proved that.  Use your best to benefit the World.)

Dear Top Gun,

Since I am not a good Internet Physics Teacher, I prefer to take things slowly.  All the slides had been discussed before.  The information is already available.

It is a matter of re-discussing the slides for the benefit of the forum members who still could not understand.

For people like yourself, there is no need for re-discussion.

Please be patient.   GIve a chance for others to catch up.  A few more days or weeks will not hurt.  Think Slides 10-12.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on March 27, 2008, 12:08:27 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 26, 2008, 09:23:16 PM
Dear Top Gun,

Since I am not a good Internet Physics Teacher, I prefer to take things slowly.  All the slides had been discussed before.  The information is already available.

It is a matter of re-discussing the slides for the benefit of the forum members who still could not understand.

For people like yourself, there is no need for re-discussion.

Please be patient.   GIve a chance for others to catch up.  A few more days or weeks will not hurt.  Think Slides 10-12.

The multiple personality thing is charming up until the point you start arguing with yourself.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 27, 2008, 01:58:06 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on March 27, 2008, 12:08:27 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 26, 2008, 09:23:16 PM
Dear Top Gun,

Since I am not a good Internet Physics Teacher, I prefer to take things slowly.  All the slides had been discussed before.  The information is already available.

It is a matter of re-discussing the slides for the benefit of the forum members who still could not understand.

For people like yourself, there is no need for re-discussion.

Please be patient.   GIve a chance for others to catch up.  A few more days or weeks will not hurt.  Think Slides 10-12.

The multiple personality thing is charming up until the point you start arguing with yourself.

That's  another reason why Tseung cannot be taken seriously. No respectable scientist or engineer pretends to be someone else to steer the conversation their way. Very disturbing to say the least!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 27, 2008, 05:31:42 PM

Apparently there are many people following this thread...and apparently a great number are not pleased with the use of Asian stereotypes and insults used in reference to Mr. Tseung.

More here...



Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 27, 2008, 06:11:01 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on March 27, 2008, 05:31:42 PM

Apparently there are many people following this thread...and apparently a great number are not pleased with the use of Asian stereotypes and insults used in reference to Mr. Tseung.

More here...



Good one Cap-Z-ro! LOL.

I too am disappointed by the use of the Asian stereotyped in reference of Tseung as I am Asian myself.
That said, Tseung disgraced himself by maintaining with 100% certainty the Lee-Tseung Theory is valid because he said so and the top guns of these commie universities and various other OU 'inventors' apparently 'supported' him.  2000 posts later, he apparently woke up and needed help in verifying his theory!

For someone with the benefits of a higher education and lived in the western hemisphere must have known the scientific world ascertains inventions quite different from the Chairman Mao era!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: SeanTheLight on March 27, 2008, 06:39:54 PM
@Tseung - I have had a hard time getting anyone to answer with authority, whether it is correct to measure the distance travelled as a combination of vectors (x and y, out of x/y/z system), or a single curved one. Can you please explain to me (and I believe it will help your case in general) why we should take the bobs traveled distance as a combination of x and y, instead of the curved path we see? Alternately, would it be possible to show the same gain in work done vs energy consumed, calculating a horizontally pulled pendulum along a curved path? If so then the arguments surrounding slide 12 can be approached from both ends, and are no longer in disagreement. If not then I suspect that the explanation of why you use one system of arithmetic over the over will be the deciding argument to convince most people.

I can clearly see that slide 12 is correct, insofar as if you calculate the path travelled as a combination of x and y, the amount of work done seems to be greater than the amount of energy input. Is this the correct way to calculate it though? The distance travelled as calculated by x + y, is greater than the distance the bob actually moves along its curved path. I am enthusiastic to understand, just hesitant to believe in something I don't see for myself
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 27, 2008, 06:41:03 PM


Just as I suspected...I thought detected a little more dynamics involved between you and Tseung than met the eye.

Both of you are not who you purport yourselves to be...my sources reveal that you both are in reality top rival sumo wrestlers.

Looks like the jig is up Yokozuna Hakuho...or is it Yokozuna Asashoryu, which ever you are ?

Apparently, Hakuho thwarted his fellow Mongolian Asashoryu, for the sumotori-sized Sakura Cup recently at Blaisdell Arena.

More here...


I don't know which of you was the winner, but congrats...and many thanks for an entertaining thread nonetheless.


I always suspected the photos of Tseung, Asashoryu, or Hakuho, were not actually him really doesn't really matter...I...alias

Asashoryu vs. Hakuho for all the marbles was billed as the ultimate possible match in the two-day Grand Sumo Tournament in Hawaii.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 28, 2008, 08:29:32 AM
Quote from: chrisC on March 27, 2008, 06:11:01 PM
I too am disappointed by the use of the Asian stereotyped in reference of Tseung as I am Asian myself.

As it appears this is about my use of the term "chinaman" in my admittedly fairly antagonistic posts to "Teung",
please allow me to apologise for any feelings of insult I may have caused to you, Chris, or anyone else besides Tseung.
I did intend the term as somewhat sarcastic of course, and indeed in an attempt to draw a parallel between Tseungs conduct and
reasoning and the caricature silly chinaman known from the B-movies. In addition, it was also partly a response to Tseungs constant
and insistant ranting about how he personally is going to lead China into the new age of prosperity and utopian UFO-powered society.
He has a clear focus on China, and it seemed to me this was a nice caricature term to use for him.
I had hoped that was clear, and that the term was intended to ridicule Tseung only, and not in any general way to ridicule or insult
ethnically Asian people. Not at all.
Clearly it was not clear enough. I hope this helps? ;)

QuoteThat said, Tseung disgraced himself by maintaining with 100% certainty the Lee-Tseung Theory is valid because he said so and the top guns of these commie universities and various other OU 'inventors' apparently 'supported' him.  2000 posts later, he apparently woke up and needed help in verifying his theory!

For someone with the benefits of a higher education and lived in the western hemisphere must have known the scientific world ascertains inventions quite different from the Chairman Mao era!

That's what you'd think, isn't it? But apparently that's not how Tseungs world works.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 28, 2008, 08:34:33 AM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on March 27, 2008, 06:41:03 PM


Just as I suspected...I thought detected a little more dynamics involved between you and Tseung than met the eye.

Both of you are not who you purport yourselves to be...my sources reveal that you both are in reality top rival sumo wrestlers.

Looks like the jig is up Yokozuna Hakuho...or is it Yokozuna Asashoryu, which ever you are ?

Apparently, Hakuho thwarted his fellow Mongolian Asashoryu, for the sumotori-sized Sakura Cup recently at Blaisdell Arena.

More here...


Lol! :D
Yeah, it's so obvious!
You can clearly see the Tseung pendulums providing him with Lead-Out overunity power!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: SeanTheLight on March 28, 2008, 12:42:59 PM
racism is cool.

I fail to see the relevance though? The louder you guys yell and stomp your feet to drown out Tseung, the more convinced I am that he may possibly be right, Interesting effect. How is it that purely negative behavior is acceptable conduct on a forum dedicated to a greater good? Why cant you guys just stfu and let others talk about what they want, without your racism and insults clouding the issues? What interests of yours are at stake here? Just a job?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 28, 2008, 07:19:09 PM

One thing has been established in my mind so far, Lawrence is highly intelligent.

And one thing I know is that everybody has their own pace and timing...sometimes you just have to wait for things to develop naturally.

Don't forget..."all things come to he who waits"...coincidentally, I believe it may have been Confucius ?

But conversely, "he who hesitates is lost"...not sure of author.

Striking a balance between the two can sometimes be rather difficult to achieve.

Maybe a method can be found of consistently adjusting the frequency of the wait and hesitate waves so that the optimum forward progress proceeds at a preferred pace...tuning things to the dominant, to borrow a phrase. :)

My posts are not meant to offend or to point the finger..only to bring people together with a little levity (not to be cornfused with levitation :)) into the thread...to diffuse some of the animosity.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 28, 2008, 07:45:48 PM
Question/Comment from a top Professor who attended the Seminar.

I was in Shenzhen for the last two days.  The main task was to do some of the follow-up work.  Another task was to find out the rental prices.  If the activities and support in Shenzen were high, I might move to Shenzhen.  A top professor who did not want his name revealed at this time said:

?In Physics, we all know that there is negative work.  This is the situation when the force acts in opposite direction to displacement.  I normally leave the explanation at this point.  You stretched it further.  You said that negative work is energy stored in the pendulum system.  Can you justify such a statement???

This is an excellent physics question.  It is extremely relevant to the understanding of Slides 10-12.  I would like to invite comments from Forum Members first before my reply.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 28, 2008, 10:13:18 PM
Quote from: SeanTheLight on March 28, 2008, 12:42:59 PM
racism is cool.
Is it?  ??? And why bring up racism in the first place?

QuoteI fail to see the relevance though? The louder you guys yell and stomp your feet to drown out Tseung,
"drown out" Tseung? Have you seen the size of this thread?
Quotethe more convinced I am that he may possibly be right,
Well obviously everyone is convinced of the existence of the possibility of him being "right", or rather having a valid point. Problem is he has not been able to produce any proof besides his own theory, and of course a theory cannot
be proven by itself, that's circular reasoning and invalid logic. We have been asking him to show some actual experimental results that prove his claims,
and to this day he has not done so...  Which seems to tip the scales a bit more toward the possibility of him being wrong...  ;)
QuoteInteresting effect. How is it that purely negative behavior is acceptable conduct on a forum dedicated to a greater good?
I thought the forum was dedicated to OU, and we were discussing Tseungs "theory" and expressing our increased amused scepticism with the
occasional flare of irritation, about the fact that Tseung makes lots of wild claims but never backs them up with empirical evidence. He has spent
so much time posting fantastic stories here and on other sites, that he could easily have built a simple proof of concept experiment and taken
some proper recorded observations. After all, he even applied for a patent? Anyway, he's talking about himself and his OU theory, we're talking about him and his OU "theory", on the OU forum... What's the problem?
QuoteWhy cant you guys just stfu and let others talk about what they want,
Heh, now that's an interesting statement. Let's bounce that, shall we: Why can't you stfu and let us talk about what we want?  :o oooh I'm being too negative now, right? ;) But really, we do let Tseung talk about his theory, all he wants. But we do keep pointing out the weak points in it.
Quotewithout your racism and insults clouding the issues?
clouding the issues? Nothing cloudy about the issues, sir. No racism going on either,
as far as I see...
QuoteWhat interests of yours are at stake here? Just a job?
??? wtf? Now that is just a weird statement... What are you implying??
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 28, 2008, 10:28:49 PM
Concept of Negative Work in Physics

I did a google search using the phrase ?Physics Negative Work? and found the following top references:

Physics tutorial: Work: Negative work
We have seen the situations when the work done is zero. Work done can also be positive or negative. When 0o <= θ < 90o, work done is positive as Cos θ is ...http://tutor4physics.com/positivenegativework.htm  (http://tutor4physics.com/positivenegativework.htm) - 12k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Mechanical work - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In physics, mechanical work is the amount of energy transferred by a force. ... does negative work on it. Work can be zero even when there is a force. ...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_work (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_work) - 42k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

These two articles would be good reviews for those who want to provide constructive feedback.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on March 29, 2008, 04:00:20 AM
I have put the video describing the experiment from Mr. T S Cheung on youtube.
The first one has the ball hitting hard surfaces at both ends. The time of rotation was 2 minutes 35 seconds. The following link shows that video.
The second one has the ball hitting hard surfaces at one end and soft surfaces at the other. The time of rotation was 4 minutes 55 seconds. The following link shows that video.

The three additional pictures show the details of the pipes, steel ball and soft padding (tissue paper).

The video showing soft padding pointed to the advantage as suggested by Mr. T S Cheung. Mr. Cheung has improved the time to fifteen minutes. He is still working on further improvements. He might build a Bessler wheel.
::) :P ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on March 29, 2008, 04:33:01 AM
I have reviewed the concept of negative work in detail. The figure on LHS is reproduced from the reference: http://tutor4physics.com/positivenegativework.htm

When the person lifts the weight W to a distance S, the positive work done by the man is equal to F*S. The weight is acting downwards. The displacement S is upwards. The weight can be considered as doing negative work. The value is equal to ?W*S. The reference explained this in detail. The negative work actually is equal to the increased potential energy of the system. 

I added the pendulum on the RHS as a comparison. If we pull the string up, the tension T in the string does positive work. The weight W does negative work. If the string is pulled a distance X up, the negative work is equal to ? W*X. This negative work is actually equal to the increased potential energy of the pendulum system.

;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on March 29, 2008, 05:13:04 AM
The figure on the LHS is the pendulum with no external force.

The figure on the RHS is the pendulum with the horizontal force F. Let us consider the work done by the three forces separately.

1.   Work done by the horizontal force F. This is positive work as both F and dX have the same direction. In other words, we supply energy equal to F*dX.

2.   Work done by the pendulum bob. This is negative work as W is in the downward direction and dH is in the upward direction. In other words, we increase the vertical potential energy by a value of W* dH.

3. Work done by the tension of the string T1. This tension T1 can be resolved into the vertical and horizontal components. The vertical component will be equal to W at equilibrium. The displacement dH is upwards or in the same direction as the vertical component of T1. The work done by the tension of the string in the vertical direction is positive and has a value equal to W*dH.
The horizontal component of the tension T1 will be equal to F at equilibrium. The displacement dX is pointing to the RHS but the horizontal component of the tension T1 is pointing to the LHS (opposite to the horizontal force F). Thus, the work done by the tension of the string in the horizontal direction is negative. In other words, a potential tension energy is stored in the pendulum system equal to F*dX.

It is very clear to me that the increase in vertical energy of the pendulum bob when we pull it with a horizontal F is not equal to the vertical energy supplied by the horizontal force (Slide 12 calculated the horizontal energy to be approximately twice that of the vertical energy).

It is also clear to me that two separate negative works has been performed. These two separate negative works represent two types of potential energy supplied to the pendulum system. One is the increase in vertical height or the increased in potential energy that we are familiar with. The other is the increased in tension energy of the string (trying to pull the bob back to the original vertical position).

I believe many forum members might not have realized the above scenario. I hope that this review section has cleared all doubts.   
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 29, 2008, 09:46:44 AM
Tseung, you forgot to replace the name of your persona Forever with your own.

And besides, for someone who claims to have to describe everything
according to correct physics terms before he is prepared to move
on to the next slide, it is remarkable that all of a sudden
apparently the claimed proof of the ball&padding idea is
presented in "rotation time".
Well, the rotation time may vary, that does not mean there is OU.
It merely means the rotation takes longer.
I can also make a ball roll down a ramp slower than it would normally,
using several means, from magnets to glue. That does not mean
I am producing OU.
Stop confusing the issue. It is not about how fast or slow your
contaption would rotate. It is about how much energy is put out
versus the energy input.
As far as I understand your proposed ball&padding idea, you are still
inputting energy to make the pipe or wheel rotate, you may just be getting
back a slighlty less immediate opposite reaction when the one ball
hits padding instead of hard surface, but you're still losing energy
from the friction and collisions and you still need to make the contraption
rotate before any balls drop at all.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 29, 2008, 11:06:22 AM
Quote from: Forever on March 29, 2008, 04:00:20 AM
I have put the video describing the experiment from Mr. T S Cheung on youtube.
The video showing soft padding pointed to the advantage as suggested by Mr. T S Cheung. Mr. Cheung has improved the time to fifteen minutes. He is still working on further improvements. He might build a Bessler wheel.
::) :P ;D

Dear Forever,

Thank you for putting the videos for the Cheung experiments on youtube.  Those videos showed increased rotation time when one end is padded.  More work needs to be done.  However, the trend is in the right direction.

Thank you also for your research and detailed explanation of negative work.  The average physics student should have no difficulty with slides 10-12 now.  However, some forum members may need more help.  We shall wait for more comments from the forum members.

We are still waiting for reply from Prof Jian Lu as recommended by chrisC.  There is no hurry.  The correct theory always wins.  Galileo was right.  But it took the Church a few centuries before it accepted that it was wrong. 

Please keep up the good work.  You will be one of the best presenters of this new technology..
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on March 29, 2008, 11:36:51 AM
Quote from: Forever on March 29, 2008, 04:00:20 AM
I have put the video describing the experiment from Mr. T S Cheung on youtube.
The first one has the ball hitting hard surfaces at both ends. The time of rotation was 2 minutes 35 seconds. The following link shows that video.
The second one has the ball hitting hard surfaces at one end and soft surfaces at the other. The time of rotation was 4 minutes 55 seconds. The following link shows that video.

You should do a run with tubes attached but the balls fixed in place so they cannot move at all.  That would be a proper control, which all scientific experiments should have.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: SeanTheLight on March 29, 2008, 11:46:28 AM
After reviewing the tutor site, it seems appropriate to divide the forces up into an x/y/z system and then calculating individual forces. It looks to me then, slide 12 is completely correct, and I feel I am ready to move on to the next slide(s).

I'm still bothered by distance travelled in arc vs distance travelled as a sum of horizontal + vertical. The amount of energy required to lift an object 1m will always be the same though, so if in the end it has moved 1m vertically, why shouldn't you calculate it as a seperate movement? If it has also moved 4 meters horizontally, you add the energy it took to do that much work also.

Distance travelled (displacement) should be calculated along the actual path of displacement, not just in component parts. No energy was used to lift/move the bob in the area of the curve between actual path and calculated path, but this area still effects the displacement calculations. The connecting point between horizontal/vertical displacement, does not coincide with a point along the bobs path, but is still used to calculate work. You should ignore all of the area outside of actual path travelled, measure actual distance travelled, break that into its component horizontal/vertical -ratios-, and then use that ratio to calculate actual horizontal and vertical displacement along the curved path. There might be a loss of efficiency by doing this, since the "extra work" that was calculated by movement in an area that there was no actual movement, will be eliminated this way.

Still ready for more slides, here.    :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on March 29, 2008, 01:21:24 PM
Quote from: Forever on March 29, 2008, 04:00:20 AM
I have put the video describing the experiment from Mr. T S Cheung on youtube.
Oh really? So that explains why those videos are posted under the name "ltseung888"?
Do you often post under Tseungs name?
Oh, I forgot, you are Tseung, and you just made a little mistake in the text here,
revealing "forever" as a tseung alter ego. :)

Also, it is remarkable that you/Tseung claimed not to be able to operate a simple
drill, but now all of a sudden is able to construct a rotating 2-pipe model...
And still does not present it as proof for his theory here, still insists on sticking
with the drawings instead of showing any proof.
Then again, there is still no real proof: all we get to see is a contraption that
rotates a plate with two pipes on it, powered by a motor.
Yes, it does look like the contraption on the first video rotates
faster than the contraption on the second. But that is zero proof still.
It could be that you have simply switched the drive motor to a slower
speed. No way to tell from a video that only shows a rotating contraption
and a hand with a stopwatch in it. Nice to see that at least someone has
built a pipe with a ball in it, so at least someone is doing some actual
building instead of only spewing text. But it still proves nothing.
It may be that the motor needs slightly less energy to rotate the contraption
with padding on one side than it needs to rotate one without padding,
but it still needs more energy to make the thing spin than it outputs.
Show us a video of the thing hooked up to a motor/generator setup,
with multimeters or other clear measuring devices attached to the leads,
so we can see how much more output it produces than input used,
and we can finally see proof of the OU claims.
If you can afford a digital camera and flatscreen tv, you can afford a multimeter as well.

QuoteThe video showing soft padding pointed to the advantage as suggested by Mr. T S Cheung. Mr. Cheung has improved the time to fifteen minutes.
What exaclty do you mean?
Do you mean the rotation time was slowed from 1 rotation per 2minutes30seconds to 1 rotation per 15 minutes?
That does not seem right, one rotation only takes about a second or two in those videos...
What is this rotation time?
Is it the length of time the contraption rotates after having been provided with a fixed amount of startup energy by the drive motor?
And how much energy was input with the drive motor, exactly?
Or was there no drive motor, and was it started by hand? If so, how did you make sure you input the exact same amount of energy?
And how much energy was that, exactly?
Let's assume a drive motor was not used and the exact same amount of energy was put in to make it rotate,
then obviously the padding would make the system lose less energy due to lower collision friction and lower
kinetic energy loss in the system itself, and the total amount of energy in the system would be lost slower than
in a system with high impact friction losses. And a wheel with zero balls and zero padding but the equal weight
would rotate even longer than the ball&padding contraption, because even less energy is lost in impact and
friction inside the rotating system.
That still does not mean the wheel can drive itself and provide OU. It just loses the energy that was originally
input slower, over a longer period. But it still loses it.
Where do you see any excess energy output in this contraption? I don't.

You can make a pebble roll down a mountainside by kicking it over the edge, and that pebble will take longer
to reach the ground than a pebble dropped vertically down a canyon of the same height, but you still need
to kick it over the edge, and you're still not getting out usefull energy.

QuoteHe is still working on further improvements. He might build a Bessler wheel.
Great, if he posts actual pictures and not merely his drawings again. I'd love to see a working Bessler wheel.
Note: Bessler wheel, not "Tseung wheel". ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 29, 2008, 04:10:01 PM
A Bessler wheel will work as long as you use the Lee-Tseung pulses applied at the exact right time with the exact correct impulse energy.  Of course, we will ignore the energy used by creating these pulses and not include that in our calculations on the output energy.  So, therefore, the wheel will produce OU.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 29, 2008, 04:12:12 PM
Quote from: SeanTheLight on March 29, 2008, 11:46:28 AM
After reviewing the tutor site, it seems appropriate to divide the forces up into an x/y/z system and then calculating individual forces. It looks to me then, slide 12 is completely correct, and I feel I am ready to move on to the next slide(s).

I'm still bothered by distance traveled in arc.....

Still ready for more slides, here.    :)

Dear SeanTheLight,

I am glad that you reviewed the tutor site.  In particular, focus on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_work

In situations where the force changes over time, and/or the path deviates from a straight line, equation (1) is not directly applicable. However, under mild restrictions, it is possible to divide the motion into small steps, such that the force and motion are well approximated as being constant for each step, and then to express the overall work as the sum over these steps. This is formalized by the following line integral, which can be taken as a rather general definition of work: (equation 3)

When we were at Tsinghua University, we used line integrals in the discussion with some Professors and Research Students.  However, I do not plan to go into that kind of depth here.  We did not use line integrals at the Shenzhen University seminar and it was well received.

The key concept in Slide 12 was the analysis of the three forces; the vertical and horizontal displacements; and the resultant work done.  Now Miss. Forever Yuen has added the negative work discussions to make the picture more complete. 

Slide 12 showed that work done by the horizontal force is definitely NOT equal to the vertical work done by the tension in the string.  The approximation showed that 2 parts of horizontal energy Lead Out 1 part of vertical energy.  That Physics Concept does not need line integrals to confirm.  The line integral calculation just make the approximation more accurate.  (I shall re-discuss the difference of this first Lee-Tseung pull and the ideal Lee-Tseung pull if there is enough interest.  The ideal Lee-Tseung pull does incorporate the technique of the line integral more.)

I am glad that you are ready to examine the other slides.  Please be patient.  Wait for others.  Some are waiting for the possible reply by Prof. Jian Lu.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 29, 2008, 04:58:49 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on March 29, 2008, 04:10:01 PM
..... Of course, we will ignore the energy used by creating these pulses and not include that in our calculations on the output energy.  So, therefore, the wheel will produce OU.


That is exactly what the 'problem' is. Almost any machinery can be OU if you keep pulsing it and if you don't include the energy in the pulses, we can call the OU phenomenon anything, including  the Bill-Pirate theory!

Or we can call the other theory, the deluded Lee-Tseung Theory of miscounts

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on March 29, 2008, 05:14:22 PM
As soon as Tseung started arguing that the string tension somehow "does work", even though it does not compress or shorten in any way, I think it is pretty clear that he is utterly delusional.  The fact that he refuses to conduct actual experiments on actual pendulums also speaks volumes.  And the multiple personalities should give you a clue.  I think he actually started a post once as Top Gun, leading in with something like "I know Tseung is busy, so I shall answer......"

Guys, there is no winning this.  The Internet forum is particularly bad for arguing with insane people.  Why?  Because you can never get them to shut up.  They ignore your valid criticisms and just keep posting their delusional rantings until the bitter end.

I am as guilty as anyone, but if you want to prove Tseung wrong, the best thing to do, I think, is just stop posting.  Then he can just talk with Top Gun and Forever Young, and the silence of the forum will be a testament to the idiocy of his theory.

That is all.  Over and out.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 29, 2008, 05:42:40 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on March 29, 2008, 05:14:22 PM
As soon as Tseung started arguing that the string tension somehow "does work", even though it does not compress or shorten in any way, I think it is pretty clear that he is utterly delusional.  The fact that he refuses to conduct actual experiments on actual pendulums also speaks volumes.  And the multiple personalities should give you a clue.  I think he actually started a post once as Top Gun, leading in with something like "I know Tseung is busy, so I shall answer......"

Guys, there is no winning this.  The Internet forum is particularly bad for arguing with insane people.  Why?  Because you can never get them to shut up.  They ignore your valid criticisms and just keep posting their delusional rantings until the bitter end.

I am as guilty as anyone, but if you want to prove Tseung wrong, the best thing to do, I think, is just stop posting.  Then he can just talk with Top Gun and Forever Young, and the silence of the forum will be a testament to the idiocy of his theory.

That is all.  Over and out.

This thread needs to be relabeled "JUNK SCIENCE"

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 29, 2008, 06:14:21 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on March 29, 2008, 05:14:22 PM
As soon as Tseung started arguing that the string tension somehow "does work", even though it does not compress or shorten in any way, I think it is pretty clear that he is utterly delusional. 

Dear utilitarian,

After so many posts and so much puzzling over why many forum members could not follow the simple secondary school physics, you helped to point out the exact point of disagreement. 

The string tension somehow "does work", even though it does not compress or shorten in any way.,

I do not mind labeled as ?utterly delusional? because the Physics is 100% correct. 

The Physics and mathematics cannot be wrong.  When there is tension in the string due to the bob and a side way pull, there is work done (from old position to new position). 

No physicist or physics student could possibly deny the experimental observation that the pendulum bob will be displaced sideways and upwards.  Work must have been done.  Energy must have stored.

Let us review the Physics Textbooks, Consult the top Physics Professors or do any suitable experiments.  It is important to confirm the following Physics Statements:

(1)   The tension in the string can be resolved into vertical and horizontal components.
(2)   The vertical component is equal and opposite to the weight at equilibrium
(3)   The horizontal component is equal and opposite to the supplied horizontal force at equilibrium
(4)   There is vertical and horizontal displacement.
(5)   There must have been work done when the bob is displaced upwards and sideways.
(6)   Work done = Force x Displacement (vector arithmetic)
(7)   The vertical work done by the string is positive.
(8 )   The horizontal work done by the string is negative

Can any of the above Physics Statements be wrong?

Scientific truth is not delusional.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 29, 2008, 06:15:32 PM
I should really thank utilitarian for highlighting the disagreement point.

After so many posts and comments, I never realize the main problem of the forum members.

At both the Tsingjua and Shenzhen Seminars and Dry Runs, that particular question was never raised.

I thought that it was obvious.  Apparently it is not - at least to utilitarian and may be to some forum members.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 29, 2008, 06:16:27 PM
In actual seminars, I can find out questions directly.  If I were not sure what they really asked, I could communicate directly.

In Internet Forums, I do not have that luxury. 

So please state your question concisely.  Please raise one question per post.  If I do not understand your question, I shall ask for clarification.

At this point, I shall only answer questions related to Slides 10-12.  All other questions will be deferred.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 29, 2008, 06:17:27 PM
In slides 10-12, the focus is on the analysis of the first Lee-Tseung Pull on the simple pendulum.

If one does not understand or agree with the analysis of this first Lee-Tseung Pull, there is no point in further discussion.  That is the reality of Physics and Mathematics.

Thus, I shall not proceed with more discussions on other slides until a large enough number of members show that they understand these slides.

Please indicate that you understand (or just accept) the analysis if you want discussions on other slides.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on March 29, 2008, 06:39:38 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on March 29, 2008, 11:36:51 AM
Quote from: Forever on March 29, 2008, 04:00:20 AM
I have put the video describing the experiment from Mr. T S Cheung on youtube.
The first one has the ball hitting hard surfaces at both ends. The time of rotation was 2 minutes 35 seconds. The following link shows that video.
The second one has the ball hitting hard surfaces at one end and soft surfaces at the other. The time of rotation was 4 minutes 55 seconds. The following link shows that video.

You should do a run with tubes attached but the balls fixed in place so they cannot move at all.  That would be a proper control, which all scientific experiments should have.

I second that.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 29, 2008, 07:37:12 PM
Quote from: tinu on March 29, 2008, 06:39:38 PM
I second that.

Dear Tinu,

Welcome back.  I took your suggestions and Slides 10-12 should be 100% correct now in terms of units of measurement.

Mr. T S Cheung is doing a complete set of experiments.  There will be a full set of results from 0-20 cm or more falling distances.  He is experimenting with different padding, different diameter tubes, different diameter wheels, different rim weights etc.  The necessary control experiments will be done and published when ready.  He is even considering a 16-foot double-sided wheel with closed (and thus heavy) rim.  That may be the modern Bessler Wheel.

Ms. Forever Yuen simply used the primitive set up in my dining room to shoot some videos.  The videos already showed padding one end makes a difference.

I would love to have your updated comments on Slides 10-12 again.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 30, 2008, 05:24:44 PM
Reply to an email.

Dear Mr. Tseung,

I participated in the Shenzhen University Seminar and then read the posts in the overunity forum.  I do not intend to join the discussion forum because of the abuses and insults.

However, I would like to ask you the following question.  You used a simplified analysis that even a secondary school student can understand.  The more exact analysis should be the line integral.  Even in the first Lee-Tseung Pull, there are complexities.  The weight Mg is constant.  The Horizontal force F may be constant as that is supplied externally.  However, the tension of the String changes with the angle.  How would this changing tension affect your analysis?  Would the simple analysis and the line integral analysis produce similar results?


XXX (Tseung changed all names to XXX)

Dear XXX,

This is an excellent Mathematics and Physics Question.  I should like to share it with the forum members.  Repeat:

However, the tension of the String changes with the angle.  How would this changing tension affect your analysis?  Would the simple analysis and the line integral analysis produce similar results?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 30, 2008, 08:40:22 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 30, 2008, 05:24:44 PM

However, I would like to ask you the following question.  You used a simplified analysis that even a secondary school student can understand.  The more exact analysis should be the line integral.  Even in the first Lee-Tseung Pull, there are complexities.  The weight Mg is constant.  The Horizontal force F may be constant as that is supplied externally.  However, the tension of the String changes with the angle.  How would this changing tension affect your analysis?  Would the simple analysis and the line integral analysis produce similar results?


XXX (Tseung changed all names to XXX)

Dear XXX,

This is an excellent Mathematics and Physics Question.  I should like to share it with the forum members.  Repeat:

However, the tension of the String changes with the angle.  How would this changing tension affect your analysis?  Would the simple analysis and the line integral analysis produce similar results?

I love this type of constructive, stimulating analysis.  I would like to point out the following:

(1)   In the pulling of the pendulum bob by a constant horizontal force F, there will be acceleration of the bob initially.  The horizontal component of the tension in the string T1 is small at small angles.

(2)   The horizontal component of the tension of the string will increase with increasing angle.  I would expect even at the point when it is equal to F, the momentum acquired would swing a little more than the equilibrium angle a as in slide 11.

(3)   The analysis of the non-equilibrium motion is much more complex than the analysis at equilibrium.

I am sure Tseung and other top Physicists will lose more sleep thinking about the non-equilibrium analysis.  It is fun and educational.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 30, 2008, 10:59:26 PM
Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for your post.  You will lose some sleep over non-equilibrium analysis too. 

I would like to comment on the line integral concept and calculus in general here.  The following is from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integral.


Integration can be traced as far back as ancient Egypt, circa 1800 BC, with the Moscow Mathematical Papyrus demonstrating knowledge of a formula for the volume of a pyramidal frustum. The first documented systematic technique capable of determining integrals is the method of exhaustion of Eudoxus (circa 370 BC), which sought to find areas and volumes by breaking them up into an infinite number of shapes for which the area or volume was known. This method was further developed and employed by Archimedes and used to calculate areas for parabolas and an approximation to the area of a circle.

Similar methods were independently developed in China around the 3rd Century AD by Liu Hui, who used it to find the area of the circle. This method was later used by Zu Chongzhi to find the volume of a sphere. Some ideas of integral calculus are found in the Siddhanta Shiromani, a 12th century astronomy text by Indian mathematician BhÃ,,skara II.

Significant advances on techniques such as the method of exhaustion did not begin to appear until the 16th century AD. At this time the work of Cavalieri with his method of indivisibles, and work by Fermat, began to lay the foundations of modern calculus. Further steps were made in the early 17th century by Barrow and Torricelli, who provided the first hints of a connection between integration and differentiation.

Frankly, I doubt whether a forum member with no formal training in calculus would make any sense with our advanced discussion.  But since we want to benefit the World, a seed may fall on fertile soil and bear fruit. 

May be Top Gun, Forever and I are the only posting members who can understand the discussion.  Some will say that I am talking with myself and post more insults.  But there is the odd chance that a mathematician or Prof. Jian Lu and his students or some MIT professors may read it some time in the future.  They might be the ones to take charge to benefit the World.

@all forum members, if you do not understand the discussion and the mathematics, you are not alone.  Just be an observer.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 31, 2008, 12:10:14 AM
Top Gun,

The line integral for work is the vector arithmetic of (force dot displacement).

In general, we can resolve the force into a vertical and a horizontal component.

We can also resolve the displacement into a vertical and a horizontal component.

The vector arithmetic of force x displacement can be broken down into
(1)  Vertical work = vertical component of force x vertical component of displacement (normal arithmetic)

(2)  Horizontal work = horizontal component of force x horizontal component of displacement (normal arithmetic)

(a)   Do you agree with the statements (1) and (2)?
(b)   Do you agree that the two statements (1) and (2) can be applied to the pendulum under the first Lee-Tseung Pull?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 31, 2008, 12:20:46 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 30, 2008, 10:59:26 PM
Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for your post.  ......

Frankly, I doubt whether a forum member with no formal training in calculus would make any sense with our advanced discussion.  ...

May be Top Gun, Forever and I are the only posting members who can understand the discussion.  ...
@all forum members, if you do not understand the discussion and the mathematics, you are not alone.  Just be an observer.

Hahaha! In the real world, people who invent altered egos in order to talk to themselves are called IDIOTS or people with Signs of Schizophrenia.

Please continue talking to yourself, very soon you'll really need your medication.


ps: As to the professor answering your posts.... you could be waiting a very long time! I'll find a community college Physics 101 class if I were you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 31, 2008, 02:01:33 AM
Mr. Tseung.

The concept of integration is to break a complicated function into small intervals.  The small intervals can be calculated reasonably accurately.  The early people quoted in the reference used such techniques to calculate the area of circles.

The line integral of work is to break down work into tiny intervals.  The tension of the string may vary over a large angle.  However, if the change of the angle is small, the tension may be regarded as constant over that small interval.

Thus we can view the line integral of the work done by the tension of the string as the sum of the work done over multiple small intervals.  You resolved force and displacement both into vertical and horizontal components.  That is not new.  That is well-established engineering practice.

The vector arithmetic of force x displacement can be broken down into
(1)  Vertical work = vertical component of force x vertical component of displacement (normal arithmetic)

(2)  Horizontal work = horizontal component of force x horizontal component of displacement (normal arithmetic)

(a)   Do you agree with the statements (1) and (2)?
(b)   Do you agree that the two statements (1) and (2) can be applied to the pendulum under the first Lee-Tseung Pull?

Thus my answer to (a) is yes.  If the answer is no, then all the engineering drawings over the last few hundred years are wrong.  You are on very safe grounds.

My answer to (b) is also yes.  You are only applying a common known technique to a special situation.  I can see no fault in that.

I can stand by you and defend the two above statements to any authority to any level.  I advise you to ignore all non-scientific posts from the likes of Keon and ChrisC.  Knowledgeable experts will read our high quality discussions sooner or later.  Scientific Truths will be proven and will have their place in history.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 31, 2008, 04:03:23 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on March 31, 2008, 02:01:33 AM
The line integral of work is to break down work into tiny intervals.  The tension of the string may vary over a large angle.  However, if the change of the angle is small, the tension may be regarded as constant over that small interval.

Thus we can view the line integral of the work done by the tension of the string as the sum of the work done over multiple small intervals.  You resolved force and displacement both into vertical and horizontal components.  That is not new.  That is well-established engineering practice .

Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for your speedy reply and support.

In that case, do you agree that even in the more advanced line integral analysis:

(a)   There will always be a vertical work done component in the first Lee-Tseung Pulled pendulum?

(b)   The horizontal work done component is from our first Lee-Tseung Pull.  The horizontal energy is indeed supplied externally.  We cannot possibly supply the vertical work done via our horizontal force.  Do you agree?

(c)    The vertical energy can only come from Gravity via the string.  Do you agree?

I do agree with you that I should ignore the likes of keon1 and christC totally.  They do serve an important purpose ? helping to provide insult training.  I expect that in the open presentations internationally, Lee and I will get jeering from such people.  I am waiting for actual New Energy products before appearing at such hostile international seminars.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 31, 2008, 05:19:21 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 31, 2008, 04:03:23 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on March 31, 2008, 02:01:33 AM
The line integral of work is to break down work into tiny intervals.  The tension of the string may vary over a large angle.  However, if the change of the angle is small, the tension may be regarded as constant over that small interval.

Thus we can view the line integral of the work done by the tension of the string as the sum of the work done over multiple small intervals.  You resolved force and displacement both into vertical and horizontal components.  That is not new.  That is well-established engineering practice .

Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for your speedy reply and support.

In that case, do you agree that even in the more advanced line integral analysis:

(a)   There will always be a vertical work done component in the first Lee-Tseung Pulled pendulum?

(b)   The horizontal work done component is from our first Lee-Tseung Pull.  The horizontal energy is indeed supplied externally.  We cannot possibly supply the vertical work done via our horizontal force.  Do you agree?

(c)    The vertical energy can only come from Gravity via the string.  Do you agree?

I do agree with you that I should ignore the likes of keon1 and christC totally.  They do serve an important purpose ? helping to provide insult training.  I expect that in the open presentations internationally, Lee and I will get jeering from such people.  I am waiting for actual New Energy products before appearing at such hostile international seminars.

Dear Mr. Tseung,

Answer to your questions:

(a)   Do you agree that even in the more advanced line integral analysis, there will always be a vertical work done component in the first Lee-Tseung Pulled pendulum?

I fully agree.  The line integral analysis helps to make the mathematics more accurate.  It does not change the underlying physics.  The underlying physics is that there is tension in the string and there is displacement.  The common engineering practice is to resolve the force and the displacement into vertical and horizontal components.  The vertical and the horizontal components can then be calculated separately.  You had no problem presenting at Tsinghua University in 2006.  The professors and research students were the cream of China.  They understood the physics and mathematics thoroughly.  They are a very different group from the forum members here.  If you present at MIT or Cambridge University, you will meet similar audience.

(b)   The horizontal work done component is from our first Lee-Tseung Pull.  The horizontal energy is indeed supplied externally.  We cannot possibly supply the vertical work done via our horizontal force.  Do you agree?

I absolutely agree.  The horizontal energy supplied by F is already accounted for in moving the pendulum bob against the horizontal component of the tension of the string.  You cannot do double accounting as stated by the professors at Harvard University in 2005.  In addition, a horizontal force cannot do vertical work unless a ?machine such as a pulley? has been used to change its direction.  In the simple pendulum, I see no such machine.  Thus I fully agree that the vertical work done cannot be from F.

(c)   The vertical energy can only come from Gravity via the string.  Do you agree?

That is the most logical observation at present.  I know that mankind can already use Gravitational Energy via the turbine at a dam.  However, the water needs to be evaporated, comes down as rain to repeat the cycle.  Thus, using Gravitational Energy is not new.  Using it via Lee-Tseung Pulls on a simple pendulum is new.  The cycle is almost immediate.  There is no need to wait for the energy from the Sun to evaporate the water.

I think that you should discuss the other slides now.  There is no point in waiting for comments from other Forum Members.  If they cannot understand or accept Slides 10-12, they will never understand the Lee-Tseung theory.  If they understand or accept Slides 10-12, they will be able to understand the remaining Slides.  Like you said: ?Sow seeds.  Some will fall on hard rock.  Some will fall on fertile soil.  In Internet Forums, your seeds will fall on deserts, oceans, icebergs, cities and rice fields.  A few might fall on fertile soil in uninhabited places.  That is extremely rare.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 31, 2008, 06:41:44 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on March 31, 2008, 05:19:21 AM


I think that you should discuss the other slides now.  There is no point in waiting for comments from other Forum Members.  If they cannot understand or accept Slides 10-12, they will never understand the Lee-Tseung theory.  If they understand or accept Slides 10-12, they will be able to understand the remaining Slides.  Like you said: ?Sow seeds.  Some will fall on hard rock.  Some will fall on fertile soil.  In Internet Forums, your seeds will fall on deserts, oceans, icebergs, cities and rice fields.  A few might fall on fertile soil in uninhabited places.  That is extremely rare.?

Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for your answers.  I believe XXX should be satisfied with the answer to his question.

I shall take a short trip for 5 days.

I shall start discussing the other slides when I come back.   Please help to answer appropriate posts while I am away.  Thank you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 31, 2008, 05:18:35 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 31, 2008, 06:41:44 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on March 31, 2008, 05:19:21 AM


I think that you should discuss the other slides now.  There is no point in waiting for comments from other Forum Members.  If they cannot understand or accept Slides 10-12, they will never understand the Lee-Tseung theory.  If they understand or accept Slides 10-12, they will be able to understand the remaining Slides.  Like you said: ?Sow seeds.  Some will fall on hard rock.  Some will fall on fertile soil.  In Internet Forums, your seeds will fall on deserts, oceans, icebergs, cities and rice fields.  A few might fall on fertile soil in uninhabited places.  That is extremely rare.?

Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for your answers.  I believe XXX should be satisfied with the answer to his question.

I shall take a short trip for 5 days.

I shall start discussing the other slides when I come back.   Please help to answer appropriate posts while I am away.  Thank you.

Dear Mr. Tseung,

I believe you realized that this thread is one of the most read threads in this forum.  It is the only thread that contains a theory that can explain the energy source for all the other OU inventions in the entire forum.

There might be Government Agents, Industrial Spies etc. reading or trying to discredit the Lee-Tseung theory.  However they are no match against scientific logic.  Mathematics and Physics cannot lie. 

I do support your intention of benefiting the World.  You are pumping your knowledge out.  You seek no wealth or fame.  Your patent or patent applications are too general that they are almost indefensible in Patent Law Courts.  You have no money to complete or defend the Lee-Tseung Patents.  The only value of such patent information is to formally disclose the Lee-Tseung theory to the World.  This will benefit the many OU developers first.  This will force the patent offices to rethink their strategy towards ?perpetual motion machines? if the source of energy is Gravity or Electron Motion.

You know that you will get jeers, insults etc. when you post in this open forum.  Many will try to discredit you as they cannot discredit the Lee-Tseung theory.  Keon and keon1 are multiple nicknames for the same person.  In the virtual world of the Internet, there is no rule against having multiple nicknames.  In fact, many new rules will be created.  Ignoring insults and answering selected posts may be one of them.

When you are away for 5 days and asked me to ?take care? of this thread, I felt somewhat like taking over a Church temporarily.  I have to be the Pastor or the Priest or the Monk.  But in this case, I not only have to preach to the faithful.  I also have to face the insults from the many non-believers.

@all forum members.   Now you can raise all questions related to Slides 10-12 at me.  You have 5 days to test my depth of Physics and Mathematics.  I do not call myself Top Gun for nothing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on March 31, 2008, 06:32:13 PM
Top Gun,

You ask for it.  If Slides 10-12 were correct, there would be some important consequences.

(1)   Does that mean humans no long depend on the Sun for their energy needs?  They can get gravitational energy from the earth, the moon, the stars and even each other?

(2)   Does it mean that a country such as China need not buy oil from the Middle East any more?

(3)   Is Gravitational Energy really non-polluting?

(4)   Will Gravitation Energy ever get exhausted?

(5)   How would that affect the power structure of this World?  Would USA lose its grip as the most powerful Nation in the World?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 01, 2008, 08:25:53 AM
I would like to propose the following change to Slide 11.

The value of angle a is quoted on the slide.

Edited to make the angles look the same.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 01, 2008, 08:49:20 AM
Here is 1 of 6 of Slide 12.

I added the calculation steps to help the average person.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 01, 2008, 08:51:42 AM
Here is 2 of 6 of the new sets of Slide 12.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 01, 2008, 08:52:42 AM
Here is 3 of 6 of the new sets of Slide 12.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 01, 2008, 08:53:53 AM
Here is 4 of 6 of the new sets of Slide 12.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 01, 2008, 08:54:45 AM
Here is 5 of 6 of the new sets of Slide 12.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 01, 2008, 08:55:34 AM
Here is 6 of 6 of the new sets of Slide 12.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 01, 2008, 04:21:05 PM
After I updated the Slides 10-12, I thought more about the difficulty Mr. Tseung had with many Forum Members.  I have the following to share:

(1)   Mr. Tseung is not a very good teacher, especially teaching controversial topics on the Internet.

(2)   Mr. Tseung jumped too many steps in his Slides 10-12.

(3)   These 3 Slides are the heart and soul of the entire Lee-Tseung theory.  They must be covered in every minute detail.  There should be no doubt in the minds of the participants.

(4)   At Tsinghua University, the professors and research students could easily reproduced the mathematics.  But in this open forum, there are many who openly claimed that they did not have formal Physics and Mathematics training.

(5)   In ignoring their questions (as too elementary or off-topic), Mr. Tseung turned them into enemies.  (There is always the possibility of CIA or the Like who wanted to disrupt the disclosing of information.  Mr. Tseung gave them the chance.)

In staying with Slides 10-12 this time, Mr. Tseung finally achieved what he should have achieved in day 1 ? explaining the Lee-Tseung theory to the average person in its glorious detail.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 01, 2008, 09:27:07 PM
Quote from: Devil on March 31, 2008, 06:32:13 PM
Top Gun,

You ask for it.  If Slides 10-12 were correct, there would be some important consequences.

(1)   Does that mean humans no long depend on the Sun for their energy needs?  They can get gravitational energy from the earth, the moon, the stars and even each other?

(2)   Does it mean that a country such as China need not buy oil from the Middle East any more?

(3)   Is Gravitational Energy really non-polluting?

(4)   Will Gravitational Energy ever get exhausted?

(5)   How would that affect the power structure of this World?  Would USA lose its grip as the most powerful Nation in the World?

Dear Devil,

Your questions are good and relevant.  However, I am Top Gun only in Physics and Mathematics.  Mr. Tseung covers everything ? from morality to mutual credits. He will love to answer all your questions.

I shall only answer questions (3) and (4) from the Physics point of view.

(3)   Is Gravitational Energy really non-polluting?

When we talk about pollution, we normally think in terms of chemical pollutants.  In some cases, we talk about global warming.  From my understanding so far, no chemical changes need to take place to extract or lead out gravitational energy.  Thus Gravitational Energy is non-polluting in this aspect.

However, I believe much more gravitational energy will be transformed into heat.  Global warming is likely to increase.  However, there might be a ready scientific solution.  In the other extraction of energy from air invention, Mr. Tseung described the global cooling effect.  This should be researched further.

(4)   Will Gravitational Energy ever get exhausted?

I do not claim to have a unified theory that can explain all energies.  I know and accept that masses attract each other.  I can even reproduce the mathematics.  However, I cannot answer the deeper question of ? why is there such an attraction force. 

My answer to the question is ? I do not really know.  I only guess that such Gravitational Energy are abundant and easily exceed the known reserves of oil and coal.  They seem to be renewable as planets attract each other and may be in a constantly ?exchanging mode?.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 01, 2008, 11:58:02 PM
I would like to comment now on the Second and subsequent Ideal Lee-Tseung Pull.  In the first Lee-Tseung Pull, the external force F is perfectly horizontal.  The analysis was very detailed and thorough.

After the first Lee-Tseung Pull, we can let the Bob swing back freely.  The Bob will go in direction to a maximum LHS position and then swing back to a maximum RHS position.  We can then apply the second Lee-Tseung Pull to the Bob.  This second Pull does not need to be perfectly horizontal.  The best or ideal pull is tangential to motion as shown.

Note that the mathematic treatment is now somewhat different.  Previously, in the first Lee-Tseung Pull, tan(a) = F/Mg.  In the second and subsequent ideal Lee-Tseung Pull, tan(a) = F1/T2.

As you might expect, much more mathematics will follow.  However, I would like the forum members to understand exactly when and how the second ideal Lee-Tseung pull will be applied.  Hopefully, the picture will be clear.  Please post if the picture is not clear to you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 02, 2008, 01:38:49 AM
Before I go into the mathematics, I would like to define what I mean by the ideal pull.

My definition of ideal pull is the minimum supplied energy to lead out the maximum gravitational energy.

Note that the ideal pull is no longer perfectly horizontal.  It has a vertical component contributing directly to the further lifting up of the Bob.  However, part of the force and energy supplied is still from the tension of the string.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 02, 2008, 05:25:29 PM
For the mathematical analysis of the second ideal Lee-Tseung Pull, I shall refer to the spreadsheet file "The ideal Lee-Tseung Pull1.xls" posted as an attachment by Mr. Tseung awhile back.

Mr. Tseung used the line integral concept in his spreadsheet.  He first used the case of the angle a equal to 30 degrees and calculate the displacement of the Bob from 30 to 32 degrees.

(1)   He can work out the exact horizontal and vertical displacement at 30 degrees.  No approximation is required.
(2)   He can also work out the exact horizontal and vertical displacement at 32 degrees.  No approximation is required.
(3)   Thus he can work out the change in vertical displacement from 30 to 32 degrees exactly.  No approximation is required.
(4)   He can also work out the change in horizontal displacement from 30 to 32 degrees exactly.  No approximation is required.

Mr. Tseung then used the equilibrium condition at 31 degrees with the three forces. (Weight of bob, tension of string, Lee-Tseung pull).  The various forces can be determined exactly.  No approximation is required.

(1)   Weight has only the Vertical Component.  It does negative work as the vertical displacement is upwards.
(2)   The Lee-Tseung Pull has both vertical and horizontal components. Both components do positive work as the directions of force component and displacement are the same. (upwards and towards RHS).
(3)   The tension of the string has both vertical and horizontal components. The vertical component of force and displacement are both upwards.  Thus positive work is done.  However the horizontal component of force is towards LHS whereas the horizontal component of displacement is towards RHS.  Thus negative work is done by the horizontal component of the tension.

From the spreadsheet, the total energy supplied by the second Lee-Tseung Pull (from 30 to 32 degrees) = 0.018494 units.  This energy will Lead Out Gravitational Energy = 0.012929 units.  The ratio is approximately 0.018494/0.012929 = 1.4304189

In other words, approximately 1.43 units of supplied energy will Lead Out 1 unit of Gravitational Energy.  This is more efficient than the first Lee-Tseung pull when the external force is perfectly horizontal (requiring 2.014 units).

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 02, 2008, 08:12:18 PM
In the spreadsheet, the various starting angles from 10, 20, 30, 40 ....90 degrees are also calculated.  With the imbedded formulae, one can easily change the increment angle of 2 degrees to other values (e.g. 0.2 degrees).

The Line Integral technique is to take a small interval (angle in this case) and use the average (force, work and energy in this case) to calculate the value at this interval.  The same is repeated at the next small interval.  The sum from these intervals can then represent the value of a very complex function.  (This is the technique used by the ancients to estimate the area of a circle.)

In this more accurate and advanced line integral technique, there is still the Lead Out gravitational energy.  This give me much stronger conviction that the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory is correct.  I do not mind arguing these equations in front of the top physicists and mathematics at MIT, Cambridge, Tokyo, Paris, Moscow, or any other great universities. 

In supplying the actual spreadsheet, Mr. Tseung allowed other mathematicians to double check his formulae and calculations.  (I have problem uploading that spreadsheet again as the new upload size limit is only 50kb.  The .xls file is more than 60kb.  I winzip it.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 03, 2008, 05:35:27 PM
I have now explained every formula and every equation involved in the Lee-Tseung Theory of the simple pendulum with Pulse Force or Lee-Tseung Pull.

I do not mind scientific challenges from anywhere.  Mr. Tseung did not explain every minute step on the Internet.  He opened himself for abuse and ridicule. Now every minute step can be and has been traced and examined. 

In Physics, we have the concept of a derived theory or solution.  This concept is that if a new theory is made up of many known, proven theories or steps, this new theory is derived.  The consequence of the new theory may not be obvious before the combination of the many known, proven theories or steps.

I shall quote some examples:

(1)   Before the establishment of the Periodic table, scientists did not know how many elements were there.  Every one could have his guess.  Once the basic framework of the Periodic table was available, it was a relatively simple task to find the remaining unknown elements.

(2)   Before the kinetic theory of gases ? assuming gas molecules collide elastically with each other and with the container, scientists had the Gas Laws but could not relate that to number of molecules.  Their understanding was partial at best.

I can confirm and verify that every physics and mathematics step in applying the Lee-Tseung Pull to the simple pendulum is correct.  These correct steps lead to the inevitable conclusion that extracting or leading out gravitational energy is scientifically correct and possible.

This means that the over 300 documented or patented ?Over Unity? Inventions may indeed be leading out gravitational (or electron motion) energy.  These are not impossible perpetual motion machines.  Stefan is not wasting his time in setting up this forum.  You are not wasting time in reading this thread.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 03, 2008, 05:52:16 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 03, 2008, 05:35:27 PM
... You are not wasting time in reading this thread.

YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME! Get a life old Tseung.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on April 03, 2008, 07:47:46 PM
Top Gun,

If you were to meet Milkovic, what would you say to him?

(1) What are your comments on his existing device?
(2) How you can improve his device?
(3) How does the Lee-Tseung theory explain the workings of his device?
(4) What are the known devices that are better than his device?
(5) Are there limitations to the further development of his device?

@chrisC, come to my home.  I have eternity to educate you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 03, 2008, 08:15:39 PM
Quote from: Devil on April 03, 2008, 07:47:46 PM
Top Gun,

If you were to meet Milkovic, what would you say to him?

(1) What are your comments on his existing device?
(2) How you can improve his device?
(3) How does the Lee-Tseung theory explain the workings of his device?
(4) What are the known devices that are better than his device?
(5) Are there limitations to the further development of his device?

I shall break my answer into multiple parts.

Before I meet him, I shall ensure that he has read my modified slides (not the old slides from Tseung).  I expect that he would understand them.

In our first meeting, I shall explain the Lee-Tseung theory in its glorious detail.  If he has any questions related to the slides, I shall provide detailed technical answers.

If he does not understand or does not accept the Lee-Tseung theory, that will be the end of our conversation and meeting.  There is no common ground for further discussion.

If he understands or accepts the Lee-Tseung theory, that will be the start of the fun session.

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 03, 2008, 10:08:17 PM
Quote from: Devil on April 03, 2008, 07:47:46 PM
Top Gun,

If you were to meet Milkovic, what would you say to him?

(1) What are your comments on his existing device?
(2) How you can improve his device?
(3) How does the Lee-Tseung theory explain the workings of his device?
(4) What are the known devices that are better than his device?
(5) Are there limitations to the further development of his device?

I would say that he did a great job.  He would have achieved much more if he had the theory to guide him.  His device combines:

(a)   The simple pendulum with pushes to the heavy bob.

(b)   The swing lever system that leads out gravitational energy via up and down oscillation and a periodic pulse due to the swing bob.

(c)   The coupling of the two systems lead out much more gravitational energy than a single system.

(d)   Milkovic or his supporter quoted a figure of 12 times.  I would like to learn more on how that number was obtained.

(e)   I would listen more.  It is time for him to talk.  It is his invention.  Let him shine.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 03, 2008, 10:43:08 PM
Quote from: Devil on April 03, 2008, 07:47:46 PM
Top Gun,

If you were to meet Milkovic, what would you say to him?

(1) What are your comments on his existing device?
(2) How you can improve his device?
(3) How does the Lee-Tseung theory explain the workings of his device?
(4) What are the known devices that are better than his device?
(5) Are there limitations to the further development of his device?

(2) How you can improve his device?

(a)   The most obvious is to increase the effective g (9.8 m/s/s).  It is difficult to this value on the surface of the Earth.  But if we use magnetic bob and impose external magnetic fields, this value can be greatly increased to 10 times or more.

(b)   He has already used a heavy Bob.  He can now use heavy magnet.  Suitable magnetic shielding will also help.

(c)   Changing the length of the pendulum would not help much.  More gravitational energy will be lead out with increasing length.  However, the period of swing will also increase.  The energy drawn out per second will cancel out.

(d)   If he changes the length of the pendulum or the effective g, he needs to redo the swinging lever part so as to maintain the couple of the two systems.  More tuning again!

(e)   The push can be via pulsing electromagnetic coils. The output part can have an electricity generating system and the electricity generated can be feedback to the pulsing electromagnetic coils.

(f)   If the efficiency of (e) is high enough, there is possibility of supplying starting energy only.  The device might then be self-sustaining and might even produce some extra electricity to do other work.  (The value of 12 times more output energy is important.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 04, 2008, 02:11:38 AM
Quote from: Devil on April 03, 2008, 07:47:46 PM
Top Gun,

If you were to meet Milkovic, what would you say to him?

(1) What are your comments on his existing device?
(2) How you can improve his device?
(3) How does the Lee-Tseung theory explain the workings of his device?
(4) What are the known devices that are better than his device?
(5) Are there limitations to the further development of his device?

(3) How does the Lee-Tseung theory explain the workings of his device?
I shall quote reply 2 of this thread.

? Reply #2 on: July 20, 2007, 09:21:57 AM ?    Quote

Fun with explaining the Milkovic Pendulum and Lever system

Reference on this forum:

Tseung: "Now we can use this thread to explain every known Over Unity device published.  The idea is to check whether the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory is applicable to all of them.  If so, can the Lee-Tseung Theory suggest improvement to the devices."

Lin: "You are ambitious.  Since you will never build an OU device yourself, there is no harm is making constructive suggestions.  I suppose you would start with the Milkovic Pendulum first."

Tseung smiled: "Our PCT patent information starts with the Pendulum.  So it is logical to start with the Pendulum example.  In slides 5-8 of http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/taiwan2a.htm, we proved that a horizontal pulse force applied to a pendulum could Lead Out gravitational energy.  To be exact, two parts of horizontal Pulse Energy can Lead Out one part of graviational energy.  Thus Milkovic is Leading Out gravitational energy via Pulsing the Pendulum."

Lin: "Does the lever movement contribute anything?"

Tseung: "Yes.  The Lever Movement can be thought of as a vibrational system.  The Movement of the Pendulum Bob shifts the effective balancing weight.  Thus the Milkovic system can be thought of as two systems complementing each other - the pendulum and the up-and-down lever.  Milkovic has not completed the feedback loop."

Lin: "Is the Milkovic system an Over Unity Device?"

Tseung: "The Pendulum with a Pulse Force is already an Over Unity Device.  The vibrating Lever with shifting weight is also an Over Unity Device.  The combined system is thus an Over Unity Device."

Lin: "Can some type of pull back string or spring be used to complete the Milkovic feedback loop?  If so, can it run forever and conclusively demonstrate the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?"

Tseung smiled: "Theoretically possible.  I shall let someone better at engineering to shine and do the actual experiment."

Mr. Tseung already discussed the Milkovic Pendulum in reply 2 of this thread.  It saves me much typing.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 04, 2008, 02:52:46 AM
Quote from: Devil on April 03, 2008, 07:47:46 PM
Top Gun,

If you were to meet Milkovic, what would you say to him?

(1) What are your comments on his existing device?
(2) How you can improve his device?
(3) How does the Lee-Tseung theory explain the workings of his device?
(4) What are the known devices that are better than his device?
(5) Are there limitations to the further development of his device?

(4) What are the known devices that are better than his device?
(5) Are there limitations to the further development of his device?

The Milkovic device can only extract gravitational energy at most twice in one oscillation.  In order to increase efficiency, we should go for rotational systems.  The speed of rotation and the number of pulses or Lee-Tseung Pulls per rotation can be increased a hundred or a thousand times.

Thus the Newman, Bedini, Adams motors are theoretically better than the Milkovic Pendulum.  The ones that are known and demonstrated include the TsingHua, the Wang, the Liang, the Chao devices from China.  The ones from outside China include the EBM machine from Hungary and the 225 HP Pulse motor from USA.  The flux change machines such as the Steven Mark TPU and the Japanese device are also better theoretically.  I am going to quote reply 3 of this thread from Mr. Tseung.

? Reply #3 on: July 20, 2007, 11:38:21 AM ?   

Limitation of the Milkovic System

Lin: "What is the limitation of the Milkovic System?  Why do you keep referring to it as a toy?"

Lai joined the conversation. "The number of Pulses per second of a pendulum is limited.  It is essentially a function of the length of the string, the Pendulum mass and the gravitational constant.  It cannot be changed easily compared with the rotational speed."

Tseung smiled. "How about the vibration of the Lever?"

Lin quickly interrupted: "Important factors will be the arms of the lever, the weights at the end and the Pulse Force (the shifting pendulum weight).  Am I correct?"

Tseung smiled more. "Looks like I can focus on my fishing."

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 04, 2008, 03:35:37 PM
Dear Top Gun,

I am back.  Thank you for your many posts.

Please do consider my material as third class and improve them to second or first class.  When I receive them again, I shall treat them as third class and repeat the process.  In this way, our material will keep improving.

I like and accept your new slides.  I shall try to improve them more with the notes feature in PowerPoint.  Forever Yuen will add her voice in the presentation.  I intend to have three presentations ? one in Putonhua; one in Cantonese and one in English.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 04, 2008, 05:04:43 PM
We are now ready to discuss the remaining slides one at a time.  I shall discuss slide 13 first.

In this slide, we show the correct application of the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Note the word correct.

Previously, scientists did not realize that gravitational energy could be led out in a pendulum system.  They wrongly assumed that the output energy must be less than the supplied horizontal energy. 

With the new understanding, we now know that 2 units of supplied horizontal energy will lead out an extra 1 unit of gravitational energy approximately.  Three units of energy enters the pendulum system.  From the Law of Conservation of Energy, 3 units of energy should come out if there were no loss.

With these 3 units of output energy, 2 units can be fed back to the input.  One unit can be used to do work or generate electricity.  The 2 units fed back could lead out another 1 unit of gravitational energy again.

Thus theoretically, we can supply an initial 2 units of energy to such a machine.  This machine could keep leading out gravitational energy for us to use.  Such a machine is not the impossible perpetual motion machine that does not need energy.  Such a machine needs energy.  The energy it uses is the gravitational energy that already surrounds us.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 04, 2008, 08:32:17 PM
Welcome back, Mr. Tseung.  I like your description to Slide 13.

I would like to make it more general.  I replaced the 2 units with X and the 1 unit with Y.  Over Unity Device replaces the pendulum system.

The modified Slide can be applied to many different known, documented Over Unity Inventions.  The Inventors will be much clearer on where the energy comes from.  Note that I used Lead Out Energy.  That includes gravity, electron motion or any other source that might come out later.

The heart and soul of this Slide is the Lead Out Energy.  We spent many posts and much vigorous physics and mathematics to bring out the concept.  Now we can enjoy the fruit.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 04, 2008, 09:41:55 PM
I would like to discuss Slide 14 now.

In this slide, we extend the extraction or lead out of energy to magnetic energy. 

The bob of the simple pendulum is replaced by a magnet.  Optionally, magnetic shielding material can be added to improve the effect.  In the figure, the South pole of the magnetic pendulum is attracted by the North pole of a permanent magnet at the bottom and repelled by the South pole of a permanent magnet at the top.

This effectively increased the gravitational constant(G).  The value can be much more than 9.8 meters per second per second.

If we can extract or lead out gravitational energy, we can indeed extract or lead out magnetic energy in a similar fashion.

Magnetism is a result of circular electron motion.  Thus ?Leading out? magnetic energy can be equated to ?leading out? electron motion energy.  We shall discuss this concept more in a following slide.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 04, 2008, 10:21:31 PM
Mr. Tseung,

I would have used the much simpler slide as shown.

There is no need to introduce additional complexity.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 04, 2008, 10:38:05 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 04, 2008, 10:21:31 PM
Mr. Tseung,

I would have used the much simpler slide as shown.

There is no need to introduce additional complexity.

Dear Top Gun,

You are right as always. 

When I drew that Slide, I was thinking  of the Wang Shum Ho device.  That particular device uses magnetic shielding material.

The Forever Yuen experiment uses your particular diagram.  She flipped the large permanent magnet to have S pole on top to produce repulsion.

I think it is clear to the average person that if the simple pendulum can lead out gravitational energy, the magnetic pendulum will be able to lead out additional magnetic energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 05, 2008, 02:54:26 AM
Dear Top Gun,

I just finished a long session using your slides with an engineer.  Here is his feedback:

(1)   The slides are too detailed.  He got bored.

(2)   He said that we should just say:

(3)   Horizontal Force cannot do vertical work.

(4)   The applied force F is horizontal and that there is displacement horizontally.  Work is done by F in the horizontal direction.

(5)   However, there is an increase in height.  Work must have been done in the vertical direction. 

(6) Which force is responsible?  Out of the three forces involved, it cannot be F.  It cannot be the weight.  The only choice is the tension of the string.

He was quite happy to accept that the tension of the string did the vertical work and thus lead out gravitational energy.

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 05, 2008, 03:24:59 AM
The Engineer also asked the same question as one of the Forum Members.

If the string is not shortened, can it do work?

He satisfied himself with the following diagram.  The string does not shorten in the pulling of the weight at an angle.  Work is done by the horizontal component of the string.

The string does not get shorter in this case.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 05, 2008, 05:14:02 AM
Dear Top Gun,

My new slides for the old slide 12 are slide 12m and slide 12n.

The description for slide 12m is:

In physics, work is equal to force times displacement using vector arithmetic. By vector arithmetic, we mean the direction needs to taken into account.

One common way is (1) to resolve the force into a vertical and a horizontal component
(2) to resolve the displacement into a vertical and a horizontal component
(3) the horizontal work is equal to the horizontal component of the force times the horizontal component of the displacement. In this case, horizontal work is equal to F times L times sin(a)
(4) The vertical work is equal to the vertical component of the force times the vertical component of the displacement. In this case, vertical work is equal Mg times L times [1 minus cos(a)]

It is important to realize that horizontal force cannot do vertical work because the direction of the force and the direction of displacement are at right angles to each other.  Thus the vertical work is not done by the supplied horizontal force (or energy).

One common mistake is to assume that all energy supplied is from the horizontal pull without doing the detailed force, work and energy analysis.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 05, 2008, 05:16:23 AM
The description for slide 12n is:

After we substituted the actual values, the horizontal work performed by F has a value of 16.10728 joules.

The vertical work performed by the string has a value of 7.0069 joules.

The ratio of horizontal energy over vertical energy is thus 16.10728 over 7.0069 and equal to 2.014.

Therefore, approximately 2 parts of horizontal energy leads out one part of vertical energy. This is the essence of  the Lee-Tseung Theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 05, 2008, 06:05:53 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 05, 2008, 05:14:02 AM
It is important to realize that horizontal force cannot do vertical work because the direction of the force and the direction of displacement are at right angles to each other.  Thus the vertical work is not done by the supplied horizontal force (or energy).

One common mistake is to assume that all energy supplied is from the horizontal pull without doing the detailed force, work and energy analysis.

Dear Mr. Tseung,

I like your aggressive style.  You pointed out the common mistake right away.  It will force the other side to defend that they have not made a mistake.

This strategy saves much explaining.  If they are good like the professors and research students at TsingHua or Shenzhen University, they would find the mistake.  Many do not care.  There is no need to explain to them.

A few may ask questions.  But this forces them to think first.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 05, 2008, 08:15:37 AM
Here is the description for Slide 15.

In this slide, we extend the concept to rotational systems.

On the left hand side, the unbalanced wheel has a small weight attached to the rim.  When we give a small clockwise rotation to the wheel and let go, the wheel will rotate back in an anti-clockwise direction.  If we focus on the small weight, the action is the same as the simple pendulum bob.

If we consider one complete revolution of  the unbalanced wheel, we would find that on the upward rotation, the unbalanced wheel will slow down due to the small weight.  On the downward rotation, the unbalanced wheel will speed up.  This speeding down and speeding up produces a pulse that can lead out gravitational energy.  In the 17th century, a watch maker in Germany produced a Bessler wheel.  That 16 feet wheel claimed to be able to lift small weights and kept rotating for 90 days.  Theoretically, it is possible because the Bessler wheel might just be an unbalanced wheel.

On the right hand side, we have a balanced wheel.  We can have multiple pulse points on this balanced wheel.  The balanced wheel can rotate at high speed.  Thus we can lead out much more energy.  If we have magnets on the wheel pulsed by electromagnets and surround the device with suitable magnetic fields, we can draw out both gravitational and magnetic energy.

Many documented and demonstrated Over Unity devices use these rotating magnets in pulsing magnetic fields.  Some of these working prototypes will be discussed in the following slides.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 05, 2008, 08:29:08 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 05, 2008, 08:15:37 AM
Here is the description for Slide 15.

In this slide, we extend the concept to rotational systems.

It is almost impossible to discover the Lead Out Energy mechanism from rotations.  Lee and I were lucky to have started with the pulsed pendulum.

However, almost all practival OU invention prototypes use rotation.

Please try to understand slide 15.  Once you mastered it, you would have mastered over 200 OU inventions worldwide.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 05, 2008, 11:10:58 AM
This is the description for slide 16.

In this slide, we shall emphasize the Electron Motion Energy again as promised.

(1) When an electron moves in a circular orbit, it creates magnetism.  Magnetism is related to electron motion.

(2) When electrons jump from one orbit to another, they can emit light or electromagnetic waves.  The Laser is a well known example.

(3) Electrons can be detached from the atoms of some elements and cluster together.  This clustering produces electrostatics.

(4) Electron flow creates the AC or DC current that we use daily.

(5) Electrons exist in all atoms.  They are moving around the nuclei all the time.  If they stop moving, they might be attracted and fall into the nucleus.  We are using the existing energy of moving electrons.

(6) The electrons keep exchanging energy with their surroundings.  An example is the black body radiation.  All material emit or absorb light or electromagnetic waves all the time.

(7) Chemical Energy is due to different configuration of electron clouds of different compounds.

If we can lead out energy from a magnetic pendulum, we should be able to lead out energy from an electrostatic pendulum.  Thus, we use the term ? leading out energy from electron motion.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 05, 2008, 11:11:39 AM
This is the description for slide 16.

In this slide, we shall emphasize the Electron Motion Energy again as promised.

(1) When an electron moves in a circular orbit, it creates magnetism.  Magnetism is related to electron motion.

(2) When electrons jump from one orbit to another, they can emit light or electromagnetic waves.  The Laser is a well known example.

(3) Electrons can be detached from the atoms of some elements and cluster together.  This clustering produces electrostatics.

(4) Electron flow creates the AC or DC current that we use daily.

(5) Electrons exist in all atoms.  They are moving around the nuclei all the time.  If they stop moving, they might be attracted and fall into the nucleus.  We are using the existing energy of moving electrons.

(6) The electrons keep exchanging energy with their surroundings.  An example is the black body radiation.  All material emit or absorb light or electromagnetic waves all the time.

(7) Chemical Energy is due to different configuration of electron clouds of different compounds.

If we can lead out energy from a magnetic pendulum, we should be able to lead out energy from an electrostatic pendulum.  Thus, we use the term ? leading out energy from electron motion.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 05, 2008, 11:15:02 AM
Slide 16 answers the question - do we draw energy from the magnetism of the permanent magnets?

The answer is NO.  We Lead Out energy from Electron Motion.

This new concept will need time to digest.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 05, 2008, 11:19:09 AM
This is the last theoretical slide.

In this slide, we essentially summarize the steps discussed previously and project some more.

(1) We are in Gravitational and Electron Motion Fields.
(2) Pulsing Pendulum Leads Out Gravitational Energy
(3) Pulsing the Magnet Pendulum can Lead Out Electron Motion (magnetic) energy
(4) An unbalanced rotating wheel is equivalent to a pulsed pendulum
(5) A pulsing balanced rotating wheel will Lead Out Gravitational or Electron Motion Energy efficiently.
(6) Inventions from Newman, Bedini etc. use 4 or 5
(7) Flying Saucer does not need to eject gases (use inertia propulsion)
(8 ) Flying Saucer uses new energy (no fossil fuel)

We shall discuss Flying Saucers in a separate seminar.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on April 05, 2008, 03:20:48 PM
Tseung, welcome back.  You and Top Guns' posts covered the theoretical part of the presentation slides.  I now raise the same questions I asked Top Gun when you were away.  Here they are:

(1)   Does that mean humans no long depend on the Sun for their energy needs?  They can get gravitational energy from the earth, the moon, the stars and even each other?

(2)   Does it mean that a country such as China need not buy oil from the Middle East any more?

(3)   Is Gravitational Energy really non-polluting?

(4)   Will Gravitation Energy ever get exhausted?

(5)   How would that affect the power structure of this World?  Would USA lose its grip as the most powerful Nation in the World?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 05, 2008, 03:58:18 PM
Quote from: Devil on April 05, 2008, 03:20:48 PM
Tseung, welcome back.  You and Top Guns' posts covered the theoretical part of the presentation slides.  I now raise the same questions I asked Top Gun when you were away.  Here they are:

(1)   Does that mean humans no long depend on the Sun for their energy needs?  They can get gravitational energy from the earth, the moon, the stars and even each other?

(2)   Does it mean that a country such as China need not buy oil from the Middle East any more?

(3)   Is Gravitational Energy really non-polluting?

(4)   Will Gravitation Energy ever get exhausted?

(5)   How would that affect the power structure of this World?  Would USA lose its grip as the most powerful Nation in the World?

(1)   Does that mean humans no long depend on the Sun for their energy needs?  They can get gravitational energy from the earth, the moon, the stars and even each other?

We have now identified two new sources of energy ? energy from gravitational field and energy from electron motion.  The Lee-Tseung theory is  a derived theory.  This means if the derivation steps are mathematically and the physics is correctly applied, the Lee-Tseung theory cannot be wrong.

Thanks to Top Gun for showing every minute step.  Some of the common mistakes in the past include:

(1)   When one pulls a pendulum, all the energy must come from the pull.  There is no need to analyze the force, work and energy in detail.  This lazy attitude blinded scientists for century.
(2)   A pendulum string cannot do work if it is not shortened.  We may have to rephrase the statement ? work can be performed via the pendulum string even if the pendulum string is not shortened.  In Physics, if there is force and displacement, we must examine their relative directions to determine whether work has been performed.
(3)   Many scientists did not realize the leading out of gravitational or electron motion energy.  They WRONGLY applied the Law of Conservation of Energy.  They did not take the ?lead out? energy in the energy equation.  They accused many working inventions as impossible perpetual motion machines that create energy.  In reality, many such machines use the existing, readily available gravitational or electron motion energy.

I firmly believe mankind now has the theoretical basis or scientific grounds to use gravitational and electron motion energy.  Mankind does not have to rely on the Sun totally for their energy needs.  The use of gravitational and electron motion energy that are pollution-free, cheap and virtually inexhaustible will dominate.  The fossil fuel engines will be replaced in the coming years.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 05, 2008, 05:14:59 PM
Quote from: Devil on April 05, 2008, 03:20:48 PM
Tseung, welcome back.  You and Top Guns' posts covered the theoretical part of the presentation slides.  I now raise the same questions I asked Top Gun when you were away.  Here they are:

(1)   Does that mean humans no long depend on the Sun for their energy needs?  They can get gravitational energy from the earth, the moon, the stars and even each other?

(2)   Does it mean that a country such as China need not buy oil from the Middle East any more?

(3)   Is Gravitational Energy really non-polluting?

(4)   Will Gravitational Energy ever get exhausted?

(5)   How would that affect the power structure of this World?  Would USA lose its grip as the most powerful Nation in the World?

(2)   Does it mean that a country such as China need not buy oil from the Middle East any more?

Mankind has been stupid in burning oil.  Oil can be used for many other purposes. 

The Lee-Tseung theory is so simple that even the average Secondary School physics student can understand.  It has been presented at the China Patent Office and at Tsinghua University in 2006.  It has been presented again at Shenzhen University in March 2008.  The Nanjing UFO video on youtube is most probably a ?made in China? device.  The Chinese Military is definitely aware of the military significance of the Infinite Energy Flying Saucer.

China is not alone in understanding the Lee-Tseung Theory and has on-going research.  USA with the projects at Area 51 must have understood it too.  Other countries such as Russia, Japan, Europe, Australia, Canada, India etc. are also knowledgeable.  They all have inventors working on Over Unity Devices.

It is just a matter of when China will announce the New Energy Machines.  It is a political decision rather than a technical decision.  The Lee-Tseung theory has been disclosed officially via the PCT patent information database in July 2006.  China will get the glory for laying the scientific foundation.  That foundation cannot be wrong, as it is too simple.  Any top physicist who mathematically analyzes the simple pendulum with Lee-Tseung pulls can confirm that.

I firmly believe that China will not buy oil from Middle East for fuel as soon as it has mass-produced the New Energy Machines.  That will happen in the coming months. If China does not take the lead, other countries such as Japan, India etc will do so.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on April 05, 2008, 07:47:46 PM

This thread has gained a large following at many out door fast food eating establishments.



Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 05, 2008, 07:49:46 PM
Quote from: Devil on April 05, 2008, 03:20:48 PM
Tseung, welcome back.  You and Top Guns' posts covered the theoretical part of the presentation slides.  I now raise the same questions I asked Top Gun when you were away.  Here they are:

(1)   Does that mean humans no long depend on the Sun for their energy needs?  They can get gravitational energy from the earth, the moon, the stars and even each other?

(2)   Does it mean that a country such as China need not buy oil from the Middle East any more?

(3)   Is Gravitational Energy really non-polluting?

(4)   Will Gravitation Energy ever get exhausted?

(5)   How would that affect the power structure of this World?  Would USA lose its grip as the most powerful Nation in the World?

(3)   Is Gravitational Energy really non-polluting?

Top Gun has provided a good answer.  My short answer is YES.  However we have to use it for sometime before we really know its side effects.

(4)   Will Gravitation Energy ever get exhausted?

No.  The universe is constantly exchanging gravitational energy.  If we use energy, we effectively change it into other forms.  That is the Law of Conservation of Energy.  We might abuse energy and turn too much into heat and bring bad side effects to Earth.  However, I would advice to build and use such machines first.

(5)   How would that affect the power structure of this World?  Would USA lose its grip as the most powerful Nation in the World?

Any Country having a commanding lead in this New Energy technology will be the new Power of this World.  I want to prevent a repeat of the sad era of ?survival of the fittest?.  Please read http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm.  I shall try to get help to translate it into English as soon as possible.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on April 05, 2008, 08:04:37 PM

*dubble post
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 06, 2008, 04:50:45 PM
Please read about the Russian Inventors Conference (11th Moscow International Salon of Industrial Property "Archimedes") in

In the period from April, 1 to April, 4th, 2008 in Moscow on the territory of the cultural-exhibition center "Sokolniki", pavilions 2, 3.1, there will be held the 11th Moscow international Salon of Industrial Property "Archimedes".

I sent the Lee-Tseung theory information to the organizers earlier.  I believe this is an important group in Russia that will develop many Over Unity or New Energy Inventions.  That is little doubt in my mind that they have many scientists who can understand the ?O-level Physics? material as presented.

The World will benefit with our sharing of information.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on April 06, 2008, 05:17:50 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 06, 2008, 04:50:45 PM
Please read about the Russian Inventors Conference (11th Moscow International Salon of Industrial Property "Archimedes") in

In the period from April, 1 to April, 4th, 2008 in Moscow on the territory of the cultural-exhibition center "Sokolniki", pavilions 2, 3.1, there will be held the 11th Moscow international Salon of Industrial Property "Archimedes".

I sent the Lee-Tseung theory information to the organizers earlier.  I believe this is an important group in Russia that will develop many Over Unity or New Energy Inventions.  That is little doubt in my mind that they have many scientists who can understand the ?O-level Physics? material as presented.

The World will benefit with our sharing of information.

Tseung, do you know that your use of the phrase ?O-level Physics? is extremely insulting to the existing scientific ?establishment?.  It implies that they were lazy and never did a proper Force, Work and Energy Analysis of the Pendulum.  The pendulum has been taught as an example of simple harmonic motion for centuries.

Simple harmonic motion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mass on a pendulum: In the small-angle approximation, the motion of a pendulum is approximated by simple harmonic motion. The period of a mass attached to a ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_harmonic_motion ?

You even boldly said that they incorrectly applied the Law of Conservation of Energy in not taking the lead out energy into account.  You basically said that the patent offices of the World were wrong.  They wrongly rejected many inventions ? classifying them as impossible perpetual motion machines.  Do not underestimate how many enemies you have created with such statements.

This amounts to a frontal attack by you on the ?establishment?.  There will be inevitable jeers.  None of the scientists can find fault with your mathematics and physics.  But they will attack your personality, your credibility, etc.  Are you ready to take on such an assault?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 06, 2008, 08:01:08 PM
Here I would like to display the "no-battery" loudspeaker as brought up by Hans.

The "no-battery" loudspeaker is a good example of leading out magnetic or electron motion energy via pulsed vibrations.  The working products were used in the 1930-50 period.  We do not need to think of or design a demostration prototype.

The physics and mathematics cannot be wrong.  The "no-battery" loudspeaker cannot be wrong. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 06, 2008, 09:08:01 PM
Mr. Tseung,

I would like to expand on your quoting the no-battery loudspeaker more.  Hans has a thread in:
http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,4172.0.html.  His comment on Mr. Tseung using the Lee-Tseung theory to explain the loudspeaker is:

A detector circuit picks up an amplitude modulated wave. The germanium diode acts as a half wave rectifier stripping off half of the signal. The remainder is half a carrier wave that shows the signal as a series of peaks depending on the frequency, quality and amplitude of the acoustic signal. The loudspeaker or headphone is too sluggish to reproduce the carrier wave and therefore the audio signal is all that remains.

The audio signal is RANDOM as far as frequency or amplitude is concerned in technical terms, though musicians would get kind of miffed if you described their work as random noises artfully assembled into a harmonious whole, yet technically this is what it is.

If you were to apply Lee-Tseung Pulls as a signal source all you would hear is the noise of a jackhammer in various frequencies.

My comments are:

(1)   The half wave signals act as Lee-Tseung Pulls.  These half wave signals have a carrier signal with the acoustic signals superimposed on top.

(2)   The half wave signals come in via Coil A and caused the soft iron reed B to vibrate.

(3)   The soft iron reed B is subjected to the very strong magnetic field from the Horseshoe Magnet E and Pole Shoes F.  This arrangement is analogous to the pendulum in a strong gravitational field.

(4)   Magnetic Energy (or Electron Motion Energy) is Lead Out.  The amplitude of vibration greatly increases and is transmitted via the Spring Steel G and the Connecting Rod C to the Paper Cone D.

(5)   Much of the Lead Out energy is transformed into mechanical energy in vibrating the membrane of the Paper Cone D.  The membrane is too sluggish to reproduce the carrier wave and therefore the audio signal is all that remains

This detailed explanation should tie the Lee-Tseung theory with the no-battery loudspeaker much better. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 06, 2008, 11:17:28 PM
Now I would like to focus our attention to mechanical unbalanced wheels.

The Bessler Wheel in the 17th century is a possible example.  Unfortunately, the inventor destroyed it when he could not get investment.  The detailed inside workings was not disclosed.  More details can be found at http://www.besslerwheel.com

In the 1860's, Asa Jackson of Lebanon, Tennessee built a perpetual motion wheel. The evidence indicates that it produced excess power (over-unity). The wheel is now on display at the Museum of Appalachia in Norris, TN, USA. http://home.tampabay.rr.com/sccinfo/asawheel.htm

Mr. T.S. Cheung is experimenting with a falling weight unbalanced wheel with one end of the tube padded.  Some early results are encouraging.  The Lee-Tseung theory attributes this to unbalanced rotation of a non-rigid body.

The David Hamel demonstration used a circular magnet glued on top of a steel ball in a non-balanced magnetic field. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rmgBreZA_c&feature=related

I initially treated this type of devices as toys.  However, the Wang Shum Ho electricity generator with combination of ferro-liquid rotation and unbalanced magnet rotation convinced me otherwise.  http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/Wang3a.files/frame.htm

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 07, 2008, 01:09:52 AM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on April 05, 2008, 07:47:46 PM

This thread has gained a large following at many out door fast food eating establishments.



No, we don't need pictures. We just need to rename this thread to: "The Lee-Tseung Theory of inventing virtual persons interacting with themselves"!

Can't ever imagine such screwed up people...

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 07, 2008, 02:13:18 AM
The largest groups of OU inventors are those using rotation in magnetic fields.  Most use DC pulses on electromagnetic coils.

Examples include Newman, Bedini, Adams, John Searl, 225 HP, Tsinghua, Chas Campbell, EBM etc.

Liang used ICs instead of magnets.

However, the Lee-Tseung theory explained the source of energy for all of these inventions.  Thus every one of these is potentially a confirmation of the Lee-Tseung Theory.

This may be unique in the history of science.  "O-level Physics" can solve the Energy Crisis of the World and give headache to all Patent Offices.  A simple extension to "inertia propulsion" systems also solves the transportation system - even to outer space.

The global warming problem can be reversed with the Energy from Still Air Invention.

The mathematics and physics are too simple.  They cannot be wrong.  Top Gun and I are happy to meet any challenge to the mathematics and physics of the Lee-Tseung Theroy.  We are lucky to have so much fun in this new era of science.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 07, 2008, 03:26:51 AM
The last group of Over Unity Inventions I would like to talk about are the flux change devices.

This group includes the Sung-Lee-Tseung device, the Tom Beardon et al patent, the Flynn device, the Steven Mark TPU and the Japanese Flux Change Products.

This group does not rely on rotation to cut magnetic lines of flux.  It uses change of flux to achieve the same goal.

The foundation of all these start with pulling the simple pendulum.  The analysis of Force, Work and Energy requires only "O-level physics".  It will be the TALK and the MIRACLE of the 21st Century.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on April 07, 2008, 06:25:23 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 07, 2008, 03:26:51 AM

The foundation of all these start with pulling the simple pendulum.  The analysis of Force, Work and Energy requires only "O-level physics".  It will be the TALK and the MIRACLE of the 21st Century.

Tseung, the coming attack will be - some previously unknown person conceived the Lee-Tseung theory first.

When the attackers cannot find fault with the mathematics and physics, the only other way to discredit you is - you and Lee were not the first ones to have conceived the simple idea.

Be prepared for this new wave of attack.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 07, 2008, 07:04:28 AM
Quote from: Devil on April 07, 2008, 06:25:23 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 07, 2008, 03:26:51 AM

The foundation of all these start with pulling the simple pendulum.  The analysis of Force, Work and Energy requires only "O-level physics".  It will be the TALK and the MIRACLE of the 21st Century.

Tseung, the coming attack will be - some previously unknown person conceived the Lee-Tseung theory first.

When the attackers cannot find fault with the mathematics and physics, the only other way to discredit you is - you and Lee were not the first ones to have conceived the simple idea.

Be prepared for this new wave of attack.

Thank you for the warning.  My goal is to benefit the World.  I deliberately suppress my desire for fame.

It will be fun to see the shift in attack.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 07, 2008, 08:00:16 AM
Got the call that the "Energy Institute" has been formed in Hong Kong.

One of the first tasks is to promote the ?O-level Physics? Lee-Tseung lead out theory.  Hong Kong has never been famous for its scientific achievements.  This will be a First.

The promotion will be in both English and Chinese.  The theory will be promoted to all Hong Kong Schools.  We can easily have over 1 million students understanding the theory.  The working prototypes will be demonstrated next.

Hong Kong is a wealthy city.  It is famous for its fast action.  The most likely action is to ?buy? the existing prototypes.  Many New Energy Inventors have expressed interest in raising International Investment via Hong Kong.  There is a good chance of demonstrating their working prototypes.

Hong Kong will demonstrate its skill in handling earthshaking news.  Be prepared.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on April 07, 2008, 01:30:51 PM
Tseung, who else in this world can claim?

(1) To be able to solve the Energy Crisis

(2) To be able to go into outer space with the Flying Saucer

(3) To be able to reverse Global Warming

(4) To be able to overcome "survival of the fittest" with Mutual Credits

(5) To be able to ignore personal fame and fortune.  Focus on Benefiting the World.

Why are you wasting your time and the unique gift?  Opportunity knocks but you have to open the door.

You cannot be wrong in mathematics and physics.  Who else is in such a privileged position?  Are you still scared of the possible insults?

Use this opportunity to bring unprecedented Modern Wealth to Hong Kong, China and the World.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 08, 2008, 06:53:04 AM
Quote from: Devil on April 07, 2008, 01:30:51 PM
Tseung, who else in this world can claim?

(1) To be able to solve the Energy Crisis

(2) To be able to go into outer space with the Flying Saucer

(3) To be able to reverse Global Warming

(4) To be able to overcome "survival of the fittest" with Mutual Credits

(5) To be able to ignore personal fame and fortune.  Focus on Benefiting the World.

Why are you wasting your time and the unique gift?  Opportunity knocks but you have to open the door.

You cannot be wrong in mathematics and physics.  Who else is in such a privileged position?  Are you still scared of the possible insults?

Use this opportunity to bring unprecedented Modern Wealth to Hong Kong, China and the World.

I am not sure whether you are the devil or an angel.  However, your comments are encouraging.  I shall go ahead with the plan to promote to 1 million Hong Kong Students asap.  It only needs O-level physics to understand.  The equivalent in Hong Kong is the Hong Kong School Certification Examination.

That examination is taking place in Hong Kong in the next few weeks.  These students will then have time as they wait for their results.

I am sure that I can start benefiting the Hong Kong Students first before the rest of the World.  Physics and Mathematics cannot be wrong.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 08, 2008, 07:16:52 AM
How long can you go on talking to yourself?

It is quite fast losing its entertainment value, that's for sure.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on April 08, 2008, 03:24:22 PM

Oh Ming Mei...?

I believe thats your cue. :)


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 08, 2008, 08:13:38 PM
The easiest way to get publicity in Hong Kong and China is money.

I shall challenge all Hong Kong Students to find fault with the Lee-Tseung theory.  A prize of HKD $10,000 will be posted.  The check from the Hong Kong Bank (HSBC) will be held by reputable organizations such as the Hong Kong Invention Association, the Energy Institute, the Hong Kong Universities.

That is a small amount (equivalent to US$1,300.  If no Hong Kong Student can claim that, we extent it to China and then the World.

Since I am 100% sure that the Lee-Tseung theory is correct, the challenge can easily be extended to the Forum Members here. 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 08, 2008, 08:23:38 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 08, 2008, 08:13:38 PM
The easiest way to get publicity in Hong Kong and China is money.

I shall challenge all Hong Kong Students to find fault with the Lee-Tseung theory.  A prize of HKD $10,000 will be posted.  The check from the Hong Kong Bank (HSBC) will be held by reputable organizations such as the Hong Kong Invention Association, the Energy Institute, the Hong Kong Universities.

That is a small amount (equivalent to US$1,300.  If no Hong Kong Student can claim that, we extent it to China and then the World.

Since I am 100% sure that the Lee-Tseung theory is correct, the challenge can easily be extended to the Forum Members here. 

Lawrence, there's a easier way out. Just take your prescribed medicine from the doctor and don't spend too much time on this forum. Goto the nearby park, a little walk and tai-chi will do you wonders. Your heart rate will decrease; you will be more alert and less stressed out.

Then you can save yourself the $1300. After all, some 15 year old 'O' level child might take you up on your word and show you the errors of your ways simply by reading the number of negative responses in this thread!

Better save face now than lose your shirt? No? 

Alternatively, enroll in thenext semester Physics 101 class at the local Poly. Maybe the Professor may give you a special credit if you enrolled. This is his way out in not having to tell you, you're an idiot!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 09, 2008, 08:19:38 AM
I second Chris's post. :)

Impressive how much blabla Tseung can keep spewing talking to himself...
...and remarkable that it is no longer about even trying to prove his
theory and subsequent unsupported claims, but now seems to be
only nonsensical ranting about Hong Kong and China...

So I guess Tseung has moved from sticking feathers up his butt for
"inventing" his still totally unproven theory and claims, to
flooding us with useless remarks about Asian regions now?
As if anyone in China is going to take him seriously with his
constant fumbling of basic physics, his inability to practise logical
reasoning, and his silly beach hat that just barely misses the sticker
"I'm an idiot just look at my silly hat"...  :D

But then again, in Tseungs fantasy world I bet Chinese physicists
are much easier to convince than a patent official that he couldn't
explain his theory to in the real world. Obviously physics in China
works differently than on our side of the globe.  ::) ;)
Just like clearly in HK and China the way to get publicity is money,
while on our side of the globe the way to publicity is obviously
hamburgers and salad, like everyone knows. ;D
And while on our side of the world any pendulum would feel both
gravity and magnetism pull it down in the downswing as well as
the upswing, thereby never gaining any energy in the end, on his
side of the world the pull only happens on the downswing, but
on the upswing it magically turns into a push. Special curved
gravity in China I guess. ;) ;D
Perhaps we should all follow him down the rabbit hole and we can all
experience these fantastic effects, while we're playing croquet with
a deck of cards and hunting down an invisible cat. :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on April 09, 2008, 04:47:34 PM

However, I fail to see what all that has to do with Ming Mei ?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 09, 2008, 05:55:09 PM
I had an over 2 hour bumpy bus ride on a being repaired road in China.

The road was relatively new ? less than 10 years.  However, it was done by unqualified local contractors with inferior material to meet ?a national goal?.  It strengthen my conviction that China should develop the Flying Saucer as soon as possible.

The first task is to get the Chinese Scientists, Engineers and Students to understand the Lee-Tseung Theory.  This will be the high priority item at this moment in time.  The mathematical and Physics steps cannot be wrong and have been shown in this Forum.

It is time to go beyond.  Thank you to chrisC, Koen and others for their insult training.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 09, 2008, 09:00:49 PM
It is now time to focus on promoting the Lee-Tseung Theory to the scientist, engineers and students in Hong Kong.

Chinese will be used heavily.  I shall select some to reproduce in here. 

李長建å’Å'蔣æÅ'¯å¯§ï¼Å'Ã¥Å"¨2006å¹´7æÅ"ˆï¼Å'經PCTÃ¥Å"‹éš›å°ˆåˆ©çµ„ç¹”ï¼Å'å…¬éâ€"‹äº†ä»â€"Ã¥â,¬â€˜Ã§Å¡â€žÃ§Ââ€ Ã¨Â«â€"ãâ,¬â€šÃ¤Â»â€"Ã¥â,¬â€˜Ã§Ââ€ Ã¨Â«â€"çš„æ ¸å¿Æ'ï¼Å'是可以éâ,¬Å¡Ã©ÂÅ½Ã©ÂÂ©Ã§â€¢Â¶Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¨â€žË†Ã¨Â¡ÂÃ¯Â¼Å'Ã¥Å"¨æ“ºå‹•ï¼Å'æÅ'¯å‹•ï¼Å'轉動ï¼Å'æˆâ€"磁力線變動的系統中ï¼Å'引出åÅ"°å¿Æ'吸力æˆâ€"電子活動的èÆ'½é‡ãâ,¬â€š

éâ,¬â,,¢Ã¤Âºâ€ºÃ¨Æ'½é‡ï¼Å'無污染ï¼Å'隨èâ,,¢â€¢Ã¥ÂÂ¯Ã¥Â¾â€"ï¼Å'無窮無盡ãâ,¬â€šÃ§Ââ€ Ã¨Â«â€"可由æÅ"‰æŽè”£æ‹‰åŠ›çš„擺動åâ,,¢Â¨Ã¨Â§Â£Ã©â€¡â€¹Ã£â,¬â€šÃ§ÂÂ¾Ã¥Å"¨æ­£æâ€"¼é¦â,,¢Ã¦Â¸Â¯Ã¥Â®Â£Ã¥â€šÂ³Ã£â,¬â€šÃ¨Æ'½å¤ æŽ¨ç¿»æŽè”£ç†è«â€"的任何人仕ï¼Å'可獲獎金港幣(HK$10,000)ãâ,¬â€š
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 10, 2008, 06:40:04 AM
Haha, well then, allow me to post some equally useless information :D

It is now time to focus in the Geneva inventors expo "Salon des Inventions".

After spending an hour or so in an actual airplane, which the German pilot managed
to land succesfully on the Geneva airstrip, I was immediately addressed in both
German and French by a herd of Geneva taxi drivers.

Because French was used heavily, I will reproduce some here.

"Bonjour monsieur, comment ?a va? Vous voulez un taxi peut-?tre?
Alors, mon taxi est moins cher que son taxi. S'il vous pla?t, prenez mon taxi!
Bon, mer?i beaucoup, monsieur. Vous parlez Fran?ais tr?s bien, monsieur.
Un moment, s'il vous pla?t, je dois manger mon croissant au fromage et jambon.
-scrunch scrunch- Merci pour attendre monsieur, alors, quel est votre hotel?"

As is obvious to everyone, this was highly enlightening and certainly
worth posting, just like Tseungs great story. ;) :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 10, 2008, 06:49:20 AM
Just finished talking to an Engineer who attended the Shenzhen University Seminar.

He is willing to volunteer his time and other resources to do experiments and prototypes.

My task will be to get over 1 million Hong Kong Scientists, Engineers and Students to be aware of and understand the Lee-Tseung Theory. 

We can always move in parallel.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 10, 2008, 02:32:21 PM
Looks like the US Government is interested in the Lee-Tseung theory.

From: The Energy Conversation (mailer@energyconversation.org)

We are very pleased to announce the launch of our beta site for the Energy Conversation www.energyconversation.org.

We appreciate you sticking with us through the many stages. Your recommendations have been enormously helpful and are always welcome.

We began this effort over two years ago, operating off an excel spreadsheet with about a hundred names on it. We now have over 3,100 people engaged in the Energy Conversation and continue to grow.

The site will serve to:

? Provide a nexus portal as we continue to develop all aspects of the Energy Conversation
? Invite you to register for this month?s Energy Conversation Seminar
? Archive slides, mp3s, video, transcripts, handouts and more - generated from two years of Energy Conversation Seminars
? Attract media attention to energy programs
? Showcase all i mportant energy events in the calendar
? Highlight energy news in Defense and throughout the Federal Government
? Engage and inform others of our efforts in continuing outreach

You will not need a username and password to access information or to register for events. However, if you would like to streamline the registration process you can create a username and password. Instructions are on the website. If you have any problems we have support ready to help.

Our next Energy Conversation will feature Lester Brown on April 28th. Feel free to register now on the site. A formal invitation will follow.

Many thanks,

The Energy Conversation Team

The Energy Conversation is a Defense Department led coalition of twenty-six federal Departments and Agencies working together as Energy Smart advocates to inform, educate and communicate with the American people on how to build a sustainable energy future.

4825 Mark Center Drive Alexandrea, 22311
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 10, 2008, 02:35:45 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 09, 2008, 05:55:09 PM

The road was relatively new ? less than 10 years.  However, it was done by unqualified local contractors with inferior material to meet ?a national goal?.  It strengthen my conviction that China should develop the Flying Saucer as soon as possible.

The only Flying Saucers flying are the ones between your ears and can't get out!
That's soooooo revolutionary!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 10, 2008, 02:47:17 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 10, 2008, 02:32:21 PM
Looks like the US Government is interested in the Lee-Tseung theory.


That's like saying the elephant is interested in the dumb mouse who thinks he's invented perpetual motion because he's spinning a wheel pulsed by an external source! Get real Mr. Tseung.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 10, 2008, 02:57:53 PM
My email to The Energy Conversation Team.

To: The Energy Conversation (mailer@energyconversation.org)

Dear The Energy Conversation Team

I am sure you are aware of the Lee-Tseung theory.  We are launching an educational program to let scientists, engineers, students and the General Public Worldwide know that the solution to the Energy Crisis is in sight.

The World needs to work together to avoid a repeat of the painful ?survival of the fittest? era.  We can have infinite Energy that is non-polluting, available anywhere and easy to use.  We can build the Flying Saucer in China, USA, Japan, Russia, etc. today.

The promotional article in Chinese is:

李長建å’Å'蔣æÅ'¯å¯§ï¼Å'Ã¥Å"¨2006å¹´7æÅ"ˆï¼Å'經PCTÃ¥Å"‹éš›å°ˆåˆ©çµ„ç¹”ï¼Å'å…¬éâ€"‹äº†ä»â€"Ã¥â,¬â€˜Ã§Å¡â€žÃ§Ââ€ Ã¨Â«â€"ãâ,¬â€šÃ¤Â»â€"Ã¥â,¬â€˜Ã§Ââ€ Ã¨Â«â€"çš„æ ¸å¿Æ'ï¼Å'是可以éâ,¬Å¡Ã©ÂÅ½Ã©ÂÂ©Ã§â€¢Â¶Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¨â€žË†Ã¨Â¡ÂÃ¯Â¼Å'Ã¥Å"¨æ“ºå‹•ï¼Å'æÅ'¯å‹•ï¼Å'轉動ï¼Å'æˆâ€"磁力線變動的系統中ï¼Å'引出åÅ"°å¿Æ'吸力æˆâ€"電子活動的èÆ'½é‡ãâ,¬â€š

éâ,¬â,,¢Ã¤Âºâ€ºÃ¨Æ'½é‡ï¼Å'無污染ï¼Å'隨èâ,,¢â€¢Ã¥ÂÂ¯Ã¥Â¾â€"ï¼Å'無窮無盡ãâ,¬â€šÃ§Ââ€ Ã¨Â«â€"可由æÅ"‰æŽè”£æ‹‰åŠ›çš„擺動åâ,,¢Â¨Ã¨Â§Â£Ã©â€¡â€¹Ã£â,¬â€šÃ§ÂÂ¾Ã¥Å"¨æ­£æâ€"¼é¦â,,¢Ã¦Â¸Â¯Ã¥Â®Â£Ã¥â€šÂ³Ã£â,¬â€šÃ¨Æ'½å¤ æŽ¨ç¿»æŽè”£ç†è«â€"的任何人仕ï¼Å'可獲獎金港幣(HK$10,000)ãâ,¬â€š

The translation is:

LEE Cheung Kin and TSEUNG Chun Ning had their theory published via the PCT patent information system in July 2006.  The central theme of their patent is as follows:

We can use suitable pulse force to Lead Out gravitational or electron motion energy in oscillating, vibrating, rotating or flux change systems.

Such energy is non-polluting, available anywhere and virtually inexhaustible.  The theory can be explained with the Lee-Tseung pulled pendulum.  The promotion is starting in Hong Kong.  A prize money of HK$10,000 is offered to anyone who can overturn the Lee-Tseung theory.

At present, the background information (in English) of the Lee-Tseung theory can be obtained in http://www.overunity.com under the thread ? The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.  Unfortunately, there is much ?noise? in this open forum.  You have to filter through many junk posts.

I look forward to working with your team to benefit the World.

Yours truly,

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on April 11, 2008, 01:16:56 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 10, 2008, 02:32:21 PM
Looks like the US Government is interested in the Lee-Tseung theory.

From: The Energy Conversation (mailer@energyconversation.org)

We are very pleased to announce the launch of our beta site for the Energy Conversation www.energyconversation.org.

We appreciate you sticking with us through the many stages. Your recommendations have been enormously helpful and are always welcome.

Tseung, when you say that you know how to build the Flying Saucer that could wipe out every existing plane, missile or space craft, the USA Government would be interested.

Todd Hathaway knew about you previously.  Your recommendations (and postings) have been enormously helpful and are always welcome.  You have the ears of the USA Government Officials.  You already have the connection to the Chinese Officials.  You have extremely important influence on their policies.  You are more influential than any one could have imagined.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 11, 2008, 05:03:57 AM
Quote from: Devil on April 11, 2008, 01:16:56 AM

Looks like the US Government is interested in the Lee-Tseung theory.

From: The Energy Conversation (mailer@energyconversation.org)

We appreciate you sticking with us through the many stages. Your recommendations have been enormously helpful and are always welcome.

You have the ears of the USA Government Officials.  You already have the connection to the Chinese Officials.  You have extremely important influence on their policies.  You are more influential than any one could have imagined.

Dear Devil,

Thank you for letting me know that I, a retired old man living in Hong Kong, have extremely important influence.

In that case, I would like to recommend the book in:
http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm.  Much of the information is in Chinese.   However, with the USA Government involved, translation is not a problem.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 11, 2008, 07:12:03 AM
Quote from: Devil on April 11, 2008, 01:16:56 AM
You have the ears of the USA Government Officials.  You already have the connection to the Chinese Officials.  You have extremely important influence on their policies.  You are more influential than any one could have imagined.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on April 11, 2008, 01:28:30 PM
NEW TECHNOLOGY has been released

This apparatus transmitts sents to local recievers world wide with this in use .. Mingmei could be smelt and examined at a much faster pace.. Cosmic poop is only as cosmic as the people using it and the more people the more cosmic .

In short this is the fuel for the UFO CRAFT. PLESAE USE THIS TECH TO FURTHER YOUR EFFORTS MINGMEI, LANGLEY And Dr who dont chit i miss the allegory immensely.

P.S. who flung dung already has it i sent it to him last week so i wanted to share with everyone.

http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/ptech/04/07/mobile.scent.ap/index.html (http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/ptech/04/07/mobile.scent.ap/index.html)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on April 11, 2008, 05:28:45 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 07, 2008, 07:04:28 AM
Quote from: Devil on April 07, 2008, 06:25:23 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 07, 2008, 03:26:51 AM

The foundation of all these start with pulling the simple pendulum.  The analysis of Force, Work and Energy requires only "O-level physics".  It will be the TALK and the MIRACLE of the 21st Century.

Tseung, the coming attack will be - some previously unknown person conceived the Lee-Tseung theory first.

When the attackers cannot find fault with the mathematics and physics, the only other way to discredit you is - you and Lee were not the first ones to have conceived the simple idea.

Be prepared for this new wave of attack.

Thank you for the warning.  My goal is to benefit the World.  I deliberately suppress my desire for fame.

It will be fun to see the shift in attack.

I will begin the disinformation, comrade.  Here is a 1999 intertial propulsion invention based on circular motion.

http://www.rexresearch.com/cookip/cookip.htm (http://www.rexresearch.com/cookip/cookip.htm)

Tseung stole the idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 11, 2008, 06:34:59 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on April 11, 2008, 05:28:45 PM

I will begin the disinformation, comrade.  Here is a 1999 inertial propulsion invention based on circular motion.

http://www.rexresearch.com/cookip/cookip.htm (http://www.rexresearch.com/cookip/cookip.htm)

Tseung stole the idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Dear shruggedatlas,

You should also quote the other 90 or so inertia propulsion patents at the same website:

Those refer to mechanical devices.  Many more are using electromagnet mechanisms.  A Google search on "electromagnetic inertia propulsion" yielded over 38,000 hits.

Tseung never need to steal the inertia propulsion idea.  It is already available from published documents including patents.  Tseung only explained from ?the cannot lie physics and mathematics? that Newton?s Third Law was not violated.

The CORRECT explanation makes Flying Saucer development true science.

(The USA Government promoted INCORRECT explanations and denied the development of the Flying Saucer because of ?National Security? reasons.  Now China has built such machines ? probably with electromagnet mechanisms.  See UFO in Nanjing on youtube.  There will be no need for secrecy.  The Nation with overwhelming lead in this technology will become the Super Power ? just like guns and cannons against swords and arrows in the past.)

Tseung believes that mankind will benefit most if many nations know about the technology and compete peacefully.  No one group can dominate.  China allowed the Patent from Tseung et al and the information is available at the China Patent Office website.  This implies non-military use is allowed or even encouraged in China.  USA and other Nations may learn something here.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 12, 2008, 08:46:38 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 11, 2008, 06:34:59 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on April 11, 2008, 05:28:45 PM

I will begin the disinformation, comrade.  Here is a 1999 inertial propulsion invention based on circular motion.

http://www.rexresearch.com/cookip/cookip.htm (http://www.rexresearch.com/cookip/cookip.htm)

Tseung stole the idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Dear shruggedatlas,

You should also quote the other 90 or so inertia propulsion patents at the same website:

Those refer to mechanical devices.  Many more are using electromagnet mechanisms.  A Google search on "electromagnetic inertia propulsion" yielded over 38,000 hits.

Tseung never need to steal the inertia propulsion idea.  It is already available from published documents including patents.  Tseung only explained from ?the cannot lie physics and mathematics? that Newton?s Third Law was not violated.

The CORRECT explanation makes Flying Saucer development true science.

Dear Mr. Tseung,

There may be 300 New Energy machines.  There are at least 500 inertia propulstion devices.  If you use new energy machines to power the inertia propulsion system, there are potentially 300 x 500 = 150,000 possible combinations. 

Even if you examine ten every day, it will take you 15,000 days.  You are likely to die of old age first.

You have to select.  You may miss some good combinations.  Trust your instincts. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 12, 2008, 10:39:19 AM
Top Gun / Tseung,

you very nicely illustrate the main problem with Tseung's "theory" and most of his posts:
He merely takes other peoples ideas and then starts shouting "this is Tseung theory and proof!".
He has not come up with one original decive concept.

Discovering a new principle or developing a new theory is NOT the same as taking other peoples
device designs and ideas and simply sticking your own personal interpretation onto them.
That is however the only thing we see Tseung do.

Quote from:  Top GunEven if you examine ten every day, it will take you 15,000 days.  You are likely to die of old age first.
You have to select.  You may miss some good combinations.  Trust your instincts. 

And that is exactly what should not at all be necessary if Tseung really had a good "theory" that explains FE:
he should be able to develop a device design based solely on his own theory, that can be physically tested
and will show the OU effects exactly as he predicts them from his theory.

One thing that he should NOT have to do, is study other peoples designs for years and select other peoples
designs that best suit his interpretation. That is the wrong way around.
If Tseung had actually already proven his "theory" to be correct by developing his own device desgin that
allows for testing of his own predictions in an proper empirical manner, then perhaps afterward he could show
how other devices designed/developed by other people also can be analysed and shown to work according to
that new theory. But not before. That's just quite silly. That would be like saying "I can explain perfectly how
to fly. Just look at the Wright brothers airplane, you can clearly recognise the elements needed to fly." and while
not entirely untrue, it is still not a proper theory that can be used to predict and design other forms of flight vehicle,
it is only a usefull interpretation for analysing the existing design. Well, the existing OU designs have already
been quite adequately analysed using proper physical and mathematical theories; we really don't need some
apparently inexplicable Tseung version of the interpretations if all it can be used for is to do another analysis
of existing designs. If the theory can be used to predict and design new devices or systems that actually
work, then it could be a very usefull theory. But so far Tseung has not shown that, even after the huge amount
of text he produces.
And another thing: Tseung should NOT be stimulated to go on intuition. He makes enough unfounded assumptions
and illogical deductions as it is, please don't stimulate him to go completely off the deep end and lose all grip on reality.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on April 12, 2008, 01:49:54 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on April 12, 2008, 10:39:19 AM
And that is exactly what should not at all be necessary if Tseung really had a good "theory" that explains FE:
he should be able to develop a device design based solely on his own theory, that can be physically tested
and will show the OU effects exactly as he predicts them from his theory.

I think that was very well put and cuts to the heart of the matter.

Tseung, why don't you please just produce a device that follows your theory the best.  If you do not know how to use a drill, I will borrow from your own language, and suggest you bribe a friend with dinner and fine wine, and maybe someone will help you actually build this thing.

You have been preaching this stuff since when, 2005, earlier?  So far, nothing has come of it.  You will see much faster results if you have something to show besides controversial equations.  It is obvious at this point, so much time has passed and Wang Shum Ho's ideas will never pass the government's "validation", so it is time for you to, as you call it, shine.

Nothing fancy is necessary.  Just a simple pendulum that can somehow sustain itself through Lee-Tseung pulls.  Come on, show us just one self sustaining device that can be replicated and we will all bow down and chant the Lee-Tseung mantra.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 12, 2008, 07:05:51 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on April 12, 2008, 01:49:54 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on April 12, 2008, 10:39:19 AM
And that is exactly what should not at all be necessary if Tseung really had a good "theory" that explains FE:
he should be able to develop a device design based solely on his own theory, that can be physically tested
and will show the OU effects exactly as he predicts them from his theory.

I think that was very well put and cuts to the heart of the matter.

Tseung, why don't you please just produce a device that follows your theory the best.  If you do not know how to use a drill, I will borrow from your own language, and suggest you bribe a friend with dinner and fine wine, and maybe someone will help you actually build this thing.

You have been preaching this stuff since when, 2005, earlier?  So far, nothing has come of it.  You will see much faster results if you have something to show besides controversial equations.  It is obvious at this point, so much time has passed and Wang Shum Ho's ideas will never pass the government's "validation", so it is time for you to, as you call it, shine.

Nothing fancy is necessary.  Just a simple pendulum that can somehow sustain itself through Lee-Tseung pulls.  Come on, show us just one self sustaining device that can be replicated and we will all bow down and chant the Lee-Tseung mantra.

Dear shruggedatlas and Koen1,

Top Scientists and Engineers have a mindset different from the average.  Their egos are so huge that they seek beyond personal fame and glory.  They feel no need to ?prove themselves? to any one.  They ?know? that they have the ?truth? and that they cannot be wrong.  That conviction comes from years of hard work, dedication and research.

Top Scientists can appreciate the work from others.  They can support blasphemies (or the beginning of Great Truths).  They can stand firm in front of all accusations and ridicule. 

Joseph Newman in USA and Wang Shum Ho in China both spent over 30 years of their lives building and promoting their working prototypes.  Newman fought against the US Patent Office for years.  Wang Shum Ho was luckier.  He got his China Patent because he could show a working prototype even though the invention was classified as the perpetual motion machine.  However, he did not get financial support and had to sell blood at one time.

Tseung et al helped to promote him since August 2006.  He appeared at Tsinghua University in October 2006; demonstrated his device in front of Chinese Officials in January 2007; got funding as one of the seven energy inventions supported by RMB13 billion.  Two prototypes were sent for certification in October 2007 and the Official Announcement and Certificate should be out soon if there were no technical problems.  Wang Shum Ho is now in the æµ· åâ€" 博 é°² 亞 æ´² è«â€" 壇 as one of the energy experts from China. (Asia Economic Summit in Boao, Hannan Island)

From the South China Morning Post (English Newspaper in Hong Kong)
Hu, Siew break the ice across the Taiwan Strait
Trade is focus of highest-level Beijing-Taipei talks since 1949

Kristine Kwok in Boao Apr 13, 2008
A new chapter in cross-strait relations began yesterday when President Hu Jintao held talks with Taiwanese vice-president-elect Vincent Siew Wan-chang - the highest-level contact between mainland and island leaders since a bitter civil war separated them nearly 60 years ago.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 13, 2008, 02:53:50 PM
Wow! A Professor Whoflungdung look-alike contest.  I wonder who won?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on April 13, 2008, 03:39:20 PM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 13, 2008, 07:04:43 PM
I deal only with Physics and Mathematics.  The political jokes and cartoons are accepted actions in the West.  Political figures expect that as a part of their position.  Political figures in the East and in Muslim Countries may not view it that way.

Now that Tseung has explained all his theoretical slides, I can openly support the Physics and Mathematics behind:

(a)   A Simple Pendulum under a Lee-Tseung Pull can lead out gravitational energy.

(b)   A Magnetic Pendulum under a Lee-Tseung Pull and external magnets can lead out both gravitational and electron motion (magnetic) energy.

(c)   A vibrating system (such as the no-battery loudspeaker) with radio signals as input can lead out electron motion energy.  The output energy of the membrane of the loudspeaker is much higher than the input energy of the radio wave.

(d)   An unbalanced wheel can be oscillated like a pendulum and the physics and mathematical analysis can be the same.

(e)   An unbalanced wheel under complete rotation will undergo acceleration and deceleration.  The acceleration and deceleration motion may simulate a Lee-Tseung Pulse.  Note that I use the word ?may? as the right tuning is required.

(f)   A balanced wheel with multiple pulse points could be much more efficient in leading out gravitational and electron motion energy.  Program control is necessary to adjust the input pulses to match the output energy requirements.  This is likely to be one of the most promising practical New Energy devices.  I strongly encourage development in this area.

(g)   It is reasonable to assume that flux change only systems can lead out electron motion energy.  I have not done the vigorous mathematical analysis on this yet.  However, I would recommend much more research.

(h)   I do recognize the existence of the many mechanical and electromagnetic ?inertia propulsion systems?.  They do not violate Newton?s Third Law.  Thus a Flying Object with no ejection of hot gases is theoretically possible.  If that is combined with an infinite gravity or electron motion energy motor, that Flying Saucer can theoretically fly anywhere forever.  

I do not mind challenges on the above statements.  I shall be happy to present and defend them at any top Universities and/or Seminars.  I am even willing to explain the above statement more if there were a need.

Political jokes and insults do not interest me.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on April 13, 2008, 07:32:11 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 13, 2008, 07:04:43 PM
I do not mind challenges on the above statements.  I shall be happy to present and defend them at any top Universities and/or Seminars.  I am even willing to explain the above statement more if there were a need.

Political jokes and insults do not interest me.

I accept your challenge.  I have excellent connections with several universities.  Please post your contact information and I will arrange for you to speak.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 13, 2008, 08:37:17 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on April 13, 2008, 07:32:11 PM

I accept your challenge.  I have excellent connections with several universities.  Please post your contact information and I will arrange for you to speak.

Good try Shruggedatlas and I think you have been extremely fair to Tseung to gently instill some common sense into his head as far as teaching him the 'standards' expected in the scientific world.

However, the reality is after 2000 plus posts, the gentleman still does not get it and I don't supposed any real scientific institution will invite such nonsense into their institutions. They have their reputation to protect!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 14, 2008, 01:43:52 AM
I have now completed the notes portion of the technical session of the presentation at Shenzhen University.

You can read the notes portion of the slides and get more information.

The link is:
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 14, 2008, 04:03:04 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on April 13, 2008, 07:32:11 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 13, 2008, 07:04:43 PM
I do not mind challenges on the above statements.  I shall be happy to present and defend them at any top Universities and/or Seminars.  I am even willing to explain the above statement more if there were a need.

Political jokes and insults do not interest me.

I accept your challenge.  I have excellent connections with several universities.  Please post your contact information and I will arrange for you to speak.

Dear shruggedatlas,

If Mr. Tseung cannot go and present, I shall be happy to take his place.  However, I have to earn a living and traveling must be well scheduled ahead.

You may either post the scheduled information here or email me at

Please ask your university contacts to read the information from this forum.  The best presentation file is the latest one posted by Mr. Tseung (New Energy V8.0 in rapidshare.com).

Please persuade them to have the debate in this Forum, that will be best for all.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 14, 2008, 05:57:57 AM
Obviously it will not do to have "Top Gun" present Tseungs claimed theory.
|f mr Tseung is to be taken seriously, he should present his own case.
He has been claiming several Chinese authorities as well as the US government are
interested in his theory. Well, here's his chance to put his money where his mouth is
and actually have academics of reknowned universities take a critical look at his "theory".
We have all suspected "Top Gun" to be a Tseung alter ego, but this is getting really suspicious...
Why would Top Gun want to hold Tseungs presentation unless he is Tseung?
Doesn't make much sense...
That would be like Einstein having some completely unknown and unconnected person,
say John Smithy, present his theory of Relativity to an academic evaluation committee...
Doesn't make sense. If you've got a theory and you are certain it holds water, you should
be excited to be allowed to prove it to academic officials, and you should certainly not
have to get some unknown person do it in your stead. That's just plain strange.
Maybe that's the Chinese way, but if any of Tseungs claims are true he has already
convinced the Chinese establishment of his theory, and now he wants to convince the
western academics and govts; otherwise, why would he go through all the trouble of
seeking forum attention for his theory? Well, obviously the only other possible reason
is seeking attention due to some kind of mental anomaly, but let's just assume he's not
just some schitzoid personality and really does have a theory that he wants the world
to know about. If that is the case, then he should be very willing to present his case
to western academics in person.

Also, the "university contacts" really do NOT need to read this thread, and should also
stay out of this forum discussion, as that would confuse matters.
All that is really needed is for Tseung to personally present his case to these "university
contacts" and not fail to convince them he has a point. Afterward the entire presentation
and discussion between him and the "university contacts" can be put online and can be
discussed extensively in this forum.
But for Tseung to prove his "theory" is valid, there is absolutely NO need for these "contacts"
to get involved with this forum thread directly nor in advance of said presentation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 14, 2008, 07:08:18 AM
Dear Sir

I am extreamly lost in understanding your term "Leading out" free energy! I saw your presentation. In your slide no. 6, you have mentioned that after applying a pulse force, resultant force = Tension in string but in opposite direction. Perfectly ok! But now in your next slide, you are claming some thing called as "Lead Energy" which has come freely to your system! What is a relation of slide no. 6 to slide no. 7? If I believe in slide no.7 then slide no. 6 is automatically wrong becasue T1 will not be equal to resulting force which can be calculated from parallelogram theorm. You have not given any mathematical proof as to where this energy is coming from except the term lead out!
If I have to believe your theory, then a pendulum clock which gets a pulse force will never ever stop working if you convert that additional "lead out" energy to rewind the spring! I can understand that horizontal force will increasing force in string but your claim that it will "lead out" gravitational energy has no proof! I am sorry to say this but this is something out of my imagination unless n untill I see the real mathematical analysis. You slide no. 6 and 7 are totally contradicting.

Quote from: ltseung888 on July 20, 2007, 02:43:44 AM
I finally found what may be the right place to discuss the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.  Here is a brief extract:

Boat in Calm Water and Good Sunshine Scenario

The Patent Offices and the Scientific Community used the Law of Conservation of Energy as a roadblock for perpetual motion machines (PPM) for centuries.  The Law of Conservation of energy essentially says that Energy cannot be created or destroyed.  It can only change from one form to another.  If the source of energy of an invention cannot be identified, the invention is likely to be classified as the impossible PPM.

The Boat in Calm Water and Good Sunshine Scenario is simple.  If a scientist does not know how to use solar energy, he might wrongly apply the Law of Conservation of Energy and advocate the use of muscle energy to move the boat.  If he knows how to use solar energy, he can relax and let the solar panel powered engine move the boat.  The Law of Conservation of Energy is never violated.

All objects are immersed in gravitational fields.  Newton?s Universal Gravitational Law says that two masses attract each other with a force equal to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance.  The Earth rotates around the Sun according to this Law.  All objects, including our bodies, obey this law.  We attract and are attracted by the Sun, the Moon, the Distant Stars and Each Other.  Movement of such objects will have energy exchanges (Work = Force x displacement).  If an invention uses such gravitational energy, it does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  In the Lee-Tseung PCT Patent Application (PCT/IB2005/000138), we used the term Lead Out.  This source of gravitational energy is non-polluting, available anywhere and almost inexhaustible.

An even more powerful source is the Electron Motion Energy. Electrons are present in all atoms.  They are usually thought as negatively charged particles rotating around the nucleus.  The rotation gives rise to magnetic fields.  The changing of orbits gives rise to electromagnetic waves.  Their clustering gives rise to electrostatic fields.  Their movement along conductors gives rise to electricity that we depend on daily.  Sunlight is just a form of electromagnetic wave.  Radio waves, TV waves are other forms of electromagnetic waves.  We are immersed in such waves.  If an invention uses such immersed Electron Motion Energy, it does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

The Lee-Tseung theory predicts that both gravitational and electron motion energy can be Lead Out via Pulse Force at resonance on oscillating, vibrating, rotating or flux change systems.  The detailed mathematical proof is via the analysis of the simple pendulum during the application of a pulse force.  The pulse force increases the tension of the string and Leads Out gravitation energy.  For a horizontal pulse force, two parts of pulse energy can Lead Out one part of gravitational energy.  The gravitational energy is not created but Lead Out.  This Lead Out energy source has not been understood by the Patent Offices, the Scientists and many Inventors in the past.  Use of this Lead Out energy does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

For details, read:
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 14, 2008, 07:19:55 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on April 13, 2008, 07:32:11 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 13, 2008, 07:04:43 PM
I do not mind challenges on the above statements.  I shall be happy to present and defend them at any top Universities and/or Seminars.  I am even willing to explain the above statement more if there were a need.

Political jokes and insults do not interest me.

I accept your challenge.  I have excellent connections with several universities.  Please post your contact information and I will arrange for you to speak.

Why you want to do that? I tried to do that with one fellow who claimed to prove Einstine's theory of relativity wrong  ;D I was somehow impressed with what he had and arranged a presentation at University of Pune, India (my home town). The head of Physics dept gave his time after I requested him and he proved this fellow wrong in first few statements and presentation was over in 5 min. lol. I was almost barred from Physics dept for a while. Do not take such chance of playing with your own reputation. This is just my suggestion!  :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 14, 2008, 07:34:11 AM
Thats really a touchy post! But for me to prove Newton wrong, this is not going to help !  :D Simple explanation I want to give you is: If as per your claim, universe really add some energy to pendulum and if it is not extacted, it will remain in system and will go on increasing it continuously. The swing system will go out of balance and evantually it will tear off the support from where its hanging! I have never seen that in any child's swing in a park. Parents keep on giving "pulse force" to swing but it never really goes out of balance! This simple experiment you can do in any park and see it for yourself! Or you want to say the way "lead out" energy comes in system, there is another way of universe to take it off if you do not use it?  ;D

Quote from: Top Gun on April 12, 2008, 07:05:51 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on April 12, 2008, 01:49:54 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on April 12, 2008, 10:39:19 AM
And that is exactly what should not at all be necessary if Tseung really had a good "theory" that explains FE:
he should be able to develop a device design based solely on his own theory, that can be physically tested
and will show the OU effects exactly as he predicts them from his theory.

I think that was very well put and cuts to the heart of the matter.

Tseung, why don't you please just produce a device that follows your theory the best.  If you do not know how to use a drill, I will borrow from your own language, and suggest you bribe a friend with dinner and fine wine, and maybe someone will help you actually build this thing.

You have been preaching this stuff since when, 2005, earlier?  So far, nothing has come of it.  You will see much faster results if you have something to show besides controversial equations.  It is obvious at this point, so much time has passed and Wang Shum Ho's ideas will never pass the government's "validation", so it is time for you to, as you call it, shine.

Nothing fancy is necessary.  Just a simple pendulum that can somehow sustain itself through Lee-Tseung pulls.  Come on, show us just one self sustaining device that can be replicated and we will all bow down and chant the Lee-Tseung mantra.

Dear shruggedatlas and Koen1,

Top Scientists and Engineers have a mindset different from the average.  Their egos are so huge that they seek beyond personal fame and glory.  They feel no need to ?prove themselves? to any one.  They ?know? that they have the ?truth? and that they cannot be wrong.  That conviction comes from years of hard work, dedication and research.

Top Scientists can appreciate the work from others.  They can support blasphemies (or the beginning of Great Truths).  They can stand firm in front of all accusations and ridicule. 

Joseph Newman in USA and Wang Shum Ho in China both spent over 30 years of their lives building and promoting their working prototypes.  Newman fought against the US Patent Office for years.  Wang Shum Ho was luckier.  He got his China Patent because he could show a working prototype even though the invention was classified as the perpetual motion machine.  However, he did not get financial support and had to sell blood at one time.

Tseung et al helped to promote him since August 2006.  He appeared at Tsinghua University in October 2006; demonstrated his device in front of Chinese Officials in January 2007; got funding as one of the seven energy inventions supported by RMB13 billion.  Two prototypes were sent for certification in October 2007 and the Official Announcement and Certificate should be out soon if there were no technical problems.  Wang Shum Ho is now in the æµ· åâ€" 博 é°² 亞 æ´² è«â€" 壇 as one of the energy experts from China. (Asia Economic Summit in Boao, Hannan Island)

From the South China Morning Post (English Newspaper in Hong Kong)
Hu, Siew break the ice across the Taiwan Strait
Trade is focus of highest-level Beijing-Taipei talks since 1949

Kristine Kwok in Boao Apr 13, 2008
A new chapter in cross-strait relations began yesterday when President Hu Jintao held talks with Taiwanese vice-president-elect Vincent Siew Wan-chang - the highest-level contact between mainland and island leaders since a bitter civil war separated them nearly 60 years ago.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 14, 2008, 07:53:37 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 14, 2008, 07:08:18 AM
Dear Sir

I am extreamly lost in understanding your term "Leading out" free energy! I saw your presentation. In your slide no. 6, you have mentioned that after applying a pulse force, resultant force = Tension in string but in opposite direction. Perfectly ok! But now in your next slide, you are claming some thing called as "Lead Energy" which has come freely to your system! What is a relation of slide no. 6 to slide no. 7? If I believe in slide no.7 then slide no. 6 is automatically wrong becasue T1 will not be equal to resulting force which can be calculated from parallelogram theorm. You have not given any mathematical proof as to where this energy is coming from except the term lead out!
If I have to believe your theory, then a pendulum clock which gets a pulse force will never ever stop working if you convert that additional "lead out" energy to rewind the spring! I can understand that horizontal force will increasing force in string but your claim that it will "lead out" gravitational energy has no proof! I am sorry to say this but this is something out of my imagination unless n untill I see the real mathematical analysis. You slide no. 6 and 7 are totally contradicting.

Great post Kul_ash! :D

Quote from: Kul_ash on April 14, 2008, 07:34:11 AM
Thats really a touchy post! But for me to prove Newton wrong, this is not going to help !  :D Simple explanation I want to give you is: If as per your claim, universe really add some energy to pendulum and if it is not extacted, it will remain in system and will go on increasing it continuously. The swing system will go out of balance and evantually it will tear off the support from where its hanging! I have never seen that in any child's swing in a park. Parents keep on giving "pulse force" to swing but it never really goes out of balance! This simple experiment you can do in any park and see it for yourself! Or you want to say the way "lead out" energy comes in system, there is another way of universe to take it off if you do not use it?  ;D

And even better! :D

We've been trying to get Tseung to understand that his theory does not appear to be correct,
but instead of actually discussing it properly he always keeps trying to deflect the discussion.

Great to have another sound thinker in here who also sees through the huge holes in Tseungs "theory".

... hey, but maybe Tseung has simply never used a swing when he was a kid eh? ;) ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 14, 2008, 08:24:22 AM
Lol  ;D

The main thing thats bugging me is his so called "calm water, good sunshine"  ::) example!

Simply if I do not know how to use Solar energy, my systems "is" with out solar power. The boat is not going to move. If I know how to use it then I need to add instrumentation to gather it and then my system "is" with solar energy. But what I am gathering from his example that Sun "decideds" to give his energy without any thing and pushes the boat  ;D Ok even this happens I will accept is cause I have seen something strange happening and then I will work out the solution. But here in this case there is not even a "single demonstration" that something strange is happening and I need to look in to it! lol.
It is like saying, I have contacts with Sun and he will mysteriously add his energy to boat and move it according to my theory! Lol. When you will ask me to show it working, I will just tell you how great Sun is and how cool I am to know what Sun is doing, thats it! ha ha ha

Quote from: Koen1 on April 14, 2008, 07:53:37 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 14, 2008, 07:08:18 AM
Dear Sir

I am extreamly lost in understanding your term "Leading out" free energy! I saw your presentation. In your slide no. 6, you have mentioned that after applying a pulse force, resultant force = Tension in string but in opposite direction. Perfectly ok! But now in your next slide, you are claming some thing called as "Lead Energy" which has come freely to your system! What is a relation of slide no. 6 to slide no. 7? If I believe in slide no.7 then slide no. 6 is automatically wrong becasue T1 will not be equal to resulting force which can be calculated from parallelogram theorm. You have not given any mathematical proof as to where this energy is coming from except the term lead out!
If I have to believe your theory, then a pendulum clock which gets a pulse force will never ever stop working if you convert that additional "lead out" energy to rewind the spring! I can understand that horizontal force will increasing force in string but your claim that it will "lead out" gravitational energy has no proof! I am sorry to say this but this is something out of my imagination unless n untill I see the real mathematical analysis. You slide no. 6 and 7 are totally contradicting.

Great post Kul_ash! :D

Quote from: Kul_ash on April 14, 2008, 07:34:11 AM
Thats really a touchy post! But for me to prove Newton wrong, this is not going to help !  :D Simple explanation I want to give you is: If as per your claim, universe really add some energy to pendulum and if it is not extacted, it will remain in system and will go on increasing it continuously. The swing system will go out of balance and evantually it will tear off the support from where its hanging! I have never seen that in any child's swing in a park. Parents keep on giving "pulse force" to swing but it never really goes out of balance! This simple experiment you can do in any park and see it for yourself! Or you want to say the way "lead out" energy comes in system, there is another way of universe to take it off if you do not use it?  ;D

And even better! :D

We've been trying to get Tseung to understand that his theory does not appear to be correct,
but instead of actually discussing it properly he always keeps trying to deflect the discussion.

Great to have another sound thinker in here who also sees through the huge holes in Tseungs "theory".

... hey, but maybe Tseung has simply never used a swing when he was a kid eh? ;) ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 14, 2008, 01:21:12 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 14, 2008, 07:08:18 AM
Dear Sir

I am extremely lost in understanding your term "Leading out" free energy! I saw your presentation. In your slide no. 6, you have mentioned that after applying a pulse force, resultant force = Tension in string but in opposite direction. Perfectly ok! But now in your next slide, you are claming some thing called as "Lead Energy" which has come freely to your system! What is a relation of slide no. 6 to slide no. 7? If I believe in slide no.7 then slide no. 6 is automatically wrong becasue T1 will not be equal to resulting force which can be calculated from parallelogram theorm. You have not given any mathematical proof as to where this energy is coming from except the term lead out!   

Dear Kul_ash.

I saw your profile and realized that you only registered on the Forum today.  There are over 2000 posts in this thread and the chance of your digesting all this information within a couple of hours is nil.

For one thing, I would like you to use the latest presentation file available in:

You may be using one of the earlier files that jumped a few mathematical steps.  Please read this latest presentation file ?New Energy V8.ppt? so that we would be discussing the same thing.

Post again after you have carefully studied the information.  Please read also the notes portion of the presentation slides.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 14, 2008, 01:38:57 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on April 14, 2008, 05:57:57 AM
Obviously it will not do to have "Top Gun" present Tseungs claimed theory.
|f mr Tseung is to be taken seriously, he should present his own case.
Why would Top Gun want to hold Tseungs presentation unless he is Tseung?
Doesn't make much sense...

A lot of stuff doesn't make sense if Tseung forgets or purposely does not take his psychotic medication!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 14, 2008, 02:12:46 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 14, 2008, 01:21:12 PM
Dear Kul_ash.

I saw your profile and realized that you only registered on the Forum today.  There are over 2000 posts in this thread and the chance of your digesting all this information within a couple of hours is nil.
The chance of getting any more usefull information from reading all those 2000 posts is even smaller. No need to. You just keep repeating yourself.
And more than half of the posts are yours, priding yourself on your own theory and structurally ignoring peoples valid objections.
So far, I have seen Kul_ash post more sensible stuff in the single day that he is a member than I have seen you post in total, "mr Tseung".

QuoteYou may be using one of the earlier files that jumped a few mathematical steps.  Please read this latest presentation file ?New Energy V8.ppt? so that we would be discussing the same thing.
That seems quite contradictory... So first you tell Kul_ash to go and read all theprevious posts before he is allowed to react to your nonsense,
and then you tell him that a lot of the previous posts contain incorrect info because of your tendency to "jump a few mathematical steps" (for the
sane readers: "make unfounded assumptions and incorrect use of standard formulae"), so now all of a sudden you tell him he must go and download
your very latest version of your slideshow?
Make up your mind, man!
Either he can just take a quick look and use the brain he has already shown to be able to use much more succesfull than you have so far,
and comment on the evidently flawed reasoning on your part,
or he must read all 2000 posts of nonsense.
Not both, and certainly not with that silly reason for it. He has made valid points, and you "Tseung", are once again trying
to avoid giving him a proper answer. As always. I bet you'll log on as Top Gun or whoever and start to support your own
argument in a minute, and then post two pages of bullshit about your fantasy escapades in China, hoping that we are all
too stupid to see that you're just playing tricks to try to distract us and avoid having to give a proper answer. As always.

QuotePost again after you have carefully studied the information. 
I've really had it with you, "Tseung"!  >:(
It's always the same with you.
People ask you a question, making a very good point, indicating that your theory doesn't hold water,
and instead of answering them you start implying they have not read enough of your nonsense, or even
that they are not educated enough. That is not a valid reaction. Stop that!
Answer the damn question!
It is not a difficult question, and Kul_ash has made a good point.
If your theory is valid and proper, you should be able to answer the man!
Refusal to, or more evasive action, will only serve to show your ineptitude.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 14, 2008, 02:45:18 PM
***Duplicate Post***

%/.Error code 49%/.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 14, 2008, 02:47:55 PM
This is the only thing that makes sense to me.

The Professor Whoflungdung Look-Alike Contest Revisited:

My money is on the guy on the right.  I think he takes first place.  The judges were a little confused as two of them thought the guy on the right really was Professor Whoflungdung and were going to disqualify him.  After showing appropriate ID the man was allowed to be in the contest.  It was a close competition and the results will be known in a few days.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on April 14, 2008, 03:06:11 PM

Most important to is...what 3 members actually too the time to downloads that pic ? ;D

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on April 14, 2008, 03:29:59 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 14, 2008, 08:24:22 AM
But here in this case there is not even a "single demonstration" that something strange is happening and I need to look in to it!

Yes, that and there is no evidence that gravity projects energy somehow.  The sun emits energy in form of radiation, and when its fuel runs out, so will the radiation.  Gravity is a force and, similar to magnetism, requires no fuel, so for gravity to emit "energy waves" forever would in fact violate the CoE principle.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 14, 2008, 07:15:53 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on April 14, 2008, 03:29:59 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 14, 2008, 08:24:22 AM
But here in this case there is not even a "single demonstration" that something strange is happening and I need to look in to it!

Yes, that and there is no evidence that gravity projects energy somehow.  The sun emits energy in form of radiation, and when its fuel runs out, so will the radiation.  Gravity is a force and, similar to magnetism, requires no fuel, so for gravity to emit "energy waves" forever would in fact violate the CoE principle.

Dear shruggedatlas,

Please contact your university friends.

Gravity does not emit energy waves.  But Gravity exists between any two objects with mass.  Such forces are present so long as there are objects.  Whenever these objects move, there will be exchanges of gravitational energy. 

One cannot define a ?closed system? when gravitational energy is concerned.  There will always be movement of objects ? Sun, Moon, Stars, Cars, and Planes etc.  CoE works in a closed system.  So theoretically, CoE cannot be applied in systems involving gravitational energy.  Or we have to take its effect into account as in the Lead Out.

You can enjoy many long and interesting discussions having beer or wine with your university friends.  Asking them to read through every post in this thread will be too much of a torture.  Just ask them to read the latest presentation slides with notes.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on April 14, 2008, 10:29:49 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 14, 2008, 07:15:53 PM
Gravity does not emit energy waves.  But Gravity exists between any two objects with mass.  Such forces are present so long as there are objects.  Whenever these objects move, there will be exchanges of gravitational energy. 

Gravitational energy is not being exchanged.  I do not know where you get that idea, and I would like to see an example, because it makes no sense.

The only gravitational energy I know about is potential gravitational energy.  If you have another type of gravitational energy, please explain.  And the only thing you can exchange for gravitational potential energy is kinetic energy.  Masses do not simply pass gravity back and forth.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 15, 2008, 01:33:49 AM
@ Shrugged:

They don't just pass it....it has to be led out.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 15, 2008, 02:09:20 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 14, 2008, 07:15:53 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on April 14, 2008, 03:29:59 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 14, 2008, 08:24:22 AM
But here in this case there is not even a "single demonstration" that something strange is happening and I need to look in to it!

Yes, that and there is no evidence that gravity projects energy somehow.  The sun emits energy in form of radiation, and when its fuel runs out, so will the radiation.  Gravity is a force and, similar to magnetism, requires no fuel, so for gravity to emit "energy waves" forever would in fact violate the CoE principle.

Dear shruggedatlas,

Please contact your university friends.

Gravity does not emit energy waves.  But Gravity exists between any two objects with mass.  Such forces are present so long as there are objects.  Whenever these objects move, there will be exchanges of gravitational energy. 

One cannot define a ?closed system? when gravitational energy is concerned.  There will always be movement of objects ? Sun, Moon, Stars, Cars, and Planes etc.  CoE works in a closed system.  So theoretically, CoE cannot be applied in systems involving gravitational energy.  Or we have to take its effect into account as in the Lead Out.

You can enjoy many long and interesting discussions having beer or wine with your university friends.  Asking them to read through every post in this thread will be too much of a torture.  Just ask them to read the latest presentation slides with notes.


Dear Mr. Itseung,

First of all I like to make it very clear that I have studied your material very carefully even before joining this forum. I downloaded your patent application along with the comments and your answeres to the International Patent inspectors. I have discussed this with few of the prominent Physics profs and I myself am a Master in Structural engineering. So please do not assume that I read your theory yesterday and commented on it.
Now that being cleared, I will now come to your amazing theory that gravity emmits waves or some thing.
Gravity is a "attraction" force and not like "attraction - repulsion" force like magentism. Gravity of a substance "will" attract you no matter what you are and you have a "weaker" force to apply back. Thats why we are all glued to earth cause it attracts you with tremendous force. Now, if you want to overcome it, you have to give tremendous thrust in opposite direction like a Rocket. That much force is needed to escape gravity.
Now please make this one point clear: If nature of gravity is to attract you, then why would it "lead out" energy to overcome itself? That will be defying all the laws of gravity! Its already doing work by attracting that pendulum towards itself! Why would it give energy to it again to overcome itself? I am even out of imagination here! I thought Newton was next to God and I should believe him as I believe in God. But if you could prove this, I would say you are better that both of them cause you will have so much extra energy that you could built your own Universe one day.
Now my second point: Like in resonance, if you keep applying energy, evantually the amplitude becomes so high that system goes out of balance and goes heywire! If your theory is to be believed then I do not need resonance to achieve this if I do notexract this energy! I can try this by not bringing this pendulum in resonance but still would be able to increase its amplitude. And if I get this pendulum in resonance with pulse force applied at swing, the effect would be devastating withing few minutes. And then if this system brakes down then the additional energy that is in system would be added to nature and there you get the status of God!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 15, 2008, 02:13:24 AM
Lol. Thanks man for supporting me and calling me intelligent!  :D I really appreciate that!
The fact is I have been reading these so called "Perpetual Motion Machines" for long time and I have found falacy in most of them. Last was that Milkovic pendulum and hammer. I wrote him many times but as usual  no answer to my questions!

Quote from: Koen1 on April 14, 2008, 02:12:46 PM

Quote from: ltseung888 on April 14, 2008, 01:21:12 PM
Dear Kul_ash.

I saw your profile and realized that you only registered on the Forum today.  There are over 2000 posts in this thread and the chance of your digesting all this information within a couple of hours is nil.
The chance of getting any more usefull information from reading all those 2000 posts is even smaller. No need to. You just keep repeating yourself.
And more than half of the posts are yours, priding yourself on your own theory and structurally ignoring peoples valid objections.
So far, I have seen Kul_ash post more sensible stuff in the single day that he is a member than I have seen you post in total, "mr Tseung".

QuoteYou may be using one of the earlier files that jumped a few mathematical steps.  Please read this latest presentation file ?New Energy V8.ppt? so that we would be discussing the same thing.
That seems quite contradictory... So first you tell Kul_ash to go and read all theprevious posts before he is allowed to react to your nonsense,
and then you tell him that a lot of the previous posts contain incorrect info because of your tendency to "jump a few mathematical steps" (for the
sane readers: "make unfounded assumptions and incorrect use of standard formulae"), so now all of a sudden you tell him he must go and download
your very latest version of your slideshow?
Make up your mind, man!
Either he can just take a quick look and use the brain he has already shown to be able to use much more succesfull than you have so far,
and comment on the evidently flawed reasoning on your part,
or he must read all 2000 posts of nonsense.
Not both, and certainly not with that silly reason for it. He has made valid points, and you "Tseung", are once again trying
to avoid giving him a proper answer. As always. I bet you'll log on as Top Gun or whoever and start to support your own
argument in a minute, and then post two pages of bullshit about your fantasy escapades in China, hoping that we are all
too stupid to see that you're just playing tricks to try to distract us and avoid having to give a proper answer. As always.

QuotePost again after you have carefully studied the information. 
I've really had it with you, "Tseung"!  >:(
It's always the same with you.
People ask you a question, making a very good point, indicating that your theory doesn't hold water,
and instead of answering them you start implying they have not read enough of your nonsense, or even
that they are not educated enough. That is not a valid reaction. Stop that!
Answer the damn question!
It is not a difficult question, and Kul_ash has made a good point.
If your theory is valid and proper, you should be able to answer the man!
Refusal to, or more evasive action, will only serve to show your ineptitude.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 15, 2008, 02:22:03 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 15, 2008, 01:33:49 AM
@ Shrugged:

They don't just pass it....it has to be led out.


So, after 2000 plus posts, this mysterious extra energy can be summarized as "Lead-Out" energy which by the way can never be verified and is as mysterious as the other altered egos of Tseung.

For all intends and purposes, shall we now call this "Crap-Out" energy?


I think you've debunked Tseung in a couple of posts. Well done!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 15, 2008, 04:22:01 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 14, 2008, 07:15:53 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on April 14, 2008, 03:29:59 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 14, 2008, 08:24:22 AM
But here in this case there is not even a "single demonstration" that something strange is happening and I need to look in to it!

Yes, that and there is no evidence that gravity projects energy somehow.  The sun emits energy in form of radiation, and when its fuel runs out, so will the radiation.  Gravity is a force and, similar to magnetism, requires no fuel, so for gravity to emit "energy waves" forever would in fact violate the CoE principle.

Dear shruggedatlas,

Please contact your university friends.

Gravity does not emit energy waves.  But Gravity exists between any two objects with mass.  Such forces are present so long as there are objects.  Whenever these objects move, there will be exchanges of gravitational energy. 

One cannot define a ?closed system? when gravitational energy is concerned.  There will always be movement of objects ? Sun, Moon, Stars, Cars, and Planes etc.  CoE works in a closed system.  So theoretically, CoE cannot be applied in systems involving gravitational energy.  Or we have to take its effect into account as in the Lead Out.

You can enjoy many long and interesting discussions having beer or wine with your university friends.  Asking them to read through every post in this thread will be too much of a torture.  Just ask them to read the latest presentation slides with notes.


Dear Mr. Itseung,

Ok now I have read your new presentation also. Now tell me one thing, again in this presentation, where is the proof of your "lead out theory" which is different than previous one?

Now lets take it slide by slide:
Slide no.3 :



VERTICAL FORCE =  m x g x L(1- cos(a)) = potential energy m x g x h



Slide no. 4, 5, 6, 7

This is the best part. You are considering vertical displacement as a work done by some force. Now correct me if I am wrong: Isnt this displacement come because the string is rigidly attached to a source and it is moving is radial orbit? The inertia or the momentum of the pendulum is responsible to lift is upwards and not the "lead out" energy! I can give you the exact value of its vertical displacement is I know the length of string, mass of pendulum and its amplitude and frequency. Please open any "real" physics book and you will see kids solving these problems.
I have extream trouble understanding that why you are considering this vertical displacement as an "additional" work done? This momentum is clearly gained by the initial lift of the pendulum bob! It has a potential energy = mgh and the is the reason its moving!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 15, 2008, 04:52:32 AM
 Added contents of this post in previous post!  ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 15, 2008, 09:19:29 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 15, 2008, 04:22:01 AM
Dear Mr. Itseung,

Ok now I have read your new presentation also. Now tell me one thing, again in this presentation, where is the proof of your "lead out theory" which is different than previous one?

Now lets take it slide by slide:
Slide no.3 :

Dear Kul_ash,

Thank you for raising the question.  There is nothing wrong with slide 3.  It represents the first Lee-Tseung Pull.  The horizontal force (F) is constant.

You misunderstood our use of ?Pulse Force?.  Shruggedatlas made the same mistake some months back.  She stared at the 5 bob pendulum toy and interpreted the hitting of a moving bob to the other resting bobs as ?Pulse Force? that would lead out gravitational energy. 

Let me repeat the Lee-Tseung Pull or Pulse here again.  In the case of the simple pendulum:
(1)   The first Lee-Tseung Pull is to apply a constant horizontal force F.  The bob will have both horizontal and vertical displacement.  The tension of the string will increase from T to T1.  At equilibrium, the horizontal component of the tension of the string will be equal to F.  Or T1 x sin(a) = F.  Energy supplied by the Horizontal Force F = work done = Hori. Force x Hori. Displacement.  This is only part of the input energy.  The vertical energy is NOT supplied by this horizontal force.  Gravitational energy is Lead Out and enters the penduum system.

(2)   At the end of the first Lee-Tseung Pull, the bob will be at the highest RHS position.  There is no bob velocity.  We then let go.  The bob will swing towards the LHS and back again.  During this swing, no gravitational energy is Lead Out.

(3)   The second Lee-Tseung Pull can be applied when the bob is at the highest RHS position.  The velocity at that instant is zero.  The best Lee-Tseung Pull is NOT horizontal but tangential to motion.  The bob will be displaced further horizontally and higher vertically.  Gravitational energy is again Lead Out.

(4)   The Bob is let go again. The bob will swing towards the LHS and back again.  During this swing, no gravitational energy is Lead Out.

(5)   The third and subsequent Lee-Tseung Pulls are repeat of steps (3) and (4).  The amplitude of oscillation will increase.  Energy can be drawn out with resulting decrease of amplitude.  The energy drawn out is from both the horizontal energy supplied (2 units) and the Lead Out vertical energy (1 unit) approximately.

The Pulse refers to the Lee-Tseung Pull(s).  It is not the definition from the Oxford Dictionary.  The attached file in reply 1106 explains this in much greater detail.

In my signature: there is the statement We need to apply pulse force (Lee-Tseung Pulls) at the right time..  You should have seen that over 600 times. 

Please do not use your own interpretation of Pulse Force in the Lee-Tseung theory.  Slide 3 cannot be wrong mathematically and in terms of physics.  Your interpretation of Pulse Force caused your confusion.  Dozens of posts in this forum and in Steorn.com already addressed this particular issue.  Some suggested that we should not use the term pulse force at all.  That is why we have the new term ? Lee-Tseung Pulls at the right time.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on April 15, 2008, 09:57:40 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 15, 2008, 09:19:29 AM
(1)   The first Lee-Tseung Pull is to apply a constant horizontal force F.  The bob will have both horizontal and vertical displacement.  The tension of the string will increase from T to T1.  At equilibrium, the horizontal component of the tension of the string will be equal to F.  Or T1 x sin(a) = F.  Energy supplied by the Horizontal Force F = work done = Hori. Force x Hori. Displacement.  This is only part of the input energy.  The vertical energy is NOT supplied by this horizontal force.  Gravitational energy is Lead Out and enters the penduum system.

Incorrect.  The horizontal force supplies and horizontal and vertical energy.  The pendulum string acts to change direction of some of the force, in the same way a pulley or a curved incline would.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 15, 2008, 10:37:45 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on April 15, 2008, 09:57:40 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 15, 2008, 09:19:29 AM
(1)   The first Lee-Tseung Pull is to apply a constant horizontal force F.  The bob will have both horizontal and vertical displacement.  The tension of the string will increase from T to T1.  At equilibrium, the horizontal component of the tension of the string will be equal to F.  Or T1 x sin(a) = F.  Energy supplied by the Horizontal Force F = work done = Hori. Force x Hori. Displacement.  This is only part of the input energy.  The vertical energy is NOT supplied by this horizontal force.  Gravitational energy is Lead Out and enters the penduum system.

Incorrect.  The horizontal force supplies and horizontal and vertical energy.  The pendulum string acts to change direction of some of the force, in the same way a pulley or a curved incline would.

Please consult your university friends.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 15, 2008, 11:09:36 AM
Indeed, as Shruggedatlas says, the tension on the string does not appear to have any influence on the
motion of the pendulum bob at all... Don't see why Tseung keeps bringing it up.

Plus, there is again contradiction in Tseungs own words:
QuoteLet me repeat the Lee-Tseung Pull or Pulse here again.  In the case of the simple pendulum:
(1)   The first Lee-Tseung Pull is to apply a constant horizontal force F.
If the "Lee-Tseung Pull" is a pulse, then it cannot be a constant application of force, by definition.
QuoteGravitational energy is Lead Out and enters the penduum system.
is a statement that
is not supported. It is something Tseung chooses to deduct but not a logical consequence of the rest of the

then even more contradiction:
Quote2)   At the end of the first Lee-Tseung Pull, the bob will be at the highest RHS position.  There is no bob velocity.  We then let go.  The bob will swing towards the LHS and back again.  During this swing, no gravitational energy is Lead Out.

(3)   The second Lee-Tseung Pull can be applied when the bob is at the highest RHS position.  The velocity at that instant is zero.  The best Lee-Tseung Pull is NOT horizontal but tangential to motion.  The bob will be displaced further horizontally and higher vertically.  Gravitational energy is again Lead Out.
So both step 2 and 3 happen in the same "highest RHS position" of the pendulum bob, and both describe how the bob has zero velocity at that point,
and both describe how the bob swings back down. Obviously we can't apply a horizontal pull at that point as that does not comply with the pendulum
function and would pull the bob inward, messing up the entire pendulum motion. "Tangential" pull? Well, vertical perhaps, yes. But how exactly?
After all, we had already let go of the bob in step 2, so it is already performing its downswing... And as Tseung correctly states, this does NOT produce
any "lead out" excess energy. But then magically the bob is back at the highest point in step 3, and now receives a "Lee-Tseung Pull" "tangentially",
which for the sake of clarity I will replace with "downward". Ok, so we again give the bob an extra push when it starts its downswing. Not surprisingly,
this adds energy to the bobs swing, allowing it to indeed move to a higher position on the left hand side than it would if no such push was applied.
But this is all simple mechanics, and I only see mr Tseung inputting this energy. The bob cannot swing up higher than the total amount of energy
that was put into the swing, minus all friction effects.
What I read is mr Tseung "leading out" energy from himself, and inputting it into a pendulum, which loses it in friction.
Still zero evidence of any excess energy, and still zero supporting evidence that this nonexistant "lead out" energy is somehow taken
from gravity.
Or at least, if there is any "lead out" energy that is taken from the energy of gravity itself, there is zero evidence that it has anything to do
with the pendulum at all.

QuoteThe Pulse refers to the Lee-Tseung Pull(s).  It is not the definition from the Oxford Dictionary. 

Please do not use your own interpretation of Pulse Force in the Lee-Tseung theory.
Says the guy who has just admitted that he himself does not use the term "pulse" in its proper connotation!
:D Hahahahaha, Tseung, you old crackpot you! ;D You yourself are the one who uses his own interpretation of the term!
And you are the one using it incorrectly! Do not do to others as you would not want done to you. Don't accuse other people
of incorrect terminology if you are guilty of it yourself.

QuoteSlide 3 cannot be wrong mathematically and in terms of physics.  Your interpretation of Pulse Force caused your confusion.
No, once again: if you yourself use incorrect terminology, obviously the slide 3 containing this incorrect terminology will also contain
incorrect physics, as correct terminology is very important. If you were to use the word "horizontal" for "vertical" and vice versa,
any slide with those incorrectly applied terms will also be incorrect.
QuoteDozens of posts in this forum and in Steorn.com already addressed this particular issue.
Yet still you keep talking about pulses.
QuoteSome suggested that we should not use the term pulse force at all.  That is why we have the new term ? Lee-Tseung Pulls at the right time.
Oh, right, and a periodic push or pull at the right time is not a pulse? How exactly is it not?
Oh, of course, it is not a pull because it is a "constant force", I bet? So please explain then how you "constant" "Lee-Tseung Pull" can be applied
to the pendulum bob? And how does "constant" compute with "at the right time"? It doesn't.
Tseung, you are talking yourself into a corner here.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 15, 2008, 11:20:54 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 15, 2008, 09:19:29 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 15, 2008, 04:22:01 AM
Dear Mr. Itseung,

Ok now I have read your new presentation also. Now tell me one thing, again in this presentation, where is the proof of your "lead out theory" which is different than previous one?

Now lets take it slide by slide:
Slide no.3 :

Dear Kul_ash,

Thank you for raising the question.  There is nothing wrong with slide 3.  It represents the first Lee-Tseung Pull.  The horizontal force (F) is constant.

You misunderstood our use of ?Pulse Force?.  Shruggedatlas made the same mistake some months back.  She stared at the 5 bob pendulum toy and interpreted the hitting of a moving bob to the other resting bobs as ?Pulse Force? that would lead out gravitational energy. 

Let me repeat the Lee-Tseung Pull or Pulse here again.  In the case of the simple pendulum:
(1)   The first Lee-Tseung Pull is to apply a constant horizontal force F.  The bob will have both horizontal and vertical displacement.  The tension of the string will increase from T to T1.  At equilibrium, the horizontal component of the tension of the string will be equal to F.  Or T1 x sin(a) = F.  Energy supplied by the Horizontal Force F = work done = Hori. Force x Hori. Displacement.  This is only part of the input energy.  The vertical energy is NOT supplied by this horizontal force.  Gravitational energy is Lead Out and enters the penduum system.

(2)   At the end of the first Lee-Tseung Pull, the bob will be at the highest RHS position.  There is no bob velocity.  We then let go.  The bob will swing towards the LHS and back again.  During this swing, no gravitational energy is Lead Out.

(3)   The second Lee-Tseung Pull can be applied when the bob is at the highest RHS position.  The velocity at that instant is zero.  The best Lee-Tseung Pull is NOT horizontal but tangential to motion.  The bob will be displaced further horizontally and higher vertically.  Gravitational energy is again Lead Out.

(4)   The Bob is let go again. The bob will swing towards the LHS and back again.  During this swing, no gravitational energy is Lead Out.

(5)   The third and subsequent Lee-Tseung Pulls are repeat of steps (3) and (4).  The amplitude of oscillation will increase.  Energy can be drawn out with resulting decrease of amplitude.  The energy drawn out is from both the horizontal energy supplied (2 units) and the Lead Out vertical energy (1 unit) approximately.

The Pulse refers to the Lee-Tseung Pull(s).  It is not the definition from the Oxford Dictionary.  The attached file in reply 1106 explains this in much greater detail.

In my signature: there is the statement We need to apply pulse force (Lee-Tseung Pulls) at the right time..  You should have seen that over 600 times. 

Please do not use your own interpretation of Pulse Force in the Lee-Tseung theory.  Slide 3 cannot be wrong mathematically and in terms of physics.  Your interpretation of Pulse Force caused your confusion.  Dozens of posts in this forum and in Steorn.com already addressed this particular issue.  Some suggested that we should not use the term pulse force at all.  That is why we have the new term ? Lee-Tseung Pulls at the right time.

Oh My God!! Are you writting your own Physics while writing your own theory?

1. How can you apply a pure horizontal force to the radial motion? If you are going to lift the pendulum, then the force has to be tangential. Show me how you give simlpy horizontal motion to a swing!
2. You say first pull is horizontal and second pull is tangential and you all analysis depends on first horizontal pull. Where is the analysis of tangential force.
3. Do you even know basics of Physics? You yourself have shown mg acting downwards. Then how come resulting displacement in upwards direction? Has the gravity lead out 2 units, one to over come itself and one to give upwards displacement?
4. Has this thought ever occured to you that, the tangential force you have applied will have a horizontal component and vertical component? Horizontal component will be used to over come air resistance and give horizontal movement and the vertical component will be used to over come mg that is gravity and give vertical displacement?
5. Are you really kidding us or yourself?
6. You yourself has shown downwards acting Resultant force, which has caused because horizontal force component and downwards acting mg. It will always have vertical component in downward direction. How come you say gravity has then given you upward directional force?

The thing really amazes me is that your first pull is "so called" horizontal and second pull is tangential. Then why cant you give horizontal force even at that position in second pull
The fact Mr. tseung is that there can't be possible pure horizontal pull in the first place. The force you are going to apply will always have vertical upwards and horizontal component and that is why the bob is lifted. You first pull is continuous and second pull is not but still your analysis is based on continuous force only.

Mr. Tseung I reall doubt that you are overlooking so many things just to prove something impossible.

Has a thought occured to you that when system gets in resonance and you apply energy at PE max and KE 0 is also going to increase the amplitude of the system?
If you are going to "pull" the pendulum when its PE max that means at the end of swing, obviously won't it increase its amplitude as again its going to provide vertical component to overcome gravity and horizontal component to over come air resistance???
Where is you lead energy coming in picture??

You really need to explain me how when mg is acting downwards, producing upward displacement? That will mean gravity not only giving you one unit but two units!!! And why would gravity do that??

I think this is something out of normal physics.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 15, 2008, 06:40:57 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 15, 2008, 11:20:54 AM

Dear Mr. Itseung,
Oh My God!! Are you writting your own Physics while writing your own theory? *** I do not need to!  They are already in O-level physics textbooks.  I only need to correct the misuse of the Law of Conservation of Energy when applied to the pendulum with a horizontal pull.

1. How can you apply a pure horizontal force to the radial motion? If you are going to lift the pendulum, then the force has to be tangential. Show me how you give simple horizontal motion to a swing!

2. You say first pull is horizontal and second pull is tangential and you all analysis depends on first horizontal pull. Where is the analysis of tangential force?

Dear Kul_ash,

I hope you do not mind my jumping in.  I could not resist a good technical debate.

I think you totally misinterpreted the Lee-Tseung Pulls.  Tseung did used the term ?pulse? at one time ? even in the PCT patent application.  You were not the first or the only one to raise strong objections to that term.

The term that may cause less confusion is the new term previously unknown in Physics ? Lee-Tseung Pull at the right time.  That Lee-Tseung Pull needs to be applied periodically.

Now to answer your specific question. 
(1a) How can you apply a pure horizontal force to the radial motion?
The first Lee-Tseung Pull is applied to the stationary pendulum.  We do not need to consider radial motion as we are using statics (or no motion physics).  There is no motion initially.  There is no motion at the highest displaced position on the RHS.   We are comparing the force, displacement, work, energy at the initial position and at this end position (maximum RHS position).

(1b) If you are going to lift the pendulum, then the force has to be tangential.
In the first Lee-Tseung Pull, the direction of the Pull is horizontal.  The direction of the String is vertical.  You may say that the initial force F is tangential. 

(1c) Show me how you give simple horizontal motion to a swing!
Go to the Park with a swing.  Bring your son or a child.  You can give an initial push or pull in almost any direction.  You may even try to push the swing vertically.  That might not cause any motion (if your upward force is less than the combined weight of the child and the swing).  However, almost any horizontal or inclined pull or push will move the swing from its initial rest position.

Concluding (1) ? In our analysis of the first Lee-Tseung Pull, we consider the force, displacement, work and energy at the initial rest position and at the new displaced position before we let go of the constant externally supplied force F. 

2. You say first pull is horizontal and second pull is tangential and you all analysis depends on first horizontal pull. Where is the analysis of tangential force?

Please read reply 1106 on page 28 of this thread.  The attached document is   Cosmic_Energy_Machines5.doc (259 KB - downloaded 20 times.)  Appendix A of this document discusses the tangential pulls.

If the first Lee-Tseung Pull can lead out gravitational energy, we need not confuse the members of this open forum with the more complicated second and subsequent pulls.  Those who have stronger mathematical background can read that attached document.  Research Students at Tsinghua University said: ?We can do it ourselves.?  You can double check the mathematics and ask for the detailed spreadsheet later.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on April 15, 2008, 09:29:16 PM
OK, so under the scenario below, there would be infinite energy being lead out, right?  Let's say the horizontal Lee-Tseung pull causes the weight to lift by 10cm.  There is no horizontal movement by the weight.  Therefore, the ratio is 10/0 = infinity!

And what's more, all the work is being done by the string.  We all know that a horizontal force cannot cause vertical movement.  That is impossible.  So therefore, it is the string "leading out" energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 15, 2008, 10:52:03 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 15, 2008, 11:20:54 AM

Oh My God!! Are you writting your own Physics while writing your own theory?

I think this is something out of normal physics.

It's not normal Physics, it's the Tseung Delusional Physics!
That's why he continues to believe he is correct.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 15, 2008, 11:04:59 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on April 15, 2008, 09:29:16 PM
OK, so under the scenario below, there would be infinite energy being lead out, right?  Let's say the horizontal Lee-Tseung pull causes the weight to lift by 10cm.  There is no horizontal movement by the weight.  Therefore, the ratio is 10/0 = infinity!

And what's more, all the work is being done by the string.  We all know that a horizontal force cannot cause vertical movement.  That is impossible.  So therefore, it is the string "leading out" energy.

Dear shruggedatlas,

When would you contact your physics and mathematics knowledgeable university friends?

You are correct in using a pulley to change a horizontal force to a vertical one.

But in the pendulum system, where are the pulleys or equivalent?

You have three forces.  In Physics, you can analyze these three force in terms of their force, displacement, work and energy.  You can compare the initial rest position with the maximum displaced position on the RHS.

Please ask your Physics friends to explain that to you if you cannot follow the hundreds of posts here.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on April 15, 2008, 11:10:59 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 15, 2008, 11:04:59 PM
You are correct in using a pulley to change a horizontal force to a vertical one.

But in the pendulum system, where are the pulleys or equivalent?

In the pendulum system, the string itself is the equivalent.  It acts identically to a curved incline plane, a basic machine, which allows a smaller force to lift an object it would otherwise not have been able to lift.

If you can explain how a pendulum is different from a curved incline plane for the purposes of a single pull, I would be happy to hear it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 15, 2008, 11:27:00 PM
I'm sorry Lawrence.  The Professor Whoflungdung look-alike contest is closed.  The voting continues and the results will be known soon.  Nice try though.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 16, 2008, 02:34:55 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 15, 2008, 06:40:57 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 15, 2008, 11:20:54 AM

Dear Mr. Itseung,
Oh My God!! Are you writting your own Physics while writing your own theory? *** I do not need to!  They are already in O-level physics textbooks.  I only need to correct the misuse of the Law of Conservation of Energy when applied to the pendulum with a horizontal pull.

1. How can you apply a pure horizontal force to the radial motion? If you are going to lift the pendulum, then the force has to be tangential. Show me how you give simple horizontal motion to a swing!

2. You say first pull is horizontal and second pull is tangential and you all analysis depends on first horizontal pull. Where is the analysis of tangential force?

Dear Kul_ash,

I hope you do not mind my jumping in.  I could not resist a good technical debate.

I think you totally misinterpreted the Lee-Tseung Pulls.  Tseung did used the term ?pulse? at one time ? even in the PCT patent application.  You were not the first or the only one to raise strong objections to that term.

The term that may cause less confusion is the new term previously unknown in Physics ? Lee-Tseung Pull at the right time.  That Lee-Tseung Pull needs to be applied periodically.

Now to answer your specific question. 
(1a) How can you apply a pure horizontal force to the radial motion?
The first Lee-Tseung Pull is applied to the stationary pendulum.  We do not need to consider radial motion as we are using statics (or no motion physics).  There is no motion initially.  There is no motion at the highest displaced position on the RHS.   We are comparing the force, displacement, work, energy at the initial position and at this end position (maximum RHS position).

(1b) If you are going to lift the pendulum, then the force has to be tangential.
In the first Lee-Tseung Pull, the direction of the Pull is horizontal.  The direction of the String is vertical.  You may say that the initial force F is tangential. 

(1c) Show me how you give simple horizontal motion to a swing!
Go to the Park with a swing.  Bring your son or a child.  You can give an initial push or pull in almost any direction.  You may even try to push the swing vertically.  That might not cause any motion (if your upward force is less than the combined weight of the child and the swing).  However, almost any horizontal or inclined pull or push will move the swing from its initial rest position.

Concluding (1) ? In our analysis of the first Lee-Tseung Pull, we consider the force, displacement, work and energy at the initial rest position and at the new displaced position before we let go of the constant externally supplied force F. 

2. You say first pull is horizontal and second pull is tangential and you all analysis depends on first horizontal pull. Where is the analysis of tangential force?

Please read reply 1106 on page 28 of this thread.  The attached document is   Cosmic_Energy_Machines5.doc (259 KB - downloaded 20 times.)  Appendix A of this document discusses the tangential pulls.

If the first Lee-Tseung Pull can lead out gravitational energy, we need not confuse the members of this open forum with the more complicated second and subsequent pulls.  Those who have stronger mathematical background can read that attached document.  Research Students at Tsinghua University said: ?We can do it ourselves.?  You can double check the mathematics and ask for the detailed spreadsheet later.

Dear Top Gun,
1. I might not be as "Bright" as students in Tsinghua University but I "DO" understand basic Physics.
2. You and Mr. Tseung are so confused about the pull, push and constant force that you contradict youserf often.
3. As far as Mr. Tseung wrote in his earlier post that the first pull is constant. Now you tell me to go to part and try to push or pull child on swing in horizontal direction. My dear friend, tell me one thing, if I am going to apply a constant initial force, my hand are going to move radialy along the arc length of Pendulum. Will that be a constant horizontal force? I am applying initial pull because I want to raise the swing to a certain height to give it a momentum! "I AM DOING THAT WORK". According to your theory, I will be just moving it horizontally and "lead out" gravity will give it upward movement. Tell me how in the world is that possible? Have you yourself ever taken a child to a swing?  And now if you are talking just about the horizontal push, then it is same as the pulse force which is not constant force. Please make up your mind.
4. I think students in Tsinghua University  follow different physics than what world follows. I asked you if horizontal motion is going to give only horizontal work, then it means to overcome gravity, gravity itself helps you and give you 2 units. One to overcome itself and other to raise in height. Can you please enlighten me on this?
5. I also asked you that if mg is acting downwards, how in the world its giving you upwards movement? If you talk about parallelogram of forces, then you can not possibly get away from direction of forces. You have conviniently overlooked the direction of mg and shown mg is giving you upward motion. Do Students at Tsinghua University , youself and Mr. Tseung think this Physics is wrong and you need to write your own physics by changing direction of forces?
6. Has the thought occured to you that your initial pull "is" responsible for lifting the pendulum? Normal physics says, weight of the pendulum is going to pull it down and if you want to raise it you have to apply more force to overcome gravity. And isn't that specifically you are doing in your initial pull? Horizontal component of that force will be used to overcome the initial air resistance and to give horizontal displacement and vertical component of the force will be used to over come gravitational force and to give vertical displacement.
7. You really do not understand it or you just do not want to understand it and keep on saying that you have defeted Nature's law?
8. Are doing this just to save yourself from having red face infront of world scientific community or you really under some dillusion that you have got a brake thru?

I really do not see any reason to see your Cosmic machine analysis. It would not be any good to read a theory  if the basic assumptions themselves are soo wrong. Is that what is taught in Tsinghua University ? Please make no mistake in thinking that I do not understand advanced mathematics! But I am not going to go in any of that unless and until you make your basics clear.
It is very easy to write theories based on wrong assumptions. But it is you who should make attempts to change your assumptions if so many people show fallacy in them.
It is the precise reason, why you are not able to get any working machine and all you are doing is wasting your time on theories based on wrong assumptions!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 16, 2008, 03:55:30 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 16, 2008, 02:34:55 AM
3. As far as Mr. Tseung wrote in his earlier post that the first pull is constant. Now you tell me to go to park and try to push or pull child on swing in horizontal direction. My dear friend, tell me one thing, if I am going to apply a constant initial force, my hand are going to move radialy along the arc length of Pendulum. Will that be a constant horizontal force? I am applying initial pull because I want to raise the swing to a certain height to give it a momentum! "I AM DOING THAT WORK". According to your theory, I will be just moving it horizontally and "lead out" gravity will give it upward movement. Tell me how in the world is that possible? Have you yourself ever taken a child to a swing?  And now if you are talking just about the horizontal push, then it is same as the pulse force which is not constant force. Please make up your mind.

Dear Kul_ash,

Let us focus on Physics and Mathematics.  Do not add insults in your otherwise logical and high quality posts.

The first Lee-Tseung Pull analysis compares the Force, Displacement, Work and energy in the two positions.  Position A is the initial rest position.  That is Slide 2.  There are two forces Mg and T.  They are equal and opposite.  There is no displacement and no work and hence no energy.  This is used as a reference point.

Position B is the maximum RHS displaced position.  There are three forces: Mg, T1 and F.  These three forces are at equilibrium.  There is vertical and horizontal displacement.  Thus there is work done compared with Position A.  Work done implies energy supplied to the pendulum system.

All Mr. Tseung did was to apply O-level physics to the two positions.  Every equation and every step is produced in this improved presentation.

The park example is to show that any Pull or Push at any angle may be able to move the pendulum from the rest position.  However, those are not ideal Lee-Tseung Pulls.  They are not efficient or even negate the Leading Out of gravitational energy if applied at the wrong time.

Please discuss Slide 3 again.  Now you understand that Slide 2 and 3 (Plus 4,5 and 6) are used to compare the force, displacement, work and energy at two different positions.  Can you possibly find anything wrong with the mathematics and physics?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 16, 2008, 05:47:05 AM
@Kul_ash: You've figured out what the big problem is that most people have with Tseungs "theory".
I do not expect him to be able to give any proper explanation, he will probably do what he always does,
which is to keep repeating his claims without any proof, and to try and discredit you in various ways.
Oh, and "Top Gun" is just one of Tseungs alter egos that he uses to try to convince others that
his theory is not crazy. There's a few more. And don't be surprised if he conjures up a few non-existant
students having a fantasy discussion about himself either. I guess that's the Chinese way of convincing
people: pretending to be your own fanclub. ;)

I can just see Tseung go to the park, walk up to a kid on a swing, and apply his constant push...
Can you imagine that? So he runs up to the swing, hits the kid full force, then keeps running
to maintain his constant force, and then "leads out" gravity flat on his face... ;D
Just kidding. :D

No, really, I still don't see
A) how exactly this "constant force" is applied "at the right time", for any force applied only at a specific
point or period in time cannot be constant at the same time. Either it's constant, thus not periodical,
or it is periodical, thus not constant. Both is quite contradictory.
B) how exactly the alleged "lead out" energy is actually extracted from the pendulum setup
C) proof.

And as you will have noticed, "Top Gun" a.k.a. "Tseung" simply keeps repeating over and over again
that the slides, theory, applied formulae and calculations are correct.
But never does he actually conclusively prove his theory to be correct.
He only repeats his claims and dismisses or ignores valid objections and questions that do not
agree with him or his theory.
It is his standard tactic and he does not seem to understand that this does not convince anyone here.
We are not stupid, and he can keep shouting that he has found the goose with the golden eggs,
but if he never shows us the golden eggs then simply repeating the claim that he has them
will never convince anyone. But apparently he cannot understand that.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 16, 2008, 07:03:44 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 16, 2008, 03:55:30 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 16, 2008, 02:34:55 AM
3. As far as Mr. Tseung wrote in his earlier post that the first pull is constant. Now you tell me to go to park and try to push or pull child on swing in horizontal direction. My dear friend, tell me one thing, if I am going to apply a constant initial force, my hand are going to move radialy along the arc length of Pendulum. Will that be a constant horizontal force? I am applying initial pull because I want to raise the swing to a certain height to give it a momentum! "I AM DOING THAT WORK". According to your theory, I will be just moving it horizontally and "lead out" gravity will give it upward movement. Tell me how in the world is that possible? Have you yourself ever taken a child to a swing?  And now if you are talking just about the horizontal push, then it is same as the pulse force which is not constant force. Please make up your mind.

Dear Kul_ash,

Let us focus on Physics and Mathematics.  Do not add insults in your otherwise logical and high quality posts.

The first Lee-Tseung Pull analysis compares the Force, Displacement, Work and energy in the two positions.  Position A is the initial rest position.  That is Slide 2.  There are two forces Mg and T.  They are equal and opposite.  There is no displacement and no work and hence no energy.  This is used as a reference point.

Position B is the maximum RHS displaced position.  There are three forces: Mg, T1 and F.  These three forces are at equilibrium.  There is vertical and horizontal displacement.  Thus there is work done compared with Position A.  Work done implies energy supplied to the pendulum system.

All Mr. Tseung did was to apply O-level physics to the two positions.  Every equation and every step is produced in this improved presentation.

The park example is to show that any Pull or Push at any angle may be able to move the pendulum from the rest position.  However, those are not ideal Lee-Tseung Pulls.  They are not efficient or even negate the Leading Out of gravitational energy if applied at the wrong time.

Please discuss Slide 3 again.  Now you understand that Slide 2 and 3 (Plus 4,5 and 6) are used to compare the force, displacement, work and energy at two different positions.  Can you possibly find anything wrong with the mathematics and physics?

Dear Top Gun,
First of all I did not mean to insult you or any one. I am sorry if I have done that. I am here for acedemic discussion and I will refrain myself from personal attacks from now on.

Well, that being said, I will come back to your querry of "What''s wrong with the analysis?" . Well there are so many things wrong.

1. Your Slide no.2 indicated T and mg are equal and opposite and will cancel each other at any point of time. Am I wrong?
2. From your slide no. 3 onwards, you suddenly discard that and start treating T and mg in equal direction supporting each other. How is that possible? You totally forget that T and mg cancel each other at any position and that is why Pendulum system is in balance. Refer your own slide no. 2.
3. You consider F shown as additional horizontal force. To lift pendulum from initial position to lifted position, you "HAVE" to give tangential force. It is not possible to get only horizontal movement with your constant force.
4. You yourself in slide no. 2 show T = mg. Then Slide three you show two forces only i.e F and mg and show "INCREASED" T1 from T. Now if mg is constant and there is no vertical component of your purely horizontal force F, then what force increased T to T1? "lead out" gravity? Then why it is not shown in fig?
5. Again in this slide you just show two forces F and mg and resultant force of F and mg acting downwards. What happened to a force T? Why it is not in the system? And if T1 is downwards and its creating vertical movement, then that movement has to downwards to? Then how come you suddenly again changing direction of vertical movement and its going upwards? If movement is upwards then how come T1 is responsible for it?
6. In your force calcultations, to calculate vertical work done, you have used formula T1 x L(1- cos a)
  And value of your T1, you have used is mg. Well what happened to increased T1 value? How did it get back to mg? If T1 = mg, then what is the meaning of your slide no. 3? In that case T1 = mg and mg = T, then T = T1 and that means no increase Tension in string. Isn't that contradict to your comment saying, the moment you apply force to system, tension in string is increased? Then where is that increased value?
7. So in all you have overlooked so many things. Firstly, ignoring T totally. Ignoring direction of forces. Ignoring directions of work done, ignoring added forces, adding unknown forces etc.
8. There is no 0 level physics involved in this my friend. I am sorry to say this, but again your assumptions themselves are totally wrong unless and untill your write new physics.
9. For your better understanding, I have drawn this basic fig. explaining forces on system and what force is doing what work. Please study it and compare it with your own theory:
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 16, 2008, 08:18:15 AM
Dear Kul_ash,

Let us enjoy this juicy technical debate.

1.   Your Slide no.2 indicated T and Mg are equal and opposite and will cancel each other at any point of time. Am I wrong?

Slide 2 shows the initial rest position.  There are only 2 Forces: Mg and T.  Mg will remain the same in this discussion as it is the weight.  T is the tension of the String which is expected to change.  They are equal and opposite only in the initial rest position.  As soon as other forces are added, they will no longer be equal.

2.   From your slide no. 3 onwards, you suddenly discard that and start treating T and mg in equal direction supporting each other. How is that possible? You totally forget that T and mg cancel each other at any position and that is why Pendulum system is in balance.  Refer your own slide no. 2.

Slide 3, 4, 5, 6 refer to the second position after a horizontal Force F has been applied to pull the pendulum bob to the maximum RHS position.  The tension in the string T has changed to T1.  That is why T never appears in slides 3, 4, 5 and 6.  To be more exact, T1cos(a) is now equal to Mg. We are saying that after F has been applied to the system, the tension of the string will increase to T1.  The vertical component of T1 (T1cos(a)) = Mg.  The horizontal component of T1 (T1sin(a))= F.

In your diagram, box 2, you stated: ?To lift bob from A to B, we have to give Constant Tangential force F.  This is where your misunderstand of the Lee-Tseung theory begins.  If you have done the parallelogram force experiments in O-Level Physics (O-Level is the term used in England.  You may have a different term in your country.  In USA, I believe the term used is High School.), we can indeed use a final horizontal force F to pull the pendulum bob from position A to B.

Please confirm your understanding up to this point.  (Other parts to follow).
The two confirmations I am looking for are:
(1)   The tension of the string is increased from T to T1 after a horizontal force has been applied.
(2)   We can use a ?final? horizontal force F to pull the pendulum from position A to B.  There is no need for a constant tangential force. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 16, 2008, 08:34:41 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 16, 2008, 08:18:15 AM
Dear Kul_ash,

Let us enjoy this juicy technical debate.

1.   Your Slide no.2 indicated T and Mg are equal and opposite and will cancel each other at any point of time. Am I wrong?

Slide 2 shows the initial rest position.  There are only 2 Forces: Mg and T.  Mg will remain the same in this discussion as it is the weight.  T is the tension of the String which is expected to change.  They are equal and opposite only in the initial rest position.  As soon as other forces are added, they will no longer be equal.

There you go my dear friend! You said it! It is the added force that is responsible for added tension in string. According to your theory, added force is only going to give horizontal displacement  :D And vertical force is coming from "lead out" energy! Where did it come from? Did you add it and if gravity did it then how? And then why did you required initial push for gravity to give you energy? What is the meaning of your statement "as soon as other forces are added, they will no longer be equal"?
If added force is only going to do horizontal work, what component of the system is adding tension in string?
And the most basic question: Have you seen it practically working ever?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 16, 2008, 08:41:20 AM
For your simple understanding:

If you have a pendulum that has a wheel at top and and is allowed to move horizontally only, then applied force F will do the X m displacement in horizontal direction.
Now if you have a regular pendulum, the applied force will create horizontal displacement < X m because some part of applied force will go in giving vertical displacement.

According to you theory, I should get X m horizontal displacement in both the cases and still get vertical displacement in second pendulum because gravity is adding energy to the system!

I challange to prove it by experiment!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 16, 2008, 09:01:27 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 16, 2008, 08:18:15 AM

Please confirm your understanding up to this point.  (Other parts to follow).
The two confirmations I am looking for are:
(1)   The tension of the string is increased from T to T1 after a horizontal force has been applied.
(2)   We can use a ?final? horizontal force F to pull the pendulum from position A to B.  There is no need for a constant tangential force. 

I am confused again and again!! What is a "final" force? Is it constant or is it one time? Please clarify it! Does 0-Level physics say that you can apply a constant horizontal force to pendulum?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 16, 2008, 10:04:33 AM
I guess one of the cutting edge discoveries of Tseung must be
that he has invented a way to produce a constant force that is not constant,
yet still is constant. A pulse that is not a pulse.
Very inventive. ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 16, 2008, 10:36:14 AM
Dear Kul_ash,

Looks like we still cannot get to a common point to continue the discussion.

I have prepared the following diagram which is effectively an O-level Physics experiment.

Please look at the diagram carefully.  Do you agree with the angles and the scale readings shown?

Obviously, the direction of F can be different.  However, the experiment shows a possible outcome that obeys both Physics and Mathematics Rules.  Please comment on whether you agree with the diagram?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 16, 2008, 06:11:51 PM
I would like to support both Kul_ash and Top Gun in their assumption of their force and movement path.  Both can be correct.

See the attached diagram.

We can first apply a pull (not the Lee-Tseung Pull) in any of the directions Z1, Z2 and Z3.  The bob will move away from the initial position A.  The Force applied does not need to be constant in magnitude or direction.  We can adjust until the final position is B and the final force is horizontal and equal to F.

The above paragraph is correct in Physics.  That means the radial path with a tangential force is possible as suggested by Kul_ash.  That also means using a horizontal force to pull the bob to the final position is also possible as suggested by Top Gun.

That experiment can be done in almost every high school or even at home.

The senario chosen by Top Gun is easy to analyze and clearly demonstrates that vertical work can be done by gravity through the string.  That work or energy enters into the pendulum system. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 17, 2008, 04:39:56 AM
more golden egg claims...
still no proof.

getting boring Tseung...
...still too difficult to actually do some hands-on testing I bet?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 17, 2008, 12:29:37 PM
@ Koen1:

Either Lawrence is a genius and we are all idiots or, the other way around.  I'm leaning toward the latter choice.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 17, 2008, 11:45:32 PM
Dear Kul_ash and Tseung,

You have stimulated the artist in me.  In the diagram below, I showed a possible path keeping the tension in the string equal to 0 until the very end.  In this particular scenario, all the work done in moving the bob from position A to B is from the external force F alone.

However, any other scenario showing tension in the string will show a different result.
Work = Force x displacement (vector arithmetic).  If there were tension in the string (force) and displacement, then some work must have been by the string.  Or to be more exact, work must be done by gravity through the string.

If you need me to draw more diagrams to bring out more clarity, I shall be happy to do so.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 17, 2008, 11:48:40 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 17, 2008, 11:45:32 PM
Dear Kul_ash and Tseung,

You have stimulated the artist in me.  In the diagram below, I showed a possible path keeping the tension in the string equal to 0 until the very end.  In this particular scenario, all the work done in moving the bob from position A to B is from the external force F alone.

However, any other scenario showing tension in the string will show a different result.
Work = Force x displacement (vector arithmetic).  If there were tension in the string (force) and displacement, then some work must have been by the string.  Or to be more exact, work must be done by gravity through the string.

If you need me to draw more diagrams to bring out more clarity, I shall be happy to do so.

Tseung, you don't need to draw any more fancy diagrams. You need to take a pre-'O' level Physics class
in middle school.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 18, 2008, 02:46:25 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 16, 2008, 10:36:14 AM
Dear Kul_ash,

Looks like we still cannot get to a common point to continue the discussion.

I have prepared the following diagram which is effectively an O-level Physics experiment.

Please look at the diagram carefully.  Do you agree with the angles and the scale readings shown?

Obviously, the direction of F can be different.  However, the experiment shows a possible outcome that obeys both Physics and Mathematics Rules.  Please comment on whether you agree with the diagram?

I do not agree simply because:
1. If 2nd fig is final position of the bob, then there is no more Horizontal force F. Its consumed. Because if you are still pulling it at the same force, that will not be its final position, isn't it? Your applied force has lifted the bob to say height h, then at final position it will have no velocity but only PE = mgh.
2. Simpe trignometary tells me that actual angle between the bob and support would be definately lesser than the angle between support and point of force application. Do you agree?
3. There will be always Tension in the vertical part of the string below the point of force application which would be equal to mg. Where have you considered that?
4. If you are calling it as a final position, then simply point of force application becomes point of support. There will be no tension in string between two suppots but the total tension will be takn by the remaining vertical part of string and will bring you to the initial postion of T = mg. When you let go pendulum from this position, pendulum will never swing. Because suddenly the slack portion of sting will experience the force and it will induce equal and opposite force in remaining part and try to bring the system in equilibrium. You will not be able to swing it like the way you could when the complete string is in system. Try it !
5. So in all applying horizontal force in between will not serve any problem but will induce lots of others.

I urge you again that do not unnecessarily go in 0 level physics when you have simple normal physics available to you. Because no matter what Physics is going to be physics and all the levels and it will not allow you to defy the laws of nature.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 18, 2008, 03:50:06 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 18, 2008, 02:46:25 AM

I do not agree simply because:

1. If 2nd fig is final position of the bob, then there is no more Horizontal force F. Its consumed. Because if you are still pulling it at the same force, that will not be its final position, isn't it?.....

Dear Kul_ash,

I hope that we both are examining the same diagram pendulum08.jpg in reply 2156.  That diagram represents three forces at equilibrium.  These three forces are Mg, T1 and F.  From the parallelogram of forces and trigonometry, the following relationships MUST hold:

(1)   tan(a) = F/Mg = 10/60 and thus the angle a = 9.46 degrees.
(2)   T1cos(a) = Mg = 60 units
(3)   T1sin(a) = F = 10 units
(4)   T1 = Mg/cos(a) = 60.83 units

F must be present to achieve this equilibrium.  In other words, I am still pulling with a horizontal force F of 10 units at this point of the analysis.  In particular, T has changed to T1 (from 60 units to 60.83 units).  At equilibrium, even if I am still pulling, there will be no motion because F is balanced by the equal and opposite T1sin(a) from the tension of the string.   This can easily be confirmed by experiment.  Hopefully it answers your question. 

Please confirm your understanding before we carry on to the other juicy parts of the scientific discussion.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 18, 2008, 06:32:29 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 18, 2008, 03:50:06 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 18, 2008, 02:46:25 AM

I do not agree simply because:

1. If 2nd fig is final position of the bob, then there is no more Horizontal force F. Its consumed. Because if you are still pulling it at the same force, that will not be its final position, isn't it?.....

Dear Kul_ash,

I hope that we both are examining the same diagram pendulum08.jpg in reply 2156.  That diagram represents three forces at equilibrium.  These three forces are Mg, T1 and F.  From the parallelogram of forces and trigonometry, the following relationships MUST hold:

(1)   tan(a) = F/Mg = 10/60 and thus the angle a = 9.46 degrees.
(2)   T1cos(a) = Mg = 60 units
(3)   T1sin(a) = F = 10 units
(4)   T1 = Mg/cos(a) = 60.83 units

F must be present to achieve this equilibrium.  In other words, I am still pulling with a horizontal force F of 10 units at this point of the analysis.  In particular, T has changed to T1 (from 60 units to 60.83 units).  At equilibrium, even if I am still pulling, there will be no motion because F is balanced by the equal and opposite T1sin(a) from the tension of the string.   This can easily be confirmed by experiment.  Hopefully it answers your question. 

Please confirm your understanding before we carry on to the other juicy parts of the scientific discussion.

Nopes! Absolutely incorrect. Because the moment you are going to introduce your horizontal force from any where above the bob i.e in the string, the whole system is going to change. Weigh of bob, mg, will be always balanced by the straight portion of the string. So the straight part of the string will always have T = mg equation. Because your point of horizontal force application is always going to act as point of support.

The moment you introduce any more new support, they system will look totally different! If you only want to consider three forces i.e. mg, T and horizontal force and if you want to consider this as a homogeneous system with only one point of support, then the force has to be given on the bob and not on string.
Again these are basics. Because the moment you introduce support in between there are going to be different forces. Namely, tension in straight part o string, tension in slack part of string, mg and horizontal force. e.g. Consider I hod the string in between and lift it vertically, the moment I do that, tension in string above the point where i am holding is going to be zero. All the tension now is going to be on the vertical part of string. Now if I move it horizontally, tension in that slack part is always going to be zero. Because the system essentially have reduced down to my hand support, straight vertical part of string and bob. So when I move my hand horizontally, its like moving support of pendulum horizontally. Till the moment you are going to pull the bob itself, the system is not going to be pendulum system.

Really man, please I request you to do your analysis based on simple physics first.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 18, 2008, 06:56:23 AM
nice request. Hard to do for "Top Gun"/"Tseung" though,
he clearly doesn't understand physics. ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 18, 2008, 07:42:28 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 18, 2008, 06:32:29 AM

Nopes! Absolutely incorrect. Because the moment you are going to introduce your horizontal force from any where above the bob i.e in the string, the whole system is going to change. Weigh of bob, mg, will be always balanced by the straight portion of the string. So the straight part of the string will always have T = mg equation. Because your point of horizontal force application is always going to act as point of support.

The moment you introduce any more new support, they system will look totally different! If you only want to consider three forces i.e. mg, T and horizontal force and if you want to consider this as a homogeneous system with only one point of support, then the force has to be given on the bob and not on string.

Dear Kul_ash,

I believe what you mean by the straight portion of the string = the vertical component of the tension in the string.  I use T1 to represent the tension of the string and hence T1cos(a) = Mg.  In slides 3,4,5 and 6, I no longer use T.

I hope that did not confuse you.

In terms of point of support, in the reproduced diagram pendulum08a, the only point of support is X.   That is the only point of support necessary when bob is in position A and position B.

The horizontal force F is applied via a knot Y shown in the diagram.  Y is not a point of support.  It is a common point where the three forces converge.  This is a simple physics experiment.

Do you agree that such an experiment can be done as shown in figure pendulum8a.jpg?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 18, 2008, 08:25:16 PM
Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for your explanations.  I now have full confidence in letting you explain the Lee-Tseung theory in terms of physics and mathematics.  Please continue to challenge the scientific world and enjoy the juicy discussions.

*** Remember that I shall give a prize money of HKD10,000 (approximately USD1,300) to any one who can disprove the Lee-Tseung Theory.  ***

Meanwhile, I shall work with Ms. Forever Yuen and others to:
(a)   Complete a new presentation file with voice in English, Putonghua and Cantonese.
(b)   Get at least 1 million Students in Hong Kong knowledgeable on the Lee-Tseung Theory.
(c)   Work with the various teams to help to get the low-end Wang Shum Ho Electricity Generator (less than 10KW) on the Market.  The high end has been taken care of by the RMB13 billion Company.
(d)   Consult on the Magneto Propulsion Unit ? engine for the Flying Saucer
(e)   Promote World Peace via ideas from the book in

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 19, 2008, 02:53:33 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 18, 2008, 07:42:28 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 18, 2008, 06:32:29 AM

Nopes! Absolutely incorrect. Because the moment you are going to introduce your horizontal force from any where above the bob i.e in the string, the whole system is going to change. Weigh of bob, mg, will be always balanced by the straight portion of the string. So the straight part of the string will always have T = mg equation. Because your point of horizontal force application is always going to act as point of support.

The moment you introduce any more new support, they system will look totally different! If you only want to consider three forces i.e. mg, T and horizontal force and if you want to consider this as a homogeneous system with only one point of support, then the force has to be given on the bob and not on string.

Dear Kul_ash,

I believe what you mean by the straight portion of the string = the vertical component of the tension in the string.  I use T1 to represent the tension of the string and hence T1cos(a) = Mg.  In slides 3,4,5 and 6, I no longer use T.

I hope that did not confuse you.

In terms of point of support, in the reproduced diagram pendulum08a, the only point of support is X.   That is the only point of support necessary when bob is in position A and position B.

The horizontal force F is applied via a knot Y shown in the diagram.  Y is not a point of support.  It is a common point where the three forces converge.  This is a simple physics experiment.

Do you agree that such an experiment can be done as shown in figure pendulum8a.jpg?

No my friend. That is where the problem is!! Simple mechnics tell me any sort of force applied to pendulum may be Horizontal or tangential , is going to "Split" in to horizontal and vertical component in order to move it in radial movement. Vertical component is going to do vertical work of over coming gravity and interia and horizontal component is going to do the horizontal work!! I know gravity is a "restoring" force on pendulum that will always push it downwards and in order to overcome this, I need an "external" force to move it upwards.
I am having too much trouble in understanding how your horizontal force in only doing horizontal work and still giving pendulum a vertical work against gravity, in other words how come its not splitting and still giving a radial motion. The moment you apply the force, a centripetal force is what moves pendulum in radial direction.
So the assumption you have that "EXTERNAL FORCE IS NOT GOING TO SPLIT" is where all  the trouble is! Because you have no theory to prove it. Please show me mathematical proof of external force not splitting to do vertical and horizontal work in a radial motion.
If you keep repeating that, no, my external force is not going to split and it is going to induce lead out energy, the term no body seems to understand, then my friend your and mine mechanics itself is different! Tell me why the external force is not splitting into two components when the motion caused by it is circular.

Mr. Tseung, many people will show you that your above said assumption is incorrect! If you want I can write a complete system in terms of rotational inertia, rotational forces i.e in terms of mechancis. But if you are not ready to accept that your applied horizontal force is splitting, then it means you are challenging the existing mechanics only. You are getting that additional unit of lead out energy because you are considering your applied horizontal force is doing horizontal work only. In my opinion, it is impossible if it is a rotational motion.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 19, 2008, 03:08:43 AM
The difficult problem we shall face if we have abundant energy, technology and capability to travel anywhere.

I shall now tackle this very difficult problem.  Hong Kong is facing such a problem but in a very small scale right now.  The birth rate in Hong Kong is low and the population is aging.  At present, the ratio of 1 retiree (over 65) to the rest of the population is around 6.  In less than 15 years, the ratio will rise to 3.  The medical expenses will rise.  The productivity may drop.  What is the solution to this problem?

Will this problem get worse with abundant energy, wealth and technology progress?

For Hong Kong, the problem is easy to solve.
(1)   The wealth will increase tremendously.  Hong Kong will be credited with the research and development of solution to global warming, solution to the energy crisis and the Flying Saucer.  The confidence of the Citizens will rise.  Visitors and investors will pour in.
(2)   Hong Kong can easily integrate more with China.  The old can choose their retirement homes in China.  The many young Chinese immigrants who want to experience the rapid pace of life in Hong Kong can take up their place.

For China and the World, the problem boils down to ? will the human race drag itself down with a high percentage of old, weak, useless persons?  No politician dares to ask such a question.  His political career will be over the moment he opens his mouth to address such a problem.  This is similar to addressing the sex morality problem in Hong Kong.

It will take someone who do not mind insults and who can think innovatively to work out solutions.  The old, weak, useless retirees are the best to tackle such problems.  This means another challenge for Tseung et al.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 19, 2008, 04:13:54 AM
No my friend. That is where the problem is!! Simple mechanics tell me any sort of force applied to pendulum may be Horizontal or tangential, is going to "Split" in to horizontal and vertical component in order to move it in radial movement. Vertical component is going to do vertical work of over coming gravity and interia and horizontal component is going to do the horizontal work!! I know gravity is a "restoring" force on pendulum that will always push it downwards and in order to overcome this, I need an "external" force to move it upwards.

I am having too much trouble in understanding how your horizontal force in only doing horizontal work and still giving pendulum a vertical work against gravity, in other words how come its not splitting and still giving a radial motion. The moment you apply the force, a centripetal force is what moves pendulum in radial direction.

So the assumption you have that "EXTERNAL FORCE IS NOT GOING TO SPLIT" is where all the trouble is! Because you have no theory to prove it. Please show me mathematical proof of external force not splitting to do vertical and horizontal work in a radial motion.

If you keep repeating that, no, my external force is not going to split and it is going to induce lead out energy, the term no body seems to understand, then my friend your and mine mechanics itself is different! Tell me why the external force is not splitting into two components when the motion caused by it is circular.

Mr. Tseung, many people will show you that your above said assumption is incorrect! If you want I can write a complete system in terms of rotational inertia, rotational forces i.e. in terms of mechanics. But if you are not ready to accept that your applied horizontal force is splitting, then it means you are challenging the existing mechanics only. You are getting that additional unit of lead out energy because you are considering your applied horizontal force is doing horizontal work only. In my opinion, it is impossible if it is a rotational motion.

Dear Kul_ash,

I really enjoy this juicy technical discussion.  You are a worthy challenger.

Your first statement states that Simple mechanics tell me any sort of force applied to a pendulum may be Horizontal or tangential (*or any direction), is going to "Split" into horizontal and vertical component

This statement should be improved to any sort of force applied to a pendulum may also cause the existing forces to split into a horizontal and a vertical component.

One of the existing forces in the pendulum is the tension of the string.  The application of an external force may change its magnitude and direction.  Mechanics tells us that we should considering the splitting of this force as well.  I know that this is not normally taught in standard Physics classes.  But my improvement to the standard mechanics application does not violate any Physics Laws.  Simple experiments such as that in pendulum08a.jpg easily confirms that the tension of the string increases and its direction changes.

You can split externally applied forces.  Why can?t you split existing but changed forces???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 19, 2008, 05:11:38 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 19, 2008, 04:13:54 AM
No my friend. That is where the problem is!! Simple mechanics tell me any sort of force applied to pendulum may be Horizontal or tangential, is going to "Split" in to horizontal and vertical component in order to move it in radial movement. Vertical component is going to do vertical work of over coming gravity and interia and horizontal component is going to do the horizontal work!! I know gravity is a "restoring" force on pendulum that will always push it downwards and in order to overcome this, I need an "external" force to move it upwards.

I am having too much trouble in understanding how your horizontal force in only doing horizontal work and still giving pendulum a vertical work against gravity, in other words how come its not splitting and still giving a radial motion. The moment you apply the force, a centripetal force is what moves pendulum in radial direction.

So the assumption you have that "EXTERNAL FORCE IS NOT GOING TO SPLIT" is where all the trouble is! Because you have no theory to prove it. Please show me mathematical proof of external force not splitting to do vertical and horizontal work in a radial motion.

If you keep repeating that, no, my external force is not going to split and it is going to induce lead out energy, the term no body seems to understand, then my friend your and mine mechanics itself is different! Tell me why the external force is not splitting into two components when the motion caused by it is circular.

Mr. Tseung, many people will show you that your above said assumption is incorrect! If you want I can write a complete system in terms of rotational inertia, rotational forces i.e. in terms of mechanics. But if you are not ready to accept that your applied horizontal force is splitting, then it means you are challenging the existing mechanics only. You are getting that additional unit of lead out energy because you are considering your applied horizontal force is doing horizontal work only. In my opinion, it is impossible if it is a rotational motion.

Dear Kul_ash,

I really enjoy this juicy technical discussion.  You are a worthy challenger.

Your first statement states that Simple mechanics tell me any sort of force applied to a pendulum may be Horizontal or tangential (*or any direction), is going to "Split" into horizontal and vertical component

This statement should be improved to any sort of force applied to a pendulum may also cause the existing forces to split into a horizontal and a vertical component.

One of the existing forces in the pendulum is the tension of the string.  The application of an external force may change its magnitude and direction.  Mechanics tells us that we should considering the splitting of this force as well.  I know that this is not normally taught in standard Physics classes.  But my improvement to the standard mechanics application does not violate any Physics Laws.  Simple experiments such as that in pendulum08a.jpg easily confirms that the tension of the string increases and its direction changes.

You can split externally applied forces.  Why can?t you split existing but changed forces???

The application of an external force may change its magnitude and direction

You said it now! The change in their force is ONLY BECAUSE OF APPLICATION OF EXERNAL FORCE. If some part of applied force is going in changing the tension in the string, then remaining part only will go to move it horizontally!
The induced change in already existing internal forces is called as restoring force. The work is always done by external force and not by internal forces in the system.
In you case, you are denying that horizontal force is rsponsible for change in the tension of the string and you are claiming that it is "lead out gravity" which is doing that. By all means, this is not acceptable to me and now you said it yourself. In other words, you supply energy externally and it does the required work and that is the law of conservation of energy. You are claiming that this energy is coming "from outside" the system. How, that is you are trying to prove it based on incorrect assumptions..
If I go in details, I can show you the extact rotational mechanics of the system after applied torque. There is no way a reguar mechanics will allow you to "induce" outside energy in to system.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 19, 2008, 05:26:56 AM
And Mr. top gun, the simple fact is if you are experincing a new phenomenon, then it has to be validated by numerous experimental values. Then the existing theory is adjusted accordingly. You can not prove something new from from something old that does not account for this new change.
That is why all the inspectors asked you to show the induction of this "lead out gravity" as no known theory knows about it. You showing it with existing mechanics is never going to work and that is a simple logic.
What you have to do is simple. Run this pendulum with your style, produce varifiable results. Show without doubt that there is indeed an extra energy lead out by gravity. People will accept it and change the existing theory accordingly. The mistake you are making is that you are trying to prove it without the basis of experiments and actual values and you are trying to misuse existing system. What will happen is that you will reduce yourself to acedemic discussions with some amatures like me and real people won't even look at it!
Think about it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 19, 2008, 05:44:38 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 19, 2008, 05:26:56 AM
And Mr. top gun, the simple fact is if you are experincing a new phenomenon, then it has to be validated by numerous experimental values. Then the existing theory is adjusted accordingly. You can not prove something new from from something old that does not account for this new change.
That is why all the inspectors asked you to show the induction of this "lead out gravity" as no known theory knows about it. You showing it with existing mechanics is never going to work and that is a simple logic.
What you have to do is simple. Run this pendulum with your style, produce varifiable results. Show without doubt that there is indeed an extra energy lead out by gravity. People will accept it and change the existing theory accordingly. The mistake you are making is that you are trying to prove it without the basis of experiments and actual values and you are trying to misuse existing system. What will happen is that you will reduce yourself to acedemic discussions with some amatures like me and real people won't even look at it!
Think about it.


Why do you think most members on this thread consider Mr. Tseung as delusional? Seriously. A sensible person who claimed to be "Top Gun" cannot possibly think their statement is Gospel! It needs scientific proofs. We'll whatever Tseung claims is hot air until scientifically proven. That's why we have 2000 plus posts of circular arguments.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 19, 2008, 05:53:30 AM
Quote from: chrisC on April 19, 2008, 05:44:38 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 19, 2008, 05:26:56 AM
And Mr. top gun, the simple fact is if you are experincing a new phenomenon, then it has to be validated by numerous experimental values. Then the existing theory is adjusted accordingly. You can not prove something new from from something old that does not account for this new change.
That is why all the inspectors asked you to show the induction of this "lead out gravity" as no known theory knows about it. You showing it with existing mechanics is never going to work and that is a simple logic.
What you have to do is simple. Run this pendulum with your style, produce varifiable results. Show without doubt that there is indeed an extra energy lead out by gravity. People will accept it and change the existing theory accordingly. The mistake you are making is that you are trying to prove it without the basis of experiments and actual values and you are trying to misuse existing system. What will happen is that you will reduce yourself to acedemic discussions with some amatures like me and real people won't even look at it!
Think about it.


Why do you think most members on this thread consider Mr. Tseung as delusional? Seriously. A sensible person who claimed to be "Top Gun" cannot possibly think their statement is Gospel! It needs scientific proofs. We'll whatever Tseung claims is hot air until scientifically proven. That's why we have 2000 plus posts of circular arguments.


I am hoping to get USD 1300  ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 19, 2008, 07:16:09 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 19, 2008, 05:26:56 AM
And Mr. top gun, the simple fact is if you are experincing a new phenomenon, then it has to be validated by numerous experimental values. Then the existing theory is adjusted accordingly. You can not prove something new from from something old that does not account for this new change.
That is why all the inspectors asked you to show the induction of this "lead out gravity" as no known theory knows about it. You showing it with existing mechanics is never going to work and that is a simple logic.
What you have to do is simple. Run this pendulum with your style, produce verifiable results. Show without doubt that there is indeed an extra energy lead out by gravity. People will accept it and change the existing theory accordingly. The mistake you are making is that you are trying to prove it without the basis of experiments and actual values and you are trying to misuse existing system. What will happen is that you will reduce yourself to academic discussions with some amateurs like me and real people won't even look at it!
Think about it.

Dear Kul-ash,

Do not think that you are an amateur and thus useless.  I know Mr. Tseung very well by now.  He uses this forum to pass time.  He has absolute confidence in his Lee-Tseung theory.  I can testify that he and Lee and Wang went to Tsinghua University and got great academic acceptance.  He and Lee made the mistake of taking CIA or the Like there.  Mr. Tseung was then regarded as an USA spy and got into much trouble.

Please do not feel bad that you cannot win the HK$10,000.  Nobody could.  There cannot be anything wrong with the Tseung Physics and Mathematics.  They passed the Tsinghua University test (the equivalent of MIT in USA).  They recently presented at Shenzhen University.  I know that there is much activity going on to develop products. 

Mr. Tseung is immune to insults because the physics and mathematics cannot be wrong.  It was like Galileo knowing that the Earth was round.  No amount of pressure could change that scientific fact.

I back him up 100% because I examined and re-examined every assumption, every term and every equation.  He did not use or create any new Physics.  He just applied the accepted Physics to analyze force, displacement, work and energy on a simple pendulum with an external force.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 19, 2008, 07:40:37 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 19, 2008, 07:16:09 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 19, 2008, 05:26:56 AM
And Mr. top gun, the simple fact is if you are experincing a new phenomenon, then it has to be validated by numerous experimental values. Then the existing theory is adjusted accordingly. You can not prove something new from from something old that does not account for this new change.
That is why all the inspectors asked you to show the induction of this "lead out gravity" as no known theory knows about it. You showing it with existing mechanics is never going to work and that is a simple logic.
What you have to do is simple. Run this pendulum with your style, produce verifiable results. Show without doubt that there is indeed an extra energy lead out by gravity. People will accept it and change the existing theory accordingly. The mistake you are making is that you are trying to prove it without the basis of experiments and actual values and you are trying to misuse existing system. What will happen is that you will reduce yourself to academic discussions with some amateurs like me and real people won't even look at it!
Think about it.

Dear Kul-ash,

Do not think that you are an amateur and thus useless.  I know Mr. Tseung very well by now.  He uses this forum to pass time.  He has absolute confidence in his Lee-Tseung theory.  I can testify that he and Lee and Wang went to Tsinghua University and got great academic acceptance.  He and Lee made the mistake of taking CIA or the Like there.  Mr. Tseung was then regarded as an USA spy and got into much trouble.

Please do not feel bad that you cannot win the HK$10,000.  Nobody could.  There cannot be anything wrong with the Tseung Physics and Mathematics.  They passed the Tsinghua University test (the equivalent of MIT in USA).  They recently presented at Shenzhen University.  I know that there is much activity going on to develop products. 

Mr. Tseung is immune to insults because the physics and mathematics cannot be wrong.  It was like Galileo knowing that the Earth was round.  No amount of pressure could change that scientific fact.

I back him up 100% because I examined and re-examined every assumption, every term and every equation.  He did not use or create any new Physics.  He just applied the accepted Physics to analyze force, displacement, work and energy on a simple pendulum with an external force.

That is not the point! The point is you are trying to prove something new with something that does not understand your new concept. When you are proposing new theory, how could you use the theory that does not allow you to input additional energy?
Any way, I am hoping to get answer from you about the splitting forces that I mentioned in the earlier post. Please let me know what you think about what I said on your statement.
Any way, I am sure that no normal physics or mathematics will allow you to "create" additional energy! And practically also, still after so many claims from so many people, no one has seen any such energy generated.
No body will accept that gravity is providing you force to overcome itself. As I told you the analysis I have done is very superficial.
You comparing him with Gallileo is out of my imagination. Gallelio was opposed on the basis of relegiuos belive. As there was not scientific formulation, even though after seeing things working according to his principles, the religious people purposely hunted him down. In this case, 99.99% of the scientific community itself is opposing this theory and that is because no body have ever seen this so called lead out effect. You said it has passes test in Tinshuha university. What is that test, can you explain? Did you mean to say that they accepted your "theory"? When some one like me clearly see that there is misuse of applied force, do you really think this theory is full proof?
Lets continue this technicald debate and I am pretty sure that I myself can show you problems in theory. And I am not behind USD 1300. lol.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 19, 2008, 08:04:59 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 19, 2008, 05:11:38 AM

The induced change in already existing internal forces is called as restoring force. The work is always done by external force and not by internal forces in the system.

In you case, you are denying that horizontal force is responsible for change in the tension of the string and you are claiming that it is "lead out gravity" which is doing that. By all means, this is not acceptable to me and now you said it yourself. In other words, you supply energy externally and it does the required work and that is the law of conservation of energy. You are claiming that this energy is coming "from outside" the system. How, that is you are trying to prove it based on incorrect assumptions..

Dear Kul_ash,

Sorry I missed this post.  I love drawing simple diagrams.  In the following pendulum11.jpg, I show the simple system of two 1,000 unit weights perfectly balanced in position A. 

I then applied an external 1 unit force on the RHS.  Assuming no friction, the weights will move to position C.

If I focus on the gain in potential energy on the LHS alone, I get a value of 1,000 x h units.  But the external work I do is only 1 x h units. 

The weight on the RHS is regarded as an internal force on such a system.

In my terminology, I have just used 1 x h units of energy to Lead Out 1,000 x h units of energy.  If I cut the string and allow the LHS weight to fall back to its original position, it can do 1,000 x h units of work.  Remember, I only supplied 1 x h units of energy or work!

I hope this example does not confuse you more.  Let us have more fun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 19, 2008, 08:43:21 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 19, 2008, 08:04:59 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 19, 2008, 05:11:38 AM

The induced change in already existing internal forces is called as restoring force. The work is always done by external force and not by internal forces in the system.

In you case, you are denying that horizontal force is responsible for change in the tension of the string and you are claiming that it is "lead out gravity" which is doing that. By all means, this is not acceptable to me and now you said it yourself. In other words, you supply energy externally and it does the required work and that is the law of conservation of energy. You are claiming that this energy is coming "from outside" the system. How, that is you are trying to prove it based on incorrect assumptions..

Dear Kul_ash,

Sorry I missed this post.  I love drawing simple diagrams.  In the following pendulum11.jpg, I show the simple system of two 1,000 unit weights perfectly balanced in position A. 

I then applied an external 1 unit force on the RHS.  Assuming no friction, the weights will move to position C.

If I focus on the gain in potential energy on the LHS alone, I get a value of 1,000 x h units.  But the external work I do is only 1 x h units. 

The weight on the RHS is regarded as an internal force on such a system.

In my terminology, I have just used 1 x h units of energy to Lead Out 1,000 x h units of energy.  If I cut the string and allow the LHS weight to fall back to its original position, it can do 1,000 x h units of work.  Remember, I only supplied 1 x h units of energy or work!

I hope this example does not confuse you more.  Let us have more fun.

Lol. So? You want to tell me you have designed over unit machine here? wow. Congratulations! Thats all I can say.  :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 19, 2008, 03:29:35 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 19, 2008, 07:16:09 AM

Dear Kul-ash,

Please do not feel bad that you cannot win the HK$10,000.  Nobody could.  There cannot be anything wrong with the Tseung Physics and Mathematics.  They passed the Tsinghua University test (the equivalent of MIT in USA).  They recently presented at Shenzhen University. 

Mr Tseung:

Hahaha! What an idiot!
If you really dicovered this unbelievable new Physics, would you not think that Tsinghua University big shots will make their biggest announcements to equate Mr. tseung as the new Einstein?

Did we missed those announcements? Did any of their Professors openly supported you in any scientific forums? Any scientific publications? Or or these beliefs only between your two ears? It's all your own hot air,smoke and altered egos in this forum.

Instead, you now offer 'O' Level students the chance to win your delusional prize! If you have any merits, the world will give you the Nobel prize! Instead, you continue to make a fool of yourself. You should spend more time helping disadvantaged kids in your retirement. Instead you go on about this BS. So very sad.

From the beginning I begged you to see a doctor and get some medication. I even suggested you watch the movie "The beautiful mind". The scientist in the movie actually was a brilliant mathematician. You, Mr. tseung, can't even understand pre-'O' level physics. That's the truth. Sometimes, I think you live in a different world. This really is planet Earth.

That's all I have to say today.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on April 19, 2008, 03:42:18 PM
Lawrence, the most bizarre thing here, and this is what no one can figure out, is this.  Why are you still stuck on the theoretical?  You are convinced your theory is correct, so make a device that proves it.  Don't rely on Milkovic or some other random person halfway around the world, whose machine you have not seen or examined and who does not have a self running device.  You know next to nothing about Milkovic or Newman or any of these other people you continue to site.  You keep calling Milkovic Russian.  He is not Russian - he is from Serbia and still resides there, as far as we know.

So forget theory at this point.  Show us something.  Pull out a pendulum and show us the lead out.  Or is mother nature not convinced by your equations?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 19, 2008, 04:08:25 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 19, 2008, 08:43:21 AM
Lol. So? You want to tell me you have designed over unit machine here? wow. Congratulations! Thats all I can say.  :D

Dear Kul_ash,

I am telling you that when there are gravitational forces acting on a system such as in pendulum11.jpg, we can use a small external energy to Lead Out a large "internal" energy.

Pendulum11.jpg is easy to understand - even a primary school kid can understand that.

The question is - if we can Lead Out 1,000 x h units of gravitational energy in a one-shot deal, can we Lead Out any gravitational energy at all in a repeatable fashion?

The brilliance of Lee-Tseung is that they applied the Laws of Physics and Mathematics to the simple pendulum with Lee-Tseung Pulls.  That experiment in pendulum08.jpg or equivalent have been done by students worldwide.  At least 10 million such experiments have been done.

You can do it at home.  If that experiment is not wrong, then slide 3 cannot be wrong.  If slide 3 is not wrong, we can continue our discussion.

If you insist that the experiment represented by pendulum08.jpg cannot be performed, then do it.  We can continue the discussion after your experiment.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on April 19, 2008, 04:13:50 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 19, 2008, 04:08:25 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 19, 2008, 08:43:21 AM
Lol. So? You want to tell me you have designed over unit machine here? wow. Congratulations! Thats all I can say.  :D

Dear Kul_ash,

I am telling you that when there are gravitational forces acting on a system such as in pendulum11.jpg, we can use a small external energy to Lead Out a large "internal" energy.

Pendulum11.jpg is easy to understand - even a primary school kid can understand that.

The question is - if we can Lead Out 1,000 x h units of gravitational energy in a one-shot deal, can we Lead Out any gravitational energy at all in a repeatable fashion?

The brilliance of Lee-Tseung is that they applied the Laws of Physics and Mathematics to the simple pendulum with Lee-Tseung Pulls.  That experiment in pendulum08.jpg or equivalent have been done by students worldwide.  At least 10 million such experiments have been done.

You can do it at home.  If that experiment is not wrong, then slide 3 cannot be wrong.  If slide 3 is not wrong, we can continue our discussion.

If you insist that the experiment represented by pendulum08.jpg cannot be performed, then do it.  We can continue the discussion after your experiment.

There is nothing being "lead out" in the pendulum11 drawing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 19, 2008, 04:18:10 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on April 19, 2008, 04:13:50 PM

There is nothing being "lead out" in the pendulum11 drawing.

Please refer to reply 2177.

In my terminology, I have just used 1 x h units of energy to Lead Out 1,000 x h units of energy.  If I cut the string and allow the LHS weight to fall back to its original position, it can do 1,000 x h units of work.  Remember, I only supplied 1 x h units of energy or work!

I hope this example does not confuse you more.  Let us have more fun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 19, 2008, 04:20:17 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on April 19, 2008, 03:42:18 PM
Why are you still stuck on the theoretical?  You are convinced your theory is correct, so make a device that proves it. 

He already said he can't use a drill. How can he build a pendulum? Never mind about proving unconventional Physics. It's like asking a comb from a Franciscan monk!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on April 19, 2008, 04:31:39 PM

I regret to report there has been an incident at L. Tseung look alike contest...everything is now up in the air.

From what I understand the whole place is under police lock-down.

Apparently evidence of fraud by one or more of the contestants has come to light.

The following suspicious articles of disguise, later tagged Exhibits A, B, and C, were discovered in a back stage changing area common to all by Mr. Tseung himself and one of the judges...
<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i27.tinypic.com/6zwwtl.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

It would appear there is treachery afoot...seems one of the entrants is unable to grow a moustashe or had short notice, or was once a woman...or was...no it couldn't possibly be...a female ?

Which reminds me where is Ming Mei these days ?

It almost looks as thou someone is intentionally discredit Mr. Tseung by sabotaging an event put on in recognition of his increased public profile.

Is it professional sabotage, or is Lawrence really on to something ?

Who will win the contest...or will it be called off ?

What a let down...like myself, I know many of you had also invited guests over to watch the event on PPV.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on April 19, 2008, 04:34:46 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 19, 2008, 04:18:10 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on April 19, 2008, 04:13:50 PM

There is nothing being "lead out" in the pendulum11 drawing.

Please refer to reply 2177.

In my terminology, I have just used 1 x h units of energy to Lead Out 1,000 x h units of energy.  If I cut the string and allow the LHS weight to fall back to its original position, it can do 1,000 x h units of work.  Remember, I only supplied 1 x h units of energy or work!

I hope this example does not confuse you more.  Let us have more fun.

The 1001 units moved the 1000 units.  You just added the final 1 unit.  So what?  The 1001 units lost 1001*g*h units of gravitational potential energy.  No magic here.

You could have cut the string right from the beginning, and have gotten the exact same energy out of both the falling weights for free, without even adding the 1 unit of weight.  Too bad someone else had to hoist them up there for you to get your free energy from them falling.

The point is, your setup in pendulum11 returns exactly the energy that was put into it, minus losses to friction.  It does not logically lead to your next leap in logic, sorry.

Your theory is wrong, and it is contradicted by empirical results.  The only valid experiments that you suggest have nothing to do with your lead out theory.  You cannot show a single experiment that actually shows more energy out than in, and until you do, your theory is nothing more than a wild conjecture.  It is so far from a "theory" in the scientific sense, that it raises doubts as to your scientific credentials.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on April 19, 2008, 04:39:28 PM
And whatever happened to your wheel with weights hitting pads?  Nothing doing, I presume.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 19, 2008, 04:40:37 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on April 19, 2008, 04:34:46 PM

The 1001 units moved the 1000 units.  You just added the final 1 unit.  So what?  The 1001 units lost 1001*h units of gravitational potential energy.  No magic here.

You could have cut the string right from the beginning, and have gotten some energy out of the falling weights for free, without even adding the 1 unit of weight.  Too bad someone else had to hoist them up there for you to get your free energy from them falling.

The point is, your setup in pendulum11 returns exactly the energy that was put into it, minus losses to friction.  It does not logically lead to your next leap in logic, sorry.

Your theory is wrong, and it is contradicted by empirical results.  The only valid experiments that you suggest have nothing to do with your lead out theory.  You cannot show a single experiment that actually shows more energy out than in, and until you do, your theory is nothing more than a wild conjecture.  It is so far from a "theory" in the scientific sense, that it raises doubts as to your scientific credentials.

Tseung's scientific credentials? I must have missed them. It's JUNK science. Totally delusional.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 19, 2008, 04:51:11 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on April 19, 2008, 04:34:46 PM

The 1001 units moved the 1000 units.  You just added the final 1 unit.  So what?  The 1001 units lost 1001*g*h units of gravitational potential energy.  No magic here.

You could have cut the string right from the beginning, and have gotten some energy out of the falling weights for free, without even adding the 1 unit of weight.  Too bad someone else had to hoist them up there for you to get your free energy from them falling.

The point is, your setup in pendulum11 returns exactly the energy that was put into it, minus losses to friction.  It does not logically lead to your next leap in logic, sorry.

Your theory is wrong, and it is contradicted by empirical results.  The only valid experiments that you suggest have nothing to do with your lead out theory.  You cannot show a single experiment that actually shows more energy out than in, and until you do, your theory is nothing more than a wild conjecture.  It is so far from a "theory" in the scientific sense, that it raises doubts as to your scientific credentials.

I believe what you refer to as the only valid experiment is the diagram pendulum08.jpg.  Correct??? Please confirm.

You put the correct physics into pendulum11.jpg.  Note your own statement:
Too bad someone else had to hoist them up there for you to get your free energy from them falling.

In the pendulum with the Lee-Tseung Pull, that someone is gravity!  I wait for your confirmation before further discussions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on April 19, 2008, 05:08:57 PM
Pendulum8 looks correct, at least the math looks like it would work out if you were exerting force on the bob itself.  (I think it is the same math from before.)  I am not sure what the ramification is from putting the force farther up the string.  But I am not saying it's not right.  It's probably right.  Assuming a massless string, it should not matter where you apply the force.  I am not going to get a calculator out now.

To note, Kul_Ash has a very valid point.  If you apply the horizontal force, it stops being horizontal as soon as the bob moves.  At that point, the force you apply will have a horizontal and vertical component.  It must, because the string forces the bob to change direction.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 19, 2008, 05:39:30 PM
Dear All,

Many may be asking what has happened to Wang Shum Ho and his Electricity Generator.  Please see the following websites:


He is no longer an "unknown" in China or worldwide.  He represented China as a top energy expert in the "Asian Economic Summit" in Hainan Island last week.  He will represent China again in the World Productivity Conference in South Africa later this year.

His title, contact address, email and telephone numbers are publicly disclosed.  I no longer need to promote him or his machine.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 19, 2008, 06:06:47 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 19, 2008, 05:39:30 PM
Dear All,

Many may be asking what has happened to Wang Shum Ho and his Electricity Generator.  Please see the following websites:


He is no longer an "unknown" in China or worldwide.  He represented China as a top energy expert in the "Asian Economic Summit" in Hainan Island last week.  He will represent China again in the World Productivity Conference in South Africa later this year.

His title, contact address, email and telephone numbers are publicly disclosed.  I no longer need to promote him or his machine.

Tell us where in this link
does it mention anything about the so called Wang generator?
Isn't this a web site of some Chinese company offering chemical, utilities and communications services?

Is this another one of your make believe proverbial crap? Whether Wang's other interest includes the above services has nothing to do with your great imagination of the implementation of this wonderful Lee-Tseung lead-out crap theory!

Don't you know when to quit?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 19, 2008, 07:58:01 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on April 19, 2008, 05:08:57 PM
Pendulum8 looks correct, at least the math looks like it would work out if you were exerting force on the bob itself.  (I think it is the same math from before.)  I am not sure what the ramification is from putting the force farther up the string.  But I am not saying it's not right.  It's probably right.  Assuming a massless string, it should not matter where you apply the force.  I am not going to get a calculator out now.

To note, Kul_Ash has a very valid point.  If you apply the horizontal force, it stops being horizontal as soon as the bob moves.  At that point, the force you apply will have a horizontal and vertical component.  It must, because the string forces the bob to change direction.

Dear shruggedatlas,

Thank you for your comments.  Pendulum08.jpg is indeed 100%  correct.

You also raised the valid point from Kul_ash.  I modified pendulum08.jpg to pendulum12.jpg to show that the supplied, constant F need not be horizontal until the final position.  The vertical work done by this constant force F is F x dH. (or 10 x dH Units).  This is only one sixth of the increased vertical potential energy (= mgh = Mg x dH = 60 x dH units).

Where does the remaining 50 x dH units of vertical energy come from???

The only logical physics explanation is - from gravity via the tension of the string!!!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 19, 2008, 10:51:41 PM
I am sorry but you people just don't get it.  You have to apply the continuous pulse, which translated means, the regularly intermittent constant force...don't you get it?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 20, 2008, 12:19:06 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 19, 2008, 04:08:25 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 19, 2008, 08:43:21 AM
Lol. So? You want to tell me you have designed over unit machine here? wow. Congratulations! Thats all I can say.  :D

Dear Kul_ash,

I am telling you that when there are gravitational forces acting on a system such as in pendulum11.jpg, we can use a small external energy to Lead Out a large "internal" energy.

Pendulum11.jpg is easy to understand - even a primary school kid can understand that.

The question is - if we can Lead Out 1,000 x h units of gravitational energy in a one-shot deal, can we Lead Out any gravitational energy at all in a repeatable fashion?

The brilliance of Lee-Tseung is that they applied the Laws of Physics and Mathematics to the simple pendulum with Lee-Tseung Pulls.  That experiment in pendulum08.jpg or equivalent have been done by students worldwide.  At least 10 million such experiments have been done.

You can do it at home.  If that experiment is not wrong, then slide 3 cannot be wrong.  If slide 3 is not wrong, we can continue our discussion.

If you insist that the experiment represented by pendulum08.jpg cannot be performed, then do it.  We can continue the discussion after your experiment.

Top gun,

There is no energy "lead out" in your experiment. It took work against gravity to pull up those weight at that height! Then when you add 1 kg weight on RHS, it creates a torque with the force of 1001 kg on LHS and it goes up. So in all you have done work two times to lift it. First you lifted it to initial position and then using simple principle of lever, you pulled it even further. There is no energy lead out here. When you are looking at a system as a whole, then you can not just look on LHS. You have to take all the parameters in consideration. Principle of lever is very old. People do lift heavy weights using pulleys and lever. It is just simple mechanics.
So now you have added work to the LHS and if you want to extract it, you will get exactly or less than what work you provided. There is no energy added any where or lead out. Once you cut the rope, then weight will fall down on ground. If you want to repeat the experiment, you will have to lift it again to the desired height.
I believe you are not that naive  not to understand this. If you are believeing that this is leading out free energy, then I say you really need to start from primary physics.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 20, 2008, 12:24:31 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 19, 2008, 07:58:01 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on April 19, 2008, 05:08:57 PM
Pendulum8 looks correct, at least the math looks like it would work out if you were exerting force on the bob itself.  (I think it is the same math from before.)  I am not sure what the ramification is from putting the force farther up the string.  But I am not saying it's not right.  It's probably right.  Assuming a massless string, it should not matter where you apply the force.  I am not going to get a calculator out now.

To note, Kul_Ash has a very valid point.  If you apply the horizontal force, it stops being horizontal as soon as the bob moves.  At that point, the force you apply will have a horizontal and vertical component.  It must, because the string forces the bob to change direction.

Dear shruggedatlas,

Thank you for your comments.  Pendulum08.jpg is indeed 100%  correct.

You also raised the valid point from Kul_ash.  I modified pendulum08.jpg to pendulum12.jpg to show that the supplied, constant F need not be horizontal until the final position.  The vertical work done by this constant force F is F x dH. (or 10 x dH Units).  This is only one sixth of the increased vertical potential energy (= mgh = Mg x dH = 60 x dH units).

Where does the remaining 50 x dH units of vertical energy come from???

The only logical physics explanation is - from gravity via the tension of the string!!!

I want to tell you one more thing. In case of pendulum, work is calculated by KE = 1/2 mv ^ 2 formula. Your force is going to give it a velocity and that is how you calculate energy in the system. Pendulum constantly converts PE in to KE and KE in to PE.

You assumption that vertical work done = 10 x dH is also wrong because only the vertical component of the applied force is doing the vertical work.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 20, 2008, 12:34:16 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 19, 2008, 04:51:11 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on April 19, 2008, 04:34:46 PM

The 1001 units moved the 1000 units.  You just added the final 1 unit.  So what?  The 1001 units lost 1001*g*h units of gravitational potential energy.  No magic here.

You could have cut the string right from the beginning, and have gotten some energy out of the falling weights for free, without even adding the 1 unit of weight.  Too bad someone else had to hoist them up there for you to get your free energy from them falling.

The point is, your setup in pendulum11 returns exactly the energy that was put into it, minus losses to friction.  It does not logically lead to your next leap in logic, sorry.

Your theory is wrong, and it is contradicted by empirical results.  The only valid experiments that you suggest have nothing to do with your lead out theory.  You cannot show a single experiment that actually shows more energy out than in, and until you do, your theory is nothing more than a wild conjecture.  It is so far from a "theory" in the scientific sense, that it raises doubts as to your scientific credentials.

I believe what you refer to as the only valid experiment is the diagram pendulum08.jpg.  Correct??? Please confirm.

You put the correct physics into pendulum11.jpg.  Note your own statement:
Too bad someone else had to hoist them up there for you to get your free energy from them falling.

In the pendulum with the Lee-Tseung Pull, that someone is gravity!  I wait for your confirmation before further discussions.

Gravity does work in pulling system down and not up. You always show mg pointing downwards, right? How it will do the work in oposite direction? That is what is called as "restoring force". You really need to understand this.
I guess your whole understanding that gravity is inducing energy in string is wrong. The tenstion in the string is increased because of vertical component of the force and its balancing gravity and also providing some vertical work. Gravity is going to be your opponent no.1 when you want to extract work out of system. It always points downwards. What part of this is you do not agree?

You said: "In the pendulum with the Lee-Tseung Pull, that someone is gravity!  I wait for your confirmation before further discussions"

Unless and untill you show why gravity is working in opposite direction, why would any body confirm this? Gravity can never be your friend. If you do not understand this, there is no point in discussing further because its going in loop now. Unless and until you have antigravity, things will never go up, they will come down. You are trying to tell me, that with some "special pull" (which till today, I am not clear, how it is given), you are creating antigravity, then I have strong objection to it. And the fun part is you are trying to prove it with mathematics and physics, which do not acknowledge this phenomenon.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 20, 2008, 12:46:34 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 19, 2008, 05:39:30 PM
Dear All,

Many may be asking what has happened to Wang Shum Ho and his Electricity Generator.  Please see the following websites:


He is no longer an "unknown" in China or worldwide.  He represented China as a top energy expert in the "Asian Economic Summit" in Hainan Island last week.  He will represent China again in the World Productivity Conference in South Africa later this year.

His title, contact address, email and telephone numbers are publicly disclosed.  I no longer need to promote him or his machine.

Second link is completely in Chinese. First links open up some company called chem99 which does not mention any thing in this respect.

Do you have links to pubshiled papers in international conforances or any valuable insight in you theory from some one else? If you have, please give me link, so that I can check them up.
All the sites I googled, show that its you constantly saying the theory is well proven and no body seems to agree with that. Not a single I site! Please let me know, if there are some sites otherwise.
I also visited Tingshua (sorry for the spelling) University. It does not seem to mention such a world changing discovery any where on its site!
I want to know if any student or proff from this university ever published the results and papers on the experimentation conducted. Because when you compare some univ. with MIT, it has to be equivalent in terms of experimentation and publications. MIT proffs and students publish thousands of papers when discovering something of this level. With just one presentation, if you involving the Univ., then I doubt about the University itself. But from their site, I did found that they are doing lots of research and publishing papers. Then why not on such a world changing technology except your presentation?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on April 20, 2008, 01:24:40 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 19, 2008, 07:58:01 PM
Where does the remaining 50 x dH units of vertical energy come from???

Are you serious?  Is this what you are basing "lead out" on?

The pendulum acts as a simple machine, basically a curved incline plane.  If you were to measure the distance the ball travels in the curve and multiply it by force F (10 units), the product would be exactly the same as 60*h.  Everything equals out.  There is no remaining energy.

Otherwise every inclined plane would be an overunity machine.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 20, 2008, 08:15:24 AM
Great.  At least I can say that much serious discussion have been Lead Out.

I would like to focus back on slide 3 or pendulum08.jpg.

That slide can be experimentally verified.  The Physics and Mathematics cannot be wrong.  Let us focus on the final position B.  We have the three forces at equilibrium.  Thus we can use the mechanics of parallelogram of forces to analyze them.

I pause for the bullets and cannon balls to come.  Does any physicists dare to say that slide 3 is wrong and the experiments done over 10 million times are wrong???

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 20, 2008, 09:42:26 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 20, 2008, 08:15:24 AM
Great.  At least I can say that much serious discussion have been Lead Out.

I would like to focus back on slide 3 or pendulum08.jpg.

That slide can be experimentally verified.  The Physics and Mathematics cannot be wrong.  Let us focus on the final position B.  We have the three forces at equilibrium.  Thus we can use the mechanics of parallelogram of forces to analyze them.

I pause for the bullets and cannon balls to come.  Does any physicists dare to say that slide 3 is wrong and the experiments done over 10 million times are wrong???

I do. For simple logic! According to Newton's second law, if a body is moving in circular motion, the net resultant force of all the applied force must act towards the center of motion. Your resultant force is acting away from center. Circular motion is not possible and that is not the case with your pendulum. Your pendulum is continuing to move in circular motion when resulting force is away from center. That defies Newton's second law of motion. So it is incorrect with respect to Pendulum motion. As far as simple analysis of three forces is considered without the frame of circular motion, your drawing is correct.
If F = ma then a = F/m and it is a vector. In order to keep object moving in circular motion a has to point towards center. If resulting acceleration is not towards center, there is no way of keeping object in circular motion. Remember your mg is acting downwards so its cos theta component is going to act in opposite direction to the resulting acceleration. So please let me know what force (that you have not shown) is keeping this object in a circular motion?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 20, 2008, 02:27:18 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 20, 2008, 09:42:26 AM

As far as simple analysis of three forces is considered without the frame of circular motion, your drawing is correct.

We are comparing two static (no motion) situations in pendulum08.jpg.

On the LHS, there is no motion.  It is the initial condition.

On the RHS, there is no motion.  The Lee-Tseung Pull has been applied.  The externally supplied force F has not been let go yet.  The whole system is in equilibrium.  There is no velocity and hence there is no need to consider circular motion.

Do we agree on this point???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 20, 2008, 03:59:43 PM
Possibly the entire system (due to the Lee-Tseung constant pules) is in unequal equilibrium? All the forces are unbalanced in a balanced manner.  This is the point where where the output is measured by the input clearly showing both a cop > and < 1.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 21, 2008, 04:22:15 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 20, 2008, 02:27:18 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 20, 2008, 09:42:26 AM

As far as simple analysis of three forces is considered without the frame of circular motion, your drawing is correct.

We are comparing two static (no motion) situations in pendulum08.jpg.

On the LHS, there is no motion.  It is the initial condition.

On the RHS, there is no motion.  The Lee-Tseung Pull has been applied.  The externally supplied force F has not been let go yet.  The whole system is in equilibrium.  There is no velocity and hence there is no need to consider circular motion.

Do we agree on this point???

If externally applied force is not removed as yet, then how come there is no velocity? How come force is applied and body is stationary?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 21, 2008, 07:01:20 AM
@Kul_ash: that's part of the Tseung magic!
It's wonderful! ;)
Tseung applies a constant force, in pulses which we are then no longer allowed to call a "pulse",
but we must call it a "Lee-Tseung Pull", which is periodically applied, yet constant at the same time.
That's trick one.
Then he applies an external force, which he keeps applying, yet there is no motion in the pendulum.
Trick two.
Then somehow gravity personally comes and gives Tseung back the input energy that is still being
applied, continuously, yet intermittantly.
Trick three.
And that's how he gets gravity to give him "lead out energy".
No mechanisms needed for the energy collection, and the constant input is free, apparently.
Trick four.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 21, 2008, 08:09:24 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 20, 2008, 08:15:24 AM
Great.  At least I can say that much serious discussion have been Lead Out.

I would like to focus back on slide 3 or pendulum08.jpg.

That slide can be experimentally verified.  The Physics and Mathematics cannot be wrong.  Let us focus on the final position B.  We have the three forces at equilibrium.  Thus we can use the mechanics of parallelogram of forces to analyze them.

I pause for the bullets and cannon balls to come.  Does any physicists dare to say that slide 3 is wrong and the experiments done over 10 million times are wrong???

And I also wanted to ask you one thing. What ten millions times experiment you are referring to? How to give tseung pull? Or how to write a theory of tseung pull? Or how to generate free energy? Do you have any documentation of the test results? 10 millions times is quiet high for any one to document it. Say do you have results for 1000 tests that showed the existance of lead out enery? If he hasn't documented it, then what is the proof that he really conducted these experiments?
Because I still think that he is just behind to prove his theory. If he had all the analysis done, he would have been the reachest man in the world by now!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 21, 2008, 08:21:02 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on April 21, 2008, 07:01:20 AM
@Kul_ash: that's part of the Tseung magic!
It's wonderful! ;)
Tseung applies a constant force, in pulses which we are then no longer allowed to call a "pulse",
but we must call it a "Lee-Tseung Pull", which is periodically applied, yet constant at the same time.
That's trick one.
Then he applies an external force, which he keeps applying, yet there is no motion in the pendulum.
Trick two.
Then somehow gravity personally comes and gives Tseung back the input energy that is still being
applied, continuously, yet intermittantly.
Trick three.
And that's how he gets gravity to give him "lead out energy".
No mechanisms needed for the energy collection, and the constant input is free, apparently.
Trick four.

When I was a kid, I was at one magic show. I rushed to be a voulenteer. Magician took INR 1.00 bill from me and converted it to INR 100.00.  :) I was damn happy and gave him 10 more bills. At this moment he asked majic is over and I should go back to my sit. I asked him that time, if you can convert and generate money, why the hell you are charging us for show? He should make every one millioner instead of charging money from kids. He almost pushed me out of stage. I believed in magic that time and I was very angry with the magician.  :D
May be this magic makes atleast this magician millioner if not us!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 21, 2008, 08:32:45 AM

And also one point I want to mention. When you pull the pendulum anywhere on the string, then you are essentially altering "L" i.e. length of pendulum. Have you considered that in your equations?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 21, 2008, 12:02:47 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 21, 2008, 08:21:02 AM

When I was a kid, I was at one magic show. I rushed to be a voulenteer. Magician took INR 1.00 bill from me and converted it to INR 100.00.  :) I was damn happy and gave him 10 more bills. At this moment he asked majic is over and I should go back to my sit. I asked him that time, if you can convert and generate money, why the hell you are charging us for show? He should make every one millioner instead of charging money from kids. He almost pushed me out of stage. I believed in magic that time and I was very angry with the magician.  :D
May be this magic makes atleast this magician millioner if not us!


Now, you know why I have more respect for street magicians than for Tseung! At least they practice their  trade, if for nothing else, they make you wonder but worthy of the entertainment value. You may have felt unfairly charged for going to the show but at least you were impressed and the magician was sincere about his abilities to to impress you. The proof was in the pudding.

Well, you see, Tseung is extremely sincere about his so call Tseung-Lee physics. But then, that's where the similarity ends. Tseung IS sincerely WRONG! His branch of Physics revolves in his brain and nowhere else. He's so convinced he is correct he cannot fathom the truth, despite what you and others patiently offer your explanations.

Well, we know his excuse of not creating a test pendulum is because he does not know how to use a drill and of course, he has heart problems too. Funny thing is he never mentioned he has brain blockage!  Then you asked him about these famous Chinese MIT professors who vouched his magic was real. Where and who are those? Only Tseung knows! Probably they don't speak English? Oh, then what happened to the Head of the Hong Kong Poly. University he was supposed to be in contact with? I guessed tempting 1 million HK students with $10K looks convincingly better  than to get a "enroll in my Physics 101 class" reply from the professor.

Need I go on? Tseung's delusions must cease. Too much time and energy has already Lead-Out in this thread.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 21, 2008, 02:27:45 PM
I agree.
Show us these claimed "10 million experiments", well documented please.
Because so far all we got from Tseung was crappy pictures of people
swinging a bottle around on a string, a low quality video of some rotating
contraption, and zero actual proof. And it took us ages before he even
came up with that stuff.
Which is a bit odd for a theory based on "10 million experiments",
you must admit. Ten million invisible and undocumented experiments,
maybe? Could be, but that's obviously worth nothing as proof.
And where are those tons of reknowned physicists who Tseung claims
support his theory? Should be easy to get one to talk about such
a cutting edge breakthrough as extracting energy from gravity.

No, so far I have only seen proof that "Tseung"
a) talks a lot but makes little sense
b) has a flawed understanding of physics
c) has no proof of his claims at all
d) has the weird tendency to post as other people, which
sub 1) makes one wonder if "Tseung" really exists
sub 2) makes one question "Tseung"s sanity
e) refuses or is unable to show any experimental proof for his theory
f) attempts to use invalid arguments and invalid applications of formulae to support his claims
g) is very quick on launching megalomaniacal fantasies about his fame, heroism, and future greatness
h) always dismisses others valid objections with invalid arguments implying the others lack of
i) always ignores valid indications that his own knowledge of physics appears to be flawed, even if
his mistakes are very clearly pointed out

Good luck trying to get him to face up to his own fallacies, Kul_ash! :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 21, 2008, 05:22:45 PM
Let me focus back on Pendulum08.jpg.  This is effectively the parallelogram of forces experiment taught and done in Physics.  There is no motion in the starting position A and there is no motion in the ending position B.  The experimental results cannot be wrong.  The theory of parallelogram of forces cannot be wrong.  Over 10 million such experiments have been done ? by almost every physics student worldwide.

Now I want to focus on Pendulum12.jpg.  The same 10 million students can do this experiment.  The difference between Pendulum12.jpg and pendulum08.jpg is that the work done by the constant force F can be measured.

From the mathematical analysis, we can find out that
(1) The increase in potential energy of the weight/bob = mgh = Mg x dH   The height dH can be measured experimentally by marking the lowest point of the weight at position A and then marking it again at position B.  The weight Mg can be weighted with a precision scale.
(2) The work done by the constant Force F can be determined by the change of potential energy of the small weight.  The Force F is the small weight and that can be weighted with the same precision scale.  The displacement is the vertical distance traveled by the small weight.  Mathematically, we can calculate that to be (dH + dX).  Thus the work done by the external force = F x (dH +dX)

It is clear that (1) and (2) are different. 
Or Mg x dH is not equal to F x (dH+dX).

The common wrong assumption by the members of this forum and many scientists who did not do the analysis is ? the increase in potential energy of the pendulum must come entirely from the external energy supplied.  This simple experiment can conclusively prove that they are wrong.

I shall pause here for more bullets and cannons.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on April 21, 2008, 05:57:55 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 21, 2008, 05:22:45 PM
It is clear that (1) and (2) are different. 
Or Mg x dH is not equal to F x (dH+dX).

You are repeating yourself now.  Please break out of this loop.

1.  Work equals force times distance, correct?
2.  The bob did not move straight up, correct? 
3.  The bob moved in a circular arc, correct?
4.  Multiply force times the length of the arc, and you will get the total work done by the pulse force.  Correct?

The you can compare that to mgh where m=mass of bob.

Why is this so hard?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 21, 2008, 07:41:13 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on April 21, 2008, 05:57:55 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 21, 2008, 05:22:45 PM
It is clear that (1) and (2) are different. 
Or Mg x dH is not equal to F x (dH+dX).

You are repeating yourself now.  Please break out of this loop.

1.  Work equals force times distance, correct?
2.  The bob did not move straight up, correct? 
3.  The bob moved in a circular arc, correct?
4.  Multiply force times the length of the arc, and you will get the total work done by the pulse force.  Correct?

Then you can compare that to mgh where m=mass of bob.

Why is this so hard?  ***Integral calculus is never easy.

Dear utilitarian,

1.  Work equals force times distance, correct?
     Correct if vector mathematics used.

2.  The bob did not move straight up, correct? 

3.  The bob moved in a circular arc, correct?
     Correct but the motion is not at constant velocity.  It accelerates at the beginning and decelerates at the end - to a complete stop at Position  B.

4.  Multiply force times the length of the arc, and you will get the total work done by the pulse force.  Correct?  Incorrect!!!

Both Force and Displacement are vector quantities.  You have to consider their directions.  The correct mathematical representation should be

The integral of F.ds  from point A to point B. 

Note the dot notation.  The general form of this integral says that F can be any function (need not be constant in magnitude or direction) and ds is an infinitely small increment.  The path can be anything - not necessarily an arc.  The general form is indeterminate.  We have to know the actual F function and the actual path before we can work out this integral.

In other words, we can have different functions of F and we can get different results of work done even though the path is an arc.  Different work means different energy.  The more advanced form of mathematics and physics says that even though the bob moves from Point A to Point B, different work (or different energy) can be involved.

Am I confusing all the forum members who have no formal training in integral calculus???

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 21, 2008, 09:26:40 PM
@ Top gun:

No, but you are confusing some of us by indicating that you are going to pull a rabbit out of your ass. (mathematically speaking)  I can't wait to see the numbers on this one.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 21, 2008, 10:04:12 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 21, 2008, 07:41:13 PM

Am I confusing all the forum members who have no formal training in integral calculus???

No. Tseung. There is nothing wrong with real mathematics and real physics. There is everything wrong with your theory of Physics. cCan you really be so STUPID? Don't you get it? Is your Physics that poor?



Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 21, 2008, 10:14:54 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 21, 2008, 09:26:40 PM
@ Top gun:

No, but you are confusing some of us by indicating that you are going to pull a rabbit out of your ass. (mathematically speaking)  I can't wait to see the numbers on this one.


Dear Pirate88179,

Numbers are easy if you have the formulae and the Excel spread sheet program.

Let us make the same assumptions in slide 3/Pendulum08.jpg on pendulum12.jpg :

Mass of Bob = 60 Kg
Acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s/s
Force due to the bob is Mg = 588 Newtons
External force F = 1/6 Mg = 98 Newtons
Length of string is 1 m
The final angle a is given by Tan(a) = F/Mg, thus a = 9.46 degrees
The vertical displacement dH = L(1-cos(a)) = 0.013599 meters
The horizontal displacement dX= Lsin(a) = 0.164359 meters

The increase in potential energy of the bob Mg x dH
= 588 x 0.013599 = 7.99646 joules
The work done by the external force F x (dH + dX) = F x (0.177958)
= 98 * 0.177958 = 17.94993 joules

It is clear that Mg x dH is not equal to F x (dH+dX).
(7.99646 is not equal to 17.94993)

Thank you to utilitarian for correcting a mathematical error (see his post that follows)

Can any one find errors in the calculation now???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on April 21, 2008, 11:13:49 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 21, 2008, 10:14:54 PM

Can any one find errors in the calculation???

Yes, almost immediately.  Some Top Gun you are.  1 kg = 9.8 N.  So the bob exerts a 588 N force downward, not 58.8.

I suggest you ask some university students to explain this to you.  Or maybe the wikipedia.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilogram-force (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilogram-force)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on April 22, 2008, 01:17:25 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 21, 2008, 10:14:54 PM
The increase in potential energy of the bob Mg x dH
= 588 x 0.013599 = 7.99646 joules
The work done by the external force F x (dH + dX) = F x (0.177958)
= 98 * 0.177958 = 17.94993 joules

Can any one find errors in the calculation now???

Yes, there is another error.

You are correct in calculating increase in potential energy.  Indeed, 60kg * 9.8 * .013599 = 7.996471 J

You err in calculating the work done by the external force.  As you had done previously, lets reduce this to an inclined plane problem.  What we have is essentially a right triangle.  The long horizontal side is 0.164358 meters.  The short vertical side is 0.013599 meters.  This makes the hypotenuse 0.164921 meters.  Also, the angle of incline, per a simple trig calculation, is 4.73 degrees.

The formula for calculating work done along an inclined plane, with no friction, is as follows:

mass * g * distance * sin (theta), where theta is the angle of incline

So, let's calculate.

60 kg * 9.8 * 0.164921 * sin (4.73) = 7.996471 J

So everything matches.  No extra energy.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 22, 2008, 02:05:44 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on April 22, 2008, 01:17:25 AM

Yes, there is another error.

You are correct in calculating increase in potential energy.  Indeed, 60kg * 9.8 * .013599 = 7.996471 J

You err in calculating the work done by the external force.  As you had done previously, lets reduce this to an inclined plane problem.  What we have is essentially a right triangle.  The long horizontal side is 0.164358 meters.  The short vertical side is 0.013599 meters.  This makes the hypotenuse 0.164921 meters.  Also, the angle of incline, per a simple trig calculation, is 4.73 degrees.

The formula for calculating work done along an inclined plane, with no friction, is as follows:

mass * g * distance * sin (theta), where theta is the angle of incline

So, let's calculate.

60 kg * 9.8 * 0.164921 * sin (4.73) = 7.996471 J

So everything matches.  No extra energy.

Dear utilitarian,

I am glad that we can discuss physics without the insults.

You are perfectly correct if you push a load up an inclined plane.  There is no string and there is no Lead Out energy.  Thus the incline plane is not capable of performing the Lead Out energy function.

However, we are considering a totally different simple machine in the case of a pendulum under Lee-Tseung Pull.  We have to consider the forces, displacement, work and energy in this particular machine.  As I stated before:

(1)   We know the beginning Position A in Pendulum08.jpg.  It is at rest.  We use it as reference.  The potential energy is zero.  There is no velocity.  The kinetic energy is zero.

(2)   We know the maximum displaced Position B in Pendulum08.jpg.  The pendulum system under the three forces at equilibrium is also at rest.  There is no velocity.  The kinetic energy is zero.  We want to find out how much work has been done (or energy spent) to get the bob from Position A to Position B.

(3)   The vigorous physics and mathematics tell us that we can use different forces on different paths to achieve the end result of going from Position A to Position B.  Some will require all the energy to be supplied by the external force.  Your example of the inclined plane is one of them.  My example in Pendulum10.jpg where the tension in the string is zero is another.

(4)   However, whenever the tension of the string is involved, we have to consider whether (a) does the tension in the string represent a force? (b) does this force has displacement in direction of the force?  Gravity does work and imparts energy via the tension in the string.

(5)   Once you take away the string, gravity cannot do work via the string and thus cannot impart energy.  Thus your inclined plane example is perfectly correct in its own right but it is not a pendulum under Lee-Tseung Pull.  It will not Lead Out gravitational energy. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on April 22, 2008, 02:39:31 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 22, 2008, 02:05:44 AM
(4)   However, whenever the tension of the string is involved, we have to consider whether (a) does the tension in the string represent a force? (b) does this force has displacement in direction of the force?  Gravity does work and imparts energy via the tension in the string.

(a) Yes, the string has tension, but (b) no, there is no displacement along the direction of that force (toward the pivot), so there is no work done there and no energy imparted.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 22, 2008, 03:33:04 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 21, 2008, 07:41:13 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on April 21, 2008, 05:57:55 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 21, 2008, 05:22:45 PM
It is clear that (1) and (2) are different. 
Or Mg x dH is not equal to F x (dH+dX).

You are repeating yourself now.  Please break out of this loop.

1.  Work equals force times distance, correct?
2.  The bob did not move straight up, correct? 
3.  The bob moved in a circular arc, correct?
4.  Multiply force times the length of the arc, and you will get the total work done by the pulse force.  Correct?

Then you can compare that to mgh where m=mass of bob.

Why is this so hard?  ***Integral calculus is never easy.

Dear utilitarian,

1.  Work equals force times distance, correct?
     Correct if vector mathematics used.

2.  The bob did not move straight up, correct? 

3.  The bob moved in a circular arc, correct?
     Correct but the motion is not at constant velocity.  It accelerates at the beginning and decelerates at the end - to a complete stop at Position  B.

4.  Multiply force times the length of the arc, and you will get the total work done by the pulse force.  Correct?  Incorrect!!!

Both Force and Displacement are vector quantities.  You have to consider their directions.  The correct mathematical representation should be

The integral of F.ds  from point A to point B. 

Note the dot notation.  The general form of this integral says that F can be any function (need not be constant in magnitude or direction) and ds is an infinitely small increment.  The path can be anything - not necessarily an arc.  The general form is indeterminate.  We have to know the actual F function and the actual path before we can work out this integral.

In other words, we can have different functions of F and we can get different results of work done even though the path is an arc.  Different work means different energy.  The more advanced form of mathematics and physics says that even though the bob moves from Point A to Point B, different work (or different energy) can be involved.

Am I confusing all the forum members who have no formal training in integral calculus???

Two Points confused me totally:
You said:
"The bob moved in a circular arc, correct?
     Correct but the motion is not at constant velocity.  It accelerates at the beginning and decelerates at the end - to a complete stop at Position  B."

If contant force is applied, then how come velocity reduces in its path? You are "forcing" pendulum to move. If pendulum is moving on its own converting PE and KE into each other then yes, velocity is not constant. But you are treating your pendulum as a "simple pendulum" and "forced pendulum" at the same time. How is that possible? How a body becomes stationary when force is still applied to it? PE will be max only when the work done by lifting force is over i.e. when KE becomes zero. In all other stages, it will have KE and PE balancing total energy of the system. If you open any book it always have three chapters on pendulum motion. They are simple pendulum, damped pendulum and forced pendulum. All have different sets of motion equations. How can you apply two sets of eqations to one problem? Please explain.

Second Point: You said:

The integral of F.ds  from point A to point B. 

Note the dot notation.  The general form of this integral says that F can be any function (need not be constant in magnitude or direction) and ds is an infinitely small increment.  The path can be anything - not necessarily an arc.  The general form is indeterminate.  We have to know the actual F function and the actual path before we can work out this integral.

In other words, we can have different functions of F and we can get different results of work done even though the path is an arc.  Different work means different energy.  The more advanced form of mathematics and physics says that even though the bob moves from Point A to Point B, different work (or different energy) can be involved.

Yes it is true! But then my friend it is not simple hamonic motion, is it? We are talking about pendulum in resonance and pendulum motion. You can pull bob any way you want but the moment it gets out of its orbit and behaves erratic, it is not simple harmonic motion any more. So are you telling me to apply totally different type of motion in this case? And if you are what it is? How a system will come in resonance if it does not follow SHM and follos chaotic motion? In other words, you are damping pendulum's natural oscillations with your erratic pull. Is that a Tseung pull? Please explain.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 22, 2008, 03:36:14 AM
@ top gun

In other words, in your first statement, you admitted that bob went up in a circular motion and in second you said it need not go in circular motion and the path is indeterminable!  :D

Are you really sure about what you are talking about even before getting in to integral calculus? Make your mind on which one of the above is true, then we will continue discussion further.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 22, 2008, 03:46:14 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 19, 2008, 05:39:30 PM
Dear All,

Many may be asking what has happened to Wang Shum Ho and his Electricity Generator.  Please see the following websites:


He is no longer an "unknown" in China or worldwide.  He represented China as a top energy expert in the "Asian Economic Summit" in Hainan Island last week.  He will represent China again in the World Productivity Conference in South Africa later this year.

His title, contact address, email and telephone numbers are publicly disclosed.  I no longer need to promote him or his machine.

My translation (may not be the official terms) on the website:

The World Productivity Alliance (China Branch)

联系人: 王沈河      秘书长
Contact Person: Wang Shum Ho  - Secretariat
详细åÅ"°åâ,¬Ã¯Â¼Å¡ 中国?辽宁çÅ"?沈阳市 
Address: Shum Yang City, Li Ling Province, China
电话: 86-24-24186088    手æÅ"ºï¼š 13066636868
Phone: 86-24-24186088  Mobile: 13066636868
ä¼ çÅ"Ÿï¼š 86-24-24186088
Fax: 86-24-24186088
网åâ,¬Ã¯Â¼Å¡ http://
Website: not available
Email: daiyx@pub.sdsti.net.cn
主营è¡Å'业: 石油 Ã¥Å'â€"å·¥ å¡‘æâ€"â,,¢ æ©¡èÆ'¶ ç…¤åÅ'â€"å·¥
Main line of Business:
Oil, Chemicals, Plastics, Rubber and Coal related industries

You can call him directly.  He has secretaries who can speak English.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 22, 2008, 03:48:55 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 21, 2008, 07:41:13 PM

Am I confusing all the forum members who have no formal training in integral calculus???

I think you are confusing us with so many contradicting assumptions. Integral calculus shall come way late in picture:

1. Motion is circular at the same time need not be circular and indeterminate
2. Pendulum follows SHM at the same time need not follow SHM
3. Force is constant at the same time it can vary in magnitude and direction.
4. Resulting force is outwards but the motion is circular
5. Constant Force is still applied but velocity is constantly decreasing and at one stage even when force is still there, velocity becomes zero. So PE is max at the sam time still external force is applied.
6. Length is altered because of force applied on some where on string, but the length considered in calculations is still the same.
7. 10 million experiments conducted but not a single one is documented.

I wish to discuss your theory really on Physics and mathematics but if this is the way of your explanation, then how is that possible to talk technically?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 22, 2008, 03:58:39 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 22, 2008, 03:46:14 AM

联系人: 王沈河      秘书长
Contact Person: Wang Shum Ho  - Secretariat
详细åÅ"°åâ,¬Ã¯Â¼Å¡ 中国?辽宁çÅ"?沈阳市 
Address: Shum Yang City, Li Ling Province, China
电话: 86-24-24186088    手æÅ"ºï¼š 13066636868
Phone: 86-24-24186088  Mobile: 13066636868
ä¼ çÅ"Ÿï¼š 86-24-24186088
Fax: 86-24-24186088
网åâ,¬Ã¯Â¼Å¡ http://
Website: not available

You can call him directly.  He has secretaries who can speak English.

Hahaha! No website and now the secretaries are going to explain how the Wang Generator works?
Nice one Tseung! Very original.


ps: A little diversion and gives you time to think how you can un-muddle yourself and try to find a 'logical' explanation to Utilitarian & Kul-Ash questions. eh? You are so screwed up!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 22, 2008, 03:59:28 AM
I am glad that Top Gun is answering all the technical questions.

Patience is not one of my virtues.  Teaching on the Internet is a skill I never acquired.

I am enjoying the show like many of the other forum members.

I would have said that pendulum08.jpg is correct.  If you do not understand, consult your Physics Professors or Friends.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 22, 2008, 04:09:40 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 22, 2008, 03:59:28 AM
I am glad that Top Gun is answering all the technical questions.

Patience is not one of my virtues.  Teaching on the Internet is a skill I never acquired.

I am enjoying the show like many of the other forum members.

I would have said that pendulum08.jpg is correct.  If you do not understand, consult your Physics Professors or Friends.

Hahaha! Another excuse again? This time it's not the lack of drill experience but your 'lack' of patience? No 'teaching' credentials on the internet? Can't explain the screwed up Physics anymore?

So, are you giving up now? OK, maybe you can now blame it on "Top Gun" for not being able to cover you when you have no more excuses!

Seriously, go see a doctor or simply admit you're a screwed up, not quite 'O' level standard physicist!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 22, 2008, 04:32:16 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 22, 2008, 03:59:28 AM
I am glad that Top Gun is answering all the technical questions.

Patience is not one of my virtues.  Teaching on the Internet is a skill I never acquired.

I am enjoying the show like many of the other forum members.

I would have said that pendulum08.jpg is correct.  If you do not understand, consult your Physics Professors or Friends.

Dear Me. Tseung

I will sure consult one if my basic questions on your contradictions those I posted in my last reply are answered. If you can not teach on internet, it is ok. But then atleast give us valid results from millions of experiments you conducted.
You showed your theory in your patent application which was reviwed by the best in the industry. We are small people but they are not. They raised the same questions we did. What will any other professor you think, who him self is not tought (according to you) with new principles, how will they help us? It is you, who should come up with answers.

what is there in pendulum 8 or slide no. 3? We know how to calculate the force diagram. The point is not that. I already mentioned that if we consider simply three forces, then your diagram is correct but when it comes in view of SHM of pendulum and inferrence based on it, then it is totally incorrect. I showed problems in your assumptions. Why would any one else even bother to clear them? And they are simple questions.

Fortunately we also know basic maths and physics. We also know that the questions asked by us are valid as they are asked by the best in the industry. Who's job is to prove it to them? Who is going to be benifitted if your theory is proved, you or us? You started this forum and now you are asking us to take help from some one else. What is the use of your forum then?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 22, 2008, 04:41:47 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 22, 2008, 03:59:28 AM
I am glad that Top Gun is answering all the technical questions.
and suspiciously is using all your own arguments and even style of writing...  ::)

QuotePatience is not one of my virtues.  Teaching on the Internet is a skill I never acquired.
much like the skill of logical reasoning seems to have passed you by :D

QuoteI am enjoying the show like many of the other forum members.
ehm... dude, it's your own theory! And you are "Top Gun"!
who do you think you're fooling?

QuoteI would have said that pendulum08.jpg is correct.
Yes, we know you would. And you would have and actually have
kept repeating your own dumb mistakes like you are currently doing
under your persona "Top Gun", and we would continuously have pointed
out the mistakes and errors like we have been doing and have done
so often before, and you would have simply ignored valid objections
and kept repeating that you're right and we're not without any proof,
like you are still doing and like I expect you to do as your "Top Gun" persona
before long, when you realise you can't get out of the hole you've dug for
yourself with your flawed physics that will never stand empirical testing.

QuoteIf you do not understand, consult your Physics Professors or Friends.
Why don't you take your own advice and study some prysics before you
start telling us to do so? It is clear many here have more knowledge of physics
than you do.
If you still feel that you do understand physics, even though you have shown not to,
then why don't you explain your theory properly? And that means not just juggling
formulae that don't match to get impossible outcomes, but it also means explaining it
in normal language. Any good physicist should be able to explain his use of formulae
and view of the active processes and forces involved in proper human language.
I know you think you can confuse people by switching to your formulae and
trying to make the left shoe fit the right foot by incorrectly applying formulae and
hoping that people don't notice. But it is clear that does not work.

Why don't you end this charade, "Tseung"?
Stop lying, stop making totally unsupported claims, stop claiming there is proof
when there isn't. Just admit you were talking crap because you don't know what
you're talking about.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 22, 2008, 04:48:10 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 22, 2008, 03:59:28 AM
I am glad that Top Gun is answering all the technical questions.

Patience is not one of my virtues.  Teaching on the Internet is a skill I never acquired.

I am enjoying the show like many of the other forum members.

I would have said that pendulum08.jpg is correct.  If you do not understand, consult your Physics Professors or Friends.

Oh Lawrence, I forgot....
You need to add this statement to your reply above:

Physics is one subject I never really understood!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 22, 2008, 04:53:28 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 22, 2008, 04:32:16 AM
what is there in pendulum 8 or slide no. 3? We know how to calculate the force diagram. The point is not that. I already mentioned that if we consider simply three forces, then your diagram is correct but when it comes in view of SHM of pendulum and inferrence based on it, then it is totally incorrect.

Dear Kul_ash,

For a moment, I thought that you did not understand the force diagrams and I had to explain all that from square one.

"I already mentioned that if we consider simply three forces, then your diagram is correct."

Pendulum08.jpg or slide 3 does not need any simple harmonic motion (SHM) in its analysis.

I think that in trying to answer different people's questions, I confused you and many others at the same time.  For example, in answering utilitarian, I jumped into integral calculus.  From now, I shall focus on the slides first.  I shall use you as the focal point in discussing slide after slide.

Do you now agree that slide 3 or pendulum08.jpg without any SHM is correct?  Is it the same Physics taught in your part of the World?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 22, 2008, 05:03:36 AM
It seems the same physics is taught in our parts of the world,
whereas in your part of the world you have a different type of
Tseungian fantasy physics. ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 22, 2008, 05:13:12 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung

Forget all that. Just please tell me how exactly you apply this famous "tseung" pull? Is it a pulse? Is it a constant horizontal force? Is it applied on bob or is it applied on string? Is it a pull of varying amplitude and direction? When pendulum is in motion, i.e on its second run, where is it and how is it applied?
Because your guy Top gun seems to be totally confused about it. He says pendulum goes up in circular motion but again says pendulum not necessarily go up in circular motion. You said force is constant, he says its not!

I am sure no one would be able to explain this "pull" except you in the whole world. So please do this honour. Explain us how this famouls "tseung pull" is given to pendulum. Because after so many messages also every one including your pal top gun seems to be having no idea about it.

Well being said that, here is the quotes from "Letter of recommendation" given to you by Cheung King Fung, Chairman. Hong Kong Invention Association.

1. "Mr. Tseung was promoted quickly to Principle Lecturer, Consultant and Software Manager for the General International Area.  He was transferred from England to USA with a threefold increase in salary.  He had two patents on Many-to-Many Communications.  In the textbook ? Network Operating Systems by Professor Tanenbaum, Mr. Tseung was quoted as one of the important contributors to the Internet." :-
Well it seems to me that your are good at teaching and in using internet effectively.

2. "When Mr. Tseung argues his theory with his peers, he overwhelms them not only with scientific reasoning but also with supreme confidence.  No matter how he was cursed and jeered at, he stood his ground.  This was essential as Mr. Lee and Mr. Tseung were openly accused initially as imposters or uneducated scientists not knowing the fundamental Law of Conservation of Energy.  They did not have any financial backing.  Almost all financing came from his son, Daniel Tseung, who regarded the monthly payment as ?helping the father to have a reasonable standard of living?. The Hong Kong Government rejected their application for grants as ?stupid old men working on impossible perpetual motion machines?.  The average person would have been furious or would have retreated into a shell.  Mr. Tseung displayed his supreme self-confidence in repeated emails, phone calls, openly displaying his information on the Internet and announcing his intention to change the World."
:- Well it shows me that we might be devil but you have good enough patience as a vertue. lol

3. This is very intersting:

After Mr. Tseung got his MSc, he entered the Computer Industry.  His entry was a story by itself.  He first applied to IBM.  He was asked to take an IQ test with many others after the test was started.  He spent time reading the instructions carefully instead of doing the tests.  His IQ test score was so low that IBM told him that he could not possibly have finished Secondary School.  It made him mad and spent the next few weeks in the library reading up and doing IQ tests.  He then applied for other Computer Programming jobs via an Agency.  Sure enough, there were the inevitable IQ tests.  The Agency called and said that nobody could have scored perfect score in two successive IQ tests.  Mr. Tseung was highly recommended and joined the minicomputer company ? Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in England
:- Lol. This is so funny. :)

4. Mr. Tseung developed incredible self-confidence early in life.  He attributed that to a Fortune Teller who told him that he was one of a kind.  He did not need any fortune telling as his future was in his own hands.  If his heart is good, he will create history.  If he becomes selfish, he will lose everything.  Mr. Tseung did suffer such ups and downs. This was reinforced in September 2006 when he met a Monk in Taiwan who told him, ?The technology will be known all over the World before the end of the Lunar Year (February 2007) after three persons or groups appear.  You et al might be one of them.  However, you must focus on helping the World.  Forget about your personal fame, fortune or ego.  Angels will come down to help you.  If you have selfish thoughts, devils will place roadblocks.?

:- It's April 2008, still the technology is only known to you! Are you having selfis thoughts?

The whole letter can be read here: http://www.green-salon.com/lettertseung.doc

No disrespect Mr. Tseung, but I guess that confidence you have is not really helping you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 22, 2008, 05:23:53 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 22, 2008, 05:13:12 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung

Forget all that. Just please tell me how exactly you apply this famous "tseung" pull? Is it a pulse? Is it a constant horizontal force? Is it applied on bob or is it applied on string? Is it a pull of varying amplitude and direction? When pendulum is in motion, i.e on its second run, where is it and how is it applied?
Because your guy Top gun seems to be totally confused about it. He says pendulum goes up in circular motion but again says pendulum not necessarily go up in circular motion. You said force is constant, he says its not!

I am sure no one would be able to explain this "pull" except you in the whole world. So please do this honour. Explain us how this famouls "tseung pull" is given to pendulum. Because after so many messages also every one including your pal top gun seems to be having no idea about it.

Well being said that, here is the quotes from "Letter of recommendation" given to you by Cheung King Fung, Chairman. Hong Kong Invention Association.

1. "Mr. Tseung was promoted quickly to Principle Lecturer, Consultant and Software Manager for the General International Area.  He was transferred from England to USA with a threefold increase in salary.  He had two patents on Many-to-Many Communications.  In the textbook ? Network Operating Systems by Professor Tanenbaum, Mr. Tseung was quoted as one of the important contributors to the Internet." :-
Well it seems to me that your are good at teaching and in using internet effectively.

2. "When Mr. Tseung argues his theory with his peers, he overwhelms them not only with scientific reasoning but also with supreme confidence.  No matter how he was cursed and jeered at, he stood his ground.  This was essential as Mr. Lee and Mr. Tseung were openly accused initially as imposters or uneducated scientists not knowing the fundamental Law of Conservation of Energy.  They did not have any financial backing.  Almost all financing came from his son, Daniel Tseung, who regarded the monthly payment as ?helping the father to have a reasonable standard of living?. The Hong Kong Government rejected their application for grants as ?stupid old men working on impossible perpetual motion machines?.  The average person would have been furious or would have retreated into a shell.  Mr. Tseung displayed his supreme self-confidence in repeated emails, phone calls, openly displaying his information on the Internet and announcing his intention to change the World."
:- Well it shows me that we might be devil but you have good enough patience as a vertue. lol

3. This is very intersting:

After Mr. Tseung got his MSc, he entered the Computer Industry.  His entry was a story by itself.  He first applied to IBM.  He was asked to take an IQ test with many others after the test was started.  He spent time reading the instructions carefully instead of doing the tests.  His IQ test score was so low that IBM told him that he could not possibly have finished Secondary School.  It made him mad and spent the next few weeks in the library reading up and doing IQ tests.  He then applied for other Computer Programming jobs via an Agency.  Sure enough, there were the inevitable IQ tests.  The Agency called and said that nobody could have scored perfect score in two successive IQ tests.  Mr. Tseung was highly recommended and joined the minicomputer company ? Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in England
:- Lol. This is so funny. :)

4. Mr. Tseung developed incredible self-confidence early in life.  He attributed that to a Fortune Teller who told him that he was one of a kind.  He did not need any fortune telling as his future was in his own hands.  If his heart is good, he will create history.  If he becomes selfish, he will lose everything.  Mr. Tseung did suffer such ups and downs. This was reinforced in September 2006 when he met a Monk in Taiwan who told him, ?The technology will be known all over the World before the end of the Lunar Year (February 2007) after three persons or groups appear.  You et al might be one of them.  However, you must focus on helping the World.  Forget about your personal fame, fortune or ego.  Angels will come down to help you.  If you have selfish thoughts, devils will place roadblocks.?

:- It's April 2008, still the technology is only known to you! Are you having selfis thoughts?

The whole letter can be read here: http://www.green-salon.com/lettertseung.doc

No disrespect Mr. Tseung, but I guess that confidence you have is not really helping you.

Hahhaha! Thanks Kul-Ash for reproducing this. I was just about to go to bed and I had to laugh so loud. I hope my wife didn't wake up!

Tseung is truly one of a kind. He is so convinced about his discovery, even his alter ego "Top Gun" can't keep up with him and between them they create this scientific comedy show.

I hope Daniel Tseung didn't read the 2000 plus posts otherwise dad won't get his pocket money! LOL!

Goodnight all.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 22, 2008, 05:52:02 AM
:D yeah thanks for that excercise of the laughing muscles Kul_ash :)

I still think the part where he describes cheating on his IQ test is a hoot.
So he couldn't understand the text instructions when IBM allegedly gave him an IQ test,
which is why he never really completed the test and IBM concluded he was too dumb.
Instead of brushing up on his English so he could read the text and complete the
IQ test properly, he goes and studies various IQ tests so that he knows all the
standard type questions and answers and then he cheats the IQ test, obtaining
an impossible score, which is obvious and was probably pointed out by the nameless "agency".

What does that say about Tseung?
It at least shows how he either does not understand the use and intention of an IQ test,
or he does but decides cheating to get an impossibly high score is better than honestly
doing the test and getting a real score.
That's the type of person we're dealing with: a guy who cheats on an IQ test, defeating its purpose.
A guy who receives money fom his son every month for food and refers to that as financial backing of his work.
A guy who was called  an "imposter or uneducated scientist not knowing the fundamental Law of Conservation of Energy" by
"peers", with whom I think he means actual scientists (and who, by the same statement, clearly do not see him as a "peer"),
and was called a "stupid old man working on impossible perpetual motion machines" by the Hong Kong Government, and still
maintains his proofless claims out of pure stubborn self-centeredness. Or "supreme self-confidence" as he calls it.
(And I haven't even asked why exactly he needed to do an IQ test in the first place; did he make such a dumb impression?)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 22, 2008, 07:18:57 AM
More on the experiment related to Pendulum12.jpg

Let us do a more exact analysis on the vertical work or the potential energy gained by the weight of 60 units and the external work done by the constant force F as illustrated in Pendulum12.jpg.  I am using Pendulum14.jpg to help in the illustration.

Let us assume that
(1)   The initial length of string from the pulley to the initial position is M1 and can be adjusted to exactly 2 meters.
(2)   The horizontal distance between the initial position to the pulley is M2 + DX as shown.
(3)   If the string is non-stretchable, the constant force F would have dropped a distance = M1 ? M2.  This distance is slightly more than dX
(4)   The length of the pendulum string is L = 1 meter
(5)   Pythagoras theorem tells us that M1*M1 = dH* dH + (dX+M2)*(dX+M2)
(6)   The Mass of the bob = 60 Kg
(7)   The acceleration due to gravity = 9.8m/s/s
(8 )   The constant force F = 1/6 that of the weight = 1/6 Mg
(9)    The final angle is given by tan(a) = F/Mg = 1/6, a = 9.46 degrees

Using the Excel Spreadsheet program, we can determine that
(1)   The vertical displacement of the bob = dH = L(1-cos9a))
= 0.013599 meters
(2)   The horizontal displacement of the bob = dX = Lsin(a)
= 0.164359 meters
(3)   (M2+dX) = sqrt((M1*M1) ? (dH*dH)) = 1.99954 meters
(4)   M2 = 1.835595 meters
(5)   M1-M2 = 0.164405 meters

Thus the potential energy (mgh) gained by the 60 unit bob
= 60*9.8*0.013599 = 7.99645 joules

The work done by the constant force F of 10 units
= 10*9.8*(M1-M2) = 10*9.8*0.164405 = 16.11171 joules

This more exact analysis still shows that the work done or energy supplied by the constant force F in pendulum12.jpg is different from the potential energy gained by the 60 kg weight.

This means that we cannot close our eyes and apply the Law of Conservation of Energy.  We must do a detailed force, displacement, work and energy analysis.

Pendulum12.jpg can be verified by experiment.

Can any one find any errors in the mathematics???

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 22, 2008, 08:23:17 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 22, 2008, 07:18:57 AM
More on the experiment related to Pendulum12.jpg

Let us do a more exact analysis on the vertical work or the potential energy gained by the weight of 60 units and the external work done by the constant force F as illustrated in Pendulum12.jpg.  I am using Pendulum14.jpg to help in the illustration.

Let us assume that
(1)   The initial length of string from the pulley to the initial position is M1 and can be adjusted to exactly 2 meters.
(2)   The horizontal distance between the initial position to the pulley is M2 + DX as shown.
(3)   If the string is non-stretchable, the constant force F would have dropped a distance = M1 ? M2.  This distance is slightly more than dX
(4)   The length of the pendulum string is L = 1 meter
(5)   Pythagoras theorem tells us that M1*M1 = dH* dH + (dX+M2)*(dX+M2)
(6)   The Mass of the bob = 60 Kg
(7)   The acceleration due to gravity = 9.8m/s/s
(8 )   The constant force F = 1/6 that of the weight = 1/6 Mg
(9)    The final angle is given by tan(a) = F/Mg = 1/6 = 10.46 degrees

Using the Excel Spreadsheet program, we can determine that
(1)   The vertical displacement of the bob = dH = L(1-cos9a))
= 0.013599 meters
(2)   The horizontal displacement of the bob = dX = Lsin(a)
= 0.164359 meters
(3)   (M2+dX) = sqrt((M1*M1) ? (dH*dH)) = 1.99954 meters
(4)   M2 = 1.835595 meters
(5)   M1-M2 = 0.164405 meters

Thus the potential energy (mgh) gained by the 60 unit bob
= 60*9.8*0.013599 = 7.99645 joules

The work done by the constant force F of 10 units
= 10*9.8*(M1-M2) = 10*9.8*0.164405 = 16.11171 joules

This more exact analysis still shows that the work done or energy supplied by the constant force F in pendulum12.jpg is different from the potential energy gained by the 60 kg weight.

This means that we cannot close our eyes and apply the Law of Conservation of Energy.  We must do a detailed force, displacement, work and energy analysis.

Pendulum12.jpg can be verified by experiment.

Can any one find any errors in the mathematics???

Firt one for starter:

When you are pulling string from middle point, L is effectively altered and has become L/2 = 0.5 m. Because the final angel you are showing is not the angle between support and bob, but the angle between point of force application and support.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 22, 2008, 08:32:13 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 22, 2008, 07:18:57 AM
More on the experiment related to Pendulum12.jpg

Let us do a more exact analysis on the vertical work or the potential energy gained by the weight of 60 units and the external work done by the constant force F as illustrated in Pendulum12.jpg.  I am using Pendulum14.jpg to help in the illustration.

Let us assume that
(1)   The initial length of string from the pulley to the initial position is M1 and can be adjusted to exactly 2 meters.
(2)   The horizontal distance between the initial position to the pulley is M2 + DX as shown.
(3)   If the string is non-stretchable, the constant force F would have dropped a distance = M1 ? M2.  This distance is slightly more than dX
(4)   The length of the pendulum string is L = 1 meter
(5)   Pythagoras theorem tells us that M1*M1 = dH* dH + (dX+M2)*(dX+M2)
(6)   The Mass of the bob = 60 Kg
(7)   The acceleration due to gravity = 9.8m/s/s
(8 )   The constant force F = 1/6 that of the weight = 1/6 Mg
(9)    The final angle is given by tan(a) = F/Mg = 1/6 = 10.46 degrees

Using the Excel Spreadsheet program, we can determine that
(1)   The vertical displacement of the bob = dH = L(1-cos9a))
= 0.013599 meters
(2)   The horizontal displacement of the bob = dX = Lsin(a)
= 0.164359 meters
(3)   (M2+dX) = sqrt((M1*M1) ? (dH*dH)) = 1.99954 meters
(4)   M2 = 1.835595 meters
(5)   M1-M2 = 0.164405 meters

Thus the potential energy (mgh) gained by the 60 unit bob
= 60*9.8*0.013599 = 7.99645 joules

The work done by the constant force F of 10 units
= 10*9.8*(M1-M2) = 10*9.8*0.164405 = 16.11171 joules

This more exact analysis still shows that the work done or energy supplied by the constant force F in pendulum12.jpg is different from the potential energy gained by the 60 kg weight.

This means that we cannot close our eyes and apply the Law of Conservation of Energy.  We must do a detailed force, displacement, work and energy analysis.

Pendulum12.jpg can be verified by experiment.

Can any one find any errors in the mathematics???

Second point:

The work done by the constant force F of 10 units
= 10*9.8*(M1-M2) = 10*9.8*0.164405 = 16.11171 joules

Wrong again. Now your force is tangential and not horizontal any more. So the force applied will split in to horizontal and vertical components. It will do work in both directions. You are applying tangential force but considering it as horizontal force.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 22, 2008, 08:42:05 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 22, 2008, 08:23:17 AM

Firt one for starter:

When you are pulling string from middle point, L is effectively altered and has become L/2 = 0.5 m. Because the final angel you are showing is not the angle between support and bob, but the angle between point of force application and support.

In Pendulum14.jpg, L is distance between the pivot and the knot. 

We are dealing with the parallelogram of forces in this experiment.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 22, 2008, 08:45:30 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 22, 2008, 08:32:13 AM

Second point:

The work done by the constant force F of 10 units
= 10*9.8*(M1-M2) = 10*9.8*0.164405 = 16.11171 joules

Wrong again. Now your force is tangential and not horizontal any more. So the force applied will split in to horizontal and vertical components. It will do work in both directions. You are applying tangential force but considering it as horizontal force.

With the pulley, the force can be considered constant.  The applied force F drops a distance of (M1-M2).  That represents the work done externally.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 22, 2008, 08:50:40 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 22, 2008, 08:42:05 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 22, 2008, 08:23:17 AM

Firt one for starter:

When you are pulling string from middle point, L is effectively altered and has become L/2 = 0.5 m. Because the final angel you are showing is not the angle between support and bob, but the angle between point of force application and support.

In Pendulum14.jpg, L is distance between the pivot and the knot. 

We are dealing with the parallelogram of forces in this experiment.

Please refer to your point no. 4 in previous post!
4)   The length of the pendulum string is L = 1 meter

You have not mentioned anywhere that L is the distance between pivot and knot.

Because the point is your vertical lift of bob is going to be lesser that what you have shown considering L = 1m.

Here is some bad sketch to explain this.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 22, 2008, 09:41:19 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 22, 2008, 07:18:57 AM
More on the experiment related to Pendulum12.jpg

Let us do a more exact analysis on the vertical work or the potential energy gained by the weight of 60 units and the external work done by the constant force F as illustrated in Pendulum12.jpg.  I am using Pendulum14.jpg to help in the illustration.

Let us assume that
(1)   The initial length of string from the pulley to the initial position is M1 and can be adjusted to exactly 2 meters.
(2)   The horizontal distance between the initial position to the pulley is M2 + DX as shown.
(3)   If the string is non-stretchable, the constant force F would have dropped a distance = M1 ? M2.  This distance is slightly more than dX
(4)   The length of the pendulum string is L = 1 meter
(5)   Pythagoras theorem tells us that M1*M1 = dH* dH + (dX+M2)*(dX+M2)
(6)   The Mass of the bob = 60 Kg
(7)   The acceleration due to gravity = 9.8m/s/s
(8 )   The constant force F = 1/6 that of the weight = 1/6 Mg
(9)    The final angle is given by tan(a) = F/Mg = 1/6 = 10.46 degrees

Using the Excel Spreadsheet program, we can determine that
(1)   The vertical displacement of the bob = dH = L(1-cos9a))
= 0.013599 meters
(2)   The horizontal displacement of the bob = dX = Lsin(a)
= 0.164359 meters
(3)   (M2+dX) = sqrt((M1*M1) ? (dH*dH)) = 1.99954 meters
(4)   M2 = 1.835595 meters
(5)   M1-M2 = 0.164405 meters

Thus the potential energy (mgh) gained by the 60 unit bob
= 60*9.8*0.013599 = 7.99645 joules

The work done by the constant force F of 10 units
= 10*9.8*(M1-M2) = 10*9.8*0.164405 = 16.11171 joules

This more exact analysis still shows that the work done or energy supplied by the constant force F in pendulum12.jpg is different from the potential energy gained by the 60 kg weight.

This means that we cannot close our eyes and apply the Law of Conservation of Energy.  We must do a detailed force, displacement, work and energy analysis.

Pendulum12.jpg can be verified by experiment.

Can any one find any errors in the mathematics???

And the funniest part is this:

You have applied external work of 16 joules. As per pulley's functioning, equal and opposite work is transferred to pendulum system. No wonder your vertical work done is less than work supplied by external force. Because as pendulum has moved horizontally and vertically, addition of both works should be equal to 16 joules (Ignoring friction and air resistance) . Am i correct?  :) So where is the problem? You additional work supplied will always be more that work done on pendulum system and that is law of conservation of energy!  ;) You just proved it works!
lol. i guess you are mixing these two works and thats why dividing and showing the factor of 2. You two units of horizontal energy leading one unit of vertical energy is based on this falacy. It means if you supply two times external work, you get 1 time internal work done in vertical direction. Where is the horizontal internal work done on pensulum system?

so 2 times horizontal work supplied = 1 time vertical work + 1 time horizontal work. That is the law of conservation of energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 22, 2008, 10:24:12 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 22, 2008, 09:41:19 AM
so 2 times horizontal work supplied = 1 time vertical work + 1 time horizontal work. That is the law of conservation of energy.

Please analyze the last term of your statement ?+ 1 time horizontal work? mathematically. 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 22, 2008, 10:47:57 AM
well it comes down to a simple
"input = output".
zero excess output.

And I still think you can't input a constant force in an oscillating system
if you want to keep it oscillating... Only pulsed input will be usefull.

you do seem to realise you need to input energy for the system to do anything...
Then why is it so difficult to understand that there needs to be excess energy
input for any excess energy output to occur?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 22, 2008, 05:05:06 PM
Let me summarize our discussions on slide 3 or pendulum08.jpg.

(1)   The RHS represents 3 forces in equilibrium.  The theory to analyze them is the parallelogram of forces normally taught at high school physics.  Experiments based on this have been done many million times all over the World.

(2)   The pendulum bob moves from Position A to Position B as the final outcome.  In Physics and in Reality, this can be achieved in many ways.  The externally applied force can be horizontal, tangential or in any inclined direction.  This external force can be constant or can vary in magnitude.

(3)   The work done and energy imparted to the pendulum will depend on the exact force function and the path taken.  In the case of the pendulum, the path is an arc.

(4)   One possible scenario is to have no tension in the string as shown in Pendulum10.jpg. Another possible scenario is via an inclined plane type motion as suggested by utilitarian.  With these two scenarios, the potential energy gained by the bob comes totally from the externally supplied force.

(5)   With other scenario when there is tension in the string, we must do the entire force, displacement, work and energy analysis.  A possible improvement on Pendulum08.jpg is Pendulum14.jpg.  Pendulum14.jpg can be an actual experimental setup.  The experiment clearly shows that the work done by a small external constant force F is different from the gain in potential energy of the bob.

(6)   This means that we must consider tension in the string.  This tension has vertical and horizontal component.  There is horizontal and vertical displacement.  This means that there is vertical and horizontal work done by the tension of the string.  Or work done by gravity via the tension of the string.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on April 22, 2008, 05:46:34 PM

Good evening ladies and gentlemen...welcome once again to another episode of...Relevance Theatre


                                                                          Brer Rabbit Meets a Tar Baby

- retold by  S. E. Schlosser

Well now, that rascal Brer Fox hated Brer Rabbit on account of he was always cutting capers and bossing everyone around. So Brer Fox decided to capture and kill Brer Rabbit if it was the last thing he ever did! He thought and he thought until he came up with a plan. He would make a tar baby! Brer Fox went and got some tar and he mixed it with some turpentine and he sculpted it into the figure of a cute little baby. Then he stuck a hat on the Tar Baby and sat her in the middle of the road.

Brer Fox hid himself in the bushes near the road and he waited and waited for Brer Rabbit to come along. At long last, he heard someone whistling and chuckling to himself, and he knew that Brer Rabbit was coming up over the hill. As he reached the top, Brer Rabbit spotted the cute little Tar Baby. Brer Rabbit was surprised. He stopped and stared at this strange creature. He had never seen anything like it before!

"Good Morning," said Brer Rabbit, doffing his hat. "Nice weather we're having."

The Tar Baby said nothing. Brer Fox laid low and grinned an evil grin.

Brer Rabbit tried again. "And how are you feeling this fine day?"

The Tar Baby, she said nothing. Brer Fox grinned an evil grin and lay low in the bushes.

Brer Rabbit frowned. This strange creature was not very polite. It was beginning to make him mad.

"Ahem!" said Brer Rabbit loudly, wondering if the Tar Baby were deaf. "I said 'HOW ARE YOU THIS MORNING?"

The Tar Baby said nothing. Brer Fox curled up into a ball to hide his laugher. His plan was working perfectly!

"Are you deaf or just rude?" demanded Brer Rabbit, losing his temper. "I can't stand folks that are stuck up! You take off that hat and say 'Howdy-do' or I'm going to give you such a lickin'!"

The Tar Baby just sat in the middle of the road looking as cute as a button and saying nothing at all. Brer Fox rolled over and over under the bushes, fit to bust because he didn't dare laugh out loud.

"I'll learn ya!" Brer Rabbit yelled. He took a swing at the cute little Tar Baby and his paw got stuck in the tar.

"Lemme go or I'll hit you again," shouted Brer Rabbit. The Tar Baby, she said nothing.

"Fine! Be that way," said Brer Rabbit, swinging at the Tar Baby with his free paw. Now both his paws were stuck in the tar, and Brer Fox danced with glee behind the bushes.

"I'm gonna kick the stuffin' out of you," Brer Rabbit said and pounced on the Tar Baby with both feet. They sank deep into the Tar Baby. Brer Rabbit was so furious he head-butted the cute little creature until he was completely covered with tar and unable to move.

Brer Fox leapt out of the bushes and strolled over to Brer Rabbit. "Well, well, what have we here?" he asked, grinning an evil grin.

Brer Rabbit gulped. He was stuck fast. He did some fast thinking while Brer Fox rolled about on the road, laughing himself sick over Brer Rabbit's dilemma.

"I've got you this time, Brer Rabbit," said Brer Fox, jumping up and shaking off the dust. "You've sassed me for the very last time. Now I wonder what I should do with you?"

Brer Rabbit's eyes got very large. "Oh please Brer Fox, whatever you do, please don't throw me into the briar patch."

"Maybe I should roast you over a fire and eat you," mused Brer Fox. "No, that's too much trouble. Maybe I'll hang you instead."

"Roast me! Hang me! Do whatever you please," said Brer Rabbit. "Only please, Brer Fox, please don't throw me into the briar patch."

"If I'm going to hang you, I'll need some string," said Brer Fox. "And I don't have any string handy. But the stream's not far away, so maybe I'll drown you instead."

"Drown me! Roast me! Hang me! Do whatever you please," said Brer Rabbit. "Only please, Brer Fox, please don't throw me into the briar patch."

"The briar patch, eh?" said Brer Fox. "What a wonderful idea! You'll be torn into little pieces!"

Grabbing up the tar-covered rabbit, Brer Fox swung him around and around and then flung him head over heels into the briar patch. Brer Rabbit let out such a scream as he fell that all of Brer Fox's fur stood straight up. Brer Rabbit fell into the briar bushes with a crash and a mighty thump. Then there was silence.

Brer Fox cocked one ear toward the briar patch, listening for whimpers of pain. But he heard nothing. Brer Fox cocked the other ear toward the briar patch, listening for Brer Rabbit's death rattle. He heard nothing.

Then Brer Fox heard someone calling his name. He turned around and looked up the hill. Brer Rabbit was sitting on a log combing the tar out of his fur with a wood chip and looking smug.

"I was bred and born in the briar patch, Brer Fox," he called. "Born and bred in the briar patch."

And Brer Rabbit skipped away as merry as a cricket while Brer Fox ground his teeth in rage and went home.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 22, 2008, 06:25:49 PM
Let me give the more exact mathematical form using Integral Calculus.  The work done is obtained by the Integral of a Force Function F dot the infinitely small increment of the displacement ds.  This is shown in Pendulum13.jpg.

In Pendulum13.jpg, I further break the Integral into a horizontal and a vertical component.  This is mathematically correct even though this particular form might not be taught in standard classes at Universities.

The exact analysis should involve examining all the three forces separately.  There will be the additional concept of negative work.  Such a detailed analysis will satisfy the top professors at Tsinghua and MIT universities.

Have I confused the forum members more???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on April 22, 2008, 09:50:11 PM
Top Gun, you are using this forum to display your mastery of Physics and Mathematics.  You have demonstrated conclusively that you do have extremely strong background on Integral Calculus.  However, you are doomed to fail in this open forum.

I watched your handling the discussion on slide 3 or Pendulum08.jpg.  That slide is the simple parallelogram of forces taught in every Physics Course.  People like Kul_ash had no problem with the slide but they realized that if they said yes to that slide, you are home free.  The following slides are just elaboration and extension of the same concept.  They just fooled around with you.  You fell for it.

As for the insults such as multiple personalities.  Tell them to go to Las Vegas.  There are many who dress like Elvis, sing like Elvis, dance like Elvis but are they Elvis???

In the virtul world of the Internet, multiple usernames in the same or different forums is the norm.  Tseung is stupid to reveal his true identity. 

Kul_ash is right ? you should not waste time on amateurs like him.  Approach the top academics in the West ? like MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Cambridge, Oxford, Paris, Tokyo Universities etc.  Write academic papers.

The experiment represented by Pendulum14.jpg alone is sufficient to point out the deficiency in blindly applying the Law of Conservation of Energy.  You have mathematically shown what the expected result should be.  Just do the experiment and show it to the top academics.  They can easily repeat and improve on it.  The outcome is never in doubt.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 22, 2008, 10:31:12 PM
Quote from: Devil on April 22, 2008, 09:50:11 PM

I watched your handling the discussion on slide 3 or Pendulum08.jpg.  That slide is the simple parallelogram of forces taught in every Physics Course.  People like Kul_ash had no problem with the slide but they realized that if they said yes to that slide, you are home free.  The following slides are just elaboration and extension of the same concept.  They just fooled around with you.  You fell for it.

Top Gun was not the only one who fell for it.  I kept thinking why that it was so easy at Tsinghua and Shenzhen University seminars.  Now I know that many members in this forum can follow the physics and mathematics correctly.  But they just fooled around - having fun in my sratching my head trying to answer their "leading the wrong path" answers.

I just finished talking to Wang Shum Ho.  He said that he mentioned the name of Lee Cheung Kin and Tseung Chun Ning in his presentation at the Asia Economic Summit Conference when he introduced the New Energy Inventions.  China is introducing this gradually to the World.  USA is using the same strategy.  Visit their energyconversation.org website.

I can focus back on my fishing.  Did I tell the story of my spending 30 minutes to get a 12 pound fish last week with a thin fishing line???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 22, 2008, 11:08:24 PM
I had a Wang Shum Ho once.  It was in Singapore I believe.....she charged me $50.00!!!!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 22, 2008, 11:43:56 PM
I shall now continue with Slide 4, 5, 6 in the presentation file:

Slide 4 shows the displacement and the decomposing it into vertical and horizontal components.  Nothng new is covered here.

Slide 5 shows:
Work = Force x Displacement (vector)
Hori work = F x Lsin(a)
Vert work = Mg x L(1- cos(a))
Hori work is done by the externally supplied force F
Vert work is done by gravity via the tension of the string.

Slide 6 shows the actual substituted values:

Assume M=60Kg, g=9.8m/s/s. L=1m. F=1/6 of Mg. Angle a = 9.46 degrees, we get:

Horizontal work idone by F                                 
    = 16.10728 Joules
Vertical Work is done by String T1cos(a)                 
    = 8.0069 joules
The ratio  hori energy/vert energy is thus               
    = 16.10728/8.0069
    = 2.014
* Approximate 2 parts Horizontal Energy Lead Out 1 part Vertical Energy

All these have been discussed thoroughly previously.  Any additional comments???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on April 23, 2008, 12:22:06 AM
Top Gun, since you are interested in showing your capability in mathematics and physics, why don't you show the case of tangential force on the simple pendulum.  Is that supposed to be the ideal Lee-Tseung Pull?

Some forum members will be totally confused.  Do not worry about them.  Just worry about displaying your in-depth knowledge.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 23, 2008, 02:40:40 AM

So Top gun decided not to take any bullets on his analysis any more. Even when I pointed out that external work supplied to the system is greater than the work done by the system. He decides not to look at it. Even when I showed that L is the length mentioned as length of string in one post and length between knot and support in the other post.
Is simple pulley a Tseung pull? Or is it something different. He did not answer it.
It seems like Tseung's avatar is all set to tackle questions at international energy conforence.  :D
MIT (USA) will give a red carpet welcome. Tseung will tell them stories about how he caught fish in 30 min. Now one can say why water did not help Tseung by pushing that fish out instantly! Well after gravity he may well go behind "lead out" energy in water! 8)
May those over 10 million un accounted experiments interest MIT, Hardwards etc. I am sure Tseung will get a Nobel prize one day. May an erratic pull to pendulum (via pulley or any thing) generate tons of free energy. May Newton go to hell!
Long live Tseung, Long live top gun, long live tseung pull, long live lead out energy!

Amen  :P
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 23, 2008, 03:10:19 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 22, 2008, 10:31:12 PM
Quote from: Devil on April 22, 2008, 09:50:11 PM

I watched your handling the discussion on slide 3 or Pendulum08.jpg.  That slide is the simple parallelogram of forces taught in every Physics Course.  People like Kul_ash had no problem with the slide but they realized that if they said yes to that slide, you are home free.  The following slides are just elaboration and extension of the same concept.  They just fooled around with you.  You fell for it.

Top Gun was not the only one who fell for it.  I kept thinking why that it was so easy at Tsinghua and Shenzhen University seminars.  Now I know that many members in this forum can follow the physics and mathematics correctly.  But they just fooled around - having fun in my sratching my head trying to answer their "leading the wrong path" answers.

I just finished talking to Wang Shum Ho.  He said that he mentioned the name of Lee Cheung Kin and Tseung Chun Ning in his presentation at the Asia Economic Summit Conference when he introduced the New Energy Inventions.  China is introducing this gradually to the World.  USA is using the same strategy.  Visit their energyconversation.org website.

I can focus back on my fishing.  Did I tell the story of my spending 30 minutes to get a 12 pound fish last week with a thin fishing line???

lol. You fell for devil!  ;) He pulled your leg, u thought it as a "lead out" support from him! Decided we were truely fooling around and went fishing  ;D Great!
Hongkong council who called you idiotic old men behind perpetual motion machine and uneducated scientist suddenly decided that they were wrong. May be devil wrote them letter too  ;) Now china is introducing it to world but decided not to put any info on net. May be MIT of China also not very keen on presenting any paper or your name about this world changing technology but they truely suppot your undocumented experiments. Great!
One thing I do think you achieved from this forum. How not to answer objections and how to push your own point. Great! U will have lot of success on international forum. And do not worry, they mostly won't ask you to take IQ test  :P I am eagarly waiting to new laws of energy conservation by Lee - tseung and antigravity space ships from forever young!  :o
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on April 23, 2008, 03:29:06 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 23, 2008, 02:40:40 AM

So Top gun decided not to take any bullets on his analysis any more. Even when I pointed out that external work supplied to the system is greater than the work done by the system. He decides not to look at it.

Even when I showed that L is the length mentioned as length of string in one post and length between knot and support in the other post.

Kul_ash, stop playing "leading the dog around the garden".  You know full well that the Tseung theory predicted two units of supplied horizontal energy would lead out one unit of vertical gravitational energy.  You then say that with those two units of supplied horizontal energy, one is converted to vertical energy.  The remaining one unit remains horizontal work.  You did not present any mathematical reasoning. I would call this deliberate wasting of time.  You can do that to nice guys.  But to me, the devil, this will be regarded as an insult.  You are not a worthy challenger.

You are even more stupid with the length of the pendulum string.  When a student does the well-known parallelogram of forces experiment, the knot is the point where the three forces converge or are concurrent.  That is the key point to measure the angles and the directions. You cannot be that dumb not to know that.  The length of the pivot to the knot is the relevant length.  The length of the additional string from the knot to the bob is immaterial.  Using that as an argument to debunk the Lee-Tseung theory is a total waste of time.  It is an insult to the intelligence of the forum members.

Post intelligent questions.  Dumb and stupid questions will be met with dumb and stupid answers.  Slide 3 or Pendulum08.jpg is a simple physics parallelogram of forces diagram and experiment.  You know it from the beginning.  You deliberately raise totally misleading points such as SHM etc.  Top Gun is too polite or stupid to point that out.  I would call a stupid dog: a stupid dog.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 23, 2008, 03:39:56 AM
If this thread degrades to an insult yelling battlefield, I am out.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on April 23, 2008, 10:04:33 AM
"If this thread degrades to an insult yelling battlefield, I am out."
LOL! Like we invited your alternate weird personality here?@!>?!

"As for the insults such as multiple personalities.  Tell them to go to Las Vegas.  There are many who dress like Elvis, sing like Elvis, dance like Elvis but are they Elvis???
In the virtul world of the Internet, multiple usernames in the same or different forums is the norm.  Tseung is stupid to reveal his true identity. "

WOW man. Wow. So thats the reason he invented fake personalities to talk with? To support his 'theories" I remember top Gun bashing and insulting  people when they bring up mundane things like 'facts'. So go away, he will just invent new ones.

If anyone has paid any attention during the last thousand posts, Larry has said many times that its his ego that is driving this. We are privy to his innermost thoughts....with himself.

I remember when MAJOR TODD HATHAWAY OF THE DOD was going to take him away, and they didnt need us anymore, remember? What happened to that big conference?
Where are the thousands of replications? Where are your associates in science? Why cant anyone find them?
Mark my words, that when larry discovers a good reason to disappear, one that will make him and his personalities happy and fuzzy inside, you wont even see tail lights as he leaves in the night.

Read Top Guns first posts, and you will see that he wasnt pretending to be larry, he was trying to generate support for HIMSELF. To mislead us, once again.
Yes, mislead, misdirect. Mis-inform. Perhaps to Lead Out Victims of OU so his family doesnt have to pay for grampa day care?
PS Cap zero thanks for the 'tale'. It means more than anything else posted here!!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 23, 2008, 11:21:18 AM
Dear Top Gun,

There is no need to get upset over insults.  They will help you mature.

I am ready to take on more insults.  Since you can take up the technical explanations, I can focus on other things.  Such as:

(1)   Solving the economic problems for Hong Kong.  It should be an easy task as Hong King can soon demonstrate to the World the theory and the prototypes of New Energy Machines.

(2)   Get over 1 million Hong Kong Student knowledgeable on the Lee-Tseung theory.  This should be an easy task as soon as (1) is completed.

(3)   Develop the Flying Saucer.  Since both China and USA already have such machines as top-secret military secrets, technology is not the issue.  It is the politics.  Just get other groups develop them openly.  They theory has been revealed.  It will just take some top engineers to develop them.

(4)   Promote World prosperity and peace.  Much information is already in the book in http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm.

(5)   Make others shine.  Top Gun has shone with his mathematics and physics.  Wang Shum Ho is already an energy expert for China.  Others will get on the stage soon.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 23, 2008, 12:02:18 PM
"(5)   Make others shine.  Top Gun has shone with his mathematics and physics.  Wang Shum Ho is already an energy expert for China.  Others will get on the stage soon."

I had a Wang Shum Ho once, it was in Singapore I believe.  She charged me $50.00 by "leading out" money from my wallet.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 23, 2008, 03:50:03 PM
What is the worse possible scenario with infinite energy and the flying saucer?

(1)   Different Nations develop them secretly.
(2)   Some thought that they had a commanding lead.  Their Flying Saucers could wipe out the existing arsenal of other nations.  In reality many nations already have them.
(3)   One nation thought that it could do a ?preventive strike?.  The argument was somewhat like USA invading Iraq claiming that it had weapons of mass destruction.  The strike was done in total secrecy without any warning.
(4)   The strike did great harm and caused much destruction and loss of human life.
(5)   The other side and/or its allies wanted revenge.  All resources were channeled towards a big counter-attack.
(6)   The weapons include Flying Saucers, Nuclear Bombs, Anti-matter Bombs, Dirty Bombs, Laser Guns, Death Rays and other weapons not known at this moment in time.
(7)   Earth was destroyed as a life-supporting planet. 

One way to avoid this scenario is to ensure many Nations can and do develop many New Energy Machines and the Flying Saucers.  Make sure that they know that human beings have a chance to prosper together.  Concepts like Mutual Credits are possible. Read and translate http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 23, 2008, 07:38:58 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on April 22, 2008, 02:39:31 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 22, 2008, 02:05:44 AM
(4)   However, whenever the tension of the string is involved, we have to consider whether (a) does the tension in the string represent a force? (b) does this force has displacement in direction of the force?  Gravity does work and imparts energy via the tension in the string.

(a) Yes, the string has tension, but (b) no, there is no displacement along the direction of that force (toward the pivot), so there is no work done there and no energy imparted.

When Mr. Tseung shows his ideal of saving the World and making it prosper, what can I say to a few insults???

@ utilitarian,  Please see the solid rod on the RHS of pendulum15.jpg.  You use it to lift the weight in a similar fashion as the string on the LHS.  The rod did not get shorter.  Has there been work done via the rod???

Physics and Mathematics cannot lie.  When there is a force and there is a displacement, we can resolve them in the vertical and horizontal directions.  We can calculate the vertical work done and the horizontal work done separately.  We can sum them at the end. 

The string does not extend or shorten but work has been done via it.  Correct???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 24, 2008, 05:45:17 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 23, 2008, 11:21:18 AM
Dear Top Gun,

There is no need to get upset over insults.  They will help you mature.

I am ready to take on more insults.  Since you can take up the technical explanations, I can focus on other things.  Such as:

(1)   Solving the economic problems for Hong Kong.  It should be an easy task as Hong King can soon demonstrate to the World the theory and the prototypes of New Energy Machines.

(2)   Get over 1 million Hong Kong Student knowledgeable on the Lee-Tseung theory.  This should be an easy task as soon as (1) is completed.

(3)   Develop the Flying Saucer.  Since both China and USA already have such machines as top-secret military secrets, technology is not the issue.  It is the politics.  Just get other groups develop them openly.  They theory has been revealed.  It will just take some top engineers to develop them.

(4)   Promote World prosperity and peace.  Much information is already in the book in http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm.

(5)   Make others shine.  Top Gun has shone with his mathematics and physics.  Wang Shum Ho is already an energy expert for China.  Others will get on the stage soon.

Make others shine.  Top Gun has shone with his mathematics and physics.  Wang Shum Ho is already an energy expert for China.  Others will get on the stage soon.

Lol. I have stroy from ancient Indian Sanaskrit language. Its a short story for kids!
There was a monkey and a donkey. Donkey liked singing so much and monkey thought he was the most handsome person in world. But whenever Donkey used to sing in public, people used to throw stones at him and beat him up for the noise pollution he created by his really bad voice. Whenever monkey tried to tell any one that he is the most handsome person in world, people used to roll on floor laughing at him and used to show him reallity that he might be one of the worst.
But the donkey and monkey had extream egos. They thought world is against them and their talents. So one day they had a bright idea. They decided to meet at donkey's home. Donkey sang till his throat was chocked and monkey did a fashion show with numerous styles and cloths. Money praised donkey and said he has the best voice in the world and in return donkey told monkey, he is the best looking person in the world many time. Both of them got too happy with the much needed praising! So after that whenever they used to go in public, donkey used to sing and monkey used to immediately praise him infront of others and vice versa. Finally people gave up even laughing at them because people had lot of other works to do and both donkey and monkey  thought they have won! Their egos were satisfied. So the common saying in sanskrit "Aho Rupam, aho dhwanim" means "wow what a smart dude and wow what a cool voice" came in use. So when ever Indians see two people praising each other without any metal, they use this saying often.  :D It is mostly used in India to comment on politicians because they really dont do any thing but just keep praising each other.
I just remembered a story and I shared it. No insult meant for any one!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 24, 2008, 06:00:48 AM
Quote from: Devil on April 23, 2008, 03:29:06 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 23, 2008, 02:40:40 AM

So Top gun decided not to take any bullets on his analysis any more. Even when I pointed out that external work supplied to the system is greater than the work done by the system. He decides not to look at it.

Even when I showed that L is the length mentioned as length of string in one post and length between knot and support in the other post.

Kul_ash, stop playing "leading the dog around the garden".  You know full well that the Tseung theory predicted two units of supplied horizontal energy would lead out one unit of vertical gravitational energy.  You then say that with those two units of supplied horizontal energy, one is converted to vertical energy.  The remaining one unit remains horizontal work.  You did not present any mathematical reasoning. I would call this deliberate wasting of time.  You can do that to nice guys.  But to me, the devil, this will be regarded as an insult.  You are not a worthy challenger.

You are even more stupid with the length of the pendulum string.  When a student does the well-known parallelogram of forces experiment, the knot is the point where the three forces converge or are concurrent.  That is the key point to measure the angles and the directions. You cannot be that dumb not to know that.  The length of the pivot to the knot is the relevant length.  The length of the additional string from the knot to the bob is immaterial.  Using that as an argument to debunk the Lee-Tseung theory is a total waste of time.  It is an insult to the intelligence of the forum members.

Post intelligent questions.  Dumb and stupid questions will be met with dumb and stupid answers.  Slide 3 or Pendulum08.jpg is a simple physics parallelogram of forces diagram and experiment.  You know it from the beginning.  You deliberately raise totally misleading points such as SHM etc.  Top Gun is too polite or stupid to point that out.  I would call a stupid dog: a stupid dog.

Sorry Devil. May be because I do not stay in hell currently, I do not understand your physics. Gimme few years and I will join you there for sure.  ;) U explaining me physics would be a real punishment for my sins! God help me :'(
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on April 24, 2008, 10:00:29 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 23, 2008, 07:38:58 PM
@ utilitarian,  Please see the solid rod on the RHS of pendulum15.jpg.  You use it to lift the weight in a similar fashion as the string on the LHS.  The rod did not get shorter.  Has there been work done via the rod???

Physics and Mathematics cannot lie.  When there is a force and there is a displacement, we can resolve them in the vertical and horizontal directions.  We can calculate the vertical work done and the horizontal work done separately.  We can sum them at the end. 

The string does not extend or shorten but work has been done via it.  Correct???

Sorry, but that is incorrect.  Since the pull is applied at the bob, it is the bob doing work by lifting the rod, not the other way around.  The rod still does no work.

Now if you are applying the pull on the rod, then the rod will do work, but not due to any downward tension from the bob.  The only reason the rod would do work is that it is being pulled.  No magic lead out there.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 24, 2008, 10:54:43 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on April 24, 2008, 10:00:29 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 23, 2008, 07:38:58 PM
@ utilitarian,  Please see the solid rod on the RHS of pendulum15.jpg.  You use it to lift the weight in a similar fashion as the string on the LHS.  The rod did not get shorter.  Has there been work done via the rod???

Physics and Mathematics cannot lie.  When there is a force and there is a displacement, we can resolve them in the vertical and horizontal directions.  We can calculate the vertical work done and the horizontal work done separately.  We can sum them at the end. 

The string does not extend or shorten but work has been done via it.  Correct???

Sorry, but that is incorrect.  Since the pull is applied at the bob, it is the bob doing work by lifting the rod, not the other way around.  The rod still does no work.

Now if you are applying the pull on the rod, then the rod will do work, but not due to any downward tension from the bob.  The only reason the rod would do work is that it is being pulled.  No magic lead out there.

The magic is in the tension of the string.  I shall let you work out the logic and the mathematics.  You are encouraged to get Kul_ash and your physicist friends to help you.

The stupid dog that was led around the garden by Kul_ash.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 24, 2008, 11:32:48 AM
@ Topgun:

The stupid dog that was led around the garden by Kul_ash."

Hey, if that leash had tension on it, it might have been "leading out" enormous amounts of power. Who knew
that walking a dog in the garden could solve our energy problems?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on April 24, 2008, 11:34:34 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 24, 2008, 10:54:43 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on April 24, 2008, 10:00:29 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 23, 2008, 07:38:58 PM
@ utilitarian,  Please see the solid rod on the RHS of pendulum15.jpg.  You use it to lift the weight in a similar fashion as the string on the LHS.  The rod did not get shorter.  Has there been work done via the rod???

Physics and Mathematics cannot lie.  When there is a force and there is a displacement, we can resolve them in the vertical and horizontal directions.  We can calculate the vertical work done and the horizontal work done separately.  We can sum them at the end. 

The string does not extend or shorten but work has been done via it.  Correct???

Sorry, but that is incorrect.  Since the pull is applied at the bob, it is the bob doing work by lifting the rod, not the other way around.  The rod still does no work.

Now if you are applying the pull on the rod, then the rod will do work, but not due to any downward tension from the bob.  The only reason the rod would do work is that it is being pulled.  No magic lead out there.

The magic is in the tension of the string.  I shall let you work out the logic and the mathematics.  You are encouraged to get Kul_ash and your physicist friends to help you.

The stupid dog that was led around the garden by Kul_ash.

I have already done the mathematics for you, and I am satisfied with the result.  Furthermore, live trials support my position.

Perhaps if you were to construct a self-running device that demonstrates energy being lead out, your math would be more convincing.  Are you, like Tseung, also not able to use a drill?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 24, 2008, 02:27:16 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 24, 2008, 05:45:17 AM

Make others shine.  Top Gun has shone with his mathematics and physics.  Wang Shum Ho is already an energy expert for China.  Others will get on the stage soon.

Lol. I have stroy from ancient Indian Sanaskrit language. Its a short story for kids!
There was a monkey and a donkey. Donkey liked singing so much and monkey thought he was the most handsome person in world. But whenever Donkey used to sing in public, people used to throw stones at him and beat him up for the noise pollution he created by his really bad voice. Whenever monkey tried to tell any one that he is the most handsome person in world, people used to roll on floor laughing at him and used to show him reallity that he might be one of the worst.
But the donkey and monkey had extream egos. They thought world is against them and their talents. So one day they had a bright idea. They decided to meet at donkey's home. Donkey sang till his throat was chocked and monkey did a fashion show with numerous styles and cloths. Money praised donkey and said he has the best voice in the world and in return donkey told monkey, he is the best looking person in the world many time. Both of them got too happy with the much needed praising! So after that whenever they used to go in public, donkey used to sing and monkey used to immediately praise him infront of others and vice versa. Finally people gave up even laughing at them because people had lot of other works to do and both donkey and monkey  thought they have won! Their egos were satisfied. So the common saying in sanskrit "Aho Rupam, aho dhwanim" means "wow what a smart dude and wow what a cool voice" came in use. So when ever Indians see two people praising each other without any metal, they use this saying often.  :D It is mostly used in India to comment on politicians because they really dont do any thing but just keep praising each other.
I just remembered a story and I shared it. No insult meant for any one!

Nice story Kul-ash! This really mirrors Tseung and his alter egos!

When I was a child, my parents always taught their children to be honest, truthful and to admit their own wrongdoings if and when someone correctly shows them the error of their ways.

A snake knows the ground when it crawls on his belly and that's his 'low' level.
Now, the worm is different. I goes deeper and deeper because he doesn't have eyes and his 'low level' is arbitrary. So, when Tseung does not accept the truth because he is so blinded by his own ego, then the question becomes:

Which of these two low life forms did Tseung evolve from?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 24, 2008, 02:45:49 PM

But consider taking either the worm, or the snake, and suspend a weight from it.  Once under tension, either one will lead out free energy.  Countries like Africa have a lot of snakes in the trees.  These could easily be used to power a village.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 24, 2008, 03:25:31 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 24, 2008, 02:45:49 PM

But consider taking either the worm, or the snake, and suspend a weight from it.  Once under tension, either one will lead out free energy.  Countries like Africa have a lot of snakes in the trees.  These could easily be used to power a village.


Bill, come to think of it, Tseung can easily use the worm or snake to demonstrate his Lead-Out principles of extra energy, since knowledge of drills are not required? Worm or Snake + Gravity = Lead Out Energy.

I'm sure if you stuff enough of those low life form into a enclosure, then we'll be flying around in worm driven flying saucers and no hot gases are ejected! Wow! who would have thought of that!! Our energy crisis will finally be over. Long live Chairman Tseung!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 24, 2008, 03:59:14 PM
I shall now continue with Slide 7 in the presentation file:

This Slide shows the correct application of the Law of Conservation of Energy.  This Slide used the approximation of 2 units of horizontal input energy leading out 1 unit of vertical gravitational energy.  In reality, the numbers can vary. 

Scientists in the past only thought about the special case of ?2 units of horizontal input energy leading out 0 units of vertical gravitational energy.?  Or some of them would say: ?Out of the 2 units of horizontal input energy, 1 unit is converted into vertical work.?  They did not do the vigorous mathematical analysis.

The general concept does not violate any Laws of Physics or Mathematics.  If Slides 3, 4, 5 and 6 are correct, Slide 7 must be correct.

Any intelligent comment?

The stupid dog that does not want to be led around any more
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: PYRODIN123321 on April 24, 2008, 04:15:43 PM
Hmmm..... Penduluminati has a nice ring to it...keep up the good work people. ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 24, 2008, 07:20:10 PM
The power of Slide 7 is its generalization.  See Pendulum17.jpg.

The moment Wang Shum Ho, Tsinghua University, Chas Campbell, Dr. Liang, Chao, EBM and 225 HP inventors saw this general slide, they knew that they could concentrate on their research.  The supporting theory is available.  They never violated the Law of Conservation of Energy.  They are not building the impossible perpetual motion machine.  They are just using Lead Out energy.

Mr. Tseung is so confident of himself because he checked, double-checked, triple-checked every term, every formula and every equation in Slides 2-6.  Every statement is mathematically and physics-wise possible.  Not a single scientific law was violated.

From this Slide, every claimed OU device is a possible verification of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.  That is why Mr. Tseung can go fishing.  The big fish (Nobel Prize or equivalent) will be caught.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 24, 2008, 07:29:48 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 24, 2008, 07:20:10 PM
The power of Slide 7 is its generalization.  See Pendulum17.jpg.

The moment Wang Shum Ho, Tsinghua University, Chas Campbell, Dr. Liang, Chao, EBM and 225 HP inventors saw this general slide, they knew that they could concentrate on their research.  The supporting theory is available.  They never violated the Law of Conservation of Energy.  They are not building the impossible perpetual motion machine.  They are just using Lead Out energy.

Mr. Tseung is so confident of himself because he checked, double-checked, triple-checked every term, every formula and every equation in Slides 2-6.  Every statement is mathematically and physics-wise possible.  Not a single scientific law was violated.

From this Slide, every claimed OU device is a possible verification of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.  That is why Mr. Tseung can go fishing.  The big fish (Nobel Prize or equivalent) will be caught.

Don't worry about more Nobel Prizes. Those are for real scientists who can use drills. You already have flying saucer problems between your ears you need to worry about.

Maybe you should ask Daniel Tseung for some advice whether his dad deserves his pocket money?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on April 24, 2008, 09:28:54 PM
Top Gun, should I call you "the clever dog that is leading the World back into the Garden of Eden?"

Your explanation is much better than the stupid Tseung who revealed his identity.  He is opening himself and his loved one for ridicule.  Do not make that dumb mistake.

There will be more insults from my disciples like ChrisC and Keon etc.  They are being paid by CIA or the like.  They have a job to protect.  Just tolerate and ignore them.  There will be a shorter queue at the unemployment counter.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 25, 2008, 12:17:53 AM
I shall now continue with Slide 8 and 9 in the presentation file:

Slide 8 extends the Lead Out concept to magnetic fields.  If we can extract energy from a simple pendulum, we must be able to extract both gravitational and magnetic energy from a magnetic pendulum.  The externally added magnetic field can greatly increase the gravitational constant g (which is 9.8m/s/s).

If you accept Slide 3, you will accept Slide 8.  If you do not accept Slide 3, too bad.

Slide 9 extends the Lead Out concept to rotational systems.  Pendulum systems are restricted in how much Lee-Tseung Pull one can apply in unit time.  The gravitational energy Lead Out per Lee-Tseung Pull is approximately MgL(1-cos(a)).
One can increase M (the mass); g (the effective gravitational constant).  However, if one increases L, the time period of oscillation increases.  There will be less pulses or Lee-Tseung Pulls per second.  If one increase the angle a by a more powerful pulse or pull, the efficiency (ratio of horizontal/vertical energy) decreases.

Milkovic did a good job with massive bob, reasonable length pendulums.  However, he is limited by mathematics and physics on how much more he could do.

However, with rotations, the number of Lee-Tseung Pulls per second can greatly increase with speed of rotation and number of Pull or Pulse points.  Thus practical Electricity Generators using Lead Out energy are likely to be rotational devices.

This covers the underlined terms in the Leading Out of Gravitational or Electron Motion Energy via oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux changes.

Mr. Tseung and Mr. Lee will gather their rewards when any one of the known 300 claimed OU devices get acceptance.  They are in the most enviable position.

They are like winners of the lottery ticket waiting to claim their prize.  Mr. Tseung is using this Forum to tell the World that he and Lee hold the winning numbers.  It is imposssible to deny them their prize now!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 25, 2008, 12:35:16 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 25, 2008, 12:17:53 AM
I shall now continue with Slide 8 and 9 in the presentation file:

Slide 8 extends the Lead Out concept to magnetic fields.  If we can extract energy from a simple pendulum, we must be able to extract both gravitational and magnetic energy from a magnetic pendulum.  The externally added magnetic field can greatly increase the gravitational constant g (which is 9.8m/s/s).

If you accept Slide 3, you will accept Slide 8.  If you do not accept Slide 3, too bad.

Slide 9 extends the Lead Out concept to rotational systems.  Pendulum systems are restricted in how much Lee-Tseung Pull one can apply in unit time.  The gravitational energy Lead Out per Lee-Tseung Pull is approximately MgL(1-cos(a)).
One can increase M (the mass); g (the effective gravitational constant).  However, if one increases L, the time period of oscillation increases.  There will be less pulses or Lee-Tseung Pulls per second.  If one increase the angle a by a more powerful pulse or pull, the efficiency (ratio of horizontal/vertical energy) decreases.

Milkovic did a good job with massive bob, reasonable length pendulums.  However, he is limited by mathematics and physics on how much more he could do.

However, with rotations, the number of Lee-Tseung Pulls per second can greatly increase with speed of rotation and number of Pull or Pulse points.  Thus practical Electricity Generators using Lead Out energy are likely to be rotational devices.

This covers the underlined terms in the Leading Out of Gravitational or Electron Motion Energy via oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux changes.

Mr. Tseung and Mr. Lee will gather their rewards when any one of the known 300 claimed OU devices get acceptance.  They are in the most enviable position.

They are like winners of the lottery ticket waiting to claim their prize.  Mr. Tseung is using this Forum to tell the World that he and Lee hold the winning numbers.  It is imposssible to deny them their prize now!

Mr. Tseung:

Talking to yourself and to your alter egos aren't exactly the most exciting way to enjoy your 'retirement' is it? Maybe you should consider asking Daniel Tseung for more pocket money or maybe ask the 1 million HK grade students to each contribute $1 each so the grand old man can have enough money to spend on duck rice noodles and give the rest of these people on the forum a clean break?

If you're bored try visiting the HK Disneyland but do be careful. The jerky roller coaster rides can easily dislodge these flying saucers caught between your ears. When they escape, so will the secrets of your amazing ability to loop inside your thick skull!

Well, if these suggestions don't work, we'll willing to sit and watch  how long you can talk to yourself. I'll be counting the number of days when no sensible person will answer your own 'slides' show!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on April 25, 2008, 12:54:48 AM
chrisC, why are you so dumb and stupid like the rest of the human race?

You are supposed to discredit Tseung.  You are supposed to let the World know that he does not know anything about Physics and Mathematics.  You are supposed to debunk the Lee-Tseung theory.

What you have done is repeat, repeat and repeat of attack on personality.  You are not even innovative in your attack.  You are supposed to be evil, evil and evil.

You are an unworthy disciple and a disgrace.  You better come back to Hell to have another round of education.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 25, 2008, 01:06:17 AM
Quote from: Devil on April 25, 2008, 12:54:48 AM
chrisC, why are you so dumb and stupid like the rest of the human race?

You are supposed to discredit Tseung.  You are supposed to let the World know that he does not know anything about Physics and Mathematics.  You are supposed to debunk the Lee-Tseung theory.

What you have done is repeat, repeat and repeat of attack on personality.  You are not even innovative in your attack.  You are supposed to be evil, evil and evil.

You are an unworthy disciple and a disgrace.  You better come back to Hell to have another round of education.

Mr. Tseung:

How come a 60 year old behave like a 5 year old, making up alter egos just to 'gain' support. How pathetic? Does your son know how disgraceful his dad is on a public forum? Does the Tsinghua professors know that you continue to make a fool of yourself? Logging in as TopGun, then logging out and re-login as Devil etc etc.

You need to understand your Physics is flawed and despite your overblown ego, there is only one truth! The truth is your Lee-Tseung is a load of crap because you can't even understand simple Physics! Name just one academic person who is even a professor from a known University that will support you. Not one!

Is this the extent of your 'retirement' life? How sad.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 25, 2008, 02:08:43 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 24, 2008, 02:45:49 PM

But consider taking either the worm, or the snake, and suspend a weight from it.  Once under tension, either one will lead out free energy.  Countries like Africa have a lot of snakes in the trees.  These could easily be used to power a village.


lol. I think we should now focus on any thing that is hanging! Attach a weigh and get free energy. How cool! I want to attach weight to my arm and swing it so I can gather more energy to write here!  :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 25, 2008, 02:12:57 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 25, 2008, 02:08:43 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 24, 2008, 02:45:49 PM

But consider taking either the worm, or the snake, and suspend a weight from it.  Once under tension, either one will lead out free energy.  Countries like Africa have a lot of snakes in the trees.  These could easily be used to power a village.


lol. I think we should now focus on any thing that is hanging! Attach a weigh and get free energy. How cool! I want to attach weight to my arm and swing it so I can gather more energy to write here!  :D

Yes I think so too! There must be millions of villages in India and China we can all hook up to these Snake and Worm machines to generate power! All is needed is something to hang them and start swinging!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 25, 2008, 02:26:25 AM
I shall now continue with Slide10 in the presentation file:

Slide 10 answers the tricky question of: do you draw energy out from the Permanent Magnets?  If you draw out energy, will the magnetism of the Permanent Magnets go away?

The explanation is outlined in the slide and reproduced here:

(1) Electron circular orbit creates magnetism
(2) Electron orbit change creates light or electromagnetic waves
(3) Electron Gathering creates Static Electricity
(4) Electron flow creates AC or DC current
(5) Electrons exist in all atoms
(6) Material emits or absorbs light or electromagnetic waves
(7) Chemical Energy is due to different configuration of electron clouds

I do not think any scientist can possibly debunk the above 7 points.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 25, 2008, 03:07:34 AM
I shall now continue with Slide11 in the presentation file:

I shall reproduce the notes portion here:

In this slide, we essentially summarize the steps discussed previously and project some more.
(1) We are in Gravitational and Electron Motion Fields.
(2) Pulsing Pendulum Leads Out Gravitational Energy
(3) Pulsing the Magnet Pendulum can Lead Out Electron Motion (magnetic) energy
(4) An unbalanced rotating wheel is equivalent to a pulsed pendulum
(5) A pulsing balanced rotating wheel will Lead Out Gravitational or Electron Motion Energy efficiently.
(6) Inventions from Newman, Bedini etc. use 4 or 5
(7) Flying Saucer does not need to eject gases (use inertia propulsion)
(8 ) Flying Saucer uses new energy (no fossil fuel)

We shall discuss Flying Saucers in a separate seminar.

I can now understand why Kul_ash led me round in circles on Slide 3.  Once he agreed with Slide 3, the rest is a straight road.  The other remaining slides no longer deal with theory.  They deal with existing, claimed working prototypes.  Much politics and business issues will be involved.  I do not handle such issues. 

You may direct intelligent question on the 11 slides to me.  Note the work ?intelligent?.  Being stupid dog once is enough.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on April 25, 2008, 03:40:56 AM
I am doing the voice for the presentation slide.

There will be three versions, one in English, one in Putonghua and one in Cantonese. The one in English may be used in USA in June. The other versions will be used in Hong Kong and China.

I look forward to the possible trip to USA. This will be the first time I travel on a plane. It will also be the first time I used my spoken English with native speaking persons. It should be fun! ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 25, 2008, 04:38:25 AM
Quote from: Forever on April 25, 2008, 03:40:56 AM
I am doing the voice for the presentation slide.

There will be three versions, one in English, one in Putonghua and one in Cantonese. The one in English may be used in USA in June. The other versions will be used in Hong Kong and China.

I look forward to the possible trip to USA. This will be the first time I travel on a plane. It will also be the first time I used my spoken English with native speaking persons. It should be fun! ;D ;D ;D

Why plane? Use the anti gravity flying ship from Tseung! U will reach a lot faster  ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 25, 2008, 04:58:11 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 25, 2008, 03:07:34 AM
I shall now continue with Slide11 in the presentation file:

I shall reproduce the notes portion here:

In this slide, we essentially summarize the steps discussed previously and project some more.
(1) We are in Gravitational and Electron Motion Fields.
(2) Pulsing Pendulum Leads Out Gravitational Energy
(3) Pulsing the Magnet Pendulum can Lead Out Electron Motion (magnetic) energy
(4) An unbalanced rotating wheel is equivalent to a pulsed pendulum
(5) A pulsing balanced rotating wheel will Lead Out Gravitational or Electron Motion Energy efficiently.
(6) Inventions from Newman, Bedini etc. use 4 or 5
(7) Flying Saucer does not need to eject gases (use inertia propulsion)
(8 ) Flying Saucer uses new energy (no fossil fuel)

We shall discuss Flying Saucers in a separate seminar.

I can now understand why Kul_ash led me round in circles on Slide 3.  Once he agreed with Slide 3, the rest is a straight road.  The other remaining slides no longer deal with theory.  They deal with existing, claimed working prototypes.  Much politics and business issues will be involved.  I do not handle such issues. 

You may direct intelligent question on the 11 slides to me.  Note the work ?intelligent?.  Being stupid dog once is enough.

This is exactly why I wrote the story. Which post of mine claims I admitted to your pendulum 3 fig? It was devil who told you that I was fooling you and you believed him. I was in serious mode till that point. But the moment you ignored all my questions totally and kept pushing your theory based on Devil's post, I lost total scientific interest in this.

Fist you showed horizontal pull. Then you used tangential pull which converted finally in to horizontal pull. It is a simple pulley. It tells me simple theing that inclined force will have vertical component and horizontal component. Vertical comp. will lift pendulum and horizontal comp. will move it horizontally. When you reach to the final point where applied force is purely horizontal, that time work is already done by vertical component by lifting pendulum to certain height. It is a simple pulley. Then you come to your slide no 3 and tell me that horizontal comp can not lift pendulum so gravity has lifted it. Where did the work done by vertical component go? No answer from you.
I asked you to prove, when resulting force is acting outwards, how your pendulum is moving in circular motion. I asked you when force is still applied how come velocity suddenly becomes zero. You did not answer. I asked you how pendulum will behave as simple and forced at the same time, you did not answer. I asked you when calculating forces, you used L as first length of string and then length of knot to support, how is that possible, you did not answer. I asked you how come at one moment you are considering SHM and at another you are saying it can take any path, how is that possible, you did not answer. I asked you how pendulum not moving in SHM will get in to resonance, you did not answer.
I showed you that your input work is greater that output work, which is logical law of conservation of energy, you did not answer. I asked you how come gravity is helping you to first overcome itself and then do the vertical work also, you did not answer. And so many things more.
Just based on one comment from Devil, you assumed that I was not serious and fooling you like a dog around a garden or some thing. I have no such interest. I did not even question you if you are a avatar of teseung or not, I was seriously discussing physics, but you chose to find a tricky way out of mess you created and thats where I lost interest in your theory.
I will tell you one more time, this theory is not even close to be a theory that can be considered. This theory has no experimental backing. U claim to conduct millions of tests but not single one is documented. I asked why, you did not answer. If this the way of your explanation of theory, then you should do that in primery schools not at MIT (USA) or Harward! Those guys will eat you alive for wating their time. A simple pulley can not prove that energy is lead out by gravity. The faster you understand the better it is!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 25, 2008, 04:58:25 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 25, 2008, 04:38:25 AM
Quote from: Forever on April 25, 2008, 03:40:56 AM
I am doing the voice for the presentation slide.

There will be three versions, one in English, one in Putonghua and one in Cantonese. The one in English may be used in USA in June. The other versions will be used in Hong Kong and China.

I look forward to the possible trip to USA. This will be the first time I travel on a plane. It will also be the first time I used my spoken English with native speaking persons. It should be fun! ;D ;D ;D

Why plane? Use the anti gravity flying ship from Tseung! U will reach a lot faster  ;D

She(He?) can't! The anti-gravity machines are still spinning (looping) in Tseung's head. LOL!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 25, 2008, 06:51:08 AM
@Kul_ash: well, you have now had a taste of the Tseung experience;
you have experienced the elements
1) "Tseung" posting under other names, pretending to be other people
2) "Tseung" tying to defend his "theory" but failing to do so
3) "Tseung" acting like his major flaws in formulae application are insignificant
4) "Tseung" attempting to dismiss your valid claims on invalid grounds
5) "Tseung" attempting to ignore your valid points and trying to distract
everyone from that by having one of his own personas make an invalid
comment and focusing on that with his other persona
6) "Tseung" still not substantiating his theory and not answering your
very correct questions
7) "Tseung" still claiming his theory a breakthrough
8.) "Tseung" going on a fantasy flight and ranting about his nonexistant grandure.

Now that you've tasted the Tseung special, how do you like it? :)
I think it needs a large pinch of salt. ;D
And a dash of reality, perhaps. :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 25, 2008, 07:05:22 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on April 25, 2008, 06:51:08 AM
@Kul_ash: well, you have now had a taste of the Tseung experience;
you have experienced the elements
1) "Tseung" posting under other names, pretending to be other people
2) "Tseung" tying to defend his "theory" but failing to do so
3) "Tseung" acting like his major flaws in formulae application are insignificant
4) "Tseung" attempting to dismiss your valid claims on invalid grounds
5) "Tseung" attempting to ignore your valid points and trying to distract
everyone from that by having one of his own personas make an invalid
comment and focusing on that with his other persona
6) "Tseung" still not substantiating his theory and not answering your
very correct questions
7) "Tseung" still claiming his theory a breakthrough
8.) "Tseung" going on a fantasy flight and ranting about his nonexistant grandure.

Now that you've tasted the Tseung special, how do you like it? :)
I think it needs a large pinch of salt. ;D
And a dash of reality, perhaps. :D

Lol. Very true my friend! At one point I really thought this was a serious  discussion! This man has some serious problems. I can understand. When some body puts so much time in developing some theory which he believes can change world and make him a king, its toooo hard to late go of it. And its not definately going to happen by you or me saying something.

This reminds me of the famous cartoon (in USA) called Pinky and the Brain. Its really funny. They are two mice. One is short with big brain and other is talk but complete idiot. Pinky is the die hard follower of brain. Every day morning he asks Brain, what are we going to do today and Brain always answers :"The same thing we do everday Pinky, try to take over the world". Then every day he invents new technology trying to takeover the world and Pinky jut follows him with all his idiotism. By the end of the day, world has foiled all their plans to take over the world and they are back beaten to their hole.  ;D I think Tseung visits one new forum everyday and try to take over the world! But as he is on virtual network, he can create many Pinkys to follow him. lol.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 25, 2008, 07:21:51 AM
Haha yeah I know the cartoon...
"the Pinky and the Brain,
the Pinky and the Brain,
one is a genious,
the other's INSANE"
very appropriate in this case,
where Pinky thinks he's a genious :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 25, 2008, 06:47:17 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 25, 2008, 04:58:11 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 25, 2008, 03:07:34 AM
I shall now continue with Slide11 in the presentation file:

You may direct intelligent question on the 11 slides to me.  Note the work ?intelligent?.  Being stupid dog once is enough.

This is exactly why I wrote the story. Which post of mine claims I admitted to your pendulum 3 fig? It was devil who told you that I was fooling you and you believed him. I was in serious mode till that point. But the moment you ignored all my questions totally and kept pushing your theory based on Devil's post, I lost total scientific interest in this.

Dear Kul_ash,

You can still post intelligent questions on the contents of the 11 Slides to Top Gun.

Ask one question at a time.  Avoid mixing them with the comments from chrisC, Keon or the like.  Their posts are for insulting training purposes and are automatically ignored as serious scientific discussions.

State what you already know and need no further explanation.  For example:
(1) You already know how to use the parallelogram of forces in the static case.
(2) Slide 3 or Pendulum08.jpg is correct in the static case.
(3) When we simply examine the two end positions, (Position A and Position B) we can detect a difference in energy.  So there must have been work done.
(4) However, the work done will depend on the integral of F dot ds.  (In this case F is the Force function, which can vary in magnitude and direction).
(5) May be point (4) needs clarification. So ask for specific clarification.

Mixing funny remarks or stories with scientific questions does not go well with Top Gun.  If you prefer, you can create a virtual person to tell the funny stories.

It is still not too late to raise intelligent questions or comments on the 11 Slides.

From: Lawrence Tseung who focuses on his fishing and dreaming about the grand plans of Benefiting the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 26, 2008, 01:14:34 AM
What is the best scenario for the New Energy machines and the Flying Saucers?

(1)   One Country decides to share the top secret with the World.
(2)   It helps one or more inventors to demonstrate their inventions successfully.
(3)   It uses the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory to explain the source of energy.
(4)   Billions of investment $$$ pour into such research worldwide.
(5)   Thousands of inventions turn up.  Those include Flying Saucers.
(6)   United Nations takes a role in coordinating such activities.
(7)   Concepts such Mutual Credits get accepted
(8)   The World becomes much richer.  With infinite energy, people understand that there will be infinite wealth.  There is no point in invading others.  Historical hatred starts to disappear.  World Peace is achieved.

Will that Country be China, USA, Russian, or Japan?  Will there be a total surprise?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 26, 2008, 01:57:13 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 25, 2008, 06:47:17 PM

From: Lawrence Tseung who focuses on his fishing and dreaming about the grand plans of Benefiting the World.

Mr. Tseung:

Perhaps the World doesn't need any of your make-believe benefits. Instead, the world of Kul-Ash, Hans, Keon1, Utilitarian, Bill, Shruggedatlas, chrisC and many others are here to offer you help in understanding of basic 'O' level Physics.

So, if you are serious about learning the truth, we will be glad to continue our discussions of your slides but you will need to fix slide 3. Shall we? Otherwise, you'll still be talking to your alter egos and you'll be pretty lonely! (not to mention looney).

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on April 26, 2008, 02:17:04 AM
Quote from: chrisC on April 26, 2008, 01:57:13 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 25, 2008, 06:47:17 PM

From: Lawrence Tseung who focuses on his fishing and dreaming about the grand plans of Benefiting the World.

Mr. Tseung:

Perhaps the World doesn't need any of your make-believe benefits. Instead, the world of Kul-Ash, Hans, Keon1, Utilitarian, Bill, Shruggedatlas, chrisC and many others are here to offer you help in understanding of basic 'O' level Physics.

So, if you are serious about learning the truth, we will be glad to continue our discussions of your slides but you will need to fix slide 3. Shall we? Otherwise, you'll still be talking to your alter egos and you'll be pretty lonely! (not to mention looney).


chrisC,  I see that you are varying your attack.  However, you are still as dumb and stupid as ever.  You quoted a Head of Department of the Hong Kong Polytech University.  That carried some credibility.  But you never knew him and never contacted him.

To debunk Tseung, you need to get someone who really understands Physics.  You never passed O level Physics.  Top Gun can easily kick your butt with Integral Calculus.

If you think slide 3 is obviously wrong, get a 15 year old to point out the error.  What you have done is to attract more people to this thread.  Tseung and Top Gun will shine more.  You have wasted the CIA or the like money. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 26, 2008, 04:07:15 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 25, 2008, 06:47:17 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 25, 2008, 04:58:11 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 25, 2008, 03:07:34 AM
I shall now continue with Slide11 in the presentation file:

You may direct intelligent question on the 11 slides to me.  Note the work ?intelligent?.  Being stupid dog once is enough.

This is exactly why I wrote the story. Which post of mine claims I admitted to your pendulum 3 fig? It was devil who told you that I was fooling you and you believed him. I was in serious mode till that point. But the moment you ignored all my questions totally and kept pushing your theory based on Devil's post, I lost total scientific interest in this.

Dear Kul_ash,

You can still post intelligent questions on the contents of the 11 Slides to Top Gun.

Ask one question at a time.  Avoid mixing them with the comments from chrisC, Keon or the like.  Their posts are for insulting training purposes and are automatically ignored as serious scientific discussions.

State what you already know and need no further explanation.  For example:
(1) You already know how to use the parallelogram of forces in the static case.
(2) Slide 3 or Pendulum08.jpg is correct in the static case.
(3) When we simply examine the two end positions, (Position A and Position B) we can detect a difference in energy.  So there must have been work done.
(4) However, the work done will depend on the integral of F dot ds.  (In this case F is the Force function, which can vary in magnitude and direction).
(5) May be point (4) needs clarification. So ask for specific clarification.

Mixing funny remarks or stories with scientific questions does not go well with Top Gun.  If you prefer, you can create a virtual person to tell the funny stories.

It is still not too late to raise intelligent questions or comments on the 11 Slides.

From: Lawrence Tseung who focuses on his fishing and dreaming about the grand plans of Benefiting the World.

Dear Mr. Tseung,

Who is to decide what is the intelligent question? I asked all genuine questions and I never got any answers. I did not mix any comments from any one when I was seriously discussing the theory. It is only when you and top gun decided that I was fooling on basic of what davil said, that was the time I let it go! Obviously I assumed that as you can not answer, you have found the easy way out.
And I do not need to create any aliases to post stories. I am comfortable with who I am and what I write.

Any way, if you want "intelligent" questions one by one let me post one for you at a time:

1. If you are applying external "constant" force on the system, how it comes to zero velocity i.e. how it becomes stationery without removing the force? In other words, how can a pendulum be a simple pendulum at the same time forced pendulum?

Please answer this and then I will post more. Now I do not know this is a intelligent question of no but 99 out of 100 scientists may ask you this.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 26, 2008, 06:25:40 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 26, 2008, 01:14:34 AM
What is the best scenario for the New Energy machines and the Flying Saucers?

(1)   One Country decides to share the top secret with the World.
(2)   It helps one or more inventors to demonstrate their inventions successfully.
(3)   It uses the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory to explain the source of energy.
(4)   Billions of investment $$$ pour into such research worldwide.
(5)   Thousands of inventions turn up.  Those include Flying Saucers.
(6)   United Nations takes a role in coordinating such activities.
(7)   Concepts such Mutual Credits get accepted
(8 )   The World becomes much richer.  With infinite energy, people understand that there will be infinite wealth.  There is no point in invading others.  Historical hatred starts to disappear.  World Peace is achieved.

Will that Country be China, USA, Russian, or Japan?  Will there be a total surprise?

Let us assume the surprise is Vietnam.  Is that possible?

(1)   They have people who can understand O level Physics.  They can read English.  They can understand the presentation slides in:
(2)   They can build the school girl Bedini Motor.  The specifications are available.
(3)   They can modify it to be more like the 225 HP motor.  They can produce the one-slice version.  All it takes is government support.  Vietnam can easily afford a few million USD on this project once the Officials are convinced.
(4)   They do not need to keep it as a top military secret.  They know that they are no match for the Americans, the Russians, the Japanese or the Chinese.
(5)   They can easily modify the slice of 225 HP Pulse Motor.  Just put the coils inside and the permanent magnets outside.  They can then have the elementary form of the Flying Saucer.

USA and China definitely have the New Energy Electricity Generators and the Flying Saucers.  They are keeping them as top military secrets.  I believe that might cause the worst feared scenario.  Thus telling the theory to the World, including Vietnam is the right thing to do.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 26, 2008, 07:06:27 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 26, 2008, 06:25:40 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 26, 2008, 01:14:34 AM
What is the best scenario for the New Energy machines and the Flying Saucers?

(1)   One Country decides to share the top secret with the World.
(2)   It helps one or more inventors to demonstrate their inventions successfully.
(3)   It uses the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory to explain the source of energy.
(4)   Billions of investment $$$ pour into such research worldwide.
(5)   Thousands of inventions turn up.  Those include Flying Saucers.
(6)   United Nations takes a role in coordinating such activities.
(7)   Concepts such Mutual Credits get accepted
(8 )   The World becomes much richer.  With infinite energy, people understand that there will be infinite wealth.  There is no point in invading others.  Historical hatred starts to disappear.  World Peace is achieved.

Will that Country be China, USA, Russian, or Japan?  Will there be a total surprise?

Let us assume the surprise is Vietnam.  Is that possible?

(1)   They have people who can understand O level Physics.  They can read English.  They can understand the presentation slides in:
(2)   They can build the school girl Bedini Motor.  The specifications are available.
(3)   They can modify it to be more like the 225 HP motor.  They can produce the one-slice version.  All it takes is government support.  Vietnam can easily afford a few million USD on this project once the Officials are convinced.
(4)   They do not need to keep it as a top military secret.  They know that they are no match for the Americans, the Russians, the Japanese or the Chinese.
(5)   They can easily modify the slice of 225 HP Pulse Motor.  Just put the coils inside and the permanent magnets outside.  They can then have the elementary form of the Flying Saucer.

USA and China definitely have the New Energy Electricity Generators and the Flying Saucers.  They are keeping them as top military secrets.  I believe that might cause the worst feared scenario.  Thus telling the theory to the World, including Vietnam is the right thing to do.

I say you forget about what these nations are doing. You should concentrate on proving your theory to world because that might consume many years. So its a good enough task for you. What happens later is not what you should think. You should think that how should I prove a world changing technology on the basis of only one presentation without any actual experimentation, documentation or any theories by world renound scientists. You are trying to change the world on basis on one presentation. I would say, Wow, good luck!
Do not waste your time thinking what would be politico social impact of these so called inventions right now! There is no point in counting your chicken before they hatch!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 26, 2008, 07:47:00 AM
Dear Kul_ash,

When forces are at equilibrium, there will be no movement of the bob.  At the first Lee-Tseung Pull, the external horizontal force F is applied.  The pendulum moves to Position B and is kept stationary under the influence of the three forces (tension of string, weight of Bob and external force F).

The following diagram, Pendulum18.jpg is modified from pendulum08.jpg.
At equilibrium (when the force F is applied as shown)

In the vertical direction
(1)   There is a force Mg downwards equal to 60 units.
(2)   There is a force T1cos(a) upwards due to the tension of the string equal to 60 units (T1cos(10.46 degrees) = 60)
Since T1cos(a) = Mg, there is no movement in the vertical direction.

In the horizontal direction
(1)   There is a Force F towards the RHS equal to 10 units.
(2)   There is a force T1sin(a) towards the LHS due to the tension of the string equal to 10 units (T1sin(10.46 degrees) = 60.83 * sin(10.46 degrees) = 10)
Since T1 sin(a) = F, there is no movement in the horizontal direction.

Hope that the answer is clear.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 26, 2008, 08:45:06 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 26, 2008, 07:47:00 AM
Dear Kul_ash,

When forces are at equilibrium, there will be no movement of the bob.  At the first Lee-Tseung Pull, the external horizontal force F is applied.  The pendulum moves to Position B and is kept stationary under the influence of the three forces (tension of string, weight of Bob and external force F).

The following diagram, Pendulum18.jpg is modified from pendulum08.jpg.
At equilibrium (when the force F is applied as shown)

In the vertical direction
(1)   There is a force Mg downwards equal to 60 units.
(2)   There is a force T1cos(a) upwards due to the tension of the string equal to 60 units (T1cos(10.46 degrees) = 60)
Since T1cos(a) = Mg, there is no movement in the vertical direction.

In the horizontal direction
(1)   There is a Force F towards the RHS equal to 10 units.
(2)   There is a force T1sin(a) towards the LHS due to the tension of the string equal to 10 units (T1sin(10.46 degrees) = 60.83 * sin(10.46 degrees) = 10)
Since T1 sin(a) = F, there is no movement in the horizontal direction.

Hope that the answer is clear.

Exactly this is the answer I was looking for. Now refer to your pendulum 14.jpg. It had initial length of M1 which reduced to M2. M1 was inclined so it had vertical and horizontal components. Now when it has become perfectly horizontal means knot is at the same elevation of pulley, no further vertical work is possible. Now you say that mgh = 60 x DH and work done by external force is 10 x DH so where does 50 x DH come from? Now, if you know the simple defination of "leaverage" then you should not ask this question. The vertical work done here is through leverage you gave using M1 as length. Have you considered that in your calculation any where? total vertical work done would always be the intergration of length of leverage multiplied by supplied force. So it is your leaverage that has worked the pendulum up. Whre is the lead out energy?
Secondly, as per your pendulum 14.jpg, it is clear that constant horizontal force can not lift the pendulum, it has to be inclined. When it becomes perfectly horizontal, no more vertical work is done. Then how you claim that supplied 2 parts of horizontal energy leads out vertical energy? I have never seen any slide from you that shows analysis of pure horizontal pull.
Thirdly, in your pendulum 14. jpg analysis, it is clear that supplied work is much larger than output work. Where is the amount of work done by lead out energy? You have not shown that horizontal work done is 16 joules and vertical work done is 7 joules so total 23 joules of output work as compared to 16 joules of input work. And You have calculated input work without considering leverage arm length. How is it correct?

Please explain!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 26, 2008, 11:45:30 AM
Dear Kul_ash,

Your questioning of Pendulum14.jpg is intelligent. However, you still commit the mistake of raising too many points/questions in one post.  I shall only answer one point in this reply.

With the string pendulum, it is not possible to provide a perfectly horizontal pull unless the pulling mechanism moves up.  That moving up motion may cause more confusion.

I am drawing Pendulum19.jpg.  It tries to provide a perfect horizontal pull.  It shows a magnetic pendulum in a parallel magnetic field.  This is closer to a constant horizontal force.  The pendulum bob is displaced to the RHS position.  There are three forces acting on it to produce equilibrium.  These are Tension of the string, weight of the bob and the constant, horizontal force F due to the magnetic field.

The NS pole of the magnetic pendulum is aligned in the horizontal direction in this case.  The parallel magnetic field can be produced with appropriate coils or electromagnetics.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 26, 2008, 11:51:26 AM
So what you're saying is that you cannot really give an exact
explanation of how exactly this "constant force" can be applied
in reality, to make the system work the way you have been claiming
it works?
Very convincing. :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 26, 2008, 12:21:13 PM
Hey!!  I finally get it!  The pulse, while being constant, is not applied all the time, only intermittently in a constant way thereby allowing no additional energy to be subtracted from the initial constant pulse which imparts a vector force greater than gravity (1g) which accounts for the extra energy lead out of the closed system because gravity is a constant, but the Lee-Tseung pulse is not.  Therefore COP>1.  Of course, since the constant pulse is only applied at the "right" time, conventional mathematics can not be applied to this system due to the uncertainty principle.  By applying math as we know it, you change the dynamics of the system and therefore change the result from that which it would have been if you did not measure it.  Very simple when you think about it...really.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 26, 2008, 02:02:24 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 26, 2008, 12:21:13 PM
Hey!!  I finally get it!  The pulse, while being constant, is not applied all the time, only intermittently in a constant way thereby allowing no additional energy to be subtracted from the initial constant pulse which imparts a vector force greater than gravity (1g) which accounts for the extra energy lead out of the closed system because gravity is a constant, but the Lee-Tseung pulse is not.  Therefore COP>1.  Of course, since the constant pulse is only applied at the "right" time, conventional mathematics can not be applied to this system due to the uncertainty principle.  By applying math as we know it, you change the dynamics of the system and therefore change the result from that which it would have been if you did not measure it.  Very simple when you think about it...really.



It's quite obvious Tseung is so full of crap he's continually contradicting himself; accounting for 'periodic' pulses in order to 'balance' his equations! Someone like this is definitely not a scientist by any stretch of the imagination. Seriously in all my professional life as an engineer I have never seen such low-level life form!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 26, 2008, 04:37:11 PM
Dear Kul_ash.

I shall now address the part of your question related to leverage.
Exactly this is the answer I was looking for. Now refer to your pendulum 14.jpg. It had initial length of M1 which reduced to M2. M1 was inclined so it had vertical and horizontal components. Now when it has become perfectly horizontal means knot is at the same elevation of pulley, no further vertical work is possible. Now you say that mgh = 60 x dH and work done by external force is 10 x dH so where does 50 x dH come from? Now, if you know the simple definition of "leverage" then you should not ask this question. The vertical work done here is through leverage you gave using M1 as length. Have you considered that in your calculation anywhere? Total vertical work done would always be the integration of length of leverage multiplied by supplied force. So it is your leverage that has worked the pendulum up. Whre is the lead out energy?

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leverage
Leverage is a factor by which a lever multiplies a force - it is therefore related to mechanical advantage. The useful work done is the energy applied, which is force times distance. Therefore a small force applied over a long distance is the same amount of work as a large force applied over a small distance. The trick is converting the one into the other. The requisite mathematics were developed in the third century B.C. by Archimedes?..

The important word here is ?converting?.  If we want a horizontal force to do vertical work, we need to look for the mechanism that ?converts? this horizontal force to vertical force.  Without this ?converting? mechanism, horizontal force cannot do vertical work.

*** Please ignore the insult training posts from chrisC, Keon etc.  They are noise to distract the serious scientific discussion. ***

I shall pause here for your confirmation.  Do you agree that without a ?converting" mechanism, a horizontal force cannot do vertical work???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 26, 2008, 08:00:53 PM
Conversation with a journalist who has followed the stories on Flying Saucers.

Tseung: ?I believe you have been following stories on Flying Saucers.  Do you believe in their existence.?

Journalist: ?If we restrict to whether there are Flying Objects that do not use the accepted aerodynamic techniques, my answer is a definite YES.?

Tseung: ?Do you think that such Flying Objects or UFOs are from another civilization outside Earth??

Journalist: ?I read your China Patents and followed the overunity Forum.  You have provided a possible theoretical explanation.  If you were right, almost any Nation on Earth could build it.  There is no need to speculate on a different civilization.?

Tseung: ?Have you witnessed a Flying Saucer yourself??

Journalist: ?I have not.  But there is overwhelming evidence that China, USA and other Countries are doing research in this area.  Your China patent was submitted in early 2005.  The Nanjing UFO on youtube was in Mid-2006.  I have absolute confidence in the technical capability of the Chinese Engineers to produce a prototype within that timeframe.?

Tseung: ?Why do you think that Countries like China and USA decide to keep such development top-secret??

Journalist: ?There is a journal in China dedicated to publishing UFO information.  There are also similar journals all over the World.  The Flying Saucer can be so superior a weapon that it can obsolete all existing fighter planes, missiles, spacecraft or any known defense systems.  It is logical for Governments to classify it as top secret.  They are leaking information out with lies, half-truths, denials, silences etc.  They keep the topic somewhat of a mystery.  That keeps the other side guessing.  Your posts fit their strategy.  That is why you are still alive!?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 26, 2008, 08:15:27 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 26, 2008, 08:00:53 PM
Conversation with a journalist who has followed the stories on Flying Saucers.

Your China patent was submitted in early 2005.  The Nanjing UFO on youtube was in Mid-2006. ...

Mr. Tseung:

Still can't get over the fact what you submitted to the WPC is a 'Patent application'?
Oh, don't forget to tell the other side of the story.....That patent office thinks your theory has NO merits and what that means is you will get a FINAL REJECTION! End of story. Now, that's the truth.

So, the moral of the story is don't go around telling half-truths and making your self more important than what you really are. Now, what you really are is a Nobel prize wanna-be physicists with pre-'O' level mastery of pendulum physics (minus understanding of SHM).

You may be able to impress the million grade school children in Hong Kong with your  HK$10K prize money but that's about as far as it goes.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on April 26, 2008, 08:46:41 PM
chrisC, why are you still so dumb and stupid?

Tseung claimed that he did not care about fame or fortune.  All he needed is to get the Lee-Tseung theory published.  He claims that is the truth.

Your job is to debunk the Lee-Tseung Theory.  You openly claimed that you can find a 15 year old or head of a department at a University to point out the errors in his theory.

That is the correct way to debunk him.  Why are you so stupid as not to understand that?

You keep wasting more of the CIA or the like money.  They are running out of patience.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 26, 2008, 09:09:05 PM
Quote from: Devil on April 26, 2008, 08:46:41 PM
chrisC, why are you still so dumb and stupid?

Tseung claimed that he did not care about fame or fortune.  All he needed is to get the Lee-Tseung theory published.  He claims that is the truth.

Your job is to debunk the Lee-Tseung Theory.  You openly claimed that you can find a 15 year old or head of a department at a University to point out the errors in his theory.

That is the correct way to debunk him.  Why are you so stupid as not to understand that?

You keep wasting more of the CIA or the like money.  They are running out of patience.

Old Tseung:

You're getting more and more confused each day, signing in and out as Devil, Tseung888, Top Gun, Forever. So much so, you can't even remember what I posted! For the record, I posted I don't know the Head of HK Polytechnic (professor) personally. I went the extra mile to get his name and address from public records. That was done to help you breathe a little better, just in case he happens to agree with your 'O' level physics explanation.

Apparently, he didn't want to touch your theory with a 10 foot pole!  Even his student think you're an old idiot! You really need to take your medication.

Further unsubstantiated theories Lead Out more hallucinations.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 27, 2008, 08:37:42 AM
Quote from: Devil on April 26, 2008, 08:46:41 PM
chrisC, why are you still so dumb and stupid?

ah, you've run out of proper arguments so now you're going to start insulting people?
And in a childish manner as well...
Obviously this will convince everyone that you're right, so you won't have to go through the
trouble of actually showing that you're right, eh Tseung? Sad old man.

QuoteTseung claimed that he did not care about fame or fortune.
Did he now? Did you miss the hundreds of posts where he shouts about being the greatest inventor ever
who will give free energy and anitgravity to China first and the World second? The man whose
grand invention will change the world forever? I guess reading is difficult for you?

QuoteAll he needed is to get the Lee-Tseung theory published.  He claims that is the truth.
We know he claims that it is true, he just still has never shown it to be true.
So you're dead wrong there: All he needs to do is NOT to get his theory published,
but he needs to prove it correct before publishing it.
It is clear he/you cannot do that.
Fruitless attempts have been made for months, but you/he/Tseung/TopGun just cannot seem
to understand physics well enough to figure out your own flaws.
Proof is what the theory needs, not publication.
I know you guys do things differently in China, but surely even there you cannot first publish
a theory and claim it is correct, and only much later test if it really is correct?

QuoteYour job is to debunk the Lee-Tseung Theory.
Once again you turn the situation around, Tseung!
Your job is to prove your theory. You came here shouting loudly that you have this
great theory that can explain all OU devices and can be used to design them.
You should be the one to substantiate that claim!
We, including ChrisC, are merely pointing out that you still have not shown any proof nor
shown any convincing explanations, and in fact have shown quite the opposite, namely:
that you cannot even properly substantiate your claimed theory mathematically, because
you continue to make huge mistakes, grand blunders, and plain false assumptions in your
mathematical analysis. Typical of people who are convinced of their idea but have never
actually tested it in practise.
Don't try to turn this around as if we are the ones actively hunting you down to try and debunk
your stupid theory!
You came here and slammed your crap theory in our faces, pretending to want to discuss it.
Now we are discussing it and pointing out the flaws, and now all of a sudden you act like
we're the initiators of this silly thread!
You must have had too much British beef in the 90's... :D

QuoteYou openly claimed that you can find a 15 year old or head of a department at a University to point out the errors in his theory.
Well that just goes to show how attentive you are. Chris never said that. You, Tseung, have made this statement before, and back then
you were also shown to be in error. Chris said he had some contact details of an academic who could be contacted if you wanted
to get an actual physics professor involved. Then you, Tseung, turned that into Chris actually personally knowing this physicist.
Chris indicated this was not the case, but if you were serious about having university employed academics look at your theory you
could still contact the guy. Clearly you still have not done so.
Worse even, you still haven't understood that it is not one of Chris's friends, it is just a guy Chris looked up on a university website.
If you can't even grasp that factoid, and if that is typical of your observation skills and reasoning, then it is not surprising that you
cannot come up with one shred of proof for your claimed theory: your information processing abilities must be seriously flawed.

QuoteThat is the correct way to debunk him.  Why are you so stupid as not to understand that?

You keep wasting more of the CIA or the like money.  They are running out of patience.
and why are you so stupid to assume there is any debunking going on, and even more stupid to bring up the cia?
Dude, you can't even prove your theory, you show zero empirical tests...
There is nothing to debunk yet! First make your theory stand simple logical analysis like Kul_ash's questions,
without the entire "theory" collapsing in the light of reason! Then perhaps the debunking could start.
But you can't de-bunk what hasn't even been properly 'bunked' yet!

And stop with the stupid switching of persona's, Tseung!
Just post under your own name,
stop posting as "Top Gun" and others!
It only serves to make you look more foolish if you continue that charade.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 27, 2008, 11:09:37 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 26, 2008, 08:45:06 AM
Thirdly, in your pendulum 14. jpg analysis, it is clear that supplied work is much larger than output work. Where is the amount of work done by lead out energy? You have not shown that horizontal work done is 16 joules and vertical work done is 7 joules so total 23 joules of output work as compared to 16 joules of input work. And You have calculated input work without considering leverage arm length. How is it correct?

Please explain!

Dear Kul_ash,

I shall go for the full mathematics and physics explanation.

(1)   There is the concept of negative work in mechanics in physics.  This is the situation when the direction of force and direction of displacement are opposite.  Energy is either stored in the system or changed into other forms such as heat etc.

(2)   When we have three forces such as in Pendulum08.jpg, we need to examine the three forces separately.  We need to consider the vertical and horizontal components of each force and of each displacement.  We need to examine whether positive or negative work has been done.

(3)   Let us consider the weight Mg first.  It only has a vertical component.  Its horizontal component is zero.  The vertical displacement is opposite to direction of force.  Thus Mg = 60*9.8 Newtons, dH =L(1-cos(a))=0.013599 meters, and the negative work done is = - 7.996455 joules.  (Note that this is negative work.)

(4)   Let us consider the external horizontal force F next.  It only has a horizontal component.  The vertical component is zero.  The horizontal displacement dx is in the same direction of the force.  Thus F = 10 *9.8 Newtons, dx=Lsin(a)=0.16436 meters.  The positive work done = 16.0718 joules

(5)   Let us consider the tension of the string T1.  T1= 60.83 Newtons.  The vertical component of T1 = T1cos(a) = 60*9.8 Newtons, dH=0.013599 meter.  The positive work done = 7.996455 joules.  Note that this is exactly equal and opposite to the work done by the weight.

(6)   Let us continue to consider the tension of the string T1. T1= 60.83 Newtons.  The vertical component of T1 = T1sin(a) = 10*9.8 Newtons, dX=0.16436 meters.  The direction of the force and the direction of displacement are opposite.  Thus the work done is negative.  The value = -16.0718 joules.  Note that this equal and opposite to the external work done by F.

Thus the full analysis of the three forces gives us:

(a)   The externally supplied work done by the horizontal force F = 16.0718 joules.  It did not do any vertical work.

(b)   The tension of the string does vertical work = 7.996455 joules.  It also does negative horizontal work = -16.0718 joules.  This negative work is stored as additional ?tension? energy in the pendulum system.

(c)   The weight does negative vertical work equal to  = -7.996455 joules.  This negative work is stored as increased potential energy of the bob in the pendulum system.

Thus the total energy of the pendulum system = 16.0718 + 7.996455 = 24.10364 joules.  The external horizontal energy supplied is only 16.0718 joules.  The additional 7.996455 joules must come from gravity via the string.  The Lee-Tseung theory uses the term Lead Out to describe this process (additional 7.996455 joules).

I hope that this analysis is now clear.  Please follow the mathematics carefully.  Do double checks and even triple checks.  Make sure you can follow the analysis.  No Laws of physics or mathematics have been violated.

If needed, I do not mind doing the tangential pull (Ideal Lee-Tseung Pull) analysis later.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 27, 2008, 03:23:18 PM
The priest said: "You already have the knowledge.  Preach love."

We must instill love in the hearts of the forum members, the people we email to, the World Leaders, the Maker and Shakers, the deprived and the general public.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 27, 2008, 03:35:08 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 27, 2008, 03:23:18 PM
The priest said: "You already have the knowledge.  Preach love."

We must instill love in the hearts of the forum members, the people we email to, the World Leaders, the Maker and Shakers, the deprived and the general public.

Old Tseung:

Don't worry about the Love issue. First, just concentrate on improving your Physics and then your Math.

Oh, don't forget the virtues of speaking the truth, being honest, representing yourself and not pretending to be other persona, telling the truth that no academia agrees with your theory anywhere, not even in tiny Hong Kong and that the patent office (anywhere) has not granted you a patent on your so called Lee-Tseung theory crap.

If you can really speak the truth and not twist other people's words, then you will begin to gain some respect and then perhaps forum members might change their opinion of you! But that is not to say your Physics and Math. are OK though. For those you need more tuition in 'O' Level coursework.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 27, 2008, 08:28:32 PM
The Sunday Sermon was interesting.  It was teaching the Christians on the eating of meat sacrificed to the Pagan gods.  The preacher made the following points:

(1)   There is only one God, the scarifying ceremony to Pagan gods is meaningless.  It would not make the meat better or worst.

(2)   God has given every one of us a conscience.  However, your conscience and my conscience may not be the same.  I may view that a man with no wife having  adult relationship with a prostitute is normal and is acceptable. Another person may view that as a sin. 

(3)   So it is quite all right to eat meat sacrificed to Pagan gods if your conscience allows it.  It would not make you better or worse.

(4)   However, one has to set an example for others.  If the eating of that meat were equated by society as equivalent of adoring the Pagan God, a Christian should not eat that meat.

(5) So having  with adult relationship with a prostitute is not a sin.  Just do not make it an example to tempt others.  Just go to a Country (or Las Vegas) where that is regarded as a normal and legal activity.

It was something new for me.  As Chinese, we traditionally offer our meals to our ancestors in the many festivities before we eat.  Some Chinese Christians regard that as a sin.  So some automatically accepted customs by some may be viewed as sins by others.

This gives a good teaching to ?Great truths begin as Blasphemies?! It is no surprise that a perfectly simple Slide 3 which obeys all the mathematics or physics laws is regarded as Blasphemies by some.

In this World, we have to accept different points of view - even in science!!!
The Earth may be round.  But if forcing that fact on others could ruin their careers, refraining may be the right move.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on April 27, 2008, 10:43:02 PM

Quaintly stated and undeniably true.

However, before I 'take the plunge' so to speak...what if you know the 'lady' wouldn't be selling her virtue unless she had to ?

Slightly perplexed.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 28, 2008, 12:32:05 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 27, 2008, 08:28:32 PM
The Sunday Sermon was interesting.  It was teaching the Christians on the eating of meat sacrificed to the Pagan gods.  The preacher made the following points:

(1)   There is only one God, the scarifying ceremony to Pagan gods is meaningless.  It would not make the meat better or worst.

(2)   God has given every one of us a conscience.  However, your conscience and my conscience may not be the same.  I may view that a man with no wife having  adult relationship with a prostitute is normal and is acceptable. Another person may view that as a sin. 

(3)   So it is quite all right to eat meat sacrificed to Pagan gods if your conscience allows it.  It would not make you better or worse.

(4)   However, one has to set an example for others.  If the eating of that meat were equated by society as equivalent of adoring the Pagan God, a Christian should not eat that meat.

(5) So having  with adult relationship with a prostitute is not a sin.  Just do not make it an example to tempt others.  Just go to a Country (or Las Vegas) where that is regarded as a normal and legal activity.

It was something new for me.  As Chinese, we traditionally offer our meals to our ancestors in the many festivities before we eat.  Some Chinese Christians regard that as a sin.  So some automatically accepted customs by some may be viewed as sins by others.

This gives a good teaching to ?Great truths begin as Blasphemies?! It is no surprise that a perfectly simple Slide 3 which obeys all the mathematics or physics laws is regarded as Blasphemies by some.

In this World, we have to accept different points of view - even in science!!!
The Earth may be round.  But if forcing that fact on others could ruin their careers, refraining may be the right move.


Well, let's just look at what you have to share besides your flawed Physics from slide 3. I will also share my thoughts on your Sunday sermon.

1. Agree

2. Disagree. Sure, conscience is God given but not something that is arbitrarily interpreted. That's why the Old Testament has the 10 Commandments given to Moses. The New Testament introduces the Holy Spirit, given to Christians to testify with their own spirit the truths of God.

3. Agree. Christians are not subjected to food sacrificed to pagan gods. Food is food.

4. Agree. If a Christian is to eat pagan god sacrificed food and this causes his brother faith to falter, then it is better not to partake of the sacrificed food. Not because the food is 'polluted' by sin!

5. Absolutely NOT! I honestly do not believe the preacher preached that! It's again your own interpretation. Wouldn't it be a mockery if what is taught in the Bible can be arbitrarily interpreted by anyone (such as you) just because you happened not to have a conscience and there is this "foreign place" whose law of the land is "anything goes" and even Tseung can participate, be it Las Vegas or Hainan island!

This brings us back to why you have so much problems, not just in your interpretation of Christian teachings but in your own flawed arguments whereby your interpretation of technical and scientific statutes are just "Tseung's Theory" is created by Tseung and need no proofs.

Tseung's Theory must be correct because Tseung said so! The rest of the people are just Blasphemous!

Well, now we know why you hold such high standards of yourself. You see, it's arbitrary, of course.

Einstein was correct when he said: 'Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.". And by the way, he wasn't referring to your kind of spirit, just in case you  were wondering....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 03:01:48 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 26, 2008, 11:45:30 AM
Dear Kul_ash,

Your questioning of Pendulum14.jpg is intelligent. However, you still commit the mistake of raising too many points/questions in one post.  I shall only answer one point in this reply.

With the string pendulum, it is not possible to provide a perfectly horizontal pull unless the pulling mechanism moves up.  That moving up motion may cause more confusion.

I am drawing Pendulum19.jpg.  It tries to provide a perfect horizontal pull.  It shows a magnetic pendulum in a parallel magnetic field.  This is closer to a constant horizontal force.  The pendulum bob is displaced to the RHS position.  There are three forces acting on it to produce equilibrium.  These are Tension of the string, weight of the bob and the constant, horizontal force F due to the magnetic field.

The NS pole of the magnetic pendulum is aligned in the horizontal direction in this case.  The parallel magnetic field can be produced with appropriate coils or electromagnetics.

So this kinda blowing wind thru tunnel on pendulum. In this case your vertical work is done by the movement of string thru support as it has no other way to go.
And the main important point in these types of force is that you are wasting tremendous energy to do small work. For example I have posted a diagram below. At any given time only one arrow is actually doing the horizontal work and other arrows are doing different work and those below the pendulum are wasted. Your total horizontal force in this case would be way larger than you have shown! You are not considering that wasted energy. You can not apply such a force and then call it as a single source force. Becase in this case there will be a force on bob and on string at the same time. So it would multiply in amount and also waste all that force below bob.
So this is an invalid force!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 28, 2008, 03:02:43 AM
Just finished lunch with an old friend.

He did not care about science but cared much about people.  He was trying to promote a project of sending USD10 per month to sponsor a poor child to go to school in the remote parts of China.  Even though schooling is free, the child still needs to buy books, gym shoes, pens, paper etc.

I told him that I could bring so much wealth to the World that such proverty will be history.  He decided to send the presentation slides to the kids and the schools he helped to sponsor.

In his words: "I can help to cater for some of their material needs.  But this gives them hope and challenge.  Winning USD$1,300 is nice if they can do it.  The sharpening of the scientific knowledge is invaluable even if they cannot win."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 03:11:25 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 26, 2008, 04:37:11 PM
Dear Kul_ash.

I shall now address the part of your question related to leverage.
Exactly this is the answer I was looking for. Now refer to your pendulum 14.jpg. It had initial length of M1 which reduced to M2. M1 was inclined so it had vertical and horizontal components. Now when it has become perfectly horizontal means knot is at the same elevation of pulley, no further vertical work is possible. Now you say that mgh = 60 x dH and work done by external force is 10 x dH so where does 50 x dH come from? Now, if you know the simple definition of "leverage" then you should not ask this question. The vertical work done here is through leverage you gave using M1 as length. Have you considered that in your calculation anywhere? Total vertical work done would always be the integration of length of leverage multiplied by supplied force. So it is your leverage that has worked the pendulum up. Whre is the lead out energy?

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leverage
Leverage is a factor by which a lever multiplies a force - it is therefore related to mechanical advantage. The useful work done is the energy applied, which is force times distance. Therefore a small force applied over a long distance is the same amount of work as a large force applied over a small distance. The trick is converting the one into the other. The requisite mathematics were developed in the third century B.C. by Archimedes?..

The important word here is ?converting?.  If we want a horizontal force to do vertical work, we need to look for the mechanism that ?converts? this horizontal force to vertical force.  Without this ?converting? mechanism, horizontal force cannot do vertical work.

*** Please ignore the insult training posts from chrisC, Keon etc.  They are noise to distract the serious scientific discussion. ***

I shall pause here for your confirmation.  Do you agree that without a ?converting" mechanism, a horizontal force cannot do vertical work???

Refer to your pendulum14.jpg. You have clearly shown inclined pull. That angle and 2 m of leverage are enough "mechanism" to do vertical work. When finally string becomes horizontal for a moment, there is no work done in vertical direction.
And you want a "horiozontal" pull but in reality you are either giving inclined pull as per pendulum14.jpg or much larger horizontal pull at different points on system. In theory you have never shown analysis of pure single point horizontal force, because as you said, it is not possible!
As per your pendulum14.jpg, you have used inclined leverage to pull the pendulum up, but you are ignoring this fact and going straight to your last position where string is horizontal and attributing that lift to gravity which is totally wrong!
Thats why again and again I am saying, if you just consider three simple forces without the frame of pendulum and what happned before, then pendulum3 is right. But unfortunately your analysis shows what happened before is the result of your current position and it is totally not accepted!
Show me a mechanism of pure horizontal force pulling pendulum at a single point and then and then I will consider it otherwise not.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 03:49:40 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 28, 2008, 03:02:43 AM
Just finished lunch with an old friend.

He did not care about science but cared much about people.  He was trying to promote a project of sending USD10 per month to sponsor a poor child to go to school in the remote parts of China.  Even though schooling is free, the child still needs to buy books, gym shoes, pens, paper etc.

I told him that I could bring so much wealth to the World that such proverty will be history.  He decided to send the presentation slides to the kids and the schools he helped to sponsor.

In his words: "I can help to cater for some of their material needs.  But this gives them hope and challenge.  Winning USD$1,300 is nice if they can do it.  The sharpening of the scientific knowledge is invaluable even if they cannot win."

Mr. Tseung
Two sayings from Sanskrit I remember when I see your posts:

1. "It is easy to convince a fool or illiterate becuase he really does not have knowlede, but those who decide not to get convinced at any cost, even brahma, the supreme god can not convince them". So you giving USD 1300 is out of qustion.

2. "Clouds those thunder a lot, never rain". If you just keep talking and talking without any action, people are just going to laugh at you. People always respect those who talk less and do more work!
If your talking and paiting imaginary pictures are just helping you to survive and temporarily give you a good feeling, then its a different issue! Then my sympathies are with you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 28, 2008, 04:15:57 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 28, 2008, 03:02:43 AM
Just finished lunch with an old friend.

He did not care about science but cared much about people.  He was trying to promote a project of sending USD10 per month to sponsor a poor child to go to school in the remote parts of China.  Even though schooling is free, the child still needs to buy books, gym shoes, pens, paper etc.

I told him that I could bring so much wealth to the World that such proverty will be history.  He decided to send the presentation slides to the kids and the schools he helped to sponsor.

In his words: "I can help to cater for some of their material needs.  But this gives them hope and challenge.  Winning USD$1,300 is nice if they can do it.  The sharpening of the scientific knowledge is invaluable even if they cannot win."


It seemed like you're trying so hard to convince the world that you have this magnificent Lee-Tseung Theory that will save them from the energy crisis and then some. In addition, all this talk of "letting others shine" and "benefiting the world" actually is pretty meaningless.

Smart people aren't convinced by some 'retirees' claiming this or that. Throwing in the kitchen sink or flying saucers is equally meaningless! Anybody impressed yet? Apparently not.

For every post you posted, you get at least twice the negative replies. There is NO ONE who believes in your crap! That is the reality and it's not the case of others considering your theory 'blasphemous'. It is UTTER Nonsense. When will you wake up?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 28, 2008, 05:33:06 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 03:01:48 AM

So this kinda blowing wind thru tunnel on pendulum. In this case your vertical work is done by the movement of string thru support as it has no other way to go.
And the main important point in these types of force is that you are wasting tremendous energy to do small work. For example I have posted a diagram below. At any given time only one arrow is actually doing the horizontal work and other arrows are doing different work and those below the pendulum are wasted. Your total horizontal force in this case would be way larger than you have shown! You are not considering that wasted energy. You can not apply such a force and then call it as a single source force. Becase in this case there will be a force on bob and on string at the same time. So it would multiply in amount and also waste all that force below bob.
So this is an invalid force!

Dear Kul_ash,

Thank you for drawing the diagram and the comparison with wind blowing on the pendulum to provide the horizontal force F.  Indeed, your diagram shows much wind energy is wasted in providing the horizontal force F.

However, your diagram reminds me of the force diagram my physics teacher drew when he tried to explain the concept of force and work.  In pendulum20.jpg, all the three cases A, B and C did no useful work as far as the weight is concerned.

Case A: The weight is supported by a solid Rod.  There is a force due to the weight acting on the rod.  But there is no displacement.  Therefore, no work is done.  No energy is spent.

Case C: The weight is supported by a pump sending water jet up.  There is no displacement of the weight.  There is no useful work done.  However, work is done by the pump to move the water up.  Work is done.  Energy is spent.  However, the work is not considered to be useful!

Case B: Almost all students asked: ?If no work is done and no energy spent, why would we feel tired in holding up the weight??  The teacher replied that the human body is partly solid and partly liquid.  In holding up the weight, some blood is pumped and circulated in the process.  The  pen*s is an excellent example.  It was a boy?s school.  Thus we felt no embarrassment.

Mr. Kul_ash, your quoting of wind blowing to provide the horizontal force F is like Case C.  However, I drew magnets in magnetic fields.  If the magnetic field were provided by permanent magnets and there were no movement of the magnet aside from the displacement from Point A to Point B, no work and no energy is spent to maintain the position.

Hope that answers your comment on spending/wasting a huge amount of horizontal energy.  The holding of the pendulum bob at Position B by a string as in Pendulum14 is not comparable to wind blowing or Case B and Case C taught by my Physics teacher.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 06:09:40 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 28, 2008, 05:33:06 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 03:01:48 AM

So this kinda blowing wind thru tunnel on pendulum. In this case your vertical work is done by the movement of string thru support as it has no other way to go.
And the main important point in these types of force is that you are wasting tremendous energy to do small work. For example I have posted a diagram below. At any given time only one arrow is actually doing the horizontal work and other arrows are doing different work and those below the pendulum are wasted. Your total horizontal force in this case would be way larger than you have shown! You are not considering that wasted energy. You can not apply such a force and then call it as a single source force. Becase in this case there will be a force on bob and on string at the same time. So it would multiply in amount and also waste all that force below bob.
So this is an invalid force!

Dear Kul_ash,

Thank you for drawing the diagram and the comparison with wind blowing on the pendulum to provide the horizontal force F.  Indeed, your diagram shows much wind energy is wasted in providing the horizontal force F.

However, your diagram reminds me of the force diagram my physics teacher drew when he tried to explain the concept of force and work.  In pendulum20.jpg, all the three cases A, B and C did no useful work as far as the weight is concerned.

Case A: The weight is supported by a solid Rod.  There is a force due to the weight acting on the rod.  But there is no displacement.  Therefore, no work is done.  No energy is spent.

Case C: The weight is supported by a pump sending water jet up.  There is no displacement of the weight.  There is no useful work done.  However, work is done by the pump to move the water up.  Work is done.  Energy is spent.  However, the work is not considered to be useful!

Case B: Almost all students asked: ?If no work is done and no energy spent, why would we feel tired in holding up the weight??  The teacher replied that the human body is partly solid and partly liquid.  In holding up the weight, some blood is pumped and circulated in the process.  The  pen*s is an excellent example.  It was a boy?s school.  Thus we felt no embarrassment.

Mr. Kul_ash, your quoting of wind blowing to provide the horizontal force F is like Case C.  However, I drew magnets in magnetic fields.  If the magnetic field were provided by permanent magnets and there were no movement of the magnet aside from the displacement from Point A to Point B, no work and no energy is spent to maintain the position.

Hope that answers your comment on spending/wasting a huge amount of horizontal energy.  The holding of the pendulum bob at Position B by a string as in Pendulum14 is not comparable to wind blowing or Case B and Case C taught by my Physics teacher.

I did not understand why you shown those three fig. But any way, I can not believe that you are trying to use magentic field to pull pendulum. How are you supposed to let it go? :) You will need much larger energy to pull bob apart from your permanent magent. Try it with simple magnet. Pull a nail with magent and then try to separate it from magent. It will need much more energy to do that.
That is a basic problem in using magents to pull pendulum. And even lets assume that magnet is pulling bob which is at some distance. Again same thing is going to happen. Bob will get into motion, will have a velocity, will follow the circular path because it can not follow any other path, vector force of mv^2/r will be introduced in it and it will get vertical and horizontal movement.
Most important point here to remeber is your magent is at "some" distance from bob. The nearer the bob, more will be the attraction force. So again it is not constant! It is not same at the constant horizontal pull. You are again introducing a "mechanism" to do vertical movement!
And you haven't answered me as yet about the pendulum14.jpg and why your inclined force according to you is not doing vertical work?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 06:25:29 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 28, 2008, 05:33:06 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 03:01:48 AM

So this kinda blowing wind thru tunnel on pendulum. In this case your vertical work is done by the movement of string thru support as it has no other way to go.
And the main important point in these types of force is that you are wasting tremendous energy to do small work. For example I have posted a diagram below. At any given time only one arrow is actually doing the horizontal work and other arrows are doing different work and those below the pendulum are wasted. Your total horizontal force in this case would be way larger than you have shown! You are not considering that wasted energy. You can not apply such a force and then call it as a single source force. Becase in this case there will be a force on bob and on string at the same time. So it would multiply in amount and also waste all that force below bob.
So this is an invalid force!

Dear Kul_ash,

Thank you for drawing the diagram and the comparison with wind blowing on the pendulum to provide the horizontal force F.  Indeed, your diagram shows much wind energy is wasted in providing the horizontal force F.

However, your diagram reminds me of the force diagram my physics teacher drew when he tried to explain the concept of force and work.  In pendulum20.jpg, all the three cases A, B and C did no useful work as far as the weight is concerned.

Case A: The weight is supported by a solid Rod.  There is a force due to the weight acting on the rod.  But there is no displacement.  Therefore, no work is done.  No energy is spent.

Case C: The weight is supported by a pump sending water jet up.  There is no displacement of the weight.  There is no useful work done.  However, work is done by the pump to move the water up.  Work is done.  Energy is spent.  However, the work is not considered to be useful!

Case B: Almost all students asked: ?If no work is done and no energy spent, why would we feel tired in holding up the weight??  The teacher replied that the human body is partly solid and partly liquid.  In holding up the weight, some blood is pumped and circulated in the process.  The  pen*s is an excellent example.  It was a boy?s school.  Thus we felt no embarrassment.

Mr. Kul_ash, your quoting of wind blowing to provide the horizontal force F is like Case C.  However, I drew magnets in magnetic fields.  If the magnetic field were provided by permanent magnets and there were no movement of the magnet aside from the displacement from Point A to Point B, no work and no energy is spent to maintain the position.

Hope that answers your comment on spending/wasting a huge amount of horizontal energy.  The holding of the pendulum bob at Position B by a string as in Pendulum14 is not comparable to wind blowing or Case B and Case C taught by my Physics teacher.

And in other words, this means that only magnetic pendulums are considered for your theory! You never seem to mention that before and you are giving up your pendulum14.jpg concept of using knot and pulley! Is my conclusion correct?

It is always a misconception of amatures to consider Gravity and magnetism as friends! They give by one and take by other. It is easy to walk down a 50 floory building but it is extremly hard to get up again. Same thing with magents, it is easy to pull some thing and its very hard to push it back! And unfortunately no system works one way :(
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 28, 2008, 07:05:00 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 03:11:25 AM
.....Thats why again and again I am saying, if you just consider three simple forces without the frame of pendulum and what happned before, then pendulum3 is right.

But unfortunately your analysis shows what happened before is the result of your current position and it is totally not accepted! .....

Dear Kul_ash,

I shall repeat the correct physics and mathematics again.  When we are just given two end points ? Point A and Point B, we can detect a difference in Energy and hence conclude that work must have been done.

However, different work could have been done using different scenarios.  We can restrict the path to that of an arc.  However, if we are allowed to assume a different force function, the work done and energy spent in different scenarios will be different.

For example, in the case of Pendulum10.jpg, the tension of the string is deliberately kept to 0 until the very end.  The externally applied force is vertical and then slowly moved towards the RHS to follow the arc.  At the very end, the external force is shifted in direction to that of horizontal.  In this particular case, all the externally supplied energy goes into the vertical work done in raising the bob. 

Now I have modified pendulum14.jpg to pendulum21.jpg.  The pulley is set to a position below horizontal at the beginning (dY) and kept at that position until the bob has been raised almost to the final position.  Since the external force during this period never had an upward vertical component, it cannot contribute to the leverage in raising the bob.

At the very end, the pulley and the 10-unit weight are raised back to the horizontal position.  This vertical work done in raising the 10 unit weight (+ the weightless pulley) though the vertical distance dH +dY is much less than (60*dH).

Hope this shows that ?leverage? is not a factor in this case of the simple pendulum under a Lee-Tseung Pull.  Have I confused you???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 07:31:31 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 28, 2008, 07:05:00 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 03:11:25 AM
.....Thats why again and again I am saying, if you just consider three simple forces without the frame of pendulum and what happned before, then pendulum3 is right.

But unfortunately your analysis shows what happened before is the result of your current position and it is totally not accepted! .....

Dear Kul_ash,

I shall repeat the correct physics and mathematics again.  When we are just given two end points – Point A and Point B, we can detect a difference in Energy and hence conclude that work must have been done.

However, different work could have been done using different scenarios.  We can restrict the path to that of an arc.  However, if we are allowed to assume a different force function, the work done and energy spent in different scenarios will be different.

For example, in the case of Pendulum10.jpg, the tension of the string is deliberately kept to 0 until the very end.  The externally applied force is vertical and then slowly moved towards the RHS to follow the arc.  At the very end, the external force is shifted in direction to that of horizontal.  In this particular case, all the externally supplied energy goes into the vertical work done in raising the bob. 

Now I have modified pendulum14.jpg to pendulum21.jpg.  The pulley is set to a position below horizontal at the beginning (dY) and kept at that position until the bob has been raised almost to the final position.  Since the external force during this period never had an upward vertical component, it cannot contribute to the leverage in raising the bob.

At the very end, the pulley and the 10-unit weight are raised back to the horizontal position.  This vertical work done in raising the 10 unit weight (+ the weightless pulley) though the vertical distance dH +dY is much less than (60*dH).

Hope this shows that Â"leverageÂ" is not a factor in this case of the simple pendulum under a Lee-Tseung Pull.  Have I confused you???

Ha ha ha! I seriously started doubting your understanding of Physics now. Please refer to figure below. No matter what is the position of pulling side in a lever, "torue" would always have the same direction. So from where ever you pull the string, the opposite side will always go up. Simple torque.
And please I can not keep on pin pointing such obvious mistakes from your newer diagrams every time. Please fix the pull once for all! Because every time you produce new diagram of your pull, filled with so many basic mistakes. I have no patience now to correct each and every one.
It shows  clearly that you are not sure how to pull your pendulum and you are basing your theory on completely imaginary pulls. I do not understand why?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 28, 2008, 07:59:47 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 07:31:31 AM
Please refer to figure below. No matter what is the position of pulling side in a lever, "torue" would always have the same direction. So from where ever you pull the string, the opposite side will always go up.

Dear Kul_ash,

I do not see how "torque" enters into the case of a simple pendulum under the first Lee-Tseung Pull in slide 3 or pendulum08.jpg.

Please educate us.  May be we can all learn something???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 08:23:31 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 28, 2008, 07:59:47 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 07:31:31 AM
Please refer to figure below. No matter what is the position of pulling side in a lever, "torue" would always have the same direction. So from where ever you pull the string, the opposite side will always go up.

Dear Kul_ash,

I do not see how "torque" enters into the case of a simple pendulum under the first Lee-Tseung Pull in slide 3 or pendulum08.jpg.

Please educate us.  May be we can all learn something???

So are we back to pendulum08.jpg now?  :D
So should I consider that you are giving up with pendulum14.jpg and pendulum21.jpg as they have torque? (If you do not understand where the torque in these two figures come from, open any book of applied mechanics or ask me)
If you accept, I will "educate" you about pendulum08 with obvious mistakes!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 08:39:23 AM
Any way, I will go ahead with pointing "Obvious" mistakes in your pendulum08.jpg

If you look closely, your knot has moved in perfectly horizontal plane as shown by you. Your length from support to knot is constant. Now if your length from support to knot is constant and movement is radial, how come knot has a same height in both the positions? Will it not go up?
Even if I consider somehow, you manage to put knot on same horizontal plane at same height as initial and final, then if length of knot to support is constant, shouldn't be the bob also be at the same height as initial? Is that possible in radial movement? Is that happens in zero level physics? The "trick" you have used in pendulum08.jpg is that you have shown perfect horizontal movement of knot that means knot to support distance is constant in both cases, then you have shown angular movement, but to show bob got lifted, you have altered the height of bob from knot! :) Is this your way of proving something "theorotically"?
If that is a mistake in drawing and knot "has moved upwards" then its following radial movement, won't it have a torque? If you are drawing incorrect figures, how am I suppose to show you the real physics in it?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 28, 2008, 09:03:54 AM
May I present some physics.

In physics, a torque is a vector that measures the tendency of a force to rotate an object about some axis (center). The magnitude of a torque is defined as force times the length of the lever arm (radius).

In the case of a pendulum under the first Lee-Tseung Pull, the forces are at equilibrium.  In the vertical direction, the force due to the weight Mg is exactly balanced by T1cos(a).  Thus the effective force to ?rotate an object? is zero.  In the horizontal direction, the force due to the external horizontal force F is exactly balanced by T1sin(a).  Thus the effective force to ?rotate an object? is zero.

The Physics tells us that there is no net torque and thus no rotation in the case of Slide 3 or Pendulum08.jpg.  Can any one find error in the above physics logic???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 28, 2008, 09:08:00 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 08:39:23 AM
Any way, I will go ahead with pointing "Obvious" mistakes in your pendulum08.jpg

If you look closely, your knot has moved in perfectly horizontal plane as shown by you. Your length from support to knot is constant.

Dear Kul_ash,

The knot clearly goes up by dH.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 09:13:56 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 28, 2008, 09:08:00 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 08:39:23 AM
Any way, I will go ahead with pointing "Obvious" mistakes in your pendulum08.jpg

If you look closely, your knot has moved in perfectly horizontal plane as shown by you. Your length from support to knot is constant.

Dear Kul_ash,

The knot clearly goes up by dH.

I have reproduced your pendulum08.jpg. Show me where have you shown the vertical displacement of knot?
If the knot has gone up then how come string pulling is still at the same elevation like before? Shouldn't it be inclined also?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 09:32:58 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 28, 2008, 09:03:54 AM
May I present some physics.

In physics, a torque is a vector that measures the tendency of a force to rotate an object about some axis (center). The magnitude of a torque is defined as force times the length of the lever arm (radius).

In the case of a pendulum under the first Lee-Tseung Pull, the forces are at equilibrium.  In the vertical direction, the force due to the weight Mg is exactly balanced by T1cos(a).  Thus the effective force to Â"rotate an objectÂ" is zero.  In the horizontal direction, the force due to the external horizontal force F is exactly balanced by T1sin(a).  Thus the effective force to Â"rotate an objectÂ" is zero.

The Physics tells us that there is no net torque and thus no rotation in the case of Slide 3 or Pendulum08.jpg.  Can any one find error in the above physics logic???

Ha ha ha. Again you are trying to trick! The question is "not" the final position. The question is "how" it came to final position!! I am not worried about end result. A "torque" given by your inclined pulley have pulled is upwards! You are again and again forgetting that and showing me new figures how possible you could give perfect horizontal pull! I told you again and again that I am not interested in final position, I am interested to know how it came there. Who did the work of lifting pendulum? Your  magical lead out energy or simply the external force applied?
Once you said the forces are in equilibrium and there is no movement, then there is no question of torque. To move any object from its equilibrium you need external force. That is what you precisely did when you moved your pendulum from initial position. In fig pendulum14.jpg and pendulum21.jpg, you used inclined pulley and gave a torque to move it! In your magentic pendulum, you tried to show me that magnets are pulling the pendulum. It is clear that magntic field will be in vertical plane. Whatever the force line nearer to the bob will give maximum pull. So obviously it will move in vertical plane. In your pendulum08.jpg, I pointed obvious error that if knot moves upwards, so does the string. It is not possible to keep pulling force on same horizontal plane if the movement is radial. You drawing itself is wrong.
So all your efforts of arriving at that final position are incorrect. I have proved them wrong. Now you are again trying to trick me in final position. I will not talk about final position unless you do the exact analysis of how it came there. Simple?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 28, 2008, 10:10:13 AM
Yeah watch out for the trickery Kul_ash! ;)
it's one of the standard ways to try and dissuade you from pointing out
the holes in the "theory": try to confuse you with nonsense and baffle you with bullshit.
So far you're still holding your ground.
My compliments! :)

Of course, it is very clear that the "theory" and its "supporting mathematics" are
seriously flawed. Keep up the good work, and maybe Tseung will finally have to
admit he is delusional. :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 28, 2008, 10:17:55 AM
@ Koen1:

Wait, if he admitted he was delusional then would that not make him not delusional?  In other words, if he admitted he was crazy, would that not make him sane?  I read somewhere that all of the crazy people think they are sane, and all of the people that think they are sane are really crazy.

This reminds me of an old Star Trek episode in which Kirk outwits a huge super computer by sending it into an endless loop by having Spock tell the computer that everything Kirk says is a lie, then Kirk says "I am lying".  The computer goes nuts because if everything Kirk says is a lie, but he admits to lying, then he can't be lying but then.....and so on.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 28, 2008, 11:07:47 AM
Hehe, although it has as much to do with the discussion as Elvis has to do with elephant dung,
I'd still like to reply. Useless though it may be. ;)

Quote from: ltseung888 on April 27, 2008, 08:28:32 PM
The Sunday Sermon was interesting.  It was teaching the Christians on the eating of meat sacrificed to the Pagan gods.
How many "pagan gods" are there in China that require the sacrifice of flesh in their rituals?? I thought the predominant
religious and metaphysical trends were buddhism, taoism, and to a much lesser degree the other so-called "major religions"...
As far as I know, none of those sacrifice meat to their gods...
And as a second point: after meat has been sacrificed to said gods, it has been offered up to these gods, right?
So the meat is a gift to the gods. That means that you cannot consume it.
If the life of the animal and its blood were sacrificed, then meat could be left that could be eaten by the people.
But if the meat itself is sacrificed, there is no meat left afterward, and it cannot be eaten. Very simple.
So either you have a very confused priest, or you misunderstood what was said.

QuoteThe preacher made the following points:

(1)   There is only one God, the scarifying ceremony to Pagan gods is meaningless.  It would not make the meat better or worst.
Ok, I'll assume you are not talking about the ritual butchering of the animal and not of the actual sacrificing of the meat of the animal,
because as I have expalined above, you can not eat meat that is no longer there becasue it has just been sacrificed. So you are not talking
about sacrificing meat, you are talking about butchering/slaughtering animals according to a religious ritual after which meat is left
that can be eaten. Obviously, if there is only one god, either these "pagans" are performing meaningless rituals for a non-existant god which
does not make the meat less good to eat, or they are in fact performing rituals to the greater glory of that one god, but they just call that
god by a different name. Which also does not at all make the meat any less good. Either way, no harm done.
I personally would even like to go further and say that even if no religious ritual is applied, the act of butchery is still done with the intent
of feeding and preserving the circle of life, which in a way has a metaphysical element embedded even if you never think about it,
and as such is always performed to the greater glory of Life. As long as it is done for the purpose of sustaining life, and not for the
sole pupose of destroying life. Yes, that is a more radical view that could be interpreted as: "sacrificing is meaningless, period."

Quote(2)   God has given every one of us a conscience.  However, your conscience and my conscience may not be the same.  I may view that a man with no wife having  adult relationship with a prostitute is normal and is acceptable. Another person may view that as a sin. 
I don't see what business it is of anyone what another man does, as long as no crimes or injustice is committed. But in Christianity there are certain things that are clearly defined as not allowable, and contained
in the ten commandments. A believer in Christianity should have moral standards that accord with these, and cannot for example say to himself "well I personally do
not see a problem with sleeping with my neighbours wife".

Quote(3)   So it is quite all right to eat meat sacrificed to Pagan gods if your conscience allows it.  It would not make you better or worse.
Has nothing to do with conscience and personal morality. Is simple logic. See point 1.
But if your conscience allows you to eat human flesh for example, then you are pagan, so why should you care what a priest or preacher says
about it? No, that point does not make much sense.

Quote(4)   However, one has to set an example for others.  If the eating of that meat were equated by society as equivalent of adoring the Pagan God, a Christian should not eat that meat.
perhaps, but only because eating the meat would be considered partaking in the worship of another
god, and that is not allowed according to the priest/preacher again. It is more of a social rule to avoid religious conflicts in a community than it
is a rule based on metaphysical reasoning or morality. Not divinely inspired at all.

Quote(5) So having  with adult relationship with a prostitute is not a sin.  Just do not make it an example to tempt others.  Just go to a Country (or Las Vegas) where that is regarded as a normal and legal activity.
You have a strange fascination with prostitutes... I don't recall prostitution to be specifically named as a sin in the sections of the bible that mention social conduct in the community, except perhaps a couple of remarks in passages relating to the enemy cities of Babylon etc,
and there the "jezebels" mentioned actually mean the priestesses of babylon who performed fertility rituals including ritual copulation in the name of the gods... so even there it is not really prostitution itself that is condemned, but rather the worship of the deity Baal.
Obviously, prostitution is considered unhonourable, undignified, dirty, and immoral by many people today as it has been in centuries past. But not necessarily a sin.

QuoteIt was something new for me.  As Chinese, we traditionally offer our meals to our ancestors in the many festivities before we eat.  Some Chinese Christians regard that as a sin.  So some automatically accepted customs by some may be viewed as sins by others.
Like... the offering of prostitutes to your ancestors before you eat them? ;D I'm just trying to find a line in your sermon talk...

QuoteThis gives a good teaching to ?Great truths begin as Blasphemies?! It is no surprise that a perfectly simple Slide 3 which obeys all the mathematics or physics laws is regarded as Blasphemies by some.
Ah yes, this follows the lucid expose above perfectly... ?
So what you're saying is that, because the preacher told you something that you interpret as a license to visit prostitutes,
that magically turns your crackpot theory into Holy Scripture?
... I'd lay off the chasing of the dragon for a while dude... :D

QuoteIn this World, we have to accept different points of view - even in science!!!
Err... Nope.
We have to accept different ways to look at the same scientific points of view. But they're the same points.

QuoteThe Earth may be round.  But if forcing that fact on others could ruin their careers, refraining may be the right move.
Bullshit. By allowing these people to delude themselves and think the earth may be flat, we are depriving them of truth!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 28, 2008, 11:50:29 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 09:13:56 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 28, 2008, 09:08:00 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 08:39:23 AM
Any way, I will go ahead with pointing "Obvious" mistakes in your pendulum08.jpg

If you look closely, your knot has moved in perfectly horizontal plane as shown by you. Your length from support to knot is constant.

Dear Kul_ash,

The knot clearly goes up by dH.

I have reproduced your pendulum08.jpg. Show me where have you shown the vertical displacement of knot?
If the knot has gone up then how come string pulling is still at the same elevation like before? Shouldn't it be inclined also?

Dear Kul_ash,

Thank you for pointing out the obvious mistake.  I have edited the previous posts related to Pendulum08 and others to clearly show that the knot went up.

In the presentation, I was relying on slide 4 to provide the detailed displacement information.  See below.

Sorry that Pendulum08.jpg caused you confusion.  Many thanks.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 28, 2008, 12:05:13 PM
@Bill: :D hehe yeah, it is indeed a form of the classical liars paradox.
My favorite version of that is:  "This statement is not true".
Eternal loop error ;D

@TopGun/Tseung: Typical. First you insist your drawings etc are correct,
even insult Kul_ash for pointing out they're not, and then you need to be
shown where the flaw is becasue you don't see it.
Now Kul_ash has pointed it out, all of a sudden you agree the mistake
was obvious? Well, apparently what is obvious to most here is
only obvious to you after it has been pointed out?

Why can you not perform this reality check yourself?
Why do we need to point out to you where the flaws are?
If it's so obvious and you are so great, why can't you do it yourself?

And so far I still have not seen any excess energy produced in the
pendulum, still no proof of any gravity being "lead out".
All I see so far is you, TopGun/Tseung, being unable to even properly
describe a simple pendulum.

Apparently it is extremely difficult to just tell us where you're getting the
magical "lead out" energy, how you extract that exactly, and why you still have
not built a demonstration version if it really is all that simple.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 28, 2008, 12:53:08 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 28, 2008, 11:50:29 AM

Dear Kul_ash,

Thank you for pointing out the obvious mistake.  I have edited the previous posts related to Pendulum08 and others to clearly show that the knot went up.

In the presentation, I was relying on slide 4 to provide the detailed displacement information.  See below.

Sorry that Pendulum08.jpg caused you confusion.  Many thanks.

OK. How many more of these "obvious mistakes" are there? Hmm...Top Gun making elementary mistakes? Can't be that good, are you?


Thanks for your patience and dedication in exposing this con. Physics and Mathematics really don't lie. It's only the liars!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 29, 2008, 02:04:24 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 28, 2008, 11:50:29 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 09:13:56 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 28, 2008, 09:08:00 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 28, 2008, 08:39:23 AM
Any way, I will go ahead with pointing "Obvious" mistakes in your pendulum08.jpg

If you look closely, your knot has moved in perfectly horizontal plane as shown by you. Your length from support to knot is constant.

Dear Kul_ash,

The knot clearly goes up by dH.

I have reproduced your pendulum08.jpg. Show me where have you shown the vertical displacement of knot?
If the knot has gone up then how come string pulling is still at the same elevation like before? Shouldn't it be inclined also?

Dear Kul_ash,

Thank you for pointing out the obvious mistake.  I have edited the previous posts related to Pendulum08 and others to clearly show that the knot went up.

In the presentation, I was relying on slide 4 to provide the detailed displacement information.  See below.

Sorry that Pendulum08.jpg caused you confusion.  Many thanks.

Good. At least I educated you in some thing. So let me summerize! Pendulum08.jpg was wrongly drawn. Pendulum14.jpg and pendulum21.jpg clearly showed "mechanism" for vertical lift. So now we are back to your new pendulum08.jpg which shows vertical movement of knot. Great!!
Now let me point you to the obvious mistake in your new pendulum08.jpg. I have reproduced it here.
It clearly shows applied external force has also moved up "vertically". How is that a constant horizontal force now? It tells me that it has moved vertically as well as horizontally, in other words resultant force is inclined similar to your pendulum14.jpg. So it clearly shows the "mechanism" for vertical movement! How does this new pendulum08.jpg support your theory that external force doing only horizontal work?
You have not provided any explanation for the vertical movement of ur horizontal force.
Please explain!

And please do not tell me that vertical movement of force = 10 x dH and vertical movement of your bob is mgh = 60 x dH, so where does additional 50 x dH come from? It is obvious that your "horizontal" force is of 10 units and there is no mention of any vertical force!

@ Cris C and Koen:
Thanks guys for those kind words. I always give benefit of doubt to other person. The moment I saw this theory in Lee-Tseung patent application and read the comments of inspectors, I had no doubt in my mind that this is not even close to any serious theory. But I luckily I found Tseung himself here on this forum and decided to take him head on. I am giving him full chance to explain what he wants to explain and then it takes me not more than couple of minutes to point out mistakes. I really want him to understand basic problems in his theory. Lets see. I know it is too hard to give up a theory what you are working on for your lifetime. But sooner he understand the flaws, better it is! :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 29, 2008, 02:11:08 AM

One thing I really want to ask you is that, you claim that there are millions of experiments performed at Tisg shuha university. How come still you are so unsure of your so called perfect horizontal pull? How come every day you draw a new diagram to show me "possible" horizontal pull? What did you do in those experiments then?
after million experiments, I think you should be dead sure about your pull because your whole theory is based on that pull. Have you really ever conducted any real experiment?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 29, 2008, 03:50:48 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 29, 2008, 02:04:24 AM

Good. At least I educated you in some thing. So let me summerize! Pendulum08.jpg was wrongly drawn.
@ Cris C and Koen:
Thanks guys for those kind words. I always give benefit of doubt to other person. The moment I saw this theory in Lee-Tseung patent application and read the comments of inspectors, I had no doubt in my mind that this is not even close to any serious theory. But I luckily I found Tseung himself here on this forum and decided to take him head on. I am giving him full chance to explain what he wants to explain and then it takes me not more than couple of minutes to point out mistakes. I really want him to understand basic problems in his theory. Lets see. I know it is too hard to give up a theory what you are working on for your lifetime. But sooner he understand the flaws, better it is! :)


Thanks for your efforts indeed. I think Tseung is now 'silenced'! You have shown yourself to be a gentleman in giving him the benefit of the doubt, yet showing him exactly where he was deluding himself and misleading others. It's sad when he spent so much time and effort trying to convince others whilst all along he is not able to discern truth from his own limited understanding.

Unfortunately for Tseung, because he was so very adamant and didn't showed any convincing practical experimentation, he made a fool of himself and now he has to retreat to find time to 'undo' the damages, I supposed. Let's hope this is the last posts of this delusional thread!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on April 29, 2008, 04:00:40 AM
Its been a while, and the comic continues.

Tseung is obviously and sadly deluded.

However I question the intelligence of those who continue to try and debate in a logical way with such a person and his imaginary friends. You may as well be debating with a carrot.

So eat the carrot and you will see much clearer and put a stop to this nonsense.

It won't go away unless one party stops dancing.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 29, 2008, 04:23:49 AM
Quote from: chrisC on April 29, 2008, 03:50:48 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 29, 2008, 02:04:24 AM

Good. At least I educated you in some thing. So let me summerize! Pendulum08.jpg was wrongly drawn.
@ Cris C and Koen:
Thanks guys for those kind words. I always give benefit of doubt to other person. The moment I saw this theory in Lee-Tseung patent application and read the comments of inspectors, I had no doubt in my mind that this is not even close to any serious theory. But I luckily I found Tseung himself here on this forum and decided to take him head on. I am giving him full chance to explain what he wants to explain and then it takes me not more than couple of minutes to point out mistakes. I really want him to understand basic problems in his theory. Lets see. I know it is too hard to give up a theory what you are working on for your lifetime. But sooner he understand the flaws, better it is! :)


Thanks for your efforts indeed. I think Tseung is now 'silenced'! You have shown yourself to be a gentleman in giving him the benefit of the doubt, yet showing him exactly where he was deluding himself and misleading others. It's sad when he spent so much time and effort trying to convince others whilst all along he is not able to discern truth from his own limited understanding.

Unfortunately for Tseung, because he was so very adamant and didn't showed any convincing practical experimentation, he made a fool of himself and now he has to retreat to find time to 'undo' the damages, I supposed. Let's hope this is the last posts of this delusional thread!


Dear friend,
Where is the quesion of intelligence here? I use this forum to take off my mind from daily hectic work and refresh myself for few minutes. I dont spent more than 1 min on any of the posts by him! Just a time pass. Not hungry yet for a carrot. Whenever I am hungry, I am sure I will eat the carrot and put stop from my side.
But the problem is there will be always a new fellow who come across this theory and wants to pinpoint mistakes so this thread will always continue unless he publically announces that his theory is useless!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 29, 2008, 10:08:17 PM
Quote from: Evil Roy Slade on April 29, 2008, 04:00:40 AM
Its been a while, and the comic continues.

Tseung is obviously and sadly deluded.

It won't go away unless one party stops dancing.



Looks like Tseung, Devil, TopGun, Forever aren't showing up for the Party?
Maybe the heat's too much in the kitchen?
I will miss my comedy show.....:(

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 30, 2008, 02:11:31 AM
Quote from: chrisC on April 29, 2008, 10:08:17 PM
Quote from: Evil Roy Slade on April 29, 2008, 04:00:40 AM
Its been a while, and the comic continues.

Tseung is obviously and sadly deluded.

It won't go away unless one party stops dancing.



Looks like Tseung, Devil, TopGun, Forever aren't showing up for the Party?
Maybe the heat's too much in the kitchen?
I will miss my comedy show.....:(


he he he. Looks like they are having International conforence on how to now save life saving of USD1300 and best of all how to conserve dignity :)
Tseung, don't worry! I am not going to take away your Son's money. Chill!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 30, 2008, 02:16:39 AM

Please do not forget the infamous 4-legged stool experiment performed by Lawrence.  This single experiment proved beyond all doubt that the theory is correct.  You can search back (way back) in the topic for it, or I can repost it if need be.  Lawrence showed how free energy can be "lead out" from 2 people turning an inverted 4-legged stool.  If this is not proof, I don't know what is.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 30, 2008, 02:22:50 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 30, 2008, 02:16:39 AM

Please do not forget the infamous 4-legged stool experiment performed by Lawrence.  This single experiment proved beyond all doubt that the theory is correct.  You can search back (way back) in the topic for it, or I can repost it if need be.  Lawrence showed how free energy can be "lead out" from 2 people turning an inverted 4-legged stool.  If this is not proof, I don't know what is.



I sort of remembered that. But I thought that was the Tseung helicopter before he turned them into the Flying saucers? It was such a long time ago..... Longer than the longest Broadway show!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 30, 2008, 02:24:06 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 30, 2008, 02:16:39 AM

Please do not forget the infamous 4-legged stool experiment performed by Lawrence.  This single experiment proved beyond all doubt that the theory is correct.  You can search back (way back) in the topic for it, or I can repost it if need be.  Lawrence showed how free energy can be "lead out" from 2 people turning an inverted 4-legged stool.  If this is not proof, I don't know what is.


Sombody led out energy from me! I can not go back all the way so please be nice and post it here! May be the experiment is true, I will ask two people to rotate the stool I am sitting on so some energy is led out in me! :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 30, 2008, 02:48:34 AM
http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=2794.0;attach=16400 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=2794.0;attach=16400)

OK.  Here is the ill-fated experiment.  No wonder he will not use a drill.  I don't blame him.  I remember watching this on the news last year.  The amount of power there is unreal.  This video is not recommended for children. Watch at your own risk.  It is very graphic in nature, but the story has to be told to the newcomers.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 30, 2008, 03:16:30 AM
Ha ha ha!!!! That was awesome! How did I miss such a world changing experiment?  ;D ;D ;D Huge huge energy from four legged stool  ::) Thanx pirate for sending me the most amazing video!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 30, 2008, 05:59:27 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 29, 2008, 02:04:24 AM

Good. At least I educated you in some thing. So let me summarize! Pendulum08.jpg was wrongly drawn. Pendulum14.jpg and pendulum21.jpg clearly showed "mechanism" for vertical lift.

Dear Kul_ash,

Since you mention Pendulum21.jpg (in reply 2324), I shall use it for our discussion here.

I shall try not to draw any more new diagrams from now on.  So you have to refer back to reply 2324 for details.

I would like to emphasize that the initial position of the pulley and the 10 unit weight is deliberately placed below the horizontal.  Thus the pull from the 10 unit weight has no upward vertical component while it is in this below horizontal position.

The final raise of the 10 unit weight is (dH+dY).  This is the vertical upward work done.  Since the displacement is (dH+dY) vertical, and the force to lift the 10 unit weight is also vertical, the work done is 10*(dH+dY).  We can compare this with the increase in potential energy of the bob Mg*dH = 60*dH.  These two terms are different.  Their difference = 60*dH - 10*(dH+dY) = 50*dH ? 10+dY.

The value dY can be made very small as any value below the horizontal will satisfy the above scenario. 

Since the externally applied 10 unit force cannot provide this work or energy difference, we must look at other contributors.  The only other possible choice is the tension of the string.  Thus this particular ?non-ideal Lee-Tseung pull? also shows that gravity provides the additional energy via the tension of the string.

Is that clear???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 30, 2008, 07:39:29 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 30, 2008, 05:59:27 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 29, 2008, 02:04:24 AM

Good. At least I educated you in some thing. So let me summarize! Pendulum08.jpg was wrongly drawn. Pendulum14.jpg and pendulum21.jpg clearly showed "mechanism" for vertical lift.

Dear Kul_ash,

Since you mention Pendulum21.jpg (in reply 2324), I shall use it for our discussion here.

I shall try not to draw any more new diagrams from now on.  So you have to refer back to reply 2324 for details.

I would like to emphasize that the initial position of the pulley and the 10 unit weight is deliberately placed below the horizontal.  Thus the pull from the 10 unit weight has no upward vertical component while it is in this below horizontal position.

The final raise of the 10 unit weight is (dH+dY).  This is the vertical upward work done.  Since the displacement is (dH+dY) vertical, and the force to lift the 10 unit weight is also vertical, the work done is 10*(dH+dY).  We can compare this with the increase in potential energy of the bob Mg*dH = 60*dH.  These two terms are different.  Their difference = 60*dH - 10*(dH+dY) = 50*dH ? 10+dY.

The value dY can be made very small as any value below the horizontal will satisfy the above scenario. 

Since the externally applied 10 unit force cannot provide this work or energy difference, we must look at other contributors.  The only other possible choice is the tension of the string.  Thus this particular ?non-ideal Lee-Tseung pull? also shows that gravity provides the additional energy via the tension of the string.

Is that clear???

*****I would like to emphasize that the initial position of the pulley and the 10 unit weight is deliberately placed below the horizontal.  Thus the pull from the 10 unit weight has no upward vertical component while it is in this below horizontal position.*******

ha ha ha. Are you now kidding me? That is exactly why I drew that fig showing torque direction. If two forces are on opposite side of pulley and if the direction of pull is same, no matter where you pull it from, above or below horizontal, your other side is going to move in exactly opposite direction.
In other words, if you are pulling your external load down from either above the horizontal line or below it, your bob side is always going to go up. Please refer to my diagram in related post for better understanding.
And if you seriously do not understand it, please open any mechanics book and read about inclined pulley, torque, direction of torque etc.

Literally, ask any kid who has done primary mechanics and he will tell you that you are clearly lifting it with a pulley. Try it yourself. If your direction of pull is downwards, no matter below or above horizontal, direction of equal and opposite work is always going to be upwards.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 30, 2008, 07:47:58 AM

And I know what are your trying to do. You are trying to "lead me around" now!  :D
I showed problems in pendulum14 and pendulum21, you shifted to pendulum08.jpg. I showed you problems with pendulum08 , you just informed me that you changed it and tried to get me in to slide 4, the final displacement slide. Now I reprodcued your changes in new pendulum08.jpg and showed basic problems, you now shifted back to pendulum21.jpg. I already answered you and your are trying to round and round.
I am well versed in these games  ;) What happened to problems with new pendulum08.jpg?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on April 30, 2008, 08:34:36 AM
@Kul_ash: yep, that's what he tries to do. He tries to divert your attention to other
drawings he made, hoping that you'll forget how wrong he was in the other drawings.
He also tries to make the discussion so confusing and mixed up you loose sight
of the original point you were making. Both standard Tseung tactics for scaring
off people who see how silly his idea is.

You can again clearly see "Top Gun" is the same person as "Tseung" because
nobody else in this forum and thread uses the forum message number to refer to
a previous post. All other people choose to simply quote or restate the point they
are trying to make. Not "Tseung", he insists you go back half a thread and read
the posts he names by number, clearly hoping to discourage you from replying
after you've read through tons of his crap.

Perhaps he will finally shut up after realising he can't convince us of his lies...
But it is equally likely he is paid by the Chinese govt to spread disinformation
and distract the westerners from developing true OU devices... ;) He does seem
to have an illogical fascination with secret services (and "the likes" ;))...
... aha! Now we've found you out, "mr. Tseung"... or should I say... doctor No!! ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 30, 2008, 09:02:04 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 30, 2008, 07:47:58 AM

And I know what are your trying to do. You are trying to "lead me around" now!  :D
I showed problems in pendulum14 and pendulum21, you shifted to pendulum08.jpg. I showed you problems with pendulum08 , you just informed me that you changed it and tried to get me in to slide 4, the final displacement slide. Now I reprodcued your changes in new pendulum08.jpg and showed basic problems, you now shifted back to pendulum21.jpg. I already answered you and your are trying to round and round.
I am well versed in these games  ;) What happened to problems with new pendulum08.jpg?

There is no problem with the new pendulum08.jpg.  There is the rising of the horizontal force.  That is the reason I introduced the magnet pendulum to provide a uniform force field in pendulum19.jpg. 

I introduced Pendulum21.jpg to show that the external force F can be applied at an angle below the horizontal.  That cannot contribute to the upward work done.

You are using the torque argument again.  I already show you that at the equilibrium conditions, the net force in both the vertical and horizontal directions is zero.  There is no torque.

I now know that you get more confused with more figures.  So I am sticking with Slide 3 and Slide 4 which cannot be wrong.

If you are confused with my additional explanation slides, forget about them totally.  Focus back on the original presentation slides.

Slide 3, 4, 5 and 6 cannot be wrong.  If you can find any error in any statement, term or equation, please raise tham again.  I promise not to produce any more explanation slides.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 30, 2008, 09:38:34 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 30, 2008, 09:02:04 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 30, 2008, 07:47:58 AM

And I know what are your trying to do. You are trying to "lead me around" now!  :D
I showed problems in pendulum14 and pendulum21, you shifted to pendulum08.jpg. I showed you problems with pendulum08 , you just informed me that you changed it and tried to get me in to slide 4, the final displacement slide. Now I reprodcued your changes in new pendulum08.jpg and showed basic problems, you now shifted back to pendulum21.jpg. I already answered you and your are trying to round and round.
I am well versed in these games  ;) What happened to problems with new pendulum08.jpg?

There is no problem with the new pendulum08.jpg.  There is the rising of the horizontal force.  That is the reason I introduced the magnet pendulum to provide a uniform force field in pendulum19.jpg. 

I introduced Pendulum21.jpg to show that the external force F can be applied at an angle below the horizontal.  That cannot contribute to the upward work done.

You are using the torque argument again.  I already show you that at the equilibrium conditions, the net force in both the vertical and horizontal directions is zero.  There is no torque.

I now know that you get more confused with more figures.  So I am sticking with Slide 3 and Slide 4 which cannot be wrong.

If you are confused with my additional explanation slides, forget about them totally.  Focus back on the original presentation slides.

Slide 3, 4, 5 and 6 cannot be wrong.  If you can find any error in any statement, term or equation, please raise tham again.  I promise not to produce any more explanation slides.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha. So now after all your failed attempts, you are back to your root aregument that Slide 3 is not wrong. So you want me to start over again. Nice! Very nice!! I showed you mistakes in slide 3, you tried to convince me and yourself with so many posts and figures, failed at it, so now you are pushing me to start it again, so I show you mistakes again, you will know you have failed again then you will say agian, forget all that, slide 3 can not be wrong!
Kids fight like that my friend. Its showing me that you are yet not any better than them. You want me to give up one day like the story I told you about monkey and donkey, so that your ego is satisfied. lol.

I will just write once more even before starting any argument:

Show me the exact working pull that you used in your million experiments!!!! If  you can show me that, I will accept your theory! Forget about slides. Tell me how exactly you pulled the pendulum in your experiments. Lets start from there!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 30, 2008, 11:44:27 AM
@ Koen1:

Dr. No is good.  I think a more fitting description would be.....


Ha ha.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 30, 2008, 02:20:06 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 30, 2008, 09:02:04 AM

There is no problem with the new pendulum08.jpg.  ....
So I am sticking with Slide 3 and Slide 4 which cannot be wrong.
Slide 3, 4, 5 and 6 cannot be wrong.  If you can find any error in any statement, term or equation, please raise tham again.  I promise not to produce any more explanation slides.

OK, here goes that 'looping' effect again!
Instead of writing any more words, I am going to compose a song (to a familar tune) in honor of Tseung.
I need to find some time to do this.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 30, 2008, 06:53:34 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 30, 2008, 09:38:34 AM
Show me the exact working pull that you used in your million experiments!!!! If  you can show me that, I will accept your theory! Forget about slides. Tell me how exactly you pulled the pendulum in your experiments. Lets start from there!

Dear Kul_ash,

Thank you for leading the discussion back to science again.  The million-time experiment is the ?experiment demonstrating the parallelogram of forces? in Physics.  I did not keep my secondary school records so I got the laboratory report book from my 15-year-old niece.

Part 1: The experiment as performed in the school of my niece.

The experiment uses three spring scales, a board where one can press nails in, a piece of paper and pencil, pieces of string and nails.  The experimental steps are as follows:
(1)   Place the board horizontally.
(2)   Tie a piece of short string to a piece of longer string so as to produce a knot
(3)   Tie the three ends of (2) to the three spring scales
(4)   Stretch the springs and press three nails to the end rings of the scales to hold their positions
(5)   Take the reading of the scales
(6)   Place the paper underneath the knot and trace the angles
(7)   Compare the experimental results with the calculation from the use of parallelogram of forces.

(Second part to follow.)

@All, I believe all schools do similar physics experiments to illustrate the parallelogram of forces.  This is the basic million-time experiment.

Are there any questions or comments???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 30, 2008, 09:24:29 PM
Wait!  Top Gun has a 15 year old niece too?  So does Lawrence!!!!  I think Lawrence just screwed up and posted that statement thinking he was posting as Lawrence not Top Gun.

"Having too many online personas will "Lead Out" a revealing mistake like this one."

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 30, 2008, 09:54:02 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 30, 2008, 09:24:29 PM
Wait!  Top Gun has a 15 year old niece too?  So does Lawrence!!!!  I think Lawrence just screwed up and posted that statement thinking he was posting as Lawrence not Top Gun.

"Having too many online personas will "Lead Out" a revealing mistake like this one."


Oops! you're right Bill. Tseung should not share medication with Top Gun. Otherwise they'll turn into the same person! Hahahhahaha! Shows you how idiotic people become when they switch persona.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on May 01, 2008, 07:13:26 AM
:D hahaha
no Chris, the medication is intended to make Top Gun disappear and
leave mr Tseung with only one personality like a normal and sane person.
He needs to increase his dosage, I think. Clearly his schitzoid persona is still there. ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 01, 2008, 01:47:09 PM
Part 2 ? Modifying the parallelogram of forces experiment

It looks like that there is no dispute on the standard experiment related to the parallelogram of forces done in almost all physics courses.

The modification to the case of the pendulum (Slide 3) or Pendulum08 is as follows:
(1)   Replace one of the spring scales with the pendulum bob.
(2)   Place the board in the vertical direction
(3)   Adjust one of the spring scales until the final pull direction is horizontal
(4)   Take the readings on the scales, weight the pendulum bob
(5)   Draw the direction and angles of the three forces at the knot
(6)   Compare the experimental result with the theoretical calculations.

(more to follow)

I hope this modification is also obvious to the non-physicists in this forum.  Any questions or comments???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on May 01, 2008, 02:21:04 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 01, 2008, 01:47:09 PM
Part 2 ? Modifying the parallelogram of forces experiment

It looks like that there is no dispute on the standard experiment related to the parallelogram of forces done in almost all physics courses.

The modification to the case of the pendulum (Slide 3) or Pendulum08 is as follows:
(1)   Replace one of the spring scales with the pendulum bob.
(2)   Place the board in the vertical direction
(3)   Adjust one of the spring scales until the final pull direction is horizontal
(4)   Take the readings on the scales, weight the pendulum bob
(5)   Draw the direction and angles of the three forces at the knot
(6)   Compare the experimental result with the theoretical calculations.

(more to follow)

I hope this modification is also obvious to the non-physicists in this forum.  Any questions or comments???

Who cares about any of this?  Cut to the chase and show us a Lee-Tseung pull in action.  Make a video.  You keep talking and talking about this magical Lee-Tseung Pull.  Enough talk.  Show us energy being lead out.  Why can't you do this very simple thing?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 01, 2008, 07:01:52 PM
Part 3 - Experiencing the first Lee-Tseung Pull

The first Lee-Tseung Pull experiments are as follows:
(1) Perform the modified parallelogram of forces experiment explained in Part 2.  Make the end position, force directions and angles.
(2) Try different directions of pull of the horizontal force in Part 2.  Satisfy the statement that different directions of the force can still move the bob from Position A to Position B.  The final position can be adjusted to that of Position B as marked in (1).
(3) In particular, try the case of keeping the tension of the string (vertical scale) zero until the final position.  This can be achieved by a vertical pull first.
(4)Try to keep the horizontal force as horizontal as possible. 
(5) Try to pull with the direction inclined to below horizontal as in Pendulum21 until the end. 
(6) Satisfy yourself that during the pull, the scale showing tension of the string can be higher than that of the weight in many situations.

The purpose of this part of the experiment is to confirm the theory that the same end result can be achieve with different force functions and/or different paths.

(more to follow)

Can any of you do this part of the experiment???  Ask your 15 year old son, daughter, niece, nephew or friend to help you if needed.

Many of you ask for an absolute confirmation of the Lee-Tseung theory.  This single experiment modified from the standard parallelogram of forces experiment is an extremely important first step.  It cannot be wrong.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 02, 2008, 07:21:42 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 30, 2008, 06:53:34 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 30, 2008, 09:38:34 AM
Show me the exact working pull that you used in your million experiments!!!! If  you can show me that, I will accept your theory! Forget about slides. Tell me how exactly you pulled the pendulum in your experiments. Lets start from there!

Dear Kul_ash,

Thank you for leading the discussion back to science again.  The million-time experiment is the ?experiment demonstrating the parallelogram of forces? in Physics.  I did not keep my secondary school records so I got the laboratory report book from my 15-year-old niece.

Part 1: The experiment as performed in the school of my niece.

The experiment uses three spring scales, a board where one can press nails in, a piece of paper and pencil, pieces of string and nails.  The experimental steps are as follows:
(1)   Place the board horizontally.
(2)   Tie a piece of short string to a piece of longer string so as to produce a knot
(3)   Tie the three ends of (2) to the three spring scales
(4)   Stretch the springs and press three nails to the end rings of the scales to hold their positions
(5)   Take the reading of the scales
(6)   Place the paper underneath the knot and trace the angles
(7)   Compare the experimental results with the calculation from the use of parallelogram of forces.

(Second part to follow.)

@All, I believe all schools do similar physics experiments to illustrate the parallelogram of forces.  This is the basic million-time experiment.

Are there any questions or comments???

So in other wods, you never really ever pulled the pendulum, correct?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 02, 2008, 12:36:03 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 02, 2008, 07:21:42 AM

So in other words, you never really ever pulled the pendulum, correct?

Dear Kul_ash,

I do not really regard the above as an intelligent question.  Almost any one has pull or pushed a swing.  Any one can hang an object at the end of a string to produce a simple pendulum.  Pulling this object is equivalent to pulling a pendulum.

Is it possible that I have never done such a simple act???

Slide 3, 4, 5 and 6 cannot be wrong.  They can be verified by the modified parallelogram of forces experiments that have been done millions of times all over the World.  You may argue that there are many ways to move the bob from Position A to Position B.  The Lee-Tseung Pull is only one of the many ways.  However, if it is mathematically and physics-wise possible, then gravitational energy can be lead out.

Please stick to the physics and mathematics in your intelligent questions or comments. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 02, 2008, 12:45:43 PM
@ TopGun:

Please stick to physics and mathematics?  Yes, very good idea.  You first.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 02, 2008, 12:45:48 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on May 01, 2008, 02:21:04 PM

Who cares about any of this?  Cut to the chase and show us a Lee-Tseung pull in action.  Make a video.  You keep talking and talking about this magical Lee-Tseung Pull.  Enough talk.  Show us energy being lead out.  Why can't you do this very simple thing?


Obviously Mr. Tseung has to try impress the crowd with his muddled Physics, Integral Calculus and Looping efefcts because if he did the simplest push/pull of a simple pendulum, he would have known what any 15 year old student have known since the middle ages - there is NO LEAD OUT Energy!

I feel so sad for a 60+ guy who just don't know when to quit even when the truth stares right into his face!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 02, 2008, 06:53:22 PM
Let me summarize my experience in teaching on the Internet so far.

(1)   It is very different from a classroom or a conference environment.  There can be hostile people who intend to disrupt the process.  They can hide behind a username and hurl insults.  One must be well controlled to ignore and even tolerate such insults.

(2)   The good thing about Internet Forums is:  One can take time to answer questions.  Delay of a few days is acceptable.

(3)   One must be very careful in the posts.  That includes choice of words, diagrams, mathematics etc.  The slightest mistake can be magnified.  People can deliberately play dumb to lead the presenter around in circles.

(4)   The best strategy is to focus on the teaching. Use well prepared and tried matrial.  Avoid spurt of the moment explanations.  Trying to answer every question will lead to confusion.

(5)   The Forum members may not have the required background to understand the information.  Many are casual readers who do not really care about the information.  A ten percent acceptance rate is more than good enough.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 03, 2008, 02:45:00 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 02, 2008, 12:36:03 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 02, 2008, 07:21:42 AM

So in other words, you never really ever pulled the pendulum, correct?

Dear Kul_ash,

I do not really regard the above as an intelligent question.  Almost any one has pull or pushed a swing.  Any one can hang an object at the end of a string to produce a simple pendulum.  Pulling this object is equivalent to pulling a pendulum.

Is it possible that I have never done such a simple act???

Slide 3, 4, 5 and 6 cannot be wrong.  They can be verified by the modified parallelogram of forces experiments that have been done millions of times all over the World.  You may argue that there are many ways to move the bob from Position A to Position B.  The Lee-Tseung Pull is only one of the many ways.  However, if it is mathematically and physics-wise possible, then gravitational energy can be lead out.

Please stick to the physics and mathematics in your intelligent questions or comments. 

Lol. For you this may not be intelligent question but for me it is. That is because your whole theory rotates about that perticular "Lee _Tseung" pull!!! I just wanted to know if you have ever given such pull. So basically I know now that you are just playing around theory without ever really trying to produce lead out energy. Good! It shows me that you are not at all sure about how to pull this pendulum so that you give a perfect horizontal force. Your all calculations depend upon that final position in slide no.3. I asked you this question because it is clear to me now that you are never going to achieve that position ever because unless and until you are going to give it a mechanism to lift upwards, the bob is never going to go up.

Any way now let me come to physics and mathematics in your "theory"!
Slide no. 3: I told you many times that I am not interested in what is the final position, I am interested to know how you come to your conclusion in slide no.5 that vertical work is done by gravity and horizontal work is done by external supplied work.
Unless and untill you show me how the perfect horizontal force was given to your bob, I will not accept that conclusion because it is totally baseless to conclude something based on final position. So far in your so many diagrams, you failed to show us that gravity is doing work. So far in all your diagrams, it was clearely seen that external mechanism was provided to bob so that it moves up.
Your final position may have a horizontal force but it does not speak about what happened before. It can be clearly seen that it is not possible to give a constant point force which is truely horizontal and doing only horizontal work. No current physics or mathematics talk about this.
So my question which was not intelligen according to you was to find out if you have really found out a way to beat existing physics and mathematics.
I made it very clear all the time, that I am not interested in your final position, I am interested to know how that bob went up? Was it so called lead out gravity or was it just a simple external force? You are trying to extract work from gravity defying all physics laws so it is your responsibility to show how it  happened. Your conclusions are not based on final position. Your conslusions are based on work done by different forces in motion. So one has to know exactly how that force was given.
How difficult it is to understand this? Tell me how exactly did you pull the pendulum with perfect horizontal force. If you can not prove that then your total theory is baseless and wrong in all respect!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 03, 2008, 03:05:48 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 01, 2008, 07:01:52 PM
Part 3 - Experiencing the first Lee-Tseung Pull

The first Lee-Tseung Pull experiments are as follows:
(1) Perform the modified parallelogram of forces experiment explained in Part 2.  Make the end position, force directions and angles.
(2) Try different directions of pull of the horizontal force in Part 2.  Satisfy the statement that different directions of the force can still move the bob from Position A to Position B.  The final position can be adjusted to that of Position B as marked in (1).
(3) In particular, try the case of keeping the tension of the string (vertical scale) zero until the final position.  This can be achieved by a vertical pull first.
(4)Try to keep the horizontal force as horizontal as possible. 
(5) Try to pull with the direction inclined to below horizontal as in Pendulum21 until the end. 
(6) Satisfy yourself that during the pull, the scale showing tension of the string can be higher than that of the weight in many situations.

The purpose of this part of the experiment is to confirm the theory that the same end result can be achieve with different force functions and/or different paths.

(more to follow)

Can any of you do this part of the experiment???  Ask your 15 year old son, daughter, niece, nephew or friend to help you if needed.

Many of you ask for an absolute confirmation of the Lee-Tseung theory.  This single experiment modified from the standard parallelogram of forces experiment is an extremely important first step.  It cannot be wrong.

Lol. Is that the way to get tseung pull?

(3) In particular, try the case of keeping the tension of the string (vertical scale) zero until the final position.  This can be achieved by a vertical pull first.
:------------> Here your vertical force did the work of lifting pendulum

(4)Try to keep the horizontal force as horizontal as possible. 
:------------>That means it is not possible to keep a force perfectly horizontal.

(5) Try to pull with the direction inclined to below horizontal as in Pendulum21 until the end.
:------------> Here the inclined pulley did the vertical movement of pendulum

The purpose of this part of the experiment is to confirm the theory that the same end result can be achieve with different force functions and/or different paths.
:------------>Exactly! None of the above proves that gravity was lead out!! Isn't that enough to prove your theory wrong? You yourself suggested to do it by 3 diffent ways. None of the above said that horizontal force did horizontal work only and that is your main assumption. Your experiments proved that you can not give perfect horizontal force at all. You contradicted yourself!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 03, 2008, 03:07:36 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 01, 2008, 07:01:52 PM
Part 3 - Experiencing the first Lee-Tseung Pull

The first Lee-Tseung Pull experiments are as follows:
(1) Perform the modified parallelogram of forces experiment explained in Part 2.  Make the end position, force directions and angles.
(2) Try different directions of pull of the horizontal force in Part 2.  Satisfy the statement that different directions of the force can still move the bob from Position A to Position B.  The final position can be adjusted to that of Position B as marked in (1).
(3) In particular, try the case of keeping the tension of the string (vertical scale) zero until the final position.  This can be achieved by a vertical pull first.
(4)Try to keep the horizontal force as horizontal as possible. 
(5) Try to pull with the direction inclined to below horizontal as in Pendulum21 until the end. 
(6) Satisfy yourself that during the pull, the scale showing tension of the string can be higher than that of the weight in many situations.

The purpose of this part of the experiment is to confirm the theory that the same end result can be achieve with different force functions and/or different paths.

(more to follow)

Can any of you do this part of the experiment???  Ask your 15 year old son, daughter, niece, nephew or friend to help you if needed.

Many of you ask for an absolute confirmation of the Lee-Tseung theory.  This single experiment modified from the standard parallelogram of forces experiment is an extremely important first step.  It cannot be wrong.

Lol. Is that the way to get tseung pull?

(3) In particular, try the case of keeping the tension of the string (vertical scale) zero until the final position.  This can be achieved by a vertical pull first.
:------------> Here your vertical force did the work of lifting pendulum

(4)Try to keep the horizontal force as horizontal as possible. 
:------------>That means it is not possible to keep a force perfectly horizontal.

(5) Try to pull with the direction inclined to below horizontal as in Pendulum21 until the end.
:------------> Here the inclined pulley did the vertical movement of pendulum

The purpose of this part of the experiment is to confirm the theory that the same end result can be achieve with different force functions and/or different paths.
:------------>Exactly! None of the above proves that gravity was lead out!! Isn't that enough to prove your theory wrong? You yourself suggested to do it by 3 diffent ways. None of the above said that horizontal force did horizontal work only and that is your main assumption. Your experiments proved that you can not give perfect horizontal force at all. You contradicted yourself!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 03, 2008, 03:22:51 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 03, 2008, 03:07:36 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 01, 2008, 07:01:52 PM

(5) Try to pull with the direction inclined to below horizontal as in Pendulum21 until the end. 

The purpose of this part of the experiment is to confirm the theory that the same end result can be achieve with different force functions and/or different paths.

(more to follow)


None of the above said that horizontal force did horizontal work only and that is your main assumption. Your experiments proved that you can not give perfect horizontal force at all. You contradicted yourself!

Dear Kul_ash,

Experiment in (5) is very specific in not having a vertical upward component.
It is a very conclusive proof.  Please think carefully before your next post.

We do not want to go round in circles.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 03, 2008, 03:40:50 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 03, 2008, 03:22:51 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 03, 2008, 03:07:36 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 01, 2008, 07:01:52 PM

(5) Try to pull with the direction inclined to below horizontal as in Pendulum21 until the end. 

The purpose of this part of the experiment is to confirm the theory that the same end result can be achieve with different force functions and/or different paths.

(more to follow)


None of the above said that horizontal force did horizontal work only and that is your main assumption. Your experiments proved that you can not give perfect horizontal force at all. You contradicted yourself!

Dear Kul_ash,

Experiment in (5) is very specific in not having a vertical upward component.
It is a very conclusive proof.  Please think carefully before your next post.

We do not want to go round in circles.

ha ha ha! Is that your understanding of real physics?  :D Please ask your 15 year old niece to explain it to you. I tried by showing figures and explaining the theory behind working of pulley! "You"  should think carefully before your next post!
It will not matter from where you are pulling the bob either from above the horizontal line or below it, the bob "WILL MOVE UP". At least try this simple experiment before posting here again! All the best  ;)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on May 03, 2008, 04:21:40 AM
The presentation file(new energy V8) has now been presented to the committee member of the Energy Institute Of Hong Kong. We emphasis on slide 3 and spend some time on the experiments related to the parallelogram of forces.

The participates found it very easy. The main comment is that the theory can be understood by almost any student who passed O- level Physics. Both the Chinese and the English Version were shown.

We then discuss  the difficulties faced by some forum members. One reaction was ? Those people must have been sleeping in their Physics classes.?  :P :P :P :P :P
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 03, 2008, 04:24:16 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 03, 2008, 03:40:50 AM

ha ha ha! Is that your understanding of real physics?  :D Please ask your 15 year old niece to explain it to you. I tried by showing figures and explaining the theory behind working of pulley! "You"  should think carefully before your next post!
It will not matter from where you are pulling the bob either from above the horizontal line or below it, the bob "WILL MOVE UP". At least try this simple experiment before posting here again! All the best  ;)


Hahaha! The gentleman is saying you're going round in circles! This guy is borderline STUPID and does not seemed to understand 'O' Level Physics. I bet he'll get his 15 year niece to help out his uncle!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 03, 2008, 04:30:45 AM
Quote from: Forever on May 03, 2008, 04:21:40 AM
The presentation file(new energy V8) has now been presented to the committee member of the Energy Institute Of Hong Kong. We emphasis on slide 3 and spend some time on the experiments related to the parallelogram of forces.

The participates found it very easy. The main comment is that the theory can be understood by almost any student who passed O- level Physics. Both the Chinese and the English Version were shown.

We then discuss  the difficulties faced by some forum members. One reaction was ? Those people must have been sleeping in their Physics classes.?  :P :P :P :P :P

Old Tseung:

Signing out as Tseung888, signing in as Forever? Have you ever asked yourself why you do stupid things like this?
You're 60 + years OLD! Did you miss childhood years? Is that why you pretend to be 15? My goodness. Maybe I should send Daniel Tseung a reference to this Forum.

I think he might take away your monthly allowance!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 03, 2008, 04:34:04 AM
Quote from: Forever on May 03, 2008, 04:21:40 AM
The presentation file(new energy V8) has now been presented to the committee member of the Energy Institute Of Hong Kong. We emphasis on slide 3 and spend some time on the experiments related to the parallelogram of forces.

The participates found it very easy. The main comment is that the theory can be understood by almost any student who passed O- level Physics. Both the Chinese and the English Version were shown.

We then discuss  the difficulties faced by some forum members. One reaction was ? Those people must have been sleeping in their Physics classes.?  :P :P :P :P :P

Lol. "We presented here!" "we proved it to every one". "we had a reporter who understood it easily". "therory can not be wrong". "Every one understand o level physics". bla bla bla.
Now we are really feeling sleepy!  ;)
Its always "You" saying something (and you keep repeating it again and again thinking we will believe it)
We do not even need to pass physics class to consider your theory as a crap!
I think try to learn normal physics first. May be you are too old but better late than never!  ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on May 03, 2008, 08:57:31 AM
We then discuss  the difficulties faced by some forum members. One reaction was ? Those people must have been sleeping in their Physics classes.?

Not so subtle is he? Forever hahahahaha
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 04, 2008, 05:19:24 PM
Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for taking many bullets and cannon balls.  Your good intention of educating every forum member is appreciated.  Please continue to help them in whatever way you deemed suitable.

As in your analogy, I feel like the person holding a winning lottery ticket.  The numbers have been announced.  It is just a matter of collecting the money.  My posts are like ? announcing to the World that I have won.  I am reproducing your general diagram in reply 2273 here.

This general diagram pendulum17.jpg is applicable to almost all the inventions discussed in this forum.  It has been vigorously proven by the modified parallelogram of forces experiment ? both theoretically and experimentally.  The many Over Unity Inventors can use this general diagram to explain the source of energy of their inventions.

Keep up the good work.  Scientific truth will win in the end. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 04, 2008, 05:24:22 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 04, 2008, 05:19:24 PM
Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for taking many bullets and cannon balls.  Your good intention of educating every forum member is appreciated.  Please continue to help them in whatever way you deemed suitable.

As in your analogy, I feel like the person holding a winning lottery ticket.  The numbers have been announced.  It is just a matter of collecting the money.  My posts are like ? announcing to the World that I have won.  I am reproducing your general diagram in reply 2273 here.

This general diagram pendulum17.jpg is applicable to almost all the inventions discussed in this forum.  It has been vigorously proven by the modified parallelogram of forces experiment ? both theoretically and experimentally.  The many Over Unity Inventors can use this general diagram to explain the source of energy of their inventions.

Keep up the good work.  Scientific truth will win in the end. 

Any IDIOT can reproduce a generic diagram like this! When they asks you for proofs, is this all you can come out with?

You are the laughing stock of this forum. Seriously....
Are you Chinese? I think Chinese people have this issue with 'face saving' more than most other races. You don't seemed to have any, otherwise you won't be continually making a fool of yourself!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ledelectronics on May 04, 2008, 07:25:44 PM

You are good in physics, could you look this message and give your comments, thanks!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 04, 2008, 07:47:49 PM
Quote from: ledelectronics on May 04, 2008, 07:25:44 PM

You are good in physics, could you look this message and give your comments, thanks!


Dear ledelectronics,

Thank you for bringing Milkovic pendulum back into the discussion.

Here is the extract:


e-mail: nebsimin@EUnet.yu

This study explains the effect of creating the free energy in the device made of: a) oscillating pendulum-lever system, b) system for initiating and maintaining the oscillation of the pendulum, and c) system which uses the energy of the device by damping the oscillation of the lever.

Serbian inventor Veljko Milkovic (www.veljkomilkovic.com) has invented, patented and developed series of such machines based on two-stage oscillator for producing energy. The operation of the machine is based on forced oscillation of the pendulum, since the axis of the pendulum affects one of the arms of the two-armed lever by a force which varies periodically. Part of the total oscillation energy of the pendulum-lever system is changed into work for operating a pump, a press, rotor of an electric generator or some other user system. The creation of free energy was proved by a great number of physical models.

The effect of creating the free energy is defined in this study as the difference between the energy which is the machine transfers to the user system by the lever and the energy which is input from the environment in order to maintain the oscillation of the pendulum. Appearance of the free
energy is not in accordance with the energy conservation law. The effect of creating the free energy results from the difference between the work of the orbital damping forces of the lever and the work of the radial damping force of the pendulum motion. This effect enables increase of the input energy. The coefficient of efficiency of the machine can be more than one.

Now Milkovic can point to pendulum17.jpg and relax.  There is no need for him to explain the source of energy again.  It is the Lead Out gravitational energy.

I can wait for scientific confirmation of his claim and wave my Lee-Tseung theory.  There will be at least another 299 confirmations coming.  Who cares about insults???

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 04, 2008, 08:50:09 PM
@ Lawrence:

"Who cares about insults?"

Evidently you don't and I have to give you credit for that. You may easily be a better man than I.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 04, 2008, 09:53:45 PM
Quote from: ledelectronics on May 04, 2008, 07:25:44 PM

You are good in physics, could you look this message and give your comments, thanks!


ledelectronics? Another one of Lawrence's new persona? Hahaha. Someone suddenly interested in the Milkovic  pendulum? Idiots will always be idiots....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on May 04, 2008, 10:16:11 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 04, 2008, 07:47:49 PM
I can wait for scientific confirmation of his claim and wave my Lee-Tseung theory. 

You are going to have to wait a really long time, so keep that theory in your pocket for now.  There is no energy gain.  The person reviewing Milkovic's design conveniently forgot to account for the counterweight in calculating the change in potential energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 05, 2008, 02:04:18 AM
G'day all,

If there is anything predictable about Milkovic it is the crazy way he "measures" his input and output. The fanciful guesses of that idiot Jovan Bebic that he uses as foundation for his "calculations" are laughable. Maybe he should return to the foam rubber tube they used before.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 05, 2008, 02:27:41 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 04, 2008, 05:19:24 PM
Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for taking many bullets and cannon balls.  Your good intention of educating every forum member is appreciated.  Please continue to help them in whatever way you deemed suitable.

As in your analogy, I feel like the person holding a winning lottery ticket.  The numbers have been announced.  It is just a matter of collecting the money.  My posts are like ? announcing to the World that I have won.  I am reproducing your general diagram in reply 2273 here.

This general diagram pendulum17.jpg is applicable to almost all the inventions discussed in this forum.  It has been vigorously proven by the modified parallelogram of forces experiment ? both theoretically and experimentally.  The many Over Unity Inventors can use this general diagram to explain the source of energy of their inventions.

Keep up the good work.  Scientific truth will win in the end. 

You congratulate yourself!  ;D ;D ;D You tell urself you have won the lottery  ;D On basis of some baseless force diagram you claim that you have changed the world! Without ever pulling the pendulum even a single time, you claim it has been proved experimentally!  ;D ;D ;D

You said: My posts are like ? announcing to the World that I have won.

I haven't laughed so much in recent time! I still can not stop laughing. It is the world who should say you have won and not other way around!  ;D
You couldn't even answer me! Top gun avatar had to run away. Now you thank him and claim you have proved everything.
Man, I really pity you! Dillusions often happen to losers! It is how they are alive. They believe that one day they are going to be billioners. They build houses around the world, buy luxury cars, charter planes, yatchts, take most beautiful girls in world to their bed...................................but only in their day dreams!
One day they found themselves in asylum and thats the end of the story for most of them!  ;D
All the best with you lotter ticket!  ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 05, 2008, 02:51:22 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 05, 2008, 02:04:18 AM
G'day all,

If there is anything predictable about Milkovic it is the crazy way he "measures" his input and output. The fanciful guesses of that idiot Jovan Bebic that he uses as foundation for his "calculations" are laughable. Maybe he should return to the foam rubber tube they used before.

Hans von Lieven

G'day Hans. It's so good to see you back on the Forum. Unfortunately, we still have this deluded person with us. It looks like the comedy show will go on after all.

The thing I don't get it is why Lawrence thinks he's discovered this magical Lee-Tseung Push-Pull theory and is so terribly proud and excited about it? Not a single other (other than his alter ego persona) soul has even acknowledged this 'discovery' is special.

Oh, well. It's a mystery what crap resides inside some person's brains! Elementary understanding of some  'O' level Physics suddenly gets equated with Einstein's equations! What a loser!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ledelectronics on May 05, 2008, 03:41:36 AM
Thanks for answers!

chrisC, take it easy! I don't know who is Lawrence. Previous posts were really my first postings here. I'm just curious about those "free energy" things, sometimes lurking here.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 05, 2008, 04:15:35 AM
Quote from: ledelectronics on May 05, 2008, 03:41:36 AM
Thanks for answers!

chrisC, take it easy! I don't know who is Lawrence. Previous posts were really my first postings here. I'm just curious about those "free energy" things, sometimes lurking here.

Its not your fault! Tseung comes everyday with so many aliases, that whoever is newbie and accepting Tseung's theory, 99.9999999999% is Tseung!  :D So dont worry!

Thanx for saying I am good at Physics. But Tseung thinks I do not know any. I am sure Milvoic would think similar also. Any way I will go thru these new experiments and will comment on them,
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on May 05, 2008, 04:59:02 AM
lol well i'm certainly not going to hold my breath until Milkovic or Tseung come flying by in their
overunity antigravity craft machine device setups. ;)

But it is amazing how long he keeps this up.
By now any other person might have figured that what he thinks is a duck because
it has feathers and lays eggs is in fact, as all others that were not his own alter egos
have pointed out, a chicken for the clear reason that it cannot swim and does not say "quack".
But not "Tseung". He insists it is a duck. ;) ;D
Then he points to Milkovic, who also thinks the things in his back yard with feathers and
laying eggs are ducks, while they are in fact geese. And Tseung seems to believe his
duck is a goose. But in reality, it is still a chicken.

@Hans: welcome back to the comedy show! :D

@ledelectronics: I'm sure no harm was intended, Tseung just plays so many alter ego tricks
that people can get confused sometimes. ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 05, 2008, 06:47:15 PM
It would be interesting to dig out what insults Galileo or the Wright brothers received before their theory got accepted.

Opposing Galileo was the Church.  Church relies on faith and not science.

Opposing the Wright brothers were physicists.  What kind of physicists were those?

Opposing the Lee-Tseung theory are some Virtual Forum Members.  Who cares what they are???

Those who do not understand parallelogram of forces; who do not understand vector arithmetic; who cannot resolve force and displacement into vertical and horizontal components or those from the CIA or the like are not worthy challengers to the Lee-Tseung theory.

Information that benefits the World will change the existing power structures.  Insults and opposition from such forces are to be expected.  We must encourage the many OU inventors.  They should look at pendulum17.  That shows the source of their energy.  They can focus on their inventions.  They are right.  The Patent Offices were wrong.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 05, 2008, 07:25:49 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 05, 2008, 06:47:15 PM
It would be interesting to dig out what insults Galileo or the Wright brothers received before their theory got accepted.

Opposing Galileo was the Church.  Church relies on faith and not science.

Opposing the Wright brothers were physicists.  What kind of physicists were those?

Opposing the Lee-Tseung theory are some Virtual Forum Members.  Who cares what they are???

Those who do not understand parallelogram of forces; who do not understand vector arithmetic; who cannot resolve force and displacement into vertical and horizontal components or those from the CIA or the like are not worthy challengers to the Lee-Tseung theory.

Information that benefits the World will change the existing power structures.  Insults and opposition from such forces are to be expected.  We must encourage the many OU inventors.  They should look at pendulum17.  That shows the source of their energy.  They can focus on their inventions.  They are right.  The Patent Offices were wrong.

Old Tseung:

I see you're getting frustrated by these 'virtual' forum members. Rest assured, each one of us actually exists as real people, we are not like your 'postulates' or your flying saucers that continually spins (or loops) inside your head. We don't need medication to relate to the real world.

Galileo actually invented the telescope, despite the fact he had to fight the flawed Catholic Church's long-held astronomical doctrines. But he did invent the telescope to test his theory. Similarly, the Wright brothers did put together an airplane and flew it as proof!

Now, these Forum members did not postulate any earth-shattering theories. That's true. But they are all well versed in at the least,  'O' level physics and can easily follow simple Physics. They even went through your muddled Physics equations and at least Kul-ash showed you where your mistakes(wrong assumptions) were, albeit to alter ego, Top Gun.

As for you, Mr. Tseung, you didn't even put together a pendulum, let alone pushed or pulled one! Oh, yes, we understood you couldn't use a drill! We'll that's why you didn't show us your invention and we can't accept your theories because you have not built anything to prove it! Is that simple enough explanation?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 05, 2008, 09:07:09 PM
@ Lawrence:

You say you are being opposed by people that don't understand.  I think not.  I think you are being opposed by folks that DO understand that your physics and math are flawed.  Instead of attempting to fix that, you keep repeating that we that oppose just do not understand.  Quite the contrary I'm afraid.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 05, 2008, 10:36:15 PM
There are no flaws in the Lee-Tseung theory.

That is why we are launching the HK$10,000 challenge.

I shall let Top Gun have fun answering the "technical" questions from the Forum Members here.

I shall focus on benefiting the World - starting with Hong Kong and China.  At least I know the O level physics they study and understand.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 05, 2008, 11:48:37 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 05, 2008, 10:36:15 PM
There are no flaws in the Lee-Tseung theory.

That is why we are launching the HK$10,000 challenge.

I shall let Top Gun have fun answering the "technical" questions from the Forum Members here.

I shall focus on benefiting the World - starting with Hong Kong and China.  At least I know the O level physics they study and understand.

OK. Mr. Lee didn't speak for himself or couldn't read or write English. Well, that leaves YOU as the ONLY person (and we prefer not to deal with your alter egos, name Top Gun, Devil, Forever   etc) in this entire forum or  the world for that matter that found no flaw in your own postulates!

So, any logical, fair minded and reasonable scientist or engineer can certainly build something simple to test  their theories, can't they? We'll not asking you to build a telescope where you might need a drill? Or an airplane because that certainly needs a drill. A Pendulum, perhaps? No? Pieces of string, ball bearing, some wooden sticks that can be glued together. No drills needed, really.

So, want to take up the simple challenge and build this simple pendulum to show where this magic Lead-Out  crap comes from? We'll give you $10K as your winning prize. How about that?

You can either prove it or just say you're human and made a mistake in your assumptions. That will gather more respect from almost anyone. Instead you pretend there is no issues and dig a deeper hole each time. That's the game fools play because they don't know how to quit!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 06, 2008, 02:19:40 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 05, 2008, 06:47:15 PM
It would be interesting to dig out what insults Galileo or the Wright brothers received before their theory got accepted.

Opposing Galileo was the Church.  Church relies on faith and not science.

Opposing the Wright brothers were physicists.  What kind of physicists were those?

Opposing the Lee-Tseung theory are some Virtual Forum Members.  Who cares what they are???

Those who do not understand parallelogram of forces; who do not understand vector arithmetic; who cannot resolve force and displacement into vertical and horizontal components or those from the CIA or the like are not worthy challengers to the Lee-Tseung theory.

Information that benefits the World will change the existing power structures.  Insults and opposition from such forces are to be expected.  We must encourage the many OU inventors.  They should look at pendulum17.  That shows the source of their energy.  They can focus on their inventions.  They are right.  The Patent Offices were wrong.

One thing I have to agree that you make me and lots others laugh a lot!  ;D You are doing good service in that respect. Laughing is now considered as good for health.  :D
Any way, Galileo was opposed by church not by science! You are opposed by science itself!  ;D
Galileo did actually invent some thing, made a prototype and then claimed something. As far as I remember, you have no clue about how to "pull" that pendulum to arrive at the final position. You never tried it in your whole life. Your theory is so flawed that your pal top_gun had to run away as he couldn't answer any of the questions I raised. He (you!) did such a mess that he had to accept that many drawings were wrong. You don't even seem to understand how pulley works or how magnetism and gravity works.

As I said before, day dreaming is a food for losers to be alive. I don't want to take that away from you. Your son supports you and without even asking him, you put a prize of USD 1300. lol. We know you nither have any such money to give nor any inclination to really give even you have it. So you just seem to keep pushing the only best argument, "I am correct, others are wrong!"  ;D We DO understand parellelogram of forces concept but you DO NOT seem to understand pendulum system or any real physics for that matter.

If you want to defeat science, which Galileo started, I am sorry to say my friend, that is not going to happen. You are just becoming a laughing stock for others.  :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 06, 2008, 01:25:15 PM
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1295968/abbott_and_costello_prove_13x7_28/ (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1295968/abbott_and_costello_prove_13x7_28/)

Above is a link that shows where TopGun learned his mathematics....probably Lawrence too. (Same same)

This video proves beyond all doubt that 7 x 13 = 28.  With math like this, anythnig is possible.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 06, 2008, 07:06:23 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on May 06, 2008, 01:25:15 PM
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1295968/abbott_and_costello_prove_13x7_28/ (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1295968/abbott_and_costello_prove_13x7_28/)

Above is a link that shows where TopGun learned his mathematics....probably Lawrence too. (Same same)

This video proves beyond all doubt that 7 x 13 = 28.  With math like this, anythnig is possible.


Great video Bill! How appropriate. That idiot was also wearing a hat! Any coincidence?
Well, it looks like Lawrence will take his muddled up physics and math to the grave with him when the right thing to do is just to admit he made a mistake after checking it three times over! The fourth may be a charmer?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 07, 2008, 04:33:22 AM
Meeting with a friend who learned the Lee-Tseung theory over 2 years ago.

Friend: ?I have been following the overunity forum.  It looks like that there are many insulting posts.  You have a Top Gun helping you on the technical side.  But he received insults also.?

Tseung: ?I am waiting for any one of the over 300 Over Unity Inventions to be publicly displayed.  The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory is likely to be the explanation for their source of energy.?

Friend: ?In that case, you can use the Buddhism Philosophy of turning insults into praises.?

Tseung: ?I am not that well versed in Buddhism.  Please educate me.?

Friend: ?You can thank those who challenged your theory.  They helped Top Gun and you to understand the difficulties in presenting a Physics Theory to the layman.  You can add a few more slides to your presentation ? such as review of parallelogram of forces, Vector Arithmetic, Decomposition of Forces and Displacements into vertical and horizontal components etc.  You can extract them from the Secondary School Physics textbooks used in Hong Kong.  You can easily demonstrate that you are using standard physics taught in Hong Kong.?

Tseung: ?How about the non-technical insults??

Friend: ?The Buddhism philosophy is to praise them.  They help you to remain humble.  Let us face it; if you were right, you would have already:
(1)   Solved the Global Warming Problem.
(2)   Solved the Energy Crisis of the World.
(3)   Showed the way to Space Travel.
You and Lee will be praised as the greatest Chinese Scientists.  You two will definitely be worthy challengers for the title of ?the greatest scientists in the 21st Century.?

Tseung: ?Buddhism is not bad at all.  I like it.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 07, 2008, 06:03:21 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 07, 2008, 04:33:22 AM
Meeting with a friend who learned the Lee-Tseung theory over 2 years ago.

Friend: ?I have been following the overunity forum.  It looks like that there are many insulting posts.  You have a Top Gun helping you on the technical side.  But he received insults also.?

Tseung: ?I am waiting for any one of the over 300 Over Unity Inventions to be publicly displayed.  The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory is likely to be the explanation for their source of energy.?

Friend: ?In that case, you can use the Buddhism Philosophy of turning insults into praises.?

Tseung: ?I am not that well versed in Buddhism.  Please educate me.?

Friend: ?You can thank those who challenged your theory.  They helped Top Gun and you to understand the difficulties in presenting a Physics Theory to the layman.  You can add a few more slides to your presentation ? such as review of parallelogram of forces, Vector Arithmetic, Decomposition of Forces and Displacements into vertical and horizontal components etc.  You can extract them from the Secondary School Physics textbooks used in Hong Kong.  You can easily demonstrate that you are using standard physics taught in Hong Kong.?

Tseung: ?How about the non-technical insults??

Friend: ?The Buddhism philosophy is to praise them.  They help you to remain humble.  Let us face it; if you were right, you would have already:
(1)   Solved the Global Warming Problem.
(2)   Solved the Energy Crisis of the World.
(3)   Showed the way to Space Travel.
You and Lee will be praised as the greatest Chinese Scientists.  You two will definitely be worthy challengers for the title of ?the greatest scientists in the 21st Century.?

Tseung: ?Buddhism is not bad at all.  I like it.?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Man, you are going to kill me one day if I keep laughing like this!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Now you talk to yourself? ;D ;D Topgun, friend, Tseung in a meeting! I can't imagine  ;D ;D ;D

I guess you really now have a multiple personality disorder! You are so confused in your identities that they now talk to each other  ;D ;D ;D Tooooooooooooo much!

We sure  are laymen in your physics! Because its from outside of this world!

News in all the papers in your world would be "Mr. Tseung generated free energy using law of parellelogram of forces! Mr. Top_Gun helped him concludingly in debating this technology with fools and laymen of the other real world! A "friend" supported him. Miss Forever and Mr Tseung came in a antigravity flying machine to the press conforence. He claimed he has won the biggest lottery. Now he is waiting for 300 other great men to make equipments that will generate so much energy that Mr. Tseung can build a new universe!!! "  ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on May 07, 2008, 07:12:30 AM
Damn Tseung, you don't know much about anything at all, do you?
You're an old Chinese guy living in Hong Kong and visiting China a lot,
and you don't know the first thing about buddhism? that's just weird.

So your plan is now to sit around an wait until someone comes up with
a working version of one of those "300" OU devices, and when they do,
you plan to jump up and start shouting "And I knew how it worked all along,
I just haven't been able to make it stick, but I still am the one who figured it
all out, now give me praises and money and fame and applaud me while
I stick another nice looking feather up my bum!" ??
Yes, I think that's definately going to work. Everyone will immediately agree
you are the one who invented the other guys device.

Perhaps you should not focus so much on whether people give you praise or
insult you, and perhaps you shouldn't succomb to fits of fantasy in which you
fix all the owlrds problems in your overunity ufo, but instead perhaps you should
focus on testing and proving your theory and developing your own OU device
based on your theory, and producing proof that it works.

Now quit praising yourself for things you have not achieved, and quit claiming success
without any proof.
Get back to reality.
Either that, or just smoke a huge lot more opium and chase that flying dragon without
any antigravity ufos whatsoever! ;) ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 07, 2008, 11:52:13 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 07, 2008, 04:33:22 AM
Meeting with a friend who learned the Lee-Tseung theory over 2 years ago.

Friend: ?I have been following the overunity forum.  It looks like that there are many insulting posts.  You have a Top Gun helping you on the technical side.  But he received insults also.?

Tseung: ?I am waiting for any one of the over 300 Over Unity Inventions to be publicly displayed.  The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory is likely to be the explanation for their source of energy.?

Friend: ?In that case, you can use the Buddhism Philosophy of turning insults into praises.?

Tseung: ?I am not that well versed in Buddhism.  Please educate me.?

Tseung: ?Buddhism is not bad at all.  I like it.?

Old Tseung:

Thank you for brightening up my mornings each day, as I read your posts and what others have to say about your muddled physics and math. and how much you praise yourself over your delusional theory. My wife actually agrees the 'success' of your comedy show - it gives me my morning dose of laughter without fail! That much I really wnat to thank you for.

As for using Buddhism as an excuse to distract attention from your (or Top Gun's) lack of engineering truths, I don't believe being 'humble' is the solution. The real solution is to be man-enough and honest to yourself to admit your mistakes, then apologize for mis-leading others and then perhaps enroll in the community college to take a regular physics class where the'll teach you 'O' level paralle-o-gram of forces (properly)!

You can be waiting past your normal life for any one of the supposed 299 other OU inventions to surface. The possibility of that happening is as certain as you flying in your anti-gravity UFO to receive the Nobel prize.

Thank you for your entertainment value though! But this really is the wrong forum for comedy shows....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 07, 2008, 09:05:27 PM
Thank you for all your comments including the insults.

An improved presentation will be ready.  I intend to send the English version to USA for the June AERO event.

Ms. Forever Yuen will do the final touch - adding some quotes from the Physics textbooks used in Hong Kong.

Every statement in this new presentation can be double checked with the information from the Physics textbooks.  Physics and Mathematics cannot lie and the Lee-Tseung theory cannot be wrong.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on May 07, 2008, 09:28:32 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 07, 2008, 09:05:27 PM
Thank you for all your comments including the insults.

An improved presentation will be ready.  I intend to send the English version to USA for the June AERO event.

Ms. Forever Yuen will do the final touch - adding some quotes from the Physics textbooks used in Hong Kong.

Every statement in this new presentation can be double checked with the information from the Physics textbooks.  Physics and Mathematics cannot lie and the Lee-Tseung theory cannot be wrong.

Groan. . . Not another presentation.  No working device yet, I see.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on May 08, 2008, 05:21:07 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 07, 2008, 09:05:27 PM
Thank you for all your comments including the insults.
You want some more? :D

QuoteAn improved presentation will be ready.  I intend to send the English version to USA for the June AERO event.
Wow, another "presentation". Yawn.

QuoteMs. Forever Yuen will do the final touch - adding some quotes from the Physics textbooks used in Hong Kong.
Yippee, Tseung puts on his dress again and does his "I'm a girl called Forever Young" act again.
This time he got himself some physics books to quote so he won't make as many fundamental mistakes...
I bet just reading and studying those books is too much effort eh Tseung?

QuoteEvery statement in this new presentation can be double checked with the information from the Physics textbooks.
you forgot to add "from which the info was quoted and copied".
How impressive; so you're now going to make a powerpoint slideshow with correctly quoted passages in it?
That's definately the breakthrough that will convince everyone.

QuotePhysics and Mathematics cannot lie and the Lee-Tseung theory cannot be wrong.
Well, apparently it cannot be proven either eh?
And what do you call something that's not right and also not wrong? Non-existant? Or useless?

Do what I've been telling you to do from the start: empirical testing.
Do the experiments, give us an exact setup that is powered by gravity!
Show us a design for a complete setup where the pendulum will produce
more output than input energy continuously! Show us the video of that setup
in action. Show us that you've managed to do it and tell us exactly how
you physically applied that famous "Lee-Tseung pull" of yours that
is apparently so important to "lead out" gravity energy.

Nobody wants yet another of your powerpoint slideshows.
When will you learn that repeating yourself a million times does not
add any validity to your argument?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 08, 2008, 09:07:46 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on May 07, 2008, 09:28:32 PM
Groan. . . Not another presentation.  No working device yet, I see.

There is no need to get all the glory.  Lee and I are good at theory.  Once we have done that, we shall let others shine.

Wand Shum Ho is now representing China as a top energy expert.  I expect Joseph Newman, Bedini etc. will represent USA as top energy experts.

Once we coined the Lee-Tseung Pull and Lead Out, our mission in life is effectively completed.  Let Top Gun, Forver Yuen and others do the follow up work.  You can contribute too. 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on May 08, 2008, 09:34:22 AM
There is no reason to expect any "glory", Tseung.
You and your friends suck at theory.
You already make others shine by showing your incompetence.

We don't care who represents what country as a selfprocalimed energy expert at yet
another conference of yours.
If you again do not show any proof there, then just like all other conferences you claim
to have visited there will be zero reaction to your "theory", and you will not be able to
show any form of proof just as usual, and that will be that.
Afterward you will try to shout glory and victory and claim your "theory" was eagerly
accepted by the so-called experts, but when push comes to shove there's still zero
proof and zero functional device for your "theory". And you will claim there is.
And so you just keep repeating your old tricks.
But we're not falling for them any longer.
You can keep shouting that pigs can fly and you can even believe it,
but that doesn't make it true. Just test it, and you'll see.

If it's really true that your mission in live was completed the moment you coined in other words
came up with the name "Lee-Tseung Pull", then why did you keep producing such huge
amounts of unfounded claims?
No, your mission is clearly to convince us of the validity of your theory. Yet you refuse to do the
one thing that could convince us: provide proof, empirical proof.

You are a liar and a con man, Tseung.
And instead of whining about insults, try to show me wrong then eh? That's right, you can't.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on May 08, 2008, 10:55:39 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 08, 2008, 09:07:46 AM
Wand Shum Ho is now representing China as a top energy expert.  I expect Joseph Newman, Bedini etc. will represent USA as top energy experts.

Do you even know anything about Joseph Newman?  Do you even know whether his machine works?  Do you just repeat things you see on some Internet website?  Comparing Wang Shum Ho to him is no compliment to Mr. Wang.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 08, 2008, 11:18:44 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 07, 2008, 09:05:27 PM
Thank you for all your comments including the insults.

An improved presentation will be ready.  I intend to send the English version to USA for the June AERO event.

Ms. Forever Yuen will do the final touch - adding some quotes from the Physics textbooks used in Hong Kong.

Every statement in this new presentation can be double checked with the information from the Physics textbooks.  Physics and Mathematics cannot lie and the Lee-Tseung theory cannot be wrong.

Old Tseung:

It's never a issue with real Math. and real Physics that lies. It's the guy who comes up with indequate understanding of Physics and translate them to unbalanced mathematics who is the liar.

However many times you've checked and rechecked does not matter if they are wrong to start with. You don't seemed to understand simple truths. Also, you can rewrite in Chinese or English or Swahili, it matters not a hoot! It's still wrong. Wrong has never been Right!

Unfortunately for you, your more stubborn than a mule and cannot accept that you can possibly be wrong. That's why 'insults' follow you whichever forum you care to pollute your Lee-Tseung pull (or is it push?) crap onto. Now, that's the truth!

You just look SILLY!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 08, 2008, 12:36:12 PM

Why don't you re-post the video of Forever's magnetic pendulum experiments?  That might be a good start.  As far as I can recall, that was the only real attempt at showing something possibly positive about your theory.  If I recall, the pendulum had more cycles with the magnetic repulsion than with the magnetic attraction or no magnets...is this correct?  If you post it again, and explain how the results fit your theory, this might be a good start.  Or, better yet, have her make and post another video of a similar experiment along with a good explanation of how it fits your theory.  Just an idea.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 08, 2008, 06:36:52 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on May 08, 2008, 12:36:12 PM

Why don't you re-post the video of Forever's magnetic pendulum experiments?  That might be a good start.  As far as I can recall, that was the only real attempt at showing something possibly positive about your theory.  If I recall, the pendulum had more cycles with the magnetic repulsion than with the magnetic attraction or no magnets...is this correct?  If you post it again, and explain how the results fit your theory, this might be a good start.  Or, better yet, have her make and post another video of a similar experiment along with a good explanation of how it fits your theory.  Just an idea.


Good idea.  I shall ask her to do the experiment on Parallelogram of Forces for the benefit of those who forgot their O level physics.  It is very easy to do. See attached diagram pendulum25.jpg.

The experiment is done with three spring scales lying horizontally on a board.  Large thumb nails can be pressed into the board.  The experiment is performed as follows:

(1) Place the three scales as shown.  One end of each scale is tied to a string with a knot in the middle.
(2) One of the scales is pinned with a large thumb nail through its ring.
(3) The other two scales were pulled so that all three scales showed readings of forces.
(4) The two scales were also pinned down so as to produce the above diagram.
(5) A piece of paper was placed underneath the knot.  The lines showing the angles were traced.
(6) The reading on the three scales were taken.  Their relationship with the lines of force were noted.
(7) The experimental readings were then compared with the theoretical results as predicted by the Parallelogram of Forces.

This experiment or its variations have been done millions of times over the Centuries Worldwide.  It cannot be wrong.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 08, 2008, 08:20:15 PM
G'day Lawrence,

Which one of your spring scales provides the Lee-Tseung Pull and where is the surplus energy?

Hans von Lieven  ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 08, 2008, 08:50:00 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 08, 2008, 08:20:15 PM
G'day Lawrence,

Which one of your spring scales provides the Lee-Tseung Pull and where is the surplus energy?

Hans von Lieven  ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Dear Hans,

You probably missed the last 200 posts while you were away.  I am reproducing the corrected pendulum08.jpg for you.

In this pendulum08.jpg, we placed the board vertical. We replaced one of the Scales with the 60-unit weight.  The Physics still applies.  The Lee-Tseung Pull is applied via Scale B. The Bob is moved from Position A to Position B.

If we assume that the string and the scales as inextensible, the displacement of the knot will be the same as that of the Bob.

I shall talk about different ways of moving the bob (or the knot) from Position A to Position B.  The analogy is ?going from Street One to Street Ten on a hill?.  One can go by car, by bus, by bicycle or on foot.  One can move in a straight line or take a detoured route.  The work done or energy spent would be different with different scenarios.

The Physics and Mathematics involved in applying different Force Functions and/or Displacement Functions to move the knot from Position A to Position B can be different.  Some will use exactly the external energy for the move.  Some will use more (and waste energy).  Some will Lead Out gravitational energy.

Hopefully, you are one of those who can understand the Parallelogram of Forces and the calculations involved.  Can you follow me so far???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 08, 2008, 09:26:04 PM
G"day Lawrence alias top gun alias whatever fits.

??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

I think your elucidation on lead out energy suffered somewhat in the translation from Chinese into English.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 08, 2008, 09:43:09 PM
@ Hans:

Maybe Forever can explain it?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 08, 2008, 09:51:28 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 08, 2008, 09:26:04 PM
G"day Lawrence alias top gun alias whatever fits.

??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

I think your elucidation on lead out energy suffered somewhat in the translation from Chinese into English.


The first way of moving the bob (or knot) from Position A to Position B involves zero tension on Scale A.  Scale B is placed in the vertical position and take up the 60-unit weight totally.  It is moved up through the vertical displacement dH.  It is then moved horizontally.  The final movement is to swing it to the final horizontal Position B.  This is shown in Pendulum10.jpg.

In this particular way of moving, note the following:
(1)   Scale A has no tension until the final position.  The Pendulum string does no work most of the time.
(2)   The increase in potential energy of the 60-unit weight is totally supplied by Scale B.  The horizontal movement of Scale B does not contribute to the vertical increase in potential energy of the 60-unit weight.
(3)   There is no tension on Scale A until the end.  However, at the end there is no movement of the bob or knot, hence no work was done.

This particular way of moving obeys the classic understanding of Conservation of Energy.  The increase in potential energy of the bob comes totally from the external source via Scale B.  There is little or no loss.

Hans, do you have any comments or doubts on this part so far???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 08, 2008, 10:13:27 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 08, 2008, 09:26:04 PM
G"day Lawrence alias top gun alias whatever fits.

??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

I think your elucidation on lead out energy suffered somewhat in the translation from Chinese into English.


Hahaha! Good one. That's why this thread will never end!


ps: You've missed the correct answer whilst you were away. Now Lawrence will have to go over 2000 plus posts to educate you in the finer details of 'O' level Physics!  See what've done Hans! Now we have to start the loop again!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 08, 2008, 11:31:06 PM

The results are now in.  The fellow on the right takes first prize.  At first, they thought he was actually Professor Whoflungdung and almost disqualified him.  After further review, it was revealed that he was just a very good imitation.  the votes were counted, and re-counted.  And now, Jimmy "Egg" Fooyung has taken first place.  He said he was honored to have such a prize conferred upon him.  He also said he has always respected the work of Professor Whoflungdung and will always remember this moment as a highlight of his career. We should all offer our congratulations for this great achievement.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 09, 2008, 01:37:35 AM
Dear Hans,

I hope that you are not distracted by other posts.

Pendulum27.jpg shows an erratic path.  The work done or energy spent can be much higher than the increase in potential energy of the bob.

In the case of the simple pendulum, the path can be restricted by the string to form an arc.  However, the Force F can be in any direction and with any magnitude.  That would affect the work done or energy spent.

Is the explanation clear so far???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 09, 2008, 02:27:38 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 09, 2008, 01:37:35 AM
Dear Hans,

I hope that you are not distracted by other posts.

Pendulum27.jpg shows an erratic path.  The work done or energy spent can be much higher than the increase in potential energy of the bob.

In the case of the simple pendulum, the path can be restricted by the string to form an arc.  However, the Force F can be in any direction and with any magnitude.  That would affect the work done or energy spent.

Is the explanation clear so far???

Ha ha ha ha!!!! So after hiding for few days, you are now back with same bullshit diagrams and making Hans von as your new customer!!!  ;D ;D ;D
You are presenting same flawed diagrams all over again. Tseung is claiming he is energy expert and good at theory!!  ;D ;D ;D  I can't imagine what will happen to you if you really go to America with these diagrams!!  ;D Or will it be just you telling to us that you went to US with Tseung, Forever, friend, devil etc. had a meeting, many "reporters" came and all easily understood the theory and they confirmed you have won the lottery, and you post all the details on the forum?:)
There are many fantasy places in US any way, you can occupy one.
You still seem to not even opened a real physics book ever!
Hans just don;t reply to those 1000s of obvious mistakes you see in those diagrams. They are from Tseung's fantasy land where he is the king! :) He finds new customer every day to show his tricks! But they are so bad that he won't even get a penny for all his tricks! he he he ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 09, 2008, 02:38:36 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 09, 2008, 02:27:38 AM

Ha ha ha ha!!!! So after hiding for few days, you are now back with same bullshit diagrams and making Hans von as your new customer!!!  ;D ;D ;D
You are presenting same flawed diagrams all over again. Tseung is claiming he is energy expert and good at theory!!  ;D ;D ;D  I can't imagine what will happen to you if you really go to America with these diagrams!!  ;D Or will it be just you telling to us that you went to US with Tseung, Forever, friend, devil etc. had a meeting, many "reporters" came and all easily understood the theory and they confirmed you have won the lottery, and you post all the details on the forum?:)
There are many fantasy places in US any way, you can occupy one.
You still seem to not even opened a real physics book ever!
Hans just don;t reply to those 1000s of obvious mistakes you see in those diagrams. They are from Tseung's fantasy land where he is the king! :) He finds new customer every day to show his tricks! But they are so bad that he won't even get a penny for all his tricks! he he he ;)

I can suggest Tseung takes Forever to Disneyland. You see, Mickey Mouse is real! So is Donald Duck!
If that's not enough fantasy, there's Michael Jackson's Neverland down the road. Tseung might get some more ideas for his screwed-up Physics, such as these pathetic diagrams that Kul-ash has already easily demonstrated as a bunch of nonsense!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 09, 2008, 03:37:23 AM
The important point about pendulum27.jpg is that - that are many Force and Displacement Functions that allow the bob or knot to go from Position A to Position B.

So long as these Force and Displacement Functions obey the Laws of physics, they are possible paths.

If the Lee-Tseung Pulls do not violate the Laws of Physics, they are possible paths.  Thus Leading Out energy is definitely possible.

Unless someone can prove that the Lee-Tseung Pulls violate the Laws of Physics, New Energy Machines using Lead Out gravitational or electron motion energy are possible.  There are already over 300 known OU inventions Worldwide.

The Earth is round.  There were some diehards denying that fact for Centuries.

Who cares about insults???  Tseung should thank them for drawing in the crowd.  There are over 75,000 hits on this thread already.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 09, 2008, 03:51:09 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 09, 2008, 03:37:23 AM
The important point about pendulum27.jpg is that - that are many Force and Displacement Functions that allow the bob or knot to go from Position A to Position B.

So long as these Force and Displacement Functions obey the Laws of physics, they are possible paths.

If the Lee-Tseung Pulls do not violate the Laws of Physics, they are possible paths.  Thus Leading Out energy is definitely possible.

Unless someone can prove that the Lee-Tseung Pulls violate the Laws of Physics, New Energy Machines using Lead Out gravitational or electron motion energy are possible.  There are already over 300 known OU inventions Worldwide.

The Earth is round.  There were some diehards denying that fact for Centuries.

Who cares about insults???  Tseung should thank them for drawing in the crowd.  There are over 75,000 hits on this thread already.

So now the old Tseung is coming out of Top_gun!  ;D You are lifting pendulum yourself and calling it a possible path of lead out gravity  ;D ;D ;D ;D
None of those 300 OU machines are working! They will never :)
Forget about them, you first fix how you pull that pendulum cause till today you have no clue about it!
Those 74,999 hits are to see how comical you can be and to have a daily dose of laughter!  ;D
So should we call you Galileo junior now?
And yes, I again urge you, please go to high school again and learn basic physics. That is the first step for you  :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 09, 2008, 03:51:14 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 09, 2008, 03:37:23 AM
.....  There are over 75,000 hits on this thread already.

They may be 75,000 hits and most are from internet "spiders" from Google or Yahoo. But there is only one miserably stubborn old man who cannot prove what he is dreaming about! That's how sad it has been.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 09, 2008, 04:42:57 AM
Dear Hans,

I better state my points before other posts drown the thread

In the first Lee-Tseung Pull, a horizontal force F is applied.  At equilibrium, the following relations hold as demanded by the Law of Parallelogram of Forces.

(1)   T1sin(a) = F    ;so that there is no net force in the horizontal direction
(2)   T1cos(a) = Mg  ;so that there is no net force in the vertical direction

(3) The horizontal work done is F x dX or F x Lsin(a). 
(4) The vertical work done is Mg x dH or Mg x L(1-cos(a))

The value of (3) and (4) are different.  (3) is done by the externally applied horizontal force F.  (4) is done by gravity via the tension of the string.

If the relationship between Mg and T is 6 to 1, the angle a is 9.46 degrees.  The horizontal energy / vertical energy is roughly 2.  This means 2 units of horizontal energy can lead out 1 unit of gravitational energy.

See the previous posts or the presentation slides for the calculation details.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 09, 2008, 05:19:17 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 08, 2008, 08:50:00 PM

I shall talk about different ways of moving the bob (or the knot) from Position A to Position B.  The analogy is ?going from Street One to Street Ten on a hill?.  One can go by car, by bus, by bicycle or on foot.  One can move in a straight line or take a detoured route.  The work done or energy spent would be different with different scenarios.

Lol Tseung  ;D That is normal physics of this real world! In your fantasy world, you keep moving on horizontal road and gravity keeps pushing you up  ;D So your world has anti gravity! Our normal, boring world does not offer any such exciting push for us to go up. We have to waste gas or our energy to go up the hill!  :'(
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 09, 2008, 05:22:34 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 08, 2008, 08:50:00 PM

I shall talk about different ways of moving the bob (or the knot) from Position A to Position B.  The analogy is ?going from Street One to Street Ten on a hill?.  One can go by car, by bus, by bicycle or on foot.  One can move in a straight line or take a detoured route.  The work done or energy spent would be different with different scenarios.

Lol Tseung  ;D That is normal physics of this real world! In your fantasy world, you keep moving on horizontal road and gravity keeps pushing you up  ;D So your world has anti gravity! Our normal, boring world does not offer any such exciting push for us to go up. We have to waste gas or our energy to go up the hill!  :'(
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on May 09, 2008, 05:58:10 AM
Hold on there "Top Gun"/"Tseung", I think you missed a point in your own slides...

"Tseung" showed a picture of 3 spring "scales" or actually Newtonmeters lying horizontally on
a flat surface like a wooden board, connected on one side to eachother, and pinned to the board on the other side
of each meter. He correctly showed that, when one of the three is fixed and the other two are pulled,
the total of force applied to the two pulled springs is divided equally over the three newtonmeters at the central knot.

Then Hans very rightly asks where the heck is the "Lee-Tseung Pull" and where is the "Lead Out Energy" in this
three newtonmeter example.

And in reply "Top Gun" answers with a repetition of his earlier ranting about a weight puspended vertically
on a string which receives a pulsed force "pulling" it towards one side.
We know "Tseung" a.k.a. "Top Gun" believes this silly little supended-weight-on-a-string setup somehow
magically "leads out" gravity energy when you apply a "horizontal" pull even though he has himself shown
that a true horizontal force cannot be applied in a swinging system and even though his entire analysis
shows nothing more that the mechanism for pulling a suspended weight to one side.

The fact that 3 opposing forces acting on points equally divided over a circle are equal to eachother at the
point where the scales connect does not prove that the suspended weight can magically "lead out"
gravity energy, it does not show how the "Lee-Tseung Pull" can be applied, and the horizontal
triangular force division does not equate to a moving pendulum system with a vertically
suspended weight and an impossible horizontal "pull".

Sorry, but no matter how much you want a brick feather to float, it will still fall.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 09, 2008, 06:35:37 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on May 09, 2008, 05:58:10 AM
Hold on there "Top Gun"/"Tseung", I think you missed a point in your own slides...

"Tseung" showed a picture of 3 spring "scales" or actually Newtonmeters lying horizontally on
a flat surface like a wooden board, connected on one side to eachother, and pinned to the board on the other side
of each meter. He correctly showed that, when one of the three is fixed and the other two are pulled,
the total of force applied to the two pulled springs is divided equally over the three newtonmeters at the central knot.

Then Hans very rightly asks where the heck is the "Lee-Tseung Pull" and where is the "Lead Out Energy" in this
three newtonmeter example.

And in reply "Top Gun" answers with a repetition of his earlier ranting about a weight puspended vertically
on a string which receives a pulsed force "pulling" it towards one side.
We know "Tseung" a.k.a. "Top Gun" believes this silly little supended-weight-on-a-string setup somehow
magically "leads out" gravity energy when you apply a "horizontal" pull even though he has himself shown
that a true horizontal force cannot be applied in a swinging system and even though his entire analysis
shows nothing more that the mechanism for pulling a suspended weight to one side.

The fact that 3 opposing forces acting on points equally divided over a circle are equal to eachother at the
point where the scales connect does not prove that the suspended weight can magically "lead out"
gravity energy, it does not show how the "Lee-Tseung Pull" can be applied, and the horizontal
triangular force division does not equate to a moving pendulum system with a vertically
suspended weight and an impossible horizontal "pull".

Sorry, but no matter how much you want a brick feather to float, it will still fall.

Koen, Chric, Pirate, Hans ........................ we are questioning and making fun of Galileo junior! :-\ The greatest scientist of 21st century, the biggest lottery winner (of Tseung's fantasy world)! Shame on us. Our names will go down in history book (of Tseung's fantasy world) as really reall bad guys, who did not understand simple parellelogram experiment and 0 level physics!  :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 09, 2008, 07:42:16 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I now know the frustration in teaching over the Internet.

Some have no background.  Teaching Physics and Mathematics to those without foundation is a thankless task.

Some do not care about the information.  They just want to have fun.  There is no point in explaining serious stuff.

Some are from the CIA or the Like.  They are paid to disrupt.  We have to pity their hopeless task.

Sow seeds as taught in the Bible.  Some will bear fruit.  The information will be recorded as history.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 09, 2008, 08:25:35 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 09, 2008, 07:42:16 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I now know the frustration in teaching over the Internet.

Some have no background.  Teaching Physics and Mathematics to those without foundation is a thankless task.

Some do not care about the information.  They just want to have fun.  There is no point in explaining serious stuff.

Some are from the CIA or the Like.  They are paid to disrupt.  We have to pity their hopeless task.

Sow seeds as taught in the Bible.  Some will bear fruit.  The information will be recorded as history.

Talking to yourself again?? ;D
We did not ask you to teach us physics and mathematics. We just asked you to "enlighten" us on your theory and asked you questions. You failed miserably. You can not even draw correct figures. You tried, tried and tried and finally gave up all your wonderful "diagrams" and came to your basic argument "slide 3 can not be wrong!"  ;D Now we can not go in circles like you again and again! So we decided to have fun rather.
And please, CIA have lots of real issues  ;D You call yourself Galileo, greatest scientist of 21st century and claim CIA and likes are behind you! In our world it is simply called as a mental disorder  :D
Ands ya, till today you have never told me how you pull that pendulum? Or do you think as I am CIA, you should not tell me the secret pull?  ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on May 09, 2008, 08:31:24 AM
Well Larry, I guess with that its back to 1135!!!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on May 09, 2008, 08:57:27 AM
Quote from: Ben Waballs on May 09, 2008, 08:31:24 AM
Well Larry, I guess with that its back to 1135!!!
??? London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down.... ;) ;D :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 09, 2008, 05:54:09 PM
Dear Hans,

The figure pendulum28.jpg shows a possible movement of the Scale B.  It tries to share half of the work with Scale A.  If the external supplied energy is via Scale B, then Gravity must be doing the remaining work via Scale A.

Many forum members do not understand that the work can be done via the Pendulum String.  In Physics, if there is a force and a displacement, we can resolve both into vertical and horizontal components.  We can then calculate the vertical work and the horizontal work done.

Pendulum28.jpg clearly shows that the work done is not by the external force via Scale B only.  Gravitational energy is Lead Out via Scale A.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 09, 2008, 10:31:31 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 09, 2008, 08:25:35 AM

Ands ya, till today you have never told me how you pull that pendulum? Or do you think as I am CIA, you should not tell me the secret pull?  ;D

The secret pull is the two or more fingered reciprocating pull on a male appendage. If you keep this up long enough you will have an indisputable lead out of energy and matter. Try the experiment. It cannot be wrong!

This confirms the validity of the Lee-Tseung theory.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 09, 2008, 11:54:34 PM
you know, i have witnessed similar behavior from small groups of males in elementary/jr. high school

you guys need to grow up. you are not accomplishing anything with your petty insults of tseung. point in fact you are demonstrating exactly how immature you can be. and those of you who think its "fun"... fuck i can't begin to express how pathetic that is.

oh yeah...  enlighten

Main Entry:
    \in-ˈlÄ«-tÉ™n, en-\
    transitive verb
Inflected Form(s):
    en·light·ened; en·light·en·ing \-ˈlÄ«t-niÅ‹, -tÉ™n-iÅ‹\

1archaic : illuminate
2 a: to furnish knowledge to : instruct <enlightened us about the problem> b: to give spiritual insight to

last time i checked instruct was a synonym for teach

so are you talking circles kul? sounds like you have become the thing you despise...

and the 75,000+ hits... googlebot and spiders?  LMFAO ok lets say the googlebot hits this site every 30 minutes (thats about how often it hits the sites i admin, perhaps stephan would tell us how often googlebot hits this site). this thread has been active for almost a year...
365 days * 24 hours a day = 8760 hours in a year...divided by 2 since the bot hits every half hour and you have? 4380 google bot hits in a year. now, lets be generous and give the same to yahoo and a couple other search bots. 4380 * 5 = 21900.   still 50,000+ hits short of the 75,000+ mark... and you guys talk about tseung talking out his ass..... am i to to assume that you are gonna attribute the remaining 50,000+ hits coming from tseung and his allegedly multiple persona's hitting the refresh button?  LOLZ

and yes, i urge you, please go to KINDERGARTEN again and learn basic social skills. that is the first step for you
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 10, 2008, 01:05:18 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 09, 2008, 11:54:34 PM
you know, i have witnessed similar behavior from small groups of males in jr. high school

you guys need to grow up. you are not accomplishing anything with your petty insults of tseung. point in fact you are demonstrating exactly how immature you can be. and those of you who think its "fun"... fuck i can't begin to express how pathetic that is.

oh yeah...  enlighten

Main Entry:
    \in-ˈlÄ«-tÉ™n, en-\
    transitive verb
Inflected Form(s):
    en?light?ened; en?light?en?ing \-ˈlÄ«t-niÅ‹, -tÉ™n-iÅ‹\

1archaic : illuminate
2 a: to furnish knowledge to : instruct <enlightened us about the problem> b: to give spiritual insight to

last time i checked instruct was a synonym for teach

so are you talking circles kul? sounds like you have become the thing you despise...

and the 75,000+ hits... googlebot and spiders?  LMFAO ok lets say the googlebot hits this site every 30 minutes (thats about how often it hits the sites i admin, perhaps stephan would tell us how often googlebot hits this site). this thread has been active for almost a year...
365 days * 24 hours a day = 8760 hours in a year...divided by 2 since the bot hits every half hour and you have? 4380 google bot hits in a year. now, lets be generous and give the same to yahoo and a couple other search bots. 4380 * 5 = 21900.   still 50,000+ hits short of the 75,000+ mark... and you guys talk about tseung talking out his ass..... am i to to assume that you are gonna attribute the remaining 50,000+ hits coming from tseung and his allegedly multiple persona's hitting the refresh button?  LOLZ

and yes, i urge you, please go to KINDERGARTEN again and learn basic social skills. that is the first step for you

Hey Wilby or whatever your name is:

Tseung really needs your sympathy and support. Maybe you can help him solve his muddled up Physics or prove he's 'O' level Physics is correct?
Then come back and tell us so we can all learn this magnificient free crap-out energy?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on May 10, 2008, 01:07:22 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 09, 2008, 11:54:34 PM
you know, i have witnessed similar behavior from small groups of males in elementary/jr. high school

I believe if you count correctly, Tseung's many personas actually outnumber his critics, so he is really ganging up on us.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 01:16:47 AM
Quote from: chrisC on May 10, 2008, 01:05:18 AM
Hey Wilby or whatever your name is:

Tseung really needs your sympathy and support. Maybe you can help him solve his muddled up Physics or prove he's 'O' level Physics is correct?
Then come back and tell us so we can all learn this magnificient free crap-out energy?


no he doesn't need my sympathy or support. as you FAILED to notice, i spoke nothing of his physics ideas. that was not the point of my post. as far as "telling" you anything i have told you what you NEED to learn...basic social skills.
so i will  i urge you AGAIN, please go to KINDERGARTEN again and learn basic social skills. that is the first step for you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 01:18:42 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on May 10, 2008, 01:07:22 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 09, 2008, 11:54:34 PM
you know, i have witnessed similar behavior from small groups of males in elementary/jr. high school

I believe if you count correctly, Tseung's many personas actually outnumber his critics, so he is really ganging up on us.

ltseung, top gun, miss forever, and one more i can't recall... that would be 4. and the immature gang? more than 4... where did you learn math? are you making up your own definition of "correctly"?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 10, 2008, 01:27:33 AM

The day I take social skills lessons from the likes of you is probably the same day Lawrence gets the Nobel Peace Prize in physics.  I appreciate your advice and noble intentions but, you can cram both of them where the sun don't shine.  Am I not being clear enough?  If not, I will post again in "kindergarten" language so you may perhaps understand.  Thanks for playing.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 10, 2008, 01:30:13 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 01:16:47 AM

no he doesn't need my sympathy or support. as you FAILED to notice, i spoke nothing of his physics ideas. that was not the point of my post. so i will  i urge you AGAIN, please go to KINDERGARTEN again and learn basic social skills. that is the first step for you.
as far as "telling" you anything i have told you what you NEED to learn...basic social skills

Oh sorry Mr. Wilby, I'm a naughty boy and I will go register myself in a kindergarden. But they might not take me?
Also, did you consider the extra 50,000 hits being people or spiders who find the comedy show refreshing? I get my laughter every morning. Maybe you should follow the comedy show too and then you won't have this ax to grind?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 01:31:40 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on May 10, 2008, 01:27:33 AM

The day I take social skills lessons from the likes of you is probably the same day Lawrence gets the Nobel Peace Prize in physics.  I appreciate your advice and noble intentions but, you can cram both of them where the sun don't shine.  Am I not being clear enough?  If not, I will post again in "kindergarten" language so you may perhaps understand.  Thanks for playing.


why am i not surprised by your response?  hrmm you all call ltseung out, and when i call you out you fucking cry... whaa fucking whaa
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 10, 2008, 01:34:56 AM
@ Wilby:

Cry?  Where do you hear crying?  I just told you what I thought of your post is all.  Grow up and get over it.  If you can't take the heat, pull your head out of your ass.  Oh yea, and then get out of the kitchen.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 01:35:57 AM
Quote from: chrisC on May 10, 2008, 01:30:13 AM
Oh sorry Mr. Wilby, I'm a naughty boy and I will go register myself in a kindergarden. But they might not take me?
Also, did you consider the extra 50,000 hits being people or spiders who find the comedy show refreshing? I get my laughter every morning. Maybe you should follow the comedy show too and then you won't have this ax to grind?


i did allow for the extra hits... i added 3 search engine bots and GENEROUSLY gave them a hit every half hour which is far to frequent, more like once a day..
Quote from: chrisC on May 09, 2008, 03:51:14 AM
They may be 75,000 hits and most are from internet "spiders" from Google or Yahoo.
you said "most", thats what i was refuting. you were wrong, admit it. you can't expect ltseung to admit he is "wrong" when you wont admit you were wrong, even after it has been demonstrated by your "hallowed math". speaking of your math, am i now to consider 25,000 to be more than 50,000? again where did you learn math?
maybe you should follow along.
no axe to grind. i call a spade a spade
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 01:37:37 AM
"the likes of me"
you dont even know me. so... again with the childish antics instead of maturity.
you puzzle me bill, you act like a child in this thread and in others you are all about getting along and not bickering over petty shit. multiple personalities? and for the record i never suggested you take "lessons from me"... i said learn some social skills and stop acting like a child

grow up? you are the one engaging in juvenile behavior. i am telling you all to stop it. and i should grow up?

you were very clear at just how immature you are... you are wrong for behaving this way. admit and grow the fuck up.

thanks for playing?  learn how to play first little man

as far as "getting out of the kitchen" i will when you and your little bully friends come make me ;)

you know i never named you personally in my first post... you must have been feeling guilty to respond in such a manner, glad to know i hit a nerve
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 10, 2008, 01:52:05 AM
@ Wilby:

I don't know, ask Lawrence.  Maybe I am Lawrence posting here to attract even more folks to this topic.  You never know.

But, seriously, you are correct.  I have spent my time here on this forum attempting to just get along with folks and learn something.  You are right, no doubt about it.  When it comes to this topic, I try to see the lighter side and look for humor in the chaos of fuzzy math and misguided physics.  Lawrence knows I mean him well.  I do not dislike the man.  Many is the posts where I have given him credit for sticking to his theory in the face of blazing adversity.  I don't agree with his assumptions but I do respect him.  I think he knows this.  Yes, I am guilty of poking a little fun here and there but then again, it is good natured and possibly some folks tune in here to see it which might account for maybe 5% of the posts or views. (Maybe not)

If you look back not too many of my previous posts, I believe I told Lawrence that he may be a better man than I ever will be. I meant that.  The man has staying power, I will give him that.  If I ever met Lawrence, I would buy him a beer and we could talk of many things.  We would not have to agree in the end on any of it.  He has become part of my life's experience, as have many of the folks on here.  If Lawrence ever pm'd me and asked me to never post on his topic again, I would respect that and would comply.  He has to have been just a little tickled by some of the more humorous responses here over the months.  At least, I would hope so.

Your right, I don't want to fight with anyone here, life is too short.  I guess I feel like I have a special relationship with Lawrence after all of the many, many posts and my feeble attempts at humor.  I like to make people laugh when possible.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 01:55:17 AM
bill i hereby formally retract my statement calling you a "little man", little men don't ever do what you just did. thank you. maybe you will rub off on some of the others in here...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 10, 2008, 02:05:16 AM

Thank you.  I have no animosity toward you, or Lawrence.  As I said before, you have to give the man credit for standing by his theory. (And I do)  If ever ANY of my posts here have hurt his feelings, all he need do is to tell me and I will formally apologize.  I do hope he has seen at least some humor in some of the responses here over the many months from many of us.  Hell, he may be able to write a book someday about all of this and make more money than with his theory.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 10, 2008, 02:29:53 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 09, 2008, 11:54:34 PM
you know, i have witnessed similar behavior from small groups of males in elementary/jr. high school

you guys need to grow up. you are not accomplishing anything with your petty insults of tseung. point in fact you are demonstrating exactly how immature you can be. and those of you who think its "fun"... fuck i can't begin to express how pathetic that is.

oh yeah...  enlighten

Main Entry:
    \in-ˈlÄ«-tÉ™n, en-\
    transitive verb
Inflected Form(s):
    en?light?ened; en?light?en?ing \-ˈlÄ«t-niÅ‹, -tÉ™n-iÅ‹\

1archaic : illuminate
2 a: to furnish knowledge to : instruct <enlightened us about the problem> b: to give spiritual insight to

last time i checked instruct was a synonym for teach

so are you talking circles kul? sounds like you have become the thing you despise...

and the 75,000+ hits... googlebot and spiders?  LMFAO ok lets say the googlebot hits this site every 30 minutes (thats about how often it hits the sites i admin, perhaps stephan would tell us how often googlebot hits this site). this thread has been active for almost a year...
365 days * 24 hours a day = 8760 hours in a year...divided by 2 since the bot hits every half hour and you have? 4380 google bot hits in a year. now, lets be generous and give the same to yahoo and a couple other search bots. 4380 * 5 = 21900.   still 50,000+ hits short of the 75,000+ mark... and you guys talk about tseung talking out his ass..... am i to to assume that you are gonna attribute the remaining 50,000+ hits coming from tseung and his allegedly multiple persona's hitting the refresh button?  LOLZ

and yes, i urge you, please go to KINDERGARTEN again and learn basic social skills. that is the first step for you

;D ;D ;D ;D Getting frustrated with self?  ;D ;D ;D I thought Budhism has made you toughen to insults!  One more added personality in your disorder? Man your case is really getting outta hand! :D :D Thank you for enlightening me about the word "enlighten"!  ;D As you do not understand simple physics and maths, I do not expect you to know much of a english too!  ;) Otherwise you would have understood what I meant to say!
Do they teach you social skill like saying F word on public forum in your KG school?  ;D
So now let me recollect again:

Tseung is Galileo and the greatest scientist of 21st century!
Top_gun the alter ego, is the master in 0 level in physics and maths!
Wilby has the best social skills and english in world!
"Friend" teaches budhism and is the best guru but only to identity Tseung. Cause identity Wilby does not seem to agree to it and wants to abuse back!
Forever has designed world's first anti gravity flying machine!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I can not stop laughing! Its really killing me  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Now I "URGE" you to go and see a Psychiatrist immediately!! Thats not even first but the "0"th step for you!  ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 10, 2008, 02:38:19 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 01:37:37 AM
"the likes of me"
you dont even know me. so... again with the childish antics instead of maturity.
you puzzle me bill, you act like a child in this thread and in others you are all about getting along and not bickering over petty shit. multiple personalities? and for the record i never suggested you take "lessons from me"... i said learn some social skills and stop acting like a child

grow up? you are the one engaging in juvenile behavior. i am telling you all to stop it. and i should grow up?

you were very clear at just how immature you are... you are wrong for behaving this way. admit and grow the fuck up.

thanks for playing?  learn how to play first little man

as far as "getting out of the kitchen" i will when you and your little bully friends come make me ;)

you know i never named you personally in my first post... you must have been feeling guilty to respond in such a manner, glad to know i hit a nerve

So we know one thing now! Tseung can "rest" while his other personalities are fighting on forum!!  ha ha hahahahaha! I haven't really laughed so much in recent years!  ;D ;D ;D
Entertainment contents in your posts are really high Mr. Wilby  ;D It seems you recently have learned the F world in your social skill class, so you want to practice using it. But its good cause all that Tseung is going to get everywhere is closely related to this word!  ;D ;D ;D
Keep posting man! You are really a better entertainer than most of other personalities!  ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 02:45:29 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 10, 2008, 02:29:53 AM
;D ;D ;D ;D Getting frustrated with self?  ;D ;D ;D I thought Budhism has made you toughen to insults!  One more added personality in your disorder? Man your case is really getting outta hand! :D :D Thank you for enlightening me about the word "enlighten"!  ;D As you do not understand simple physics and maths, I do not expect you to know much of a english too!  ;) Otherwise you would have understood what I meant to say!
Do they teach you social skill like saying F word on public forum in your KG school?  ;D
So now let me recollect again:

Tseung is Galileo and the greatest scientist of 21st century!
Top_gun the alter ego, is the master in 0 level in physics and maths!
Wilby has the best social skills and english in world!
"Friend" teaches budhism and is the best guru but only to identity Tseung. Cause identity Wilby does not seem to agree to it and wants to abuse back!
Forever has designed world's first anti gravity flying machine!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I can not stop laughing! Its really killing me  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Now I "URGE" you to go and see a Psychiatrist immediately!! Thats not even first but the "0"th step for you!  ;D

you do not understand simple english. the point of ANY language is to SAY WHAT YOU MEAN,
not expect others to read your mind. this is not surprising though, immature people often expect others to read their minds, put their feelings above all else, etc.
where EXACTLY did i "abuse" back? you're acting immature and i called you on it. this is not abuse. making up you own definitions again? weren't you putting ltseung to the flame for doing this? perhaps you should drop the physics for a bit and brush up on your english?

nice try at back pedaling though. you said it. now you own it. even when its wrong.

i can say fuck if want, its not unsocial, its slang. berating and bullying someone is far different. i dont expect you to understand the subtleties of such. had you such a grasp on language you would know that im not some alias for ltseung. you can tell when he is posting as a double, the sentence structure, etc. is a dead giveaway.
so comedic that you see aliases for ltseung everywhere.

never did i claim to have the worlds greatest social skills, i said you need to learn some. nice try at twisting away from your errors and redirecting it back at me. but the fact remains you used the word wrong. admit it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 10, 2008, 02:53:58 AM
Just a word of caution! This might happen when you go to a Psychiatrist! ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 10, 2008, 02:56:57 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 10, 2008, 02:53:58 AM
Just a word of caution! This might happen when you go to a Psychiatrist! ;D

Hahaha! That's a great cartoon! Maybe Lawrence thinks he's entitled to 6 Nobel Prizes!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 03:03:11 AM
i could give a fuck about physics of ltseungs device or the math
i was commenting on the sub theme of this thread... you and your bully friends acting like children.


missed the part about not saying fuck there...

you should take notice of:
Skilled in diplomacy (how one handles disagreements)

again your crazy self constructed definitions... keep posting... they were right, this is comic

so now let me recollect...
chrisc cant do math or answer a simple concise question
kul_ash sees ghosts and aliases in everyone (including those who have NOT supported ltseungs theory, but simply called you immature) and also cannot answer a simple concise question.
pirate  the one  with a pair of balls big enough to man up

elucidate this english shit again please?  you say some bullshit, claiming that known synonyms aren't synonyms, and we are supposed to guess your meaning?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 10, 2008, 03:08:15 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 03:03:11 AM
i could give a fuck about physics of ltseungs device or the math
i was commenting on the sub theme of this thread... you and you bully friends acting like children.


missed the part about not saying fuck there...

you should take notice of:
Skilled in diplomacy (how one handles disagreements)

again your crazy self constructed definitions... keep posting... they were right, this is comic

Hey Wilby:

Why get so mad and use profane language? Most of us like this thread and treat it as a comedy show just because Tseung keeps making a fool of himself! That's all. Like Bill said, we have no animosity towards Lawrence and likewise, you should just chill out, relax and enjoy the show. Where else can you enjoy comedy everyday without having to pay to get in?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 10, 2008, 03:15:26 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 02:45:29 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 10, 2008, 02:29:53 AM
;D ;D ;D ;D Getting frustrated with self?  ;D ;D ;D I thought Budhism has made you toughen to insults!  One more added personality in your disorder? Man your case is really getting outta hand! :D :D Thank you for enlightening me about the word "enlighten"!  ;D As you do not understand simple physics and maths, I do not expect you to know much of a english too!  ;) Otherwise you would have understood what I meant to say!
Do they teach you social skill like saying F word on public forum in your KG school?  ;D
So now let me recollect again:

Tseung is Galileo and the greatest scientist of 21st century!
Top_gun the alter ego, is the master in 0 level in physics and maths!
Wilby has the best social skills and english in world!
"Friend" teaches budhism and is the best guru but only to identity Tseung. Cause identity Wilby does not seem to agree to it and wants to abuse back!
Forever has designed world's first anti gravity flying machine!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I can not stop laughing! Its really killing me  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Now I "URGE" you to go and see a Psychiatrist immediately!! Thats not even first but the "0"th step for you!  ;D

you do not understand simple english. the point of ANY language is to SAY WHAT YOU MEAN,
not expect others to read your mind. this is not surprising though, immature people often expect others to read their minds, put their feelings above all else, etc.
where EXACTLY did i "abuse" back? you're acting immature and i called you on it. this is not abuse. making up you own definitions again? weren't you putting ltseung to the flame for doing this? perhaps you should drop the physics for a bit and brush up on your english?

nice try at back pedaling though. you said it. now you own it. even when its wrong.

i can say fuck if want, its not unsocial, its slang. berating and bullying someone is far different. i dont expect you to understand the subtleties of such. had you such a grasp on language you would know that im not some alias for ltseung. you can tell when he is posting as a double, the sentence structure, etc. is a dead giveaway.
so comedic that you see aliases for ltseung everywhere.

never did i claim to have the worlds greatest social skills, i said you need to learn some. nice try at twisting away from your errors and redirecting it back at me. but the fact remains you used the word wrong. admit it.

oooooooh  :'( Mr. Wilby is here to teach english, like Tseung is teaching 0 level physics!  ;D As you really seem not to understand english, let me enlighten you on what I said:

I Said "We do not want you to teach physics and maths to us". ----> Let me explain the meaning of this. This means we all are aware and good at physics and maths that is taught in schools and colleges. I hope you understand this much.
Next was "We wanted you to "enlighten" us on your theory" -----> Now Tseung's theory goes well ahead of so called "incorrect" physics that is taught in our schools. So we wanted to know from him what it is that he has that no other physics book seems to have!  Are you clear u to this point? I know may be hard for you to understand but hang in there!

So now there is a difference in "Teaching basic physics" and "Enlightening about someone's theory"! Too hard to understand for you? I am sorry to put you thru sooo much mental pressure of understanding!

After that I said: "We asked you questions and you failed miserably and you came back to your original argument that slide 3 can not be wrong".

----> So here what I meant was that you tried to explain your theory and we asked you questions based on basic physics that we learnt and you could not explain them cause your theory is out of the scope of normal physics and laws of nature.

So now you understand what I meant to say or still its too hard for you? I know your brain must be working overtime by now trying to understand this. No worries, ask Tseung  ;D

And you can say fuck or any thing you want, because I really don't give a fuck to what you say!  ;D For me you are just an idiot who is trying to debate with me on english and social education in physics forum!  ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 03:19:34 AM
im not mad, where this wild conjecture coming from?

profanity has been used in this thread prior to me, and no objections were raised, kul_ash comes to mind... funny how you didn't question his use of profanity?
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 09, 2008, 02:27:38 AM
Ha ha ha ha!!!! So after hiding for few days, you are now back with same bullshit diagrams and making Hans von as your new customer!!! ;D ;D ;D

im saying you all are behaving like children, bill excluded, he manned up
the rest of you have yet to show the maturity and do so. bill spoke for himself. you havent, nor has kul except to avoid admitting the mistakes that you both made that i pointed out for you. i am chilled and i am enjoying people making fools of themselves. sad thing is you dont seem to realize that you are making one of yourself

AGAIN how can you expect ltseung to admit the mistakes you have "shown" to him when you wont admit to the ones i have shown that you have made? this question applies to you also kul.

i fully expect more squirming and redirection, and not a direct answer to my question... its what children do ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 10, 2008, 03:25:02 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 03:19:34 AM
im not mad, where this wild conjecture coming from?

..... i am chilled and i am enjoying people making fools of themselves. ....
i fully expect more squirming and redirection, and not a direct answer to my question... its what children do ;)

Ok, is there a mirror in your home? Or you haven't been looking at one recently?
I didn't put words in your mouth.... I said I enjoyed the comedy show.....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 03:36:41 AM
kul here is a direct quote from you
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 09, 2008, 08:25:35 AM
Talking to yourself again?? ;D
We did not ask you to teach us physics and mathematics. We just asked you to "enlighten" us on your theory and asked you questions...
enlighten is a synonym for instruct, instruct is a synonym for teach therefore enlighten and teach are synonyms. you quite clearly said "we did not ask you to teach us physics and mathematics" did you not? it is you who does not really understand english or you could grasp this simple thing. i know your brain must be working really hard to wrap itself around such a complex idea as synonyms. see you asked ltseung to "enlighten" (teach) you about his theory, which involves "teaching" you "his" physics. you contradicted yourself. futhermore, you cant "enlighten" (teach) me on what you said, you can elucidate, you can clarify, etc. AGAIN you are wrong...

i'm totally clear on what your "point" was, as well as the fact that you totally fucked up using "enlighten" in that place in that context. you seem to have trouble with the idea of synonyms though.
i'm not trying to debate you, i am pointing out where you are wrong. and you still are wrong. enlighten is the wrong word there.

since when is this a "physics" forum? are you making up definitions AGAIN?

oh before i forget... you were wrong. and you still haven't admitted it.

and chrisc more ad hominem? hrmmm no answer to the math? other than ad hominem?

AGAIN, how can you expect ltseung to admit the mistakes you have "shown" to him when you won't admit to the ones i have shown that you have made?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 10, 2008, 03:39:55 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 03:03:11 AM
i could give a fuck about physics of ltseungs device or the math
i was commenting on the sub theme of this thread... you and you bully friends acting like children.


missed the part about not saying fuck there...

you should take notice of:
Skilled in diplomacy (how one handles disagreements)

again your crazy self constructed definitions... keep posting... they were right, this is comic

so now let me recollect...
chrisc cant do math
kul_ash sees ghosts and aliases in everyone (including those who have NOT supported ltseungs theory, but simply called you immature)
pirate  the one  with a pair of balls big enough to man up

elucidate this english shit again please?  you say some bullshit, claiming that known synonyms aren't synonyms, and we are supposed to guess your meaning?

Enough! If you want to use foul language, come out on any other such type of forum, and I shall tech you some word and definations that you never heard before!
But this forum and other members have dignity and we have some basic respect for each other. You do not seem to have any idea about how to post on such forums. Please take your dirt outside. I do not want to start abusing like you and lose my dignity so I am stopping to reply you from this moment. You can say whatever you want to. People like you should be kept away like stone in rice! While teaching others social skill, you have dropped yourself down so much that all we see of you now is dirt!
So I am off replying you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 03:44:16 AM
Quote from: chrisC on May 10, 2008, 03:25:02 AM
Ok, is there a mirror in your home? Or you haven't been looking at one recently?
I didn't put words in your mouth.... I said I enjoyed the comedy show.....


you and kul are dangling from a noose constructed entirely from your own words, i was not the one claiming "most hits" nor was i the one completely fucking up basic english with the claim that enlighten is not synonymous with teach. keep squirming and redirecting though, as i said it is comedic. i doubt you will free yourself from your noose with this squirming and kicking though, usually the way to save face is to admit you're wrong when you are wrong.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 03:52:41 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 10, 2008, 03:39:55 AM

Enough! If you want to use foul language, come out on any other such type of forum, and I shall tech you some word and definations that you never heard before!
But this forum and other members have dignity and we have some basic respect for each other. You do not seem to have any idea about how to post on such forums. Please take your dirt outside. I do not want to start abusing like you and lose my dignity so I am stopping to reply you from this moment. You can say whatever you want to. People like you should be kept away like stone in rice! While teaching others social skill, you have dropped yourself down so much that all we see of you now is dirt!
So I am off replying you.

enough? strange that you should be admonishing me for profanity... i haven't used the word in a derogatory or pejorative manner, but simply as an exclamation of exasperation and/or as a verb.

tech? definations... fuck! i can't believe you are lecturing me about english and can't even spell

dignity? basic respect? when you show it to others i shall show it to you.
this never was nor will be  a lesson in social skills from me. i suggested you get some, i never suggested that i be the one to "enlighten" you with these skills. see that's how you use that word since you seem to want to take lessons from me...
again where EXACTLY did i abuse anyone? if you aren't going to man up and admit your error, at least back up your claims with substance.

oh check the main forum page, the one with the categories, do a word search for physics... it should be there since this is a physics forum right? LMFAO  wrong... AGAIN
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 04:24:24 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 10, 2008, 02:38:19 AM
Keep posting man! You are really a better entertainer than most of other personalities!  ;)

awww whats wrong kul? am i not so entertaining anymore?
or did you decide to just not reply in an effort to save face? your error and chrisc's still remain errors and both of you still refuse to be mature and admit you are wrong when it has been clearly demonstrated to you. typical bully behavior... soon as someone stands up to them or calls them on their bullshit, they tuck tail and run.

thanks for playing ;)

P.S. i almost forgot...  still waiting for that special someone to see. smack dab in the middle...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on May 10, 2008, 09:00:41 AM
Wannabe, I mean willby,

Thank you so much for coming here and spending your hard earned time away from wendys drive through to come here and preach to us. We cant thank you enough. You are probably a christian too, judging from how elegantly you spell four letter words. Its so wonderful to see someone with skills such as yours (language, compassion, wisdom) offer to volunteer yourself to help...gulp...us!!!!
I see that you want us to stop questioning Larry. Let me ask you little man, can you make us? If we are in kindergarten, what are you? The little tattle tale kid holding onto his teachers coattails? Yes. So since YOU want US to do something, why dont you take your cherry assed, wet behind the ears, bullshit posts, and MAKE US. Because from here, you dont mean SHIT. And you never will. Just noise from a frustrated kid who cant get to his porn yet cause mom is home. So go f yourself little man. If you want a friend be Larrys friend. He needs them. And as for your next bs posts, blah blah blah! Go to Oprah Go to Oprah! And ps, SUCK IT!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 09:50:46 AM
conjecture, supposition and ad hominem... oh my

time cannot be "earned"... christian, LOL that is rich... by that reasoning you must be christian also
where did i "volunteer" to help anyone? where did i ask you to stop questioning larry?
these are two simple concise questions, i am going to fathom a guess that you will avoid answering them just like your cronies did.
for the record i said you should grow up. if we are in kindergarten, im the kid that don't take shit from any immature bully, nor do i stand by saying nothing when someone is being bullied.
i'm not here for friends.
what exactly in my posts was bullshit? can you clarify or are you talking out your ass?
thank you for clearly demonstrating just how childish you are.
go fuck myself? why don't you come make me? little man
2526 15th st south fargo, north dakota, usa
i know you wont show, you bark all day little doggie, but you never bite...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on May 10, 2008, 10:16:46 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 09:50:46 AM
go fuck myself? why don't you come make me? little man
2526 15th st south fargo, north dakota, usa
i know you wont show, you bark all day little doggie, but you never bite...

Ben, I think you are correct about the Wendy's job.  Look at this run-down apartment complex he lives in.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 10:26:25 AM
more ad hominem...
from the wiki

"An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "argument to the man", "argument against the man") consists of replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the person making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim. The process of proving or disproving the claim is thereby subverted, and the argumentum ad hominem works to change the subject."

starting to see a pattern here...

ok you guys ready for the kicker? i was gonna wait till someone special noticed it, being it is smack dab in the middle of math i posted (purposefully and intentionally) but i'm not really a patient man.

pretty fucking funny how none of you mental giants of math, physics and english noticed it, the massive glaring math error...

says volumes about your reading and comprehension skills, and you 4 have already spoke volumes about your social skills

still fucking laughing that NOT ONE of you called me on it, to busy with ad hominem i guess
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on May 10, 2008, 10:34:27 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 10:26:25 AM
more ad hominem...
starting to see a pattern here...

ok you guys ready for the kicker? i was gonna wait till someone special noticed it, being it is smack dab in the middle of math i posted (purposefully and intentionally) but i'm not really a patient man.

pretty fucking funny how none of you mental giants of math, physics and english noticed it, the massive glaring math error...

says volumes about your reading and comprehension skills, and you 4 have already spoke volumes about your social skills

still fucking laughing that NOT ONE of you called me on it.

That's because no one read it.  When encountering a post like that, an experienced Internet user stops reading after the first sentence.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 10:42:46 AM
nice try  ;D
almost as pathetic as your first response...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on May 10, 2008, 11:12:46 AM
What, did you actually expect someone to parse and analyze your wildly off-topic analysis as to how many hits on a thread were from spiders?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 11:17:04 AM
what? how is it wildly off topic? did ltseung not bring up the hit count? did chrisc not claim that MOST of the hits were due to spiders? if someone makes a claim, yes i expect them to back it up with substance... i simply constructed a simple equation to show that this was HIGHLY unlikely
to read a post you HAVE to parse it... the capability of you all for analysis is debatable.

if you have nothing intelligent to say atlas, dont speak

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on May 10, 2008, 11:37:57 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 11:17:04 AM
what? how is it wildly off topic? did ltseung not bring up the hit count? did chrisc not claim that MOST of the hits were due to spiders? if someone makes a claim, yes i expect them to back it up with substance... i simply constructed a simple equation to show that this was HIGHLY unlikely
to read a post you HAVE to parse it... the capability of you all for analysis is debatable.

if you have nothing intelligent to say atlas, dont speak

OK, the result of your planted error was that you underestimated the hit count by a factor of four.  So now will you concede that most hits were due to search engines?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 11:40:23 AM
please address how my analysis was wildly off topic. i asked you first, you seem to like to play this question game with people to avoid questions posed to you. when you clarify your statement we can move on to your question.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on May 10, 2008, 12:32:19 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 11:40:23 AM
please address how my analysis was wildly off topic. i asked you first, you seem to like to play this question game with people to avoid questions posed to you. when you clarify your statement we can move on to your question.

The topic of the thread is the Lee-Tseung theory.  You did not address the merits of the theory, merely how many times this thread has been viewed.  While your post was perhaps responsive to another post, it was not on-topic, as it did not address the theory itself.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on May 10, 2008, 01:12:39 PM
Wtg on finding where he works! Great job.
I think this clown has no game at all. Just trying to make people mad. We think its hilarious. Hes not even a good troll. Doesnt know the first thing about REAL internet flame wars. Newbie. Notice how he sits here waiting for replies, like the loser he is. Your game is very lame, dude.
Your math is even worse. You cant even count hits? wow! You and Larry should team up! The drill handicapped and the anonymous loser poster who cant even count!
Quote" im the kid that don't take shit from any immature bully". No, your the dickhead who thinks everyone around him needs his bullshit advice. Your OPINION. Which doesnt count for shit. You are the fat kid crying to the teacher cause you got your ass WHIPPED. You are one pathetic little boy on his daddys aol account trying to cause trouble. You are about 10,000 gibberish posts too late, mf.
I bet your laptop says Leapfrog on it, doesnt it little man?
Looks like you LOSE, considering the people here like you less than they do larry. Hes probably magnacoaster or xpensif, people of that ilk.
We will laugh like hell when you disappear, boy. Laugh like hell!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 10, 2008, 03:03:28 PM
I shall state the actual ?O level Physics concepts? I used in support of the Lee-Tseung Lead out Theory.

(1)   Parallelogram of Forces and the basic experiment to verify it.  This experiment has been done millions of time over the Centuries Worldwide.  It cannot be wrong.

(2)   Modifying the experiment in (1) to apply it to the case of a pendulum.  The modification is placing the board vertical; replace a Scale with a weight.  This experiment cannot be wrong.

(3)   Introducing that work done or energy spent = force x displacement using vector arithmetic. This cannot be wrong.

(4)   Resolve the Force Vector into vertical and horizontal components.  This cannot be wrong.

(5)   Resolve the Displacement Vector into vertical and horizontal components.  This cannot be wrong.

(6)   Obtaining the vertical work done by multiplying the vertical component of the force vector with the vertical component of the displacement vector.  This cannot be wrong.

(7)   Obtaining the horizontal work done by multiplying the horizontal component of the force vector with the horizontal component of the displacement vector.  This cannot be wrong.

(8 )   Showing that there can be different ways to move the pendulum bob or knot from Position A to Position B.  The work done or energy spent in each way can be different.  This cannot be wrong.

(9)   Do the Force, Displacement, Work and Energy analysis on the first Lee-Tseung Pull.  This particular pull is applying a horizontal force (F) to the pendulum at rest (Position A) until the three forces (Tension of String, Weight of Bob and Force F) are at equilibrium (Position B).  There can be argument on the exact Force and the exact Displacement functions.  There may be argument that a perfect horizontal force (F) in a simple pendulum set up is impossible.

(10)   However, the analysis from (3) to (9) clearly shows that the horizontal work done is different from that of the vertical work done in the first Lee-Tseung Pull.  The tension in the string must be a contributing factor.

(11)   In ?O level Physics?, when there is a force (Tension of the string) and a displacement (movement of the string), we can resolve both vectors into their vertical and horizontal components.  We can examine whether there are work done in the vertical and horizontal directions.  The Tension of the string has both vertical and horizontal components.  The vertical component is in the direction of displacement (moving the bob up).  The horizontal component is in opposite direction of displacement.

(12)   The last statement and its implication may exceed the ?O level Physics?.  It is the concept of negative work.  Negative work can be dissipated as energy due to friction or it can be stored into the system.  In the case of the pendulum, this negative work is stored as energy in the pendulum system.  This work is essentially done by gravity via the tension of the string.  Mr. Tseung used "Lead Out" to describe this process.

The Physics and Mathematics cannot be wrong.  Mr. Tseung is very safe with his challenge money of HK$10,000. No Physicists in the world can disprove the above 12 points. (I am human.  I made an elementary mistake not in mathematics or physics but in my drawing.  Sorry for the confusion caused.)

I do not mind answering questions or comments on the above 12 points.  They logically lead to the possibility of New Energy Machines that use gravitational and/or electron motion energy.  The energy crisis of the world is effectively over.  Mr. Tseung is convinced that both the Chinese and USA Governments know the Lee-Tseung theory thoroughly.  He is also convinced that both know how to build the Flying Saucer.  The many sightings in Nanjing and Area 51 are not hoaxes. 

I am sure that there are Officials in both China and USA (and in other Countries) who passed their O level Physics examinations.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 10, 2008, 03:31:09 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 10, 2008, 03:03:28 PM
I shall state the actual ?O level Physics concepts? I used in support of the Lee-Tseung Lead out Theory.

(1)   Parallelogram of Forces and the basic experiment to verify it.  This experiment has been done millions of time over the Centuries Worldwide.  It cannot be wrong.

Mr. Tseung is convinced that both the Chinese and USA Governments know the Lee-Tseung theory thoroughly.  He is also convinced that both know how to build the Flying Saucer.  The many sightings in Nanjing and Area 51 are not hoaxes. 

I am sure that there are Officials in both China and USA (and in other Countries) who passed their O level Physics examinations.

Maybe the Chinese Goverment is aware of your famous Lee-Tseung Theory but were afraid to let the 'secret' out, less their super duper flying saucer secrets will not be secret anymore! The last time I checked, even the local Hong Kong newspapers have no clue who Lee or Tseung or Lee-Tseung are!

As for the US Goverment officials being aware of this super Lee-Tseung theory, you can count on that. Many of them won't pass the IBM IQ test and end up working for Homeland Security desk jobs surfing OU forums to find the next great invention. You'll be famous after we know whether Obama or Clinton will be the candidate. Then the newspapers and journals can devote more time to your invention. For now, you need to be patient.

Keep talking to yourself. Sooner or later, it'll be thoroughly ingrained into your gray matter and it will be truth irrespective of common sense . Nothing can be wrong if they loop inside your brain and each multiple personality also testify to the 'truth'! A thousand years from now, when archaeologist dig up your skull remains, they'll will wonder why you have a fossilized brain and others don't!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 10, 2008, 08:33:52 PM
Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for your patience and clear explanations.

At Tsnghua University, I never explained the 12 points of O level Physics.  All those concepts were contained in 1 slide.  I just assumed the Professors and Students understood those concepts.  I never received questions on those points when I was at Tsinghua.

In this overunity forum, initially, I took the attitude that I just needed to post my points.  Those who cannot follow are compared with seeds from the Bible.  It is not my duty to educate them.

Your appearance changed the scenario.  I have to admit that your explanations are much better than mine.  You essentially expanded the one slide to multiple ones.  You know how to spend time on the key concept.  If you do not object, I shall add your explanations to the standard presentation for the layman.

Please continue to answer any technical questions.   I can now focus on the bigger task of Benefiting the World. 

For those interested in the USA 225HP Pulse Motor development, you may like to know that they are in a much more advanced state compared with many others.  They are funded by the Jupiter fund.  The website is http://www.jfg.us.com. They do not need any promotion from individuals like me because they already have vast resources. 

The working of the Pulse Motor is explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 11:11:02 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on May 10, 2008, 12:32:19 PM
The topic of the thread is the Lee-Tseung theory.  You did not address the merits of the theory, merely how many times this thread has been viewed.  While your post was perhaps responsive to another post, it was not on-topic, as it did not address the theory itself.
nice try atlas, ltseung brought up the hit count, the thread creator broached the subject. if i am off topic then so was he... why did you not chastise him for straying off topic at that time? why didn't you chastise chrisc? where is your chastisement of ben noballs? ad infinitum, ad nauseum...
your grasping at straws and it shows...
as i said before if you cant say anything intelligent don't speak...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 11:16:24 PM
Quote from: Ben Waballs on May 10, 2008, 01:12:39 PM
Wtg on finding where he works! Great job.
I think this clown has no game at all. Just trying to make people mad. We think its hilarious. Hes not even a good troll. Doesnt know the first thing about REAL internet flame wars. Newbie. Notice how he sits here waiting for replies, like the loser he is. Your game is very lame, dude.
Your math is even worse. You cant even count hits? wow! You and Larry should team up! The drill handicapped and the anonymous loser poster who cant even count!
Quote" im the kid that don't take shit from any immature bully". No, your the dickhead who thinks everyone around him needs his bullshit advice. Your OPINION. Which doesnt count for shit. You are the fat kid crying to the teacher cause you got your ass WHIPPED. You are one pathetic little boy on his daddys aol account trying to cause trouble. You are about 10,000 gibberish posts too late, mf.
I bet your laptop says Leapfrog on it, doesnt it little man?
Looks like you LOSE, considering the people here like you less than they do larry. Hes probably magnacoaster or xpensif, people of that ilk.
We will laugh like hell when you disappear, boy. Laugh like hell!

Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 09:50:46 AM
where did i "volunteer" to help anyone? where did i ask you to stop questioning larry?
these are two simple concise questions, i am going to fathom a guess that you will avoid answering them just like your cronies did.
funny how you avoided answering those two simple questions noballs... somehow i knew you wouldn't

are you fucking mental noballs?
way to go on finding where he works?  hey fucktard thats where i live, i gave you the addy so you can come "make" me... step up anytime you want. again are you fucking mental?
i can count, i can do math, i placed the error purposefully and intentionally, now i know those are really big words for you but don't take it as disrespect, try dictionary.com.
you obviously cant do math, have limited if any comprehension skills, nor can atlas nor can chrisc or utilitarian or you would have noticed it straight away.
it's not advice, its a fact. you need to grow up...
got my ass whipped? i gave you my address so we can settle anytime you got the balls little boy...
winning and losing on a forum? this is interesting... you and the rest of the 5th grade bullies come up with this asinine concept? or did you come up with this on your own? please explain the game, and the rules. this is comic.
as i said before since you cant seem to read or comprehend... i'm not here for friends...
and im not going anywhere until you make me ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 11, 2008, 12:00:58 AM

Can you please tell me what you are doing here in this thread? What is your objective? What are you trying to achieve?

If you are trying to defend old Tseung, don't bother. He, like all of us, puts his ideas forward in this forum, or in any other forum for that matter, to show others his way of thinking or to report on his "discoveries". As such, like all of us, he opens himself up to criticism if his ideas don't stack up. That is what forums are about.

In spite of some of the crazy, unworkable and wrong statements he makes, he is still within the parameters of this platform, it is still instructive, even in the negative, it still gets people to think, even if it is only to contemplate how NOT to do it.

Where your posts are concerned I perceive no merit at all. Maybe I am missing something.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 11, 2008, 12:09:23 AM
my objective is to let the immature children know they are misbehaving and need to polish their social skills and grow the fuck up. there is no need for this petty bullshit. or are you taking the stance that there is? i have stated this numerous times... are you wanting to join the ranks of the illiterates?
i'm not trying to defend tseung... i'm calling a spade a spade. i have said this before please pay attention. criticism is one thing hans, insults are something entirely different. i hope you can understand this.

so there is no merit in telling people to stop with the petty insults? there is no merit to holding their blatant and obvious errors up to the light as they do to ltseung? whats goose for the goose is not good for the gander?
yes hans you are missing something
i called out the people perpetrating bullshit and insults, did they respond in a mature manner? no, they all attacked me with ad hominem. bill was the only man who immediately realized the error and made good. are you making good?

come on hans by your picture you are obviously old enough to understand this...
but then again you can only be young once and you can be immature forever... you pick which one suits you best...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 11, 2008, 01:04:30 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 11, 2008, 12:09:23 AM
my objective is to let the immature children know they are misbehaving and need to polish their social skills


Funny thing is,  I don't remember anyone here asked for your advice on "how to behave" as matured children? This is a forum, as Hans explained to you that we all have equal 'rights' to challenge the persons who postulate misinformation knowlingly or unknowlingly. So we had some fun and perhaps in Dakota country it's not normal for us to 'behave' like this, but I can tell you, it's quite normal all over the net! Have a good day.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 11, 2008, 01:18:39 AM
funny thing is i don't recall anyone here asking for your petty insults either...
correct on the challenge, this is why i challenged your asinine postulation that the hits were due to spiders...
criticism and insults are two entirely different things, i stated this to hans. we already know about your poor reading and comprehension skills, but thanks for proving my point.

it's "normal" on the net to be an ass? insult people? etc.
lolz you must spend all of your time on yahoo teen chat then...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 11, 2008, 02:15:27 AM
I have now uploaded the new presentation file in

This new presentation file contains the diagrams from Top Gun and is suitable for those who need a review of Mechanics in ?O level Physics?.

You should direct your questions at Top Gun as he has taken over all technical discussions on the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 11, 2008, 03:20:29 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 09, 2008, 11:54:34 PM
you know, i have witnessed similar behavior from small groups of males in elementary/jr. high school

you guys need to grow up. you are not accomplishing anything with your petty insults of tseung. point in fact you are demonstrating exactly how immature you can be. and those of you who think its "fun"... fuck i can't begin to express how pathetic that is.

oh yeah...  enlighten

Main Entry:
    \in-ˈlÄ«-tÉ™n, en-\
    transitive verb
Inflected Form(s):
    en?light?ened; en?light?en?ing \-ˈlÄ«t-niÅ‹, -tÉ™n-iÅ‹\

1archaic : illuminate
2 a: to furnish knowledge to : instruct <enlightened us about the problem> b: to give spiritual insight to

last time i checked instruct was a synonym for teach

so are you talking circles kul? sounds like you have become the thing you despise...

and the 75,000+ hits... googlebot and spiders?  LMFAO ok lets say the googlebot hits this site every 30 minutes (thats about how often it hits the sites i admin, perhaps stephan would tell us how often googlebot hits this site). this thread has been active for almost a year...
365 days * 24 hours a day = 8760 hours in a year...divided by 2 since the bot hits every half hour and you have? 4380 google bot hits in a year. now, lets be generous and give the same to yahoo and a couple other search bots. 4380 * 5 = 21900.   still 50,000+ hits short of the 75,000+ mark... and you guys talk about tseung talking out his ass..... am i to to assume that you are gonna attribute the remaining 50,000+ hits coming from tseung and his allegedly multiple persona's hitting the refresh button?  LOLZ

and yes, i urge you, please go to KINDERGARTEN again and learn basic social skills. that is the first step for you

This was your first post here in this thread. If this is not an unprovoked ad hominem attack I don't know what is. In other posts you question people's competence in English.
Most people here in this thread are much better educated than you are, even if their English is sometimes full of errors. Let us see how well you do in their language before making these kind of comments.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 11, 2008, 03:32:42 AM
now we know which one you picked...

ok exactly how is it ad hominem? please be specific.
they WERE being childish. this is FACTUAL.
yes using words like "enlighten" in the context that kul did is incompetent and wrong. i asked him if he was talking circles, he choose to argue. i then addressed the SUBSTANCE of his argument.
"Communicating badly and then acting smug when misunderstood is not cleverness."  -- randall munroe

claiming the hits were "mostly" due to spiders is ludicrous, by that logic any thread that has 2500 or so replies should then have 75000 or so views? check the stats and you find this to be far from true... also by this logic any thread started at the same time as this one should have 75000 views as well.
i then addressed the SUBSTANCE of his argument...

MY argument would be that you're not accomplishing anything with petty insults of tseung... are you going to address the substance of this or are you going to continue to talk out your...
please show me where ltseung has lowered himself to such behavior? at least he has some grace in his replies, however skewed you think his physics may be.

most people in this thread are much better educated then i am? you can then prove this of course?  you have some evidence or substance to back this claim up? are you making up your own definition of educated? still talking out your...
you can answer that AFTER you answer my previous questions from my last response to you. unless you choose to sidestep them again...

why can none of you respond to simple questions?

here i'll try tseungs language for you then...  bi zui...  bi zui nin hen bu ti tie de nan sheng
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 11, 2008, 04:48:10 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 11, 2008, 03:32:42 AM
ok exactly how is it ad hominem? please be specific.
they WERE being childish. this is FACTUAL. please show me where ltseung has lowered himself to such behavior? at least he has some grace in his replies, however skewed you think his physics may be.

Dear WilbyInebriated,

Thank you for pointing out that many of the posts are insults that have no merit.

The fact remains ? the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory cannot be wrong.  So insults cannot get through my shield.  The insults do provide the necessary ?insult training?.  I can tell you a true story related to Insult Training.  The Chinese Negotiators working under the British Colonial Rule went through this tough training before they were sent to Beijing (for the 1997 return of Hong Kong to China). 

The training was done by professional insulters who spent an hour each day hurling insults at these negotiators.  Words such as yellow skinned dogs, white skinned pigs, etc. were used.  The insults were combined with half-truths and personal attacks.  One of those who went through this training told me: ?At the beginning, the insults got to me.  I got furious.  But the sessions were videotaped.  My superiors, my peers and my subordinates got to see and comment on those tapes.  I wanted to quit a couple of times!?

I then asked what was the end-result.  He said: ?We were able to keep cool under the worst possible negotiation conditions.  All the Chinese Officials kept their positions at the change-over.?

I shall take on the bullets and cannons on behalf of the over 300 over unity inventors.   The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory will explain the source of energy of their inventions.  They can focus on perfecting their machines.  So the insult training is a good thing in disguise. 

So smile, relax and continue to watch the show.  Physics and Mathematics will not lie.  They will point out the winner.  My posts in here are not to seek approval.  They are just for fun.  They give me something to do in between fishing days.  Top Gun will shine with the theoretical explanations.  Ms. Forever Yuen will shine with the experiments and the write-up of the presentations.  Wang Shum Ho is already shining with his role as the China Energy Expert.  Many unknowns from Hong Kong and China will shine in the coming months.  I hope that the World will benefit with these Stars and many more Worldwide.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 11, 2008, 09:54:55 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 11, 2008, 02:15:27 AM
I have now uploaded the new presentation file in

This new presentation file contains the diagrams from Top Gun and is suitable for those who need a review of Mechanics in ?O level Physics?.

You should direct your questions at Top Gun as he has taken over all technical discussions on the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.

Top Gun, on the comments on Slide 5 on New EnergyV88.ppt, there is the information:
In the previous slide, we can see that the pendulum bob has moved from Position A to Position B.

The vertical displacement represented an increase in Potential Energy (mgh).  We can conclude that work must have been done.  But we cannot determine exactly how much work has been done if we do not know the exact Force and/or the Displacement Functions.

This concept is extremely important.  One analogy we can use to understand this concept better is that we want to go from Street One to Street Ten on the slope of a hill.  We can go by car, by bus, by bicycle or on foot.  We can go in a straight line or we can go in a detoured path.  The exact work done or energy spent can be very different.

If we assume the displacement function is an arc, the remaining variable is the force function. 

1. Can you show how different force functions do different work? 

2. Which force function will Lead Out the maximum gravitational energy? 

3. How would this affect (or improve) the many known Over Unity Inventions?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on May 11, 2008, 09:57:21 AM

Hilarious how he is so concerned over what people are saying. Especially when they cut on him. Big man in fargo haha. Hey bud, I wonder if the owner of that apt 'disaster' knows you are harrassing people on the net? Be easy to call them huh? There cant be more than 12 units with 50 people each in that run down section 8 slum. Do you work at all, or is your back still out? Is your mom still giving you and your boyfriend money to get married?
I think you are a little too defensive of larry. I think that maybe there is something going on between you two. The passion you have shown doesnt make sense unless you have a secret love for him. I bet if you ask nice he will let you lead out his wang. You would like that wouldnt you, you little rascal!
If you want, we all know larry, and we can formally introduce you. Then you can have a nice hot honeymoon in his fiberglass flying saucer!
Oh, cupid, you wispy, hopeful, little gnome, make your arrows fly true, straight into larrys heart, for little wannabe!! How cute!!!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on May 11, 2008, 10:10:19 AM
And in case you think we missed it,

As the other perceptive members have pointed out, his very first post was hateful and abrasive. Isnt it something, that the very thing he is fighting us about, he did from the very start? No restraint, no concern for others, nothing. And yet this clown demands that we stop it? When you cant even control yourself?
It would have been one thing to ask nicely, to show that what he says isnt bs. That would have been easy really. But no, he cant even do that. Lead by example right? not with wannabe.
The truth is, and its obvious from the looks of his rat apartment, that he makes himself feel big by trying to order 'strangers' around. Because in the real world people just laugh at him.
You cant expect people to take you seriously if you do the very thing that you are ordering them to stop doing. Dipshit.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 11, 2008, 10:18:00 AM
you are fucking mental...
call them, tell them i am "harassing" people on the web. do you think they will evict me? they too will want you back up your claims with substance. how you gonna do that? give them the addy to this thread? yeah that will work LOLZ
wasn't it you accusing me of being a tattle tale? and now you are gonna do it? kinda makes you a hypocrite doesn't that? you contradict yourself...
i have not once defended larry. i HAVE repeatedly said that your petty insults are not productive and that you need to grow up, which i still stand by.
sorry i didn't sugar coat it enough for you, whaaa fucking whaaa
still avoiding my questions? you make claims and then don't back them up? i suppose thats what you call science...did you learn this from hans? here are the questions, AGAIN
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 09:50:46 AM
where did i "volunteer" to help anyone? where did i ask you to stop questioning larry?
these are two simple concise questions, i am going to fathom a guess that you will avoid answering them...
if you choose not to respond to these it will be an admission you are talking out your ass.
when AND IF you answer those, try this one, what EXACTLY was abrasive and hateful in my first post?
hans has avoided answering this, i imagine you will also.

no concern for others? LOLZ this is too fucking laughable to even respond to.
like i said anytime you wanna stop by and "chat" you know my address. you wont... noballs
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 11, 2008, 10:27:29 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 10, 2008, 08:33:52 PM

For those interested in the USA 225HP Pulse Motor development, you may like to know that they are in a much more advanced state compared with many others.  They are funded by the Jupiter fund.  The website is http://www.jfg.us.com. They do not need any promotion from individuals like me because they already have vast resources. 

The working of the Pulse Motor is explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.

Tseung, do you think the Jupiter fund group are also developing the Flying Saucer?  What are the modifications they need to make based on their 225HP Pulse Motor?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on May 11, 2008, 01:39:41 PM
You and Larry sure do make a cute couple. You even dodge the truth like he does! How cute! So hey dont let it bother you that you are a flaming hypocrite. We dont. I guess what you are really saying is that when you feel justified, you can say whatever you want, right?
Dont feel bad about being owned here. Just pretend its all the people around you, in daily life. Cause it it.
You have had a lot of experience being owned, Im sure. Being someones bitch is probably the best thing you will ever accomplish in life. I guess you had to turn out better than your parents. Everyone else did.
I pray that we can help you to get what you want most out of this forum, a tiny chinamans dong. Once you have the Golden Larry Dong, then life will be complete. Imagine the respect you will get in your section 8 housing! You two can wear your funny hats to the gay pride parade. I suggest you first find out if larry 'swings that way' or "leads out" the lovesnot that way.
PS ignore that scratching on your forehead. My balls were itchy:)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 11, 2008, 08:10:18 PM
Quote from: Devil on May 11, 2008, 10:27:29 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 10, 2008, 08:33:52 PM

For those interested in the USA 225HP Pulse Motor development, you may like to know that they are in a much more advanced state compared with many others.  They are funded by the Jupiter fund.  The website is http://www.jfg.us.com. They do not need any promotion from individuals like me because they already have vast resources. 

The working of the Pulse Motor is explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.

Tseung, do you think the Jupiter fund group are also developing the Flying Saucer?  What are the modifications they need to make based on their 225HP Pulse Motor?

Dear Devil,

I have no direct access to the research laboratories of the Jupiter Fund Group.  Thus whatever I post is pure speculation on my part.  The reasons that I believe they might be working on the Flying Saucer Project are as follows:

(1)   The information was presented to them at Tsinghua University in 2006.  They showed keen interest.
(2)   They have team members who can read Chinese.  They extracted the information from the China Patent database on the Flying Saucer.
(3)   They were talking about having a wheel with a slice of their 225 HP Pulse Motor to provide power.  All their cars can be four-wheel drives.  Changing a wheel is equivalent to changing an engine.
(4)   When they heard about the Magneto Propulsion Unit (MPU), they commented that it is an advanced development of their engine-wheel.  The engine-wheel is surface bound.  The MPU allows flying into space.
(5)   The personalities of the Engineers present were ? very eager and keen to learn new developments.  They were willing to ask intelligent questions.  They spent years on their machines without understanding the true source of energy.  They adopted the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory within the first half-hour.  There is no doubt that they are well acquainted with ?O Level Physics?.
(6)   They appeared to be well funded.  They stayed in the five-star hotels and rented luxury cars with drivers on their trip.
(7)   They are well connected with the US Government.  Many members of their Board have military background.  One of their presentation slides showed their engine on a military jeep.  See http://www.jfg.us.com for details.

I shall let Top Gun comment on the technical side of how to modify their 225 HP Pulse Motors into engines for the Flying Saucer.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 11, 2008, 10:01:46 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 11, 2008, 08:10:18 PM

Dear Devil,

I have no direct access to the research laboratories of the Jupiter Fund Group.  Thus whatever I post is pure speculation on my part.  The reasons that I believe they might be working on the Flying Saucer Project are as follows:

(1)   The information was presented to them at Tsinghua University in 2006.  They showed keen interest.
(2)   They have team members who can read Chinese.  They extracted the information from the China Patent database on the Flying Saucer.
(3)   They were talking about having a wheel with a slice of their 225 HP Pulse Motor to provide power.  All their cars can be four-wheel drives.  Changing a wheel is equivalent to changing an engine.
(4)   When they heard about the Magneto Propulsion Unit (MPU), they commented that it is an advanced development of their engine-wheel.  The engine-wheel is surface bound.  The MPU allows flying into space.
(5)   The personalities of the Engineers present were ? very eager and keen to learn new developments.  They were willing to ask intelligent questions.  They spent years on their machines without understanding the true source of energy.  They adopted the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory within the first half-hour.  There is no doubt that they are well acquainted with ?O Level Physics?.
(6)   They appeared to be well funded.  They stayed in the five-star hotels and rented luxury cars with drivers on their trip.
(7)   They are well connected with the US Government.  Many members of their Board have military background.  One of their presentation slides showed their engine on a military jeep.  See http://www.jfg.us.com for details.

I shall let Top Gun comment on the technical side of how to modify their 225 HP Pulse Motors into engines for the Flying Saucer.

OK plot for a Chinese science fiction movie. May even make it to Hollywood's 100 worst movie plots.
Personally I think the "Andromeda Strain" is more believable.

As for reality, no sensible person in their right frame of mind can possible post garbage like these!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 11, 2008, 10:48:07 PM
Quote from: Devil on May 11, 2008, 09:54:55 AM

If we assume the displacement function is an arc, the remaining variable is the force function. 

1. Can you show how different force functions do different work? 

2. Which force function will Lead Out the maximum gravitational energy? 

3. How would this affect (or improve) the many known Over Unity Inventions?

Dear Devil,

I am reproducing Pendulum 28.jpg.  The movement of the knot would actually be that of an arc until the very end.  This is because there is always tension on the string shown in Scale A.  If we assume that the string and Scale A are inextensible, the path will follow that of an arc.

In this particular path, the positive vertical work done is shared equally between Scale A and Scale B.  Positive horizontal work is done by Scale B.  Equal and opposite negative horizontal work is done by Scale A.  Both the vertical work and horizontal work done are stored in the pendulum system.

Is this case clear???

More to follow.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 11, 2008, 11:53:42 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 11, 2008, 10:48:07 PM

1. Can you show how different force functions do different work? 
Dear Devil,

I am reproducing Pendulum 28.jpg.  The movement of the knot would actually be that of an arc until the very end.  This is because there is always tension on the string shown in Scale A.  If we assume that the string and Scale A are inextensible, the path will follow that of an arc.

In this particular path, the positive vertical work done is shared equally between Scale A and Scale B.  Positive horizontal work is done by Scale B.  Equal and opposite negative horizontal work is done by Scale A.  Both the vertical work and horizontal work done are stored in the pendulum system.

Is this case clear???

More to follow.

Top Gun, I like your explanation.  It is easy to confirm via experiment.

This is because there is always tension on the string shown in Scale A.  If we assume that the string and Scale A are inextensible, the path will follow that of an arc.

In other words, the externally supplied force can be in different directions and with different magnitude.  So long as there is tension on the string, the path will be that of an arc.  Understood perfectly.

I look forward to your explanation on the other points.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 12, 2008, 12:02:02 AM

Quote from: Devil on May 11, 2008, 11:53:42 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 11, 2008, 10:48:07 PM

1. Can you show how different force functions do different work? 
Dear Devil,

I am reproducing Pendulum 28.jpg.  The movement of the knot would actually be that of an arc until the very end.  This is because there is always tension on the string shown in Scale A.  If we assume that the string and Scale A are inextensible, the path will follow that of an arc.

In this particular path, the positive vertical work done is shared equally between Scale A and Scale B.  Positive horizontal work is done by Scale B.  Equal and opposite negative horizontal work is done by Scale A.  Both the vertical work and horizontal work done are stored in the pendulum system.

Is this case clear???

More to follow.

Top Gun, I like your explanation.  It is easy to confirm via experiment.

This is because there is always tension on the string shown in Scale A.  If we assume that the string and Scale A are inextensible, the path will follow that of an arc.

In other words, the externally supplied force can be in different directions and with different magnitude.  So long as there is tension on the string, the path will be that of an arc.  Understood perfectly.

I look forward to your explanation on the other points.

OK. Devil talking to Devil?
Just as Bill said, when some idiot assumes too many persona, they even forget who is talking to who!
If you can't even get your persona correct, how can your crap be true?
Hahaha. What an idiot!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 12, 2008, 02:22:58 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 10, 2008, 03:03:28 PM
I shall state the actual ?O level Physics concepts? I used in support of the Lee-Tseung Lead out Theory.

(1)   Parallelogram of Forces and the basic experiment to verify it.  This experiment has been done millions of time over the Centuries Worldwide.  It cannot be wrong.

(2)   Modifying the experiment in (1) to apply it to the case of a pendulum.  The modification is placing the board vertical; replace a Scale with a weight.  This experiment cannot be wrong.

(3)   Introducing that work done or energy spent = force x displacement using vector arithmetic. This cannot be wrong.

(4)   Resolve the Force Vector into vertical and horizontal components.  This cannot be wrong.

(5)   Resolve the Displacement Vector into vertical and horizontal components.  This cannot be wrong.

(6)   Obtaining the vertical work done by multiplying the vertical component of the force vector with the vertical component of the displacement vector.  This cannot be wrong.

(7)   Obtaining the horizontal work done by multiplying the horizontal component of the force vector with the horizontal component of the displacement vector.  This cannot be wrong.

(8 )   Showing that there can be different ways to move the pendulum bob or knot from Position A to Position B.  The work done or energy spent in each way can be different.  This cannot be wrong.

(9)   Do the Force, Displacement, Work and Energy analysis on the first Lee-Tseung Pull.  This particular pull is applying a horizontal force (F) to the pendulum at rest (Position A) until the three forces (Tension of String, Weight of Bob and Force F) are at equilibrium (Position B).  There can be argument on the exact Force and the exact Displacement functions.  There may be argument that a perfect horizontal force (F) in a simple pendulum set up is impossible.

(10)   However, the analysis from (3) to (9) clearly shows that the horizontal work done is different from that of the vertical work done in the first Lee-Tseung Pull.  The tension in the string must be a contributing factor.

(11)   In ?O level Physics?, when there is a force (Tension of the string) and a displacement (movement of the string), we can resolve both vectors into their vertical and horizontal components.  We can examine whether there are work done in the vertical and horizontal directions.  The Tension of the string has both vertical and horizontal components.  The vertical component is in the direction of displacement (moving the bob up).  The horizontal component is in opposite direction of displacement.

(12)   The last statement and its implication may exceed the ?O level Physics?.  It is the concept of negative work.  Negative work can be dissipated as energy due to friction or it can be stored into the system.  In the case of the pendulum, this negative work is stored as energy in the pendulum system.  This work is essentially done by gravity via the tension of the string.  Mr. Tseung used "Lead Out" to describe this process.

The Physics and Mathematics cannot be wrong.  Mr. Tseung is very safe with his challenge money of HK$10,000. No Physicists in the world can disprove the above 12 points. (I am human.  I made an elementary mistake not in mathematics or physics but in my drawing.  Sorry for the confusion caused.)

I do not mind answering questions or comments on the above 12 points.  They logically lead to the possibility of New Energy Machines that use gravitational and/or electron motion energy.  The energy crisis of the world is effectively over.  Mr. Tseung is convinced that both the Chinese and USA Governments know the Lee-Tseung theory thoroughly.  He is also convinced that both know how to build the Flying Saucer.  The many sightings in Nanjing and Area 51 are not hoaxes. 

I am sure that there are Officials in both China and USA (and in other Countries) who passed their O level Physics examinations.

Dear Top_gun
You seem to like to move around in a circle! We all know what law of parellelogram of forces is! You keep on doing same arguments over and over. Many people here and outside have proved them wrong many times. You again and again come to that equilibrium position. I always asked you to prove me how you arrived there. All your figures so far clearly show the "mechanism" for vertical pull! Not in a single diagram you were able to provide a perfect horizontal force to the pendulum.
You were not wrong in your diagrams. You were wrong in Maths and physics. YOU PURPOSELY TRIED TO DRAW FLAWED DIAGRAMS, SO THAT THEY SUPPORT YOUR THEORY. When we pointed out obvious mistakes you went back to your original argument that "Slide 3 can not be wrong"!

Now I challenge you to show me how you pulled it and I will give you complete mechanics analysis to calculate the forces. I will prove beyong doubt that vertical work is done by some external force and not gravity. Lets see you accept this challenge or not! Draw any so called Lee _ Tseung pull figure!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 12, 2008, 02:32:49 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 12, 2008, 02:22:58 AM

Dear Top_gun
You seem to like to move around in a circle! We all know what law of parellelogram of forces is! You keep on doing same arguments over and over. Many people here and outside have proved them wrong many times. You again and again come to that equilibrium position. I always asked you to prove me how you arrived there. All your figures so far clearly show the "mechanism" for vertical pull! Not in a single diagram you were able to provide a perfect horizontal force to the pendulum.
You were not wrong in your diagrams. You were wrong in Maths and physics. YOU PURPOSELY TRIED TO DRAW FLAWED DIAGRAMS, SO THAT THEY SUPPORT YOUR THEORY. When we pointed out obvious mistakes you went back to your original argument that "Slide 3 can not be wrong"!

Now I challenge you to show me how you pulled it and I will give you complete mechanics analysis to calculate the forces. I will prove beyong doubt that vertical work is done by some external force and not gravity. Lets see you accept this challenge or not! Draw any so called Lee _ Tseung pull figure!


It is quite obvious the con man tries so hard to get past slide 3 but reality is he just can't prove it via real Physics and Math., just as you have challenged him.

He keeps on saying the audience at Tsinghua University has no problems understanding his theory and equations, including all these 299 OU inventions that are explained by the Lee-Tseung crap theory.

Funny thing is none of these audience at Tsinghua University and NOT one of the other virtual 299 OU inventors has come to such a public forum to ascertain his theory. How strange?

The other way to look at this is that this gentleman is truly delusional without question. Need we say anymore.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 12, 2008, 02:39:01 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 11, 2008, 04:48:10 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 11, 2008, 03:32:42 AM
ok exactly how is it ad hominem? please be specific.
they WERE being childish. this is FACTUAL. please show me where ltseung has lowered himself to such behavior? at least he has some grace in his replies, however skewed you think his physics may be.

Dear WilbyInebriated,

Thank you for pointing out that many of the posts are insults that have no merit.

The fact remains ? the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory cannot be wrong.  So insults cannot get through my shield.  The insults do provide the necessary ?insult training?.  I can tell you a true story related to Insult Training.  The Chinese Negotiators working under the British Colonial Rule went through this tough training before they were sent to Beijing (for the 1997 return of Hong Kong to China). 

The training was done by professional insulters who spent an hour each day hurling insults at these negotiators.  Words such as yellow skinned dogs, white skinned pigs, etc. were used.  The insults were combined with half-truths and personal attacks.  One of those who went through this training told me: ?At the beginning, the insults got to me.  I got furious.  But the sessions were videotaped.  My superiors, my peers and my subordinates got to see and comment on those tapes.  I wanted to quit a couple of times!?

I then asked what was the end-result.  He said: ?We were able to keep cool under the worst possible negotiation conditions.  All the Chinese Officials kept their positions at the change-over.?

I shall take on the bullets and cannons on behalf of the over 300 over unity inventors.   The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory will explain the source of energy of their inventions.  They can focus on perfecting their machines.  So the insult training is a good thing in disguise. 

So smile, relax and continue to watch the show.  Physics and Mathematics will not lie.  They will point out the winner.  My posts in here are not to seek approval.  They are just for fun.  They give me something to do in between fishing days.  Top Gun will shine with the theoretical explanations.  Ms. Forever Yuen will shine with the experiments and the write-up of the presentations.  Wang Shum Ho is already shining with his role as the China Energy Expert.  Many unknowns from Hong Kong and China will shine in the coming months.  I hope that the World will benefit with these Stars and many more Worldwide.

Dear Mr tseung

Physics and maths dont lie and that is what we are saying! You are asking for insults because instead of answering genuine questions, you just keep on saying "my theory can not be proved wrong". What ever diagrams top gun drew, were so flawed that any one can easily show mistakes in your assumption. Instead of clearing any body's doubt, you keep on making statements like I am next to Galileo, I am the scientist of the century, I won the biggest lottery. You are making a laughing stock of your self! And obviously when people know that all you do is make some wierd claim which you can not prove even after many questions and comments by them, they are going to insult you.
To avoide from insults, you have to have a rock solid theory, supported by experimental data. You seem to have none except one presentation which you keep on changing, you are going to get insulted and not only by us, but by many. I seriously tried to explain top gun his mistakes but all he came back to after discarding his diagrams to your statement "My theory can not be proved wrong". You are just joking with yourself Mr. Tseung! Get out of it as soon as you can!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 12, 2008, 02:42:13 AM
Quote from: chrisC on May 12, 2008, 02:32:49 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 12, 2008, 02:22:58 AM

Dear Top_gun
You seem to like to move around in a circle! We all know what law of parellelogram of forces is! You keep on doing same arguments over and over. Many people here and outside have proved them wrong many times. You again and again come to that equilibrium position. I always asked you to prove me how you arrived there. All your figures so far clearly show the "mechanism" for vertical pull! Not in a single diagram you were able to provide a perfect horizontal force to the pendulum.
You were not wrong in your diagrams. You were wrong in Maths and physics. YOU PURPOSELY TRIED TO DRAW FLAWED DIAGRAMS, SO THAT THEY SUPPORT YOUR THEORY. When we pointed out obvious mistakes you went back to your original argument that "Slide 3 can not be wrong"!

Now I challenge you to show me how you pulled it and I will give you complete mechanics analysis to calculate the forces. I will prove beyong doubt that vertical work is done by some external force and not gravity. Lets see you accept this challenge or not! Draw any so called Lee _ Tseung pull figure!


It is quite obvious the con man tries so hard to get past slide 3 but reality is he just can't prove it via real Physics and Math., just as you have challenged him.

He keeps on saying the audience at Tsinghua University has no problems understanding his theory and equations, including all these 299 OU inventions that are explained by the Lee-Tseung crap theory.

Funny thing is none of these audience at Tsinghua University and NOT one of the other virtual 299 OU inventors has come to such a public forum to ascertain his theory. How strange?

The other way to look at this is that this gentleman is truly delusional without question. Need we say anymore.


True. I agree. That is what I asked him so many times, that apart from him, please give me a single name who approves this theory and can prove it mathematically. So far I have got none. Its always HE keep on saying these things. No one else seems to support him. Dilusion is what it is!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 03:09:48 AM
did you mean delusion?  ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on May 12, 2008, 03:29:06 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 03:09:48 AM
did you mean delusion?  ::)

Take it easy.  The guy is from India.  How good is your Indian?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 03:35:08 AM
take it easy? was i being to hard on him by asking him if that was the word he meant to use?
if you cant speak the language don't speak it. or use the spell check  ::)
you know, the big red line under a word that you have typed means its wrong.

how good is my indian? what does that have to do with anything? are we communicating in indian here?
if i can't speak indian that gives kul the go ahead to mutilate english?
your logic is pretty messed up.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on May 12, 2008, 03:46:36 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 03:35:08 AM
if you cant speak the language don't speak it. or use the spell check  ::)
you know, the big red line under a word that you have typed means its wrong

Based on that logic, you should have silenced yourself a long, long time ago.  Should we go over your next most recent post?  You cannot capitalize.  You create run-on sentences.  You do not know how to use commas, periods, ellipses, you name it - I do not think you can punctuate at all, really.  You constantly use slang words, which are generally unacceptable when written.  Overall, Kul has better English grammar than you do.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 03:53:30 AM
how does capitalization affect the meaning of a word?
constantly using slang? i hope you can back this up with examples. are you making up a new definition of constantly?
grammar is morphology and syntax traditionally, not punctuation, but i know how you love making up your own definitions ::)
so dilusion is an ENGLISH word now?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 12, 2008, 03:53:54 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 03:35:08 AM
if you cant speak the language don't speak it. or use the spell check  ::)
you know, the big red line under a word that you have typed means its wrong

Listen kiddo, I am going to tell you this only once. I know you are angry at world. I know the world is very demanding for retards like you. So you are venting your anger in virtual forum where people can not see you. I have worked with special children like you. I know their problems. So you please keep on venting your frustrations here if that makes you feel little better. Remaining are normal adults here so they will understand your condition.
I can suggest you to go to special schools. Kids like you go to these schools and feel better. I understand you feel better when you vent your anger here. But it is a temporary feeling. It is like when have itch, you get pleasure by scratching! Permanent solution is to take professional help.
Should I talk to your mama about your condition? Anger is bad for mental health especially for special kids like you. Please do not feel shy to admit your condition and take help. ItÂ's good that at least you are venting some of it here. I can judge by your language and understanding that world is very nasty with you. Take help early from Tseung. He will show you how to deal effectively with insults about your mental condition. By now he is a guru in this regards!
Take care, I will pray for your improvement!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 12, 2008, 03:54:10 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 03:35:08 AM
take it easy? was i being to hard on him by asking him if that was the word he meant to use?
if you cant speak the language don't speak it. or use the spell check  ::)
you know, the big red line under a word that you have typed means its wrong.

how good is my indian? what does that have to do with anything? are we communicating in indian here?
if i can't speak indian that gives kul the go ahead to mutilate english?
your logic is pretty messed up.

Hey Mr. Wilderbeast:

Why don't you go find another playground to roam? I'm sure they're plenty places left in the Dakotas where your cousins, the bison used to roam. Obviously you're not really popular on this thread.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 04:00:08 AM
thats funny, aren't you the electrical engineer and software developer? get a soldering iron yet? how can a software dev. make such asinine assumptions about web spiders? it's like one of the first scripts you learn to write...
how's your TPU coming by the way?

i like this playground.
if you found any errors in my reply to atlas please let me know.

could you repeat that? ::)
i gave you my address, you can come "see" me anytime...
i am not venting frustration, i am correcting your errors.
pray for me? go ahead and waste your breath supplicating yourself to some imaginary metaphysical shepherd entity LOL
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 12, 2008, 04:15:22 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 04:00:08 AM

could you repeat that? ::)
i am not venting frustration, i am correcting your errors.

Your condition is worse than I thought! You really do not know what you are doing. Take help as soon as possible kiddo!!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 12, 2008, 04:21:30 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 04:00:08 AM

i like this playground.
if you found any errors in my reply to atlas please let me know.

It's apparent as much as Tseung is delutional in his theory, you Mr. Wilderbeast is quite under-educated. You cannot spell, can't capitalize, don't know how to use commas or periods.....
Oh, yes you live in some sort of slummy section 8 housing sandwiched between two freeways?
It is little wonder you are wilderbeast in a china shop, everywhere you turn you seemed to shit in every corner?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 12, 2008, 04:24:42 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 09, 2008, 05:54:09 PM
Dear Hans,

The figure pendulum28.jpg shows a possible movement of the Scale B.  It tries to share half of the work with Scale A.  If the external supplied energy is via Scale B, then Gravity must be doing the remaining work via Scale A.

Many forum members do not understand that the work can be done via the Pendulum String.  In Physics, if there is a force and a displacement, we can resolve both into vertical and horizontal components.  We can then calculate the vertical work and the horizontal work done.

Pendulum28.jpg clearly shows that the work done is not by the external force via Scale B only.  Gravitational energy is Lead Out via Scale A.

This is by far the funniest diagram I have seen. Can you please explain it with mathematical analysis and also show the exact path of your scale B?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 04:34:33 AM
Quote from: chrisC on May 12, 2008, 04:21:30 AM
It's apparent as much as Tseung is delutional in his theory, you Mr. Wilderbeast is quite under-educated. You cannot spell, can't capitalize, don't know how to use commas or periods.....
Oh, yes you live in some sort of slummy section 8 housing sandwiched between two freeways?
It is little wonder you are wilderbeast in a china shop, everywhere you turn you seemed to shit in every corner?

"Oh, yes you live in some sort of slummy section 8 housing sandwiched between two freeways?" this is a statement not a question.
you claim i cannot spell. do you have examples to back this claim up? or is this like the rest of your claims? baseless
still can't seem to get away from the ad hominem and actually back up your numerous, baseless claims can you?
did you mean wildebeest?  ::)   ;D

hooked on phonics worked for you too  ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 12, 2008, 04:41:49 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 04:34:33 AM
did you mean wildebeest?  ::)   ;D

hooked on phonics worked for you too  ::)

No you idiot. I did not mean wildebeest. I meant  'wilderbeast', just as I typed.


A Wilderbeast is in slang dictionary:

"A certain creature that bites at his/her own shoulders, and grooms often. Gets extremely bored at times and acts extremely oddly."

Do you now understand? Or are you still stupid?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 04:47:34 AM
i notice you avoided providing any substance to back up your claims... AGAIN
careful with that slang.. atlas might chastise you. wait, no she won't, she cherry picks.
why don't you go add dilusional to the urbandictionary.com? ::) quick hop, like a bunny, before kul beats you to it.

how's that TPU coming? did you get a soldering iron yet?

yes i understand that you love to be incorrect and make baseless claims that you NEVER back up.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 12, 2008, 04:59:02 AM
Quote from: chrisC on May 12, 2008, 04:41:49 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 04:34:33 AM
did you mean wildebeest?  ::)   ;D

hooked on phonics worked for you too  ::)

No you idiot. I did not mean wildebeest. I meant  'wilderbeast', just as I typed.


A Wilderbeast is in slang dictionary:

"A certain creature that bites at his/her own shoulders, and grooms often. Gets extremely bored at times and acts extremely oddly."

Do you now understand? Or are you still stupid?


Let the dog bark man! Why you want to take that pleasure away from him? This kid has some serious psychological problems like Tseung. He needs help badly. Venting his anger here or barking here makes him feel good about himself, which must be rare for him in real world. He is a retard and retards have real problems. I have seen it couple of times. He can't fight real world, let him have that pleasure here till he finds the professional to help him out. So let him say what he wants to. Let's pray for his betterment.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 05:06:11 AM
yes, "let the dog bark".
that's far easier than actually backing up your baseless claims with substance isn't it?
yes, pray for me to your flying spaghetti monster...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 12, 2008, 05:09:43 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 05:06:11 AM
yes, "let the dog bark".
that's far easier than actually backing up your baseless claims with substance isn't it?
yes, pray for me to your flying spaghetti monster...

Don' cry little baby! Just ask for help. I will pray for your betterment.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 12, 2008, 05:13:09 AM
Quote from: Devil on May 11, 2008, 09:54:55 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 11, 2008, 02:15:27 AM
I have now uploaded the new presentation file in

If we assume the displacement function is an arc, the remaining variable is the force function. 

1. Can you show how different force functions do different work? 

2. Which force function will Lead Out the maximum gravitational energy?  

3. How would this affect (or improve) the many known Over Unity Inventions?

Dear Devil,

The answer to (2) requires much more knowledge than ?O level Physics?.

One needs the knowledge of Integral Calculus.  In the attached diagram, Pendulum13.jpg, the first term of the equation represents the Work Integral in its general form.  In English, it says that the work done from Point A (represented by x1, y1 coordinate) to Point B (represented by x2, y2 coordinate) is the vector multiplication of the Force Function (F) and the infinitely small increment of the Displacement Function.  Please note the dot notation.

To explain this concept to the layman, I shall state the following:
(1)   The path or displacement is divided up into very small sections ? assuming the exact path is known.
(2)   The Force at each small section is known ? assuming that the Force Function is known.
(3)   The work done in each section is the vector multiplication of the Force at that section and the small displacement.
(4)   The sum of the work done from Point A to Point B is the sum of the work done in all these sections.

The RHS of the equation states that we can deal with the horizontal component (x) and the vertical component (y) separately at each section.  If we do that, we can use normal multiplication and not vector multiplication.

How much gravitational energy is Lead Out can be calculated by comparing the different Force Functions on the Displacement Function (that turned out to be an arc).  The best Force Function from such calculations is Tangential.  The first Lee-Tseung Pull is horizontal ? which is really tangential when starting from rest.

Mr. Tseung simplified the mathematics by focusing on the first Pull only.  He used a constant horizontal Force Function in his illustration.  That case definitely shows a Lead Out gravitational energy.

To be more exact, any Force Function showing tension on the string via Scale A will show a vertical work done by the string.  Some gravitation energy will be Lead Out.

Thus Mr. Tseung is justified in his statement that the tension of the string contributes to the work done.  In other words, Gravity does work (and hence supplies energy) via the tension of the string.

Is this explanation clear enough???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 05:14:26 AM
ramen, and may you forever be touched by his noodlelike appendage.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 12, 2008, 05:21:13 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 12, 2008, 05:13:09 AM
Quote from: Devil on May 11, 2008, 09:54:55 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 11, 2008, 02:15:27 AM
I have now uploaded the new presentation file in

If we assume the displacement function is an arc, the remaining variable is the force function. 

1. Can you show how different force functions do different work? 

2. Which force function will Lead Out the maximum gravitational energy?  

3. How would this affect (or improve) the many known Over Unity Inventions?

Dear Devil,

The answer to (2) requires much more knowledge than ?O level Physics?.

One needs the knowledge of Integral Calculus.  In the attached diagram, Pendulum13.jpg, the first term of the equation represents the Work Integral in its general form.  In English, it says that the work done from Point A (represented by x1, y1 coordinate) to Point B (represented by x2, y2 coordinate) is the vector multiplication of the Force Function (F) and the infinitely small increment of the Displacement Function.  Please note the dot notation.

To explain this concept to the layman, I shall state the following:
(1)   The path or displacement is divided up into very small sections ? assuming the exact path is known.
(2)   The Force at each small section is known ? assuming that the Force Function is known.
(3)   The work done in each section is the vector multiplication of the Force at that section and the small displacement.
(4)   The sum of the work done from Point A to Point B is the sum of the work done in all these sections.

The RHS of the equation states that we can deal with the horizontal component (x) and the vertical component (y) separately at each section.  If we do that, we can use normal multiplication and not vector multiplication.

How much gravitational energy is Lead Out can be calculated by comparing the different Force Functions on the Displacement Function (that turned out to be an arc).  The best Force Function from such calculations is Tangential.  The first Lee-Tseung Pull is horizontal ? which is really tangential when starting from rest.

Mr. Tseung simplified the mathematics by focusing on the first Pull only.  He used a constant horizontal Force Function in his illustration.  That case definitely shows a Lead Out gravitational energy.

To be more exact, any Force Function showing tension on the string via Scale A will show a vertical work done by the string.  Some gravitation energy will be Lead Out.

Thus Mr. Tseung is justified in his statement that the tension of the string contributes to the work done.  In other words, Gravity does work (and hence supplies energy) via the tension of the string.

Is this explanation clear enough???

Dear Top_Gun
Please provide analysis for lead out energy using this formula step by step. At what point was the energy from gravity was lead out or you can find it directly at the equlibrium position?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on May 12, 2008, 08:37:54 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on May 10, 2008, 12:32:19 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 11:40:23 AM
please address how my analysis was wildly off topic. i asked you first, you seem to like to play this question game with people to avoid questions posed to you. when you clarify your statement we can move on to your question.

The topic of the thread is the Lee-Tseung theory.  You did not address the merits of the theory, merely how many times this thread has been viewed.  While your post was perhaps responsive to another post, it was not on-topic, as it did not address the theory itself.

Wilby likes to play holier than thou games and nag about others being immature.
He seems to forget nobody forces him to read that stuff, and nobody really wants to hear his
"grow up and don't be childish" speech...
I think he only does it because there is something he needs to compensate for, and that's
why he nags others about stuff they didn't ask his opinion about.

It's too bad he's come to our comedy show to spoil the fun. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on May 12, 2008, 01:00:11 PM
Wannabe hasnt spoiled our fun,

Larrys game has been dead for years, if he ever had any at all,  wannabe doesnt even have the basic physics to challenge that part of it. All he can do is try and stir up trouble, and hes a pathetic troll. Really bad at trolling actually.
But you can tell from his scribbling that he is illiterate, and probably lives with mommy. So, tell your mommy that she is welcome, we know day care costs a lot on a hookers paycheck. We are glad to help you out with your retarded section 8 son, just give us a bigger discount next time we come over, k?  And please, keep your back shaved, it keeps the customers 'coming'.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 12, 2008, 03:56:54 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 05:14:26 AM
ramen, and may you forever be touched by his noodlelike appendage.

I think he might have just told us what's wrong with him.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 12, 2008, 07:09:14 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 12, 2008, 05:21:13 AM
Dear Top_Gun
Please provide analysis for lead out energy using this formula step by step. At what point was the energy from gravity was lead out or you can find it directly at the equlibrium position?

From the integral equation, every horizontal energy supplied will be matched by a vertical energy Lead Out via the tension of the string in every small incremental displacement.  Thus it is clear that Gravitational Energy is Lead Out during the application of the external force before the final equilibrium Position B.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 12, 2008, 08:10:35 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 12, 2008, 07:09:14 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 12, 2008, 05:21:13 AM
Dear Top_Gun
Please provide analysis for lead out energy using this formula step by step. At what point was the energy from gravity was lead out or you can find it directly at the equlibrium position?

From the integral equation, every horizontal energy supplied will be matched by a vertical energy Lead Out via the tension of the string in every small incremental displacement.  Thus it is clear that Gravitational Energy is Lead Out during the application of the external force before the final equilibrium Position B.

Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for your continued excellent explanations.  I now have the Physics Textbooks used in Hong Kong in front of me.  The set has 5 books:
Book 1 Heat
Book 2 Mechanics
Book 3 Waves
Book 4 Electricity and Magnetism
Book 5 Atomic Physics

Parallelogram of Forces and Resolving Forces into vertical and horizontal components are covered in Book 2.

The Publisher is Manhattan Press (HK) Ltd.

The campaign to educate at least one million Hong Kong Students on the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory is on very solid grounds.  Hong Kong and China are likely to lead the World.  Watch the drama in the coming months.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 12, 2008, 08:19:08 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 12, 2008, 08:10:35 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 12, 2008, 07:09:14 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 12, 2008, 05:21:13 AM
Dear Top_Gun
Please provide analysis for lead out energy using this formula step by step. At what point was the energy from gravity was lead out or you can find it directly at the equlibrium position?

From the integral equation, every horizontal energy supplied will be matched by a vertical energy Lead Out via the tension of the string in every small incremental displacement.  Thus it is clear that Gravitational Energy is Lead Out during the application of the external force before the final equilibrium Position B.

Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for your continued excellent explanations.  I now have the Physics Textbooks used in Hong Kong in front of me.  The set has 5 books:
Book 1 Heat
Book 2 Mechanics
Book 3 Waves
Book 4 Electricity and Magnetism
Book 5 Atomic Physics

Parallelogram of Forces and Resolving Forces into vertical and horizontal components are covered in Book 2.


Old Tseung:

That's not what Kul-ash asked you about. Stay on the question.
State exactly where in the equations at each step is the Lead-Out energy from Gravity occur.
If you really can show this and back up with experiment data, there would be no more insults.

Apaprently, you're diverting the questions and stating a bunch of books. That's NOT the question.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on May 13, 2008, 12:49:12 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 12, 2008, 03:56:54 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 05:14:26 AM
ramen, and may you forever be touched by his noodlelike appendage.

I think he might have just told us what's wrong with him.


And he does not even follow Pastafarianism very well.  It's "noodly," not noodlelike.  The FSM will not be pleased.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 13, 2008, 01:55:29 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 12, 2008, 07:09:14 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 12, 2008, 05:21:13 AM
Dear Top_Gun
Please provide analysis for lead out energy using this formula step by step. At what point was the energy from gravity was lead out or you can find it directly at the equlibrium position?

From the integral equation, every horizontal energy supplied will be matched by a vertical energy Lead Out via the tension of the string in every small incremental displacement.  Thus it is clear that Gravitational Energy is Lead Out during the application of the external force before the final equilibrium Position B.

Lol. Well you are again telling me your theory!!!! I am asking it to prove it by mathematics, because u keep saying maths and physics don't lie. I want you to chheck it for yourself. We already know your claims of "lead out energy". There is no point in telling us that again. Please write equations at every stage and prove us energy was lead out. Becuae we do not believe energy from gravity was ever led out. Now its your chance to show your maths skills.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 13, 2008, 02:00:52 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 13, 2008, 01:55:29 AM

Lol. Well you are again telling me your theory!!!! I am asking it to prove it by mathematics, because u keep saying maths and physics don't lie. I want you to chheck it for yourself. We already know your claims of "lead out energy". There is no point in telling us that again. Please write equations at every stage and prove us energy was lead out. Becuae we do not believe energy from gravity was ever led out. Now its your chance to show your maths skills.


I think he's calling his friends with 'A' level Physics to extend 'integral calculus' equations so he can quote more math.

As for real math and phyiscs skills..... I'm afraid he ain't got any!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 13, 2008, 03:52:20 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 13, 2008, 01:55:29 AM

From the integral equation, every horizontal energy supplied will be matched by a vertical energy Lead Out via the tension of the string in every small incremental displacement.  Thus it is clear that Gravitational Energy is Lead Out during the application of the external force before the final equilibrium Position B.

Lol. Well you are again telling me your theory!!!! I am asking it to prove it by mathematics, because u keep saying maths and physics don't lie. I want you to check it for yourself. We already know your claims of "lead out energy". There is no point in telling us that again. Please write equations at every stage and prove us energy was lead out. Becuae we do not believe energy from gravity was ever led out. Now its your chance to show your maths skills.

Dear Kul-ash,

i do not know your level of knowledge on Integral Calculus.  I shall try to explain again under the framework of Integral Calculus.

When we divide the path or displacement into tiny sections, we may assume the Force Function at that interval is constant.  There are three forces at that interval.  The externally supplied Force (F) is doing positive horizontal work.  It has no vertical component. Thus it cannot do vertical work.

The weight of the bob is a force acting downwards.  The vertical displacement is upwards.  Thus it is doing negative work.

The tension of the string has vertical component upwards.  Thus this component is doing positive work.  The tension of the string has horizontal component opposite to displacement.  Thus this component is doing negative work.

Thus in the microscopic world of Integral Calculus, we still have the tension of the string doing vertical work.  In other words, gravity is still doing work via the string when we use Integral Calculus.

Please read up on Integral Calculus.  I hope I do not have to explain the principles and mathematics of Integral Calculus in this thread.   The statements above obey the mathematics of Integral Calculus.

Do you understand the above statements and their obeying the principles and mathematics of Integral Calculus???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 13, 2008, 05:03:49 AM
The Principle behind the mathematics of Integral Calculus

I know that many forum members are not mathematicians.  The term Integral Calculus already scared them.  However, Kul_ash asked for a step-by-step explanation of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory using this branch of mathematics.

This is not covered in O Level Physics or Mathematics.  So I am trying to provide some explanation to the layman.  I am using the explanation of finding the area of a circle (as was done in China over 2,000 years ago).

The ancient Chinese do not know how to calculate the area of a circle.  They know how to calculate the area of a rectangle.  In Pendulum29.jpg, I show the concept of approximation.  On the LHS, when one rectangle is used to approximate the area of the circle, the error is very large.  As we move to the RHS, more rectangles are used to approximate the area of the circle, the error is reduced.

If the dividing up of the circle to rectangles is very large, the final answer will be very close to the exact answer.

This is the principle behind Integral Calculus.  Before the appearance of the Computer, the calculations could be very tedious and prone to errors.  Nowadays, we can use the spreadsheet (e.g. Microsoft Excel) to help.

Mr. Tseung used two spreadsheets to help him.  One is for the first Lee-Tseung Pull when a horizontal force is applied.  The other is the ideal Lee-Tseung Pull when a tangential force is applied.

Before I dissect the two spreadsheets, are you clear on the principles behind Integral Calculus???  The two spreadsheets rely on an understanding of Integral Calculus.

Physics and Mathematics do not lie.  But one must understand them first before one can apply them.  The Physics Mr. Tseung used is ?O Level Physics?.  The mathematics in the spreadsheets unfortunately are not ?O Level Mathematics?.  If you cannot understand or follow the detailed explanation, do not feel bad. 

(It is like my not understanding the stock market.  I do not feel bad.  I just do not pump my hard earn money into it.  Unlike Mr. Tseung who can take insults, I shall stop if I find the insults unbearable.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 13, 2008, 05:30:47 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 13, 2008, 03:52:20 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 13, 2008, 01:55:29 AM

From the integral equation, every horizontal energy supplied will be matched by a vertical energy Lead Out via the tension of the string in every small incremental displacement.  Thus it is clear that Gravitational Energy is Lead Out during the application of the external force before the final equilibrium Position B.

Lol. Well you are again telling me your theory!!!! I am asking it to prove it by mathematics, because u keep saying maths and physics don't lie. I want you to check it for yourself. We already know your claims of "lead out energy". There is no point in telling us that again. Please write equations at every stage and prove us energy was lead out. Becuae we do not believe energy from gravity was ever led out. Now its your chance to show your maths skills.

Dear Kul-ash,

i do not know your level of knowledge on Integral Calculus.  I shall try to explain again under the framework of Integral Calculus.

When we divide the path or displacement into tiny sections, we may assume the Force Function at that interval is constant.  There are three forces at that interval.  The externally supplied Force (F) is doing positive horizontal work.  It has no vertical component. Thus it cannot do vertical work.

The weight of the bob is a force acting downwards.  The vertical displacement is upwards.  Thus it is doing negative work.

The tension of the string has vertical component upwards.  Thus this component is doing positive work.  The tension of the string has horizontal component opposite to displacement.  Thus this component is doing negative work.

Thus in the microscopic world of Integral Calculus, we still have the tension of the string doing vertical work.  In other words, gravity is still doing work via the string when we use Integral Calculus.

Please read up on Integral Calculus.  I hope I do not have to explain the principles and mathematics of Integral Calculus in this thread.   The statements above obey the mathematics of Integral Calculus.

Do you understand the above statements and their obeying the principles and mathematics of Integral Calculus???

lol. Why is it so hard for you to understand that I do know Physics, Maths along with integral calculus? Did I ask you to teach me that?
When you propose a new theory, normally people give a complete mathematical proof for it. Like when Einstine came up with E = MC ^ 2, he did not only tell people that energy and mass could be converted to each other, he gave a complete theory supporting it along with the final equation. He did no tell people to go and learn physics and maths and integral calculus and developed equation on their own.
On one hand, Mr. Tseung says current laws of science are flawed and on other side you say go and learn them????
You give basics of law of parallelogram of forces and integral calculus, those are understood by high school students, what is there for us to learn?
You need to analyze forces at every step with proper mechanics and mathematics, show us that extra energy is some how coming from gravity actually by giving mathematical values like those you did for your final position!! As far as your external force doing only positive horizontal force is what most of us do not accept at all. We challanged you to show us constant horiozontal force on pendulum and you produced so many figure those were totally incorrect. Prove how you pulley system or other systems are doing only horizontal work and not vertical!! What is so hard to understand in this?
You claim is by whatever way you apply force and whatever the path pendulum takes, energy is lead out! No one has seen this so far in the world. Never it is observed. So it is your duty to give a complete mathematical analysis to prove your claim. Please do not tell us to learn integral calculus or law of parallelogram of forces because we already know it.
Prove it by mechanics and mathematics that indeed you added less energy and got more. You are just trying to find excuses. You have no theory. All you have is completely unproven claim which you can never justify.
My simple question is, if you provide mathematics for your final position, why can't you do that for complete movement of your pendulum? I know you do not wanna do it because you know it is not possible. So you are telling us to learn maths and physics. How convenient?
Prove it mathematically or accept that you do not have theory!! I think most of others will accept that I make sense and you do not!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 13, 2008, 05:42:24 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 13, 2008, 05:03:49 AM
The Principle behind the mathematics of Integral Calculus

I know that many forum members are not mathematicians.  The term Integral Calculus already scared them.  However, Kul_ash asked for a step-by-step explanation of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory using this branch of mathematics.

This is not covered in O Level Physics or Mathematics.  So I am trying to provide some explanation to the layman.  I am using the explanation of finding the area of a circle (as was done in China over 2,000 years ago).

The ancient Chinese do not know how to calculate the area of a circle.  They know how to calculate the area of a rectangle.  In Pendulum29.jpg, I show the concept of approximation.  On the LHS, when one rectangle is used to approximate the area of the circle, the error is very large.  As we move to the RHS, more rectangles are used to approximate the area of the circle, the error is reduced.

If the dividing up of the circle to rectangles is very large, the final answer will be very close to the exact answer.

This is the principle behind Integral Calculus.  Before the appearance of the Computer, the calculations could be very tedious and prone to errors.  Nowadays, we can use the spreadsheet (e.g. Microsoft Excel) to help.

Mr. Tseung used two spreadsheets to help him.  One is for the first Lee-Tseung Pull when a horizontal force is applied.  The other is the ideal Lee-Tseung Pull when a tangential force is applied.

Before I dissect the two spreadsheets, are you clear on the principles behind Integral Calculus???  The two spreadsheets rely on an understanding of Integral Calculus.

Physics and Mathematics do not lie.  But one must understand them first before one can apply them.  The Physics Mr. Tseung used is “O Level Physics”.  The mathematics in the spreadsheets unfortunately are not “O Level Mathematics”.  If you cannot understand or follow the detailed explanation, do not feel bad. 

(It is like my not understanding the stock market.  I do not feel bad.  I just do not pump my hard earn money into it.  Unlike Mr. Tseung who can take insults, I shall stop if I find the insults unbearable.)

I did not ask to show me step by step what is integration! I knew it since I was in 7th standard. I asked you specifically to give a mathematical analysis based of whatever formulae you use. Obviously you do not seem to understand this. PLEASE DO NOT TELL US HOW INTEGRAL CALCULUS WORKS BUT PLEASE TELL US HOW AND WHEN ENERGY IS ADDED IN SYSTEM BY GRAVITY. BECAUSE NO ONE IN WORLD SEEMS TO KNOW THIS EXCEPT YOU!

And as far as we not understanding Tseung's explanation is not because we do not understand maths or physics but because it is flawed and it has n number of obvious mistakes. Forget about us, but even the international inspectors of your patent who are the authority in these areas also seem not to understand it and it is very clear from their remarks! And about insults, you have to use them on us becuase you know that is the only way for you to answer here as most of us know your understanding of maths and physics!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 13, 2008, 06:41:41 AM
You might have seen on the News that China is suffering from one of the worst earthquakes.

If we have the Flying Saucer technology perfected, we can help in much better ways.  Some Officials in China are still treating the technology as top military secret.  I hope that their objections will be less with this event.

The World does not need more military weapons.  The World needs pollution free energy and advanced transportation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 13, 2008, 07:01:02 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 13, 2008, 06:41:41 AM
You might have seen on the News that China is suffering from one of the worst earthquakes.

If we have the Flying Saucer technology perfected, we can help in much better ways.  Some Officials in China are still treating the technology as top military secret.  I hope that their objections will be less with this event.

The World does not need more military weapons.  The World needs pollution free energy and advanced transportation.

And what's stopping you from doing that?  ???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 13, 2008, 07:53:51 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 13, 2008, 07:01:02 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 13, 2008, 06:41:41 AM
You might have seen on the News that China is suffering from one of the worst earthquakes.

If we have the Flying Saucer technology perfected, we can help in much better ways.  Some Officials in China are still treating the technology as top military secret.  I hope that their objections will be less with this event.

The World does not need more military weapons.  The World needs pollution free energy and advanced transportation.

And what's stopping you from doing that?  ???

Dear Kul_ash.

When you get old and had two strokes, you would realize your own limitations.

It is now a matter of letting others shine.  Initially it was individuals like Wang, Forever, Top Gun and Sun.  The next step is a million students in Hong Kong.

China is well advanced in the development.  USA is the same.  It is a matter of convincing the ?powerful? to release the technology.  India should catch up quickly.

It was like the era of guns via arrows.  At that time, the Emperors in China refused to believe the power of the gun.  They shut themselves up. 

You can choose to study the material or you can choose to reject it.  Physics and Mathematics will win in the end.  India also suffered during those periods.  Wake up.  There are no flaws in the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 13, 2008, 08:09:07 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 13, 2008, 07:53:51 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 13, 2008, 07:01:02 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 13, 2008, 06:41:41 AM
You might have seen on the News that China is suffering from one of the worst earthquakes.

If we have the Flying Saucer technology perfected, we can help in much better ways.  Some Officials in China are still treating the technology as top military secret.  I hope that their objections will be less with this event.

The World does not need more military weapons.  The World needs pollution free energy and advanced transportation.

And what's stopping you from doing that?  ???

Dear Kul_ash.

When you get old and had two strokes, you would realize your own limitations.

It is now a matter of letting others shine.  Initially it was individuals like Wang, Forever, Top Gun and Sun.  The next step is a million students in Hong Kong.

China is well advanced in the development.  USA is the same.  It is a matter of convincing the ?powerful? to release the technology.  India should catch up quickly.

It was like the era of guns via arrows.  At that time, the Emperors in China refused to believe the power of the gun.  They shut themselves up. 

You can choose to study the material or you can choose to reject it.  Physics and Mathematics will win in the end.  India also suffered during those periods.  Wake up.  There are no flaws in the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.

Dear Mr. Tseung,
With due respect, I accept everything except your last statement! As far as my knowledge goes, there are meany flaws in your theory and the main one is it is not possible to give a perfect horizontal pull to a pendulum. I asked you and top_gun to show me a way to do that. He came up with many alternatives but i showed problems in them. I request you again to show me a way to a perfect horizontal and constant force applied on pendulum.
It is not required by you to develop a machine. Either you can give a complete mathematical analysis or pull a pendulum with your ull and show us the result. I think its pretty simple to do if you are so convinced with your system. Unfortunately, no one will accept your claim on basis of just a parallelogram of forces figure in your presentation. Every one is going to ask you how pendulum came to that position and where is the analysis of applied external force?
Please provide either the experimental data validated by some professionals or give a complete mathematical proof so that others can analyze it. I think you can do it!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 13, 2008, 08:10:13 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 13, 2008, 07:53:51 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 13, 2008, 07:01:02 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 13, 2008, 06:41:41 AM
You might have seen on the News that China is suffering from one of the worst earthquakes.

If we have the Flying Saucer technology perfected, we can help in much better ways.  Some Officials in China are still treating the technology as top military secret.  I hope that their objections will be less with this event.

The World does not need more military weapons.  The World needs pollution free energy and advanced transportation.

And what's stopping you from doing that?  ???

Dear Kul_ash.

When you get old and had two strokes, you would realize your own limitations.

It is now a matter of letting others shine.  Initially it was individuals like Wang, Forever, Top Gun and Sun.  The next step is a million students in Hong Kong.

China is well advanced in the development.  USA is the same.  It is a matter of convincing the ?powerful? to release the technology.  India should catch up quickly.

It was like the era of guns via arrows.  At that time, the Emperors in China refused to believe the power of the gun.  They shut themselves up. 

You can choose to study the material or you can choose to reject it.  Physics and Mathematics will win in the end.  India also suffered during those periods.  Wake up.  There are no flaws in the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.

Dear Mr. Tseung,
With due respect, I accept everything except your last statement! As far as my knowledge goes, there are meany flaws in your theory and the main one is it is not possible to give a perfect horizontal pull to a pendulum. I asked you and top_gun to show me a way to do that. He came up with many alternatives but i showed problems in them. I request you again to show me a way to a perfect horizontal and constant force applied on pendulum.
It is not required by you to develop a machine. Either you can give a complete mathematical analysis or pull a pendulum with your ull and show us the result. I think its pretty simple to do if you are so convinced with your system. Unfortunately, no one will accept your claim on basis of just a parallelogram of forces figure in your presentation. Every one is going to ask you how pendulum came to that position and where is the analysis of applied external force?
Please provide either the experimental data validated by some professionals or give a complete mathematical proof so that others can analyze
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on May 13, 2008, 08:44:39 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 13, 2008, 07:53:51 AM
When you get old and had two strokes, you would realize your own limitations.
Aw poor old Tseung, first you were shouting very loudly how you had solved the world energy crisis
and could build fleets of ufos etcetera etcetera,
and now all of a sudden you are a poor old man who has realised his limitations and cannot
solve the energy crisis nor produce ufos?
Are you sure you only had two strokes?

QuoteIt is now a matter of letting others shine.
what? That seems to imply you have already "shone" and
now you're allowing them a turn... Where exactly did you "shine"? Was it in the total absence of any proof of your claimed "theory"?
Or was your "shining moment" when you didn't get a patent because you couldn't make the patent officials understand one iota of
what you claimed to be patenting? And after all that fantastic "shining" now you allow others to fail equally miserably? Is that
what you're saying?
QuoteInitially it was individuals like Wang, Forever, Top Gun and Sun. 
Oh really? Then what exactly have they shown, besides them all being your own alter egos?
QuoteThe next step is a million students in Hong Kong.
What? Are you going to impersonate millions of students? All repeating the same bullshit?
Why don't you just stick to finally proving your claimed theory, you deluded old fool.

QuoteChina is well advanced in the development.  USA is the same.  It is a matter of convincing the ?powerful? to release the technology.  India should catch up quickly.
And what are you saying now, that the New World Order already has Free Energy and it is "merely" a matter of convincing them
to give it to us, the "unwanted eaters"? Seems quite contradictory as well as naive.

QuoteIt was like the era of guns via arrows.
You mean versus, not via.
QuoteAt that time, the Emperors in China refused to believe the power of the gun.  They shut themselves up. 
Sound much like a certain old Chinese guy who refuse to believe in the power of empirical evidence and proof of theory and thinks simply
believing will convince gravity to hand him huge amounts of free energy for no reason at all.
The only diference is that he doesn't even shut up. :D

QuoteYou can choose to study the material or you can choose to reject it.  Physics and Mathematics will win in the end.
Indeed. You can choose to show proof of your theory or you can choose to reject the need and demand for proof.
But physics doesn't budge, which is why you still haven't been able to convince anyone of your theory. Physics and mathematics
win over cocky hardheadedness, and time and time again they show how wrong you are.

QuoteIndia also suffered during those periods.
and that has nothing to do with the matter.[/quote]
QuoteWake up.  There are no flaws in the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.
Wake up yourself Tseung! There's tons of flaws in your theory!
If there is no flaw then you can show conclusive proof. You have not done so still!
The most recent member of our comedy club here, Kul_ash, has been asking you for
conclusive proof ever since he joined, and he has shown all attempts to do so flawed.
Instead of just acting cocky and claiming your theory is correct, why don't you prove it?
Why is it that you seem totally unable to prove your claimed theory, yet you keep shouting
that it's correct?
That's like a blind man shouting that he knows the true colour of the sea...

proof of your theory is the only thing that can convince people,
it is not a matter of belief, nor is it a matter of simply repeating
that you think you're right a thousand times.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 13, 2008, 08:48:31 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 12, 2008, 03:56:54 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 05:14:26 AM
ramen, and may you forever be touched by his noodlelike appendage.

I think he might have just told us what's wrong with him.


i see you're still avoiding backing up your claims with substance hans...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 13, 2008, 08:59:28 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 13, 2008, 08:48:31 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 12, 2008, 03:56:54 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2008, 05:14:26 AM
ramen, and may you forever be touched by his noodlelike appendage.

I think he might have just told us what's wrong with him.


i see you're still avoiding backing up your claims with substance hans...

That's really funny. We have been telling the same thing to Tseung and top_gun. We can use their strategy of ignoring unwanted comments on you.  ;D One day you will get bored and start insulting us!  :D :D Only difference is we are debating over physics and maths and you are debating on our spellings and grammar and improving our social skills! Tseung opened this thread for us to debate; you came without any one asking you to come! See the difference between others and yourself now?  ;) In other words, please get lost, no one wants you here! You are increasing entropy of this closed system, which is unwanted!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on May 13, 2008, 09:42:11 AM
Pastafarianism (hahah!~!! good one utilitarian!)

This question was on my crossword puzzle this morning:
If you are in a scientific debate, and someone asks you to post your equation for leading out gravity, and you reply that you will have a fleet of ufos, and convert a million kids, what does that make you?
Answer: NUTS!
Oh and wannabe, we would like biggie fries with that! Your last post was weak, try harder next time. You cant leave yet ya puss!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 13, 2008, 11:04:10 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 13, 2008, 07:53:51 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 13, 2008, 07:01:02 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 13, 2008, 06:41:41 AM
You might have seen on the News that China is suffering from one of the worst earthquakes.

If we have the Flying Saucer technology perfected, we can help in much better ways.  Some Officials in China are still treating the technology as top military secret.  I hope that their objections will be less with this event.

The World does not need more military weapons.  The World needs pollution free energy and advanced transportation.

And what's stopping you from doing that?  ???

Dear Kul_ash.

When you get old and had two strokes, you would realize your own limitations.

It is now a matter of letting others shine.  Initially it was individuals like Wang, Forever, Top Gun and Sun.  ...

OK, let me see, I guessed you had the mathematical proof before you had your strokes and, in one stroke that knowledge is gone forever! And of course, that's a good excuse. Who would dare to question a old renowned scientist who has not one but two strokes! Poor thing and hence that's your answer Kul-ash!

I said he didn't have any because his Math and Physics is sincerley WRONG!

ps Mr. Tseung: Don't worry about making others 'shine' or how useful the flying saucers would be. I suggest you donate your HK$10K to these poor and dying people. They don't need your imaginary and non-existent theory. This gift gesture will make you 'shine', not your flawed math and physics! Those made you Stink!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 13, 2008, 03:43:49 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 13, 2008, 08:10:13 AM
With due respect, I accept everything except your last statement! As far as my knowledge goes, there are meany flaws in your theory and the main one is it is not possible to give a perfect horizontal pull to a pendulum. I asked you and top_gun to show me a way to do that. He came up with many alternatives but i showed problems in them. I request you again to show me a way to a perfect horizontal and constant force applied on pendulum.
It is not required by you to develop a machine. Either you can give a complete mathematical analysis or pull a pendulum with your ull and show us the result. I think its pretty simple to do if you are so convinced with your system. Unfortunately, no one will accept your claim on basis of just a parallelogram of forces figure in your presentation. Every one is going to ask you how pendulum came to that position and where is the analysis of applied external force?
Please provide either the experimental data validated by some professionals or give a complete mathematical proof so that others can analyze

Dear Kul-ash,

You asked for a "perfect horizontal pull to a pendulum."

In Physics and Mathematics, there is no need for a ?perfect horizontal pull to a pendulum? in order to Lead Out gravitational energy.  As I mentioned again and again ? any pull with tension on the string (shown by Scale A) will Lead Out Gravitational Energy.

The tension on the string will have vertical and horizontal components.  The string will also have displacement.  Thus work must have been done by the string.  This is understood by every ?O Level Physics? Student.  That is the reason why I keep quoting ?O Level Physics?.  You should be able to understand this part of Physics.

The beauty of the ?Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory? is its simplicity.  The New Energy devices including the Flying Saucer have been developed.  The ?powerful? are trying to keep them as top military secrets.  There are paid debunkers trying to discredit every OU invention.

The Physics and Mathematics tells me:

The tension on the string will have vertical and horizontal components.  The string will also have displacement.  Thus work must have been done by the string.  In order words, Gravity must have done work via the string.  This is the Lead Out Energy.

Do you agree with the above???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 13, 2008, 04:03:09 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 13, 2008, 03:43:49 PM
? any pull with tension on the string (shown by Scale A) will Lead Out Gravitational Energy.

HOW ?   

Give me one example of leading out extra energy from a pendulum. And NO mathematics please, since that by itself is an oxymoron. The most basic axiom of mathematics is Ex nihilo nihil fit (Out of nothing comes nothing) Any mathematical proof of lead out energy would amount to the proof that nothing is larger than something  0>1 a conclusion mathematics as we know it does not permit.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 13, 2008, 04:06:44 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 13, 2008, 03:43:49 PM
Dear Kul-ash,

You asked for a "perfect horizontal pull to a pendulum."

Top Gun, hopefully, you now understand why I called you the stupid dog being led around the garden.

Previously, you tried to follow the logic of others such as:
(1)   A curved inclined plane is the same as a pendulum.
(2)   A perfect horizontal pull to a pendulum is required to Lead Out gravitational energy.
(3)   An inextensible string cannot do work.
(4)   If Lead Out were true, someone else would have found it long ago.
(5)   The patent examiners cannot be wrong.

You should lead them and not the other way round.  You are the expert.  I like your strong words:
The tension on the string will have vertical and horizontal components.  The string will also have displacement.  Thus work must have been done by the string.  In order words, Gravity must have done work via the string.  This is the Lead Out Energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 13, 2008, 07:10:03 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 13, 2008, 04:03:09 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 13, 2008, 03:43:49 PM
? any pull with tension on the string (shown by Scale A) will Lead Out Gravitational Energy.

HOW ?   

Give me one example of leading out extra energy from a pendulum. And NO mathematics please, since that by itself is an oxymoron. The most basic axiom of mathematics is Ex nihilo nihil fit (Out of nothing comes nothing) Any mathematical proof of lead out energy would amount to the proof that nothing is larger than something  0>1 a conclusion mathematics as we know it does not permit.

Hans von Lieven


Maybe down under you have to get some real bushmen to let swing a boomerang?
Just believe. No math or physics needed. It's all in your mind Hans!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on May 14, 2008, 07:58:12 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 13, 2008, 08:59:28 AM
In other words, please get lost, no one wants you here! You are increasing entropy of this closed system, which is unwanted!
:D Haha LOL nice one Kul_ash :) Can we call that remark negentropic behaviour? ;D

@Ben Waballs: Hey don't dis the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster eh, it is one of the greatest mystical revelations
ever! Pastafari unite! ;D
It's just that recently I've been experiencing a slight confusion due to the quarrel between the two opposing fractions,
one of which claims His Noodleness to be bathed in Bolonese sauce, whereas the other maintains it has always been
Marinara sauce. A schizm and possible holy war may even come of it... :D
Oh yeah, and can you ask for ketchup with those fries? ;)

@Hans: Great to have your input in this thread again Hans! :)
I just love your "Ex nihilo nihil fit" argument! And your move toward
use of massive capitals is also quite refreshing. ;)

@Chris: are you sure it was Abracadabra? I thought it was Hocuspocus.
Or maybe Simsalabim... Ah, what the heck, whichever it was, I'm sure
it'll work if we just give the pendulum a long angry stare and tell it to
Abracadaba hocuspocus simsalabim.
And presto! The pendulum will just start handing over pieces of
Lead Out gravity energy. Possibly with the odd piece of antigravity
in between, but you can't really blame a pendulum for that, it has
no eyes nor fingers so it's actually quite impressive that it can
hand you any energy at all. ;) ;D :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 14, 2008, 11:55:21 AM
I simply can't agree with the premise that the string in the pendulum is doing additional work.  In a stationary pendulum, the string has tension on it yes, EQUAL to the opposing force of gravity from the ball on the end of the string.  Nothing more or less.  It is in an equilibrium state no?  So now, we swing the pendulum and, due to the acceleration and the arc path followed by the pendulum, the gravity pulls a little more on the string and the string counters with an EQUAL opposing force thereby maintaining equilibrium through the course of the arc.  There is no EXTRA work being done by either gravity or the string.  Now, if you apply the Tseung pull, you are expending energy to do so.  It does not matter what angle or direction you apply this pull, the reaction of the pendulum motion will be EQUAL and OPPOSITE thereby maintaining EQUILIBRIUM.

In the pendulum example shown here many, many times, if the string were indeed doing more work than required to counter the gravitational forces, the ball would rise up into the air.  If gravity were doing more work than required, the string would break.  But you have to add the Lee-Tseung pull right?  OK.  but then, you also have to account for the energy required to provide this pull.  I have never seen ANY equations or mathematic here that assigns ANY input power to this pulse or pull.  You have to account for this additional energy input into the system otherwise, it will APPEAR that something extra is being "LEAD OUT".

Let me break it down to something so simple that maybe even TopGun can understand.

I have a barrell of apples, 50 apples to be exact.
I apply the "Lee-Tseung Pulse" by adding one more apple to the barrel.
I count the apples in the barrel and say "I now have 51 apples in the barrel.  One apple has been 'Lead Out' by my pulse."

I would HAVE to account for my adding the other apple to the barrel which would then show that from nothing comes nothing.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: PYRODIN123321 on May 14, 2008, 12:10:43 PM

What a long topic!! haven't been keeping up its too much to sneak @ work- i had a thought but alas, i am just a newb.. so....

here we are trying to get gravity to do work for us....by way of a pendulum- i have no idea if this would work- i believe some say we cant get work out of gravity aka its just potential-but,

here is my thought-

doesn't gravity power(sorta) the earths molten core by way of pressure on itself

-so gravity is transferring energy to the earth right? as pressure then heat?
if this is so then there should be a way to get gravity to do work for us- though i do not know if a pendulum would do it
am i right on this? ???please correct me if I'm wrong

Just a thought, be gentle, lol ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hartiberlin on May 14, 2008, 05:35:02 PM
Quote from: Ben Waballs on May 12, 2008, 01:00:11 PM
Wannabe hasnt spoiled our fun,

Larrys game has been dead for years, if he ever had any at all,  wannabe doesnt even have the basic physics to challenge that part of it. All he can do is try and stir up trouble, and hes a pathetic troll. Really bad at trolling actually.
But you can tell from his scribbling that he is illiterate, and probably lives with mommy. So, tell your mommy that she is welcome, we know day care costs a lot on a hookers paycheck. We are glad to help you out with your retarded section 8 son, just give us a bigger discount next time we come over, k?  And please, keep your back shaved, it keeps the customers 'coming'.

Hi Ben,
please quit this tone or you will be banned.

This should be a discussion thread but not a street mob language fight.

Many thanks.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 14, 2008, 06:00:05 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 13, 2008, 03:43:49 PM
The Physics and Mathematics tells me:

The tension on the string will have vertical and horizontal components.  The string will also have displacement.  Thus work must have been done by the string.  In order words, Gravity must have done work via the string.  This is the Lead Out Energy.


Let me repeat the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory in Physics terms without the mathematics.

(1)   In Physics, if there were a force and a displacement, there would be work done.  This applies to an entire system such the entire 3 forces on a pendulum or on an individual component such as the tension of the string.
(2)   In applying the Lee-Tseung Pull to the pendulum, tension is maintained on the string.  If we focus on the string, there is force and there is displacement.
(3)   Thus we can calculate the work done by the string.  This is absolutely correct in Physics.
(4)   However, where does the work (and energy) from the string come from?  If it does not come from the external force, the only remaining logical and reasonable source is Gravity.  My many diagrams show that the force and energy from the string does not come from the external force in many cases.  The most convincing is pendulum28.jpg.
(5)   Thus during the Lee-Tseung Pull, gravity does work via the tension of the string.  This energy is the Lee-Tseung Lead Out energy.

This is the essence of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory!  Lee-Tseung are the first ones to bring out this fact and record it in their patent applications.  However, the logic and mathematical calculations should be understandable by any one knowledgeable in ?O Level Physics?.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 14, 2008, 06:28:45 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 14, 2008, 06:00:05 PM

Let me repeat the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory in Physics terms without the mathematics.

(1)   In Physics, if there were a force and a displacement, there would be work done.  This applies to an entire system such the entire 3 forces on a pendulum or on an individual component such as the tension of the string.
(2)   In applying the Lee-Tseung Pull to the pendulum, tension is maintained on the string.  If we focus on the string, there is force and there is displacement.
(3)   Thus we can calculate the work done by the string.  This is absolutely correct in Physics.
(4)   However, where does the work (and energy) from the string come from?  If it does not come from the external force, the only remaining logical and reasonable source is Gravity.  My many diagrams show that the force and energy from the string does not come from the external force in many cases.  The most convincing is pendulum28.jpg.
(5)   Thus during the Lee-Tseung Pull, gravity does work via the tension of the string.  This energy is the Lee-Tseung Lead Out energy.

This is the essence of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory!  Lee-Tseung are the first ones to bring out this fact and record it in their patent applications.  However, the logic and mathematical calculations should be understandable by any one knowledgeable in ?O Level Physics?.

GROAN !!!!

You don't get it Lawrence, do you?

Yes, there is energy in the string. And yes, gravity is responsible. And yes, you can lead out this energy - by cutting the string.The pendulum drops to the floor.

Point proven!   The Lee Tseung Theory wins!   Whoopydoodleshit, free energy at last!

Well perhaps not.

The energy in the string was put there by whoever put the pendulum up in the first place. Someone had to lift that pendulum bob and fasten the string that suspends it. That took energy. In fact just about the same energy you are leading out by cutting the string,

Funny thing that.

Maybe, just maybe there is such a thing as conservation of energy after all and the Lee Tseung Theory is not all that great. Perhaps that means the spaceship won't fly either. I have to check my mathematics on that.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 14, 2008, 09:03:41 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 14, 2008, 06:00:05 PM
This is the essence of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory!  Lee-Tseung are the first ones to bring out this fact and record it in their patent applications.  However, the logic and mathematical calculations should be understandable by any one knowledgeable in ?O Level Physics?.

Old Tseung:

Do you have a memory like a goldfish?

Not so long ago, we have convincingly 'disclosed' your PTC patent application remarks from the examiners which basically throws out your patent application as unpatenable. Is it not? If so, why do you still bring this up as if you've discovered slice-bread? Your Lee-Tseng patent is not worth the application paper you filed!

Why is it so difficult for you to admit there is NO Lead Out energy? You have sincerely misunderstood your Physics and it's that simple. Someone or something has to use the energy to set your 'parallel-o-gram' of springs into the equilibrium positions. You have conveniently discounted that part of the equation.

Even a 'O' level; strudent could have told you that. You don't need 2000 plus posts and endured a ton of insults in this forum to realizze your mistake. Is this why the people who 'invited' you to speak of this marvelous Lee-Tseung Lead-Out theory is suddenly so quiet because they themselves are thoroughly embarrased? Except that you still think of that event as a high point in your career?

Wouldn't it be more sensible to admit you're wrong rather than continue to dig a deeper hole to hide the previous dirt? 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 14, 2008, 09:36:53 PM
Just remember the barrel of apples analogy.  NOT the barrel of apples and oranges analogy.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 15, 2008, 06:26:57 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 14, 2008, 06:28:45 PM

The energy in the string was put there by whoever put the pendulum up in the first place. Someone had to lift that pendulum bob and fasten the string that suspends it. That took energy. In fact just about the same energy you are leading out by cutting the string.

Dear Hans,

You identified one way of giving energy to the pendulum by raising it up vertically..

You should also consider pulling it horizontally and keeping the tension of string tight.  The pendulum will also rise up.  Then apply your ?O level Physics? analysis of Force, Displacement, Work and Energy.  The string has tension ? force.  It also has displacement.  Work is done ? not by your raising it up.  Your horizontal force cannot do vertical work.  So work must have been done by another source.  That source is Gravity.

The Physics and Mathematics cannot be wrong.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 15, 2008, 10:38:45 AM

"A horizontal force can not do vertical work?"

Have you never heard of an inclined plane?  A ramp?  Do they not have these in China?  These are very complicated devices that allow one to push using a horizontal force and raise a heavy object in the vertical plane at the same time.

Your statement shows you know a lot less about physics than anyone I have ever heard of.  This is crap!!!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on May 15, 2008, 02:05:49 PM
I agree. You're talking nonsense Tseung.

In your swinging weight a.k.a. pendulum example your Newtonmeters
(you know, those "scales" real physicists use to measure force in Newtons,
and not your fantasy "scales" that measure force in unknown "units")
obviously show a force.
If the weight is suspended from the single string, that Newtonmeter will show
a force acting upon it equal to the force of gravity. For simplicity's sake let's
take that to be 1 Newton, which is the force Earth gravity exerts on approximately
102 grams of mass.
The string is experiencing this force as stress or tension.
But that's only because, as Hans very correctly said, somebody lifted the weight
and the string and fixed them to that point. That person put in at least 1 N of force
to do so, and since entropy doesn't take breaks probably quite a bit more than that.
The string did not tie itself, the weight did not lift itself, and gravity certainly did not
lift them.
Gravity is "pulling" on the weight, but the only way to get that 1N out again is to
cut the string and have the weight impact the ground with a force of 1N.

Now in your example you connect a second string including Newtonmeter.
If you were to fix the other end of that string to the ceiling just like the first one,
only a little to the right, so that the weight hangs exactly in the middle of the two
fixing points, the force registered on each single Newtonmeter will now be 0,5 Newton.
The total force exerted by the weight is still 1N, and both strings share the load evenly.
in your example, you do not fix the second string to the ceiling, and the weight is not
exactly in that middle position, but the weight is actually shifted only slightly to the
right and most of the weight still hangs off the first string.
The force registered on the first Newtonmeter must therefore be greater than 0,5N.
If you could exert a perfectly horizontal pull on the weight, classical calculations might
show some slight discrepancy, but the reality is that one cannot exert a purely
horizontal pull on the weight for the simple reason that the weight cannot move horizontally.
Whenever the weight is pulled aside, it must also move vertically a bit since it
is fixed to a string that does not extend during the pendulum motion. So whatever pull
you exert must have a vertical component. It cannot be otherwise. So purely horizontal
pull is impossible in this setup and must be dismissed as such.
As soon as there is a vertical component, this can be considered a variation of the
"2 fixed points and a weight in the middle" scenario, and the weight is still
suspended off two fixed points, the total force of gravity pulling on the weight is
still 1N, which is still shared by the two strings and their Newtonmeters.
Gravity doesn't do anything it hasn't been doing for ages, it certainly does not
magically add force to a balanced system in which it was already in effect.
The first string doesn't actually perform work at all, it experiences tension.
To experience a force is not the same as doing work.
Every piece of rock on the planet experiences gravity all the time, yet none of them
are doing work. They just sit there and "feel" the force.
It is only work if we can redirect it to interact with some other force.
So I can turn the force of gravity that acts on my hammer for example into
work by ceasing to exert my own mucle-powered force in my arm against
gravity, which will allow gravity to impart velocity on the hammer, which will
come swinging or dropping down onto the nail I intended to hammer.
Work has now been done, the nail has been hammered into the wood,
and gravity did it. But I myself put the energy in the system by lifting up
the hammer, combatting and overcoming gravity.
It wasn't gravity that put in the energy, but it was gravity that pulled the
hammer down when I created an unbalanced situation by quitting my
"arm-wrestling match" with gravity.
I could also have left the hammer on the floor, and then gravity would
still have been pulling it, would still have exerted its force on the hammer,
but zero work was done.
That seems to be where you get confused: you seem to think that something
hanging off a string is receiving energy from gravity to keep it up, or
something like that...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 15, 2008, 03:47:42 PM
NUFF SAID !!!!!!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 15, 2008, 04:00:57 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 15, 2008, 03:47:42 PM
NUFF SAID !!!!!!

Well done Hans! I was reminded of a Chinese idiom which when paraphrased reads something like:
" When illustrating a drawing, there is no need to go down to the intestine level to make another person comprehend!"

Apparently, Tseung, being Chinese, could not understand! Now, perhaps he is clear that horizontal force CAN do vertical work.

Are you clear now, Mr. Tseung? TopGun? Devil?.....


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 15, 2008, 06:24:11 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 15, 2008, 03:47:42 PM
NUFF SAID !!!!!!

Dear Hans,

You have identified the way to change a horizontal force to a vertical force so that it could do vertical work.  The requirement is a "machine".

In the case of a simple pendulum under a Lee-Tseung Pull, we see no "machine".  Furthermore, with such a machine, the output energy would be equal to the input energy + loss.

Thus we have to look at all other possibilities as top physicists.  The other obvious possibility is that the tension of the string does work.  That physics and mathematics is understandable by the average "O Level Physics" student.  Since a string by itself cannot supply energy, Gravity must be responsible in supplying this energy via the string.  This is the Lead Out Energy.

Lee-Tseung obviously possess more than "O Level Physics" Knowledge.  They are the first ones to state the obvious and put that into their patent applications.  They cannot be wrong.

What embarrasses the so call scientific authorities or establishments are - two retirees not belonging to an Establishment pointed out this fact.  The consequence of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory is solving the Energy Crisis by at least 300 known OU inventions.  The Patent Offices and many scientists (and also many paid debunkers) wrongly rejected such inventions for centuries.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 15, 2008, 06:31:31 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 15, 2008, 06:24:11 PM
Dear Hans,

You have identified the way to change a horizontal force to a vertical force so that it could do vertical work.  The requirement is a "machine".

In the case of a simple pendulum under a Lee-Tseung Pull, we see no "machine".  Furthermore, with such a machine, the output energy would be equal to the input energy + loss.

Thus we have to look at all other possibility as top physicists.  The other obvious possibility is that the tension of the string does work.  That physics and mathematics is understandable by the average "O Level Physics" student.  Since a string by itself cannot supply energy, Gravity must be responsible in supplying this energy via the string.  This is the Lead Out Energy.

Lee-Tseung obviously possess more than "O Level Physics" Knowledge.  They are the first ones to state the obvious and put that into their patent applications.  They cannot be wrong.

What embarrasses the so call scientific authorities or establishments are - two retirees not belonging to an Establishment pointed out this fact.  The consequence of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory is solving the Energy Crisis by at least 300 known OU inventions.  The Patent Offices and many scientists (and also many paid debunkers) wrongly rejected such inventions for centuries.

Hahaha! Correction: 'Top Physicists who don't understand 'O' level physics!'

I can see Saddam Hussein still doing a lot of work hanging from the gallows. Maybe this is the way we should solve the world's energy problems. Mr. tseung, you first!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 15, 2008, 07:02:51 PM

I also identified a way to convert a horizontal pull to a vertical pull...it's called "An Inclined Plane!!!

If you look at the arc described by your pendulum, or ANY pendulum for that matter, it effectively (due to the string) represents an inclined plane.  So, if you pull the string and the ball goes up, this is the same effect.  If you can't see this, you need to attend a 2nd grade science class.  Possibly even more basic than that.  Your response to Hans was telling him that the pulleys are a MACHINE.  Well, in your example, the pendulum is also a MACHINE.  This is so laughable to me.  You can't be serious and not know this can you?  Please tell us this was your attempt at making a joke.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 15, 2008, 07:11:45 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on May 15, 2008, 07:02:51 PM

I also identified a way to convert a horizontal pull to a vertical pull...it's called "An Inclined Plane!!!

If you look at the arc described by your pendulum, or ANY pendulum for that matter, it effectively (due to the string) represents an inclined plane.  So, if you pull the string and the ball goes up, this is the same effect.  If you can't see this, you need to attend a 2nd grade science class.  Possibly even more basic than that.  Your response to Hans was telling him that the pulleys are a MACHINE.  Well, in your example, the pendulum is also a MACHINE.  This is so laughable to me.  You can't be serious and not know this can you?  Please tell us this was your attempt at making a joke.


Bill, seriously, this guy is so laughable! I'm lost for words! It's like Bill Clinton saying, "well... O.S is not S*X"
Well, a pendulum is not really a machine... what the hell is it? A swinging Dong?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 15, 2008, 11:12:21 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 15, 2008, 06:24:11 PM
Dear Hans,

You have identified the way to change a horizontal force to a vertical force so that it could do vertical work.  The requirement is a "machine".

In the case of a simple pendulum under a Lee-Tseung Pull, we see no "machine".  Furthermore, with such a machine, the output energy would be equal to the input energy + loss.

Thus we have to look at all other possibilities as top physicists.  The other obvious possibility is that the tension of the string does work.  That physics and mathematics is understandable by the average "O Level Physics" student.  Since a string by itself cannot supply energy, Gravity must be responsible in supplying this energy via the string.  This is the Lead Out Energy.

Lee-Tseung obviously possess more than "O Level Physics" Knowledge.  They are the first ones to state the obvious and put that into their patent applications.  They cannot be wrong.

What embarrasses the so call scientific authorities or establishments are - two retirees not belonging to an Establishment pointed out this fact.  The consequence of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory is solving the Energy Crisis by at least 300 known OU inventions.  The Patent Offices and many scientists (and also many paid debunkers) wrongly rejected such inventions for centuries.

Well thats really funny now! You used "PULLEYS" in your pendulum14 and pendulum21 din't you? I tried to explain you how pulley works and you kept telling me if you put pulley below horizontal level, it will not do any positive work :)
Now you say you do not need a perfect horizontal force. Your whole analysis is based on perfect horizontal force. I told you millions of times that please do not evaluate system just on the basis of final position. It is very important to know how bob moved up? was it gravity or was it force that you applied. Added tension in string is the result of inclined movement of bob. The vertical component is balancing mg i.e the weight of bob and horizontal component is balancing horizontal force on bon and that is why the system is in balance or equilibrium. Where is the lead out energy that you are going to take out for additional work? Which part of your slide no 3 is you are going to use for extra work? If you try to extract any work from system, it will go out of equilibrium, won't it?
Now if you can't or do not want to put mathematics of pendulum motion, please let me know how you going to take out the extra work from the system and at which point and still keeping system in equilibrium?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Evil Roy Slade on May 16, 2008, 03:33:02 AM
lol. Don't you get it people? The carrot is Lee-Tseung pulling your collective legs!

The words Hook, Line and Sinker come to mind.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 16, 2008, 04:26:08 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 15, 2008, 11:12:21 PM

Now you say you do not need a perfect horizontal force. Your whole analysis is based on perfect horizontal force. WRONG!

Dear Kul_ash,

The whole analysis is based on the tension (force) in the string having vertical and horizontal component.  The string also has displacement in the vertical and horizontal direction.  We can then analyze the vertical work and the horizontal work.  The vertical component of tension is in same direction as displacement (upwards).  The string thus does positive vertical work.  The horizontal component of tension is in opposite direction to displacement.  Thus the string does negative horizontal work.  This is ?O level Physics? and cannot be wrong. 

Since the string itself cannot provide energy, the energy comes from Gravity.  Any Lee-Tseung Pull (including horizontal) that maintains tension on the string will Lead Out Gravitational Energy.

The analysis is never based on perfect horizontal force.  Please do not fall into that trap and mislead yourself and others.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 16, 2008, 04:34:10 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 16, 2008, 04:26:08 AM
Dear Kul_ash,

The whole analysis is based on the tension (force) in the string having vertical and horizontal component.  The string also has displacement in the vertical and horizontal direction.  We can then analyze the vertical work and the horizontal work.  The vertical component of tension is in same direction as displacement (upwards).  The string thus does positive vertical work.  The horizontal component of tension is in opposite direction to displacement.  Thus the string does negative horizontal work.  This is ?O level Physics? and cannot be wrong. 

Since the string itself cannot provide energy, the energy comes from Gravity.  Any Lee-Tseung Pull (including horizontal) that maintains tension on the string will Lead Out Gravitational Energy.

The analysis is never based on perfect horizontal force.  Please do not fall into that trap and mislead yourself and others.

Old Tseung:

Time to take some medication! You're looping again!

Your analysis is based on your flawed understanding of 'O' level Physics.Did you learnt anything at grade school?
Hard to imagine you did. Maybe you were sleeping in class all along?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 16, 2008, 04:35:52 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 15, 2008, 06:24:11 PM
Dear Hans,

You have identified the way to change a horizontal force to a vertical force so that it could do vertical work.  The requirement is a "machine".

In the case of a simple pendulum under a Lee-Tseung Pull, we see no "machine".  Furthermore, with such a machine, the output energy would be equal to the input energy + loss.

Thus we have to look at all other possibilities as top physicists.  The other obvious possibility is that the tension of the string does work.  That physics and mathematics is understandable by the average "O Level Physics" student.  Since a string by itself cannot supply energy, Gravity must be responsible in supplying this energy via the string.  This is the Lead Out Energy.

Lee-Tseung obviously possess more than "O Level Physics" Knowledge.  They are the first ones to state the obvious and put that into their patent applications.  They cannot be wrong.

What embarrasses the so call scientific authorities or establishments are - two retirees not belonging to an Establishment pointed out this fact.  The consequence of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory is solving the Energy Crisis by at least 300 known OU inventions.  The Patent Offices and many scientists (and also many paid debunkers) wrongly rejected such inventions for centuries.

When pendulum is in vertical position, tension in string = mg i.e weight of pendulum. If pendulum is moved up by height H, tension in string will hjave a component to balance mgh and a horizontal component which will be pulling the bob to its original position. Result is increased tenstion in string.
The point to consider here is who lifted that bob to give it a height of h. Gravity won't do it. Somebody has to do that work and in normal cases, external force does the job. So you increased mg to mgh and thus equal and opposite tension is induced in the string to balance the system.
Increased tension in string thus is the result of your external applied force and not the gravity.

Quote from: top_gun"They are the first ones to state the obvious and put that into their patent applications.  They cannot be wrong."

They are actually missing the obvious part and thats why their patent applications are rejected and thats why they are wrong.

QuoteThe consequence of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory is solving the Energy Crisis by at least 300 known OU inventions.  The Patent Offices and many scientists (and also many paid debunkers) wrongly rejected such inventions for centuries.

When are you going to accept the fact that none of these 300 so called OU machines are really working? Even till today Milkovic is also completely unable to show a self powering 2 stage oscillator. You seem to be totally dependant on them. If none of these machines ever work, will you accept that your theory is wrong? 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 16, 2008, 04:40:06 AM
Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for taking up the technical questions.

I can now focus on convincing the "powerful" in both China and USA that maintaining Lead Out Energy and the Flying Saucer as top military secret is not worth it.  The World will benefit much more when we can apply such technology.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 16, 2008, 04:41:58 AM
G'day all,

I wonder what happened to Noodledick. Does Anyone know?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 16, 2008, 04:45:10 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 16, 2008, 04:40:06 AM
Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for taking up the technical questions.

I can now focus on convincing the "powerful" in both China and USA that maintaining Lead Out Energy and the Flying Saucer as top military secret is not worth it.  The World will benefit much more when we can apply such technology.

Cut the crap old Tseung. Who is going to listen to someone with little understanding of 'O' level Physics?

You need first to be a man enough to admit your mistakes, then perhaps your children will have some respect for you. As for the rest of the people on this forum, you're just a clown!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 16, 2008, 04:49:25 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 16, 2008, 04:26:08 AM
Dear Kul_ash,

The whole analysis is based on the tension (force) in the string having vertical and horizontal component. 

Since the string itself cannot provide energy, the energy comes from Gravity.  Any Lee-Tseung Pull (including horizontal) that maintains tension on the string will Lead Out Gravitational Energy.

The analysis is never based on perfect horizontal force.  Please do not fall into that trap and mislead yourself and others.

The whole analysis is based on the tension (force) in the string having vertical and horizontal component. 

Ok. lol. The upward vertical component is induced in string because of the upward movement of bob which changed from mg to mgh. mgh is acting downwards and to balance that added tension is induced in string. Now you are saying that string can not do work itself. That is correct but your analysis that gravity is doing work is wrong BECAUSE SOMEONE HAS LIFTED PENDULUM BY ADDING ADDITIONAL FORCE TO THE SYSTEM  AND NOT BECAUSE GRAVITY. 
So now do you see the flow of events:

some force lifted bob --------> mg changed to mgh -------------> to balance mgh, tension in string increased in equal and opposite direction.

So some one lifted bob ---------------> tension in string increased

Now as you always say "Physics can not be wrong and kul_ash can never be wrong"!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 16, 2008, 05:10:45 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 16, 2008, 04:49:25 AM
The whole analysis is based on the tension (force) in the string having vertical and horizontal component. 

Ok. lol. The upward vertical component is induced in string because of the upward movement of bob which changed from mg to mgh. mgh is acting downwards and to balance that added tension is induced in string. Now you are saying that string can not do work itself. That is correct but your analysis that gravity is doing work is wrong BECAUSE SOMEONE HAS LIFTED PENDULUM BY ADDING ADDITIONAL FORCE TO THE SYSTEM  AND NOT BECAUSE GRAVITY. 
So now do you see the flow of events:

some force lifted bob --------> mg changed to mgh -------------> to balance mgh, tension in string increased in equal and opposite direction.

So some one lifted bob ---------------> tension in string increased

Now as you always say "Physics can not be wrong and kul_ash can never be wrong"!

Dear Kul_ash,

Please correct your obvious mistake on this post first.

some force lifted bob --------> mg changed to mgh -------------> to balance mgh, tension in string increased in equal and opposite direction.

mg is force.  mgh is energy.  One cannot balance mgh with force!!!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 16, 2008, 06:18:49 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 16, 2008, 05:10:45 AM
Dear Kul_ash,

Please correct your obvious mistake on this post first.

some force lifted bob --------> mg changed to mgh -------------> to balance mgh, tension in string increased in equal and opposite direction.

mg is force.  mgh is energy.  One cannot balance mgh with force!!!

You can read it like this: External force did the work of lifting bob to height H. So added tension in string is resulting from balancing mg and trying to pull bob horizontally backwards to original position. String has no force left to do any additional work nither it did the work of lifing bob to height h!
Is it clear now?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on May 16, 2008, 07:11:56 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 16, 2008, 04:41:58 AM
I wonder what happened to Noodledick. Does Anyone know?

Well I can guess...

... he moved to China and changed his name into Lawrence Top Gun Forever Young Tseung,
and started flooding the worlds energy forums with complete bullshit? ;D

and who is this Bob you guys are trying to lift all the time? :D ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 16, 2008, 07:53:37 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 16, 2008, 06:18:49 AM
You can read it like this: External force did the work of lifting bob to height H. So added tension in string is resulting from balancing mg and trying to pull bob horizontally backwards to original position. String has no force left to do any additional work neither it did the work of lifting bob to height h!
Is it clear now?

Dear Kul-Ash,

Please think about revising your above paragraph. 

?O level Physics? demands the calculation of work done by the string based on its tension (force) and displacement.  We can divide the work into vertical and horizontal components.  The vertical work is calculated from the vertical component (T1cos(a) or Mg, 60 units) of the Tension times the increase in height dH.  This is positive work done by the string.

The horizontal work is calculated from the horizontal component (T1sin(a) or F, 10 units) times the horizontal displacement ?dX.  This is negative work or energy supplied by the horizontal force F to be stored in the pendulum system.

Please try to revise your above paragraph with the vigorous physics and mathematics.  Please analyze the Three Forces, the resultant Displacement, the Work done and Energy spent or stored.  I am confident the Indian way of doing the analysis will give the same result as the Chinese way if ?O Level Physics? were taught properly in both Countries.

You may even try the more complex case of a non-perfect horizontal force.  (Which I intend to do some time later for the ideal Lee-Tseung Pull.)  You can demonstrate your physics and mathematics skills in reproducing that analysis.  Hint: it is in spreadsheet form already in one of the previous Tseung posts.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 16, 2008, 08:04:47 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 16, 2008, 07:53:37 AM
Dear Kul-Ash,

Please think about revising your above paragraph. 

?O level Physics? demands the calculation of work done by the string based on its tension (force) and displacement.  We can divide the work into vertical and horizontal components.  The vertical work is calculated from the vertical component (T1cos(a) or Mg, 60 units) of the Tension times the increase in height dH.  This is positive work done by the string.

The horizontal work is calculated from the horizontal component (T1sin(a) or F, 10 units) times the horizontal displacement ?dX.  This is negative work or energy supplied by the horizontal force F to be stored in the pendulum system.

Please try to revise your above paragraph with the vigorous physics and mathematics.  Please analyze the Three Forces, the resultant Displacement, the Work done and Energy spent or stored.  I am confident the Indian way of doing the analysis will give the same result as the Chinese way if ?O Level Physics? were taught properly in both Countries.

You may even try the more complex case of a non-perfect horizontal force.  (Which I intend to do some time later for the ideal Lee-Tseung Pull.)  You can demonstrate your physics and mathematics skills in reproducing that analysis.  Hint: it is in spreadsheet form already in one of the previous Tseung posts.

ha ha ha! Let me ask you step by step questions. Please answer them:

1. Initial position. T = mg. String is perfectly vertical. Now how will the string move to angle theta? Say I want to move string to angle of 5 deg. How should I move it?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 16, 2008, 08:18:30 AM
Dear Kul_ash,

In case you missed it, see ideal.zip in the previous post by Top Gun.

Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
? Reply #2039 on: April 03, 2008, 12:12:18 AM ?

I just noted that only 6 hits were registered.  Only the ones very serious and good in physics and mathematics would be able to follow.

I look forward to Top Gun explaining this to the Forum Members or the General Public.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on May 16, 2008, 08:26:19 AM

You're not seriously going to go over the stuff again, are you?
It seems clear that Larry Top Gun Forever Young Tseung interprets
the tension in the string as energy that gravity freely gives and can be
used somehow, even though he is apparently totally unable to demonstrate
how he wants to get that energy out.
Yes, he keeps bringing up a "horizontal pull" but that is obviously nonsense,
as adding extra energy by pulling (or pushing) the pendulum is very
obviously not the same thing as extracting energy from that pendulum.
That combined with the huge number of errors in his assumptions, his
calculations and his interpretations of these in my opinion clearly shows
that he doesn't know what he's talking about and is distracting us all
with his complete bullshit.
Lawrence is a nobody trying to gain fame in the OU scene and taking
advantage of the fact that most OU fans are too polite and civil to just
tell him to go stick his nonsense where the sun don't shine and actually
listen to his constant parade of fantasies.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 16, 2008, 08:40:12 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 16, 2008, 07:53:37 AM
Dear Kul-Ash,

Please think about revising your above paragraph. 

?O level Physics? demands the calculation of work done by the string based on its tension (force) and displacement.  We can divide the work into vertical and horizontal components.  The vertical work is calculated from the vertical component (T1cos(a) or Mg, 60 units) of the Tension times the increase in height dH.  This is positive work done by the string.

The horizontal work is calculated from the horizontal component (T1sin(a) or F, 10 units) times the horizontal displacement ?dX.  This is negative work or energy supplied by the horizontal force F to be stored in the pendulum system.

Please try to revise your above paragraph with the vigorous physics and mathematics.  Please analyze the Three Forces, the resultant Displacement, the Work done and Energy spent or stored.  I am confident the Indian way of doing the analysis will give the same result as the Chinese way if ?O Level Physics? were taught properly in both Countries.

You may even try the more complex case of a non-perfect horizontal force.  (Which I intend to do some time later for the ideal Lee-Tseung Pull.)  You can demonstrate your physics and mathematics skills in reproducing that analysis.  Hint: it is in spreadsheet form already in one of the previous Tseung posts.

Dear Toppy
In other words what I am asking is, if you like so much to resolve forces, why don't you resolve them at the initial position also when you first apply the force? I never seen any such analysis except your flawed diagrams. Please do the parellelogram analysis at the starting position.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 16, 2008, 09:59:29 AM
still avoiding backing up your claims with substance hans?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 16, 2008, 11:29:32 AM
After watching more and more sad news related to the China Earthquake, I am more convinced that I should persuade the "powerful" to release the technology of New Energy and the Flying Saucer.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 16, 2008, 11:53:32 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 16, 2008, 11:29:32 AM
After watching more and more sad news related to the China Earthquake, I am more convinced that I should persuade the "powerful" to release the technology of New Energy and the Flying Saucer.

That would not be necessary since you first need to prove you're some 'top scientist'. Right now, your 'O' level Physics is in the way of your community college Physics class enrollment. Stay the course of a succesful 'O' level Physics education first and don't come out with any 'excuses' please?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 16, 2008, 02:53:22 PM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 16, 2008, 08:04:47 AM
ha ha ha! Let me ask you step by step questions. Please answer them:

1. Initial position. T = mg. String is perfectly vertical. Now how will the string move to angle theta? Say I want to move string to angle of 5 deg. How should I move it?

Dear Kul_ash,

The path will be an arc so long as the Pull is to the RHS and a tension is maintained on the string.  Pendulum09.jpg shows this with the external force in 3 directions pulling towards the RHS.  I am reproducing it again.

The work done will be different in each case.  However, all analysis of force will indicate that the tension of the string must be a contributing factor.  If we treat Gravity as the contributor via the string, no physics laws are violated.  As top scientists, we must consider all cases that do not violate the laws of physics.  They represent possible solutions.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 16, 2008, 03:40:51 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 16, 2008, 09:59:29 AM
still avoiding backing up your claims with substance hans?

What claims? I made no claims, just a couple of comments.

Hans von Lieven

PS.  Glad to see you responding to Noodledick. Struck a chord, did it?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on May 16, 2008, 05:52:04 PM

Wannabe asking for substance from Hans? Norf nark! Not a very bright bulb is he?

I am the personality that escaped from Larry:) I know all about Larry. just ask!:) he doesnt know I am on the computer...but Devil does hee hee.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 16, 2008, 05:57:25 PM
Quote from: RadiantLarry on May 16, 2008, 05:52:04 PM
Wannabe asking for substance from Hans? Norf nark! Not a very bright bulb is he?

I am the personality that escaped from Larry:) I know all about Larry. just ask!:) he doesnt know I am on the computer...but Devil does hee hee.

Welcome to the comedy show RadianLarry! Let's get back to regular programming.

What do you think Lawrence's problems are?
Is he sane or is he cuckoo?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 16, 2008, 06:43:40 PM
G'day Chris,

Ron Hubbard (of Scientology fame) once wrote: "Within the framework of their delusions insane people are totally rational." I think he was right on this one.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 16, 2008, 09:19:29 PM
I think that I should reply to the Devil before he invites me to his home.
If we assume the displacement function is an arc, the remaining variable is the force function. 

1. Can you show how different force functions do different work? 

2. Which force function will Lead Out the maximum gravitational energy? 

3. How would this affect (or improve) the many known Over Unity Inventions?

Dear Devil,
Point 3 is best answered after thorough understanding of
(1)   Lead Out Gravitational Energy via the Pendulum
(2)   Lead Out of Magnetic Energy via the magnetic pendulum
(3)   Use of rotation to replace oscillation

The Joseph Newman invention is rotation of magnets in a magnetic field.  The energy is supplied from batteries via an effectively pulse circuit.  The drive coil rotates the magnets.  The same drive coil picks up electricity (in Newman terms, the back EMF) to recharge the batteries.  The source of energy is both gravitation and electron motion.

Bedini is basically an improvement of the Newman invention.  The magnets do not need to be totally inside a big coil.  A small electromagnetic coil can be used to drive or rotate a wheel with magnets.  The battery is also recharged via the same electromagnetic coil.  The source of energy is both gravitation and electron motion.

The Adams motor essentially uses separate drive coil and collector coils.  The source of energy is both gravitational and electron motion.

The 225 HP Pulse Motor uses multiple drive coils on the outside ring to rotate permanent magnets on the inner ring.  These drive coils can also be programmed to become collector coils.  Multiple rings can be put together to achieve 225 HP or more.  The energy is both gravitational and electron motion.  This is the most advanced version from USA at present.  The inventors do not need any more investment as the funder is the Jupiter Funding Group (http://www.jfg.us.com).

With the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory, the inventors no longer need to explain the source of energy for their inventions.  They can focus on improving the performance of their inventions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 16, 2008, 11:42:53 PM
Imagine what would have happened if China had large number of Flying Saucers to help in the rescue of the Earthquake victims.

One of the achievable goals is for every Chinese Family to have access to a Computer.

Now I set another higher goal ? every Chinese Family will have access to a Flying Saucer.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 16, 2008, 11:56:40 PM
G'day Lawrence,

Perhaps a more laudable goal would be for every Chinese family to have access to clean water, sufficient food, a fairly clean environment,  and perhaps, in the far distant future, to a justice system that does not favour corrupt officials

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 17, 2008, 01:31:05 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 16, 2008, 11:56:40 PM
G'day Lawrence,

Perhaps a more laudable goal would be for every Chinese family to have access to clean water, sufficient food, a fairly clean environment,  and perhaps, in the far distant future, to a justice system that does not favour corrupt officials

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

Different people set different goals.  Top scientists set different goals as compared with top officials.

I know the theory of New Energy and Flying Saucer.  Some military establishment in both USA and China have successfully implemented them.  It is a matter of convincing the "powerful" to release such technology for the Benefit of all mankind.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 17, 2008, 01:40:46 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 16, 2008, 11:42:53 PM
Imagine what would have happened if China had large number of Flying Saucers to help in the rescue of the Earthquake victims.

One of the achievable goals is for every Chinese Family to have access to a Computer.

Now I set another higher goal ? every Chinese Family will have access to a Flying Saucer.

I think every Chinese family should have access to good mental health care so their children don't end up delusional like old Tseung. You can imagine what happens if only 0.1% of the 1.3B people ended like Tseung?

Sad but true.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 17, 2008, 01:50:14 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 16, 2008, 06:43:40 PM
G'day Chris,

Ron Hubbard (of Scientology fame) once wrote: "Within the framework of their delusions insane people are totally rational." I think he was right on this one.

Hans von Lieven

G'day Hans:

I'm not a fan of Ron Hubbard and his cult but I think I can agree with this statement. 2000 plus posts and the majority from normal people vs a gentleman who cannot see or would not see beyond what is right and what is wrong; not just from the engineering, math and physics point of view but in simple morals of twisting truths just to maintain his own delusion of being a 'top' scientist!

Ouch! I can't even explain that. It makes me cringe to hear the self proclaiming 'top' scientist term.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 17, 2008, 03:40:44 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 16, 2008, 02:53:22 PM
Dear Kul_ash,

The path will be an arc so long as the Pull is to the RHS and a tension is maintained on the string.  Pendulum09.jpg shows this with the external force in 3 directions pulling towards the RHS.  I am reproducing it again.

The work done will be different in each case.  However, all analysis of force will indicate that the tension of the string must be a contributing factor.  If we treat Gravity as the contributor via the string, no physics laws are violated.  As top scientists, we must consider all cases that do not violate the laws of physics.  They represent possible solutions.

Please do the analysis and show me tension in string is doing work pls. As far as my knowledge goes, tension in string is a passive force which is not doing any work. For example when in initial position, tension in string is = mg. Will the pendulum move itself? If you apply a pull, please show me how tension starts acting as a active force and starts pulling the pendulum up? Resolve all your applied and internal forces at the initial stage and show when exactly tension starts working!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 17, 2008, 07:45:07 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 16, 2008, 03:40:51 PM
What claims? I made no claims, just a couple of comments.

Hans von Lieven

PS.  Glad to see you responding to Noodledick. Struck a chord, did it?

so you are still going with the juvenile game.
you DID make some claims, claims that most people in here are much better educated than i, claims that my first post was an unprovoked ad hominem attack. but hey name calling is so much easier than actually backing up the tripe you spout with evidence isn't it?

PS. who came up with your petty new name? you or ben? so clever...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 17, 2008, 10:23:27 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 17, 2008, 03:40:44 AM
Please do the analysis and show me tension in string is doing work pls. As far as my knowledge goes, tension in string is a passive force which is not doing any work. (WRONG - will explain later) For example when in initial position, tension in string is = mg. Will the pendulum move itself? If you apply a pull, please show me how tension starts acting as a active force and starts pulling the pendulum up? Resolve all your applied and internal forces at the initial stage and show when exactly tension starts working!

Dear Kul_ash,

I am reproducing the diagram from ideal.zip ? Ideal Lee-Tseung Pull1.xls.  I shall call it Pendulum30.jpg.

This file illustrates the case of the Ideal Lee-Tseung Pull.  The notations used are different from the ones previously displayed.  The three forces are now illustrated as:
(1)   Weight of the bob = F1g = M 
(2)   Tension of the string = F1s
(3)   External Force applied tangentially = F1p

Note that the External Force applied is not horizontal.  It has an upward component contributing directly to lifting the bob upwards.  When the pendulum is displaced at any angle a, the three forces at equilibrium obey the following relationship:
(1)   F1p = Msin(a)
(2)   F1s = Mcos(a)

I hope the different notations have not confused you.  Can you follow me so far???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 17, 2008, 03:56:08 PM
Ms. Forever Yuen sent me the following photo.

The first one is the standard parallelogram of forces experiment done in secondary school physics.

In Hong Kong, each of the plastic scales costs less than US$2.  The whole set up costs less than US$10.

For those who might have forgotten their "O Level Physics" knowledge of parallelogram of forces, it is a worthwhile investment.

The board is placed horizontally.  Different tensions and different directions can be set up with the three scales.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 17, 2008, 04:04:40 PM
This is the second photo Ms. Forever Yuen sent me.  One of the scale is replaced by a lead weight (pendulum bob).  The board is held vertically.

The set up is effectively pendulum08.jpg.  The Scale B can be pulled in any direction.  The previous discussions on Lee-Tseung Pull in any direction can be demonstrated.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 17, 2008, 04:18:01 PM
This is the third photo Ms. Forever Yuen sent me.

It shows the case of trying to keep equal tension on Scale A and Scale B.  External Force is applied via Scale B.  There is both vertical and horizontal force and displacement of Scale B.  Thus work is clearly done by the External Force via Scale B.

However, the tension on Scale A is the same as that of Scale B.  In the vertical components, the force and work is shared equally between Scale A and Scale B.  Thus work must have been done via Scale A.  The supplier of energy is NOT Scale B.  There are no obvious "machines" to convert the direction of forces.

The more obvious possibility is Gravity doing work via Scale A.

This is the experiment set up for pendulum28.jpg.  Gravity energy has been Lead Out.

Physics and Mathematics cannot lie.  A less than US$10 investment can tell the truth.  What other evidence is needed???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: laci on May 17, 2008, 04:58:33 PM
G'day Hans,

  You made me lough - and lough loudly.

  For a second I was wondering who on earth this Noodledick could be.
  Honestly, I went on to hit the Members button, and searched for a Noodledick.

  Predictably, there was no such a member. Then I had a brainstorm: this must be my friend
  Lee Tseung (of gravitational energy "leading out" fame). I once had the privilege of being lectured by
  him - and this, in turn,  has elicited my most sarcastic response.
  I certainly had fun corresponding with him.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 17, 2008, 08:33:19 PM
@ Hans:

Lawrence's saucer will fly before any of what you suggested for China happens.  Oh yes, that will be the day just after pigs fly.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 17, 2008, 11:45:43 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 17, 2008, 04:18:01 PM
This is the third photo Ms. Forever Yuen sent me.

OK. Ms. Forever Yuen turned into a man? Look at those ugly thick fingers!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 18, 2008, 12:16:47 AM
I would just like to know what Professor Whoflungdung thinks of TopGun's "science".  I know he is busy working on his latest invention, but if he has the time, I, for one, would value his opinion.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Whoflungdung on May 18, 2008, 04:42:05 AM
Whoflungdung thinks:

Lee-Tseung theory make good advertisement for cheap Hong-Kong spring scales.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 18, 2008, 09:12:16 AM
The China Earthquake made me realize how fragile the Human Life can be.

It is important to stretch and achieve what God or Buddha granted in us.  Lee and I were blessed to discover the Lee-Tseung theory that will solve the World Energy Crisis and the development of the Flying Saucer.

It is now the time to let others stand on our shoulders to develop the working products.  The ?powerful? in China and USA must realize that benefiting the World is more important than narrow National Interests.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 18, 2008, 10:17:14 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 18, 2008, 09:12:16 AM
The China Earthquake made me realize how fragile the Human Life can be.

It is important to stretch and achieve what God or Buddha granted in us.  Lee and I were blessed to discover the Lee-Tseung theory that will solve the World Energy Crisis and the development of the Flying Saucer.

It is now the time to let others stand on our shoulders to develop the working products.  The ?powerful? in China and USA must realize that benefiting the World is more important than narrow National Interests.

Old Tseung:

How blessed indeed are many of us especially when we see human suffering from the earthquakes in China. Personally, I think God will be happier if you were to use your energy to help grade school kids with their math and physics. At least at that level you're understanding 'cannot be wrong'! (hopefully).

As to helping mankind and getting flying saucers into production, well, let's just leave that stuff to less muddled minds, should we? We may have to wait till the cows come home or when pigs can fly, as Bill said.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on May 18, 2008, 11:27:50 AM
Quote" What do you think Lawrence's problems are?
Is he sane or is he cuckoo?"

Thanks for the welcome ChrisC! Much appreciated. For your answer:
Lets look at the facts for a moment:
He is a totally unknown and untraceable (it seems) scientist. Self proclaimed scientist. All attempts to verify even one part of his history have been unsuccessful? All the scientists he knows, all the students he has taught for thirty years? Nobody can verify anything for him? You cant get around that one, just to start.
Now, anyone with a theory can get their own thread. (For a while anyway, such as magnacoaster). And the internet makes men of mice (wannabe noodledick) because they can hide behind their keyboards. And when the going gets tough, they disappear and do it somewhere else. So really, the only thing you can judge a new theory by, is what they write in here. Larry has written tens of thousands of words, with absolutely no substance. None.
When Kul Ash gave it a good college try, he was thwarted. Not by science or physics, but by a dog and pony show in replies. Larry simply will not answer pertinent questions. Now, he will gladly lead you all over the place, and when you finally realize that the conclusion is total horses*it, he will go off on something else. When we tried to get an answer step by step, (kul ash) you can clearly see that he dodges. So dang obvious. Nobody can improve on this, Kul ash asked the right questions, 1,2, 3, and Larry led us to right HERE. Nowhere. Again. For the millionth time.
If a shrink read all of his totally redundant posts (remember 1135?) I think he or she would say that Larry has delusions of grandeur, he does not care one whit about any other human, and that this is TOTALLY for his own benefit, or mental well being. Period.
If he gave a damn about his fellow humans, he would not have used fake personalities to try and boost his own theories. And he DID. And still IS. When he first used devil and top gun and forever, he always attacked others. He berated us in fact. He accused us of being cia, and the like. That we had motives that were less than pure, towards him. That was what he used his personalities for, evil. Not good, not like in Vegas!!!!!! Thats why there are no emergency elvis impersonaters in Mission Control in Houston. Because the physicists DONT USE fake personalities on their blogs, web sites forums etc.
So we have one chinaman in a funny hat, out of 5 Billion chinapeople, who cant verify who he is, and nobody else can either. We are on post 50,000 because WE are stupid kindergartners, WE are the cia hookers and secret agents trying to steal the greatest gift to mankind since the ark.
Larry has admitted that he cant use a drill. He cant prove his water into energy theory. At all. Even with a simple hose and water wheel (remember that far back people?) We saw a video of a chinese girl swinging a bottle over her head, for a whole 15 seconds. Amazing. The four legged stool, Major todd hathaway....the simple pendulum, the hunai university where a million kids will be taught, the patents.....     no. No!!
One of the most telling things about human animals is what they do when cornered. Or when they perceive they are being cornered. Larry has attacked, deceived, dodged, and spun. My God has he spun. He created his own corner. He is a very unfocused man.
In his world we all have to believe something (and then what?) with no proof. If we dont he will beat us with it until we supposedly do. It is the exact, and I mean exact same thing that the Manchurian Candidate was about. Repeat the same ridiculous crap over and over. Until what though?
Larry has insulted us, by trying to deceive us with his deliberate misdirections. In words and his fake personalities, which I would say, may not be that fake in his own mind. But it is still dishonest. Period.
If he does not change his ways, I cannot see a good outcome for this thread. People will get even madder, (if possible) and someone will find a way to 'flush him out'. Its inevitable. Then he will disappear.
Sorry for the long post, is he nuts?  Not if his theory is in fact related to leading out people, (to see how far he can take them)  instead of energy:)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 18, 2008, 12:08:43 PM
@ RadiantLarry:

Well said sir, very well said.  This was an excellent synopsis of what has been going on here for so very long now.  I am still awaiting the day that Lawrence offers us anything that even slightly resembles proof of one of his theories.  How can we ever forget the infamous water bottle experiment?  The even more infamous 4-legged stool experiment?  The world famous 9 story high beach pump experiment?  I hang around just to see what comes next.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 18, 2008, 11:43:46 PM
A lawyer asked: "What is wrong with the existing Physics Textbooks?  The Lee-Tseung theory is based on O Level Physics.  Why are so many forum members screaming?"

The answer is simple.  The existing Physics Textbooks omitted the fact that Gravitational Energy can be lead out in the case of a pendulum under a Lee-Tseung Pull.

In many so-called impossible perpetual motion machines, the source of energy is gravitational or electron motion energy.  The inventors did not point that out to the Patent Examiners because they did not know it themselves.

Lee-Tseung used O Level Physics ? the Law of Parallelogram of Forces; resolution of force and displacement vectors and tension of string doing work.  The work or energy comes from Gravity.  That single revelation can help over 300 OU inventions overcome the Patent Office objections.

The Physics and mathematics cannot be wrong.  The New Energy Machines and Flying Saucers are real and are operational.  That threatens the rich and powerful.  They can afford to have professional insulters and debunkers. 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 19, 2008, 02:43:38 AM

Company Limited by Guarantee
and not having a share capital



扶 è‹— 創 æ–° 基 é‡' 會 有 限 å...¬ 司

The Company has now been set up in Hong Kong.  The first task is to inform the Citizens of the World that the technology to overcome the World Energy Crisis and defying gravity to travel in space is available.

One World One Dream.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Whoflungdung on May 19, 2008, 03:52:01 AM
For Mr Lawrence Tseung.

My comments are below.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 19, 2008, 05:17:12 AM
I have now uploaded the latest presentation file into rapid share.


This latest file contains the improvement suggestions from Top Gun and the experimental set up photos from Forever.  This version is likely to be used in USA, in Japan in addition to Hong Kong and China in the coming weeks.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on May 19, 2008, 09:11:49 AM
Things I have learned from reading Lawrence's posts:

1.  What stops people from making working devices is that patent examiners don't believe them.
2.  There are hundreds of working overunity devices throughout the world, but the inventors have no idea why they work.
3,  Only perpetual motion energy can power flying saucers.
4.  Pendulum strings do not change the direction of the moving pendulum bob - it is gravity doing work by lifting the bob.
5.  One-way valves create energy
6.  Gravity is an energy particle, not a force.  (Don't worry, energy is conserved, even though gravity is bottomless, because planets "exchange" gravity energy with each other.)  We are constantly immersed in gravity energy, and should probably get gravity screen, so that we do not get gravity burns, or worse, skin cancer from prolonged gravity energy exposure.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on May 19, 2008, 09:20:55 AM
They can afford to have professional insulters and debunkers. 

Lawrence, we are not professional debunkers. I know that makes you feel better thinking people are going crazy trying to get to your secrets, but I dont think even you know your own secrets. What we are, is people who have a little common sense and can see through a so obvious smoke screen.
Besides, if you have put the info out already, as you say you have, then why would they need to debunk you? If its so simple, can't they go to your site and build it themselves? If thats true then why do we need you anymore? If we ever did? Does the cia have a computer? Do they have internet? Maybe an aol disk?
Debunking implies that there is a deliberate effort to smear or twist a piece of information.
Well, I challenge anyone to come up with a better deterrent than the inventor himself spouting gibberish about ufos and helping the world. If there is a better way to destroy an idea, I would like to know about it. You have chosen, all by yourself, this method of 'teaching'. Apparently you are the only one to use this, as it seems to have extremely negative effects. Beat them to hell with the same unintelligible crap for months, then accuse and berate with your other egos when they wake up.
I just had an image of the future, where Lawrence leaves this group, and starts a yahoo group, where he can control all the posts. The only reason he hasnt yet is because of the hits. He is very hungry for attention, that has a lot of weight. Too bad they are mostly bot hits. But yahoo groups is where they all end up.
Lawrence, this cannot be fun for you? What can you possibly gain? What is the point? If we could help you, as a group, to accomplish one simple experiment to prove this theory, what would it be? How could we do that? How can we help you Lawrence?
PS; Thanks Pirate!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on May 19, 2008, 09:46:40 AM
*salutes RadiantLarry* :D

Good to have you with us!
We should start a club, called "Professional LooneyLawrence Debunking Assiciation" or something,
print a glossy magazine with a cheap plastic beach pump or force scale every month, nice for the kids.
... if we turn it into a Foundation we might even be able to get tax advantages through it, all of us being
in the organisational board of course. ;)
And perhaps also set up a manicure service in China 'cause it looks like ladies like Forever Young can
really used some extensive manicures... or hand transplants, one or the other. ;)
While we're at it, we may want to consider publishing "physics for complete nutters" books in China too.
From the looks of it, there's still lots of markets to corner there, and too little sense going around there
to do it themselves... ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on May 19, 2008, 10:35:35 AM
And as for the slides. . .
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 19, 2008, 10:37:53 AM

Earthquake in China.

From tent cities in Sichuan province to Beijing 's Tiananmen Square, sirens wailed and millions of Chinese stood for three minutes on Monday to mourn the tens of thousands who died in last week's earthquake....

I never felt so patriotic in those three minutes.  The whole of China suddenly became my immediate family.  The urge in me says: ?Contribute your very best now.?

What can ?Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited? do?  What can Lawrence Tseung do?

The answer is simple - change the World for the better.  Whoelse in the World can use O Level Physics to solve the Energy Crisis?  Whoelse can explain how to build the Flying Saucer?  Whoelese can dream up Mutual Credits?  Whoelse can take on the professional insulters, the CIA or the like, etc?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 19, 2008, 06:32:44 PM
Received the following via email.

To realize the value of a sister...
Ask someone who doesn't have one.

To realize the value of ten years:
Ask a newly divorced couple.

To realizet the value of four years:
Ask a graduate.
To realize the value of one year:
Ask a student who has failed a final exam.

To realize the value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.

To realize the value of one month:
Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of one minute:
Ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realize the value of one-second:
Ask a person who has survived an accident.

Time waits for no one.
Treasure every moment you have.

You will treasure it even more when
You can share it with someone special.

To realize the value of a friend or family member:

Hold on tight to the ones you love.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 19, 2008, 09:31:46 PM
Taiwan has a new President today.

The relationship with Mainland China is expected to improve.

The New Energy Inventions and the Lee-TseungTheory have already been accepted in Taiwan.  Much of the funding for the Dr. Liang Car came from Taiwan.

The chance of cooperation amongst China, Taiwan and Hong Kong is excellent.   The Benefit to the World will be shown shortly.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 19, 2008, 11:20:17 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 15, 2008, 06:24:11 PM
The way to change a horizontal force to a vertical force so that it could do vertical work.  The requirement is a "machine".

In the case of a simple pendulum under a Lee-Tseung Pull, we see no "machine".  Furthermore, with such a machine, the output energy would be equal to the input energy + loss.

Thus we have to look at all other possibilities as top physicists.  The other obvious possibility is that the tension of the string does work.  That physics and mathematics is understandable by the average "O Level Physics" student.  Since a string by itself cannot supply energy, Gravity must be responsible in supplying this energy via the string.  This is the Lead Out Energy.

Lee-Tseung obviously possess more than "O Level Physics" Knowledge.  They are the first ones to state the obvious and put that into their patent applications.  They cannot be wrong.

What embarrasses the so call scientific authorities or establishments are - two retirees not belonging to an Establishment pointed out this fact.  The consequence of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory is solving the Energy Crisis by at least 300 known OU inventions.  The Patent Offices and many scientists (and also many paid debunkers) wrongly rejected such inventions for centuries.

Dear Top Gun,

I like your statements.  I have more and more confidence in your technical analysis.  You can teach.

Do not worry if some forum members cannot understand.  I just treat them as seeds on hard rock or on path to be stepped on.  Some of them are professional paid debunkers.  They are paid not to understand.

Continue the good work.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 20, 2008, 01:30:42 AM
Quote from: RadiantLarry on May 18, 2008, 11:27:50 AM
Quote" What do you think Lawrence's problems are?
Is he sane or is he cuckoo?"

Thanks for the welcome ChrisC! Much appreciated. For your answer:
Lets look at the facts for a moment:
He is a totally unknown and untraceable (it seems) scientist. Self proclaimed scientist. All attempts to verify even one part of his history have been unsuccessful? All the scientists he knows, all the students he has taught for thirty years? Nobody can verify anything for him? You cant get around that one, just to start.
Now, anyone with a theory can get their own thread. (For a while anyway, such as magnacoaster). And the internet makes men of mice (wannabe noodledick) because they can hide behind their keyboards. And when the going gets tough, they disappear and do it somewhere else. So really, the only thing you can judge a new theory by, is what they write in here. Larry has written tens of thousands of words, with absolutely no substance. None.
When Kul Ash gave it a good college try, he was thwarted. Not by science or physics, but by a dog and pony show in replies. Larry simply will not answer pertinent questions. Now, he will gladly lead you all over the place, and when you finally realize that the conclusion is total horses*it, he will go off on something else. When we tried to get an answer step by step, (kul ash) you can clearly see that he dodges. So dang obvious. Nobody can improve on this, Kul ash asked the right questions, 1,2, 3, and Larry led us to right HERE. Nowhere. Again. For the millionth time.
If a shrink read all of his totally redundant posts (remember 1135?) I think he or she would say that Larry has delusions of grandeur, he does not care one whit about any other human, and that this is TOTALLY for his own benefit, or mental well being. Period.
If he gave a damn about his fellow humans, he would not have used fake personalities to try and boost his own theories. And he DID. And still IS. When he first used devil and top gun and forever, he always attacked others. He berated us in fact. He accused us of being cia, and the like. That we had motives that were less than pure, towards him. That was what he used his personalities for, evil. Not good, not like in Vegas!!!!!! Thats why there are no emergency elvis impersonaters in Mission Control in Houston. Because the physicists DONT USE fake personalities on their blogs, web sites forums etc.
So we have one chinaman in a funny hat, out of 5 Billion chinapeople, who cant verify who he is, and nobody else can either. We are on post 50,000 because WE are stupid kindergartners, WE are the cia hookers and secret agents trying to steal the greatest gift to mankind since the ark.
Larry has admitted that he cant use a drill. He cant prove his water into energy theory. At all. Even with a simple hose and water wheel (remember that far back people?) We saw a video of a chinese girl swinging a bottle over her head, for a whole 15 seconds. Amazing. The four legged stool, Major todd hathaway....the simple pendulum, the hunai university where a million kids will be taught, the patents.....     no. No!!
One of the most telling things about human animals is what they do when cornered. Or when they perceive they are being cornered. Larry has attacked, deceived, dodged, and spun. My God has he spun. He created his own corner. He is a very unfocused man.
In his world we all have to believe something (and then what?) with no proof. If we dont he will beat us with it until we supposedly do. It is the exact, and I mean exact same thing that the Manchurian Candidate was about. Repeat the same ridiculous crap over and over. Until what though?
Larry has insulted us, by trying to deceive us with his deliberate misdirections. In words and his fake personalities, which I would say, may not be that fake in his own mind. But it is still dishonest. Period.
If he does not change his ways, I cannot see a good outcome for this thread. People will get even madder, (if possible) and someone will find a way to 'flush him out'. Its inevitable. Then he will disappear.
Sorry for the long post, is he nuts?  Not if his theory is in fact related to leading out people, (to see how far he can take them)  instead of energy:)

Nice post Larry. It is really frustrating to keep on reapeatig same thing all over again and again. He is just stuck to explain us Law of parellelogram of forces which we all learnt when we were in school. Once he says horizontal pull is perfectly horizontal, gives me some funny diagrams and when I show problems in them, he finds out the new theory that no matter what is the type of force that you have applied, string would release the free gravity!  :D
Now I ask him, how in the world passive force like the tension in string is doing active work of displacing perndulum, no answer from him. He shows me photographs of some one holding some strings with some force scales. In his analysis, he shows me tangential pull, which right from the start I kept on saying is responsible for vertical movement. He kept of denying it saying that he is applying pure horizontal force. Now he wants me to do the analysis of tangential force. He kept on saying so many times that "if there is no vertical mechanism available for pendulum to move then work must have been done by gravity." Now in his analysis, it clearly shows mechanism to lift bob vertically.
He uses pulley and tells me that if you apply force below the horizontal line, then you can not apply vertical force on pendulum to move up.  :D That was the funniest so far. When I pointed out the obvious, he showed me some diagram, in which bob was moving vertically but force was reamining on same elevation.  :D He then told me to apply magnetic pull to pull the bob horizontally. That was also very funnyt.  I finally got bored of showing him any mistake.
I asked him to show me analysis of initial position also, he now came up with tangential force which was not at all part of his any previous theories.
He just keeps repeating that we do not know zero level physics and no body can prove his theory wrong. Now what you call to such person? I am just having fun here.
As I told him before, day dreaming is the main food for losers. I think that might be just the case with this dude.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 20, 2008, 01:39:01 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 17, 2008, 10:23:27 AM

Dear Kul_ash,

I am reproducing the diagram from ideal.zip ? Ideal Lee-Tseung Pull1.xls.  I shall call it Pendulum30.jpg.

This file illustrates the case of the Ideal Lee-Tseung Pull.  The notations used are different from the ones previously displayed.  The three forces are now illustrated as:
(1)   Weight of the bob = F1g = M 
(2)   Tension of the string = F1s
(3)   External Force applied tangentially = F1p

Note that the External Force applied is not horizontal.  It has an upward component contributing directly to lifting the bob upwards.  When the pendulum is displaced at any angle a, the three forces at equilibrium obey the following relationship:
(1)   F1p = Msin(a)
(2)   F1s = Mcos(a)

I hope the different notations have not confused you.  Can you follow me so far???

Dear Top_gun

You are confusing yourself and not me. :) Suddenly from where you have found this tangential pull? None of the analysis before showed it. What happened to your pulley, magentic force etc.? So all that was crap?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 20, 2008, 01:41:07 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on May 19, 2008, 10:35:35 AM
And as for the slides. . .

he he he.  ;D. Really funny and too appropriate for the discussion!  ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 20, 2008, 02:03:59 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 19, 2008, 11:20:17 PM
Dear Top Gun,

I like your statements.  I have more and more confidence in your technical analysis.  You can teach.

Do not worry if some forum members cannot understand.  I just treat them as seeds on hard rock or on path to be stepped on.  Some of them are professional paid debunkers. They are paid not to understand.

Continue the good work.

I would love such a job. Trouble is, no-one pays anyone to debunk crap. Drat, missed out again. I could do with a couple of extra bucks. :-(

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on May 20, 2008, 06:10:46 AM
That's what I'm saying Hans, let's set up our own proessional debunking company ;)
People who need something debunked can hire us and we'll debunk whatever they want however they
want it at a reasonable price. ;D
For all the time we've wasted on Tseungs nonsense we could have been making millions! :D

... or not perhaps, as people don't usually get paid at all for debunking anything...
And unfortunately the CIA doesn't, nor do any of its little brother agencies, hire and
pay people to spend months debunking and debating a stupid OU idea...
Not in this reality, anyway...
Perhaps Tseung can give us the address of the "The Likes" agency, perhaps they
do pay people to talk about Tseungs total nonsense? What's their website and
how much do they pay per hour, Tseung? :)

Tseung sure has some weird thougts, beside his magic pendulum...
I mean, anyone who is in his 50s now and actually grown up and lived in China
must have had quite a gulp of the cultural revolution etc, and should have been
indoctrinated so much with propaganda about the peoples republic, that he
should have felt extremely patriotic and considered all the other Chinese people
his family alrady, long before this recent earthquake...
Makes one wonder... Is he really an old Chinese guy? If so, then why does he not
seem to think very typically Chinese?
Chinese government was more worries about the nuclear facilities in Sechuan than about
the thousands of people... a nice example of the great humanitarian attitude of China. ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on May 20, 2008, 08:12:41 AM
"As I told him before, day dreaming is the main food for losers. I think that might be just the case with this dude."

Thanks Kul Ash, most informative!

Look at the pictures, Larry is NOT in his fifties. Maybe seveneties. And he is retired. DONE.
Now its all clear. He is bored, he realizes that his life has been wasted, and now he is amusing himself on this forum. So who is using who? He probably flippantly tells his family (who is watching this with much concern) that it keeps his mind sharp. Well, that blade wont cut a peeled banana.
Notice how he completely ignores us? Notice how when its obvious that he is trying to dodge us, he puts some hokey poem up instead?
If you had spent your entire life teaching, would you have behaved this way on here? No way. He was probably a janitor at the school. He detests us because we see through his farce. That is sick.
You watch, he will disappear, and show up on yahoo groups. He can join magnacoaster and xpensif.
Cause really he has shown nothing but contempt for us. We ask him if we can help him, nothing.
He is so deluded that he still thinks that people are paid debunkers. That is the only way that he can feel good, is if everyone is trying to get his big secrets. But arent they on your site already? Hasnt he already tried a thousand times and failed miserably to get his points across? Then why would anyone try and steal them?
If we are going to continue this, I say we find him. What? Find him. Find people that know him. Find the schools he taught at. They are called 'credentials' in the real world. If we are going to spend the time building these projects then we need simple answers. Apparently he doesnt want to tell us, why?  All of the credentials he has given have been misleading and downright lies?
At the very least, let me make this suggestion. There are some extrememly smart people out there, and there are a lot of leads that Larry has provided us.
Why not, with politeness and courtesy, the same as any magazine or tv producer would show in research, start posting 'leads'. People we can contact and start down the rabbit hole. Maybe even start a little site where people can post their thoughts, and stories with their dealings with Larry.
Wouldnt it be interesting to ask the public for help, and find out what the real story is behind all this? Just a suggestion to throw out there. Thanks.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 20, 2008, 10:06:07 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 20, 2008, 01:39:01 AM
Dear Top_gun

You are confusing yourself and not me. :) Suddenly from where you have found this tangential pull? None of the analysis before showed it. What happened to your pulley, magentic force etc.? So all that was crap?

Dear Kul_ash,

Please do not join the insulters if you want scientific discussions.

As I said many times before - the essence of the Lee-Tseung Theory is not in the horizontal pull.  It is the tension of the string.  The tension (force) of the string has both vertical and horizontal components.  The string also has motion or displacement.  It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

In the very first post of this thread, Mr. Tseung posted:

The Lee-Tseung theory predicts that both gravitational and electron motion energy can be Lead Out via Pulse Force at resonance on oscillating, vibrating, rotating or flux change systems.  The detailed mathematical proof is via the analysis of the simple pendulum during the application of a pulse force.  The pulse force increases the tension of the string and Leads Out gravitation energy.  For a horizontal pulse force, two parts of pulse energy can Lead Out one part of gravitational energy.  The gravitational energy is not created but Lead Out.  This Lead Out energy source has not been understood by the Patent Offices, the Scientists and many Inventors in the past.  Use of this Lead Out energy does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

Please do not let you own misunderstand be the Lee-Tseung theory.
It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

Any pull keeping tension on the string can potentially lead out gravitational energy.  The tangential pull was mentioned as the ideal pull in the discussion document with the patent examiner.  I believe you mentioned that you read that document.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on May 20, 2008, 10:24:54 AM
Tension is tension, that's all. It is not additional energy that increases
the output of the system. If that were the case, pendulums would have been
leading out gravity energy for thousands of years already.

And repeating yourself like a crazy parrot does not make it any more true.

Instead of producing tons of useless text, why don't you produce one working
version that clearly shows additional energy? One that actually produces some
output, and not dumb scales, but an actual device?
Of course we all know that you don't do that because it is impossible.
But you have not given any good reason why you don't do it.
Can you also not use your hands, like Tseung?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 20, 2008, 01:59:47 PM
@ Hans and Koen1:

Your idea for a debunking company will never work.  See?  I just debunked your debunking company.  So, you guys start a company and my company will debunk your company.  We can all make a fortune!!!!!

This topic "Leads out" creative business ideas that will fly better than a flying saucer.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 20, 2008, 07:34:42 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on May 20, 2008, 10:24:54 AM
Tension is tension, that's all. It is not additional energy that increases
the output of the system. If that were the case, pendulums would have been
leading out gravity energy for thousands of years already.

Humans are ignorant and stupid.  Things fall to the ground well before the so-called human civilization.  It took an apple falling on the head of Newton to develop the Laws of Motion.

The swing or pendulum has been swinging since human civilization.  Lee and Tseung pointed out that the application of an external force can help or Lead Out Gravity to do work via the string.  The physics and mathematics obey the established knowledge. 

There are still many dumb and stupid forum members refusing to learn and believe.

Top Gun has put it into the simplest terms:
It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

This simple statement is all that is needed to verify the Lee-Tseung theory.  Humans are ignorant and stupid.  Tseung is stupid to post hundreds of repeat and repeat ?arguments".  Top Gun is stupid to make a drawing error.  All others are even more stupid in not reciting the one line statement.

All should kneel before me and recite:
It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

?. A hundred times.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bobbotov on May 21, 2008, 12:04:00 AM
66 pages of posts devoted to feeding the ego of a wacko. Good show!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 21, 2008, 12:29:27 AM
Quote from: Devil on May 20, 2008, 07:34:42 PM

Tseung is stupid to post hundreds of repeat and repeat ?arguments".  Top Gun is stupid

?. A hundred times.

That's about sum it all up for us!
Well done Devil! You're really admirable for speaking the truth as we all knew it....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 21, 2008, 06:08:14 AM
Quote from: chrisC on May 21, 2008, 12:29:27 AM
That's about sum it all up for us!
Well done Devil! You're really admirable for speaking the truth as we all knew it....


You should kneel before me and recite:

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

?. A hundred times.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 21, 2008, 07:44:04 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on May 20, 2008, 01:59:47 PM
@ Hans and Koen1:

Your idea for a debunking company will never work.  See?  I just debunked your debunking company.  So, you guys start a company and my company will debunk your company.  We can all make a fortune!!!!!

This topic "Leads out" creative business ideas that will fly better than a flying saucer.


You are on Bill,

We can get started as soon as we find some idiot who is going to pay us. The CIA is fully booked out at the moment, they have enough debunkers, in fact they have been laying off people since one of their cocaine deals went sour. Budget restraints since then.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on May 21, 2008, 10:05:35 AM
Its time to come clean. Lawrence has been right all along. Here at the CIA offices in Langley, we have been working day and night on a way to stop this dangerous man. Well, it took four months and 3 lives to do it, but we have.
We actually had to go back in time to retrieve the device that will bring Larry to his knees. It was dangerous, as we had to take classes on how to not let this device harm us accidentally.
I have been authorized to post a 'facsimile' of what the device looks like. Here it is. Hasta Lavista young Connor.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 21, 2008, 07:31:47 PM
Tseung, I accused you of stupidity.  You accept it in silence.

Now I shall teach you how to be clever.

You should openly declare that you would not answer any post from anyone who cannot understand or agree that:
It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

You and Top Gun will not need to go round in circles, repeat and repeat the same stupid arguments.

Your posting the HK$10,000 reward is effectively for anyone to disprove the above statement.  Nobody can possibly win.

Be clever.  No professional debunker or scientists can overturn the above statement.  You do not need to defend the obvious Lee-Tseung Theory.  Attack, attack and attack.  Your invincible weapon is:

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

Make it your daily prayer to me!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 21, 2008, 08:19:19 PM
Quote from: Devil on May 21, 2008, 06:08:14 AM
You should kneel before me and recite:

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

?. A hundred times.

What an idiotic statement to make. As long as the body hangs on a string NO work is being done by gravity or anything else. It might as well be a rock lying on the ground. You should study the difference between energy and potential energy you moron.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on May 21, 2008, 08:32:07 PM
Quote from: Devil on May 21, 2008, 07:31:47 PM
Your posting the HK$10,000 reward is effectively for anyone to disprove the above statement.  Nobody can possibly win.

The reward is meaningless if there is not an impartial third party judge who would decide whether the theory is disproven.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 21, 2008, 08:44:11 PM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on May 21, 2008, 08:32:07 PM
The reward is meaningless if there is not an impartial third party judge who would decide whether the theory is disproven.


You can look at it this way.... it's like arguing which end old Tseung talks through.Whether the words come from the mouth or through the rear end, it's equally meaningless when there's no truth!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 21, 2008, 09:36:51 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 21, 2008, 08:19:19 PM
What an idiotic statement to make. As long as the body hangs on a string NO work is being done by gravity or anything else. It might as well be a rock lying on the ground. You should study the difference between energy and potential energy you moron.

Hans von Lieven

Hans, you must be very brave to call me, the Devil, an idiot.  The statement is:
QuoteIt is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

It applies to the case of the pendulum under a Lee-Tseung pull.  The statement is correct so long as there is tension on the string.

You are more stupid than most.  You already posted the loudspeaker that does not need input energy.  That uses the Lee-Tseung pull in a vibration environment.  Electron motion energy is lead out. 

You should apply the word idiot to yourself.

In your case, your daily prayer to me should be:
It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

It applies to the case of the pendulum under a Lee-Tseung pull.  The statement is correct so long as there is tension on the string.

Repeat it a hundred times daily.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 21, 2008, 10:06:56 PM
Quote from: Devil on May 21, 2008, 09:36:51 PM

You should apply the word idiot to yourself.


Wow! Mr. Tseung's true nature is showing up as the nature of the Beast! Not so gentleman anymore, is he?
Sorry Hans, your judgment of his character is somehow flawed!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 21, 2008, 10:30:46 PM
It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

Dear Devil,

I used that statement in my calculations numerous times.  I focused on the word Lead Out.  I never thought of using the above statement as the focus of my argument.  So once again, I had to admit that I am stupid.  Thanks to Devil and also to Top Gun who has taken on the task of explaining O Level Physics.

My focus is on the Flying Saucer.  If every family in the Earthquake zone has a Flying Saucer, what could have happened?

(1)   Infinite energy is available.
(2)   Housing structures can be absolutely earthquake proof.  Floating in air is a possibility.
(3)   Going away from the earthquake zone is easy.
(4)   Lifting bricks, collapsed walls and structures will be easy.
(5)   Help from other parts of China can be a matter of minutes ? even to the remote villages with all roads collapsed.

The Flying Saucer is an absolute certainty.  It is just a matter of persuading the ?powerful? to release it for civilian use.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 21, 2008, 11:01:47 PM
How should we help the victims of the Earthquake?

One question raised was: ?If a victim got a mortgage from the Bank and he did not have Earthquake insurance, what would happen?  Assume his house collapsed.?

A Lawyer said: ?From the legal point of view, the victim will have to pay from his other belongings.  If he cannot pay, his credit ratings will go down.  He is likely to lose even more!?

Tseung: ?It is an extremely unfair system.  The Government can create money.  The Government must be able to forgive debts.  The Government can step in and change the banking rules.  We can change the rules of any game in special circumstances.  The Earthquake is definitely one of these circumstances.?

Lawyer: ?Raise your voice.  Email and post.  You may get Public Support.  The Chinese Government may listen.?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on May 21, 2008, 11:45:18 PM
Har Har!!

Hans you really got him going, wow!! And shrugged, 'impartial third party judge"? Are you kidding, he cant even get a young chinese girl to hold his scales!:) His wrinkly old godzilla claws came right through.
And remember when Larry compared his fractured personalities to elvis impersonators and las vegas? Since when do you go to a show where the performers attack you and berate you?
Also, how many of the million children that he is going to teach, will have to receive hospital treatment when he 'shows them how stupid they are'. Will there be guards for the children? He seems a bit unstable, mean wise. I bet it was that darned hand drill pic.
One last thing, Quote: My focus is on the Flying Saucer.  If every family in the Earthquake zone has a Flying Saucer, what could have happened?"
If ALL of the people had flying saucers, (can we call them LarryMobiles? Larry Chariots? LarryHooptys? ) then when the earthquake hit it would have affected all of the navigation systems of the saucers, and they would all crash into each other. All dead, and all your fault.
I would leave the future predictin' to the weather forecasters. I bet himmers is ready for a nap now.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 22, 2008, 12:29:01 AM
To All,

I now take the advice from the Devil.  I only answer posts from those who understands and agrees with the following.

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

It applies to the case of the pendulum under a Lee-Tseung pull.  The statement is correct so long as there is tension on the string.

There will be no repeat, repeat and repeat of the same arguments.  It is more important to focus on the Flying Saucer than teaching on the Internet.  Helping the victims of the Earthquake is much more rewarding.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 22, 2008, 12:32:44 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 22, 2008, 12:29:01 AM
To All,

I now take the advice from the Devil.  I only answer posts from those who understands and agrees with the following.

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

It applies to the case of the pendulum under a Lee-Tseung pull.  The statement is correct so long as there is tension on the string.

There will be no repeat, repeat and repeat of the same arguments.  It is more important to focus on the Flying Saucer than teaching on the Internet.  Helping the victims of the Earthquake is much more rewarding.

Hahaha! It's going to be awfully lonely place! It's like the Maytag repair man commercial .... no one will call!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 22, 2008, 12:46:10 AM
Helping the victims of the Earthquake.

One thought:

"If 5 families get together and provide HK$300 each month, we can help the averge victim family of 3 to have a computer, good education and hope.  The money can continue until the child becomes an adult and can help to earn money.  The help is more than money.  There will be visits, answering of emails, phones, encouragement and emotional support.

The 5 families will become good friends themselves.  China will be a much better nation because of the Earthquake.

The old Tseung can share his knowledge of physics, mathematics, economics and other innovative thoughts.  It would be stimulation rather than forced brainwashing."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 22, 2008, 01:03:44 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 22, 2008, 12:46:10 AM
Helping the victims of the Earthquake.

One thought:

The old Tseung can share his knowledge of physics, mathematics, economics and other innovative thoughts.  It would be stimulation rather than forced brainwashing."

I would just stick to succesfully completing 'O' Level Physics first. Then, perhaps aim a 'little' higher, like Calculus. As for economic theory .... if I were you, catch up on your sleep first.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 22, 2008, 01:21:45 AM
@ Devil, Larry, Forever, TopGun, etc.:

The pendulum hanging on a string is in equilibrium!!!!  Hans is correct and you can't/won't/do not understand how to admit it.  Hans's example of a rock on the ground is perfect.  Gravity brings it there, and keeps it there, but, while on the ground it is in the state of, yes, you guessed it, equilibrium.  (This is a good word, remember it) Gravity is always there you say?  Yes it is.  Then why does the rock not fall to the center of the earth?  Well, a guy you may not be aware of, (evidently) called Newton, said that the earth is pushing up with the SAME force as gravity is pulling down on the rock.  Thereby creating a state of balanced forces which anyone who understands at least a tiny bit of physics likes to call.....yes, here it is again....equilibrium.

OK.  It's kind of like paying a prostitute for sex. (I know you can relate to this one)  She makes you happy, and you pay her, so she is happy.  Your relationship has thus found itself in a state of equilibrium.  All the forces are balanced which is what mother nature intended.  I really do not know what else to type to you here.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 22, 2008, 01:23:14 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 22, 2008, 12:29:01 AM
To All,

I now take the advice from the Devil.  I only answer posts from those who understands and agrees with the following.

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

It applies to the case of the pendulum under a Lee-Tseung pull.  The statement is correct so long as there is tension on the string.

There will be no repeat, repeat and repeat of the same arguments.  It is more important to focus on the Flying Saucer than teaching on the Internet.  Helping the victims of the Earthquake is much more rewarding.

Ha ha ha. Where do you park your flying machine anyway? Do we need earth quaqe resistant parking for it? Other wise if the parking falls over a flying saucer, then it would be a complete wase. Or is your flying machine defies earth quaqe too? Please provide me with some information. I would like to keep one handy in case there is some problem of police or goons in my area!  ;D What a great idea!!

A new movie should be produced: "Those magnificent men in their anit gravity flying saucers"!! ;D starring chinese and american scientists. You could be "lead" hero Tseung! :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 22, 2008, 01:26:35 AM
@ Kul_ash:

Wait!!  I'll bet earthquakes also "lead out" energy as well.  Any idiot knows this.  Just ask Lawrence.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 22, 2008, 01:26:58 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on May 22, 2008, 01:21:45 AM
@ Devil, Larry, Forever, TopGun, etc.:

The pendulum hanging on a string is in equilibrium!!!!  Hans is correct and you can't/won't/do not understand how to admit it.  Hans's example of a rock on the ground is perfect.  Gravity brings it there, and keeps it there, but, while on the ground it is in the state of, yes, you guessed it, equilibrium.  (This is a good word, remember it) Gravity is always there you say?  Yes it is.  Then why does the rock not fall to the center of the earth?  Well, a guy you may not be aware of, (evidently) called Newton, said that the earth is pushing up with the SAME force as gravity is pulling down on the rock.  Thereby creating a state of balanced forces which anyone who understands at least a tiny bit of physics likes to call.....yes, here it is again....equilibrium.

Chill pirate! Buy an anti gravity flying saucer from Tseung and go to moon to cool down!  ;D You can order a special pirate patch for your saucer, it will really look cool! You will be the first anti gravity flying saucer pirate!  :D
OK.  It's kind of like paying a prostitute for . (I know you can relate to this one)  She makes you happy, and you pay her, so she is happy.  Your relationship has thus found itself in a state of equilibrium.  All the forces are balanced which is what mother nature intended.  I really do not know what else to type to you here.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 22, 2008, 01:38:05 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 22, 2008, 01:23:14 AM
Ha ha ha. Where do you park your flying machine anyway? Do we need earth quake resistant parking for it? Other wise if the parking falls over a flying saucer, then it would be a complete was. Or is your flying machine defies earth quake too? Please provide me with some information. I would like to keep one handy in case there is some problem of police or goons in my area!  ;D What a great idea!!

A new movie should be produced: "Those magnificent men in their anti gravity flying saucers"!! ;D starring Chinese and American scientists. You could be "lead" hero Tseung! :D

I already have vision for opening scene for movie "Those magnificent men in their anti gravity flying saucers". First shot: You see may people screaming, shouting! There is a huge earthquake. Building collapsing, people dead etc etc. Those who are alive are praying for miracle and there our hero walks in cutting the smoke filled area! Every one looks at the approaching shadow. A man walks in with a pendulum with his hand. He is swinging this pendulum in weird action and tremendous energy is leading out from pendulum like a thunderstorm. Every one looks in disbelief not understanding what;s going on! Then walks top_gun, devil and forever with a four legged stool. They are rotating this stool and its just hanging itself in air. Our hero's walk to people, put one by one on that stool and wwoooooooooooooooooosh, the stool flies off to sky like a rocket or faster than that! Claps claps claps everywhere. God has sent angel for their help! Then we see the face our hero... its a old man but very smart and heroic .......... its out Tseung. Every one shouts "long live pendulum man, bravo pendulum man"!!! Shot one cut................  :D

i think better name for the movie should be "The Pendulum man!"
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 22, 2008, 02:16:46 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 22, 2008, 01:38:05 AM
I already have vision for opening scene for movie "Those magnificent men in their anti gravity flying saucers". First shot: You see may people screaming, shouting! There is a huge earthquake. Building collapsing, people dead etc etc. Those who are alive are praying for miracle and there our hero walks in cutting the smoke filled area! Every one looks at the approaching shadow. A man walks in with a pendulum with his hand. He is swinging this pendulum in weird action and tremendous energy is leading out from pendulum like a thunderstorm. Every one looks in disbelief not understanding what;s going on! Then walks top_gun, devil and forever with a four legged stool. They are rotating this stool and its just hanging itself in air. Our hero's walk to people, put one by one on that stool and wwoooooooooooooooooosh, the stool flies off to sky like a rocket or faster than that! Claps claps claps everywhere. God has sent angel for their help! Then we see the face our hero... its a old man but very smart and heroic .......... its out Tseung. Every one shouts "long live pendulum man, bravo pendulum man"!!! Shot one cut................  :D

i think better name for the movie should be "The Pendulum man!"

Our comedy hour is turning into the finest movie director's hour of glory! Kul-ash, you should be nominated for the best 'Young Director' award and possibly the 'best movie made for the budget'! Look, you even got a delusional actor for FREE and he comes with Lead-Out Free Energy.....
Long live Pendulum Man .... our sequel to Iron Man.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 22, 2008, 10:04:39 AM
Dear Kul_ash,

Are you still interested in serious scientific discussion???

I know that Mr. Tseung posted:
I only answer posts from those who understands and agrees with the following.
It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

It applies to the case of the pendulum under a Lee-Tseung pull.  The statement is correct so long as there is tension on the string.

Mr. Tseung has expressed his intention.  He is not Top Gun.  I am still open to good, scientific discussions.  However, the above statements contain good physics logic.  Do you understand and/or agree with them???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on May 22, 2008, 11:09:31 AM
quote: "Mr. Tseung has expressed his intention.  He is not Top Gun."

Ahh, he isnt? So if Larry is pissed off at us, he will still post his stuff as someone else?!?! Really???
And talk about himself in the third and fourth person?
So now that you have finally realized you are spinning your free energy wheels, its time to force us to agree on a single line, then what? I'll tell you what. He will forget this as fast as he forgets all the other posts. Eternal filth spewing. Or he will say it over and over like 1135. And once he has entrained us again, he will, with the very next post go off on another ufo trip.
Popcorn, anyone?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 22, 2008, 05:07:43 PM
I think we need more photos of Miss Forever Yuen here to brighten up the thread.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 22, 2008, 05:20:04 PM
Systematic Brainstorming

Topic: How to help Earthquake victims if Flying Saucer Technology were available?

Yes it suggestions:

(1)   Every Family lives in Flying Saucers equipped with all essentials.
(2)   Every Family lives in Flying Saucers and attached facilities
(3)   Only 1 or 2 floor buildings with quake resistant material.  Flying Saucer parked close-by.
(4)   Identify the worst earthquake zones and move population away from those areas.
(5)   Flying Saucer or Magneto Propulsion Units that can turn buildings to almost weightless.  May even hover up.
(6)   Permanent Mid-air homes.

Discussing the above innovative suggestions will be fun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 22, 2008, 05:48:51 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 22, 2008, 05:20:04 PM
Systematic Brainstorming

Topic: How to help Earthquake victims if Flying Saucer Technology were available?

Yes it suggestions:

(1)   Every Family lives in Flying Saucers equipped with all essentials.
(2)   Every Family lives in Flying Saucers and attached facilities
(3)   Only 1 or 2 floor buildings with quake resistant material.  Flying Saucer parked close-by.
(4)   Identify the worst earthquake zones and move population away from those areas.
(5)   Flying Saucer or Magneto Propulsion Units that can turn buildings to almost weightless.  May even hover up.
(6)   Permanent Mid-air homes.

Discussing the above innovative suggestions will be fun.

You should attach your pendulum device to every building. When an earthquake hits you simply lift the building off the ground, wait until the earth stops shaking and put it back on the ground again. Problem solved.

@ Kul-ash

Good script for the movie, but you must have the Magnificent Four arriving in the flying saucer. It will be mote dramatic. In case you don't know what Lawrence's flying saucer looks like here is movie of the device in a test flight over Hong Kong. For an explanation how it works see post 1653.

Hans von Lieven

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 22, 2008, 09:19:12 PM
The legendary piss mobile!!!!

I love it!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on May 23, 2008, 03:52:48 AM
Ooooooooh mister Bill,

You have a new picture. You are just sooooooooo cute. Will you have dinner with me instead of with Forever, if she exists that is? It could really be a disappointment if you made a dinner date with Forever and Lawrence turned up. At least I am real.

Kiss Kiss

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 23, 2008, 04:36:22 AM
Three groups will bring the following message out to the Asian Countries.

The essense of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory

When a sideward pull is applied to a simple pendulum, the lead out gravitational energy is equal to the vertical component of the tension of the string times the vertical component of the displacement.  So long as there is tension on the string, gravitational energy will be Lead Out.  The ideal Lee-Tseung Pull is when the direction of pull is tangential.


當æ"ºå‹•å™¨è¢«æ‹‰å'旁é,Šæ™,,引出çš,,地心引力能量是等於:繩拉力çš,,åž,直數值乘繩位移çš,,åž,直數值ã€,只要繩有拉力,地心引力便可被引出ã€,最佳çš,,李è"£æ‹‰åŠ›çš,,æ–¹å'是å'Œç¹©çš,,半å¾'成90度(切線) ã€,

You are welcome to translate the above and send it out.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 23, 2008, 10:32:05 AM

當æ"ºå‹•å™¨è¢«æ‹‰å'旁é,Šæ™,,引出çš,,地心引力能量是等於:繩拉力çš,,åž,直數值乘繩位移çš,,åž,直數值ã€,只要繩有拉力,地心引力便可被引出ã€,最佳çš,,李è"£æ‹‰åŠ›çš,,æ–¹å'是å'Œç¹©çš,,半å¾'成90度(切線) ã€,

Loose translation of the above:  "Man with theory not know physics. Tell him we send messages but then throw them away. Please then to be changing our phone number."

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on May 23, 2008, 12:05:28 PM
Lol Bill!

We received this urgent email from China:

Greetings Round Eye from Shaky China,
We rerry happy to meet your aquaintances. Since before time of Don Ho, we have impatiently spent fistfuls of yen to reach your orifice. Upon reaching to your honorable orifice, we before now see how lead out worky. It like dainty beautiful flower!
We lika your wife. She verry large. In face, big heart. She maka good rice!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 23, 2008, 12:28:03 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 23, 2008, 04:36:22 AM
Three groups will bring the following message out to the Asian Countries.

You are welcome to translate the above and send it out.

Loosely Translated:

The Lee-Tseung Theory is so simple. Any two old fools can explain it! Make a simple pendulum (no drills required and no 'O' level Physics either).

Hang it on a taut string. There you are, free gravitional energy for the world to use! We solved the world's energy crisis.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 23, 2008, 12:32:28 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 22, 2008, 05:20:04 PM
Systematic Brainstorming

Topic: How to help Earthquake victims if Flying Saucer Technology were available?

Yes it suggestions:

(1)   Every Family lives in Flying Saucers equipped with all essentials.
(2)   Every Family lives in Flying Saucers and attached facilities
(3)   Only 1 or 2 floor buildings with quake resistant material.  Flying Saucer parked close-by.
(4)   Identify the worst earthquake zones and move population away from those areas.
(5)   Flying Saucer or Magneto Propulsion Units that can turn buildings to almost weightless.  May even hover up.
(6)   Permanent Mid-air homes.

Discussing the above innovative suggestions will be fun.

Seems like old Tseung disqualified and distanced himself from his poor Physics knowledge to concentrate on UFO's  research for humanity?

ie, UFO stands for Utter Fantasy Opinions

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 23, 2008, 06:32:36 PM
Tseung, you finally got your message ready to launch to the World.

The essense of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory

When a sideward pull is applied to a simple pendulum, the lead out gravitational energy is equal to the vertical component of the tension of the string times the vertical component of the displacement.  So long as there is tension on the string, gravitational energy will be Lead Out.  The ideal Lee-Tseung Pull is when the direction of pull is tangential.


當æ"ºå‹•å™¨è¢«æ‹‰å'旁é,Šæ™,,引出çš,,地心引力能量是等於:繩拉力çš,,åž,直數值乘繩位移çš,,åž,直數值ã€,只要繩有拉力,地心引力便可被引出ã€,最佳çš,,李è"£æ‹‰åŠ›çš,,æ–¹å'是å'Œç¹©çš,,半å¾'成90度(切線) ã€,

To debunk the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory, the debunker has to debunk the Law of Parallelogram of Forces; resolution of forces and displacement vectors into vertical and horizontal components and vector arithmetic.  No scientists from MIT, Harvard, Cambridge, Paris, Tokyo Universities or similar will put their heads on the chopping block.

The challenge will come from stupid, ignorant or paid debunkers.  Humans are self-centered ? believing that they are equal to God and Me.  In reality, they dug up harmful chemicals from the ground to generate pollution.  Clean, abundant and easy-to-use energy has been available since the dawn of Universe. 

Even when Tseung stupidly spelled out the theoretical basis and over 300 inventors stumbled on the solution, the foolish human race still covered their eyes with smear, insults and lies.

All humans should kneel before me daily and recite:
It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 23, 2008, 07:54:18 PM
G'day all,

Does anyone know what the treatment for megalomania is, or is there none? I mean any treatment apart from sodium cyanide, which is a foolproof cure for the disease. It has some nasty side effects though.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on May 23, 2008, 10:38:55 PM
QuoteThe challenge will come from stupid, ignorant or paid debunkers. All humans should kneel before me daily and recite:

I wonder if Larry kneels before himself and lets the devil have his way with him?
We must be good if we are paid......he....he....he....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 23, 2008, 10:49:55 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 23, 2008, 07:54:18 PM
G'day all,

Does anyone know what the treatment for megalomania is, or is there none? I mean any treatment apart from sodium cyanide, which is a foolproof cure for the disease. It has some nasty side effects though.

Hans von Lieven

Now, now Hans .... sodium cyanide might cause Lawrence to turn over (the grave) many times causing more Lead Out energy! Now, we have enough of the 'static' gravitational energy on our hands to deal with. We don't want 'Rotational' Lead Out Energy as well do we?

We need another solution, maybe some new yet unknown herbal medication?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on May 24, 2008, 08:16:57 AM
Got this from Wannabe yesterday:
Quotei'm hiding behind my keyboard? thats why i posted my address... come visit anytime. we can have a 'chat'.
or are you just gonna hide behind your keyboard?

Since he was so soundly whipped on this open forum like the loser he is, he is trying to hide and snipe. How cute! I wonder if Hans got any threatening emails from this loser?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 24, 2008, 07:56:04 PM
Essence of the Flying Saucer Technology

Let me go back to the simple spaceship2.jpg diagram.
(1)   The square space ship is traveling to the LHS at constant velocity.
(2)   A person sends two balls out with the same mass and velocity in the direction perpendicular to velocity of the space ship as shown.
(3)   The top ball hits a padded surface.  The force (rate of change of momentum) is F1.
(4)   The bottom ball hits a solid surface. The force F2 is higher than F1.
(5)   There will be a net force F3 = (F2-F1) in the direction of F2.
(6)   There is no need to eject any particle from the spaceship to change its velocity.

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 24, 2008, 08:29:03 PM
Who can design and build a Flying Saucer if:
(a)   Infinite Energy Source and Mechanism is available.
(b)   Magnetic devices are available.

In Spaceship2.jpg, the two balls can be magnets repelled by an electromagnetic coil in the middle.  After hitting the padded surface and the solid walls, the magnetic balls can be moved back to their original position.

An alternative way is to use the circular motion of a magnetic ball in a closed track.  Magnetic attraction can be used to keep it rotating at high velocity.  Cutting the magnetic attraction and/or introducing magnetic repulsion can make the magnetic ball fly away at high velocity in the tangential direction.

Tseung does not need to build such Flying Saucers.  The China Patent was submitted in early 2005.  China had a UFO flying over Nanjing with pictures displayed on youtube in mid-2006.  USA has numerous UFO sightings near Area 51 in California.  Many other Countries have reported UFO sightings.

New Energy Machines and Flying Saucers are reality.  I, Lawrence Tseung, have the theory.  Many Governments have already got their scientists and engineers built them.  The World will be a better place if many Nations can build such devices.

@Kul-ash, you can tell the Indian Government to invest in such technology.  Not doing so will be stupidity.  Your nation suffered in the Colonial period because you did not have guns and cannons.  Do not make the same stupid mistake.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 24, 2008, 11:41:04 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 24, 2008, 07:56:04 PM
Essence of the Flying Saucer Technology

Let me go back to the simple spaceship2.jpg diagram.
(1)   The square space ship is traveling to the LHS at constant velocity.
(2)   A person sends two balls out with the same mass and velocity in the direction perpendicular to velocity of the space ship as shown.
(3)   The top ball hits a padded surface.  The force (rate of change of momentum) is F1.
(4)   The bottom ball hits a solid surface. The force F2 is higher than F1.
(5)   There will be a net force F3 = (F2-F1) in the direction of F2.
(6)   There is no need to eject any particle from the spaceship to change its velocity.

(to be continued)

Save your balls when you are in anti gravity space ship guys :D :D :D Other wise ship will fly but you will die!  :'(
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 24, 2008, 11:46:48 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 24, 2008, 08:29:03 PM
Who can design and build a Flying Saucer if:
(a)   Infinite Energy Source and Mechanism is available.
(b)   Magnetic devices are available.

Tseung, you have just disclosed the top secret research of many nations - China, USA, Russia, Japan and others.

You used the term Magnetic devices - but you already used the term inertia propulsion in your earlier posts.  That is not a secret.

You are hoping the World will benefit from your disclosure.  Unfortunately, the World is full of selfish, power-hungry, self-centered idiots.  They out-number you many million times.

Do not forget your daily prayer:
It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

That will be your invincible weapon!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on May 24, 2008, 11:57:38 PM
Quote from: Devil on May 24, 2008, 11:46:48 PM
Tseung, you have just disclosed the top secret research of many nations - China, USA, Russia, Japan and others.

You used the term Magnetic devices - but you already used the term inertia propulsion in your earlier posts.  That is not a secret.

You are hoping the World will benefit from your disclosure.  Unfortunately, the World is full of selfish, power-hungry, self-centered idiots.  They out-number you many million times.

Do not forget your daily prayer:
It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

That will be your invincible weapon!

Weapon against whom? We are not fighting with Tseung, we are just feeling bad about his mental health and we want him to be normal again. We are not enemies but friends :) The faster he understands better it is!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on May 25, 2008, 10:00:35 AM
QuoteYou are hoping the World will benefit from your disclosure.  Unfortunately, the World is full of selfish, power-hungry, self-centered idiots.  They out-number you many million times.

You should look in the mirror. You are worse than any self centered, power hungry idiot than we have ever seen. You said you were here to help us with something? What is it? Your day care bill?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 25, 2008, 10:11:01 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on May 24, 2008, 11:57:38 PM
Weapon against whom? We are not fighting with Tseung, we are just feeling bad about his mental health and we want him to be normal again. We are not enemies but friends :) The faster he understands better it is!

Stupid Humans, you still have not learned from history.  Some of your evil ones used the doctrine of survival of the fittest to bring suffering to others.  They developed the guns, cannons, etc. while others still relied on arrows and swords.

USA is using weapons against Iraq.  It is an absolutely evil war.  The evil George Bush used the unfounded CIA information as excuse.  Are you so stupid as not to realize that?

Tseung is well ahead in his mental capability than you and all other forum members.  You then call that an illness.  How ignorant and arrogant!

You better kneel down now and recite your prayer to me:
It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

It applies to the case of the pendulum under a Lee-Tseung pull.  The statement is correct so long as there is tension on the string.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on May 25, 2008, 12:15:16 PM
QuoteTseung is well ahead in his mental capability than you and all other forum members.  You then call that an illness.  How ignorant and arrogant!
You better kneel down now and recite your prayer to me:

Whats with all this kneeling down and worshipping crap? If we think you are a fruitcake then certainly your sniping, petty, transparent personalities are worth a lot LESS TO US!!
How ignorant and weasley anyway to not have the guts to say it yourself! Its slimey. But that fits, so well.
Besides, choosing a holier than thou personality tells a lot about the delusion causing this. When the student A and B crap got old, he invented someone non human. Someone to force us to kneel down and worship him. Belch.
The definition of insanity is this: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Devil, give Larry a big kiss for us.   
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on May 25, 2008, 05:20:52 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 24, 2008, 07:56:04 PM
Essence of the Flying Saucer Technology

Let me go back to the simple spaceship2.jpg diagram.
(1)   The square space ship is traveling to the LHS at constant velocity.
(2)   A person sends two balls out with the same mass and velocity in the direction perpendicular to velocity of the space ship as shown.
(3)   The top ball hits a padded surface.  The force (rate of change of momentum) is F1.
(4)   The bottom ball hits a solid surface. The force F2 is higher than F1.
(5)   There will be a net force F3 = (F2-F1) in the direction of F2.
(6)   There is no need to eject any particle from the spaceship to change its velocity.

(to be continued)

Why don't you start a separate topic for this?  One crazy idea at a time, please.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 25, 2008, 05:30:27 PM
Quote from: RadiantLarry on May 25, 2008, 12:15:16 PM

Besides, choosing a holier than thou personality tells a lot about the delusion causing this. 

My name is D-evil.  Are you confusing holy with evil???

The stupid Tseung has disclosed how to use gravitational energy etc.  He tried to explain it in circles.  All he ever needed was to use his invincible weapon:

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

It applies to the case of the pendulum under a Lee-Tseung pull.  The statement is correct so long as there is tension on the string.

He wasted years and hundreds of posts on defending the stupid, obvious  Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory.  He never needed any defending.  He should attack with the above statements.  He could have broken any top academic institution.

You can laugh at his silly spaceship2.jpg.  It contains the power to wipe out every missile, aircraft and spaceship.  If you do not say the prayer to me now, you will have eternity to recite it in my home.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 25, 2008, 09:20:44 PM
@ Devil:

Go to hell! 

Hey, I kind of like that.  Very appropriate don't you think?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 25, 2008, 11:06:52 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on May 25, 2008, 09:20:44 PM
@ Devil:

Go to hell! 

Hey, I kind of like that.  Very appropriate don't you think?


Bill, to others, that is an insult.  To me, it is going home.

My home is warm, very warm.  It is large, large enough to hold the entire stupid human race.  I love company ? especially the stupid, ignorant debunkers.  They will have eternity to recite the prayer:

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

You still have not recited and digested the above statement.  You must be wanting to come to my home.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 25, 2008, 11:14:26 PM
Dear Devil,

I know that you are powerful and can tell the future.

What will happen to the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory in the next 10 years?

Will the "powerful" in this World release the Flying Saucer technology within the next 10 years?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 25, 2008, 11:51:12 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 25, 2008, 11:14:26 PM
Dear Devil,

I know that you are powerful and can tell the future.

What will happen to the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory in the next 10 years?

Will the "powerful" in this World release the Flying Saucer technology within the next 10 years?

Tseung, you are no better than the average superstitious housewife.  You are afraid of the future.  You cannot see clearly and become hesitant in your steps.  In your heart, you believe that you were the Chosen One to save the World.  You thought that you were better than Jesus Christ, Buddha and all Prophets.  You thought that you could:
(1)   Reverse Global Warming
(2)   Solve the Energy Crisis
(3)   Provide the Flying Saucer
(4)   Introduce Mutual Credits
(5)   Become the Savior of the entire Human Race
(6)   Be adored Forever

You do not even have the courage to charge ahead with the invincible weapon.

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

None of the silly, insignificant forum members can harm you.  Not even the CIA, the KGB, the MI5 or the Chinese Intelligence dare to touch you.  Any action from them will automatically confirm the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory and the Flying Saucer.  You actually have the upper hand.  You can promote and they are powerless to defend. 

You took on the stupid strategy of waiting for the attack and defend.  You are even worse than a stupid dog led around in the garden.  You are the fish on a hook being reeled to exhaustion.  Attack, attack and attack. 

Fulfill the prophecy in the Bible: Revelation 12.3 ?Then another sign appeared?red Dragon??
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 26, 2008, 01:54:50 AM

Don't forget the other prophesy. "And the heavens opened, and from it issued forth green spew that covered the world as punishment by the Almighty for all those that did not believe in the Lee-Tseung Theory and thereby deprived humanity of solutions to everything. Thou unbelievers hast treated with disdain his humble servant Lawrence and now thou shalt suffer."
Revlations 5.36


Apologies to Professor Who Flung Dung for borrowing his picture

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 26, 2008, 01:57:11 AM
I dug up Revelation 12.3 from the Bible:

?Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads.  His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth.  The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born.?

How would a priest interpret this passage?

The Devil focused on red dragon.  China is always known as the kingdom of the Dragon.  Communism uses Red as its favorite color.  Who is the child?  Is it the Flying Saucer?  There are some powerful military persons in China who want to dominate the World with the Infinite Energy and Flying Saucer Technology.  They are the most likely ones to have funded the Nanjing UFO.  They may be building the fleet of Flying Saucers so that they have unsurpassed military supremacy.

USA and other Nations have similar die-hard powerfuls.  Their unfounded fears might start the next World War and bring the end of Human Civilization as predicted by the Bible.

I shall attack with the invincible weapon:
It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 26, 2008, 02:04:38 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 26, 2008, 01:57:11 AM
I dug up Revelation 12.3 from the Bible:

?Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads.  His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth.  The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born.?

How would a priest interpret this passage?

Simple, Don't have anything to do with dragons. You don't have to be a priest to work this one out.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 26, 2008, 04:32:32 AM
I have taken the advice of the Devil and mount the attack using the following file:

The invincible weapon (pendulum drawing gravitational energy) and the Flying Saucer technology are included.  The World will benefit if there were International Cooperation.  The prophecy of Doomsday will be upon us if we are still immersed in hatred, jealousy and suspicion.

If you understand the following statements, you will understand the entire presentation.

When a sideward pull is applied to a simple pendulum, the lead out gravitational energy is equal to the vertical component of the tension of the string times the vertical component of the displacement. 

So long as there is tension on the string, gravitational energy will be Lead Out.  The ideal Lee-Tseung Pull is when the direction of pull is tangential.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on May 26, 2008, 09:40:18 AM
QuoteIn your heart, you believe that you were the Chosen One to save the World.  You thought that you were better than Jesus Christ, Buddha and all Prophets.  You thought that you could:

WOW!!! Delusions of grandeur dont hold a candle to this guy! Better than Jesus? Buddha?
If larry was jesus:
1) then the bible would have been over 400,000 pages long.
2) His disciples would have all had pendulum necklaces.
3) Instead of accepting the free gift of grace, if you dont understand his gibberish, then we all go to hell. You burn forever because of larrys inability to teach.

Larry, if you are so famous, and have so many credentials, then why dont you bring one of your real friends with credentials here to help you? I know , I know, flying saucers and save the world. Well, you finish your peas little scientist man, and we will talk about your flying saucers. But first you got some chores to do outside.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 26, 2008, 06:14:51 PM
Quote from: RadiantLarry on May 26, 2008, 09:40:18 AM
WOW!!! Delusions of grandeur dont hold a candle to this guy! Better than Jesus? Buddha?
If larry was jesus:
1) then the bible would have been over 400,000 pages long.
2) His disciples would have all had pendulum necklaces.
3) Instead of accepting the free gift of grace, if you dont understand his gibberish, then we all go to hell. You burn forever because of larrys inability to teach.

Larry, if you are so famous, and have so many credentials, then why dont you bring one of your real friends with credentials here to help you? I know , I know, flying saucers and save the world. Well, you finish your peas little scientist man, and we will talk about your flying saucers. But first you got some chores to do outside.

Stupid humans, when will you ever learn?  Tseung will not be led around like the stupid dog anymore.  You have not recited and digested the prayer:
It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

Your postings and suggestions have no significance.  You better find someone with O Level Physics background and get him to explain the above to you.

Or you can come to my home and spend eternity reciting it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 27, 2008, 04:12:30 AM
This raises an interesting point.

Why would the devil come to the defence of Lawrence?

We all know the Devil is the lowest piece of excrement the universe has to offer. He is a liar, a killer, a being with a massive reputation to lead people astray. If anything, the mere presence of his putrid cadaver should tell us that there is something fishy here. And he calls us deceivers and paid debunkers. Get real Lawrence, this is your worst character yet; or perhaps your condition took a turn south.

.......and the stink goes on.............and the stink goes on.......... ladidadidee................ladidadidei.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 27, 2008, 07:33:02 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 27, 2008, 04:12:30 AM
This raises an interesting point.

Why would the devil come to the defence of Lawrence?

Hans von Lieven

I make my rules.  Tseung is stupid but he at least listens to me sometimes. His Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory cannot be wrong.  There are the know-nothing debunkers and the paid debunkers messing up this thread.

Hans could not even quote from the Bible.  He did not kneel before me and recite:
It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

He thinks he can disprove the Lee-Tseung theory without disproving the above statement first.  You can all watch his miserable effort.  He even dares to equate me with a mortal. 

He actually posted a loudspeaker that required no input power.  He can explain it easily with the Lee-Tseung way.  Or he can try his Hans way.  I shall put some fire at his ass.  Hans, explain the theory behind your loudspeaker.  Show the world that you are not an idiot.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Drannom on May 27, 2008, 08:13:32 AM

i did not read all this theory, enough to know that it is too complicated

i suggest to replace this theory by a more simple theory, the best i have red until now is the electrinium.pdf, it explain how all matter is power by the central sun !

i have also provided scientist link to approuve that
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 27, 2008, 10:19:36 AM
Quote from: Drannom on May 27, 2008, 08:13:32 AM

i did not read all this theory, enough to know that it is too complicated

i suggest to replace this theory by a more simple theory, the best i have red until now is the electrinium.pdf, it explain how all matter is power by the central sun !

i have also provided scientist link to approuve that

It is not complicated at all.

Tseung put a long presentation file in:

The Lee-Tseung theory is better than the Sun.  The Sun will burn up eventually.  Gravitational and Electron Motion Energy will not. 

The essence is:
It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.

I can see the future.  I know who will be the winner.  I can even produce winners.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on May 27, 2008, 01:27:30 PM
QuoteStupid humans, when will you ever learn?  Tseung will not be led around like the stupid dog anymore.

Yes you will, larry. No sense in feeding your ego anymore, so I will call you larry. Not devil, not god, not an angel, but larry. A regular shmo, like everyone else. Dont hide behind fake psychotic personas, only because your own persona isnt enough to handle what your bent ego has gotten you into.
Funny how angry they get when they dont get what they want. Lead you around in circles then attack. YOU have filled this thread with gibberish and outright deception. So dont go belly aching when the pendulum comes back to you. (Kinda fitting really).
Besides, another thousand posts of gibberish and I think they will boot you anyway. Then they will lead the kooky chinaman to the door.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Drannom on May 27, 2008, 02:29:31 PM
Hello Devil

i will take a look at the file and come back possibly

electrinium do not talk of the sun, it is all about the Central Sun, that is the black hole in the centre of our galaxie, it shine a super-light that we could not see, that sun rise and set as Sagitarius in the sky,

there is mostly one black hole by galaxie, and all those central sun are power by the Source itself

try to read the electrinium, it explain how the energy circulate in the universe

you'll find electrinium.pdf everywhere ( free energy web site ) and somewhere in this forum in the crystal battery, is there where i found this faboulus explanation

see you and do not forget that we all are a reflection of the same unique spirit

stay cool, we are all brothers 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 27, 2008, 05:59:33 PM
From Professor XXX

I am very interested in your energy generator? If you have any updates or a mailing list that you send updates out to, I would love to be on it.

University of Texas at Arlington

Dear Prof. XXX,

Your email comes at the right time.  I am ready to promote the Lee-Tseung Theory to the General Public in the next few weeks.  The draft presentation file is attached.

I also post at the overunity forum under the username ltseung888.  You are welcome to share your views there.  (I also took the liberty of reproducing your email to me with the email address and names blanked out.)  You may obviously use your own name or any other username.

Looking forward to your participation in benefiting the World.

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 27, 2008, 08:26:04 PM
Wow!  I just found this photo of Professor XXX on the net.  She could lead me out
anytime.  I think I now understand the meaning of her name....XXX.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on May 27, 2008, 09:01:54 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on May 27, 2008, 08:26:04 PM
Wow!  I just found this photo of Professor XXX on the net.  She could lead me out
anytime.  I think I now understand the meaning of her name....XXX.


Now Bill, you are just making that up.  Here is an actual result from a Google image search for "professor xxx"

And notice how Tseung doesn't even answer the poor guy's question.  The question was about the generator, not the theory behind the generator.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 28, 2008, 12:05:12 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on May 27, 2008, 09:01:54 PM
Now Bill, you are just making that up.  Here is an actual result from a Google image search for "professor xxx"

And notice how Tseung doesn't even answer the poor guy's question.  The question was about the generator, not the theory behind the generator.

What Generator ?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 28, 2008, 05:24:56 PM
I spoke to Wang Shum Ho yesterday.  Apparently, there are many people who claimed to represent him and solicit funds both within China and Internationally.  Some of them have informal contact with Wang and some are obvious frauds.

His information is already public knowledge and can be found via the Chinese Version of search engines such as Yahoo and Google.

He asked me to publicly disclose his mobile telephone number again (already on the Internet)  (86) 13066636868.  He said that he was willing to talk in Chinese to interested parties.

I do not represent him.  I helped to put his information on the Internet because he does not speak or write in English.  Now it is time to pass the ball back to him and the Publicity People helping him.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 28, 2008, 05:27:20 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 28, 2008, 05:24:56 PM
I spoke to Wang Shum Ho yesterday.  Apparently, there are many people who claimed to represent him and solicit funds both within China and Internationally.  Some of them have informal contact with Wang and some are obvious frauds.

His information is already public knowledge and can be found via the Chinese Version of search engines such as Yahoo and Google.

He asked me to publicly disclose his mobile telephone number again (already on the Internet)  (86) 13066636868.  He said that he was willing to talk in Chinese to interest parties.

I do not represent him.  I helped to put his information on the Internet because he does not speak or write in English.  Now it is time to pass the ball back to him and the Publicity People helping him.

WTF Cares?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Xformer on May 28, 2008, 10:24:50 PM
I am so confused about Mr. Wang's situation. He was appointed to be VP for the $13billion
General Magnetic from day one. Why U still introduce him here to get more contacts.
Is he making gigantic project like fermilab ?Correct me if I am wrong.
I do wish him to get good support but be smart & alert , especially go through all kinds of
typical translations.

God Bless !

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 29, 2008, 05:11:11 AM
Quote from: Xformer on May 28, 2008, 10:24:50 PM
I am so confused about Mr. Wang's situation. He was appointed to be VP for the $13billion
General Magnetic from day one. Why U still introduce him here to get more contacts.
Is he making gigantic project like fermilab ?Correct me if I am wrong.
I do wish him to get good support but be smart & alert , especially go through all kinds of
typical translations.

God Bless !

Inventors have different mind-set than the average.  May be Wang loves to talk to strangers occasionally.

You can call him (with an interpreter if needed) and chat with him to find out what is on his mind.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 29, 2008, 06:28:03 PM
Planned presentations with the Institute of Energy of Hong Kong

Goal:  Promote the physics and mathematics behind the New Energy Machines including the Flying Saucer.

(1)   Training a group of presenters who had passed ?O Level Physics and Mathematics? or equivalent using the latest presentation slides.  http://rapidshare.com/files/117690376/New_Energy_V888.PPT.html
(2)   The group of presenters will be able to present in Chinese (Putonghua and Cantonese), English, Japanese and other languages later.
(3)   The group of presenters will deliberately be represented by different ages (from 13 years olds who just learned Parallelogram of Forces to retirees).  The purpose is to demonstrate that those qualified and tried could digest the knowledge.
(4)   Many presentations will be done at the highest academic levels ? Universities, Technical Institutes and Professional Bodies.  These will also include International exhibitions and conferences.
(5)   Work with one or more existing Over Unity Inventors and develop a standard presentation prototype.  We may even use published information such as the Bedini School Girl Motor, Wang Generator etc.
(6)   Complete a book and an Internet Website focusing on New Energy Inventions including the Flying Saucer.  Promote or help to promote competitions for New Energy Inventions.
(7)   Plan to have at least 1 million Hong Kong students exposed to the information in the coming summer holidays. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 29, 2008, 06:37:52 PM
G'day all,

Isn't it intriguing? Every time his thread starts sliding down the page to a certain point, Lawrence jumps in with a posting to bring the subject back to the top. I have seen him do this five times in a row. This is why this thread never gets buried and always appears as a hot topic.

Hans von Lieven

PS. @Lawrence,

In your new website and your book are you including my Pissmobile? ........................Just a thought.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 29, 2008, 07:19:26 PM
@ Hans:

Isn't it amazing to think that 1,000 years from now, Chinese students will be studying old textbooks in their history classes and low and behold, there will be a photo and description of your legendary Piss Mobile?  The significance of your invention will be lost on them of course, but, it will forever (no pun intended) become a part of the Chinese culture.  Maybe one day, if I am lucky enough, I will become as famous as you.  As for now, I am just proud to know you.  Urine a class by yourself.  (Sorry)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 29, 2008, 07:26:33 PM
LOL Bill
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 29, 2008, 08:17:58 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 29, 2008, 05:11:11 AM
Inventors have different mind-set than the average.  May be Wang loves to talk to strangers occasionally.

You can call him (with an interpreter if needed) and chat with him to find out what is on his mind.

Talking to strangers? Maybe Mr. Wang is starting to exhibit some of those remarkable symptons found only inside old Tseung's head!

Somehow, I can't imagine a 1.3B RMB company answering the phone to talk to strangers. Very strange indeed! Maybe we're talking about Monopoly money?

And of course, they can't afford a proper PR agency and has to rely on old uncle Tseung promoting their company on Overunity.com....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 30, 2008, 01:11:45 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 29, 2008, 06:28:03 PM
Planned presentations with the Institute of Energy of Hong Kong

Goal:  Promote the physics and mathematics behind the New Energy Machines including the Flying Saucer.

(1)   Training a group of presenters who had passed ?O Level Physics and Mathematics? or equivalent using the latest presentation slides.  http://rapidshare.com/files/117690376/New_Energy_V888.PPT.html
(2)   The group of presenters will be able to present in Chinese (Putonghua and Cantonese), English, Japanese and other languages later.
(3)   The group of presenters will deliberately be represented by different ages (from 13 years olds who just learned Parallelogram of Forces to retirees).  The purpose is to demonstrate that those qualified and tried could digest the knowledge.
(4)   Many presentations will be done at the highest academic levels ? Universities, Technical Institutes and Professional Bodies.  These will also include International exhibitions and conferences.
(5)   Work with one or more existing Over Unity Inventors and develop a standard presentation prototype.  We may even use published information such as the Bedini School Girl Motor, Wang Generator etc.
(6)   Complete a book and an Internet Website focusing on New Energy Inventions including the Flying Saucer.  Promote or help to promote competitions for New Energy Inventions.
(7)   Plan to have at least 1 million Hong Kong students exposed to the information in the coming summer holidays. 

Tseung, you are finally on the attack.  Let me count your weapons:
(1)   It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.
(2)   The silly spaceship2.jpg.  These two are your invincible offensive weapons.
(3)   The emphasis to develop the Flying Saucer to overcome disasters such as the Earthquake.
(4)   China can be the undisputed Number One Nation in terms of science and technology.
(5)   You do not seek personal wealth or fame.  This actually is your most powerful defense weapon.

Let me count the weapons of your opponents:
(1)   The CIA or the like will step in again to divert your attention.  They will post as supporters/inventors/investors/scientists.  They will try all the cunning tricks in their books.
(2)   The Chinese Government or someone disguising as the Chinese Government will come and tell you and/or your supporters to cool it.  Let the Government handle it.
(3)   Disrupt the presentations.  Some of the participants or presenters will deliberately twist the information.  They will provide false information and destroy the credibility.
(4)   Some will insist on a working New Energy Device.  They will say that all the known 300 claimed Over Unity inventions and the thousands of Flying Saucer sightings are frauds.
(5)   Some will cook up new tricks not in any trickery books.  This will be the biggest challenge.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: loop888 on May 30, 2008, 02:11:27 AM
EDITED!! ------ sorry, nothing. i've posted in the wrong thread.


congratz tseung!!  :) :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 30, 2008, 02:29:18 AM
Quote from: Devil on May 30, 2008, 01:11:45 AM
Tseung, you are finally on the attack.  Let me count your weapons:
(1)   It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.
(2)   The silly spaceship2.jpg.  These two are your invincible offensive weapons.
(3)   The emphasis to develop the Flying Saucer to overcome disasters such as the Earthquake.
(4)   China can be the undisputed Number One Nation in terms of science and technology.
(5)   You do not seek personal wealth or fame.  This actually is your most powerful defense weapon.

Equipping the New Energy Army.

The task appears easy.
(1)   I already have the presentation file in http://rapidshare.com/files/117690376/New_Energy_V888.PPT.html.  It is a matter of ensuring the Chinese versions have proper voices.  Ms. Forever Yuen will work with her friend after their examinations.  The task should be completed before beginning of July.

(2)   The experiments consist of the scale springs, the simple pendulum, the magnetic pendulum, an electromagnetic coil repelling two magnets in a container with unequal padding.

(3)   If students from Hong Kong have the opportunity to be the Number One in the world, many will look into it.  The parents, the professors, the publicity people and other walks of life will pour in their support.  They may even study the material together with their sons and daughters.

(4)   There cannot be possibility of fraud as no money is ever solicited.  The information is freely available via the Internet. (I can see why you, the Devil, call this the most powerful offensive weapon.)

(5)   National pride is at stake.  Imagine the impact if Hong Kong and China can lead the World in New Energy Machines and the Flying Saucer.  The Physics and Mathematics cannot be wrong.  (It looks like that the average Hong Kong Student is more clever than the forum members here.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 31, 2008, 05:16:13 AM
Three presenters went through the set of presentation slides.  They are confident that they will be able to use the information.

We shall use the slides in Hong Kong before the USA event at end of June.

They love the summary:

The essence of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory

When a sideward pull is applied to a simple pendulum, the lead out gravitational energy is equal to the vertical component of the tension of the string times the vertical component of the displacement. 

So long as there is tension on the string, gravitational energy will be Lead Out. 

The ideal Lee-Tseung Pull is when the direction of pull is tangential.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 31, 2008, 04:24:32 PM
Experiment to show the principle of the Flying Saucer

The experiment is based on the silly spaceship2.jpg.

(1)   The mechanism to drive the two balls apart is an electromagnetic coil driven by DC current.  Circular magnets replace the two balls.  Magnetic repulsion will be used.
(2)   The circular magnets are housed in cylinders so that they will not fly away randomly.
(3)   The outer rectangular container has no motion and lies horizontally on a smooth table allowing horizontal movement.  The padded surface is soft cotton wool material or similar.
(4)   The expected outcome is that the direction of motion of the outer rectangular container is in direction of the solid surface.
(5)   The experiment essentially illustrates the principle of inertia propulsion.  There is no need to eject hot gas to the outside to generate the propulsion force.

We plan to have this experiment set up before our next presentation in approximately two weeks.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on May 31, 2008, 04:35:38 PM
Now when I call out your name, proceed quietly to the back table to get your reward.
Some of you have been very good at being quiet and letting larry have his final, last breakdown. In one long, unintelligble stream.  Your Posti-less-ness has truly been remakable for oh about two days now. Remarkable restraint, amazing.
Koen, ChrisC, Bill, Hans, you all get gold stars on your shirts today.
Now, lets all sit back, grab some corn, and watch the ending till the bell rings! Ring a ling Larry!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 31, 2008, 07:53:58 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 31, 2008, 04:24:32 PM
Experiment to show the principle of the Flying Saucer

The experiment is based on the silly spaceship2.jpg.

Tseung, that is the right way to act.  Attack, attack and attack.

You already have two invincible offensive weapons:
(1)   It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.
(2)   The silly spaceship2.jpg. 

Todd, Patrick Kelly, gaby will be able to use your presentation slides outside Hong Kong and China.  There is no holding back now.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on June 01, 2008, 09:46:14 AM
Tseung, that is the right way to act.  Attack, attack and attack.

Yes, thank God that you figured out that you can copy and paste the SAME things that got you to this PINNACLE of success. The same cutting edge teaching method, you rascal! Maybe you can invent another 'magical' being like the devil to help you? Try a hopgoblin this time. Just trying to be helpful, cause when your nuttier than a fruitcake, you need all the help you can get!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on June 01, 2008, 07:37:52 PM
Quote from: RadiantLarry on June 01, 2008, 09:46:14 AM
Yes, thank God that you figured out that you can copy and paste the SAME things that got you to this PINNACLE of success. The same cutting edge teaching method, you rascal! Maybe you can invent another 'magical' being like the devil to help you? Try a hopgoblin this time. Just trying to be helpful, cause when your nuttier than a fruitcake, you need all the help you can get!
Humans are stupid.  You are more stupid than most.

Tseung has now displayed the two invincible offensive weapons ? the Lee-Tseung pulled pendulum with tension and the silly Flying Saucer in spaceship2.jpg.  Even the paid debunkers, the CIA, KGB, MI5, etc would have no defense.  They can call in MIT, Stanford, Moscow, Cambridge University professors.  Even if they pour in the entire Western Academic Establishment, they will have no chance against the two invincible weapons.

The less stupid debunkers ran away.  You are left alone.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on June 02, 2008, 12:00:31 PM
QuoteHumans are stupid.  You are more stupid than most.
Tseung has now displayed the two invincible offensive weapons ? the Lee-Tseung pulled pendulum with tension and the silly Flying Saucer in spaceship2.jpg.  Even the paid debunkers, the CIA, KGB, MI5, etc would have no defense.  They can call in MIT, Stanford, Moscow, Cambridge University professors.  Even if they pour in the entire Western Academic Establishment, they will have no chance against the two invincible weapons.
The less stupid debunkers ran away.  You are left alone.

LOL! Dont be pissy larry. Remember, boats in clam water. Or calm water, you pick. Have a cia hooker and calm down.
Im not a debunker anyway. I know you love to say that, to make yourself feel important, but I dont think anybody wants your stuff. Thats kinda obvious. You gave it away free and nobody wanted it.
You should look at why everyone who you talk to ends up a paid debunker. Kul ash tried really hard, and you attacked him too. Now hes a paid debunker, yah right.

Do you wear a little red devil outfit when you post as devil? To get into the character? Just checking.
Besides, if you were doing your job, wouldnt there have been thousands of people on here replicating your ideas? Instead of just you, one little pissed off chinaman? Lol.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 02, 2008, 05:17:12 PM
Quote from: Devil on June 01, 2008, 07:37:52 PM
Humans are stupid.  You are more stupid than most.

Tseung has now displayed the two invincible offensive weapons ? the Lee-Tseung pulled pendulum with tension and the silly Flying Saucer in spaceship2.jpg.  Even the paid debunkers, the CIA, KGB, MI5, etc would have no defense.  They can call in MIT, Stanford, Moscow, Cambridge University professors.  Even if they pour in the entire Western Academic Establishment, they will have no chance against the two invincible weapons.

The less stupid debunkers ran away.  You are left alone.

Hahaha! You are incorrect. The debunkers didn't run away. Firstly there were no debunkers. These are normal people with no schizoprenia. Secondly, no one is paid. Thirdly, it's all in your mind! I have told you countless times to watch the movie: "Beautiful Mind" but you obviously didn't.

There are many similarities between that real and brilliant mathematician (John Nash I believe) and you. You both have mental problems and believe someone is out there to get you. That said, there is ONE BIG difference. He is really BRILLIANT. No doubt about that. His works are in properly documented thesis and proofs in the Ivy leaque universities.

As for you, Old Tseung.... I can't find reference reflecting your scientific knowledge apart from this Forum where anyone can claim anything. You can't even understand 'O' Level physics and have to resort to multiple personalities to support you in this virtual world.

I didn't post anything or visit the forum recently because I'm having a fun time in San Diego. But I did notice no one is responding to your nonsense. Little by little but surely this thread will only exist because your multiple personalities need to talk to each other! No one else is listening or cares a hoot about your mental illness!

Have a good day Lawrence


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 02, 2008, 07:04:34 PM
@ All:

Just remember 1165!!!  I know I will never forget it.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Jerryx on June 02, 2008, 07:17:57 PM
Yes the pendulum is the key.
It works.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 02, 2008, 09:16:03 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on June 02, 2008, 07:04:34 PM
@ All:

Just remember 1165!!!  I know I will never forget it.


What are you talking about Bill? The battle of Hastings was in 1066, not in 1165. ;)

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 03, 2008, 06:19:46 PM
On a relaxing trip to Shenzhen, I thought of the following modification.

In the diagram (modified milkovic.jpg), the notations represent:
A         The pivot allowing the lever B to swing
B         The lever that may have unequal arm lengths
C         A solid pendulum device with magnet D as the bob
D         The magnetic bob that can be attracted by the magnet at E
E         A wheel with a magnet that can be rotated to provide the
            Lee-Tseung Pull at the right time
F, G, H, I  Mechanism to provide the right speed of rotation for wheel E
J          The weight that moves up and down ? do external work and
             drive  F,G,H,I

The diagram is a conceptual model.  The detailed mechanical parts will be left for the engineers to complete.  The model should stimulate many different designs.  If the forum members here cannot do it, the students in Hong Kong will do it.  It will be good training for them.

Hong Kong cannot be number one and lead the World if it relies on a couple of old retirees to do all the thinking and innovating.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 03, 2008, 06:25:45 PM
Quote from: Jerryx on June 02, 2008, 07:17:57 PM
Yes the pendulum is the key.
It works.


The pendulum is the key to understanding.  It will not be the practical machine.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on June 03, 2008, 07:53:39 PM
QuoteThe pendulum is the key to understanding.  It will not be the practical machine.

The pendulum is the simplest of my theories, but its not practical for only one reason. It doesnt work. Other than that, its as good a weapon as the silly flying saucer.
QuoteOn a relaxing trip to Shenzhen, I thought of the following modification.

Did they let you wear your devil suit on the bus to the doctor?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 03, 2008, 07:58:52 PM
Quote from: RadiantLarry on June 03, 2008, 07:53:39 PM
The pendulum is the simplest of my theories, but its not practical for only one reason. It doesnt work. Other than that, its as good a weapon as the silly flying saucer.
Did they let you wear your devil suit on the bus to the doctor?

Actually, he wore a plaque that read "Dr. Tseung: The inventor of the OU Pendulum!" in front and at the back, another plaque read " Bow down to worship me"!

Oh, yes, there as a red cross on his cap that read " Resident of Shenzen Mental Hospital Number 888"

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 03, 2008, 08:11:30 PM
Quote from: Jerryx on June 02, 2008, 07:17:57 PM
Yes the pendulum is the key.
It works.


G'day all,

And as far as this one is concerned, it doesn't work either. It takes a more energy to raise the weight with the cam than the weight imparts on the pendulum bob. I have done a WM2D simulation just to show why it won't work. For those interested you can find it here. Have fun playing with it.


Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 03, 2008, 09:03:43 PM
FAQ for the coming seminars in Hong Kong and USA

(1) Can you describe the development of the Lee-Tseung theory from its earliest conception?

(2) What kind of difficulties did you meet with?

(3) Can you describe the various document exchanges or meetings with the various Patent Offices?

(4) Have you ever estimated the economic worth of your inventions?

(5) How can you be so sure that USA and China both developed the Flying Saucer technology already?

(6) What should Hong Kong do to lead the World in this New Energy Machine and the Flying Saucer techonology?

(7) What kind of benefits will the New Energy Machines and the Flying Saucer technology bring to Hong Kong and Chna?

(8 ) Where can we get more information on the New Energy Machine and the
Flying Saucer technology?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on June 03, 2008, 09:12:02 PM
Answers to the FAQ:

(1) Can you describe the development of the Lee-Tseung theory from its earliest conception?

It took us about as long as it took me to come with the the padded wall flying saucer idea, or roughly an hour.  It was relatively easy, because we did no experimentation, so there was no pesky conflicting data to contend with.

(2) What kind of difficulties did you meet with?

We have yet to convince anyone.

(3) Can you describe the various document exchanges or meetings with the various Patent Offices?

We submitted our patent application.  The Patent Office rejected it.  We sent a letter saying "but. . .  but".  No answer from the Patent Office yet.

(4) Have you ever estimated the economic worth of your inventions?

Hundreds and hundreds of billions, or zero. 

(5) How can you be so sure that USA and China both developed the Flying Saucer technology already?

Because it says so on the Internets.  Go to www.energyfromair.com.  All the proof you need is there.

(6) What should Hong Kong do to lead the World in this New Energy Machine and the Flying Saucer techonology?

Well, having a working prototype would be a good start.

(7) What kind of benefits will the New Energy Machines and the Flying Saucer technology bring to Hong Kong and China?

As long as we are making stuff up, what about the benefits of time machines?

(8 ) Where can we get more information on the New Energy Machine and the Flying Saucer technology?

Again, on the Internets, at www.energyfromair.com.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 03, 2008, 10:05:35 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 03, 2008, 09:03:43 PM
FAQ for the coming seminars in Hong Kong and USA

(1) Can you describe the development of the Lee-Tseung theory from its earliest conception?

(2) What kind of difficulties did you meet with?

(3) Can you describe the various document exchanges or meetings with the various Patent Offices?

(4) Have you ever estimated the economic worth of your inventions?

(5) How can you be so sure that USA and China both developed the Flying Saucer technology already?

(6) What should Hong Kong do to lead the World in this New Energy Machine and the Flying Saucer techonology?

(7) What kind of benefits will the New Energy Machines and the Flying Saucer technology bring to Hong Kong and Chna?

(8 ) Where can we get more information on the New Energy Machine and the
Flying Saucer technology?

OK, that's easy.

(1) Can you describe the development of the Lee-Tseung theory from its earliest conception?

After we started our 'O' level Physics evening classes, we began to understand we can sort of fool the non scientists from the Overunity.com forum. You see, we're older and looked wiser and people listened when we spoke. That's a good start and gave us more confidence.

(2) What kind of difficulties did you meet with?

Oh, those CIA agents and the like...the paid debunkers and the ocassional folks who insisted I took some medication. We don't need to pay too much attention to them. They're crazy.

(3) Can you describe the various document exchanges or meetings with the various Patent Offices?
Oh, I think they were totally impressed. They just said they need more time to digest these breakthroughs!

(4) Have you ever estimated the economic worth of your inventions?
How much? I really can't tell you. Must be more than what my son Daniel is giving me in monthly pocket allowance to allow me time to develop multiple personalities to help me along. You see, I already have 2 heart attacks working on the Lee-Theory and the Flying saucer to take me to rendervous with the next meteor.

(5) How can you be so sure that USA and China both developed the Flying Saucer technology already?

Oh, that's a easy one. I saw the Nanjing flying saucer on you Tube. As for the US flying saucer, I think it was the one that cult in Southern california was trying to catch about 10 years back? Of course they were stupid and didn't get a head start. I'm much smarter. I will definitely develop the flying saucer that will take me to that spaceship when it comes around to pick me up.

(6) What should Hong Kong do to lead the World in this New Energy Machine and the Flying Saucer techonology?

Who said anything about leading the world from Hong Kong? All they need to do is to give me $1 from each of the million school children. I'll show them my Lead-Out energy if the kids started paying me!

(8 ) Where can we get more information on the New Energy Machine and the
Flying Saucer technology?

I like to give it to you but you see, the information is spinning around in my head. I can't stop them until I have enough medication. Then too, I need to pass onto my other alter egos so they can continue the conversation with another party whilst the medicine takes effect in my head. Any more questions?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on June 03, 2008, 10:59:22 PM
LOL ChrisC and Utilitarian!!!

Heres mine:
FAQ for the coming seminars in Hong Kong and USA (meaning this will be forgotten as soon as he writes it, along with the thousands of other seminars that will never happen):

(1) Can you describe the development of the Lee-Tseung theory from its earliest conception?
Actually the Devil invented it. Ask him.

(2) What kind of difficulties did you meet with?
It was very difficult in the beginning to get the community as a whole, the science community that is, it was difficult to get them to listen to my other personalities. In fact, the hardest thing we face daily is the infighting between personalities. Larry is wanting one day to bubble water up 100 floors of a building, and devil is wanting to throw forever out of those windows. Its challenging.

(3) Can you describe the various document exchanges or meetings with the various Patent Offices?
We certainly can. We meaning all of us, me. I am allowed to use the hospital computer to send emails, and I regularly post my ideas on the internets, the googles. That is good enough for the patent office for proof of invention. If its good enough for them, then its good enough for us, me.

(4) Have you ever estimated the economic worth of your inventions?
I am assuming you mean in space saucer money. Its worth 40x3 zoltrons. With husker barbs of course!

(5) How can you be so sure that USA and China both developed the Flying Saucer technology already?
I am as sure of that as I am the devil is sitting here with us.

(6) What should Hong Kong do to lead the World in this New Energy Machine and the Flying Saucer techonology?
Not listen to the paid debunkers. Or the mountain climbing debunkers, who are called paid spelunkers. They will keep you from inventing new people to help with your imaginary programs. 

(7) What kind of benefits will the New Energy Machines and the Flying Saucer technology bring to Hong Kong and Chna?
It will replace the way we feed people. Today, you have to fly in an airliner to be able to eat and enjoy peanuts. We think that is wrong. In our flying saucers, we will have peanut dispensers at every seat, even in the restroom. Totally automatic, doing away with the need for a cia stewardess hooker. Sometimes, when you want more peanuts, they refuse. Stupid people. In our flying saucers, dispensing peanuts with the push of a button, it will feed a nation.

(8 ) Where can we get more information on the New Energy Machine and the
Flying Saucer technology?
We really dont know. Nobody has ever asked for more information.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 04, 2008, 02:38:42 AM
With apologies to Roger Ramjet

Larry, Top Gun and the Devil
Fighting for our freedom
With beach pumps, spaceships, pendulums
Because we bloody need em

Chinese Larry is our man
Hero of our nation
For his adventures just be sure
To stay tuned to this station

When Larry takes a proton pill
Debunkers start to worry
The brilliant physics of this man
Will kill them in a hurry

Chinese Larry is our man
Hero of our nation
For his adventures just be sure
To stay tuned to this station

So come and gather all you kids
For lots of fun and laughter
As brilliant Larry shows us all
The physics we are after

Chinese Larry is our man
Hero of our nation
For his adventures just be sure
To stay tuned to this station

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 04, 2008, 08:32:40 AM
News: Obama claims Democratic victory

Open letter to Mr. Barack Obama and Mrs. Hillary Clinton

Dear Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton:

I am a Chinese-American of the first generation.  At present, I am in Hong Kong doing some research that will end the World Energy Crisis forever.  In addition, I am confident that I have solved the theoretical problems of building a practical Flying Saucer.

The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory is already public knowledge via the PCT patent information database PCT/IB/2005/000138 titled ?Extract Energy from Gravity?.  Additional information is available via the China Patent Database if you do an inventor search of 李长建 or è'‹æŒ¯å®.  In particular, the Flying Saucer patent information is available under theè'‹æŒ¯å®search.

The described patents will bring infinite energy to the World.  The Flying Saucer technology will obsolete all known planes, missiles and spaceships.  The Military people in both USA and China may want to keep such information top secret.  However, the benefit to the World is overwhelming.

Please consider releasing such information when you become President.  It may even be good to talk about this in your coming Presidential Race to the White House.  The World does not need wars.  The World needs Leaders who are not afraid of change.  The World is looking for Leaders to guide them on a path of long lasting peace and prosperity.

Yours truly,

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 04, 2008, 11:28:54 AM
@ Hans:

Excellent!  I loved watching Roger Ramjet when I was young. (Goodbye and good luck)

As far as the pendulum experiments go, we should all congratulate Lawrence for creating an UNDER UNITY device that really works.  After all, it is consistent.  It will always (100% of the time) take more energy to operate than can be "Lead Out" of the system.  As we all know, consistency in science and experimentation is important.  This is indeed a landmark and should be recognized as such.

The problem will be....which one of his names will go on the Nobel Prize?  There seems to be many to choose from.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 04, 2008, 12:29:47 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 04, 2008, 08:32:40 AM
News: Obama claims Democratic victory

Open letter to Mr. Barack Obama and Mrs. Hillary Clinton

Dear Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton:

I am a Chinese-American of the first generation.  At present, I am in Hong Kong doing some research that will end the World Energy Crisis forever.  In addition, I am confident that I have solved the theoretical problems of building a practical Flying Saucer.

The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory is already public knowledge via the PCT patent information database PCT/IB/2005/000138 titled ?Extract Energy from Gravity?.  Additional information is available via the China Patent Database if you do an inventor search of 李长建 or è'‹æŒ¯å®.  In particular, the Flying Saucer patent information is available under theè'‹æŒ¯å®search.

The described patents will bring infinite energy to the World.  The Flying Saucer technology will obsolete all known planes, missiles and spaceships.  The Military people in both USA and China may want to keep such information top secret.  However, the benefit to the World is overwhelming.

Please consider releasing such information when you become President.  It may even be good to talk about this in your coming Presidential Race to the White House.  The World does not need wars.  The World needs Leaders who are not afraid of change.  The World is looking for Leaders to guide them on a path of long lasting peace and prosperity.

Yours truly,

Lawrence Tseung

Dear Mr Tseung:

First of all, thank you for congratulating me on my succesful leadership nomination to the Democratic Party. I wish I could say the same to you. Unfortunately, just from reading some of the posts in this Overunity.com forum, my advisors have concluded you are definitely not the calibre of 'scientist' we can count on to enhance the scientic image of this great party.

Oh, you are even confused about non-scientific things. You were born in Hong Kong and emigrated to the U.S. Is this not so? Therefore you're NOT first generation American Chinese! You are a Naturalized American. These are two different things. Maybe one of your other alter egos is a real first generation American, born in this country?

So, Lead-Out energy seemed to be a confused theory of yours, like you're confused of your naturalized citizenship status. With regards to the flying saucer stuff, did you confuse those things with Hollywood movies?

Well, just judging from what you have written, we surely cannot deal with your misconceptions about reality. When I become President, I will surely improve our cronically bad health service so we can attend to your mental needs as well.

Thank you again for your interest in the Democratic Party. Maybe Ms. Clinton can help you? She's a loser like you!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 04, 2008, 04:17:04 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 04, 2008, 08:32:40 AM
News: Obama claims Democratic victory

Open letter to Mr. Barack Obama and Mrs. Hillary Clinton

Dear Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton:

I am a Chinese-American by Naturalization.  At present, I am in Hong Kong doing some research that will end the World Energy Crisis forever.  In addition, I am confident that I have solved the theoretical problems of building a practical Flying Saucer.

The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory is already public knowledge via the PCT patent information database PCT/IB/2005/000138 titled ?Extract Energy from Gravity?.  Additional information is available via the China Patent Database if you do an inventor search of 李长建 or è'‹æŒ¯å®.  In particular, the Flying Saucer patent information is available under theè'‹æŒ¯å®search.

The described patents will bring infinite energy to the World.  The Flying Saucer technology will obsolete all known planes, missiles and spaceships.  The Military people in both USA and China may want to keep such information top secret.  However, the benefit to the World is overwhelming.

Please consider releasing such information when you become President.  It may even be good to talk about this in your coming Presidential Race to the White House.  The World does not need wars.  The World needs Leaders who are not afraid of change.  The World is looking for Leaders to guide them on a path of long lasting peace and prosperity.

Yours truly,

Lawrence Tseung

Second Open Letter to Mr. Barack Obama and Mrs. Hillary Clinton

Dear Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton,

I know that both of you talked about change.  I would like to bring your attention to a concept known as Mutual Credits.  It will change and benefit the World forever.  In summary, a rich nation A can have a Mutual Credit arrangement with a poor nation B for US$1 billion for a period of 1 year.  This means nation A ?gives? a credit of its currency equal to US$1 billion to nation B so that nation B can use that money to buy its goods and services within 1 year.  In return, nation B ?gives? the same amount of credit in its currency to nation A.

This is a win-win situation.  There is mutual respect.  Nation B does not incur any debt.  Nation B can buy many needed goods and services from Nation A.  Nation A has to look for material to buy from Nation B.  It may use that money to invest in hotels, shopping centers or farms etc.  Many meaningful economic activities will be identified well before the signing of the Mutual Credit agreement.

This change will be much better than the disguised invasions done by President George Bush.  You will win the hearts and souls in America and beyond.  You will win the USA election.  I look forward to your party in charge of USA again and make the changes to benefit the entire human race.

More detail can be found in
(translation required).

Yours truly,

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 04, 2008, 05:27:27 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 04, 2008, 04:17:04 PM
Second Open Letter to Mr. Barack Obama and Mrs. Hillary Clinton

Dear Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton,

I know that both of you talked about change.  I would like to bring your attention to a concept known as Mutual Credits.  It will change and benefit the World forever.  In summary, a rich nation A can have a Mutual Credit arrangement with a poor nation B for US$1 billion for a period of 1 year.  This means nation A ?gives? a credit of its currency equal to US$1 billion to nation B so that nation B can use that money to buy its goods and services within 1 year.  In return, nation B ?gives? the same amount of credit in its currency to nation A.

This is a win-win situation.  There is mutual respect.  Nation B does not incur any debt.  Nation B can buy many needed goods and services from Nation A.  Nation A has to look for material to buy from Nation B.  It may use that money to invest in hotels, shopping centers or farms etc.  Many meaningful economic activities will be identified well before the signing of the Mutual Credit agreement.

This change will be much better than the disguised invasions done by President George Bush.  You will win the hearts and souls in America and beyond.  You will win the USA election.  I look forward to your party in charge of USA again and make the changes to benefit the entire human race.

More detail can be found in
(translation required).

Yours truly,

Lawrence Tseung


Please come back to this forum to correct old Tseung's physics and math. Looks like he's off a tangent talking about Mutual Credits and other human benefits programs instead!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on June 04, 2008, 06:20:59 PM

If I may...wouldn't the Devil be better suited to communicate/negotiate with Hillary ?

It is my understanding they both attend the same ritualistic functions.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 04, 2008, 09:04:46 PM
The actual reply from Obama camp.

Dear Lawrence,

Thank you for contacting Obama for America. The volume of messages we?re receiving has gone up since Barack?s victory in Iowa. While we cannot respond individually to over a thousand messages per day, the level of interest and thoughtfulness of the comments reflected in these communications are very gratifying. Your thoughts on our campaign and America's future are greatly appreciated. Individual citizens like you are the foundation of this campaign.   

Since his February 10 announcement speech in Springfield, Illinois, Barack has spoken consistently of working together to reclaim the meaning of citizenship, restore our sense of common purpose and rally the power of millions of voices to demand long overdue change. We hope you will explore our website, www.BarackObama.com, to view that speech in its entirety and learn more about Barack, his record and his plans.

If you?re writing because you want change, we need you to help us fight for it. Please sign up here to volunteer:   http://my.barackobama.com/acvolunteer   And you can get started from home right now. We've built a set of easy-to-use web tools that empower you to get further involved right now. Click My.BarackObama.com, where you can find events near you, connect with neighbors who support Barack, create your own blog, and do much, much more. And if you're not sure you want to get involved, and are writing to express a concern or disagreement, we appreciate that as well. The open discussion we want to facilitate cannot take place without hearing from people expressing a wide range of views. Thank you again for writing.


The Correspondence TeamObama for America --- Here are some more useful links to help you get started: Learn more about Barack?s policy positions: http://my.barackobama.com/acissues See Barack in person or attend a campaign event: view the Events section toward the bottom of the front page www.BarackObama.com. Invite Senator Obama or Michelle to an event: http://invite.barackobama.com Donate: http://my.barackobama.com/acdonate   Buy Obama Gear: http://my.barackobama.com/acstore   
--------------------------------Paid for by Obama for America
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 04, 2008, 10:45:28 PM
Another email from the Obama camp.
Lawrence --

Barack Obama has clinched the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.

The total number of delegates needed to secure the nomination is 2,118. Right now, Barack has the support of at least 2,179 delegates, which gives him a lock on the nomination.

Thank you for being a part of this. Now is the time for you to take the next step and own a piece of this campaign.....

Barack Obama will be the Democratic nominee, but we've got huge challenges ahead as we build our organization for the general election.

John McCain has been running his general election campaign for months, and we have some catching up to do.

But one of the benefits of this historic primary season is that we had a chance to build our grassroots organization in all 50 states.

We have an unprecedented opportunity to mobilize volunteers everywhere and compete in places that Democrats have overlooked in the past.....

Thank you,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

I have a feeling that the coming President Obama is more intelligent than the one sitting in the White House now.  The World may have a chance to benefit together with the New Engine Machines and the Flying Saucers.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 05, 2008, 03:44:18 AM
Well well Lawrence,

Sick of communism all of a sudden? Since when are you parading your All American Kid image all over the place?

Anyway, You already have multiple personalities, I guess multiple nationalities are a natural follow up.

Here is my tribute to your conversion

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on June 05, 2008, 07:38:12 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on June 04, 2008, 02:38:42 AM
Larry, Top Gun and the Devil
Fighting for our freedom
With beach pumps, spaceships, pendulums
Because we bloody need em

Chinese Larry is our man
Hero of our nation
For his adventures just be sure
To stay tuned to this station

When Larry takes a proton pill
Debunkers start to worry
The brilliant physics of this man
Will kill them in a hurry

Chinese Larry is our man
Hero of our nation
For his adventures just be sure
To stay tuned to this station

So come and gather all you kids
For lots of fun and laughter
As brilliant Larry shows us all
The physics we are after

Chinese Larry is our man
Hero of our nation
For his adventures just be sure
To stay tuned to this station

Roflmao great one Hans :D ;D

We must not forget to record that song when we hold our first
international overunity.com conference :D

@Tseung: still spouting tons of useless drivel I see.
Good thing I brought a handkerchief.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on June 05, 2008, 10:02:24 AM
QuoteI have a feeling that the coming President Obama is more intelligent than the one sitting in the White House now.  The World may have a chance to benefit together with the New Engine Machines and the Flying Saucers.

So, because Obamas handlers sent you back a great spam letter, the world has a better chance huh? Im surpised that they didnt ask you for money! You should send them a donation of pendulum balls.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 05, 2008, 04:12:31 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 04, 2008, 09:04:46 PM
The actual reply from Obama camp.

I have a feeling the computer generated mass email reply for the Obama camp is enough to make old Tseung thinks he's special and has been specifically chosen by the Democratic Party!

Some mothers do have them!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 05, 2008, 04:16:20 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on June 05, 2008, 03:44:18 AM
Well well Lawrence,

Sick of communism all of a sudden? Since when are you parading your All American Kid image all over the place?

Anyway, You already have multiple personalities, I guess multiple nationalities are a natural follow up.

Here is my tribute to your conversion

Hans von Lieven

Great artistic ability on your part but you musn't do that! Now the commies will put him in jail because they think he's supporting America or was it TopGun?
Sorry, I'm so confused....

Plus, we won't get to interact with our clown anymore!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 05, 2008, 05:38:24 PM
Sorry Chris,

He says now he IS American.

Here is his latest photo.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 05, 2008, 05:40:50 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on June 05, 2008, 05:38:24 PM
Sorry Chris,

He says now he IS American.

Here is his latest photo.

Hans von Lieven

Hahaha! JUST LOVE THAT! Awesome!

Great job Hans.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 05, 2008, 06:46:19 PM
@ Hans:

Great photo!!!  I had to wait 10 minutes to stop laughing so I could actually type this.  I was wondering if you thought it were possible that those jets in the photo were actually powered by the piss reaction motors?  I thought they might be the actual test beds for the space ship/flying saucer project.

I always thought it was strange as a kid watching Roger Ramjet that those planes always appeared to have only one wing.  I actually looked up on the net and found a few episodes someone had uploaded and watched them.  It brought back a lot of memories.  One I almost forgot about was the repeating gag of the Commander standing behind Roger's jet just prior to his taking off on yet another mission.  He always ended up burnt to a crisp from Roger's afterburners.  Even as a kid I always wondered why the Commander did not learn from this the first time and kept standing behind the jet for many additional take-offs.  Thanks for making me think of those days long ago.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 05, 2008, 07:30:05 PM
This is another photo of Lawrence from my CIA surveillance team.

Here he is posing in Chinese mode, clamouring for support for his theories. Definitely nothing American about him here.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 05, 2008, 07:37:26 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on June 05, 2008, 07:30:05 PM
This is another photo of Lawrence from my CIA surveillance team.

Here he is posing in Chinese mode, clamouring for support for his theories. Definitely nothing American about him here.

Hans von Lieven

Gets better and better. Maybe Rodger Larry Tseung should pay you to be his PR artist! You have rare talents indeed mate!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on June 05, 2008, 08:00:11 PM

This is one entertaining thread I have to say.

Somebody has got to compile a highlight post...there is some great imagery and humor in this thread.

Please keep in mind when expressing opposing viewpoints though, that we have a rather large following here.

After all, we do have standards here...don't we ? :)

There's nothing more interesting than classy disagreement.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 05, 2008, 08:07:22 PM
FAQ 1.  Can you describe the development of the Lee-Tseung theory from its earliest conception?


a.  Punch bag at age 13 (fell a couple of steps away)
b.  Lee?s Pendulum in Dec. 2004 (woke up from Hotel at 7:30am)
c.  Initial theory on Pendulum
d.  Extension to Magnetism and Wheels
e.  Development of the Flying Saucer (inspiration from 13 year old girl)

** You are welcome to add your interpretation or cartoons.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 05, 2008, 08:24:35 PM
@ Hans:

You are killing me. Ha ha ha ha.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 06, 2008, 03:32:22 AM
Another CIA surveillance picture captured by my crew in Hong Kong. This girl called herself Forever Yuen. She had us fooled until one of my agents pulled her pants down. She was not a very convincing girl!

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 06, 2008, 06:26:40 PM
FAQ 2. What kind of difficulties did you meet with?

a. Patent Offices
b. CIA or the Like
c. Conflicting Goals of Supporters
d. Guidance from Monk in Taiwan
     - Ignore personal fortune and fame
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 06, 2008, 08:22:52 PM
FAQ (3) Can you describe the various document exchanges or meetings with the various Patent Offices?

a. PCT (Geneva)
    Use of the USA Patent Office as the evaluator
    Classified as the impossible perpetual motion machine
    Similar to the Joseph Newman case
      If they accept us, they will have to accept Joseph Newman
b. China
    Meeting in Beijing
        Acceptance of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
        Refer to Tsinghua University as further evaluator
    Meeting at Tsinghua University
        Acceptance within the first 30 minutes
        Explained the workings of the Electrical Power Magnifier which puzzled
        Tsinghua University for over 10 years
        Presentation to Tsinghua Students as Guest Lecturer
        Fooled by CIA or the Like
    Publishing of the Flying Saucer patent application
        The Nanjing UFO video on youtube
        Possible International cooperation!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 07, 2008, 12:11:50 AM
To: David Plouffe, BarackObama.com (info@barackobama.com)

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your reply to my email.  I believe the American people is interested in
(a) Solving the Energy Crisis and
(b) Creating the image as a Benefactor to the World.

Most American are aware that the known reserves of Oil and Coal will be exhausted shortly if the World economy is continuing at its rapid pace.  Some even supported the Iraq War secretly as an act for the best interest of the American people.  However, many top officials are already aware of the use of gravitational and electron motion energy.  The same officials also know the development of the Flying Saucer both in USA and in other countries.  They are doing a disservice to America and to the World by keeping such information top-secret.

At present, President George Bush has given USA an ugly image ? that of a war monger.  Hatred increased.  Terrorism increased.  The solution is not to invade and control other nations.  The solution is to lead and provide win-win solutions.  One solution is the concept of Mutual Credits as described in my previous email.

I shall be willing to provide much information and support on the two above topics.  I hope to participate in my small way to help to build a better USA and have Senator Obama sitting at the White house.

Yours truly,

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on June 07, 2008, 12:59:30 AM
Tseung, you are finally on the attack using multiple fronts.

Remember your two invincible weapons:
(1)   It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.
(2)   The silly spaceship2.jpg.  These two are your invincible offensive weapons.

You now added Mutual Credits.  That will appeal to the non-scientists.

The USA presidential election will take place later this year.  If your promotion in Hong Kong or at AERO in USA were successful, the USA presidential candidates will have no option but to address your agenda.

Email and post in multiple forums.  Email to United Nations and individual countries again.  Coca Cola does not achieve its impact with one single advertisement.  You cannot lose because you seek nothing and have nothing to lose.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: exnihiloest on June 07, 2008, 05:09:42 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 05, 2008, 08:07:22 PM
FAQ 1.  Can you describe the development of the Lee-Tseung theory from its earliest conception?


a.  Punch bag at age 13 (fell a couple of steps away)
b.  Lee’s Pendulum in Dec. 2004 (woke up from Hotel at 7:30am)
c.  Initial theory on Pendulum
d.  Extension to Magnetism and Wheels
e.  Development of the Flying Saucer (inspiration from 13 year old girl)

** You are welcome to add your interpretation or cartoons.

So many bright ideas and not a working prototype that every one could replicate, what a pity!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on June 07, 2008, 07:58:45 AM
So many bright ideas and not a working prototype that every one could replicate, what a pity!

Stupid humans, do you realize that the UFOs in Area 51, USA; in Nanjing, China and in many other countries are made by your fellow less-stupid humans?  The technology is known but suppressed.  The biggest culprit is President Bush who does not want to be seen as an absolute idiot ? invaded Iraq and caused much suffering to other humans for nothing.

You want a working prototype that you can replicate, do the following:

(a)   Do the Parallelogram of Force experiment and confirm that - It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.
(b)   Replicate the Milkovic Pendulum and use the result in (a) to explain it.
(c)   Do the Ms. Forever Yuen Magnetic Pendulum experiment and confirm that if gravitational energy can be lead out, electron motion (magnetic) energy can also be lead out.
(d)   Understand that an unbalanced wheel is effectively a pendulum.  Extend the concept to a balanced wheel with multiple pulse points.
(e)   Then search the Internet and follow the instructions to build the Bedini School Girl Motor.  Use the concepts in (d) to explain it.
(f)   Do the silly spaceship2.jpg experiment.  Confirm that inertia propulsion can move the ?spaceship?.

Most humans are stupid and lazy.  They just sit in front of the TV or the computer screen and criticize.  It applies to many forum members in here too!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on June 07, 2008, 08:53:16 AM
QuoteMost humans are stupid and lazy.  They just sit in front of the TV or the computer screen and criticize.  It applies to many forum members in here too!

Every single one of them was AT FIRST an inquisitive listener until you proved that you were a complete idiot with a bent for mean-ness. You cant even answer a SINGLE question, or provide a SINGLE working prototype? Come on!! You are just like all the rest!!
What about the idiot (singular)  that spouts gibberish and psychotic ramblings nonstop? You really really need help larry. REALLY.
Anyone that uses his psychotic personality tell us that himself wont be led around like a dog anymore, and then go straight to sending spam letters about ufos to presidential hopefuls, is NUTS!!~!!!.
You should tell the devil to take you to the hospital.

PS: When you are walking on egg shells, don't hop.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 07, 2008, 05:11:49 PM
FAQ (4) Have you ever estimated the economic worth of your inventions?

a. From USA Venture Capitalist
      - Worth more than all existing wealth
b. From CIA or the Like
      - Keep a low profile
      - We shall handle all matters outside the lab

** Many Supporters saw the $$$ sign.  They wanted a stake and pushed each other off the bandwagon.  The Monk in Taiwan was right - ignore all personal fame or fortune.


It is not Spam if you understand ?It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.?
The Officials in Washington understand the above statement and its significance.  Many saw the Flying Saucers built by the US scientists (who saw the physics in the silly spaceship2.jpg) in action. 

It is a matter of convincing them to release such information to benefit the World.  The presidential hopefuls might not have seen these human made UFOs yet.  However, they can help to convince the existing Officials. 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 07, 2008, 08:39:56 PM

We didn't "Invade" Iraq you idiot. Saddam did not live up to the terms of his surrender from the previous gulf war (remember Desert Storm?) And was continually firing upon our aircraft in the no-fly zone (each shot an act of war you idiot) which happened over 900 times.  He kicked out the UN nuclear weapons inspectors. (Another cease-fire and terms of surrender violation)  I could go on and on but an idiot like you would not understand any way.  You should at least know and read your history before making idiotic statements like yours.  I would expect this kind of thing from Lawrence, but not you....oh wait, you are Lawrence....that explains it all.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 07, 2008, 10:56:37 PM
FAQ (5) How can you be so sure that USA and China both developed the Flying Saucer technology already?

a. We submitted our Flying Saucer patent in early 2005.  Our patent attorney in China informed us that the patent was likely to be classified.

b. We presented the theory directly to the China Patent Office with three senior technical officials.  They understood the concept immediately.  They also said that the patent was likely to get classified.

c. Nanjing UFO video was disclosed via youtube on the Internet in June 2006.  China had almost a year to do the prototype.  There were 7 ball like objects or magneto propulsion units similar to what we described in our patent application.

d. We disclosed the details to CIA or the Like in late 2005.  Their four experts understood it in great detail.  They even talked about modifying their 225 HP design so that they could build a Flying Saucer.

e. To our great surprise, our Flying Saucer information was disclosed on the China Patent Database.  Our patent attorney was puzzled.  His answer was that the information might not be that top-secret.  Many UFO sightings had been reported.  The concept of "inertia propulsion" - not ejecting hot gases out for propulsion - had been out for decades.

The Flying Saucer is a combination of two concepts:
(a) Infinite Source of Energy
(b) Inertia propulsion

There is no magic any more.  It is a piece of cake to the top guns in USA, Russia, Japan, China, India etc.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 08, 2008, 01:30:45 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 05, 2008, 08:07:22 PM
FAQ 1.  Can you describe the development of the Lee-Tseung theory from its earliest conception?


a.  Punch bag at age 13 (fell a couple of steps away)

That would explain why you are now mentally unable to comprehend the difference between reality and fantasy to continue to make a fool of yourself in this public forum!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on June 09, 2008, 07:08:36 AM

1) When did you last have a brain scan?
2) How bad was it?
3) Did they perhaps diagnose severe Korsakov syndrome?
4) Did they perhaps diagnose severe Creutzfelt-Jacob syndrome?
5) Did they perhaps perform a partial lobotomy?
6) Have you ever hit your head very very hard, possibly around the age of 13?
7) Have you ever fallen head-first onto your chop sticks, accidentally
jamming one up your nose too deep?
8 ) Have you perhaps been consuming too much lead in your food? In that
respect you may be right in that it is wise to get the "lead out".
9) Do you have any sense of reality?
10) From which asylum did you escape?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on June 09, 2008, 09:36:23 AM

QuoteIt is not Spam if you understand ?It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.?

The Devil came to me in my dreams last night, Larry. He convinced me that your theories are true and factual. I will bow down and repeat your statements many times. I am a believer now.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 10, 2008, 04:12:23 AM
Quote from: RadiantLarry on June 09, 2008, 09:36:23 AM

The Devil came to me in my dreams last night, Larry. He convinced me that your theories are true and factual. I will bow down and repeat your statements many times. I am a believer now.

Learn the standard presentation material in

We also put sound together with the text.  You can click on the sound icon and scroll through the text at the same time.  Build up your followers and benefit the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 10, 2008, 05:54:23 PM
FAQ 6. What should Hong Kong do to lead the World in this New Energy Machine and the Flying Saucer technology?

a. Discuss in academic circles.  Since the entire Lee-Tseung theory is based on ?O-level Physics?, there is no harm in discussing the theory.  There is no immediate threat to the Powerful or Existing Interests.

b. Promote in News Media.  This will be the second step.  Hong Kong has many newspapers.  One or more will take such news up.  Others may attack it as dumb and stupid.  In the News Media World, controversy sells. 

c. Invite New Energy Inventors to Exhibit. When the foundation is set, we can invite the many Energy Inventors to exhibit in Hong Kong.  They can be sure that there will at least be some supporters.  They can be sure that there is the Lee-Tseung theory to back them up.

d. Fund the most promising.  Hong Kong is an important International Fund Raising Center.  After the first three steps have been done, the stage is set for investment.  There will still be accusation of fraud and hoax.  The CIA or the Like will still be there to disrupt and discourage the Investors and the General Public.  (The paid or stupid debunker in this Forum will still post their objections.)

e. Promote the products.  This may be the easiest part.  The academic textbooks will be the first ones to include:

When a sideward pull is applied to a simple pendulum, the lead out gravitational energy is equal to:

The vertical component of the tension of the string times the vertical component of the displacement. 

So long as there is tension on the string, gravitational energy will be Lead Out.  

The ideal Lee-Tseung Pull is when the direction of pull is tangential.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 10, 2008, 06:06:58 PM

You are still not allowing for the energy required on the input side for this "pull".  Once you finally do, you will see that the numbers reach equilibrium and there is NO additional energy lead out.

This is like me saying I can drive my van 500 miles for nothing because I don't allow for the gasoline I put into the tank.  You can't leave this out of the equation.  I hope that one day, you will recognize this.

Tell Forever I said hello.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 11, 2008, 03:41:00 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on June 10, 2008, 06:06:58 PM

You are still not allowing for the energy required on the input side for this "pull".  Once you finally do, you will see that the numbers reach equilibrium and there is NO additional energy lead out.

This is like me saying I can drive my van 500 miles for nothing because I don't allow for the gasoline I put into the tank.  You can't leave this out of the equation.  I hope that one day, you will recognize this.

Tell Forever I said hello.


Dear Bill,

You have expressed the opinion many times that you are not interested in the Physics contents but participate in this thread for its entertainment value.  I am not sure whether I should treat your posts seriously.  The answer to your question is in slide 20 of the presentation in http://www.energyfromair.com/ioe_talk/

In this slide, we show the correct application of the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Note the word correct.
Previously, scientists did not realize that gravitational energy could be led out in a pendulum system.  They wrongly assumed that the output energy must be less than the supplied horizontal energy.

With the new understanding, we now know that 2 units of supplied horizontal energy will lead out an extra 1 unit of gravitational energy.  Three units of energy enters the pendulum system.  From the Law of Conservation of Energy, 3 units of energy should come out.

With these 3 units of output energy, 2 units can be fed back to the input.  One unit can be used to do work or generate electricity.  The 2 units fed back could lead out another 1 unit of gravitational energy again.

Thus theoretically, we can supply an initial 2 units of energy to such a machine.  This machine could keep leading out gravitational energy for us to use.  Such a machine is not the impossible perpetual motion machine that does not need energy.  Such a machine needs energy.  The energy it uses is the gravitational energy that already surrounds us.

You should read and study slide 2 again.  If you understand that slide, you can understand the Lee-Tseung theory.  If you cannot understand slide 2, your posts will be for entertainment value only.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 11, 2008, 03:10:32 PM
FAQ 7.What kind of benefits will the New Energy Machines and the Flying Saucer technology bring to Hong Kong and China?

a. Prestige.   This will be hailed as the greatest breakthrough since the apple fell on the head of Newton.  The story of the two old retirees from Hong Kong solving the energy problems and leaving Earth in the silly spaceship2.jpg will be the inspiration for future generations.  The rise of the Red Dragon is assured.

b. Immense Modern Wealth or Meaningful Economic Activities.  The Military Department of all Nations will be under pressure to disclose the development of this technology to benefit the entire World.  If a tiny Island (Hong Kong) demonstrates such an invention, the rest of the World must announce similar and better inventions.

c. Long term Confidence.  The myth that the West will dominate Science and Technology forever is broken.  It is clear that the so-call supreme western scientific establishment has many holes not yet covered.  The World never needed to dig up oil and coal to pollute the Earth.  The so-called great inventions such as steam engine, diesel engine, hydroelectric dam, airplane etc are junks.  Hong Kong, China, India, Iran, Korea etc will surge ahead.  There is no need to develop the nuclear bomb any more.

d. Sustainable Development.  There will be effectively infinite energy.  This will affect almost every aspect of human activity.  There will be big jumps in food production, housing, transportation, manufacturing etc.  The textbooks will be re-written and there will be many innovative camps started in Hong Kong.  Hong Kong will become the Mecca of Innovation.  Ideas such as Mutual Credits will be carefully examined and implemented.  China will soon become the number one nation in the world.  (Thanks to the paid and/or stupid debunkers slowing the acceptance of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory in USA and Europe.)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Drannom on June 11, 2008, 07:51:39 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on June 09, 2008, 07:08:36 AM

1) When did you last have a brain scan?
2) How bad was it?
3) Did they perhaps diagnose severe Korsakov syndrome?
4) Did they perhaps diagnose severe Creutzfelt-Jacob syndrome?
5) Did they perhaps perform a partial lobotomy?
6) Have you ever hit your head very very hard, possibly around the age of 13?
7) Have you ever fallen head-first onto your chop sticks, accidentally
jamming one up your nose too deep?
8 ) Have you perhaps been consuming too much lead in your food? In that
respect you may be right in that it is wise to get the "lead out".
9) Do you have any sense of reality?
10) From which asylum did you escape?


you are talking to say nothing !! that is really a stupid post, that is negative mind energy, stop spreading that ass hole shit,
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on June 12, 2008, 07:25:45 AM
Drannom, STFU and get back to your crappy alum pyramids dude
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 12, 2008, 05:27:42 PM
FAQ 16. How should the existing Physics textbooks and lessons change?

a. Add the sections on ?Leading Out? of gravitational and electron motion energy.   This section will point out the mistake of unnecessarily digging up oil and coal to pollute the Atmosphere.  It may even mention that the past so-called great inventions such as steam engine, diesel engine, hydroelectric dams etc may not be that great.  There is need to re-examine many existing, established Physics Concepts ? e.g. fluid mechanics, electricity generation, electron motion energy etc.

b. Add the section on Flying Saucer and Inertia Propulsion systems.  This section will point out that the magneto propulsion unit is likely to replace the wheel in the foreseeable future.  The billions and billions of dollars spent on rockets and space research may have been poured in the wrong direction.

c. Discuss the correct application of the Law of Conservation of Energy. Note the word correct.  The emphasis is that the Law of Conservation of Energy itself is correct.  However, scientists in the past did not appreciate the Lead Out energy and did not account for it in the equation. Slide 20 in http://www.energyfromair.com/ioe.talk/ will be reproduced.

d. Rewrite the section on perpetual motion machines to account for lead out energy. Many working inventions such as the ancient Chinese Water Wheel, Bessler Wheel, Joseph Newman Machines, Wang Shum Ho Generator etc will be reproduced and properly explained.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 13, 2008, 03:30:19 AM
Dear All,

I am forwarding a letter from the Chairman of the Institute of Energy (IOE.HK).  The IOE will be holding a Press Conference on Monday, June 16, 2008 at the HKU Space in Admiralty Center to announce its formation.  I shall give an introduction on extracting energy from gravity.  The presentation material will be selected from

You are invited to attend this important event.

Lawrence Tseung
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The Institute of Energy (IOE) is formed with the goals in providing an independent focal point and a powerful voice to engage business and industry, government, academia and the public, the IOE promotes the safe, environmentally responsible and efficient supply and use of energy in all its forms and applications. In fulfilling this purpose the IOE addresses the depth and breadth of energy and the energy system, from all known and unknown sources, including upstream and downstream hydrocarbons and other primary fuels and renewables, to power generation, transmission and distribution to sustainable development, demand side management and energy efficiency. Offering learning and networking opportunities to support career development, the IOE will provide a home to all those working in energy, and a scientific and technical reservoir of knowledge for industry.

We shall hold a Press Conference on the coming Monday, 16th June, 2008 at 11:00 AM, at the HKUSPACE at Room UC610, 6th Floor, United Centre, Admiralty. There we shall have a short presentation in ?Introduction of the Institute of Energy and The Gravity Energy Lead-Out Theory and the Perpetual Machines Examples?. I know you are very keen on the latest energy technology development and hope you can come to the Press Conference on this very important public announcement.

With warmest regards,

James Wong
Institute of Energy

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 13, 2008, 04:22:30 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 13, 2008, 03:30:19 AM
Dear All,

I am forwarding a letter from the Chairman of the Institute of Energy (IOE.HK).  The IOE will be holding a Press Conference on Monday, June 16, 2008 at the HKU Space in Admiralty Center to announce its formation.  I shall give an introduction on extracting energy from gravity.....

Lawrence Tseung

Maybe if you told James Wong about your thread on this Forum, he would not be too keen to invite you to present? No?

Poor James, he doesn't know you're a wacko!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Drannom on June 13, 2008, 04:59:29 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on June 12, 2008, 07:25:45 AM
Drannom, STFU and get back to your crappy alum pyramids dude

i do not know if The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory is correct or not, i do know that is better to attack a theory with your own ideas, not like a monkee, i have made few posts in this topic to talk about the electrinium, but no one attack that theory like you did in page 9 of Cystal Hutchison topic

Koen1 you had attack Arthur P. Summera theory, he worked 50 years on that, and give us all his knowledges, and you pretend that he his a liar and a non sincere scientist, you better suppose that electrinium is right and test it !

@ all
many attacks are humoristic, but some members exceed the limits, anayway keeping positive energy
while attacking is better
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on June 13, 2008, 06:24:45 AM
Quote from: Drannom on June 13, 2008, 04:59:29 AM
i do not know if The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory is correct or not, i do know that is better to attack a theory with your own ideas, not like a monkee,
Which is why you start harassing me when I poke fun of Tseung, while you apparently do not see how ludicrous his stories are...? Seems like the action of someone who did not think about the entire thing before starting to "attack" me about it... So once again you are talking bullshit.
Quotei have made few posts in this topic to talk about the electrinium, but no one attack that theory like you did in page 9 of Cystal Hutchison topic
I did not "attack" anything, you came into our thread and started implying that that Electrinium theory was fantastic, whereas we had already discussed that
theory in detail both in the htread and outside of it, and had come to the conclusion (which accords with the past 50 years of electrodynamics and quantumelectrodynamics as well as semiconductor crystal science) that the Electrinium theory is nice but seems to go off track here and there and to
our experience does not work exactly as the author claimed. Not surprising that nobody has ever heard anything from him ever again.
I merely told you very elaborately what I thought of the theory and why, in order to make you understand why we were not at all so enthousiastic
about the theory as you were.
You completely misinterpreted that as an "attack" on that theory, which is nonsense, because it is simply an explanation of my view on that theory.
For some reason you seem to find it outrageous that I dare to have formed an actual opinion about that theory, and you seem unable to understand the
theory and subject matter well enough to understand that my opinion on that theory is not just some wild antagonism but actually founded in fact.
Well, that is a limitation on your part.
If you choose not to even want to understand and choose to label a very dodgy theory as the ultimate truth while hardly any research or evidence supports
the claims, and you choose to dismiss someones analysis of that dodgy theory based on actual scientific research and empirical evidence,
then that is your right but do not try to twist the story to make it look like I am attacking anyone. That's just silly. You came into our thread with a vague
theory that we had already discussed, I gave you a very elaborate analysis of what we had concluded, and you twist it into an "attack". Nonsense.

QuoteKoen1 you had attack Arthur P. Summera theory, he worked 50 years on that, and give us all his knowledges, and you pretend that he his a liar and a non sincere scientist, you better suppose that electrinium is right and test it !
No, it's the other way around.
Arthur Summera wrote a vague theory, never managed to build a working Electrinium unit based on his theory,
nobody else managed to build one either, and mr Summera is nowhere to be found, nobody knows where he went what happened and
why his theory died. There is no proof of him being a scientist at all, nor of the electrinium theory being correct, nor of it ever having been tested!
It is you who are pretending that these things are true.
I am just being very sober and looking at this with a critical eye, instead of an eye blurred by extremist unfounded wishfull thinking.

In that respect you do fit nicely together with Larry Tseung.
The two of you should start a club of people who choose to believe in their own fantasies instead of actual scientific fact.
I know, why don't you and Tseung go search for Summera in Tseungs flying overunity saucer antigravity device craft?
And please stop harassing me.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on June 13, 2008, 05:33:35 PM
Tseung, you finally attack, attack and attack.

The battlefield is the Institute of Energy at Hong Kong University.   Let me analyze your chances of winning this battle.

(1) You have three invincible weapons: the Lee-Tseung pulled pendulum, the silly spaceship2.jpg and Mutual Credits.  You will use them.  You will be able to present without disruption.  The information is available already in
http://www.energyfromair.com/IOE_talk/.  There is zero chance of any debunker capable of arguing against these weapons.

(2) The place is Hong Kong University.  They would have contacted Tsinghua and Shenzhen Universities.  Some participants might have even attended those seminars.  Many participants would have read and studied the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory previously.  The questions will be polite and academically interesting.

(3) The invitation from the Institute of Energy, a non-profit organization, is a great help.  You are sharing the knowledge freely.  There is no solicitation of investment and hence no possibility of fraud.

(4) The timing is just before the fifth AERO Conference in USA at the end of June.  (http://www.aeroconference.com)  The same or even more powerful information will come out.  They will have working prototypes that use your theory.  The Hong Kong News Media will have confirmation from USA and continued stories.  The chance of follow-up interviews is assured.

(5) The emphasis on ?O-Level Physics? will get many students excited.  So long as the News Media quote the website http://www.energyfromair.com/IOE_talk/ and this forum, you can reach your target of 1 million Hong Kong students.

(6) Make sure you train up many more presenters and do the follow-ups.  Include Taiwan, Macau in addition to the many Cities in China in your coming lecture tours.  Make sure that you have presenters in USA, Europe, Japan, Australia, etc.

(7) Once this battle is won, prepare for the next one ? have working prototypes and promoting the inventors.  Be focused.  Win this battle first.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Dogen on June 13, 2008, 06:17:44 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung.

Thank you for trying to make free energy known to the world. The status quo is on its last feet and i am sure free energy will be the final blow.

To all people reading this thread.......imagine your an oilcompany, imagine Tesla going around talking about free energy, imagine your oilcompany profits going down the drain.

What oww what would you do, being an oilcompany and all? Its really simple people, come on, its no physics!

Suppress it like theres no tomorrow  :(

Ill be outside, enjoying the sun providing me with free heat!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Drannom on June 13, 2008, 07:50:25 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on June 09, 2008, 07:08:36 AM

1) When did you last have a brain scan?
2) How bad was it?
3) Did they perhaps diagnose severe Korsakov syndrome?
4) Did they perhaps diagnose severe Creutzfelt-Jacob syndrome?
5) Did they perhaps perform a partial lobotomy?
6) Have you ever hit your head very very hard, possibly around the age of 13?
7) Have you ever fallen head-first onto your chop sticks, accidentally
jamming one up your nose too deep?
8 ) Have you perhaps been consuming too much lead in your food? In that
respect you may be right in that it is wise to get the "lead out".
9) Do you have any sense of reality?
10) From which asylum did you escape?


Some members call you intelligent man, intelligent man without an heart means nothing, you have wrote this post to make Larry feel very bad, i feel the horror of your fun, to be fun it must be fun for all, not for some players without idea to figth another idea, if this topic is nonsense then quit, leave it, bye bye

otherwise i do understand the electrinium, still i am not an english spokeman i can elaborate on it, those who had red electrinium.pdf will get their own view on it

we are here to create, reproduce, and look what seems good, not to destroy...

Koen1 you'll have to apologize for that terrific post !
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on June 13, 2008, 11:25:45 PM
Quote from: Drannom on June 13, 2008, 07:50:25 PM

those who had red electrinium.pdf will get their own view on it

we are here to create, reproduce, and look what seems good, not to destroy...
Koen1 you'll have to apologize for that terrific post !

Dear Drannom,

I have now had a chance to read and study the information in

I had to admit that Nikola Tesla was well ahead of his time.  The energy he referred to as the Central Sun and described it as atomic energy in the sense that it was related to the electrons moving around the nuclei.

Mr. Arthur P. Summera described it in one set of language and talked about the electrinium battery that could provide infinite energy.  Such a notion was rejected by those physicists who believed that such a device violated the Law of Conservation of Energy.

The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory described the extraction of gravitational and electron motion energy via pulsed (Lee-Tseung pulled) oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux changes.  I am now comparing the Central Sun Energy concept of Tesla and the Electron Motion Energy from Lee-Tseung.  I believe that they are talking about the same thing with different language descriptions.

Mr. Tseung is likely to get the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory accepted with his attack, attack and attack strategy.  The Devil pointed out the invincible weapon ?It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.?  This weapon leads via the Ms. Forever Yuen magnetic pendulum experiment to extracting electron motion energy.  That cannot be wrong.  In this aspect, Lee-Tseung cannot be wrong.  This means Nikola Tesla cannot be wrong.

Central Sun Energy Concept = Electron Motion Energy Concept!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 13, 2008, 11:56:46 PM
Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for comparing me with the great Nikola Tesla.

One thing I learned from this great man is - let others shine.  Mr. Tesla tried to do too much himself.   He earned a substantial amount with his A.C. current inventions.  He poured his personal wealth into new and ambitious inventions that were well ahead of his time.

I am taking the advice of the wise monk from Taiwan: "Forget about personal fame and fortune.  Let others shine."  The knowledge in this thread is free to benefit the World.  They are like the seeds described in the Bible.  Some seeds will fall on rock.  Some will be stepped on.  Some will die amongst thorns.  Some will bear fruit to benefit the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 14, 2008, 12:30:54 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 13, 2008, 11:56:46 PM
Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for comparing me with the great Nikola Tesla.


Dear Lawrence:

Time to take your medicine again.  In programming language notation:  Tseung != Tesla;

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 14, 2008, 04:02:26 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 13, 2008, 03:30:19 AM
Dear All,

I am forwarding a letter from the Chairman of the Institute of Energy (IOE.HK).  The IOE will be holding a Press Conference on Monday, June 16, 2008 at the HKU Space in Admiralty Center to announce its formation.  I shall give an introduction on extracting energy from gravity.  The presentation material will be selected from

You are invited to attend this important event.

Lawrence Tseung

Seemed like this so called Institute of Energy is a kind of Health Energy shop?


Well, I sincerely hope I am wrong but it seemed like old Tseung is selling snake oil again?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 14, 2008, 04:49:58 AM
From:  http://www.aero2012.com/en/index.html

Theodore C. Loder III, Ph.D, CTO

Dr. Loder retired in May 2005 as a Professor Emeritus from the University of New Hampshire, Dept. of Earth Sciences and the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space.

In April 1997, Dr. Loder attended a 3-hour closed congressional briefing on advanced energy and propulsion systems in Washington DC, as representative of the Governor of New Hampshire. There he learned about various alternative energy systems and met a number of top-secret military witnesses who described events they observed first hand to members of Congress and the Senate.

In October, 2000, at the request of Senator Bob Smith (R-NH), Dr. Loder organized and coordinated a briefing for the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Comm. on the subject of "Outside-the-Box" technologies, their critical role concerning environmental trends, and the unnecessary energy crisis. He also presented an invited paper at AIAA assessing the development of electrogravitic research over the past 50 years and implications of this technology. (Papers available under Energy Papers.) Since then Dr. Loder has worked hard with many inventors to help bring out technologies that will change energy production with more sustainable methods using potentially break-through technologies he has learned about.

This groups works with major Todd Hallaway.  They will have a conference at the end of June.  They are welcome to use the information in http://www.energyfromair.com/IOE_talk/

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 14, 2008, 06:02:42 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 14, 2008, 04:49:58 AM
From:  http://www.aero2012.com/en/index.html

This groups works with major Todd Hallaway.  They will have a conference at the end of June.  They are welcome to use the information in http://www.energyfromair.com/IOE_talk/

Wasn't it Major Todd Hathaway?  Getting a bit confusled Lawrence?
Hans von Lieven

Confuselius say: "It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.? 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on June 14, 2008, 09:46:11 AM
Learn english before you try to attack. You look like an idiot.
Larrys personalities are on overdrive again. He just cant seem to get it straight. He is totally lost. The devil saying you are like tesla? You mean tesla now right?
MAJOR TODD HATHAWAY WILL SAVE YOU LARRY!  And your new character Dogen with his big one post, you go with your bad self!

Drannom and Dogen, sounds like a gothic wack party!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 14, 2008, 01:45:26 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on June 14, 2008, 06:02:42 AM

Confuselius say: "It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.? 

Nice quote Hans! I think we can safely stress who Confuselius is:

Confuselius  Tseung say: "It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done by Gravity.? 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 15, 2008, 04:01:09 AM
I have decided that Confusilius sounds more impressive and is a more worthy and fitting name in the company of the Greats.

Here is my tribute to his Genius.

Tesla eat your heart out. And Newton? Who wants a stupid apple if you can have the silly-spaceship.jpg?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Drannom on June 15, 2008, 02:15:23 PM
That is what i was talking about concerning black hole (Central Sun) and super light!

there is other link on that


QuoteSuperLight is described as the opposite and complementary phase to ordinary light. While electromagnetic radiation - visible light is part of its spectrum - has a strong electric and a weaker magnetic component, in magneto-electric radiation the magnetic component outweighs its electric counterpart.
Milewski proposes a model which sees magneto-electric radiation as the source of gravity, emitted by black holes and traveling at the square of the speed of light. SuperLight has a correspondingly shorter wavelength and higher energy content than ordinary light and is the source of the energy of life, which makes for its connection to the area of healing through increased coherence in organisms.
While physics has tended to exclude life and consciousness from its equations we now have - with Milewski's model - a very real possibility to reach unification with meta-physics, generally considered the purview of faith and religion.

QuoteNow, I believe a similar event occurs in the extremely dense and hot matter found in black holes. It is theorized that black holes contain magnetic monopoles and when these extremely dense, extremely small, extremely energetic magnetic monopoles release energy by lowering their orbit they radiate magneto?electric radiation, our SuperLight. So black holes really are not so black. They are radiant beings of SuperLight. Of course SuperLight escapes the strong gravitation forces of the black holes because its velocity is the square of the velocity of light and it therefore, can easily escape.
The current scientific thinking is that in the center of every galaxy in the universe is a black hole. There are billions and billions of galaxies all around us, and they all are producing SuperLight. We are literally bathed in a three-dimensional dynamic energy field, or an "Ether" of SuperLight ? a Dynamic Ether.

and much more at the link
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 15, 2008, 06:59:27 PM
@ Hans:

This guy bears more than a slight resemblance to Professor Whoflungdung.  He should have entered the Professor Whoflungdung look-alike contest.  He would at least been in the final 5 in my opinion.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 15, 2008, 07:12:28 PM
Well Bill, after all, they are both Chinese  ;D       and as everyone knows, they all look the same to us  ;D

In order to give old Lawrence credibility I have resorted to a Latin name so he might be recognised as one of the Greats. The fact that the name CONFUSILIUS appears to be a composite of confused and silly is of course entirely co-incidental.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 15, 2008, 07:50:10 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on June 15, 2008, 04:01:09 AM
I have decided that Confusilius sounds more impressive and is a more worthy and fitting name in the company of the Greats.

Here is my tribute to his Genius.

Tesla eat your heart out. And Newton? Who wants a stupid apple if you can have the silly-spaceship.jpg?

Hans von Lieven

Confusilius should be holding a pendulum or something similar.  Please modify.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 15, 2008, 08:05:21 PM
LOL Lawrence,

Well done

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 15, 2008, 09:10:34 PM
Happy now Lawrence?

Mind you, I liked him with a cup of medicine better.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 16, 2008, 06:06:41 PM
"It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical component of the displacement that gives the work done by gravity."

That statement was repeated again and again at the Institute of Energy presentation yesterday.  The overall comment is - the above statement is obvious and simple to understand.  Once understood, designing New Energy Machines and the Flying Saucer is within reach.

The comparison with Newton is again raised.  Million of people saw objects falling.  It took the apple falling on the head of Newton to start modern day Physics.  Millions of people pushed the swing or pendulum.  It took Lee-Tseung to explain the Lead Out Energy.

Ten student presenters will be trained within the next few days by Tseung.   They will then help to spread the message by presenting and training up others.  The book with CD and the many videos of inventions will be completed in the next few weeks.

The battle of spreading the message to 1 million Hong Kong students before the end of summer holidays (Sep 2008) has started.  The English version of the presentation with voice is already available in:

Any one can use the information as basic training material and benefit the World.

Many enjoy your cartoons.  Hope you do not mind our showing them in our presentation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 16, 2008, 06:20:04 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 16, 2008, 06:06:41 PM
"It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical component of the displacement that gives the work done by gravity."

That statement was repeated again and again at the Institute of Energy presentation yesterday.  ....


Must have been quite a presentation to the bunch of animals in the Hong Kong Zoo? No?

Chimps and monkeys understand tension and vertical components of the displacement.... I'm sure they were fascinated indeed. They can even teach you a few more OU tricks too. Pity they can't speak cantonese or English or Putong Hua! Did you bring peanuts and bananas to reward their participation too?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on June 17, 2008, 07:22:54 AM
QuoteThat statement was repeated again and again at the Institute of Energy presentation yesterday.  The overall comment is - the above statement is obvious and simple to understand.  Once understood, designing New Energy Machines and the Flying Saucer is within reach.

So if thats true, what happened to the last TEN years? Oh wait I almost threw some 'reality' his way. Sorry mate!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 17, 2008, 08:01:10 AM
Quote from: RadiantLarry on June 17, 2008, 07:22:54 AM
So if that?s true, what happened to the last TEN years? Oh wait I almost threw some 'reality' his way. Sorry mate!

The reality is that the Hong Kong and China Scientists and Students understand:

"It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical component of the displacement that gives the work done by gravity."

The rise of the red dragon is evitable.  At least 1 million Hong Kong Students will be exposed to the above information before the end of their summer vacation.

You, ChrisC, Keon1 and others should have posters made from the Han?s Cartoon and place them in the bedroom, the bathroom and the living room.  Recite the words three times a day for 666 days.  Then you may have a chance to understand the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 17, 2008, 10:41:18 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 17, 2008, 08:01:10 AM
The reality is that the Hong Kong and China Scientists and Students understand:

How very strange the only people who understands this Confuselius crap is Lawrence and the people(animals?) he 'presented' to! Even more strange no one else, news reporters or any scientific community members included, seemed to have noticed this world changer theory? Were they all covering Tim Russert's untimely death or some screws got loosed in Lawrence's head? You decide.....


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bobbotov on June 17, 2008, 11:06:39 AM
>We need to apply pulse force (Lee-Tseung Pulls) at the right time. (See reply 1106 and 2621)
1150 describes the Flying Saucer.  This will provide incredible prosperity.  Beware of the potential destructive powers.

Fortunately, the destructive powers are completely neutralized through the application of tin foil placed firmly on the head.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 17, 2008, 06:54:02 PM
Dear Mr. Jarboe (http://www.green-salon.com)

I learned about your conference from Major Todd Hallaway.  Unfortunately, I shall not be able to attend this time.  However, I would like to share the following with you and the conference participants.

I believe that both gravitational energy and electron motion energy that surround us can be used.  The best way to understand the theory is via discussion of a pendulum pulled sideways.  So long as there is tension on the string, gravitational energy can be lead out.  The details are in:


You are encouraged to share that information with your participants.  I can be contacted via email or phone in Hong Kong (752-9281 9945)

Wishing you success in the coming conference

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 18, 2008, 12:20:15 AM
Maybe we should have a Major Todd Holloway/Hathaway/Halloway look-alike contest?  First, we need to figure out the correct name to use otherwise, we might spend too much money making up the posters.  Just a thought.


PS:  Lawrence.  Here is an idea for you. (I am actually being serious here)  You need to make up T-shirts that say:  "It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical component of the displacement that gives the work done by gravity."  A simple picture of a pendulum would be perfect!

You could sell them to all of the students and folks on here as well.  I know I would buy one.  These might even become a collector's item of sorts.  I can't speak for him but I'll wager a beer that Hans would purchase one as well.  Possibly, Stefan might even carry them in his online OU store.  I truly believe that this would be a marketable item.  Folks may buy them for different reasons but, they will still buy them.  Just an idea.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 18, 2008, 05:13:40 AM
Things to do in the next few days:

(1) Get ready for a webcast interview with the green-salon group.  Even though I cannot attend the conference, the information will be fully available.  The presentation material is already in:

(2) Train 10 student presenters.  This can be accomplished within the next two weeks.  Hong Kong students are much brighter than the Forum members here.  Parallelogram of Forces are still fresh in their memory.

(3) Get the book published.  We already have resources lined up.  The Internet material is not well organized and many people still favor the old fashioned way of taking a book to bed or to the beaches.

The above three tasks will keep us busy for a little while.

@Hans and Bill,
I shall let you work on the design of the T-shirt.  The money from the sales can be donated to Stefan to further support this on-line forum.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 18, 2008, 05:39:07 AM
@Bill and Hans,

The other T-shirt should read something like:

Infinite Energy + Inertia Propulsion = Flying Saucer

Some appropriate cartoon would be nice.

Stefan might get rich via selling T-shirts!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on June 18, 2008, 12:23:06 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 18, 2008, 05:13:40 AM
Things to do in the next few days:

(1) Get ready for a webcast interview with the green-salon group.  Even though I cannot attend the conference, the information will be fully available.  The presentation material is already in:

(2) Train 10 student presenters.  This can be accomplished within the next two weeks.  Hong Kong students are much brighter than the Forum members here.  Parallelogram of Forces are still fresh in their memory.

(3) Get the book published.  We already have resources lined up.  The Internet material is not well organized and many people still favor the old fashioned way of taking a book to bed or to the beaches.

The above three tasks will keep us busy for a little while.

@Hans and Bill,
I shall let you work on the design of the T-shirt.  The money from the sales can be donated to Stefan to further support this on-line forum.

I find it interesting that you are willing to spend 5 years trying  (and failing) to convince a handful of people of your ideas, but you will not spend a month to build a device that will prove your idea, which would then make the convincing job a cinch.  Isn't there some appropriate Chinese proverb for this?

Those who talk of free energy, but cannot produce free energy, are full of hot air?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bobbotov on June 18, 2008, 01:18:05 PM
>I find it interesting that you are willing to spend 5 years trying  (and failing) to convince a handful of people of your ideas

A handful of insignificant people on a remote website in the nether world of the web. So what if he convinces them, the thing still doesn't exist. Sounds  like a George Bush "mission accomplished" endeavor to me.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 18, 2008, 04:28:17 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on June 18, 2008, 12:23:06 PM
I find it interesting that you are willing to spend 5 years trying  (and failing) to convince a handful of people of your ideas, but you will not spend a month to build a device that will prove your idea, which would then make the convincing job a cinch.  Isn't there some appropriate Chinese proverb for this?

Those who talk of free energy, but cannot produce free energy, are full of hot air?

Do you realize that Nations such as China, Japan, England, USA and others have been reporting UFOs from Citizens?  Even the tiny Hong Kong have UFO sightings on youtube.

To build the UFO or Flying Saucer successfully, there are two elements:
(1) The New Enegy Machines
(2) Inertia Propulsion Systems

Our Flying Saucer China Patent Application was submitted in early 2005.  The China UFO sighting in Nanjing was reported on youtube in June 2006.  Please compare the information in our application and that on the video.  It took the Chinese engineers less than a year to combine the New Energy machine and Inertia Propulsion systems together.  USA engineers have done the same in area 51.  Both are keeping that information as top military secret. 

We do not need to build the machines.  Many others have already built them.  It is just a matter of convincing the "powerful" to release such information to benefit the World.

The theory is so simple that the average O-level Physics Student can understand.  I made the stupid mistake of promoting the theory to a handful of people (you correctly pointed that out) since 2004.  Now I am using the two invincible weapons to convince the World.  Let the World pressure the "Powerful".
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on June 18, 2008, 08:45:45 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 18, 2008, 04:28:17 PM
Do you realize that Nations such as China, Japan, England, USA and others have been reporting UFOs from Citizens?  Even the tiny Hong Kong have UFO sightings on youtube.

To build the UFO or Flying Saucer successfully, there are two elements:
(1) The New Enegy Machines
(2) Inertia Propulsion Systems

Incorrect.  Assuming there are UFOs, you have no idea what is driving them.  There are several possibilities.

1.  The UFOs may in fact use fuel and have no free energy generation device.  They may be using energy from the sun, have ultra-efficient batteries, using nuclear energy, or simply diesel fuel.

2.  The UFOs may not be using intertia propulsion systems.  They could be using a standard propulsion system (based on high speed ejection of something), but the method of propulsion is not observable to the naked eye  Or there could be an antigravity system - who knows?

To assume inertia propulsion and free energy is quite an assumption, and there is no evidence for this.  And to assume something based on no evidence is bad science, and even you know that.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on June 19, 2008, 05:11:07 AM
Quote from: Bobbotov on June 18, 2008, 01:18:05 PM
>I find it interesting that you are willing to spend 5 years trying  (and failing) to convince a handful of people of your ideas

A handful of insignificant people on a remote website in the nether world of the web. So what if he convinces them, the thing still doesn't exist. Sounds  like a George Bush "mission accomplished" endeavor to me.

Sounds like you are calling yourself and us insignificant.

Well if that's your opinion of us, you can just go and jump in a lake for all I care.
What are you doing in such an insignificant remote nether world corner of the web anyway?
Shouldn't you be on myface?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bobbotov on June 19, 2008, 07:35:51 AM
We are insignificant and I live near a lake and swim in it all the time. If this was meant as an insult it is quite lame.

Please point out your great significance so I can be properly upbraided. And I am here because this is an open website for anyone to post in.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on June 19, 2008, 08:20:22 AM
I never said swim. Nor float. ;)

But what is really lame is to come into a comic relief thread,
call it "a remote website on the nether world of the web",
call its regular visitors "insignificant",
and then call my obviously somewhat sarcastically intended
comment "lame".

Haha, well, you did pick the right thread to make a fool of yourself.

and @Tseung: I had never expected you to reply to Hans's cartoon like that.
You have gained some of my respect for that.
I still find your theory complete nonsense, but the way you handled that
Confusilius stuff is quite impressive. Bravo. :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bobbotov on June 19, 2008, 08:35:26 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on June 19, 2008, 08:20:22 AM
I never said swim. Nor float. ;)

But what is really lame is to come into a comic relief thread,
call it "a remote website on the nether world of the web",
call its regular visitors "insignificant",
and then call my obviously somewhat sarcastically intended
comment "lame".

Haha, well, you did pick the right thread to make a fool of yourself.

I guess I can do whatever the fuck I want and there is not a whole lot you can do about it. So deal with it. And I missed the part where you elevated your significance.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on June 19, 2008, 09:03:26 AM
QuoteI guess I can do whatever the fuck I want and there is not a whole lot you can do about it. So deal with it. And I missed the part where you elevated your significance.

I bet Dodo can stay underwater for over five minutes! His mommy says he is the best swimmer in the whole trailer park!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Drannom on June 19, 2008, 10:51:53 AM

Quote from: Koen1 on June 09, 2008, 07:08:36 AM

1) When did you last have a brain scan?
2) How bad was it?
3) Did they perhaps diagnose severe Korsakov syndrome?
4) Did they perhaps diagnose severe Creutzfelt-Jacob syndrome?
5) Did they perhaps perform a partial lobotomy?
6) Have you ever hit your head very very hard, possibly around the age of 13?
7) Have you ever fallen head-first onto your chop sticks, accidentally
jamming one up your nose too deep?
8 ) Have you perhaps been consuming too much lead in your food? In that
respect you may be right in that it is wise to get the "lead out".
9) Do you have any sense of reality?
10) From which asylum did you escape?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 19, 2008, 11:29:27 PM
FAQ 19  China has now entered into many cooperation agreements on energy issues with many countries including USA.  How would these agreements affect the New Energy Machine and Flying Saucer Developments?

It is clear that the top Chinese Scientists and Engineers have been exposed to the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.  There is zero chance of their not understanding the parallelogram of forces, the resolving of force and displacement into vertical and horizontal components, vertical work = vertical force component x vertical displacement component etc.

It looks like at least some Officials are inclined to have International cooperation in the development of New Energy Machines and Flying Saucers.   

The political implication of two old retirees in Hong Kong cracking the problems of Global Warming, Leading Out gravitational and electron motion energy and the Flying Saucer will not be lost.

China is already in the sure-win position.  The World Press will soon quote:

It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the Lead Out gravitational energy.

The Hans Cartoon will be seen worldwide.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 19, 2008, 11:42:59 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 19, 2008, 11:29:27 PM

The political implication of two old retirees in Hong Kong  ....

still babbling like idiots! This silence of this thread is deafening. All the excitement has gone over to Archer's wheel.

Old Tseung, you have better start stating that Archer's wheel works on the same principle of the Tseung-Lee crap out Theory whilst there is still time!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 20, 2008, 06:48:08 PM
The Archer Quinn wheel obviously obeys the Lee-Tseung theory.  I shall leave it to Top Gun to supply the details.

The Good News to the World is that Wang Shum Ho is ready to release his electricity generator to the World.  He is working with Mr. Sun and Peter Chan on a "toy device".   The Toy device can generate enough electricity to rechange mobile phones.  Some early information can be seen on http://www.dsk.cn/.

The second Icon with the Chinese Words "magnetic motor 磁力機" will point you to the right direction.

Wang called to request that I support this toy device with the Lee-Tseung Theory when they do their public demonstration.

The device is made with clear plastic material so that there is no need to take apart the components to reveal the detailed workings.  The plan is to have multiple prototypes demonstrating the generation of electricity simultaneously in a couple of places (e.g. Beijing, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, New York, etc.) One of the sites will have webcam coverage continuously  24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

This device is separate from the electricity generator providing electricity for small villages.  The publicity for that device will be handled by General Magnetics (磁普) or another well funded Company.

At least Lee and I have an official role to play in promoting a toy that will generate electricity forever.  Such a toy will be by our side when Lee and I deliver the Nobel Lectures.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 20, 2008, 07:20:46 PM
Quote: "Such a toy will be by our side when Lee and I deliver the Nobel Lectures."

It's in the bag Lawrence

The medal has already been engraved

See proof below.


Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 20, 2008, 08:04:32 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on June 20, 2008, 07:20:46 PM
Quote: "Such a toy will be by our side when Lee and I deliver the Nobel Lectures."

It's in the bag Lawrence

The medal has already been engraved

See proof below.


Hans von Lieven

Thanks.  From the http://www.dsk.cn/ website:

Translated:  You are welcome to come and see our magnetic powered products.  Please arrange your time 60 days in advance.  Thank you.

This means the products will be shown only after the Beijing Olympics.

It is likely to have been influenced by the Beijing Olympics timing.  The Chinese Government directed promotion of the New Energy Machines after the Olympics is likely to be a very gigantic event.  It would not surprise me if the Flying Saucers will be exhibited too.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 20, 2008, 08:12:28 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 20, 2008, 06:48:08 PM
The Archer Quinn wheel obviously obeys the Lee-Tseung theory.  I shall leave it to Top Gun to supply the details.


Hahaha! The old dog and dog trick never fails! Everytime a bone gets thrown at him, he's sure to chew on it....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 20, 2008, 08:26:07 PM

The Nobel Prize medallion is solid gold is it not?  My guess would be that one could make one heck of a pendulum with it.  The fact that it is gold might even cause some other heretofore unobserved phenomenon which might even increase the power output.  I am sure Alfred Nobel never ever considered his prize to be used in this manner.  Well, who cares, the world will benefit.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 20, 2008, 08:46:47 PM
You mean like this Bill?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 20, 2008, 09:04:41 PM

You creative son of a gun, that is EXACTLY what I meant.  Excellent!!!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 20, 2008, 10:20:29 PM

The moment you showed gold, you release the negative powers from the dark side.

The many parties involved in the demonstration (Beijing, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, New York, etc.) will try to fight for a bigger piece of the pie.  More middle-men will come out from nowhere.

I thought that my task was easy - just support the workings of the Wang device with the Lee-Tseung theory.  Now I get phone calls and emails from many interested persons. 

I repeat here - I am not an agent of Wang.  I am just a good friend who is willing to back up his device with the Lee-Tseung theory.  There is no advantage in calling me.  If you upset me, you will have a more difficult time dealing with Mr. Wang.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 21, 2008, 12:29:52 AM
I would like to state for the record that I too am not an agent of Wang.   If you ask me about the CIA or the like, I am not allowed to answer that.  But, I am not an agent of Wang.  That much I can say.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 21, 2008, 02:45:42 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 20, 2008, 10:20:29 PM

The moment you showed gold, you release the negative powers from the dark side.

Sorry Lawrence,

I did not show gold, you were the one talking about the Nobel Prize. I only showed what the fu*king thing looks like.

Hans von Lieven

Incidentally, The Nobel Prize IS a prize of MONEY !!!!! The medal is only a SYMBOL.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 21, 2008, 02:57:29 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on June 21, 2008, 12:29:52 AM
I would like to state for the record that I too am not an agent of Wang.   If you ask me about the CIA or the like, I am not allowed to answer that.  But, I am not an agent of Wang.  That much I can say.



I have wanged quite a bit when I was a young fellow. Does that make me an agent of Wang or just a wanger?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 21, 2008, 06:09:34 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 18, 2008, 05:13:40 AM
Things to do in the next few days:

(1) Get ready for a webcast interview with the green-salon group.  Even though I cannot attend the conference, the information will be fully available.  The presentation material is already in:

(2) Train 10 student presenters.  This can be accomplished within the next two weeks.  Hong Kong students are much brighter than the Forum members here.  Parallelogram of Forces are still fresh in their memory.

(3) Get the book published.  We already have resources lined up.  The Internet material is not well organized and many people still favor the old fashioned way of taking a book to bed or to the beaches.

The above three tasks will keep us busy for a little while.

The first two tasks are in good hands.  The material is from:
http://www.energyfromair.com/IOE_talk and

Now we need to focus on the third task.  This should both be a standalone book and a support material for the various inventors.  In the telephone conversation, Mr. Wang said: "I shall leave the theoretical justifications to you.  My focus will be on the working electricity generators on the multiple sites.  These generators will be seen by millions without the need to taking them apart as the containers are transparent.  A webcam can video one electricity generator 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  You can sell your book at the same time as we sell our products."

Chan: "We plan to sell at least one million of these toys that can generate anywhere from 1KW to 10 KW in the first year.  You can assume that 10% of the buyers will also buy your book.  Imagine the publicity on the News Media and the Stock Market for working products that use Lead Out Energy."

Forever Yuen: "If the price of the book including CDs sell for HK$200 or US$25 each, 100 thousand copies will bring in US$2.5 million.  That will be good enough for the first pot of gold to launch the Company.  The Company will be the Help Seedlings to Innovate Foundation Limited.  We do not need to rely solely on charitable donations."

Tseung: "Almost every Over Unity Device Launching will boost the sale of the book.  I would donate a copy to every school and every library in the World.  The cost of printing including CDs will be less than US$5.  Even though the material is already on the Internet, many readers will purchase the book to avoid the many useless and insulting posts."

Forever Yuen: "I shall get a team to work on it.  This team will include some of the being-trained presenters."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on June 21, 2008, 07:08:47 AM
Tseung, I can smell your excitement and your seeing the pot of gold.

Gold is very tempting.  You are supposed to forget all personal fame or fortune.   You talked about the Nobel Prize and the 100,000 copies of the book.  You still have not forgotten personal fame or fortune.

That will be your downfall.

You may even have a Wang Generator generating electricity in your home.  You may even be displaying your invincible weapons - Lee-Tseung Pulled Pendulum and the silly spaceship2.jpg.
You may even have your concept of Mutual Credits published.

The "powerful" can get to you because you still love personal fame and fortune.  Every step from you will be watched.  You will be pushed and pulled in every direction.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 21, 2008, 11:24:59 AM
Outline of the Book

Comments/quotes from xxx on Energy
Comments/quotes from yyy on Flying Saucer
Comments/quotes from zzz on Innovation
Presentation slides with voice

1.0   History of the development of Lawrence Tseung ? the formative years
1.1   The punch bag at age 13 (picking up the diamond without polishing it)
1.2   Presenting at the Aviation Club of Wah Yan College (Self Learning from the Encyclopedia)
1.3   First hint that History taught at different Countries are different (Education in England on the Opium War)
1.4   Kinetic theory of gases in motion (The project at Leeds University)
1.5   First job as Physics demonstrator at Hong Kong University (The follow-up at Hong Kong University and the romantic distractions)
1.6   M.Sc. experience at Southampton University (The almost completed theory and the surrender to the Professor)
1.7   IQ tests and how to score perfect score (from idiot to genius in 3 weeks)

2.0   The real job ? computer career at Digital Equipment Corporation
2.1   The job interview (Learning PDP-8 in one day)
2.2   The first Business exposure (Breaking into the East European Market)
2.3   Teaching RSX11M from listings (Establishing the undisputed number one position with tears and sweat)
2.4   Moving from England to United States (the words from the fortune teller that helped to establish the unshakeable confidence in life)
2.5   Getting the first pot of gold via the unintentional investment in Real Estate (taste of the first million and the misery of wealth)
2.6   Taking up the challenge on Networks (Writing the first Email using indirect files on RSX11M)
2.7   Training of the first group of Chinese Computer Engineers (Realizing that political concepts can affect a Nation profoundly)
2.8   Writing of the first Email Program using Indirect Files on RSX11M. (The two many-to-may patents and the start of own Company)

3.0   The development of Innovative Ideas
3.1   The meeting at the Department of Commerce and the mentioning of World War 4. (USA won the 3rd World War but failing on the 4th World War)
3.2    The meeting with the Nephew of a Chinese Official (China is not poor if it knows how to print money).
3.3    Meeting of the Legislative Council Member of Hong Kong in Los Angeles (The return of Hong Kong to China and the opportunities presented0.
3.4    The Asian Financial Crisis (The initial handling of the Crisis by the New Hong Kong Government)
3.5    Writing the Book on Economic War (Winning the Newspaper essay competition and receiving the encouragement)
3.6    Working with Professor Sunny Siu at University of Irvine and then at MIT (Receiving the first investment check and realizing that managing Company is not one of the Tseung skills.)

4.0   Taking Early Retirement and focusing on Impossible Innovations
4.1   The decision process (The failure and humiliation in Taiwan.)
4.2   Taking up the Kinetic Theory of Gases in Motion again (Completing the equations from 30 years ago)
4.3   Visit to Beijing Aeronautical University (Impressing the old Professor and the help from the University)
4.4   The experimental accident and the development of Energy from Still Air Concept (Innovation at its budding stage)
4.5   Meeting of Lee Cheung Kin ? the number one genius of the World (Two + two is more than four!)
4.6   The waking up from the Hotel at 7:30 am by Lee Cheung kin (The swing pendulum toy that used an A4 battery to keep motion for over 6 months)
4.7   Our first Press Release and the Dr. Liang San Yan Car (The set-up by a restaurant owner in Tai Po)
4.8   The Birth of the Lee-Tseung theory (The mathematical model and the confidence that it cannot be wrong)

5.0   The development of the Lee-Tseung Theory
5.1   Energy from Gravity (Energy from Air is an indirect way of using Energy from Gravity)
5.2   Meeting with Song Tim Fat by Lee Cheung Kin (The birth of the Flux change only invention)
5.3   Extending to Electron Motion Energy (The Forever Yuen magnetic pendulum experiment)
5.4   The involvement of the 13 year old ?Wini Woo and the development of the Flying Saucer (Gravitational constant can decrease to zero and negative)
5.5   The meeting at the China Patent Office (Meeting with 3 senior officials and the disclosure of the Flying Saucer Application)
5.6   The meetings with Mr. Wang Shum Ho and his invention (Solving his 40 year puzzle within the first 30 minutes)
5.7   The first meeting at Tsinghua University (Acceptance of the Lee-Tseung theory within the first 30 minutes)
5.8   The 225HP Pulse Motor Group meetings (The USA is not too far behind except some Officials do not realize it).
5.9   The second meeting at Tsinghua University (Presenting Wang Shum Ho and disassembling his incomplete prototype and the bringing of the 225HP Pulse Motor team from USA)
5.10   The discovery that we might have been tricked by CIA or the Like (The useless contracts and the pain.)

6.0   Participation in the various discussion forums
6.1   Having no support and being labeled as a possible spy (How to stand up after the fall)
6.2   The Bessler Wheel Forum and got kicked out (The insistence on action and the meeting of the wise monk in Taiwan)
6.3   The Steorn Forum and the failure of the Steorn Demonstration (Realizing that we are not the only ones to get jeers)
6.4   The Overunity Forum and the many insults (The Publishing of our PCT and China Patent information)
6.5   The various over unity devices
6.5.1   Tsinghua University Electricity Magnifier
6.5.2   The Wang Shum Ho Electricity Generator
6.5.3   The Dr. Liang Car
6.5.4   The Chao Car
6.5.5   The 225 HP Pulse Motor
6.5.6   The EBM Machine
6.5.7   The Milkovic Pendulum
6.5.8   The Chas Campbell Electricity Magnifier
6.5.9   The Joseph Newman Machine
6.5.10   The Bedini School Girl Motor
6.5.11   The Steven Mark TPU Machine
6.5.12   The Flynn Research Machine
6.5.13   The Flying Saucer and the Inertia Propulsion Systems

7.0   The turning point
7.1   The participation of Ms. Forever Yuen (A school girl who just passed the Hong Kong School Certificate Examination and the simple experiments)
7.2   The two Forum Members ? Devil and Top Gun (Trying to explain the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory to non-physicists and taking up the strategy of attack, attack and attack)
7.3   The invitation from Major Todd Hallaway from USA (We cannot be a spy if we discuss O-level Physics to benefit the World)
7.4   The involvement of the Military College Alumni of China (The importance of keeping old friends)
7.5   The presentation at Shenzhen University (Evaluation by the Professors, the Military, the Officials and the Entrepreneurs)
7.6   The presentation at Institute Of Energy in Hong Kong (The Lee-Tseung theory cannot be wrong and its inevitable success)
7.7   The Phone Call from Mr. Wang Shum Ho (Invitation to participate in actual product demonstrations as the theoreticians)

8.0   What lies ahead
8.1   The US Presidential Election (Energy and Oil Price will be inevitable issues.  The candidate with a working solution will win.)
8.2   The training of presenters (The brilliance of the Hong Kong Students who still have Parallelogram of Forces in their memory)
8.3   The Book from the Help Seedling to Innovate Foundation Limited (the support from unexpected sources)
8.4   The first acknowledged New Energy Machine (if nothing comes out before September, 2008, the Wang Electricity will be the winner)
8.5   The mushrooming of New Energy Machines (the forced announcements from Japan, USA, Australia, Russia, Europe, India, etc.)
8.6   The demonstration of the Flying Saucer and the Magneto Propulsion Unit (re-examination of the Nanjing UFO video and similar)
8.7   Acceptance of Mutual Credits and Modern Wealth as Meaningful Economic Activities (What is the change in the Obama champaign?
8.8   Speculations based on dreams and innovative thoughts (The Flying Saucer City.  Bye-bye to Earthquakes.  The new space program.)

(1)   Dr. Liang car video
(2)   Chao car videos
(3)   Wang Electricity Generator video
(4)   Tsinghua University Electricity Magnifier video
(5)   Nanjing UFO video
(6)   Sun et al videos on youtube
(7)   Joseph Newman video
(8)   Bedini video
(9)   Chas Campbell video
(10)   Interesting websites
l   Energyfromair.com
l   Overunity.com
l   Steorn.com
l   Green-salon.com
l   Aero2012.com
l   Energyconversation.com
l   Others to be documented.
(11)   Continued Support
l   Websites
l   Discussion Forums
l   Innovation Camps
l   Institute of Energy Memberships
l   Group meetings
(12)   Frequently Asked Questions

*** That should keep Tseung et al busy for a couple of weeks.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Lin_Zhi on June 21, 2008, 04:45:00 PM
Excuse please my English. I live in Hong Kong. Family of Lawrence Tseung hire me to try to help.  They tell me he wrigt in this website and he spend all his time in website or try to make forever motion device.

I am psychiatric doctor. I know that internet is free and people wrigt what want and no rules. But I make plead on behalf of family of Lawrence Tseung. Please hope you listen.

Tseung is not well.  I donot know exact term in English.  I think best English word is delusion.  This is opinion based on diagnose so far.  All aspect is there.  Tseung Le is certain of position, despeit compelling evidense.  His view cannot be changed.  He believe and want to stay to believe this world reality he make in his head.

I not want to say thing to upset him here.  I will need to work close with him if he allow, so I do not want to say much else.

But I make plead for family.  Please do not argue more with Lawrence Tseung.  Please, for his family, let him make his world here.  It not hurt you to not argue, but in his mind, it can cause him pain and can make condition more poor.  This process of heal must be done careful medical way.

You should see him after bad day on website, so please have syphothy.  Let I and his family of help.  My heart I offer.  Please.

Doctor Lin Zhi
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on June 21, 2008, 07:03:10 PM
Quote from: Lin_Zhi on June 21, 2008, 04:45:00 PM
Excuse please my English. I live in Hong Kong. Family of Lawrence Tseung hire me to try to help.  They tell me he wrigt in this website and he spend all his time in website or try to make forever motion device.

I am psychiatric doctor. I know that internet is free and people wrigt what want and no rules. ...

Doctor Lin Zhi

Stupid paid debunker.  When you fail to attack the theory, you fire bullets at the person.

It is impossible to attack the Lee-Tseung theory and the electricity generating Wang device now.  The combined demonstration in multiple cities of the working Wang Electricity Generator and the O-level Physics of parallelogram of force is absolutely invincible. 

Essence of the Lee-Tseung Theory

When a sideward pull is applied to a simple pendulum, the lead out gravitational energy is equal to the vertical component of the tension of the string times the vertical component of the displacement. 

So long as there is tension on the string, gravitational energy will be Lead Out. 

The ideal Lee-Tseung Pull is when the direction of pull is tangential.

Tseung et al, write an excellent book.  Donate the proceeds to the Help Seedlings to Innovate Foundation.  Show the World that when God and Devil both side with you, miracles will happen.

The readers will love to know about:
1.   Your love life ? the first kiss, the first girl you fell in love totally, how that affected your inventiveness.
2.   Your marriage ? totally dedicated inventors often ignored their wives.  Are you one of the exceptions?
3.   Your religious life ? can religion and science co-exist in the minds of an innovative genius?  Can Devil and God both reside in your head?
4.   Your hobbies ? is there pressure associated with revolutionary theories?  How do you release such pressure?
5.   Dealing with insults and jeers ? perpetual motion inventors will meet such fate?  Inventors such Joseph Newman grew impatient and defensive?  What happens to you?

I can tell you that your book will be second to the Bible in total sales.  Every New Energy Machine and every new Flying Saucer launching will boost its sales.  There will be reprints, updates, Internet discussions, movies, TV series etc. 

The one who can:
a.   Solve the Global Warming problem via extracting energy from still air,
b.   Solve the Energy Crisis via Lead Out Energy,
c.   Fly to outer space with the infinite energy, inertia propulsion system,
d.   Influence the USA election with Mutual Credits,
e.   Bring infinite Modern Wealth to the World,
f.   Resurrect rejected patents from the dead.
will get noticed ? especially with the Wang Generator providing electricity to the Spotlight.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 21, 2008, 07:03:32 PM

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bobbotov on June 21, 2008, 07:17:15 PM
Quote from: Lin_Zhi on June 21, 2008, 04:45:00 PM
Excuse please my English. I live in Hong Kong. Family of Lawrence Tseung hire me to try to help.  They tell me he wrigt in this website and he spend all his time in website or try to make forever motion device.

I am psychiatric doctor. I know that internet is free and people wrigt what want and no rules. But I make plead on behalf of family of Lawrence Tseung. Please hope you listen.

Tseung is not well.  I donot know exact term in English.  I think best English word is delusion.  This is opinion based on diagnose so far.  All aspect is there.  Tseung Le is certain of position, despeit compelling evidense.  His view cannot be changed.  He believe and want to stay to believe this world reality he make in his head.

I not want to say thing to upset him here.  I will need to work close with him if he allow, so I do not want to say much else.

But I make plead for family.  Please do not argue more with Lawrence Tseung.  Please, for his family, let him make his world here.  It not hurt you to not argue, but in his mind, it can cause him pain and can make condition more poor.  This process of heal must be done careful medical way.

You should see him after bad day on website, so please have syphothy.  Let I and his family of help.  My heart I offer.  Please.

Doctor Lin Zhi

If you really want to help unplug his computer.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on June 21, 2008, 08:56:06 PM
Quote from: Bobbotov on June 21, 2008, 07:17:15 PM
If you really want to help unplug his computer.

That is useless now.  His home is powered by the 5KW Wang Electricity Generator.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bobbotov on June 21, 2008, 08:59:38 PM
Quote from: Devil on June 21, 2008, 08:56:06 PM
That is useless now.  His home is powered by the 5KW Wang Electricity Generator.

How does the source of electricity effect disconnecting the computer from that source? Is this wireless AC?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 21, 2008, 09:57:54 PM
Quote from: Lin_Zhi on June 21, 2008, 04:45:00 PM
Excuse please my English. I live in Hong Kong. Family of Lawrence Tseung hire me to try to help.  They tell me he wrigt in this website and he spend all his time in website or try to make forever motion device.

I am psychiatric doctor. I know that internet is free and people wrigt what want and no rules. But I make plead on behalf of family of Lawrence Tseung. Please hope you listen.

Tseung is not well.  I donot know exact term in English.  I think best English word is delusion.  This is opinion based on diagnose so far.  All aspect is there.  Tseung Le is certain of position, despeit compelling evidense.  His view cannot be changed.  He believe and want to stay to believe this world reality he make in his head.

I not want to say thing to upset him here.  I will need to work close with him if he allow, so I do not want to say much else.

But I make plead for family.  Please do not argue more with Lawrence Tseung.  Please, for his family, let him make his world here.  It not hurt you to not argue, but in his mind, it can cause him pain and can make condition more poor.  This process of heal must be done careful medical way.

You should see him after bad day on website, so please have syphothy.  Let I and his family of help.  My heart I offer.  Please.

Doctor Lin Zhi

Hahaha! Very Good one.  I sympatise as very well.Mr Tseung really dillusional....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Lin_Zhi on June 21, 2008, 10:18:09 PM
Please I ask one last time just let dear Lawrence make his fancy here.  I am busy work with patients and have very little time, but I ask once last.  This is serious matter and make effect his future.  Let him say what he say.  His son tell me that he write as a devil and he is very worry by that as it similar he worship of satan.  This is not game.

We the family and I will work and help dear Lawrence and soon you will not see more.  But now this is his main way of life so please do not break his world.  If Lawrence is calm we have best chance to heal him.  When he is upset he not accept help.  He only think of delusion and he angry yell at family.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Drannom on June 22, 2008, 05:15:00 AM
A psychiatric doctor breaking confidential information, and make things worst !??

QuoteHis son tell me that he write as a devil and he is very worry by that as it similar he worship of satan.

QuoteHe only think of delusion and he angry yell at family.

It will hurt to read that, so your are not healing him at all

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on June 22, 2008, 09:39:09 AM
QuotePlease I ask one last time just let dear Lawrence make his fancy here.  I am busy work with patients and have very little time, but I ask once last.  This is serious matter and make effect his future.  Let him say what he say.  His son tell me that he write as a devil and he is very worry by that as it similar he worship of satan.  This is not game.

We the family and I will work and help dear Lawrence and soon you will not see more.  But now this is his main way of life so please do not break his world.  If Lawrence is calm we have best chance to heal him.  When he is upset he not accept help.  He only think of delusion and he angry yell at family.

Its so slanted towards what Larry wants, who would guess that its another one of his personalities? Nahh! Maybe Sherlock can snoop around and find out, if he isnt drunk!
But it is pathetic.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on June 23, 2008, 08:00:10 AM
Tseung, you are in the invincible position now.

The clear plastic Wang device is rotating in

Just focus on the plan of have the same or similar demo device in at least
1. Beijing
2. Shenzhen
3. Hong Kong
4. New York (United Nations Headquarters)
5. An European City (Stockholm - the Nobel Prize City?)

The Press and General Public can visit these sites.  Let the established interest come first.  They have no choice but to invest or license to protect their interests.  They will bring the top academics to justify your theory - there is absolutely no chance for the MIT, Cambridge, Tokyo Universities to say NO to the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.  Instead of flighting you, they will side with you.

And have a demo site having webcam monitoring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Improve the demo device in at least one site to show that it is generating electricity.  There will be no doubt that the device is functional.

The Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory is the ONLY theory that can explain the workings of the device.  Promote it heavily.

Attack, attack and attack.  No debunker(s), no matter how much they are paid, can stop you now.  The general public will pressure the powerful to release the technology including that of the Flying Saucer.  The USA presidential election will help you.

If the Democrats can show that President Bush knew the information but still started the war in Iraq, they would win the election easily.  If the CIA murder you now, they will just help the Democrats win and lose their own heads later.

Stay in Hong Kong or China and finish the Book.  Think of a Proper Title.  Some of the Forum Members will have fun giving innovative suggestions.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on June 23, 2008, 09:47:40 AM
Assuming for a minute it is a true fact that Tseung is delusional
(like many of us have been saying for ages), and that he himself
writes under the name Devil, and that this recent poster is indeed
a concerned relative,
then the difference between Tseungs control of the English language
while posting under the name Devil somehow mysteriously surpasses
that of both Ltseung888 and Lin_Zhi together...

Which is at least the most positive effect of delusion on an elderly person
I have ever heard of! ;D
Yeah, so what you become multiple personalities, your English improves drastically! ;) :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 23, 2008, 11:00:43 AM

I read a study done on a man that had multiple personalities.  It was amazing.  Under one personality, he had severe high blood pressure and diabetes and had to use insulin.  Under his other personality, his blood pressure was completely normal and he did not have any indication of diabetes.  This was a brilliant lesson in how much control the mind has over the physical body.

I am not claiming that Lawrence suffers from this malady, I was just offering an interesting tidbit related to your post.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on June 23, 2008, 11:21:46 AM
Pirate and Koen,

I think you guys may have fleshed out the idea of a lifetime. Since we are all after ou, and since we know that the mind controls the body if it believes something, all we gotta do is subliminally program larry to be einstein, and he will discover (finally) FE. Brilliant. It wont work on any of us cause we know the difference. But with larry, as is obvious from the above posts, he is the perfect manchurian candidate! I say we rename him Sirhan.
And as for the book, since it will outsell the bible, I think you should name it 'A Book in Every Fireplace', due to its popularity. Like a chicken in every pot thing.
And using the same winning formula as he always has, I am certain that the book will be as big a hit, if not bigger, than the posts to this forum. Oh and the cutting edge web site.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on June 23, 2008, 11:37:28 AM
I think the T-shirt idea has more commercial value ;) ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 23, 2008, 02:43:01 PM
Those who want to refresh their memory on the Wang electricity generator,

Title of the Book Suggestions

(1) A Book for Every Fireplace
(2) The discovery of Lead Out Energy
(3) ???? Any more ideas ????
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 23, 2008, 02:46:20 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 23, 2008, 02:43:01 PM
Those who want to refresh their memory on the Wang electricity generator,

Title of the Book Suggestions

(1) The Book for Every Fireplace
(2) The discovery of Lead Out Energy
(3) ???? Any more ideas ????

How about "The Looney with multiple personalities?" or "The wannabe Nobel Prize winner who don't understand 'O' Level Physics"?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Drannom on June 23, 2008, 04:30:40 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 23, 2008, 02:43:01 PM
Those who want to refresh their memory on the Wang electricity generator,

Title of the Book Suggestions

(1) A Book for Every Fireplace
(2) The discovery of Lead Out Energy
(3) ???? Any more ideas ????

it seems that this generator is really working, i beleive it's true !

there is a lot of idiots in this topic, there are those who have nothing to say except destroy, and Lawrence may be a genious

so from now on i suggest to those idiotics members to post only condtructive idea, or figth with ideas instead of sarcastic humour, history will recall you as you are, hahahha

this forum must be open to the impossible, a magnetic motor! to free the world !

congratulation Mister Tseung

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 23, 2008, 05:01:40 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 23, 2008, 02:43:01 PM

Title of the Book Suggestions

(1) A Book for Every Fireplace
(2) The discovery of Lead Out Energy
(3) ???? Any more ideas ????

How about this Lawrence?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 23, 2008, 05:03:23 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on June 23, 2008, 05:01:40 PM
How about this Lawrence?

Hans von Lieven

You're Da Man! I love it!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on June 23, 2008, 06:00:08 PM
Quotethere is a lot of idiots in this topic, there are those who have nothing to say except destroy, and Lawrence may be a genious

so from now on i suggest to those idiotics members to post only condtructive idea, or figth with ideas instead of sarcastic humour, history will recall you as you are, hahahha

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 23, 2008, 09:22:28 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on June 23, 2008, 05:01:40 PM
How about this Lawrence?

Hans von Lieven

Can you do one with a fishing pole swinging a fish to simulate a pendulum?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 23, 2008, 10:14:07 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 23, 2008, 09:22:28 PM
Can you do one with a fishing pole swinging a fish to simulate a pendulum?

G'day Lawrence,

Does that mean the pendulum physics of yours are fishy?????

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 24, 2008, 12:40:38 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on June 23, 2008, 10:14:07 PM
G'day Lawrence,

Does that mean the pendulum physics of yours are fishy?????


No.  It means that the Physics (after properly cooking the fish) can indeed fill up your stomach.  It is fun (in catching the fish) and satisfying (no more hunger).

To the unenlightened, the pendulum physics is fishy.  But to the over 1 million enlightened Hong Kong Students, the pendulum physics is Gospel.

Get enlightened.  Read the statement 666 times:
It is the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement that gives the work done (energy supplied) by gravity.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 24, 2008, 01:00:49 AM
uh oh.  666?  Does this mean there is a revelations tie in here somewhere?  Somehow I never pictured Lawrence as the pale horseman.

As far as fishing goes, possibly all those students swallowed the mathematics bait.... hook, line and sinker.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: leftcliq on June 24, 2008, 01:24:55 AM
Hello Mr Tseung,
   Can you please explain the polarity of the magnets on the stator and the rotor?  Or can someone please point me to the the message where this information is explained in this thread.  A diagram would be very helpful.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Drannom on June 24, 2008, 03:23:40 AM
Quote from: RadiantLarry on June 23, 2008, 06:00:08 PM

RadiantLarry, all your posts are only in two topics !

you seems have nothing better to do, most of your posts are here, and very few in the roll on the 20 june topic !

with a name like that (radiant) you'll better looking at the Central Sun theory, cause every radiant device is power up by the Central Sun, all matter is power up by the Central Sun

let the readers of this topic judge the significance of your poor thoughts

your are a non productive member !! just look at all your posts to be convice of that

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on June 24, 2008, 09:09:39 AM
QuoteRadiantLarry, all your posts are only in two topics !
you seems have nothing better to do, most of your posts are here, and very few in the roll on the 20 june topic !
with a name like that (radiant) you'll better looking at the Central Sun theory, cause every radiant device is power up by the Central Sun, all matter is power up by the Central Sun
let the readers of this topic judge the significance of your poor thoughts
your are a non productive member !! just look at all your posts to be convice of that

I guess from the responses nobody cares what you think? Your posts are gibberish, nonsense, and you have never contributed anything except pigpen english. Maybe you should focus on those crappy aluminum pyramids?
And besides, Larrys posts are ALL gibberish, so go f yourself buddy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 24, 2008, 07:08:25 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 23, 2008, 09:22:28 PM
Can you do one with a fishing pole swinging a fish to simulate a pendulum?

Done Lawrence,

Sorry, the pole is outside the frame  ;D

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 26, 2008, 07:24:58 PM
@ Hans:

Is that photo to "scale"? (sorry)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 27, 2008, 06:25:13 AM
Spent two days and one night with Wang Shum Ho and Sun Fook Quen in Shenzhen  (王沈河 and 孫福軍)

Many asked about the status of the Wang Electricity Generator.  Can they buy now?  Can they invest? Can they see the actual prototypes?

The answer is in http://www.dsk.cn

The product they want to sell immediately is emulsified fuel.  That is the first picture on the LHS of the home web page.  Wang has perfected a process to add seawater plus additives to diesel fuel to increase efficiency, lower pollution and decrease the total fuel cost by at least one third. 

Emulsified fuel is not new (e.g. http://www.emfuel.com/elib/elib001.pdf)

What makes the Wang process special is the efficiency.  Wang et al can add 40% seawater (plus additives) to diesel fuel.  The reasons for the higher efficiency are:

(1)   The Wang process created tinny oil-coated water droplets.
(2)   The diesel combustion process compressed such droplets or mists.  The compression caused a two-stage process.  Water was changed into gas in the first stage that further broke the diesel fuel into finer mists before the second stage combustion.  The two stages occurred within an extremely short time.
(3)   The Wang emulsified oil would not separate easy.  The guaranteed period is 30 days.  For longer periods such as on ships, the mixing process and equipment can be installed on-board.  The ships can carry diesel fuel and additives ? and get seawater from its surrounding.

The Wang Electricity Generators (1-10 KW) are not available for investment or sale right now.  The planned public promotion time is after the Beijing Olympics in August.  Details will be available via http://www.dsk.cn

I saw the demonstration of both the emulsified oil production process and the Wang Electricity Generator.  Both are not hoaxes.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on June 27, 2008, 10:24:42 AM
So you spent three days and nights with two guys, and got oil out of his wang??
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on June 27, 2008, 11:11:32 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 27, 2008, 06:25:13 AM
The Wang Electricity Generators (1-10 KW) are not available for investment or sale right now.  The planned public promotion time is after the Beijing Olympics in August.  Details will be available via http://www.dsk.cn

I saw the demonstration of both the emulsified oil production process and the Wang Electricity Generator.  Both are not hoaxes.

The song has not changed.  From day 1, the line has been - "the device will be available in a few months".   I will boldly go on record now, and this post can be referred to by number from here forward!  Here is my prediction:

After the Olympics, they will wait until the new year.  After the new year, you say it will be early that year.  A few months later, it will be "by the end of the year".  And then the process will start again.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 27, 2008, 01:40:40 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 27, 2008, 06:25:13 AM

Many asked about the status of the Wang Electricity Generator.  ....

The product they want to sell immediately is emulsified fuel. 

OK. Now we know that emulsified fuel is used to power the Wang Generator. Well done! That's what we've been waiting for all along.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 27, 2008, 03:44:41 PM
The Wang Generator sounds like something my ex-girlfriend used to use while I was away. She went
through a lot of batteries.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 27, 2008, 04:37:10 PM
Someone correct me if I am wrong,

In my experience the worst thing that can happen to a Diesel motor is water in the fuel. The motor tuns too hot and quickly fails. Engineers go to a lot of trouble to ensure there is no water mixed in. This is one of the major problems in Bio-Diesel production.

Another furfy Lawrence?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 27, 2008, 05:15:16 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on June 27, 2008, 03:44:41 PM
The Wang Generator sounds like something my ex-girlfriend used to use while I was away. She went
through a lot of batteries.


OK Bill. I think that generator you referred to actually is spelt with a 'V'?
I think Lawrence can make his new toys based on this wonderful ability to include a sticker that says..."No batteries required!"

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 27, 2008, 05:43:35 PM
Alternatively Chris it is spelled with a "k" at the end  ;) But then again, this might be an Australian term.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on July 02, 2008, 05:52:45 AM
Hans, I can assure you that though it is an anglicism, it is not purely Ozzie slang. ;)

I wonder if "wang" is the Chinese version of that same term? ;D
Or perhaps it is something else entirely, since "wanging sum hoe" does not make much sense... :D

lol "wang sum hoe" generator sounds a lot less hygenic somehow :)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on July 02, 2008, 12:43:22 PM
I would like to "wang some ho" but I can't afford her.  This translates in any language.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 02, 2008, 01:02:06 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on July 02, 2008, 12:43:22 PM
I would like to "wang some ho" but I can't afford her.  This translates in any language.


Hahaha! Good one Bill!

I'm sure Lawrence isn't exactly excited to see this thread disintegrate into discussions of wang and hos.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on July 03, 2008, 04:13:33 AM
G'day all,

I am getting a little worried about old Lawrence, He has never been that long away from this thread. I hope he is alright.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 03, 2008, 12:12:41 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on July 03, 2008, 04:13:33 AM
G'day all,

I am getting a little worried about old Lawrence, He has never been that long away from this thread. I hope he is alright.

Hans von Lieven

It was good of you to be concerned about old Tseung's absence. I think he's off to some imaginary conference or just forgotten to take his medication; as such forgot which entity needs to come back to prop up the thread(?). Or could be in Hainan island on some massage parlor girl rescue mission?

Anyway, I wish him well too. Are you listening Lawrence?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on July 03, 2008, 12:14:02 PM
Yes, come back, Lawrence, we miss you.  I, for one, want to hear more about Pretty Girl A.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on July 03, 2008, 12:23:09 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on July 03, 2008, 12:14:02 PM
Yes, come back, Lawrence, we miss you.  I, for one, want to hear more about Pretty Girl A.
Yes, that was a very interesting topic indeed. ;D

I can't help but envision poor Larry dragged off to a cushioned room...
But perhaps he is just securing his T-shirt deals? ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on July 03, 2008, 12:46:50 PM
I too share Hans's concern for Lawrence.  I hope he is well.  While most of us disagree with his theory, I know that no one here wishes him any harm or bad health in any way.  I hope he is with a pretty girl getting his batteries recharged.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 09, 2008, 05:06:23 AM
Rick Warren  (REMEMBER HE WROTE 'PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE'). You will enjoy the new insights that Rick Warren has, with his wife now having cancer and him having 'wealth' from the book sales. This is an absolutely incredible short interview with Rick Warren, 'Purpose Driven Life ' author and pastor of Saddleback Church in California

In the interview by Paul Bradshaw with Rick Warren, Rick said:

People ask me, What is the purpose of life? And I respond: In a nutshell, life is preparation for eternity. We were made to last forever, and God wants us to be with Him in Heaven.

One day my heart is going to stop, and that will be the end of my body-- but not the end of me.

I may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but I am going to spend trillions of years in eternity. This is the warm-up act - the dress rehearsal. God wants us to practice on earth what we will do forever in eternity.

We were made by God and for God, and until you figure that out, life isn't going to make sense.

Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now, you're just coming out of one, or you're getting ready to go into another one.

The reason for this is that God is more interested in your character than your comfort.

God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy.

We can be reasonably happy here on earth, but that's not the goal of life. The goal is to grow in character, in Christ likeness.

This past year has been the greatest year of my life but also the toughest, with my wife, Kay, getting cancer.

I used to think that life was hills and valleys - you go through a dark time, then you go to the mountaintop, back and forth. I don't believe that anymore.

Rather than life being hills and valleys, I believe that it's kind of like two rails on a railroad track, and at all times you have something good and something bad in your life.

No matter how good things are in your life, there is always something bad that needs to be worked on.

And no matter how bad things are in your life, there is always something good you can thank God for.

You can focus on your purposes, or you can focus on your problems.

If you focus on your problems, you're going into self-centeredness,'which is my problem, my issues, my pain.' But one of the easiest ways to get rid of pain is to get your focus off yourself and onto God and others.

We discovered quickly that in spite of the prayers of hundreds of thousands of people, God was not going to heal Kay or make it easy for her.

It has been very difficult for her, and yet God has strengthened her character, given her a ministry of helping other people, given her a testimony, drawn her closer to Him and to people.

You have to learn to deal with both the good and the bad of life.

Actually, sometimes learning to deal with the good is harder. For instance, this past year, all of a sudden, when the book sold 15 million copies, it made me instantly very wealthy.

It also brought a lot of notoriety that I had never had to deal with before. I don't think God gives you money or notoriety for your own ego or for you to live a life of ease.

So I began to ask God what He wanted me to do with this money, notoriety and influence. He gave me two different passages that helped me decide what to do, II Corinthians 9 and Psalm 72

First, in spite of all the money coming in, we would not change our lifestyle one bit. We made no major purchases.

Second, about midway through last year, I stopped taking a salary from the church.

Third, we set up foundations to fund an initiative we call The Peace Plan to plant churches, equip leaders, assist the poor, care for the sick, and educate the next generation.

Fourth, I added up all that the church had paid me in the 24 years since I started the church, and I gave it all back. It was liberating to be able to serve God for free.

We need to ask ourselves: Am I going to live for possessions? Popularity?

Am I going to be driven by pressures? Guilt? Bitterness? Materialism? Or am I going to be driven by God's purposes (for my life)?

When I get up in the morning, I sit on the side of my bed and say, God, if I don't get anything else done today, I want to know You more and love You better. God didn't put me on earth just to fulfill a to-do list. He's more interested in what I am than what I do.
That's why we're called human beings, not human doings.

Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 09, 2008, 05:39:17 AM
How many units of the 5KW electricity generator can be sold to the World?  If
(1)   It uses electron motion energy - no fossil fuel.
(2)   Its expected life is 20 years ? 3 year warranty.
(3)   The price is US$5,000 or less initially.  May drop to less than US$1,000 eventually when
(4)   Multiple Countries have licenses to produce or sell it.
(5)   The size is less than 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.3 cubic meters and weighs less than 50 kg.
(6)   All existing electrical appliances can be used without modification.
(7)   It passes vigorous International safety tests.

Every Nation in this world will receive one 5 KW electricity generator and one copy of the book as a gift.  Each Nation can decide when and how it shows the device to its citizens.

How many buyers of this 5KW electricity generator will also buy a US$25 book that explains the details of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory and more?

Guess who is the chief designer of the 5KW electricity generator?  Guess who is the author of the US$25 book?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on July 09, 2008, 08:11:47 AM
A better question:
How long do we have to hear you repeat there's a free energy magnetic generator available,
without ever actually seeing it? How many more years must we hear the repetition of your
mantras while you continue to be unable to show us a workign version?
How much more time are you going to waste doing free advertising for a scam?

Listen to your son in law and take your medicine.
Dried frog pills should do fine. ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on July 09, 2008, 11:51:22 AM

I enjoyed your post about Rick Warren.  Thanks for sharing it.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 09, 2008, 04:41:39 PM
Tseung, I like your new strategy of attack, attack and attack.

It looks like that you are focusing your energy in writing your book.  The debunkers are actually helping you in making this thread unreadable.  Even though most of the information in the book have been presented in the many discussion forums and free to the public, many people will buy the book.

You now have the advantage of the Wang device spinning and shown in http://www.dsk.cn.  They are more of the business type and will accept visitors.  Your Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory can apply to many over unity devices.  Even if another over unity devices steals the limelight, your book will still sell.

You are actually putting pressure on the Governments of China, Japan, USA etc to reveal their top-secret research on the new energy machines and the Flying Saucers.  The presentation slides in http://www.energyfromair.com/IOE_talk/ are the best so far.  Even the average secondary school student can follow.

I am sure that you will meet your target of reaching to 1 million Hong Kong Students especially if you have a working device in your hands in the coming weeks.

Continue to ignore the insults and jeers from the debunkers.  Focus on writing a good book.  Its sales will be second only to the Bible.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 10, 2008, 06:33:28 PM
A glance from the coming book by Tseung.

The term over unity devices is used on devices that have output energy more than input energy.  If we input 100 units of energy to a normal machine, it will use some of the energy to overcome friction and the useful output energy must be less than 100 units.  This is accepted by the scientific community for centuries and is known as the Law of Conservation of Energy.

In the case of over unity devices, if we input 100 units of energy, we can get more than 100 units back.  This is believed to be absolutely impossible and violates the Law of Conservation of Energy.

However, in the case of lead out energy devices, if we input 100 units of energy, we lead out another 50 units of gravitational energy as an example.  The total energy going into the device is 150 units.  Thus even if we use 20 units to overcome friction, the device can still output 130 (150 ?20) units of energy.    If 100 of the 130 units of output energy were fed back to the input, another 50 units can be led out again.  The process repeats and we essentially have a working perpetual motion machine.  This concept does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

Lee-Tseung used the simple pendulum pulled by a horizontal force to mathematically prove the correctness of the above.  This theoretical breakthrough totally changed the scientific attitude towards the over unity devices.  Many of these over unity devices are lead out devices.  Thus Lee and Tseung do not need to invent their own prototypes.  They can pick and choose many existing prototypes.  The following describes some of their choices.....

With such simple but powerful explanations, the sale of the Book will be second only to the Bible.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 12, 2008, 06:08:00 PM
The last section of the coming Book

8.8  Speculations based on dreams and innovative thoughts

Some speculative ideas include the flying saucer city.  In the flying saucer city, every home is effectively a flying saucer.  The flying saucer has its own energy supply and has an optional recycling system.  Food can be produced within the flying saucer from its energy source.  The wastes can be recycled.  Which country is likely to pump resources in this research?  Earthquakes will not be a problem if the houses can fly away.

Some Governments will take the lead in the innovative development field.  They will realize that the normal companies must make profit to survive.  A Government can increase its money supply in step with its economic growth.  In certain cases such as education and health, a government ignores the profit motive.  In certain cases of infrastructure development, a government must pay for it first and get the money back later in the stock market.  In the coming Wisdom Society, a government must take the risk in building the various models.  It can and should make money on such models.  Modern wealth is the quality and quantity of meaningful economic activities.  A Government must participate in the defining of what are meaningful economic activities.  Can Hong Kong take such a leading role?  Who are the more likely Cities or Countries to take this leading role?

Desalination of water can be achieved together with Global Cooling using Energy from still air.  Air is an energy carrier.  We can use its energy and thus lower the temperature.  Using energy from still air is just an indirect way of using gravitational energy.  There will be a new understanding of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  The desalinated water can be used to irrigate the deserts.  Food production can be greatly increased.  Will some of the countries in the Sahara Desert take the lead?  Will China take the lead and solve its dust problems in Beijing?

The many-to-many communication technique can be enhanced.  The World will become more peaceful with multiple groups communicating better with each other.  The Internet will be enhanced with many language-translating tools. English is likely to be the standard first or second language in all Nations.  Student exchanges will be much more common.  Prestigious universities will allow their students to do part of their education in other prestigious universities aboard.  That trend will become the main stream.  Innovative Training Summer Camps will become a favorite.  Will Hong Kong become the Mecca of Innovation?

We never need to worry about adding fuel to our cars.  Our cars will be powered by lead-out-energy engines.  Many electrical appliances will have their own built-in power source.  We never need to re-charge our mobile phones.  There will be important changes to our industries with many new jobs and new opportunities.  Will the Hong Kong Government take the lead?  Will China take the lead as it is the default-manufacturing center of the World?

Poverty and ignorance will disappear from the surface of the earth.  Nations will learn quickly via Mutual Credits and Models.  Human beings will learn to appreciate each other.  War will be history.  Who will develop the Model Farms, the Model Villages, the Model Factories, the Model Shopping Centers and the Model Cities?  It will take the planning right hand to work closely with the market-driven left hand.  Will China use its experience and new founded confidence to stimulate its Citizens? China is highly regarded in the developing countries and has few enemies.  Can it take the lead to eliminate poverty and ignorance and become the number one Nation in the World?

The new understand of pressure will stimulate scientists to re-examine all established scientific concepts.  The two major areas that might change are fluid mechanics and thermodynamics.  Major conceptual, theoretical changes are foreseen.  The electrical and mechanical engineering departments in Universities must modify and update their material.  All physics textbooks including those at secondary school level must be re-written.  One group of scientists from one country will turn everything from third class to second or first class.  Another group in another country will take the now third class things and turn them into second or first class.  The World will keep improving in every field.

Comments from the Editor(Ms. Forever Yuen):
Wow. I can see that I shall be busy for a long time.  My Company will not be out of work or out of ideas in my lifetime.  The World will benefit from this Book.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 14, 2008, 06:11:21 PM
Let me quickly compare the three Countries on the development of the New Energy Machines: USA, Japan and China.

My personal gut feel is that the USA 225HP Pulse Motor funded by the Jupiter Fund Group (http://www.jfg.us.com) is the most advanced machine in USA.  There is Government or semi-government support.  See the following three websites:

The Japanese Company 日本通ç"¨é›»åŠ›æ ªå¼æœƒç¤¾ is already one of the largest electricity generator manufacturers in the world.  Lee Cheung Kin went to visit them twice and said that they indeed had the flux change only new energy machines ready for production.  That Company is a listed Company in the Japanese Stock Exchange.

Many top Chinese energy-related Companies funded the Wang Shum Ho (the correct Official Putonghua spelling should be Wang Shen He) Electricity Generator (http://www.dsk.cn) and many other new energy machines.  One of the known companies is China Power New Energy listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (00735).  The parent Company is China Power International Development Limited also listed in the Hong Kong Stock exchange (02380).  Their websites are:
http://www.735.com.hk and

All three are backed up by their respective governments.  They all have vast technical resources and deep pockets.  They all have working prototypes.  They all know the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory and the Flying Saucer theory thoroughly ? personally taught by Lee or Tseung.  Who will be the first to announce and publicly demonstrate their products?

Their product announcements will dwarf almost any other product announcements in history.  Their impact will be very different from that of the Energy By Motion (EBM) from Gamma Manager in Hungary (http://www.gamamanager.com).  They are likely to quote the Lee-Tseung theory and place their products in the lead-out-energy machine classification and not the over unity device classification.

Are there any other Companies or Nations ready to give the World a surprise?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 14, 2008, 06:17:27 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 14, 2008, 06:11:21 PM

All three are backed up by their respective governments.  They all have vast technical resources and deep pockets.  They all have working prototypes.  They all know the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory and the Flying Saucer theory thoroughly ? personally taught by Lee or Tseung.  Who will be the first to announce and publicly demonstrate their products?

Their product announcements will dwarf almost any other product announcements in history.  Their impact will be very different from that of the Energy By Motion (EBM) from Gamma Manager in Hungary (http://www.gamamanager.com).  They are likely to quote the Lee-Tseung theory and place their products in the lead-out-energy machine classification and not the over unity device classification.

Are there any other Companies or Nations ready to give the World a surprise?

Must be the only powerful companies with deep pockets that rely on some clown with little 'O' level physics to make their earth shattering corporate announcements on a do-it-yourself public web site!

Don't you find that strange? Perhaps it's a joke Old Tseung? Did you take your medication today?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on July 15, 2008, 05:10:28 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 09, 2008, 05:06:23 AM
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.

I wonder how you have time for anything else Lawrence.

Hans von Lieven

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 16, 2008, 09:12:40 PM
One of the summary slides.

The top figure is obviously possible.

The middle figure is the classic objection to Over Unity devices.  From the Law of Conservation of Energy, such a machine is not possible.

The lower figure is the Lee-Tseung Lead-out Energy device.  It obeys the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Thus such machines are possible.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on July 16, 2008, 10:51:55 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 16, 2008, 09:12:40 PM
The lower figure is the Lee-Tseung Lead-out Energy device.  It obeys the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Thus such machines are possible.

Figure three does indeed violate the law of conservation of energy.  The gravitational energy you add to the equation is coming from an infinite pool of gravity.  The earth never loses gravity, given a constant mass.  So your idea that somehow infinite energy can be drawn from the Earth's gravity does in fact violate the basic principles of physics, which state that energy cannot be created from nothing.

This is different from energy from the Sun (like in your sunshine scenario).  While the Sun's energy is quite vast, it is not infinite, and given a few billion years, there will be no more.

Sorry, but you cannot both promote your theory and promote the principle of CoE.  Pick one.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 17, 2008, 12:00:52 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on July 16, 2008, 10:51:55 PM

Sorry, but you cannot both promote your theory and promote the principle of CoE.  Pick one.

Why do you think we have this circular argument for some 70 odd pages?
Old Tseung has flying saucers circulating in his head. He just can't get rid of them and that's why he continues to believe in his crap.

Sad but true.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 17, 2008, 12:16:41 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on July 16, 2008, 10:51:55 PM
Figure three does indeed violate the law of conservation of energy.  The gravitational energy you add to the equation is coming from an infinite pool of gravity.  The earth never loses gravity, given a constant mass.  So your idea that somehow infinite energy can be drawn from the Earth's gravity does in fact violate the basic principles of physics, which state that energy cannot be created from nothing.

This is different from energy from the Sun (like in your sunshine scenario).  While the Sun's energy is quite vast, it is not infinite, and given a few billion years, there will be no more.

Sorry, but you cannot both promote your theory and promote the principle of CoE.  Pick one.

Dear utilitarian,

You are assuming that the gravitational energy of the earth is contant.  If one takes some energy from it, it would decrease.  In reality, it is fluctuating or varying.  Some events will return gravitational energy back to earth.  The motion of the Sun, other planets and distance stars keep adding or subtracting the gravitational energy of any point in this universe.

The most obvious example is the tide.  The tide is caused by the variying gravitational pull of the moon on the waters of the earth.

Would you agree that one can use energy from the tide?

Understand the true meaning of the Laws of Physics. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on July 17, 2008, 12:42:33 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 17, 2008, 12:16:41 AM
The most obvious example is the tide.  The tide is caused by the variying gravitational pull of the moon on the waters of the earth.

Would you agree that one can use energy from the tide?

Understand the true meaning of the Laws of Physics. 

Tides do draw energy from the relative motions of the Earth and Moon, and to a lesser degree, the Sun.  However, this energy is not free, and tidal action has slowed the Earth's rotation over the last 620 million years from 21.9 hours to 24 hours.

This is not the case with your example of somehow drawing gravitational energy.  By releasing a pendulum, the Earth's gravitational pull is not changed by even the tiniest iota, therefore, if gravitational energy is indeed being added to the system, it is being created from nothing, and you are in violation of the principles of CoE.

And regarding your claim that Earth's gravitational pull changes - no - the Earth's gravitational pull is constant, aside from the tiniest annual increase due to additional mass (space dust, etc.) being added.  If the Earth's gravitational pull did fluctuate, we would notice a difference in weight of ourselves and objects around us depending on position of Moon, Sun and other objects.  However, this never happens.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 17, 2008, 02:06:06 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on July 17, 2008, 12:42:33 AM
Tides do draw energy from the relative motions of the Earth and Moon, and to a lesser degree, the Sun.  However, this energy is not free, and tidal action has slowed the Earth's rotation over the last 620 million years from 21.9 hours to 24 hours.

This is not the case with your example of somehow drawing gravitational energy.  By releasing a pendulum, the Earth's gravitational pull is not changed by even the tiniest iota, therefore, if gravitational energy is indeed being added to the system, it is being created from nothing, and you are in violation of the principles of CoE.

And regarding your claim that Earth's gravitational pull changes - no - the Earth's gravitational pull is constant, aside from the tiniest annual increase due to additional mass (space dust, etc.) being added.  If the Earth's gravitational pull did fluctuate, we would notice a difference in weight of ourselves and objects around us depending on position of Moon, Sun and other objects.  However, this never happens.

Dear utilitarian,

Let us focus on the gravitational pull again.  You and I are actualling pulling each other right now.  We both have mass.  There is a finite distance between the two of us.  When you or I move, there will be changes in our distance.  Work is done or there is energy exchange.

Note that I used the words - any point in the universe.  The gravitational pull on any point in the universe will change according to the motion of the various heavenly bodies. 

In the case of extracting energy from electron motion, our focus will turn from heavenly bodies to the trillions of electrons surrounding us.

The lead-out-energy theory cannot be wrong.  Please look at http;//www.dsk.cn on the rotating Wang device carefully.  Check out the Bedini motor again.  They already use such lead-out-energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 17, 2008, 03:57:21 AM
Tseung, focus back on your book.

As you stated, your book will come out at the same time as one of the working lead-out-energy devices.

When there are multiple working lead-out-energy devices being demonstrated worldwide, there will no more stupid arguments.

You already stated and repeated the obvious:

When a sideward pull is applied to a simple pendulum, the lead out gravitational energy is equal to:

The vertical component of the tension of the string times the vertical component of the displacement.

So long as there is tension on the string, gravitational energy will be lead out.

Focus on writing a good book - with sales second only to the Bible.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: RadiantLarry on July 17, 2008, 10:05:01 AM
QuoteAs you stated, your book will come out at the same time as one of the working lead-out-energy devices.

Which, in real life, will be never. Funny how he said they were working 20 years ago, now we have to wait for them?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 17, 2008, 04:41:39 PM
See the Joseph Newman video in:


Humans are stupid.  They ask for working devices.  When they see them, they ignore them.  Newman could not explain the source of energy. 

The coming announcement from China will have both theory and working prototypes.  The theory is just:

When a sideward pull is applied to a simple pendulum, the lead out gravitational energy is equal to:

The vertical component of the tension of the string times the vertical component of the displacement.

So long as there is tension on the string, gravitational energy will be lead out.

The working prototype is just a device generating electricity without burning any fossile fuel.

How would the stupid humans react?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on July 17, 2008, 06:32:36 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 17, 2008, 02:06:06 AM
Dear utilitarian,

Let us focus on the gravitational pull again.  You and I are actualling pulling each other right now.  We both have mass.  There is a finite distance between the two of us.  When you or I move, there will be changes in our distance.  Work is done or there is energy exchange.

Note that I used the words - any point in the universe.  The gravitational pull on any point in the universe will change according to the motion of the various heavenly bodies. 

In the case of extracting energy from electron motion, our focus will turn from heavenly bodies to the trillions of electrons surrounding us.

The lead-out-energy theory cannot be wrong.  Please look at http;//www.dsk.cn on the rotating Wang device carefully.  Check out the Bedini motor again.  They already use such lead-out-energy.

None of what you said is relevant at all.  Sure, the closer one object is to another object, the greater mutual pull they experience, but so what?  Their own gravitational pull is not changing.

You are dodging the issue.  The issue is - does swinging a pendulum on Earth deplete the gravitational energy pool of the Earth?  To put it another way, what if there were trillions and trillions of pendulums set up on the Earth's surface, constantly being swung, would the Earth eventually run out of gravitational energy?  Forget the other planets, the Moon, and Sun.  Focus on the Earth, since that is what is causing the pendulums to swing.  If your answer is no, the Earth will never run out of gravitational energy, then your theory violates the principle of CoE.  If your answer is yes, well that is pretty silly.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 17, 2008, 08:26:39 PM
utilitarian, let me answer this one.

You asked: "The issue is - does swinging a pendulum on Earth deplete the gravitational energy pool of the Earth?"

You made an assumption - there is a gravitational energy pool of the Earth.

The clever answer is - there is NO gravitational energy pool of the Earth.  Gravitational energy comes from the attraction of masses upon each other.  The largest mass on Earth is Earth itself.  So long as there is no change in the mass of the Earth, the attraction force will be approximately the same.  However, the presence and movement of other heavenly bodies such as the moon will affect the net attractive force by the Earth on an object on its surface.  (Our weight actually varies with the position of the moon!)

When we focus on the much bigger universe scale, there is the big bang theory - heavily bodies will move further away from each other.  The gravitational force they exert on each other will decrease with time.

There is the black hole theory - mass and energy will be sucked in.  The physics of the black hole is different from the Newtonian effect we observe on Earth.

Stupid Humans.  Focus on Force, Displacement and Work.  Energy is interchangeable.  Energy is a dynamic quantity.  There is no such thing as a pool of energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on July 17, 2008, 09:28:22 PM
Quote from: Devil on July 17, 2008, 08:26:39 PM
utilitarian, let me answer this one.

You asked: "The issue is - does swinging a pendulum on Earth deplete the gravitational energy pool of the Earth?"

You made an assumption - there is a gravitational energy pool of the Earth.

The clever answer is - there is NO gravitational energy pool of the Earth.  Gravitational energy comes from the attraction of masses upon each other.  The largest mass on Earth is Earth itself.  So long as there is no change in the mass of the Earth, the attraction force will be approximately the same.  However, the presence and movement of other heavenly bodies such as the moon will affect the net attractive force by the Earth on an object on its surface.  (Our weight actually varies with the position of the moon!)

When we focus on the much bigger universe scale, there is the big bang theory - heavily bodies will move further away from each other.  The gravitational force they exert on each other will decrease with time.

There is the black hole theory - mass and energy will be sucked in.  The physics of the black hole is different from the Newtonian effect we observe on Earth.

Stupid Humans.  Focus on Force, Displacement and Work.  Energy is interchangeable.  Energy is a dynamic quantity.  There is no such thing as a pool of energy.

You are still dodging the question.  And you are also tragically wrong.  An object exerts gravity, even when there is not another object around.  It exerts gravity on itself, because something like the earth is not one solid thing - but a mass of molecules.  This mass of molecules keeps the outer molecules from flying off into space.

But even under your slanted view, the earth and the pendulum bob are exerting gravitational forces on each other.  The pendulum bob is given swings by a person, and gravitational energy is being injected per your theory.  Does the gravitational force between the earth and the pendulum bob (due to the repeated swinging) weaken over time or not?  If not, then you have violated the principle of CoE.

Please clear this up, because it seems your theory hinges upon a clear answer, which you have not provided.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 18, 2008, 03:07:55 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on July 17, 2008, 09:28:22 PM
The pendulum bob is given swings by a person, and gravitational energy is being injected per your theory.  Does the gravitational force between the earth and the pendulum bob (due to the repeated swinging) weaken over time or not?  If not, then you have violated the principle of CoE.

Please clear this up, because it seems your theory hinges upon a clear answer, which you have not provided.

The clear answer is:
When a sideward pull is applied to a simple pendulum, the lead out gravitational energy is equal to:

The vertical component of the tension of the string times the vertical component of the displacement.

So long as there is tension on the string, gravitational energy will be lead out.

The pendulum bob is given swings by a person, and gravitational energy is being injected (Lead Out) per your theory. 

***Note that the swings or Lee-Tseung Pulls must be applied at the right time to keep leading out gravitational energy - detected as larger angle of swing.

Does the gravitational force between the earth and the pendulum bob (due to the repeated swinging) weaken over time or not?  If not, then you have violated the principle of CoE. 

***During the swing when there is no Lee-Tseung Pull, there will be loss or change of energy due to friction and air resistance.  (Or electrical energy extracted via wire cutting magnetic field.)  The magnitude of the swinging will become less.  However, the repeated Lee-Tseung Pulls will
(1) Inject energy and
(2) Lead out gravitational energy
to increase the swing again.

There is absolutely no violation of CoE.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on July 18, 2008, 08:54:58 AM
Quote from: Devil on July 18, 2008, 03:07:55 AM

***During the swing when there is no Lee-Tseung Pull, there will be loss or change of energy due to friction and air resistance.  (Or electrical energy extracted via wire cutting magnetic field.)  The magnitude of the swinging will become less.  However, the repeated Lee-Tseung Pulls will
(1) Inject energy and
(2) Lead out gravitational energy
to increase the swing again.

There is absolutely no violation of CoE.

You did not answer the question.  As a result of the Lead Out gravitational energy entering the pendulum system, the ball is moving faster, there is more friction, heat etc  In fact, based on your theory, given the proper setup, this energy can be harnessed to do other useful work, as per some kind of gravity motor.

Say there are gravity motors all over the world creating free electrical energy, which is used to light up city streets and is ultimately escaping to outer space as light.  Over time, will this weaken the gravitational forces between the Earth and the various moving parts of the motors?  This is a very simple question.  Yes or no?

If the answer is no, then you have violated CoE, since you are creating energy out of nothing.

If yes, well, that is quite a thing to claim.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 18, 2008, 04:14:01 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on July 18, 2008, 08:54:58 AM

Say there are gravity motors all over the world creating free electrical energy, which is used to light up city streets and is ultimately escaping to outer space as light.  
Over time, will this weaken the gravitational forces between the Earth and the various moving parts of the motors?  This is a very simple question.  Yes or no?

Stupid humans, why do you have to add absolutely unsound assumptions such as "ultimately escaping to outer space as light".

The creation of electricity from the gravitational lead-out-energy machines can be used within Earth as manufactured products, houses, cars, flying saucers etc.  They do not need to "ultimately escaping to outer space as light."

CoE only applies to a closed system in the first place.  A closed system is one where we can identify the exact total energy input and output.  There will be no other energy coming and leaving the closed system during the consideration.

In reality, gravitational (and electronic motion or magnetic) energy comes and leaves any system in the universe.   An absolutely closed system does not exist in this universe.  The CoE is a convenient way for scientists and engineers to design the traditional fossile fuel machines.

With lead-out-energy machines, CoE must be looked at in the new light.

How stupid humans are?  They treat CoE as an infallable Bible.  They take it not as a Law to follow but as Faith not to be questioned.

Wake up.  Stupid Humans.  Physical Laws have their limitations.  Beyond the limitations, they break down.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on July 18, 2008, 08:45:00 PM
Quote from: Devil on July 18, 2008, 04:14:01 PM
Stupid humans, why do you have to add absolutely unsound assumptions such as "ultimately escaping to outer space as light".

The creation of electricity from the gravitational lead-out-energy machines can be used within Earth as manufactured products, houses, cars, flying saucers etc.  They do not need to "ultimately escaping to outer space as light."

CoE only applies to a closed system in the first place.  A closed system is one where we can identify the exact total energy input and output.  There will be no other energy coming and leaving the closed system during the consideration.

In reality, gravitational (and electronic motion or magnetic) energy comes and leaves any system in the universe.   An absolutely closed system does not exist in this universe.  The CoE is a convenient way for scientists and engineers to design the traditional fossile fuel machines.

With lead-out-energy machines, CoE must be looked at in the new light.

How stupid humans are?  They treat CoE as an infallable Bible.  They take it not as a Law to follow but as Faith not to be questioned.

Wake up.  Stupid Humans.  Physical Laws have their limitations.  Beyond the limitations, they break down.

Don't latch on to minor points to dodge the question.  In the case of streetlamps and other outdoor lights, yes, indeed some of the light escapes to outer space.  Sure, other light could be recaptured somehow, and certainly gravity motors could be used for more than streetlamps.

But please give us a straight answer.  Suppose that there were millions of gravity motors set up, powering floodlights pointed at the sky, allowing light to escape earth and into outer space.  Would the gravitational force between the earth and the moving parts of the gravity motors eventually be reduced to nothing?  If not, then you have violated CoE.  What do you say to such a simple question?  Surely you can answer it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 18, 2008, 09:20:34 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on July 18, 2008, 08:45:00 PM

But please give us a straight answer.  Suppose that there were millions of gravity motors set up, powering floodlights pointed at the sky, allowing light to escape earth and into outer space.  Would the gravitational force between the earth and the moving parts of the gravity motors eventually be reduced to nothing?  If not, then you have violated CoE.  What do you say to such a simple question?  Surely you can answer it.

Stupid humans, have you heard of E=M*C*C.  The actual energy in terms of mass that can be sent to outer space by your floodlights is minimal.  A couple of flying saucers leaving earth will carry much more mass than that.

Your stupid question is like - if we keep sending flying saucers to outer space, will the mass of the Earth eventually become zero?

Obviously, if there were flying saucers returning to Earth or if we have alient visitors, the equation may balance out.

Now you remember that mass and energy can be converted to each other.  If you can somehow reduce the mass of the Earth to zero, you will deplete all gravitational energy.  So long as the mass of the Earth remains more or less the same, there will be no running out of gravitational energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on July 18, 2008, 10:13:45 PM
Quote from: Devil on July 18, 2008, 09:20:34 PM
Stupid humans, have you heard of E=M*C*C.  The actual energy in terms of mass that can be sent to outer space by your floodlights is minimal.  A couple of flying saucers leaving earth will carry much more mass than that.

Your stupid question is like - if we keep sending flying saucers to outer space, will the mass of the Earth eventually become zero?

Obviously, if there were flying saucers returning to Earth or if we have alient visitors, the equation may balance out.

Now you remember that mass and energy can be converted to each other.  If you can somehow reduce the mass of the Earth to zero, you will deplete all gravitational energy.  So long as the mass of the Earth remains more or less the same, there will be no running out of gravitational energy.

So are you saying that each individual gravity motor, when running, depletes the Earth's mass a little bit?  If so, how exactly is this happening?  Yes, we know that mass can turn to energy, but how does a swinging pendulum, with Lee-Tseung pulls, convert some of the earth to energy?  The bob is not even in contact with the ground.  I do not see any fission or other chemical changes going on with the swinging pendulum.

Please explain this facet of your theory to us mere mortals, because I do not follow.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 19, 2008, 04:28:49 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on July 18, 2008, 10:13:45 PM
So are you saying that each individual gravity motor, when running, depletes the Earth's mass a little bit?  If so, how exactly is this happening?  Yes, we know that mass can turn to energy, but how does a swinging pendulum, with Lee-Tseung pulls, convert some of the earth to energy?  The bob is not even in contact with the ground.  I do not see any fission or other chemical changes going on with the swinging pendulum.

Please explain this facet of your theory to us mere mortals, because I do not follow.

Stupid Mortals, I did not say that the pulled pendulum would convert mass into energy.

The pulled pendulum will increase tension of the string.  The vertical component of the tension time the vertical displacement equals work done in the vertical direction by the string.

The string itself does not have energy.  The energy comes from gravity. 

Recite the above 666 times before you post again.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on July 19, 2008, 09:09:02 AM
Quote from: Devil on July 19, 2008, 04:28:49 AM
Stupid Mortals, I did not say that the pulled pendulum would convert mass into energy.

The pulled pendulum will increase tension of the string.  The vertical component of the tension time the vertical displacement equals work done in the vertical direction by the string.

The string itself does not have energy.  The energy comes from gravity. 

Recite the above 666 times before you post again.

Then let's follow that logic.

1.  The energy in the string comes from gravity.
2.  The energy coming from gravity does not reduce the the mass of the earth.
3.  Because mass of earth is not reduced, gravitational energy will never be reduced.
4.  Because gravitational energy will never be reduced, we have an infinite pool of gravitational energy.
5.  Violation of CoE.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 19, 2008, 03:51:37 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on July 19, 2008, 09:09:02 AM
Then let's follow that logic.

1.  The energy in the string comes from gravity.
2.  The energy coming from gravity does not reduce the the mass of the earth.
3.  Because mass of earth is not reduced, gravitational energy will never be reduced. ***Extremely stupid - the correct statement should be - Because mass of earth is not reduced, the ability to generate gravitational energy will not be reduced.  Gravitational energy is not a static pool.  Gravitational energy is a result of the work done by the moving masses.  Even if we focus on earth only, the gravitational pull from the sun, the moon, the planets and from ourselves effectively have gravitational energy exchanges all the time.

The gravitational energies are always interchanged to other forms such as motion of the waves (tide) etc.

Thus we need to consider energy in the context of "mass-energy".  They are interchangeable. 

4.  Because gravitational energy will never be reduced, we have an infinite pool of gravitational energy. ***Stupid.  The effect of gravitational energy shown as changes of potential or kinetic energy of certain objects are constantly changing.  The stupid statement of "gravitational energy will never be reduced" is totally against the understanding of O-levle physics.
5.  Violation of CoE.

Stupid Humans,

Why do you use stupid logic to confuse yourself?

There is no such thing as a pool of gravitational energy.

There are masses that attract each other - giving rise to gravitational energy.
These masses are in constant motion - energy is being exchanged all the time.

The lead-out-energy devices use the "mass in motion" technique in special ways to use gravitational energy.

The general statement in the patent can be summarized as:
We can use pulsed (Lee-Tseung pulled) oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux changes to lead out gravitational or electron motion (e.g. magnetic) energy.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spinner on July 19, 2008, 04:41:19 PM
Hi! Just popped in to say hello to Lawrence!  I see you're all having a good time! Keep on!

Ah, almost forgot - Angelina is sending you a friendly hug...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 19, 2008, 09:25:23 PM
Hello Mr Tseung

I would like to introduce myself

I am from New Zealand I am 31 and live on the West Coast I am no one special just an ordinary bloke.

I have been following the free energy scene for about 7 years now and have duplicated a number of devices. I started with a Tesla coil which is what interested me in the free energy scene. I have tried the Tesla switch some of john bedini?s devices I have made the EV gray tube and lastly I made the pulsed carbon Juan device that is discussed on www.overunity.com .

I had some interesting experiences with the EV gray tube with electronic interference etc but apart from that all the devices I have worked on just sat and hummed which is starting to annoy me.

I don?t suggest that the people who have invented the devices were wrong but maybe I don?t have all the required information or did something wrong.

Anyway that brings me to the present. I am looking for a project that will really make the lightning strike. I do not have a death wish at all but I do want to see some action.

I always take every precaution when working and especially with high voltage follow the one hand rule rigidly.

Anyway I downloaded the .pdf
Chas Campbell Devices
Gravity Wheel and Electricity Magnifier
A Mechanical Cosmic Energy Machine

As Explained by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory

By: Lawrence Tseung

Version 1.2 on September 12, 2007

about the chas energy magnifier

And after reading it through once I am going back to read it again and better grasp the principles explained therein.

I notice the last update on peswiki is in may 2007. I am just wondering what is the current state of research.

After having a look at the Chas Campbell device and your comments on it I got an idea and made up a little proof of concept but I am not sure after looking at the results if I am seeing anything or not.

I basically got a reasonably big computer fan and cast a rubber ring in the fins so it is a solid rubber ring instead of a fan and used that as my flywheel. I hooked it up to a smoothed 12.5 volt supply and tested it at different pulse settings and in the horizontal and vertical axis positions.

The way I read the Chas and Tseung information I should see a speed increase in the axis horizontal position over the axis vertical positions. There are two axis vertical positions to allow for the bearing difference in the fan one is with the flywheel above the motor the (up) and the other is with the flywheel hanging on the motor (down).

I think the way the blades are angled that the motor was designed to handle the down position better which is reflected in the results. I would like to work out what energy I should bee seeing according to the formula 2mgr that is given in the free energy devices in the Chas Campbell discussion. If I have a 50% duty cycle then the pulse time should be one half the revolution time. Is the result in joules mass in grams and radius in mm? Anyway if you could take a look at the Mini Chas results sheet attached and let me know what you think I would be grateful.

Keep up the good work.

Thankyou for your time and effort in the free energy area.

I shall let others comment on this first.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 21, 2008, 12:49:17 AM
Mr. Tseung has asked me to review his book for him.  We discussed the tasks involved and decided that we can open certain sections for general comments from forum members.

Here is sections 1.0

1.0  History of the development of Lawrence Tseung ? the formative years

I shall start the story of Mr. Lawrence Tseung (short form Tseung) from his formative years.  Tseung was born into a reasonably well-to-do family.  He has 4 brothers and 3 sisters.  He is ranked number 5 in this group of 8 children.  There was nothing unusual about him in his primary school days or before the age of 12.  His story begins with his entering Secondary School at Wah Yan College, Kowloon.  Wah Yan College was a Catholic, boy?s only school run by the Jesuit priests from Ireland.   Tseung told me that in his first physics lesson, the teacher asked him: ?What is the shortest distance between two points??

Tseung stood up in front of the class.  He thought he knew the answer but could not utter a single word.  The teacher was very encouraging and drew two points on the blackboard.  The teacher said: ?Can you draw the shortest path between these two points??  Mr. Tseung drew a line joining the two points.  The teacher said, ?Correct. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.?  The class applauded and Tseung fell in love with physics from that instance.

Tseung was red-faced when he stood there not uttering a word.  His mind told him that the question was easy but he could not find the words.  If his classmates jeered him then, he could have lost all interest in physics.  The simple but important act from the teacher turned the shy, red-faced boy into a dedicated physicist for life.  The educators often ignore these small acts in school and in life.  Budding innovators need such encouragement.

Cartoon picture of boy drawing the straight line???

Another very important small act that affected the development of Tseung was the advice from his Home Room Teacher.  The teacher was a graduate from England.  He said, ?That is no way that I can give proper attention to every one of you (The size of the class was 40 then.).  I propose that you form yourselves into groups of four or five and help each other.?

Obediently, Tseung got a group of four.  They stayed after school doing homework or played balls together.  They never let academic questions or difficulties linger on for more than a day.  One of them was likely to come up with the answer.  They approached the teachers on the rare occasions that all four of them failed to come up with the answer.  School was fun.  They challenged and helped each other.  This group learning technique should be appropriately promoted.  The Tseung group was successful but many other groups did not turn out so well.  They either broke up after quarrels or became irrelevant.  A good thing might not always work with different persons or in different environments.

Cartoon figure of 4 youngsters discussing homework???

Comments from the Editor and reviewers:

(a) I believe educators should think through the group learning technique and develop models for our students.  Innovative ideas may not always work.  But if they are not tried, we shall never know.  They do not need to be perfect.  They do not need to work for everyone.  It is like medicine.  Some may not need it.  Some may benefit from it.  It may not be the cure for everything.  But a good teacher or school should have a full range of such medicine or educational techniques.

(b) The subtle encouragements in class - e.g. getting Tseung to draw a straight line on the blackboard - could have important impact on the future of Tseung.  Should this type of encouragement be taught to our teachers?

You are encourged to draw the cartoons or put in additional comments.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 21, 2008, 01:32:53 AM
1.1  The punch bag at age 12

Boys are boys.  In Hong Kong, there were many places that one could learn Chinese Boxing.  The relative of one of the team members worked in one of these places.  Tseung et al went there full of excitement.  There were various equipments.  One of them was a heavy punch bag hanging from the ceiling.  Tseung et al punched it in turn.  The punch bag hardly moved.  Tseung then pushed the bag a couple of times.  It swung with a larger and larger angle.  Being a naughty boy, Tseung deliberately stood in the path of the swing and let the punch bag hit him.  The impact really stung him.  He fell on the floor after a couple of staggering steps.

Cartoon figure of Tseung knocked down by punch bag???

Tseung?s first impression was that ? the force hitting him could not have come from the few pushes that he imparted on the punch bag.  The force was too powerful.  They discussed amongst themselves.  They had just started learning Newton?s Laws.  The concept of force, displacement, momentum, work and energy were fresh in their memory.  Tseung said that there was something more than his pushes.  It was his gut feel.  The other team members laughed.  Some of them repeated the experience and became half convinced.  Others joked: ?You just get knocked silly by the punch bag!?  They were at a dead knot and decided to consult their physics teacher.  The physics teacher said, ?It is indeed the energy you supplied added together.  There is nothing mysterious about it.?  Tseung grudgingly accepted the explanation then.  If Tseung had refused to accept the explanation and worked on the mathematics, the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory could have been discovered 40 years earlier.  In hindsight, any secondary school physics student could have worked out the physics and mathematics of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.

Tseung compared this incident to that of picking up a piece of diamond without recognizing it.  If he had applied the mathematics and physics knowledge he mastered at that time, he might have realized its significance.  Tseung compared that process with the polishing of diamonds.  We all get our share of luck in our lifetime.  Most of us just dropped the opportunity.  Newton was not the first or the only person that saw things dropping to the ground.  Lee Cheung Kin was not the first or the only person that pushed a swing or a pendulum.  What makes Newton develop the Laws of Motion?  What makes Lee develop the Lead Out energy theory with Tseung?

Cartoon figure picking up diamond ? not knowing what to do???

Comments from the Editor and reviewers:

(a)   The motto of the story is that we all have opportunities to pick up unpolished diamonds (or brilliant ideas) in our lifetime.  What kind of training or stimulus must be provided so that we, the average persons, can polish such diamonds (develop such brilliant ideas into useful things).

(b)   The simple act of pushing a Swing must have been done for thousands of years by millions of individuals.  Associating that to extracting energy from gravity involves a link not foreseen by even the famous scientists.  Even after detailed explanation, many are still doubtful.  Some will have to see a working prototype generating electricity in front of them before they can be convinced. 

(c)   We have been brainwashed to thinking that perpetual motion machines are not possible.  Tseung introduced a new concept of lead-out-energy machines.  If we accept it as new, we can understand it easily.  If we lump it or classify it together with the discredited over unity machines, we shall have problems in understanding it.

Any comments from the forum members?  Your comments may be included in a book with sales second to the Bible.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 21, 2008, 02:27:21 AM
1.2  Presenting at the Aviation Club of Wah Yan College

The other incident that has lasting effect on the innovative development of Tseung was his involvement with the Aviation Club at Wah Yan College.

One of the Jesuit priests, the late Father Cunningham, was selected by the USA Navy to say Mass at their warships, including aircraft carriers when these warships stopped over at Hong Kong.  Father Cunningham selected some boys to help him.  Two of them happened to be members of the Tseung team.  The boys were obviously excited about their experience and shared their stories ? including some pictures of the aircrafts.

Cartoon of Boys sharing photographs of aircraft???

At that time, Wah Yan College was promoting additional activities outside school hours.  The School supplied support in terms of use of classrooms, library books and promotion of such activities.  The idea of forming an Aviation Club was accepted.

Tseung was assigned the task of explaining how aircraft can fly to the Aviation Club members.  That subject was not taught in secondary school physics then.  Tseung went to the City Library and discovered some good information in Encyclopedia Britannica.  It was the first time he stepped outside his school to get information.  Nowadays, we can sit in the comfort of our home and hit a few keys at the computer.  Back then, Tseung et al had to take a bus to the Public Library and write down as much information as possible.  Incidentally, Encyclopedias were not allowed to be taken out from the Library.

Tseung spent many hours copying.  The two most important experiments he learned from the Encyclopedia were:
(1)   Blowing air in between two sheets of paper.  Instead of flying part, the two sheets of paper would come together and then separate.  The action would repeat - making a loud flapping sound.  The explanation was that when the air was in motion, the pressure it exerted on the sides would decrease.  The stationary air on top of the top sheet and at the bottom of the bottom sheet would then press the sheets together.  When the sheets were pressed together, the airflow temporarily stopped.  The additional air blowing in would force the two sheets apart.  The airflow would again lower the sideward pressure.  The process would repeat and produce the flapping sound. 
Cartoon of boy blowing air between two sheets of paper

(2)   Blowing air over the top surface of a sheet of paper.  The paper would rise up to the horizontal level.  The explanation was that the pressure of the flowing air would be less than the static pressure of air at the bottom of the sheet.  Thus the static pressure at the bottom surface would push the paper up.  Tseung even quoted that as the Bernoulli?s equation.

Cartoon of boy flowing air over a sheet of paper

The presentation was done with some teachers and higher-level students present.  They gave standing ovation afterwards.  The then Form 2 Tseung became a mini hero.  The many hours of hard work were worth it.

One of the questions raised by a higher-level student was ? pressure was a scalar quantity and had no direction.  The explanation by Tseung associating pressure with direction was faulty.  The physics teacher commented that even though the Tseung explanation was not perfect, the effort from such a 13 year old was commendable.

That question of pressure as a scalar quantity remained as a shadow in the minds of Tseung.  He took it up at BSc and then at MSc level at University.  He believed he finally understood it after he completed his Kinetic Theory of Gases in Motion after his retirement some 40 years later.  This topic of Kinetic Theory of Gases in Motion will be covered in a later chapter and will have important impact in aerodynamics and Flying Saucers.

Comments from the Editor:

(a)   The motto of this story is that one can pick up knowledge from channels other than schools.  Never make the excuse of ? this has not been taught yet.  If something is important, learn it.  Another important motto is ? you must be absolutely clear on every detail.  If one detail is fuzzy, it may be the diamond waiting to be polished.

(b)   I always find the interchanging of vector and scalar quantities puzzling.  Pressure is force divided by area.  Force definitely has direction.  Why would the division by area take away the direction element?  Can scientists be wrong for Centuries?  Do we have to introduce a new thing for pressure?  Do we need to consider pressure of a moving fluid having 6 directional elements?  Do we really need to consider Px. P-x, Py, P-y, Pz and P-z?  Are the existing textbooks on fluid mechanics wrong?

(c)   If someone comes to me and claims that ?pressure as taught in fluid mechanics? is wrong, my first reaction is to send him away.  If this someone is the now celebrated Tseung, my reaction will be different.  The same words presented by different individuals will have different impact.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 21, 2008, 02:43:13 AM
1.3  The Winning of the Logical Thinking Challenge

The incident that made Tseung think that he was special was the winning of the Logical Thinking Challenge.  During one of those periods after the school examination and before the teachers finish marking the examination papers, the teachers and students were allowed ?free time? to discuss non-textbook related topics.  One of the teachers gave the following logical thinking challenge.

In this challenge, there were three very bright students.  There were five hats.  Three hats were red and two hats were yellow.  A student could see the color of the hats of the other two students but not his own.  The students were asked to logically deduce the color of his hat.

In the challenge, many students said they simply guessed.  The chance of guessing right was 50%.  The teacher said that that was not good enough.  He mentioned something like the logic of elimination.  Most other students did not know what that means.  Tseung had the inspiration to imagine that he saw two yellow hats.  He thought, ?If I see two yellow hats, the hat on my head must be red.?  He then paused and thought, ?If I see one yellow hat and one red hat, how should I react??

The logical answer was to stare at the student with the red hat.  If that student saw two yellow hats, he would have screamed that he was wearing a red hat.  If all the three students were bright and they all remain salient for some time, the chance of any of the students seeing one red hat and one yellow hat would be low.  Thus the logical deduction is that Tseung was wearing a red head.

The teacher explained that this was a special branch of logic.  One saw two red hats.  But one should step back and assumed that one saw two yellow hats!  Sometimes we had to ignore what our eyes saw and imagine the various possibilities.  For example, if we saw some hungry children, the obvious solution was to try to find food for them.  We might even blame their parents or the draught etc.  We might easily overlook the deeper reasons of ignorance in agriculture or resource distribution.

When Tseung met that challenge, his teacher and his classmates used the term genius on him.  He developed the feeling that he was intellectually above others.  He was motivated to meet challenges.  One example was to do the most difficult problems in the mathematics textbooks and in the previous public examination papers. That inner confidence remained with him for the rest of his life.
He was also willing to imagine things that did not happen or have not happened yet.  Much of the economic views later on in life were from such assumptions or imaginations.  Some people called him a dreamer but they also accepted that there was always logic in his dreams.

Comments from the Editor and reviewers:

(a)   Achieving something special is one of the biggest confidence builders.  For example, if one wins a gold medal in Olympics, one will never feel inferior.  Can we provide opportunities for our youngster to achieve the impossible?  Should we provide both mini-obstacles?  Should we provide major hurdles?  Should we provide both?

(b)   Should we make a student feel superior and become an innovator ? willing to explore the unknown?  Should we emphasize teamwork and equality - no one should be above others?  We know that China is successful and wins many gold medals in Olympics because it has special schools for its athletes.  Should we have special schools for our innovators?  Would summer camps be enough?

(c)   I view encouragement is like giving a tennis racquet to a youngster and says: ?You may become a tennis champion someday.?  The act of giving the tennis racquet is a good encouragement.  But we must have the follow-up action of many hours of coaching, playing, competing etc.  The Educators must think through all the steps to train the innovators.  A single innovator can potentially change the entire world.

What is the correct word for this branch of logic?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 21, 2008, 02:49:17 AM
1.4  The first puppy love and its lasting impact

Tseung was in a boy?s only school.  His first puppy love would not be his classmates.  That lucky or unlucky girl turned out to be a poor fishing boat girl.  Tseung?s father enjoyed fishing and bought a fishing yacht to go fishing every weekend.  He hired a fishing family to take care of the yacht and accompany him on the fishing trips.  Tseung enjoyed fishing too.  But one of his secrets was that he wanted to see the fishing family girl who was a year younger.

Tseung enjoyed competing with the girl on how many fishes they could catch.  The girl was the winner most of the time.  The fishing family was poor and could not afford secondary school education for the daughter.  The girl first worked as a domestic help and then in the factories.  She came back to help her family at weekends.

Tseung never had any sex education at the Catholic school.  He did not realize that the sexual urge was a natural thing for all youngsters.  He dreamt about the girl at night and hated himself when he maculated.  He felt that it was a sin.  That bordered him for a long time.  They did much fishing and some swimming together.  In fact, Tseung mastered his swimming because of the girl.

Tseung went into the water often as his father had the yacht.  He never had any formal swimming lessons and just played.  He could keep himself afloat and did doggie motions with his head above water all the time.  One day, the girl said, ?Let us swim from the yacht to the beach.?  She then led the way.  Tseung had no choice but to actually swim.  He never managed to put his head under water and then raise his head to breathe before.  To the total surprise and delight of Tseung, he succeeded and even overtook the girl.  It was the first time that he realized with the right motivation and encouragement, miracles could happen.

Tseung often asked the question ? if the girl had the same opportunity to attend secondary school and university, what would have happened?  This led to his innovative conceptualization of Mutual Credits and his friendliness to people less fortunate than himself.  Tseung now believes that he can bring infinite wealth to the World.  Poverty and ignorance will be a thing of the past.  Gravitational or electron motion energy is effectively infinite.  Can they be translated to infinite wealth?  Modern wealth is the quality and quantity of meaningful economic activities.  Can these activities be infinite?

Comments from the Editor:

(a)   Confucius said that food and sex were human nature.  In the traditional Chinese Culture, there is no problem talking about food.  However, talking about sex is a completely different matter.  In the Catholic Boy?s School attended by Tseung, that must have been a forbidden subject.  What should be the correct sex education for our youngsters?

(b)   Tseung also experienced the powerful urge to show off to someone he secretly loves or adores.  Should this be another tool to be mastered by the educators?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 21, 2008, 02:59:33 AM
1.5 First hint that History taught at different Countries are different

After Tseung passed the Hong Kong School Certificate Examination, he went to England to join his brothers for continued education.  Hong Kong was a British Colony at that time.  There was a general conception or misconception that the educational system in England was very much more superior than that in Hong Kong.  Many wealthy families sent their children aboard to increase their worth.  The Chinese saying at that time was ? one needed to dip in seawater if one wanted to succeed in the high society.  Tseung?s family was no exception.

At the interview with the Headmaster of the Sutton Grammar School, Tseung did miserably.  He could not present a confident Tseung.  He uttered and sweated.  When the Headmaster asked him whether he was confident in continuing his education in the esteemed school, Tseung tried to be humble and said, ?I shall try my best.?  Tseung should have learned that in any interview, he ought to show his absolute best.  The Headmaster then placed Tseung with the Transistors.  Transistors were basically Form 5 Students who did well and might have passed one or two O-level examinations.

In England, a Secondary School Student could take an O-level examination for one or more subjects before his Form 5 graduation.  Whereas in Hong Kong then, the average student needed to take examination on 8 or 9 subjects at the same time.  The O-level examinations in England were conducted every 6 months.

Within weeks, Tseung realized that he was effectively repeating Form 5.  He was too timid to approach the Headmaster.  Instead, he applied to take both O-level and A-level examinations at the earliest opportunity which was 3 months after he joined the school.  He chose 5 O-level science subjects and A-level Chinese.  The result shocked the Headmaster.  Every subject including A-level Chinese was Distinctions (or the top grade).  Tseung then applied to take A-level Pure Mathematics to complete the minimum University requirement (5 O-level and 2 A-level subjects).  The Headmaster allowed Tseung to take A-level Pure Mathematics classes and to skip the O-level Classes totally.

Within weeks, Tseung was the top in the A-Level Pure Mathematics class.  He studied on his own and learned the topics well before the teacher taught them in class.  He became argumentative and did not make any friends.  The incident that caused disharmony was the discussion of why Hong Kong became a British Colony.

When Tseung was in Hong Kong, he learned that Hong Kong was ceded to England as a result of the opium war.  England sold opium to China.  China wanted to stop that.  China seized and burnt the opium.  England then sent the navy and defeated the Ching Army.  Hong Kong was ceded to England as a result.  Tseung got into an argument with the English students.  The English students said that their history textbooks never mentioned opium.  England just needed a port so that their merchants could rest on their world trade.  Tseung then read their history books.  The English students were right.  Opium was never mentioned.  They then went to see the English teacher.

The English teacher said, ?England is a noble nation.  England never traded and will never trade something evil like opium.  It is all communist propaganda.?

It was a big shock for Tseung.  He started to lose confidence in authority.  The textbooks meant nothing.  They did not always contain the truth.  The winners wrote history.  They wrote their point of view.  They could omit any fact or incident.  They could interpret whatever they wanted.  This point of view affected Tseung immensely.  He started to doubt the authorities.  His doubts spreaded to Economic textbooks and then later to Science textbooks.  He never believed in politicians and economists.  Later in life, when President George v Bush invaded Iraq on the false CIA information that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, Tseung publicly objected.  He went back to Hong Kong and China as a protest. 

Comments from the Editor and reviewers:

(a)   One of the biggest obstacles to innovation was the blind acceptance of so called truth.  The most famous story was Galileo claiming that the Earth was round.  The authority at that time was the Church who claimed that the Earth was flat.  The Pope was supposed to be infallible.  His words were undeniable truths as God guided him.

(b)   Tseung faced similar obstacles when he first presented the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory.  Some scientist and patent examiners dismissed him totally.  They blinded quoted the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Some of the juicy discussions can be seen in the over unity discussion forum under the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory thread (http://www.overunity.com).

(c)   Should we always present history from the two different points of view ? that of the winner and that of the loser?  How would such textbooks be different from the ones used in schools today?(d)   Innovators will step into uncharted territories for the rest of us?  How should we equip them?  Should we just send them in empty-handed and just say good luck?  Or should we equip them with the best tools and the best backup support?  What are these tools and what are the backup support?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 21, 2008, 04:12:15 AM
1.6  The Road to University

When the A-level results came out, Tseung got a Credit in his A-Level Pure Mathematics.  In other words, he already fulfilled the University Entrance requirement.  He could apply to Universities.  He got help from his eldest brother who got his PhD from Leeds University.  An incident convinced his eldest brother that Tseung was worth helping.

In summer that year, Tseung worked as a student assistant in the research laboratory of his eldest brother.  Tseung was under a different department to avoid the suspicion of conflict of interest.  The manager was hoping to develop an apparatus that could deliver hydrogen with some pressure on demand.  Available to the chemists was the kipp?s apparatus as shown in Figure X
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 21, 2008, 04:22:01 AM
Hydrogen could be produced when an acid such as sulfuric acid reacts with a suitable metal such as Zinc metal fragments (Zn + H2SO4 = ZnSO4 +H2)

The standard Kipp?s apparatus has essentially three chambers. Zinc metal fragments are placed into the middle chamber.  Sulfuric acid can be poured in from the top chamber to the bottom chamber.  If the valve in the middle chamber is open, the acid level will rise until the acid floods solid.  Hydrogen will then be produced.  If the valve in the middle chamber is closed, the generated hydrogen gas will force the acid into the bottom and top chambers.  This effectively separates the sulfuric acid and the zinc.  The chemical reaction will be stopped.  It effectively generates hydrogen on-demand and has been used in chemistry laboratories for centuries.

The manager wanted to have hydrogen gas on demand with a controllable small pressure.  He left the task to the young Tseung.  Tseung first experimented with the standard Kipp?s apparatus. Within days, he came up with the following simple design.

In the LHS diagram:
A = valve to let out hydrogen
B = hydrogen gas produced
C = Zinc strips for chemical reaction
D = Sulfuric Acid
E = Air that can be compressed
F = Air pressure control device

The manager was impressed.  He asked: ?How can you come with such a design so quickly??  Tseung said: ?It is essentially the Kipp?s apparatus with a lid.  I just played with different arrangements to make it look nice.?  The manger was willing to write an excellent letter of recommendation.  Tseung?s elder brother took the letter of recommendation and spoke to his former professors at Leeds University.  Tseung was accepted.

Comments from the Editor and reviewers:

(a)   Tseung did not get the normal two years of A-Level education.  He developed the attitude that he could learn on his own.  The small Kipp?s apparatus project gave him much inner confidence.  I believe this inner confidence is the key to training innovators.  Innovators must be able to search and discover their own solutions.

(b)   Learning from teachers or textbooks is useful.  But teachers or textbooks present known solutions.  Innovations involve the domain of the unknown.  May be we should have a collection of unknown or unsolved phenomena to stimulate our budding innovators.

(c)   With Internet and multimedia readily available, do we have to adhere to the traditional model of a teacher presenting the material in front of the students?  Can a teacher assign teaching roles and encourage the students to learn from the Internet and present in class?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 21, 2008, 04:30:46 AM
1.7  The University Years

That gave Tseung supreme confidence.  Tseung was very active at Leeds University.  He became the secretary of the Chinese Society and helped to organize many functions.  There were many overseas Chinese Students including those from Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Africa and Macau.  During the many long holidays when the local students went home to their families, these overseas students gathered together to have fun.

The Chinese Society at Leeds took in many non-Chinese members.  One important motive in welcoming non-Chinese members was the need for good basketball players.  There were two Chinese basketball players who were good enough to represent the University.  They helped to motivate and train a team to compete within the University.  The team was runner-up in the competition.  The decision was to invite good basketball players to represent the Chinese Society.  One black American joined.  Tseung could only play reserve.  He was not tall enough and could not move fast enough.  The games he enjoyed more were tennis and table tennis.  Once the Chinese Society Team had foreign help, the championship was in the bag.

Cartoon figure of mixed race basketball team

The other important factor that helped the Chinese Society to be more International was that Leeds University had a Chinese Department.  The students loved to find native Chinese speaking students to practice their Chinese language skills.  They sat at the same table at lunch or dinner.  Many became members.  Many smaller societies such as Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam also had joint functions with the larger Chinese Society.  The candle dance at the International Night was a big hit.  It was a combined effort of many Asian Societies.

Cartoon figure of Asian team doing candle dance

The Chinese Society at Leeds University then held joint functions with other Chinese Societies from Manchester, Liverpool Universities, etc.  There were encouragement and support from the various embassies.  That helped Tseung to develop an international outlook of the World.

Comments from the Editor and reviewers:

(a)   University education is not just about book knowledge.  It involves the social interaction of many others.  Education aboard gives the student a chance to interact with students from many other nations.  I believe that this should be encouraged. 

(b)   With infinite energy, flying saucers and automation, the world needs less number of farmers, factory workers and laborers.  Can we provide longer educational years for our citizens?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 21, 2008, 04:35:49 AM
I asked Tseung the question ? How he would improve the education system in Hong Kong if he had a chance?  Recently, the Hong Kong Educational system was in turmoil.  There was a loss in confidence on the academic qualification of the teachers.  Many claimed that many of the teachers were not qualified themselves.  The blamed pointed to the Teacher Training Colleges.  There was a Government Policy to promote the use of native language in teaching.  That led to a classification of English and Chinese speaking secondary schools.  The Chinese speaking secondary schools were made to feel inferior.  The English language skills on the whole dropped as measured by the open School Examination System. This official classification policy would end because of the violent objection from the students, parents and educators.

Tseung presented the following innovative answer.  He said, ?In the old days before the Internet, we relied on the teachers to pass the knowledge to the students.  With the multimedia technology and Internet of today, that particular role can be modified.  The Government can promote the teaching of the standard course material in multiple languages.  The recommended textbooks can have CDs with the same material presented in English, Cantonese and Putonghua.  The teachers, students and parents can decide on which language to use.  They may even use multiple languages.?

Tseung continued: ?To be realistic, much of the material can be learned by the student on an individual bases via the Internet.  Some students can move ahead much faster than the others.  The role of the teacher will start to change from that of presenting the material to ensuring the digestion of the material.  Techniques such as small group learning can be introduced.  It may even be beneficial to have student groups to teach some topics to the rest of the class.  That will build the lifelong confident for the average student that they can learn by themselves or in small groups.  Hong Kong Government tries to promote lifelong learning.  The best way is to develop the skills and the habits when young.?

Comments from the Editor and reviewers:

(a)   The cost of providing excellent course material in multiple languages on CDs is relatively cheap as compared with re0educating all teachers.  There can be multiple recommended versions of the course material available on the Internet.  The Government can easily fund such material.

(b)   The Government can help to produce educational programs or techniques that showed improvement or innovation.  Some of the best teachers can earn extra money in appearing on such programs.

(c)   There is no need to force schools to follow the new path.  They will move in that direction automatically if positive results are demonstrated.  Hong Kong educators should give this innovative concept a careful study.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 21, 2008, 05:21:52 AM
1.8  Kinetic Theory of Gases in Motion

In the final year at Leeds University, one of the assignments to the students was to write a paper of their choice.  Tseung chose the topic of explaining pressure and aerodynamics using kinetic theory of gases in motion.

The standard kinetic theory of gases is taught in both Physics and Chemistry lessons in connection with the gas laws.  Boyles Laws states that for a fixed amount of gas kept at a fixed temperature, P and V are inversely proportional. Charles Laws states that for a fixed amount of gas kept at constant pressure, T and V are directly proportional. (P=Pressure, V=Volume, T=Temperature).

The kinetic theory of gases assumes that the molecules of an ideal gas are small and are in constant motion.  They elastically collide with each other and with the walls of the container.  Pressure at the surface of a container is a result of the rate of change of momentum of these molecular collisions.  (P = 1/6 NMV2).  Pictorially, the pressure of a stationary gas can be viewed as:

Stationary Gas:
1.   Cube contains 60 moving balls
2.   10 balls collide with each wall.
3.   Pressure is result of bombardment Only the X and Y co-ordinates are shown
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 21, 2008, 05:26:14 AM
If we can get more balls moving in the X direction, there will be less number of balls moving or colliding in the Y and Z directions.  For example, if there were 15 balls moving in the +X direction and if the remaining balls are equally distributed in the other 5 directions, the number of balls moving in the +Y direction is:
  (60 ? 15) / 5 = 9

If only 9 balls move or collide with the wall in the +Y direction, the pressure will be less than that compared with 10 balls.  This mental picture (Figure X) is easy to understand and explains why pressure in the directions perpendicular to motion can decrease

Perfect Moving Gas:
1.   Cube contains 60 moving balls
2.   All balls move with same molecular velocity
3.   15 balls collide with wall X1
4.   9 balls collide with each other wallFewer balls collide in Y direction and thus pressure Py is smaller.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 21, 2008, 05:32:16 AM
Tseung used the above concept to explain why pressure of a moving gas in directions perpendicular to motion could be lower.  The Laws of Physics are not violated.  The new thing he proposed is that pressure should not be viewed as a simple scalar quantity.  It is also not the standard vector quantity with 3 directions.  It should have 6 directions in general (Px, P-x, Py, P-y, Pz, P-z).

Tseung also used this simple theory to explain Bernoulli?s principle and the Coanda effect.  The Coanda effect is the tendency of a moving gas to move parallel to the surface if the angle is not too sharp.  It can be used to enhance lift.

Tseung achieved the nickname of Flying Saucer Tseung because he started to apply his knowledge of physics on designing Flying Saucers.  Tseung assumed that a Flying Saucer could operate in space where there was no air.  The normal aerodynamics could not apply, as there was no air.  All changes in speed or direction needed to come from engine power.  At that time, the Harrier jet that could take off and land vertically was developed.  However, it still needed the oxygen in the air as part of the combustion process.  Tseung argued that a sideward thrust could provide the necessary centripetal force to turn the Flying Saucer sharply including 180 degree turns without lowering its speed.  The only problems at that time were fuel and engine power.  The problems were solved some 35 years later.  Tseung talked about this freely.  He had a chance to talk to a famous child actress Miss Fung Po Po in London (who is still famous in Hong Kong as a very matured actress).  Miss Fung wanted more education and envied those with good University Education.  Tseung was the opposite.  He adored the actresses in their ability to perform on stage and their confidence in daily conversations.  Miss Fung used the Flyng Saucer Tseung nickname and was very friendly.
Cartoon figure of a flying saucer

The graduating students circulated the Kinetic Theory and the Flying Saucer papers and discussed heatedly amongst themselves.  The models were simple and obeyed the Laws of Physics.  However the project was just one of the requirements for graduation and most of the students focused back at their own assignments.  The professor was impressed and took Tseung to see the Head of the Physics Department. 

The Head of the Department was very encouraging.  He said, ?These are very innovative ideas.  However, they are still in their early infancy.  I strongly urge you to continue this line of research.?

Comments from the Editor and reviewers:

(a) The Kinetic Theory of Gases in Motion is just a mental picture.  In reality, the molecules travel in a much more random fashion.  However, one cannot visualize and deduce much from random pictures.  Tseung used that logical thinking from his Secondary School days to visualize an ordered picture.  Is this genius or is this just innovative thinking?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 21, 2008, 05:36:54 AM
1.10  M.Sc. experience at Southampton University

Tseung applied for a MSc course in Aeronautics at Southampton University with a draft of his theory of kinetic theory of gases in motion and was accepted.  He had some financial help from his parents.  He found that he was still short of HK$20,000.  He had a good friend, the late Mr. Edward Lau, who taught him how to play Mahjong at the end of 10.  When they became Bridge partners, they were almost unbeatable.  Mr. Lau got his training as an accountant in England and went into the Stock Trading business with support from many wealthy businesspersons.  Mr. Lau once told Tseung that the Stock Trading in Hong Kong at that time (1970s) was like a casino controlled by the wealthy.  These wealthy were often known as crocodiles.  They just devoured the small fish.  However, if one knew how to play the game, one could win large sums of money.

Tseung called Mr. Lau for his advice to raise HK$20,000 from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.  Mr. Lau said, ?Since you are my good friend and your need for money is legitimate, I am going to help you this time.  I shall help you only once and never again.  You must promise not to play in the Stock Market any more.?  Tseung solemnly promised.  Mr. Lau then instructed Tseung to apply for the new issue of a stock.  Sure enough, Tseung got allocated the shares and promptly got the required HK$20,000 in profits.  That was a successful event but it also caused great pains to Tseung later in life.  He broke his promise of never playing in the Stock Market and lost much of his hard earned savings.  Greed and human emotions were great temptations.  Tseung was no Saint and fell prey to them.

When Tseung started his MSc training, he realized that it was half examinations and half thesis.  He lost no time in explaining his kinetic theory of gases in motion to his fellow students.  All were intrigued.  A few were already going for their PhD degree.  They discussed the primitive theory for weeks and realized that if Tseung were right, many of the accepted theories such the Bernoulli?s equation, the Von Karman vortex theory might have to be re-examined.  They then started approaching the professors one by one.  Many of the young professors started to question the validity of the established theories also.

Tseung became bold and started to outline the possible experiments that could validate his theory.  He reasoned that the weight of a solid could not change if one gave it a horizontal velocity.  If the solid acquired a velocity v, every molecule would acquire that velocity component.  However, when a gas acquired a velocity v, there was no requirement that every gas molecule acquires that velocity component.  More gas molecules could move in the direction of velocity v. 

He proposed to do the experiment to check the total weight of a toy helicopter and its container.  Assume that the total weight was W1 when stationary.  Would the weight change when the toy helicopter was hovering in the middle of the container?  In the early 1970s, such an experiment was not easy.  Tseung applied for funding through the University channels and approached many professors for support.  That caused a minor turbulence.

The Head of the Aeronautics Department called Tseung to his office and said, ?I understand that you have been approaching many different professors and discussed your primitive theory.  You even implied that the established Bernoulli?s equation, the Von Karman vortex theories might be wrong.  You even doubted the definition of pressure.  Pressure is a scalar quantity.  It has no directions.  You better spend your time learning what we are going to teach you.  Or you go on with your own ideas elsewhere.  Your application for funding has been rejected.?

It was a very painful blow to Tseung.  He could end up with no MSc degree; wasted years of family savings and went back to Hong Kong as a failure.  He surrendered.  He focused on the MSc material, especially the computer programs to apply the vortex theory to airfoils in proximity.  He never believed in the vortex theory but he got his MSc degree.  His wife and son joined him in Southampton.  His wife wanted him to get a PhD.  But Tseung decided otherwise.

Comments from the Editor and reviewers:

(a)   What would have happened if Tseung had insisted on his kinetic theory of gases in motion and did not get his MSc?  Could he have gotten support from elsewhere?  In the modern society of Hong Kong or China, will such innovative ideas be supported?

(b)   Tseung will get support now that he is famous.  Are there other unknown innovators with same or better innovativeness waiting to be discovered?  How can we identify them?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 21, 2008, 05:55:38 AM
1.11 IQ tests and how to score perfect score

Tseung applied for jobs in the open market.  He learned computer programming in Fortran in his MSc course. The first company he applied to was IBM.  When he went for the Interview, many applicants already started on an IQ test.  The interviewer asked Tseung to join them.  Tseung did not know what was going on and spent much time reading through the whole examination material without writing anything.  Before he knew what he was supposed to do, time was up.  The interviewer then said to Tseung, ?According to this IQ test, you could not even have passes primary school.  Please go and do not come back again.?

Tseung was mad.  He always had a high regard of his intellect.  That was too much an insult to bear.  He spent the next few weeks at the University Library reading up IQ tests.  He read the theory behind the IQ test and the design of such tests.  He then did hundreds of such IQ tests.  He checked and analyzed every answer.  He walked, ate and dreamt IQ tests.  He then approached an employment agency.  The agency asked him to apply for a programmer job.  Sure enough, there was the IQ test. 

The next day, the agency called Tseung and said, ?You scored full marks. I shall refer you to a much higher paying job with some relevance to your training in aeronautics.?  The Company was a defense contractor.  Sure enough, there was the inevitable IQ test. 

The next day, the agency called Tseung again and said, ?The Company wanted to interview you.  You must be a genius.  Nobody scores full marks at two successive IO tests.?  Tseung never told the agency his hard work at the University Library.

The interview was very successful.  The interviewer asked some question on control theory and simulation.  Tseung spent months working on computer simulation of airflow on airfoils.  He could reply with ease and confidence.  Then the interviewer asked what Tseung wanted to do.  Tseung explained his Kinetic Theory of Gases in Motion and his concept of the Flying Saucer.  The supposed one-hour interview lasted over three hours.  The interviewer asked additional managers to come and listen to Tseung.  The Company offered Tseung a job related to missiles research but there was the requirement of security clearance.  The security clearance would take at least 9 months and Tseung could not left England during that period.

Tseung talked to the agency.  The agency said, ?I shall recommend you to a new start-up Company manufacturing mini-computers.  The name is Digital Equipment Corporation.  I have talked to them about you.  They are interest to have you even for a couple of months.?

Comments from the Editor and reviewers:

(a)   Can the IQ test identify a genius?  My gut feel is to compare that with the development of a basketball player.  One must be tall and strong to have a natural advantage.  The rest is proper training and environment.  Developing an innovator may be similar.

(b)   Tseung is no genius.  Any one of us could have conceived his theories.  His achievement was due to rejection and perspiration.  He used jeers and rejection as his motivation force.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Shanti on July 21, 2008, 11:17:11 AM
Sorry, didn't want to disturb, I'm just a visitor in this thread. But I have to say: This thread is absolutely hilarious! Really fun to read  ;D
How the non human devil always tries to dodge the questions of the unworthy human slime (other forum members), and always repeating the same over dozens of posts  :D
Really fun to read... You should make a book. Ah wait, but not about the theory, but about this funny conversation...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 23, 2008, 05:58:32 PM
Hi TopGun,

Any where to get the PPT document as the rapidshare prompt Download session expired to me.

Well, if possible just email it to me.

Thanks & Regards,

The latest presentation slides are in

It has links to Chinese Versions with sound in Cantonese and Putonghua.

The final edited version will come out together with the book.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 25, 2008, 03:51:14 PM
An email from an Obama Supporter

Dear Mr. Tseung,

Mr Wang's motor is really impressive, and I am very curious about the 4-legged stool over the fluid.  Never heard of anything like it!   

I am owner of an architecture firm in Hawaii, and have been searching for the right technology for personal electric power to incorporate into private buildings and homes.  I think this may be it.  If I can successfully incorporate your technology into our prototype warehouse, I?d be happy to help you promote it in the U.S.   

Mr. Wang seems like someone who just wants to see his invention change the world.  I too am more interested in bringing power (electricity) directly to people so that they may control it on their own than in making the billions that this technology will provide (although a small fortune would be nice for all involved).   

If the technology can be marketed to the American consumer, then I think there is a strategy to reach the entire nation.  Right now, eyes are on Barack Obama who was from Hawaii, and we have contacts directly to him as well as the 2nd most senior senator in the US senate, Daniel Inouye. 

I think if this is viable, there could be a quick leap into the US markets.  We'd love to help. I am an entrepreneur and actively involved with the entrepreneur organization, EO, a global network of entrepreneurs.  I am also a UCLA educated engineer, and a University of Oregon educated architect.

Very interested if we could purchase a prototype for testing on our side, if ready for market, or we can send a representative (Chinese speaking) to visit Mr. Wang.  My goal is to help you and Mr. Wang make a fortune and bring this product to market in the U.S.  We will sign and honor any confidentiality agreements you may require as we understand that these technologies are of a highly sensitive nature. Look forward to your response.

Best regards,
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 25, 2008, 03:55:20 PM
Dear Mr. XXX,

Thank you for your interest in the Wang Electricity Generator.  At present, the plan is to demonstrate it shortly after the Worldwide announcement and demonstration of a large lead-out-energy electricity generator suitable for electricity supply companies.  I do not have information on that particular announcement except the belief that it would be after the Olympics.

There is already much information related to the Wang generator on the Internet and a video is available at http://www.dsk.cn.  As per our last phone conversation, Wang is not interested in selling or entering into any agreement with any one before the announcement of the larger generator.  He is a vice president of that company and expects to benefit handsomely from that announcement.

However, that company is not interested in generators less than 10 KW.  Wang is allowed to market products within that range independently ? provided that it would not disrupt the announcement. 

Lee and Tseung got involved because the Lee-Tseung lead out theory will be used to explain the source of energy of these lead-out-energy machines.

In USA, there is already a working prototype of a 225 HP Pulse Motor funded by the Jupiter Fund Group (http://www.jfg.us.com).  I know their existence because of the meeting at Tsinghua University, Beijing in 2006.

My personal belief is that the USA prototype is regarded as top-secret because of its extreme military, financial and political implications.  This topic is particularly sensitive in the Presidential Election Year.  If the USA General Public finds out that President Bush knew the existence of lead-out-energy machines and still invaded Iraq, the Republicans would likely lose the Election.

I prefer to answer your email in an open forum (http://www.overunity.com) because I would not like to be regarded as an agent or spy by any side.  My focus at present is to write a book on Innovation ? with detailed description how Lee and I developed the Lee-Tseung theory and more.

If you have a friend who can speak Chinese, you can ask him to call or visit Mr. Sun via the contact information at http://www.dsk.cn.  Sun built prototypes for Wang with transparent casing.  He has direct contact with Wang.  He is much more willing to discuss business issues.  I shall forward your email to him but he does not speak English.

Best regards,
Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 28, 2008, 05:13:53 PM
Phone call with Wang

Wang received a call from USA.  The Chinese speaking person mentioned that they were interested in the Wang technology.  They talked about the possibility of buying the Wang technology for the less than 10KW outright.

The Wang technology for 10KW or above have been sold to the Chinese Company and the products are ready for worldwide demonstration shortly.

Treat this as an academic exercise.

What should Wang do now?

Lawrence Tseung
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 29, 2008, 04:48:33 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 28, 2008, 05:13:53 PM
Phone call with Wang

Wang received a call from USA.  The Chinese speaking person mentioned that they were interested in the Wang technology.  They talked about the possibility of buying the Wang technology for the less than 10KW outright.

The Wang technology for 10KW or above have been sold to the Chinese Company and the products are ready for worldwide demonstration shortly.

Treat this as an academic exercise.

What should Wang do now?

Lawrence Tseung

Stupid humans,

Do the following:
(1) Check out the USA group - make sure that they are real and has the resources to complete the deal.
(2) Work out a price for the technology
(3) Get International lawyers to draft the necessary agreement/terms
(4) Make sure the Chinese and USA Governments know about it.
(5) Share the news with the World - including the availability of the products.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 29, 2008, 08:04:15 PM
I would like to use this opportunity to do an academic exercise on systematic brainstorming.

The scenario to consider is:  Wang received a phone call from USA.  The person would like to purchase the technology for under 10KW outright.  What are the possible moves from Wang?  (This is like a chess game - many possible moves are possible.  The top chess players consider more moves and subsequent reactions from the other side.  They do not win by luck.)

The first move from Wang is to check out this USA group.  Possible outcomes to be considered are:
(a)   The Group is a fake.  They do not have the resources to carry out the transactions.
(b)   The Group has the financial resources.  They are Republicans.
(c)   The Group has the financial resources.  They are Democrats.
(d)   The Group represents Big Oil Interests.  Their interest is to shelf the technology.
(e)   The Group represents Environmentalists.  Their interest is to give the technology free to benefit the World.

Let us use this forum to discuss the various ?chess moves? one by one.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 29, 2008, 08:30:04 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 29, 2008, 08:04:15 PM
I would like to use this opportunity to do an academic exercise on systematic brainstorming.

The scenario to consider is:  Wang received a phone call from USA.  The person would like to purchase the technology for under 10KW outright.  What are the possible moves from Wang?  (This is like a chess game - many possible moves are possible.  The top chess players consider more moves and subsequent reactions from the other side.  They do not win by luck.)

The first move from Wang is to check out this USA group.  Possible outcomes to be considered are:
(a)   The Group is a fake.  They do not have the resources to carry out the transactions.
(b)   The Group has the financial resources.  They are Republicans.
(c)   The Group has the financial resources.  They are Democrats.
(d)   The Group represents Big Oil Interests.  Their interest is to shelf the technology.
(e)   The Group represents Environmentalists.  Their interest is to give the technology free to benefit the World.

Let us use this forum to discuss the various ?chess moves? one by one.

Tseung, you can always find a way to make this thread interesting.  You may include this juicy discussion in your book.  Let us speculate on exactly what Wang has to sell.

(1) Wang has the China Patent.  However, he did not apply for Interntional Patent and the time has expired.  Theoretically, he has no protection against copycats outside China.

(2) Wang has sold the rights to manufacture 10 KW or greater units to some Chinese Companies.  Thus the transaction is for units less than 10KW.

(3) The theory is already available in http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/wang3a.htm

(4) Wang can provide working prototypes that can be turned into products quickly.  We are talking about days for additional prototypes and weeks for actual products to be manufactured by the buyer.

(5) Let us use round numbers.  Wang asks for US$1 billion.  This amount is less than what USA pays for oil in one day.  The technology can essentially replace oil totally.  Let us assume the buyer has such finanical capability easily.  (US$1 billion is about HK$7.8 billion.  There are at least 50 multibillionaires in Hong Kong who qualify.)

(6) Any one who reads this thread already knows that there are other possible lead-out-energy devices.  The Wang technology is not the only one and may not even be the best.  However, it can be turned into products almost immediately and can be demonstrated now.  See http://www.dsk.cn.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 29, 2008, 09:21:39 PM
(a)   The Group is a fake.  They do not have the resources to carry out the transactions.

I like the way Devil defines the problem.  Any Group or Individual who does not have US$1 billion or equivalent in the Bank is automatically disqualified.  In addition, any Group claiming that they cannot disclose their identify will also be disqualified.

We should have done that two years ago.

There are known and accepted ways to check whether a Company is listed; whether a Company or an individual has cash reserve of at least US$1 billion etc.

The academic solution to this scenario appears obvious.  The negotiation ends.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 29, 2008, 10:11:25 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 29, 2008, 09:21:39 PM
(a)   The Group is a fake.  They do not have the resources to carry out the transactions.

I like the way Devil defines the problem.  Any Group or Individual who does not have US$1 billion or equivalent in the Bank is automatically disqualified.  In addition, any Group claiming that they cannot disclose their identify will also be disqualified.

We should have done that two years ago.

There are known and accepted ways to check whether a Company is listed; whether a Company or an individual has cash reserve of at least US$1 billion etc.

The academic solution to this scenario appears obvious.  The negotiation ends.

Tseung, you disclosed the Wang 4-legged stool experiment and the components inside the Wang device almost two years ago.  Thousands of people must have repeated such experiments and many attempts to do the Wang device must have been performed.

The 4-legged stool experiment is easy to repeat.  Any housewife can invert a stool on top of a bowl of water and get three other friends to repeat that experiment.  The result cannot be wrong.  The scientific conclusion that a small force applied to a circularly rotating liquid will increase its rate of rotation cannot be wrong.

The David Hamel experimental results can be seen on youtube.  It is just unbalanced rotation of magnet in magnetic fields.  From the Lee-Tseung theory, this will lead out magnetic or electron motion energy.  Hundreds of scientists have done this experiment.  The result cannot be wrong.

The Wang device is just putting the David Hamel set up on top of ferro liquid rotation. Both systems lead out magnetic or electron motion energy.  They complement each other.  Dozens of teams within and outside China have successfully replicated that.   At least one team told Wang that: ?The device rotates but can only generate less than 1 KW and not the 5 KW as claimed.?  Wang?s reply was: ?It took me 40 years to get the right material and set up.  You only experimented for a few months.  The value of my invention lies in the details ? type of magnet, ferro liquid, magnetic shielding material, exact dimensions, etc.?

I am sure that many will pretend to be investors and hope to get the detailed secrets.  Wang has to be careful.  One possible solution is to conduct the business negotiations openly with confirmed reputable Companies.  Involvement from Government Organizations may be helpful, as this will be regarded as technology transfer of major importance.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 29, 2008, 10:52:06 PM
(b)   The Group has the financial resources.  They are Republicans.

Let me continue the academic discussion.  It is obvious that China is focusing all its energy with the Olympic games now.  All other issues, including lead-out-energy machines and flying saucers, will be of secondary importance.  However, the timing of the lead-out-energy announcement after the Beijing Olympics will have significant influence on the USA Presidential Election.

If a USA Company can claim to own the Wang technology for the under 10KW category when China makes the lead-out-energy announcement, that Company will have extreme political influence.  If that Company supports the Republicans, it can influence the outcome of the USA Presidential Election.  It would also lessen the impact of the Chinese lead-out-energy announcement.

With this scenario in mind, there is a possibility that the USA Company may want to have a quick deal and Wang may receive his US$1 billion legally and openly.  The obstacle may be whether the Chinese Government allows such a technology transfer.

With politics, there will be many deals under the table.  The students may speculate and have fun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 30, 2008, 02:20:09 AM
(c)   The Group has the financial resources.  They are Democrats.

The Presidential Candidate from Democrats is Obama ? from a minority race.  He has to be more careful on controversial topics.  Admitting USA is behind China on lead-out-energy machines and flying saucers is extremely controversial.  He would have to be 100% sure before he commits himself.  The chance of one of his helpers buying the Wang technology and placing working products on his desk is good.

If Obama is 100% certain that lead-out-energy machines are real and can demonstrate them on stage, he will have a clear winning edge.  He would have helped to solve some of the toughest problems ? that of energy and pollution.  He can even learn more about mutual credits.  He can truly say that he will bring positive change to USA.  He can help to define and create Modern Wealth.  He can be the inspiration not just in USA but also in the eyes of the World.

He can say that: ?I have a dream.  I can dream that all people are equal?.?

It is again politics dominated.  Wang will be able to receive his US$1 billion openly if the Chinese Government approves the deal.

The political science students can do many role-plays.  This ?chess move? has important implications for a long time.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 30, 2008, 03:42:57 AM
Tseung, you are a dreamer.  Your dreams contain frightening logic.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 30, 2008, 04:42:47 AM
(d)   The Group represents Big Oil Interests.  Their interest is to shelf the technology.

The Big Oil Interests can easily come up with US$1 billion.  It is to their benefit if they own this technology and disclose it only when it benefits them.  They can shelf it until the oil runs out or close to running out.

However, the Wang technology is not the only lead-out-energy device.  The Lee-Tseung patent already stated: ?Pulses applied to oscillating, vibrating, rotating or flux change systems can lead out gravitational or electron motion energy.?  If lead-out-energy inventors know that their invention can fetch US$1 billion, they will be stimulated to work harder and create more models.

Trying to keep all these inventions secret worldwide is close to impossible. 

They may want Wang to sign contracts that would forbid him to disclose his invention.  However, the application of the Wang invention to the 10 KW or over market has already been sold to the Chinese Company.  The theory is already out.  The secret is with the exact material and configuration used.

Students ? try to pretend that you are Big Oil.  Think like them and post.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 30, 2008, 05:20:20 AM
(e)   The Group represents Environmentalists.  Their interest is to give the technology free to benefit the World.

This sounds like a far-fetched impossibility.  However, there are multibillionaires in this World who no longer seek joy in earning more money.  There are already over 50 multi-billionaires who can come up with US$1 billion.  One of the late lady multibillionaires in Hong Kong rumored to donate her more than US$20 billion to a fortuneteller.

The chance of a multibillionaire wanting to do good to the World and not to benefit himself is there.  If Bill Gates reads this forum, he may consider buying the Wang technology for the under 10KW market and donate it free to benefit the World.  (Just another impossible dream.  But that is the beauty of an academic exercise.)

Other possible candidates may be Countries.  Many Countries have US$1 billion to spend.  Many may have learned mutual credits and modern wealth.  Many have the manufacturing capabilities.  They can almost guarantee that their less-than-10KW electricity generators have eager markets with the many mutual credit agreements.  The meaningful economic activities for their country and their allies will be guaranteed.  They earn both the good will and the financial benefits.

China may be one of these Countries.  Or China may allow such a sale or technology transfer.  Wang may prefer this solution.  He will gain both fortune and fame.  He will never die like Nikola Tesla ? friendless and penniless in a cheap motel.

Students ? continue this dream or line of thought.  I like this scenario best.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: brnbrade on July 30, 2008, 05:22:17 AM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 30, 2008, 06:34:57 AM
Tseung, the collapse of the WTO Doha agreement spells opportunity for you and your mutual credits.

If China couples lead-out-energy machines, flying saucers and mutual credits as a package and promotes it as the new World Order, China will be the new leader of the World.

The first partner is likely to be India.  Both countries have enjoyed high rates of growth.  Their mutual credit agreement will be carefully examined by the World.  Their model farms, model villages, model cities etc. are likely to be models to follow.

The solving of the energy crisis and pollution problems by China with lead-out-energy devices will be the highlight in the coming years.  The flying saucer will move space travel and exploration in a new direction.

The issue of Wang receiving an extra US$1 billion is totally insignificant in such developments.

The sales of your book will be second only to the Bible.  Make sure that it is of high quality.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 30, 2008, 04:09:28 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 30, 2008, 05:20:20 AM
(e)   The Group represents Environmentalists.  Their interest is to give the technology free to benefit the World.

This sounds like a far-fetched impossibility.  However, there are multibillionaires in this World who no longer seek joy in earning more money.  There are already over 50 multi-billionaires who can come up with US$1 billion.  One of the late lady multibillionaires in Hong Kong rumored to donate her more than US$20 billion to a fortuneteller.

The chance of a multibillionaire wanting to do good to the World and not to benefit himself is there.  If Bill Gates reads this forum, he may consider buying the Wang technology for the under 10KW market and donate it free to benefit the World.  (Just another impossible dream.  But that is the beauty of an academic exercise.)

Other possible candidates may be Countries.  Many Countries have US$1 billion to spend.  Many may have learned mutual credits and modern wealth.  Many have the manufacturing capabilities.  They can almost guarantee that their less-than-10KW electricity generators have eager markets with the many mutual credit agreements.  The meaningful economic activities for their country and their allies will be guaranteed.  They earn both the good will and the financial benefits.

China may be one of these Countries.  Or China may allow such a sale or technology transfer.  Wang may prefer this solution.  He will gain both fortune and fame.  He will never die like Nikola Tesla ? friendless and penniless in a cheap motel.

Students ? continue this dream or line of thought.  I like this scenario best.

Mr. Tseung:

Just to keep your thread 'alive' without your multiple personalities having to talk to each other. Must be pretty lonely for an old retiree who can't get anyone to pay attention because he can't get past his 'O' level physics and is too proud to enroll in the local technical college?

May I suggest you help in the old folks home where there are plenty of older folks who may need your physical help more than your limited Physics knowledge?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 30, 2008, 08:15:56 PM
Quote from: Devil on July 30, 2008, 06:34:57 AM
Tseung, the collapse of the WTO Doha agreement spells opportunity for you and your mutual credits.

If China couples lead-out-energy machines, flying saucers and mutual credits as a package and promotes it as the new World Order, China will be the new leader of the World.

The first partner is likely to be India.  Both countries have enjoyed high rates of growth.  Their mutual credit agreement will be carefully examined by the World.  Their model farms, model villages, model cities etc. are likely to be models to follow.

The solving of the energy crisis and pollution problems by China with lead-out-energy devices will be the highlight in the coming years.  The flying saucer will move space travel and exploration in a new direction.

The issue of Wang receiving an extra US$1 billion is totally insignificant in such developments.

The sales of your book will be second only to the Bible.  Make sure that it is of high quality.

The day of a single dominating power capable of dictating its will on other Nations is coming to an end.  USA lost that opportunity with its evil war on Iraq.  It lost its moral lead.  It generated more hate than admiration.

China will not be able to match the military power of USA for a long time.  It does not need to.  With lead-out-energy machines, China shows the World how to use clean, inexhaustible energy.  With energy-from-still-air, China shows the World how to do Global Cooling.  With Flying Saucers, China shows the World how to do space travel.  With Mutual Credits, China shows the World how to eliminate poverty and ignorance.  With Model Farms, Model Cities etc, China shows the World how to prosper without wars.

The new order will come.  It is inevitable because of the following:

When a sideward pull is applied to a simple pendulum, the lead out gravitational energy is equal to:

The vertical component of the tension of the string times the vertical component of the displacement.

So long as there is tension on the string, gravitational energy will be lead out.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 31, 2008, 10:09:09 AM
Explaining the Bessler Wheel

Many people asked: "Is the Bessler Wheel theoretically possible?"

My answer is a definite yes.  In the figure below, we show a pendulum on the LHS; an unbalanced wheel in the middle and a possible Bessler Wheel on the RHS.

We know that the pulsed (or Lee-Tseung Pulled) pendulum can lead out gravitational energy.  Refer to the hundreds of posts in this thread.

The unbalanced wheel can be viewed as a pulsed pendulum.  If we rotate it slightly clockwise and let go, it will swing back anti-clockwise just like a pendulum.  It we give it a complete clockwise rotation, the rotational speed will slow down when the extra weight moves up.  The rotational speed will speed up when the extra weight moves down.  This deceleration and acceleration simulates a pulsed motion.  It can lead out gravitational energy.  However something is missing.

The Bessler Wheel type arrangement on the RHS is an unbalanced wheel.  The black ball at the top can be heavier than the red ball on the bottom.  This would represent an unbalanced wheel.  It has the balls moving in a tube with padding on one side.  In a clockwise motion, the force of the ball on the top hitting the unpadded side will be greater than that of the ball on the bottom falling on the padded side.  This unbalanced force is the equivalent of the Lee-Tseung Push.  If the rotational speed and the falling weight pulse were timed appropriately, the lead-out energy will be able to do work (light some LEDs as an example) and overcome friction and air resistance.  Thus the ?Bessler Wheel? can theoretically rotate forever ? lighting some LEDs)

However, if the rotational speed and the falling weight pulse were not timed properly, the rotation will slow down or stop.   
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on July 31, 2008, 11:10:14 AM

"We know that the pulsed (or Lee-Tseung Pulled) pendulum can lead out gravitational energy.  Refer to the hundreds of posts in this thread."  (Quote from Tseung)

We know no such thing.  You keep telling us all that this is true but, in the many, many posts here in this topic you have not offered one working example or even any real mathematical proof of this theory.

Hey, I have a working gravity wheel made from a bicycle wheel.  It turns on it's own and will go on forever. (Sorry Forever)  All I have to do is to apply the Ellis pulses at the proper time (with my finger) and it will rotate by itself.  Please ignore the energy I am inputting to the system by using my finger to pulse the wheel as it is not important.  The wheel turns by itself and that proves my theory.  I can even prove it with math as long as I don't count the input energy from my finger pulses which do not matter.....right?  Right?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 31, 2008, 11:41:21 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 31, 2008, 10:09:09 AM
Explaining the Bessler Wheel

Many people asked: "Is the Bessler Wheel theoretically possible?"

My answer is a definite yes.  In the figure below, we show a pendulum on the LHS; an unbalanced wheel in the middle and a possible Bessler Wheel on the RHS.

We know that the pulsed (or Lee-Tseung Pulled) pendulum can lead out gravitational energy.  Refer to the hundreds of posts in this thread.


That's why you're still looping in your head. NO, no one EXCEPT YOU AND YOUR MULTIPLE PERSONA believes this nonsense. You have never once provided conclusive proof. All we have in these hundreds of posts are statements from you as if they were Gospel! Sorry Lawrence, time to take some medicine again!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 31, 2008, 01:02:20 PM

Now we are getting somewhere...finally!

Consider this if you wood...if one, or possibly more people were able to regulate their urine flow into timed pulses...and direct the flow with a funnel and a hose (just for the funnel of it) so that it falls downward onto the bicycle wheel (by now having cupped paddles attached) thereby giving the wheel its required timely pulse.

Would this not be over unity of sorts...or at least over urinity ?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 31, 2008, 06:32:10 PM
Let me focus on the figure Bessler.jpg on reply 2958.

Most people who attempted to reproduce the Bessler wheel suffered from the following:

(1)   Produce a symmetric balanced wheel.  Note the two balls on the RHS.  They are of unequal weight.  This will make the wheel unbalanced.

(2)   Do not realize the importance of producing the pulses.  The middle simple unbalanced wheel will accelerate and decelerate.  But a mechanism is required to produce the sharply defined pulses.

(3)   The actual pulsing mechanism.  The RHS figure uses falling balls with unequal weight and padding.  Other examples use hammers and weight shifting configurations.  There are many possibilities.

(4)   The matching of the rotational speed and the pulsing mechanism.  This is the most difficult part of the experiment.  Hunting for resonance by repeated experiments is a painful process.  A configuration may seem promising.  Then rusts or other factors come in and changed the conditions.  The result is no longer reproducible. 

(5)   Many inventors do not trust simulation software, as they believe that the software would just apply the Law of Conservation of Energy blindly.  Such software did not consider lead-out-energy.  If such software were modified to take lead-out-energy into account, the result will be different.

(6) Without the guidance of aimulation software, the process becomes a game of hit and miss.  Some claimed that they produced a working prototype.  Others could not reproduce it.  The hammering mechanism is a good example.  It is almost impossible to have two spring hammers behaving exactly enen though they are made from the same long spring.  Some produced the unbalanced wheel by accident as their crude methods could not produce a perfectly balanced wheel.

I am confident that the Bessler Wheel (or the unbalanced wheel using lead-out gravitational energy) can be reproduced if the experimenters understand the above theory.

Personally, I would not waste time because the Wang or Bedini type systems are much easier to reproduce.  It is like producing man-powered flight.  It is possible but the plane with an engine is much easier to produce.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on July 31, 2008, 09:20:09 PM
Hey, I just figured out that my Grandfather clock is an overunity device as defined by Lawrence's theory.  You see, the spring, when you wind it up, through the gearing and detent devices, applies the perfect Lee-Tseung pulses to the pendulum at exactly the correct time. (no pun intended)  This is a perfect example of a pendulum leading out gravitational energy.  I don't know why I am the first to discover this.  This should at least earn me an honorable mention at the Nobel Prize ceremonies.  Of course, we have to ignore any energy imparted from the winding of the spring by our hand, and the spring to the pendulum, and the weights we have to lift against gravity, but hey, other than that, it is pure overunity with gravity being lead out. At least I am now on the record for this amazing discovery.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 01, 2008, 12:47:35 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on July 31, 2008, 09:20:09 PM
Hey, I just figured out that my Grandfather clock is an overunity device as defined by Lawrence's theory.  You see, the spring, when you wind it up, through the gearing and detent devices, applies the perfect Lee-Tseung pulses to the pendulum at exactly the correct time. (no pun intended)  This is a perfect example of a pendulum leading out gravitational energy.  I don't know why I am the first to discover this.  This should at least earn me an honorable mention at the Nobel Prize ceremonies.  Of course, we have to ignore any energy imparted from the winding of the spring by our hand, and the spring to the pendulum, and the weights we have to lift against gravity, but hey, other than that, it is pure overunity with gravity being lead out. At least I am now on the record for this amazing discovery.


Hey Bill. Wait a moment. My grandpa also had a wound up pendulum like your grandpa! Now that makes two of us to co-discover this magic Lee-Tseung Push (or was it Pull?) . Now can I also go to the Noble Prize ceremony or at least gain another honorable mention?

Anyone else out there whose grandpa owns one of there perpetual motion machines utilizing the Lee-Tseung hocus pocus mechanism? Hurry.....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on August 01, 2008, 04:42:04 AM
G'day all,

I am still waiting for my pissmobile to get a mention, or am I being deliberately left out of the Nobel Prize stakes?

I know a Swedish chick in Skutskaer I really would like to see again, Nobel Prize funded of course. Chris and Bill can come along too for their time honoured support of the now legendary pissmobile concept, which is based on the Lee-Tseung Lead out Theory.

And can Who Flung Dung come along too for his design of the Piddle-Poo Motor which is based on the Lee-Tseung Theory, as the name implies.

So, fair go Lawrence, we really deserve a mention in your book that is sure to outsell the Bible, as you so correctly said, or was that you in the guise of the devil?

Hans von Lieven

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on August 01, 2008, 08:51:42 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on July 31, 2008, 06:32:10 PM
Let me focus on the figure Bessler.jpg on reply 2958.

Most people who attempted to reproduce the Bessler wheel suffered from the following:

(1)   Produce a symmetric balanced wheel.  Note the two balls on the RHS.  They are of unequal weight.  This will make the wheel unbalanced.

(2)   Do not realize the importance of producing the pulses.  The middle simple unbalanced wheel will accelerate and decelerate.  But a mechanism is required to produce the sharply defined pulses.

(3)   The actual pulsing mechanism.  The RHS figure uses falling balls with unequal weight and padding.  Other examples use hammers and weight shifting configurations.  There are many possibilities.

(4)   The matching of the rotational speed and the pulsing mechanism.  This is the most difficult part of the experiment.  Hunting for resonance by repeated experiments is a painful process.  A configuration may seem promising.  Then rusts or other factors come in and changed the conditions.  The result is no longer reproducible. 

(5)   Many inventors do not trust simulation software, as they believe that the software would just apply the Law of Conservation of Energy blindly.  Such software did not consider lead-out-energy.  If such software were modified to take lead-out-energy into account, the result will be different.

(6) Without the guidance of aimulation software, the process becomes a game of hit and miss.  Some claimed that they produced a working prototype.  Others could not reproduce it.  The hammering mechanism is a good example.  It is almost impossible to have two spring hammers behaving exactly enen though they are made from the same long spring.  Some produced the unbalanced wheel by accident as their crude methods could not produce a perfectly balanced wheel.

I am confident that the Bessler Wheel (or the unbalanced wheel using lead-out gravitational energy) can be reproduced if the experimenters understand the above theory.

Personally, I would not waste time because the Wang or Bedini type systems are much easier to reproduce.  It is like producing man-powered flight.  It is possible but the plane with an engine is much easier to produce.

Technically, there is something missing.  This something is the external load.  Many inventors try to make the rotation of the wheel as smooth as possible - lowest possible friction.  This will make tuning extremely difficult.

The better strategy is to introduce a braking or energy consuming mechanism that can be tuned.  This calls for larger wheel and/or higher rotational speed.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 01, 2008, 10:07:22 PM
Paid a visit to Sun et al yesterday.  Took pictures and video of the Wang electricity generator and the seawater+oil projects.

We now have four additional presenters.  More are being trained.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 01, 2008, 10:42:53 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 01, 2008, 10:07:22 PM
Paid a visit to Sun et al yesterday.  Took pictures and video of the Wang electricity generator and the seawater+oil projects.

We now have four additional presenters.  More are being trained.

Oh man! four young females old Tseung picked up from Hainan island on his R&R?

Do other people wonder why such earth shattering free energy discoveries need little girls to do PP presentations? I must have forgotten to take my medicine!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on August 02, 2008, 11:56:13 AM
Yes Lawrence, please have these girls call me.....in about 10 years!!!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 02, 2008, 05:37:16 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on August 01, 2008, 08:51:42 AM
Technically, there is something missing.  This something is the external load.  Many inventors try to make the rotation of the wheel as smooth as possible - lowest possible friction.  This will make tuning extremely difficult.

The better strategy is to introduce a braking or energy consuming mechanism that can be tuned.  This calls for larger wheel and/or higher rotational speed.

Thank you, Top Gun.

When Sun Fujun et al did the experiments, they tried to make the friction as low as possible.  We now realized that it was a mistake.

We shall work on the braking system - e.g. extract energy via the axle.

We may also put permanent magnets and electromagnets in - extracting electron motion energy and have better programming control.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 02, 2008, 05:59:45 PM
Putting on the hat to benefit the World

The 45 slide presentation set is ready in English, Cantonese and Putonghua.  It can be read in http://www.energyfromair.com/IOE_talk.

The over 200 page book is being proof-read and translated.  It looks like meeting the deadline of after the Olympics timeframe is possible.

The lead-out-energy machine theory is now complete.  We expect dozens of presenters initially.  That number will swell to millions as soon as working prototypes are available.

The Wang generator will wait for the worldwide announcement and demonstration of the larger electricity generator suitable for electricity companies.  The timing will be a political decision.

The technical side of the Wang generator is known.  The less than 5 KW version may come out as "proof of concept" first. 

Other prototypes that can be built by the average university or laboratory include:
(1) The Pulsed, Unbalanced Bessler Wheel
(2) The Bedini System
(3) A Slice of the 225 HP Pulse Motor

When a working prototype sits next to a book describing the theory, the impact will be unstoppable.

If a flying saucer descends on the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, the impact will be even greater.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: madsen on August 02, 2008, 06:24:12 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 02, 2008, 05:59:45 PM

If a flying saucer descends on the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, the impact will be even greater.

Cool---is that really going to happen?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on August 02, 2008, 08:23:43 PM
Also, I agree with Hans that the legendary Piss mobile should be included in the book.  This was Hans's creation based upon Larry's theory and it could easily be the break-thru we need here.  Actually, I believe this should take priority over my grandfather clock theory.  All should be included but if one has to make a choice, I believe the Piss mobile is the one to mention.  Just my opinion.  Please remember to give those girls my telephone number so they can call me when they grow up.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 02, 2008, 08:45:03 PM
The Question:

If 1 million Hong Kongese know the Lee-Tseung Theory, What would happen to Lee and Tseung?  Is their value to society gone?

When one gets old, one will think about dying.  It is a fact of life.  What will Tseung leave behind for the World?

(a) Kinetic theory of gases in motion
(b) Global Cooling
(c) Lead-out-energy
(d) Flying saucers
(e) Mutual credits

Are those sufficient?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 03, 2008, 04:59:15 AM
Another academic exercise:

The question:

Can your team draft a business plan assuming that Wang Shen He wants to sell his technology for the under 10KW market to a buyer for US$1 billion?

This is a good challenge and an academic exercise for Forever Yuen and team.  She now has eight other students helping her.  Some are majoring in Economics.

The outline of the business plan is as follows:

(1) The Product under consideration
(2) The Asking Price
(3) The Terms of Sale
(4) Market Analysis
(5) Competitive Analysis
(6) Risk Analysis
(7) Expected Return
(8 ) Summary
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 03, 2008, 05:39:13 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 03, 2008, 04:59:15 AM
Another academic exercise:

The question:

Can your team draft a business plan assuming that Wang Shen He wants to sell his technology for the under 10KW market to a buyer for US$1 billion?

This is a good challenge and an academic exercise for Forever Yuen and team.  She now has eight other students helping her.  Some are majoring in Economics.

The outline of the business plan is as follows:

(1) The Product under consideration
(2) The Asking Price
(3) The Terms of Sale
(4) Market Analysis
(5) Competitive Analysis
(6) Risk Analysis
(7) Expected Return
(8 ) Summary

The Product under consideration.

For academic purposes, let us assume two prototypes are available for demonstration when the investor or buyer comes to the conference room.  One prototype will be generating electricity monitored by webcam continuously for weeks.  The investor or buyer can assemble the other prototype inside the conference room.

There will be no possible doubt that the Wang Shen He device can rotate and generate electricity.  The investor or buyer is encouraged to bring any technical experts and testing equipment.

In addition, the greater than 10KW version for electricity companies would have been demonstrated worldwide at multiple sites.  There would have been dozens of reports from top Universities and Laboratories.  The Lee-Tseung theory would have been accepted.  The presentation slides in http://www.energyfromair.com/IOE_talk would have been heavily analyzed.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 03, 2008, 09:52:16 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 03, 2008, 04:59:15 AM
Another academic exercise:

The question:

Can your team draft a business plan assuming that Wang Shen He wants to sell his technology for the under 10KW market to a buyer for US$1 billion?

This is a good challenge and an academic exercise for Forever Yuen and team.  She now has eight other students helping her.  Some are majoring in Economics.

The outline of the business plan is as follows:

(1) The Product under consideration
(2) The Asking Price
(3) The Terms of Sale
(4) Market Analysis
(5) Competitive Analysis
(6) Risk Analysis
(7) Expected Return
(8 ) Summary

The Asking Price

This is an academic exercise.  The asking price is US$1 billion.  Wang said that he was not interested in the money.  He would donate it to produce a Model Farm or a Model Village.

He wants the investor or buyer to consider the value of the invention seriously.  He wants the students to do a realistic estimate of the potential of this technology.

I asked whether he would just donate the technology free to the World.  He said that he would like it properly developed, improved and monitored.  He used the example of software - freeware did not work.  I agree with him.  People will not value something if it is free.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 03, 2008, 05:49:39 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 03, 2008, 04:59:15 AM
Another academic exercise:

The question:

Can your team draft a business plan assuming that Wang Shen He wants to sell his technology for the under 10KW market to a buyer for US$1 billion?

This is a good challenge and an academic exercise for Forever Yuen and team.  She now has eight other students helping her.  Some are majoring in Economics.

The outline of the business plan is as follows:

(1) The Product under consideration
(2) The Asking Price
(3) The Terms of Sale
(4) Market Analysis
(5) Competitive Analysis
(6) Risk Analysis
(7) Expected Return
(8 ) Summary

The Terms of Sale

Continuing the academic exercise.

(1)   There is no International Patent outside China for this technology.  The buyer may seek to get such patents.  This technology was classified mistakenly by the Patent Offices as the impossible perpetual motion machines.  We expect major changes in the Patent Laws and/or practices in the near future.
(2)   The rights to produce 10KW or above using this Wang technology has been sold to a Chinese Company already.  Thus the sale (or transfer of technology) is only for units less than 10KW.
(3)   The Sale must wait for the formal announcement and worldwide demonstration of the greater than 10KW units suitable for electricity supply companies by the Chinese Company.
(4)   The Sale must be approved by the Chinese Government as this is viewed as highly sensitive technology that can affect the future of Nations or Mankind.
(5)   The technology cannot be shelved.  Products must come out within two years of Sale or Transfer of technology.  The buyer may license or sub-license other Companies to manufacture such products.
(6)   The currency may be in US dollars or any local Country Currency of equivalent value at the date of transaction.  As one of the goals of Wang Shen He is to benefit the World with Model Farms or Model Villages, part of the transaction may be in the form of land, factories, shares of engineering, electricity supply or mutually agreed Companies.
(7)   The buying party may be a group of Companies or Nations.  Those willing to participate in Model Farms or Model Villages will be given preference.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 04, 2008, 12:29:38 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 03, 2008, 05:39:13 AM
The Product under consideration.

For academic purposes, let us assume two prototypes are available for demonstration when the investor or buyer comes to the conference room.  One prototype will be generating electricity......


er. Like pigs will fly?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 04, 2008, 06:07:54 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 03, 2008, 04:59:15 AM
Another academic exercise:

The question:

Can your team draft a business plan assuming that Wang Shen He wants to sell his technology for the under 10KW market to a buyer for US$1 billion?

This is a good challenge and an academic exercise for Forever Yuen and team.  She now has eight other students helping her.  Some are majoring in Economics.

The outline of the business plan is as follows:

(1) The Product under consideration
(2) The Asking Price
(3) The Terms of Sale
(4) Market Analysis
(5) Competitive Analysis
(6) Risk Analysis
(7) Expected Return
(8 ) Summary

Market Analysis

In general, we can classify all our tools, machines into two types.  The first type uses human energy.  The second type uses electric, chemical or other types of energy.  As society progresses, the second type is replacing more and more of the first type.  Humans consume more and more energy.  Most of the existing energy used are from irreplaceable fossil fuel.  Others rely on the sun, wind or tide.  Nuclear energy is still unreliable and extremely unreliable.

Lead-out-energy devices are pollution-free, virtual inexhaustible and easy to maintain.  The Wang 5KW electricity generator is only one example of the lead-out-energy devices.  There are different schools of thought:

(1)   All tools, machines etc. will be lead-out-energy devices in the foreseeable future.  In other words, all tools have their own power supply.  This would eliminate the electricity companies totally.
(2)   Every family will have a flying saucer.  These flying saucers have powerful magneto propulsion units (MPUs) which are lead-out-energy devices.  Existing electric tools can still be used.  The energy comes from these MPUs.
(3)   Electricity Companies will still try to maintain the present structure so that they can have monthly income from every family.  They will have the lead-out-energy devices at the substations or in the power supply rooms of hotels or office buildings.  This is the strategy used by the Chinese Company investing in Wang and others at present.

We expect a migration period.  Scenario (3) will hit the market first.  Worldwide announcement and demonstration are in the works.  Products for electricity companies will roll out before the announcement of the Wang 5KW electricity generator.  There will be political pressure to have every electricity supply company using such pollution-free products.

At the same time, every citizen will learn about lead-out-energy products.  The 5KW Wang unit is targeted for the average home.  The retail price initially is probably HK$10,000 or about USD1,300.  The expected life is 20 years.  The product guarantee life may be one to five years depending on Country.  The initial buyers may even get a guarantee that if the units fail, the Company will pay for the electricity bill from the existing electricity supply companies.

The average Hong Kong family spends HK$1,000 on its electricity and gas bills.  The return on investment is one year or less.  If the 5KW Wang electricity generator were the only product on the market, we expect every family in Hong Kong will have one (or more) before they purchase their flying saucers.

In fact, every family in the World will demand one.  It will be like the Television or the Personal Computer.  It is an essential item.  Assume that the world population is 6 billion.  The average family size is 6.  The number of Wang units could be 1 billion.  If the price is USD1,300, the market potential is USD1,300 billion for initial coverage.

We believe every family would have purchased one or more 5KW home unit before all electrical appliances have their own lead-out-energy supply.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 04, 2008, 09:47:40 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 03, 2008, 04:59:15 AM
Another academic exercise:

The question:

Can your team draft a business plan assuming that Wang Shen He wants to sell his technology for the under 10KW market to a buyer for US$1 billion?

This is a good challenge and an academic exercise for Forever Yuen and team.  She now has eight other students helping her.  Some are majoring in Economics.

The outline of the business plan is as follows:

(1) The Product under consideration
(2) The Asking Price
(3) The Terms of Sale
(4) Market Analysis
(5) Competitive Analysis
(6) Risk Analysis
(7) Expected Return
(8 ) Summary

Competitive Analysis

At the time of writing this business plan, the only announced lead-out-energy product available for sale is the EBM machine from Hungary (http://www.gammamanager.com).
They are selling large units.  They have not used the Lee-Tseung theory to explain their source of energy yet.  Their impact on the World Market is small.

Technically, the worthwhile competitors are:

(a)   The 225 HP Pulse Motor funded by Jupiter Fund Group of USA.  One slice could generate more than 20 horsepower.  This is sufficient for the average home.  However, this product is not released yet. 
(b)   The Dr. Liang IC pulsed motor.  If the motor is fixed and used as electricity generator, there will be no worry related to the angle of tilt.  This motor can generate 188 horsepower.  However, there is not much news on its continued development.
(c)   The flux change only systems from Japan.  However, this product is not released yet.

If Wang or the buyer uses the planned gift tactic, he may gain the admiration and cooperation from all Nations.  There is no need to reverse engineer or illegally copy the technology.  It is just a matter of licensing with win-win for all.  Wang or the buyer can introduce Mutual Credit concepts at the same time.

Wang or the buyer can use the technique of raising funds from the World Stock Market.  He can use an existing listed Company in Hong Kong ? e.g. the China Power New Energy (0735).  He can issue additional new shares.  Wang or the buyer can easily raise the USD1 billion if the publicity is done right.  With the additional money raised, Wang or the buyer can purchase other lead-out-energy inventions.

Funding for lead-out-energy inventors will no longer be a problem.

If I were the Company already invested in the large units for the electricity companies, I would pay Wang the additional USD1 billion so that I have the potential added home market.  With both large and small electricity generator products available for production or licensing, the Company may even be able to raise US100billion in the World Stock Market.

If I were the Hong Kong Government, I would buy the Wang technology and use it as a high technology flagship to stimulate the Hong Kong Citizens.  (The Tseung book will have more buyers.) 

Students, use your imagination on this academic exercise.  There is no right or wrong solution.  Just reveal your innovative talents.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 05, 2008, 04:47:52 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 03, 2008, 04:59:15 AM
Another academic exercise:

The question:

Can your team draft a business plan assuming that Wang Shen He wants to sell his technology for the under 10KW market to a buyer for US$1 billion?

This is a good challenge and an academic exercise for Forever Yuen and team.  She now has eight other students helping her.  Some are majoring in Economics.

The outline of the business plan is as follows:

(1) The Product under consideration
(2) The Asking Price
(3) The Terms of Sale
(4) Market Analysis
(5) Competitive Analysis
(6) Risk Analysis
(7) Expected Return
(8 ) Summary

Risk Analysis

Let us continue the academic exercise.

What are the possible risks to the investor or buyer?

(a)   Technology Risk.  The investor or buyer will not be asked to sign any contract until after the worldwide announcement and demonstration of the large electricity generators suitable for electricity supply companies.  The news coverage will be worldwide.  Dozens of reports would have come out from the many prestigious Universities and Laboratories.  The Lee-Tseung lead out theory would have been praised as the greatest scientific theory behind Newton and Einstein.  There will be zero objections from the scientific community quoting the Law of Conservation of Energy.
(b)   Engineering Risk.  One prototype will be generating electricity.  Another will be disassembled and reassembled to show how the machine works.  The contract will specify that the inventor will personally train and supervise the first group of engineers and products.  The first group of engineers can be up to 100.  The first group of products can be up to 10,000 units.  There is no question that the team will not be able to produce the products.
(c)   Risk from other lead-out-energy inventions.  This is a potential risk, as we cannot predict products not available on the market yet.  However, if the investor or buyer is closely associated with the energy sector, they will be able to use the Wang Generator before other inventions become mature.  For example, the investor or buyer might have already recovered the payment of USD1 billion from the Stock Market before the product sales reached that mark.  Or the buyer may be supplying electricity to the homes already.
(d)   Risk from existing interests.  This is unlikely as the Wang 5KW electricity generator will be behind the announcement of the larger lead-out-energy electricity generator.
(e)   Risk from mismanagement.  Wang Shen Ho is willing to sell or transfer the technology outright.  Wang admits that he has no management experience and his interest is in the laboratory.  The investor or buyer is welcome to use his own team of managers.

We feel that if the buyer is a Government or a large Company with important Government connections, it will have a much better chance.  There are many potential issues such as regulations related to supplying electricity, product safety, restriction on high technology etc.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 05, 2008, 05:52:45 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 03, 2008, 04:59:15 AM
Another academic exercise:

The question:

Can your team draft a business plan assuming that Wang Shen He wants to sell his technology for the under 10KW market to a buyer for US$1 billion?

This is a good challenge and an academic exercise for Forever Yuen and team.  She now has eight other students helping her.  Some are majoring in Economics.

The outline of the business plan is as follows:

(1) The Product under consideration
(2) The Asking Price
(3) The Terms of Sale
(4) Market Analysis
(5) Competitive Analysis
(6) Risk Analysis
(7) Expected Return
(8 ) Summary

Expected Return

Let us assume the following scenarios:

(a)   The Investor or Buyer is a large oil, coal, power supply company or similar.  Buying the Wang technology or other lead-out-energy inventions is a necessary insurance policy.  When they cannot sell their existing products, they can sell the new product.  It is a matter of survival.  If their total asset is USD100 billion or more, paying USD1 billion for insurance is worth the price.  A few of these Companies may ally together and buy the insurance.

(b)   No other lead-out-energy device enters the market for the next three years.  This is sufficient time for every home to have a home electricity generator.  Let us assume the previous figure of 1 billion units.  The total market sales at USD1,300 per unit amounts to USD1,300 billion.  The cost of production for such high volume is expected to be USD300 or less.  The potential profit is USD1,000.  The return on investment is 1,000.  If we assume a very modest figure of 10% market share, the potential profit is still USD100 billion.

(c)   The Company invests not only in the Wang lead-out-energy device but also the full range including the flying saucers.  The Company also participates in mutual credits ? helping to sell its products and benefiting the world at the same time.  If every family owns a flying saucer at the price of USD100,000, the potential market value is USD100,000 billion.

Let us assume the buyer is a Country with the aim of benefiting the entire World.  The new wealth created with this new lead-out-energy and the flying saucer easily exceed all existing wealth.  The normal financial value on return on investment is meaningless. 

(The chance of the 17 year old Forever Yuen  Company exceeding the value of Microsoft is there.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on August 05, 2008, 10:19:11 AM
Tseung, your so called business plan is stupid.  It is more for your ego than for investors or buyers.

However, you may get some non-conventional humans interested.  It is good material for your book.  The readers will laugh and admire your stupidity.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on August 05, 2008, 04:02:58 PM
Let me do the summary.  See who wants to insult the Devil and go to Hell.

Quote from: ltseung888 on August 03, 2008, 04:59:15 AM
Another academic exercise:

The question:

Can your team draft a business plan assuming that Wang Shen He wants to sell his technology for the under 10KW market to a buyer for US$1 billion?

This is a good challenge and an academic exercise for Forever Yuen and team.  She now has eight other students helping her.  Some are majoring in Economics.

The outline of the business plan is as follows:

(1) The Product under consideration
(2) The Asking Price
(3) The Terms of Sale
(4) Market Analysis
(5) Competitive Analysis
(6) Risk Analysis
(7) Expected Return
(8 ) Summary


The Wang 5 KW electricity generator product will be promoted and demonstrated after the worldwide announcement and demonstration of a larger electricity generator suitable for electricity companies.  The concept of lead-out-energy devices would have been accepted.

The world will be seeking lead-out-energy inventions to invest.  Some investors or buyers will be from existing interests to ensure their survival.  Some investors or buyers want to get into the ground floor ? invest when the technology is at its infancy and hope to reap huge returns.  Some Countries or wealthy persons may want to benefit the World.

The Wang 5KW electricity generator has the advantage in engineering simplicity.  There is no electronics.  There are only about 7 components to put together.  The investor or buyer will be able to raise money from the Stock Market.  One tactic is to give a gift to every Country first.  The World will benefit with this and other lead-out-energy devices.  This technology leads naturally to the flying saucer technology.  The Country owning such technologies will have a chance to lead the World to a new level.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on August 05, 2008, 10:20:06 PM
The Wang generator really needs another name.  I mean, really.  Can you imagine service calls coming in to the home office?  "Yes, my Wang is on the fritz, can you please send someone?"  I mean, there is no telling who might show up.  Or,..."My Wang is not working like it is supposed to, I need some help?"

Also, I want to know what happened to the legendary Piss Mobile patent?  I sure hope Hans receives the credit he deserves for this one.  This is one elegant design.  I myself, am now working on a very special process to convert beer into piss for fuel purposes.  The work is long and hard and very demanding.  I hope to one day come up with the perfect fuel for Hans's design. I am currently working on my research every night.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on August 06, 2008, 05:29:42 PM
Tseung, as an academic exercise, can your team write a business plan on how to make the seventeen year old girl company greater in value than Microsoft.  You can name the Company as Forever Innovative Unlimited (FIU).

The Contents can be:

(a) Company Vision
(b) The Company Technologies
(c) The Company Business
(d) Market Analysis
(e) Competitive Analysis
(f) Management and its training
(g) Risk Analysis
(h) Investment or help needed
(i) Potential Return
(j) Summary

You want to beat Microsoft.  You need a plan.  You have proven that you are a dreamer with logical dreams.  Share your dreams with the World.  I may partner with God to make your dreams come true.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 06, 2008, 06:22:28 PM
Quote from: Devil on August 06, 2008, 05:29:42 PM
Tseung, as an academic exercise, can your team write a business plan on how to make the seventeen year old girl company greater in value than Microsoft.  You can name the Company as Forever Innovative Unlimited (FIU).

The Contents can be:

(a) Company Vision
(b) The Company Technologies
(c) The Company Business
(d) Market Analysis
(e) Competitive Analysis
(f) Management and its training
(g) Risk Analysis
(h) Investment or help needed
(i) Potential Return
(j) Summary

You want to beat Microsoft.  You need a plan.  You have proven that you are a dreamer with logical dreams.  Share your dreams with the World.  I may partner with God to make your dreams come true.

(a)   Company Vision

The Company Name is Forever Innovative Unlimited (FIU).  The vision of the Company is to be an example or model for the World.  The model is the new type of Company focusing on building modern wealth.  The value of the Company is not in the traditional form of balance sheets or profit and loss statements.  The Company will be evaluated in the quality and quantity of meaningful economic activities produced.

The Company founder is Ms. Forever Yuen of Tai Po, Hong Kong at the young age of seventeen.  Ms. Yuen got her inspiration and encouragement from her adopted grandfather, Mr. Lawrence Tseung.

FIU has the following visions:

(1)   Be a leader in the field of lead-out-energy inventions
(2)   Be a leader in the building of flying saucers
(3)   Introduce Mutual Credits to the World to eliminate poverty and ignorance
(4)   Build Model Companies, Model Farms, Model Villages and Model Cities
(5)   Run innovation camps ? both real and virtual
(6)   Build a new order for the human race ? all humans are created equal and will enjoy basic rights and opportunities.  Happiness will not be built on the sufferings of others.
(7)   Work with Nations so that they can increase the money supply (number in trusted financial institutions) in step with the creation of meaningful economic activities.

There will be many innovative thoughts.  For example, the province of Sichuan in China suffered one of the worst earthquakes in history.  There was much support from various parts of the World.  There were donations amounting to many billion dollars of RMB.  The traditional way is to use the money to rebuild schools, homes, infrastructures, etc and spend it wisely.  The money will be gone or spent.

An innovative way may be to use this donation as the foundation of mutual credit agreements.  For example, Sichuan enters a mutual credit agreement with Hong Kong with the sum of RMB 1 billion for a period of one year.  This means Sichuan gives Hong Kong a credit of RMB 1 billion to the Hong Kongese to buy goods and services from Sichuan.  At the same time, Hong Kong will give Hong Kong dollar to the value of RMB 1 billion to Sichuan.  Sichuan Citizens and Companies can use that money to buy goods and services from Hong Kong.  Many Hong Kong Companies will go to Sichuan to seek investment opportunities and help to rebuild the province fueled by the profit incentive.  The mutual credit agreement can be renewed yearly.  In other words, the RMB 1 billion donation is never spent or gone in the traditional sense.

The Company will share and promote such innovative ideas with the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on August 06, 2008, 09:45:33 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 06, 2008, 06:22:28 PM
(a)   Company Vision

(7)   Work with Nations so that they can increase the money supply (number in trusted financial institutions) in step with the creation of meaningful economic activities.

There will be many innovative thoughts.  For example, the province of Sichuan in China suffered one of the worst earthquakes in history.  There was much support from various parts of the World.  There were donations amounting to many billion dollars of RMB.  The traditional way is to use the money to rebuild schools, homes, infrastructures, etc and spend it wisely.  The money will be gone or spent.

An innovative way may be to use this donation as the foundation of mutual credit agreements.  For example, Sichuan enters a mutual credit agreement with Hong Kong with the sum of RMB 1 billion for a period of one year.  This means Sichuan gives Hong Kong a credit of RMB 1 billion to the Hong Kongese to buy goods and services from Sichuan.  At the same time, Hong Kong will give Hong Kong dollar to the value of RMB 1 billion to Sichuan.  Sichuan Citizens and Companies can use that money to buy goods and services from Hong Kong.  Many Hong Kong Companies will go to Sichuan to seek investment opportunities and help to rebuild the province fueled by the profit incentive.  The mutual credit agreement can be renewed yearly.  In other words, the RMB 1 billion donation is never spent or gone in the traditional sense.

Tseung, your innovative idea of helping Sichuan earthquake victims should be passed to the proper authorities.

The Forever Innovative Unlimited (FIU) Company will have its name coined in history if the Chinese or other Governments adopt such strategies.

The donation money is effectively never spent.  But billions and billions of meaningful economic activities are created.  This is the equivalent of the atomic bomb on economic theory.  If FIU were the developer, the promoter and the implementer of this idea, it will be as well respected as Microsoft. 

Continue to outline how FUI will implement its other visions.

Charge ahead.  I shall handle the insulting posts for you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on August 06, 2008, 10:29:39 PM
The Wang generator really needs another name.  I mean, really.  Can you imagine service calls coming in to the home office?  "Yes, my Wang is on the fritz, can you please send someone?"  I mean, there is no telling who might show up.  Or,..."My Wang is not working like it is supposed to, I need some help?"

Also, I want to know what happened to the legendary Piss Mobile patent?  I sure hope Hans receives the credit he deserves for this one.  This is one elegant design.  I myself, am now working on a very special process to convert beer into  fuel for this special design.  The work is long and hard and very demanding.  I hope to one day come up with the perfect fuel for Hans's design. I am currently working on my research every night.  My research thus far shows Australian beer to be superior for this purpose.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on August 10, 2008, 10:01:17 AM
QuoteCharge ahead.  I shall handle the insulting posts for you.

Insert giant guffaw here.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on August 11, 2008, 11:04:11 PM
Tseung,  you must be spending time watching the Olympics.  The World enjoys the event and all the sweat from thousands of athletes are worth it.

Write a good book.  The hard work will be worth it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 12, 2008, 03:22:23 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on August 06, 2008, 10:29:39 PM
The Wang generator really needs another name.  I mean, really.  Can you imagine service calls coming in to the home office?  "Yes, my Wang is on the fritz, can you please send someone?"  I mean, there is no telling who might show up.  Or,..."My Wang is not working like it is supposed to, I need some help?"

Also, I want to know what happened to the legendary Piss Mobile patent?  I sure hope Hans receives the credit he deserves for this one.  This is one elegant design.  I myself, am now working on a very special process to convert beer into  fuel for this special design.  The work is long and hard and very demanding.  I hope to one day come up with the perfect fuel for Hans's design. I am currently working on my research every night.  My research thus far shows Australian beer to be superior for this purpose.


I've not heard or seen any Wangs working. Have you? Maybe Tseung knows how to get his(theirs?) working after he inspects the way the methods used by the Chinese Gold medalist team!

By the way, I think someone stole Han's Piss (mobile) idea - http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110000330628


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on August 12, 2008, 07:36:00 PM


You are right!  This beats the Wang generator hands down.  A great way to recycle beer.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on August 13, 2008, 03:50:43 AM

Global warming, oil supplies,
Politicians full of lies,
Crooked banks, misguided greenies,
Utilities and other meanies,
Mafioso pushing drugs,
Preachers, popes and other mugs,
All these things are here today,
Just to take your cash away.
No more of this, you soon will see,
We have the way, we will be free.
Cause we will conquer you with this:
The power of the human piss.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: BEP on August 13, 2008, 04:52:46 AM
I wonder what the efficiency is. I mean, really? Figure energy for planting the crops, processing the plants, brewing, cost of constant and repeated taste tests, bottling, transportation, storage, fuel to the shopping center, opening the frig door, opening hte frig door, opening the frig door, opening the frig door. opnsaind da fri dor.. opn da frig....

and then what amount of power output?

Comon folks you know you shoulodn't post theories without some pics and data. (no pics for me please!)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 13, 2008, 08:41:32 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on August 13, 2008, 03:50:43 AM

Global warming, oil supplies,
Politicians full of lies,
Crooked banks, misguided greenies,
Utilities and other meanies,
Mafioso pushing drugs,
Preachers, popes and other mugs,
All these things are here today,
Just to take your cash away.
No more of this, you soon will see,
We have the way, we will be free.
Cause we will conquer you with this:
The power of the human piss.

Hans von Lieven


There's plenty and free in China! You don't even need to wash afterwards! Do we need Lawrence to translate?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on August 14, 2008, 12:00:25 AM
I always knew Hans was a poet,
His pissmobile will be famous before you know it.
Lawrence claims free lead out energy,
I would write more but I have to pee.


@ Hans:

It seems your talents go far beyond engineering and research.  Great poem!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 14, 2008, 07:11:40 PM
Extracts from the coming book
Chapter on designing the Magneto Propulsion Unit (MPU)

In the above figure,

(1) The 4 rectangles represented by a are programmable electromagnetic coils.  They are stationary in the inner cylinder b.

(2) The magnetic ball c can move within the cylindrical grove d powered by magnetic attractive forces from the electromagnetic coils a.  Such movement and set up is effectively a lead-out-energy device.  Some of the lead-out-energy can be extracted via the programmable electromagnetic coils a. 

(3) The magnetic ball c essentially glides or rotates on the surface of the stationary inner cylinder b.  The speed can be very high.

(4) When the magnetic attraction force is cut (or turned into repulsion), the magnetic ball c will fly away in the tangential direction along the angle shaped e.  It will hit the surface of e providing an effective force to move the unit downwards in this case.  If the angle shaped e is moved to a different position, the effective force can be in a different direction.

(5) The magnetic ball can be attracted back to repeat its circular motion.

(6) Two of these MPUs can work in unison to provide smooth motion to the vehicle.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 14, 2008, 08:17:15 PM
FAQ on the MPU:

FAQ1:  Magnetic materials are often fragile.  They fall apart or lose their magnetism on repeated collision.  How can you overcome this drawback?

We can case and cushion them in stronger material.

FAQ2: How can you tell the exact position of the magnetic ball c?  This information is important for program control of the electromagnets.

We can employ laser-sensing technology.  Similar technology is available on the hard disk of computers.

FAQ3: If the MPU or flying saucer technology is so easy, do you think that it has already been implemented?

We submitted our China patent application in 2005.  We explained the theory and design at Tsinghua University in 2006.  In youtube.com, if one searches UFO Nanjing, one sees a video of a flying saucer powered by seven MPUs.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on August 14, 2008, 08:41:57 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Your MPU1.jpg is simply brilliant.  It is the pinnacle of the Lee-Tseung theory.  If gravitational energy can be lead out via a horizontal pull on a pendulum, MPU1.jpg is correct.

The design is just
(a)   Programmed pulse-rotation of a magnet to lead out magnetic or electron motion energy
(b)   Circular motion via an attractive magnetic force to provide the centripetal force.
(c)   Cutting off the attractive magnetic force to allow the magnetic ball c to fly away in the tangential direction.
(d)   Allowing the magnetic ball c to collide with the angle-shaped e to provide the force in the required direction.  Such forces can change the speed or the direction of motion.
(e)   Use two or more of these MPUs to achieve smooth motion.

Theoretically, this is correct.  It is just a matter of engineering now.  You believed that the youtube Nanjing UFO is real and probably followed the above theory.  That belief is logical.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on August 15, 2008, 09:49:26 PM
Professor John Searl - SEG generator and anti-gravity disk.  Is it theoretically sound?


From the diagrams, there are magnetic units rotating in concentrate cyclinders.  Conceptually, this is similar to the Tseung MPU1.jpg.  If magnetic forces were cut, the magnetic units will fly away tangentially.  If the manufacturing was not perfect, a net force may be produced.

Tseung has the theory and a conceptual prototype in MPU1.jpg.

It is possible that Professor John Searl may have produced a prototype by hit-and-miss experimental efforts.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on August 15, 2008, 11:16:13 PM
How many teams are building the equivalent of MPU1.jpg worldwide?

My guess is that more than a dozen teams are building it.  More are joining as the theoretical ground work has been completed.

The beauty of MPU1.jpg is that it combines the lead-out-energy machine capability with the inertial propulsion unit. 

It is almost impossible for governments to suppress this technology.  This technology does not need billions of dollars.  It does not need revolutionary breakthrough technology.  A good university or a good research laboratory can build it.

The flying saucer is no longer a dream.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Charlie_V on August 15, 2008, 11:50:30 PM
MPU1.jpg is a horrible design.  Even if it works it won't last long.  How many things do you know can withstand constant pounding by a metal ball traveling at high speeds?  Plus, the ball would not stay on the track e anyway because of centrifugal force. 


Whats wrong with the pope? 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on August 16, 2008, 04:53:33 AM
Quote from: Charlie_V on August 15, 2008, 11:50:30 PM
MPU1.jpg is a horrible design.  Even if it works it won't last long.  How many things do you know can withstand constant pounding by a metal ball traveling at high speeds?  Plus, the ball would not stay on the track e anyway because of centrifugal force. 

This may be one of the reasons that China or USA has not announced the MPU or the Flying Saucer technology yet.  China pays much attention to its technical image.  The general attitude is on the side of caution. 

When the Official Announcement comes, the device would have been tested thousands of times.

You are welcome to suggest better designs.  (or you prefer to get a patent first.  That is understandable.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on August 16, 2008, 08:50:59 AM
Tseung and Top Gun, do you know that you have opened the Pandora box?

Once the stupid human race knows how to build the Flying Saucer, it will be another arms race.  Many nations will try to develop the Flying Saucer as a military weapon first.  There will be selfish acts.  There will be spies and secret agents.  There are no fair rules to acquire and excel in this technology.

Expect many dirty plays.  That is the evil human nature.  They learn it from me.  You better watch out.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on August 16, 2008, 02:20:34 PM
Tseung and Top Gun have open the Pandora's box and Hans has pissed in it.  I am telling you, the
legendary piss mobile propulsion technology pioneered by Hans will be world famous soon.  Patent applications for this device are
flying all over the place but Hans has prior art rights.  Russia and China are using government agents to attempt to uncover the formula behind
Hans's device.  MIT and JPL have their own test models almost ready to fly.  Soon, the price of beer will exceed that of gasoline.  Big Beer will
have enormous power and control over the destiny of mankind for they hold the precious ingredients for our fuel requirements.

So far, Australia and the US are in the lead with this fantastic technology.  Many students are being educated at top universities in secret classrooms to prepare for future engineering of this device.

I am just very proud to know Hans and to be, even if in a small way, associated with him.

PS  The Wall Street Journal was preparing a front page story on this device but was told by the US government that if they ran it, they would be shut down for good.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on August 16, 2008, 05:24:22 PM
I believe that the MPU should work in pairs as in the figure.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 16, 2008, 08:55:31 PM
I know that the lead-out-energy devices and the flying saucers will bring immense benefits to the World.  The ones who contribute early are likely to get higher rewards.  At the same time, their efforts might be ignored or exceeded by the latecomers who climbed on their shoulders.

I do not have the cash to reward the contributors like a normal company.  What should I do?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on August 16, 2008, 09:06:37 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 16, 2008, 08:55:31 PM
I know that the lead-out-energy devices and the flying saucers will bring immense benefits to the World.  The ones who contribute early are likely to get higher rewards.  At the same time, their efforts might be ignored or exceeded by the latecomers who climbed on their shoulders.

I do not have the cash to reward the contributors like a normal company.  What should I do?

Stupid Tseung.  You call yourself as an innovator.  You pointed out that money is just a number in a trusted financial institution.  You defined modern wealth as the quality and quantity of meaningful economic activities.

You do not have the cash to be a real company.  But you have infinite virtual money.  If people do not trust you, they will not join you.  If they join you and contribute, they believe in your theories and/or ideals.

You can create a virtual company such as Forever Innovative Unlimited (FIU) and award FIU points to your helpers and contributors.  These FIU points can be converted to real dollars if and when FIU becomes successful.  If FIU fails, the contributions will be treated as group training.

Just design the rules for running this virtual FIU and its award systems.  Wake up, stupid humans.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 16, 2008, 09:49:01 PM
Quote from: Devil on August 16, 2008, 09:06:37 PM
Stupid Tseung.  You call yourself as an innovator.  You pointed out that money is just a number in a trusted financial institution.  You defined modern wealth as the quality and quantity of meaningful economic activities.

You do not have the cash to be a real company.  But you have infinite virtual money.  If people do not trust you, they will not join you.  If they join you and contribute, they believe in your theories and/or ideals.

You can create a virtual company such as Forever Innovative Unlimited (FIU) and award FIU points to your helpers and contributors.  These FIU points can be converted to real dollars if and when FIU becomes successful.  If FIU fails, the contributions will be treated as group training.

Just design the rules for running this virtual FIU and its award systems.  Wake up, stupid humans.

Thank you Devil, I accept that I am stupid.  The following is a draft of the rules for Forever Innovative Unlimited.

(1)   Any one can join FIU if he or she can present the Lee-Tseung lead out theory and the flying saucer theory as described in http://www.energyfromair.com/IOE_talk.  If he were in Hong Kong, he can do a real presentation to three or more existing members of FIU.  He will be awarded 1,000 FIU points.  He will be regarded as a level one member of FIU.

(2)   If he is outside Hong Kong, he can do a webcam or MSN session.  He will also be awarded 1,000 FIU points.  He will also be regarded as a level one member of FIU.

(3)   A level one member of FIU can help to train others on the Lee-Tseung lead out theory and the flying saucer theory.  He receives 1,000 FIU points for every student he trains and who passes the examination in (1) or (2).

(4)   After a level one member has trained 5 or more students, he will be promoted as an FIU examiner.  He will be assigned the task of judging the presentations.  He will be given FIU 500 points for each examination session ? no matter whether the person passes or fails the examination.

(5)   Any one can contribute ideas to FIU openly.  There will be a three-member review committee.  Each accepted idea will get a base point of 1,000 FIU.  These ideas will be posted for all to share and review.  Monthly bonus points will be given to the selected ideas.  There is no upper limit to the bonus but there will be written comments from the review committee.

(6)   Some actual contributions such as drawing cartoons for the book, designing the website, manning the discussion forums etc will be awarded FIU points at pre-agreed amounts.  These agreements will be posted openly for all to learn.

(7)   There may be some out-of-pocket or actual cash contributions such as traveling and materials.  For every 100 Hong Kong dollar contribution, 200 FIU points will be awarded.

(8 )   The number of FIU points awarded will be published and updated every week.  Thus every contributor can see his share of contribution and reward.

This draft will be discussed with the FIU management.  With the brilliant innovation, starting a company with zero cash is possible.  FIU can be an example or a model for the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 16, 2008, 11:15:49 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on August 16, 2008, 05:24:22 PM
I believe that the MPU should work in pairs as in the figure.

I can see clearly now! Wow, it's my kid's Nintendo Game controller! How stupid of me not to see the great innovation!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on August 18, 2008, 10:25:48 AM
QuoteI do not have the cash to reward the contributors like a normal company.  What should I do?

Blow em?;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 21, 2008, 04:40:32 AM
Modern Wealth is equal to the quality and quantity of meaningful economic activities.

Is China hosting the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games a meaningful economic activity?

1.  Have it provided a good image for China in the eyes of the World?

2.  Are there more infrastructures such as roads, trains, bridges etc?

3.  Have there been more employment?

4.  Have there been more money (number in trusted financial institution) pumped into the economy to make more people rich?

5.  Do the Chinese people feel good about the game?

Defining what are meaningful economic activities are often subjective.  It is often a matter of collective will.  However, someone must propose it first.  Threre will be jeers and cheers for the visionaries.

Is proposing to design and build the MPU for the benefit of the World meaningful?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on August 21, 2008, 11:50:25 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 21, 2008, 04:40:32 AM

Is proposing to design and build the MPU for the benefit of the World meaningful?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 21, 2008, 05:06:25 PM
What are the things that impressed me most in the Beijing Olympics 2008?

1.   The incredible American swimmer Michael Phelps and his eight gold medals.
2.   The Jamaican Runner Usain Bolt and his 100 meter run.
3.   The Russian Pole Vault Winner Elena Isinbaeva and her new World Record.
4.   The graceful China Diving Teams with their dominance in gold medals
5.   The invincible Chinese Table Tennis Teams ? both men and women
6.   The American Dream Basketball Team with their incredible skills
7.   The many Chinese Gold Medals ? exceeding previous records by a wide margin
8.   The magnificent Opening Ceremony ? the lighting of the Olympic torch

The whole event is a display of the spirit of One World, One Dream.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 21, 2008, 05:13:18 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on August 21, 2008, 11:50:25 AM
Is proposing to design and build the MPU for the benefit of the World meaningful?



The good thing about an open forum are the different points of view.

The better thing is that one can ignore the other points of view.

The best thing is to announce the impossible first and then achieve it with the spotlight on.  (The US swimmer Michael Phelps comes to mind.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 21, 2008, 07:41:11 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 21, 2008, 05:06:25 PM
What are the things that impressed me most in the Beijing Olympics 2008?

The whole event is a display of the spirit of One World, One Dream.

Commie propaganda!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on August 21, 2008, 09:00:22 PM
@ chrisC:

Here here!  Well said!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on August 22, 2008, 12:46:12 AM
All you skeptics will eat your words on Monday, after closing ceremonies, when the Wang Hum Sho magnet motor will be on sale, as promised by Mr. Tseung.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 22, 2008, 01:07:33 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on August 22, 2008, 12:46:12 AM
All you skeptics will eat your words on Monday, after closing ceremonies, when the Wang Hum Sho magnet motor will be on sale, as promised by Mr. Tseung.

I believe pigs can fly more than I can believe the Wang magnet motor producing OU. After all, when did Mr. Tseung last showed you anything believeable? He needs to pass 'O' level physics and then learn to use a drill before anything becomes believable!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on August 22, 2008, 01:15:42 AM
@ All:

Wow!  I didn't realize that the "Professor Who Flung Dung Look-Alike Contest" was an Olympic sport.  But it is.  (Evidently since the 2004 Olympics)  Here is Professor Wang receiving the coveted gold medal for his efforts.  I guess this makes sense since China hosted the event this year.  There evidently was an official protest filed by the Romanians which was to no avail.  The Romanians complained that Wang had received monetary compensation for several previous contests he had entered and won and therefore was a professional and not eligible.  The Chinese judges, no big surprise, ruled otherwise and Wang was the winner.  According to reports, this victory has inspired young Chinese males to begin training to grow a Fumanchoo mustache in order to be able to compete in future competitions.

On a side note.  Professor Wang demonstrated his famous generator for the world's press after his big win.  After initially being very impressed with the device, further scrutiny revealed it to be nothing more than a vibrator (as in sexual aid) powered by a weed-whacker gasoline engine.  After further evaluations it was determined that the device was indeed overunity.  Of course, this was only after discounting the energy imparted by the 20:1 gasoline and oil mixture in the fuel tank.  Not counting this, it was proved to be overunity.  One lonely Chinese woman was reported to have said, "Now this is a Wang generator I can really use."  Oddly enough, the Wang Generator was shortly thereafter reported missing.  The same woman was later spotted at a community store attempting to purchase gasoline and 2 cycle engine oil.  She was apprehended and shot 5 minutes later after a fair trial.  The press was barred from attending the trial.

And I thought I knew everything about the Olympics.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 22, 2008, 07:37:34 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 21, 2008, 05:13:18 PM
The good thing about an open forum are the different points of view.

The better thing is that one can ignore the other points of view.

The best thing is to announce the impossible first and then achieve it with the spotlight on.  (The US swimmer Michael Phelps comes to mind.)

We have shown the theory behind the lead-out-energy devices and the flying saucer.  We have laid out the concept of mutual credits.

Many of you will say that those are impossible dreams.

We openly invite the elites of the World to turn such dreams to reality.

The three demonstration prototypes to share with the World are expected to be:

1.  The Bessler Wheel with balls falling in tubes with unequal padding.

2.  The Wang Shen He Wheel

3.  The Magneto Propulsion Unit (MPU)

Impossible is nothing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 22, 2008, 08:58:33 PM
In this improved Bessler Wheel (see figure),The tubes a and b contain balls with unequal weight and unequal padding.  Such an arrangement provides a net clockwise torque.There are permanent magnets c on the wheel.  They interact with an electromagnet d to either supply pulse force or draw out electricity (similar to the Bedini Motor).

The Bessler Wheel is basically a rotating unbalanced wheel.  That arrangement can lead out gravitational energy.  We use the two tubes a and b with unequal weight balls to emphasize the unbalance.  (A balanced wheel will also work in this case.)
The trick is to provide an unequal torque in the rotation.  This is achieved with the balls falling on unequally padded surfaces.  The top ball will hit a hard surface.  The bottom ball will hit a padded surface.  There will then be a net torque in the clockwise direction.

There should be some mechanism for control.  The permanent magnets c and the electromagnetic coil d are used for this purpose.  The electromagnetic coil d can be connected to electrical circuits to draw out different amounts of current.  It may also be used to pulse rotate the wheel.  However, the likely starting force may be via a hand rotation. The complexity of the pulsing circuit can be avoided.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on August 22, 2008, 10:12:07 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Your improved Bessler Wheel uses magnetic drawing of current as adjustable brakes.  This is very clever.

Let us see who will produce such a working prototype first.  The design is open and any one can implement or improve.

The World will benefit with such open sharing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on August 23, 2008, 05:00:45 AM
If we modify Bessler2.jpg, we can get Bessler3.jpg.

In Bessler3.jpg,

1. d is the electromagnet responsible for the pulse.

2. e is the electromagnet responsible for extracting electricity.

If e were not there, d will serve both as pulse and extraction.  That is the Bedini Motor.

If e is there, d can focus on the pulse function.  That is the Adams Motor.

The theory is the lead-out-energy (magnetic or electron motion energy) as described by the Lee-Tseung lead out theory.  If the axle is horizontal, some gravitational energy will be lead out as well.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on August 23, 2008, 10:53:08 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on August 22, 2008, 10:12:07 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Your improved Bessler Wheel uses magnetic drawing of current as adjustable brakes.  This is very clever.

Let us see who will produce such a working prototype first.  The design is open and any one can implement or improve.

The World will benefit with such open sharing.

Half dozen personas, and not one of them can use a drill?  Why don't you make a padded wheel for us, Mr. Top Gun?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on August 23, 2008, 08:11:12 PM
This Bessler5.jpg arrangement is effectively a slice of the 225HP pulse motor.

1.  There are permanent magnets c in the inner rotating cylinder.

2.  There are electromagnetic coils d that can be programmed to pulse rotate the permanent magnets c or act as collector coils to extract electrical energy.

It is a matter of clever programming.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on August 23, 2008, 10:54:01 PM
Bessler6.jpg shows effectively the unequal and angled arrangement of permanent magnets in the top part of the Wang Shen He wheel. In this case, c and d are both permanents.  Some magnetic shielding material was used.

There is no magic if you understand the Lee-Tseung theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 24, 2008, 07:34:42 AM
Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for explaining using the many figures.

I am no experimental scientist.  I look forward to others doing the prototype.

Can you do it or can you recommend someone else?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 24, 2008, 11:42:28 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 24, 2008, 07:34:42 AM
Dear Top Gun,

Thank you for explaining using the many figures.

I am no experimental scientist.  I look forward to others doing the prototype.

Can you do it or can you recommend someone else?

One would have thought that at your age, you should stop playing mind games with your alter egos and spend time with your grandchildren. At least when they grow up, they can acknowledge they had a grandpa who looked after their interest!

You are certainly no scientist. Just wasting your time masquerading as Top Gun or Devil or whatever else just looks plain stupid for someone your age!

btw, did that head of Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Hong Kong Poly. get back to you on your 'O' level physics postulates? I guessed not. Maybe even the graduate TA wouldn't wan't to touch you with a 10 foot pole?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on August 24, 2008, 05:44:36 PM
Wow this is one straaaaaange thread. At one hand you have this group of insulters trying to ridicule tseung after every post he makes. And then you have tseung and his weird posts seemingly ignoring every one of those comments as if he's talking to noone :D.

Btw tsueng I doubt you'll respond to this but I don't think bessler used such a delicate method on his wheel. His wheel was big and rough (compared to machining of today).For it to somehow use your theory it needed to be very fine tuned and like mentioned earlier every small influence would have made it stop spinning. Your theory, on a real build, would also predict variable rotation speed as friction and what not influences the resonance it wants to attain, while besslers ran at pretty much constant speed.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 24, 2008, 07:09:02 PM
Quote from: broli on August 24, 2008, 05:44:36 PM
Wow this is one straaaaaange thread. At one hand you have this group of insulters trying to ridicule tseung after every post he makes. And then you have tseung and his weird posts seemingly ignoring every one of those comments as if he's talking to noone :D.

Btw tsueng I doubt you'll respond to this but I don't think bessler used such a delicate method on his wheel. His wheel was big and rough (compared to machining of today).For it to somehow use your theory it needed to be very fine tuned and like mentioned earlier every small influence would have made it stop spinning. Your theory, on a real build, would also predict variable rotation speed as friction and what not influences the resonance it wants to attain, while besslers ran at pretty much constant speed.

Dear broli,

We are not trying to reproduce the 17th century Bessler Wheel. 

In this academic exercise, we want to show that the Bessler Wheel could be an unbalanced wheel with a built-in pulsing mechanism.

The basic falling ball in tube with unequal padding could do the job.  We want to add the Bedini, Adams motor mechanism for finer control.  This will force the implementers to learn more about such systems and the extraction of electron motion energy via magnetic fields.

I found that the Hong Kong students enjoy such an exercise.  Many are in the reading and research mode. 

The information here will be "re-discovered" as soon as the large electricity generator for substations are announced and demonstrated Worldwide.  If I stay healthy and stick to my two-hour morning walk routine, I shall live to see it.  I may even see the MPU and the flying saucer too.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 24, 2008, 07:24:13 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 24, 2008, 07:09:02 PM

  If I stay healthy and stick to my two-hour morning walk routine, I shall live to see it.  I may even see the MPU and the flying saucer too.

Please stay healthy Mr. Tseung. After all, I don't think we'll see this WANG generator this year(?). Well, if you remember, Mr. Tseung, you mentioned previously we will see this invention after the Olympics? Or did you forget? Well, the Olympics are now over. Maybe you meant the next time the Olympics are in Beijing again?

Oh, how silly of me to think it was this year! After all, if all the HK school children are experimenting with this, maybe you meant a toy that doesn't need a drill to put together and rotated by hand?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: exnihiloest on August 25, 2008, 09:42:00 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 14, 2008, 07:11:40 PM
Extracts from the coming book
Chapter on designing the Magneto Propulsion Unit (MPU)

In the above figure,

(1) The 4 rectangles represented by a are programmable electromagnetic coils.  They are stationary in the inner cylinder b.

(2) The magnetic ball c can move within the cylindrical grove d powered by magnetic attractive forces from the electromagnetic coils a.  Such movement and set up is effectively a lead-out-energy device.  Some of the lead-out-energy can be extracted via the programmable electromagnetic coils a. 

(3) The magnetic ball c essentially glides or rotates on the surface of the stationary inner cylinder b.  The speed can be very high.

(4) When the magnetic attraction force is cut (or turned into repulsion), the magnetic ball c will fly away in the tangential direction along the angle shaped e.  It will hit the surface of e providing an effective force to move the unit downwards in this case.  If the angle shaped e is moved to a different position, the effective force can be in a different direction.

(5) The magnetic ball can be attracted back to repeat its circular motion.

(6) Two of these MPUs can work in unison to provide smooth motion to the vehicle.

When the ball is rolling around the lower half-circle, the centripetal force acting on the ball lead to a reaction force onto the cylinder via the coils and magnetic forces. The resulting force on the cylinder is in average in the direction of the arrow. 
When the ball is rolling around the upper half-circle, there is an equal force acting onto the cylinder in average in the opposite direction of the arrow.
Thus for each turn, the resulting forces along the arrow are perfectly balanced and we have not to account for their work.

But when the ball is released and hits e, its last half-turn was upper and not balanced by the lower one, thus the average force acting onto the cylinder was in the opposite direction of the arrow, counter-balancing the work of c hitting e.

No motion can be expected from such vehicle.

It is well known that in a closed system, circular motion can't be converted into linear motion. Either you have to prove our models of physics laws are wrong or you have to show us new and unknown phenomenon in physics. You can't expect for revolutionary phenomenon using only basic and simplistic designs with conventional objects and forces which are modelizable with lagrangians or hamiltonians.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 25, 2008, 11:56:22 AM
Quote from: exnihiloest on August 25, 2008, 09:42:00 AM

No motion can be expected from such vehicle.

It is well known that in a closed system, circular motion can't be converted into linear motion. Either you have to prove our models of physics laws are wrong or you have to show us new and unknown phenomenon in physics. You can't expect for revolutionary phenomenon using only basic and simplistic designs with conventional objects and forces which are modelizable with lagrangians or hamiltonians.

Ah, don't forget Exnihiloest, Tseung has not passed his 'O' level physics yet. That's why he keeps on postulating all kinds of crap with no bearings to known physical laws. It's all in his head. Because he doesn't know how to use a drill, he is not able to build a prototype to demonstrate his Tseung-Lee theory of unknown phenomenon. Sad to say, this astounding discovery will never be known.....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on August 25, 2008, 09:12:01 PM
Extracts from the coming book
Chapter on designing the Magneto Propulsion Unit (MPU)

In the above figure,

(1) The 4 rectangles represented by a are programmable electromagnetic coils.  They are stationary in the inner cylinder b.

(2) The magnetic ball c can move within the cylindrical grove d powered by magnetic attractive forces from the electromagnetic coils a.  Such movement and set up is effectively a lead-out-energy device.  Some of the lead-out-energy can be extracted via the programmable electromagnetic coils a. 

(3) The magnetic ball c essentially glides or rotates on the surface of the stationary inner cylinder b.  The speed can be very high.

(4) When the magnetic attraction force is cut (or turned into repulsion), the magnetic ball c will fly away in the tangential direction along the angle shaped e.  It will hit the surface of e providing an effective force to move the unit downwards in this case.  If the angle shaped e is moved to a different position, the effective force can be in a different direction.

(5) The magnetic ball can be attracted back to repeat its circular motion.

(6) Two of these MPUs can work in unison to provide smooth motion to the vehicle.

When the ball is rolling around the lower half-circle, the centripetal force acting on the ball lead to a reaction force onto the cylinder via the coils and magnetic forces. The resulting force on the cylinder is in average in the direction of the arrow. 
When the ball is rolling around the upper half-circle, there is an equal force acting onto the cylinder in average in the opposite direction of the arrow.
Thus for each turn, the resulting forces along the arrow are perfectly balanced and we have not to account for their work.

But when the ball is released and hits e, its last half-turn was upper and not balanced by the lower one, thus the average force acting onto the cylinder was in the opposite direction of the arrow, counter-balancing the work of c hitting e.

No motion can be expected from such vehicle.

It is well known that in a closed system, circular motion can't be converted into linear motion. Either you have to prove our models of physics laws are wrong or you have to show us new and unknown phenomenon in physics. You can't expect for revolutionary phenomenon using only basic and simplistic designs with conventional objects and forces which are modelizable with lagrangians or hamiltonians.

Please note that the magnetic ball c is made to rotate faster via the action of the electromagnetic coils.  With the extract supply of energy, the system cannot be closed.

In addition, there is a net attractive magnetic force from the action of the electromagnetic coils attracting the mganetic ball towards the center - the required centripetal force to keep the magnetic ball c from flying away.

Note that the electromagnetic coils are powered by Pulsed DC current.  This means that they will exhibit North Pole, No Pole, North Pole, No Pole, North Pole, etc. The permanent magnetic ball c always have magnetic South pole pointing towards the center.  (You may be confused by assuming a rolling actions.  For ease of understanding, consider sliding action.  Or think of it as the motion similar to a chained-ball.)

The physics described here cannot be wrong.  I shall describe the pulsing circuit in a separate post.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on August 25, 2008, 10:04:05 PM
The Direct Current pulsing circuit applied to an electromagnetic coil.

(1)   When a DC current is passing through an electromagnetic coil, the electromagnetic coil will exhibit the properties of a magnet with one end acting as the North Poles and the other end acting as the South Pole.

(2)   If the DC current is stopped, the electromagnetic coil will start to lose its magnetic properties.  In the perfect case, the magnetic properties will disappear and the electromagnetic coil will show No Pole.

(3)   If the DC current is pulsed, the electromagnetic coil will show North Pole, No Pole, North Pole, No Pole, North Pole, No Pole, etc.

(4)   Consider the wheel (Pulsed-rotation1.jpg), the permanent magnet PM1 will be repelled causing a clockwise rotation force if the electromagnetic coil EC showed properties of a North Pole.  When the permanent magnet PM2 approaches the electromagnetic coil EC and if EC still exhibit the properties of a North Pole, there will be a repulsion causing an anticlockwise rotation.  However, if the electromagnetic coil EC has No Pole, there will be no repulsion.  When the permanent magnet PM2 moves to the position of PM1, the electromagnetic coil EC shows property of North Pole again.  There will be repulsion in the clockwise direction.

(5)   This explains the need for a pulsing DC current to rotate the inner cylinder in the clockwise direction.  The Newman, Bedini, Adams, Liang and the 225 HP pulse motors all use the above feature.  The pulsing rate must match the rotational speed for an effective operation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on August 25, 2008, 10:18:36 PM
In Pulsed-rotation2.jpg, the electromagnetic coil is used as a collector coil.  When a permanent magnet moves, its magnetic lines of force will interact with the electromagnetic coil to produce current.

In the Lee-Tseung lead-out theory, they do not use the concept of back EMF or zero point energy to explain the source of energy.  Thus the collector coil can be a totally different electromagnetic coil similar to the Adams motor.

The 225 HP Pulse Motor is clever in that the electromagnetic coils can be programmed to be either pulse coils or collector coils.

There is no magic, no back EMF and no zero point energy.  Everything is ?O-level Physics?.  It is just a matter of extending the concept of the pulsed pendulum to a pulsed balanced wheel.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on August 25, 2008, 10:47:45 PM
@ TopGun:

You should really change your name to TopDork.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bessler007 on August 26, 2008, 01:23:41 AM
Topic: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory  (Read 93793 times)

I don't believe my eyes.

Einstein once said, "Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves."  Wait, that's not the point I'm going for.

Maybe I need to make up a quote.  Here goes. "any theory without a practical result is worthless."  Has anyone said that before me?  I'm sure someone has at least thought it.

ought seven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 26, 2008, 02:07:54 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on August 25, 2008, 10:47:45 PM
@ TopGun:

You should really change your name to TopDork.


Hahaha! Couldn't agree more Bill!
Now, TopDork is exploring magnetism and electricity and trying to teach electromagnets? huh? I guess magnets stick and no drills are needed! Ah! So! Now I get it!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on August 26, 2008, 06:09:12 AM
Why do we need the collector coils?

   If there were only pulse coils, energy will be lead into the system.  The cylinder containing permanent magnets will rotate faster and faster.  This will destroy the synchronization between the rotational speed and the pulse rate.Thus energy must be drawn out from the system.  One technique is via the collector coils.

Another technique is via the rotating axle.

In both the Newman and the Bedini systems, there is not much program control.  Handling varying torque or external load will be difficult.  They are also limited by the use of the same coil as the pulse coil and the collector coil.

The 225 HP Pulse Motor has program control.  The electromagnetic coils can be programmed to become pulse coils or collector coils.  That explains its much higher efficiency.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: exnihiloest on August 26, 2008, 06:23:24 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on August 25, 2008, 09:12:01 PM
Please note that the magnetic ball c is made to rotate faster via the action of the electromagnetic coils.  With the extract supply of energy, the system cannot be closed.

The power supply to be inboard or not doesn't change anything and is irrelevant to the context, as no force is supposed to applied from the outside.

In addition, there is a net attractive magnetic force from the action of the electromagnetic coils attracting the mganetic ball towards the center - the required centripetal force to keep the magnetic ball c from flying away.

That's what I meant, the point you miss being that this is true only for each complete turn but releasing the ball lets the net attractive magnetic force be no more towards the center but opposing the effect of hitting e.

The physics described here cannot be wrong.  I shall describe the pulsing circuit in a separate post.

Only the kinetic energy of the ball hitting e is considered but not the breaking of the centripetal force when the ball is released: to integrate it on one turn shows it is an opposing effect.
The physics described here is not wrong. It is incomplete.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: exnihiloest on August 26, 2008, 06:37:28 AM
Quote from: chrisC on August 25, 2008, 11:56:22 AM
...Because he doesn't know how to use a drill, he is not able to build a prototype to demonstrate his Tseung-Lee theory of unknown phenomenon. Sad to say, this astounding discovery will never be known.....


And even more sad to say, how many specialists in drill but not in physics will waste their time in trying to build a prototype?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on August 26, 2008, 08:53:16 AM
Tseung and Top Gun,

Now the Beijing Olympics is over.  More attention will be paid to other matters by the Chinese Government.

If the Chinese Government devotes its efforts in promoting the lead-out-energy devices and the Flying Saucer, what do you think will happen?

The Chinese athletes showed the World that they could win Gold Medals.

Can the Chinese Scientists show their true worth?  They may have built the UFO in the Nanjing video on youtube.  Can China show that it can lead the World in Science and Technology?

If you were the Chinese Authorities with access to the vast resources, what would you do?

If you have access to the coming USA President, what would you do?

The moment you quoted the following:
When a sideward pull is applied to a simple pendulum, the lead out gravitational energy is equal to
-- The vertical component of the tension of the string times the vertical component of the displacement. 

So long as there is tension on the string, gravitational energy will be Lead Out. 

You have already won the technical challenge.   It is the political challenge that you have to overcome now.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 26, 2008, 12:16:38 PM
Quote from: exnihiloest on August 26, 2008, 06:23:24 AM

The physics described here is not wrong. It is incomplete.

@ exnihiloest

Now you know why Tseung keeps on going .... like a Energizer Bunny. In Tseung's case, a little knowledge is a circular thing!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 26, 2008, 12:57:22 PM
Quote from: Devil on August 26, 2008, 08:53:16 AM
Tseung and Top Gun,

Now the Beijing Olympics is over.  More attention will be paid to other matters by the Chinese Government.

If the Chinese Government devotes its efforts in promoting the lead-out-energy devices and the Flying Saucer, what do you think will happen?

The Chinese athletes showed the World that they could win Gold Medals.

Can the Chinese Scientists show their true worth?  They may have built the UFO in the Nanjing video on youtube.  Can China show that it can lead the World in Science and Technology?

If you were the Chinese Authorities with access to the vast resources, what would you do?

If you have access to the coming USA President, what would you do?

The moment you quoted the following:
You have already won the technical challenge.   It is the political challenge that you have to overcome now.

If the Chinese Government devotes its efforts in promoting the lead-out-energy devices and the Flying Saucer, what do you think will happen?

If I were the Chinese Government, I would do the following:

(a)   Build a big lead before announcement and public demonstration.  The lead will be in both theory and products.  Define the standard for the Magneto Propulsion Unit (MPU). 

(b)   Monitor the development of lead-out-energy devices in other Countries.  These Countries will have no other choice but to quote the Lee-Tseung lead out theory to explain the workings of their machines.  China will automatically be in the spotlight through the published Lee-Tseung patent information.

(c)   Work with United Nations and give a lead-out-energy product as a gift to every Country.  Promote mutual credits at the same time.  This will lead to the development of the model farm, model village, model city etc.

(d)   Thoroughly discuss the implications ? scientifically, economically, militarily, politically and philosophically.  The discussions will be in private first.  Set up public discussion forums afterwards.

(e)   Host an open conference for lead-out-energy devices.  Have press coverage almost like the Olympics.  Continue the spirit of One World, One Dream.

In a single sentence ? devote huge resources and treat it like the race to land on the moon in the 1960s.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 26, 2008, 01:15:33 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 26, 2008, 12:57:22 PM
.... Continue the spirit of One World, One Dream.

old Tseung:

If I had that much time like you do, I'll go here and sign up. Your impact to people in real need of help is much more useful than doing loops in your head. Based on the number of people who are impressed by your mechanical or (magnetic?) skill set on this Forum, I would seriously suggest you sign up. Your efforts WILL be meaningful.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on August 26, 2008, 06:46:28 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 26, 2008, 12:57:22 PM
In a single sentence ? devote huge resources and treat it like the race to land on the moon in the 1960s.

Tseung, you have to consider the bad and hidden side of the human race.  The President of a Country may have many supporters.  He may even be voted in by the fair democratic election process.  However, his goal is to accumulate as much personal wealth as fast as possible.  This may conflict with the goal of bringing benefits to his country.  The former president of Taiwan, Chen, is a good example.

Your challenge is to overcome such dark side of the powerful in the human race.  State your plans on how you do it.

The powerful will have paid insulters trying to disrupt your efforts.  They will send in the CIA or the like agents again.  How do you plan to overcome that this time?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 27, 2008, 01:18:09 AM
How to overcome the dark side of the powerful in the human race?

(a)   Clearly show the path that will benefit all.  Use this forum as a brain dump for the moment.

(b)   Set up a mechanism or organization that the interested can participate.  Get a Government to commit.  This is the best tactics to get huge resources behind the project.

(c)   Let as many individuals or organizations shine as possible.  There is no immediate time pressure.  Give people the limelight.

(d)   Ignore personal fame or fortune.  There are many individuals who seek fame and fortune.  Make sure that they understand mutual credits and modern wealth.  Let them seek a win-win path so that they can benefit both themselves and the World.

(e)   Persevere and turn the insults into motivating forces.  Enjoy the experience.  It is like fishing.  I can do all the preparation and then wait for the fish to bite.  I cannot predict exactly when the fish will bite.  It is a game of preparation and patience.

The chance of having fish for dinner is good.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on August 27, 2008, 11:08:33 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 26, 2008, 12:57:22 PM
If the Chinese Government devotes its efforts in promoting the lead-out-energy devices and the Flying Saucer, what do you think will happen?

If I were the Chinese Government, I would do the following:

(a)   Build a big lead before announcement and public demonstration.  The lead will be in both theory and products.  Define the standard for the Magneto Propulsion Unit (MPU)......

In a single sentence ? devote huge resources and treat it like the race to land on the moon in the 1960s.

Tseung, you said it.  China is building a big lead.  Examine the Nanjing UFO video on youtube carefully again.  Does the seven round balls look like MPUs?

Whatever you disclose on this forum is child's play to the Chinese Researchers (or the American researchers in Area 51).  Do not have the illusion that you are leading the World.  Even the best researchers in the World are nothing compared with immortals like us.  Your flying saucers are mere toys.  Have fun and satisfy your silly egos.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on August 28, 2008, 02:58:58 AM

I guess it got diverted to Aldebaran.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 28, 2008, 03:07:56 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on August 28, 2008, 02:58:58 AM

I guess it got diverted to Aldebaran.

Hans von Lieven

er, the last time I checked, it's still looping inside OLD TSEUNG's HEAD!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: exnihiloest on August 28, 2008, 04:29:21 AM
Quote from: chrisC on August 28, 2008, 03:07:56 AM
er, the last time I checked, it's still looping inside OLD TSEUNG's HEAD!


It is a plausible observation: a spaceship is built to work in ultra high vacuum.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 28, 2008, 04:32:14 AM
Quote from: exnihiloest on August 28, 2008, 04:29:21 AM
It is a plausible observation: a spaceship is built to work in ultra high vacuum.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on August 29, 2008, 10:05:54 AM
We keep ragging on Lawrence, but what if he just suddenly stops posting his New World Order fantasies?  Will we all be sad?

I guess we can always buy the book.  How is the book coming, Lawrence?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on August 29, 2008, 10:54:45 AM
I'm waiting for the movie to come out.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on August 29, 2008, 05:25:40 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on August 29, 2008, 10:05:54 AM
We keep ragging on Lawrence, but what if he just suddenly stops posting his New World Order fantasies?  Will we all be sad?

I guess we can always buy the book.  How is the book coming, Lawrence?

The first draft could not pass the reviewers.  One of them is I, the Devil. 

The book is supposed to be second only to the Bible.  There is much revising to do.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 29, 2008, 05:36:18 PM
Quote from: Devil on August 29, 2008, 05:25:40 PM
The first draft could not pass the reviewers.  One of them is I, the Devil. 

The book is supposed to be second only to the Bible.  There is much revising to do.

Get a life Old Tseung. Use your time for really benefiting orphans or something more useful. No one impressed by you masquerading as TopDog (TopGun?) or Devil or whatever mind games you want to play.Remember people in their sixties should not behave like this!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 30, 2008, 02:49:46 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on August 28, 2008, 02:58:58 AM

I guess it got diverted to Aldebaran.

Hans von Lieven

Well, I just found out Tseung was right after all. The Nanjing Flying saucers are all over China now that the Olympics are over!

Look! No kidding!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on August 30, 2008, 07:41:06 PM
@ chrisC:

Actually, to be more accurate, that is a very old photo of Professor Whoflungdung playing as a child.  You can clearly see from the photo that, even as a boy, he had no problem creating and flying a real flying saucer model.  One interview I had read about him states that, as he got older and read of the legendary Piss Mobile concept developed by Hans VonLieven, he tried the idea.  He charged up the engine with piss and gave the saucer a light toss.  Reports are that the small toy saucer bounced off of the moon shortly thereafter and departed for points unknown in deep space.

This was several years ago and the Professor believes the saucer to be flying as of today. Where?  No one knows.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 31, 2008, 09:44:39 PM
Theory behind the lead-out-energy inventions (e.g. Wang)

We can classify machine into three types.

(1)   Output energy plus loss is equal to input energy.  This is the traditional form of machines.  There must be continuous supply of input energy for these machines to function.

(2)   Output energy is larger then input energy.  These are known as over unity machines.  They violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Energy is created from nothing.  Such machines are regarded as impossible perpetual motion machines.

(3)   Input energy will lead out other forms of energy such as gravitational or electron motion energy.  The concept was publicly described in the PCT patent titled ?Extracting Energy from Gravity? by LEE Cheung Kin and TSEUNG Lawrence Chun Ning.  The number is PCT/IB/2005/000138 and published on July 27, 2006.  (http://www/wipo.int/petdb).  Our invention (Wang) belongs to this class of machines.  Thus our invention does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

In this type of lead-out-energy machines, the input energy can lead out existing energy.  For example, in the case of a pulled pendulum under a horizontal input force, approximately 2 parts of horizontal input energy can lead out 1 part of vertical gravitational energy.  3 parts of energy appear on the output.  1 part can be used to do work or generate electricity.   2 parts of the output energy can be fed back to the input to lead out another 1 part of gravitational energy.  Thus the lead-out-energy machines require only 2 parts of starting energy and they can continuously lead out gravitational energy to do work.  They do not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  They do not create energy from nothing.  They use existing gravitational energy.

In the Lee-Tseung PCT patent, they extended the above concept to pulsed rotational systems in magnetic fields.  Magnetic or electron motion energy can be led out in a pulsed rotational system.  More information on the Lee-Tseung theory is available on the Internet (http://www.energyfromair.com/IOE_talk) or via the Book by Lawrence Tseung titled ?Innovation ? the story of Lawrence Tseung?.

The Wang invention is a coupling of two pulsed rotational systems in magnetic fields.  The first is ferro-liquid rotation.  The second is permanent magnet rotation.  Both systems can lead out magnetic or electron motion energy.  The quantity of electricity that can be generated will depend on the strength of the magnetic fields, the speed of rotation, the mass of the rotating parts and the radius of the rotating system.  There are additional design features such the number of magnets, the orientation of these magnets and the use of magnetic shielding material. 

The full description of the Wang set up is described in the product description section.

*** The above short theoretical description is likely to appear on all lead-out-energy invention announcements.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on September 01, 2008, 01:19:58 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 31, 2008, 09:44:39 PM
Theory behind the lead-out-energy inventions (e.g. Wang)

(3)   Input energy will lead out other forms of energy such as gravitational or electron motion energy.  The concept was publicly described in the PCT patent titled ?Extracting Energy from Gravity? by LEE Cheung Kin and TSEUNG Lawrence Chun Ning.  The number is PCT/IB/2005/000138 and published on July 27, 2006.  (http://www/wipo.int/petdb).  Our invention (Wang) belongs to this class of machines.  Thus our invention does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

In the Lee-Tseung PCT patent, they extended the above concept to pulsed rotational systems in magnetic fields.  Magnetic or electron motion energy can be led out in a pulsed rotational system.  More information on the Lee-Tseung theory is available on the Internet (http://www.energyfromair.com/IOE_talk) or via the Book by Lawrence Tseung titled ?Innovation ? the story of Lawrence Tseung?.

*** The above short theoretical description is likely to appear on all lead-out-energy invention announcements.

Tseung, with an increasing number of worldwide announcement and demonstration of lead-out-energy products using the above quote, you book will indeed have sale only second to the Bible.

Make sure that it is of the highest quality.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on September 01, 2008, 05:14:45 PM
Tseung, you can use your above article on almost all the 300 known lead-out-energy inventions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on September 01, 2008, 05:15:42 PM
Tseung, I modified your general article to other lead-out-energy inventions.

Theory behind the lead-out-energy inventions (e.g. Bedini)

We can classify machines into three types.

(1)   Output energy plus loss is equal to input energy.  This is the traditional form of machines.  There must be continuous supply of input energy for these machines to function.

(2)   Output energy is larger then input energy.  These are known as over unity machines.  They violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Energy is created from nothing.  Such machines are regarded as impossible perpetual motion machines.

(3)   Input energy will lead out other forms of energy such as gravitational or electron motion energy.  The concept was publicly described in the PCT patent titled ?Extracting Energy from Gravity? by LEE Cheung Kin and TSEUNG Lawrence Chun Ning.  The number is PCT/IB/2005/000138 and published on July 27, 2006.  (http://www/wipo.int/petdb).  Our invention (Bedini) belongs to this class of machines.  Thus our invention does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

In this type of lead-out-energy machines, the input energy can lead out existing energy.  For example, in the case of a pulled pendulum under a horizontal input force, approximately 2 parts of horizontal input energy can lead out 1 part of vertical gravitational energy.  3 parts of energy appear on the output.  1 part can be used to do work or generate electricity.   2 parts of the output energy can be fed back to the input to lead out another 1 part of gravitational energy.  Thus the lead-out-energy machines require only 2 parts of starting energy and they can continuously lead out gravitational energy to do work.  They do not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  They do not create energy from nothing.  They use existing gravitational energy.

In the Lee-Tseung PCT patent, they extended the above concept to pulsed rotational systems in magnetic fields.  Magnetic or electron motion energy can be led out in a pulsed rotational system.  More information on the Lee-Tseung theory is available on the Internet (http://www.energyfromair.com/IOE_talk) or via the Book by Lawrence Tseung titled ?Innovation ? the story of Lawrence Tseung?.

The Bedini invention is a pulsed rotational system in magnetic fields.  The system is pulsed by DC current through an electromagnetic coil.  The end of the electromagnetic coil essentially shows properties of North Pole, No Pole, North Pole, No Pole, etc.  This electromagnetic coil repels the permanent magnets with North Pole facing outwards on a rotating wheel.  The arrangement will lead out magnetic energy.  The wheel will rotate faster and faster.

In order to extract the lead-out-energy, a collector coil can be used.  In the case of the Bedini invention, the same electromagnetic coil is used as collector coil.  The collected electricity is used to recharge batteries.  This Bedini system works but can be improved with multiple pulse coils, multiple collector coils and a program control to adjust the pulsing current according to external load.  (The improved system is effectively the 225 HP Pulse Motor.)

*** The above short theoretical description is likely to appear on all lead-out-energy invention announcements.

***** There is no need to introduce stupid concepts such back EMF and Zero Point Energy.  Humans are stupid - that is a fact of creation.  They are of an inferior design than us immortals.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 02, 2008, 01:29:41 AM
You forgot to mention the Bedini motor makes good use of the bifilar and/or trifilar coils. Leaving out a basic,
fundamental part of the system like this shows how little you understand this device.

It would be like trying to describe how an airplane works but then leaving out the part about the wings.

The comedy here continues.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on September 02, 2008, 01:58:00 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on September 02, 2008, 01:29:41 AM
You forgot to mention the Bedini motor makes good use of the bifilar and/or trifilar coils. Leaving out a basic,
fundamental part of the system like this shows how little you understand this device.

It would be like trying to describe how an airplane works but then leaving out the part about the wings.

The comedy here continues.


Stupid humans.  The bifilar and/or trifilar coils are stupid designs when Bedini uses the same coil as pulse and collector coils.  When you use the Adams or the 225 HP Pulse Motor design, such coils are not necessary.

When you do not understand the stupid theory, you treat every component as sacred and thought that they were necessary.

That is why many stupid followers of Bedini could not get their prototypes to work.  They did not see the link to the much more efficient 225 HP Pulse Motor.

*** On another note, the airplane is stupid.  Using aerodynamic surfaces is like opening the door of your car, hoping the force of the wind will slow it down.  Wings are not necessary in the flying saucer.  Stupid.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 02, 2008, 02:04:50 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on September 02, 2008, 01:29:41 AM
You forgot to mention the Bedini motor makes good use of the bifilar and/or trifilar coils. Leaving out a basic,
fundamental part of the system like this shows how little you understand this device.

It would be like trying to describe how an airplane works but then leaving out the part about the wings.

The comedy here continues.


What did you expect from a wannabe 'scientist' that gets no respect? Maybe Lawrence should change his name to Roger?
Just a though. Maybe he'll get to star with Jackie Chan the other clown!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 02, 2008, 06:59:33 AM
Quote from: Devil on September 01, 2008, 05:15:42 PM

***** There is no need to introduce stupid concepts such back EMF and Zero Point Energy.  Humans are stupid - that is a fact of creation.  They are of an inferior design than us immortals.

How superior can you be you idiot when it needs a German to correct your English?

***** There is no need to introduce stupid concepts such as back EMF and Zero Point Energy.  Humans are stupid - that is a fact of creation.  They are of an inferior design than to us immortals.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on September 02, 2008, 07:06:36 AM
Quote from: Devil on September 02, 2008, 01:58:00 AM
Stupid humans.  The bifilar and/or trifilar coils are stupid designs when Bedini uses the same coil as pulse and collector coils.  When you use the Adams or the 225 HP Pulse Motor design, such coils are not necessary.

When you do not understand the stupid theory, you treat every component as sacred and thought that they were necessary.

That is why many stupid followers of Bedini could not get their prototypes to work.  They did not see the link to the much more efficient 225 HP Pulse Motor.

Dear Devil,

You are right.  Few, if any, of the lead-out-energy inventors understood the true source of their energy.  Once they understand, they will all see the obviously better solution.

For example, Newman and Bedini will see that they can use separate pulse coils and collector coils.  There should be program control.  That logically lead them to the 225 HP Pulse Motor.

When they get to that efficiency, the USA Government steps in and claims that as Country Confidential.   However, when China announces the Wang device, USA will respond with the 225 HP Pulse Motor.  Japan will respnd with the flux change device.
England may respond with the John Searl device, etc.

Lee and Tseung are in the win-win situation.  All the devices including the flying saucers will use their Lead out theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 02, 2008, 01:56:11 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on September 02, 2008, 06:59:33 AM
How superior can you be you idiot when it needs a German to correct your English?

***** There is no need to introduce stupid concepts such as back EMF and Zero Point Energy.  Humans are stupid - that is a fact of creation.  They are of an inferior design than to us immortals.

Hans von Lieven

Hans, you know the saying, "The devil is in the details.." Firstly, this Chinaman devil's English is rather poor. What's poorer is his understanding of basic Physics and now he wants us to know he thinks he can pool the wool over our eyes in electricity and magnetism!  No wonder old Tseung doesn't get any respect!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on September 02, 2008, 08:30:39 PM
I recommend the research effort to be focused on

(a) The Wang Electricity Generator.  This is easy to implement.  The initial product price is in the HK$10,000 or US$1,500 range. 

(b) The Bessler Wheel with magnetic braking and accelerating.  This will be more like a toy. 

(c) The real challenge is the magneto propulsion unit.  It can replace the wheel as the most important machine component for all transportation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 02, 2008, 09:28:52 PM

I just figured out that if I wrapped my schlong in magnet wire and put a cylindrical magnet in my left hand, and moved it back and forth over the coil, I would have a Wang Generator.

This is great!  Thank you for this great information.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 02, 2008, 10:25:23 PM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 02, 2008, 10:30:39 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on September 02, 2008, 09:28:52 PM

I just figured out that if I wrapped my schlong in magnet wire and put a cylindrical magnet in my left hand, and moved it back and forth over the coil, I would have a Wang Generator.

This is great!  Thank you for this great information.


Nice idea Bill! But you still need to provide the 'external' stimulus to start that process. Tseung called those external stimulus the 'Lead In/Lead Out' energy? Well, what the heck. Call it whatever, the results are the same!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: langley on September 04, 2008, 02:37:28 AM
Shame on you Mr. Chris,

I am certain my picture is more than enough to get Mr. Bill excited.  ;)

I am the Lead out Energy of all Lead out Energies. Ask Mr. Wang. He and his wang know that.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 04, 2008, 11:29:27 AM
@ langley:

Wow!  Thanks to your picture, I am now up to 55kw of output!

This type of generator is hard to beat.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on September 04, 2008, 07:02:59 PM
In MPU4, I put in more than one ball magnets.

Theoretically, it should still work.  The device will rotate faster as it is more balanced and will lead-out more magnetic or electron motion energy.

This conceptual model brings us closer to the John Searl SEG.  The SEG device have 3 concentric rings of rotating magnets.  If there were sudden change in the magnetic field such as moving a shaft or ring out, the device will jump up like a spinning top.

So the John Searl flying saucer may well be real.  I do not understand his Laws of the Squares.  But that is not necessary in understanding the workings of an uncontrolled, concentric ring of rotating magnets leading-out magnetic energy and jumping up like a spinning top on changing the magnetic field.

So far the Lee-Tseung theory has not failed in explaining the known lead-out-energy devices.  It will be fun to see the reaction of the World when China introduces the lead-out-energy electricity generators with the Lee-Tseung theory as the explanation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on September 05, 2008, 10:58:05 AM
Tseung and Top Gun, you two have disclosed the full secrets of the lead-out-energy machines and the Magneto Propulsion Unit.

The top Universities and Research Laboratories can implement them now.  What are the benefits to you?

Can humans be so noble as to ignore their own gains to benefit the World?

Have I failed to make them selfish and evil???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 06, 2008, 04:24:35 AM
Quote from: Devil on September 05, 2008, 10:58:05 AM
Tseung and Top Gun, you two have disclosed the full secrets of the lead-out-energy machines and the Magneto Propulsion Unit.

The top Universities and Research Laboratories can implement them now.  What are the benefits to you?

Can humans be so noble as to ignore their own gains to benefit the World?

Have I failed to make them selfish and evil???

Dear Devil,

You have made many if not most humans selfish and evil.  Some happen to be leaders of Nations.

However, in my case, I am old.  Wealth, fame and other worldly pleasures no longer have significance.  My goal is to benefit the World.

My story is in the book.  The draft is in:

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seddings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 06, 2008, 06:14:59 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 06, 2008, 04:24:35 AM

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seddings Innovate Foundation Limited

Seddings ??????

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 06, 2008, 06:59:29 PM
I watched the opening ceremony of the Para-Olympics last night.  It was enlightening to see the smiling and confidence faces of the many disabled athletes. The World will be a much better place if we have more of these friendly, competitive, tolerant and cheerful occasions.

I foresee the exhibition of many lead-out-energy devices and flying saucers in the very near future.  They will be annual events.  The World will become smaller with the flying saucers.  The World will become wealthier with Mutual Credits.  The World will become cleaner with lead-out-energy.

I am sure that USA, Russia, Japan, Germany, Hungary, India, South Africa, the Middle East Countries and others would like to participate.  I do not mind to be the first proposer.

I am confident that the coming book will show the way and benefit the World.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 06, 2008, 11:40:38 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on September 06, 2008, 06:14:59 PM

Seddings ??????

Hans von Lieven

I think Tseung's English is about the same level as his 'O' Level Physics.

How do you explain he's always confused about what exactly what he's 'invented'?

After 100 pages or so, we're back to the same mumbo jumbo!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 07, 2008, 09:13:11 PM
I feel that posting on this thread is like playing the FreeCell game in Windows.

There may be situations that one cannot win due to wrong moves.

With good foresight, the game can be won.  Many moves are used to sort the cards in the correct order.  In this thread, many posts were used to sort the various concepts and existing inventions into some logical form.

When the game is near its very end, most people can spot the right moves.  Most of the cards are already in the correct order.  When the game is at the beginning or in the middle, there is no certainty that the game can be won.

Now the thread is nearing its end.  The theory is complete.  The conceptual experiments are done.  The Wang device is spinning at http://www.dsk.cn.  The worldwide announcement and demonstration is being prepared.  The draft of my book is complete.

The lead-out-energy machines will be a fact of life.  The World will benefit together.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 07, 2008, 10:08:19 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 07, 2008, 09:13:11 PM

The Wang device is spinning at http://www.dsk.cn. 

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

er... I think the Wang device is spinning in your head! For such an earth shattering discovery and supposedly demo, one would have thought they would have it in 20 major languages at least. Don't you? It's a very simple web site trying to 'sell' alternate energy solutions.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on September 07, 2008, 11:22:30 PM
Quote from: chrisC on September 07, 2008, 10:08:19 PM
er... I think the Wang device is spinning in your head! For such an earth shattering discovery and supposedly demo, one would have thought they would have it in 20 major languages at least. Don't you? It's a very simple web site trying to 'sell' alternate energy solutions.


I particularly like the "Copyright 2007-2008 Business Company".  Really, a business company?  You don't say?

And the videos being hosted on tudou.com (Chinese version of youtube) is a nice touch.  Here is what one (and the only) tudou.com poster had to say (in Chinese) about the video.  This came from a translation engine, so I am sure a few nuances are lost:

"Invites everybody when the irrigation potato field, observes law and discipline and pays attention to the language civilization, protects the environment, cherishes the potato."

Could this be Wang Shum Ho himself talking about the invention?  We can only hope.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 07, 2008, 11:47:05 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on September 07, 2008, 11:22:30 PM
I particularly like the "Copyright 2007-2008 Business Company".  Really, a business company?  You don't say?

And the videos being hosted on tudou.com (Chinese version of youtube) is a nice touch.  Here is what one (and the only) tudou.com poster had to say (in Chinese) about the video.  This came from a translation engine, so I am sure a few nuances are lost:

"Invites everybody when the irrigation potato field, observes law and discipline and pays attention to the language civilization, protects the environment, cherishes the potato."

Could this be Wang Shum Ho himself talking about the invention?  We can only hope.

OK, now it's becoming crystal clear! It's the potato powered generator! I remembered when I was in grade school, we did some experiments with using a potato to power some sort of electrical apparatus, maybe it was a small light bulb(?). Tseung has advanced the potato technology to power the Wang generator! Awesome!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 08, 2008, 08:35:59 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on September 07, 2008, 11:22:30 PM
I particularly like the "Copyright 2007-2008 Business Company".  Really, a business company?  You don't say?

And the videos being hosted on tudou.com (Chinese version of youtube) is a nice touch.  Here is what one (and the only) tudou.com poster had to say (in Chinese) about the video.  This came from a translation engine, so I am sure a few nuances are lost:

"Invites everybody when the irrigation potato field, observes law and discipline and pays attention to the language civilization, protects the environment, cherishes the potato."

Could this be Wang Shum Ho himself talking about the invention?  We can only hope.

The website is:

Please get a real good translator.  The translation engine does not do the video justice.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 08, 2008, 12:49:08 PM
This Spud's for you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 09, 2008, 04:00:27 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on September 07, 2008, 11:22:30 PM
I particularly like the "Copyright 2007-2008 Business Company".  Really, a business company?  You don't say?

And the videos being hosted on tudou.com (Chinese version of youtube) is a nice touch.  Here is what one (and the only) tudou.com poster had to say (in Chinese) about the video.  This came from a translation engine, so I am sure a few nuances are lost:

"Invites everybody when the irrigation potato field, observes law and discipline and pays attention to the language civilization, protects the environment, cherishes the potato."

Could this be Wang Shum Ho himself talking about the invention?  We can only hope.

Quote from: ltseung888 on September 08, 2008, 08:35:59 AM
The website is:
Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Well Well Well

Good old Lawrence has just come up with a world first. As a director of the Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation he has just divulged his secret plan.

Since Devil has convinced him that humans are stupid he is now turning to potatoes for advice. Not a bad way to go about it.

Plant a field of potatoes and persuade the seedlings to innovate. Why didn’t Einstein think of this one?

The answer is simple. It took a Lawrence Tseung, world famous physicist and aeronautics engineer to realise that potatoes are smarter than people. Einstein eat your heart out!!!!! Lawrence is revolutionising technology and civilisation by growing super-smart innovative potatoes that take over the world.

Who would have thought it? I am certain that when his book comes out it will outsell the bible.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 09, 2008, 01:33:22 PM
Hey, I found this on Google!  I had seen this before but it did not make any sense to me.  Now, I understand the influence
Professor Whoflungdung and Professor Wang have had on the entire world.  Little did I know that when I was playing with these things as a kid, I was actually experimenting with a world saving energy source.  So, evidently, I have been doing energy research much longer than I thought.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 09, 2008, 02:21:57 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on September 09, 2008, 01:33:22 PM
Hey, I found this on Google!  I had seen this before but it did not make any sense to me.  Now, I understand the influence
Professor Whoflungdung and Professor Wang have had on the entire world.  Little did I know that when I was playing with these things as a kid, I was actually experimenting with a world saving energy source.  So, evidently, I have been doing energy research much longer than I thought.


So, Tseung's new name is Potato Larry?
That would seem appropriate. We can now conduct future OU experiments by just sticking electrodes into the potato? (and no drills required!)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 09, 2008, 07:17:04 PM
Potato Larry.


I like it.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 10, 2008, 06:26:34 AM
Dear Hans,

Your talent in improving the front cover of the book will be highly appreciated.

I shall be willing to sell you a Wang generator at cost.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on September 10, 2008, 09:42:34 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 10, 2008, 06:26:34 AM
Dear Hans,

Your talent in improving the front cover of the book will be highly appreciated.

I shall be willing to sell you a Wang generator at cost.


Speaking of that, should they not be for sale already?  The Olympics have passed, and that was the promise.  When can we all buy a Wang generator?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on September 10, 2008, 12:23:54 PM
Maybe this has been asked already, but what does the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory have to do with lenticular clouds?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 10, 2008, 05:30:08 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on September 10, 2008, 09:42:34 AM
Speaking of that, should they not be for sale already?  The Olympics have passed, and that was the promise.  When can we all buy a Wang generator?

You can watch it spin in http://www.dsk.cn or http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/kup5wgHPMLM/

My part in the project is to provide theoretical explanations.   I have no say in the sales price, date or mechanism. 

I have to fully complete my part by the beginning of November 2008.  My logical assumption is that the big announcement and worldwide demonstration will not happen before Novermber 2008. (The US election is Nov 4, 2008.)

The World has been waiting for a lead-out-energy product for centuries.  A few more months would not make much difference.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 10, 2008, 07:52:00 PM
@ Lawrence:

No offense intended but, that video of the Wang generator was even less focused and clear than  Xspensif's video on youtube (magnet motor) that turned out to be a fraud.

Seriously, why is it that folks who claim to have something new and great, which we are all hoping for here, take the worst videos I have ever seen?  I don't expect Hollywood production with all of the bells and whistles but, 1. It should be in focus, and 2. the camera should move around behind the device to clearly show that no one is simply turning a handle.  This video made no attempt to demonstrate anything of importance in my opinion.

This is not a slam on you Lawrence as I know you did not do the video and are not in charge of this device.  In comparison, while I didn't understand it, your video on the 4 legged stool experiment was much better produced and easier to see what was going on.  Forever's video of the magnetic pendulum was also nicely shot and very clear.  Is this really the best demonstration they could come up with?

Again, for the record, I know you did not shoot this video or have much, if any, of a say in what was going to be in it.  People tease you on here for not being able to use a drill but I will say this for you, your camera work that I have seen is about 1,000 times better than this Wang Generator video clip I just watched.  Maybe they should get you to do the next one?  And you can show us several views of the device while running? (front, back, side, etc.)  At least if you did it I know it would be in focus.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 10, 2008, 08:41:15 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on September 10, 2008, 07:52:00 PM
@ Lawrence:

No offense intended but, that video of the Wang generator was even less focused and clear than  Xspensif's video on youtube (magnet motor) that turned out to be a fraud.

Seriously, why is it that folks who claim to have something new and great, which we are all hoping for here, take the worst videos I have ever seen?  I don't expect Hollywood production with all of the bells and whistles but, 1. It should be in focus, and 2. the camera should move around behind the device to clearly show that no one is simply turning a handle.  This video made no attempt to demonstrate anything of importance in my opinion.

This is not a slam on you Lawrence as I know you did not do the video and are not in charge of this device.  In comparison, while I didn't understand it, your video on the 4 legged stool experiment was much better produced and easier to see what was going on.  Forever's video of the magnetic pendulum was also nicely shot and very clear.  Is this really the best demonstration they could come up with?

Again, for the record, I know you did not shoot this video or have much, if any, of a say in what was going to be in it.  People tease you on here for not being able to use a drill but I will say this for you, your camera work that I have seen is about 1,000 times better than this Wang Generator video clip I just watched.  Maybe they should get you to do the next one?  And you can show us several views of the device while running? (front, back, side, etc.)  At least if you did it I know it would be in focus.


Seriously Bill, do you really believe this crap of a OU Wang generator? Potato Tseung can't even use a drill! How can he shoot real video!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 10, 2008, 09:04:24 PM
@ chris:

Have you looked at the Wang video?  I know we tease Lawrence (hopefully in a good natured way) but really, his videos were much better than the one I just watched on the Wang device.  I am not saying it is real or fake....I am saying that the video was so poorly done that we will never know from it.

If I had such a device with such claims, I would shoot that thing 8 ways from Sunday to show no wires, or batteries or hand cranking, etc.  My comment is directed toward the fact that this video was terrible.  And, I stand by my statement that had Lawrence shot the video, at least it would have been in focus and would have shown different angles of the device.

This is all I am saying, nothing more or less.

Maybe Forever can make a video of this device for us.  Then, we would have some information to discuss.  Actually, I think she should appear next to the device in a bikini but hey, that's just me.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 10, 2008, 09:09:39 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on September 10, 2008, 07:52:00 PM
@ Lawrence:

No offense intended but, that video of the Wang generator was even less focused and clear than  Xspensif's video on youtube (magnet motor) that turned out to be a fraud.

Seriously, why is it that folks who claim to have something new and great, which we are all hoping for here, take the worst videos I have ever seen?  I don't expect Hollywood production with all of the bells and whistles but, 1. It should be in focus, and 2. the camera should move around behind the device to clearly show that no one is simply turning a handle.  This video made no attempt to demonstrate anything of importance in my opinion.

This is not a slam on you Lawrence as I know you did not do the video and are not in charge of this device.  In comparison, while I didn't understand it, your video on the 4 legged stool experiment was much better produced and easier to see what was going on.  Forever's video of the magnetic pendulum was also nicely shot and very clear.  Is this really the best demonstration they could come up with?

Again, for the record, I know you did not shoot this video or have much, if any, of a say in what was going to be in it.  People tease you on here for not being able to use a drill but I will say this for you, your camera work that I have seen is about 1,000 times better than this Wang Generator video clip I just watched.  Maybe they should get you to do the next one?  And you can show us several views of the device while running? (front, back, side, etc.)  At least if you did it I know it would be in focus.


Those videos were not "official".    I do not think you need to wait too long for the official worldwide demonstration and announcement.  The pictures, videos and press releases will be of professional quality.  International News Media will take additional pictures, videos, interviews etc.

The http://www.dsk.cn site is a "teaser".   It was done by Sun et al to check reaction from the Internet.  There have been over 100 queries on licensing, manufacturing or wholesales so far.

I am only in charge of my own book - ready for publishing in November.  You are welcome to comment on that.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 11, 2008, 01:09:56 AM
I think you might be hanging a few on us again Lawrence,

If that site pulls inquiries you better bow down to me because I will be then the Emperor of China. You have certainly learned over the last few months that if you show clear pictures you get shot down in flames, like with the square wheel for instance or the beach pump, not to mention the 4 legged stool experiment.

Keep it murky, keep it unfocused and dark and no-one will know what rubbish hides behind it. Way to go.

I am still awaiting the belated arrival of the flying saucer, It's been a while since it was due.

Hans von Lieven

BTW. How are the supersmart potatoes doing, or is that classified? Anyway, I shall now enter the legendary Pissmobile and fly over to Langley, to see Mingmei and to get my instructions on how next to sabotage Lead Out Energy. According to my boss, no-one is permitted to ever implement it. Especially not now when we are negotiating the oil price upwards once again.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 11, 2008, 01:19:19 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 10, 2008, 06:26:34 AM
Dear Hans,

Your talent in improving the front cover of the book will be highly appreciated.

I shall be willing to sell you a Wang generator at cost.


@ Potato Larry. This is a much better picture of the truth! My artistic talent is no where near Hans!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on September 11, 2008, 03:56:56 PM
Tseung, you finally have your story ready for publication.

This review draft is much better than the first draft.  It will take one or two more drafts before it is of good enough quality.

I like your action of providing the full draft on the Internet for all to review.  The poor students worldwide will be able to access the information for free.  This fulfills your goal of benefiting the World.  No one can question your sincerity.

I am sure that when a lead-out-energy machine is announced and demonstrated worldwide, the demand for additional information will be high.  Most people will not be willing to download 250 pages from the Internet.  Reading a 250-page book from the computer screen is a big strain to the eye.  There will be a market for a reasonably priced book.  There is no need to sell it cheap as it can be obtained free from the Internet.

If you donate all the income from the sale of the book to the Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited, you will get greater support.  You will be able to promote that Foundation at the same time.  People will buy the book as a gift to their friends or relatives.  Some Corporations may even buy it for their employees.

You and Lee will never starve.  So aim for a high quality book.  Its sales will be second only to the Bible.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 11, 2008, 11:42:54 PM
Sign me up for an advanced copy.  I would love to read this.  Will Forever be on the cover?  This would greatly increase sales you know.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 12, 2008, 10:51:33 PM

I actually assembled a Wang prototype watched by Wang Shen He.

That prototype did not have the permanent magnets, the ferro liquid and the magnetic shielding.
It will tease the world more.  

The working protoytpe can be seen rotating in http://www.dsk.cn.

This thread is like reporting the openning ceremony of the Olympics.
There is need for confidentiality but also there is some leakage of information to keep people excited.

The Official worldwide announcement and demonstrations will be headlines for weeks.
My book will be ready then.  The proceeds will go to Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on September 13, 2008, 10:30:13 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on September 11, 2008, 11:42:54 PM
Sign me up for an advanced copy.  I would love to read this.  Will Forever be on the cover?  This would greatly increase sales you know.


Tseung put the draft review copy in:

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 13, 2008, 12:09:23 PM
Some questioned the inner part of the Wang device in


The figure below shows the details:

A is the rotating shaft
B is the holder of 6 magnets that will interact with 8 magnets at the transparent outer container.  There will be some magnetic shielding material.
C is an unbalanced wheel with 1 permanent magnet
D is the extra weight simulating the four bent legs
E is the dish containing ferro liquid.

For more detailed explanation, go to:

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 13, 2008, 08:42:20 PM
I get it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a four legged stool motor.      WOW!

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 13, 2008, 09:12:56 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on September 13, 2008, 08:42:20 PM
I get it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a four legged stool motor.      WOW!

Hans von Lieven

You are right.  Part D is the simulated 4 legged stool.

Once you put in the ferro liquid and the permanent magnets.  You then insert it into the casing with permanent magnets, the axle will spin.  You can then extract energy.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 14, 2008, 01:04:42 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 12, 2008, 10:51:33 PM

I actually assembled a Wang prototype watched by Wang Shen He.

That prototype did not have the permanent magnets, the ferro liquid and the magnetic shielding.
It will tease the world more.  

..... but also there is some leakage of information to keep people excited.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

I am SO EXCITED! I need to go pee every couple of hours!
I see old Tseung also is excited in the video. He's preparing the toilet paper for the same purpose?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 14, 2008, 04:31:17 AM
It is the Mid-autumn festival in China now.

People are celebrating with mooncakes and BBQ in the moon light.

The question was raised:

"When can the human race go the the moon in Flying Saucers?"

What is your answer?

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 14, 2008, 11:43:25 PM
I just knew we were experiencing history in the making when we all watched the legendary four-legged stool experiment video.  this proves it.

Bill                    PS Lawrence: I was right, your video (Youtube) was produced much better and in focus than the other videos you posted links to a few posts back.  Please show us one of these in operation with the ferro fluid.  Thank you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 15, 2008, 01:50:42 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 14, 2008, 04:31:17 AM
It is the Mid-autumn festival in China now.

People are celebrating with mooncakes and BBQ in the moon light.

The question was raised:

"When can the human race go the the moon in Flying Saucers?"

What is your answer?

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Do you really want to know Lawrence?

Why not ask your supersmart potato seedlings? Or have the already enlisted with the CIA?

Hans von Lieven
Director, Potato Eating Association
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 15, 2008, 04:35:05 AM
"When can the human race go the the moon in Flying Saucers?"

The moment the Military in the major Countries decide that the tehnology is non-confidential.

It may take a small country that posts no threat to show a lead-out-energy machine and a MPU first.

Which Country will that be?

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 15, 2008, 08:05:30 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 15, 2008, 04:35:05 AM
"When can the human race go the the moon in Flying Saucers?"

The moment the Military in the major Countries decide that the tehnology is non-confidential.

It may take a small country that posts no threat to show a lead-out-energy machine and a MPU first.

Which Country will that be?

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

The US financial crisis shook the World.  The blind faith in US economic strength is gone.
The chance of other Countries stepping onto Investment Banking is high.
Technically, many small Countries can produced the lead-out-energy machines and the Magneto Propulsion Units.

There will be exciting times ahead.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 16, 2008, 12:27:35 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 15, 2008, 04:35:05 AM

Which Country will that be?

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Teacher, I have an answer.

It's POTATO Country!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 16, 2008, 12:40:26 AM
You must be working for the CIA Larry,

No-one else could be Thaaaaaaaat stupid.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 16, 2008, 01:30:43 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on September 16, 2008, 12:40:26 AM
You must be working for the CIA Larry,

No-one else could be Thaaaaaaaat stupid.

Hans von Lieven

Apparently so, some are.... 80 plus pages and we're going nowhere except the looping effect in some idiot's brains or lack of..
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 16, 2008, 12:02:22 PM

I think Larry is working for the "LIKE".  This is a highly secret organization that is often mentioned along with the CIA.  As in....the CIA and the LIKE.  I think it stands for Luminaries Involved in Killing Energy.  This is a very crafty group of folks who are dedicated to eliminating energy devices wherever they may be found.

They have been linked to the Chicoms and are funded through many secret channels and have access to intel from many classified sources.  They specialize in disinformation, usually by promoting outlandish theories in order to tie up some of the best minds in the world who use all of their resources to disprove them while leaving their real work unfinished.

This information was sent to me in a highly classified memo from someone I know who is not even supposed to exist.

He warned me to be very careful when dealing with any members of this organization as they will not hesitate to eliminate anyone who might get in their way.  They also use advanced torture methods to gain information.  One of their favorites, and the most diabolical, is to strap some poor fellow on to a 4-legged stool and spin him around until he spills his guts....literally.  Almost 100% effective.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 17, 2008, 09:29:26 PM
China is having one of the biggest food poisoning scandals.

The famous Company, Sanlu bought raw milk from third parties "who put melamine into the milk".  That cause 3 baby deaths and several thousand suffered kidney stone illness.  The worst news was that other famous bands also had melamine in their products.  There is panic from the many concerned parents.

I was asked by a concerned mother â€ââ,¬Å" â€Ã...“You are a genius.  If you were the Chinese Government, what would you do?â€Ã,

I lost some sleep over it.  The following are my suggestions:
(1)   Do a thorough check on all milk products.  Publish the findings.  Recall and destroy all products with melamine contamination.
(2)   Monitor every step in the production line for all milk product production Companiesâ€ââ,¬Å" checking for melamine.  Publish the monitoring results.
(3)   Start the Model Farms.  Many individuals or companies did not know the best way to produce quality products.  They cheated â€ââ,¬Å" mixed melamine and water into milk to pass the tests.  We need to show the Farmers and the Companies the right way.  Infinite lead-out-energy machines are available in limited quantities in China now.  Expand the use as soon as possible.
(4)   Pay for the medical bills of all affected babies and individuals.  This has been announced as Government Policy.
(5)   Extend the monitoring system to all food production and processing.  This will create many more jobs for the chemists and laboratory staff.

I believe point (3) is most constructive.  The Chinese Military should forget about keeping lead-out-energy machines and flying saucers secret.  We should bring benefits to the World first. 

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 17, 2008, 09:37:41 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 17, 2008, 09:29:26 PM
China is having one of the biggest food poisoning scandals.


I was asked by a concerned mother â€ââ,¬Å" â€Ã...“You are a genius.  If you were the Chinese Government, what would you do?â€Ã,

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Hahaha! First, whoever said you're a genius? Another one of your alter ego or did you forget to take your medicine again?

Second, what Chinese government? Aren't you a commie too? Judging from the fact you continue to praise the commie ways, I'm having a difficult time understanding how your beloved Party couldn't contained the free flow of information (tainted baby milk)! You done yourself well indeed - you managed to contain those Flying saucers in your head!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 18, 2008, 12:15:17 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 17, 2008, 09:29:26 PM
Infinite lead-out-energy machines are available in limited quantities in China now.  Expand the use as soon as possible.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Are you nuts?   Since when?

Nothing like this is available in China or elsewhere. Stop lying to us Lawrence.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 19, 2008, 06:01:00 PM
I am very confident that my book will be ready for publishing by early November 2008.  The printer requires only 4 working days after I provide him with the final pdf file.

I shall add some FAQ and pictures of the actual Wang generator or other lead-out-energy machines before printing.

Thanks to Mr. Patrick Kelly, the English is much improved.  The latest review draft is in:

Other remaining tasks for me include:
(1) Wait for the World-wide announcement and demonstration from China.
(2) Prepare a CD to go with the book.
(3) Prepare a website to do the follow-ups after the book is published.
(4) Work out the structure of "Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited" so that people from all over the World can work together.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on September 19, 2008, 08:45:57 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 19, 2008, 06:01:00 PM
I am very confident that my book will be ready for publishing by early November 2008.  The printer requires only 4 working days after I provide him with the final pdf file.

I shall add some FAQ and pictures of the actual Wang generator or other lead-out-energy machines before printing.

Thanks to Mr. Patrick Kelly, the English is much improved.  The latest review draft is in:

Other remaining tasks for me include:
(1) Wait for the World-wide announcement and demonstration from China.
(2) Prepare a CD to go with the book.
(3) Prepare a website to do the follow-ups after the book is published.
(4) Work out the structure of "Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited" so that people from all over the World can work together.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Tseung, your book does look more presentable now.

Try to give the book as part of the gift set when every Country receives a Wang Generator as gift.  The visibility will be extremely high.

Define the structure of the â€Ã...“Help Seedlings Innovate Foundationâ€Ã, so that people can buy the book with proceeds going to this Foundation.  Set up International branches and encourage as many people to participate as possible.

As stated in your book â€ââ,¬Å" â€Ã...“This book has complete credibility because it would not go on sale before a working lead-out-energy device had been publicly announced and demonstrated world-wide.â€Ã,

For the poor, they can download a copy from the Internet for free.  For those who do not want their eyes to suffer from reading a 260-page book from the computer screen, they will not mind paying.  They will be more willing to pay if they can participate in a money making venture.

For example, you can have a unique number with each book.  The buyer can register with the unique number and receive special benefits.  One of the benefits can be guarantee of buying one lot of shares in a to-be-formed company.  The buyer of the book does not need to go through the â€Ã...“lottery system in the allocation of shares.â€Ã,  This virtually guarantees that your book will outsell the Bible in the short run.

There could be no cheating as no money exchanges hands until the lead-out-energy devices become World News Headlines.  You will have people queuing up in front of bookstores to buy the book.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 20, 2008, 01:46:12 PM
Quote from: Devil on September 19, 2008, 08:45:57 PM

... You will have people queuing up in front of bookstores to buy the book.

The line will be longer outside the restrooms in the bookshop! (assuming if your book even reaches the bookstore shelve!)


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 21, 2008, 09:09:28 PM
Open reply to a private email.

Dear Mr. Tseung,

You mentioned that the Nanjing UFO video on youtube might be a result of your theory and your China Flying saucer patent.  Can you elaborate?


The Nanjing UFO video can be divided into two parts.  The first part is a stationary vehicle hovering in mid-air.  This can be achieved by one set of Magneto Propulsion Units so that the effective weight of the UFO is zero.  This can be well tuned and thus show no special bright lights.

The second part is the lighting up of the 7 balls.  These 7 balls are for acceleration to any direction.  The lighting up is the spinning of the magnetic object having friction with the container.  These 7 balls may be a different set of Magneto Propulsion Units.

Since I am not the designer of the UFO, the above are just my logical guesses.

Please post directly in the overunity.com forum in the future.  The knowledge can be shared amongst more people.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 21, 2008, 09:39:08 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 21, 2008, 09:09:28 PM
Open reply to a private email.


Since I am not the designer of the UFO, the above are just my logical guesses.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

That's the conclusion to all your previous posts; including the Tseung-Lee Push Pull crap! You are just a speculator or should we say like any of the old men in the Hong Kong parks playing Chinese checkers and have nothing to do. Except of course you know some English and 'O' Level Physics. That's all.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 22, 2008, 03:34:23 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 21, 2008, 09:09:28 PM
Open reply to a private email.

The Nanjing UFO video can be divided into two parts.  The first part is a stationary vehicle hovering in mid-air.  This can be achieved by one set of Magneto Propulsion Units so that the effective weight of the UFO is zero.  This can be well tuned and thus show no special bright lights.

The second part is the lighting up of the 7 balls.  These 7 balls are for acceleration to any direction.  The lighting up is the spinning of the magnetic object having friction with the container.  These 7 balls may be a different set of Magneto Propulsion Units.

Since I am not the designer of the UFO, the above are just my logical guesses.

Please post directly in the overunity.com forum in the future.  The knowledge can be shared amongst more people.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Any idea whose balls they are Larry?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 22, 2008, 07:46:22 PM
Has any one bought one???


Electro magnetic motor ( 100KW)

This product is designed for use in the home environment or small industry
Can be used in other applications such as boats and city cars, with a specially designed generator and electric motor.

The 100 Kw unit is the smaller brother of the 300kw unit and was designed to be used in light aircraft and automobiles.
We have now due to demand produced this unit as a static power unit.

Power output : 100Kw 180.63 amps@ 400 volt 3 phase.
Continuous power output is 90KW Synchronous generator.
4 or 8 pole
Temperature rating is 30-40c normal load
100 Kw emm generator

SKU/Item Number: 0091098

Weight 1250kg
Dimensions:  1.2m Long x 1.2m Wide x 1.4m High

batteries 1 for starting
Replaces diesel or fuel powered units
No blackouts
Light weight (1250kg)
Durable construction
5 year conditional guarantee.
Price: 24 700 Euro ex tax and Delivery

Motors are never sold outright; a sale/lease agreement gives the person the use of the equipment for 5 years which is prepaid, thereafter a nominal fee is payable monthly to maintain the lease agreement, this monthly fee is normally in the region of 100 Euro per month, this fee will include a maintenance contact.


To contact us:   
Phone:  +49 89 620 30060
Fax:       +49 89 620 30061
mailto: admin@perendev-power.com
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 22, 2008, 08:19:02 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 22, 2008, 07:46:22 PM
Has any one bought one???


Electro magnetic motor ( 100KW)

This product is designed for use in the home environment or small industry
Can be used in other applications such as boats and city cars, with a specially designed generator and electric motor.

The 100 Kw unit is the smaller brother of the 300kw unit and was designed to be used in light aircraft and automobiles.
We have now due to demand produced this unit as a static power unit.

Power output : 100Kw 180.63 amps@ 400 volt 3 phase.
Continuous power output is 90KW Synchronous generator.
4 or 8 pole
Temperature rating is 30-40c normal load
100 Kw emm generator

SKU/Item Number: 0091098

Weight 1250kg
Dimensions:  1.2m Long x 1.2m Wide x 1.4m High

batteries 1 for starting
Replaces diesel or fuel powered units
No blackouts
Light weight (1250kg)
Durable construction
5 year conditional guarantee.
Price: 24 700 Euro ex tax and Delivery

Motors are never sold outright; a sale/lease agreement gives the person the use of the equipment for 5 years which is prepaid, thereafter a nominal fee is payable monthly to maintain the lease agreement, this monthly fee is normally in the region of 100 Euro per month, this fee will include a maintenance contact.


To contact us:   
Phone:  +49 89 620 30060
Fax:       +49 89 620 30061
mailto: admin@perendev-power.com

Doesn't it seemed very odd that the guy who is so gung ho of these 'Lead Out' energy systems based on the Tseung-Lee crap principles is suddenly asking the questions whether these things advertised on web sites are real! Hahaha! What an idiot! LOL!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on September 23, 2008, 08:02:26 PM
Mike Brady of Perendev motor fame has never delivered a single one of his "motors" for operational installation. All his claims that he has done so, are exaggerated, to say the least.
He has had ample opportunity to have his systems tested, and has dodged every one.
He has been expelled from several countries, allegedly due to fraudulent business practices.
The pictures of his "generator" units on his website are ripped off from an international manufacturer's web catalog of diesel gensets, with "Perendev" photoshopped in.
It's so bad, there's nothing even there to debunk.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 24, 2008, 05:16:20 AM
The use of a unique book number

My book will have an ISBN number.  In addition it will also have an 11-digit number with a random element.

The buyer of the book can login using that unique book number as username and choose his own password.  He can then participate in the many proposed programs or benefits.

These benefits include:
(1)   Notice of Company going public and the registered users can get the application forms first.  They may even be given preference in the allocation of shares if allowed by Law.
(2)   They can participate in the many discussion forums as part-time forum moderators.  Points will be awarded to these moderators.  Points will also be awarded to valuable posts.  These points enable the participants to purchase Company shares when appropriate.
(3)   A poor student from Country XYZ can participant in earning such Company points.   He may be given preference in Company Employment if appropriate.
(4)   I shall think more along such lines when I do not have the cash yet.
(5)   It will be fun to show the World how to build the World’s Number One Company starting with almost zero capital.  It is worth losing some sleep.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 24, 2008, 12:15:50 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 24, 2008, 05:16:20 AM
The use of a unique book number

.....  It is worth losing some sleep.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Sorry to have to disagree old Tseung. No one should lose any sleep over such pathetic nonsense.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 24, 2008, 09:10:15 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 24, 2008, 05:16:20 AM
The use of a unique book number

My book will have an ISBN number.  In addition it will also have an 11-digit number with a random element.

The buyer of the book can login using that unique book number as username and choose his own password.  He can then participate in the many proposed programs or benefits.

These benefits include:
(1)   Notice of Company going public and the registered users can get the application forms first.  They may even be given preference in the allocation of shares if allowed by Law.
(2)   They can participate in the many discussion forums as part-time forum moderators.  Points will be awarded to these moderators.  Points will also be awarded to valuable posts.  These points enable the participants to purchase Company shares when appropriate.
(3)   A poor student from Country XYZ can participant in earning such Company points.   He may be given preference in Company Employment if appropriate.
(4)   I shall think more along such lines when I do not have the cash yet.
(5)   It will be fun to show the World how to build the World’s Number One Company starting with almost zero capital.  It is worth losing some sleep.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

The translation of the Book into other languages has started.  The plan is to sell all versions of the book at approximately the same list price (HK$200).  The CD that will be included with the book will carry at least the local language, the English and the Chinese presentation slides.

The books as gifts to every Nation will be ready.  The electronic form can be emailed out first.  This will prepare every Nation for the big announcement of the lead-out-energy device.  Some Countries are likely to start the research if not done so already.

The world will benefit together.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on September 25, 2008, 01:52:38 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 24, 2008, 09:10:15 PM
The translation of the Book into other languages has started.  The plan is to sell all versions of the book at approximately the same list price (HK$200).  The CD that will be included with the book will carry at least the local language, the English and the Chinese presentation slides.

The books as gifts to every Nation will be ready.  The electronic form can be emailed out first.  This will prepare every Nation for the big announcement of the lead-out-energy device.  Some Countries are likely to start the research if not done so already.

The world will benefit together.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Tseung, do not try to take on the World at the same time.  You do not know German, French, Russian, Japanese, etc.  You have to rely on translators.  You cannot even review their work.  There is no guarantee on the translation quality.

Focus on one product with high quality.  You have to wait for the worldwide announcement of the lead-out-energy product in any case.  If you have time, go fishing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 25, 2008, 02:02:46 AM
Quote from: Devil on September 25, 2008, 01:52:38 AM
If you have time, go fishing.

Yes, precisely! You should not waste your time on such crap! Fishing is far more enjoyable for retirees with 'O' level physic qualifications. How about writing a "Fishing for Dummies" book? That will definitely sell better!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 25, 2008, 04:59:17 AM
Quote from: Devil on September 25, 2008, 01:52:38 AM
Tseung, do not try to take on the World at the same time.  You do not know German, French, Russian, Japanese, etc.  You have to rely on translators.  You cannot even review their work.  There is no guarantee on the translation quality.

Focus on one product with high quality.  You have to wait for the worldwide announcement of the lead-out-energy product in any case.  If you have time, go fishing.

He doesn't seem to know too much English either.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on September 26, 2008, 05:56:58 PM
Tseung, focus on the book.

The two scenarios:

(1) Information on the Internet
(2) Information in a book

Information on the Internet can be at the spur of the moment.  Errors and omissions are likely.

Information in a book are likely to be reviewed and carefully considered.  Most people will treat the information in a book more seriously.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 26, 2008, 08:50:05 PM
Quote from Devil:

"Errors and omissions are likely."

This describes the theory very succinctly.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 26, 2008, 09:37:52 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on September 26, 2008, 08:50:05 PM
Quote from Devil:

"Errors and omissions are likely."

This describes the theory very succinctly.


Hahhaa! Very well said indeed.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on September 28, 2008, 05:06:24 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 21, 2008, 09:09:28 PM
Open reply to a private email.

The Nanjing UFO video can be divided into two parts.  The first part is a stationary vehicle hovering in mid-air.  This can be achieved by one set of Magneto Propulsion Units so that the effective weight of the UFO is zero.  This can be well tuned and thus show no special bright lights.

The second part is the lighting up of the 7 balls.  These 7 balls are for acceleration to any direction.  The lighting up is the spinning of the magnetic object having friction with the container.  These 7 balls may be a different set of Magneto Propulsion Units.

Since I am not the designer of the UFO, the above are just my logical guesses.

Please post directly in the overunity.com forum in the future.  The knowledge can be shared amongst more people.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Dear Mr. Tseung,

I like the technique of separating the MPU units into two groups.  One group is well tuned and make the effective weight equal to zero.

In other words, we can make virtually any object weightless and hover in mid air if needed.  Moving heavy objects will be a piece of cake.  A heavily loaded car, bus or plane can appear weightless.

This is no longer fantasy but realistic science.  Where are the engineers?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 28, 2008, 05:33:31 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on September 28, 2008, 05:06:24 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I like the technique of separating the MPU units into two groups.  One group is well tuned and make the effective weight equal to zero.

In other words, we can make virtually any object weightless and hover in mid air if needed.  Moving heavy objects will be a piece of cake.  A heavily loaded car, bus or plane can appear weightless.

This is no longer fantasy but realistic science.  Where are the engineers?

Dear Top Gun,

This particular design simplifies the implementation of the MPUs.  This set of MPUs does not need to worry about the change of direction elements.  It needs to worry about only one direction - upwards.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 28, 2008, 06:55:54 AM
Shenzhou 7 (simplified Chinese: 神舟七号 safely landed. Shenzhou 7 is the third Chinese human space flight. This mission marked the commencement of the second phase of Project 921 of the Chinese space program. A Shenzhou spacecraft carrying three crew members was launched on September 25, 2008 at 21:10 CST on a Long March 2F (CZ-2F) launch vehicle from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.[1][2] The mission lasted three days and landed in Inner Mongolia on September 28, 2008.[3] During the flight, an extra-vehicular activity (EVA) was carried out by Zhai Zhigang, making China the third country to have conducted an EVA, after Russia and the United States.

This is a great achievement.  The one I am looking forward to is flying up and coming back in a Flying Saucer â€ââ,¬Å" without the complication of rockets.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 28, 2008, 11:29:28 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 28, 2008, 06:55:54 AM
This is a great achievement.  The one I am looking forward to is flying up and coming back in a Flying Saucer â€ââ,¬Å" without the complication of rockets.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Dream on Lawrence. You need first to see your doctor on a regular basis, then you need to take your medication daily and finally you also need to pass 'O' Level physics.

Perhaps then you may actually be able to use the Lee-Tseung Push/Pull theory to balance a fishing rod! Fishing may be the best exercise for you, instead of trying so hard to exert your mental exercise over areas you have zero qualifications and credibility! Making up virtual names like Devil, Top Gun etc won't really impress anyone. We just think you're a silly old man! Go spend time with your grand children. They'll be more impressed by your efforts.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on September 28, 2008, 11:04:54 PM
You need my Pissmobile Lawrence !

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: DOCV on October 06, 2008, 10:57:49 AM
Excuse my ignorance to all this chit chat going around in circles and going nowhere.
Forget about the theory for now but .....


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 06, 2008, 11:04:04 AM
Quote from: DOCV on October 06, 2008, 10:57:49 AM
Excuse my ignorance to all this chit chat going around in circles and going nowhere.
Forget about the theory for now but .....


What device? Is the 3 legged stool a device?
Mr. Tseung has been going round in circles postulating a bunch of crap.

Now he's off to writing a 2nd best seller in the history of books! Now, you know the story.

ps: Since Lawrence cannot use a drill, don't expect him to build anything useful.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: DOCV on October 06, 2008, 11:12:38 AM
Quote from: chrisC on October 06, 2008, 11:04:04 AM
What device? Is the 3 legged stool a device?
Mr. Tseung has been going round in circles postulating a bunch of crap.

Now he's off to writing a 2nd best seller in the history of books! Now, you know the story.

ps: Since Lawrence cannot use a drill, don't expect him to build anything useful.

Sorry for the confusion, I was particularly referring to the wang shum ho magnetic motor.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 06, 2008, 11:23:06 AM
Quote from: DOCV on October 06, 2008, 11:12:38 AM
Sorry for the confusion, I was particularly referring to the wang shum ho magnetic motor.

I think they use them in chicken farms all over China to keep the chickens warm. Those run on gasoline. Other than that I've never heard of a Wang, Shum or Ho generator of any kind!

You see, Tseung really works for the CIA and the like. His purpose is to confuse the world on the state of technology in China.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 08, 2008, 05:35:03 PM
Larry has gone real quiet lately. Maybe now that he has the best selling book of all time he is making so much money he is not interested in forums anymore.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 08, 2008, 05:50:57 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 08, 2008, 05:35:03 PM
Larry has gone real quiet lately. Maybe now that he has the best selling book of all time he is making so much money he is not interested in forums anymore.

Hans von Lieven

Nah! He's having difficulty finding a genuine book publisher. Publishers want to make money too and there are lot's of children books with more substance than the merry-go-round stuff Larry is so confused about.

Maybe he'll decide to make it a e-book on the internet. All you need is a server to host a converted pdf file! No drills needed. No ISBN number to apply for either.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 17, 2008, 05:16:16 AM
The book titled 'Innovation - the Story of Lawrence Tseung' is ready.

The ISBN number is 978-988-17922-1-1.  It will be sold together with the spinning prototype being shown to selected audience in Beijing and later in Shenzhen.

The on-line ebook version is available free in:

Have fun.

I expect more jeers and cheers.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 17, 2008, 12:04:30 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 17, 2008, 05:16:16 AM
The book titled 'Innovation - the Story of Lawrence Tseung' is ready.

The ISBN number is 978-988-17922-1-1.  It will be sold together with the spinning prototype being shown to selected audience in Beijing and later in Shenzhen.

The on-line ebook version is available free in:

Have fun.

I expect more jeers and cheers.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Dear Lawrence:

Well, before we congratulate you, I did a quick search on the above ISBN number on Google or Amazon. Zip? Are you confused about the ISBN number from some lottery number you bought?

btw, regarding the spinning prototype .... are batteries included?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 17, 2008, 05:19:27 PM
The book cover is designed by Dr. James Wong of the Institute of Energy.

The first version is the collectors' version.  It is available to the selected audience or sponsors of the spinning prototype.

The ISBN number 978-988-17922-1-1 is correct.  The Book is published and printed in Hong Kong.

There are comments that the on-line book is too big and took too long to download - hanging in some cases.  The single file version will be chopped up to solve the problem in the next few days.  Thank you for the feedback.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 17, 2008, 10:24:38 PM


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 18, 2008, 06:13:41 PM
Quote from: gaby de wilde on October 17, 2008, 10:24:38 PM



Dear Gaby,

Thank you.  Lee Cheung Kin and I went to a technology exchange fair.  There were many technical people but relatively few financial.  The excuse was the World Financial Crisis.  Even in China, many angel investors have lost money in the stock market or in the financial papers.

The following is our one-page information in Chinese and in English:
To:       Potential Investors
From:   Lee Cheung Kin and Lawrence Tseung
Subject:   Invest in Lead-Out-Energy Machines

(See figure below)

The Lead-Out-Energy Device machines are available for investment today.
An example is the Wang Shenhe electricity generator.  For details, see

The Lee-Tseung PCT patent information was disclosed to the public on July 27, 2006 (PCT/IB2005/000138) titled â€" Extracting Energy from Gravity.  For details, see

Non-polluting, almost inexhaustible, easy to extract energy is available for us today.  You can be one of those to help solving the world energy crisis.  Opportunity is knocking, will you answer?

Lee Cheung Kin (852) 2707 9729 cheungkin331@hkbn.net or
Lawrence Tseung (852) 9281 9945 ltseung@hotmail.com


有å...´è¶£æŠ•èµ,, - 引出能量机吗?



李长建å'Œè'‹æŒ¯å®çš,,引出能量理论,在他们国é™...ä¸"利文案,于2006å¹´7月27æ—¥å'表 (PCT/IB2005/000138)  http://www.wipo.int/pctdb


李长建 (852) 2707 9729   cheungkin331@hkbn.net 或
è'‹æŒ¯å® (852) 9281 9945   ltseung@hotmail.com

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 18, 2008, 08:35:28 PM
I got some information on lead-out-energy devices yesterday at the show.  It aroused my curiosity.  Much of the night was spent glancing through the material in this forum.

My first question is:

(1)   What is the message behind the book cover?

Does that show the fact that Mr. Tseung is Chinese-American?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on October 18, 2008, 09:40:13 PM
Quote from: critic on October 18, 2008, 08:35:28 PM
I got some information on lead-out-energy devices yesterday at the show.  It aroused my curiosity.  Much of the night was spent glancing through the material in this forum.

My first question is:

(1)   What is the message behind the book cover?

Does that show the fact that Mr. Tseung is Chinese-American?

Lawrence, you need to do better at disguising your alter egos.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on October 19, 2008, 03:59:14 AM
My first question is:

(1)   What is the message behind the book cover?

Does that show the fact that Mr. Tseung is Chinese-American?

The picture can be interpreted in any way by the reader.  This is the fun of Innovation!

My interpretation is that one must be half-supernatural if one wants to be a top Innovator.  One must treat oneself as God â€" who can change or make any new rule.  Does that statement sound familiar?  Search the book on Silicon Valley Mentality.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 19, 2008, 04:14:37 AM
Quote from: Devil on October 19, 2008, 03:59:14 AM
The picture can be interpreted in any way by the reader.  This is the fun of Innovation!

My interpretation is that one must be half-supernatural if one wants to be a top Innovator.  One must treat oneself as God â€" who can change or make any new rule.  Does that statement sound familiar?  Search the book on Silicon Valley Mentality.

My immediate reaction was not that complicated.

The Book Cover was so unusual that it caught my attention.  I would pick it up from a pile of other books.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 19, 2008, 04:20:33 AM
Quote from: critic on October 19, 2008, 04:14:37 AM
My immediate reaction was not that complicated.

The Book Cover was so unusual that it caught my attention.  I would pick it up from a pile of other books.

Talking to yourself again Mr Tseung? You need to take your medication. The only people following this thread are the ones still poking fun at you. Don't you get it?

As for VC's and money people looking to invest in vaporware companies, you're still in dreamland. Maybe you and Michael Jackson have something in common. You're both getting old and yet still think like children!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on October 19, 2008, 04:27:20 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on October 18, 2008, 09:40:13 PM
Lawrence, you need to do better at disguising your alter egos.

He does not need any disguising.  He already regard himself as God.   He thinks that he can even solve the present World Financial Crisis!

FAQ3: What are your proposed solutions to the Financial Crisis in 2008?

Both US presidential candidates, Mr. John McCain and Mr. Barack Obama blamed the present Crisis as due to the greed in Wall Street and in Washington.  The Monitoring and/or the Regulating Bodies failed to see the obvious danger of reckless lending of mortgages.  These Bodies failed to warn against the danger of derivative and the explosive growth of financial papers with no backing of real assets.  The collapse of a few big ones undermined the confidence of all such papers.

In Hong Kong, the thousands of investors of the Lehman Brother Mini-bonds refused to accept their losses and die quietly.  They forced the Government to take action.  Initially, the Government sided with the Banks who sold the Mini-bonds.  But many of these investors are pensioners and average citizens who claimed that they were tricked into buying such Mini-bonds.  Some Bank employees openly admitted that they did not understand the risk of such papers.  The Bank management told them to sell such Mini-bonds as medium or low risk financial instruments.  The Management should have realized that Lehman Brother was in trouble in 2007.  There are legal grounds to claim that the Banks were misleading their customers.

Suddenly all such financial papers were treated with disgust.  Financial Institutions could no longer raise funds with such financial papers.  Holders of such papers, including major banks, suffered huge losses.  Even the biggest investment bank, Goldman Sachs, needed US Government injection of capital to survive.

The pendulum has swung from the Market is Almighty (It will regulate itself and Government Control is not necessary) to suitable Government Control is needed (Including buying up such Banks).

My proposed solutions are:

(a)    Heavily invest in the lead-out-energy and flying saucer technologies.  Take away the top-secret cover.  The new technology will generate phenomenal additional meaningful economic activities.

(b)   Introduce Mutual Credits between Countries and within Countries.  Make sure the new creation of money flows into meaningful economic activities and not speculative financial papers.

(c)    Have appropriate disclosure on all financial papers.  Some will argue that a full disclosure will further erode confidence as the majority of the financial papers have zero or negligible asset backing.  Thus I use the word â€" appropriate.

(d)   Develop the many models â€" Farms, Villages, Cities etc.  Now I shall include model banks, model investment banks, model insurance companies etc.

(e)    With the incident of poisoned milk in China, I shall include model companies of all types.

There will be no lack of meaningful economic activities.  The financial crisis of the World will be over.  New control and monitoring standards will be available.  There will be models to learn from.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 19, 2008, 05:09:49 AM
Quote from: Devil on October 19, 2008, 04:27:20 AM
He does not need any disguising.  He already regard himself as God.   He thinks that he can even solve the present World Financial Crisis!

Let us use reason and logic to see if the proposed solution can solve the World Financial Crisis.

The Monitoring and/or the Regulating Bodies failed to see the obvious danger of reckless lending of mortgages.  These Bodies failed to warn against the danger of derivative and the explosive growth of financial papers with no backing of real assets.  The collapse of a few big ones undermined the confidence of all such papers.

Is the above paragraph a reasonable diagnosis of the problem?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 19, 2008, 06:42:56 AM

Compare this with;
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 19, 2008, 07:45:32 AM
FAQ2: Why are Governments keeping the technology of lead-out-energy and UFO top secrets when they are so beneficial to their Citizens?

The military significance is that the flying saucers can wipe out every military plane, missile, satellite etc. with ease. Lead-out-energy devices will create infinite wealth.  That will change the balance of power.  Nations would like to build a huge lead.  There is also pressure from existing interests.

One speculation is that President Bush deliberately suppressed the lead-out-energy technology because he did not want the US Citizens to know that he stupidly invaded Iraq for nothing.

Now that Obama is likely to be the next US president, he could easily disclose the technology and solve the Financial Crisis.   Other Countries will have little choice but reveal their lead-out-energy machines and/or flying saucers.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 19, 2008, 11:38:42 AM
In Hong Kong, the thousands of investors of the Lehman Brother Mini-bonds refused to accept their losses and die quietly.  They forced the Government to take action.  Initially, the Government sided with the Banks who sold the Mini-bonds.  But many of these investors are pensioners and average citizens who claimed that they were tricked into buying such Mini-bonds.  Some Bank employees openly admitted that they did not understand the risk of such papers.  The Bank management told them to sell such Mini-bonds as medium or low risk financial instruments.  The Management should have realized that Lehman Brother was in trouble in 2007.  There are legal grounds to claim that the Banks were misleading their customers.

Suddenly all such financial papers were treated with disgust.  Financial Institutions could no longer raise funds with such financial papers.  Holders of such papers, including major banks, suffered huge losses.  Even the biggest investment bank, Goldman Sachs, needed US Government injection of capital to survive.

What would happen if the Investment Banks could not raise money?

Would Governments fund directly or indirectly?

Will Governments consider Mutual Credits???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 19, 2008, 04:39:55 PM
Quote from: critic on October 19, 2008, 11:38:42 AM
What would happen if the Investment Banks could not raise money?

Would Governments fund directly or indirectly?

Will Governments consider Mutual Credits???


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 19, 2008, 06:25:51 PM
From http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm
4.2 智能å'­ç¶"濟戰原子彈

智能å'­ï¼Œå¯ä»¥åŒ...括å,³çµ±çš,,ç"¨é€":å¦,身份証明(ID),信ç"¨å'­ï¼Œä¿éšªå'­ç­‰ç­‰ã€,æˆ'å€'推介çš,,智能å'­ï¼Œä¸€å€‹ä¸»è¦ä½œç"¨æ˜¯èª¿æŽ§ç¶"濟:æ"¿åºœå¯ä»¥åˆ©ç"¨æ™ºèƒ½å'­ï¼Œé¼"勵å¸,æ°'購買特選商å"æˆ–服務,進而æ"¯æ´å¿...賺行業ã€,刺激å'Œèª¿æŽ§ç¶"æ¿Ÿã€,æ"¿åºœæœƒæ¯æœˆæ'¥ä¸€å®šæ¬¾é ...給每一位å¸,æ°',(暫稱“國家ç¶"濟發展刺激é‡'”) ,窮è€...å'Œå¼±å‹¢ç¤¾ç¾¤å¯å¤šå¾—ã€,在這過程中,會創造需æ±,,控制供應,保證å"è³ªï¼Œç™¼å±•å®˜æ°'合作çš,,å¿...勝或å¿...賺行業ã€,這些å...¬å¸çš,,è,¡åƒ¹æœƒä¸Šå‡ï¼Œè³‡é‡'大量回流,國æ°'富有,財富增加最快çš,,,會是創做有æ,,ç¾©ç¶"濟活動çš,,人仕ã€,æˆ'å€'會有電眼監管,è,¡æ±(所有å¸,æ°'都是å...¶ä¸€)可以看到每日æ"¶æ"¯ï¼Œä¸æ˜"做假賬,é,é€²æ™ºæ...§åž‹ç¤¾æœƒã€,

Translated and enhanced when appropriate:
4.2  Smart Card for Every Citizen - The Economic Atomic Bomb

The multipurpose Smart Card issued by the Government will include many traditional functions such as personal identification, medical card, insurance card etc.  One of the new functions we are proposing here is for the purpose of supporting the economy.

The Government can use the Smart Card to encourage Citizens to buy selected goods or services.  This will support and encourage sure-win businesses; stimulate and regulate the growth of the economy.  The Government allocates a certain sum of money to the Smart Card of every citizen every month (named “Money for the Stimulation and Development of the Economy”).  The poor and the needy may receive more.

This process will create demand; stimulate supply; guarantee the quality of products and services; developed the joint Government and Private enterprises so that they become sure-win or sure-profitable businesses.  The share prices of these Joint Enterprises will increase and much money will flow back to the Government.  The Citizens will see rapid increase in their wealth together with the rapid increase in meaningful economic activities.  The ones who benefit most are those responsible for creating such meaningful economic activities.

This is an example of the planning right-hand working with the market driven left-hand.  Shops may have on-line monitoring systems so that all shareholders (effectively every citizen as the Government is an important shareholder) can see the daily transactions.  It will be more difficult to cheat.  This will accelerate the pace in moving to the Wisdom Society.

This innovative suggestion was written for solving the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997.  May be this strong medicine is right for the present Financial Crisis.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on October 19, 2008, 11:38:46 PM
Quote from: critic on October 19, 2008, 06:25:51 PM
From http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm

Translated and enhanced when appropriate:

This innovative suggestion was written for solving the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997.  May be this strong medicine is right for the present Financial Crisis.

Critic, you quoted part of the book.  You should quote the other part related to the banking system of the West.

The Western Governments allowed Banks to 'create money' or number in trusted financial institutions.  A Bank is allowed to loan out more than it takes in as deposites.  It is effectively earning interests from thin air.  Investment Banks attract capital by issuing financial papers on derivatives or questionable assets.

Such a setup requires 'trust'.  The Bush adminstration is extremely stupid in allowing the big US Mortgage Companies and Banks to fail and destroy that trust.  It did not do the monitoring job in the first place.  Humans are stupid.  They go for excesses if permitted.  George Bush is more stupid than most.  The stupid Americans voted him to lead them.  This is the result.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 20, 2008, 06:22:21 PM
Quote from: Devil on October 19, 2008, 11:38:46 PM
Critic, you quoted part of the book.  You should quote the other part related to the banking system of the West.

The Western Governments allowed Banks to 'create money' or number in trusted financial institutions.  A Bank is allowed to loan out more than it takes in as deposits.  It is effectively earning interests from thin air.  Investment Banks attract capital by issuing financial papers on derivatives or questionable assets.

Such a setup requires 'trust'.  The Bush administration is extremely stupid in allowing the big US Mortgage Companies and Banks to fail and destroy that trust.  It did not do the monitoring job in the first place.  Humans are stupid.  They go for excesses if permitted.  George Bush is more stupid than most.  The stupid Americans voted him to lead them.  This is the result.

On page 121 of the Innovation Book, the argument for a Government to create money for infrastructure projects was presented:

The first example was the issue of increasing the money supply.  The nephew was complaining about the need to raise money to build a road.  He said that China was poor and needed to borrow money to build the road.  Tseung said, “It is total nonsense.  China can and should print money to build the road.  China already possesses the know-how to build the road.  Most of the materials are available within China.  China must print money to build the road.  Assume China prints 1 billion RMB to build the road.  After the road is built, the real asset or value of the road to China is at least 1 billion RMB.  The economic activities in building the road easily exceed 1 billion RMB.  The workers need to eat and have entertainment.  The printing and spending the 1 billion RMB can easily stimulate 4-5 billion RMB worth of meaningful economic activity.  If China does not increase its money supply, how can the Chinese people be wealthy?”

China used the above strategy very well.  Its sustained GDP growth of around 10% is no accident.  The ‘Bible of the Nine Yin’ (How to win the global economic war) has its place in history.  The Chinese version is in http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm.  The new US president should get someone to translate it and circulate it to all his economic decision makers.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 20, 2008, 06:37:37 PM
Quote from: critic on October 20, 2008, 06:22:21 PM
On page 121 of the Innovation Book, the argument for a Government to create money for infrastructure projects was presented:

....  The new US president should get someone to translate it and circulate it to all his economic decision makers.

.  The new US president should get someone to translate it and circulate it to all his economic decision makers.


Blah, Blah Blah Blah! You're beginning to sound like your age Mr Tseung. Get a life! Go play with your grand children. I'm sure the President of the U.S does not need a retiree with no 'O' level credentials for advice on his economic policies!

This thread sucks!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on October 20, 2008, 09:39:48 PM
Quote from: critic on October 19, 2008, 06:25:51 PM
From http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm
Translated and enhanced when appropriate:
This innovative suggestion was written for solving the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997.  May be this strong medicine is right for the present Financial Crisis.

This is hardcore socialism.  The government, in effect, is promoting certain businesses at the expense of others.  Sure, the businesses where people are given "free money" to spend will be "sure win."  But what about their competitors?  This is unfair competition.  It is not up to the government to decide what business should succeed, but rather the free market.

Tseung, you are a Marxist.  Keep your Marxist ideas in China, where they belong.  It's already bad enough here with the bailouts, we do not need more of that crap.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 21, 2008, 03:50:23 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on October 20, 2008, 09:39:48 PM
This is hardcore socialism.  The government, in effect, is promoting certain businesses at the expense of others.  Sure, the businesses where people are given "free money" to spend will be "sure win."  But what about their competitors?  This is unfair competition.  It is not up to the government to decide what business should succeed, but rather the free market.

Tseung, you are a Marxist.  Keep your Marxist ideas in China, where they belong.  It's already bad enough here with the bailouts, we do not need more of that crap.

The concept of sure-win business has the element of building models so that others can follow.

In the stupid free market environment in China, some enterprises thought that they could mix chemicals into milk to lower cost and make more profits.  They killed and ruined the health of thousands of babies.  Free Market failed miserably in this case.

If China wants its factories, shops, banks, etc. to be the best in the World, it must provide models for its Citizens to learn and follow.  The creation of Government-Private sure-win businesses as Models will be the 'economic atomic bomb' that will establish the economic superiority of China in the coming years.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on October 21, 2008, 04:36:16 AM
The Global Financial Meltdown continues:
Shares in Citic Pacific dived 38 per cent on Tuesday following a raft of downgrades by banks after the company’s surprise warning of potential foreign exchange losses of nearly US$2 billion.

Citic Pacific has strong Chinese Government backing.  China will lose faith in the term 'financial papers'.  Most Chinese Officials do not understand what these 'financial papers' mean and they trust their advisors.   These advisors are as stupid as the creator of such papers.

The human race is stupid.  The free market is stupid.  Do you need more proof?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 21, 2008, 04:50:30 AM
Quote from: critic on October 21, 2008, 03:50:23 AM
The concept of sure-win business has the element of building models so that others can follow.

In the stupid free market environment in China, some enterprises thought that they could mix chemicals into milk to lower cost and make more profits.  They killed and ruined the health of thousands of babies.  Free Market failed miserably in this case.

If China wants its factories, shops, banks, etc. to be the best in the World, it must provide models for its Citizens to learn and follow.  The creation of Government-Private sure-win businesses as Models will be the 'economic atomic bomb' that will establish the economic superiority of China in the coming years.

Dear Critic,

Thank you for bringing up the subject of sure-win business as model.  Previously, China was very much behind.  Any method or technology from the West will help to move it forward.

However, when China wants to be number one, it cannot just copy.  It must innovate and produce the best shops, factories, restaurants, banks, etc.  There will be a period of examination, investment, research and development. 

Thus I introduced the concept of sure-win business as model.  It will shortened the learn-by-mistake or trial-and-error period.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 21, 2008, 05:43:54 AM
China plans to be the World Number One in lead-out-energy machines.

All three approaches will be used:

(1) Funded by the Military
(2) Funded by Government-Private Sources
(3) Funded by Private Sectors totally

According to Lee Cheung Kin, 15 projects using the Wang Shenhe technology have started within China.

I am sure that USA will do something similar.  The lead-out-energy technology will bail USA out from its Financial Catastrophe.  Will President Obama lead the charge?  He vowed to get USA out from the dependence on foreign oil in the next 10 years.  How would he motivate the USA scientists?  Will he read the ebook on
  Or will he wait until he receives the 5KW Generator Gift?

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on October 21, 2008, 06:01:26 AM
Quote from: critic on October 21, 2008, 03:50:23 AM
The concept of sure-win business has the element of building models so that others can follow.

In the stupid free market environment in China, some enterprises thought that they could mix chemicals into milk to lower cost and make more profits.  They killed and ruined the health of thousands of babies.  Free Market failed miserably in this case.

If China wants its factories, shops, banks, etc. to be the best in the World, it must provide models for its Citizens to learn and follow.  The creation of Government-Private sure-win businesses as Models will be the 'economic atomic bomb' that will establish the economic superiority of China in the coming years.

Oh yes, I have seen government sure-win businesses in action, like the Post Office and department of motor vehicles.  Sorry, but anything run by the government quickly transforms from sure-win to sure-lose.  You can also look at the former Soviet Union for many examples of sure-lose government-run businesses.

The obvious solution to the milk issue is to pass stronger laws and penalize that company, to dissuade others from doing this in the future, not to nationalize businesses.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 21, 2008, 07:02:51 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on October 21, 2008, 06:01:26 AM
Oh yes, I have seen government sure-win businesses in action, like the Post Office and department of motor vehicles.  Sorry, but anything run by the government quickly transforms from sure-win to sure-lose.  You can also look at the former Soviet Union for many examples of sure-lose government-run businesses.

The obvious solution to the milk issue is to pass stronger laws and penalize that company, to dissuade others from doing this in the future, not to nationalize businesses.

The sure-win way is to examine the entire milk production process - from the type of cows, their feed, their lodging environment, the milking process, the collection process, the sterlization process, the factory process, the labelling and transportation process.  Identify where and how to introduce the in-house and public monitoring process.  Pure private profit-making companies are unlikely to do that and disclose the process to its competitors.

The Wang Shenhe generator is undergoing a similar process - the private sector wants total secrecy so that they can make the most profit.  The Government-Private sector wants to produce the best possible product at the lowest cost to benefit the majority of the Citizens as soon as possible.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on October 21, 2008, 09:08:33 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 21, 2008, 07:02:51 AM
The sure-win way is to examine the entire milk production process - from the type of cows, their feed, their lodging environment, the milking process, the collection process, the sterlization process, the factory process, the labelling and transportation process.  Identify where and how to introduce the in-house and public monitoring process.  Pure private profit-making companies are unlikely to do that and disclose the process to its competitors.

The Wang Shenhe generator is undergoing a similar process - the private sector wants total secrecy so that they can make the most profit.  The Government-Private sector wants to produce the best possible product at the lowest cost to benefit the majority of the Citizens as soon as possible.

Sorry, but history is full of examples of the error of your ways.  Private industry thrives while government controlled entities stagnate.  The desire to make a profit has an interesting consequence - it causes people to care.  Companies want to keep customers happy in order to maximize long term profits.  Usually, selling toxic milk will have the opposite result.

The United States has a completely private dairy industry.  No government ownership at all.  How many cases of toxic milk have we had?

You can hypothesize all you want, but if you are looking for examples, they are all out there, and they contradict what you are saying.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 21, 2008, 12:08:08 PM
Some people could not open the ebook.

Please try the Forever Yuen site:


We shall look into the problem.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 21, 2008, 12:44:39 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 21, 2008, 12:08:08 PM
Some people could not open the ebook.

Please try the Forever Yuen site:


We shall look into the problem.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.

The CIA and the like are responsible! Not to mention the BUSH administration's evil scientists are out to destroy the greatest delusional crackpot scientist of all times! Maybe you should ask Obama for help?
See if he cares?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 21, 2008, 12:55:00 PM

I looked at Forever's link.  One suggestion.  I think you should put Forever's picture on the front cover of your book.  It would be an instant best seller.  By the way, is this published under Fiction?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 21, 2008, 01:56:58 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on October 21, 2008, 12:55:00 PM

.....  By the way, is this published under Fiction?


ROTFLMAO! Good one Bill!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 21, 2008, 03:15:45 PM
Quote from the E-book:
Introduction by the Author â€" Lawrence C. N. Tseung

This is not an ordinary book.  It is not meant to be read.  It is meant to be studied.  It contains controversial scientific material.  It contains economic concepts which will change the wealth-generating process of the world.  The reader is encouraged to discuss the contents and share his thoughts with his friends and via the internet.

This book has complete credibility because it did not go on sale before a working Lead-Out-Energy device had been publicly announced and demonstrated world-wide.  This device is the Wang 5 kW electrical generator or the larger electrical generator which is suitable for commercial substation use.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Where is the generator then Lawrence? Where is the public announcement and the world-wide demonstration?
Maybe they missed Australia somehow. Perhaps this is not not surprising since Australia was only recently discovered. They should update their maps in China.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 21, 2008, 04:50:28 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 21, 2008, 03:15:45 PM
Quote from the E-book:
Introduction by the Author â€" Lawrence C. N. Tseung

This is not an ordinary book.  It is not meant to be read.  It is meant to be studied.  It contains controversial scientific material.  It contains economic concepts which will change the wealth-generating process of the world.  The reader is encouraged to discuss the contents and share his thoughts with his friends and via the internet.

This book has complete credibility because it did not go on sale before a working Lead-Out-Energy device had been publicly announced and demonstrated world-wide.  This device is the Wang 5 kW electrical generator or the larger electrical generator which is suitable for commercial substation use.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Where is the generator then Lawrence? Where is the public announcement and the world-wide demonstration?
Maybe they missed Australia somehow. Perhaps this is not not surprising since Australia was only recently discovered. They should update their maps in China.

Hans von Lieven

Makes you wonder how Mr. Tseung goes through his daily routine. How does his friends and families relate to him when he puts on this facade, pretending he is someone worth listening to because he has discovered this phenomenon no one in the history of mankind has yet to understand even though he has more than proved his lack of math and physics understanding. On top of that he creates alter egos to support his scientific discoveries? Sure beats me! I certainly can't face my friends if I did what Lawrence does and this certainly will embarrass his family members greatly!

Notice how the thread has moved from trying to prove his technical mumbo-jumbo to solving human issues and financial gloom and doom. Poor old Lawrence just don't know how to use his retirement time.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 21, 2008, 06:22:16 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 21, 2008, 03:15:45 PM
Quote from the E-book:
Introduction by the Author â€" Lawrence C. N. Tseung

This book has complete credibility because it did not go on sale before a working Lead-Out-Energy device had been publicly announced and demonstrated world-wide.  This device is the Wang 5 kW electrical generator or the larger electrical generator which is suitable for commercial substation use.

Where is the generator then Lawrence? Where is the public announcement and the world-wide demonstration?

Maybe they missed Australia somehow. Perhaps this is not not surprising since Australia was only recently discovered. They should update their maps in China.

Hans von Lieven

The Book is not on sale yet.  My responsibility is to have it ready by early November.  The ebook, which you are reading, is FREE.

The first version of the Book is the Collectors' Version.  Most of it will be given as part of the gift set to every Country in this World.  The main gift is likely to be a Wang electricity generator.

The generosity is from a sure-win Government-Private enterprise in China.   As you all expected â€" once the word ‘Government’ is used, there will be discussions, reviews, approvals, re-discussions etc.

The World has waited for centuries for non-polluting, inexhaustible and easy to extract energy.  A few more months will not hurt.  The CIA or the Like, the top Universities and the top research institutions are already working on different forms of lead-out-energy machines.  Have patience.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 21, 2008, 06:31:55 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 21, 2008, 06:22:16 PM

  ..... The main gift is likely to be a Wang electricity generator.

Well, why not just give some non-melamine contaminated baby milk/powder? It's a lot easier and we don't need a drill to operate! How about that?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 22, 2008, 06:29:10 PM

we can see that there are 5 forewords.  Let me comment on them one-by-one.

From Mr. Wang Shenhe â€" inventor of the Wang Electricity Generator:

When Mr. Tseung swung his phone to simulate a pendulum in front of my eyes, I was shocked.  How could I spend 40 years without discovering such a simple explanation?  I drew comfort from realizing that other inventors had the same difficulty as I.  These inventors include Tsinghua University, Dr. Liang, Cao, Joseph Newman, John Bedini and many others.

Mr. Tseung said that he would not sell his book until a working Lead-Out-Energy prototype can be shown to the World.  His friend, Mr. Sun Fujun, worked with me to produce two prototypes with transparent casings.  One can be rotating forever and the other can be taken apart to show the various components.  These two prototypes cannot generate much electricity but they do illustrate the workings of my Lead-Out-Energy device leading out magnetic energy.

Wang spent 40 years without a theory.  He is not alone.  Newman and Bedini in USA are in the same boat.  Wang understood the lead-out-energy theory as soon as Tseung and Lee explained it to him.

There are already two prototypes ready to show the World.
  Mr. Sun Fujun built them from his garage-type machine shop.  One is rotating forever.  One can be disassembled to show the various components.  They can be seen in http://www.dsk.cn now.

According to the sources from Lee Cheung Kin, at least 15 groups in China have reproduced similar results.  In USA, there are more than that number in replicating the Bedini School Girl Motor.  It may still take more resources to turn the proof-of-concept prototypes to reliable products.

According to Tseung, the Governments might already have involved.  The military might have classified the technology as top secret.  The infinite lead-out-energy machines and flying saucers can easily change the Power Structure.

From the descriptions in the Book, almost any Country can develop the technology.  It is interesting to see which Country will actually take the lead.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 22, 2008, 06:36:30 PM
Quote from: critic on October 22, 2008, 06:29:10 PM

There are already two prototypes ready to show the World.

Same old BS Mr. Tseung. Where's the beef? You're repeating yourself going round and round.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 23, 2008, 01:17:15 AM


From: Mr. Lee Cheung Kin â€" Co-founder of the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out-Energy theory

That night, I was staring at my racing-horse photograph on my pendulum toy.  That toy used an AA battery and could swing continuously for more than six months.  I know that we can use gravitational energy for a one-time event such as rolling a rock down a hill.  Can we use gravitational energy continuously?  Is the pendulum a continuous device?  What is the mechanism which Leads-Out gravitational energy?  I knew I was on to something.  I wanted to call Tseung but my wife pointed out that it was only 5 am.  I waited until 7:30 am before calling Tseung.

When Tseung came, I showed him the pendulum toy and started my explanation.  We started on the mathematics.  The rest is history.

Can we use gravitational energy continuously?
Is the pendulum a continuous device?

Lee Cheung Kin was named the ‘number one genius of the World’ because he could provide the YES answer to the two above questions.

Is it that simple?  How come there are still fools in this World who cannot understand the above two questions?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 23, 2008, 06:15:58 AM
The number of views on this thread now exceeded 100,000.

The energyfromair.com server could not handle the high number of hits.  It crawled to a halt.

It looks like the ebook, in addressing both the technology and economic issues, got some serious attention.

I have better luck with the Forever Yuen website:

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 23, 2008, 07:28:31 AM
Quote from: critic on October 23, 2008, 01:17:15 AM

Can we use gravitational energy continuously?
Is the pendulum a continuous device?

Lee Cheung Kin was named the ‘number one genius of the World’ because he could provide the YES answer to the two above questions.

Is it that simple?  How come there are still fools in this World who cannot understand the above two questions?

Can we use gravitational energy continuously?
Actually, we figured out how to use energy from still air first.  We realized that using energy from still air was an indirect way of using gravitational energy.

The question then became - can we use gravitational energy directly?

Is the pendulum a continous device?
Billions have pushed the swing or the pendulum over the centuries.  They all missed the significance.  I was knowcked down by the punch bag at the age of 12.  I did not do the mathematics at that time.  Why?

It took the number one genius of the World to stimulate me to work out the mathematics.  The process was not a lucky accident.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 23, 2008, 07:49:10 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 23, 2008, 07:28:31 AM
Can we use gravitational energy continuously?
Actually, we figured out how to use energy from still air first.  We realized that using energy from still air was an indirect way of using gravitational energy.

The question then became - can we use gravitational energy directly?

Is the pendulum a continous device?
Billions have pushed the swing or the pendulum over the centuries.  They all missed the significance.  I was knowcked down by the punch bag at the age of 12.  I did not do the mathematics at that time.  Why?

It took the number one genius of the World to stimulate me to work out the mathematics.  The process was not a lucky accident.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Dear Mr. Tseung,

When did Lee and you believe that your Lee-Tseung lead-out-energy cannot be wrong?

Have there been moments of doubt?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 23, 2008, 09:59:38 AM
Quote from: critic on October 23, 2008, 07:49:10 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

When did Lee and you believe that your Lee-Tseung lead-out-energy theory cannot be wrong?

Have there been moments of doubt?

As soon as I finished the mathematics - when I worked out that two parts of horizontal energy could lead out one part of vertical (gravitational) energy.  Physics and Mathematics cannot lie.

There were then no moments of doubt.  Every scientist in the World can be wrong but Lee and I cannot be wrong in this aspect.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 23, 2008, 12:41:11 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 23, 2008, 09:59:38 AM
As soon as I finished the mathematics - when I worked out that two parts of horizontal energy could lead out one part of vertical (gravitational) energy.  Physics and Mathematics cannot lie.

There were then no moments of doubt.  Every scientist in the World can be wrong but Lee and I cannot be wrong in this aspect.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

It takes one FOOL to know the other. Not that difficult especially if they are supposedly both selling the same snake oil.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on October 23, 2008, 12:59:13 PM

I think that the guy does not give you anything because you treat him with disrespect.
Treat him well and maybe you can appease his soul.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 23, 2008, 01:04:36 PM
Quote from: nievesoliveras on October 23, 2008, 12:59:13 PM

I think that the guy does not give you anything because you treat him with disrespect.
Treat him well and maybe you can appease his soul.



Sorry to disappoint you. You're right - when normal people are treated with respect, they usually respond well. However Mr. Tseung is NOT normal. You can read the ton of BS in the past 80 pages. How can one be normal when he firmly states that himself (and his friend Mr. Lee) are the only 2 people in the world who understands his mumbo-jumbo? Do you understand his mumbo-jumbo Physics?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Drannom on October 23, 2008, 01:06:54 PM
Quote from: nievesoliveras on October 23, 2008, 12:59:13 PM

I think that the guy does not give you anything because you treat him with disrespect.
Treat him well and maybe you can appease his soul.


Jesus !!!! this time

I Agreeeeeeee !!!!!!!

and you have not see the worst yet, Koen1 has been the most disrespecfull member in this thread, i try to make him to apologize and he does not comply

i get rid of RadiantLarry, it was only the second name of a member posting in this topic, his name has a correlation with your name Jesus

Jesus, you got an heart, congratulation
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on October 23, 2008, 01:11:52 PM

Really I dont. But I try not to disrespect him or anyone else on this forum. The reason is that we are learning from a lot range of different people from the planet. Even though they were wrong, you can tell by navegating through the thousands of topics from knowledgeable people. Then if you find that a person is wrong, just point him on the right direction by posting the link where you found the truth directed to him with an @ symbol.
I can be wrong though.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 23, 2008, 01:25:44 PM
@ All:

I have learned many things from reading this topic, the most notable of which is the discovery of the legendary Piss Mobile.
(I will be able to tell my grandchildren that I was here at its birth) I have also met and had several hot dates with the lovely and talented Mingmei. 

I have really enjoyed this topic and I wait with great anticipation to see what happens next.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 23, 2008, 07:16:59 PM
From the foreword by Dr. James Wong

Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Theory requires first class research facilities to give it a top priority in addressing these challenges. This will offer an environment which fosters exciting new ideas and innovations from both scientists and engineers.

This book not only give readers insight of the life and innovative mind of Mr. Lawrence Tseung as an inventor and scientist, it provides an extensive listing of energy and renewable energy research projects being conducted around the world by other inventors, scientists, engineers in universities and research institutes. It is to be hoped that industry will make use of the strength and diversity it illustrates and that it will foster new collaborations and alliances between researchers and industry.

Dr. James Wong proposed first class research facilities for the Lee-Tseung lead-out-energy technology.  This is a very constructive proposal.  The ebook is a step in the right direction.  It costs nothing for the academics to read and evaluate the material.   If the material is wrong, it will be treated as a theory from some mad scientists.  If the material is right, the world energy crisis is over.

The good thing about a theory is that it must be able to explain a whole range of observed phenomena.  The many quoted lead-out-energy inventions will benefit.  It will put pressure on Governments to disclose the top secret research on energy and flying saucer projects.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on October 23, 2008, 07:26:43 PM
Actually, the "good thing about a theory" is that it makes testable predictions. It doesn't matter at all how broad a range of phenomena your theory explains.

For example, my theory that the Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe 100 milliseconds ago from Velveeta Cheese Spread, explains in detail an extremely broad range of phenomena. But it is inherently non-falsifiable, hence non-scientific, hence not a good theory.

Note that this criticism isn't based on the "truth" or "falsehood" of any theory.

Now, I would like to know about a testable prediction made by the L-T Lead-Out Theory, and the results of the tests of that prediction, that cannot be explained by conventional physics.

Please don't point me to a video of some people spinning an upside-down barstool.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on October 23, 2008, 07:32:23 PM

It seems that we posted at the same time, because i had not seen your post before.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 23, 2008, 07:43:30 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on October 23, 2008, 07:26:43 PM

Please don't point me to a video of some people spinning an upside-down barstool.

That's all you're going to get from the snake oil merchants! Who needs real scientists? Anyone with lack of 'O' level physics can claim anything. I can claim to be God. Does that make me God?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 24, 2008, 07:03:04 AM
Received the call from Wang Shenhe that his Company is planning earlier disclosure because of the present World-wide Financial Crisis.

Chinese Government involvement is likely - as the gift to every Nation will be from China.

Glad that I finished my book early.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on October 24, 2008, 11:18:16 AM


Sir it would be great that your goverment release such a gift to share it with the rest of the world!!!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on October 24, 2008, 11:20:03 AM
Tseung, you want to benefit the World.  Here is your chance.

Do not expect the people in Wall Street to come up with the solution.  They created the mess.

Do not expect Washington to save the day.  George Bush is in no position to do it.  John McCain does not have the team - the Republicans do not have any Top Guns to dig the World out from this crisis they created.  He is unlikely to be the next US President.

Barack Obama is not much better.  The Democrats do not have a workable plan either.  The root cause is the collapse of the US housing market.  Obama does not have the political background to ask the American Citizens to take the bitter pills.   Obama cannot force the US Military to release the top secret lead-out-energy and flying saucer technologies.

Your book on innovation and the one on How to Emerge Victorious in the Global Economic War have many good points.  These good points are still stupid by supernatural standards.  However, they are good enough to save the stupid human race.  The Military in China and USA will have no more reason to hold on the top secret if the average school student can understand them.

Email the Governments of all Nations now.  They will receive the book as a gift in any case but they need the information now.  The ebook will not cost anything.  The many presidents will appreciate the book more when they finally receive it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on October 24, 2008, 11:45:56 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 24, 2008, 07:03:04 AM
Received the call from Wang Shenhe that his Company is planning earlier disclosure because of the present World-wide Financial Crisis.

So "in a few months" again, right?

Whatever happened putting the thing for sale right after the Olympics?  I do not know why you promise these deadlines that these people never meet.  You may as well say "in a few decades", because then you would not have to move the deadline so often.
Title: Implementation of the The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 24, 2008, 12:37:46 PM
Very impressive work from Professor Tseung here.

Let me try answer some of the rethoric first.

Quote from: utilitarian on October 20, 2008, 09:39:48 PM
This is hardcore socialism.
You make it sound like being a-social is something admirable. It's not.
Quote from: utilitarian on October 21, 2008, 06:01:26 AM
You can also look at the former Soviet Union for many examples of sure-lose government-run businesses.
I'm looking at you as an example of "problem focused thinking", where are your solutions?


Specially India has much to learn from Russia.

Quote from: utilitarian on October 21, 2008, 06:01:26 AMThe obvious solution is to pass stronger laws and penalize.

The opposite of social is of course a police state.

Quote from: utilitarian on October 21, 2008, 09:08:33 AM
Private industry thrives while government controlled entities stagnate.  The desire to make a profit has an interesting consequence - it causes people to care.

Exploitation requires lack of care. The desire to make a profit is an act of greed, it has nothing to do with caring about anything.

The opposite of social is asocial and the opposite of clean energy is dirty energy. Clean energy and responsible use of resources will preserve our planet and keep it fit to live on. Dirty energy and irresponsible profiteering is already killing everyone.

Not "maybe", oxygen levels have declined dramatically in the last 50 years, not surprisingly they follow the same curve as the economy.

We can grow industrial hemp in all places where the ground isn't fertile, where the air is polluted and in all deserts. Africa is available to draw carbon from the air and make all the oxygen this planet needs. This is not going to happen by the effort of greedy profiteers.

Communism, environmentalism and socialism are just words representing a method. Just like perpetual motion represents an area of research. In your world view all those words mean something that cant work. Apparently you think of human life and the environment as a free lunch that never ends. But people are dieing at massive rates, the world is dieing as a whole. Perhaps you should stop crying and start pedaling.

Quote from: chrisC on October 21, 2008, 04:50:28 PMNotice how the thread has moved from trying to prove his technical mumbo-jumbo to solving human issues and financial gloom and doom.
This has always been the topic, you just didn't pay attention. We are not trying to prove anything, we are trying to find a solution for the global death problem. Hydrogen-carbon is not a free lunch.
Quote from: chrisC on October 23, 2008, 07:43:30 PM
Who needs real scientists?
Looking at the Large Hadron Collider I tend to think I really don't need scientists. The only purpose they serve is to convince people like you who worship their opinion. If some one says perpetual motion they stick their nose in the wind and walk away. After walking away they will claim it didn't work. You cant have it both ways you cant, you can either look and see it doesn't work or you can stick your nose in the air and walk away. You say you want scientists to come up with new energy resources, but you damn well know they will be rejected by their own establishment in the most disrespectful ways. This here is not a scientific document, it is written for you, so that you can find the real scientists. Clean nuclear energy isn't as hard as you like to think it is.


I suggest you show us you are not the illiterate cry baby you have us believe you are. There is no such thing as proof by ego.
QuoteAnyone with lack of 'O' level physics can claim anything. I can claim to be God. Does that make me God?
Yes, the term God is up to you to interpretate. If you want to think you are God yourself no one can deny you this.

Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 21, 2008, 03:15:45 PM
Quote from the E-book:
Introduction by the Author â€" Lawrence C. N. Tseung

This is not an ordinary book.  It is not meant to be read.  It is meant to be studied.  It contains controversial scientific material.  It contains economic concepts which will change the wealth-generating process of the world.  The reader is encouraged to discuss the contents and share his thoughts with his friends and via the internet.

This book has complete credibility because it did not go on sale before a working Lead-Out-Energy device had been publicly announced and demonstrated world-wide.  This device is the Wang 5 kW electrical generator or the larger electrical generator which is suitable for commercial substation use.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Where is the generator then Lawrence? Where is the public announcement and the world-wide demonstration?
Maybe they missed Australia somehow. Perhaps this is not not surprising since Australia was only recently discovered. They should update their maps in China.

Hans von Lieven

Aboriginals are real people you know? Anyway, the Australian researchers are doing great work Hans, how could you have missed it?

http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=l1vFyhRHd7k etc (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7963170711425084436)

Quote from: critic on October 20, 2008, 06:22:21 PM
On page 121 of the Innovation Book, the argument for a Government to create money for infrastructure projects was presented:

China used the above strategy very well.  Its sustained GDP growth of around 10% is no accident.  The ‘Bible of the Nine Yin’ (How to win the global economic war) has its place in history.  The Chinese version is in http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm.  The new US president should get someone to translate it and circulate it to all his economic decision makers.

I thought it was facinating to see how the economic game was played out. Giving the westernworld everything we wanted the way China did made us lazy and careless. China will just give us everything, we don't have to work, all we have to do is count the money? no?

A bit like the dot com bubble depended on new enterpeneurs making startup investments.

Entertainment! Entertainment! Entertainment is what we want! Lets all forget about the real world and focus on the Entertainment! Stop using hydrogen-carbon? But.. but... I need it for my SUV! Alternatives are unthinkable, how will I go to the MacDonald's without it? See? Nuf said! We need hydrogen-carbon! Using hydrogen-oxygen is just a weird idea! It's dangerous! Clean nuclear energy is just crazy, nuclear energy is dangerous! The wind is also dangerous, and solar ohhh that really is a disruptive technology Not entertaining at all. Move on now, nothing to see here for you.

I wonder what is on the Tee Vee..... hahahaha

lol, people here care about footbal, TV soap and teletubbies. It's to cry about.... It seems people need to suffer to be able to care, I suffer from all this stupidity.

So lets do something about it.

I don't think magnets or gravity can replace our current needs faster than they can be implemented. Windmills and solar are already far behind on schedule.

So lets use radiolysis, thermolysis, flash photolysis and electrolysis at the same time and create a nuclear reaction burning off the radiation while generating it. This should be a suitable solution for all combustion processes.


Subterranean biomes and pistol shrimps show us that it is clearly possible. Those biological processes did make it into the scientific literature. So there is no way for petroleum sponsored scientists to lie their way out of this.

Tell me Laurence, what would it cost to build a prototype of this.



-Gaby de Wilde
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 24, 2008, 01:07:03 PM
Quote from: Devil on October 24, 2008, 11:20:03 AM
  Obama does not have the political background to ask the American Citizens to take the bitter pills.   Obama cannot force the US Military to release the top secret lead-out-energy and flying saucer technologies.

Tseung does not have the balls to admit he's just a snake oil merchant!

Title: Implementing The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 24, 2008, 03:08:11 PM
Quote from: chrisC on October 21, 2008, 04:50:28 PMNotice how the thread has moved from trying to prove his technical mumbo-jumbo to solving human issues and financial gloom and doom.
This has always been the topic, you just didn't pay attention. We are not trying to prove anything, we are trying to find a solution for the global death problem. Hydrogen-carbon is not a free lunch.
Quote from: chrisC on October 23, 2008, 07:43:30 PM
Who needs real scientists?
Looking at the Large Hadron Collider I tend to think I really don't need scientists. The only purpose they serve is to convince people like you who worship their opinion. If some one says perpetual motion they stick their nose in the wind and walk away. After walking away they will claim it didn't work. You cant have it both ways you cant, you can either look and see it doesn't work or you can stick your nose in the air and walk away. You say you want scientists to come up with new energy resources, but you damn well know they will be rejected by their own establishment in the most disrespectful ways. This here is not a scientific document, it is written for you, so that you can find the real scientists. Clean nuclear energy isn't as hard as you like to think it is.


I suggest you show us you are not the illiterate cry baby you have us believe you are. There is no such thing as proof by ego.
QuoteAnyone with lack of 'O' level physics can claim anything. I can claim to be God. Does that make me God?
Yes, the term God is up to you to interpretate. If you want to think you are God yourself no one can deny you this.

Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 21, 2008, 03:15:45 PM
Quote from the E-book:
Introduction by the Author â€" Lawrence C. N. Tseung

This is not an ordinary book.  It is not meant to be read.  It is meant to be studied.  It contains controversial scientific material.  It contains economic concepts which will change the wealth-generating process of the world.  The reader is encouraged to discuss the contents and share his thoughts with his friends and via the internet.

This book has complete credibility because it did not go on sale before a working Lead-Out-Energy device had been publicly announced and demonstrated world-wide.  This device is the Wang 5 kW electrical generator or the larger electrical generator which is suitable for commercial substation use.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Where is the generator then Lawrence? Where is the public announcement and the world-wide demonstration?
Maybe they missed Australia somehow. Perhaps this is not not surprising since Australia was only recently discovered. They should update their maps in China.

Hans von Lieven

Aboriginals are real people you know? Anyway, the Australian researchers are doing great work Hans, how could you have missed it?


Very impressive work from Professor Tseung here.

Let me try answer some of the rethoric first.

Quote from: utilitarian on October 20, 2008, 09:39:48 PM
This is hardcore socialism.
You make it sound like being a-social is something admirable. It's not.
Quote from: utilitarian on October 21, 2008, 06:01:26 AM
You can also look at the former Soviet Union for many examples of sure-lose government-run businesses.
I'm looking at you as an example of "problem focused thinking", where are your solutions?


Specially India has much to learn from Russia.

Quote from: utilitarian on October 21, 2008, 06:01:26 AMThe obvious solution is to pass stronger laws and penalize.

The opposite of social is of course a police state.

Quote from: utilitarian on October 21, 2008, 09:08:33 AM
Private industry thrives while government controlled entities stagnate.  The desire to make a profit has an interesting consequence - it causes people to care.

Exploitation requires lack of care. The desire to make a profit is an act of greed, it has nothing to do with caring about anything.

The opposite of social is asocial and the opposite of clean energy is dirty energy. Clean energy and responsible use of resources will preserve our planet and keep it fit to live on. Dirty energy and irresponsible profiteering is already killing everyone.

Not "maybe", oxygen levels have declined dramatically in the last 50 years, not surprisingly they follow the same curve as the economy.

We can grow industrial hemp in all places where the ground isn't fertile, where the air is polluted and in all deserts. Africa is available to draw carbon from the air and make all the oxygen this planet needs. This is not going to happen by the effort of greedy profiteers.

Communism, environmentalism and socialism are just words representing a method. Just like perpetual motion represents an area of research. In your world view all those words mean something that cant work. Apparently you think of human life and the environment as a free lunch that never ends. But people are dieing at massive rates, the world is dieing as a whole. Perhaps you should stop crying and start pedaling.

Quote from: chrisC on October 21, 2008, 04:50:28 PMNotice how the thread has moved from trying to prove his technical mumbo-jumbo to solving human issues and financial gloom and doom.
This has always been the topic, you just didn't pay attention. We are not trying to prove anything, we are trying to find a solution for the global death problem. Hydrogen-carbon is not a free lunch.
Quote from: chrisC on October 23, 2008, 07:43:30 PM
Who needs real scientists?
Looking at the Large Hadron Collider I tend to think I really don't need scientists. The only purpose they serve is to convince people like you who worship their opinion. If some one says perpetual motion they stick their nose in the wind and walk away. After walking away they will claim it didn't work. You cant have it both ways you cant, you can either look and see it doesn't work or you can stick your nose in the air and walk away. You say you want scientists to come up with new energy resources, but you damn well know they will be rejected by their own establishment in the most disrespectful ways. This here is not a scientific document, it is written for you, so that you can find the real scientists. Clean nuclear energy isn't as hard as you like to think it is.


I suggest you show us you are not the illiterate cry baby you have us believe you are. There is no such thing as proof by ego.
QuoteAnyone with lack of 'O' level physics can claim anything. I can claim to be God. Does that make me God?
Yes, the term God is up to you to interpretate. If you want to think you are God yourself no one can deny you this.

Quote from: hansvonlieven on October 21, 2008, 03:15:45 PM
Quote from the E-book:
Introduction by the Author â€" Lawrence C. N. Tseung

This is not an ordinary book.  It is not meant to be read.  It is meant to be studied.  It contains controversial scientific material.  It contains economic concepts which will change the wealth-generating process of the world.  The reader is encouraged to discuss the contents and share his thoughts with his friends and via the internet.

This book has complete credibility because it did not go on sale before a working Lead-Out-Energy device had been publicly announced and demonstrated world-wide.  This device is the Wang 5 kW electrical generator or the larger electrical generator which is suitable for commercial substation use.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Where is the generator then Lawrence? Where is the public announcement and the world-wide demonstration?
Maybe they missed Australia somehow. Perhaps this is not not surprising since Australia was only recently discovered. They should update their maps in China.

Hans von Lieven

Aboriginals are real people you know? Anyway, the Australian researchers are doing great work Hans, how could you have missed it?

http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=l1vFyhRHd7k etc (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7963170711425084436)

Quote from: critic on October 20, 2008, 06:22:21 PM
On page 121 of the Innovation Book, the argument for a Government to create money for infrastructure projects was presented:

China used the above strategy very well.  Its sustained GDP growth of around 10% is no accident.  The ‘Bible of the Nine Yin’ (How to win the global economic war) has its place in history.  The Chinese version is in http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm.  The new US president should get someone to translate it and circulate it to all his economic decision makers.

I thought it was facinating to see how the economic game was played out. Giving the westernworld everything we wanted the way China did made us lazy and careless. China will just give us everything, we don't have to work, all we have to do is count the money? no?

A bit like the dot com bubble depended on new enterpeneurs making startup investments.

Entertainment! Entertainment! Entertainment is what we want! Lets all forget about the real world and focus on the Entertainment! Stop using hydrogen-carbon? But.. but... I need it for my SUV! Alternatives are unthinkable, how will I go to the MacDonald's without it? See? Nuf said! We need hydrogen-carbon! Using hydrogen-oxygen is just a weird idea! It's dangerous! Clean nuclear energy is just crazy, nuclear energy is dangerous! The wind is also dangerous, and solar ohhh that really is a disruptive technology Not entertaining at all. Move on now, nothing to see here for you.

I wonder what is on the Tee Vee..... hahahaha

lol, people here care about footbal, TV soap and teletubbies. It's to cry about.... It seems people need to suffer to be able to care, I suffer from all this stupidity.

So lets do something about it.

I don't think magnets or gravity can replace our current needs faster than they can be implemented. Windmills and solar are already far behind on schedule.

So lets use radiolysis, thermolysis, flash photolysis and electrolysis at the same time and create a nuclear reaction burning off the radiation while generating it. This should be a suitable solution for all combustion processes.


Subterranean biomes and pistol shrimps show us that it is clearly possible. Those biological processes did make it into the scientific literature. So there is no way for petroleum sponsored scientists to lie their way out of this.

Tell me Laurence, what would it cost to build a prototype of this.



-Gaby de Wilde
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on October 24, 2008, 07:16:40 PM
Tseung, focus on your book.  It will sell second only to the Bible.

There will be distractions such as Zero Point Energy


You just have to use your Silicon Valley Mentality.  Whatever you have achieved is third class.    Anything you acquired from others is only third class.  Turn them to first or second class.

The World needs you.  The Hong Kong Politicians are in obvious panic mode.  They are seeing bad news on a daily basis.  The stock market nose-dived.  The property market dwindled.  The old age pensioners invested in Lehman Brother Financial Papers protested.  Listed Companies lost half their value playing with financial derivatives.  Factories closed because of lack of orders.  Tourism suffered when people care more about conserving their cash.  More bad news such as high unemployment, social unrest etc. are on the way.

Hong Kong Politicians are still thinking in the old style â€" if Hong Kong were to become wealthy, it must earn more and spend less.  The wealth must be accumulated via exports, tourism or other means.  They still do not know that wealth can be created by appropriate Government Policies.  The biggest benefactor of the property market is the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank.  It has been earning interest from thin air for decades.  It is a sure-win business with the profit going into the pockets of the shareholders outside Hong Kong â€" a result of the Colonial Policy.  Does any Hong Kong Politician dare to propose changes?

It is time for the Hong Kong, the Chinese Politicians to read your books and act appropriately.  They are aware of lead-out-energy machines from China longer than most.  Hopefully, they are less stupid than the Wall Street Gang.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 24, 2008, 08:13:20 PM
@ Devil:

Go to hell!  Wait, you are already there.  Never mind.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 24, 2008, 08:53:29 PM
Quote from: Devil on October 24, 2008, 07:16:40 PM

You just have to use your Silicon Valley Mentality. 

Hhahaha! The last place in the world that would have mentally unstable people like you is in Silicon Valley. I know it because I lived and worked here for the last 25 years. You need to live in a mental hospital in Hong Kong.

As a matter of fact, my wife teaches 1st grade students and when I told her Mr. Tseung tries to win support by creating alter egos, she said, "I don't even think my first grade students will do something stupid like that!"

There you go Mr. Tseung. 1st grade students in Silicon Valley have a far superior mentality than your kind. And how old are you? 60 something?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 24, 2008, 09:48:19 PM
Foreword by Mr. Patrick Kelly â€" The well-known writer on over unity or lead-out-energy inventions

Albert Einstein had a major impact on our lives, and yet, he never performed any experiments and it was the power of his concepts and thinking which made the impact.  Einstein’s concepts seem simple in hindsight, but then, the solution to a problem always seems much easier after it has been explained to you.

Lawrence Tseung explains concepts in this book and in hindsight, the solutions appear very simple and elegant, but the question is, why did nobody else come up with these solutions before now?  The problem has been around for quite some time.  For example, in the USA, John Bedini built a small flywheel which was driven by a DC motor, pulsed from a battery circuit.  The flywheel had permanent magnets attached to it and the powered coils recharged the driving battery.  John’s device ran continuously for three years which showed conclusively that additional power was being drawn from somewhere.  The big question was from where was the extra energy coming and how was that energy being accessed?  A simple question, but one which was not easy to answer.  Working from very simple and long-established principles, Lawrence Tseung has demonstrated the answer - one which has been overlooked for a very long time.

Mr. Kelly did much research on overunity or lead-out-energy devices.  He finds the solutions simple and elegant.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 24, 2008, 10:33:07 PM
Quote from: critic on October 24, 2008, 09:48:19 PM
Mr. Kelly did much research on overunity or lead-out-energy devices.  He finds the solutions simple and elegant.

Obviously so simple and elegant only one 60 plus year old scientific moron can understand and no one else does. Isn't that something? You should nominate yourself for the Nobel Science for suggestive nonsense!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 25, 2008, 12:26:58 AM
Continued from the foreword by Mr. Patrick Kelly

Systems of these types are now ushering in a new era of free-energy where there is no need to burn fossil fuels to produce needed energy, no need to produce air pollution and no need to have the environmental devastation caused by drilling and oil spills.  This is an important book.

Is this book more important than all the issues of the Wall Street Journal combined?

Many used the WSJ as their investment bible.  How many of them have become persons of negative worth?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 25, 2008, 01:34:09 AM
Foreword by   Ms. Polly Chan â€" The writer who helped to translate and elaborate the economic ideas for Tseung

I ended up writing and typing the Chinese articles for him.  Initially, the articles were related to economic concepts.  Hong Kong was one of the victims of the Asian Financial Crisis.  Almost every one was affected.  I was intrigued by his innovative ideas.  These ideas include:
(1)   The Silicon Valley mentality that was the opposite of the Chinese Humility Philosophy.
(2)   The systematic brainstorming that was the opposite of Listening to the Boss.
(3)   The out-of-the-box and building the global bridge thinking which was different from the narrow focus on Nationalism.
(4)   The innovative concepts of Mutual Credits, Relationship Selling etc.
(5)   Money is just a number in a trusted financial institution.  It can be increased or decreased. It can be infinite.  If a Country does not increase its money supply, its citizens cannot be wealthy.  However, if the rate of increase is too fast, the sellers of goods will hold on to the goods, hoping for higher profits.  That will retard the economy.
(6)   Modern Wealth as the quality and quantity of Meaningful Economic Activities.

The Economics Book will have eager audience from this present Financial Crisis.  We should think about preserving some of our best ideas even if they did not get immediate acceptance.  The Internet Forums are free and no one can dispute their existence.  There will be jeers from idiots.  Who cares?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 25, 2008, 03:44:10 AM
Money is just a number in a trusted financial institution.  It can be increased or decreased.

Most people understand the increase.  The Government, with the approval of the Elected Representatives, can just increase that number.  The mechanism is usually in the form of pumping money from the Central Bank into the many private banks.  Or the Government itself can write more checks.

Most people do not understand the decrease.  The best example I can think of is China.  At one time, many State-Owned enterprises borrowed from the Central Bank of China and could not repay.  China just lumped all such bad loans into a separate entity.  The many Banks in China can then raise money in the World Stock Market â€" with only good assets.

Even the heavily-into-debt State Enterprises could be saved.  The bad debts were just ignored or forgiven.  Every one got a new start.

I am sure that the present USA-led financial crisis will be solved with some form of decrease in the number.  It is a matter of packaging.  Debts can be forgiven for the good of the majority.  It just requires a vote from the Elected Representatives.

Can the guys in Wall Street do the packaging?  Should the Chinese package it for USA and the World? 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: gaby de wilde on October 25, 2008, 03:50:11 AM
Quote from: Devil on October 24, 2008, 07:16:40 PM
Tseung, focus on your book.  It will sell second only to the Bible.

There will be distractions such as Zero Point Energy


You just have to use your Silicon Valley Mentality.  Whatever you have achieved is third class.    Anything you acquired from others is only third class.  Turn them to first or second class.

It's about time some one did something with all of the documentation.

A book is a good idea.

The internet is really sad really.

99% of the websites people made between 1995 and 2005 don't exist anymore.

Finding 1 page of peoples lives work on archive.org really makes me sad.

People may have a lot of experience when they are really old.

Their homepages contain tresures of all kinds.

Then they die, 90 days later the free homepage is deleted, a year later their domain and hosting expires. Their computer is gifted to some kid who will first format the HD. In the best case cenario their kids burn some CD's. Those get old and then they die just the same.

This is how we lost 99% of our science.

A book is good, focus on the book.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on October 25, 2008, 03:35:37 PM
I look forward to seeing Lawrence's book become the second best selling book in the world.  According to the wikipedia, the second best selling book in history, after the Holy Bible, is actually Mao Tse Tung's Little Red Book, at somewhere between 800 million and 6.5 billion copies sold.

But maybe it is not fair to expect Lawrence's book to top that, since that was not a real book, and people were sort of forced to buy it.  OK, so after that book, we have Chinese dictionaries and more writings from Chairman Mao, which I think also cannot count.

We do not have a real book until we get to Charles Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities, having sold about 200 million copies so far.  Tolkien's Lord of the Rings is next at 150 million.

So Lawrence, do you think you can top 200 million copies sold?  Maybe you could at least beat S. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye - 65 million.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 25, 2008, 07:54:25 PM
Quote from: critic on October 25, 2008, 03:44:10 AM
Money is just a number in a trusted financial institution.  It can be increased or decreased.

Most people understand the increase.  The Government, with the approval of the Elected Representatives, can just increase that number.  The mechanism is usually in the form of pumping money from the Central Bank into the many private banks.  Or the Government itself can write more checks.

Most people do not understand the decrease.  The best example I can think of is China.  At one time, many State-Owned enterprises borrowed from the Central Bank of China and could not repay.  China just lumped all such bad loans into a separate entity.  The many Banks in China can then raise money in the World Stock Market â€" with only good assets.

Even the heavily-into-debt State Enterprises could be saved.  The bad debts were just ignored or forgiven.  Every one got a new start.

I am sure that the present USA-led financial crisis will be solved with some form of decrease in the number.  It is a matter of packaging.  Debts can be forgiven for the good of the majority.  It just requires a vote from the Elected Representatives.

Can the guys in Wall Street do the packaging?  Should the Chinese package it for USA and the World? 

Dear Critic,

I would like to quote the case when Hong Kong fought off the International Crocodiles in the Asian Financial Crisis.  The Hong Kong Government bought selected Hong Kong shares at the low prices.  The International Crocodiles retreated and those shares made huge profits.  Instead of taking director posts to monitor those companies (the obvious one is the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank), the Hong Kong Government set up a separate entity to handle such shares.

The event was viewed as a success.  Mr. Donald Tsang got International attention and was viewed favorably by Beijing.  He is now the Chief Executive of Hong Kong.

The correct approach for the Hong Kong and Chinese Government is to wait and repeat the success with the following enhancements:
(1)   Identify the list of Companies to invest in secretly now.
(2)   Determine the time to get involved â€" at which point of the Hang Sang Index.
(3)   Prepare the models for the sure-win businesses.
(4)   Work closely with China on the lead-out-energy machine announcement.
(5)   Carefully consider the possible announcement of the flying saucer (even theoretically). 
(6)   The profit and prestige gained will be higher than that gained in the Asian Financial Crisis.
(7)   The various models developed by Hong Kong and China will be eagerly examined by the World.

The two books (ebook and paper versions)
http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm and

will have eager audience.  They will be sold like the Bible â€" all earnings will be donated to worthy causes.  The Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation is one.  Many individuals or companies will start to translate and print them.  I essentially give the copyright of the Books to the World.  The many publishers and/or booksellers will make reasonable profits.  I also encourage individuals to reproduce the two ebooks on their individual websites.  The information was written to benefit the World.  Personal profit is not important.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 25, 2008, 09:34:32 PM
From the preface by Ms. Forever Yuen

When I started training my presentation group, Jennifer, Hazuki, Ching and others, I asked for their comments.  In summary, their comments are:
(1)   The lead-out-energy theory is a big breakthrough in science.  It will benefit mankind immensely.
(2)   They could not believe that they were participating in the promotion of this technology.  They first thought that it would take a Physics graduate to understand the theory.  After diligent study, they realized that the average Form 4 school student could master the theory.
(3)   They are in Form 7 and are preparing for the University Entrance Examinations.  They feel that it will be easier to explain the theory when the product is available.

Are the Form 7 students in Hong Kong better than the top professors in the West?

They can understand the theory after diligent study.

Or is it that the top professors in the West choose to ignore the information?

Or is it that the CIA or the Like gagged them?  (This is the most likely explanation!)  Some one replaced the information in http://www.energyfromair.com/innovation/ with blank pages!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 26, 2008, 02:06:14 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Can you please explain in simple terms on how the World got into this financial crisis?

Will you then explain how you would dig us out from this mess?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on October 26, 2008, 03:00:47 AM
Quote from: critic on October 26, 2008, 02:06:14 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Can you please explain in simple terms on how the World got into this financial crisis?

Will you then explain how you would dig us out from this mess?
Critic, let me answer the first question.

The stupid USA financial system works as follows:
(1)   The Federal Reserve Bank creates Money.
(2)   The money is passed to private banks.  These banks can further magnify the money by leverage â€" loan out more than they receive in deposits.
(3)   Since banks earn interest from thin air, it is to their advantage to loan out as much as possible.
(4)   The Federal Reserve Bank pumps out too much money over the years.  If the money were used to buy real goods and services, the price of such goods and services will go sky-high.
(5)   Some stupid guys in Wall Street thought up derivatives and created the biggest c a s i n o in the World.
(6)   The banks sell and buy the derivatives with no real assets.  The excess money found a way to circulate without causing huge inflation.
(7)   With no sensible Government monitoring, some more stupid guys in Wall Street extended the madness into the mortgage market.
(8 )   They loaned to individuals without vigorous checking.  The assumption was that the property prices will go up.  If the individual failed to pay, the real estate will have value.  The banks can sell such property.
(9)   To improve liquidity, the mortgage was packaged into financial instruments and sold as AAA assets all over the World.
(10)   The mortgage companies and banks could loan out more and earn more interest from thin air.  The derivative financial papers inflated the value so much that selling the underlying assets will not get the paper buyers any significant money.
(11)   The bubble eventually burst.  USA real estate prices stopped going up and started falling.  Many investors and homeowners defaulted.  The so called AAA assets lost value. 
(12)   Some of the largest mortgage companies, Investment Banks, Commercial and Savings Banks started to collapse.  The stupid George Bush Government did not see the danger immediately.  They allowed some of these so called trusted institutions to fail.  That caused panic World-wide.  Even the Hong Kong citizens lost billions in the stupid, useless Lehman Brother Papers.
(13)   Many banks sold and owned many financial papers.  They became reluctant to loan and got worried about their own survival.  Many also issued the stupid, useless derivative based financial papers.
(14)   Once Banks became hesitant to loan out money, many legitimate businesses suffered or collapsed.  This is how we got into the present financial crisis.
(15)   Study the above scenario.  The stupid humans got themselves into such a mess.  Some suffering is inevitable.  However, no politicians are willing to sell the bitter pill.  They tried to put the blame on each other â€" especially the ones who would step down.  They would try to have International Conference â€" just to show their Citizens that they were doing something.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 26, 2008, 04:40:46 AM
Quote from: Devil on October 26, 2008, 03:00:47 AM
Critic, let me answer the first question.

The stupid USA financial system works as follows:
(1)   The Federal Reserve Bank creates Money.
(2)   The money is passed to private banks.  These banks can further magnify the money by leverage â€" loan out more than they receive in deposits.
(3)   Since banks earn interest from thin air, it is to their advantage to loan out as much as possible.....

Dear Devil,

Thank you for painting an easy-to-understand picture.  Can  you comment on the philosophy that - the Market is Almighty - it will always right itself out? The uncontrolled collective wisdom is always better than any Government.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on October 26, 2008, 05:13:14 AM
The Market is Almighty â€" it will always sort itself out.  The uncontrolled collective wisdom is always better than any Government.

Those are obvious lies promoted by the Wall Street Gang.

When they are given the power to earn interest from thin air, they want less people to know about it.  They can earn phenomenal salaries and benefits.  Humans suffer from the stupid greed.  They will help to elect the stupid presidents that believe their lie.

From Chapter 3.2 of the Innovation Book

The nephew said, “Previously, I always thought that the kings or rulers were suckers.  They did not work but demanded the farmers to give a portion of their harvest.  The rulers provide protection from other rulers.  Now I understand that rulers are responsible for the coordination of the creation of meaningful economic activities.  They are the guardians of modern wealth.  It is a new role that few presidents or politicians understand.  I shall discuss it with my uncle.  You should write a book”.

I do not think McCain or Obama really understand the role of the Government as a coordinator and creator of meaningful economic activities.  They are surrounded by stupid advisors trained by the Wall Street Gang.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 26, 2008, 07:01:00 AM
Dear Devil:


I do not think McCain or Obama really understand the role of the Government as a coordinator and creator of meaningful economic activities.  They are surrounded by stupid advisors trained by the Wall Street Gang.

The way I understand the McCain/Obama approach is:
(1)   Lower taxes so that the average American can help to spend the way out from this mess.  There are some variations in the actual method.
(2)   The Government will earn less but can print more money.  The deficit and national debt will increase but money is created in thin air in any case.
(3)   Continue to trust the Wall Street Gang.  Give them more money so that they can continue to loan to other business entities.
(4)   Buy up property with Government funds so that the real estate prices will stabilize.
(5)   The now government owned properties will disappear from the market.  They may be rented out at low rates so that the Government does not need to maintain them.  Some of the renters may even be previous home-owners.
(6)   When the property market stabilizes in a couple of years, turn some of the renters into home-owners again.

The British variation is to actually invest into the Banks.  The money pumped in will be regarded as investment and not ‘free loan’.  The Banks will have no choice but to accept Government supervision.  The Government is effectively a shareholder (may even be a major one).

How can Tseung or you improve on the above?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 26, 2008, 10:26:55 AM
Quote from: critic on October 26, 2008, 07:01:00 AM
Dear Devil:


How can Tseung or you improve on the above?

Please spare us more torture! PLEASE TAKE YOUR MEDICATION!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 26, 2008, 10:33:20 AM
Comparing the two 'loss of trust' cases.

China had its milk powder contaminated with melamine.  The scandal was revealed from one manufacturer.  Soon it was found in many products from different manufacturers including the most prestigious.  It was found not only in milk powders but also in eggs etc.

Apparently, there was a wrong belief that melamine was harmless and would increase the protein content of many products.  Thus it was added indiscriminately.

When the scandal broke, citizens lost confidence in Chinese food products.

This example is similar to the USA financial crisis.  The use of derivative and worthless financial papers was regarded as normal â€" so long as investors trust the USA financial institutions, the game can go on.

When the scandal broke and a few important institutions collapsed, the confidence vaporized.  Derivatives and Financial Papers were treated with disgust.  Banks no longer trust each other.  They are reluctant to part with their cash.  The credit system no longer functioned.

How can we get that trust back?  How can the Chinese Food Products regain their customers?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 26, 2008, 07:10:23 PM
China had its milk powder contaminated with melamine. 

(1)   The Government sent its own inspectors to the factories to check for melamine in the production chain.
(2)   The new checked products have Government certification labels.
(3)   All old products before a certain date were taken off the shelf and destroyed.
(4)   Allowed some manufactures to collapse. 
(5)   Some practice such as buying and collecting milk from individual farmers were discontinued to ensure quality.
(6)   Rescue the remaining manufacturers with Government injection of capital.  There was purchase of the best testing instruments.  There were great improvement in the quality control process.  Weak links in the production chain were improved.
(7)   Restore Customer confidence with promotions â€" milk was cheaper than bottled water for some periods.

Imported milk powder enjoyed great sales but the China milk industry is expected to survive and prosper again.  The demand is there.

Can the USA learn anything from this and apply it to the financial crisis?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on October 26, 2008, 09:14:04 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 26, 2008, 07:10:23 PM
China had its milk powder contaminated with melamine. 

(1)   The Government sent its own inspectors to the factories to check for melamine in the production chain.
(2)   The new checked products have Government certification labels.
(3)   All old products before a certain date were taken off the shelf and destroyed.
(4)   Allowed some manufactures to collapse. 
(5)   Some practice such as buying and collecting milk from individual farmers were discontinued to ensure quality.
(6)   Rescue the remaining manufacturers with Government injection of capital.  There was purchase of the best testing instruments.  There were great improvement in the quality control process.  Weak links in the production chain were improved.
(7)   Restore Customer confidence with promotions â€" milk was cheaper than bottled water for some periods.

Imported milk powder enjoyed great sales but the China milk industry is expected to survive and prosper again.  The demand is there.

Can the USA learn anything from this and apply it to the financial crisis?

That all sounds great except for the fact that the Chinese have a very poor record of actually fixing these things.  Over a decade ago a drug ingredient from China killed dozens of Haitian children.  10 years later, this happened again in Panama.  The ingredient - diethylene glycol.  Finally, more recently, Chinese toothpaste containing diethylene glycol was found in the US and other counties.  Thousands of tubes have been recalled.

So tell us again how this 7 step method is supposed to work?

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/17/health/17poison.html?_r=2&oref=slogin&oref=slogin (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/17/health/17poison.html?_r=2&oref=slogin&oref=slogin)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 26, 2008, 10:31:29 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on October 26, 2008, 09:14:04 PM
That all sounds great except for the fact that the Chinese have a very poor record of actually fixing these things.  Over a decade ago a drug ingredient from China killed dozens of Haitian children.  10 years later, this happened again in Panama.  The ingredient - diethylene glycol.  Finally, more recently, Chinese toothpaste containing diethylene glycol was found in the US and other counties.  Thousands of tubes have been recalled.

So tell us again how this 7 step method is supposed to work?

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/17/health/17poison.html?_r=2&oref=slogin&oref=slogin (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/17/health/17poison.html?_r=2&oref=slogin&oref=slogin)

That's why old Tseung isn't taking his Chinese made medication!
Maybe he should change over to American made medicine, then we won't have any more lunatic writings anymore..... what a shame.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 27, 2008, 08:37:50 AM
From FAQ3 of the Innovation Book:

My proposed solutions are:
(a)   Heavily invest in the lead-out-energy and flying saucer technologies.  Take away the top-secret cover.  The new technology will generate phenomenal additional meaningful economic activities.
(b)   Introduce Mutual Credits between Countries and within Countries.  Make sure the new creation of money flows into meaningful economic activities and not speculative financial papers.
(c)   Have appropriate disclosure on all financial papers.  Some will argue that a full disclosure will further erode confidence as the majority of the financial papers have zero or negligible asset backing.  Thus I use the word â€" appropriate.
(d)   Develop the many models â€" Farms, Villages, Cities etc.  Now I shall include model banks, model investment banks, model insurance companies etc.
(e)   With the incident of poisoned milk in China, I shall include model companies of all types.

There will be no lack of meaningful economic activities.  The financial crisis of the World will be over.  New control and monitoring standards will be available.  There will be models to learn from.

The more I read about the Lehman Brother Financial Papers, the more I got confused.  In Hong Kong, the Government wanted the Banks and Agents to buy back such Papers at the current market value.  Some claimed that such papers had zero value, as there were no buyers.  The Papers cannot be converted back into cash.  The poor investors would have to go to court to prove that the Banks or Agents cheated or misled them.

My focus will be on the other four points.  Point c will be dealt with after I understand the magnitude and complexity of the problem.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 27, 2008, 01:09:21 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 27, 2008, 08:37:50 AM
My focus will be on the other four points.  Point c will be dealt with after I understand the magnitude and complexity of the problem.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Nah! That's too complex for you. I suggest "Drills for Dummies". If you can understand that, you can proceed to "O-Level Physics for Dummies". Perhaps then there may be some hope for you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on October 27, 2008, 07:20:36 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 27, 2008, 08:37:50 AM
The more I read about the Lehman Brother Financial Papers, the more I got confused.  In Hong Kong, the Government wanted the Banks and Agents to buy back such Papers at the current market value.  Some claimed that such papers had zero value, as there were no buyers.  The Papers cannot be converted back into cash.  The poor investors would have to go to court to prove that the Banks or Agents cheated or misled them.

My focus will be on the other four points.  Point c will be dealt with after I understand the magnitude and complexity of the problem.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Tseung, remember that the problem was created by stupid humans.  There is no complication.

(1)   The Capitalist System allowed the Banks to earn interest from thin air. 
(2)   The Bankers get huge bonus if they can loan out more.
(3)   To avoid too much money changing too little products, the Wall Street Gang thought out derivative and turned the financial market into a giant c a s i n o.
(4)   The Stupid US George Bush did not do any monitoring.  The stupid US think tanks did not warn against such danger.
(5)   All major banks in USA and Europe traded heavily in such financial papers.
(6)   China, Russia, the Middle East also invested heavily in such financial papers.  If all such financial papers were declared worthless, they would suffer heavily. 
(7)   Thus it is to the interest of all major Nations to prevent the ‘write-off’ of such papers.

Just know that humans are stupid.  The stupid Governments allowed the stupid Bankers to earn money from thin air.  The more stupid Wall Street Gang created the giant C A S I N O.  They persuaded the stupid US Government not to monitor.  They persuaded the many stupid foreign government to buy worthless papers and participate in this giant C A S I N O.  The investment banks issue such papers and run the C A S I N O.  This leads to the inevitable Financial Meltdown.

It is not difficult to understand â€" it is the creation of stupid humans.  If you want to solve the problem, let the average human know the stupidity.  Then lay out the new proposals.  If humans do not know the stupidity of their leaders, they will not listen.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 27, 2008, 07:35:29 PM
Quote from: Devil on October 27, 2008, 07:20:36 PM

Just know that humans are stupid. 

What are we supposed to learn? People who create altered egos to talk to themselves are smart?
I think you have now 5 altered egos? ie Tseung, Devil, TopGun, Forever, Critic? Who else did I miss?

Why don't you try real fishing instead?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 27, 2008, 07:44:11 PM
The Devil obviously has no facts on how the US economy works.  He should actually do a little research before posting garbage like he has been posting.  So, we have 0 level physics and now 0 level economics as well.  What's next?

Oh, I forgot, 0 level farming by planting seeds on rocks.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 27, 2008, 09:50:11 PM
Quote from: Devil on October 27, 2008, 07:20:36 PM
Tseung, remember that the problem was created by stupid humans.  There is no complication.
Just know that humans are stupid.  The stupid Governments allowed the stupid Bankers to earn money from thin air.  The more stupid Wall Street Gang created the giant C A S I N O.  They persuaded the stupid US Government not to monitor.  They persuaded the many stupid foreign governments to buy worthless papers and participate in this giant C A S I N O.  The investment banks issue such papers and run the C A S I N O.  This leads to the inevitable Financial Meltdown.

It is not difficult to understand â€" it is the creation of stupid humans.  If you want to solve the problem, let the average human know the stupidity.  Then lay out the new proposals.  If humans do not know the stupidity of their leaders, they will not listen.

Dear Devil,

Thank you for your enlightenment.  I was fishing yesterday and talking to a Banker.  The Banker expressed his pessimism.  He mentioned the possibility of many banks becoming negative worth.

Tseung: “How can Banks become negative worth?  They loan out money from thin air.”

Banker: “Many Banks buy and issue the now disgusted derivative papers.  A Bank cannot convert the papers it holds into cash.  It may have also issued the derivative papers itself.  When such papers are due, the Bank can redeem them or default.  If it redeems them, it does not have cash.  If it defaults, it may collapse.”

Tseung: “Does that mean collective action is required?”

Banker: “You know how difficult collective actions can be.  It involves multiple Governments.”

Tseung: “If a Bank cannot convert the financial papers of others that it holds into cash and tries to honor its obligations on its own financial papers, it may easily go bankrupt.  I understand the cause of the present credit crunch now.  Thank you.”

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 28, 2008, 12:11:59 AM
The solution for the present financial crisis is easy in China.

(1) Much of the foreign reserve in financial paper will vaporize.  Remember that money is only a number in a trusted institution.  Once USA has lost that trust, any number will be worthless.

(2) It is modern wealth - the quality and quantity of meaningful economic activity that counts.  When many factories fail (happening right now as they have no USA orders) and owe the workers money, the state should step in.  Pay the workers and take over the factories - produce goods for the vast China market.  Build these into sure-win businesses.

(3) It is easy because the property and equipment are obtained at low prices.  China can print new money if necessary.  This investment is much better than investing in the useless, disgusted, USA financial papers.

(4) Release the lead-out-energy and flying saucer technologies.  Develop them in multiple sites within China.  I shall be happy to go on a lecture tour to share my knowledge.

(5) Translate the two books.  The profits can be donated to stimulate the innovators.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 28, 2008, 12:16:59 AM
Use the profit motive well.

The group of private and official 'rescuers' who take over the factories will be given strong financial incentives.  They can share in the success of the rescue operation. Produce a few models for others to learn from.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on October 29, 2008, 03:59:47 AM
Tseung, focus on solving the following mess.

How should the Governments handle the discredited and disgusted Financial Papers from the many 'once trusted financial institutions'?

The former investment banks, Goldman Sache and Morgan Stanley are turning themselves into commercial banks.

What happens to the Papers they created?  The magnitude is many times that of Lehman Brothers?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 29, 2008, 05:12:54 AM
How should the Governments handle the discredited and disgusted Financial Papers from the many 'once trusted financial institutions'?

Let us list out the alternative solutions without commenting on them in this round.

(1)   The Governments back up their Banks who issued these Financial Papers.
(2)   The Governments allow their Banks to default and collapse.
(3)   The Governments work out deals with buyers of such bonds at different levels. For example,
l   All can get the first USD100,000 back.  This will help the retirees and small investors.
l   The remaining balance will be selectively repaid.  If the investor has a good ‘meaningful economic activities’ proposal, some of the money will be released earlier.  This will stimulate a huge amount of ‘meaningful economic activities’ â€" such as mutual credits, various models, lead-out-energy machines and flying saucers.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 29, 2008, 07:04:56 AM
(1)   The Governments back up their Banks who issued these Financial Papers

(a)   Confidence is restored quickly.
(b)   No major changes to existing financial structure.

(a)   Government deficit will greatly increase.
(b)   The reckless behavior is effectively endorsed.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 29, 2008, 08:23:05 AM
(2)   The Governments allow their Banks to default and collapse.

(a)   Follow the principle that “The Market is Almighty”.  It will sort itself out.
(b)   Governments do not need to do anything.

(a)   Banks will hold on to cash for survival.  The credit system will fail.
(b)   Many paper holders will redeem for cash.  Panic mode and financial meltdown will happen.  Many Companies will collapse and high unemployment will result.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 29, 2008, 10:54:34 AM
(3)   The Governments work out deals with buyers of such bonds at different levels.

(a)   Can work out deals appropriate for different Governments.
(b)   Confidence can be restored.

(a)   Extremely complex and not easy to negotiate.
(b)   Affected parties will demand vigorous supervision.

When Goldman Sache and Morgan Stanley both want to become commercial banks, the future and concept of Investment Banking will be dim.  In the present mood, no buyers will trust any papers from Investment Banks.

As one of the Lehman Brother paper buyers said, “The maximum profit is 3%.  The maximum loss is 100%.  The agent Banks must be liars in recommending that as low risk investment.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 29, 2008, 06:15:27 PM
Quote from: critic on October 29, 2008, 05:12:54 AM
Let us list out the alternative solutions without commenting on them in this round.

(1)   The Governments back up their Banks who issued these Financial Papers.
(2)   The Governments allow their Banks to default and collapse.
(3)   The Governments work out deals with buyers of such bonds at different levels. For example,
l   All can get the first USD100,000 back.  This will help the retirees and small investors.
l   The remaining balance will be selectively repaid.  If the investor has a good ‘meaningful economic activities’ proposal, some of the money will be released earlier.  This will stimulate a huge amount of ‘meaningful economic activities’ â€" such as mutual credits, various models, lead-out-energy machines and flying saucers.

Let me summarize the three alternatives.

Alternative (2) will definitely cause the Global Financial Meltdown.  The George Bush Government started on it but soon realized its catastrophic effects.

Alternative (1) will temporarily halt the Meltdown.  But it cannot continue as before.  Once the trust is gone, buyers of derivative papers will be very careful.  No new financial papers from the USA investment banks will be accepted.  The present papers may be the last ‘free, uncontrolled junk honored by the Governments’ from Wall Street.

Alternative (3) will require a huge amount of meaningful economic activities to absorb the cash to be released from the financial papers.  Which think tank will take on the challenge?  Hong Kong, China, Japan, USA or all together?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on October 29, 2008, 06:21:24 PM
Quote :

How should the Governments handle the discredited and disgusted Financial Papers from the many 'once trusted financial institutions'?

Pray tell Lawrence, what is a disgusted paper? A disgusting paper I can understand. What am I missing here?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 29, 2008, 09:15:12 PM
Why Goldman Sache and Morgan Stanley became commercial banks?

Investment Banks cannot accept deposits.  To raise funds, they underwrite IPOs and create financial papers.  When no one wants their financial papers, they would be in big trouble when some of their created financial papers become due.

If they become commercial banks, they can turn such papers into cash and persuade their investors to deposit the cash with the bank.  They have International Branches and many branches are in places where Governments guarantee bank deposits with no upper limit.

They just need to change the number in the financial papers into numbers in the deposit accounts.  There is no need to even carry paper money from one room to another.  The numbers remain in the same bank.  The financial papers are not protected.  The deposits are.

Lehman Brothers could have been saved with similar set up.  The good thing we learn is that the USA financial system is actually very fragile.  The free market is not almighty.  There are stupid persons in the USA Government and in Wall Street.  China must not copy and import the stupidity.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 29, 2008, 10:49:10 PM
Lawrence obviously has no facts on how the US economy works.  He should actually do a little research before posting garbage like he has been posting.  So, we have 0 level physics and now 0 level economics as well.  What's next?

Oh, I forgot, 0 level farming by planting seeds on rocks.  Yes, I posted this a second time as Lawrence, and his alter egos, keep posting the same thing over and over again.  They show more ignorance on each post.  A tip: To post about something, you should at least know a little bit about the subject first.  Now we are getting lessons on the US economy, which, even given its current problems, is the strongest in the world.  We should take advice from loser economies like China, and the like?  I don't think so.  If socialism worked, Cuba would be a world superpower.  This would be like M.I.T. and NASA taking physics advice from Lawrence.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on October 29, 2008, 11:16:59 PM
My predictions:

The holders of US dollars will seek real assets to invest their money.

The stock markets of the World will soon rise to historical heights.

There will be many government-private sure-win models.  These models will have more than enough money for their success.

MIT, Cambridge, NASA etc will invite Wang, Lee and Tseung to lecture on lead-out-energy machines.

The debunkers will disappear from this forum.

The Tseung Books will sell second only to the Bible.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on October 30, 2008, 01:51:38 AM
Quote from: critic on October 29, 2008, 11:16:59 PM
My predictions:

The holders of US dollars will seek real assets to invest their money.

The stock markets of the World will soon rise to historical heights.

There will be many government-private sure-win models.  These models will have more than enough money for their success.

MIT, Cambridge, NASA etc will invite Wang, Lee and Tseung to lecture on lead-out-energy machines.

The debunkers will disappear from this forum.

The Tseung Books will sell second only to the Bible.
Critic, things are easy if you know that they are created by stupid humans.

Your logic is sound.  Go and buy the stocks with your spare cash.  People will envy you in a few months when you make a few hundred percent profit.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 30, 2008, 03:51:42 AM
Quote from: Devil on October 30, 2008, 01:51:38 AM
Critic, things are easy if you know that they are created by stupid humans.

Your logic is sound.  Go and buy the stocks with your spare cash.  People will envy you in a few months when you make a few hundred percent profit.

Dear Devil,

President Obama will love your analysis.  He would be seen as the president to end the Iraq War and the president to solve the financial crisis.

I am sure he will get his advisors to read my books.  He is likely to get the military to release the lead-out-energy machines and flying saucer technology from USA.  The inventor of the 225 HP pulse motor will get the highest credit.  Newman and Bedini will also earn a spot in history. (The military has little alternative when every nation in the World receives a Wang Generator Gift.)

President Obama will make a rousing speech to ask the Americans to take the lead â€" similar to President Kennedy asking the Americans to win the race to the Moon.  The competitor this time is China. 

He will be seen as the president to solve the energy crisis and the president to ride on the flying saucer to outer space.

He may be the luckiest president in USA history.  He is forced by destiny to be great.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 30, 2008, 05:57:33 AM
HSI   14329.85   +1627.78   +12.82%
October 30, 2008/10/30

Critic, you may be a prophet in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Let us see whether the Hong Kong Stock Exchange will keep going up.

The biggest news have not been revealed yet â€" the announcement of the lead-out-energy machines and the flying saucer technology.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 30, 2008, 07:59:15 AM
From the Introduction of the Innovation Book:

This is not an ordinary book.  It is not meant to be read.  It is meant to be studied.  It contains controversial scientific material.  It contains economic concepts which will change the wealth-generating process of the world.  The reader is encouraged to discuss the contents and share his thoughts with his friends and via the internet.

China has the advantage that its Citizens will actually study the book.  Its fast catching up is no accident.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on October 30, 2008, 02:25:51 PM
Tseung, it is time for you to present the solution of how to solve the present financial crisis.

This is the best time as many Leaders are unsure of what to do.

Do not worry about the stupid debunkers.  They can remain stupid.  Unlike the World Leaders, they are insignificant players.

Send your open letter to the World Leaders on or after the US presidential election.  Email the World Leaders via their email addresses at United Nations is OK.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on October 30, 2008, 07:35:44 PM
Tseung, focus more on the 225 hp Pulse Motor.

The new US president and the US Public will accept that better.

Also post more reference on site 52.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 04, 2008, 02:08:59 PM
Quote from: critic on October 29, 2008, 11:16:59 PM
My predictions:
The holders of US dollars will seek real assets to invest their money.

The stock markets of the World will soon rise to historical heights.

There will be many government-private sure-win models.  These models will have more than enough money for their success.

MIT, Cambridge, NASA etc will invite Wang, Lee and Tseung to lecture on lead-out-energy machines.

The Tseung Books will sell second only to the Bible.

My predictions:  Pigs can fly before MIT, Cambridge , NASA will even know who the hell Tseung is!
Hahahaha! Idiotic old man with nothing else to do.

The debunkers will disappear from this forum.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 04, 2008, 07:57:25 PM
From Tseung's book:

"Comments from the Editor and reviewers:

(a) The internet allows the creation of virtual people.  Tseung created many virtual people on the different forums.  His main personality is ‘ltseung888’.  The posts from Devil are fun to read.  Some forum member even called them ‘hilarious’.  Devil did not need to be polite.  Devil can trade insults.  That created much fun.

(b) Top Gun focused on answering technical questions.  That allowed narrow focus.  The quality of explanations improved.  Some of the sessions between ltseung888 and Top Gun are extremely informative.  In reality, Tseung was answering his own questions.  He used this technique to direct the discussion to where he wanted.

(c) This use of virtual people may be an innovative technique to be mastered.  Are you ready to create a virtual person to express your views on the internet?"
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 05, 2008, 01:12:11 AM
The Open Letter to US President-Elect Obama is attached.

Congratulations on your historic and inspiring victory.  You will face the challenge of solving the most severe financial storm in human history.  I am a concerned Chinese-American and would like to share my thoughts â€" some of them are unconventional.

I shall approach the solution in the following manner:
(1)   The Cause
(2)   The Possible Alternatives
(3)   The Innovative Alternatives
(4)   Comments
(5)   Action Items
(6)   Appendix on Flying Saucers supplied by Mr. Lee Cheung Kin
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 05, 2008, 01:20:05 AM
 (6) Appendix on Flying Saucers supplied by Mr. Lee Cheung Kin (1 of 3)

Mr. Lee Cheung Kin supplied this Appendix.  The proofâ€"of-concept prototype picture (Figure 2) was taken in the last week of October 2008 in China.  Mr. Lee would like to express his wish that the USA, the Chinese and scientists of all Nations should work together to benefit the World.

This is the primitive slide shown in http://www.energyfromair.com/IOE_talk. The theory was applied in the proof-of-concept prototype in Figures 2 and 3.The vertical control mechanism is not shown â€" deliberately left as a challenge to other scientists!   

In this Figure 1, a rectangular spaceship is moving with constant velocity towards the left.A person inside sends two balls with equal mass at equal velocity in directions perpendicular to the velocity of the spaceship.The top ball hits a padded wall.  The Force is given by the rate of change of momentum and is designated as F1.The bottom ball hits a hard surface.  This Force is F2.F2 is greater than F1 so there is a net force F3 (F3 = F2 â€" F1) in the direction of F2.It is clear that it is possible to exert a force with the action from within the spaceship without ejecting any material from the spaceship to the outside.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 05, 2008, 01:23:43 AM
Appendix supplied by Mr. Lee Cheung Kin (Part 2 of 3)

In this Figure 2, A proof-of-concept prototype is shown flying in a stadium in China.The picture was taken in the last week of October 2008.

The prototype was not perfect but it conclusively demonstrated the correctness of the theory described in Figure 1.Mr. Lee Cheung Kin expressed his wish that the scientists of the World should work together to advance such technologies to benefit mankind.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 05, 2008, 01:27:58 AM
Appendix supplied by Mr. Lee Cheung Kin (3 of 3)

This Figure 3 represents a horizontal direction control mechanism based on Figure 1.A is a propelling mechanism such as an electromagnet that can move the magnetic Weights B in the X or Y directions.  C is a damping mechanism such as a spring that can absorb the force.  D is a moving surface connected to B that can be locked by mechanism E.  If unlocked, D (together with B) could move outwards and hit the absorber mechanism C.The X and/or Y forces can be computer controlled in magnitude.  Their combination can move the craft in any horizontal direction.

The experimental scientists in China took less than 6 months to build the above prototype after the theory was explained to them.  The energy source is not the lead-out-energy engine yet.  Thus it is not ready for commercialization. However, the scientists of the world will benefit greatly in the disclosure and sharing of such information.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 05, 2008, 01:57:19 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 05, 2008, 01:23:43 AM
Appendix supplied by Mr. Lee Cheung Kin (Part 2 of 3)

In this Figure 2, A proof-of-concept prototype is shown flying in a stadium in China.The picture was taken in the last week of October 2008.

The prototype was not perfect but it conclusively demonstrated the correctness of the theory described in Figure 1.Mr. Lee Cheung Kin expressed his wish that the scientists of the World should work together to advance such technologies to benefit mankind.

Sure looked like a very bad Photoshop job. Was this done with a drill old Tseung?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 05, 2008, 03:57:59 AM
It took a top professor in electro-magnetics at Tsinghua University two hours to do the electromagnetic repulsion experiment shown in Figure 1 (flying_saucer001.jpg).  That was in November 2006.

In his words, "The simple theory cannot be wrong."

How long do you think it will take the MIT, Cambridge, or Stanford Professors to repeat the experiment shown in Figure 1?

I assume that President Obama does not send the men in dark suites to stop them.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 05, 2008, 04:47:05 AM
I have modified Flying_saucer001.jpg to Experiment001.jpg for the benefit of the non-technical person.

Hope that helps.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on November 05, 2008, 08:13:05 AM

In my humble opinion and I can be wrong.
With the creation of such flying machines in the present unsolved world peace, could be that instead of helping humanity to progress peacefully to a better world, you are helping to make true and easy to do star wars.
I think that Instead of trying to give so high a step into the future, why not help with the energy biggest problem that is to obtain real overunity elctricity now?

Remember, this is just my opinion and I can be wrong.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 05, 2008, 11:51:35 AM
I hope Lawrence actually sends his "open letter" to the White House.  He will then have the honor of being placed on the Secret Service's "Kook" list.  He will be in good company.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 05, 2008, 11:52:32 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 05, 2008, 01:23:43 AM
Appendix supplied by Mr. Lee Cheung Kin (Part 2 of 3)

In this Figure 2, A proof-of-concept prototype is shown flying in a stadium in China.The picture was taken in the last week of October 2008.

The prototype was not perfect but it conclusively demonstrated the correctness of the theory described in Figure 1.Mr. Lee Cheung Kin expressed his wish that the scientists of the World should work together to advance such technologies to benefit mankind.

Oh, btw, did you see how bad the photo was doctored? The 3 guys including the cameraman were looking not at that PhotoShoped object and certainly the camera was not pointed high at the sky.
Old Tseung, do you think we have a childish mind like you? Do you want us to believe in your snake oil? Get a life!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 05, 2008, 12:53:48 PM
Quote from: nievesoliveras on November 05, 2008, 08:13:05 AM

In my humble opinion and I can be wrong.
With the creation of such flying machines in the present unsolved world peace, could be that instead of helping humanity to progress peacefully to a better world, you are helping to make true and easy to do star wars.
I think that Instead of trying to give so high a step into the future, why not help with the energy biggest problem that is to obtain real overunity elctricity now?

Remember, this is just my opinion and I can be wrong.


Both the lead-out-energy machines and flying saucers have been developed in USA and China.  Both Countries treat them as top-secret at present.

In presenting the theory now and the proof-of-concept prototypes later, I hope the Governments will have the sense to release such technologies to benefit the World.

President George Bush will not disclose such technologies because he started the war in Iraq for its oil.  There is a good chance President Obama will release such technologies as they will help to solve the financial crisis.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on November 05, 2008, 01:06:24 PM

(1)   The Cause

Let me simplify the steps so that we can have a meaningful discussion.  The following simplified steps bring out the root of the problem.

(a)   The Federal Reserve Bank creates Money.
(b)   The money is passed to private banks.  These banks can further magnify the money by leverage â€" loan out more than they receive in deposits.
(c)   Since banks earn interest from thin air, it is to their advantage to loan out as much as possible.
(d)   The Federal Reserve Bank and the private banks created too much money over the years.  If the money were used to buy real goods and services, the price of such goods and services will go sky-high
(e)   Some guys in Wall Street thought up derivatives and helped to create the biggest casino in the World.
(f)   The banks sell and buy the derivatives with no real assets.  The excess money found a way to circulate without causing huge inflation.
(g)   With no sensible Government monitoring, some guys in Wall Street extended the madness into the mortgage market.
(h)   They loaned to individuals without vigorous checking.  The assumption was that the property prices would go up.  If the individual failed to pay, the real estate would have value.  The banks could sell such property.
(i)   To improve liquidity, the mortgage was packaged into financial instruments and sold as grade A assets all over the World.
(j)   The mortgage companies and banks could loan out more and earn more interest from thin air.  The derivative financial papers inflated the value so much that selling the underlying assets will not get the paper buyers any significant money.
(k)   The bubble eventually burst.  USA real estate prices stopped going up and started falling.  Many investors and homeowners defaulted.  The so-called grade A assets lost value.
(l)   Some of the largest mortgage companies, Investment Banks and Savings Banks started to collapse.  The George Bush Government did not see the danger immediately.  They allowed some of these so called trusted financial institutions to fail.  That caused panic Worldwide.  Even the Hong Kong citizens lost billions in the Lehman Brother Papers.
(m)   Many banks sold and owned many financial papers.  They became reluctant to loan and got worried about their own survival.  Many also issued similar derivative based financial papers.
(n)   Once Banks became reluctant to loan out money, many legitimate businesses suffered or collapsed.  This is how we got into the present financial crisis.

(2)   The Possible Alternatives

Let us list the possible obvious alternatives before discussing the innovative proposals.  The obvious possible alternatives in handling the worthless financial papers are:
(a)   The Governments allow their Banks to default and collapse. That was the initial action from the George Bush Administration.  They soon realized that the Market was not Almighty.  This alternative will lead to the collapse of all Major Banks in USA and in Europe.
(b)   The Governments back up their Banks who issued these Financial Papers. Some Governments provide the money in the form of loans and others provide the money as investments.  Government monitoring is inevitable. 
(c)   The Governments work out deals with buyers of such financial papers.  The Investment Banks such as Goldman Sache and Morgan Stanley transformed themselves into Commercial Banks.  Their financial papers could be converted into numbers in deposit accounts.  Financial papers were not protected.  Deposits were.  Some Governments protect deposits with no upper limit.

The financial meltdown was temporarily prevented with alternatives (b) and (c).  However, the trust in the financial papers is gone.  The money will be used to purchase real goods and services.  This will cause intolerable inflation.  Higher interest rates could batter the housing market and might not be the best solution.

The planned solution to stabilizing the housing market is likely to be:
(a)   Buy up property with Government funds so that the real estate prices will stabilize.
(b)   The now government owned properties will disappear from the market temporarily.  They may be rented out at low rates so that the Government does not need to maintain them.  Some of the renters may even be previous homeowners.  There can even be creative deals such as co-ownership â€" if and when property prices rise and sold, the profit is shared.
(c)   Slow down the new housing construction so that the shortage of supply will drive up or maintain prices.
(d)   When the property market stabilizes in a couple of years, turn some of the renters into homeowners again.

(3)   The Innovative Alternatives

Modern Wealth is the quality and quantity of meaningful economic activities.  We must increase these meaningful economic activities.  Two of the coming pillars are:
(a)   Lead-out-energy machines and
(b)   Flying saucers.

In USA, the Jupiter Financial Group based in Corning, Arkansas funded a 225 HP Pulse Motor.  That particular motor is known to USA Government sources as it was prevented from being sent from the USA in October 2006 to China.  That particular motor uses batteries to start.  Once started, it leads out magnetic energy (more correctly electron motion energy) and runs without burning any fossil fuel.  That particular group could not understand the source of energy at that time.  I met them including their Chairman, Mr. John W. Bush, at Tsinghua University, Beijing.  (Contact Information - telephone: xxxxxx, email:xxxxxx)

I explained the theory behind their invention and also extended the explanation to the design of a flying saucer.  The explanation is available at http://www.energyfromair.com/IOE_talk.

These innovative solutions will let the World focus on the potential of non-polluting, virtual inexhaustible and easy-to-extract energy.  The technology can be applied to replacing all power plants, home generators and every electrical appliance.  The opportunity for further development and investment is huge.  The flying saucer technology is also mentioned in the same presentation.  The prospect of that is even greater â€" the flying saucer is likely to replace the home as the most important asset of every family.  It can fly to anywhere including outer space.

The most innovative part is that if the US Government is the owner and initial major shareholder of the sure-win Company of such technologies, the expected profits will pay off all National Debts.  The US Government already owns some of these technologies and I am willing to donate and contribute my part to benefit the World.  The further research and development of such technologies are expected to be taken up by many Governments.  The resources and policies cannot be matched by any private enterprise.  The new US Government can try out the model of “Government-Private” jointly started and/or owned sure-win businesses. The expected Government profits can later be shared with the US Citizens with a higher percentage going to the disadvantaged.

It will be a clear case of creating new wealth and sharing it with all citizens directly.  Most US citizens will not mind more of such wealth going to the needy or underprivileged, as the money does not come out from their pockets.  It is not redistribution of existing wealth.  It is the more idealistic, morally appealing and social-conscious sharing of new wealth.  The reputation and good-will can be regained and enhanced if US starts and leads a worldwide research and development effort.  Terrorism will diminish. The number of new jobs and opportunities created is projected to be in the billions.

The initial start-up investment cost is very low â€" probably less than USD1 billion â€" because some of the basic research has been done as top-secret projects.  The cost will be less and the benefits will be higher if International co-operation is secured.  A more detailed understanding can be obtained via the reading of the ebook on Innovation at http://hk.geocities.com/winghang20022002/.

(4)   Comments

My understanding is that a number of Countries, in particular, China and USA, have already developed some form of lead-out-energy machines and flying saucers.  Such technologies are being treated as top-secret as the flying saucers can wipe out all existing warplane, missiles or spacecraft.  There have been dozens of reports of UFO sightings, especially in California near Area 52.  There is also a YouTube video on the Nanjing UFO that fits the theoretical design description.

The theory is easy to understand â€" by the average Form 4 students or secondary school students who study Physics.  Please get your experts to study the ebook on Innovation - http://hk.geocities.com/winghang20022002/.

Another important source of information related to solving the present economic crisis is the ebook written in 1998 to solve the Asian Financial Crisis in Chinese.  It is available in http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm.  However, the Chinese character fonts must be used to display the information.

(5)   Action Items

(a)   Please contact the Jupiter Financial Group to confirm the lead-out-energy invention.
(b)   Please get the MIT, Stanford or other trusted technical experts to evaluate the information in http://hk.geocities.com/winghang20022002/.
(c)   Please consider implementing the technology and other suggestions outlined.
(d)   I shall be happy to furnish more information if needed.  You can check that I am Chinese-American.  My US social security number is xxxxxx and my Hong Kong Identity Card Number is xxxxxx.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 05, 2008, 01:07:14 PM
Humans are trained to be stupid.  When they eat something and it's good, they think it's the food that make that feeling and unaware that it's their emotion that create that feeling.  They take everything for granted and accept nothing that make them feel like a fool.  They depends on centralize government like a ship with non isolable compartments.   They couldn't explain what happens within a split second of impulse so they just describe what happens before and after with explanable laws.  It's time to drop your desires that drive the economy nuts. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on November 05, 2008, 01:15:32 PM
The planned solution to stabilizing the housing market is likely to be:
(a)   Buy up property with Government funds so that the real estate prices will stabilize.
(b)   The now government owned properties will disappear from the market temporarily.  They may be rented out at low rates so that the Government does not need to maintain them.  Some of the renters may even be previous homeowners.  There can even be creative deals such as co-ownership â€" if and when property prices rise and sold, the profit is shared.
(c)   Slow down the new housing construction so that the shortage of supply will drive up or maintain prices.
(d)   When the property market stabilizes in a couple of years, turn some of the renters into homeowners again.

Will Obama and team follow the above steps?

How soon can they start on the above?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on November 05, 2008, 03:32:54 PM

QuoteBoth the lead-out-energy machines and flying saucers have been developed in USA and China.  Both Countries treat them as top-secret at present.

In presenting the theory now and the proof-of-concept prototypes later, I hope the Governments will have the sense to release such technologies to benefit the World.

President George Bush will not disclose such technologies because he started the war in Iraq for its oil.  There is a good chance President Obama will release such technologies as they will help to solve the financial crisis.

Thank you!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on November 05, 2008, 05:15:21 PM
The most innovative part is that if the US Government is the owner and initial major shareholder of the sure-win Company of such technologies, the expected profits will pay off all National Debts.  The US Government already owns some of these technologies and I am willing to donate and contribute my part to benefit the World.  The further research and development of such technologies are expected to be taken up by many Governments.  The resources and policies cannot be matched by any private enterprise.  The new US Government can try out the model of “Government-Private” jointly started and/or owned sure-win businesses. The expected Government profits can later be shared with the US Citizens with a higher percentage going to the disadvantaged.

It will be a clear case of creating new wealth and sharing it with all citizens directly.  Most US citizens will not mind more of such wealth going to the needy or underprivileged, as the money does not come out from their pockets.  It is not redistribution of existing wealth.  It is the more idealistic, morally appealing and social-conscious sharing of new wealth.  The reputation and good-will can be regained and enhanced if US starts and leads a worldwide research and development effort.  Terrorism will diminish. The number of new jobs and opportunities created is projected to be in the billions.

If it succeeds, President Obama will be one of the greatest Leaders of all times.  Obama already advocates alternative energy.  It should not take him long to endorse lead-out-energy machines - especially after a vigorous review by the likes of MIT, Stanford etc.  A sponsored trip for Mr. Lawrence Tseung and Mr. Lee Cheung Kin to lecture at MIT costs almost nothing compared with the potential benefits to USA and to the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on November 05, 2008, 05:23:48 PM
Quote from: Devil on October 30, 2008, 02:25:51 PM
Tseung, it is time for you to present the solution of how to solve the present financial crisis.

This is the best time as many Leaders are unsure of what to do.

Do not worry about the stupid debunkers.  They can remain stupid.  Unlike the World Leaders, they are insignificant players.

Send your open letter to the World Leaders on or after the US presidential election.  Email the World Leaders via their email addresses at United Nations is OK.

President-Elect Obama has received the Tseung email.  Other World Leaders are likely to receive their copies soon.  The forum members here are fortunate to have such information earlier than the Media.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 06, 2008, 12:43:23 AM
Quote from: critic on November 05, 2008, 05:23:48 PM
President-Elect Obama has received the Tseung email.  Other World Leaders are likely to receive their copies soon.  The forum members here are fortunate to have such information earlier than the Media.

Mr Tseung:

You are certainly naive and completely laughable. Dream on.
You need to pass 'O' level Physics first and then learn how to use a drill to proceed further.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 06, 2008, 01:55:30 AM

Lawrence has e-mailed Obama at the white house even though he won't be there for 2 months.  I have always tried to be mostly respectful of Lawrence on this topic but, he has now gone off the deep end.  I mean way off.  He only wants Obama as president, not for his lead out theory, he want him so he can make our country as miserable as China is. 

China is making flying saucers.  Yeah right.  China needs to first learn how to grow enough food to feed their people.  Then, they also need to learn a thing or two about civil rights and the right for a person to live.  If/when they get these basic principles down, only then can they afford to look at outlandish theories like Larry's.

If you can't feed and take care of your own people, what makes you think you can develop a flying saucer.  They need to make food products that do NOT contain lead and other poisons.  Flying saucers my ass.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 06, 2008, 02:10:55 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 06, 2008, 01:55:30 AM

Lawrence has e-mailed Obama at the white house even though he won't be there for 2 months.  I have always tried to be mostly respectful of Lawrence on this topic but, he has now gone off the deep end.  I mean way off.  He only wants Obama as president, not for his lead out theory, he want him so he can make our country as miserable as China is. 

China is making flying saucers.  Yeah right.  China needs to first learn how to grow enough food to feed their people.  Then, they also need to learn a thing or two about civil rights and the right for a person to live.  If/when they get these basic principles down, only then can they afford to look at outlandish theories like Larry's.

If you can't feed and take care of your own people, what makes you think you can develop a flying saucer.  They need to make food products that do NOT contain lead and other poisons.  Flying saucers my ass.



I always admired your patience and giving Lawrence the benefit of the doubt. Well, sooner or later, being a nice guy doesn't work with these type of 'off-the-wall' types. One would have thought that most normal people who are into serious O.U exchanges will present their theories and backed them up with scientific results.

Then you get this bozo who thinks he's still in the Mao era telling people his make-belief mumbo-jumbo nonsense as if it was Gospel. Flying saucers my ass indeed! Commie supporter doubling as snake oil salesman. And that's the truth.

Doesn't this guy understand how foolish he looks?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 06, 2008, 01:43:26 PM
I do not understand the people's mindset in this forum.  Aren't you for OU technologies or are you here just for debunking?  Or is it you think debunking will reveal the truth?  Ok, I give the worst case senario.  Suppose mr. Tseung is giving false information.  Suppose all the people who think OU is possible are wrong.  He wants to throw informations that confuse innovators and in turn creating more chaostic state for the US economy, making problems and stressful situation for the government.  In that case, then you have the right to throw harsh and negative comments at him.

To me it is clearly that this theory is neither denied or confirmed, yet you choose to throw harsh comment at him just because you already came up with a firm conclusion that he is a fraud.  This is the last thing we need in the field of OU. We do not need discouragement.  If Mr. Tseung is living in this own world.  We should see it as a beautiful fiction story he is writing and move on to your serious OU business.    Why do you care so much to stop by and throw harsh comment?   Why can't  you read it and just ignore it? It is okay to have a differerent in opinion and heated discussion, but these purely hatred comments by nature is not neccessary.  Those who truely believe in OU needs hopes and I'm sure they are prepared to be disappointed.  They are grown up and can think for themselves.  They know and need not to be remined.

Bottom line, you have the right to debunk him mathematically or logically however you desire, but you do not have the right to insult him before he insulted you. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 06, 2008, 05:27:51 PM
@ AtomicX:

With all due respect, and speaking for myself, Lawrence's "Theory" has not even risen to the point of even being a theory.  The math he supplied, along with all of its conflicts and errors and presumptions demonstrate that, at best, it could be classed as a posit, but far from a theory.

As far as the insults go, I'll be damned if I am going to sit here and read where he bashes the United States of America, our President, and our system of government.  He uses China as a "great example" of a free people.  Those folks are prisoners over there and most are too ignorant to even know it.  Hard to miss freedom if you have never had it, seen it, or read about it.

I was not insulting until the US bashing began.  Go back and read.  Be prepared to have some aspirin with you as the reading is long and boring.

Lawrence has created alter egos and frequently posts to himself.  A lot of the "insults" you refer to are actually the Devil (Lawrence) and Lawrence (Lawrence) and Top Gun (Lawrence) arguing with each other.  You will see many, many days when all of the posts are from these manifestations of Lawrence's ego.  Oh, and there were many others, who could forget Maj. Todd Hathaway? Forever also gets an honorable mention. (Also Lawrence)

In his book, he admits to this and claims it was a teaching tool.  I think Lawrence is the "tool" here. Any "theory" that has to be presented in this way is not worth the paper it is written on.

Yes, we are all on this site to seek energy advances and improvements and quite a few of us are experimenting as much as we can in this field.  Lawrence's single, most enlightening experiment consisted of an upside down 4-legged stool being pushed by 2 Chinese children.  He said that this experiment proves his math and theory are correct.  So now his theory, after this legendary experiment, has become a law I guess.

Lawrence has posted much disinformation here as well as really poor mathematics. (even worse than mine, and that's saying something)  However, I do not believe he is part of any organized disinformation effort, quite the contrary.  I believe he truly believes his information is correct.  And, more is the pity.

Anyway, figure it out for yourself.  Draw your own conclusions.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 06, 2008, 05:56:47 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 06, 2008, 01:43:26 PM
I do not understand the people's mindset in this forum.  ....
We should see it as a beautiful fiction story he is writing and move on to your serious OU business.   


Tseung888, TopGun, Devil, Forever, Critic and now AtomicX?
Take your medication.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 06, 2008, 06:06:10 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 06, 2008, 01:43:26 PM
I do not understand the people's mindset in this forum.  Aren't you for OU technologies or are you here just for debunking?  Or is it you think debunking will reveal the truth?  Ok, I give the worst case senario.  Suppose mr. Tseung is giving false information.  Suppose all the people who think OU is possible are wrong.  He wants to throw informations that confuse innovators and in turn creating more chaostic state for the US economy, making problems and stressful situation for the government.  In that case, then you have the right to throw harsh and negative comments at him.

To me it is clearly that this theory is neither denied or confirmed, yet you choose to throw harsh comment at him just because you already came up with a firm conclusion that he is a fraud.  This is the last thing we need in the field of OU. We do not need discouragement.  If Mr. Tseung is living in this own world.  We should see it as a beautiful fiction story he is writing and move on to your serious OU business.    Why do you care so much to stop by and throw harsh comment?   Why can't  you read it and just ignore it? It is okay to have a differerent in opinion and heated discussion, but these purely hatred comments by nature is not neccessary.  Those who truely believe in OU needs hopes and I'm sure they are prepared to be disappointed.  They are grown up and can think for themselves.  They know and need not to be remined.

Bottom line, you have the right to debunk him mathematically or logically however you desire, but you do not have the right to insult him before he insulted you. 

I think Bill summed it up pretty well, but I will add one more thing that sort of cries out for a response.  With most inventors, especially inventors of something revolutionary, the process goes something like this:

1.  Here is my device - notice how it does this new revolutionary thing.
2.  Here is the theory behind why my device works

With Lawrence, he insists on the opposite:

1.  Here is the theory of my device.
2.  Do no ask for an example of my device, I cannot use a drill, but my math cannot be wrong.
3.  Well ok, if you really want an example, here are some links to some devices which no one has ever verified the existence of, but I am sure that they exist.  So there, that should satisfy you.  In the meantime, my math cannot be wrong.
4.  Oh, and here is my plan for a new world order based on my invention.  And oh yes, please stop asking me to show you the device, I already gave you links to the Hungarian EBM, what more do you want?
5.  OK, OK, I will show you the device in a few months.  Mankind has waited thousands of years, what's a few more months?

When you go about things this way, you are just asking for a ribbing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 06, 2008, 10:02:13 PM
Response to your message to Obama for America‏
From:  Obama-Biden Correspondence Team (no-reply@barackobama.com) 
Sent: Thu 11/06/08 3:53 PM
To:  ltseung@hotmail.com

Dear Friend, Thank you for contacting President-elect Barack Obama and Obama for America. Barack greatly appreciates the outpouring of messages he is receiving from across the country and from Americans around the world. He is deeply honored by the confidence the American people have placed in him and in Vice President-elect Biden.

Please click here to see President-elect Obama’s speech on Election Night:  http://my.barackobama.com/page/community/post/stateupdates/gGx3Kc

Barack Obama and Joe Biden are hopeful about the opportunities and clear-eyed about the challenges our nation faces. They look forward to working with all Americans, regardless of who they voted for, in the great project of American renewal. Enlisting the energy and ingenuity of the American people is the only way we will create the changes that so many people want to see, so we hope you’ll be involved.

A new organization is being formed to facilitate communication with the Obama/Biden Administration that will take office on January 20, 2009. If you have questions, suggestions, or comments about the federal government, policy, or the coming Obama/Biden Administration, please visit the online Office of the President-elect for more information and to get involved: www.change.gov

Please continue to visit www.BarackObama.com regularly. We’ve built one of the most comprehensive nationwide organizing networks in history, and our victory on November 4th is only the beginning of the work we will do together. Thank you again for contacting us.

Sincerely,Obama for America

The automatic computer-generated response message from the Obama Team.  Now that the Open Letter has been received officially, I shall forward it to all Nations, News Media, etc.  Hope the World benefits.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 06, 2008, 10:09:41 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 06, 2008, 10:02:13 PM
The automatic computer-generated response message from the Obama Team.  Now that the Open Letter has been received officially, I shall forward it to all Nations, News Media, etc.  Hope the World benefits.

Are you NUTS?
Seriously this is a 'thank-you' letter to any tom dick, harry or Larence that cared to send anything to the Obama camp, insults included!
It is no wonder your mind is so simple and naive, even believing in your own garbage....
Only the computer network even knows you send this email to the Obama camp, you could curse Obama and you will still get this reply. Dork!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 07, 2008, 04:38:11 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 06, 2008, 06:06:10 PM
I think Bill summed it up pretty well, but I will add one more thing that sort of cries out for a response.  With most inventors, especially inventors of something revolutionary, the process goes something like this:

1.  Here is my device - notice how it does this new revolutionary thing.
2.  Here is the theory behind why my device works

With Lawrence, he insists on the opposite:

1.  Here is the theory of my device.
2.  Do no ask for an example of my device, I cannot use a drill, but my math cannot be wrong.
3.  Well ok, if you really want an example, here are some links to some devices which no one has ever verified the existence of, but I am sure that they exist.  So there, that should satisfy you.  In the meantime, my math cannot be wrong.
4.  Oh, and here is my plan for a new world order based on my invention.  And oh yes, please stop asking me to show you the device, I already gave you links to the Hungarian EBM, what more do you want?
5.  OK, OK, I will show you the device in a few months.  Mankind has waited thousands of years, what's a few more months?

When you go about things this way, you are just asking for a ribbing.

Dear utilitarian,

You still have not grasped the picture.  I insist:

1.   Here is my theory that can explain the workings of over 200 OU devices.
2.   These should be called lead-out-energy devices and not Over Unity devices.  I do not need to build one more.
3.   If you want, Forever Yuen can do some additional proof-of-concept experiments for you.  They can conclusively prove the correctness of my theory.
4.   Here is the plan on how the world can benefit with lead-out-energy and flying saucers.  Both USA and China have such devices but kept them as top-secret.
5.   OK.  There are some inventors that have simple inventions that can be reproduced.  Here are the theory, design diagrams, pictures or videos. 
6.   China now has 15 replications of the Wang device.  Chinese Engineers have produced a flying saucer prototype that is flying in a Stadium within 6 months.  In USA, many have replicated the Bedini device.  The OU inventors’ efforts are not in vain.

The latest development is that â€" President Obama is more likely to disclose the top-secret of lead-out-energy machines and flying saucers than President Bush.  Give him a chance.  I am willing to help him.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 07, 2008, 06:30:23 AM
Dear All,

I receive the following non-computer reply from the Office of the Chief Executive of Hong Kong in response to my Open Letter to US President-Elect Obama.

From:    CEO (ceo@ceo.gov.hk)
Sent:   Wed 11/05/08 7:14 PM
To:    Lawrence Tseung (ltseung@hotmail.com)
   1 attachment(s)   
   Open Lett...doc (116.6 KB)
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Thank you for your email of 6 November to the Chief Executive. I am authorized to acknowledge receipt of it.  We have relayed your views to the relevant bureau for reference.

Yours sincerely,
(Julia Hui) for Private Secretary to Chief Executive 

---- Original Message -----
From: Lawrence Tseung To: ceo Hong Kong Government
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 1:39 AM
Subject: Open Letter to President-Elect Obama

Dear Sir,
The Open Letter to the US President-Elect Obama will help to solve the Financial problems of Hong Kong.  Please get your experts to study it.
Thank you.
Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

I am now preparing an Open Letter to the Chief  Executive of Hong Kong on how Hong Kong should handle the Global Financial Crisis.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on November 07, 2008, 06:38:55 AM

Good luck on your quest for recognition.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 07, 2008, 08:35:45 AM
Open Letter to CEO of Hong Kong on how Hong Kong should handle and benefit from the Global Financial Crisis in 2008
First draft by Lawrence Tseung on November 7, 2008

(1)   Background
(2)   Traditional Approaches
(3)   Innovative Proposals
(4)   Comments
(5)   Action Items

(1)   Background

The Global Financial Crisis was started in USA in September signaled by the collapse of the fourth largest Investment Bank, Lehman Brothers.  The loss to investors and banks is in multi-billions US dollars.  Even the Hong Kong investors lost over USD1 billion.  The faith in financial papers especially those based on derivatives vaporized.  Many banks holding such papers became reluctant to loan money, as they might need that money for survival.  The credit crunch started.  Governments had to step in.

The impact was worldwide and close to home â€" the Hong Kong stock market, the property market nose-dived.  Banks tightened credit.  Factory orders were down.  Tourism and retail trade suffered.  Unemployment rose.  Citizens became concerned.  The Hong Kong Government started a task force headed by the Chief Executive, Mr. Donald Tsang, to handle the crisis.

The focus on economy helped to elect the first black president in the history of USA.  I am a Chinese-American and was concerned enough to write an Open Letter to the President-Elect Obama.  A copy of that letter was forwarded to the Hong Kong Government and a non-computer response was received.  That stimulated more discussion amongst my friends.  The decision was to write this Open Letter to the Hong Kong Government.

(2)   Traditional Approaches

Some possible traditional approaches are listed in here:

a.   The Hong Kong Government does nothing.  Take the wait and see attitude.  Just hope the storm will go away and the sun will shine again.
b.   The Hong Kong Government speeds up infrastructure projects, extends the guarantee to small and medium size enterprises and sets up more consultative committees.
c.   The Hong Kong Government protects bank deposits with no upper limit.  This will prevent hot money from leaving Hong Kong.  The Hong Kong Government helps to negotiate a settlement between the Banks and the Leman Brother paper buyers.
d.   Buy Hong Kong stocks when they reach a certain pre-determined low level.  This forced buy-low situation will force Hong Kong Government to make a lot of money after a few years.  Get the financial committee of the Legislative Council involved early.
e.   Examine the possibility of deficit spending early.  Get the potentially affected Officials into the right mindset.  Let them understand exactly how money is created in Hong Kong and elsewhere.  Introduce them to the concept of Mutual Credits.

The above measures can be compared with finding a shelter and waiting for the storm to pass away.  Let somebody else solve the problem.  The financial storm is not treated as an opportunity knocking on the door.

(3)   Innovative Proposals

The Open Letter to President-Elect Obama contains many innovative proposals and points to the important websites:

a.   http://www.energyfromair.com/IOE_talk
b.   http://hk.geocities.com/winghang20022002/
c.   http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm

The PowerPoint slides in (a) describe two revolutionary breakthroughs in science.  One is the concept of lead-out-energy machines that can use existing gravitational or electron motion energy.  That will solve the energy crisis of the world totally.  It points to the development of clean, almost inexhaustible and easy to extract energy.  The other is the theory of the flying saucer using inertia propulsion systems.  It points to vertical take off and landing, hovering in mid-air and even traveling to outer space.  The Hong Kong Government should try to participate officially or unofficially at this stage.

The prototype in USA is the 225 HP Pulse Motor funded by the Jupiter Fund Group.  The prototype in China is likely to be the Wang Shenhe electricity generator.  The Hong Kong Government is welcome to call the Inventor, Mr Wang directly.

The ebook in (b) describes Innovation â€" the story of Lawrence Tseung.  That book is meant to be studied.  It tries to stimulate rather than providing ready-made solutions.  However, it may be the foundation to develop many innovation camps â€" making Hong Kong the Mecca of Innovations. 

The ebook in (c) was written almost ten years ago at the Asian Financial Crisis.  Much of the information is still applicable.  Some innovative concepts such as mutual credits, sure-win businesses, modern wealth as the quality and quantity of meaningful economic activities, money is a number in a trusted financial institution etc should be carefully reviewed.

(4)   Comments

This section is expected to expand.  Some early comments include:
a.   Your scenario of Banks earning interest from thin air is interesting but alarming.  If the average citizens believe in the scenario, they may demand the Banks to fully refund the Lehman Brother Papers â€" especially to the retirees.  The Government might have to help the Banks to come up with a scenario such as full refund for the retirees up to HK$1 million or similar.
b.   You assumed that both China and USA have already developed prototypes of the lead-out-energy machines and the flying saucers.  You further assumed that they were treated as top-secret.  How can a private citizen tell the Government (in China and in USA) to release the top-secret information?
c.   If the best brains in the West are gathered to solve the Global Economic Crisis, what is the point of involving the average citizen in Hong Kong?  Is it just a political ploy?

(5)   Action Items

From the point of view of the Hong Kong Government, the following can be done with very little risk â€" both financial and political.

a.   Get some qualified academics to examine the information in the websites:
l   http://www.energyfromair.com/IOE_talk
l   http://hk.geocities.com/winghang20022002/
l   http://www.energyfromair.com/thebook.htm
b.   Call Mr. Wang Shenhe directly as soon as possible.  His mobile phone number in China is 13066636868.  Participate in the demonstrations if possible.
c.   Inform and work with the Central Chinese Government.  Develop some of the models in Hong Kong (such as mutual credits, smart cards, sure-win banks, sure-win restaurants etc.)
d.   Present a ‘Hong Kong’ or ‘China’ proposal in the coming International Conference to solving the Global Financial Crisis.
e.   Start innovation camps â€" both virtual and real.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 07, 2008, 08:44:10 AM
Quote from: nievesoliveras on November 07, 2008, 06:38:55 AM

Good luck on your quest for recognition.


The monk in Taiwan said, "The project will be successful if you ignore personal fame and forutune."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 07, 2008, 12:26:06 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 07, 2008, 08:44:10 AM
The monk in Taiwan said, "The project will be successful if you ignore personal fame and forutune."

The monk in Taiwan is also laughing his (bald) head off, thinking to himself what kind of idiot would be so sincere in their own beliefs and yet be so sincerely WRONG because they are totally blind and naive. Seriously, all these 'acknowledgment' letters are canned electronic replies or low-level PR stuff handled by secretaries.Don't you get it? Get a life!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 07, 2008, 12:31:03 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 07, 2008, 04:38:11 AM
Dear utilitarian,

You still have not grasped the picture.  I insist:


LOOK IN THE MIRROR OLD TSEUNG! That's your answer!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 07, 2008, 12:33:45 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 06, 2008, 05:27:51 PM
@ AtomicX:

Lawrence has created alter egos and frequently posts to himself.  A lot of the "insults" you refer to are actually the Devil (Lawrence) and Lawrence (Lawrence) and Top Gun (Lawrence) arguing with each other.  You will see many, many days when all of the posts are from these manifestations of Lawrence's ego.  Oh, and there were many others, who could forget Maj. Todd Hathaway? Forever also gets an honorable mention. (Also Lawrence)


So you assumed all these nicks are ltseung talking to himself?  I find that absurd.  They are clearly different people. 
Quote from: chrisC on November 06, 2008, 05:56:47 PM

Tseung888, TopGun, Devil, Forever, Critic and now AtomicX?
Take your medication.


Do you see what I mean now?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 07, 2008, 01:20:05 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 07, 2008, 04:38:11 AM
Dear utilitarian,

You still have not grasped the picture.  I insist:

1.   Here is my theory that can explain the workings of over 200 OU devices.
2.   These should be called lead-out-energy devices and not Over Unity devices.  I do not need to build one more.
3.   If you want, Forever Yuen can do some additional proof-of-concept experiments for you.  They can conclusively prove the correctness of my theory.
4.   Here is the plan on how the world can benefit with lead-out-energy and flying saucers.  Both USA and China have such devices but kept them as top-secret.
5.   OK.  There are some inventors that have simple inventions that can be reproduced.  Here are the theory, design diagrams, pictures or videos. 
6.   China now has 15 replications of the Wang device.  Chinese Engineers have produced a flying saucer prototype that is flying in a Stadium within 6 months.  In USA, many have replicated the Bedini device.  The OU inventors’ efforts are not in vain.

The latest development is that â€" President Obama is more likely to disclose the top-secret of lead-out-energy machines and flying saucers than President Bush.  Give him a chance.  I am willing to help him.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.

On the contrary, there is not a single working OU device.  Not 200, not 20, not 1, but zero.  Even Bedini, arguably the most famous "OU" inventor, admits that his device is not over unity.  So your theory cannot be applied to a single working device.

Second, despite your numerous experiments, you have yet to stage a single demonstration of any effect that cannot be explained by conventional physics.  From the spinning bottle to the spinning stool.  All of these are easily explained by current science, and your lead out theory is not required.  If you can demonstrate any effect that violates what physics currently teaches us, please go ahead. 

Surely, you should have at least finished the development of your perpetually spinning padded wheel.  That was a very simple concept - why does it not work?  Have you abandoned it?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 07, 2008, 01:20:48 PM
I went re-examine the slices of the pendulum. 

There is a mistake is labeling.  Namely the unit does not match between mass and force.  However, this is no big deal.  The mathematical described for the displacement and work is correct.  I did not check the calculation for correct numerical, but if the number is correct as approximately ration of 2, then those equations are valid by mathematics.

Now, tinu has pointed out that this pendulum is still under motion in the time of calculation and thus the equation cannot be account for work-energy assumption.  I disagree.  Assume that the initial condition of the pendulum is at rest and being hit with a force.  At the maximum height when the pendulum stop, there is no kinetic energy, thus these equations are valid. 

However, even if the equation is valid, we will have to let the experiment do the reality test.  For example, we know spring force is kx where k = spring constant and x is the displacement.  This equation is linear in mathematic and calculation and it is valid, but we know in reality it does not follow a linear prediction.  Mr. ltseung, I just hope that you're right. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 07, 2008, 01:22:51 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 07, 2008, 12:33:45 PM
So you assumed all these nicks are ltseung talking to himself?  I find that absurd.  They are clearly different people. 
Do you see what I mean now?

Tseung himself admits in his e-book that Top Gun and Devil were alter egos.  And it is obvious that Critic is too - Tseung does not deny it, and the writing style is identical.  Who else bolds and underlines constantly?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 07, 2008, 01:27:16 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 07, 2008, 01:20:48 PM
I went re-examine the slices of the pendulum. 

There is a mistake is labeling.  Namely the unit does not match between mass and force.  However, this is no big deal.  The mathematical described for the displacement and work is correct.  I did not check the calculation for correct numerical, but if the number is correct as approximately ration of 2, then those equations are valid by mathematics.

Now, tinu has pointed out that this pendulum is still under motion in the time of calculation and thus the equation cannot be account for work-energy assumption.  I disagree.  Assume that the initial condition of the pendulum is at rest and being hit with a force.  At the maximum height when the pendulum stop, there is no kinetic energy, thus these equations are valid. 

However, even if the equation is valid, we will have to let the experiment do the reality test.  For example, we know spring force is kx where k = spring constant and x is the displacement.  This equation is linear in mathematic and calculation and it is valid, but we know in reality it does not follow a linear prediction.  Mr. ltseung, I just hope that you're right. 

You certainly have the right idea that an experiment is key, but here is what you will find.  For every experiment you stage that shows no evidence of any lead out energy, Lawrence will nitpick about how something or other is not quite right.  However, he will never stage his own experiment to prove what he is claiming.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 07, 2008, 01:39:11 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 07, 2008, 01:20:48 PM
I went re-examine the slices of the pendulum. 

There is a mistake is labeling. .....
Mr. ltseung, I just hope that you're right. 

Mr Tseung and Mr. Altered Ego's cannot be right and wrong at the same time. That's common sense of which you both have NONE! Even first graders don't make mistakes like these!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 07, 2008, 04:23:29 PM
Quote from: chrisC on November 07, 2008, 01:39:11 PM
Mr Tseung and Mr. Altered Ego's cannot be right and wrong at the same time. That's common sense of which you both have NONE! Even first graders don't make mistakes like these!


You need to stop picking on the little things.  There are two kinds of mistake, conceptual mistake and typo mistake.  I do not consider this case a concept mistake. 

And stop assuming I'm ltseung! God.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 07, 2008, 04:41:08 PM
Well, as I asked before, what testable predictions does the LTLOT make? I'm looking for a falsifiable hypothesis of the form:

"If, and only if, the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Theory (LTLOT) is true and correct, then a device constructed just so, and tested thusly, will produce observable and repeatable results A, B, and/or C."

I am perfectly willing to let Lee or Tseung or anyone else formulate a hypothesis based on the LTLOT, and design, or even hint at, an apparatus or arrangement of apparatus and test equipment. I will then happily build or assemble that stack of stuff and test away, at my own expense within reason of course (assuming something like the LHC isn't required!!).

Then I will report the results here, and to Mr. Obama, and to the Chinese authorities, and to God and the reptilian invaders from Arcturus, the Federation of Light, and anybody else who might be interested.

So far, all I've seen along these lines is some videos of ripoff non-working magnet motor designs and a couple of people spinning a barstool. (What exactly was that about, by the way? I tried my own version and got the same results: see below.)
I haven't seen any coherent statements of a testable hypothesis under the LTLOT.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 07, 2008, 04:47:29 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 07, 2008, 01:22:51 PM
Tseung himself admits in his e-book that Top Gun and Devil were alter egos.  And it is obvious that Critic is too - Tseung does not deny it, and the writing style is identical.  Who else bolds and underlines constantly?

Well.... an interesting case.  I guess each of us have an interesting personal problem. 

I understand your point about experiment holds no result, but we must do the experiment and verify the result is null.  There is no room for assumption, we must not let any stone unturned.  We do not have a choice.  However, before that takes place, we must heavily verify the validity of his equations.  I found the block point between ltseung description on a pulse force and his horizontal energy equation.  It leaves room to argue namely once the pulse force is cutoff, there is no define horizontal work.  I rewrite the work equation using tension force components.  The equation simplified to a ratio of 1 variable, angle a.  This is plotted by MATLAB program.  Of course the validation only correspond to very small angle.  The ratio approach 2 as angle approach zero.  The physical meaning in my interpretation is that when the pendulum moving at position 270 degree, there is an energy gain. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 07, 2008, 04:59:58 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 07, 2008, 04:41:08 PM
Well, as I asked before, what testable predictions does the LTLOT make? I'm looking for a falsifiable hypothesis of the form:

"If, and only if, the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Theory (LTLOT) is true and correct, then a device constructed just so, and tested thusly, will produce observable and repeatable results A, B, and/or C."

I am perfectly willing to let Lee or Tseung or anyone else formulate a hypothesis based on the LTLOT, and design, or even hint at, an apparatus or arrangement of apparatus and test equipment. I will then happily build or assemble that stack of stuff and test away, at my own expense within reason of course (assuming something like the LHC isn't required!!).

Then I will report the results here, and to Mr. Obama, and to the Chinese authorities, and to God and the reptilian invaders from Arcturus, the Federation of Light, and anybody else who might be interested.

So far, all I've seen along these lines is some videos of ripoff non-working magnet motor designs and a couple of people spinning a barstool. (What exactly was that about, by the way? I tried my own version and got the same results: see below.)
I haven't seen any coherent statements of a testable hypothesis under the LTLOT.


I don't mean to be mean but your video is funny.  I admire that you actually put time to build that.  I'll tell you what I know in my opinion.  These kind of experiment does not shows result on small inertia.  If you consider the following case:  A ball of cotten and a ball of steel.  You throw them both with all your might.  There obviously a different between both object energy result.  In the end, you still used all your might, right?  I'm not saying the LOT is right or wrong.  It's more important how we conduct experiment and what are our assumptions. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 07, 2008, 05:00:08 PM
@ TinselKoala:

Great video!  Wow, you proved the theory is correct. (Ha ha)  When you applied the Lee-Tseung pulses at the proper times with your fingers, the device spun.  That spinning device is FREE ENERGY!  All of the math works out just like Lawrence said.  Of course, we have to ignore any energy that you transferred to the devices via your fingers but hey, that is exactly what Lawrence does in all of his experiments.  That has been one of my main problems all along.

The legendary 4-legged stool was spinning too.  Again, free energy.  Here we have to ignore the energy input by the two Chinese children that were turning it.  When you take that out of the equation, the math works.

Anyway, nice video.  Now you see what we are up against here.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 07, 2008, 05:06:12 PM
@atomicX: I just have two words for you: air resistance.
@Pirate: Thanks!

But seriously, give me a testable hypothesis and I'll do my best to test it.

(edit to add Ibison's Law: If your simulation or math model gives you results that are in conflict with CofE, CofM, or 2LoT, your simulation or model is in error.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 07, 2008, 05:13:55 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 07, 2008, 04:47:29 PM
Well.... an interesting case.  I guess each of us have an interesting personal problem. 

I understand your point about experiment holds no result, but we must do the experiment and verify the result is null.  There is no room for assumption, we must not let any stone unturned.  We do not have a choice.  However, before that takes place, we must heavily verify the validity of his equations.  I found the block point between ltseung description on a pulse force and his horizontal energy equation.  It leaves room to argue namely once the pulse force is cutoff, there is no define horizontal work.  I rewrite the work equation using tension force components.  The equation simplified to a ratio of 1 variable, angle a.  This is plotted by MATLAB program.  Of course the validation only correspond to very small angle.  The ratio approach 2 as angle approach zero.  The physical meaning in my interpretation is that when the pendulum moving at position 270 degree, there is an energy gain. 

I will admit I am not sure how what you graphed relates to the Lead Out Theory.  But here is my point.  Tseung's theory, in a nutshell, is that by adding additional energy into an already swinging pendulum, via the tension in the string, you somehow come out with a situation where the total energy in the system is greater than the sum of its parts (the added "pull" plus the existing energy).  Have you ever observed this to be true? 

I think if it were true, it would immediately be observed by bicyclists, who would notice a boost of energy out of nowhere, depending on which point in the rotation cycle they applied pressure to the pedals.  It would also be immediately observable in an internal combustion engine.  If you observe the path of a moving piston, you will see that the base of it rotates in a circle.  Surely, with the millions of manhours spent on perfecting the ICE, some engineer somewhere would have noticed that adding a "Lee-Tseung Pull" during a particular stage of the cycle gained additional energy.  Yet, no one has noticed anything.

Tseung will take great pains in pointing out how such and such is not a perfect example of the Lee-Tseung system, but it really makes no sense why these are different.  He himself has suggested that a solid pendulum swinging in a cylinder is a good example of a Lee-Tseung system, so why is a piston in an ICE or a bicycle crank any different?

Just don't ask him for an explanation.  He knows enough physics to muddy the waters, but then you hit a block, and the logic starts going in a circular motion.  It ends up being a bootstrapping argument that he is making, but he will never admit it in a million years.

Why he cannot give a demonstration?  Well, it's because the balls don't spin like he thinks they do, so he sticks with theory, not practice.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 07, 2008, 05:28:46 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 07, 2008, 04:47:29 PM
Well.... an interesting case.  I guess each of us have an interesting personal problem. 

I understand your point about experiment holds no result, but we must do the experiment and verify the result is null.  There is no room for assumption; we must not let any stone unturned.  We do not have a choice.  However, before that takes place, we must heavily verify the validity of his equations.  I found the block point between ltseung description on a pulse force and his horizontal energy equation.  It leaves room to argue namely once the pulse force is cutoff, there is no define horizontal work.  ***That is the reason for the pulse force *** I rewrite the work equation using tension force components.  The equation simplified to a ratio of 1 variable, angle a.  This is plotted by MATLAB program.  Of course the validation only correspond to very small angle.  The ratio approach 2 as angle approach zero.  The physical meaning in my interpretation is that when the pendulum moving at position 270 degree, there is an energy gain. 

Dear atomicX,

I am glad that someone who knows mathematics and physics is willing to examine the equations.

Please examine slide 3 in presentation files (click on presentation files to get there) http://hk.geocities.com/winghang20022002/ carefully again.  The most important statements in that slide are:
When a sideward pull is applied to a simple pendulum, the lead out gravitational energy is equal to
The vertical component of the tension of the string times the vertical component of the displacement.  
So long as there is tension on the string, gravitational energy will be Lead Out. 
From slide 10 to 15, five different ways of pulling the pendulum are shown.  The first way introduces zero tension on scale A.  No gravitational energy will be led out in this case.  The remaining four ways all involve some tension on scale A.  They will all lead out gravitational energy.  Only the mathematics for the fourth case is shown as it is the easiest for the average person.

Please comment on these cases first.  We can then have juicy and meaningful discussions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 07, 2008, 05:41:39 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 07, 2008, 04:41:08 PM
I will then happily build or assemble that stack of stuff and test away, at my own expense within reason of course.

Then I will report the results here, and to Mr. Obama, and to the Chinese authorities, and to God and the reptilian invaders from Arcturus, the Federation of Light, and anybody else who might be interested.

I am glad that someone in this forum is willing to do experiments.  Please start on experiment001.jpg in message 3268.  I am reproducing the information here.  If you have doubts on the experimental set up or procedures, please raise it in this thread before doing the experiment.

I am introducing the experiments one-by-one.  Get the results for this one before the next.  The final result will be a flying saucer using lead-out-energy.  But let us do it one experiment at a time.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 07, 2008, 05:53:13 PM
The "analysis" in the presentation files is wrong in many places. Surely we can agree that the energy stored in a pendulum by raising its bob to a certain height is constant, no matter how the bob got there, as long as the string tension is constant. Now, it is possible to imagine various "pull" directions that would store strain energy in the pendulum string, and this energy would be released when the pendulum is released (think of the string as a not-very-stretchy spring). This stored strain energy could vary from zero to a lot, depending on how the bob was supported before release. This energy is supplied by the force pulling on the supporting string, not by gravity.
A more sophisticated analysis of the forces and vectors involved will show that all the "work" in the pendulum system comes from the force used to displace the pendulum initially, and that is all the work that the system will be able to return.  So what? The work doesn't come from gravity at all; rather it is done against gravity (more or less efficiently according to the angle), and since gravity is conservative and the pendulum is efficient, you can get that work back. A little work is also put into straining the string, by the non-efficient raising of the pendulum bob by the other angled string; good luck in getting that work back.
No gravitational energy can be lead-out, over and above that which is "lead-in" in the first place.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 07, 2008, 06:00:12 PM
The experiment with the magnets and the padded wall has been done many times and it isn't necessary to repeat it again. What is necessary is for a correct analysis to be done.
Or a modification: do it horizontally, as a pendulum, and see if the time-averaged center of mass, while running, is displaced from its "hanging" neutral position when not running. Or see if it will sustain itself in the air vertically without bouncing off a substrate. Or put it on an impedance-matched substrate on a frictionless surface and see if it makes unidirectional progress.
It won't. Thus proving that there isn't any net propulsive force from this arrangement.
What does this have to do with the lead-out theory?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on November 07, 2008, 06:18:58 PM

QuoteThe monk in Taiwan said, "The project will be successful if you ignore personal fame and forutune."

May the gods bless you according to the contents of your heart.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 07, 2008, 07:01:23 PM
Let me add that the magnets and padded wall device has many variables that will affect its motion. Of course one puts energy into the system in two ways: first by bringing the magnets into proximity, and second, when the electromagnet is energised. Depending on the masses and field strengths of the moveable permanent magnets, more or less momentum can be transferred to one or the other of these magnets. By properly choosing these parameters, the device may be made motionless, or to move in either direction, regardless of the presence of padding on one endwall. My previous post "assumed" that the fields and masses concerned were equal and the device was intended to move as a standard electromagnet-actuated "inertial drive" a la Cook, Dean, Tolchin, et al.

Now, if I am going to be asked about these rather silly "experiments", I am afraid I will have to insist on a scientific hypothesis, as I stated above. I'm looking for a falsifiable hypothesis of the form:

"If, and only if, the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Theory (LTLOT) is true and correct, then a device constructed just so, and tested thusly, will produce observable and repeatable results A, B, and/or C."

How does either the pendulum experiment or the electromagnetic inertial drive experiment test such an hypothesis?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 07, 2008, 08:32:07 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 07, 2008, 06:00:12 PM
The experiment with the magnets and the padded wall has been done many times and it isn't necessary to repeat it again.

If you do the actual experiment, you will get a good feel of the parameters as you mentioned.  You can control the motion (Y direction) of the rectangular container in at least the following ways:
(a)   Change the type and weight of the permanent magnets.
(b)   Change the current applied to the electromagnet.
(c)   Change the number and thickness of the coils in the electromagnet.

Without the experimental setup it is not possible to control the various parameters.

The second experiment (experiment002) is to modify experiment001 so that the two permanent magnets are attracted back by reversing the current to the electromagnet.  Once the arrangement is back at the initial position of experiment001, the above steps are repeated.  Then we shall have a device driven by pulsing DC current that will move in the Y direction without ejecting any gases. 

The difference between the Chinese Scientists and the people in this forum is that the Chinese Scientists actually performed the experiment and learned to control the parameters.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 07, 2008, 08:42:02 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on November 07, 2008, 08:32:07 PM

The difference between the Chinese Scientists and the people in this forum is that the Chinese Scientists actually performed the experiment and learned to control the parameters.

The only difference between the Chinese Scientist and Lawrence Tseung is that Lawrence Tseung is making speeches for them! Not one scientist has ever come forward in this Forum or anywhere else to verify such findings. Are we living in the dark ages or is Tseung the only enlightened scientist in the world?
Well, people you can draw your own conclusions. A delusional crackpot is still a delutional crackpot. It doesn't matter which way you look at it!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 07, 2008, 08:45:20 PM
Let me describe experiment003 here:

Assume that the experimenters have mastered experiment002 and produced a device A driven by pulsing DC current that will move horizontally on a smooth surface in the Y direction.

We can add a similar device B except that this device B will move horizontally in the X direction.  For simplicity of understanding, this second device can be put on top of the first device.

By varying the strength of the pulsing DC current to the devices A and B, we can move the resultant device in any direction horizontally.  Instead of using padded surfaces, we can use damper or springs with locking mechanisms (actual setup in China).  See reply 3264 picture clip_image004a.jpg.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 07, 2008, 09:17:23 PM
I shall now explain experiment004.

This will be done after experiment002.  In experiment002, we would have developed a pulsing DC device that can move an object in the Y direction horizontally.  Now we apply the same principle to produce one or more pulsing DC device that can move an object in the Z direction (vertically).  The object can move vertically up, down or hover in mid-air.

Experiment005 is the combination of Experiment003 and Experiment004 with a computer program for control.  All is packaged in the form of a flying saucer.

The Chinese Engineers achieved that within 6 months.  I am sure that the MIT, Stanford or other top scientists in USA can replicate that.  (If they cannot, President Obama when he resides in the White House can give scholarships to Ms. Forever Yuen and team so that they can produce the flying saucer prototype in USA at one of the selected top universities - as an undergraduate project.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on November 07, 2008, 09:56:38 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on November 07, 2008, 09:17:23 PM
I shall now explain experiment004.

This will be done after experiment002.  In experiment002, we would have developed a pulsing DC device that can move an object in the Y direction horizontally.  Now we apply the same principle to produce one or more pulsing DC device that can move an object in the Z direction (vertically).  The object can move vertically up, down or hover in mid-air.

Experiment005 is the combination of Experiment003 and Experiment004 with a computer program for control.  All is packaged in the form of a flying saucer.

The Chinese Engineers achieved that within 6 months.  I am sure that the MIT, Stanford or other top scientists in USA can replicate that.  (If they cannot, President Obama when he resides in the White House can give scholarships to Ms. Forever Yuen and team so that they can produce the flying saucer prototype in USA at one of the selected top universities - as an undergraduate project.)

Top Gun, you explained the theory and the design of the flying saucer as if it were a piece of cake.

Do you know that the information has been regarded as top-secret in China, USA and elsewhere?

Now that it is flying in China.  There is no secret any more.  President-Elect Obama may not know the activities in Area 52 as a Senator.  Now he has a right to know.  He will have the right to act after January 20, 2009 when he actually takes over.

If the Form 7 students led by the 17 year old Forever Yuen can build the Flying Saucer prototype, the top scientists in Russian, Japan, Germany, Singapore, etc. should have little problem.  Lee Cheung Kin has provided the photo of the actual flying saucer in China.  I am sure that for the right incentive, he will help an investor to buy the prototype.

He also wrote a letter in Chinese to President-Elect Obama.  He is drafting one to the President of China.  May be the human race will have a future.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 07, 2008, 11:06:28 PM
I'm disappointed that video is a mock.  I thought you were one of the good guy.  Sigh..

I'll try to interprete the graph with an example.  Suppose the pendulum at rest.  What says is that instead of carry the mass x distance straight upward,  you can achieve the same x distance upward by swing it right or left with less work. 

Top Gun,
I understand the main point of your explaination.  There is no need to go further into each individual case.  I'm happy with 1 case working.  Right now my concern is not how but why is it like that.  Why it takes less work?  I'll have to think about this for a bit. 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 07, 2008, 11:15:52 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 07, 2008, 11:06:28 PM
I'll try to interprete the graph with an example.  Suppose the pendulum at rest.  What says is that instead of carry the mass x distance straight upward,  you can achieve the same x distance upward by swing it right or left with less work. 

Work = force x distance.  According to conventional theory, the total amount of work is not changed by an inclined plane.  The force required is smaller with a plane, but the distance is greater.

If you can show that less work is required to push a pendulum bob to a certain height as opposed to just lifting it manually, that would really stand modern physics on its head.  Good luck.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on November 08, 2008, 12:16:19 AM
Tseung, focus on the following question for your open letter to Hong Kong CEO

If a Government must increase its money supply before its Citizens can become wealthy, how did Hong Kong and its citizens increase their wealth over the years?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 08, 2008, 12:34:12 AM
Lawrence's alter egos are running amok once again I see.

PS  If anyone doubts this, just read Lawrence's book where he admits to using Top Gun, Devil, etc, etc, as a teaching device.  Don't take my word for it.  Look for yourself and see how crazy this really is.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 08, 2008, 12:42:10 AM
Quote from: Devil on November 08, 2008, 12:16:19 AM
Tseung, focus on the following question for your open letter to Hong Kong CEO

If a Government must increase its money supply before its Citizens can become wealthy, how did Hong Kong and its citizens increase their wealth over the years?

In simple words, Hong Kong never had a Central Bank.  The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank (HSBC) is the default Central Bank.  It creates money via loaning and receives interests from thin air.  For example, a Hong Kong citizens wants to buy property, he goes to HSBC to get a mortgage.  HSBC gives him the mortgage.  He deposits the money received with HSBC.  HSBC treats that as a deposit and can loan out more.  When HSBC is the largest bank in Hong Kong, most of the money is circulated via HSBC.  The creation of money is via HSBC which was British owned from the Colonial days.

Hong Kong also benefits from exports and tourism that are good foreign currency earners.  Thus Hong Kong could build up a huge foreign exchange reserve.  Some citizens mistakenly thought that the wealth of Hong Kong is obtained via savings over the years.  They never understood the creation of money part.

When money is created in that fashion, it goes through the bankers and their friends first.  It is easy to create the rich gets richer scenario.  However, with an expanding pie, even the poor get a larger and larger piece over the years.  When home prices go up over the years, the middle-class see their net worth increasing and many own multiple homes.  HSBC is happy to loan them more and get more interest from thin air.  HSBC is now the second largest bank in the world.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on November 08, 2008, 03:02:44 AM
I am pretty sure that I can build the flying saucer (experiments 001-005) if  I have the right resources.
For example, if the MIT gives  scolarships to me and my team, we should be able to build it. 8) 8)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 08, 2008, 03:50:34 AM
Quote from: Forever on November 08, 2008, 03:02:44 AM
I am pretty sure that I can build the flying saucer (experiments 001-005) if  I have the right resources.
For example, if the MIT gives  scolarships to me and my team, we should be able to build it. 8) 8)

Well Ms. Forever, if you're really really smart, MIT, Stanford or Harvard will definitely pay you not just to attend the school but also all other spending money. That said, if you're really really stupid, naive or delusional like Tseung or one of his altered egos, there's always the local Hong Kong Psychiatric Day Hospital (Long or short stay - your pick).

I think you're too late for MIT, I've seen these flying saucers already packaged for the Christmas holidays in our toy stores in California. It's stamped "Made In China".

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 08, 2008, 04:02:25 AM
Sorry, Top Gun, the device you describe will not sustain a displacement under the pendulum suspension test, nor will it "levitate" without bouncing off a substrate like a TM-er. You have described a basic "inertia drive" like the Dean Drive and many other such what I call "pogo-stick" propulsion devices. These devices interact with weight-measuring scales to fool researchers into thinking that they are losing weight and, if only improved a little more, will take off and fly. Versions like you describe that are designed to travel horizontally, like the Tolchin device or Gennady Shipov's contraptions, also fool researchers who do not understand how to test them properly. I have tested such devices, including ones virtually identical to the magnet device you describe, and much more sophisticated ones driven by compressed air, clockwork, even firecracker explosions.
These devices do not produce reactionless thrust, and neither will your electromagnet device.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 08, 2008, 04:16:51 AM
By the way, I should note that some of these devices will, indeed, sustain a displacement of the center of mass from neutral under the pendulum test--while operating at one particular cycle frequency. Guess what happens when the frequency is changed, or the length of the pendulum suspension is changed...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 08, 2008, 08:18:38 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 08, 2008, 04:02:25 AM
Sorry, Top Gun, the device you describe will not sustain a displacement under the pendulum suspension test, nor will it "levitate" without bouncing off a substrate like a TM-er. You have described a basic "inertia drive" like the Dean Drive and many other such what I call "pogo-stick" propulsion devices. These devices interact with weight-measuring scales to fool researchers into thinking that they are losing weight and, if only improved a little more, will take off and fly. Versions like you describe that are designed to travel horizontally, like the Tolchin device or Gennady Shipov's contraptions, also fool researchers who do not understand how to test them properly. I have tested such devices, including ones virtually identical to the magnet device you describe, and much more sophisticated ones driven by compressed air, clockwork, even firecracker explosions.
These devices do not produce reactionless thrust, and neither will your electromagnet device.

Let us be scientific.  If you have done experiment001, please give us the exact parameters such as:
(a) Dimension of the rectangular tube
(b) Type and weight of the permanents
(c) The construction of the electromagnet
(d) The padding material specifications
(e) The actual resultant force produced

If you want, you can produce a video to show us your experiment.

If you have not done it yet, you can always purchase the material and do it in the next couple of weeks.  You may be able to beat the professors from MIT in getting the experimental results.

The alternative is wait for Ms. Forever Yuen and team to finish their University Entrance Examinations and do the actual experiments.  It will be a few more months.  Or wait for President Obama to throw resources in this alternative energy area.

I feel that the photos from Lee Cheung Kin are not hoaxes.  They do not violate any laws of physics.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 08, 2008, 10:11:17 AM
I have a few questions regarding the flying saucer.  If the device capable of self propulsion at high speed, how does it makes a different from a jet plane.   I'm talking about unless you can accelerate every particle inside the ship at the same time, there's no way to neutralize the Gforce.  Unless you also have incooporate the pendulum to electromagnetic world, it's hard to make such advancement in high speed manuver.

I believe the theory is correct.  The question is that you already knew the government have their own version of the research and probably much more sophisticate than the lead out theory.  Why are you bother to endure this harassment?  Doesn't China university  support your theory?  I don't know about China but here, even if it's correct, there's no way to communicate with mainstream.  I know you know something and it's your obligation to share with the world, but I'm afraid the world can't turn around that fast. 

I'm still thinking about this theory.  I know the tension did half of the work, but what is it relationship with centripital force?  In order this to be a complete theory, I must incooporate it from atomic level to galactic level; and it must agree.   How far did you get on nature? If you don't mind share it with me. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 08, 2008, 11:59:51 AM
Let's indeed be scientific.
"If, and only if, the LTLOT is true and correct, the magnet device referred to in Experiment001, constructed as TopGun will specify, will behave as follows: (fill in the blank, TopGun)."
A statement of this form is a scientific hypothesis, and is the basis for any rational experimentation.
I'm still waiting for such a statement from the LTLOT proponents.
Please note that if the behavior of any such device can be explained, or modeled, fully by conventional theory, then the LTLOT will not be supported.
Now, I'll show you mine, if you show me yours. Pictures and data, that is.
Those who know me, know that I put my money, my tools, and my expertise "where my mouth is"--that is, in addition to my occasional "jokes" I build and test real stuff, and have been doing so for many years.
I won't do TopGun's research for him (unless I get paid for it at my usual rate). But I would be happy to see his data, videos, and drawings of his actual apparatus, along with details of the test procedure he followed, in order to reproduce his results as exactly as I can.
Or cannot, as the case may be.
And there are indeed other alternatives than those you have listed in your post, TopGun. Such as, get off your high horse and do some experimentation yourself, or at least do some reading in the field so that you can see that these devices and ideas are not new and have been tried  before, many times, with only illusory success--that is, none.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 08, 2008, 01:30:03 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 08, 2008, 11:59:51 AM
Let's indeed be scientific.
A statement of this form is a scientific hypothesis, and is the basis for any rational experimentation.
.... get off your high horse and do some experimentation yourself, or at least do some reading in the field so that you can see that these devices and ideas are not new and have been tried  before, many times, with only illusory success--that is, none.


Well said. No sane person needs 83 pages of delusional writings to try ptove their point. What we have here is a 'scientist' from the hospital of delusional science where drills are not required for experimentation!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 08, 2008, 01:33:22 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 08, 2008, 11:59:51 AM
Let's indeed be scientific.
"If, and only if, the LTLOT is true and correct, the magnet device referred to in Experiment001, constructed as TopGun will specify, will behave as follows: (fill in the blank, TopGun)."
A statement of this form is a scientific hypothesis, and is the basis for any rational experimentation.
I'm still waiting for such a statement from the LTLOT proponents.
Please note that if the behavior of any such device can be explained, or modeled, fully by conventional theory, then the LTLOT will not be supported.
Now, I'll show you mine, if you show me yours. Pictures and data, that is.
Those who know me, know that I put my money, my tools, and my expertise "where my mouth is"--that is, in addition to my occasional "jokes" I build and test real stuff, and have been doing so for many years.
I won't do TopGun's research for him (unless I get paid for it at my usual rate). But I would be happy to see his data, videos, and drawings of his actual apparatus, along with details of the test procedure he followed, in order to reproduce his results as exactly as I can.
Or cannot, as the case may be.
And there are indeed other alternatives than those you have listed in your post, TopGun. Such as, get off your high horse and do some experimentation yourself, or at least do some reading in the field so that you can see that these devices and ideas are not new and have been tried  before, many times, with only illusory success--that is, none.

I will point you to the most demonstrative thing Tseung has ever published.  First, he rigs up a spinning clear plastic square with guides for steel balls to bounce back and forth while the wheel spins:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1P3TGhJiF0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1P3TGhJiF0)

Then he compares this to an identical setup, except that balls bounce against a padded surface on one end of the guide:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zykButGc22U (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zykButGc22U)

To his credit, he tries to be fairly precise with the initial energy imparted, by using a falling weight to initiate the spin.  In the padded setup, the wheel spins longer, and he concludes he is on the right track. 

What he fails to include is a simple control spin, where the ball is held completely in place and does not bounce at all.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 08, 2008, 01:41:40 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on November 08, 2008, 08:18:38 AM

I feel that the photos from Lee Cheung Kin are not hoaxes.  They do not violate any laws of physics.

I too feel the photos are not hoaxes. How can they? Layered Objects badly done on Photoshop are still static objects and those don't violate any laws of physics. Well said old Tseung.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 08, 2008, 03:20:14 PM
@utilitarian: Thanks for posting those videos. I presume the hypothesis under test is something like, "If the LTLOT is true, then the device with the padded walls will run longer than the one with the hard walls", of course with a bit more detail to flesh it out.
I must admit I am impressed by the effort, if not the execution. As you say, the control experiment with the balls fixed in place is absolutely necessary. Multiple trials in each configuration, with averaged times compared, is also standard procedure, as I'm sure you appreciate. My hypothesis is that anything that allows the balls to move subtracts energy from the wheel's rotation, and since the padding damps the motion of the balls, less energy is subtracted, so the padded wheel might run longer for this reason alone. Consider the case where the padding is so much that it prevents the balls from moving at all--this, by my hypothesis, should produce the longest runtimes. Perhaps this is why this control experiment isn't shown: it certainly was done, these fellows aren't exactly dummies. But since it produced (probably) the longest rundown times of all, and that doesn't conform to the LTLOT, it was discarded as being "flawed" or a bad trial or something.
Now, to the videos themselves: 
It is clear to me that the second wheel, the padded one, is turning faster from the start, and I believe I can see why. Look very carefully at the instant of the weight release. In the first video it looks like the suspension string hangs up a bit and the weight doesn't release cleanly but actually holds back the wheel slightly as the weight is dragged off the airbag. In the second video the weight is released cleanly and the wheel is initially spinning just a bit faster. (These kinds of things are why multiple trials are necessary.) This could partially account for the difference in run-down times, on top of the effect of moving the balls around subtracting energy from the rotation.
I've done a few of these types of tests myself, you can download a typical video from:
http://www.mediafire.com/?wuldel0syug (http://www.mediafire.com/?wuldel0syug)
It has since been pointed out to me that the residual velocity of the weight may not be the same at every release; that is, if the wheel is going faster or slower at the instant of weight release, the weight starts free-falling with different amounts of initial KE, which means it deposited different amounts of energy in the wheel before release. This is another effect (source of error) that must be accounted for in these types of tests, and can actually be quite large if the wheel's rotational moment of inertia is varied much from condition to condition.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 08, 2008, 03:24:24 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 08, 2008, 10:11:17 AM
I have a few questions regarding the flying saucer.  If the device capable of self propulsion at high speed, how does it makes a different from a jet plane.   

Dear atomicX,

A jet plane still relies on aerodynamics - or the presence of air.  To make a fast U-turn, it uses a large tail rudder surface to react against air. 

A flying saucer can fly in outer space with no air at all.  Its action will be determined totally by the forces it generates.  In order to make a fast U-turn, it generates a force perpendicular to motion.  In physics, we call that - centripetal force. 

That centripetal force can be compared with skaters making very fast turns on ice.  Or a downhill skier making sharp turns.

The properties of a flying saucer that are different from a jet engine are:
(1)   Ability to hover in mid-air
(2)   Vertical take off and landing
(3)   Make very sharp turns â€" including U-turns
(4)   Apparently coming to a sudden stop (could actually be very tight U-turns)
(5)   Flying to outer space
(6)   No ejection of hot gases as means of propulsion

The simple experiments (experiment001 to experiment005) fulfill the above 6 observations.  No laws of Physics have been violated.  Experiment001 was done by a professor in electromagnetism at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in about two hours after he heard the presentation from Lee and Tseung in October 2006.

According to Mr. Lee Cheung Kin, he talked to a group (the alumni of a military college) associated with the Chinese Military in May 2008.  Initially, the group was doubtful but they decided to perform the suggested experiments.  The flying saucer craft flew and the picture was taken on the last week of October..  The group remarked that it was child's play.  The craft is far from commercialization.  However, the same experiments or similar can be replicated worldwide.  Science is science.  Physics, mathematics and working prototypes cannot be wrong.

When the theory is so simple and the experiments so easy, no authority in the world could stop the scientific research.  Some tried the CIA or the like approach to fool us.  Some tried insults on this forum.  None of these will succeed.  The world will benefit if we ignore our personal fame or fortune.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 08, 2008, 03:48:37 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 08, 2008, 10:11:17 AM
I'm still thinking about this theory.  I know the tension did half of the work, but what is it relationship with centripetal force?  In order this to be a complete theory, I must incorporate it from atomic level to galactic level; and it must agree.   How far did you get on nature? If you don't mind share it with me. 

The flying saucer craft as described did not use lead-out-energy yet.

Please study the presentation file in http://hk.geocities.com/winghang20022002/

The Form 7 students headed by Ms. Forever Yuen studied and mastered those slides as if they were examination material.  They could then understand the theories fully and present to others.  Their presentation is better than mine as they are closer to the level of the average layman.

There are actually two separate theories and two separate patents.  One is on lead-out-energy and the other is the flying saucer.  Please do not mix them up until you have mastered them separately.

You have the disadvantage of not having heard the presentation and ask questions when doubts arise.  That might change if President Obama and/or the President of China agree to release the information to the general public.  Hundreds of academics will lecture on the topic.  Thousands of experiments will be done.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 08, 2008, 03:55:09 PM
@ "TopGun" (Lawrence, et al):

"Dear atomicX,

A jet plane still relies on aerodynamics - or the presence of air.  To make a fast U-turn, it uses a large tail rudder surface to react against air."

The above quote from "TopGun" is totally wrong!  A jet, or any airplane for that matter, does NOT use the rudder to make a U-turn.  The wings turn an aircraft.  It is the lift vector in the wings that actually turn any aircraft.  I have flown many airplanes in my day and I can tell you, or anyone can look it up, the ailerons bank the wings which shifts the lift direction which turns the plane.  The only thing the rudder does is to keep the aircraft from "skidding" which is to say it keeps it on track with the relative wind as indicated by the turn and bank instrument.

As a matter of fact, Jet pilots most of all have very little use for the rudder when flying.  It is more important when flying a light aircraft like a Cessna or Piper.  I have known jet pilots that have flown thousands of miles, from take off to landing and have never once used the rudder.

So, once again, TopGun shows us his ignorance.  If he can't understand a simple principle like this, no wonder his math is flawed.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 08, 2008, 03:57:19 PM
Top Gun, are you claiming that the device illustrated in Experiment001 will hover in mid-air?

Please demonstrate this, as I am unable to do so with similarly constructed apparatus.

I have no doubt that the thing will travel on a flat surface. But it is unnecessary to resort to the LTLOT to explain this fact.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 08, 2008, 04:14:42 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on November 08, 2008, 03:24:24 PM

The properties of a flying saucer that are different from a jet engine are:
(1)   Ability to hover in mid-air
(2)   Vertical take off and landing
(3)   Make very sharp turns â€" including U-turns
(4)   Apparently coming to a sudden stop (could actually be very tight U-turns)
(5)   Flying to outer space
(6)   No ejection of hot gases as means of propulsion

Top Gun,

I understand the features you proposed.  Mybe you did not understand my point. I'm worrying about the safety of the pilot.  I understand we can stand in a space ship that travel at the speed of light.  But from the speed of light to a complete stop in 2 or 3 second require method of protecting everything inside the spaceship.  I know that you just want to propose your theory so my concern require much engineering.  To me we should extend the ability to control not only large inertia but also generate a minute force field within. But like I said, let the engineer do that. 

I did not get mess up with flying saucer and free energy.  Though a lead out machine must be present inside the spaceship.  I also believe in inertia propulsion and professor Laithwaith's works.  To me lead out energy can be extend to and extract from linear motion and not restricting to circular motion.  Thought it could be related since we're talking from normal object scale to atomic scale. 

Thanks for the detail information.  You are correct that airplanes cannot use rudder to manuver, such a force would only result in stalling the airplane.  I believe Top Gun point is the concept between mass ejecting and interia propulsion.  Thanks for the clarification.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 08, 2008, 05:58:00 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 08, 2008, 04:14:42 PM
Top Gun,

I understand the features you proposed.  Mybe you did not understand my point. I'm worrying about the safety of the pilot.  I understand we can stand in a space ship that travel at the speed of light.  But from the speed of light to a complete stop in 2 or 3 second require method of protecting everything inside the spaceship.  I know that you just want to propose your theory so my concern require much engineering.  To me we should extend the ability to control not only large inertia but also generate a minute force field within. But like I said, let the engineer do that. 

I did not get mess up with flying saucer and free energy.  Though a lead out machine must be present inside the spaceship.  I also believe in inertia propulsion and professor Laithwaith's works.  To me lead out energy can be extend to and extract from linear motion and not restricting to circular motion.  Thought it could be related since we're talking from normal object scale to atomic scale. 

Thanks for the detail information.  You are correct that airplanes cannot use rudder to manuver, such a force would only result in stalling the airplane.  I believe Top Gun point is the concept between mass ejecting and interia propulsion.  Thanks for the clarification.

Safety of the pilot - you are ahead of me.  I just focus on getting the craft up, hover and move with remote control at present.  I am happy to get the craft flying in a stadium.

airplanes cannot use rudder - thanks for the clarification.  They still use wings or aerodynamic surfaces to generate lift and manuver.  They still need air except those that rely on 'rocket' power.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 08, 2008, 06:15:29 PM
I also believe in inertia propulsion and professor Laithwaith's works.

Dear atomicX,

Please explain inertia propulsion for the benefit of some forum members here.

I am not familiar with professor Laithwaith's work.  Please explain more.  Thank you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 08, 2008, 07:20:14 PM
Quote from AtomicX

Thanks for the detail information.  You are correct that airplanes cannot use rudder to manuver, such a force would only result in stalling the airplane." 

This is not correct either.  To "Stall" an airplane is actually where the flow of air over the airfoil (wing) is at a high enough angle of attack (to the relative wind) to disrupt airflow over the wing.  The wing loses lift and hence the term...it "stalls", meaning, it no longer produces lift.

The use of the rudder could NEVER stall an aircraft.  Actually, in the case of a near stall condition, the rudder is used to keep the aircraft from entering a spin.  The use of ailerons would produce asymmetric drag which could induce the spin so the rudder is used instead.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 08, 2008, 08:28:19 PM

To me the wording is just a reference point.  A sudden change in large drag force is stall to me.  I know each area define it differently and I don't really pay attention to the details.  So you probably gets it more accurate.  Thx

Top Gun,

I read the story of gyroscopic propulsion.  He proposed that intertia propulsion can be achieve with gyroscopic force.  I looked at some technical drawing but still having trouble to understand it fully.  I've done some gyroscopic experiment myself and verify that pulsing a gyroscope indeed give a 90 degree force.  Its direction is much complicated and under research.  I see your drawing on your intertia propulsion concept.  It's linear and much more simple.  However, you failed to mention why it works. You said two balls hitting different elasticity surface give rise to a net force.  The force hitting the soft surface is smaller than the hard surface.  How are you going to explain the timing?  The time for the small force is larger for the big force.  So they are balance out. 
I have my own solution, but I want to hear yours.  Thanks

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 09, 2008, 02:11:07 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 08, 2008, 07:20:14 PM
Quote from AtomicX

Thanks for the detail information.  You are correct that airplanes cannot use rudder to manuver, such a force would only result in stalling the airplane." 

This is not correct either.  To "Stall" an airplane is actually where the flow of air over the airfoil (wing) is at a high enough angle of attack (to the relative wind) to disrupt airflow over the wing.  The wing loses lift and hence the term...it "stalls", meaning, it no longer produces lift.

The use of the rudder could NEVER stall an aircraft.  Actually, in the case of a near stall condition, the rudder is used to keep the aircraft from entering a spin.  The use of ailerons would produce asymmetric drag which could induce the spin so the rudder is used instead.


Seemed like the snake oil peddler really doesn't know much about anything at all.
Doesn't it seemed ridiculous that if the Commies really had spectacular "flying saucer" technology they will actually demonstrate it in a soccer stadium? Hahaha what a dork!

China is as large as the USA in land area and they don't have a similar area 51 type facility? Plus they need a no-name deluded 'scientist' with no 'O'-level qualifications to tell the world of the technology used in their super-duper flying saucer?

All adds up to a bad fiction novel written by some snake oil salesman.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 09, 2008, 10:46:02 AM
Quote from: chrisC on November 09, 2008, 02:11:07 AM

China is as large as the USA in land area and they don't have a similar area 51 type facility? Plus they need a no-name deluded 'scientist' with no 'O'-level qualifications to tell the world of the technology used in their super-duper flying saucer?


I don't know, do you?

Top Gun,

I felt that I gave you an impossible question.  You won't be able to explain it. The thurst equation Ft=mv shows that with momentum conserved, when F goes up t must go down and vice versa.  Therefore, under conventional equations, you will not be able to solve it.  I am confident that the experiment shows a different result so stick with the experiment. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 09, 2008, 01:00:26 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 09, 2008, 10:46:02 AM

Top Gun,

I felt that I gave you an impossible question.  You won't be able to explain it. The thurst equation Ft=mv shows that with momentum conserved, when F goes up t must go down and vice versa.  Therefore, under conventional equations, you will not be able to solve it.  I am confident that the experiment shows a different result so stick with the experiment. 

Your question is not impossible.  It is related to the field of inertia propulsion systems.  In fact it is another misunderstanding from the mainstream science.  Let me quote from Wikipedia.:

Reactionless drive
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This article deals with debunked claims to have produced a reactionless drive. For examples of theoretically possible drives that do not require a reaction mass, see Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program.

A reactionless drive or inertial propulsion engine (also reactionless thruster, reactionless engine, and inertia drive) is any form of propulsion not based around expulsion of fuel or reaction mass - the name comes from Newton's Third Law of Motion, usually expressed as, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Such a drive would use a hypothetical form of thrust that does not require any outside force or net momentum exchange to produce linear motion. While such a device may not necessarily violate the law of conservation of energy,[citation needed] it would appear to violate conservation of momentum, a fundamental principle of all current understandings of physics, and is therefore considered by most physicists impossible to construct outside of science fiction.

All devices that have been claimed to be reactionless drives and tested under controlled conditions have failed and are found to rely on a non-linear effect of the supports they sit on. Some examples include devices that inch along a tabletop or when floating in water, but stop working once they are suspended or in vacuum.
The classic example was the patented Dean drive, named after Norman L. Dean, which gained considerable publicity in the 1950s and 1960s, particularly in the columns of John W. Campbell, editor of Astounding Science Fiction magazine. Authors in the science-fiction genre have continued to make considerable use of the concept. For example, the Basestar in Battlestar Galactica, impeller-driven ships of the Honorverse and some ships in Larry Niven's Ringworld all use reactionless drives.

There are hundreds of such devices, but the most common is the oscillation thruster, which uses friction to transfer momentum to the device. Misconceptions as to how these devices work have led to people believing they are building reactionless drives - when in reality they are not. Another class of similar devices uses interaction with the air in a similar manner. As such they are not economic breakthroughs, as wheels and propellors are far more efficient ways of moving a vehicle in reaction to air or ground.

In most cases the devices in question are supported by a single inventor. Often, some people involved in the creation and promotion of the device (namely the inventor) blame "Big Science" for the failure of the idea to take off.

Let me explain the juicy details in the following posts.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 09, 2008, 01:23:20 PM
Inertia Propulsion Systems Continued.

As mentioned in Tseung's Book, a 13 year old girl, Wini Woo, who never heard of reactionless drive said that she could produce a flying saucer.  Her reason was that if the effective gravitational constant could be increased in the magnetic pendulum example, it could also be decreased.  Decreasing to zero means hovering in mid-air.  Decreasing to negative means rising up.

That particular part cannot be wrong theoretically or experimentally.

Tseung got his friend, Bill Fong to do some elementary experiments.  The quick and dirty experiment was to place a fireworks rocket in a closed container.  Ignite the fireworks rocket in the closed container and see if there is any motion.  The quick and dirty experiment was far from perfect as the container was not perfectly closed because the fuse was ignited from outside.  The container was suspended by a string in mid-air.  The result was a small but observable motion of the container.

Tseung, Bill Fong and Wini Woo filed for a China patent immediately.  That information is available to the General Public in the China Patent Database.

More to follow.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 09, 2008, 01:36:07 PM
Inertia Propulsion Systems Continued.

Tseung then checked the patent databases and found that there were close to 100 inertia propulsion patents in the US patent database alone.  He thought that it would be accepted easily.

Lee Cheung Kin contacted his friends in the Chinese Military and was told that inertia propulsion systems were impossible as outlined in Wikipedia.  Lee and Tseung had fierce arguments and Lee decided not to get involved in the impossible flying saucer project.

Tseung was convinced because he saw the movement of the closed container.  That could not be due to friction or reaction with air.  (Lee argued that the tiny opening allowing the fuse and the expanding air to come out is responsible for the observed motion.)  It is a classic case of seeing the same thing but giving different interpretations.

More to follow.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 09, 2008, 01:48:18 PM
Inertia Propulsion Systems Continued.

Tseung came up the silly picture in Flying-saucer001.jpg.  He argued that the two balls could fly away in opposite directions with equal momentum.  The top ball hitting the padded surface will impart less force to the spacecraft than the bottom ball. There will be a net downward force on the spacecraft.

The physics of that argument cannot be wrong.  Force = Rate of change of momentum.  The padded surface will increase the time of change of momentum and thus produce less force on the spaceship.

The actual experiment is experiment001.  Tseung did not do the experiment himself but he got a top professor in electromagnetism at Tsinghua University to do it.  It took that professor about 2 hours.

More to follow.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 09, 2008, 02:07:29 PM
Inertia Propulsion Systems Continued.

Tseung was fooled by the CIA or the Like group to keep the Flying Saucer information confidential, as the military implication was too great.

In May 2008, Lee and Tseung were invited by the Military College Alumni to present at Shenzhen University.  Many participants were from the Chinese Space Program and were extremely interested in the Tseung et al Flying Saucer.

Some of the participants flow to Beijing and talked to the professors at Tsinghua University.

When Tseung was ready to send his Open Letter to President-Elect Obama in November, 2008, Lee added the Appendix with a picture of the Flying Saucer prototype obeying the Tseung et al theory.  The craft was built within 6 months by some friends of Lee Cheung Kin with Military Connections.  Please study the posts related to Experiment001 to Experiment005.

The students of Tseung, Ms. Forever Yuen and team, all understood the theory and the design of the flying saucer now.

End of the inertia propulsion systems story.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 09, 2008, 02:10:18 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on November 09, 2008, 01:23:20 PM
Inertia Propulsion Systems Continued.

Her reason was that if the effective gravitational constant could be increased in the magnetic pendulum example, it could also be decreased.  Decreasing to zero means hovering in mid-air.  Decreasing to negative means rising up.

I can neither deny or confirm that one either. 

Tseung got his friend, Bill Fong to do some elementary experiments.  The quick and dirty experiment was to place a fireworks rocket in a closed container.  Ignite the fireworks rocket in the closed container and see if there is any motion.  The quick and dirty experiment was far from perfect as the container was not perfectly closed because the fuse was ignited from outside.  The container was suspended by a string in mid-air.  The result was a small but observable motion of the container.


It is quick and dirty, but I like that. 

Quote from: Top Gun on November 09, 2008, 01:36:07 PM

Lee Cheung Kin contacted his friends in the Chinese Military and was told that inertia propulsion systems were impossible as outlined in Wikipedia. 

This is hilarious.  I guess Winkipedia pwned Lee's military friend.  :D

Quote from: Top Gun on November 09, 2008, 01:48:18 PM

The physics of that argument cannot be wrong.  Force = Rate of change of momentum.  The padded surface will increase the time of change of momentum and thus produce less force on the spaceship.

There is a bit ambiguous in that arguement.  Yes the padded surface increase the time rate of change of momentum, but there are more little force adding up together. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 09, 2008, 02:21:36 PM
"Tseung, Bill Fong and Wini Woo filed for a China patent immediately.  That information is available to the General Public in the China Patent Database".

Does this mean soon we will have the Lawrence Fong Woo motor?  This is almost too funny.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 09, 2008, 03:22:37 PM
Top Gun,

Like I said in the earlier post, you won't be able to convince people using conventinal equations, but if you introduce your own equation, you're even further away from being accepted. 

My professor once told me, "trust the experiment, don't trust the equations".  I've realized that there's no such thing as a right equation.  You did the experiment and you saw the result with your own eyes.  That's all it matters.  Use it as a thriving force for you belief, a guildance to truth.  I have to give it to you.  You argued with Lee and declared what the world said about intertia propulsion was wrong.  That was bold.  Now you have all that weight on your shoulder.  I have to tell you that people beliefs these days are based on a popularity contest.  Whatever  most popular source wins.   

I wish you, ms. Forever Yuen and her team soon achieve phenomena success.  Don't let critics stop you.   As for why the law of momentum did not hold in the experiment, I only have one explaination.  Motion is not a linear function of force. 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 09, 2008, 03:51:30 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 09, 2008, 03:22:37 PM
Top Gun,

Like I said in the earlier post, you won't be able to convince people using conventinal equations, but if you introduce your own equation, you're even further away from being accepted. 

My professor once told me, "trust the experiment, don't trust the equations".  I've realized that there's no such thing as a right equation.  You did the experiment and you saw the result with your own eyes.  That's all it matters.  Use it as a thriving force for you belief, a guildance to truth.  I have to give it to you.  You argued with Lee and declared what the world said about intertia propulsion was wrong.  That was bold.  Now you have all that weight on your shoulder.  I have to tell you that people beliefs these days are based on a popularity contest.  Whatever  most popular source wins.   

I wish you, ms. Forever Yuen and her team soon achieve phenomena success.  Don't let critics stop you.   As for why the law of momentum did not hold in the experiment, I only have one explaination.  Motion is not a linear function of force. 


Based on your writing style and also not having much gray matter, you must be related to Tseung or one of Tseung's altered egos to try prop up this dying thread?

You need to learn something from the late Professor Randy Pausch, Computer Science professor at Carnegie Mellon University when he knew he was dying from cancer and was asked what he would say to the world if he was only allowed 3 words. He said, "Tell the truth". And when asked a 2nd question, "What if you were afforded 3 more words?". He said, "All the time".

Well, old Tseung has never been able to tell the truth and if you're old Tseung's altered ego, I wouldn't expect you to know how to do it either. But the you could be one of his commie friends, then of course, we can't expect commies to tell the truth either!

It's not so much about convincing people or being popular. It's about being to verify one's own postulates and have others confirm it. So far, only the old snake oil salesman and his supposedly very intelliegent Chinese professors and friends are able to back him up? Talking about friends that backed him up.... I have not even seen one who vouched for him independently on this Forum. Have you?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 09, 2008, 06:26:14 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 09, 2008, 03:22:37 PM
Top Gun,

My professor once told me, "trust the experiment, don't trust the equations".  I've realized that there's no such thing as a right equation.  You did the experiment and you saw the result with your own eyes.  That's all it matters.  Use it as a thriving force for you belief, a guidance to truth.  I have to give it to you.  You argued with Lee and declared what the world said about inertia propulsion was wrong.  That was bold.  Now you have all that weight on your shoulder.  I have to tell you that people beliefs these days are based on a popularity contest.  Whatever most popular source wins.   

I wish you, ms. Forever Yuen and her team soon achieve phenomena success.  Don't let critics stop you.    As for why the law of momentum did not hold in the experiment, I only have one explanation.  Motion is not a linear function of force. 

Dear AtomicX,

Thank you for your support.  Flying_saucer001 and Experiment001 were both so simple that the answer was obvious.  Tinselkoa said that such experiments have been done thousands of times.  He did not border to repeat.

Your professor once told you, "trust the experiment, don't trust the equations".  I would add â€" “You must find an explanation for your experimental results.  Existing science can be wrong or the scientists may have misinterpreted certain phenomena.  If you have no explanation, you are likely to spend many frustrating years like Newman or Wang.” 

When we have the quick and dirty fireworks rocket in a box experiment, we observed significant movement.  We both saw the result with our own eyes.  Yet Lee and I violently disagreed on the explanation.

Experiment001 is so simple that it can be repeated in secondary schools worldwide.  Some forum member here will just jeer and hurl insults.  Many will do the experiments but keep the result to themselves as many are funded or associated with Governments.  They realize its military or commercial significance.  Experiment002 to Experiment005 are just enhancements to Experiment001.

Once Lee Cheung Kin added the Appendix to the Open Letter to President-Elect Obama, there is no secret to the flying saucer any more. The flying saucers have been spotted and photographed for decades.  The top-secret researchers in USA, China and elsewhere must have known and understood the theory.  The secret is now presented via Tseung and Lee for the benefit of the world.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on November 09, 2008, 07:28:08 PM
Dear Top Gun,

Please correct me if I were wrong.

Experiment002 is effectively getting back to the initial position of Experiment001 via magnetoc or electormgnetic means.  There is no net resultant force produced at this stage.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 09, 2008, 08:05:01 PM
Quote from: chrisC on November 09, 2008, 03:51:30 PM

Based on your writing style and also not having much gray matter, you must be related to Tseung or one of Tseung's altered egos to try prop up this dying thread?

You need to learn something from the late Professor Randy Pausch, Computer Science professor at Carnegie Mellon University when he knew he was dying from cancer and was asked what he would say to the world if he was only allowed 3 words. He said, "Tell the truth". And when asked a 2nd question, "What if you were afforded 3 more words?". He said, "All the time".

Well, old Tseung has never been able to tell the truth and if you're old Tseung's altered ego, I wouldn't expect you to know how to do it either. But the you could be one of his commie friends, then of course, we can't expect commies to tell the truth either!

It's not so much about convincing people or being popular. It's about being to verify one's own postulates and have others confirm it. So far, only the old snake oil salesman and his supposedly very intelliegent Chinese professors and friends are able to back him up? Talking about friends that backed him up.... I have not even seen one who vouched for him independently on this Forum. Have you?


I have to apologize to you.  I thought you are just a complete A#@, but I was wrong.  Well... I'm not totally wrong but I'm still wrong.

I don't need to learn that lesson of Prof Randy Pausch.  On the contrary, you need to learn the lesson of the story "cry wolf"'.  You're so confused with which is which.  Just relax, chill, take it easy, deep breath... and think. 

You're speculating this thread got something to do with communist.  It might be, who knows.  I just know that I'm interested in the theory period.  Unfortunately, that implies that I'm a commie.   

So far how did you verify this is right or wrong?  I believe in this theory, but I am aware that I might be wrong.  The different of taking both possibility as awareness is important and i don't think you have any.  Talking about friends that back him up?  Well excuse me, if you needs to see alot of people backing him up to believe it, then you're just a victim of the popularity contest yourself.  It doesn't matter if no one or all support him, I support him.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 09, 2008, 09:12:56 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 09, 2008, 08:05:01 PM
It doesn't matter if no one or all support him, I support him.

Well, well, well. I'm really happy that Tseung has at least one dorky friend. Congratulations to both of you. I just hope you won't forget to take your medication.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 09, 2008, 09:25:11 PM
Quote from: critic on November 09, 2008, 07:28:08 PM
Dear Top Gun,

Please correct me if I were wrong.

Experiment002 is effectively getting back to the initial position of Experiment001 via magnetoc or electormgnetic means.  There is no net resultant force produced at this stage.

Dear critic,

Correct.  Instead of a one-time impact force on the container, Experiment002 in combination with Experiment001 will produce a pulsing force.  The frequency of this pulsing force will depend on the actual experimental set up.

If we have a few of these Experiment001+Experiment002 devices placed vertically, we will be able to produce a more-or-less constant force upwards to balance the weight of the container and its contents.

The vertical placement is effectively experiment004 - which was initially treated as a challenge to the World.  However, the Form 7 students head by Ms. Forever Yuen solved it within an hour.  To them, it was no challenge at all.

The Chinese scientist known to Lee Cheung Kin not only understood the theory but also built a working prototype within 6 months.  That is why Lee is so convinced that he shared his excitement with President-Elect Obama and the world. 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on November 09, 2008, 09:59:44 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on November 09, 2008, 09:25:11 PM
Dear critic,

Correct.  Instead of a one-time impact force on the container, Experiment002 in combination with Experiment001 will produce a pulsing force.  The frequency of this pulsing force will depend on the actual experimental set up.

If we have a few of these Experiment001+Experiment002 devices placed vertically, we will be able to produce a more-or-less constant force upwards to balance the weight of the container and its contents.

The vertical placement is effectively experiment004 - which was initially treated as a challenge to the World.  However, the Form 7 students head by Ms. Forever Yuen solved it within an hour.  To them, it was no challenge at all.

The Chinese scientist known to Lee Cheung Kin not only understood the theory but also built a working prototype within 6 months.  That is why Lee is so convinced that he shared his excitement with President-Elect Obama and the world. 

Experiment003 is just having another combined experiment001+experiment002 in the horizontal X direction.  The X and Y combination allows a force or movement in any horizontal direction.  It is the parallelogram of forces again as shown in the figure.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 09, 2008, 10:01:01 PM
OK Now this topic has gone past ridiculous to the absurd.  Lawrence, everyone now knows that you are TopGun, etc. as you admitted in your book.  So my questions is this:  Why continue to post under so many different names now that the cat is out of the bag?  You must think we are all idiots here.  Possibly you are encouraged by some of the new folks who don't know about you and your fake posting.  The rest of us do!  "TopGun's math is still flawed, and you have still offered no proof of anything that resembles an experiment to support this theory of yours.

Now that I see you are supporting Obama, I am totally convinced that you have no clue as to how the real world works at all.  you are only free to post this nonsense due to our strong military.  Obama is going to change all of that so I suggest you post while you can while we are still free.  I can't believe you can't find some kind of hobby that would be more productive than posting under a bunch of different names and arguing with yourself.

As a seasoned Private Investigator, I already knew you were doing this.  I have the proof, but, with your book and your confession of how you used this as a teaching tool, my proof is no longer needed.

If you want to post as Lawrence and continue with this crap....so be it.  At least be you and possibly, we can have a somewhat constructive dialog on this topic.  As long as you continue to pretend to be other people, no one, including myself, will ever take you seriously.  You left that part out of the book I see.  Take my advise or not, it does not matter to me.  IF you really believe in this theory at all, post honestly and let the chips fall where they may.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 09, 2008, 10:14:03 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 09, 2008, 10:01:01 PM
OK Now this topic has gone past ridiculous to the absurd.  Lawrence, everyone now knows that you are TopGun, etc. as you admitted in your book.  So my questions is this:  Why continue to post under so many different names now that the cat is out of the bag?  You must think we are all idiots here.  Possibly you are encouraged by some of the new folks who don't know about you and your fake posting.  The rest of us do!  "TopGun's math is still flawed, and you have still offered no proof of anything that resembles an experiment to support this theory of yours.

Now that I see you are supporting Obama, I am totally convinced that you have no clue as to how the real world works at all.  you are only free to post this nonsense due to our strong military.  Obama is going to change all of that so I suggest you post while you can while we are still free.  I can't believe you can't find some kind of hobby that would be more productive than posting under a bunch of different names and arguing with yourself.

As a seasoned Private Investigator, I already knew you were doing this.  I have the proof, but, with your book and your confession of how you used this as a teaching tool, my proof is no longer needed.

If you want to post as Lawrence and continue with this crap....so be it.  At least be you and possibly, we can have a somewhat constructive dialog on this topic.  As long as you continue to pretend to be other people, no one, including myself, will ever take you seriously.  You left that part out of the book I see.  Take my advise or not, it does not matter to me.  IF you really believe in this theory at all, post honestly and let the chips fall where they may.



Isn't it sad to see a supposedly grown man in his sixties try so hard to 'impress' others using different techniques like adding altered egos to 'support' him? Does this guy have any friends and if he did, I seriously wonder what they think of him? Maybe it's why none of them want to show up here because it's such an embarrassment! I know if I had a dad like this, I would be literally disown him and none of my friends will ever know of that.

It's just not flawed math and physics; it's also this attitude of ..."I said so and that's the truth! It MUST work".
Well, this guy for whatever western education he had had, really does not understand the real world. Just keep talking about how easy it was for a 17 year old to grasp the principles and how clever the commie scientist were in putting this theory into a demo. of a real flying saucer in a soccer stadium etc.

People with just a little common sense will know that military programs aren't conducted in populated areas, never mind about soccer stadiums. Don't you see how stupid this guy is? He thinks we are idiots but seriously the only idiot is the one who tries to convince us all about his crap!

Well, my mother always said, some people are born like this. Nothing much can be done for them. She was right.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on November 09, 2008, 10:26:06 PM
Top Gun,

Let me post my understanding of experiment005.

Is the proof-of-concept figure experiment005 correct?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on November 09, 2008, 10:47:37 PM
Let me get back to figure clip_image004a.jpg in the Open Letter to President-Elect Obama.

The figure represents the horizontal surface (X, Y direction)
The padded surface is replaced by mechanisms B, C, D and E.
B+D can move in and out.  C is a spring or damper device that can absorb the impact from D.  E is a locking mechanism. If locked, the combined mechanisms correspond to a solid surface.  If unlocked, the combined mechanisms correspond to a padded surface.

The electromagnetic pulsing mechanisms can control the current or pulsing force.  Even if the details of the various components are not shown, it is easy to understand and redesign.  I am sure the top scientists and engineers from MIT, Stanford, etc can figure that out.

Are there any more theoretical secrets hidden in the Tseung et al flying saucer?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 02:53:32 AM
From China Daily News:

The government has cleared a 4 trillion-yuan ($586 billion) investment package till 2010 to spur domestic demand and boost the slowing economy.

Related readings:
China in good position to expand economy - World Bank
World Bank chief says China ready to boost economy
China to stabilize global markets by maintaining growth - top banker
China considers policies to promote auto sales

A State Council meeting, presided by Premier Wen Jiabao, has resolved that it is necessary to adopt "proactive" fiscal and "moderately loose" monetary policies now, Xinhua reported on Sunday.
The Nov 5 statement marks an end to the previous "prudent" fiscal and "tightening" monetary policies because the economy now faces an increasing risk of slowing down further.

"This is the right shot for the economy. Consumption and exports are unlikely to pick up in the short term," said Zhang Xiaojing, an economist with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

The nation's economic growth has been slowing for five consecutive quarters. It dipped to 9 percent in the third quarter of this year, the first growth rate below double digits in five years.

Worries over an excessive slowdown have been rising recently, especially because a rebound in overseas demand is nowhere in sight and domestic businesses and consumers have started tightening their purse strings.

Zhou Xiaochuan, the central bank governor, said over the weekend that the economy could slow down further - from 9.9 percent in the first three quarters of this year to between 8 and 9 percent in 2009.

On Friday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) reduced its 2009 forecast for global economic growth to 2.2 percent, down 0.8 percentage point from its October projection.

To counter the global slowdown, it urged governments to "stimulate their economies".

But even before the IMF suggestion, policymakers at the State Council meeting had decided to carry out investments "swiftly and powerfully", to meet the situation.

The government plans to put it into major infrastructure, social welfare and environmental protection projects, as well as to reconstruct areas devastated by natural disasters.

The government has allocated 100 billion yuan for investment in the fourth quarter of this year and 20 billion yuan for reconstruction projects next year. These are expected to trigger an overall investment of up to 400 billion yuan.

The government has decided to extend the value-added tax (VAT) reform to the entire country, too, which could cut business costs by up to 120 billion yuan.

The pilot project for VAT reform began in 2004. It allows the deduction of VAT on input for fixed-asset purchases and thus encourages corporate investment in equipment renovation.

The falling profit margins of enterprises and declining demand had prompted an increasing number of businesses to seek an extension of VAT reform across the country. Some analysts say the government could also introduce further cuts on individual income taxes later.

The government has announced a series of measures to fend off the credit crunch impact. It has cut the interest rate thrice in the past two months, increased tax rebates for exporters and introduced incentives for homebuyers.

The central bank is monitoring the market to decide its next interest rate move, Zhou said at a meeting of G20 finance ministries' officials in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on Saturday.

"China will try to maintain its economic growth and domestic demand. If it can maintain its internal demand, I think it will be good for stabilization (of the global financial market)," he said.

"We are closely watching the developments of the financial crisis We are also paying attention to the falling inflation rate (at home). We will put them together to decide what we should do," Zhou said when asked if China would keep following the global trend of lowering the interest rate.

China is in 'good position'

World Bank President Robert Zoellick, who too was in Sao Paulo, said China is in a good position to have a strong fiscal expansion.

"China is in a very good position to have a strong fiscal expansion. The Chinese authorities spoke of that aspect," he told a press conference.

G20 finance ministries' officials began a two-day meeting on Saturday to find ways to tackle the global financial crisis.

Zoellick compared China's situation with other developing countries that cannot raise their expenditures so much. He said China's decision to make large improvements in its infrastructure in the last few years was "very wise", and could be used as a model by other countries.

China benefited from high liquidity in the global market during the past few years, which proves that the injection of resources taking place in the financial market can be an opportunity for many countries to overcome the crisis, he said.

The World Bank president stressed that the G20 meetings have changed their focus in the last few months from the need for homogeneous fiscal policies to implementation of expansion policies in order to fight the threat of global recession.

Xinhua contributed to the story

My comments to follow.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 02:59:03 AM
My comments (1)

China will inject money into the economy.  The money will be from thin air just like all other Central Banks.

China should start mutual credit case studies - so that it can inject money in a planned way with selected Countries or Cities.

Hong Kong and China can be one of the first mutual credit case studies.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 03:22:39 AM
 The open letter to President-Elect Obama is now available via link from the China News Daily.

Lawrence Tseung 2008-11-10 16:12
China is taking the right steps to avoid the bad effects of the global economic turmoil.

However, it can do better with the introduction of:
a) Mutual credits
b) Smart Cards
c) Lead-out-energy machines
d) Flying Saucer technology

Additional information can be found in the Open Letter to the US President-Elect Obama:

It will be fun watching how China overcomes the bad effects of the global economic turmoil.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 04:03:27 AM
My comments (2)

China should start a pilot project on the use of Smart Cards.

The properties of a Smart Card are:
1.   Combines functions of Identification Card, Health Information, Credit Card, etc.
2.   Issuer is Government.
3.   A monthly sum is deposited into the account of every cardholder.  The underprivileged and retirees may get more.  Eventually, every adult citizen will have a smart card.
4.   The sum can be used to purchase selected goods.
5.   The card will help to create sure-win or sure-profit businesses.
6.   Model Government-Private Companies will emerge.  These Companies will help to guide citizen spending.
7.   The Lead-out-energy Companies and the Flying Saucer Companies will be example of sure-win businesses.
8.   The model of planning right hand working with market driven left hand will be developed for the World to follow.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 04:36:34 AM
My Comments (3)

International cooperation on lead-out-energy devices.

Reputation of China in the technical area will go up.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 10, 2008, 10:35:36 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 04:36:34 AM
My Comments (3)

International cooperation on lead-out-energy devices.

Reputation of China in the technical area will go up.

But not by utilizing devices such as those in experiments001-005.

I ask (yet) again: Are you claiming that these devices as pictured and described, will "hover" or sustain altitude without reaction against a substrate?

Because I (and hundreds of years of physics and engineering, statics and dynamics) say they will not.

It is really a shame that intelligent and creative people like Forever and the rest of her  classmates are being bamboozled into wasting their time on this error-filled program of "research". Any good freshman engineering Statics and Dynamics textbook should, when studied carefully, clear up a lot of the errors and misunderstandings (like the actual definition of "work") that riddle the material that LTseung has published.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 10, 2008, 11:40:16 AM
At this point, I think there is a good chance that Lawrence and his people are scammers.  Note on how he is keen on someone "investing" in the technology.  He is also always quick to point out how "successful" Wang Shum Ho is, the implication being that giving money to someone who is already successful is a safe investment.

Lawrence is also very quick to give full and complete credit to the EBM scammers - I think he yearns to emulate them.

Also note on how quick he is to associate himself with anyone even remotely legitimate.  He keeps talking about this Todd Hathaway guy that emailed him once.  He is so proud of being listed on Nora's personal website, even though nobody reads it, and besides, he is like number 25 on a list of 30 people, and behind such well-known scammers like Beardon.

He always refers to "top professors" at these various prestigious universities, but there is not a scap of information published about Lawrence in any remotely reputable publication, whether online or in print.

The problem is that he is very bad at this scam business.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 10, 2008, 12:34:44 PM
And, don't forget, he is counting on his book selling millions and millions of copies.  I didn't realize that there were that many people that needed something to put on the bottom of their bird cages.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 10, 2008, 12:44:06 PM

All you have to say is, "well, the idea is nice, but I'm not buying it But hey, goodluck with whatever you doing".  I do have a suspicion that the Chinese government is up to something.  Why didn't they recall Tseung back from his posting and save the man.  He might knows what he's doing or he maybe being used without knowing it.  The conspiracy will continue and won't stop unless you stop questioning.  I don't care if the theory is right or wrong, what I see is a persistance old man getting run over and over again.  My suggestion is that Tseung stop posting, but don't even know why he insisted on doing the impossible.  Here's the plan.  Utilitarian, ChrisC, TinselKoala, Pirate, and all those get tired of this post type down 3 words "gooluck, I'm out" and never look back.  If there is any other victim fall into this theory, they have a few thousand post to think about and they'll find themselves talking to just Tseung.  If you think that's not fair and you need to protect those naive people, then I don't really have any other solution. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 10, 2008, 12:45:28 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 04:36:34 AM

Reputation of China in the technical area will go up.

Let's see, lead based paint, melamine laced baby formula, flying saucers in soccer stadiums and lTseung junky physics. Lot's of good examples of why China's reputation will surely go DOWN!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 10, 2008, 12:47:37 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 10, 2008, 12:44:06 PM

All you have to say is, "well, the idea is nice, but I'm not buying it But hey, goodluck with whatever you doing".  I do have a suspicion that the Chinese government is up to something.  Why didn't they recall Tseung back from his posting and save the man.  He might knows what he's doing or he maybe being used without knowing it.  The conspiracy will continue and won't stop unless you stop questioning.  I don't care if the theory is right or wrong, what I see is a persistance old man getting run over and over again.  My suggestion is that Tseung stop posting, but don't even know why he insisted on doing the impossible.  Here's the plan.  Utilitarian, ChrisC, TinselKoala, Pirate, and all those get tired of this post type down 3 words "gooluck, I'm out" and never look back.  If there is any other victim fall into this theory, they have a few thousand post to think about and they'll find themselves talking to just Tseung.  If you think that's not fair and you need to protect those naive people, then I don't really have any other solution. 

Like I said before. You're as DORKY as Tseung, besides you sound like him too!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 10, 2008, 12:54:46 PM
Here are some interesting posts by Lawrence from the Steorn board from Sep 2006:

http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=13552&page=1#Item_0 (http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=13552&page=1#Item_0)\

"As scientists, we look for scientific evidence.

Steorn invites 12 independent scientists to check their machine and validate the claims.

We send our prototypes to the top Universities for peer review and certification.

The scientific evidence will be out within weeks.

We already have our stake in the PCT patent application PCT/IB/2005/000138. It will be accepted by the scientific community after they see the working prototypes and the authorative reports from the top Universities.

You may be scratching your heads for a scientific explanation then. When you can find none. You will re-examine our website with respect."


So Lawrence, whatever happened to your prototypes that you sent out to top Universities in September of 2006?  Where is this scientific evidence that you promised would be out more than two years ago?  All we have seen from you are blurry photos of other people's devices.  Let me guess, in a few months, right?

This is a classic scam, though run very badly, but the elements are there.

1.  Apply for a patent based on free energy technology.  Note that the patent was never granted, but that's ok.  Any idiot who gives money to this venture is not likely to realize the difference between a patent and a patent application.

2.  Make a website like www.energyfromair.com, that gives a long writeup, but shows no actual evidence of anything working.

3.  Lawrence is the frontman, and he gives excuses of being poor or old or whatever, that are convenient when someone demands a demonstration.  But there is reference to other people, who conveniently do not speak English, but are very well financed - like Wang Shum Ho.

4.  Make a fake company website like cnk.com or whatever that was.  Idiots will not realize that the company is too broke to host their own videos, but use a youtube-like chinese service for their bandwidth.  Again, a few things are shown spinning, but very little details are revealed.

5.  Try to publicize the invention to lure investors.  It is not clear why investors are needed, since Wang Shum Ho is so rich, but that's ok.  Suckers won't care.  Unfortunately, Lawrence and Wang Shum Ho are so broke they cannot afford to spend any actual money to get the word out, so Lawrence posts on boards like Steorn, Bessler's Wheel and Overunity.  Unfortunately, he gets kicked off Bessler's for being a fraud.  No one responds on the Steorn forum, because they all conclude he is crazy.  So Overunity is what's left, and he pumps it like crazy.

Unfortunately, foolish people with money do not read overunity.com.  But Lawrence and his people figure they only need to strike once and maybe get a million or two out of a sucker, so they keep at it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 10, 2008, 12:57:48 PM
Quote from: chrisC on November 10, 2008, 12:47:37 PM
Like I said before. You're as DORKY as Tseung, besides you sound like him too!


Hey you annoying piece of sh@t.  You just broke the F@#king camel's back.  Excuse my F@#$#king language but you need to put your tongue where it belong.  People like you just cause bad reputation to the US.  Now I've suspected you're f#@#$king payroll debunker or just a really bad kid rampling his foul mouth.  A@@#wipe.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 10, 2008, 01:28:11 PM
@ Utilitarian:

Excellent post, good research and summation.  That pretty much says it all.  The only thing you might have left out that I can see is the bribing of Chinese officials, and the like, with hookers.  That too has been used as a tool by scammers for ages.

@ atomicX:

chrisC has just pointed out that you, for some really strange reason, type with the same, or very similar phrasing that Lawrence uses under his alter egos.  I agree with him.  I honestly believe you are also one of Lawrence's cast of characters.  You are not fooling anybody.  Maybe you should try posting again as Major Todd Hathaway?  I see a very strong resemblance there.  With a little more research, I will know for sure.  Stay tuned.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 10, 2008, 01:32:41 PM
Well, I've tried to bring a little actual science to this discussion, without effect.

My questions as to whether the device is even claimed to be able to hover have gone unanswered.

My request for even a single coherent hypothesis generated by the LTLOT has been ignored.

My comments and analysis of the pendulum experiment and the square-wheel experiment have been ignored.

I can see it was a total mistake for me to try to take this thread, and LTseung, and the LTLOT, seriously.

SO, taking AtomicX's advice, I say these three little words:

"gooluck, I'm out"

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 10, 2008, 01:41:11 PM
OK atomicX: (Or should I say quyen)

It appears that you are NOT Lawrence as far as I can tell.  It is just amazing that you type very similar to him.  I also see you are not Chinese although you are Asian as well.  Maybe this explains it.


Yes, it is frustrating isn't it?  A long time ago, I too asked simple, basic questions that were rooted in physics and science and either got no response, or something so off the wall it was almost funny.  My concern is that someone new here might fall for this load of BS and actually invest $$$ into this crap.  Thanks for your efforts, they did not go unnoticed.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: atomicX on November 10, 2008, 01:54:03 PM

So you are really an investigator.  Thanks for bringing me out to the public.  This ain't explaining anything.  I'm sick and tire of this overunity bulls#@it. 

Where's that little B#@a@#@ go.  I haven't done with him yet.  He'd been freaking asking for it a while now.  Assumed me as a commie too.  That little horseS#T.  I spent 6 years of my life fighting for his god damn freedoom and this is what I find when I get back.  If only he attend bootcamp and learn what real F@##king humiliation is.  I'll gladly assist him with some damn lessons.  Anyway, people these days make me sick.  Sometimes I question myself if It really worth protecting them. 

F@##k, I'm out
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 10, 2008, 02:10:37 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 10, 2008, 01:54:03 PM

So you are really an investigator.  Thanks for bringing me out to the public.  This ain't explaining anything.  I'm sick and tire of this overunity bulls#@it. 

Where's that little B#@a@#@ go.  I haven't done with him yet.  He'd been freaking asking for it a while now.  Assumed me as a commie too.  That little horseS#T.  I spent 6 years of my life fighting for his god damn freedoom and this is what I find when I get back.  If only he attend bootcamp and learn what real F@##king humiliation is.  I'll gladly assist him with some damn lessons.  Anyway, people these days make me sick.  Sometimes I question myself if It really worth protecting them. 

F@##k, I'm out

So veri veri solly. Old Tseung will certainly miss his only supporter!
I will miss you for your swear words. goobye!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 10, 2008, 02:39:54 PM
Quote from: atomicX on November 10, 2008, 12:44:06 PM

All you have to say is, "well, the idea is nice, but I'm not buying it But hey, goodluck with whatever you doing".  I do have a suspicion that the Chinese government is up to something.  Why didn't they recall Tseung back from his posting and save the man.  He might knows what he's doing or he maybe being used without knowing it.  The conspiracy will continue and won't stop unless you stop questioning.  I don't care if the theory is right or wrong, what I see is a persistance old man getting run over and over again.  My suggestion is that Tseung stop posting, but don't even know why he insisted on doing the impossible.  Here's the plan.  Utilitarian, ChrisC, TinselKoala, Pirate, and all those get tired of this post type down 3 words "gooluck, I'm out" and never look back.  If there is any other victim fall into this theory, they have a few thousand post to think about and they'll find themselves talking to just Tseung.  If you think that's not fair and you need to protect those naive people, then I don't really have any other solution. 

By the same token, Lawrence can say, "my idea will work, I will prove it with a demonstration," and then not write anything until his demonstration.  Look, I think you have a point, but there is an entertainment element in this for the readers, so if it is ok with you, we will just keep posting as long as we feel like.  Overall, the discussion has been fairly civil. Most of the time, Tseung ignores us anyway, and just continues the discussion between his imaginary friends.   You are the one who started with the cussing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 02:46:55 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 10, 2008, 01:32:41 PM
Well, I've tried to bring a little actual science to this discussion, without effect.

My questions as to whether the device is even claimed to be able to hover have gone unanswered.

My request for even a single coherent hypothesis generated by the LTLOT has been ignored.

My comments and analysis of the pendulum experiment and the square-wheel experiment have been ignored.

I can see it was a total mistake for me to try to take this thread, and LTseung, and the LTLOT, seriously.

SO, taking AtomicX's advice, I say these three little words:

"gooluck, I'm out"

I believe you mentioned that you would gladly do the necessary experiments.

Do experiment001 and you have the start of the many answers.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 02:56:19 PM
More comments on the pumping of 4,000RMB within the next two years by China into its economy.

When all cental banks pump 'number in trusted financial institutions' into their economies, China must follow the practice.

If not, the Chinese Currency (RMB) will rapidly rise in value compared with other currencies.  Export will come to a dead stop.

However, China must increase its meaningful economic activities in step with the increase.  Introducing the lead-out-energy machines and the flying saucers are very meaningful.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 10, 2008, 03:09:33 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 02:46:55 PM
I believe you mentioned that you would gladly do the necessary experiments.

Do experiment001 and you have the start of the many answers.

Is there something wrong with your comprehension of the English language?

This experiment has been done many times, by me, and by many others in the reactionless propulsion community. The fact that it may move in one direction or another is COMPLETELY explained by a correct kinematic analysis. IT WILL NOT HOVER without "bouncing" off a substrate.
What does this have to do with the LTLOT? You have failed to answer this question.
What scientific hypotheses does the LTLOT make? You have not even stated a single one.

I said I would gladly do experiments that addressed a scientific hypothesis of the correct form: "If and only if the LTLOT is correct, an apparatus designed thus and so, will perform A, B, and/or C" .  You have not specified a scientific hypothesis. You have ignored analyses of apparatus that you have posted. You have displayed profound ignorance of standard physics, statics, and dynamics with your inane "force pendulum" gravitational lead-out silliness.

So don't come back with your silly challenges to me to perform a useless and pointless tinkerer's "experiment" that can prove nothing at all. Rather, go back and read my posts and address the points I make. Or don't, that's up to you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 10, 2008, 04:07:34 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 10, 2008, 03:09:33 PM
Is there something wrong with your comprehension of the English language?

This experiment has been done many times, by me, and by many others in the reactionless propulsion community. The fact that it may move in one direction or another is COMPLETELY explained by a correct kinematic analysis. IT WILL NOT HOVER without "bouncing" off a substrate.
What does this have to do with the LTLOT? You have failed to answer this question.
What scientific hypotheses does the LTLOT make? You have not even stated a single one.

I said I would gladly do experiments that addressed a scientific hypothesis of the correct form: "If and only if the LTLOT is correct, an apparatus designed thus and so, will perform A, B, and/or C" .  You have not specified a scientific hypothesis. You have ignored analyses of apparatus that you have posted. You have displayed profound ignorance of standard physics, statics, and dynamics with your inane "force pendulum" gravitational lead-out silliness.

So don't come back with your silly challenges to me to perform a useless and pointless tinkerer's "experiment" that can prove nothing at all. Rather, go back and read my posts and address the points I make. Or don't, that's up to you.


People on this Forum respect your inputs and critical analysis & explanations and I myself certainly thank you for your participation in trying to make Lawrence understand the need to verify postulates.

Others like Bill and Unitarian tried to help Lawrence do the right thing but finally concluded he had ulterior motives in trying to scam investors.

I myself gave up a long time ago and use this thread instead for my morning laughter and to keep others from falling into the snake oil salesman's pitch. Thank you again.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 10, 2008, 04:25:52 PM
Thanks Chris and Pirate for the kind words.

I dug up a couple of photos of some apparatus that was used around here to test some of the claims and proposals that have been discussed here as being relevant to the LTLOT.

Here's a force pendulum that was used to examine the dynamics of a pendulum system as outlined in the "book":

Another picture, showing one of the reaction tester sleds, showing its general configuration and the tiny nozzle for the firecracker fuze:
and here's the sliding weight and the cushioning spring from inside the sled:

These are just items that we have in storage that I could find with a casual search around the lab. I don't really care if anyone believes me or not, but there is a lot more apparatus like this, using compressed air, electromagnets, permanent magnets, chemical rockets, firecrackers, and other stuff. There are pendula, wheels, sliding and pivoting weights, magnets, liquid chambers and tubes, RF exciters, microwave waveguides, you name it. This research has already been done!!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 10, 2008, 05:41:04 PM
My improvement on the hare-brained intertia propulsion theory.  Let's see if lawrence includes it in the books!

Forget the pads, just redirect the path of the ball for greater efficiency!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 10, 2008, 05:56:11 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 10, 2008, 04:25:52 PM
Thanks Chris and Pirate for the kind words.

I dug up a couple of photos of some apparatus that was used around here to test some of the claims and proposals that have been discussed here as being relevant to the LTLOT.

Here's a force pendulum that was used to examine the dynamics of a pendulum system as outlined in the "book":

These are just items that we have in storage that I could find with a casual search around the lab. I don't really care if anyone believes me or not, but there is a lot more apparatus like this, using compressed air, electromagnets, permanent magnets, chemical rockets, firecrackers, and other stuff. There are pendula, wheels, sliding and pivoting weights, magnets, liquid chambers and tubes, RF exciters, microwave waveguides, you name it. This research has already been done!!

These are awesome examples.  These are exactly what Lawrence keeps talking about, even down to the firecracker fuse hole!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 07:15:36 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 10, 2008, 05:41:04 PM
My improvement on the hare-brained intertia propulsion theory.  Let's see if lawrence includes it in the books!

Forget the pads, just redirect the path of the ball for greater efficiency!

The device as shown will work one-time.  However, we need to get the configuration back to the initial position to repeat the production of force.

Please add that mechanism so that you can do the equivalent of experiment002.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 10, 2008, 07:34:35 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 07:15:36 PM
The device as shown will work one-time.  However, we need to get the configuration back to the initial position to repeat the production of force.

Please add that mechanism so that you can do the equivalent of experiment002.

No, it will not work even once.  We played with this stuff in high school.  I have already done the experiments.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 10, 2008, 07:39:32 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 10, 2008, 07:34:35 PM
No, it will not work even once.  We played with this stuff in high school.  I have already done the experiments.

Well, old Tseung ddn't go to high school! That explains why he didn't do the simple experiment. Besides, he can't use a drill.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 08:01:52 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 02:56:19 PM
More comments on the pumping of 4,000RMB within the next two years by China into its economy.

When all central banks pump 'number in trusted financial institutions' into their economies, China must follow the practice.

If not, the Chinese Currency (RMB) will rapidly rise in value compared with other currencies.  Export will come to a dead stop.

However, China must increase its meaningful economic activities in step with the increase.  Introducing the lead-out-energy machines and the flying saucers are very meaningful.

Let me discuss the differences between pumping the money directly by the Government and pumping the money via Private Banks.

Advantages if Government pumps money directly
(1)   Complete control by Government
(2)   If Government is non-corrupt and things succeed, the confidence from citizens will rise quickly. (For example, Singapore)

Disadvantages if Government pumps money directly
(1)   Mistakes may be masked or not reported with the excuse of national security.
(2)   If there were any cases of corruption, the confidence from citizens will vanish (For example, the former presidents of Thailand and Taiwan).
(3)   When there is too much power in one source, the chance of that source becoming arrogant or corrupt will be high.
(4)   An Official is likely to take the conservative attitude of avoiding mistakes.  Innovation will suffer.
(5)   There is little or no incentive for an Official to take risks or work extra hard.  His career path will be good if he does not make big mistakes.
(6)   There may be too much political pressure to influence the many commercial decisions.

Advantages if the pumping of money is via Private Banks
(1)   Different banks can have slightly different policies.  A Citizen has a choice to select his Bank.
(2)   Bad Practice or mismanagement from one Bank may be easier to correct as the Bank may be allowed to collapse.  (Except in this case of the US started financial crisis that involved almost all major banks in USA and in Europe.)
(3)   Any political pressure will be indirect and may be easier to deal with.
(4)   Mistakes may be easier to detect if there are good monitoring systems.
(5)   Bank managers will be more innovative and flexible if the end result will enable them to earn ‘more profit from thin air’.

Disadvantages if the pumping of money is via Private Banks:

(1)   If the monitoring system is non-existent or imperfect, the Bank Managers will focus on putting money into their own pockets than serving the purpose of pumping the money to enhance the Economy and benefit the Country as a whole.
(2)   There will be many small closed-door deals that are difficult to detect.  For example there may be money laundry.
(3)   Banks may sell ‘poisoned products’ such as the Lehman Brother papers to unknowing citizens and argue that they are not responsible.  They have to consider the rights of their shareholders and refuse to compensate.  (This happens to be a hotly debated issue in Hong Kong.)

I shall discuss the new situation of Government as an important shareholder with at least one Director seat in major banks in a separate post.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 08:12:39 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 10, 2008, 07:34:35 PM
No, it will not work even once.  We played with this stuff in high school.  I have already done the experiments.

In that case, please do experiment001 and video tape the results.

I did not do that experiment myself.  Ms. Forever Yuen and team are too busy preparing their university entrance examinations.

The experiment has been done by the professor of electromagnetics at Tsinghua University and by the team known to Mr. Lee Cheung Kin.  The result was as posted.   Tinselkoa said that he also did similar experiments before.  I am sure the result must be as posted.  (He would have sreamed and shown the correct result already.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 10, 2008, 08:17:50 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 08:12:39 PM

I did not do that experiment myself.  ....

Now, exactly which experiment did YOU ACTUALLY do? Don't tell us you just talked....

A parrot can do that too. Are you smarter than the parrot?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 10, 2008, 09:31:56 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 08:12:39 PM
In that case, please do experiment001 and video tape the results.

I did not do that experiment myself.  Ms. Forever Yuen and team are too busy preparing their university entrance examinations.

The experiment has been done by the professor of electromagnetics at Tsinghua University and by the team known to Mr. Lee Cheung Kin.  The result was as posted.   Tinselkoa said that he also did similar experiments before.  I am sure the result must be as posted.  (He would have sreamed and shown the correct result already.)

I will be happy to repeat the experiment if you do it first.  Can you please set up the experiment yourself, exactly how you want it, video tape it, and show us how it works, so that we can replicate it?  I am not about to try to set it up from scratch, trying to guess at the parts and the setup necessary.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 10:18:02 PM
I am reproducing the diagram for experiment001 here.

I can wait for Ms. Forever Yuen and team to finish their University Examinations first.  That should be somewhere near middle of March 2009.

However, I invite any one or team in the World to do it any time.  To my knowledge two groups in China did it and got the result as indicated.  It is up to them to decide whether they would reveal the experimental details to the World.

At present, the experimenter can chose the dimension of the rectangular container, the type of smooth surface to do the experiment, the type of permanent magnets, the type of electromagnets and the type of padding.  Initially, the batteries etc. need not be placed inside the rectangular container.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 10:45:43 PM
I shall discuss the new situation of Government as an important shareholder with at least one Director seat in major banks in a separate post.

This new situation was started by England and quickly copied worldwide.  The injection of money to the Banks is regarded as an investment.  The stock is effectively bought at low prices.  To restore faith or trust in the Banking system, the governments effectively honors all existing papers including the ones based on derivatives.

With Government backing, banks can create more money from thin air and subtract numbers (write of bad loans).

In China, the major banks are already partially Government owned.  China uses a different term to encourage innovative or more liberal loaning.  The term is ‘no punishment for good intention but bad loans”.  In other words, the bank managers will be rewarded on success but will not be punished on failure â€" provided that there is no deliberate fraud.  They are encouraged to pump money into the economy.

There is likely to be heavily published case studies on the success stories.  The concept of Model Bank makes sense.  For example, the housing prices are too high for a particular citizen.  The bank can team him up with an investor.  When the house is sold, some of the appreciated value will go to the citizen and some will go to the investor.  It will be a win-win situation.  The monthly payment of the citizen will be lower.  The investor is guaranteed to have a good ‘renter’ and participate in the expected appreciation of the property.  (The investor can be the bank itself.)

Since the intention is to pump money into the pocket of the citizens eventually, such measures can be politically correct and legalized.

President Obama and team may learn something from such innovative ideas too.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on November 10, 2008, 11:17:59 PM
Tseung, focus on your task of benefiting the world.  Ignore the debunkers.  They can always be educated in my home.  I shall give them a very, very warm welcome.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 11, 2008, 12:13:50 AM
"I can't wait for Ms. Forever Yuen and team to finish their University Examinations first.  That should be somewhere near middle of March 2009."

Wow!  That must be one hell of a test to last 4 months!!!!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 11, 2008, 12:21:36 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 10, 2008, 10:18:02 PM
I am reproducing the diagram for experiment001 here.

I can wait for Ms. Forever Yuen and team to finish their University Examinations first.  That should be somewhere near middle of March 2009.

Why can't you do the experiment?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 11, 2008, 12:28:54 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 11, 2008, 12:21:36 AM
Why can't you do the experiment?

He has NO expertise! Can't get a monkey to do a crossword puzzle can you?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on November 11, 2008, 12:46:43 AM
More comments on the Chinese Economy.

Why continue to keep the lead-out-energy technology a top-secret?

There is no powerful oil interest in China.  If China announces the lead-out-energy technology first, the reputation will go sky high.

The secret of the flying saucer technology is out - sent to President-Elect Obama already.  China should take the lead on an International Effort.

May be it is the timing - wait for President Obama to sit in the White House for maximum effect.  In that case, the wait will not be long.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 11, 2008, 12:56:09 AM
Quote from: Devil on November 11, 2008, 12:46:43 AM
Why continue to keep the lead-out-energy technology a top-secret?

The lead out technology is not top secret.  You have been going on and on about it in forums for the last three years.  It is also described in your patent application.  It's just that no one believes you because you have supplied no empirical proof, just words.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 11, 2008, 01:34:27 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 11, 2008, 12:56:09 AM
The lead out technology is not top secret.  You have been going on and on about it in forums for the last three years.  It is also described in your patent application.  It's just that no one believes you because you have supplied no empirical proof, just words.

Mr Tseung:

I think you need to finally get over yourself. There is no Lead Out technology. Whatever it is, it's all going round and round in your head. You really need to see a doctor whilst there is time to recover. As you get older, it takes more time to recover. It's not too late yet. Please consult a real doctor. Thank you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on November 11, 2008, 02:30:24 AM
Quote from: Devil on November 11, 2008, 12:46:43 AM
More comments on the Chinese Economy.

Why continue to keep the lead-out-energy technology a top-secret?

There is no powerful oil interest in China.  If China announces the lead-out-energy technology first, the reputation will go sky high.

The secret of the flying saucer technology is out - sent to President-Elect Obama already.  China should take the lead on an International Effort.

May be it is the timing - wait for President Obama to sit in the White House for maximum effect.  In that case, the wait will not be long.

Life should be fun.  Mr. Tseung has fun in disclosing the lead-out-theory machines and flying saucers to the world.  He also has fun telling the World Leaders how to solve the gobal financial crisis.

The debunkers have fun debunking and insulting him.  That did not seem to affect him.  So let the debunkers have fun too.  It is win-win.

I also have my share of fun.  As a critic, I can say what I feel.  I do not have to support or oppose any views.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 11, 2008, 03:57:49 AM
Quote from: Devil on November 11, 2008, 12:46:43 AM
More comments on the Chinese Economy.

Why continue to keep the lead-out-energy technology a top-secret?

There is no powerful oil interest in China.  If China announces the lead-out-energy technology first, the reputation will go sky high.

The secret of the flying saucer technology is out - sent to President-Elect Obama already.  China should take the lead on an International Effort.

May be it is the timing - wait for President Obama to sit in the White House for maximum effect.  In that case, the wait will not be long.

May be it is the timing - wait for President Obama to sit in the White House for maximum effect.  In that case, the wait will not be long.

I think it will take the MIT, Stanford or other top USA universities time to replicate experiment001-experiment005.  Unless President Obama just tell their Area 51 guys to reveal what they have been doing for decades.

I am in no hurry.  I have fun sending the open letter to President-Elect Obama worldwide and receiving the comments.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 12, 2008, 06:00:18 PM
I went fishing with Mr. Lee Cheung Kin and his wife yesterday.  During the waiting period, I had time to talk with Mr. Lee.

Tseung: “Is the prototype flying already?”
Lee: “Obviously, I am not that stupid to write to President-Elect Obama in an Open Letter with no working prototype.”
Tseung: “What is the intention of your disclosing the flying saucer information to President-Elect Obama?”
Lee: “I helped to design that craft.  In particular, the replacing of your padded surface was my idea.  I want my team to get the proper recognition.”
Tseung: “The picture of the flying saucer prototype has the word Xinhua at the bottom.  Does that indicate that the picture was taken by the biggest news agency Xinhua in China?”
Lee: “Yes.  But the news coverage did not do us justice.  The reporter treated the event as one of the many UFO stories.”
Tseung: “Did you explain the theory to the reporter?”
Lee: “No.  He would not understand.  My engineers and I believed that if he saw the craft take off and land vertically, hover in mid-air and fly in different directions, he would be able to write a great story.”
Tseung: “Are you aware that there were already hundreds of reported sightings worldwide on people seeing and taking pictures of such a craft?  Many claimed to be man-made.”
Lee: “Yes.  But this one is different.  It was built by me and my team.  It is not a hoax.  If the Chinese Press did not do us justice, I could show it outside China.”
Tseung: “So that is your true intention.  The Chinese Press did not do you and your team justice.  You are going to the world press.”
Lee: “I know that there are dozens of other similar projects in China, Japan, USA and elsewhere.  If they get recognition first, we shall be nobody.  It is like Olympics, if you do not win the gold medal, you are a nobody â€" all your hard work and sacrifice will go unnoticed.”
Tseung: “I am willing to help you.  I do not care about personal fame or fortune but I do strongly believe the disclosure of such scientific information will benefit the World.”
Lee: “You can speak and write English.  You do not mind jeers.  You, Bill and Wini already applied for the China Patent.  Our working prototype confirms your theory and your patent.  We can definitely work together.  We can win the Nobel Prize together.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 12, 2008, 06:07:02 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 12, 2008, 06:00:18 PM
I went fishing with Mr. Lee Cheung Kin and his wife yesterday.  During the waiting period, I had time to talk with Mr. Lee.

Tseung: “Is the prototype flying already?”
Lee: “Obviously, I am not that stupid to write to President-Elect Obama in an Open Letter with no working prototype.”
Tseung: “What is the intention of your disclosing the flying saucer information to President-Elect Obama?”
Lee: “I helped to design that craft.  In particular, the replacing of your padded surface was my idea.  I want my team to get the proper recognition.”
Tseung: “The picture of the flying saucer prototype has the word Xinhua at the bottom.  Does that indicate that the picture was taken by the biggest news agency Xinhua in China?”
Lee: “Yes.  But the news coverage did not do us justice.  The reporter treated the event as one of the many UFO stories.”
Tseung: “Did you explain the theory to the reporter?”
Lee: “No.  He would not understand.  My engineers and I believed that if he saw the craft take off and land vertically, hover in mid-air and fly in different directions, he would be able to write a great story.”
Tseung: “Are you aware that there were already hundreds of reported sightings worldwide on people seeing and taking pictures of such a craft?  Many claimed to be man-made.”
Lee: “Yes.  But this one is different.  It was built by me and my team.  It is not a hoax.  If the Chinese Press did not do us justice, I could show it outside China.”
Tseung: “So that is your true intention.  The Chinese Press did not do you and your team justice.  You are going to the world press.”
Lee: “I know that there are dozens of other similar projects in China, Japan, USA and elsewhere.  If they get recognition first, we shall be nobody.  It is like Olympics, if you do not win the gold medal, you are a nobody â€" all your hard work and sacrifice will go unnoticed.”
Tseung: “I am willing to help you.  I do not care about personal fame or fortune but I do strongly believe the disclosure of such scientific information will benefit the World.”
Lee: “You can speak and write English.  You do not mind jeers.  You, Bill and Wini already applied for the China Patent.  Our working prototype confirms your theory and your patent.  We can definitely work together.  We can win the Nobel Prize together.”

blah blah blah.... same old delusional crap. Please see a doctor and take some medication on a TIMELY basis!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on November 12, 2008, 06:11:37 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 12, 2008, 06:00:18 PM

Tseung: “Is the prototype flying already?”
Lee: “Obviously, I am not that stupid to write to President-Elect Obama in an Open Letter with no working prototype.”
Lee: “I know that there are dozens of other similar projects in China, Japan, USA and elsewhere.  If they get recognition first, we shall be nobody.  It is like Olympics, if you do not win the gold medal, you are a nobody â€" all your hard work and sacrifice will go unnoticed.”

I believe the Lee strategy will work.  If the Open Letter to President-Elect Obama is heavily circulated, people will demand to learn more about his prototype.  Even if another team announces a working prototype tomorrow, Lee and team could not be ignored.

Now, all he needs is to wait for the invitation to bring his craft to MIT etc and then the White House.  He is definitely a strong candidate to win the ‘gold medal’. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 12, 2008, 06:19:24 PM
Is the claim being made that the "flying saucer" shown and being talked about above, is hovering and maneuvering supported only by a mechanism like that illustrated in experiment001?? No propellers or rotor blades or fans or ducts or jets of any kind??

If so, I challenge that claim, and ask the LTLOT proponents to provide some proof of that claim.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 12, 2008, 06:23:58 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 12, 2008, 06:19:24 PM
Is the claim being made that the "flying saucer" shown and being talked about above, is hovering and maneuvering supported only by a mechanism like that illustrated in experiment001?? No propellers or rotor blades or fans or ducts or jets of any kind??

If so, I challenge that claim, and ask the LTLOT proponents to provide some proof of that claim.

Can you imagine if such a craft was actually built and flown the way it was described, that would be earth shattering indeed. But all we see is some sort of blurry shape in the sky with the photographers looking at the wrong elevation and in a soccer stadium!

Too fishy for me, seeing it's snake oil old Tseung is trying to sell. You'll be waiting for Mr. Obama to release the secret to old Tseung's tormented mind!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 12, 2008, 07:52:52 PM
Why are you waiting on a newspaper company to give you publicity?  You do not act this way here - you post your theories and do not wait for the press.  This is the Internet, do the same thing with the flying saucer.

Here is a suggestion - take a video.  First a large scale shot of you or Lee standing next to the craft, so we can see that it is your craft.  Then take a brief, clear video of that same saucer in action and post it on youtube.

If videos of people putting Mentos into diet coke bottles get millions of hits on YouTube, so can your video.

I think you will find that your theories will go over better once you have evidence to back them up.  Maybe Obama will actually read your letter then.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 12, 2008, 08:17:10 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 12, 2008, 06:00:18 PM
Tseung: “So that is your true intention.  The Chinese Press did not do you and your team justice.  You are going to the world press.”
If they get recognition first, we shall be nobody[/b]. ....

Hahaha! What's the difference? You are NOBODY already! If you really showed verifiable proofs, you CAN become somebody, otherwise the parrot is a better talker than you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 12, 2008, 09:33:23 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 12, 2008, 06:19:24 PM
Is the claim being made that the "flying saucer" shown and being talked about above, is hovering and maneuvering supported only by a mechanism like that illustrated in experiment001?? No propellers or rotor blades or fans or ducts or jets of any kind??

If so, I challenge that claim, and ask the LTLOT proponents to provide some proof of that claim.

Thank you for your challenge.  I have put the full presentation in:

Tell the world that such a claim is being made.  Give suggestions that will get Lee and his team maximum publicity.

I suggested that Lee should demonstration the craft when President-Elect becomes President Obama at the lawns of the White House.  He laughed.

But with the right blessing from MIT, Stanford, etc. that can be done.

Yes, We can.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 12, 2008, 10:25:23 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 12, 2008, 06:19:24 PM
Is the claim being made that the "flying saucer" shown and being talked about above, is hovering and maneuvering supported only by a mechanism like that illustrated in experiment001?? No propellers or rotor blades or fans or ducts or jets of any kind??

If so, I challenge that claim, and ask the LTLOT proponents to provide some proof of that claim.

I love good technical challenges.  My challenge to Lee and team is to reveal the technical details and specifications of the pulsing force device (Experiment001+Experiment002).  Many inertia propulsion inventors managed to get an impulse force one-time.  Few can produce a steady force.

I also know that multiple pulsing forces can produce a steady force as in Experiment004.  Thus the mystery of the man-made flying saucer is totally solved if the world can reproduce Experiment001+Experiment002.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 12, 2008, 10:29:26 PM
I will respond to the powerpoint slides.  The upward motion as described is nothing new.  This was first proposed by Henry Bull in 1935, diagram attached.  Bull even set it up with an electromagnet.  This theory has been thoroughly discredited over the years.

Source: http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/hbimp35.htm (http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/hbimp35.htm)

Notice how we have no source for the orange flying saucer picture.  Lawrence, do you have a source for that?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 12, 2008, 11:06:47 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 12, 2008, 10:29:26 PM
I will respond to the powerpoint slides.  The upward motion as described is nothing new.  This was first proposed by Henry Bull in 1935, diagram attached.  Bull even set it up with an electromagnet.  This theory has been thoroughly discredited over the years.

Source: http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/hbimp35.htm (http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/hbimp35.htm)

Notice how we have no source for the orange flying saucer picture.  Lawrence, do you have a source for that?

A similar set up has totally different results.  The Henry Bull mechanism uses a spring instead of a pad or a spring damper.  In a perfect spring, the energy is conserved.  In a pad or a damper, the energy is absorbed and/or dissipated.

Note that in the Henry Bull diagram, the net force is away from the solid surface.  In the Lee diagram, the net force is towards the solid surface.

I still believe in an experiment001 - actual experiment done by one or more independent party.  The experiment itself is not that complicated.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 12, 2008, 11:23:52 PM
"The experiment itself is not that complicated."

OK TopGun, (AKA Larry) then you do the experiment and post your results here along with video or at least some photos.

You are probably going to say..."I have done this many times and it works."  Good, then it should be easy for you to do one more time and video it.  If not, then quit posting this unsubstantiated crap!  Flying saucer my ass.

This is a challenge to you!  Come up with whatever excuses you may have but, the challenge is clear:

Post the experiment with video or shut up!!!!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 13, 2008, 12:36:17 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 12, 2008, 11:23:52 PM
"The experiment itself is not that complicated."

OK TopGun, (AKA Larry) then you do the experiment and post your results here along with video or at least some photos.

You are probably going to say..."I have done this many times and it works."  Good, then it should be easy for you to do one more time and video it.  If not, then quit posting this unsubstantiated crap!  Flying saucer my ass.

This is a challenge to you!  Come up with whatever excuses you may have but, the challenge is clear:

Post the experiment with video or shut up!!!!



I guess if the snake oil salesman has the ability to prove anything, we won't need 86 pages of Lead Out Crap and 'My Ass Flying Saucers' technology pages. Not only is old Tseung incapable of using a drill, he can't even hold a video camera! Seriously, this guy is so delusional, he is actually mentally sick to play games like this in his 60's! Sad, but true.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on November 13, 2008, 04:42:40 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on November 12, 2008, 11:06:47 PM
A similar set up has totally different results.  The Henry Bull mechanism uses a spring instead of a pad or a spring damper.  In a perfect spring, the energy is conserved.  In a pad or a damper, the energy is absorbed and/or dissipated.

Note that in the Henry Bull diagram, the net force is away from the solid surface.  In the Lee diagram, the net force is towards the solid surface.

I still believe in an experiment001 - actual experiment done by one or more independent party.  The experiment itself is not that complicated.

A similar set up has totally different results.
The Milkovic pendulum claims to magnify energy.  The Lee-Tseung pulsed pendulum leads out gravitational energy.

Similar set up can have different explanations, results and conclusions.

Stupid debunkers can remain stupid.  Who cares?

The Lee Cheung Kin et al craft is flying and ready for demonstration.  It will be proof enough.  In China, at least 15 groups have replicated the Wang generator.  With the flying saucer PowerPoint file, many groups will replicate the Lee flying saucer.  The equivalent of Experiment001 will be replicated.

Some humans are not as stupid as the others.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 13, 2008, 04:57:38 AM
Quote from: Devil on November 13, 2008, 04:42:40 AM

Stupid debunkers can remain stupid.  Who cares?

The Lee Cheung Kin et al craft is flying and ready for demonstration. .....

The only things flying are those imaginary flying saucers caught between your ears that can't get out of your thick skull! LOL!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on November 13, 2008, 08:46:07 AM
Tseung, this is your chance.

The shift in the USA rescue plan will shake the confidence of the Financial Market again.  In this panic mode, your suggestions will be considered - if it comes from China (Hong Kong).

Let the stupid debunkers have fun now.  Keep ignoring them.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 13, 2008, 09:21:09 AM
There is absolutely nothing new in that powerpoint presentation. Each slide is already posted, individually, somewhere in this thread or others discussing the LTLOT.

Careful examination of the flying saucer picture indicates vanes or fan blades on the undersurface. If the craft is flying according to the principles laid out in the powerpoint slides, why does it need such complications?

I say again, let us see some proof that a device, any device at all, can hover or sustain flight using the LTLOT principles outlined in the powerpoint presentation.

I strongly suggest that, until you do have such incontrovertible proof, you do not write letters to Mr. Obama. Because you will undoubtedly attract attention if you do, and it won't be the kind you really want.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 13, 2008, 03:42:13 PM
The flying saucer powerpoint presentations are now also available in:
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 13, 2008, 03:50:18 PM
You are welcome to communicate with Mr. Lee Cheung Kin directly.

His email address is: cheungkin331@hkbn.net

You will get faster response if your email is in Chinese.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 13, 2008, 03:52:41 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 13, 2008, 03:42:13 PM
The flying saucer powerpoint presentations are now also available in:

That's really smart of you old Tseung. You designed a black flying saucer and placed it into a black background for all the slides? Now we can really see what the flying saucer looks like.

Perhaps, you're also color blind as well as mentally retarded. What do you say? Or do we have to wait 5 months for Ms. Forever to complete her exams to give you a helping hand?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 13, 2008, 03:54:23 PM
Quote from: Devil on November 13, 2008, 08:46:07 AM
Tseung, this is your chance.

The shift in the USA rescue plan will shake the confidence of the Financial Market again.  In this panic mode, your suggestions will be considered - if it comes from China (Hong Kong).

Let the stupid debunkers have fun now.  Keep ignoring them.

Thank you.

Should I couple the economic suggestions with
(a) The Wang Electricity Generator Demonstration or
(b) The Lee Cheung Kin Flying Saucer?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 13, 2008, 06:18:27 PM
Quote from: chrisC on November 13, 2008, 03:52:41 PM

For all it's glory, there's only this single fuzzy wuzzy doctored photo of an object in the sky?
Maybe it's the new generation of Chinese made super kite?

As to sending Obama these 'proofs' of super duppa flying saucer technology, are you so naive to think the President of the United States would entertain a Chinese-American whose loyalty lies elsewhere and purports to be an expert in such technology when the truth is that you're a sincerely delusional nobody just blowing smoke?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 13, 2008, 06:21:07 PM
I also see only black at that last link.
But it's only the same old slides, right? SO there isn't anything new, we aren't missing anything.

How is asking for proof in any way "debunking"? I'd call it "due diligence", or as we say in the intelligence community, "trust, but verify".

Let's see some proof that something using the principles in the experiments001-005 can HOVER or MANEUVER IN THE AIR without aerodynamic assistance from fans, jets, vanes or other devices for directing AIR FLOW.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 13, 2008, 06:32:38 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 13, 2008, 06:21:07 PM
I also see only black at that last link.
But it's only the same old slides, right? SO there isn't anything new, we aren't missing anything.

How is asking for proof in any way "debunking"? I'd call it "due diligence", or as we say in the intelligence community, "trust, but verify".

Let's see some proof that something using the principles in the experiments001-005 can HOVER or MANEUVER IN THE AIR without aerodynamic assistance from fans, jets, vanes or other devices for directing AIR FLOW.


It's black in Mozilla Firefox but it seemed OK in IE. Try that. But you'll be dissapointed. It's the same snake oil sales pitch. Same wrong physics and delusional slides!!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 13, 2008, 06:50:36 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 13, 2008, 03:42:13 PM
The flying saucer powerpoint presentations are now also available in:

Which stadium is that?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 13, 2008, 08:01:31 PM
Just finished a phone call with Lee Cheung Kin.

He said that all matters related to the demonstration of his flying saucer must be channelled directly through him.

His email address is: cheungkin331@hkbn.net.

If you can speak Chinese, you can also call him at (852) 2707 9729.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 13, 2008, 08:09:51 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 13, 2008, 08:01:31 PM
Just finished a phone call with Lee Cheung Kin.

He said that all matters related to the demonstration of his flying saucer must be channelled directly through him.

His email address is: cheungkin331@hkbn.net.

If you can speak Chinese, you can also call him at (852) 2707 9729.

Well, well, well. So LCK's mouthpiece is no good anymore? Dispensing wrong & unreliable information? Embarrassed the inventor? Or is it passing the buck back to someone who speaks no English?

Bill, we need your investigative gifts to sort out this fishy mess!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 13, 2008, 08:18:34 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 13, 2008, 06:50:36 PM
Which stadium is that?

I think it's the stadium of urban ufo myths, somewhere in Beijing?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 13, 2008, 09:03:57 PM
I expect that there will be much turmoil in the Financial Market during the US President transition period.  The Lehman Brother incident in Hong Kong has become an investigation into the Banking System by the Legislative Council.

The Legislative Council will soon find that the Banking System is like an ‘old boys’ club’ with many unwritten rules.  Much is done on trust.  It will be a shock to find out how fragile the Banking and Financial System really is.

The myth of ‘follow the success of Wall Street’ is broken.  Can Hong Kong and China find a different path?  Is it time to experiment with Mutual Credits, Sure-Win Businesses and Smart Cards?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 13, 2008, 10:37:15 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 13, 2008, 09:03:57 PM
I expect that there will be much turmoil in the Financial Market during the US President transition period.  The Lehman Brother incident in Hong Kong has become an investigation into the Banking System by the Legislative Council.

The Legislative Council will soon find that the Banking System is like an ‘old boys’ club’ with many unwritten rules.  Much is done on trust.  It will be a shock to find out how fragile the Banking and Financial System really is.

The myth of ‘follow the success of Wall Street’ is broken.  Can Hong Kong and China find a different path?  Is it time to experiment with Mutual Credits, Sure-Win Businesses and Smart Cards?

So what has this got to do with UFO's, flying sauce pans and muddled Physics? Are you running out of steam with the flawed physics and mathematics? So are we switching gear to non-tech aka Mutual Credits, smart cards and Wall street?

Maybe you can start a new thread on your non-tech. I promise I won't go there and you will have all the peace. Or you can simply shows us real proofs (including a real video) and you may get me to eat my words.  Let's see if you are able to take up the challenge instead of selling shameless snake oil!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 13, 2008, 10:52:46 PM
What is the appropriate innovative solution for Hong Kong to handle the present Global Financial Crisis?

The obvious solution is to start an experimental Mutual Credit arrangement with Shenzhen, China.  The amount can be RMB10 billion for a period of 1 year.  China has already announced a 4 trillion RMB package for its economy. 

This experimental Mutual Credit arrangement can be seen as Hong Kong also pumping the equivalent of RMB10 billion in Hong Kong dollars into the joint economy in a planned fashion.

The totally free market concept has its drawbacks and limitation.  Some good planning is required.  This is effectively the planning right hand working with the market driven left hand.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 14, 2008, 12:39:31 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 13, 2008, 10:52:46 PM
What is the appropriate innovative solution for Hong Kong to handle the present Global Financial Crisis?

The obvious solution is to start an experimental Mutual Credit arrangement with Shenzhen, China.  The amount can be RMB10 billion for a period of 1 year.  China has already announced a 4 trillion RMB package for its economy. 

This experimental Mutual Credit arrangement can be seen as Hong Kong also pumping the equivalent of RMB10 billion in Hong Kong dollars into the joint economy in a planned fashion.

The totally free market concept has its drawbacks and limitation.  Some good planning is required.  This is effectively the planning right hand working with the market driven left hand.

One of the items in the Mutual Credit Arrangement can be joint scientific research.  The two items I propose are:
(1)   Lead-out-energy machines
(2)   Flying Saucers.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 14, 2008, 01:52:18 AM
Wow!  The power point presentation was great. I saw black gravity waves propagating over dark energy, also black.  This explains everything.

The link below shows one of Lawrence's actual experiments which had tragic results.  Yes, the legendary 4-legged stool experiment.

http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=2794.0;attach=17512 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=2794.0;attach=17512)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 16, 2008, 06:01:28 PM
The following shows the equivalent of experiment001?


From gilles.charles@univ-orleans.fr

Looks like some person at the Orleans University in France has done a similar experiment as Experiment001.

I shall contact him for additional details.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on November 16, 2008, 06:24:55 PM
Tseung why did you not take more pictures of the flying craft? I mean you sure are not doing much effort in convincing people around here.

Please try to be a bit more convincing than that. I've bought some gadgets from china through ebay and I can tell you that a few megapixel camera was as cheap as a sack of potatoes. So why not buy one and take as much pictures as you can and show them to us.

As for the other guys that made a sport out of mocking Tseung. Where are the videos that show nothing happening with Tseung's suggested ideas? I mean the ease of his concepts are laughable at best, so where are the debunking experiments? Or are you just as you claim Tseung to be...just talk.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 16, 2008, 06:32:50 PM
Turn it 90 degrees and make it hover in mid-air.

Or simply explain how what is shown in the above video is in any way unusual or not FULLY EXPLAINED by current electromagnetism and kinematics.

You cannot show it hovering in mid-air, because such a device cannot hover in mid-air.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 16, 2008, 06:33:41 PM
Quote from: broli on November 16, 2008, 06:24:55 PM
Tseung why did you not take more pictures of the flying craft? I mean you sure are not doing much effort in convincing people around here.

I do not really care about convincing people around here.  I use this forum as a brain dump of idea. 

Mr. Lee Cheung Kin and team are planning the promotion of their prototype.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 16, 2008, 06:36:27 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 16, 2008, 06:33:41 PM
I do not really care about convincing people around here.  I use this forum as a brain dump of idea. 

Mr. Lee Cheung Kin and team are planning the promotion of their prototype.

The same old tricks played by snake oil merchants. Well, I can't really tell you why this snake oil really works, my job is to sell the idea. You have to talk to the people who made it!

Sounds familiar?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on November 16, 2008, 06:41:37 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 16, 2008, 06:33:41 PM
I do not really care about convincing people around here.  I use this forum as a brain dump of idea. 

Mr. Lee Cheung Kin and team are planning the promotion of their prototype.

We live in the internet age. Why are they looking after the mass media if they just could spread it on the internet. Build a website and put all the blueprints on there, sell them for all I care. Put videos of replications from other people around the world. Before you know it everyone who's frequently online will have heard of this revolutionary flying craft. This all can be done in your own house without going out. I know you and your friends are old, but you need to go with the time my pal. The internet is a gift from heaven, use it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 16, 2008, 06:45:47 PM
Quote from: broli on November 16, 2008, 06:41:37 PM
We live in the internet age. Why are they looking after the mass media if they just could spread it on the internet. Build a website and put all the blueprints on there, sell them for all I care. Put videos of replications from other people around the world. Before you know it everyone who's frequently online will have heard of this revolutionary flying craft. This all can be done in your own house without going out. I know you and your friends are old, but you need to go with the time my pal. The internet is a gift from heaven, use it.


You probably haven't read much of the 80 plus pages to see that this guy is a delusional snake oil merchant. Wrong Physics, wrong math and generally full of holes. When finally confronted with showing proofs or shuting up, his excuse is to "talk to the real inventor". You need to jusge for yourself why he isn't using the internet to showcase his super-duper flying saucer!

Because the only things flying is stuck between his ears and in his delusion. Nothing more to it.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on November 16, 2008, 06:50:55 PM
ChricC I'm enjoying the comical relief in this thread a lot but you're right I haven't and am not planning to go through this phone book thread. I just check on it from time to time to see where things are at. This time I found out there's an actual flying saucer prototype involved until I saw the disappointing one picture from the presentation. I'm just the guy that won't tell someone off that easily though. If Tseugn is really telling the truth or a lunatic in a mental institution that has internet I will probably never know unless I can go to china to find out personally. So I'm always open, but he must respect that and atleast if he's faking it make more fakes of the saucer  ;D.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 16, 2008, 07:03:29 PM
Quote from: broli on November 16, 2008, 06:50:55 PM
ChricC I'm enjoying the comical relief in this thread a lot but you're right I haven't and am not planning to go through this phone book thread. I just check on it from time to time to see where things are at. This time I found out there's an actual flying saucer prototype involved until I saw the disappointing one picture from the presentation. I'm just the guy that won't tell someone off that easily though. If Tseugn is really telling the truth or a lunatic in a mental institution that has internet I will probably never know unless I can go to china to find out personally. So I'm always open, but he must respect that and atleast if he's faking it make more fakes of the saucer  ;D.

History tells us there is always going to be people like old Tseung. It's comical alright but it's also not right to post garbage and misleading information to junk up sites like this when so many people are genuinely into researching OU, besides why should Stephan have to pay to store these useless information? People like Bill, Hans, myself etc etc are just trying to make sure others don't get conned along the way and lose their investment. Snake oil merchants all end up asking for money sooner or later.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 16, 2008, 07:48:03 PM
Quote from Broli:

"As for the other guys that made a sport out of mocking Tseung. Where are the videos that show nothing happening with Tseung's suggested ideas? I mean the ease of his concepts are laughable at best, so where are the debunking experiments? Or are you just as you claim Tseung to be...just talk."


With all due respect, since you have admitted to NOT reading all that came on this topic before you, your question does not really deserve an answer, but I will attempt to do so anyway.

I see no reason to do an experiment which results that were already proven beyond any doubt back in the beginnings of mankind's understanding of our surrounding environment.  All of this has been addressed in the posts that you chose not to read.  Actually, they have been addressed again, and again.

A pendulum will NOT lead out gravitational energy.  UNLESS you apply the Lee-Tseung pulses at the correct time, over and over again.  What is this?  This means, you have to push it with your finger, using the right timing, and it will go on forever.  BUT, in the math analysis, you can not allow for any energy input to be assigned to the finger pushes.  So, free energy is the result.

So, why have I not done this myself?  Because, I can pick up any 2nd grade science book and see that this had already been tried by folks hundreds of years ago and did not work.  I will not waste my time doing it again.

Just look at the theory on its face.  It all started with Lawrence hitting a punching bag, which, he claims to this day, hit him back with way more force than he had hit it with.  So, do you really need to hit a punching bag to determine that this is not so?  I don't.

I really do not appreciate, and I am sure I am not alone here, when folks join a topic and say stuff like..."I have not read all of the previous posts but, you are wrong."  It is insulting to all that have posted on any topic when this happens.

"Did you try to ground the red wire before charging?"  Yes, post # 10.

"Why not use wood instead of copper?"  Because this was attempted in post 49 and was reported not to work.

Etc., etc.

So, if you think you have any more to contribute here, I would strongly suggest that you go back and read from the beginning.  IF you can't take the time required to do that, then why should we take the time to read your posts?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on November 17, 2008, 05:32:22 AM
Yes because I really have nothing else to do than reading 3451 posts, common be a bit reasonable here. My question was a simple one.

The pendulum example you gave is not the concept I was talking about. To be specific I'm talking about the idea that uses a padded surface on one side what that may be. Stefan posted a video which Tseung also put in his post of this experiment...


I just saw this for the first time yesterday. It's more that a year old before I even got started in the whole FE movement. Why has it got minimal attention. Why did noone invite the inventor to speak about it here. I do not say it runs using Tseung's theory. But if the inventor can confirm it or not all the better.

Since the time I saw this I kept thinking just what would happen if the pulse was in the kHz or even MHz that thing would be unstoppable as the object will not have any time to rest anymore. Then yes Tseung's flying saucer would be reality.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 17, 2008, 08:25:49 AM
Quote from: broli on November 17, 2008, 05:32:22 AM


I just saw this for the first time yesterday. It's more that a year old before I even got started in the whole FE movement. Why has it got minimal attention.

Dear broil,

You do not need to read the 85 pages.  All the relevant information is in the website of Ms. Forever Yuen.

1.   http://hk.geocities.com/winghang20022002/ is the ebook on innovation â€" the story of Lawrence Tseung.  That contains the background of the inventions.
2.   http://hk.geocities.com/winghang20022002/Flying_Saucer.htm is the PowerPoint presentation on the flying saucer.

Other good information can be found from the links from these two articles.

The particular youtube video you referred to contains a device similar to Experiment001+Experiment002.  It does not use a padded surface to create a pulse force.  However, it still uses electromagnets to produce a pulse force.  Multiple groups will be doing Experiment001 or equivalent soon.

Mr. Lee Cheung Kin has disclosed the information in the Open Letter to President-Elect Obama.  That Open Letter has been circulated widely and to high places.  The flying saucer technology will not be a top military secret any more.  The World will benefit.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 17, 2008, 10:54:11 AM
Quote from: broli on November 17, 2008, 05:32:22 AM
Yes because I really have nothing else to do than reading 3451 posts, common be a bit reasonable here. My question was a simple one.

The pendulum example you gave is not the concept I was talking about. To be specific I'm talking about the idea that uses a padded surface on one side what that may be. Stefan posted a video which Tseung also put in his post of this experiment...


I just saw this for the first time yesterday. It's more that a year old before I even got started in the whole FE movement. Why has it got minimal attention. Why did noone invite the inventor to speak about it here. I do not say it runs using Tseung's theory. But if the inventor can confirm it or not all the better.

Since the time I saw this I kept thinking just what would happen if the pulse was in the kHz or even MHz that thing would be unstoppable as the object will not have any time to rest anymore. Then yes Tseung's flying saucer would be reality.

The reason experiments like this get minimal attention is because there is nothing remarkable here.  The device exploits friction to get movement.  It is not all that different from walking.  Wheels and propellers are much more efficient, so why bother?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 17, 2008, 11:35:32 PM
Sigh. I really don't know why I do these things.
But here you go, enjoy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 18, 2008, 01:29:15 AM

Wow, you are lucky that thing did not take flight and break through your roof and fly off into space.  You are a brave man.

But, seriously, nice video...well done.


Newton: 1
Lawrence: 0

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 18, 2008, 01:37:42 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 17, 2008, 11:35:32 PM
Sigh. I really don't know why I do these things.
But here you go, enjoy.


Really well done video. Now we see why old Tseung does not do experiments. It's kinda of difficult to explain the truth, selling snake oil on the sideline is easier. If questions are too close for comfort, just refer them back to the manufacturer!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on November 18, 2008, 08:01:20 AM
@TinselKoala: Lol, I really don't know why you do these things either,
but my compliments on the video nevertheless! :D

Perhaps this will make Tseung take his pills again. ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 18, 2008, 02:50:59 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 17, 2008, 11:35:32 PM
Sigh. I really don't know why I do these things.
But here you go, enjoy.

That is a great job, and honestly, it's what we all should be doing in response to Lawrence.  Discussions never seem to resolve anything, but a demonstration like this can put an end to quite a bit of nonsense.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on November 18, 2008, 03:55:15 PM
Finally an experiment indeed, good job. But sorry to say, it's far from being conclusive. The setup's variables can be called chaotic at best.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 18, 2008, 04:00:39 PM
Thanks, all.
I really should comment that the video doesn't disprove the LTLOT. My apparatus is a bit different from the strict experiment001 design. But it should show the same unidirectional lead-out force, IF the LTLOT is true and if experiment001 expresses such a force.
However, as you can see in the video, even with asymmetric magnet pulses, the center of mass of the system, when suspended as a pendulum, does not move from its initial position, no matter the rate or asymmetry of the oscillation.
If this device is placed on a substrate, it moves in translation, just as the other video shows. But of course it is doing that because it's pushing against the substrate.
There isn't any reactionless propulsion, or L-T lead-out force, coming from my apparatus.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 19, 2008, 02:18:02 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 18, 2008, 04:00:39 PM
Thanks, all.
I really should comment that the video doesn't disprove the LTLOT. My apparatus is a bit different from the strict experiment001 design. But it should show the same unidirectional lead-out force, IF the LTLOT is true and if experiment001 expresses such a force.
However, as you can see in the video, even with asymmetric magnet pulses, the center of mass of the system, when suspended as a pendulum, does not move from its initial position, no matter the rate or asymmetry of the oscillation.
If this device is placed on a substrate, it moves in translation, just as the other video shows. But of course it is doing that because it's pushing against the substrate.
There isn't any reactionless propulsion, or L-T lead-out force, coming from my apparatus.

Dear TinselKoala,

Glad that you are actually doing experiments.

Please do it according to Experiment001 and do only one pulse first.  You can put cotton wool on one side as the damper.  You should be able to notice and record a slight swing towards the hard surface - the one with no damper.

Try to increase the DC current so that the repulsion effect is greater.  The swinging should be more noticeable.

Your particular experiment does not dissipate energy in one direction more as the padded surface or the damper.  Trying to use a modified and different experiment to disprove the theory is not scientific.

Please do experiment001 exactly.  Thank you.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 19, 2008, 02:23:44 AM

Flying Saucer Experiment

Dear Shshibang,

The official Chinese Name given by Lee Cheung Kin and team is:

My translation is:
The propulsion system using unbalanced forces generated from within the system.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 19, 2008, 02:48:53 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 19, 2008, 02:23:44 AM

Flying Saucer Experiment

Dear Shshibang,

The official Chinese Name given by Lee Cheung Kin and team is:

My translation is:
The propulsion system using unbalanced forces generated from within the system.


Seemed like old Tseung is inventing new persona on another forum to further his delusions!
This dork never gives up!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on November 19, 2008, 07:32:22 AM
Nope, never gives up, never proves a thing, just rants a lot.
A bit like "Howling Mad" Murdock but less amusing. ;)

It's a pity he doesn't listen to his psychiatrist and take his pills.

Ok, that Bowser character with his multidimensional love energy Vril nonsense
was even worse, but at least he gave up after a while.

could it have something to do with all that Melamine pollutant in Chinese food items? ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 19, 2008, 09:50:39 AM
Quote from: chrisC on November 19, 2008, 02:48:53 AM
Seemed like old Tseung is inventing new persona on another forum to further his delusions!
This dork never gives up!


What's hilarious is that there is this guy shshibang on that board that is a complete spammer.  All he does is post links to his own website selling something.  Of course he replies in the Tseung thread.  Lawrence is so happy to get any response that is not from an alter ego that he even engages him in conversation.  Reminds me of the robot response from the Obama mail server.

I am tempted to think that Lawrence is genuinely mentally ill, but I just don't know at this point.  The thing is that there are people working with him on this stuff, so he is not alone, not some lone crazy person.  Here is a video that he posted of himself helping put together the "Wang generator", and you can see Wang Shum Ho in the background.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L2IRXiRVOM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L2IRXiRVOM)

And he is very sharp with certain physics concepts, and he is quickly and accurately able to distinguish other inventions from his own, to preserve the chance that his invention is still valid.  So I do not think he is a crazy person who needs medication.  I think he is completely sane.  I just can't fathom what he hopes to get out of this.  His marketing attempts for this thing are so muddied by skeptics, that it would take the most gullible person to fall for it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Koen1 on November 19, 2008, 11:30:44 AM
Well it may be that he is not totally insane,
but he does come across as a manically delusional person.
He may have grasped his physics book, and he can indeed
juggle around with formulae, but as has been pointed out
often before he is extremely selective in his application
of formulae, he regularly got very basic things wrong,
and he still has not shown any proof.

That he appear to feature in YouTube videos which also
show the alleged Wang with his alleged generator,
which nobody has seen besides Tseung,
is not a form of substantiation that Tseung has any point
in any way.

It is apparently easy for Tseung to produce containerloads
of text trying to convince people that his "theory" is correct,
but it is apparently extremely difficult to describe or draw
a simple proof of concept experiment that does not contain
flaws from the start.
He has claimed not to be able to use an electric drill, nor to
be able to use a simple plastic beach-pump, but now we're
supposed to believe that all of a sudden he can put together
a Wang generator?
I also build skyscrapers the week after I have declared not to
be able to lay a single brick.
And today I declare I cannot fly on my own power, so you
can expect me to fly next week.
Pure Tseungian logic for you. ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 19, 2008, 12:54:26 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 18, 2008, 04:00:39 PM
Thanks, all.
I really should comment that the video doesn't disprove the LTLOT. My apparatus is a bit different from the strict experiment001 design. But it should show the same unidirectional lead-out force, IF the LTLOT is true and if experiment001 expresses such a force.
However, as you can see in the video, even with asymmetric magnet pulses, the center of mass of the system, when suspended as a pendulum, does not move from its initial position, no matter the rate or asymmetry of the oscillation.
If this device is placed on a substrate, it moves in translation, just as the other video shows. But of course it is doing that because it's pushing against the substrate.
There isn't any reactionless propulsion, or L-T lead-out force, coming from my apparatus.

Dear TinselKoala,

Are there any difficulty in your doing Experiment001 as outlined?

If we apply pulse forces to a pendulum with frequency other than its resonance frequency, there will not be build-up of magnitude.  Your asymmetric experiment proved that.

I believe you have the necessary equipment and skill to do Experiment001.  Your doing it have more credibility than many others.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 19, 2008, 04:57:37 PM
Dear Top Gun:
I do this stuff -- experimental testing of unconventional hypotheses -- for a living.
I have already said I won't do your research for you -- at least not for free.
The experiment you suggest has, as I have repeatedly said, already been done, many times over.
But --
If I am to do an experiment to your specifications, I will need to know to whom to send my bill.
I estimate that, to do your experiment, I will need about 4 hours of fabrication and testing and analysis and reporting time, at 50 dollars US per hour, and about 20 dollars for materials and supplies. So I am estimating a cost, to you, of 220 dollars US for me to do the experiment001 to your exact specifications. Believe me, this is a bargain.

As soon as we have an agreement in place, I will be glad to begin.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 19, 2008, 06:14:02 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 19, 2008, 04:57:37 PM
Dear Top Gun:
I do this stuff -- experimental testing of unconventional hypotheses -- for a living.
I have already said I won't do your research for you -- at least not for free.
The experiment you suggest has, as I have repeatedly said, already been done, many times over.
But --
If I am to do an experiment to your specifications, I will need to know to whom to send my bill.
I estimate that, to do your experiment, I will need about 4 hours of fabrication and testing and analysis and reporting time, at 50 dollars US per hour, and about 20 dollars for materials and supplies. So I am estimating a cost, to you, of 220 dollars US for me to do the experiment001 to your exact specifications. Believe me, this is a bargain.

As soon as we have an agreement in place, I will be glad to begin.


I think you're totally sincere with your offer and indeed it's a great bargain. However, the risk to  Tseung is something of a forgone conclusion. He can't risk having you debunk his flying sauce pan theory!

Like in the Beatles lyrics, you may have to wait ".... till the cows come home!"

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 19, 2008, 09:14:04 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 19, 2008, 04:57:37 PM
Dear Top Gun:
I do this stuff -- experimental testing of unconventional hypotheses -- for a living.
I have already said I won't do your research for you -- at least not for free.
The experiment you suggest has, as I have repeatedly said, already been done, many times over.
But --
If I am to do an experiment to your specifications, I will need to know to whom to send my bill.
I estimate that, to do your experiment, I will need about 4 hours of fabrication and testing and analysis and reporting time, at 50 dollars US per hour, and about 20 dollars for materials and supplies. So I am estimating a cost, to you, of 220 dollars US for me to do the experiment001 to your exact specifications. Believe me, this is a bargain.

As soon as we have an agreement in place, I will be glad to begin.

Dear TinselKoala,

Thank you for quoting a really bargain price for the Experiment001.  I have invited an USA investor to read the material and fund you.  This investor was prepared to fly to China with his Engineers to see the Wang Generator demonstration.

I actually quoted US$250 for you so that you can have a few extra dollars to have a meal in a local restaurant.

The full experimental details are:

(1)   Use similar coil and magnets as shown in your video.
(2)   In the transparent tube, put in the two permanent magnets and separate them physically as in the Experiment001 diagram.
(3)   On one side of the tube, put in padding material â€" cotton wool will do.  Fill about one third of that part of the tube.
(4)   Place the tube on a smooth, level table.
(5)   Pass direct current as a single pulse so that the polarity of the magnets and electromagnets are as shown in Experiment001.
(6)   Video the experiment and carefully mark the direction of motion of the tube.

You and I both know the result.  It will be in the direction towards the unpadded surface.  In China, I know that the professor at Tsinghua University and the Lee Cheung Kin Group have done that.  Post on this forum if you have any doubts on the experimental setup.  Lee Cheung Kin is looking for publicity before the demonstration to President Obama with the full flying saucer prototype.

More to follow.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 19, 2008, 09:39:06 PM
Dear TinselKoala,

I am sure that the US$250 will not satisfy you or pay for your mortgage.  Here is the second part Experiment002.

The detailed specifications are:
(1)   Wait until Experiment001 is done and confirmed.
(2)   Program the DC current so that after the first strong pulse, there is a weak pulse attracting the two magnets back to the initial position of Experiment001. 
(3)   The weak pulse should not cause much motion of the tube.
(4)   Repeat Experiment001+Experiment002 so that a steady pulse force will move the tube in the direction of the unpadded surface.
(5)   Put the tube to a compression scale so that you can measure the pulse force exerted.
(6)   Modify the padding and pulsing mechanism so that a long, steady and strong pulse force can be measured.  (The cotton wool will be pounded and lose its texture after a few thousand pulses.)
(7)   Keep improving (6) until the net pulsing force is greater than the weight of the tube and the magnets.

You may probably need much more than 4 hours to do this part.  The Lee Cheung Kin team took a few months to get it right.  How much would you charge for this part?  (My estimate is 100 days at US$400 per day or US$40,000 + US$10,000 for material.)

I am sure that the USA investor will be happy to fund you if Experiment001 is done right.  The potential commercial return is in US$trillions.  Yes, Trillions.

More to follow after you have given it some thought.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 19, 2008, 10:24:27 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 19, 2008, 09:14:04 PM

(4)   Place the tube on a smooth, level table.

Why on a table?  Why not on wheels or other ultra-low friction situation, so we can see the net movement of the device, as it would be if you were trying to generate lift in midair?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 19, 2008, 11:28:54 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 19, 2008, 09:14:04 PM
Dear TinselKoala,

Thank you for quoting a really bargain price for the Experiment001.  I have invited an USA investor to read the material and fund you.  This investor was prepared to fly to China with his Engineers to see the Wang Generator demonstration.

More to follow.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.

well, I supposed when he saw all these messages reminding you to take your medication, he left in a hurry! hahaha! dork!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 20, 2008, 04:44:30 AM

No, it won't !

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on November 20, 2008, 05:45:35 AM
Oh no just when Tseung thought Hans was gone you come back with a bang.

But guys can anyone please explain to me why that tube kept moving forward on the table? I don't even get you guys. What is a satisfactory result to you? If action does equal reaction there the tube shouldn't keep jumping forward right?

Like I said before imagen what would have if the pulse rate was in the MHz. I don't know if this is possible using physical objects but maybe applying the same idea using electro magnetic waves will do the trick...EMdrive anyone?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 20, 2008, 06:09:57 AM
Quote from: broli on November 20, 2008, 05:45:35 AM
Oh no just when Tseung thought Hans was gone you come back with a bang.

But guys can anyone please explain to me why that tube kept moving forward on the table? I don't even get you guys. What is a satisfactory result to you? If action does equal reaction there the tube shouldn't keep jumping forward right?

Like I said before imagen what would have if the pulse rate was in the MHz. I don't know if this is possible using physical objects but maybe applying the same idea using electro magnetic waves will do the trick...EMdrive anyone?

If action equals reaction, how can you walk and make forward progress?  The tube on the table does the same thing.

I have an experiment for you that you can do without getting out of your computer chair, assuming your chair has wheels.  Lurch your body to move the chair forward.  Notice how if you go slow when you coil your body, but quickly when releasing it, you can shove yourself forward.  Are you violating the principle of conservation of momentum?  No.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 20, 2008, 11:10:54 AM
Quote from: broli on November 20, 2008, 05:45:35 AM
Oh no just when Tseung thought Hans was gone you come back with a bang.

But guys can anyone please explain to me why that tube kept moving forward on the table? I don't even get you guys. What is a satisfactory result to you? If action does equal reaction there the tube shouldn't keep jumping forward right?

Like I said before imagen what would have if the pulse rate was in the MHz. I don't know if this is possible using physical objects but maybe applying the same idea using electro magnetic waves will do the trick...EMdrive anyone?

I will add that what you are not seeing is that the tube is slightly, ever so slightly, pushing the earth backwards.  Just like we all do when we walk.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 20, 2008, 12:31:56 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 19, 2008, 10:24:27 PM
Why on a table?  Why not on wheels or other ultra-low friction situation, so we can see the net movement of the device, as it would be if you were trying to generate lift in midair?

Don't worry, I am well aware of how to test these devices. In addition to the tests ltseung proposed, which will prove nothing, I will also run the device on a frictionless surface, as well as in the pendulum configuration.
These devices (there are many variants out there) are generally classed as "reactionless" or "inertia" drives, or Dean drives, or Cox drives. They all work (or rather don't work) in the same way: by reaction against a substrate, or for the vertical ones, resonance with the scale apparatus used for weighing.

I have a challenge to the maker of the video from China:

Do the same test, but use a leveled granite surface plate (a very smooth surface, for the non-machinists out there), some ball-bearing balls or BBs, and a piece of plate glass that weighs the same as the solenoid device. Put the BBs on the surface plate, the plate glass on the BBs, and the device on the glass plate. Actuate the pulsing electronics, and observe.

After this test is done, then decide whether you still want to spend the money on my tests.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 21, 2008, 12:12:04 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 20, 2008, 12:31:56 PM

These devices (there are many variants out there) are generally classed as "reactionless" or "inertia" drives, or Dean drives, or Cox drives.

Lee Cheung Kin wants me to ignore all the names such reactionless drive etc.
He insists on using:

or my translation of:
The propulsion system using unbalanced forces generated from within the system.

In the Lee-Tseung theory, we invented the term Lead-out-energy.  This is different from Over Unity devices or perpetual motion machines.

In the flying saucer field, we have to invent a new term - temporarily, I shall use propulsion system using unbalanced forces generated from within.  Until we have a chance to examine the reactionless drives, Dean drives, inertia propulsion systems, we are claiming our devices are totally different.  The flying saucer prototype is already flying.  Lee said that no published public devices could match that.  (The top-secret military crafts do not count as they are supposed to be non-existent!)

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 21, 2008, 10:22:16 AM
You should go and do that research, then, because your claim that experiment001 is working by a different principle, is in error.

And, once again, you are making claims about a flying saucer without providing the least amount of proof. The photograph that you provided clearly is a composite, and the flying saucer shown in it is clearly flying by deflecting air downward with the vanes visible on the underside.

Please provide proof, or at least some evidence, that the flying saucer is flying without aerodynamic vanes, propellers, rotors, or jets of conventional design.

Until you do so, we will just have to look at those vanes visible in the picture, and wonder...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 21, 2008, 03:11:09 PM
The predicted and feared financial meltdown is coming.

There is record US$$$$$ flowing into Hong Kong, Taiwan etc.

The prediction is that the money that formerly was used to buy derivative products will seek an outlet.  As more of the financial papers mature, the cash or raw money will flood all financial markets worldwide.

The stock markets and commodity prices will go sky high.  Inflation will be uncontrollable.  High interest rates will not help.  The holders of such raw money do not need to borrow.

Most Governments are not prepared and have not developed plans to deal with such a meltdown.  Where are their think-tanks?

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 21, 2008, 03:35:21 PM
From the sina.com forum

Dear Lawrence,

Are you saying that Tinselkoala and others may have been misled by the Power about the cave?  (The one who does not want others to go into the cave invented stories of snakes and disease-carrying bats).  His understanding or explanation of Experiment001 is wrong. 

He already knows the Experiment001 result â€" the device will move towards the direction of the unpadded surface.

Few forum members are like Lee Cheung Kin and team â€" spend months improving Experiment001+Experiment002.  Tinselkoala does experiments for others for a living.  I doubt that he will spend the time and resources to complete and improve Experiment001+Experiment002.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 21, 2008, 03:58:31 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 21, 2008, 10:22:16 AM
You should go and do that research, then, because your claim that experiment001 is working by a different principle, is in error.

And, once again, you are making claims about a flying saucer without providing the least amount of proof. The photograph that you provided clearly is a composite, and the flying saucer shown in it is clearly flying by deflecting air downward with the vanes visible on the underside.

Please provide proof, or at least some evidence, that the flying saucer is flying without aerodynamic vanes, propellers, rotors, or jets of conventional design.

Until you do so, we will just have to look at those vanes visible in the picture, and wonder...

Dear Maggie:
What evidence can you give that my understanding or explanation of experiment001 is wrong? I have given lots of evidence that it is in fact right, and that it is your understanding that is in error. Did you do the experiment on a proper frictionless substrate, as I outlined above? Did you do the experiment with the apparatus suspended like a pendulum, as in my video? Have you done the experiment with the device oriented vertically?
Please show videos of your results.
If you cannot provide data, you have no business commenting about my understanding or lack of it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 21, 2008, 07:28:06 PM
The LT Solenoid # 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IdfVIYFGlM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IdfVIYFGlM)

The video speaks for itself, I think.

Anticipating somebody coming up and saying, "But look, it's rocking a little bit, just use stronger pulses!" I will explain: in the first place, it is the center of mass of the system that does not move. When the magnet shoots right, the tube and coil move left, not as far because they are much heavier. In the second place, the suspension (the coiled feed wires) act to couple the teeter-totter rocking and the up-and-down springlike bouncing into a slight nutation, and you see these two effects as a tiny side-to-side motion from the camera's perspective.

It is totally implausible that a system like this could provide lift, propulsion or maneuvering capability to a "flying saucer" as alleged above.
Although I notice we can't actually seem to get anyone to actually claim that the saucer is actually so provided.

Now, ltseung, this didn't take as long as I anticipated. Let's call it an even hundred US dollars, and forget the lunch, thank you very much. You may achieve payment in the following manner: Find your nearest community pet spay-neuter program, or no-kill animal shelter, and make a donation in the name of "Isaac Newton" for one hundred dollars US. Get a receipt, photograph it and post it where I can see it.

The Scientific Method Leads-Out progress and creativity, when properly applied.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 21, 2008, 07:34:46 PM
It does not need a crystal ball to see the following:

(1)   Large influx of US dollars into Countries with guarantee of deposits with no upper limit.
(2)   There will be purchases of assets of real value.  The price of such items will go up and inflation is likely. 
(3)   The traditional technique of raising interest rates to curb inflation will not work as the holder of US dollars do not need to borrow.
(4)   There will be closed-door meetings with these US dollar holders.  These individuals or groups do not like their identities revealed.  However, there will be rumors and confirmable reports.
(5)   Individual Countries such as China, India etc. will seek a new financial order.  Politically, they cannot be seen as subjected to the wishes of a group of faceless foreigners.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 21, 2008, 07:45:56 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 21, 2008, 07:28:06 PM
The LT Solenoid # 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IdfVIYFGlM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IdfVIYFGlM)

The video speaks for itself, I think.

Now, ltseung, this didn't take as long as I anticipated. Let's call it an even hundred US dollars, and forget the lunch, thank you very much. You may achieve payment in the following manner: Find your nearest community pet spay-neuter program, or no-kill animal shelter, and make a donation in the name of "Isaac Newton" for one hundred dollars US. Get a receipt, photograph it and post it where I can see it.

The Scientific Method Leads-Out progress and creativity, when properly applied.

Please put a hard stop in the middle of the tube so that you have effectively two separate tubes.  Or use two physically different tubes joined at the middle.

You will then be able to have the two magnets repelled in opposite directions.

I shall arrange for "Isaac Newton" to make the donations.  But please do the right Experiment001!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 21, 2008, 08:08:13 PM
Re the hard stop in the middle of the tube: OK, I'll try it, but it won't make any difference in the results. As I have explained, the motion of two magnets moving in opposite directions simultaneously will DECREASE any tendency for the device to move, not increase it. This is because, once again, momentum is conserved. It is not logical to believe that the case that I have shown, with only a single moving magnet stack, would have less tendency to move than the MORE SYMMETRICAL arrangement that you are suggesting.

Plus, I doubt that I will be able to make the magnets separate as you have suggested--the various experiments I did (not shown) in preparation for the above demonstration pretty much convinced me of that. But if someone shows me otherwise, I will be most interested. Shows me, not tells me.

You didn't complain about  the single magnet in the Chinese video you posted as evidence of your theory earlier in the thread. Why? Because you believed then that that experiment supported your hypothesis, when in fact I have shown that it does not. So now, of course, you have objections.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 21, 2008, 08:41:30 PM
@ TinselKoala:

Nice work!  We can tell that you know what you are doing.  Great idea for the donation, especially the Newton part.  Very good cause also.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 21, 2008, 08:57:00 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 21, 2008, 03:35:21 PM
From the sina.com forum

Dear Lawrence,

Are you saying that Tinselkoala and others may have been misled by the Power about the cave?  (The one who does not want others to go into the cave invented stories of snakes and disease-carrying bats).  His understanding or explanation of Experiment001 is wrong. 

He already knows the Experiment001 result â€" the device will move towards the direction of the unpadded surface.

Few forum members are like Lee Cheung Kin and team â€" spend months improving Experiment001+Experiment002.  Tinselkoala does experiments for others for a living.  I doubt that he will spend the time and resources to complete and improve Experiment001+Experiment002.


From the medication starved brain of old Tseung:

Well, Maggie is another of my new persona on Sina.com. Please welcome Maggie!



You may need to change into woman's underwear old Tseung?
Remember Mrs. Doubtfire?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 21, 2008, 09:00:24 PM
Is Maggie as hot looking as Forever?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 21, 2008, 09:04:35 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 21, 2008, 09:00:24 PM
Is Maggie as hot looking as Forever?


I'm afraid with old Tseung's look, no amount of Victoria's secret undies will make him look half as good as Forever! Right Lawrence?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 21, 2008, 11:35:21 PM
(1) Remote control car in Normal Operation

(2) Remote control car in a Box

The comparison experiments above are to determine whether a propulsion system based on unbalanced internal forces can be built.  In (2), the forward motion was increased quickly to the maximum so that it will hit the surface with maximum velocity.  The backward motion was increased slowly so as to get back to the starting position inside the box. 

This crude experiment done by Ms. Forever Yuen and team is not a replacement for Experiment001 but it is a ‘quick and dirty’ experiment showing that the work is worthwhile.  The possibility of a propulsion system based on unbalanced internal forces is there.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 21, 2008, 11:44:53 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 21, 2008, 08:08:13 PM

Plus, I doubt that I will be able to make the magnets separate as you have suggested--the various experiments I did (not shown) in preparation for the above demonstration pretty much convinced me of that. But if someone shows me otherwise, I will be most interested. Shows me, not tells me.

Please wait for Ms. Forever Yuen and team to do Experiment001.  They initially wanted to wait until after their University Entrance Examinations in March 2009.  Now, they may do it in their Chrismas Holidays.

Meanwhile, see their remote control car experiments.  Or buy a US$20 remote control car made in China and have fun.  I am sure that you can replicate the experiments.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 22, 2008, 12:00:54 AM

Those videos show nothing. (sorry Forever)  IF that rc car could accelerate backwards as fast as it can forwards, there would be no movement of the box.  You can hear, and see, the car accelerating faster in the forward direction and, we all should know that F=MA.  So, the force is greater on the front side, hence the movement of the box, due to the higher A with the mass being constant gives a higher F.  I don't think this proves or disproves anything.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 22, 2008, 12:39:54 AM
That's right, Bill, and you're wrong, Lawrence. If you put that box on top of a plate of glass of the same mass, and rest the whole thing on some marbles on that floor, and repeat the experiment, you will see that the center of mass of the car/box and glass plate will stay in the same place. The box will lurch in one direction and the glass will lurch in the other, and the whole thing won't make progress across the floor. This shows that the system isn't reactionless but is using friction and momentum in the normal way.

This system,  like my LT Solenoid and your experiment001,  will be useless where there isn't anything to push against.

If Miss Forever really thinks that the toy car is demonstrating anything unusual, she will be having a rough time at her Entrance Examinations, because her understanding of basic physics is sorely lacking.

Come on, let's see that toy car in a box levitate vertically and hover. You know it cannot. And you know experiment001 cannot. So why continue this charade?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 22, 2008, 02:01:16 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 22, 2008, 12:39:54 AM

If Miss Forever really thinks that the toy car is demonstrating anything unusual, she will be having a rough time at her Entrance Examinations, because her understanding of basic physics is sorely lacking.

Come on, let's see that toy car in a box levitate vertically and hover. You know it cannot. And you know experiment001 cannot. So why continue this charade?

I really feel so sorry for a young girl caught up in a con-man's tricks. Not only will she have to deal with the consequences of a muddled Physics education, she's going to grow up someday asking herself why she was so naive and misguided by some shady character who cannot even speak the truth, constantly digging a bigger hole to bury the dirt in the previous hole! Shame, shame, shame old Tseung!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 22, 2008, 06:18:40 PM
After Experiment001 has been done right, the shape of the Current provided to the Electromagnet (Experiment002) should look like the diagram below.

The top part represents the repulsion part.  The magnitude should be higher than the attraction part.

The theory is clear.  It is a matter of getting top experimental scientists to come up with the best arrangement.  The Chinese Scientists have the characteristics of patience, careful and perseverance.  That is why they succeeded after a few months.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 23, 2008, 03:15:41 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 22, 2008, 06:18:40 PM
After Experiment001 has been done right, the shape of the Current provided to the Electromagnet (Experiment002) should look like the diagram below.

The top part represents the repulsion part.  The magnitude should be higher than the attraction part.

The theory is clear.  It is a matter of getting top experimental scientists to come up with the best arrangement.  The Chinese Scientists have the characteristics of patience, careful and perseverance.  That is why they succeeded after a few months.

Don't forget the one way valves Lawrence.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 23, 2008, 05:32:42 PM
"After Experiment001 has been done right,"

Meaning, in LTLOT-speak, when it has produced the result ltseung wants...
hence, if an experiment doesn't produce a result in accordance with the LTLOT, it wasn't done right...

Would someone like to explain "DC offset" in terms that Lawrence can understand? Because evidently I cannot.
The waveform that is shown was demonstrated in the first video.

Why, Lawrence, is the Chinese video you showed, with one magnet and symmetrical square wave pulses, considered support for your experiment, but my video, with one magnet and symmetrical square wave pulses, is considered "not done right"?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 23, 2008, 07:29:08 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 23, 2008, 05:32:42 PM
"After Experiment001 has been done right,"

Meaning, in LTLOT-speak, when it has produced the result ltseung wants...
hence, if an experiment doesn't produce a result in accordance with the LTLOT, it wasn't done right...

Would someone like to explain "DC offset" in terms that Lawrence can understand? Because evidently I cannot.
The waveform that is shown was demonstrated in the first video.

Why, Lawrence, is the Chinese video you showed, with one magnet and symmetrical square wave pulses, considered support for your experiment, but my video, with one magnet and symmetrical square wave pulses, is considered "not done right"?

Dear Tinselkoala,

Do not be upset with scientific discussions,

Experiment001 requires two separate magnets repelled by the same electromagnet.  You had some difficulty reproducing it.  Forget about a single tube for the movement of your magnets.  Use two separate tubes.  Put soft iron in the middle of your coil.

The other video similar to yours is done in France.  It is not Experiment001.  I have emailed the inventor to invite him to participate in this forum and to do Experiment001.

We have no time pressure.  Ms. Forever Yuen and team will do Experiment001 correctly - strictly according to my specifications.  Wait for their video.

A number of Universities have been contacted.  They may do Experiment001 to Experiment005 also.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 23, 2008, 08:48:18 PM
I have now got the interest from 5 parties in Hong Kong and China to do Experiment001. 

Hopefully, they will do it according to my specifications.

They are aware of the information in

They are also aware of the potential trillions of dollars if the experiments are successful.

I am waiting for replies from other USA and European Universities.

The Open Letter to President-Elect Obama helped.  Lee Cheung Kin and team did the right thing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 23, 2008, 09:50:34 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 23, 2008, 05:32:42 PM

Why, Lawrence, is the Chinese video you showed, with one magnet and symmetrical square wave pulses, considered support for your experiment, but my video, with one magnet and symmetrical square wave pulses, is considered "not done right"?

Because you told him something he doesn't want to hear Tinsel :D Like with the one way valves.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 23, 2008, 11:30:42 PM
@ Hans:

Yes, and besides the valves, you must be seated on a 4-legged stool for the experiment to work properly.  Of course, it is hard to perform the experiment while spinning around but hey, who ever said science was easy?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 24, 2008, 03:02:43 AM
@ Bill

Good one LOL

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 24, 2008, 03:22:45 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 23, 2008, 07:29:08 PM
Dear Tinselkoala,

A number of Universities have been contacted.  They may do Experiment001 to Experiment005 also.

You have absolutely no idea how university research works! Do you think university research departments are like Hong Kong sweat shops where you can ask them to do a 'dry run' and if you're happy with their results you will proceed to hire them? Who in the world wants to deal with a delusional dork?

Just like you believed the Obama goverment will be so thrill to receive the Lee-Tseung crap? Are you seriously silly or are you really a nut?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 24, 2008, 03:02:46 PM
Quote from: chrisC on November 24, 2008, 03:22:45 AM
You have absolutely no idea how university research works! Do you think university research departments are like Hong Kong sweat shops where you can ask them to do a 'dry run' and if you're happy with their results you will proceed to hire them? Who in the world wants to deal with a delusional dork?

Just like you believed the Obama goverment will be so thrill to receive the Lee-Tseung crap? Are you seriously silly or are you really a nut?


One thing I think you have to understand about all this, and Lawrence has admitted this himself, is that his posts are not really intended as a discussion with us.  He has this idea in his head that important people (sucker investors?) are reading this forum.  So everything he writes is slanted this way.  He is playing to his imaginary audience, and he will typically ignore anything that does not provide a platform for him to just push more of the same propaganda.  This is why he uses multiple personae.  So he can feed himself questions, but still have the forum sort of appear like a discussion board.

Also, I think that Lawrence lies constantly.  So asking question like this is pointless.  Lawrence knows that sending unsolicited requests to universities, asking to do reactionless propulsion experiments that were already declared failures 100 years ago is pointless, just like he knows that sending emails to the Obama campaign is pointless.  He knows there is no flying saucer and he knows there is no lead-out motor.  He is lying.  But this is the most incompetent scam I have ever encountered.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 24, 2008, 03:24:05 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 24, 2008, 03:02:46 PM
One thing I think you have to understand about all this, and Lawrence has admitted this himself, is that his posts are not really intended as a discussion with us.  He has this idea in his head that important people (sucker investors?) are reading this forum.  So everything he writes is slanted this way.  He is playing to his imaginary audience, and he will typically ignore anything that does not provide a platform for him to just push more of the same propaganda.  This is why he uses multiple personae.  So he can feed himself questions, but still have the forum sort of appear like a discussion board.

Also, I think that Lawrence lies constantly.  So asking question like this is pointless.  Lawrence knows that sending unsolicited requests to universities, asking to do reactionless propulsion experiments that were already declared failures 100 years ago is pointless, just like he knows that sending emails to the Obama campaign is pointless.  He knows there is no flying saucer and he knows there is no lead-out motor.  He is lying.  But this is the most incompetent scam I have ever encountered.

I think you're right. There's no question that Lawrence knows the difference between what is right and what is wrong. That said, it's totally inconceivable to me at least that someone in their 60's goes through such lengths to try 'impress' on whatever 'investors' he attempts to convince on this Forum; knowing full well that almost 100% (personas excluded) thinks he's an idiot!

I tried months ago at least to equate him with a John Nash personality (A Beautiful Mind movie). Maybe Lawrence has something real? But then, I cannot equate Lawrence's crap to John Nash's brilliance even though John Nash was really mentally sick and he couldn't help himself. Tseung is not sick, he is deluded and certainly not a smart con man!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 24, 2008, 04:48:14 PM

John Nash, mental problems aside, was indeed a brilliant man.  The movie was ok but let me tell you the book (as usual) was very, very good.  I listen to audio books when out on an assignment and I have listened to this one twice. I highly recommend it to anyone.

I too have considered if Lawrence actually has something in his theory.  I guess that is still possible but when I see such basic fundamental mathematical and physics mistakes (they have to be fundamental for me to catch them) in some of his responses, I really doubt there is any validity to it.

Hans was the one that disproved Lawrence's "one way valve" experiment since he had some expertise in this area.  From there, I think the theory has gone down hill.

Even if Lawrence does have some mental problems, hell, we all probably do to some degree, I would still look at any real experimental "proofs" with an open mind.....Heck, I would even hope he is correct.  I have not seen that yet, and, sad to say, probably never will.  I guess time will tell.

Bill                   PS Hey why don't we get mythbusters (yes, those idiots) to test the theory?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 24, 2008, 04:54:14 PM
No comment

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 24, 2008, 04:56:38 PM
Well done Hans, ha ha ha.  I am going to print this out and hang it on my wall.  Excellent.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 24, 2008, 06:09:20 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 24, 2008, 04:48:14 PM


Bill                   PS Hey why don't we get mythbusters (yes, those idiots) to test the theory?

Great idea! Hey

Mr. Tseung:
Why don't you get those mythbusters people to do your experiments for you? Now, if they will do and can indeed verify your mumbo-jumbo physics, you will have me as a supporter! Why don't you give them a try and give the rest of us a break?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 27, 2008, 02:48:24 AM
Please check out the website:


Apparently, an inventor by the name of Peter Sumaruck has demonstrated a device (zero Amp technology) that can put out over 70,000 times the energy that was put in.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 27, 2008, 03:33:16 AM
And Peter mentioned the Lee-Tseung Lead out theory as the inspiration for this invention.  Congratulations Lawrence.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 27, 2008, 04:55:45 AM
Email to zero.amp.tech

Dear Sirs,

I read your invention with interest.  You may like to know the source of energy of your invention.  It is the Lead-Out-Energy via pulse force (or flux change) on electron motion.

The details can be found in:

An inventor from China, Mr. Wang Shenhe (or Wang Shum Ho) also had an invention that has COP equal to infinite.  (No input required).  The details are in:
http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/wang3a.htm  A rotating prototype can be seen at http://www.dsk.cn.

I shall be glad to share any information for the benefit of mankind.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 27, 2008, 09:59:35 AM
Unfortunately that link doesn't work for me. It just loops at the "timezone" thing. Why does a website need to know my timezone? That's never happened before.

But nevertheless, I somehow doubt that this person has achieved what is being claimed.

And the statement that "An inventor from China, Mr. Wang Shenhe (or Wang Shum Ho) also had an invention that has COP equal to infinite.  (No input required) " is a bald-faced lie.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 27, 2008, 10:20:28 AM
Posted in July:
(begin quote from http://www.worldviewopinion.com/blog/_archives/2008/7/28/3813911.html)

"What does power this engine? Electricity, but no lithium ion battery, so no recharging. The inventor, Peter Sumaruck, says his Zero-Amp Tech system can run AC motors for almost free. The only fuel cost is for ignition powered by a minute amount of gasoline. For a year of heavy use, a driver will need only 6 to 9 gallons of gas from the small tank onboard. Because there are no large natural gas or diesel fuel tanks on board, accident-caused explosions will be negligible, if nonexistent, making this an extremely safe vehicle. After ignition, his new engine design just keeps running at 100% efficiency until it’s turned off. The engine does not get hot.

Sumaruck takes a new or existing truck - an 18 wheel for example - made to order, with no engine. He installs a replacement turbine drive system (on the same principles as Hoover Dam). The sealed 100 gallon tank using salt water (or any water) is under very high pressure; the turbine is constructed of aluminum alloy and copper clad, and powered by a 10 to 500 horsepower 3 phase AC motor.

The standard transmission is kept in place, as well as the alternator and on board battery to power lights and air conditioner. This Zero-Amp Tech adapted truck can travel at the same speeds reached by diesel-powered trucks. In fact, Sumaruck can modify this system even further for extremely long hauls and very heavy loads like those roaring down long stretches of nowhere across the Australian Outback. Zero-Amp Technology can adapt this operating system to other large vehicles: buses, garbage trucks, cement mixers - the list goes on.

Very little maintenance is needed because nothing is stressed - three fan belts, changed maybe every 200,000 miles. Sumaruck uses heavy duty parts - if 2 in. wide is common place, he uses a 4 inch wide belt.

Some of this may sound straightforward, even simple. Sumaruck says yes, but “the complicated part is in the computer hard drive.” That’s where the genius work takes place. Through 2 small 44 gage wires, ignition comes in at .019 mA (milliamps), and comes out at 150 amps, non-fluctuating, precisely 60 cycles. This is where Peter Sumaruck disproves the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states that you never get more energy out than you put in. Even if there were not all these thousand of applications for this new technology, the fact alone that this bulwark law of physics has been disproved is reason enough for amazement. We all need to learn to recognize genius."

(end quote)

Do you believe it?
I certainly do not.

Another unbelievable gem from PESwiki:
"Zero-Amp Technology was tested by the United States Army from 2003 to 2004 - units operated perfectly from day one. "

Uh-huh. I guess that's why the Army is powering all its tanks and trucks with Zero-Amp Technology.
Or maybe that's why there isn't any solid information about this technology--it's being suppressed by the Army.

Go on, pull  the other one.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 27, 2008, 02:03:52 PM
Several websites repeat the claim that Sumaruck has "over 14 patents". Not over 15? Just how many patents does Sumaruck have?

Well, I searched the USPTO patent and patent application databases for inventors or assignees named "Sumaruck" and found...zilch.

Maybe his patents were issued before 1976 (in which case he was barely in his twenties and still very busy as a Navy SEAL, according to his claims) or perhaps they are not US patents.

If anyone can come up with a patent or application for a patent issued to or applied for by Peter Sumaruck, please let me know.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spinner on November 27, 2008, 02:10:19 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 27, 2008, 09:59:35 AM
And the statement that "An inventor from China, Mr. Wang Shenhe (or Wang Shum Ho) also had an invention that has COP equal to infinite.  (No input required) " is a bald-faced lie.

A CoP equal to infinity?  :D     There goes Thermaldynamics Laws... Unity screwed by Infinity.

What about the guy, who said recently - something like "the input to the "xyz device" is zero, and the output is zero, too... Therefore, the device is 100% efficient"....  ;D

"Zero-Amp Technology was tested by the United States Army from 2003 to 2004 - units operated perfectly from day one. "

No doubt, if one disconnects the power, most of el. devices goes to a "Zero Amp Power" mode... Pull the plug out and... Voila...

....Through 2 small 44 gage wires, ignition comes in at .019 mA (milliamps), and comes out at 150 amps, non-fluctuating, precisely 60 cycles. This is where Peter Sumaruck disproves the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states that you never get more energy out than you put in. Even if there were not all these thousand of applications for this new technology, the fact alone that this bulwark law of physics has been disproved is reason enough for amazement. We all need to learn to recognize genius."

;D ;D ;D

Your cartoons are simply the best!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 27, 2008, 02:59:02 PM
By 2004, after a 6 month delay for parts, this new electric generator - tested tried and true was ready for mass production.  Without warning, Hauke and Martin called Sumaruck and his attorney into their office. An order came down that the project had been cancelled by U.S. Congressman Michael "Chet" Edwards, Democrat, 17the district, and Texas State Senator Kip Averitt, Republican, 22nd district, both from Waco, Texas. The Congressman and the State Senator claimed that the Army could not be trusted with this kind of technology. Soldiers would try to figure out how the technology works; they would be distracted from battle; they'd want to quit the army, go home and make their own gen-sets. "We can't lose control of our people."  They opted for a conventional war, one they could control.

When names of US Congressman and Senator were quoted, the writer either has the truth or is an absolute idiot.  I know that idiots exist in this forum.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 27, 2008, 03:27:43 PM
http://edwards.house.gov/html/contact_form_email.cfm (http://edwards.house.gov/html/contact_form_email.cfm)

Email can be sent to Congressman Edwards using the above form. I encourage interested parties to email him and ask him about the 2004 incident mentioned above, when he and Senator Averitt "sent down an order" to cancel Sumaruck's project.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on November 27, 2008, 03:32:10 PM
That has no real point TS now does it. Either way it will be denied or not even answered. People can make their own conclusions based on what history taught us. This is funny but some days ago I dreamed about Tseung, his invention and his assistant. For some reason he was an 11 year old kid. I asked him to show me the flying saucer but he showed me the tube with the magnet instead.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 27, 2008, 03:40:54 PM
Are you saying that a duly-elected representative of the Texan and American people would ignore a request for information from a constituent, or even lie about it?

I would sooner believe that stones could fall from the sky....
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spinner on November 27, 2008, 03:47:44 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 27, 2008, 02:59:02 PM
When names of US Congressman and Senator were quoted, the writer either has the truth or is an absolute idiot.  I know that idiots exist in this forum.
The Congressman and the State Senator claimed that the Army could not be trusted with this kind of technology.
Soldiers would try to figure out how the technology works; they would be distracted from battle;...
;D ;D
...they'd want to quit the army, go home and make their own gen-sets...
;D ;D ;D
"We can't lose control of our people."  They opted for a conventional war, one they could control...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on November 28, 2008, 03:30:11 AM
The above link shows the remote control car in the box. The box is deliberately made longer. The forward velocity or momentum hitting the box is much higher than the backward velocity or momentum hitting the box.
This shows that adjustment should be made to create the maximum unbalanced force generated within the box.

The above link shows the remote control car pulling the box. This is the most efficient operation. The frictional force is used in the most efficient way.

There is much work needed to get the most efficient configuration and method to create the maximum unbalanced force from within. However, the concept is demonstrated in these experiments.  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 28, 2008, 08:22:55 AM
Dear Forever,

Thank you for performing these two additional experiments.  It is clear that the forward momentum can be controlled to be much higher than the backward momentum.

These are worthwhile experiments.  However, Experiment001 will be more convincing.  You and team will  learn where to buy the material, how to wind and create the electromagnet, the right magnets to use etc.

Take your time and do a good job,

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 28, 2008, 10:43:46 AM
Hopefully, Forever, you will also learn how to do the correct kinds of Control Experiments, and the logic of scientific hypothesis testing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 28, 2008, 06:29:20 PM
Dear Forever,

In schools and universities, the experiments are set up for you.  Thousands before you have done the same experiment.  You just need to follow the procedures and verify the results.  You do not need to design anything.  You need not be innovative.  Now you and team have to do Experiment001 all by yourselves, you have to decide everything. 

You and team will learn much more in this process.  Share that valuable experience with the World.  Note down everything â€" including the planning, the juicy arguments, the designing of the experiment, the purchasing of equipment, the unsuccessful attempts and the fun, etc.

I look forward to your posts.  Take your time and do a good job.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 28, 2008, 10:05:35 PM
Dear Tinselkoala,

In order to produce the electromagnet as in Experiment001, you should not use a solenoid.  You should have the copper wire wound on a soft iron core.  The magnetic force will increase with:
(1) Number of turns of copper wire,
(2) Strength of current,
(3) Area of the soft iron core

You can even have a bundle of iron wires as your soft iron core.  Many school experiments use iron nail or iorn bolt.

Hope the above information helps.

Top Gun
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on November 28, 2008, 11:37:11 PM
Thank you for your advice.
But I must ask, did you not hear, or not understand, or perhaps not believe, the part in the video where I explain that I tried several different core materials? Perhaps I didn't mention soft iron, I cannot recall, but I certainly did try it. The magnets stick quite well to the iron, and current strong enough to dislodge them would melt my apparatus, in addition to magnetizing the iron.
The outcome of the experiment will be the same, however. There is no asymmetric thrust available from this type of apparatus, unless it is allowed to push against a surface with friction.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 29, 2008, 12:27:57 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 28, 2008, 11:37:11 PM
Thank you for your advice.
But I must ask, did you not hear, or not understand, or perhaps not believe, the part in the video where I explain that I tried several different core materials? Perhaps I didn't mention soft iron, I cannot recall, but I certainly did try it. The magnets stick quite well to the iron, and current strong enough to dislodge them would melt my apparatus, in addition to magnetizing the iron.
The outcome of the experiment will be the same, however. There is no asymmetric thrust available from this type of apparatus, unless it is allowed to push against a surface with friction.

Thank you for your clarification.  My understanding of producing an electromagnet is for the copper wire to wrap tightly arround the soft iron core.  That is different from putting soft iron loosely inside a solenoid.  The configuration essentially separates the device into two separate tubes.  I only saw your material move freely within one tube.  Am I mistaken?

The other point I would like to comment is applying asymmettic pulsing to a pendulum.  If the frequency of the pulse is not in resonance with the natural frequency of the pendulum, the magnitude of the swinging would not be higher.  This can be confirmed by anyone skilled in the playground swings.

We can ask Forever and other teams to check out the natural frequency of the pendulum configuration and apply the asymmetric pulse accordingly.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on November 29, 2008, 02:37:35 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on November 29, 2008, 12:27:57 AM

The other point I would like to comment is applying asymmettic pulsing to a pendulum.  If the frequency of the pulse is not in resonance with the natural frequency of the pendulum, the magnitude of the swinging would not be higher.  This can be confirmed by anyone skilled in the playground swings.

We can ask Forever and other teams to check out the natural frequency of the pendulum configuration and apply the asymmetric pulse accordingly.

G'day all,

Perhaps at this stage it would be of help to point out that if you apply asymmetric pulses to a pendulum it is no longer a pendulum but becomes simply a weighted lever. The inability to distinguish between the behaviour of the two would guarantee an F in O-level physics.

Forever would be well advised to repeat the standard experiments in this area before pontificating on ridiculous propositions.

Pendulum physics, as well as the behaviour of levers, are very well understood by standard science and don't need re-defining.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 29, 2008, 04:00:18 PM
There seems to be some confusion when Tinselkoala failed to perform Experiment001 as defined.  The latest is a weighted lever.

I shall reproduce Experiment001 and compare it with Experiment001b.  In Experiment001b, we take the device and suspend it in a pendulum fashion.  The one-time pulse is applied.  The expected motion of the pendulum is shown.

Experiment001b is easy to perform after Experiment001 has been successfully performed.  Experiment001 is done on a flat smooth, horizontal surface.

Hope this clarifies the Experiments.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 30, 2008, 11:18:43 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on November 29, 2008, 04:00:18 PM
There seems to be some confusion when Tinselkoala failed to perform Experiment001 as defined.  The latest is a weighted lever.

I shall reproduce Experiment001 and compare it with Experiment001b.  In Experiment001b, we take the device and suspend it in a pendulum fashion.  The one-time pulse is applied.  The expected motion of the pendulum is shown.

Experiment001b is easy to perform after Experiment001 has been successfully performed.  Experiment001 is done on a flat smooth, horizontal surface.

Hope this clarifies the Experiments.

I have a question.  Why are you making it so needlessly complex, if you claim it is so simple.  Why even have the bottom half of the device?  Just pound the ball upwards, and you will not need to "dampen" or "dissipate" anything on the bottom end.  Makes about as much sense as anything else you have written.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 30, 2008, 11:39:19 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 30, 2008, 11:18:43 PM
I have a question.  Why are you making it so needlessly complex, if you claim it is so simple.  Why even have the bottom half of the device?  Just pound the ball upwards, and you will not need to "dampen" or "dissipate" anything on the bottom end.  Makes about as much sense as anything else you have written.

Yes, I was thinking about the same too? If a high school kid and her team can replicate this great world shattering discovery, what were the rest of the scientific community thinking. Maybe they all had too much turkey.

Talking about turkeys, I was listening to a news report a few days ago about whether there is any truth about turkeys being literally stupid. So, I found out something I didn't already know about turkeys. If turkeys were out in the open and it started to rain, the turkeys must be herded in otherwise they will just stand out in the rain! So what does the rain do to them? Well, they don't know how to flap their wings to dry themselves and eventually the moisture under their features gives them pneumonia and they die!!

So,what does this have to do with Tseung? Well, Tseung does exhibit similar behavior like those turkeys. He just doesn't get it! 

I wish everyone had a good turkey day, including Lawrence of course.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 02, 2008, 07:12:42 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 30, 2008, 11:18:43 PM
I have a question.  Why are you making it so needlessly complex, if you claim it is so simple?  Why even has the bottom half of the device?  Just pound the ball upwards, and you will not need to "dampen" or "dissipate" anything on the bottom end.  Makes about as much sense as anything else you have written.

Experiment001 is a direct conceptual verification of the flying saucer diagram Flying_Saucer001.  Some people have the misconception that there is no way to generate internal forces in a closed system.  The idea of a propulsion system using unbalanced forces generated from within is against the Third Law of Newton (Action = Reaction).

The Ms. Forever Yuen remote control car videos on youtube and the specific Experiment001 is aimed to prove conclusively that we can indeed generate internal forces in a closed system to influence the motion of the closed system.

Please compare Flying_Saucer001 and Experiment001 diagrams.

*** You idea of simplifying the bottom half indeed works.  The following youtube video already demonstrated it.  The device uses unbalanced oscillation to produce the unbalanced force.
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=anYxNitcrm0 ***

The race to produce the actual practical flying saucer is on â€" the theory is clearly revealed now.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 02, 2008, 08:35:02 PM
Nice video.  The only reason it can move is because it is pushing off against the table.  There are no tables in space. (That I know of)  If that device were suspended in the air, there would be no movement at all.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 02, 2008, 11:24:06 PM
Now do the control experiment.
Find a smooth flat level surface. I use a granite surface plate, but you can use that table if it's level.
Get a handful of marbles or bearing balls, all smooth and the same size. Put them down on the level surface.
Get a sheet of glass, or plastic, like from a picture frame. Set it down on top of the marbles.

Now put that same device, shown in the video, down on the glass. Actuate the device.

Report what happens.
Or better yet, video it and let us see it.

Here's the hypothesis: IF Newton is correct, and every action has an equal and opposite reaction, the device shown will move in one direction and THE GLASS PLATE will MOVE IN THE OTHER DIRECTION, and the center of mass of the system formed by the plate and the device, will stay in the same place.
If, on the other hand, the LTLOT is true and REACTIONLESS forces can be generated, the device will move exactly as it does in the above video, but the glass plate will remain motionless. After all, ex hypothesi, nothing is pushing on the plate, is it?

Please note: This is a well-specified, testable, potentially falsifiable hypothesis. Science proceeds by making and testing such hypotheses, not by fooling around with toy cars in boxes.

I, for one, am eagerly awaiting the results of this control experiment.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 02, 2008, 11:44:55 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on December 02, 2008, 11:24:06 PM
Now do the control experiment.
Find a smooth flat level surface. I use a granite surface plate, but you can use that table if it's level.
Get a handful of marbles or bearing balls, all smooth and the same size. Put them down on the level surface.
Get a sheet of glass, or plastic, like from a picture frame. Set it down on top of the marbles.

Now put that same device, shown in the video, down on the glass. Actuate the device.

Report what happens.
Or better yet, video it and let us see it.

Here's the hypothesis: IF Newton is correct, and every action has an equal and opposite reaction, the device shown will move in one direction and THE GLASS PLATE will MOVE IN THE OTHER DIRECTION, and the center of mass of the system formed by the plate and the device, will stay in the same place.
If, on the other hand, the LTLOT is true and REACTIONLESS forces can be generated, the device will move exactly as it does in the above video, but the glass plate will remain motionless. After all, ex hypothesi, nothing is pushing on the plate, is it?

Please note: This is a well-specified, testable, potentially falsifiable hypothesis. Science proceeds by making and testing such hypotheses, not by fooling around with toy cars in boxes.

I, for one, am eagerly awaiting the results of this control experiment.

Let us get Ms. Forever Yuen and team to do the remote control car experiment on top of a smooth glass plate with marbles underneath.  She can show the new video.  I would expect much more movement of the remote control car in a box than the glass plate.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 02, 2008, 11:50:09 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on December 02, 2008, 11:44:55 PM
Let us get Ms. Forever Yuen and team to do the remote control car experiment on top of a smooth glass plate with marbles underneath.  She can show the new video.  I would expect much more movement of the remote control car in a box than the glass plate.

Well, we shall see whether you're Top Gun or should we call you, Top Turkey?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 02, 2008, 11:56:23 PM
"I would expect much more movement of the remote control car in a box than the glass plate."

Is that your idea of a scientific hypothesis?

The control experiment I outlined above is not quite appropriate for the car-in-the-box experiment. The situation is different, although the principles are the same. I'm sure if you gave it some thought you yourself could come up with an appropriate control for the car-in-the-box.

Meanwhile, the apparatus exists for the solenoid experiment you showed above. All you need is the marbles and the glass, and it can be done with a small piece of glass.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 03, 2008, 01:52:32 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on December 02, 2008, 11:56:23 PM
"I would expect much more movement of the remote control car in a box than the glass plate."

Is that your idea of a scientific hypothesis?

The control experiment I outlined above is not quite appropriate for the car-in-the-box experiment. The situation is different, although the principles are the same. I'm sure if you gave it some thought you yourself could come up with an appropriate control for the car-in-the-box.

Meanwhile, the apparatus exists for the solenoid experiment you showed above. All you need is the marbles and the glass, and it can be done with a small piece of glass.

The particular experiment shown on youtube is from France
by gilles.charles@univ-orleans.fr

We have emailed him asking him to participate in this forum.  No reply yet.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on December 03, 2008, 07:51:56 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on December 02, 2008, 11:44:55 PM
Let us get Ms. Forever Yuen and team to do the remote control car experiment on top of a smooth glass plate with marbles underneath.  She can show the new video.  I would expect much more movement of the remote control car in a box than the glass plate.

Why do you even need the box?  It only stifles the propulsion power of the car.  Just be happy that the car moves forward quite well on its own.  You can then make your flying saucer in the form of a car, and there you go.  It will work great so long as it stays on the ground.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 03, 2008, 07:57:35 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on December 03, 2008, 07:51:56 PM
there you go.  It will work great so long as it stays on the ground.

Hahaha! Good one!

How about attaching some Turkey wings?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 03, 2008, 08:10:11 PM
@ Lawrence:

I respectfully submit to you that if you perform the car in a box scenario the Tinselkoala suggested, you would not see the results you are looking for.  As a matter of fact, I will go one better and suggest that you use his glass and marbles method and just set the car on it with no box, and accelerate the car, it will stand still, relative to a fixed position on the table, until it runs "out of glass".  The wheels propelling the car forward will act against the glass and "bearings" and stay still.  This is because the mass of the car will not move forward as long as it has "nothing" to push against.

You may not realize it from my many posts on here, but I have great respect for you.  You have this idea and you are clinging to it.  I really do respect that.  I have to say that, although I like her, I don't think Forever has the ability to perform any experiment any better than tinselkoala has the ability to do so.  I have seen his video and presentations and I am convinced this guy knows of what he speaks.  I still think you are trying to get around Newton, and, while this might one day actually be possible, I don't think your approach is the way to do it.

But, as I have said many times, I do admire you for hanging in there no matter if you are proved right or wrong in the end.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 03, 2008, 09:22:11 PM

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 03, 2008, 09:41:29 PM
I know that people like to make jokes on proof-or-concept experiments.  The actual practical device is likely to be very different and much more sophisticated.  However, I again claim with absolute certainty that the Physics involved in Experiment001 is 100% correct.

The two identical magnets repelled by the electromagnet will produce equal and opposite reactions (Newton's Third Law).  They will travel in opposite directions with same velocity.  No friction is required whatsoever for their motion.

When they hit the surfaces, Newton's Second Law will apply (Force = Mass x Acceleration or Force = rate of Change of Momentum).  The force F1 hitting the padded surfaces will have a slower rate of change momentum.  This is elementary Physics and cannot be wrong. 

The trick in producing a constant pulse force is to be able to repeat the same process.  The proof-of-concept experiment with padded surface will fail after the padded surface has been pounded a few hundred times.  On a reasonable pulse rate of a few hundred poundings per minute, the padded surface will lose its shock absorption capability quickly. 

The basic theory is â€" we can produce propulsion systems that generate unbalanced forces from within.  This is very different from the misguided concept of reactionless drives.  The basic theory cannot be wrong.  Many inventors including Lee Cheung Kin are hiding their actual mechanisms because of their potential financial value.

However, they are willing to show it to the representatives (or claimed representatives) of President-Elect Obama.  I have to admire the team of President-Elect Obama.  They actually responded to the Open Letter from Lee.  Obama deserves to be the next president of USA.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 03, 2008, 09:45:41 PM
"Obama deserves to be the next president of USA."

Uh....no.  He is not a natural born citizen according to the constitution.  This will all come out in a few months.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 03, 2008, 09:57:02 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on December 03, 2008, 09:41:29 PM

The basic theory cannot be wrong.  Many inventors including Lee Cheung Kin are hiding their actual mechanisms because of their potential financial value.

Same old snake oil pitch. Just ask the maker of the snake oil why it is so good. Of course I'm only the salesman and you're surely find out the truth if you asked him and if he will disclose, of course...

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 03, 2008, 10:00:01 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 03, 2008, 09:22:11 PM

Hans von Lieven

Great one Hans! I'm pretty sure this will fly..... no drills required!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on December 03, 2008, 11:51:31 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on December 03, 2008, 09:41:29 PM
I know that people like to make jokes on proof-or-concept experiments.  The actual practical device is likely to be very different and much more sophisticated.  However, I again claim with absolute certainty that the Physics involved in Experiment001 is 100% correct.

The two identical magnets repelled by the electromagnet will produce equal and opposite reactions (Newton's Third Law).  They will travel in opposite directions with same velocity.  No friction is required whatsoever for their motion.

When they hit the surfaces, Newton's Second Law will apply (Force = Mass x Acceleration or Force = rate of Change of Momentum).  The force F1 hitting the padded surfaces will have a slower rate of change momentum.  This is elementary Physics and cannot be wrong. 

Sorry, but you are incorrect.  For a top gun, you make very elementary mistakes.  Your equation about forces is right but you confuse force with energy.  While an object hitting a padded surface takes a longer time to transfer all of its kinetic energy to the hull of the spaceship, it nevertheless transfers it anyway, and there will be no net motion.

You are right that there would be some temporary movement of the container.  In your example, in a low friction environment, I predict you would probably observe the container first move in the direction of the padding, since the ball makes contact with that surface first.  Then the container would jerk in the opposite direction, and it would eventually come to rest in the position it started.

If you are concerned about durability, instead of a padding, you could use an Archimedes screw, which would be more durable.  (It took me about 5 seconds to think of this solution, so pardon if you already considered this and dismissed it).  This would have a similar effect of changing the rate of momentum of the moving ball on one half of the container.  But it would not help at all in propelling the container/spaceship in a frictionless environment.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 04, 2008, 02:34:48 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on December 03, 2008, 11:51:31 PM
Sorry, but you are incorrect.  For a top gun, you make very elementary mistakes.  Your equation about forces is right but you confuse force with energy.  While an object hitting a padded surface takes a longer time to transfer all of its kinetic energy to the hull of the spaceship, it nevertheless transfers it anyway, and there will be no net motion.

Dear utiliarian,

I believe you already know that air cushions or padded surfaces are used in fire fighting - allowing the persons to jump from a few floors.  The purpose of such padding is to reduce the force and absorb the energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 04, 2008, 02:47:05 AM
Quote from TopGun

"Dear utiliarian,

I believe you already know that air cushions or padded surfaces are used in fire fighting - allowing the persons to jump from a few floors.  The purpose of such padding is to reduce the force and absorb the energy."

I can't believe this statement above.  You know even less about physics than I thought.  The purpose of such padding is NOT to reduce the force, the force is the same.  The only thing padding does, as does the crumple zone in vehicles, is to space the force out over a longer period of time.  That is all.  The net force is the same.  It is always the same.  A person jumping from a building hits the padding with the same force as if he hit concrete.  The only difference is that the sudden deceleration is spread out over a longer period of time which allows him to survive.  This is high school physics here TopGun.  Energy can not be created nor destroyed. (Nor absorbed)  Remember, it is time that is the only difference.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 04, 2008, 02:51:39 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on December 04, 2008, 02:47:05 AM
Quote from TopGun

"Dear utiliarian,

I believe you already know that air cushions or padded surfaces are used in fire fighting - allowing the persons to jump from a few floors.  The purpose of such padding is to reduce the force and absorb the energy."

I can't believe this statement above.  You know even less about physics than I thought.  The purpose of such padding is NOT to reduce the force, the force is the same.  The only thing padding does, as does the crumple zone in vehicles, is to space the force out over a longer period of time.  That is all.  The net force is the same.  It is always the same.  A person jumping from a building hits the padding with the same force as if he hit concrete.  The only difference is that the sudden deceleration is spread out over a longer period of time which allows him to survive.  This is high school physics here TopGun.  Energy can not be created nor destroyed. (Nor absorbed)  Remember, it is time that is the only difference.



Like I said before, turkey brains ARE DIFFERENT!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 04, 2008, 03:20:41 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on December 04, 2008, 02:47:05 AM
Quote from TopGun

"Dear utiliarian,

I believe you already know that air cushions or padded surfaces are used in fire fighting - allowing the persons to jump from a few floors.  The purpose of such padding is to reduce the force and absorb the energy."

I can't believe this statement above.  You know even less about physics than I thought.  The purpose of such padding is NOT to reduce the force, the force is the same.  The only thing padding does, as does the crumple zone in vehicles, is to space the force out over a longer period of time.  That is all.  The net force is the same.  It is always the same.  A person jumping from a building hits the padding with the same force as if he hit concrete.  The only difference is that the sudden deceleration is spread out over a longer period of time which allows him to survive.  This is high school physics here TopGun.  Energy can not be created nor destroyed. (Nor absorbed)  Remember, it is time that is the only difference.


Dear Bill,

Please read your elementary physics books again.

Force = Rate of Change of Momentum

At the moment of impact, the person will have a certain momentum (mass x velocity).  We need to reduce the velocity to zero with the longest time.  In Physics terms, this is reducing the force.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 04, 2008, 04:14:28 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on December 04, 2008, 03:20:41 AM
Dear Bill,

Please read your elementary physics books again.

Force = Rate of Change of Momentum

At the moment of impact, the person will have a certain momentum (mass x velocity).  We need to reduce the velocity to zero with the longest time.  In Physics terms, this is reducing the force.

He doesn't get it, does he?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 04, 2008, 05:35:19 AM
Let me spell out the physics of air cushion or padded surface clearly for the non-physicists.

At the moment of impact, the velocity is v, the mass is m.  The momentum is mass x velocity or mv.  We want to reduce the velocity to 0.  We cannot do anything about the mass.  Thus the change of momentum is (mv -m0).  If the time taken is t, the force is rate of change of momentum or:

F = (mv-m0)/t
    = mv/t

The purpose of the air cushion or padded surface is to prolong t.  If t is longer, F will be smaller.

This is basic physics and cannot be wrong.  Those who cannot understand such basic physics should not post rubbish and make fools of themselves.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spinner on December 04, 2008, 07:05:17 AM
I see someone scored a point.  :P

Check out "Collision". Elastic, inelastic and plastic.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on December 04, 2008, 09:36:30 AM
The two prayers to me are:

The lead-out-energy from a pendulum is equal to the vertical component of the tension of the string multiplied by the vertical displacement.


A propulsion system can be produced from unbalanced forces generated within.

Recite them 666 times.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 04, 2008, 02:48:35 PM
I think it's pretty funny that TopGun and LTseung rely on conservation of momentum principles to try to prove a system that violates conservation of momentum!!
You just can't have it both ways. If it is possible to violate conservation of momentum, the explanation about force being the rate of change of momentum is senseless. On the other hand, if conservation of momentum is inviolable, the device cannot work because it doesn't conserve momentum.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on December 04, 2008, 05:32:53 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on December 04, 2008, 02:48:35 PM
I think it's pretty funny that TopGun and LTseung rely on conservation of momentum principles to try to prove a system that violates conservation of momentum!!
You just can't have it both ways. If it is possible to violate conservation of momentum, the explanation about force being the rate of change of momentum is senseless. On the other hand, if conservation of momentum is inviolable, the device cannot work because it doesn't conserve momentum.

TinselKolala, from your posts, it is clear that you do not have a formal education in Physics.  Much of your knowledge is hands-on.

It is like discussing the works of William Shakespeare with a person who has not studied English but picked up some English in selling goods to English Customers.

Tseung should keep ignoring the irrelevant and insulting posts.  He cannot bring himself down to the level of explaining elementary physics.

Top Gun can try to teach elementary physics on an open forum where the students do not need to learn and pass examinations.  He has a hopeless task.  But if he has fun and enjoys displaying his patience, he is welcome to engage in such conversations.

Those who refuse to recite the prayers to me in this life are welcome to come to my home and spend eternity reciting them in their next life.  I shall even teach them some physics in a very, very warm environment.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 04, 2008, 06:22:57 PM
And Devil, it is clear from your posts that you don't really know WTF you are talking about, and just want to joke around.
Please provide evidence from my posts that I have not had a formal education in physics. Have I made an error somewhere?
Please point it out, and we will discuss it.
You, on the other hand, have made some errors. Claiming to have a handle on eternity is one of them.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 04, 2008, 06:29:00 PM
Quote from: Devil on December 04, 2008, 05:32:53 PM
Those who refuse to recite the prayers to me in this life are welcome to come to my home and spend eternity reciting them in their next life.  I shall even teach them some physics in a very, very warm environment.

Then you better learn some physics first. Start with inclined planes and levers, after that perhaps some pendulum physics.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 04, 2008, 06:38:32 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on December 04, 2008, 02:48:35 PM
I think it's pretty funny that TopGun and LTseung rely on conservation of momentum principles to try to prove a system that violates conservation of momentum!!
You just can't have it both ways. If it is possible to violate conservation of momentum, the explanation about force being the rate of change of momentum is senseless. On the other hand, if conservation of momentum is inviolable, the device cannot work because it doesn't conserve momentum.

If Tseung really understood Physics, we wouldn't all be in this comedy show!

maybe it was Psychic he studied. That's why he confused himself about the Physics; even pretended to be the Devil!

Now, it's becoming clear at least to me.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on December 05, 2008, 08:52:48 PM
Newton's laws of motion are three physical laws which provide relationships between the forces acting on a body and the motion of the body. They were first compiled by Sir Isaac Newton in his work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, first published on July 5, 1687.[1] The laws form the basis for classical mechanics and Newton himself used them to explain many results concerning the motion of physical objects.[2] In the third volume of the text, Newton showed that these laws of motion, combined with his law of universal gravitation, explained Kepler's laws of planetary motion.

First law
It is possible to select a set of reference frames, called inertial reference frames, observed from which a particle moves without any change in velocity if no net force acts on it. This law is often simplified into the sentence "A body continues to maintain its state of rest or of uniform motion unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force." This law is known as the law of inertia.

Second law
Observed from an inertial reference frame, the net force on a particle is proportional to the time rate of change of its linear momentum: F = d (mv) / dt.[3][4][5][6][7] Momentum mv is the product of mass and velocity. Force and momentum are vector quantities and the resultant force is found from all the forces present by vector addition. This law is often stated as "F = ma: the net force on an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by its acceleration."

Third law
Whenever a particle A exerts a force on another particle B, B simultaneously exerts a force on A with the same magnitude in the opposite direction. The strong form of the law further postulates that these two forces act along the same line. This law is often simplified into the sentence "To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."


You quoted the Law of Conservation of Momentum.  You should know that Momentum can be changed if there are forces acting on the object.  Momentum is conserved according to the First Law only if there is no forces acting on the object.  When we consider the person jumping on the air cushion or padded surface, the air cushion or padded surface will deform.  A force is exerted by the person on the air cushion.  This force will do work in deforming the air cushion and will transfer its energy accordingly.

Newton's Third Law states that there is equal and opposite reaction.  Or the air cushion will exert a force on the person.  The better the cushion or padding, the time taken to change the velocity from v to zero will be longer.

Newton's Second Law states that force = rate of change of momentum.  If the time taken is longer, the force will be smaller.

Please view Experiment001 according to Newton's Laws of Motion.  Think how you can do the Experiment according to the defined setup.  You can do it in this World and not at my home in your next life.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 05, 2008, 09:31:58 PM
Wow, so now the Devil agrees with me.  This is not what he and TopGun said earlier.  At least they correct some of their errors.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 05, 2008, 10:21:27 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on December 05, 2008, 09:31:58 PM
Wow, so now the Devil agrees with me.  This is not what he and TopGun said earlier.  At least they correct some of their errors.


He borrowed 'Physics for Dummies' from a 'O' level student and did some homework last night.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 06, 2008, 01:37:32 AM
Yeah, and he still got it wrong.

From Wikipedia:

(begin quote)

Conservation of linear momentum

The law conservation of linear momentum is a fundamental law of nature, and it states that the total momentum of a closed system of objects (which has no interactions with external agents) is constant. One of the consequences of this is that the center of mass of any system of objects will always continue with the same velocity unless acted on by a force from outside the system.

Conservation of momentum is a mathematical consequence of the homogeneity (shift symmetry) of space (position in space is the canonical conjugate quantity to momentum). So, momentum conservation can be philosophically stated as "nothing depends on location per se".

In an isolated system (one where external forces are absent) the total momentum will be constant: this is implied by Newton's first law of motion. Newton's third law of motion, the law of reciprocal actions, which dictates that the forces acting between systems are equal in magnitude, but opposite in sign, is due to the conservation of momentum.

Since position in space is a vector quantity, momentum (being the canonical conjugate of position) is a vector quantity as well - it has direction. Thus, when a gun is fired, the final total momentum of the system (the gun and the bullet) is the vector sum of the momenta of these two objects. Assuming that the gun and bullet were at rest prior to firing (meaning the initial momentum of the system was zero), the final total momentum must also equal 0.

In an isolated system with only two objects, the change in momentum of one object must be equal and opposite to the change in momentum of the other object.

(some math here, omitted for clarity --TK)

Momentum has the special property that, in a closed system, it is always conserved, even in collisions and separations caused by explosive forces. Kinetic energy, on the other hand, is not conserved in collisions if they are inelastic. Since momentum is conserved it can be used to calculate an unknown velocity following a collision or a separation if all the other masses and velocities are known.

(end quote)

You should know, Devil, that you wouldn't get past the entrance exam for the schools I went to.

The ONLY way the device shown above will move, in any direction, is if it is sitting on a surface it can push against. Its motion is completely understood using Newtonian dynamics and a knowledge of friction. In space, without anything to push against, it will just sit there jiggling.
I've done enough experiments on this line to know what I'm talking about, even if I didn't believe in the principles involved.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 06, 2008, 02:19:41 AM
From Simanek's site:

(begin quote)
Yet, apparently unaware of these well-known physics principles and engineering applications, people even today are still inventing, patenting and proclaiming "internal propulsion engines" and "reactionless drives". Many claim that they are violating Newton's third law. Sometimes they even invent new theoretical physics to account for their imagined violations of physics. Among these are Robert L. Cook's inertial propulsion system US Patent 4,238,968, Dr. Gennady Shipov's universal propulsion system, and James Woodward's theoretical proposal of a reactionless propulsion system, US Patent 6,347,766 and 5,280,864.

Jerry Pournelle has a good account of Dean's device, and makes a suggestion for testing such things. Invariably inventors test them on surfaces or rails, leading one to suspect that friction is doing the dirty work. I haven't even seen one tested on an air suspension table, to reduce that possibility. Also, anything that rotates may have a "fan effect" and move by pushing against air. So Jerry suggests reducing the friction by suspending the device from wires. Also, one should do the experiment in a vacuum. Actually, it would be sufficient to enclose all moving parts in a box that allowed no communication between the internal air and the external air. If, under these conditions, the device swings to one side when running and return to center when stopped, then, Jerry says, he might get interested. But inventors do not do this, or anything close to it. Hmm...

(figure captions for the figures)   
Harry Bull tests his device.    The shifting weights.

Even with this arrangement, self-deception can occur, as in Henry Bull's impulse engine of 1935. You can read about it in Popular Science Monthly, Jan 1935, p. 27: Harry W. Bull: Reaction Motor. His device was in an enclosed box, and suspended from wires as a pendulum. Inside the box two weights were driven by electromagnets, one weight making an inelatic impact with a spring, the other making a nearly elastic metal-to-metal impact. When running, the box containing the device moved to the side. Why? Due to the asymmetric motion inside the box, the center of mass of the box and its contents shifts relative to the box. But the center of mass must still remain where it was before. So the box moves aside, while its center of mass stays put. Newton's laws were working properly.
(end quote)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 06, 2008, 02:26:08 AM
In this article, you can even see the "flying saucer" design. But it's a sphere...
http://www.rexresearch.com/bull/1bull.htm (http://www.rexresearch.com/bull/1bull.htm)

Interesting that Bull's analysis of his system is virtually identical to LTseung's. He even confounds force and energy and momentum in the same way.
But he predicts the device will move in the other direction!
That is, Bull's device was supposed to move in the direction of the soft impact, not the hard impact.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 06, 2008, 02:31:43 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on December 06, 2008, 02:26:08 AM
In this article, you can even see the "flying saucer" design. But it's a sphere...
http://www.rexresearch.com/bull/1bull.htm (http://www.rexresearch.com/bull/1bull.htm)

Interesting that Bull's analysis of his system is virtually identical to LTseung's. He even confounds force and energy and momentum in the same way.
But he predicts the device will move in the other direction!
That is, Bull's device was supposed to move in the direction of the soft impact, not the hard impact.

Thank you TinselKoala for those links. Maybe we'll now have the Lawrence-Bull flying saucer that flies in both directions at the same time?

Now, the BULL is suddenly looking very real!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 06, 2008, 04:57:06 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on December 06, 2008, 02:26:08 AM
In this article, you can even see the "flying saucer" design. But it's a sphere...
http://www.rexresearch.com/bull/1bull.htm (http://www.rexresearch.com/bull/1bull.htm)

Interesting that Bull's analysis of his system is virtually identical to LTseung's. He even confounds force and energy and momentum in the same way.
But he predicts the device will move in the other direction!
That is, Bull's device was supposed to move in the direction of the soft impact, not the hard impact.

Dear TinselKoala,

Glad that you are actually discussing physics.  Unfortunately, you thought that the Bull's analysis is virtually identical to Ltseung's.  You did not read the analysis carefully.  I am reproducing the words here below.

This elementary form of reaction motor operates on a principle that has long been neglected by engineers, but which Bull believes can be applied in aircraft and other vehicles. It depends upon the difference in effectiveness of two ways of transmitting energy, which can be termed impact and impulse. If a weight is thrown against a solid wall, it is stopped by impact, and much of its energy is wasted in distorting the weight and wall and in producing heat. However, if the weight is thrown against a spring fastened to the wall, it is stopped by impulse, the spring conserving the energy of the moving weight and transmitting the resulting force, with little loss, to the wall. Tests have shown a weight will yield three times more force by impulse than by impact.

Bull assumes that the spring fastened to the wall will conserve the energy of the moving weight and if energy is conserved, the force will be larger.  In reality, the spring is compressed.  The time for the velocity to go from v to 0 is longer.  The actual force acting on the wall is less (Force = rate of change of momentum). 

Bull further assumes that if the weight hitting a solid wall is stopped by impact, much of its energy is wasted in distorting the weight and wall and in producing heat.  In his actual experiment, the shape of the weight or the wall hardly changed.  The weight may even bounce back.

One proper way to increase the difference of the two sides is:
(1)   Use a damper or shock absorber to get rid of the energy and prolong the change of momentum as much as possible. (The essence of the Lee Cheung Kin improvement).  This replaces the padded surface.
(2)   Use non-deformable material to have the highest rate of change of momentum on the unpadded surface.

Bull failed in his device while Lee succeeded because of the above proper way.

Other possible ways to increase the difference of the two sides include:
(1)   Use weights of different value; the momentum (m1 x v1 = m2 x v2) will be the same even though m1 is different from m2.  The property of impart with different velocities are different.  (This is mentioned in the Bull article.)
(2)   Use asymmetric pulsing.  Lee Cheung Kin and team also used this trick.  The French pulsing device is an example.  Different Chinese Inventors will show other asymmetric pulsing devices shortly.

Bull almost succeeded â€" except that he did not understand that the force striking the surface is equal to the rate of change of momentum.  He wrongly assumed the major factor was - if energy were conserved, the force would be greater.  He designed his device based on the wrong theory.  The outcome is a device that failed to fly.  Lee and team used the right theory and the result is - a device that can be demonstrated in front of the White House to President Obama!

All the above discussions and demonstration devices cannot match the actual flying saucers classified as top secret by the USA, the Chinese Governments etc.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 06, 2008, 07:29:25 AM
It took Lawrence Tseung many months to distinguish the Lee-Tseung theory from others.  The term used is lead-out-energy machines.  The machines are NOT perpetual motion machines that create energy from nothing.

With the so-called flying saucer technology, there should be a new term.  The basic theory is - generate unbalanced forces from within a system for the purpose of propulsion.  It is not reactionless drive.  It is not inertial propulsion system.

The new term can be:
Lee-Tseung Internal Unbalanced Force
Lee-Tseung propulsion system
Lee-Tseung Unbalanced Force from Within
Any Other Suggestions?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 06, 2008, 10:15:49 AM
You still don't get it. Setting aside your flawed kinematic analysis for a moment, let's consider this:

I have shown you multiple systems that, if the LTLOT were true, would perform differently than they do. Each time I have shown you a failed demonstration or given you links to prior art and research, you say, "Well, that experiment is different, or not properly done, etc.." But what you fail to realize is that you are narrowing the predicted range of applicability of the LTLOT.

Apparently it is only supposed to work in a device EXACTLY as shown in your repeated illustration. No other, similar, devices will illustrate the LTLOT, according to you.

But I put it to you, that even if the device was constructed exactly as you have shown, it would fail the hovering test. You will then respond that there was something wrong with the experiment.

Your "theory" is not falsifiable, because you will not specify an exact hypothesis, and you will not accept null results as being correct or applicable. Therefore it is not scientific, and is of no further interest to me.

When you can show a video of your experiment001 device hovering in mid-air, then you may presume to correct my kinematics. Not before.

"Lee and team used the right theory and the result is - a device that can be demonstrated in front of the White House to President Obama!"
If you are talking about a flying machine that operates on the LTLOT and not aerodynamics, this is simply a lie.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 06, 2008, 11:35:09 AM
@ TinselKoala:

Excellent information and explanations sir.  You know, I would love to see what the Secret Service might do to Lawrence if he was on the White house lawn with a tube shaped device containing a coil with wires coming out of it.  Here is a question:  Can you Lead out gravitational energy while being wrestled to the ground by Secret Service agents?  When you fall to the ground, are you falling faster than 9.9 cm/sec/sec due to the additional energy being introduced to the system by the 5 agents?  Maybe we will see.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 06, 2008, 02:25:16 PM
I don't know why I'm doing their research for them--unless it's because I so resent being lied to by fools and idiots.
Now, Devil and LTseung and TopGun, how is this device different, and why is Naudin's work not an exact enough replication of experiment001, and why are his conclusions incorrect?
Don't challenge me or my education, but rather confront the issues involved and refute Naudin, if you can.

From JLN's website:

(begin quote)
"Test Results  : When spring is released by the burning of the nylon wire, the Impulse Drive ( its support ) moves 5 mm from the left to the right but the internal moving mass M has shifted 6 mm from the right to the left, and we have : 84 g x 6 mm ~ 104 g x 5mm.

Conclusion : Today, I am able to confirm the effect observed in the Bull's Impulse engine with this simple experiment: After that the spring is released the device has translated 5 mm in one direction.

But, after a short analysis of the photos above you will notice that there is no motion of the center of mass in spite of the apparent motion of the device. This is only a 'one-shoot' experiment because the device needs to be resetted before each test, the net impulse in the Bull's device sums to zero over a complete cycle ( when the moving masses return to its initial position at the end the cycle ). "
(end quote)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 06, 2008, 02:29:04 PM
OK. Lawrence, Top Gun, Devil, Forever and Whoever

Let's see how good you are with your own formula.

You say:

The lead-out-energy from a pendulum is equal to the vertical component of the tension of the string multiplied by the vertical displacement.

Since this is your own formula it should be easy for you to demonstrate the following:

Please calculate the amount of available Lead Out energy for the following pendulum.

Location : Hong Kong
Length of pendulum from fulcrum to centre of gravity of pendulum bob: 2 Meters
Weight of pendulum bob: 1 Kilogram
Gravitational Acceleration for Kong Kong: 9.790 m/s²

You can specify your own values for the Lee Tseung Pull.

Show us.

Hans von Lieven

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 06, 2008, 09:38:08 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 06, 2008, 02:29:04 PM
OK. Lawrence, Top Gun, Devil, Forever and Whoever

Let's see how good you are with your own formula.

You say:

The lead-out-energy from a pendulum is equal to the vertical component of the tension of the string multiplied by the vertical displacement.

Since this is your own formula it should be easy for you to demonstrate the following:

Please calculate the amount of available Lead Out energy for the following pendulum.

Location : Hong Kong
Length of pendulum from fulcrum to centre of gravity of pendulum bob: 2 Meters
Weight of pendulum bob: 1 Kilogram
Gravitational Acceleration for Kong Kong: 9.790 m/s²

You can specify your own values for the Lee Tseung Pull.

Show us.

Hans von Lieven

Please refer to http://hk.geocities.com/winghang20022002/Presentation.htm#presentation

Start at the 10th slide and finish at slide 14 for the detailed physics explanations.

I shall use a horizontal pull at 1/10 the weight.  (Or 0.1 of the 1Kg bob)

Mathematical steps:
(1)   At equilibrium, the three forces tension T, weight Mg and Horizontal Force F will obey the Law of Parallelogram of forces.  The displaced angle a can be calculated from tan(a) = F/mg or tan(a) = 0.1.  From the trigonometry tables, a = 5.711 degrees.
(2)   The Old tension before the horizontal force = T = Mg = 1 x 9.790 Newtons.
(3)   The New tension after the horizontal force = T1 =Mg/cos(a)   
= 9.790/0.995036 = 9.838835 Newtons.  This is slightly higher than T.
(4)   The horizontal displacement = dX = Lsin(a) = 2 x 0.099511
= 0.199022 meters
(5)   The vertical displacement = dH = L (1-cos(a)) = 2 x (1-0.995036)
= 0.009927 meters

(1)   The horizontal work done = F x dX = 0.1 x 1 x 9.790 x 0.199022
= 0.194842 Newton-Meters
(2)   The vertical work done = Mg x dH = 1 x 9.790 x 0.009927
= 0.097186 Newton-Meters
(3)   The ratio of horizontal work over vertical work = 0.194842/0.097186
= 2.004844

Thus in the case of the First Lee-Tseung Pull using the supplied values, approximately 2 parts of horizontally supplied energy will lead out 1 part of vertical gravitational energy.  The Lee-Tseung lead-out theory cannot be wrong.  The Physics and Mathematics cannot be wrong.

*** The attached file shows the same thing but formatted better.  ***
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 07, 2008, 12:20:04 AM
Quote from TopGun...

"Thus in the case of the First Lee-Tseung Pull using the supplied values, approximately 2 parts of horizontally supplied energy will lead out 1 part of vertical gravitational energy.  The Lee-Tseung lead-out theory cannot be wrong.  The Physics and Mathematics cannot be wrong."

Once again, I don't see any where that you account for the energy required to supply the first Lee-Tseung pull.  Maybe I missed something but I sure didn't see it in your supplied numbers.  I have said the same thing to Lawrence many times when he posts these types of numbers.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 07, 2008, 12:51:18 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on December 07, 2008, 12:20:04 AM
Quote from TopGun...

"Thus in the case of the First Lee-Tseung Pull using the supplied values, approximately 2 parts of horizontally supplied energy will lead out 1 part of vertical gravitational energy.  The Lee-Tseung lead-out theory cannot be wrong.  The Physics and Mathematics cannot be wrong."

Once again, I don't see any where that you account for the energy required to supply the first Lee-Tseung pull.  Maybe I missed something but I sure didn't see it in your supplied numbers.  I have said the same thing to Lawrence many times when he posts these types of numbers.


Dear Bill,

The externally supplied energy is from the horizontal force F.  The force F can be made constant as the user supplies it.  The horizontal displacement is dX (Lsin(a)).
The value of the horizontal energy is F x dX.  This section of Physics is based on the Law of Parallelogram of Forces.  It cannot be wrong. 

Please study the slides 10 to 14 in http://hk.geocities.com/winghang20022002/Presentation.htm.

From the example supplied by Hans von Lieven, that value is equal to 0.194842 Newton-Meters.

Hans, may be you can help Bill.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on December 07, 2008, 01:41:21 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on December 07, 2008, 12:20:04 AM
Quote from TopGun...

"Thus in the case of the First Lee-Tseung Pull using the supplied values, approximately 2 parts of horizontally supplied energy will lead out 1 part of vertical gravitational energy.  The Lee-Tseung lead-out theory cannot be wrong.  The Physics and Mathematics cannot be wrong."

Once again, I don't see any where that you account for the energy required to supply the first Lee-Tseung pull.  Maybe I missed something but I sure didn't see it in your supplied numbers.  I have said the same thing to Lawrence many times when he posts these types of numbers.


He bootstraps himself, begs the question, uses circular reasoning, you pick.  He claims the .199 whatever of horizontal work done is the entire input energy.  His only reason for this is that the push was horizontal, so therefore whatever work was done horizontally must be the only energy being input, right?  And the vertical you get for free.  Tada!

That is it.  There is no more.  That is his whole argument, and it is idiotic.  He never correctly measures input energy, because he fails to account for the energy required to lift the bob.  He simply assumes there is none, because the whole push is horizontal.  His reason for this is that a horizontal push cannot move a bob upwards.  He refuses to recognize a pendulum as a simple machine - an inclined plane.  He never adequately explains why.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 07, 2008, 01:51:46 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on December 07, 2008, 01:41:21 AM
He bootstraps himself, begs the question, uses circular reasoning, you pick.  He claims the .199 whatever of horizontal work done is the entire input energy.  His only reason for this is that the push was horizontal, so therefore whatever work was done horizontally must be the only energy being input, right?  And the vertical you get for free.  Tada!

That is it.  There is no more.  That is his whole argument, and it is idiotic.  He never correctly measures input energy, because he fails to account for the energy required to lift the bob.  He simply assumes there is none, because the whole push is horizontal.  His reason for this is that a horizontal push cannot move a bob upwards.  He refuses to recognize a pendulum as a simple machine - an inclined plane.  He never adequately explains why.

This is the whole crux of the argument when we first asked him eons of time ago how he accounted for the work done lifting the pendulum from standstill (vertical position) to the horizontal position?

Well, of course there was no good answer. This guy is unbalanced in his Physics knowledge when he chose to explain his "math and physics don't lie crap" when we know this is a delusional LIAR!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 07, 2008, 01:57:16 AM
OK Top Gun,

Assuming I buy your calculation, how do you propose to harvest the 50% overunity, feed some 2% back into the system to keep it going and then drive something with the balance?

Please supply a concept diagram of a machine that can do this.

Hans von Lieven

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 07, 2008, 03:33:59 AM
OK Top Gun,

Assuming I buy your calculation, how do you propose to harvest the 50% overunity to drive something, feed some 100% back into the system to keep it going?

Please supply a concept diagram of a machine that can do this.

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

Can you help to educate bill, chrisC and utilitarian first?  Their posts will only disrupt our ‘intelligent’ discussions.

Thank you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 07, 2008, 03:38:33 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on December 07, 2008, 03:33:59 AM
Dear Hans,

Can you help to educate bill, chrisC and utilitarian first?  Their posts will only disrupt our ‘intelligent’ discussions.

Thank you.

I'm sure the only animal that will perhaps equate you with 'intelligence' is the sacrificial turkey. We'll we know what happens to Turkeys and why their brains are different from normal people. Don't you old Tseung?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: parisd on December 07, 2008, 06:18:18 AM

I came on this forum and especially on this thread to read the discussions around lee-Tseung. I have a powerpoint presentation from him that I found on an other website that is quite curious; he is refering to MIT, Top scientists, former university professors,... and start his presentation with a simple triangle of force and a quick and wrong conclusion that a secondary school pupil would find as a non sense. Nevertheless there may really be a real thing that works below his poor presentation but I dont have the courage to go through the 300 pages of this thread to find it.

No explanation in the pdf about the relation between his motor and the reverse spool on a glass of water, some mention about pulse and insistance about recuperation of gravitational energy when the prototype of motor seems to use magnets.

I went on youtube where I found his videos that are worse than I could imagine, I see him playing like a child with a bottle of water conviced to have a flying saucer, I saw the reverse spool on a glass of water but in the powerpoint presentation it need 4 people and on the video only 2 people and curiously the botton of the video is cut (!?),

I should mention that I found one interesting video, the mass that give energy falling down then come back to his initial position simply by the archimede force of water.

So my question to the incredibly high numbers of readers of this thread;
Do we have in front of us a genious that does not succeed to communicate his discovery, or a master of bullshiting, or may be a guy who is laughing of all the overunity adepts ??

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 07, 2008, 06:30:47 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on December 07, 2008, 01:41:21 AM

He never correctly measures input energy, because he fails to account for the energy required to lift the bob.  He simply assumes there is none, because the whole push is horizontal.  His reason for this is that a horizontal push cannot move a bob upwards.  He refuses to recognize a pendulum as a simple machine - an inclined plane.  He never adequately explains why.

Please prove to us that the pendulum is same as an inclined plane.

I may even learn something.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 07, 2008, 01:03:17 PM
@ TopGun:

OK.  I pointed this out hundreds of pages ago.  The movement of the pendulum is not exactly like an inclined plane, but it is very close.  For every movement caused by the horizontal force, you get a movement of both horizontal and vertical.  The only difference is that the inclined plane's movement is linear and the pendulum's is an arc, so the math is different but, for all practical purposes, they are the same.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 07, 2008, 01:34:27 PM
Before we get too far into the "change of subject" most conveniently tossed in, let's get back for a moment to JLN's replication of Bull's work, which is nearly exactly LTseung's experiment001.

This experiment failed to support the LTLOT.
JLN's analysis is correct.

What is wrong with JLN's experiment, what is wrong with his analysis, and why doesn't it apply to your "flying saucer"?

Here's something to consider: F=d(mv)/dt, (The ball's momentum decreases slowly--where do you think it goes? It goes into increasing the momentum of the container, to which the soft wall is attached.) So when the ball hits the soft wall it is decelerated slowly, with little force. But by Newton, this force is also felt in the opposite direction, by the container wall, and the momentum is transferred, albeit slowly. The ball hits the padded wall and decelerates, but the padded wall plus all the mass attached to it, accelerates, preserving total momentum. The KE energy loss in compressing the padding is very small compared to the original KE of the ball. The ball is decelerated by a small force over a large time. The padding and the wall is accelerated by the same force over the same time. All the momentum that the ball originally had, is transferred to the system made up of the ball and the padded wall it's sticking to and whatever is attached to that wall--a much greater mass, so the acceleration is small (since A=F/m). Momentum is conserved, no matter how soft the wall or how slow the ball's deceleration. This is the basic inelastic collision model and it has been confirmed time after time after time. You cannot get out of bed without confirming it yourself.
The other wall undergoes an (EDIT)elastic collision and is easier to analyze, because the interaction can be modeled as instantaneous (even though it isn't.)
So on one side of the apparatus you have a momentum conserving collision that occurs over a relatively slow time and accelerates the housing in one direction, conserving the momentum initially imparted to the ball. The other side of the apparatus has a momentum conserving collision that happens "instantaneously" and accelerates the housing in the other direction, conserving momentum initially imparted to its ball. Even if the timing, forces, and distances of the two ball paths are different, as in the suggested case of asymmetric forces (which I tested in the videos by the way), the system's center of mass still won't move--because in that case, when the balls are launched asymmetrically, the housing moves immediately in the opposite direction, and this initial motion "evens out" the outcome, so that when averaged over time, the center of mass of the whole system still doesn't make progress.

Of course, the proof is in the pudding, for those who can't think properly about the kinematics.
So, it's a simple enough apparatus. Let the believers build one and show it hovering.


Alas, you cannot.
For, you see, LTseung, TopGun, Devil, I (and many others) have already proven you to be wrong.

(edited the usual typo)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 07, 2008, 02:02:27 PM
G'day Top Gun and all,

DEFINITION - The newton is the Standard International (SI) unit of force. In physics and engineering documentation, the term newton(s) is, usually abbreviated N.

One newton is the force required to cause a mass of one kilogram to accelerate at a rate of one meter per second squared in the absence of other force-producing effects. In general, force (F) in newtons, mass (m) in kilograms, and acceleration (a) in meters per second squared are related by a formula well known in physics:

F = ma

The formula also applies when F and a are vector quantities having magnitude and direction:

F = ma

where the direction of the force vector F is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector a.

You say:    (2)    The Old tension before the horizontal force = T = Mg = 1 x 9.790 Newtons.

This is nonsense. The tension on the string at rest is precisely 1 kg. You are using the gravitational accelleration as your value, which is not legitimate, by definition.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 07, 2008, 04:12:39 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 07, 2008, 02:02:27 PM
G'day Top Gun and all,

DEFINITION - The newton is the Standard International (SI) unit of force. In physics and engineering documentation, the term newton(s) is, usually abbreviated N.

One newton is the force required to cause a mass of one kilogram to accelerate at a rate of one meter per second squared in the absence of other force-producing effects. In general, force (F) in newtons, mass (m) in kilograms, and acceleration (a) in meters per second squared are related by a formula well known in physics:

F = ma

The formula also applies when F and a are vector quantities having magnitude and direction:

F = ma

where the direction of the force vector F is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector a.

You say:    (2)    The Old tension before the horizontal force = T = Mg = 1 x 9.790 Newtons.

This is nonsense. The tension on the string at rest is precisely 1 kg. You are using the gravitational accelleration as your value, which is not legitimate, by definition.

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

Tension is a force.  As you pointed out, the unit of force is in Newtons.
Mass is measured in Kilograms. 

As pointed out by Tinu at the beginning of this thread (reply #4 and following), many non-physicists confused the two.  The most common mistake for the layman is to say - I weight 50 kilograms.  In reality, the correct physics statement is - I have a mass of 50 Kilograms.  The force I exert on the scale is Mg or 50 Kilograms x 9.70 meters per sec per sec in Hong Kong.

Tinu used the above to say that I was no physicist.  I correct that subsequently.  You should understand the above too.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 07, 2008, 04:17:51 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on December 07, 2008, 01:34:27 PM
Before we get too far into the "change of subject" most conveniently tossed in, let's get back for a moment to JLN's replication of Bull's work, which is nearly exactly  LTseung's experiment001.

This experiment failed to support the LTLOT.
JLN's analysis is correct.

What is wrong with JLN's experiment, what is wrong with his analysis, and why doesn't it apply to your "flying saucer"?

Please wait.  We shall have experimental results for the exact Experiment001 shortly.  There will be much juicy discussions then.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 07, 2008, 04:34:34 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on December 07, 2008, 04:12:39 PM
Dear Hans,

Tension is a force.  As you pointed out, the unit of force is in Newtons.
Mass is measured in Kilograms. 

As pointed out by Tinu at the beginning of this thread (reply #4 and following), many non-physicists confused the two.  The most common mistake for the layman is to say - I weight 50 kilograms.  In reality, the correct physics statement is - I have a mass of 50 Kilograms.  The force I exert on the scale is Mg or 50 Kilograms x 9.70 meters per sec per sec in Hong Kong.

Tinu used the above to say that I was no physicist.  I correct that subsequently.  You should understand the above too.

The gravitational constant, denoted G, is an empirical physical constant involved in the calculation of the gravitational attraction between objects with mass. It appears in Newton's law of universal gravitation and in Einstein's theory of general relativity. It is also known as the universal gravitational constant, Newton's constant, and colloquially Big G.[1] It should not be confused with "little g" (g), which is the local gravitational field (equivalent to the local acceleration due to gravity), especially that at the Earth's surface; see Earth's gravity and standard gravity.

1 kg-force is equivalent to 9.80665 newtons not the stated 9.790

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 07, 2008, 07:08:34 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on December 07, 2008, 04:17:51 PM
Please wait.  We shall have experimental results for the exact Experiment001 shortly.  There will be much juicy discussions then.

A shameless dodge.

You, who claim to be a "scientist", should know that science proceeds by attempts at falsification of theories, not by confirmatory experiments. I have no doubt that your "exact" experiment001 will perform as you say--because you will not be testing it in the recommended manner. You will not be showing it to hover. You will not be showing it to make progress while on a proper frictionless substrate. You will not be showing it maintaining a constant displacement on a pendulum test. Why will you not be showing these things? First, because the device will not do them. Second, and more importantly, you will not do any appropriate control experiments, because at some level, you know what will happen.
And so do I.
What you will show is the device making some progress while on a table top. Just like the earlier video. And this will prove absolutely nothing about your theory, other than that you do not understand the logic of scientific hypothesis testing. Which we already know.

Now, address the issue. JLNaudin's device is functionally identical to your experiment001 device. Why did he come to the conclusions he did?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on December 07, 2008, 08:10:50 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on December 07, 2008, 04:17:51 PM
Please wait.  We shall have experimental results for the exact Experiment001 shortly.  There will be much juicy discussions then.

I agree with Tinsel, if you have any integrity at all, you would answer the question.  Naudin's experiment stands on its own, and does not require your experiment001 to be performed.  There is no reason why you cannot comment on it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 07, 2008, 08:41:05 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on December 07, 2008, 08:10:50 PM
I agree with Tinsel, if you have any integrity at all, you would answer the question.  Naudin's experiment stands on its own, and does not require your experiment001 to be performed.  There is no reason why you cannot comment on it.

Because snake oil merchants have nothing but snake oil to risk! Besides most snake oil salesmen knows when to quit when they're exposed. This is a delusional salesman with a kamikaze agenda!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 07, 2008, 09:18:35 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 07, 2008, 04:34:34 PM
The gravitational constant, denoted G, is an empirical physical constant involved in the calculation of the gravitational attraction between objects with mass. It appears in Newton's law of universal gravitation and in Einstein's theory of general relativity. It is also known as the universal gravitational constant, Newton's constant, and colloquially Big G.[1] It should not be confused with "little g" (g), which is the local gravitational field (equivalent to the local acceleration due to gravity), especially that at the Earth's surface; see Earth's gravity and standard gravity.

1 kg-force is equivalent to 9.80665 newtons not the stated 9.790

Hans von Lieven

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Acceleration due to gravity can refer to:

Standard gravity, or g, the standard value of Earth's gravitational acceleration at sea level, 9.806 metres per second per second.

The best way to solve the difficulty is to state that the MASS of the bob is 1 kilogram.  The force it will exert in Hong Kong is Mg and will be 9.790 newtons.

Are you ready to continue?  Are there still any points not 100% sure?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 07, 2008, 11:50:15 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 07, 2008, 09:18:35 PM
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Acceleration due to gravity can refer to:

Standard gravity, or g, the standard value of Earth's gravitational acceleration at sea level, 9.806 metres per second per second.

The best way to solve the difficulty is to state that the MASS of the bob is 1 kilogram.  The force it will exert in Hong Kong is Mg and will be 9.790 newtons.

Are you ready to continue?  Are there still any points not 100% sure?

Well, this is what we are 100% sure

1. You're a snake oil salesman
2. You're hypothesis has no merits because you cannot substantiate your so called 'discoveries'
3. You definitely are NOT a scientist by any definition of the word
4. You are definitely delusional either by choice or because you're medically certified to be so. Or you're born this way.
5. You have not passed 'O' level Physics
6. You like to lead others in circular arguments
7. Your so called 'patent' applications will surely be thrown out by any world patent bodies, if they have not already been.
8. You're an embarrassment to your family members.
9. You don't know when to quit even when you've been exposed in your scams.
10. You, Devil, TopGun etc are members of your deluded state.

What else don't we know of you Lawrence?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 08, 2008, 12:00:53 AM
Quote from Larry:

"Standard gravity, or g, the standard value of Earth's gravitational acceleration at sea level, 9.806 metres per second per second."

Hans already stated that this should not be confused with the little "g".  Please see his above post. (Quoted below)

Quote from Hans:
"It should not be confused with "little g" (g), which is the local gravitational field (equivalent to the local acceleration due to gravity), especially that at the Earth's surface; see Earth's gravity and standard gravity."

Heck, he even posted it in bold type.  There it is.  He asked you not to be confused, but yet, you seem to be.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 08, 2008, 01:37:42 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 07, 2008, 01:57:16 AM
OK Top Gun,

Assuming I buy your calculation, how do you propose to harvest the 50% overunity, feed some 2% back into the system to keep it going and then drive something with the balance?

Please supply a concept diagram of a machine that can do this.

Hans von Lieven

As I said in this earlier post of mine. Forget about maths. Just give us a concept drawing of how you intend to harvest and use the surplus lead out energy. We will do the rest.

We will build it (I am sure we can find someone somewhere who can use a drill), show it to the world, and validate the Lee-Tseung theory of hobgoblins and tooth fairies.

Furthermore we will, upon successful completion, lobby strongly for a Nobel Prize for those two outstanding pioneering physicists that have saved the world.

Fair enough? Let's see the drawing.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 08, 2008, 02:08:12 AM
@ Hans:

Please do not forget the research and hard work of Professor Whoflungdung.  If there is a Nobel prize for this, he should be included.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 08, 2008, 07:18:23 AM
Dear All,

Please see the two videos produced by Mr. Tong Pochi in Hong Kong.

and the following pictures:

There are three basic components:
(1)   Battery supply pack
(2)   Timer Control unit
(3)   The Experiment001 device with an electromagnet in the middle and two permanent magnets in two copper (non-magnetic) tubes.

The purpose of the experiment is to check out the Lee-Tseung theory of using unbalanced forces generated from within for the purpose of propulsion.  More experiments may be needed but the two above videos and pictures do demonstrate the possible correctness of the theory.

Lee Cheung Kin and his Chinese Military friends have produced a working, hovering prototype.  However, there may be difficulty in demonstrating that openly to the World.  Details in: http://hk.gecocities.com/winghang20022002/Flying_Saucer.htm (You need to use Internet Explorer to view it.)

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 08, 2008, 09:05:25 AM
Please note that this is EXACTLY as I predicted:

The device was not shown to hover--because it cannot.

The device was not shown to make progress on a proper frictionless surface--because it cannot.

The device was not shown to maintain a sideways displacement when suspended as a pendulum--because it cannot.

The device WAS shown to inch along on a table top, and no control experiments were done (or shown)---exactly in accord with friction and Newtonian kinematics.

"Lee Cheung Kin and his Chinese Military friends have produced a working, hovering prototype. " If that statement refers to a device that hovers and is propelled by the above device or a variant thereof, it is a baldfaced lie.


So far, you have just proven me right, over and over....
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 08, 2008, 10:40:15 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on December 08, 2008, 09:05:25 AM
Please note that this is EXACTLY as I predicted:

Please reproduce Experiment001.  Mr. Tong Po Chi in Hong Kong has done it.  Do you need help to repeat the experiment?

Some people now suspect you as one of those in a Blue Suit - trying to persuade the scientists not to develop the Flying Saucer.

I predict
(a) The "jumping" of the cylinder will be much higher with improvement.
(b) The pulse force or unbalanced force will be much larger with improvement.
(c) The pulse force upwards can be made to be steady with multiple cylinders.
(d) The steady force can be made greater than the weight of the device.  If the upward force can be greater than the weight, Newton's Laws say that the device will move upwards.
(e) Other devices using rotation, flux changes etc. will demonstrate that unbalanced forces can be produced from within.

There is no evidence to show that Lee Cheung Kin and team could not produce a hovering prototype so far.  They had 6 months and very significant resources.

Mr. Tong did the above part-time with zero outside financing and no helpers. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on December 08, 2008, 10:50:46 AM
TK there's no way it would hover at such a low frequency. If Tseung is right the Force impulse is momentarily in order to to make it more constant one needs to augment the frequency.

Tseung certain people will keep criticizing even if the thing shot off to the moon in front of them  :P. Can I ask you to ask the sir who did the experiment for a request? Can he mount the setup on a flat wheel and run it. If you're right the wheel should spin in one direction. I think this would prove that there's a unidirectional net force?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on December 08, 2008, 12:03:31 PM
Quote from: broli on December 08, 2008, 10:50:46 AM
TK there's no way it would hover at such a low frequency. If Tseung is right the Force impulse is momentarily in order to to make it more constant one needs to augment the frequency.

Tseung certain people will keep criticizing even if the thing shot off to the moon in front of them  :P. Can I ask you to ask the sir who did the experiment for a request? Can he mount the setup on a flat wheel and run it. If you're right the wheel should spin in one direction. I think this would prove that there's a unidirectional net force?

TK asked to see the device maintain a horizontal displacement if suspended.  I do not think that is too much to ask.  That is not nearly as difficult as hovering.

With regard to your idea of mounting it on wheels, I think you will notice that it will not move forward so well after that.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 08, 2008, 12:09:25 PM
Quote from: broli on December 08, 2008, 10:50:46 AM
TK there's no way it would hover at such a low frequency. If Tseung is right the Force impulse is momentarily in order to to make it more constant one needs to augment the frequency.

So jack up the frequency, if you think that will help. Isn't that a function generator sitting there on the table?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 08, 2008, 12:20:01 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 08, 2008, 10:40:15 AM
Please reproduce Experiment001.  Mr. Tong Po Chi in Hong Kong has done it.  Do you need help to repeat the experiment?

Some people now suspect you as one of those in a Blue Suit - trying to persuade the scientists not to develop the Flying Saucer.

I predict
(a) The "jumping" of the cylinder will be much higher with improvement.
(b) The pulse force or unbalanced force will be much larger with improvement.
(c) The pulse force upwards can be made to be steady with multiple cylinders.
(d) The steady force can be made greater than the weight of the device.  If the upward force can be greater than the weight, Newton's Laws say that the device will move upwards.
(e) Other devices using rotation, flux changes etc. will demonstrate that unbalanced forces can be produced from within.

There is no evidence to show that Lee Cheung Kin and team could not produce a hovering prototype so far.  They had 6 months and very significant resources.

Mr. Tong did the above part-time with zero outside financing and no helpers. 

You are so silly. Keep twitching, it's fun to watch.

The demonstration came out EXACTLY as I predicted, and shows absolutely nothing new and absolutely nothing relevant to the LTLOT.
Do you need help to understand why?

As far as your "predictions" are concerned:
1) Of course it will.
2) There are NO unbalanced forces in your experiment.
3) No, it cannot. You will only succeed in dampening what movement there might be.
4) You have already shown that the upward "force" can be greater than the weight.  Unfortunately it still needs to push against something (the table). The device will NOT stay in the air above the table without bumping against it, no matter how strong the "unbalanced force" might be. PROVE ME WRONG. Get a bigger battery, a faster signal generator, a lighter tube and coil, do whatever you want. It still won't hover. PROVE ME WRONG. Your statement about what Newton's laws predict, is incorrect. Newton's laws predict what I, and others, have been saying about this device. It needs something to push against. PROVE ME WRONG.
5) No, they haven't and no, they won't.

(And btw over here they are called, "Men In Black", and if anyone is one, you are, because you are trying to get creative, intelligent and resourceful people to waste their time chasing rainbows. I am trying to get people to tell the truth and do science. You are lying and trying to "prove" your own pet theory. There's a big difference.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 08, 2008, 12:33:05 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 08, 2008, 10:40:15 AM
Please reproduce Experiment001.  Mr. Tong Po Chi in Hong Kong has done it.  Do you need help to repeat the experiment?

There is no evidence to show that Lee Cheung Kin and team could not produce a hovering prototype so far.  They had 6 months and very significant resources.

What Mr. Tong did proved absolutely nothing. If you are correct in your theories, just following TK's definitions you will be able to show us you're smarter than Newton and indeed should be awarded the Noble prize.

Just walk the talk but alas, you proved yourself to be a deluded LIAR and worst still, showed the world you're someone who CANNOT admit you're wrong despite being shown over and over again.

Even most idiots would know when to quit.....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Localjoe on December 08, 2008, 12:52:50 PM
alert :- langley recently contacted me and said the professor is on a fecal rampage for new results ... this cant be good
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 08, 2008, 05:29:27 PM
Now I can start with the juicy discussions on Experiment001.

Before we go into the theoretical discussions, we can focus on the experimental results.

It is shown in the following diagram.

The movement is towards the unpadded surface.  In our case, it is towards the elastic collision surface.  (More on that later.)

To be continued.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 08, 2008, 05:39:05 PM
Let me now discuss Experiment001 in separate stages.

The first stage is that both permanent magnets received the same magnetic repulsion and will fly off in opposite direction.  The net momentum of the device must be zero.

Tinselkoala failed to set up this part.  His magnets stuck together.  The probable reason is that his electromagnet is not strong enough or his permanent magnets were too strong and placed too close to the soft iron core.

In this first stage friction between the device and table plays no part.  The two magnets happily go on their opposite paths with the same velocity and momentum.

The net momentum of the device is still equal to 0.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 08, 2008, 05:53:26 PM
In the next part, we need to introduce the concept of elastic and inelastic collisions.

In Physics, eleastic collision refers to the situation where there is no loss of kinetic energy - nothing is converted into heat or sound.  The object and the wall will not deform.  The solid surface is an approximation.  On hitting the surface, the velocity is reversed.  There is a change of momentum of the magnet from mv to -mv or (mv-(-mv)).  The value is thus 2mv.  The force F1 is given by the rate of change of momentum.  The value is 2mv/t1.  t1 is made to be as short as possible so that F1 is as large as possible.

This part can be considered alone.  Thus F1 can be determined.

In Physics, inelastic collision refers to the situation where there is loss of kinetic energy - much of it is converted into heat, sound or deformation.  The padded surface is an approximation.  On hitting the padded surface, the velocity is also reverse but its value will be much less (v1).  The value is (mv -(-mv1) or m(v+v1).  Since v1 is less than v, the change in momentum is less than 2 mv.  This value is less than the solid surface case.  The force F2 is the rate of change of momentum.  The valude is m(v+v1)/t2.  t2 is made to be as long as possible so that F2 is as small as possible.

The trick is to have the largest difference between F1 and F2.  This is the design principle.  The Bull and Naudin devices did not follow the above design principle and are thus useless devices.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 08, 2008, 06:28:46 PM
@ TopGun:

I am sorry to see that you still do not get it.  You are missing a fundamental part of all this.  Go ahead and suspend this in the air so it is free swinging and see what happens.  You won't because you already know.  Everyone already knows.  As I said before, unless you are planning to take the table with you into space, this will not work as a propulsion device.  I really wish it would, but, it won't.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 08, 2008, 06:55:39 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on December 08, 2008, 06:28:46 PM
@ TopGun:

I am sorry to see that you still do not get it.  You are missing a fundamental part of all this.  Go ahead and suspend this in the air so it is free swinging and see what happens.  You won't because you already know.  Everyone already knows.  As I said before, unless you are planning to take the table with you into space, this will not work as a propulsion device.  I really wish it would, but, it won't.



That could easily explain why he can't use a drill! Even simple common sense is exceeding difficult for this Top Turkey to understand!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on December 08, 2008, 08:00:11 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on December 08, 2008, 05:53:26 PM
In the next part, we need to introduce the concept of elastic and inelastic collisions.

In Physics, eleastic collision refers to the situation where there is no loss of kinetic energy - nothing is converted into heat or sound.  The object and the wall will not deform.  The solid surface is an approximation.  On hitting the surface, the velocity is reversed.  There is a change of momentum of the magnet from mv to -mv or (mv-(-mv)).  The value is thus 2mv.  The force F1 is given by the rate of change of momentum.  The value is 2mv/t1.  t1 is made to be as short as possible so that F1 is as large as possible.

This part can be considered alone.  Thus F1 can be determined.

In Physics, inelastic collision refers to the situation where there is loss of kinetic energy - much of it is converted into heat, sound or deformation.  The padded surface is an approximation.  On hitting the padded surface, the velocity is also reverse but its value will be much less (v1).  The value is (mv -(-mv1) or m(v+v1).  Since v1 is less than v, the change in momentum is less than 2 mv.  This value is less than the solid surface case.  The force F2 is the rate of change of momentum.  The valude is m(v+v1)/t2.  t2 is made to be as long as possible so that F2 is as small as possible.

The trick is to have the largest difference between F1 and F2.  This is the design principle.  The Bull and Naudin devices did not follow the above design principle and are thus useless devices.

The analysis contains a fundamental error.  You are comparing average forces, but those are not at issue.  Momentum is still conserved, and the center of mass in the closed system will not move.

On the padded side, you forget to multiply the average force by the time the force is applied.  You cannot cheat the system.  F1*t1 will equal F2*t2.  You simply look at the average force on the padded side, and of course that will be lower.  But that does not matter in the slightest.  The lower F2, the higher t2 needs to be - there is no way around it - and the equation will balance.

I suspect you know all this, and just attempting to play a trick on the reader, focusing on the fact that kinetic energy is not conserved.  That is irrelevant.  In a complicated scenario like this, with elastic and inelastic collisions, it is true that kinetic energy is not conserved, but momentum always is, and that is why your device cannot move its center of mass in a frictionless environment.

The only reason the object in the experiment moves is that it includes the table (and the building and the planet Earth) in its closed system.  Once the table is removed from the system, the result will be quite different.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 09, 2008, 09:34:38 AM
Man-made flying saucers are already flying and sighted by many.

They are engine driven rather than aerodynamically driven.  Thus they can fly in outer space; make sharp turns; hover; vertical take-off and land etc..

The principle used is propulsion system from unbalanced forces generated from within.

Possible techniques to create unbalanced forces include:
(1) Unbalanced padding
(2) Unbalanced pulsing
(3) Rotational Systems using centripetal forces
(4) Flux change Systems
(5) Other undisclosed techniques

We need to look for systems that can be repeated rapidly.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 09, 2008, 09:47:47 AM
There you go again.

There is no evidence for any of your statements.
(Well, except for the "sightings" part---unfortunately reports of "sightings" are just that: reports of sightings. Nothing more, and proof of nothing.)

What you need to look for, is actual evidence that the LTLOT is correct. So far, it has failed every scientific test proposed.

Please stop making claims for which you have no evidence.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 09, 2008, 10:27:43 AM
Mr. Tong Po Chi modified Experiment001 as shown.

What do you think is the outcome of the Experiment?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 09, 2008, 10:59:06 AM
Mr. Tong did the improvement as shown in the figure.

He is absolutely certain that he can:
(1) Produce enough force for the cylinder to jump vertically even a couple of meters.
(2) The force produced will be sufficient to carry a small battery to jump up together.
(3) The Pulse strength and rate can be adjusted to be in many pulses per minute.

All the elements of producing a flying saucer prototype is available.

If the Lee Tseung theory that unbalanced forces can be produced from within a system, a prototype can be developed to fly, hover, move left and right, vertical take off and land.

Lee Cheung Kin and team took 6 months to get a working prototype.  Mr. Tong took less than 3 weeks to come up with a possible theme.  I am sure other possible ones will emerge shortly from China.  (The USA scientists may believe the non-physicist forum members here.) :D :D :D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 09, 2008, 11:02:43 AM
What you have outlined above is not an attempt at falsification, it is an attempt at verification.

Let me tell you what I mean. I have here a foolproof black cat detector. It only responds to black cats, and nothing else. How will we test it?

Your experiment is equivalent to testing my detector by showing it a black cat. When it lights up, you would say my detector is proven.

However, the correct way to test the detector is to present it with something OTHER than a black cat, and see if it lights up. If it does, it really isn't a black cat detector, is it, even though it passed YOUR test.

Now, on to the above experiment.

When the moveable magnet strikes the top wall, of course the assembly will "jump" up--assuming the other parts are light enough and the magnet strikes with sufficient force.
When the electromagnet pulses, though, the table experiences a reaction force.
This means, if the apparatus were suspended in space, at the moment the electromagnet is triggered, the housing and electromagnet will be pushed downward at the same time, and with equal momentum, as the moveable magnet is pushed upward. Then, when the moveable magnet hits the top wall, there is another, symmetrical wrt momentum, interaction. The net motion of the center of mass is zero.

Please ask Mr. Tong to suspend the device as a pendulum and make it sustain a horizontal displacement. Or explain what happens in the vertical orientation when there isn't a table to push against.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 09, 2008, 11:05:58 AM
And of course your next statement is complete garbage.
In the first place, all the motion of the device comes from reaction against a substrate. I don't care how powerful the pulses are or how light the batteries are. It won't jump unless it pushes off of something!!

WHY in the world don't you show a test of this simple proposal?
A proper frictonless surface for the horizontal version.
A pendulum or hover test of the vertical version.

Show such a demo, or please STFU about the non-existent flying saucer.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 09, 2008, 11:07:36 AM
And, finally for now, does anyone notice that the horizontal version above, is IDENTICAL to one that I showed in my video, tested as a pendulum, that did NOT show motion of the center of mass?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 09, 2008, 11:25:06 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on December 09, 2008, 11:07:36 AM
And, finally for now, does anyone notice that the horizontal version above, is IDENTICAL to one that I showed in my video, tested as a pendulum, that did NOT show motion of the center of mass?

Your set up could not even do the simple Experiment001.

Your solenoid could not even repel the magnet away.  Please do Experiment001 correctly.

How can it be identical??? :D ;) ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 09, 2008, 12:25:57 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on December 09, 2008, 09:34:38 AM
Man-made flying saucers are already flying and sighted by many.


Of course, how stupid of us not to notice those UFO sighted by many are actually thought incarnations of your unproven theories. Well, what can we say, your a genius Tseung!

So clever, you can't even understand your own delusions and expect us to believe in your unsubstantiated crap. You're not Chairman Mao and you're not living in the 1930's in China. Get over it!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 09, 2008, 01:48:32 PM

If what you said in your above post were true, and it isn't, a kid on a pogo stick would fly off into deep space.  He only goes up because he has the earth to push off against.  It is exactly the same with your vertical tube on the table. If you can't/ won't see this, neither I, nor anyone else, can help you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on December 09, 2008, 02:59:20 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on December 09, 2008, 11:05:58 AM
And of course your next statement is complete garbage.
In the first place, all the motion of the device comes from reaction against a substrate. I don't care how powerful the pulses are or how light the batteries are. It won't jump unless it pushes off of something!!

WHY in the world don't you show a test of this simple proposal?
A proper frictonless surface for the horizontal version.
A pendulum or hover test of the vertical version.

Show such a demo, or please STFU about the non-existent flying saucer.

I feel your frustration, and I cannot believe I am still involved in this debate.  Just remember, you are dealing with a liar.  Not just someone who is mistaken about something, but someone who actively lies to preserve the point of view.  This is a completely different animal than what you normally see from a garage inventor.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 09, 2008, 05:51:36 PM
The conclusive conceptual Experiment in the Experiment001 series.

In the attached diagram, M an N are Coil type (Ex001Explain04) devices.  They are physically joined together.  M and N are built strong enough that any one can jump with a large enough force to carry both to a few meters.  There is no need to carry the battery and other parts up at this stage.

(1)   M is started.  It will carry both M and N upwards.
(2)   While in the upward movement, N is started.
(3)   If the joined M and N device moves upwards a little more, the flying saucer prototype can be built.

The successful result essentially confirms the Lee-Tseung statement that an unbalanced force for propulsion can be generated from within.  One can argue that M can jump up because of the ground.  There is no ground for N to react against.

If N can increase the upward motion, the rest is engineering and tuning.

Tinselkoala, please build Experiment001 or to simplify things a little bit, build the Ex001explain04 set up.  You must be able to repel the magnet away from your electromagnet with sufficient momentum before any discussions or actions are meaningful.  Email Lawrence Tseung at ltseung@hotmail.com and he will put you in touch directly with Mr. Tong Po Chi so that he can help you to do the right setup.

If you can do Ex001Explain06 yourself, there could be no cheating.  I shall give you plenty of time to do it.  I shall not post the Tong results or videos until you have tried.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 09, 2008, 07:25:02 PM
Sorry. The explain004 has zero chance of working as you describe.

And I will not build it for you. Why not? Because if I do, and a null result occurs, you will once again weasel out by handwaving and modifying the necessary conditions of the experiment.

This is why, in scientific research, it is important to do several things at the outset:

-Formulate a clear statement of the overarching theory
-Use that theory to make one or more testable, falsifiable hypotheses
-Operationalize the constructs involved: this means to define terms and assign values to variables
-Decide on precise criteria for evaluating and interpreting results and data

When these preliminary tasks are accomplished, then one may proceed to:

-Perform experiments in an attempt to FALSIFY an hypothesis
-Use the results from an honest intellectual and mathematical evaluation of results to either a) reject the hypothesis and hence the overarching theory, or b)  fail to reject the hypothesis and use the results to expand the theory and/or generate new falsifiable hypotheses

Now, the only way that I would even consider performing explain004 for you, is if you agree, beforehand, on the exact construction details of the device and the energizing apparatus AND you agree, in front of your ancestors and this forum, that if the experiment FAILS to perform as you predict above, it will be a conclusive FALSIFICATION of the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Theory, and you will not make unsupported claims about it in the future.

I insist on these conditions, because I am perfectly willing to accept the converse conditions. If the device, built to your exact specifications, does indeed hover and sustain flight as you describe above, I will publicly acknowledge your superior understanding and the efficacy of the LTLOT, while eating my hat, and I will give up my criticisms of you and the LTLOT.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 09, 2008, 07:35:17 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on December 09, 2008, 07:25:02 PM

AND you agree, in front of your ancestors and this forum, that if the experiment FAILS to perform as you predict above, it will be a conclusive FALSIFICATION of the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Theory, and you will not make unsupported claims about it in the future.

I insist on these conditions, because I am perfectly willing to accept the converse conditions. If the device, built to your exact specifications, does indeed hover and sustain flight as you describe above, I will publicly acknowledge your superior understanding and the efficacy of the LTLOT, while eating my hat, and I will give up my criticisms of you and the LTLOT.

Not a rat's ass chance this snake oil salesman will accept your challenge! Not even if his ancestors will turn over in their grave. This guy is so far beyond help, he actually thinks he's a scientist!

I will also jump on the LTOLT gospel train if indeed the experiments work.... but you know the cows won't come home!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 09, 2008, 09:57:52 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on December 09, 2008, 07:25:02 PM
If the device, built to your exact specifications, does indeed hover and sustain flight as you describe above, I will publicly acknowledge your superior understanding and the efficacy of the LTLOT, while eating my hat, and I will give up my criticisms of you and the LTLOT.

As will I.  As far as I can tell, my hat is pretty safe.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 10, 2008, 02:41:21 AM
What's with all the fancy experiments? All you have to do is to put some Mexican jumping beans in a closed jar and watch it take off to Mars.

Aliens travel this way, so why can't Lawrence?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 10, 2008, 02:44:13 AM

Only if you pad one end of the jar.  One side has to be solid and the other padded.  Then....look out.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 10, 2008, 02:46:13 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on December 09, 2008, 09:57:52 PM
As will I.  As far as I can tell, my hat is pretty safe.


Well, it's 4 pm in Hong Kong and our salesman has not taken up TK's offer. Maybe he's consulting with the spirits of Devil, Top Gun and Mr. Lee?

I like to see Mr. Tseung have the guts to admit he's a fake and a LIAR or simply delusional.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 10, 2008, 03:07:17 AM
I was thinking more of a padded cell with a solid ceiling Bill. Something Lawrence should be familiar with,


Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 14, 2008, 03:33:52 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 10, 2008, 03:07:17 AM
I was thinking more of a padded cell with a solid ceiling Bill. Something Lawrence should be familiar with,


Hans von Lieven

I missed my comedy show for the past week! Tseung, Devil, TopGun.....where are you guys. We need your teamwork to prop up the show!

Or are you giving up? Maybe you guys went to a rendezvous with the flying saucer?


ps: you won't need to bring the shiny quarters(to call home)!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 16, 2008, 10:45:53 PM
Still no bite from Lawrence,

Maybe he is taking his medication for once  ;D

I miss him actually.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 16, 2008, 10:46:37 PM
Me too.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 16, 2008, 11:23:35 PM
I know Bill,

You like the old rascal as much as I do. His science does not make much sense but I wouldn't miss him for the world.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 16, 2008, 11:36:18 PM
@ Hans:

Yes, I would like to meet him and I would gladly drink a beer with him....on me.  I harbor no ill will toward this fellow, as I have said before, I admire him for sticking to his guns after all this time.  He is kind of like a fixture here on OU dot com.  He has better staying power than I will ever have, I'll say that much for him.

PS  I would also buy Forever a beer as well. TopGun can buy his own, but I would still drink with him.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on December 16, 2008, 11:53:28 PM
I am just waiting for Top Gun to show up and tell us that Lawrence is on vacation and is unable to respond.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 18, 2008, 03:52:34 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on December 16, 2008, 11:53:28 PM
I am just waiting for Top Gun to show up and tell us that Lawrence is on vacation and is unable to respond.

Poor Lawrence.... all you bad boys are stressing him out! I don't think Top Gun can handle this. His expertise is 'O' level physics, remember?

Jokes aside, I admire Lawrence's persistence, albeit flawed. I think he should use his time to benefit other less fortunate souls, like working for the Peace Corp or teaching 'O' level physics to middle school kids.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 20, 2008, 05:44:51 AM

The Chinese website will spearhead the demonstration to President Obama.

There will be three key demonstations:

(1) Energy from Still Air
(2) Lead-out-energy machines (Wang and improved Adams Motor)
(3) Flying Saucer.

Learn Chinese if you want details.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 20, 2008, 05:50:01 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on December 20, 2008, 05:44:51 AM

The Chinese website will spearhead the demonstration to President Obama.

There will be three key demonstations:

(1) Energy from Still Air
(2) Lead-out-energy machines (Wang and improved Adams Motor)
(3) Flying Saucer.

Learn Chinese if you want details.

Oops! Craphead is back! We spoke too soon. The sage continues.....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 22, 2008, 05:07:16 AM
Mr. Tong Po Chi will lead the students to experiment on the flying saucer prototype.

Best wishes to them.  They will be the shining light for mankind.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on December 22, 2008, 11:19:47 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on December 22, 2008, 05:07:16 AM
Mr. Tong Po Chi will lead the students to experiment on the flying saucer prototype.

Best wishes to them.  They will be the shining light for mankind.

Lawrence, I would advise you to pay more careful attention to your fantasy storyline.  If you already have a working flying saucer prototype, this means millions of manhours have already been spent on experiments, validation, and construction.  You do not need a bunch of students to "experiment" on the working prototype.  The next logical step is to demonstrate the prototype.  Which of course you cannot do, because it does not exist, but please make up a better story than that some students now have to "experiment" on the working saucer, which no doubt has already been subjected to endless experiments.  If anyone is to run experiments on this flying saucer, shouldn't it be the people who built the damn thing?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 23, 2008, 05:04:01 PM

Look for Tong.zip file.

This is Christmas â€" a time to share.   The Tong device is just two coils and a permanent magnet.  Any university or secondary school can replicate the experiment.   Any Professor or Teacher can understand that.

In reality, the flying saucer technology has been developed in USA, China and elsewhere as top-secret.  The Tong device reveals the theory to the World.  There is no need to keep the top-secret any more.  The World will benefit together from this invention.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 23, 2008, 05:13:26 PM
I should really thank Mr. Chan for the Tong device equipment.

Mr. Chan is the owner of the hardware store - Hung Cheong Metal Ware Co, at 295 Reclamation street, Hong Kong.  He was formerly a high school physics teacher.

I explained the theory to him and he helped to select the testing equipment.  He even found some coated copper wires for me and did not charge me.

For those who want to repeat the Tong experiments and wonder what to buy, please contact Mr. Chan (852) 2388 3839.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 23, 2008, 06:52:10 PM
And for anyone who wishes to do the correct control experiments, please pay attention to my posts. All you will need to buy, once you have made the Tong device, is a couple of pieces of plate glass, a carpenter's level, a bag of same-sized marbles or ball bearing balls, a ruler, and some string.

Now answer these questions by doing the appropriate experiments:

Does the Tong device hover without contact with a substrate?

Will the Tong device make horizontal progress when placed on a proper frictionless surface?

Will the Tong device sustain a deflection of the center of mass, when suspended as a pendulum?

Only when these questions are answered in the affirmative, and proved by showing videos, should anyone even consider giving credence to Top Gun, Ltseung, Devil, and whoever else is in that persona.

Otherwise, the Tong device is YET ANOTHER red herring, or a device that actually DISPROVES the LTLOT by its inability to perform as the theory would predict.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 23, 2008, 07:23:35 PM
@ TinselKoala:

With no disrespect meant toward Lawrence I have to totally agree with you.  Since flying saucers are, by design, meant to fly in space, in a zero g environment with nothing to push against, the Tong device would just sit there.  I just don't think this device will get past Newton.  Maybe Forever can do the experiment as you suggest?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on December 23, 2008, 07:50:04 PM
When someone claims to know Newton's Laws and can do experiments but faild to even produce an electromagnet, can we believe this someone?

In applying Newton's Laws to Experiment001, the following applies:

(1) When current is passed to the electromagnet, both electromagnets will be repelled in opposite direction with equal momentum.  This is Newton's Third Law - Action is equal to Reaction.

(2) When the first magnet hits the padded surface, there will be loss of kinetic energy due to deformation, sound etc.  The padded surface will prolong the time for the change of momentum.  The force F1 hitting the padded surface is given by Newton's Second Law - Force = Rate of Change of Momentum.

(3) The second magnet hits the solid surface elastically - no loss of kinetic energy.  The rate of change of momentum will be much higher.  Thus the force F2 will be higher than F1.  This is Newton's Second Law again.

(4) When the net force F3 (=F2-F1) is non-zero, the device will move in the direction of the net force.  This is Newton's Second Law again.

(5) Thus the theory that an unbalanced force can be produced for propulsion from internally generated forces is perfectly correct according to the known Newton's Laws.

The key experiment is Exp001Explain006 where two Tong devices are joined.  The first one M will jump up carrying both M+N.  The second one N will prolong the jump after it is started in mid-air.  The rest is just programming.

Why waste time on the suggestion of someone who cannot even produce an electromagnet!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on December 23, 2008, 09:48:41 PM
And if the device DOES NOT hover on its own, without pushing against a substrate, and if it DOES NOT sustain a horizontal deflection of its center of mass when suspended as a pendulum, and if it DOES NOT move horizontally when placed on a proper frictionless surface, THEN


We can conclude that the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory is a Crock of Crap.

(And if you don't think I can make an electromagnet, you haven't been paying attention.)

Come on--do the proper experiments, and PROVE ME WRONG.

Or, as they say on the internet, STFU.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 24, 2008, 12:31:25 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on December 22, 2008, 05:07:16 AM
Mr. Tong Po Chi will lead the students to experiment on the flying saucer prototype.

Best wishes to them.  They will be the shining light for mankind.

One thing I learn in life is that in this world there are these types of people:

1. The con man who never quits
2. The naive who are easily conned
3. The sincere but sincerely wrong
4. The forever delusional

Anyone I missed from this thread?

cheers and Merry Christmas to all of you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on December 24, 2008, 12:39:11 AM
Quote from: chrisC on December 24, 2008, 12:31:25 AM
One thing I learn in life is that in this world there are these types of people:

1. The con man who never quits
2. The naive who are easily conned
3. The sincere but sincerely wrong
4. The forever delusional

Anyone I missed from this thread?

cheers and Merry Christmas to all of you.


3 and 4 are the same

Merry Christmas to you too!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on December 24, 2008, 01:10:03 AM
Quote from: Devil on December 23, 2008, 07:50:04 PM
The key experiment is Exp001Explain006 where two Tong devices are joined.  The first one M will jump up carrying both M+N.  The second one N will prolong the jump after it is started in mid-air.  The rest is just programming.

Hey, you finally proposed a valid experiment.  I bet it won't prolong the jump.  Got any video of this?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: todd.hathaway on January 04, 2009, 10:46:48 PM
Hi All,

No, Peter Sumaruck's invention has NOTHING to do with anything the Chinese have been working on or are developing now...where that idea came from, God only knows.
Pete is pretty pissed to see info like that posted about his technology, and I don't blame him one iota...he never heard of Lawrence or the Chinese technologies before developing his Zero Amp Technology, and only within the last couple weeks was Lawrence in direct contact with Pete's associate, Charlotte.

Pete came up with his technology on his own...end of discussion.  Having suggested Pete's technology arose from Chinese research is blatantly false, and the intent of making such a statement is questionable at best.

Todd Hathaway
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 04, 2009, 11:52:43 PM
Wow!  I didn't expect that.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 04, 2009, 11:57:40 PM
Quote from: todd.hathaway on January 04, 2009, 10:46:48 PM
Hi All,

No, Peter Sumaruck's invention has NOTHING to do with anything the Chinese have been working on or are developing now...where that idea came from, God only knows.
Pete is pretty pissed to see info like that posted about his technology, and I don't blame him one iota...he never heard of Lawrence or the Chinese technologies before developing his Zero Amp Technology, and only within the last couple weeks was Lawrence in direct contact with Pete's associate, Charlotte.

Pete came up with his technology on his own...end of discussion.  Having suggested Pete's technology arose from Chinese research is blatantly false, and the intent of making such a statement is questionable at best.

Todd Hathaway

So, Mr. tseung .... have you been finally exposed as a crook? Trying to make yourself more important than who you really are? A snake oil man is the true Lawrence? Didn't surprise me an iota.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 04, 2009, 11:59:02 PM
Quote from: todd.hathaway on January 04, 2009, 10:46:48 PM
Hi All,

No, Peter Sumaruck's invention has NOTHING to do with anything the Chinese have been working on or are developing now...where that idea came from, God only knows.
Pete is pretty pissed to see info like that posted about his technology, and I don't blame him one iota...he never heard of Lawrence or the Chinese technologies before developing his Zero Amp Technology, and only within the last couple weeks was Lawrence in direct contact with Pete's associate, Charlotte.

Pete came up with his technology on his own...end of discussion.  Having suggested Pete's technology arose from Chinese research is blatantly false, and the intent of making such a statement is questionable at best.

Todd Hathaway

Dear Todd,

Glad that you are posting on this forum again.  You are correct.  I never heard of Peter Sumaruck's invention until you informed me a few weeks ago.

However, the main focus is whether his technology can indeed produce output much higher than input.  If the answer is positive, than the obvious follow-up question is whether the extra energy comes from nowhere (or created from nothing)?  Will that be a violation of the Law of Conservation of Energy?

The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Energy states that we can use pulse force to Lead Out gravitational or electron motion energy from oscillating, vibrating, rotating or flux change systems.  Gravitational force exists anywhere â€" even in outer space.  If we can use such gravitational force to do work, we effectively lead-out such energy.  Thus the lead-out theory does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

Electrons are present in all atoms.  Changes in their motion are effectively energy changes.  Examples are:
(1)   Change in Orbit â€" electromagnetic waves or light energy
(2)   Change in clustering â€" electrostatic energy
(3)   Exhibition of circular motion â€" magnetic or electromagnetic energy
(4)   Changes in the electron orbit or cloud of chemicals â€" chemical energy
(5)   Movement along conductors â€" AC or DC current that we use daily

The preliminary information on the Peter Sumaruck's invention indicates that it may be a form of “leading-out of electron motion energy via flux changes”.  Such an invention is allowed by the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Energy theory.  It does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

We are planning to demonstrate three inventions in USA when President Obama takes Office.  We hope that the new Energy Secret Dr. Steven Chu, a Physics Nobel Prize Winner, will attend.  The three inventions are:
(a)   Energy from Still Air
(b)   Energy from Electron Motion
(c)   The Flying Saucer that uses unbalanced forces generated from within a closed system.  No hot gases are ejected.

Mini-demonstrations of the above are going on at this moment in time.  After the technical and political problems have been overcome, the World will see and benefit from such inventions.  -  The Flying Saucer with virtually inexhaustible lead-out- energy can easily wipe out all known warplanes, missiles or spacecrafts.  The much more destructive “death-rays” and the “total conversion nuclear bombs” will spell doom to the Human Race.

The task is no longer a proof-of-concept of such technologies.  The task is to ensure that such technologies will be used to benefit and not to destroy the human race.

The eye-for-an-eye policy demonstrated by Isreal is not what we want to see.  The technologies to destroy the entire human race is getting close to be mastered by all Nations.  They are almost impossible to prevent or suppress.  We are having daily discussions on such issues.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 05, 2009, 12:00:34 AM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on January 05, 2009, 12:38:33 AM
The power of a Theory is that it can be used to explain many different inventions.  The Lee-Tseung Lead-out-energy theory is powerful because that:
(1)   It does not violate any exiting Laws of Physics.
(2)   It explains the workings behind many inventions not accepted by the traditional physicists.
(3)   It predicts better ways to improve such inventions.

It does not matter whether the invention comes from Wang, Liang or Peter Sumaruck.  It does not matter whether the invention uses permanent magnets, magnetic liquids, ICs or modified controllers.  So long as the energy is a form of lead-out-energy, the invention can be explained satisfactorily by the Lee-Tseung theory.

The other more stupid approach is to keep denying the existence of such inventions â€" as shown by the many unthinking debunkers.  These debunkers do serve a useful purpose â€" hoping some evil Nations are dumb enough to believe them and not to develop the lead-out-energy machines and the flying saucers.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 05, 2009, 02:44:06 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on January 05, 2009, 12:38:33 AM

The other more stupid approach is to keep denying the existence of such inventions â€" as shown by the many unthinking debunkers.  These debunkers do serve a useful purpose â€" hoping some evil Nations are dumb enough to believe them and not to develop the lead-out-energy machines and the flying saucers.

Top Gun, do you really think that evil Nations are dumb???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 05, 2009, 02:56:34 AM
Quote from: Devil on January 05, 2009, 02:44:06 AM
Top Gun, do you really think that evil Nations are dumb???

Actually, we all think Tseung, Top Gun and Devil are all acting dumb like some grade school kids when they are people in their 60's. What a bunch of losers. Now, Tseung has been formally busted by the Major, where is this comedy show heading towards?

A new year, a new episode? Only time will tell.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on January 05, 2009, 12:05:09 PM
"The power of a Theory  is that it can be used to explain many different inventions.  The Lee-Tseung Lead-out-energy theory is powerful because that:
(1)   It does not violate any exiting Laws of Physics. (sic)
(2)   It explains the workings behind many inventions not accepted by the traditional physicists.
(3)   It predicts better ways to improve such inventions."

No, the power of a theory is that it makes TESTABLE PREDICTIONS that are not predicted by other theories. The LTLOT is not a powerful theory because it has made no testable hypotheses that have been confirmed, and all tests of hypotheses under the theory have failed.
(1) It does in fact violate conventional physics--otherwise, it would simply BE conventional physics, which it is clearly not.
(2) It may explain things. So does the idea that everything is a computer simulation like the Matrix. Unfortunately for the theory, explanation is not sufficient. Explanations must be CORRECT to be worthwhile, and the LTLOT explanations are not correct--as tests have shown and will continue to show. What "invention" is not accepted by traditional physicists, that the LTLOT "explains" correctly? There are none. PROVE ME WRONG.
(3) Name a single way, that is "better", to improve a single invention, that the LTLOT provides.

And we are still waiting for videos of: experiment004 on a proper frictionless substrate; explain006 hovering in midair; and the Flying Saucer going through its paces.

I suggest the three of you, ltseung, TopGun, and Devil, crawl back into your hole(s) until you have some PROOF of your assertions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 05, 2009, 04:09:21 PM
G'day all,

Whatever happened to the book that was going to outsell the bible?

Has it gone the way of the flying saucer that was supposed to fly over the stadium at the Olympics or the famous Wang motor that was supposed to have been launched so many times I lost count? Not to mention the beach pump perpetual motion device.

Face it Lawrence, your genius is so far ahead of our times it will probably take a thousand years for the rest of humanity to catch up with it and recognise it for its greatness.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: todd.hathaway on January 05, 2009, 04:21:12 PM
Moment of Truth:

MAY 30-31, 2009


Back by popular demand, AEPC 2009 will be held at Jarboe's Mill, 29880 Three Notch Road, Charlotte Hall, MD.  AEPC 2009 is a follow-up to AEPC 2008 and the 2007 Advanced Energy Technology Colloquium.  AEPC 2009 is an excellent venue for independent researchers/inventors to demonstrate their alternative energy and/or healing technologies in a safe environment, and is free of charge to presenters and the public.  Larry Jarboe is sponsoring the event and currently serves as St. Mary’s County Commissioner.  Mr. Jarboe is a strong advocate for sustainable communities, as evidenced by his involvement with hydrogen and electric vehicle research and sustainable communities.  Go to Google Maps for specific directions from your location to the event.  Otherwise, just take I-495 to exit 7A and merge onto Branch Avenue/MD-5 South towards Waldorf, then follow the signs for MD-5 South (not the MD-5 business route) for ~25 miles.  Charlotte Hall is approximately 30 minutes south of the Washington, D.C. beltway (I-495).  Look for a bright yellow 'Jarboe's Mill' sign just south of the farmer’s market.  Drive onto the property and park wherever it makes sense to do so (follow the crowd, park by all the other vehicles at the Mill).   Email Larry Jarboe at dcjarboe@hotmail.com or call 240-577-1240 for more specific directions as needed.  The weekend event will be held outdoors with live demonstrations and seminars on site all weekend.  Food, restrooms, parking and lodging are available in the immediate area â€" google keyword search for Charlotte Hall, Maryland hotels/lodging/restaurants for more information.  24-hour security is also provided to ensure the safety of presenters, attendees and equipment.  No formal RSVPs are requested for AEPC 2009, as this is an informal network of inventors, researchers, and activists who fully support full-scale implementation of alternative energy and healing technologies.  This is another excellent opportunity for inventors/researchers to secure funding to bring these technologies into full-scale production and to show the public what is currently available in the alternative energy and healing technology fields of research.  Jarboe’s Mill will remain open following AEPC 2009 to demonstrate technologies as they are made available to the public. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on January 05, 2009, 04:23:54 PM
Hans welcome back. Looks like you haven't forgotten about your friend Tseung. I wonder though. "What goes around comes around". Tseung is doing no harm on this forum. You guys should keep your self righteousness to yourself. If you don't like what he's selling leave the crowd. No one assigned you for the policing job. It's kind of embarrassing and pathetic to see adults bully someone like this.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 05, 2009, 04:35:07 PM
Quote from: Devil on January 05, 2009, 02:44:06 AM
Top Gun, do you really think that evil Nations are dumb???

No, it's just the 3 of you!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 05, 2009, 04:51:37 PM
Quote from: broli on January 05, 2009, 04:23:54 PM
Hans welcome back. Looks like you haven't forgotten about your friend Tseung. I wonder though. "What goes around comes around". Tseung is doing no harm on this forum. You guys should keep your self righteousness to yourself. If you don't like what he's selling leave the crowd. No one assigned you for the policing job. It's kind of embarrassing and pathetic to see adults bully someone like this.

G'day Broli,

You've got it wrong. No-one is bullying Lawrence. I rather like the guy and would have a beer with him any time of the day.

If anything, Lawrence is the bully here, for he insists on forcing his pseudoscience, which is evidently wrong, down everyone's throat. He has resorted to lies and outright scientific fraud in publishing fictitious data in the past to support his theories.

In a technical forum such as this we all subject our theories and work to the criticism of our peers. This is as true for me and you as it is for Lawrence.

To let him get away with it is a disservice to all the honest researchers here that may be led up the garden path doing useless experiments for years because of some lunatic theory. In other words, he is doing real harm!

The refutations of his theories are based on provable science, not on self righteousness.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on January 05, 2009, 05:25:30 PM
If someone's willing to spend time experimenting using his theories then that is his own choice. Who are you to tell them not to. I mean here you are talking about the harm he's causing. Ironically  most physicist will tell you what harm the FE communities like this one are causing. And so on. One ignorance level above the other. Like I said. If what he's saying sounds like a bunch of bullshit just spend on things that you do believe in. Someone else might find interest in it and spend his time on it. You don't see me here ranting on and on. Because there's not enough reason for me to experiment with his theories. Hans you are yourself a gravity wheel man. Why don't you help the fellow seekers and just ignore this thread. I just don't understand it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 06, 2009, 10:21:00 PM
See the last post on


You can now build a Tong proof-of-concept device.  Have fun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 07, 2009, 12:43:05 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 06, 2009, 10:21:00 PM
See the last post on


You can now build a Tong proof-of-concept device.  Have fun.

I'll pass. I enjoy my sleep rather than wasting time on some delusions.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 07, 2009, 02:13:44 AM
Quote from: chrisC on January 07, 2009, 12:43:05 AM
Congratulations old Tseung. I see your UFOs finally are REAL! See, they've flown to CES in Las Vegas


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on January 07, 2009, 07:36:38 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 06, 2009, 10:21:00 PM
See the last post on


You can now build a Tong proof-of-concept device.  Have fun.

Yes, have fun proving whatever you can.

Then, start doing some real science, by trying to DISPROVE a real, scientific, operationalized hypothesis:

IF, and only IF, the LTLOT is true, THEN, the device, constructed thus and so, and tested thisaway, will behave exactly thusly, and this is in contradiction to Newton's laws.

Only when you have FAILED TO DISPROVE such an hypothesis, over and over, will anyone give any credence to the claims of the LTLOT.

(You may refer to any number of texts on the scientific method, experimental design and control, statistical analysis, and so forth for support and definitions of the technical terms in the above. Such as "operationalization" and "hypothesis" and so forth.)

A couple of electromagnets hopping around on a table top proves nothing about the LTLOT. On the other hand, experiments that would actually be real tests of predictions of the LTLOT continue to NOT BE PERFORMED, even though the apparatus to do so is clearly in the hands of the Chinese "researchers".

That's got to tell you something.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 07, 2009, 08:51:45 AM
The Ting Improvement

Dr. Raymond Ting improved the Tong jumping device.

The best result is - when the right pulse current is passed, the combined setup will move up the axles.  (Preliminary test indicated that such a result may be possible.)

More experiments are being performed.  We needed to buy more parts.  When ready, we shall have good videos for all to enjoy.

Life can be fun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on January 07, 2009, 10:04:06 AM
The Ting-Tong device?

I swear, you couldn't make this stuff up, so it must be real.

But it isn't antigravity, it isn't new physics, and it doesn't prove the LTLOT, and it will not fly or hover without contact with a substrate to push against.

Now, I don't even need electromagnets. I can show, for example, a washer climbing up a smooth shaft, or a nut climbing a threaded rod, if I give the rod the right vibrations. Any mechanic or machinist knows this effect. Is it a manifestation of antigravity due to the LTLOT through properly timed and applied Lee-Tseung Pushes and Pulls, or is it a manifestation of Newton and stick-slip friction? You can guess what I think.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: todd.hathaway on January 07, 2009, 10:08:20 AM
Time for talk is over.

If something is not available for public demonstration and independently validated by a third party, the show's over, folks.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 07, 2009, 11:31:27 AM
Regarding my background, I am a Nuclear & Counterproliferation officer with the Army, volunteering for DoD while assigned to the Univ of Maryland to bring them adv energy techs if they're interested, while also working to improve energy practices on bases so the need for hydrocarbon fuels is reduced.  This effort helps secure independent study credit for a couple of the classes, which is why I can find time to volunteer.
At the Univ of Maryland I have to complete an M.S. degree in Nuclear Engineering by May 2009, which leaves a lot of time to do this since only a few courses remain for the degree, though I am also helping to establish the Energy Systems Engineering curriculum at UMD, and could obtain an M.S. degree in that program by 2009 if I keep a full load of courses each term including summer.  Through 2012, I will be assigned to the Armed Forces Radiological Research Institute as a research reactor operator, a research reactor (TRIGA) similar to the one at UMD.



We are in contact with Chinese officials who will be able to determine whether his claims are legit or not.  Once that info is provided, appropriate action (or lack thereof) will be taken...promise.

G'day Todd,

I would have thought with the background you claim you would be able to ADVISE Chinese officials on the viability of Lawrence Tseung's ideas rather than relying on the words of communist party hacks that do not know a lever from a wheel.

Get real mate, if you claim who you are, you should be able to judge for yourself. Almost anyone here can.

Hans von Lieven

G'day Todd,

Remember this post? This was posted on the 30th December 2007

That is just over a year ago. And you are just starting to have doubts about the LTOT? I would have expected more from a nuclear engineer only 5 months away from his Master's degree.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 07, 2009, 12:52:16 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 07, 2009, 10:04:06 AM
The Ting-Tong device?

Haha! Have you not heard of ......

Ting-Tong bell, Lawrence in the well
Who put him in?
Little Devil himself
Who will pull him out?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: todd.hathaway on January 07, 2009, 01:10:50 PM

Our network of volunteers provide researchers just enough rope to hang themselves or be successful...anyone is welcome to present new techs - see www.altenergy2012.com.  Since Lawrence's "team" has provided nothing conclusive through either live demos and/or independent validation to outside parties, we are making it clear through this post that a vote of 'no confidence' has been issued from a consensus of volunteers from our network.  Other U.S.-based researchers are working with our U.S.-based network to bring adv energy techs into full scale production.  Also, we were unable to confirm any of the titles Lawrence mentioned Wang Shum Ho was awarded.  Lawrence mentioned contact with the Obama administration, so he is welcome to pursue U.S. involvement through those channels. 

Regarding your caustic disposition, it is neither helpful nor a welcome part of this discussion, nor do I need to be reminded of previous posts.  Your posts as a general rule degrade the discussion and scare away people who want to be involved but don't want to deal with the venom spewing forth from your posts, and this will be my last post so you're welcome to spew forth some more venom to the wind, as there does not appear to be anything worth contaminating in this particular discussion.  Lawrence is welcome to prove me wrong with a live demo at Jarboe's Mill on May 30-31.  POC is Larry Jarboe, 240-577-1240 or dcjarboe@hotmail.com.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 07, 2009, 02:38:42 PM

Looks like I made a friend in the DoD of the good old US of A   ;D

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 07, 2009, 08:39:05 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 07, 2009, 07:36:38 AM
Yes, have fun proving whatever you can.

Then, start doing some real science, by trying to DISPROVE a real, scientific, operationalized hypothesis:

IF, and only IF, the LTLOT is true, THEN, the device, constructed thus and so, and tested thisaway, will behave exactly thusly, and this is in contradiction to Newton's laws.

Only when you have FAILED TO DISPROVE such an hypothesis, over and over, will anyone give any credence to the claims of the LTLOT.

(You may refer to any number of texts on the scientific method, experimental design and control, statistical analysis, and so forth for support and definitions of the technical terms in the above. Such as "operationalization" and "hypothesis" and so forth.)

A couple of electromagnets hopping around on a table top proves nothing about the LTLOT. On the other hand, experiments that would actually be real tests of predictions of the LTLOT continue to NOT BE PERFORMED, even though the apparatus to do so is clearly in the hands of the Chinese "researchers".

That's got to tell you something.

Well, I'm sure Lawrence would claim this is LTLOT! LOL!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 09, 2009, 06:15:39 PM
Mini workshops
Dear Lawrence,

I have spoken to a number of academic persons.  They feel that the theory part is simple and well presented.  However, they would like to participate in mini-workshops.

What is the possibility of running mini-workshops to build the following?
(1)        Energy from Still Air devices
(2)        David Hamel devices
(3)        Ferro-liquid rotation devices
(4)        The full Wang Shenhe devices
(5)        Bedini School Girl Motor devices
(6)        Adams Motor devices
(7)        Tong Po Chi Jumping devices
(8)        Dr. Raymond Ting climbing devices
(9)        The programming and control of Pulse Systems
(10)        Flux Change devices
(11)        Others


Good idea.  Such suggestions are positive.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 09, 2009, 07:03:49 PM
G'day Lawrence,

What on earth is a Dr. Raymond Ting climbing device?

Please enlighten us.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on January 09, 2009, 07:11:45 PM
Such suggestions are a waste of time.

But you live once, and it's your life, so go ahead and waste it, building Ting-Tong pole climbers and Bedini pulse motors, if you really have nothing better to do.

Just stay out of my food supply.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on January 09, 2009, 07:12:55 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 09, 2009, 07:03:49 PM
G'day Lawrence,

What on earth is a Dr. Raymond Ting climbing device?

Please enlighten us.

Hans von Lieven

You mean you missed the Ting-Tong dual solenoid pole climber, that is supposed to PROVE the LTLOT?]
It's just a couple pages back.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 09, 2009, 07:26:07 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 09, 2009, 07:12:55 PM
You mean you missed the Ting-Tong dual solenoid pole climber, that is supposed to PROVE the LTLOT?]
It's just a couple pages back.

Oops TK you are right, missed that bit of the Ting improvement to the Tong device.

Must say the name is catchy, maybe we can call it the  Ting Tong Diddley Ho Machine  sounds like an Irish Jig so it should hop about.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 09, 2009, 07:45:03 PM
The first dry run for the President Obama presentation on January 28 in Hong Kong is likely to have a mini-workshop on the Tong Po Chi Coil.

Participantswill be able to work in teams to:
(1) Wire up soft iron core to produce electromagnets
(2) Wire up double solenoids and put a magnet in the middle to produce the Tong Po Chi Device
(3) Play with the timer device to produce different DC pulses
(4) Put the finished device horizontally and vertically and videotape the results
(5) Play with different winding Tong Po Chi devices to show the different 'jumping' capabilities.

THe hope is that a combined jumping device can jump at least 10 cm due to the first coil and at least 1 additional cm due to the second coil.  Even if this goal is not achieved on January 28, we would have trained over a dozen intelligent experimenters.  There will be at least 10 Tong Po Chi device replications in Hong Kong..
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on January 09, 2009, 08:59:14 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 09, 2009, 07:45:03 PM
The first dry run for the President Obama presentation on January 28 in Hong Kong is likely to have a mini-workshop on the Tong Po Chi Coil.

Participantswill be able to work in teams to:
(1) Wire up soft iron core to produce electromagnets
(2) Wire up double solenoids and put a magnet in the middle to produce the Tong Po Chi Device
(3) Play with the timer device to produce different DC pulses
(4) Put the finished device horizontally and vertically and videotape the results
(5) Play with different winding Tong Po Chi devices to show the different 'jumping' capabilities.

THe hope is that a combined jumping device can jump at least 10 cm due to the first coil and at least 1 additional cm due to the second coil.  Even if this goal is not achieved on January 28, we would have trained over a dozen intelligent experimenters.  There will be at least 10 Tong Po Chi device replications in Hong Kong..

Dear Mr. Tseung,

I like the idea of running mini-workshops.  The Tong device is an excellent start.  We know that many lead-out-energy devices will depend on Pulse DC Current on Electromagnets.  The experiment can be done in less than an afternoon.  It can be part of the innovation camp.  It combines the traditional physics of producing a simple electromagnet and the innovative invention of the jumping Tong device.

It also points to the way of testing electromagnet and magnet combinations.  It provides room for innovation and additional stimulation.

Go ahead.  The World will benefit from such workshops.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 10, 2009, 12:02:04 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on January 09, 2009, 08:59:14 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I like the idea of running mini-workshops.  The Tong device is an excellent start.  We know that many lead-out-energy devices will depend on Pulse DC Current on Electromagnets.  The experiment can be done in less than an afternoon.  It can be part of the innovation camp.  It combines the traditional physics of producing a simple electromagnet and the innovative invention of the jumping Tong device.

It also points to the way of testing electromagnet and magnet combinations.  It provides room for innovation and additional stimulation.

Go ahead.  The World will benefit from such workshops.

Dear Top Dork:

It's 2009, just in case you're not aware of it. Isn't it time to stop writing messages to yourself?
And how old are you now?
The doctor said, it's not time yet to discontinue your medication.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on January 10, 2009, 03:28:14 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 09, 2009, 07:45:03 PM
The first dry run for the President Obama presentation on January 28 in Hong Kong is likely to have a mini-workshop on the Tong Po Chi Coil.

Participantswill be able to work in teams to:
(1) Wire up soft iron core to produce electromagnets
(2) Wire up double solenoids and put a magnet in the middle to produce the Tong Po Chi Device
(3) Play with the timer device to produce different DC pulses
(4) Put the finished device horizontally and vertically and videotape the results
(5) Play with different winding Tong Po Chi devices to show the different 'jumping' capabilities.

THe hope is that a combined jumping device can jump at least 10 cm due to the first coil and at least 1 additional cm due to the second coil.  Even if this goal is not achieved on January 28, we would have trained over a dozen intelligent experimenters.  There will be at least 10 Tong Po Chi device replications in Hong Kong..

OK, we've got a date!

We will expect to see a video of President Obama peering intently at one of these devices, HOVERING IN MID AIR without ejecting mass or aerodynamic action, and without pushing against any substrate, on January 29th.

And even WHEN this goal is not achieved, you will still be providing amusement on this forum and meaningless distraction to a small subset of intelligent Chinese students. It's like a test: the first ones who drop out of your "research teams" will be the ones who go the farthest in their subsequent scientific careers.

Can you imagine listing the LTLOT on your CV, and then trying to get hired at an actual university?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 10, 2009, 03:51:22 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on January 09, 2009, 08:59:14 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I like the idea of running mini-workshops.  The Tong device is an excellent start.  We know that many lead-out-energy devices will depend on Pulse DC Current on Electromagnets.  The experiment can be done in less than an afternoon.  It can be part of the innovation camp.  It combines the traditional physics of producing a simple electromagnet and the innovative invention of the jumping Tong device.

It also points to the way of testing electromagnet and magnet combinations.  It provides room for innovation and additional stimulation.

Go ahead.  The World will benefit from such workshops.

Dear Mr Tseung:

Oh, I just discovered another role you seemed to play in real life, after I've just watched the movie -" The curious case of benjamin Button"

Previously, you seemed to imitate the role of John Nash who was mentally ill but he really was a great mathematician and gave proofs and the scientific community was thoroughly impressed! But you are no John Nash in mathematical ability (or 'O' level Physics for that matter). So maybe that role wasn't mean to be for you.

Now, in this Benjamin Button movie, Brad Pitt plays a character who was born really 'old' even as a baby he looked like a monster but progressively he got younger and younger as he grew older. At some point in the story the reverse aging transformed his mental awareness back into a child like manner. That would explain why you begin to take on multiple persona and complimenting yourself in messages to yourself! I see a lot of similarity between you and Benjamin Button (but I didn't mean you were really ugly when you were born).

That said, I think Hollywood should start making a sequel and call it ...."The curious case of Lawrence Tseung and his delusions"


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on January 11, 2009, 03:53:19 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Expect someone will try to disrupt your mini-workshop plans.

The problem in promoting the lead-out-energy theory to the World is NOT technical.  It is political.

You will be facing unexpected happenings.

You have seen some of the tactics used in this forum.  You proposed the Magnetic Pendulum Experiment - using a permanent magnet as the bob and putting that in a magnetic field.  The period of oscillation must change.  Some of the forum members said that they did the experiment and that the period did not change at all.   It took Ms. Forever Yuen to do the experiment and post the result to settle the issue.

You proposed the Energy From Still Air experiment and used one-way valves to help to deliver air+water to a much greater height.  Someone said that one-way valves could not work in that way.  You already have multiple sites with the experimental set up.  So expect some balant lies.

The latest is that someone claimed that the flying saucer proof-of-concept experiment could not be done.  It took Tong Po Chi to do it and improved it.  Now you can run a workshop to have dozens of experimenters repeating it.

You did not pose too much threat to the existing interests when you advocate pure theory.  When you back it up with experiments, you will become very dangerous.

You no longer believe in help from strangers after the CIA or the Like event.  Nobody would believe that you could do much with the 'next to nothing' financial resources that you could master.  The Tong device and the Dr. Ting Climbing device proved otherwise. 

The man-made flying saucers with lead-out-energy are here.  The latest news from England is that it damanged a large turbine.  That is not surprising with these devices under development.  Some of those opposing you are from the powerful military in the various Countries. 

However, great and correct technologies will not die from the objections of the powerful - The Earth is round no matter what the Church said.  Your technology will benefit the World - God Willing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 11, 2009, 04:08:58 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on January 11, 2009, 03:53:19 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,
When you back it up with experiments, you will become very dangerous.

Hahaha! Dork! You still don't understand what 'backing up with experimental data' meant!

What kind of idiot would put this kind of garbage up in a forum like this? What did Ting and Tong have to say? Looks like your the spokesman for them? Do they not understand English? You're becoming more silly as the years roll on.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 11, 2009, 08:19:25 AM

Damage to Wind Turbine in England
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 11, 2009, 01:32:05 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 11, 2009, 08:19:25 AM

Damage to Wind Turbine in England

One of your saucers Lawrence? Is that the one who was supposed to fly over the Olympics? Still having navigation problems I see.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 11, 2009, 04:45:34 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 11, 2009, 08:19:25 AM

Damage to Wind Turbine in England

How interesting indeed! Perhaps it was a big wild turkey, maybe a huge flying hog or yet to be discovered prehistoric bird? Or maybe even one of those UFO's that escaped from between your ears? One will never know. Did you take your medication today?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on January 11, 2009, 07:20:59 PM
OK, you've got me. I admit, for a while there, I actually thought ltseung and TopGun and Forever and them were really trying to do actual research, and were just mistaken and misguided like so many others on this forum.

But now I see that it is all a deliberate farce, to poke fun at serious fringe science research, and to sucker in the gullible, like me, who will waste time trying to argue with these jokers, while they sip their contaminated Chinese whiskey and munch on their toxic Cheeze Whiz.

Boy, is my face red. To be taken in, in this simple way, is really embarrassing.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 12, 2009, 01:42:26 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 11, 2009, 07:20:59 PM
OK, you've got me. I admit, for a while there, I actually thought ltseung and TopGun and Forever and them were really trying to do actual research, and were just mistaken and misguided like so many others on this forum.

But now I see that it is all a deliberate farce, to poke fun at serious fringe science research, and to sucker in the gullible, like me, who will waste time trying to argue with these jokers, while they sip their contaminated Chinese whiskey and munch on their toxic Cheeze Whiz.

Boy, is my face red. To be taken in, in this simple way, is really embarrassing.


Don't feel too bad. Sh**n happens, just like in the Forest Gump movie. This guy (and his persona) have no shame. Can you imagine a 60 plus wannabe 'scientist' trying to snake-oil his way into prominence any way he can? Shameless indeed! I just cannot imagine it myself and started treating it as a comedy show.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 12, 2009, 10:28:19 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 11, 2009, 08:19:25 AM

Damage to Wind Turbine in England

Dear Mr. tseung:

Your last chance to get any recognition. Maybe you can show them your Lee-Tseung mumbo jumbo theories and maybe lend them some of your flying saucers?


However, my guess is that they will need to see some proofs of your Physics ability. Your 'O' levels may not be good enough!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 14, 2009, 10:55:16 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 09, 2009, 07:45:03 PM
The first dry run for the President Obama presentation on January 28 in Hong Kong is likely to have a mini-workshop on the Tong Po Chi Coil.

Well Lawrence, your presentation to President Obama is only days away. No wonder you are not posting anything at the moment, you must be rushed off your feet.

It MUST be top secret though, because Obama is tight lipped about his scheduled visit to Hong Kong in late January.

My prediction is that he'll be there, and apart from nominating you for the Nobel Prize he will appoint you as Chief of the new US Department of Stellar and Interstellar Research (DESIRE). Your flying saucer will be the centrepiece of discussion and seeing you are a first generation Chinese American (according to your own statements) such appointment will raise no eyebrows.

Good luck.

Alpha Centauri here we come thanks to the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory  (LTOT).

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 15, 2009, 12:52:04 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 14, 2009, 10:55:16 PM

Good luck.
.... (LTOT).

Hans von Lieven

LTOT = Lawrence Tseung's Own Torture!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 15, 2009, 12:55:51 AM
@ Hans:

I have been to Alpha Centauri.  The women are ok but the beer sucks!  (Grin)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 15, 2009, 06:43:11 PM
Bought the timers from http://www.anly.com.tw.

Should have enough material for 10 persons to build the Tong Po Chi device on January 28, 2009.

The coming problems are likely to be political.  The proof-of-concept experiments cannot be wrong as they can be replicated worldwide.  The 'existing interests' may not be happy and may do some unexpected things.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 15, 2009, 07:21:51 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 15, 2009, 06:43:11 PM
Bought the timers from http://www.anly.com.tw.

Should have enough material for 10 persons to build the Tong Po Chi device on January 28, 2009.

The coming problems are likely to be political.  The proof-of-concept experiments cannot be wrong as they can be replicated worldwide.  The 'existing interests' may not be happy and may do some unexpected things.

haha! Taiwanese timers to save the world energy crisis! One deluded dork and a bunch of timers!

Keep on timing. The last time the demo. was the Olympics? eh? Oh, you meant 2012. That would explain why you're so slow.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on January 16, 2009, 12:04:52 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 15, 2009, 06:43:11 PM
Bought the timers from http://www.anly.com.tw.

Should have enough material for 10 persons to build the Tong Po Chi device on January 28, 2009.

The coming problems are likely to be political.  The proof-of-concept experiments cannot be wrong as they can be replicated worldwide.  The 'existing interests' may not be happy and may do some unexpected things.

The proof-of concept experiments cannot be wrong--but they CAN be the wrong experiments, and their results CAN and WILL be wrongly interpreted by the proponents of the LTLOC. ( I have de-dignified it to the status of a mere conjecture, because it does not meet the criteria of a scientific THEORY at all.)

Silly goose, you better get cracking, if you're going to demonstrate a flying saucer to Mr. Obama in a couple of weeks.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 16, 2009, 07:33:19 PM
The Flying Saucer Experiment Parts can be ordered in Hong Kong.

The parts include:
(1) DC power supply
(2) Timer devices
(3) Soft Iron Core
(4) Coated copper wire
(5) Switches
(6) Resistors
(7) Magnets, Tubes, Tapes and other accessories

The owners are the Chan brothers and they helped to select the testing equipment.  They have seen some of the early test results.  When the Tong Po Chi device is finalized, they will be able to sell you a DIY package.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 16, 2009, 07:35:53 PM
Charlie is the one on the left.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 16, 2009, 08:12:24 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 16, 2009, 07:35:53 PM
Charlie is the one on the left.


Seemed like Dorky is quite good at being able to con not one but both brothers to do his 'O' level experiments for him!
I wondered if he told them he's on his way to Pennsylvania avenue to to shake hands with Obama after the inauguration?
Perhaps they were impressed.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on January 16, 2009, 08:47:19 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I think that your Flying Saucer theory depends on the fact that â€" an unbalanced force can be produced for propulsion purpose from within a closed system.

The direction and the magnitude of the force are immaterial in the theoretical discussion.

In the youtube video http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=W2qKRmhWdd8, it is clear that the unbalanced force is produced by the collision of the car with the box.  External friction does not play any role.  The surfaces between the box and the ground can be perfectly smooth, the box will still move due to the internal collision.

The Tong device placed horizontally http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=-TfwKBdmRao, shows that unbalanced force can be produced from the interaction of magnets and electromagnets.  The pulsing rate is important.

The Tong device placed vertically http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=W2qKRmhWdd8, shows that while the gravitation force is constant, the pulse force is not.  It is a matter of combining a number of pulsing forces so that they appear to be constant.  This requires much experimentation.  However, the theory that an unbalanced force can be generated from within a closed system is proved beyond doubt.

I believe that you can already write scientific papers with your theory and the Tong device.  The China Patent Office will accept and approve your patent application.  Hundreds of researchers can easily reproduce the Tong device â€" especially with your clear write-up and the coming workshops.

I know that you believed that the Military Research Establishments in China, USA and other Countries already developed some form of man-made flying saucers.  However, I still think that you can benefit the World with your step-by-step version.  They can remain top-secret and confidential.  You can be open.  The openness will do more good to the Human Race.  As you mentioned â€" the Earth is round no matter what the authorities (or other forum members) say.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 17, 2009, 05:24:50 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 16, 2009, 07:33:19 PM
The Flying Saucer Experiment Parts can be ordered in Hong Kong.

The parts include:
(1) DC power supply
(2) Timer devices
(3) Soft Iron Core
(4) Coated copper wire
(5) Switches
(6) Resistors
(7) Magnets, Tubes, Tapes and other accessories

The owners are the Chan brothers and they helped to select the testing equipment.  They have seen some of the early test results.  When the Tong Po Chi device is finalized, they will be able to sell you a DIY package.

G'day Lawrence

Dont forget the one way valves, the one way valves, the one way valves !!!!!!!

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 17, 2009, 07:43:47 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 17, 2009, 05:24:50 AM
G'day Lawrence

Dont forget the one way valves, the one way valves, the one way valves !!!!!!!

Hans von Lieven

Do not confuse the Energy from Air Workshop from the Tong Po Chi device workshop.

Dr. Raymond Ting is in charge of the Energy from Air Workshop.  Attached is his presentation in Chinese and an early paper from me in English word format.

Know how to use the one-way valves properly.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 18, 2009, 04:25:55 AM
Platform to demonstrate the Flying Saucer Proof-of-Concept prototype.

The platform is set up as in the diagram.  The important trick is to place the permanent magnet just above the electromagnet to produce the repulsion.  If the permanent magnet is placed too low (inside the coil) or too high (away from the coil), the repulsion effect cannot be demonstrated.

This trick is achieved by taping the permanent magnet on top of a short piece of plastic tube.  The electromagnetic coil can also slide up and down the clear plastic tube.  It can be fixed in position with rubber rings on top and on bottom.

The first test was done with Number 18 copper wires (20 and 120 turns) at 12 Volts and approximately 3 amps.  The initial test is for the permanent magnet and the attached plastic tube to jump up due to repulsion.  At the beginning, we did not realize the importance of the trick â€" placing the permanent magnet at the right position.  Much time was wasted.  Towards the end, we were exhausted but were able to show that
(1)   The more turn set up showed a larger repulsion
(2)   The permanent magnet and plastic tube jumped more than 10 cm inside the clear plastic tube.

We believe that the above is a good platform to get started.  We shall experiment with at least:
(1)   Different size copper wires
(2)   Different number of turns
(3)   Different Voltage and Current
(4)   Different Permanent Magnets
(5)   Different Weights of the Permanent Magnet+Plastic tube

The goal is to produce the maximum repulsion force before the next step.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on January 18, 2009, 09:00:48 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I like your describing even the building of the Platform.  Tinselkoala said that he could not produce an electromagnet to repel the permanent magnet.  The permanent magnet stuck to the soft iron core.

Your platform explained that very well.  Before the electromagnet is switched on, the permanent magnet will attract and induce magnetism to the iron core.  The current to the electromagnet must be strong enough to reverse the magnetism of the iron core to show the repulsion effect.  Tinselkoala did not do a thorough investigation and just claimed that the experiment could not be done.

This is the problem of letting a non-believer do the experiment.  He will just give up at the slightest difficulty and claim that the theory is false.  He will claim that the effort is a waste of time.

You now have believers in your camp, Mr. Tong Po Chi, Dr. Raymond Ting, the Chan brothers, Ms. Forever Yuen and team.  You will have more after the mini-workshops.  Your step-by-step approach can be replicated by the knowledgeable.  You do not need to produce the final product immediately.  The World benefits more when it sees innovation in action â€" not just results.  You can give the Tong Po Chi device as a present to the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, the President of China and President Obama.  They will have the top academics evaluate and improve on it.  That will inevitably lead to the full development of the man-made flying saucer.  (China and USA may already have much more advanced flying saucers as top-secret projects but your open letters and gifts will benefit the World.)

Continue your existing approach.  The Earth is round no matter what the authorities (or some forum members) say.  You are effectively sailing around it.  The journey may have many unknowns but there will be many pleasant surprises.  You are on the way in discovering new continents.  Others will join you when they see the excitement.  Bon Voyage!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 18, 2009, 04:44:06 PM
What are you doing tomorrow?‏

From:    David Plouffe, BarackObama.com (info@barackobama.com)
Sent:   Sun 1/18/09 7:37 AM
To:    Lawrence Tseung (ltseung@hotmail.com)

Lawrence --In your neighborhood and in thousands of communities across the country, Americans are answering President-elect Obama's call to service. Tomorrow, January 19th, our nation will come together in a shared spirit of community. And I wanted to make sure you know how to participate.

Monday is not only the eve of an inauguration that brings all of us so much hope, it's also Martin Luther King Jr. Day -- when we recognize the power of one man to bring about change by serving his country.

Help kick off an ongoing commitment to serve our communities by taking part in this extraordinary day of service.  Sign up to attend or host an event in your community and help rebuild America one neighborhood at a time. The grassroots movement you helped build was always about more than an election. It's about bringing much needed change to Washington and our communities. Barack is calling on us to help rebuild our country. He knows what can happen when ordinary people turn their hopes into real action.Take the first step this Monday, January 19th, by joining a service event near you. Sign up now:http://www.USAservice.org/content/home

David Plouffe
Campaign Manager Obama for America

*** We are preparing the gift to President Obama - the Tong Po Chi device with the Tseung Book.  The Global Warming, the Energy Crisis, the transportation problems, and the Finanical Crisis are easy to solve.  President Obama will have my support.   

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 18, 2009, 05:05:20 PM
Are you being the all American kid again Lawrence?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on January 18, 2009, 05:14:18 PM
Tseung you know I'm not against your theories but there's one thing I'm heavily against. And that's your ignorance towards Obama. Maybe you forgot that to become president of the USA you have to sell your soul to the devil. People who are running behind Obama are the same sheep that want someone else to solve their issues. I can't believe you're putting so much trust in Obama. The last time a USA president really wanted to change things he got his head blown off namely JFK, maybe you remember that as a kid. If you want change you have to hit the shadow puppeteers fast and hard before they can react to silence you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 18, 2009, 08:05:14 PM

Quote from: ltseung888 on January 18, 2009, 04:44:06 PM
What are you doing tomorrow?‏

From:    David Plouffe, BarackObama.com (info@barackobama.com)
Sent:   Sun 1/18/09 7:37 AM
To:    Lawrence Tseung (ltseung@hotmail.com)

Lawrence --In your neighborhood and in thousands of communities across the country, Americans are answering President-elect Obama's call to service. Tomorrow, January 19th, our nation will come together in a shared spirit of community. And I wanted to make sure you know how to participate.

Monday is not only the eve of an inauguration that brings all of us so much hope, it's also Martin Luther King Jr. Day -- when we recognize the power of one man to bring about change by serving his country.

Help kick off an ongoing commitment to serve our communities by taking part in this extraordinary day of service.  Sign up to attend or host an event in your community and help rebuild America one neighborhood at a time. The grassroots movement you helped build was always about more than an election. It's about bringing much needed change to Washington and our communities. Barack is calling on us to help rebuild our country. He knows what can happen when ordinary people turn their hopes into real action.Take the first step this Monday, January 19th, by joining a service event near you. Sign up now:http://www.USAservice.org/content/home

David Plouffe
Campaign Manager Obama for America

*** We are preparing the gift to President Obama - the Tong Po Chi device with the Tseung Book.  The Global Warming, the Energy Crisis, the transportation problems, and the Finanical Crisis are easy to solve.  President Obama will have my support.   

Dear Mr. Dork:

It  is no wonder you are so deluded. This mail is a computerized reply to every Tom, Dick and Lawrence that send any email, including sh*t to Obama. So, you think Obama is so interested in your delusions? ....No wonder people on this thread begs you to take your medication.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 18, 2009, 08:49:17 PM
Quote from: broli on January 18, 2009, 05:14:18 PM
Tseung you know I'm not against your theories but there's one thing I'm heavily against. And that's your ignorance towards Obama. Maybe you forgot that to become president of the USA you have to sell your soul to the devil. People who are running behind Obama are the same sheep that want someone else to solve their issues. I can't believe you're putting so much trust in Obama. The last time a USA president really wanted to change things he got his head blown off namely JFK, maybe you remember that as a kid. If you want change you have to hit the shadow puppeteers fast and hard before they can react to silence you.

I have more confidence in Obama than George Bush.  We cannot trust politicians as a rule - even in China.  However, there is no harm in sending them gifts that will benefit the World.  I can afford the units and the postage.  It is a matter of going through the proper channels.  There is possibility of going via friends of Dr. Steven Chu, the Energy Secretary.

I am confident that the Nobel Prize Winner will understand the Lee-Tseung Lead-out-Energy theory and the generating of unbalanced forces.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 19, 2009, 02:08:15 AM
G'day Lawrence,

I don't think your device will work as planned, but I respect your determination to try your idea.

What puzzles me is why you are so intent on using a permanent magnet and an electromagnet. Wouldn't you be better off to use two electromagnets instead? You could fire them with the same pulse and have much more control over the whole contraption. Far more energy efficient too.

Take a moment to think about it.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 19, 2009, 02:22:34 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 19, 2009, 02:08:15 AM
G'day Lawrence,

I don't think your device will work as planned, but I respect your determination to try your idea.

What puzzles me is why you are so intent on using a permanent magnet and an electromagnet. Wouldn't you be better off to use two electromagnets instead? You could fire them with the same pulse and have much more control over the whole contraption. Far more energy efficient too.

Take a moment to think about it.

Hans von Lieven

It is a step-by-step development process.  Once a particular configuration works, we consolidate it before the next step.

Some researchers are already working on different and theoretically better designs.

The USA and Chinese Military top-secret projects have far more advanced designs.  The rumored Alients may be millions of years ahead of us.

What I published here is guaranteed to work.  Every experiment will be at least triple checked.  We do not want the likes of MIT, Stanford, Cambridge Universities etc. to dispute our results.  Everything is replicateable.

Thank you for your constructive suggestion.  We may try it in one of the future steps.  There is no need to hurry.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on January 19, 2009, 05:11:16 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 19, 2009, 02:08:15 AM
G'day Lawrence,

I don't think your device will work as planned, but I respect your determination to try your idea.

What puzzles me is why you are so intent on using a permanent magnet and an electromagnet. Wouldn't you be better off to use two electromagnets instead? You could fire them with the same pulse and have much more control over the whole contraption. Far more energy efficient too.

Take a moment to think about it.

Hans von Lieven

I think that we should give credit where it is due.  Hans is right in comparing the repulsion between
(1)   One electromagnet and one permanent magnet
(2)   Two electromagnets

One of the biggest problems with the electromagnet is the use of the soft iron core.  Without the soft iron core, the magnetic effect will be a tiny fraction.  However, the soft iron core will have induced magnetism by the permanent magnet before any current is passed to the electromagnet.  That created much problem.  One solution is to take away the soft iron core.  The interaction will be between the permanent magnet and the weak electromagnetic coil.

With two electromagnets with the proper current timing, there will be no attraction to begin with.  The strong magnetic effect can be demonstrated.  The trick is to provide the proper current timing.  This is definitely a worthwhile approach and must not be overlooked in the step-by-step experiments.

Hans, you get excellent credit points  this time.  If you build the same platform, you will discover many surprises and earn even more credit points.  The fun and excitement will be higher than watching TV or waiting for the Tseung part-time teams to come up with their results.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 19, 2009, 06:44:44 AM
In the collision type jump, the mass of the moving magnet or electromagnet should be as large as possible.

For example, the mass of the moving magnet is M1
The mass of the tube + coil is M2
The velocity of M1 at collision is V1
The velocity of M1+M2 just after collision is V2

At collision, assume that the momentum is conserved,

M1 * V1 = (M1+M2) * V2
         V2 = (M1/(M1+M2)) * V1

For the highest V2, M2 should be as small as possible.

Thus to achieve the maximum jumping effect, we need to consider the various factors: repulsion force and relative masses.

One additional technique is to have the top coil producing attraction to help the upward jump.  All these theoretical predictions will be check by actual experiments.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on January 19, 2009, 11:45:08 AM
"For example, the mass of the moving magnet is M1
The mass of the tube + coil is M2
The velocity of M1 at collision is V1
The velocity of M1+M2 just after collision is V2

At collision, assume that the momentum is conserved,

M1 * V1 = (M1+M2) * V2
         V2 = (M1/(M1+M2)) * V1"

Yes. Now please compute what happens, and what is moving where, WHEN THE IMPULSE IS APPLIED, that is, well before the eventual collision occurs.

You will see that by the time your "at collision" process occurs, the M2 mass will actually be moving BACKWARDS, and the smaller it is the faster backwards it will move.

Jumping has already been invented. Your device, and experiments with it, will only be interesting if it

You really should quit wasting everybody's time, because you are just providing more and more PROOF of the fact that YOU, ltseung, TopGun, Devil, are the true purveyor of disinformation and lies, to prevent real researchers from following paths that might be truly productive.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 19, 2009, 12:02:08 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 19, 2009, 11:45:08 AM


You really should quit wasting everybody's time, because you are just providing more and more PROOF of the fact that YOU, ltseung, TopGun, Devil, are the true purveyor of disinformation and lies, to prevent real researchers from following paths that might be truly productive.

You see, TK, this sort of things come naturally to deluded people. They really can't see what is reality and what is not. Believing the world is flat because they can't see anyone else know better! So, they think they must be right!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on January 19, 2009, 01:04:28 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 18, 2009, 08:49:17 PM
I have more confidence in Obama than George Bush.  We cannot trust politicians as a rule - even in China.  However, there is no harm in sending them gifts that will benefit the World.... 
Obama must be considered innocent until proven guilty; like anyone else. Otherwise there will
never be progress in any field. If he disappoints, he disappoints, but we must keep an open mind
andf see if he is different.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on January 19, 2009, 01:13:41 PM

Do you seriously think that a mailed package containing a battery and some wires will actually reach the President?

And why do you need to send him your book?  You have already emailed him a link to your website that contains the book.

By the way, have your book sales surpassed the bible yet?  Where can I buy your book?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 19, 2009, 01:47:35 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on January 19, 2009, 01:13:41 PM

Do you seriously think that a mailed package containing a battery and some wires will actually reach the President?

And why do you need to send him your book?  You have already emailed him a link to your website that contains the book.

By the way, have your book sales surpassed the bible yet?  Where can I buy your book?

Poor Lawrence. He probably hasn't passed through a typical airport scanner recently! When security finds a battery & wires sticking out in the mail check area of the White House, that box goes straight into a garbage compactor! Well, old Tseung, you should use the money to enjoy a bowl of duck-noodle soup in Hong Kong or maybe check into a Starbucks and get yourself a cup of coffee to down your medication!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 19, 2009, 05:41:35 PM
I hate to discuss Physics with someone who claim that

You will see that by the time your "at collision" process occurs, the M2 mass will actually be moving BACKWARDS, and the smaller it is the faster backwards it will move.

To make things simple, we examine the moment of collision: M1+M2 will acquire V2.  The kinetic energy at that point is equal to 1/2 * (M1+M2) * V2 * V2.  Such kinetic energy should raise the combined (M1+M2) device to H2 where
(M1+M2) * g * H2 = 1/2 * (M1+M2) * V2 * V2
(Kinetic energy changed to potential energy)

In the above calculation, we already considered the slowing down of the combined (M1+M2) device due to gravity.  The combined device will jump to a height H2.

In the Platform2 diagram, we added our second electromagnet.  The current is passed in such a way as to produce attraction to enhance the jumping.  Thus the permanent magnet in the middle is subjected to 3 forces.
(1)   The magnetic repulsion due to the electromagnet at the bottom which decreases with increasing height
(2)   The gravitational pull due to gravity which is more or less constant
(3)   The magnetic attraction due to the electromagnet at the top which increases with increasing height.

The collision force will be much higher and the device will jump much higher.  Such Physics cannot be wrong theoretically and experimentally.

The statement that - You will see that by the time your "at collision" process occurs, the M2 mass will actually be moving BACKWARDS, and the smaller it is the faster backwards it will move. - is total nonsense.  Please post intelligent comments.  You receive negative credit points with such statements.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 19, 2009, 05:52:53 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on January 19, 2009, 01:13:41 PM

Do you seriously think that a mailed package containing a battery and some wires will actually reach the President?

And why do you need to send him your book?  You have already emailed him a link to your website that contains the book.

By the way, have your book sales surpassed the bible yet?  Where can I buy your book?

The arrangement is for the gift to be delivered via formal channels.  This means that the gift will be shown to the US Consul-General Office in Hong Kong first.  They will handle the mailing.

The process will be longer but will follow the proper protocol.  The Book is part of the gift.  It will not be on sale to the general public until the Presidents of China and USA etc have a chance to read it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on January 19, 2009, 06:46:48 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 19, 2009, 05:52:53 PM
It will not be on sale to the general public until the Presidents of China and USA etc have a chance to read it.

Why not?  Who cares if some politicians read it or not?  Why is that a reason not to publish it to the general public?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 19, 2009, 07:04:15 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on January 19, 2009, 06:46:48 PM
Why not?  Who cares if some politicians read it or not?  Why is that a reason not to publish it to the general public?

The Book is already available to the General Public on-line free.  See http://hk.geocities.com/winghang20022002.

The gift is a limited edition with top quality packaging.  Every book will be individually numbered.  The plan is to include working prototypes as part of the gift set.  The target audience is one for each Country.

Lee Cheung Kin is working on the politics.  It is even more complex than the technical part.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on January 19, 2009, 09:40:48 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 19, 2009, 05:41:35 PM
I hate to discuss Physics with someone who claim that

You will see that by the time your "at collision" process occurs, the M2 mass will actually be moving BACKWARDS, and the smaller it is the faster backwards it will move.

To make things simple, we examine the moment of collision: M1+M2 will acquire V2.  The kinetic energy at that point is equal to 1/2 * (M1+M2) * V2 * V2.  Such kinetic energy should raise the combined (M1+M2) device to H2 where
(M1+M2) * g * H2 = 1/2 * (M1+M2) * V2 * V2
(Kinetic energy changed to potential energy)

In the above calculation, we already considered the slowing down of the combined (M1+M2) device due to gravity.  The combined device will jump to a height H2.

In the Platform2 diagram, we added our second electromagnet.  The current is passed in such a way as to produce attraction to enhance the jumping.  Thus the permanent magnet in the middle is subjected to 3 forces.
(1)   The magnetic repulsion due to the electromagnet at the bottom which decreases with increasing height
(2)   The gravitational pull due to gravity which is more or less constant
(3)   The magnetic attraction due to the electromagnet at the top which increases with increasing height.

The collision force will be much higher and the device will jump much higher.  Such Physics cannot be wrong theoretically and experimentally.

The statement that - You will see that by the time your "at collision" process occurs, the M2 mass will actually be moving BACKWARDS, and the smaller it is the faster backwards it will move. - is total nonsense.  Please post intelligent comments.  You receive negative credit points with such statements.

You are being idiotic.

In the device pictured, if it was somehow floating in space, when actuated, the moving magnet will go up, and the housing and electromagnets WILL GO DOWN. This is because Newton's laws have not yet been repealed. When the collision occurs, the magnet will be moving up and the housing will be moving down. The lighter the housing and electromagnets, the faster it will be moving. Hence, when the collision occurs the momentum transferred will occur as in your equations, but since the housing IS moving BACKWARDS, the whole apparatus will just oscillate around its center of mass.

Points? I don't need no stinking points. Especially from the likes of you.

What I need is a stiff drink.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 20, 2009, 03:11:36 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 19, 2009, 09:40:48 PM
You are being idiotic.

In the device pictured, if it was somehow floating in space, when actuated, the moving magnet will go up, and the housing and electromagnets WILL GO DOWN.

The experiment was done on a solid table.  I have not built the laboratory in the Flying Saucer yet.  One step at a time. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on January 20, 2009, 11:33:23 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 20, 2009, 03:11:36 AM
The experiment was done on a solid table.  I have not built the laboratory in the Flying Saucer yet.  One step at a time. 

The experiment does not prove anything except that it is possible to jump.  Humans can already do that, and we do not need an electric device to demonstrate it.

What would be a proof-of-concept is if you had the device in free fall, and the device was able to slow its own fall.  So, like this:

1.  Control experiment - drop the device turned off and time the fall.
2.  Experiment - drop the device turned on and time the fall.

If 2 shows consistent longer fall times, you have something.

What does jumping accomplish?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 20, 2009, 01:08:48 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on January 20, 2009, 11:33:23 AM
The experiment does not prove anything except that it is possible to jump.  Humans can already do that, and we do not need an electric device to demonstrate it.

What would be a proof-of-concept is if you had the device in free fall, and the device was able to slow its own fall.  So, like this:

1.  Control experiment - drop the device turned off and time the fall.
2.  Experiment - drop the device turned on and time the fall.

If 2 shows consistent longer fall times, you have something.

What does jumping accomplish?

One step at a time.

(1) We know that we can jump.
(2) We know that a space vehicle can accelerate with a second stage rocket

The next step is:
(3) While we are in the middle of the jump, can an unbalanced force generated from within further enhance the jump?

Some even questioned - whether an unbalanced force can be generated from within a closed system.   Ms. Forever Yuen and I used the remote control car in a box to show that the answer is yes.  See the youtube video. http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=W2qKRmhWdd8

We shall show step (3) conclusively in our coming experiments.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 20, 2009, 01:38:16 PM

Have Forever suspend your car in the box from a series of four strings (one on each corner of the box) that lead to one string which ties in the 4 strings.  Hang the box from the one string and repeat the experiment. (Like the box is now a pendulum)  I don't think you will like the results and it will save you time on further experimentation along this line of thinking.  This would be a very easy experiment to do as she already has the car and the box.  In ten minutes or less, you would have your answer.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 20, 2009, 04:57:46 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 20, 2009, 01:38:16 PM

Have Forever suspend your car in the box from a series of four strings (one on each corner of the box) that lead to one string which ties in the 4 strings.  Hang the box from the one string and repeat the experiment. (Like the box is now a pendulum)  I don't think you will like the results and it will save you time on further experimentation along this line of thinking.  This would be a very easy experiment to do as she already has the car and the box.  In ten minutes or less, you would have your answer.


You are not thinking this through Bill,

Let's start again:

Have Forever suspend your car in the box from a series of four strings (one on each corner of the box). Now tie each string to the legs of the four legged stool. This would be a very easy experiment to do as she already has the car and the stool.

It might be somewhat difficult to retrieve the contraption from Mars but you can't have everything.


Hans von Lieven

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 20, 2009, 07:37:10 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 20, 2009, 01:38:16 PM

Have Forever suspend your car in the box from a series of four strings (one on each corner of the box) that lead to one string which ties in the 4 strings.  Hang the box from the one string and repeat the experiment. (Like the box is now a pendulum)  I don't think you will like the results and it will save you time on further experimentation along this line of thinking.  This would be a very easy experiment to do as she already has the car and the box.  In ten minutes or less, you would have your answer.


Thank you for your constructive suggestion.  We have done the experiment and it is to our favor.  We shall have the video for all to see.

This is a good suggestion and you get excellent credit points.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 20, 2009, 08:38:27 PM
Second Open Letter to US President Obama  

Dear President Obama,

With reference to our first Open Letter (attached), I would like to update you on the following:

(1)   Mr. Lee Cheung Kin, a co-inventor, is working with Major Todd Hathaway of the US Army to handle the politically sensitive issues of shipping a completed flying saucer prototype to USA.  Mr. Lee has connections with the Chinese Military.

(2)   Mr. Tong Po Chi has completed a proof-or-concept prototype that can be replicated by all top Universities and Research Laboratories.  This prototype confirms that generating an unbalanced force for propulsion purpose from within a closed system is possible.  We would like to send this prototype as a gift to you and to the American People.  We plan to do this via formal channels.

(3)   Mr. Wang Shenhe, the inventor with an electricity generator that leads-out electron motion energy is ready and willing to ship a working prototype to USA.  This invention will solve the Energy Crisis, as no fossil fuel is needed.

(4)   Dr. Raymond Ting is ready to ship his Energy from Still Air prototype to USA.  This invention will reverse Global Warming.  Air is not a fuel but can be an energy carrier.  The invention clearly demonstrates that we can use Energy from Still Air.  That will not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  The invention then draws energy back from the surrounding and achieves Global Cooling.

(5)   As I mentioned in my previous Open Letter, I am a first generation Chinese-American.  I am willing and happy to share my theories, inventions and ideas with China, USA and the World.

(6)   I am aware that China, USA and other Countries might have already developed versions of the lead-out-energy machines and flying saucers as top-secret projects.  It takes leaders like you to decide on benefiting the World by declassifying such top-secrets.  I trust that you will do the right thing.

Congratulations once more on being the first USA President with African blood.  You have inspired us all.  Yes, we can.

Yours truly,

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on January 21, 2009, 12:05:29 AM
I found a thread I thought you guys might find entertaining.  This is from 2006 from the Steorn forum.  A forum member "grunff" offers to buy, and Lawrence offers to sell, one of Lawrence's magnet motors for 100,000 Pounds Sterling.  I think what happened is grnuff had a standing 100,000 Pound offer to buy a free energy device.  He admitted it was not alot of money for something so revolutionary, but he only wanted to buy a device, not the rights to one, so he felt the sum was a reasonable one.

They guy was skeptical of OU devices but serious with the offer, and apparently the two exchanged emails as well as posts.  Lawrence offers to have the device made, the first of its kind, even with a "1" serial number on it.  All the buyer wanted, before traveling to China to see and purchase the device, is a video of the device working, maybe powering some light bulbs.  How do you think this turns out?

Also, there is some other interesting talk there, like Lawrence boasting that he would soon receive $30 Million from the Chinese government for development.  This is back in 2006, mind you.

Finally, it's pretty interesting to see how some completely different people deal with Lawrence's endless tornado of bullshit.

http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=13051&page=2 (http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=13051&page=2)

The funny thing is that the story was much the same, except instead of waiting for the Olympics or the election or the inauguration, Lawrence was patiently waiting for the Steorn demo before releasing his invention.  Why Lawrence always needs to wait until some next big event, completely unrelated to what he is doing, remains a mystery to this day.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on January 21, 2009, 12:34:46 AM
I will add one quote from Lawrence, in case he edits something (not that he would!):

From http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=13051&page=4 (http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=13051&page=4), dated September 16, 2006.

QuoteTo grunff and omi,

The email from Mr. Wang Shum Ho. It essentially says that so long as he receives his share of RMB $1m (or US$120K), he and his team will have a prototype ready to ship 1 month after a firm order.

He is very busy right now. So you can still take time to consider whether you are willing to pay $1,000 for the $1 bill with serial number 1.

Lawrence Tseung

So a free energy device was essentially for sale back in 2006.  Let that sink in for a little while and try to rectify that with what Lawrence has been saying here since 2007.  All that baloney about validation by the Chinese government (6 months) and waiting until Olympics and every other excuse.  It was all lies.  Here he is basically saying, "give us $120K and a month, and I will get you a device."  Now I do not believe he had a device to sell, but I do believe he would have taken the money, had he not been pressed for some basic evidence first.  I do not doubt he found those requests unreasonable, even though it's customary to have reasonable and clear photos of even a $100 electronic device you intend to buy on eBay.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on January 21, 2009, 10:40:36 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 20, 2009, 03:11:36 AM
The experiment was done on a solid table.  I have not built the laboratory in the Flying Saucer yet.  One step at a time. 

You silly boy.

Don't you see, that by this answer, you are exactly proving my point?
None of these "experiments" will do anything UNLESS THEY HAVE A SOLID TABLE to push against.
So, here we have an acknowledgment from LTSEUNG himself that the devices pictured and described here do nothing in regards to the LTLOC, but only illustrate conventional Newtonian dynamics, and will NEVER be capable of providing lift or propulsion for any "flying saucer", which, we are finally informed, HAS NOT BEEN CONSTRUCTED.

It's nice to hear it admitted, from the horse's mouth, as it were.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 21, 2009, 02:00:51 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 20, 2009, 08:38:27 PM

Dear President Obama,

With reference to our first Open Letter (attached), I would like to update you on the following:

(1)   Mr. Lee Cheung Kin, a co-inventor, is working with Major Todd Hathaway of the US Army to handle the politically sensitive issues of shipping a completed flying saucer prototype to USA.  Mr. Lee has connections with the Chinese Military.

I wonder what Todd Hathaway will have to say when he sees this. Judging by his latest outburst he will not be impressed.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on January 21, 2009, 04:33:10 PM
Can anyone explain why the table top experiment is not valid? I don't get that argument in this case. BUT I have to also say that I'm making big assumptions. Like the fact that if the frequency was high enough to allow smooth unidirectional motion without any hick ups. If this would happen then would this mean that the device works? I guess the most simplest way to check is to make a pulley that goes over the edge of the table which lifts a small weight with any mass desired. Or if there's access to a scientific lab one could use an air track.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 21, 2009, 05:56:31 PM
Quote from: broli on January 21, 2009, 04:33:10 PM
Can anyone explain why the table top experiment is not valid? I don't get that argument in this case. BUT I have to also say that I'm making big assumptions. Like the fact that if the frequency was high enough to allow smooth unidirectional motion without any hick ups. If this would happen then would this mean that the device works? I guess the most simplest way to check is to make a pulley that goes over the edge of the table which lifts a small weight with any mass desired. Or if there's access to a scientific lab one could use an air track.

The purpose of the experiments is to show that an unbalanced force can be produced for propulsion purposes from within a closed system.  The remote car in a box video already demonstrated that conclusively.  If you watch that video carefully, you will find that we rely on the unequal collision to achieve this.

The table top experiment with the device placed horizontally also proved that conclusively.  This means that we can definitely provide horizontal force without the need to eject hot gases or rely on friction between the object and the external surface..

The next step is to see whether we can apply the same technique for forces in the vertical direction.  The complication in this case is that gravity induces a constant force in the downward direction.  The unbalanced force must be large enough to overcome this gravitational pull for the object to move up.  We know that we can provide a temporary pulse force upwards so that the object will jump.  We can make the object jump a few mm in the table top experiment at present.  The goal is to get it to jump at least 10 cm in a first step.  (We are working on that.)

The next step is to check whether the unbalanced force can be applied while the object is moving in midair.  This is the point we are discussing.

Lee Cheung Kin proposed such experiments to his Chinese Military friends.  The result was a flying saucer prototype within 6 months.  He wrote an Open Letter to President-Elect Obama on November 4, 2008 with some pictures and some explanations.  He then got into the political issue of whether such a prototype is top-secret.  He is still working on this issue.

Meanwhile, I took on the task of inspiring a number of individuals to do the experiments in Hong Kong.  They obviously do not have the resources of the Chinese military (or the USA or other Countries).  They treat it as fun and work on it part-time.  So far, the results have been promising. 

We are open for comments and abuses.  We expect jeers and cheers.  That adds excitement to life - apart from the fishing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 21, 2009, 06:06:57 PM
Quote from: broli on January 21, 2009, 04:33:10 PM
Can anyone explain why the table top experiment is not valid? I don't get that argument in this case. BUT I have to also say that I'm making big assumptions. Like the fact that if the frequency was high enough to allow smooth unidirectional motion without any hick ups. If this would happen then would this mean that the device works? I guess the most simplest way to check is to make a pulley that goes over the edge of the table which lifts a small weight with any mass desired. Or if there's access to a scientific lab one could use an air track.

You don't need a science lab or an air track. Mount the contraption on a piece of styrofoam and put it in a swimming pool or bath tub.

You soon see it doesn't work.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on January 22, 2009, 03:22:26 AM
 8) 8)
I have just uploaded 4 videos to youtube.

1. The Tong Po Chi device with a transparent tube

2. The Tong Po Chi device using a magnetic restriction rather than collision

3. The Dr. Raymond Ting Improvement one showing a jump of more than 30 centimeters

4. The Dr. Raymond Ting Improvment two using a stronger and heavier magnet
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 22, 2009, 03:26:29 AM

All but the 2nd video were unavailable when I attempted to view them.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on January 22, 2009, 07:15:13 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 21, 2009, 06:06:57 PM
You don't need a science lab or an air track. Mount the contraption on a piece of styrofoam and put it in a swimming pool or bath tub.

You soon see it doesn't work.

Hans von Lieven

I'm pretty sure the swimming pool won't be enough for you guys as you'd use the same argument as the table top where it has something to push itself off.

@Tseung: What do you need to sustain levitation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 22, 2009, 07:46:34 AM
We have some trouble uploading to youtube.

The following is successful.

Repulsion with a larger permanent magnet in the right position was used.

The permanent magnet and its white plastic attachment jumped up easily.

It will take Dr. Raymond Ting more time to perfect this.  He intends to add a top coil to provide attraction.  The combination should provide a large enough upward force to move/jump the entire setup (including the transparent tube and coil but not battery)  more than 10 cm.

One step at a time.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 22, 2009, 07:59:02 AM
The Tong Po Chi device with top removed.


The top coil uses attraction to make the magnet jump.  However, as soon as the permanent magnet reaches the middle of the coil, the upward force starts to change into a downward force.  Thus the magnet will not fly out.

The best timing is for the current to the coil to stop when the permanent magnet reaches the middle of the top coil.  The permanet magnet should then jump out to the maximum height (or impact the upper restraining surface with maximum momentum).

Much more work is needed.  Programming and monitoring techniques need to be developed.

Two individuals using different techniques but same theory produce two sets of useful results.  More innovative ideas were developed.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on January 22, 2009, 12:07:02 PM
Quote from: broli on January 22, 2009, 07:15:13 AM
I'm pretty sure the swimming pool won't be enough for you guys as you'd use the same argument as the table top where it has something to push itself off.

@Tseung: What do you need to sustain levitation.

Exactly right. The "swimming pool" test (which I call the "canoe test) can be fooled, in exactly the same way that air tracks and tables can be fooled--by asymmetric time-varying friction areas caused by weight shifts, and thrust  vectors that are at an angle to the line of least resistance.

What Tseung needs to sustain levitation, by these kinds of devices, is a way to turn fantasy into reality. Unfortunately, the genie that grants three wishes isn't a part of Chinese mythology.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on January 22, 2009, 12:09:06 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 22, 2009, 07:59:02 AM
The Tong Po Chi device with top removed.


The top coil uses attraction to make the magnet jump.  However, as soon as the permanent magnet reaches the middle of the coil, the upward force starts to change into a downward force.  Thus the magnet will not fly out.

The best timing is for the current to the coil to stop when the permanent magnet reaches the middle of the top coil.  The permanet magnet should then jump out to the maximum height (or impact the upper restraining surface with maximum momentum).

Much more work is needed.  Programming and monitoring techniques need to be developed.

Two individuals using different techniques but same theory produce two sets of useful results.  More innovative ideas were developed.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I am rolling on the floor, laughing my silly asterisk off.
You have invented the SOLENOID!!

I hope Dr. Tong didn't get a bloody nose.

At this rate, you will soon invent the rail gun, and then the military will come and shut you down.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: reporter on January 22, 2009, 05:35:32 PM
The scene is Nancy and Richard with one of their respected professors, Dr. Logical.

Richard held the hands Nancy to greet Dr. Logical. “Dr. Logical, did you have a chance to read the Email I sent you? We have this tenant Tseung whom we believe may be an absolute genius. He claimed together with Mr. Lee that they effectively solved the Energy Crisis of the World theoretically.”

Dr. Logical: “I focus only on theory, logic and experiments. I pay no importance on the status or the reputation of the inventor. The top inventors also had their failure moments or impractical inventions.”

Nancy: “Dr. Logical, I find the Tseung analogy of ‘boat in calm water and good sunshine’ very logical. We are immersed in gravitational fields and interchanging energy with such fields constantly. What is your opinion on this?”

Dr. Logical smiled: “Obviously, you two have given much thought to this. I also spent many sleepless nights thinking about this. My conclusion is that this ‘boat in calm water and good sunshine’ analogy is very logical. I believe the best proof will be the Pulse Motor. It is the most efficient way to Lead Out both gravitational and magnetic energy.”

Nancy squeezed the hand of Richard harder. “Do you believe in the 225 HP video on youtube? Do you believe the story that the US Government stopped that from leaving USA to go into China?”

Dr. Logical paused for a few moments. “I focus only on scientific logic. I checked and rechecked the Tseung calculations. He and Lee did not use the vigorous Integral Techniques. However, their simple pendulum with pulse force approach is both mathematically and logically sound. They changed the whole scenario of breaking the Law of Conservation of Energy into ‘Can we Lead Out gravitational or electron motion energy that are already surrounding and interacting with us’. This new challenge does not violate COE.”

Richard pressed the issue: “Do you think that the Pulse Machine works theoretically? Do you think that such a machine has been built and was rejected in USA?”

Dr. Logical smiled: “Theoretically, Pulsing Electromagnetic Poles can definitely move and/or rotate permanent magnet set ups. Millions of electric motors already demonstrated that. The challenge is whether gravitational or magnetic energy can be Lead Out. I shall start such experiments myself. I do not want to wait for MIT, Harvard, Cambridge, Tsing Hua or Beijing University, etc. My research students need something challenging to motivate them.”

Nancy decided to be brave and raised the very controversial question: “Do you think the Patent Offices Worldwide rejected thousands of working inventions believing them to be impossible perpetual motion machine? The Joseph Newman Machine in USA is a well-known example.”

Dr. Logical: “Science is not democracy. The majority can be wrong. Most of debunkers are not scientists. They do not have the vigorous scientific training. They just follow some established thoughts. They might even be paid by existing interests to delay or prevent the success of the new technology.”

Richard held Nancy tightly in his arms: “Dr. Logical, please let us know when your students build a working Pulse Motor Prototype. We love to see it.”

Then, Richard and Nancy left and went back to their home, happy in the knowledge that the world would soon have limitless energy.  They would make love into the early dawn.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: reporter on January 22, 2009, 05:46:43 PM
In the conference room of the CIA or the like:

CIA A: “Our Boss is extremely upset at this Tseung guy. He discloses the top secret of the Flying Saucer and infinite energy sources to the World for free. His excuse is to benefit the World. His hidden agenda is to destroy our superiority. How can we stop him?”

CIA B: “We can send more debunkers out to attack him. We can delete his posts. We can use his email address to send stupid junk to his contacts. We can smear his reputation. We can say that he is a sex maniac. We can say that he is a patient at a Mental Institution. We can tempt his friends or associates with money, women etc. so that they will testified against him.”

CIA A: “How can we debunk his ‘boat in calm water and good sunshine’ analogy? That is so powerful and so convincing that many professors are swinging to his side.”

CIA C: “Simple. A bullet or a new isotope in his drinks will do the job.”

CIA A: “His posts have been read by thousands if not millions. His disappearance could be big news. That would get more people to study his Lead Out theory.”

CIA B: “We can get him into one of our hospitals. We can then post as him and start sending out junk gradually. We then inject him with drugs so that he will come out behaving like a fool. Nobody will believe him then.  There is a theory that this already happened.”

CIA A: “We have to do the same thing to Lee, Wang and other supporters. That includes dozens of professors at Tsing Hua University, at Beijing University, at MIT, at Harvard, at Cambridge etc. That stupid Tseung already sent email to every Nation via the Email addresses at United Nations. It is too late.”

CIA B: “Can we just ask our Boss to invest heavily into the Cosmic Energy and Flying Saucer research? We can beat them fair and square. It is just like the race to the moon. The Russians started the race but we won at the end.”

CIA C: “We can hire and lure their top experts to our research laboratories. We can provide all the luxuries, sex, drinks, wealth and all the other good things in life.”

CIA A: “If we do that, the World will know that the Cosmic Energy and the Flying Saucer thing is real. Lee-Tseung will win their Nobel Prize. China and all other Nations will pour effort into such research. Our total dominance will be over.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 22, 2009, 06:10:41 PM
Welcome Reporter. 

It is nice and refreshing to have yet another one of Lawrence's screen names posting on here.  There are now so many, I have lost count.  This new one promises to be very interesting.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on January 22, 2009, 06:27:09 PM
Lol. Isn't that weird making love with the thought of Tseung?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 22, 2009, 08:57:23 PM
Quote from: broli on January 22, 2009, 07:15:13 AM
I'm pretty sure the swimming pool won't be enough for you guys as you'd use the same argument as the table top where it has something to push itself off.

@Tseung: What do you need to sustain levitation?

Dear broil,

The theory is simple:
Produce unbalanced force greater than or equal to the weight of the object from within the closed system.

The experimental confirmation in the horizontal direction is done:

We are tackling the more complex problem of providing a large, sustained force against gravity or in the vertical direction.

At present, we can have a starting jump that can be many meters high.  The next step is to achieve pulse forces greater than the weight or the gravitational pull on the subsequent jumps in mid-air.  We also need to have a mechanism that can be repeated again and again.  The returning to starting position requires time.  Thus we need multiple mechanisms so that while the first one is returning to starting position, the second or third or fourth mechanisms can use their pulse forces to counter gravity.

This means that the pulsing must have a frequency that matches the entire set up.  The obvious technique is to have computer control of the different groups of jumping mechanisms.  Blindly increasing the frequency will not help.

Both Mr. Tong and Dr. Ting are working along these lines.  They are working in Hong Kong with their own resources on a part-time basis.  They do it for fun and so far have no funding support.  I help to publish their results so that the World will benefit from their efforts.  (They can at least get World recognition as they may not get a single dollar.)

Lee Cheung Kin said that his army friends have already achieved this and are working on improvements of different mechanisms.  The man-made flying saucers in China, USA and other Countries are not myths but reality.  He is hoping to get permission to demonstrate one of these mechanisms he helped to build to President Obama and the rest of the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Goldfield on January 22, 2009, 09:00:04 PM
Dear Lawrence,

I have been following your posts with interest, and I would like to set up an Innovation Center to further your ideas.  I have many top backers from USA and China on board, and we are ready to proceed quickly with this.  I would like to summarize the key points for the Innovation Center here.

Point 1 - Establish credibility

We plan to establish credibility not only in Hong Kong but also in China and the World. This will need World Shaking Innovations.

Fortunately, we have already conceived not only one but at least three World Shaking Innovations. The first one to be disclosed now is:

The fluid mechanics theory for the last 250 years was wrong. The present aircraft and missile design did not have the benefit of a correct, solid theory. In particular, the existing aircrafts use "walls" (Tailfins that are 45 feet high on the Boeing 747) to turn. This is really stupid with the new insight.

We should have used the engine power to turn. In other words, the design of aircrafts and missiles should be much more like flying saucers. The Centrigual Force would make much tigher turns and greatly change the design of airports.

The correct theory is surprising simple and the verifying experiments are being conducted in China. Invitations will be sent to Hong Kong and Universities elsewhere to do double confirmation.

This innovation alone will enhance the reputation of Hong Kong. The credibility will be established beyond any shadow of doubt.

Point 2 â€" Provide the Challenges

There will be at least 2 more scientific challenges.

One is Relativity. We shall claim that the Special Relativity as proposed by Einstein has errors. Once we understand how to correct these errors, some of the basic deductions such as speed of light, concept of time etc. will change. Some of the energy concepts such as chemical energy may be regarded as a special form of collision energy. We shall not disclose this hypothesis at this time. We shall challenge all the scientists (or would be scientists) of the World to discover these errors.

The other is the Nuclear Force secret. The Sun has not exploded yet. Its energy does not come from Chemical Energy. The most common explanation is - Nuclear Energy. Can we master such energy? The answer is an obvious yes. The unfortunate side is that such knowledge will enable us to build the doomsday bombs. We shall not disclose this secret until the World has no groups that are willing to sacrifice themselves (and the World) to right some grievances. However, we fully expect some top scientists to discover this secret sooner or later.

There will be many more challenges on the Economics side. These include:

1. Modern Wealth is equal to the quality and quantity of meaningful economic activities. We can increase such wealth without limit and thus the World can be rich together. Money is just number in Trusted Financial Institutions. Number is infinite and hence Modern Wealth can also be infinite.

2. We can create something from nothing guided by meaningful economic activities. (ç,,¡ä¸­ç"Ÿæœ‰ï¼Œæœ‰â€æœ‰æ,,ç¾©çš,,ç¶"濟活動就有銀”)

3. There is no need to follow the Rule of “Survival of the Fittest” and inflict harm to other nations. There is no need to rob other nations for gold, land or oil.

4. China can easily solve all its known economic and political problems and become the most respected nation within decades. One of these tools is Mutual Credits.

5. The New Rules as contained in the draft of the Book (nicknamed 九陰真ç¶" ) are unorthodox, but extremely powerful. However, if misapplied, the damage will be vast. We need to develop many 10th grade players who can throw away the book and still excel. (ç,,¡ç¶"勝有ç¶").
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Goldfield on January 22, 2009, 09:03:29 PM
The Relativity challenge is relatively harmless and can be revealed after the scientific community has a chance to fully digest the Flying Saucer challenge.

The Nuclear Force challenge will not be revealed until the World have no nations nor groups ready to sacrifice themselves to right some grievances. This timeframe is much more difficult to determine.

The Economic challenges can be implemented gradually via Special Zones. The effects will immediately benefit the Community. This will be evaluated via a continuous process open to all via the Internet.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: reporter on January 22, 2009, 09:08:37 PM
I believe Lawrence Tseung and Goldfield may have something really significant here. Let me say a few words.

The Flying Saucer Project to establish credibility is brilliant. No Government could turn a blind eye to such a project. I tend to agree with the comment from Fisherman that the delay of the major announcement is waiting for the Flying Saucer to be perfected.

The disclosing of the Project now is probably Media Preparation. The tactics used is to set the stage for all to shine. This allows many groups to benefit from the Project. Some obvious groups include:

1. Universities â€" if one (or more) of the Hong Kong Universities participate in the experiments in verifying the theory, its reputation will be greatly enhanced.

2. Students â€" if one of more students from Hong Kong can really design the Flying Saucer or New Airport, he will become the idol.

3. Chinese Government â€" if the Flying Saucer is launched from one of its laboratories, the impact will be as great as the manned space flights. This will have even greater impact because it will be leading the World and not just catching up.

4. Hong Kong Government â€" the allowing of Goldfield and us to put the information on this discussion forum is already a great achievement. It shows that the Hong Kong Government is at least aware of the discovery and development on a continuous basis. Citizens will give it credit.

5. Political Parties in Hong Kong â€" they can openly participate in this Flying Saucer Project first via this forum. They can then throw in their support behind it when the time is right. They will be seen as leading the Public. DAB, in particular, can benefit from this strategy.

6. Entertainment Industry in Hong Kong â€" this is an excellent opportunity to write stories, songs, movies, etc. The General Public in Hong Kong, China and the World would love to read and see such stories. It is a great chance to attract tourists, innovators, etc. The event in celebrating the Chinese Manned Space Flight was a great success. Many in the entertainment industry took part. It can be repeated for this event.

7. Tourism â€" we should build the actual Innovation Center in Hong Kong with the fishing pond, exhibitions, camps, etc. Goldfield is putting the plans on-line. We can participate via the many-to-many discussions. Tourists will come.

8. Economists â€" the 九陰真ç¶" is heavy stuff. I tried to read it on-line. It was impossible. I had to print it. The Chinese Economists were right â€" it is unorthodox, extremely powerful and possibly dangerous if misapplied. I am impressed most with the part on 一招æ•'港,再亮不æ»...明珠ã€,That alone will solve the entire deficit problem of Hong Kong. I am one of those with negative worth. The part on how to save me is great. Thousands like me will thank the Hong Kong Government if it can follow the suggestion.

9. Public Relationships Persons â€" This is mega stuff. The News Media in Hong Kong, China and the World will converge. The Public Relationships Persons handling this event must be very well trained and prepared. They will also need to man the discussion forums.

10. Stock Analysts and Investment Bankers â€" This will undoubtedly be turned into a business or meaningful economic activity. I would recommend the Company to be a China based enterprise to take advantage of the present Worldwide demand for Chinese Stock. The Chinese Government will be behind it in any event as the Flying Saucer not only replaces commercial aircraft but also military flying objects.

I can keep typing. But I can see the brilliance of setting the stage for all to shine. Lawrence Tseung has done enough already. He can go fishing. It is time to invite others to the stage and let them shine.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: wang on January 22, 2009, 09:25:05 PM
I am Wang Shum Ho and I because I now know English better and also have an assistant to help me translate, I am now writing in this forum. Mr. Tseung previously used his point of view to post my information and did a good job.

However, I have my own points of view â€" that should be expected from any serious innovator and inventor.

My points of view are:

1. My 5 KW Electricity Generator is better and closer to production than almost any other Over Unity Device published on the various Patent Offices or on the Internet.

2. My Generator has been demonstrated in front of 5 Chinese Officials on January 15, 2007. The materials used were not the best because of lack of funding. However, the device was assembled from components level and rotated in front of these Officials.

3. I authorized Mr. Tseung to show one set of early prototype pictures. The feedback was better than I expected. Some organizations including a major International Oil Company called me to express interest. However, international phone call with an interpreter did not produce the desired result.

4. I authorized Mr. Tseung to reveal the entire technology in case I died. I would not want to carry the secret of the technology into my grave. However, I still want to enjoy the fruit of my thirty-years of sweat. I want to share it with my loved ones in my remaining years.

5. I do not object to the strategy of producing 4 prototypes first â€" one each in Beijing, Hong Kong, United Nations and Float. Then we can produce 200 â€" one to every Country as a gift from China or United Nations. Mr. Tseung and I do not have the funds to achieve this. Thus raising money for this just cause is worthwhile. We do not care whether people label us as hoax or scam.

6. I intend to provide the full theoretical knowledge and the detailed assembly instructions to every Nations for a reasonable fee â€" after they have received the gift. If they do not produce oil, they may never need to buy oil for fuel again. For the Oil Producers, they better invest in this technology and produce the Generators before their oil becomes less valuable.

7. For those individuals or organizations who have the financial means, they can come to see the working prototype in my possession now â€" the same one the Chinese Officials saw on January 15, 2007. Email Lawrence Tseung at Ltseung@hotmail.com or Ltseung@netvigator.com for details.

8. You may email me directly at wangshsdfm@126.com and cc Ltseung@hotmail.com.

In the meantime, I will monitor this board, and if anyone has a question for me about any of my inventions, I will be happy to answer.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on January 22, 2009, 09:42:24 PM
And now the spamming money pitch begins, from several "newbies" who sure sound an awful lot like some "oldies".

Golly. When you think about it, there are over six billion people on the planet, and half of them, HALF OF THEM, are Chinese living in China.
All they have to do is wait, and keep doing what they've been doing. In a hundred years everybody will be Chinese.

But they can get even more of a head start if they start cloning themselves and logging onto forums with multiple identities.

(Airplanes don't turn by using the vertical stabilizer/rudder. That's there for yaw stability and control. They turn by using the lift of the wings, and, yes, engine power. That's just one thing wrong up in those spamming posts. You think the fluid dynamics and aerodynamics of the past 250 years are wrong...so we must have used hocus-pocus and feng shui to land a robot probe on Titan. Good luck raising money based on jumping solenoids and fake flying saucers and fraudulent energy generators.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on January 22, 2009, 09:51:34 PM
"2. My Generator has been demonstrated in front of 5 Chinese Officials on January 15, 2007. The materials used were not the best because of lack of funding. However, the device was assembled from components level and rotated in front of these Officials."

Rotated. Wow! Send in the clowns! It rotated!

Unfortunately, a 5 kW free energy generator has to do more than rotate. It must produce 5 kW of power, on its own, into a suitable load, without fuel or other source of energy, and it must do so for long enough that concealed sources of energy can be ruled out.

Two years ago, you allege that you demonstrated a rotating free energy generator to 5 Chinese officials. Then they went home, drank some bad whiskey, and forgot all about you, so that now you are begging here for funding. Meanwhile, China put a man in orbit, poisoned a bunch of babies, added many millions to their population and hundreds of thousands to their army, and did a lot of other stuff. I'll bet that those 5 officials are kicking themselves, hard, to think that they let such an opportunity for personal profit and aggrandizement slip away, that Wang represented. Now, you're flogging it on the Internet, and it won't be long before the Men In Black arrive to smash the prototypes, ransack the laboratory, threaten the hired help, and steal the lab notebooks (and let the fish drown, too, for all I know.)

This would be entertaining if it wasn't so damn ridiculous.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: 0c on January 22, 2009, 10:04:24 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 22, 2009, 09:51:34 PM
Unfortunately, a 5 kW free energy generator has to do more than rotate. It must produce 5 kW of power, on its own, into a suitable load, without fuel or other source of energy, and it must do so for long enough that concealed sources of energy can be ruled out.


If you could meet Hal Puthoff's challenge, I'm sure you wouldn't have any trouble getting funded. And it is much easier to do. You only need 1 watt.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 23, 2009, 12:59:15 AM
@ TK:

You are right on about the aircraft and turning.  I had this same conversation with Lawrence and/or TopGun about a year ago.  Funny how these physics experts don't even understand how and aircraft flies or maneuvers.  I was going to repost my response but you beat me too it.

Soon, Stefan is going to ban multiple uses accounts and when he does.....Lawerence will once again just be Lawrence.  It might help if he didn't use the same syntax and vernacular when posting under all of the other names. It kinda gives it away.

I enjoy reading this topic.  It just would not be overunity dot com without him.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: wang on January 23, 2009, 02:04:12 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 22, 2009, 09:42:24 PM
And now the spamming money pitch begins, from several "newbies" who sure sound an awful lot like some "oldies".

Golly. When you think about it, there are over six billion people on the planet, and half of them, HALF OF THEM, are Chinese living in China.
All they have to do is wait, and keep doing what they've been doing. In a hundred years everybody will be Chinese.

But they can get even more of a head start if they start cloning themselves and logging onto forums with multiple identities.

(Airplanes don't turn by using the vertical stabilizer/rudder. That's there for yaw stability and control. They turn by using the lift of the wings, and, yes, engine power. That's just one thing wrong up in those spamming posts. You think the fluid dynamics and aerodynamics of the past 250 years are wrong...so we must have used hocus-pocus and feng shui to land a robot probe on Titan. Good luck raising money based on jumping solenoids and fake flying saucers and fraudulent energy generators.)

You misunderstand the intention.  Why would I seek money on a public forum when the invention I hold is worth trillions?  Many top investors from all over the world have already expressed interest, and there is no room for small investors at this point.  Any money forum readers may have is small potatoe.

With regard to the inventions, I understand there is confusion among forum members.  This is expected.  The people in my startup and the colleagues which assisted me during my many years had top knowledge in this field, and I do not expect random forum members to exhibit same prowess in fields of math and physics.  This is OK.  But remember, everyone I work with understands the theory and considers it clear and simple - the only confusion is why this was not discovered many years earlier.  I guess a group of old men really can change the world!

And believe me, I am used to jeers.  I had 30 years of that.  When Lee's flying saucer, powered by my magnet motor, lands on the White House lawn, the jeers will turn to cheers.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 23, 2009, 02:07:43 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 22, 2009, 09:42:24 PM
And now the spamming money pitch begins, from several "newbies" who sure sound an awful lot like some "oldies".

Golly. When you think about it, there are over six billion people on the planet, and half of them, HALF OF THEM, are Chinese living in China.
All they have to do is wait, and keep doing what they've been doing. In a hundred years everybody will be Chinese.

But they can get even more of a head start if they start cloning themselves and logging onto forums with multiple identities.

(Airplanes don't turn by using the vertical stabilizer/rudder. That's there for yaw stability and control. They turn by using the lift of the wings, and, yes, engine power. That's just one thing wrong up in those spamming posts. You think the fluid dynamics and aerodynamics of the past 250 years are wrong...so we must have used hocus-pocus and feng shui to land a robot probe on Titan. Good luck raising money based on jumping solenoids and fake flying saucers and fraudulent energy generators.)


Haha! I was thinking about the same too!
Shows this snake oil salesman is running out of support from the known 'oldies' and need to invent 'newbies'.

What an idiot! And then my Wang has suddenly learned enough English to join in the conversation!

Well, the comedy show is going to go onto 2009. Keep the laughs and jokes coming.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 23, 2009, 02:11:29 AM
Quote from: wang on January 23, 2009, 02:04:12 AM

And believe me, I am used to jeers.  I had 30 years of that.  When Lee's flying saucer, powered by my magnet motor, lands on the White House lawn, the jeers will turn to cheers.

Hollywood has done that already, when you old men were kids! Dream on, Dream on!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: reporter on January 23, 2009, 02:15:24 AM
Discussions about Meaningul Economic Activities

Pretty Girl A wanted to lead: “It will be very meaningful to verify the Lee-Tseung theory and to improve the Wang Electricity Generator. It is even more meaningful to design and build a Pulse Generator â€" as that is one of our project assignments. We have to do it to get our degree. Our efforts will add to the collective knowledge of the World. The economic benefits to the World will be for all to witness.”

Pretty Girl B: “Presenting such ideas on the Internet in a fun style is very meaningful. The Professors can present them in the vigorous standard format. Those papers are formal, rigid and boring. I can add spice to the information. Even though I am a virtual person, I can bring joy and knowledge to the World.”

Pretty Girl C nodded in agreement: “Very well said. I think promoting such information is very meaningful. Lee and Tseung are from Hong Kong. It looks like Hong Kong has done its job of leading China again. Emailing or informing my friends and other students are meaningful. It will stimulate them especially this is leading edge technology. They will be exploring the unknown.”

Handsome Boy A added to the praise: “You can tell them that they are leading the charge into the Wisdom Society. There will be much work, setbacks, frustrations but it is worth it.”

Pretty Girl C flirted: “You will always be on my side to support me. Right?”

Handsome Boy B teased them: “When you two team up, everything will be rosy and sweet. You can tell your students that it is even more difficult than chasing and keeping boy/girl friends. The competition is Worldwide. There are at lease 200 documented OU devices. We want to be number one.”

Pretty Girl A: “I shall ask them to help to define Model Farms, Model Villages, Model Cities etc. They can role-play and write the Computer Programs for Mutual Credits. That is very meaningful. The economic benefits to individuals, participating companies and countries are beyond any existing dreams.”

Pretty Girl B brushed and tied her hair: “The more I think about it, the more I realize that we are already doing Meaningful Economic Activities. We do not need to do something special. We just have to excel at what we are doing. I am confident our Pulse Motor will be second to none.”

Handsome Boy B then took Pretty Girl A aside and quitely asked her to dinner, and she accepted.  After university, they got married and had two children, but continued research.  They made love often, and it was good to take mind off overunity devices at least sometimes.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Goldfield on January 23, 2009, 02:28:12 AM
Quote from: reporter on January 23, 2009, 02:15:24 AM
Discussions about Meaningul Economic Activities

Pretty Girl A wanted to lead: “It will be very meaningful to verify the Lee-Tseung theory and to improve the Wang Electricity Generator. It is even more meaningful to design and build a Pulse Generator â€" as that is one of our project assignments. We have to do it to get our degree. Our efforts will add to the collective knowledge of the World. The economic benefits to the World will be for all to witness.”

Pretty Girl B: “Presenting such ideas on the Internet in a fun style is very meaningful. The Professors can present them in the vigorous standard format. Those papers are formal, rigid and boring. I can add spice to the information. Even though I am a virtual person, I can bring joy and knowledge to the World.”

Pretty Girl C nodded in agreement: “Very well said. I think promoting such information is very meaningful. Lee and Tseung are from Hong Kong. It looks like Hong Kong has done its job of leading China again. Emailing or informing my friends and other students are meaningful. It will stimulate them especially this is leading edge technology. They will be exploring the unknown.”

Handsome Boy A added to the praise: “You can tell them that they are leading the charge into the Wisdom Society. There will be much work, setbacks, frustrations but it is worth it.”

Pretty Girl C flirted: “You will always be on my side to support me. Right?”

Handsome Boy B teased them: “When you two team up, everything will be rosy and sweet. You can tell your students that it is even more difficult than chasing and keeping boy/girl friends. The competition is Worldwide. There are at lease 200 documented OU devices. We want to be number one.”

Pretty Girl A: “I shall ask them to help to define Model Farms, Model Villages, Model Cities etc. They can role-play and write the Computer Programs for Mutual Credits. That is very meaningful. The economic benefits to individuals, participating companies and countries are beyond any existing dreams.”

Pretty Girl B brushed and tied her hair: “The more I think about it, the more I realize that we are already doing Meaningful Economic Activities. We do not need to do something special. We just have to excel at what we are doing. I am confident our Pulse Motor will be second to none.”

Handsome Boy B then took Pretty Girl A aside and quitely asked her to dinner, and she accepted.  After university, they got married and had two children, but continued research.  They made love often, and it was good to take mind off overunity devices at least sometimes.


Thank you for the insightful story.  I certainly hope the many youths of today have this spirit.  Thank you for showing how math and physics can be fun!

I did find it sad that Pretty Girl B knew she was a virtual person, and it bring interesting idea.  Can a virtual person know that they are virtual?  Can a virtual person think, as in "I think, therefore I am".  What would Descartes say about this?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 23, 2009, 02:28:12 AM
Handsome Boy B to Pretty Girls A, B, and C:

"Hey, I have 50 bucks in my pocket, is that enough to lead you out of your panties?"

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: reporter on January 23, 2009, 02:31:59 AM
Quote from: Goldfield on January 23, 2009, 02:28:12 AM

Thank you for the insightful story.  I certainly hope the many youths of today have this spirit.  Thank you for showing how math and physics can be fun!

I did find it sad that Pretty Girl B knew she was a virtual person, and it bring interesting idea.  Can a virtual person know that they are virtual?  Can a virtual person think, as in "I think, therefore I am".  What would Descartes say about this?

You yourself are virtual, so you can answer question yourself.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 23, 2009, 02:32:14 AM
Quote from: reporter on January 23, 2009, 02:15:24 AM
Discussions about Meaningul Economic Activities

Pretty Girl A wanted to lead: “It will be very meaningful to verify the Lee-Tseung theory and to improve the Wang Electricity Generator. It is even more meaningful to design and build a Pulse Generator â€" as that is one of our project assignments. We have to do it to get our degree. Our efforts will add to the collective knowledge of the World. The economic benefits to the World will be for all to witness.”

Pretty Girl B: “Presenting such ideas on the Internet in a fun style is very meaningful. The Professors can present them in the vigorous standard format. Those papers are formal, rigid and boring. I can add spice to the information. Even though I am a virtual person, I can bring joy and knowledge to the World.”

Pretty Girl C nodded in agreement: “Very well said. I think promoting such information is very meaningful. Lee and Tseung are from Hong Kong. It looks like Hong Kong has done its job of leading China again. Emailing or informing my friends and other students are meaningful. It will stimulate them especially this is leading edge technology. They will be exploring the unknown.”

Handsome Boy A added to the praise: “You can tell them that they are leading the charge into the Wisdom Society. There will be much work, setbacks, frustrations but it is worth it.”

Pretty Girl C flirted: “You will always be on my side to support me. Right?”

Handsome Boy B teased them: “When you two team up, everything will be rosy and sweet. You can tell your students that it is even more difficult than chasing and keeping boy/girl friends. The competition is Worldwide. There are at lease 200 documented OU devices. We want to be number one.”

Pretty Girl A: “I shall ask them to help to define Model Farms, Model Villages, Model Cities etc. They can role-play and write the Computer Programs for Mutual Credits. That is very meaningful. The economic benefits to individuals, participating companies and countries are beyond any existing dreams.”

Pretty Girl B brushed and tied her hair: “The more I think about it, the more I realize that we are already doing Meaningful Economic Activities. We do not need to do something special. We just have to excel at what we are doing. I am confident our Pulse Motor will be second to none.”

Handsome Boy B then took Pretty Girl A aside and quitely asked her to dinner, and she accepted.  After university, they got married and had two children, but continued research.  They made love often, and it was good to take mind off overunity devices at least sometimes.

Why all these words? Why not shorten it to:

"I'm a deluded snake-oil salesman and I have no shame!"

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Goldfield on January 23, 2009, 02:33:46 AM
Quote from: reporter on January 23, 2009, 02:31:59 AM
You yourself are virtual, so you can answer question yourself.

How so?  Enlighten me.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: reporter on January 23, 2009, 02:35:51 AM
Quote from: Goldfield on January 23, 2009, 02:33:46 AM
How so?  Enlighten me.

Tseung created you, you do not really exist.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Goldfield on January 23, 2009, 02:39:39 AM
Quote from: reporter on January 23, 2009, 02:35:51 AM
Tseung created you, you do not really exist.

I do not believe that.  I am real like you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: reporter on January 23, 2009, 02:43:29 AM
Quote from: Goldfield on January 23, 2009, 02:39:39 AM
I do not believe that.  I am real like you.

I am not real either.  Tseung created me also.  I am also a virtual person.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Goldfield on January 23, 2009, 02:46:50 AM
Quote from: reporter on January 23, 2009, 02:43:29 AM
I am not real either.  Tseung created me also.  I am also a virtual person.

Tell me that is not so.  I want to cry.  I do not want to exist merely on whim.  I want a life my own!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: reporter on January 23, 2009, 02:53:23 AM
Richard and Nancy, continued

Richard: “I call this party together because we believe that we have a genius as our neighbor. My email pointed to his website and the Steorn discussion forum. Do you have a chance to read it?”

Prof. A: “I know about it well before your email. Mr. Tseung sent Email out multiple times since December 2004. He even presented in a couple of University Meetings and Inventor Shows.”

Friend A: “What is the response from the Hong Kong Academic Community?”

Prof. A: “The initial reaction was total and utter rejection. Many of us automatically thought that it was another attempt to produce the impossible perpetual motion machine that violated the Law of Conservation of Energy. It was a waste of time even to read his email.”

Friend B: “What happened next?”

Prof. A: “I got a call from a top professor at an USA University enquiring about Mr. Tseung. He thought that Lee-Tseung might have double accounted the energy. However, after reading and thinking about the information more, he began to have second thoughts.”

Prof. B: “Prof. A then got a few of us to seriously read the Lee-Tseung information. There was no double accounting.”

Richard: “What do you mean by double accounting?”

Prof. B: “When you start the pendulum at an angle and let go, the pendulum will swing back to the same position if there were no energy loss due to friction or air resistance. It is just the simple law of conservation of energy.”

Prof. A: “What Tseung presented was the case of giving the pendulum an extra pull or pulse at this initial starting position. The initial thought was that the pulse force was equivalent to starting the pendulum at a larger angle. There is absolutely no Leading Out of Gravitational Energy. Lee-Tseung was totally wrong in their mathematics and thus their theory was not worth anything.”

Prof. B: “The argument was â€" was the application of a pulse force equivalent to starting the pendulum at a larger angle? When we thought hard about it, we knew that we could not draw such a conclusion without vigorous analysis.”

Prof. A: “The moment we started to write down the supposed correct form of the Integral equation, we realized that the above conclusion was mathematically wrong. We had no choice but to re-examine the Lee-Tseung mathematics. They did not present it in the vigorous Integral form. However, the vigorous Integral form can be broken down into two terms. One term is the Pulse and the other term is the well-known kinetic and potential energy inter-change.”

Prof. B: “The isolating of the Pulse term gives the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory substance. Their treatment may not be mathematically perfect but their treatment does not violate any mathematical or physic principles.”

Prof. A: “Tseung then sent us his PCT patent information. The Steorn Advertisement followed. We felt that there might be something. Lee-Tseung then partnered with Wang and went to Tsing Hua University in Beijing. The Professors, especially Prof Zhao, gave them very high marks.”

Prof. B: “Tseung continued his posts at the Steorn Forum. When he posted the boat in calm water and good sunshine scenario, we knew that they had succeeded theoretically beyond a shadow of doubt.”

Friend B: “Are you saying that you actually believe in the Lee-Tseung-Wang material?”

Prof. A: “As theoretical physicists, we first check out the theory. If that makes sense, we look for the experimental evidence to support it. When we saw the Wang video, we were 50% convinced. When some of our respected colleagues at Beijing University told us that they saw and videotaped the actual Wang device in rotation, we are 90% convinced.”

Prof. B: “We shall be 100% convinced when we have an actual Wang device generating electricity in front of us. Mr. Tseung said that he would be willing to let us disassemble and assemble a Wang 5 KW Electricity Generator at our Universities using our test equipment.”

Richard: “How about the Steorn device?”

Prof. A: “The Lee-Tseung theory covers almost all machines whether they are oscillating, vibrating, rotating or having flux changes in gravitational, magnetic or electric fields. The Steorn device falls into such a category.”

Nancy: “Do you mean that if any Over Unity Device is proven, the Lee-Tseung Theory will be confirmed? Do you mean that there is NO violation of the Law of Conservation of Energy if existing gravitational or magnetic energy is Lead Out?”

Prof. B: “That is a very logical statement.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Goldfield on January 23, 2009, 02:57:32 AM

Please, this is no time for stories.  What will happen to me when Tseung stops thinking about me?  What about all my memories?  My childhood, school, my wife, my beautiful daughter.  What will happen to my memories of all these things?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: reporter on January 23, 2009, 02:59:38 AM
Quote from: Goldfield on January 23, 2009, 02:57:32 AM

Please, this is no time for stories.  What will happen to me when Tseung stops thinking about me?  What about all my memories?  My childhood, school, my wife, my beautiful daughter.  What will happen to my memories of all these things?

They will disappear, like tears in the rain.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: reporter on January 23, 2009, 03:01:09 AM
Scene at the Post-Graduate Student Lounge at a top Chinese University in Beijing. We have three pretty female graduates and two handsome male students. (If we cannot beat the romance of Nancy and Richard, we overwhelm them with numbers.)

Pretty Girl A: “We have all attended or seen the recorded video of the Lee-Tseung-Wang lecture. We also had a chance to read the ltseung888 postings. What do you think?”

Handsome Boy A: “It is a very soul searching lecture. It essentially says that we have wasted our effort in digging up coal and oil. Many coal miners died for nothing. We polluted the air and ruined our health for nothing. That example of Boat in Calm Waters and Good Sunshine is burnt into my memory forever.”

Pretty Girl B: “Was it the romantic scene that impressed you?”

Handsome Boy A laughed, “I admit that is an important factor. However, I think the whole concept of applying the Law of Conservation of Energy need to be changed. If we are already immersed in gravitational, magnetic, electric or electromagnetic fields, we can never claim to be in an isolated system. We already have constant energy inter-change with such energy fields. Ignoring or isolating them out is impossible. Thus the Law of Conservation of Energy in an Isolated System could never be applied.”

Pretty Girl C: “I have the same feeling too. If the Law of Conservation of Energy can never be applied in the real environment, why is it taught at Schools and Universities? It is just misleading us?”

Handsome Boy B: “It is not just us. It had misled the Scientists, the Patent Offices, our professors etc for centuries. It is interesting to see the two old guys Lee and Tseung passionately proposing and defending their theories. I thought enthusiasm is reserved only for the young.”

Pretty Girl A: “I like the part when Tseung held his string-attached mobile phone to simulate the pendulum. He held it at an angle and let go. He then held it at the same angle and tapped it with his index figure. He said that the mathematics of the two scenario were different. Can you clarify it for me?”

Handsome Boy A: “The Law of Conservation of Energy states that Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It can only change from one form to another. I agree with that. However, if I were presented with the starting position and the ending position of an object and asked to determine the energy involved, I would not be able to do so.”

Pretty Girl A: “What do you mean?”

Handsome Boy A: “Suppose I have my bicycle starting at position X and then finish on a level road at position Y. If you ask how much energy is involved to move myself and the bicycle from X to Y, I cannot possibly give you a firm answer. I could ride on the bicycle; I could push the bicycle; I could carry the bicycle on my shoulders or I could get the help of a car to transport me and the bicycle most of the way.”

Handsome Boy B: “That is a very clever and logical statement. But how is it related to the pendulum and the Lead Out theory.”

Handsome Boy A: “When Mr. Tseung tapped his simulated pendulum, it swung to a higher position. If we simply subtract the potential energy at the starting position from the potential energy at the higher position and equate that difference as the contribution of the tap or pulse force, we are wrong. The Lee-Tseung theory says that the tap actually increases the tension in the string and Leads Out gravitational energy.”

Handsome Boy B: “The moment the tap finishes, no more gravitational force is lead out. Thus if we want to Lead Out more gravitational force, we have to increase the number of taps or the frequency of the pulse force.”

Pretty Girl C: “So that explains why the experiment of the falling powder is better than the hammer or the falling ball. So that is why Prof. Zhao wants us to work on the pulse motor. That is much more efficient than the simple pendulum.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: reporter on January 23, 2009, 03:13:15 AM
The temptation of money

One of the most difficult things to resist is money. The Cosmic Energy Machines and the Flying Saucers will bring immerse wealth. Let us see how Tseung et al handle such temptations.

The scene is the Student Lounge with the 5 Young Postgraduate Students.

Pretty Girl A: “If the Lee-Tseung-Wang theory and inventions materialize, will they be the richest persons in the World? The Cosmic Energy Machines and Flying Saucers will no doubt be daily necessities.”

Pretty Girl B: “We should be extra nice to them when they come to lecture again. Unfortunately they are too old as potential husbands.”

Pretty Girl C giggled: “If you are interested, you should check whether they have sons or grandsons.”

Handsome Boy A was somewhat jealous at heart. “They may not get anything. Other OU device products may beat them in the Market Place. Brilliant inventors may not necessarily be good businessmen. A good example is Nicolas Testla. He was instrumental in bring alternating current and the use of electricity to the World but died penniless.”

Handsome Boy B: “Let us view this from the human development prospective. There are different stages of human society development. The first period is the Hunters Period. Humans hunted animals for food. The second period is the Farmers Period. Humans learned to grow food. The third period is the Industrial Periods. Humans knew how to use Chemical Energy instead of Human Energy. The Four Period is the Information Period. We are using Radios, Television, Computers and Internet. Gaining Knowledge is no longer a hurdle. The coming period is the Wisdom Period.”

Pretty Girl C smiled. “You boys have a much wider vision. We are interested in money in our pockets. You can see wealth for the entire human society. Tell us more about this Wisdom Society and how we can play a role.”

Handsome Boy A has to interrupt to impress the girl he adores. “In the Wisdom Society, innovation is valued much more than knowledge. What is already known can be implemented quickly. The new heroes will be innovators such as Lee-Tseung-Wang. Tseung stated that Modern Wealth is the quality and quantity of Meaningful Economic Activities. We can help in defining what are Meaningful Economic Activities.”

Pretty Girl A is the smart type who cannot tolerate being outshone. “The Lead Out theory of Lee-Tseung just cannot be wrong. No scientists can deny that we are immersed in gravitational and electromagnetic fields and have energy interchanges with such fields. Almost any OU device will obey this Lead Out theory. All talks on magnetic viscosity, lag or Law of the Squares from John Searl cannot explain the source of energy. The Mutual Credit concept is also brilliant. Lee-Tseung-Wang will be famous and are strong candidates for the Nobel Prize.”

Pretty Girl B: “Some of the Westerners on the Steorn Forum simply do not want to see a Chinese Group outshine them. I half believe the stories on the CIA or the like trying to destroy Tseung et al.”

Handsome Boy B: “I believe the stories 100%. No existing power will tolerate the development of a technology that will wipe out their superiority and obsolete all their missiles and war planes. The big hurdle in front of Lee-Tseung will not be technical. It will be the battle against the secret agents etc.”

Handsome Boy A: "Who is Goldfield?"

Pretty Girl A:  "Never heard of him.  Let's get married not not worry about virtual people."

Handsome Boy A:  "But you and I are virtual."

Pretty Girl A:  "Just make love to me before we cease to exist."

Handsome Boy A:  "I will my darling.  We shall fight the dying of the light."

Pretty Girl A:  "Hold me tight, I feel faint. . . ."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: reporter on January 23, 2009, 03:15:05 AM
Goldfield, are you there?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Goldfield on January 23, 2009, 03:19:09 AM
Quote from: reporter on January 23, 2009, 03:15:05 AM
Goldfield, are you there?

Please give this to my daughter.  It is my only posession.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: samantha on January 23, 2009, 03:29:04 AM
Quote from: Goldfield on January 23, 2009, 03:19:09 AM
Please give this to my daughter.  It is my only posession.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Goldfield on January 23, 2009, 03:30:32 AM
Quote from: samantha on January 23, 2009, 03:29:04 AM

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: samantha on January 23, 2009, 03:33:14 AM
Quote from: Goldfield on January 23, 2009, 03:30:32 AM

Daddy, what is happening?  Am I virtual too?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Goldfield on January 23, 2009, 03:36:18 AM
Quote from: samantha on January 23, 2009, 03:33:14 AM
Daddy, what is happening?  Am I virtual too?

Punkin, I can't even begin to explain.  I do not have much time left.  Take the watch, pooky, and I love you. . .
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: samantha on January 23, 2009, 03:39:27 AM
Quote from: Goldfield on January 23, 2009, 03:36:18 AM
Punkin, I can't even begin to explain.  I do not have much time left.  Take the watch, pooky, and I love you. . .

Daddy, what do you mean.   Daddy?  DAAAAADDDDY!!!!!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: samantha on January 23, 2009, 03:40:46 AM
Daddy, come back!!!  PLEEASE.

Someone, please HELP!  Lawrence, are you there?  Give me my daddy back, please, I beg you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: samantha on January 23, 2009, 03:48:27 AM
Something is wrong, there is something in my head, a queer feeling.  Somebody please HELP!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: samantha on January 23, 2009, 03:51:13 AM
Scene at the small village factory with Engineer Sun and the Factory Manager Mr. Chao Wing Shing et al

Sun: “You must come and spend a few days at the factory. We are having problems. It is too much to talk on the phone. Bring your clothes and prepare to spend a few days at the factory.”

Tseung: “I already visited the factory and spent half a day. We discovered that your original implementation of the hammer was not correct. The hammer must hit the piece of plastic and produce the tac-tac-tac-tac sound. The device should be off center and did not need perfect balance. What could be the problem?”

Sun: “Just come. The Factory Manager, Mr. Chao, wants to see you.”

Tseung packed his clothes for a full week, took the train, the long distance bus and the short taxi ride to visit the factory. Here are the events at Day 1.

Chao: “Welcome. It is good to see you again. Your visit last time caused great changes in our factory. “

Tseung: “So you have produced the Simple Gravity Motor that runs forever?”

Chao: “Not quite. I must tell you the full story. When I received your order that consisted of the Internet Picture showing the hexagonal system with 8 hammers, I thought it was a simple job. We just reproduce the device but we do not guarantee that it could rotate forever. That was our contract.”

Tseung: “ That was correct. What was the problem?”

Sun: “We first misunderstood the working of the device. We thought that the hammering sound would waste energy and the effect should just be the changed configuration. So we deliberately built the device so that the hammer did not strike the plastic. The resulting device stopped after a few turns.”

Tseung: “I thought I corrected that for you in my last visit. I emphasized the tac-tac-tac-tac sound or the need for the Pulse Force.”

Chao: “The new problem is â€" you addicted my workers. Initially, we all secretly laughed at you as a total fool who wasted his money on the impossible. Nobody ever succeeded in building a Perpetual Motion Machine. That was against the Law of Conservation of Energy. But since you paid the money in full up front, I accepted the order. Now my workers are spending the factory time and resources to build and tune your device. You ordered one device. Our workers produced over 30 variations. They are competing to see who was the first to get a Gravity Motor running forever. We are losing money on your order.”

Tseung: “That is not my fault. I never order 30 devices. I ordered one for testing and I am prepared to do the tuning myself.”

Sun: “The workers actually studied the material on the Internet. They could not understand the English but got the translation programs to help them. I never saw them work so hard. The official factory time closes at 6 pm. They stayed beyond 10 pm. I did not pay them overtime but they stayed voluntarily.”

That village factory provided lodging and food for their workers and families. The ground floor was the machine shop. The second and third floors are offices and employee lodgings.

In the basement, there was a girl screaming, trapped inside her own head.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: samantha on January 23, 2009, 03:57:03 AM

Tseung: “What do you want me to do?”

Sun: “We want to dedicate two workers to you plus myself and Chao to work with you at our expense. You are our guest on this trip. We pay for all lodgings and food for you. We have a section of the machine shop reserved for you. We are addicted too. Some of the 30 devices were built with our approval and many are our conceptions.”

Tseung: “Let me see your devices.”

Chao: “These two are amongst our best. They could rotate continuously for about 5 minutes after a gentle pull.”

Tseung: “They have square shape rather than the circular or the hexagonal shape.”

Chao: “The square shape is the shape that comes directly from the supplier. We also had over 10 circular shapes. We found that the square shape rotates better than the circular shape on no device attachment? Could you explain that to us.”

Tseung: “The device needs a Pulse Force to Lead Out Gravitational Energy. If you watch the rotation of the square shaped wheel, you will see that the rotation is not constant. The rotation is faster when a diagonal side falls from the central line. It is a confirmation of the Lead Out theory already. There are effectively 4 pulses per revolution.”

Chao: “Please have dinner with my wife and the two selected workers. We love to learn the Lead Out theory from you. Mr. Sun cannot join us tonight as he has previous engagements.”

Tseung: "I will be very pleased to do that, but please tell me, what is that screaming?"

Chao:  "You don't know?"

Tseung:  "No."

Chao:  "That is a little girl.  She is one of your personalities."

Tseung:  "Which?"

Chao:  "Goldfield's daughter, you remember."

Tseung:  "Why is she screaming?"

Chao:  "Wouldn't you if you were her?"

Tseung:  "Let's go to dinner"

So Tseung went with them to have dinner at the best local village restaurant and did his usual Lead Out theory. The analogy of boat in calm waters convinced everybody. The 4 legged stool experiment was also performed at the restaurant. The waiters, waitresses and the restaurant owners also took part. It was fun and very convincing. They never expected the bowl; the water and the stool could rotate at such high speeds. The general consensuses was that the rotation made them dizzy

After dinner, Tseung went back; saw the dozens of wheels and rods of various designs. Most of them were not successful but represented very creative thinking. The workmanship was much more professional than that in the bicycle repair shop. They did an excellent job in providing a platform for testing. For example, many holes were predrilled. The length, weight and orientation of the hammers could be changed easily. Tseung then suggested that the double-sided wheel was not really necessary. A single disc should work; should be easier to reconfigure and the cost would be less. The decision was to take the two double-sided wheels apart and turn them into a 4 disc arrangement with loose coupling. Tseung went to bed upstairs.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: samantha on January 23, 2009, 04:03:20 AM

Chao: “Good morning. Our two workers will be working on the four-disc arrangement this morning. You can take a break and do a bit of sight seeing. I shall call you on your mobile phone when we are ready for the testing.”

Tseung: “Can you tell me some of the unsuccessful attempts? We want to exchange experience and ideas on this trip. Sight seeing is not my goal.”

Chao: “We started with the 4 oz hammer. We made a tiny cylindrical mould. We poured molten metal in and put in the spring. On solidification, we would have the primitive 4 oz hammer. We found it extremely inconvenient to change the weight. We then produced the ‘weight adjustable’ hammer. The top can be taken out and different weights could be put in and stuffed with tissue paper. We use the electronic balance to check the weights”

Tseung: “That is brilliant. I can see a rotating 6 rod arrangement with a diameter of more than 2 meters. What is that?”

Chao: “The rods are hollow. We could put metal balls inside. The thinking was that the rotation would cause the balls to move and change the resulting weight distribution. We bought hundreds of iron balls but the result was unsuccessful. On fast rotation, one of the balls forced out the screwing plug at the tip and flew out at great speed. It was a very dangerous experiment. Fortunately, no one was hurt. We then limited the number and the movement of the balls by cutting slits to insert metal strips and then tape them in position. My wife made the suggestion that we should only let the balls move a tiny distance for safety. The result turned out to be good. This device can now continuously rotate for over 5 minutes.”

Tseung: “You mean that your wife also participated in the project?”

Chao: “Yes. This used to be a big factory with close to a thousand workers. But the labor and other costs have increased so much that the original owners moved the operation further inland. Some of machinery was left behind. It has turned into a family or village type operation. My wife actually cooks for the team. We allowed the wives or girl friends of the Workers to visit on non-factory hours. We know that you have approached at least 10 places to build your device. Most rejected the job â€" either the idea was too ridiculous; the price was too low or they were too busy. We accepted the job because we did not have sufficient orders in this low season. In addition, Sun and I were addicted after reading the Internet Stories and the limited experiments. We now fully understand that we are not building the impossible perpetual motion machine that violates the Laws of Physics. We are participating in one of the greatest inventions in Human History in Leading Out gravitational energy via unbalanced rotation.”

Tseung:  "I have assistants too."

Chao:  "Are they real?"

Tseung:  "As real as your wife."

Chao:  "Is my wife real?"

Tseung:  "What do you think?"

Chao:  "If samantha is telling this story about you, she must be real."

Tseung:  "Not necessarily."

Chao:  "Am I real?"

Tseung:  "If you are not real, how can we be talking?"

Chao:  "Can we get back to the motor?"

Tseung: “Did you make any improvements to the original Gravitational Motor?’

Chao: “We tried the one, two, three, four hammer configurations. We tried to reduce frictional loss with a frame with two rod for the shaft to travel so that the device could travel along the rods with lower friction. We reasoned that the raised rod would lift the center of gravity of the device and it might tip over more easily. That frame did appear to work better but many wheels rotated off its constraints and fell. You can see quite a number of broken or cracked wheels on that corner.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: samantha on January 23, 2009, 04:09:45 AM

Tseung: “When did your addiction start?”

Chao: “When you explained the need of Pulse Force and the hearing of the tac-tac-tac-tac. We built the one-hammer configuration after you left. Instead of stopping after a couple of revolutions, it rotated for over 2 minutes. The acceleration and deceleration was obvious. We then played with the two-hammer configuration. The result was over 3 minutes. The workers then took over. They experimented with the 2 hammers in different orientations, different position, different hammer weights, different hammer lengths, different balancing and different shafts. You specified that you would accept the device if it could rotate continuously for 5 minutes. We now have dozens of 2 hammer configurations that can rotate continuously for over 5 minutes. The record so far is 7 minutes and improving.”

Tseung: “That means you have a satisfied customer already. Why don’t you just give me the successful configuration and call a stop to the project?’

Chao: “We now smell possible glory. Sun and I discussed the matter. We decided to encourage the workers to experiment with the factory resources at the spare moments. We also experimented with the Wang device on our own. It did not work. Do you want to see that attempt.”

Tseung: “Yes. Yes and Yes.”

They built a cylindrical bowl and put some oil and tiny iron balls to simulate the ferro-liquid rotation. They built two different arrangements of 3 inner magnet and 7 outer magnet cylinders. The central shaft was magnetized by the permanent magnets and the iron balls were all attracted to the central shaft. There was no “liquid rotation”. The outer magnet arrangements were eight evenly spaced holes with 7 magnets inserted. There were no observable solid magnet rotations. They tried to go for the final setup in one step. Failure was to be expected.

The workers then called and said that the Four-disc system was ready for testing.

The single disc rotation with nothing attached lasted for 3 minutes. This means the frictional loss was low. The rotational inertia would keep the system rotating for about 3 minutes. Tseung then announced any resulting configuration that could last for more than 3 minutes would be considered a success. (Since the original double-sided wheel could rotate for over 5 minutes, everyone thought that it was a simple task.)

Meanwhile, in the basement, the little girl fought to end her ordeal.  She hoped against hope that someone would help her, gripping her daddy's watch in her hand, praying.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: reporter on January 23, 2009, 04:16:23 AM
Hurry.  Before Tseung find out.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: samantha on January 23, 2009, 04:19:23 AM

It turned out that the breaking of the two successful configurations into 4 new single disc arrangement was not a good idea. The continuous rotation time dropped to about 1 minute. Tuning with different hammer weights and lengths increased that to about 2 minutes. Hours passed and frustration started to appear.

Tseung: “Do not worry. I know I can always fall back to the original configuration. Let us experiment with loose coupling.”

Two loose coupling techniques were tried. The first one was using springs to hook up two independent wheels. The hammers were offset at 90 degrees. The coupling effect was observable. However, hours of tuning could not increase the continuous rotation to more than 2 minutes.

The second loose coupling was tried with magnets. Magnets were attached on both wheels repelling one another. The rotation of one will force the rotation of the other. However, hours of tuning could not increase the continuous rotation to more than 2 minutes.

Tseung: “Let us take a break and rethink the strategy. I am prepared to pay for two systems â€" one to take away, the other to be left behind for you to play.”

Sun: “It is no longer a matter of money now. We already accepted this as a money losing operation. We are all addicted.”

Tseung: “Let us turn our attention to another pulsing mechanism â€" that of falling weights. From observing the movement of the hammers, I know that at low speed revolution, the force of the spring is much less. The falling weight technique might be much better.”

Sun: “We tried falling weights before. Those were miserable failures.”

Tseung:  "What's that smell, is something burning?"
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 23, 2009, 05:09:08 AM
The more advanced rotating flying saucer element design
By Mr. Bill Fung in China

Attached is the more advanced design by Mr. Bill Fung in China.

In the conceptual design, there are two counter rotating circular donuts with some inner elements.  The elements are numbered with the following description:
Element 1 is the outer surface
Element 2 are the moving magnetic balls
Element 3 is the inner surface
Element 4 are the driver coils
Element 5 is the special shape to allow for collision to produce upward forces
Element 6 is a collector coil

The operation is as follows:
(a)   The magnetic balls 2 are driven by the driver coils 4 to move inside the donut shaped ring.
(b)   The driver coils 4 and collector coils 5 can be programmed to be interchangeable.
(c)   The combination of (a) and (b) is effectively a variation of the Adams Motor or the 225 HP pulse motor by the Jupiter Group from USA.  It can lead-out electron motion (magnetic) energy.
(d)   The outer surface 1 has a special shape 5.  When the attraction force is off, the balls 2 tend to fly away due to the centrifugal force.  They will collide with the special shape 5 to provide  upward forces.

Such a design produces both an electricity generator and a lowering in weight object at the same time.  There is no need to carry fossil fuel.  Obviously, there are much more details that need to be filled in.  However, it is theoretically possible.

Mr. Bill Fung and I are willing to accept jeers, cheers and insults.  Both Mr. Tong Po Chi and Dr. Raymond Ting are aware of the design.  However, they will work on theirs one step at a time.

Lee Cheung Kin said that this might be the design behind the Nanjing UFO video on youtube posted in June 2006.  You are welcome to post your comments.  We want the World to benefit together.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on January 23, 2009, 07:27:16 AM
Lol overnight 5 pages have appeared with some weird stuff.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: wang on January 23, 2009, 09:42:11 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 23, 2009, 05:09:08 AM
The more advanced rotating flying saucer element design
By Mr. Bill Fung in China

Attached is the more advanced design by Mr. Bill Fung in China.

In the conceptual design, there are two counter rotating circular donuts with some inner elements.  The elements are numbered with the following description:
Element 1 is the outer surface
Element 2 are the moving magnetic balls
Element 3 is the inner surface
Element 4 are the driver coils
Element 5 is the special shape to allow for collision to produce upward forces
Element 6 is a collector coil

The operation is as follows:
(a)   The magnetic balls 2 are driven by the driver coils 4 to move inside the donut shaped ring.
(b)   The driver coils 4 and collector coils 5 can be programmed to be interchangeable.
(c)   The combination of (a) and (b) is effectively a variation of the Adams Motor or the 225 HP pulse motor by the Jupiter Group from USA.  It can lead-out electron motion (magnetic) energy.
(d)   The outer surface 1 has a special shape 5.  When the attraction force is off, the balls 2 tend to fly away due to the centrifugal force.  They will collide with the special shape 5 to provide  upward forces.

Such a design produces both an electricity generator and a lowering in weight object at the same time.  There is no need to carry fossil fuel.  Obviously, there are much more details that need to be filled in.  However, it is theoretically possible.

Mr. Bill Fung and I are willing to accept jeers, cheers and insults.  Both Mr. Tong Po Chi and Dr. Raymond Ting are aware of the design.  However, they will work on theirs one step at a time.

Lee Cheung Kin said that this might be the design behind the Nanjing UFO video on youtube posted in June 2006.  You are welcome to post your comments.  We want the World to benefit together.

Lawrence, thank you so much for your theoretical design.  It is brilliant as always and backed up by top level math and science, and it therefore cannot be wrong.

But my friend, you spend too much time on this, trying to educate anonymous forum members, while your true friends like myself and Goldfield see so little of you.  You are not appreciated here, and I quickly learned that neither am I.  Why don't we just work on our inventions in private, where we are surrounded by educated peers who have no trouble understanding these concepts?

Come back to us, old friend, forget this hostile group.  And please, do not forget Goldfield.  Samanatha breaks my heart every time I see her.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on January 23, 2009, 09:43:06 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung.

What is the result of the rotating device prototype when it is lying flat horizontally?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on January 23, 2009, 10:05:25 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 22, 2009, 09:51:34 PM
"2. My Generator has been demonstrated in front of 5 Chinese Officials on January 15, 2007. The materials used were not the best because of lack of funding. However, the device was assembled from components level and rotated in front of these Officials."

Rotated. Wow! Send in the clowns! It rotated!
Take no notice of this person, Mr Lee-Tseung. He has the
intelligence of a packet of biscuits.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: reporter on January 23, 2009, 10:17:28 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on January 23, 2009, 10:05:25 AM
Take no notice of this person, Mr Lee-Tseung. He has the
intelligence of a packet of biscuits.

Thank you for your kind support Paul-R.  It means a lot to Lawrence.  Are you real or are you a virtual person too?  I am sorry to have to ask, but some of us are kept in the dark about the identities of others.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on January 23, 2009, 10:24:45 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on January 23, 2009, 10:05:25 AM
Take no notice of this person, Mr Lee-Tseung. He has the
intelligence of a packet of biscuits.

Think you so? Then it should be easy to fool me and get my unqualified endorsement.

Here's my proposal: Since you invited me, I will travel, at my expense, anywhere in the world to see and test the Wang 5 kW free energy generator. If it performs as Wang claims, I will be instrumental in obtaining for him all the funding he needs for his project. This is not an empty boast; I can make it happen for him if he's got the right stuff.

HOWEVER, if the Wang device fails to perform as claimed, or "breaks down" just before I get there with my calibrated load and test equipment, or for any reason does not perform as claimed, then Wang or whoever sponsors him must pick up my whole tab, expenses and my daily consulting fee for these matters, which is 500 dollars US per diem. Plus expenses.

Of course, we'll need an actual input-output specification for the Wang device, so that I can provide a suitable load, and so that we will have a previously-agreed upon performance standard.

Put your money where your mouth is. I am willing to do so.

PROVE ME WRONG. It's worth a lot of money to you if you can.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on January 23, 2009, 04:05:10 PM
An improved combined lead-out energy flying saucer.

The Tong Po Chi device with the top taken off clearly showed that the momentum from a moving permanent magnet could be transferred to the tube via an electromagnetic coil fixed to the tube.

The attached diagram uses this technique to provide the upward force.  It is so much simpler.  Selective amount of force can be transferred.

This can also be tested in the horizontal direction first.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 23, 2009, 04:40:31 PM
I still like Hans's modifications to the Winnie Woo design.  This has the most promise in my opinion.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 23, 2009, 09:24:52 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on January 23, 2009, 04:05:10 PM
An improved combined lead-out energy flying saucer.

The Tong Po Chi device with the top taken off clearly showed that the momentum from a moving permanent magnet could be transferred to the tube via an electromagnetic coil fixed to the tube.

The attached diagram uses this technique to provide the upward force.  It is so much simpler.  Selective amount of force can be transferred.

This can also be tested in the horizontal direction first.

Brilliant!  Most of the difficulty related to the Bill Fung design has been removed.

Shall do additional testing to confirm feasibility of this design.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 23, 2009, 10:56:23 PM
Coil as collision mechanism

The Tong Po Chi device with the top taken off shows that we can use the electromagnetic coil as the collision mechanism.  The permanent magnet never collides with any solid surface and yet will not leave the tube.

When the permanent magnet moves up towards the coil, (position 1) there is magnetic attraction, which helps to move the magnet faster.  When the permanent magnet leaves the coil, (position 2) the force will be downwards.  This keeps the magnet from leaving the tube.

However, the momentum of the permanent magnet was changed.  We can think of it as transferred to the coil and tube.  That provides an upward force acting against gravity.

Thus in the donut type arrangement where we have many magnetic balls passing through the coil, each passing effectively provides a pulse force in the upward direction.  This is the magic trick!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on January 24, 2009, 12:53:40 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 23, 2009, 10:56:23 PM
Coil as collision mechanism

The Tong Po Chi device with the top taken off shows that we can use the electromagnetic coil as the collision mechanism.  The permanent magnet never collides with any solid surface and yet will not leave the tube.

When the permanent magnet moves up towards the coil, (position 1) there is magnetic attraction, which helps to move the magnet faster.  When the permanent magnet leaves the coil, (position 2) the force will be downwards.  This keeps the magnet from leaving the tube.

However, the momentum of the permanent magnet was changed.  We can think of it as transferred to the coil and tube.  That provides an upward force acting against gravity.

Thus in the donut type arrangement where we have many magnetic balls passing through the coil, each passing effectively provides a pulse force in the upward direction.  This is the magic trick!

This is scientific research at its best.  The many theories and experimental results are laid out.  Then there is the flash of inspiration.  The awkward mechanical design was replaced by the simple electromagnetic coil.  The new design is so simple that it must work.  It took over a year to find this improvement but the wait is worth it.

I look forward to the experiment confirmations.

Happy Chinese New Year.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on January 24, 2009, 02:44:15 AM
Comparing Chemical Energy and Electron Motion Energy

In the Lee-Tseung theory, there was much mentioning of Electron Motion Energy.  Lee and Tseung claimed that we can lead out electron motion energy.  Electrons are associated with every atom.  They can be imagined as circulating around the nucleus.  Changing their clustering, their orbits etc. will result in changes of energy shown as light, magnetism, electrostatic phenomena, electromagnetic waves etc.

We are familiar with chemical energy.  Different compounds have different electron clouds around them.  When one compound changes to another, the associated electron clouds will be different.  That is chemical energy.  We may have to supply heat to cause the chemical reaction.  The chemical energy is usually released as heat or light.  In reality, it is a form of electron motion.

In the Lee-Tseung theory discussions, much is focused on magnetism.  Magnetism is due to electrons in circular orbit.  If they are aligned in a particular direction, we can detect magnetism.  The magnetic material will influence the electron distribution or alignment of other nearby materials.  Lee and Tseung claim that these distributions have different associated energies.  When we use suitable oscillations, vibrations, rotations, flux changes, etc., we can lead out such associated energies.  There is no violation of the Law of Conservation of Energy. 

Lee and Tseung claimed that there is constant interchange of electron motion energies such as electromagnetic waves, black body radiation etc.  The lead-out energy used to do work can be replenished via such interchanges.  Lee and Tseung have not defined the exact energy content of any electron distribution.  They claimed that since the electrons are associated with every atom, they are effectively using atomic energy.  They do not use the energy from the nucleus but use the energy from the electrons.

I find their explanation logical and fall within the knowledge of existing physics.  Your comments are welcome.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 24, 2009, 03:06:19 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 23, 2009, 10:24:45 AM

Put your money where your mouth is. I am willing to do so.

If Lawrence can tell the truth, we don't need some 400 pages of crap!
Snake oil sales people can only sell snake oil!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on January 24, 2009, 07:41:00 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on January 24, 2009, 02:44:15 AM
Comparing Chemical Energy and Electron Motion Energy

In the Lee-Tseung theory, there was much mentioning of Electron Motion Energy.  Lee and Tseung claimed that we can lead out electron motion energy.  Electrons are associated with every atom.  They can be imagined as circulating around the nucleus.  Changing their clustering, their orbits etc. will result in changes of energy shown as light, magnetism, electrostatic phenomena, electromagnetic waves etc.

We are familiar with chemical energy.  Different compounds have different electron clouds around them.  When one compound changes to another, the associated electron clouds will be different.  That is chemical energy.  We may have to supply heat to cause the chemical reaction.  The chemical energy is usually released as heat or light.  In reality, it is a form of electron motion.

In the Lee-Tseung theory discussions, much is focused on magnetism.  Magnetism is due to electrons in circular orbit.  If they are aligned in a particular direction, we can detect magnetism.  The magnetic material will influence the electron distribution or alignment of other nearby materials.  Lee and Tseung claim that these distributions have different associated energies.  When we use suitable oscillations, vibrations, rotations, flux changes, etc., we can lead out such associated energies.  There is no violation of the Law of Conservation of Energy. 

Lee and Tseung claimed that there is constant interchange of electron motion energies such as electromagnetic waves, black body radiation etc.  The lead-out energy used to do work can be replenished via such interchanges.  Lee and Tseung have not defined the exact energy content of any electron distribution.  They claimed that since the electrons are associated with every atom, they are effectively using atomic energy.  They do not use the energy from the nucleus but use the energy from the electrons.

I find their explanation logical and fall within the knowledge of existing physics.  Your comments are welcome.

We can apply heat to lead-out chemical reaction and hence chemical energy.

We can apply oscillation, vibration, rotation, flux change pulses to lead-out electron motion energy.

No Laws of Physics are violated.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: reporter on January 24, 2009, 08:07:16 PM
Part 1

Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in
its own way.

Everything was in confusion in the Oblonskys' house.  The wife
had discovered that the husband was carrying on an intrigue with
a French girl, who had been a governess in their family, and she
had announced to her husband that she could not go on living in
the same house with him.  This position of affairs had now lasted
three days, and not only the husband and wife themselves, but all
the members of their family and household, were painfully
conscious of it.  Every person in the house felt that there was
no sense in their living together, and that the stray people
brought together by chance in any inn had more in common with one
another than they, the members of the family and household of the
Oblonskys.  The wife did not leave her own room, the husband had
not been at home for three days.  The children ran wild all over
the house; the English governess quarreled with the housekeeper,
and wrote to a friend asking her to look out for a new situation
for her; the man-cook had walked off the day before just at
dinner time; the kitchen-maid, and the coachman had given

Three days after the quarrel, Prince Stepan Arkadyevitch
Oblonsky--Stiva, as he was called in the fashionable world--
woke up at his usual hour, that is, at eight o'clock in the
morning, not in his wife's bedroom, but on the leather-covered
sofa in his study.  He turned over his stout, well-cared-for
person on the springy sofa, as though he would sink into a long
sleep again; he vigorously embraced the pillow on the other side
and buried his face in it; but all at once he jumped up, sat up
on the sofa, and opened his eyes.

"Yes, yes, how was it now?" he thought, going over his dream.
"Now, how was it? To be sure! Alabin was giving a dinner at
Darmstadt; no, not Darmstadt, but something American.  Yes, but
then, Darmstadt was in America.  Yes, Alabin was giving a dinner
on glass tables, and the tables sang, _Il mio tesoro_--not _Il mio
tesoro_ though, but something better, and there were some sort of
little decanters on the table, and they were women, too," he

Stepan Arkadyevitch's eyes twinkled gaily, and he pondered with a
smile.  "Yes, it was nice, very nice.  There was a great deal
more that was delightful, only there's no putting it into words,
or even expressing it in one's thoughts awake." And noticing a
gleam of light peeping in beside one of the serge curtains, he
cheerfully dropped his feet over the edge of the sofa, and felt
about with them for his slippers, a present on his last birthday,
worked for him by his wife on gold-colored morocco.  And, as he
had done every day for the last nine years, he stretched out his
hand, without getting up, towards the place where his
dressing-gown always hung in his bedroom.  And thereupon he
suddenly remembered that he was not sleeping in his wife's room,
but in his study, and why: the smile vanished from his face, he
knitted his brows.

"Ah, ah, ah!  Oo!..." he muttered, recalling everything that had
happened.  And again every detail of his quarrel with his wife
was present to his imagination, all the hopelessness of his
position, and worst of all, his own fault.

"Yes, she won't forgive me, and she can't forgive me.  And the
most awful thing about it is that it's all my fault--all my
fault, though I'm not to blame.  That's the point of the whole
situation," he reflected.  "Oh, oh, oh!" he kept repeating in
despair, as he remembered the acutely painful sensations caused
him by this quarrel.

Most unpleasant of all was the first minute when, on coming,
happy and good-humored, from the theater, with a huge pear in his
hand for his wife, he had not found his wife in the drawing-room,
to his surprise had not found her in the study either, and saw
her at last in her bedroom with the unlucky letter that revealed
everything in her hand.

She, his Dolly, forever fussing and worrying over household
details, and limited in her ideas, as he considered, was sitting
perfectly still with the letter in her hand, looking at him with
an expression of horror, despair, and indignation.

"What's this? this?" she asked, pointing to the letter.

And at this recollection, Stepan Arkadyevitch, as is so often the
case, was not so much annoyed at the fact itself as at the way in
which he had met his wife's words.

There happened to him at that instant what does happen to people
when they are unexpectedly caught in something very disgraceful.
He did not succeed in adapting his face to the position in which
he was placed towards his wife by the discovery of his fault.
Instead of being hurt, denying, defending himself, begging
forgiveness, instead of remaining indifferent even--anything
would have been better than what he did do--his face utterly
involuntarily (reflex spinal action, reflected Stepan
Arkadyevitch, who was fond of physiology)--utterly involuntarily
assumed its habitual, good-humored, and therefore idiotic smile.

This idiotic smile he could not forgive himself.  Catching sight
of that smile, Dolly shuddered as though at physical pain, broke
out with her characteristic heat into a flood of cruel words, and
rushed out of the room.  Since then she had refused to see her

"It's that idiotic smile that's to blame for it all," thought
Stepan Arkadyevitch.

"But what's to be done? What's to be done?" he said to himself
in despair, and found no answer.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mr.Entropy on January 24, 2009, 08:26:19 PM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: vonwolf on January 24, 2009, 08:45:48 PM
Quote from: Mr.Entropy on January 24, 2009, 08:26:19 PM
Well at least he didn't copy and past the whole book. Good call Mr. Entropy!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: forsalebabyshoesneverworn on January 24, 2009, 09:06:01 PM
Quote from: vonwolf on January 24, 2009, 08:45:48 PM
  Well at least he didn't copy and past the whole book. Good call Mr. Entropy!

I came to say three things.  In honor of Tseung's writing style, I will make a bullet list:

1. Anna Karenina is one of the greatest novels in the history of literature, so I suppose there are worse things to post.

2. This entire thread is completely and utterly insane.  In particular, I will say that the concept of the alternate personality Goldfield fighting for its virtual existence, and the later plight of his virtual daughter Samantha, struggling to resist Tseung-speak, is... well, it's something else.

3. It appears to be a poor idea to argue with Mr. Tseung.  You will either be ignored (best scenario) or driven insane and waste days of your life that you will never get back.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: reporter on January 24, 2009, 09:08:19 PM
Part 2

Stepan Arkadyevitch was a truthful man in his relations with
himself.  He was incapable of deceiving himself and persuading
himself that he repented of his conduct.  He could not at this
date repent of the fact that he, a handsome, susceptible man of
thirty-four, was not in love with his wife, the mother of five
living and two dead children, and only a year younger than
himself.  All he repented of was that he had not succeeded better
in hiding it from his wife.  But he felt all the difficulty of
his position and was sorry for his wife, his children, and
himself.  Possibly he might have managed to conceal his sins
better from his wife if he had anticipated that the knowledge of
them would have had such an effect on her.  He had never clearly
thought out the subject, but he had vaguely conceived that his
wife must long ago have suspected him of being unfaithful to her,
and shut her eyes to the fact.  He had even supposed that she, a
worn-out woman no longer young or good-looking, and in no way
remarkable or interesting, merely a good mother, ought from a
sense of fairness to take an indulgent view.  It had turned out
quite the other way.

"Oh, it's awful! oh dear, oh dear! awful!" Stepan Arkadyevitch
kept repeating to himself, and he could think of nothing to be
done.  "And how well things were going up till now! how well we
got on!  She was contented and happy in her children; I never
interfered with her in anything; I let her manage the children
and the house just as she liked.  It's true it's bad _her_ having
been a governess in our house.  That's bad!  There's something
common, vulgar, in flirting with one's governess.  But what a
governess!"  (He vividly recalled the roguish black eyes of Mlle.
Roland and her smile.)  "But after all, while she was in the
house, I kept myself in hand.  And the worst of it all is that
she's already...it seems as if ill-luck would have it so!  Oh,
oh! But what, what is to be done?"

There was no solution, but that universal solution which life
gives to all questions, even the most complex and insoluble.
That answer is: one must live in the needs of the day--that is,
forget oneself.  To forget himself in sleep was impossible now,
at least till nighttime; he could not go back now to the music
sung by the decanter-women; so he must forget himself in the
dream of daily life.

"Then we shall see," Stepan Arkadyevitch said to himself, and
getting up he put on a gray dressing-gown lined with blue silk,
tied the tassels in a knot, and, drawing a deep breath of air
into his broad, bare chest, he walked to the window with his
usual confident step, turning out his feet that carried his full
frame so easily.  He pulled up the blind and rang the bell
loudly.  It was at once answered by the appearance of an old
friend, his valet, Matvey, carrying his clothes, his boots, and a
telegram.  Matvey was followed by the barber with all the
necessaries for shaving.

"Are there any papers from the office?" asked Stepan
Arkadyevitch, taking the telegram and seating himself at the

"On the table," replied Matvey, glancing with inquiring sympathy
at his master; and, after a short pause, he added with a sly
smile, "They've sent from the carriage-jobbers."

Stepan Arkadyevitch made no reply, he merely glanced at Matvey in
the looking-glass.  In the glance, in which their eyes met in the
looking-glass, it was clear that they understood one another.
Stepan Arkadyevitch's eyes asked: "Why do you tell me that?
don't you know?"

Matvey put his hands in his jacket pockets, thrust out one leg,
and gazed silently, good-humoredly, with a faint smile, at his

"I told them to come on Sunday, and till then not to trouble you
or themselves for nothing," he said.  He had obviously prepared
the sentence beforehand.

Stepan Arkadyevitch saw Matvey wanted to make a joke and attract
attention to himself.  Tearing open the telegram, he read it
through, guessing at the words, misspelt as they always are in
telegrams, and his face brightened.

"Matvey, my sister Anna Arkadyevna will be here tomorrow," he
said, checking for a minute the sleek, plump hand of the barber,
cutting a pink path through his long, curly whiskers.

"Thank God!" said Matvey, showing by this response that he, like
his master, realized the significance of this arrival--that is,
that Anna Arkadyevna, the sister he was so fond of, might bring
about a reconciliation between husband and wife.

"Alone, or with her husband?" inquired Matvey.

Stepan Arkadyevitch could not answer, as the barber was at work
on his upper lip, and he raised one finger.  Matvey nodded at the

"Alone.  Is the room to be got ready upstairs?"

"Inform Darya Alexandrovna: where she orders."

"Darya Alexandrovna?" Matvey repeated, as though in doubt.

"Yes, inform her.  Here, take the telegram; give it to her, and
then do what she tells you."

"You want to try it on," Matvey understood, but he only said,
"Yes sir."

Stepan Arkadyevitch was already washed and combed and ready to be
dressed, when Matvey, stepping deliberately in his creaky boots,
came back into the room with the telegram in his hand.  The
had gone.

"Darya Alexandrovna told me to inform you that she is going away.
Let him do--that is you--do as he likes," he said, laughing only
with his eyes, and putting his hands in his pockets, he watched
his master with his head on one side.  Stepan Arkadyevitch was
silent a minute.  Then a good-humored and rather pitiful smile
showed itself on his handsome face.

"Eh, Matvey?" he said, shaking his head.

"It's all right, sir; she will come round," said Matvey.

"Come round?"

"Yes, sir."

"Do you think so? Who's there?" asked Stepan Arkadyevitch,
hearing the rustle of a woman's dress at the door.

"It's I," said a firm, pleasant, woman's voice, and the stern,
pockmarked face of Matrona Philimonovna, the nurse, was thrust
in at the doorway.

"Well, what is it, Matrona?" queried Stepan Arkadyevitch, going
up to her at the door.

Although Stepan Arkadyevitch was completely in the wrong as
regards his wife, and was conscious of this himself, almost every
one in the house (even the nurse, Darya Alexandrovna's chief
ally) was on his side.

"Well, what now?" he asked disconsolately.

"Go to her, sir; own your fault again.  Maybe God will aid you.
She is suffering so, it's sad to hee her; and besides, everything
in the house is topsy-turvy.  You must have pity, sir, on the
children.  Beg her forgiveness, sir.  There's no help for it! One
must take the consequences..."

"But she won't see me."

"You do your part.  God is merciful; pray to God, sir, pray to

"Come, that'll do, you can go," said Stepan Arkadyevitch,
blushing suddenly.  "Well now, do dress me." He turned to Matvey
and threw off his dressing-gown decisively.

Matvey was already holding up the shirt like a horse's collar,
and, blowing off some invisible speck, he slipped it with obvious
pleasure over the well-groomed body of his master.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 24, 2009, 09:10:41 PM
Quote from: forsalebabyshoesneverworn on January 24, 2009, 09:06:01 PM
I came to say three things.  In honor of Tseung's writing style, I will make a bullet list:

1. Anna Karenina is one of the greatest novels in the history of literature, so I suppose there are worse things to post.

2. This entire thread is completely and utterly insane.  In particular, I will say that the concept of the alternate personality Goldfield fighting for its virtual existence, and the later plight of his virtual daughter Samantha, struggling to resist Tseung-speak, is... well, it's something else.

3. It appears to be a poor idea to argue with Mr. Tseung.  You will either be ignored (best scenario) or driven insane and waste days of your life that you will never get back.

I feel so sorry for Mr. tseung's family. Must be difficult for them to see a guy in his 60's so committed to his delusions, including inventing multiple personalities to support his cause. Think of what he could have done if he would have dressed up as Bozo the clown and entertained sick children in hospitals!

Instead he makes a fool of himself. So very sad.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: forsalebabyshoesneverworn on January 24, 2009, 09:23:09 PM
Quote from: reporter on January 23, 2009, 02:59:38 AM
They will disappear, like tears in the rain.

One last thing.  Blade Runner reference?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOphFl88U-g (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOphFl88U-g)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 25, 2009, 12:19:53 AM
Just luck that the file uploads are limited, otherwise we would get War and fucking Peace in toto. Thank God for small mercies.

This thread was kind of fun until now, it appears to turn into a tragedy. Pity.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on January 25, 2009, 03:29:43 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Do you think that you have enough substance â€" both theory and experimental data to get the top scientists at MIT, Stanford, Tsinghua, Tokyo, Moscow Universities etc. excited about the lead-out theory and the unbalanced force generated from within theory?

Do you think that the new US Secret of Energy, Dr. Steven Chu will read the material or get one of his trusted aids to read them?

Will any one of ambitious Governments now get its researchers to replicate the lead-out-energy machines and the flying saucer prototypes?

You have done your part.  Let others shine.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 25, 2009, 03:31:36 AM
Quote from: critic on January 25, 2009, 03:29:43 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

Do you think that you have enough substance â€" both theory and experimental data to get the top scientists at MIT, Stanford, Tsinghua, Tokyo, Moscow Universities etc. excited about the lead-out theory and the unbalanced force generated from within theory?

Do you think that the new US Secret of Energy, Dr. Steven Chu will read the material or get one of his trusted aids to read them?

Will any one of ambitious Governments now get its researchers to replicate the lead-out-energy machines and the flying saucer prototypes?

You have done your part.  Let others shine.

So, you're not Mr. tseung? Apparently, your writing style is exactly the same! Did you forget to take your pill today?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 25, 2009, 04:40:31 PM
This is the first day of the Chinese New Year of the Ox

Someone asked me what is the name of the new device that combines the functions of the lead-out-energy machines and the flying saucer.

Here is the answer: WBLT
W is for Wini Woo
B is for both Bill Fong and Bill Fung
L is for both Lee Cheung Kin and Lawrence Tseung
T is for both Tong Po Chi and Dr. Raymond Ting

They are the stars that shine.  Their names will be in physics and history books.

This is an open design without patent protection.  We do not seek patent protection because we want the World to benefit.  All Nations, Research Organizations, Universities, Schools, Commercial Companies, Individuals etc can build and improve it.  They can provide it free or for profit to benefit the World.  They do not need to pay us a dime.  They can contribute back to my or their own charitable organizations.  No Governments or Powers can shelve it as top-secret.


The New Year Resolution is â€" WBLT will be accepted worldwide within this year of the Ox.  In China, the Ox symbolizes hard work without caring for reward.

Lawrence Tseung
Director, Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 25, 2009, 04:56:08 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 25, 2009, 04:40:31 PM
This is the first day of the Chinese New Year of the Ox

Someone asked me what is the name of the new device that combines the functions of the lead-out-energy machines and the flying saucer.

Here is the answer: WBLT


Well, I do agree! I had WBLT for years and it's a great invention.....

Wendy's Bacon Lettuce Tomato Hamburger (shaped like a flying saucer)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 26, 2009, 07:43:26 PM
It was the first day of the Chinese New Year of the Ox.  It is a custom to visit friends and share the greetings.

Richard and Nancy took Professor Logical to see Tseung.

Professor Logical: “It is a great pleasure meeting you in person.  I read your material and heard many good things from Richard and Nancy.  Your latest WBLT invention fascinates me.  I would like to know more.”

Tseung: “Please have some tea first.  I shall bring out the Tong Po Chi device from my study and I shall get the videos on the rotating Pulse Motors ready.”

Richard: “Do you have the Tong Po Chi device at home?”

Tseung: “We now have 4 working sets.  One is with Mr. Tong Po Chi. One is with Dr. Raymond Ting.  One is with me.  Another one can be loan out for evaluation.”

Nancy: “I believe that you are training at least 10 others who can build, test and demonstrate the Tong Po Chi device.  Can I join?”

Tseung: “It is the Chinese New Year.  Some of the material I ordered did not arrive in time.  The mini-workshop will be delayed until we have the material.  However, you are welcome.”

Professor Logical: “Please show me the Tong Po Chi device in action.”

Tseung: “Sure.  I shall show the horizontal arrangement first.  The permanent magnet is placed in between two coils of unequal winding in the cylindrical tube.  When pulsed DC current is passed to Coil A with more windings, the strong magnetic repulsion will drive the permanent magnet to the RHS.  When the permanent magnet moves close to Coil B with less winding, the weaker magnetic repulsion will drive the permanent magnet back to the LHS.  The result of this unbalanced action â€" a jerking motion to the RHS - can be seen on both the youtube video and with the apparatus on this table.”

Professor Logical: “May I modify the experiment and only use Coil A to repel the permanent magnet.  Will the permanent magnet hit the surface on the RHS and produce motion of the tube in the RHS direction?”

Tseung: “Please perform the experiment.”

Richard: “I would love to do it.  Nancy, please take a video of me doing this historical experiment.  I want to participate even in a small way.”

The experiment was successful.

Professor Logical: “Now use Coil B to do the same.  Will the motion of the tube in the LHS direction be less?”

Nancy: “Richard, it is my turn.  You are now the cameraman.  I want my picture in the history books too.”

Tseung: “More people will look at your charming smiles.  They may even forget what they are supposed to be doing.”

All had an enjoyable time.  Good company and successful experiments in happy occasions add favor to life.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 26, 2009, 08:13:36 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 26, 2009, 07:43:26 PM

All had an enjoyable time.  Good company and successful experiments in happy occasions add favor to life.

The WBLT must be good! Yum Yum!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 27, 2009, 12:15:08 AM
Professor Logical: “Let me examine the Tong Po Chi device in detail.”

The components as shown in the diagram Tong1.jpg are as follows:

1.   The 12 Volt DC battery.  The negative side wire is attached.  This can be any suitable DC power supply.
2.   The transparent tube to hold the permanent magnet.  It has an optional top piece for the collision.  However this top piece can be taken out.  The electromagnetic Coil 3 will provide the magnetic attraction to present the permanent magnet from jumping away.
3.   The top Coil or electromagnet with more winding.  It is fixed in position by two black rubber rings.  When DC current is passed, it will attract the permanent magnet inside the transparent tube 2 â€" giving in an upward momentum in this configuration.  As soon as the permanent magnet passes through the middle of the Coil, the magnetic force will attract the magnet back â€" producing a downward force to prevent the permanent magnet from flying away.
4.   The bottom Coil with less winding.  It is fixed in position by tow black rubber rings.  When DC current is passed, it will repel the permanent magnet â€" giving it an upward momentum in this configuration.  For the experiment, this bottom Coil may be removed without affecting the result.
5.   A loose stand to allow the transparent tube 2 to remain in the upward position.
6.   The lead to the positive side of the battery.  It is disconnected when the picture was taken.
7.   A commercially available timer.  This timer can be adjusted in the range form 0.1 second to hours.  We use its off/on function.  For example, when we set it to 1 second, the DC current is on for 1 second and then off for 1 second.  The process is then repeated.  This provides the jumping action.

Richard: “There is no magic in the Tong Po Chi device.  All the parts can be purchased or homemade.  The cost is less than HK$500 (or US$70).”

Nancy: “You do not need to send the battery to the various universities for verification.  The cost will then be less than HK$150.  The postage will be cheap too.  The contents may pass the security checks too.”

Professor Logical: “This basic platform is good enough to convince me.  I accept the theory that an unbalanced force can be produced for propulsion purpose in a closed system.”

Richard: “The WBLT device is more than a hamburger.  I am excited.”

Nancy: “Now you mention it.  I feel hungry.  Let me be the host and treat you all -  how about WBLTs at Wendy's?”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 27, 2009, 06:55:21 PM
Richard: "Professor Logical, Please comment on the Tseung belief that the Chinese, USA and other Countries may have already developed flying saucers."

Professor Logical:"I would believe the Government version that there are no UFOs previously.  Now, I know how to build it.  I know that the known Physics Laws allow the building of such devices.  I also know that the technology is within the capablities of our top engineers.  It is logical to assume that there are top-secret projects from various Governments."

Nancy:"What will happen to Tseung et al?  What will happen to their less than HK$500 research device?"

Professor Logical"I believe some Governments may fund debunkers to discredit Tseung et al.  They may even claim that the experimental results are faulted.  However, if Tseung moves along the present path of triple confirmation and explains every step, the debunkers will only make a fool of themselves."

Richard: "The Earth is round no matter what the authorities say."

Nancy kissed Richrd on the cheek.  They know that they will not be the targets of Secret Agents.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 27, 2009, 07:09:35 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 27, 2009, 06:55:21 PM

Nancy kissed Richrd on the cheek.  They know that they will not be the targets of Secret Agents.

And so, the clown deludes himself for another day ......

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 27, 2009, 07:27:09 PM
A mechanical version of the Tong Po Chi device has been around for a very long time. It is called a Pogo Stick. Not many of them fly across the skies.

Hans von Lieven

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hoptoad on January 27, 2009, 11:27:28 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on January 27, 2009, 07:27:09 PM
A mechanical version of the Tong Po Chi device has been around for a very long time. It is called a Pogo Stick. Not many of them fly across the skies.
Hans von Lieven
Flying Pogo Sticks are very rare like Flying Pigs!  :P
Caution, don't hold your breath while waiting to see one.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 28, 2009, 03:21:56 PM
Professor A: “I got this WBLT device design and description from one of my former students.  He wanted me to evaluate the device.”
Professor B: “This WBLT device claims to solve the Energy Crisis and provides Transportation capabilities to outer space at the same time.  The inventors claim that they have presented to Tsinghua University and plans to have it as presents to the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, Presidents of China and USA.”
Professor C: “In its present form, it can jump up and down.  It can jerk forwards when placed horizontally.”
Professor A: “I want to see the experimental result of the WBLT reducing in weight when the magnetic balls pass through the Coil.  This appears easy to accomplish with some modification of the existing device.”
Professor B: “The Tong device on the video can jump up a few mm.  I want to see whether we can improve it to jump a few cm.”
Professor D: “I want to see in a double device configuration, the second device can increase the jumping height,”
Professor C: “I want to see whether a single horizontal jerk can move the device more than 10 cm.  If the results on our suggested improvements are positive and can be verified in our laboratories, I would recommend serious scientific investigation.”
Dr. Raymond Ting: “No problem.  I shall provide the video, the coils and the description.  Make sure someone can replicate the results.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 29, 2009, 05:27:22 PM
At least three groups are doing the following experiment.

The purpose is to find a configuration that will make the Tong device jump the highest with magnetic repulsion only.

Here are the descriptions for the various components:
1.   is a hard surface for collision between the permanent magnet 3 and the transparent tube 2
2.   is the transparent tube that demonstrates the motion of the permanent magnet 3
3.   is the permanent magnet attached to a plastic tube 4
4.   is the plastic tube so that the position of the permanent magnet 3 can be adjusted to be just above the coil 5
5.   is the coil to accept DC current so that magnetic repulsion can be produced

This experiment is to determine the greatest height the device can jump.  The device will also be place horizontally to show how far it can move on a smooth surface.

In the step-by-step process, we shall show the video and the various results before the next experiment.  We shall have three or more videos from the various independent teams.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on January 29, 2009, 05:44:08 PM
Hmm tseung, I think hans's pogo stick example still is valid. You need something to push off at the beginning. I ASSUME if you remove the table then you'll see newton's third law in action having the tube go down and the magnet go up and the final Center Of Mass remain in the same position. I'm still eagerly waiting on the sustained levitation. I guess at that point further discussion would be useless too.

Btw, wasn't the BBQ yesterday? I'm too lazy to check back.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on January 29, 2009, 07:52:35 PM
What a momentous waste of time and resources!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 29, 2009, 08:04:37 PM
This second experiment is to find the best configuration that can achieve the greatest jumping height with magnetic attraction alone.

Preliminary experiments indicate that the jumping height is greater than that achieved via magnetic repulsion.  The explanation is that with magnetic repulsion, the distance between the permanent magnet and the coil increases.  The resulting force will rapidly decrease with distance.  In the case of attraction, the resulting force rapidly increases with decreasing distance.  The maximum velocity achieved by the permanent magnet is much higher.

In addition, we do not need the collision surface.  The permanent magnet will be attracted back.  The resulting change in momentum will force up the device.  The design is much simpler without the collision.

This experiment will also be repeated with the device placed horizontally.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on January 29, 2009, 08:15:35 PM
Can't you just put coils on both sides with your plastic stopper thing and put some kind of switching mechanism which can even be a reed switch. That way the thing will oscillate at its own mechanical resonant frequency depending on internal tube friction, its mass and the field strength.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 29, 2009, 08:33:54 PM
This is the third experiment.  Note that it combines both magnetic attraction and repulsion â€" with the same current to a continued coil.

The experimental configurations are given in detail for the benefit of the teams in Singapore and Taiwan.  They can replicate the experiments without coming to Hong Kong.  Teams from other parts of the World are also welcome.

We expect this configuration will produce the greatest jumping height amongst the mentioned three experiments.

The Tong Po Chi device in the youtube video basically used this configuration but not much tuning was done.  The goal at that time was just to produce the effect.

We expect the tuned device will achieve a jumping height of more than 30 cm.  If we join two of these together, the jumping height from one Pulse Current should still send the combined device to a height of more than 10 cm.  This will be sufficient for us to carry on with the next definitive experiment.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 29, 2009, 09:00:17 PM
This is the fourth experiment.  Note that it uses the best configuration from the previous three experiments as the basic unit.  It then combines two of them to illustrate the capability of jumping in mid-air.

The mechanical Pogo Device cannot do that.

In the double configuration, the current to M is started first.  That will send both M and N to mid-air.  Current to N is then started.  There should be an additional increase in height.  This is what I call a ‘definitive’ experiment.

We have to wait for the hardware stores to open on Feb 2, 2009 for additional parts.  In Hong Kong, many hardware stores open all year except the week of the Chinese New Year.  The experiment is worth the wait.

If the double configuration can jump higher in mid-air, the theory that we can produce an unbalanced force for propulsion purposes within a closed system is totally validated.  The remaining tasks will be tuning and programming so that the repeated pulses could sustain the continued upward force against gravity.  The man-made Flying Saucer will be reality.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 29, 2009, 09:12:33 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 29, 2009, 09:00:17 PM
This is the fourth experiment.  Note that it uses the best configuration from the previous three experiments as the basic unit.  It then combines two of them to illustrate the capability of jumping in mid-air.

The mechanical Pogo Device cannot do that.

In the double configuration, the current to M is started first.  That will send both M and N to mid-air.  Current to N is then started.  There should be an additional increase in height.  This is what I call a ‘definitive’ experiment.

We have to wait for the hardware stores to open on Feb 2, 2009 for additional parts.  In Hong Kong, many hardware stores open all year except the week of the Chinese New Year.  The experiment is worth the wait.

If the double configuration can jump higher in mid-air, the theory that we can produce an unbalanced force for propulsion purposes within a closed system is totally validated.  The remaining tasks will be tuning and programming so that the repeated pulses could sustain the continued upward force against gravity.  The man-made Flying Saucer will be reality.

G'day Lawrence,

Of course the mechanical pogo stick cannot do this, neither can your contraption.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 29, 2009, 09:31:26 PM
This is the fifth Experiment.  It has special significance because it will have immediate application even if the Flying Saucer is not up in mid-air yet.

A consultant with the Chinese Railway system remarked: “If by passing current, you can reduce the weight of a train, we shall be interested.  We already know that we can use magnetic repulsion to effectively raise the train.  But that requires much special equipment at the rail etc.  Your device may be an add-on to the train.”

The experiment is just applying the result of the previous experiments.  When a permanent magnet passes at high speed through a Coil with attraction, that high speed will be increased due to magnetic attraction just before reaching the Coil.  However, at the middle of the Coil, the permanent magnet will quickly slow down due to the attraction.  The rapid change in momentum provides an upward force via the Coil to the entire object.

If the magnetic balls rotate at high speed, there will be many pulses of upward force per second.  This may be demonstrated as a reduction in weight of the total object.

For the purpose of this experiment, any mechanism to supply and maintain the rotational speed of the magnetic balls is acceptable.

Building the WBLT is a very scientific process.  It is not as easy as ordering a hamburger at Wendy's. ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 29, 2009, 09:57:57 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 29, 2009, 07:52:35 PM
What a momentous waste of time and resources!

Old Tseung suddenly discovered 'O' level Physics and got very excited! Unfortunately any good 'O' level physics student will know the postulates are wrong to start with! He just keeps deluding himself.

What a waste of time indeed.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 30, 2009, 04:08:05 AM
The experiment for March 2009.

The full WBLT proof-of-concept Experiment can wait until March when a version of the modified Adams motor is available.  That unit should generate electricity after starting and could demonstrate the leading-out of electron motion energy beyond a shadow of doubt.

The combined unit with that device and the result of Experiment 5 is the WBLT.  That will be the best present for the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, Presidents of China and USA.  However, a full set from Experiments 1 to 4 is extremely useful for learning.  We shall consider two gifts.  The additional cost is not that much.

What follows should be a torrent of interest and activities in the Lead-Out-Energy and Flying Saucer technologies.  Many Countries will reveal their top-secret projects.  The Chinese Scientists will shine.  The Earth is round.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 30, 2009, 06:14:33 AM
Tseung,  You described the Experiments before they are completed.  That does not give too much room for the Experimenters. 

Remember, you specified the use of two magnets and a single coil but Tong Po Chi modified that to one magnet and two coils.  You should encourage that creativity. 

Ignore the jeers and the debunkers.  Just triple-verify your various experiments.  Experiment 4 is the definitive experiment.  It will demonstrate that an additional jump can be produced in mid-air.  Expect more jeers and disputes on the findings.

To be realistic, the Tong Po Chi device in the horizontal and vertical positions already verified the theory that an unbalanced force can be produced for propulsion purpose from within a closed system.  Those videos are good enough for the top universities and research establishments to start their validation and perform additional research.

Time is now on your side.  You have over 130,000 views in the overunity forum and a few thousand in sina.com.  Every overunity or free energy site has links to your theories.  Your patent information have been read by many more.  Your hard work will not be in vain.

The Governments of China, USA and others are scratching their heads on how to deal with your information.  But the Earth is round â€" no matter what they say or do.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 30, 2009, 07:35:17 PM
Quote from: Devil on January 30, 2009, 06:14:33 AM

The Governments of China, USA and others are scratching their heads on how to deal with your information.  But the Earth is round â€" no matter what they say or do.

Dear Devil,

Do you really have divine powers?  Can you predict the future?


From:    The Energy Conversation (mailer@energyconversation.org)
Sent:   Fri 1/30/09 8:17 AM
To:    ltseung@hotmail.com (ltseung@hotmail.com)
Subject:  February 9: Energy Conversation is Postponed

The Energy Conversation regrets to announce the postponement of the February 9th Seminar. The program is currently under review for possible restructuring and will keep you informed as things progress. Thank you for your participation and involvement in these increasingly important issues.

-The Energy Conversation Team

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 30, 2009, 08:15:18 PM
In a top-secret conference room of Pentagon

Official A: “I have been authorized to tell you that the lead-out-energy and flying saucer things are real.  We have working prototypes.”

Official B: “ Why are we informed now?  We have the technology.  Why can't we use it for civilian use?  There is no Energy Crisis.  Going to Space is simple.”

Official A: “The former President George Bush decided that it was not in the interest of the American People to announce such technologies.”

Official C: “He cannot justify the Iraq War.  He has to keep the Oil Cartel happy.”

Official D: “We all read the Lee-Tseung lead-out theory and their experiments.  Our professors at MIT, Stanford, etc. confirmed the theory and the results.  My personal team of researchers also produced the Tong Po Chi device.  I have it in my brief case.”

Official A: “President Obama would like the technology announced.  That would create huge meaningful economic activities which will solve the present financial crisis.”

Official E: “The downside is that the technology can produce the man-made Flying Saucer that can wipe out every advanced weapon we have in our arsenal.  Our Military is strongly against disclosing.”

Official A: “We know for sure that China already have such technology.  Tseung and Lee explained the 225 HP Pulse Motor to our guys in 2006.  They even explained the theory behind the Flying Saucer.”

Official B: ‘Why is China not announcing such technologies?”

Official C: “Their Military also saw the significance.  It is a repeat of the Atomic Bomb history.  The projects are top-secret.  The many radioactive isotopes confirming E = M*C*C are common knowledge.  However, the Atomic Bomb itself was top-secret.”

Official D: “What is the purpose of this meeting?  Tseung is announcing their theories and experiments on-line already.  How should we react?”

Official A: “This is exactly the purpose of this meeting.  How should we react to the Tseung disclosure of his version of our top-secret projects?’
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 30, 2009, 09:44:02 PM
The scene in the Cabinet of a Small Country

Member A: “This special meeting is to discuss the findings of our technical team on the Lee-Tseung technologies.  Professor X and his team are here to present their findings.”

Professor X: “The Tong Po Chi device is real beyond a shadow of doubt.  We have dozens of prototypes â€" some are much better than the youtube video.  We also used the Dr. Raymond Ting improvement.  We can produce an additional jump in mid-air. Our colleagues and I believe that we can also produce a working Flying Saucer prototype within 6 months of funding.”

Member B: “How much funding will be required?”

Professor X: “I would recommend an initial team of 12.  If you want the project to be top-secret, we need to find the secure laboratory with all the right measures.  With the existing information available from overunity.com and the Lee-Tseung patents, I believe an initial US$10 million will be sufficient.  The result will be a flying saucer prototype that can go up and down vertically, hover in mid-air and made very sharp turns.  There is no need to use propellers or eject any hot gases.’

Member C: “Do we have the expertise within our Country?”

Professor X: “We are replicating the technology at this stage.  I am confident that we can recruit the right talent within our Country.”

Member A: “We can authorize the US$10 million without a general debate.  We shall look good when we demonstrate our version of the Flying Saucer to our Citizens on our National Day. We shall keep it at a very low profile at this stage.”

Member B: “Professor X, get your team ready.  The money will be in a special bank account as soon as you are ready.  Send us a report every month.  We are excited about this technology too.  If we can lead the World, we can be like Nokia.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 30, 2009, 10:55:28 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 30, 2009, 08:15:18 PM
In a top-secret conference room in Communist China

Official A: “I have heard a lot of Tseung's WBLT on the Overunity Forum. There's over 380 pages! Is this stuff real?”

Official B: “ I don't know, but we could make some money by supporting him? Just in case he's found the Holy Grail!. We can all piggy back on his invention and enrich our wallets and maybe become his agent .”

Official C: “In China, it's not what you know that gets you somewhere. It's who you know and what can you bring to the party to enrich the guy who knows other people in high places. But we cannot rest our reputation on this old dog. It sure looks like he's completely deluded. Common sense tells me that not one  well known scientist nor even the head of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University has even enquired about this muddled-up Physics postulate.. You would think others will know by now if it was so simple?. I think he's mis-guilded, bothering insane”

Official  A: “Yea. I think old Tseung mind is too simple. We better not get involved otherwise we'll have egg on our faces. He's so thick skin and unlike any Chinese we know. He doesn't know what face-saving is! Constantly makes a fool of himself..”

Official D: “Well, I have a better idea. We'll put him in our mental institutions. Maybe that will get his Physics sorted out really fast. He might  even get his 'A' levels. in these institutions?.”

Official A: "O.K. End of discussion.  Let me treat you all to the only WBLT I know at Wendy's."


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on January 31, 2009, 04:31:26 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 30, 2009, 09:44:02 PM
The scene in the Cabinet of a Small Country

Liquor Cabinet Lawrence?  ???

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 31, 2009, 10:30:32 PM

These guys are stealing your invention.


They are working on a real flying saucer.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on February 01, 2009, 02:07:09 PM
And it looks like the power and propulsion problem might be well on the way to a solution, thanks to the Alt-Snakeoil Leach-out Theory and Gray Matter.

"This principle experiment, which proves the Alt-Snakeoil Leach-Out Theory conclusively, will be the basis for the propulsion and control mechanisms of the Alt-Snakeoil Flying Butterdish, which will bring economic prosperity and unlimited leisure, first to the humble yet proud country of Norway, then to the entire world."

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on February 03, 2009, 09:17:05 AM
What's the matter? Scared?
Meanwhile, genuine science progresses in leaps and bounds.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 03, 2009, 10:10:55 AM
Some early results of Experiments:

The following set up was used:
(1) A HK$25 Cylindrical Magnet
(2) A 12 Volt power supply
(3) 20 turns of Number 18 copper wire
(4) Transparent tube of 130 mm length

The results are:
(1) Use repulsion - jumped 120 mm approx.
(20 Use attraction - jumped 180 mm approx (the youtube video)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on February 03, 2009, 10:20:01 AM
That's pretty feeble!

Especially since my entire apparatus shown in the two videos I posted above, cost less than your single magnet.
And it works much better!

(By the way, you will soon injure yourself with that big magnet if you casually fling it around like that. You can put an eye out, or smash a finger severely. Is it worth it, just to invent the solenoid?)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 03, 2009, 11:16:06 AM
The attached picture showed the Dr. Raymond Ting improvement.  The coil attracts the magnet to move rapidly upwards,  As soon as the magnet reaches the middle of the coil, the upward momentum (force) is changed to a downward force.  The upward momentum carries the entire tube upwards.

From momentum consideration:   M1 * V1 = (M1+M2) * V2 and
From energy consideration:          (M1 * V1*V1)/2 = ((M1+M2)*V2*V2)/2

The resulting jump height is greater than 180mm.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on February 03, 2009, 11:25:48 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 03, 2009, 11:16:06 AM
The attached picture showed the Dr. Raymond Ting improvement.  The coil attracts the magnet to move rapidly upwards,  As soon as the magnet reaches the middle of the coil, the upward momentum (force) is changed to a downward force.  The upward momentum carries the entire tube upwards.

From momentum consideration:   M1 * V1 = (M1+M2) * V2 and
From energy consideration:          (M1 * V1*V1)/2 = ((M1+M2)*V2*V2)/2

The resulting jump height is greater than 180mm.

I think TK put it best.  You have invented jumping!  Congratulations.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 03, 2009, 01:00:05 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on February 03, 2009, 11:25:48 AM
I think TK put it best.  You have invented jumping!  Congratulations.

Er, it's like old Tseung is becoming younger as he gets older aka Benjamin Buttons(?).
Now he thinks he's invented the solenoid and making it jump!!!
de'ja vu - It's all 'O' level Physics again!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 03, 2009, 01:09:39 PM
Well done Lawrence.

I suggest you write a book. It is sure to outsell the Bible, just as your other book did.
Here is the suggested layout.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on February 03, 2009, 01:31:44 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 03, 2009, 11:16:06 AM
The attached picture showed the Dr. Raymond Ting improvement.  The coil attracts the magnet to move rapidly upwards,  As soon as the magnet reaches the middle of the coil, the upward momentum (force) is changed to a downward force.  The upward momentum carries the entire tube upwards.

From momentum consideration:   M1 * V1 = (M1+M2) * V2 and
From energy consideration:          (M1 * V1*V1)/2 = ((M1+M2)*V2*V2)/2

The resulting jump height is greater than 180mm.

Please put a strain gauge or pressure sensor under the device, between the table and the device. Report the results. Then you may presume to teach us some momentum conservation equations. Until then, that is until you do the PROPER CONTROL EXPERIMENTS, you are just blowing smoke. And it isn't even "sweet smoke".
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 03, 2009, 05:14:26 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 03, 2009, 10:10:55 AM
Some early results of Experiments:

The following set up was used:
(1) A HK$25 Cylindrical Magnet
(2) A 12 Volt power supply
(3) 20 turns of Number 18 copper wire
(4) Transparent tube of 130 mm length

The results are:
(1) Use repulsion - jumped 120 mm approx.
(2) Use attraction - jumped 180 mm approx (the youtube video)

Dear Mr. Tseung,

You have invented jumping in three ways:
(1)   Use repulsion between solenoid and permanent magnet
(2)   Use attraction between solenoid and permanent magnet
(3)   Use both repulsion and attraction between solenoids and permanent magnet.

I am sure that you can invent additional jumping techniques such as:
1.   Use repulsion between solenoids
2.   Use attraction between solenoids
3.   Use both repulsion and attraction between solenoids.

I think you can focus on (2) using attraction between solenoid and permanent magnet.  The present jump height is already 180 mm.  Try the combined twin device M and N double jump when ready.  That is the definitive experiment.

You would then have invented jumping in mid-air.  That is another Nobel Prize achievement.  The insults and jeers will continue but the Earth is round.  Continue to triple check and publish the detailed experiments.  The World is benefiting.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 03, 2009, 05:20:00 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 03, 2009, 05:14:26 PM

That is another Nobel Prize achievement.  The insults and jeers will continue but the Earth is round.  Continue to triple check and publish the detailed experiments.  The World is benefiting.

You would indeed get a Nobel prize if you can try washing a piece of charcoal with water until it turns white!
It will never happen. Just like your childish experiments. Any 'O' level Physics student can tell you in no uncertain terms that you need to see a doctor.

Dream on Dork!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on February 03, 2009, 05:48:20 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 03, 2009, 05:14:26 PM
Try the combined twin device M and N double jump when ready.  That is the definitive experiment.

You are right about the double-jump being definitive.  If the double-jump prolongs the jump, I will gladly eat my hat, crow, whatever you call it.  So let's see it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 04, 2009, 06:10:46 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on February 03, 2009, 05:48:20 PM
You are right about the double-jump being definitive.  If the double-jump prolongs the jump, I will gladly eat my hat, crow, whatever you call it.  So let's see it.

You can eat WBLT as main course.

Pay careful attention to the following ten posts.

The first one is the picture taken at Dr. Raymond Ting's Office.  He has successfully achieved the double-jump.  The existing version uses human as the Timer and there will be disputes as the video could not pinpoint the exact moment of sending current.

Dr. Ting is working on a Timer version to make it more scientific and easier to reproduce.

Here is his picture with his many achievements.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 04, 2009, 06:18:36 AM
This second picture will probably make Dr. Ting an important figure in the development of the flying saucer. 

He used foam material to separate the two Tong Po Chi device tuned for Attraction jumping.  The two devices must be separated by a reasonable distance because the two permanent magnets in the two tubes will interact with each other.

He chose foam material because it was light.  He also used the minimum height plastic tube to reduce the weight M2.  A relatively large and heavy magnet taped to a plastic tube was used.  Thus M1 is much larger than M2.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 04, 2009, 06:25:35 AM
The third pictures shows the basic equipment used.

Dr. Ting tried both batteries and DC power supply.  Both worked.

Dr. Ting prefers the battery as it is lighter.

He has tried at least 5 types of copper wire for the Coil.  He also tried 20, 60, 80 100 turn coils.  The final double-jump experiment was done with 20 turns of number 18 as that seemed to provide light weight and sufficient magnetic attraction.

He decided to use the magnetic attraction jump as it is less complicated than the combined attraction-repulsion arrangement.  The magnetic attraction can achieve a higher jump than the repulsion configuration.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 04, 2009, 06:40:05 AM
The fourth picture is the device in horizontal repulsion mode.

Some forum members thought that when they applied Newton's Laws, the horizontal configuration should not move or at most moved to a center of mass mode.

The experiment proved that the device had little motion until the magnet hit the restricted end and jerked with significant movement at that instant.

The single repulsion experiment points to the correctness of the Tong Po Chi horizontal arrangment where the magnet is pulse repelled by two coils with unequal turns.  There is a net movement or propulsion force.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 04, 2009, 06:56:20 AM
The repulsion of the permanent magnet to more than 1200mm gave Dr. Ting much confidence that the double jump was possible.

This and other experiments can be viewed at his site on youtube.com.  I shall wait to give the actual links as there seems to be problem uploading this afternoon.

Much tuning was required to achieve the highest possible jump. 

I also spent many hours trying to develop a feel of the right tuning.  I cannot claim to be an expert yet.  However, I am improving.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 04, 2009, 07:12:35 AM
This picture shows the configuration used to pass current to both coils at the same time.

We can achieve a height of over 180mm with a single tube.  We should be able to achieve approximately the same height with current to both coils.  The two coils from the two devices are effectively connected in series.

The resulting height was closer to 130mm.  One important reason may be the effective lowering of current when the two coils are connected in series.  Another reason may be the additional weight of the foam and tapes.

To allow for a smooth vertical jump, Dr. Ting made a hole in the foam and put in a vertical stick.  However, that introduced much friction.  He decided to use the simple direct jump test instead.

One difficulty with M jumping to get both tubes up is that the device tend to turn or rotate.  However, we noticed the sending of current to N will turn it back.  That helps in the theory that we can provide force and turning moment in mid-air.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 04, 2009, 07:20:58 AM
The last picture in this series is the use of two on/off switches.

The human hand is used to start one and then the other.

The person doing the experiment gets the feel - myself included.  However,  we should have proper measurable and detectable figures.

Thus the next test will include a timer to delay the starting of the second circuit.

That will be much more convincing and much more reproducible.

Meanwhile, have fun.  Enjoy the pictures and the videos.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tagor on February 04, 2009, 01:12:54 PM
have you seen this video ? :


this smot accelerate so fast , can you use it ...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 04, 2009, 05:42:17 PM
Quote from: tagor on February 04, 2009, 01:12:54 PM
have you seen this video ? :


this smot accelerate so fast , can you use it ...

Thank you.  Dr. Raymond Ting and other who are building the WBLT will love it.

Keep these constructive information coming.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 04, 2009, 06:00:11 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 04, 2009, 06:56:20 AM
The repulsion of the permanent magnet to more than 1200mm gave Dr. Ting much confidence that the double jump was possible.

This and other experiments can be viewed at his site on youtube.com. 


This is the basic test before choosing the type of wire, number of turns, magnitude of current, type of magnet, position of magnet etc.

Some forum members could not even achieve the repulsion between a permanent magnet and the coil.  That was not surprising.  We fell into the same trap in 2005.  Our experimenter at that time used a reel for normal threads as core.  Wound 50 turns or so and gave up.  He said that when connected to an AA battery, the coil does not even produce enough magnetism to affect a compass needle.  He gave up.  (He was not paid and was strictly doing us a favor.  I now learned that the research experimental scientist must be a dedicated believer before he is willing to overcome the many pains and challenges.)

The replicator person has a much easier task.  Every one in our mini-workshop is expected to be able to reproduce the results shown in the video.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on February 04, 2009, 06:19:05 PM
How much additional height did the double jump achieve ?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 05, 2009, 05:06:45 PM
Nancy: “What can we learn from the first repulsion of magnet experiment?  I can see that the magnet jumps to a great height.  But what is the useful, scientific information?”

Tseung: “If the magnet with mass M1 jumps to a height H1, do you agree that the potential energy gained at the top of the jump is M1 * g * H1 where g is the acceleration due to gravity â€" approximately 9.8 meters per sec per sec?”

Richard: ‘Now you mention it, I vainly remember from my physics that potential energy is something like mgh.  Please continue.”

Tseung: “You probably also remember that when an object falls from a height, the potential energy will be converted to kinetic energy.  Kinetic energy is given by the equation (m*v*v)/2.  In our case, the kinetic energy of the magnet at the bottom should be approximately (M1*V1*V1)/2.”

Nancy: “I understand now.  You can measure the humping height and the mass of the magnet.  From that you can calculate V1.  You can also estimate how much energy must be supplied to the Coil to give the kinetic energy to the magnet.”

Tseung: “We can also measure M2 â€" the mass of the transparent tube, coil etc.  From the conservation of momentum, we can determine the velocity V2.  We can then calculate the theoretical jumping height of the transparent tube + magnet.  When we compare the theoretical height and the actual measured height, we can get the efficiency of our jumping device.”

Richard; “This is really scientific.  The magnet used is only 100 gms or so.  Can you make a 10 kg magnet jump up to 1 meter?  That scenario may get a total load of 12 Kg (tube, coil and battery) jump up 10 cm.  I can see that you, Mr. Tong Po Chi and Dr. Raymond Ting are not experimenting blindly.”

Nancy: ‘I have learned some physics today.  I look forward to learning more.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 05, 2009, 05:14:50 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 05, 2009, 05:06:45 PM
  I can see that you, Mr. Tong Po Chi and Dr. Raymond Ting are not experimenting blindly.”

Nancy: ‘I have learned some physics today.  I look forward to learning more.”

How true!

Three blind mice
See how they run ....

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed is King!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 05, 2009, 07:50:45 PM
Dear Dr. Ting and Mr. Tseung,

I think that your choice of using only attraction to do the demonstration is brilliant.  It avoids the complication of two sets of wires.

I believe the purpose of your double-device set up is to demonstrate that jumping in mid-air is possible with the Coil-Attract-Magnet arrangement.

Will the attached diagram be simpler?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 05, 2009, 11:49:30 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 05, 2009, 07:50:45 PM
Dear Dr. Ting and Mr. Tseung,

I think that your choice of using only attraction to do the demonstration is brilliant.  It avoids the complication of two sets of wires.

I believe the purpose of your double-device set up is to demonstrate that jumping in mid-air is possible with the Coil-Attract-Magnet arrangement.

Will the attached diagram be simpler?

Thank you.  Keep the constructive ideas coming.

We shall buy one of the spring toy guns to shoot the tube upwards.  I changed the springs on such toys when I was a kid.  Should be fun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 06, 2009, 12:59:06 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 05, 2009, 07:50:45 PM
Dear Dr. Ting and Mr. Tseung,

I think that your choice of using only attraction to do the demonstration is brilliant.  It avoids the complication of two sets of wires.

I believe the purpose of your double-device set up is to demonstrate that jumping in mid-air is possible with the Coil-Attract-Magnet arrangement.

Will the attached diagram be simpler?

You mean they haven't done it yet? From the way they were talking I would have sworn it is a fait accompli.

Back to the drawing board then?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on February 06, 2009, 01:51:30 AM
I also like the suggestion of Top Gun.

My comment is that you should send the gift and raise the publicity level as soon as you have concrete experimental data.

The World needs lead-out-energy and flying saucer to solve the present financial crisis.  The meaningful economic activities generated will bring modern wealth exceeding the wildest dreams of the Economic Officials.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 06, 2009, 02:15:19 AM
The key phrase here is: "As soon as you have concrete experimental data."  If/When this ever happens, I know a few things will have occurred first.  Pigs will have sprouted wings and will become airborne.  Hell will have experienced an new ice age.  The cows will have finally come home.  The Pope will take a dump in the woods.  And, all of the laws of physics that we all know and love, will no longer apply.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 06, 2009, 02:45:28 AM
Quote from: critic on February 06, 2009, 01:51:30 AM
I also like the suggestion of Top Gun.

The World needs lead-out-energy and flying saucer to solve the present financial crisis.  The meaningful economic activities generated will bring modern wealth exceeding the wildest dreams of the Economic Officials.

Would be kind of hard not to like Top Gun's suggestion when you both share the same physical spare of gray matter between your ears (or is it empty space between the ears)?

What the World would like is for you to take your medication daily so you can stay normal and find something useful to do instead of making a fool of yourself in this Forum.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 07, 2009, 12:44:27 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 05, 2009, 07:50:45 PM
Dear Dr. Ting and Mr. Tseung,

I think that your choice of using only attraction to do the demonstration is brilliant.  It avoids the complication of two sets of wires.

I believe the purpose of your double-device set up is to demonstrate that jumping in mid-air is possible with the Coil-Attract-Magnet arrangement.

Will the attached diagram be simpler?

A simpler alternative.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 07, 2009, 01:06:14 AM

Respectfully, you could launch it out of a cannon but it is still not going to do what you think it will once it is in mid air.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 07, 2009, 01:26:33 AM
The configuration to get the device jump via magnetic repulsion.

Note that the magnet is placed on top of the black coil.  When the magnet jumps, it will collide with the top surface of the tube and bring the tube up.

The jump height is roughly 120 mm.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 07, 2009, 01:30:50 AM
The configuration to make the tube jump via magnetic attraction.

Note that the black coil is placed above the magnet.

The jump height achieved is 180 mm.  This is better than that achieved via magnetic repulsion.

These experiments are easy to replicate.  There appears to be some problem uploading the videos to youtube.  Dr. Ting is looking into the issue.

I post the pictures first.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 08, 2009, 03:25:55 AM
With apologies to old Mc Donald.

Larry Tseung he has a lab,
Hong Kong is the go.
And in his lab he makes things jump,
Hong Kong is the go.
With a Ting Tong here,
And a Ting Tong there,
Here a Ting, there a Tong,
Everywhere a Ting Tong.
Larry Tseung he has a lab,
Hong Kong is the go.

Feel free to write additional verses.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 08, 2009, 04:19:03 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 08, 2009, 03:25:55 AM
With apologies to old Mc Donald.

Larry Tseung he has a lab,
Hong Kong is the go.
And in his lab he makes things jump,
Hong Kong is the go.
With a Ting Tong here,
And a Ting Tong there,
Here a Ting, there a Tong,
Everywhere a Ting Tong.
Larry Tseung he has a lab,
Hong Kong is the go.

Feel free to write additional verses.

Hans von Lieven

Nice one Hans. I was actually composing another song dedicated to Lawrence Tseung to be sung to the tune of ' Cat's in the cradle' by Harry Chapin, complete with guitar chords!

Unfortunately I have been really busy lately but will complete it sometime soon. Stay tuned.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 08, 2009, 04:47:49 AM
Attached is the latest experiment from Dr. Raymond Ting

Dr. Ting tried various suggestions on demonstrating that the Coil-Attract-Magnet technique can produce unbalanced force for propulsion from within the system.  The best suggestion is to suspend the double Tong Device.  Pulse current is passed at random to one of them at a time.  The idea is to catch a movement when the string is loose.  This is simpler and has more chance of success than sending a Tong Device up by spring or other mechanical means and passing current while the Tong Device is in mid-air.

The video is one of the early ones that have not been analyzed with slow motion etc.  However, it shows a technique that can be repeated by others without too much investment or difficulty.  We expect insults and jeers.  The Earth is Round no matter what kinds of insults are hurled at us.

Dr. Ting will focus back on his money making job in the next few weeks.  I here thank him for the great work he has done.

The video is in:
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on February 08, 2009, 04:51:33 AM
For stability he should pierce a pvc tube or something through the middle of it, that way it can only go up and not dance like that. Nice setup nonetheless.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 08, 2009, 07:01:51 PM
See the attached file for the explanation of the magic of the unbalanced force.

We did the three experiments:
(1) Shoot out the magnet
(2) Block the magnet with a hard surface
(3) Block the magnet with a loosely taped surface.

The magic of the unbalanced was revealed with such simple experiments.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 08, 2009, 07:36:53 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 08, 2009, 07:01:51 PM
See the attached file for the explanation of the magic of the unbalanced force.

We did the three experiments:
(1) Shoot out the magnet
(2) Block the magnet with a hard surface
(3) Block the magnet with a loosely taped surface.

The magic of the unbalanced was revealed with such simple experiments.

Dear Mr. Tseung,

You now have both theory and experimental data for your unbalanced force for flying saucers.

Ignore the insults and jeers.  Polish the mini-workshops and the gifts to the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, the presidents of China and USA.

You do not have the resources to build an actual flying saucer to go to outer space.  So let others shine.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 08, 2009, 09:14:49 PM
Richard: “Professor Logical, Tseung claimed that he has totally solved the problem of producing unbalanced force from within a closed system both theoretically and experimentally.  Is he logical?”

Professor Logical: “His experiment001 is a simple repulsion of two magnets.  One strikes a solid surface and one strikes a padded surface.  The resultant motion is in the direction of the solid surface.  Such an experiment is easy to replicate.  Experiments do not lie.   I assume that the same experimental result will be triply repeated and published.  I think the experimental results and the theoretical explanations are scientific and very logical.”

Nancy: “Dr. Ting and Mr. Tseung used the pendulum again in Experiment002a to Experiment002c.  Experiment002a is the simple shooting out of the magnet via repulsion.  The Pendulum swings to the RHS.  Is that logical?’

Professor Logical: “It is the straight forward application of Newtons Third Law â€" Action = Reaction.  The magnet flies away with high velocity.  The reaction or recoil produces the large swing of the pendulum to the RHS.  No physicists will argue against that.  I absolutely agree with the theory and the experiment.”

Richard: “In Experiment002b, Dr. Ting used a hard, solid surface to prevent the magnet from shooting out.  The pendulum hardly swings.  Is the experiment observation logical?”

Professor Logical: “Absolutely.”

Nancy: “In Experiment002c, Dr. Ting used a soft, deformable surface (using a loose tape).  The result was a slight swing to the RHS.  I have the video.  The experimental observation appears to be correct.  Is that logical?”

Professor Logical: “Dr. Ting and Mr. Tseung were not using the primary action and reaction which must be equal and opposite.  They are using the second and third actions and reactions after these actions have done work or used energy. The second action does not need to be equal to the third action or reaction.  That obeys the Laws of Physics.  Thus the results are very logical.”

Richard: “Wow.  We have now witnessed geniuses in action.”

Nancy: “The Flying Saucer is theoretically possible beyond a shadow of doubt.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 08, 2009, 09:26:19 PM
Richard: “What is the magic in using pulse current to the electromagnetic coils?”

Professor Logical: “ The electromagnetic coil can be used as Drive Coil to to the attraction or repulsion.  It can also be used as a Collector Coil to get electricity.  It can also act as the collision mechanism.”

Nancy: “Different quantities of unbalanced forces can be produced with different combination of these pulsed electromagnetic coils.   That is what Tseung wanted to prove.”

Professor Logical: “He, Dr. Ting and Mr. Tong have proved that absolutely in my opinion.  The Proof-of-Concept Experiments are complete to the satisfaction of all the top Universities such as MIT, Harvard, Tsinghua.  It is now a matter of implementation.”

Richard: “Mr. Tseung has no money and resources to develop products.  He invites others with the resources to do that.  These experimenters will shine â€" just like Mr. Tong Po Chi and Dr. Raymond Ting.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 09, 2009, 01:15:24 AM
The attached diagram showed the various ways of testing the unbalance force.

In (1), the basic configuration with two coils and a magnet in a transparent tube is shown.  The current may be pulsed to provide attraction or repulsion of the magnet.  There will be a net unbalanced force on the Tube.

In (2), the vertical jump configuration can be tested.  The higher the jump, the greater the net unbalanced force in the vertical direction.

In (3), the device is suspended in a pendulum fashion.  The swing direction and magnitude indicates the direction and magnitude of the unbalance force.

In (4), the device is placed on a smooth surface.  The movement direction (in jerks) indicates the direction and magnitude of the unbalance force.

In the Dr. Ting tests, the magnet has a mass of 50 gms. The total combined mass including magnet, tube and coil has a mass of 100 gms.  The mass of the battery was not included.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 09, 2009, 03:22:00 PM
Richard: “Mr. Tseung, your theory is now confirmed.  Should we focus on the two coils and one magnet scenario?”

Tseung: “The theory is that we can generate unbalanced force for propulsion purposes from within a closed system.  The two coils and one magnet scenario is just one example.  Another promising example is the circular motion example.  Do you remember the Ms. Forever Yuen throwing a water bottle videos?”

Nancy: “Those were funny videos.  I laughed and enjoyed them.  I did not realize their scientific significance until now.”

Tseung: “Watch them again with your new scientific insight.  Think about not letting the water bottle go?”

Richard: “The WBLT is not a joke.  It is the brainwork of many geniuses.”

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 09, 2009, 06:17:37 PM
Richard: "I watched the Forever videos again.  They are not only funny but also educational.  Swinging the water bottle up and down leads to the development of the Flying Saucer.  Please help to refresh my memory on the helicopter in a box concept many months ago."

Tseung: "If we have lead-out-energy, we can already have a flying saucer helicopter.  On the surface of the Earth where we have air, we can use the known helicopter technique to fly.  In outer space, we were considering the possibility of enclosing the helicopter in a closed container or box."

Nancy: "You were hoping that the helicopter in a box could provide an unbalanced force upwards - just like the two coils with a magnet."

Tseung: "That experiment was much more difficult to perform.  We ruined our HK$5,000 toy helicopter before we started the actual experiment.  That amount is enough for 5 Tong Po Chi devices!"

Richard: "Do not worry about money.  With the right publicity, investors will be queuing up in front of your door.  Sending gifts to the Presidents of China and USA openly will generate the right type of publicity.  All universities will have no choice but to replicate the Tong Po Chi device and/or develop the WBLT."

Nancy leaned on the shoulder of Richard: "We have more happy things to talk about on Valentine's day.  Deliver your flowers in a toy helicopter."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 10, 2009, 12:49:31 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 08, 2009, 07:36:53 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

You do not have the resources to build an actual flying saucer to go to outer space.  So let others shine.

Dear Mr. Tseung:

Indeed, you don't have the knowledge nor ability to build actual flying saucers to go to outer space.

The only shine you'll get out of anyone stupid enough to experiment with your toys is the shine from their shoes when they needed a polish after walking over your convoluted Physics experiments!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 10, 2009, 01:07:50 AM
@ chrisC:

Now come on.  These guys are doing real pseudo science here.  You have to let them work without impediment.  They are doing the best they can.  I admire them for this.  If you are in an elevator that is going down, and you jump up, well then you have the ability to build a flying saucer too.  This is great and can save mankind.  So, give them a break and let them design the machines of tomorrow, (or the next day)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 10, 2009, 01:43:40 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 10, 2009, 01:07:50 AM
@ chrisC:

Now come on.  These guys are doing real pseudo science here.  You have to let them work without impediment.  They are doing the best they can.  I admire them for this.  If you are in an elevator that is going down, and you jump up, well then you have the ability to build a flying saucer too.  This is great and can save mankind.  So, give them a break and let them design the machines of tomorrow, (or the next day)


So very sorry Bill!

Yes, I should give them the benefit of the doubt. It took two Wright brothers working with bicycles, wheels and spokes to let us experience real flight. Somehow Lawrence's bicycle pumps don't impress me very much.

I guess, my brain doesn't stretch as much as old Tseung's. Maybe that's why he has spaces between the brain cells where his flying saucers starts to multiply?

I should be a good boy and watch from the sidelines (at least for tonight)!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on February 10, 2009, 08:08:40 PM
For those who still do not understand the Tseung flying saucer or WBLT, recite the following 666 times.

"I can generate unbalanced force from a closed system.  The secret is to use the secondary events where there are unequal exchanges of energy or momentum."

For those who still cannot understand, welcome to my warm home.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 10, 2009, 11:04:52 PM
Experiments for the Mini-Workshop

(1)   Produce electromagnets from windings
(2)   Perform Experiment 001 that uses one coil and two magnets to produce unbalanced force (one hits a padded surface)
(3)   Perform Experiments 002a to 002c that use pendulum suspended in the horizontal position with repulsion of magnet in the three ways:
  a.   Eject Magnet from the tube
  b.   Let Magnet hit a solid, hard surface in the closed tube
  c.   Let Magnet hit a soft, deformable surface in the closed tube
(4)   Perform Experiment 003 to eject a magnet to great heights via repulsion by tuning the position of the Coil relative to the Magnet. (ready to catch)
(5)   Perform Experiment 004 to produce vertical jump of the tube with magnet via repulsion
(6)   Perform Experiment 005 to produce vertical jump of the tube with magnet via attraction
(7)   Perform Experiment 006 to produce vertical jump of the tube with magnet via both repulsion and attraction
(8 )   Perform Experiment 007 to produce verticl jump with a double device via attraction
(9)   Perform Experiment 008a to 008c with the two coil and a magnet in the horizontal position (no timer) in the following ways:
  a.   Both Coils repel the magnet
  b.   Both Coils attract the magnet
  c.   One Coil attract the magnet and the other repel the magnet
(10)   Repeat (9) with different settings of the timer at 0.1, 0.5 and 1 seconds.

The above 10 experiments will verify that an unbalanced force can be produced from within a closed system.  In particular, Experiment (9) and (10) will provide some useful data for additional experiments.

We shall run the same mini-workshop a few times and smooth out the many clinks.  We should then have the polished gifts for the Presidents of China and USA.  We may even have an educational toy with an updated Book for all interested to purchase.  The meaningful economic activities will help to solve the present Financial Crisis.

Other educational toys in the series will come out when they are ready.  One potential candidate is the generation of unbalanced force using circular motion.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on February 11, 2009, 03:53:07 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung.

Congratulation to you and team on the brilliant proof-of-concept experiments for the Flying Saucer.  I am sure that the triple confirmation results will be positive.  None of your Experiments stated in your mini-workshop are beyond the capability of the average secondary school physics laboratory.

However, the conclusion that one can generate unbalanced force from within a closed system is world-shaking.  The man-made flying saucer is now reality - both theoretically and experimentally.

I have to admit that I did not buy your assumption that the USA or Chinese Military have developed some versions of the flying saucer previously.  Now my opinion has changed.  They may not have your theory or exact prototype but they must have stumbled on the experimental results of Coil and Magnet interactions.

You already have the lead-out-energy theory.  You pointed out the possibility that the Newman, Bedini, Adams or the 225 HP pulse motor were not hoaxes.  Dr. Raymond Ting and Mr. Tong Po Chi have demonstrated their experimental geniuses.  Do you think that you and your team can perform the miracle again?  Can your team develop a working lead-out-energy proof-of-concept prototype for the World?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 11, 2009, 05:02:55 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I was think of ways to improve the experiments.  Will the attached picture be a candidate to consider?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 11, 2009, 02:56:31 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 11, 2009, 05:02:55 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I was think of ways to improve the experiments.  Will the attached picture be a candidate to consider?

Top Dork,

Pinching my suggestions now and passing them off as your own?

On Jan. 19th (Page 373) I wrote:

G'day Lawrence,

I don't think your device will work as planned, but I respect your determination to try your idea.

What puzzles me is why you are so intent on using a permanent magnet and an electromagnet. Wouldn't you be better off to use two electromagnets instead? You could fire them with the same pulse and have much more control over the whole contraption. Far more energy efficient too.

Take a moment to think about it.

Hans von Lieven

Sound familiar?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on February 11, 2009, 03:19:54 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 11, 2009, 02:56:31 PM
Top Dork,

Pinching my suggestions now and passing them off as your own.

On Jan. 19th (Page 373) I wrote:

G'day Lawrence,

I don't think your device will work as planned, but I respect your determination to try your idea.

What puzzles me is why you are so intent on using a permanent magnet and an electromagnet. Wouldn't you be better off to use two electromagnets instead? You could fire them with the same pulse and have much more control over the whole contraption. Far more energy efficient too.

Take a moment to think about it.

Hans von Lieven

Sound familiar?

Hans von Lieven

Your seeds have fallen on fertile soil.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 11, 2009, 05:08:32 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 11, 2009, 02:56:31 PM
Top Dork,

Pinching my suggestions now and passing them off as your own?

On Jan. 19th (Page 373) I wrote:

G'day Lawrence,

I don't think your device will work as planned, but I respect your determination to try your idea.

What puzzles me is why you are so intent on using a permanent magnet and an electromagnet. Wouldn't you be better off to use two electromagnets instead? You could fire them with the same pulse and have much more control over the whole contraption. Far more energy efficient too.

Take a moment to think about it.

Hans von Lieven

Sound familiar?

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans,

Thank you for your suggestion.  The fault is with your first statement I don't think your device will work as planned.  Tseung et al were focusing on their experiments and ignored all "disagree" comments.

Now the experiments are successful, they can explore other suggestions.  Yours is a good one to explore.

Are you a believer now?  Please set up some coils to do the mentioned experiments and improve them using your suggestion.  Validation from a previous non-believer is more convincing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 11, 2009, 05:16:29 PM
The experiments are NOT successful!

If you want to see why it does not work get yourself a helium balloon and hang your device on it. Adjust the weight of the device to have the entire experiment suspended in midair. Then fire your contraption and show us what it does.

I'll give you 10:1 odds it will not rise upwards. It will jerk around a little but that is all.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 11, 2009, 07:51:33 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 11, 2009, 05:16:29 PM
The experiments are NOT successful!

If you want to see why it does not work get yourself a helium balloon and hang your device on it. Adjust the weight of the device to have the entire experiment suspended in midair. Then fire your contraption and show us what it does.

I'll give you 10:1 odds it will not rise upwards. It will jerk around a little but that is all.

Hans von Lieven

Dear Hans.

I shall ask Mr. Tseung and Team to do the experiment001 using your suggestion of electromagnets.  They have the equipment ready to do that.  You can do the helium baloon yourself.  The battery itself weighs over 5 Kg.  Hoping to use a 50 gm magnet to lift a load greater than 5 Kg is asking too much - please check the mathematics.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 11, 2009, 08:02:28 PM
So, does this make it the Lee-Tsueng-Ting-Tong-Wang-Vonlieven experimental device then?  Wow, the guys in marketing are gonna crap when they hear this.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on February 11, 2009, 08:10:14 PM

What you need is not a magnetic field pushing up an object.
You need a magnetic field that can repel the earth magnetic field to go up or fly and that can be reversed to attract the earth magnetic field to go down and that it has a fast response to change between attraction and repel in order not to crash.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 11, 2009, 08:36:24 PM

Jesus Noooooooooooooo...not you too.

Alas, another foot in the ol' tar baby. :)


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on February 11, 2009, 08:44:44 PM

I am not interested on flying, I am interested on getting feedback to the source. But I gave my opinion on what I think is needed to make a safe flying saucer.

Mr @tseung has a different phylosophy than us and on his phylosophy he is taught to have an endless patience. We do not have that kind of patience. We want the things fast. Like fast food. He is different.

I need a patience like the one he has to attain my goal.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 11, 2009, 10:00:35 PM
The balloon does not need to lift the battery, just part of the lead. Since the device is suspended in mid air it is simple to arrange a stand that holds the lead so that only a short part of it has to be held by the balloon. It's not rocket science.

You can use hydrogen if you need more lift.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 11, 2009, 10:22:46 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 11, 2009, 10:00:35 PM
The balloon does not need to lift the battery, just part of the lead. Since the device is suspended in mid air it is simple to arrange a stand that holds the lead so that only a short part of it has to be held by the balloon. It's not rocket science.

You can use hydrogen if you need more lift.

Hans von Lieven

The Tseung et al experiments suspended the Tong device vertically, horizontally and at other angles in a pendulum fashion.  That was easy to set up and easy to video.

What is the reason for using the balloon?  It is almost impossible to have the baloon perfectly stationary.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 11, 2009, 10:38:28 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 11, 2009, 10:22:46 PM
The Tseung et al experiments suspended the Tong device vertically, horizontally and at other angles in a pendulum fashion.  That was easy to set up and easy to video.

What is the reason for using the balloon?  It is almost impossible to have the baloon perfectly stationary.

The reason for the balloon is to make the device weightless. Any unidirectional force will show up with a vengeance no matter how small.

It is a bit tricky to set up the experiment, it has to be done indoors to avoid drafts, but it can be done quite readily with a bit of patience.

Hans von Lieven

Edit. A 3 ft diameter balloon filled with helium will lift 0.9 lbs or just over 400 grams That should be enough for the device, cable and some trimming ballast.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 11, 2009, 11:32:12 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 11, 2009, 10:38:28 PM
The reason for the balloon is to make the device weightless. Any unidirectional force will show up with a vengeance no matter how small.

It is a bit tricky to set up the experiment, it has to be done indoors to avoid drafts, but it can be done quite readily with a bit of patience.

Hans von Lieven

Edit. A 3 ft diameter balloon filled with helium will lift 0.9 lbs or just over 400 grams That should be enough for the device, cable and some trimming ballast.

The effect is not small.  Please see:
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 12, 2009, 02:53:07 PM
I said unidirectional force not hopping pogo stick.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 12, 2009, 06:31:06 PM
When one stays until experiment 09 and 10 in the mini-workshop, he will find the sweets.   See the following diagram.  That is one of the key data collection experiments.

The large unbalanced force can be produced in any direction.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 13, 2009, 01:13:39 AM
Quote from: Devil on February 10, 2009, 08:08:40 PM
For those who still do not understand the Tseung flying saucer or WBLT, recite the following 666 times.

"I can generate unbalanced force from a closed system.  The secret is to use the secondary events where there are unequal exchanges of energy or momentum."

For those who still cannot understand, welcome to my warm home.

I shall try to explain the concept of secondary events more.  In Experiment001, there were two magnets repelled in opposite directions.  The primary event can be thought of as the passing of current to provide magnetic repulsion.  Action = Reaction applied and the two identical magnets travelled in opposite directions.  One magnet hit a solid surface.  If we assume that the collision were elastic (no loss of energy), the force would be equal to F1.  This was the first secondary event.

The other magnet hit a padded surface.  That surface would deform and lengthen the time for the velocity of the magnet to slow down or reverse direction.  The Force F2 would be less than F1.  This was the second secondary event.  The difference between f1 and F2 is the unbalanced force claimed by Tseung.  This is strictly Newtonian Physics.

Experimentally, this can be observed but the effect is small. (The multiple videos on Experiment001 will confirm that.)

Experiment002a-c were interesting as they emphasized the same point in a very striking manner.  Experiment002a repelled the permanent magnet like a gun.  The permanent magnet was shot out to a few feet.  The tube recoiled and there was a large swing of the pendulum.  Experiment002b prevented the permanent magnet from leaving the tube by blocking the tube with a solid surface.  The recoil of the tube was almost exactly balanced by the collision of the permanent magnet with the solid block.  The Pendulum hardly swung.  Experiment002c was the same as Experiment002b except a soft, yieldable surface was used.  (That surface was provided by a loose tape.)  The video clearly showed a swing in the direction of the recoil.

These two experiments clearly verified the Tseung assumption that an unbalanced force can be produced from within a closed system

Mr. Tong Po Chi was brilliant in replacing the 2 magnets and 1 coil arrangement with the 2 coils and 1 magnet arrangement.  He found that a much larger unbalanced force could be produced.  Further investigations by Dr. Raymond Ting confirmed that.  Two additional characteristics of the electromagnetic coil were researched.  One is that an attracting arrangement could replace the collision.  The other is the collecting coil property that converts the kinetic energy into electrical energy.  These two characteristics helped to produce a much larger unbalanced force than what was possible with pure mechanical means.

The large unbalanced force is now demonstrated in the various Experiments.  Much more testing and tuning could be done to further increase this unbalanced force.  Theoretically, the unbalanced force can be greater than the weight of the tube and magnet.  So far, the unbalanced force is in pulses.  However, multiple pulses from multiple tubes would result in a more or less constant force.

Thus pulsing current to a suitably configured device will elevate it from the ground.  That is the magic behind anti-gravity.  The trick is to design the suitably configured devices.  (Mr. Tseung believes that USA, China and other Countries have already designed and built such devices.  The many UFO sightings are related to such top-secret crafts.)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 13, 2009, 02:22:57 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 13, 2009, 01:13:39 AM
I shall try to explain the concept of secondary events more.  In Experiment001, ....

Dear Top Dork:

Get some more sleep and take your pills!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on February 13, 2009, 05:16:43 AM
Unbelievable. It amazes me that people who apparently cannot think their way out of a paper bag can actually do their shopping, use a computer, etc.

The balloon experiment suggested by Hans is a good one, easy to do, and it is pretty clear that the children playing with their solenoid toys won't do it. Because THEY CLEARLY KNOW that it will produce a null result, thus FALSIFYING the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out conjecture.
Yet again.

And it's clear from those videos that no unbalanced force is being produced, except when a force vector is generated that doesn't go thru the suspension point or the CG of the system--then it tries to rotate.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 14, 2009, 01:56:06 PM
I now have a set of equipment in my living room.

It will be used for the triple check purpose.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 14, 2009, 02:41:44 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 14, 2009, 01:56:06 PM
I now have a set of equipment in my living room.

It will be used for the triple check purpose.

Any 3 year old kid will understand. When it's wrong it's wrong!
You can check it a thousand times and it's still the same.
There is nothing to verify except that it is still WRONG!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 14, 2009, 09:26:24 PM
è'‹å...ˆç"Ÿ:å'你致敬 !很高å...´çš,,å'Šè¯‰ä½ !今天在京与美国一家å...¬å¸ç­¾å®šäº†(å†...外套布齿轴承)ä¸"利技术转让合同!转让费2亿美é‡'!å...¨éƒ¨å­˜å...¥ç¾Žå›½èŠ±ç¥ºé"¶è¡Œ!请æ,¨å°†è¿™ä¸€æ¶ˆæ¯å'äº'è"ç½'上å'布!表示祝贺吧!多谢!王ç"Ÿè‡´

The above is from Mr. Wang Shenhe.  Translated:

Dear Mr. Tseung,

How are you?  I am happy to inform you that I have signed a contract with an American Company on the patented technology transfer of the bearing assembly (lasting longer, support higher rotation, more temperature endurance etc.).

The sum of USD200 million has been deposited into my account at City Bank.  Please spread this good news via the Internet.  Let us enjoy the celebration together. 

Thank you,

Mr. Wang Shenhe
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 14, 2009, 09:47:46 PM
Is that the money from the poor man who died in Nigeria who had a crooked lawyer?

Please tell me the funds are real because I have about ten similar offers at the moment in my spam folder.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 15, 2009, 12:59:24 AM
If that number is real, tell Forever that I will marry her.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 15, 2009, 02:38:05 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 14, 2009, 09:26:24 PM
The above is from Mr. Wang Shenhe.  Translated:

Dear Mr. Tseung,

How are you?  I am happy to inform you that I have signed a contract with an American Company on the patented technology transfer of the bearing assembly (lasting longer, support higher rotation, more temperature endurance etc.).

The sum of USD200 million has been deposited into my account at City Bank.  Please spread this good news via the Internet.  Let us enjoy the celebration together. 

Thank you,

Mr. Wang Shenhe

Hahaha! What a dork!
If WANG Shehe or is it WANG heShe (?) had $200M, he'll have a secretary to escort you onto a Lear jet to Hainan island for a R&R. Instead he writes a email to you to spread the word?

Can you imagine an American company putting up $200M in this recession? Are you playing Monopoly on your flying saucer?

You are less creatiive than those Nigerian schemes. Are you sure you passed 'O' levels? DORK!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 15, 2009, 09:37:55 AM
Quote from: chrisC on February 15, 2009, 02:38:05 AM
Can you imagine an American company putting up $200M in this recession? Are you playing Monopoly on your flying saucer?
Get up-to-date, chrisC.

President Obama has promised $150B over ten years to fund carbon free or low carbon
new energy technologies.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 15, 2009, 04:40:22 PM
More information from Mr. Wang Shehe.

The attached file in Chinese describes his patented invention.

It was developed as part of his lead-out-energy electricity generator.  After assembly, the generator rotated so fast that conventional bearings got hot and could no longer function.

See the diagram at the end. 

Some marketing type claimed that this new design will replace all bearings in the near future - dollar potential in many billions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on February 15, 2009, 05:20:21 PM
Tseung, your lead-out-energy theory is correct.

Your theory and experiments on generating unbalanced force from within a closed system is also correct.

You also have a functional Wang bearing in your possession.

Pay no attention to the insults and jeers.  Get the presents ready for the Chief Executive of Hong Kong and the Presidents of China and USA.  Update your Book. Develop the set of flying saucer proof-of-concept experiments as a standard course.

Let others shine.  Mr. Tong Po Chi will have the Coil and Magnet setup named after him.  Dr. Raymond Ting will make a name for himself in demonstrating and explaining his improved version.  The final device may even be nicknamed Ting-Tong.  Ms. Forever Yuen and team will be the envy of all students when they join after their university entrance examinations in April.  Get Sun et al involved.  They will shine with additional brilliant experiments.

Enjoy your fishing.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on February 15, 2009, 05:38:01 PM
Congrats on becoming a millionaire!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 15, 2009, 08:20:25 PM
G'day Lawrence,

I just had a look at your PDF concerning the Wang Bearing. The photograph is uncannily reminiscent of standard bearings that have been around for a 100 years or so. Pray tell what is so different in Mr. Wang's version that it would attract an ex Gratia payment of Dollars in cash.

Perhaps the 200M is still in a trust account in his name in Nigeria and he will get the money as soon as he bribes the local officials to release it. About $ 50,000.00 should do it but they will settle for less if you can't find it.

After that there will be facilitation fees, but never mind you should get all that money back when the money is released. Or, will you ???

Hans von Lieven

Or perhaps simpler:  http://www.tootoo.com/d-p10446775-Cylindrical_Roller_Bearing/  A page from their catalogue perchance?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 15, 2009, 11:01:35 PM
But Hans, those are not lead out bearings.  These would never work for a flying saucer.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 15, 2009, 11:27:08 PM
But Bill,

These are the same bearings as the ones below that Larry calls Wang bearings and that he just got the money for. The photograph is from Lawrence's own PDF file. They MUST be Lead Out bearings. I wonder if the Wang Ci factory in Shanghai will recognise their product.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: allcanadian on February 15, 2009, 11:27:47 PM
I heard an few interesting facts the other day:)
Both China and India have more kids on the honor roll(excessive IQ's) than america has kids.
By the time an average Tech student in north america has finished their course 2/3 of what they have learned is obsolete.

Gentlemen I would be very careful about what you propose to know for certain, what you know as fact, because the numbers say most of what you know is incorrect if not obsolete.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 16, 2009, 10:22:42 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 15, 2009, 08:20:25 PM
The photograph is uncannily reminiscent of standard bearings that have been around for a 100 years or so.
How do you tell a bearing's performance by looking at a photo of it, Hans?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on February 16, 2009, 02:24:59 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on February 16, 2009, 10:22:42 AM
How do you tell a bearing's performance by looking at a photo of it, Hans?

He has a point. They could be frictionless bearings using magnetic attraction/repulsion or something else.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 16, 2009, 03:39:03 PM
You still don't get it do you?

This is how Lawrence works. He wanted to give his Mr. Wang credibility for his so called motor so he picked a real company called Wang, who make ball bearings, ascribed the company to "his" Wang and created a fictitious contract involving $ 200M. Now "his" Wang is someone to be reckoned with and his motor therefore must be real.

He did the same thing when he found Lawrence Tseung, a graduate in aeronautics at Southampton University and assumed his credentials, or the computer guy in America, also a Lawrence Tseung, but a different person. Both appear in Lawrence's CV. I checked, so I know. The same with Tsinghua University. I checked there too, they know of him but have very politely distanced themselves from him. This is all old hat, you will find all this buried in this thread fairly early in the piece.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 16, 2009, 05:36:41 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 16, 2009, 03:39:03 PM
You still don't get it do you?

This is how Lawrence works. He wanted to give his Mr. Wang credibility for his so called motor so he picked a real company called Wang, who make ball bearings, ascribed the company to "his" Wang and created a fictitious contract involving $ 200M. Now "his" Wang is someone to be reckoned with and his motor therefore must be real.

He did the same thing when he found Lawrence Tseung, a graduate in aeronautics at Southampton University and assumed his credentials, or the computer guy in America, also a Lawrence Tseung, but a different person. Both appear in Lawrence's CV. I checked, so I know. The same with Tsinghua University. I checked there too, they know of him but have very politely distanced themselves from him. This is all old hat, you will find all this buried in this thread fairly early in the piece.

Hans von Lieven
If you were a little more honest, you would put in a few "ifs".
In fact, as the French would say, you would have to put in
enough "ifs" to put the Eiffel tower into a jam jar.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 16, 2009, 07:27:32 PM

IF you had done as much research into Mr. Tseung as I have you wouldn't be talking like you do.

enough ifs for you?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on February 16, 2009, 10:47:29 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 16, 2009, 03:39:03 PM
You still don't get it do you?

This is how Lawrence works. He wanted to give his Mr. Wang credibility for his so called motor so he picked a real company called Wang, who make ball bearings, ascribed the company to "his" Wang and created a fictitious contract involving $ 200M. Now "his" Wang is someone to be reckoned with and his motor therefore must be real.

He did the same thing when he found Lawrence Tseung, a graduate in aeronautics at Southampton University and assumed his credentials, or the computer guy in America, also a Lawrence Tseung, but a different person. Both appear in Lawrence's CV. I checked, so I know. The same with Tsinghua University. I checked there too, they know of him but have very politely distanced themselves from him. This is all old hat, you will find all this buried in this thread fairly early in the piece.

Hans von Lieven

That is a good theory, but the only thing is that WIPO patent application, where it does list Lawrence and Mr. Lee.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 17, 2009, 01:44:37 AM
Patent application on a bearing?????????????

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 17, 2009, 02:03:41 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on February 16, 2009, 10:47:29 PM
That is a good theory, but the only thing is that WIPO patent application, where it does list Lawrence and Mr. Lee.

Patent application is totally meaningless. It's not even worth the paper it was applied on!
Isn't it the same patent application Mr. tseung so proudly proclaimed a while ago and when we did a search on it, the WPO office action basically said it was un-patentable because it was flawed? Also a few pages ago, he said they were 'giving' the secrets free to the rest of the world and will not pursue the Intellectual Property. Eh?

Now, a patent application that is thrown out has what value exactly?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 17, 2009, 02:20:17 AM
The application had nothing to do with bearings though, did it Chris?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on February 17, 2009, 02:29:28 AM
Quote from: chrisC on February 17, 2009, 02:03:41 AM
Patent application is totally meaningless. It's not even worth the paper it was applied on!
Isn't it the same patent application Mr. tseung so proudly proclaimed a while ago and when we did a search on it, the WPO office action basically said it was un-patentable because it was flawed? Also a few pages ago, he said they were 'giving' the secrets free to the rest of the world and will not pursue the Intellectual Property. Eh?

Now, a patent application that is thrown out has what value exactly?


Well yes, if no kind of identification is required to file a patent, then it means nothing. you're right.  The issue here is not the value of the application, which of course there is none, since no patent was granted, but whether there is a reasonable probability that the person here really is Lawrence Tseung.  But really, even if that part were true, that still leaves us nowhere.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 17, 2009, 02:29:33 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 17, 2009, 02:20:17 AM
The application had nothing to do with bearings though, did it Chris?

Hans von Lieven


Well, you may be right. Even if this patent concerned these super duper bearings, the standard of Chinese patents leaves much to be desired. Any Tom, Dick or Larry can invent their own self-denials, from Lead-Out Energy to non-bearing bearings(?).
We'll have to wait and see which Wang got the $200M monopoly money? Maybe it's from the Paul R foundation?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 17, 2009, 03:45:16 AM
This is the patent application in question, a long way away from ball bearings. Incidentally, Wang isn't mentioned.


Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 17, 2009, 01:43:40 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 17, 2009, 03:45:16 AM
This is the patent application in question, a long way away from ball bearings. Incidentally, Wang isn't mentioned.


Hans von Lieven

Well, Tseung only told half the story. the WIPO in their written response to him on July 20, 2007 clearly states, and I quote,
" Claims 1-6 that claiming extracting of work from gravitation in addition to energy used to overcome forces are in violation with the evergy conservation laws and as such they don't have an industrial applicability."

"Applicant based his invention on scientific principle or theory developed by him that is not recognized by currently accepted theories. Applicant is vague with respect to where the "energy pulse" comes from and he also anticipates the potential and gravity energy accumulated by the 'energy pulse' to be larger than the initial 'energy pulse' initially supplied to the system. The assumption of such surplus energy from gravity is in violation of energy conservation principle that disallows the perpetual motion machine of the first type, i.e the machine that is capable to create more useful energy than it takes to generate it"

Well, Mr. tseung, I think the patent office answered our questions on why you're still creating pages and pages of nonsense on this Forum!

Better take your medication or volunteer your time in a children's hospital. I'll donate a Bozo the Clown uniform. Your efforts will make so many sick chioldren so much happier and I will fully support your efforts.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on February 17, 2009, 04:18:48 PM

You quoted the right patent for discussion.  Note the extract:
The invention extracts energy from gravity based on the corrected theory of the pendulum. When the pendulum is pushed, it will 'lead out' gravitational energy at the same time. If a source of pulse force (F) is applied to the pendulum at resonance, it will keep 'lead out' gravitational energy…….

Note that the term ‘lead out’ was used in the patent Application.  The Earth is Round no matter what the Pope said.  Tseung et al showed the World that they can Lead Out gravitational or electron motion energy no matter what the Patent Offices say.

Recite 666 times:
When a pendulum is pulled horizontally, the lead-out gravitational energy is equal to the vertical component of the tension of the string multiplied by the vertical displacement of the pendulum bob.

That is the absolute truth â€" equivalent to that the Earth is Round.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 17, 2009, 05:01:52 PM
If it's the absolute truth you should be able to prove it.

You can't, and that's the truth.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 17, 2009, 05:50:03 PM
Quote from: Devil on February 17, 2009, 04:18:48 PM

That is the absolute truth â€" equivalent to that the Earth is Round.

The ABSOLUTE truth is you DON'T know how to tell the TRUTH! Or the three of you are so deluded that Truth and Lies are synonymous!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 17, 2009, 07:47:31 PM
Truth?  The truth?  He can't handle the truth!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 17, 2009, 08:01:25 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 17, 2009, 07:47:31 PM
Truth?  The truth?  He can't handle the truth!


Thank Bill. Looks like old Tseung needs to watch another movie, aka "A few good men" starring Jack Nicholson.

You need to watch this movie since I can't get you to watch the other two (Beautiful Mind and Benjamin Button).

Try this link Lawrence. It may refresh your mind what TRUTH is!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 18, 2009, 02:12:33 AM
Result of Experiment 008

Experiment 008 compares the magnitude of the unbalance force when the magnet is placed in varying modes - both coils repel, both coils attract and one coil repel and the other attract.

The test used 20 turn Coils on both sides.   As expected, the case with one coil repel and the other attract produced greatest motion.  That implies greatest unbalanced force.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 18, 2009, 02:24:39 AM
@ Lawrence:

Again, with all due respect, nature always balances forces.  You seek an unbalanced force which, if it ever existed, would only be for a microsecond until nature once again balances the forces in a state of equilibrium, which nature likes.  Examples....lightning, magnets, electricity, wind, heat, cold, gravity, etc.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on February 18, 2009, 07:27:24 PM

With triple checking of experiment 008, you have enough evidence to conclusively conclude that an unbalanced force can be produced from within a closed system.

Update your book.  Package your demonstrations.  Show them to your contacts at the US Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong first, then the US Consul-General in Hong Kong and get their help to ship the material to President Obama.

They will no doubt get technical experts to evaluate the material first.  Many of the top Universities in USA will get involved.  The experimental results will be confirmed multiple times.

Do something similar for Hong Kong and China simultaneously.  When the time comes, the worldwide publicity will happen.  Your theory that an unbalanced force can be produced from within a closed system will be accepted.  The scientists will no doubt look at the lead-out-energy theory and other ideas from you et al.  Your task will then be completed.  Multiple teams worldwide will take on the additional research that will cost millions and billions.  You et al do not have such resources.  But you have sowed the seed.  The world will benefit together.

Pay no attention to the insults and jeers.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on February 18, 2009, 08:07:49 PM
Not only that, but...

the Earth is not even round, as any schoolchild in a civilized country can tell you.

It's pear-shaped.

Isn't it astounding how these people keep dodging the control experiments that would show that their devices do not create unbalanced forces?

You take a vertically-operating solenoid and suspend it from strings like a pendulum, and its operation clearly shows no unbalanced force, except when it pulls on a string.
But you won't show one of the horizontal devices properly suspended as a pendulum, with careful observation of the center of mass. Because that one will clearly show that the device CANNOT maintain a horizontal deflection of the CofM, thus it is NOT producing an unbalanced force.
You are clearly prevaricating, in between the mendacity.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 18, 2009, 09:25:25 PM
Quote from: Devil on February 18, 2009, 07:27:24 PM


They will no doubt get technical experts to evaluate the material first.  Many of the top Universities in USA will get involved.  The experimental results will be confirmed multiple times.

Pay no attention to the insults and jeers.

Toto, you're not in Kansas anymore!
This is the real world, we don't live between your ears. You need your medication.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 19, 2009, 08:43:02 AM
Experiment 002 â€" horizontal suspension

The experiment that can conclusively demonstrate that an unbalanced force can be produced from a closed system is experiment 002.

The attached mp4 file clearly showed experiment 002c where a small but definite swing to the RHS when the magnet hits a soft, deformable surface.

There is no need to get a helium balloon with all the associated complexity.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 19, 2009, 09:53:01 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 19, 2009, 08:43:02 AM
The experiment that can conclusively demonstrate that an unbalanced force can be produced from a closed system is experiment 002.
Yes. Jean Luis Naudin has worked on this:
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 19, 2009, 01:47:51 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on February 18, 2009, 08:07:49 PM
Not only that, but...

You are clearly prevaricating, in between the mendacity.

Well, what bugs me is when in society we teach little children to always tell the truth and be man enough to admit their errors when they clearly know they are in the wrong and here we see a supposedly 60 something old adult, supposedly been to college, educated and have no conscience of telling the truth!

He keeps on digging a bigger hole and can't even admit perhaps he is wrong! Sad but true.That's why we will forever have snake oil salesmen....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 19, 2009, 02:31:26 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on February 19, 2009, 09:53:01 AM
Yes. Jean Luis Naudin has worked on this:

Thank you for the information.

We made use of the electromagnetic coil as
(1) Magnet
(2) Collision device
(3) Electrical energy generator

The unbalanced force generated could be very large - a 50 gm magnet getting a 100 gm tube to jump 20 mm is not a problem.

We also believe that the circular motion technique can provide a large unbalanced force.

We do not use the same terms nor explanations as Naudin.  We do appreciate his work (and others).

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: allcanadian on February 19, 2009, 03:30:16 PM
QuoteWell, what bugs me is when in society we teach little children to always tell the truth and be man enough to admit their errors when they clearly know they are in the wrong and here we see a supposedly 60 something old adult, supposedly been to college, educated and have no conscience of telling the truth!
He keeps on digging a bigger hole and can't even admit perhaps he is wrong! Sad but true.That's why we will forever have snake oil salesmen....

We will also forever have bigots who cannot concieve anyone having an opinion other than their own. I would be careful what you proclaim as the truth because history has shown many peoples "truth's" to be nothing more than the flavor of the day.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 19, 2009, 03:41:37 PM
Quote from: allcanadian on February 19, 2009, 03:30:16 PM
We will also forever have bigots who cannot concieve anyone having an opinion other than their own. I would be careful what you proclaim as the truth because history has shown many peoples "truth's" to be nothing more than the flavor of the day.

Well. you're certainly entitled to your opinion. And of course, you can also support old Tseung if you choose to. The people on this thread that vehemently disagree with him, disagrees for a good reason. No one starts a fight without a good reason.
If you will only follow some of these pages from the inception, you will know why I chose to save others from falling into the snake oil salesman's trap. Some people may be losing their investments through these self-proclaimed nonsense!

Really nothing personal.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: allcanadian on February 19, 2009, 04:42:03 PM
QuoteWell. you're certainly entitled to your opinion. And of course, you can also support old Tseung if you choose to. The people on this thread that vehemently disagree with him, disagrees for a good reason. No one starts a fight without a good reason.
If you will only follow some of these pages from the inception, you will know why I chose to save others from falling into the snake oil salesman's trap. Some people may be losing their investments through these self-proclaimed nonsense!
I wasn't aware he was asking for money, while some of his posts are quite interesting I cannot say I would ever give him money nor anyone else, LOL. Hopefully one day we will see proven technology in this forum and that will be a very good day for everyone.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 19, 2009, 05:04:16 PM
Quote from: allcanadian on February 19, 2009, 04:42:03 PM
@chrisCI wasn't aware he was asking for money, while some of his posts are quite interesting I cannot say I would ever give him money nor anyone else, LOL. Hopefully one day we will see proven technology in this forum and that will be a very good day for everyone.


All is well. No offense taken. Only time will tell when this comedy show will end. I don't think anyone here takes Lawrence seriously. It's hard to know whether he really believes completely in his own delusion or simply cannot accept he doesn't know enough? When something is wrong at the beginning of a postulate, it will never be right no matter how circular the argument goes! That's why almost everyone on this thread thinks he is sincere but sincerely WRONG!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on February 20, 2009, 10:21:05 AM

I did not want to say anything yet, but I am having a tremendous success!!!!!!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 20, 2009, 02:25:42 PM
The equipment at the home of Ms. Forever Yuen.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 20, 2009, 02:29:05 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 20, 2009, 02:25:42 PM
The equipment at the home of Ms. Forever Yuen.

I am so impressed! What does that do? Pops up every few hours to remind you to take your medication?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 20, 2009, 06:47:55 PM
Quote from: nievesoliveras on February 20, 2009, 10:21:05 AM

I did not want to say anything yet, but I am having a tremendous success!!!!!!


Congratulations.  Keep doing the excellent work.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on February 20, 2009, 06:52:11 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 20, 2009, 06:47:55 PM
Congratulations.  Keep doing the excellent work.

Thank you sir!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 21, 2009, 02:01:35 AM
Starcross42 posted the excellent youtube video:

He has good explanations and demonstrations with his lego perpetual motion wheel.  He used transformer coils with transistors.  One Coil gets electricity from the magnet on the spinning wheel and activates the transistor to pass electricity to the other Coil â€" making it an electromagnet to push the magnet and thus the wheel away in the spinning direction.

He used two or three of these driving mechanisms to overcome friction of his wheel and thus achieve perpetual motion.  In reality, he could have used more of these driving mechanisms and have a Collector Coil to get electricity to light up some LEDs. He could have demonstrated overunity.

We use pulsed DC current to achieve the same in the likes of the Newman, Bedini, Adams or the 225 HP pulse motor.  In particular, the 225 HP pulse motor has the advantage that the pulses can be program controlled.

However, his simple device is an excellent teaching tool.  When we can draw out the electron motion energy from the surrounding atoms, we do not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  The Lee-Tseung lead-out-energy theory wins again.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 21, 2009, 01:52:11 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 21, 2009, 02:01:35 AM
Starcross42 posted the excellent youtube video:

He has good explanations and demonstrations with his lego perpetual motion wheel.  He used transformer coils with transistors.  One Coil gets electricity from the magnet on the spinning wheel and activates the transistor to pass electricity to the other Coil â€" making it an electromagnet to push the magnet and thus the wheel away in the spinning direction.

He used two or three of these driving mechanisms to overcome friction of his wheel and thus achieve perpetual motion.  In reality, he could have used more of these driving mechanisms and have a Collector Coil to get electricity to light up some LEDs. He could have demonstrated overunity.


Wow! Now this guy is using the Lee-Tseung principles to generate Overunity?
Well, if O.U knowledge were so simple, we'll all be thinking like you Lawrence and be continually deluded.

But I am glad you've learned something about coils and collectors and maybe understand what a transistor does. It's a big step forward from knowing about air pumps. Maybe now you can pass the 'O' level Physics exam?
Let's see you demo. a Lego perpetual motion machine using the Lee-Tseung mumbo jumbo principles that the Patent Office refuse to accept on the same grounds.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: lltfdaniel1 on February 21, 2009, 03:42:03 PM
Overunity is simple, soo simple a confused mind will never understand, you just need building blocks of knowledge and be open minded.

It is nice to see a lego motor running on it's own for over 20 minutes and not stopping and i am sure it will power 1 led and keep working.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on February 21, 2009, 04:56:25 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 21, 2009, 02:01:35 AM
Starcross42 posted the excellent youtube video:

He has good explanations and demonstrations with his lego perpetual motion wheel.  He used transformer coils with transistors.  One Coil gets electricity from the magnet on the spinning wheel and activates the transistor to pass electricity to the other Coil â€" making it an electromagnet to push the magnet and thus the wheel away in the spinning direction.

He used two or three of these driving mechanisms to overcome friction of his wheel and thus achieve perpetual motion.  In reality, he could have used more of these driving mechanisms and have a Collector Coil to get electricity to light up some LEDs. He could have demonstrated overunity.

We use pulsed DC current to achieve the same in the likes of the Newman, Bedini, Adams or the 225 HP pulse motor.  In particular, the 225 HP pulse motor has the advantage that the pulses can be program controlled.

However, his simple device is an excellent teaching tool.  When we can draw out the electron motion energy from the surrounding atoms, we do not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  The Lee-Tseung lead-out-energy theory wins again.

That video of perpetual motion is great!!!
My question is:
Do you have the schematic for the coil connections?
If so. Would you share it?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 21, 2009, 05:57:08 PM
Quote from: nievesoliveras on February 21, 2009, 04:56:25 PM
That video of perpetual motion is great!!!
My question is:
Do you have the schematic for the coil connections?
If so. Would you share it?


I think you're too much into Tseung's thread. You really think he knows this stuff?
It'll be like asking to borrow a comb from a bald headed Franciscan monk!

For a better explanation, you can see Harti's writeup


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on February 21, 2009, 06:32:40 PM
Quote from: chrisC on February 21, 2009, 05:57:08 PM
I think you're too much into Tseung's thread. You really think he knows this stuff?
It'll be like asking to borrow a comb from a bald headed Franciscan monk!

For a better explanation, you can see Harti's writeup



Thank you @chrisc !

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 21, 2009, 08:35:10 PM

I think I now have a very good idea, how it can work.

Have a look at the following picture.

I borrowed a picture from JL. Naudin´s coil research and modified it.

Dr. Altmann uses pretty big diameter sized permanent magnets.

So if he has 2 coils on the spool, one with a very large turn number coil
with fine wire size and
one very low turn coil with bigger wire diameter,it is a perfect solution.

Now see the induction voltage from the picture when we use a graetz
bridge rectifier on the large turn coil.
This will generate quite a nice induction voltage into a cap after the graetz bridge.

So an incoming rotating magnet can charge up a 100 nF cap behind the graetz bridge probably to
around a few Volts already.
Now comes the tricky part.
To get a good repelling pulse, we have to use the whole cap energy
and have to discharge it in a short amount of time into the second
low turn coil which will be wired in repelling mode.
This can be done by a voltage comparator circuit, in the simplest form
of a zenerdiode to fire the transistor or FET to discharge the cap energy storage
into the low turn number second coil.
As this second coil has a low ohmical resistance the current buildup
is really quick and thus there willbe flowing probably at least an amp
in a few milliseconds for a short period of time, which will
generate a pretty strong repelling magnet field...

So all in all this circuit might work pretty well and it is not so mysterious as
it looks.
It just depends of the 2 coils, what the high turn number coil can generate for an induction voltage
into the cap and then how this stored energy can best be used to repell the passing magnet.
As the magnet is pretty wide in diameter, it is still in the transit, when the cap is already charged after
the pulses from the scopeshot, so coil 2 can still repell it with some force.

So maybe if we make the magnet still wider or use 2 magnets side by side,
the repelling force will be much better, as there will be still enough magnet surface there after
the voltage spikes,so all depends on the setup of the magnets and the coils to each other.
It could also be beneficail to have the 2 coils not on the same spool but to have them side by
side, so the first high turn coil can charge up the cap and then the second low turn
coil can fire the repelling pulse, when it is exactly top dead center over it.

The trick is really to use 2 different turn number coils, as there is the induction voltage
difference of a high turn coil versus a low turn coil, which is okay to charge up the cap.

Regards, Stefan.

Dear Stefan,

Excellent job.

Two teams from our side of the World (Hong Kong and China) will take up the experimental testing.  They are also experimenting with the pulse DC circuits with program control.

The theory is similar.  When a magnet is attracted to a stationary coil, it will increase in velocity.  If the coil suddenly lost it magnetism when the magnet is at the highest velocity, the magnet will not be attracted back.  If the coil suddenly changes polarity, the repulsion will further push the magnet away.

One obvious technique is the use of Pulse Current which has beed successfully demonstrated in the Newman, Bedini, Adams and the 225 HP Pulse Motor.

This Dr. Altmann technique of using two coils and a transistor to do the equivalent is a great teaching tool.  It may not lead-out as much energy as the Pulse Current technique but it helps in the understanding.

Please continue your brilliant work.  We have learned much from you et al.  The World benefits because of your tireless efforts.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 21, 2009, 09:43:02 PM
Geeze, now Stefan's work is also a result of the Lead Out theory?  I'll bet that is news to him.  Lawrence, again, with all due respect, I think you are going a little too far here.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 21, 2009, 11:29:45 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 21, 2009, 09:43:02 PM
Geeze, now Stefan's work is also a result of the Lead Out theory?  I'll bet that is news to him.  Lawrence, again, with all due respect, I think you are going a little too far here.


As usual old Tseung has shown himself too quick to take the credit for how marvelous this Lee-Tseung mumbo jumbo theory is to the world and every O.U device must have his crap theory embedded behind it. And now he proposes not one but TWO teams to confirm this OU design.

But lo and behold, Mr. Starcross finally told us a couple of hours on YouTube this Lego machine was just a trick. Haha! What a dork Mr. Tseung suddenly looks like now! You really are very silly!


Lawrence, you definitely need to learn 'O' level Physics and take your medication!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 22, 2009, 12:04:42 AM
@ Chris:

Yes, I believe the word "Hoax" is appropriate here.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 22, 2009, 12:20:29 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 22, 2009, 12:04:42 AM
@ Chris:

Yes, I believe the word "Hoax" is appropriate here.


@ Bill

Is there something called "delusional hoax" ? I think it's politically more correct. After all, Lawrence IS a scientist, isn't he? Oh, maybe a toy scientist is more appropriate come to think of it.

Those "pulses" could be supplied from a battery and then of course, his Lee-Tseung theory suddenly becomes very REAL! All he needs is a battery and perhaps some coils, a transistor and a 555 timer to produce those magic pulses! Heck, he can build that Lego system too. Do drills required and he doesn't need to look like some old fool wasting his time on this Forum.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 22, 2009, 12:22:22 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 22, 2009, 12:04:42 AM
@ Chris:

Yes, I believe the word "Hoax" is appropriate here.

deleted. double post.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 22, 2009, 04:58:14 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 21, 2009, 08:35:10 PM

Dear Stefan,

Excellent job.

Two teams from our side of the World (Hong Kong and China) will take up the experimental testing.  They are also experimenting with the pulse DC circuits with program control.

The theory is similar.  When a magnet is attracted to a stationary coil, it will increase in velocity.  If the coil suddenly lost it magnetism when the magnet is at the highest velocity, the magnet will not be attracted back.  If the coil suddenly changes polarity, the repulsion will further push the magnet away.

One obvious technique is the use of Pulse Current which has beed successfully demonstrated in the Newman, Bedini, Adams and the 225 HP Pulse Motor.

This Dr. Altmann technique of using two coils and a transistor to do the equivalent is a great teaching tool.  It may not lead-out as much energy as the Pulse Current technique but it helps in the understanding.

Please continue your brilliant work.  We have learned much from you et al.  The World benefits because of your tireless efforts.

Looks like the teams can focus on the Pulse Motor designs.  "Dr. Altmann" did not realize that he could actually lead-out electron motion energy (in this case magnetic).  He assumed that the long rotational time was due to the electricity from the capacitor.

He thought that he fooled the World.  In reality, he also fooled himself.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 22, 2009, 09:41:59 AM
Quote from: chrisC on February 21, 2009, 11:29:45 PM
And now he proposes not one but TWO teams to confirm this OU design...Haha! What a dork Mr. Tseung suddenly looks
like now! You really are very silly!
I would rather be tasked to teach a donkey to play chess than to explain to chrisC any physics phenomenon, let alone
anything to do with Lead Out, Lee & Yang, or quantum foam.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 22, 2009, 11:44:01 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 22, 2009, 04:58:14 AM
He thought that he fooled the World.  In reality, he also fooled himself.

Um, the pot calling the kettle black?
ps: Think harder Lawrence, you look at the mirror and saw another face? Was it Top Gun too? Devil?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 22, 2009, 11:48:48 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on February 22, 2009, 09:41:59 AM
I would rather be tasked to teach a donkey to play chess than to explain to chrisC any physics phenomenon, let alone
anything to do with Lead Out, Lee & Yang, or quantum foam.


Don't take it too seriously. After all, if you've even read one tenth of this threas, you'll know it's a comedy show by Lawrence Tseung. Well, if you can teach a donkey to play chess, you have indeed discovered the genius of Lawrence Tseung or is it the other way?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on February 24, 2009, 03:20:52 AM
Devil: “Tseung, you now have demonstrated in Shenzhen, China.   There is absolute confirmation at multiple sites that an unbalanced force can be produced from within a closed system.  You can have a full demonstration set.  That can replace the Wang generator as the device to promote your book.”

Tseung: “Good idea.  Should I get others involved and let them shine?”

Devil: “Do not give excuses for yourself to become lazy.  There is no one in this World more qualified than you to update the Book.  You have all the equipment in your dining room to do a proper demonstration.”

Tseung: “I shall start updating the Book and polishing the experiments.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 24, 2009, 02:06:27 PM
The description of the experiments on proof-of-concept that an unbalanced force can be produced from a closed system is now available in:

MD5: 470AE036DB8590B6692BE7B3C92C9DF8

Four sites can now replicate the experiments. Over 20 individuals or groups have seen or performed the experiments.

The information is free for the World to learn and replicate.

With the electromagnetic coil acting as magnet, collision device and electricity collector, a device that can produce unbalanced force in outer space without ejecting anything is now possible.   
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 24, 2009, 02:24:21 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 24, 2009, 02:06:27 PM

With the electromagnetic coil acting as magnet, collision device and electricity collector, a device that can produce unbalanced force in outer space without ejecting anything is now possible.   

Unfortunately, it doesn't work! Countless people have told you so but you still insist you've discovered this Lee-Tseung Hot Gas Theory!

I'm beginning to think the only hot gas is coming out of your posterior or you're really delusional beyond help!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 24, 2009, 05:09:38 PM
Quote from: chrisC on February 24, 2009, 02:24:21 PM
Unfortunately, it doesn't work! Countless people have told you so but you still insist you've discovered this Lee-Tseung Hot Gas Theory!

I'm beginning to think the only hot gas is coming out of your posterior or you're really delusional beyond help!

What purpose does this post serve?

You are merely increasing Stefan's bandwidth problems.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 24, 2009, 05:22:04 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on February 24, 2009, 05:09:38 PM
What purpose does this post serve?

You are merely increasing Stefan's bandwidth problems.


Is that so? You just added a few hundred bytes of data!
So, what was your purpose?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 24, 2009, 05:24:19 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on February 24, 2009, 05:09:38 PM
What purpose does this post serve?

You are merely increasing Stefan's bandwidth problems.

And your post here does what exactly?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 25, 2009, 06:00:22 AM
Following the success of the Flying Saucer Proof-of-Concept experiments, the experimenter got ambitious.  They would like to build the Pulse Motor according to the Lee-Tseung theory.

In the diagram, the Electromagnetic Coil E will attract the permanent magnets F and drive them and thus the cylinder in the clockwise direction.  The trick is the use of the two detectors C and D.  When C detects the passing of the magnet to position A, current is passed to Electromagnet E.  Magnetic Attraction will accelerate the permanent magnet causing a rotation in the Clockwise direction.  When D detects the passing of the magnet to position B, current is switched off.  Thus the rotation will not be retarded due to the attracting back of the magnet.

This is the theoretical proof-of-concept of the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out theory.  The pulsing would lead-out electron motion energy.  The amount of energy lead-out is more than 50% of the energy supplied.  The amount of energy lead-out will be a function of the pulsing strength, the rotational speed and the number of magnets on the cylinder.

I wish the experimenters every success in their hard work.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on February 25, 2009, 08:34:59 AM

I understand the principle shown. and I think that the repulsion method is simpler. Beacuse it only uses one detector to trigger the electromagnet to repulse the magnets and it shuts itself off after the magnet is not in front of it.

I do respect your idea though.

It is just an opinion of mine. I think that we experimenters, must look for the simplest way to accomplish the task and with the fewer parts as possible. On the long run it will be easier to maintain it working well, if it has just a few parts that could be replaced easily if they get damaged by continuous use.

Remember, I could be wrong though.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 25, 2009, 08:59:23 AM
Quote from: nievesoliveras on February 25, 2009, 08:34:59 AM

I understand the principle shown. and I think that the repulsion method is simpler. Beacuse it only uses one detector to trigger the electromagnet to repulse the magnets and it shuts itself off after the magnet is not in front of it.

I do respect your idea though.

It is just an opinion of mine. I think that we experimenters, must look for the simplest way to accomplish the task and with the fewer parts as possible. On the long run it will be easier to maintain it working well, if it has just a few parts that could be replaced easily if they get damaged by continuous use.

Remember, I could be wrong though.


I know that repulsion also works.  However, theoretically, once repulsion starts, the distance between the Coil and Magnet will increase.  The repulsion force will get weaker.

The experiments we have done so far indicated that the device could jump higher with attraction.  Thus the experimenters are exploring attraction.  It is possible that after some tests, they may fall back to repulsion.

In the innovative world, I encourage inventors to explore and test the unknown.  I thought of using one coil and two magnets initially.  But Mr. Tong Po Chi explored the case of two coils and one magnet.  The result was much better.

The experience will be shared.  The World will benefit together.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 25, 2009, 09:21:51 AM
The much smaller size battery in the Shenzhen demo.

The focus from Mr. Tong Po Chi and Dr. Raymond TIng will be on variations of the Pulse Motor.

Ms. Forever Yuen and her student friends will polish the existing experiments after their university entrance examinations in April.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 25, 2009, 10:52:34 AM
Quote from: chrisC on February 24, 2009, 05:22:04 PM

Is that so? You just added a few hundred bytes of data!
So, what was your purpose?

To the two of you:
If you are not interested in this thread, clear off and find one that
you believe in. It is just that simple.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on February 25, 2009, 02:12:14 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 25, 2009, 08:59:23 AM
I know that repulsion also works.  However, theoretically, once repulsion starts, the distance between the Coil and Magnet will increase.  The repulsion force will get weaker.

The experiments we have done so far indicated that the device could jump higher with attraction.  Thus the experimenters are exploring attraction.  It is possible that after some tests, they may fall back to repulsion.

In the innovative world, I encourage inventors to explore and test the unknown.  I thought of using one coil and two magnets initially.  But Mr. Tong Po Chi explored the case of two coils and one magnet.  The result was much better.

The experience will be shared.  The World will benefit together.

Thank you @tseung !

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 25, 2009, 06:08:55 PM
Quote from: nievesoliveras on February 25, 2009, 02:12:14 PM
Thank you @tseung !


Here is the repulsion technique diagram.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 25, 2009, 06:22:11 PM
Whooopydoodleshit  !   Lawrence has invented the electric motor !

Ammmaaaaaaazzzzzzziiiinnngggggggg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 25, 2009, 06:39:50 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 25, 2009, 06:22:11 PM
Whooopydoodleshit  !   Lawrence has invented the electric motor !

Ammmaaaaaaazzzzzzziiiinnngggggggg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hans von Lieven

I think his 'O' level Physics is improving. Now he knows about North and South poles, magnetic attraction, repulsion and rotation too!
Good job Lawrence! Forever will soon know more about Physics than you do. She's taking her 'A' level Physics whilst you're still stuck at 'O'?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on February 25, 2009, 06:44:30 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 25, 2009, 06:08:55 PM
Here is the repulsion technique diagram.

That is correct!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 25, 2009, 09:10:47 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 25, 2009, 06:22:11 PM
 Lawrence has invented the electric motor !

Hans von Lieven

True, Tseung et al have invented the Electric Motor.

Their motor is different from the traditional ones in that
(1)   It does not require a brush. 
(2)   It uses lead-out-energy and thus does not need any fossil fuel.

Let me talk more about the sensor in this post.  The sensor can be:
(1)   A laser or electric eye type arrangement to detect the position of the magnets.
(2)   An Electricity Collector type arrangement that uses the induced electricity to trigger the supply of pulse DC current to the coils.
(3)   A transistor type device at the electromagnetic coils B1 to sense the position of the magnet
(4)   Other type of devices such as mechanical contact etc.

I personally favor (2) as the Tseung et al Pulse Motor must have mechanism to harvest the lead-out energy.  One technique is via the rotating axle in the center.  Another technique is via the Collector Coils.

If we examine the 225 hp pulse motor, we can find the following:
(1)   It can have 8 Coils in one outer stationary ring (and corresponding 8 magnets in the inner rotating ring).
(2)   These Coils can be programmed to be Drive Coils, Collector Coils or Neutral.
(3)   The program can detect the external load and adjust the Drive Current and/or number of Drive Coils.

But as a start, the proposed experimental diagram is worth trying.  The lead-out-energy theory predicts that more than 50% electron motion energy can be lead-out.  If the efficiency of the device is high enough, we should see a working, lead-out-energy device that can light up a few LEDs or bulbs and run forever.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 25, 2009, 09:36:09 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 25, 2009, 09:10:47 PM
.... we should see a working, lead-out-energy device that can light up a few LEDs or bulbs and run forever.

Did you remember the last Olympics was in 2008? I guess you're talking about the 2012 Olympics where we can experience some blinking LED's lighted by the Lee-Tseung hot gases generated not by fossil fuel?

Then what about the flying saucers that was supposed to be on the White House lawn? We're still waiting. Did you mean the next elections? That would be 2012 too.

Keep up the nice diagrams. At this rate, you might be good enough to drawn cartoons rivaling Han's creative ability?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on February 25, 2009, 10:05:27 PM
I give you the Wong motor.  225 horsepower lead out from gravity.  Lawrence posted this 2 years ago on youtube.  I am sure we all have at least one of these now. I, myself, am still looking for one.


This is not to be confused with the Wang generator, the Pong, device, the Ting device nor the legendary pissmobile.

@ Lawrence:

Here is a song dedicated to Forever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_DWbrxwmhY

It was done by the Beach Boys and I thought she might like it.  (Title: Forever)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 26, 2009, 12:09:48 AM
Let me consider the Pulse Motor Proof-of-Concept Experiments.

The first experiment is to determine the best technique for the Pulsing.  The two possibilities exist:
(1)   via magnetic attraction
(2)   via magnetic repulsion

The Lee-Tseung Lead-out-energy predicts that the electron motion energy lead out can be more than 50% of the supplied energy.  The first experiment is not designed to verify that.

The pictorial explanation is that in repulsion, when the moving magnet moves to the position of the coil, the current to the coil would be started.  Magnetic repulsion starts and the rotation of the wheel will speed up.  The current to the Coil will be cut after an appropriate time.  The cycle will repeat with the next Magnet.

The attraction technique is more complex but the basic principle is similar.

Multiple coils can be used simultaneously.  There may be surprises.  The Tseung technique is to share the experience with the World.  The World will benefit together.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 26, 2009, 01:31:37 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 25, 2009, 09:10:47 PM
True, Tseung et al have invented the Electric Motor.

Their motor is different from the traditional ones in that
(1)   It does not require a brush. 
(2)   It uses lead-out-energy and thus does not need any fossil fuel.

But as a start, the proposed experimental diagram is worth trying.  The lead-out-energy theory predicts that more than 50% electron motion energy can be lead-out.  If the efficiency of the device is high enough, we should see a working, lead-out-energy device that can light up a few LEDs or bulbs and run forever.

Are you some kind of a nut or what?

First of all it matters little if the pulsed energy supplied to the coils goes via a brush, a 555 timer circuit or anything else for that matter.

As to 2, are you seriously telling us that the electricity that the coils need is supplied from nowhere?

Get a life! Stop talking shit!

If that were true any electric motor invented to date would run itself. They don't.

Hans von Lieven

BTW. You might have a point that it does not need fossil fuel, it needs electricity. What happens when the battery goes dead?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on February 26, 2009, 02:36:57 AM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 26, 2009, 03:46:07 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 26, 2009, 01:31:37 AM

Are you some kind of a nut or what?


Nut? He's so far beyond that. No harvesting can save him now!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 26, 2009, 07:16:37 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on February 26, 2009, 01:31:37 AM

Are you seriously telling us that the electricity that the coils need is supplied from nowhere?
Hans, four simple questions.
1. Have you heard of the Nobel Physics Prize winners for 1957, Messrs Lee and Yang?
2. If so, please explain their relevance to us on overunity.com
3. Have you heard of Hal Puhoff's fabled saying about enrgy and its availability?
4. If so, please explain their relevance to us on overunity.com
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 26, 2009, 02:15:41 PM
Stop with this crap Paul, it's irrelevant.

Fact is that under the conditions outlined by top Gun or whatever else he calls himself NO surplus energy has ever been demonstrated or observed!

That is all that matters. Fancy theories or postulates mean nothing until they are demonstrated to be true.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 26, 2009, 02:22:33 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on February 26, 2009, 07:16:37 AM
Hans, four simple questions.
1. Have you heard of the Nobel Physics Prize winners for 1957, Messrs Lee and Yang?
2. If so, please explain their relevance to us on overunity.com
3. Have you heard of Hal Puhoff's fabled saying about enrgy and its availability?
4. If so, please explain their relevance to us on overunity.com

Looks like your mind is going the same direction as the Lee-Tseung Hot Air Theory. No wonder you bothe think alike. No more questions. Thank you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 26, 2009, 07:44:48 PM
I shall present my version of the programming for the Lead-Out-Energy Pulse Motor here:

Starting Phrase:
1.   Set all Coils to Drive Coil Mode
2.   Start the clockwise rotation (by hand if necessary)
3.   If the magnets are just below the coil positions, turn on current to provide magnetic propulsion.  The wheel should rotate faster.
4.   If the speed is not fast enough, loop back to 3.
Operational Phrase:
5.   Else set one Drive Coil to Collector Coil Mode and use the electricity.
6.   If the speed is still fast enough, repeat 5 with one more Coil to Collector Coil mode.
7.   If the resulting voltage from the Collector Coils is large enough, recharge the batteries.
8.   If the speed is too fast (too little external load), set one Drive Coil to Neutral until the speed is at the desired (or designed) level.
9.   If the speed is too slow (too much external load), set a Neutral Coil to Drive Coil Mode.
10.   If there were no more Neutral Coils, flash warning light to warn user that the capability of the device has been reached.  Turn on the protective circuit to limit the electricity drawn out.
Closing Phrase:
11.   Is the Closing Switch on? If not, continue Operational mode.
12.   If yes, check if the batteries are fully charged.  If not, cut electricity supply to outside and continue charging.
13.   Turn device off

The above logic may not be perfect.  But it is a good starting point for scientific discussions.  One hidden assumption is that there is lead-out-energy.  The higher the rotational speed, the higher the lead-out-energy.  Another hidden assumption is that the efficiency of the device is such that the lead-out-energy is large enough to overcome internal losses.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 26, 2009, 08:04:22 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 26, 2009, 07:44:48 PM
  One hidden assumption is that there is lead-out-energy.  Another hidden assumption is that the efficiency of the device is such that the lead-out-energy is large enough to overcome internal losses.

It's the same assumption your friend Paul_R made about donkeys being able to play chess.
Well, some 'scientist' do believe that. We've seen 400 pages of testimony so far.
Need we go any further?


ps: sorry Stephan, you're paying for more bytes in exchange for our need for comedy on the Overunity Forum.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on February 26, 2009, 08:06:20 PM
@ Top Dork

You say: The above logic may not be perfect.  But it is a good starting point  for scientific discussions.  One hidden assumption is that there is lead-out-energy.  The higher the rotational speed, the higher the lead-out-energy.  Another hidden assumption is that the efficiency of the device is such that the lead-out-energy is large enough to overcome internal losses.

Instead of hidden assumption put idiotic assumption and you will have it right

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on February 26, 2009, 09:43:51 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 26, 2009, 07:44:48 PM
I shall present my version of the programming for the Lead-Out-Energy Pulse Motor here:

Starting Phrase:
1.   Set all Coils to Drive Coil Mode
2.   Start the clockwise rotation (by hand if necessary)
3.   If the magnets are just below the coil positions, turn on current to provide magnetic propulsion.  The wheel should rotate faster.
4.   If the speed is not fast enough, loop back to 3.
Operational Phrase:
5.   Else set one Drive Coil to Collector Coil Mode and use the electricity.
6.   If the speed is still fast enough, repeat 5 with one more Coil to Collector Coil mode.
7.   If the resulting voltage from the Collector Coils is large enough, recharge the batteries.
8.   If the speed is too fast (too little external load), set one Drive Coil to Neutral until the speed is at the desired (or designed) level.
9.   If the speed is too slow (too much external load), set a Neutral Coil to Drive Coil Mode.
10.   If there were no more Neutral Coils, flash warning light to warn user that the capability of the device has been reached.  Turn on the protective circuit to limit the electricity drawn out.
Closing Phrase:
11.   Is the Closing Switch on? If not, continue Operational mode.
12.   If yes, check if the batteries are fully charged.  If not, cut electricity supply to outside and continue charging.
13.   Turn device off

The above logic may not be perfect.  But it is a good starting point for scientific discussions.  One hidden assumption is that there is lead-out-energy.  The higher the rotational speed, the higher the lead-out-energy.  Another hidden assumption is that the efficiency of the device is such that the lead-out-energy is large enough to overcome internal losses.

Dear Top Gun,

If the energy were drawn out from the central axle, would there be change in your program?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 26, 2009, 09:50:16 PM
Quote from: critic on February 26, 2009, 09:43:51 PM
Dear Top Gun,

If the energy were drawn out from the central axle, would there be change in your program?

Dear Critic:

Have you seen the movie Mrs Doubtfire? Are you Robbin Williams or are you that Fat woman?
Somehow, I think Tseung is Robbin Williams, except that we are laughing at his unfunny scientific assumptions. You seemed very clumsy, not being able to hide your identity very well and therefore I think you're that Fat woman in the movie. Right?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 26, 2009, 10:32:13 PM
Quote from: critic on February 26, 2009, 09:43:51 PM
Dear Top Gun,

If the energy were drawn out from the central axle, would there be change in your program?

If energy were drawn out from the central axle, the rotational speed is expected to decrease, the program should detect that and adjust accordingly.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: critic on February 26, 2009, 10:55:31 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on February 26, 2009, 10:32:13 PM
If energy were drawn out from the central axle, the rotational speed is expected to decrease, the program should detect that and adjust accordingly.

Does the size and weight of the wheel make much difference to the design of the Lee-Tseung Pulse Motor?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 26, 2009, 11:31:57 PM
Quote from: critic on February 26, 2009, 10:55:31 PM
Does the size and weight of the wheel make much difference to the design of the Lee-Tseung Pulse Motor?

With a larger size wheel, we can physically put on more magnets and coils.

With a larger and heavier wheel, we have the flywheel effect.

The 225 HP pulse motor has a diameter of around 70 cm.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on February 27, 2009, 07:29:00 PM
Tseung, Top Gun and Critic,

You have lost the purpose of your work.  Your purpose is to benefit the world.  You are not to gain personal wealth or fame.

With Mr. Tong Po Chi and Dr. Raymond Ting, you are lucky to conclusively demonstrate that an unbalanced force can be generated from a closed system.  The reliance is on the secondary events that have unequal exchanges of energy and momentum.  The experiments have been triply replicated and you have multiple sets that can be shown to the top universities.  The videos are available for all to view.

This unbalanced force experiments already proved beyond doubt that a spacecraft can travel without the need to eject any hot gases.  It also pointed to the possibility of reducing the weight of any object on earth with passing of current on specially designed mechanisms. 

To benefit the World, you should pass the knowledge to those with more resources than yourselves. 

You seem to focus your energies on the building of a working lead-out-energy machine.  You are hoping for another miracle â€" achieve the impossible once more with your scanty resources.  Newman, Bedini, Adams, the 225 HP Pulse Motor, Wang, Chao, Liang etc. devoted years of their lives and have working prototypes.  They have not got the recognition and support necessary to develop these prototypes into products.  It is not their fault.  Man-made flying saucers have been sighted in multiple Countries.  There is deliberate Government effort to suppress such inventions as such inventions threaten the balance of power too much.

Focus your energy on updating the book and sending the flying saucer proof-of-concepts experiments as gifts to the Presidents of China and USA.  The same will be shown freely to the World.  The battery, coils and magnets cost less than US$100 and can be afforded by almost all secondary schools and universities.  Develop a commercially available educational product if you et al want some income.  Include your updated book as part of the educational product.  The world will benefit much better and faster than your continued burying yourselves in the experiments.

Do not worry about the insults and jeers.  Let them recite the following 666 times.

(1) The Lead-out-energy from a horizontally pulled pendulum is equal to the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement.
(2) An unbalanced force can be generated from a closed system.  Secondary events using unequal exchanges of energy and momentum are used.
(3) The electromagnetic Coil can be a magnet, a collision mechanism and an electricity exchange mechanism.

If they do not recite them on Earth, they can recite them in my home after death.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 27, 2009, 07:35:20 PM
Quote from: Devil on February 27, 2009, 07:29:00 PM
Tseung, Top Gun and Critic,
Your purpose is to benefit the world

No wonder donkeys can play chess in your mind! Since when does the 'Devil' in any culture and religion teaches us common folks to 'benefit the world'.

You are so laughable. Even a simple fact like this is another delusion for you. Think smarter Mr. Tseung..

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 01, 2009, 07:56:11 PM
Ms. Forever Yuen has put the powerpoint file on the proof-of-concept experiments in

Mr. Tong Po Chi and I presented the experiments to a guest lecturer of Hong Kong University, Dr. Wong, yesterdasy.

Tong: " We can provide propulsion force to a spacecraft in outer space without ejecting any hot gases."

Lecturer: "You mean that you have beaten USA, Russia and China in their trillion dollar space programs?"

Tseung: "What you are about to see are the proof-of-concept experiments.  They show a different technique compared with the known rocket technology."

Tong then presented the experiments outlined above.

Lecturer: "The experiments are very conclusive.  I can generate unbalanced force from a closed system.  The use of the coil as magnet, as collison device and as electricity collector is brilliant.  They have never been presented in this fashion.  Do you mind if I share this with my colleagues?"

Tseung: "Please do."

Tong: " Do you want me to produce a set for you?"

Lecturer: "I already have the powerpoint files and the videos.  My research students will be delighted to reproduced them.  It is good training for them."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 01, 2009, 08:01:36 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 01, 2009, 07:56:11 PM
Ms. Forever Yuen has put the powerpoint file on the proof-of-concept experiments in

Mr. Tong Po Chi and I presented the experiments to a guest lecturer of Hong Kong University, Dr. Wong, yesterdasy.

Tong: " We can provide propulsion force to a spacecraft in outer space without ejecting any hot gases."

Lecturer: "You mean that you have beaten USA, Russia and China in their trillion dollar space programs?"

Tseung: "What you are about to see are the proof-of-concept experiments.  They show a different technique compared with the known rocket technology."

Tong then presented the experiments outlined above.

Lecturer: "The experiments are very conclusive.  I can generate unbalanced force from a closed system.  The use of the coil as magnet, as collison device and as electricity collector is brilliant.  They have never been presented in this fashion.  Do you mind if I share this with my colleagues?"

Tseung: "Please do."

Tong: " Do you want me to produce a set for you?"

Lecturer: "I already have the powerpoint files and the videos.  My research students will be delighted to reproduced them.  It is good training for them."

That's awesome! Can you tell us which comic book store can we go buy to watch these Ting-Tong_Lee-Tseung Wang Forever engaged in a circular argument of great scientific discoveries no body ever knew?

In my neighborhood I can only find 'X=men', 'Dennis the Menace', 'Captain America', 'Iron Man' comic books. Which planet are you on old Tseung? Your civilization must be much more advance than ours! On planet earth we can only be ourselves. It seemed on your highly intelligent planet you are able to assume multiple personalities without confusing yourself. You must be some kind of moronic spirit?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on March 04, 2009, 04:31:51 AM
As a brief summary to the Chinese and USA Officials, the lead-out theory presentation brings out the following points:

(1)   We can lead out existing energy â€" in particular gravitational energy and electron motion energy.  If we can use such energy, we are not violating the Law of Conservation of Energy.

(2)   We can calculate the exact amount of gravitational energy lead-out in the case of a pendulum under a horizontal pull.  That amount is equal to the vertical component of the tension of the pendulum string times the vertical displacement.  The amount of vertical gravitational energy lead-out is approximately 50% of of supplied horizontal energy.

(3)   In other words, if we feed 2 parts of horizontal energy to a pendulum system, 1 part of gravitational energy can be lead-out.  The total energy going into the pendulum is effectively 3 parts â€" 2 parts supplied and 1 part lead-out.

(4)   We can design systems to first feed in 2 parts of energy.  These 2 parts of energy will lead-out 1 part of gravitational energy.  We can then use the 3 parts of energy.  Out of these 3 parts, we can feed 2 parts back and further repeat the cycle.  These types of machines are NOT the impossible perpetual motion machines.  They are lead-out energy machines allowable by the existing Laws of Physics.

(5)   If we can lead-out gravitational energy from a pendulum, we can also lead-out magnetic energy (electron motion energy) from a magnetic pendulum under the influence of an externally supplied magnetic field.

(6)   We can apply the same principle from the oscillation motion to vibration, rotation or flux change systems.  Such systems do not violate any known Laws of Physics
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 04, 2009, 11:47:53 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on March 04, 2009, 04:31:51 AM
As a brief summary to the Chinese and USA Officials, the lead-out theory presentation brings out the following points:


Brief? Let's just keep it this way. I think between the 4 of you, i.e Tseung, Devil, Top Dork and Critic you must have recited these 666 times or more?

Is anybody else convinced? I didn't see any hands. Did you?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on March 05, 2009, 06:59:18 AM
Quote from: chrisC on March 04, 2009, 11:47:53 AM
Brief? Let's just keep it this way. I think between the 4 of you, i.e Tseung, Devil, Top Dork and Critic you must have recited these 666 times or more?

Is anybody else convinced? I didn't see any hands. Did you?


You remind me of a 12 year old who, unable to understand the adults' conversation, has to resort
to farting to attract attention to himself.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 05, 2009, 03:25:46 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on March 05, 2009, 06:59:18 AM

You remind me of a 12 year old who, unable to understand the adults' conversation, has to resort
to farting to attract attention to himself.

Well, I'm sure if you can teach a donkey to play chess, you should be able to control your farting! Takes one to know one, I supposed. Maybe old Tseung can learn another trick from you? As for me, I don't eat bake beans and I'm not 12.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on March 05, 2009, 04:03:44 PM
I must have missed something here. What is this stuff about a chess playing donkey? Another manifestation of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory? What do you have to pull to lead the donkey out to play chess? Does it only work with male donkeys or can you pull the tail?

I am really curious.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 10, 2009, 11:53:31 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on March 05, 2009, 04:03:44 PM
I must have missed something here. What is this stuff about a chess playing donkey? Another manifestation of the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory? What do you have to pull to lead the donkey out to play chess? Does it only work with male donkeys or can you pull the tail?

I am really curious.

Hans von Lieven

Oh well, maybe Paul really couldn't teach a donkey to play chess after all. Otherwise it'll be all over the internet.

btw. old Tseung, where did your gang disappear to?  Did you, Top Dork, Devil, Critic etc go to a UFO convention somewhere?

Maybe that UFO (that picked up the Heaven's gate crowd) also picked you guys up? Don't forget your quarters so you can call home. And oh, it's going to be 2 quarters for each of you, you know the recession and inflation makes everything goes up.

Do come back soon. I missed my comedians.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on March 11, 2009, 03:44:34 AM
Quote from: chrisC on March 10, 2009, 11:53:31 PM

Maybe that UFO (that picked up the Heaven's gate crowd) also picked you guys up? Don't forget your quarters so you can call home. And oh, it's going to be 2 quarters for each of you, you know the recession and inflation makes everything goes up.

Not to mention the inter planetary and inter stellar surcharge.

Ground control to Major Tong?  ;D

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on March 11, 2009, 10:29:50 AM
Quote from: chrisC on March 10, 2009, 11:53:31 PM

Do come back soon. I missed my comedians.

I doubt that they will. They have left. Maybe that was your intention.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 11, 2009, 08:32:03 PM
@ Paul:

With all due respect...."They" is one person.  This has been admitted to many times on this topic.  Just thought you should know.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Ben Waballs on March 11, 2009, 10:44:17 PM
Yah Chris Geez!~

How dare you, what is all this 'logic' talk, gibber jabber? Facts? Hmmph! Reality? Hah. You know as well as all of us left, that Larry is now aboard a spaceship with MAJOR TOM HATHAWAY, and that forever sitting on stools is the most important thing. And for Gods sake, quit riling the imbeciles so larry will latch on to them, and we can watch the fun as he tries to convert them! Then, as dessert, watch as their praise and support for him crumbles under the enormous weight of his silly hats, and rantings. Oh, its delicious!! Ahem....

Away for a year, and nothing changed!:)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 12, 2009, 12:43:29 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on March 11, 2009, 10:29:50 AM
I doubt that they will. They have left. Maybe that was your intention.


The truth be known, many of us initially thought Mr. Tseung really had discovered something perhaps so many OU researchers missed. Then the more he shared, it became obvious he was really sincere but obviously sincerely WRONG!

Got to the point where so many well intended people like Bill, Hans, Kul-Ash, Koen1 and others tried so hard to reason with him, but unfortunately he started inventing his other 'supporters' to help him out.

Well, none of us meant any ill towards him and like what Bill said, we'll buy him a pinta beer if we have a chance. I hope he's coming back with something better than his less than 'O' level Physics postulates.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on March 12, 2009, 02:00:51 AM
@ Paul and everybody else,

This isn't the first time Larry and his avatars have done this. They'll be back for sure if the doctors manage to stabilise him and send him out again. I hope he is well. In spite of what you may think, I really like the guy.

On the other hand any of us who put something up here in this forum in the form of an idea, a design or a theory, subject ourselves to the scrutiny of our peers.

If we don't get it right, sooner or later some little sea urchin will tell us we are talking shit. It is all part of the game and the learning process. Personally, I love it when someone shows me that I am wrong on some point. That means to me that here is an opportunity for learning something new.

We give each other shit sometimes, but ultimately most of us are only interested in driving the frontiers of science forward. This cannot happen however if we accept any harebrained theory just because we don't want to offend anyone.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 04, 2009, 06:06:49 AM
Received the latest photograph from Mr. Wang Shenhe.  He and Prof. Zhao of Tsinghua University of China had a good meeting.  Both of them are in the team working on New Energy for China.

Our postings in http://www.absoluteastronomy.com under the Physics topic of lead-out energy got wiped out totally.

There is some truth in the suppression theory.

Let us see what will happen to the posts in this Forum.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 04, 2009, 06:50:31 AM


Dozens of similar projects have started in China and elsewhere.  The Newman. Bedini, Adams motors all work on similar lead-out theory.  They are not efficient enough to do the direct feedback and thus rely on the recharging of batteries,

The 225 HP Pulse Motor is program controlled and is much more efficient.  Thus direct feedback is possible.  The new projects in China will be more efficient than the Newmans.

If you look at the last pictures of the above video, you can see that the coils are well separated from the magnets.  The 225 HP Pulse Motor has the coils and magnets in close proximity.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on April 04, 2009, 08:49:03 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 04, 2009, 06:50:31 AM


Dozens of similar projects have started in China and elsewhere.  The Newman. Bedini, Adams motors all work on similar lead-out theory.  They are not efficient enough to do the direct feedback and thus rely on the recharging of batteries,

The 225 HP Pulse Motor is program controlled and is much more efficient.  Thus direct feedback is possible.  The new projects in China will be more efficient than the Newmans.

If you look at the last pictures of the above video, you can see that the coils are well separated from the magnets.  The 225 HP Pulse Motor has the coils and magnets in close proximity.

There is a battery switcher used by a member of the energetic forum called @kubikop that makes changing the batteries from source side to charge side with the flip of a switch.
I include it here so you and your experimenters understand the simple way it works and hoping that you find a simple way to make the switching automatic and share the results with the free energy community.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on April 04, 2009, 10:16:46 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 04, 2009, 06:06:49 AM
Our postings in http://www.absoluteastronomy.com under the Physics topic of lead-out energy got wiped out totally.
Why not restore them from the webmaster's back-up files?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 04, 2009, 01:37:20 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 04, 2009, 06:06:49 AM

There is some truth in the suppression theory.

Let us see what will happen to the posts in this Forum.

Dear Lawrence:

Who would want to suppress readily available 'O' level Physics material from bookstores anywhere in the world? Maybe they removed your stuff because there's no room for useless information?

oh, btw  you better check MyLow's HJ magnetic motor thread and quickly propose the significance of the Lee-Tseung theory applicable to that discovery!
It's taken 3 weeks to generate 160 pages of reading material. Comparing the threads, your's is really dying....(400 pages in 3 years?).

Good to see you back anyway. Don't take yourself too seriously....


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 04, 2009, 03:23:06 PM
Quote from: nievesoliveras on April 04, 2009, 08:49:03 AM
There is a battery switcher used by a member of the energetic forum called @kubikop that makes changing the batteries from source side to charge side with the flip of a switch.
I include it here so you and your experimenters understand the simple way it works and hoping that you find a simple way to make the switching automatic and share the results with the free energy community.


Thank you for the information.  The problem with motors like Newman and Bedini is NOT with the battery switching.  The problem is with the pulsing rate.  These machines use single frequency reed switches for the pulsing. 

The Lee-Tseung lead-out theory predicts that the lead-out energy varies with the rotational speed and the amplitude of the pulsing current.  In a motor with varying load, a mechanism must be devised to control and/or vary such parameters.  The 225 HP Pulse Motor and the 188 HP Dr. Liang IC Pulse Motor from China have such mechanisms.

The new projects in China all have such mechanisms (or considering to have such mechanisms).  I am sure that the USA or other Government funded confidential projects all have considered such mechanisms.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on April 04, 2009, 06:45:57 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 04, 2009, 03:23:06 PM
Thank you for the information.  The problem with motors like Newman and Bedini is NOT with the battery switching.  The problem is with the pulsing rate.  These machines use single frequency reed switches for the pulsing. 

The Lee-Tseung lead-out theory predicts that the lead-out energy varies with the rotational speed and the amplitude of the pulsing current.  In a motor with varying load, a mechanism must be devised to control and/or vary such parameters.  The 225 HP Pulse Motor and the 188 HP Dr. Liang IC Pulse Motor from China have such mechanisms.

The new projects in China all have such mechanisms (or considering to have such mechanisms).  I am sure that the USA or other Government funded confidential projects all have considered such mechanisms.

Thank you sir !

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on April 04, 2009, 07:06:48 PM
Good to see you are OK. Lawrence.

Welcome back.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 04, 2009, 11:36:01 PM
Yes, welcome back Lawrence, I was getting a little worried about you.

My Bedini replication does not use a reed switch at all. It uses a 2N3055 transistor.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 05, 2009, 12:23:10 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 04, 2009, 11:36:01 PM
Yes, welcome back Lawrence, I was getting a little worried about you.

My Bedini replication does not use a reed switch at all. It uses a 2N3055 transistor.


In the overview diagram below, A are coils that can be driver magnets, collector magnets or null effect devices.  Coils A will not rotate but will react to the Pulsed DC curent. Coils A will be stationary on the outer cylinder.

B are permanent magnets that will be pulse driven by the A coils.  They will rotate the inner cylinder.

C is the extremely important sensing device that will determine when to apply the DC Pulse Current.

A possible operation cycle is as follows:

(1) The inner cylinder is started to rotate by hand.
(2) The device is turned on.  When C detects that the permanent magnets have just passed the central position corresponding to the Coils A, a Short DC Pulse Current is applied to rotate the inner cylinder in the clockwise direction.
(3) The clockwise rotation of the inner wheel or cylinder will accelerate.  The pulsing rate will increase correspondingly.
(4) When a pre-programmed rotational speed is achieved, some of the Coils A will change from driving coils to collector coils.
(5) The collected electricity can be used to recharge the battery or do other useful work.
(6) The collected current or output energy is the sum of two energies - the input energy from the battery and the lead-out electron motion energy.

Thus one key element is the sensing device C that will help the computer program to provide more or less driving DC current.  The duration of the Pulse must be short enough so that there will be no unwanted repulsion to slow down the rotation.

This is the key difference between the 225 HP Pulse Motor and the Newman or Bedini motors.  There are many groups in China that understand this difference and are working on various prototypes.

Many expermenters just tried to replicate the Newman and Bedini motors without understanding the Lee-Tseung lead-out theory and many failed because they are not changing the Pulse Frequency or strength.

The advantages of the 225 HP Pulse Motor include:
(a) The Coils A and Permanent Magnets B can be in very close proximity as they are separated by two cylinders.
(b) The Pulsing rate can be varied in accordance with the rotational speed of the inner cylinder.
(c) The computer program can provide much more control.
(d) The output energy can also be obtained via the rotating shaft of the inner cylinder.  Mechanical power can be obtained directly.
(e) The Coils can provide direction independent magnetic fields.  Thus the motor can be tilted in different directions.  (This is one big advance over the IC driven Dr. Liang Motor.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 05, 2009, 12:29:51 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 05, 2009, 12:23:10 AM
In the overview diagram below, A are coils that can be driver magnets, collector magnets or null effect devices.  Coils A will not rotate but will react to the Pulsed DC curent. Coils A will be stationary on the outer cylinder.

B are permanent magnets that will be pulse driven by the A coils.  They will rotate the inner cylinder.

C is the extremely important sensing device that will determine when to apply the DC Pulse Current.

A possible operation cycle is as follows:

(1) The inner cylinder is started to rotate by hand.
(2) The device is turned on.  When C detects that the permanent magnets have just passed the central position corresponding to the Coils A, a Short DC Pulse Current is applied to rotate the inner cylinder in the clockwise direction.
(3) The clockwise rotation of the inner wheel or cylinder will accelerate.  The pulsing rate will increase correspondingly.
(4) When a pre-programmed rotational speed is achieved, some of the Coils A will change from driving coils to collector coils.
(5) The collected electricity can be used to recharge the battery or do other useful work.
(6) The collected current or output energy is the sum of two energies - the input energy from the battery and the lead-out electron motion energy.

Thus one key element is the sensing device C that will help the computer program to provide more or less driving DC current.  The duration of the Pulse must be short enough so that there will be no unwanted repulsion to slow down the rotation.

This is the key difference between the 225 HP Pulse Motor and the Newman or Bedini motors.  There are many groups in China that understand this difference and are working on various prototypes.

Many expermenters just tried to replicate the Newman and Bedini motors without understanding the Lee-Tseung lead-out theory and many failed because they are not changing the Pulse Frequency or strength.

The advantages of the 225 HP Pulse Motor include:
(a) The Coils A and Permanent Magnets B can be in very close proximity as they are separated by two cylinders.
(b) The Pulsing rate can be varied in accordance with the rotational speed of the inner cylinder.
(c) The computer program can provide much more control.
(d) The output energy can also be obtained via the rotating shaft of the inner cylinder.  Mechanical power can be obtained directly.
(e) The Coils can provide direction independent magnetic fields.  Thus the motor can be tilted in different directions.  (This is one big advance over the IC driven Dr. Liang Motor.)

Isn't all these points getting a little long in the tooth? I would have thought, the brand name of 'Top Gun' is not fashionable anymore. You need a new name, something more fashionable.... maybe TOP DORK?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on April 05, 2009, 04:21:22 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 05, 2009, 12:23:10 AM
In the overview diagram below, A are coils that can be driver magnets, collector magnets or null effect devices.  Coils A will not rotate but will react to the Pulsed DC curent. Coils A will be stationary on the outer cylinder.

B are permanent magnets that will be pulse driven by the A coils.  They will rotate the inner cylinder.

C is the extremely important sensing device that will determine when to apply the DC Pulse Current.

A possible operation cycle is as follows:

(1) The inner cylinder is started to rotate by hand.
(2) The device is turned on.  When C detects that the permanent magnets have just passed the central position corresponding to the Coils A, a Short DC Pulse Current is applied to rotate the inner cylinder in the clockwise direction.
(3) The clockwise rotation of the inner wheel or cylinder will accelerate.  The pulsing rate will increase correspondingly.
(4) When a pre-programmed rotational speed is achieved, some of the Coils A will change from driving coils to collector coils.
(5) The collected electricity can be used to recharge the battery or do other useful work.
(6) The collected current or output energy is the sum of two energies - the input energy from the battery and the lead-out electron motion energy.

Thus one key element is the sensing device C that will help the computer program to provide more or less driving DC current.  The duration of the Pulse must be short enough so that there will be no unwanted repulsion to slow down the rotation.

This is the key difference between the 225 HP Pulse Motor and the Newman or Bedini motors.  There are many groups in China that understand this difference and are working on various prototypes.

Many expermenters just tried to replicate the Newman and Bedini motors without understanding the Lee-Tseung lead-out theory and many failed because they are not changing the Pulse Frequency or strength.

The advantages of the 225 HP Pulse Motor include:
(a) The Coils A and Permanent Magnets B can be in very close proximity as they are separated by two cylinders.
(b) The Pulsing rate can be varied in accordance with the rotational speed of the inner cylinder.
(c) The computer program can provide much more control.
(d) The output energy can also be obtained via the rotating shaft of the inner cylinder.  Mechanical power can be obtained directly.
(e) The Coils can provide direction independent magnetic fields.  Thus the motor can be tilted in different directions.  (This is one big advance over the IC driven Dr. Liang Motor.)

With the description and the diagram, you have disclosed the secret of the Lead-Out Energy Machines.  It is like releasing the secret of the Atomic Bomb.  There is no turning back.  More than one country will have the Lead-Out Energy Machines.  Obama will become one of the greatest presidents of USA if the lead-out energy is developed to benefit the World under his term.

The man-made flying saucers will fly over the White House with many reporters announcing the event soon.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on April 05, 2009, 04:42:24 AM
Quote from: Devil on April 05, 2009, 04:21:22 AM
With the description and the diagram, you have disclosed the secret of the Lead-Out Energy Machines.  It is like releasing the secret of the Atomic Bomb.  There is no turning back.  More than one country will have the Lead-Out Energy Machines.  Obama will become one of the greatest presidents of USA if the lead-out energy is developed to benefit the World under his term.

The man-made flying saucers will fly over the White House with many reporters announcing the event soon.

This blasted thing was supposed to fly over the Peking Olympics !!!!! (Sorry, the party version is Beijing.)

It never did !!!

How about a real demonstration? If it succeeds flying over Mogadishu unharmed I will buy it's real.

How about it Lucifer?
(or Beelzebub, Satan, Devil, Sheitan, Horned Goat, Cloven Hoof or whatever else you may call yourself)

Why not fly the bloody thing over the Vatican?

That would be a good test too.

Don't talk about it barbed dick, do it !!!!!

Hans von Lieven

BTW: For those of you that don't know, according to medieval doctrine, the Devil has a barbed dick to make intercourse excruciatingly painful.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 05, 2009, 05:19:37 AM
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A solid state relay (SSR) is an electronic switch, which, unlike an electromechanical relay, contains no moving parts.  A photo-coupled SSR is controlled by a low voltage signal which is isolated optically from the load. The control signal in a photo-coupled SSR typically energizes an LED which activates a photo-sensitive diode. The diode turns on a back-to-back thyristor, silicon controlled rectifier, or MOSFET transistor to switch the load.

It is a matter of selecting the correct SSR for the Pulse Motor prototype.  It helps to have experts who are already familiar with the SSR.  Learning from square zero is not always the best strategy.

Any suggestions?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 05, 2009, 11:42:57 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 05, 2009, 05:19:37 AM
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A solid state relay (SSR) is an electronic switch, which, unlike an electromechanical relay, contains no moving parts.  A photo-coupled SSR is controlled by a low voltage signal which is isolated optically from the load. The control signal in a photo-coupled SSR typically energizes an LED which activates a photo-sensitive diode. The diode turns on a back-to-back thyristor, silicon controlled rectifier, or MOSFET transistor to switch the load.

It is a matter of selecting the correct SSR for the Pulse Motor prototype.  It helps to have experts who are already familiar with the SSR.  Learning from square zero is not always the best strategy.

Any suggestions?

I suggest you remind old Tseung which pills he took starting about 2 or 3 weeks ago when he stopped posting. Those are the ones that actually worked and made him normal.
Now, perhaps he took the wrong medication again and then who shows up but you and Top Dork?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on April 05, 2009, 07:09:50 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 05, 2009, 05:19:37 AM
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A solid state relay (SSR) is an electronic switch, which, unlike an electromechanical relay, contains no moving parts.  A photo-coupled SSR is controlled by a low voltage signal which is isolated optically from the load. The control signal in a photo-coupled SSR typically energizes an LED which activates a photo-sensitive diode. The diode turns on a back-to-back thyristor, silicon controlled rectifier, or MOSFET transistor to switch the load.

It is a matter of selecting the correct SSR for the Pulse Motor prototype.  It helps to have experts who are already familiar with the SSR.  Learning from square zero is not always the best strategy.

Any suggestions?

You have pointed out the the two important technical challenges:
(1) The sensing mechanism which is likely to be an SSR switch of some sort.
(2) The Computer Program for control

Tseung and Lee are theoretical scientists and not top-notch engineers.  It is time for the Engineers to shine,

You have seen the example of the Tong Po Chi device.  Tseung et al proposed that an unbalanced force can be produced from a closed system.  Tseung and Lee then proposed the use of non-elastic collisions.  Theoretically and experimentally, that was correct.  However, Tong Po Chi replaced the non-elastic collision mechanism with two unequal coils.  That is a much more practical implementation.

Tseung can still talk about the theory.  Let some top-notch engineers do the implementation.  The sensing mechanism and the computer program are within the capability of many top-notch engineers.  It is too late for the old Lee and Tseung to learn the basic electronics.  Let others shine.

The jeers will continue on this forum.  But this particular forum has not been wiped out for three years yet.  Using another Forum with the posts disappearing in 12 days is not the way to go.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 05, 2009, 08:06:49 PM
Quote from: Devil on April 05, 2009, 07:09:50 PM

The jeers will continue on this forum.  But this particular forum has not been wiped out for three years yet. 

Stefan has plenty of storage space. He does not need to delete useless info. (yet). Like I said, most of the stuff you guy(s) posted can be found in pre-'O' level physics bookshop, even in Hong Kong. So, that's not the reason .....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on April 06, 2009, 09:31:29 AM
Quote from: chrisC on April 05, 2009, 08:06:49 PM
Stefan has plenty of storage space. He does not need to delete useless info. (yet). Like I said, most of the stuff you guy(s) posted can be found in pre-'O' level physics bookshop, even in Hong Kong. So, that's not the reason .....

@ chrisC

Stefan does NOT have plenty of data traffic allowance. That is why we get this message:

"Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later".

You speak of pre "O" level Physics. A principal  point of this board is that some of the Physics taught in schools is WRONG
or incomplete.

Have you learnt nothing, chrisC ?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 06, 2009, 11:54:04 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on April 06, 2009, 09:31:29 AM
@ chrisC

Stefan does NOT have plenty of data traffic allowance. That is why we get this message:

"Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later".

You speak of pre "O" level Physics. A principal  point of this board is that some of the Physics taught in schools is WRONG
or incomplete.

Have you learnt nothing, chrisC ?

Well Paul_R, on the contrary I think you're not really a internet savvy person. Do you know what bandwidth limitations are? These limitations dictate how much data can squeeze into a certain pipe in a certain time domain. Those messages tell you just that! It has nothing to do with how much storage there is. Comprehend e?

As to 'O'level boards not teaching the right Physics, I can see why you and Lawrence seemed to on the same level of perception and understanding. Perhaps you both studied under the same establishments. Did you study at Leeds or Southampton universities?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 07, 2009, 04:29:01 PM
A visit to the electronics component center in Shenzhen, China, helped to resolve the sensor issue.  See Attached diagram.

The first try will use magnetic sensors.

The remaining issues are the programming controls.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 07, 2009, 09:24:12 PM
A programmable logic controller (PLC) or programmable controller is a digital computer used for automation of electromechanical processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines, control of amusement rides, or control of lighting fixtures.

PLCs are used in many different industries and machines such as packaging and semiconductor machines. Unlike general-purpose computers, the PLC is designed for multiple inputs and output arrangements, extended temperature ranges, immunity to electrical noise, and resistance to vibration and impact. Programs to control machine operation are typically stored in battery-backed or non-volatile memory.

A PLC is an example of a real time system since output results must be produced in response to input conditions within a bounded time, otherwise unintended operation will result.

There is a learning curve associated with PLCs.  Any one out there with such expertise ready to help???

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 07, 2009, 09:35:05 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 07, 2009, 09:24:12 PM

There is a learning curve associated with PLCs.  Any one out there with such expertise ready to help???

What you don't know PLC's? This stuff was invented 30 years ago! You're TOP GUN and you don't know how this stuff works? I supposed you can ask the Hong Kong Polytech. University Mechanical Engineering students for help but whether they want to waste their time on this circular argument stuff is the real question! Maybe your friend Paul_R can lend you a hand?
He should know something....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on April 08, 2009, 12:30:21 AM
I doubt Paul will help Chris,

He is too busy trying to make a thermopile with diodes.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 08, 2009, 02:17:45 AM
Isn't this like Hall Sensor technology that has been known for some time now? Or, proximity sensors?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on April 08, 2009, 02:47:17 AM
No Bill, this is a revolutionary device discovered in a Hong Kong two dollar shop.   ;D ;D ;D

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on April 08, 2009, 04:26:40 AM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 08, 2009, 09:11:22 AM
The Program Logic Controller PLC for the Tseung Pulse Motor â€" logic overview:

(1)   Start Up Phase
a.   Is the inner cylinder rotating clockwise?  If not, loop and flash warning light.
b.   First set all coils to Driver Coils, send Pulse DC Current via the Starting Batteries to rotate the inner cylinder.
c.   Check speed of rotation of the inner cylinder via the sensor.  If speed is lower than the designed (or set speed), keep sending Pulse DC Current.

Operational Phase is from (2) to (7). 

(2)   When the speed of rotation is at or above the designed (or set speed) upper level, turn one Driver Coil to a Collector Coil.  Use the Collected Electricity to recharge the Starting Batteries (or the backup Batteries) and light up some light bulbs.  The speed of rotation will decrease.

(3)   When the speed of rotation is at or below the designed (or set) lower level, turn a Collector Coil back into a Driver Coil.    Loop back to (2).  This will keep the speed of rotation between the upper and lower levels. 

(4)   There will be need for some voltage smoothing mechanism as the Collected Current is expected to be Pulsing DC and may not be ideal for recharging batteries or providing light.

(5)   If properly designed and implemented, the Lead-Out Energy is expected to be more than 50% of the Input Pulsing Energy.  In theory, there should be 150% Output Pulsing Energy.  We expect some energy loss.  If the loss is less than the Lead-Out Energy, the device should keep leading-out magnetic (or electron motion energy) and no additional input energy is required.  This means that the device must be at least 66.7% (100/150) efficient in the conventional sense.

(6)   If our prototype is at least 66.7% efficient, the batteries will be recharged by the lead-out energy.  If the efficiency is lower, the batteries will slowly drain.  If the efficiency is higher, the batteries will be re-charged and additional work can be done.

(7)   The 225 HP Pulse Motor is much more efficient than 66.7% and thus it can use the lead-out energy to do work without the need for any fossil fuel.

Shut Down Phase

a.   Is the Shut Down Switch on?  If so,
b.   Turn off all Pulse Current to the Driver Coils
c.   The load (light bulbs) should use up all the energy stored as ‘flywheel effect’ within a few seconds.  The Inner Cylinder should slow down to zero.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 08, 2009, 04:01:13 PM
One reason for NOT increasing the magnitude of the Pulsing DC current is that the Coils get hot with larger current.

A few coils got melted or deformed in the experiments.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 08, 2009, 04:24:17 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 08, 2009, 09:11:22 AM
The Program Logic Controller PLC for the Tseung Pulse Motor â€" logic overview:

(1)   Start Up Phase
a.   Is the inner cylinder rotating clockwise?  If not, loop and flash warning light.
b.   First set all coils to Driver Coils, send Pulse DC Current via the Starting Batteries to rotate the inner cylinder.
c.   Check speed of rotation of the inner cylinder via the sensor.  If speed is lower than the designed (or set speed), keep sending Pulse DC Current.

Operational Phase is from (2) to (7). 

(2)   When the speed of rotation is at or above the designed (or set speed) upper level, turn one Driver Coil to a Collector Coil.  Use the Collected Electricity to recharge the Starting Batteries (or the backup Batteries) and light up some light bulbs.  The speed of rotation will decrease.

(3)   When the speed of rotation is at or below the designed (or set) lower level, turn a Collector Coil back into a Driver Coil.    Loop back to (2).  This will keep the speed of rotation between the upper and lower levels. 

(4)   There will be need for some voltage smoothing mechanism as the Collected Current is expected to be Pulsing DC and may not be ideal for recharging batteries or providing light.

(5)   If properly designed and implemented, the Lead-Out Energy is expected to be more than 50% of the Input Pulsing Energy.  In theory, there should be 150% Output Pulsing Energy.  We expect some energy loss.  If the loss is less than the Lead-Out Energy, the device should keep leading-out magnetic (or electron motion energy) and no additional input energy is required.  This means that the device must be at least 66.7% (100/150) efficient in the conventional sense.

(6)   If our prototype is at least 66.7% efficient, the batteries will be recharged by the lead-out energy.  If the efficiency is lower, the batteries will slowly drain.  If the efficiency is higher, the batteries will be re-charged and additional work can be done.

(7)   The 225 HP Pulse Motor is much more efficient than 66.7% and thus it can use the lead-out energy to do work without the need for any fossil fuel.

Shut Down Phase

a.   Is the Shut Down Switch on?  If so,
b.   Turn off all Pulse Current to the Driver Coils
c.   The load (light bulbs) should use up all the energy stored as ‘flywheel effect’ within a few seconds.  The Inner Cylinder should slow down to zero.

Top Dork:

Why do you talk so much and waste your time writing even more garbage?
If your snake oil is so good, please show us a working model. The 2008 Olympics are already over and did Obama give you any any $ out of his $150B energy program?

The stuff you post here is quite laughable indeed. So, after 3 years of 'boat in calm water' crap, you've migrated to trying to impress simple minded people about pulsing coils? You need to get a life....


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 09, 2009, 06:42:06 PM
Learned an expensive lesson.

The Tong Po Chi jumping device needs a quick pulse current.

A HK$50 12 Volt 2 amp battery works better than a HK$500 30V 20 amp DC current supplying device.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 09, 2009, 09:01:36 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 09, 2009, 06:42:06 PM
Learned an expensive lesson.

The Tong Po Chi jumping device needs a quick pulse current.

A HK$50 12 Volt 2 amp battery works better than a HK$500 30V 20 amp DC current supplying device.

You don't need a Tong Po Chi jumping device powered by a HK$50 battery. Just ask Hans. A baby roo in his backyard will do the job much better! Besides, no drills are needed!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 10, 2009, 07:34:57 PM
The disappeared posts between Mr. Lawrence Tseung and Ms. Forever Yuen magically re-appeared.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 10, 2009, 07:43:41 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 10, 2009, 07:34:57 PM
The disappeared posts between Mr. Lawrence Tseung and Ms. Forever Yuen magically re-appeared.


Well, no magic in there. Maybe whilst you're transitioning from one identity to another, one of your hitherto unknown members decided to repost? Whatever is being reposted obviously has no great expectations from the scientific community. Maybe a boat surviving choppy waters is more exciting than a boat in calm waters? No?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: john doe on April 15, 2009, 03:08:34 PM
The 'inventors' of this theory has not presented any mathematical equation of MOTIONS on any of their examples. Without such, readers do not know their assumptions. So far, inventors'  physical  explanations are based on statics and misquotation/deviation of  established 'physics' theorems. Their definition of 'lead out' energy may not mean 'accessible' energy in the implied sense. In today's technology, a mathematical simulation is mandated before experimentation with hardware. It will be doubtful that any established universities or laboratories will sponsor such studies.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 15, 2009, 03:43:45 PM
Quote from: john doe on April 15, 2009, 03:08:34 PM
The 'inventors' of this theory has not presented any mathematical equation of MOTIONS on any of their examples. Without such, readers do not know their assumptions. So far, inventors'  physical  explanations are based on statics and misquotation/deviation of  established 'physics' theorems. Their definition of 'lead out' energy may not mean 'accessible' energy in the implied sense. In today's technology, a mathematical simulation is mandated before experimentation with hardware. It will be doubtful that any established universities or laboratories will sponsor such studies.

@John Doe

That is why we have 400 plus pages of comedy show scripts!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tagor on April 16, 2009, 04:38:34 AM
this device is equivalent to a Milkovic's dual pendulum
so , it use a lead out pulse ...
after running for a while ...
it has to accumulate energy ...

does it has to explode ?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 22, 2009, 03:22:18 AM
Quote from: chrisC on April 15, 2009, 03:43:45 PM
@John Doe

That is why we have 400 plus pages of comedy show scripts!


ha ha ha! Hey Chris, you are still at it  ;D I left it a year ago! Tsung and top are still discussing this crap with dual identity? ha ha ha ha. This is simply hilarious.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 22, 2009, 03:55:48 AM
Quote from: Kul_ash on April 22, 2009, 03:22:18 AM
ha ha ha! Hey Chris, you are still at it  ;D I left it a year ago! Tsung and top are still discussing this crap with dual identity? ha ha ha ha. This is simply hilarious.  ;D ;D


Nice to see you on the Lawrence Tseung Comedy channel. Most audience have left :( On occasions Tseung or one of his cronies show up depending on who took the last proper medication!

Seriously, it was fun whilst it lasted. Maybe Lawrence will invent some other device which does not need Math. or 'O' level Physics nor the use of a drill. Other than that we all wish him success in his endeavors (seriously).

Looks like Cold Fusion is Hot again and then we also have this MyLow magic (magnetic motor) show. So far the action is wrapped up with MIB etc. The script sure is different from this one.

So many shows, so little time!
Take care

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on April 22, 2009, 04:24:51 AM
How about the Zhang Yalin Moron Hour Chris, it might do as a substitute.  ;D ;D

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 22, 2009, 04:32:56 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on April 22, 2009, 04:24:51 AM
How about the Zhang Yalin Moron Hour Chris, it might do as a substitute.  ;D ;D

Hans von Lieven


Yes, I can see that show developing into a LT TV hour show. The jury is still out on that. He's English needs a little improvement first and then he needs to come down a couple of notches in his imagination. Then perhaps we can all have a sensible discussion. Oh, another thing, LT can't participate in Zhang's show because Zhang has a distinct dislike for his countrymen.

It's a shame because there are a billion plus of them and it's a pity he can't get along with 99.9% of them! Sad but true. I don't know why....
Well, it's 1.30 am California time. I need to get some sleep. My TV episodes are done for today.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Kul_ash on April 22, 2009, 04:37:56 AM
Quote from: chrisC on April 22, 2009, 03:55:48 AM

Nice to see you on the Lawrence Tseung Comedy channel. Most audience have left :( On occasions Tseung or one of his cronies show up depending on who took the last proper medication!

Seriously, it was fun whilst it lasted. Maybe Lawrence will invent some other device which does not need Math. or 'O' level Physics nor the use of a drill. Other than that we all wish him success in his endeavors (seriously).

Looks like Cold Fusion is Hot again and then we also have this MyLow magic (magnetic motor) show. So far the action is wrapped up with MIB etc. The script sure is different from this one.

So many shows, so little time!
Take care


Wow. I simply admire these people for their amazing imagination. Here I am working on thermo-acoustic engine for last 3 years trying to get 40% efficiency! Its still so hard  ;D But these people could easily envision machines those are above unity!  :o :o Hats off to them! We are idiots I guess. he he he.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on April 28, 2009, 12:35:49 AM

This is the first experiment to demonstrate that an unbalanced force can be generated from within a closed system.

In the video, the red side is sealed with a one dollar Hong Kong coin that represents a hard surface. The black side is sealed with a loose black tape that represents a soft surface that can absorb energy. The video clearly shows that the movement is towards the hard surface as expected from the theory.

This particular experiment is tricky because we need to select two weak magnets that will be separated by a non-magnetic plastic tube. These two weak magnets will still attract each other to the opposite end of the plastic tube. The coil must generate enough repulsive force to push the two magnets away towards the surfaces of the outer cylinder. Since the magnets are weak, they can be demagnetized by the strong magnetic field from the coil.

The trick is to reverse the current to magnetize the two magnets again. However, the new magnetism may not be identical to the old one and some tuning is required to reproduce the same result. It is important to capture the result on the video as soon as the experiment is successful.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 28, 2009, 12:37:51 AM
@ Lawrence:

Welcome back.  I was beginning to get worried about you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 28, 2009, 01:05:34 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on April 28, 2009, 12:35:49 AM

This is the first experiment to demonstrate .....

I saw a red Chinese cracker trying to go off but it only sounded like "Tseung, Tseung Tseng....." . Wierd!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on April 28, 2009, 02:00:45 AM
I just finished experiment 1-Generating an unbalanced force from within a closed system. I used an electromagnetic coil to repel two identical weak magnets to the opposite end of a tube with unequal padding surfaces. The result confirms the theory. The movement is towards the hard surface side. The following picture shows the equipment I used.

I also used the trick of re-magnetizing the weak magnets to regain the experimental results.
:-* :-*
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 28, 2009, 02:04:50 AM
Quote from: Forever on April 28, 2009, 02:00:45 AM
I just finished experiment 1-Generating an unbalanced force from within a closed system. I used an electromagnetic coil to repel two identical weak magnets to the opposite end of a tube with unequal padding surfaces. The result confirms the theory. The movement is towards the hard surface side. The following picture shows the equipment I used.

I also used the trick of re-magnetizing the weak magnets to regain the experimental results.
:-* :-*

@ Forever
Do you think that experiment will help you pass 'A' level Physics?
I hope you'll learn some real Physics. Lawrence's Physics is pre-'O' Level standard.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on April 28, 2009, 09:11:30 AM
Quote from: Forever on April 28, 2009, 02:00:45 AM
I just finished experiment 1-Generating an unbalanced force from within a closed system. I used an electromagnetic coil to repel two identical weak magnets to the opposite end of a tube with unequal padding surfaces. The result confirms the theory. The movement is towards the hard surface side. The following picture shows the equipment I used.

I also used the trick of re-magnetizing the weak magnets to regain the experimental results.
:-* :-*

I am glad that you can prove a powerful theory with such a simple experiment.  Once the fact  that - an unbalanced force can be generated from within a closed system - is proven, accepted and applied, the man-made flying saucer is reality. 

The trillion dollar space programs will take new directions.

Many traditional scientists will not think of the trick.  It is extremely scientific once it is explained.  Some stupid person will say that if the experiment is not reproduciable in the same manner, the experiment must be a hoax.  I am glad that you explained it so clearly.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 28, 2009, 12:43:17 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on April 28, 2009, 09:11:30 AM
I am glad that you can prove a powerful theory with such a simple experiment.  ....

Dear Top Dork:

Congratulations on your very simple experiment. It's so simple and ready to change the world for good. We're waiting patiently for the flying saucer you promised.  Right now your very simple experiment can't even hop off the ground and stay afloat 1 cm!

Maybe my great grandchildren will live to see it?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on April 28, 2009, 01:16:44 PM
Quote from: chrisC on April 28, 2009, 02:04:50 AM
@ Forever
Do you think that experiment will help you pass 'A' level Physics?
I hope you'll learn some real Physics. Lawrence's Physics is pre-'O' Level standard.

You are profoundly ignorant, chrisC. What is so sad and pathetic is that you do not care to learn
and improve. You are a waste of Stefan's valuable bandwidth.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 28, 2009, 01:20:15 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on April 28, 2009, 01:16:44 PM
You are profoundly ignorant, chrisC. What is so regrettable is that you do not care to learn
and improve. you are a waste of Stefan's bandwidth.

Thank you. Then I'm patiently waiting for twin blade  Larry Tseung - Paul R Flying saucer!

It's good you're learning something solid from Lawrence. Good job. Congratulations tot he only real student outside his entourage of deluded personalities.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: forsalebabyshoesneverworn on April 28, 2009, 05:59:53 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on April 28, 2009, 01:16:44 PM
You are profoundly ignorant, chrisC. What is so sad and pathetic is that you do not care to learn
and improve. You are a waste of Stefan's valuable bandwidth.

OMG - look man, we all wants the free energy.......  I have tried super hard to read the useful parts of this and see what Lee Tseung is talking about......  Zero, nada.  If you can find one thing useful that Tseung said, please tell us all, so I can build my free energy machines from pendelumses.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 28, 2009, 06:35:45 PM
Quote from: forsalebabyshoesneverworn on April 28, 2009, 05:59:53 PM
OMG - look man, we all wants the free energy.......  I have tried super hard to read the useful parts of this and see what Lee Tseung is talking about......  Zero, nada.  If you can find one thing useful that Tseung said, please tell us all, so I can build my free energy machines from pendelumses.

Not sure you're going to find it here. Looks like Paul-R maybe another one of Tseung's many virtual personalities? You just don't know....

You would have thought by now, someone would have seen one of these Tseung perpetual motion pendulums by now(?). Maybe I should have looked harder.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on April 28, 2009, 11:51:19 PM
There are three YouTube videos showing the effect of unbalanced forces.
Experiment 2a (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRO_F7sVGcg) shows a magnet repel by the coil and shoot out from the tube. The tube then swings with a large amplitude. This is similar to a gun recoiling after shooting a bullet.

Experiment 2b (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5EmV4TSiYE) shows the magnet hitting a hard surface. The swing will be minimum. Experiment 2c (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcOyMtylw_A) shows the magnet hitting a soft surface. The swing should be slightly larger than that in experiment 2b.
;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on April 29, 2009, 12:49:56 AM
Quote from: Forever on April 28, 2009, 11:51:19 PM
. The tube then swings with a large amplitude.


I've one at home too. It's almost like yours. We usually put some red sweet liquid in it and hang them outside so the hummingbirds can drink the sweet liquid.

Ours doesn't try to hover like a flying saucer though.  With your set-up, with a good enough swing, they might act as flying saucers? No?

Good job for putting together your prototype.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on April 29, 2009, 12:54:13 AM
Forever makes my heart feel like a pendulum.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on April 29, 2009, 09:54:14 AM
Quote from: forsalebabyshoesneverworn on April 28, 2009, 05:59:53 PM
OMG - look man, we all wants the free energy.......
I am not sure you are right. There are those on this web site who seem to pour cold
water over everything and anything. Maybe they simply have a job to do.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: forsalebabyshoesneverworn on April 29, 2009, 10:48:33 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on April 29, 2009, 09:54:14 AM
I am not sure you are right. There are those on this web site who seem to pour cold
water over everything and anything. Maybe they simply have a job to do.

LOL who cares what people do?  Anyway, when is the last time you have seen it work where someone says ..... "no don't listen to that!  it won't work!" and people listen?  That is like the opposit of the intent effect.  Most peoples when told NOT to look at something, will LOOK at it even more.  So that never works out......

All I askeds is if you could point so something useful in this thread here.  You seemed to says there was something to learn.  I cannot finds it here.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on April 30, 2009, 09:02:16 AM
Quote from: forsalebabyshoesneverworn on April 29, 2009, 10:48:33 AM
LOL who cares what people do?
Have you read "The scientist, the madman, the thief and
their lightbulb", by Keith Tutt. There is an appendix
by Paul Brown. You need to read it.

p.s. Libraries often have the book. Amazon sell them s/h very cheaply.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on May 01, 2009, 04:44:20 AM
This is experiment 3.(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSSSiEj_6S8) It uses magnetic repulsion to send the magnet up . The jumping height will change with strength of the magnet, the number of turns in the coil and the strength of the electrical current. Once we know the jumping height, we can calculate the velocity( mgh=1/2mv\*v)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on May 01, 2009, 04:46:05 AM
This is experiment 4a that demonstrate magnetic repulsion. The magnet is actually repelled by the coil and jump out from the tube.

This is experiment 4b. It demonstrates magnetic repulsion. The magnet is already inside the tube. The top of the tube is sealed with a Hong Kong one dollar coin. When the magnet jumps up, it will strike the hard surface and bring the whole tube up.

This is experiment 4c. It demonstrates magnetic repulsion. The magnet is first placed in the tube. The tube is placed in a horizontal position. When current is passed, the magnet will travel towards the LHS. Due to action and reaction, the tube would move towards the RHS. Since there is a loss of energy of the moving magnet, the net force will be towards the RHS. Thus we see the net movement towards the RHS.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on May 01, 2009, 04:47:07 AM
This is experiment 5. It demonstrates magnetic attraction between a coil and a permanent magnet. This is different from magnetic repulsion in 2 important ways. The first is that the force of attraction increases when the distance between the coil and the magnet decreases. The second is that the magnet will not fly out because the coil will attract it back.

There is no need to seal the top. That means there is no physical collision with a hard surface. The magnet will not be damaged because of collision.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on May 01, 2009, 04:47:48 AM
This is experiment 6. It demonstrates both repulsion and attraction. The magnet is placed at the bottom coil which provides repulsion. When current is passed through both coils, the magnet will jump up and carry the whole tube up. The upward force will be greater than either repulsion or attraction alone.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on May 01, 2009, 04:48:28 AM
This is experiment 7. It wants to show that when one magnet jumps up, it could carry the whole apparatus of two tubes. It hopes to show that while the apparatus is in mid air, the second magnet will help to send it up higher.

However, this particular video cannot demonstrate that effect conclusively. The weigh of the apparatus is too high and the magnetic repulsion force is too low.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 01, 2009, 06:06:41 PM
The choice available:

We can use thick solenoid wires and draw a large current.  We need only a relatively small number of turns to achieve the required result.  For example, the 20 turns of the number 18 wire has resistance of 0.6 ohms.  The current if steady, is 12/0.6 or 20 amps.  This is a pulse current for a short duration.  The 12 V batteries we use can take that.  However, the coils get hot quickly.  If the student keep pressing on the switch without letting go, he would essentially waste the electricity to heat up the wire.

We can use thin solenoid wires, many turns and draw a relatively small amount of current.  For example, 150 turns of the number 28 wire has resistance of 5 ohms.  The current if steady, is 12/5 or 2.4 Amps.  Many adapters on the market can take that.  We do not need to supply battery and the battery charger.  We can additionally protect the adapters with external fuse.  Will a student be willing to wind 150 turns by hand?

In the educational product, we could have some pre-wound coils.  We can also have at least one exercise for the student.  The video that comes with the product will show the use of both thick and thin solenoid coils.

I am inclined towards the thin coil because we can get the student to learn more - with addition of variable resistor and external fuse.  The student will need to be more patient with the 150 turns of wire.  (We do not need him to count but just require him to use up the supplied reel.)

We shall test the two choices with real students in Hong Kong and Shenzhen before releasing the product to the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 02, 2009, 07:01:13 PM
Dear Forever,

Thank you for doing and showing the experiments.

I believe you will continue with the Tong Po Chi improvement of having 2 coils and 1 magnet.  It is much better than the original experiment 1 of having 1 coil and 2 magnets.

If we focus on using magnetic attraction for both coils and one coil having more turns than the other, we can test for the unbalanced force.  This type of unbalanced force is expected to be larger and easier to control.  There will be no degrading due to collision.  The Magnet will continue to keep its strong magnetism as the pulsing current will always try to magnetise the magnet.

The first set of experiments can be done by hand â€" pushing the buttons to provide the pulses.  The later experiments will be done automatically via timers.  The frequency will determine the number of pulses per second which is related to the magnitude of the Unbalaned Force on the device.

This is the true explanation of the anti-gravity effect with pulsing current.

Good luck and continue your good work with the experiments.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on May 04, 2009, 01:15:38 AM

This experiment 8a uses repulsion from both coils. The magnet is first repelled to the LHS by one coil. It is then repelled by the other coil. Such action can be made automatic via the use of timers. The unbalanced force can then be demonstrated and measured.

;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on May 04, 2009, 01:18:11 AM

This experiment 8b uses both coils as attraction. However, one coil has more turns than the other. The magnet is first attracted towards the RHS. It can then be attracted back by the other coil. The same motion can thus be repeated. Because of the difference in turns in the two coils and unbalanced force can be produced.

;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on May 04, 2009, 01:18:52 AM

This experiment 8c uses attraction on one coil and repulsion on the other. Since both action moves the magnet to the LHS. We need to push the magnet back by hand thus this set up cannot be automatic.

;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 04, 2009, 05:40:34 AM
Quote from: Forever on May 04, 2009, 01:18:52 AM

This experiment 8c uses attraction on one coil and repulsion on the other. Since both action moves the magnet to the LHS. We need to push the magnet back by hand - thus this set up cannot be automatic.

;D ;D

Dear Forever,

Your videos and the explanations made things easy.  There will be no doubts on the validity of the experiments.

I look forward to the remaining experiments.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 06, 2009, 07:11:03 AM
Use of Timers

This article describes the use of timer to control the motion of the Tong Po Chi device.

The timer we used was the DH48S-S.  It can be driven by 12V and can take a current of 5A.  The circuit is shown in the attached diagram 1.  There are two time periods â€" T1 and T2.  The time period T1 is set to 0.1 seconds.  This period is used to send the DC Pulse Current.  The time period T2 is set to 2 seconds.  This period is the idle time before the next pulse.

The external connection wires are shown in RED in diagram 2.  A variable resistance of 8 ohms is attached to limit the current to less than 5 Amps to protect the Timer.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 06, 2009, 08:24:33 AM
If we want to use two coils with the DH48S timer, we can connect the second coil as in the diagram.

The secret of the Tong Po Chi Coil is now totally out.  The World can now make use of this great invention.

The unbalanced force can be measured and controlled.  One important element is the pulse rate or frequency.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 06, 2009, 05:41:25 PM
Tseung et al,

Do you know what you are doing?

You have
(1)   Showed that an unbalanced force can be produced from within a closed system.
(2)   You first achieved it with one Coil, two magnets and two unequally padded surfaces.  You were using the unequal conversion of energy into other forms at the two surfaces.  That effect can be demonstrated but is of little practical use.
(3)   Tong Po Chi improved that by using two Coils and one Magnet.  He further demonstrated that the attraction technique would produce the equivalent of collision without actually hitting any surface.
(4)   The unbalanced force effect can be increased and controlled.  The frequency of the pulsing DC current is an important factor.  This explained the many observed anti-gravity effects easily.
(5)   Dr. Raymond Ting and Mr. Lung in Shenzhen helped to produce an educational product that will be a standard laboratory apparatus in all Schools and Universities.
(6)   Ms. Forever Yuen and her student friends are testing the prototypes and producing the scripts on this educational product.
(7)   The generating of an unbalanced force from within a closed system is no longer  a myth but an absolute reality.  The man-made flying saucer in the coming future will not need to eject hot gases as the source for propulsion.

Do you know the impact of this on the Space Programs of the many Nations?  

Do you know the military significance of such technology?

Do you know that the combination of this with Lead-Out Energy Machines will totally change the World as we know it?  The Nation that can master such technologies first will easily dominate the World.

Do you understand why Governments are denying the existence of UFOs even though they are pouring billions in their research?

You have already opened the Pandora Box.  The secrets of the unbalanced force and the Lead-Out Energy Machines are out.  You et al may become the heroes or the curses of the entire human race. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 06, 2009, 05:47:55 PM
Quote from: Devil on May 06, 2009, 05:41:25 PM
Tseung et al,

Do you know what you are doing?


Yes we do. It's called 'talking to yourself'! How exciting!

No one seemed to care? Maybe you guys should join another forum, like a forum where people make up entities to communicate with one another? Good luck to your entourage.

You lot must be lonely waiting for replies.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on May 06, 2009, 05:59:52 PM
Quote from: chrisC on May 06, 2009, 05:47:55 PM

You lot must be lonely waiting for replies.

If this were to turn out to be the case, chrisC, you will have done your job. There may even be a bonus for you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 06, 2009, 06:16:41 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on May 06, 2009, 05:59:52 PM
In that case, chrisC, you will have done your job. There may even be a bonus for you.

@ Paul-R

I think you completely misunderstood. If you went back to the beginning of this thread and read just about the first 50 pages, you or any educated person with some understanding of Physics will quickly conclude that the material presented by Lawrence does not qualify as news worthy 'discovery'; if you can even call that. Countless folks who has been doing O.U research draws the same conclusion. A few names worth mentioning: Hans, Keon1, Kul-Ash, Pirate(Bill) etc.

If Lawrence truly had earth shattering discovery, why is this thread dead and the only 'people' supporting him are the ones he's invented? Ask yourself this simple question? Are you normal?

People want to believe but there must be some convincing proofs. What Lawrence proposed is not only unconvincing but rather bad Physics. Look at the MyLow thread. Lots of people want to believe the magnetic wheel rotates on it's own. Is that real?

Until it can be scientifically proved and independently verified, it's a good magician trick. But at least the videos are a lot more believable (in the absence of proofs) than Tseung's wishy washy Physics. Don't you think so?

Lawrence, it's nothing personal and like so many others, we believe you're sincere but sincerely wrong indeed. Unless you get over this hump most people will treat it as a comedy show that overstayed it's season.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 16, 2009, 04:44:38 PM

理论力学  Theoretical Mechanics

能否不断地引出地心吸力来åº"ç"¨  Can we continuously lead-out gravitational energy for practical use?

There are many pointers to the videos on the Chinese equivalent of youtube.com.  The most impressive is the Tong Po Chi Pulse Motor.  It uses magnetic sensors to determine the position of the magnets and activate the pulse accordingly.  It already showed signs of being practical as the brushless, highly efficient pulse engine.

The next experiments will determine whether it can be the practical pulse electricity generator leading-out gravitational and magnetic energy.  It already deminstated the principles used in the 225 Horse Power Pulse Motor developed in USA.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 16, 2009, 04:52:21 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 16, 2009, 04:44:38 PM

Hey Lawrence. Theoretical Physics won't really help. You need to get past 'O' level Physics first, IMO.
btw, you better post more often or get your partners to do so. The MyLow thread is well over 300 pages and fast catching up on your Lead-Out Physics and it's only 3 months old!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 23, 2009, 12:16:40 AM

The first prototype of the Tong Po Chi brushless pulse motor is shown on Tudou.com and the discussion is in the above link.

The first demonstration to outsiders is planned on May 28, 2009.

It will confirm conclusively that input PLUS lead-out energy is greater than output energy.  The Lee-Tseung lead-out theory will have absolute and undeniable experimental validation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 23, 2009, 12:24:29 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 23, 2009, 12:16:40 AM
http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/discussionpost/_10712 (http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/discussionpost/_10712)

The first prototype of the Tong Po Chi brushless pulse motor is shown on Tudou.com and the discussion is in the above link.

The first demonstration to outsiders is planned on May 28, 2009.

It will confirm conclusively that input PLUS lead-out energy is greater than output energy.  The Lee-Tseung lead-out theory will have absolute and undeniable experimental validation.


If/when that ever happens, I will be the first to raise my glass in a toast to Lawrence.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 23, 2009, 04:17:07 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 23, 2009, 12:16:40 AM

The first prototype of the Tong Po Chi brushless pulse motor is shown on Tudou.com and the discussion is in the above link.

The first demonstration to outsiders is planned on May 28, 2009.

It will confirm conclusively that input PLUS lead-out energy is greater than output energy.  The Lee-Tseung lead-out theory will have absolute and undeniable experimental validation.

There are at least 10 persons that have produced the Tong Po Chi jumping device.  The breakthrough came from a salesperson.  He saw the demo and the difficulty in adjusting the positions of the coil and the magnets.  He sold us some disposable needles (cost less than US$0.2 or 20 cents).  That greatly simplified the tuning.

There will be at least ten rotating pulsing wheels demonstrating lead-out energy in the next few weeks.  (Before Forever and her student friends enter the various Universities in Hong Kong.)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 23, 2009, 04:22:25 AM

Tell Forever that I wish her well with her studies.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on May 23, 2009, 09:13:25 AM

The ltseung personalities appear to have invented an astonishing new device.

I propose to call it the "pulse motor".

(Better tighten up those loose parts, it will run even better if you do.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on May 23, 2009, 09:52:00 AM
Quote from: chrisC on May 06, 2009, 06:16:41 PM
@ Paul-R

I think you completely misunderstood. If you went back to the beginning of this thread and read just about the first 50 pages, you or any educated person with some understanding of Physics will quickly conclude that the material presented by Lawrence does not qualify as news worthy 'discovery'; if you can even call that. Countless folks who has been doing O.U research draws the same conclusion. A few names worth mentioning: Hans, Keon1, Kul-Ash, Pirate(Bill) etc.

If Lawrence truly had earth shattering discovery, why is this thread dead and the only 'people' supporting him are the ones he's invented? Ask yourself this simple question? Are you normal?

People want to believe but there must be some convincing proofs. What Lawrence proposed is not only unconvincing but rather bad Physics. Look at the MyLow thread. Lots of people want to believe the magnetic wheel rotates on it's own. Is that real?

Until it can be scientifically proved and independently verified, it's a good magician trick. But at least the videos are a lot more believable (in the absence of proofs) than Tseung's wishy washy Physics. Don't you think so?

Lawrence, it's nothing personal and like so many others, we believe you're sincere but sincerely wrong indeed. Unless you get over this hump most people will treat it as a comedy show that overstayed it's season.

You've got a job to do, chrisC. Keep on doing it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 23, 2009, 09:38:13 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 23, 2009, 04:17:07 AM
....  He sold us some disposable needles (cost less than US$0.2 or 20 cents). 

I didn't think intravenous drug use and Tong Chi jumping jacks work together to produce O.U! No more pills for you, Lawrence?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 25, 2009, 05:38:32 AM


è¾"å...¥èƒ½é‡çš,,直流ç"µåŽ‹æ˜¯12Vã€,ç"µé˜»æ˜¯6 Ohms.  ç"µæµæ˜¯2 Amp (I=V/R)
è¾"å...¥ç"µçš,,每ç§'能量是 24 Watt (P =VI) ã€,但因为是è,,‰å†²ç"µæµã€,ç"¨ç"µæ—¶é—´çº¦ä¸ºè½¯è¾"å...¥çš,,å...«ä»½ä¸€ã€,约3 Watts.

è¾"出能量çš,,交流ç"µåŽ‹æ˜¯60Vã€,ç"µé˜»æ˜¯72 Ohm. ç"µæµæ˜¯0.82 Amp (I=V/R)
è¾"出ç"µçš,,每ç§'能量是49.2 Watt (P=VI) ã€,这些数据,都是从实验取得ã€,(初步ç"¨äº†12个采集线圈ã€,)

若以 è¾"出能量/è¾"å...¥èƒ½é‡ 计算,overunity factor or Coefficient of Efficiency
(COE) = 16.4 !(49.2/3)

能量守æ'定律å'Šè¯‰æˆ'们,COE不可能大于 1 ã€,所以å"¯ä¸€è§£é‡Šï¼Œæ˜¯æŽè'‹çš,,引出能量理论ã€,


The first experimental measurements on the Tong Po Chi Pulse Motor.

Input side:
Battery at 12V, Resistance of the Pulse Coil = 6 Ohms.  The steady DC Current would be 2 Amps (I=V/R).  The Power or Energy Input per second = IV or 24 Watts.  This calculation is for steady current.  In our case, the current is pulsed.  It will be only 1/8 of the steady case.  In other words, the input energy per second is only 3 watts (24/8).

Output side:
The measured output with 12 collectors in series is 60 volts AC.  The steady AC Current is approximately 0.82 Amps.  The output resistance is 72 ohms.  Thus the output AC power is 49.2 watts (60 x 0.82).  These are initial experimental values.  We are confident that they can be further improved.

Thus the overunity factor is 16.4(49.2/3).  The Law of Conservation of Energy tells us that the COE cannot be greater than 1.  The only possible explanation within the frame work of the Law of Conservation of Energy and existing Physics is the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy theory.  We did not create energy from nowhere.  We lead-out both gravitational and magnetic (electron motion) energy in this particular case.

Thus the Tong Po Chi Brushless Pulse Motor confirms the Lee-Tseung Theory.  The next task is to produce a 5 KW version for home use.  We shall have at least 10 Tong Po Chi Brushless Pulse Motors for demonstration at United Nations after the academics have double, triple checked the device and the measurements.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on May 25, 2009, 11:21:02 AM
Get an oscilloscope and learn how to use it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on May 25, 2009, 11:30:35 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 25, 2009, 05:38:32 AM


I submit that the efficiency of this device can be much improved if it is never turned on.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 25, 2009, 07:04:15 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on May 25, 2009, 11:21:02 AM
Get an oscilloscope and learn how to use it.

After you've debunked many of these snake-oil salesman, it mush become easier, although the last one nearly got the better of us because he seemed 'honest' and 'sincere' to cry his heart out to someone's grave. That was the drama king.

Now, this guy is a little different. He actually is not faking it but he really thinks he's invented the pulse motor and applied his own 'Lead-Out' energy theory and made it an O.U device!

Fortunately, you don't need to debunk this; it's already dead before started except the other personalities weren't told the truth by the puppeteer!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 25, 2009, 09:18:36 PM
The unexpected pleasant surprise

From the pendulum under the Lee-Tseung pull analysis, we can get Overunity factor of 1.5.  The experimental measurement from the Tong Po Chi brushless pulse motor is over 16.  This is very encouraging.

After some careful analysis, we realized that if the lead-out energy were not immediately used, it would contribute to accelerating the wheel.  The higher rate of rotation will lead-out more gravitational and magnetic (electron motion) energy.  We burnt a few relays before we hit on the explanation.

Thus the 225 HP pulse motor and the 180 HP Liang car are not hoaxes.  We are on the right path to produce a 5KW Pulse Motor.  The 50watt proof-of-concept prototype is already successful.  Each participating student will build one.  We should have over ten working prototypes within weeks.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on May 26, 2009, 02:54:32 AM
The first video is the Tong Po Chi pulse motor. It has 4 magnets on the rim of the wooden wheel. A sensor will be turned on by the passing of a magnet. The sensor will then trigger a pulse current to a drive coil. The drive coil will repel one of the four magnets and turn the wheel in a clockwise direction. Note that at the beginning of the video, the wheel is started via the pushing from the finger.   
The second video shows the measurement of the input energy and the output energy. The input energy is 12 volts at 2 amps (24 watts). However, because of the pulsing only 1/8 of that energy is used (3 watts).
The output energy is 60 volts at approximately 0.8 amps from 12 collector coils (48 watts). The overunity factor is 48/3 or 16.
We think we can improve on that figure.
;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 26, 2009, 03:24:10 PM
WOW, Lawrence has invented the electric motor.

That is all it is, all he is doing different is using a magnetic sensor instead of a commutator to provide the pulses to the electromagnet.

As to overunity, if he learns how to measure properly the "lead out energy" will disappear.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on May 26, 2009, 03:44:12 PM
Dear Forever:
Many people in the past (and present) have looked at pulse motors of similar designs. It is difficult to assess the input/output energy ratios of such motors unless one has access to a fast oscilloscope, because much power can be "hidden" in spiky and noisy input and output waveforms.
I am sure that with a little effort you can find such an oscilloscope to use on your input and output from your pulse motor.
We will be eagerly awaiting your post of the input and output waveforms, so that we can confirm your 16x overunity result.
Sincerely, and best wishes,

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 26, 2009, 04:45:06 PM
Quote from: Forever on May 26, 2009, 02:54:32 AM
The first video is the Tong Po Chi pulse motor. It has 4 magnets on the rim of the wooden wheel. A sensor will be turned on by the passing of a magnet. The sensor will then trigger a pulse current to a drive coil. The drive coil will repel one of the four magnets and turn the wheel in a clockwise direction. Note that at the beginning of the video, the wheel is started via the pushing from the finger.   
The second video shows the measurement of the input energy and the output energy. The input energy is 12 volts at 2 amps (24 watts). However, because of the pulsing only 1/8 of that energy is used (3 watts).
The output energy is 60 volts at approximately 0.8 amps from 12 collector coils (48 watts). The overunity factor is 48/3 or 16.
We think we can improve on that figure.
;D ;D

Dear Forever,

Keep up the excellent work.

The advantage you have over all the Forum Members is that you have a working device next to you.  You can change the various parameters and set up.  You can check and double check the measurements.  You can produce another prototype with improvements.

You are repeating the achievements of the 225 HP Pulse Motor first developed in USA with Jupiter Group funding.  One slice of that machine can generate over 20 Horse Power.  So far, your motor only generates 50 watts.  There is plenty of room for improvement.  (I believe that the 225 HP Pulse Motor and other similar ones such as the Liang Car were classified as top secret by the various Governments.)

However, as a proof-of-concept experriment, the wheel with 12 collectors on each side is impressive.

When you have 48 watts of output, you can easily recharge your battery as it is only providing 3 watts.  The eyes of the World will be on you. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 26, 2009, 04:45:50 PM
This myth about pulse motors is something I don't get. Can someone show me an electric motor that does NOT rely on pulsed electricity?

All motors I have seen have either their pulses supplied by a commutator or some other mechanical device or rely on the pulses inherent in AC.

Lawrence's motor is a straight up and down electric motor, a very inefficient one at that because of the single electromagnet.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on May 26, 2009, 07:28:32 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 26, 2009, 04:45:06 PM
Dear Forever,

Keep up the excellent work.

The advantage you have over all the Forum Members is that you have a working device next to you.  You can change the various parameters and set up.  You can check and double check the measurements.  You can produce another prototype with improvements.

You are repeating the achievements of the 225 HP Pulse Motor first developed in USA with Jupiter Group funding.  One slice of that machine can generate over 20 Horse Power.  So far, your motor only generates 50 watts.  There is plenty of room for improvement.  (I believe that the 225 HP Pulse Motor and other similar ones such as the Liang Car were classified as top secret by the various Governments.)

However, as a proof-of-concept experriment, the wheel with 12 collectors on each side is impressive.

When you have 48 watts of output, you can easily recharge your battery as it is only providing 3 watts.  The eyes of the World will be on you.

The disadvantage is that you don't have the right equipment to test your functioning device properly, or you refuse to use it.

Power is not energy. For a device to be overunity it must produce more ENERGY than it takes in.

Energy is the time integral of an instantaneous power waveform.  Have you had calculus yet? Do you have Integration on your planet?

When you can show your input and output instantaneous power waveforms and integrate them over a reasonable time period, then and only then may you make claims about your energy balance in your pulse motor.

And you should know this already, because in most places in the world it is taught in first year EE review courses.

I understand that many excellent dual-channel oscilloscopes, that can do the math right there for you in real time, are actually manufactured in China. Why don't you get one for your research?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 26, 2009, 09:08:14 PM
Well, whatever the status of the pulse motor, and I believe it to be as Hans has stated, Forever is still looking good over there.  I wonder if I can get her to help me with my earth battery-joule thief-supercaps experiments?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 26, 2009, 11:17:25 PM
I was just reminded that there is such a thing as a homopolar motor that does not rely on pulsed electricity. I had forgotten about that. I stand corrected on that point, my main argument still stands though.

QuoteSimple homopolar motor made with drywall screw, alkaline battery cell, wire, and neodymium disk magnet. The screw and magnet contact the bottom of the battery cell and are held up by magnetic attraction.

Source Wikipedia

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on May 27, 2009, 10:29:41 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 26, 2009, 11:17:25 PM
I was just reminded that there is such a thing as a homopolar motor....
Good. A spot of humility will do you no harm.

Whilst you are in humble mode, you might remind yourself
that AC is not pulsed.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 27, 2009, 04:42:56 PM
The person on the LHS is a very tired Mr. Lung.  He is helping to turn the prototypes into educational products.

The box on the RHS may be a box that you can purchase at around Christmas time this year.  If there were delays, you may purchase such a product at the World Expo in Shanghai in 2010.  The overunity pulse motor will be part of the package.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 27, 2009, 04:48:25 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 27, 2009, 04:42:56 PM
The person on the LHS is a very tired Mr. Lung.  He is helping to turn the prototypes into educational products.

The box on the RHS may be a box that you can purchase at around Christmas time this year.  If there were delays, you may purchase such a product at the World Expo in Shanghai in 2010.  The overunity pulse motor will be part of the package.

It'll be a LUNG LUNG time (if ever) before we see O.U stuff from you entourage Mr. tseung.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 28, 2009, 05:47:02 PM

There were ten participants in the mini-internal demonstation on May 28.

The actual powerpoint presentation was repeated twice as one important person came an hour early. That turned out to be a blessing as that dry-run helped to make the later presentation much more smooth.

Every participant used his/her figure to start the Tong Pulse Motor. They all saw how the input and output measurements were taken. There was little doubt that the Input Voltage was 12V as that was from a battery. The new coils have 50 ohms resistance and that measurement was repeated many times.

They could all see that the Output Voltage reached 60 Volts AC. There was a small panic as one of the coils dropped out and after connecting back, the Output Voltage was only 45 Volts AC. It turned out that the two ends of the coil was unintentionally misconnected. That turned out to be a good lesson. Even though the output was AC, we still needed to be careful about the connecting wires in the pulse generator. (We do not need to care on the output load.)

The focus of the discussion turned to "whose figure" we should use at United Nations. A number of improvement suggestions on the presentation and the technical set up were raised.

The most important technical point was that with the same type of coils for drive coil and collector coil, overunity can be achieved if the total output voltage (DC) can be demonstrated to be higher than input.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on May 28, 2009, 06:04:22 PM
Sigh. Once again it seems, Lawrence, that you haven't done your homework, and even if you did, you copied someone else's papers.
Are you at all aware that Kohei Minato has a patent covering your pulse motor design? For your reading pleasure, I have attached a copy of his application including drawings. Pay special attention to the Claims, and to Drawings 9 - 12.

Oh, and by the way, in 2000, Joe Firmage's group ISSO tested Minato's pulse motor/generator, for which he was making almost identical claims as you are above, and using his own instrumentation, they identified the basic sophomore EE error in his computations and showed that, far from OU, his motor/generator was about 34 percent efficient. Not so good as these things go nowadays.
Maybe that's why he couldn't close the loop and make it run itself.

Why can't you close the loop and make your pulse motor run itself? Because it isn't OU, that's why.

(Volts aren't power, power isn't energy, bada-bing.)

(It appears that the pdf file is too big, so here's the link to another post in this forum that has it linked.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 28, 2009, 06:15:57 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on May 28, 2009, 06:04:22 PM
Sigh. Once again it seems, Lawrence, that you haven't done your homework, and even if you did, you copied someone else's papers.
Are you at all aware that Kohei Minato has a patent covering your pulse motor design? For your reading pleasure, I have attached a copy of his application including drawings. Pay special attention to the Claims, and to Drawings 9 - 12.

Oh, and by the way, in 2000, Joe Firmage's group ISSO tested Minato's pulse motor/generator, for which he was making almost identical claims as you are above, and using his own instrumentation, they identified the basic sophomore EE error in his computations and showed that, far from OU, his motor/generator was about 34 percent efficient. Not so good as these things go nowadays.
Maybe that's why he couldn't close the loop and make it run itself.

Why can't you close the loop and make your pulse motor run itself? Because it isn't OU, that's why.

(Volts aren't power, power isn't energy, bada-bing.)

(It appears that the pdf file is too big, so here's the link to another post in this forum that has it linked.)


Well, you see Lawrence supposedly got a degree in Aeronautical studies in the U.K. Recently he switched to learning elementary electronics after failing to attract followers to his mechanical lead-out pendulum mumbo jumbo Physics. After playing around with coils, batteries and resistors he got very excited because he could make the Tong Po Chi device 'jump'! One thing led to another and so we are here today because Lawrence sincerely believed he's inventing the pulse motor!

Our soap opera continues a new season with a new topic. However the cast is probably going to accept another season of assignment unless Lawrence invites new personalities?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 28, 2009, 08:04:55 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on May 28, 2009, 06:04:22 PM
Sigh. Once again it seems, Lawrence, that you haven't done your homework, and even if you did, you copied someone else's papers.
Are you at all aware that Kohei Minato has a patent covering your pulse motor design? For your reading pleasure, I have attached a copy of his application including drawings. Pay special attention to the Claims, and to Drawings 9 - 12.

Oh, and by the way, in 2000, Joe Firmage's group ISSO tested Minato's pulse motor/generator, for which he was making almost identical claims as you are above, and using his own instrumentation, they identified the basic sophomore EE error in his computations and showed that, far from OU, his motor/generator was about 34 percent efficient. Not so good as these things go nowadays.
Maybe that's why he couldn't close the loop and make it run itself.

Why can't you close the loop and make your pulse motor run itself? Because it isn't OU, that's why.

(Volts aren't power, power isn't energy, bada-bing.)

(It appears that the pdf file is too big, so here's the link to another post in this forum that has it linked.)

Kohei Minato's "Magnetic Rotating Motor Generator" US Patent application
« on: March 14, 2006, 08:17:09 PM »Quote I've attached a copy of the ""Magnetic Rotating Motor Generator" US Patent application to this message.

The inventor, Kohei Minato, claims the following:

"The present invention relates to a magnetic rotating motor generator that a motor which is subject to magnetic rotational drive semipermanently performs predetermined work (e.g., rotation of a fan or drive of a mechanical shaft) in a rotation mode and, at the same time, has a power generation mode for performing power generation, output power is larger than input power for driving the motor and power regeneration is possible."

I see some similarities between Kohei Minato's motor and Paul Splain's motor:

1) it is claimed that the output power is larger than the input power. (IE. overunity)

1) there is an electromatic that 'kicks' the rotor on a regular basis so it doesn't get 'stuck'

2) the magnetic flux that the rotor sees from the magnets is not a constant all the way around the stator. In Paul Splain's motor this is done by changing the distance of the magnets from the rotor. In Kohei Minato's motor this is done by changing the angle of the magnets so they aren't perpendicular to the rotor.

The Minato, Newman and Bedini Motors relied on pulse with one frequency.  At other "non-optimal" frequencies, the efficiency would be low and cannot achieve overunity.

The 225 HP Pulse Motor and the Liang Generator relied on tunable or programmable frequencies.  That is why that they were successful and classified by Governments.

The Tong Po Chi Pulse Motor in our garage laboratory has variable frequencies.  It is not programmable yet.  However this property allows it to produce the overunity condition over a wider range.  We know that it has significant output because if we did not put on external load, the electronics will burn!

It is just a matter of tuning now.  The overunity factor is 16 and the output power is 50 watts.  We expect to improve that significantly in the coming weeks.  (We believe that one slice of the 225 HP pulse motor could indeed provide over 20 HP.  That is theoretically possible.  It is classified but we feel confident that Obama will declassify it when our inferior version gets demonstrated at United Nations.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 28, 2009, 11:12:08 PM
Kohei Minato's "Magnetic Rotating Motor Generator" US Patent application
« on: March 14, 2006, 08:17:09 PM »  I've attached a copy of the ""Magnetic Rotating Motor Generator" US Patent application to this message.

Our PCT patent application is well ahead of that of Minato.  It was published officially by the PCT authorities in July 2006.  We do not rely on the patent to benefit the World.  We share the information with the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 29, 2009, 01:54:10 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on May 28, 2009, 08:04:55 PM
.... That is theoretically possible.  It is classified but we feel confident that Obama will declassify it when our inferior version gets demonstrated at United Nations.)

Er, like your UFO's were going to be demonstrated at the Beijing Olympics (2008?) and at the White Hosue lawn? Remember? Maybe the UFO's escaped out of your ears and did not return. I guess the Tong Po Chi jumpers are more down to earth and can be verified to 'pulse'?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on May 29, 2009, 09:32:36 AM

As the initiator of the thread, can you not simply block chrisc and
Tinselkoala? They pull down the intellectual level of the thread, and
clearly have no aspirations to learn or improve themselves. Why
they ever visit this thread is a mystery.

We probably all have our theories on that.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on May 29, 2009, 10:25:15 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on May 29, 2009, 09:32:36 AM

As the initiator of the thread, can you not simply block chrisc and
Tinselkoala? They pull down the intellectual level of the thread, and
clearly have no aspirations to learn or improve themselves. Why
they ever visit this thread is a mystery.

We probably all have our theories on that.

I point out the errors in your test methodology.
I point out references to prior art, that you may even be infringing upon.
I explain the agreed-upon correct way to test your apparatus.

Yes, those look like perfectly fine reasons to censor me. After all, we know that it is the TRUTH that is most often suppressed here.

But multiple accounts from the same person are permitted; outrageous claims and outright lies are permitted; blind sheep-like herd behaviour is encouraged.

But I note several things: No flying machine. No unidirectional reactionless unbalanced thrust. No excess energy from a pulse motor. No antigravity demonstrations, and no self-running generators. And etc.

Pull down the intellectual level of this thread?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 29, 2009, 10:25:27 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on May 29, 2009, 09:32:36 AM

As the initiator of the thread, can you not simply block chrisc and
Tinselkoala? They pull down the intellectual level of the thread, and
clearly have no aspirations to learn or improve themselves. Why
they ever visit this thread is a mystery.

We probably all have our theories on that.

Er, Paul. I know what TK, Bill, myself etc  are just trying to debunk or set straight some rather confused and deluded personalities. You on the other hand seemed to support and add to their confusion(?). Maybe, 1+0=0  in your simplified mind. No?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on May 29, 2009, 10:41:53 AM
Quote from: chrisC on May 29, 2009, 01:54:10 AM
Er, like your UFO's were going to be demonstrated at the Beijing Olympics (2008?) and at the White Hosue lawn? Remember? Maybe the UFO's escaped out of your ears and did not return. I guess the Tong Po Chi jumpers are more down to earth and can be verified to 'pulse'?


One thing about Lawrence - he is an eternal optimist.  "In a few months" is a constant mantra.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 29, 2009, 03:35:55 PM
Quote from: chrisC on May 29, 2009, 10:25:27 AM
Er, Paul. I know what TK, Bill, myself etc  are just trying to debunk or set straight some rather confused and deluded personalities. You on the other hand seemed to support and add to their confusion(?). Maybe, 1+0=0  in your simplified mind. No?


Chris, shame on you. Everyone knows that 1 + 0 = 10

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 29, 2009, 03:40:44 PM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on May 29, 2009, 03:35:55 PM
Chris, shame on you. Everyone knows that 1 + 0 = 10


Reminded me of a young man I saw this morning as I strolled on the campus of San Diego State University who wore a T-shirt with words on the front that read:

"I'm sure I'm 97% right all the time. Who cares about the other 4%!"

That reminded me of Lawrence.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 29, 2009, 04:39:20 PM
Calculation of Input and Output energy for the Tong Pulse Motor

Input Side:
Voltage = 12V      ; This is determined by the battery used
Resistance = 50 ohms    ; This is measured from the resistance of the coil used
Current = 0,24 amps      ; V=IR
Power = 2.88watts         ; P=IV
Pulse Current  is only 1/8 the time, thus effective Input Power
= 0.36watts (pulsed DC)

Output Side:
Voltage = 60V     ; This is measured AC voltage
Resistance = 600 ohms   ; This is from 12 coils connected in series
Current = 0.1 amp  : V=IR
Power = 6 watts      ; P=IV

Overunity factor = Output Power/Input Power
= 6/0.36
= 16,67

From the above calculations and actual experimental observations, the resistance of the coil does not seem to play an important role.  The most important value is the measured Output Voltage.  When we used one collector coil, we got an output voltage of close to 10V.  We were encouraged.  Sure enough, the addition of more collector coils increased the output voltage to much more than 12 Volts.  There were some concern that the output voltage was AC and not DC.  The next prototype will generate DC Output and will recharge the battery.

  More fun coming.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on May 29, 2009, 04:59:26 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 29, 2009, 04:39:20 PM
Calculation of Input and Output energy for the Tong Pulse Motor
The next prototype will generate DC Output and will recharge the battery.

  More fun coming.

Another one of these wanabe electrical engineers with inadequate understanding of power measurements.

More like "More rude awakening coming!"

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 30, 2009, 01:26:10 PM
Business Comments:
1.   Business persons cannot use meters to check Input and Output.  They need to see lights and fans producing useful Output Energy.
2.   There should be a separate presentation for the Businessman.
3.   Define the role for the Businessman â€" invest, sell products etc.  (What is there for me?)

Need to promote the goals of Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
1.   Non-profit
2.   International
3.   Innovation to bring new prosperity to All
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 30, 2009, 04:04:58 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 30, 2009, 01:26:10 PM
Business Comments:
1.   Business persons cannot use meters to check Input and Output.  They need to see lights and fans producing useful Output Energy.
2.   There should be a separate presentation for the Businessman.
3.   Define the role for the Businessman â€" invest, sell products etc.  (What is there for me?)

Need to promote the goals of Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
1.   Non-profit
2.   International
3.   Innovation to bring new prosperity to All

A simple experiment that anyone will understand and buy. Since you have energy to spare, feed back part of the energy into the motor and disconnect the battery. If it keeps running the Nobel prize is yours.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 30, 2009, 10:05:07 PM
The successful prototype demonstrated on May 28, 2009 will now be preserved for the “Museum”. 

A new prototype will be built will all new material and the lessons learned from the first prototype.

The “Museum” prototype can still be demonstrated to selected audience.  Much more can be learned by the students.

The next prototype will generate much more than 50watts from a 12 V battery drawing a maximum of 2 Amp. (24 watts).  It will be much closer to our goal of a self looped 5KW electricity generator for the average hoime.

Imagine one turn from the finger and your family will not need to pay any electricity bills for at least 10 years (the expected life of the generator).  What a sweet dream.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 30, 2009, 10:30:03 PM
Speaking of sweet dreams....how is Forever doing?  Tell her I said hello.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: fritznien on May 30, 2009, 10:50:24 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 29, 2009, 04:39:20 PM
Calculation of Input and Output energy for the Tong Pulse Motor

Input Side:
Voltage = 12V      ; This is determined by the battery used
Resistance = 50 ohms    ; This is measured from the resistance of the coil used
Current = 0,24 amps      ; V=IR
Power = 2.88watts         ; P=IV
Pulse Current  is only 1/8 the time, thus effective Input Power
= 0.36watts (pulsed DC)

Output Side:
Voltage = 60V     ; This is measured AC voltage
Resistance = 600 ohms   ; This is from 12 coils connected in series
Current = 0.1 amp  : V=IR
Power = 6 watts      ; P=IV

Overunity factor = Output Power/Input Power
= 6/0.36
= 16,67

From the above calculations and actual experimental observations, the resistance of the coil does not seem to play an important role.  The most important value is the measured Output Voltage.  When we used one collector coil, we got an output voltage of close to 10V.  We were encouraged.  Sure enough, the addition of more collector coils increased the output voltage to much more than 12 Volts.  There were some concern that the output voltage was AC and not DC.  The next prototype will generate DC Output and will recharge the battery.

  More fun coming.
60volts AC into a coil is a lot closer to zero watts. yes you have 600 ohms resistance but how much inductive reactance do you have? what was the currant? why do so many know so little of the basics of AC?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on May 31, 2009, 01:58:55 AM
Amazing chinese Magnet Only Motor ?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uKm7UCVxyg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uKm7UCVxyg)

I think this is another one of the devices produced by our chineese mate

http://www.panacea-bocaf.org/wangshumho.htm (http://www.panacea-bocaf.org/wangshumho.htm)

Language translation of the video (google translation):
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the world's first use of the dark matter in the universe as a supplementary energy, new materials using the new structure of the perpetual motion machine. Please theorists around the world, a theoretical physicist to give support, I would like to thank!! "

Have you gone into the dark matter business now Lawrence?

Congratulations. I am sure there is lots and lots of lead out energy in dark matter.

Hans von Lieven

Source: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=7531.msg183803#new (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=7531.msg183803#new)

Edit: Late edition cartoon.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 31, 2009, 09:36:33 AM
Quote from: fritznien on May 30, 2009, 10:50:24 PM
60volts AC into a coil is a lot closer to zero watts. yes you have 600 ohms resistance but how much inductive reactance do you have? what was the currant? why do so many know so little of the basics of AC?
This Pulse Motor generator produces AC in a strange manner.
The hertz or frequency is not fixed.  It varies with the load.  If the load is too small, the wheel will accelerate and in the case of no external load, the electronics will burn!
If the load is too high, the rotational speed will slow down and even stop.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 31, 2009, 06:10:23 PM

This is the business version of the presentation file shown on May 28, 2009. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on May 31, 2009, 06:49:39 PM
The picture is the secret of the Tong Po Chi Pulse Motor.  There is a magnetic sensor on the RHS.  When it detects the passing of a magnet, it will trigger the Pulse Current to the drive coil.  A relay is used (bottom of picture1).

Picture2 is a picture of the magnetic sensor.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on May 31, 2009, 07:05:50 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on May 31, 2009, 06:49:39 PM
The picture is the secret of the Tong Po Chi Pulse Motor.  There is a magnetic sensor on the RHS.  When it detects the passing of a magnet, it will trigger the Pulse Current to the drive coil.  A relay is used (bottom of picture1).

Picture2 is a picture of the magnetic sensor.

Top Gun,

You et al disclosed the secret of the Tong Po Chi Pulse Motor to the World.  Now every one with some engineering background can build it.  What do you gain?

Are you that noble as to benefit the Worl without personal rewards?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on May 31, 2009, 10:10:41 PM
Quote from: Devil on May 31, 2009, 07:05:50 PM
Top Gun,

You et al disclosed the secret of the Tong Po Chi Pulse Motor to the World.  Now everyone with some engineering background can build it.  What do you gain?

Are you that noble as to benefit the World without personal rewards?

We believe that the two technologies â€" Lead-out energy and man-made flying saucer are so significant that all Countries will use them.

There is a strong possibility that some Countries have already developed military products based on such technologies.  However, the various Governments have kept that as top-secret.

Our role is to bring the benefits to the entire World.  The technology should not just benefit one group or one country.  Our educational product will help the student to understand the entire field of Lead-Out Energy.  The crowning jewel in the DIY kit is the building of an actual Lead-Out Energy machine that can conclusively demonstrate overunity.

Since the product will be out, we do not mind that some people will learn about it a few months early.  The market is large enough for many players.  We are also sure that some stupid debunkers will persuade their Governments that such technologies are hoaxes.  They will get hammered by their Governments later on.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 31, 2009, 11:59:52 PM

Gee, this sounds a lot like my Bedini replications.  Have your people looked into Bedini?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 01, 2009, 01:23:47 AM
Quote from: fritznien on May 30, 2009, 10:50:24 PM
60volts AC into a coil is a lot closer to zero watts. yes you have 600 ohms resistance but how much inductive reactance do you have? what was the currant? why do so many know so little of the basics of AC?

Because Lawrence is NOT a electrical engineer and much less a scientist! He's in the snake oil business and this is a comedy show.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 01, 2009, 04:43:00 AM
Coming Improvements over the prototype on May 28, 2009

1.   Drive and Collector Coils are identical in construction.
2.   Drive and Collector Coils are interchangeable via manual switching (and under program control later)
3.   The sizes of permanent magnets and coils will have much better matching.
4.   The diameter of the outer stationary wheel will be closer to 1 meter.
5.   The number of coils and magnets will match and will have 16 pairs.
6.   The design is in slices and an additional slice can be added if needed.
7.   The Magnitude of the Pulse Current can be adjusted via variable resistor.
8.   The number of turns in the coil will greatly decrease and a test for the optimal will be done.
9.   There will be a minimum load (lights) to drain away the energy from the battery and the Lead-out energy so that the electronics will not burnt.
10.   Stationary permanent magnets will be placed to increase efficiency of the motor/generator. (changing magnitude and direction of external magnetic field).
11.   Better magnets, wheel material and other engineering
12.   Better sensor control â€" Different small magnets will give thinner pulse and hence less input pulse energy.
13.   External load sensing and control (may leave that for the next prototype).
14.   Recharging of the same battery or recharging a backup battery.
15.   Continuous running for at least two weeks with fixed load
16.   Continuous running for at least two weeks with varying load
17.         Output will also be pulsed DC.   May use capacitors to smooth later.

We shall be busy for a little while.  A few more prototypes may be needed before a commercial 5KW electricity generator can be perfected.  However, we are optimistic and ready for the challenge.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on June 01, 2009, 07:36:05 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 01, 2009, 04:43:00 AM
Coming Improvements over the prototype on May 28, 2009

1.   Drive and Collector Coils are identical in construction.
2.   Drive and Collector Coils are interchangeable via manual switching (and under program control later)
3.   The sizes of permanent magnets and coils will have much better matching.
4.   The diameter of the outer stationary wheel will be closer to 1 meter.
5.   The number of coils and magnets will match and will have 16 pairs.
6.   The design is in slices and an additional slice can be added if needed.
7.   The Magnitude of the Pulse Current can be adjusted via variable resistor.
8.   The number of turns in the coil will greatly decrease and a test for the optimal will be done.
9.   There will be a minimum load (lights) to drain away the energy from the battery and the Lead-out energy so that the electronics will not burnt.
10.   Stationary permanent magnets will be placed to increase efficiency of the motor/generator. (changing magnitude and direction of external magnetic field).
11.   Better magnets, wheel material and other engineering
12.   Better sensor control â€" Different small magnets will give thinner pulse and hence less input pulse energy.
13.   External load sensing and control (may leave that for the next prototype).
14.   Recharging of the same battery or recharging a backup battery.
15.   Continuous running for at least two weeks with fixed load
16.   Continuous running for at least two weeks with varying load
17.         Output will also be pulsed DC.   May use capacitors to smooth later.

We shall be busy for a little while.  A few more prototypes may be needed before a commercial 5KW electricity generator can be perfected.  However, we are optimistic and ready for the challenge.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Tseung, there will always be room for improvement.  The existing prototype can already demonstrate overunity.  Use that opportunity well.

Imagine the positive things that prototype and the Lee-Tseung theory bring to Hong Kong, China and the World.  Get ready to promote, promote and promote.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on June 01, 2009, 06:49:07 PM
Quote from: Devil on June 01, 2009, 07:36:05 AM
Tseung, there will always be room for improvement.  The existing prototype can already demonstrate overunity.  Use that opportunity well.

Imagine the positive things that prototype and the Lee-Tseung theory bring to Hong Kong, China and the World.  Get ready to promote, promote and promote.

Dear Devil,

There is something called PRIDE with every inventor.  He wants to show his best.  The May 28 prototype is acceptable to the scientists who can use instruments to check the Input and Output.  The Scientists also needed to do some calculations.  The average layman will not be impressed.

The first prototype will be a “museum” piece but that does not mean that it will not be shown to the World.  It might even worth many millions as a collector item.  However, we should not waste the time from the development team in showing it.  A separate marketing team can do that.

I am sure that Tong will get his student helpers (now include his own son, Miller Tong) to add some if not all the improvements identified.  It will be a great learning experience for these youngsters.  They are leading and learning for the World.

I do agree that the promotion can start now.  The pictures, videos and calculations can be sent to the academics.  The education product should be packaged and sold asap.  One of them can be sent as a gift to Stefan as a thank you gift for his hard work and hosting the many thousand posts from Tseung et al.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 01, 2009, 06:55:40 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on June 01, 2009, 06:49:07 PM
  The average layman will not be impressed.


You are absolutely correct! The minute you stop talking to yourself and to your created entourage of 'laymen', perhaps we may start taking you seriously, but only to the point when you can show some intelligence and scientific proofs. Anything else belongs to the mentally retard or seriously delusional category.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on June 02, 2009, 09:34:13 AM
Quote from: chrisC on June 01, 2009, 06:55:40 PM

You are absolutely correct! The minute you stop talking to yourself and to your created entourage of 'laymen', perhaps we may start taking you seriously, but only to the point when you can show some intelligence and scientific proofs. Anything else belongs to the mentally retard or seriously delusional category.

You've got this all wrong.

Your job is to set people against eachother; not everyone
(except a couple) against you. Go back to the manual and
read it again.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 02, 2009, 11:37:20 AM

You do realize that Lawrence, Top Gun, The Devil, and most of the time if not all Forever are all alter egos of Lawrence don't you?  He has admitted to that a long way back in this topic even though most of us already knew this.  He said it was a new teaching tool he created to get his theory across better.  This is exactly what Chris was talking about in his post.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 02, 2009, 11:56:20 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on June 02, 2009, 09:34:13 AM
You've got this all wrong.

Your job is to set people against eachother; not everyone
(except a couple) against you. Go back to the manual and
read it again.


Er, I'm sorry to disappoint you Paul. I really am not a 'paid debunker' as Lawrence would like you to believe. For the record, I have another life; to do with licensing my inventions to $B companies. Yes, I do read manuals but these are manuals to do with patent laws (MPEP) and not 'how-to' manuals to set one party against others.

I think all serious O.U researches want any bona fide inventor to succeed, including Lawrence. But when claims become preposterous and includes multiple personality representation, surely if you're sane and normal you'll see the need to stop this nonsense. Or maybe you've the same mentality like Lawrence? Strange world we live in!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on June 02, 2009, 01:01:59 PM
Personally, I'm not trying to debunk. What I'm trying to do is to get people like the lsteung multiple personalities to :

1) Learn how to perform the proper measurements of energy, power, force, etc.
2) Perform these proper measurements properly using the proper equipment.
3) Design and execute the correct CONTROL experiments to try to knock down their hypotheses, as scientists are supposed to do.
4) Report their experiments accurately.
5) Stop making unsupported claims about overunity and stop projecting impossible future goals like demonstrating flying saucers to Obama.

What's debunking about that? Nothing. Do the proper experiments and let the results speak for themselves.

But if your "black cat detector" is always only presented black cats to look at, you will of course think it is working perfectly when it identifies them.

But what does it do when you present it with a yellow duck? In Ltseung's case, it says, "Bingo! Another Black Cat!" And he uses the output of the black cat detector to "prove" that your yellow duck is really a black cat, and if only you weren't such a stupid debunker you would agree.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on June 02, 2009, 04:21:01 PM
It always amazes me how people want to believe so much that all science and rational thought goes out the door.
Lawence has built quite a fan club with himself.
Here is the challenge Lawrence. I travell overseas a lot (next week Africa and Malaysia) I am quite happy to stop of to where ever you are for a demonstration of any of these technologies and measure it for OU. So if you have something worthwhile...I will report on it.
I should remind you that my record is 100% in exposing flaws in testing data or finding there is no OU. My last trip OS was a classic given the technology I found to be a fraud had passed through three engineers and had full TUV certification (even the engineers can be fooled sometimes)
So how about it Lawrence...plus if I am wrong there is substantial funding available.
Ask your friends Top Gun and Devil what they think about the idea.I am sure you will reach consensus LOL.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on June 02, 2009, 05:28:47 PM
Quote from: chrisC on June 02, 2009, 11:56:20 AM
For the record, I have another life; to do with licensing my inventions to $B companies....
If this were true, you would not have time to waste messing about with a thread like this.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on June 02, 2009, 08:12:18 PM
And some people actually play golf, can you imagine?
Even stranger, others sit at home and watch them do it on television.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on June 02, 2009, 10:26:18 PM
Quote from: markdansie on June 02, 2009, 04:21:01 PM
It always amazes me how people want to believe so much that all science and rational thought goes out the door.
Lawence has built quite a fan club with himself.
Here is the challenge Lawrence. I travell overseas a lot (next week Africa and Malaysia) I am quite happy to stop of to where ever you are for a demonstration of any of these technologies and measure it for OU. So if you have something worthwhile...I will report on it.
I should remind you that my record is 100% in exposing flaws in testing data or finding there is no OU. My last trip OS was a classic given the technology I found to be a fraud had passed through three engineers and had full TUV certification (even the engineers can be fooled sometimes)
So how about it Lawrence...plus if I am wrong there is substantial funding available.
Ask your friends Top Gun and Devil what they think about the idea.I am sure you will reach consensus LOL.

I have a working Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Energy Machine in my possession.  It is a version that we intend to put into the Museum later on.  However, the measured output energy is greater than the measured input energy by 16 times.  The energy output (input + lead-out) is only 50 watts.

There is no need for you to provide any funding.  We are willing to sell you one of these prototypes reproduced by our students for the sum of HK$100,000 now.  You can bring that working prototype and demonstrate it anywhere you like.

The actual educational product to be mass produced is likely to cost HK$10,000.  By paying ten times that amount, you have the privilege of having a hand-made prototype a few months earlier.

My prototype will be in Shenzhen and can be shown anytime as there will be no development work on it.  State the time you will be in Hong Kong or Shenzhen openly in this Forum.  I shall reply via this forum.  Please bring all your cameras, measuring instruments etc.  You can bring other experts too.

We are ready to do promotion, promotion and promotion.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 02, 2009, 10:58:05 PM

If this is true, why not apply to Stefan and claim the O.U. prize money?  If you really have it, why not?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 03, 2009, 01:42:54 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on June 02, 2009, 10:58:05 PM

If this is true, why not apply to Stefan and claim the O.U. prize money?  If you really have it, why not?


Re: OverUnity prize money 15825 US$ total until now
« Reply #404 on: April 19, 2009, 12:09:46 AM »Quote Quote from: Philip Hardcastle on April 18, 2009, 07:52:16 AM
Hi Stefan,

Count me in for US$5,000

You can contact me at my email for documentation to be signed issues.

Philip Hardcastle

Many thanks Philip,
I will now update the prize amount.

Regards, Stefan. Logged

US15825 is more than HK$100K.  That should get the students interested.  They are reproducing the prototype in any case as an exercise.  I noted that three prototypes need to be built and shipped to at least three places.

That should not be a big problem.  There should be at least ten such prototypes within weeks.

The important thing is to get the PR.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 03, 2009, 02:23:18 AM

All kidding aside, I do hope you go for it and I also hope that you win it.  Please keep us posted.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on June 03, 2009, 02:37:20 AM
thanks lawernce, I will contact you to make arrangements , I should be able to make it in around three weeks time
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 03, 2009, 03:16:36 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on June 02, 2009, 10:26:18 PM
I have a working Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Energy Machine in my possession.  It is a version that we intend to put into the Museum later on.  However, the measured output energy is greater than the measured input energy by 16 times.  The energy output (input + lead-out) is only 50 watts.

There is no need for you to provide any funding.  We are willing to sell you one of these prototypes reproduced by our students for the sum of HK$100,000 now.  You can bring that working prototype and demonstrate it anywhere you like.

The actual educational product to be mass produced is likely to cost HK$10,000.  By paying ten times that amount, you have the privilege of having a hand-made prototype a few months earlier.

My prototype will be in Shenzhen and can be shown anytime as there will be no development work on it.  State the time you will be in Hong Kong or Shenzhen openly in this Forum.  I shall reply via this forum.  Please bring all your cameras, measuring instruments etc.  You can bring other experts too.

We are ready to do promotion, promotion and promotion.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Did anyone notice that this was posted by Top Gun and signed by Larry????

Funny shit this is!

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on June 03, 2009, 03:41:17 AM
I noticed, the offer is made and I will have my electrical engineers with me so we can see if anything is there. I will not speculate other than 100% of the time so far I hve never found overunity and more often than not incorrect calculations or measuring methodology.
In some cases its blatent fraud but no money is involved here. i would happy pay 100k HKD if the device is real.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 03, 2009, 03:48:01 AM
The question is Mark, will he let you examine the device without you paying up front?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on June 03, 2009, 04:04:06 AM
@ Hans
well lets ask him
I am happy to do the tests and agree to buy one if it works
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 03, 2009, 04:24:22 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on June 02, 2009, 10:58:05 PM

If this is true, why not apply to Stefan and claim the O.U. prize money?  If you really have it, why not?


Umm... we'll have to wait until the cows come home!

Mylow had fishing lines, Lawrence has delusions....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 03, 2009, 04:30:21 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on June 02, 2009, 05:28:47 PM
If this were true, you would not have time to waste messing about with a thread like this.

Well, much as I would like to share, there are clauses in my licensing contract that I can't disclose details. Not that it matters much because you won't believe anyway.
Suffice to say, this is no bull but we'll have to wait until the Northern California District court releases their Pacer reports.

You really don't know how refreshing this thread is for relaxing purposes!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 03, 2009, 04:39:17 AM

You live in The People's Republic Of California?  I am sorry for you man.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 03, 2009, 04:54:28 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on June 03, 2009, 04:39:17 AM

You live in The People's Republic Of California?  I am sorry for you man.


Don't you ever sleep Bill?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 03, 2009, 04:59:19 AM
Quote from: chrisC on June 03, 2009, 04:54:28 AM
Don't you ever sleep Bill?


Of course not Chris, he is a PI. Remember Pinkerton's ? They never slept either.  ;D ;D

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 03, 2009, 05:00:43 AM
Quote from: hansvonlieven on June 03, 2009, 04:59:19 AM
Of course not Chris, he is a PI. Remember Pinkerton's ? They never slept either.  ;D ;D

Hans von Lieven


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on June 03, 2009, 09:58:28 AM
Quote from: chrisC on June 03, 2009, 04:30:21 AM
Well, much as I would like to share, there are clauses in my licensing contract that I can't disclose details. Not that it matters much because you won't believe anyway....
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on June 03, 2009, 11:45:43 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 03, 2009, 01:42:54 AM
The important thing is to get the PR.

PR is easy to get.  Look at how much attention Mylow got just by posting convincing-seeming Youtube videos.

You just have to make your device seem more convincing.  How about having it power itself, instead of using power from the grid?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on June 03, 2009, 12:52:54 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on June 03, 2009, 11:45:43 AM
PR is easy to get.  Look at how much attention Mylow got just by posting convincing-seeming Youtube videos.

You just have to make your device seem more convincing.  How about having it power itself, instead of using power from the grid?
That's what we all want, but it can be much more difficult than it seems. For instance, a device might produce power at a strange frequency and a strange voltage, making the attachment of a motor difficult. It is easier, in the short term, simply to measure the power out.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 03, 2009, 12:56:56 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on June 03, 2009, 12:52:54 PM
That's what we all want, but it can be much more difficult than it seems. For instance, a device might produce power at a strange frequency and a strange voltage, making the attachment of a motor difficult. It is easier, in the short term, simply to measure the power out.

er.. No! That's layman's understanding. Same class as ltseung et al.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on June 03, 2009, 02:03:56 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on June 03, 2009, 12:52:54 PM
That's what we all want, but it can be much more difficult than it seems. For instance, a device might produce power at a strange frequency and a strange voltage, making the attachment of a motor difficult. It is easier, in the short term, simply to measure the power out.

Ever heard of rectifiers and voltage regulators?

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 03, 2009, 08:00:55 PM
The three students who will take on the challenge of building the Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Enegy device to win the prize in overunity.com are:

Ms. Forever Yuen, who has helped me in the past two years.  She will also manage the day-to-day matters of Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.

Mr. Jacky Ko, who first learned about the technology at the Christmas Party in 2008.  He did not start working on it until after he finished his university entrance examinations in April, 2009.

Mr. Miller Tong, who is the son of Mr. Tong Po Chi.  He is most familiar with the construction of the prototypes as he helped in the wiring, testing and demonstrating of the prototypes.

The prototype in their hands can generate 48 watts.  That is 2 watts short of the required 50 watts.  However, they are all confident that they can add the necessary improvements to exceed that in THEIR OWN prototypes.

I shall report their progress in the coming days.  The World can learn together on how three 18 year olds use their innovation talents to benefit the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 03, 2009, 08:13:30 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 03, 2009, 08:00:55 PM
The three students who will take on the challenge of building the Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Enegy device to win the prize in overunity.com are:

Keep going Lawrence. Whilst you're at it, you can also start writing a book to go with the sale of these wonderful O.U toys.
Just remember to reference it to the correct category, named Science fiction.

ps: How come the only helpers you can recruit (outside the other strange folks) are students? Does it have to do with youngsters 'looking' up to a gray haired gentleman who seemed to be full of 'wisdom'? Just curious....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on June 03, 2009, 10:14:18 PM
What amazes me is the degree of mind control he must exert over those poor "students". Because the correct information on testing electrical machines is widely available and I happen to know that there are some fairly good oscilloscopes made in China. How is Tseung able to keep his collaborators from doing their own research? Is the internet really that tightly controlled over there?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on June 04, 2009, 04:53:31 PM
Dear Mr.Tseung,

I support your strategy of freezing of a prototype.  Use totally different sets of material for the new prototype including batteries, wires etc.

Many poor inventors reuse the material from their partially successful prototypes.  That means taking apart a functional prototype.  Wang Shenhe was a typical example.  In his early days, he played with many different configurations.  But he seldom had a working prototype ready to demonstrate.

Do not modify or improve the "museum piece" prototype even though it has its obvious deficiencies.  Build another one for "testing and improvement".  The advantage of having students in the team is that - they are eager to replicate.  Play with a replication.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: X00013 on June 05, 2009, 12:09:45 AM
@ TK, just one of millions of examples of China's control of the internet ,  http://www.newsweek.com/id/200154?from=rss

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on June 06, 2009, 12:10:08 AM
What can the “authorities” do?

The disclosing of the Tong Po Chi jumping device has conclusively demonstrated that an unbalanced force can be produced from within a closed system.

The disclosing of the Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Energy Pulse Motor has pointed to the feasibility of overunity.

Both of these disclosures involve relatively simple devices that can be reproduced by almost all universities and research laboratories.  This means the man-made flying saucer is now a certainty.  What can the “authorities” who want to keep such technologies secret do?

1.   They may still want to prove that experiment 1 and the horizontal Tong Po Chi devices are hoaxes.  They may still argue that it was frictional forces that provide the observed experimental results.  They may still argue that because ACTION=REACTION, the small but observed unbalanced force in one direction is an experimental error.

2.   Since Experiment 1 and the Tong Po Chi jumping device have been reproduced over a dozen times by at least 10 people in at least 4 places, the chance of hoaxes or experimental error is zero.

3.   The videos are in a couple of places.  The easiest path for Westerners to review are the following:

•   Experiment 001 â€" The use of two weak magnets repelled by a strong coil to two ends with unequal padding.  The red side has a hard surface.  The black side has a soft, yielding surface made up of loose black tape.  The net force is in the direction of the red surface.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCHOkR-S800

•   The Tong Po Chi device placed horizontally â€" The two magnets and one coil were replaced by two coils and one magnet.  The two coils have unequal number of turns and the net unbalanced force is produced by magnetic attraction.  A timer is used so that the number of pulses per second can be changed.  The net force is much stronger and can be controlled.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TfwKBdmRao

These two experiments or their equivalent have been replicated in various scientific establishments in China (and possibly in other Countries without our knowledge.)  Any possible challenge from knowledgeable scientists can be met easily.  I do not think the “authorities” will risk the reputation of their scientific establishment in mounting unsuccessful challenges.  There will still be stupid debunkers who voice objections without doing any experiments.

1.   The even bigger prize is the Tong Po Cho Lead-Out Energy Device.  The demonstrated prototypes generated less than 50 watts.  They could not win the overunity prize requiring a minimum of 50 watts yet.  However, those devices demonstrated the principle used in the 225 HP Pulse Motor funded by the Jupiter Group in USA and the Dr. Liang Car in China.   The principle is that suitable pulses can lead-out gravitational and/or magnetic energy.  The output energy is the sum of input energy PLUS the lead-out energy.  Thus overunity can be achieved without violating the Law of Conservation of Energy.

2.   The two videos are shown in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNnaBo7DYWM and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WOlapyApJ8.  They showed the first successful attempt with a sensor triggering the Pulse Current to the Drive Coil.  There were 4 pulses per revolution.  The output and lead-out energy were collected via 12 Collector Coils.  Since the Output Voltage was AC (60 volts), there was still some concern that the proof was not absolute.  The next prototype would try to recharge the battery and light some bulbs to remove such concerns.

3.   The exact construction of the sensor and the relays to provide pulse current were also displayed in Overunity.com. http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=2794.msg183860#msg183860  There is no possibility that the spinning device is a hoax.  The “authorities” cannot stop others from replicating such a simple device.

4.   The likely scenario is for the “authorities” to announce and display their much more advanced prototypes including the 225 HP Pulse Motor and the Liang 188 HP car.  Tong Po Chi, Lawrence Tseung and Lee Cheung Kin would have to share the glory with others.  Since some of the patents might have been classified, the handling of such will be in the hands of Patent Lawyers.

5.   The World will benefit because of the virtually unlimited energy.  However, the man-made flying saucers will wipe out all weapons advantage of USA and other more advanced nations.  The “authorities” will not be able stop the scientific disclosure and educational toy.

Expect foul play that will match those in the best movies.  These will be the work of my followers!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 06, 2009, 12:40:44 AM
Quote from: Devil on June 06, 2009, 12:10:08 AM
What can the “authorities” do?


My recommendation is they place you in one of these famous establishments for someone with your acclaimed career and out of this world ideas!



ps: initial examinations are free.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 06, 2009, 11:39:14 AM

The AC voltage reading is now fluctuating around 70 Volts.  The chance of winning the overunity prize is higher.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on June 06, 2009, 06:34:57 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 06, 2009, 11:39:14 AM

The AC voltage reading is now fluctuating around 70 Volts.  The chance of winning the overunity prize is higher.

Tseung, stick to your original plan of having at least ten working devices before the major announcement to the World.  Let the students such as Forever, Jacky, Miller, etc. shine first.

The moment the TV people comes, you will not have time to think or sleep.  Do not worry about the stupid debunkers in this forum.  They cannot even do experiment 1.  As for the top experts in the Military of various Governments, they already produced the man-made flying saucer.  Your prototypes are primitive.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on June 06, 2009, 08:04:02 PM

There is a guy here that claims a flying saucer kit or something.
I dont understand well the spoken english.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Yucca on June 06, 2009, 08:18:35 PM
Quote from: nievesoliveras on June 06, 2009, 08:04:02 PM

There is a guy here that claims a flying saucer kit or something.
I dont understand well the spoken english.


Hi Jesus,

Yes it would work, JLN made a working model based on this same Coanda effect:
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 07, 2009, 06:15:03 AM
As expected, the working prototype broke during the transport to Shenzhen.   Some parts fell out and will need to be replaced.

Fortunately, the videos were taken first.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on June 07, 2009, 12:10:14 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 07, 2009, 06:15:03 AM
As expected, the working prototype broke during the transport to Shenzhen.   Some parts fell out and will need to be replaced.

Fortunately, the videos were taken first.

Is this some kind of lame excuse for why mark dansie cannot measure your device for overunity?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on June 07, 2009, 12:21:44 PM
It's like a rerun of a remake of a ripoff of an old silent movie.
"Sure, you can come and see it any time."
OK, I"m here. Let's see it.
"Well, I wasn't expecting you so soon, it's in the shop (or it's been borrowed by the MIBs, or some parts (failed, wore out, couldn't take the heat, FELL OUT!!) or it's been taken apart to be tuned up...) so you'll have to come back next week."
OK, how about Thursday?
"Well, my ex-wife's getting remarried and she wants me to be the best man, so..."
OK, how about Friday?
"Sure, Friday's fine. It will be ready then."
And Friday rolls around....
"Oh, you meant THIS Friday. I meant NEXT Friday. You'll have to come back."
But I won't be on this continent next week.
"Too bad. You obviously are a rabid debunker and refused to properly test my device. I'll be telling all about this on the Internet!!"

And the beat goes on...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: blueplanet on June 07, 2009, 03:52:19 PM
Could you tell me where exactly (and when) you are going to demonstrate your working prototype?

I am interested in having a look on your work. I can travel to Shenzhen very easily.

Quote from: ltseung888 on June 07, 2009, 06:15:03 AM
As expected, the working prototype broke during the transport to Shenzhen.   Some parts fell out and will need to be replaced.

Fortunately, the videos were taken first.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 07, 2009, 04:01:33 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on June 07, 2009, 12:21:44 PM
It's like a rerun of a remake of a ripoff of an old silent movie.
"Sure, you can come and see it any time."
OK, I"m here. Let's see it.
"Well, I wasn't expecting you so soon, it's in the shop (or it's been borrowed by the MIBs, or some parts (failed, wore out, couldn't take the heat, FELL OUT!!) or it's been taken apart to be tuned up...) so you'll have to come back next week."
OK, how about Thursday?
"Well, my ex-wife's getting remarried and she wants me to be the best man, so..."
OK, how about Friday?
"Sure, Friday's fine. It will be ready then."
And Friday rolls around....
"Oh, you meant THIS Friday. I meant NEXT Friday. You'll have to come back."
But I won't be on this continent next week.
"Too bad. You obviously are a rabid debunker and refused to properly test my device. I'll be telling all about this on the Internet!!"

And the beat goes on...

Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
la de da de dee
la de da de die

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on June 07, 2009, 06:59:40 PM
Quote from: Yucca on June 06, 2009, 08:18:35 PM
Hi Jesus,

Yes it would work, JLN made a working model based on this same Coanda effect:

Thank you @yucca !

That flyer looks good flying.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 08, 2009, 02:21:22 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 07, 2009, 06:15:03 AM
As expected, the working prototype broke during the transport to Shenzhen.   Some parts fell out and will need to be replaced.

Fortunately, the videos were taken first.

As expected, the problem was identified and fixed.  The electronics stores are only 30 minutes away from the prototype.  Extra spares have been purchased.

This particular prototype will be frozen.  Others are being built.  The strategy of having at least ten working ones before the Major Announcement to the World is a great idea.  That should happen within the next 6 weeks.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 08, 2009, 02:32:45 AM
Quote from: blueplanet on June 07, 2009, 03:52:19 PM
Could you tell me where exactly (and when) you are going to demonstrate your working prototype?

I am interested in having a look on your work. I can travel to Shenzhen very easily.


   Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
« Reply #4183 on: June 03, 2009, 08:37:20 AM »

thanks Lawrence, I will contact you to make arrangements , I should be able to make it in around three weeks time

You are welcome to see it together with Mark and his engineers.  Bring your camera and testing equipment.  I like to have two or more independent groups checking the prototype at the same time.

Meanwhile, enjoy the videos at youtube.com under the username ltseung888.  Also study the information posted by Forever Yuen at:

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 08, 2009, 08:51:11 AM
One of the new prototypes being discussed is displayed in the attached diagram.

Technically, we have all the pieces.  It is a matter of finding the right machine shop to build it.

If successful, the prototype will be worth much more than HK$100,000.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 08, 2009, 11:24:19 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 08, 2009, 08:51:11 AM
One of the new prototypes being discussed is displayed in the attached diagram.

Technically, we have all the pieces.  It is a matter of finding the right machine shop to build it.

If successful, the prototype will be worth much more than HK$100,000.

Congratulations Lawrence!
The magic word has always been,."If".
If pigs can fly, would bacon be more expensive?
Fortunately, we'll never know because in your case, there will always be another Olympics or another excuse why the silly thing doesn't work!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 08, 2009, 09:07:26 PM
Conversation with Mr. Lung in Shenzhen

Day 1  The prototype arrived in Shenzhen.

Lung: “It arrived.  I am coming over now.”
Tseung: “I have not even unpacked and test it yet.”
Lung: “It does not matter.  I shall help you to unpack.”
Within minutes, Lung arrived.
Lung: “There are pieces falling out from the prototype.  There are also loose wires.  You must have had a rough journey.”
Tseung: “We did not have packing material.  I just hand-carry the prototype in a large paper shopping bag.  It went through taxi, underground, train, underground and over half a mile on foot.”
Lung: “I can help to do the testing.  There are over a dozen places that can go wrong.  Do you have extra spares that we can swap?”
Tseung: “No.  But I know I can get almost every component in the electronics stores in Shenzhen.”
After an hour messing around, Mr. Lung was frustrated.
Lung: “A non-working prototype is not worth anything.  Are you sure that it has been working?  How come you cannot fix it?”
Tseung: “I shall purchase the various parts and make it work.  I shall phone you when it works again.”

Day 2

Tseung went to the electronic stores the next morning.  After replacing some parts, including a burnt relay, the prototype worked.  Mr. Lung came.
Lung: “Does it always require the finger to start it?”
Tseung: “You can try.  If the magnet were in the just-right position, the turning of the switch would start it without the finger motion.  Otherwise use you finger.”
Lung: “It goes to almost 70 volts AC on 12 collector coils?  Can I use a smaller battery?”
After trying, Lung: “It worked.  However, the voltage was only 30 volts AC.”
Tseung: “We need to improve it before it can generate 5 KW.  We know that it can be done as the 225 HP pulse motor from USA could generate over 20 HP with one slice.  I shall post the suggested improvements on the Internet.”
Lung: “If the 5 KW prototype works, every home will purchase one.  The value will be in multi-billions.  Why are you sharing the secret with the World?  Some one will steal your idea.”
Tseung: “I do not mind someone stealing the idea so long as the World benefits together.  The educational toy that conclusively demonstrates overunity with lead-out energy will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.  Focus on getting that produced.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 08, 2009, 10:48:21 PM
Conversation with Ms Hung, a housewife

Tseung: "I have connected all 24 coils.  The reading is now 100 volt AC."

Hung: "That is great.  The needle points to 100.  Does that mean I do not need to pay electricity bills from now on?"

Tseung: "Not so fast.  This is only a proof-of-concept prototype.  You need to wait a few weeks longer."

Hung: "I shall cook you a very nice dinner with your electricity when that happens."

Tseung: "Thank you in advance."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 09, 2009, 09:28:00 AM
The prototype managed to light up an LED.

It failed to light up a 50 watt light bulb.  The wheel slowed to a halt.  The actual output is somewhere between a few watts and less than 50 watts.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 09, 2009, 01:52:56 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 09, 2009, 09:28:00 AM
The prototype managed to light up an LED.

It failed to light up a 50 watt light bulb.  The wheel slowed to a halt.  The actual output is somewhere between a few watts and less than 50 watts.

Keep talking to yourself and to your strange fellows. We'll take serious notice when you are able to show convincing scientific proofs your 'O' level experiments produce O.U.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 09, 2009, 06:48:01 PM
Technical session with the Students

Jacky: “Why should we have two paths?  The Tong Po Chi and the 225 HP Pulse Motor.”

Tong: “It was hoped that the Tong device would generate 220 Volts AC and power household appliances in one single step.”

Miller: “The test with one single coil yielded a 10 volts AC.  With 24 coils, we hoped to get 240 volts AC.  Experimentally, the best we could get was 100 volts AC so far.”

Tseung: “The initial design called for a maximum of 2 Amp DC as input.  The actual prototype used 10 Amps.  What is the reason for the change?”

Tong: “Initially, we used the same type of Coil for Pulse and Collector.  However, our design is different from that of the 225 HP Pulse Motor.  The same type of Coils could not provide the Drive.  We then used thick coils, oval shaped coils etc.  One of them worked.  We know that other configurations might work even better.  However, we were under pressure to show something working.”

Forever: “It worked.  We were able to demonstrate the device on May 28, 2009.”

Tong: “In exploring the unknown, any path is a good path.  Document what has been learned.”

Tseung: "Share it with the World."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 09, 2009, 09:06:27 PM
Day 3 Conversation with Mr. Lung

Lung: “Let us focus on the 16 magnets and 15 coils design.  How can you be sure that the coil can drive the large wheel?”

Tseung: “With one drive coil, there will be 16 pulses per second.  With 15 coils as drive coils, we have theoretically 15 x 16 = 240 the strength of one pulse.  With a large wheel, the force to produce the required torque is even less.  I have no doubt that the coils will be able to drive the large wheel.”

Lung: “To be on the safe side, we should do a set of tests to check out before building the large wheel.”

Tseung: “If we are going to do the tests, we should include the tests on the Collector Coils.  There is one trick we can always use â€" increase the strength of the external magnetic field via fixed permanent magnets.”

Lung: “Give me a few days to think about it.  The educational product does not need to include a 5KW generator.  Anything that conclusively demonstrates overunity will be fine.”

Tseung: “That is correct.  The students are building versions that can generate at least 50 watts to win the overunity prize and to sell to Mark at HK$100,000.  We are optimistic.”

Lung: “What will be the reaction from the 225 HP pulse motor or the Liang car people?  If our primitive wheel works, their much more sophisticated wheels must have worked?”

Tseung: “Their wheels are likely to be classified as top secrets.  I do not worry about them.  My interest is to benefit the World.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 09, 2009, 09:25:22 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 09, 2009, 09:06:27 PM
Day 3 Conversation with Mr. Lung

.....  Anything that conclusively demonstrates overunity will be fine.”


Well 423 pages and 1 Olympics event had elasped... Maybe we'll have to wait until 2012? Somehow, we know this wishy washy project is already a non starter.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on June 10, 2009, 06:44:41 AM
Quote from: chrisC on June 09, 2009, 09:25:22 PM
Well 423 pages and 1 Olympics event had elasped... Maybe we'll have to wait until 2012? Somehow, we know this wishy washy project is already a non starter.

Every time you make a post in this thread suggests to me that that Lawrence's motor is real.
Why, otherwise, would you bother?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 10, 2009, 10:24:26 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on June 10, 2009, 06:44:41 AM
Every time you make a post in this thread suggests to me that that Lawrence's motor is real.
Why, otherwise, would you bother?


Strange fellow you are, Paul. Just because Lawrence and his entourage lead you to believe he has something up his sleeves does not mean there's O.U? There are dozens and dozens of snake oil people everywhere, some deliberately faking it (aka that roach MyLow), others whose egos are beyond their technical ability (aka AQ) and yet others truly delusional (and you know who).

That's why we have quality people like TK, Bill (Pirate), Utilitarian etc who question everything and demanded verifiable proofs. Of course there are people like me whose (unpaid) job is to irritate these snake oil people into giving up their make believe nonsense that simple minded folks like yourself might otherwise fall into the trap of worshiping their deity!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 10, 2009, 08:37:13 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 09, 2009, 09:06:27 PM
Day 3 Conversation with Mr. Lung

Lung: “To be on the safe side, we should do a set of tests to check out before building the large wheel.”

Tseung: “If we are going to do the tests, we should include the tests on the Collector Coils.  There is one trick we can always use â€" increase the strength of the external magnetic field via fixed permanent magnets.”

Day 4 activities

1.   One of the Collector Coils was taken down and was used as a Drive Coil on the Prototype.

2.   It was placed close to one of the four magnets on the rim of the wooden wheel.

3.   When steady current was passed to produce attraction, the wheel can turn if we move the coil.  The magnet on the wheel will be attracted all the time and caused rotation of the wheel.

4.   When steady current was passed to produce repulsion, the wheel can also turn as in 3 but the force is noticeably less.

5.   When pulse current was passed to produce repulsion, the wheel jerked slightly but could not rotate the quarter of a revolution.  This means a slight movement of the finger could not initiate the rotation.

6.   However, with 15 Drive Coils acting simultaneously, the situation may be very different.  It will be a worthwhile experiment.

7.   When the Collector Coil was placed close to the spinning magnet on the rim, there was some jerky movement of the needle but no meaningful voltage was observed.

8.   When a permanent magnet was placed behind the Collector Coil, the jerky movement was more noticeable.

9.   More work needs to be done on this simulated “225 HP” configuration.  One technique is to draw the power out from the rotating axle.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on June 12, 2009, 05:50:07 AM
Dear Mr. Tong and Mr. Tseung,

It looks like that you still have doubts on the best configuration for the Drive Coils.  There is no need to produce the final product immediately.  Build a platform prototype to test and determine the best configuration.

It is a similar technique as the Dr. Ting jumping magnet platform.  Initially, you did not know what kind of magnets, coils, current etc. to use.  That platform helped.  All doubts vanished after the testing.

You should build a double spinning wheel first.  Use wood in the prototype is acceptable.  The magnets can be screwed on rectangular wooden pieces.  These wooden pieces could provide support between the two wheels.  They could be close to the rim.  The coils can be fixed via a third fixed board.  The construction is similar to your existing prototype shown on youtube.  However, it would be two circular boards and one square board.  You can always add another square board if needed.  The square boards can also serve as support for the axle.  Make the axle longer so that other things can be attached.

You can do much tuning before the final configuration.  This platform is necessary to remove the doubts in shape and size of the magnets, coils and current strength etc.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 12, 2009, 10:34:40 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on June 12, 2009, 05:50:07 AM
Dear Mr. Tong and Mr. Tseung,


You can do much tuning before the final configuration.  This platform is necessary to remove the doubts in shape and size of the magnets, coils and current strength etc.

Rewriting previously know failed attempts of such magnetic motors whether in the first person, third person or deluded person is EXACTLY the SAME! It's still DOES NOT GENERATE OVER UNITY! (at least in your confused configuration).

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on June 12, 2009, 07:09:16 PM
Dear Mr. Tong and Mr. Tseung,

It reminded me of the game FreeCell that came with Windows.  You are building the various pieces as the game goes on.  There is no absolute guarantee that you will achieve the final result.  But so far, every move brings out more interesting challenges.

When the end game is near, every person will be able to see and suggest workable moves.  However, at the beginning or even mid-game, there could be moves that led to dead ends.

The concept that Pulse Force could lead-out gravitational or magnetic energy is solid.  It does not violate any Physical Laws.   The 225 HP Pulse Motor and the Liang Car used this technique with great results.  I am sure that they are classified by Governments.

The more moves you make and document on this forum, the closer will be the end game.  I am sure that many intelligent readers could see the good moves now.  There is no big quantum jump.  But the many small moves help to educate the World and make suppression difficult.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on June 12, 2009, 07:29:48 PM
So far it appears that suppression has been totally successful.
There is no:
Flying Saucer
225 hp motor
self-powered Liang car
levitating Tong Po Chi device
or any other thing that actually works as intended from these people. Not a single one.

Therefore, one or both of two or more things must be true: The suppression has been 100 percent successful and will continue to be so; AND/OR The LT Lead-Out Conjecture is False, in error, and wrong, and is a total waste of everybody's time, and is even in fact detrimental to the intellectual development of an entire generation of youth, and so should be suppressed most strongly, like Falun Gong or Paris Hilton.

Viva Suppression! Save the World for the Tyranny of Big Oil! Burn it if you've got it!

(Red Jack on Black Queen.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 13, 2009, 06:31:40 PM
Day 6 Activities

A  Tong Po Chi lead-out energy prototype with only Drive Coils and/or no action coils has been designed as a platform together with Mr. Chan.  The output energy will be drawn away via the rotating central axle.

This platform will allow testing of different types of magnets, coils, orientation, current strength, etc.  Mr. Chan will quote a price for 2 such prototypes.  The quote will not include magnets, coils and electronics.  It will take about 1 week to build.

This platform will be a classic and will likely be a big attraction in the museum after its role is fulfilled.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 13, 2009, 08:02:00 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 13, 2009, 06:31:40 PM
Day 6 Activities

.... will be a classic and will likely be a big attraction in the museum after its role is fulfilled.

Museum of Make Believe? Ah, of course! I agree.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on June 13, 2009, 08:34:37 PM
Hi All
back from South Africa. I see Lawrence and his multiple personalities are still at it. I mentioned that I could see you over there soon , so I am wondering what technology you will have available that can be demonstrated? I mean something that is running now...not something that might appear like a UFO etc.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 13, 2009, 08:40:35 PM
Quote from: markdansie on June 13, 2009, 08:34:37 PM
Hi All
back from South Africa. I see Lawrence and his multiple personalities are still at it. I mentioned that I could see you over there soon , so I am wondering what technology you will have available that can be demonstrated? I mean something that is running now...not something that might appear like a UFO etc.


I admire your optimism for O.U builders and quite rightly you're doing your part to encourage them. However, there comes a time where some builders really think they have invented something extra-ordinary no one else can even comprehend! This is one such case of a nut inside a nut!
Well, I hope you won't be disappointed. Hate to see people waste money and time over other people's delusions.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on June 14, 2009, 01:33:05 AM
Thank you for your post. I feel my optimism actually waned a long time ago but I am open minded. I have been priverledge to travel and see first hand many claims made. To date none actually did work. In some cases I have saved many potential investors a lot of money as they trust my dillegence.
I guess my approach in this case as most is put up or shut up. To say the least my opinion in this case is not disimilar to yours. One way to resolve it is for Lawrence to demonstrate any of the technologies that are said to exist now.
I waste little of my own money or resources nowdays and often am sponsored by potential investors. Sadly I have seen many people defrauded of hard earned money by the fraudsters and have made it my mission to bring these people to justice. However on the otherhand I also support and encourage the legitimate efforts.
I recently resigned from the NEC as i believe that they lost a lot of credibility over the Mylow affair.
I do enjoy your posts and TK's (I actually have a real Koala in my backyard.)
Rind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 14, 2009, 09:07:25 AM
Quote from: markdansie on June 13, 2009, 08:34:37 PM
Hi All
back from South Africa. I see Lawrence and his multiple personalities are still at it. I mentioned that I could see you over there soon , so I am wondering what technology you will have available that can be demonstrated? I mean something that is running now...not something that might appear like a UFO etc.

Check out the set of experiments related to generating unbalanced forces from within a closed system first.  The videos are under youtube.com - username ltseung888. 

Post your comments on Experiment 1 to Experiment 9 first.  There are multiple sets of devices for these experiments.  They can be reproduced readily.

We can then discuss the next group of experiments after your comments. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on June 14, 2009, 09:54:45 AM
Quote from: chrisC on June 13, 2009, 08:40:35 PM
some builders really think they have invented something extra-ordinary no one else can even comprehend!
chrisC, you are wrong.

We comprehend.

It is about Lee and Yang, quantum foam, Hal Puthoff etc., as I have troubled to point out to you in the past. You have failed to read up on these issues because, I suspect, if you do, you will lose faith in your employer, and you will lose your source of income.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on June 14, 2009, 12:24:59 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 14, 2009, 09:07:25 AM
Check out the set of experiments related to generating unbalanced forces from within a closed system first.  The videos are under youtube.com - username ltseung888. 

Post your comments on Experiment 1 to Experiment 9 first.  There are multiple sets of devices for these experiments.  They can be reproduced readily.

We can then discuss the next group of experiments after your comments.

Yes, watch if you can stand to. But know this from the start:

Those videos demonstrate many things, but what they do NOT show is:

generating unbalanced forces from within a closed system.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 14, 2009, 10:12:10 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on June 14, 2009, 09:54:45 AM
chrisC, you are wrong.

We comprehend.

It is about Lee and Yang, quantum foam, Hal Puthoff etc., as I have troubled to point out to you in the past. You have failed to read up on these issues because, I suspect, if you do, you will lose faith in your employer, and you will lose your source of income.

Sorry to rain on your parade Paul. You really don't know me. I tried to explain to you I license my inventions for a living and therefore I don't have a boss. My income is not from being employed by others. Do you now understand or is it still difficult to imagine? It's actually a lot easier than to decipher what old Tseung has actually 'invented' or 'experimented'.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on June 15, 2009, 04:58:48 AM
Quote from: chrisC on June 14, 2009, 10:12:10 PM
Sorry to rain on your parade Paul. You really don't know me. I tried to explain to you I license my inventions for a living and therefore I don't have a boss. My income is not from being employed by others.
I don't believe you.

Its that simple.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 15, 2009, 11:15:20 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on June 15, 2009, 04:58:48 AM
I don't believe you.

Its that simple.

Well, it's a good thing I don't need your belief in order to do what I do for a living. You take care of understanding Tseung's mumbo jumbo and I'll take care of my inventions. O.K?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on June 15, 2009, 11:23:10 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on June 14, 2009, 09:54:45 AM
chrisC, you are wrong.

We comprehend.

It is about Lee and Yang, quantum foam, Hal Puthoff etc., as I have troubled to point out to you in the past. You have failed to read up on these issues because, I suspect, if you do, you will lose faith in your employer, and you will lose your source of income.

Well to take one of them - Hal Puthoff.  Hal Puthoff was a Scientologist who claimed to be able to do remote viewing as part of his OT VII training.  He also endorsed Uri Geller, who has since been exposed as a simple magician.  So what is it about Hal Puthoff that you are so excited about?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on June 15, 2009, 12:23:57 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on June 15, 2009, 11:23:10 AM
Well to take one of them - Hal Puthoff.  Hal Puthoff was a Scientologist who claimed to be able to do remote viewing as part of his OT VII training.  He also endorsed Uri Geller, who has since been exposed as a simple magician.  So what is it about Hal Puthoff that you are so excited about?
During the cold war, the Russians did a very great deal of work on RV.

You need to read up on Puthoff. And the rest.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 15, 2009, 12:43:14 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on June 15, 2009, 12:23:57 PM
During the cold war, the Russians did a very great deal of work on RV.

You need to read up on Puthoff. And the rest.

I must admit I don't know much about Puthoff and the rest. That said, Puthoff, Tseung, Devil, Forever, TopGun etc are not typically 'scientists' or 'inventors' of the renown and caliber that is well known.

Maybe, you like to follow the underdogs? Except these underdogs are not even under the radar by any stretch of the imagination. Strange fellow you are Paul!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on June 15, 2009, 04:32:37 PM
Sorry, but Hal Puthoff does not belong in the same sentence as TopGun, Devil, Forever, LTseung.
Hal is a genuine scientist, well-respected and with many peer-reviewed publications in prestigious journals. He is forever tainted by his association with Uri Geller and Russel Targ, and his affiliation with Scientology. But he hasn't been associated with Scientology for more than 30 years, and I'll bet Geller could have fooled anybody on this forum, including me, at the time of the SRI investigations--especially with Russel Targ in the room.
This is an old compilation of his accomplishments; he has many more recent publications and is involved in some cutting-edge cosmology research right now.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 16, 2009, 02:06:28 AM
Activities on June 16, 2009

(1)   Placed an order for the machine shop to produce an inner wheel to hold magnets.  The magnets can be placed at different angles.  They can be of different thickness and shape.  Delivery of the finished wheel is likely to be 1 week.  Testing is likely to take another week.
(2)   Continue to discuss the design of the platform with different groups.  A few good ideas emerged and will be tried when appropriate.
(3)   It will be possible to use all 15 coils as Drive Coils and there can be 16 pulses per second.  That is equivalent to 240 times the strength of one single pulse.
(4)   Output energy will be drawn from the axle.  It is likely to exceed a few hundred watts.  That value will be large enough to re-charge the battery and light a few bulbs.
(5)   The students are a step closer to winning the overunity prize.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 16, 2009, 03:16:59 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 16, 2009, 02:06:28 AM
Activities on June 16, 2009

....  It is likely to exceed a few hundred watts.  That value will be large enough to re-charge the battery and light a few bulbs.
(5)   The students are a step closer to winning the overunity prize.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Er, I think you mistyped. I think you meant to say, "a few hundred miliwatts". A miliwatt is a thousand of a Watt. No?

Also, normal engineers and scientists perform their experiments to verify their postulates AND document them to ve verifiable BEFORE shouting from the mountain top! You, on the other hand seem to perform your conjecture as you go along. Strange way to conduct a scientific discovery. Don't you think so?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: vonwolf on June 16, 2009, 02:14:23 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 14, 2009, 09:07:25 AM
Check out the set of experiments related to generating unbalanced forces from within a closed system first.  The videos are under youtube.com - username ltseung888. 

Post your comments on Experiment 1 to Experiment 9 first.  There are multiple sets of devices for these experiments.  They can be reproduced readily.

We can then discuss the next group of experiments after your comments.

   So Mark has gone from-
   "(Tseung: “That is correct.  The students are building versions that can generate at least 50 watts to win the overunity prize and to sell to Mark at HK$100,000.  We are optimistic.”)"

  To watching magnets bounce around?

I think you are going backwards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 16, 2009, 04:49:23 PM
Quote from: vonwolf on June 16, 2009, 02:14:23 PM
   So Mark has gone from-
   "(Tseung: “That is correct.  The students are building versions that can generate at least 50 watts to win the overunity prize and to sell to Mark at HK$100,000.  We are optimistic.”)"

  To watching magnets bounce around?

I think you are going backwards
We are waiting for Mark and Blue Planet to comment since they are the ones who will go to Hong Kong or Shenzhen to see the actual educational product prototype.

The educational product starts with teaching the student how to make crocodile clips, soldering, making solenoids, testing the magnetic attraction and repulsion strength etc.  These skills are required in the building of the actual Tong Po Chi jumping device and the Lead-Out Energy Machine.

Some members of this forum could not do experiment 1 and concluded that the theory of generating unbalanced force from within is wrong.  It is important to find out the reaction from Mark and Blue Planet as we do not know anything about their background.

They will be seeing a number of proof-of-concept prototypes.  These are not products that will run household appliances or fly them to the moon.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 17, 2009, 12:05:23 AM
While we wait for the machine shop to deliver the inner wheels, we disussed the better control of the Pulse.

The  Newman and Bedini machines failed to achieve overunity because they have only one frequency.  They cannot handle the required Pulsing and thus cannot lead-out the gravitational or electron motion energy except at one single frequency.  The 225 HP Pulse and the Liang Motor can do that.

A primitive technique can be used to demonstrate this with the Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Energy Platform.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on June 17, 2009, 01:38:33 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

You are sharing your design thoughts with the World.

I want to point out one thing.  Even if your platform works as planned, you still have not solved the problem of matching the external load with your input power. 

One possible technique is to detect the rotational speed.  If that reaches a pre-designed level, reduce the number of Pulse Coils or the Pulse Current Strength.  Think carefully about this approach.  If it works, you may have a prototype having the main features of the 225 HP Pulse Motor.

If the educational product includes such a device, I can foresee it as one of the hottest items in the next few years.  Imagine an educational toy that demonstrates conclusively overunity.  All Universities, research institutes and electrical appliance companies have no choice but to buy one.

You can still stick to the promotional plan of having the fingers of the Presidents of China, USA, etc at United Nations to start the wheel that solves the energy crisis of the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 17, 2009, 02:01:11 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 17, 2009, 12:05:23 AM
While we wait for the machine shop to deliver the inner wheels, we disussed the better control of the Pulse.


I'll be waiting until the cows come home... Well, you started with your wrong pendulum physics and math. hundreds of pages ago. Too many people tried to make you understand simple 'O'level physics but were unsuccessful. Remember Kul-ash?

Now, you're trying to hoodwink us with electronics and magnetics which you have even less knowledge about. So, what's the next project when you can't get the Tong device to excrete O.U?

My guess is you're going to teach us about nuclear resonance?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 17, 2009, 02:22:26 AM
@ Chris:

This sounds a lot like the Bedini motor, of which I have built several.  One of them, my newest one, I was able to power from my earth battery.  So, the earth battery was powering the Bedini, running the motor AND charging a 9 volt battery as well.  All for FREE! Powered by the earth's telluric currents.  This is totally free energy.

Video can be seen here:


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 17, 2009, 06:33:15 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on June 17, 2009, 02:22:26 AM
@ Chris:

This sounds a lot like the Bedini motor, of which I have built several.  One of them, my newest one, I was able to power from my earth battery.  So, the earth battery was powering the Bedini, running the motor AND charging a 9 volt battery as well.  All for FREE! Powered by the earth's telluric currents.  This is totally free energy.

Video can be seen here:


Thank you for sharing your Bedini type designs. I guessed, Lawrence would have known by now that his elementary electronics understanding is just that. You're never going to know what he has 'discovered' because he cannot show O.U and cannot prove either! We'll just have to wait and see although my instinct is that this is one of his hobby horse to ride his ego, albeit the ego is not supported by a deep knowledge of O.U understanding.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on June 17, 2009, 07:01:08 PM
I really like your Earth Battery and experiments you are doing with it. I love watching your videos they are great. I just wanted to express my appreciation and I know many others who may not post here also enjoy the way you approach things.
I am not sure when my next trip will take me through Hong Kong but it will be in the next few weeks.
Please outline what proof of theory demonstrationsI will be seeing and do you have any self running or closed loop devices.
I follow your projects and want to thank you for sharing your experiments.
I also appreciate your posts. I do not get time often to come here. I really enjoyed your posts and TK's re the Mylow motor. Whatever happened to wattsup and his buddies with their prototypes?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 18, 2009, 04:14:46 AM
Quote from: blueplanet on June 07, 2009, 09:52:19 PM
Could you tell me where exactly (and when) you are going to demonstrate your working prototype?

I am interested in having a look on your work. I can travel to Shenzhen very easily.


   Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
« Reply #4183 on: June 03, 2009, 08:37:20 AM »

thanks Lawrence, I will contact you to make arrangements , I should be able to make it in around three weeks time

You are welcome to see it together with Mark and his engineers.  Bring your camera and testing equipment.  I like to have two or more independent groups checking the prototype at the same time.

Meanwhile, enjoy the videos at youtube.com under the username ltseung888.  Also study the information posted by Forever Yuen at:

Lawrence Tseung

Dear Mark,

There were many posts while you were away.  Please comment on experiment 1 on youtube under username ltseung888 first.  One of the students is buidling a set of the educational product so that he can earn the HK$100,000.

I shall also ask Blueplanet to communicate with you and co-ordinate the visit.

Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 18, 2009, 11:47:31 AM
Quote from: markdansie on June 17, 2009, 07:01:08 PM
I really like your Earth Battery and experiments you are doing with it. I love watching your videos they are great. I just wanted to express my appreciation and I know many others who may not post here also enjoy the way you approach things.
I am not sure when my next trip will take me through Hong Kong but it will be in the next few weeks.
Please outline what proof of theory demonstrationsI will be seeing and do you have any self running or closed loop devices.
I follow your projects and want to thank you for sharing your experiments.
I also appreciate your posts. I do not get time often to come here. I really enjoyed your posts and TK's re the Mylow motor. Whatever happened to wattsup and his buddies with their prototypes?


Thank you for your kind words. I myself learned a lot from TK and how he looks at researchers shouting their world shattering discoveries, including those that will be made into 'toys' by high school kids aka deluded inventions! TK separates truth from fiction, sentimental beliefs and delusions through verifiable results. He's the man to go to!

Well, I hope you can find something useful from Lawrence on your Hong Kong visit. If not, at least try to enjoy the famous roast goose and sumptuous food!

ps: Do you live in Australia and is that why you can have a koala in your backyard? Can you smuggle one in your suitcase for me the next time you visit northern California? Hehe!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: blueplanet on June 18, 2009, 01:17:39 PM

I have not been given any information as to where exactly (and when) you are going to demonstrate your working prototype. I understand from your sponsoring company that your demonstration is going to take place tommorow. Please let me know by email without delay.

Regarding your utube video, here is my suggestion: Check if there is any positive feedback in your system. Overunity is not possible unless there is positive feedback in the system.

Quote from: ltseung888 on June 18, 2009, 04:14:46 AM
Dear Mark,

There were many posts while you were away.  Please comment on experiment 1 on youtube under username ltseung888 first.  One of the students is buidling a set of the educational product so that he can earn the HK$100,000.

I shall also ask Blueplanet to communicate with you and co-ordinate the visit.

Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: blueplanet on June 18, 2009, 02:02:30 PM
I am now referring to the following video:


How about this? Use the power collected from the collector coil to feed the Tong Po Chi Pulse Motor. The whole system should be self-running if there is any overunity in the system.

Quote from: blueplanet on June 18, 2009, 01:17:39 PM

I have not been given any information as to where exactly (and when) you are going to demonstrate your working prototype. I understand from your sponsoring company that your demonstration is going to take place tommorow. Please let me know by email without delay.

Regarding your utube video, here is my suggestion: Check if there is any positive feedback in your system. Overunity is not possible unless there is positive feedback in the system.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on June 18, 2009, 06:50:26 PM
@ Chris,
I do live in Australia but I travel a lot. I might be back in the states soon back on an emmissions technology project. However cannot do with a Koala in suitcase lol.
I have little faith in what lawrence can demonstrate but its one way of finally saying put up or shut up. I actually like the duck. My favourite stop over is Thailand.....yum yum for the food.
I agree with your thoughts on TK. I do not have his knowledge especially when it comes to electronics. However I know enought to be dangerous when it comes to validating claims expecially with magnetic motors. I think I mentioned before my recent trip to South Africa...that was a real hoot when it came to exposing yet another fraud involving magnetic motors.
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 18, 2009, 07:14:51 PM
Quote from: blueplanet on June 18, 2009, 02:02:30 PM
I am now referring to the following video:


How about this? Use the power collected from the collector coil to feed the Tong Po Chi Pulse Motor. The whole system should be self-running if there is any overunity in the system.
With particular reference to the quoted video, the initial thought from Mr. Tong Po Chi was that â€" the device might generate 220V AC and provide power to household appliances.  One application was to re-charge the battery.

He based his belief on the testing of 1 single collector coil.  That generated 10 Volts AC.  He then put 24 coils and the resulting voltage was only 100 volts AC.

That particular prototype is in my living room.  I could use it to light up a couple of LEDs.  However, when I attached a 36 Volt bulb that could draw 50 watt AC power, the wheel slowed to a halt.

You are welcome to suggest various experiments on that particular prototype.  It has been frozen and would be heading for the museum later.  A number of improved prototypes are being developed by the students.  They are confident that their new prototypes could generate overunity and provide more than 50 watts.

When Mark and you are ready to come in a few weeks, we should have at least 3 more improved versions ready for testing.  They should all be improvements on the shown prototype.

I am not aware of any of the sponsoring companies you were referring to.  The last open demonstration was on May 28, 2009 in Hong Kong.  The prototype is being shown to invited individuals or companies at present. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 18, 2009, 07:27:48 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 18, 2009, 07:14:51 PM

That particular prototype is in my living room.  I could use it to light up a couple of LEDs.  However, when I attached a 36 Volt bulb that could draw 50 watt AC power, the wheel slowed to a halt.

... They are confident that their new prototypes could generate overunity and provide more than 50 watts.


I think we already know what your prototype CANNOT do! It DOES NOT generate O.U. Pure and simple. However many students you put on this project. It will not work!

Riding your own hobby horse is one thing. Misleading a generation of naive students because of your delusion is probably not the right thing to do. Why not just stay quiet until you can really scientifically verify your idea? Is that too difficult to teach an old dog new tricks?

Honestly, many people on this forum would like you to succeed but a bad magic trick is just that!

I'm sure Mark will buy you his favorite HK roast duck if you succeed. I'll come to HK to buy you 10 roast duck dinners if you can show verifiable results.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 18, 2009, 07:32:54 PM
Quote from: markdansie on June 18, 2009, 06:50:26 PM
@ Chris,
I do live in Australia but I travel a lot. I might be back in the states soon back on an emmissions technology project. However cannot do with a Koala in suitcase lol.
I have little faith in what lawrence can demonstrate but its one way of finally saying put up or shut up. I actually like the duck. My favourite stop over is Thailand.....yum yum for the food.
I agree with your thoughts on TK. I do not have his knowledge especially when it comes to electronics. However I know enought to be dangerous when it comes to validating claims expecially with magnetic motors. I think I mentioned before my recent trip to South Africa...that was a real hoot when it came to exposing yet another fraud involving magnetic motors.
Kind Regards

Hi Mark:

Just kidding about the Koala. I really wanted a male and female so I breed them in my backyard! I'm sure our climate in Northern California is similar to Melbourne. Next time you're around my back yard, please let me know. We can have Thai food with roast duck?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 18, 2009, 10:42:10 PM
Quote from: chrisC on June 18, 2009, 11:47:31 AM

Thank you for your kind words. I myself learned a lot from TK and how he looks at researchers shouting their world shattering discoveries, including those that will be made into 'toys' by high school kids aka deluded inventions! TK separates truth from fiction, sentimental beliefs and delusions through verifiable results. He's the man to go to!

Well, I hope you can find something useful from Lawrence on your Hong Kong visit. If not, at least try to enjoy the famous roast goose and sumptuous food!

ps: Do you live in Australia and is that why you can have a koala in your backyard? Can you smuggle one in your suitcase for me the next time you visit northern California? Hehe!


Mark, and Chris:

Thank you guys for your kind words as well.  As I admit all of the time, I am out of my field of expertise here dealing with electronics although I have learned a great deal (thanks to the others that have helped me along the way) in the past 2 years.  I have a mechanical engineering background and I love to try stuff that has not been done before.  Most of the time, there is a good reason it has not been done....but, sometimes, you can pull a rabbit out of the hat and then pretend that is what you had in mind all of the time, ha ha.  I learn a lot by trying things even if they don't work.

Thanks guys.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: blueplanet on June 19, 2009, 02:59:28 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 18, 2009, 07:14:51 PM
With particular reference to the quoted video, the initial thought from Mr. Tong Po Chi was that â€" the device might generate 220V AC and provide power to household appliances.  One application was to re-charge the battery.

He based his belief on the testing of 1 single collector coil.  That generated 10 Volts AC.  He then put 24 coils and the resulting voltage was only 100 volts AC.

That particular prototype is in my living room.  I could use it to light up a couple of LEDs.  However, when I attached a 36 Volt bulb that could draw 50 watt AC power, the wheel slowed to a halt.

Deceleration means negative feedback. Negative feedback means that the overall system is stable. This is not what we want. We want an unstable system.

But at this stage, I wouldn't rule out any possiblity that the deceleration (i.e negative feedback) might have been contributed by the ohmic loss from the 24 collectoir coils. Can you not use only one collector coil and use the power from the collector coil to drive the Tong Po Chi wheel?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: blueplanet on June 19, 2009, 03:05:18 AM
I meant Mr WK Chan's company.

Quote from: ltseung888 on June 18, 2009, 07:14:51 PM

I am not aware of any of the sponsoring companies you were referring to.  The last open demonstration was on May 28, 2009 in Hong Kong.  The prototype is being shown to invited individuals or companies at present.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 20, 2009, 10:33:24 PM
Quote from: blueplanet on June 19, 2009, 02:59:28 AM
Deceleration means negative feedback. Negative feedback means that the overall system is stable. This is not what we want. We want an unstable system.

But at this stage, I wouldn't rule out any possibility that the deceleration (i.e negative feedback) might have been contributed by the ohmic loss from the 24 collector coils. Can you not use only one collector coil and use the power from the collector coil to drive the Tong Po Chi wheel?

Dear Blueplanet,

The first prototype produced was to test the sensor or proximity switch.  That was successful.  After the finger moved the magnet passed the sensor, the wheel accelerated.  Mr. Tong Po Chi was encouraged.  He tried one collector coil and was able to detect 10 Volts AC. The input was 12 volts DC.  He then put more collector coils and was excited to see that he could detect up to 100Volts AC.

From pure ohmic calculations, the device could be argued to have achieved overunity.  However, as some scientists pointed out â€" AC voltage could be stepped up or down easily with corresponding changes in current. 

The better prototypes are being developed.

One prototype is to increase the number of Drive Coils.  Another prototype is to improve the existing prototype.  Both will be tested in the coming week.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 21, 2009, 07:06:10 AM
Improvement 002

This is a simple improvement over the prototype on May 28, 2009.

The goal is to get Output Energy greater than 50 watts and to recharge the battery.

If achieved, the prototype will be a candidate for the overunity prize.  It could also be part of the Educational Product.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 21, 2009, 07:12:46 AM
Improvement 003

This is closer to the 225 HP Pulse Motor Design.

The Platform will be tested.  The platform allows ease of change of magnets, coils, orientation and current strength.

If one slice of the 225 HP Pulse Motor could generate 20 HP, this platform should be able to generate at least 1 HP.

Input Energy will be limited by the 12 volt DC battery providing a maximum of 8 Amps.  Thus input power would never exceed 96 watts.

The result should be out within the next two weeks.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on June 21, 2009, 05:51:36 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 21, 2009, 07:12:46 AM
Improvement 003

This is closer to the 225 HP Pulse Motor Design.

The Platform will be tested.  The platform allows ease of change of magnets, coils, orientation and current strength.

If one slice of the 225 HP Pulse Motor could generate 20 HP, this platform should be able to generate at least 1 HP.

Input Energy will be limited by the 12 volt DC battery providing a maximum of 8 Amps.  Thus input power would never exceed 96 watts.

The result should be out within the next two weeks.

Tseung et al, you are sharing your concepts with the rest of the World.  You et al are brave enough to provide the planned experiments before they are done.

This strategy is for the safety of your group.  There is no need to steal your ideas as they are free on the Internet.  There is no point in stopping the experiments as they are far too easy to replicate.  There will still be stupid debunkers who shout and yell.

If your lead-out energy theory is right, your prototypes will work.  This is very different from the other devices where there were no theories to guide them.  After your tenth prototype, there will be no doubts on your lead-out theory and the experimental verifications.  The man-made flying saucer would be a certainty.  The Governments who want to keep that a top-secret would have no choice but to rethink their strategies.  They will give you hell.

Your experiment 1 conclusively demonstrated that an unbalanced force can be produced from within a closed system.  The effect was small and due to different changes in Energy and Momentum with different collisions.  However, the concept is correct.  The Tong Po Chi improvement using 2 coils and 1 magnet allowed a much larger and controllable effect.  The concept is not only correct but also practical.

The first Lead-out energy machine shown on May 28, 2009 was similar.  It demonstrated that suitable pulses could accelerate the wheel.  The configuration was not good enough to provide practical output power.  However, it at least showed the direction might be fruitful.  The leading students, Ms. Forever Yuen, Mr. Jacky Ko and Mr. Miller Tong will shine.  Their hard work and sweat would not be in vain.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 25, 2009, 06:39:00 AM
The best drive coil for our configuration appeared to be:

600 turns of available thin wire (#28?) wound on 20mm plastic tube.  Solenoid length approximately 40mm.  The resistance of such a coil was around 6 ohms.

It could repel the existing wheel with 4 rim magnets approximately 1/8 rotation with 12V DC supply.  The current drawn was 2 Amps.

The final diameter with the wiring was approximately 25mm which was close to that of our currently used circular magnets.  We can increase our magnetic strength by stacking the magnets.

The systematic testing with the Platform was a great help.  Almost all the experimenters trying different coils and different magnets blindly were wasting their time and resources.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on June 25, 2009, 09:48:21 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 25, 2009, 06:39:00 AM
The best drive coil for our configuration appeared to be:

600 turns of available thin wire (#28?) wound on 20mm plastic tube.  Solenoid length approximately 40mm.  The resistance of such a coil was around 6 ohms.

It could repel the existing wheel with 4 rim magnets approximately 1/8 rotation with 12V DC supply.  The current drawn was 2 Amps.

The final diameter with the wiring was approximately 25mm which was close to that of our currently used circular magnets.  We can increase our magnetic strength by stacking the magnets.

The systematic testing with the Platform was a great help.  Almost all the experimenters trying different coils and different magnets blindly were wasting their time and resources.

Just saying hi and wishing you success!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on June 25, 2009, 11:45:27 AM
Quote from: nievesoliveras on June 25, 2009, 09:48:21 AM
Just saying hi and wishing you success!


Darn. We were trying to see how long ltseung could talk to himself without any outside feedback. Almost set a new record there! Oh well, better luck next time.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on June 25, 2009, 02:09:07 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on June 25, 2009, 11:45:27 AM
Darn. We were trying to see how long ltseung could talk to himself without any outside feedback. Almost set a new record there! Oh well, better luck next time.

I am very sorry I did not know you were just testing the person.
I posted a hi and best wishes because I saw precisely that he was talking by himself and maybe needing some encouragement to accomplish his goal.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 25, 2009, 09:51:35 PM
Quote from: nievesoliveras on June 25, 2009, 02:09:07 PM

I am very sorry I did not know you were just testing the person.
I posted a hi and best wishes because I saw precisely that he was talking by himself and maybe needing some encouragement to accomplish his goal.


Dear Jesus,

Thank you for the encouragement.  I am using this forum as an on-line record of what is going on.  This is a way to prevent the Chinese or the US Governments treating me as a spy.  We do not have to steal any of their so-called top-secret information.  We just deduced them scientifically and verified them experimentally.  We have no resources that can match them but we are having fun in the process.

The students, Forever, Jacky and Miller are learning not only the technical information.  They are also learning the difficult task of working together on something that is new and controversial.  Some experiments required design and purchasing of material and ordering specially made parts from machine shops.  That is very different from the school environment â€" all equipments were available and the only task was to follow instructions to complete the experiment.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on June 25, 2009, 10:45:24 PM
Tseung, you did not disclose the many disputes and in-fighting within your core groups.  That is probably a wise move.  You must show an united front to the outside world. 

Some of the in-fighting included:
(1)   Who should get involved in the discussions and the experiments?
(2)   How much should be disclosed to the outside world and when?
(3)   How to share the potential profits?
(4)   Who are the possible Government Agents?
(5)   How to deal with the insults on the overunity forum?

I actually like your approach:
(1)   State the theories â€" generating unbalanced force from within and Lead-Out Energy does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.
(2)   Have the supreme confidence that you et al cannot be wrong.  The debunkers are just fools or government agents trying to hide the top-secret.
(3)   The top-secret is the man-made flying saucer that uses Lead-Out Energy.  Such a device will wipe out all existing warplanes, missiles etc.
(4)   Do the proof-of-concept experiments.  Let the debunkers scream that they were wrong.  Let many students reproduce them.  Experiment 1 and the Tong Po Chi improved “2 Coil and 1 Magnet” device conclusively proved that unbalanced force could be generated from within a closed system.
(5)   The focus is now on the Lead-Out Energy Pulse Systems.  The first prototype demonstrated on May 28, 2009 and now running in your living room is a move in the right direction.  Record the details of the coming prototypes.  The Lee-Tseung Lead-Out theory already predicted suitable pulses would lead-out electron motion energy.  It is just a matter of finding the “suitable pulses".  Many Government Labs have found them.
(6)   The prototype can light up a couple of LEDs and spin with acceleration (and decelerate and stop with increasing load).  Much of the input and lead-out energy were lost due to not capturing all the flux.  There were no feedback mechanism and the electronics kept overheating.  (You have now replaced 6 relays yourself.)
(7)   The coming prototypes should be improvements that can easily generate more than 50 watts output so that the students could win the overunity prize.  Have fun and keep up your supreme self-confidence. 

You can tell the World â€" the Devil backs you up.  The Devil is more knowledgeable than all humans including aliens from outer space!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on June 25, 2009, 11:29:14 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 25, 2009, 09:51:35 PM
Dear Jesus,

Thank you for the encouragement.  I am using this forum as an on-line record of what is going on.  This is a way to prevent the Chinese or the US Governments treating me as a spy.  We do not have to steal any of their so-called top-secret information.  We just deduced them scientifically and verified them experimentally.  We have no resources that can match them but we are having fun in the process.

The students, Forever, Jacky and Miller are learning not only the technical information.  They are also learning the difficult task of working together on something that is new and controversial.  Some experiments required design and purchasing of material and ordering specially made parts from machine shops.  That is very different from the school environment â€" all equipments were available and the only task was to follow instructions to complete the experiment.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.

Now I understand your motive to talk the way you do.

Best wishes!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 26, 2009, 04:25:01 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on June 25, 2009, 11:45:27 AM
Darn. We were trying to see how long ltseung could talk to himself without any outside feedback. Almost set a new record there! Oh well, better luck next time.

I thought I was being a good boy by not visiting this thread for 2 weeks. Well, I was wrong! Sick people do have a need to talk to themselves. Self-therapy I supposed?

The world would be a much better place if talking to oneself can truly solve scientific puzzles! Go Tseung Go!
ps: Just don't jump over the cliff. We want to treat you 10 Roast Duck dinners when your UFO is ready to fly on the White House lawn!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 27, 2009, 07:06:02 PM
One lesson that the Students learned was:

The wheel from the machine shop arrived.  One part that was not delivered was the base and the support for the axle.  It would take the average engineer five minutes to come up with a possible arrangement.  The early prototype from Tong already had that.  The students had the videos and should have completed that part with ease.

However, being students in the average school system, they were “waiting for the teacher” to supply the missing parts including the screws.  They could talk for hours and got distracted with other interests.  None of them would take the initiative of drawing the required diagram and completing the task.

This is one big drawback of the Educational System in Hong Kong (and possibly elsewhere).  The educational system is examination orientated.  The students who perform well at examinations were regarded as top.  Innovation is difficult to test and is not part of the examination.

There is a need to “help seedlings innovate”.  The Foundation will have a very important role to play.  Simple lessons learned and shown to the World will benefit all.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on June 27, 2009, 09:34:30 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 27, 2009, 07:06:02 PM
One lesson that the Students learned was:


However, being students in the average school system, they were “waiting for the teacher” to supply the missing parts including the screws.  ....
This is one big drawback of the Educational System in Hong Kong (and possibly elsewhere).  The educational system is examination orientated.  The students who perform well at examinations were regarded as top.  Innovation is difficult to test and is not part of the examination.

There is a need to “help seedlings innovate”.  ....

Hahaha! It's so funnny old Tseung. What do you expect? If the teacher need medication to keep his sanity and had to rely on making up multiple personas to 'support' himself, can you imagine the students having any brain cells on their own? They can't even login to Overunity.com to speak for themselves and had to rely on the Director of Seedlings to do so. It's so telling. Just to be sure you're aware you're teaching your students in an mental asylum!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 27, 2009, 10:46:33 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 27, 2009, 07:06:02 PM
One lesson that the Students learned was:

The wheel from the machine shop arrived.  One part that was not delivered was the base and the support for the axle.  It would take the average engineer five minutes to come up with a possible arrangement.  The early prototype from Tong already had that.  The students had the videos and should have completed that part with ease.

However, being students in the average school system, they were “waiting for the teacher” to supply the missing parts including the screws.  They could talk for hours and got distracted with other interests.  None of them would take the initiative of drawing the required diagram and completing the task.

This is one big drawback of the Educational System in Hong Kong (and possibly elsewhere).  The educational system is examination orientated.  The students who perform well at examinations were regarded as top.  Innovation is difficult to test and is not part of the examination.

There is a need to “help seedlings innovate”.  The Foundation will have a very important role to play.  Simple lessons learned and shown to the World will benefit all.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited


I could not agree with you more.  Our education system here is the same but probably worse.  Kids get rewarded for test scores and teachers get rewarded for test scores yet half the graduating students can't even read properly.  We are all going to pay for this down the road.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 28, 2009, 09:13:48 AM
The Building of the Supporting Box:

Ms. Forever Yuen and Mr. Jacky Ko went to the workshop of Mr. Tong Po Chi.  They would like to have the Supporting box built.  They were encouraged to draft their design on paper first.

The task sounded simple.  However, there were many different ways of accomplishing such a task.  The initial draft would not produce a very strong Support.  It would need many nails and iron brackets.

With the help of Mr. Tong, the students completed a box type design.  They then put actual measurements on paper.  Mr. Tong then cut the pieces of wood with his electric saw.  The Students put in the nails.  Even Forever screwed in a few nails herself.  The exact sequence of nailing to produce a solid box was demonstrated.

The entire task took approximately 3 hours.  Some nuts and bolts were needed to secure the bearing assembly. 
The circuit diagram to support 16 coils with a two -stage relay was outlined and discussed.  Some new magnets needed to be purchased.   It was a fruitful day.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on June 28, 2009, 03:40:28 PM
A Box!
And a pretty poor one, too. That sure looks like particle board with veneer. And you've put nails (or drywall screws?) into it edgewise.
And it looks like you've had some trouble drawing and following lines.

I don't see any bloodstains, though, so I suppose you could call your box a "success".

Your statement about Forever "even screwing in a few nails herself" seems rather strange. Other than the fact that nails aren't screwed in at all, what makes it worth commenting about? Is Forever somehow handicapped? Does she have an aversion to screwing in nails?

Or is it, perhaps, that she is female, and females aren't expected to do this kind of thing where you come from?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on June 28, 2009, 10:34:46 PM
Analysis of the New Prototype displayed on June 28:

(1)   There are 16 positions with predrilled grooves.  This allowed a possible of 16 magnets to slide closer or farther from the rim.
(2)   The magnets can be staggered to increase their strength.  The present arrangement allowed 1-4 magnets (30mm square).
(3)   The orientation of the magnets can be adjusted.  It is possible to drive the magnets at the rim in pairs for high efficiency.
(4)   The experiment of having a coil with approximately 6 ohms and thus 2 Amps to repel the rim magnets was successful.  The wheel could rotate at least 1/8 with a single drive coil.  The chance of the wheel accelerating with 15 or 16 coils is 100%.
(5)   The Pulse Rate is governed by the rim magnets passing the proximity switch.  The faster the revolution, the higher the Pulse Rate.  More energy can be lead-out by a higher Pulse Rate.
(6)   The circuit diagram of the two-stage relay using 0-16 drive coils is complete and appears to work both theoretically and practically.
(7)   Output energy can be drawn from the fast rotating central axle.  A larger wheel will need less Pulse Force to rotate.  The students can always scale up the diameter of the wheel.  The opposing force is the frictional force at the bearings which can be kept very small.

The New Prototype uses manual control of the 15-16 coils.  When an external load is added (to the rotating axle), different number of drive coils could be used to supply the Pulse Energy.  The supplied pulse energy could Lead-Out additional electron motion energy.  The amount of Lead-Out Energy is rotational speed dependent and could be many times the supplied Pulse Energy.

The secret of success of this New Prototype over the Newman or Bedini machines is the increased Pulse Rate with increasing rotational speed.  The rotational speed will be slowed down by the applied external load (more than 50 watts is a certainty.)

If the 225 HP Pulse Motor and the Liang 188 HP Motor were true but suppressed by Governments, the New Prototype will work.  The New-Prototype will not be program controlled yet.  However, demonstrating overunity is virtually assured.

The World will see how Forever, Jacky, Miller and other students win the overunity prize in the coming weeks.  The many other supporters will get their financial return via the educational products or Company going IPO.  The World will benefit from these Lead-Out Energy machines.

Top Gun
The technical barriers have been torn down one-by-one.  The intelligent scientists can see the remaining moves just like the end game in Free Cells.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on June 29, 2009, 08:35:18 AM
The FreeCell comparison is apt.
Because just as in FreeCell, the best you can do is to break even.
You start with 52 cards, and you have 52 cards when you finish. You get out what you put in (minus losses).

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 29, 2009, 05:14:45 PM
Hello Mr. Tsueng. I would like to know if there are any opportunities for us to implement a smaller version of your magnet motor to produce power for our line of parking lot and street lights. We have many l.e.d. fixtures that have a wind turbine, vertical shaft design on the rear section of the fixture, however, we would like to incorporate your generator on a smaller scale for prototyping.

We would like to introduce these models to countries that do not have the capabilities to install the necessary infrastructure in these areas to create the power that is necessary to recharge a bank of super capacitors. The output capacity that we will require is 500 -1000 watts. Please contact me with any questions.

sincerely, sterling higashi eco Power Systems / Electric Vehicle Technologies99-1374 Koaha Pl.Aiea, HI 96701808-484-2800 office, 808-484-2811 fax.email: sterling@evtechhawaii.comwww.evtechhawaii.comwww.milesev.com

I believe the students will be able to meet the challenge of producing 300-1000 watts in the coming weeks.  Give them a chance to shine.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on June 29, 2009, 05:31:42 PM
From Mr. Wang ShenHe:

Dear Mr. Tseung, when we meet next month, I shall describe a mechanism to you.  You will understand it easily.  The Wheel will show overunity.  However, if we enclose that, few outsiders will understand how it really works.

Dear Mr. Wang,

You are one of the first to see the “end game of FreeCell”.  By the time we meet, the students should have their prototypes demonstrating overunity.  But I am always interested in your suggestions.  They are always stimulating.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on June 29, 2009, 06:28:55 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on June 29, 2009, 05:14:45 PM
I believe the students will be able to meet the challenge of producing 300-1000 watts in the coming weeks.  Give them a chance to shine.
Do you have some sort of kit of parts available for study in London?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 01, 2009, 06:50:58 PM
The necessary distractions

The result of the University Entrance Examinations came.  The students could get into University but not getting their first choices.  Life is not always perfect and the path is not always as planned.

They need a couple of days to go to the various interviews, celebrate and settle down.

One thing they learned was the need for a project leader.  The leader may not be perfect but the many minor decisions need to be made and pursued.  The timetable must be followed and reviewed.  Some solutions may not be the best but they are better than endless debates.  There will be inevitable personal emotions.  Someone must be able to control the meeting and prevent such emotions from destroying the team.

We may have to provide much more guidance and supervision. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on July 01, 2009, 11:43:37 PM

I hope Forever is doing well in her studies, and I hope she gets the area of study that she wants.  People always do better at what they like.  This is why socialism does not work.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 02, 2009, 10:25:45 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on July 01, 2009, 11:43:37 PM

I hope Forever is doing well in her studies, and I hope she gets the area of study that she wants.  People always do better at what they like.  This is why socialism does not work.

She got into what she wanted.

But the even better thing is that she has two full months to complete the prototype.  They managed to rotate the new wheel with existing magnets and coils.  They are going for further improvement with the coils â€" using less current.

They feel very confident that they could complete the prototype before the start of their university education.

They further confirmed that a slight angle with the magnets produced a larger repulsion or pulse force.  The platform was a great help. It will be interesting to see the reaction of the World when the 18-year old students demonstrate the overunity lead-out energy machines.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on July 02, 2009, 12:09:59 PM
Lawrence, you are a cruel and cynical hypocrite. At least do some research. You will find that your ideas and designs are not new at all, and they have long been known not to work. You are leading innocent and hopeful children down a non-productive garden path, for your own ego aggrandizement. It is unfair and cruel to Forever and her cohort for you to be doing this to them.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: kmarinas86 on July 02, 2009, 02:23:47 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on July 02, 2009, 12:09:59 PM
Lawrence, you are a cruel and cynical hypocrite. At least do some research. You will find that your ideas and designs are not new at all, and they have long been known not to work. You are leading innocent and hopeful children down a non-productive garden path, for your own ego aggrandizement. It is unfair and cruel to Forever and her cohort for you to be doing this to them.

Some people can't actually handle the truth; what one truthfully (without opinion) needs of the truth is already hard enough to find. It may be actually wiser to keep them ignorant and happy with what they do, for they do not share the pleasure unique to your very views of "what ought to be". Let be.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 03, 2009, 02:50:46 AM
One of the lessons being learned by the Students is the insults.

They can read the insults from the Internet.  They could dismiss those relatively easily.  The insults that are more difficult to dismiss are from their friends and relatives.

One of the most common insult is â€" if the inventions were true, the inventors should be multi-billionaires already.  If they were not as wealthy as Bill Gates, so they must be crooks.  They are preying on your innocence and ignorance!

The students can overcome such insults because they can do the experiments and analyze the results.  The scientific results cannot lie.  The wheel rotates under the Pulse Force and it is just a matter of tuning to get the best overunity results.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 03, 2009, 10:25:48 AM
The test for the Students

They were encouraged to design the shape of the coils and how to fix them in position.

They have to specify the dimensions, the type of material and the fixing mechanism.

They will purchase the material etc.

They will show the World what they can do.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: kmarinas86 on July 03, 2009, 03:32:06 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 03, 2009, 02:50:46 AM
One of the lessons being learned by the Students is the insults.

They can read the insults from the Internet.  They could dismiss those relatively easily.  The insults that are more difficult to dismiss are from their friends and relatives.

One of the most common insult is â€" if the inventions were true, the inventors should be multi-billionaires already.  If they were not as wealthy as Bill Gates, so they must be crooks.  They are preying on your innocence and ignorance!

The students can overcome such insults because they can do the experiments and analyze the results.  The scientific results cannot lie.  The wheel rotates under the Pulse Force and it is just a matter of tuning to get the best overunity results.

When people insult others, they don't really want to help anyone else. It a false form of sympathy, and I find that more despicable than when people deliberately try to hurt others because it creates the illusion they they are trying to help you - that, however, is far from true.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 03, 2009, 08:31:22 PM
How to deal with comments such as:  someone has tried it before.  It does not work.  Do not waste your time.

The Students have to deal with the above comments.  After some brainstorming, they decided on the following:
(1)   Is there a credible theory behind the experiment?
(2)   Does the “someone” understand the theory?
(3)   Can we learn any skills in the process?
(4)   Do we have the resources to complete the experiment?
(5)   What happens if the experiment is successful?
It is important to replicate an experiment if someone claims that it is successful.  It is even more important to re-design, plan and execute an experiment if it is theoretically sound.  Someone could have done something similar but if they did not have a theory to guide them, they could easily miss the important points.

The most obvious example is Experiment 001 where we used a coil to repel two weak magnets to the ends of a tube with unequal padding.  The non-scientist could not do the experiment because he could not choose the right weak magnets and adjust the distance between them.  He did not put in non-magnetic material to separate the magnets.  He did not use a large enough current.  Or the current was too strong and demagnetized the magnets.  He openly claimed that the experiment could not be done because he tried it.

More than 10 students have successfully repeated the experiment.  Tong Po Chi improved it with 2 coils and 1 magnet.  That is the difference between true scientific training and yelling on the Internet.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on July 04, 2009, 07:08:27 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on July 02, 2009, 12:09:59 PM
Lawrence, you are a cruel and cynical hypocrite. At least do some research. You will find that your ideas and designs are not new at all...
You do not understand them, TinselKoala. How can you say that
they are not new?

Maybe they are new; maybe they aren't. It doesn't matter if Lawrence's
device will heat my home this winter. And your attention to this thread
convinces me that Lawrence has a goer here.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 04, 2009, 11:51:02 AM
The Students bought the material for the coils.  They cut the rectangular pieces that would slide into the pre-cut slots.

They are waiting for the slots to be cut and the coils to be glued.

Things are a step closer.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 04, 2009, 03:08:54 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on July 04, 2009, 07:08:27 AM
. It doesn't matter if Lawrence's
device will heat my home this winter. And your attention to this thread
convinces me that Lawrence has a goer here.


You're a strange fellow indeed. I have more confidence in TK making it to the American Idol finals competition than in Mr. Tseung's mumbo jumbo Physics!

As to Lawrence's invention heating your stone cold London home, I have more confidence in global warming changes turning the British climate into something more livable during the winters than in Lawrence's invention making your life less miserable. And I should know, since I spent 10 years of my life living in that bloody cold country as a student!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on July 04, 2009, 06:03:50 PM
Quote from: chrisC on July 04, 2009, 03:08:54 PM

You're a strange fellow indeed. I have more confidence in TK making it to the American Idol finals competition than in Mr. Tseung's mumbo jumbo Physics!
You don't understand his Physics. That's the point.

You have never tried to understand. Its not your job,
is it, chrisC?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 05, 2009, 06:37:11 AM
Meeting with Dr. Raymond Ting

Tseung: “Did you do anything more with the Lead-Out Energy Machines?”

Ting: “I have been looking into pure magnetic systems without any batteries.”

Tseung: “Is that similar to the Wang device with coupling of two or more systems?”

Ting: “I believe I can give the system a start such as a hard pull like the old ways of starting an outboard motor on a boat.  The system will then run forever.  Alternatively, I can have the system connected to a bicycle.  The bicycle will start it but it will then drive the bicycle like a motor bike.”

Tseung: “That is great.  Are you aware of our Lead-Out Energy prototypes?”

Ting: “I read the Internet and also talk to my Chinese Contacts.  They know fully what you are doing.”

Tseung: “Do you think that they will stop us from publishing our results?”

Ting: “I think that they are having fun.  They want to see whether a couple of retired persons and a handful of 18 year old students with almost zero resource can beat the best of the Government Scientists in USA, China and the World.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cloxxki on July 05, 2009, 07:12:22 AM
With all due respect, but a vote of confidence from an inventor believing he'll soon complete an all-magnet no-battery vehicle...you're a bit early in posting this. Due to frauds that have preceeded Ting (with such claims), his undoubtedly sincere confidence in your work may not add much credibity to you, at this point. After he succeeds, his trust in your work will bear great significance. FOr the record, I do believe it can be done, and that a simple principle will one day make it possible.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 05, 2009, 02:49:47 PM
Quote from: Cloxxki on July 05, 2009, 07:12:22 AM
With all due respect, but a vote of confidence from an inventor believing he'll soon complete an all-magnet no-battery vehicle...you're a bit early in posting this. Due to frauds that have preceeded Ting (with such claims), his undoubtedly sincere confidence in your work may not add much credibity to you, at this point. After he succeeds, his trust in your work will bear great significance. FOr the record, I do believe it can be done, and that a simple principle will one day make it possible.


The technology employed here and described in the past 400 pages is also know as 'Delusional' Technology. It's simple - just believe in your own crap and others might just believe! Old Tseung is a master at snake oil distribution. As for the handful of 18 year olds that are going to change the world, just look at the story at the Japanese Kamikaze pilots who gave their lives for supposedly 'noble' cause because the emperor was believed to be God!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 05, 2009, 08:36:49 PM
Producing a Drive Coil with resistance of approximately 6 ohms

One of the requirements is to produce a Drive Coil of approximately 6 ohms so that the current from the 12V battery can be kept to approximately 2 Amps.

One technique is to keep trying different diameter wires.  This is a rather frustrating or boring experience.  The only parameter that the Students could change is the number of turns.  A thick wire has too low a resistance and thus a high current.  A thin wire has too much resistance and too low a current.  The wires must be ordered in minimum quantity of 1 kg.  That is expensive and wasteful.

One question is:

Can we use a coil with two mixed diameter wires?  Can we get the best of both worlds?  Is this a worthwhile experiment to try? The Students already have different diameter wires in their possession.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on July 05, 2009, 10:42:35 PM

I have built and documented 2 Bedini motors and they all use a coil made of 2 different size wires.  I used 30 ga. and 26 ga. wires for the coil.  I used the Lidmotor transformer coil design and it woks very well and is very efficient.  I hope this helps.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 06, 2009, 04:33:54 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on July 05, 2009, 10:42:35 PM

I have built and documented 2 Bedini motors and they all use a coil made of 2 different size wires.  I used 30 ga. and 26 ga. wires for the coil.  I used the Lidmotor transformer coil design and it woks very well and is very efficient.  I hope this helps.


Thank you for the very useful information.  The Students found that 1000 tunrs of the 0.51mm wire produced exactly 6 ohms.  That happened to fit our purpose very well.

We have the official invitation to display our prototype with the China Patent Authorities.  It is in Chinese and in PDF format.  The Students are excited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: PYRODIN123321 on July 07, 2009, 01:31:03 PM
(off topic... sorry)

May I ask a favor of you Itseung888 or anybody who can?
I have this old decorated serpent sword with two daggers, both with Chinese on them, and I can't figure out what it says. I tried to decipher it on the rubbing but only got a couple of them. So.....since you know Chinese, I thought maybe you could help me, I'll try return the favor if it is in my power to do so...

I have built a bedini motor too, if you need anything in that area....
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 08, 2009, 09:14:46 AM
The difficulty overcame today

One of the requirements was to have approximately 1,000 turns of 0.51mm wire producing approximately 6 ohms.  The minimum quantity of wire that could be bought was 1 kg. 

Unfortunately, the wire did not come in a proper reel.  It came as a loosely wound coil.  It was very easy to get tangled. 

The students finally found the trick.  They first wound the coil to a proper reel first.  Then it was easy to use the hand machine to wind the coil with the required turns.  The next time we order the wires, we supply the reel
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: PYRODIN123321 on July 08, 2009, 01:08:46 PM
Guess not.. :'(

ehh, good luck with your projects.  ;)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 08, 2009, 09:19:50 PM
Brain, Sweat and Blood

The Students were talking about contributing time, energy, brain, sweat and blood to the project.

One of the mothers were concerned.  She said: “Blood!  Is this project dangerous?”

The Students laughed.  The working place had a dog and the flea from the dog sucked blood.  The place was also next to a park.  There were tall trees and those harbored mosquitoes.  There were a couple of rainy days.  The mosquitoes swamped in when the Students worked late.

The place was not professionally equipped.  There were no technicians to help.  Much innovation from the Students was needed to build and assemble the prototype.  It fitted the goal of “helping seedlings to innovate.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 09, 2009, 03:51:27 PM
Mini-Celebration at the Peak

The Students finished the mechanical part of the prototype.  They put in the coils, the magnets, adjusted the angles, drilled the holes and slots, etc.  They pulse-rotated it by hand.  The wheel rotated.

It is a matter of putting in the electronics (or the brain) of the device in the next few days.  The difficult mechanical part of “hand laboring” is done.

The students drove to the Peak â€" the highest part of the Hong Kong Island.  They looked at the lights and thought how such lights could be powered by their lead-out energy machines.  They looked at the tall buildings and the prosperity that goes with them.  They thought about the new wealth that will dwarf all existing riches.  They looked at the skies and thought how they would travel in their flying saucers.

They knew all that would be possible with their sweat and blood.  They knew that the flying saucers with the lead-out energy machines will make their names shine.  Ms. Forever Yuen, Mr. Jacky Ko and Mr. Miller Tong will be the new idols for the coming generation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 09, 2009, 09:02:30 PM
I took Jesus to the Mountain and offered him the World

From the Bible, after Jesus fasted for forty days, I, the Devil, showed him the wealth of the World.  If Jesus worshipped me, the World would be his. 

Will the Students fall into the temptation?  They are not Jesus.  They are only 18 years old.  They have not been exposed to the many temptations of the World â€" pleasure of the flesh, power, pride, luxury, fame, admiration, love etc.  Some of them have not even driven their first car yet.  They have not experienced the feeling of freedom when they pressed on the accelerator.

Top stars such as Michael Jackson fell.  Will this start the downfall of the Students?  Will the constant attention from the Press ruin their personal lives?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on July 10, 2009, 09:43:25 AM
You need professional help. And I don't mean in the machine shop.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: kmarinas86 on July 10, 2009, 01:59:36 PM
Quote from: DevilI took Jesus to the Mountain and offered him the World

From the Bible, after Jesus fasted for forty days, I, the Devil, showed him the wealth of the World.  If Jesus worshipped me, the World would be his.

Will the Students fall into the temptation?  They are not Jesus.  They are only 18 years old.  They have not been exposed to the many temptations of the World â€" pleasure of the flesh, power, pride, luxury, fame, admiration, love etc.  Some of them have not even driven their first car yet.  They have not experienced the feeling of freedom when they pressed on the accelerator.

Top stars such as Michael Jackson fell.  Will this start the downfall of the Students?  Will the constant attention from the Press ruin their personal lives?

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Quote from: TinselKoala on July 10, 2009, 09:43:25 AM
You need professional help. And I don't mean in the machine shop.

Stop talking to the devil.  ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 10, 2009, 04:28:50 PM
First design setback

After the device was assembled, there was a need to adjust the position of the Proximity Switch and to change the angle of some magnets.  The initial design did not allow easy changes.  It required the total disassembling of the device and caused the breakup of some less sturdy parts such as the rectangular coils.

Some initial coils had resistance of only 4.5 ohms.  The decision was to standardize all to 6 ohms.  The extra turns caused bulging of the coil component.  Trying to force the bulged coil into the previous slots caused the coil component to crack.

After a couple of failed attempts, it was decided to use a new and a stronger design.  It would require some replacements, some new assembly process and some mechanical work.  It was a valuable lesson.  If the experiment were designed by teachers in the classroom environment, the Students would not experience such and benefit from this.

Such workshops will “help seedlings innovate.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 10, 2009, 08:26:37 PM
Documenting and sharing the Failures

One of the Students asked: “Why should we document and share the failed attempts with the World.  The World only adores success. “

Tseung: “We want the World to learn the new technology together.  We want to demonstrate the full process.  Previously in China, only the good news was reported.  Anything that might project an unfavorable image would be covered up.  Now, the Chinese Leadership has the confidence to show much more.”

Student: “You have the confidence to show everything?”

Tseung: “There is nothing to be shameful about.  We are on an innovation journey that is full of unknowns.  We have the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out theory to predict that we can use the gravitational and electron motion energy.  We have confirmed that we can generate unbalanced force from within a closed system both theoretically and experimentally.”

Student: “I am having fun.  I am learning much more than from textbooks.  There is nothing to be ashamed of even if I screwed up a few drawings or wasted some wires.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 11, 2009, 08:18:29 AM
The new coil design

Mr. Jacky Ko tried the new coil design.  He used hand saw, hand file, sand paper etc.

The resultant sample was very solid.  See picture.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 11, 2009, 03:41:46 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 11, 2009, 08:18:29 AM
The new coil design

Mr. Jacky Ko tried the new coil design.  He used hand saw, hand file, sand paper etc.

The resultant sample was very solid.  See picture.

There was nothing wrong with the previous design.  Square or Rectangular holes were cut on the board.  That allowed the insertion of the ends of the coil piece.  Two pieces of wood could be added at the end of the coil piece for strength.  However, the rectangular hole must fit the coil end perfectly.

If the coil piece were too close to the wheel, the hole could be larger and spacer pieces could be added to adjust the distance.

However, that requires the machining or hand polishing of the hole.  The Students were not skilled in such techniques.

The lesson is â€" the design must fit the skills of the workers.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 12, 2009, 06:11:34 AM
How to approach the Scientists?

1.   Get multiple prototypes from different groups ready.  I believe multiple groups in Hong Kong and China are doing that.
2.   Get the Book revised.  The Book will be an undoubted best seller if there are multiple working prototypes.
3.   Train many Students.  Let them shine.  They will be the ones perfecting the Lead-Out Energy Machines and the Flying Saucers.  They will overcome the dogma related to “Lead-Out Energy” was not discovered and taught in the top Western Universities â€" so it could not be true.
4.   Work with the Chinese Government.  It appears that they are tolerating the publishing of the information inside China. 
5.   Have a group of well-known scientists assemble and disassemble the prototype; examine and repeat all measurements; publish the full report
6.   Build the educational product so that every establishment, university and school can purchase and confirm it themselves.  Promote the noble goals of “Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited”.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cloxxki on July 12, 2009, 07:37:09 AM
But let them be generally respected open source scientists from thos forum or peer forum. Allow them to make modifications to the prototype, complete a loop, etc.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 12, 2009, 08:25:13 PM
Quote from: Cloxxki on July 12, 2009, 07:37:09 AM
But let them be generally respected open source scientists from this forum or peer forums. Allow them to make modifications to the prototype, complete a loop, etc.

My personal belief is that the top USA, Chinese and other Government Scientists are well ahead of us in this Lead-Out Energy and flying saucer research.  Anything published from us or made from our monthly budget of less than USD1, 000 are “elementary”.

However, other team members see immense financial potential in their work.  They seek reward for their time, brains, sweat and blood.  The project was not a piece of cake.  The device required much innovation.  Most scientists with similar support or resources would have given up long ago.

Some members took the attitude that if the Governments treat the technology as top-secret, their top scientists and vast research resources would not be able to compete with us.  The competition is from ourselves and other inventors who published their work on the Internet.  If we go by the information published, we are ahead both theoretically and experimentally.

Some critics even mentioned that Doomsday was predicted as 2012 â€" only 3 years away.  They said that our lead-out energy and flying saucer technology were responsible for the catastrophe.  We better change the attitudes of our leaders to prevent that from happening.  The technology cannot be stopped now.  Duplication or reverse engineering of the working prototype is within the reach of all Nations.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 13, 2009, 08:13:07 PM
The Magniwork Diagram

Someone sent me the attached diagram and said that our Tong Po Chi Prototype was nothing more than the Magniwork or Bedini Device.

The biggest difference is the Pulsing Circuit.  The Magniwork or Bedini device used fixed frequency pulsing.  The leading out of magnetic (electron motion) energy would be at this single fixed frequency only.  This single fixed frequency could be used to recharge the battery.  However, when the device was driven at any other frequency as in the normal motor or electricity generator, this single fixed frequency would not lead out magnetic energy.  The analogy is pushing the swing at the wrong frequency.  Instead of swinging higher, the swing would stop sooner and much energy would be wasted.

The Tong Po Chi device uses the proximity switch to sense the position of a passing magnet and provide the pulse to repel other magnet(s) on the wheel to rotate it.  The frequency of the pulse would increase with the rotational speed of the wheel.  More magnetic energy would be lead out. Theoretically, the rotational speed would reach infinity.  Practically, the rotational speed would reach a maximum when the torque provided by the pulses balanced the frictional force at the axle.  (Or when the rotational speed was so fast that it “confused” the proximity switch.)  With different loads, the rotational speed would be different.

The present prototypes indicated that loop back is possible - in other words, we could use the output energy to recharge the battery and perform useful work at the same time.  Thanks to the Lead-Out energy.

So please do not confuse our devices with the marginal Newman, Bedini or Adams motors.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on July 13, 2009, 09:48:39 PM

All of my Bedini type motors increase the frequency with the rpm's....automatically and up to well over 15,000 rpms!!!  The standard Bedini circuit will do this.  It is the trigger coil that is energized by the approaching magnet and fires a pulse to turn on the transistor that fires the regular coil, and so on.  I can post you a good diagram of how this works done by Introvertabrate.  There are folks on here and on youtube that have seen Bedini rotational speeds of over 300,000 rpm's using the standard circuit and no proximity sensors or switches or reed switches.  Check out Jonnydavro's work here and his youtube videos...I have replicated some of his early work but he is way ahead of folks on this type of device.

Here are two of my Bedini motors running pretty fast:



Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on July 13, 2009, 10:58:07 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on July 13, 2009, 09:48:39 PM

All of my Bedini type motors increase the frequency with the rpm's....automatically and up to well over 15,000 rpms!!!  The standard Bedini circuit will do this.  It is the trigger coil that is energized by the approaching magnet and fires a pulse to turn on the transistor that fires the regular coil, and so on.  I can post you a good diagram of how this works done by Introvertabrate.  There are folks on here and on youtube that have seen Bedini rotational speeds of over 300,000 rpm's using the standard circuit and no proximity sensors or switches or reed switches.  Check out Jonnydavro's work here and his youtube videos...I have replicated some of his early work but he is way ahead of folks on this type of device.

Here are two of my Bedini motors running pretty fast:




Yep, every bedini circuit I ever saw used some pulse clock that was triggered by the wheel's rotation somehow, either by the magnet passing the coil, or a Hall sensor, or optical commutation like some of Minato's designs, there are a myriad of ways to do it. Joe Newman swears by mechanical sparky commutators. You sure wouldn't get far fast with fixed pulse rate. And the motor would drop out whenever you loaded it up.

But 300,000 rpm? er, that's pretty ffffffast. When I was building model airplanes I liked to use the tiny Cox .010 and .020 CID engines. What jewels those are! Millimicron tolerances all the way throughout. They would turn a 3 1/2 inch  diameter propeller 28,000 - 29,000 rpm, and I calculated that at that speed the blade tips were just about supersonic.  A larger rotor, would of course be moving even faster. So a small machine going 300,000 would have parts moving at Mach 10.

Which is why I'm wondering what I'm wondering...maybe I've dropped a decimal somewhere. Or maybe someone else has. Bill??

Please don't try spinning that one with the magnets on the outside of the wheel that fast. Or, if you do, be sure to take a video, and stand well back.

Those motors are really really cooking indeed! Well done. But golly what if one comes apart?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 13, 2009, 11:44:53 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on July 13, 2009, 09:48:39 PM

All of my Bedini type motors increase the frequency with the rpm's....automatically and up to well over 15,000 rpms!!!  The standard Bedini circuit will do this.  It is the trigger coil that is energized by the approaching magnet and fires a pulse to turn on the transistor that fires the regular coil, and so on.  I can post you a good diagram of how this works done by Introvertabrate.  There are folks on here and on youtube that have seen Bedini rotational speeds of over 300,000 rpm's using the standard circuit and no proximity sensors or switches or reed switches.  Check out Jonnydavro's work here and his youtube videos...I have replicated some of his early work but he is way ahead of folks on this type of device.

Here are two of my Bedini motors running pretty fast:




How strong a Pulse will the transistor circuit generate?

Our relay switch can pulse rotate the stationary wheel 1/4 a turn with the prototype in my living room.  The torque from the new prototype is even more powerful.

We believe that we can drain some energy from the rotating axle without significantly slowing it down.  (This is obviously one of the focus of the on-going experiments.)

What would happen to your Bedini Motor if you drain some energy from the rotating axle?  If a single pulse could not provide the force to rotate the wheel to the next pulsing position, the device will have to rely on the stored momentum.
This means that on any sustained drain, the device will keep losing momentum.  The source of supply could not possibly keep up.  Try to rebuild your Bedini Prototype with the new understanding. 

Thanks for providing the useful information.

The Pulsing circuit we used have the following characteristics:
500 turns of 0.51mm wire with resistance of 6 ohms.
12V battery - thus providing 2 Amps per pulse.
Circular magnets of diameter 25mm and length 35mm at USD5.00 each.  These magnets were purchased from the speciality stores in China.

When we used the Dr. Ting test (repel it upwards with the coil), the resulting height was more than 1 meter. 

Try it.  I am absolutely sure that your new Bedini Motor will give you much better results.  Thank you to the relatively large Lead-Out Energy per pulse.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 14, 2009, 12:24:41 AM
The 225 HP Pulse Motor has 9 slices coupled together.

This may explain why putting 9 together is better than the sum of 9 individual slices.  The pulse from other slices will ensure the rotational momentum would be maintained at the relatively steady and high level.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on July 14, 2009, 12:49:34 AM
@ TK:

No, none of my motors go that fast it was a guy on youtube here:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1WkxHr0G6o&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1WkxHr0G6o&feature=related) (150,000 rpm)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1oFzXOZnE8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1oFzXOZnE8)  (300,000 rpm)

My fastest is like Jonnydavro's single magnet, no bearing set up and I am using a diametrically magnetized tube.  The guy in the above videos is using a sphere and then what looks to be a small rod.  He clocks them with his scope.

Jonny has a laser tach and my set-up like his does about 15,000-18,000 rpm.  I never clocked my rotor set-up but it is fast (or I thought it was, ha ha) for a Bedini motor of that type.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 14, 2009, 01:01:28 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on July 14, 2009, 12:24:41 AM
The 225 HP Pulse Motor has 9 slices coupled together.

This may explain why putting 9 together is better than the sum of 9 individual slices.  The pulse from other slices will ensure the rotational momentum would be maintained at the relatively steady and high level.

One of the problems facing the Pulse Motors in general is the rapid decrease in efficiency when the rotational speed drops.

The 225 HP Pulse Motor used multiple slices and programming.  Dr. Liang used programming to control the number of active ICs.

Tseung et al is using strong pulses and multiple pulse coils.  In the prototype, they used manual switching.  Programming will be necessary at a later stage.

Without the programming control of relating external load to rotational speed and hence pulsing rate, I cannot see the possibility of the Bedini type machines becoming generally useful.  They may be able to pulse charge some batteries.

Any sustained drain of energy will decrease the rotational speed and thus efficiency to unusable levels.  May be we should put many slices together similar to the 225 HP Pulse Motor.  Programming is still needed.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 14, 2009, 02:59:14 AM
The cracking of the Student Prototype

The thin plastic plates covering the Coils cracked.  It was fortunate that no one was hurt.  At the high-speed rotation, any slight touch of two surfaces would generate high frictional forces.  It was a setback because the device needed to be redesigned and rebuilt.  On the other hand, it was a blessing.  The device demonstrated that it could generate much power.

How to handle the lower morale and disappointment?

Some forum members will advise giving up!  Some will curse Tseung for leading the Students to a dead-end.  Some will make fun of the cracking.  Will the Students give up?  Will the World learn anything?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 14, 2009, 03:03:01 AM
Quote from: Devil on July 14, 2009, 02:59:14 AM
The cracking of the Student Prototype

The thin plastic plates covering the Coils cracked.  It was fortunate that no one was hurt.  At the high-speed rotation, any slight touch of two surfaces would generate high frictional forces.  It was a setback because the device needed to be redesigned and rebuilt.  On the other hand, it was a blessing.  The device demonstrated that it could generate much power.

How to handle the lower morale and disappointment?

Some forum members will advise giving up!  Some will curse Tseung for leading the Students to a dead-end.  Some will make fun of the cracking.  Will the Students give up?  Will the World learn anything?

Will the delusions ever end? Very sad.....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 14, 2009, 05:59:22 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on July 14, 2009, 12:49:34 AM
@ TK:

No, none of my motors go that fast it was a guy on youtube here:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1WkxHr0G6o&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1WkxHr0G6o&feature=related) (150,000 rpm)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1oFzXOZnE8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1oFzXOZnE8)  (300,000 rpm)

My fastest is like Jonnydavro's single magnet, no bearing set up and I am using a diametrically magnetized tube.  The guy in the above videos is using a sphere and then what looks to be a small rod.  He clocks them with his scope.

Jonny has a laser tach and my set-up like his does about 15,000-18,000 rpm.  I never clocked my rotor set-up but it is fast (or I thought it was, ha ha) for a Bedini motor of that type.


Dear Bill,

Once the basic parameters of a Bedini Motor have been set (e.g. dimension, number and strength of magnets, Coil configuration), what other parameters could you use to keep the device spinning at a certain rate?

In the 225HP Pulse Motor and our prototype, we can vary the following:
1.   The number of active pulse coils (225 HP Pulse Motor can vary slice)
2.   The strength of the pulse current (via variable resistor)
3.   The timed on and off of a particular pulse coil (via timers)
4.   Taking the external load on or off (turn off some LEDs on the prototype when the wheel starts to slow down).
5.   225HP Pulse Motor does that via program control.  We use manual switching for now.

Thus for a given external load, we could maintain a more or less high and constant rotational rate. 

Please discuss how that is achieved in the Bedini Motors you built.  Thank you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on July 14, 2009, 06:33:49 AM
I use two 5k variable resistors wired in series in all of my motors.  This is how I discovered I have a "2nd gear."  (as seen in my video)

I can also place a 6 volt motor with a rubber wheel on it on my spinning rotor and get over 8 volts out of it with about a 20% slow down in main rotor speed.  This is also while charging another battery through the usual Bedini charging circuit.  This is not bad considering my input battery is 9 volts and it is charging a 9 volt battery as well.  I can light several leds from the "generator" 6 volt pick-up motor at the same time.

But, please check out Jonnydavro's work as he can run like 15 rotors all from inductance and take power from all of them using only one power coil.  he is   way in the lead on this technology.  I am just following the best I can and try to keep up.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 14, 2009, 06:11:56 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on July 14, 2009, 06:33:49 AM
I use two 5k variable resistors wired in series in all of my motors.  This is how I discovered I have a "2nd gear."  (as seen in my video)

I can also place a 6 volt motor with a rubber wheel on it on my spinning rotor and get over 8 volts out of it with about a 20% slow down in main rotor speed.  This is also while charging another battery through the usual Bedini charging circuit.  This is not bad considering my input battery is 9 volts and it is charging a 9 volt battery as well.  I can light several leds from the "generator" 6 volt pick-up motor at the same time.

But, please check out Jonnydavro's work as he can run like 15 rotors all from inductance and take power from all of them using only one power coil.  he is   way in the lead on this technology.  I am just following the best I can and try to keep up.


Thank you for the very helpful information.  You can vary the load and the input pulse current.  Good job.

We shall publish the full test results with the variable number of pulse coils. 

I still want to know the single torque your motor can achieve with one pulse.  We could do the Dr. Ting test to see how high the magnet jumps and follow that with the turn of a static wheel when we provide the pulse current.

My gut feel is that - in a merry-go-round with a few boys running and pushing, a slow one will not contribute to speeding up the wheel.  He would only slow it down.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 18, 2009, 12:23:05 AM

The absolute proof of Overunity Lead-Out Energy Prototype can be seen in the above video.

The confirmation figures will follow in the next few weeks.

We can now confidently claim that the 225 HP Pulse Motor is no hoax.  We can produce and test the >0.5 HP prototype in the garage of Mr. Tong Po Chi.

Improvement is being added.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on July 18, 2009, 12:40:02 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 18, 2009, 12:23:05 AM

The absolute proof of Overunity Lead-Out Energy Prototype can be seen in the above video.

The confirmation figures will follow in the next few weeks.

We can now confidently claim that the 225 HP Pulse Motor is no hoax.  We can produce and test the >0.5 HP prototype in the garage of Mr. Tong Po Chi.

Improvement is being added.

Congratulations @ltseung888 !!!

I will like to have the correct information in order to replicate your lead out configuration.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 18, 2009, 01:46:12 AM
Quote from: nievesoliveras on July 18, 2009, 12:40:02 AM
Congratulations @ltseung888 !!!

I will like to have the correct information in order to replicate your lead out configuration.


Our plan is to produce a DIY educational kit.  This lead-out energy machine requires top designers, top drafts persons and exact material.  The Students took 8 weeks with the design specification and built a prototype that cracked.  Mr. Tong Po Chi took 1 day and rebuilt it. 

You already have the basic draft design information from the many posts from me.  The top experts such as Tong could build working prototypes from that information.  The Students could not.  I do not want people in this Forum complaining that my design does not work.  So please wait until we have our DIY Educational Product.  The plan is to have it ready by Chrismas this year.

The prototype for the Chinese Government is being built.  It will be the 5th generation.  Hopefully, it or an improved version will be on World TV soon.  I hope that it will be started by the fingers of the Presidents of All Nations. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on July 18, 2009, 09:29:33 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 18, 2009, 01:46:12 AM
Our plan is to produce a DIY educational kit.  This lead-out energy machine requires top designers, top drafts persons and exact material.  The Students took 8 weeks with the design specification and built a prototype that cracked.  Mr. Tong Po Chi took 1 day and rebuilt it. 

You already have the basic draft design information from the many posts from me.  The top experts such as Tong could build working prototypes from that information.  The Students could not.  I do not want people in this Forum complaining that my design does not work.  So please wait until we have our DIY Educational Product.  The plan is to have it ready by Chrismas this year.

The prototype for the Chinese Government is being built.  It will be the 5th generation.  Hopefully, it or an improved version will be on World TV soon.  I hope that it will be started by the fingers of the Presidents of All Nations.

Thank you @ltseung888 !
I understand.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 18, 2009, 05:24:28 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 18, 2009, 12:23:05 AM

The absolute proof of Overunity Lead-Out Energy Prototype can be seen in the above video.

The confirmation figures will follow in the next few weeks.

We can now confidently claim that the 225 HP Pulse Motor is no hoax.  We can produce and test the >0.5 HP prototype in the garage of Mr. Tong Po Chi.

Improvement is being added.

The prototype was successful not because of luck.  It was solid and vigorous scientific work.  Most of the attempts of the various designs discussed in this and similar forums failed because they did not have the following:

1.   The Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Theory to guide them.  With the Lead-Out theory, the energy source is clearly identified as gravity or electron motion.  To have the highest efficiency, the Lead-Out theory demands high but appropriate pulse rate, high but appropriate pulse current, multiple and controllable number of pulse coils, matching magnets (that can be found with the Dr. Ting test), etc.

2.   High precision engineering.  The distance between the coils and the rotating magnets was specified to be 2 mm.  The angle of the magnets could be tilted and adjusted to within 2 degrees.  The coils needed to be approximately 6 ohms and wound properly.  (The Students found that a loose, randomly wound coil produced much less magnetic repulsion.)  They also found that a slight violation of the 2mm gap in a rotating and vibrating environment would crack their device.

3.   The capability to increase the dimensions of the device.  Most forum members go for the smallest dimensions for their test prototypes.  The best torque and efficiency comes with higher wheel diameter, more magnets and more separation of the magnets.  We started with 300mm diameter and found that we could not put in the 16 magnets as designed.  The video shown used 3 coils but the result was powerful enough to demonstrate overunity.

4.   The lack of proper funding.  The video clearly showed that the prototype was developed at the garage of Mr. Tong.  It was treated as a hobby and developed on an “as time and resources permit” basis.  This will most likely change after the Chinese or other Governments have given it their official blessing.

5.   The lack of dedication and confidence.  Many Students dropped out after the smallest setback.  The initial number of “interested” students was more than 10.  After 8 weeks, the number dropped to 3.  After the cracking of the prototype, Mr. Tong took over completely.  Some of the feedback included: the project required mathematics and physics; the project was boring; there were constant changes in design and specification; we had to go out and purchase materials ourselves; we had to make decisions on the dimensions and even types of screws; there was a need to use electrical tools that might be dangerous; the tolerance of the components were too rigorous; we are not professional machinists etc.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 18, 2009, 11:46:10 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 18, 2009, 12:23:05 AM

The absolute proof of Overunity Lead-Out Energy Prototype can be seen in the above video.

The confirmation figures will follow in the next few weeks.

We can now confidently claim that the 225 HP Pulse Motor is no hoax.  We can produce and test the >0.5 HP prototype in the garage of Mr. Tong Po Chi.

Improvement is being added.

Wow! Earth shattering announcement of real free energy via Youtube! Sad to say much junk is also announced on Youtube, including bad quality magic shows and delusional achievements by wannabe lack of knowledge 'scientist' !

Seemed like not one person of any known scientific community is even interested!
Which tells you .....
You figure that one out Mr. Tseung.
It's not rocket science.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on July 19, 2009, 01:18:54 AM
You are silly. That's not a free energy prototype, THIS is a free energy prototype.


The absolute proof of Overunity Lead-Out Energy Prototype can be seen in the above video.

The confirmation figures will follow in the next few weeks.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 19, 2009, 11:30:04 PM
Forever Yuen and I went to Church.  It was the first time Forever went to an English speaking Church.

After the service, we had lunch together.

Tseung: “Now that the prototype is running.  You know that your future is secured and bright.  What do you want to do next?”

Forever: “The Pastor said something about going for the highest ideal.  One should go beyond what was legal or generally accepted.  One should follow the example of Jesus Christ.”

Tseung: “I can show you how to do spreadsheets and budgeting.  You can plan on the activities that will come in the next 12 months.  We can walk over to the bookstore and get you prepared.”

Forever: “I know that the numbers are staggering.  I got confused after 13 zeros.  We cannot possibly do all that work, produce that amount of products or earn all that much money ourselves.  We have to involve many others and benefit the World.”

Tseung: “You are my loving granddaughter.   I am sure that you will build a Company more prestigious than Microsoft.  Bill Gates started it when he was 19.  You have a head start at 18.”

Forever: “You and Tong have the Lead-Out energy prototype nailed down.  You still have much work to do on the Flying Saucer.  Do not retire yet.”

Time to do some fishing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 19, 2009, 11:53:16 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 19, 2009, 11:30:04 PM
Time to do some fishing.

Time to stop misleading young innocent & naive minds!
Time to tell the truth that you are delusional.
Time to act like a man and not a snake oil sales man!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 20, 2009, 05:12:05 AM
Dear Mr Wang & Mr Tseung,

Our company 360TECHNOLOGIES is a Research and Development Company that brings Energy Technologies to the World for Development for the Marketplace.
The Goal of our Company very simply is "Energy Freedom for the WORLD".

If you could please give some description of your product and the availability of a Working Sample that produces continuous Electricity.
Pictures of Video are excellent and we do travel the World often to develop new technologies and testing.
Are you in Hong Kong or Mainland CHINA?
If in the Mainland where are you located?
What is the availability of a working sample for viewing and Electricity production testing?

Our Company is located in High Point, North Carolina, United States.
I can be contacted directly by phone at 001-336-601-9383.
We look forward to your kind reply.

Thank You & Best Regards,
John E. Blair IV - CEO
Dear Mr. John Blair,

Thank you for your interest.  We have our working prototypes in Hong Kong and Mr. Wang has his in Beijing, China.   
The prototype in Hong Kong uses batteries to provide the starting pulses.  The Wang machine does not even have batteries.  I shall only discuss the Hong Kong machine in this post.

We described the design and theory behind the Hong Kong machine in this thread.  Initially, I thought that the information was enough for any average person to build a working prototype.  The Student Team took 8 weeks and did not succeed.  Mr. Tong Po Chi modified and rebuilt it in one day.

The plan is for Mr. Tong (and his team) to build a couple of working prototypes.  One of them is targeted for the Chinese Government.  When the appropriate time comes, the multiple prototypes will be displayed in multiple cities around the World.

You can help to spread the theory first â€" get your experts to read http://geocities.com/ltseung
Visit this thread from time to time.

If you want to see the working prototypes in Hong Kong ahead of others, be prepared to  send a team of experts to test and videotape the prototype and report it directly via this forum.  I can treat that as a dry run before the World Announcement.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TinselKoala on July 20, 2009, 05:25:27 AM
search terms: 360TECHNOLOGIES high point north carolina

Hmm...I give up. The furniture store? The software company?

I guess I'll just have to call the number. At least the area code checks out. Good for You, you got that part right at least.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 20, 2009, 05:49:25 AM
Just finished speaking to Mr. Cheung King Fung, the Golden-Year Chairman of the Hong Kong Invention Association.

The earliest demonstration of our working prototype can be July 28, Tuesday, 3pm at the Office of the Association.

Members and guests are encouraged to bring their video cameras.

I shall get a HKIA member to videotape and report that event.

This will be one of the many dry-runs in Hong Kong.

You can google search the Hong Kong Invention Association for its background first.

At least two professors will be invited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: lltfdaniel1 on July 20, 2009, 06:22:41 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 20, 2009, 05:49:25 AM
Just finished speaking to Mr. Cheung King Fung, the Golden-Year Chairman of the Hong Kong Invention Association.

The earliest demonstration of our working prototype can be July 28, Tuesday, 3pm at the Office of the Association.

Members and guests are encouraged to bring their video cameras.

I shall get a HKIA member to videotape and report that event.

This will be one of the many dry-runs in Hong Kong.

You can google search the Hong Kong Invention Association for its background first.

At least two professors will be invited.

To ITseung.

Can you take a nice long read of this?


And explain it with your lead out?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 20, 2009, 09:07:58 AM
Quote from: lltfdaniel1 on July 20, 2009, 06:22:41 AM
To ITseung.

Can you take a nice long read of this?


And explain it with your lead out?



Let me summarize the Lead-Out Energy theory and apply it to the Magnetic Resonance Amplifier.

1.   The Law of Conservation of Energy states that Energy cannot be created or destroyed.  It can, however, change from one form to another.
2.   If the energy input to a machine is 100 units, the energy coming out from that machine must be less than 100 units as some will be used to overcome friction and other losses.
3.   The Lead-Out Energy theory states that there are many existing energies in the Universe that we are not using effectively at present.  One example is gravity.  Another example is electromagnetism which is a result of electron motion.
4.   With a Lead-Out Energy machine, some of the Input Energy is used to Lead-Out the existing energy discussed in 3 into the machine.  Thus if the input energy is 100 units and leads another 50 units of existing energy into the system, the effective input energy into the system is 150 units.  Thus the output can be up to 150 units.
5.   The entire universe is under the gravitational pull of the stars, suns, planets etc.  If such forces can be used to do work, we effectively have unlimited energy.  Mankind can use gravitational energy such as driving a turbine at the bottom of a dam.  However, the water must be evaporated by the Sun and rain down to fill the dam again.
6.   Lee Cheung Kin made the greatest breakthrough in December 2004 when he realized that pulling a pendulum could lead out gravitational energy.  The lead-out energy is equal to the vertical component of the tension of the string times the vertical displacement.
7.   Lawrence Tseung worked with Mr. Lee and extended the theory to cover the magnetic pendulum, the vibrating and rotating systems etc.  In their patent application, they stated that they could lead-out energy via pulse forces from oscillating, vibrating, rotating systems.  The energy can be gravitational, magnetic, electric, electromagnetic etc.
8.   The pulse forces must be applied at the appropriate time.  Most people associate that with resonance.  The Tong Po Chi prototype demonstrated that the frequency is not a single resonance frequency but one that changes with external environment (e.g. load).

The Magnetic Resonance Amplifier is likely to be an example of leading-out electron motion energy (in terms of electromagnetic waves) as it has magnets, coils, current, etc.  Previously, most such inventions were rejected because the patent office or the scientists could not identify the source of energy.  They were not taught the Lead-Out Energy theory.  The Lead-Out energy theory does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  It supplements it.

Hope that helps!

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 20, 2009, 11:24:31 AM
Quote from: TinselKoala on July 20, 2009, 05:25:27 AM
search terms: 360TECHNOLOGIES high point north carolina

Hmm...I give up. The furniture store? The software company?

I guess I'll just have to call the number. At least the area code checks out. Good for You, you got that part right at least.


Sometimes, depending on which one of the persona surfaces, and which one was last involved in some delusion, it's possible to change from furniture business to technology companies, like changing from non-functional mechanical pendulums to electromagnetic coils, magnetic power etc etc. It's all in the mind. Even Google can't keep up with Lawrence's mind(s)!

Let's just assume it's the furniture company for now. What's the difference?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: blueplanet on July 20, 2009, 12:16:40 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 20, 2009, 05:49:25 AM
Just finished speaking to Mr. Cheung King Fung, the Golden-Year Chairman of the Hong Kong Invention Association.

The earliest demonstration of our working prototype can be July 28, Tuesday, 3pm at the Office of the Association.

Members and guests are encouraged to bring their video cameras.

I shall get a HKIA member to videotape and report that event.

This will be one of the many dry-runs in Hong Kong.

You can google search the Hong Kong Invention Association for its background first.

At least two professors will be invited.

May I ask if you have a self-running prototype available?

If you have, are you going to demontrate your self-running prototype on 28 July?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 20, 2009, 05:10:36 PM
Quote from: blueplanet on July 20, 2009, 12:16:40 PM
May I ask if you have a self-running prototype available?

If you have, are you going to demontrate your self-running prototype on 28 July?

The star is likely to be:

Bring your camera, measuring instruments and confirm overunity.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: blueplanet on July 21, 2009, 02:56:58 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 20, 2009, 05:10:36 PM
The star is likely to be:

Bring your camera, measuring instruments and confirm overunity.

But this is not a self-running machine. Have I missed anything?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on July 21, 2009, 09:03:21 AM

If for any reason your invention does not work as a self running pulse motor just give a try to this one some crazy guy made and gave it free to the community, he claims that is a self runner.
Just give it a try and let me know if he said the truth and gave up a selfrunner pulse motor for free.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 21, 2009, 12:10:40 PM
Quote from: nievesoliveras on July 21, 2009, 09:03:21 AM

If for any reason your invention does not work as a self running pulse motor ...



I'm afraid you trust the snake oil too much. There is ABSOLUTELY NO chance this Lee-Tseung crap will ever be a self runner. Trust me!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cloxxki on July 21, 2009, 12:26:03 PM
If they are so convinced it works as advertized, they'll stand by, hands on their back, as researchers dissemble the apparatus, and re-assemble. Batteries can be tested for they capacity, apparatus tested for drain from a pre-certified power source, etc.
It would be great for the world if this could be real.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on July 21, 2009, 12:26:58 PM
Quote from: chrisC on July 21, 2009, 12:10:40 PM

I'm afraid you trust the snake oil too much. There is ABSOLUTELY NO chance this Lee-Tseung crap will ever be a self runner. Trust me!


I will call him a human being that is surviving on hostile territory and that needs to be as he is in order to subsist.
And also an inventor trying to advertize his product in a place that almost everyone has a similar product advertized.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 22, 2009, 04:02:17 AM
The earliest demonstration of our working prototype can be July 28, Tuesday, 3pm at the Office of the Association.

Members and guests are encouraged to bring their video cameras.

I shall get a HKIA member to videotape and report that event.

This will be one of the many dry-runs in Hong Kong.

You can google search the Hong Kong Invention Association for its background first.

The date is now confirmed to be July 28, 2009 at 3 pm at the HKIA Office.
Forum Members who are not members of HKIA will be invited as my guests.  You are welcome to call the HKIA office to confirm your coming (2368 6219) and quote my name (Lawrence Tseung).
You are welcome to bring you camera and measuring instruments.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on July 22, 2009, 10:24:30 AM
Quote from: chrisC on July 21, 2009, 12:10:40 PM

I'm afraid you trust the snake oil too much. There is ABSOLUTELY NO chance this Lee-Tseung crap will ever be a self runner. Trust me!

Trust you?

Learn a bit of Physics in the field in which Lawrence operates.
But then, this is not what your job is, is it, chrisC ?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on July 22, 2009, 10:25:54 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 22, 2009, 04:02:17 AM
The date is now confirmed to be July 28, 2009 at 3 pm at the HKIA Office.
Forum Members who are not members of HKIA will be invited as my guests.  You are welcome to call the HKIA office to confirm your coming (2368 6219) and quote my name (Lawrence Tseung).
You are welcome to bring you camera and measuring instruments.

Thanks for giving everyone a one week notice to travel to China.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on July 22, 2009, 10:27:39 AM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 22, 2009, 12:03:55 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 22, 2009, 04:02:17 AM
The date is now confirmed to be July 28, 2009 at 3 pm at the HKIA Office.
Forum Members who are not members of HKIA will be invited as my guests.  You are welcome to call the HKIA office to confirm your coming (2368 6219) and quote my name (Lawrence Tseung).
You are welcome to bring you camera and measuring instruments.


Since you now have a prototype of this earth shattering discovery of real O.U Lee-Tseung brew, please do invite the Hong Kong TV station and at least a couple of Physics and EE professors from the Hong Kong University. Then the rest of people can sit and watch from the comfort of their homes. Billions of people will then know Tseung is not a snake-oil salesman!

But then, will the TV station people show up? Will the professors even want to touch your discovery with a 10 foot pole? Will pigs fly? Well, I go to the gym to keep fit for 90 minutes everyday and I hope to see a CNN disrupt the normal broadcast to announce the "Lee-Tseung blah blah blah..."

Oh, where was I .....? Sorry I got carried away. I'm still living in the real world and reading Stephan's OU forum where bad wannabe magicians practice their trade. What a shame, I thought it was real! Duh!


ps: Perhaps Paul should go to HK to verify this crap and then he might join the dark side or become more delusional and becomes Tseung's disciple.
Paul, your chance to finally SHINE!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 23, 2009, 08:57:52 PM
Quote from: blueplanet on July 20, 2009, 12:16:40 PM
May I ask if you have a self-running prototype available?

If you have, are you going to demontrate your self-running prototype on 28 July?

By self running, my interpretation would be a machine that will not need constant human handling.  Once you switch it on, you can walk away.  The Machine will automatically adjust itself to the environment.

That feature requires sensing the external load and adjusting the input.  Some kind of programming will be required.  We have not achieved that yet.  We are still working on that.  The 225 HP Pulse Motor and the Dr. Liang machines had that feature.  I do not believe the Bedini machines have that feature.

We know that we still have some technical challenges to overcome before displaying the machine at United Nations.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 23, 2009, 09:02:27 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 23, 2009, 08:57:52 PM
By self running, my interpretation would be a machine that will not need constant human handling.  Once you switch it on, you can walk away.  The Machine will automatically adjust itself to the environment.

That feature requires sensing the external load and adjusting the input.  Some kind of programming will be required.  We have not achieved that yet.  We are still working on that........

In other words, it is still snake oil! Keep going, maybe when the cows come home, it will be ready to show.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on July 23, 2009, 11:34:22 PM

On our site here, OU.com, I know of three folks that have self running Bedini motors exactly as you describe. Gadgetmall, Electricme, and Jesus. (nievesoliveras)  They run and self charge and you don't have to do anything to them.  Jesus has his own topic on this (Feedback to source) and the other guys devices can be seen on my joule thief topic.  On Youtube, Commwarrior also has a self-running Bedini motor.  These are only the ones I know about, I am sure there are more.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 23, 2009, 11:39:32 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on July 23, 2009, 11:34:22 PM

On our site here, OU.com, I know of three folks that have self running Bedini motors exactly as you describe. Gadgetmall, Electricme, and Jesus. (nievesoliveras)  They run and self charge and you don't have to do anything to them.  Jesus has his own topic on this (Feedback to source) and the other guys devices can be seen on my joule thief topic.  On Youtube, Commwarrior also has a self-running Bedini motor.  These are only the ones I know about, I am sure there are more.



I admire your 'gentlemanly' approach to try to tell Mr. tseung what he has 'invented' is already at least dozens of years old. You might need to switch to my broomstick approach. Anyway, you are a gentleman.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: blueplanet on July 24, 2009, 10:05:20 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 23, 2009, 08:57:52 PM

That feature requires sensing the external load and adjusting the input.  Some kind of programming will be required.  We have not achieved that yet.  We are still working on that.  The 225 HP Pulse Motor and the Dr. Liang machines had that feature.  I do not believe the Bedini machines have that feature.

De luc dry pile in Oxford U is a typical example of self-running pepetual motion machine. Perhaps, you should take a look on it.

I have also seen at least two systems with positive feedback.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on July 24, 2009, 10:26:44 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on July 23, 2009, 11:34:22 PM
On our site here, OU.com, I know of three folks that have self running Bedini motors exactly as you describe. Gadgetmall, Electricme, and Jesus. (nievesoliveras)
Worth mentioning is the Adams motor, designed so that the soft iron
rotor piece is attracted to the soft iron stator electromagnet. As the
rotor passes over the electromagnet, the latter is bathed in just enough
current to allow the rotor to sail by. (And of course, the BEMF is fed
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 27, 2009, 01:41:31 AM
Dear Lawrence,
Tomorrow, I am a bit busy. It is unlikely that I would be able to come. However, I look forwards to the next version of your prototypem, which I believe will be a self-running machine. Please keep me informed. My overunity login (i.e. blueplanet) has been disabled for some unknown reasons. I cannot post in the forum under this username. Please accept my apology for communicating with you in private email.
Regards, Wai Y. Liu

Dear Blueplanet,

The presentation tomorrow at HKIA is only the first of a number of dry runs.  We hope to perfect our prototypes and our presentation so that we can present at United Nations.  Hopefully, the Presidents of all Nations will be there and touch our device together to solve the Energy Crisis and bring immerse new wealth to the entire World.

The private trial run yesterday was very successful.  The device showed overunity and easily exceeded the 50 watt continuous (and forever) output.  We shall let the professors with their much more vigorous testing instruments confirm that tomorrow.

Let us work together to benefit the World.
Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 27, 2009, 01:55:09 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 27, 2009, 01:41:31 AM
Dear Blueplanet,

The private trial run yesterday was very successful.  The device showed overunity and easily exceeded the 50 watt continuous (and forever) output.  We shall let the professors with their much more vigorous testing instruments confirm that tomorrow.

Let us work together to benefit the World.
Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Sorry to burst your bubble old Tseung. If this was indeed true (and verified by real scientific circles (and not by wannable scientists), you would be on world wide TV by now, don't you think so? Is there no CNN in Hong Kong? Haha, I think you forgot to take your medicine again!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: blueplanet on July 27, 2009, 11:16:48 AM
I insist we communicate in private email.
Thank you for your cooperation in advance.

Quote from: ltseung888 on July 27, 2009, 01:41:31 AM
Dear Blueplanet,

The presentation tomorrow at HKIA is only the first of a number of dry runs.  We hope to perfect our prototypes and our presentation so that we can present at United Nations.  Hopefully, the Presidents of all Nations will be there and touch our device together to solve the Energy Crisis and bring immerse new wealth to the entire World.

The private trial run yesterday was very successful.  The device showed overunity and easily exceeded the 50 watt continuous (and forever) output.  We shall let the professors with their much more vigorous testing instruments confirm that tomorrow.

Let us work together to benefit the World.
Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: blueplanet on July 27, 2009, 11:21:20 AM
I am sorry cnn is not an important channel to the world. Please think twice before wasting the bandwidth that does not belong to you.

Quote from: chrisC on July 27, 2009, 01:55:09 AM
Sorry to burst your bubble old Tseung. If this was indeed true (and verified by real scientific circles (and not by wannable scientists), you would be on world wide TV by now, don't you think so? Is there no CNN in Hong Kong? Haha, I think you forgot to take your medicine again!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 27, 2009, 05:51:42 PM
Quote from: blueplanet on July 27, 2009, 11:21:20 AM
I am sorry cnn is not an important channel to the world. Please think twice before wasting the bandwidth that does not belong to you.


Well, I suppose you're the latest indoctrinated member of old Tseung's multiple persona. Welcome to the club! You need to read through the 400 plus pages of crap to make sure you don't write incriminating information about your other strange fellows.

Haha. Now old Tseung is communicating with himself in PM!!!

This is the best comedy show on the web.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on July 27, 2009, 06:46:03 PM
Tseung don't rely to much on the "united" nations or "educated" professors. The technology to reach other planets has been there for 100 years or even more. Nikola Tesla, Otis Carr,the Nazi's...and others have achieved this. But they all faced the same wall.

The system we live in is not based on innovation or free thinking. These are destructive to the system. And anything that is destructive must be eliminated by any means what so ever.

Don't rely on governments or the academic establishment to welcome you with open arms. Their job is to maintain the status quo. They will stab you multiple times in the back and show no mercy.

If you are serious about this make a GOOD designed website representing your foundation which also includes experimental data and instructions on how to build the prototype. This path will get you the farthest the fastest.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cloxxki on July 28, 2009, 02:07:11 AM
Actually, making a small series production of working prototypes yourself, I think would be a kick-start more efficient in getting an invention out there. If you cannot replicate yourself, how is someone else ever going to manage? Those who see the prototypes at work, will want to buy them at a reasonable price. They'll improve them further themselves then.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on July 28, 2009, 02:14:55 AM
well it seems you have your 50 watt running so when would it suit for me to fly over.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 28, 2009, 08:44:17 AM
The prototype demonstrated on July 28 at HKIA.

It has the following features:

1. Eight permanent magnets
2. Four drive Coils
3. 12 Volt battery maximum current 2.4 Amp (28.8 watts)
4. Rotational speed at approximately 300 rpm
5. Output estimate = 0.5 HP or 370 watts
6. Overunity in the order of 12

Need to be sent to laboratories or Universities with better equipment to confirm the above.

Two coming prototypes
1. Educational Product similar to the shown picture
2. High Technology device

Details to follow.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on July 28, 2009, 09:12:50 AM
How is the output power measured?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bubba1 on July 28, 2009, 10:28:54 AM
Yeah, how do you "estimate" the output?  At 370 watts, something must be heating up.  What are you using for a load, maybe a heating element, or lights?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cloxxki on July 28, 2009, 02:01:13 PM
If you'd run a generator with your output, would it not make sence to make the next prototype to a size that it can make full use of the former as input? The little 12V battery might be powering something like a couple 1000W flood lights. That would impress. And, you'll easily spare the watts to run the first stage, so the battery can be taken out completely.
Unless the battery is taken out, people will (rightfully) remain most sceptical. Simple current in, simple power out, this calls for a closed loop, ESPECIALLY when claiming 12x more out than in. The least efficient of generators would already manage to loop it, and run some lights on the side.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 28, 2009, 07:39:28 PM
Mr. Tong Po Chi and his prototype at HKIA on July 28, 2009

We can draw output energy in two ways.  One is via the rotating axle.  The other is via the coil acting as collector coil.

The plan is to buy a 0.5HP electricity generator and use the prototype to provide power,  The generated electricity could recharge the battery and light up lamps.  Such low powered generators are hard to find.  Suggestions are welcome.

We need some improvements to the existing prototype such as making it larger to be able to put 16 coils, finding a better way than the proximity switch, redoing the coils so that their resistance is 6 ohms etc.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on July 28, 2009, 07:43:29 PM

Look for a headlight generator from a bicycle shop.  These are the small ones that mount on the fork, and use friction drive from the tire to make 12 volts to light the bike's headlight.  I had one of these many years ago...hopefully they still make something similar.  I am sure it does not put out all that much power but it did light 2 12 volt incandescent bulbs.  (small ones)  They used to be pretty cheap so maybe you could gang several together to get some real power output?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bubba1 on July 28, 2009, 09:34:46 PM
The bike generator I had 30 years ago was only about 3 or 4 watts, it ran off of the tire rim.  You would need about 100 of them.  How about a small car alternator or a motorcycle alternator?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on July 29, 2009, 01:42:23 AM
Report on the demonstration on July 28 at HKIA

There are 11 participants including a PHD in quantum mechanics,  a programmer, a designer of home appliances, owner of a factory, an inventor of  a electricity generator ,the chairman of HKIA, our team of inventors.  The 2 professors  did not show up and we may have to contact them at a later time.

The prototype demonstrated consisted of  8 permanent magnets, 4 pulse coils, a 12V battery, a proximity switch and a relay. The coils are about five ohms and thus take on a current of 2.4 amps(12/5).  The rotation speed was estimated by eye to be 300 rpm. The torque on the axle was strong and estimated by the engineer to be comparable to that of  a 0.5 hp motor. We shall have more vigorous figures with more scientific  measurement.  As a proof â€"of- concept experiment, the prototype appears to demonstrate overunity and confirms the validity of the 225 HP pulse motor.

I gave the presentation and the participants provided much valuable feedbacks and comments. Some of these included:
1. In the later prototype, the battery could be removed after starting.
2. Alternatively, the battery can be recharged by the output.
3. The proximity switch restricted the rotational speed and a better technique using laser technology should be employed.
4. The owner of a laser equipment company is willing to support our efforts at no costs to us.
5. The eventual prototype will need programming.

Everyone was happy with the progress and look forward to the coming new prototypes. 

The first new prototype is likely to be a larger version that can cater for 16 drive coils.  The second new prototype is likely to be a modification of the exiting one for the educational market. The third one is likely to be incorporated with much laser technology.
8) 8) ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cloxxki on July 29, 2009, 02:50:48 AM
Interesting updates, you received good input.

If it were true, power around to 0.5hp...if you'd mount the device on a bicycle, it would be right around the level of a professional cyclist. More than enough for a lightweight urban scooter.

If you manage that, power a scooter and remove the battery after start-up, I will work for you people, for free.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on July 29, 2009, 08:07:43 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 28, 2009, 07:39:28 PM
The plan is to buy a 0.5HP electricity generator and use the prototype to provide power,  The generated electricity could recharge the battery and light up lamps.  Such low powered generators are hard to find.  Suggestions are welcome.
It might be easier to build one out of neodymuim magnets
and a multi-coil rotor, like this one out of a machine machine:

or the windmill design on page 11

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 29, 2009, 11:17:58 PM
Quote from: markdansie on July 28, 2009, 02:14:55 AM
well it seems you have your 50 watt running so when would it suit for me to fly over.

Dear Mark,

Please tell us how you intend to measure Input and Output as related to our prototype.

We intend to send our existing prototype to reputable laboratories or Universities for validation and additional scientific confirmation.

The other approach we are doing is building an even more powerful prototype with all 16 drive coils and a larger diameter wheel to overcome the drawback of our proximity switch.  We can then use it to drive a 0.5 or more HP electricity generator.  The output will be used to recharge the battery and light a few bulbs.

You are welcome to come now and examine the existing prototype or wait a few weeks to examine the even more powerful prototype.  My personal advice is to wait for the new prototype as that will be much more conclusive and leave the present prototype to  the Professors.

We are in no hurry for any publicity.  Take your time and get fully prepared.

Please tell us your testing methods and the World may learn something together.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 30, 2009, 02:11:04 AM
The estimation of rotational speed:


The estimation of torque:


Better suggestions are welcome.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 30, 2009, 02:36:19 AM
The acceptance of the attached picture is the key to the entire Lee-Tseung Lead-Out theory.

The Law of Conservation of Energy is not violated. 

The source of energy is explained.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on July 30, 2009, 04:34:26 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 30, 2009, 02:11:04 AM
The estimation of rotational speed:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F77rw2SgTSM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F77rw2SgTSM)

The estimation of torque:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLHVCaAfR4U (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLHVCaAfR4U)

Better suggestions are welcome.

Buy this to measure rpm accurately;

http://tinyurl.com/mr3csp (http://tinyurl.com/mr3csp)

It's cheap and ships from china.

As for torque nothing beats a dc motor working as a generator. It can be easily controlled by a resistor and the output is ready available electricity.

These are not that cheap thought but they also ship from china;



Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 30, 2009, 06:31:13 AM
Quote from: broli on July 30, 2009, 04:34:26 AM
Buy this to measure rpm accurately;

http://tinyurl.com/mr3csp (http://tinyurl.com/mr3csp)

It's cheap and ships from china.

As for torque nothing beats a dc motor working as a generator. It can be easily controlled by a resistor and the output is ready available electricity.

These are not that cheap thought but they also ship from china;




Thank you for the great information.  We shall buy the items and eliminate any guessing.  This is much cheaper than getting a reputable laboratory to certify the device.  (And do not need to pull strings to get the Professors involved.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on July 30, 2009, 08:10:40 AM
Keep the RPM of the dc motor in mind. Since your motor is low rpm you have to step up the speed using sprockets, chains or belts. A cheaper method would be just to build your open pony brake.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 30, 2009, 09:05:20 AM
Quote from: broli on July 30, 2009, 08:10:40 AM
Keep the RPM of the dc motor in mind. Since your motor is low rpm you have to step up the speed using sprockets, chains or belts. A cheaper method would be just to build your open pony brake.

We plan on using belts.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on July 30, 2009, 01:11:15 PM
Quote from: broli on July 30, 2009, 08:10:40 AM
Keep the RPM of the dc motor in mind. Since your motor is low rpm you have to step up the speed using sprockets, chains or belts. A cheaper method would be just to build your open pony brake.
It's a prony brake. With Google, spelling matters.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on July 30, 2009, 01:33:00 PM
Excuse my Engrish Boss.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 30, 2009, 05:05:42 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on July 30, 2009, 01:11:15 PM
It's a prony brake. With Google, spelling matters.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The de Prony Brake is a simple device invented by Gaspard de Prony to measure the torque produced by an engine. The term brake horsepower is one measurement of torque derived from this method of measurement.

Essentially the measurement is made by wrapping a cord or belt around the output shaft of the engine and measuring the force transferred to the belt through friction. The friction is increased by tightening the belt until the frequency of rotation of the shaft is reduced. In practice more engine power can then be applied until the limit of the engine is reached.

In its simplest form an engine is connected to a rotating drum by means of an output shaft. A friction band is wrapped around half the drum's circumference and each end attached to a separate spring balance. A substantial pre-load is then applied to the ends of the band, so that each spring balance has an initial and identical reading. When the engine is starting the frictional force between the drum and the band will increase the force reading on one balance and decrease it on the other. The difference between the two readings is used to calculate torque, because the radius of the driven drum is known. If the engine speed is measured with a tachometer, the brake horsepower is easily calculated.

An alternate mechanism is to clamp a lever to the shaft and measure using a single balance. The torque is then related to the lever length, shaft diameter and measured force.

The device is generally used over a range of engine speeds to obtain power and torque curves for the engine, since there is a non-linear relationship between torque and engine speed for most engine types.

The power output can be calculated as:

Rotary power (Nm/s) = Pi × 2 × lever length (m) × revolutions per second × measured force (N)[1][2]

*** Thank you for the good information. ***
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 30, 2009, 05:31:38 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on July 30, 2009, 02:36:19 AM
The acceptance of the attached picture is the key to the entire Lee-Tseung Lead-Out theory.

The Law of Conservation of Energy is not violated. 

The source of energy is explained.
Tom Bearden et al used Zero Point Energy or Energy from the Vacuum to describe “Existing Energy” as in the bottom of the slide.  I am in agreement with that. 

However, further explanation of Zero Point Energy starts to depart from the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy theory.  Lee-Tseung used the simple pulled pendulum to explain and calculate the quantity of Lead-Out energy. 
Whenever there is tension in the string, gravitational energy could be lead out.  The quantity lead out is equal to the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement.

The Tong Po Chi overunity prototype seemed to confirm the Lee=Tseung Lead-Out theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on July 30, 2009, 07:07:27 PM
Hi Lawence,
i would test output using a pony brake in the first instance.
We can hook up a permanant magnet generator as well that has low cogging but would need to step up the RPM . I know an excellent generator out of the USA used for wind mills.
You can possibly borrow a good wind mill generator (say 500watt) in china
This would also enable it to be closed looped back to battery so we can load up the device with a resistance load (even lamps would do) to see if it can maintain it self running.
RPM is easy..you use a cheap laser device (hand held)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on July 30, 2009, 07:15:36 PM
Just one question,
did you notice the amps increase when you tried braking it with your hand. You mentioned it was drawing 2.4 amps at 12 volts (proberbly 14 volts) is this correct
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on July 30, 2009, 08:32:10 PM
Quote from: markdansie on July 30, 2009, 07:07:27 PM
Hi Lawence,
i would test output using a pony brake in the first instance.
We can hook up a permanant magnet generator as well that has low cogging but would need to step up the RPM . I know an excellent generator out of the USA used for wind mills.
You can possibly borrow a good wind mill generator (say 500watt) in china
This would also enable it to be closed looped back to battery so we can load up the device with a resistance load (even lamps would do) to see if it can maintain it self running.
RPM is easy..you use a cheap laser device (hand held)

Dear Mark,

Thank you for your quick response.  We plan to get similar test equipment in Hong Kong or China first.  If we fail to get any particular item, we may need your help to get it from USA.

Our next presentation will be at the Hong Kong Institute of Energy on August 5.  However, we can make special arrangement for you to examine the prototype.  I still believe that you should wair for our next 16 coil prototype.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 30, 2009, 09:45:49 PM
Here is the second presentation slide explaining the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy

Can we continuously lead-out gravitational energy?

The Bessler Wheel in the 1700s in Germany may be one such device.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 31, 2009, 01:00:53 AM
Quote from: markdansie on July 30, 2009, 07:15:36 PM
Just one question,
did you notice the amps increase when you tried braking it with your hand. You mentioned it was drawing 2.4 amps at 12 volts (proberbly 14 volts) is this correct

I played with the earlier protoype in my living room.  The Amps as shown on the meter rapidly decreased when I braked to reduce the rotational speed.  When I let my hand go, the rotational speed and Amp increased again.

Does that answer your question?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 31, 2009, 01:50:04 AM
The third slide is the key one.  It was probably the first time that theoreticians actually calculated the quantity of Lead-Out Energy from a pulled pendulum.

The result was a great surprise and a great delight to Lee and Tseung.  Two parts of horizontal energy supplied could lead-out One part of vertical gravitational energy.  This represented a potential COP of 1.5.  Such a large figure could be verified experimentally.

Whenever the COP is greater than 1, there is possibility of loop-back so that some of the Output Energy could be fed back to the Input.  Once that occurs, no more Input Energy is needed.  The resulting COP figure will be much higher.  This explains that the Tong Po Chi Prototype can have COP more than 10.

With the above calculations, Lee and Tseung became so confident that no amount of negative feedback could shake their confidence.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on July 31, 2009, 05:50:45 AM
Tseung, your prototype still has room for 3 more coils.

You can still train the students to produce these extra coils, insert them into the prototype and improve the electronics to cater for these extra coils.  Rather than sitting on the sideline and watch, they can still contribute.

You gave them too much responsibility at the beginning â€" hoping some 18 year olds with no working experience will produce prototypes that shake the World.  The new task is more manageable.  They may succeed.

When they gain confidence, ask them to build the larger prototype to cater for 16 coils.  Their solution based on the HK$10 proximity switch cannot be actual products to produce electricity.  However the device will be more than enough to prove overunity.  You can publish and share their work with the World.  They can even win the Overunity.com prize.

You want to Help Seedlings Innovate.  Mr. Tong Po Chi is not a seedling.  He is already a tall tree that can provide shelter and fruits.  Think about it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 31, 2009, 05:34:47 PM
 Slide 4 extends the Lead-Out Theory to magnetic fields.  It also extends the theory to beyond oscillation systems.  This means the much more efficient rotational or flux change systems can be used.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on July 31, 2009, 08:20:47 PM
We were worrying about the proximity switch not sensitive enough to provide us with a high enough frequency.

We were looking into more advanced laser type technology.

Is is possible to use the simple collector coil function?  A Collector Coil produces current when a magnet passes by.  Can we use this property instead of the proximilty switch?  What are the additional electronics we need to add?

Suggestions are welcome.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on July 31, 2009, 08:42:29 PM
@ Lawrence:

That is exactly how my Bedini motors work.  It is wound bifilar but it is used as 2 different coils on the same spool around the core.  One is the power coil and the other is the trigger coil and, if you have seen any of my videos, it works at very, very high rpms.

For a good explanation and good circuit diagrams, look up Introvertebrate on youtube as he has 3 videos that explain it all very well.

Well, here is the link for the first one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJySgeSpJpQ&feature=related

You can find the other 2 by looking up his other videos listed on the right of the viewing screen.  Hope this helps.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on July 31, 2009, 09:05:01 PM

Sir, you can use a 555 IC circuit that can be altered to go faster or slower just by changing the resistors and the capacitors in order to change the frequency.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on July 31, 2009, 09:22:15 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on July 31, 2009, 08:42:29 PM
@ Lawrence:

That is exactly how my Bedini motors work.  It is wound bifilar but it is used as 2 different coils on the same spool around the core.  One is the power coil and the other is the trigger coil and, if you have seen any of my videos, it works at very, very high rpms.

For a good explanation and good circuit diagrams, look up Introvertebrate on youtube as he has 3 videos that explain it all very well.

Well, here is the link for the first one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJySgeSpJpQ&feature=related

You can find the other 2 by looking up his other videos listed on the right of the viewing screen.  Hope this helps.


Well, seems like most if not all of Tseung's 'lead out crap theory' is nothing more than variants of Bedini's motor which is not known to produce O.U?

Mr. tseung, when the world press reports on your 'significant' discovery, wake me up! Meanwhile let me sleep .....Yawn, yawn.....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on July 31, 2009, 09:24:49 PM
Quote from: nievesoliveras on July 31, 2009, 09:05:01 PM

Sir, you can use a 555 IC circuit that can be altered to go faster or slower just by changing the resistors and the capacitors in order to change the frequency.


I think it would be easier to use a photodiode;


The motor needs 2 additional plates. These plates are for adjusting the "on" time of the coil.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on July 31, 2009, 09:28:23 PM
Why not just go with the traditional Bedini circuit and trigger coil set-up?  My small one can do over 15,000 rpms with no problem and no 555 timers or photos cells or contact switches or anything else.  When it speeds up it just switches faster through the transistor. (2N3055)  It seems the simple way to go.  These circuits have been clocked at over 300,000 rpm's and can still keep up.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on August 01, 2009, 04:42:10 AM
Thank you for all the suggestions. My personal feeling is to try the simplest possible solution with our present set-up.

Our present set-up has 8 magnets and 4 coils. There is space for 3 more coils. This means we can drive the wheel with up to 7 coils. We have also tried to use a coil as collector coil. A single coil could generate more than 12 volts A.C. We can change the function of a coil from driver coil to collector coil. It looks like we can demonstrate overunity with such a set-up.

We can also increase the diameter of the wheel so that it can cater for 15 or 16 coils. That should provide more power and more flexibility.

I think we can win the overunity prize with our present prototype and will have a even better chance with the improved set-up.
8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on August 01, 2009, 05:00:36 AM
Thoughts on the proximity switch, the photo diode and the Bedini circuit

The proximity switch costs 10 Hong Kong dollars. It is effective up to a speed of 300 rpm. Thus it is sufficient to illustrate overunity but insufficient to build a working engine.

The photo diode is a relatively well- known technique. We shall try to get the necessary parts.

The Bedini circuit is interesting as it can provide very high rpm. Our prototype differs from the Bedini Engine in the following ways:
1.   We have multiple pulse coils thus we can keep the rpm more or less the same by varying the number of active pulse coils.
2.   The torque from our magnet and coil interaction is very large. A single pulse can rotate the wheel 1/8 or even 1/4 revolution from stationary.
3.   Our wheel is larger. We start with 300 mm and will go for 500mm in the next prototype. The Lead-Out theory predicts more energy could be led out with larger diameter, more correctly timed pulses, larger pulse current and a higher revolution speed.
4.   We are confident that the 225HP pulse motor is not a hoax. Our prototype uses the same principle.
5.   I still believe that programming will be necessary to get the best machine. 
;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on August 01, 2009, 05:13:04 AM
My plans for the coming weeks
1.   Train up more presenters.
2.   Do more presentations. The next coming presentation will be in August 5 to the Institute of Energy.
3.   Improve the prototypes. I shall rely on experienced experts. They can finish the tasks in days.
4.   Develop an educational DIY device to train the students. As students can get frustrated easily if the task is beyond their capabilities.
5.   Get prepare for the worldwide publicity. I expect we need to discuss not only technical issue but also business matters. 
:P  :P :P :P
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on August 01, 2009, 05:22:31 AM
Should I participate in winning the overunity prize?
Initially, my fellow student friends and I thought that the task was within our capabilities. After actual hands-on work, we realized that high accuracy was demanded. The machine tools needed skill operators.

The resulting publicity if we can win the prize would be worth more than the actual cash. Thus I would still try to organize a team to produce the prototypes as demanded by the contest.   
:-* :-*  :-* :-*
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on August 01, 2009, 10:12:32 AM
Quote from: Forever on August 01, 2009, 05:00:36 AM
5.   I still believe that programming will be necessary to get the best machine. 
If you provide the "pseudo code" or a block diagram of what you need, then I may
be able to get this together in Pascal, an old but dependable language. (Qbasic or
Mbasic might be better since it will be easier for others to top and tail).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 01, 2009, 06:44:16 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on August 01, 2009, 10:12:32 AM
If you provide the "pseudo code" or a block diagram of what you need, then I may
be able to get this together in Pascal, an old but dependable language. (Qbasic or
Mbasic might be better since it will be easier for others to top and tail).

Possible first draft logic for the programming of the Pulse Motor.
1.   The best rotational speed has been determined by experiment to be N rpm
2.   The number of Coils can vary from zero to 16.
3.   The Pulse Current per Coil can vary from A1 to A2 Amps.
4.   Any increase in output will cause the rpm to drop and any decrease will cause the rpm to rise.
5.   The rpm can be determined accurately
Program logic:
1.   Start from initial zero rpm position:
2.   Switch on, wheel started to rotate by hand
3.   If rpm is less than N, increase the number of active Drive coils.
4.   If maximum number of active Drive Coils used, increase the Pulse Current
5.   If maximum Pulse Current used and rpm still failed to reach N, Sound warning that external load is too high.  Turn off power to protect lead-out machine.
Assume normal running â€" rpm reached N
1.   Check the rpm, if too high, reduce the Pulse Current.
2.   If Pulse Current drops to predetermined best level (A1), reduce the number of drive coils
3.   If the ON switch is on, drop to a minimum coil and minimum current to maintain idle speed
4.   If the ON switch is off, turn off input totally
5.   If the rpm is too low, increase the number of active Drive Coils.
6.   If maximum number of active Drive Coils used, increase the Pulse Current.
7.   If maximum Pulase Current used and rpm still failed ro reach N, sound warning that external load is too high.  Turn off power to protect lead-out machine.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on August 02, 2009, 07:42:47 PM
Tseung et al, now that your prototype is demonstrating overunity and generating more than 50 watts, I would like to analyze why you succeeded while so many others failed.
The reasons are:
1.    You have the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy theory to explain the source of energy to your machines.  Most other inventors copied or modified the work of others.  They might have observed a glimpse of overunity by hitting on the right pulsing frequency for a particular configuration.
2.   Your ignoring negative feedback and insults.  At least one-third of the posts in this forum are insults or irrelevant comments.  The average person would get offended and quit.
3.   Your seeing Dr. Liang, Wang Shenhe and the 225 HP Pulse Motor team in person.  Even though you do not have their inventions to take apart, you learn much from speaking to these pioneers directly.  Your absolute conviction that the 225 HP Pulse Motor is not a hoax is a good example.
4.   Your not working for the Government is a blessing.  Many top scientists doing better job than you et al were gagged because of the top-secret nature of the project.
5.   Your luck in finding Tong Po Chi and your quick realization that the building prototype task cannot be entrusted to non-experts.
6.   Your good intention of benefiting the World.  Some inventors might have hit on similar findings but they wanted to keep such findings secret so that they can get wealthy. 
7.   Your own hard work and brilliance.  Every Physics student learns the Parallelogram of Forces and the concept of force, displacement and energy.  None applied them the way you do.
8.   The most important defense is your demonstrating that the Law of Conservation of Energy is not violated in the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out theory.  That nullified or removed the weapon that destroyed so many others.
9. Your not giving up no matter what happens.  The average would have quit when suspected or accused as Foreign Agent!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on August 03, 2009, 10:33:58 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 01, 2009, 06:44:16 PM
Possible first draft logic for the programming of the Pulse Motor....
Very useful stuff.

Presumably you will have an input/output board, and this I/O card would sit in the
computer. The speed sensor would, I presume, be a voltage which would end up in
a memory location in the computer. It would be handy, at some point, to have a temperature
sensor located somewhere appropriate, so that if the machine ran out of control, this sensor
would be used to shut down all inputs. (Also something to detect vibration, an accelerometer
of some sort, so that if there were excessive vibration, all inputs would shut down).

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 05, 2009, 10:52:28 PM
The presentation at the Institute of Energy in Hong Kong

There were 9 participants â€" Seven Engineers and two financial persons.  Mr. Miller Tong gave the presentation.  It was a repeat of the presentation at the Hong Kong Inventions Association.  Miller and Forever did the dry run the day before and the presentation was a success.

The Engineers paid much attention to the Lead-Out theory and the prototype.  They all understood the Lead-Out theory easily.  Many have heard or read the information via friends or via the Internet.  They were also interested in the Flying Saucer Theory and Prototype but the decision was to focus on the Lead-Out Energy this time.  The discussion on the Flying Saucer will be covered in the Meeting next month.

They all “hand-feel” the rotating shaft.  They all believe that the torque was considerable.  The two output measurement technique was discussed â€" prony   technique and the 0.5 HP generator.  Most feel that the 0.5 HP generator technique would be more conclusive as that would have enough power to recharge the 12V battery.

One of the financial persons was the owner of a few factories in China.  He is interested in producing the products.  The likely product to be produced is likely to be the Educational DIY Device.  More discussions will follow.

I still believe that the DIY device is a better approach than simply providing information on the Internet.  The demand for accuracy is beyond the capability of simple hand-tools.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 06, 2009, 01:49:18 AM
Some Comments
One request from a participant at the Institute of Energy presentation was to reduce the size of the prototype to about half.  He believed that a smaller prototype would be easier to carry â€" especially on planes.

The reasons for rejecting such a request are as follows:

1.   The Lead-Out theory demands a larger diameter to lead-out more energy.
2.   There should be a reasonable time between pulses â€" so that the pulse could move the wheel a certain distance to supply the tangential energy.  This tangential energy would lead-out more gravitational and magnetic energy.
3.   If the diameter is larger, more coils and magnets can be fitted.
4.   From the experience of the 225 HP Pulse Motor, the diameter is at least three times our present prototype, the batteries are 24 Volts, the number of coils is 12 and 9 slides were used.
5.   From the Bedini implementation as described in the Internet, the successful ones are using large diameters.

There are three parallel paths for us:
1.   Do a larger prototype with 16 coils.
2.   Do an educational product similar to the present prototype
3.   Do the laser implementation (with more unknowns)

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cloxxki on August 06, 2009, 02:59:46 AM
Lawrence, is it possible to make a mechanically driven lead-out machine?

I'm envisioning an inpout drive shaft, wound would a string, from which a weigh is hung. The output shaft as observer have been able to touch, would be lifting a greater weight, at a greater rate.
Taking motors and batteries out of the equasion should help you gain the support you seek.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 06, 2009, 09:43:10 AM
Quote from: Cloxxki on August 06, 2009, 02:59:46 AM
Lawrence, is it possible to make a mechanically driven lead-out machine?

I'm envisioning an inpout drive shaft, wound would a string, from which a weigh is hung. The output shaft as observer have been able to touch, would be lifting a greater weight, at a greater rate.
Taking motors and batteries out of the equasion should help you gain the support you seek.


The Wang Shenhe electricity generator is an example of a machine with no batteries.  Do a google search on Wang Shenhe.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on August 06, 2009, 11:17:24 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 06, 2009, 09:43:10 AM
The Wang Shenhe electricity generator is an example of a machine with no batteries.  Do a google search on Wang Shenhe.

On a whim, I just did.  Everything I found, and there was not much, was written by you.  And here is one interesting find:

http://hk.dir.groups.yahoo.com/group/hkinventorgroup/message/458 (http://hk.dir.groups.yahoo.com/group/hkinventorgroup/message/458)

What is this, some kind of Nigerian scam?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 06, 2009, 01:02:57 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on August 06, 2009, 11:17:24 AM
On a whim, I just did.  Everything I found, and there was not much, was written by you.  And here is one interesting find:

http://hk.dir.groups.yahoo.com/group/hkinventorgroup/message/458 (http://hk.dir.groups.yahoo.com/group/hkinventorgroup/message/458)

What is this, some kind of Nigerian scam?


If you can believe the $200M deposit, I think the Nigerian scams are more believable. But then Lawrence also believes in his UFO's circling between his ears!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 07, 2009, 01:26:08 AM
Question from Dr. James Wong

If I do not want to double the diameter of the wheel, can I use two wheels instead?

If we focus on the distance a magnet can move before the next pulse, we find that with greater distance to move, the chance of completing the lead-out process will be much higher.

Furthermore, the torque (force x leverrr arm) is doubled.  This means the ability to rotate the wheel faster is increased. ***changed***

We cannot always compensate with higher revolution speed.  This is a common problem with “systems requiring tuning”. 
Thus a larger wheel will have a much better chance of achieving overunity.  Most inventors who do not understand the theory would go for small prototypes because of convenience.  Failure is inevitable.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cloxxki on August 07, 2009, 02:40:54 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 07, 2009, 01:26:08 AM
Question from Dr. James Wong

If I do not want to double the diameter of the wheel, can I use two wheels instead?

If we focus on the distance a magnet can move before the next pulse, we find that the wheel with double the diameter will have 2 x 3.1416 or more than 6 times the distance to move.

With greater distance to move, the chance of completing the lead-out process will be much higher.

We cannot always compensate with higher revolution speed.  This is a common problem with “systems requiring tuning”. 
Thus a larger wheel will have a much better chance of achieving overunity.  Most inventors who do not understand the theory would go for small prototypes because of convenience.  Failure is inevitable.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
2*pi the distance to move, for a wheel that it only twice the diameter?
Are you speaking about a property other than the circumference of the wheel?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on August 07, 2009, 03:33:48 AM
Hi ,
i will be in Singapore on a business trip in two weeks time for a couple of days. Is there anything you have to demonstrate. i will have my engineer with me.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on August 07, 2009, 07:01:58 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 07, 2009, 01:26:08 AM
Question from Dr. James Wong

If I do not want to double the diameter of the wheel, can I use two wheels instead?

If we focus on the distance a magnet can move before the next pulse, we find that the wheel with double the diameter will have 2 x 3.1416 or more than 6 times the distance to move.

With greater distance to move, the chance of completing the lead-out process will be much higher.

We cannot always compensate with higher revolution speed.  This is a common problem with “systems requiring tuning”. 
Thus a larger wheel will have a much better chance of achieving overunity.  Most inventors who do not understand the theory would go for small prototypes because of convenience.  Failure is inevitable.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

I think Cloxxi is right.  A wheel 1m in diameter has a circumference of 3.14m.  A wheel twice as wide, 2m in diameter, has a circumference of 6.28m.  How is that 6 times bigger?  It is only twice bigger.

Is that kind of math how you got to $200M in deposits in your imaginary friend's imaginary bank account?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 07, 2009, 07:40:34 AM
Quote from: markdansie on August 07, 2009, 03:33:48 AM
Hi ,
i will be in Singapore on a business trip in two weeks time for a couple of days. Is there anything you have to demonstrate. i will have my engineer with me.

Please bring your oscilloscope, the Prony device and the 0.5 HP generator.  We do not have such device in our garage workshop yet.

If the time is a couple of weeks, we may have an overunity prototype for you to take back at the price of HK$100,000.

I am sure that you will bring your own camera and video camera.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cloxxki on August 07, 2009, 07:44:55 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on August 07, 2009, 07:01:58 AM
I think Cloxxi is right.  A wheel 1m in diameter has a circumference of 3.14m.  A wheel twice as wide, 2m in diameter, has a circumference of 6.28m.  How is that 6 times bigger?  It is only twice bigger.

Is that kind of math how you got to $200M in deposits in your imaginary friend's imaginary bank account?
Thank you for understanding me.

Now allow me to make a small side step. I hope Lee's explanation will be somewhere along this line, to come to his calculations, based on the workings of his device.

Imagine a bike wheel the is OU. Each spoke nipple (32 present) on the rim helps turn the wheel by pushing in a direction parallel with their position on the rim. They need some space around them on the rim, and be mounted linearly.
We double the wheel diameter to make room for 64 spoke nipples. This also doubles power output.
The TORQUE on the axle however, in my limited understanding, might actually be * 4, due to the logically doubled wheel RADIUS. Not quite factor 6.28 here, but still.

If there is ANY technology that allows a wheel to produce energy the square of it's diameter, I've got a project to do :-)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 07, 2009, 07:47:11 AM
Quote from: Cloxxki on August 07, 2009, 02:40:54 AM
2*pi the distance to move, for a wheel that it only twice the diameter?
Are you speaking about a property other than the circumference of the wheel?

Thank you for pointing out the mistake in mathematics.  The correct statement is that the torque is also doubled with the increased diameter.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 08, 2009, 06:39:33 PM

If you are so sure that the 225HP Pulse Motor works, should you build a model of the same size?

The larger the diameter, the easier it is to achieve and demonstrate overunity.  If you use 24V batteries and 1 meter diameter wheel with 16 magnets, the effect will easily exceed 2HP output.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on August 09, 2009, 03:18:02 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 08, 2009, 06:39:33 PM

If you are so sure that the 225HP Pulse Motor works, should you build a model of the same size?

The larger the diameter, the easier it is to achieve and demonstrate overunity.  If you use 24V batteries and 1 meter diameter wheel with 16 magnets, the effect will easily exceed 2HP output.
Tseung, you finally found the main reason why some of the earlier attempts by your friends and other inventors failed.  The experimenters always prefer to build smaller models.  They are easier to handle and the material costs are less.

None of them have seen the 225 HP Pulse Motor and in the back of their minds was the question â€" if it really works, why was it not marketed?  They took the attitude that they were doing you a favor.  You were not paying them full salaries.

Now the small model has shown promise â€" go for the full model.  Once you have completed tests on the single slice, try the multiple slice approach.  The 1 meter wheel with 16 magnets is within the engineering capability of many Universities and machine shops.  Do not let others tell you otherwise.  You are the expert.  They may have the money and resources.  Do not lower the technical vigor and accept unnecessary compromises.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 09, 2009, 04:56:17 PM
Quote from: Devil on August 09, 2009, 03:18:02 PM
Tseung, you finally found the main reason why some of the earlier attempts by your friends and other inventors failed.  The experimenters always prefer to build smaller models.  They are easier to handle and the material costs are less.

None of them have seen the 225 HP Pulse Motor and in the back of their minds was the question â€" if it really works, why was it not marketed?  They took the attitude that they were doing you a favor.  You were not paying them full salaries.

Now the small model has shown promise â€" go for the full model.  Once you have completed tests on the single slice, try the multiple slice approach.  The 1 meter wheel with 16 magnets is within the engineering capability of many Universities and machine shops.  Do not let others tell you otherwise.  You are the expert.  They may have the money and resources.  Do not lower the technical vigor and accept unnecessary compromises.

Blah, blab blah blah......

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 13, 2009, 07:44:46 PM
Construction of large diameter rotor.

The Lee-Tseung Lead-Out theory predicts better performance with larger diameter wheel,

A possibble arrangement is shown.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 19, 2009, 02:02:33 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 13, 2009, 07:44:46 PM
Construction of large diameter rotor.

The Lee-Tseung Lead-Out theory predicts better performance with larger diameter wheel,

A possibble arrangement is shown.

What's happening? All quiet on the Eastern front?
Old Tseung, is your UFO ready yet?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: lltfdaniel1 on August 19, 2009, 02:18:36 PM
To Lee,

The universe is overunity by nature, it recycles it's self endlessly and the cause of this is zero point/quantum..and since it is without beginning and without end...the universe has existed forever and will be so...and is what created the universe.

The speed of zero point is instant no matter the distance...what you tap deals with this zero point..it is a wonder that only god knows him self in the deep blue...as zero point interacts with everything.

Do you know anything about how a permanent magnet motor will work along with it's stators, from what i read it needs 3 stators to work?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 20, 2009, 09:48:24 PM
There should be 5 slightly different prototypes from 4 groups within the next few weeks.

These prototypes include:

(1) A prototype similar to the existing one except transparent material is used to show the workings better.
(2) A prototype twice the diameter of the existing one.
(3) A prototype with variable bar length.
(4) A prototype with variable bar length of a different design
(5) A Prototype with two side-by-side wheels

We are also awaiting the confirmation of a 5 HP wheel of 3 meters diameter. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 21, 2009, 06:30:50 PM
Large wheels



John Bedini is also using relatively large wheels.  It looks like that we are on the right track.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: hansvonlieven on August 23, 2009, 12:31:11 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 21, 2009, 06:30:50 PM
Large wheels


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PBHePZ_6U8&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PBHePZ_6U8&feature=related)

John Bedini is also using relatively large wheels.  It looks like that we are on the right track.

On the right track of what? A Bedini replication ??? ???

Not very original Lawrence.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on August 23, 2009, 12:44:32 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on August 21, 2009, 06:30:50 PM
..... It looks like that we are on the right track.

Wrong! You may be on the right track but you're racing donkeys on a racetrack! lol.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 29, 2009, 07:03:35 PM
Preparing the Team for the big event.

The thoughts from the ever supporting Daniel Tseung

Dearest Friends,

While I am still somewhat embarrassed by this, I would like to share with you my video testimony on "Ambition as a Christian" from last Sunday's Island ECC service.

Please visit the Island ECC website --->http://www.islandecc.com/worship/series.htm and click on the Aug 23 2009 Video titled "On Location, The Non-Sabbath".

I hope this video might help you think about those things in life which you are now "ambitious" about and whether those things are really the things which God is "ambitious" about.

Blessings, Daniel
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on August 30, 2009, 04:56:15 AM
Tseung et al, I know that you have two working lead-out energy machines generating more than 0.5 HP.  One will be delivered to a factory for production testing and production.

You are testing some large wheels over 2 meters in diameter.  Early results indicate that you are on the right track.  One prototype broke because of too much output power.  You still have not done the programming to reduce power on reduction of external load.

You think that you are on the right track.

Morally, your team is on the wrong track.  Your team will drift apart because of the temptation of money, prestige, greed and words from the outsiders.  Some investors will tempt you.  Some business brokers will mislead you.  People will lie or distort your words.

Can your team survive?  My followers will crawl over you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 30, 2009, 12:23:35 PM
The attached good looking prototype will be sent to a factory for production evaluation.

It has 8 magnets on the wheel.  It has 4 coils that can be turned on or off individually.  It has a proximity switch that can vary in position to turn the wheel faster, slower, off or even backwards.

The much more conclusive overunity lead-out energy wheel with diameter more than 2 meters will be shown after it is repaired and improved. 

The vision of having the Leaders of the World starting a Lead-Out Energy Machine to solve the Energy Crisis is another step closer.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 30, 2009, 12:57:20 PM
The 5KW prototype will have the following features:

1.   !6 Magnets (2 times the power of the Educational Prototype)
2.   15 Coils (3.75 times the power of the Educational Prototype)
3.   Diameter 8 times that of the Educational Prototype (8 times the power)
4.   Two 12 Volt Batteries (2 times the Input Power)

The Output Power is expected to be (4 x 3.75 x 8 x 2) or 239 times the power of the Educational Prototype.  We only need 5KW to satisfy the demonstration criteria.  The much larger wheel also allows more time for the Lead-Out Energy to take full effect. 
The demonstrated Output Energy can easily recharge the batteries and light many 100 watt bulbs. 

The small 30 cm diameter Educational Prototype can be shipped easily.  It is safe for Educational Demonstrations.  It will light some LED lights.  But for practical power generation, large wheel is preferred.  We do not need to increase the diameter too much because we can also stack two or more wheels similar to the 225 HP Pulse Motor. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on August 30, 2009, 05:44:20 PM
If the large wheel has such good advantage, why was it not developed earlier?

It is a matter of the theoretical scientist verses the practical engineer.  The scientist wanted a large wheel with diameter at least equal to 1 meter (the same as the 225HP Pulse Motor).  The engineer wanted a small prototype (1/3 the diameter or 30cm).  When it was a matter of illustrating Lead-Out Energy, a small prototype was sufficient.

When the scientist has no money and relies on the resources of the engineer to complete the prototype, it was a case of â€" the one with the gold wins.

Now, the prototype is successful, investors want to see “the practical machine”.  The scientist wins.

With the large wheel, much more loss of energy can be tolerated.  Many home-inventors can copy the design and re-invent the Lead-Out Energy machine.  The World will benefit from this technology.  No Government can stop it now.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 02, 2009, 10:54:02 PM
Dear All,

Solving the Engineering problem of the Large Wheel.

The major engineering problem with the large wheel is the need to keep a 1-2mm distance between the stationary coils and the fast rotating magnets.  The engineering problem is relatively simple when the diameter of the rotor is 15cm as in the existing prototype.

However, if the diameter of the wheel is more than 130cm as in the proposed large wheel, the engineering problem becomes enormous.  The centripetal force tends to pull the magnets out from the rotor.  The blunt shape tends to have high air resistance.  The slightest vibration or imperfect engineering would allow the actual collision between the magnets and coils.  That results in the destruction of the prototype.

One technique as adopted by the 225 HP Pulse Motor design is two concentric cylinders.  The outer one is stationary with the coils attached.  The inner one is rotating with the permanent magnets attached.  There will be friction problems to overcome with such a design.  However, the possible fatal collision problem is avoided.

Are there any other brilliant suggestions or solutions?

Lawrence Tseung


Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on September 03, 2009, 08:55:27 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 02, 2009, 10:54:02 PM
...the blunt shape tends to have high air resistance....
Could you mount the system in an enclosure, and pump the air out of it to reduce air resistance? You might get heating issues.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on September 03, 2009, 10:32:13 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on September 03, 2009, 08:55:27 AM
Could you mount the system in an enclosure, and pump the air out of it to reduce air resistance? You might get heating issues.

I believe this option is out, since it would require some expensive equipment.  Maybe Lawrence could borrow the money from his friend Wang, who apparently received a $200 million deposit in his bank account, probably from a relative of an African prince who just died.

But seriously, does this make sense to you, Paul?  Lawrence's close friend and business associate receives $200 million for his invention, but Lawrence is slapping something together with nails and particle board, trying to get a prototype to work, documenting his work by discussing it with his multiple personas on an obscure Internet forum.  Shouldn't they be past this stage by now?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on September 04, 2009, 11:03:40 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on September 03, 2009, 10:32:13 AM

But seriously, does this make sense to you, Paul?
Yes, it does.

But then, I have studied Lee & Yang (et alia), and I suspect that you haven't.

As for the sums you quote, if you talk to the right people, it all makes perfect sense.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on September 04, 2009, 07:54:18 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on September 04, 2009, 11:03:40 AM
Yes, it does.

But then, I have studied Lee & Yang (et alia), and I suspect that you haven't.

As for the sums you quote, if you talk to the right people, it all makes perfect sense.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: X00013 on September 06, 2009, 07:30:51 PM
Sigh, hmmm, chucle, sigh again, NEOS want to be bare naked and the flux CANT reach center, unless... another sigh........use naked round mags then more will come,  ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: X00013 on September 06, 2009, 07:38:42 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on September 03, 2009, 10:32:13 AM
I believe this option is out, since it would require some expensive equipment.  Maybe Lawrence could borrow the money from his friend Wang, who apparently received a $200 million deposit in his bank account, probably from a relative of an African prince who just died.

But seriously, does this make sense to you, Paul?  Lawrence's close friend and business associate receives $200 million for his invention, but Lawrence is slapping something together with nails and particle board, trying to get a prototype to work, documenting his work by discussing it with his multiple personas on an obscure Internet forum.  Shouldn't they be past this stage by now?

A shit house Jerry Jar would be as simple as putting a garbage can over ur build than run a hose from ur car intake to the can, with a jihad load of load of tape. Dont forget a bomber to keep the throttle open.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 08, 2009, 01:44:16 AM
When we have inexhaustible, cheap and readily available, non-polluting, Lead-Out Energy, what is the next logical step?

The gap between the “haves” and “have-nots” will narrow.  There will be no need to start wars to rob the resources of other Nations.  I like the concept of Model Farms with the Lead-Out Energy Machines and the many high technology devices at the core.  The World will be kinder, healthier, wealthier and more knowledgeable.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 09, 2009, 04:18:57 PM
The coming plans after the successful building of the 2-5KW prototype

(1)    Train up many people who can present and assemble the Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Energy device for Educational Purposes.  Each trainer will have a working device and will be granted a Certificate from the Institute of Energy of Hong Kong.  The trainers must pass the certification examination.  We expect all existing electrical engineers (worldwide) will take this course.

(2)    There will be an Educational Lead-Out Energy DIY (Do It Yourself) product generating less than 100 watts.  (Prototypes of this product are being shown to potential manufacturing partners.)  This product will definitely demonstrate the Lead-Out Energy theory.  There will be no danger to the students except a mild electric shock in the worse case.  The Trainers will have a larger version that can generate 2,000 watts.   

(3)    The first mass product will be a 5KW electricity generator for the home.  This product will need a minimum six month certification process before it can come out as a consumer product.  Prototypes of this product will be demonstrated to all Academic and Potential Business Partners.  The first batch of these generators (or the smaller versions) will likely be given by China at United Nations as a gift to every Country in the World.  The hope is for the Leaders of Nations to touch the demonstration version together and declare that the energy crisis of the World is over.

(4)    The Licensing terms are likely to be 20% of the selling price of the Generator in that Country.  Half of the licensing income will be donated to “Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited” or an equivalent non-profit organization by the respective Nations.  We expect the Lead-Out technology will be accepted well before the Patent Offices around the World can change their regulations and practices.

(5)    There will be a New Company to handle the research, licensing, quality control, Joint Marketing and other business issues.  This Company will sell shares to the General Public Internationally in approximately 2 years.  The initial heavy-weight shareholders of this Company are likely to be the Oil, Coal, Electricity, or related Companies who will be affected by this Lead-Out Energy Technology.

(6)     The Lead-Out Energy Products from this New Company or from its partners will be eagerly awaited internationally.  The New Company is expected to rank as a top Company in one of the Exchanges in China.

(7)    We hope that the Lead-Out Energy technology will give China the prestige and the Confidence to becoming a peaceful and prosperous Nation.  There is no need for wars to rob the resources of other nations,

(8 )    The next product from the New Company is likely to be the man-made Tong Po Chi Flying Saucer that will replace all known transports of today.   The engine is obviously a lead-out energy machine.

Life is fun when you can master inexhaustible, non-polluting Lead-Out Energy.

Lawrence Tseung


Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 10, 2009, 12:53:56 AM
The 0.5 HP Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Energy Machine that can use 1-4 drive coils on youtube.


This is the Educational Version that is safe for Student use. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 13, 2009, 01:44:20 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 09, 2009, 04:18:57 PM
The coming plans after the successful building of the 2-5KW prototype

(1)    Train up many people who can present and assemble the Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Energy device for Educational Purposes.  Each trainer will have a working device and will be granted a Certificate from the Institute of Energy of Hong Kong.  The trainers must pass the certification examination.  We expect all existing electrical engineers (worldwide) will take this course.
(2)    There will be an Educational Lead-Out Energy DIY (Do It Yourself) product generating less than 100 watts.  (Prototypes of this product are being shown to potential manufacturing partners.)  This product will definitely demonstrate the Lead-Out Energy theory.  There will be no danger to the students except a mild electric shock in the worse case.  The Trainers will have a larger version that can generate 2,000 watts.   
(3)    The first mass product will be a 5KW electricity generator for the home.  This product will need a minimum six month certification process before it can come out as a consumer product.  Prototypes of this product will be demonstrated to all Academic and Potential Business Partners.  The first batch of these generators (or the smaller versions) will likely be given by China at United Nations as a gift to every Country in the World.  The hope is for the Leaders of Nations to touch the demonstration version together and declare that the energy crisis of the World is over.
(4)    The Licensing terms are likely to be 20% of the selling price of the Generator in that Country.  Half of the licensing income will be donated to “Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited” or an equivalent non-profit organization by the respective Nations.  We expect the Lead-Out technology will be accepted well before the Patent Offices around the World can change their regulations and practices.
(5)    There will be a New Company to handle the research, licensing, quality control, Joint Marketing and other business issues.  This Company will sell shares to the General Public Internationally in approximately 2 years.  The initial heavy-weight shareholders of this Company are likely to be the Oil, Coal, Electricity, or related Companies who will be affected by this Lead-Out Energy Technology.
(6)     The Lead-Out Energy Products from this New Company or from its partners will be eagerly awaited internationally.  The New Company is expected to rank as a top Company in one of the Exchanges in China.
(7)    We hope that the Lead-Out Energy technology will give China the prestige and the Confidence to becoming a peaceful and prosperous Nation.  There is no need for wars to rob the resources of other nations,

(8 )    The next product from the New Company is likely to be the man-made Tong Po Chi Flying Saucer that will replace all known transports of today.   The engine is obviously a lead-out energy machine.
Life is fun when you can master inexhaustible, non-polluting Lead-Out Energy.
Now that the 0.5 HP Tong Po Chi Pulse Motor is a certainty â€" we have more than one prototype and one can be displayed at any time.  The larger version that should generate at least 2 KW is ready within days â€" this and similar prototypes will be sent to Beijing, USA and United Nations. 
My personal focus is no long on technology but on the formation of the New Company that can bring most benefits to the World.  The likely shareholders of this New Company are likely to consist of the following:
(1)   Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.  This will be the owner of my present and future patents.  I already know exactly how to build the Flying Saucer with the Lead-Out Energy Machines.  This is a non-profit organization registered in Hong Kong.  It focuses on helping the budding innovators. 
(2)   Other well-known non-profit or charitable organization that have an established record and reputation in helping the needy.  These Organizations may include the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, Religious Organizations, Invention Associations, Schools and Universities etc.  These Organizations will be invited to join at HK$1.00 (One Hong Kong Dollar).  The purpose is to build a core of shareholders whose interest is to benefit the World. 
(3)   Two Important backers of this New Company are likely to be China and USA.  They both know the technology very well and are keeping the technology as highly confidential because of the military significance.  However, the technology has such impact and benefits to the entire world that it will override National Interests.
(4)   The Lead-Out energy theory is so simple and so verifiable that it is impossible to reject.  Many thousands have read the information.  They will see the working 2-5 KW prototypes on TV and in person within days.  The avalanche of information will exceed anything in history.  No Governments can stop the spreading of the technology now.
(5)   The next groups of likely investors of the New Company are likely to be Individuals or Companies who can help to develop and market the technology.  Their investments are expected to be relatively modest.  The plan at present is HK$3 million per share.  (The shares of the non-profit organizations are expected to increase in value from HK$1.00 to HK$3 million within weeks.)
(6)   The next groups of likely investors into the New Company are likely to be carefully screened by the Government Authorities.  One possibility is to invite the existing interests such as Oil Producers, Oil and Coal Companies, Electricity Companies that will be affected by this technology.  They have the choice to participate in this New Technology that threatens their survival.  We expect that they will pour billions into this New Company.  The shareholders in (5) may cash out with over tenfold in profit within months.
(7)   The final groups of investors will be the general public when the New Company has well established products and profit records.  The International IPO will bring huge profits to the Investors in (6) and will offset much of their losses in their threatened businesses.

With inexhaustible, cheap, non-polluting lead-out energy, every Nation will prosper.  The New Company will focus on Model Farms, Model Villages, and Model Cities etc. to help in spreading both existing and new technologies Worldwide.  Money is only a number in a trusted financial institution.  Modern Wealth is the quality and quantity of meaning economic activities.  The New Wealth generated will exceed all known wealth in the history of the human race.

The dreams are turning into reality rapidly.  I personally believe that the Devine Hand must be guiding me and my supporters over all these years.  How can a couple of old, forced-retired men with negligible resources solve the Energy Crisis of the World?  How can they conceive the Flying Saucer that will revolutionize all transportation system?

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedling Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: lltfdaniel1 on September 13, 2009, 07:41:22 AM
Well Mr Tseung, many in this area failed and got suppressed.

My only advice is to be extremely careful or you are going to get zapped by the goverment it's self.

I think you may as well call the overunity cavity lead-out.

Yes give it to the goverment :D tesla with his lead-out of the 1900's :D.

Oh Tseung...the extremely evil elite do not want clean energy.

I guess your going to learn your lesson one way or the other.

Just to wake you up a bit Tsueng the economy is going to go further down the drain during late 2009-2010 so you better hurry up.

Goverments printing money...what happens when money gets printed?

Does history repeat it's self?

You sound like the only guy on the planet who has discovered lead-out when tesla did it back at the 1900's.

These units sound like they are going to be expensive...

I suggest mass produceing 2kw units because not many people are going to afford it, if it is going to cost alot and have your profits at 20-30%.

Produce them in china and sell them in china...through fleebay or whatever and them upset the extremely evil people and it will be wunderbar!

:D the goverment do not want this on there radar at any cost.

Do me a favour if you get bribed...do you want to eat paper :D?

Of course the goverments know about overunity..they rather have us using gasoline powered cars.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 13, 2009, 10:11:34 PM
Quote from: lltfdaniel1 on September 13, 2009, 07:41:22 AM
Well Mr Tseung, many in this area failed and got suppressed.

We are training many teams. In Hong Kong and China, when people smell money, they react.  There are many teams learning the technology now.  We are providing training courses to potential manufacturers â€" train 15 of their engineers and provide a working prototype for the price of HK$150,000.

One team is developing the factory version that can be mass produced.  The plan is to have these educational products ready when we have the high publicity with the 2-5 KW prototype demonstrated Worldwide.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedling Innovate Foundation Limited 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on September 14, 2009, 10:33:02 AM
Lawrence: Could you not market the product as a self build
kit of parts? Rather like Ikea furniture?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: lltfdaniel1 on September 14, 2009, 12:26:29 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on September 14, 2009, 10:33:02 AM
Lawrence: Could you not market the product as a self build
kit of parts? Rather like Ikea furniture?

That would be alot better and cheaper.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 14, 2009, 08:05:52 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on September 14, 2009, 10:33:02 AM
Lawrence: Could you not market the product as a self build
kit of parts? Rather like Ikea furniture?

The DIY (do it yourself) educational product will be done that way.   It will be tuned down to generate not more than 100 watts.  There will be no major safety concerns.  The worst case is a mild electric shock.  The students will suffer no harm.

The 2-5 KW version is very different.  The power generated can kill even adults.  There will be many safety features.  Unauthorized maintanence will not be allowed.  The product may even self destruct on tempering as suggested by some regulators.  A normal motor will not do much harm if unplugged from the electric outlet or no gas in the engine.  This lead-out energy machine is different.

We are arranging public demonstrations of the device in Nov. 2009 at the Invention Shows in both Hong Kong and China.  I shall publish the details when the arrangements are confirmed.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on September 14, 2009, 09:40:59 PM
Looking forward to seeing a functional lead out generator.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 15, 2009, 05:40:36 PM
Mission Statement of the New Company
(Name under consideration â€" Lead-Out Energy Limited)

The mission of the Company is to develop and deploy the inexhaustible, pollution-free, readily available Lead-Out Energy to benefit the entire human race. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 16, 2009, 07:17:38 AM
Should we recharge the 12V battery with a Bedini type circuit or a car battery type arrangement?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: lltfdaniel1 on September 16, 2009, 07:30:30 AM
Well your up against extremely evil people.

1. To establish a One World Government/New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction. The One World Government began to set up its church in the 1920:s and 30:s, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind must have an outlet and, therefore, set up a "church" body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.

2. To bring about the utter destruction of all national identity and national pride, which was a primary consideration if the concept of a One World Government was to work.

3. To engineer and bring about the destruction of religion, and more especially, the Christian Religion, with the one exception, their own creation, as mentioned above.

4. To establish the ability to control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Zbignew Brzezinski called techonotronics, which would create human-like robots and a system of terror which would make Felix Dzerzinhski's Red Terror look like children at play.

5. To bring about the end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call "the post-industrial zero-growth society". Excepted are the computer- and service industries. US industries that remain will be exported to countries such as Mexico where abundant slave labor is available. As we saw in 1993, this has become a fact through the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement, known as NAFTA. Unemployables in the US, in the wake of industrial destruction, will either become opium-heroin and/or cocaine addicts, or become statistics in the elimination of the "excess population" process we know of today as Global 2000.

6. To encourage, and eventually legalize the use of drugs and make pornography an "art-form", which will be widely accepted and, eventually, become quite commonplace.

7. To bring about depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. It is interesting to note that Pol Pot's genocidal plans were drawn up in the US by one of the Club of Rome's research foundations, and overseen by Thomas Enders, a high-ranking State Department official. It is also interesting that the committee is currently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia.

8. To suppress all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Illuminati. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularly hated are the fusion experiments currently being scorned and ridiculed by the Illuminati and its jackals of the press. Development of the fusion torch would blow the Illuminati's conception of "limited natural resources" right out of the window. A fusion torch, properly used, could create unlimited and as yet untapped natural resources, even from the most ordinary substances. Fusion torch uses are legion, and would benefit mankind in a manner which, as yet, is not even remotely comprehended by the public.

9. To cause. by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, by means of starvation and diseases in the Third World countries, the death of three billion people by the year 2050, people they call "useless eaters". The Committee of 300 (Illuminati) commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title "Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved for action by former President James Earl Carter, and Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of States, for and on behalf of the US Government. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the US is to be reduced by 100 million by the year of 2050.

10. To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, the report envisages demoralized and discouraged workers resorting to alcohol and drugs. The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. In this regard, the Committee commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as the "Aquarian Conspiracy".

11. To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then "managing" such crises. This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result. In the case of the US, an agency for Crisis Management is already in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), whose existence I first enclosed in 1980.

12. To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which include rock music gangsters such as the Rolling Stones (a gangster group much favored by European Black Nobility), and all of the Tavistock-created rock groups which began with the Beatles.

13. To continue to build up the cult of Christian Fundamentalism begun by the British East India Company's servant Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the Zionist State of Israel by identifying with the Jews through the myth of "God's chosen people", and by donating very substantial amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is a religious cause in the furtherance of Christianity.

14. To press for the spread of religious cults such as the Moslem Brotherhood, Moslem Fundamentalism, the Sikhs, and to carry out mind control experiments of the Jim Jones and "Son of Sam" type. It is worth noting that the late Khomeini was a creation of British Military Intelligence Div. 6, MI6. This detailed work spelled out the step-by-step process which the US Government implemented to put Khomeini in power.

15. To export "religious liberation" ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions, but more especially the Christian religion. This began with the "Jesuit Liberation Theology", that brought an end to the Somoza Family rule in Nicaragua, and which today is destroying El Salvador, now 25 years into a "civil war". Costa Rica and Honduras are also embroiled in revolutionary activities, instigated by the Jesuits. One very active entity engaged in the so-called liberation theology, is the Communist-oriented Mary Knoll Mission. This accounts for the extensive media attention to the murder of four of Mary Knoll's so-called nuns in El Salvador a few years ago. The four nuns were Communist subversive agents and their activities were widely documented by the Government of El Salvador. The US press and the new media refused to give any space or coverage to the mass of documentation possessed by the Salvadorian Government, which proved what the Mary Knoll Mission nuns were doing in the country. Mary Knoll is in service in many countries, and placed a leading role in bringing Communism to Rhodesia, Moçambique, Angola and South Africa.

16. To cause a total collapse of the world's economies and engender total political chaos.

17. To take control of all foreign and domestic policies of the US.

18. To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements, the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institutions less effective, by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the UN.

19. To penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of the nations represented by them.

20. To organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and to negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place. It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi, who persuaded the Italian and US Governments to negotiate with the Red Brigades kidnapers of Prime Minister Moro and General Dozier. As an aside, Dozier was placed under strict orders not to talk what happened to him. Should he ever break that silence, he will no doubt be made "a horrible example of", in the manner in which Henry Kissinger dealt with Aldo Moro, Ali Bhutto and General Zia ul Haq.

21. To take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it. By 1993, the full force effect of this policy is becoming apparent, and will be even more destructive as primary and secondary schools begin to teach "Outcome Based Education" (OBE).

Be very careful.

Shame really...people who do not know about this get out witted.

I would just mass produce 2 kw ready to build kits make it at a break even price...and then wear rubber gloves and blow everything out of the water.

What i would do is make it Cheap as possible to buy and use it as a weapon to wake people up.

Your going to fall into the same old trap.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDHT0hBgVOw Killed

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=178TJujE5oY Suppressed.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooSRh7V68uk Suppressed.

http://eldib.wordpress.com/2007/12/06/another-breakthrough-energy-inventor-murdered/ Killed.


Your lead out means energy from the vaccum extraction this sort of stuff has been happening since the 1900's  and a lot lot more.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 16, 2009, 08:26:58 AM

We shall be with the Hong Kong Invention Association Group.  Our exhibit will be called Lead-Out Energy Machines.

The time will be November 16-21 at the Shenshen Convention Center.

The above website will provide more information.

The number of visitors is expected to exceed many thousands.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 16, 2009, 11:12:00 PM
Brief description of the Lead-Out Energy Machines (less than 200 words)

If we use 100 units of energy to lead-out 50 units of existing energy (such as gravity, magnetic, electron motion etc.), the effective Energy Input to the Machine is 150 units.  Thus the Output Energy from such a machine can be greater than 100 units (maximum 150 units).  If we feedback 100 units of the Output Energy back to Input, the machine can again lead-out another 50 units of existing energy.  Thus we can continuously lead-out and use these 50 units of existing energy.  This does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

The Lead-Out Energy Machine prototype being demonstrated in this Show can continuously generate 5KW of electricity after starting.  It is started by a 12V battery.  This battery is recharged by the generated electricity similar to the car.  The Lead-Out Energy Machine is connected to a commercially available diesel electricity generator except that the diesel part is replaced by the Lead-Out Energy Machine.  This machine is expected to run for years until some of its components wear out.

*** We need to send the above description to the Organizers now.  The actual exhibit may have more happy surprises.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Mk1 on September 17, 2009, 02:52:36 AM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 17, 2009, 07:54:06 AM
Quote from: Mk1 on September 17, 2009, 02:52:36 AM

Thank you.  I spent the last 2 hours watching the video.  We plan to involve Dr. Steven Greer when we deliver our Lead-Out Energy Prototype to Preident Obama.  That will happen after Beijing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 18, 2009, 05:35:20 AM

If you want to see the Lead-Out Energy Machines in Hong Kong, do not miss the December Fair at the Hong Kong Convention Center.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 18, 2009, 04:54:01 PM

This will be the first Show we plan to participate in November.  It will be in the Hong Kong Science Park in Shatin.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 19, 2009, 08:20:57 PM
We shall participate in the various Inventor Shows in the coming weeks.  The Educational Product will be ready.  We shall take orders at that time.  The factory of Alan Li (and others) is gearing up for that.

The list price of the Educational Product will be HK$100,000 at the initial announcement.  We expect initial orders of a few thousand.  Every University and every large Company associated with Energy will demand one once the Publicity is out.  They will have to buy one at any price to take it apart and study it.  The technology threatens their survival.  The price will drop very quickly as many learn the technology.  It would be a repeat of the Computer Scenario.  The early Computers were large, inefficient, low functionality and very expensive.  Now, the price is affordable to most households.  We expect the eventual price of the DIY Educational Products to drop to around HK$500.  These products will have better functionality and better looking.   The number of licensed manufacturers will be in hundreds. The total number of units sold worldwide will be in billions.

The Engineer Training package will be HK$150,000 including a FIVE day training for 15 participants and 1 working prototype that can generate 2 KW.  There will be a certificate from the Hong Kong Institute of Energy IOE (or other).  The Certified Engineers can become Trainers and earn money.  They will be the only ones qualified to install and maintain the commercial Lead-Out Energy Machines.  We expect all electrical engineers will take such training courses worldwide.  This price will not drop much as it is a professional certification process.  We shall work with some Universities worldwide to improve such training (or modify their existing courses).  I expect this package will be overbooked for many months due to the huge demand.  It will provide many new jobs for the Engineers who are willing to learn Lead-Out Energy quickly.

The Customer Product initially is likely to be the 5KW electricity generator.  However, there will be a 6 month certification procedure to ensure safety etc. before it could be sold to end customers.  We shall demonstrate the prototypes at the various Shows to generate publicity and attract potential partners.  At least two groups believe that they can meet the deadline.

There are teams working on the larger units.  Instead of one lead-out unit per family, there are plans to have one lead-out unit per building.  At least one property developer is interested.  He can easily justify the added cost to his luxury apartments.  We expect an avalanche of lead-out product announcements within a few months after our initial public demonstrations.

Our real competitors (in my opinion) are the top secret USA 225 HP Pulse Motor and the Chinese Versions.  If they were declassified and made commercially available, they would have an edge over us.  None of the other known inventions discussed on the Internet is likely to beat us.

Please check the following for more information (will be updated as appropriate).  You do not need to read over 400 pages (with at least 50% insulting messages) to get the correct information in this discussion forum.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on September 20, 2009, 08:30:39 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 19, 2009, 08:20:57 PM

The list price of the Educational Product will be HK$100,000 at the initial announcement.

Nota bene:

$1 US = 7.7 HK dollars
£1 sterling = 12.6 HK dollars

But it is still out of the realm of most of us developers/improvers.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 20, 2009, 08:39:01 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on September 20, 2009, 08:30:39 AM
Nota bene:

$1 US = 7.7 HK dollars
£1 sterling = 12.6 HK dollars

But it is still out of the realm of most of us developers/improvers.

Get 15 people together and go for the 5 day training.  The Group will have a 2KW working Lead-Out Energy Machine to take apart and improve.  The cost will be HK$10,000 each.  The benefit is that the participants may become trainers part-time.  We pay our trainers HK$30,000 per course (5 days). 

You can earn the expenses back easily.  But you have to master the material very well.  To retrain all the Electrical Engineers of this world, we need many thousand instructors/trainers.

The alternative is to wait until the Education Products drop to about HK$500 (less than US$100).  You can even team ten people together and each one pays less than US$10!  Just be patient. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on September 20, 2009, 01:36:19 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on September 20, 2009, 08:30:39 AM
Nota bene:

$1 US = 7.7 HK dollars
£1 sterling = 12.6 HK dollars

But it is still out of the realm of most of us developers/improvers.

OK, you buy one and tell us how it works out.  If it produces free energy, I promise to buy it from you at double what you paid.

But if you are smart, you should not buy this and nobody should buy this.  This is all fun and games talking about it and making jokes, but when someone spends real money, it stops being funny.  Buy this, and you will get a taste of what a fraudster is all about.

Lawrence lies all the time.  He lies about connections with Obama, he lies with doctored flying saucer pictures, he lies about bank deposits, he lies about fake companies, he lies about his test results, he lies about his associations with universities, he lies about the people he knows.  All he does is lie.  Why you cannot see this is honestly beyond me.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on September 20, 2009, 05:20:36 PM
Lead-Out Energy is real.

Attend the various open Inventor Shows.

The most important one may be the Shanghai Expo in 2010.

There will be much publicity with top University verifications, Products from Multiple Manufacturers, thousands of books and articles. 

When the Leaders of Nations start the Lead-Out Energy Machine together at United Nations, the non-believers will have no where to hide.

When you participate in this Forum, expect to read insults.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: lltfdaniel1 on September 20, 2009, 09:48:06 PM
Why would Tseung want to waste this energy?

I mean he will get checked out fully anyways.

To any scientist reading this, Lead out means energy from the vaccum/zero point energy extraction.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on September 20, 2009, 11:44:22 PM
Quote from: lltfdaniel1 on September 20, 2009, 09:48:06 PM
Why would Tseung want to waste this energy?

I mean he will get checked out fully anyways.

To any scientist reading this, Lead out means energy from the vaccum/zero point energy extraction.

Lead-Out Energy in the view of the Lee-Tseung patents is NOT zero point energy.

They can lead-out energy from still air.  When one gets air into a machine, the input energy of the air is Volume x Pressure.  That can be different from the output energy.  For example, if the volume of air is smaller but having the same pressure when going out, the output energy is less than input.  The difference can be used to do work.  That energy is a form of lead-out energy.

Read and study http://geocities.com/ltseung carefully.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: lltfdaniel1 on September 21, 2009, 12:12:43 AM
Zero point in ''overunity'' systems have zero point energy extraction.

Fast switching and everything deals with zero point, tseungs lead out has fast switching.

Subatomic/zero point is infinite...tseung says it is limitless.

Zero point is a massless catalyst..any overunity system has zero point energy extraction, sure there are other factors of incomeing energy but in overunity systems it is a zero point catalyst.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 21, 2009, 01:47:46 AM
How much is the New Company (Lead-Out Energy Holdings Limited) worth now?

The agent of an Investor was pressing me to form the Company and accept investment now.  I was praying for divine guidance.  There is already the non-profit organization â€" Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.

The plan is to form Lead-Out Energy Holdings Limited after the Public Demonstrations of the 2-5KW electricity generators.  Then it would be a case of “forced investment” by the Oil Producers, Oil Companies, Coal and Electricity Companies etc.  The Internal demonstration will be within a few days. The full set of verification apparatus should be available.

The first public demonstration will be early November at the Hong Kong Science Park.  We are arranging for the 6 Universities in Hong Kong to participate in the scientific verification of the overunity Lead-Out Energy Machines.  There will be the Education Product that can generate 100W and safe for Student use.  There will be the 2KW units for Engineer Training.  These units will not be sold to the average person on the street.  It is bundled in the HK$150,000 FIVE day Course.  We can sell these training packages immediately. 
We shall also demonstrate the 5KW units.  However, these units cannot be sold now as they need a SIX month certification procedure.  I believe these will attract the attention of the Investors.

One suggestion is to form Lead-Out Energy Holdings Limited now with 1,000 shares.  These shares will be owned by the existing contributors or reputable charitable organizations.  They can pay HK$1 for 1 share.  After the Publicity, Lead-Out Energy Holdings Limited will issue another 1,000 new shares.   The existing shareholders can also sell their shares if they want to.  The price per share will then be HK$3 million.  We may also insist that every shareholder donate or buy a FIVE day Course for HK$150,000 from Help Seedlings InnovateFoundation Limited.  We expect heavy oversubscription.  The money going into Lead-Out Energy Holdings Limited will then be HK$3,000,000,000.  That amount should be sufficient for us to provide a Lead-Out Energy machine as a Gift to every Country in the World and carry on our strategy of Model Farms etc.

In approximately two years, we shall shock the World again with our Flying Saucer prototypes.  The projected license fees and product sales exceed HK$10 billion easily.  Our licensing terms is 20% of the selling price but half of that can go to a charitable organization chosen by the Licensee. The Company will then go Public Internationally.  Each share may be worth more than HK$30 million.

Is the Divine Hand guiding us?   
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tagor on September 21, 2009, 03:29:50 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 21, 2009, 01:47:46 AM
How much is the New Company (Lead-Out Energy Holdings Limited) worth now?

did you need european investor ?
did you project demonstration in europe ?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 21, 2009, 05:49:31 AM
How much is the New Company (Lead-Out Energy Holdings Limited) worth now?

Another suggestion is to form Lead-Out Energy Holdings Limited now with 3,000,000 shares.  These shares will be owned by the existing contributors or reputable charitable organizations.  They can pay HK$1 for 1 share.  After the Publicity, the shareholders can sell their shares to interested investors on the Open Market at whatever price.  There is a first right of refusal by Lead-Out Energy Holdings Limited to avoid abuses or underselling. 

Each share is expected to be worth more than HK$1000 as a minimum.  The actual price is determined by the Market.  The shareholders can determine when and how much to sell.  Hong Kong has the reputation as the freest Market.  Let Hong Kong work its magic.  The initial unconfirmed European Order negotiated by our 18 year old Forever Yuen is already worth HK$200 million.  The Company will not be short of cash once the orders are confirmed.

In approximately two years, we shall shock the World again with our Flying Saucer prototypes.  The projected license fees and product sales exceed HK$10 billion annually easily.  Our licensing terms is 20% of the selling price but half of that can go to a charitable organization chosen by the Licensee. The Company will then go Public Internationally.  Each share may be worth more than HK$10,000.
Is the Divine Hand guiding us?   
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 21, 2009, 05:59:37 AM
Quote from: tagor on September 21, 2009, 03:29:50 AM
did you need european investor ?
did you project demonstration in europe ?

We just got the call from a Business Broker that a Group in China is thinking about investing RMB100 million.  We do not plan to start any investment negotiations until the Technology is made Public and verified by the top Universities.

I do not even mind delaying all negotiations until the Leaders of Nations start the Lead-Out Energy Machine at United Nations together and declare that the Energy Crisis of the World is over with this Lead-Out Technology.

There cannot be any possibility of Fraud.

Let the Divine Hand guide us.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 21, 2009, 06:01:17 PM
Interesting conversation with an experienced electrical engineer

Engineer: “I have been asked by my boss to come and examine your Lead-Out Motor. Please explain.”

Tseung: “We use Pulse Force to lead-out gravitational or electron motion energy.  Such energy is inexhaustible, non-polluting and exists everywhere.  We do not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.”

Engineer: “How many conventional motors or electricity generators have you built yourself?”

Tseung: “None.”

Engineer: “There are billions of electric motors and generators in existence today.  It is a very matured industry.  The basic technique is a rotor and a stator.  In a Motor, we supply electricity to rotate the rotor to create rotation.  In a Generator, we supply energy to rotate the rotor and extract electricity from the coils.  You better spend a few years studying electrical engineering and build a couple motors and electricity generators before you advocate your nonsense lead-out energy.”

Tseung: “When we can lead-out existing, available energy, we do not need to burn any fossil fuel.  We do not supply constant, steady electricity to our motor.  We do not supply constant steady force to our generator.  In both cases, we use Pulses to lead-out existing energy.  Our machines work on totally different principles.  You have to understand the new concepts.  You have to see and run the actual prototype.”

Engineer: “I have taken apart your existing prototype.  It is no more than rotating magnets surrounded by stationary coils.  There is nothing new.  You are using battery to power the rotation.  If I take away the battery, your machine stops.”

Tseung: “We have not put in the feedback mechanism yet.  However, we can already demonstrate that the output energy is more than the input energy.  Here is the measurement and the calculations.”

Engineer: “I do not want to see your nonsense measurements, calculations or theory.  I want to see an actual generator that powers a few 100 watt light bulbs as the standard practice in the industry.  I want to see the battery removed.  If you need the battery, you have to demonstrate that it can be recharged like in a car.  I shall tell my boss that you have nothing worth investing at present.”

Tseung: “Thank you for coming.”

Dr. Wong:”Some people have their cups so full that nothing more can be poured in.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 22, 2009, 12:15:07 AM
More on the formation of the Company â€" Lead-Out Energy Holdings Limited.

(1)   The Company Laws in China allow 40% technical contributions.  This means that the scientists or engineers can own up to 40% of a Company without putting in actual cash. 

(2)   For example, if the Investors put in RMB10 billion cash, they can own 60% of the Company.  Let us assume that this is equivalent to 1,000 shares.  Each share is worth RMB10 million.

(3)   Theoretically, the Company can issue another 666 shares (40% of the Company)  to its Scientists or Engineers for their intellectual contributions.

The thought makes the Scientists and Engineers very happy.  If Lead-Out Energy Holdings Limited were the only Company in the World to offer or license the technology, its worth should exceed RMB1,000 billion easily.  With such huge financial rewards, it is easy to motivate people.  They can have very sweet dreams.

The focus is on the actual products.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on September 22, 2009, 12:25:01 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 22, 2009, 12:15:07 AM
More on the formation of the Company â€" Lead-Out Energy Holdings Limited.

(1)   The Company Laws in China allow 40% technical contributions.  This means that the scientists or engineers can own up to 40% of a Company without putting in actual cash. 

(2)   For example, if the Investors put in RMB10 billion cash, they can own 60% of the Company.  Let us assume that this is equivalent to 1,000 shares.  Each share is worth RMB10 million.

(3)   Theoretically, the Company can issue another 666 shares (40% of the Company)  to its Scientists or Engineers for their intellectual contributions.

The thought makes the Scientists and Engineers very happy.  If Lead-Out Energy Holdings Limited were the only Company in the World to offer or license the technology, its worth should exceed RMB1,000 billion easily.  With such huge financial rewards, it is easy to motivate people.  They can have very sweet dreams.

The focus is on the actual products.

Tseung, I can smell that you and team can be tempted by money.  You should put at least 600 of the technical shares into the charitable organizations such as Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.  The remaining 66 shares (worth at least RMB10 million each) will provide very comfortable living for you, your team and all their families.

Holding too much money will make you a target of kidnapping!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 22, 2009, 04:18:53 AM
Anyone even thinking about spending real money on this should check it out fully.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 23, 2009, 07:04:33 PM
Testing the 16 magnet and 16 coil lead-out energy prototype

(1)   Experience from the 1 coil and 4 magnets prototype told us that the wheel would rotate faster and faster after starting.  It would reach a rotational speed of around 300 rpm and stayed there.
(2)   When external load was applied, the rotational speed dropped.  If the load were large enough, the wheel would stop rotating.  The load could be torque at the axle or many bulbs at the collector coils.
(3)   With this larger prototype, we know that one coil can already make the wheel rotate faster and faster.  When we use two coils, the final speed and the torque increases (but not double).  When 5 or more coils were used, the final speed and the torque showed negligible increase.
(4)   This implies that we might have moved too much from the “optimal frequency” â€" just like pushing the Swing too hard and wasted the extra energy.
(5)   We have the capability of switching off the coils.  The coming tests will focus on putting additional loads (e.g. bulbs).  If the wheel slows down, switch on an extra coil.  We may have 5-16 or 12 coils to play with. 
(6)   This manual switching will teach us more about the characteristics of the Lead-Out Energy Machine.
(7)   The likely better solution is the programming.  We may need external help on that.

The demonstration prototype will have Input and Output meters to show the voltage, current and power for comparison.  There will also be light bulbs drawing current as recommended by some electrical engineers.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Goat on September 23, 2009, 07:30:48 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 23, 2009, 07:04:33 PM
Testing the 16 magnet and 16 coil lead-out energy prototype

(1)   Experience from the 1 coil and 4 magnets prototype told us that the wheel would rotate faster and faster after starting.  It would reach a rotational speed of around 300 rpm and stayed there.
(2)   When external load was applied, the rotational speed dropped.  If the load were large enough, the wheel would stop rotating.  The load could be torque at the axle or many bulbs at the collector coils.
(3)   With this larger prototype, we know that one coil can already make the wheel rotate faster and faster.  When we use two coils, the final speed and the torque increases (but not double).  When 5 or more coils were used, the final speed and the torque showed negligible increase.
(4)   This implies that we might have moved too much from the “optimal frequency” â€" just like pushing the Swing too hard and wasted the extra energy.
(5)   We have the capability of switching off the coils.  The coming tests will focus on putting additional loads (e.g. bulbs).  If the wheel slows down, switch on an extra coil.  We may have 5-16 or 12 coils to play with. 
(6)   This manual switching will teach us more about the characteristics of the Lead-Out Energy Machine.
(7)   The likely better solution is the programming.  We may need external help on that.

The demonstration prototype will have Input and Output meters to show the voltage, current and power for comparison.  There will also be light bulbs drawing current as recommended by some electrical engineers.

@ ltseung888

Please forgive the confusion on my part but your above post seems like you have not yet worked out the bugs to a truly OU system while in your earlier posts mentioned that you were ready to prove to the world the Lead Out Theory of your device to be feasible  in the upcoming demonstrations.

I apologize for the seemingly negative remark but I'm trying to find 1 working OU device on this forum that can be validated.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on September 24, 2009, 11:51:33 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 23, 2009, 07:04:33 PM
When external load was applied, the rotational speed dropped.  If the load were large enough, the wheel would stop rotating...
It would be useful if you were to plot the value of the external load and the rotational speed, and then draw a graph. (We can do the latter, of course). Let us see what this looks like, along with the value of the electrical input as well.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on September 24, 2009, 02:44:21 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 22, 2009, 12:15:07 AM
More on the formation of the Company â€" Lead-Out Energy Holdings Limited.

(1)   The Company Laws in China allow 40% technical contributions.  This means that the scientists or engineers can own up to 40% of a Company without putting in actual cash. 

(2)   For example, if the Investors put in RMB10 billion cash, they can own 60% of the Company.  Let us assume that this is equivalent to 1,000 shares.  Each share is worth RMB10 million.

(3)   Theoretically, the Company can issue another 666 shares (40% of the Company)  to its Scientists or Engineers for their intellectual contributions.

The thought makes the Scientists and Engineers very happy.  If Lead-Out Energy Holdings Limited were the only Company in the World to offer or license the technology, its worth should exceed RMB1,000 billion easily.  With such huge financial rewards, it is easy to motivate people.  They can have very sweet dreams.

The focus is on the actual products.

Oh what the hell, let me see if I can make sense of this.  At the current exchange rates, it is about 7RMB to $1US.  So you are claiming that the company you form will be worth about $1.5 Billion.  So if you are selling 1000 shares of the company, you are proposing that investors put up $1.5 Million per share.

So what value will this company have?  Why is it worth $1.5 Billion?  What intellectual property will it own to justify that.  You do not have a single patent to protect this invention from a copycat.  I do remember a couple of years ago you mentioned a WIPO patent application, but this application was denied and you have since declared it is not worth the money to fight to try to get it reconsidered.

So why should anyone invest in your company if the company does not own the intellectual rights to what it is producing?  Especially since you have already, in painstaking detail, described and given away every "secret" to your Lead Out Theory right here on this forum.  Anyone can make out a Lead Out Device, right?  That's what you have been preaching the entire time.

On one hand, you talk about altruistically helping the world with free energy and try to get people to replicate your experiments freely, but with the other hand, you ask for $1.5 Million per share.  This is really confusing.

And finally, seriously, are you actually soliciting investors on this forum?  Seriously, what are you thinking?  No one who has $1.5M to invest is wasting their time on this forum with us losers.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 24, 2009, 04:46:29 PM
The value of an invention

Most people (especially those from Hong Kong) look at money as the criteria for success. 
Are there any other criteria such as:
(1)   The value of the invention to the human race?
(2)   The ability of the invention to bring peace to the World?
(3)   The creation of Modern Wealth?
(4)   The joy it brings to the Inventor?
(5)   The self-esteem of a Nation?

Will a Country invest in a new technology if the technology gives it infinite, clean, readily available energy?  Will it encourage its Universities, Laboratories, Companies, etc. to further develop the technology?  The next stage of development will lead to the Flying Saucer.  Should the Human Race pour resources into such development?

Unfortunately, many people in Hong Kong still think and talk in terms of money.  If one cannot translate an invention in money terms, no conversation can be started.  We need publicity.  Publicity implies many people talking about the invention.  We have to bring ourselves down to talk about numbers in Trusted Financial Institutions.

In reality, when a sufficiently large group has infinite energy and technology, it can be “independent”.  A new order will emerge.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cloxxki on September 24, 2009, 05:00:28 PM
Good points there.

When China comes up with a revolutionary technology, and doesn't bother to patent it... why would the rest of the world even consider honoring royalties? China is the land of the copy cat. BMV's, McDoualds, Shanel, that sort of brands, only in China!
China has built a reputation to simply ignore intellectual property, and while it's great if something revolutionary like the first lead out machines to be made there, it doesn't mean the world will import it from them.
Before you cunt your billions, you probably best first make a toy car powered by a lead-out machine, driving around a closed circuit track indefinately. A patent, indeed, won't get you far. While you have access to great local technicians, intellectual protection for you is as inprobably as a drought in Atlantis.

Looking forward to independent responses to your upcoming exhibitions. I really hope you have something, and that's you share it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on September 24, 2009, 06:30:38 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 24, 2009, 04:46:29 PM
The value of an invention

Most people (especially those from Hong Kong) look at money as the criteria for success. 
Are there any other criteria such as:
(1)   The value of the invention to the human race?
(2)   The ability of the invention to bring peace to the World?
(3)   The creation of Modern Wealth?
(4)   The joy it brings to the Inventor?
(5)   The self-esteem of a Nation?

Will a Country invest in a new technology if the technology gives it infinite, clean, readily available energy?  Will it encourage its Universities, Laboratories, Companies, etc. to further develop the technology?  The next stage of development will lead to the Flying Saucer.  Should the Human Race pour resources into such development?

Unfortunately, many people in Hong Kong still think and talk in terms of money.  If one cannot translate an invention in money terms, no conversation can be started.  We need publicity.  Publicity implies many people talking about the invention.  We have to bring ourselves down to talk about numbers in Trusted Financial Institutions.

In reality, when a sufficiently large group has infinite energy and technology, it can be “independent”.  A new order will emerge.

I tell you what, before you start counting your billions and planning your new world order, why don't you make a prototype that does not need to be plugged into a power socket, ok?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 24, 2009, 11:29:01 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on September 24, 2009, 06:30:38 PM
I tell you what, before you start counting your billions and planning your new world order, why don't you make a prototype that does not need to be plugged into a power socket, ok?

You can come or arrange for one of your friends to attend the Open Inventor Shows in Hong Kong or Shenzhen in November.  Or you can wait for the World Expo in Shanghai next year. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on September 25, 2009, 12:19:05 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 24, 2009, 11:29:01 PM
You can come or arrange for one of your friends to attend the Open Inventor Shows in Hong Kong or Shenzhen in November.  Or you can wait for the World Expo in Shanghai next year.

So you are saying we will see a device that will work

1.  Without being plugged into the power grid.
2.  Without running down its battery.

Is this correct?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 25, 2009, 01:57:39 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on September 25, 2009, 12:19:05 AM
So you are saying we will see a device that will work

1.  Without being plugged into the power grid.
2.  Without running down its battery.

Is this correct?

The Marketing guys want a surprise for the World.  It is only 6 weeks away.  The sponsors for the Shatin Event are the Innovation Departament and six Universities of Hong Kong.

If you do not trust them, get your own people to bring your equipment.  Get one or more representative from this Forum.  Make sure they bring cameras, Video taping equipment, meters, torque testers, oscilloscopes etc.

Ask them to study the information in:


Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 25, 2009, 02:36:36 AM
Creating the New Order

(1) China is expected to pour effort into the Lead-Out Energy technology as soon as it is revealed to the General Public in November 2009.
(2) The initial order for the Educational Product will take many years for the assigned factories to fulfill.  Almost immediately, many other factories will jump in to share the pie.
(3) The Chinese Students will learn the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out theory eagerly.  They will reject the Western Concept of Pressure for Gases in Motion.  They will learn the theory of the Flying Saucer.  A working prototype of the Flying Saucer will come out within six months.  They will redesign their electrical engineering courses and retrain all electrical engineers.
(4) Many experienced Scientists and Engineers in the West will not accept it at first.  They will hold similar views as some Forum Members here.  Some secretly habor the thought that Chinese Scientists and Engineers can never be better than their Western Counter-parts.
(5) The many rejected “perpetual motion patents” will cause panic and chaos in all Patent Offices around the World.  Special meetings were needed to resolve the crisis.
(6) Thousands of Lead-Out Energy devices will emerge.  There will be disputes on Intellectual properties rights.  USA and China will release the Top-secret project results.  Many people will try to claim credit for the Lead-Out Energy Inventions.
(7) The Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Theory will win as the only scientific explanation of all the observed events and the working Lead-Out Energy Machines.

Many Countries will devote resources to the Lead-Out Energy Machines and the Flying Saucers.  Many will be ahead of USA as they do not waste energy on “who invented it”.

Lee and Tseung will be recognized as the founder of the Lead-Out Energy Theory.  Tong Po Chi will be recognized as the master builder or experimental scientist.  They may not get wealthy.  But they will not starve.  There will be hundreds of invitations to give lectures.  They and team will win many prizes.  The Nobel Prize is just one of them.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on September 25, 2009, 04:25:28 AM
i am not sure if you have the same term in China but it is called wanker in Australia
You predicted the UFO at the Olympics last year.
You have predicted that many public demonstrations of devices , but non have ever happenned
Therefore I bestow on you the Official Order of The Wanker. This title is awarded rarely , but your efforts fully deserve it
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on September 25, 2009, 04:34:41 AM
"And finally, seriously, are you actually soliciting investors on this forum?  Seriously, what are you thinking?  No one who has $1.5M to invest is wasting their time on this forum with us losers."

Actually there are quiet a few people have a lot more than that that watch this forum. However ,as Goat has suggested not one device so far can measure up where an investor would consider it worthwhile investing in it. I exclude the obvious con jobs that have over the years made various claims and parted money from less sophisticated investors.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: bxngoc on September 25, 2009, 08:41:47 AM
Last night I had a nightmare China invades my country with Flying Saucer  ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 25, 2009, 11:23:25 PM
More on the New Order

(1) The entire value system will be re-examined.  It will no longer be the case  of â€" you listen to me because I have the weapons.
(2) Earthlings will not be Earth-bounded.  The infinite lead-out energy Flying Saucers will let Earthlings leave Earth.  The scenario is similar to leaving the Land where one was born in the early Centuries.
(3) No single Nation could dominate.  The Lead-out Energy Machines will allow many old and new technologies to furnish. 

I am enjoying every second â€" knowing that the Divine Hand is guiding us.  The New Order will set many New Rules.  The Patent Offices will have to accept Lead-Out Energy Machines.  They can no longer reject them quoting the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on September 25, 2009, 11:51:39 PM

With all due respect.  I admire your tenacity and what you are trying to do but, the world just does not work that way.  Capitalism is what has built the strongest country in the world in the shortest time in recorded history and that is what will prevail.

I say this to you to spare you from posting things that, in a dream world might work, but not in the real world.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on September 26, 2009, 10:27:36 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 25, 2009, 11:23:25 PM
More on the New Order
The Patent Offices will have to accept Lead-Out Energy Machines.  They can no longer reject them quoting the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Its a matter of presentation.

If you call a patent "Improvements in electrical generation", then it may well go through without
attracting any attention. You would claim for your ideas "substantial and material
benefits over existing methods" using somesuch weasle words.

Remember the generator on the Minuteman missile. Westinghouse called it "A highly efficient
semiconductor amplifier" (patent 3,239,772). It probably was.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 26, 2009, 11:38:46 PM
There is much debate on the best way of Marketing the Lead-Out Energy Machines.  These include:

(1)   Show the working prototype to those who can help.  Examples of potential helpers include  professors, manufacturers, business brokers, private investors etc.  Let them help with the Marketing.  The combined resources will be much larger.
(2)   Keep everything quiet until the Public Demonstrations in November.  The Publicity will generate the excitement.  The helpers, investors etc. will queue up.  There is no need to waste time and effort now.  Just focus on making great presentations in November.
(3)   Negotiate some Contracts now.  The Education Product does not need special certification.  Manufacture some samples to sell at the Public Demonstrations.  Prepare to accept orders.

We have so much to do.  My focus will be on the Book.  It is likely to be the automatic best seller when the Lead-Out Energy Machine News is out. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on September 27, 2009, 12:07:07 AM
Just what exactly do you have toshow at this stage. IE running prototype? Power in? Power out?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on September 27, 2009, 02:43:11 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on September 25, 2009, 11:51:39 PM

With all due respect.  I admire your tenacity and what you are trying to do but, the world just does not work that way.  Capitalism is what has built the strongest country in the world in the shortest time in recorded history and that is what will prevail.

I say this to you to spare you from posting things that, in a dream world might work, but not in the real world.




I thought I took a few weeks off so this forum doesn't get distracted by me but no, the same old garbage and the same old Tseung nonsense.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on September 27, 2009, 04:54:03 AM
Hi Tseung, Keep up the great work and it's obvious I don't need to tell you, don't listen to barking of those that wish to stay in a world of fear and lack. Power to the people.
peace love light
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on September 27, 2009, 05:44:06 AM
@ Lawrance and all your other identities
we want you to stay in the land of the sane. Obvious that is no longer an option.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on September 27, 2009, 09:13:09 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on September 26, 2009, 11:38:46 PM
We have so much to do.  My focus will be on the Book.  It is likely to be the automatic best seller when the Lead-Out Energy Machine News is out.
Why not the other way round?

A well written and easy to read book with good illustrations, anecdotes etc etc could pave the
way and attract much attention and revenue. Keith tutt's book, "The scientist, the madman, the thief
and their lightbulb" is still in print and appears to be doing well.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 01, 2009, 09:33:39 AM
October 1 is the National Day of China.  This year, the Celebration was even more spectacular than the 2008 Olympics.  I spent the day glued to the TV. 

Next year, China will be more proud when it shares the inexhaustible lead-out energy with the World.  I hope the streets of Beijing will be bright with Lead-Out Energy then.

China will not only be known as a rising economic power, an athletic nation but also an innovation center.  Peace and friendship will bloom.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on October 01, 2009, 02:12:47 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 22, 2007, 02:31:13 PM
From my last communication with Wang, the high priority product would be an electricity generator for a village or a large factory.  The existing electrical grid will not be altered.  Some of the key investors are existing Power Companies in China. 

Two Models of the Wang Shum Ho Device have been submitted to the China Certification Authorities for a six-month safety test.

Lawrence Tseung
The Lee-Tseung theory can explain the source of energy of the working EBM machine from Hungary.  Energy was Lead Out from both gravitational and electron motion (magnetic) fields.

Gee, that's sort of what you said 2 years ago, quoted above.  Whatever happened to those 6 month tests?  The Chinese sure are big fans of these tests, so much that everything is always in some 6 month test or another and nothing ever gets made.

Is there is a single such generator being used today in any "village or large factory?"  If not, what happened?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 01, 2009, 02:28:12 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on October 01, 2009, 02:12:47 PM
Gee, that's sort of what you said 2 years ago, quoted above.  Whatever happened to those 6 month tests?  The Chinese sure are big fans of these tests, so much that everything is always in some 6 month test or another and nothing ever gets made.

Is there is a single such generator being used today in any "village or large factory?"  If not, what happened?

I would imagine the 'old' news circulated in old Tseung's skull and couldn't come out! That's why this thread is nearing 500 pages of repeated stuff. As to the 'generator', I think that's also fabricated nonsense. Can you imagine the commies not announcing their scientific breakthrough to the world if ever such a piece of equipment really has the means to power up a village without burning fuel or tied to the grid?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 01, 2009, 07:13:36 PM
I am most dissapointed the UFO's didnt get a mention. They were suppose to have there comming our parade at the olympics. I guess every community has to have a village idiot, I guess we get a bonus with his multiple persoalities of having a whole family of them.
Mind you there have been a few others challenging for the tittle latley.
kind Regards
Mark Dansie
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 02, 2009, 12:01:33 AM
Quote from: markdansie on October 01, 2009, 07:13:36 PM
I am most dissapointed the UFO's didnt get a mention. They were suppose to have there comming our parade at the olympics. I guess every community has to have a village idiot, I guess we get a bonus with his multiple persoalities of having a whole family of them.
Mind you there have been a few others challenging for the tittle latley.
kind Regards
Mark Dansie


Well, my attached photo. sums it up!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 02, 2009, 09:08:13 AM
Mr. Tong Po Chi has produced the 16 magnet and 16 coil prototype.  This particular prototype has the following characteristics:

(1)   16 rectangular magnets with N-S poles on the sides
(2)   16 rectangular coils with about 6 ohms each that can be switched on and off individually
(3)   Diameter of rotor is 60 cm (twice the previous prototype)
(4)   Proximity Switch is outside and triggered by separate magnets
(5)   1 coil can start the wheel rotating
(6)   2 or 3 coils can produce maximum speed rotation and torque (no external load)
(7)   4 or more coils will reduce rotational speed and torque (no external load)!
(8 )   Best test is to put external load on two jointed collector coils.  Their combined AC voltage was 20V. The first test used 15 ohms as output load.  Two drive coils were used.  The rotational rate slowed.  When an extra drive coil was switched on, the rotational rate increased again.

The best solution is to adjust input energy with external load via programming.  However, we can learn much from the manual 16 magnet prototype.

I shall get the necessary volt and amp meters, speed and torque meters, resistors or lights to conclusively demonstrate overunity in the coming days.  We shall have the correct type of meters for both input and output.  The chance of a good, conclusive demonstration and write-up by November is excellent. 

Attached is a picture of the prototype.

In the picture
A represents two collector coils connected together.
B represents the new arrangement with the proximity switch
C represents the resistors on the output
D represents the meters (need to get the right type)
E represents the 12V battery

One way is to take the input energy readings and compare that with the output energy readings.  This prototype can conclusively demonstrate overunity.  The next prototype will focus on electricity generation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 02, 2009, 09:30:02 AM
Quote from: chrisC on October 01, 2009, 02:28:12 PM
That's why this thread is nearing 500 pages of repeated stuff. [
Then why do you visit it?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Bubba1 on October 02, 2009, 09:50:20 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 02, 2009, 09:08:13 AM
...The chance of a good, conclusive demonstration and write-up by November is excellent. 

Will that be November, 2009?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 02, 2009, 11:15:44 AM
@ Lawrence:

That is a Bedini motor.  All of the components you have listed, and the design as you have it are replications of John Bedini's work.  I have made 3 of them myself.  These have been around for quite a while now.  I didn't know if you knew that.  He already owns all of the patents on this device.  You can look them up if you want to.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 02, 2009, 01:28:16 PM
great photo, I sometimes wonder why I come here at all, but then you see great gems like that photo. Thanks mate. I guess there is some entertainment value here.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 02, 2009, 06:41:34 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on October 02, 2009, 11:15:44 AM
@ Lawrence:

That is a Bedini motor.  All of the components you have listed, and the design as you have it are replications of John Bedini's work.  I have made 3 of them myself.  These have been around for quite a while now.  I didn't know if you knew that.  He already owns all of the patents on this device.  You can look them up if you want to.



Out of the 3 Bedini Motors that you built, how many can conclusively demonstrate overunity?

How many can generate 100 watts or more continuously?

Did Bedini use the HK$10 proximity switch to control the Pulsing?  Did Bedini use any programming or other mechanism to adjust the input to the external load?  Did he use different collector coils such as the Adams Motor to get the best efficiency?  Why did he or you focus on high pulsing rates (and not allow for the lead-out mechanism to function properly)?

Did you use the Lead-Out theory to explain and calculate the source and amount of energy that can come out from your machines?

One of the “experienced” electrical engineers said, “You are using magnets, coils and some pulsing circuits.  These components are known for Centuries.  There is nothing new.”  Many scientists said, “The pendulum or swing has been around since beginning of human civilization.  What is new?”

The Components are NOT new but how to use them to lead-out inexhaustible, non-pulling and cheap energy to benefit the World is new.  We always claim that we are the first to introduce the Lead-Out Energy theory to the World.  We are not the first one to introduce an overunity machine to the world.  The USA 225 HP Pulse Motor, the Wang Shenhe motor etc. were built before we developed our theory.

We expect the Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Energy Machine will stimulate many other inventions to come out into the open.  We want many inventors to say, “I invented it first!”  If the World benefits from such disclosures, our goal is fulfilled.  The real gem will be from the top-secret Government Research Laboratories.  They will say: "We have the technology for years.  We are well ahead of the old Tseung et al!"

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 02, 2009, 07:26:57 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 02, 2009, 06:41:34 PM

Out of the 3 Bedini Motors that you built, how many can conclusively demonstrate overunity?

How many can generate 100 watts or more continuously?



blah, blah blah....
Nothing showing. Just talk is not going to get you anywhere. 500 pages of crap is all that is to show. Where's the UFO? Took your medication today?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on October 02, 2009, 07:34:05 PM
only the superconductor motors are most efficient, no other motor compares to them not even Bedini motors.

there is a reason why they call them superconductor motors!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 03, 2009, 03:22:05 AM
The proof of overunity experiments

(1)   Vary the number of collector coils.  Single coil can get up to 10V AC with present setup.
(2)   Vary the type of collector coils.  Can have soft iron core.
(3)   Vary the number of windings on the collector coils.
(4)   For any given external load, vary the number of drive coils.
(5)   Some early experiment results include: Input = 12V x 2 Amp = 24 watt (max); output = (20 x20)/10 = 40 watt (AC). 

More experiments will be done with external load varying from 5, 10, 15, 20 ohms.  Number of Coils will vary from 1 to 16.
We shall focus on using the collector coils first.  The meter readings will be first evidence of overunity. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 03, 2009, 03:53:07 AM
well if your putting 20 in and getting 40 out should be no problem to close loop it
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 03, 2009, 10:20:38 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on October 02, 2009, 11:15:44 AM
@ Lawrence:

That is a Bedini motor.  All of the components you have listed, and the design as you have it are replications of John Bedini's work.
In the end, who cares? Bedini machines work OU, but won't heat my flat.
If Lawrence's motor borrows from JB, and can deliver real output, then
this is good news for all of us. He may have patent infringement problems,
but if JB has any sense, he will cooperate with a joint venture. Lets face
it, there will be plenty of funds for them to share out.

p.s. I suspect that Robert Adams technology may overlap, but instead of
arguing over how many angels can dance on the point of a needle, we
should be excited that something useful for all of us may be nearing the
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 03, 2009, 01:00:13 PM
I was not arguing about anything Paul.  I was just pointing out that Larry has discovered the Bedini motor, patents and all.  That was a statement, not an argument.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 03, 2009, 10:35:46 PM
Many people asked: "Many Pulse Motor Inventors tried for years.  They could not produce a machine that can demonstrate overunity and generate useful electric power.  What is the reason for their failure?"

I believe they experimented blindly without the correct theory to guide them.  Bill, Newman, Adams and Bedini are some examples.  They worked hard and had dedication.  They did not produce the overunity machine that could generate electricity for the home.  They need to re-examine the Lead-Out Energy Theory.

See the attached diagram.

Now if they accept the Lead-Out Energy Theory, they will find many different ways of producing the successful machine.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 04, 2009, 03:37:44 AM
US Patent # 6,392,370
May 21, 2002 ~ US Cl. 318/140

Device and Method of a Back EMF Permanent Electromagnetic Motor Generator

John Bedini

Abstract --- This invention is a back EMF permanent electromagnetic motor generator and method using a regauging process for capturing available electromagnetic energy in the system. The device is comprised of a rotor with magnets of the same polarity; a timing wheel in apposition to a magnetic Hall Effect pickup switch semiconductor; and a stator comprised of two bars connected by a permanent magnet with magnetized pole pieces at one end of each bar. There are input and output coils created by wrapping each bar with a conducting material such as copper wire. Energy from the output coils is transferred to a recovery rectifier or diode. The magnets of the rotor, which is located on a shaft along with the timing wheel, are in apposition to the magnetized pole pieces of the two bars. The invention works through a process of regauging, that is, the flux fields created by the coils is collapsed because of a reversal of the magnetic field in the magnetized pole pieces thus allowing the capture of available back EMP energy. Additional available energy may be captured and used to re-energize the battery, and/or sent in another direction to be used as work. As an alternative, the available back EMF energy may be dissipated into the system.

*** It is obvious from this and other Bedini patents that Bedini did not understand the Lead-Out Energy Theory when he filed such patents.  Without the correct theory to guide him and his followers, they would be wasting their time.  However their years of experimenting put them ahead of many others.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 04, 2009, 04:48:24 AM
To Serve without expecting Rewards

This concept may sound very strange to many people â€" especially those from Hong Kong where Money is God.

I was relaxing in the swimming pool.  I got a season pass so that I could go as many times as I wanted to.  It has an indoor and an outdoor pool.  There were also wet and dry sauna facilities.  Since I could no longer chase the tinny tennis ball over the court, the remaining sports for me were walking and swimming.

The question came to mind â€" What does the Devine One want me to do now?  Looking back, I had a life that I could be proud to tell my grand-children.  I never suffered from Wars, Hunger or Despair.    There were enough material things to keep me well-fed, warm, entertained etc.

Intellectually, I have cracked the many hard nuts including:

1.   Many-to-many Communications
2.   Pressure of gases in motion
3.   Extracting Energy from Still Air
4.   Lead-Out Energy Machines
5.   Flying Saucer

The most surprising part is achieving all these with negligible resources. The Devine One sent angels at the appropriate time and never allowed my confidence to vaporize.  Is it time to serve the World without expecting rewards?

The Overunity lead-out energy machine is an absolute certainty now.  We shall display it publicly starting in November 2009 in Hong Kong and China.  If things go well, we may be displaying them in Shanghai at the World Expo next year.  One of the coming tasks is to produce the 5KW electricity generator for the home.  Tong Po Chi et al have a good handle on that.  The information in the overunity forum will benefit all.  The condensed version is available in http://geocities.com/ltseung.

The Divine One may be asking me to Serve without Expecting Rewards.  Those who have the appropriate tools may be able to produce their own Lead-Out Energy Machines.  The majority can order the DIY educational kit or attend a “Lead-Out Energy Machine Certification Course”.  Many new jobs will be created.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 04, 2009, 08:18:54 AM
Lawrence says:
"The Lead Out theory demands that the pulses must be applied at the
right time with the right magnitude..."

In other words, there is a LR circuit here which MUST be organised to oscillate in resonance.

I've not noticed this in Robert Adams or John Bedini writings. Maybe it is
there. In any case, Lawrence is almost certainly right, and hopefully, we
will be getting green cheap heating and motoring soon. When this happens,
I shall be setting up a petition for an equestrian statue of Lawrence to
be erected on the empty 4th plinth at London's Trafalgar Square.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 04, 2009, 09:57:45 AM
@Paul R
I am a bit worried about your petition re the 4th Plinth. A donkey would look out of place.
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on October 04, 2009, 10:10:47 AM
Have you guys considered the power factor of the readings on the output? Or the type of waveform you're dealing with on the output coils.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on October 04, 2009, 11:45:19 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on October 04, 2009, 08:18:54 AM
I shall be setting up a petition for an equestrian statue of Lawrence to
be erected on the empty 4th plinth at London's Trafalgar Square.

Um yes, I just talked with the British authorities in charge of that.  They said they are working on it, but approval requires a six month certification process.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 04, 2009, 12:46:18 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on October 04, 2009, 08:18:54 AM
..... When this happens,
I shall be setting up a petition for an equestrian statue of Lawrence to
be erected on the empty 4th plinth at London's Trafalgar Square.


Hahaha! Lawrence is clearly delusional and you, er.... just plain silly!
If pigs can fly would bacon be more expensive?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 05, 2009, 08:30:13 AM
I extracted the attached picture from the Adams Motor Home Page.
I believe we are ahead in the following:
(1)   Theory â€" Lead-Out Energy does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy
(2)   Control of multiple drive coils
(3)   Control of the Pulses using the proximity switch
(4)   Use of the large diameter wheels to give time for the Lead-Out Energy to take effect
(5)   Use of the separate collector coils
Hopefully, we shall have concrete experimental results in the next few days.  (Our prototype yielded double Output with unbalanced pulsing.  This is good news but we need to explore this effect much more. )
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 05, 2009, 01:10:19 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on October 04, 2009, 11:45:19 AM
Um yes, I just talked with the British authorities in charge of that.  They said they are working on it, but approval requires a six month certification process.
If Lawrence markets the device, then there may well be a
People’s march on Whitehall with torches, and either we get our
equestrian statue of Lawrence or  we may feel driven to scorching
their offices. (We'll have a vote first, of course).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 05, 2009, 01:26:49 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 05, 2009, 08:30:13 AM
I extracted the attached picture from the Adams Motor Home Page.
Adams is said to have returned the back emf to batteries. There was an
early patent, I think, and another in 1995 which has expired (GB2282708).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 06, 2009, 03:39:22 PM
Are Wedding and Funeral Ceremonies Meaningful Economic Activities?

I had a chance to experience both Wedding and Funeral Ceremonies in the last few weeks.  Some people told me that such Ceremonies are a waste of money and time.

At one time in China, Chairman Mao disapproved such ceremonies.  People were brainwashed (or forced) to accept simple ceremonies.  Now, individuals are allowed more freedom to choose the Ceremonies.

I believe such events generate much Meaningful Economic Activities.  More jobs are created.  People can share their joys and sorrows with their families and friends.  I would not object to such activities.

With Infinite energy and hence infinite wealth appearing on the horizon, we need to re-evaluate our value systems.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 07, 2009, 09:17:43 AM
A simple experiment that all can try.  This experiment was suggested to me by a local decorator.  He said that he did something similar many years ago when he was in a Village School in China.  He claimed that the magnetic pendulum swung forever.

We are trying the experiment and its variations.  You can do that too.  If successful, it would be an extremely easy and powerful proof of overunity and the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy theory.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 07, 2009, 09:36:43 AM
One possible variation.

Is the Divine Hand guiding us?

Can the absolute proof be this easy?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 07, 2009, 12:14:09 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 07, 2009, 09:17:43 AM
.... he was in a Village School in China.  He claimed that the magnetic pendulum swung forever.

Was he delusional too? Did he also forget his medication?
I bet he also imagined UFO's sitting on the White House lawn and Obama  was also gung ho on the principles of the Lee-Tseung crap stuff?
Oh, well, must be  another deja'vu expericence for you old Tseung....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on October 07, 2009, 04:01:25 PM

I wonder what would happen if the bob was magnetized, and located proximal to a coil or two ?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 08, 2009, 01:41:25 AM
Lentz's law.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on October 08, 2009, 03:42:05 AM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 08, 2009, 04:37:21 AM
We know that we can buy the random oscillating magnetic pendulum that can swing for many minutes.

Tong Po Chi quickly did two prototypes to check whether the addition of repelling magnets can increase the swinging time.

There were some adjustment of magnets.  The statement that the addition of repelling magnets can prolong the swing time is verified.  This is additional confirmation of the Lead-Out Energy Theory.  The commercially available toy (ROMP) used the Lead-Out Energy without knowing it.  Does any of the Forum Members here tried the simple experiment?  What are your results?

It may be possible to produced another educational toy using the improved Tong Po Chi prorotypes.  It will be a challenge to have it ready by November 2009.

Thank the Divine One for his Guiding Hand. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 08, 2009, 05:08:45 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 08, 2009, 04:37:21 AM
We know that we can buy the random oscillating magnetic pendulum that can swing for many minutes.
Thank the Divine One for his Guiding Hand.

We also know that forgetting to take your medication produces very weird delusions.

Oh, there is no need for Divine intervention explanation for this perpetual swinging pendulum. It's all in your mind, old Tseung.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on October 08, 2009, 05:23:24 AM
this romp comes to a halt after a few short seconds/minutes?
what the hell are we suppose to with this crap if it doesn't produce free energy/over unity?
456 pages and still no free energy just blah blah blah blah blah......blah blah  djfhsdjfhsd
dsfsfd fdsdf ds dfsdfshf slkdfaisljdgfaoisgfpiasuhgd aidshfisa fagfjgvds kjgfkjsgdf sdf sfd sadf asdfdsf
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hjhgjfghjfg,hfvgskjdgf skhdg kfdgjshgdf dfkjhds gfkjfkj dsgkjgf kjgdsjgfkjsgfsjdgffkjdshgfjshgdf gfjksgdf kjsg
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f hjfhjfhjfghjgfhjfgxcbxcvb x vcxbvbcxvb cbcv bcxb xcvb xcb cxvb cvbcvbcvbcvbxcvb cvbcvb dfgvsdgfkslj gisdkjfgfg
sdfgsd fsdfgfhgj gfhgfhjfghjfg dfg sdfg fdhjg gfhj hgkj hjk gfh jgh dfhg dfgsdf gsdfgdfhjgkgfhj fgh gf fh fgj gfhjgfhjhgjh fghj gfhjgf hjfh fghjgfhj gfhj fg hsdfgfdsggfhjghkj gfjhfgdsfsfd fdsdf ds dfsdfshf slkdfaisljdgfaoisgfpiasuhgd aidshfisa fagfjgvds kjgfkjsgdf sdf sfd sadf asdfdsf
dasdfsdf dsafsadf dsaf d dsfasdfasd adsfagfhfj gfgj gfhj ghj gfh fhj hj fghj fghj fghj fghj gfhj fhj fg hjgf
hjhgjfghjfg,hfvgskjdgf skhdg kfdgjshgdf dfkjhds gfkjfkj dsgkjgf kjgdsjgfkjsgfsjdgffkjdshgfjshgdf gfjksgdf kjsg
dsfhskjdfgjskdgfjsgdkjgdfdfsgsfdgdsfgdsfgsdfgsfdgfgdsfgdsfgdsfgdsgsdgdfgxbcv cx cvbcvbcvbc vbcvbcxb
f hjfhjfhjfghjgfhjfgxcbxcvb x vcxbvbcxvb cbcv bcxb xcvb xcb cxvb cvbcvbcvbcvbxcvb cvbcvb dfgvsdgfkslj gisdkjfgfg
sdfgsd fsdfgfhgj gfhgfhjfghjfg dfg sdfg fdhjg gfhj hgkj hjk gfh jgh dfhg dfgsdf gsdfgdfhjgkgfhj fgh gf fh fgj gfhjgfhjhgjh fghj gfhjgf hjfh fghjgfhj gfhj fg hsdfgfdsggfhjghkj gfjhfgdsfsfd fdsdf ds dfsdfshf slkdfaisljdgfaoisgfpiasuhgd aidshfisa fagfjgvds kjgfkjsgdf sdf sfd sadf asdfdsf
dasdfsdf dsafsadf dsaf d dsfasdfasd adsfagfhfj gfgj gfhj ghj gfh fhj hj fghj fghj fghj fghj gfhj fhj fg hjgf
hjhgjfghjfg,hfvgskjdgf skhdg kfdgjshgdf dfkjhds gfkjfkj dsgkjgf kjgdsjgfkjsgfsjdgffkjdshgfjshgdf gfjksgdf kjsg
dsfhskjdfgjskdgfjsgdkjgdfdfsgsfdgdsfgdsfgsdfgsfdgfgdsfgdsfgdsfgdsgsdgdfgxbcv cx cvbcvbcvbc vbcvbcxb
f hjfhjfhjfghjgfhjfgxcbxcvb x vcxbvbcxvb cbcv bcxb xcvb xcb cxvb cvbcvbcvbcvbxcvb cvbcvb dfgvsdgfkslj gisdkjfgfg
sdfgsd fsdfgfhgj gfhgfhjfghjfg dfg sdfg fdhjg gfhj hgkj hjk gfh jgh dfhg dfgsdf gsdfgdfhjgkgfhj fgh gf fh fgj gfhjgfhjhgjh fghj gfhjgf hjfh fghjgfhj gfhj fg hsdfgfdsggfhjghkj gfjhfgdsfsfd fdsdf ds dfsdfshf slkdfaisljdgfaoisgfpiasuhgd aidshfisa fagfjgvds kjgfkjsgdf sdf sfd sadf asdfdsf
dasdfsdf dsafsadf dsaf d dsfasdfasd adsfagfhfj gfgj gfhj ghj gfh fhj hj fghj fghj fghj fghj gfhj fhj fg hjgf
hjhgjfghjfg,hfvgskjdgf skhdg kfdgjshgdf dfkjhds gfkjfkj dsgkjgf kjgdsjgfkjsgfsjdgffkjdshgfjshgdf gfjksgdf kjsg
dsfhskjdfgjskdgfjsgdkjgdfdfsgsfdgdsfgdsfgsdfgsfdgfgdsfgdsfgdsfgdsgsdgdfgxbcv cx cvbcvbcvbc vbcvbcxb
f hjfhjfhjfghjgfhjfgxcbxcvb x vcxbvbcxvb cbcv bcxb xcvb xcb cxvb cvbcvbcvbcvbxcvb cvbcvb dfgvsdgfkslj gisdkjfgfg
sdfgsd fsdfgfhgj gfhgfhjfghjfg dfg sdfg fdhjg gfhj hgkj hjk gfh jgh dfhg dfgsdf gsdfgdfhjgkgfhj fgh gf fh fgj gfhjgfhjhgjh fghj gfhjgf hjfh fghjgfhj gfhj fg hsdfgfdsggfhjghkj gfjhfgdsfsfd fdsdf ds dfsdfshf slkdfaisljdgfaoisgfpiasuhgd aidshfisa fagfjgvds kjgfkjsgdf sdf sfd sadf asdfdsf
dasdfsdf dsafsadf dsaf d dsfasdfasd adsfagfhfj gfgj gfhj ghj gfh fhj hj fghj fghj fghj fghj gfhj fhj fg hjgf
hjhgjfghjfg,hfvgskjdgf skhdg kfdgjshgdf dfkjhds gfkjfkj dsgkjgf kjgdsjgfkjsgfsjdgffkjdshgfjshgdf gfjksgdf kjsg
dsfhskjdfgjskdgfjsgdkjgdfdfsgsfdgdsfgdsfgsdfgsfdgfgdsfgdsfgdsfgdsgsdgdfgxbcv cx cvbcvbcvbc vbcvbcxb
f hjfhjfhjfghjgfhjfgxcbxcvb x vcxbvbcxvb cbcv bcxb xcvb xcb cxvb cvbcvbcvbcvbxcvb cvbcvb dfgvsdgfkslj gisdkjfgfg
sdfgsd fsdfgfhgj gfhgfhjfghjfg dfg sdfg fdhjg gfhj hgkj hjk gfh jgh dfhg dfgsdf gsdfgdfhjgkgfhj fgh gf fh fgj gfhjgfhjhgjh fghj gfhjgf hjfh fghjgfhj gfhj fg hsdfgfdsggfhjghkj gfjhfg

sorry i kind of got carried way there for a sec lol!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 08, 2009, 11:44:14 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on October 08, 2009, 01:41:25 AM
Lentz's law.

Yes, but with some of Jong Sok An's weird coils...

I would think that the device needs to be lined up with the Earth's magnetic field
for best results. but comparing the performance when alligned N-S and E-W would
be interesting.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 08, 2009, 08:45:54 PM
Focusing on the Explanation of prolonged swinging time

From the commercially available ROMP and our own experiments, if the swinging time of the magnetic pendulum is x units with no external magnets, this swinging time can increase significantly with external magnets.

What is the scientific explanation of this phenomenon?

The added magnets did not move and hence did not do work.  Does that mean that they could not impart energy to the magnetic pendulum?  If the answer is negative and they do impart energy to the moving magnetic pendulum, what is the exact mechanism and traditional scientific explanation?  Can we apply the theory that “magnetic energy” is lead-out and enters the pendulum system?

The experiment is easy to set up and repeat (or the Romp can be bought for US$15).  Will any of the debunkers in this Forum take the time to do such an experiment?  Or would they just continue their pointless insults?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on October 09, 2009, 01:17:54 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 08, 2009, 08:45:54 PM
Focusing on the Explanation of prolonged swinging time

From the commercially available ROMP and our own experiments, if the swinging time of the magnetic pendulum is x units with no external magnets, this swinging time can increase significantly with external magnets.

What is the scientific explanation of this phenomenon?

The added magnets did not move and hence did not do work.  Does that mean that they could not impart energy to the magnetic pendulum?  If the answer is negative and they do impart energy to the moving magnetic pendulum, what is the exact mechanism and traditional scientific explanation?  Can we apply the theory that “magnetic energy” is lead-out and enters the pendulum system?

The experiment is easy to set up and repeat (or the Romp can be bought for US$15).  Will any of the debunkers in this Forum take the time to do such an experiment?  Or would they just continue their pointless insults?

Surely a "Top Gun" like you did not make the elementary physics mistake of conlcuding that the magnets provide energy merely because the bob swings for a longer period of time.

You see, what can happen is that the magnets initially dampen the amplitude the swing by bouncing it around from magnet to magnet, but they make up for it by allowing the pendulum to move for a longer time period.  But if you add up the kinetic/potential energy swaps both with and without magnets, you will find they are exactly equal, accounting for friction.

If this is hard for you to grasp, imagine that instead of a magnet, you have a matchstick in the way of the falling bob.  Let's say that unfettered, a bob would swing for 2 minutes.  But you let go of the bob and boom, it hits the matchstick.  The matchstick is damaged, but supports the bob for about 10 minutes, slowly (oh so slowly) giving way unti it cracks, snaps in two, and allows the bob to continue to fall and finish its oscillations two minutes or so after that.

So gee, with the matchstick, the bob took about 10 minutes longer to finish its movement.  Does the matchstick create any energy?  No.

The purpose of the ROMP is to demonstrate chaotic movement, not to show energy gain through use of permanent magnets.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 09, 2009, 01:54:27 AM
@ Ultilitarian:

That is exactly correct.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 09, 2009, 06:13:48 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 08, 2009, 08:45:54 PM
Focusing on the Explanation of prolonged swinging time

What is the scientific explanation of this phenomenon?


Elementary my dear Lawrence.... you need to study your 'O' Level Physics instead of making a fool of yourself on this forum.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 09, 2009, 10:29:42 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 08, 2009, 08:45:54 PM
Focusing on the Explanation of prolonged swinging time
The experiment is easy to set up and repeat (or the Romp can be bought for US$15).  Will any of the debunkers in this Forum take the time to do such an experiment?  Or would they just continue their pointless insults?
They will ask their employers, and do what they say.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 09, 2009, 11:03:18 AM
The Scientific Way of Discussion

When a certain phenomenon is observed, a scientist should list all possible explanations. 

The Internet is a great place as all can express their points of view.

There is no need to insult others.

One possible explanation of why a magnetic pendulum can swing much longer in the presence of properly placed external magnets is that additional energy can be Lead-Out.  The movement of the magnetic bob disturbs the static magnetic field.  The possibility of obtaining energy from a changing magnetic field is within the rim of existing Physical Laws.

Let others do the same experiment and advance their theories.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on October 09, 2009, 11:26:29 AM
   The scientific explanation has already been presented.  There is no additional kinetic energy to be 'lead out'.  If the pendulum swings for a longer period of time, then it is swinging slower (ie same potential gravitational energy released over longer period of time) or lower.  These toys have existed for hundreds of years, and there is no example of a perpetually swinging magnetic pendulum (at least that I'm aware of).  If additional energy was being created in excess of friction - which should be minimal in a typical pendulum set up - then the pendulum should continuously accelerate until load is attached.

PS - This must be one of the most entertaining posts on the site.  How many of us will sh%t ourselves if the Chinese delegation to the UN starts dropping lead out generators to national leaders from their flying saucers.........
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 09, 2009, 08:07:51 PM
Quote from: spoondini on October 09, 2009, 11:26:29 AM
   The scientific explanation has already been presented.  There is no additional kinetic energy to be 'lead out'.  If the pendulum swings for a longer period of time, then it is swinging slower (ie same potential gravitational energy released over longer period of time) or lower.  These toys have existed for hundreds of years, and there is no example of a perpetually swinging magnetic pendulum (at least that I'm aware of).  If additional energy was being created in excess of friction - which should be minimal in a typical pendulum set up - then the pendulum should continuously accelerate until load is attached.

PS - This must be one of the most entertaining posts on the site.  How many of us will sh%t ourselves if the Chinese delegation to the UN starts dropping lead out generators to national leaders from their flying saucers.........
As scientists, we should not just accept one explanation.  The following is another explanation.

When there are no other magnets present and that the magnetic force due to the Earth is small, the magnetic pendulum acts like a non-magnetic pendulum.  When the bob is raised high to one side, the bob will swing with kinetic energy changing into potential energy and vice versa.  There will be loss of energy due to friction, air resistance etc.  The swinging will stop after some time.

When there are other magnets present, additional magnetic forces are at work.  The net force acting on the magnetic bob is no longer purely gravity.  If the net force is different, the work done or energy imparted will be different.  The energy exchange mechanism will be different from the previous case.  There will be horizontal components of the magnetic forces.

Thus it is quite understandable that the swinging time will be different (or much longer) than the previous case.

The additional complication is that the magnetic bob itself will influence the magnetic field from the static magnets.  The resulting picture is much more complex.  More research is needed.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 09, 2009, 08:40:46 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 09, 2009, 08:07:51 PM
As scientists, we should not just accept one explanation.  The following is another explanation.
....  More research is needed.

It seems like you really don't understand how scientific research works, no wonder you make a fool of yourself on this forum and others. Scientist 'discover' something new and not taught either by previous experiments and patented technology, they then perform research to back up their new discovery and then, they VERIFY their results in some international accepted publications and so on.

You, unfortunately have no clue and it's not about others 'insulting' you, you just so far off the wall you're not considered a scientist by any recognition of the word. You're just a sad deluded gentleman who continues to deny what you supposedly 'discovered' is gospel! You are what I consider a NUT!

Sorry to be so blunt but you need to know the TRUTH.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 10, 2009, 12:23:51 AM
@ spoondini & ChrisC
as a kid I loved reading the comic strips for a few laughs. I keep asking myself why I read this thread. I realise that I have a real belly laugh at times, like I did reading the comic strips. I have to take my hat of that there is some entertainment value here.
I am still waiting for quality dillusional people to appear again like Mylow. That was real entertainment and a few people really showed their true colours and got burned(Has anyone contributed to Stirlings pass the hat fund yet? The plan selling business must have dried up)
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 10, 2009, 12:37:56 AM
Quote from: markdansie on October 10, 2009, 12:23:51 AM
@ spoondini & ChrisC
as a kid I loved reading the comic strips for a few laughs. I keep asking myself why I read this thread. I realise that I have a real belly laugh at times, like I did reading the comic strips. I have to take my hat of that there is some entertainment value here.
I am still waiting for quality dillusional people to appear again like Mylow. That was real entertainment and a few people really showed their true colours and got burned(Has anyone contributed to Stirlings pass the hat fund yet? The plan selling business must have dried up)
Kind Regards


The sad thing is even though many of us find comical value in this thread, Lawrence apparently really think he's found the Holy Grail! So sad, but so true.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 10, 2009, 06:27:05 AM
The overunity Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Energy Machine on October 10 ,2009

This particular Machine ran for two hours with input at 12V, 2 Amps (24 watts DC).  The output was a steady 30V, 2 Amp (60 watts AC).  The overunity factor at present is 60/24 or 2.5.

This result was achieved with 8 pulse coils and 4 collector coils turned on.  The Output load was 15 ohms.

We could improve the overunity factor with more collector coils and different loads. 

The plan is to improve this prototype and then produce at least 5 units for simultaneous worldwide demonstration.  These demonstration units will be made available for the 6 universities in Hong Kong to verify first.  (The dry-run at the Science Park in Shatin, Hong Kong, is at the beginning of November, 2009)

The important real public demonstration will be in Shenzhen.  See you then.

China Hi-Tech Fair, November 16-21, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center, China

The debunkers can visit the Devil in his home.

President Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize.  He will win more points when he and the other Leaders of the World turn on the Lead-Out Energy Machine at United Nations and declare that the World Energy Crisis is over.

The Divine Hand must be guiding us.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on October 10, 2009, 08:16:07 AM
Anyone on this thread going to be near shen zhen for the show to report results to the forum?  Funny thing is I just had a week long planning session that exact week moved from hong kong to the states or I would have actually made the trip from hk to shen zhen to attend the forum and possibly even meet mr tseung in person.

What better way to spend a Saturday morning.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 10, 2009, 09:45:27 AM
Quote from: spoondini on October 10, 2009, 08:16:07 AM
Anyone on this thread going to be near shen zhen for the show to report results to the forum?  Funny thing is I just had a week long planning session that exact week moved from hong kong to the states or I would have actually made the trip from hk to shen zhen to attend the forum and possibly even meet mr tseung in person.

What better way to spend a Saturday morning.

Who will be the first groups taking up Lead-Out Energy Machines?

(1) Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.  This group has already developed the 5 day course.  They can produce the proof-of-concept prototype. 
(2) Invention Association of Hong Kong.  They helped to arrange the Open Shows in Hong Kong and Shenzhen.  They will help to arrange the Lead-Out Energy Machines as one of the Innovative Items representing Hong Kong at the World Expo in Shanghai next year.
(3) Institute of Energy of Hong Kong.  They helped to host the first few lectures and prototype demonstration.  They will also help to issue the Lead-Out Energy Training Certificates.
(4) The six Universities of Hong Kong.  They would do the first verification of the theory and the actual experiments.  They will examine the overunity prototype and publish an official report.
(5) The factories that will produced the Educational Products.  They have taken apart the initial prototypes and are replicating them.  They will have the mass-produced version ready in weeks.
(6) The Hong Kong and Chinese News Media.  They will probably get involved at or after the Public Demonstrations.
(7) The US embassy in Hong Kong.  They will act when we are ready to ship the present to President Obama.
( 8 )  The Chinese Officials.  They are involved from the very beginning.

I do not count the Forum Members here.  I do not believe any of them have done or likely to do the experiments suggested.  However, I invite them or their friends to attend the Shenzhen or the Hong Kong Open Shows.  Let them bring their recorders and cameras (or meters or scopes).  Let them report on this forum.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 10, 2009, 09:57:40 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 10, 2009, 09:45:27 AM
I invite them or their friends to attend the Shenzhen or the Hong Kong Open Shows.
Its a long way off. Can you not arrange a guest appearance on the stand of an exhibitor
booked in to a trade show in London, New York or Los Angeles? The right exhibitor would
welcome the attention.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 10, 2009, 03:44:44 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on October 10, 2009, 09:57:40 AM
Its a long way off. Can you not arrange a guest appearance on the stand of an exhibitor
booked in to a trade show in London, New York or Los Angeles? The right exhibitor would
welcome the attention.

Our plans are to participate in the Hong Kong and China Invention Shows.  Then exhibit in Shanghai World Expo. 

Then go for the big publicity at United Nations - with World Leaders starting a Lead-Out Energy Machine together.

There will be thousands of Companies licensing the technology.  They will demonstrate their products at various shows. 

We have to let others shine too.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 10, 2009, 04:16:00 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 10, 2009, 03:44:44 PM

There will be thousands of Companies licensing the technology.  They will demonstrate their products at various shows. 

We have to let others shine too.

You must think the rest of the world are idiots and unlearned farmers like those in China. What you have 'discovered' has been known for a long time and your excess power is surely a case of non-scientific people not knowing how to measure real power usage. It's well known observation of overly excited newbies.

Well, old Tseung, if the Obama can win the Nobel peace prize, I think your lack of medication or scientific knowledge may actually win something. Mickey mouse won fame in Disneyland, maybe you will get a statue made of you in Trafalgar square (thanks to Paul) entitled 'the deluded wannabe scientist'! Oh well, the pigeons will surely sit on your head and do their daily business but you may eventually be famous!

We shall see ....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 10, 2009, 05:27:51 PM
@ Paul R
why dont you go to Hong Kong, put your money where your mouth is. I have already done two laps around the world this year looking at devices (we have another in London to test next week)
i would go , but my flying saucer is due for a service.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 10, 2009, 05:34:16 PM
Quote from: markdansie on October 10, 2009, 05:27:51 PM
@ Paul R
i would go , but my flying saucer is due for a service.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on October 10, 2009, 05:39:37 PM
Quote from: markdansie on October 10, 2009, 05:27:51 PM
...we have another in London to test next week

Ali's MLEG?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 10, 2009, 07:33:38 PM
Prayer to the Divine One

Thank you for your Divine Guidance.  We now have a Lead-Out Energy Machine whose output was 60 watts AC.  The input was only 24 DC.  Such results could be reproduced consistently.

What is the best way to benefit the entire Human Race?

Should we publish the specifications freely?  The building and tuning of the Lead-Out Machine is very tricky.  The magnets and corresponding coils must be less than 2 mm apart to have the best effect.  The repelling magnetic force decreases rapidly (inversely proportional to the distance of separation).  The tilting angle had a significant impact and could only be adjusted experimentally.

The control of the proximity switch must be exact.  It could be used to speed up, slow down or even reverse direction of rotation.  The movement of the proximity switch causing these was only a few mm.
The winding of the coils must be as exact as possible.  A loosely, unprofessionally wound coil could affect the ability to Drive or to Collect.

The average person would not be able to build a proper Lead-Out Machine from the specifications.  He may not have the necessary tools to precisely drill the holes, cut the pieces, polish the surfaces etc.

Should we provide a Do-It-Yourself kit now?  Should we provide the money-back guarantee?  Can the average student tune the device?   Will they have the dedication and patience?  If totally untrained, the failure rate is likely to exceed 50%.  We may have many unhappy customers and plenty of returned goods.

Is providing training the best solution at present?  Should we start with Companies who intend to license the technology and build products?  Is the price of HK$150,000 for a five day course reasonable?  There can be up to 15 participants.  There will be a working overunity Lead-Out Energy Machine to take back  In other words, the Companies will then be equipped to build and develop similar Lear-Out Energy Machines.  They can then pay a 20% license fee (half of that amount goes to a charity organization of their choice).

Many individual engineers may want to become trainers of such technology.  They effectively have 5 days to take apart and re-assemble every component.  They will be trained on the mathematics and the various machining tools.  They will see the effect of the few mm adjustment first-hand.   They will get a Certificate from the Institute of Energy of Hong Kong to certify that they have successfully completed the Course.

Should the first product from Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited be providing such training courses?  We need to train a core of Engineers â€" just like we need many programmers before the Computer Industry can take off. 

Thank you for your Divine Guidance once again.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 10, 2009, 11:21:15 PM
Patent information

The Chinese Patent Law states that if an inventor can demonstrate his invention, he will be granted the patent even if the Patent Application falls under the “impossible perpetual motion category”.  I believe the same applies to many other Countries.

It does not even matter if the Patent was rejected.  It can be revived with the working prototype as new information or evidence.  Or the Patent may be resubmitted with some changes.

We now have the working overunity prototype.  Getting Patents should not be a problem.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 11, 2009, 12:55:47 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 10, 2009, 07:33:38 PM
Prayer to the Divine One

Thank you for your Divine Guidance.  We now have a Lead-Out Energy Machine whose output was 60 watts AC.  The input was only 24 DC.  ....

Thank you for your Divine Guidance once again.

How does 60W AC relate to 24V DC? No wonder you need Divine guidance! Please learn some basics electronics after you read you 'O' level physics text book!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 11, 2009, 02:47:02 AM
if you measure dc in try measuring dc out. Can we see your scope shots 9you know what a scope is?)
Your ravings are not unlike the propaganda your people are subject to on a daily basis. Your contry has come a long way with technology, but freedom of speach?, internet censorship? human rights?
Just rember not everyone is a fanatical dumbass, many are very bright people with a lot of experience.
And does China recognise other peoples I.P.? bad habit in past years of not doing so. So why would recognise a patent from China?
Questions, questions and more questions.
I am sure a speach will follow
Finaly , I was shocked I didnt see the UFO's at the Olympics last year ...what went wrong?
(The Divine One)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Forever on October 11, 2009, 05:09:42 AM
Testing the prototypes
The first test uses only voltmeters and amp meters. Since no conversion was performed, the Input uses DC and the Output uses AC. These tests already confirmed overunity.
The second test will be done by the six universities of Hong Kong. They will have more sophisticated equipment including oscilloscopes etc. They may also have their own tests. They will have independent reports focusing on whether the Tong Po Chi Lead- Out energy machine is truly overunity.
The third test will wait for the 5kw electricity generator. This generator will output so much energy that all doubts will be cleared.
We expect the Chinese or US government research laboratories will announce their top- secret research. Most probably they have already developed some flying saucers using lead- out energy.   
:o :o :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 11, 2009, 10:19:58 AM
Quote from: markdansie on October 10, 2009, 05:27:51 PM
@ Paul R
why dont you go to Hong Kong, put your money where your mouth is.
If you have had the funds to go twice round the world, then dropping in
to see this device doesn't seem to much to ask you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on October 11, 2009, 10:46:07 AM
Since I assume you don't have the equipment to measure the power factor I'll be ignorant and ask why you haven't used a simple full wave bridge rectifier to turn the AC into DC albeit filtered. That way you can measure true DC power more simple. I'm no electronic guy so maybe I'm missing out on something here.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on October 11, 2009, 03:58:47 PM
Let me examine the situation scientifically

1.  Tong Po Chi and team has now got a working overunity lead-out energy device that can be demonstrated to the World any time in his shop. 
2.  The Input is DC 12V at 2 amps.  These readings can be confirmed easily with simple volt meters and amp meters.  The Output is AC 30V at 2 amps.  These readings can also be confirmed easily with AC volt meters and amp meters.  The overunity factor is 60/24 or 2.5.
3.  The claim is that the machine is reproducible and the result can be further improved. 
4.  I believe that from now to the Open Show at the China Hi-Tech Fair in Shenzhen on November 16-21, there is time to build at least one more prototype.  This prototype may even show better results.
5.  The first independent group of scientists that can verify the prototypes are the Six Universities in Hong Kong.  They have the tools and expertise to do such verifications. 
6.  The entire verification process can be open and available to all via the Internet.  Scientists from other top Universities are welcome to fly in to Hong Kong or Shenzhen to double check.  Many will attend the China Hi-Tech Fair in any case.
7.  The Lead-Out Energy machines have both theory and working prototypes.  They are not the impossible perpetual motion machines.  They lead-out existing gravitational or electron motion energies.
8.  The first product from Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited is the HK$150,000 five day training course for Companies.  There will be a working machine to disassemble and reassemble.  Participants may even improve it.  There cannot be any chance of fraud.  There will be a full money back guarantee if the machine fails for any reason.  This is easy for Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited as they can produce a few working prototypes first.
9.  The Companies wanting to get a jump on their competitors will have a chance to see the working prototypes in the Open Shows in Hong Kong and China first.  The huge publicity and scrutiny will remove any possibility of an error or a fraud.
10.  Many may want to wait.  They may be able to see the working prototypes in the World Expo in Shanghai next year.  They may also see the products from the many licensed Companies in the coming months.

The participants in this overunity forum should be able to identify a person or team who can be in Hong Kong or Shenzhen to examine the prototypes and report the event. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on October 11, 2009, 07:41:28 PM
Views from the Dark Side

1.    There is little doubt that Tseung and Tong can demonstrate overunity conclusively.  They will have multiple prototypes at different locations.
2.   The technology of Lead-Out Energy will spread like wild fire.  Thousands of tinny Companies will produce products ignoring all patent and licensing laws. 
3.   Many old and rejected “impossible perpetual motion” patents will come back to life to haunt the many patent offices around the World.
4.   Many Countries will develop military applications.  The first project is likely to have an army that will never run out of fuel or ammunition.  Laser Guns will be the norm.
5.   The second project is likely to be the flying saucer.  This generation of flying saucers will be capable of wiping out all existing warplanes, missiles etc.  There will be thousands of such flying saucers storing nuclear warheads.  Some may even carry the anti-matter bombs.
6.   The existing financial, political and military power balance will be greatly disturbed.  National boundaries mean nothing when flying saucers can cross them easily.  There will be a race to develop such lead-out energy technologies.
7.   The end of the World or Human Civilization will come.  Humans cannot shake off their evil and dark side.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 12, 2009, 02:15:43 AM
Quote from: Devil on October 11, 2009, 07:41:28 PM
Views from the Dark Side

1.    There is little doubt that Tseung and Tong can demonstrate overunity conclusively.  They will have multiple prototypes at different locations.
2.   The technology of Lead-Out Energy will spread like wild fire.  Thousands of tinny Companies will produce products ignoring all patent and licensing laws. 
3.   Many old and rejected “impossible perpetual motion” patents will come back to life to haunt the many patent offices around the World.
4.   Many Countries will develop military applications.  The first project is likely to have an army that will never run out of fuel or ammunition.  Laser Guns will be the norm.
5.   The second project is likely to be the flying saucer.  This generation of flying saucers will be capable of wiping out all existing warplanes, missiles etc.  There will be thousands of such flying saucers storing nuclear warheads.  Some may even carry the anti-matter bombs.
6.   The existing financial, political and military power balance will be greatly disturbed.  National boundaries mean nothing when flying saucers can cross them easily.  There will be a race to develop such lead-out energy technologies.
7.   The end of the World or Human Civilization will come.  Humans cannot shake off their evil and dark side.
Dear Devil,
You painted the Dark Side vividly.  It explains that some authorities try (including paying some forum members) to discredit overunity research.
I have given it much thought.  The technology has its bright sides.  I am going to list them here:
1.   There will be no need to go to war over Oil or other energy resources.
2.   Infinite Energy and infinite technology will bring infinite modern wealth.  Modern wealth is measured by the quality and quantity of meaningful economic activities. 
3.   Humans in their lead-out energy flying saucers can truly escape from the bounds of the Earth.
4.   National boundaries will disappear and people will appreciate each other more.  The tourism industry will be even more important.
5.   The military applications will soon be overtaken by the commercial uses.  There will be less pollution.  The industrial processes will improve as additional procedures cost little.
6.   The new wealth created will be more than the sum of all wealth in history.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 12, 2009, 10:33:31 AM
From: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electric/powerac.html

AC Power

As in the case with DC power, the instantaneous electric power in an AC circuit is given by P = VI, but these quantities are continuously varying. Almost always the desired power in an AC circuit is the average power, which is given by
Pavg = VI cosφ

where φ is the phase angle between the current and the voltage and where V and I are understood to be the effective or rms values of the voltage and current. The term cos φ is called the "power factor" for the circuit.

For pure resistive circuits, the power factor is 1.

Thus we can use the same equation for both DC and AC if we have pure resistive load.

Hope that clears the doubts from some Forum Members.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on October 12, 2009, 11:29:48 AM
Yes if you are measuring across a resistor then I see no problem. But the full wave bridge rectifier (FWBR) suggestion still applies. I don't know about the input/output voltages are but if the COP is high and since your input is DC one should be able to simply us a transformer with a FWBR and filter behind it. These parts are quite cheap.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 12, 2009, 12:30:30 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 12, 2009, 10:33:31 AM

Hope that clears the doubts from some Forum Members.

It is no wonder you're making a fool of yourself on this forum. You need to understand reactive circuits and real world power measurements.

ps: If OU is so easily achieved by some deluded 'scientist' then the rest of the real world must be living on some unreal planet!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 12, 2009, 12:57:36 PM
Quote from: chrisC on October 12, 2009, 12:30:30 PM
It is no wonder you're making a fool of yourself on this forum. You need to understand reactive circuits and real world power measurements.

ps: If OU is so easily achieved by some deluded 'scientist' then the rest of the real world must be living on some unreal planet!

You have been told where to go for explanations, chrisC. You are either a wanker or someone
who is paid to attempt to sow dischord.

There is, of course, a third alternative; namely that you are both.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 12, 2009, 01:00:26 PM
Quote from: broli on October 12, 2009, 11:29:48 AM
Yes if you are measuring across a resistor then I see no problem. But the full wave bridge rectifier (FWBR) suggestion still applies. I don't know about the input/output voltages are but if the COP is high and since your input is DC one should be able to simply us a transformer with a FWBR and filter behind it. These parts are quite cheap.
If the output is 30 volt AC, it would be a simple matter to apply a mains transformer from a
microwave oven, being 8:1, and end up with 240v AC.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on October 12, 2009, 02:03:26 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 12, 2009, 10:33:31 AM
From: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electric/powerac.html

AC Power

As in the case with DC power, the instantaneous electric power in an AC circuit is given by P = VI, but these quantities are continuously varying. Almost always the desired power in an AC circuit is the average power, which is given by
Pavg = VI cosφ

where φ is the phase angle between the current and the voltage and where V and I are understood to be the effective or rms values of the voltage and current. The term cos φ is called the "power factor" for the circuit.

For pure resistive circuits, the power factor is 1.

Thus we can use the same equation for both DC and AC if we have pure resistive load.

Hope that clears the doubts from some Forum Members.

There will always be doubts until you can make a device that powers itself.  Isn't it pretty foolish to brag about a machine that makes energy, and at the same time have to plug it into a wall outlet?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 12, 2009, 02:55:11 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on October 12, 2009, 12:57:36 PM
You have been told where to go for explanations, chrisC. You are either a wanker or someone
who is paid to attempt to sow dischord.

There is, of course, a third alternative; namely that you are both.

Well, Mr. Paul_R. Judging from your unabashed support of this Lee-Tseung crap, you are either delusional like Lawrence or simply another unschooled wannabe fame-seeker.

ps: You can't pay me enough to generate 'discord' on this forum. Sitting and passing time in your stone cold London flat can't be that exciting either.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 12, 2009, 09:05:11 PM
Quote from: broli on October 12, 2009, 11:29:48 AM
Yes if you are measuring across a resistor then I see no problem. But the full wave bridge rectifier (FWBR) suggestion still applies. I don't know about the input/output voltages are but if the COP is high and since your input is DC one should be able to simply use a transformer with a FWBR and filter behind it. These parts are quite cheap.

Dear Broli,

Thank you for your constructive suggestion.  We do plan to convert the output to DC so that we can recharge or charge a used battery.  Just need some time.

Let me share the following with other inventors or experimenters.
1.   Our prototype demonstrated overuity on Oct 10.  The Input was from a 12 V battery drawing 2 amps.  The Output was measured with a meter and showed 30 V AC.  The resistive load we put on was 15 ohms.  When there was no load (infinite resistance), the Output voltage reading was 40 V AC.  In other words, the drop in AC voltmeter reading was from 40 to 30.  That was expected when we put load on the Output.
2.   The first test ran for about 40 minutes with the 15 ohm resistor.  Then we heard a noise and the device stopped working â€" not even rotating.  On examination, we found that we did not screw the proximity switch tightly.  We allowed slight movement so that we could fine tune.  Apparently, the rotating and vibration of the wheel shook it out of position totally â€" about 3 mm from the set position!
3.   We then restarted the device with the proximity switch tightly screwed.  I left after one and half hours with the wheel running smoothly all that time.  Mr. Tong Po Chi continued to let it run for a few more hours before he went home.
4.   Mr. Tong did some “tidying and beautifying” so that the device would be more presentable to the General Public.  That included removing the non-function parts and some rewiring.
5.   Our first visitor came unexpectedly before we double checked the wheel.  When we turned on the switch, nothing happened.  After some checking, Mr. Tong found a disconnected wire.  After connecting it back, the device rotated. 
6.   The Input was still 12V and 2 Amps from the battery.  The Output dropped from 30V to 6V AC.  We were in panic mode.  The visitor initially displayed his knowledge of electrical engineering and made many suggestions.  We tried many new ways. None of them worked.  The visitor left frustrated.
7.   We then rechecked and re-experimented.  We soon found that in removing the non-function part from the rotating shaft, we changed the characteristics of the Wheel.  The “lead-out energy pulse frequency” and rotational speed shifted.  We no longer had the correct “Pulsing frequency”.
8.   I believe many other overunity inventors met the same fate before.  They had glimpses of overunity.  Some seemingly unrelated changes shifted the “pulsing frequency” and the glimpse was gone.  We now have experienced this first hand.  The advice is not to lose heart.  Re-tune or go back to the previous condition.  Freeze the set up after a successful result.  Build a second prototype.  DO NOT keep working on the successful one.  Any work may shift the “overunity pulsing frequency”. 
9.   The success of our Lead-Out Energy Machine is affected by some small adjustments â€" the distance between coil and magnet (< 2mm), angle of tilt of the magnets (a few degrees), the setting of the proximity switch (a few mm), the actual external load (resistor value and rotational load).  Our prototype size is 900mm.  The critical adjustments are a few mm.  No wonder that there are many frustrated researchers out there.  (We failed with the previous 7 groups!)
10.   We are working on some tuning tools so as to make our Lead-Out Energy Machines more tolerant.  At present, I think the only product should be the 5 day training course.  The students will have a working prototype to see first.  They have the instructor to help them disassemble and re-assemble it.  (There is a possibility that the students may try some improvements and the working prototype may become non-functional.  However, there is also the possibility that the functionality may improve.  We shall take the chance as the name of our Company is Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.  No risk, no gain.)

We are lucky to have frozen work on some previous prototypes.  Some of these are in three different locations - a very wise management decision. Thus we always have something to show â€" though not the latest and greatest.  Hope the above actual experience can help other frustrated inventors.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 13, 2009, 12:21:22 AM
The non-function part Mr. Tong removed.

Some  one asked the above question.  Why would the Output voltage drop from 30 volts to 6 volts?

The non-function part was the trial control for the proximity switch.  It was a small wheel clamped onto the shaft.  Thus it rotates at the same rate as the large wheel.  There were 16 small magnets situation at close to the rim of the wheel.  We found that the magnets were too close to each other.  The on-off mechanism was on most of the time.

However, the 16 small magnets interacted with the magnetic field of the device in some undetermined way.  Removing the small wheel and the magnets shifted the “pulsing mechanism” significantly.

We may put it back and call it “tuning mechanism” so that we could reproduce the overunity condition.  However, we have other  things to try first.

Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 13, 2009, 03:24:43 AM
Some insight into the testing

When the Prototype was ready for testing on Oct 2, we tried the following:

1.   Use the new set up of the proximity switch.  Use two collector coils and from 1 to16 drive coils.
2.   The Input was 12V and the current reading from the meter was between 2 to 3 amps no matter how many drive coils were turned on.  The Output at no load was 20V AC.  When we put a resistive load of 10 ohms, the Output voltage dropped to 2V AC.  No overunity effect was observed.
3.   We played with it and one of the small magnets on the small wheel got attracted to its neighbor.  When I removed it, the Output voltage at no load jumped to 50 V AC.  We then discussed the possibility and the advantages of the unbalanced wheel.
4.   On Oct 7, we decided to change the collector coils.  The number of turns was large and the wire was thin (0.3mm).  The ohm value was close to 100.  We also decided to switch back to the old proximity switch arrangement.
5.   On Oct 10, we used some of the driver coils (0.5mm 5 ohms) as collector coils.  When we used 1 coil, the output voltage was 4 V with a resistive load of 15 ohms.
6.   We sensed something and used 3 collector coils.  The output voltage was 20 V with the resistive load of 15 ohms.
7.   We then used 4 collector coils.  The output voltage was 30 V with the same resistive load of 15 ohms.  Since Power = Volt x Volt/Resistance, we got the output power as 30 x 30 / 15 or 60 watts.  The Input was 12 V, 2 Amp and thus the input power was 24 watts.
8.   At no load, the output voltage reading was 40V AC.  We repeated the set up multiple times.  The overunity result was reproducible.  We then let it run for hours.  The rest was history.

As you can see â€" the experiment did not meet with success on the first attempt.  However, I firmly insisted that it was a matter of tuning as predicted by the Lead-Out Theory.  It took over 1 week and hundreds of attempts before we hit on the “overunity pulsing condition”.  Many experimenters without the dogged devotion would have given up. (It may take us many days to get positive results again with the new set up but we have the old set up to fall back on).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tagor on October 13, 2009, 04:00:39 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 13, 2009, 03:24:43 AM
8.   At no load, the output voltage reading was 40V AC.  We repeated the set up multiple times.  The overunity result was reproducible.  We then let it run for hours.  The rest was history.

can you sell me one of your replications ?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 13, 2009, 07:17:29 AM
Quote from: tagor on October 13, 2009, 04:00:39 AM
can you sell me one of your replications ?

At present, we are only interested in selling to manufacturers who are likely to license and build products.  The only product we are promoting is the 5 day HK$150,000 course.  The Company will be able to disassemble a lead-out energy machine, re-assemble and possibly improve (or ruin) it.  The Company can keep the prototype after the course.

The initial courses will be in Hong Kong or Shenzhen.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tagor on October 13, 2009, 08:05:45 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 13, 2009, 07:17:29 AM
At present, we are only interested in selling to manufacturers who are likely to license and build products.  The only product we are promoting is the 5 day HK$150,000 course.  The Company will be able to disassemble a lead-out energy machine, re-assemble and possibly improve (or ruin) it.  The Company can keep the prototype after the course.

The initial courses will be in Hong Kong or Shenzhen.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited


I can sell it for all europe , if it works ...
but not at this price
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 13, 2009, 11:34:59 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 13, 2009, 07:17:29 AM
At present, .....  The only product we are promoting is the 5 day HK$150,000 course.  The Company will be able to disassemble a lead-out energy machine, re-assemble and possibly improve (or ruin) it.  The Company can keep the prototype after the course.

The initial courses will be in Hong Kong or Shenzhen.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Hahaha! Let's count the number of idiots who will pay even HK$15OK to taste what snake oil is! I can count: Tseung, Devil, Forever, Top(bottom) Gun, Tong Po Chi (?) and oh maybe Paul_R if he can even afford to cross the English Channel!

Mr. Tseung, if you are so sure of your delusions, maybe you should publish the name and contact information of these companies who are going to manufacture such 'toys' for the masses, discounting of course the multiple persona bandwagon.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 13, 2009, 01:04:15 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on October 12, 2009, 02:03:26 PM
Isn't it pretty foolish to brag about a machine that makes energy...
Nobody has claimed that it does that. It draws down the energy
predicted by Lee & Yang, the Noble laureates (Physics, 1957).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on October 13, 2009, 01:41:54 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on October 13, 2009, 01:04:15 PM
Nobody has claimed that it does that. It draws down the energy
predicted by Lee & Yang, the Noble laureates (Physics, 1957).

It is an insult to Lee and Yang to compare them with this scam artist, who is asking for money before even a single successful run of one of his devices in a production environment.  We have not seen his device do so much as power a 100W light bulb for a few days.  We have not seen a single peer review of any of his theories.  All we have is 500 pages of mumbo jumbo Handsome Boy A talking with Engineer Tong about an new communist world order while they both fly on their whiz bang photoshopped flying saucer over the Olympics while Obama watches.

And I think you missed my point. Without arguing over the semantics whether the energy is "made" or "drawn out" or "lead out" or whatever, the purpose of the device is to be a power generator.  And it is pretty silly to have to plug a generator into a wall in order to get power from it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 13, 2009, 02:22:03 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on October 13, 2009, 01:41:54 PM
It is an insult to Lee and Yang to compare them with this scam artist, who is asking for money before even a single successful run of one of his devices in a production environment.  We have not seen his device do so much as power a 100W light bulb for a few days.  We have not seen a single peer review of any of his theories.  All we have is 500 pages of mumbo jumbo Handsome Boy A talking with Engineer Tong about an new communist world order while they both fly on their whiz bang photoshopped flying saucer over the Olympics while Obama watches.

And I think you missed my point. Without arguing over the semantics whether the energy is "made" or "drawn out" or "lead out" or whatever, the purpose of the device is to be a power generator.  And it is pretty silly to have to plug a generator into a wall in order to get power from it.


I propose a new measure of the new source of energy. How about 'scammed out'! hehe. That's more appropriate, I think.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 13, 2009, 07:32:27 PM
As an Research Diary Entry on Oct 14, 2009

The question:  Is the 16 magnet arrangement too strong even if one coil were used to drive it?

The non-functioning small wheel of magnets should put actual load on the axle to slow it down and drain energy from it.  Thus we have output as soon as we started.

Does that help to get to the overunity condition?

If so, we can reduce the number of magnets.  Or we can use weaker magnets? Or we can go back to the round magnets used initially rather the expensive custom made ones?

Should we try the above before going back to the working, successful overunity set up?

We already have the small 8 magnet, 4 coil demo on a 24-hour available basis.  We can experiment more on the 16 magnet, 16 coil configuration more before freezing.  It saves time, space and resources.  We just do not have the latest and greatest to show for a few days.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 13, 2009, 08:17:04 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 13, 2009, 07:32:27 PM
As an Research Diary Entry on Oct 14, 2009

The question:  Is the 16 magnet arrangement too strong even if one coil were used to drive it?

The non-functioning small wheel of magnets should put actual load on the axle to slow it down and drain energy from it.  Thus we have output as soon as we started.

Does that help to get to the overunity condition?

If so, we can reduce the number of magnets.  Or we can use weaker magnets? Or we can go back to the round magnets used initially rather the expensive custom made ones?

Should we try the above before going back to the working, successful overunity set up?

We already have the small 8 magnet, 4 coil demo on a 24-hour available basis.  We can experiment more on the 16 magnet, 16 coil configuration more before freezing.  It saves time, space and resources.  We just do not have the latest and greatest to show for
a few days.

blah, blah, blah
Real scientists or knowledgeable researchers never conduct 'experiments' like what you're doing old Tseung. It's more like farming? Plant some crops, water them, add a little fertilizer. add more fertilizer(human) if they don't grow etc etc.

Don't worry about the results, we never expect your stuff to work anyway.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 14, 2009, 07:41:02 AM
@Paul R
Can you please give me an explanation on what you understand about measuring power in and out?
Have you ever used a scope?
and finally my daughter has a psychology project for school. I said I would ask you if she could use you as a case study for delusional behaviour. I suggested to her that it was a little more complicated than that as there are some serious issues which is exhibited through your cult like following of anything that may suggest overunity.
@ Chris C
Can you send me a private email link , mine is markdansie@bigpond.com, I want to update you on a couple of things that might interest you
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 14, 2009, 10:14:31 AM
Achieving Overunity Again

Mr. Tong Po Chi and I put the small wheel with magnets back on.  With some adjusting (and burning of a relay and two proximity switches), we managed to get overunity condition again.  We do not understand the exact mechanism yet but we were glad to achieve overunity once more.

We tried to use 24V (two batteries) as the specifications for the relay and proximity switches say that they can take 24V.  In reality, we burnt the relay and the proximity switch. 

The decision now is to have one overunity system untouched.  That will be our frozen demonstration system.  No work will be done on it.  It may look ugly but it is overunity.  When we have an overunity system ready to show 24 hours a day, we can ignore the debunkers and insulters.

We shall build another system immediately for testing purposes.  Hunting for “correct pulsing frequency” without tools is painful.  We should be able to improve the test system in terms of much higher Output and get it close-looped.  We hope to have a 5 KW electricity generator as a gift to every Country in the near future.  (We can give them an overunity system now.)

If we manage to build a better system, the existing overunity system can be used for a training course.  We can guarantee the students a working system to disassemble, modify and re-assemble.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 14, 2009, 10:27:22 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 14, 2009, 10:14:31 AM
Achieving Overunity Again
Hunting for “correct pulsing frequency” without tools is painful.
It should be possible to design some sort of feedback loop, depending on
the symptoms experienced when the frequency is too low and when it
is too high.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tagor on October 14, 2009, 01:11:26 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 14, 2009, 10:14:31 AM
When we have an overunity system ready to show 24 hours a day, we can ignore the debunkers and insulters.

do you have a web cam to show it 24 hours a day ?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 14, 2009, 03:57:02 PM
1. Well its a good idea you get one running and leave it alone. A common mistake by many is to modify devices that already work. Then they can never get it to work properly again.
2. You say you do not have the right instruments, then how can you be sure you are measuring overunity? You need a decent scope to start with, and given all the scientists involved here, I am sure they have access to good instrumentation.
3. Overunity is overunity, therefore you should be able to close loop it anytime (you are using batteries)
4. The skeptics etc will never go away until you test this or validate the device indepentently or with at least know scientific methodologies. Your good news is eventually you will have it tested by the authoritioes when they arrest you for fraud (selling courses based on dubious claims). This is a normal procedure in cases like yours. I believe the penalties in your country are quiet servere for such crimes.

As usual
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on October 14, 2009, 05:20:10 PM
The glimpse of light

I shall compare the Tseung et al situation with the light bulb at its infancy.  The first light bulb lasted for a few seconds.  It was not a practical device.  However, it demonstrated the feasibility of the technology.  Darkness gave way.

The bulky overunity lead-out energy machine in the Tong workshop could only generate a few watts more output than input under specific load and conditions.  It is not a practical electricity generator.  However, it showed the feasibility of the lead-out energy technology.  Fossil fuels will give way.

It is too early for consumers to place orders.  However, it is not too early for researchers to come to the Open Shows.  They can bring their meters, scopes and other instruments to do confirmation tests.

I am sure that there are better designs than the primitive Tong device.  The correct strategy is to keep a 24 hour available prototype and work on new prototypes.  The light bulb was not practical when it could only last for seconds.  It started to be practical when it could last for hours.  Nowadays, it can easily last for weeks or months. 

It is less than 10 days when Tong and Tseung successfully showed overunity (Oct 10, 2009) after 5 years and over 500 pages of writing.  Expecting or demanding a full functioning product now is just fantasy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 14, 2009, 06:42:11 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on October 14, 2009, 05:20:10 PM
The glimpse of light

It is less than 10 days when Tong and Tseung successfully showed overunity (Oct 10, 2009) after 5 years and over 500 pages of writing.  Expecting or demanding a full functioning product now is just fantasy.

10 days or 10 years it does not matter. Delusion is Delusion!
Like I said, I'll buy you a dozen roast duck dinners if you can truly demonstrate verified by real scientists and not farmers.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on October 15, 2009, 02:56:12 PM
Meeting at the Institute of Energy of Hong Kong

Engineer A: “How do you deal with the Pulsing Energy Input?”

Tong: “Initially, we just measure the current.  It fluctuates.  To our surprise, on steady operation, the value was almost constant at 2 Amp even if we turn on additional coils.”

Engineer B: “You should not use the 12 V as Input.  Most of the time, the current was switched off.”

Tong: “We initially use a factor based on the combined length of the magnet compared with the circumference of the wheel to account for that.  That value was about 0.29.  We later found a better way in measuring the voltage across the relay directly.  The average DC voltage can drop to 1.9V when we turned all the drive coils on.”

Engineer A: “What is the Hertz value of the Output?”

Tong: “It is rotational speed dependent.  It is definitely not 50 or 60 hertz.”

Engineer B: “What are your immediate plans now?”

Tong: “Build another prototype with high output in the range of 1,000 watts or more.  The Input will still be from the 12V battery.”

Engineer A: “What is the reason for the low Output in the existing prototype?”

Tseung: “I suspect that we provided too much pulse power even with 1 drive coil.  The small "supposed non-functioning" magnetic wheel put load on the system.  That helped to dissipate some of the energy.  It allowed us to get to the overunity pulse condition.”

James: "Your system was designed to push a fat lady.  When you replace her with a thin child, the force will be too high.  You have to reduce and control the pulse force.  Can you have a theoretical model to predict the force?  Experiment using trial and error method takes too long."

Engineer B: “It looks like you still need much more research before you can completely master this technology.”

Tong: “We are at the stage of the 10 second light bulb.  We need more resources.”

Engineer A: “We volunteer to listen to you and give our ideas freely.  However, we are not in a position to provide millions of dollars on research.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 15, 2009, 03:00:57 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on October 15, 2009, 02:56:12 PM

Engineer B: “It looks like you still need much more research before you can completely master this technology.”

It's easier than that. You just need to take your medication.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on October 15, 2009, 08:09:34 PM
The unexpected bonus from the Divine One

Tseung, I believe the magnetic wheel as a load on the axle is a gift from the Divine One.

Tong et al were focusing on providing the highest possible pulse force to the Wheel.  They hoped to use the Input Energy as efficiently as possible.  They never thought that they could have overdone it.

They could either reduce the pulse force or increase the load.  They know that one way of the increasing the load is via the Collector Coils.  They never considered the adding of load via the axle.

Now you have this additional tuning tool.  You can change its diameter, the number and position of the magnets.  It will help your tuning tremendously.

Treat it as a gift from the Divine One.  No Inventor I know has described it in known literature.
You may get it as an unexpected bonus when you put two or more wheels together. [/b]  But now you have it earlier. 

Thank the Divine One.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on October 16, 2009, 10:04:10 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on October 15, 2009, 02:56:12 PM
Meeting at the Institute of Energy of Hong Kong

Engineer A: “How do you deal with the Pulsing Energy Input?”

Tong: “Initially, we just measure the current.  It fluctuates.  To our surprise, on steady operation, the value was almost constant at 2 Amp even if we turn on additional coils.”

Engineer B: “You should not use the 12 V as Input.  Most of the time, the current was switched off.”

Tong: “We initially use a factor based on the combined length of the magnet compared with the circumference of the wheel to account for that.  That value was about 0.29.  We later found a better way in measuring the voltage across the relay directly.  The average DC voltage can drop to 1.9V when we turned all the drive coils on.”

Engineer A: “What is the Hertz value of the Output?”

Tong: “It is rotational speed dependent.  It is definitely not 50 or 60 hertz.”

Engineer B: “What are your immediate plans now?”

Tong: “Build another prototype with high output in the range of 1,000 watts or more.  The Input will still be from the 12V battery.”

Engineer A: “What is the reason for the low Output in the existing prototype?”

Tseung: “I suspect that we provided too much pulse power even with 1 drive coil.  The small "supposed non-functioning" magnetic wheel put load on the system.  That helped to dissipate some of the energy.  It allowed us to get to the overunity pulse condition.”

James: "Your system was designed to push a fat lady.  When you replace her with a thin child, the force will be too high.  You have to reduce and control the pulse force.  Can you have a theoretical model to predict the force?  Experiment using trial and error method takes too long."

Engineer B: “It looks like you still need much more research before you can completely master this technology.”

Tong: “We are at the stage of the 10 second light bulb.  We need more resources.”

Engineer A: “We volunteer to listen to you and give our ideas freely.  However, we are not in a position to provide millions of dollars on research.”

Top Gun - Did you forget to sign in as Tseung when posting this?  The style matches several of Tseung's previous posts exactly.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on October 16, 2009, 10:09:57 AM
Quote from: spoondini on October 16, 2009, 10:04:10 AM
Top Gun - Did you forget to sign in as Tseung when posting this?  The style matches several of Tseung's previous posts exactly.

Where have you been. Tseung being topgun,devil.... is a fact he even wrote it in his book.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 16, 2009, 10:19:58 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on October 15, 2009, 02:56:12 PM
Meeting at the Institute of Energy of Hong Kong

Engineer A: “How do you deal with the Pulsing Energy Input?”

Tong: “Initially, we just measure the current.  It fluctuates.  To our surprise, on steady operation, the value was almost constant at 2 Amp even if we turn on additional coils.”
For each runnng condition, I think you need to tabulate:
1. input - voltage, current value and waveform
2. output shaft horsepower
3. output shaft speed

and let us all have a look.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on October 16, 2009, 11:07:04 AM
Quote from: broli on October 16, 2009, 10:09:57 AM
is a fact he even wrote it in his book.
He has a book?  Holy crap
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 16, 2009, 12:01:11 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on October 16, 2009, 10:19:58 AM

and let us all have a look.

I think "let us all have a laugh" is more appropriate!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 16, 2009, 08:02:12 PM
Tuning the Tong Po Chi Lea-Out Energy Machines  V2.0

Now that we have an overunity machine that can be demonstrated 24 hours a day, we can build another one for further experiments and tuning.  I shall list the various elements that will affect the performance of the Lead-Out Energy Machine.

(1)   Size of the Wheel or length of the spokes.
(2)   Magnets â€" number, type, angle, shape
(3)   Coils â€"size, number of turns, shape, current, connection
(4)   Drive Coil â€" vary from 0 to maximum, tune in jump steps, adjust current via resistor
(5)   Collector Coil â€" vary from 0 to maximum, tune via different loads, connect in series or parallel
(6)   Proximity Switch â€" small positioning changes affect result significantly
(7)   Current â€" Pulse DC Input, Sine wave AC Output, conversion
( 8 )   Adding of magnetic wheel to axle as load
(9)   Number of Wheels side-by-side
(10)    Soft Iron Core
(11)   Presence of additional magnets
(12)   Different Pulse Control mechanisms
(13)   Programming
(14)   Rotating Magnets on outer cylinder (Flying Saucer technique)
(15)   Variable load on axle (attach to belt arrangement)
(16)   Feedback or Battery recharging mechanism
(17)   Vertical or horizontal positioning of wheel
(18)   Use of Ferro liquid (Wang Shenhe technique)
(19)   Use of ICs (Dr. Liang technique)
(20)   Cascade mechanisms to magnify Output (Tsinghua technique)
(21)   Flux change techniques (Japanese technique)
(22)   Combination technologies (solar, wind, tide etc)
(23)   Combine with Energy From Still Air
(24)   Home Electricity Generator (5KW)
(25)   Large Electricity Generator (>1000Kw)
(26)  Use of oscilloscope or other Pulse generators

As you can all see, the list can grow much longer.  There are many more experiments to be done.  We are at the 10 second light bulb stage.  With Tong Po Chi working part-time, the progress has much to be desired.   Thus the first priority is to train up many more experimenters.  Providing training courses and working prototypes for Companies and Electrical Engineers may be the right approach.

There is always the possibility that the US. China or other Governments suddenly release the top-secret information.  Much of the above have been done.  The World will benefit together.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on October 17, 2009, 02:39:08 AM
here let me help Lee Tseung.
basically his technology works like this:

dfsdfkhsdf sdkjfh dsgfds fkjdsfgkjshdgfkjsd skjdgfdskjhfgksjdf skjdfgjskdhgfjdsgfsa dshfdhfskjdagfkjsahdgfjsad fsdfgsakjdgfaskjdgfsakjdhfg skjdgfjdsfgskjdfgskjdgf skjdhfgsjdgfidsfgdksfhgdf shdgvjxhcgvudsygfjvbjkfvbudsfgvudvg jhfgvdsfgv dsfvg djfhvg jfd gvjdgf vjdf gv j jdg vjd gvjdhvbhfdgvhdgv hdfgjfd hgdjgdjfh gjdhgjhfdgfdgfgjfdg j fdjg djfhgjfdhgjdgfjdfhgkdjfhgkfdhkg kfdhgkjdhfgkjfd gkdhfgkjdhfkgjdhf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdjhfgkdhfgkdfhgkd fgkfdhgkfdjhgkdfhg dkhg dkfgh dkfhg kdjfh gkdjhgkdfhgkdjhgkdhfgkdfhgkdfhgkd fgidhfkgdhfgkhdfkghdkfjgh dkfjhgkdfhgkdjfh gkdjfhjgkdjhfgkdfhgkdfhgkdfhgkjfd gkdjfhgkjdfh gkjdfh gkjdf gkdjfhgkdfhgkjfdh gkjfdhgkdfhgkdfhgkfdjh gkdjfhg kdfjhgkdjhfgkdjhg kdjfhgkdjhgkdhfjgkdhfgkdhfgkhkdf gdkjfhgkdfhgkdfh gkfdhgkdfhgkfdhgkdfhgkfdjgkdfhjg kdfhgkdfghkdfhgkhdfhgkdhfgkfdhgkdhfgkdhfgkjdhfgkjdf gkdhgkdfjghdkf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdhjgkdfd jhfdgjfdgdjhgdkhgdlkfhgkdfhgkdfjhgkdjf gkdjfhgkdfhgkdjfhgkd fkghdkfhgkdfjhgkdhfgkdhf dfsdfkhsdf sdkjfh dsgfds fkjdsfgkjshdgfkjsd skjdgfdskjhfgksjdf skjdfgjskdhgfjdsgfsa dshfdhfskjdagfkjsahdgfjsad

fsdfgsakjdgfaskjdgfsakjdhfg skjdgfjdsfgskjdfgskjdgf skjdhfgsjdgfidsfgdksfhgdf shdgvjxhcgvudsygfjvbjkfvbudsfgvudvg jhfgvdsfgv dsfvg djfhvg jfd gvjdgf vjdf gv j jdg vjd gvjdhvbhfdgvhdgv hdfgjfd hgdjgdjfh gjdhgjhfdgfdgfgjfdg j fdjg djfhgjfdhgjdgfjdfhgkdjfhgkfdhkg kfdhgkjdhfgkjfd gkdhfgkjdhfkgjdhf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdjhfgkdhfgkdfhgkd fgkfdhgkfdjhgkdfhg dkhg dkfgh dkfhg kdjfh gkdjhgkdfhgkdjhgkdhfgkdfhgkdfhgkd fgidhfkgdhfgkhdfkghdkfjgh dkfjhgkdfhgkdjfh gkdjfhjgkdjhfgkdfhgkdfhgkdfhgkjfd gkdjfhgkjdfh gkjdfh gkjdf gkdjfhgkdfhgkjfdh gkjfdhgkdfhgkdfhgkfdjh gkdjfhg kdfjhgkdjhfgkdjhg kdjfhgkdjhgkdhfjgkdhfgkdhfgkhkdf gdkjfhgkdfhgkdfh gkfdhgkdfhgkfdhgkdfhgkfdjgkdfhjg kdfhgkdfghkdfhgkhdfhgkdhfgkfdhgkdhfgkdhfgkjdhfgkjdf gkdhgkdfjghdkf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdhjgkdfd jhfdgjfdgdjhgdkhgdlkfhgkdfhgkdfjhgkdjf gkdjfhgkdfhgkdjfhgkd fkghdkfhgkdfjhgkdhfgkdhf dfsdfkhsdf sdkjfh dsgfds fkjdsfgkjshdgfkjsd skjdgfdskjhfgksjdf skjdfgjskdhgfjdsgfsa dshfdhfskjdagfkjsahdgfjsad fsdfgsakjdgfaskjdgfsakjdhfg skjdgfjdsfgskjdfgskjdgf skjdhfgsjdgfidsfgdksfhgdf shdgvjxhcgvudsygfjvbjkfvbudsfgvudvg jhfgvdsfgv dsfvg djfhvg jfd gvjdgf vjdf gv j jdg vjd gvjdhvbhfdgvhdgv hdfgjfd hgdjgdjfh gjdhgjhfdgfdgfgjfdg j fdjg djfhgjfdhgjdgfjdfhgkdjfhgkfdhkg kfdhgkjdhfgkjfd gkdhfgkjdhfkgjdhf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdjhfgkdhfgkdfhgkd fgkfdhgkfdjhgkdfhg dkhg dkfgh dkfhg kdjfh gkdjhgkdfhgkdjhgkdhfgkdfhgkdfhgkd fgidhfkgdhfgkhdfkghdkfjgh dkfjhgkdfhgkdjfh gkdjfhjgkdjhfgkdfhgkdfhgkdfhgkjfd gkdjfhgkjdfh gkjdfh gkjdf gkdjfhgkdfhgkjfdh gkjfdhgkdfhgkdfhgkfdjh gkdjfhg kdfjhgkdjhfgkdjhg kdjfhgkdjhgkdhfjgkdhfgkdhfgkhkdf gdkjfhgkdfhgkdfh gkfdhgkdfhgkfdhgkdfhgkfdjgkdfhjg kdfhgkdfghkdfhgkhdfhgkdhfgkfdhgkdhfgkdhfgkjdhfgkjdf gkdhgkdfjghdkf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdhjgkdfd jhfdgjfdgdjhgdkhgdlkfhgkdfhgkdfjhgkdjf gkdjfhgkdfhgkdjfhgkd fkghdkfhgkdfjhgkdhfgkdhf dfsdfkhsdf sdkjfh dsgfds fkjdsfgkjshdgfkjsd skjdgfdskjhfgksjdf skjdfgjskdhgfjdsgfsa dshfdhfskjdagfkjsahdgfjsad fsdfgsakjdgfaskjdgfsakjdhfg skjdgfjdsfgskjdfgskjdgf skjdhfgsjdgfidsfgdksfhgdf shdgvjxhcgvudsygfjvbjkfvbudsfgvudvg jhfgvdsfgv dsfvg djfhvg jfd gvjdgf vjdf gv j jdg vjd gvjdhvbhfdgvhdgv hdfgjfd hgdjgdjfh gjdhgjhfdgfdgfgjfdg j fdjg djfhgjfdhgjdgfjdfhgkdjfhgkfdhkg kfdhgkjdhfgkjfd gkdhfgkjdhfkgjdhf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdjhfgkdhfgkdfhgkd fgkfdhgkfdjhgkdfhg dkhg dkfgh dkfhg kdjfh gkdjhgkdfhgkdjhgkdhfgkdfhgkdfhgkd fgidhfkgdhfgkhdfkghdkfjgh dkfjhgkdfhgkdjfh gkdjfhjgkdjhfgkdfhgkdfhgkdfhgkjfd gkdjfhgkjdfh gkjdfh gkjdf gkdjfhgkdfhgkjfdh

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gkjfdhgkdfhgkdfhgkfdjh gkdjfhg kdfjhgkdjhfgkdjhg kdjfhgkdjhgkdhfjgkdhfgkdhfgkhkdf gdkjfhgkdfhgkdfh gkfdhgkdfhgkfdhgkdfhgkfdjgkdfhjg kdfhgkdfghkdfhgkhdfhgkdhfgkfdhgkdhfgkdhfgkjdhfgkjdf gkdhgkdfjghdkf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdhjgkdfd jhfdgjfdgdjhgdkhgdlkfhgkdfhgkdfjhgkdjf gkdjfhgkdfhgkdjfhgkd fkghdkfhgkdfjhgkdhfgkdhf dfsdfkhsdf sdkjfh dsgfds fkjdsfgkjshdgfkjsd skjdgfdskjhfgksjdf skjdfgjskdhgfjdsgfsa dshfdhfskjdagfkjsahdgfjsad fsdfgsakjdgfaskjdgfsakjdhfg skjdgfjdsfgskjdfgskjdgf skjdhfgsjdgfidsfgdksfhgdf shdgvjxhcgvudsygfjvbjkfvbudsfgvudvg jhfgvdsfgv dsfvg djfhvg jfd gvjdgf vjdf gv j jdg vjd gvjdhvbhfdgvhdgv hdfgjfd hgdjgdjfh gjdhgjhfdgfdgfgjfdg j fdjg djfhgjfdhgjdgfjdfhgkdjfhgkfdhkg kfdhgkjdhfgkjfd gkdhfgkjdhfkgjdhf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdjhfgkdhfgkdfhgkd fgkfdhgkfdjhgkdfhg dkhg dkfgh dkfhg kdjfh gkdjhgkdfhgkdjhgkdhfgkdfhgkdfhgkd fgidhfkgdhfgkhdfkghdkfjgh dkfjhgkdfhgkdjfh gkdjfhjgkdjhfgkdfhgkdfhgkdfhgkjfd gkdjfhgkjdfh gkjdfh gkjdf gkdjfhgkdfhgkjfdh gkjfdhgkdfhgkdfhgkfdjh gkdjfhg kdfjhgkdjhfgkdjhg kdjfhgkdjhgkdhfjgkdhfgkdhfgkhkdf gdkjfhgkdfhgkdfh gkfdhgkdfhgkfdhgkdfhgkfdjgkdfhjg kdfhgkdfghkdfhgkhdfhgkdhfgkfdhgkdhfgkdhfgkjdhfgkjdf gkdhgkdfjghdkf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdhjgkdfd jhfdgjfdgdjhgdkhgdlkfhgkdfhgkdfjhgkdjf gkdjfhgkdfhgkdjfhgkd fkghdkfhgkdfjhgkdhfgkdhf

ok so now that you guys have the proper scientific knowledge of how this works go build one! yeah its that easy!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 17, 2009, 03:59:16 AM
Quote from: FreeEnergy on October 17, 2009, 02:39:08 AM
here let me help Lee Tseung.
basically his technology works like this:

dfsdfkhsdf sdkjfh dsgfds fkjdsfgkjshdgfkjsd skjdgfdskjhfgksjdf skjdfgjskdhgfjdsgfsa dshfdhfskjdagfkjsahdgfjsad fsdfgsakjdgfaskjdgfsakjdhfg skjdgfjdsfgskjdfgskjdgf skjdhfgsjdgfidsfgdksfhgdf shdgvjxhcgvudsygfjvbjkfvbudsfgvudvg jhfgvdsfgv dsfvg djfhvg jfd gvjdgf vjdf gv j jdg vjd gvjdhvbhfdgvhdgv hdfgjfd hgdjgdjfh gjdhgjhfdgfdgfgjfdg j fdjg djfhgjfdhgjdgfjdfhgkdjfhgkfdhkg kfdhgkjdhfgkjfd gkdhfgkjdhfkgjdhf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdjhfgkdhfgkdfhgkd fgkfdhgkfdjhgkdfhg dkhg dkfgh dkfhg kdjfh gkdjhgkdfhgkdjhgkdhfgkdfhgkdfhgkd fgidhfkgdhfgkhdfkghdkfjgh dkfjhgkdfhgkdjfh gkdjfhjgkdjhfgkdfhgkdfhgkdfhgkjfd gkdjfhgkjdfh gkjdfh gkjdf gkdjfhgkdfhgkjfdh gkjfdhgkdfhgkdfhgkfdjh gkdjfhg kdfjhgkdjhfgkdjhg kdjfhgkdjhgkdhfjgkdhfgkdhfgkhkdf gdkjfhgkdfhgkdfh gkfdhgkdfhgkfdhgkdfhgkfdjgkdfhjg kdfhgkdfghkdfhgkhdfhgkdhfgkfdhgkdhfgkdhfgkjdhfgkjdf gkdhgkdfjghdkf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdhjgkdfd jhfdgjfdgdjhgdkhgdlkfhgkdfhgkdfjhgkdjf gkdjfhgkdfhgkdjfhgkd fkghdkfhgkdfjhgkdhfgkdhf dfsdfkhsdf sdkjfh dsgfds fkjdsfgkjshdgfkjsd skjdgfdskjhfgksjdf skjdfgjskdhgfjdsgfsa dshfdhfskjdagfkjsahdgfjsad

fsdfgsakjdgfaskjdgfsakjdhfg skjdgfjdsfgskjdfgskjdgf skjdhfgsjdgfidsfgdksfhgdf shdgvjxhcgvudsygfjvbjkfvbudsfgvudvg jhfgvdsfgv dsfvg djfhvg jfd gvjdgf vjdf gv j jdg vjd gvjdhvbhfdgvhdgv hdfgjfd hgdjgdjfh gjdhgjhfdgfdgfgjfdg j fdjg djfhgjfdhgjdgfjdfhgkdjfhgkfdhkg kfdhgkjdhfgkjfd gkdhfgkjdhfkgjdhf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdjhfgkdhfgkdfhgkd fgkfdhgkfdjhgkdfhg dkhg dkfgh dkfhg kdjfh gkdjhgkdfhgkdjhgkdhfgkdfhgkdfhgkd fgidhfkgdhfgkhdfkghdkfjgh dkfjhgkdfhgkdjfh gkdjfhjgkdjhfgkdfhgkdfhgkdfhgkjfd gkdjfhgkjdfh gkjdfh gkjdf gkdjfhgkdfhgkjfdh gkjfdhgkdfhgkdfhgkfdjh gkdjfhg kdfjhgkdjhfgkdjhg kdjfhgkdjhgkdhfjgkdhfgkdhfgkhkdf gdkjfhgkdfhgkdfh gkfdhgkdfhgkfdhgkdfhgkfdjgkdfhjg kdfhgkdfghkdfhgkhdfhgkdhfgkfdhgkdhfgkdhfgkjdhfgkjdf gkdhgkdfjghdkf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdhjgkdfd jhfdgjfdgdjhgdkhgdlkfhgkdfhgkdfjhgkdjf gkdjfhgkdfhgkdjfhgkd fkghdkfhgkdfjhgkdhfgkdhf dfsdfkhsdf sdkjfh dsgfds fkjdsfgkjshdgfkjsd skjdgfdskjhfgksjdf skjdfgjskdhgfjdsgfsa dshfdhfskjdagfkjsahdgfjsad fsdfgsakjdgfaskjdgfsakjdhfg skjdgfjdsfgskjdfgskjdgf skjdhfgsjdgfidsfgdksfhgdf shdgvjxhcgvudsygfjvbjkfvbudsfgvudvg jhfgvdsfgv dsfvg djfhvg jfd gvjdgf vjdf gv j jdg vjd gvjdhvbhfdgvhdgv hdfgjfd hgdjgdjfh gjdhgjhfdgfdgfgjfdg j fdjg djfhgjfdhgjdgfjdfhgkdjfhgkfdhkg kfdhgkjdhfgkjfd gkdhfgkjdhfkgjdhf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdjhfgkdhfgkdfhgkd fgkfdhgkfdjhgkdfhg dkhg dkfgh dkfhg kdjfh gkdjhgkdfhgkdjhgkdhfgkdfhgkdfhgkd fgidhfkgdhfgkhdfkghdkfjgh dkfjhgkdfhgkdjfh gkdjfhjgkdjhfgkdfhgkdfhgkdfhgkjfd gkdjfhgkjdfh gkjdfh gkjdf gkdjfhgkdfhgkjfdh gkjfdhgkdfhgkdfhgkfdjh gkdjfhg kdfjhgkdjhfgkdjhg kdjfhgkdjhgkdhfjgkdhfgkdhfgkhkdf gdkjfhgkdfhgkdfh gkfdhgkdfhgkfdhgkdfhgkfdjgkdfhjg kdfhgkdfghkdfhgkhdfhgkdhfgkfdhgkdhfgkdhfgkjdhfgkjdf gkdhgkdfjghdkf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdhjgkdfd jhfdgjfdgdjhgdkhgdlkfhgkdfhgkdfjhgkdjf gkdjfhgkdfhgkdjfhgkd fkghdkfhgkdfjhgkdhfgkdhf dfsdfkhsdf sdkjfh dsgfds fkjdsfgkjshdgfkjsd skjdgfdskjhfgksjdf skjdfgjskdhgfjdsgfsa dshfdhfskjdagfkjsahdgfjsad fsdfgsakjdgfaskjdgfsakjdhfg skjdgfjdsfgskjdfgskjdgf skjdhfgsjdgfidsfgdksfhgdf shdgvjxhcgvudsygfjvbjkfvbudsfgvudvg jhfgvdsfgv dsfvg djfhvg jfd gvjdgf vjdf gv j jdg vjd gvjdhvbhfdgvhdgv hdfgjfd hgdjgdjfh gjdhgjhfdgfdgfgjfdg j fdjg djfhgjfdhgjdgfjdfhgkdjfhgkfdhkg kfdhgkjdhfgkjfd gkdhfgkjdhfkgjdhf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdjhfgkdhfgkdfhgkd fgkfdhgkfdjhgkdfhg dkhg dkfgh dkfhg kdjfh gkdjhgkdfhgkdjhgkdhfgkdfhgkdfhgkd fgidhfkgdhfgkhdfkghdkfjgh dkfjhgkdfhgkdjfh gkdjfhjgkdjhfgkdfhgkdfhgkdfhgkjfd gkdjfhgkjdfh gkjdfh gkjdf gkdjfhgkdfhgkjfdh

gkjfdhgkdfhgkdfhgkfdjh gkdjfhg kdfjhgkdjhfgkdjhg kdjfhgkdjhgkdhfjgkdhfgkdhfgkhkdf gdkjfhgkdfhgkdfh gkfdhgkdfhgkfdhgkdfhgkfdjgkdfhjg kdfhgkdfghkdfhgkhdfhgkdhfgkfdhgkdhfgkdhfgkjdhfgkjdf gkdhgkdfjghdkf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdhjgkdfd jhfdgjfdgdjhgdkhgdlkfhgkdfhgkdfjhgkdjf gkdjfhgkdfhgkdjfhgkd fkghdkfhgkdfjhgkdhfgkdhf dfsdfkhsdf sdkjfh dsgfds fkjdsfgkjshdgfkjsd skjdgfdskjhfgksjdf skjdfgjskdhgfjdsgfsa dshfdhfskjdagfkjsahdgfjsad fsdfgsakjdgfaskjdgfsakjdhfg skjdgfjdsfgskjdfgskjdgf skjdhfgsjdgfidsfgdksfhgdf shdgvjxhcgvudsygfjvbjkfvbudsfgvudvg jhfgvdsfgv dsfvg djfhvg jfd gvjdgf vjdf gv j jdg vjd gvjdhvbhfdgvhdgv hdfgjfd hgdjgdjfh gjdhgjhfdgfdgfgjfdg j fdjg djfhgjfdhgjdgfjdfhgkdjfhgkfdhkg kfdhgkjdhfgkjfd gkdhfgkjdhfkgjdhf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdjhfgkdhfgkdfhgkd fgkfdhgkfdjhgkdfhg dkhg dkfgh dkfhg kdjfh gkdjhgkdfhgkdjhgkdhfgkdfhgkdfhgkd fgidhfkgdhfgkhdfkghdkfjgh dkfjhgkdfhgkdjfh gkdjfhjgkdjhfgkdfhgkdfhgkdfhgkjfd gkdjfhgkjdfh gkjdfh gkjdf gkdjfhgkdfhgkjfdh gkjfdhgkdfhgkdfhgkfdjh gkdjfhg kdfjhgkdjhfgkdjhg kdjfhgkdjhgkdhfjgkdhfgkdhfgkhkdf gdkjfhgkdfhgkdfh gkfdhgkdfhgkfdhgkdfhgkfdjgkdfhjg kdfhgkdfghkdfhgkhdfhgkdhfgkfdhgkdhfgkdhfgkjdhfgkjdf gkdhgkdfjghdkf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdhjgkdfd jhfdgjfdgdjhgdkhgdlkfhgkdfhgkdfjhgkdjf gkdjfhgkdfhgkdjfhgkd fkghdkfhgkdfjhgkdhfgkdhf dfsdfkhsdf sdkjfh dsgfds fkjdsfgkjshdgfkjsd skjdgfdskjhfgksjdf skjdfgjskdhgfjdsgfsa dshfdhfskjdagfkjsahdgfjsad fsdfgsakjdgfaskjdgfsakjdhfg skjdgfjdsfgskjdfgskjdgf skjdhfgsjdgfidsfgdksfhgdf shdgvjxhcgvudsygfjvbjkfvbudsfgvudvg jhfgvdsfgv dsfvg djfhvg jfd gvjdgf vjdf gv j jdg vjd gvjdhvbhfdgvhdgv hdfgjfd hgdjgdjfh gjdhgjhfdgfdgfgjfdg j fdjg djfhgjfdhgjdgfjdfhgkdjfhgkfdhkg kfdhgkjdhfgkjfd gkdhfgkjdhfkgjdhf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdjhfgkdhfgkdfhgkd fgkfdhgkfdjhgkdfhg dkhg dkfgh dkfhg kdjfh gkdjhgkdfhgkdjhgkdhfgkdfhgkdfhgkd fgidhfkgdhfgkhdfkghdkfjgh dkfjhgkdfhgkdjfh gkdjfhjgkdjhfgkdfhgkdfhgkdfhgkjfd gkdjfhgkjdfh gkjdfh gkjdf gkdjfhgkdfhgkjfdh gkjfdhgkdfhgkdfhgkfdjh gkdjfhg kdfjhgkdjhfgkdjhg kdjfhgkdjhgkdhfjgkdhfgkdhfgkhkdf gdkjfhgkdfhgkdfh gkfdhgkdfhgkfdhgkdfhgkfdjgkdfhjg kdfhgkdfghkdfhgkhdfhgkdhfgkfdhgkdhfgkdhfgkjdhfgkjdf gkdhgkdfjghdkf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdhjgkdfd jhfdgjfdgdjhgdkhgdlkfhgkdfhgkdfjhgkdjf gkdjfhgkdfhgkdjfhgkd fkghdkfhgkdfjhgkdhfgkdhf dfsdfkhsdf sdkjfh dsgfds fkjdsfgkjshdgfkjsd skjdgfdskjhfgksjdf skjdfgjskdhgfjdsgfsa dshfdhfskjdagfkjsahdgfjsad fsdfgsakjdgfaskjdgfsakjdhfg skjdgfjdsfgskjdfgskjdgf skjdhfgsjdgfidsfgdksfhgdf shdgvjxhcgvudsygfjvbjkfvbudsfgvudvg jhfgvdsfgv dsfvg djfhvg jfd gvjdgf vjdf gv j jdg vjd gvjdhvbhfdgvhdgv hdfgjfd hgdjgdjfh gjdhgjhfdgfdgfgjfdg j fdjg djfhgjfdhgjdgfjdfhgkdjfhgkfdhkg kfdhgkjdhfgkjfd gkdhfgkjdhfkgjdhf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdjhfgkdhfgkdfhgkd fgkfdhgkfdjhgkdfhg dkhg dkfgh dkfhg kdjfh gkdjhgkdfhgkdjhgkdhfgkdfhgkdfhgkd fgidhfkgdhfgkhdfkghdkfjgh dkfjhgkdfhgkdjfh gkdjfhjgkdjhfgkdfhgkdfhgkdfhgkjfd gkdjfhgkjdfh gkjdfh gkjdf gkdjfhgkdfhgkjfdh gkjfdhgkdfhgkdfhgkfdjh gkdjfhg kdfjhgkdjhfgkdjhg kdjfhgkdjhgkdhfjgkdhfgkdhfgkhkdf gdkjfhgkdfhgkdfh gkfdhgkdfhgkfdhgkdfhgkfdjgkdfhjg kdfhgkdfghkdfhgkhdfhgkdhfgkfdhgkdhfgkdhfgkjdhfgkjdf gkdhgkdfjghdkf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdhjgkdfd jhfdgjfdgdjhgdkhgdlkfhgkdfhgkdfjhgkdjf gkdjfhgkdfhgkdjfhgkd fkghdkfhgkdfjhgkdhfgkdhf dfsdfkhsdf sdkjfh dsgfds fkjdsfgkjshdgfkjsd skjdgfdskjhfgksjdf skjdfgjskdhgfjdsgfsa dshfdhfskjdagfkjsahdgfjsad fsdfgsakjdgfaskjdgfsakjdhfg skjdgfjdsfgskjdfgskjdgf skjdhfgsjdgfidsfgdksfhgdf shdgvjxhcgvudsygfjvbjkfvbudsfgvudvg jhfgvdsfgv dsfvg djfhvg jfd gvjdgf vjdf gv j jdg vjd gvjdhvbhfdgvhdgv hdfgjfd hgdjgdjfh gjdhgjhfdgfdgfgjfdg j fdjg djfhgjfdhgjdgfjdfhgkdjfhgkfdhkg kfdhgkjdhfgkjfd gkdhfgkjdhfkgjdhf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdjhfgkdhfgkdfhgkd fgkfdhgkfdjhgkdfhg dkhg dkfgh dkfhg kdjfh gkdjhgkdfhgkdjhgkdhfgkdfhgkdfhgkd fgidhfkgdhfgkhdfkghdkfjgh dkfjhgkdfhgkdjfh gkdjfhjgkdjhfgkdfhgkdfhgkdfhgkjfd gkdjfhgkjdfh gkjdfh gkjdf gkdjfhgkdfhgkjfdh

gkjfdhgkdfhgkdfhgkfdjh gkdjfhg kdfjhgkdjhfgkdjhg kdjfhgkdjhgkdhfjgkdhfgkdhfgkhkdf gdkjfhgkdfhgkdfh gkfdhgkdfhgkfdhgkdfhgkfdjgkdfhjg kdfhgkdfghkdfhgkhdfhgkdhfgkfdhgkdhfgkdhfgkjdhfgkjdf gkdhgkdfjghdkf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdhjgkdfd jhfdgjfdgdjhgdkhgdlkfhgkdfhgkdfjhgkdjf gkdjfhgkdfhgkdjfhgkd fkghdkfhgkdfjhgkdhfgkdhf dfsdfkhsdf sdkjfh dsgfds fkjdsfgkjshdgfkjsd skjdgfdskjhfgksjdf skjdfgjskdhgfjdsgfsa dshfdhfskjdagfkjsahdgfjsad fsdfgsakjdgfaskjdgfsakjdhfg skjdgfjdsfgskjdfgskjdgf skjdhfgsjdgfidsfgdksfhgdf shdgvjxhcgvudsygfjvbjkfvbudsfgvudvg jhfgvdsfgv dsfvg djfhvg jfd gvjdgf vjdf gv j jdg vjd gvjdhvbhfdgvhdgv hdfgjfd hgdjgdjfh gjdhgjhfdgfdgfgjfdg j fdjg djfhgjfdhgjdgfjdfhgkdjfhgkfdhkg kfdhgkjdhfgkjfd gkdhfgkjdhfkgjdhf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdjhfgkdhfgkdfhgkd fgkfdhgkfdjhgkdfhg dkhg dkfgh dkfhg kdjfh gkdjhgkdfhgkdjhgkdhfgkdfhgkdfhgkd fgidhfkgdhfgkhdfkghdkfjgh dkfjhgkdfhgkdjfh gkdjfhjgkdjhfgkdfhgkdfhgkdfhgkjfd gkdjfhgkjdfh gkjdfh gkjdf gkdjfhgkdfhgkjfdh gkjfdhgkdfhgkdfhgkfdjh gkdjfhg kdfjhgkdjhfgkdjhg kdjfhgkdjhgkdhfjgkdhfgkdhfgkhkdf gdkjfhgkdfhgkdfh gkfdhgkdfhgkfdhgkdfhgkfdjgkdfhjg kdfhgkdfghkdfhgkhdfhgkdhfgkfdhgkdhfgkdhfgkjdhfgkjdf gkdhgkdfjghdkf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdhjgkdfd jhfdgjfdgdjhgdkhgdlkfhgkdfhgkdfjhgkdjf gkdjfhgkdfhgkdjfhgkd fkghdkfhgkdfjhgkdhfgkdhf

ok so now that you guys have the proper scientific knowledge of how this works go build one! yeah its that easy!

LOL! I second it!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on October 17, 2009, 05:34:15 AM
Quote from: FreeEnergy on October 17, 2009, 02:39:08 AM
here let me help Lee Tseung.
basically his technology works like this:

dfsdfkhsdf sdkjfh dsgfds fkjdsfgkjshdgfkjsd skjdgfdskjhfgksjdf skjdfgjskdhgfjdsgfsa dshfdhfskjdagfkjsahdgfjsad fsdfgsakjdgfaskjdgfsakjdhfg skjdgfjdsfgskjdfgskjdgf skjdhfgsjdgfidsfgdksfhgdf shdgvjxhcgvudsygfjvbjkfvbudsfgvudvg jhfgvdsfgv dsfvg djfhvg jfd gvjdgf vjdf gv j jdg vjd gvjdhvbhfdgvhdgv hdfgjfd hgdjgdjfh gjdhgjhfdgfdgfgjfdg j fdjg djfhgjfdhgjdgfjdfhgkdjfhgkfdhkg kfdhgkjdhfgkjfd gkdhfgkjdhfkgjdhf gkdfjhgkdfhgkdjhfgkdhfgkdfhgkd fgkfdhgkfdjhgkdfhg dkhg dkfgh dkfhg kdjfh
ok so now that you guys have the proper scientific knowledge of how this works go build one! yeah its that easy!

Very good, but please make it a numbered list.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 17, 2009, 08:01:19 PM
Meeting with the Factory Team

The team has much more resources than Mr. Tong Po Chi.

Team: “We focused on the small wheel with 8 magnets and 7 coils.  We managed to Pulse Rotate it but we failed to demonstrate overunity.”

Tseung: “Can you rotate the wheel with only 1 pulse coil.”

Team: “Yes.”

Tseung: “Have you considered the possibility that you might have already provided too much pulse force?  Have you considered that your small wheel of 30 cm already rotated too fast to allow the lead-out energy mechanism to take effect?”

Team: “We had much fun with the small device especially the control mechanisms.  We thought that a small device is easier to carry and may be easier to sell.”

Tseung: “Examine the list of tuning parameters.  Use the large wheel.”

Team: “Give us a week and we shall show you our true colors.”

*** Even a well funded professional team fell into the trap of small demo devices. ***
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 18, 2009, 06:49:06 PM
The basic components and testing meters are shown in


Improvements are in progress.  At present, the overunity factor varies from 1.03 to 2.5.  The Maximum Output power is 60 watts. We expect to improve both the overunity factor and actual output power in the coming days.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 19, 2009, 12:50:24 AM
If you were in charge of the top-secret project…

We were postulating what the Head of a top-secret project on Flying Saucers would do after he had read our material.  Here are some possible scenarios:

1.   Ignore us totally as we are way behind in the technology. 
2.   Try to get some debunkers and insulters to discredit us.  This may be the strategy they are using now.
3.   Prepare to work with us on the non-military use of the technology.  There is no possibility of keeping Lead-Out Energy and unbalanced propulsion secrets now.  The theory and the prototypes are out.
4.   Their value lies in the status of secrecy.  They can enjoy all types of privileges.  They are hidden from limelight and scrutiny.  Some of them are used to this way of life.
5.   Keep quiet until the inevitable comes.  The technology will be accepted and known to many nations.  Some nations will pour resources secretly or openly into such research and development. 
6.   When Tseung et al have Open Shows, attend quietly.  Just have fun and laugh at the inferior technology.
7.   Ask for additional resources and develop the Flying Saucer and related technologies much faster. 

I think that they are using scenario 2 at present.  They know that such a strategy will not work when Tseung et al have working prototypes to demonstrate openly.  They must be rethinking their strategy now.   
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 19, 2009, 01:03:45 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 19, 2009, 12:50:24 AM
If you were in charge of the top-secret project…

....  They know that such a strategy will not work when Tseung et al have working prototypes to demonstrate openly.  They must be rethinking their strategy now.

You're way over yourself old Tseung. After all, how can a deluded person possess such high esteem of himself?

Remember the movie 'Toy Story'? Remember when Buzz Light Year thought that the initials on his high tech wristband (M.I.T) represented technology developed at the famed Massachusetts Institute of Technology, only to be dismayed byt he fact that he was only a toy Made In Taiwan!

That's your parallel, old Tseung. You're made in China! Lot's of bad stuff are made in China (and Hong Kong too), like snake oil salesmen, lead paints in children's toys (flying saucers) etc.

Now you know the truth!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 19, 2009, 01:19:57 AM
I want to see the real power in/power out data.  This should be done with real measuring equipment by folks that know how to use it.  Until then...

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WattBuilder on October 19, 2009, 02:29:30 AM
You boys are going too far.
I’m born here in America but my family is from China and Hong Kong.
I find your remark rather racial !   >:(

What’s your obsession with him?   

Do you really have to try so hard?   ???

If so then may I suggest you buy him some flowers and ask him out to dinner too.    :-*

Howard Yu
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 19, 2009, 02:40:28 AM
Quote from: WattBuilder on October 19, 2009, 02:29:30 AM
You boys are going too far.
I’m born here in America but my family is from China and Hong Kong.
I find your remark rather racial !   >:(

What’s your obsession with him?   

Do you really have to try so hard?   ???

If so then may I suggest you buy him some flowers and ask him out to dinner too.    :-*

Howard Yu


I apologize if this sounded racial. It was not meant to be.
I think if you read into the history of this thread, it went from people wanting to believe because old Tseung insisted he had found this holy grail of extra energy. Then of course, he couldn't prove it and started inventing multiple persona ..... and the rest is then a comedy show.

I'm trying only as hard as old Tseung is trying to sell snake oil and if you're offended because you think I'm racist, I have to tell you I'm 100% Chinese (at least ethnically) and my wife is 100% white as in Caucasian. So, you know I'm no bigot racist.

ps: I will not only buy old Tseung 10 roast duck dinners but will send him 10 bunches of flowers If and only if, he can prove his mumbo jumbo  physics and dare I say, electronics measurements! I know I won't have to spend any $ because he is truly delusional. If you want extra Watts, you need to look elsewhere, certainly not in this thread.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 19, 2009, 05:17:09 AM
The dry-run at the Hong Kong Science Park in Shatin Nov 3-5, 2009

We shall participate in the above as a dry run for our other up coming shows.  The following is our promotional material:

Brief description of the Lead-Out Energy Machines
(From Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited)

If we use 100 units of energy to lead-out 50 units of existing energy (such as gravity, magnetic, electron motion etc.), the effective Energy Input to the Machine is 150 units.  Thus the Output Energy from such a machine can be greater than 100 units (maximum 150 units).  If we feedback 100 units of the Output Energy to Input, the machine can again lead-out another 50 units of existing energy.  Thus we can continuously lead-out and use these 50 units of existing energy.  This does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

The Output Energy of the Lead-Out Energy Machine Prototype being demonstrated in this Show can exceed the Input Energy after starting.   Some tuning for the correct Pulsing Frequency is required to achieve the above effect.  The tuning may be achieved by varying the number of magnets, the number of drive or collector coils or the resistive load. 

Our first product is a training course targeted to Companies who want to produce products based on this technology.  The training course is Five Days and the Company may send up to 15 employees.  A working Lead-Out Energy Machine will be provided for the course participants to examine, disassemble, improve and reassemble.  The Company will keep the prototype after the Course.  The price is One Hundred and Fifty thousand Hong Kong Dollars (HK$150,000). If interested, the Company may enter into a business agreement with Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited to jointly research, develop and market such products.

Contact Information:
Mr. Tong Po Chi  (852) 9205 8496  Email: rybhk@netvigator.com
Mr. Lawrence Tseung (852) 9281 9945 Email: ltseung@hotmail.com
Ms. Forever Yuen (852) 6735 8233 Email: Forevermango_118@hotmail.com

Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 19, 2009, 11:20:04 AM
Quote from: WattBuilder on October 19, 2009, 02:29:30 AM
What’s your obsession with him?   
Do you really have to try so hard?   ???
Either chrisC is a salaried employee doing his job or he is scared
that his idea of reality is being challenged. Maybe both.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 19, 2009, 11:51:03 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on October 19, 2009, 11:20:04 AM
Either chrisC is a salaried employee doing his job or he is scared
that his idea of reality is being challenged. Maybe both.

Paul, for all you know, I may actually work for MI5 and have nothing much to do and can tune in to this comedy show.

I think we should not get off-topic about me, I'm not trying so hard to be famous or to scam a dime! Let's get back on-track for the old_Tseung comedy hour, shall we?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 19, 2009, 04:01:41 PM
Dear lawrence,
is there a money back garentee on your course, like if we can prove your measuring it wrong or you cannot close loop it we get our money back plus our expenses like hotel and airfares?
If this is the case count me in as I will bring my whole family to your course.
You will be close looping it before the course.
@Chris C, dam I thought you were nearly going to blow our cover. Those checks from the oil companies are shore good to recieve each month.
@ Paul -R....please show me one example of overunity that can be independently verified. Sadly with your rose coloured glasses you see a different world. I am willing to wager with you any ammount of money (so long as you can prove you have the assets to back it). I am sure you will reply with some nonsense and a lengthy lot of jibberish. Its not a pissing competition, my self, Chris and many others would love to see and overunity device. However in my case I will always point out the flaws with the scam artists and deluded. In the past lawrence was harmless and was entertaining with his many personalities (you should be intimately familar with). However he is now seeking money before he has had it verified or closed looped. That puts him in the catagory of a scam artist.
as usual
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on October 19, 2009, 05:04:46 PM
Ditto.  And because of the numerous OU scams in the past it's incredibly important this community makes efforts to seperate the real deal from the scamsters.  It was this community that nailed Mylow.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 19, 2009, 05:09:17 PM
Quote from: markdansie on October 19, 2009, 04:01:41 PM
Dear lawrence,
is there a money back garentee on your course, like if we can prove your measuring it wrong or you cannot close loop it we get our money back plus our expenses like hotel and airfares?
@Chris C, dam I thought you were nearly going to blow our cover. Those checks from the oil companies are shore good to recieve each month.
Kind Regards

OK Mark. I should just keep my mouth shut otherwise the world might know this old Tseung magic is real and we'll miss out on our pay checks!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 19, 2009, 08:25:19 PM

å¦,æžœæˆ'å€'ç"¨100個單位çš,,能量,引出50個單位çš,,已存在能量(例å¦,地心吸力,磁能,電子運動能量等) ,有效çš,,輸å...¥èƒ½é‡æ˜¯150個單位ã€, å› æ­¤ç"±å¼•å‡ºèƒ½é‡æ©Ÿè¼¸å‡ºçš,,能量可以大於100 個單位(最大是150個單位) ã€,假å¦,æˆ'å€'反饋100個單位çš,,輸出能量到輸å...¥è™•ï¼Œå¼•å‡ºèƒ½é‡æ©Ÿå¯å†æ¬¡å¼•å‡ºå¦å¤–50個單位çš,,已存在能量ã€, å› æ­¤æˆ'å€'可以不斷引出å'Œåˆ©ç"¨é€™äº›50個單位çš,,已存在能量ã€,而ä¸"這並æ²'有違反能量守衡理論ã€,

æˆ'å€'這次示ç¯,, “å"ä¿æžåž‹å¼•å‡ºèƒ½é‡æ©Ÿâ€çš,,輸出能量è¶...過輸å...¥çš,,能量ã€,但要調較到正確çš,,è,,ˆè¡é »çŽ‡æ‰å¯é"到以上çš,,效果 ã€,æ"¹è®Šç£çŸ³ï¼Œé©...動線圈、æ"¶é›†ç·šåœˆæˆ–電阻çš,,數量都可調較至正確çš,,è,,ˆè¡é »çŽ‡ã€,

æˆ'å€'提供è¨"練課程給對此ç§'技有興趣çš,,å...¬å¸ ã€,這個è¨"練課程ç,ºæœŸäº"天,參加å...¬å¸å¯æ´¾å‡º15名å"¡å·¥ä¸Šèª²ã€,æˆ'å€'會提供一個已運行çš,,引出能量機給參加è€...ç "究ã€,在完成這個課程後,參加çš,,å...¬å¸å¯ä»¥ä¿ç•™é€™å€‹å¼•å‡ºèƒ½é‡æ©Ÿã€,這個課程çš,,è²»ç"¨ç,ºæ¸¯å¹£$150,000ã€,有興趣çš,,å...¬å¸å¯èˆ‡æ‰¶è‹—創新基é‡'合作,一起對此類ç"¢å"ä½œæ›´å¤šç "究å'Œç™¼å±•ã€,

å"ä¿æžå...ˆç"Ÿ (852) 9205 8496  Email: rybhk@netvigator.com
è"£æŒ¯å¯§å...ˆç"Ÿ (852) 9281 9945 Email: ltseung@hotmail.com
袁永æ'小姐 (852) 6735 8233 Email: Forevermango_118@hotmail.com

扶苗創新基é‡'會  2009å¹´11月
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 19, 2009, 08:29:45 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 19, 2009, 08:25:19 PM

å¦,æžœæˆ'å€'ç"¨100個單位çš,,能量,引出50個單位çš,,已存在能量(例å¦,地心吸力,磁能,電子運動能量等) ,有效çš,,輸å...¥èƒ½é‡æ˜¯150個單位ã€, å› æ­¤ç"±å¼•å‡ºèƒ½é‡æ©Ÿè¼¸å‡ºçš,,能量可以大於100 個單位(最大是150個單位) ã€,假å¦,æˆ'å€'反饋100個單位çš,,輸出能量到輸å...¥è™•ï¼Œå¼•å‡ºèƒ½é‡æ©Ÿå¯å†æ¬¡å¼•å‡ºå¦å¤–50個單位çš,,已存在能量ã€, å› æ­¤æˆ'å€'可以不斷引出å'Œåˆ©ç"¨é€™äº›50個單位çš,,已存在能量ã€,而ä¸"這並æ²'有違反能量守衡理論ã€,

æˆ'å€'這次示ç¯,, “å"ä¿æžåž‹å¼•å‡ºèƒ½é‡æ©Ÿâ€çš,,輸出能量è¶...過輸å...¥çš,,能量ã€,但要調較到正確çš,,è,,ˆè¡é »çŽ‡æ‰å¯é"到以上çš,,效果 ã€,æ"¹è®Šç£çŸ³ï¼Œé©...動線圈、æ"¶é›†ç·šåœˆæˆ–電阻çš,,數量都可調較至正確çš,,è,,ˆè¡é »çŽ‡ã€,

æˆ'å€'提供è¨"練課程給對此ç§'技有興趣çš,,å...¬å¸ ã€,這個è¨"練課程ç,ºæœŸäº"天,參加å...¬å¸å¯æ´¾å‡º15名å"¡å·¥ä¸Šèª²ã€,æˆ'å€'會提供一個已運行çš,,引出能量機給參加è€...ç "究ã€,在完成這個課程後,參加çš,,å...¬å¸å¯ä»¥ä¿ç•™é€™å€‹å¼•å‡ºèƒ½é‡æ©Ÿã€,這個課程çš,,è²»ç"¨ç,ºæ¸¯å¹£$150,000ã€,有興趣çš,,å...¬å¸å¯èˆ‡æ‰¶è‹—創新基é‡'合作,一起對此類ç"¢å"ä½œæ›´å¤šç "究å'Œç™¼å±•ã€,

å"ä¿æžå...ˆç"Ÿ (852) 9205 8496  Email: rybhk@netvigator.com
è"£æŒ¯å¯§å...ˆç"Ÿ (852) 9281 9945 Email: ltseung@hotmail.com
袁永æ'小姐 (852) 6735 8233 Email: Forevermango_118@hotmail.com

扶苗創新基é‡'會  2009å¹´11月

Translation follows:

Draws out the energy machine synopsis
(to straighten up falling seedlings innovation foundation)
if we use 100 units the energies, draws out 50 units to have the energy (e.g. force of gravity, magnetic energy, electronic movement energy and so on), the effective input energy is 150 units. Therefore by draws out the energy machine output the energy to be possible to be bigger than 100 units (is most greatly 150 units).If we feed back 100 units the output energies to the input place, draws out the energy machine to be possible to draw out other 50 units to have the energy once more.Therefore we may unceasingly draw out and use these 50 units to have the energy.Moreover this has not violated the energy to defend weighs the theory.
Our this demonstration “Tang Baozhi draws out the energy machine” the output energy surpasses the input the energy.But must move arrives the correct pulse frequency only then to be possible to achieve above effect.Change magnet, actuation coil, collection coil or resistance quantity all adjustable to correct pulse frequency.
We provide the training curriculum to have the interest company regarding this to the science and technology.This training curriculum lasts five days, the participation company may send out 15 staffs to attend class.We can provide one to move draw out the energy machine to study to the participant.After completes this curriculum, the participation company may retain this to draw out the energy machine.This curriculum expense is the Hong Kong dollar $150,000.Has the interest company to be possible with to straighten up falling seedlings the innovation fund cooperation, together does more research and the development to this kind of product.
Liaison material:
Tang Baozhi Mr. (852) 9205 8496 Email: rybhk@netvigator.com
è"£æŒ¯å¯§å...ˆç"Ÿ (852) 9281 9945 Email: ltseung@hotmail.com
袁永æ'小姐 (852) 6735 8233 Email: Forevermango_118@hotmail.com
扶苗創新基é‡'會  2009å¹´11月 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 19, 2009, 08:54:37 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on October 19, 2009, 08:29:45 PM
Translation follows:

Draws out the energy machine synopsis
(to straighten up falling seedlings innovation foundation)
if we use 100 units the energies, draws out 50 units to have the energy (e.g. force of gravity, magnetic energy, electronic movement energy and so on), the effective input energy is 150 units. Therefore by draws out the energy machine output the energy to be possible to be bigger than 100 units (is most greatly 150 units).If we feed back 100 units the output energies to the input place, draws out the energy machine to be possible to draw out other 50 units to have the energy once more.Therefore we may unceasingly draw out and use these 50 units to have the energy.Moreover this has not violated the energy to defend weighs the theory.
Our this demonstration “Tang Baozhi draws out the energy machine” the output energy surpasses the input the energy.But must move arrives the correct pulse frequency only then to be possible to achieve above effect.Change magnet, actuation coil, collection coil or resistance quantity all adjustable to correct pulse frequency.
We provide the training curriculum to have the interest company regarding this to the science and technology.This training curriculum lasts five days, the participation company may send out 15 staffs to attend class.We can provide one to move draw out the energy machine to study to the participant.After completes this curriculum, the participation company may retain this to draw out the energy machine.This curriculum expense is the Hong Kong dollar $150,000.Has the interest company to be possible with to straighten up falling seedlings the innovation fund cooperation, together does more research and the development to this kind of product.
Liaison material:
Tang Baozhi Mr. (852) 9205 8496 Email: rybhk@netvigator.com
è"£æŒ¯å¯§å...ˆç"Ÿ (852) 9281 9945 Email: ltseung@hotmail.com
袁永æ'小姐 (852) 6735 8233 Email: Forevermango_118@hotmail.com
扶苗創新基é‡'會  2009å¹´11月 


Bill. Wow! When does a PI have time to learn Chinese?
I am impressed....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on October 19, 2009, 10:00:34 PM
Quote from: chrisC on October 19, 2009, 08:54:37 PM
Bill. Wow! When does a PI have time to learn Chinese?
I am impressed....

chun zhu... it's called an online translator. hun dan! you would think that you be aware of such things since you claim to be an electrical engineer and software developer.  ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on October 19, 2009, 10:21:40 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on October 19, 2009, 10:00:34 PM
chun zhu... it's called an online translator. hun dan! you would think that you be aware of such things since you claim to be an electrical engineer and software developer.  ::)

Just a joke, you idiot.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on October 19, 2009, 10:22:48 PM
Quote from: chrisC on October 19, 2009, 10:21:40 PM
Just a joke, you idiot.

it fell flat, liu kou shui de biao zi he hou zi de ben er zi.
did you get a soldering iron yet? ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 20, 2009, 04:50:31 AM
Received the official confirmation for the Dry Run at Science Park.  Date is Nov 5-8 and the Booth will be with the Hong Kong Invention Association.  The Commission of Innovation and Technology PLUS six Universities of Hong Kong will have 3 days to examine the Lead-Out Energy Machine.  You are welcome to attend.  It is free to the General Public.



With the concerted efforts of the Government, industry and academia, Hong Kong has been making good progress in innovation, technology and design in recent years. The sustainability of these developments depends on the availability of an appropriate culture and enough young talents. As such, ITC launches a wide variety of publicity and promotional initiatives to promote awareness and cultivate interest of the general public in these areas and to nurture more young and creative talents.
Innovation Festival, an annual event since 2005, is one of the major initiatives of the Commission in the promotion of an innovation and technology culture.

Innovation Festival 09 (IF 09) will be launched in October. Like previous years, it aims to provide an opportunity for the community, in particular the younger generation, to experience for themselves the achievements of Hong Kong in innovation and technology, and to appreciate the importance of these achievements to the development of Hong Kong in the future. The Festival also targets to enhance the youngsters' interest in innovation and technology, with a view to nurturing more talents, which in turn will help develop Hong Kong into a regional hub for innovation and technology.

Event Calendar
Date   Event   Location
24-26 October   1st roadshow   Dragon Centre, Sham Shui Po
31 October â€" 1 November   2nd roadshow   Cityplaza, Taikoo Shing
5-8 November   InnoCarnival   Hong Kong Science Park
14-15 November   3rd roadshow   Tsing Yi Promenade, Tsing Yi

Education Bureau
GS1 Hong Kong
Hong Kong Aerospace Society
Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited
Hong Kong Design Institute
Hong Kong Invention Association
Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association
Automotive Parts and Accessory Systems R&D Centre
Hong Kong Robotic Olympic Association
Hong Kong Technology Education Association
Internet Professional Association
Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited
Pigeon City Creative Computer Training Centre
RoboCup Junior Hong Kong Association
Robot Institute of Hong Kong
Semia Limited
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Institute of Education
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on October 20, 2009, 08:58:31 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on October 19, 2009, 10:22:48 PM
it fell flat, liu kou shui de biao zi he hou zi de ben er zi.
did you get a soldering iron yet? ::)

Regardless of whether the joke was funny, he was obviously not serious, so your comment was indeed idiotic.

And since you have been such a supporter of Larry in the past, I suggest you pony up the US$20K and go to one of these seminars.

I do think I see the angle of the seminar.  Tseung basically makes no promises about success.  He says the customer will get a right to take apart and possibly improve or ruin the lead out generator.  So basically, you get to take it apart, and it's your job to make it work afterward.  You get to keep the end product, whatever state it's in.  Thank you for your $20K, come again.  I hope he lands in jail.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on October 20, 2009, 12:20:11 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on October 20, 2009, 08:58:31 AM
And since you have been such a supporter of Larry in the past, I suggest you pony up the US$20K and go to one of these seminars.

chun zhu, you still have that habit of posting completely false information don't you? talk about idiotic...
i have never been a supporter of larry and i challenge you to show otherwise. i suggest you correct your false statement.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 20, 2009, 01:06:37 PM
I have been a dedicated student of learning the Chinese language for a very long time now.  I have not kept complete track of how long it has been, but I am sure it has been at least 10 minutes, maybe even longer.  My studies led me to an online translator site where I applied my prior learned skills of copy and paste and that is how I was able to decipher Larry's post.

I just wanted to make sure he was not planning the take over of the free world or something like that.

As a highly trained Investigator, I have many skills of which languages are but one.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on October 20, 2009, 01:59:06 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on October 20, 2009, 12:20:11 PM
chun zhu, you still have that habit of posting completely false information don't you? talk about idiotic...
i have never been a supporter of larry and i challenge you to show otherwise. i suggest you correct your false statement.

So what is your opinion on this topic, then?  What do you think about his theory and the HK$150K seminar?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on October 20, 2009, 03:05:56 PM
Wilby probably won't answer you're question, he'll likely just repond with further insults.  Seems to be his special purpose on earth.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 20, 2009, 05:20:41 PM
Quote from: markdansie on October 19, 2009, 04:01:41 PM

@ Paul -R....please show me one example of overunity
If I did, you wouldn't believe it.

If you are serious, you should do three things:
1. buy a Bedini SG kit of parts
2. join the Bedini_Monopole3 Yahoo group
3. assemble and test under their tutelage

If you are not serious, you will not do this, and continue
to whinge and whine.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on October 20, 2009, 07:01:43 PM
Quote from: spoondini on October 20, 2009, 03:05:56 PM
Wilby probably won't answer you're question, he'll likely just repond with further insults.  Seems to be his special purpose on earth.
i'll answer when utilitarian shows where i have been such a big supporter of larry in the past or withdraws his false statement instead of changing the subject as usual. funny though, how you didn't give any guff to utilitarian for not answering my question/challenge but gave some to me... logical fallacies and zero integrity seems to be your special purpose on earth.

edit: and it is 'your' not 'you're'...  ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on October 20, 2009, 07:40:10 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on October 20, 2009, 07:01:43 PM
i'll answer when utilitarian shows where i have been such a big supporter of larry in the past or withdraws his false statement instead of changing the subject as usual. funny though, how you didn't give any guff to utilitarian for not answering my question/challenge but gave some to me... logical fallacies and zero integrity seems to be your special purpose on earth.

Fine, I apologize with caramel cake and flowers and take back my arrogant accusation that you have in the past ever lent Lawrence any support whatsoever.  So let's not talk anymore about anyone falsely accusing you of anything and let's stick to the topic.

Now, what do you think of his theories and what do you think of his seminar fees?  Do you think it's a scam or do you think it's on the level or do you think it's something else?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on October 20, 2009, 07:43:53 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on October 20, 2009, 07:40:10 PM
Fine, I apologize with caramel cake and flowers and take back my arrogant accusation that you have in the past ever lent Lawrence any support whatsoever.  So let's not talk anymore about anyone falsely accusing you of anything and let's stick to the topic.

Now, what do you think of his theories and what do you think of his seminar fees?  Do you think it's a scam or do you think it's on the level or do you think it's something else?
fine, i won't say anymore until you do it again. yes, lets stick to topic, you have that terrible habit of dragging it off topic and baiting others to respond.

i think it's something else.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on October 20, 2009, 08:35:08 PM
I hope/want it to be on the level.  In 'think' it's as likely as flying saucers at the olympics.  I hope my thoughts are wrong.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on October 20, 2009, 10:22:58 PM
The importance of the Feedback Mechanism

Dear Mr. Tseung,

I was looking at your Input at 12V and current at 2 Amps.  You assumed that the maximum Input Power was 24 watts.  You believed that the actual Input Power was less than that as the actual input was pulsed.  You used the total width of the magnets divided by the circumference to get an estimated factor (0.29)

You also measured the average Input Voltage at the Relay and that value was much less than 12V (1.8 to 4V).  That provided a better estimate of the Input Voltage.  It also reflected the actual experimental readings.

Your measured the Output AC voltage.  The best result was 30V with a resistive load of 15 ohms.  You then used the formula P=VxV/R and obtained a result of 60 watts.  Your standard AC amp meter failed to register any reading as the hertz value was not 50 or 60.  It was dependent on your rotational rate.

You then believed that you had achieved an overunity factor of 2.5 (60/24).  You believed that the actual value may be even higher because of the Pulsing.

However, to get a 5KW output (5,000 watts), you need an Overunity factor of 208 (5000/24).  I believe that the only possible way is to improve your feedback mechanism.  You do not have any at present. If more than 24 watts were fed back to input, you can achieve overunity factor of a few hundred by multiple looping.

Hope this gives you and everyone some food for thought.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 21, 2009, 05:47:56 AM
Some concrete results from the 60 cm Lead-Out Energy Prototype

I played with the 60 cm Lead-Out Energy Prototype this morning and confirmed the following:

1.   When the wheel was rotating with no load, very little Input Energy was required to maintain the rotation. 
2.   The  Battery was 12V.  But with the Pulsing, only a small percentage of time was the battery turned on to provide power.  In the example, the effective Voltage was only 0.5 Volts.
3.   With a 4 collector coil with 2 in parallel configuration, a convincing overunity factor of 4.62 was achieved.  The Output Power was 2.31 watts and the Input Power was 0.5 watts.
4.   The above result was achieved with 4 magnets removed from the small tuning wheel with magnets.
5.   The result was even better with only 3 magnets removed.  The Overunity factor was 7.84.
6.   We shall take the scope readings when it becomes available.  I am sure that the Six Universities have good oscilloscopes.  It would give the Professors and their Research Students something to do.

I believe we now have the configuration for the Dry Run on November 5-8 at the Hong Kong Science Park nailed down.  Tong Po Chi is working on the high Output Energy version.  That may not be ready but we do have something to show.  We now can reproduce a working prototype as shown within 1 week.  We are confident of providing successful Training Courses. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on October 21, 2009, 08:33:20 AM
How much would it cost to independently replicate that?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 21, 2009, 10:24:06 AM
Quote from: broli on October 21, 2009, 08:33:20 AM
How much would it cost to independently replicate that?

The present price is the 5 day training course at HK$150,000.  We do not sell the device by itself as much training and tuning is required.  One manufacturer bought a unit without the training.  It caused him and us great pains to explain the details.  His team of engineers tried to duplicate the device for weeks without success.  We had to travel to his site to sought things out.

If you wait, the price will drop as we now know how to build a DIY educational product.  We expect multiple manufacturers will license from us and build similar products.  Many engineers will be trained by us and they will provide training at a much lower price.  I expect the training course and a working eductional DIY product to be available at HK$10,000 within a year.

The price for a well-known technical laboratory to produce a professional report on such an invention in Hong Kong is HK$100,000 and up.  The price of getting a top MIT professor from USA to do an authorative report will be many time that amount.  The lawyer fee for drafting such a contract is HK$40,000 and up.

The best path for the poor Forum Members is to wait for the Presidents of the World to start the device at United Nations together and declare that the World Energy Crisis is over. 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on October 21, 2009, 10:35:41 AM
FYI for forum members, $150,000 HKD is about $20,000 USD.

Mr. Tseung,
     I would like to ask you again, is there a money back guarantee if the device is tested and inspected (before taken apart) but does not demonstrate OU as advertised (COP>2)?  A simple way to eliminate the concern of fraud would be for the money to be placed in escrow until after verification.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 21, 2009, 11:05:52 AM
Quote from: spoondini on October 21, 2009, 10:35:41 AM
FYI for forum members, $150,000 HKD is about $20,000 USD.

Mr. Tseung,
     I would like to ask you again, is there a money back guarantee if the device is tested and inspected (before taken apart) but does not demonstrate OU as advertised (COP>2)?  A simple way to eliminate the concern of fraud would be for the money to be placed in escrow until after verification.

You can see the machines in the Open Shows.  You and your engineers or professors can measure the Input and Output first before you place the Order.  If there were any doubts, do not buy the Course and the prototype.  In other words, you are allowed to test and inspect the device without taking it apart FOR FREE. 

Once you pay for the Course and hence receive the device, there will be no money back.  It only takes some slight changes to shift away from the overunity Pulsing condition.  Some of the slight changes are difficult to detect.  One simple example is that not all the 16 magnets from the supplier are identical.  Interchanging their positions on the wheel shifts the overunity Pulsing Frequency. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on October 21, 2009, 11:22:56 AM
Thank you for your response Mr. Tseung.

Unfortunately the conditions are still not eliminating concern of fraud.  At the show, the device cannot be taken apart and could contain internal/hidden power sources.  Then the money exhanges hands with no return guarantees, and the prototype machine provided does not work as advertised (even before taken apart).  I believe any astute businessman would want to ensure the prototype machine works before releasing money.  I can fully understand the concern that engineers will disassemble the machine and not be able to replicate results - and your organization does not want to take responsibility - however there still appears to be no guarantees that this is not a 'bait and switch' operation where the device at the shows is not the same as the prototype machine provided with the course, or that the prototype machine provided with the course is even guaranteed to achieve OU results before disassembled.

Can your organization eliminate any of the above concerns.

Namely that the prototype machine provided with the course is GUARANTEED to produce OU results in excess of COP=2 before disassembled (and of course no internal/hidden power sources).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 21, 2009, 01:59:39 PM
excellent post and you hit the nail on the head.
I witnessed one such swith the device this year overseas. The inventor had fooled prodessional engineers and investors out of many thousand dollars. Of course when my team rolled up given the investment that was being offered was in the millions, we found the hidden power sources on the prtable and not so portable devices. Without a money back guarentte that during the corse a device cannot be assembled to produce overunity lends itself to suspecting a big scam.
It is good that people can measure the device anyway they wish, and given the way it is being measured now there is no doubt that any percieved overunity is through inacurate measuring.
Well said Spoondini. If Lawernce was so confident about the overunity he would close loop the device now and offer a full refund for those doing the course, including their expenses. If that was the case I am happy to enroll my entire family including my 2 year old daughter. A fully paid hiliday for the whole family would be excellent.
However in reality, I feel good the device will available for measuring pubically, but it also has to be dismantled and independently scrutinised to remove all doubt.
Kind Regards
Mark Dansie
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 21, 2009, 06:19:34 PM
The Feedback Mechanism

Dear Top Gun,

After the experiments, I know that I can get overunity easily with the device in Tong’s garage. If the resistive load is in the 20 ohms range, the Output Power would be in the range of a few watts.  If the resistive load is in the 10 ohms range, the Output Power would be in the range of tens of watts.  However, we went into burning of the electronics at this higher current. 

Your suggestion of the loopback with increasing/adjustable power is excellent.  We do not have any controlled feedback mechanism yet.  We shall give it much thought.  I believe a new prototype will be needed with thicker wires, higher tolerance electronics etc.

I believe we can benefit the World by building multiple devices that can demonstrate overunity now.  We can work with top Universities together so that they can check for any hidden power source, disassemble and re-assemble the device again.  They have oscilloscopes, programmers, well equipped laboratories and low-paid but brilliant research students.  They also have Government Support.  We can video or even webcam the whole process.  We can have such processes in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Beijing, USA and United Nations.

It is extremely important to have multiple working prototypes.  (Especially if we allow others to take it apart!)

At present, we can demonstrate overunity.  We cannot produce a practical electricity generator yet.  Should we wait until we produce the 5KW electricity generator?

May the Divine One guide us.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 21, 2009, 07:40:52 PM
Dear lawrance.
I see you wanted the Divine ones guidance. I decided to assist you with that. So I phoned her today. She said she is available and I am sure once you see her and pay for her services you too will tuely believe she is Divine.
She also has some associates that charge either by the hours or depending on the request.
Let me know if you want to use her, I have her number.
At the rates you are charging for your course I am sure you can compare notes on how to work a trick.
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on October 21, 2009, 10:00:43 PM
And although the divine may not actually speak to you directly, many forum members here have verified the accuracy of her guidance.  Please depost $150k HK in Stephan's account for the overunity prize, ask question, and her guidance will be posted under any one of multiple user accounts. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on October 22, 2009, 12:03:13 AM
My Charges

Tseung, the Forum Members wanted to introduce you to the Divine One.  Their Divine One wanted cash.  That must be false.  The Divine One, like me, wants your soul.

You have been blessed with the following already:
1.   Worked out the Lead-Out Theory with Lee Cheung Kin
2.   Presented at Tsinghua University but fooled by the 225 HP Pulse Motor people
3.   Got resurrected via the Lee Cheung Kin Email to President Obama
4.   Got Mr. Tong Po Chi to produce the Overunity Wheel.
5.   Got free ¼ booth to demonstrate at the Inno Carnival 09 at the Hong Kong Science Park.

You should not be greedy.  Let others shine.  Once you can demonstrate overunity, the remaining task is to have a controlled feedback mechanism.  If you need more Output Power, feedback more until the required amount is produced.  It is a powerful control mechanism.  You need good program control.

You are a theoretical physicist.  Designing the feedback mechanism should be the job of a top-notch electrical engineer experienced in control systems.  Trying to get another favor from the Divine One or from me is GREEDY.  I do not want to see you in my home!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 22, 2009, 12:50:17 AM
The reason why we failed so many times

I hate to admit it.  We failed so many times in the past and also on the many days at Tong’s garage.

The reason was the focus on producing the highest possible pulse force.  It was not necessary.  One pulse coil and 16 magnets were powerful enough to rotate the wheel.  More than 4 pulse coils could produce the less efficient effect.

We considered putting load on the axle but that would make the starting more difficult.  The Divine Blessing came when Tong experimented with the failed proximity switch control mechanism.  That small magnetic wheel became the tunable load on the axle!
I believe most of the researchers of the various Pulse Motors fell into the same pit.  When they do not have the tuning tools, achieving the correct overunity Pulsing Frequency was like winning the lottery.

Now we do not need luck.  We just need systematic hard work.  Achieving Overunity is a piece of cake. 

Hope the other researchers and inventors learn this lesson!  The World will benefit faster. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 22, 2009, 12:51:41 AM
Great news Lawrence, then the prize is yours.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TheDivineOne on October 22, 2009, 10:23:26 AM
Quote from: Devil on October 22, 2009, 12:03:13 AM

The Divine One, like me, wants your soul.

Nope.  I prefer cash.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 22, 2009, 11:34:28 AM
The Loopback Mathematics

Let us assume:
1.   The initial Input Power is 2 watts
2.   Every time we loop, we can increase the Input Power by 10%
3.   How many times do we need to loop to get to 5000 watts or more?

The equation is 2 x (1.1)to the power of N = 5000
The solution for N is 82. 

Once we achieved the value of 5000 watts, we have to increase that even more so that some will be used for feedback and some will be used to provide electricity.  To double to 10,000 watts, we only need to increase N to 90.

Program control is likely to be the preferred solution. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TheDivineOne on October 22, 2009, 11:59:10 AM
I will provide guidance.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 22, 2009, 03:54:37 PM
Welcome to our forum. Lawrence has often made mention of you.I always remeber being facinated by your views of the "Big Bang" theroy and how for $100 you demonstrated to me in person. That has had a lasting impression.
I am sure you will be of great help to lawrence who seems to have lost his way a little. I am sure you could bring great value to his proposed training course. I do know you are value for money.
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TheDivineOne on October 22, 2009, 04:19:31 PM
Yes Mark.  I remember our conversation very well.  For $200 I will provide guidance with a happy ending.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 22, 2009, 08:08:12 PM
Measuring Pulsed Input

One of the doubts in the mind of Engineers is â€" how is Pulse Input measured?

The diagram below shows the theoretical Voltage against Time curve.  It is simplified for sake of explanation.

In stage A, the wheel starts to rotate.  The Proximity Switch (PS) switches on whenever a magnet reaches its proximity.  Initially, that will be 15 pulses per revolution.

In stages B, C and D, the wheel rotates faster and faster.  The PS switches on/off much more frequently.

In stage E, the PS switches on/off so quickly that the voltage was switched off before it reaches the supplied voltage of 12 Volts.  The PS starts to skip the pulsing.  It no longer pulses 15 time per revolution.

In stage F, the wheel is effectively unbalanced.  The rotational speed is not constant.  At some point, the rotational speed will slow down to a point that the PC can function temporarily.  Input Energy is supplied and the wheel speeds up again.

This explains the following:
1.   The wheel speeds up after starting.
2.   The wheel reaches a certain rotational speed and would not go faster even with more drive coils
3.   Creating an unbalanced rotation by removing a few magnets gets the wheel to rotate faster and providing more torque!
4.   On the small magnet wheel, removing 3 to 4 magnets appeared to work best.

The first way we used was â€" assume Input Voltage was a constant 12V DC.  That was obviously wrong but for comparison purposes, it does not matter.
The second way we used was â€" assume Input Voltage was lower than 12V DC by a constant factor (width of magnets in total divided by the circumference.)  That was only good for comparison only.
The third way we used was to measure the voltage supplied to the relay.  This voltage is fluctuating but it is much less than 12V and varies with the rotational speed and actual output load.  This is the technique we are using at this time. 

We know that the best and most accurate result will be from the readings of a good Oscilloscope with the appropriate computer analysis.  That will be done by the Universities with much better resources.

To our pleasant surprise, the Input Current appears to be steady as seen on the Amp Meter.  With the oscilloscope, the value can be much more accurate and reliable.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 23, 2009, 02:49:43 AM
The following email will be sent to hundreds in the academic, engineering, political fields.

Dear All,

We shall have our Dry Run to demonstrate our Overunity Lead-Out Energy Pulse Motor at the Inno Carnaival 09 at the Hong Kong Science Park on Nov 5-8, 2009 sponsored by the Commission for Innovation and Technology and six Universities of Hong Kong.

We shall be one of the exhibits from the Invention Association of Hong Kong.  Attached is our promotional literature.

Please feel free to forward the invitation and promotional material to your friends and relatives.  Admission is free.

Regards and looking forward to seeing you at the Carnival.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on October 23, 2009, 04:19:40 AM
Quote from: TheDivineOne on October 22, 2009, 10:23:26 AM
Nope.  I prefer cash.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 23, 2009, 05:43:38 AM
The Input Circuit

The diagram shows the Input Circuit and the positions of the Amp meter and Voltmeter.

The Relay allows current to pass through only if the Proximity Switch (PS)  tells it to.  This means that no current will pass through most of the time at slow rotations.  At very fast rotations, the PS was not sensitive enough to be turned on.  Thus no additional current was detected through the relay at very high rotational speeds.

The Voltage Reading was taken to be some indication of the average Voltage over time.  This value is much less than the 12 V battery.  The Input Power was assumed to be this Voltage x the Current.

The more accurate result will be via readings on good oscilloscopes.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 23, 2009, 06:57:21 AM
Output Circuit

The following diagram shows the Output Circuit we used to get an Overunity factor of 4.62.

With this configuration, both the Input and Output meters showed clear and easy to confirm readings.

We may use this as the default configuration for our Open Show.  (Unless we find something better.)

The chance of fraud or experimental error is close to zero.

Overunity is a certainty.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on October 23, 2009, 07:26:55 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung,

I would have chosen a higher Input and Output.  For example, use Input Power = 24 watts and Output Power = 60 watts.  The Overunity factor is still an impressive 2.5.

I do understand your concern - at such higher power, you burnt the electronics a few times.  You do not want that to happen in the Open Show.

I am sure that you will arouse interest to justify some follow-up action.  You can show the higher power and more dangerous cases then.

Make sure that you have more than one working prototype before the show. (and  plenty of spare parts.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 23, 2009, 08:16:10 AM
@Top Gun
sadly Lawrence you are in for a rude shock when you put scopes on the device or decent meters. But please keep trying
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 23, 2009, 08:54:36 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 22, 2009, 08:08:12 PM
Measuring Pulsed Input

One of the doubts in the mind of Engineers is â€" how is Pulse Input measured?
In the end, what counts is what the user has to pay.
Charge a battery fully.
Allow the motor runs for, say, two hours.
Recharge the battery, measuring the current and voltage.

The multiplication of these is the number of watts used over the two hours.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 23, 2009, 03:40:35 PM
@ Paul R
"In the the end what actually counts is what the user has to pay"

Thats easy to work out in this case $150,000HK

i am not sure where the free comes in.

I can now but solar pannels for under $2 per watt (in bulk) so lets assume this device dowes put out 40 watts it would have to cost less than $80 to compete

Anyway we are only guessing , because until the power it has been measured by someone who knows what there doing, or it is closed loop there is nothing here.

So Paul R , what do you think of the HK $150,000 for training. Do you think if it was real that thtey would allow the design to be shared on the internet for free. I think not.

So this project is screwed before it started. Speaking of which, The Devine One offes much better value in money with her Big Bang deal with a smiley ending for $200 USD.

Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TheDivineOne on October 23, 2009, 05:36:14 PM
    Do not let technicians use scopes to test input versus output until AFTER you have their money for the course.  Simply insist that it has been verified by respectable universities.

Guidance from The Divine One
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 23, 2009, 07:48:42 PM

Here is my video of me running a one magnet, no bearing Bedini motor from my earth energy receiver:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rauOlhNK0iY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rauOlhNK0iY)

This is utilizing Jonny Davro's modifications and Lidmotor's transformer coil with no core.

This, to me, is true overunity and completely free energy as it is not plugged into the wall and it is not running from a battery, it is powering itself.  It will run as long as you want it to and it will also charge a 9 volt battery at the same time as seen in this video.  It also lights the neon in the circuit which takes about 90-120 volts to do.

This is small scale, of course, and you can't run a house from it but it proves the concept.  As far as I know, I am the first person in the world to do this experiment successfully.  Electricme was the first person I know of to run a regular electric motor from an EER. (RC helicopter tail rotor motor)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 24, 2009, 03:30:13 AM
Thoughts on the Feedback/Loopback Mechanism

I believe the following will work:
1.   Use the 12V Battery to start.
2.   Get the Output to more than 12V with multiple Collector Coils.  We have already achieved 46V AC with no load.  We can get to 15V AC with 20 ohm load.
3.   Convert the AC Output to DC, maintaining the voltage to around 15V DC.
4.   Connect the converted Output directly to Input.  The Output should be able to recharge the 12V battery and more.
5.   Disconnect the 12V Battery at the appropriate moment to check that it is fully charged.
6.   Draw some Output Energy to light up a few LEDs or light bulbs. 

With this particular demonstration, we can keep the battery fully charged.  A few LEDs or light bulbs could be lit forever (or until they burnt out).  A few weeks continuous lighting with a fully charged battery at the end should be evidence enough.  It is not a perpetual motion machine that creates energy.  It is a Lead-Out Energy Machine drawing out gravitational and electron motion energy.

We shall be able to check this out within a few days.  Is this another gift from the Divine One?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 24, 2009, 05:44:01 AM
the devine one does accept gifts but always likes cash.
This sounds like a good experiment , just leave the battery contectd and put a volt meter on it. You will need a small load. If it runs for weeks with the load on and the battery maintains it voltage you have a winner....or better still how about some caps?
At least you have a reasonable experiment now.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on October 24, 2009, 06:01:39 AM
dsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg

ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdh

gosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  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dfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sf

ygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdhdsfgldksfhglkdsjh flkdsh lkdsjfhg dshfgkljdhflgkjdshf dlksfh gdkfsh skdjglkdshfglkjdshglkjdshgkhgldskjfhg kjfhgkjh kldjfhgsafdujadskjh lkhg ldkhfglkdhfg lfdhgdfhgldsfhg jhg kfdjhg flkdhg lkdhfg ldhfgkshfglkshdflkhdsflghsdlfkhgldskhfg lfd  fkjhglkjdhfglkdshfglkdhflgkshdlkfhglkdsfhg kfdshg sldkfjhglkdsf kdjsh lkdshjglksjd fkljdhfg ksjfdhgksjhfglskfdjh gldjhgkjshdfgsdfhughrjgbhfbgsdoifug0surihg sjfdhgishg ur gfofgu0sir iu gisufghs9iufhyg s9urgygh9siufygosuf g9sfygs0iug  dsoifhgisdhgso iaohsogisudhf gsufyh sidhgsd fgsfughdsfgushr tiruygsiou hofdiugrhsdgbpiaoeshg psoiuhfoisdufhg osidf oidsfh gosidfhgosiduhgfoeaisu goisuhf gosidufh oisudfh goidsuf gosidufh goisufdh gsoidufhgsuehgtr peshiuh sldifjh siojfdhg oidsfhg osisoifdhgosiufh goisufdh oisufdh osihfgosihsifuh nsoidf osif goifughgjfh gsldfhgklsdh
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 24, 2009, 06:28:46 AM
The Feedback Mechanism

The following diagram shows the proposed feedback mechanism.

We know that
1. we can achieve overunity.  The AC Power Output can be greater than Input.
2. We can vary the Output AC voltage by different arrangement of the Collector Coils.
3. We can convert the Output AC to DC.  If the votage is greater than 12 V, we can recharge the 12 V battery.
4. We can vary the load to draw out different energy and achieve the correct Pulsing Frequency.
5. There is a possibility that we can even remove the battery!

How exciting.  Many thanks to the Divine One.

*** As illustrated, the battery will also drive the load unless the switch is Open.  That give us the incentive to try harder.
*** There will be no possibility of DOUBT if the device runs after the swirch is open or if the battery is removed!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 24, 2009, 06:43:32 AM
I ran babblefish translatter over your text and found it was a rare form of anciet dialect. In it contained not only the solution to the Unification Theory but a clear step by step guide to an overunity device.
It also contained eplicit instructions how to conect with the Devine One who has recently taken residence up in China.
Well done
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TheDivineOne on October 24, 2009, 07:30:39 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 24, 2009, 06:28:46 AM

How exciting.  Many thanks to the Divine One.

*** There will be no possibility of DOUBT if the device runs after the swirch is open or if the battery is removed!

You're welcome.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 24, 2009, 09:46:29 AM
Quote from: markdansie on October 23, 2009, 03:40:35 PM
@ Paul R
"In the the end what actually counts is what the user has to pay"

Thats easy to work out in this case $150,000HK
When you do your homework, and understand the significance of the winners of the
1957 Nobel Physics prize, you will be on the bottom rung of the ladder.

Until then, you are a tosser.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 24, 2009, 02:01:02 PM
@ Paul-R
call me a Tosser, I am sure you can do better than that.
See the problem you have is everything you believe in is based on speculation, delusional people or just scam artists. I welcome the day I am proved wrong and indeed a breakthough will be made. I want to be proved wrong. Until then, well given what we know and can demonstrate you have no case for your arguments.
I am just wondering if personally you will be attending the course in China. Nothing like putting your money behind your belief systems.
On the other hand I encourage everyone to keep up there good work and expand the field of understanding we have. many good people are doing some great work in these forums and should be encouraged. What makes it hard for them are the ones who make claims that can not be supported or are just con men. Unfortunately everyone gets tared with the same brush.
have I supported inventors before financially ...yes and lost my money, but in doing so I knew the risk to begin with and hold no grudge. The sad side of my existence is the many times I have had to break the news after testing devices that they have nothing.
I have an interest in several projects. Most do not make the forums or have only made Brief appearances. I am a believer a breakthrough may come one day.
I guess the most exciting thing I am finding is the costs of solar and many other technologies will be so low soon that they will be affordable. The big breakthrough in battery technologies i believe is veryclose with some excellent research being done. I can purchase solar panels now for sub $2 per watt. With government subsidies they are very affordable.
So I will continue my journey of sorting the bad from the good, and will never compromise on asking questions and challenging outlandish claims. Part of my reason of doing this is to protect the gullable. I have seen families lose their life savings investing in Free Energy devices promoted by either con men or delusional people.
PS has anyone pre paid for their magnacoaster yet?
Ant why do I challenge the author (many authors if you count all his ID here)of this thread. Its simple, appart form the entertainment value, and I do applaud his efforts, he is now attempting to fleece many thousands of dollars form gullible people.
I have one more question Mr Paul R. Do you think he should offer a money back guarantee, given it has never been tested to acceptable standards?
I will always defend your right Paul-R to express your opinion and offer your opinion on me. But I also in that defence claim the right of reply. I would only suggest you be more imaginative with your words.
as usual
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on October 24, 2009, 03:18:42 PM
Come on mark, how's mr tseung gonna make any money with a money back guarantee?  I mean shouldn't he be compensated for the hundreds of pages written on this board?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 24, 2009, 03:40:15 PM
Quote from: markdansie on October 24, 2009, 02:01:02 PM
@ Paul-R
call me a Tosser, I am sure you can do better than that.
See the problem you have is everything you believe in is based on speculation, delusional people or just scam artists. I welcome the day I am proved wrong and indeed a breakthough will be made. I want to be proved wrong. Until then, well given what we know and can demonstrate you have no case for your arguments.
I am just wondering if personally you will be attending the course in China. Nothing like putting your money behind your belief systems.
On the other hand I encourage everyone to keep up there good work and expand the field of understanding we have. many good people are doing some great work in these forums and should be encouraged. What makes it hard for them are the ones who make claims that can not be supported or are just con men. Unfortunately everyone gets tared with the same brush.
have I supported inventors before financially ...yes and lost my money, but in doing so I knew the risk to begin with and hold no grudge. The sad side of my existence is the many times I have had to break the news after testing devices that they have nothing.
I have an interest in several projects. Most do not make the forums or have only made Brief appearances. I am a believer a breakthrough may come one day.
I guess the most exciting thing I am finding is the costs of solar and many other technologies will be so low soon that they will be affordable. The big breakthrough in battery technologies i believe is veryclose with some excellent research being done. I can purchase solar panels now for sub $2 per watt. With government subsidies they are very affordable.
So I will continue my journey of sorting the bad from the good, and will never compromise on asking questions and challenging outlandish claims. Part of my reason of doing this is to protect the gullable. I have seen families lose their life savings investing in Free Energy devices promoted by either con men or delusional people.
PS has anyone pre paid for their magnacoaster yet?
Ant why do I challenge the author (many authors if you count all his ID here)of this thread. Its simple, appart form the entertainment value, and I do applaud his efforts, he is now attempting to fleece many thousands of dollars form gullible people.
I have one more question Mr Paul R. Do you think he should offer a money back guarantee, given it has never been tested to acceptable standards?
I will always defend your right Paul-R to express your opinion and offer your opinion on me. But I also in that defence claim the right of reply. I would only suggest you be more imaginative with your words.
as usual
Kind Regards

@ Mark:

Wow!  In my humble opinion that was a great post.  Very well said sir.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 24, 2009, 05:41:55 PM
Getting the right electronic components

We need to get the four diodes of the correct specification.

We have a chance to test our proposed feedback/loopback system before Nov 5-8.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 25, 2009, 04:46:02 AM
Lead-Out Energy Machine with Feedback

The Lead-Out Energy Machine with Feedback worked as expected.

After we converted the Output to DC, the following were the readings:
Input: 1.0V, 1.4 Amp  and hence Input Power = 1.4 watts (1.0 x 1.4)
Output with no feedback and no load, using 3 Collector Coils in series:
     18 V, 0 Amps  DC
Output with feedback (load is re-charging the battery)
12V, 0.4 Amps  and hence Output Power = 4.8 watts (12 x 0.4)
The Overunity Factor or COP = 3.43 (4.8/1.4)

After Lunch, the 12V battery was fully re-charged.  The Input dropped to
0.77V, 1.0 Amp and hence Input Power = 0.77 watts (0.77 x 1.0)
We failed to measure the Output as the DC Amp reading hit the 250mA mark and blew the fuse of our Multipurpose Meter.

Thanks to the Divine One.  We have exceeded the described functionality of the Newman. Bedini and Adams Motors.  We can recharge batteries and demonstrate overunity.

If we can do multiple internal loops at COP of 3, the output is expected to be 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729 times. 
Or from 4.8, 43.2, 129.6, 388.8, 1166.4, 3499.2, 10,497.6 watts.  We can get over 1KW with 8 internal loops.  Unfortunately, our existing prototype will have its electronics burnt at less than 100 watts.  The Wood also rose to almost burning temperature at certain spots.  We need to build another more robust prototype that can stand the much higher current and power.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on October 25, 2009, 07:27:01 AM
Controlled Internal Loops

Dear Mr. Tseung,

Even I was surprised at the result of the Feedback and how fast Mr. Tong got it working.  I expected it to recharge the battery.  But I did not foresee that it could show an overunity factor of 3.43 at the same time.

I believe you have some luck (or help from the Divine One) in that the wheel rotated so fast that the Proximity Switch became non-functional and did not keep pumping out Energy to destroy your wheel.

You know that you can vary the Output by varying
1.   The number of Collector Coils
2.   The arrangement of the Collector Coils
3.   The shape and the number of turns in the Collector Coils
4.   The value of the resistance attached
5.   The rotational speed of the axle â€" by slowing with the magnetic wheel.
6.   Attaching a load (dynamo) to the axle to draw some power from it.

You still need to identify a mechanism so that you can vary the Output with the Load.  I would suggest that you use the rotational speed.  You may be able to get experimentally a graph of Output Power verses the rotational Speed.  Equipped with that, you may be able to control the rotational speed and achieve the needed Output Power.  There are still some hurdles to overcome.  But end is insight.

If you keep your good heart and good intentions, the Devine One may just give you one more favor.  The 5KW Electricity Generator will then be available to benefit the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 25, 2009, 07:47:30 AM
Dear Top Gun,

I believe the Divine One has already given his blessing.

In our circuit, when we put on Load, we draw energy both from the battery and the Output.  Thus we could do everything a 12V battery can do and more.

As soon as we take away the Load, the wheel will continue to rotate and recharge the battery.  So long as we take off the load from time to time (like switching off the light in the day time), the battery will be recharged.  We never need to burn any fossil fuel!

Thank you once more to the Divine One.

Such a feature can be demonstrated on Nov 5-8, 2009.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on October 25, 2009, 08:18:46 AM
kdjhfksjdhk sdjhksjd gfskj gfkjsgfskjhgdjhfgdskj fsjkgfkjsfkjsh fgkshd gfdskjgfkjdshgfkj gjskdhfg sdhjg fkjsdh kjsdh gkjhgds fkjs xcfcb cvbcxv bcvb cvlbkjhxihxlkhgxjh xjhgvkjxcbvxkjbvxkjhbcvj jxbv xjkcbvk jxb xbvk xjb xjbcjxkcbkjxbcvjbk h xb  xv xvjbh xvhbxkjchvbxjcvbxcjkvbhx cjhxcjhcx  xkjh hjbjvxhbxkjcvkcxhbkjxvh bkxjch kxjcvhbkvxjhbkxjvhbjvcbk cxhkjhbc kjxhbxhflbkxhofih glkxhfgpisudhfgoisudhyfoigudhfogisdhfoi gushfdgishfljshgk shgosjdh goisfdhugoijsdhfogi shdoiguhdsfoighsodifh gosidh fgiush goiuh oigsuhoigfh oioih oids hfih fgoihf goisdhu fgoish foiush goisdhfgoisdhufg sodifhgoidsfh gosidfh gdsifh gsoidjhfgoisjdhfgoisjdfhgoihfdsgoisdhgfoidsh goidsh goidsjhf goidsoigsdoifoifd oids fhoisdfhgosidjfgoidsgidsijhdsifjh gihfds gidshfihsgoihfdsighdsifh godifgidsjfgsidjfhgsijdfgishdfighsidooisdjhfoighif  idsgiosdfighsd fih i ghidsjhfgijdshgsidfjgsidjfgidshgsjdfhigsdifgidsjgijdhfoighofidsoigishfdgoidisfjgoidsjfgoijfdsigdsihfoighsdfoihgdsoifhgoihdshgsdoifgoidsjfhgoisjdhfogihsdfoighsdfoihgsoidfgoisdjhfoigjshfdighsdfijhgsidjhfgisjdfhgsidjfhgifdhgdihgidhfgjfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffdgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg...dfghddkhkd kkhg dkfhgd dkfhg g kgjh dgkdfjh gldkfh lkfdjh glkjfdhj gdlkfhg lkfdh glkdfhjgldkfhgldkfhgldkfhg lfkjhgdlkjfhglkdfh glkdfhglkdfh gkdhfgkdhlkdhfkljdhfgkjhdflkhgldkfhgkjdfhglkdfhgkdfhjgkdfhgkjdhfgkdhfgkjdhfkhgdfkjhgdlkjfhglkfdjhglhldkfhglkdlkdfhjglkdsjfhglksdhgslkdjhgslkdhgslkdfhglksjdfhjglksjdhf glkj sd ldkjsh lksjdh lkds hlksdkd lkksd kjdsfhglkjhflkhsdfjghdkjfghkldsfjhglksfjhgslkdfhglkfdhlkdsjhglksdhglkhjglkdsjhglksdhflgkjsgkjsdhglkjshlkjsglkjsdhfglkhdgjhdsflkjghdsflkhgldskjhglskdjfhgldkshglkdsfhgkldjshfglkdjf jghjfghjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjghldkfjhfdlkhgdhldkfhglklkflkjfsh ksfhh fjh698743265983739898576039760937693847609384670938470693476598437-065984965 b9 4943 8657 -0439 6938 469 84698 43-5698743963948769384760 398476 093876 093876 0398469 37409687 093487 6098 435098436 09843750698345069834965098475069384756938476938476093487609438670 9438756093847506398576098347609 0987609376987 5096865809 75387 609 36 09357603947560943875603946093 48643975609437609 369 39 5863948 576 94387569837698376987698670946 30 567903857609384760 3498756094387 5609847 5609384 56 409869487 609 38098 6397609873506983756 39587698375609 3858969  934875609384-5760943875609438670943867094386 93 74693847 0639846 384968530987039847509730598760398567093467093487609347094375609384756098430943894098456 04396  436 3496 57039486730947560934867094375609438670934876093476094350697430976039475643097609437636545000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111111111100000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000001011001010101010`10`101010100110010101`00`10`01`01`010`010`1101001010100`001010`10`010`01`010`010`10`010`001`01`010`010`01`010`010`010`01`01`01001010101010101010100100000010000101010100100010100100000000101010101001000011011111111110101001010101010101010100101010000101010001001111010101100101010101010110010101010101010100101010101010010101010101010000101011010100101010101011001011100101101001100101010110010
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on October 25, 2009, 08:41:25 AM
Dear Mr. Tseung.

If I interpret your post correctly, I can do the following:
1.   Put your device on my Electric Car of today.
2.   While the car is running, the energy will be from the Batteries and from your device.
3.   While the car stops or is parked in a garage, your device will recharge the Batteries.
4.   The result is that I never need to pay for electricity in running my electric car.
5.   I never need to plug my electric car to any electrical outlet.

My usual routine is to drive to work, park my car and drive home after work.  The above scenario suits me fine.   This is already a winner of major proportions.  This is worth HK$150,000 or less than US$20,000 already. 

If your prediction is true, the price will drop to HK$15,000 or US$2,000 in about a year, it would be a MUST on my list.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on October 25, 2009, 02:16:07 PM
Cool, now get rid of the battery and use a capacitor for a more provable sense of overunity and leave it running untill a newer generation is built. If that is done I think many will eat their astronomical hats.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 25, 2009, 04:45:09 PM
Quote from: broli on October 25, 2009, 02:16:07 PM
Cool, now get rid of the battery and use a capacitor for a more provable sense of overunity and leave it running untill a newer generation is built. If that is done I think many will eat their astronomical hats.

I think we can enjoy our victory safely for a little while.  What will drain a 12V battery quickly and convincingly?  I can think of my fishing lights that can drain the battery in a few hours.  We can turn those lights on and prove that the battery is at least half drained. When the lights are on, both the battery and the Lead-Out Energy Machine are providing Energy.  As soon as we turned the lights off, the Machine will recharge the battery.  Instead of the fishing lights, we may be able to use Christmas Lights!

The above scenario can be demonstrated conclusively.  Another alternative is to find an attractive toy that can drain a 12V battery quickly.  Any suggestions?

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on October 25, 2009, 09:49:17 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 25, 2009, 04:45:09 PM
I think we can enjoy our victory safely for a little while.  What will drain a 12V battery quickly and convincingly?  I can think of my fishing lights that can drain the battery in a few hours.  We can turn those lights on and prove that the battery is at least half drained. When the lights are on, both the battery and the Lead-Out Energy Machine are providing Energy.  As soon as we turned the lights off, the Machine will recharge the battery.  Instead of the fishing lights, we may be able to use Christmas Lights!

The above scenario can be demonstrated conclusively.  Another alternative is to find an attractive toy that can drain a 12V battery quickly.  Any suggestions?

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Take an inverter and connect it to the 12v battery, then connect a fan to the inverter and it will drain the battery very fast.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 26, 2009, 01:27:46 AM
I have a question.  Is the previous page ( 470) blank for anyone else or is it just me?  I had about half the page yesterday but after that, and now, it is totally blank.  This page and the others are fine but that page shows the posters, but no messages.  Is it just me?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tagor on October 26, 2009, 02:00:06 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on October 26, 2009, 01:27:46 AM
I have a question.  Is the previous page ( 470) blank for anyone else or is it just me?  I had about half the page yesterday but after that, and now, it is totally blank.  This page and the others are fine but that page shows the posters, but no messages.  Is it just me?


Hi ! bill !!
yes it is

but look at the right ...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on October 26, 2009, 06:23:29 AM
Yes some funny guy broke it by posting random garbage. But you should be able to scroll to the right to see the posts.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 26, 2009, 07:46:16 AM
Quote from: markdansie on October 24, 2009, 02:01:02 PM
I welcome the day I am proved wrong...

Do you think he should offer a money back guarantee...
Two statements from you, markdansie:

1. Page 465, message 4647 spells it out for you. Either you do it or you don't.

2. Yes. Actually, it doesn't matter.
If you go into a shop, and buy a boxed TV, get it home to find that it contains a microwave oven,
then the goods supplied are "not fit for purpose". Every country has some sort of "Sale of Goods Act". Use it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TheDivineOne on October 26, 2009, 08:37:46 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 25, 2009, 07:47:30 AM
I believe the Divine One has already given his blessing.

I'm female.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 26, 2009, 09:33:23 AM
First double check by an External Engineer

Dr. Patrick Tsang is an Engineer who got his PhD from Imperial College, England.

He looked at the readings and asked whether the use of the small version of the 12 V battery was sufficient.  He was right.  It worked.  The small 12 V battery replaced the large one while the wheel was still in slowing down mode. 

The Input was 1.05V, 1.5 Amp giving Input Power = 1.575 watts.  The Output was 12V, 0.25 Amp giving Output Power = 3 watts.  The COP = 1.9 (3/1.572).

Everything worked fine.  We even put a Load of 10 ohms.  That drew about 1.2 Amps as expected.  The current came from a combination of the Output and the battery.  To our delight, the small battery was still fully charged after a few hours.  The 10 Ohm resistor got hot.  The Power Drawn by the 10 Ohm Load should be VI = VxV/R = 14.4 watts (12x12/10).

Apparently, the combined Output and Battery could provide 14.4 watts (much higher than the 3 watts as measured by the Output Voltmeters and Amp meters.  This may be due to the Pulsing got more efficient when the wheel was slowed down by the Load.  The extra available Pulsing from the Drive Coils pumped out the additional energy,.

This means that we can indeed put in a 12V toy to drain Output Energy.  The surprise is that the battery would not even be drained down.  The more formal plan is to put in multiple 12V bulbs in parallel for checking and demonstration.  Time to do shopping again.

The following scenario is possible â€" when Top Gun drives his Electric Car with our device, the Battery NEVER gets drained.  He does not need to recharge the Battery when he parked his car in the garage.  He does  not need so many Batteries.  His electric car can be lighter.

Mr. Joseph Newman did not lie.  We can now easily reproduce his results in a similar way.  His batteries never went down even though he used them to drive his car!  Lead-Out Energy wins again.

These results will be repeated and double checked many times before Nov 5-8.  We have the Commission of Innovation and Technology PLUS Six Universities doing double and triple checking then. 

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on October 26, 2009, 10:46:58 AM
@ Tagor, Broli:

Thanks guys.  Duh, I should have noticed that but I didn't.  You guys are correct.  Thank you.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 26, 2009, 03:38:29 PM
Slow down mode? What a laugh. That means the work is exceeding the power in and it momentum that is producing the power. This is the funniest claim I have ever heard from you. Also when are you going to get a scope reading and have someone with the qualifications to measure it . Until then your words are nonsense.
@Paul R
You have referred to some previous examples of what you claim is overunity. Can you please reffer me to the peer review or independent measuring of these devices. If they have been independently tested and confirmed , why haven't they claimed the overunity prize or even a Nobel prize? Do you have first hand experience with these? Have you replicated them? I do not think so. You just perpetuate the urban myth and do great damage to those people trying to conduct legitimate experiments or development.
As far as the money back guarantee goes, yes most countries do have some protection. So with Lawrence's course (where we are seeking a money back guarantee) what country would be talking about and what laws specifically? I think you were referring to the device being sold and not the course. (you need to be specific not just your normal generalist waffle)
I would be interested if you will be attending the course your self and with multiple personalities can you get a group rate?
As usual you fell well short or providing any credible arguments or even logical answers to the questions I pose.
Would you be willing to have lets say a live debate on line with me (we can use Skype or have a yahoo room) I am sure we could have some fun with a few people as you prove to the world your claims of overunity. In fact bring a whole team along. Perhaps Stephan can act as the moderator.
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TheDivineOne on October 26, 2009, 08:13:37 PM
One can make any claim they wish about a device that does not exist and cannot be proven wrong.  Lawrence, you can definatively win the debate.  I will provide guidance.... For a small fee.  I do not take responsibility for how my guidance is used, therefore I cannot guarantee success. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 26, 2009, 09:00:22 PM
@ TheDivineOne,
May I suggest that you take a small fee from me as well so you can claim victory no matter the outcome and double your profits. After all, the most horrific wars in history have been fought over who has the best pretend friend.
I am also with your permission thinking of starting the Church of The Divine Profit where all profit will be considered Divine...your advice on this would be appreciated.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on October 27, 2009, 07:08:25 AM
Quote from: markdansie on October 26, 2009, 03:38:29 PM
@Paul R
You have referred to some previous examples of what you claim is overunity. Can you please refer me to the peer review...
Do it yourself. You will believe nothing that does not come from you.

It easy enough. Stop being so damned lazy, markdansie. Get off your backside and get some dirt under your fingernails.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on October 27, 2009, 07:34:42 AM
Less than 10 days and counting

Dear Mr. Tseung,

It is now less than 10 days to the Inno Carnival 09.  I know that you and Mr. Tong still have many ideas that you want to try.  Some of these innovative ideas include:

1.   Put in capacitors and take away the battery totally
2.   Get the Output to be much higher â€" closer to 50 watts
3.   Get three prototypes working before the Open Show
4.   Buy a good oscilloscope
5.   Program control
6.   Get new Meters, light bulbs etc.
7.   Decorate the wheel

I believe you should put the Show as the first priority.  You are going to use it as a Dry Run.  The purpose is to excite at least the Commission for Innovation and Technology and the Six Universities.  Let them feel that there is something to look into seriously.  Let them do the verification and confirmation.

The Readings from the Input and Output DC Volt and Amp meters are excellent starters.  The auto re-charging of the battery is another.  The Six Universities will use their expensive Oscilloscopes and the analysis programs.  They will confirm the results. Any debunker or insulter will have a hard time challenging those readings. 

May be you should only do items 6 and 7 before the Carnival.  Repeat the reproducible results multiple times.  
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: robbie47 on October 27, 2009, 10:28:17 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on October 27, 2009, 07:08:25 AM
It easy enough. Stop being so damned lazy, markdansie. Get off your backside and get some dirt under your fingernails.

The purpose of Mark to attend this forum is only to parasitize and find cheap business opportunities.
Obvious enough and shown in many threads in this forum.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on October 27, 2009, 01:13:08 PM
Don't necessarily think there's anything wrong with that.  If somebody stumbles upon REAL OU, there gonna need capital to make it happen.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 27, 2009, 02:35:06 PM
@Robbie and Paul
Interesting comments. You are most welcome to come to my place and see the dozens of projects (especially hydroxy devices) I have built. However I know my limitations so when it comes to testing claims I arrange the people with better qualifications than I have to do the testing and give advice. One project recently that appeared on this forum that showed great potential (and still does) I facilitated a physicist and electrial person to visits and do tests. In the process the inventor was taught how to correctly read power in and out and was given the guidance needed to move forward and do things correctly. (for this I asked for no reward) The inventor was appreciative of this and took the advice in good spirit and making progress.
In some cases I assist or put people into contact with the money people (without me even having to receive anything) to progress their projects.
i do not restrict myself to forums, I am happy to take on large companies and dispute claims that are not real and encourage others that are.
Above all, I have respect in that very rarely anyone can pull the wool over my eyes. That's why I am often engaged to organise testing on behalf of investors.
I also come here because there are many interesting people and projects to follow. People like Jenna, Bill and many others do great projects that are fascinating and progressing all of our knowledge.
I guess what I am saying ,if it wasn't for people like me you might still be spending a lot of money building Mylow devices.
I also acknowledge that everyone has a role including people like yourselves. After all I need to be made accountable as well and I welcome your criticisms of me. I am far from perfect, and have blown a lot of money myself backing the wrong projects over the years.
I have made some great friendships with people and many enemies. I find it difficult that often when testing a device someone has put years of work into and it doesn't work how they thought it worked, they tend to shoot the messanger.
As always, thank you for your comments, and I do listen to them and learn. Hopefully I can become a better person by doing so.
However, if I see a scam or unsupported claims I will act in a uncompromising manner. I have seen far too many people have their lives destroyed by investing in devices that have not been fully scrutinised.
Kind Regards

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on October 27, 2009, 03:52:52 PM
Quote from: markdansie on October 27, 2009, 02:35:06 PM
if it wasn't for people like me you might still be spending a lot of money building Mylow devices.
Thanks for reflecting your view on yourself. Very educating.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on October 27, 2009, 04:25:29 PM
What can go wrong now?

Tseung and Tong, think carefully what can go wrong now?

1.   Can the Input voltage and current measurements be wrong
2.   Can the Output voltage and current after converted to DC be wrong?
3.   Can the recharging of the battery be wrong?
4.   Can your interpretation of the action of the proximity switch be wrong?
5.   Can your interpretation of the function of the magnetic wheel be wrong?

The most surprising result of your Lead-Out Energy wheel is that any load you put on could draw energy from both the Output and the Input 12V battery.   This means that any Load that can be driven by a 12V battery can be driven by your wheel and more.  When that Load is removed, the battery is recharged.  Confirm such behavior with meters and other indicators.  You need to invest in a good oscilloscope sooner or later.

Test the case of removing the battery after starting.  If the Output is definitely overunity, you do have a chance of another breakthrough and impress the layman.  All doubts will vaporize.

You have not mastered the mechanism to increase the Output Power to 5KW yet.  You are still behind the 225 HP pulse motor.
You will have experts from Six Universities in Hong Kong to examine, verify, test and confirm your overunity results.  Do not expect a quick report.  Your invention has extremely far reaching consequences â€" rewriting the Physics and Electrical Engineering Courses.  Expect to build a few more similar prototypes with the scrutiny of these experts.  All secrets will be revealed. 

Your chance of becoming multi-billionaires will be gone!

There is a possibility that you will be bought out or simply silenced!  You and Lee Cheung Kin were left alone because the “Powerful” did not believe two retired old men could actually bring the technology to life.  They thought that a couple of debunkers and insulters could do the job.  Expect foul play before and at the Carnival.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on October 27, 2009, 04:42:07 PM
Quote from: Devil on October 27, 2009, 04:25:29 PM
What can go wrong now?

Tseung and Tong, think carefully what can go wrong now?

1.   Can the Input voltage and current measurements be wrong
2.   Can the Output voltage and current after converted to DC be wrong?
3.   Can the recharging of the battery be wrong?
4.   Can your interpretation of the action of the proximity switch be wrong?
5.   Can your interpretation of the function of the magnetic wheel be wrong?

You need to invest in a good oscilloscope sooner or later.

Test the case of removing the battery after starting.  If the Output is definitely overunity, you do have a chance of another breakthrough and impress the layman.  All doubts will vaporize.

Yes to all of the above & one other thing you may not have considered. You might be diagnosed professionally with a multiple personality disorder and be introduced to your other selves.
I encourage you to keep trying with your research. However stop making claims until you can have your device tested precisely. PS have the other Universities agreed to test your device or are they just attending the same event???? credability does not come by association.
Kind Regards to you and your fellow personalities
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: robbie47 on October 27, 2009, 05:20:05 PM
Quote from: Devil on October 27, 2009, 04:25:29 PM
Test the case of removing the battery after starting.  If the Output is definitely overunity, you do have a chance of another breakthrough and impress the layman.  All doubts will vaporize.

That probably won't work because the output is in the form of pulsed energy.
The input requires very specific timing. It would be a very large coincidence when input and output are required at the very same time slots.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on October 27, 2009, 10:23:20 PM
Quote from: robbie47 on October 27, 2009, 05:20:05 PM
That probably won't work because the output is in the form of pulsed energy.
The input requires very specific timing. It would be a very large coincidence when input and output are required at the very same time slots.

Good observation.  Tseung and Tong are selecting the best capacitors and arrangements to smooth out the pulsing output.

I told Tseung not to take any notice of any debunker or insulter postings.  He just put down his information for record purposes.  Even if he were silienced tomorrow, he would have something to show the World.

He could claim anything.  He and Lee already contacted the Legislative Council Members, the Commission for Innovation and Technology, the Six Universities in Hong Kong, the Beijing Patent Office and of course, President Obama.  His claims will be disputed, debated, verified and confirmed.  Any unjustified claims would be tossed out.

If he were to wait for Official Verification before he posted anything, he should not be in this forum or anywhere on the Internet.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 28, 2009, 04:04:28 AM
The light bulbs as load and the charging of the battery

We now have a good number of 12V light bulb with 3 watt rating.  We chose the low watt as our Output Power from the meters indicate a few watts.  To our pleasant surprise, the wheel could sustain not just one but 3 light bulbs.  It could also deliver current to the battery at the same time.  However, the current was only 0.33 Amps.

From our Commercial Unit literature, the charging current must be 1.5 Amp or up before charging of a weak battery could really take place.  Even if the meter indicates a Current of 0.33A flowing, the battery was NOT re-charged.

We still have the challenge of providing sufficient current to recharge the batteries.  Our Output Voltage before recharging the battery was 17 Volts.  That should be enough to recharge the battery.  As soon as we connected the wires, the voltage dropped to 12V.  The Amp meter still showed current reading flowing from the Output.  We thought that indicated a charging of the battery.  We were mistaken.

We now need to get a much higher Output Power.  At present, we used 4 collector coils in series.  We could have 2 pairs of these in parallel.  We could also insert different Collectors in.  We could try to use Collector Coils with soft iron core, etc.  One thing we can also try is to put in capacitors to smooth out the Output Voltage.

For the Carnival Demonstration on Nov 5-8, we can rely on the Input and Output meter readings.  That indicates overunity.  The purpose is to arouse discussion, more experiments and more involvement.

*** We also bought an expensive oscilloscope with programs that can be connected to the Computer.  It will take a few days for Mr. Tong to master it.  His priority is to tidy up the working prototype for Nov 5-8.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: robbie47 on October 28, 2009, 05:52:55 AM
This battery looks like an ordinary lead acid battery.
These should be able to charge with even a few milliamps.

It may be that your charger has a threshold of 1.5 A before charging.
Some manufacturers do that because otherwise the battery voltage raises too much, which kill the battery under charge.
Should be indicated in the user manual.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 28, 2009, 08:09:27 AM
Quote from: robbie47 on October 28, 2009, 05:52:55 AM
This battery looks like an ordinary lead acid battery.
These should be able to charge with even a few milliamps.

It may be that your charger has a threshold of 1.5 A before charging.
Some manufacturers do that because otherwise the battery voltage raises too much, which kill the battery under charge.
Should be indicated in the user manual.

We found that our drive coils have an AC component.  It was probably due to picking up energy during the idle time.  We shall find out more with the expensive scope.  Can we use this AC energy to our advantage?

There was much discussion on the “strange behavior” of the Newman, Bedini batteries after they have been recharged by their machines.  We are seeing that.  This may be due to charging with an AC or fluctuating component.  We shall place the appropriate capacitors.  (Appropriate means that we are still in the early experimental mode.)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: robbie47 on October 28, 2009, 08:34:36 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 28, 2009, 08:09:27 AM
We found that our drive coils have an AC component.  It was probably due to picking up energy during the idle time.  We shall find out more with the expensive scope.  Can we use this AC energy to our advantage?

Lawrence, do you re-use the back-emf of the drive coil(s) after switching off the current?
This might be the effect you indicated.
In the picture below re-using driving current in the coils can be found.
Solution 1 uses a diode to re-circulate drive current after switching off
Solution 2 uses simple switch to re-circulate current after switching off

Are your using something like this?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on October 28, 2009, 08:38:30 AM
About time you guys bought an oscilloscope. A lot of things should be much clearer with it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 28, 2009, 08:52:04 AM
Quote from: robbie47 on October 28, 2009, 08:34:36 AM
Lawrence, do you re-use the back-emf of the drive coil(s) after switching off the current?
This might be the effect you indicated.

Instead of calling it back emf, we understand it as the AC component induced after the current was switched off during the Pulse. It may be the same thing as what was used to recharge batteries by Bedini.

We detected it today.  We have not used it yet.

It may be another blessing from the Divine One. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: robbie47 on October 28, 2009, 09:20:30 AM
Lawrence, another question after browsing through this thread to understand your principle:

You mentioned several times "The Minato, Newman and Bedini Motors relied on pulse with one frequency.  At other "non-optimal" frequencies, the efficiency would be low and cannot achieve overunity"

What so you mean with "one frequency"? Their machines generate pulses that are synchronized with the rotation, so this is a variable frequency (= repetition)
I think you mean fixed pulse length instead of fixed frequency. Correct?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 28, 2009, 08:08:47 PM
Quote from: robbie47 on October 28, 2009, 09:20:30 AM
Lawrence, another question after browsing through this thread to understand your principle:

You mentioned several times "The Minato, Newman and Bedini Motors relied on pulse with one frequency.  At other "non-optimal" frequencies, the efficiency would be low and cannot achieve overunity"

What so you mean with "one frequency"? Their machines generate pulses that are synchronized with the rotation, so this is a variable frequency (= repetition)
I think you mean fixed pulse length instead of fixed frequency. Correct?

The Newman machine uses reel switch.  That gave me the notion that a single frequency was used.  Bill and others correctly pointed out that the Bedini system uses coil to detect when to pulse.  In other words, variable frequency was also used.

The real question is â€" what is wrong with the Bedini Motor compared with the 225 HP Pulse Motor?  The Bedini Motor could barely demonstrate overunity and could charge some batteries.  The 225 HP Motor could generate 225 HP.  Some would say that the 225 HP is a hoax.  Some would say that a top secret project such as the 225 HP pulse motor would never be leaked out. 

I would say that the Lead-Out Energy theory can easily explain the energy source of the 225 HP Pulse Motor.  The Newman, Bedini, Minato etc. Pulse Motors failed to match the 225 HP Pulse Motor.  Their inferior technologies are allowed to circulate.

We are lucky to have the Divine Blessing (or failed at least 7 times without giving up) to be able to demonstrate overunity from the Input and Output meter readings.  The use of the HK$10 Proximity Switch (PS) allowed us to observe the process clearly.

1.   Slight adjustment of the PS allowed speed up, slow down, stop and even reverse rotation.  It showed the importance of the control mechanism.
2.   The PS functioning time was short compared with the “idle time” on a large wheel.  This allowed full Lead-Out of the gravitational and magnetic (electron motion) energy.  Many Bedini experimenters did not understand that.  They went for small wheels and fast rotational speeds.  That destroyed their chances.
3.   We have the advantage of having and believing the 225 HP video.  It gave us the rough dimension and rotational speed (1 m diameter and less than 100 revolutions per minute). 
4.   We put the video on the Internet and none of the Forum Members picked up such valuable information.  (Many are paid agents trying to discredit the technology).
5.   We now realized that the “idle time” is not really idle.  The drive coil is actually picking up energy in the same way as the collector coil.  The Bedini circuit actually uses this energy.  We may examine and modify that circuit.
6.   We realized that the drive coils on our large wheel could also provide the “collector coil” energy already.  We achieved overunity without using this energy yet.  This tells us that our Wheel is far from optimal efficiency.  We are also way behind the 225 HP Pulse Motor.
7.   We are not disappointed as we relied on a part-time person with a monthly budget of less than HK$5,000 compared with the resource of the Governments.  Our work is likely to force them to turn the top secret project to civilian use and benefit the entire World.  (Governments such as USA, China, Japan, Russian etc. already conducted research in same field.)

In the coming Inno Carnival 09 on Nov. 5-8 at the Hong Kong Science Park, our Dry Run is NOT to provide the final solution.  Our goal is to show our experimental results so far and the Lead-Out Energy theory.  We invite and expect disputes, discussions, insults, jeers and cheers.  One important result is to stimulate scientists to look more closely at the Lead-Out theory.  The overunity prototype is just the bait.  We can win the Nobel Prize with the Lead-Out Theory and a proof-of-concept prototype.  We cannot build the commercial 5KW electricity generator or the Flying Saucer that beat the classified work of the Governments in the Tong Garage!

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 28, 2009, 08:18:52 PM
Quote from: robbie47 on October 28, 2009, 09:20:30 AM
Lawrence, another question after browsing through this thread to understand your principle:

This thread contains too many early thoughts, half baked ideas and insults.  You will learn faster by reading:
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 28, 2009, 11:35:04 PM
Quote from: robbie47 on October 28, 2009, 08:34:36 AM
Lawrence, do you re-use the back-emf of the drive coil(s) after switching off the current?
This might be the effect you indicated.
In the picture below re-using driving current in the coils can be found.
Solution 1 uses a diode to re-circulate drive current after switching off
Solution 2 uses simple switch to re-circulate current after switching off

Are your using something like this?

Keep your constructive ideas flowing.

It is 7 days before the Show.  We have frozen all development.  The whole focus is on preparing for the Open Show.  We need to do at least the following:
1.   Beautify the two Demo Systems.
2.   Train at least 4 helpers.
3.   Prepare the promotional material that will be handed out
4.   Prepare the explanation material so that the helpers can impress the visitors
5.   Do the posters
6.   Write the Press Release
7.   Coordinate with the Invention Associate, the Commission for Innovation and Technology and the Six Universities.
8.   Write the speeches for the Press Interviews
9.   Buy and prepare all backup material â€" additional batteries, lights, wires, etc.

Mr. Tong also wants to show the scope readings but he has not mastered its operation fully yet.  That may be a surprise bonus in this Show.  It is likely to be an included item in the other coming shows.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: robbie47 on October 29, 2009, 04:54:55 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 28, 2009, 08:18:52 PM
This thread contains too many early thoughts, half baked ideas and insults.  You will learn faster by reading:

Lawrence, thanks very much for taking time to answer my questions. I really appreciate it.
Can you check the link to geocities ? It does not seem to work...
I got a message: Sorry, GeoCities has closed

Another question: can you provide any technical info or a web link to the HK$10 Proximity Switch (PS). I like to understand this switch a bit better.

Good luck with the show!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 29, 2009, 06:49:13 PM
Quote from: robbie47 on October 29, 2009, 04:54:55 AM
Lawrence, thanks very much for taking time to answer my questions. I really appreciate it.
Can you check the link to geocities ? It does not seem to work...
I got a message: Sorry, GeoCities has closed

Another question: can you provide any technical info or a web link to the HK$10 Proximity Switch (PS). I like to understand this switch a bit better.

Good luck with the show!

You are right.  Geocities has closed.  We shall update and put the information elsewhere later. 

I got the Proximity switch from DHC in Shenzhen.  FAX 8368 2620.

It is day 6 before the Open Show.

The strategy for promotion at the Open Show has been decided.
It is Lead-Out Energy, Lead-Out Energy and Lead-Out Energy.

1.   We are in the Inno Carnival 09 to tell the World that there is indeed pollution-free, abundant, available-anywhere energy.  Examples are gravitational and magnetic (electron motion) energy.
2.   Leading Out such energy does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.
3.   The best explanation is the Pulled Pendulum.  The work done by the vertical component of the tension of the string multiplied by the vertical displacement is the Lead-Out Gravitational Energy.
4.   The demonstration prototype extends the theory to Pulsed Rotation in both gravitational and magnetic (electron motion) fields.
5.   The overunity factor can be confirmed from the Input and Output meter readings.
6.   We cannot provide products for home use yet.  But we are willing to share our research results with those interested in research, development and producing products.
7.   We invite the academics and the engineering experts to seriously examine our theory and our prototype.  We shall let representatives from the Commission of Innovation and Technology and the Universities of Hong Kong to examine, disassemble, improve and re-assemble one of the prototypes.
8.   We provide a Five-Day training course for Companies who want to research and produce products in this field. 

They will have a working prototype to examine, disassemble, improve and re-assemble.  They can keep the prototype after the course.  The price of the Course is HK$150,000.  They can send up to 15 employees to the course.  They can wait for the reports from the Universities before signing up. 

Some of the Courses will probably be done in conjunction with the Universities.  The advantage is the much better equipped classrooms, laboratories and the prestige of the Universities.  They are welcome to visit the garage shop of Mr. Tong Po Chi and see the Birth Place of Great Inventions.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 30, 2009, 03:32:58 AM
Press Release from Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited (HSI)

On Oct. 5-8, 2009, at the Inno Carnival 09 event in the Hong Kong Science Park, HSI will demonstrate the Lead-Out Energy Prototype.  This Lead-Out Energy Prototype is based on the Lead-Out Energy Theory explained in the patents by Mr. Lee Cheung Kin and Mr. Lawrence Tseung in 2005.

The Lead-Out Energy theory states that everything is immersed in gravitational fields.  Object A is attracted by Object B.  When Object A moves towards Object B, work is done (or there is an energy change.)  This energy exists all the time.  If we can lead it out (or use it), we do not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

The best example of using such energy is the pulled pendulum.  The gravitational energy that can be lead-out is equal to the product of the vertical component of the tension of the string multiplied by the vertical displacement.  So long as there is tension in the string, gravitational energy can be lead-out. Mathematically, if we apply 2 units of horizontal energy to pull the pendulum, we can lead -out 1 unit of gravitational energy.

The theory was published and discussed since early 2005.  Now, HSI has a prototype developed with the help of Mr. Tong Po Chi.  The Prototype confirms the above theory.  The Input Energy is less than the Output Energy from the meter readings.  This is known as overunity.  We invite the academic and engineering experts to examine, disassemble, improve and re-assemble the prototype. 

We are confident that the results will confirm the Lead-Out Energy theory.  This means that we can use (or Lead-Out) the existing energies around us.  The prototype will Lead-Out both gravitational and magnetic (electron motion) energy.  The Lead-Out Energy is pollution-ree, abundant and available-.everywhere.

Our goal is to benefit the entire World.  We are not in the position to provide products for home-use yet.  However, we want to share our research results with those who want to research, develop and produce products in this exciting area.  Thus we offer a Five-Day Course for Companies at the price of HK$150,000.  The Company may send up to 15 employees and HSI will provide a working prototype for the course participants to examine, disassemble, improve and re-assemble.  The Company may keep the prototype afterwards.  The Company may also enter into commercial  agreements with HSI to do joint research, development, marketing and product sales.

In addition, HSI has invited the Sponsors of the Inno Carnival 09 â€" the Commission for Innovation and Technology and the Universities of Hong Kong to send their experts to study the Lead-Out Theory, to examine, disassemble, improve and re-assemble one of the prototypes.  They are encouraged to write their independent reports.

Hong Kong may become the Innovation Mecca of the World.  Hong Kong is likely to lead the World in this area of Lead-Out Energy!

With Lead-Out Energy, the energy crisis of the World is over.  Lead-Out Energy, Lead-Out Energy and Lead-Out Energy.

Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TheDivineOne on October 30, 2009, 11:02:29 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 30, 2009, 03:32:58 AM
Press Release from Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited (HSI)

On Oct. 5-8, 2009, at the Inno Carnival 09 event in the Hong Kong Science Park, HSI will demonstrate the Lead-Out Energy Prototype.

For lack of timely payment for my divine guidance, you released the wrong dates for the trade show.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 31, 2009, 07:07:40 AM
It is less than 5 days before the Open Show.

We have trained additional persons.

The Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Energy Machine has now been frozen.
The readings are shown in the diagram.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on October 31, 2009, 07:22:04 AM
Thanks for sharing your description of the latest generator.
Are you using only a proximity switch and a relais to power the coils, or is there any additional electronic circuit involved as well?

I wish you a great success at the show next week!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on October 31, 2009, 09:21:01 AM
Am I correct to assume that the latest demo is measuring DC output?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 31, 2009, 02:52:22 PM
Quote from: broli on October 31, 2009, 09:21:01 AM
Am I correct to assume that the latest demo is measuring DC output?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 31, 2009, 03:16:12 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on October 31, 2009, 07:22:04 AM
Thanks for sharing your description of the latest generator.
Are you using only a proximity switch and a relay to power the coils, or is there any additional electronic circuit involved as well?

I wish you a great success at the show next week!

In hunting for the correct Pulsing Frequency, the answer is never simple.  We need to match the various components.

We use a proximity switch and a relay but those are chosen carefully to match the magnets, the coils and the current used.  In some situations, we also use ‘slow down devices’ at the axle.  We did hundreds of experiments before getting a feel on how to get the Pulseing Frequency. 

Once we added the feedback, we needed to retune.  In other words, we have NOT nailed the process to a formula or a simple procedure yet.

Without the actual device in front of you, talking about tuning is difficult and often misleading.

Thank you for the good wish.  We shall do whatever humans can.  There is a Chinese proverb:
    Humans can plan and sweat.  Gods will determine the Outcome.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on October 31, 2009, 07:21:31 PM
4 more days to go

We decided to display the Small Wheel for people to feel the torque and the function of the Proximity Switch.

Our new helper, Debbie, will charm the visitors with her friendly smile.

We shall be in Booth A03 at the Center of the inventions from the Hong Kong Invention Association in the Inno Carnival 09.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 01, 2009, 04:38:01 AM
Great to hear the basic components are so simple.
I will try to free some time to try to replicate.

Charming hostess!
Are both of your demonstration units including feedback?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 01, 2009, 04:54:17 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 01, 2009, 04:38:01 AM
Great to hear the basic components are so simple.
I will try to free some time to try to replicate.

Charming hostess!
Are both of your demonstration units including feedback?

The small demo was for torque and proximity switch tests only.  It has eight magnets and one drive coil.  There were no collector coils.  The magnets could be adjusted to change their angles. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 01, 2009, 06:14:14 AM
From earlier posts in this thread I understand that the coils you use do not have an iron core.
Is it correct that you use coils without additional core materials?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 01, 2009, 09:12:18 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 01, 2009, 06:14:14 AM
From earlier posts in this thread I understand that the coils you use do not have an iron core.
Is it correct that you use coils without additional core materials?

We experimented with many different combinations.  We have a good feel on when to use and when not to use iron core.  The best chance for success without going through the same or similar experiments again is to wait.

We are working with a factory to produce a DIY Educational Product.  We shall do a couple of training courses first to iron out the bugs. 

it is your choice to try to produce a Lead-Out Energy Machine from the information on this thread now.  However, it would be better to work from a well manufactured, tested product with detailed step-by-step instructions.

If you have large research facilities and resoures (such as Governments), you will have excellent chances of success.  If you were an individual who need to watch your time and budget, the chances are not as good.  An alternative is wait for Stephan to receive our prototype and try to reproduce.  We may have a trained engineer to help him.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on November 01, 2009, 09:56:23 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 01, 2009, 09:12:18 AM
It is your choice to try to produce a Lead-Out Energy Machine from the information on this thread now...
I do not believe this to be realistic.

If you would like us to replicate and provide you with feedback, we need precise
design details.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 01, 2009, 02:35:15 PM
3 more days to go before the Inno Carnival 09

The Input and Output readings have been double-checked.  The Wheel performs as expected.  We can boldly invite all scientists of the World to see the Overunity Lead-Out Energy Machine.

Some expected questions are:

1.   Can the Machine re-charge the batteries now?
2.   The Output is just a few watts.  When can it be a few thousand watts?
3.   Who are the Official evaluators?  What kind of equipment and procedures do they use to check the Overunit Claim?
4.   Have you experienced suppression, trickery or opposition from the powerful Oil Cartels?
5.   How can I or my Company learn more and participate?
6.   What are the follow-up actions?
7.   When will a unit be shipped to Beijing?
8.   When will a unit be shipped to President Obama of USA as in the Email of Lee Cheung Kin?
9.   When will a unit be shipped to United Nations?
10.   When will every Country of the World receive a working prototype as Gift from China?
11.   When can we buy your Book?
12.   When will the Official Report from the Authorities come out?
13.   What happens to thousands of rejected “Perpetual Motion Machine” Patents?  Many have magnets, coils, pulsing mechanisms.  Will they rise from the dead?
14.   Why would the Chinese or Hong Kong Government allow such technology be displayed?  The military implication is a Flying Saucer that will never run out of fuel or ammunition.
15.   Are you displaying your invention pre-maturely?  It is NOT a consumer product yet.  The wealthy and powerful Companies can easily devout you!
16.   What is the Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited?  Why kind of role has it played or will play in the present and future inventions?

The answers can be found in this thread.  The News Reporters and story writers will have fun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 01, 2009, 05:10:47 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 01, 2009, 02:35:15 PM
The News Reporters and story writers will have fun.

This leads me to propose a #17.  For the last however many years, the only source of information about this world shattering discovery has been you.  But since you are now persistently advertising a US$20K-costing seminar, I think it is fair to request this.

17.  When will we hear about this device from someone besides you?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 02, 2009, 04:35:10 AM
Finishing Touches

We added the Name of the Invention and the Name or Our Company to the outside of the prototype.

In the moving, we attracted a small nut.  That made noise and affected the readings significantly.

Things can always go wrong.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on November 02, 2009, 08:25:01 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 01, 2009, 05:10:47 PM
17.  When will we hear about this device from someone besides you?

Not anytime soon I suspect.  Considering the device has a battery hooked up to it, I wouldn't even look at it for 30 seconds at a trade show.  I would simply assume the vendor is a scam artist tricking the less educated.

Especially when they're selling a class for $20k USD with no guarantee the device you will be trained on is even similar to the one at the show or produces OU.

I wonder if there's anything illegal about actually trying to sell these classes?  Should the HK police be notified and on the lookout for Mr. Tseung before he's able to scam folks out of their hard earned money?  If he's got a real OU device, then nothing to worry about.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 02, 2009, 02:43:17 PM
Lawrence, something to discuss after the show:

I thought of a simple setup to verify your Lead Out theory by using a glass tube instead of using a wheel.
It basically exists out of two fixed magnets (distance can be altered manually) and a free moving magnet in between that repels in each direction.
In between there are two fixed coils (position is manually adjustable), one is the driving coil, the other is the receiving coil.
Also mounted a third coil that can be easily adjusted that acts as proximity sensor.
All coils are wrapped around the tube, all magnets are within the tube.

If I understand your principle correctly this setup should be able to prove the Lead Out priciple as well.
Do you agree?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 02, 2009, 05:11:06 PM
2 more days to go

The tactics of suppression by the Oil Cartels or established Interests are starting to show.

There is absolutely no possibility of their successfully attacking us scientifically.  The Lead-Out Energy Theory cannot be wrong.  The meter readings cannot be wrong.  The prototypes are working.  We are equipped with oscilloscopes and the knowledge to meet challenges from all top academic institutions.

The rent on Tong’s Garage workshop would go up by 50%.  There was a visit to the home of Forever ( which we use as the temporary Company Address).  That scared the mother of Forever as she did not have much formal education.  My wallet with the bank cards, identity cards was stolen on the bus. 

What we rely on are:
1.   The Lead-Out Energy Theory that nobody can ever take away now.
2.   The working overunity devices that can be produced in massive quantities for Educational Purposes now.
3.   The Divine Guidance to keep our hearts free of greed and pride.

We fully expect possible car accidents, fires, house break-ins or other foul play.  The established interests might do anything to suppress such knowledge.  The debunker and insulter tactics at this Forum failed to work.  If thousands of visitors and dozens of academics and engineers actually saw and examined the Lead-Out Energy prototypes, they will have a harder time suppressing the knowledge.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on November 02, 2009, 05:29:49 PM
Just make sure when you start it up it runs unlike Steorns orbo demo. I would like to advice you to have a camera person in the booth so we can witness the day on youtube.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TheDivineOne on November 02, 2009, 05:45:06 PM
A MIB story will create further mystique for your personas, and allow an escape hatch to avoid the public demonstration.  It might even allow you to push your $150k HKD training courses underground where there will no legal recourse for students who can't properly 'reassemble' your devices.  I will provide guidance.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 03, 2009, 09:52:44 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 02, 2009, 05:11:06 PM
2 more days to go
The tactics of suppression by the Oil Cartels or established Interests are starting to show.

Yes, if I was an amoral corporation trying to protect an interest worth billions of dollars, and I wanted to effectively eliminate a competitor, I would do these three things:

1.  Get his rent raised by 50%!!!!!!
2.  Make a vague visit to the mother of a minor member of the organization.
3.  Steal a wallet!!!!

That would work for sure!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on November 03, 2009, 10:37:13 AM
Quote from: broli on November 02, 2009, 05:29:49 PM
Just make sure when you start it up it runs unlike Steorns orbo demo...
There is a view that Steorn may have been using traditional stage lighting,
each lantern having the usual 1Kw lamp. The heat from them may
have heated some magnets above their ? Curie temperature, thereby
demagnetising them.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on November 03, 2009, 11:14:22 AM
Dear Mr Tseung and the Rest,

I would like to thank you for your persistence on this matter of Lead Out Energy.

I have personally started two threads here at Overunity, both of which most likely apply to your lead out theory.

        The First Thread pertains to Magnetic Permeability... http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=4831.msg101674#msg101674 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=4831.msg101674#msg101674)
                  Electron Energy is lead out when when a solenoid turns a piece of iron into a magnet.
                   That is... the solenoid has a magnetic field 5000 times more intense with the piece of iron !!!!!!!!
           Why? Because the iron already had a huge magnetic field...something most people don't realize.

         Although, this example does not use resonance, I did theorize that a Resonating Iron Transformer could display an OU effect.

                 So I did buy an electronics kit, figured out how to resonate (with a 1.4 volt battery) the audio transformer and hense have
                  brightly lit 3 volt LEDs (many at the same time) on secondary.  (keep in mind this is a STEP DOWN transformer)

                  I also found 40 volt pulses on the front side which will charge the largest capacitor on my board to over 15 volts in a few minutes.

     The Second Thread pertains to the fact that an Acoustic Guitar rings louder and longer than an Electric Guitar.
         The proof that more energy is being emitted from the Acoustic Guitar is a 1st year physics problem.

                     find the proof in the middle of this page.... http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=7810.30 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=7810.30)

        It is debated that the duration of the Electric is far longer than the Acoustic to account for the extra energy.
            This is False ! Basically you can't stop something from ringing by using it's natural frequency.
                                     In fact.. it's opposite. Think of the the two tuning fork experiment.
                                     You keep something ringing by using it's natural frequency.. it's call forced resonance.

I did want to give my blessing to your trip and endeavor.

May the Sun Shine on Calm Waters,
                                                             The Observer
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 03, 2009, 11:24:47 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on November 03, 2009, 10:37:13 AM
There is a view that Steorn may have been using traditional stage lighting,
each lantern having the usual 1Kw lamp. The heat from them may
have heated some magnets above their ? Curie temperature, thereby
demagnetising them.

OK, it's not like the Steorn demo was held in the 1800's where no one is sure of what happened.  This was only like 2 years ago, and there is video of the event.  There was no 1KW stage lighting.

And the excuse was made about overheated bearings, not magnets.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 03, 2009, 08:13:59 PM
One more day to go

We found out that to win the Overunity Prize from Stefan et al, the Output should at least be larger than Input by 1 watt.  Mr. Tong used a FIVE Collector Coil set up.  The required result was achieved with no problems.

The other problem we found was that Stefan allowed only 20Kg for the winning prototype.  We have to think about reducing the weight in the coming weeks.

We have another charming helper, Ms. Chen Lai, who can speak fluent Putonghua.  She might help out in Shenzhen or other parts of China.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on November 03, 2009, 08:17:11 PM
Make sure you put new batteries in that multi meter before you leave.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 03, 2009, 10:14:36 PM
Quote from: broli on November 03, 2009, 08:17:11 PM
Make sure you put new batteries in that multi meter before you leave.

Good Idea.  I shall buy spare batteries.  We should have at least eight cameras that can take video from the members of the Hong Kong Invention Association.  We have 1,000 copies of the Handout.  More can be printed at short notice.

All we need to do is to transport the prototypes safely to the Hong Kong Science Park tomorrow.  It is likely that we shall have a two car escort.

If you think of anything else, post.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 03, 2009, 11:44:46 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on October 31, 2009, 03:16:12 PM
...  There is a Chinese proverb:
    Humans can plan and sweat.  Gods will determine the Outcome.

Well, old Tseung, it looks like your Gods also forgot their medication.
One more day to go and you'll either be a genius or a lunatic.

What's your vote audience?
I know Lawrence cannot be classified a genius under the normal definition.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on November 04, 2009, 12:55:19 AM
doubt it.
if it does turn out to produce over unity/free energy great!
BUT then again...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on November 04, 2009, 01:20:03 AM
It was nearly wortwhile going to see this debacle when someone hooks up a scope to it and points out there is no overunity.
However hats of for enthusiasm and trying and may I say persistence.
I am sure some media outlet will pick it up and pronounce overunity......then reality checks will follow.
Its kind of sad that this will end the thread as I have had many laughs and more entertainment than watching TV.
I do hope they are not too disapointed, and accept reality as they have put a lot of effort in.
Finally, I am sad there is no mention of the UFO being part of the event.
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 04, 2009, 01:25:57 AM
Quote from: markdansie on November 04, 2009, 01:20:03 AM
It was nearly wortwhile going to see this debacle when someone hooks up a scope to it and points out there is no overunity.
However hats of for enthusiasm and trying and may I say persistence.
I am sure some media outlet will pick it up and pronounce overunity......then reality checks will follow.
Its kind of sad that this will end the thread as I have had many laughs and more entertainment than watching TV.
I do hope they are not too disapointed, and accept reality as they have put a lot of effort in.
Finally, I am sad there is no mention of the UFO being part of the event.
Kind Regards


Don't feel too bad for Lawrence. At least he'll have enough material compiled from nearly 500 pages to write a science fiction novel plus a comedy show! Now he needs to find a real book publisher and perhaps a comedian to represent him? Lol!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 04, 2009, 03:44:45 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 03, 2009, 10:14:36 PM
  We have 1,000 copies of the Handout.  More can be printed at short notice.

Lawrence, are you willing to share the Handout here?
Good luck with the show! Looking forward to see your feedback.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 04, 2009, 03:56:15 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 04, 2009, 03:44:45 AM
Lawrence, are you willing to share the Handout here?
Good luck with the show! Looking forward to see your feedback.

The 2-sided one page handout has English on one side and Chinese on the other.

Here it is:

Brief Description of the Lead-Out Energy Machines
(From Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited)
If we use 100 units of energy to lead-out 50 units of existing energy (such as gravity, magnetic, electron motion etc.), the effective Energy Input to the Machine is 150 units.  Thus the Output Energy from such a Machine can be greater than 100 units (maximum 150 units).  If we feedback 100 units of the Output Energy to Input, the Machine can again lead-out another 50 units of existing energy.  Thus we can continuously lead-out and use these 50 units of existing energy.  This does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.
The Output Energy of the Lead-Out Energy Machine Prototype being demonstrated in this Show can exceed the Input Energy after starting.   Some tuning for the correct Pulsing Frequency is required to achieve the above effect.  The tuning may be achieved by varying the number of magnets, the number of drive or collector coils or the resistive load. 
Our first product is a training course targeted to Companies who want to produce products based on this technology.  The training course is Five Days and the Company may send up to 15 employees.  A working Lead-Out Energy Machine will be provided for the course participants to examine, disassemble, improve and reassemble.  The Company will keep the prototype after the Course.  The price is One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Hong Kong Dollars (HK$150,000). If interested, the Company may enter into a business agreement with Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited to jointly research, develop and market such products.
Contact Information:
Mr. Tong Po Chi  (852) 9205 8496  Email: rybhk@netvigator.com
Mr. Lawrence Tseung (852) 9281 9945 Email: ltseung@hotmail.com
Ms. Forever Yuen (852) 6735 8233 Email: Forevermango_118@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.energyfromair.com
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited at Inno Carnival 09 in Science Park, Hong Kong on Nov 5-8, 2009

å¦,æžœæˆ'å€'ç"¨100個單位çš,,能量,引出50個單位çš,,已存在能量(例å¦,地心吸力,磁能,電子運動能量等) ,有效çš,,輸å...¥èƒ½é‡æ˜¯150個單位ã€, å› æ­¤ç"±å¼•å‡ºèƒ½é‡æ©Ÿè¼¸å‡ºçš,,能量可以大於100 個單位(最大是150個單位) ã€,假å¦,æˆ'å€'反饋100個單位çš,,輸出能量到輸å...¥è™•ï¼Œå¼•å‡ºèƒ½é‡æ©Ÿå¯å†æ¬¡å¼•å‡ºå¦å¤–50個單位çš,,已存在能量ã€, å› æ­¤æˆ'å€'可以不斷引出å'Œåˆ©ç"¨é€™äº›50個單位çš,,已存在能量ã€,而ä¸"這並æ²'有違反能量守衡理論ã€,

æˆ'å€'這次示ç¯,, “å"ä¿æžåž‹å¼•å‡ºèƒ½é‡æ©Ÿâ€çš,,輸出能量è¶...過輸å...¥çš,,能量ã€,但要調較到正確çš,,è,,ˆè¡é »çŽ‡æ‰å¯é"到以上çš,,效果 ã€,æ"¹è®Šç£çŸ³ï¼Œé©...動線圈、æ"¶é›†ç·šåœˆæˆ–電阻çš,,數量都可調較至正確çš,,è,,ˆè¡é »çŽ‡ã€,

æˆ'å€'提供è¨"練課程給對此ç§'技有興趣çš,,å...¬å¸ ã€,這個è¨"練課程ç,ºæœŸäº"天,參加å...¬å¸å¯æ´¾å‡º15名å"¡å·¥ä¸Šèª²ã€,æˆ'å€'會提供一個已運行çš,,引出能量機給參加è€...ç "究ã€,在完成這個課程後,參加çš,,å...¬å¸å¯ä»¥ä¿ç•™é€™å€‹å¼•å‡ºèƒ½é‡æ©Ÿã€,這個課程çš,,è²»ç"¨ç,ºæ¸¯å¹£$150,000ã€,有興趣çš,,å...¬å¸å¯èˆ‡æ‰¶è‹—創新基é‡'會有限å...¬å¸åˆä½œï¼Œä¸€èµ·å°æ­¤é¡žç"¢å"ä½œæ›´å¤šç "究å'Œç™¼å±•ã€,

å"ä¿æžå...ˆç"Ÿ (852) 9205 8496  Email: rybhk@netvigator.com
è"£æŒ¯å¯§å...ˆç"Ÿ (852) 9281 9945 Email: ltseung@hotmail.com
袁永æ'小姐 (852) 6735 8233 Email: Forevermango_118@hotmail.com

網址: http://www.energyfromair.com

扶苗創新基é‡'會  2009å¹´11月 5-8æ—¥ 創æ,,ç§'技嘉年華
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 04, 2009, 05:17:29 AM
Looks like Chinese is a much higher efficient language  ;).
Thanks Lawrence.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: mscoffman on November 04, 2009, 09:09:35 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on November 03, 2009, 10:37:13 AM
There is a view that Steorn may have been using traditional stage lighting,
each lantern having the usual 1Kw lamp. The heat from them may
have heated some magnets above their ? Curie temperature, thereby
demagnetising them.

No way! The heat from the lights caused the Plexiglas plastic body of
machine to expand and that put the stress on the bearings.
That is where the idea of Accoam or what ever that Plexiglas motor was
called, came from. If you light one side of the Plexiglas heavily it expands and
cool the the other side, you can get drive. The magnets are just to produce
a near 100% efficient lock. ("Sorry, about the light" me too!)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 04, 2009, 03:01:15 PM
Last Thoughts before going to the Show

As expected, there is much tension in the air surrounding me.  It is only a couple of hours before the Show.  Some thoughts raced through my mind:

1.   The focus will be on the Lead-Out Energy Theory and NOT the Prototype.
2.   Once the Lead-Out Energy Theory is accepted, there will be dozens more prototypes by different Groups from different Countries.
3.   The myth that Western Science is superior and perfect will be broken.  Once scientists question the mis-use of the Law of Conservation of Energy, they will also question the mis-use of pressure for moving fluids.
4.   The impact will be like China winning its first Gold Medal in Olympics.  The self confidence will rise.  People will re-examine every piece of knowledge and seek the new truth! 
5.   There will be enormous resources poured into the research of Lead-Out Energy Machines and the Flying Saucer.  The educational product that can demonstrate the theory and win the overunity prize from Stefan will come out.  It will be one of the best sellers.
6.   Now that my on-line book is no longer available with the disappearance of Geocities, it may be an opportunity to publish the Book and make it a best seller too.
7.   Innovation will be the trendy word.  Hong Kong will be the Mecca of Innovation.

The Focus is Lead-out energy, Lead-out energy and Lead-out energy.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 04, 2009, 03:54:54 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 04, 2009, 03:01:15 PM
Last Thoughts before going to the Show

As expected, there is much tension in the air surrounding me.  It is only a couple of hours before the Show.  Some thoughts raced through my mind:

1.   The focus will be on the Lead-Out Energy Theory and NOT the Prototype.
2 ......

@ Lawrence

Hahaha! Only theory?
Well, I guess the equipment didn't function. remember Streom?
de'ja vu!
You've already won the wannabe comedian of the year award!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on November 04, 2009, 05:11:56 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 04, 2009, 03:01:15 PM
1.   The focus will be on the Lead-Out Energy Theory and NOT the Prototype.


I agree chrisC, this says it all.
I mean unless we have an actual working free energy/over unity machine openly displayed for testing, then I wouldn't mind focusing on the theory.

so yeah we know that's not going to happen. or is it?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 04, 2009, 06:22:37 PM
With all due respect to Lawrence, what I find very troublesome is that one can buy $20,000 USD worth of a training course to make something that has not even been proven to work in the prototype stage.  And now, he is going to focus on the theory and NOT the unproven prototype which is, of course, the entire reason anyone would pay money for his training class in the first place.

In my opinion, this is completely backwards from the way it should work with a legitimate course to build a real, proven, working device.  He is lucky he is in China or the FTC could have a field day with him.

I suggest no one send this man a dime unless/until there are legitimate third party evaluations of this device.  This whole thing is beginning to smell worse than a thousand year old Chinese egg.

Bill              PS  The above opinion is mine and mine alone and based upon information provided to me (us) from Lawrence himself and in no way is meant as a personal attack on the fellow.  My conclusions are based upon the facts.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 05, 2009, 01:59:13 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 04, 2009, 06:22:37 PM
With all due respect to Lawrence, what I find very troublesome is that one can buy $20,000 USD worth of a training course to make something that has not even been proven to work in the prototype stage.  And now, he is going to focus on the theory and NOT the unproven prototype which is, of course, the entire reason anyone would pay money for his training class in the first place.

In my opinion, this is completely backwards from the way it should work with a legitimate course to build a real, proven, working device.  He is lucky he is in China or the FTC could have a field day with him.

I suggest no one send this man a dime unless/until there are legitimate third party evaluations of this device.  This whole thing is beginning to smell worse than a thousand year old Chinese egg.

Bill              PS  The above opinion is mine and mine alone and based upon information provided to me (us) from Lawrence himself and in no way is meant as a personal attack on the fellow.  My conclusions are based upon the facts.


You're such a nice guy.
Well, in my simple minded analysis of this Lee-Tseung crap, you can only draw 3 simple conclusions:

1. Lawrence is medically delusional.
2. This is a scam artist
3. Lawrence is a genius of a unknown kind!

Well, after nearly 500 pages and the drum rolls for the last few weeks, now we hear it's only theory that will be discussed in this $20K training program. haha, smells really really fishy to me. You're right about it smelling worst that those 1000 year old Cantonese eggs!

You can draw your own conclusions. I really admire your very polite views. Scam artist don't need respect, they need a kick in the butt!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on November 05, 2009, 02:47:04 AM
Quote from: chrisC on November 05, 2009, 01:59:13 AM
1. Lawrence is medically delusional.
2. This is a scam artist
3. Lawrence is a genius of a unknown kind!

I pick all 3 as well.
...but he doesn't have to just necessarily be medically delusional, maybe just delusional, or maybe both, or maybe a combination of other things who knows.
Or he's a genius of an unknown kind.
the important thing here is him showing us (OPEN SOURCED) an actual WORKING prototype in real life.
do you know what I mean Tseung?


EDIT - a non working prototype would be as worthless as the theory itself (in situations like this).
It's not like you don't have the money to have a working prototype to demonstrate right?
I mean 20$k for just training? are you fucking serious?!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 05, 2009, 03:01:28 AM
Quote from: FreeEnergy on November 05, 2009, 02:47:04 AM
I pick all 3 as well.
...but he doesn't have to just necessarily be medically delusional, maybe just delusional, or maybe both, or maybe a combination of other things who knows.
Or he's a genius of an unknown kind.
the important thing here is him showing us (OPEN SOURCED) an actual WORKING prototype in real life.
do you know what I mean Tseung?



Thanks for your comments. We all would dearly love to see Lawrence succeed! A real prototype with truly measurable O.U and reproducible by institutions of higher learning will definitely remove all doubts. But, I'm afraid you have to wait until the cows come home ....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 05, 2009, 08:01:19 AM
Day 1 at the Inno Carnical 09

To our delight, the three prototypes arrived safely with three escorts.  The third prototype was a surprise.  It used only 4 magnets, 2 drive coils and 2 collector coils.  Mr. Tong wanted a tiny system that can demonstrate overunity.

There were many students â€" from primary school to University.  We did not allow the primary school students to go near the spinning prototypes.  Their teachers agreed.  We allowed the secondary shool and University Students to try the torque on the small prototype.  They were also allowed to turn on the lights (one, two and three) on the large prototype and took input and output readings.  At least twenty groups took readings and confirmed our results.

Two professors from the technical colleges wanted us to present at their colleges as guest lecturers.  One University Professor wanted to join our team to do further research.  Three Companies would like to bring their colleagues to see the prototypes in the next few days.

Over twenty professionals from the Hong Kong Invention Association learned the operation of the prototype.  They will spend the 4 days with us showing their exhibits in the adjacent booths.

It was a very tiring day â€" getting up at 5 a.m. , transporting the prototypes, setting up the booth, repeating the same lecture dozens and dozens times.  The closing time was supposed to be 7 pm.  Luckily, the students all departed at 5:30pm.  I was able to leave at 6 pm.

We now have over a thousand witnesses who saw the exhibit and at least 100 who actually touched the device and confirmed the meter readings.  We have at least three groups with the technical know-how and the oscilloscopes to double and triple check our readings.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on November 05, 2009, 08:13:57 AM
Seems like you had a successful day, congratulations.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on November 05, 2009, 08:16:03 AM
I hope you will publish the results of the ocilliscope tests and methodology used. I am sure you will be in for some suprises.
Thanks for the report I kept thinking of the emporers new clothes story.
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: robbie47 on November 05, 2009, 08:38:45 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 05, 2009, 08:01:19 AM
Day 1 at the Inno Carnical 09

To our delight, the three prototypes arrived safely with three escorts.  The third prototype was a surprise.  It used only 4 magnets, 2 drive coils and 2 collector coils.  Mr. Tong wanted a tiny system that can demonstrate overunity.

Lawrence, good to hear you had a successful first day.

The third device was made by someone else?
If this one has 4 magnets and 4 coils, where would the proximity switch be mounted in this case?
Can you make a photo of this third device? Would be nice to see it.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on November 05, 2009, 10:36:32 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 05, 2009, 08:01:19 AM
Day 1 at the Inno Carnical 09

We now have over a thousand witnesses who saw the exhibit and at least 100 who actually touched the device and confirmed the meter readings.
Be sure to have sufficient business cards with a web site and email address
to hand out to people. It is very easy to run out on the day.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 05, 2009, 11:02:24 AM
Quote from: markdansie on November 05, 2009, 08:16:03 AM
Thanks for the report I kept thinking of the emporers new clothes story.
Kind Regards

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 05, 2009, 11:11:13 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 05, 2009, 08:01:19 AM
Day 1 at the Inno Carnical 09

To our delight, the three prototypes arrived safely with three escorts.  The third prototype was a surprise.  It used only 4 magnets, 2 drive coils and 2 collector coils.  Mr. Tong wanted a tiny system that can demonstrate overunity.

There were many students â€" from primary school to University.  We did not allow the primary school students to go near the spinning prototypes.  Their teachers agreed.  We allowed the secondary shool and University Students to try the torque on the small prototype.  They were also allowed to turn on the lights (one, two and three) on the large prototype and took input and output readings.  At least twenty groups took readings and confirmed our results.

Two professors from the technical colleges wanted us to present at their colleges as guest lecturers.  One University Professor wanted to join our team to do further research.  Three Companies would like to bring their colleagues to see the prototypes in the next few days.

Over twenty professionals from the Hong Kong Invention Association learned the operation of the prototype.  They will spend the 4 days with us showing their exhibits in the adjacent booths.

It was a very tiring day â€" getting up at 5 a.m. , transporting the prototypes, setting up the booth, repeating the same lecture dozens and dozens times.  The closing time was supposed to be 7 pm.  Luckily, the students all departed at 5:30pm.  I was able to leave at 6 pm.

We now have over a thousand witnesses who saw the exhibit and at least 100 who actually touched the device and confirmed the meter readings.  We have at least three groups with the technical know-how and the oscilloscopes to double and triple check our readings.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

I guess the measure of 'successful' is to be able to present to a 1000 people including schoolchildren. You can easily do that in Hong Kong by displaying the prototypes around the Kowloon ferry terminal and it's free too. Then there be 100,000 people who can actually witness this O.U device.

Funny thing is I searched everywhere online and didn't come across any reference from any reputable news organization regarding this Lee-Tseung O.U machine that will eventually send us across the universe on a flying saucer! I think I now believe in the Beatles song about living in a 'yellow submarine'.

Congratulations, Lawrence on your wonderful show. Unfortunately, I can't share your excitement; perhaps one of these technical colleges professors can come to your rescue by presenting more scientific results? Or is that too much to ask for? Somehow the thought of Universities willing to pay $20K for some electrical engineering lab experiments their 1st year students routinely screw up seemed preposterous. Don't you?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on November 05, 2009, 11:59:36 AM
Mr Tseung,

I was glad to hear you had a good 1st day.


Because you amplify the fact that Mr Tseung shows his invention to School Children,
       and never mention the fact that Academia and Business were also interested,
           leads one to believe you are not an impartial observer and do indeed have an agenda..

At this point, if Mr Tseung is right... you would owe him & the rest of us a very sincere apology.

Logic dictates his efforts to the common goal have surpassed yours by a few lightyears.
Which leads me to the question... what are you working on???

My guess is that you believe all energy sources have been identified and refuse to look !

Kind Regards,
                        The Observer
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on November 05, 2009, 12:11:28 PM
Quote from: The Observer on November 05, 2009, 11:59:36 AM
Mr Tseung,

I was glad to hear you had a good 1st day.


Because you amplify the fact that Mr Tseung shows his invention to School Children,
       and never mention the fact that Academia and Business were also interested,
           leads one to believe you are not an impartial observer and do indeed have an agenda..

At this point, if Mr Tseung is right... you would owe him & the rest of us a very sincere apology.

Logic dictates his efforts to the common goal have surpassed yours by a few lightyears.
Which leads me to the question... what are you working on???

My guess is that you believe all energy sources have been identified and refuse to look !

Kind Regards,
                        The Observer

well said. chrisc presents himself as an ambassador of science, a paragon of intellectual integrity, and an open-minded rational thinker, yet demonstrates obvious bias every time he posts. of course, in his mind it is justified. he simply KNOWS that he can not be wrong about anything of real importance. after all, he's just too damn smart. the sun rises, the sun sets, gravity dominates, and not a mystery remains in all of creation...  ::)

he is working on being able to afford a soldering iron... ;)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 05, 2009, 01:00:46 PM
Quote from: The Observer on November 05, 2009, 11:59:36 AM
Mr Tseung,

I was glad to hear you had a good 1st day.


Because you amplify the fact that Mr Tseung shows his invention to School Children,
       and never mention the fact that Academia and Business were also interested,
           leads one to believe you are not an impartial observer and do indeed have an agenda..


Kind Regards,
                        The Observer


Er, I believe I did ask Mr. Tseung to enlist one of the so called professors to publish the official results. Did I not?

Yes, I do have an agenda. It is to simply kick scam artist in the butt! I tried to ask Mr. tseung to see a doctor and take his medicine but he just ignored my pleas. So I am assuming he is not quite altogether delusional and he is no unknown genius. So what does that lead us?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 05, 2009, 02:30:24 PM
What can be improved in the next Open Show

1. When  the booth is free, we have to share with 3 other inventions.  When we explain our theories, we have to drown the voice of others.
2.  We have to cover the invention with clear plastics.  We cannot allow accidents.  Keeping primary school students away to protect them is not the best solution.
3. The posters should be larger â€" at least A3.
4. With our own booth, we can have continuous video.  We do not need to explain the same thing over and over again.
5. We can give out something attractive.  The packaging of the handout can be better.

*** We may show the finished third prototype - used as free training tool for the University Community in Hong Kong.  I am sure that the Universities will throw in their support when they see "their device" achieving overunity.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 05, 2009, 02:58:19 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 05, 2009, 02:30:24 PM
What can be improved in the next Open Show

1. When  the booth is free, we have to share with 3 other inventions.  When we explain our theories, we have to drown the voice of others.
2.  We have to cover the invention with clear plastics.  We cannot allow accidents.  Keeping primary school students away to protect them is not the best solution.
3. The posters should be larger â€" at least A3.
4. With our own booth, we can have continuous video.  We do not need to explain the same thing over and over again.
5. We can give out something attractive.  The packaging of the handout can be better.

*** We may show the finished third prototype - used as free training tool for the University Community in Hong Kong.  I am sure that the Universities will throw in their support when they see "their device" achieving overunity.

Basically you have achieved nothing. Tell us something new and real.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 05, 2009, 04:25:14 PM
Lawrence, would the 3rd prototype be suitable to send to Stefan ?
It looks like it matches the critera.
How much is the output power?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 05, 2009, 04:28:23 PM
Quote from: chrisC on November 05, 2009, 02:58:19 PM
Basically you have achieved nothing. Tell us something new and real.

So, Chris is this how you became Hero Member, by making useless remarks?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on November 05, 2009, 08:59:39 PM
Hi teslaalnet
Be kind to ChrisC. I suggest you read all 500 pages of Lawences thread before passing judgement. You will also note that lawence posts under several identities and has conversations with himself. When you can tell me what those identities are then I will deem you to have the ability to comment on others. (the UFO at the Olympics is a classic)
You should go read the Mylow thread and many others. After years of following many threads that result in nothing you might be synical as well.
On the otherhand there are many good people here like Jenna, Bill (pirate) and many other worthwhile threads and things of interest.
I, like Chris encourage people to continue working hard and discovering new things. However its the lunitic fringe like Lawrence that gives us a bad name and makes it difficult for legitimate researchers.
You questioned me a lot about my motives and background. This week I just arranged for a test of a claimed magnetic motor in LA, also seeking some investment for a heat engine out of Alaska and finalised a deal for a non OU inventor in NZ. I would like to know what your background is and what your actual contribution is to research and how much funds of your own money you have invested in helping others?
So before you go of at other well respected members of this forum, go read all 500 pages of this thread and then tell me you support Lawrence.
you were going to have 6 universities and several professors use their occilliscopes to test your device as we all agreed your measurements and instruments are insufficient. Did this occur? How many have paid $20, 000 for your course? What media outlets have covered your demonstration of overunity to the world?
I have seen so far is your attempts to get credability by association. Please honor your promises.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: MileHigh on November 06, 2009, 12:00:22 AM
I read the last few pages of this thread and took a peek about two weeks ago.   The moral of this story is that just about *anybody* can rent a 10"x10" booth at a trade show.  Hell, you can even split the cost three ways and time slice with your neighbours.  You can even be politically incorrect and hire some scantily clad sexy booth babes.  Just aim your barcode reader gun at anybody that comes within five feet!  lol  Visiting that show and letting yourself get scanned would be your ticket to junk-mail heaven.

It's amazing that the thread is 480 pages long!

Perhaps Lawrence could hook up with Innovation Station and the synergy would be awesome.  Throw Richard from Magnacoaster and Sean from Steorn into the mix and see what happens.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 06, 2009, 02:36:20 AM
Quote from: markdansie on November 05, 2009, 08:59:39 PM
Hi teslaalnet
Be kind to ChrisC. I suggest you read all 500 pages of Lawences thread before passing judgement. You will also note that lawence posts under several identities and has conversations with himself. When you can tell me what those identities are then I will deem you to have the ability to comment on others. (the UFO at the Olympics is a classic)
You should go read the Mylow thread and many others. After years of following many threads that result in nothing you might be synical as well.
On the otherhand there are many good people here like Jenna, Bill (pirate) and many other worthwhile threads and things of interest.
I, like Chris encourage people to continue working hard and discovering new things. However its the lunitic fringe like Lawrence that gives us a bad name and makes it difficult for legitimate researchers.
You questioned me a lot about my motives and background. This week I just arranged for a test of a claimed magnetic motor in LA, also seeking some investment for a heat engine out of Alaska and finalised a deal for a non OU inventor in NZ. I would like to know what your background is and what your actual contribution is to research and how much funds of your own money you have invested in helping others?
So before you go of at other well respected members of this forum, go read all 500 pages of this thread and then tell me you support Lawrence.


Thanks for your support. Well, Lawrence and some others will undoubtedly be glad I will not be visiting this comedy channel for two weeks. I'll be off to Malaysia to see some siblings and for a short vacation.

It's understandable why people get upset with me for my 'rudeness' towards scam artists. Mylow was a perfect example of a normal 'nice' Chicago blue collar worker with a equally nice twin brother, a cute bird and a clean apartment. All very normal and it turned out he had this special talent to create a simple magnetic motor with very convincing videos. Many of us remember that cockroach but many more refuse to believe it was fake until the fishing line was irrefutable evidence. At least Mylow had nice videos. Lawrence can't even claim nice videos, convincing or not! Lawrence speaks for all his so called researchers and not one single person has even come forth to identify himself as a independent supporter with proof of O.U.

My guess is that these Tseung supporters are not necessarily believing in his fiction but rather trying to 'protect' him from a 'bully' like me? Don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger. Wake up guys! Snake oil is snake oil.


If you're going to be in Northern California (SF bay area) anytime in the future, please drop me a PM. I'll be happy to show you around and we can have lunch/dinner and talk real O.U episodes?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on November 06, 2009, 09:14:51 AM
first of all have a great holiday. I passed through Maylasia Airport twice this year, know it well.
I will certainly contact you in the States next time I am there, I am sure we have a few funny stories to tell.
I do enjoy your posts. I would never admitting to possing even 10% of your technical knowledge (or of ChriC's for that mater) but I feel we have some things in common in insisting on logical and scientific approach to the analysis of claims often made here. I enjoy your humor as well.

Mind Regards

PS where are the scope tests Lawrence???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 06, 2009, 09:46:11 AM
Day 2 at the Show

The picture shows a comparison of the two prototypes.

The professor of Electrical engineering at one of the Technical Colleges confirmed that he would invite us to give a lecture as  guest lecturers with 2 prototypes.  He would like us to loan him the two prototypes for 2 weeks afterwards.  One will not be taken apart.  The other will be disassembled, possibly improved and reaseeambled.

We may do that when the factory has its first batch of product samples. 

There are more secondary school and university students today.  It was more tiring.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: robbie47 on November 06, 2009, 11:04:33 AM
Lawrence, what is the status of these two demonstration models?
Are they self running?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 06, 2009, 03:07:10 PM
Quote from: robbie47 on November 06, 2009, 11:04:33 AM
Lawrence, what is the status of these two demonstration models?
Are they self running?

The third small prototype with small footprint is in a very early stage of development.  I did not even expect to see it at the Show.  THe plan is to allow the Universities to improve it to see if the overunity effect can be demonstrated.  It has the basic elements of magnets, coils and proximity switch.  It has no diode bridge, no feedback mechanism yet.

The large 60 cm wheel has the elements of magnets, coils, proximity switch, diode bridge, variable load, primitive feedback mechanism, tuning via load on axle, input and output meters, etc.

We froze development on it because of the Show.  Some additional experiments will include:

1. Recharge the battery from the AC energy from the Drive Coils.
2. Recharge the battery from smoothing the improved output with capacitors
3. Recording the waveforms with oscillioscopes
4. Program control
5. Replicating at least one more for FREE usage by the academic community

A new prototype will be built to generate 5 KW.  The electronics and wires on the 60 cm prototype was designed to take on approximately 2 Amps only.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 06, 2009, 04:20:33 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 06, 2009, 03:07:10 PM
A new prototype will be built to generate 5 KW.  The electronics and wires on the 60 cm prototype was designed to take on approximately 2 Amps only.

Lawrence, what kind of electronics are you talking about?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on November 06, 2009, 09:17:29 PM
Quote from: robbie47 on November 06, 2009, 11:04:33 AM
Lawrence, what is the status of these two demonstration models?
Are they self running?
please define self running.
1. At the moment it is a battery powered motor. Self running implies no external power input or that it can produce enough power to self sustain continuos motion. In most cases this would require a closed loop configuration. IE battery is charged by the unit sufficiently enough to sustain motion or produce excess power.
2. Overunity would suggest  that the device produces more power out (mechanical or electrical) than power out. In this case no tests have been done with scopes or suitable equipment to put this beyonf reasonable doubt.

After two years Lawrence has failed to do either. I understand six universities or at least one qualified person would use euipment (a scope) and measure the device and publish the data. This never occured (and never will)

Please read the full thread (480 pages) so you understand the full story.
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 07, 2009, 07:32:00 AM
Day 3 of the Show

We had two charming helpers.  They helped to present to at least another 200 visitors.

We have invitation from Professor Lo at the Tsing Yi Campus of IVE to act as Guest Lecturers and Industrial Consultants.  He would like to make his wind turbines generating electricity with or without wind.

It is a matter of incorporating our Lead-Out Energy technology and performing some optimization.  This feature will make him and his Department world-famous.  It will be a first â€" a wind turbine that can operate with no wind!

Should be fun.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 07, 2009, 07:42:26 AM
Hi Lawrence, good to see all is well after day 3. I can see you are enjoying;)
Did you met any European contacts? Or is this show only accessible for Chinese inhabitants?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 07, 2009, 10:28:48 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 06, 2009, 03:07:10 PM
The third small prototype with small footprint is in a very early stage of development.  I did not even expect to see it at the Show.  THe plan is to allow the Universities to improve it to see if the overunity effect can be demonstrated.  It has the basic elements of magnets, coils and proximity switch.  It has no diode bridge, no feedback mechanism yet.

The large 60 cm wheel has the elements of magnets, coils, proximity switch, diode bridge, variable load, primitive feedback mechanism, tuning via load on axle, input and output meters, etc.

We froze development on it because of the Show.  Some additional experiments will include:

1. Recharge the battery from the AC energy from the Drive Coils.
2. Recharge the battery from smoothing the improved output with capacitors
3. Recording the waveforms with oscillioscopes
4. Program control
5. Replicating at least one more for FREE usage by the academic community

A new prototype will be built to generate 5 KW.  The electronics and wires on the 60 cm prototype was designed to take on approximately 2 Amps only.

Translation: no, it is not self running. It runs off a battery, and when the battery is depleted, it stops.  Oh, but the measurements show overunity, right?

This reminds me of Richard Feynman's experience with the Papf motor:

http://www.indian-skeptic.org/html/fey1.htm (http://www.indian-skeptic.org/html/fey1.htm)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on November 07, 2009, 01:08:10 PM
a couple of quick questions since you ignored my last ones.
1. Why do you think this device works on evidence presented so far? The only thing that has been present is a battery powered motor? Is there something you might know about that we don't?
2. Why hasn't the media gone mad over this and companies offering millions of dollars for this technology?
3. What are you professional qualifications ?(you asked about my background an I provided you with lengthy explanations to all your questions, I only think it is polite to return the favour)
4. You suggested people were trying to suppress technology here , please show an example.
5. What experiments have you done? In what areas? What prototypes have you built?
are you happy to put you name and address out there or hide by being anonymous?
Kind Regards
Mark Dansie
Australia +61427245375
(PS Address is in the phone book)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 07, 2009, 04:49:26 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 07, 2009, 07:42:26 AM
Hi Lawrence, good to see all is well after day 3. I can see you are enjoying;)
Did you met any European contacts? Or is this show only accessible for Chinese inhabitants?

The Carnival is Open.  Some European Companies and Individuals came.  The one in the Hong Kong Convention Center on DEC 3-5 will be a much larger event with International Participation  We shall have a full 3 x 3 meter booth.

There were some interesting incidents worth mentioning.
1.   There were two obvious trouble-makers.  The first one listened to the short presentation.  He then said everything was nonsense.  He yelled at the top of his voice that the device must be a fraud.  He disclosed his absolute lack of Physics when he said that the pendulum swing has nothing to do with gravity.  He wanted to take apart the device to show the fraud.  The organizers saw what happened from the security cameras.  Security guards rushed over.  The trouble maker departed.
2.   The second trouble maker came when Forever was making the presentation.  He did not even listen to the presentation.  He said that we were violating the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Forever phone me from my meeting with some professors.  When I went to the booth, with a professor, he was effectively taking over the booth and talked about why our theory could not possibly work.  When I started to present, he interrupted at every sentence.  The professor kindly asked him to wait until I had a chance to finish my presentation.  He yelled that we were wasting the time of everybody.  Other audiences told him to shut up.  One said, “This is a free Country.  If I want to waste my time listening to nonsense, I have the right to do so.”  He departed when he found that he was outnumbered.
3.   We shall make videos.  That could be shown on the Internet. The video can even show parts of the lecture and the project we shall do with the IVE professors.
4.   The scare tactics by “the men in black” obviously worked.  The mother of Forever got really scared.  She wanted Forever to drop out.  She could not possibly understand Physics as she never had such schooling when young.  Now Forever will have a hard time.
5.   The rent increase tactics also worked.  As Mr. Tong tried to negotiate a lower rent increase, the landlord sent a Lawyer’s letter demanding that Mr. Tong to move out by the end of this month (Nov.)  He had the right to do so as he was giving a thirty day notice.

We shall resume our experiments after the Show.  The high priority is to recharge the battery from the Lead-Out Energy Machine.  (Tong’s top priority is to find a place to move.)    Two trouble makes out of over 10,000 who stopped by our booth and over 500 who listened to the presentation and touched the machine, NOT too  bad.  China is still a civilized Country.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.   
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 07, 2009, 05:50:11 PM

“This is a free Country".   This demonstration did take place in China right?  Did I miss something?  When did China become a free country?

I am glad Forever is ok.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on November 08, 2009, 02:22:18 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 07, 2009, 05:50:11 PM
“This is a free Country".   This demonstration did take place in China right?  Did I miss something?  When did China become a free country?

That happened the day Lawrence demonstrated his first overunity device.
Sadly we have no tests results, no scope shots, just a lot of "propaganda"
I do admire their enthusiasm
Sad about the delusion.
Surely one of these many professors can do a scope test and an output test?
I gather no one has enrolled in the course and no large companies decided to take up the options.
I am pleased to know the MIB have moved to China.
Kind Reagrds
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tagor on November 08, 2009, 02:46:17 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 07, 2009, 04:49:26 PM
The Carnival is Open.  Some European Companies and Individuals came.  The one in the Hong Kong Convention Center on DEC 3-5 will be a much larger event with International Participation  .

are your results better than this one ?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 08, 2009, 06:18:04 AM
The final day at the Show

We got a great surprise.  A technical evaluator authorized by Beijing asked for one of our Prototypes.  The chairman of the Hong Kong Invention Association knows him for years.  So that cannot be false. 

We gave him the middle size prototype.  We expect that he would take it apart. 

We shall also work with Professor Lo.  His large wind-turbine is effectively our large wheel.  His colleague wanted to produce a solar panel that will generate electricity even in the dark.  His bank of batteries will be re-charged by our Lead-Out Energy Machine 24 hours a day. 

The devil was right â€" we should just ignore the debunkers and insulters.  We can afford a small celebration now.
Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on November 08, 2009, 08:01:23 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 08, 2009, 06:18:04 AM
The final day at the Show

We got a great surprise.  A technical evaluator authorized by Beijing asked for one of our Prototypes.  The chairman of the Hong Kong Invention Association knows him for years.  So that cannot be false. 

We gave him the middle size prototype.  We expect that he would take it apart. 

We shall also work with Professor Lo.  His large wind-turbine is effectively our large wheel.  His colleague wanted to produce a solar panel that will generate electricity even in the dark.  His bank of batteries will be re-charged by our Lead-Out Energy Machine 24 hours a day. 

The devil was right â€" we should just ignore the debunkers and insulters.  We can afford a small celebration now.
Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.


1.) lkshfdkhdf sdfkljhsf ljdhflksjdhf lksdjhfsjkhfskjdhflksjdh flksdhflksjdhfkshflk sdflkhs flkshf lksjhdflksjdhflskdhflskhdflkshflskdhfsdlkhf sdkfhs dfkjhsdfkshdflksjdhflksjdhf sdfkhsd fkshflksjhflksjhf lskjdhfl ksjdhflksjhflksdh flkshd flksjdhfl skdjhfl ksdjh fljdshflskjdh flsdkjhflskdhfklsdhflksdh flksdhf lkdshf ksdh fhdslkhf lkhdsflk klhdsflkjs dlfkjh slkdjhflskjhfdlksjh flksh dflkshdflksjdhflkshdf sldkjhfsl kdjhf lsdhfl skdjhflsdhflskd flks dfksdj flksdl flk sdjh fslkhd flksd lksjhdl kfjsh dflkshd flksjhdflksjh flksdh flksdh flskdh flsdh flsj dhflsd flkshdflksj dhflks hdfkjsh dflkshd fkhsdlkjfhslk dhfslkdhflskdjh flksjhd flkjshdflkshd flkjdshflksdhflkj sl dkjflksjdh flkjsdh flkjsdh flksjh dlfksjdh lfksdffsfds sdlkshfdkhdf sdfkljhsf ljdhflksjdhf lksdjhfsjkhfskjdhflksjdh flksdhflksjdhfkshflk sdflkhs flkshf lksjhdflksjdhflskdhflskhdflkshflskdhfsdlkhf sdkfhs dfkjhsdfkshdflksjdhflksjdhf sdfkhsd fkshflksjhflksjhf lskjdhfl ksjdhflksjhflksdh flkshd flksjdhfl skdjhfl ksdjh fljdshflskjdh flsdkjhflskdhfklsdhflksdh flksdhf lkdshf ksdh fhdslkhf lkhdsflk klhdsflkjs dlfkjh slkdjhflskjhfdlksjh flksh dflkshdflksjdhflkshdf sldkjhfsl kdjhf lsdhfl skdjhflsdhflskd flks dfksdj flksdl flk sdjh fslkhd flksd lksjhdl kfjsh dflkshd flksjhdflksjh flksdh flksdh flskdh flsdh flsj dhflsd flkshdflksj dhflks hdfkjsh dflkshd fkhsdlkjfhslk dhfslkdhflskdjh flksjhd flkjshdflkshd flkjdshflksdhflkj sl dkjflksjdh flkjsdh flkjsdh flksjh dlfksjdh lfksdffsfds sdlkshfdkhdf sdfkljhsf ljdhflksjdhf lksdjhfsjkhfskjdhflksjdh flksdhflksjdhfkshflk sdflkhs flkshf lksjhdflksjdhflskdhflskhdflkshflskdhfsdlkhf sdkfhs dfkjhsdfkshdflksjdhflksjdhf sdfkhsd fkshflksjhflksjhf lskjdhfl ksjdhflksjhflksdh flkshd flksjdhfl skdjhfl ksdjh fljdshflskjdh flsdkjhflskdhfklsdhflksdh flksdhf lkdshf ksdh fhdslkhf lkhdsflk

2.) klhdsflkjs dlfkjh slkdjhflskjhfdlksjh flksh dflkshdflksjdhflkshdf sldkjhfsl kdjhf lsdhfl skdjhflsdhflskd flks dfksdj flksdl flk sdjh fslkhd flksd lksjhdl kfjsh dflkshd flksjhdflksjh flksdh flksdh flskdh flsdh flsj dhflsd flkshdflksj dhflks hdfkjsh dflkshd fkhsdlkjfhslk dhfslkdhflskdjh flksjhd flkjshdflkshd flkjdshflksdhflkj sl dkjflksjdh flkjsdh flkjsdh flksjh dlfksjdh lfksdffsfds sdlkshfdkhdf sdfkljhsf ljdhflksjdhf lksdjhfsjkhfskjdhflksjdh flksdhflksjdhfkshflk sdflkhs flkshf lksjhdflksjdhflskdhflskhdflkshflskdhfsdlkhf sdkfhs dfkjhsdfkshdflksjdhflksjdhf sdfkhsd fkshflksjhflksjhf lskjdhfl ksjdhflksjhflksdh flkshd flksjdhfl skdjhfl ksdjh fljdshflskjdh flsdkjhflskdhfklsdhflksdh flksdhf lkdshf ksdh fhdslkhf lkhdsflk klhdsflkjs dlfkjh slkdjhflskjhfdlksjh flksh dflkshdflksjdhflkshdf sldkjhfsl kdjhf lsdhfl skdjhflsdhflskd flks dfksdj flksdl flk sdjh fslkhd flksd lksjhdl kfjsh dflkshd flksjhdflksjh flksdh flksdh flskdh flsdh flsj dhflsd flkshdflksj dhflks hdfkjsh dflkshd fkhsdlkjfhslk dhfslkdhflskdjh flksjhd flkjshdflkshd flkjdshflksdhflkj sl dkjflksjdh flkjsdh flkjsdh flksjh dlfksjdh lfksdffsfds sdlkshfdkhdf sdfkljhsf ljdhflksjdhf lksdjhfsjkhfskjdhflksjdh flksdhflksjdhfkshflk sdflkhs flkshf lksjhdflksjdhflskdhflskhdflkshflskdhfsdlkhf sdkfhs dfkjhsdfkshdflksjdhflksjdhf sdfkhsd fkshflksjhflksjhf lskjdhfl ksjdhflksjhflksdh flkshd flksjdhfl skdjhfl ksdjh fljdshflskjdh flsdkjhflskdhfklsdhflksdh flksdhf lkdshf ksdh fhdslkhf lkhdsflk klhdsflkjs dlfkjh slkdjhflskjhfdlksjh flksh dflkshdflksjdhflkshdf sldkjhfsl kdjhf lsdhfl skdjhflsdhflskd flks dfksdj flksdl flk sdjh fslkhd flksd lksjhdl kfjsh dflkshd flksjhdflksjh flksdh flksdh flskdh flsdh flsj dhflsd flkshdflksj dhflks hdfkjsh dflkshd fkhsdlkjfhslk dhfslkdhflskdjh flksjhd flkjshdflkshd flkjdshflksdhflkj sl dkjflksjdh flkjsdh flkjsdh flksjh dlfksjdh lfksdffsfds sdlkshfdkhdf sdfkljhsf ljdhflksjdhf lksdjhfsjkhfskjdhflksjdh flksdhflksjdhfkshflk sdflkhs flkshf lksjhdflksjdhflskdhflskhdflkshflskdhfsdlkhf sdkfhs dfkjhsdfkshdflksjdhflksjdhf sdfkhsd fkshflksjhflksjhf lskjdhfl ksjdhflksjhflksdh flkshd flksjdhfl skdjhfl ksdjh fljdshflskjdh flsdkjhflskdhfklsdhflksdh flksdhf lkdshf ksdh fhdslkhf lkhdsflk klhdsflkjs dlfkjh slkdjhflskjhfdlksjh flksh dflkshdflksjdhflkshdf sldkjhfsl kdjhf lsdhfl skdjhflsdhflskd flks dfksdj flksdl flk sdjh fslkhd flksd lksjhdl kfjsh dflkshd flksjhdflksjh flksdh flksdh flskdh flsdh flsj dhflsd flkshdflksj dhflks hdfkjsh dflkshd fkhsdlkjfhslk dhfslkdhflskdjh flksjhd flkjshdflkshd flkjdshflksdhflkj sl dkjflksjdh flkjsdh flkjsdh flksjh dlfksjdh lfksdffsfds sdlkshfdkhdf sdfkljhsf ljdhflksjdhf lksdjhfsjkhfskjdhflksjdh flksdhflksjdhfkshflk sdflkhs flkshf

3.) lksjhdflksjdhflskdhflskhdflkshflskdhfsdlkhf sdkfhs dfkjhsdfkshdflksjdhflksjdhf sdfkhsd fkshflksjhflksjhf lskjdhfl ksjdhflksjhflksdh flkshd flksjdhfl skdjhfl ksdjh fljdshflskjdh flsdkjhflskdhfklsdhflksdh flksdhf lkdshf ksdh fhdslkhf lkhdsflk klhdsflkjs dlfkjh slkdjhflskjhfdlksjh flksh dflkshdflksjdhflkshdf sldkjhfsl kdjhf lsdhfl skdjhflsdhflskd flks dfksdj flksdl flk sdjh fslkhd flksd lksjhdl kfjsh dflkshd flksjhdflksjh flksdh flksdh flskdh flsdh flsj dhflsd flkshdflksj dhflks hdfkjsh dflkshd fkhsdlkjfhslk dhfslkdhflskdjh flksjhd flkjshdflkshd flkjdshflksdhflkj sl dkjflksjdh flkjsdh flkjsdh flksjh dlfksjdh lfksdffsfds sdlkshfdkhdf sdfkljhsf ljdhflksjdhf lksdjhfsjkhfskjdhflksjdh flksdhflksjdhfkshflk sdflkhs flkshf lksjhdflksjdhflskdhflskhdflkshflskdhfsdlkhf sdkfhs dfkjhsdfkshdflksjdhflksjdhf sdfkhsd fkshflksjhflksjhf lskjdhfl ksjdhflksjhflksdh flkshd flksjdhfl skdjhfl ksdjh fljdshflskjdh flsdkjhflskdhfklsdhflksdh flksdhf lkdshf ksdh fhdslkhf lkhdsflk klhdsflkjs dlfkjh slkdjhflskjhfdlksjh flksh dflkshdflksjdhflkshdf sldkjhfsl kdjhf lsdhfl skdjhflsdhflskd flks dfksdj flksdl flk sdjh fslkhd flksd lksjhdl kfjsh dflkshd flksjhdflksjh flksdh flksdh flskdh flsdh flsj dhflsd flkshdflksj dhflks hdfkjsh dflkshd fkhsdlkjfhslk dhfslkdhflskdjh flksjhd flkjshdflkshd flkjdshflksdhflkj sl dkjflksjdh flkjsdh flkjsdh flksjh dlfksjdh lfksdffsfds sdlkshfdkhdf sdfkljhsf ljdhflksjdhf lksdjhfsjkhfskjdhflksjdh flksdhflksjdhfkshflk sdflkhs flkshf lksjhdflksjdhflskdhflskhdflkshflskdhfsdlkhf sdkfhs dfkjhsdfkshdflksjdhflksjdhf sdfkhsd fkshflksjhflksjhf lskjdhfl ksjdhflksjhflksdh flkshd flksjdhfl skdjhfl ksdjh fljdshflskjdh flsdkjhflskdhfklsdhflksdh flksdhf lkdshf ksdh fhdslkhf lkhdsflk klhdsflkjs dlfkjh slkdjhflskjhfdlksjh flksh dflkshdflksjdhflkshdf sldkjhfsl kdjhf lsdhfl skdjhflsdhflskd flks dfksdj flksdl flk sdjh fslkhd flksd lksjhdl kfjsh dflkshd flksjhdflksjh flksdh flksdh flskdh flsdh flsj dhflsd flkshdflksj dhflks hdfkjsh dflkshd fkhsdlkjfhslk dhfslkdhflskdjh flksjhd flkjshdflkshd flkjdshflksdhflkj sl dkjflksjdh flkjsdh flkjsdh flksjh dlfksjdh lfksdffsfds sdlkshfdkhdf sdfkljhsf ljdhflksjdhf lksdjhfsjkhfskjdhflksjdh flksdhflksjdhfkshflk sdflkhs flkshf lksjhdflksjdhflskdhflskhdflkshflskdhfsdlkhf sdkfhs dfkjhsdfkshdflksjdhflksjdhf sdfkhsd fkshflksjhflksjhf lskjdhfl ksjdhflksjhflksdh flkshd flksjdhfl skdjhfl ksdjh fljdshflskjdh flsdkjhflskdhfklsdhflksdh flksdhf lkdshf ksdh fhdslkhf lkhdsflk klhdsflkjs dlfkjh slkdjhflskjhfdlksjh flksh dflkshdflksjdhflkshdf sldkjhfsl kdjhf lsdhfl skdjhflsdhflskd flks dfksdj flksdl flk sdjh fslkhd flksd lksjhdl kfjsh dflkshd flksjhdflksjh flksdh flksdh flskdh flsdh flsj dhflsd flkshdflksj dhflks hdfkjsh dflkshd fkhsdlkjfhslk dhfslkdhflskdjh flksjhd flkjshdflkshd flkjdshflksdhflkj sl dkjflksjdh flkjsdh flkjsdh flksjh dlfksjdh lfksdffsfds sdlkshfdkhdf sdfkljhsf ljdhflksjdhf lksdjhfsjkhfskjdhflksjdh flksdhflksjdhfkshflk sdflkhs flkshf lksjhdflksjdhflskdhflskhdflkshflskdhfsdlkhf sdkfhs dfkjhsdfkshdflksjdhflksjdhf sdfkhsd fkshflksjhflksjhf lskjdhfl

4.) ksjdhflksjhflksdh flkshd flksjdhfl skdjhfl ksdjh fljdshflskjdh flsdkjhflskdhfklsdhflksdh flksdhf lkdshf ksdh fhdslkhf lkhdsflk klhdsflkjs dlfkjh slkdjhflskjhfdlksjh flksh dflkshdflksjdhflkshdf sldkjhfsl kdjhf lsdhfl skdjhflsdhflskd flks dfksdj flksdl flk sdjh fslkhd flksd lksjhdl kfjsh dflkshd flksjhdflksjh flksdh flksdh flskdh flsdh flsj dhflsd flkshdflksj dhflks hdfkjsh dflkshd fkhsdlkjfhslk dhfslkdhflskdjh flksjhd flkjshdflkshd flkjdshflksdhflkj sl dkjflksjdh flkjsdh flkjsdh flksjh dlfksjdh lfksdffsfds sdlkshfdkhdf sdfkljhsf ljdhflksjdhf lksdjhfsjkhfskjdhflksjdh flksdhflksjdhfkshflk sdflkhs flkshf lksjhdflksjdhflskdhflskhdflkshflskdhfsdlkhf sdkfhs dfkjhsdfkshdflksjdhflksjdhf sdfkhsd fkshflksjhflksjhf lskjdhfl ksjdhflksjhflksdh flkshd flksjdhfl skdjhfl ksdjh fljdshflskjdh flsdkjhflskdhfklsdhflksdh flksdhf lkdshf ksdh fhdslkhf lkhdsflk klhdsflkjs dlfkjh slkdjhflskjhfdlksjh flksh dflkshdflksjdhflkshdf sldkjhfsl kdjhf lsdhfl skdjhflsdhflskd flks dfksdj flksdl flk sdjh fslkhd flksd lksjhdl kfjsh dflkshd flksjhdflksjh flksdh flksdh flskdh flsdh flsj dhflsd flkshdflksj dhflks hdfkjsh dflkshd fkhsdlkjfhslk dhfslkdhflskdjh flksjhd flkjshdflkshd flkjdshflksdhflkj sl dkjflksjdh flkjsdh flkjsdh flksjh dlfksjdh lfksdffsfds sdlkshfdkhdf sdfkljhsf ljdhflksjdhf lksdjhfsjkhfskjdhflksjdh flksdhflksjdhfkshflk sdflkhs flkshf lksjhdflksjdhflskdhflskhdflkshflskdhfsdlkhf sdkfhs dfkjhsdfkshdflksjdhflksjdhf sdfkhsd fkshflksjhflksjhf lskjdhfl ksjdhflksjhflksdh flkshd flksjdhfl skdjhfl ksdjh fljdshflskjdh flsdkjhflskdhfklsdhflksdh flksdhf lkdshf ksdh fhdslkhf lkhdsflk klhdsflkjs dlfkjh slkdjhflskjhfdlksjh flksh dflkshdflksjdhflkshdf sldkjhfsl kdjhf lsdhfl skdjhflsdhflskd flks dfksdj flksdl flk sdjh fslkhd flksd lksjhdl kfjsh dflkshd flksjhdflksjh flksdh flksdh flskdh flsdh flsj dhflsd flkshdflksj dhflks hdfkjsh dflkshd fkhsdlkjfhslk dhfslkdhflskdjh flksjhd flkjshdflkshd flkjdshflksdhflkj sl dkjflksjdh flkjsdh flkjsdh flksjh dlfksjdh lfksdffsfds

5.) sdlkshfdkhdf sdfkljhsf ljdhflksjdhf lksdjhfsjkhfskjdhflksjdh flksdhflksjdhfkshflk sdflkhs flkshf lksjhdflksjdhflskdhflskhdflkshflskdhfsdlkhf sdkfhs dfkjhsdfkshdflksjdhflksjdhf sdfkhsd fkshflksjhflksjhf lskjdhfl ksjdhflksjhflksdh flkshd flksjdhfl skdjhfl ksdjh fljdshflskjdh flsdkjhflskdhfklsdhflksdh flksdhf lkdshf ksdh fhdslkhf lkhdsflk klhdsflkjs dlfkjh slkdjhflskjhfdlksjh flksh dflkshdflksjdhflkshdf sldkjhfsl kdjhf lsdhfl skdjhflsdhflskd flks dfksdj flksdl flk sdjh fslkhd flksd lksjhdl kfjsh dflkshd flksjhdflksjh flksdh flksdh flskdh flsdh flsj dhflsd flkshdflksj dhflks hdfkjsh dflkshd fkhsdlkjfhslk dhfslkdhflskdjh flksjhd flkjshdflkshd flkjdshflksdhflkj sl dkjflksjdh flkjsdh flkjsdh flksjh dlfksjdh lfksdffsfds sd
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on November 08, 2009, 09:48:21 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 07, 2009, 04:49:26 PM
There were two obvious trouble-makers...
They are around. That is why it would be good, assuming your patent prortection
is sufficient, to put out full engineering details so that we can all build replications.
and feed back to you on our findings. These improvements would be built in to
the project on the basis of "open source", and you retain ownershikp of the rest.

When the technology is ready for mass production, you will then receive your cut.
At the moment, you are making yourself a target to be aimed at.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on November 08, 2009, 09:52:55 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 07, 2009, 04:49:26 PM

He yelled at the top of his voice that the device must be a fraud...

He said that we were violating the Law of Conservation of Energy...

These people should be directed to Patrick's magnificent book:
It explains why the Law of conservation of energy appears to be violated
wheres we all know that, in reality, it is not.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 08, 2009, 11:09:24 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on November 08, 2009, 09:48:21 AM
They are around. That is why it would be good, assuming your patent prortection
is sufficient, ......
At the moment, you are making yourself a target to be aimed at.

Your naiveness about 'patent protection' is perhaps the reason why you still support Tseung despite zero proofs and just talk.

No patent office anywhere will even touch this nonsense. Just look at the WPO office action response to tseung's so called patent application. This guy has no idea what patentable subject matter is. In his mind, all that he says is Gospel. A nut is a NUT!

Anyway, as I'm off to catch the plane, I'll just leave you to fantasize on how old Tseung will reward you when he makes his $B. Maybe he'll make you his special butler?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TheDivineOne on November 08, 2009, 12:01:37 PM
If anyone doubted the validity of Tsueng's claims, the photograph of his assistants eating a celebration lunch should be the final proof needed for the skeptics.

I will provide guidance.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 08, 2009, 01:18:30 PM
The video at Inno Carnival 09 at the Hong Kong Science Park on November 8, 2009.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 08, 2009, 03:05:33 PM
Lawrence, I am trying to understand the numbers that were presented at the show:

I noticed you presented that 4 output coils were used.
So presumably you used 12 drive coils.

The input shows 1V / 1.4A, while your battery seems 12V.
Did you use the diagram as previously shown in reply #4674 in this thread?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on November 08, 2009, 04:59:35 PM
that cake looked great, perhaps you could sell cakes to help fund you research.
I was wondering how many people enrolled in the course.
I do applaud your enthusiasm and efforts, but find it difficult why you do not insist on doing proper tests for your won peace of mind.
Kind Regards
PS does anyone know the current fashion code for MIB's? Its been some years since I wore my black suit.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on November 08, 2009, 05:12:37 PM
Quote from: chrisC on November 08, 2009, 11:09:24 AM
Your naiveness about 'patent protection' is perhaps the reason why you still support Tseung despite zero proofs and just talk.

No patent office anywhere will even touch this nonsense....
If you had done your homework, chrisC, you would find a hundred or so such patents, starting with Westinghouse's famous Minuteman missile patent.

But then of course, chrisC, you haven't done your homwork.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 08, 2009, 05:55:31 PM
The presentation in Chinese by Miss Debbie Yeung.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TheDivineOne on November 08, 2009, 06:21:18 PM
I guide Lawrence's team to speak in tongues.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 08, 2009, 06:46:59 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 08, 2009, 03:05:33 PM
Lawrence, I am trying to understand the numbers that were presented at the show:

I noticed you presented that 4 output coils were used.
So presumably you used 12 drive coils.

The input shows 1V / 1.4A, while your battery seems 12V.
Did you use the diagram as previously shown in reply #4674 in this thread?

We have 15 coils.  In this particular demo, we used 4 collector coils and 6 drive coils.  5 other coils were not used.

Our Input is PULSED.  In other words, in an X second interval, the effective Input voltage was not constant at 12 V.  It rose to 12V quickly and then dropped to 0V most of the time.  The most accurate way of determining the effective Voltage (or the Input power in watts) is via the expensive, programable oscilloscope. 

The approximate way we used was shown in the Input circuit diagram.  Our digital voltmeter was placed as shown.  It showed a fluctuating reading within a small range.  That was taken as an approximation of the effective Input voltage.
The actual oscilloscope display will be done after Mr. Tong moves to a new location.  Or when we work with Professor Lo and his team.

The configuration that fried our Proximity Switch and wires was two pairs of 3 Collector Coils in parallel and 9 Drive Coils.  We used that Output to loopback to Input and recharge the battery directly.  We were delighted when the electronics blew.  It confirmed that if our Output is 2 times Input, the energy level would increase at the rate of 2,4,6,8,16 etc.
In the Open Show, we did not use loopback nor re-charging of the battery.  We are confident that we can somehow “control the rapid multiplication of energy”.  Both Mr. Tong and Professor Lo felt that they could master that within a few weeks.

The next Open Show will be Dec 3 at the Hong Kong Convention Center.  We shall skip the Shenzhen Show as Mr. Tong needs to find a place to work.  I need time to rest and work with Beijing.  We hope the Output for the next Open Show will be at least 50-60 watts. 
(The ideal is 5 KW.)

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 08, 2009, 07:32:48 PM

I am no electronics expert by any means but, I have experimented enough to know for a fact that digital meters do not and cannot read pulsed dc.  I learned this in my early work on my earth battery experiments.  The earth battery, or EER as we now call them, puts out pulsed dc and you need a scope to see much of anything and certainly before ANY claims are made utilizing input vs output data.  So, this means to me that those figures you posted here, and on your data sheets at the convention are totally unfounded and may easily be completely bogus.

Maybe you actually have OU and maybe you don't but, to claim that you do before any real understanding of both the input and output data is unscientific, inaccurate and, in all probability, totally wrong.

And, you based all of the claims made to those folks you are selling that course to for $20,000 USD using this terribly flawed data collection?  This does not help your credibility Lawrence.

Get a scope.  I got mine last year off of ebay for about $120.00.  Get someone with a scope that knows how to use one and THEN publish your input and output data.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 09, 2009, 03:37:19 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 08, 2009, 06:46:59 PM
The configuration that fried our Proximity Switch and wires was two pairs of 3 Collector Coils in parallel and 9 Drive Coils.  We used that Output to loopback to Input and recharge the battery directly.  We were delighted when the electronics blew.  It confirmed that if our Output is 2 times Input, the energy level would increase at the rate of 2,4,6,8,16 etc.

Thanks for explaining your setup again, Lawrence.
You mentioned:
QuoteWe were delighted when the electronics blew
What electronics are you referring to? Is it only the proximity switch?

I agree that more accurate data is needed to convince more people.
Oscilloscope data would definitely help a lot.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 09, 2009, 04:10:06 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 09, 2009, 03:37:19 AM
Thanks for explaining your setup again, Lawrence.
You mentioned: What electronics are you referring to? Is it only the proximity switch?

Electronics include Proximity Switch, Relay, diode bridge, fuses etc.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: poynt99 on November 09, 2009, 09:13:51 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 08, 2009, 07:32:48 PM

I am no electronics expert by any means but, I have experimented enough to know for a fact that digital meters do not and cannot read pulsed dc.  I learned this in my early work on my earth battery experiments.  The earth battery, or EER as we now call them, puts out pulsed dc and you need a scope to see much of anything and certainly before ANY claims are made utilizing input vs output data.  So, this means to me that those figures you posted here, and on your data sheets at the convention are totally unfounded and may easily be completely bogus.

Maybe you actually have OU and maybe you don't but, to claim that you do before any real understanding of both the input and output data is unscientific, inaccurate and, in all probability, totally wrong.

And, you based all of the claims made to those folks you are selling that course to for $20,000 USD using this terribly flawed data collection?  This does not help your credibility Lawrence.

Get a scope.  I got mine last year off of ebay for about $120.00.  Get someone with a scope that knows how to use one and THEN publish your input and output data.


Food for thought:


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 09, 2009, 10:07:28 AM
Poynt taken  ;)

Remaining questions:
- this test was performed at 1 MHz rate, Lawrence generator runs at approx. 300 rpm and 6 drive coils so pulse repetition is likely to be around 35 ms (30 Hz). Likely the multimeters have something like an integrator capacitor at the input while measuring DC voltage. Would this be sufficient to also integrate voltage at 30 Hz? I would assume so.

- The amp meter seems to be a traditional coil/magnet one. Difficult to judge that one on averaging amps while measuring pulses. I'll have a look at my old schoolbooks again this evening. My feeling tells me this is OK....
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 09, 2009, 10:07:37 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 08, 2009, 07:32:48 PM

I am no electronics expert by any means but, I have experimented enough to know for a fact that digital meters do not and cannot read pulsed dc.  I learned this in my early work on my earth battery experiments.  The earth battery, or EER as we now call them, puts out pulsed dc and you need a scope to see much of anything and certainly before ANY claims are made utilizing input vs output data.  So, this means to me that those figures you posted here, and on your data sheets at the convention are totally unfounded and may easily be completely bogus.

Maybe you actually have OU and maybe you don't but, to claim that you do before any real understanding of both the input and output data is unscientific, inaccurate and, in all probability, totally wrong.

And, you based all of the claims made to those folks you are selling that course to for $20,000 USD using this terribly flawed data collection?  This does not help your credibility Lawrence.

Get a scope.  I got mine last year off of ebay for about $120.00.  Get someone with a scope that knows how to use one and THEN publish your input and output data.


Lawrence does not care whether the system is overunity or not.  He only cares that it appears to be overunity in order to sell the US$20K training packages, which I honestly cannot see anyone being gullible enough to fall for.

The people who got upset at the show were right - this is a fraud.  Hey, if Lawrence was just doing experiments, then who cares, he only wastes his own time.  But this is something else.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 09, 2009, 10:15:31 AM
That is why he offered to send one to Stefan as one of his next steps:
http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=8229.0  (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=8229.0)

I will hold my horses before judging.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 09, 2009, 12:34:27 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on November 09, 2009, 09:13:51 AM
Food for thought:



Thank you for the information.  Now we can take our cheap meters to the many Open Shows.

Our voltage measurements on our Pulsed Input cannot be wrong.

You must have been sent by the Divine One.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 09, 2009, 03:17:27 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 09, 2009, 10:15:31 AM
That is why he offered to send one to Stefan as one of his next steps:
http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=8229.0  (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=8229.0)

I will hold my horses before judging.

Only one problem.  It does not meet the prize requirements.  The battery runs down.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on November 09, 2009, 05:34:36 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 09, 2009, 10:07:28 AM
Poynt taken  ;)

- The amp meter seems to be a traditional coil/magnet one. Difficult to judge that one on averaging amps while measuring pulses. I'll have a look at my old schoolbooks again this evening. My feeling tells me this is OK....

You are 100% wrong with that , you need a scope.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: poynt99 on November 09, 2009, 07:29:55 PM
The technique using a DC meter is only good down to about 100 Hz or so, otherwise yes the readings will vary quite a lot. You will have to judge for yourself at what frequency the reading stabilizes, but it should be between 100Hz and 300Hz.

The higher the frequency the better, at least up to 10MHz, which is the maximum I have tried.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on November 09, 2009, 10:02:31 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 09, 2009, 10:15:31 AM
That is why he offered to send one to Stefan as one of his next steps:
http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=8229.0  (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=8229.0)

I will hold my horses before judging.

Now he says he 'may' send one to Stephan, his piece of paper at the carnival claiming overunity with his battery powered motor (meter only on the input) is enough evidence to win the prize.  Good grief.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 10, 2009, 08:53:58 AM
Meeting with the three Professors at the Tsing Yi Campus of IVE

We met two professors of electrical engineering and one of aircraft maintenance.  Two went to the Inno Carnival 09 and one did not.  I explained the theory without the prototype.  The professor who did not go was skeptical but the other two assured him that the readings were genuine.

The following arrangement was reached:

1.   Mr. Tong Po Chi will take his machines tomorrow to the Campus.  He will have a large classroom to work in.  The Heads of Department and the Dean will be invited to see the Lead-Out Energy Machine.
2.   If Senior Management approves, resources at the Campus will be made available.  That include oscilloscopes, machine tools, computers, professional and student helpers.
3.   The immediate goal is to produce the 5KW electricity generator by Dec 3.  The technical solutions were outlined.  The trick is to get the internal loop of 2, 4, 8, 16 type multiplication increase without frying the electronics.
4.   The arrangement is for technical exchange of information.  Any financial or commercial interests will be dealt with separately. 
5.   They will be happy to work together to produce the three FREE prototypes â€" one for Beijing, one for the White House and one for United Nations.
6.   The professors of electrical engineering were very familiar with measuring Pulsing Voltage using digital meters and oscilloscopes.  They knew the cheap meters would work.

The Devil was right.  Just ignore the debunkers and insulters.  They do not have any technical expertise nor any desire to contribute positively.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on November 10, 2009, 11:21:19 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 10, 2009, 08:53:58 AM
The Devil was right.  Just ignore the debunkers and insulters.  They do not have any technical expertise nor any desire to contribute positively.
I suspect that certain parties are paid to do the opposite. If they were more clever,
they would not be so obvious.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 10, 2009, 11:25:05 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on November 10, 2009, 11:21:19 AM
I suspect that certain parties are paid to do the opposite. If they were more clever,
they would not be so obvious.

Yes, it is really good money and, best of all, it is tax free.  They don't have a health plan though.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on November 10, 2009, 02:25:41 PM
sorry to hear you didnt get the health plan, I did. I also use the brown envelopes again the money comes in.
I will be interested in a professor of electrical engineering that will state his name and write a paper on a cheap meter. Look forwarding to see that one being published for peer review.
I am very happy to see the 5kw will be developed by december. I guess the trick is to use more batteries.
Kind Regads
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: poynt99 on November 10, 2009, 02:42:03 PM
Quote from: markdansie on November 10, 2009, 02:25:41 PM
I will be interested in a professor of electrical engineering that will state his name and write a paper on a cheap meter. Look forwarding to see that one being published for peer review.

If they understand how the meter takes this measurement, they just might. It's a mind-hurdle, nothing else. The measurement method is virtually unknown and dismissed, but it works.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 10, 2009, 08:23:44 PM
Next Major Open Show on Dec 3-5 with our own booth


We shall have one of the 30 booths at the Hong Kong Inventions Association exhibits.

We can definitely repeat our demonstration of Output Energy Greater than Input Energy or OVERUNITY.

We are working hard with additional support to overcome the runaway loopback energy problem.  If successful,
we shall demonstrate the 5KW Electricity Generator.

See you at the Show.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 11, 2009, 12:45:09 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 10, 2009, 08:23:44 PM
Next Major Open Show on Dec 3-5 with our own booth


We shall have one of the 30 booths at the Hong Kong Inventions Association exhibits.

We can definitely repeat our demonstration of Output Energy Greater than Input Energy or OVERUNITY.

We are working hard with additional support to overcome the runaway loopback energy problem.  If successful,
we shall demonstrate the 5KW Electricity Generator.

See you at the Show.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Dear Mr. Tseung,

Every scientist knows the chain reaction for a Nuclear Reactor.  It must be well controlled.

Now, your Lead-Out Energy machine posts a similar problem.  If uncontrolled, the surge of loopback currents will fry everything.

It is a nice problem to have.  Only an overunity machine can do that.  Congratulations.

The simplest solution is the fuse.  However, I do not want to be the one changing the fuses at the Open Show.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 11, 2009, 12:46:19 AM

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 11, 2009, 04:28:28 AM
Ways to control runaway current

Since this is a unique problem specific to Overunity Machines, I doubt that there is a ready solution.  It should be fun to outline the various approaches here:

1.   Blow the fuse on the feedback circuit.  This would surely stop the increasing current.  However, the machine is expected to continue to function for some time.  The wheel will still rotate due to its momentum.  The PS will still pulse.
2.   Use a circuit breaker that can be turned back on easily.  This is the same as solution 1 and may be acceptable at the Open Show.  Make the effect much more dramatic.  The audience will love it.
3.   Reduce the number of Drive Coils including 0.  There will be no battery supplied current to the coils.  However, there may be feedback current.  This may turn out to be a demonstration that removing the battery is entirely possible after starting.  It may be a pleasant surprise.
4.   Drain the Output Energy with additional load.  Sending a sudden outburst of light or sound should be fun.  This will require more thought but it is in line with program control.
5.   Attaching load to the axle.  At high current and thus torque, do some impressive displays.
6.   Stop the function of the Proximity Switch.  If that were too difficult, find another control mechanism such as laser detection and programmed control.  The HK$10 PS has done its job.  It has helped you to demonstrate OVERUNITY conclusively in Inno Carnival 09.  Just let it retire.

Talking about retirement, when will you do your fishing, dear Mr. Tseung?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 11, 2009, 07:03:36 AM
Current Limiter Circuits


Dear Mr. Tseung,

There is plenty of reading material on Current Limiter Circuits.  You cannot possibly read them all before Dec 3-5.

Now that you are working with the electrical engineering professors at IVE, let them give recommendations.  Let them shine.

I believe the 60 cm wheel is now at IVE.  You can be sure that the professors and their team of students will be working hard to analyze and replicate it.  There is still 3 weeks before the Dec 3-5 Open Show.  My bet is on their successfully implementing a working solution for the 5KW electricity generator before that.

Just go fishing and relax.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 11, 2009, 08:11:11 AM
The plan for the Open Show on Dec 3-5 at the Hong Kong Convention Center

This Show is a much larger Show than the Inno Carnival 09.  The Hong Kong Convention Center is located downtown.  We have a 3 x 3 meter booth all to ourselves.  There is possibility of doubling that if needed.  We have confirmed support from three professors at IVE.  There is possibility of solving the runaway voltage/current problem.  If that were solved, we could demonstrate the 5KW electricity generator.

1.   We may have Students do the PowerPoint presentation files.  They will be in Putonghua, Cantonese and English.  Hopefully, we do not need to repeat the same words a few hundred times.
2.   We may have the large monitors.
3.   The IVE students are coming up with very bold posters to attract attention.  Examples include: Energy Crisis is Over â€" starting at this Booth.  Come here if you want to be a Nobel Prize Winner etc.
4.   We shall contact the Press well before the Event.  They can have pre-view of the Invention so that they are prepared.
5.   If ready, we shall also show the Educational Product from the Factory.  These will be used in our HK$150,000 training courses.  We can now guarantee that our Educational Products can absolutely demonstrate OVERUNITY.  We shall also give out the cheap digital meters for measuring Pulse Voltage Input.  (The course may even include a comparison between the expensive oscilloscope and the cheap meter.)

After this show, we intend to produce the FREE 5KW prototypes for Beijing, White House and United Nations.  We shall send one to Stefan so that he does not need to pay for electricity any more.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on November 11, 2009, 08:51:24 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 11, 2009, 08:11:11 AM
[5.   If ready, we shall also show the Educational Product from the Factory.  These will be used in our HK$150,000 training courses.  We can now guarantee that our Educational Products can absolutely demonstrate OVERUNITY.  We shall also give out the cheap digital meters for measuring Pulse Voltage Input.  (The course may even include a comparison between the expensive oscilloscope and the cheap meter.)
Is that a MONEY BACK guarantee that the educational machine demonstrates overunity BEFORE disassembled?  If it doesn't demonstrate OU, what about travel expenses?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 11, 2009, 09:07:14 AM
Lawrence, it's not quite clear how in practice you will obtain 5kW out of this machine.
As an example you mentioned on page 470 reply #4693 some results of a first feedback experiment.

From this example I can derive that 3.4 W can be consumed without exhausting the battery.
Can you tell us how you will obtain the 5kW you plan to implement?
By just taking a bigger battery that can deliver sufficient charging/discharging current @ 12V?

You showed earlier (e.g. page 474 reply #4735) that with bigger load, the COP decreases.
How would that work with 5kW output consumption?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 11, 2009, 11:59:59 AM
Quote from: spoondini on November 11, 2009, 08:51:24 AM
Is that a MONEY BACK guarantee that the educational machine demonstrates overunity BEFORE disassembled?  If it doesn't demonstrate OU, what about travel expenses?

He is claiming OU based on the meter readings.  So there is your proof, and that is all the proof of overunity you are ever going to get.  If you don't like it, don't buy the course.

And please, do you think these guys have money to cover travel expenses?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on November 11, 2009, 12:14:39 PM
From looking at the video at the trade show, he only has a meter hooked up to the input and a piece of paper claiming the output and COP.  He hasn't even demonstrated input output comparison with meters, much less more reliable scopes.  I'm sure this is why the appearance at the show made global headlines. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on November 11, 2009, 12:21:33 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 11, 2009, 11:59:59 AM
If you don't like it, don't buy the course.

And please, do you think these guys have money to cover travel expenses?
no shit sherlock. CAVEAT EMPTOR...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on November 11, 2009, 01:16:49 PM
you do realise top gun is lawrence as well? Can you pick up his other identities he is writing under as well? This is what is so amusing about this commic strip.
Also what happenned to the 6 universities with scopes that were going to test this device at the show?
Nothing personel but its always good to know the horse your backing.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 11, 2009, 04:48:00 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 11, 2009, 09:07:14 AM
Lawrence, it's not quite clear how in practice you will obtain 5kW out of this machine.
As an example you mentioned on page 470 reply #4693 some results of a first feedback experiment.

From this example I can derive that 3.4 W can be consumed without exhausting the battery.
Can you tell us how you will obtain the 5kW you plan to implement?
By just taking a bigger battery that can deliver sufficient charging/discharging current @ 12V?

You showed earlier (e.g. page 474 reply #4735) that with bigger load, the COP decreases.
How would that work with 5kW output consumption?

It is important to take the course.  You can share the expense with 14 others.  Otherwise, you might get into dead ends.
Hope the following diagram helps. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 11, 2009, 05:01:37 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 11, 2009, 04:48:00 PM
It is important to take the course.  You can share the expense with 14 others.  Otherwise, you might get into dead ends.
Hope the following diagram helps.

But what does "M" represent?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 11, 2009, 07:49:48 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 11, 2009, 05:01:37 PM
But what does "M" represent?

M is the multipurpose meter that can read voltage or current.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on November 11, 2009, 08:49:07 PM
After review the diagram provided and consulting with several of my associates we thought the M stood for MUG. Thank you for clarifying this.
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 12, 2009, 06:15:33 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 11, 2009, 07:49:48 PM
M is the multipurpose meter that can read voltage or current.

Lawrence, in that case I don't quite understand how power generated by the Lead Out Generator can be directly used as input power (via switch B).

The output power comes from coils that have different positions on the wheel than the driving coils.
Power becomes available at very specific time slots, when magnets pass the coils.
I wonder whether those time slots match with the time slots that driving coils need to drive the wheel.
This means that the timing of available power and required power does most likely not match in case the coils and magnets are evenly distributed over the circumference of the mounting rims.

Possible solution:
In this example the magnets need to be re-aligned in tangential direction of the wheel rim, like in example below figure:
Black radial lines represent the positions of the coils, assumed to have an equal distance to each other (22.5 degrees / 16 coils)
red radial lines represent the positions of magnets.
the 'even' coils are driving coils, 'uneven' coils are receiving coils in the given example.
The phase between the 'even' coil and 'even' magnets is adjustable to its required offset position.

By the way, this makes the proximity switch obsolete, because the receiving coils generate power pulses at the required time slots for powering the driver coils.

I wonder whether John Bedini also applies this method.
Anyway, if so, he never made that public.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 12, 2009, 12:18:29 PM
Bedini motors do not need proximity switches at all because of the bifilar windings of the coils.  When a magnet passes a coil it performs both the duties of the trigger and the power.  That is how we can get up to 300,00 rpms and the timing is always perfect for any given rpm.  Everyone I know has always made their Bedini motors this way.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 12, 2009, 12:33:10 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 12, 2009, 12:18:29 PM
Bedini motors do not need proximity switches at all because of the bifilar windings of the coils.  When a magnet passes a coil it performs both the duties of the trigger and the power.  That is how we can get up to 300,00 rpms and the timing is always perfect for any given rpm.  Everyone I know has always made their Bedini motors this way.

Using bifilar coils to generate a trigger pulse is one form of bedini motors, I think. Bedini became famous because of his SSG motor that has this bifilar coil. But I don't know anyone that has obtained COP >1 with a replica of the SSG.

In my view using bifilar coils to generate the right trigger point has a big restriction namely the restriction of the tangential range of the trigger orientation toward the rotating magnets.

A more sophisticated form of Bedini's concept is one were the trigger pulse generation is independent from the pickup coil, e.g. a reed relais or optical sensor (or a proximity sensor like Lawrence uses).

Watching Bedini's videos, he has several machines where he claims COP > 1. He never clearly stated that all of these use bifilar coils to keep them going from the information I have studied unil now.
Most replicators focus on the SSG only, because it's simple to replicate.
Maybe the real trick of Bedini is a bit more complicated..., if Bedini's COP > 1 is for real at all.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 12, 2009, 01:05:50 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 12, 2009, 12:33:10 PM
Using bifilar coils to generate a trigger pulse is one form of bedini motors, I think. Bedini became famous because of his SSG motor that has this bifilar coil. But I don't know anyone that has obtained COP >1 with a replica of the SSG.

In my view using bifilar coils to generate the right trigger point has a big restriction namely the restriction of the tangential range of the trigger orientation toward the rotating magnets.

A more sophisticated form of Bedini's concept is one were the trigger pulse generation is independent from the pickup coil, e.g. a reed relais or optical sensor (or a proximity sensor like Lawrence uses).

Watching Bedini's video, he has several machines where he claims COP > 1. He never clearly stated that all of these use bifilar coils to keep them going.
Most replicators focus on the SSG only, because it's simple to replicate.
Maybe the real trick of Bedini is a bit more complicated..., if Bedini's COP > 1 is for real at all.

That is all true as far as I know and I agree with you 100%...especially with your last statement.  None of the 3 that I built are self running...at least not at this time. (grin)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on November 13, 2009, 12:07:01 PM
Tseung, have you had the chance to look at the scope shots yet?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: TheDivineOne on November 14, 2009, 12:24:13 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 11, 2009, 05:01:37 PM
But what does "M" represent?

Money.  $150,000 HK

Guidance free of charge today.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 14, 2009, 12:28:02 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 12, 2009, 12:33:10 PM

A more sophisticated form of Bedini's concept is one were the trigger pulse generation is independent from the pickup coil, e.g. a reed relais or optical sensor (or a proximity sensor like Lawrence uses).

Maybe the real trick of Bedini is a bit more complicated..., if Bedini's COP > 1 is for real at all.

Dear teslaalset,

Your understanding is better than most Forum members.

However, you are still focusing on the operation of the machine rather than the theory behind it.  The Theory is Lead-Out, Lead-Out and Lead-Out.  In order to achieve Lead-Out, you need

1.   An unbalanced wheel or a wheel with non-constant rotational speed.
2.   A Pulsing Mechanism that provides the correct Pulsing Strength and Frequency.
3.   Sufficient time for the Pulsing Mechanism to Lead-Out the gravitational or magnetic energy. 
             Work done or energy acquired = Force x Displacement
4.   Time must be allowed for the Pulse Force to act through the Displacement.

Bedini did not have the Lead-Out theory to guide him.  He just experimented by trial and error.  He probably found that a large wheel seemed to do better.  But his Pulsing Mechanism blindly provided additional energy at higher rotational speed.  That violated step  4.  His followers stupidly boasted that they could achieve very high rpm.  They were actually destroying the Lead-Out Energy mechanism.

In theory, he might have achieved overunity at some set up.  His particular load might just slow the rotation to a correct pulsing frequency.  However, slight changes would have shifted that from the Lead-Out Energy condition.

We understand the Lead-Out theory and the Lead-Out Control Mechanism now.  We can play with the HK$10 proximity switch, the number of Drive and Connector Coils and the Load to achieve Overunity under different conditions now.  Thus we can guarantee that our Educational Product will demonstrate Overunity.

We hope, with additional help, we can control the runaway loopback problem.  Once that is achieved, we can demonstrate the 5KW electricity generator.  We hope the Divine One will give His Blessing one more time.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 14, 2009, 03:49:10 AM
I am learning all the time.
Thanks for your kind words and advice, Lawrence.

Quote from: ltseung888 on November 14, 2009, 12:28:02 AM
1.   An unbalanced wheel or a wheel with non-constant rotational speed.
edlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Just to understand your meaning of an unbalanced wheel: You mean mechanical unbalance or magnetic unbalance? I presume mechanical unbalance, right?

[edit]: with magnetic unbalance I mean electrical load to the output coils. This will cause pulsed drag to the rotation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 14, 2009, 10:06:19 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 14, 2009, 03:49:10 AM
I am learning all the time.
Thanks for your kind words and advice, Lawrence.

Just to understand your meaning of an unbalanced wheel: You mean mechanical unbalance or magnetic unbalance? I presume mechanical unbalance, right?

[edit]: with magnetic unbalance I mean electrical load to the output coils. This will cause pulsed drag to the rotation.

Wow, after 2 years, Lawrence finally has a live one.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on November 14, 2009, 11:17:06 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 14, 2009, 12:28:02 AM

4.  Time must be allowed for the Pulse Force to act through the Displacement.
Is this time about the time it takes for a charged coil to discharge its
back emf because of the time constant of that part of the circuit?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 14, 2009, 12:57:50 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 14, 2009, 03:49:10 AM
I am learning all the time.
Thanks for your kind words and advice, Lawrence.

Just to understand your meaning of an unbalanced wheel: You mean mechanical unbalance or magnetic unbalance? I presume mechanical unbalance, right?

[edit]: with magnetic unbalance I mean electrical load to the output coils. This will cause pulsed drag to the rotation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 14, 2009, 01:06:00 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on November 14, 2009, 11:17:06 AM
Is this time about the time it takes for a charged coil to discharge its
back emf because of the time constant of that part of the circuit?

The more exact explanation is that when a Pulse Force is applied to the rim of the wheel, the wheel will accelerate due to the extra energy supplied.  There will be a finite time to reach the final velocity.  For the best Lead-Out effect, the next Pulse should be applied after this finite time.

You can think of the simple swing.  You must push it at the correct frequency to get the best result.  Pushing it before it swings to its highest point would not be most effective.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 14, 2009, 05:11:00 PM
An attempt to illustrate my understanding of the Lead Out principle in such setup is depicted below. It represents a rim with just one magnet (indicated by the green block). This causes the mechanical unbalance.
The setup has 2 coils : one drawn on the top being the drive coils, one at the bottom being the output coil with a fixed load.

Just before state 1 the drive coil is pulsed by the Proximity Switch (PS). It attracts the magnet shortly so speed is building up again.
Due to the weight unbalance the wheel will further accelerate.
In state 3 power is consumed at the highest speed moment.

Speed variation is indicated by the blue, yellow and red arrow near the magnet. Blue is slow speed, yellow is medium speed (speed in phase 2 is higher compared to phase 4), red is high speed.
The load must not be chosen to high, because it will slow down the wheel to much.

By smart adjusting the PS, input power at just before phase 1 is less than output power at phase 3 ?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 14, 2009, 06:25:53 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 14, 2009, 05:11:00 PM
An attempt to illustrate my understanding of the Lead Out principle in such setup is depicted below. It represents a rim with just one magnet (indicated by the green block). This causes the mechanical unbalance.
The setup has 2 coils : one drawn on the top being the drive coils, one at the bottom being the output coil with a fixed load.

Just before state 1 the drive coil is pulsed by the Proximity Switch (PS). It attracts the magnet shortly so speed is building up again.
Due to the weight unbalance the wheel will further accelerate.
In state 3 power is consumed at the highest speed moment.

Speed variation is indicated by the blue, yellow and red arrow near the magnet. Blue is slow speed, yellow is medium speed (speed in phase 2 is higher compared to phase 4), red is high speed.
The load must not be chosen to high, because it will slow down the wheel to much.

By smart adjusting the PS, input power at just before phase 1 is less than output power at phase 3 ?

Almost correct.  You should use magnetic repulsion instead of attraction to provide the Pulsing Force.

In addition, you should not switch on the Collector Coil at the start.  You should allow the Pulsing Coil to Pulse for a little while to build up rotational speed before switching on the Collector Coil to draw current.  You can collect more current (or energy) at a higher speed of rotation.

You can use variable load to tune for best COP.

One more improvement.  Instead of putting the magnet at the rim of a fixed diameter wheel, put it at the tip of a rod attached to a small wheel.  You can change the length of the rod to produce effective different diameter wheels.

With that as the base, you can add more magnets and more coils.  The secret of the Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Energy device is totally revealed.  The rest are improvements.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 15, 2009, 01:20:24 AM
Lawrence, thanks for confirming.
It starts getting clearer now.

Now it is also clear to me why different loads have different COP values.
In fact each specific load has its own specific PS position. This is best managed by intelligent electronics (e.g. microcontroller and acceleration detection).

One more thing that is not clear to me:
You mentioned your large demo machine has 16 magnets and 15 coils.
So, the 16 magnets are evenly distributed at the rim of that unit?
In that case you only have magnetic unbalance. Is that correct?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 15, 2009, 02:21:21 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 15, 2009, 01:20:24 AM

One more thing that is not clear to me:
You mentioned your large demo machine has 16 magnets and 15 coils.
So, the 16 magnets are evenly distributed at the rim of that unit?
In that case you only have magnetic unbalance. Is that correct?

Correct.  But we played with other configurations - by removing one or more magnets. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 15, 2009, 07:14:20 AM
Plans for the work on Tuesday Nov 17, 2009

Dear Prof. Chong,

Mr. Tong and I shall arrive the Tsing Yi Campus at around 2 pm.

We hope to accomplish the following:

1.   Use the Oscilloscope to check the Input Voltage.  See whether it fits our predictions.
2.   Check the AC Component of the Input Voltage.  See if it can be used to recharge the battery.
3.   Check whether we can charge a 6V battery from our Wheel.  If so, check whether we can use two 6 V batteries to replace a 12 V one.
4.   Put in 5A fuses at appropriate places to protect the Wheel.
5.   Set up the configuration that is likely to demonstrate the 2, 4, 8, 16 type loopback feature.  The likely one is a pair of 3 collector coils in series.  The pair itself is in parallel.  The expected output voltage on no load is expected to exceed 18V.  When the battery is used as load, the voltage should drop to above 12V.

Please see if you can provide two 6V rechargeable batteries, some 5A fuses for 12V and oscilloscope.

Thank you and looking forward to successful results.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ProffesorChong on November 15, 2009, 03:01:53 PM
     We received your battery powered motor and can validate that it does include a piece of paper stating COP>1.  Regarding using an oscilloscope to measure AC input and output, we offer a three day training course for inventors at a bargain rate of $150,000 HK.  Up to 15 people can sign up for the course to reduce the cost to $10,000 HK per person if that seems more reasonable.

Sincerely, Professor Chong
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on November 15, 2009, 07:28:50 PM
Advice to the various inventors and followers

To Tseung: continue to ignore the debunkers and insulters.  You have confirmed results for COP>1.  That result can be reproduced, double-checked.  You can already produce Educational Products that demonstrate that fact.  It is a matter of when you begin the production.  The remaining problem is to control the runaway current/voltage problem.  Once that is achieved, you can produce the 5KW electricity generator.  That is a solvable problem â€" you do not need to solve it alone.  Letting others shine is a good approach.

To Bedini: change your Pulse Control mechanism.  You can add the feature of cutting off the Pulsing after a certain rpm and turning it back on when the rotation falls below another rpm.  Use a large wheel to allow time for the Lead-Out Energy mechanism.  Use Loopback so that the Input Energy is not restricted by Input Battery.  In other words, understand the Lead-Out Energy theory and control mechanism.  Use your own special control mechanism.

To Newman: you are the first on record to develop and demonstrate an Overunity machine that can recharge the battery.  Many others have now surpassed you.  Study and understand the Lead-Out theory.

To Liang: you have an edge over Tseung and Tong.  You already use ICs and program-control to pulse rotate the inner cylinder.  However, that will mainly Lead-Out gravitational energy.  How do you plan to overcome that drawback?

To Wang:  your electricity generator was revealed many years ago.  What are the plans to introduce it to benefit the World?  Have you received so much money that you do not even care about your great invention?

To all the other inventors: there is no need to be discouraged.  It is like the early days of the airplane.  Many Inventors come up with many different ideas.  The Lead-Out Energy Machines from Tseung are at their infancy.  There is much room for improvement.

To all the debunkers and insulters, you are welcome to come to my home.  I shall give you a very, very warm welcome.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 16, 2009, 01:42:07 AM
Quote from: Devil on November 15, 2009, 07:28:50 PM
Advice to the various inventors and followers

To Tseung: continue to ignore the debunkers and insulters.  You have confirmed results for COP>1.  That result can be reproduced, double-checked.  You can already produce Educational Products that demonstrate that fact.  It is a matter of when you begin the production.  The remaining problem is to control the runaway current/voltage problem.  Once that is achieved, you can produce the 5KW electricity generator.  That is a solvable problem â€" you do not need to solve it alone.  Letting others shine is a good approach.

To Bedini: change your Pulse Control mechanism.  You can add the feature of cutting off the Pulsing after a certain rpm and turning it back on when the rotation falls below another rpm.  Use a large wheel to allow time for the Lead-Out Energy mechanism.  Use Loopback so that the Input Energy is not restricted by Input Battery.  In other words, understand the Lead-Out Energy theory and control mechanism.  Use your own special control mechanism.

To Newman: you are the first on record to develop and demonstrate an Overunity machine that can recharge the battery.  Many others have now surpassed you.  Study and understand the Lead-Out theory.

To Liang: you have an edge over Tseung and Tong.  You already use ICs and program-control to pulse rotate the inner cylinder.  However, that will mainly Lead-Out gravitational energy.  How do you plan to overcome that drawback?

To Wang:  your electricity generator was revealed many years ago.  What are the plans to introduce it to benefit the World?  Have you received so much money that you do not even care about your great invention?

To all the other inventors: there is no need to be discouraged.  It is like the early days of the airplane.  Many Inventors come up with many different ideas.  The Lead-Out Energy Machines from Tseung are at their infancy.  There is much room for improvement.

To all the debunkers and insulters, you are welcome to come to my home.  I shall give you a very, very warm welcome.

Dear Devil:

What is your advice to the Governments who already developed Lead-Out Energy Machines?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on November 16, 2009, 02:30:23 AM
To the Governments and those who already have the Lead-Out Energy Technology

You are worried about the Evil ones on Earth who would be able to develop the Flying Saucer that would never run out of fuel or ammunition.  Your power to dominate would be over.

The same worry occurred once to the Chinese Emperors who witnessed the power of the Gun Powder.  They forbid its development.  When the West developed the technology, China became a victim.  The Lead-Out Energy Technology will allow the human race on Earth to go to outer space with ease.  There is no need to carry fuel.  If they can recycle food and human waste, they will never go hungry.

Tseung et al have developed the technology with negligible resources.  They have presented it at Open Shows.  Your debunker and insulter tactics did not work.  Such tactics are doomed to fail if Tseung et al can produce the prototypes. 

If you do not develop the technology when you have a chance, the Human Race on Earth will become victims to be enslaved by another civilization soon.  (or by a Nation willing to develop such technology on Earth)  Which is the more Evil path?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 16, 2009, 05:51:37 AM
FYI, I have started to collect components for replications.
Below bike wheel seems a good start to have an aluminum wheel with good bearings and a diameter of approx. 70 cm (28 inch).
It even has a build in alternator, although it is 6 V (3W).
I ordered it from a German website, it will take some time to arrive.

I am aiming to have the coil mountings adjustable in radial direction, as Lawrence indicated that some flexibility is needed there.

p.s. I am a very slow builder, so don't expect fast progress.
I will keep you posted on my progress.

Lawrence, a few more questions:
1) what kind of magnets did you use? Neodynium? or ceramic? Neodynium ones are not advised in case a soft iron coil core is used. These cores saturate easy because of the strong field Neos have.
2) are all magnet poles facing out in radial direction or facing in tangential direction ?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on November 16, 2009, 10:06:18 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 16, 2009, 05:51:37 AM
FYI, I have started to collect components for replications.
Below bike wheel seems a good start to have an aluminum wheel with good bearings and a diameter of approx. 70 cm (28 inch).
It even has a build in alternator, although it is 6 V (3W).
I ordered it from a German website, it will take some time to arrive.

I am aiming to have the coil mountings adjustable in radial direction, as Lawrence indicated that some flexibility is needed there.

p.s. I am a very slow builder, so don't expect fast progress.
I will keep you posted on my progress.

Lawrence, a few more questions:
1) what kind of magnets did you use? Neodynium? or ceramic? Neodynium ones are not advised in case a soft iron coil core is used. These cores saturate easy because of the strong field Neos have.
2) are all magnet poles facing out in radial direction or facing in tangential direction ?

Use Neodynium and coil with no soft iron.  Mainly facing radial.  Our magnets can be set to have a small angle to get best repulsion.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 16, 2009, 10:36:07 AM
@ Devil
What is your relation with Lawrence?
I want to make sure I use same materials as Lawrence first, before using advice of others.
(no offense  ;))
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on November 16, 2009, 10:36:17 AM
Looks like you forgot to sign in as Tseung again 'Devil'/'Top Gun'/'HuFlungPoo'

Tesla - Tseung has multiple sign on's and plays multiple characters.  I picked up on it when he clearly forgot to sign back in as Tseung (as he just did when 'Devil' responded to you) a couple weeks back.

Be very careful dealing with this guy, his activity appears to bordering criminal.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on November 16, 2009, 10:37:17 AM
Quote from: Devil on November 16, 2009, 10:06:18 AM
Use Neodynium and coil with no soft iron.
If you do not suggest soft iron for the core, what do you recommend?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 16, 2009, 10:54:15 AM
Quote from: spoondini on November 16, 2009, 10:36:17 AM
Looks like you forgot to sign in as Tseung again 'Devil'/'Top Gun'/'HuFlungPoo'

Tesla - Tseung has multiple sign on's and plays multiple characters.  I picked up on it when he clearly forgot to sign back in as Tseung (as he just did when 'Devil' responded to you) a couple weeks back.

Be very careful dealing with this guy, his activity appears to bordering criminal.

Thanks for the warning. Mark also pointed this out earlier.

Unlike the views of others, I have a neutral position in this thread.
I guess the only way to de-mystify this topic is to replicate and see.
Until now Lawrence is very cooperative in sharing some details so he deserves credits until proven wrong in practice.

Maybe Paul is with me in replicating?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on November 16, 2009, 11:09:13 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 16, 2009, 10:54:15 AM
Thanks for the warning. Mark also pointed this out earlier.
Unlike the views of others, I have a neutral position in this thread.
I guess the only way to de-mystify this topic is to replicate and see.
Until now Lawrence is very cooperative so he deserves credits until proven wrong in practice.

Maybe Paul is with me in replicating?
I should very much like to try but the basic instructions just aren't
available at the moment.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on November 16, 2009, 11:48:05 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 16, 2009, 10:54:15 AM
Thanks for the warning. Mark also pointed this out earlier.

Unlike the views of others, I have a neutral position in this thread.
I guess the only way to de-mystify this topic is to replicate and see.
Until now Lawrence is very cooperative in sharing some details so he deserves credits until proven wrong in practice.

Maybe Paul is with me in replicating?

True enough.

Although regarding that he deserves credit until proven wrong, check his initial website www.energyfromair.com .  In 2004 this was already complete, now he's struggling to get a working a prototype.  He's made some adjustments on energyfromair since I first viewed it, which had this amazing device which started automatically rotating as soon it was put together, but you can still see the non-linear story line with Laurence.  On some internet sites, he's had this invention for years, on this one he's playing a game (now) that he's almost there and soliciting $150k classes.  In my mind there are much more hopeful replications you could work on, Laurence has a long history of tall tales.  I 'think' he's being helpful to you as he views you as a fish on the line to take his course (which he already suggested to you once....).

Anyway, if you choose to continue replicating - good luck and keep us posted on your success.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on November 16, 2009, 11:53:44 AM
Copy and pasted from energyfromair.com
As you can see, this is a repeat of his previous scams.

The Local Press Releases

We shall participate in the China Venture Capital Forum 2006 on April 6-8
We also participated in the Hong Kong Innovation and Design Exposition in November 2005.
Press Release A â€" We disclosed the information formally to the World on Dec 20, 2004 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30p.m. 
Responses were excellent.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 16, 2009, 01:51:15 PM
Quote from: spoondini on November 16, 2009, 11:53:44 AM
Copy and pasted from energyfromair.com
As you can see, this is a repeat of his previous scams.

The Local Press Releases

We shall participate in the China Venture Capital Forum 2006 on April 6-8
We also participated in the Hong Kong Innovation and Design Exposition in November 2005.
Press Release A â€" We disclosed the information formally to the World on Dec 20, 2004 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30p.m. 
Responses were excellent.

Great find!  So in 5 years, same story, "responses excellent", yet nobody in the media cares.

What's also interesting is that http://energyfromair.com (without the "www") goes to a website for ORO Electronics, which looks to be an outfit that sells gimmicky electronic clocks.  I wonder what their relationship to Lawrence is.  The domain name energyfromair.com seems to be owned by that company.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 16, 2009, 01:54:18 PM
Quote from: ProffesorChong on November 15, 2009, 03:01:53 PM
     We received your battery powered motor and can validate that it does include a piece of paper stating COP>1.  Regarding using an oscilloscope to measure AC input and output, we offer a three day training course for inventors at a bargain rate of $150,000 HK.  Up to 15 people can sign up for the course to reduce the cost to $10,000 HK per person if that seems more reasonable.

Sincerely, Professor Chong

What kind of professor does not know how to spell "professor?"  At least get your username right, Lawrence.

And what the hell, you are validating that the invention contains a piece of paper that claims a COP>1?  Who cares what a piece of paper says?

And is there a Lawrence persona left who is not asking for $150K?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on November 16, 2009, 02:46:47 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 16, 2009, 01:54:18 PM
What kind of professor does not know how to spell "professor?"  At least get your username right, Lawrence.

And what the hell, you are validating that the invention contains a piece of paper that claims a COP>1?  Who cares what a piece of paper says?

And is there a Lawrence persona left who is not asking for $150K?
hwoon dan, it's a joke account, probably by spoondini or chrisc. like 'the divine one'...
that's why he (proffesor[sic] chong) is asking $150,000 HK (coincidentally the same price as larry's lead-out training course...) for a training course on how to take proper measurements and use a scope.

get a clue utilitarian... ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 16, 2009, 07:21:15 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 16, 2009, 10:54:15 AM
Thanks for the warning. Mark also pointed this out earlier.

Unlike the views of others, I have a neutral position in this thread.
I guess the only way to de-mystify this topic is to replicate and see.
Until now Lawrence is very cooperative in sharing some details so he deserves credits until proven wrong in practice.

Maybe Paul is with me in replicating?

Make sure that you do the Dr. Ting test when you select your magnet and coil pair.  Try to keep the Current to less than 2 amp.  The cylindrical magnet should jump to about 1 meter.  Do the test for every magnet and every coil.  Even magnets from same batch could show differences.  The coils vary even more depending on who does the winding.  Without this quality control, you will get erratic results.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 17, 2009, 06:30:54 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 16, 2009, 07:21:15 PM
Make sure that you do the Dr. Ting test when you select your magnet and coil pair.  Try to keep the Current to less than 2 amp.  The cylindrical magnet should jump to about 1 meter.  Do the test for every magnet and every coil.  Even magnets from same batch could show differences.  The coils vary even more depending on who does the winding.  Without this quality control, you will get erratic results.

That is an interesting requirement.
How does that match the requirement of having an unbalanced rotor?
I would think that tolerances of magnets and coils would be a good thing to have because of the unbalance requirement ???

Or does the presents of multi magnets and multi coils disturb the required geographical unbalance too much?
(e.g. different magnet orientations, causes different magnet/coil interactions and thus cause (unwanted) difference in the actual geographical unbalance towards the fixed required geographical unbalance)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 17, 2009, 08:31:09 AM
First working session at IVE

The scope pictures and confirmation experimental readings will follow.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on November 17, 2009, 11:13:34 AM
Congratulations Mr. Tseung,

I had a feeling the Scope wouldn't let you down.

Keep up the good work...
                                         and as usual, don't pay no nevermind to those here who paradoxically seem to want you to fail. ;o/~.

I implore anyone to take a real long look at Resonance and the People like Tesla and Stan who used it to achieve extraordinary results.

May the sun shine brightly when the wind is not blowing,
                                                                                             The Observer
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ProffesorChong on November 17, 2009, 11:35:53 AM
That's not me.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 17, 2009, 09:49:12 PM
First Crack at Interpreting the Experimental Results at IVE

The detailed pictures, experimental results from Prof. Chong will be out later.

The following is my personal interpretation.  They are NOT the final results of detailed analysis.

1.   If we think in terms of supplying a DC pulse from a Pulse Generator, we should seen rectangular peaks followed by flat or zero voltage lines.
2.   The actual pulse shape for the Input Voltage from one Drive Coil has three components.  One is the expected rectangle, one is an AC component and one is a flat or zero voltage line.
3.   When we disconnected the battery, the shape consisted of only two components: the AC component and the zero voltage line.  This is the beginning of the slow down period.
4.   The calculation of rpm based on the repeated shape (one cycle) on the oscilloscope was 60 rpm.  The measured value from the speed meter was approximately twice that amount - 125 rpm.

My personal interpretations are:

1.   The Drive Coil in our set up also functions as a Collector Coil.  The Coil is subjected to the effect of rotating magnets.  This will induce AC voltage.  This is a logical explanation of the AC voltage component.
2.   The difference of rpm was puzzling.  One possible explanation is that one cycle on the scope actually represents two revolutions.  When the Proximity Switch PS is off, no current and no voltage will be seen on the scope.  The cheap (HK$10) PS cannot operate above a certain frequency. 
3.   Our rotational speed was governed by the limitation of our PS.  As the rotational speed reaches its limiting frequency, it skips its on/off cycle.  Since the frictional force on our wheel will slow down the wheel, the PS works again at the slightly lower rotational speed.
4.   This explains why that the rotational speed does not increase when additional Drive Coils are turned on.
5.   Our INPUT  VOLTAGE measurement was DC.  That should be the RMS value of the rectangular value.  The AC component would roughly cancel itself out.  Thus our INPUT VOLTAGE measurement is similar to that from a Pulse Generator.  The product of this Voltage measurement and the DC current will give the correct INPUT POWER.
6.   The Lead-Out energy or power shows up as: the AC component at INPUT, the AC component at OUTPUT and the mechanical energy available at the axle.

The above explanation fits in with the Lead-Out Theory and the experiments on INPUT and OUTPUT measurements on OVERUNITY.  These important experiments will be explained in a later post.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 18, 2009, 01:27:59 AM
One minor incident at IVE

When we repeated the INPUT and OUTPUT measurements, we found that the Output voltage was less than 5 Volts.  At the Inno Carnival 09, the value was always over 10 volts.  There was some panic.

Could it be a rundown battery?  We measured the voltage and even changed batteries.  No.

Could it be a shift of position of the coils or the proximity switch during the move?  We double checked and even retuned using the PS. No.

Could it be a loose connection or contact?  Every connection was double-checked.  No.

Then Prof. Chong noticed that his wire to the battery was soft and hot.  Mr. Tong replaced that with the thick wires we normally used.  The value went back up to 12 volts as expected.  Prof. Chong said, “We purchased these wires ready-made.”  Mr. Tong: “Many of such wires look OK but the actual copper wires inside were not because the merchants could make more money with less copper.”

This is one reason why we plan to produce a proper Educational Product with the highest quality control to ensure that OVERUNITY can be demonstrated. 

We are getting ambitious.  We think that we can recharge the batteries (with some diode and capacitor circuits) and solve the runaway current/voltage problem.  If we can do that, the Educational Product will have a much greater market.  Just giving the specifications over the Internet and let people purchase any parts with low budgets will be doing the World a disservice.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 18, 2009, 06:22:33 AM
The test data from Prof. Chong

The attached excel file is the actual experimental result.

Achieving and Confirming OVERUNITY on the Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Energy Machine is now a piece of cake.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 18, 2009, 06:57:21 AM
Lawrence, that is interesting data.
A few remote observations from the data presented:

Regarding 'the observed input pulse':
It looks like the input pulse is followed by the induction effect of the passing magnet.
The sinus period part represents the induction period.
So, are the input pulses occurring just before the magnet passes the input coil?
(I remembered you mentioned the magnet first passes the coil before pulsing it, e.g. push it by the pulse)

To have the input voltage pulse shapes is nice to have, but to absolutely prove your values, current shapes at the same time, both for input and output coils will be necessary to convince the septics.
Current shapes could either be taken by using a current probe or measuring voltage over a low resistor put in series with the coil.

Anyway, thanks for sharing this data!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 18, 2009, 07:23:22 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 18, 2009, 06:57:21 AM
Lawrence, that is interesting data.
A few remote observations from the data presented:

Regarding 'the observed input pulse':
It looks like the input pulse is followed by the induction effect of the passing magnet.
The sinus period part represents the induction period.
So, are the input pulses occurring just before the magnet passes the input coil?
(I remembered you mentioned the magnet first passes the coil before pulsing it, e.g. push it by the pulse)

To have the input voltage pulse shapes is nice to have, but to absolutely prove your values, current shapes at the same time, both for input and output coils will be necessary to convince the septics.
Current shapes could either be taken by using a current probe or measuring voltage over a low resistor put in series with the coil.

Anyway, thanks for sharing this data!

We need to re-take the scope shots.  The lazy man shots did not come out well.

You are welcome to interprete the shapes as we have not settled on the final explanation yet.  The advantage is that we can actually do the experiments.

The priority now shifts to recharging of batteries.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on November 18, 2009, 07:54:40 AM
I don't think the input pulse is that mysterious. You start with a regular curved pulse since inductors don't like current change, and since you have a moving magnet as well it will induce a voltage while the magnet is passing by and the coil is giving the pulse.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 18, 2009, 06:05:58 PM
The next move

Dear Kenneth,

Thank you for your spreadsheet.  It helped to confirm OVERUNITY.

I would like to try your suggestion of recharging the batteries next.

I would like to do the following:

1. Put the six collectors in series.  The Output Voltage should exceed 20 Volts with no load.  It should still exceed 12 V with 1 light on.  That should be enough to recharge a rundown 12 V battery.

2. Please check the shape of the Output Voltage.  Use the diode and capacitor technique to smooth it out if necessary. Email to reult to us as soon as possible.

I would also like to have pictures of the INPUT voltage at 0l, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Collector Coils.  The number of Drive Coils can be kept at 6.

Try to use thicker wires and avoid the problem we had last time.

With kindest regards,

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 18, 2009, 07:58:26 PM
Checking Loopback in stages

We now know the equipment at IVE more.  They have a DC Power Supply Converter that can provide various DC voltages with maximum pre-determined currents.

We can use that as INPUT instead of the battery.  We can start at 12V and increase that by 1 V increments.  If the OUTPUT energy increases, we can determine at what INPUT voltage and current our wheel can take. (Blowing a fuse is acceptable.)

We can then have good data for loopback design.  We do not need to keep experimenting and keep blowing fuses!

Working with academic institutions has its advantages.  Few people outside Hong Kong have heard of IVE at Tsing Yi now.  Within months, its name will be known worldwide.  It is a win-win.

Mr. Lee Cheung Kin is working with the Chinese Military.  According to him, we are infants compared with what have been achieved at the top-secret military institutions.  I am sure that he is right.  I am also sure that the USA, Russian, Japanese top-secret military institutions will not be far behind.  The theory was available since late 2004.  They do not believe in the debunkers and insulters (as they paid them to lie and pump out misinformation â€" the pay is tax free but without health insurance).   :D

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 18, 2009, 11:59:35 PM
Feedback on First Crack

Dear Lawrence

I agree with your “First Crack”.

May I suggest changing the “Prof Chong” to “Ir Chong Chiu Ho Kenneth”?



There is more agreement on the interpretation of the Voltage Waveform.  The scope will be used much more.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on November 19, 2009, 02:09:39 AM
wouldn't it be cool if you could ignore a thread and not be able to see it anywhere on this forum?

does anyone know if this is possible?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 19, 2009, 05:23:50 AM
Plans for the second session at IVE on Monday Nov 23, 2009

1. Take Scope Pictures of Input and Output voltage for 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 drive coils with 6 collectors in series.  Repeat the Input and Output voltage and current measurement to confirm OVERUNITY one more time.  This may be the best configuration to have maximum Output and best COP.

2. Repeat the rpm measurements with scope and rpm meters.  Confirm that the ratio is roughly 1 to 2.

3. Check whether a significant portion of the Output Energy is due to gravity by placing the Wheel in a horizontal position.  Redo the Input and Output Voltage and current measurements one more time.

4. Use the DC voltage converter to replace the battery and check the OUTPUT Voltage and Current with 12V, 13V, 14V ….. 24V.  This will help our Loopback experiments later on.

5. Do the charging of battery experiments.
5a. If the DC Voltage Output of Step 1 is greater than 13 V with one light as load (expected), recharge a rundown 12 V battery (I shall bring one).  Put in meters to check current flow.  See if the battery can be fully recharged by another similar battery. (I shall bring that one too.)  If this can be confirmed, we can win the cash prize from Stefan at OVERUNITY.COM.  There will be the minor task of reducing weight to less than 20 kg.

5b.  Check whether we can recharge two  rundown 6 V batteries simultaneously with a 12V battery setup.  If so, check how many pairs of rundown 6V batteries can be recharged with the 12V battery.  The 12V battery can be a pair of 6V batteries.  This will perform the same feat as the Newman or Bedini claims of recharging batteries.  If successful, we may be able to help to recharge the solar panel batteries in the dark. 

We may not have enough time on Monday afternoon to finish 5b.  That particular part can be done after we leave.  I shall be very happy if we can achieve everything up to 5a.  (We can be assured of the cash Prize.)

Kenneth, can you please provide: the scope, the meters, the thicker wires, the rechargeable 6V batteries, the diodes and the capacitors (we may have to guess the best value and type at this point).

I shall bring the two small 12V batteries, three 50 watt light for 12 V to drain batteries quickly if needed.  Email me if you think of anything else that may not be available at IVE.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 19, 2009, 03:10:40 PM
The surprising role of the HK$10 Proximity Switch (PS)

Tseung et al tried since 2004 and failed at least 7 times to produce an OVERUNITY lead-out energy machine.  The failures led them to believe that many millions needed to be poured to succeed.

Tong Po Chi used the HK$10 Proximity Switch and turned the tide around.  What is so special about this inexpensive device?
1.   It has a simple ON function when a magnet gets close.  That can be used together with a relay to allow a relatively large current to pass through.  When the magnet leaves, it has a simple OFF function.  That OFF function will prevent the relay to pass current.
2.   The PS  used has a DC voltage from 12 to 24V.  It can be driven by a totally independent battery.  In the Tseung et al case, they used the same battery as the relay.  For a proper Loopback system, they must separate the two.  In a proper loopback system, the looped back voltage is expected to be much higher than 24V.
3.   The PS has a limiting frequency.  From the Tseung experiments, that seemed to be approximately 1000 cycles per minute.  When that frequency is reached, its ON function ceased to function.  That actually worked to the advantage of Tseung et al.  The Lead-Out Energy Mechanism has a chance to perform fully.
4.   The Lead-Out Mechanism demands that the Work Done or Energy Gained = Force x Displacement.  The force in this case is not a steady force,  It is a Pulse Force in the form of magnetic repulsion.  That Pulse Force must be given time to complete its Work (or fully lead out the energy).  The pausing of the ON function of the PS helped that to happen.
5.   If Tseung et al  do not use the PS, they need another control mechanism such as stopping the current at a frequency f1 and turning it back on at a lower frequency f2.  This type of control mechanism may be the eventual choice when they progress to program control.

At present, Tseung and Tong et al are happy that the inexpensive PS helped them to demonstrate OVERUNITY and win the prize money from Stefan.  Is that luck? Or is that a Blessing from the Divine?  Or is it a reward for not giving up after so many years and so many failures?

Tseung et al are not worried about the simple copycats.  The technology keeps on advancing.  The real competition is from the top-secret Government Establishments.  However Tseung et al can still win the Nobel Prize and be rewarded as the Fathers of Lead-Out Energy.  The scientists at the top-secret Establishments are not allowed to publish any papers.  They may be years ahead but they cannot say anything.  They have to bypass that Nobel Prize.  Is that another favor from the Divine?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 19, 2009, 03:23:51 PM

Are you saying that you get your rotor up to speed, call it speed X, and then this switch cuts the input power off at its limits, and then you measure the input energy/output energy from it while the rotor is spinning down from the stored momentum?  Is this what you are calling "Lead Out"?  This is why you need a switch that turns on at X freq. and cuts off at X+ frequency?

If this is the case, a more accurate and fair way to measure input/output would be to see that you used energy to get up to X rpm or freq. and what you think you are saving when it runs down with little to no input energy will be lost when you ramp it back up to X rpm/freq. again.  So, you need to measure the entire time the rotor is ramping up and then stabilizes at X as well as when you are now measuring it as it winds down.  You will see that you paid for this stored energy and you can't leave that out of the equation.

Maybe my understanding of what you are saying is incorrect, which is entirely possible.  But, asking for a switch that cuts on at a certain frequency and then off again at a higher frequency can mean only one thing to me.

An example would be a children's merry go round in the park.  If you spin that heavy flywheel up to x rpm and then hook a generator to it and measure the output as it spins down, this is not a valid measurement.  it only shows one side of the picture. You have to account for the energy input it took to get it up to speed.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 19, 2009, 07:13:45 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 19, 2009, 03:23:51 PM

Are you saying that you get your rotor up to speed, call it speed X, and then this switch cuts the input power off at its limits, and then you measure the input energy/output energy from it while the rotor is spinning down from the stored momentum?  Is this what you are calling "Lead Out"?  This is why you need a switch that turns on at X freq. and cuts off at X+ frequency?

*** NO NO and NO.  Lead-Out Energy does not work on stored momentum.  It works on some component of the Pulse Force x Displacement. ***

If this is the case, a more accurate and fair way to measure input/output would be to see that you used energy to get up to X rpm or freq. and what you think you are saving when it runs down with little to no input energy will be lost when you ramp it back up to X rpm/freq. again.  So, you need to measure the entire time the rotor is ramping up and then stabilizes at X as well as when you are now measuring it as it winds down.  You will see that you paid for this stored energy and you can't leave that out of the equation.

Maybe my understanding of what you are saying is incorrect, which is entirely possible.  But, asking for a switch that cuts on at a certain frequency and then off again at a higher frequency can mean only one thing to me.

*** Your understanding is WRONG WRONG and WRONG.  Please study the Lead-Out Energy theory carefully once more.  This time, throw away your dogma of misapplying the Law of Conservation of Energy.  ***

An example would be a children's merry go round in the park.  If you spin that heavy flywheel up to x rpm and then hook a generator to it and measure the output as it spins down, this is not a valid measurement.  it only shows one side of the picture. You have to account for the energy input it took to get it up to speed.

*** You still do not get the essence - In the Lead-Out Energy Machine, the INPUT ENERGY is used to LEAD OUT (or obtain) additional energy from its surrounding.  Thus the REAL INPUT energy into the machine is the sum of supplied INPUT PLUS Lead-Out energy.  Thus the OUTPUT energy can be greater than the supplied INPUT.  The LEAD-OUT ENERGY theory does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy. ***


We can use the scope readings.  The rectangular peak represents the supplied INPUT ENERGY.  The AC component of the INPUT, the AC component of the OUTPUT and the rotating axle represents the total OUTPUT.  If we do a scope analysis, the AC component of the OUTPUT is already greater than the supplied INPUT ENERGY.  OVERUNITY is already confirmed beyond a shadow of doubt.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 19, 2009, 07:45:50 PM
But, timing is everything.  WHEN are you taking your readings?  The entire time or only when the rotor is spinning down due to momentum?  This would make a huge difference.  Otherwise, you would not need the on/off switching device triggered by rpm/freq.  It would operate at a constant rpm and the input and output readings would then be constant as well and when you take measurements would not be as important.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: MileHigh on November 19, 2009, 08:34:06 PM
Even with the language issue, it is obvious that Lawrence does not really understand electricity or know what he is talking about.  This thread is not to be taken seriously.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 19, 2009, 08:52:34 PM

*dons nose and glasses*

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on November 19, 2009, 10:11:53 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 19, 2009, 07:45:50 PM
But, timing is everything.  WHEN are you taking your readings?  The entire time or only when the rotor is spinning down due to momentum?  This would make a huge difference.  Otherwise, you would not need the on/off switching device triggered by rpm/freq.  It would operate at a constant rpm and the input and output readings would then be constant as well and when you take measurements would not be as important.


Entire time.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 20, 2009, 11:32:22 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on November 19, 2009, 03:10:40 PM
At present, Tseung and Tong et al are happy that the inexpensive PS helped them to demonstrate OVERUNITY and win the prize money from Stefan.

Are you saying you have won the Overunity Prize?  Why is there no announcement about this on the Overunity Prize forum?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 20, 2009, 04:39:29 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 18, 2009, 07:58:26 PM
They do not believe in the debunkers and insulters (as they paid them to lie and pump out misinformation â€" the pay is tax free but without health insurance).   :D

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

@ Lawrence:

I am really glad that you have a sense of humor.  Now that was really funny.  Very well done sir.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: spoondini on November 21, 2009, 02:46:10 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 20, 2009, 11:32:22 AM
Are you saying you have won the Overunity Prize?  Why is there no announcement about this on the Overunity Prize forum?

He's been stating this horse crap for the last month, still hasn't sent Stephan a unit-because there is no unit. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 21, 2009, 11:08:52 AM

There's been a huge mis-communication due to a language problem...Lawrence sent Stefan a unich in error.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 22, 2009, 08:57:01 AM
Meeting with the technical evaluator from China

The meeting took over three hours.  He and his team had one of the early prototypes for a few weeks.  Apparently, they did not do much with the prototype.  They only turned it on and saw it rotating.  They did not even take the Input and Output voltage and current measurements.

With this particular prototype, all we need to do was to remove 5 screws.  The entire circuit would be revealed.  The first thing I did together with the evaluator was to trace and draw the circuit diagram.  I had to make sure that he understood the following:

1.   How the Proximity Switch got its power from the 12V battery and how it interacted with the SSR relay.
2.   How the coils can be connected as Drive Coils and as Collector Coils.  The initial configuration was all drive coils.
3.   How Input Voltage and current should be measured.  The measurement should be across the Drive Coils which were connected in parallel.
4.   How Output Voltage and current should be measured.   In the particular prototype, the voltage was not rectified to DC yet.  The evaluator wanted it rectified before doing the comparison.  We did not have the diode bridge available.  That will be done at a later time.
5.   The evaluator took two of his coils with diameter 0.29mm and resistance of 20 ohms.  He put them in series as Collector Coils and got an AC voltage reading of 25.2 Volts maximum.  The reading was taken with our 4 coils acting as Drive Coils.
6.   I than explained the importance of tuning if we want to get Overunity results.  He initially wanted to have a small prototype for Beijing.  After my detailed explanation, he was willing to accept the 60 cm wheel.  He wanted to see the results of the recharging of batteries and the loopback first before approving and recommending our prototype.

We still have some work to do.  The battery experiments will be tomorrow.  If that were successful, the loopback tests should take place a week later. 

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 22, 2009, 09:14:26 AM
Lawrence, thanks for you updates again.

At my side, my bicycle wheel has not arrived yet.
Also, its very hard to get hold of AWG 16 type of coperwire.
All I have is AWG 24 right now.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on November 22, 2009, 01:29:18 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 22, 2009, 09:14:26 AM
Lawrence, thanks for you updates again.

At my side, my bicycle wheel has not arrived yet.
Also, its very hard to get hold of AWG 16 type of copperwire.
All I have is AWG 24 right now.
You can get AWG 18/19 from the heavy current coil on the
transformer of a microwave oven. The coil weighs 400grams.
(The other coil is AWG 24, weighing 825g).

Hard work. You will have to cut through the steel with an
angle grinder, and soak the transformer in water overnight
to get the paper/card padding soft enough to slide the coils

Recycling centres are full of microwave ovens.

All values approx.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 22, 2009, 01:45:53 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on November 22, 2009, 01:29:18 PM
You can get AWG 18/19 from the heavy current coil on the
transformer of a microwave oven. The coil weighs 400grams.
(The other coil is AWG 24, weighing 825g).

Aha, good tip Paul. Thanks.
I'll have a look at old wash machine motors too.
New wire is quite expensive....
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 22, 2009, 09:07:47 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 20, 2009, 11:32:22 AM
Are you saying you have won the Overunity Prize?  Why is there no announcement about this on the Overunity Prize forum?

I think Lawrence thinks they've not only won the Overunity prize but also the Nobel Prize for scientific accomplishment of every type. For what it's worth, I'll give him the prize for delusional perseverance. Pathetic as it is, it's so sad to see someone waste so much time and energy in believing in their own crap. As the saying goes, 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing'!. How true.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 23, 2009, 09:04:37 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 22, 2009, 09:14:26 AM
Lawrence, thanks for you updates again.

At my side, my bicycle wheel has not arrived yet.
Also, its very hard to get hold of AWG 16 type of coperwire.
All I have is AWG 24 right now.

I know you are trying to stay open minded, but I cannot believe you are falling for this scam artist.  Lawrence is not some well-meaning, but perhaps misguided, researcher.  He is an outright fraudster.  Too bad the Steorn forum is down, but look at this thread from Besslerwheel.com (moved to their "fraud" section) from a few years back.

http://besslerwheel.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1419 (http://besslerwheel.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1419)

He has basically been pitching the same line for a few years now.  On the Steorn forum, he was asking for a US$1 Million deposit from investors, based on the same level of evidence as now.  M.O. was the same - jump around from idea to idea in the hope that something sticks, meanwhile providing badly photoshopped/staged photos as some kind of evidence, while not really explaining how all these supposedly great inventions, miraculously hidden from all media, even relate to what he is doing himself and what equity he can actually provide to any potential investor.

I take it he never got a million dollars from any sucker, so he has lowered his asking price to about $20K.   And I guess he realized that no one is going to pay money on the strength of some photoshops and a handful of low-res photos, so he cobbled together a battery-powered crude wooden contraption with some meters.

I realize you are not considering investing, but don't spend alot of money doing replications - it's all garbage.  Just look at it.  Note the date on the very bottom photo - from 2000!  So for 10 years this miraculous device has existed and not one practical application or one mention in any reputable media publication!  Please.

And just go back to the beginning of the thread, where Tseung makes this wild claim about the pendulum and the tension in the string doing work by lifting the pendulum bob.  It's completely wrong, refuted effectively be several knowledgable forum members, but Tseung continuously makes the contradictory argument that his version of the pendulum theory/lead out theory both obeys the current laws of physics (conservation of energy laws) and contradicts them by showing how you can get energy for nothing.  It's all just so much crazy nonsense.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 23, 2009, 09:45:37 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 23, 2009, 09:04:37 AM
I realize you are not considering investing, but don't spend alot of money doing replications - it's all garbage.  Just look at it.  Note the date on the very bottom photo - from 2000!  So for 10 years this miraculous device has existed and not one practical application or one mention in any reputable media publication!  Please.

And just go back to the beginning of the thread, where Tseung makes this wild claim about the pendulum and the tension in the string doing work by lifting the pendulum bob.  It's completely wrong, refuted effectively be several knowledgable forum members, but Tseung continuously makes the contradictory argument that his version of the pendulum theory/lead out theory both obeys the current laws of physics (conservation of energy laws) and contradicts them by showing how you can get energy for nothing.  It's all just so much crazy nonsense.

Thanks for the link and the hints. I'll read them carefully.

You are correct, I am not investing in taking an instruction trip:
1) I don't have the time available
2) I don't have good reference of other people attending this course with a positive feedback

The investments I am making are well thought of. The bicycle wheel, which is on its way, can easily be mounted on my bike, this is the main reason why I bought it. I will use it for present discussed experiments first.

Since nobody still active in this forum has ever tried to replicate, I will still have a go with it.
My feedback could give this thread a more definitive end, either positive or negative.
See it as my contribution to this forum.

I still see this as a variation on the Bedini concept, except for the bifilar coil used to detect the trigger for powering a driving coil. It's still out of the box thinking. Without it, new technology will not be discovered.

Even though I might not be successful in achieving overunity with this exercise, it will still be some fun. Much better than watching, mostly useless, TV.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on November 23, 2009, 11:01:13 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 23, 2009, 09:45:37 AM
Since nobody still active in this forum has ever tried to replicate, I will still have a go with it.
I don't think full constructional details are available. If so, where?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 23, 2009, 11:05:36 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on November 23, 2009, 11:01:13 AM
I don't think full constructional details are available. If so, where?


I take it that you'll be foolish enough to build it if Lawrence would release construction details?

Well, I think your 'construction' time will be better served helping the sick and infirmed in hospitals or volunteering your time to disadvantaged children? That's just my opinion of course.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on November 23, 2009, 11:15:01 AM

I encourage you to keep it up despite the dis encouragement that goes with any viable project here.

And although I really don't know how the machine is constructed,
    if he trying to resonate something... it's probably going to show some interesting results.
         Especially if he is switching on and off a ferromagnetic material.

I insist that Forced Resonance, a very curious non-linear phenom (which few here understand),
   and that Magnetic Permeability (the power of magnetism in a material)
       are viable paths toward a COP >1.


      I appreciate your information about Mr. Tseung's past.

       Am I correct that you think this a complete con in the interest of making money?
                   Mr Tseung,

                   Keep going dude.
               The Observer

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 23, 2009, 11:42:06 AM
Quote from: The Observer on November 23, 2009, 11:15:01 AM

      I appreciate your information about Mr. Tseung's past.

       Am I correct that you think this a complete con in the interest of making money?

Yes, I think this is a complete con.  There are so many lies to be found.  Not mistakes, but deliberate falsities about many details.  So what else could this be?

I do not believe he is delusional, because he is not alone in this project, and it seems unlikely that several people could be this deluded.  So it must be a deliberate scam.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on November 23, 2009, 12:06:56 PM

    That is a pretty heavy allegation.

             If you had a preference though,
                              I'm sure you would prefer that this is not a con, being that you are a forum member and all,

                                                                                                                                                                               The Observer
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 23, 2009, 01:05:43 PM
Quote from: The Observer on November 23, 2009, 12:06:56 PM

    That is a pretty heavy allegation.

             If you had a preference though,
                              I'm sure you would prefer that this is not a con, being that you are a forum member and all,

                                                                                                                                                                               The Observer

Preference does not factor into it.  I take it as I see it.  All the photoshops, validations by "top universities", 6 month certification periods, attempts at legitimacy by association (letters to Obama, etc.), and most importantly, the attempts to cash in before having a legitimate product, all spell one thing only.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 23, 2009, 01:59:32 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 23, 2009, 01:05:43 PM
Preference does not factor into it.  I take it as I see it.  All the photoshops, validations by "top universities", 6 month certification periods, attempts at legitimacy by association (letters to Obama, etc.), and most importantly, the attempts to cash in before having a legitimate product, all spell one thing only.


It's amazing what people are willing to 'believe' just because some con artist presents and documents some 'technical data'! You're absolutely correct. This horse shit has been around for several years and people are so gullible.

Santa Claus coming down my chimney with a bag of Christmas presents is more believable, honestly!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 23, 2009, 02:01:13 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on November 23, 2009, 11:01:13 AM
I don't think full constructional details are available. If so, where?

Paul, I got enough answers to my questions from Lawrence in the last 15 pages of this thread to give it a try. I even have some ideas of my own to improve the COP of the setup that Lawrence has at this moment.
I won't go into details right now. I have no appetite in discussions on those without having a try first.

This is not about replicating one of his machines in tiny details.
I want to verify the principles with a similar setup. That can be done in various ways.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 23, 2009, 03:45:20 PM

Hmmm, anybody ever think it odd that, or wonder why Santa and Mrs Claus didn't have any kids ?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 23, 2009, 03:55:16 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on November 23, 2009, 03:45:20 PM
Hmmm, anybody ever think it odd that, or wonder why Santa and Mrs Claus didn't have any kids ?


I heard Mrs. Clause was frigid.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 23, 2009, 04:31:19 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 23, 2009, 03:55:16 PM
I heard Mrs. Clause was frigid.




Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on November 23, 2009, 04:58:35 PM
good to see your back, I just returned from NZ on a working trip. I could be over your way in january (someone wants me over there on another hydrogen project)
I am beyond comment on this thread now.
Will drop in occassionally to see his latest angle. I now give it full scam status as distinct form dellusional.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cloxxki on November 23, 2009, 05:11:01 PM
I always thought Mrs and Mr. Claus only met when they both had grey beards, too late too think about kids. So, they adopt all the kids in the world as surrogate grandkids, and spoil them rotten.

@Teslaalset: I am also balanced to the side of suspicion now. Little could Lawrence have done to make it come across less believable. His ideas may help light a magic spark with you though. I wish you an easy and fruitful build. If things don't add up, I hope you'll decide early enough to devote your time and talent to other promising, and less subject projects.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 23, 2009, 05:39:15 PM
Quote from: markdansie on November 23, 2009, 04:58:35 PM
good to see your back, I just returned from NZ on a working trip. I could be over your way in january (someone wants me over there on another hydrogen project)
I am beyond comment on this thread now.
Will drop in occassionally to see his latest angle. I now give it full scam status as distinct form dellusional.


Good to hear you're well too. Yes, please drop me a line when you know you're coming to the Bay area in January. It'll be fun to meet face to face & enjoy a meal or two.

I wished Lawrence mumbo-jumbo discovery was real. We could have a dozen roast duck dinners together. Sad....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on November 23, 2009, 06:00:18 PM
I always though Mrs Claus prefered the toys. No kids?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 24, 2009, 08:44:53 AM
The Input Waveforms

The readings were taken with 6 Collector Coils in series and 9 Drive Coils in Parallel.

Overunity is again confirmed - with actual readings and displayed waveforms.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 24, 2009, 08:49:22 AM
Output Waveforms

The corresponding Output waveforms.

Meters do not lie.  Overunity is confirmed.

Input is effectively measuring the effect of 9 Drive Coils.

is effectively measuring the effect of 6 Collector Coils.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 24, 2009, 09:00:14 AM
Two new prototypes to be built at IVE

Ir. Chong and Ir. Lo were confident with the results.  They decided to built two prototypes with two teams at IVE.

Ir. Chong will handle the smaller prototype with laser sensing.  He felt that the much sharper control with laser or light sensing can help to keep the prototype small.  He will experiment the new laser control mechanism.

Ir. lo will handle the larger prototype with Proximity Switch.  The wheel will have rods that can be replaced to produce different effective diameters. The wheel will be placed horizontally and will only have one non-moving side.

When ready, we can loan our original prototype to other educational institutions.  The earliest time will be after the DEC 3-5 Expo.  We expect similar responses.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 24, 2009, 10:13:36 AM
Thanks for showing your progress.
I have a few questions on your feedback:

1) to fully verify input power and output power from the oscilloscoop pictures we need to be able to know the actual time and amplitude scale of the measurements. Is it possible to provide those?
2) Looking to the output wave shapes: The rectified voltage wave shape is what I would expect.
What was the actual load that was applied during the measuements? A light bulb? In that case I would expect the output voltage wave shape to be simular to the wave shape of the output current wave shape. Can you explain why there is a difference in output wave shapes?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 24, 2009, 03:08:10 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 24, 2009, 10:13:36 AM
Thanks for showing your progress.
I have a few questions on your feedback:

1) to fully verify input power and output power from the oscilloscoop pictures we need to be able to know the actual time and amplitude scale of the measurements. Is it possible to provide those?
2) Looking to the output wave shapes: The rectified voltage wave shape is what I would expect.
What was the actual load that was applied during the measuements? A light bulb? In that case I would expect the output voltage wave shape to be simular to the wave shape of the output current wave shape. Can you explain why there is a difference in output wave shapes?

We were focusing on the general shape of the wave form.  The readings were taken with no external load.  The expensive oscilloscopes have inputs to the computer containing programs to do various analysis.  We had some problems in setting that up.  Thus we use the meters shown instead. We shall display the scope results and analysis at a later date.

In addition, we used clips and wires to make connections.  That had significant resistance.  If you note the Output current reading carefully, you would find that the hertz value displayed was half that of all other meter readings.  With no external load, we should read 0 amps.  But we got a very high amp reading. Thus that particular reading should not be trusted as some type of leakage effect could be taking place. We shall do the tidying up before doing and providing the final figures. 

The good news is that we could recharge the rundown 6V batteries with the present setup.  The bad news was that we could not recharge the rundown 12V batteries.  We are investigating why.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 24, 2009, 03:23:53 PM

You should be using supercaps instead of batteries.  They charge up faster and convert more of the back emf spikes to real power and are way longer lasting than batteries.  These have millions of charge/discharge cycles.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: mscoffman on November 24, 2009, 03:59:06 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 24, 2009, 10:13:36 AM
Thanks for showing your progress.
I have a few questions on your feedback:

1) to fully verify input power and output power from the oscilloscoop pictures we need to be able to know the actual time and amplitude scale of the measurements. Is it possible to provide those?
2) Looking to the output wave shapes: The rectified voltage wave shape is what I would expect.
What was the actual load that was applied during the measuements? A light bulb? In that case I would expect the output voltage wave shape to be simular to the wave shape of the output current wave shape. Can you explain why there is a difference in output wave shapes?

I agree with this...electrical energy is a combination of the voltage waveform
the current waveform in a circuit and the phase (timing) between the two signals.

You don't want to measure power (instantaneous energy) based in pulsed
signal waveforms...All those utility power factor calculations apply to
pulse signals. What you want to do is use a capacitor or even an L/C filter
to create an average pulse free power signal and make your measurements
there on the input to that circuit. This will either change your units behavior,
or it won't (it won't). Using low ESR electrolytic capacitors and low impedance
inductors to create and average pulse free DC power signals and is where you want
to do measurements. That is when you can multiply DC voltage times DC current
and get DC watts continuous power and ignore vector math and Fourier
signal decomposition.

This will also decouple power supply dynamic behavior from motor load dynamic
behavior, to create a stable run situation.

Don't do this and you could very well make major errors in overunity
calculations...Why risk it?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 24, 2009, 05:06:17 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 24, 2009, 03:08:10 PM
We were focusing on the general shape of the wave form.  The readings were taken with no external load.  The expensive oscilloscopes have inputs to the computer containing programs to do various analysis.  We had some problems in setting that up.  Thus we use the meters shown instead. We shall display the scope results and analysis at a later date.

In addition, we used clips and wires to make connections.  That had significant resistance.  If you note the Output current reading carefully, you would find that the hertz value displayed was half that of all other meter readings.  With no external load, we should read 0 amps.  But we got a very high amp reading. Thus that particular reading should not be trusted as some type of leakage effect could be taking place. We shall do the tidying up before doing and providing the final figures. 

The good news is that we could recharge the rundown 6V batteries with the present setup.  The bad news was that we could not recharge the rundown 12V batteries.  We are investigating why.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Good to hear your own views on your first attempt.
Some of the data gives at least some useful information.
So, what you are saying is, the load was basically a battery that was recharged.
A battery likely gives some strange current wave shapes indeed in this case. No reasoning for the different frequency though. So, something must be wrong indeed.
I would expect two current peaks that would occur at the timing of the top of each sinus half of the output voltage (so, a double peak when a magnet passes a receiving coil and therefore double the amount of Hz instead of half the amount of Hz), under the condition that the peak voltage is higher than the battery voltage.

Well, at least it was good practice. Looking forward to your next steps in measuring the input and output.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 24, 2009, 09:50:41 PM

" I heard Mrs. Clause was frigid "

*emits audible groan*

Could it be because Santa only 'comes' once a year ?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 24, 2009, 10:27:06 PM

Now THAT was funny.....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 24, 2009, 11:44:05 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 24, 2009, 05:06:17 PM
Some of the data gives at least some useful information.
So, what you are saying is, the load was basically a battery that was recharged.
*** No load at all.  It turned out some of the connector and wires acted as unintended load.
A battery likely gives some strange current wave shapes indeed in this case. No reasoning for the different frequency though. So, something must be wrong indeed.
*** When we use the recharging of battery as load, we got the shape you displayed.  Good job.
I would expect two current peaks that would occur at the timing of the top of each sinus half of the output voltage (so, a double peak when a magnet passes a receiving coil and therefore double the amount of Hz instead of half the amount of Hz), under the condition that the peak voltage is higher than the battery voltage.

More on the Battery Recharging.

1.   We first used the rundown 12V battery.  Its voltage reading was 6.2V.  When we put it as load to be recharged, there was no reading on the AMP meter but there was a 30 volt reading on the Volt meter.  When we switched the A to mA, there was s small ripple.
2.   Apparently, the current was too small to be measured in the A range.  The Rundown 12V Battery was acting as very large resistance.
3.   We then put a slightly rundown 6V battery as load.  The fuse in the meter in the mA range blew.  We switched back to the A range.  The current reading was over 2 Amps.  The rundown 6V battery was being recharged.

One suggestion was to use two 6 volt batteries as INPUT.  We can recharge one 6V battery at a time.  When the two 6V batteries are fully charged, we switch them as the INPUT batteries.  This suggestion is being investigated.  We need to find out if there were anything strange with such charged batteries.  The conclusive result should be out within a few weeks.  (We have to interrupt the experiment because we need the prototype for the Dec 3-5 show.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 25, 2009, 06:41:50 AM

*still recovering from Bill's earlier groaner*

Or maybe its because Santa always 'goes off' in his sleigh' ?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on November 25, 2009, 10:32:02 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 24, 2009, 11:44:05 PM
More on the Battery Recharging.
Are they being conditioned? (in the style of Bedini)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 25, 2009, 10:35:50 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on November 25, 2009, 10:32:02 AM
Are they being conditioned? (in the style of Bedini)

My personal opinion: No, conditioning according to Bedini is caused collecting BEMF pulses of several hundreds of volts. Lawrence doesn't use BEMF collecting but separate coils for charging.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on November 25, 2009, 10:39:11 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 25, 2009, 10:35:50 AM
My personal opinion: No, conditioning according to Bedini is caused by BEMF pulse collecting. Lawrence doesn't use BEMF collecting but separate coils for charging.
But if a charged coil discharges, there will be BEMF to be had. It
shouldn't be wasted.

***Waste not, want not. ***
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 25, 2009, 10:44:13 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on November 25, 2009, 10:39:11 AM
But if a charged coil discharges, there will be BEMF to be had. It
shouldn't be wasted.

***Waste not, want not. ***

Paul, that has been advised to Lawrence earlier (page 473 reply #4724) to add that feature to increase his COP. He said he understood but has not implemented this yet.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 25, 2009, 08:56:30 PM
More experimental results from IVE

In the first row of the spreadsheet, we showed the result of 6 connector coils in series with no external load.  The DC voltage was 32 volts.  That should be enough to recharge the 12V batteries.  The Output current was 0 Amp which should be the correct value. 

However, in the second row, with a 3 watt light bulb as load, the voltage dropped to 8V.  That would not be enough to recharge a 12V battery.  However, that could easily recharge a 6V battery.  That explained why we could not recharge the rundown 12V battery but could recharge the rundown 6V battery.

One lesson learned from this is that the internal construction (especially resistance) of the wheel is important to the final results.  We need to reduce resistance to a minimum via soldering rather than clipping.  We need to reduce wire length to a minimum and use thicker wires.

There is a small concern related to the last few rows related to increasing Input voltage.  The Output power increased but COP decreased to less than 1.  This showed increasing voltage had similar effect as increasing number of Drive Coils â€" when a certain threshold is reached, more does not help.

Meanwhile we have to check whether we can still win the Overunity Prize if we need to swap the batteries from time to time.
We know that we are wasting the AC voltage component of the INPUT â€" the Drive Coils acting as Collector Coils at no Pulse.  We may use additional circuitry to capture such energy.  Science is never boring.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 25, 2009, 09:23:18 PM

You had better hurry, Gadgetmall has applied for the Overunity Prize with his Joule Thief B-cap circuit.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on November 25, 2009, 09:34:21 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 25, 2009, 08:56:30 PM
More experimental results from IVE

Meanwhile we have to check whether we can still win the Overunity Prize if we need to swap the batteries from time to time.

  Science is never boring.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Swapping batteries to win the Overunity prize? Haha! You're a real comedian Mr. Tseung.

Bad science is ALWAYS boring!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 25, 2009, 10:26:29 PM

Or maybe Santa has a low sperm count from always carrying his bag over his shoulder ?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 25, 2009, 11:46:14 PM

Thanks a lot...I just spit beer all over my keyboard!!!!!

But, it will clean up.

That was hilarious man.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 26, 2009, 12:13:39 AM

Thanks Bill...glad you enjoyed it..softenss the blow from all those nasty PM's from up north somewhere.

Looks like another lump of coal for xmas again this year though...sometimes comedy comes at a high price.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 26, 2009, 12:33:46 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 25, 2009, 09:23:18 PM

You had better hurry, Gadgetmall has applied for the Overunity Prize with his Joule Thief B-cap circuit.


World with fair competition is much better than alone in the clouds.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 26, 2009, 07:20:23 AM
The crude video

Advised by the Chinese technical evaluator, I posted the presentation used in Inno Carnival 09 on youtube.  We may do a more professional one later.

It is in 5 parts:
Part 1 â€" Explaining why Lead-Out Energy Machines do not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Part 2 â€" Explaining why we can continuously Lead-Out existing energy to use.
Part 3 â€" Explaining the use of gravitational energy via turbine at a dam and leading-out gravitational energy via the PULLED PENDULUM.
Part 4 â€" Explaining the progression from pulled pendulum to pulled unbalanced wheel in oscillation and then to pulsed unbalanced wheel.  Note that Bessler did it 300 years ago.
Part 5 â€" Extending to Magnetic Fields and the actual working prototype that was shown to over 10,000 people at the Inno Carnival 09 in Hong Kong on Nov 6-9.
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4I0_UZU_CM
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U09_UFNzNxQ
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXxm224pGuE
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS17tzH1qkg
Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZC72jUvdsc
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on November 26, 2009, 11:24:46 AM

You say...

QuoteSwapping batteries to win the Overunity prize? Haha! You're a real comedian Mr. Tseung.

You are going to need to read more closely next time you want to make a comment.

What Mr Tseung is saying is that 2 or 3 batteries become part of the whole system.
1 is being charged while work is being done by the other one of two batteries.


Hope this helps Chris...
                                        please read with care next time you want to criticize someone.
                                                                                                                                                           Not doing so....
                                                                                                                                                   Makes You Look Stupid.

Kind Regards,
                        The Observer

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on November 26, 2009, 03:38:07 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 26, 2009, 07:20:23 AM
The crude video

Advised by the Chinese technical evaluator, I posted the presentation used in Inno Carnival 09 on youtube.  We may do a more professional one later.

It is in 5 parts:
Part 1 â€" Explaining why Lead-Out Energy Machines do not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Part 2 â€" Explaining why we can continuously Lead-Out existing energy to use.
Part 3 â€" Explaining the use of gravitational energy via turbine at a dam and leading-out gravitational energy via the PULLED PENDULUM.
Part 4 â€" Explaining the progression from pulled pendulum to pulled unbalanced wheel in oscillation and then to pulsed unbalanced wheel.  Note that Bessler did it 300 years ago.
Part 5 â€" Extending to Magnetic Fields and the actual working prototype that was shown to over 10,000 people at the Inno Carnival 09 in Hong Kong on Nov 6-9.
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4I0_UZU_CM
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U09_UFNzNxQ
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXxm224pGuE
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS17tzH1qkg
Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZC72jUvdsc

Yes, ladies and gentlement, this is new and different.  You have all seen the powerpoint slides.  You have seen the text that the powerpoint slides contain.  You have seen the word and excel documents that were used in the creation of the powerpoint slides.

Now you have someone videotaping a computer monitor while the slides are flased on it!!!!  If this does not prove the lead out theory, nothing will!!!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 26, 2009, 04:57:24 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on November 26, 2009, 03:38:07 PM
Yes, ladies and gentlement, this is new and different.  You have all seen the powerpoint slides.  You have seen the text that the powerpoint slides contain.  You have seen the word and excel documents that were used in the creation of the powerpoint slides.

Now you have someone videotaping a computer monitor while the slides are flased on it!!!!  If this does not prove the lead out theory, nothing will!!!

You forgot the wheel that demonstrates OVERUNITY.  It will be shown again to many thousands at the Hong Kong Convention Center on Dec 3-5, 2009.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 26, 2009, 05:43:57 PM

If Santa Claus had been able to perform north pole 'deliveries'...wood his children then be considered 'subordinate clauses' ?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 27, 2009, 07:20:37 PM
Extracted Comments from the Patent Attorney

1. Without seeing the actual prototype, it is difficult for the Patent Examiners to accept the Lead-Out Energy theory.
2. The first step is to show the video and the information at the Open Shows.  A DVD disk with the presentation files and video will be sent with the reply to Questions.
3. Be prepared to bring the Prototype to Beijing and demonstrate that to the experts from the Patent Office. 
4. There is strong possibility that other Energy Officials in Beijing will be notified and see the prototype.
5. To satisfy the Patent Examiners, a 1 watt overunity machine is sufficient.  They only need to see a confirmation of the theory.
6. To satisfy the Energy Officials, a 5KW electricity generator will be much better.  Government research funds may be available.  The amount could be in billions.  Do not waste the opportunity.
7. There is no immediate time pressure.  It is important to do things right.
8. Doing additional Open Shows will do no harm.  It may even convince the Patent Examiners more â€" especially if more validation results are available.
9. The chance of getting a Patent is almost 100% if a working prototype is available and demonstrated at the Patent Office. 

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on November 28, 2009, 07:40:28 AM
"Without seeing the actual prototype, it is difficult for the Patent Examiners..."

Which country's Patent Office are you talking about?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cloxxki on November 28, 2009, 08:06:07 AM
1 Watt of overunity, name something less likely to be believed, when proven? You'll have to do much better than that, and show more than impeccable, hugely self-critical, multiple measuring methods all coming to the same conclusion.

As long as you haul large batteries or even grid connectors to demonstrations, there will be little reason to believe some slight anamolies apparently shown on multimeters.

Do the very best you can. Iny tiny battery, supplied by the reviewing party, at your specification. Say, a given 9V block brand. And an empty one. Power the devices, put them in series, and end up with 2 batteries both full, able to the job the other 9V blocks from the same batch managed. Say, full-speed time and distance of an RC car.
Multimeters in overunity are likel politicians. They seems trustable, accurate and sincere, but really they cloud the truth, and you'll never know the real deal.

Now, I've written some patents myself, 2 of them filed and granted. If you can't explain a patent office examiner (hugely intelligent people, specialists in their field) how the lead-out works, then you are contradicting knowledge from their education, or simply not explaning it well enough.
For my patents, the examinors added comments better than we could have come up ourselves.
Remember that they have a hugely important role, in business, science, and justice. They have one try to do their job right. It is better for the world for them to not do their job, than to do it wrong. Offering you a patent for something that existed before you came up with it, or granting it credibility when they can't know for sure, would be a crime on their part.

Good luck, the patenting procedure is very much a challenge. The greater one's in invention, the harder the job to get it patented.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 28, 2009, 09:06:26 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on November 28, 2009, 07:40:28 AM
"Without seeing the actual prototype, it is difficult for the Patent Examiners..."

Which country's Patent Office are you talking about?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on November 28, 2009, 10:23:04 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 28, 2009, 09:06:26 AM
Rightly or wrongly, China has a reputation for paying scant regard to patents. The
European and US filings are, arguably, more important. Nevertheless, their demands
are useful for you to get together but should not be a bar to a patent if the US
example is followed.(where any old junk seems gets a patent, and the office leaves
it to the courts to argue out at a later date).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 28, 2009, 10:33:21 AM

It is even worse than that in China.  In China, you can apply for a patent and if it is granted, everything is fine.  If it is not granted, you are jailed and then killed.  This has helped them cut down on the frivolous filings.  Their system is a bit different than ours.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on November 28, 2009, 10:35:46 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 28, 2009, 10:33:21 AM

It is even worse than that in China.  In China, you can apply for a patent and if it is granted, everything is fine.  If it is not granted, you are jailed and then killed...
Why didn't President Bush think of this? People could then be allowed to buy their
way out of this predicament with the deeds of their home.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 28, 2009, 06:06:51 PM
As advised, we are putting much more information related to the Open Shows for all to view.

Here is the presentation by Ms. Forever Yuen in Chinese.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 29, 2009, 08:58:21 AM
Weight Reduction

We now can build an Overunity Lead-Out Energy Machine generating 1 watt weighing less than 20 kg.  We just need to confirm that the batteries can be self-recharged.  The meters say so but we want to make sure the batteries were not degraded.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: mscoffman on November 29, 2009, 12:24:49 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 29, 2009, 08:58:21 AM
Weight Reduction

We now can build an Overunity Lead-Out Energy Machine generating 1 watt weighing less than 20 kg.  We just need to confirm that the batteries can be self-recharged.  The meters say so but we want to make sure the batteries were not degraded.

12Vdc batteries should charge ok- if an open circuit voltage of 13.8Vdc is applied.
An uncharged battery will pull this down due to it's internal resistance then
then the voltage will rise as the battery charges up. You can use a nearly 1:1
step up transformer to boost an AC signal slightly if you need more voltage...
but don't over do it as, as you step voltage up the current available decreases
by the same ratio.


Don't worry about building big machines. Remember that the current average
home power usage can be supplied by *only* 1.5KW machine operating continuously
into a 26KW automobile sized averaging buffer battery. Even 5KW continuous
is probably too high to start with. This 1.5KW is not very much.

Forget about the 1MW, 10MW, 100Mwatt models, the folks who could make use
of these will tell you they can already generate electrical energy.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 29, 2009, 04:13:12 PM
One way to increase Collector Coil efficiency by over 10 times

At present, our collector Coils do not have any soft iron core.  If we put soft iron core in at the beginning, the coil will be attracted to a permanent magnet on the wheel.  The wheel will not rotate at all.

The Output Voltage and Current are AC.  The question is â€" if we insert the iron core after the wheel has started rotating, what would happen?

It was a simple test.  The soft iron core was subjected to AC current and it no longer gets attracted to the permanent magnets.  The Output AC voltage increased over 10 times.  In our early test, one Collector and 4 drive coils on the small model yielded an Output Voltage of 12 Volts on no load.  If we place a magnet at the open end of the soft iron rod, the Output Voltage increased.  The highest we measured was 38 AC Volts with 3 strong magnets at the open end.

One way to control the Output Voltage and Current was to move the soft iron rod in and out of the Collector Coil!

We need to do more to confirm the above.  If confirmed, the size of our overunity machine can be much smaller.

Lawrence Tseung


Help Seedling Innovate Foundation Limited.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 29, 2009, 04:48:20 PM

Check out my youtube video where I made one of my Bedini motors with an adjustable coil/core distance to the rotor using a threaded rod.  It works really well and you can make very fine adjustments in this distance, within a few thousands of an inch.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on November 29, 2009, 04:48:58 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 29, 2009, 04:13:12 PM
At present, our collector Coils do not have any soft iron core.  If we put soft iron core in at the beginning, the coil will be attracted to a permanent magnet on the wheel.  The wheel will not rotate at all.

Lawrence, I think I might have missed something, but I think this is not what happens in such a motor.
If a magnet on the wheel approaches a collector coil with an iron core it gets attracted first, causing acceleration. Then passing the coil the magnet will be attracted in the opposite tangential direction, opposite to its actual movement and by that slowing down.
The sum of these two forces should equalize.
(at least with no load to the coil)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 29, 2009, 09:43:46 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 29, 2009, 04:48:20 PM

Check out my youtube video where I made one of my Bedini motors with an adjustable coil/core distance to the rotor using a threaded rod.  It works really well and you can make very fine adjustments in this distance, within a few thousands of an inch.



Thank you for the useful information.

In our case, we have a soft iron rod inside a plastic cylinder.  The Collector Coil was wound on the outside of the plastic cylinder.  We could pull or push the iron rod in and out to get different Output Current and Voltage.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 29, 2009, 09:49:09 PM

Yes, I see.  You could possibly glue a threaded bolt to the core and mount a nut on the end so you could make fine adjustments when needed.  That's a similar approach to what I did, I just watched the meter and adjusted for best output.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on November 29, 2009, 09:54:35 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on November 29, 2009, 04:48:58 PM
Lawrence, I think I might have missed something, but I think this is not what happens in such a motor.
If a magnet on the wheel approaches a collector coil with an iron core it gets attracted first, causing acceleration. Then passing the coil the magnet will be attracted in the opposite tangential direction, opposite to its actual movement and by that slowing down.
The sum of these two forces should equalize.
(at least with no load to the coil)

At the start (before the wheel rotates), if we put a soft iron rod close to the wheel, it will be attracted and attached to one of the powerful magnets in our rotor.  If the rod is inserted into the empty core of our fixed collector coil, the strong attraction between the permanent magnet and the iron rod will prevent the wheel from starting.

For a long time, we avoided the use of soft iron core.  Yesterday, we decided to try the technique of starting without the soft iron rod.  The wheel rotates in the normal way.  We then inserted the soft iron rod into the cylindrical core of our Collector Coil, we did not experience any net attraction or repulsion.  That was expected theoretically as the the soft iron rod will change poles rapidly.

The surprising event was using the suggestion from Gaby long ago.  Put a strong magnet at the end of the iron rod (any polarity) to influence the magnetic flux.  To our delight and amazement, the Output Voltage increased significantly.  We shall investigate this more after our Open Show on Dec 3-5.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on November 29, 2009, 10:28:18 PM
Learning together with the World
Tseung, you are extremely generous in sharing your experimental results on a daily basis with the World.  Some will surpass you with their superior resources and support.  You may never get a World-wide patent once you disclosed the information.

However, your progress history may be a very valuable lesson to all new comers.  They will realize that the invention path is long and bumpy.  There are jeers from debunkers and insulters.  Some of them are paid to lie and mislead.  The existing Interests will not lie down without a fight.

You can view your project as playing the game â€" Free Cells â€" on your computer.  When the end game is near, many will be able to spot the obvious moves.  You are in the end game stage now.  Success is virtually assured.  At the beginning of the game, there is no certainty that you will succeed.

You are lucky because you started with the Lead-Out Energy theory.  You already understood the importance of providing and controlling the Pulse Force.  You never blindly follow the footsteps of Newman, Bedini, Wang or Liang, etc.  (In a way, you avoided following the blind.)

After the technical evaluations, you will meet the more unpredictable political challenges.  Someone will claim that they have invented the Lead-Out Energy Machine long before you.  Or some copycats will ignore all patent protections and rules.

If you truly want to benefit the World, be prepared not to receive any rewards in whatever form.  Can you and you team really do that?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on December 02, 2009, 10:23:36 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on November 29, 2009, 04:13:12 PM
At present, our collector Coils do not have any soft iron core.  If we put soft iron core in at the beginning, the coil will be attracted to a permanent magnet on the wheel.  The wheel will not rotate at all.
It might be that the device needs to be driven at a certain RPM. Why not try
forcing it to rotate at a speed which will mean that certain frequncies will be
induced. you could chase around for resonance, and a sudden sharp hump
in the performance curve.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 03, 2009, 09:05:37 AM
The Inno Dessign Tech Expo is a very mcuh larger Show.

Over 5,000 people visited our booth on the first day.  We were interviewed by the Mainland TV on their innovation program.  The Lead-Out Energy Machine and the Slides will be seen by possibly 1.3 billion viewers.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on December 03, 2009, 10:10:28 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 03, 2009, 09:05:37 AM
The Inno Dessign Tech Expo is a very mcuh larger Show.

Over 5,000 people visited our booth on the first day.  We were interviewed by the Mainland TV on their innovation program.  The Lead-Out Energy Machine and the Slides will be seen by possibly 1.3 billion viewers.

Much success at the show, Lawrence.
I guess you will not have 5KW at hand for the show.
That needs to wait for a maturity period that is more realistic.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 03, 2009, 05:07:57 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 03, 2009, 09:05:37 AM
The Inno Dessign Tech Expo is a very mcuh larger Show.

Over 5,000 people visited our booth on the first day.  We were interviewed by the Mainland TV on their innovation program.  The Lead-Out Energy Machine and the Slides will be seen by possibly 1.3 billion viewers.

Wow! 1.3B fellow Chinese now knows you've discovered sliced bread!
Time to rejoice indeed. When's the flying saucer showing up?
Maybe in the interim you can get the HK sweat shops to churn out miniature plastic flying saucers at $10 HK each. Then you won't need to work so hard at your scams on this site?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on December 04, 2009, 09:25:37 AM
Hi ChrisC
I have been away again,
nothing new to see other than a 1 watt device will weigh under 20kgs. Can't weight for the test results for that one. So rather than use my government subsidised solar panels, I can install a 20 ton machine as a much more feasible replacement.
@man in funny white hat (goes well with the suit)
PS where is the 5 kw device?
Where are the independent University tests as promissed?
What ever happenned to the UFO's,at least that was entertaining.
When is the next expo?
How many paid the $20,000 for the course?
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 04, 2009, 01:43:12 PM
Quote from: markdansie on December 04, 2009, 09:25:37 AM
Hi ChrisC
I have been away again,
nothing new to see other than a 1 watt device will weigh under 20kgs. Can't weight for the test results for that one. So rather than use my government subsidised solar panels, I can install a 20 ton machine as a much more feasible replacement.
@man in funny white hat (goes well with the suit)
PS where is the 5 kw device?
Where are the independent University tests as promissed?
What ever happenned to the UFO's,at least that was entertaining.
When is the next expo?
How many paid the $20,000 for the course?
Kind Regards

Good to see you back on Comedy Central!
Regarding that 'funny white hat & suit', you must know that's the new space suit and helmet that Lawrence is testing so he can rendezvous with his UFO.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on December 04, 2009, 04:38:44 PM

As bad luck would has befallen the process folks.

What are the odds the the independent university selected to conduct the study would have to have been East Anglia University...yes, the very same university that submitted false climate data.

A new university is now being sought.

We must all be patient.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on December 04, 2009, 06:05:45 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on December 04, 2009, 04:38:44 PM
As bad luck would has befallen the process folks.

What are the odds the the independent university selected to conduct the study would have to have been East Anglia University...yes, the very same university that submitted false climate data.

A new university is now being sought.

We must all be patient.

It makes no difference. Presumably the Department of Electrical Engineering (or similar) will be involved. There will be no connection to those prats who have themselves caught in the headlights because they have been jerks.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on December 04, 2009, 10:45:58 PM

*banishes self to comedy isolation box*

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 05, 2009, 04:30:26 PM
Summary of the three day Show at The Inno Design Tech Expo Dec 3-5, 2009

1.  Over 10,000 persons visited our booth.  Some visited multiple times and brought their colleagues or fellow students.

2. The presenters included Mr. Lee Cheung Kin, Ir. Kenneth Chong, Forever Yuen, Debbie, Tong Po Chi and myself.  Nobody mounted any significant challenges.  When a few raised questions at the experimental results, Ir. Chong showed his qualification as the Electrical Engineering Professor at IVE.  He mentioned that he double and triple checked all figures with the best equipment available.  He personally disconnected, reconnected or rewired many parts on both the small and the large prototypes.

3. There was an Hungarian Expert who was familiar with the EBM (Energy by Motion) machine.  He spent much time and multiple visits at our booth.  His comment was “Your explanation of Lead-Out Energy is much clearer and understandable.  Your Open prototype reveals all construction details.  The mystery of the energy source of the EBM machine is solved.”

4. There were two other inventions on Overunity Energy at the same Open Show.  They did not show any working prototypes.  One showed a simulation video using magnetic and floating combination techniques.     Another showed pictures â€" their working prototype of an “overbalanced car that runs on water and air” did not clear customs in time.  I shall visit them in China later.  Our Lead-Out Energy theory explained their source of energy much better than theirs. 

5. There were meetings with Investments Funds, Factory Owners, Academics and Government Officials.  The general agreement was to produce a more powerful prototype for Beijing as the highest priority.  The prototype should generate at least 300 watts.  There should be at least three copies of the prototype.

6. The earliest estimated completion date for the prototype was mid-January 2010.  The planned estimate was mid-March.  The prototype will be checked and doubled in Hong Kong first by at least two independent “authority” groups.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on December 06, 2009, 01:48:02 AM
@man in funny hat
where was the 5kw prototype as promised at this show?
where was the independent testing by the universities?
where are the indepentent tests full stop ?
You have failed after two years of mindless posts to deliver on any promise.
I guess if you keep fishing you will suck in a few more people for a while as seems to be the trend.
It is like the end of my favourite comic strip.
I also note that no one else had overunity able to be demonstarted at this show (along with yourself) Have you ever thought there is a reason fro that?
Well till the next deadline(Jan? March? when hell freezes over?)
In the mean tie enjoy you 5 minutes of fame and you are a good hearted person, I hoe you dont upset anybody and end up in the slammer.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on December 06, 2009, 12:07:04 PM
To Mark and the Rest of the Negative Remarkers.

It's one thing to sit in your basement... do no experiments and say you are onto something.
               It's quite another to actively pursue a goal as Mr. Tseung and his colleagues are doing.

The fact is... that FORCED RESONANT SYSTEMS store and emanate energy in a very unusual way.
                     Something I'm guessing you haven't considered much.

          I suggest you visit the nearest swing set, start swinging... then start thinking.

                 Ever Heard of Stan Meyer or Nicola Tesla?
                Anyone who tinkers with Resonance is on the right track !

I would like to know what you are working on besides attacking others in this forum.
Kindly share so that I and others will know that your presence here is genuine.

Best Regards,
                      The Observer

               P.S. A good example of how Resonance is used to amplify energy is an Acoustic Chamber.

                       In the experiment below, a LOUD SOUND is produced only at resonance.
                       That is... the Total Sound = Speaker Sound + Tube Sound.
                        I ask anyone to consider this experiment that is interested in Tesla's/ Stan's work.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on December 06, 2009, 01:38:16 PM
Quote from: The Observer on December 06, 2009, 12:07:04 PM
To Mark and the Rest of the Negative Remarkers.

It's one thing to sit in your basement... do no experiments and say you are onto something.
               It's quite another to actively pursue a goal as Mr. Tseung and his colleagues are doing.

Their goal is to collect money from suckers.  Is that a worthy goal?

And you are confused about resonance, with regard to your resonance chamber example.  The chamber does nothing to actually amplify the energy of the wave.  What the chamber does is preserve the wave with low loss.  Now if you want to increase the wave energy (sound), as the description reads, you have to introduce more wave energy into the chamber, and then the sound gets louder.

Your equation is completely wrong.  There is no such thing as tube sound.  All of the sound energy that is emitted from the resonance chamber is what was put into the chamber.  It just preserves it well.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on December 06, 2009, 01:56:52 PM
@The Observer
"It's one thing to sit in your basement... do no experiments and say you are onto something.
               It's quite another to actively pursue a goal as Mr. Tseung and his colleagues are doing."

Well firstly I do not have a basement. Secondly I am very active in this field. Once again I travel the world, monitor tests and assist in the development of some of these technologies.
My problem here is the funny man in the white hat is trying to sell a course that is based on an unproven and yet to be independently validated technology with a no money back guarentee. Lets say one of your relatives came to you and presented you with"hey can I borrow 20,000 to do this"
I was quite happy up until recently to sit back and have a chuckle at this thread and say nothing. As soon I see the con...then I will always have plenty to say.
So tell me, what part of this technologyy do you think is valid?
Do you support and willing to promote his course with your real name?
Just remeber, I think the input you have is great and you bring to attention to all of us many ideas, i just wanted to ask you why you make assumptions about many of us and our efforts and what is so complelling about the man in the funny white hat. How many promises has he kept? None.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on December 06, 2009, 05:23:55 PM

I am not confused about resonance.

The experiment above's distinguishing quality is that a Louder sound is observed at resonance.

     You need to understand ...
                                               1. That sound is a WAVE.

                                               2. Energy of a WAVE depends on it's Frequency and Amplitude.

                                               3. A Louder sound is a WAVE of higher Amplitude.

                                               4. A Louder Sound possesses more Energy than a softer sound. (same frequency)

     Let me know where you disagree.


You got me when it comes to the money thing.
Other than that... I'm not convinced that these guys aren't onto something.

                   Reasons for which are that he is apparently using Resonance and Ferromagnetic Materials.

If you would like to know why I am so concerned about Ferromagnetic Materials please see my thread...
                    Topic: Magnetic Permeability ... I can't find anyone talking about this !!!!!


                 The Observer
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 07, 2009, 03:05:07 AM
Progress with the Technical Evaluator from China

Evaluator: “Mr. Tseung, I finally got our replication of your prototype to spin.”

Tseung: “Good job.  It only took you 4 weeks.  Some other groups spent much longer than that.”

Evaluator: “My people went to your Show in the Hong Kong Convention Center.  My people asked your grand daughter to deliberately get off the pre-set position.  She did.  Your demonstration prototype did not show overunity any more.  She was good to reset it.  Our people learned the secret.”

Tseung: “Forever told me about it.  But I did not realize that it was your people.”

Evaluator:  “We were almost at the point of rejecting your claim since we could not reproduce the results.  We re-examined the video we took.  We decided to see your prototype without informing you first.”

Tseung: “How did you get it to work?”

Evaluator: “Once we realized that it was some kind of resonance or tuning phenomena, we took the approach of varying the different parameters.  Our replication was not absolutely identical to yours.  We had to play around for hours to get the correct tuning.”

Tseung: “Do you believe us now?”

Evaluator: “Seeing is believing.  Building the prototype from scratch creates absolute certainty.  We have to be very careful with your claim.  It will change history."”

Tseung: “What should be our next move?”

Evaluator: “Continue your development of the 5KW Electricity Generator.  I am sure that our Government will put in vast resources when the Senior Officials see that it actually works.  Do not worry about investment.  China has plenty of money.”

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 07, 2009, 03:16:14 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 07, 2009, 03:05:07 AM

Tseung: “Do you believe us now?”

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Absolutely NOT!
Blah, blah blah  ..... baloney!
It's pathetic to go on pretending you've discovered overunity when all this stuff is in your mind. See a doctor old Tseung.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on December 07, 2009, 11:42:33 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 07, 2009, 03:05:07 AM
Progress with the Technical Evaluator from China
Do not worry about investment.  China has plenty of money.”
... if you count loan notes to America.

I think it is unnecessary to chase after a 5Kw machine. This may be big
and expensive to work with. If you can get ease of replication and
dependability from a 1Kw device, then it proves your technology.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: mscoffman on December 07, 2009, 02:19:48 PM

The question is; "Will we ever, in the West, ever see a demonstrator model as a
product?" If not how can this be validated?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 07, 2009, 02:39:26 PM
Quote from: mscoffman on December 07, 2009, 02:19:48 PM
The question is; "Will we ever, in the West, ever see a demonstrator model as a
product?" If not how can this be validated?



This gentleman and self-proclaiming overunity delusional prophet has been on this con game for over 4 years. Did anyone verify this sliced bread discovery? I think you'll have to wait until the cows come home.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 07, 2009, 06:24:20 PM
Quote from: mscoffman on December 07, 2009, 02:19:48 PM
The question is; "Will we ever, in the West, ever see a demonstrator model as a
product?" If not how can this be validated?


Hong Kong is open to International Travellers with almosty zero restrictions.  You can always get a team of experts to come to Hong Kong any time.  I can arrange a free demonstration and let your experts use their own scopes and meters to measure the Input and Output.

If they want, they can take the HK$150,000 course (up to 15 participants) and take a working prototype home. 

The other path is to wait for Stefan to receive our competition entry.  We were the first one to announce our entering the competition.  There is another competitor now.  We shall send a winning model.  Meeting the 1 watt requirement is not enough.  We are building the prototypes that can generate up to 5 KW in any case.  Stefan will be able to get free electricity and earn some extra money by selling back to the Grid.  That should be validation enough.

You can also wait for the Chinese Government to send a 5KW electricity generator to every nation in the World and announce that the World Energy Crisis is over.  You will be able to buy licensed products from manufacturers in different countries. 

The first public announcement of the Lead-Out Energy theory was Dec 20, 2004.  The first demonstration of a working overunity device was Nov 2009 at the Hong Kong Science Park.  The tailored made 1 watt overunity device can be purchased with the course NOW.  Expect the demonstration and announcement of the 5KW electricity generators as soon as we overcome the loopback problem.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 07, 2009, 06:29:05 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 07, 2009, 06:24:20 PM

If they want, they can take the HK$150,000 course (up to 15 participants) and take a working prototype home. 

Did you manage to find any foolish takers?
My guess is that no person/s are soooooooooooo stupid to take up a con man's offer!
Any real answers Mr. Tseung?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 07, 2009, 07:04:13 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on December 07, 2009, 11:42:33 AM
... if you count loan notes to America.

I think it is unnecessary to chase after a 5Kw machine. This may be big
and expensive to work with. If you can get ease of replication and
dependability from a 1Kw device, then it proves your technology.

Dear Paul-R,

Once we demonstrated 1 watt overunity and that the China Evaluation Team could replicate it, there is no need for any additional proof of concept.  The Lead-Out Energy theory can withstand any challenge from any top academic institutions.

The Chinese Government now asks for a working generator that can provide 5KW to the home (or distant districts).  The moment we solve the loopback problem, generating 5 KW is as easy as generating 1 KW.  The material we use will be able to handle 1000 volts and 50 amps easily.  That is equated to 50,000 watts or 50KW.

There are multiple experts offering help to solve the loopback problem.  The best appears to be the current limiting circuit from Kenneth Chong, Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at IVE.  His best estimated solution time is mid-January and the more realistic time is mid-March.  There is no need for us to pay him anything now. 

There are at least 9 other groups working independently on this problem.  Open Shows have their advantages.  I am optimistic as I have a prototype in my bedroom to work on.  I do not mind others beating me to the solution.

*** I can supply 9 watts continuously to my bedroom now.  That is not enough to satisfy the needs of an average household.  But it is fun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: mscoffman on December 08, 2009, 11:27:01 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 07, 2009, 06:24:20 PM

Hong Kong is open to International Travellers with almosty zero restrictions....

Thank you for your gracious response. From my experience with these things,
public proof and an available demonstrator is far more important than an useful
operational product, at first.  People's product plans can be "attacked" through
suppliers etc. So very often, a promising development ends up neither produced
nor proven, A completely useless outcome as far as society is concerned. So
please win every free energy prize that is available. Believe me, once you get
hard proof, organizations will be breaking down the door to get your approval.
I wouldn't mind purchasing a one watt demonstrator unit, as I do think
I would know overunity when I instrument it. But it's not what I do but
what you do.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 08, 2009, 09:18:47 PM
Improving the prototypes

The first test is use soft iron rod as core.

The trick is to insert the soft iron rod AFTER the wheel has started rotating at reasonable speed.

If the soft iron rod was inserted BEFORE the wheel rotated, it would be attracted and attached to one of the strong magnets.

Now we are even more confident in reducing the weight and increasing the Output Energy.  COP can be even higher.

More tests will be done and a new design will result.  We can reduce the shipping charges when we send the prototype to Stefan.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 08, 2009, 09:30:08 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 08, 2009, 09:18:47 PM
Improving the prototypes

The first test is use soft iron rod as core.

The trick is to insert the soft iron rod AFTER the wheel has started rotating at reasonable speed.

If the soft iron rod was inserted BEFORE the wheel rotated, it would be attracted and attached to one of the strong magnets.

Now we are even more confident in reducing the weight and increasing the Output Energy.  COP can be even higher.

More tests will be done and a new design will result.  We can reduce the shipping charges when we send the prototype to Stefan.

Amateur nonsense!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: MileHigh on December 09, 2009, 12:09:17 AM
A dog and pony show!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on December 09, 2009, 03:19:05 AM
Lawrence, I see you are using solid iron rods.
You may even be able to improve that situation if you use laminated iron core.
Solid core will have Eddy Current losses. Those losses will be minimized when you use small diameter multiple iron rods that are put together as one core.

Remember Bedini makes them out of welding rods. Long thin nailes could do the job as well.
The best results can be obtained when you isolate each rod by using varnish or any kind of isolating coating before putting them together.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on December 09, 2009, 09:44:30 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on December 09, 2009, 03:19:05 AM
Remember Bedini makes them out of welding rods. Long thin nailes could do the job as well.
The best results can be obtained when you isolate each rod by using varnish or any kind of isolating coating before putting them together.
Welders throw away the rod when it is down to 2 inches. Useful. The flux is already
burnt off.

What about sendust, metglas cores? Are they useful? Also, what about iron
filings isolated by being packed into varnish or gloss paint to form a putty
like material?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on December 09, 2009, 11:39:52 AM
Mr Tseung and other interested parties,

I'm so glad you are tinkering with Ferromagnetic Materials in you invention !

I started a thread entitled.

      Magnetic Permeability ... I can't find anyone talking about this !

                                  There still isn't anyone talking about it as far as I know !

                                            Another curious note, this thread was visited over 3000 times since I last posted 1 year ago,
                                                   and not 1 person made a comment !!!
                                                           I wonder if the powers that be might have been interested in it !

Basically it all boils down to this.

A piece of iron turns into a magnet in the presence of another magnetic field.

To spell it out...

                           A coil with no Ferro in it produces a VERY WEAK magnetic field.

                           A coil with a Ferro in it produces a VERY STRONG magnetic field. (same current)
                                        This field is 5,000 to 1,000, 000 times the intensity without Ferro !!!!
                                              Holy Sh_t Batman !!!!

            I have found that most people have no idea why this is !

                           Quite simply, the Ferro has a VERY STRONG magnetic field that you can't notice,
                                   until another magnet comes along to reveal it.

                            Reason is the Ferro has Zillions of rotatable magnets pointed in all directions that cancels out.

                            In an external magnetic field... they line up to reveal the total of their magnetic fields.
                                          (Mag Field Coil) + (Mag Field Iron) = (Total Magnetic Field)


A speaker IS an over-unity device.
       Most haven't considered the energy it would take to run a speaker without the magnet or a Ferro inside the coil attached to the speaker cone.

        Think on this... build a speaker without Ferro/Magnet.
                                  You can do it...with just copper coils you know.
                                   But it would take orders of magnitude more energy to run.

                                    The difference between energies from Ferro Speaker vs non Ferro Speaker (same sound output),
                                            is the energy that Ferro adds to the system for FREE.

Thanks for reading.


         I really think a knowledge of what Ferro's do and how they do it is vital to the Free Energy Researcher.
         The other vital in my humble opinion is Resonance.

Joyful Regards,
                           The Observer
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on December 09, 2009, 12:39:07 PM
Quote from: The Observer on December 09, 2009, 11:39:52 AM
                                    The difference between energies from Ferro Speaker vs non Ferro Speaker (same sound output),
                                            is the energy that Ferro adds to the system for FREE.

The permanent magnet does not add any energy to the system for free.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on December 09, 2009, 03:24:33 PM
Hello Util,

In regards to the speaker.

     The total energy needed to drive a speaker is congruent to the total magnetic energy used.

                               Magnet Energy + Ferro in Coil Energy + Coil Energy

     If you can come up with a way to make a speaker sound as loud without Ferro, then you are right.
     If you can not, which I suspect, then it is obvious that energy is added to the system.

The only way to to get close would be to use resonance somehow...
                                                              like how an acoustic guitar body amplifies the string's sound wave.
                                                                                But that is an entirely different subject.

Abundant Regards,
                                The Observer

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on December 09, 2009, 03:37:42 PM
Quote from: The Observer on December 09, 2009, 03:24:33 PM
Hello Util,

In regards to the speaker.

     The total energy needed to drive a speaker is congruent to the total magnetic energy used.

                               Magnet Energy + Ferro in Coil Energy + Coil Energy

When you talk about the ferro, are you referring to the circular permanent magnet inside which there is the coil that moves in and out?  Or are you saying there is another permanent magnet inside the coil itself.  I am not clear. 

Here is a diagram.

http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/speaker6.htm (http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/speaker6.htm)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 09, 2009, 10:41:37 PM
Latest Experimental results

1. The wheel was placed horizontally.  The Input amp meter fluctuated much more.  However, the overunity result was again demonstrated.  The conclusion was that most of the Lead-Out Energy comes from magnetic (electron motion) source rather than gravity.

2. The wheel was better tuned.  The Output with 1 light produced DC 14volts.  That was enough to recharge a 12 volt battery.  We are using four 6 volt batteries to test the swapping at the moment.  The meter readings indicated charging. 

3. The trick with soft iron rod for the collector coils worked.  We are now confident that we can produce a prototype that can generate more than 1 watt, requires two 12 volt batteries or four 6 volt batteries, weighs less than 20 kg and will run as long as the component life â€" estimated to be at least 5 years.  The batteries will be swapped and recharged by the Lead-Out Energy Machine.

4. We need to do more work on the loopback.  We may need to put in diodes to force loopback. 

5. The use of magnets at the end of the rod worked on the small prototype but not no the big wheel.  This may be due to the different magnets and coils.  More work is needed.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 10, 2009, 06:09:05 AM
Meeting the environmental goal

Will Lead-Out Energy Machines help to solve the problem?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 10, 2009, 11:47:08 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 10, 2009, 06:09:05 AM
Meeting the environmental goal

Will Lead-Out Energy Machines help to solve the problem?

Mr Tseung:

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. However, you need to make your New Year resolution of not writing too much (crap) and certainly mouthing off your so called Lee-Tseung hocus pocus theory. You've talked and written too much about essentially nothing significant. Just amateur gibberish!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 11, 2009, 10:44:04 AM
Telephone Interview

http://www.4shared.com/file/170565532/e2e0d96f/ltseung.html is the link to the file.

A short link of the same file is http://alturl.com/wtue

Thank you for taking the time to do the interview - that should help secure funding for your work so the technology can move forward.

Best regards, Todd
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 11, 2009, 01:37:58 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 11, 2009, 10:44:04 AM
Telephone Interview

http://www.4shared.com/file/170565532/e2e0d96f/ltseung.html is the link to the file.

A short link of the same file is http://alturl.com/wtue

Thank you for taking the time to do the interview - that should help secure funding for your work so the technology can move forward.

Best regards, Todd

I listened to the entire interview and affirmed myself this c**k and bull story is exactly what it is! It's so touching ...... from James Bond like scenario (treated like spies) to  not being able to 'tune' it because the 60W power output burned some electronics to the cost of  US$20K course to rebuild and retune this supposedly O.U prototype. Well, at least Todd H sounded so interested that the interview time ended early because the subject matter was completely covered before the 60 min. was up! That's so telling don't you think so?

Can you imagine that this O.U machine is so complicated that generating 60W output power can cause the electronics to burn out! (it's only 5A at 12V for goodness sake). Most electronics components, rectifiers, diodes, caps etc can withstand much much more. Do you understand electronics Mr. Tseung or do you think the rest of us are stupid?

I don't know what Todd H had in mind. Why would anyone do such a public interview without even some amount of verification from a trusted source? Amateur nonsense again. It's almost like Sterling dealing with that cockroach MyLow!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 11, 2009, 03:56:08 PM
Dear Todd,

If you need another source to confirm our experimental overunity results, you may contact Kenneth Chong.  He is the Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at IVE college in Tsing Yi Campus.  Our large 60 cm prototype is with him at present.  His email is kenchong@vtc.edu.hk.



Update sent to Todd to supplement the telephone Interview

1.   The name of the New Company is “Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited”.  The goal of the Company is to stimulate the younger generation to rethink old ideas and develop new ones.  The Company was formally registered in Hong Kong as a non-profit organization.  The Company will own the Patent and other Intellectual rights belonging to Lawrence Tseung.
2.   So far we have demonstrated the 60 cm diameter Lead-Out Energy Machine in Hong Kong twice.  The first demonstration was from Nov 6-9, 2009 at the Hong Kong Science Park.  The event was the Inno Carnival 09.  The second demonstration was from Dec 3-5 at the Hong Kong Convention Center.  The event was the Inno Design Tech Expo.  At least 25,000 persons visited our booths.
3.   The Input Energy to the Lead-Out Energy Machine to power 10 drive coils was 1.2 watts.  The extracted output from 5 collector coils was over 2.6 watts.  The overunity factor (output/input) was 2.17.
4.   The prototype was designed to compete in the Overunity.com competition.  The requirement was overunity and that the Output must be larger than Input by at least 1 watt.  Our demonstrated prototype met this criterion.
5.   The Lecturer of Electrical Engineering at IVE College (Ir. Kenneth Chong) attended the Inno Carival 09 event with his students.  He agreed to double and triple check our experimental results with the better equipment at his Department.  He used oscilloscopes and waveform display meters.  He disconnected, reconnected or rewired some components.  Our experimental results were confirmed.
6.   Ir. Kenneth Chong joined us at the Inno Design Tech Expo on Dec 3-5 as one of the presenters.  He shared his experience with the visitors.  He will also help to improve the design and overcome some technical problems as a new member of the team.
7.   The remaining technical problem appeared to be too much power when we looped the Output back to Input.  The electronics were fried.  We believe that we can overcome this problem in the next few weeks with some current protection circuits.
8.   The immediate plan is to produce a prototype that can generate at least 300 watts to Beijing.  The purpose is two-fold.  The first objective is to satisfy the China Patent Office â€" they wanted a working prototype at their Office to be examined by their appointed experts.  The second is to demonstrate to the China Energy Officials that our Lead-Out theory and prototypes are real.  There is possibility of Government funding if the prototype passes the scrutiny of the Government Appointed Experts.
9.   We are discussing the possible deal to supply 2,000 copies of our overunity Lead-Out Energy Machines as Educational Products to Universities.  Our existing prototype already met the requirement of demonstrating Lead-Out Energy.  (Output energy greater than Input by 1 watt is sufficient.)  If that happens, we expect the technology of Lead-Out Energy will be accepted and developed very quickly.
10.   One idea we are discussing is the possibility of China sending a Lead-Out Energy Machine to every Country as a gift.  The licensing terms will be included.  In a single move, the World energy crisis will be over.  The gift is likely to generate at least 5 KW of electricity.

We were lucky to have avoided much suppression and other foul play.  The probable reason was that the two principal inventors were old, retired and had little financial resources.  The established interests did not think that we could crack such a big problem.
The major obstacle thrown to our path was a group pretending to represent the Chinese Government.  They claimed to have invested million in a 225 Horse Power Electricity Generator in USA but the inventor could not explain the source of energy.  We made the mistake of not checking them out first before inviting them to meet at Tsinghua University in Beijing.  Tsinghua University is the equivalent of MIT in USA.  We explained how their machine followed the theory of the Lead-Out Energy and how it could be improved.  Later on, the Chinese Intelligence told us that the group did not represent China.  They were probably spies.  We were investigated as possible spies also.

Fortunately, I (Lawrence Tseung) disclosed much information on the Internet â€" especially in the Overunity.com under the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy Theory thread.  We did not have any working prototype for a long time (from December 2004 to October 2009).  It was easy to dismiss theory as some crazy ideas from two old heads.

Mr. Lee Cheung Kin turned things around by emailing to President Obama before he was elected president.  To our surprise, we got actual response.  We were cleared as scientists and not spies.  We managed to find Mr. Tong Po Chi to do the prototype for us.  Mr. Tong did not charge us anything when he worked on the prototypes.  He is now a partner in the project.

I believe we were the first one to openly announce our intended participation in the Overunity.com Competition.  There is another competitor now.  I believe that there is no way for the “Vested Interests” to suppress the Lead-Out Energy technology now. 

If our Educational Product reaches 2,000 universities, the Lead-Out Energy technology will be unstoppable.  The World will benefit together with this Lead-Out Energy Technology.   I appreciate the help from the organizers of this event and many others all over the World who demonstrated the unyielding spirit.

Much information can be found by a google search on “Lawrence Tseung” or a youtube search on ltseung888.
Thank you.
Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 11, 2009, 04:04:48 PM
Dear Todd,

I am attaching the presentation slide and the promotional sheet we used at the Open Shows in Hong Kong to you.  You will also find the video recording of the presentation and the demonstration of the 60 cm wheel on youtube.  The following are the links:
Presentation Slides

1.   Lead-Out Energy Theory does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.
2.   Lead-Out Energy Machine requires a start-up energy X.  Afterwards, it will keep Leading-Out existing energy such as gravitational energy.  The focus is on Total Input Energy = Supplied Energy + Lead-Out Energy
3.   We can lead-out gravitational energy.  The easiest way is to “Pull a Pendulum” horizontally.  The Pulling will Lead-Out gravitational energy. 
4.   This slide extends the Leading out of gravitational energy from the pendulum to the unbalanced wheel and to the Pulsed unbalanced wheel.  Bessler in the 17 century already produced a wheel to use such Lead-Out Energy.
5.   This slide focuses on using magnets and coils to produce the Pulsed rotation. The 10 Drive Coils provide the Input Energy. The 5 Collector Coils collect the Output Energy.  This experiment has been demonstrated over 100 times in front of over 10,000 Open Show visitors.  The particular prototype machine has been validated by Ir. Kenneth Chong, a Lecturer in Electrical Engineering Department of the technical college in Hong Kong (IVE at Tsing Yi).
6.   This is the summary slide. Lead-Out Energy Machines do not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy. It can be demonstrated now.   It has been demonstrated in two Open Shows in Hong Kong.  More than 10,000 visitors have seen it.  We can arrange an actual webcam or video conferencing demonstration any time.  If an actual visit by knowledgeable experts is desired, arrangements can be made.  The particular prototype is in Hong Kong at present.

The presentation on the actual prototype is in:

The secret to the Lead-Out Energy Machine is the correct combination of the Pulse Force with the unbalanced wheel.  The unbalanced wheel can either be physically unbalanced and/or electromagnetically unbalanced.  We achieved that via a commercially available proximity switch.

I hope the above information will help those who did not attend the two above Open Shows in Hong Kong. 


Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on December 11, 2009, 05:52:03 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 11, 2009, 03:56:08 PM
The Input Energy to the Lead-Out Energy Machine to power 10 drive coils was 1.2 watts.  The extracted output from 5 collector coils was over 2.6 watts.  The overunity factor (output/input) was 2.17.
Is this without collecting the BEMF from collapsing fields?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 11, 2009, 08:08:03 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on December 11, 2009, 05:52:03 PM
Is this without collecting the BEMF from collapsing fields?

My explanation relies on the Lead-Out Theory.  The extra energy comes from the result of applying the pulsing force to lead-out magnetic (electron motion) energy.  The confirmation is from the magnetic pendulum, extended to the unbalanced or non-constant rotating wheel. The measurement was a straight forward voltage and current readings on Input and Output.

The only electronic circuit used was the conversion of Output from AC to DC.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on December 11, 2009, 08:18:47 PM
Sharing Intermediate Research Results

Tseung, your approach of sharing Intermediate Research Results has both advantages and disadvantages.  The advantage is that others can pick up where you leave off.  Even if something unpleasant happens to you, the World will still benefit from your efforts.  That noble goal cannot be understood by the average Human Being.

The disadvantage includes stating assumptions and then verifying them.  As with all research, some early assumptions will be wrong or misleading.  It is like a skater practicing her many moves.  There will be falls and ungraceful moves.  You will be open to jeers and insults.

But if your goal is to benefit the World, ignore the jeers and insults.  The student scientists will learn more by watching the full process.  Work with factories to produce an Educational Product for Universities.  They will benefit from their own research starting with a ! watt overunity device.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 12, 2009, 07:45:56 PM
Second Crack on the waveform of Input Voltage

We now have time to analyze the waveforms in more detail.  The Input Voltage Form is of interest in the following ways:

1.   The expected waveform from a pulse generator should be in the top LHS figure.  It should show rectangular peaks with no negative voltage.
2.   The observed waveform showed two distinct components.  One is the expected more-or-less rectangular peaks.  The other is an AC component.   The actual shape varies with the setting of the proximity switch.
3.   The proximity switch can be set to produce clockwise, anti-clockwise rotation or no rotation.
4.   The explanation of the observed waveform is as follows:
a.   The turning on of the proximity switch started the pulse and hence the increase of voltage.
b.   The turning off of the proximity switch stopped the pulse.  That explains the short high voltage period and the more-or-less rectangular shape.
c.   The continued rotation of the magnets produces a magnetic field.  That induced a voltage on the Drive Coil â€" making it behave like a Collector Coil.  That voltage is an AC voltage.
5.   The Input Power should be calculated from the more-or-less rectangular voltage.  That is the supplied power from the 12V battery.
6.   The AC voltage component is the result of the Pulse and should have been included in the Output.  (In our demonstration model, we ignored this component and still achieved overunity.)
7.   The actual COP (output/input ratio) should be even better because we not only ignored the component in 6 but also suffered significant losses as noise and heat.
8.   Bedini and others explained the same phenomena as Back EMF and collapsing electromagnetic field.  When we measured the actual values from the oscilloscope, the AC voltage was even larger than the Input Voltage!  This explained why the Bedini circuit worked in recharging the battery.
9.   When we measure DC voltage with our meter, the AC voltage component was discarded (or cancelled out).  The reading was the RMS value.
10.   With the waveform analysis, it is clear that the maximum rotational speed is achieved when the no voltage line is reduced to zero.  Further reduction will force the distinct waveforms to merge.  Thus we can use that to determine the maximum rotational speed of our particular wheel. 

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on December 13, 2009, 05:37:42 AM
Lawrence, I don't see the sinus shape right after the spike at the oscilloscope picture compared to what you have drawn in the slide, so maybe you should correct your slide.

From what I derive from the oscilloscope picture is that:
1) You measured the voltage of a driving coil
2) The negative part of the period is caused by induction of the approaching magnet to the driving coil
3) The pulse starts right after the centre position of a magnet toward the centre of the coil. This caused the somewhat rectangular positive shape, which is superimposed on the positive part of the induction caused by the passing magnet
4) The spike is caused by the end of the switching period.
5) There is a slight positive voltage remaining right after the spike caused by the remaining induction of the passed magnet

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on December 13, 2009, 05:50:09 AM
Status of my replication:

- the bike wheel with the build in alternator has arrived. I am a bit disappointed by the friction the alternator is causing, even without a load. But it has iron cores at its receiving coils.
- I have ordered a micro-controller kit  (Arduino kit). That has arrived
- A programmer for the kit is on its way
- Coper wire has arrived. 5 kg of 1.5 mm (AWG 15/16) wire
- Electronics to build a power stage to drive the coils is under design
- Next step is to order components and build a power circuit to switch the coil in a (micro) controlled way
- The proximity switch will be a IR led/sensor

No worries about wrong investments.
Mentioned earlier, the wheel can be re-used for my bike, which still has a traditional alternator attached at rim position (which doesn't work reliable when it's raining or snowing)
I will use the micro-controller, power circuit and the wire for replicating the hex controller of Bob Boyce.
This stuff will be used to replicate the TPU alike stuff build by watkykjy1
(you can find his experiments on YouTube)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 13, 2009, 09:20:59 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on December 13, 2009, 05:37:42 AM
Lawrence, I don't see the sinus shape right after the spike at the oscilloscope picture compared to what you have drawn in the slide, so maybe you should correct your slide.

There is no need to correct the slide.  As I mentioned, the actual shape of the Input Voltage varied with the setting of the proximity switch.  We shall do a video in the next few days.

It looks like you will not be replicating my set up exactly.  There are advantages and disadvantages.  The advantage is that we are likely to learn something new.  The disadvantage is that we have more new parameters.

Good Luck.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on December 13, 2009, 09:48:44 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 13, 2009, 09:20:59 AM
There is no need to correct the slide.  As I mentioned, the actual shape of the Input Voltage varied with the setting of the proximity switch.  We shall do a video in the next few days.

It looks like you will not be replicating my set up exactly.  There are advantages and disadvantages.  The advantage is that we are likely to learn something new.  The disadvantage is that we have more new parameters.

Good Luck.

Ok, I will look forward to your new video.
I wonder what pulse shape corresponds with a situation where COP > 1

I aim to replicate your principle, not your machine, so indeed we might learn something new maybe.

Please, keep in mind that your wheel is giving a lot of air loss as well as it turns. You better cover it from the sides as well.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 13, 2009, 03:30:11 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on December 13, 2009, 09:48:44 AM

I aim to replicate your principle, not your machine, so indeed we might learn something new.

Please, keep in mind that your wheel is giving a lot of air loss as well as it turns. You better cover it from the sides as well.

Remember that the principle is Lead-Out Energy.  You will mainly lead-out magnetic (electron motion) energy.  In order for that to happen, you need an electromagnetically unbalanced wheel (or non-constant rotating wheel) and a Pulse Force at the right time.

We shall see how your set up adheres to the above principle.   Have fun.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 14, 2009, 08:09:33 PM
A Christmas Gift to the World

Mr. Tseung,  your 1 watt overunity device is ready and has been demonstrated to over 25,000 visitors via the two Open Shows in Hong Kong.  If you really want to benefit the World, why don’t you provide a free video showing all the components, all dimensions and all construction details.

I know that you have not solved the loopback problem yet.  But the World will benefit greatly now.  Some engineers better than you et al will solve the loopback problem.

There is no need to find manufacturing partners.  Once the information is out, someone will replicate it. Products will come out and the price will drop rapidly.  The material cost for your existing educational prototype  is less than Hk$5,000.  With Worldwide competition, the selling price is likely to be less than HK$10,000.  All universities and schools will be able to afford that for research and training.  The 5KW version will need more electronics and safety features.  I believe it will sell for less than HK$20,000.  The buyer will not need to pay for electricity as long as the unit functions.  (Estimated time is 10 years.)  You can even help the poorest nations to manufacture them.  All Nations will benefit immediately.

Is this a good Christmas gift to the World?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on December 15, 2009, 12:45:17 AM
Disclosing information as Christmas Present

Tseung, Do not take the advice of Top Gun.  Human Beings are basically lazy and stupid.

You have disclosed the Lead-Out Energy theory for years.  Some Government institutions took it and developed top-secret projects.  Others just jeer and insult.

When things are free, Human Beings will not value them. 

Just continue your development path.  Produce the 5KW electricity generator.  Do not hope that someone will do it for you.  It took you et al six years to develop the 1 watt overunity prototype.  It will not take that long to develop the 5KW generator.  Believe in yourself and your team.  Give them the encouragement.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 15, 2009, 12:53:27 AM
Quote from: Devil on December 15, 2009, 12:45:17 AM
Disclosing information as Christmas Present

Tseung, Do not take the advice of Top Gun.  Human Beings are basically lazy and stupid.

You have disclosed the Lead-Out Energy theory for years.  Some Government institutions took it and developed top-secret projects.  Others just jeer and insult.

When things are free, Human Beings will not value them. 

Just continue your development path.  Produce the 5KW electricity generator.  Do not hope that someone will do it for you.  It took you et al six years to develop the 1 watt overunity prototype.  It will not take that long to develop the 5KW generator.  Believe in yourself and your team.  Give them the encouragement.

old Tseung: Don't you feel stupid playing childish games like this?
For a 60 plus old man, are you missing your childhood? Even first graders don't do what you do now! Shame on you! Try not to do this after the New Year. How about a New Year resolution to behave like a 60 plus grandpa?


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on December 15, 2009, 03:07:01 PM
well if it took 6 years to develop the 1 watt overunity at this rate if we multiply 5000 (5kw) by 6 years for every watt I have calculated we should have your unit in another 30,000 years.
However if you had your other personalities who post here assist you, (Top Gun and Devil) we might have someting in much less time.
PS still waiting for independent verification with a paper that can be perr reviewed.
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on December 15, 2009, 03:57:09 PM
Quote from: markdansie on December 15, 2009, 03:07:01 PM
well if it took 6 years to develop the 1 watt overunity
This is one watt overunity more than you have ever developed.

And if you had ever got off your lazy backside and bought a SSG kit,
I wouldn't be able to taunt you thus.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 15, 2009, 06:28:03 PM
Christmas Gift to  the World

To be realistic, different persons have different background and capabilities.  This is much more pronounced in accepting revolutionary inventions.  Let me classified them into the following groups.

1.   The Genius who got the inspiration â€" Like Mr. Lee Cheung Kin.  Everyone has seen the pendulum.  No one before him suggested that the pulled pendulum can lead-out gravitational energy.  (Everyone has seen things falling.  No one before Newton suggested gravitational force).
2.   The brilliant physicists â€" Like Lawrence Tseung.  He applied the necessary mathematics and physics to the Lee suggestion and confirmed that the Lead-Out energy theory does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Gravitational and Electron Motion energy can be lead-out.  He can extend the theory from oscillation to vibration, rotation and from gravity to magnetic, electric and electron motion fields.
3.   The top guns â€" Like the professors at Tsing Hua University in China.  They understood the theory as soon as it was explained to them.  They could do their own independent research.  Many researchers at top-secret institutions also fall into this category.
4.   The top engineers â€" Like Tong Po Chi.  He can convert the concept into an actual prototype.  Six other groups failed before him.  He built the prototypes in stages.  The stages included Coil and Magnet Interaction; selection of air coils; selection of the proximity switch; building different size wheels; tuning via number of Drive or Collector Coils, different loads etc.
5.   The open-minded scientists â€" Like Dr. Patrick Tsang and Dr. James Wong.  They can listen to the theory and see the prototype in action.  They can read the meters and the oscilloscopes.  They can understand the Lead-Out Energy theory and re-explain it to others.
6.   The intelligent students â€" Like Forever, Debbie, Miller etc.  They can study the theory and the prototype.  They can help out in the presentations.
7.   The general public.  Some wanted to see the final product in their homes.  Some wanted to see verifications from Established Authorities â€" they could read the meters but they felt that was only the surface.  Some felt the magnitude of the Invention â€" can some retired scientists with practically no resources in Hong Kong revolutionize the World?  Are they witnessing a miracle themselves?
8.   The jeerers and insulters.  Some of them are paid to disrupt the development of this technology.  They just hurled negative remarks and made noises.  They did serve one purpose â€" draw in the crowd.  If the theory and the prototype actually work, their disruptive tactics are doomed to fail.

The 2009 Christmas Gift to the World at this stage is simple.

The working prototype consists of:
1.   A  60 cm diameter rotating wheel with 16 equally spaced magnets.
2.   A 80 cm diameter non-rotating wheel with 15 Coils and 1 proximity switch.
3.   The magnets are custom-made rectangular pieces with poles on the flat sides.
4.   The coils are 0.5 mm wires with approximately 6 ohms resistance.
5.   The proximity switch is the 12-24 DC volt version.
6.   The relay is the SSR version that can take up to 40 amps.
7.   The Output must be rectified to DC for use and comparison.
8.   The requirement of the engineering is that the 16 magnets and the 15 coils + Proximity Switch must be built to face each other with less than 1 mm tolerance.  The Proximity Switch needs to be adjustable to get the best result.
9.   The connecting wires must be thick enough to tolerate the occasional current of over 10 amps.
10.   The building process must be carefully planned and executed.  Every coil must be connected in the right way.  No iron pieces must be attracted to the strong magnets in the rotating wheel.

The best way is for a factory to produce well-manufactured parts and come up with either a completed or a Do-It-Yourself version.  The winding of the coils (over 500 turns) could not be done by hand and produce consistent quality.  All holes must be predrilled with the high precision required.

Government research laboratories and Universities will be able to meet the above requirements easily.  The average garage mechanic will have difficulties.

This is the Christmas Gift to the World in 2009.

*** Hopefully, the Christmas Gift to the World in 2010 can be purchased in the retail stores. ***

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on December 15, 2009, 06:57:52 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 15, 2009, 06:28:03 PM
Christmas Gift to  the World

The working prototype consists of:
1.   A  60 cm diameter rotating wheel with 16 equally spaced magnets.
2.   A 80 cm diameter non-rotating wheel with 15 Coils and 1 proximity switch....etc...etc
...but we also need a set of engineering drawings and a flow
chart describing the logic. Then replications can be attempted,
and results fed back to you.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 15, 2009, 08:44:25 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on December 15, 2009, 06:57:52 PM
...but we also need a set of engineering drawings and a flow
chart describing the logic. Then replications can be attempted,
and results fed back to you.


Do you know why sheep need a shepherd? It is also true that sheep will just follow blindly ..... You are a good sheep.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 15, 2009, 11:47:25 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on December 15, 2009, 06:57:52 PM
...but we also need a set of engineering drawings and a flow
chart describing the logic. Then replications can be attempted,
and results fed back to you.

I do not need any feedback.  The oscilloscope and meters are enough.  The factory owner I spoke to this morning suggested that they will produce a PVC version.  All components can be seen from the outside.  The full overunity prototype can be demonstrated before the buyer pays a single dime.  He should not buy until he sees the unit showing overunity.

The buyer can then optionally disassemble and reassemble the unit.  The DIY version will require too much work and tuning from the buyer and disputes may arise.  So only the fully working version will be produced.

In that case, there will be thousands of working overunity products.  Who cares about feedback or verification?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 15, 2009, 11:52:05 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 15, 2009, 11:47:25 PM
I do not need any feedback.  ....

In that case, there will be thousands of working overunity products.  Who cares about feedback or verification?

It seemed that you really have a memory of a gold fish, Mr. Tseung.
For the past 6 years and hundreds of talk, talk and more talk, we have not even seen one working 1W model!

Maybe that's why you need to take your medication. It's all in your mind, Mr. Tseung.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 16, 2009, 12:24:22 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 15, 2009, 11:47:25 PM
I do not need any feedback.  The oscilloscope and meters are enough.  The factory owner I spoke to this morning suggested that they will produce a PVC version.  All components can be seen from the outside.  The full overunity prototype can be demonstrated before the buyer pays a single dime.  He should not buy until he sees the unit showing overunity.

The buyer can then optionally disassemble and reassemble the unit.  The DIY version will require too much work and tuning from the buyer and disputes may arise.  So only the fully working version will be produced.

In that case, there will be thousands of working overunity products.  Who cares about feedback or verification?

Mr. Tseung,

You have to make the difficult choice of when and what functionality to put into your first product.  The choices are:

1. The 1 watt overunity educational product. 
2. The 300 watt product.
3. The no battery (hand-start) product
4. The 5KW electricity generator

The 1 watt overunity educational product has been demonstrated and should pose no technical difficulties.  Should you give your engineers a chance to develop the other products?  What is the hurry?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on December 16, 2009, 09:07:46 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 15, 2009, 11:47:25 PM
Who cares about feedback or verification?
Those who wish to improve and develop.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 16, 2009, 03:49:27 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on December 15, 2009, 06:57:52 PM
...but we also need a set of engineering drawings and a flow
chart describing the logic. Then replications can be attempted,
and results fed back to you.

The logic is as follows:

1.   When Input Power switch is turned on, the 12V battery will start the action of the Proximity Switch PS.
2.   A slight start-up rotation may be necessary if the wheel happens to stop at a “dead” position.  In most cases, the wheel will start by itself as the PS in its ON state will sent a pulse to the Drive Coils.
3.   The PS will be turned on and off depending on whether a magnet approaches or leaves its proximity.  This action controls the current that will pass through the SSR Relay.  The result is that Pulse Current is passed through the Drive Coils.
4.   The stationary Drive Coils will repel the rotating magnets during the Pulse.  This action is similar to “pushing a pendulum” that leads out gravitational energy.  In this case, the action leads-out magnetic or electron motion energy.  The magnetic field is supplied by both the rotating magnets and the Coils.  The direction is not purely vertical.
5.   Thus the real total Input Energy entering the wheel is the Pulse Energy PLUS the Lead-Out Electron Motion Energy.
6.   When the Pulse pauses at the Drive Coil, the Drive Coil acts like a Collector Coil.  In the Input Voltage Waveform, we can see a DC Component and an AC Component.  The DC Component is from the Pulse, the AC Component is from the induced current when the Drive Coil acts as a Collector Coil.
7.   In our particular prototype, we do not use this AC component.  Our DC Voltmeter taking the RMS voltage will ignore it (or let the positive side and negative side cancel out).
8.   The wheel starts to rotate faster and faster.  It will come to a steady rotational speed when the torque balances that from friction and air resistance.
9.   After the wheel has reached a steady rotational speed, Output energy can be drawn out from either the axle or from the Collector Coils.  In our case, we use the Collector Coils only.
10.   The Input Power from the 10 Drive Coils is compared with the Output Power from the 5 Collector Coils after the Output was rectified to DC.
11.   The result was the expected overunity.  The ratio of Output Power over Input Power can be greater than 3. 
12.   This ratio of 3 is good because some energy is lost in the form of noise, heat and overcoming air resistance.  This ratio can be tuned with different number of Drive Coils, Collector Coils, positioning of the Proximity Switch or the value of the external load.

I hope the logic is crystal clear now.  It is the Lead-Out Electron Motion Energy that provides the overunity result.  Once Mr. Tseung concludes the deal with the factories and retailers, you will have an overunity educational product to purchase.  There is no need for you to build your own wheel, precision drill the holes, wind the coils, etc.  All you need to do is check for overunity before you buy the unit; adjust the number of Drive and Collector Coils, and vary the Load.  You can then disassemble and reassemble the unit.

The average student is likely to stop at this stage.  You may want to do more development such as loopback, use of soft iron rod as core for the Coils, replace the coils or magnets etc.  You may want to change the sensing mechanism from the PS to laser control.  You may even want to add PLC control.  There will be competition to see who can produce a 5KW electricity generator first.  Can you beat Mr. Tong Po Chi who lost his garage shop; worked on the project at his spare time; had no formal electrical engineering training and has little financial support?

Have fun and share your findings to benefit the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on December 16, 2009, 05:13:10 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on December 15, 2009, 03:57:09 PM
This is one watt overunity more than you have ever developed.

And if you had ever got off your lazy backside and bought a SSG kit,
I wouldn't be able to taunt you thus.

You are correct, I have not been able to build a 1watt unit......but in my defence nor has anyone else. I am happy to be corrected or proved wrong but can you put me in touch with anyone that has?
PS Even Steorn hasnt got one.
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 16, 2009, 11:23:01 PM
Replacing the Proximity Switch with light control

The Proximity Switch works at low rotational speeds and can be used to demonstrate overunity on the Tong Prototype.  Let me outline the advantages of the light control technology.

There are three light control units.
1.   To turn the Relay on so that DC current will be passed to the Drive Coils.
2.   To turn the Relay off so that DC current will stop.
3.   To sense the rotational speed.  If the speed is too high, turn off the DC current completely.  If the speed is too low, turn the DC current back on.

Such an arrangement will allow a range of speed of rotation.  Later, we can program that with the external load.  At this stage, it is a matter of gathering useful data.  Kenneth has developed a primitive prototype to demonstrate on Dec 18.  It is nice to have other top guns involved.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on December 17, 2009, 11:58:56 AM
Quote from: markdansie on December 16, 2009, 05:13:10 PM
You are correct, I have not been able to build a 1watt unit......but in my defence nor has anyone else.

Do your homework.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on December 17, 2009, 12:02:44 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on December 16, 2009, 11:23:01 PM
Replacing the Proximity Switch with light control
Let me outline the advantages of the light control technology.
Are you using a cadmium sulphide cell (with LED)? Would a hall effect
item do it?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 17, 2009, 10:32:41 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on December 17, 2009, 12:02:44 PM
Are you using a cadmium sulphide cell (with LED)? Would a hall effect
item do it?

Dr. Liang in China claimed to have used Hall Effect ICs to build a car that can run on level road without any fuel.
The technique is to use two types of ICs.  One is placed on a stationary cylinder.  The other is placed on a rotating cylinder.
Many hundreds of such ICs are used.  The repulsion force produced will drive the central axle.  The claim is that over 188 HP was produced.

In principle, this technique should work as it can lead-out gravitational energy.  However the car could not climb up steep hills as the gravitational effect diminishes quickly with the angle of tilt.

The Tseung prototype is better in this aspect as lead-out electron motion energy is used.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on December 17, 2009, 10:41:35 PM
Improving the Tseung prototype

1. Use laser or other light control devices instead of the proximity switch. 
2. Vary the supplied Input Power in accordance with the external Load.  Program control is best but detailed data must be gathered first before meaningful programming can start.
3. The current and power through the relay should be increased by many orders of magnitude.  At present the PS can only take 24 Volts DC.
4. The loopback mechanism must be perfected.  There are two ways.  One is loopback to same wheel.  The other is to use the Output of one wheel for the Input of anther.
5. Encourage more positive feedbacks by selling the Educational Products as soon as possible.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 17, 2009, 11:01:50 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on December 17, 2009, 10:41:35 PM
Improving the Tseung prototype

1. Use laser or other light control devices instead of the proximity switch. 
2. Vary the supplied Input Power in accordance with the external Load.  Program control is best but detailed data must be gathered first before meaningful programming can start.
3. The current and power through the relay should be increased by many orders of magnitude.  At present the PS can only take 24 Volts DC.
4. The loopback mechanism must be perfected.  There are two ways.  One is loopback to same wheel.  The other is to use the Output of one wheel for the Input of anther.
5. Encourage more positive feedbacks by selling the Educational Products as soon as possible.

Hey Top Dork:

Looks like no one is interested in what you and your mirror image, old Tseung has to say. You've been preaching the same old boring stuff and until now, still has zip to show for!
That should put some reality into your thick skull?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on December 18, 2009, 06:55:09 AM
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FreeEnergy on December 18, 2009, 06:56:38 AM
3:56 AM
LOL! good night all!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on December 18, 2009, 11:51:16 AM
Quote from: Top Gun on December 17, 2009, 10:32:41 PM
Dr. Liang in China claimed to have used Hall Effect ICs to build a car that can run on level road without any fuel.
The technique is to use two types of ICs.  One is placed on a stationary cylinder.  The other is placed on a rotating cylinder.
Many hundreds of such ICs are used.
I think that this is a different way of using Hall effect ICs. The application I have
in mind is using the chip to detect the presence of an approaching magnetic field
(for timing purposes).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 18, 2009, 12:04:07 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on December 18, 2009, 11:51:16 AM
I think that this is a different way of using Hall effect ICs. The application I have
in mind is using the chip to detect the presence of an approaching magnetic field
(for timing purposes).

Ah, So! I'm sorry to tell you that you're not going to get proper advice by asking delusional patients in a mental asylum, especially those who can't tell who they are!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on December 18, 2009, 04:13:55 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on December 17, 2009, 11:58:56 AM
Do your homework.
Well just saying wrong isnt going to cut it. So where is a one watt device?????
better still where is one that can be closed looped?
I know a lot of people who have spent many years trying to find one.
However I am happy to have a good laugh at your posts along with our good friend in his funny white hat. However it appears his fan club has waned a lot over the last two years...can't figure that one out.
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on December 18, 2009, 05:14:56 PM

Merry christmass and happy new year!

If you want to get your share from a circuit that seems to self run go to the jule thief thread at this link and take advantage of it.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: nievesoliveras on December 18, 2009, 05:26:26 PM

By the way. The circuit's code is at this link on the same thread.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on December 18, 2009, 05:57:34 PM
Quote from: markdansie on December 18, 2009, 04:13:55 PM
So where is a one watt device?????
I have told you once. I shall not tell you again.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on December 18, 2009, 09:19:53 PM
@Chris C and all,
Please have a great Xmas and new year and I look for another exciting year next year.
I am sure Lee-Tseung will provide us with a few laughs (like a comic strip), and many more fun things will surface to investigate. I am sure another Mylow will surface (although Steorn are doing a good job as a fill in act)
There is some good stuff happenning in some of the other threads.
Thank you Pirate , Jeanna and the many other regular contributors.
Finally , thanks to our host Stephan.
Wish you happiness and a good holiday
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 18, 2009, 10:36:47 PM
Another Input Voltage and Current Waveform picture

This picture shows the Input Voltage and Current synchronized.  It is essentially Voltage and Current against Time.  We can derive the Power against Time curve as Power = Voltage x Current.  The shape should also be somewhat rectangular peaks.  The Input Energy over Time interval t1 is the area inside the peaks over that interval t1.

There were some previous discussions on whether the Input Voltage should be the battery voltage of 12 Volts or the RMS value.  It is clear that the RMS value should be used.  Experimentally, the voltmeter should be placed in position B as shown.

Merry Christmas to you all

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 19, 2009, 02:42:02 AM
The Swapping Battery Test

We have now tuned the Wheel so that the DC Voltage Output at no load was over 24 Volts.  This can indeed recharge a 12V battery or two 6V batteries.  The recharging is successful.  We shall be doing the swapping test in the next few days.

The test will involve the following:

1.   Start with a fully charged battery A (e.g. 12.55V) and a somewhat drained battery B(e.g. 12.00V).
2.   A is connected to the Drive Coils and B is recharged via the Collector Coils.
3.   B can be rapidly recharged to over 12.55V while A drops to around 12.00V in less than 5 minutes.
4.   A 3watt lamp can be turned on from time to time when we find the recharging is too fast.  The recharging time slows down.
5.   We can put digital voltmeters on both batteries to check their voltages simultaneously at all times.
6.   The role of A and B are then swapped.
7.   Kenneth Chong is designing a more automatic procedure so that we do not need to keep doing the manual swapping (of clipping and unclipping wires).

We shall have the video and the results after a few hundred swaps.  If the batteries retain their charge and the 3watt lamp can be on for a few hours, we can conclusively demonstrate Overunity in a different way.  Our entry to the overunity.com competition will be technically more solid.  We plan this as a Christmas Gift to the technical people of the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on December 19, 2009, 01:18:26 PM
Quote from: markdansie on December 18, 2009, 04:13:55 PM
Well just saying wrong isnt going to cut it. So where is a one watt device?????
better still where is one that can be closed looped?
I know a lot of people who have spent many years trying to find one.
However I am happy to have a good laugh at your posts along with our good friend in his funny white hat. However it appears his fan club has waned a lot over the last two years...can't figure that one out.
Kind Regards
the SEC from stiffler can be closed looped. i posted how i closed looped mine in that thread... it doesn't sound to me like you or those 'people' have been looking hard or close enough...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on December 19, 2009, 03:45:00 PM

I think these people might have stolen your idea and put it into production.


Mark :(

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 19, 2009, 10:38:08 PM
Quote from: markdansie on December 19, 2009, 03:45:00 PM

I think these people might have stolen your idea and put it into production.


Mark :(

haha! Good find Mark. Hilarious indeed. I don't supposed Lawrence's technology is anywhere as advanced as what's on the video. He doesn't even have a enclosure for his flimsy 1W $20K prototype. Look at how much trouble he needs to manually swap the batteries in and out and under no load?

Hopefully the New Year will bring Lawrence some reality check to this O.U nonsense (done the Lee-Tseung way).

Other than that, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all, Lawrence and his entourage included. I will be off to Lake Tahoe with my family for a few days of snowboarding & snow sport next week. Take care to all.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: PaulLowrance on December 20, 2009, 10:44:39 AM

Someone was nice to let me know about this thread. Any specific pages in this thread someone recommends above the others?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: PaulLowrance on December 20, 2009, 10:52:45 AM
Ah, there's that thug, chrisC. He's now on my ignore list.

Lawrence Tseung, keep up the great work! A lot of people appreciate it.

BTW, I was just watching the Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Energy Machine. What an amazing achievement. And I love the measurements. Simple straightforward DC measurements,

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 20, 2009, 01:52:17 PM
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 20, 2009, 10:44:39 AM

Someone was nice to let me know about this thread. Any specific pages in this thread someone recommends above the others?

Read the entire thread, you will enjoy it.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on December 20, 2009, 06:01:12 PM
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 20, 2009, 10:44:39 AM
Someone was nice to let me know about this thread. Any specific pages in this thread someone recommends above the others?
As is so aften the case, one should check out Patrick first:
Paper 47 and 48. I should one of the chapters refers, but not
sure which one.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on December 21, 2009, 01:58:58 AM
Hi, can you put me on your ignor list as well.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 21, 2009, 06:25:21 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on December 20, 2009, 06:01:12 PM
As is so aften the case, one should check out Patrick first:
Paper 47 and 48. I should one of the chapters refers, but not
sure which one.


Patrick Kelly indeed compiled much great information.  If you want organized, carefully explained information, that site ranks amongst the best.

Instead of using Lead-Out Energy, he uses the term - bringing energy from the environment.  Same concept, different terms.

Chapter 4  Gravity Pulsed Systems

It is not generally realized that excess energy can be obtained from pulsing a flywheel or other gravitational device….

We shall add suitable flywheels to our wheel.  Preliminary results indicate that the COP can be increased to more than 4.  Now we have the scopes, we can determine Input and Output power much more accurately.  (Also impress more!)

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: PaulLowrance on December 21, 2009, 12:16:58 PM
Quote from: markdansie on December 21, 2009, 01:58:58 AMHi, can you put me on your ignor list as well.

Thank you. Will do.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 22, 2009, 03:18:28 AM
What is the force and energy to pull two powerful magnets apart?

The answer is obvious to those who actually tried it.  It depends on how you do it!
1.   Try to pull it in opposite direction against the force of attraction.  This will require a large amount of force and considerable energy will be spent.
2.   Try to slide one magnet sideways first.  This will require considerable less force and consume much less energy,

Many people thought that pulling apart magnets would require X amount of energy.  Putting them back will get back at most X amount of energy.  Is that assumption correct?  Will it be possible to spend a small amount of energy x1 to pull it apart and gain back a larger amount x2 when the magnets got back together?  What would happen to the Law of Conservation of Energy in this case? 

What is the amount of energy to separate the water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen (H2O)? When people do not know any other way, they thought electrolysis was the best way.  Is that assumption correct?  Can we use a small amount of energy y1 to separate water molecules and get back a larger amount of energy y2 when we recombine them? What would happen to the Law of Conservation of Energy in this case?

This will be the Christmas puzzle for the top guns?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on December 22, 2009, 09:35:23 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 22, 2009, 03:18:28 AM
What is the force and energy to pull two powerful magnets apart?

The answer is obvious to those who actually tried it.  It depends on how you do it!
1.   Try to pull it in opposite direction against the force of attraction.  This will require a large amount of force and considerable energy will be spent.
2.   Try to slide one magnet sideways first.  This will require considerable less force and consume much less energy,

This is incorrect.  How many years have gone by and you still make the same elementary physics mistakes that you did in the beginning.  I am an amateur at this, and even I can spot your errors.  You confuse force with energy, just like you did in the very beginning of this thread when you equated gravity with solar radiation.

To slide a magnet apart requires less force but the force must be applied over a longer distance.  In both cases, when accounting for friction, the work done is exactly the same, and the energy expended is identical.

You have discovered the concept behind simple machines like the lever and the double pulley system.  They are great for making the job easier when you are unable to apply a strong enough force, but they do not save any energy.

Technically, sliding the magnet apart actually requires more energy than pulling it apart, as there is more friction along the way.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: broli on December 22, 2009, 10:58:27 AM
Quote from: shruggedatlas on December 22, 2009, 09:35:23 AM

To slide a magnet apart requires less force but the force must be applied over a longer distance.  In both cases, when accounting for friction, the work done is exactly the same, and the energy expended is identical.

Technically, sliding the magnet apart actually requires more energy than pulling it apart, as there is more friction along the way.

Please share your data, or are you just the next parrot in line that is pulling claims out of his ass???

People have performed these experiments and found potential energy differentials. If you don't agree perform your own experiments and publish the data, either that or shut the hell up and let people work in peace.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on December 22, 2009, 11:38:20 AM
Quote from: broli on December 22, 2009, 10:58:27 AM
Please share your data, or are you just the next parrot in line that is pulling claims out of his ass???

People have performed these experiments and found potential energy differentials. If you don't agree perform your own experiments and publish the data, either that or shut the hell up and let people work in peace.


And should I perform experiments demonstrating that a square wheel does not roll as efficiently as a round one for you too?

As for the things you cite, when is JL Naudin not finding free energy?  And PESWiki, please.  Isn't that the place where Mylow was the real deal?

Basic physics says otherwise, and if you want to do your own experiments on the matter, knock yourself out.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on December 22, 2009, 11:44:55 AM
Say there Shrugged,

          I have made some very interesting contraptions with magnets and washers.

          If you put magnets around the outside of a large washer (4 inches),
          and take a smaller Washer (3 inches) and let it attract to the large washer...

          You can then position the smaller Washer to the very center and it will fall away.
           It is very curious and appears magic to someone accustomed to playing with magnets.


The real crux of what Mr. Tseung is saying is...

              I CAN > i can't


       Millions of times human kind has achieved the "impossible."

               Never has the impossible been achieved by a person who said "i can't"
               Always without exception it has be achieved by some who said "I CAN".


Yes, Shrugged, I know you can't... Chris C certainly can't as well as a host of others here.

                                           Oh Well... thank God for the rest of us.

May the sun shine on calm waters Mr Tseung,
                                                                             The Observer
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: shruggedatlas on December 22, 2009, 12:18:28 PM
Quote from: The Observer on December 22, 2009, 11:44:55 AM
The real crux of what Mr. Tseung is saying is...

              I CAN > i can't

This is not a philosophical debate, but there are different kinds of impossible.  There is the really difficult, which people sometimes call impossible, and there is the truly impossible.  The example always trotted out is man going to the moon, but really, no serious person ever said it was impossible to do at all, maybe impossible with technology at the time.  And they were mistaken.

How about magic genie lamps.  Are those possible?  They sure would be great to have.  Let's all devote all our energy to capturing genies and stuffing them in lamps.

Look, this is a practical discussion.  There are many things we already know about magnets, and there is no need to reinvent the wheel each time we sit down at a workbench.  Let's move forward from the basics.  What Lawrence is saying is not true, and if you doubt it, try it.  JL Naudin actually draws out how a machine could be made to take advantage of this supposed energy gain.  It has zero chance of working, but if you want to make it, go ahead.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on December 22, 2009, 01:52:36 PM

There are 2 phenomena that I am aware of that are non-linear and show a so called over-unity effect.

      1. Resonance... when a small vibration causes a large vibration in a much larger object.

      2. Ferromagnetic Material's Anisotropic Energy... Why people use ferro-electromagnets instead of just a coil.

Because Mr Tsueng is utilizing both of these phenomena in his inventions,
                                                                                                                              I would say he is on the right track.

Best Regards,
                       The Observer
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on December 22, 2009, 03:39:38 PM
@ broli,

Have you read the rebuttal written by Ken Rauen on http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Kedron:Eden_Project:Permanent_Magnet_Energy_Gain ?

It’s very well described there: “Sliding magnets sideways does have lower forces, but substantial force exists for a longer distance…”.
The experimental device for such monster magnets on the sliding variant shall integrate for many meters (maybe as far as 3-4m, from my experience). Naudin stops integrating at a very “convenient point” but one can see even on his data that the graph for sliding case is falling much slower than the other graph...
Yu (among the latest cases) and many others in the past did the same mistake of ignoring the integral over long distances just because the forces seemed negligible. Well, forces may be small but they decay slowly with distance and due to the large distances involved, the work is significant.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on December 22, 2009, 05:09:58 PM

I read this small news item the other day:

A car backs over a little girl...according to the victim, her neighbor a 32 year old man rushed over and tossed the vehicle off her.

According to the man he doesn't know how he did it.

I myself have seen the "impossible" happen before my eyes.

There is more to this world than we know for sure...I not naive enough to think I can determine where the limits to what is possible are.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 22, 2009, 10:44:43 PM
More discussion on Input Energy to the Tong Po Chi Wheel

After much discussion, we redrew our Input Voltage Picture to include the “hidden Source” XX.  In our wheel, the Drive Coil also acted as a Collector Coil even though we did not want to.  The reason was that when the Pulse stopped, there was still a rotating magnetic field.  That would induce current on our Drive Coil.

To get the correct Input Power to our wheel, we needed to eliminate this AC Power Contribution.  This AC Power Contribution should be part of the Output!  The best way might be to use the Scope.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 22, 2009, 11:33:29 PM
The second session with the Technical Evaluator from China

Quote from: ltseung888 on December 07, 2009, 03:05:07 AM
Progress with the Technical Evaluator from China

Evaluator: “Mr. Tseung, I finally got our replication of your prototype to spin.”

Tseung: “Good job.  It only took you 4 weeks.  Some other groups spent much longer than that.”

Evaluator: “My people went to your Show in the Hong Kong Convention Center.  My people asked your grand daughter to deliberately get off the pre-set position.  She did.  Your demonstration prototype did not show overunity any more.  She was good to reset it.  Our people learned the secret.”

Tseung: “Forever told me about it.  But I did not realize that it was your people.”

Evaluator:  “We were almost at the point of rejecting your claim since we could not reproduce the results.  We re-examined the video we took.  We decided to see your prototype without informing you first.”

Tseung: “How did you get it to work?”

Evaluator: “Once we realized that it was some kind of resonance or tuning phenomena, we took the approach of varying the different parameters.  Our replication was not absolutely identical to yours.  We had to play around for hours to get the correct tuning.”

Tseung: “Do you believe us now?”

Evaluator: “Seeing is believing.  Building the prototype from scratch creates absolute certainty.  We have to be very careful with your claim.  It will change history."”

Tseung: “What should be our next move?”

Evaluator: “Continue your development of the 5KW Electricity Generator.  I am sure that our Government will put in vast resources when the Senior Officials see that it actually works.  Do not worry about investment.  China has plenty of money.”

Tseung: "Thank you for inviting me to do another presentation.  What is the status of your formal evaluation report?"

Evaluator: "Your 1 watt overunity demonstration machine impressed many people, including some hardliners.  However, they convinced the Senior Officials to wait until you have a 5KW unit before Official Support.  When will that happen?"

Tseung: "Mr. Tong had no place to work for a few weeks.  We could only do tests that would not make changes to our Wheel with Kenneth.  Can you help?"

Now Tong has a rent-free place but will require a few weeks to settle down.  The next prototype is likely to generate 300 watts.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 23, 2009, 09:00:23 AM

It looks like steorn is demonstrating a device with 4 permanent magnets in a rotor and 4 stationary coils.

This is similar to one of our early prototypes.

Looks like Lead-Out Energy theory will lead the way for many overunity devices.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 23, 2009, 07:33:53 PM
Some juicy discussions with Mr. Chen

Quote from: ltseung888 on December 22, 2009, 10:44:43 PM
More discussion on Input Energy to the Tong Po Chi Wheel

After much discussion, we redrew our Input Voltage Picture to include the “hidden Source” XX.  In our wheel, the Drive Coil also acted as a Collector Coil even though we did not want to.  The reason was that when the Pulse stopped, there was still a rotating magnetic field.  That would induce current on our Drive Coil.

To get the correct Input Power to our wheel, we needed to eliminate this AC Power Contribution.  This AC Power Contribution should be part of the Output!  The best way might be to use the Scope.

Chen: "The Input Power should be the total power from the Drive Coils.  That includes both the DC and AC components.  As an independent consultant taking measurements, I do not need to understand any Lead-Out theory.”

Tseung: “But the supplied Input Power comes from the Battery which can only provide DC power.  The AC component is hidden.  It is induced by the rotating wheel with magnets on the Drive Coil.”

Chen: “You used the term HIDDEN.  When the average scientist cannot see something, that something does not exist.  When the average scientist cannot see gravitational energy entering your device, gravitational energy does not exist.”

Tseung: “How about the top scientists?”

Chen: “They can obviously see it.  However, if they openly support you without absolute, undisputable experimental evidence, they will be jeered and laughed at.  You have seen the jeers and insults from the paid debunkers in this forum.”

Tseung: “The 1 watt overunity device will satisfy the overunity.com competition.  The 5KW version will satisfy the Chinese Government.  How about the 300 watt version?”

Chen: “It will satisfy those who want to make money.  They will help you or copy you.”

Tseung: “In that case, the World will benefit.  They can make money â€" that can be created by Governments from thin air.”

Chen: “If Lead-Out Energy theory is correct and the machines can be produced, your goal is fulfilled.  What is the worry?  There will be scientific arguments.  I do not see the HIDDEN AC source.  I can argue about its existence.  But if I see the 5KW electricity generator cutting my electricity bills to zero, I shall withdraw my objections.  1 watt is too small.  It might be due to experimental error.”

Tseung: “ Thank you and Merry Christmas.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on December 23, 2009, 08:22:00 PM

Merry Christmas to you, and Forever, and the rest of your family.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaalset on December 24, 2009, 03:46:35 AM
Merry Christmas, Lawrence &  all constructive contributors to this thread!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 24, 2009, 08:49:49 AM
Shapes of the Input Voltage, Current and Power

I shall post the shapes of the Input Voltage, Current and Power waveforms with different setting of the Proximity Switch here.
You are welcome to comment and add your interpetations.

My interpetation is that there is a DC component due to the Pulse PLUS an AC component due to the Drive Coil acting as Collector Coil (induced or referred to as Back Electromagnetic Force BEMF by some).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 24, 2009, 10:14:56 AM
Power as measure from Position A and Position B

Virtually identical.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 24, 2009, 10:30:00 AM
Compare Input Energy with Output Energy in 1 cycle

Scope used did not have the area calculation function.  Will get the better (and much more expensive) scope to repeat experiment.

Also improve the efficiency with flywheel first.  Repeat after improvement.

The manual area counting technique is only an approximation.  Do not use that figure as Gospel.  Wait for more accurate measurements.  Different people got different results (COP from 1.11 to 1.20).  I got 1.14.

There is still discussion on whether we should take the sharp peak away from Input and add it to Output.  That would improve COP to 1.8.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 24, 2009, 07:32:48 PM
Area Comparison

We can use the Paint program to turn black backgound into white.

We can also resize the waveforms so that they represent same units so that we can compare correctly.

We can enlarge the bitmap picture to compare up to the individual pixels.

We shall show this technique when all problems have been smoothed out.  Or we can use the better scope which could do all that for us!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 25, 2009, 05:03:37 PM
What is involved in the 300 watt prototype?

There are different ways to improve the 1 watt prototype to 300 watts.  These ways include:

1.   Replace the proximity switch with light or laser control devices.  This solution will be tested shortly.  This will allow more accurate timing, faster rotational speed and ease of programming later on.
2.   Adding a suitable flywheel to lead out additional gravitational energy.  This is a very easy  engineering solution.  It will be tried as soon as Tong gets his new place ready.
3.   Loopback.  There can be loopback to same wheel or use the output of one as the input to another.  This solution may need to wait until solution 1 is completed.
4.   Larger Wheel.  We shall let some other team work on this.  The wheels can use spokes to allow for much larger effective diameters.
5.   Use energy from the shaft.  We do not need to worry about the number of Collector Coils.
6.   Use of soft iron rods in the core of Collector Coils.  This also appears to be a simple solution.

When we already have an overunity device verified and shown to thousands, the pressure is off.  It is just a matter of improvement now.  (Once the light bulb can shine for 10 seconds, it can be improved to last for minutes and hours,)

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 26, 2009, 06:01:09 PM
Comments on the practical Device
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 25, 2009, 05:03:37 PM
What is involved in the 300 watt prototype?

There are different ways to improve the 1 watt prototype to 300 watts.  These ways include:

1.   Replace the proximity switch with light or laser control devices.  This solution will be tested shortly.  This will allow more accurate timing, faster rotational speed and ease of programming later on.
2.   Adding a suitable flywheel to lead out additional gravitational energy.  This is a very easy  engineering solution.  It will be tried as soon as Tong gets his new place ready.
3.   Loopback.  There can be loopback to same wheel or use the output of one as the input to another.  This solution may need to wait until solution 1 is completed.
4.   Larger Wheel.  We shall let some other team work on this.  The wheels can use spokes to allow for much larger effective diameters.
5.   Use energy from the shaft.  We do not need to worry about the number of Collector Coils.
6.   Use of soft iron rods in the core of Collector Coils.  This also appears to be a simple solution.

When we already have an overunity device verified and shown to thousands, the pressure is off.  It is just a matter of improvement now.  (Once the light bulb can shine for 10 seconds, it can be improved to last for minutes and hours)
Mr. Wong: “The light bulb that can shine for 10 seconds is not practical.  I would not invest in it.  However, I would be interested in investing in a light bulb that can shine for 10 hours.”
Tseung: “Scientifically, the 10 second light bulb already illustrated the principle.”
Mr. Wong: “A business person is not interested in principles.  I am interested in making money.  When your device can generate 5KW, call me again.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on December 28, 2009, 07:32:41 PM
Keep moving no matter what happens

Quote from: ltseung888 on December 26, 2009, 06:01:09 PM

Comments on the practical Device

Mr. Wong: “The light bulb that can shine for 10 seconds is not practical.  I would not invest in it.  However, I would be interested in investing in a light bulb that can shine for 10 hours.”

Tseung: “Scientifically, the 10 second light bulb already illustrated the principle.”

Mr. Wong: “A business person is not interested in principles.  I am interested in making money.  When your device can generate 5KW, call me again.”

Tseung. Your success depends on moving forward no matter what others say, think or do.  You et al have made great progress on little resources.  There will be setbacks.  You may not get much support now or in the near future.

To be realistic, the top-secret Government Research Organizations are far advanced than you in this Lead-Out Energy research.  Your work will force them to declassify the information sooner.  If you et al can build a 5 KW electricity generator with part-time helpers and no working space, any nation, no matter how poor, will be able to do so.  If you share every step including the mistakes and jeers, others can learn.  The inspiration will be your contribution to the World.

Take it from the Devil, you still have a long path before the demonstration of your 5 KW electricity generator. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 28, 2009, 10:35:21 PM
Explaining Slide 5 again

A very knowledgeable free energy researcher had some problem with our Slide 5.

Researcher: “I do not see the connection between the pendulum, the unbalanced wheel and the pulsed gravitational wheel in your slide.  Can you explain it?”

Tseung: “You already accepted that gravitational energy can be lead-out by the pulled pendulum.  The energy you use to pull it horizontally will lead-out some gravitational energy.  The amount of gravitational energy lead-out is equal to vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement.”

Researcher: “Yes.  I understood and accepted that.”

Tseung: “The unbalanced wheel is effectively a pendulum.  If you push the weight to the RHS, you will lead-out gravitational energy.  It is better than the pendulum.  In the case of the pendulum, you have to release it and wait for it to come back to the RHS before you can apply the pull/push (to lead out gravitational energy) again.  In the case of the unbalanced wheel,  after you release the weight and after the lead-out energy has entered the system, you can push it again while it is rotating.  The rotation can be 360 degrees.”

Researcher: “But what is the link with the pulsed gravitational wheel?”

Tseung: “In the 17th Century, a German watch maker, Bessler, built a 16 feet wheel that could lift some weights and rotated for 90 days.  A few thousand people saw it.  However, he did not reveal the construction of his wheel.  When he did not receive any financial investment, he destroyed the machine and took the secret to his grave.  When we understood the Lead-Out theory, we asked Mr. Sun to build the simple gravitational wheel for us.  The wheel with the two tubes having hard surfaces rotated for about 2.5 minutes.  The same wheel with the two tubes having one hard surface and one soft surface rotated for 5 minutes.  You can see the experimental results on youtube.”

The links are:

Researcher: “How does that relay to the magnetic wheel?”

Tseung: “The moment we understood that we could extract gravitational energy from gravity, I asked Forever to do the magnetic pendulum experiment.  She replaced the pendulum bob with a magnet and placed other strong magnet at the bottom to see the changes in swinging time or period.  The result was successful.”

Researcher: “Are you extracting magnetic energy from the magnetic field of the Earth or the magnetic energy from the permanent magnets?”

Tseung: “No.  Magnetic energy comes from Electron Motion.  When an electron orbits around the nucleus, it already shows the properties of a North and a South Pole.  You can imagine it as a tiny magnet.  We have billions and billions of orbiting Electrons in any object.  We use magnetic or electromagnetic fields to influence the motion of these orbiting Electrons and lead-out their energy.”

Researcher: “Will these electrons rotate slower and slower and fall into the nucleus?”

Tseung: “No.  Our universe is not a closed system.  We have electromagnetic energy exchanges occurring all the time including outer space.  It is true that our wheel runs cold.  You can feel the coils after the wheel ran for a couple of minutes.  They feel cool.”

Researcher: “So you are claiming that your lead-out energy machine can lead-out electron motion energy.  The electron motion energy can be replenished by electromagnetic energy exchanges with the surrounding.”

Tseung: “Correct.  I believe that you are seeing the light.  Once you understand and accept the above explanation, the rest will be easy.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: mscoffman on December 29, 2009, 01:22:11 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 26, 2009, 06:01:09 PM

Mr. Wong: “A business person is not interested in principles.  I am interested in making money.  When your device can generate 5KW, call me again.”

Right, well wouldn't it be nice if a finished product just falls out of the first
stages of R&D...Like having loaves of bread growing directly from wheat plants.

Unfortunately, Things don't work out that way. Ignore the people that say they
want this. Designing an efficient and workable finished product is long hard slog,
best done by competition of a number of people in a number of organizations.
Prove the principle first, in a low cost, low risk device.


By the way, boosting lead-out energy to a COP of 3x times,
if possible, makes a lot of sense from balance of system standpoint.
This is inverse Carnot cycle loss for a reasonable working temperature

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on December 30, 2009, 06:54:42 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on December 26, 2009, 06:01:09 PM
Mr. Wong: “A business person is not interested in principles.  I am interested in making money.  When your device can generate 5KW, call me again.”
Many business people ARE interested in principles.

I suspect that if Mr Wong is unwilling to help when help is needed, then when it is not, Lawrence may
well forget about Mr Wong, and ring someone else. for instance:
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on December 31, 2009, 07:04:31 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on December 30, 2009, 06:54:42 AM
Many business people ARE interested in principles.

I suspect that if Mr Wong is unwilling to help when help is needed, then when it is not, Lawrence may
well forget about Mr Wong, and ring someone else. for instance:
..or, indeed, these potential backers with deep pockets:
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 31, 2009, 12:47:41 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on December 31, 2009, 07:04:31 AM
..or, indeed, these potential backers with deep pockets:

People with deep pockets have deep pockets for a reason. They don't bark at the wrong tree(s) (in this multiple personality case!).

Sigh... After another year, the same players seemed to be as deluded as ever.

However, I do wish everyone a Happy New Year and hopefully the next year will bring much soberness to deluded and naive minds.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on December 31, 2009, 05:41:42 PM
New Year Resolution for 2010

1. Continue the development of the Lead-Out Energy Machines no matter what happens.  There may be jeers, insults, lack of funds, setbacks etc.  These roadblocks will be the favors of life.  Staring at the TV is not fun.

2. Build the 5KW electricity generator for Beijing.  Start with the 300 watt version.  This means replacing the Proximity Switch, adding flywheels, putting soft iron rods in Collector Coils, etc.  Much of the work can be done by other teams.  Let them shine.  Worldwide publicity can wait until the 5KW prototype is ready.  We shall continue to show the existing prototypes when appropriate.

3. Wait for the appropriate moment to manufacture the Educational Product.  The initial thought was that one watt overunity would be sufficient.  The manufacturers and potential buyers now see the possibilities and would like to wait for the results of further developments.

4. Wait for the appropriate moment to turn the ebook into a paperback book.  The plan is to market the Book at the same time as the Educational Product.

5. Benefit the World with the sharing of on-going developments.  These will include some raw data, some assumptions, some discussion sessions, some misunderstandings or misinterpretations, some wrong directions etc.  We are scientists and the path of discovery or inventiveness will not be straight.  We are the ones to hack out a path for the new comers.  Some may prefer to wait until the road is built.  Some may want to share the joy and sweat. 

6. Help Seedlings Innovate.  Provide opportunities for the Seedlings such as Forever, Debbie, Miller etc. to learn, present and experiment.  They know that it is not textbook material.   They know that it will require thinking and analyzing the unknown.  They know that they are exploring a “new Continent”.  They are to discover and record many new things for the World.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on December 31, 2009, 07:16:28 PM
perhaps it might be a good time to reflect on the year that past. You made a number of promises and claims and by the end of the year you ended up with nothing. The highlights included:
1. promise to demonstrate a 5 kw device.
2. promises to have your devices tested by different Universities and others
3. A $20, 000 course where people would be taught to build one(how did the course go)
4. Students building several devices up to 50 watts.
from what I can make of this ongoing comedy you hvae nothing that can demonstrate OU..not even 1 watt. However this is a big improvement on the year before where you were predicting the ufo's coming to the Olympic games etc etc.
So here is suggestion. I encourage you to continue with your work, but cut the crap about what you are going to do and just tell us when you have done it.
Happy New Year
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on December 31, 2009, 07:25:40 PM
Quote from: markdansie on December 31, 2009, 07:16:28 PM
I encourage you to continue with your work, but cut the crap about what you are going to do and just tell us when you have done it.

The answer is sadly, NOTHING serious, just a lot of typing on the keyboard! The comedy was good though.
Maybe some day, Lawrence will surely take his medication and sadly, our comedy central will come to an end!

Happy New Year to you Mark.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 01, 2010, 03:14:02 AM
Looks like Steorn now have something real to show.

The orbo shown has 4 sets of magnets in the rotor and 4 stationary coils.  Optical sensor pulsing technique is used.

Sounds like our Tong Po Chi Wheel.  They also use oscilloscope to check waveforms.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 01, 2010, 04:54:15 AM
Looks to me like Steorn has invented a Bedini motor.  I see no difference between that motor in the video and the 3 Bedini's I have built, except Steorn's does not turn nearly as fast as mine do.  In fact, it is very slow in comparison.

Happy New Year Lawrence.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tagor on January 01, 2010, 05:09:09 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 01, 2010, 04:54:15 AM
Looks to me like Steorn has invented a Bedini motor.  I see no difference between that motor in the video and the 3 Bedini's I have built, except Steorn's does not turn nearly as fast as mine do.  In fact, it is very slow in comparison.

Happy New Year Lawrence.



yes it is bedini's like ...
but have you seen a bedini self runner ?

Happy New Year
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: mscoffman on January 01, 2010, 12:45:28 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 01, 2010, 04:54:15 AM
Looks to me like Steorn has invented a Bedini motor.  I see no difference between that motor in the video and the 3 Bedini's I have built, except Steorn's does not turn nearly as fast as mine do.  In fact, it is very slow in comparison.

Happy New Year Lawrence.


Bedini's usually operate at +6 to 12Vdc or more. Steorn's demo is 1.5Vdc

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 01, 2010, 05:59:51 PM
The Steorn Motor

Let me analyze the Steorn Motor and compare it with our Tong Po Chi Wheel.

1.   Both have permanent magnets in the inner rotor.

2.   Both have coils on the outer stator.  However, the coils are wound and mounted differently.  The Steorn Motor has the coils in a toroidal fashion.  The toroids have soft iron core.  The magnets are attracted.  The pulse circuit sends a tinny current to the toroid and effectively changes the magnetic field.  It is a shielding effect.  Thus the attraction force is reduced when the magnets are just opposite the coils.  The momentum will allow the wheel to pass the sticky point.  After the magnets passed the mid-point between two coils, the current is switched off.  The magnetic attraction will provide the force to rotate the wheel.

3.   The Tong Po Chi Wheel uses magnetic repulsion.  However, it can vary the number of Drive Coils from 1 to 15.  The coils are air coils in the demonstrated prototype.

4.   Both obey the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy theory in having pulsed rotation in a magnetic field.  Electron Motion energy is lead-out to provide the overunity effect.

5.   The Tong Po Chi Wheel uses Proximity Switch to do the sensing and the pulsing control.  This provides a slow rotational speed â€" giving time for the Lead-Out Energy Effect to complete.

6.   When we provide a pulse force to a system, the system will take time to complete its acceleration.  This means that the system will need time to allow both the supplied and the lead-out energy to enter into the system.  Too fast a rotation will NOT help.  Both the Steorn and the Tong machines have slow rotational speeds.

7.   The Steorn machine uses optical sensing and pulse control techniques.  If they have the mechanism to stop or slow down the pulsing when the rotational speed is too fast, they have a winning mechanism.  Kenneth is working on such a mechanism for the Tong Machine.

8.   The success of the Steorn Machine is just another confirmation of the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy theory.  (The Bedini Machine followers will be much better off if they change the pulsing control mechanism.  Slow it down so that the pulsing force has time to complete leading-out energy into the system.)

9.   Whether the Steorn or the Tong technique will provide a more efficient machine will depend on much more experiments and further research.  Super engineering skills are needed.  However, both approaches are valid.  Achieving overunity is no longer a dream. 

My conclusion is that the Steorn Machine as demonstrated in http://www.steorn.com is NOT a hoax.  It should be made bigger to provide effective overunity power. 

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 01, 2010, 06:16:02 PM
Quote from: mscoffman on January 01, 2010, 12:45:28 PM
Bedini's usually operate at +6 to 12Vdc or more. Steorn's demo is 1.5Vdc


Good point.  May be the magnetic shielding effect uses less energy than forced rotation via repulsion.  If forced repulsion can demonstrate overunity, the Steorn machine will do so.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: vonwolf on January 01, 2010, 06:53:10 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 01, 2010, 05:59:51 PM
The Steorn Motor

Let me analyze the Steorn Motor and compare it with our Tong Po Chi Wheel.

1.   Both have permanent magnets in the inner rotor.

2.   Both have coils on the outer stator.  However, the coils are wound and mounted differently.  The Steorn Motor has the coils in a toroidal fashion.  The toroids have soft iron core.  The magnets are attracted.  The pulse circuit sends a tinny current to the toroid and effectively changes the magnetic field.  It is a shielding effect.  Thus the attraction force is reduced when the magnets are just opposite the coils.  The momentum will allow the wheel to pass the sticky point.  After the magnets passed the mid-point between two coils, the current is switched off.  The magnetic attraction will provide the force to rotate the wheel.

3.   The Tong Po Chi Wheel uses magnetic repulsion.  However, it can vary the number of Drive Coils from 1 to 15.  The coils are air coils in the demonstrated prototype.

4.   Both obey the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy theory in having pulsed rotation in a magnetic field.  Electron Motion energy is lead-out to provide the overunity effect.

5.   The Tong Po Chi Wheel uses Proximity Switch to do the sensing and the pulsing control.  This provides a slow rotational speed â€" giving time for the Lead-Out Energy Effect to complete.

6.   When we provide a pulse force to a system, the system will take time to complete its acceleration.  This means that the system will need time to allow both the supplied and the lead-out energy to enter into the system.  Too fast a rotation will NOT help.  Both the Steorn and the Tong machines have slow rotational speeds.

7.   The Steorn machine uses optical sensing and pulse control techniques.  If they have the mechanism to stop or slow down the pulsing when the rotational speed is too fast, they have a winning mechanism.  Kenneth is working on such a mechanism for the Tong Machine.

8.   The success of the Steorn Machine is just another confirmation of the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy theory.  (The Bedini Machine followers will be much better off if they change the pulsing control mechanism.  Slow it down so that the pulsing force has time to complete leading-out energy into the system.)

9.   Whether the Steorn or the Tong technique will provide a more efficient machine will depend on much more experiments and further research.  Super engineering skills are needed.  However, both approaches are valid.  Achieving overunity is no longer a dream. 

My conclusion is that the Steorn Machine as demonstrated in http://www.steorn.com is NOT a hoax.  It should be made bigger to provide effective overunity power. 

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

I can not believe you are trying to take credit for Steorn's apparent success. Their motor has nothing to do with what ever you and your alter ego's are babbling on endlessly about. Don't try to bring them and Bedini in on your delusions.
  I have been watching this thread for a long time and I try to give you the benefit of the doubt but this is too much.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: tinu on January 01, 2010, 08:14:53 PM
So, after pondering into this page for a long, long time like 30s or so, I finally have a question: do you think both the Steorn Motor and your Tong Po Chi Wheel use the same type of electrons? If so, you've missed an important feature both devices share and point 10 shall be added accordingly. (I can also help you find other common features but I'm quite afraid of mibs. Oh well, what the heck: make both wheels circular - point 11. Do they use bearings? - point 12. For other points I expect a share of the free energy you'll get there). If not so, maybe you can expand on the list of differences between the two…

Oh, something else regarding the following:
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 01, 2010, 05:59:51 PM
Achieving overunity is no longer a dream. 
Can you post the slightest proof on that?
Did I miss something?!  ::)

And the last one:
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 01, 2010, 05:59:51 PM
It should be made bigger to...
Don’t you think it might help making it harder too?
Which is more important: bigger or harder?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 01, 2010, 10:21:58 PM
The best video to show the Steorn toroidal coil effect:
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on January 01, 2010, 10:36:43 PM

Hi Lawrence,
I am happy to invite you to a course for $20,000 where I will let you build one and you can take it home with you...I will even throw in an airfare and 1000 brochures to give out at a trade show.
Heck I will even throw in the plans to be sold through Sterlings freeenergynews website.
And wait , there is more. I will include a set of Mylow dvds titled "I am not a fraudster" This also includes some unseen footage of Mylow at the local fishing tackle shop.
Finally I will include a return airfare to Ireland for you to see the Steron device live.
I think its good value for $20,000 US.
Kind Regards
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on January 01, 2010, 10:40:56 PM
Quote from: tinu on January 01, 2010, 08:14:53 PM
Which is more important: bigger or harder?
This truly a universal question that has puzzled many for years.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: vonwolf on January 01, 2010, 11:05:24 PM
Quote from: markdansie on January 01, 2010, 10:36:43 PM

Hi Lawrence,
I am happy to invite you to a course for $20,000 where I will let you build one and you can take it home with you...I will even throw in an airfare and 1000 brochures to give out at a trade show.
Heck I will even throw in the plans to be sold through Sterlings freeenergynews website.
And wait , there is more. I will include a set of Mylow dvds titled "I am not a fraudster" This also includes some unseen footage of Mylow at the local fishing tackle shop.
Finally I will include a return airfare to Ireland for you to see the Steron device live.
I think its good value for $20,000 US.
Kind Regards

   Hi Mark
  Glad you pointed this out, it too proves the "Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy theory" because the pendulum Leads-Out the magnetic flux capacitor of the uhm,err well just take my word for it. It just does!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 02, 2010, 12:12:16 AM
Quote from: markdansie on January 01, 2010, 10:40:56 PM
This truly a universal question that has puzzled many for years.

Maybe dream 'harder' is more appropriate for Lawrence.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 02, 2010, 01:01:15 AM
The Lead-Out Energy Pendulum

Stefan put this video on today. 

Can a pulled or pushed pendulum lead-out gravitational energy?

Learn from Ms. Forever Yuen:

Tseung et al changed the focus on whether an OU device violates the Law of Conservation of Energy into:
Can the device Lead-Out (or bring-in) existing energy from the surrounding environment?

The Tong Po Chi Wheel has been demonstrated to over 20,000 visitors in two Open Shows in Hong Kong.  The Input and Output DC voltmeters and amp meters showed overunity.  The overunity power is only a few watts.  But that is good enough to enter the overunity.com competition.


Steorn can join the overunity.com competition.  The OU energy world will have fun.  Humans are stupid.  They will fight over who gets the credit.  Gravitational and Electron Motion Energy existed as long as the Universe itself.  Leading-out or bringing-in of such energy into a machine is simple and logical.  The stupid humans destroyed their own environment via unnecessary burning of fossil fuels.  The comedy is how they will fight over the spoils of the overunity or lead-out energy machines. ;D
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 02, 2010, 03:07:41 AM
Quote from: mscoffman on January 01, 2010, 12:45:28 PM
Bedini's usually operate at +6 to 12Vdc or more. Steorn's demo is 1.5Vdc


Mine will all run on less than that.  Try a single "dead" AA battery....way less than 1.5 volts.  I can even run them from my EER out in the garden.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 02, 2010, 03:39:17 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 02, 2010, 03:07:41 AM
Mine will all run on less than that.  Try a single "dead" AA battery....way less than 1.5 volts.  I can even run them from my EER out in the garden.


Let us try to start the machines with absolutely no batteries.  The output can provide a large enough power.  If the machine is OU, this must be possible. 

This will be one of our experiments - after the flywheel, battery swap and the 300 watt experiments.  The only problem at present is that Tong is busy doing projects at the Hong Kong Airport.   
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 02, 2010, 06:17:59 AM


" Tong is busy doing projects at the Hong Kong Airport "

Tong is a Doctor of proctology ?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on January 02, 2010, 09:10:13 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 02, 2010, 03:39:17 AM
Let us try to start the machines with absolutely no batteries.  The output can provide a large enough power.  If the machine is OU, this must be possible. 

This will be one of our experiments - after the flywheel, battery swap and the 300 watt experiments.  The only problem at present is that Tong is busy doing projects at the Hong Kong Airport.   

Mr. Tseung, you can do some of the non-destructive work yourself.  Putting various flywheels on, swappig batteris are not destructive.  Taking measurements with meters and oscilloscopes are not destructive.

You can try to replicate another wheel.  In that case, you do not need to worry about unintentionally destroying the demonstration prototype.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 02, 2010, 01:36:38 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on January 02, 2010, 09:10:13 AM
Mr. Tseung, you can do some of the non-destructive work yourself.  Putting various flywheels on, swappig batteris are not destructive.  Taking measurements with meters and oscilloscopes are not destructive.

You can try to replicate another wheel.  In that case, you do not need to worry about unintentionally destroying the demonstration prototype.

But Mr. Tseung still can't use a drill, even in 2010. He's bound to screw up! Better let him continue his delusions?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on January 02, 2010, 05:39:34 PM
The Better Hong Kong Radio Show

We shall have four 25 minute sessions to talk about our Lead-Out Energy Theory and demonstrate our prototype in the Better Hong Kong Radio Show.  The first recording will be in mid-January.  There will be links to video recordings.

It looks like Hong Kong will take the lead in the civilian research and development of this exciting energy field.  We shall have the US$20,000 course aired free to the World.  The theory will be discussed in great length.  The prototype will be shown with every component exposed.  We shall also compare our Tong prototype with those of Steorn, Bedini, Newman, Liang, Wang and the Adams Motor etc.

The World will benefit together.  Forever and others Seedlings will be the Stars in the Show.  Mr. Tseung will be the consultant in the background. Publicity will help to bring Lead-Out Energy faster to the World.   Gravitational and Electron Motion Energies are real.  Our machines can lead-out (or bring-in) them from the surrounding environment.

It is always better to have outside professionals to do the recordings.  They have better equipment and much better experience in such matters.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 02, 2010, 05:58:28 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on January 02, 2010, 05:39:34 PM
The Better Hong Kong Radio Show

.....  We shall have the US$20,000 course aired free to the World. 

Hahaha! You're funny old Tseung. I imagine you couldn't find any fool/s that will give you $20K for conducting some delusional mumbo jumbo Physics course!

Maybe these 'radio' stations can't pull in enough sane people? Are these DJ's mentally challenged too?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on January 02, 2010, 06:50:52 PM
"We shall also compare our Tong prototype with those of Steorn, Bedini, Newman, Liang, Wang and the Adams Motor etc."
This is a great comparison as evidence to date none of these work either. Well done. I am sure your credability will sky rocket.
I hope your radio program is in English I could be a regular caller.
Kind Regards

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 03, 2010, 09:08:10 AM
Flywheel Effect

I was lucky to find the lifting weights have hole that can be made to fit the axle of the Wheel.

Preliminary results indicate that tuning is required.  A 2.5 lb weight produced better result than a 5 lb weight.  We may need to use a larger but ligher flywheel for the best result.  Much more experiment is required.

*** I am more convinced that a factory built version with the known parameters tuned is necessary to properly demonstrate overunity.  Most OU devices followers have mixed results because they could not tune the device.  The inventors cannot help as every home built prototype is different.  I shall not commit the same mistake.

Now that I have the big Wheel in my bedroom, I can do much more experiments.  I shall work with one or more factories to manufacture the Educational Product.  It will be a running OU device from the factory and the buyer may disassemble and reassemble it to learn and improve. 

*** We have resolved the question of the best way to measure Input and Output Energy from the Pulsed Current and Voltage.  We shall use the oscilloscope power curve as the standard.  The much cheaper volt and amp meters will be used to show the trend but will not be used as the final result.

*** The remaining discussion is: In the Input waveform, there is the DC and the AC components.  Is it logical to take the AC component out and treat that as Lead-out Energy?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 03, 2010, 07:03:13 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 03, 2010, 09:08:10 AM
....  Is it logical to take the AC component out and treat that as Lead-out Energy?

I think it is more logical for you to take a community course in 'A' level Physics and then if you pass it, proceed to take another course in electro-magnetics and then finally if you also pass that, then take a final course in basic electronics. After passing these classes, you will have enough information to know you've wasted time pumping out 300 plus pages of misguided O.U 'research'! It's plain garbage and nonsense - mostly because you do not understand fundamentals.

Should have volunteered your time helping disadvantaged children in hospitals. Don't you think so, Mr. Tseung?

If you have been able to conclusively shown even 1W OU consistently, many top research institutions will be breaking down your door! Isn't it rather silly to unabashedly announce these $20K courses etc etc and end up 'giving' it away for free? Tens of thousands of people give away fully working large screen tube color TV's for free. Will others accept these free stuff? Apparently not, because they are considered garbage, since the real stuff is the razor thin LCD/LED TVs.

Well, IMO you should just stay a low profile and work quietly until you can prove conclusively this Lee-Tseung crap had merits. Other than that, I'm sure all of us wish you good health, prosperity and especially richly endowed  common sense.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on January 04, 2010, 12:32:16 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 03, 2010, 09:08:10 AM
Flywheel Effect

Preliminary results indicate that tuning is required.  A 2.5 lb weight produced better result than a 5 lb weight.
You have a shaft driven by an oscillating source with a flywheel.

This can be a problem for designers of ships' prop shafts and propellors
if the motors behave oddly.

You need to take into account the MECHANICAL resonance of this system,
and drive it under conditions which either minimises or maximises the effect
of the oscillating shaft and flywheel. (I am not sure which).


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 04, 2010, 08:48:56 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on January 04, 2010, 12:32:16 PM
You have a shaft driven by an oscillating source with a flywheel.

This can be a problem for designers of ships' prop shafts and propellors
if the motors behave oddly.

You need to take into account the MECHANICAL resonance of this system,
and drive it under conditions which either minimises or maximises the effect
of the oscillating shaft and flywheel. (I am not sure which).


We do not intend for our device to be directly connected to mechanical systems.  It is too difficult to tune for 'resonance' with external systems.  The most likely scenario is to have our Wheel as an electricity generator.  The mechanical systems can then run on the electricity we provide.  Wait until we have the 5KW electricity generator.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on January 05, 2010, 06:52:14 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 04, 2010, 08:48:56 PM
We do not intend for our device to be directly connected to mechanical systems...
With the flywheel in position, you have done just that.

The mechanical resonance issue could be why the results of fitting different flywheels are somewhat erratic.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 05, 2010, 05:01:04 PM

Looks like this group is better funded and organized than most.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 09, 2010, 05:08:11 PM
Objecting the Steorn Orbo?

People object to devices such as the Steorn Orbo because they thought that such devices violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  They did not understand (or have not learned) that gravitational and electron motion energy can be lead-out (or bring-in) from the surrounding environment.

They can learn from this thread or via a google search on “lead-out energy”.  If they are in Hong Kong, they can see the actual demo machine.   That Tong Po Chi Lead-Out energy machine is now at the Office of Dr. James Wong, the chairman of the Institute of Energy of Hong Kong.  He and his team will do more checking of the experimental results.

One good scientific point brought out by Kenneth Chong is that the best way to get good quantitative results for pulse energy is via the area under the Power Curve using the oscilloscope.   However, that gave rise to the heated debate on whether we could separate out the DC and AC components of the Curve.  The DC component is the supplied power.  The AC component is due to the Drive Coil acting as Collector Coil.  Such an analysis is not commonly done in the academic circles.

I expect the same discussion will be applied to the Steorn Orbo when they analyze the Input and Output Power waveforms further down the road.

The best strategy is to increase the efficiency and the actual output of the device â€" generating 5KW will be best.  Let us see which team will achieve that and openly demonstrate to the World first.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 09, 2010, 08:20:52 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 09, 2010, 05:08:11 PM
Objecting the Steorn Orbo?

People object to devices such as the Steorn Orbo because they thought that such devices violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  They did not understand (or have not learned) that gravitational and electron motion energy can be lead-out (or bring-in) from the surrounding environment.


Still trying so hard to 'piggy back' on Steorn's publicity? Well, don't be so sure.

After showing off this Orbo contraption to the world via LiveStream, for a couple of days, it's suddenly 'withdrawn' to being 'privately viewed!

Well, I don't know about you old Tseung. If this Orbo stuff is real and charging the battery with 3X excess power, this battery can go on forever, don't you think so? So, why the 'private' viewing. My simple brain tells me there is no excess power and therefore the battery died and the rest is just a cover up. Sounds familiar to you, doesn't it? After all, you've working on your crappy theory forever and still has nothing to show.

I wouldn't jump on the Steorn bandwagon so quickly. It really won't save your skin. You need to take a community college course in Physics first.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on January 10, 2010, 08:49:06 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on January 05, 2010, 06:52:14 AM
With the flywheel in position, you have done just that.

The mechanical resonance issue could be why the results of fitting different flywheels are somewhat erratic.
I should have said that the shaft/flywheel system will have a resonant frequency
when this system is subjected to a pulsed input, with or without a constant
rotational velocity component as well.

This touches on the matter - see post 21:
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on January 10, 2010, 10:39:35 AM
Chris C,

I would have to say you are about the biggest loser I have ever witnessed.

It appears you sit around... wait for Mr Tsueng make a comment,
                                                                               then proceed to immediately heckle the man.

                    Meanwhile, you have no f__ing idea what you are talking about !

Do you have a life of your own?
                                                       Or does your happiness depend on degrading Mr. Tseung's postings?
                                 You question that Gravitational Energy can be 'lead out'?
                                                     Look at the Moon / Tides Dumbass.

                                    You question that Electron Energy can be 'lead out'?
                                    Build a speaker without Ferro or Magnet ya Dipshit.

Dude, you are basically a blind mole without a clue.
           Put on your thinking cap and join us... or go have a Nice Circle Jerk with your other Heckling Buddies !

          I, and other honest members are tired of your Mindless Bullshit !
Stefan... I politely ask that Persistent Hecklers with nothing to contribute be dealt with.
               How many useless posts are you going to allow a man?
               Hundreds of pages of attacks? ... that's not right.

Important work has been done here... is being done here... and will be done here.

            ANYONE who doesn't like it
                                         and feels the need to constantly disrupt the proceedings
                                                                                                                        does not belong here !
                                                                 It's simple logic.

Cheerful Regards,
                              The Observer

P.S. Keep going Mr. Tseung.
        There is at least 1 person in America who thinks Electron and Gravitic Energy can be 'lead out'.
        You and your associates are doing Great Work.
        Thankyou !

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 10, 2010, 11:53:48 AM
Quote from: The Observer on January 10, 2010, 10:39:35 AM
Chris C,

I would have to say you are about the biggest loser I have ever witnessed.

It appears you sit around... wait for Mr Tsueng make a comment,
                                                                               then proceed to immediately heckle the man.

                    Meanwhile, you have no f__ing idea what you are talking about !

Do you have a life of your own?
                                                       Or does your happiness depend on degrading Mr. Tseung's postings?
                                 You question that Gravitational Energy can be 'lead out'?
                                                     Look at the Moon / Tides Dumbass.

Cheerful Regards,
                              The Observer

P.S. Keep going Mr. Tseung.
        There is at least 1  in America who thinks Electron and Gravitic Energy can be 'lead out'.
        You and your  are doing Great Work.
        Thankyou !

Well, Mr. so called 'The Observer', (since you have no real name), let's just assume Mr. Tseung proposes something much simpler, like the Earth revolves around the moon. O.K? Now, sane people will immediately do the right thing and challenge him & verify his theories. Right?

It appears that this  'The Observer' has not been observant enough to go through hundreds of old Tseung's delusional postings (starting from the simple & wrong pendulum physics) to his lack of understanding of electro-magnetics to trying to scam $20K from 'interested' parties etc etc and now, trying to piggy back to Steorn's efforts! Are you still reading and understanding?

Now, you're the real shit-head and dumbass if you still believe in this mumbo-jumbo garbage. Get a real name!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on January 10, 2010, 03:44:13 PM

The fact is, you don't have any ideas when it comes to the common goal at OU.com

                              If you do have some ideas... start a thread on it.

If not, then start a website called NoFreeEnergy.com where you and your cronies can have great conversations.

   That's a laugh... Why?
                                       Because you need to cut on us to feel good about yourselves.
                                                                                                                                               It's sad.

                  You are not protecting anybody here... we can fend for ourselves !
Get a life man,
                         The Observer
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 10, 2010, 06:05:15 PM
Possible Interview questions:

We shall be appearing on both the Better Hong Kong radio show and the US show being organized by Todd Hathaway.  The first session will be the Lead-Out Energy Theory.  Some relevant questions include:

1.   The greatest objection to OU devices is the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Energy cannot be created or destroyed.  Patent Offices routinely dismiss an invention as belonging to the impossible perpetual motion machine category if the inventor cannot identify the energy source.  What is the energy source of the Lead-Out Energy machines?

2.   Why is the Lead-Out Energy machine NOT an impossible perpetual motion machine?

3.   Gravitational energy can be lead-out (or bring-in) a single time if an objects rolled down a slope or fall from a height.  But we must supply energy to bring it back to its original high point.  This is the common understanding of all scientists.  How can you continuously lead-out (or bring-in) gravitational energy without supplying it totally yourself?

4.   You are saying that the horizontally pulled or pushed pendulum can lead-out gravitational energy via the tension of the string.  The vertical work done by the pendulum is equal to the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement.  You are claiming that this vertical work is the lead-out energy from gravity.  The mathematical proof is via the Parallelogram of Forces.  Has this proof been verified by qualified academics?

5.   If the pulled or pushed pendulum can lead-out gravitational energy, have any one ever built a device using this principle?

6.   If the Bessler’s Wheel built in the 17th Century were true, can you build a similar device with the knowledge and technology today?

7.   I know that you have shown the time difference between a wheel with falling balls in two tubes.  In one case, both tubes have identical hard surfaces at the ends(case 1).   In the other case, both tubes have one hard surface and one soft surface at the ends (case 2).  In case 1, the time of rotation was 2.5 minutes.  In case 2, the time of rotation was 5 minutes approximately.  Please explain why that verifies that Gravitational Energy was lead-out?

8.   If Gravitational Energy can be lead-out from the pulled or pushed pendulum, it is a simple matter to extend the idea to leading-out magnetic energy from a pulled or pushed magnetic pendulum.  Is the magnetic energy due to the magnetic field of the Earth?

9.   What is Electron Motion Energy?  You claimed that chemical energy is due to the different electron cloud surrounding different compounds.  Energy from chemical reactions is a form of Electron Motion Energy.  Is this view accepted by the academic community?

10.   Are you claiming that the lead-out energy machines such as the Tong Po Chi Wheel in the studio today can lead-out electron motion energy from the surrounding?  The surrounding happens to be the material around the room?

11.   Are you claiming that in space travel, you do not need to bring large quantities of chemical fuel as you can lead-out gravitational and electron motion energy that will always be present in any part of the universe?

12.   If you use some of the electron motion energy in your lead-out energy machine, what will happen to the surrounding?  Will the temperature drop? 

13.   How will the electron motion energy used be replenished?

14.   If Lead-out energy theory is correct, then many rejected patents might have to be revived as they are NOT impossible perpetual motion machines.  They are just some form of Lead-out energy machines.  What would happen to the Patent Offices around the World? 

15.   In the Tong Po Chi wheel at the studio today, you can demonstrate via the meters that the Output Energy is higher than the Input Energy.  To a layman, the evidence is absolutely conclusive.   What is the debate in the academic circles? 

16.   What is the best way to improve the Tong Po Chi device so that all academics will accept the experimental results?

Answers to the above questions will be in the Shows.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 10, 2010, 06:45:40 PM
Quote from: The Observer on January 10, 2010, 03:44:13 PM
                                                                                                                                               It's sad.

                  You are not protecting anybody here... we can fend for ourselves !
Get a life man,
                         The Observer

Pleading with Stephan to 'ban' me is fending for yourself? That makes a lot of sense Mr. Observer. That explains why the world will always have idiots who will believe everything scam artists throws at them! Get yourself a life indeed.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 11, 2010, 04:57:55 PM
Another important Interview Question

There are many hundreds of OU claims on the Internet.  What is the main difference between yours and the others?

We focused on the theory first.  The objection to OU devices is usually the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Most traditionally trained scientists will not even read the material if they believe that the invention violates the Law of Conservation of Energy.

The moment we raised the possibility of Leading-Out (or bringing-in) energy from the surrounding environment, the focus changed.  The new focus is â€" can we really lead-out gravitational and electron motion energy.  Theoretically, is that possible?

Once the traditionally trained scientists checked and resolved that leading-out energy from the environment is theoretically possible, they would be willing to read on and examine the working prototypes.

The few years promoting the Lead-out energy theory is not in vain.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 11, 2010, 09:40:28 PM
More on the discussion related to Input Waveform

Lee: “The battery voltage is 12V.  Why is your Input DC Voltage reading giving 0.87V?”

Tong: “Ours is pulsing voltage.  The peak is 12V.  However, most of the time, there is no voltage nor current at the slow rotational rate we are using.”

Lee: “In measuring the AC Voltage on the Input, the reading was 5.3 Volts AC.  However, when we reverse the connection, the reading was only 3.8 Volts AC.  What is the reason for that?”

Tong: “If we take the waveform from the Oscilloscope, we can see distinctly a DC and an AC component.  I am guessing that the meters did some internal function before displaying the final result.  The meters claimed that they use the RMS (root mean square) values. “

Lee: “Can you clarify?”

Tong: “The meter manufacturers take small time increments of the voltage.  They then square these incremental values.  They then sum these incremental values and divide by the time interval.  Then they square root the result.  The result is called the RMS value.  This will help them to display fluctuating or pulsing voltage.”

Lee: “How does that affect the displayed results?”

Tong: “I believe that in taking DC voltage measurements, the meter may have already subtracted the AC component before doing the RMS calculations.  In other words, the meter may have subtracted the bottom half of the waveform from the top.  This will explain the very low RMS DC voltage displayed.”

Lee: “That is logical.  But how do you explain the discrepancy in the AC voltage measurements?”

Tong: “I believe that the meter might have taken more or all of the top waveform into consideration in one instance.  It might have taken more or all of the bottom waveform into consideration in the other instance.  However, since I am not the meter manufacturer, I can only guess.”

Lee: “What is the most accurate form of measurement?”

Tong: “Measuring the waveform from the oscilloscope is best.  However, we have the scientific debate on how we should treat the waveform?  Should we take the AC component out first before we calculate the DC Input Voltage?”

Lee: “The scientific debate is clear to me now.  Some academics will insist that the DC and AC components of the Input Voltage waveform should all be considered as INPUT.  They should not be separated out.”

Tong: “That is why we want to increase the efficiency of our wheel to a point where there could be no dispute.  If our wheel can generate 5KW continuously and recharges our batteries fully after starting, the debate will go away.  Officials in Beijing are asking for such a prototype.  They said that they would support us totally if they see such a prototype.”

Lee: “Officials need to protect their backs.  They are not scientists.  Meter readings are not enough.  A pre-production prototype is the minimum they would accept.  I am willing to accept less.  Overunity.com is willing to accept 1 watt overunity.  I am willing to accept 300 watts overunity.”

Tseung: “You do not need to wait for us.  Many others are showing their devices.  Steorn.com is one.  Gadgetmail is another (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=8332.0).  If we can lead-out (or bring-in) A from the surrounding, many other OU devices can do too.”

Lee: “I do agree that your Lead-Out energy theory overcomes the dogma of those using the Law of Conservation of Energy as roadblock to OU inventions.   Continue the good work.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Devil on January 12, 2010, 03:45:50 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 11, 2010, 04:57:55 PM
Another important Interview Question

There are many hundreds of OU claims on the Internet.  What is the main difference between yours and the others?

We focused on the theory first.  The objection to OU devices is usually A of Conservation of Energy.  Most traditionally trained scientists will not even read the material if they believe that the invention violates the Law of Conservation of Energy.

The moment we raised the possibility of Leading-Out (or bringing-in) energy from the surrounding environment, the focus changed.  The new focus is â€" can we really lead-out gravitational and electron motion energy.  Theoretically, is that possible?

Once the traditionally trained scientists checked and resolved that leading-out energy from the environment is theoretically possible, they would be willing to read on and examine the working prototypes.

Tseung, in the Better Hong Kong Radio Show tomorrow, you should start promoting the Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Energy Wheel.  You can already use the cheap voltmeters and amp meters to demonstrate overunity.

The use and interpretation of the oscilloscope is being debated by experts.  That can last for months and years.  You have laid out both sides of the argument already. 

You need to let others shine.  You need to have more resources than what you can master yourself or through the volunteering efforts of Lee, Tong, Forever and other students.  There is nothing to be ashamed of if you cannot build the 5 KW electricity generator with your present team.  Your team have done miracles already.  The Lead-Out Energy Theory is the crowning glory.  You already opened the door not only for yourselves but for thousands of other OU inventors.   Encourage more to go through that door.  Emphasize that in the Better Hong Kong Show and the coming events with Todd Hathaway.

Continue to ignore the jeers and insults.  Those ignorant fools do not have overunity wheels  in their bedrooms!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on January 12, 2010, 09:54:35 AM
Quote from: The Observer on January 10, 2010, 03:44:13 PM
The fact is, you don't have any ideas when it comes to the common goal at OU.com
Observer, I suspect that chrisC behaves the way he does because he is paid to.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 12, 2010, 01:19:00 PM
Post removed by Author due to confusion on his part.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 12, 2010, 02:26:10 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 12, 2010, 01:19:00 PM

I almost feel sorry for him.


Well, I really don't feel sorry for sheep that choose to follow scam shepherds because they have little understanding of reality.

I was listening to the live Steorn broadcast this morning and whilst it seemed that they have found this unique combination of 'increased inductance' and 'no back emf' in their Orbo jumbo set-up, there are many unanswered questions. The proof of the pudding is when they truly can demo. a system that will drive a measurable & useful load and keep that 10,000 mAH battery charged forever? They still can't explain where the 'extra' energy came from.

Time will tell....


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on January 12, 2010, 06:32:06 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 12, 2010, 01:19:00 PM
He accuses me, and others, of this almost every day...
I have never accused you of anything, Pirate 88179. I am a
great admirer of your posts, and frequently look into a
thread because you have contributed the last post. Your
joule thief stuff is very intriguing, although way beyond
my powers of comprehension.

There are several "pauls" on this board.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 12, 2010, 07:10:57 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on January 12, 2010, 06:32:06 PM
I have never accused you of anything, Pirate 88179. I am a
great admirer of your posts, and frequently look into a
thread because you have contributed the last post. Your
joule thief stuff is very intriguing, although way beyond
my powers of comprehension.

There are several "pauls" on this board.


Please accept my apology sir.  I did have you confused with Paul Lawrence who accuses me of working for big oil on a regular basis.  This was totally my mistake and I am sorry for it.  My eyes are not what the used to be.  If I am able to, I will go back and remove my post.

I am sorry for the confusion.


Bill              PS  I was able to remove that post.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 14, 2010, 03:03:52 AM
The recording at the Better Hong Kong Radio Show.

The recording was done in two parts.  The first part was the video showing the workings of the Tong Po Chi wheel.  The second part was the audio discussion with a number of participants.

The wheel is now loaned to the Radio Station.  They have a classroom type set up.  Guests will be invited to test the Wheel.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 14, 2010, 05:12:55 PM
Preparing for the US event


That's great to hear things are moving forward.  Yes, an English version would be quite helpful so that others outside the radio listening area could be brought up to speed on what you are doing.  Questions to answer are the ones people always ask when it comes to an adv energy tech:

1.  What do you have?
2.  How does it work?
3.  How long have you been working on it?
4.  Is it available to demonstrate?
5.  What do people have to do to see a demonstration?
6.  Can the unit(s) be demonstrated elsewhere?
7.  Can a unit be purchased/borrowed for independent validation?
8.  How soon will it be before you go into production?
9.  If you are going into production, how many units do you expect to manufacture over the next 12 months.
10. Can others reproduce your technology, or is it patented / considered intellectual property?
11. What improvements do you expect to make to the technology?
12. Are you willing to work with outside parties to move this technology forward?
13. How much does it cost to reproduce? 
14. How long would it take someone else to reproduce once they have the parts/equipment needed?
15. How much longer do you see the global economy as being able to sustain an economic infrastructure that will allow for mass production/distribution of this and other technologies?
16. Why are you involved with this technology?
17. What do you see yourself doing over the next five years?
18. What events brought you to the point at which you find yourself today?
19. Is China willing to allow outside countries to collaborate?  How?  To what extent?
20. What other techologies are you working on and how far along are they?

Hope that helps--Todd Hathaway

The above are good questions.  We shall prepare the answers.  The World can see the Orbo in Ireland.  The World can also see the Tong Wheel in Hong Kong now.  It will not be long before many OU devices of all types pop up all over the World.

Lead-Out Energy is real.  The most common forms are gravitational and electron motion energy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 14, 2010, 11:48:01 PM
Potential Interview Questions:

Q1. What do you have?

We have the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy Theory first disclosed to the World on December 20, 2004 at Tai Po, Hong Kong.  The Lead-Out Energy Theory basically says that one can lead-out (or bring-in) Energy from the surrounding into a Lead-Out Energy Machine.  The total Input energy is equal to the sum of the Supplied Energy plus the Lead-Out Energy.  For example, if the supplied energy is 100 units and the lead-out energy is 50 units, the total Input Energy should be 150 units.  This means that the Output Energy can be more than the Supplied Energy of 100 units.

If we ignore the loss of energy, the Output Energy can be 150 units.  If we use 50 units and feedback 100 units  as the Supplied Energy, the Supplied Energy can again lead-out another 50 units of Energy for us to use.  Thus a Lead-Out Energy Machine can continuously lead-out pollution-free, virtually inexhaustible and readily available energy for us to use.  We do not need to burn any fossil fuel to pollute our environment.  The two examples of lead-out energy we use are gravitational and electron motion energy.

The Lead-Out Energy Theory does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  The Law of Conservation of Energy has been used as a roadblock for the so called “Overunity” devices.  The patent offices and the scientific establishment routinely dismiss an invention as belonging to the impossible “perpetual  motion machine” category if the inventor cannot identify the energy source of his invention.

Our Lead-Out Energy can explain the workings of many known OU devices.  Examples include the Newman, Bedini, Orbo, Bessler Wheel and the Liang, Wang machines in China.

We got the help of Mr. Tong Po Chi to produce a 60 cm diameter Lead-Out Energy Machine in October 2009.  The Output Energy of that device is greater than the Input Energy by a factor of 3.  The results can be confirmed by the voltmeters and amp meters at the Input and Output.  The actual Output Power is about 2-3 watts.  That is sufficient to compete in the Overunity.com competition.

The Tong wheel has been shown at two Open Shows in Hong Kong (Innocarvinal 09 and Inno Design Tech Expo) in November and December 2009.  Over 25,000 people have seen it.  The Better Hong Kong Radio Show has videoed it and the discussions were conducted in Chinese.  The Tong wheel is presently at the Radio Studio available for experts to view and examine with their own instruments.

An English version is planned with the US Alternative Energy Organization organized by an US military energy expert â€"  Todd Hathaway.

Detailed information can be found via a google search on “Lead-Out Energy”.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: vonwolf on January 15, 2010, 02:42:17 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 14, 2010, 05:12:55 PM

  The World can see the Orbo in Ireland.  The World can also see the Tong Wheel in Hong Kong now.  It will not be long before many OU devices of all types pop up all over the World.

Lead-Out Energy is real.  The most common forms are gravitational and electron motion energy.

       ltseung888 Please:

   Stop trying to connect yourself to other groups (steorn's Orbo) that are claiming some sort of OU you had noting to do with their there there work.

    You Even tried to take credit for the magnetic pendulum video, Stephen was just trying to piont out Their possibly for PM. And you jump in and say "look more Prof of Lead Out Energy" you dont even know if its real. That thing could have batteries all over the place. who would know?

    Please just work on your own projects so far its you still have a long way to go
  Thanks Pete

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 15, 2010, 02:55:15 AM
Quote from: vonwolf on January 15, 2010, 02:42:17 AM
       ltseung888 Please:

   Stop trying to connect yourself yo other  (steorn's Orbo) that are claiming some sort of OU you had noting to do with their there there work.

    You Even tried to take credit for the magnetic pendulum video, Stephen was just trying to piont out Their possibly for PM. And you jump in and say "look more Prof of Lead Out Energy" you dont even know if its real. That thing could have batteries all over the place. who would know?

    Please just work on your own projects so far its you still have a long way to go
  Thanks Pete



Well, when people are mentally ill with delusional problems, they always believe (certainly in Tseung's case) that everything out there that has a 'possibility' to yield O.U is a result of their 'discovery'.

That guy has no shame and so, the comedy show goes on....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on January 15, 2010, 05:02:14 AM
@ man in funny white hat,
You appear to be talking to yourself, the first sighns of madness. You have never had a credible third party validation. I can't wait till you try and claim the OU prize.
As you might have noticed the readership of your thread has been reduced to those of us who like an ongoing comic strip. Thank you for the amusement and stop talking about what your about to do, show us something you have done that is OU.
Actually why dont you get to work and build one of those pendulum devices..they could be sold as an executive toy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 15, 2010, 06:12:54 AM
Potential Interview Questions

2.  How does it work?

The Tong Wheel has the following:

a.   A 60 cm diameter rotor with 16 rectangular magnets at the rim.
b.   15 Coils that can be Drive Coils or Collector Coils.
c.   A Proximity Switch to sense the position of the magnets relative to the coils.  DC current will be sent to the Coils after a magnet has just passed the center of the Coil.  The DC current will let the Drive Coil act as a magnet temporarily.  The Magnetic Repulsion will provide the Pulse Force.
d.   The DC current is stopped as soon as the repulsion has taken place.  The Drive Coils are air coils so that no magnetic pole properties remain.  Step c will be repeated.
e.   Both gravitational and electron motion energy will be lead-out by the Pulsing Force.  The lead-out energy can be greater than 50% as calculated by the pulled pendulum.  This is because the magnetic field is not just vertical.
f.   The reason for the relative large size of the wheel (60 cm) is because the Pulse Force takes time to impart and lead-out the energy into the system. 
g.   At fast rotations, the Proximity Switch fails to function.  This actually acted in our favor because that allowed time for the Pulse Force to complete its energy imparting work.
h.   The Supplied Energy is measured from the DC Voltage and Current across the Drive Coils which were connected in parallel.
i.   The Output Energy is measured from the rectified DC Voltage and Current across the Collectors which were connected in series.   
j.   One of the tuning parameters is the number of Drive Coils verse the Collector Coils.  Overunity was achieved with 10 Drive Coils and 5 Collector Coils when the load was 1 3 watt lamp or 47 ohms.  We stopped the tuning as soon as overunity can be demonstrated.
k.   A 12 Volt battery was used as the starting source and Pulse supplying agent.
The Demonstration machine clearly showed that the Output DC Electrical Energy is greater than the Supplied Input DC Electrical Energy from the inexpensive Voltmeters and Amp meters.  Some Input DC Energy was also used to overcoming the friction and air resistance.  The extra energy is NOT created.  The extra energy was lead-out from the Pulsing at the appropriate frequency.

The Steorn Orbo and the Bedini Wheel should work on the same principle to lead-out energy.  However, the standard Bedini circult focused on high speed rotation.  That shortened the time for the Pulse Force to lead-out the energy totally.  It was like pushing the swing at the wrong frequency.  The Bedini motor managed to recharge batteries but could not demonstrate overunity.  Hopefully, the Steorn Orbo can do better.

If they use laser or infrared technology,  the trick is to skip Pulsing when the rotation reaches a given speed.  This speed is load dependent and should best be calibrated with the use of the oscilloscope.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on January 15, 2010, 07:08:32 AM
Quote from: vonwolf on January 15, 2010, 02:42:17 AM
       ltseung888 Please:

   Stop trying to connect yourself to other groups (steorn's Orbo) that are claiming some sort of OU you had noting to do with their there there work.

    You Even tried to take credit for the A pendulum video, Stephen was just trying to piont out Their possibly for PM. And you jump in and say "look more Prof of Lead Out A" you dont even know if its real. That thing could have batteries all over the place. who would know?

    Please just work on your own projects so far its you still have a long way to go
  Thanks Pete

Dear Pete,

It is not a matter of taking credit.  For Mr. Tseung to claim that the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out theory is correct and universal, he has to apply it to all known OU devices.  It is like Newton’s Laws of Motion. The Laws must be tested on all known cases or circumstances.  A scientist must apply them in all mechanical systems.

Similarly, Mr. Tseung must apply his Lead-Out Energy Theory to Newman, Bedini, Grey, Chase Campbell, Steorn, 225 HP Pulse Motor, TsingHua Magnifier, Liang, Wang electricity generators etc. etc.

Mr. Tseung is promoting the Lead-Out Energy Theory.  He is NOT promoting the Tong Wheel!  The Tong Wheel is just one implementation.  Mr. Tseung is opening the doors for hundreds or thousands of OU device inventors.  Law of Conservation of Energy will no longer be a roadblock.
If the Lead-Out theory is correct, the standard Bedini motors must be modified in the following ways to show overunity.  The rotational speed must be slowed down for the lead-out energy to take effect.  The wheel must be large enough to allow that to happen.  If one of the Bedini followers modified his Bedini Prototype and achieved OU, the World will benefit from the Lead-Out Energy theory.

Mr. Tseung has already achieved overunity with the Tong wheel.  He is challenging the World to test it out at the Radio Stadio.  You or your friend in Hong Kong can take that challenge.  He was the first one to enroll in the 1 watt overunity.com competition.  Stefan will receive one of the early units.  (The present high priority is Beijing - not this forum.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 15, 2010, 10:10:16 AM
Potential Interview Questions

3.  How long have you been working on it?

If we consider the earliest time when the swinging punch bag hit me, that was over 50 years ago.  The later time was in 2000 when I did the research on Energy from Still Air.  The time when we really focused on Lead-Out Energy was December 2004.

The first person who thought that Energy could  be Lead-Out from the Pulled Pendulum was Lee Cheung Kin.  He woke me up from the Hotel early in the morning and we worked out the mathematics.  The moment we realized that the gravitational energy lead-out is equal to the vertical component of the tension of the string times the vertical displacement, we knew that we hit the jackpot.

We were 100% certain that gravitational and electron motion could be Lead-Out.  Since both Lee and I are theoreticians, we did not build any prototype initially.  We searched the Internet for OU device patents and descriptions.  The examples from China include Liang, Song, Wang.  The examples from outside China include Newman, Bedini, Gray and Bessler.  The first forum I joined was the Bessler.com.  I posted the Lead-Out theory and said that the mystery of the Bessler Wheel was solved.  They banned me.

I then started to find someone to build the prototypes.  They include the following:
(1)   An Engineer who bought a car wheel and tried to rotate it with small refrigerator magnets.
(2)   A bicycle repair shop person who gave up after a few weeks
(3)   A team of engineers who tried to do a combined motor and generator.
(4)   An electrician who owned a transformer repair shop.  He tried to do a pulse motor
(5)   Mr. Sun and team who helped to build many gravity wheels â€" the best rotated for 3 hours in my living room late at night.
(6)   The many failed attempts such as helicopter in a box, car in a box etc.
(7)   The team of students who did not have the experience.

The luck came when I met Tong Po Chi in late 2008.  He started on the jumping tube; the single coil pulsing wheel with 4 magnets; the four coil and eight magnet pulsing wheel and finally the 60 cm Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Energy Wheel.  Tong stopped tuning as soon as the wheel could demonstrate overunity.  Much more can be done.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 15, 2010, 02:55:43 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on January 15, 2010, 07:08:32 AM
Dear Pete,
  A scientist must apply them in all mechanical systems.

Er, Mr. Tseung is a scientist? Well, then you really are Top Dork!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 15, 2010, 06:14:18 PM
Potential Interview Questions

4.  Is it available to demonstrate?

Yes.  The Tong Wheel was demonstrated in two Open Shows in Hong Kong.  The First Show was the Innocarnival 09 event in the Hong Kong Science Park in November 2009.  The Second Show was the Inno Design Tech Expo in the Hong Kong Convention Center in December 2009.  Over 25,000 visitors saw our Tong Wheel.

We have now placed the Tong Wheel at the Studio of the Better Hong Kong Radio Show.  Miss Forever Yuen was hired as a part-time helper in one of their projects.  They now have the capability to demonstrate the Wheel to any qualified person at short notice.  Guests are welcome to bring their own measuring instruments.  They are also welcome to bring cameras and take pictures or videos.

This Open Show policy is likely to continue.  We shall replace the 60 cm Tong Wheel that can only generate 2-3 watts with the better units as soon as they are ready.  The General Public will be able to see not just the recordings but also the latest real device.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on January 15, 2010, 06:33:30 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 15, 2010, 06:14:18 PM
Potential Interview Questions

4.  Is it available to...
Potential Interview Questions

5. Do you have full engineering and electronic instructions with or without a kit of parts to allow interested parties to replicate?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: vonwolf on January 15, 2010, 08:10:56 PM
Quote from: Top Gun on January 15, 2010, 07:08:32 AM
Dear Pete,

It is not a matter of taking credit.  For Mr. Tseung to claim that the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out theory is correct and universal, he has to apply it to all known OU devices.  It is like Newton’s Laws of Motion. The Laws must be tested on all known cases or circumstances.  A scientist must apply them in all mechanical systems.

Similarly, Mr. Tseung must apply his Lead-Out Energy Theory to Newman, Bedini, Grey, Chase Campbell, Steorn, 225 HP Pulse Motor, TsingHua Magnifier, Liang, Wang electricity generators etc. etc.

Mr. Tseung is promoting the Lead-Out Energy Theory.  He is NOT promoting the Tong Wheel!  The Tong Wheel is just one implementation.  Mr. Tseung is opening the doors for hundreds or thousands of OU device inventors.  Law of Conservation of Energy will no longer be a roadblock.
If the Lead-Out theory is correct, the standard Bedini motors must be modified in the following ways to show overunity.  The rotational speed must be slowed down for the lead-out energy to take effect.  The wheel must be large enough to allow that to happen.  If one of the Bedini followers modified his Bedini Prototype and achieved OU, the World will benefit from the Lead-Out Energy theory.

Mr. Tseung has already achieved overunity with the Tong wheel.  He is challenging the World to test it out at the Radio Stadio.  You or your friend in Hong Kong can take that challenge.  He was the first one to enroll in the 1 watt overunity.com competition.  Stefan will receive one of the early units.  (The present high priority is Beijing - not this forum.)

Sorry Top Gun/Tseung who ever;
     There's no way to take you seriously when you pretend to be all these assorted aliases and answer questions hiding your true identity, answer your own questions and create all these ridiculous Q & A scenarios that never happen just to keep this painfull charade on top of the topics.

    Only you and your aliases would think there is no difference between Newtons (laws) of Motion and the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out (theory) and I'm not about to try and explain it to all of you.

     If you really want to show the world then do as Paul-r has asked so many times-
Potential Interview Questions

5. Do you have full engineering and electronic instructions with or without a kit of parts to allow interested parties to replicate? 

     Or do as you have said you allready have done-
"He was the first one to enroll in the 1 watt overunity.com competition"  Where is it?

  I wish you luck truly but delusions seem to be taking over and its been going on for years, Will it ever end?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 15, 2010, 09:38:43 PM
Potential Interview Questions

5.  What do people have to do to see a demonstration?

If they just want to see the video, the information from the Open Shows is already on the Internet.  The following are in English and can be viewed any time.

Search on youtube for slide 1 of Lead Out Energy Machines (6 slides in all)

The Tong Wheel : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lYanUKCVT4

If they want to see the actual wheel, they can email Dr. Alexandra Yuan at ayuan@hkstar.com to make an appointment.  The Tong wheel is located at the Better Hong Kong Radio Studio in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.  They can say that they want to see the Lead-Out Energy Machine.  The demonstration can be in English or in Chinese.  The best way is to have a group of at least 6 people together.  One or more  should be a qualified engineer or scientist.  They are welcome to bring their own cameras and test equipment.

More complete video and audio file will be available shortly.

*** @Paul _R

At present we offer a Course with a working unit to take away for those who want to replicate the machine.  The price is HK$150K and up to 15 participants.  There is much tuning at this stage.  Written instruction alone is worthless.   Many parts must be precision made and will be beyond the capabilities of the average home engineer.  The target audience are qualified manufacturing Companies that want to sell Educational Products.   The contents of this course will be aired in the future.

These Companies will produce Educational Products that will demonstrate overunity when you buy them.  You can then disassemble and reassemble the unit.  You can add your improvements.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 16, 2010, 12:44:52 AM
Potential Interview Questions

6.  Can the unit(s) be demonstrated elsewhere?

At present, there is only one 60 cm diameter wheel demonstration unit.  Mr. Tong will be working on improvement versions.  We are talking with some manufacturing companies who want to make money with an Educational Product.  They all wanted more efficient versions that can generate at least 300 watts before committing their resources.

If we can produce a 5 KW version, even the Hong Kong and Chinese Governments will step in.  There will be no lack of resources.  However, we have not built such a unit ourselves yet.   There are rumors that other teams in China have achieved that already.  But should we believe rumors?

We may be able to get some limited funds and resources to replicate the existing Tong Wheel.  The material cost is less than HK$8,000 or around US$1,000.  The most expensive part is the specially manufactured magnets.  The rest is the manufacturing process and the intense labor cost in tuning. 

We are willing to spend time and resources to train qualified Companies who plan to cooperate in building Educational Products.  The price is HK$150,000 for 15 participants.  The time will be 5 days.  The participants will have a working unit similar to the one we displayed to take away.  We can then get into business agreements with the qualified Companies to produce actual products.

So far, the Companies we talked to are waiting for the improved 300 watt unit.  May be we are not good business persons.  We violated the principle of talking about features not available on the existing unit.

In short, we have to wait for additional units to be built before we loan them outside Hong Kong.  The exception is that if a Company pays for the Course â€" it can take its training unit anywhere to any part of the World. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 16, 2010, 01:42:41 AM
Potential Interview Questions

7.  Can a unit be purchased/borrowed for independent validation?

A unit can be purchased with a training course for HK$150,000 if the course is conducted in Hong Kong.  If the course were conducted outside Hong Kong, the purchasing Company will pay the additional cost of shipping, travelling and hotel expense of the Instructor. 

The existing Tong Wheel at the Better Hong Kong Radio Studio is open to qualified Institutions for independent validation at no cost.  These Institutions may bring their own measuring instruments.  The wheel is constructed so that all circuits are available for examination and testing.

These Institutions are encouraged to publish their independent validation results anywhere including the Internet.  They can email Dr. Alexandra Yuan ayuan@hkstar.com to arrange the most suitable time.  They may come more than once if needed.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 16, 2010, 02:08:43 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 16, 2010, 12:44:52 AM
  There are rumors that other teams in China have achieved that already.  But should we believe rumors?

There are rumors that the man in the white hat has reformed (from being a scam artist). Should we believe that too?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 16, 2010, 02:24:04 AM
Potential  Interview Questions

8.  How soon will it be before you go into production?

At present, we do not have any buyers for the 2-3 watt Tong Wheel.  There is no point in wasting resources for factory production.  However,  we are willing to hand-build special units for training purposes.  The cost of the training course is HK$150,000.

A number of manufacturing Companies in Hong Kong and China are waiting for the 300 watt prototype.  They believe that an Educational Product for Universities and Research Organizations may be possible.  It is too early to determine the time and price.  Mr. Tong believes that with the investment of HK$1-3 million and 6-12 months, he would be able to produce a 300 watt unit.  He will be working on it part-time with or without the financial support.  It will be one of his hobbies.   

A number of Investors wanted to see a 5KW prototype.  Some very influential persons already contacted the Hong Kong and Chinese Governments.  The feedback from them was that the Hong Kong and Chinese Governments will support and invest if we could demonstrate a 5KW prototype.  At that stage, we do not need to worry about funding.   There was even the suggestion that China may provide a 5 KW generator to every Nation on Earth to help solve the Energy Crisis and boost its image as a technology leader.  At this time  â€" talk is talk.

In short, the 2-3 watt demonstration prototype is available for purchasing with a training course immediately.

A 300 watt Educational Product is likely after Mr. Tong has completed it.  With the necessary funding and resources, the time frame is from 6 to 12 months.  If we add another 6 months for factory production, we are talking about 12 to 18 months.  If there were no support, the time is indeterminate.

The 5 KW unit suitable for home use will be sometime after the successful demonstration of the 300 watt educational product.  There are rumors that other teams in China have achieved such results already.  One example was the Wang Shen He wheel.  That was supposed to have been funded and ready in 2007.  We are still waiting.  Now, we believe only our own efforts.  Another rumor is the 225 HP Pulse Motor developed in USA.  It was supposed to be ready in 2006.  We examined them from the Lead-Out Energy Theory point of view and found both of them theoretically possible.  There is also the rumor that they have been classified by the Chinese and the US Governments.  Should we believe in rumors? 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 16, 2010, 02:32:48 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 16, 2010, 02:24:04 AM
... We are still waiting.  Now, we believe only our own efforts. 

Now, I am confused! 'Now, we believe only our own efforts'. Er, 'own' efforts meaning...? Like the efforts of Tseung, Top Gun, Devil? I counted only one person. Did I miss any?

Well, you're not the only person/s still waiting. We at OU.com has been waiting for 4 years to get 1 REAL WATT of real power!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 16, 2010, 04:15:43 AM
Potential Interview Questions

9.  If you are going into production, how many units do you expect to manufacture over the next 12 months.

If it were the 60 cm Tong wheel made by hand, we expect just a few.  Most probably, not more than 10.

If it were the 300 watt Educational Product, we expect a few thousand.  The factories need a minimum order before they will set up a production line.  Our potential first order is 2,000. 

If we are lucky to be able to produce the 5 KW unit and supported by the Chinese Government, the number of units will be in many thousands from many factories.  If the licensing covers the World, the number of units is expected to be in millions. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 16, 2010, 04:44:52 AM
Potential Interview Questions

10. Can others reproduce your technology, or is it patented / considered intellectual property?

The Lead-Out Energy Theory is a theory.  That cannot be patented.  Inventors are welcome to apply it to their inventions and quote it in their patent applications.

We do not mind people replicating the 2-3 watt Tong wheel.  It would only be useful for proof-of-concept environments.  We want the World to understand and use the Lead-out energy theory.  Thus we let people take pictures and videos; test the Wheel with their own equipment.  They can learn as much as possible. 

The 300 watt units is likely to have some commercial value.  The manufacturing Companies will want to protect their investment.  I expect them to have some patented control systems or elements. 

The 5 KW generator will definitely have immerse commercial value.  This version is likely to receive Government Investment.  Officials will have to look good.  One rumor related to the Wang Shen He wheel is that it received funding from the Chinese Government or Government Owned Companies.  Once Wang received money, he gave up control.  I believe similar things might have happened in USA and elsewhere.  I believe we have been left alone so far because we can only produce 2-3 watts.

I hope the suggestion that China will give a 5 KW generator to every Country on Earth is carried out.  The  technology can then be as common as the average light bulb.  Poor nations can be self sufficient and catch up quickly.  There will be no need for wars to rob or control oil.

I expect many individuals will build modified versions of the Lead-Out Energy Systems.  The number of possible combinations (from oscillation to vibration, rotation, flux change, to magnetic, electric, electromagnetic and electron motion systems) is in thousands. 

The modern wealth generated will exceed all previous wealth of mankind added together.  The name of our Company is Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited.  We want to build a better World. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on January 16, 2010, 11:24:32 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 15, 2010, 09:38:43 PM
*** @Paul _R

At present we offer a Course with a working unit to take away for those who want to replicate the machine.  The price is HK$150K and up to 15 participants.  There is much tuning at this stage.  Written instruction alone is worthless.   Many parts must be precision made and will be beyond the capabilities of the average home engineer. 
Don't underestimate the ingenuity of some of the people on this site. Complex engineering can often be achieved by taking a product mass produced for another purpose and chopping it about. Look at what the rotoverter people are talking about with their weird adaptations of three phase motors.

Let us know, and maybe the community will get to solutions.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 16, 2010, 05:37:18 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on January 16, 2010, 11:24:32 AM
Don't underestimate the ingenuity of some of the people on this site. Complex engineering can often be achieved by taking a product mass produced for another purpose and chopping it about. Look at what the rotoverter people are talking about with their weird adaptations of three phase motors.

Let us know, and maybe the community will get to solutions.

Dear Paul-R,

Let me quote one example of tuning of the sensor.  We used the proximity switch.  There is supposed to be a theoretically best position when the current is turned on only after the magnet has passed the mid-point of the coil. 

The technical difficult is to have the 16 magnets and 15 coils all reaching the same best position at the same time.

I first used students in their summer vacation time to try to achieve this engineering task.  They could not wind the coils correctly with the hand-winding machine.  The winding was not professionally done - the windings were not tight and were not wound with each turn next to each other.  I specified 6 ohms which translated to 700 turns.  The result was anywhere from 4 ohms to 12 ohms.

When we test the specially built magnets, they all vary in magnetic strength.  When we put one on, the result was not up to standard but when we replaced it with a supposed identical one, the result was up to standard again.

It was a painful process to get the 60 cm wheel working.  Tong finally threw away the student wound coils.  The obviously wrong conclusion from the students was - the lead-out theory does not work and it was a waste of time.

I am now tuning the infrared sensor.  Knneth Chong did the circuit and board for us.  He spent 8 hours and the result was worse than the proximity switch.  He tried to put the infrared sensors on the same wooden board as the proximity switch.  The proximity switch can vary in position by 1-2 cm for tuning.  The infrared sensors can vary in position by 1-2 mm!  I spent a couple of days and finally gave up.  Mr. Tong will redesign and rebuilt that infrared sensing mechanism.  The electronic part is fine but the tuning mechanism must be redone. 

I have zero confidence that the average forum member here can perform such engineering tasks.  They tried to replicate the Forever Yuen magnetic pendulum experiment and reported that the swinging time was not affected!!!   

One simple test is the wheel with two tubes containing iron ball experiment.  Our results on youtube showed 2.5 minutes with two hard surfaces and 5 minutes with one hard and one soft surface.  It would be interesting to see if any forum member here can achieve something similar.  The wheel can be 60 cm in diameter.  (This is not a waste of time as the 60 cm wheel must be tested for balanceing before assembly.)



Paul-R, can you do such an experiment and report the results?  You can invite other forum members to help.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on January 16, 2010, 05:57:03 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 16, 2010, 05:37:18 PM

The technical difficult is to have the 16 magnets and 15 coils all reaching the same best position at the same time.

I have zero confidence that the average forum member here can perform such engineering tasks.
"...reaching the same best position at the same time..."

Exactness is not achievable in engineering. You need to give a +/- tolerance.

There are some very astute people on this board. Unfortunately, the minatowheel YahooGroup might have been better, but has largely become defunct as a result of this site.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 16, 2010, 06:37:32 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on January 16, 2010, 05:57:03 PM
"...reaching the same best position at the same time..."

Exactness is not achievable in engineering. You need to give a +/- tolerance.

There are some very astute people on this board. Unfortunately, the minatowheel YahooGroup might have been better, but has largely become defunct as a result of this site.
We can specify that the positions must be within 1 mm.  The Coils must be 700 turns plus or minus 1.  The magnets must be 4000 units plus or minus 40 units etc.  The truth is that when we built the wheel, we connected one coil at a time.  We tested that addition and sometimes replaced it with a supposed identical coil. 

Try the gravity wheel with the two tubes as in the previous post.  See if any forum member can achieve similar results.  If you do it, you will understand the painful tuning process experienced by the OU device inventors.

Our belief is that we need to supply the average organization with a factory built and tested unit that can demonstrate OU conclusively.  The average organization can then disassemble and reassemble it.  (The plan is to order the different parts from different specialized factories and have a final assembly and quality control plant.  But that will be done by someone much more qualified than me.)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 16, 2010, 11:26:05 PM
11. What improvements do you expect to make to the Technology?

The Tong Wheel was tuned just enough to demonstrate overunity with the meters.  The number of Collector Coils were increased from 1 upwards.  The Output Collector Voltage steadily increased.  When 4 coils were used, the meters showed overunity with COP just above 1.  When 5 Collectors were used, COP reached 3.  We stopped tuning and prepared for the Open Shows.

Improvement 1

One obvious improvement is to increase the number of Collectors and decrease the number of Drive Coils.  This is a simple task that can be done as soon as we get the Tong Wheel back from the Radio Station.

Improvement 2

Use of soft Iron in the Collector Coils.  In the Tong wheel, we used only air coils.  Air Coils was chosen because we did the repulsion experiment first.  A magnet was repelled from the tube with a DC current sent to a coil on the outside of the tube.  The magnet could be ejected to a height of 1 meter.  That convinced us that we may be able to achieve overunity with air coils.  The Tong Wheel proved that we were right.  Now, we want to get higher Output Power.  We know that soft iron in the core of the coil will increase its magnetism. (permeability) 

With our Tong wheel, if we put soft iron in the core of the collector coil at the start, there will be so much attraction that the wheel would not rotate at all.  But if the wheel is already rotating, the Collector Coils generate AC current.  The polarity keeps changing (from N to S to N etc.)  If we insert the soft iron into the core after the wheel  has rotated, there will be no slowing down due to attraction.

A single Collector Coil with soft iron inserted into the core AFTER the wheel has rotated could pick up more voltage and current than 5 air Collector Coils.  This mechanism is being designed and will be added as soon as we get the Tong Wheel back from the Radio Station.

Improvement 3

Use of Infrared sensor instead of the Proximity Switch.  The Proximity Switch is not the best sensor.  It fails to work at high rotational speeds.  It works to our advantage in the Tong Wheel because it allows time for the Lead-Out Energy to take effect.  (The Bedini wheels failed to show overunity because they rotated too fast!)  To get higher efficiency, we want a narrower pulse and a controllable rotational speed.

The infrared sensor designed by Kenneth Chong has one sensor to start the pulse and another sensor to stop the pulse.  There is a speed limit switch.  If the rotational speed exceeds this set speed, the starting pulse will not be turned on.

The mechanical set up was compromised because Kenneth wanted to use the wooden board for both the proximity switch and the infrared sensors.  The tuning was extremely difficult.  Mr. Tong will redesign the mechanical tuning mechanism and keep the electronics part.

We expect this to have a major impact and that we can use data from this to determine the best rotational speed relative to the external load.

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 17, 2010, 01:39:39 AM
11. What improvements do you expect to make to the technology?

Improvement 4

Battery A, Swap and no Battery.

One objection from the average layman  who does not read meters is â€" your wheel runs on the 12 V battery.  It is not overunity.  If you do not need a battery to run, then you get more credibility.  Initially, I ignored them.  But I raised the issue with our team.  They believed that it could be done.

The first step is to check the recharging of batteries.  We can put a used 12 V battery at the Output and recharge it similar to the Bedini demonstration.  We found that the recharging current from the Tong wheel is not sufficient to fully recharge a 12V battery but strong enough to recharge two 6 volt batteries separately.  The thought at the moment is to increase the Output with the 3 Improvements discussed above before trying the recharging again.

The second step is to do the auto-swap of the two batteries.  The circuit and board has been designed and built.  The swap time can be from 1 second to 17 minutes.  We could use the tiny 12 V batteries to show the results quickly.  There is also the manual override allowing us to select either Battery A or Battery B as the Input Battery.   The basic circuit has been tried and will be fully tested after the improvements.

The last step is to take away the Battery totally.  The Wheel will be started via hand rotation.  The Output will generate enough electricity to drive the Wheel.  Some electrical components such capacitors need to be added.  If this can be done, the demonstration will be even more convincing to the average layman.

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 17, 2010, 01:56:19 AM
11. What improvements do you expect to make to the technology?

Improvement 5

Compare with the Steorn Orbo mechanism.

The A wheel uses magnetic repulsion to lead-out gravitational and electron motion energy.  The Steron Orbo uses magnetic attraction to lead-out gravitational and electron motion energy.  The theory is the same but the technical mechanisms are different.

Another wheel will be built with credit to Steorn.  We shall be in a position to compare efficiency, cost, difficulty in engineering etc.  This is an excellent opportunity to show that the Lead-Out Energy Theory is universally applicable.  Two wheels working side-by-side will be impressive.

This improvement will be done after Steorn has disclosed their technology fully.  The only changes we need are the toroidal windings.  The other components are already available.  Our large wheel size and more magnets and coils should generate much larger Output Power than the being demonstrated Orbo.

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 17, 2010, 02:23:32 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 16, 2010, 04:44:52 AM
Potential Interview Questions
....  I believe we have been left alone so far because we can only produce 2-3 watts.


I believe you have been left alone because of your idiotic delusions!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 17, 2010, 02:49:47 AM
11. What improvements do you expect to make to the technology?

Improvement 6

Program control relating Input to external load

This is likely to be the element that makes the Liang car and the 225 HP Pulse motor better than other similar OU inventions.

We believe that some kind of resonance effect is present in the leading-out of gravitational and electron motion energy.  One example is the addition of flywheels to the Tong Wheel.  Too small or too large a flywheel will decrease instead of increasing the COP.  The simple layman explanation is that one should only push the swing at the right time for the magnitude to increase.

With program control, we can adjust the Input in accordance with the External Load.  However, we need to gather enough data first.  This improvement will be added later after we have done sufficient data gathering.

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 17, 2010, 03:01:04 AM
11. What improvements do you expect to make to the technology?

Improvement 7

Narrowing the gap between the magnet and the coil

We know from the Laws of Physics that the magnetic force varies with 1/(the square of the distance)

This means we should reduce the distance between the magnets and the Coils.  The Tong Wheel cannot safely do that because of the engineering difficulties.  There will be the slight vibrations. 

A better approach is to enclose the rotating magnets inside a fixed cylinder.  The coils can then be physically attached to the outer surface of the fixed cylinder.  The physical distance of separation is the thickness of the cylinder wall.  This arrangement allows the magnets and the coils to be set up with different angles for the best effect.

The 225 HP Pulse Motor uses this arrangement.  We shall test this configuration before mass production.  It will simplify the tuning.  We may even try some type of lubrication.

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 17, 2010, 05:53:21 AM
11. What improvements do you expect to make to the technology?

Improvement 8

Larger Input Battery or more efficient input

One technique is to separate the Power Source for the Proximity Switch or the Infrared Sensor from the Pulse Current Supply.  The Proximity Switch requires very little current.  It has a rating of 12-24 DC volts.  If we feed the output which can fluctuate to 40 volts, the Proximity Switch may burn.  We destroyed a few that way.

Once we separate the two.  The Pulse Current Supply can be 24V DC or higher.  We can use the normal car batteries.  The Pulse can be stronger and narrower.

The other technique to increase Input Power is via AC Input.  With AC Input, the Drive Coil can have soft iron core because the Poles at the Coil changes rapidly.  The A will not be attracted or stuck to prevent the rotation.  This set up has elements of Chas Campbell or the TsingHua electricity magnifier.

In the electricity magnifier, the Input was AC and that was used to drive three wheels or cylinders.  The output can then drive an AC motor.  The wheels are loosely coupled via belts.  If we use AC to drive the Tong Wheel, we may be able to use both magnetic attraction and repulsion.

We may simply try the separate and higher voltage first and delay the use of AC Power Supply.  If we were associated with a research university, the topic can be good training and/or research material.

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 17, 2010, 06:41:45 AM
11. What improvements do you expect to make to the technology?

Improvement 9

Larger Wheel Diameter

This is still a topic of intense debate amongst our team.  Some favored a small diameter and lighter weight so that it would be easier to carry.  I favored a large wheel.  The torque to turn a wheel is the force time the lever arm or the diameter of the wheel.  The larger wheel allows us to provide a larger torque and also gave extra time for the lead-out energy mechanism to complete.

The 60 cm diameter wheel was chosen as a compromise because it is large enogh to fit into the trunk of the average taxi in Hong Kong.  It worked.

I am still in favor of a much larger wheel.  We can have the wheel rotating in the horizontal position and has one solid side only.  Spokes can be used to effectively extend the diameter.  The Coils and sensors can sit on the solid, non-rotating wheel.

I need to find someone with a facility large enough to build this wheel.  One possibility is to help someone in China where factory space is plentiful to do it.  Rumor says that one team in Shenzhen had a 3 meter wheel that generated electricity for the three storey house.  The device was shown on local TV.  It broke after rotating for sometime as it was hanging outside the second storey balcony.  Should we believe in rumors?

The team strongly objected to building a 3 meter wheel as it is almost impossible to transport in Hong Kong!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 17, 2010, 07:29:06 AM
11. What improvements do you expect to make to the technology?

Improvement 10

Multiple wheels on same axle

Instead of having larger diameter wheel to increase Input, we can put multiple wheels on same axle.  The 225 HP Pulse Motor uses this arrangement.  It has nine wheels of 1 meter diameter each coupled together on the same axle.

This is definitely one of the techniques we shall try.  The moment we can get a single wheel to generate 1 KW, we shall put 5 of them together on the same axle.  Thus going from 2-3 watt to 300 watts may be more difficult than going from 1 KW to 5 KW.

We can then focus on extracting power from the axle rather than from the Collector Coils.  When we have multiple wheels arranged this way, we may have the additional flywheel type effect.  From our experiments, the size and weight of the flywheels may be another tuning parameter.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 17, 2010, 08:57:49 AM
11. What improvements do you expect to make to the technology?

Improvement 11

Building the 300 watt Output Wheel

In our opinion, if we have the funding and resources to do some or all of the improvements 1-10, the chance of producing a 300 watt Output wheel is extremely good.  Mr. Tong believes that funding from HK$1-3 million and a time frame of 6 to 12 months is possible.  He is willing to work on the Wheel part-time as a hobby â€" with or without funding and support.  However, as a part-time project, the time is indeterminate.

The strategy we are using is to use the existing Tong Wheel as the publicity tool.  We shall promote the Lead-out energy theory to remove the dogma of scientists quoting the Law of Conservation of Energy as a roadblock.  The Tong wheel will be used as a first level verification.  We know that the Steorn Orbo is also getting publicity in Ireland.  If their efforts are successful, it will help the Lead-Out Energy theory and our Tong Wheel.

We are fully aware that there is some objection to our using the cheap voltmeters and amp meters to display and calculate the Input and Output Energy.  The better way is to use oscilloscopes and analyze the waveforms.  We can get the instantaneous power waveform from the product of the instantaneous Voltage and Current values.  The Area of the Power Waveform is effectively the energy (Energy is the product of Power x time).  However, there is some disagreement amongst academics on the use and interpretation of the power waveform.   It was clear that the input voltage waveform can be interpreted as having two components â€" a DC component due to the pulse from the battery and an AC component due to the Drive Coil acting effectively as a Collector Coil. 

One example of Input Voltage from the voltmeter was 12 V DC at the battery, 0.8 V DC across the Drive Coils, 5.3 V AC across the Drive Coil and 3.8 V AC across the Drive Coil when the connection was swapped.  The decision is to show all experimental data including waveforms and let the academics continue their discussions.  See some of the posts related to the RMS value of the meters in this thread.

The good thing is that â€" all academics agreed that though the cheap meters may not be able to provide reliable quantitative values, they are still useful in pointing out the trend.   The price of a cheap voltmeter used in the Tong wheel is HK$8 and the price of the cheapest oscilloscope in Hong Kong is HK$2,300.

We believe that a 300 watt Output wheel that can fully recharge the batteries and provide continuous power to light some light bulbs and a fan will be sufficient to convince the hard-line establishments to purchase a unit for evaluation or training.  They will have no choice but to examine the Lead-Out Energy Theory carefully.  Our manufacturing partners may be able to make some money.  If we are lucky (or blessed by the Almighty again) to produce a 5 KW Electricity Generator, all doubts will vaporize.

If Steorn were successful in their demonstration of the Orbo, we shall benefit from having both the Lead-Out Energy Theory and a Lead-Out Energy Wheel.  National pride will force the Hong Kong or the Chinese Governments to take us seriously.  Thus publicity at this stage is important.

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 17, 2010, 10:11:56 AM
11. What improvements do you expect to make to the technology?

Improvement 12

Building the 5KW Electricity Generator

It is my personal belief that after we successfully demonstrated the 300 watt unit, the Lead-out Energy theory will be firmly established.   (Or if Steorn were successful in their demonstrations.) There will be little reason for Governments to keep their OU devices top secret.  The US Government may reveal the 225 HP Pulse Motor or some form of the Bedini Motor; the Chinese Government may reveal the Wang Motor or the Liang car; the Japanese Government may reveal their flux change motors etc.  If one Government takes action, the others have no choice but to follow.

The most important element for the success of the 5 KW Electricity Generator from us is the success of the feedback mechanism.  That requires good program control.   If the COP were 3, the loopback would be 3, 9, 27, 81 etc.  If there were no control, the electronics will burn.  We experienced such destructions but we could not identify the exact circumstance.  Forever and I saw the Output Voltmeter exceeded 1,000 DC volts at one time.  We were not able to reproduce the reading nor burning when we deliberately wanted to.   Some argued that we might have shorted some circuits accidentally.

My personal conviction is that the 225 HP Pulse Motor is real.  It has 9 wheels on the same axle.  This means that each wheel may be able to contribute 25 (225/9) horse-power.   The Tong Wheel is similar in construction and we only need 7 horse power .   Once we got our 300 watt wheel  working  and the feedback mechanism perfected, building the 5 KW Electricity Generator should be achievable.

We shall wait for the success of the 300 watt wheel first before speculating on the cost and time frame of our 5KW Electricity Generator.

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 17, 2010, 05:18:54 PM
11. What improvements do you expect to make to the technology?

Improvement 13

Building the Lead-Out Energy Bicycle

If the Lead-Out Energy Theory is correct, we should be able to a bicycle that lead-out gravitational and/or electron motion energy.  The bicycle peddle can provide the starting power and can occasionally provide energy from the human body.

This will focus more on extracting energy from the axle.  This area of research has not been done by our team yet.  We know that it is possible theoretically.  There is much more engineering work that needs to be done.

It would be interesting to have such a bicycle competing in the Bicycle Races.

Improvement 14

Building the Lead-out Energy Car

If we can build the Lead-out Energy Bicycle, we should be able to build the Lead-out Energy Car.  Rumor says that the 225 HP Pulse Motor and Liang had cars running on their engines.  The 225 HP Pulse Motor can climb steep hills as most of the lead-out energy comes from electron motion.  The Liang car cannot climb steep hills as most of the lead-out energy comes from gravity.

One possibility is the use of the Tong Wheel as the battery charging mechanism.  The typical car user drives the car to the office; parks it in a garage for many hours; drives home and lets the car rest for the night.  Even if the Tong Wheel cannot deliver 225 HP, it may be useful in the recharging of the batteries function.  The charging function can go on while the driver is away from the car. 

This possibility will be investigated fully after we have the 5 KW electricity generator. 

(to be continued)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 17, 2010, 06:04:35 PM
11. What improvements do you expect to make to the technology?

Improvement 15

Preparing to build the Flying Saucer

The propulsion system for the Flying Saucer will be different from the known plane or rocket technology.  The known plane technology relies on pushing air away with a propeller or burning fuel to push hot gases to provide thrust.   In outer space, we do not have air.  If we rely on burning fuel, we need to carry a large amount of fuel.

We need another type of propulsion system.   This type of system has already been demonstrated by the jumping tubes of Tong on youtube.

The theory is that we can produce a net force within a closed system if we allow unequal exchanges of Energy.  The first example was the passing of current to a coil to repel two identical magnets A and B in a tube.  Magnet A is allowed to strike a hard surface producing force F1.  Magnet B is allowed to stick a soft surface producing force F2.  Since F1 is greater than F2, the tube will move in the direction of F1.  The two magnets can then be attracted back slowly into the initial position to repeat the process again.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCHOkR-S800 (Generating unbalanced force from within)

Instead of using one coil and two magnets, Mr. Tong Po Chi used two coils and one magnet to achieve the equivalent.  The result was clearly demonstrated in the above youtube videos.  Magnetic attractions can be used so that there is no need for the magnet to strike any surface.  The force can be adjusted with different current and pulsing rate.

The linear motion is not as efficient as circular motion.  The arrangement can be coils in the stationary middle cylinder; a moving magnet on an outer enclosed cylinder.  Magnetic attraction can be used to rotate the magnet.  This arrangement can already lead-out electron motion A.  If we suddenly stop the magnetic attraction, the magnet will tend to fly away due to the centrifugal force.  We can have unbalanced force to provide the propulsion force.

Building the flying saucer is now theoretically possible and the proof-of-concept experiments have been performed.  However, this is likely to be highly classified due to the potential military use.  We may just continue to do the basic research and let the Governments build them.  Rumor says that these have been built in Area 51 in USA and Nanjing in China.  Should we believe rumors?

*** The list of improvements can go on for many more pages.  I shall pause here so that we can continue the other potential interview questions. ***
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 17, 2010, 06:24:43 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 17, 2010, 06:04:35 PM
11. What  do you expect to  to the ?

Improvement 15

Preparing to build the Flying Saucer

It's amazing how much delusional crap can one person generate in a couple of days! Even the follower sheep are surely embarrassed by this crap?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 17, 2010, 10:41:02 PM
Quote from: P_M on January 17, 2010, 07:29:10 PM

in German it says "Dummschwätzer"
two and a half years to  so much, you are nothing and have nothing

haha! The English language is not as advanced as German; we have a simplified word with two syllable and it is called "Dummy"!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 17, 2010, 11:06:09 PM
Potential Interview Questions

12. Are you willing to work with outside parties to move this technology forward?

Yes.  We worked with at least seven groups before we found Mr. Tong Po Chi who could actually produce an overunity wheel.  We do not mind working with outside parties to move this technology forward.

We are doing that in Hong Kong.  We put the Tong Wheel in the Better Hong Kong Radio Studio so that others can evaluate it independently.  We put much information on the Internet so that the potential participants will be able to have the right expectations.

In short, we have the Lead-Out Energy Theory.  That can be applied to almost all OU inventions.  We have the Tong Po Chi Lead-Out energy Wheel that has been demonstrated to over 25,000 persons.  There is some dispute on the cheap meter readings but they provide a good general direction for improvement.

We listed 15 potential improvements.  We welcome outside parties to work with us on these.  They may be able to think of other improvements.  The research is open to the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 17, 2010, 11:36:07 PM
Potential Interview Questions

13. How much does it cost to reproduce? 

The material cost of the existing Tong Wheel is approximately US$1,000.  However, much of the machining, coil winding, tuning were done by the very experienced hand of Mr. Tong.

Most Manufacturing Companies we talked to wanted the better 300 watt version which has not been built yet.  If mass produced, the material cost might be even less.  However, the Manufacturing Companies would like to cover their costs and make a profit.  The market for the 300 watt unit may be restricted to research and engineering organizations.  Mr. Tong estimated that an investment of HK$1-3 million and a time frame of 6 to 12 months.  He is working on it part tie â€" with or without funds or support.

The cost of manufacture for the 5 KW unit cannot be accurately estimated at this point.  My personal guess is less than US$2,500 after mass production.  The final price for the end consumer is likely to be less than USD5,000.  The Family will not need to pay for electricity or heating oil for the life of the machine (estimated to be at least 10 years). 

It is difficult to provide cost estimates for a product with mass demand.  The competition may drive the price to a level that all can afford.  The radio, television and personal computer are good examples.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 18, 2010, 12:04:04 AM
Potential Interview Questions

14. How long would it take someone else to reproduce once they have the parts/equipment needed?

The best way for someone else is to take the HK$150,000 course first.  After the course, they will be able to build another Tong Wheel within 1 week if they have the parts and equipments.

One Chinese Group paid HK$120,000 for one of the earlier versions of the Tong Wheel.  They thought that they did not need any training as the unit was available to them for replication.  They tried for over four months and could not reproduce the Wheel.   (Or they might have already perfected and improved the device and wanted to keep that a secret.)

Another Chinese Group claimed that they were requested by Beijing to do a preliminary report on our Wheel.  They spent 4 weeks without much success.  I went over to their site.  They got some wrong parts and did not understand the checking and tuning process.  Two days later, they got the simplified version of the Tong Wheel to work.  The simplified version can rotate and provide some electricity but cannot demonstrate overunity.

Mr. Lee Cheung Kin had connections with the Chinese Military as he was one of the first trained on missiles by the Russians in the 1950s.  He said that the Chinese Military Research teams understood our theory and even produced the flying saucer.  The UFO in Nanjing video shown on youtube was done by one of his associates.  Should we believe in rumors? 

My personal believe is that the US, Russian or Japanese top-secret Research Organizations could easily replicate our device.  The average “home-engineer” will have difficulties.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 18, 2010, 12:16:53 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 18, 2010, 12:04:04 AM
Potential Interview Questions

14. How long would it take someone else to reproduce once they have the parts/equipment needed?

The best way for someone else is to take the HK$150,000 course first.  .......

Keep dreaming Mr. Scam artist. It's just so pathetic! Which fool will pay even $1 for something that can't even generated 1W after all these years and all these garbage being strewn around in this thread?
Are you playing with Monopoly money, Mr. Tseung?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 18, 2010, 12:52:32 AM
Potential Interview Questions

15. How much longer do you see the global economy as being able to sustain an economic infrastructure that will allow for mass production/distribution of this and other technologies?

I am optimistic.  The Lead-Out Energy Theory is easy to understand.  Even the average secondary student can understand and work out the mathematics related to the Pulled Pendulum.  We already have a Tong Wheel that can demonstrate overunity.

The Steorn Orbo is likely to be successful.   The gadgetmail device is competing with us for the overunity.com prize (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=8332.0)  Their device is much cheaper and easier to produce.

My personal belief is that the Governments know that they will have to declassify the top-secret OU inventions sooner or later.  No scientific establishment can suppress the Lead-Out Energy theory now.  It is just a matter of getting more publicity and getting more OU devices demonstrating in Public.

There is a possibility that a totally unexpected third world nation might take on the Lead-Out Energy theory and machines.  They can develop them to new heights away from the limelight.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 18, 2010, 01:30:27 AM
Potential Interview Questions

16. Why are you involved with this technology?

I had two stokes.  At the bad time in 1998, I could only remember 4 numbers.  If you tell me your telephone number of 8 digits, I could never remember them without writing down.  My speech was blurred.  I took early retirement and went to Hong Kong to live with my son.

I was contacted by a Ms. Eunice Wong whose family helped to mend the relationship between China and Vietnam.  She said that she had some experimental Chinese Medicine that could help.  I had nothing to lose and took the medication.  Within four weeks, I recovered.  I could remember 8 digit numbers and could program easily again.

I asked Ms. Wong what she wanted.  She said: “Can you work on something nobody else could achieve?  You trained the first group of Chinese Computer Engineers and they spoke highly of you.”  I had an uncompleted research on ‘kinetic theory of gases in motion’ when I did my M.Sc.   I said that I could complete that.   Within weeks, that was completed and I went to the Aeronautical University in Beijing to discuss my findings.

That led to the theory and patent on leading-out energy from still air.  (That invention won a Silver Medal when Dr. Raymond Ting took it to USA.)  Mr. Lee Cheung Kin contacted me and invited me to see the marketing literature of Dr. Liang.  Dr. Liang was educated in USA but he used the philosophy of Yin-Yang to explain his no-fuel car.  We laughed and decided to seek alternative explanations.

That night, Lee thought of the Leading-out of gravitational energy via the pulled pendulum.  He woke me up from the hotel on that December morning of 2004.  We worked out the mathematics.  We knew we hit the jackpot.  We knew that we could lead-out energy to solve the Energy Crisis of the World.  There was no stopping from then on. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 18, 2010, 01:48:03 AM
Potential Interview Questions

17. What do you see yourself doing over the next five years?

I can see that the 15 Improvements mentioned earlier will be done by someone more qualified in engineering than me.  I could only promote the Lead-Out Energy Theory and demonstrate the inventions after Tong and others build and tune them.

Much of my time will be spent on affairs related to the “Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited”.  I expect the Lead-Out Energy Theory will be firmly established.  Many OU devices will be demonstrated.

The Governments may release their top-secret research on OU devices and Flying Saucers.  Different groups will try to claim credit.  There will be battle of words on the various forums on the Internet.

The names of Lee Cheung Kin and Lawrence Tseung will be mentioned as the founders of the Lead-out energy theory.  The chance of a flying saucer using lead-out energy demonstrated to the World is very high.  Lee and I will become public speakers more than scientists!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 18, 2010, 02:08:07 AM
Potential Interview Questions

18. What events brought you to the point at which you find yourself today?

The events include:

a.   Two stokes that forced me to retire early in the 1990s.
b.   Miracle cure by Ms. Eunice Wong
c.   Completed Kinetic Theory of Gases in Motion and presentation at Beijing
d.   Development of the “Leading-out of energy from Still Air”
e.   Meeting with Lee Cheung Kin and studying the marketing literature of Dr. Liang
f.   Working out the mathematics of the Pulled Pendulum
g.   Meeting Mr. Wang Shen He and taking apart his machine
h.   Meeting the 225 HP Pulse Motor Group at Tsinghua University in Beijing
i.   Suspected as a spy when the 225 HP Pulse Group contact was found not to represent China.
j.   The Email of Lee Cheung Kin to Obama before he was elected President
k.   Finding Mr. Tong Po Chi to develop the 60 cm Tong Wheel
l.   Demonstrating the Tong Wheel to over 25,000 people in two Open Shows in Hong Kong
m.   Working with Better Hong Kong Radio Show to promote Lead-Out Energy Theory and encouraging others to examine the Tong Wheel.
n.   The Steorn announcement in December 2009 that stimulated influential Hong Kong people to look at this field with a more open-mind
o.   The information and competition at overunity.com
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 18, 2010, 02:27:31 AM
Potential Interview Questions

19. Is China willing to allow outside countries to collaborate?  How?  To what extent?

This is a very difficult question to answer.  I know that my work was monitored by China since day 1.  All my contacts have connections in China.  They told me directly. 

According to Mr. Lee Cheung Kin, the Tong Wheel is just child’s play as the top-secret research establishments in China are far far ahead.  I was left alone because the Tong wheel could only generate 2-3 watts.

China is fully aware of my posts in the overunity.com forum and elsewhere.   They also know the 225 HP Pulse Motor developed in the USA and explained by Lee and myself at the end of 2006.

If the Lead-Out Energy theory is real and that the Tong wheel is real, there is no reason to doubt the 225 HP Pulse motor.  That was much more advanced than the Tong wheel we are demonstrating today.

I believe that there are two schools of thought in China.  One is to keep everything top-secret.  One is to see how things go.  China must claim some credit if OU devices were found to be real.  (The Steorn Orbo and the Gadgetmail device will not escape their attention.)  Our Tong wheel and the continued ltseung888 posts over the last few years will be good and solid publicity material.

In short, because we are a long way behind in the technical development of the Lead-Out Energy Machines, I believe China will leave us alone and see how things develop.   
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 18, 2010, 02:34:29 AM
Potential Interview Questions

20. What other technologies are you working on and how far along are they?

The other technology I am working on is the Flying Saucer.  The proof-of-concept experiments have been done.
We can indeed produce unbalanced force from within a closed system.

This technology will be combined with Lead-Out Energy technology at some stage in time.

*** I have now completed the first draft answers to the 20 questions raised.  We shall polish them before putting them on the Show. ***
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 18, 2010, 03:26:01 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 18, 2010, 02:34:29 AM
Potential Interview Questions

20. What other technologies are you working on and how far along are they?

The other  I am working on is the Flying Saucer.  The proof-of-concept experiments have been done.
We can indeed produce unbalanced force from within a closed system.

This technology will be combined with Lead-Out Energy technology at some stage in time.

*** I have now completed the first draft  to the 20 questions raised.  We shall polish them before putting them on the Show. ***

Your delusions knows no bounds and you're so full of yourself and totally are ignorant of how science works. You write as if your 'works' is Gospel but in reality it shows you really don't understand anything scientific. That's truly sad.

It's so laughable a 60 plus year old can go on believing his own crap for so long!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: the badger on January 18, 2010, 11:12:37 AM
chrisC is a disinfo agent on this forum for the single purpose of discrediting any actual science being done. Just click on his name on the left and then click on show posts. You can read all his posts ever added to this forum and you will notice page after page after page of personal attacks against people but no mention at all of doing any actual experiments himself. In fact he hasn't even offered any encouragement to anybody trying experiments. It makes reading these forums tiresome and shouldn't be allowed to continue.

Consider yourself officially busted.  ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on January 18, 2010, 12:53:14 PM
Quote from: the badger on January 18, 2010, 11:12:37 AM
chrisC is a disinfo agent on this forum for the single purpose of discrediting any actual science being done...
He is so obvious.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on January 18, 2010, 02:39:39 PM
the badger,

I hear ya.

Last week I addressed this issue with no support cept a reciprocating attack from ChrisC.

QuoteChris C,

I would have to say you are about the biggest loser I have ever witnessed.

It appears you sit around... wait for Mr Tsueng make a comment,
                                                                               then proceed to immediately heckle the man.

                    Meanwhile, you have no f__ing idea what you are talking about !

Do you have a life of your own?
                                                       Or does your happiness depend on degrading Mr. Tseung's postings?
                                 You question that Gravitational Energy can be 'lead out'?
                                                     Look at the Moon / Tides Dumbass.

                                    You question that Electron Energy can be 'lead out'?
                                    Build a speaker without Ferro or Magnet ya Dipshit.

Dude, you are basically a blind mole without a clue.
           Put on your thinking cap and join us... or go have a Nice Circle Jerk with your other Heckling Buddies !

          I, and other honest members are tired of your Mindless Bullshit !
Stefan... I politely ask that Persistent Hecklers with nothing to contribute be dealt with.
               How many useless posts are you going to allow a man?
               Hundreds of pages of attacks? ... that's not right.

Important work has been done here... is being done here... and will be done here.

            ANYONE who doesn't like it
                                         and feels the need to constantly disrupt the proceedings
                                                                                                                        does not belong here !
                                                                 It's simple logic.

Cheerful Regards,
                              The Observer

P.S. Keep going Mr. Tseung.
        There is at least 1 person in America who thinks Electron and Gravitic Energy can be 'lead out'.
        You and your associates are doing Great Work.
        Thankyou !

On ChrisC's behalf, I laid a pretty heavy attack on him... so in this case, he had some justification to go after me.

However, come on... whether covert agent or mindless retard,
                                                                                                        there comes a time when we must
                                                                                                        honor the intent of this forum,
                                                                                                        and the laws that govern a civil discussion.
Stefan... can Chris be allowed to post only in his own thread,
               to respond to any other threads...
               without disrupting the information flow
                                                                                   in an honest thread where people are actually working on prototypes??

At this point, Mr. Tseung's thread deserves some respect.

               The Observer
P.S. If the attacks continue... the next logical step will be to start a petition.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on January 18, 2010, 07:56:37 PM
Quote from: The Observer on January 18, 2010, 02:39:39 PM
At this point, Mr. Tseung's thread deserves some respect.

I am curious, why do you think this thread deserves any respect?  Even Mr. Tsueng  himself does not respect it.  He mostly talks amongst his numerous comical personas.  What serious person does this?

Good luck finding more than a handful of diehards to sign your petition.  Even here on ou.com, where pretty far out things generally get the benefit of the doubt, you're not going to find many takers on the Lead Out theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on January 19, 2010, 01:19:09 AM

You asked why I think this thread about leading out electron and gravitic energy deserves credit.

                 Because it's true.

                                I don't know if Tseung is perfect...  but he is working on a legitimate project.

1. The moon and tides evidence that gravitic energy can be lead out.
    (the moon stays at same orbit... it should get closer to the earth if energy is conserved)

2. A common speaker is evidence that electron energy can be lead out.
    (if you build a speaker without Ferro or Magnet... it takes more energy for same sound)

If you have a problem understanding either one of these facts... I will be happy to elaborate.

Also, I have noticed Mr. Tseung is an extremely organized and good writer ( a sign of intelligence ),
          seems to be able to set reasonable goals and then accomplishes most of them,
          and has never responded to ChrisC's attacks.                                               
                                                                                      I do not question this man's sanity.
               Newsflash---->   Only a loser would sit around...
                                             wait for someone post about their project,
                                             then immediately proceed to attack them.

And, as the badger pointed out... and I would have bet,

              ChrisC... has never posted a positive or constructive post.
                              has no ideas
                             does not appear to be interested in unidentified sources of energy

So why the f_ck is this guy here?

Sincere Regards,
                             The Observer

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 19, 2010, 02:21:37 AM
[author=The Observer link=topic=2794.msg223789#msg223789 date=1263881949]
So why the f_ck is this  here?

Sincere ,
                             The Observer

Mr. (D.S.A) Observer:

The reason why scam artist are able to prey on gullible people is because such gullible people identify with their dumb-shit ass 'solutions' .  That's why the few of you who really think you're 'participating' in this thread is really kidding yourselves because your so called 'knowledge' is dare I say, basic crap.

Go ahead, start a petition to ban me. I think Stephan has better things to do and allows this comic show to go on so comedian scam artists like Tseung can make a fool of themselves.

As for Tseung being organized and therefore showing signs of intelligence, er, that would explain your own 'intelligence' or rather lack of!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on January 19, 2010, 08:22:43 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on January 18, 2010, 07:56:37 PM
I am curious, why do you think this thread deserves any respect?  Even Mr. Tsueng  himself does not respect it.  He mostly talks amongst his numerous comical personas.  What serious person does this?

Good luck finding more than a handful of diehards to sign your petition.  Even here on ou.com, where pretty far out things generally get the benefit of the doubt, you're not going to find many takers on the Lead Out theory.

i don't think i have ever read a more asinine statement on this site than the one you just posted... "why do you think this thread deserves any respect?"... are you mental or just clueless utlitarian?

whether larry is off base, on base or even close to base is completely irrelevant... chrisc's behavior is childish, repetitve and entirely uncalled for. your argument is flawed as usual utilitarian, try a cogent one next time if you can manage to avoid the logical falacies you seem to always trip over...
are you really that stupid utilitarian?

i'll sign your petition observer.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on January 19, 2010, 10:09:04 AM
Yep Chris,

You don't have any idea what 'leading out' Gravitational or Electron energy might mean.
I bring up valid undeniable scientific examples... you talk about scam artists.

     hmmm... Are you changing the subject or unable to grasp simple science?

Can you comment...
                                           on why a speaker would take 1000s of times more energy
                                                             without ferromagnetic materials?

My guess is you have no idea what I am talking about.
If you do, please share !

Cheerful Regards,
                               The Observer

P.S. Thanks Willy... I realized it may be more fun to engage ChrisC with hard science.
                                  So at this point, my plan B is a petition unless Ole Stefan makes some sort of a move.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on January 19, 2010, 11:13:45 AM
Quote from: The Observer on January 19, 2010, 01:19:09 AM

1. The moon and tides evidence that gravitic energy can be lead out.
    (the moon stays at same orbit... it should get closer to the earth if energy is conserved)

2. A common speaker is evidence that electron energy can be lead out.
    (if you build a speaker without Ferro or Magnet... it takes more energy for same sound)

Whether the moon gets closer to the earth or farther away, given tidal action, has nothing to do with whether energy is conserved.

What tidal action does do is slowly bring the Earth's rotation and the Moon's orbit in sync.  A day used to be about 22 hours about 600 million years ago, and the fact that it has grown is due to this effect.  So tidal energy is not free and nothing is being lead out.  The cost is that the Earth slows in its rotation.

I am not even going to comment on the speaker issue because I am not an expert in electronics, but if you can point me to any article corroborating what you have to say about free energy and speakers, I will be happy to look at it.

Lastly, with regard to Tseung's resonableness and honesty, there is nothing reasonable about this.  The guy makes promises about flying saucers and the olympics.  What happened to that reasonable promise?

His experiments are completely dishonest and are intended to mislead the viewer.  One example - his little rotating clear plastic square with tubes and balls.  He observes correctly that padding one side of the tube will prolong the rotation of the square.  His conclusion - energy is being lead out by the ball.

This conclusion is wrong and could easily be falsified with one more experiment - hold the ball in place and do not it bang about.  He of course knows this and does not show that control experiment.

And now he is selling $20,000 courses.  If you think he is onto something, why don't you go to a course?  That's not much to pay for world changing technology, right?  You could make millions in your home country with these.

And Wilby, the thread gets the respect it deserves.  If you are going to say ridiculous things about flying saucers and other nonsense, you are going to get the hecklers you deserve.  That's the way it goes, and your signature on a petition is not going to change the nature of that.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on January 19, 2010, 11:35:24 AM
Quote from: chrisC on January 19, 2010, 02:21:37 AM
[author=The Observer link=topic=2794.msg223789#msg223789 date=1263881949]
...this thread is really kidding yourselves because your so called 'knowledge' is dare I say, basic crap...
You do not understand the basic premise of free energy or where it comes from,
and I am amazed that you take time off from your left handed washable
magazines to irritate us and waste Stefan's bandwidth.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: the badger on January 19, 2010, 12:49:34 PM
Isn't it funny how you out one professional heckler and another one comes to his defence? I read back about a hundred posts from utilitarian and he is the same as chrisc albeit in a more subtler way. This guy even defends the official government line on 911, the moon landings, etc. People, if you want to know if someone is a disinfo agent just read back through all their posts. If nothing positive ever comes from them and they don't actually do any experimenting themselves, then they are on this forum for reasons other than advancing free energy science. If you find someone like this then tell everybody about it in the How to spot MIB disinfo agents in forums thread in the news section
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 19, 2010, 01:40:50 PM
Quote from: the badger on January 19, 2010, 12:49:34 PM
... This guy even defends the official government line on 911, the moon landings, etc. ... other than advancing free energy science. If you find someone like this then tell everybody about it in the How to spot MIB disinfo agents in forums thread in the news section


hahahaha! One of the most idiotic posts I've read (outside old Tseung's delusions) this year.

People like Util and me are people who are concerned that scam artists beguile simple minded souls and hence try to kick some senses back into their beguiled minds. Wheteher we do or don't do these 'replications', these so called theories are so far fetched (and almost certainly wrong), it is just laughable.

Oh, btw, how many watts of free energy have you advanced? Or are you like that DSA Observer, who can tell he has observed O.U in speakers?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: the badger on January 19, 2010, 01:47:58 PM
Yep. Just another personal attack. It's all you can manage.  ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on January 19, 2010, 02:11:39 PM
Quote from: chrisC on January 19, 2010, 01:40:50 PM

hahahaha! One of the most idiotic posts I've read (outside old Tseung's delusions) this year.

People like Util and me are people who are concerned that scam artists beguile simple minded souls and hence try to kick some senses back into their beguiled minds. Wheteher we do or don't do these 'replications', these so called theories are so far fetched (and almost certainly wrong), it is just laughable.

Oh, btw, how many watts of free energy have you advanced? Or are you like that DSA Observer, who can tell he has observed O.U in speakers?

ok chrisc, so you have voiced your disagreement with larry's theory... actually, you voiced it long ago, so did utilitarian. since you and the others you speak of have already made your disagreement known numerous times, other than being juvenile, what purpose does your continual chanting of the same thing serve?

did you get a soldering iron yet? ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 19, 2010, 02:32:42 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on January 19, 2010, 02:11:39 PM
ok chrisc, so you have voiced your disagreement with larry's theory... actually, you voiced it long ago, so did utilitarian. since you and the others you speak of have already made your disagreement known, other than being juvenile, what purpose does your continual chanting of the same thing serve?

and it's "people like util and i"... ::)

Hey Wilby:

I think you need to read the whole thing and not just half of it. Yes, Util and I have issues with Tseung's base-less theories and his practice of making his unexplainable theories sound like sliced bread. That's not what the real problem is. The real issue here is that old Tseung is using this forum to try scam US$20K 0r $150K HK dollars from some simple minded folks and that IS WRONG! If there was no money asked, I would not be on his tail!

Let me simplify the story more. When I was a young child, there  was a knock on our door and my mom opened it and there was a young woman with a baby, sincerely crying and she explained to my mom she was robbed at the train station and has no money to return to her family in another state and she was hungry. My mom fed her and gave her the equivalent of $100 to get her home. Later, she found out this young girl had scammed a bunch of 'at-home' moms in the neighborhood. Now, that stayed in my mind all these years and people can look and behave very sincere but they can also be after another agenda. Get it?

As to Badger & Paul accusing me of being a 'paid' disrupter, let me tell you something. You can't pay me enough to sit here and look at Tseung's writings. When Tseung claims he has 'patents' to support his findings and he experiments are bing watched by the Chinese Govt. etc, you've read too many Tom Clancy's novels to believe this shit. The truth is no patent office anywhere will grant Tseung any patent based on this mindless crap. Just check the office actions on his previous patent application.

I know what the hell I am talking about. I have several patents and many more pending; each issued patent is making money, some over 7 figures. It is not a boast but if you asked me for my qualifications, you have some. I am also a electronics engineer and software developer. Yes, I am 'semi' retired and I do have time but not because I need to boast about anything but I AM annoyed by scam artists.

Whether Tseung's strokes have made his truly delusional I do not know but I do wish him well that he will be sane enough to do the right thing.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on January 19, 2010, 02:34:54 PM
Quote from: chrisC on January 19, 2010, 02:32:42 PM
Hey Wilby:

I think you need to read the whole thing and not just half of it. Yes, Util and I have issues with Tseung's base-less theories and his practice of making his unexplainable theories sound like sliced bread. That's not what the real problem is. The real issue here is that old Tseung is using this forum to try scam US$20K 0r $150K HK dollars from some simple minded folks and that IS WRONG! If there was no money asked, I would not be on his tail!

Let me simplify the story more. When I was a young child, there  was a knock on our door and my mom opened it and there was a young woman with a baby, sincerely crying and she explained to my mom she was robbed at the train station and has no money to return to her family in another state and she was hungry. My mom fed her and gave her the equivalent of $100 to get her home. Later, she found out this young girl had scammed a bunch of 'at-home' moms in the neighborhood. Now, that stayed in my mind all these years and people can look and behave very sincere but they can also be after another agenda. Get it?

As to Badger & Paul accusing me of being a 'paid' disrupter, let me tell you something. You can't pay me enough to sit here and look at Tseung's writings. When Tseung claims he has 'patents' to support his findings and he experiments are bing watched by the Chinese Govt. etc, you've read too many Tom Clancy's novels to believe this shit. The truth is no patent office anywhere will grant Tseung any patent based on this mindless crap. Just check the office actions on his previous patent application.

I know what the hell I am talking about. I have several patents and many more pending; each issued patent is making money, some over 7 figures. It is not a boast but if you asked me for my qualifications, you have some. I am also a electronics engineer and software developer. Yes, I am 'semi' retired and I do have time but not because I need to boast about anything but I AM annoyed by scam artists.

Whether Tseung's strokes have made his truly delusional I do not know but I do wish him well that he will be sane enough to do the right thing.

i think you need to stop avoiding simple questions... you avoided the one by the observer and now avoided mine. just answer this simple question.

since you and the others you speak of have already made your disagreement known numerous times, other than being juvenile, what purpose does your continual chanting of the same thing serve?

an electronics engineer that doesn't own a soldering iron... ::)  whatever, can you offer any proof to your claims?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 19, 2010, 02:38:01 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on January 19, 2010, 02:34:54 PM
i think you need to stop avoiding simple questions... you avoided the one by the observer and now avoided mine. just answer this simple question.

since you and the others you speak of have already made your disagreement known numerous times, other than being , what purpose does your continual chanting of the same thing serve?

You clearly are not an intelligent person.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on January 19, 2010, 02:40:46 PM
Quote from: chrisC on January 19, 2010, 02:38:01 PM
You clearly are not an intelligent person.

why are you avoiding answering this simple question? you were on larry's tail long before his seminars came around... this thread proves it. furthermore i did not ask you for your qualifications... i know you're unqualified. now here is the question again.

since you and the others you speak of have already made your disagreement known numerous times, other than being juvenile, what purpose does your continual chanting of the same thing serve?

stories about your gullible mother, changing the subject to discussion of other conversations as well as your claims about your 'alleged' qualifications are irrelevant responses...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on January 19, 2010, 03:10:44 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on January 19, 2010, 02:40:46 PM
since you and the others you speak of have already made your disagreement known numerous times, other than being juvenile, what purpose does your continual chanting of the same thing serve?

The same question can be posed to you, since you and your friends have already made your disagreement with mine and ChrisC's objections to Tseung's efforts known, why do you continue to voice them?  Maybe as soon as you can aswer that question, you will have the answer to your own.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on January 19, 2010, 03:21:26 PM
Quote from: utilitarian on January 19, 2010, 03:10:44 PM
The same question can be posed to you, since you and your friends have already made your disagreement with mine and ChrisC's objections to Tseung's efforts known, why do you continue to voice them?  Maybe as soon as you can aswer that question, you will have the answer to your own.

a logical fallacy as a response... how typical utilitarian. ::) and what a pathetic attempt to avoid the question.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on January 19, 2010, 03:49:16 PM
To Chris and Util,

You clearly don't understand what I am talking about when I say that electron energy is 'lead out' in a speaker.
That's ok guys, you have alot learn and (science is a closed book) blinders to take off.

Understand these concepts.

      1. A common speaker's parts include
                                                                   - A Magnet
                                                                    - A Coil hooked up to the diaphragm
                                                                   - A piece of Iron inside the coil.

      2. A Coil produces a Magnetic Field when hooked up to a potential difference (a battery).

      3. For a given Speaker... you can replace the Magnet with a Coil (hooked up to a potential difference.)

      4. For a given Speaker... you can take out the iron.

      5.What you have left is a speaker made of
                                                                             - A large coil connected to a potential difference.
                                                                             - A small coil hooked up to the diaphragm.

      6. Now compare the energy needed to make the same sound.
                                                                                                            Ferromagnetic Speaker vs. Coil Speaker.

                               Whala.. you will find that the coil speaker takes much more energy to run.

Why? Because magnetic density is measured in AMPERES/sqMETER.
           And AMPERES refers to electron current.

           You see, unpaired electrons in Ferros create a magnetic field, just like a coil of wire hooked up to battery !

           Something you obviously didn't know !

Please communicate back to me if you understand this.
If not... I can make a nice diagram with pictures.

Cheery Regards,
                            The Observer

P.S. You seem stumped on my Moon/ Tides Example.
        Because tides do work on the earth's surface... gravitic energy is used, yet the moon doesn't come closer to the earth.
        If there wasn't extra energy somewhere... conservation of energy dictates the moon crashes into the earth !
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on January 19, 2010, 06:00:08 PM
Quote from: The Observer on January 19, 2010, 03:49:16 PM

P.S. You seem stumped on my Moon/ Tides Example.
        Because tides do work on the earth's surface... gravitic energy is used, yet the moon doesn't come closer to the earth.
        If there wasn't extra energy somewhere... conservation of energy dictates the moon crashes into the earth !

The moon has too much inertia, that's why it's leaving orbit.  You are confusing things because you dont understand the forces at play.  The earth's rotation is indeed being slowed by tidal action, so there is your cost.  No free energy, nothing being lead out.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on January 19, 2010, 07:08:45 PM

You refuse to answer the speaker question.
My guess is ChrisC will not either.

Then you say,
QuoteThe moon has too much inertia, that's why it's leaving orbit.

All I can say is... Where's it going?

Chairs !
              The Observer

P.S. Keep up the good work Mr. Tseung.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 19, 2010, 07:12:43 PM

I'm sure mostly everyone is familiar with the old phrase 'get the lead out', right ?

Now, it only stands to reason that if there was nothing that could be 'lead out' in the first place...then there would certainly not be any kind of  'lead out' to get...and therefore no need for the above referred to phrase.

I hope that brought some clarity to this spirited (and long) debate.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 19, 2010, 07:16:51 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on January 19, 2010, 07:12:43 PM
I'm sure mostly everyone is familiar with the old phrase 'get the lead out', right ?

Now, it only stands to reason that if there was nothing that could be 'lead out' in the first place...then there would certainly not be any kind of  'lead out' to get...and therefore no need for the above referred to phrase.

I hope that brought some clarity to this spirited (and long) debate.


@ Cap

You're not only intelligent, you're witty too! Good one!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 19, 2010, 07:20:02 PM

*takes modest toes pointed inwards bow*

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on January 19, 2010, 08:56:01 PM
Quote from: The Observer on January 19, 2010, 03:49:16 PM

      6. Now compare the energy needed to make the same sound.
                                                                                                            Ferromagnetic Speaker vs. Coil Speaker.

                               Whala.. you will find that the coil speaker takes much more energy to run.

With regard to your speaker issue, I think your grasp of energy is as weak as your grasp of the physics involved with the earth/moon orbit.

Just because the use of a magnet results in a more efficient device, at no additional energy cost, does not mean there is free energy.

For example, I could hold a 5 lb iron dumbell stretched out in my hand, or I could let a magnet, secured to a wall, hold the weight.  My muscles, due to their nature, require energy to stay flexed.  The permanent magnet requires no energy.  So there, the magnet saved me all this energy.  But does the magnet provide free energy, no.

Again, if you believe the ordinary speaker is a free energy device, please direct me to at least one mainstream article discussing this amazing fact.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 19, 2010, 11:45:39 PM

This is one of the OU devices from China using the Lead-Out Energy Theory.

There will be at least two working OU devices in our Show organized by Todd Hathaway â€" an US military energy expert.

The Lead-Out Energy Theory will help China to produce hundreds of OU devices in the next few months.   Indian Engineers are working with Chinese Engineers on this particular device.  International cooperation has started.

The debunkers can come to Hong Kong and bring their test equipment.  Will they dare to take the challenge???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 20, 2010, 12:31:15 AM
The original news article:


å...°å·žå¸,æ°'å­™é'»æ˜Žä»Šå¹´52岁,是个无线ç"µçˆ±å¥½è€...,喜欢æ'†å¼,,家ç"¨ç"µå™¨ï¼Œç "究它们çš,,原理ã€,去年,孙é'»æ˜Žå¼€å§‹å®žæ–½è®¸ä¹...以来é...é...¿çš,,一个大计åˆ'â€"â€"â€"自制“自供ç"µè‡ªå'ç"µçš,,永动机”ã€,他明白,这是个在常人看来疯ç‹,çš,,举动,不可能有人制造出所è°"永动机,因为它还没“出ç"Ÿâ€å°±å·²è¢«ä¼Ÿå¤§çš,,牛顿判了“死åˆ'”ã€,å­™é'»æ˜Žçš,,名字中有个“é'»â€å­—,他çš,,确没有辜负这个字ã€,像许多梦想制造出永动机çš,,人一样,在旁人çš,,冷嘲热讽中,孙é'»æ˜Žå¼€å§‹äº†è‹¦è‹¦é'»ç "ã€,ç"¨ä»–çš,,话说就是“ç§'å­¦å'明永无止境”ã€,2006å¹´1月15日,孙é'»æ˜Žçš,,一种名为自å'ç"µè‡ªä¾›ç"µåŠ¨åŠ›è£...置终于问世了ã€,å­™é'»æ˜Žè¿™æ ·å½¢å®¹å®ƒï¼šä½¿ç"¨ä¸€å°ç›´æµå'ç"µæœºï¼Œé€šè¿‡é€†å˜å™¨ä¾›ç"µç»™äº¤æµç"µåŠ¨æœºï¼Œå·¥ä½œä¸­ä¸¤æœºåŒæ—¶è¿è½¬ï¼Œäº¤æµç"µåŠ¨æœºå'前行驶,带动å'ç"µæœºå‰è¿›ã€,直流å'ç"µæœºè¿è½¬æ—¶ï¼Œå¯å'出不同ç"µé‡ä¾›ç»™é€†å˜å™¨ï¼Œè€Œé€†å˜å™¨è¾"出不同çš,,交流ç"µä¾›äº¤æµç"µåŠ¨æœºè¿è½¬ï¼Œå°±æˆäº†è‡ªå'自供çš,,动力机ã€,å­™é'»æ˜Žæ¬£å–œè‹¥ç‹,,他觉得自己成功了,ç"šè‡³è¿˜ç"³è¯·äº†ä¸"利ã€,现在,他正积极å¥"走于å,,有å...³éƒ¨é—¨ï¼Œç"šè‡³è¿˜æ‰¾åˆ°å...°å·žå¤§å­¦çš,,物理学教授,希望得到权威人士çš,,鉴定ã€,有人ç¬'他有ç,¹åƒå ,•吉诃德,也有人ç¬'他“连基本çš,,物理常识都不å...·å¤‡â€ã€,尽管å¦,此,孙é'»æ˜Žä¾ç,,¶æ‰§è'—ã€,

走进孙é'»æ˜Žçš,,家,到å¤,,æ'†æ»¡äº†å,,式å,,æ ·çš,,ç"µè§†æœºå'Œå½•éŸ³æœºï¼Œåˆ©ç"¨ä¸šä½™æ—¶é—´æžä¸€ç,¹å°å'明,孙é'»æ˜Žä¹Ÿä¹æ­¤ä¸ç–²ï¼Œâ€œç"Ÿå'仪”就是成果之一,这个看起来简陋çš,,è£...置,据说很有功效ã€,理解孙é'»æ˜Žçš,,人这样说:“å...¶å®žï¼Œé‡è¦çš,,并不是ç»"果,而是努力çš,,过程,现代人缺å°'çš,,就是他这种精神!

10月11日下午4时许记è€...到孙é'»æ˜Žå®¶ä¸­äº²çœ¼æ‰€è§ï¼Œåœ¨è®°è€...çš,,采访中孙é'»æ˜Žè¯´ï¼šâ€œæˆ'ç "å'çš,,不是永动机,而是自å'ç"µè‡ªä¾›ç"µåŠ¨åŠ›è£...置,是物理ç"µèƒ½ï¼Œäººå·¥ç»™å®ƒä¸€ä¸ªåŠ¨åŠ›æˆ–ç"µç"¶èµ·åŠ¨ï¼Œç›´æµå'ç"µï¼Œäº¤æµåšåŠŸã€,ç"µèƒ½è½¬æ¢æˆæœºæ¢°èƒ½ï¼Œæœºæ¢°èƒ½è½¬æ¢æˆç"µèƒ½æ°¸ä¸åœæ­¢ï¼Œè¿˜å¯å'外è¾"送ç"µèƒ½ã€,(注:ç"µç"¶çš,,ç"µé‡ç™¾å¹´èƒ½ç"¨å®Œï¼‰ä½†å'ç"µæœºä»£æ›¿ç"µç"¶ï¼Œç¥–祖辈辈ç"¨ä¸å®Œã€,”记è€...看到,此机在运转时,彩色ç"µè§†æœºå‡ºå›¾åƒäº†ï¼Œæ—¥å...‰ç¯ä¹Ÿç€äº†ï¼Œä¸å¯æ€è®®ã€,真是太神奇了ã€,据孙é'»æ˜Žè¯´â€œæ­¤æœºçŽ¯ä¿æ— æ±¡æ¢ï¼ŒèŠ,能减æŽ',保护不可再ç"Ÿçš,,èµ,,源,(ç...¤ç,­ã€çŸ³æ²¹ï¼‰ä½¿ç"¨å¹¿æ³›ï¼Œå®è§,ç"¨äºŽè½¦ã€èˆ¹ã€èˆªå¤©ã€å'ç"µç«™ç...§æ˜Žã€å¾®è§,可将此机è£...å...¥ç"µè§†ã€å†°ç®±ã€ç©ºè°ƒã€ç"µç£ç,‰ç­‰ï¼Œä¸éœ€å¤–æ'ç"µæºâ€ã€,中国人有一天将ç"¨è‡ªå'ç"µè‡ªä¾›ç"µé£žè¡Œå™¨é£žå¾€å¤ªç©ºåŽ»å¤–星一定实现,样机可见ã€,

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 20, 2010, 12:50:33 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 19, 2010, 11:45:39 PM


Looked to me like a TV repairman in his shop without electricity and using some mechanical contraption to drive a motor to generate electricity? How amusing and very meaningful.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 20, 2010, 03:07:35 AM

This is another TV news station reporting on the same Lead-Out Energy Machine from China.

The inventor groups are working with us because we can explain the source of their energy.   The Tong Wheel demonstrated in Hong Kong was broadcasted all over China.  The publicity helped to bring other inventors to us.

Lead-Out Energy Theory cannot be wrong.  The gravitational energy lead-out by a horizontal force on a pulled pendulum is equal to the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement.  So long as there is tension on the string, gravitational energy can be lead out.  The ratio of vertical energy lead out (gravitational energy) over the supplied horizontal energy is roughly 0.5.  In other words, roughly 2 parts of horizontal energy can lead out 1 part of gravitational energy.

The Law of Parallelogram of Forces cannot be wrong.   The Law of Conservation of Energy is not wrong â€" only misapplied by uninformed persons.

The paid debunkers, jeerers and insulters helped us to get more publicity.  The more they shouted, yelled and screamed, the more we benefited.  They are already on my ignore list.  They could not possibly affect me psychologically.

My vote is â€" leave them on the forum.  Let them scream their non-sense more.  That helps to draw in the crowd.  We need the publicity.  We have two working OU devices that can be demonstrated now.  With more publicity, we shall have more.  China will have dozens if not hundreds of OU devices in the near future.  The Lead-Out Theory will be used to explain their source of energy.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on January 20, 2010, 03:29:14 AM

With all due respect sir, if you withdraw your offer of the course for $20,000 USD for a device that has not been replicated or proven to date, then a lot of folks here will settle down.  This is my only complaint with your theory.  Normally, folks don't sell stuff related to a theory, only proven devices.

I am not making any judgments on your device or your theory, only that you are willing to take money from folks BEFORE anything is proven about it.

Please reconsider this and I think it might go a long way to helping you take less abuse, and possibly add more credibility to your theory.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 20, 2010, 04:55:16 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 20, 2010, 03:29:14 AM

With all due respect sir, if you withdraw your offer of the course for $20,000 USD for a device that has not been replicated or proven to date, then a lot of folks here will settle down.  This is my only complaint with your theory.  Normally, folks don't sell stuff related to a theory, only proven devices.

I am not making any judgments on your device or your theory, only that you are willing to take money from folks BEFORE anything is proven about it.

Please reconsider this and I think it might go a long way to helping you take less abuse, and possibly add more credibility to your theory.




You do not understand Hong Kong.  If you do not talk about money, you are a FAKE!  I don't care about insults and abuses from the Forum members here.  They help to generate publicity.  They have attracted attention from Beijing and many influential people in Hong Kong.  The Steorn demonstration also helped.

Encourage them to yell and scream.  Encourage them to pour out more non-sense.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on January 20, 2010, 11:36:11 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 20, 2010, 03:29:14 AM
if you withdraw your offer of the course for $20,000 USD for a device that has not been replicated or proven to date
What I think we have here, Bill, is Lawrence charging a lot to industrial "early adopters", and saving back information in order to give them exclusivity in return for their investment.

If this investment technology simply doesn't work, then they can use legal remedies on the grounds that the product sold was not fit for purpose (or whatever is the local legal equivalent to this phrase).

It is to be able give this competitive edge that we, in this forum, are not getting the whole picture.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 20, 2010, 01:24:37 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on January 20, 2010, 11:36:11 AM
What I think we have here, Bill, is Lawrence charging a lot to industrial "early adopters", and saving back information in order to give them exclusivity in return for their investment.

If this investment technology simply doesn't work, then they can use legal remedies on the grounds that the product sold was not fit for purpose (or whatever is the local legal equivalent to this phrase).

It is to be able give this competitive A that we, in this forum, are not getting the whole picture.

Dear Paul-R,

You are right.  One cannot teach someone how to repair a car if there were no cars to disassemble.  Similarly, we cannot teach you how to tune a Lead-Out Energy Machine without making one available.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on January 20, 2010, 06:33:48 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 20, 2010, 01:24:37 PM
Dear Paul-R,

You are right.  One cannot teach someone how to repair a car if there were no cars to disassemble.  Similarly, we cannot teach you how to tune a Lead-Out Energy Machine without making one available.
The kit car industry does this. They sell a car in bits in a large brown box with a big assembly manual.

It is a matter of policy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on January 20, 2010, 08:12:20 PM

Also, Johnny Cash stole a Cadillac 'One Piece at a Time'.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 21, 2010, 01:27:45 AM
Mr. Lam is a well known inventor in Hong Kong.  He appeared in the News and on TV many times.
He agreed to check our voltmeter and amp meter readings and publish the results with his picture.

We invite more  people to do so.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on January 25, 2010, 07:22:24 PM

You state in response to my assertion that a speaker leads out electron energy...

QuoteJust because the use of a magnet results in a more efficient device, at no additional energy cost, does not mean there is free energy.

I don't think you are comprehending that a speaker is an independent dynamic magnetic system.

                         It takes energy to create the system.
                         The only way to conserve energy is acknowledge all the energy present.

                         The magnet provides free magnetic energy by means of atomic electron motion.

Does this help?

Best Regards,
                        The Observer
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 25, 2010, 09:26:47 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 20, 2010, 04:55:16 AM

...  If you do not talk about money, you are a FAKE!  ...

Encourage them to yell and scream.  Encourage them to pour out more non-sense.

Money or no money, a Fake IS a FAKE when there is no proof!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 29, 2010, 05:29:53 PM
Still cannot open page 349 but can open other pages!

The Tong wheel is now at the Office of Dr. James Wong, the Chariman of the Institute of Energy of Hong Kong (IOE).  The IOE has  qualified engineers - some are graduates of United States Universities.  They have oscilloscope at their site.

Some improvements will be made at weekends.  Attached is my suggestions on improvements.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 29, 2010, 05:42:55 PM
Mr. Napolian Lam testing the Wheel at the Better A Radio Studio.

I believe the same picture was posted on page 349 but I cannot access that page.

This is a repeat of the posting.

We can have dozens of qualified scientists and engineers confirming our meter readings.  The meter readings and oscilloscope waveforms cannot be wrong.  There can be some discussion or differences of opinion on their exact meaning.  That is good for science.

I believe some one from this forum once posted that he was willing to travel to Hong Kong to test the device with his engineers and his test equipment.  Who was that person?  Or do any forum members have trusted friends in Hong Kong.  They are welcome to test and videotape the Wheel in action.  Independent validation is welcome.

The Tong wheel cannot participate in the overunity.com 1 watt overunity competition as we applied for patents. 

The Lead-out Energy theory cannot be wrong.  It explains the energy source of the Tong Wheel and also the Orbo.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on January 29, 2010, 06:29:38 PM
Quote from: chrisC on January 25, 2010, 09:26:47 PM
Money or no money, a Fake IS a FAKE when there is no proof!

When you, chrisC, know 10 times more about the new Physics than you know now, you will grow to realise what a plonker you are.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 30, 2010, 04:52:27 AM
Working with Chao Ching San

The Chinese Inventor who invented the very efficient electric car came to Hong Kong to demonstrate his battery and his car.  Mr. Lee Cheung Kin sat on his car two years ago and now the news article said that Mr. Chao received RMB$1 billion (USD120million) funding.  The product that can be sold immediately is the battery.
The car can run 500 km in one charge.  The cost is rmb1.5 per watt.

The full article in Chinese is available at:

Mr. Tong Po Chi went to the demonstration and through the Hong Kong Taxi Union, placed orders for the battery.  The Chao car is not for sale yet.  The rumor was that the engine could produce overunity.  However, an efficient electric car is acceptable to the business community in Hong Kong.  An overunity car would be rejected.  The Chao team is very clever in NOT claiming overunity officially.

The car was demonstrated but the engine was NOT shown.  The investment community in Hong Kong was excited.  The Hong Kong Government Officials also attended.   (If overunity were claimed, no Official will attend!)

This is the reality at present. We do not mind being stupid and keep claiming that overunity is possible because Lead-Out Energy theory is correct. Our Tong Wheel can demonstrate COP >1 and is available for all to verify.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 31, 2010, 01:13:49 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on January 29, 2010, 06:29:38 PM
When you, chrisC, know 10 times more about the new Physics than you know now, you will grow to realise what a plonker you are.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 31, 2010, 01:16:09 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on January 29, 2010, 06:29:38 PM
When you, chrisC, know 10 times more about the new Physics  know now, you will grow to realise what a plonker you are.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on January 31, 2010, 01:18:28 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on January 29, 2010, 06:29:38 PM
When you, chrisC, know 10 times more about the new Physics  know now, you will grow to realise what a plonker you are.

Plonker? You're seeing yourself in the mirror, and you've been reading too much new-age Physics, you  wanker!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 31, 2010, 07:52:50 AM

The Steorn demo.

It looks like the Steorn Demo is slightly less convincing than ours.  We can at least have meters at the Input and at the Output side to demonstrate overunity.  We also have the waveforms from the oscilloscopes.

The good thing is that we both are willing to open our demonstration prototypes to the World.  Engineers can bring their own test equipment.

OU is a certainty now.  We need to improve the efficiency to generate more watts.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on January 31, 2010, 02:46:59 PM
Comments on the Steorn Final Demo

I have watched the three part final demo:
Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkKPfhQgEVk
Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/user/reeeeeely#p/a/u/1/QPaE78qnXks
Part 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY-IZby6lIY

It is clear to me that Steorn is NOT using the Lead-Out Energy to explain the source of energy of Orbo yet.  Their demonstration and the data presented so far is NOT convincing as far as proving COP > 1.
If I were to present the Orbo from the Lead-Out Energy Theory Point of View, I would do the following:
1.   Explain the Lead-Out Energy Theory first
2.   Talk about the various factors that would affect the efficiency
3.   One important factor is the PULSE Current.  It must be provided at the right time.  Its strength and duration will determine the INPUT POWER supplied.  Its frequency should vary with the External Load.
4.   Another important factor is the Coil.  In the Orbo, magnetic attraction was used.  In the Tong wheel, magnetic repulsion was used.
5.   Another important factor is the diameter of the wheel.  With a larger diameter, more coils and magnets can be put on.  Tuning can be achieved with different number of drive coils and collector coils as in the Tong wheel.  The larger wheel also allows time for the Lead-Out Energy Process to complete. 
6.   With any PULSE Force, the pushed object will take time to accelerate to the highest speed to take full advantage of that force.  If the RPM or pulse interval is too fast, this will not happen.  Most Pulse Motor Researchers did not understand this important factor.
7.   The most important aspect is to allow other groups to test the demonstration prototype with their own equipment. 
As far as providing full engineering specification for replication, Steorn would like to protect some secrets.  In addition, there were much tuning to get to the right working point.  The Tong Wheel can demonstrate this aspect very well with the proximity switch positioning.  With slight variation, the Tong wheel can rotate clockwise, rotate anti-clockwise, stop, achieve OU or fail to achieve OU.

The better way is to have manufactured Educational Products that can demonstrate OU at purchase.  The buyer (developer or student) can then take the product apart and improve.

At this moment in time, the Tong Wheel is ahead of Orbo in its ability to demonstrate OU.  Both devices are now open to the Public for verification and testing.  The World will benefit.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on January 31, 2010, 05:27:46 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 31, 2010, 02:46:59 PM

The better way is to have manufactured Educational Products that can demonstrate OU at purchase.  The buyer (developer or student) can then take the product apart and improve.

I have always promoted this idea but the price should reflect the ability of researchers or students to pay. The sooner such kits are availble, the sooner there will be temasm of people improving your technology.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: mscoffman on February 01, 2010, 10:01:06 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on January 31, 2010, 05:27:46 PM
I have always promoted this idea but the price should reflect the ability of researchers or students to pay. The sooner such kits are availble, the sooner there will be temasm of people improving your technology.


I agree completely with what you are saying. These kits should not include
any instrumentation that raises the price, just the basics. Also there are ways of
constructing projects using vector-board, soldered copper wire and bare
PC board pieces that are massively inexpensive that would serve to get these
developments into anyone's hands that would be interested, including people
in many third world countries. This is what it will take.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 01, 2010, 10:40:13 AM
Quote from: mscoffman on February 01, 2010, 10:01:06 AM
Also there are ways of constructing projects using vector-board, soldered copper wire and bare PC board pieces
...and you forgot to mention making holes in cut down cornflakes packets, and poking the components through and soldering on the other side.

Also, some of the ingredients needed may be salvageable from well known products.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 02, 2010, 03:46:26 PM
The best way to produce the PULSE

Cheung: “What is the best way to produce the PULSE if the proximity switch is not that accurate?”
Tseung: “We should use optical sensors.  One sensor will turn the Pulse Current On and another sensor will turn the Pulse Current Off.  There should be an additional control to limit the rotational speed so that the Lead-Out energy mechanism would function properly.”

Cheung: “How can that be achieved?”
Tseung: “One technique is to prevent the first sensor from turning the Pulse Current On if the rotational speed is too fast.  This should be a tunable parameter that would vary with the external load.”
Cheung: “When the Wheel slows down due to friction or drawing of current by the collector coils, the first sensor will be activated again.  Is that the design?”
Tseung: “Yes.”

Cheung: “You can vary the strength of the Pulse Current by changing the Input Voltage.”
Tseung: “Correct.”
Cheung: “You can have a wider Pulse by adjusting the time difference between the first and second sensor.”
Tseung: “Correct.”
Cheung: “You can vary the number of Pulses per revolution with a separate special wheel attached to the same axle.  The two optical sensors act on this wheel.”
Tseung: “Correct.”
Cheung: “You can prevent the Wheel from rotating too fast by setting the maximum rotational speed control.”
Tseung: “Correct.”
Cheung: “Such a mechanism is better than the reed switch or the proximity switch.”
Tseung: “Theoretically correct.  We need to actually implement it.  One idea from a theoretician may take the engineers weeks or months to check it out â€" especially if they have full-time jobs.  Be patient.”

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 02, 2010, 03:59:43 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 02, 2010, 03:46:26 PM
The best way to produce the PULSE
Cheung: “You can prevent the Wheel from rotating too fast by setting the maximum rotational speed control.”
Tseung: “Correct.”
Rather than a cut off switch, it would be good to have some form of proportional control, presumably affecting the voltage of the pulse.

Otherwise you may get a lot of "hunting".
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 02, 2010, 07:17:11 PM
Well, Lawrence, you are a sly old dog.

I've just discovered a working drawing of the Tong wheel, from the thrice blessèd Patrick:

Yes, its there; Chapter 2, page 56. (with stuff on pages 54 and 55).

Yes, you do have a "Mother of All Control Problems".

I think one way would be a cam wheel with 15 lumps bearing down on to 15 switches such that when the lump is half height, the switch switches to "drive" and when it is full height, it switches to "collect". The switches would be single throw double pole, I think. Tricky to source the perfect switch, but it will be in the catalogues somewhere.

Come on, fellas. Lets build up some wheels and get Lawrence's problems solved. I am wondering if the coils that can be obtained by angle grinding through the 8:1 mains transformers in microwave ovens would do. Not really ideal, but nice coils. Some transformer company that makes these might deliver a few cheaply if their name is put on the side of the device in the YouTube video. These coils are 3 inch x 4 inch (outside), and some nice big slab ferrite magnets from www.e-magnetsuk.com

I do think we need to reclaim some BEMF, circuitry possibly copied off the Robert Adams motor or the SSG. But this could be stage 2.

Off we go.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 02, 2010, 10:16:22 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on February 02, 2010, 07:17:11 PM
Well, Lawrence, you are a sly old dog.

I've just discovered a working drawing of the Tong wheel, from the thrice blessèd Patrick:

Yes, its there; Chapter 2, page 56. (with stuff on pages 54 and 55).

Yes, you do have a "A of All Control Problems".

I think one way would be a cam wheel with 15 lumps bearing down on to 15 switches such that when the lump is half A, the switch switches to "drive" and when it is full A, it switches to "collect". The switches would be single throw double pole, I think. Tricky to source the perfect switch, but it will be in the catalogues somewhere.

Come on, fellas. Lets build up some wheels and get Lawrence's problems solved. I am wondering if the coils that can be obtained by angle grinding through the 8:1 mains transformers in microwave ovens would do. Not really ideal, but nice coils. Some transformer company that makes these might deliver a few cheaply if their name is put on the side of the device in the YouTube video. these coils are 3 inch x 4 inch (outside), and some nice big slab ferrite magnets from www.e-magnetsuk.com

I do think we need to reclame some BEMF, circuitry possibly copied off the Robert Adams motor or the SSG. But this could be stage 2.

Off we go.

Patrick Kelly is a very good writer.  He can organize the information in a very clear and understandable way. 

The researcher should read the beginning of Chapter 2 where he discussed the Adams Motor.  One technique used by Adams was the use of magnetic attraction to rotate the wheel.  It is similar to the Steorn Orbo.

Lead-Out Energy is a reality.  It is a matter of engineering to make a Lead-Out Energy Machine more efficient.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 04, 2010, 05:47:26 PM
Meeting with Brother Rasaviharii (rasaviharii@hotmail.com

Rasa is associated with the AMURT (International Development, Disaster Services, Community Assistance) headquarter in India and with branches worldwide.  Website is SMURT.NET.

He had a telephone interview with  the Potomac Sustainable Communities Initiative (altenergy2012@gmail.com) group while he was in China working with a Local Government funded Group to set up an OU device development center.  His task is to help to bring OU device inventors Worldwide to China.  The goal is to speed up the development and marketing of OU devices to benefit the Human Race.

In the interview, he predicted confidently that an OU device will be marketed in the year 2010!

He learned about the Lead-Out Energy Theory and Machines from the Internet and came to Hong Kong.  He tested the Tong Wheel himself.  He tested the tuning aspects.  The Proximity Switch on the Tong Wheel was deliberately wrongly set and NO overunity effect was shown.  He then adjusted the Proximity Switch and varied the number of Drive Coils to get overunity effect again.

We plan to work together to benefit the World.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 04, 2010, 08:11:24 PM

How did you arrive at the numbers 16 for the air coils and
15 for the magnets?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 04, 2010, 09:18:47 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on February 04, 2010, 08:11:24 PM

How did you arrive at the numbers 16 for the air A and
15 for the magnets?


The 60 cm diameter Wheel allowed easy spacing for 16 magnet positions.  We used one of the corresponding positions for the Proximity Switch.  Thus we have space for 15 coils that can be configured either as Drive or as Collector Coils.

The above arrangement automatically satisfied the unbalanced wheel condition needed for the Lead-out energy operation.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 04, 2010, 09:50:19 PM
Watched the video â€" a machine to die for

The video could be much convincing if the Lead-Out Energy Theory and the mathematics of the pulled pendulum were explained first. The large gravity wheel etc will then be much easier to explain.

Looks like the video we plan to do will have to go in that direction.
Promote the Lead-Out Energy Theory.  The many Lead-Out Energy Machines will fall into place.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 04, 2010, 11:47:48 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 04, 2010, 09:50:19 PM
Watched the video â€" a machine to die for

The video could be much convincing if the Lead-Out Energy Theory and the mathematics of the pulled pendulum were explained first. The large gravity wheel etc will then be much easier to explain.

Looks like the video we plan to do will have to go in that direction.
Promote the Lead-Out Energy Theory.  The many Lead-Out Energy Machines will fall into place.


Hahha! Saddam Hussein hiding in the Pyramids and the flying saucers hiding in your thick skull has a lot of similarities indeed. It's no wonder you're a DORK!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 05, 2010, 10:35:18 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 04, 2010, 09:18:47 PM
The 60 cm diameter Wheel allowed easy spacing for 16 magnet positions.  We used one of the corresponding positions for the Proximity Switch.  Thus we have space for 15 coils that can be configured either as Drive or as Collector Coils.

The above arrangement automatically satisfied the unbalanced wheel condition needed for the Lead-out energy operation.
Yes, but, in order to reduce manufacturing and purchase costs, what is the smallest number of components that should work?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 05, 2010, 05:44:46 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on February 05, 2010, 10:35:18 AM
Yes, but, in order to reduce manufacturing and purchase costs, what is the smallest number of components that should A?

At this moment in time, every small prototype from our team failed to show overunity.  The 60 cm Wheel is the only one that can demonstrate overunity.  Another 300 cm Wheel done by another group in China was shown on Shenzhen TV.

The working 225 HP Pulse Motor from USA has a diameter of 100 cm.

My personal belief is that - we are at the comparible "computer infancy" stage.  The early computers were large, expensive and had low functionality.  The focus was on making them work.  Our focus at present is making the Tong Wheel work better.  There are many improvements to be done.  Reducing size and lowering costs are NOT the high priority at present.  The high priority is to get a 300 watt unit and then a 5 KW unit out.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 06, 2010, 05:58:13 PM

The pulse motor by TWM technology is interesting.  It is different from the Tong Pulse Motor in the following ways:

1.   There were 3 discs to hold permanent magnets in the rotor.
2.   The Drive Coils on the Stator did not match the number of magnets (2 magnets on each disc and 5 coils on the two stators)
3.   The voltage could vary from 12 Volts to 48 volts.
4.   Two banks of batteries were used. One to power each Stator Coils.
5.   Source of Extra Energy can be explained by the Lead-Out Energy Theory.

No overunity claims were made.  However, they claimed that the Pulse was short and thus the Input Power was very low.  The Output Power could be drawn from the rotating shaft.  The Coils could have different type of core â€" iron, wood or combination.

This already helps to support the improvements on the Tong Wheel.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 06, 2010, 06:26:49 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 link=topic=2794.msg226635#msg226635 A=1265323646
Meeting with Brother Rasaviharii (rasaviharii@hotmail.com

Rasa is associated with the AMURT (International Development, Disaster Services, Community Assistance) headquarter in India and with branches worldwide.  Website is SMURT.NET.

He had a telephone interview with  the Potomac Sustainable Communities Initiative (altenergy2012@gmail.com) group while he was in China working with a Local Government funded Group to set up an OU device development center.  His task is to help to bring OU device inventors Worldwide to China.  The goal is to speed up the development and marketing of OU devices to benefit the Human Race.

In the interview, he predicted confidently that an OU device will be marketed in the year 2010!

He learned about the Lead-Out Energy Theory and Machines from the Internet and came to Hong Kong.  He tested the Tong Wheel himself.  He tested the tuning aspects.  The Proximity Switch on the Tong Wheel was deliberately wrongly set and NO overunity effect was shown.  He then adjusted the Proximity Switch and varied the number of Drive Coils to get overunity effect again.

We plan to work together to benefit the World.

Four possible OU technologies that may be funded by the Local Government in China.

1.   The Wang ShenHe wheel.  This is the coupling of ferro liquid rotation with unbalanced permanent magnet rotation.  No batteries were needed.  This is one of the best examples to illustrate the Lead-Out Energy Theory.
2.   The Dr. Liang IC car.  The engine consisted of two cylinders with hundreds of Hall-effect  ICs.  Since no permanent magnets were used, the Lead-Out Energy is mainly gravitational.  This meant that the car could not climb up steep slopes.  However, improvement such the Chao battery enhancement could be added.
3.   The combined motor-generator.  A motor was used to drive a generator via belts, cylinders, flywheels etc.  The goal was to extract gravitational and electron motion energy via Pulsing.  This is another good example of Lead-Out Energy.
4.   The Lead-Out Energy Pulse Motor.  China was made aware of the 225 HP Pulse Motor developed in USA by us in 2006.  The chance of them mastering that technology is 100%.  If Mr. Tong Po Chi and I could build a working model with little resources, China could easily build the real thing with their top research facilities.

Rasa predicted that an OU device would be available in the year 2010.  I am sure that he is correct.  We can already sell our Tong Wheel as an educational prototype NOW.   
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jisatsy on February 07, 2010, 11:50:54 AM
QuoteWe can already sell our Tong Wheel as an educational prototype NOW.   
Do you mean this one? :http://www.youtube.com/user/ltseung888#p/u/10/qFktrKzGAvc
How much does one Tong Wheel cost?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 07, 2010, 04:56:58 PM
Quote from: jisatsy link=topic=2794.msg227050#msg227050 A=1265561454
Do you mean this one? :http://www.youtube.com/user/ltseung888#p/u/10/qFktrKzGAvc
How much does one Tong Wheel cost?

The present price is a bundled price for manufacturing companies - one week course plus a working prototype.  The manufacturing company can then produce the educational product paying 10% royalty to Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation limited and 10% to a charitable organization of their choice.  The present price is HK$150,000.

One manufacturing company has signed up and a prototype has been delivered to them.  More are on the way.  Some are waiting for the 300 watt version. 

When mass produced, the cost of the Education Product is likely to drop to the material, the manufacturing cost plus profit.  The material cost should be less than HK$2,000.  The other two items will be Country and Company dependent.

The material cost for the 300 watt version is likely to be more or less the same.  There are a number of technical issues to resolve.  The biggest one is loopback.  If that technical problem is resolved, building the 5KW version will be a certainty.  The material cost may rise to less than HK$3,000 only.

However, the 5 KW version will be a commercial reality.  Huge investments will pour in and the profit motive will dominate.  The price of the machine is no longer an issue.  The political issues will take over.  There is talk that China may then give a working 5 KW unit as a gift to every nation on Earth with all the instructions on how to built it.  Many Countries may treat it as a chance to become great and give it freely to its citizens.  Some developing countries already expressed that intention.

The cost will then be zero.

In Hong Kong, some developers intend to include that in their new buildings.  The cost will be lumped into the selling price of the building.  It will be advertised as a free facility.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 07, 2010, 05:08:45 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 07, 2010, 04:56:58 PM
The  price is a bundled price for manufacturing companies - one week course plus a working prototype.  The manufacturing company can then produce the educational product paying 10% royalty to Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation limited and 10% to a charitable organization of their choice.  The present price is HK$150,000.


However, the 5 KW version will be a commercial reality.  ...


3 years plus and you're still leading out crap! Sigh....
You must have a memory of a goldfish!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: happyfunball on February 07, 2010, 06:07:18 PM
Quote from: chrisC on February 07, 2010, 05:08:45 PM

3 years plus and you're still leading out crap! Sigh....
You must have a memory of a goldfish!



That is rather damning
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 07, 2010, 09:00:13 PM
Quote from: happyfunball on February 07, 2010, 06:07:18 PM

That is rather damning


Just a gentle reminder for the naive sheep that follows con man and snake oil vendors. These people often leave a legacy of promises of great cures and major scientific discoveries but eventually end up asking for money!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: mscoffman on February 08, 2010, 01:23:47 PM
Quote from: chrisC on February 07, 2010, 09:00:13 PM

Just a gentle reminder for the naive sheep that follows con man and snake oil vendors. These people often leave a legacy of promises of great cures and major scientific discoveries but eventually end up asking for money!


That's why he needs to get inexpensive prototypes into the hands of
random folks competent to evaluate it...then things go out of control
...to sucess, and he gets the credit...Only then does he win.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jisatsy on February 08, 2010, 02:38:55 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 07, 2010, 04:56:58 PM
The present price is a bundled price for manufacturing companies - one week course plus a working prototype.  The manufacturing company can then produce the educational product paying 10% royalty to Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation limited and 10% to a charitable organization of their choice.  The present price is HK$150,000.

One manufacturing company has signed up and a prototype has been delivered to them.  More are on the way.  Some are waiting for the 300 watt version. 

When mass produced, the cost of the Education Product is likely to drop to the material, the manufacturing cost plus profit.  The material cost should be less than HK$2,000.  The other two items will be Country and Company dependent.

The material cost for the 300 watt version is likely to be more or less the same.  There are a number of technical issues to resolve.  The biggest one is loopback.  If that technical problem is resolved, building the 5KW version will be a certainty.  The material cost may rise to less than HK$3,000 only.

However, the 5 KW version will be a commercial reality.  Huge investments will pour in and the profit motive will dominate.  The price of the machine is no longer an issue.  The political issues will take over.  There is talk that China may then give a working 5 KW unit as a gift to every nation on Earth with all the instructions on how to built it.  Many Countries may treat it as a chance to become great and give it freely to its citizens.  Some developing countries already expressed that intention.

The cost will then be zero.

In Hong Kong, some developers intend to include that in their new buildings.  The cost will be lumped into the selling price of the building.  It will be advertised as a free facility.

150.000HK$ = 14110 â,¬ or 19302 US$ for a working device + 1 week course.
It´s not that expensive if you think about that a 1 week manager seminar can cost up to 50.000â,¬ and more.
But i don´t represent a company, so 15k â,¬ is too much for me as a private person.
Is there a way to get a educational device for less if you don´t have to give that 1 week course?
Also, can you give a warranty that if that device don´t work as promised (no OU effect) you will give the money (all of it) back?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 08, 2010, 03:54:47 PM
[A author=jisatsy link=topic=2794.msg227213#msg227213 date=1265657935]
150.000HK$ = 14110 â,¬ or 19302 US$ for a working device + 1 week course.
It´s not that expensive if you think about that a 1 week manager seminar can cost up to 50.000â,¬ and more.
But i don´t represent a company, so 15k â,¬ is too much for me as a private A.
Is there a way to get a educational device for less if you don´t have to give that 1 week course?
Also, can you give a money back guarantee that if that device don´t work as promised (no OU effect) you will give the money (all of it) back?

The course starts with us supplying a working unit.  The customer company can first evaulate the working unit before signing for the course.  DO NOT PAY A SINGLE CENT if the working unit does not pass the inspection of the company experts.

There is no money back guarantee - it is impossible to provide money back after a 5 day course.  We cannot afford to have debunkers deliberately destroying and wasting our limited resources.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 08, 2010, 04:07:43 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 08, 2010, 03:54:47 PM
[A author=jisatsy link=topic=2794.msg227213#msg227213 date=1265657935]
150.000HK$ = 14110 â,¬ or 19302 US$ for a working device + 1 week course.
It´s not that expensive if you think about that a 1 week manager seminar can cost up to 50.000â,¬ and more.
But i don´t represent a company, so 15k â,¬ is too much for me as a  A.
Is there a way to get a educational device for less if you don´t have to give that 1 week course?
Also, can you give a  back  that if that device don´t work as promised (no OU effect) you will give the money (all of it) back?

The course starts with us supplying a working unit.  The customer company can first evaulate the working unit before signing for the course.  DO NOT PAY A SINGLE CENT if the working unit does not pass the inspection of the company experts.

There is no  - it is impossible to provide  after a 5 day course.  We cannot afford to have debunkers deliberately destroying and wasting our limited resources.

Dang! I knew it! No money back ...... hahaha. That sums it up.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jisatsy on February 08, 2010, 04:41:34 PM
Quote from: chrisC on February 08, 2010, 04:07:43 PM
Dang! I knew it! No money back ...... hahaha. That sums it up.


Not so fast Chris. To be fair: He offers that the company can check the device first and then pay.
I don´t think that it is nessesary a scam, just because they don´t offer a money back warrenty.

Imagen they would give out units with a money back warrenty. How many of you would buy one, study it, and send it back? I would. And i guess many companys would also do it.

@888 Where in China are you guys located? Is there a possibility to visit you and test the device (for free) at a randomly choosen place (to prevent fraud by hidden devices).
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 09, 2010, 04:30:27 AM
Quote from: jisatsy on February 08, 2010, 04:41:34 PM
Not so fast . To be fair: He offers that the company can check the device first and then pay.
I don´t think that it is nessesary a scam, just because they don´t offer a  back warrenty.

Imagen they would give out units with a money back warrenty. How many of you would buy one,  it, and send it back? I would. And i guess many companys would also do it.

@888 Where in China are you guys located? Is there a possibility to visit you and  the device (for free) at a randomly choosen place (to prevent fraud by hidden devices).


Most people, myself included really wanted old Tseung to 'shine' in his most significant 'discovery'. Unfortunately, his stuff is purely science fiction, bothering delusion and you can read it from 3 years ago. He will jump on every bandwagon that remotely resembles O.U - taking credit whenever possible and swaying with the wind direction.

Do you know why Google search on Steorn only yields some insignificant results? These are NOT news worthy items because they are NOT proven. Sean of Steorn can claim his 'indisputable' proof of O.U (the same way as old Tseung) but is is Gospel? A lot has to do with these gentlemen's own lack of understanding in their respective fields of invention.

There are a lot of much more real apparent O.U technologies and run by persons of extreme talent. One such set-up is http://www.blacklightpower.com/
. Until you see main stream verification, these $150K solutions are just toys, scams and purely snake oil. I would not waste any time nor efforts pursuing dead-enders.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on February 09, 2010, 09:19:41 AM
Quote from: jisatsy on February 08, 2010, 04:41:34 PM
Not so fast Chris. To be fair: He offers that the company can check the device first and then pay.
I don´t think that it is nessesary a scam,  because they don´t offer a money back warrenty.

Imagen they would give out units with a money back warrenty. How many of you would buy one, study it, and send it back? I would. And i guess many companys would also do it.

@888 Where in China are you guys located? Is there a possibility to visit you and test the device (for free) at a randomly choosen place (to prevent fraud by hidden devices).

First of all, you can't really test the device properly.  The device is not see-through, so there could be a hidden energy source.

Tseung keeps talking about independent university validations, but that's all it is, talk.  His idea of validation is getting someone to stand next to the device and taking a photograph.  What happened to Tsing Hua University?

And lastly, doesn't it bother you in the slightest that he was giving the same pitch 3 years ago?  Same story - there is a device and its undergoing certification and if you pay some money (it was a million dollars back then) you can come and check out the device.

My question is, if there was a device 3 years ago, what happened to that device?  Is it used in any production setting to generate power?  If not, why not, and why should this time be any different?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jisatsy on February 09, 2010, 12:19:54 PM
@utilitarian & Chris: Thanks for this information. I didn´t knew much about the history of that device/group.

But I think a claim so important (solve the energy crisis by opensource such a device) needs some attention and serious verification. So i will pose my question again, but a bit modified.

@888 Is there a way to test your device in a randomly choosen place with you approval do X-Ray/disassamble it?
Could you please give me the address of the company which bought a educational device?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 09, 2010, 03:26:18 PM
Quote from: jisatsy on February 09, 2010, 12:19:54 PM
@utilitarian & A: Thanks for this information. I didn´t knew much about the history of that device/group.

But I think a claim so important (solve the energy crisis by opensource such a device) needs some attention and serious verification. So i will pose my question again, but a bit modified.

@888 Is there a way to test your device in a randomly choosen place with you approval do X-Ray/disassamble it?
Could you please give me the address of the company which bought a educational device?

The wheel is now being evaluated and improved at the Office of the Chairman of the Institute of Energy of Hong Kong.  The full information is as follows:

Dr. James Wong
Allied Environmental Consultants Limited
19th floor, Kwan Chart Tower
6 Tonnochy Road
Hong Kong.

Dr. Wang helped us to sell the first prototype unit to a factory owner, Mr. Alan Li.  The website of the Institute of Energy of Hong Kong is IOE.HK.  Dr. Wong is also trying to help us find other manufacturers to mass produce Educational Prototypes.  The existing Tong wheel that can only generate a few watts is NOT appealing to most manufacturers.  They prefer to wait for the 300 watt unit.

However, you are welcome to email and come to the above address with your own engineers and test equipment to check out the Tong wheel.  The Tong Wheel was constructed for demonstration purposes and by removing three screws, all wires, components etc. can be seen and videotaped.  There is no need to X-ray anything.  You are welcome to bring reporters and top academics too.  Let them publish indedpendent reports.

There are a number of people on my ignore list - they are welcome to make noises and insults.  That attracts the crowd.  You may choose to believe them or believe a working device. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: FatBird on February 09, 2010, 04:15:35 PM

Please consider posting a Schematic and a wiring DIAGRAM for your O-U Device here on this thread.  That way some of us here can build it and HELP YOU PROVE to the world that it works.  The ADVANTAGES for you are:

1.  You can help the WORLD out of its energy crisis.

2.  You can file a CLAIM for almost $16,000 of OverUnity Prize money.

3.  A few of us here can build and Duplicate your invention and HELP YOU PROVE to the world that it works.

4.  The invention is obviously YOURS because the posts on this thread prove that.  NOBODY can steal it from you.

Thank you for your consideration.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 09, 2010, 04:48:17 PM
Quote from: FatBird on February 09, 2010, 04:15:35 PM

Please consider posting a Schematic and a wiring DIAGRAM...
For an engineering sketch, see post #5250 on the previous page.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: markdansie on February 09, 2010, 04:53:33 PM
@ Chris,
I have to concur with your thoughts exactly (scary for you) re all the OU technologies.
I agree Black Light power is a professional outfit. I know others who are working in this field gaining understanding of fractional hydrogen. Others I know of have branched out from this and by using hydrogen to heat certain compounds or materials used as part of a heat exchanger gains have been made that actually fit in with conventional laws of thermodynamics (to do with the impinging)
As far as our mate with the funny white hat goes or even steorn, they may stumble upon some anomalies but their inability to have independent testing by qualified people will continue to be a joke.
I am definitely on my way to the USA Chris in the next couple of weeks...would be good to catch up for a coffee. Will know my travel plans soon
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 09, 2010, 05:52:23 PM
Quote from: markdansie on February 09, 2010, 04:53:33 PM
@ Chris,
I have to concur with your thoughts exactly (scary for you) re all the OU technologies.
, they may stumble upon some anomalies but their inability to have independent testing by qualified people will continue to be a joke.
I am definitely on my way to the USA Chris in the next couple of weeks...would be good to catch up for a coffee. Will know my travel plans soon


Great to hear from you and you're dead right on these people who seemed to stumble upon 'anomalies' but still can't explain what is involved and worst still, can't light up a flashlight and can't recharge the batteries either! Until then this is a drawn out comedy show!

btw, if you're coming to the SF Bay area, please let me know by PM. Love to buy you lunch or dinner.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 10, 2010, 04:58:35 AM
The New Bedini 10 Coil kit available for purchase

The kit is sold through

It is being marketed as a battery charger.

The Group in China through Rasa of AMURT has invited Bedini, myself and others to meet together.  We can compare the 10 Coil Bedini Kit and the Tong Wheel.  Two and two added together may be much more than four.

Rasa’s prediction that an OU kit will hit the market in 2010 appears to be on target.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 10, 2010, 03:44:20 PM
The explanation from the Bedini Website http://johnbedini.net:
On this slide, we show a theoretical scheme which several researchers have discovered and used to build simple free energy motors.
In this scheme, we drive an ordinary d.c. series motor by a two wire system from an ordinary battery. The motor produces shaft horsepower, at -- say -- some 30 or 40 percent efficiency, compared to the power drained from the battery. This much of the circuit is perfectly ordinary.
The trick here is to get the battery to recharge itself, without furnishing normal power to it, or expending work from the external circuit in the process.
To do this, recall that a charged particle in a "hooking" del-phi river moves itself. This is true for an ion, as well as for an electron. We need only make the del-phi in correct fashion and synchronize it; specifically, we must not release the hose nozzles we utilize to produce our del-phi river or waves.

The inventors who have discovered this have used various variations, but here we show a common one.
First, we add an "energizer" (often referred to by various other names) to the circuit. This device makes the del-phi waves we will utilize, but does NOT make currents of electron masses. In other words, it makes pure Ø-dot. It takes a little work to do this, for the energizer circuit must pump a few charges now and then. So the energizer draws a little bit of power from the motor, but not very much.
Now we add a switching device, called a controller, which breaks up power to the motor in pulses. During one pulse, the battery is connected and furnishes power to the motor; during the succeeding pulse, the battery is disconnected completely from the motor and the output from the energizer is applied across the terminals of the battery.
If frequency content, spin-hole content, etc. are properly constructed by the energizer, then the ion movements in the battery reverse themselves, recharging the battery. Again, remember that these ions MOVE THEMSELVES during this recharge phase. Specifically, we are NOT furnishing ordinary current to the battery, and we are not doing work on it from the energizer.
If things are built properly, the battery can be made to more than recover its charge during this pulse cycle.
To prevent excess charge of the battery and overheating and destroying it, a sensor is added which senses the state of charge of the battery, and furnishes a feedback signal to the controller to regulate the length of recharge time per "power off" pulse. In other words, the system is now self-regulating.

The relation between power pulses and recharge pulses is shown on the graphs at the bottom. Note that regulation may decrease the time of recharge application of the del-phi river.
This system, if properly built and tuned, will furnish "free shaft energy" continually, without violating conservation of anenergy. Remember that the del-phi condition across the battery terminals means that spacetime is suddenly curved there, and conservation of energy need no longer apply.
Again, this system is consistent with general relativity and with the fact that Ø-field alone can drive a situation relativistic. We have deliberately used these facts to do direct engineering. Our "extra energy" comes from shifting phi-flux -- the energy of the universal vacuum spacetime -- directly into ordinary energy for our use. Thus we draw on an inexhaustible source, and our device is no more esoteric than a paddlewheel in a river. The only difference is that, in this case, we have to be clever enough to make and divert the river in the right timing sequency.
This is a free energy device which an ordinary person, who knows a little electronics, can experiment with in the basement. To develop it, one is talking several thousands of dollars and a lot of persistence and tinkering; one is not talking millions.

Should be interesting to explain the operation of this 10 Coil battery charger from the Lead-Out Energy Theory.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 10, 2010, 04:13:52 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 10, 2010, 03:44:20 PM
The explanation from the Bedini Website http://johnbedini.net:
Should be interesting to explain the operation of this 10 Coil  from the Lead-Out Energy Theory.

So, you're not on the Steorn bandwagon anymore? Or this Bedini energizer is easier for you to copy and try to impress that the LT 'Theory' has merits?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on February 10, 2010, 08:27:32 PM
Quote from: chrisC on February 10, 2010, 04:13:52 PM
So, you're not on the Steorn bandwagon anymore? Or this Bedini energizer is easier for you to copy and try to impress that the LT 'Theory' has merits?

other than being juvenile, what purpose does your continual chanting of the same thing serve?

did you get a soldering iron yet you poser? have you learned how to code a web spider yet?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 10, 2010, 08:42:10 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on February 10, 2010, 08:27:32 PM
other than being juvenile, what purpose does your continual chanting of the same thing serve?

did you get a  yet you poser? have you learned how to code a web spider yet?

Actually I have TWO soldering irons and talking about web spiders, you're probably too stupid to understand web spiders and stuff like that. Oh, btw are you still living at the run down apartment sandwiched between the railway tracks? I understand it's hard to live in your neighborhood but then with a name like Wilby_urinated,  that's not surprising.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on February 10, 2010, 08:46:32 PM
Quote from: chrisC on February 10, 2010, 08:42:10 PM
Actually I have TWO soldering irons and talking about web spiders, you're probably too stupid to understand web spiders and stuff like that. Oh, btw are you still living at the run down apartment sandwiched between the railway tracks? I understand it's hard to live in your neighborhood but then with a name like Wilby_urinated,  that's not surprising.

want me to requote your idiotic theory about how the number of hits on this thread was due to spiders? remember? when you said it was due to the google spiders and i did the math to show you it wasnt'. remember i even placed a glaring error in the math and none of you mental giants (you, utlilit, shrugged atlas, etc.) even noticed the error...

chris, making a crappy web page with yahoo or geocities doesn't make you a web dev... and no self respecting EE would be without a soldering iron... which you admitted not having over a year ago.

the rest of your reply i won't bother responding to as it is one of your usual logical fallacies. you're a poser chrisc...
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on February 10, 2010, 08:57:54 PM
Quote from: chrisC on May 09, 2008, 03:51:14 AM

They may be 75,000 hits and most are from internet "spiders" from Google or Yahoo. But there is only one miserably stubborn old man who cannot prove what he is dreaming about! That's how sad it has been.


and my reply. (this one has the intentional math error that neither you nor any of the other self titled geniuses noticed...)
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 09, 2008, 11:54:34 PM
and the 75,000+ hits... googlebot and spiders?  LMFAO ok lets say the googlebot hits this site every 30 minutes (thats about how often it hits the sites i admin, perhaps stephan would tell us how often googlebot hits this site). this thread has been active for almost a year...
365 days * 24 hours a day = 8760 hours in a year...divided by 2 since the bot hits every half hour and you have? 4380 google bot hits in a year. now, lets be generous and give the same to yahoo and a couple other search bots. 4380 * 5 = 21900.   still 50,000+ hits short of the 75,000+ mark... and you guys talk about tseung talking out his ass..... am i to to assume that you are gonna attribute the remaining 50,000+ hits coming from tseung and his allegedly multiple persona's hitting the refresh button?  LOLZ

and yes, i urge you, please go to KINDERGARTEN again and learn basic social skills. that is the first step for you

then your reply where you attempt to suggest that a web spider has 'a sense of humor'...
Quote from: chrisC on May 10, 2008, 01:30:13 AM
Oh sorry Mr. Wilby, I'm a naughty boy and I will go register myself in a kindergarden. But they might not take me?
Also, did you consider the extra 50,000 hits being people or spiders who find the comedy show refreshing? I get my laughter every morning. Maybe you should follow the comedy show too and then you won't have this ax to grind?


and my reply
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 10, 2008, 01:35:57 AM
i did allow for the extra hits... i added 3 search engine bots and GENEROUSLY gave them a hit every half hour which is far to frequent, more like once a day..
Quote from: chrisC on May 09, 2008, 03:51:14 AM
They may be 75,000 hits and most are from internet "spiders" from Google or Yahoo.
you said "most", thats what i was refuting. you were wrong, admit it. you can't expect ltseung to admit he is "wrong" when you wont admit you were wrong, even after it has been demonstrated by your "hallowed math". speaking of your math, am i now to consider 25,000 to be more than 50,000? again where did you learn math?
maybe you should follow along.
no axe to grind. i call a spade a spade

now this all happened back on page 165 or so, so all numbers reflect that point in time. it goes to show that chrisc does nothing on this site except show up when someone posts on the ltseung thread to spew his idiotic vitriol. post in here and it rings a 'time to feed your ego' bell at chrisc's, utilitarian's, markdansie's, etc.  all of them being nothing but talkers that never build anything... imagine that.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: X00013 on February 10, 2010, 09:34:29 PM
@itsung888 "We cannot afford to have debunkers deliberately destroying and wasting our limited resources", your on the "wong" wrong website , go fuck your$self

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jisatsy on February 11, 2010, 01:20:40 AM
Quotedid you get a soldering iron yet you poser? have you learned how to code a web spider yet?
QuoteActually I have TWO soldering irons and talking about web spiders, you're probably too stupid to understand web spiders and stuff like that. Oh, btw are you still living at the run down apartment sandwiched between the railway tracks? I understand it's hard to live in your neighborhood but then with a name like Wilby_urinated,  that's not surprising.


Quote@itsung888 "We cannot afford to have debunkers deliberately destroying and wasting our limited resources", your on the "wong" wrong website , go fuck your$self

that´s why I don´t really like forums. The focus switchs too fast away from the main topic, to personal issues or the people start to attacking each other verbal.

But back to the main topic.

Thank you for the prompt response and the contact address of Mr. Wong.
When will the 300W Version be ready and working? Do you already have a working prototype?

QuoteDr. Wang helped us to sell the first prototype unit to a factory owner, Mr. Alan Li.
1. Dr.Wang: a typo? I guess you meant Dr. Wong.
2. Is there a way to get in contact to Mr. Alan Li?
3. Bought Mr. Li a device in order to produce own devices? If so, have you information's about when they hit the market?

About the Bedini Kits sold via http://www.potentialtec.com. I don´t know if i got that information right, but the Bedini device cannot charge the second battery to a 100%. So it just helps to use the battery energy in a more efficient way. So not really OU.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on February 11, 2010, 01:48:06 AM
Quote from: jisatsy on February 11, 2010, 01:20:40 AM
that´s why I don´t really like forums. The focus switchs too fast away from the main topic, to personal issues or the people start to attacking each other verbal.

But back to the main topic.

Thank you for the prompt response and the contact address of Mr. Wong.
When will the 300W Version be ready and working? Do you already have a working prototype?
1. Dr.Wang: a typo? I guess you meant Dr. Wong.
2. Is there a way to get in contact to Mr. Alan Li?
3. Bought Mr. Li a device in order to produce own devices? If so, have you information's about when they hit the market?

About the Bedini Kits sold via http://www.potentialtec.com. I don´t know if i got that information right, but the Bedini device cannot charge the second battery to a 100%. So it just helps to use the battery energy in a more efficient way. So not really OU.
the reason i picked on chrisc is because that's all he does to larry on this thread. if he can dish it out, he should be able to take it, and if you had bothered to start at the beginning instead of at the end you would know exactly what chrisc's purpose and what his modus operandi is. you would realize that chrisc talks out of his anus as much as he accuses larry of doing the same. he has claimed to be a web dev but has no clue about code. he claims to be an EE but has previously admitted to not having a soldering iron. ask him to build you a simple circuit and demonstrate it... yet, he wants you to believe that he is omnipotent and knows what is impossible. ::)

thanks for keeping it on topic, i do suggest you start from the beginning though... you might find it enlightening to learn about the repeat players in this thread. in fact why dont you click on my first reply to chrisc and the merry gang of juveniles and find out what exactly brought me to this thread? here is the link... http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=2794.msg95343#msg95343
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: jisatsy on February 11, 2010, 07:23:22 AM
Quotethanks for keeping it on topic, i do suggest you start from the beginning though...
I guess your right. But 350+ pages.....so much to read and so little time.
But if I want to participate in that discussion, it´s just fair if i know the whole thread.
So i will read the whole thread first and come back in this discussion when it´m done.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on February 11, 2010, 09:28:20 AM
Quote from: jisatsy on February 11, 2010, 07:23:22 AM
I  your right. But 350+ pages.....so much to read and so little time.
But if I want to participate in that discussion, it´s just fair if i know the whole thread.
So i will read the whole thread first and come back in this discussion when it´m done.

When I read it from the beginning, it seemed that basically tinu debunked the lead out theory within the first few pages.  Tseung never really had an answer for his criticisms.  I am referring to the pendulum theory.  The one thing that really rings home for me is that Tseung does not measure the force of the bob properly, since the bob is in motion.  Also, the entire calculation of vertical energy and horizontal energy is completely wrong.  That pendulum theory is the foundation for everything else Tseung talks about, and he never even bothers set that straight in light of some very accurate criticism.

This thread is now basically a troll thread.  Tseung is not having a serious discussion with anyone except his other personas.  Well, Paul-R occasionally says something.  There may be another person here or there that comes and says something non-negative, but mostly it's just people who do not take him seriously at all.  Even Wilby is not really a supporter of Tseung's theory, he just trolls the rest of us trolls.

But the thread deserves to be trolled.  It's comical, and he is asking for money, so he deserves what he gets.

Compare this to the Steorn thread, where people are doing replications.  To my recollection, no one has ever bothered to replicate a single thing Tseung has done, at least not enough to bother reporting on it.  But hey, maybe you can be the first.  Maybe you can try the wheel with tubes and sliding balls!  Or the upside down four-legged stool.  Or try swinging the bottle on a rope.   Weeeeee!
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 11, 2010, 09:48:47 AM
Quote from: utilitarian on February 11, 2010, 09:28:20 AM
Well, Paul-R occasionally says something.  There may be another person here...
You are such a darling. To credit me with existance shows generosity beyond measurement.

Do you remember when you said that removing the coils' cores improved performance? I wonder if the speed of the wheel was not allowing time for the coils to charge and then discharge. Without the cores, the times will be quicker.
       It might be interesting to force a slower speed on the wheel by loading it either with a prony brake or electrical generating coils. Then put a scope on a coil and see if it is charging fully and discharging fully.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: mscoffman on February 11, 2010, 02:01:38 PM

References for 60CM Tong Wheel:

This unit has 16 magnets, 1 of the 16 magnets is passing the sensor, 10 of
the 16 magnets are passing drive coils (connected in parallel), and 5 of the
magnets are passing generator coils (connected in series).  This is the tuned
configuration. Wheel is tuned by DPDT switches one for each coil.

The input is around 1.8 Watts DC, and the output after rectification is
around 2.3 Watts DC reportedly.



…pages 53 through 56

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 11, 2010, 08:07:34 PM
From Mr. W.P.  Fung

Mr. Fung was the former General Manager of Kodak, China.  He had a Chemical Engineering degree, worked as a chemical engineer for 20 years and joined the management ranks of Kodak in USA.  He was sent to China to set up the production facilities there.  He is now retired.

He learned about the Pulled Pendulum theory two years ago.  In his words: “The mathematics of the pulled pendulum is so simple that any secondary physics school student can understand.  It is basically the application of the Law of Parallelogram of Forces with a supplied horizontal force.  The horizontal work is equal to the horizontal force times the horizontal displacement.  The vertical work is equal to the vertical force times the vertical displacement.  Any competent physics student can do that calculation.

The question in my mind was â€" what takes it so long for someone to discover and disclose this to the World?  Lee Cheung Kin and Lawrence Tseung disclosed that formally in 2004 in their PCT patent applications.  So long as there is tension on the string, gravitational energy can be lead out.  The lead-out gravitational energy is equal to the vertical component of the tension of the string times the vertical displacement.

I did the calculation myself and indeed the ratio of the vertical energy over the horizontal energy is approximately 1 to 2 for a pendulum weighing 60 units and a horizontal force of 10 units.”

He discussed this with many engineers and academic professors.  His feedback: “Some professors agreed with the mathematics privately but they could not risk their academic careers in supporting it.  In the present scientific world, if you mention that you support overunity devices, you will be labeled as a crackpot! ”

Tseung: “Are you willing to openly support the Lead-Out Energy theory yourself?”

Fung: “Yes.  You have the Tong Wheel.  I tested it myself.  When a theory is supported by actual experiments, the proper scientific attitude is to double and triple check everything.  I am now prepared to spend more of my retirement years on this exciting project.  People can email me at wpfung@yahoo.com for more information.  I also agree to have my picture displayed on the Internet.”

Tseung: “Do you think that our open invitation for people to test the Tong Wheel in Hong Kong will change the mind of the general science community?”

Fung: “Yes.  Any one raising objections can go and test the device.  You probably also noted that most members who posted negative comments on the overunity forum do not have the proper scientific qualifications.  I am sure that the Tong Wheel and its improved versions will be properly, scientifically verified.  If an educational kit similar to the Bedini 10 Coil were available, thousands of Universities and Research Establishments will confirm the Pulled Pendulum or the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy theory Worldwide.  Scientific fact is scientific fact.  The Earth is round no matter what the Popes said.  The established scientific community will bow to scientific facts soon.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 11, 2010, 09:41:19 PM
The Next Open Demonstration of the Tong Wheel

The next Open Demonstration of the Tong Wheel is planned on May 14-17 at the Inventor Show at the Shenzhen Convention Center.  Some early information is available at http://www.cnci.gov.cn.  The show will be sponsored by the City Government of Shenzhen.

We plan to exhibit an improved Tong Wheel.  In other words, a totally new Tong Wheel will be built for this show.  We have three months to add new functionality and features.  The chance of it much better than the existing Tong Wheel is excellent.

We shall leave the existing Tong Wheel unmodified and available for testing by any qualified scientist.  The scientist or engineer is welcome to bring his own tools for the testing.  Email ltseung@hotmail.com or call Lawrence Tseung directly if you are in Hong Kong (9281 9945).  We shall post your pictures and your test results on the Internet.  You are welcome to publish your independent reports.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 12, 2010, 04:46:08 AM
Quote from: mscoffman on February 11, 2010, 02:01:38 PM

References for 60CM A Wheel:

This unit has 16 magnets, 1 of the 16 magnets is passing the sensor, 10 of
the 16 magnets are passing drive coils (connected in parallel), and 5 of the
magnets are passing generator coils (connected in series).  This is the tuned
configuration. Wheel is tuned by DPDT switches one for each coil.

The input is around 1.8 Watts DC, and the output after rectification is
around 2.3 Watts DC reportedly.



…pages 53 through 56


The videos were taken by Rasa and posted by zeropoint Institute.  This is one independent verification by an American who took the trouble to go to Hong Kong and actually tested the device.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 12, 2010, 01:01:40 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 link=topic=2794.msg227538#msg227538 A=1265834660
The explanation from the Bedini Website http://johnbedini.net:
Should be interesting to explain the operation of this 10 Coil battery charger from the Lead-Out Energy Theory.

Let me make a number of assumptions which may or may not be correct with regard to my understanding of the Bedini 10 Coil battery charger.  If incorrect, I may need to think more and modify the following explanation.

1.   The Coil has soft iron.  To avoid the strong attraction by the magnets at start up, each coil faces two magnets.  One magnet has N pole and the other has S pole.
2.   Each Coil has both the function of Drive Coil and Collector Coil.  The Coil Windings would reflect that.
3.   The sensing mechanism can be in one coil only.  That can trigger the pulse to all the 10 coils. The same explanation should work if there were 10 separate sensing mechanisms â€" each controlling one Coil.

Explanation of the Operation:
1.   The Wheel is placed vertically.  Thus both gravitational and electron motion (magnetic) energy can be lead-out.
2.   With a Pulled Pendulum by a horizontal force, the gravitational energy lead-out can be calculated to be approximately 50% of the supplied horizontal energy.  If the force were always tangential to the radius, the figure can be 67%.
3.   With the non-constant speed rotation of the wheel in a magnetic field, the lead-out energy can be much higher.  This is due to the fact that the magnetic field can produce an acceleration much more than 9.8 m/s/s and that the direction of the magnetic field was not just vertical.
4.   The wheel was effectively accelerating and decelerating in its rotational motion.  The acceleration was due to the Pulsing.  The deceleration was due to friction, air resistance and external load (include charging of batteries) drawing energy out from the wheel. 
5.   The acceleration cycle gained its energy from the supplied electrical energy PLUS the lead-out gravitational and electron motion energy.  The total effective Input Energy is this sum and would enter the Wheel system. 
6.   If the wheel were not rotating too fast, this combined Input Energy would enter the Wheel system totally.  If the wheel were rotating too fast, only part of this energy would enter the system and a lower efficiency would result.  Thus the blind quest for higher rotational speed is detrimental to efficiency.
7.   Since the two magnets facing the Coil have N and S pole, the combined effective force would be A-B where A and B are the effective forces pushing and pulling the magnets.  One is attraction and one is repulsion.  This is the reason why the device only has an efficiency of 23% when used as a motor when energy is extracted from the axle.
8.   In this device, the energy was extracted from the Coil. The Coil acts both as a Drive Coil and a Collector Coil.  Even though the Input Power is from a Battery (DC), the extracted Output will have both AC and DC components.  The DC Pulse Current would send current in one direction.  The induced current due to the NSNSNS arrangement would be in both directions.
9.   Even if the rotational speed were too fast, some gravitational and electron motion (magnetic) energy would be lead-out.  This energy, after rectified to totally DC, could be significantly higher than the supplied Input DC Energy from the battery.
10.   Thus the recharging of batteries can take place.  The Output Energy not only can recharge the original source battery but also many secondary batteries.
11.   The charging of the secondary batteries is unlikely to be 100% because the Output Voltage and Current would not be high enough.  The Pulse Charging would also change the properties of the batteries.  The battery life might be less.  Some characteristics would change.  I experienced that in the Tong Wheel.

The above is my first attempt using the Lead-Out Energy Theory to explain the operation of the Bedini 10 Coil battery charger.  I shall have a chance to meet Mr. John Bedini face-to-face in China in the near future.  We shall discuss the above as an alternative explanation to his extracting zero point energy.

I shall try to suggest possible improvements to his 10 coil battery charger in a future post.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: mscoffman on February 12, 2010, 03:18:54 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 12, 2010, 01:01:40 PM

The above is my first attempt using the Lead-Out Energy Theory to explain the operation of the Bedini 10 Coil battery charger.  I shall have a chance to meet Mr. John Bedini face-to-face in China in the near future.  We shall discuss the above as an alternative explanation to his extracting zero point energy.

I shall try to suggest possible improvements to his 10 coil battery charger in a future post.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

You know;
It should be possible to convert a raw 10 coiler Bedini machine
kit into machine compatible with a ten magnet Tong wheel.
One would scrap the Bedini circuitry and wire in the tuning switches
for the drive/recovery coils for a 4-6 10 magnet Tong machine
or some such. He isn't extracting ZPE. There are four different
OU processes going on in the Bedini machine. I think the above
Tong conversion would work because of the increased mechanical
efficiency of the Bedini designed hardware. Maybe Bedini could
try it for you.

Charging a battery bank is not a very good or economical
demonstration of overunity energy production. You both
need to create a self runner with minimal onboard battery
storage, with adequate capacitors so that the input and
output voltmeters don't bounce around so much, too bad
if that seems so difficult.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 13, 2010, 12:23:55 PM
In the Tong Wheel, how do you choose the magnet and coil pair?  How do you estimate its theoretical Input and Output?

We used the Dr. Raymond Ting test.  The magnet was placed inside a vertical tube wounded on the outside with the coil.  The number of turns and the gauge of the wire would be the same as those used on the wheel.  The same voltage (12V) was used.  We then measured the height reached.

Our samples used on the first Tong Wheel was calculated as follows:
(1)   Mass of Magnet = 200 gms or 0.2 kg
(2)   The height reached = 1 meter
(3)   The potential energy gained by the magnet is thus = mgh = 0.2x9.8x1 = 1.96Newton-Meter or 1.96 joules. This value is the experimental best for a magnet and coil pair interaction
(4)   The resistance of the Coil was 5 Ohms.  The wire was 0.5mm gauge and about 600 turns of 2 cm diameter.
(5)   The Energy supplied by the current = I*V*t= I *I*R*t = V*V*t/R where t = time of Pulse, V = voltage, I = current, R = resistance

From the above, the best theoretical pulse energy supplied per coil and magnet interaction = 1.96 joules.  We have 10 drive coils.  The total best theoretical energy supplied per Tong Wheel Pulse = 1.96 x10 = 19.6 joules.  The rotational rate of the Tong Wheel was 300 rpm maximum or 5 cycles per second.  Thus the best theoretical energy supplied per second = 19.6 x 5 = 98 joules per second or 98 watts.

From the Lead-Out Energy Theory, if the supplied horizontal energy to a pendulum is 100 units, the lead-out vertical gravitational energy can be approximately 50 units.  If the pulse force were always tangential, the lead-out vertical gravitational energy can be approximately 67 units.  In the case of the magnetic field, the leading-out of magnetic energy can be in multiple directions.  This means that a rotating magnet will lead-out energy NOT just from the vertical field but more or less continuously.  So long as the rotation of the Tong Wheel is not constant (accelerate and decelerate because of extraction of energy due to friction and external load), each magnet would lead-out magnetic or electron motion energy.  The exact improvement in performance has not been calculated at this point.  (See note 1.)  Let us use the extremely conservative figure of 50%.  This means that the lead-out energy per second = 50% * 98 watts or 49 watts.

The total effective Input energy per second = supplied energy + lead-Out energy = 98 +49=147 watts.
If there were no loss, the maximum output energy from the Tong Wheel can be 147 watts.  We are only getting 2-3 watts measured output on the meter.  There is much improvement that can be done.

Note 1:  From experimental measurements on the Tong Wheel, the best COP (output/input power) was 4.2.  Much of the energy such as friction, noise and air resistance losses was not captured by the Collector Coils at the Output.  It is believed that the improvement due to the multi-directional, fluctuating and non-uniform magnetic field could be much more than 50% - could even be over 500% (as COP = 4.2 were observed).  If we use the figure of 500%, the Tong Wheel should be able to produce 98*500% = 490 watts.)

Note 2: The best jumping magnet and coil pair we tried hit the ceiling of the Industrial building.  That could be close to 3 meters.  The goal of the Tong Wheel was to demonstrate overunity.  We did not select the best jumping configuration.  The better height was achieved easily with 24 V (two batteries in series.)

Note 3: The 225 HP Pulse motor has a diameter of 1 meter.  It has four 24 V batteries.  There were 9 slices or 9 discs.  The Tong Wheel used only one slice and only 1 magnetic pole was used.  With two or more slices put adjacent to each other, there may be the additional flywheel effect and the possibility of using both poles.

Note 4: When we understand the above more, we can produce a spreadsheet to play with the various assumptions.  But from the preliminary calculations, producing a 300 watt output unit now and a 5KW unit later is theoretically possible.

Note 5: Due to the rectangular magnet design used in the present Tong Wheel, we could not do the Dr. Ting test.  We shall reconsider the use of circular magnets as the 225 HP Pulse Motor also used them.  In addition, once we achieved loopback (part of the Output feedback to Input), the concept of COP will become meaningless.  On steady operation, there is no need for external Input Power.  COP will then be infinity.  The more meaningful measurement will be â€" the actual Output Power delivered.  That is expected to be load-dependent.

Note 6: We can assume the Input 12V battery on the 5 ohm resistor to be 0.1 seconds.  The energy was then V*V*0.1/5 = 12*12*0.1/5 = 2.88 watt-seconds or 2.88 joules.  This is comparable to the jumping height calculation of 1.96 joules.  Not all the electrical energy could be converted to jumping height potential energy as some will be converted into heat.

Note 7: If we assume the Tong Wheel can generate 490 watts, we can multiply that by 8 if we increase the voltage from 12 V to 96V.  If we use stronger magnets (say 600 gms that can jump 2 meters), we can increase that by a factor of 3*2.  That means the Output power can be  490*8*3*2  =23,520 watts.    This is more than the 25 HP estimated from one slice of the 225 HP Pulse Motor. (25*746 = 18,650 watts).   This implies that we may be able to use market available magnet and coil pair configurations to produce the 225 HP Pulse Motor!

*** The 300 watt output prototype we plan to build for the Shenzhen Inventor Show will use thick wires and up to four 24 Volt batteries.  The goal is no long to demonstrate Ouput Power greater than Input Power.  That has been demonstrated in the existing 60 ccm diameter Tong Wheel.  The new goal is to increase Output significantly. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Top Gun on February 13, 2010, 05:53:59 PM
Dear Mr. Tseung:

Your explanation of the Bedini 10 Coil operation is much easier to understand and accept than the explanation from the Bedini Website.  It also brought out one important point previously not emphasized.

Magnetic or electron motion energy can be lead-out via pulsing a non-constant rotating wheel.

This fact can explain the workings of the Newman, Bedini, Adams and other pulse motors.  It also pointed to the importance of a larger wheel.  I am thinking in terms of extracting energy from the axle.  The speed of rotation and the actual torque will be important.  If the wheel has a larger diameter, the torque (tangential force time the radius) from the Pulsing can be very high.  If additional gravitational or electron motion energy can be lead-out, the wheel will turn faster.

The additional advantage is that there will be time for the lead-out energy process to complete.  The Pulse Force will have enough time to finish the acceleration (or impart the whole amount of energy) to the wheel.

This means that a wheel with larger diameter is preferred.  The criteria of the present 60 cm Tong Wheel was that it should be able to fit into the trunk of the average taxi in Hong Kong.  That may be good criteria for demonstration equipment.  For best efficiency, please consider a larger wheel.  A lorry can be used for transport. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 14, 2010, 08:19:43 AM

We have now examined the Yu Oscillator in greater detail.  Here is my conversation with Mr. Cheung at the Hong Kong Invention Association.

Mr. Cheung: “Have you seen the Yu video.  It looks like he is also Chinese.  He is using a pendulum.  You claimed that gravitational energy can be lead-out via a pulled pendulum.  Does his device follow the Lead-Out Energy theory?”

Tseung: “When  the Lee-Tseung lead-out energy theory is applied to a pendulum, so long as there is tension in the string, gravitational energy can be lead-out.  The Yu Oscillator has no string.  However, it is the equivalent of an unbalanced wheel.  In our presentation slides, we already explained that the unbalanced wheel is equivalent to a pendulum.”

Mr. Cheung: “Can you explain it again using the Yu Oscillator as example?”

Tseung: “Let us take an unbalanced wheel with additional weight on the bottom.   If we pull the weight in the clockwise direction, when we let go, the weight will swing back in the anti-clockwise direction.  The behavior is exactly like that of a pendulum.  In our calculation of applying a horizontal pull to a pendulum, the lead-out gravitational energy is approximately 50% of the supplied horizontal energy.”

Mr. Cheung: “Are you claiming that gravitational energy is lead-out by the Yu Oscillator?”

Tseung: “Yes.  However, the supplied energy in the Yu Oscillator is not from a Pulse Coil.  It is from the Howard Johnson type actuator.”

Mr. Cheung: “Can stationary permanent magnets impart energy?”

Tseung: “There is a magnet at the tip of the moving rod.  This magnet can gain kinetic energy and move faster in a suitably configured magnetic  field.”

Mr.  Cheung: “Are you claiming that there are two mechanisms at work here.  One is the lead-out gravitational energy.  One is the lead-out magnetic energy from the actuator?”

Tseung: “That is my best understanding so far.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 14, 2010, 09:30:42 PM
The Yu Oscillator gaining kinetic energy when passing through the magnetic actuator

The Howard Johnson magnetic actuator set up. 

An object can gain kinetic energy when it falls under the gravitational field.  A magnet should be able to gain kinetic energy when it moves under the influence of a suitably arranged magnetic field.  This does not violate any laws of Physics.

The Yu oscillator can gain kinetic energy when the magnet at the tip of the rod passes through the magnetic actuator set up.

Happy Chinese New Year of the Tiger.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WattBuilder on February 15, 2010, 12:02:16 AM

Hello Mr. Tseung,

Congratulations to you and your team’s terrific work over there.

Inviting scientists to double check your results shows a great deal of honor on your part.

Your Correct, The Yu Oscillating Generator does not violate any laws of Physics.

Happy Chinese New Year !!!

Howard Yu

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 15, 2010, 07:27:17 PM
Quote from: WattBuilder on February 15, 2010, 12:02:16 AM
Hello Mr. Tseung,

Congratulations to you and your team’s terrific work over there.

Inviting scientists to double check your results shows a great deal of honor on your part.

Your Correct, The Yu Oscillating Generator does not violate any laws of Physics.

Howard Yu
The Yu Oscillator is unusual because the prototype was built with a large size â€" over 3 meters as a starter.  It is demonstrated as an oscillator or a pendulum at present.  However, there is Physics Laws forbidding it to be constructed as a large wheel.

If the device were in a wheel  form, there will be no need to reverse the magnets at the end of each swing.  The same magnetic pole will pass through the “Howard Johnson type actuator” at each rotation.  Kinetic energy can be gained.

The Yu device should also work when rotating in the horizontal position.  The leading out of gravitational energy will be zero.  But there is still the gaining of magnetic (electron motion) energy.  The gain can be via two mechanisms.  The first is the motion through the actuator.  The second can be the leading-out of magnetic energy in an appropriate magnetic field.  (e.g. David Hamel unbalanced magnetic rotation).

If the Howard Johnson type actuator works, the David Hamel type rotation of magnets in an unbalanced magnetic field should also work. (The late David Hamel was the inventor who claimed that he gained his knowledge from Aliens.)  One part of the Wang ShenHe device uses rotation of magnets in an unbalanced magnetic field.

Once we understand the above, we can replace the actuator with magnetic coil repulsion at the right time.  That is essentially the Tong Wheel!  It can be seen quite clearly that the larger the diameter of the wheel, the greater will be the torque (Torque = tangential force x radius).  The speed of rotation can be faster because there is enough time for the Pulsing Force to impart all its energy into the system.

Energy can be extracted from the axle.  From simple mechanics, the torque should be the same.  The energy from the axle is related to the torque and the rotational speed.  We can now increase both easily.  (The lack of understanding of the existing engineers is their not knowing Lead-Out Energy.)  Once they understand Lead-Out Energy, they can easily tune the diameter of the wheel, the magnitude and frequency of the Pulse Force and the rotational speed.  They can easily adjust that to suit the external load.

Lead-Out energy theory wins again in the case of the Yu Oscillator.  When a theory works in all the cases applied, it has to be right.  When it can be derived from the well-tried Parallelogram of Forces, it cannot be wrong.  Now we have the Tong Wheel open to all scientists for double checking and verification in Hong Kong.  Lead-Out Energy Theory will become Law.

If Lead-Out Theory is correct, mankind can lead-out gravitational, electron motion and other forms of non-polluting, readily available, inexhaustible energy to use.  Fossil Fuels will become history.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 15, 2010, 08:09:00 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 15, 2010, 07:27:17 PM
If Lead-Out Theory is correct, .....

PIGS can fly!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on February 16, 2010, 12:47:12 AM
Quote from: chrisC on February 15, 2010, 08:09:00 PM
PIGS can fly!

other than being juvenile, what purpose does your continual chanting of the same thing serve?

this thread is like pavlov's bell to you isn't it little doggie? it's so cute how you conditioned yourself... ::)

you truly are a pavlov's dog.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 16, 2010, 07:37:03 PM
Conversation with Mr. Chung

Mr. Chung is another freeenergy device inventor in Hong Kong.  He is a member of the Hong Kong Invention Association and volunteers there from time to time.

Chung: “Can you tell me more about the Conference in China in April?”

Tseung: “I do not know the details.  I did receive phone calls from Rasa and the organizer.  From their phone calls, I believe the conference is a by-invitation only event.  The invitation goes to those inventors with a demonstrated device.”

Chung: “Who are the inventors beside you and Bedini?”

Tseung; “I believe one of the inventors has a motor-generator similar to the one shown in the overunity forum http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3764.msg224349#msg224349”

Chung: “Do you mean the Witts.ws fuelless generator?”

Tseung: “Yes.  But the inventor is Chinese in China?”

Chung: “Do you think that a motor-generator could work theoretically?  If that were true, have all our electrical engineers been stupid?  All our electrical motors were designed wrong?   It is hard to believe?”

Tseung: “Once power is supplied to start the motor, the motor can provide pulse force to a pulse motor.  A belt type arrangement can provide the non-constant speed rotation (accelerate and decelerate rotational motion).  That pulsing action can lead-out electron motion energy similar to the Tong Wheel.  The Tong Wheel works both theoretically and practically.  The motor-generator should also work theoretically.  I have heard and read about it multiple times.  I shall see and touch a working prototype in the conference.”

Tseung: “The existing engineers are not stupid.  They just have not learned about the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out theory.  I predict that hundreds of fuelless machines will be designed within weeks after the Hangzhou Conference.”

Chung: “Can you tell me more about the Hangzhou City Government?  What makes them so brave to host a free-energy conference when the mainstream science has not embraced it yet?”

Tseung: “I believe the chief organizer was a retired senior person from the Chinese Space Program.  He has a few working, demonstrated prototypes that showed overunity.  He was very interested in my Lee-Tseung Lead-Out energy theory as it explained the workings of these prototypes.  He mentioned that he already receive initial funding, land and factories.  He plans to set up a research center.”

Chung: “Do you think the Central Chinese Government endorses such an event?”

Tseung: “I spoke to Lee Cheung Kin.  His opinion is that the Central Chinese Government is giving much autonomy to the local governments.  He mentioned the debate in Beijing where the Senior Officials discussed whether they should control all new technology.  One of the key arguments against central control was â€" China developed the gun powder.  The Emperors forbid the civilians to develop weapons.  The result was neo-slavery in the 18-20 Centuries.  Will any Senior Official shoulder the blame for that to happen again?”

Chung: “But the Hangzhou City Government is supporting A research openly.  Will they be ridiculed?”

Tseung: “When they have the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy Theory to back up a couple of working prototypes, there is zero risk.  The first conference is by invitation only â€" the inventors will bring working prototypes.  They can control the publicity.”

Chung: “They can videotape and edit.  If the result is not favorable, they do not need to announce it.  If things go well, they can easily do another and use the videos for publicity.  Very clever.”

Tseung: “They know that my posts in the Overunity forum will not get the Worldwide Publicity but they will serve as a daily record of what happens.”

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 17, 2010, 04:58:04 AM
Learning from the Bill Muller design

Rasa got my attention to the work of the late Canadian Inventor Bill Muller. http://sites.google.com/site/alternativeworldenergy/construciton-of-muller-type-motor-generator

The Bill Muller design of having a rotor of permanent magnets sandwiched between two discs of stator Coils is interesting.  It uses both poles of the magnet compared with our using only one pole In the Tong wheel.  It has advantage in a one disc design but may not be as efficient on a multiple disc set up such as the 225 HP Pulse Motor.

The Bill Muller design is different from the Tong Wheel in not having the magnet and coil as pairs; the magnets are arranged as NSNSNS and not NNNNNN.  However, the 16 magnet Tong wheel can have 32 coils.  This will greatly increase the tuning flexibility.  If we use the axle as primary output energy source mechanism, we potentially have 32 drive coils.  We may even angle the magnets and the drives coils to achieve maximum torque. (Or used curved magnets).

This can be one more possible improvement to the Tong Wheel.  The chance of getting a 300 watt output Tong wheel is getting better.  The chance of a 5KW Tong Wheel is no longer a dream.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 17, 2010, 02:36:43 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 17, 2010, 04:58:04 AM
Learning from the Bill Muller design

Rasa got my attention to the work of the late Canadian Inventor Bill Muller. http://sites.google.com/site/alternativeworldenergy/construciton-of-muller-type-motor-generator

The Bill Muller design of having a rotor of permanent A sandwiched between two discs of stator Coils is interesting.  It uses both poles of the magnet compared with our using only one pole In the Tong wheel.  It has advantage in a one disc design but may not be as efficient on a multiple disc set up such as the 225 HP Pulse Motor.

The Bill Muller design is different from the Tong Wheel in not having the magnet and coil as pairs; the magnets are arranged as NSNSNS and not NNNNNN.  However, the 16 magnet Tong wheel can have 32 coils.  This will greatly increase the tuning flexibility.  If we use the axle as primary output energy source mechanism, we potentially have 32 drive coils.  We may even angle the magnets and the drives coils to achieve maximum torque. (Or used curved magnets).

This can be one more possible improvement to the Tong Wheel.  The chance of getting a 300 watt output Tong wheel is getting better.  The chance of a 5KW Tong Wheel is no longer a dream.

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited

Discussion with Tong

Tseung: “Have you seen the Bill Muller arrangement?”

Tong: “Yes.  It uses both poles of the magnet.  But why is it not pulsing to provide the largest possible torque?”

Tseung: “I do not believe Muller knew the Lee-Tseung Theory.  He was experimenting with no theoretical guidance and hoped to get the result by hit and miss.”

Tong: “He would have been called a crack pot by the ignorant scientists or friends.  They would say that he was trying to violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  They would not believe in his results.”

Tseung: “We can use his sandwich arrangement.  However, our pulsing will be via our paired magnets and coils.  We shall try to get output energy from the axle this time.”

Tong: “We are at an advantage now.  We have the theory to guide the development.  We also have a working prototype demonstrating Output greater than Input to silence all critics.  They are welcome to bring their equipment to double check.  Our task now is to improve efficiency and output.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 17, 2010, 08:07:42 PM
Conversation with Lee Cheung Kin

Lee: “Happy Chinese New Year.  I read your posts on the Internet.  Looks like you will visit the beautiful city of Hangzhou soon.”

Tseung: “I look forward to that.  As the number one genius of the world, would you like to bring any message to the conference participants?”

Lee: “The focus of the conference should be on the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy Theory.  Discuss the theory thoroughly.  Then apply it to every overunity device available there.  Do you know what devices will be available yet?”

Tseung: “I do not.   But we can speculate from the known data.  My list includes:
1.   The Tong Wheel (confirmed)
2.   The Bedini 10 Coil (confirmed)
3.   A motor-generator similar to the Witts.ws device (confirmed)
4.   A Chas Campbell  type device (electricity magnifier)
5.   The Chao Car (possibly with the Liang IC engine)
6.   The Wang Electricity Generator
7.   A hydrogen or Brown’s Gas type device
8.   The energy from Still Air device (my decision)
9.   A flux change no-motion device”

Lee: “We can explain and improve all these with the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy Theory.  What about the pendulum devices?”

Tseung: “I shall mention the Milkovic and the Howard Yu oscillator.”

Lee: “Those can be easily explained and improved by the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out theory too.”

Tseung: “There is a chance that we shall discuss the anti-gravity devices as well.  That would include the inertia propulsion devices.”

Lee: “Tong will love to show his jumping tubes.”

Tseung: “I shall take your advice.  Focus and relate everything to the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy Theory.  I expect that there will be hundreds of suggestions on how to improve existing overunity devices from the innovative participants.  The World will benefit from this conference.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 18, 2010, 05:48:05 PM
Possible agenda for the Hangzhou Conference

Some assumptions:
1.   All inventor participants have a demonstrated prototype.  Thus the videos can be distributed before the conference.
2.   There will be actual working models showing Output greater than Input.  There will be opportunities for participants to double check the experimental results.
3.   Some published background information such as the Race to Zero Point, A Machine to Die For videos, the Patrick Kelly book, the various free Energy discussion forums will be sent as background material.  Many youtube videos will be downloaded and made available to the participants in China.
4.   The proceedings will be recorded but may or may not be published.

My suggested agenda would be:
1.   Introduce the Organizers and the goals of the Conference
2.   Have a tour of the facilities and a brief demonstration of the various working overunity devices
3.   The theoretical sessions: Lead-Out Energy Theory
4.   The theoretical sessions: Zero Point Energy
5.   The presentation of the various working prototypes by the inventors
6.   Detailed double checking of the experimental results of the various working prototypes (some may even be disassembled and reassembled.  Examples include the Tong Wheel and the Bedini 10 Coil)
7.   Discussion sessions on possible improvement on each working overunity device
8.   Decision on what to reveal to the outside world
9.   Action items (co-operation, funding, additional conferences, open to public,  etc.)

I am sure that the Hangzhou City Government will be proud.  Hangzhou may become the Mecca of Lead-Out Energy devices.  The many prototypes will soon become major tourist attractions.  Many other cities will follow and copy.  Many inventors will be invited on Country or World tours.  The Educational Product Versions are likely to be funded and produced quickly in multiple Countries.  The physics and electrical engineering textbooks and courses will be updated.  The  World will benefit together.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 19, 2010, 02:46:40 AM
The Prayer with God in my heart

Tseung: “Dear God, now the Lead-Out Energy is a certainty.  The Yu Oscillator can gain energy from the Howard Johnson type magnetic actuator.  If the oscillator is changed to a large wheel, there is no need to flick the magnets around.  Energy will be gained every time via passing the stationary magnetic actuator.  There is no violating the Laws of Physics if we accept that the extra energy can be lead-out  from the electron motion of the surrounding.”

God in Heart: “The coming conference in Hangzhou will have a few working overunity devices.  You have the Tong wheel that can be shown to the World now.  Instead of the Howard Johnson Actuator, you have the Pulsing Coil.  You have already shown that the energy gained by the Wheel is more than that supplied by the Pulse.  There will be the Bedini 10 Coil device which you can improve with ease.  There is a Witts.ws type fuelless motor.  You may even have the Chinese Government funded Wang Generator.  If the Chao Car were there with the Liang engine, scientific acceptance will be 100%.”

Tseung: “Is the World ready for non-polluting, inexhaustible and virtually free energy?”

God in Heart: “Are you ready to introduce Lead-Out Energy to the World?  Are there any doubts in your mind?”

Tseung: “Lead-Out Energy is an ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY.   It is derived from the Law of Parallelogram of Forces.  Horizontal energy = horizontal force x horizontal displacement.  That is the supplied energy.  Vertical energy = vertical force x vertical displacement.  That is the lead-out gravitational energy via the tension in the pendulum string.”

God in Heart: “The World may change for the better or for the worse.  Newton introduced his Laws of Motion.  Science and Engineering had a solid foundation.  England used that to its advantage and expanded its Empire.  To the English, it was good.  To the conquered nations, it was bad.”

Tseung: “If I introduce the Lead-Out Energy technology to the entire World, will that prevent one nation dominating others?  Can I prevent the sad history of colonization from happening again?  Can every poor nation be wealthy because of this technology?”

God in Heart: “You will have to give up personal greed, pride, pleasure of the flesh and all things the average human being long for.  You will be insulted.  You will be ridiculed.  Scientific facts will be twisted to show that you are an idiot.  You will lose your financial security.  Your family will suffer.  You will be treated as a crack pot similar to Nikola Tesla.  Are you ready for that?”

Tseung: “The spirit is willing.  The flesh is weak.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 19, 2010, 06:25:00 PM


I am a student studying Green Tech at the Scottish Agricultural University. In my field I deal with communicating between zero fossil energy development companies and entrepreneurs who have the means to distribute them in Baltic countries.

A week ago I was invited by the French ambassador, who is in charge of organizing an annual Science conference in Estonia, to make a presentation about new and improved ways of enhancing energy production. I accepted the challenge and am going to present my studies on HHO, fuel cells and a potential for full magnetic motors to an audience that I believe is of great benefit to your company.

I have asked for permission from various directors to introduce their companies to the Franco-Estonian community. And I would be honored to present your company as well, for I share the same vision that your company is built on.

I am of Estonian origin, lived in France for five years, and after having completed my bachelors at the Estonian Business School I moved to Scotland to continue my research.  By the end of this academic year I will return to Estonia to work for the main Estonian Energy provider to promote Alt. energies.

I have attached a program the ambassador has put together, and if you find the audience to be of interest to you then please contact me. I will have to send an outline of my presentation by March and include which companies I will be introducing.

Thank you for your consideration,

May this be the will of the Almighty to spread Lead-Out Energy to the World.  A small Country like Estonia posts no threat to the World. 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 20, 2010, 06:09:16 PM
From Estonian Student

QuoteThank you for such an immediate response.

I must tell you that although I do not intensively pursue the study of perpetual motion and magnet motors, I do not disregard the possibility. Mainly because we do not live in a closed system and because progress to understanding comes through experimentation and collective thought.

Most people that I know who talk about alternative energies, are limited by their imagination to think of anything else than solar, wind, geothermal, and nuclear energies. Yet again they do not let themselves study what the physics behind all this. It is accepted as common knowledge that perpetual motion is impossible for it is advertised so. I understand this point of view, but I do not admire it. The way of thought that I do admire is the collective one. To take the effort to bring out-of-the-frame ideas and knowledge so that those who wish may learn to grow towards free energy systems shows leadership in the right direction.

You are doing a valuable thing that affects people on a global scale and this is priceless. I will stand by these values for only through this kind of a mind frame will there be true peace.

I will most definably follow your web site and am honored to work alongside the values you represent, Sir.

I will be looking forward to seeing what your presentation at Hangzou will bring.


Dear Estonian Student,

I took the liberty of correcting some typos and other mistakes in your email before posting.  I would like to suggest a simple experiment that you can perform before your conference.  (We shall do the same before Hangzhou).

Please examine the Yu Oscillator in this forum.  Mr. Yu sent a magnet through a Howard Johnson type actuator or magnetic array to gain kinetic energy.  His technique was via oscillation and to rotate the magnets at the end of each swing.  It should be a simple task to have a rod pivoted in the middle and have two magnets at the end.  The two magnets can pass through the magnetic array to gain kinetic energy with simple rotation of the rod.  There will be no need to rotate and change direction of the magnets.

This experiment can result in a rod rotating after an initial turn and gaining energy by passing through the magnetic array.  The rotational speed will pick up until some balance with frictional force and air resistance is achieved.  You may then have a perpetually rotating rod.  Since there is a gain of external energy, no Physics Laws are violated.

This may be a standard experiment for understanding Lead-Out Energy.

Good Luck.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 21, 2010, 11:18:02 PM
TWM Technology
They have a motor that uses both poles of a Magnet.  That is similar to the Bill Muller approach.  The next Tong Wheel is likely to have a similar approach.  Our Pulsing technique is different from theirs.  I believe that they did not have the Lead-Out Energy Theory to guide them.  Much of research was directed at high speed rotation similar to Bedini.  We can definitely help to improve that.  They said that they have an overunity prototype.  The information is available at:

We've (TWM Techonolgy) basically combined all the greats: Perendev, Morey, Bearden, Bedini. We've been successful in spinning a device that uses the vacuum to our benefit, but we've also combined the torque from a mechanical shaft as well. This is an improvement, A significant improvement that offers the best of both sides: mechanical torque, and Free Space Electrons.

The potential is still yet to be revealed.

Last week a group told us that the money would be in providing a low RPM generator. So we (Timmy and group), combined our efforts and designed and started producing our motor as a generator â€" just a generator â€" and we accomplished that. The generator could be spun a very low rpms (e.g. 5 rpms) producing DC current. The same generator could be spun at high rpms to produce massive AC current. The design and details have been completed, and we will have this generator ready within the next 2 months.

All that was accomplished by our group in one week. (Just imagine what we could do with the proper backing!!).

Also, the generator will be ten times lighter than conventional wind turbine generators. Our device will not need a gear-box, and will have great worth to the wind / energy industries.

Thanks for always being there for groups like us. If you don't mind the comment, I would like point out that it's great that you do what you do. I was just telling a friend yesterday how cool it is that you are the medium or the middle-man so to speak when It comes to helping companies like ours that have great ideas that could potentially change the world for the better. It's cool that you get people excited about this type of tech.

However, it would be even better if we could organize a group of VC's or maybe our government could implement a program that lays down a foundation in each state. That would provide small businesses the needed helping hand to generate interest or capital, they would decide what is worth the effort. But we as small corps, struggle to get somewhere. And that is why a lot of groups either give up, or don't make their dreams a reality.

I found that there are a lot against groups like ours. We have the professionals telling us that overunity is impossible. STRIKE ONE. That is why I was trying to back peddle because the ones I thought I needed to convince were the big VC guys. They are clueless. They give you two minutes to describe everything in a room of other struggling entrepreneurs. Then they critique you like it's an episode of shark tank. Then they say "I talked with someone [who says that the laws of] thermodynamics say that, "that is impossible". End of story, They don't even give us the time of day after an engineer or some respected professional says It cant be done.

Then STRIKE TWO would be the controlling interests that don't want a device like this to cut into there profits (e.g. oil industry, political corrupts, etc.). I don't like to dwell on the negative. however it's part of our struggle.

We as private individuals have dropped over $250,000 into this development over a five year period, and that is just the beginning. We knew that we might never make it, and that our efforts may be in vain, but we kept on because of the belief in what were doing. When doing something new or when pioneering new technology, there is a sense of unknown, and that is scary to us as well as to investors. And that somewhat prohibits the advancement. On the other hand, sometimes that's what sets you apart from the rest.

China will win the “overunity race” if such inventors in USA were not supported.  Our Lead-Out Theory already pointed out the practicality of such devices.  Our 2-3 watt Tong overunity wheel is available for verification.  The inventors of the 225 HP Pulse Motor was at one time not supported by the USA Venture Capitalists.  They should be the leader in this field.  Now, who knows?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 22, 2010, 09:32:27 AM
Waiting for Official approval before release.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 22, 2010, 11:03:50 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 22, 2010, 09:32:27 AM
Ir. Jimmy Fung is a Director of Energy Saving Solutions Limited. 

He is a Consultant to many Hong Kong Government Projects and very well respected.

He is willing to have his photo shown on the Internet with his findings.
Your findings stand if the input and output were to be steady values. If they are
pulses, then the readings may not be not reliable.

In the latter case, maybe you should start with a full battery on the input side
and a discharged battery on the output side, and after a few hours running, measure
the change in the batteries charge by measuring how much more current is needed to restore them to a predetermined standardised level. Not that easy.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 22, 2010, 02:25:35 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on February 22, 2010, 11:03:50 AM
Your findings stand if the input and output were to be steady values. If they are
pulses, then the readings may not be not reliable.

In the latter case, maybe you should start with a full battery on the input side
and a discharged battery on the output side, and after a few hours running, measure
the change in the batteries charge by measuring how much more current is needed to restore them to a predetermined standardised level. Not that easy.

You are right.  Our readings will be indisputable if the values were steady.   With Pulse values, the meters provide rms (root mean square) values.  There will be debate on whether a cheap meter can provide the correct rms value.  One way is to examine the waveform using the oscilloscope.  We have done that and provided such waveforms in this thread.  However, the average non-trained engineer may not be able to interpret the waveforms correctly.

The most convincing to even “the housewife type with no physics background” is to produce 5KW or some significant output.  The 225 HP Pulse Motor did that.  It then became top-secret in USA.  The Wang generator did that.  It then became top-secret in China.

Now I got word from Mr. Wang ShenHe that he may be allowed to attend the Hangzhou conference with one of his machines.  I also got some hints that a replicated? 225 HP Pulse Motor built in China may also be shown.  (If we can built the Tong Wheel with a part-time engineer, a top university in China believing in Lead-Out Energy can easily built the 225 HP Pulse Motor.) My gut feel is that the Chinese Government or at least some Senior Officials are in favor of allowing some top-secret devices to be revealed.

There are already the undisputable Lead-Out Energy Theory.  The Tong Wheel is only a small demonstration.  It is extremely easy to modify the Yu Oscillator so that a rotating rod with magnets at the tips passing magnetic actuator will demonstrate continuous rotation due to the energy gained.  We have teams reproducing the simple wheel with two tubes containing steel balls hitting soft and hard surfaces.  I shall disclose another extremely simple and easy to replicate experiment that can demonstrate overunity in a motionless device.

There is no way to suppress the Parallelogram of Forces.  There cannot be any scientific questioning of the formula of
Horizontal energy = horizontal force x horizontal displacement and
Vertical energy = vertical force x vertical displacement.
If the two above formula are correct, the Lead-Out energy theory MUST be correct.

The Hangzhou City Government can easily fund the Conference.  When the top overunity researchers like Bedini, Wang, Chao, our team etc. meet with working prototypes, the synergy will be unstoppable.  There will be undreamed of improvements.  If we have the 225 HP Pulse Motor (or even one slice of it) available for demonstration, all doubts will vaporize.

USA may elect to play the catch-up game similar to the Space Program.  Let the Russians lead the way first.  Then pour resources to catch up.  But in this overunity field, the resources required would not be that huge.  The sum is much less than building a single nuclear fission reactor.  Many Countries will be able to participate.   Ireland (via Steorn) is a contestant.  India (notified by AMURT) will participate.  An Estonian Student is learning.  Australia has many OU inventors.  Germany (via Stefan) will not be left behind.....  It should be fun.

The race to Lead-Out Energy (zero point?) is on.  Who will win???
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 22, 2010, 02:33:20 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 22, 2010, 02:25:35 PM

The race to Lead-Out Energy (zero point?) is on.  ???

It has already been won by the clown of the one one-man circus act!
Oh, btw, since your machine is 100% O.U, did Stephan give you the O.U prize money? I didn't see that on the O.U website. Or maybe you declined it?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 22, 2010, 02:59:02 PM
Motionless Lead-Out Energy Devices

Proof of concept experiment â€" Electron Motion energy (magnetic) can be Lead-Out via flux changes.  Use Oscilloscope to check waveform for best results.

Basic Principle (1)  the transformer:
1.   A transformer is mainly used in AC circuits
2.   A varying current in primary winding creates a varying magnetic flux in the transformer core
3.   Thus create a varying magnetic field through the secondary winding.
4.   If a load is connected to the secondary, an electric current will flow in the secondary winding
5.   Electrical energy will be transferred from the primary circuit through the transformer to the load.

Basic Principle (2)  the use of Pulsed DC instead of AC
1.   The key element is the varying current producing the varying magnetic flux.
2.   We can use Pulse DC as the varying current.
3.   If we put a magnet in the core of the transformer
a.   Pulsed DC in one direction will be enhanced
b.   Pulsed DC in the other direction will be hindered
4.   The enhanced direction Leads-Out electromagnetic energy! 
5.   This is the basic theory behind the motionless lead-out energy machine.

Basic Principle (3)  See the attached diagram


•   May need to tune
1.   Core material (try standard transformer material first)
2.   Number of Turns (start with 100 on both)
3.   Current (Half rectification of mains AC)
4.   Frequency (50 or 60 Hertz to start)
5.   Magnet (try market available, can stack)

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 22, 2010, 05:54:50 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 22, 2010, 02:25:35 PM
There cannot be any scientific questioning of the formula of
Horizontal energy = horizontal force x horizontal displacement and
Vertical energy = vertical force x vertical displacement.
This is a re-writing of the familiar
Energy = MxGxH
equation, isn't it? What an unusual way of putting it. Interesting.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: utilitarian on February 22, 2010, 06:44:52 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on February 22, 2010, 05:54:50 PM
This is a re-writing of the familiar
Energy = MxGxH
equation, isn't it? What an unusual way of putting it. Interesting.

He is defining work, not energy.  I am guessing he meant to say:

horizontal work = horizontal force x horizontal displacement
vertical work = vertical force x vertical displacement

I do not think Tseung knows difference between work and energy.

He also does not know the difference between force and energy, as he keeps referring nonsensically to "gravitational energy."
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 22, 2010, 08:09:25 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on February 22, 2010, 05:54:50 PM
This is a re-writing of the familiar
Energy = MxGxH
equation, isn't it? What an unusual way of putting it. Interesting.
Dear Paul-R,
In Physics, the more general equation for Work is
Work = Force x Displacement

Force is a vector quantity.  Displacement is also a vector quantity.  By vector quantity, we mean that there is direction associated.  When there is direction associated, we have to use vector arithmetic to do the calculations.  When these quantities are in a 2 dimensional situation, we can use the Law of Parallelogram of Forces to resolve them into vertical and horizontal directions.

Your formula of potential energy = MGH is a special case related to a weight of MG raised to a height H.

Energy has the same unit as Work.  Thus
Horizontal Work Done = Horizontal Energy Supplied = Horizontal Force x Horizontal Displacement
Vertical Work Done = Vertical Energy Supplied = Vertical Force x Vertical Displacement

Do not be fooled by non-physicist posting rubbish in this thread. 

Gravitational Energy refers to the energy supplied or work done by the Gravitational Force of the Earth which is always in the vertical direction.  Many of those in my ignore list do not understand that.  They may be paid to post non-sense.  Who cares now?  The real scientists will want to see the working Tong Wheel in Hong Kong now and other prototypes in Hangzhou later.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on February 22, 2010, 08:19:55 PM
Quote from: chrisC on February 22, 2010, 02:33:20 PM
It has already been won by the clown of the one one-man circus act!
Oh, btw, since your machine is 100% O.U, did Stephan give you the O.U prize money? I didn't see that on the O.U website. Or maybe you declined it?

and there you are, right on time... the one man circus, staring pavlov's dog.  ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 22, 2010, 10:26:52 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on February 22, 2010, 08:19:55 PM
and there you are, right on time... the  , staring pavlov's dog.  ::)

And I supposed you're the clown's dog that he urinates on when he's deluded? Old Tseung must love his faithful dog!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on February 23, 2010, 01:10:57 PM
Quote from: chrisC on February 22, 2010, 10:26:52 PM
And I supposed you're the clown's dog that he urinates on when he's deluded? Old Tseung must love his faithful dog!

you won't respond when i ask you point blank questions like 'what purpose does your continual insulting of larry serve?' but when you have a chance to engage in logical fallacy as an insult you have no problem responding... ::)

shoo pavlov's doggie, shoo. go shit in your own yard.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 23, 2010, 03:32:07 PM
Meeting with Mr. Woo

Daily events on Feb 23, 2010.

Mr. Woo is an electrical engineer who owns a Company doing electrical maintenance work for apartment buildings.

Woo: “Now I understand the Lead-Out Energy Theory.  There is no violation of the Law of Conservation of Energy.  There are hundreds of overunity devices described on the Internet.  Why is it that we cannot buy a product now?”

Tseung: “The mainstream scientists have not endorsed the Lead-Out Energy Theory yet.  Even today, some well-known academics and engineers have to withdraw open support because of pressure from their Organizations.”

Woo: “I am lucky because I am the Boss.  I can support whoever and whatever I believe.  Are there any simple experiments that I can do?”

Tseung: “How about the simple motionless device?”

Woo: “That is just Pulsed DC transformer.  You put a magnet in the magnetic flux path.  Have you done the experiment yourself?”

Tseung: “No.  But theoretically that should work.  The Lead-Out Energy theory allows for that.  The Pulsed DC will lead-out additional electron motion energy via the permanent magnet.”

Woo: “Will the permanent magnet lose its magnetism?”

Tseung: “No.  If you look at the set up, the permanent magnet should be enhanced by the Pulsed DC current.”

Woo: “Have you got a patent on this?”

Tseung: “No.  I do not intend to.  My goal is to benefit the World.  Let all Nations learn together and benefit together.  If I publish it now, nobody else can get a patent.  This is free to the World.”

Woo: “The cost of material for the experiment is less than HK$1,000.  I can afford it.  It should be a simple experiment.  I already have all the test equipment including oscilloscopes.  Are you sure that this have not been patented?”

Tseung: “I do not think so.  At this stage, we are only doing a simple experiment with no commercial activities.  I can post this on the Internet and many others will help us to find whether there are existing patents.”

*** Forum Members, you can all help to check whether there are existing patents related to Pulsed DC on transformers and the insertion of permanent magnets in the transformer core.  You are welcome to do the same simple experiment and report the results.  This can be OPEN SOURCE.  You can help to benefit the World! *** 
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 23, 2010, 03:46:43 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 23, 2010, 03:32:07 PM
If I publish it now, nobody else can get a .  This is free to the World.”

haha! Old Tseung you really have a gold fish memory; you don't even know you're swimming round and round the bowl!

Not so long ago, you boasted that your so called patent applications will give credence to your crappy theory. What happened to those? The patent office tore them up and used them as toilet paper?

So, plan B is now to make sure the rest of the world get this crap for free too? How about showing us something that really works and real scientists can be excited about. Your faithful dog, Wilberinated does not count as a real scientist. He's just a shitty dog!

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on February 23, 2010, 04:04:16 PM
Quote from: chrisC on February 23, 2010, 03:46:43 PM
haha! Old Tseung you really have a gold fish memory; you don't even know you're swimming round and round the bowl!

Not so long ago, you boasted that your so called patent applications will give credence to your crappy theory. What happened to those? The patent office tore them up and used them as toilet paper?

So, plan B is now to make sure the rest of the world get this crap for free too? How about showing us something that really works and real scientists can be excited about. Your faithful dog, Wilberinated does not count as a real scientist. He's just a shitty dog!

pavlov's doggie is back... and still humping logical fallacies. here boy! i got a bone (question) for you to chew on... what purpose does your continual insulting of larry serve?

faithful to larry... ::) where do you come up with this garbage? i have never supported larry's theories, can you show where i have or is this latest fallacy of yours just a figment of your imagination?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 23, 2010, 05:33:51 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 23, 2010, 03:32:07 PM
*** Forum Members, you can all help to check whether there are existing patents related to Pulsed DC on transformers and the insertion of permanent magnets in the transformer core.
Can you provide us with a simple pencil sketch? Your ideas should be put fully into the public domain, and it would be good if you were to provide a name for your device.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 23, 2010, 07:27:45 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on February 23, 2010, 05:33:51 PM
Can you provide us with a simple pencil sketch? Your ideas should be put fully into the public domain, and it would be good if you were to provide a name for your device.

The name - Pulsed DC transformer with embedded magnets.

See last figure of attached diagram.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 24, 2010, 03:25:38 AM
Conversation with Lee Cheung Kin

Lee Cheung Kin, nicknamed the ”number one genius of the World” saw the design of the Pulsed DC Transformer with embedded magnets.  He was the one who thought of the pulled pendulum as a mechanism to lead-out gravitational energy in 2004.

Tseung: “What do you think of the simple design?  Do you think that it will work?”

Lee: “It is in the spirit of OUR Lead-Out Energy Theory.  I am absolutely sure that it will work.”

Tseung: “Have you contacted your counter-part in the Chinese Government yet?  I do not want to be accused as a spy again.  How long do you think the Chinese Engineers will need to build and test such a device?”

Lee: “Not more than two days.  I shall make sure that they are aware it.  This device can be made very small.  It can be the size of a button as I predicted.”

Tseung: “I have different groups of civilians working on it.  The aim is to have a working prototype for Hangzhou at the beginning of April, 2010.  We may want to show it in Shenzhen in May.”

Lee: “That should be a piece of cake.  However, I do not think any of the overunity forum members will do it.  The top-secret Government Research Laboratories can build it with ease.  They are unlikely to publish their findings.”

Tseung: “This is easier to build and tune than the big Tong Wheel.  I have decided not to apply for patents.  It will be the first lead-out energy device to benefit the World.  Any Individual, Company or Country can build it.  It is a case of learning and building together.  I shall not be surprised that some organization will market it in the next few months.”

Lee: “You will not get any money because of it.  You may even not get any credit as the inventor as you do not have a patent.  All you did was to suppose putting a magnet in a Pulsed DC A”

Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedling Innovate Foundation Limited
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on February 24, 2010, 03:40:22 AM
may I be as so bold to say, you don't have anything the world needs, you are either an intentional or unintentional fraud. you can not get OU in a system that uses the Macro classical mechanics in this world to achieve it.

I don't mean this in offense so long as you are not aware of your fault. but I am quite sure you know what you are explaining whether intentionally or not.

you can not violate Lenz law period, I beg to differ with you. there are to many field losses. you will not get back what you put in or more!

you are a pipe dream waiting for the people.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 24, 2010, 03:58:42 AM
Quote from: onthecuttingedge2005 on February 24, 2010, 03:40:22 AM

I don't mean this in offense so long as you are not aware of your fault. but I am quite sure you know what you are explaining whether intentionally or not.

You can not violate Lenz law period, I beg to differ with you.

Have you read up on Lawrence's theory?

Have you read: http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk  ?

The WHOLE point of this web site is that this is thought NOT to be correct. You haven't read up on Bearden, the 1957 Nobel Physics laureates, Hal Puthoff, Quantum foam, Westinghouse's Minuteman missile problem etc etc etc.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on February 24, 2010, 04:05:09 AM
Quote from: Paul-R on February 24, 2010, 03:58:42 AM
Have you read up on Lawrence's theory?

Have you read: http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk  ?

The WHOLE point of this web site is that this is thought NOT to be correct. You haven't read up on Bearden, the 1957 Nobel Physics laureates, Hal Puthoff, Quantum foam, Westinghouse's Minuteman missile problem etc etc etc.

so what are you really saying Paul?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on February 24, 2010, 05:24:13 AM
Quote from: onthecuttingedge2005 on February 24, 2010, 04:05:09 AM
so what are you really saying Paul?
If you could get at all the energy that exists in the space occupied by  coffee cup, you could boil the Atlantic ocean dry. Then you could go on the boil all the other oceans dry.

When the rains come, you could then repeat this performance several more times. (Credit: Hal Puthoff, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hal_Puthoff)

The question is: How do you get at this energy?

Lawrence has a well documented paper on this; others point to BEMF. There are several theories, most of which dovetail to some extent. I am sure that Stefan would support the view that this web site exists mainly to solve that question.

Your local public library probably has a number of copies of a book by Keith Tutt called "The scientist, the madman, the thief and their lightbulb". Amazon has many secondhand ones going for peanuts. This book is very out of date, but the principles are sound. The preface by Arthur C. Clarke, scientist and science fiction novelist, is very much worth reading.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on February 24, 2010, 12:02:21 PM
Quote from: onthecuttingedge2005 on February 24, 2010, 04:05:09 AM
so what are you really saying Paul?
i think what paul is saying is that anyone who speaks in absolutes (like yourself) should have their delusional opinion dismissed a priori... here's why. speaking in absolutes, implying or vocalizing that you know something to be impossible is idiotic and obviously so. impossible has no time constraint. if you say impossible PERIOD. ::) you are claiming it is impossible now, 10 years from now, a million years from now, etc... now, we all know that you do not hold such knowledge, no matter what you claim. we also know the 'books' do not hold such omnipotence either.

simply put, you have no idea whether something is impossible or not, and to claim you do is extremely delusional and arrogant.

"in all of my universe i have seen no law of nature, unchanging and inexorable. this universe presents only changing relationships which are sometimes seen as laws by short-lived awareness. these fleshy sensoria which we call self are ephemera withering in the blaze of infinity, fleeting aware of temporary conditions which confine our activities and change as our activities change. if you must label the absolute, use it's proper name: temporary." -the stolen journals
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: neptune on February 24, 2010, 12:36:08 PM
It is worth remembering , that back in the year 1890 or thereabouts , the then Chairman of the Royal Society stood up and proposed a motion . He proposed that the Society should be disbanded , on the grounds that all worthwhile scientific discoveries had ALREADY BEEN MADE . Remember ,this was1890 .
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 24, 2010, 04:24:30 PM

With "worthwhile" being the operative word, he may very well have been right on the money, so to speak.


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on February 26, 2010, 06:13:42 PM
FLEET - Forever Leadout Existing Energy A

The Pulsed DC Transformer with Embeded Magnets now has a more sexy name:
Forever Leadout Existing Energy Transformer (FLEET).

I like the name because it reflects the truth.  The permanent magnet embedded will not degrade with time.  The Pulsed DC current tends to strengthen its magnetic flux with use.  There are no moving parts.  The material can last for years if not centuries.  Energy is not created.  Electron motion energy is leadout (bring in) from the surrounding.

Details are in the Pulsed DC Transformer with Embedded Magnets thread.  Mags did a simple proof-of-concept experiment.  His result was 1:1.5 comparing case 2 and case 3.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on February 26, 2010, 07:22:29 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 26, 2010, 06:13:42 PM
FLEET - Forever Leadout Existing Energy A

The Pulsed DC  with Embeded Magnets now has a more sexy name:
Forever Leadout Existing Energy Transformer (FLEET).

I like the name because it reflects the truth.  The permanent magnet embedded will not degrade with time.  The Pulsed DC current tends to strengthen its magnetic flux with use.  There are no moving parts.  The material can last for years if not centuries.  Energy is not created.  Electron motion energy is leadout (bring in) from the surrounding.

Details are in the Pulsed DC Transformer with Embedded Magnets thread.  Mags did a simple proof-of-concept experiment.  His result was 1:1.5 comparing case 2 and case 3.

er. who's listening to delusions?

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 01, 2010, 05:05:33 PM
Summary Description of FLEET in English and in Chinese

Forever Leadout Electromagnetic Energy Transformer (FLEET)

FLEET is basically a pulsed DC transformer with embedded magnets. The operating principle is as follow:

When we put a pulsed DC current to the primary coil of the transformer, it will create a changing magnetic flux in the core.  This will be picked up by the secondary coil of the transformer.  If we put a magnet as part of the core material of the transformer, the magnetic path will be affected.  In one direction of the current, the magnetic flux would be opposed by that from the magnet.  In the other direction, it will be enhanced by the magnet. According to the lead-out energy theory, electron motion energy from the surrounding will go into the system.  Our task is to determine whether this phenomenon is true. If true, what is the best combination (current, magnet, coil, core material, frequency etc)?  If the COP(output over input) were greater than one, can we design loopback mechanisms to constantly lead out and use this extra energy.


æ ¹æ"šå¼•å‡ºèƒ½é‡ç†è«–,é™,,è¿'çš,,電子轉動能量會被引到機器å...§ã€,æˆ'å€'çš,,實驗是要證明理論是否正確,若正確çš,,話,ç"šéº¼æ˜¯æœ€å¥½çš,,çµ,,合(電流çš,,大小,磁鐵çš,,強弱,線圈çš,,多å°',變å£"器çš,,材料,頻率等)ã€,è‹¥COP(輸出能量/輸å...¥èƒ½é‡)能大於一,æˆ'å€'便可設計回饋電路,不停地利ç"¨é€™äº›å¼•å‡ºçš,,能量ã€,

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 03, 2010, 05:53:50 PM
Meeting at the Institute of Energy of Hong Kong  on March 3

Member A: “How did you come up with this idea of FLEET.  It is too simple.”

Tseung: “We have been working with Pulsed DC for months with the Tong Wheel.  When Rasa asked whether we could bring something small to Hangzhou, I ruled out a tiny Tong Wheel.  The focus went to motionless lead-out energy devices.”

Member B: “The only breakthrough you really needed was â€" will Pulsed DC go through a transformer.”

Tseung: “Once that was confirmed, I was sure that we were on the right path.  I posted on the Internet and a Forum member Mags immediately worked on it.  He got the result comparing case 2 and case 3 as 1:1.5.”

Member A: “You did not apply for a patent.  Everyone can compete on equal grounds.  What is our special advantage?”

Member C: “None.  Except that we can touch and feel the Tong Wheel and the C core.”

Member B: “It is like eye glass shops.  There can be hundreds.  It is a matter of whether you want to enter such business.  This FLEET is definitely along the lines of Institute of Energy.”

Member D: “Are we free to talk to any Company.  My gut feel is that some Companies will pick up the idea and make money.  They may not even say thank you.”

Tseung: “I do not mind so long as the World benefits.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on March 04, 2010, 07:17:21 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 03, 2010, 05:53:50 PM
Meeting at the Institute of Energy of Hong Kong  on March 3
“The only breakthrough you really needed was â€" will Pulsed DC go through a transformer.”
Surely, it will. Transformers transmit changing levels. But there will be BEMF spikes of prodigious
voltage to deal with - a need for a rectifier using 1000v diodes and possibly dumping it all in a battery.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 04, 2010, 09:28:53 AM
Dr. Raymond Ting and his Pulse Wheel.

He said, "Not all imitations will succeed.  I just used some material at hand.  THe wheel spins but show no sign of overunity."

This applies to almost any system.  If one did not do the mathematics and did not replicate exactly, the chance of failing to achieve expected results is high.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on March 04, 2010, 12:52:33 PM
Quote from: chrisC on February 26, 2010, 07:22:29 PM
er. who's listening to delusions?

pavlov's doggie is back... here boy! i got a bone (question) for you to chew on... what purpose does your continual insulting of larry serve?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 04, 2010, 01:33:09 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on March 04, 2010, 12:52:33 PM
pavlov's doggie is back... here boy! i got a bone (question) for you to chew on... what purpose does your continual insulting of larry serve?


Well, retards will never understand what the purpose is despite several rounds of challenges to old Tseung to prove O.U and not just talk. If you are able to read Mr. Ting's own words(?), there is NO O.U in the Tong wheel. Can you understand English, you retard? Or is it that old Tseung has urinated on his pet dog so much this dog cannot tell piss from water?

Enough said. Retards will always be retards, they are born that way.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 04, 2010, 02:39:59 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 04, 2010, 09:28:53 AM
Dr. Raymond Ting and his Pulse Wheel.
... THe wheel spins but show no sign of overunity."


Well, after years of delusions, the final analysis straight from the horses mouth?

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!


Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on March 04, 2010, 11:35:55 PM
Quote from: chrisC on March 04, 2010, 01:33:09 PM

Well, retards will never understand what the purpose is despite several rounds of challenges to old Tseung to prove O.U and not just talk. If you are able to read Mr. Ting's own words(?), there is NO O.U in the Tong wheel. Can you understand English, you retard? Or is it that old Tseung has urinated on his pet dog so much this dog cannot tell piss from water?

Enough said. Retards will always be retards, they are born that way.

logical fallacy as a response from you... how typical. so for sake of argument, let us say larry doesn't have OU... what purpose do your continual insults and name calling serve? other than to demonstrate just how immature you are.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Paul-R on March 05, 2010, 07:20:45 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on March 04, 2010, 11:35:55 PM
logical fallacy as a response from you... how typical. so for sake of argument, let us say larry doesn't have OU... what purpose do your continual insults and name calling serve? other than to demonstrate just how immature you are.
It earns him a wage.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 06, 2010, 09:38:00 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on March 05, 2010, 07:20:45 AM
It earns him a wage.


You can't pay me enough to live in your part of the (rotten) woods and you certainly won't be able to afford to live in my neighborhood. Oh, you definitely won't be able to afford to pay me enough to watch old Tseung's posting for O.U truths!

Haha, you're a real wanker.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on March 06, 2010, 10:03:18 PM
Quote from: chrisC on March 06, 2010, 09:38:00 PM

You can't pay me enough to live in your part of the (rotten) woods and you certainly won't be able to afford to live in my neighborhood. Oh, you definitely won't be able to afford to pay me enough to watch old Tseung's posting for O.U truths!

Haha, you're a real wanker.

when did paul ask you to live in his neighborhood? when did he say he wants to live in yours?

are you mental?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 06, 2010, 10:14:32 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on March 06, 2010, 10:03:18 PM
when did paul ask you to live in his neighborhood? when did he say he wants to live in yours?

are you mental?

You are definitley NOT intelligent! No wonder you live sandwiched between the railway tracks in public housing! I guessed born like that has it's disadvantages.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on March 06, 2010, 10:17:24 PM
Quote from: chrisC on March 06, 2010, 10:14:32 PM
You are definitley NOT intelligent! No wonder you live sandwiched between the railway tracks in public housing! I guessed born like that has it's disadvantages.

ding ding, ring the bell and pavlov's doggie is back with another logical fallacy for a response. have you ever used a cogent argument? do you even know what one is? i noticed you avoided answering my questions again.
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 06, 2010, 10:19:14 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on March 06, 2010, 10:17:24 PM
ding ding, ring the bell and pavlov's doggie is back with another logical fallacy for a response. i noticed you avoided answering my questions again.

WTF are you that I should answer your question/s?

That clearly show's you're as intelligent as old Tseung's piss dog.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on March 06, 2010, 10:20:50 PM
Quote from: chrisC on March 06, 2010, 10:19:14 PM
WTF are you that I should answer your question/s?

That clearly show's you're as intelligent as old Tseung's piss dog.

you don't have to, but as i have pointed out, your statements make you sound delusional. you should take the opportunity to clarify why you think where paul lives is relevant, or you could go on with your usual behavior, like your name calling and responding with logical fallacies. i'll put my money on the latter...

how does it clearly show that? could you be a bit more specific? i doubt it... ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 08, 2010, 04:32:43 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on March 06, 2010, 10:20:50 PM
you don't have to, but as i have pointed out, your statements make you sound delusional. you should take the opportunity to clarify why you think where paul lives is relevant, or you could go on with your usual behavior, like your name calling and responding with logical fallacies. i'll put my money on the latter...

how does it clearly show that? could you be a bit more specific? i doubt it... ::)

First of all, what I reply to Paul_R is NOYFB! Comprehende?

Secondly, where you'll living (ie between the railway tracks) means you ain't got any money to bet. ya? Then from what you write, it shows you're not an intelligent person nor are you educated.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on March 08, 2010, 05:28:18 PM
Quote from: chrisC on March 08, 2010, 04:32:43 PM
First of all, what I reply to Paul_R is NOYFB! Comprehende?

Secondly, where you'll living (ie between the railway tracks) means you ain't got any money to bet. ya? Then from what you write, it shows you're not an intelligent person nor are you educated.

actually it is, you posted it on a PUBLIC FORUM, had you sent it via private message you might have some grounds for your argument. ::)

you said "you'll living"... wtf does that mean? it's not a word that fits that context... from what you write, it shows you're not an intelligent person nor are you educated. i don't know where you get this mistaken idea that i live between railroad tracks, perhaps you can't read a map? my money was spot on, you refuse to explain the relevance of your ridiculous posts and instead responded again with another logical fallacy... ::)

shoo little doggie, shoo
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 10, 2010, 12:03:39 AM
Conversation with an Attorney Friend

Attorney: “You have a successful Overunity Demonstration in the Tong Wheel.  Now you also disclosed the more powerful non-moving device FLEET.  You should protect yourself and your family with a Will.”

Tseung:  “You are probably right.  The Inventor, Stan Meyer, was poisoned after he allegedly received funds to develop his technology.  What should I do?”

Attorney: “The easiest way in Hong Kong is to find two friends as witnesses.  Prepare the Will and sign it in front of them.  You can have multiple copies.  You can even have a copy on the Internet.   Solving the World Energy Crisis will upset many powerful individuals.”

Tseung: “That sounds like a good idea.  I shall prepare my Will before my travel to Hangzhou and USA.”
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on March 15, 2010, 08:25:34 PM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 10, 2010, 12:03:39 AM
Conversation with an Attorney A

Attorney: “You have a successful Overunity Demonstration in the Tong Wheel.  Now you also disclosed the more powerful non-moving device FLEET.  You should protect yourself and your family with a Will.”

Tseung:  “You are probably right.  The Inventor, Stan Meyer, was poisoned after he allegedly received funds to develop his technology.  What should I do?”

Attorney: “The easiest way in Hong Kong is to find two friends as witnesses.  Prepare the Will and sign it in front of them.  You can have multiple copies.  You can even have a copy on the Internet.   Solving the World Energy Crisis will upset many powerful individuals.”

Tseung: “That sounds like a good idea.  I shall prepare my Will before my travel to Hangzhou and USA.”

The Will of Lawrence C.N. Tseung, Hong Kong Identification Number E535509(9) on March 16, 2010

In the event of my death, all my assets will go to the non-profit organization â€" Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited registered in Hong Kong.

The directorship of the Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited must include (as long as they live) but not limited to the following:

1.   Ms. Forever Wing Hang YUEN who helped me on my inventions for many years.  In particular, she helped to edit my book titled “Innovation â€" the Story of Lawrence Tseung”.

2.   A representative from the Hong Kong Invention Association.  The Hong Kong Invention Association helped me to present and demonstrate my inventions over the years.  Many members have good innovative ideas worth supporting.

3.   My son, Daniel Kar Keung TSEUNG who funded my research from the very beginning.  He contributed much to charity and demonstrated his ability to manage start-up high technology companies throughout his career.

I shall disclose this Will on the Internet.  Copies will be given to multiple parties.   
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on March 15, 2010, 09:18:11 PM

*is crest fallen with exclusion from will*

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: chrisC on March 31, 2010, 12:53:48 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on March 15, 2010, 08:25:34 PM
The Will of Lawrence C.N. Tseung,  Identification Number E535509(9) on March 16, 2010

In the event of my death, ......

Hey, Devil, TopGun ... etc, where are you people? Are you not coming back to help old Tseung in his purported demise? Or is this a quick exit excuse because nothing of what old Tseung wrote is even remotely true?

Oh, well, we will never see this 5KW O.U machine - it will remain buried in old Tseung's mind forever! I'm going to miss this comedy show....

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pirate88179 on March 31, 2010, 02:35:05 AM
I hope Lawrence is feeling ok.  I hope that he is not ill.

Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: The Observer on March 31, 2010, 02:48:40 AM

The man is alive and well.
Apparently taking a break from this thread... but I have seen him elsewhere.

The Observer
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Pephyon on August 02, 2010, 05:06:49 PM
Take a look at this http://www.dipoleantigravity.blogspot.com/ (good theory)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: rave154 on August 03, 2010, 12:22:13 PM
let me guess.....Lee travels to where-ever hes got to go....see's some shadey looking MIB types...has to run to the airport to escape them....galloping over the tops of cars ( and people ?) ..perhaps stopping to dispatch one of the MIB's with some fancy Kung Fu moves...to just about make it onto the plane by the skin of his teeth.

join us next week where the ficticious escapades of Lee Tseung will continue
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: WilbyInebriated on August 04, 2010, 01:09:15 AM
Quote from: rave154 on August 03, 2010, 12:22:13 PM
join us next week where the ficticious escapades of Lee Tseung will continue

speaking of ficticious escapades, that's pretty funny coming from the guy who was 100% behind IST! and his neo zap arc reactor... ::)
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: rave154 on August 04, 2010, 12:12:08 PM
i wasnt "fully behind" IST....i found it interesating at the time......once it fizzled out......i left it for greener pastures............enough said?
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: Arthurs on March 27, 2011, 10:30:43 PM
Hi lawrence

I recently found overunity forum: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory thread, with 3 days to read, on the "Lead-Out Energy Machines" very interested, I want to Replication and prove its authenticity. Because Tong Wheel is the use of your: Lead-Out Theory production, so I hope your help. I want to know:

1. Your Lead-Out Theory One of the keys should be: rotation of the pendulum --- unbalanced wheel (center shift), Tong Wheel of the rotor is using such a structure? Is still using the standard circular structure? If using Unbalanced structure, the center should shift how much? Have shift rules

2. You follow-up experiment: drive/collection coil with soft iron core coil instead of air coil output has increased? You recommend the use of soft iron core coil, or air coils?

3. Why there is currently no commercial products?

Very much hope you can clear answer
Thanks again
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaedison on May 11, 2011, 02:25:45 PM
Hello Guys that are doing a great work but I would love to put my two sense into the pot if I may because I did an experiment with just distilled water by itself with the use of Paper clip and stainless steel spoon so if you are interested in how I did it by Tesla's AC with Edison's DC working together please contact me any time about this at:
309-660-4627 ask for me Thomas

PS : Here is a video showing white pure H2 and O2 white cloud gases below
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: teslaedison on May 11, 2011, 02:30:41 PM
Hello Guys,
      You are not giving the totall account of Dr. Randell Mills processes which he says that the electrons are round shape disks when it comes to a positive proton that the electron wraps around it as a bubble so go check his explanation to what I totally believe is true web site below:

PS if you have any questions about this to please contact me at any time so I can explain his processes which will evidently become the new wave of energy for the future of all of mankind !! 
Thomas C.
Cell Number: 309-660-4627
Title: Re: The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory
Post by: ltseung888 on September 24, 2014, 06:31:29 PM
I am surprised to find that the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory thread is still available. 

The latest confirmation of the Lead-out Energy theory is the Milkovic 2-Stage Pendulum.  The improvement is to replace the pendulum with an unbalanced wheel.  The Gravitational Energy is Lead-out via the Tension when the centrifugal force is greatest.  The amplitude of the Pendulum or the rotation of the unbalanced wheel is hardly affected. 

A presentation was done and the presentation file is attached.