....as a process,can be a parallel,paraphrase that takes a pattern from the well known mass gravity avalanche,an increasing charge of energy.
When a long arm-short arm configuration (with two equal masses at their ends),is free to make a full(up-down) fall,we have in fact a (difference) torque,thrust similar to an avalanche.
If the up-down fall is longer(time...height...slope) we have a stronger and stronger phenomenon.
With the same "input" (arm difference) at the "up" position,we can get out a greater and greater "output",at the "down" position...if we play the height/time factor.
Avalanches are a natural phenomenon on a slope/inclined plane in which mass can respond to the pull of gravity .
A torque avalanche can be considered alike?
Avalanches are born from a weakness in the snow...
Torque avalanches can be born from a small difference of torque("weakness of equilibrium"),that is free to develop,extend in height/time.
The whole key to avalanches is gravity.
The whole key to a gravity powered device is an avalanche process,too?
All the Bests! / Alex
Quote from: iacob alex on July 29, 2008, 11:20:26 AM
....as a process,can be a parallel,paraphrase that takes a pattern from the well known mass gravity avalanche,an increasing charge of energy.
When a long arm-short arm configuration (with two equal masses at their ends),is free to make a full(up-down) fall,we have in fact a (difference) torque,thrust similar to an avalanche.
If the up-down fall is longer(time...height...slope) we have a stronger and stronger phenomenon.
With the same "input" (arm difference) at the "up" position,we can get out a greater and greater "output",at the "down" position...if we play the height/time factor.
Avalanches are a natural phenomenon on a slope/inclined plane in which mass can respond to the pull of gravity .
A torque avalanche can be considered alike?
Avalanches are born from a weakness in the snow...
Torque avalanches can be born from a small difference of torque("weakness of equilibrium"),that is free to develop,extend in height/time.
The whole key to avalanches is gravity.
The whole key to a gravity powered device is an avalanche process,too?
All the Bests! / Alex
Problem is, an avalanche does not have to go back up hill... Its like dropping a stone from a great height, it can slip out of your hand with ease yet when it hits the bottom, it will make a dent, so its the same with an avalanche, it gets strong as the pull of gravity increases in time and creates a mess at the bottom but that energy it creates going down wont be enough to get it back up...
Really,thinking about power,as you wrote..."an avalanche does not have to go back up hill...",as a whole,but a small share of it.
All that we need is to initiate this one,again.
Then,why..."that energy it creates going down wont be enough to get it back up...' !?
The input asks for a fraction from the output,only.
The same tiny input,applied on a longer slope/inclined plane has as a result,a more energetic output.
Or,in a "wheel language",longer and longer arms,but with the same long arm-short arm difference.
If you like abstracts,take a look at www.geocities.com/iacob_alex/Stellarotor.htm ,then "Drafts" ,then "Mail0004"(Gravity wheel concept).
Goethe said that "Whatever you cannot understand,you cannot possess".
The first step is the simple observation...
All the Bests! / Alex
Quote from: iacob alex on July 30, 2008, 03:51:16 AM
Really,thinking about power,as you wrote..."an avalanche does not have to go back up hill...",as a whole,but a small share of it.
All that we need is to initiate this one,again.
Then,why..."that energy it creates going down wont be enough to get it back up...' !?
The input asks for a fraction from the output,only.
The same tiny input,applied on a longer slope/inclined plane has as a result,a more energetic output.
Or,in a "wheel language",longer and longer arms,but with the same long arm-short arm difference.
If you like abstracts,take a look at www.geocities.com/iacob_alex/Stellarotor.htm ,then "Drafts" ,then "Mail0004"(Gravity wheel concept).
Goethe said that "Whatever you cannot understand,you cannot possess".
The first step is the simple observation...
All the Bests! / Alex
I agree that a long arm with fall further meaning that it creates more energy but its still got to get back to the top of the wheel and over to start again, so how do you intend to do that?
Hi Alexioco!
Torque turns things.
Talking about the Mail0004,if we increase the arms,we can have, for the same(constant) arm difference a longer/stronger fall in gravity.
For the same input/"remake" mgh{mg(R3-R1)}=constant,we can get a greater and greater output,due to an ever increasing kinetic energy(velocity...)...as a rolling mass on a longer slope.
The main point is to have output>>input...it seems we have it,because of the specificity of the gravity flow(avalanche).
Regarding your point of view...how to"get back to the top of the wheel(in fact we have a lever,a two spokes "wheel" if you like...),we must move the mobile mass M2,only...on a short distance R3-R1,only...so not from the bottom to the top position of the whole diameter,let's say.
Aldo Costa's monumental wheel,with two spokes only ,can be one between others solutions...
All the Bests! / Alex
I agree with the concept, but let me try another example.
If you have a 1 foot arm with 5 lbs out of balance to the top then as it swing down you can catch it and stop it.
Now a 10 foot arm with 5 lbs out balance to the top then as it swing down you better get out the way as it will hurt you.
Now a 100 foot arm with 5 lbs out of balance to the top then as it swings down it could total your car.
Now a 1000 foot arm with 5 lbs out of balance to top then as it swings down it would go right thru you house.
In each case you only have a lift device at each end to create the 5 lbs out of balance and would use the same energy in all cases.
Also, consider the arm made of super light composite. So the main force will be composed of the 5 lbs and gravity.
Regards, Larry
Hi Larry!
You can find on net an interesting lab-demo regarding Atwood Machine,if you type "heavy pulley Atwood Machine".
You will be surprised how,with a very small mass difference(some sites have free graphic demo),you can move a huge pulley,if you have patience...or play time factor.
Now,the suggestion has a degree of clarity,is visible: a heavy hub,that is transgressing step by step,a translation into a rotation.
So,why to be affraid about your car or house?
All the Bests! / Alex
Hi Larry !
Let's develop your imaginative experiment...
We have a fulcrum and a first degree lever(long arm-short arm difference is 1 foot).
At the end of every arm we have the same weight of 5 lbs.
Now,jf the short arm becomes longer and longer(10,100,1000...) and the long arm ,alike(10+1,100+1,1000+1,...)/so with long arm-short arm difference constant 1 foot/,we have a more and more powerfull fall(final-down velocity,kinetic energy).
Here enters on the physical "scenery", the time factor,in this invisible flow,but visible "marker/material" fall.
The next your imaginative action can be to disperse (smash things...why?),or collect(why not?) this ever increasing energy..
You can get again the same amount of energy if you remake the same difference(1 foot),nothing more..
All the Bests!
Hi Alex,
Thanks, but at the present time I am trying to replicate Bob Kostoff's machine on the thread http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,2326.0.html. See the video of the working machine at http://www.newsourceofenergy.com/index.html.
Regards, Larry
Hi LarryC!
Regarding your New Source of Energy (without some details...),your Machine Specs.seems to describes a big one.
To encourage your attempt,take a look at www.geocities.com/iacob_alex then click on "Some_Drafts"/text045 ,with the title "A small confusion?!",so to understand me better.
Remind a common snow avalanche phenomenon,really you have saw , or in a movie.
The greater is the slope,the more impressive and powerful is the snowslide.
Imagine ,or test something as in my suggestion(drawing).
Gravity works in one and the other circumstances,alike.
The same torque difference,in a longer time,develops an ever increasing nonlinear amazing thing...if we modify one dimension only,that of the two spokes of the "wheel".
All the Bests! / Alex
...as a controllable mechanical process,developed due to gravity,can be considered ,in two different cases:
-constant arm : Atwood machine with a heavy pulley.
-variable arm :
-a full up-down falling/rotational pendulum with a heavy hub.
-a full up-down falling pendulum equivalent (two unequal arms lever,eventually with two equal masses at their ends).
So,if we consider this interesting phenomena (usually with destructive effects...),can we use it in a non destructive manner,let's say,to imagine a PM?!
All the bests! / Alex
.....or,more specific,the difference torque development of a first class unbalanced lever (free to a complete up-down/180 degrees/gravity fall),is an elementary image to think about a possible PM...
If we start with a small torque difference,on the top ,and gradually we lenghten the lever's arms ,this is equivalent to have accessibility to an ever greater gravitational potential difference (freefall ),ready to be converted into more kinetic energy.
A resemblance can be related to a hydro-power system,with a dam storage and with an increasing elevation of the head pressure,exerted by the weight of water above a given point.
To be short,with a small input,we can achieve a massive,greater output.
A distant action concept,can help us to imagine a feedback for a self-running (rotating) system,due to a permanent torque difference on the same side of the fulcrum.
All the best! / Alex