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News announcements and other topics => News => Topic started by: pix on October 29, 2008, 10:45:54 AM

Title: Truth about Obama
Post by: pix on October 29, 2008, 10:45:54 AM
Everybody should look at this.Please read carefully pdf.document.Think it for yourself.


Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: captainpecan on November 01, 2008, 11:14:09 PM
Give me a break. Both candidates are not what I want, but McCain is just another Bush. I think we can all agree that Bush has done everything in his power to destroy not only america, but the whole damn planet! I think we have had enough of that, and I definately believe we need a change before the whole world attacks the U.S. because they are tired of all the lies and bull that the Bush administration has caused.

If McCain wins, the wars will not only continue, they will get worse. The economy will run just as bad as it has for the last 8 years, and we cannot afford any more mistakes like Bush.

America will do the right thing. Obama is a much better choice by far.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Rocko on November 02, 2008, 12:40:26 AM
The McCain campaign is desperate right now and that seems to be working for Obama, then why dont MCcain  use that? javascript:void(0);

I dont like to talk politics but believing crap like that is starting to make us Americans look like IDIOTS to the rest of the world. javascript:void(0);

Hell I remember back when George W jr told us how John MCcain & John Kerry conspired with Korea against the USA. What happened with that? Maybe we ought to take a look at all the info W gave us on McCain back in 1999 or we can be wise and ignore the bull crap and make them run on their policies and what they'll do for WE THE PEOPLE.

Now you got me thinking Obama
If he can use hypnosis to gain votes then maybe he can use it to make Iraq a peaceful country and get our people  out of there.

Like captainpecan said   "Give me a break"
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: christo4_99 on November 02, 2008, 04:36:01 PM
Yes,if McCain wins it's business as usual.The main thing for our future is to get off of oil and for the rest of the world to follow us.We already have technology for solar to replace power plants(coal).Now we need to replace all these gasoline burning vehicles with electric ones.Sorry for those who doubt but this is the only way to go...it's not like we have a shitload of options here folks.By buying middle eastern oil we are financing the very people that want to kill us.Iraq is just "old-schools" way of solving the problem...now they are heavily invested.I say we should spend all the mad money that's being spent these days on renewable energy science.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 02, 2008, 05:03:10 PM

Nobody's gonna like the change Obama has in mind.

Because its the same change thats happening right now.

Its called 'the new world order'...and both candidates are traitors.

Doesn't anybody remember when Al Gore won the election.

Its all a facade to provide the illusion of choice...go on home folks - nothing to see here.

Or...you can show up at the poll once again, to unwittingly renew a fixed game.


Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: wattsup on November 02, 2008, 05:43:32 PM

Give me a break will y'a.

Obama is just playing the game anyone would have to play in order to get elected. You have to smile to all, get in the good graces of the top powers, do not rock the boat too much during the campaign, do all you have to do to get elected while showing you are on the top powers side.

Then when you get elected and are finally sworn into office, take out the ax and start cutting some heads first from the top powers then work yourself down. Get Bush impeached, throw Chenney in Guantanamo along with that Hitlerite Rumsfeld bastard.

You don't know what the hell you are talking about. Obama may sport the nice regular face but I believe he is just waiting to get into power to get these total bastards both out of office and out of this world. Bush must be shit'in bricks right now wondering what the hell is going to happen to him once the Democrats have access to all that internal intelligence regarding what the hell really happened during the last 8 years.

Also, what the hell really happened on 911. Once Bush is out of office, you will see all those in Government that will come forward to denounce the Bush 8 year fiasco because they will no longer fear retribution from that maniacal nimroid.

You really don't get it. If Obama can win with a landslide victory, he does not have any excuse. He cannot say "the Republicans are holding us back". This cannot happen if he wins with a majority. That's why the top powers always need for elections to result in a near half/half split because this ensures them that the government will not be able to do anything. Just the way they like it.

Well the day has come and you can procrastinate all you want saying "there's no point in voting". What a crock. The traitor is he who has an able body and mind but does not vote. Last call.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Liberty on November 02, 2008, 06:36:16 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on November 02, 2008, 05:03:10 PM
Nobody's gonna like the change Obama has in mind.

Because its the same change thats happening right now.

Its called 'the new world order'...and both candidates are traitors.

Doesn't anybody remember when Al Gore won the election.

Its all a facade to provide the illusion of choice...go on home folks - nothing to see here.

Or...you can show up at the poll once again, to unwittingly renew a fixed game.


If you don't want to vote for the two evils that are lesser, check this one out for a change for the better. 
http://www.baldwin08.com/Candidate-Comparisons.cfm (http://www.baldwin08.com/Candidate-Comparisons.cfm)
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 02, 2008, 06:54:15 PM

We shall see...you will find that you are just still caught up in the drama of the charade played for your distraction.

Your focus should be on those pulling the strings of the Bushniks and the like...who just carry out the agenda they are handed.

The success of the con depends on how long "hope" of reward lasts...your hope is for Obama's "change" to be a positive one.

I'll even admit to holding out some hope for him...but that fizzled after seeing a few of his video clips, and learning of his Bilderburger meet and greet.

If any wish to pin hopes on an illusion it is up to the individual...but to criticize those who may be aware somethings which I am not would be unwise, to say the least...

Reserving judgment is always a good policy...especially when dealing with speculative matters...so in to avoid eating any old crow, I try to confine my opinions to the topic.


Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Moab on November 02, 2008, 07:56:37 PM
truth be known, the vast majority of the us population think polititions are all criminals worthy of public execution. i dont know of, nor have i ever met anyone that could say they trust these greedy scumbags any more than you could stuff a bus down your boxers. the system is so far beyond corrupt its boggles the imagination and confounds common secnse. civil war and a revolution wouldnt even help at this point. play the fiddle and watch her burn, thats all that is left. :)

Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on November 02, 2008, 06:54:15 PM
We shall see...you will find that you are just still caught up in the drama of the charade played for your distraction.

Your focus should be on those pulling the strings of the Bushniks and the like...who just carry out the agenda they are handed.

The success of the con depends on how long "hope" of reward lasts...your hope is for Obama's "change" to be a positive one.

I'll even admit to holding out some hope for him...but that fizzled after seeing a few of his video clips, and learning of his Bilderburger meet and greet.

If any wish to pin hopes on an illusion it is up to the individual...but to criticize those who may be aware somethings which I am not would be unwise, to say the least...

Reserving judgment is always a good policy...especially when dealing with speculative matters...so in to avoid eating any old crow, I try to confine my opinions to the topic.


Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: TechStuf on November 02, 2008, 10:43:19 PM

QuoteNobody's gonna like the change Obama has in mind.

Because its the same change thats happening right now.

Its called 'the new world order'...and both candidates are traitors.

Doesn't anybody remember when Al Gore won the election.

Its all a facade to provide the illusion of choice...go on home folks - nothing to see here.

Or...you can show up at the poll once again, to unwittingly renew a fixed game.


You've obviously done your homework, Cap'n Z.......


QuoteWell the day has come and you can procrastinate all you want saying "there's no point in voting". What a crock. The traitor is he who has an able body and mind but does not vote. Last call


It's sad, really, that so many are so beholden to an increasingly malignant status quo, that they prefer a permanent state of  'arrested development' or willful ignorance, than exercising the courage to seek out and confront the truth.  I watched the movie: Idiocracy.  It was sad, funny, thought provoking....and yet, I still cannot help but observe that the truth seems destined to be much stranger, more harsh, and much shorter lived than the script writers of varied employ, permit themselves and their largely duplicitous audience to imagine.


Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Grumpy on November 02, 2008, 11:05:40 PM
Quote from: Moab on November 02, 2008, 07:56:37 PM
... play the fiddle and watch her burn, thats all that is left. :)

(Grumpy rosin's up his bow...and plays his fiddle hard...cause Hell's broke loose in the USA and the Devil deals the cards)
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 03, 2008, 01:42:15 AM
Hey, it is simple.  If you want socialism, vote Obama.  If you want $8.00/gal. gasoline, vote Obama.  If you want China to take over the USA, vote Obama.  If you want a President that associates with known, confessed terrorists, who says he will protect us form the terrorists, vote Obama.  If you want the government, the same folks that operate the Post Office, to be running the healthcare system, and if you want someone that will continue to expand the race divide, who's wife calls us "whitey's" and hates America, then vote Obama.

If you want someone that, according to our constitution, is not eligible to even take the oath of office, who suddenly jets down to Hawaii to "visit his sick grandmother" and that same day, his birth records, if any, are sealed from view for the next 50 years, vote Obama.  He wants to help the poor and the little guy.  Great.  He should start by helping his own brother who lives in a box in Africa.  He should help his aunt, whom he claims he loves dearly for all of the help she gave him as a child, who is living in one of the worst slum buildings in Boston.

This clown would not, and could not, pass the background investigation required of the secret service people that are protecting him.  He would not even qualify for a security clearance of any kind but yet, some misguided, memorized folks want to vote this guy into office.  Go figure.

I am a conservative.  Bush is not a conservative and neither is McCain.  I will vote for McCain because I do not want us to be another Cuba which will happen with Obama, Pelosi, and Reid running the show.  Kiss our guns goodbye.  Kiss your private property goodbye as Obama says that private property ownership only gets in the way of the government.

If you like Castro, Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler, then Obama is your man, no doubt about it.  I am speaking about his socialist views here, not suggesting he will put us into concentration camps.

We all have the right to vote for whomever we choose.  We can even choose not to vote, although then I believe you give up the right to bitch about things later if you don't vote.  If the people of this country really want a bigger, more intrusive government which is already too socialist as it is, then Obama is your guy.

I am sure some Obama followers will respond to my post, which is fine.  All I ask is to stick to the issues and the facts and not resort to name calling and whatever.  I realize this is too much to ask of some of the Obama supporters but I decided to ask any way.

God Bless America.

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: TechStuf on November 03, 2008, 01:52:57 AM

Quote(Grumpy rosin's up his bow...and plays his fiddle hard...cause Hell's broke loose in the USA and the Devil deals the cards)

Yes, he sure does....and a stacked deck it is!


And those who sit at his table, playing his game, will be cast with him into outer darkness, where their weaping and gnashing of teeth will be.




Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: pix on November 03, 2008, 05:51:55 AM
Sorry,but looking at Obama speaches I see only a good showmen,megapopulist and clever orator.His words are not from a heart,his words are well prepared to bring needed effect.His words are to please public,empty frazeses.Nothing real stays behind.
I am not American,I am not pro-democrat neither pro-conservative.I just don't trust this Obama from a day one when I saw him.Something strange is in this man,I can not explain but I know I wouldn't trust this guy.
It looks like he dedicatetd his whole life to get one target-US Presidency. Baloony ambicious guy, this was growing inside him from childchood.He will say and promise to you everything,just to get your vote.
If he really uses such hidden and advanced manipulative techniques that nobody is avare- this i VERY unethic.
Do You like when somebody uses tricky psychology techniques to get something from You,and You being unaware?Do You like to be manipulated without having a clue about it?
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 03, 2008, 07:22:55 AM

They all answer to the same master folks...its a soap opera-esque illusionary scam.

You have only a choice in the method of your destruction...and as long as you keep the game going by playing along, you will inch ever closer to your demise.


Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Moab on November 03, 2008, 07:43:22 AM
i like dogs and poneys :P
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: christo4_99 on November 03, 2008, 08:40:48 AM
Lol,Bush screwed us hard with no vasaline.This guy has done nothing except imply that he will tax the rich and try to help the middle class.He's surrounded with people who know what is going on like Biden and Warren Buffet.Bidens view on Iraq always were that we can't win there because the people will always be devided.Warren Buffett is one of the richest men in the world whos' daughter died and he's old so he wants to do somethig good with his money so he intrusted a lot of it($30bn) to Bill Gates and his daughter to save children in Africa from treatable diseases and to give them clean drinking water.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: alan on November 03, 2008, 09:59:36 AM
Under Obama, I'm sure all Americans get universal healthcare, costing over $100 a month, and covering even less.
If you dont pay you'll be seen as a criminal and get fined.
Just like the Netherlands.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: christo4_99 on November 03, 2008, 01:24:27 PM
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91973552 some of you guys seem to like the way the system works...http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/358/6/549?query=TOC...health care like everything else in this country goes to the highest bidder...
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: ResinRat2 on November 03, 2008, 01:38:33 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 03, 2008, 01:42:15 AM
Hey, it is simple.  If you want socialism, vote Obama.  If you want $8.00/gal. gasoline, vote Obama.  If you want China to take over the USA, vote Obama.  If you want a President that associates with known, confessed terrorists, who says he will protect us form the terrorists, vote Obama.  If you want the government, the same folks that operate the Post Office, to be running the healthcare system, and if you want someone that will continue to expand the race divide, who's wife calls us "whitey's" and hates America, then vote Obama.

If you want someone that, according to our constitution, is not eligible to even take the oath of office, who suddenly jets down to Hawaii to "visit his sick grandmother" and that same day, his birth records, if any, are sealed from view for the next 50 years, vote Obama.  He wants to help the poor and the little guy.  Great.  He should start by helping his own brother who lives in a box in Africa.  He should help his aunt, whom he claims he loves dearly for all of the help she gave him as a child, who is living in one of the worst slum buildings in Boston.

This clown would not, and could not, pass the background investigation required of the secret service people that are protecting him.  He would not even qualify for a security clearance of any kind but yet, some misguided, memorized folks want to vote this guy into office.  Go figure.

I am a conservative.  Bush is not a conservative and neither is McCain.  I will vote for McCain because I do not want us to be another Cuba which will happen with Obama, Pelosi, and Reid running the show.  Kiss our guns goodbye.  Kiss your private property goodbye as Obama says that private property ownership only gets in the way of the government.

If you like Castro, Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler, then Obama is your man, no doubt about it.  I am speaking about his socialist views here, not suggesting he will put us into concentration camps.

We all have the right to vote for whomever we choose.  We can even choose not to vote, although then I believe you give up the right to bitch about things later if you don't vote.  If the people of this country really want a bigger, more intrusive government which is already too socialist as it is, then Obama is your guy.

I am sure some Obama followers will respond to my post, which is fine.  All I ask is to stick to the issues and the facts and not resort to name calling and whatever.  I realize this is too much to ask of some of the Obama supporters but I decided to ask any way.

God Bless America.


Thanks Bill, you took the words out of my brain exactly. Thanks for expressing your points so correctly.

I don't like Mcain, but Obama scares the living crap out of me. He has shown clearly that he has a marxist ideology, and he will implement it as fast as he can. Forgive me for my French but Obama is a narcissistic prick! Just like Stalin, Marx, and Hitler were!
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: christo4_99 on November 03, 2008, 01:40:54 PM
what it is is the poeple with money are finding it harder and harder to make new money...they are infiltrating every institution on the planet...there are few lucrative investment horizons left...oil,war,prostitution,drugs,slavery,human suffering in general,water,air,basic health care...
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: alan on November 03, 2008, 02:54:00 PM
Quote from: christo4_99 on November 03, 2008, 01:24:27 PM
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91973552 some of you guys seem to like the way the system works...http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/358/6/549?query=TOC...health care like everything else in this country goes to the highest bidder...
People here are complaining that it looks more and more like the US system, apparently it is still better than in the US
Pay more, get less, those who truly need help and are too costly are denied service.
People with light (psychological) handicaps, and who need help in daily life, are denied this help from januari 1st 2009, because it is too costly.
But in the meanwhile the gov. are helping all the banks who have fallen.
(damn, my vocabolary today sux  :) )
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: PhiScience on November 03, 2008, 04:54:44 PM


Favors new drilling offshore US

Will appoint judges who interpret the law not make it

Served in the US Armed Forces

Amount of time served in the US Senate
173 DAYS

Will institute a socialized national health care plan

Supports abortion throughout the pregnancy

Would pull troops out of Iraq immediately

Supports gun ownership rights

Supports homosexual marriage

Proposed programs will mean a huge tax increase

Voted against making English the official language

Voted to give Social Security benefits to illegals


0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home (couples). McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.

28% on profit from ALL home sales. (How does this affect you? If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your home or move into a retirement community, 28% of the money you make from your home will go to taxes. This proposal will adversely affect the elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income.)


15% (no change)

39.6% - (How will this affect you? If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama becomes president. The experts predict that 'Higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market, yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.')


(no changes)
Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $31,250

OBAMA (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K - tax $8,400
Single making 50K - tax $14,000
Single making 75K - tax $23,250
Married making 60K - tax $16,800
Married making 75K - tax $21,000
Married making 125K - tax $38,750
Under Obama, your taxes could almost double!


- 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)

Restore the inheritance tax
Many families have lost businesses, farms, ranches, and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will only lose them to these taxes.


New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet. New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already) New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water, electricity) New taxes on retirement accounts, and last but not least....New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!

You can verify the above at the following web sites:
http://money.cnn.com/news/specials/election/2008/index.html (http://money.cnn.com/news/specials/election/2008/index.html)
http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/issues/issues.taxes.html (http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/issues/issues.taxes.html)

http://elections.foxnews.com/index.html?s=proposed+taxes (http://elections.foxnews.com/index.html?s=proposed+taxes)
http://bulletin.aarp.org/yourworld/politics/articles/mccain_obama_offer_different_visions_on_taxes.html (http://bulletin.aarp.org/yourworld/politics/articles/mccain_obama_offer_different_visions_on_taxes.html)

http://blog.washingtonpost.com/fact-checker/candidates/barack_obama/ (http://blog.washingtonpost.com/fact-checker/candidates/barack_obama/)
http://blog.washingtonpost.com/fact-checker/candidates/john_mccain/ (http://blog.washingtonpost.com/fact-checker/candidates/john_mccain/)
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: alan on November 03, 2008, 05:16:11 PM
I'd go for Ron Paul.
If I had to choose between these 2 from the points above, I'd go for McCain. :(

Would pull troops out of Iraq immediately

No he won't, mark my words. Though, I hope so, slow but steady.

Marxist society is only good for the government, but it is no real solution.
Most Europe countries are marxist socialist, Holland the most I think.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: ResinRat2 on November 03, 2008, 09:30:05 PM
Just found this one. He made a commercial when campaigning for the Democratic nominee for President.

Of course the liar never mentions these points now.


Here you go, Obama--the master of surrender.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: captainpecan on November 04, 2008, 10:10:02 AM

Those are seriously steared questions there, and in fact half of that crap is not even accurate. By the way you wrote those questions, I tend to feel with your actions, your no better than either one of those two clowns. I'm definately not saying Obama is a saint, but McCain sure the hell isn't worth snot either. The only one worth voting for was Ron Paul, but no, we have to choose between a man who wants us tied up in war for the next 100 years, losing men, over what ever dumb ass reason can be dreamed up. And doing whatever it takes to get the entire world to attack us because they are sick of this junk. Or we could choose a man whose very name sounds just like Osama, which was the entire reason we were at war to begin with. It's pretty funny really, Iraq didn't have didly shit to do with 911... Thanks Bush for tieing us up in this damn mess we did not belong in over there, instead of actually going after who we should have been after in the first place. If you ask me, Bush is the one that needs compared to hitler and marx, and I dont care how bad the candidates are, I'm not voting for anyone who even remotely resembles Bush.

$8 a gallon for gas under Obama?  Where the hell do you come up with that? Both Bush and McCain are heavily invested in the oil companies, and if you didn't notice when america was almost ready to crumble over $5 a gallon gas prices last month, Bush did not do a damn thing to help. At least when Clinton was not getting head in the oral office, he capped the damn gas prices, forced the greed of big oil to stop, and helped our own nation. Bush and McCain both are so heavily invested in oil, they have no problem with $8 a gallon gas. I dont recall Obama ever saying damn thing that would even lead anyone to believe high gas would be related to him?
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 04, 2008, 10:33:00 AM

Has anybody noticed the striking similarity between WWF wrestling story lines,  and accompanying chest puffing rants...and political "strategy", and the "sincere emotive" speeches designed to convince the viewers of their faux potential ?

Its so in your face its hard not to notice.


Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: TechStuf on November 05, 2008, 01:58:20 AM

Anybody recall the picture of "Lyin Lyndon"...."the most telling wink in history"?

What do you bet that biden is just bidin' his time.....


It's a story as old as man.  What would poisonous vipers do without their prey?  The more things change, the more they stay the same.  I was half expecting Obama to look in the cameras at his acceptance speech and ask every one in the world to each put their right hands into their pockets and then announce:

Remember that "change you can believe in" I promised?  Take that change out of your pockets and read aloud with me...."In God we trust"!

You're lookin at him!

Don't you all just love how he says the word "America"?


Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Dr. Tesla on November 05, 2008, 06:34:05 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 03, 2008, 01:42:15 AM
Hey, it is simple.  If you want socialism, vote Obama.  If you want $8.00/gal. gasoline, vote Obama.  If you want China to take over the USA, vote Obama.  If you want a President that associates with known, confessed terrorists, who says he will protect us form the terrorists, vote Obama.  If you want the government, the same folks that operate the Post Office, to be running the healthcare system, and if you want someone that will continue to expand the race divide, who's wife calls us "whitey's" and hates America, then vote Obama.

I am a conservative.  Bush is not a conservative and neither is McCain.  I will vote for McCain because I do not want us to be another Cuba which will happen with Obama, Pelosi, and Reid running the show.  Kiss our guns goodbye.  Kiss your private property goodbye as Obama says that private property ownership only gets in the way of the government.

If you like Castro, Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler, then Obama is your man, no doubt about it.  I am speaking about his socialist views here, not suggesting he will put us into concentration camps.

We all have the right to vote for whomever we choose.  We can even choose not to vote, although then I believe you give up the right to bitch about things later if you don't vote.  If the people of this country really want a bigger, more intrusive government which is already too socialist as it is, then Obama is your guy.


This is the kind of TOTAL ignorance so typical for USA citizens ( America is not the country. America is a continent ) that makes them arrogant and ignorant herd of sheep, and a laughing stock to the rest of the world.

Comparing Marx, who was a sociolog, economist and a humanist, to alikes of Hitler and Stalin is possible only if you are a dumbass ignorant.

Bill, I am not taking it on you, but on the level of brainwash people like you are subjected in that demonic dinosaur of a country, the USA. This is how the rich fuckvits keep you all in submission and under control while giving you a false sense of freedom. The freedom you have no idea of really.

The "socialism" as you understand it is british monstruosity known as Fabianism. A movement that started in England in mid 1800's. It aligned itself with socialism, just like Hitler, but it was really just a british type of nazism. Just as the eastern block, thanks to the other "socialist" nazi Stalin fell into the abyss of dictature with no end after their socialist revolutions, with a rare exception of Jugoslavia, which when realised where was that going, had left the eastern block and gained respect and sympathies in the west. It was the only prosperous real socialist country that ever existed and that is why the USA and it's satelites destroyed it because it became dangerously free and successfu, compared to the capitalism (USA style in particular).

There are quite a few socialist countries among the "western capitalist" countries in Europe, that is true, but again, if you actually look at those countries, they are all by far more successful and prosperous than the USA. Nordic countries like Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, to name a few.

Wherever governments, both left and right , had implemented some socialist principles, they achieved greater progress than those that followed capitalist principles.

In France you have the education free up to the doctorate. Pure socialism. Italy has free or heavilly subsidised lunch meals in many factories and organisations. Pure socialism.

And how is that actually bad? If you work in the company, you ARE a shareholder in a way. You contribute to the success of your company with your work. You need to be an empty headed fuck to believe that you are worth nothing and that you deserve nothing in return.

Even in the USA the principles of socialist economy and organisation at the workplace are several decades old, such as self-management or recognition of every worker as a equally valuable contributor to the company's profitable operations. Do you remember that timber mill owner few years back who sold the mill and closed it down, and then shared the sale proceedings with all the employees equally? They all turned into millionares overnight because the owner of the mill considered them as the real asset and the real reason for mill's operations' success.

There are already hundreds of companies of all sizes across the USA that have implemented the pillar of socialism self-management and workers' participation in managing the company. Brothers Gougeon the West system nanufacturers are one better known company among them

And people know WELL how successful is that company on the international level.

So the REAL socialism is actually already here and is proving even in the USA that it works spectacularly well. That it actually brings benefits to the hard working people and that contrary to the capitalist propaganda is not only nothing to be affraid of, but it is actually the future of the economy.

It is that capitalist perversion "Fabianism" that we were all told it is the real face of the socialism, when that was nothing but the biggest brainwashing success of the rulling rich in "democratic capitalism" where the real freedoms are just a mantra during the elections.

USA is not even among the ten best countries in the world to live in. It is only 14th, according the 2007 UN report. And on the top of the list are the "capitalist" countries with socialist structure and organisation of the social services, health education and pension.

You in the USA live in the darkness of "we are the best and the greatest" mantra yet, compared to the rest of the world, your country barely reaches 14th place.

No to mention that the USA has the highest rate of cime and overpopulation in the world. To much crime is the sign of social poverty and low general standards of the population.

Not everything is good, not everything is bad, but the reality is that the USA is nowhere near the picture your politicians are trying to convince you is the reality.

To the contrary.

So some more of real socialism will only do you good, but I do not think that Obama is THAT kind of socialist. Far from it. Socialist, even if s/he is religious, keeps that to themselves. Religion is private thing, and it does not mix well with the politics. Unless you want/need to manipulate and brainwash your people in order to gain power.

There enter both Mcdonald or Caine, whatever, and Obama christian muslim, whatever. As soon as a politician starts praising the "god" of some colour, he is just screwing with your heads (Platon, the greek philosopher)

And socialism then looks even better, if you know the real difference and the real story.

For more sefl-managed companies look up the net. You will be surprised with the number of companies alredy working under that socialist system, and there is even n association both in hte USA and Canada for promotion of the self-management (which is a posthumous gift from Jugoslavia to the world) as a superiro alternative to capitalist model of company structure and management.

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Bulbz on November 05, 2008, 09:59:59 AM
I have been itching to say this all day...

We are never going to start to see a better world, all the time there is racial wars, and stupid fucking websites like http://www.kkk.com/ (http://www.kkk.com/).
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 05, 2008, 11:41:08 AM
$8 a gallon for gas under Obama?  Where the hell do you come up with that?

That is from Obama's own words three months ago.  He said the US was paying far too low prices for gas and it should be in the $8/gal range to be "fair" to the rest of the world.

Well, we lost.  He is in until the 7 court cases make their way up the court system and force him to prove he is a natural born citizen, which he is not.  He sealed his Harvard records because they will show he went there on several scholarships for FOREIGN students, for which he had to show his birth certificate from his native country to receive.  This legal crap will take a long time.  I just hope he does not do too much damage prior to being removed.

By the way, this is not a great answer for us either.  According to the constitution, Biden would not assume the Presidency as the entire ticket would be deemed illegal.  The office would not go to McCain either.  The really bad news is that the office would go to the speaker of the house, yes, Nancy Pelosi, SanFran Nan.  This is not good news.

And, for the guy that said we are not America, that America is a continent, he is wrong.  There is NO continent of America.  There is North America and South America.  We are the United States Of America and have been called America (short form) since 1776.  People need to read their history before posting nonsense.

God Bless America. (Not the continent)  We need his help now more than ever.

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: ResinRat2 on November 05, 2008, 12:06:03 PM
So Dr. Tesla, what is your definition of the word CAPITAL?
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: mikeins on November 05, 2008, 12:10:10 PM
it is frighning to see how many extremists are on this page,
and how you are misinformed!!!
americans havn't got the slightest ideas what socialism is; being a little more social is the basis
for peace and is not to be confused with socialism!

extremist people, like the nazis, are the cause of wars and miseries (confer neocons 911).

real general knowledge and empathy is the beginning for OU and free energy!!!

peace be with you, and may the light open your minds and eyes.

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: TechStuf on November 05, 2008, 03:46:37 PM
Quotepeace be with you, and may the light open your minds and eyes.

And which light would that be, and from what source?  Certainly you don't suggest that which passes for light from these types, the real world and community leaders......?


They are REAL BIG on being a "little more social".....and they pretty much OWN europe and most other nations.....and now, the last bastion of TRUE LIGHT, the once Christian Nation of the United States is taking her turn at the wheel to pay the piper for dancing with the devil.

America has let herself become as babylon....the stink of her whoredom with the enemies of Christ has risen to God's nostrils.  Her 'greatest city', nicknamed, "Babylon on the hudson", New York....is perhaps the greatest port city in the world, and as a practical part of daytime navigation into her harbor from the south, one cannot miss the huge water tower near the entrance with the word "BABYLON" across it. 

Google the words:  AMERICA and BABYLON together, and see what you find.

Perhaps there is a grain of truth to the old saying that, people end up with the kind of government they deserve.




Yes, those who are spiritually as sodom and egypt run the show.....the prophecies of the Bible, as amazingly accurate as they are in describing the situation we face today....are being discounted until it will be too late for many...


Please consider:




"Those who will not stand for something, will usually fall for anything."

What have you stood for lately?

I voted for Yeshua, Jesus Christ this election....as I do every year.  I take my complaints to Yahweh in the name of Yeshua, Jesus Christ.   I say, why vote once a year?  Take a stand and vote for whom it is that you would serve, every day of your life! 

Christ said that in the latter part of the days, "Difficult times, hard to deal with will be here" and to pray to our Father that He send His son soon.

He also stated that the "end cannot come until the lawless one be revealed."  I'm sure I am not alone in wondering who that one will prove to be...

Blessings,dear readers, in Yeshua, Jesus Christ,

Mitch Robinson

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: ResinRat2 on November 05, 2008, 05:08:05 PM
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 05, 2008, 05:21:39 PM

A quote from GraViTaR on Luc's thread, pretty much ties it up in a nice bow.

"Obama is not a great man. He is just a puppet. So is McCain; so is Bush. so is Hillary Clinton and so was Bill Clinton.

Obama is not going to do one thing as president that is of his own design. Zbigniew Brzezinski is the one calling the shots. Everything that Obama does as president will be under the supervision of Brzezinski.

Zbigniew Brzezinski is the front man for The Trilateral Commission. They put Jimmy Carter into office. When Carter thought that he was actually in charge and tried to do things on his own, Brzezinski had the Federal Reserve jack up interest rates to sabotage the economy and make Carter look incompetent.

The Trilateral Commission's ultimate goal is to establish a trilateral, global monetary system via the United States, Europe and Japan. All this is to consolidate and streamline the control that the international private banking families of the Rothschild's already exert over the world.

Not only do they control us through the world's monetary systems, but they also control us through energy. The Rockefellers began as oil barons in the 19th Century and the Rothschilds recognized the tremendous advantages and importance of keeping the world dependent on oil. So they took the Rockefellers into their fold and built up an oil/monetary control infrastructure that exists to this day.

That is why these forums are so important: Because "pay-as-you-go" energy is how they control us, and it is up to us to smash those chains of control and to free the world."

The only thing left to cover is that wanted international war criminal Henry Kissinger is the overseer when the Republicans "hold office".


Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: TechStuf on November 05, 2008, 05:47:08 PM

One thing about Obama, he seems almost universally approved of by foreign countries....countries whose own collective constitution appear about as weak as our own when it comes to standing up for truth against tyranny, as of late.

Even the ever growing gang of lawless rebels without a conscience....American supporters of communism, seem to adore him.


Me?  I've been burned one too many times in my life, trusting the words of a sock puppet politician, each and every one promising change we can believe in.

Personality cults never end well, I'm afraid. 


Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: TechStuf on November 05, 2008, 07:02:03 PM

Obama is off to a fast start implementing that "change we can believe in".....



And judging by his vote on the bailout of the moneychangers, and his speech at AIPAC....
Babylonian talmud toting antiChrist zionists will be an integral part of that "Change they will demand we must believe in"





"The end cannot come until the lawless one is revealed." - Yeshua, Jesus Christ

Things will move quickly now.   Yet there is time for many to wake up, pull head from sand, and realize the truth of Christ's words!

Blessings in Yeshua, Jesus Christ,


Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: 4Tesla on November 05, 2008, 07:12:21 PM
Why all the hate??  Obama will be a good president!
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: AB Hammer on November 05, 2008, 07:13:14 PM
It may be a good time for buying stock in Vaseline and KY Jelly. LOL
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: allcanadian on November 05, 2008, 07:56:30 PM
QuoteIf you like Castro, Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler, then Obama is your man, no doubt about it.  I am speaking about his socialist views here, not suggesting he will put us into concentration camps.
We all have the right to vote for whomever we choose.  We can even choose not to vote, although then I believe you give up the right to bitch about things later if you don't vote.  If the people of this country really want a bigger, more intrusive government which is already too socialist as it is, then Obama is your guy.
LOL, you sound like a true patriot, I mean no offense but I'm not sure this world has room for patriot's. A patriot will kill his fellow man because his government tells him too even if he does not agree, he will plunder the resources of this planet because he believes it is his sovereign right to do so, he believes if others suffer and die while exercising this sovereign right then that is somehow okay because they are not patriots as he is. I think patriots are the worst kind of people because they worship power and geography like a religion, they believe that because their forefathers planted a flag on some ground and called it their own that they can do whatever the hell they want despite the world at large. As well I think Castro, Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler are a patriot's kind of people because all believed they were better than everyone else for no other reason that where they were born-----geography. I am a Canadian and I love my country and it's people but I will not worship it, it is nothing more than the place I choose to live on this planet and this planet is my home. The global community and a globally sustainable economy is coming with or without your blessing or your countries because it must, the adolescent behavior we see today cannot be tolerated if we are to evolve and we cannot survive unless we evolve. If a global socialism or new world order means we must share with each other and respect each other as equals and no matter where we live we will be responsible for our actions and held accountable for them then I for one welcome it.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: TechStuf on November 05, 2008, 08:05:17 PM

QuoteIf a global socialism or new world order means we must share with each other and respect each other as equals and no matter where we live we will be responsible for our actions and held accountable for them then I for one welcome it.

That is perhaps the most willfully ignorant "IF" I've ever heard.

I won't rehash the Mt. Everest of facts which convict the "new whoreld odor" for the luciferian false light, multi tentacled beast that it is.

There's no such thing as equals under the banner of a false god.

Welcome away, allcanadian....welcome away....

I pray there will be time for you to turn from foolishness before being counted among that number who worship after the beast.

Blessings Yeshua,


Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: allcanadian on November 05, 2008, 08:39:14 PM
Your post is kind of funny, you sound like a very religious person but it also sounds as if you believe all people are inherently corrupt. And which false god are you referring to? the one that everyone else but you believes in? People believe in many gods are all of them delusional because you may believe they are false gods? In most all religions it is stated we are equal and should be treated as such, we should also be judged for our actions---if this is the case I believe every religion and I also believe man is not inherently corrupt. As well how do you know this new world order propaganda is not the work of the corporations or governments that want things to remain as they are? The corporations and governments would be held accountable on a global scale for their actions in a global community----which is the last thing they want. Maybe you think your church should run this world we live in, LOL, and you could lead all of us to salvation--- I do not have such dreams of grandeur, I am just one person who believes we must change what we do and how we think if we are to evolve and survive, what this change will be and how we will think is a choice we will decide---it always has been.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 05, 2008, 08:53:33 PM
@ allcanadian:

With all due respect, you are wrong about me, but no matter.  The Socialism I was referring to you should know very well.  It is the same thing that causes you Canadians to come to the US for health care because your system is terrible due to socialism.  Socialism brings a society to its lowest common denominator as demonstrated by your socialized health care system.

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: TechStuf on November 05, 2008, 09:02:40 PM

After seriously posing that remarkable "IF" question you did above, allcanadian, I had hardly considered it to be productive in responding to your latest post.....

QuoteThe corporations would be held accountable on a global scale for their actions in a global community----which is the last thing they want.

However, I'll wipe my brow and finish my participation in this topic with the following:

America is a nation in deep trouble, A nation which the honest student of history cannot deny has been founded upon Christianity.....but has lost her moorings.   A new World Empire in the crushing spirit of the original roman empire will not solve her problems, try as she might.

Her chances now appear to be slim and none at returning to the teachings that made her the once greatest nation in human history.  I have both true history and true prophecy on my side in telling all that man's efforts at ruling mankind with human wisdom, will end in ruin.

"In that day, many will give up the faith, saying, my Master is delaying."

No amount of life blood squeezed by the wicked from the poor tired 'turnips' of this world and redistributed to those deemed by those self same wicked, to be worthy of cannibaalistic saturation, will save an unjust and insufferably lost cause.

The foundations of this new whoreld odor are rotten.  They stink to high Heaven.  This beast system you seem to yearn for, has feet mixed with iron and clay.  It's long held tradition of justice is better spelled, "just-us"

No, I will not be made to worship this false god being set up....nor will anyone with a modicum of common sense, self respect, and truly God given wisdom.


Blessings in Yeshua, Jesus Christ,

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 05, 2008, 09:02:59 PM

Just wait as cotton pickin' minute there Bill!!

If our "socialized medicine" is so dysfunctional, then how come your government produced oxyconton addicts have to order their fixes-I mean medicine from our canadian government produced addicts ??

Answer me that ?

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 05, 2008, 09:31:38 PM
@ Cap:

That's easy.  Because you guys pay cheaper rates for some medications.  You are charged less for the same thing because the drug companies know you cant/'won't pay the prices we have to pay.  Personally, I think this is price fixing and as such is against  the Sherman act.  A drug, or any product, should cost the same anywhere.  To price things on the customers ability to pay in different areas is, in itself, corrupt.

I am not putting the Canadians down, don't get me wrong.  The people there are good, the government system is what is bad.  I know a lot of Canadians personally and they are all against the socialist form of government.  Pretty soon though, we will pass you in this area, thanks to this recent election here.  I may be moving to Canada soon.  I don't want to be here when the place crashes and burns, which it will.  It's either Canada or Australia.

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: allcanadian on November 05, 2008, 10:03:15 PM
QuoteWith all due respect, you are wrong about me, but no matter.  The Socialism I was referring to you should know very well.  It is the same thing that causes you Canadians to come to the US for health care because your system is terrible due to socialism.  Socialism brings a society to its lowest common denominator as demonstrated by your socialized health care system.
LOL, I'm usually wrong about most things and apologize for labeling you, the fact that your here debating the issues most people would not should say something of your integrity. The only point I could make is that there must be a better way, if only we could find it.

I guess we have a difference of opinion, all I have seen of religion is the fact that it divides people into groups who oppose one another. In nature we find all forces in opposition will oppose one another, they find strength and motion through their indifference.
Quote"In that day, many will give up the faith, saying, my Master is delaying."
, or hopefully they will say "I am my own master and will decide my own fate" ---- a fate that we could determine together outside the context of religion and other beliefs which control our thoughts. I think things will get very bad before we will take control of our destiny and many who have declared themselves gods among us will fall. In any case the world is changing and we should never stop questioning what is happening around us.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: myrmex on November 05, 2008, 10:38:08 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on November 05, 2008, 09:31:38 PM
@ Cap:

That's easy.  Because you guys pay cheaper rates for some medications.  You are charged less for the same thing because the drug companies know you cant/'won't pay the prices we have to pay.  Personally, I think this is price fixing and as such is against  the Sherman act.  A drug, or any product, should cost the same anywhere.  To price things on the customers ability to pay in different areas is, in itself, corrupt.

I am not putting the Canadians down, don't get me wrong.  The people there are good, the government system is what is bad.  I know a lot of Canadians personally and they are all against the socialist form of government.  Pretty soon though, we will pass you in this area, thanks to this recent election here.  I may be moving to Canada soon.  I don't want to be here when the place crashes and burns, which it will.  It's either Canada or Australia.


Actually our meds is paid by the govt. so that's basically why they pay cheaper as in the volume is bigger .  What our system is complete bs is that  i pay 575$ on my income tax for meds even if i take none , while my mother also pays 575$ but spend for at least 5,000 $ per year on meds.

The health care system is plagued with the same problem as our local and provincial system .... a workforce that is driven by no will to perform thus turning anything into hell for the patient ... It is not rare that i hear people saying they were the third on the waiting list for a minor operation that should take 15 minute and still waited 8 hour "in line" ( if you can call 3 people a line ) Ask yourself this .... have you ever seen a full hospital wing ( 1 operating room 1 doctor 2 nurse ) to threat 3 patient in a whole day in the USA ?

You would assume that with a 1 day surgical operation ( you come in and leave the same day ) you would not have to wait in a "imaginary line" but so is our system ...
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 05, 2008, 11:01:48 PM
Thanks guys from Canada.  I am in no way putting down our neighbors to the north.  The only reason I was pointing out about your health care system was to illustrate how our will be soon.  If I were smart enough to become a Dr. and the state then told me I could only make "X" amount per year, what will happen is that all of the smart folks will go into other lines of work and the Dr.s that don't/can't will be the ones treating us.

Capitalism and free enterprise has its faults but, it does tend to bring out the best in a people or society.  Yes, greed (that ugly word) may be the driving force but, look at what that has done.  I have just read another book on Henry Ford.  His "greed" brought the price of an automobile down from $800 to $250.  He made money at both prices. (The evil profit)  but, his biggest profits came once he was able to lower the price to $250/car so more could afford to buy.  He then amassed major wealth which others thought should belong to them.  This is what I am talking about.  There is no perfect system but, with one system, you get the best out of folks, with the other, you get the least amount they want to give to just get by.

Again, I apologize if I have offended anyone from Canada.  That was not my purpose. Actually, I would like to see, one day, a uniting of our two great countries.  Take the best of both countries and discard the worst of both.  That would be one heck of a country.  We are, after all, all North Americans.

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Rocko on November 05, 2008, 11:45:04 PM
                     Sorry guys but another 4 yrs of Bush thru McCain and we would have been just another part of China.

     It looks like most of the country didnt fall for that terrorist crap or the illegal alien crap or Joe 6 pack wanna be plumber. I liked McCain back in 1999 but he's nothing like that now he just sounds like another Bush. I just know if I voted for McCain in a couple of yrs I would have felt like alot of people that voted for Bush, sorry that i did.

    I just cant seem to believe that some people are ok with the way our country has fallen in the past 8 yrs under Bush and wanted to go for another 4 or 8 more. Obama may not fix everything Bush broke but at least he'll try by doing something different and with McCain it would have been the same ole crap of past 8 yrs.

   Hopefully we can all agree that no more Bush in office is a good thing.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 06, 2008, 01:46:35 AM

You are misinformed.  Yes, Bush is President.  If you understand anything about our system of government, you know about the three divisions of power: Executive, Judicial and Legislative.  Everyone blames bush for the war.  The President can't go to war without Congressional approval.  Some blame the economy on Bush.  Well, bush can't control the economy.  In fact, it was the Democrats (Barney Frank, etc.) that forced banks to make loans to folks that everyone knew could not pay back the loans.  This program actually began under Jimmy Carter and was stopped by Reagan.  It was then reimplemented by Bill Clinton who increased the amount of "bad" loans required by each bank.  Then, low and behold, folks can't pay the mortgages and the housing and banking markets start to crash and....what? It is Bush's fault?  Bush attempted 2 times to stop the loans to these folks.  And yes, two times the democrat controlled congress did not go along with his ideas.

The house and the senate (congress) have the real power.  The founding fathers saw to it that, even a bad President could only do so much harm, and, conversely, a good President can only do so much good.  So, don't blame all of this on Bush.  Place the blame where it belongs...on the democrat controlled congress.  Bush was not perfect by any means, don't get me wrong here.  Just make sure you hang the man for what he did, not what the democrat controlled congress did.

By the way, you mentioned China.  Obama has taken, it is estimated, about 100 million dollars in campaign contributions from China. (Remind you of the Clintons?)  This is a criminal offense and if anyone in Washington had the balls, he would be impeached before he even gets into the office.  In case you didn't know, accepting ANY money from foreign sources is totally illegal.

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: christo4_99 on November 06, 2008, 12:02:57 PM
Do you realize how much of the "wrong tree" you are barking up defending Bush and condemning Obama?The Bush admins agenda was to go get control of Iraqi oil.They still haven't done it.They never will.Joe Biden knows that this war was a waist of time,lives and money.Failure in Iraq shows the incompetence of the admin that waged the war.You need to get with reality and realize that by defending Bush you are fostering the very oppression that catapulted your hated Obama into office. P.S. the president can declare war in a state of national emergency without the approval of congress...listen to Ron Paul on this subject. also Obamas birth certificate is available online...he was born in Honolulu Hawaii...
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 06, 2008, 12:54:11 PM

The President can not go to war without congressional approval.  In the case of a "national emergency", the War Powers Act allows a limited action without approval.  These actions are limited in scope and time frame, a matter of weeks, not years.  So, you are incorrect.  A President can declare war as outlined above but not conduct it for more than a very short time.  He can not stay at war alone.  This is not Bush's war, it is Congress's war and the Constitution allows no other way.

I actually like Ron Paul as he is a Constitutionalist.  So am I.  The only reason I did not back him was his stance on the war.  He is an isolationist also.  This has been tried many times by many countries, and while it sounds good, it just does not work.  Other than that, he would have made an excellent President in my opinion.  He is far more conservative than Bush or McCain ever was.

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: ResinRat2 on November 06, 2008, 01:52:28 PM

I agree with what you wrote. If you are using our Constitution as the basis, then you are right on the money and following it is simple. If no power is expressly written, then it does not belong with the Federal Government and is left up to the States.

As far as Ron Paul and the war. He addressed this issue and it is strictly along Constitutional lines. He said that he would withdraw the troops from Iraq UNLESS Congress gave him a Delaration of War. Then he would fulfill that Declaration. So you see, Ron Paul was your man both in the war and outside of the war. You, most of all, would appreciate that stance.

The rest of the clowns on here with their Obama rants and love of Socialism are ignoramuses. They wouldn't know what true freedom is and how the Constitution is supposed to work. I see that you do.

My other dislike of Obama is his full abortion stance. McCain supported stem-cell research from aborted babies. So even he was partially an abortion supporter. That's why I couldn't have voted for either one of them. You can't build a descent society on the bodies of aborted babies.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: allcanadian on November 06, 2008, 03:51:42 PM
QuoteThe rest of the clowns on here with their Obama rants and love of Socialism are ignoramuses. They wouldn't know what true freedom is and how the Constitution is supposed to work. I see that you do.
Maybe you should understand what Socialism IS before you make such statements----here is one definition
QuoteSocialists mainly share the belief that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital and creates an unequal society. All socialists advocate the creation of an egalitarian society, in which wealth and power are distributed more evenly, although there is considerable disagreement among socialists over how, and to what extent this could be achieved.[1]
QuoteEgalitarianism (derived from the French word égal, meaning equal) is a political doctrine that holds that all people should be treated as equals and have the same political, economic, social, and civil rights.[1] Generally it applies to being held equal under the law and society at large. In actual practice, one may be considered an egalitarian in most areas listed above, even if not subscribing to equality in every possible area of individual difference.
This is what we are seeing now--the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the few and there wealth and power will only grow through corruption. I did not say I am a socialist--I am not one, I meant that if a global socialism of sorts could ensure the wealthy and powerful could be controlled to level the playing field that is a good thing. Many capitalist and democratic countries like Canada have measures in place to ensure this massive concentration of wealth and power are less likely to happen ie...foreign ownership content policies to STOP U.S. companies from exploiting OUR resources like they have done in every third world country---these policies are a form of socialism or a moderate populist stance.
Now exactly what is your problem with the definitions provided above? Are you saying you are against the fact that all people should be treated as equals and have the same political, economic, social, and civil rights, or maybe your against the fact wealth and power should be distributed more evenly so large corporations cannot drive entire countries into slavery. The fact is the U.S. form of capitalism is really more like Stalin or Hitlers form of socialism---a dictatorship not by individuals or governments but corporations. Corporations dictate the economy, governments and pretty much everything else, this is a dictatorship by the few who are motivated by one thing----money. In your delusional system of democracy a company like Walmart could grow to produce a GNP higher than all of the North American Continent in which case who do you think would have the balls to oppose them? and who would hold them accountable?-----Nobody.
Be very careful what you wish for------you may just get it ;D
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: christo4_99 on November 06, 2008, 03:56:42 PM
since you like Ron Paul you may or may not agree with him when he calls the Iraq war "illegal,unprovoked and unjustified".i too have considered that Mr.Bush is not solely to blame,nor his administration but if you do not blame someone you must succumb to the reality that it is you,Mr.Citizen that is at war with Iraq.In the famous words of Mick Jagger ..."they shouted out who killed the Kennedys?...when after all it was you and me."Is this your reality?Do you claim personal responsibility for the cumulative actions of your country?The fact that we could not continue on the path that was set before us by the Bush administration should be enough for even the most ignorant of patriots to recognize the need for change.What you must realize for yourself is how to choose you leaders and not to accept the leadership that is handed to you.The election is over.if you are a bigot sorry for you.if you are black good for you.if you are an American citizen who believes that the people run the government and not vice versa good for you.if you are Barrack Obama woe to you because you have the hopes and dreams of an entire country and much of the world on your shoulders.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: ResinRat2 on November 06, 2008, 04:32:11 PM

Obviously you don't understand how the Constitution of the United States was designed to work. It has been taken over and corrupted by power hungry politicians. The document was designed to keep the power of the FEDERAL government under control, THAT'S ALL!!

The States, on the other hand, were free to have as much or as little control as they desired. This principle is no longer understood. Obviously not by YOU! So the individual States could have all the laws they wanted, but they would have to compete with each other. If you didn't like what kind of laws a State passed, you could move to another State. The essence of freedom. Don't go telling me about what is good or not good for people. As Americans we should have a choice by moving to States we feel meet our goals, desires, morales, etc. I hope this is getting through your thick skull.

The Federal Government has grown to overpower the States rights. After the War Between the States it became totalitarian and presses its will on all the States, whether they like it or not. The counter to freedom.

I've got a few other issues I will bring up soon. I am at work right now and am working late. Thankfully I still have a job with the rotten economy the Bush Administration left us with.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 06, 2008, 04:49:19 PM

Neither Canada or the US is "governed" by any elected body.

Its hard to watch as otherwise respectable members, of the belief that there is a difference between one political party or another, criticizing each others political leanings.

Please people...pay attention to the many insiders, and other credible sources who have exposed the identities and activities of  the wealthy sociopaths who keep the planet in a perpetual state of conflict...carried out by their group of political whores, who pose as world leaders.

It appears that for many, there is a mental adjustment to be made in order to recognize the sorry state of their collective wage slave existence...and to resist the process which conditions them to believe the illusion created by these megalomaniacs.

Bill...I don't think anybody thought you were disrespecting Canuks...and my previous post was tongue in cheek...my faux umbrage was necessary as a premise for the failed attempt at comedy...proving once again, comedy is dangerous bizness. :)


Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: christo4_99 on November 06, 2008, 05:18:08 PM
it occurs to me that the policies of the U.S. Government has put it's citizens in jeopardy.we are to just accept that we are the target of terrorists.i just heard Rahm Emanual talking about three months basic training for U.S. citizens becuase we (the people) are targets of terrorism.well if we are targets then why are we targets?the middle east is basically a cluster F@#K of desert countries who sell us oil and use the money to try and kill us.Iraq was a sad attempt at using a limited military force to steal oil or gain control of it.Our allegience to Isreal is a direct opposition to all the other countries in that region,and we call them our kindred becuase?Is it because we believe like they do that they are superior to everone else?this country is still F@#ked even with a new super black man president.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 06, 2008, 05:47:51 PM

Now if "wealthy sociopaths who keep the planet in a perpetual state of conflict" is what is meant by the US gov...then that would be completely accurate.

Here is Ron Paul on Obama, and of his makers/bosses...



Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: lancaIV on November 06, 2008, 05:51:14 PM
"Truth about Obama" or "Truth about Canada" :
1.The U.S.A. and Canada united !?
   Are they not ? They are, at first economical:NAFTA (included Mexico)

2."Canada": @ allcanadian, your female citizen "Nelly Furtado" has got portuguese ancients,
     is it  not ?     canada,port.~ also: woodstick ( but there is also "Labrador" )

3. égalité,fraternité,liberté : this three french revolution elements makes part of the
     german hymn/hino: Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit ,1848
                                  Unity  and  civil wrights  and  freedom

     General Lafayette,Steuben and other european " mademoiselle liberté"-lovers :
     Would they risk today their live for such an North American Society ? 
     Inner-state "Sezession-war "-feeling !

     Or is it time to bring back to Europe the "Miss Liberty"- element : HOPE !

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: myrmex on November 06, 2008, 05:58:58 PM
i wrote tons of message but i found them offensive to you american so i will only say this ...

Be it capitalism socialism communism or egalitarism every system is corrupt not because of the ideal it brings but because of the way human are made .... This is comparable to jiddu krishnamurti theory about cells mutation ....

QuoteA recurrent theme in his later talks and discussions was the need for "a new brain": a "radical", physical, "mutation" of the brain cells that would "wipe out" unnecessary baggage accumulated in human consciousness throughout its evolutionary history. This would then naturally result in direct perception of present reality, unencumbered by the filters of past experience. According to Krishnamurti, such "mutation" - regeneration of the brain - can logically only happen instantaneously and in toto; otherwise the "old" consciousness, in self-defense, will use the intervening time to distract from the task and so avoid its "death". He constantly reminded his audience to be aware of such actions by the "old" brain, and also to realize that just "[f]actually seeing" the need for a new brain objectively, without judgement (and therefore without pondering it in time), will bring about the change.

So you see this is applicable to a lot of thing be it a brain or a social system or a physic's law it is near impossible to "mutate" politics because the old system with their flaw and corruption will always works against any change that can be brought , reducing the system into a cascade of failure until it completely crash and can then "reinvent" itself with new rule until the system become too deep into problems.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: ResinRat2 on November 06, 2008, 06:07:21 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on November 06, 2008, 05:47:51 PM
Now if "wealthy sociopaths who keep the planet in a perpetual state of conflict" is what is meant by the US gov...then that would be completely accurate.
Here is Ron Paul on Obama, and of his makers/bosses...

Fantastic Cap-Z-ro. Excellent interview!
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: allcanadian on November 06, 2008, 06:24:16 PM
QuoteBe it capitalism socialism communism or egalitarism every system is corrupt not because of the ideal it brings but because of the way human are made .
I'm glad someone can read between the lines, LOL, If there is any gap that can allow for corruption --- there will be corruption. It was never the "system" of government it is the people in the system of government--- I know a sure fire method to improve this, all leaders will be required to take a bi-annual lie detector test and they will be required to answer one question, "have you always acted in the best interests of all the people you represent?" YES or NO? ;D   No is grounds for automatic dismissal,this would end of all our problems but we would have very few politicians.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: myrmex on November 06, 2008, 06:26:42 PM
Quote from: allcanadian on November 06, 2008, 06:24:16 PM
I know a sure fire method to improve this, all leaders will be required to take a bi-annual lie detector test and they will be required to answer one question, "have you always acted in the best interests of all the people you represent?" YES or NO? ;D

This is implying the puppet actually knows he is being used .... I'm not quite sure obama is even understanding what the script about change he has read so many times mean.....
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 06, 2008, 06:55:59 PM

I always found it hard to understand how the german people could be so blind to what Hitler was doing.

That is until I saw how easily was to convince canadians, americans, british, and austrailians that invading other countries under false pretense was somehow logical.

In defense of the german people, they didn't have an internet, with truth a mouse click away.

Whereas we have no excuse whatsoever for what continues to be done in our name.


Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: christo4_99 on November 06, 2008, 11:06:08 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiXLzRFX3Rc&feature=related letterman...seems like a real guy to me...
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: alan on November 07, 2008, 10:34:29 AM
Quote from: christo4_99 on November 06, 2008, 11:06:08 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiXLzRFX3Rc&feature=related letterman...seems like a real guy to me...
1:52 ;)
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: christo4_99 on November 07, 2008, 11:03:03 AM
I've heard Clinton,Bush sr.,Bush jr.,Obama and Reagan refer to a new world order. the "rules" are designed to protect the haves from the havenots and the powerful from the oppressed and actually have little design toward morality.history shows that bloodshed and plunder are hallmarks of mankind.laws are designed to bring justice and accountability to the poor.it's funny that people have to be talked to in all the b.s. speeches from the politicians.when in the end the only fitting reaction to the controlling powers of the world would be a wain of disapproval.i for one am not impressed with these guys.but i'll tell you who i am impressed with...scientists,engineers,inventors,innovators...these people should be in control of the world.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: myrmex on November 07, 2008, 11:19:36 AM
Quote from: christo4_99 on November 07, 2008, 11:03:03 AM
laws are designed to bring justice and accountability to the poor.

if you talk about laws such as this : http://www.jail4judges.org/JNJ_Library/2005/2005-02-02B.html

i agree but you don't see these judgment passed every day and for a matter of fact this is pretty much a one case scenario that will probably never happen again. So you see law are not meant to account for the poor but really to protect the rich and discredit the poor , or else we would see more of truthful judgment helping the people rather than the institution.....

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: christo4_99 on November 07, 2008, 11:44:25 AM
laws are meant to impose justice and accountability on the poor is maybe what i should have said.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: captainpecan on November 07, 2008, 07:56:16 PM
Hey, the decision was made by the majority of the people. May as well cross our fingers, and hope like hell things get at least a little better now. Cant get much worse anyway!
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 07, 2008, 09:22:46 PM

One way or another the preselected one is "elected".

What happens next depends on what happens next.


Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Paul-R on November 08, 2008, 10:34:46 AM
Quote from: pix on November 03, 2008, 05:51:55 AM
Sorry,but looking at Obama speaches I see only a good showmen,megapopulist and clever orator.
What do you want, Pix - Rubbish speeches? Vote McCain if you think it will give you happiness.

Gordon Bennett, this thread is like the Galactic Federation space ship appearnace on October 14th
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: AB Hammer on November 08, 2008, 02:04:32 PM
All and all it is done.

So even though I voted McCain, for I feel he is more experienced. I am a registered Democrat and believe in the bases of the Democrat party. I pray Obama will be good for America but to me it is a wait and see game. He seems to be picking some of the better Democrats so far for his cabinet, which makes me feel a little better. But all and all only time will tell. And no matter what, we have to make the best of it for what we have and quit crying about what we don't have.
If you still feel we are screwed you should buy stock in Vaseline, or KY jelly.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Paul-R on November 09, 2008, 09:33:16 AM
Quote from: AB Hammer on November 08, 2008, 02:04:32 PM
All and all it is done.

So even though I voted McCain, for I feel he is more experienced....
He is. So was Saddam Hussein and Pol Pot.

Maybe the mess that we are in suggests that the last thing we need is more
of the same. Well done to Americans everywhere.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Pirate88179 on November 09, 2008, 02:23:43 PM
If Obama is the answer, it must have been a really stupid question.

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: TechStuf on November 10, 2008, 01:48:58 AM

Real or fake, and does it matter at this point?



Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on November 10, 2008, 03:23:07 PM

If thats his homework assignment from Bilderberger class, being schooled by nuns will seem like recess.


Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: GraViTaR on November 10, 2008, 05:18:04 PM
I posted the following in another thread, but this one is more appropriate.

Obama is just a puppet. So is McCain; so is Bush. so is Hillary Clinton and so was Bill Clinton.

Obama is not going to do one thing as president that is of his own design. Zbigniew Brzezinski is the one calling the shots. Everything that Obama does as president will be under the supervision of Brzezinski.

Zbigniew Brzezinski is the front man for The Trilateral Commission. They put Jimmy Carter into office. When Carter thought that he was actually in charge and tried to do things on his own, Brzezinski had the Federal Reserve jack up interest rates to sabotage the economy and make Carter look incompetent.

The Trilateral Commission's ultimate goal is to establish a trilateral, global monetary system via the United States, Europe and Japan. All this is to consolidate and streamline the control that the international private banking families of the Rothschild's already exert over the world.

Not only do they control us through the world's monetary systems, but they also control us through energy. The Rockefellers began as oil barons in the 19th Century and the Rothschilds recognized the tremendous advantages and importance of keeping the world dependent on oil. So they took the Rockefellers into their fold and built up an oil/monetary control infrastructure that exists to this day.

That is why these forums are so important: Because "pay-as-you-go" energy is one of the most powerful methods of control that they have over us, and it is up to us to smash those chains of control and to free the world.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: pix on November 11, 2008, 08:01:21 PM
So,American people.You did your choice... :(
I wish USA will do good,let's see what happens under Obamacracy.
All the best.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: PhiScience on November 12, 2008, 12:43:57 PM

The people of Georgia need to get out and vote in the Dec. 2 special election.
http://www.newsmax.com/headlines/chambliss_obama_georgia/2008/11/09/149440.html?s=al&promo_code=70D7-1 (http://www.newsmax.com/headlines/chambliss_obama_georgia/2008/11/09/149440.html?s=al&promo_code=70D7-1)

To stop the creation of the National Security Force.
http://www.newsmax.com/insidecover/obama_security_force/2008/11/10/149787.html?s=al&promo_code=70E5-1 (http://www.newsmax.com/insidecover/obama_security_force/2008/11/10/149787.html?s=al&promo_code=70E5-1)

There will be mass extinction on this planet because of the over selling of this product!
http://www.obamacondoms.com/ (http://www.obamacondoms.com/)

Just kidding this is how the world will end.

http://www.proinvestortrader.com/?p=3261 (http://www.proinvestortrader.com/?p=3261)

Amazing Video
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: ResinRat2 on December 01, 2008, 01:10:53 PM

Another piece of the puzzle added. A permanent standing Federal army ready to deal with "domestic" disturbances.

It is amazing to watch the three branches of government in the United States all working together to form their desired all powerful regime. Even though many people see it, most do not. Very sad indeed.

I am watching the conversion of the United States into a despotic nation.
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on December 01, 2008, 02:09:59 PM
Hi folks, Gravitar said it best although I do have hope for this world and I dont think it will come from any government. However that said, lets not forget that since its the case that very few actually orchestrate this farce of a world thus far, then indeed one should recognize that hope isnt some naive word for fools, we really can change this world into love, peace, joy and abundance, and from what ive seen in my life thus far things are nowhere near what they appear to be. Frankly I dont bless this country which would be a statement of separation from humanity, I bless the world with love. Only peace within will manifest peace, maybe thats one of the things were here to learn. And even science recognizes this as force only creates more force or resistance and since ultimately we may only control ourselves the only solution is to be peace itself which really is love. No matter what other souls choose to do is irrelevant as long as each one of us embodies peace.

peace, love, light     :)
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: TechStuf on December 01, 2008, 04:08:36 PM

QuoteI am watching the conversion of the United States into a despotic nation.

It was foretold.  The kingdom of the beast is being darkened.  The nations of the world wonder after the 'beast', saying to themselves, "who can wage war with it?"
The beast is able to call down fire (lightning) from heaven as foretold. Weather modification. The beast has taken dominion of the air, even going into space, as foretold. 

And behind it all, is babylonian talmudist zionism and her children, the secret societies who do her bidding.  Most organized churches, federal, state and local governments, etc. are rife with such wolves in sheeps clothing...practically every town has such covens within their borders, with the windows boarded up or painted over so as to hide their demonic lunacy.

They claim to follow Christ yet call one another, "worshipful master" and claim allegiance to the devil out of their crooked mouths.

The truth is disgusting, yet the evidence is everywhere for those with eyes to see and ears to hear:



Blessings in Christ,

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on December 01, 2008, 05:15:56 PM

What if this beast were in reality the reptilian aliens that interbred with early humanity...and that satan is a reptilian ?

What if 'our creator/s' are actually the aliens which look just like humans ?

How can the words of past religious "leaders" be trusted when present day clergy pass off as truth, stuff like this  ?



Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: hansvonlieven on December 01, 2008, 05:32:44 PM
Good one Cap-Z-ro,

I wonder how many sermons he preached with a potato up his arse. The mind boggles.

Hans von Lieven
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: TechStuf on December 01, 2008, 05:50:44 PM

If one wants to be technical, then yes, of course, God and His angels are 'extra' terrestrial.  The fallen ones who lost the war in heaven and are cast down here, would not be dissimilar, and being of the spiritual realm, would be free to influence susceptible humans such as they may.

Regarding the devlish exploits of many church 'leaders', that was foretold.   Christ Himself warned that wolves would come in among the sheep.  He also asked His followers to "beware of those who go about in long dark robes, making a showy display."  And to call no man upon the earth, "Father" for we have but one Father and that is Yahweh.

One can think readily of certain leaders of denominational religious sects that go about in long dark robes, compelling their mislead followers to call men, father.

Of course, there's also no shortage of demonic lodges the world over, that compel their followers to call some among their number, "worshipful master."

Light has no fellowship with darkness, man cannot serve two masters.

We are, all of us, servants in one form or another.

And by the end, we all must choose to serve the same master as those who've usurped temporary command of the globe such as these:





Or hold fast to that which is Good.

Yahweh through His only begotten Son, Yeshua, Jesus Christ

I am exceedingly glad that I serve the Most High God, the Ultimate Authority to Whom we all must answer.

The alternative has always proven to be wildly swinging extremities of chaos and war.

Blessings in Christ,

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on December 01, 2008, 06:05:18 PM

All those quotes are relevant and resonant within me Tstuff.

But I draw the line at relying on all in the bible as truth...due to the involvement of the above noted 'cults' in its content and editing.

"I wonder how many sermons he preached with a potato up his arse"

I don't think my mind wants to take me there Hans.


Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: TechStuf on December 01, 2008, 07:04:10 PM

QuoteBut I draw the line at relying on all in the bible as truth...due to the involvement of the above noted 'cults' in its content and editing.

It may not surprise you to learn that many who are acceptable to God in Christ, never heard of the 'Bible' in it's collective form.  Surely God is quite capable of shutting doors that no man can open, and open doors that no man can shut.  Especially concerning His Word.

Woe unto he who adds or takes away from it!

The bible carries several caveats....and powerful they are:

"You need not that any man teach you these things, but KEEP ON asking and they will be revealed to you."  

"You have not because you ask not."

I say, if it matters to you, do not quit asking Him until HE SHOWS you whose Word is Whose!

David, tending his sheep, talked with God.  God downloaded true wisdom directly to him.

The Bible is an instruction manual on how to carry on a conversation directly with God.  As such, and having been blessed beyond measure to have done so, I, along with many others give testimony that the Bible is the word of God, and that no qualitative changes have been allowed to usurp it's authority.

God is soon to speak through action.  Action in undeniable harmony with the promises contained in His word.  Even now, many of His wondrous works remain hidden from jaundiced view.  Soon, no man who is able to remain honest with himself, will be able to deny the truths contained in His Holy Word.

"In the last days many will seek a sign but none with be given them but the sign of Jonah."

It is later than most are aware.  "It will be just as in the days of Noah.  They will be giving in marriage, making merry, until sudden destruction is upon them."

You see, although the world is in turmoil, the beast takes over the world, there is still time to party like there is no tomorrow, plenty of opportunities abound to deny the lateness of the hour, as prophesied.

"Therefore, you, too, must be ready because the Son of Man will return when you least expect him."


Have hope, He has greater things in store for those who believe, yet have not seen.

Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: Paul-R on December 02, 2008, 09:52:12 AM
 Do any of you have as much as a grain of actual EVIDENCE for your fanciful ideas?
Title: Re: Truth about Obama
Post by: TechStuf on December 02, 2008, 12:58:34 PM

Thanks Paul, however, I for one, wouldn't dream of taking credit for such.

And no. To your question, I mean.  No grains for you.

If, however, God wishes....He will see that you get not one grain....but several.

In the least!

God bless,
