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Antigravity Technologies => Other antigravity machines and devices => Topic started by: Reformator on October 31, 2008, 11:56:16 AM

Title: UFO How-To (How to build a UFO)
Post by: Reformator on October 31, 2008, 11:56:16 AM
100 years UFO technology!

Can you build this? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaJgB3iF3oo)

UFO's Declassified (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwrKeqDqQuE)

Luke Fortune Pt.1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Qo_guT_5yE&feature=related)

Can an ordinary person with some electronic and mechanic ability build most of the projects shown in the patents in your books?

I believe so.  Where the science gets esoteric, it may be necessary to consult with experts (advisable to be safe) to get from good performance to great, but the equations are there to spell matters out.  I define the ordinary person as someone who has taken metal shop in school, has worked with ceramics (yup, arts and crafts experience), and can replace electrical components in an automotive vehicle without short circuiting the vehicle or electrocuting themselves.  If you have that experience, you should be good to go.

Are the patents shown clearly and well explained?

In my opinion, yes.  You are more likely to suffer data overload than shortage.  I put these books together as my personal encyclopedia/reference set, because so far this material has never been made publicly available as a compendium.  I put together these books to be the books that I have always wanted to own, but could never find; the science and instructionals for building UFOs.

How can a human being withstand the high-G maneuvers that UFO craft can perform?

The occupants of the UFO are shielded from gravitational forces.

As explained by the genius Henry Wallace, in his patent for Generating a

Secondary Gravitational Force Field (See Volume II, Electrogravitics):

    "By properly configuring the undulating kinemassic field, the resultant secondary gravitational field may be essentially restrained to or confined within an enclosed space. Although numerous specific geometric configurations may be proposed, the necessary conditions are established in the preferred embodiment of the present invention by enclosing the kinemassic field generating apparatus, including the rotational members and at least a portion of the stationary member thereof, within an enclosure, the material portions of which obey the rules concerning kinemassic permeability.
    The kinemassic field when so configured, will shield the enclosed space both with respect to the secondary gravitational field induced therein and with respect to the ambient gravitational field caused by the earth and other cosmic bodies, existing externally of the shielded space.
    The undulating kinemassic field, which gives rise to the enclosed secondary undulating gravitational field, is effective in reducing the quantity of flux lines within the space surrounded by the undulating kinemassic field contributed by the ambient gravitational field, thus reducing the mutual force of gravitational attraction acting between this structure and the earth or other cosmic bodies dependent upon their relative contribution to the local gravitational flux density."

Wallace defines "kinemassic" as follows:

"The initial evidence indicates that this nonelectromagnetic field is generated as a result of the relative motion of bodies constituted of elements whose nuclei are characterized by half integral 'spin' values, the spin of the nuclei being associated with the net angular momentum of the nucleons thereof. The nucleons in turn comprise the elemental particles of the nucleus; i.e., the neutrons and protons. For purposes of the present invention the field, generated by the relative motion of materials characterized by a half integral spin value, is referred to as a 'kinemassic' force field."

Would they be legal to fly?

Depending on what country and state/province that you are in, there more than likely exists a governmental department that can provide you the necessary documentation to insure the legality of your craft and flight plans.  In the State of Washington, RCW 47.68 et seq., covers the laws that would govern the lawful construction, licensing, and use of your craft..

Is interplanetary travel a possibility with these technologies?

Absolutely.  The opening patent in Volume III, "Plasma Propulsion", a 1950's patent has a thrust 60 times more powerful than conventional rockets.  One of the patents in the second volume, "Electrogravitics", has initial velocity calculated by one researcher to be in excess of 25,000 mph.  T. Townsend Brown, in many ways the father of electrogravitics, believed that electrogravitic propulsion in a vacuum could exceed light speed.

Title: Re: UFO How-To (How to build a UFO)
Post by: cosmoLV on December 01, 2008, 07:15:46 PM
Anyway with anty gravity i have only one idea - propably working, i only thinking about wire directions ...
There are my 3D quick designs
3 levels by 10 times with rods and torodial ferite rounded with wires powered by sinewave generator

There are directions of wires - sorry bad paint :)
Title: Re: UFO How-To (How to build a UFO)
Post by: amigo on December 01, 2008, 08:10:41 PM
If I may propose a different arrangement for experimentation: 3 layers of 9.

I've recently seen Meru Foundation videos on geometry in the Genesis, symmetry in the first verse and geometric source of most ancient alphabets, so I thought of it when I saw that rendering...here's a quick image, should be self explanatory:

Title: Re: UFO How-To (How to build a UFO)
Post by: Bennyboy on December 01, 2008, 09:01:35 PM
Quote from: cosmoLV on December 01, 2008, 07:15:46 PM
Anyway with anty gravity i have only one idea - propably working, i only thinking about wire directions ...
There are my 3D quick designs
3 levels by 10 times with rods and torodial ferite rounded with wires powered by sinewave generator

There are directions of wires - sorry bad paint :)

Is this YOUR idea or someone elses?  Looks remarkably like the model Stan Deyo proposed...

Have you built it?
Title: Re: UFO How-To (How to build a UFO)
Post by: cosmoLV on December 02, 2008, 03:44:11 PM
Quote from: Bennyboy on December 01, 2008, 09:01:35 PM
Is this YOUR idea or someone elses?  Looks remarkably like the model Stan Deyo proposed...

Have you built it?

Only theory, but there can bee 10 or 12, there connot be 9 or 11 (theory) i see that way...
there are one more thing in middle you need big coil of wires, this will be center to form correct waveform for magnetic/audio impulse arcane

P.S. i have one more idea who comes to me like vision from nowhere
(i practice out of body experience and this idea comes when i be in meditation stage)

There it is: http://pic.ipicture.ru/uploads/081203/6I3q2CS7Re.png

I think this is part of the device, very important part of all structure, but main thing is eight, see strange things...
then i found this:
http://www.egreenway.com/taichichuan/images/yyesb.gif This  ---> http://images.unurthed.com/Biscuit-Bible-Eight-Primal-Vibrations-6.jpg
- i don't know, maybe big miss :D
Title: Re: UFO How-To (How to build a UFO)
Post by: v71 on July 19, 2009, 07:45:02 PM
Talking about the books, i was about to buy the whole package, but then i read the review on the bookshop site and i changed my mind.
I don't think that electrostatic and simple em wave may conunteract grvity there is some kind of secret involving fields we still don't know which are capable of creating a counter opposite force against gravity.
But that was a good try to collect patents around the world.
Title: Re: UFO How-To (How to build a UFO)
Post by: dragoffw on October 30, 2021, 05:19:09 PM
I can not get the book from the country in which I am  >:( if some can please send PDF or take pictures :'(