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Discussion board help and admin topics => Half Baked Ideas => Topic started by: ewitte on November 16, 2005, 06:41:50 AM

Title: Simple magnetic piston idea that I thought of while in the Alient Tech thread.
Post by: ewitte on November 16, 2005, 06:41:50 AM
I haven't read it all yet but not a bad idea and now that I think about it, its not that hard to create a magnetic piston.? All you really need to do is have a strong cylinder electromagnet keep falling onto a device that supplies power to it.? Right below that (it can be 1/100" if you wish) a strong Neo magnet.? I might like to try that with PVC pipe and small holes with the wires for power at the sides.You can even go as far as to setup another magnet/repluse device at the top.? I've attached a simple "paint" picture.? I'm not sure about how to get power from it though.? I guess you can drill a hole through the center of the top magnet and insert a pin with the other side connected to a rotor.
Title: Re: Simple magnetic piston idea that I thought of while in the Alient Tech thread.
Post by: Creekfreak on November 16, 2005, 10:52:14 AM
Ive been thinking about pistons the last few days myself i tryed the pvc thing a while back just messing around thinking it could be done real easy I could get the magnet to go one way but not back good idea though . What I was thinking about last night was the up and down motion of the waves around oil rigs you could put a magnetic flote on the inside of a pipe alongside the rig the wave action would send it up and pull it back down the motion is free you just have to tap it  .
Title: Re: Simple magnetic piston idea that I thought of while in the Alient Tech thread.
Post by: sypherios on November 16, 2005, 11:27:39 AM
This design accompanied by the magnetic tip principle posted. Would work very well together... think about it. I can believe it would have a high cop ;D