Do anybody knows a plan for a corn boiler?
I do plan to make one.
Many thx
i am pretty sure you can buy them as an addon to a corn furnace. usually they just put a couple loops of tubing in the burner box
Quote from: kokomoj0 on May 12, 2007, 12:45:52 PM
i am pretty sure you can buy them as an addon to a corn furnace. usually they just put a couple loops of tubing in the burner box
In Germany , i have an maufacurer! of this on my location (Trier)
also wooden pellets and mor burner he made
My research on Geet system....
Quote from: Tommey Reed on December 17, 2009, 07:02:07 AM
My research on Geet system....
what are you saying ?
a scam or not a scam ?
I'm sayinf it's a total scam, just like corn with lower btu then gas.
The energy to make fuel from corn and with low btu you use more fuel for 1 gallon of gas to 1.5 gallon of ethanol fuels.
I test a simple way to convert yeast and suger to run in a simple engine, without a distiller....This could use the exhuast to distill the fermentation...
190% alcohol.......
Quote from: Tommey Reed on December 17, 2009, 09:28:37 AM
I'm sayinf it's a total scam, just like corn with lower btu then gas.
The energy to make fuel from corn and with low btu you use more fuel for 1 gallon of gas to 1.5 gallon of ethanol fuels.
I test a simple way to convert yeast and suger to run in a simple engine, without a distiller....This could use the exhuast to distill the fermentation...
190% alcohol.......
what , the geet is a scam ?
in france there is hundred and hundred replication of "gillier-pantone" :
I did a complete testing on youtube, test ran at 3700 rpms with a constant load of 500watts.
4 test with the carburator and 4 test with GEET.
No improvement at all!
Quote from: Tommey Reed on December 17, 2009, 09:48:26 AM
I did a complete testing on youtube, test ran at 3700 rpms with a constant load of 500watts.
4 test with the carburator and 4 test with GEET.
No improvement at all!
this "constant load of 500watts" is not good for a real test
but I have 200 man who work with "gillier-pantone" , all the days , month and year
with very good result
YOU have to read all the french forum to understand it !!!
This generator is rated at 1000 watts, that's 50% load..
PROVE IT......
That's just bull shit, and you know it...
Pantome in 2005 wanted to leave the country because his was going to jail, like his best friend Dennis Lee.....
Nobody has ever did a test like I did on youtube!
SCAM, the geet systen is....
Quote from: Tommey Reed on December 17, 2009, 10:19:35 AM
This generator is rated at 1000 watts, that's 50% load..
PROVE IT......
That's just bull shit, and you know it...
Pantome in 2005 wanted to leave the country because his was going to jail, like his best friend Dennis Lee.....
Nobody has ever did a test like I did on youtube!
SCAM, the geet systen is....
bad boy
you do not understand
can you read french ?
Quote from: tagor on December 17, 2009, 11:02:41 AM
bad boy
you do not understand
can you read french ?
very very very bad boy
The ECOPRA kit is a system inspired by the "Giller Pantone" GEET version and uses what is called "water doping". Water doping allows for a better combustion, a decrease in fuel consumption and decrease in pollution and is not new. As far back as 1901, a French Engineer, Mr. Clerget discovered it and it was used in 1942 by the army, air force then in Formula 1 during the 80’s and is still used now in some car rally competitions
Since the end of the 19th century, several inventors have used water as an additive in internal combustion engines with the aim of reducing consumption and decreasing pollution. The best known now days is the American Paul Pantone. The following up top date history has been done by HYPNOW.
The following is a document which details the success and construction details and has was translated for Panacea by Jules Tresor. City council adaptation of the technology.
You Tube French GEET news reports
This vast dissemination of the GEET technology in France has ONLY happened as result of open source energy engineers. This has also happened due to the fact that the open source community works daily on improving what we have, and improvements certainly have resulted in the case of the GEET technology in France. Over 100 replications of this technology now: In helicopters, cars , tractors, small engines, agriculture technology, boat.Pretty much anywhere you have an internal combustion engine.
If western countries had widespread implementation of the GEET technology, not only could you save millions of liters of fuel and much money, but you would cut pollution and green house emissions by up to 90% . Combine New Zealand, Australia, and America who are killing the planet and the answers to "global warming" are solved. We haven't even included the addition of hydroxy boosters in that equation yet.
hi tomey
in english
can you put your bullshit in other forum
please !
if you want to understand a little of this geet
read all the french data !!!
Quote from: Tommey Reed on December 17, 2009, 10:19:35 AM
This generator is rated at 1000 watts, that's 50% load..
PROVE IT......
That's just bull shit, and you know it...
Pantome in 2005 wanted to leave the country because his was going to jail, like his best friend Dennis Lee.....
Nobody has ever did a test like I did on youtube!
SCAM, the geet systen is....
sorry you do not know what you speek about
Expérimentations de moteurs Pantone
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Annonce: Mercedes 300TD expérimentation
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 38, 39, 40 ] 393 michelm 100993 Dim Avr 26, 2009 11:26:11
Annonce: Peugeot 205d diesel, avec générateur de vapeur !
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 12, 13, 14 ] 135 camel1 58873 Mar Juil 15, 2008 10:52:06
Annonce: Tracteur pantonisé suivi de A à Z
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 8, 9, 10 ] 94 toftof 41140 Dim Juin 15, 2008 23:24:42
fabrice 37
Annonce: Renault Super 5 dopée à l'eau
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 81, 82, 83 ] 822 PITMIX 156106 Ven Jan 18, 2008 23:15:37
Post-it: Renault 21 dopée à l'eau
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 16, 17, 18 ] 177 Christophe 58478 Mer Sep 09, 2009 15:49:28
Post-it: Renault R19 D
[ Aller à la page: 1, 2, 3, 4 ] 37 charendome 28006 Jeu Jan 22, 2009 18:57:21
Ptit Poucet
Post-it: Citroën Xantia 1.9L TD
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 5, 6, 7 ] 63 muzo_31 44327 Dim Déc 21, 2008 19:04:30
Post-it: Opel Corsa 1000
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 9, 10, 11 ] 105 Guidi 63202 Dim Sep 07, 2008 18:19:42
Post-it: Citroën 2cv 6
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 15, 16, 17 ] 165 denis 50866 Mar Juil 01, 2008 12:51:10
Post-it: Citroën Bx diesel
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 5, 6, 7 ] 66 rezut 33048 Mer Mai 28, 2008 19:28:48
Post-it: Toyota Hilux 2.4L
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 16, 17, 18 ] 175 lau 48143 Mer Avr 16, 2008 10:48:19
Post-it: GOLF 3 1,9D : dopage à l'eau
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 10, 11, 12 ] 111 PITMIX 45564 Ven Jan 18, 2008 23:26:25
Post-it: Pantone sur un Vito 220 CDI
[ Aller à la page: 1, 2, 3, 4 ] 39 binbins4 27499 Lun Aoû 20, 2007 12:59:51
Post-it: Volkswagen Coccinelle
[ Aller à la page: 1, 2 ] 12 Adrien 22998 Mer Mai 09, 2007 15:31:35
Post-it: Camion Renault B70
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 16, 17, 18 ] 171 phil 14 50083 Lun Mar 26, 2007 23:23:50
phil 14
Post-it: Renault Laguna 2.0l essence
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 6, 7, 8 ] 78 nlc 45807 Ven Mar 23, 2007 18:25:32
Montage pantone sur mercedes 290 TD
0 F4AGL 126 Lun Déc 07, 2009 21:42:31
Vends Kit pour PASSAT 1.9L D
1 La Pierre Angulaire 143 Jeu Nov 19, 2009 17:15:25
Dopage pantone sur Mercedes MB100 (mème que 220d)
[ Aller à la page: 1, 2, 3 ] 28 ROM1 1897 Dim Nov 01, 2009 13:09:23
Tentative de dopage à l'eau par procédé pantone
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 13, 14, 15 ] 142 wazaibzh 9338 Sam Oct 31, 2009 21:20:38
Dopage à la vapeur d'eau
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 47, 48, 49 ] 488 Flytox 62923 Mar Oct 20, 2009 00:07:58
Réalisation du banc moteur de test de Réaction Directe!
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 4, 5, 6 ] 51 camel1 3197 Dim Oct 18, 2009 22:41:55
Moteur 2,5 diesel atmosphérique
2 huguesecolo 439 Mar Sep 29, 2009 22:58:15
Pantonisé le moteur de mon bateau
[ Aller à la page: 1, 2 ] 19 papy-pierre 2635 Mar Sep 29, 2009 19:32:18
Comment adapter un carbu de tondeuse en CNC pour GV ?
4 berduLLe 605 Jeu Sep 24, 2009 04:22:12
SNCF: dopage à l'eau des moteurs diesel des locomotives
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 9, 10, 11 ] 104 christophe 18 5246 Mar Sep 08, 2009 06:54:58
L'association Eco Maires et le dopage à l'eau
1 Christophe 362 Sam Aoû 29, 2009 18:37:56
La Mairie de Cahors équipe une 306 Diesel en dopage à l'eau
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 3, 4, 5 ] 49 Christophe 3842 Sam Aoû 29, 2009 15:29:36
Kit Pantone facilement démontable?
[ Aller à la page: 1, 2, 3 ] 24 Vincho 2288 Ven Aoû 28, 2009 19:25:16
Injection d'eau (par pompe et injecteurs)
[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 4, 5, 6 ] 56 abyssin3 5424 Mer Aoû 26, 2009 23:14:19
2 rodibruno 389 Sam Juil 25, 2009 11:42:23
Kit dopage à l'eau GP à l'international en Australie!
2 Christophe 521 Lun Juil 13, 2009 21:18:35
Kit Gillier Pantone à la mairie de Conflans-Sainte-Honorine
2 Christophe 657 Sam Juil 11, 2009 11:25:35
Mister Pantone interview (en anglais)
2 gilgamesh 311 Mer Juil 08, 2009 16:58:25
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Like the rest of the geet idiots, no geet to enter a challenge...
I'm calling you out, enter the geet challenge and show your plasma coming out of you ass.
Pantone would not enter this challenge, because he is a scam!
I even sent him a letter:
Mr. Pantone,
My name is Tommey Reed, I've seen your claims of the Geet system.
I am willing to challenge your claims:
The challenge is very simple, buy a cheap 1200w (walmart) generator
Buy a home depot 500w spot light...
Buy a Harbor Freight watts meter..
Very simple test, this will allow no cheating to take place.
Running the engine at 3600-3700 rpm's will power the spot light with a load of 500W
Use the carb first, and run it with 60g of 87 octane gas for 5 minutes, then check how many grams are left. This will have a constant pull of about 500w with the governor control.
Next, take off the carb and in stall your Geet system. Use 400g of 87 octane, run at 3600-3700 rpm's for 5 minute. After this calculated how many grams are left...
Your claim of pickel joice and window cleaner is no different then this:
What happen to GOD's work?
$2,500.00 for a week class of Geet?
I believe your a scam, Prove me wrong!
Tommey Reed
Call anytime
Is this a geet, and his plasma?
why are you so stupid ?
you are , blind , blind blind
you dont understand what you speak about
months ago , you were claiming OU , OU and Ou whitout listening the others members of this forum
why are you so stupid ? look all around !! use google !! search on other forum !!!
you dont understand the "gillier-pantone" device
in france there is a lot of farmer using and replicating this gillier-pantone
with the price of the gasoil and the agriculture crisis in france
did you think they are doing this only for fun without benefit ?
if you want to do a real replication of the "gillier-pantone" device
contact stephenafreter
Also if you have important file you want to translate from or to french, contact me, I'm always pleased to help when I can
working together we can move fast, as we can see on the forums like here and overunity.com.
sorry tommey , it is my last message on this thread
I do not answer you any more
stephan , it is your role to keep the credibility of this forum
and refrain tommey from his claim without understanding this device
second point , you can't tolerate slanderous claim on this forum if you are honest
sorry , but pantone is not a scam , there is hundred and hundred proof all around
Prove it.....I have tested this claim, its false! Nobody have test a carb system verse this Geet system untill now!
My vapor carb show the same as a Geet system, there is no plasma..
He claims 5 times more energy out of the geet, when in fact there is only about 116,000 btu in one gallon of gas. He claims overunity, getting more btu then what is in the fuel.
That's why Pantone will not enter my challenge!
No plasma, no high fuel efficiency, just bull...
Nobody is willing to challenge this scam, he went to jail for these same reason....He is charging $2,500.00 for a week class to learn how to vapor dirty fuel, what a scam!
Its no different then a vapor carb, As for OVERUNITY.com, total idiots, sit on your asses and do nothing....
Remove me from your list, idoit!
As for my claims, when charging caps on the pulse generator, yes it does show higher output when recharging another cap...
I stick to my claims, no overunity as you may see it, but far better then I've seen on this channel...
You all talk out of your ass, do nothing and sit back and talk shit! I'll challenge any of you so called experts anyday...
Just like the magnet motor scams you all talk about, what idiots...
Bring it on, I'll challenge anyone of you, any day.
I'm not a talker like most of you are, I'm a doer... Remember that!
Have a little piece of peace.
I guess its hard to accept the waste in this world 80 + % going out the tail pipe,up the chimney ,or out the window.
Thanks for all the DOIN and sharing [sincerely]
Quote from: ramset on December 21, 2009, 10:39:06 AM
Have a little piece of peace.
I guess its hard to accept the waste in this world 80 + % going out the tail pipe,up the chimney ,or out the window.
Thanks for all the DOIN and sharing [sincerely]
what a very bad boy and false claim
Hi Tom
well done on all the hard work you put into this, I watched all your videos over the last 2 weeks,
I feel you did a good job with the information available to you from their website,
they should now take up your challenge and prove there 5 times claimed.
I'm with you on this one Tom, your videos show their system doesn't work.
Quote from: powercat on December 21, 2009, 11:20:24 AM
Hi Tom
well done on all the hard work you put into this, I watched all your videos over the last 2 weeks,
I feel you did a good job with the information available to you from their website,
they should now take up your challenge and prove there 5 times claimed.
I'm with you on this one Tom, your videos show their system doesn't work.
with this bicombustion , when the reactor is hot , this one can run with water only
I think it is very difficult to say pantone is a scam !!
i think it is a slanderous claim
I think also that it is responsability of this forum ( Stephan )
to dont refrain such thing !!!
Quote from: powercat on December 21, 2009, 11:20:24 AM
Hi Tom
well done on all the hard work you put into this, I watched all your videos over the last 2 weeks,
I feel you did a good job with the information available to you from their website,
they should now take up your challenge and prove there 5 times claimed.
I'm with you on this one Tom, your videos show their system doesn't work.
sorry cat
there is a lot of claim here ...
are they good claim or false claim ?
what can you win by twisting the truth ?
Hi tagor
The point that Tom is trying to make is that there is no proof that this system works as claimed,
he has done tests where he shows you everything, measurements, times, how much load on the system, there are many claims on this forum that sound good but in reality don't work.
Tom is very capable and has done his best to make the system work, look at all those videos and see for yourself.
Ps if I could make my generator run on water or five times longer on the same fuel, I would.
I once tried a hydrogen cell on my car, not much improvement, time-consuming, and definitely not maintenance free, at the moment I will stick with solar panels.
Quote from: powercat on December 21, 2009, 12:30:50 PM
Hi tagor
The point that Tom is trying to make is that there is no proof that this system works as claimed,
so , there is no proof !! but he is saying it is a scam !!
if he can not replicate this reactor where is the proof ?
this bicombustion guy replicate a reactor very powerful ! is not it ?
Quote from: tagor on December 21, 2009, 12:51:46 PM
so , there is no proof !! but he is saying it is a scam !!
if he can not replicate this reactor where is the proof ?
this bicombustion guy replicate a reactor very powerful ! is not it ?
Tom is saying that claim is a scam.
Here is one of Tom's videos where he replicate this reactor.
Geet test run, with 300g of gas.
bicombustion guy, very poor video there are no measurements, no details of the construction
and he only shows one video. (not)
Have a look at Tom's channel page he has many videos showing the construction and measurements.
I'm really a good person, but when I see claims with out any real tesing, this really gets to me.
Any generator that runs without a constant load, is a total waste of energy.
I have tested the carburator first, using 60g of 87 octane fuel, and a contant load of 500watts.
Run for 5 minutes with a constant load and shut it down and re-measure the left over fuel at about 20g.
With temperature of about 530deg on the exhaust pipe, did 4 test to give me a basic average of abot 40g for each 5 minute load at 500watt at 3700rpms.
The geet could not keep up with a constant load at 500w, and did not show any real improvemnet in saving fuel..
NO plasma, just a basic vapor carb, just like the one a made on my test...
I'm sorry for calling anyone an idoit, and challenging anyone too. But my data show some real facts...
Tom thanks for taking the time and money to show this system doesn't work, your numerous videos detailing your work and measurements were proof enough for me.
Unfortunately I don't think they will take up your challenge, at best they might show a video or two
with not enough detail to prove anything.
many thanks for your efforts
the ball is in the other court
Hi! groupies !!
are you sleeping ?
my answer here :
merry christmas
Tagor, answering name calling with more name calling won't settle this. Tommey was not using the best of politics to challenge GEET claims, but if there are any doubts, I feel these need to be answered.
What exactly did Tommey construct incorrectly, and what causes his GEET to perform on par with basic vaporization? If you can explain this to the readers of Youtube and OU.com, you may still not win Tommey as a committed GEET soul, but you may win (or prevent of losing) others.
The water-alone claim is outragious, and needs elaborate proof. I'd love to learn of the conditions that are supposed to make this possible. Super high reactor temps, >1500C?
Quote from: Cloxxki on December 24, 2009, 07:48:06 AM
Tagor, answering name calling with more name calling won't settle this. Tommey was not using the best of politics to challenge GEET claims, but if there are any doubts, I feel these need to be answered.
What exactly did Tommey construct incorrectly, and what causes his GEET to perform on par with basic vaporization? If you can explain this to the readers of Youtube and OU.com, you may still not win Tommey as a committed GEET soul, but you may win (or prevent of losing) others.
The water-alone claim is outragious, and needs elaborate proof. I'd love to learn of the conditions that are supposed to make this possible. Super high reactor temps, >1500C?
I am sorry , but there is no doubt on this technology , see numerous replications !!!
i am not a specialist of this stuff , what can i say ?
"The water-alone claim is outragious, "
I dont know ...
I have to visit mirabella , he claims to do it , wait and see !
months ago , there was a demonstration in paris , i was not present
but i know some people who was there !
best people to contact for gillier-panton is a canadian Andre on econologie.com
Merry Christmas to all,
Now on the Geet system,
Many Geets claim up to 5 times more efficient then carburated or fuel injected system?
How can anyone make these claims without real data?
My simple vapor carburator did everything that the Pantone Geet system did, running on any type of junk fuel...
In fact my simple design runs on 91% alcohol using a vapor.
I did many test on the claims of Plasma in the Geet system and even a magnet rod that loss its magnet field under heat...
I did carburator test with a 50% contant load of 500watts, using 60 grams of fuel for 5minute test run.
This had a amount of fuel, 40grams in 5 minutes
run time..
I even did my simple vapor and simple Geet system with the same output of 50% load at 5 minute run time, no different then a carburated system....
My simple vapor carburator is better then a Geet, and cheap!
Geets need to show real data and not a theory!
If there are thousands of Geets out there, then why wont they do real testing?
I say the claims are theory (scam), without real load testing data!!!
My challenge to Geets, is prove your theory!
Many people making money like Paul Pantone $2,500.00 for a week of the theory of GEET.
Without hard data, this shows how stupid people are willing to throw there money away!
If gas has 116,000 btu's of heat energy, you won't get more heat out of it. That would be OVERUNITY!!!
Have a happy Christmas.....
Tommey Reed.
Hi Tagor,
Before Paul and like Gilles: To put water-mist in a Engine Intake-air, for Petrol & Diesel, to avoid detonation, keeping cooler intake-air with better economics:
Working system to make crude oil and much more a fuel:
From a plasma (a 2000 degrees C) with Pantone in the intake-manifold is impossible, with fumes & oxygen together without detonation, would be funny if make-able!
Looks to me that Paul was copying some one's?
Regards, Johan
Quote from: Tommey Reed on December 24, 2009, 08:59:13 AM
Merry Christmas to all,
Now on the Geet system,
Many Geets claim up to 5 times more efficient then carburated or fuel injected system?
How can anyone make these claims without real data?
My simple vapor carburator did everything that the Pantone Geet system did, running on any type of junk fuel...
In fact my simple design runs on 91% alcohol using a vapor.
I did many test on the claims of Plasma in the Geet system and even a magnet rod that loss its magnet field under heat...
I did carburator test with a 50% contant load of 500watts, using 60 grams of fuel for 5minute test run.
This had a amount of fuel, 40grams in 5 minutes
run time..
I even did my simple vapor and simple Geet system with the same output of 50% load at 5 minute run time, no different then a carburated system....
My simple vapor carburator is better then a Geet, and cheap!
Geets need to show real data and not a theory!
If there are thousands of Geets out there, then why wont they do real testing?
I say the claims are theory (scam), without real load testing data!!!
My challenge to Geets, is prove your theory!
Many people making money like Paul Pantone $2,500.00 for a week of the theory of GEET.
Without hard data, this shows how stupid people are willing to throw there money away!
If gas has 116,000 btu's of heat energy, you won't get more heat out of it. That would be OVERUNITY!!!
Have a happy Christmas.....
Tommey Reed.
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
why a such fallacy ?
why so much disinformation ?
why are you twisting the reality ?
why are you misleading people ?
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
you are in your own virtual world !!
you are on another planet your virtual planet !!
this planet earth does not need you , stay on the moon !
look at this little thing : AVEC
this is not a virtual world and virtual data !!
this is on this little-poor-plante-earth
all these datas are for real
all the cars are real !!
all these guys are for real !!
the red datas are with this real little thing AVEC
this AVEC is very very cheap
this AVEC is for real
this AVEC does not need VAPOR
this AVEC is very very cheap
this AVEC is for real
this planet earth does not need you , stay on the moon !
PS :
I do not feel comfortable as a member of a forum that agrees (even tacitly) with such practices.
Quote from: Tommey Reed on December 24, 2009, 08:59:13 AM
Merry Christmas to all,
Now on the Geet system,
Many Geets claim up to 5 times more efficient then carburated or fuel injected system?
How can anyone make these claims without real data?
My simple vapor carburator did everything that the Pantone Geet system did, running on any type of junk fuel...
In fact my simple design runs on 91% alcohol using a vapor.
I did many test on the claims of Plasma in the Geet system and even a magnet rod that loss its magnet field under heat...
I did carburator test with a 50% contant load of 500watts, using 60 grams of fuel for 5minute test run.
This had a amount of fuel, 40grams in 5 minutes
run time..
I even did my simple vapor and simple Geet system with the same output of 50% load at 5 minute run time, no different then a carburated system....
My simple vapor carburator is better then a Geet, and cheap!
Geets need to show real data and not a theory!
If there are thousands of Geets out there, then why wont they do real testing?
I say the claims are theory (scam), without real load testing data!!!
My challenge to Geets, is prove your theory!
Many people making money like Paul Pantone $2,500.00 for a week of the theory of GEET.
Without hard data, this shows how stupid people are willing to throw there money away!
If gas has 116,000 btu's of heat energy, you won't get more heat out of it. That would be OVERUNITY!!!
Have a happy Christmas.....
Tommey Reed.
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
why a such fallacy ?
why so much disinformation ?
why are you twisting the reality ?
why are you misleading people ?
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
you are in your own virtual world !!
you are on another planet your virtual planet !!
this planet earth does not need you , stay on the moon !
look at this , this is for real
you can get a gillier-pantone for free
you can get the info free
this is real free info
in this real world
on this real-poor-planet-earth
antoine gillier is a real farmer
he is doing real wonderfull thing
on this real-poor-planet-earth
this planet earth does not need you , stay on the moon !
stay with your virtual-numerical-data
stay with your virtual-numerical-video
this planet earth does not need you , stay on the moon !
sorry guy , on this real-poor-planet-earth , we dont need you
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
PS :
I do not feel comfortable as a member of a forum that agrees (even tacitly) with such practices.
look at this man , this is for real
this is antoine gillier , he is for real
you can get a gillier-pantone for free
on this real-poor-planet-earth
antoine gillier is a real farmer
he is doing real wonderfull thing
on this real-poor-planet-earth
his family is for real
he is working on his system since 2001
improving his sytem
collecting datas
he is working for real !!
on this real-poor-planet-earth
this planet earth does not need you , stay on the moon !
sorry guy , on this real-poor-planet-earth , we dont need you
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
PS :
I do not feel comfortable as a member of a forum that agrees (even tacitly) with such practices.
look at this tractor , this is for real
you can get a gillier-pantone for free
on this real-poor-planet-earth
antoine gillier is a real farmer
he is doing real wonderfull thing
on this real-poor-planet-earth
he is working on his system since 2001
improving his sytem , collecting datas
he is working for real !! on this real-poor-planet-earth !!
this planet earth does not need you , stay on the moon !
sorry guy , on this real-poor-planet-earth , we dont need you
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
PS :
I do not feel comfortable as a member of a forum that agrees (even tacitly) with such practices.
look at this tractor , this is for real
look at this data , this is for real
you can get a gillier-pantone for free
on this real-poor-planet-earth
antoine gillier is a real farmer
he is doing real wonderfull thing
on this real-poor-planet-earth
he is working on his system since 2001
improving his sytem , collecting datas
he is working for real !! on this real-poor-planet-earth !!
this planet earth does not need you , stay on the moon !
sorry guy , on this real-poor-planet-earth , we dont need you
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
PS :
I do not feel comfortable as a member of a forum that agrees (even tacitly) with such practices.
MERCI antoine
thank you very much antoine
antoine gillier is a real farmer
he is doing real wonderfull thing on this real-poor-planet-earth
he is working on his system since 2001 improving his sytem , collecting datas
he is working for real !! on this real-poor-planet-earth !!
this planet earth does not need you , stay on the moon !
sorry guy , on this real-poor-planet-earth , we dont need you
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
PS :
I do not feel comfortable as a member of a forum that agrees (even tacitly) with such practices.
Happy Christmas tagor,
all those posts you made will not satisfy Tom, he wants detailed measurements, running times,
system information,and engineering drawing of the system if possible.
I could show a picture of my car and claim the hydrogen system is give me 1000 miles to the gallon.
Tom is capable of building almost any system that you present to him but you must give him all the details, so far you have not done this
Nice pictures, but where is the picture of the Moon?
Please give me the data, not pictures..."Very bad boy"? Are you smoking something?
This is why the Geets theory needs to be challenged, pictures, videos and BS. No real hard data....
Why not just build this simple Geet system any get hard data? You have wasted too much of my time, and all you have to show for it, is pictures!
If we are going to have OverUnity questions, everyone wants hard data, not claims...
I have challenge you to build this Geet, no pictures, or videos. But the real system...
Show real data, not the BS you have been showing in the past week.
Makes me think that you went to Pantone class and wasted $2,500.00 to learn a theory of the Geet system..LOL
Data, Data, Data, not theorys or pictures (PLEASE)!
Merry Christmas to all...
why are you spending so many time on bullshit ?
you are reinventing the wheel
this is an official site ...
and official tests and results ...
c) Entraid numéro 24 décembre 2006 (magazine des Cuma) http://www.entraid.com/
Mise au banc comparative de 2 tracteurs New Holland TM 155 et essais routiers en charge. Moteurs récents répondant à la norme anti-pollution Tier 2.
25% de gain en consommation sur l’essai routier et amélioration du couple/puissance (jusqu’à +6%) sur l’essai au banc.
Téléchargement de l'article http://www.econologie.com/moteur-pantone-sur-tracteur-new-holland-au-banc-d-essais-telechargement-3399.html
Lire également, la revue de presse suite au montage d'un dopage par la mairie de Vitry sur Orne (suivi par un montage réalisé par le conseil Général de Moselle)
sorry guy , on this real-poor-planet-earth , we dont need you
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
Quote from: tagor on December 26, 2009, 03:12:47 AM
why are you spending so many time on bullshit ?
you are reinventing the wheel
this is an official site ...
and official tests and results ...
sorry guy , on this real-poor-planet-earth , we dont need you
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
Quote from: tagor on December 26, 2009, 03:12:47 AM
sorry guy , on this real-poor-planet-earth , we dont need you
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
Quote from: tagor on December 26, 2009, 03:12:47 AM
sorry guy , on this real-poor-planet-earth , we dont need you
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
this is offocial town in france
Quote from: tagor on December 26, 2009, 03:12:47 AM
sorry guy , on this real-poor-planet-earth , we dont need you
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
pollution tests and results
Quote from: tagor on December 26, 2009, 03:12:47 AM
sorry guy , on this real-poor-planet-earth , we dont need you
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
tests and results
Quote from: tagor on December 26, 2009, 03:12:47 AM
sorry guy , on this real-poor-planet-earth , we dont need you
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
pollution tests and results
Quote from: tagor on December 26, 2009, 03:12:47 AM
sorry guy , on this real-poor-planet-earth , we dont need you
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
tests and results
Quote from: tagor on December 26, 2009, 03:12:47 AM
sorry guy , on this real-poor-planet-earth , we dont need you
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
some real guy here !!
Quote from: tagor on December 26, 2009, 03:12:47 AM
sorry guy , on this real-poor-planet-earth , we dont need you
very , very very bad boy , shame on you !!
test in this engeneer school
Quote from: tagor on December 26, 2009, 03:45:09 AM
test in this engineer school
this was in 2001 !!!
you are reinventing the wheel
The only time I'm wasting is explaining to you that pictures lie a thousand time over, just like someone like you..
You may look like your smart(picture), but you really act stupid...
How can you show pictures that are from another country about Pantone Geet system, you might have just taken a picture of the Moon..
Where is anyone in this country willing to do a real test?
Why do you think Pantone went to jail in the first place?
He wanted to leave the country, because he was going to jail. People found out that he was a scam, this is another reason he sell his Plasma Reactor(Geet) to stupid people over seas....
Real data will show the truth, not PICTURES!
This is the interview before he went to jail...
Just listen to hes claims, and then he was ask some hard question...
Please, no more pictures. If you do, sent a picture of your self with the word STUPID on it! I would agree with that picture, because of the real data(!NOTHING!) you talked about....
Real men back up the theory of a system, and all you have to show is pictures from another country?
Just what do you do for work?
What ever it is, you're FIRED!
Just read some of the stupid crap you sent with out real data, I always will tell people that I only went to 10th grade. How in the world do you not see that without real data, claims are just a theory, even a caveman can understand that. Did you go to caveman school?
Its a joke to have someone on OverUnity saying that this Geet system is fact, without hard data..
I did simple test to show that Pantones (Geet) claims do not hold any facts of , plasma, hydrogen or any thing else.
CAVEMAN(stupid) you need real DATA before adding to Pantone claims...
I challenge you to build a simple Geet system and lets compare data to see what are fact and theorys, this will only be the best way to solve these question.
Even a caveman can build this simple plumping system, you're better then a caveman, RIGHT?
Stop talking any lets get it on! We can call it "SMACKDOWN" of the Geet system, coming from (STUPID) Geets like you...
Quote from: powercat on December 25, 2009, 06:02:17 AM
Happy Christmas tagor,
all those posts you made will not satisfy Tom, he wants detailed measurements, running times,
system information,and engineering drawing of the system if possible.
I could show a picture of my car and claim the hydrogen system is give me 1000 miles to the gallon.
Tom is capable of building almost any system that you present to him but you must give him all the details, so far you have not done this
are you realy serious ?
so many advertising !!
so many people telling him what to do ?
are you realy serious ?
look at this
PS :
I do not feel comfortable as a member of a forum that agrees (even tacitly) with such practices.
What gets me is that I have challenge anyone of you Geet to do the test I did with a simple $200.00 generator.
First do a load test of 50% at 500watts with a constant rpm's of 3650-3700, with carburator.
Then build your Geet and redo the tests, you should have no problem making me eat my words...
But all they can say is "he did not build it right", in fact nobody builds it right. This is the scam they push on others..
Prove me wrong, enter the challenge, this could be over in days. But all of you Geets are not willing to do real testing, because the truth will be out then!
My simple vapor system is just that, simple...Geets system is a vapor carb, in fact its worst. Trying to feed exhaust gas back into the bubbler, the intake will not work efficent. Fresh air and fuel is need to get the most efficiency.
My vapor card has ran fermentation of suger and yeast, and even gas, dirty oil, ketchup and apple sauce. Even 91% alcohol..
Real test!
This is very simple, no plasma or hydrogen...
Quote from: tagor on December 26, 2009, 07:50:01 AM
are you realy serious ?
so many advertising !!
so many people telling him what to do ?
are you realy serious ?
look at this
http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/3169-geet-paul-pantone-3.html#post78435 (http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/3169-geet-paul-pantone-3.html#post78435)
http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/3169-geet-paul-pantone-3.html#post78530 (http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/3169-geet-paul-pantone-3.html#post78530)
http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/3169-geet-paul-pantone-3.html#post78526 (http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/3169-geet-paul-pantone-3.html#post78526)
PS :
I do not feel comfortable as a member of a forum that agrees (even tacitly) with such practices.
No one on the other forum has shown a working system with measurements and diagrams,
where is the one working unit ??? with all the information required to make a successful replication.
I think Tom has done his very best to replicate with the information available to him.
until somebody shows a complete working unit whit the details and measurements this will continue to look like a scam
Hi Tagor & Pantone,
Why exposing and claiming with such good old working ideas from someone else?
So the principe is there and far Older than Pantone, just flirting with ideas from ............ , to claim PLASMA is!
Regards, Johan
If there are thousands of Greets that believe Pantone, you would think they make a Geet system to prove to everyone they are not a scam.
Paul Pantone him self would not respond to my Email challenge?
Everyone is always saying look at this and look at that..
Even some of the so called experts are not entering a simple challenge, the reason is that they have to prove their theory with real data..
My vapor carb has done more damage to the Geet claims, and with real data of running a engine under real loads makes Geet look like a scam.
A scam is someone that claims something that won't do any testing to back it up! Theory's is just that, an idea without data...
The more poeple that won't enter the challenge, the more its looking to be a very big scam job...
I had someone come by my house to see the vapor carb, he even had 91% alcohol to see if the vapor carb works. He turn out to be a real believer...
The vapor carb is very easy to build, not like the Geet system...
They keep changing the design so they would say you did not build it right. Look at the first Pantone design, simple plumping parts. But not special metals and advance magnet rods, this will allow plasma to form to convert water into hydrogen...Give me a break!
Ashtweth wrote:
Cloxxi read my post to tagar
"Hi tagor thanks for posting my friend, some others did send some info to him, unfortunately he does not want to build the reactor properly and wont listen, so we have to just spend time on teaching others the proper way to do it. You should hear from MY camp in Jan some time regarding a new replication, we could also try again to use this to make him build it properly."
Please read it twice.
This is a Senior Member?
This guy can't even join the challenge?
Teachers are those that back up with data, "so we have to just spend time on teaching others the proper way to do it." you call this a TEACHER?
Real teacher show data like in mathematics...This guy is a big joke...
Ash, I want to challenge you, being a teacher in Geet you should have no problem making me eat my words....
The challenge is on?
Tommey Reed..
I'm going on vacation for a week now, I will try to answer any question in the future...
Have a Happy New Year...
Quote from: Johan_1955 on December 26, 2009, 09:53:57 AM
Hi Tagor & Pantone,
Why exposing and claiming with such good old working ideas from someone else?
So the principe is there and far Older than Pantone, just flirting with ideas from ............ , to claim PLASMA is!
Regards, Johan
yes you are right
but the gillier-pantone is a new one
Quote from: powercat on December 26, 2009, 09:16:48 AM
No one on the other forum has shown a working system with measurements and diagrams,
where is the one working unit ??? with all the information required to make a successful replication.
I think Tom has done his very best to replicate with the information available to him.
until somebody shows a complete working unit whit the details and measurements this will continue to look like a scam
in france there is hundred and hundred replications
in canada I know andre and a few replications
in south america there is a few replications
also in australia , see with ash to get the doc translated
Quote from: Johan_1955 on December 26, 2009, 09:53:57 AM
Hi Tagor & Pantone,
Why exposing and claiming with such good old working ideas from someone else?
So the principe is there and far Older than Pantone, just flirting with ideas from ............ , to claim PLASMA is!
Regards, Johan
see also :
patent fr2263390
patent fr2293604
patent fr2302420
patent FR 2 895 461
patent FR 2 870 892
why reinventing the wheel ?
why reinventing the wheel ?
Quote from: tagor on December 26, 2009, 03:45:09 AM
test in this engeneer school
complet test (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=726.0;attach=40304)
you can get this complete test here :
and a short one :
why reinventing the wheel ?
Quote from: Johan_1955 on December 26, 2009, 09:53:57 AM
Hi Tagor & Pantone,
Why exposing and claiming with such good old working ideas from someone else?
So the principe is there and far Older than Pantone, just flirting with ideas from ............ , to claim PLASMA is!
Regards, Johan
T R :
where do you come from ?
in your planet or in your country , no patent ?
in france : a lot replications
and a lot of patent from car constructor !!
there are ready to go ...
would you wait fuel's price very very hight ?
Quote from: Johan_1955 on December 26, 2009, 09:53:57 AM
Hi Tagor & Pantone,
Why exposing and claiming with such good old working ideas from someone else?
So the principe is there and far Older than Pantone, just flirting with ideas from ............ , to claim PLASMA is!
Regards, Johan
plasma or not plasma that is the question
here is the best information on pantone in french
here is a patent on plasma from renault ( big car constructor reference in france )
plasma or not plasma , there is 10 years of experimentation
hundred and hundred of replications and datas
there is no doubt on this technology
but more experimentations are needed to explain it
I dont know what is translated in english
ask to ash
Yes it is real
somewhere on this planet !!
Quote from: tagor on December 27, 2009, 08:42:27 AM
Yes it is real
somewhere on this planet !!
is this document for real ?
Yes here it is :
is this document official ?
Yes it is !!
no proof , look at the press
wrong document and false data ?
so many people involve , politics and so on ...
are they all IDIOT ?
so numerous town , a few are stupid or idiot I think
have you a good lawyer ?
PS :
I do not feel comfortable as a member of a forum that agrees (even tacitly) with such practices.
Quote from: tagor on December 27, 2009, 08:42:27 AM
Yes it is real
somewhere on this planet !!
1. M. Alexandre Tornel (services administratifs)
2. M. Mathias Autesserre (Quercy-Energies)
3. M. Dominique Trabalon (mécanicien)
4. M. Bernard Delfour (serrurier/soudeur)
5. M. Jean Claude Brel (serrurier/soudeur)
6. M. Alexandre Grégoire (ingénieur/formateur pour la Pierre Angulaire)
Contacts :
• Pour Quercy Energies : Mathias AUTESSERRE au 05 65 35 81 26
mathias.autesserre@quercy-energies.fr http://www.quercy-energies.fr/
• Pour Mairie de Cahors : Alexandre TORNEL (poste 8739 ; service des finances) au 05 65 20 87 39
• Pour La Pierre Angulaire (26 rue Jacquinot 54000 NANCY) : Alexandre GREGOIRE (Tél : 06 71 22 54 29)
are they for real ?
Yes Christophe Martz know them
are they all GEET IDIOT ?
have you a good lawyer ?
PS :
I do not feel comfortable as a member of a forum that agrees (even tacitly) with such practices.
yes , here it is :
ENSAIS Ecole Nationale des Arts et Industries de Strasbourg 24 Bd de la Victoire 67084 Strasbourg
Quote from: tagor on December 27, 2009, 08:50:37 AM
yes , here it is :
ENSAIS Ecole Nationale des Arts et Industries de Strasbourg 24 Bd de la Victoire 67084 Strasbourg
ANVAR is for real ?
have you a good lawyer ?
PS :
I do not feel comfortable as a member of a forum that agrees (even tacitly) with such practices.
Quote from: tagor on December 27, 2009, 08:50:37 AM
yes , here it is :
ENSAIS Ecole Nationale des Arts et Industries de Strasbourg 24 Bd de la Victoire 67084 Strasbourg
is this document for real ?
yes look at google search
is this document official ?
yes , it is , look at the press or write to this school
is this document false and wrong ?
Christophe Martz gets his engineer diploma with it !!
what can you think of the credibility of such a school , with such practice !!
so many people involve !! , is there a consparacy ?
can we buy an engineer diploma ?
we are not in china !!
ENSAIS and ANVAR and Christophe Martz are all GEET IDIOT ?
so many people involve !!
have you a good lawyer ?
PS :
I do not feel comfortable as a member of a forum that agrees (even tacitly) with such practices.
Quote from: tagor on December 27, 2009, 08:50:37 AM
yes , here it is :
ENSAIS Ecole Nationale des Arts et Industries de Strasbourg 24 Bd de la Victoire 67084 Strasbourg
Christophe Martz gets his engineer diploma with it !!
but is it for real ?
here is a pic
Christophe Martz with Antoine Gillier
hundred of people know Christophe Martz
hundred of people know Antoine Gillier
but all these people are for real ? realy I dont know !! LOL
are Christophe Martz and Antoine Gillier GEET IDIOT ?
have you a good lawyer ?
PS :
I do not feel comfortable as a member of a forum that agrees (even tacitly) with such practices.
Quote from: tagor on December 27, 2009, 08:50:37 AM
yes , here it is :
ENSAIS Ecole Nationale des Arts et Industries de Strasbourg 24 Bd de la Victoire 67084 Strasbourg
Christophe Martz gets his engineer diploma with this document
on this forum
http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=358 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=358)
is Christophe Martz GEET IDIOT ?
have you a good lawyer ?
PS :
I do not feel comfortable as a member of a forum that agrees (even tacitly) with such practices.
I don't think a list of names is more impressive than an answer actually answering a question. Especially not in the 14th world language (I realize English is only 3rd actually) which most people speaking English won't master.
The guy says that the first GEET fuel/exhaust design claimed to produce plasma should save huge gas over a simple vapor system. No recent developements needed, just 90's drawings.
And how can anyone not agree?
Just throw out in the open where his GEET replication went wrong! What did school kids get right first time that an inventor like Tommey unfortunately overlooked? Can an expert kindly point out the error publically and simply, so Tommey can eat his words, and become a GEET fan?
I can't speak for him, but I bet he'd be impressed with anything out-performing his vapor system on economy, while maintaining the same nice and fresh exhaust smell.
Tommey started out making this personal, but you're welcome to respond professionally and to the point. A Wallmart generator and a quick video will settle it.
Quote from: Cloxxki on December 27, 2009, 05:34:52 PM
I don't think a list of names is more impressive than an answer actually answering a question. Especially not in the 14th world language (I realize English is only 3rd actually) which most people speaking English won't master.
The guy says that the first GEET fuel/exhaust design claimed to produce plasma should save huge gas over a simple vapor system. No recent developements needed, just 90's drawings.
And how can anyone not agree?
Just throw out in the open where his GEET replication went wrong! What did school kids get right first time that an inventor like Tommey unfortunately overlooked? Can an expert kindly point out the error publically and simply, so Tommey can eat his words, and become a GEET fan?
I can't speak for him, but I bet he'd be impressed with anything out-performing his vapor system on economy, while maintaining the same nice and fresh exhaust smell.
Tommey started out making this personal, but you're welcome to respond professionally and to the point. A Wallmart generator and a quick video will settle it.
I am not a specialist on GEET !!
I am a retired engineer !!
but i look every thing new on so many forum !!
I have nothing to sell , nothing to prove !!
what is the performance of the wallmart ?
I think that mirabella gets a better stuff than his wallmart
but , today , I have no good data on it
a wallmart is not free , you can get gillier-pantone for free
vapor is not easy to use
can you imagine a wallmart in a car ?
can you imagine a wallmart in a tractor ?
antoine gillier is a farmer , not an engineer !!
there is a lot of experience on gillier-pantone
there is experience whith vapor ... not so easy to !!
today , I have no data on this stuff
there is so much insults on this forum?
there is so much free assertions?
so much wasted time?
why I would have to invest more on this stuff?
why should I have to bring this evidence?
why should I find these data?
so can you think that somebody speaking french can come on this forum to explain what he is doing ?
Especially not in the 14th world language !!
Quote from: tagor on December 27, 2009, 08:50:37 AM
yes , here it is :
ENSAIS Ecole Nationale des Arts et Industries de Strasbourg 24 Bd de la Victoire 67084 Strasbourg
are you for real ?
I never see you , so I think you dont exist on this planet earth !! LOL
are your data for real ?
it is only virtual-numerical-synthesized-movie !! LOL
we need real data
on internet :
so many scam artist!!
so many con man!!
so many fake video!!
so many false document!!
so many wrong data!!
antoine gillier is a very good boy
he is a real farmer
not an internet scamer
can you challenge it ?
is it a GEET IDIOT ?
have you a good lawyer ?
PS :
I do not feel comfortable as a member of a forum that agrees (even tacitly) with such practices.
Quote from: Cloxxki on December 27, 2009, 05:34:52 PM
I don't think a list of names is more impressive than an answer actually answering a question. Especially not in the 14th world language (I realize English is only 3rd actually) which most people speaking English won't master.
The guy says that the first GEET fuel/exhaust design claimed to produce plasma should save huge gas over a simple vapor system. No recent developements needed, just 90's drawings.
And how can anyone not agree?
Just throw out in the open where his GEET replication went wrong! What did school kids get right first time that an inventor like Tommey unfortunately overlooked? Can an expert kindly point out the error publically and simply, so Tommey can eat his words, and become a GEET fan?
I can't speak for him, but I bet he'd be impressed with anything out-performing his vapor system on economy, while maintaining the same nice and fresh exhaust smell.
Tommey started out making this personal, but you're welcome to respond professionally and to the point. A Wallmart generator and a quick video will settle it.
sorry , it is done ( 4/06/2007 )
this project :
"Peugeot 205d diesel, avec générateur de vapeur !" started in 2006
it is an official town ( Mairie de Vitry-sur-Orne )
it is all official , with press tv and so on ...
the results
http://www.econologie.com/moteur-pantone-un-c15-dope-a-l-eau-a-la-mairie-de-vitry-sur-orne-nouvelle-3404.html (http://www.econologie.com/moteur-pantone-un-c15-dope-a-l-eau-a-la-mairie-de-vitry-sur-orne-nouvelle-3404.html)
- 36% de consommation en moins soit de 8,25 Ã 5,28 L/100 km
- plus de 82% de fumées noires en moins (test d'opacité)
so 36 % on fuel
can you challenge it ?
the links :
http://www.econologie.com/generateur-de-vapeur-conception-et-realisation-articles-3735.html (http://www.econologie.com/generateur-de-vapeur-conception-et-realisation-articles-3735.html)
http://www.econologie.com/video-c15-de-la-mairie-de-vitry-sur-orne-par-fr3-lorraine-telechargement-3402.html (http://www.econologie.com/video-c15-de-la-mairie-de-vitry-sur-orne-par-fr3-lorraine-telechargement-3402.html)
http://www.econologie.com/forums/conference-de-presse-dopage-a-l-eau-a-vitry-sur-orne-vt3685.html (http://www.econologie.com/forums/conference-de-presse-dopage-a-l-eau-a-vitry-sur-orne-vt3685.html)
http://www.econologie.com/montage-gillier-pantone-a-la-mairie-de-vitry-sur-orne-revue-de-presse-articles-3661.html (http://www.econologie.com/montage-gillier-pantone-a-la-mairie-de-vitry-sur-orne-revue-de-presse-articles-3661.html)
http://www.econologie.com/generateur-de-vapeur-principe-et-avantages-articles-3734.html (http://www.econologie.com/generateur-de-vapeur-principe-et-avantages-articles-3734.html)
the vapor system
http://www.econologie.com/forums/peugeot-205d-diesel-avec-generateur-de-vapeur-vt1610-10.html?sid=88b9589b0ab617d56eb8478741153b57 (http://www.econologie.com/forums/peugeot-205d-diesel-avec-generateur-de-vapeur-vt1610-10.html?sid=88b9589b0ab617d56eb8478741153b57)
if :
Especially not in the 14th world language !!
ask somebody to translate it !!
what is the wallmart performance ?
some pics
what is the wallmart performance ?
http://www.econologie.com/photo/generateur_vapeur_dopage_photo_1.jpg (http://www.econologie.com/photo/generateur_vapeur_dopage_photo_1.jpg)
http://www.econologie.com/photo/generateur_vapeur_dopage_photo_2.jpg (http://www.econologie.com/photo/generateur_vapeur_dopage_photo_2.jpg)
http://www.econologie.com/photo/generateur_vapeur_dopage_photo_3.jpg (http://www.econologie.com/photo/generateur_vapeur_dopage_photo_3.jpg)
http://www.econologie.com/photo/generateur_vapeur_dopage_photo_4.jpg (http://www.econologie.com/photo/generateur_vapeur_dopage_photo_4.jpg)
http://www.econologie.com/photo/generateur_vapeur_dopage_photo_5.jpg (http://www.econologie.com/photo/generateur_vapeur_dopage_photo_5.jpg)
http://www.econologie.com/photo/generateur_vapeur_dopage_photo_6.jpg (http://www.econologie.com/photo/generateur_vapeur_dopage_photo_6.jpg)
you are reinventing the wheel
for me it is the last one
look at this replication
jean louis naudin 22/10/2000 ( in english !! )
http://jlnlabs.online.fr/bingofuel/pmcjlnen.htm (http://jlnlabs.online.fr/bingofuel/pmcjlnen.htm)
I am very afraid that those
which do not want to read or look at
a page which written
in another language
( Especially in the 14th world language !! )
have' to wait 10 years more ...
for me , end of story
happy new year
remove (http://img1/)
Thanks for the Naudin link, I as many am a fan for his work.
He however didn't seem to mention how long the mower could operate, with load (cutting grass) on the 75 water/25 gas mixture. I've tried to read up on GEET, and must agree with Tommey that it's hard to find good data. If someone tells me the exhaust is clean, I will just believe that, because I believe in the good of men.
It's hard to tell from (I admittedly just skimmed it) Naudin's GEET page whether the 3 parts water added to the economy of the engine without this water. Even if the water was "used" up nicely, which it doesn't in Tommey's tests, was it really used for making the engine run better?
How much of a difference should the north/south orientation of the reactor matter? Difference between working and not working, or just a percentile of performance? The former wouldn't help on cars, I can see that.
How much of a difference should the north/south orientation of the reactor matter? Difference between working and not working, or just a percentile of performance? The former wouldn't help on cars, I can see that.
this is bullshit !!
look for a new one :
http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=726.msg217956#msg217956 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=726.msg217956#msg217956)
no more answer , see here
http://www.energeticforum.com/79203-post68.html (http://www.energeticforum.com/79203-post68.html)
what? made one THEN condem it. your funny must be COLD under that BRIDGE!
Cloxi, EVeryone hear who looks at your trolls knows what you are! lol
Look at the dates you bunch of trolls,, LOLOLOLOLOL you cant fool us we are not cows you are so blind not to understand that we WILL come thru this energy fuel as water thing just fine, but you will not. Get a real JOB! We understand you have a job and commitment, come back to THE real life and enjoy your life not the GRIND! Why do this do yourselves , we can understand what THEY require of you. Within 2 years all this will be under the mat anyways. They have lost, the people have won and WILL continue too win. Losers or what? We welcome your honest conversion to our forum. Come join your real community.
This energy topic has been hijacked, re read ALL of it and commit it as CERTAIN keys files. They sent all the comments to other topics guys. Chance reading this 2% what did we really say. Magnetize all elements TOGETHER before trying to resonate any coils, one coil at resonance then at 180 degrees out of phase THEN collect the OU at coil 2 , the center coil. This theory must be a pattern thru-out OU. Try it before you condemn any project.
Quote from: Hope on September 24, 2010, 12:41:43 AM
This energy topic has been hijacked, re read ALL of it and commit it as CERTAIN keys files. They sent all the comments to other topics guys. Chance reading this 2% what did we really say. Magnetize all elements TOGETHER before trying to resonate any coils, one coil at resonance then at 180 degrees out of phase THEN collect the OU at coil 2 , the center coil. This theory must be a pattern thru-out OU. Try it before you condemn any project.
How about you simply build any of the devices which you claim are 'suppressed' OU and stick a video on youtube.
Quote from: happyfunball on September 24, 2010, 01:58:08 AM
How about you simply build any of the devices which you claim are 'suppressed' OU and stick a video on youtube.
HMMMM what if ... and I'm just saying ... what if the worlds largest Gas Corporation actually tested it ( the Ecopra kit ) and allowed for photos and results to be posted ?
Wouldn't that be impressive .
OOO they did ? O well another expert can STFUp then
Quote from: Tommey Reed on December 26, 2009, 08:32:47 AM
What gets me is that I have challenge anyone of you Geet to do the test I did with a simple $200.00 generator.
First do a load test of 50% at 500watts with a constant rpm's of 3650-3700, with carburator.
Then build your Geet and redo the tests, you should have no problem making me eat my words...
But all they can say is "he did not build it right", in fact nobody builds it right. This is the scam they push on others..
Prove me wrong, enter the challenge, this could be over in days. But all of you Geets are not willing to do real testing, because the truth will be out then!
My simple vapor system is just that, simple...Geets system is a vapor carb, in fact its worst. Trying to feed exhaust gas back into the bubbler, the intake will not work efficent. Fresh air and fuel is need to get the most efficiency.
My vapor card has ran fermentation of suger and yeast, and even gas, dirty oil, ketchup and apple sauce. Even 91% alcohol..
Real test!
This is very simple, no plasma or hydrogen...
man you a spammer that doesn't get it show me 25% fuel saving with water vapor , you can't !
The world largest Gas corporation used the ecopra and they got 16 & 19% on first try
You don't know your ars from your elbow what is happening in vortices inverse ranque Hilsch effect and Ionisation of Iron Rod in centre + curie tempreture .
Ever read GEET demystified ? Ever seen Magnegas device in action ? You know that Magnegas is used by the US Army & private corporation and is also based on the same principle ?
Naaaa you don't know much do ya