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Discussion board help and admin topics => What is Over Unity and Free Energy => Topic started by: rangerover444 on June 10, 2009, 05:23:19 PM

Title: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: rangerover444 on June 10, 2009, 05:23:19 PM
 Sometimes it seems to me that the rush for the free-energy is similar to the
rush for the gold, for the electricity discovery, for cars, for the atomic bomb,
to space. Etc.  What so common about them is that human don’t realize the
consequences of it’s temporary urge to develop a new technology that
eventually will harm nature and human himself……  Evidently every new product
that 7 billion people on earth need - will eventually will cause much damage.

  I’m not sure how many of you are aware of the “Electromagnetic Pollution” we are
currently experiencing worldwide.  All the electric machines that we are exposing
on a daily basis, are radiating magnetic field, power lines, cell phones, computers,
transformers - wherever they are, bar magnets, motors, radar waves, sonar (in the sea),
light bulbs, radio & TV waves, military applications, satellite communication, cars,
even the outlets at your home (when no instrument is connected) and the list is endless.

  Since the fossil fuel age is about to come to a halt in 15 to 20 years, and the rush for
a new energy source is franticly peruses. Naturally electricity seems to be the cleanest
solution……but maybe not so ?

The effect of electromagnetism on human and animals is only little known. Only at
very concentrated quantities, like some cell phones and power lines that close to
residence area - are consider to be harmful. But what about worldwide emission ?
Not necessarily in one area but the sum total ? 

As you know, electromagnetic / magnetic waves are passing non stop through our
bodies, organs and brains, almost wherever we are in our daily lives. Our body itself
works on delicate electromagnetic currents (through the nerve system). Think how little
is needed to interfere and cause an imbalance in such a system.

Unfortunately modern human always “discover” the damage after the fact……after the rush…
So maybe free energy is not really what we need now ?
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: Goat on June 10, 2009, 08:28:57 PM
@ rangerover444

Would it not be better to have free energy small home generators versus HIGH TENSION LINES
crossing our countries in order to deliver electricity to our homes?

Could the free energy small home generators be shielded in order to further minimize electromagnetic pollution?

There's no doubt that Tesla changed the face of the earth by providing us all with a way to centralized the electric distribution model, whether from hydro electric or otherwise.  Now it's up to us to live up to his expectations of free power to all.  As a matter of fact I think if the latter were used 100 years ago we wouldn't have global warming now!

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: Goat on June 10, 2009, 08:42:35 PM
Even better yet rangerover444, if you don't like the OU notion because of scientific laws then what about solar for electricity? 

Daniel Nocera, a professor of chemistry at MIT, has developed a catalyst that can generate oxygen from a glass of water by splitting water molecules. The reaction frees hydrogen ions to make hydrogen gas. The catalyst, which is easy and cheap to make, could be used to generate vast amounts of hydrogen using sunlight to power the reactions. The hydrogen can then be burned or run through a fuel cell to generate electricity whenever it's needed, including when the sun isn't shining.

Where is this technology at now?  According to the video it's open source  :o 


Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: rangerover444 on June 11, 2009, 03:22:26 AM

  A private OU generator at each home / factory / building / air port / etc. may
reduce the national grid system, but as you know “whatever is free - get consumed
much more” by human….. And the total consumption / emission of electricity may
triple itself in few years. Although technology these days attempt to reduce the
“hunger” for electric machines, but sales of these must grow by the year and the
societies around the globe wants to own washing machines, plasma screen, etc. etc.

  So in any angle you look at it, you switching between problems and what look like
a solution for one issue become a problem on another level……
Maybe there is a way to “recycle” electromagnetic emission ?  Or changing the whole
system of “hungry instruments” to 1/10 of what they currently consuming ?
But even with that, what are we doing about communication, radar, data transmissions
and other waves that are crowding our atmosphere ?

As of now, the focus and the blame are on the fossil fuel, that responsible for our air quality.
No one took it seriously almost 90 years, since it’s begun, and the damage was done
already. Whether it’s the cause or not for global warming, it does not change the damage
it caused to the environment and atmosphere…..  So I wonder if we going to wake up
one day with NASA scientists announcing that we face a new global problem here ?
Also I wonder if there are any serious research about that ?
So looking for OU is an idealistic idea, but needs to consider the consequences as well.

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: mscoffman on June 11, 2009, 11:42:40 AM

A number of years ago at our highschool one particular teacher started
talking about problems of the future, and one was that there would
begin to be problems when human energy usage began to rival
the sun's thermal input in magnitude. He was assuming waste heat was not
convertable back into upgraded energy, which is true from a thermo-
dynamics standpoint. *It is* a a potential future problem, and one that
is much more difficult to solve then where to obtain energy in the first
place. On the other hand if there are Maxwell's Demons then it won't
be a problem. One solution, is to only use solar energy because it produces
an upside limit on available power and trades it off to real estate.
So as Archer Quinn has said; free energy will not eliminate the need for
energy conservation engineering. One problem/solution is to make sure
when free devices are sent to dump at the end of their useful lives that
they turn themselves off automatically so that they don't continue to
generate waste heat. That would be especially true of magnetic motors
which would rather generate constant power independent of load. I would
imagine that electric utilities of the future might then be designed to
distribute "control signals" rather than the energy.

...This is not an uninteresting problem, internet servers are becoming a
larger part of electrical load. I can imagine "free energy" powersupplies
being installed first in computer equipment as the components cannot
to shrunk further and system current goes up to facilitate computer
higher clock rates. Imagine, for instance; wiring a computer server
to a water supply and cooling loop rather then to electricity.

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: jane36d on June 11, 2009, 12:13:42 PM
Get real, to suggest that eltromagnagic waves are worse than the benefits we get from electricity is crazy.
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: jibbguy on June 11, 2009, 01:43:50 PM
There is little possibility of such "problems" as suggested.

What could be worse than continuing to pollute the atmosphere, sea, and land with fossil fuels; and the dangerous and dirty mining practices used to get them...? To the point where the planet cannot come back from the damage and thermal run-away turns most of the world into a wasteland and the rising oceans flood the homes of over 50% of the planet's human population.... Completely destroying the seas' ecosystems with the worst pollution ever imagined, as the waters covers the coastal cities?

This can happen, and will eventually, if something is not done to stop these bastards that insist on us using as much fossil fuels as humanly possible, for as long as they can get away with it.

Home power generation means we all think independently, and take personal responsibility for our power use. I know many peeps who "Live off DC", here in the Florida Keys on their boats and on out-islands. I've helped them design and install combined solar, wind, and gen-set systems. The sun and wind are plentiful here; often enough to run an efficient small fridge/freezer as well as computers, TV's, DVD players, stereos, and lights. These people have come to carefully understand and balance their personal energy usage; in a way that "on grid" people rarely do.  But such systems COST a lot of money up front... So NONE of them would consider them "Free", lemme tell you ;)

So it will be with off-grid home systems utilizing cheap, safe, and clean renewable energy generation from non-conventional technologies. People will pay a lot for the equipment up-front, maybe even take out loans for it.... And buy a system with as small a Wattage output as they can get away with to save on the capital expense. Monthly payments going to either the bank or the power companies make little difference when writing checks ;) ... But at least it will stop funding those who have proven they are the enemies of the planet.

The idea we will just eliminate one problem (fossil fuels) for another is without merit.... What is the complaint again, that we will create more EMF pollution? Not valid. Power grids are by FAR the greatest threat for this. As was previously suggested, EMF will continue to radiate us no matter what power source is used... At least with home power generation we can partially control this ourselves and not just be victims with no options. 

Or the worry that we will somehow use more power than presently? No proof of that; and evidence with existing alternative energy systems points to using much LESS through greater awareness, and because of the max Wattage limits of the home systems... And if the power generation is cheap, clean and safe...? Who really cares anyway as the present dangers of doing so, pollution and "scarcity", are eliminated? We live in a society now that has run totally amok with "Consumerism" (..pushed on us imo as another means of control via propaganda and social engineering by these same enemies who hold us in thrall to their energy)... How could this possibly be made any worse.. When so many millions of Americans have gone to their max limits on credit cards buying mainly useless crap already lol? ;)

The main "problem" will be, is that the sociopaths who now control our entire society through illegal monopolies and manipulation, and who levee a secret tax on us all for the cost of energy (higher than any tax levied by a REAL government), will soon be out of power once their strangle-hold on energy has ended... And once that happens, they lose the protection of all the politicians sitting in their pockets now, and suddenly they will be "naked" and exposed to prosecution for their Anti-Trust, price fixing, and Stock Fraud crimes (not to mention their illegal and immoral world-wide polluting and corruption, as Royal Dutch Shell Oil was forced to pay regarding Nigeria, just this week). They will then have to run for it.. Lol, "Paraguay" will be too small a place for these people to hide in once all their crimes are exposed ;)

I guess some peeps don't like that idea. They can go to the "Underunity / Coal and Oil Forever" forum sites, and talk about it there then, lol... Because they are not going to get much interest here for their discredited concepts of:

"Continue the path of failure, and blindly walking towards certain impending disaster... Because it's better than risking anything new at all, or having to think for ourselves".

.. OR...

"Just keep on paying us for your energy, we order it! Bad things will happen to you if you try to stop!"

Lol, these may work on frightened little "sheeple" but they are not gonna get much traction here ;)

We need to understand that they are not going to release these hidden technologies on their own.. There is too much money to be made by remaining on the present path. WE WILL HAVE TO MAKE THEM DO IT; by "re-inventing" these techs (really more a case of bringing them out from the darkness into the light), proving them, and making the public aware of their existence... Until it becomes too dangerous and uncomfortable for these selfish liars to continue ignoring the elephant in the room, continue pretending that these important and history-changing technologies don't exist.

But we can do so: Our chances of success are very good and getting better every day... They are in trouble now, and they know it... Their denials are beginning to look silly and more and more people every day are waking up and refusing to blindly trust them. WE WILL see a world in our lifetimes that turns from the path of destruction, indifference, and greed; to one of sanity and concern for our childrens' and grandchildrens' future.

We must tell our friends, co-workers, family, and neighbors about these concepts. The more who know the truth, and who realize that the suppression and ignoring by mainstream science have gone on for decades beyond reason, the sooner the lies and control via their strangle-hold on energy will end. When we reach the goal of "100 Million people world-wide" aware of the real possibilities of clean, safe, and cheap energy production; it then goes "supernova" and we will break the chains forever. This goal of much greater Public Awareness is attainable; it can be done... And it will be done... Despite those who would vainly try to stop it by convincing us to quit on our own.

... It being the only tactic left to them against an effective world-wide Open Source community; and the growing Grass Roots movement for releasing these technologies for open and honest study ;)
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: rangerover444 on June 11, 2009, 01:45:26 PM
I haven't claim to have the solution for that, only pointing out for your attention.
The used of electricity is important, but that’s not the end of story…..


Let’s put things in order :  coal and oil are most likely the worst. The current electric
system and the politics involved in the energy market, comes right after that. Clean
energy from the sun / wind / geothermal / etc. are already much better. New tech. of
making electricity, involved potential OU principles are far better than anything we said
so far.

I don’t think the usage will grow much in a private homes, so the emission pollution will
not come from there…..  My question is about the total sum of electromagnetic emission
and waves as a major player in causing changes in weather pattern, human / animal nerve systems,
or other effects which are currently unknown, since no serious global research
was done on that yet (at least to my knowledge).

This is not our greatest problem right now on earth, on the other hand it’s not
an excuse to wake up late, like happen with fossil fuel scenario.

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on June 11, 2009, 02:28:23 PM
Going back to the Stone Age is a bad idea, doing so will reduce a races survivability rate dramatically, that race will not be able to survive natural holocausts such as leaving their own planet if their star begins to die, would not be able to stop an Asteroid extinction, would have no clue of impending hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, cures for diseases, medical care, no communications would leave local areas blind to invasions from other countries, there are so many bad things that would occur when your survivability decreases, sure technology is still young and requires a lot of research to make it more efficient but it has its place, if we have another ice age it will be technology that will increase our ability to survive where other species will perish. if America was to suddenly give up on Technology forever it would be invaded by countries that had superior war technology, it would be like the British with guns going in and fighting natives with spears and arrows all over again, I would rather have a machine gun in my hand than a rock to throw to protect my family. also, what if a race of beings out of some random blue found Earth and decided to enslave all of man kind and we were stuck in the middle ages, that's not good at all.

I could probably write a good book on this subject but I am not interested in doing so at the moment.

Jerry ;)
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: Goat on June 11, 2009, 10:27:51 PM
@ rangerover444

Quote from: rangerover444 on June 11, 2009, 01:45:26 PM
I haven't claim to have the solution for that, only pointing out for your attention.
The used of electricity is important, but that’s not the end of story…..


Let’s put things in order :  coal and oil are most likely the worst. The current electric
system and the politics involved in the energy market, comes right after that. Clean
energy from the sun / wind / geothermal / etc. are already much better. New tech. of
making electricity, involved potential OU principles are far better than anything we said
so far.

I don’t think the usage will grow much in a private homes, so the emission pollution will
not come from there…..  My question is about the total sum of electromagnetic emission
and waves as a major player in causing changes in weather pattern, human / animal nerve systems,
or other effects which are currently unknown, since no serious global research
was done on that yet (at least to my knowledge).

This is not our greatest problem right now on earth, on the other hand it’s not
an excuse to wake up late, like happen with fossil fuel scenario.


You got it when you mentioned "Let’s put things in order :"

So....Let’s put things in order :

Free or Clean energy vs Current Pollution model?

Put these side by side with pros and cons and I'll go with Free or Clean energy any day, we've already done enough damage with coal, oil and nuke plants to generate electricity, why not try to progress instead of keep doing damage!

Science is not always full proof, people still have to use logic when science may not have looked at a problem until it's too late. 

We're presently at 7 Billion people on this earth and growing, I agree that making technology more accessible to more people will probably exacerbate our destruction of the earth in order to live in our own little piece of the pie.  The problem is that we live in an planned obsolescence world and end up in the 20 % of the population using up 80 % of our natural resources. 

I could go on and on but in the end it's about logic, if you face the facts then you quickly realize that the change needs to be done at the individual level in this race to OU in order to avoid the Political/Big Enterprise/War & Agricultural status quo that's currently ruining this planet.

None of these changes come easy, but if someone cracked an OU device and shared it with all to replicate and use then the Free or Clean energy vs current model would take a new direction for the better in my opinion.



Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: triffid on June 12, 2009, 02:57:36 PM
While I think its good to have a lot of options on the table.I think we as a nation and as individuals should be hellbent on going solar.If you build solar hot air heaters to heat your house in the winter.You can build them cheap enough (and good enough to last 50 years).You can also realize an instant benefit in fuel savings the very same day you install them.I think making electricity with solar is great too but there those who say its a waste of silicon to do so.I guess I'm saying use solar heat more and don't focus on electricity being the only good thing to come out of solar.OU is fine but we are not using solar to it's max potential.Triffid
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: triffid on June 12, 2009, 03:01:17 PM
I discovered a way to build a very hot solar collector(3000 degrees) some time ago.I am most fearful it would be used as a great weapon.I never did patent it.Triffid
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: triffid on June 12, 2009, 03:05:18 PM
I really want to use my invention to power rockets using the sun's fusion power to go to mars and other planets.It would be good to use the suns fusion to heat up gases and liquid fuels to power our expansion into the solar system.Triffid
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: triffid on June 12, 2009, 03:10:01 PM
I worked on getting a patent filled out for it for a year and a half then found out someone 25 years ago did something similar.But there was at least a 10% difference in our designs.So I could still patent it but it did take the air out of my sails.Triffid
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: triffid on June 14, 2009, 11:13:57 AM
It really seems up to the individual to make the hard choices.I once worked with a guy who was developing a hydrogen powered car .He said he drove it 10 miles using just hydrogen.I asked him why did he quit.He told me he got a letter in the mail,unsigned with no return address stating that if he continued working on the car that the lives of his family would be at risk.I had no reason to believe he lied to me.The guy was a great mechanic and was very proud of what he had done.But that letter was very sobering.Triffid
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: triffid on June 14, 2009, 11:25:53 AM
I figure that I will take my invention to the grave.Because I don't want it used as a weapon.Somebody would get the idea of inflicting 3000 degree heat upon a human body.I have made small models of it and reached 500 degrees quickly.Two by four boards burst into flame within seconds(about 3 seconds).I only made 10 inch x 12 inch models.They could make you go blind without welders dark googles.I got material for much larger ones but have been afraid to put them together(about 3 feet x 3 feet).If I do nothing with this someone else will rediscover it in about 25 years I guess.Triffid
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on June 14, 2009, 01:56:47 PM
Hi jibbguy.

sounds like you have plenty to say and I agree with some of it except the idea of commercializing huge solar and wind farms which take up enormous amounts of space to achieve 1 city wide grid for energy needs, fusion on the other hand can power thousands of city grids and take up a very small area maybe the size of a small warehouse "IF" the fusion process is advanced enough to compact it and the magnetic fields to contain are shielded with Metglas layers or future shielding techniques that way nobody has anything to complain about.

on the other hand, if one wants to place their own Solar & Wind devices on their own roof that would be a benefit, but who's going to pay for the entire transaction of getting everyone off the grid, I know I can't afford to flip that bill and there are people who could never afford it even if they could save enough money for ten years, only the upper middle class who make a decent wage could touch it on a financial practical level that won't break their bank account.

I don't like wind farms because they kill birds flying in the dark and sometimes in the day time, they have no protective shrouds or screens to protect birds from getting sliced or bludgeoned to death by props. Solar is more friendly than Wind but Solar takes up to much ecological space for plants and animal habitats unless of course you develop them in desert regions which have next to no life in them and there is always something.

if we really want to change the world I and everyone else should try to help the fusion research because it can be small and friendly to the enviroment, the only pollution it gives off is Helium which tends to get lost in the most upper edge of space as a free particle and since Helium is the only true inert gas it will not combine with any known substance to form molecules of any nature. clean and safe if done the right way safely. also you can't get a run away fusion reaction because the reactions require a specific velocity temperature to obtain the reaction, if any un-stableness occurs in the reaction it by the laws of nature shuts down and the reaction stops, you can't much safer than that and there is never any chance of melt downs because of this nature of fusion needing precise requirements. fusion reactions can produce 30,000,000 times more energy than the best wind, Solar, Chemical reactions known to mankind, one single decent size fusion plant could supply most of Americas needs indefinitely.

Later Gator
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: infringer on June 14, 2009, 03:39:04 PM
Hindsight is 2020

The government can easily throw billions into projects that do not pan out!

And that is just one simple project heh.

Now you know how many homes could have free energy with just one of those billions.

Do the math and get back to me the average home uses are estimated as follows:
bliographic Entry     Result
(w/surrounding text)    Standardized
"Electrical Energy." The New Book of Popular Science. 2000 edition. Grolier Incorporated, 1998.    "A kilowatt-hour is the electrical energy consumed in one hour at the constant rate of one kilowatt. The average household in the United States uses about 8,900 kilowatt-hours of electricity each year."    1,020 W
Casebolt, Cathlene. Home Alone- Living Off the Grid. Home Energy Magazine Online. (May/June 1993).    "When Bob Hammond built a house near Prescott, Arizona, he decided to get off the utility grid. To do so, he designed a home that uses only about 885 kWh of electricity a year, a fraction of the 9,300 kWh of neighboring homes. He turned to photovoltaic (PV) solar panels to generate electricity from direct sunlight, designing a 1,400 W system that is totally independent of the utility power grid."    1,060 W
Wohlmut, Kevin. Conserving Household Power. 21 January 2002.    "With the 'fridge on, the dial spun every 40 seconds;  it spun 90 times in an hour;  therefore, the whole house (including the refrigerator) was using, we estimated, 900 Watts in an hour."    900 W

So we use 900watts on average!

Whoopdy! Very achievable sustainable power is possible we just choose not to use our earmarks on proven technology.

Easy as cake solar in no snow climates and wind in snow climates.

Energy crisis solved!

We all pay taxes already if I remember correctly Jefferson said once taxes reached 33% it would be considered slavery hell we have hit that number a number of years back!

Let our tax dollars be spent with wisdom instead of wishes!

PS a waste of silicon is computers the evolve so fast no one can afford to keep up.

And you wanna talk about being a bird killer the automobile kills way more birds they have roofing that kills birds to stop the spread of infectious disease ...

So cry all you want about birds dying from them but they too will adapt and learn that they can't go near the big swinging blade.

None of these complaints have sufficient data to back up the claim not to use solar or wind.

Desert areas in every country would be great for this and maybe even the shade from the tower or panels would allow for many animals to live more easily hard saying but I promise you this it is a waste of nothing and it is not pointless it is conservation at its best!

Energy from solar and wind should be prime investments the more we invest in it the more there efficient they will become complain all you want but they are here to stay and the more people that buy into it the faster we will see improvements in energy generation at home period cause not only do these investments drive wind turbine and solar panel production they drive charge controller and grid tie prices and advancements as well as battery advancements as well.
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on June 14, 2009, 05:44:06 PM
Quote from: infringer on June 14, 2009, 03:39:04 PM
Hindsight is 2020

what's 2020?

The government can easily throw billions into projects that do not pan out!

there are thousands of brilliant minds working on these problems, it requires a lot of research and money. the only problem here is Capitalism nothing else.

And that is just one simple project heh.

which project?

Now you know how many homes could have free energy with just one of those billions.

are "you" going to hook us up?

Do the math and get back to me the average home uses are estimated as follows:
bliographic Entry     Result
(w/surrounding text)    Standardized
"Electrical Energy." The New Book of Popular Science. 2000 edition. Grolier Incorporated, 1998.    "A kilowatt-hour is the electrical energy consumed in one hour at the constant rate of one kilowatt. The average household in the United States uses about 8,900 kilowatt-hours of electricity each year."    1,020 W
Casebolt, Cathlene. Home Alone- Living Off the Grid. Home Energy Magazine Online. (May/June 1993).    "When Bob Hammond built a house near Prescott, Arizona, he decided to get off the utility grid. To do so, he designed a home that uses only about 885 kWh of electricity a year, a fraction of the 9,300 kWh of neighboring homes. He turned to photovoltaic (PV) solar panels to generate electricity from direct sunlight, designing a 1,400 W system that is totally independent of the utility power grid."    1,060 W
Wohlmut, Kevin. Conserving Household Power. 21 January 2002.    "With the 'fridge on, the dial spun every 40 seconds;  it spun 90 times in an hour;  therefore, the whole house (including the refrigerator) was using, we estimated, 900 Watts in an hour."    900 W

So we use 900watts on average!

Not very efficient but it does help, but, who's going to flip the bill for the rest of us?

Whoopdy! Very achievable sustainable power is possible we just choose not to use our earmarks on proven technology.

if you can talk to the government and ask them to flip a bill in congress so that everyone can have free solar panels that would be great, I don't however think it will get very far, spending a minimal of 10,000 and a maximum of 200,000 U.S dollars per house hold and or warehouse and or industry is not financially sane.

Easy as cake solar in no snow climates and wind in snow climates.

I live in snow country 4 or 5 months out of the year, it's not windy enough to drive a wind generator all the time. that means I still need to be on the grid at some point.

Energy crisis solved!

not hardly.

We all pay taxes already if I remember correctly Jefferson said once taxes reached 33% it would be considered slavery hell we have hit that number a number of years back!

makes a poor man poorer. who's gonna hook them up?

Let our tax dollars be spent with wisdom instead of wishes!

if you have some good ideas about spending our tax dollars your breath would be of more use writing to the U.S Congress on designing a new Bill rather than here on the forum. lets us know what occurs please. that's a topic all to itself.

PS a waste of silicon is computers the evolve so fast no one can afford to keep up.

in 20 years silicon won't be the basis for computers, Physics are working on the next generation and I might tell you again, there are some wickedly smart people working on the solutions here as well.

And you wanna talk about being a bird killer the automobile kills way more birds they have roofing that kills birds to stop the spread of infectious disease ...

so, do you want to add another calculation to the extinction of species, there are ways to do all this without the extinction process. you can't see a prop on a wind generator at night very well and you can't hardly see it at all on a new moon night, some flocks of birds get startled and fly into them, just place safety screens on the wind props to prevent this. don't you care about the environment?

So cry all you want about birds dying from them but they too will adapt and learn that they can't go near the big swinging blade.

It really sounds here like you just don't care about the environment, I don't think I would want you to supervise any field testing of a new wind generator farm, the number one rule is "Safety First" or did you ever have a supervisor job that taught you that?

None of these complaints have sufficient data to back up the claim not to use solar or wind.

I can see forests and forests of Wind Generators as far as the eye can see, it's to bad we had no room for those lovely tree's. I have no complaints so long as the plan was thought hard about and made ecologically sound.

Desert areas in every country would be great for this and maybe even the shade from the tower or panels would allow for many animals to live more easily hard saying but I promise you this it is a waste of nothing and it is not pointless it is conservation at its best!

the desert would be the best place but we want to keep it clean as possible. some companies might abuse it because it's so isolated and unseen to the public eye, so we'd have to be careful here.

Energy from solar and wind should be prime investments the more we invest in it the more there efficient they will become complain all you want but they are here to stay and the more people that buy into it the faster we will see improvements in energy generation at home period cause not only do these investments drive wind turbine and solar panel production they drive charge controller and grid tie prices and advancements as well as battery advancements as well.

it is only a temporary solution, it uses a lot of resources and many people don't recycle their old equipment so we'd have to entice people into recycling their old for the new. who's going to reinforce this?

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: rangerover444 on June 15, 2009, 04:01:21 AM
 It’s common to think that we are among an energy crisis, but looking at
it from the other end, what we see is “energy consumption crisis”, which
stream from the growing number of electric appliances/instruments which
are “inflicting” on us by the “new technology craze”. 

Who will resist a new laptop w/ 5GHZ + 1,000 GB HD for $1,200 ?
or a washing machine / dryer in one unit for $1,600 ?  And a long list of
“future machines” that based on electricity ?
On the other end, what if HP annual sales will remain the same for 5 years ?
What if Apple’s sale will drop 4 years in a raw ? 
What if the annual revenue of Germany will not grow from year to year ?
Those beasts must be fed, no matter what.  This is the name of the game.
And consumption for electricity, will keep rising globally. Yes free energy,
No free energy - that’s minor. Because the free energy personal device, all
it can do is to serve the growing demand, and the environmental and health
by-products of this craze, sooner or later will start
to show it’s face.

Go and find on the net a serious research about this type of pollution. You will
find a few of them, old ones about the cell phone hysteria in 2001 and maybe
a few more, since no one suspect 7 billion electricity consumers can do any harm…..
Just look back 100 years or so, who would mess w/ the oil companies that pushed
forward the car industry without suspecting there is something wrong ?
Isn’t that what happen now w/ electricity ? Even if we had OU personal devices ?

  As a rule, everything that is manufacturer artificially by human - have a price.
It’s not because I say so, it’s how this earth is built, how weather function, how
our nerve system function, how forests cleans the air, etc. etc.
Or if you want to be more honest with yourself, buy a gauss meter and walk around
your house and see all this free energy radiation spills at every corner…..  So maybe
some heath departments told you “it’s not danger”, but that’s exactly what they said
in New York 1940 about the air pollution….

I’m not suggesting what to do or not what to do, since I don’t have a solution for that,
just bring up another aspect of the device you are trying to build. Another direction
to think about is how to reduce the demand for energy, instead of build another new
technology (OU) that will support this line ?

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: TechStuf on June 15, 2009, 09:32:42 PM

Considering the long track record of greedy 'new world odor' types, and their suppression of so many worthwhile technologies, I'd venture to say that you are correct, no new technologies are needed in order to return to sustainability.  However, man seems to be intent on proving beyond a reasonable doubt that it is beyond his grasp to rule himself.

"I will bring to ruin, those ruining the earth". - Almighty God

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: Goat on June 15, 2009, 11:25:36 PM
Quote from: rangerover444 on June 15, 2009, 04:01:21 AM
It’s common to think that we are among an energy crisis, but looking at
it from the other end, what we see is “energy consumption crisis”, which
stream from the growing number of electric appliances/instruments which
are “inflicting” on us by the “new technology craze”. 

Who will resist a new laptop w/ 5GHZ + 1,000 GB HD for $1,200 ?
or a washing machine / dryer in one unit for $1,600 ?  And a long list of
“future machines” that based on electricity ?
On the other end, what if HP annual sales will remain the same for 5 years ?
What if Apple’s sale will drop 4 years in a raw ? 
What if the annual revenue of Germany will not grow from year to year ?
Those beasts must be fed, no matter what.  This is the name of the game.
And consumption for electricity, will keep rising globally. Yes free energy,
No free energy - that’s minor. Because the free energy personal device, all
it can do is to serve the growing demand, and the environmental and health
by-products of this craze, sooner or later will start
to show it’s face.

Go and find on the net a serious research about this type of pollution. You will
find a few of them, old ones about the cell phone hysteria in 2001 and maybe
a few more, since no one suspect 7 billion electricity consumers can do any harm…..
Just look back 100 years or so, who would mess w/ the oil companies that pushed
forward the car industry without suspecting there is something wrong ?
Isn’t that what happen now w/ electricity ? Even if we had OU personal devices ?

  As a rule, everything that is manufacturer artificially by human - have a price.
It’s not because I say so, it’s how this earth is built, how weather function, how
our nerve system function, how forests cleans the air, etc. etc.
Or if you want to be more honest with yourself, buy a gauss meter and walk around
your house and see all this free energy radiation spills at every corner…..  So maybe
some heath departments told you “it’s not danger”, but that’s exactly what they said
in New York 1940 about the air pollution….

I’m not suggesting what to do or not what to do, since I don’t have a solution for that,
just bring up another aspect of the device you are trying to build. Another direction
to think about is how to reduce the demand for energy, instead of build another new
technology (OU) that will support this line ?


@ rangerover444

The only option to end all the problems you mention is to end Consumerism and Planned obsolescence (just to name a few) which is what runs the North American free market which in turn rules the world economy!  No consumerism no worldwide market attention towards the biggest consumerism market!

There would be a lot less waste of natural resources, but could we survive without all the latest go go gadgets and still support 7 billion people without a consumerism market? 

The answer isn't simple but I agree with you in that energy consumption is one of the biggest problems and all the pollution that goes with it.  But at the same time people need a job in order to survive, so what is the answer here I don't know except go for OU :P

What would you suggest?

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: Goat on June 15, 2009, 11:40:13 PM
@ rangerover444

Here's a scenario.

Take an OU device that can drive a car that's made to last over 100 years, we could all own ONE car for life that wouldn't emit C02!  So if the electrical emissions were contained would that not be a better use of technology than the present course were on?

Sure you'd kill a lot of jobs but it would solve a big percentage of the C02 problem.  People can adapt to new jobs as long as we create them for people being displaced by disruptive technology.

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: nightlife on June 16, 2009, 12:07:00 AM
We don't need free energy. We actually dont need anything more then food water and shelter to survive.

Greed is what sends us on our quest for energy. Energy makes life easier but at the same time, it makes us lazier. Energy has created a life dependancy on it. We have to have money to have it and with that comes another greed to have money.
Some work for it, some steal it, some inherit it, some beg for it and some win it. Bottom line is that we must do one of those things to live. You can't just live off the land becuase you have to own the land, pay taxes and or pay rent which requires having money to do. Our greed for things has made us dependant on others. We are controled by our own greed that is instilled in the masses. We will never be free as long as we the masses want for things we do not need.
We own nothing and we are all subjected to loosing everything at any given time.

So why do we need free energy at all? We don't, we just want it just like we want everything thing else we want and don't need.

Our greed needs it!
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: Goat on June 16, 2009, 01:09:45 AM
@ All

Coming from a farming background all the way to high tech I can tell you that feeding 7 billion people isn't an easy task!

We've got a population that can and will eat us out of house and home!

I chose not to have children on this basis 30 years ago!

Answer to all the worlds problem is STOP PROCREATING!!! Simple as that!  We've already gone too far for what the planet can sustain.

There is not enough minerals being replenished in agricultural soil to cope with the output of crops.  In order to self sustain the earth you are planting for crops is to grow and crop then give it a break for a decade and feed it back before planting there again unless you add something like compost and manure back to that earth patch, this means that you're taking something away from the rest of the 7 billion others trying to survive.

OK, take everything you drink and eat in a day and put it back on your soil  :o  How do we do that?
Well it only takes a hard look at how many people are using water toilets and there you have it, 2 to 5 gallons per # 1 or 2 to 5 gallons per # 2. Plus all the liquids and organic materials going out of the earth and into the drain  :o

Now take all what I mentioned and add all the animals being raised for our consumption and repeat the above all over again  :P

See what I mean, and that's just the tip of the iceberg which is melting.

God speed to everyone, I'm still holding out for OU to help us out of this mess some day.

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: TechStuf on June 16, 2009, 01:13:12 AM
QuoteGreed is what sends us on our quest for energy. Energy makes life easier but at the same time, it makes us lazier.

Well said.  Succinct and accurate.

Forget overunity.  Settle for tried and true Unity.  It is under the banner of weaknesses that the greedy power mongers of the world gather together, just as any street gang.  They are joined by shared weakness rather than shared strengths.  It is this over reaching of theirs that will bring their downfall.  As the world pares down into a wide variety of groups sharing certain commonalities, they would do well to ascertain whether it be common strengths or weaknesses that unite them.

"And the meek shall inherit the earth" - Creator of Heaven & earth


Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: Goat on June 16, 2009, 01:26:57 AM
Until you've survived on your own land as a farmer you will never know the challenges that lay ahead of all, sure we're feeding the masses now but what about the depletion of resources in the process?

I'm a fifth generation farmer in a new country but the way I was taught to take for survival of one family to feed the masses, this practice is WRONG.

I gotta take a break, good subject but hard to deal with.

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: gravityblock on June 16, 2009, 04:43:05 AM
Quote from: TechStuf on June 15, 2009, 09:32:42 PM
Considering the long track record of greedy 'new world odor' types, and their suppression of so many worthwhile technologies, I'd venture to say that you are correct, no new technologies are needed in order to return to sustainability.  However, man seems to be intent on proving beyond a reasonable doubt that it is beyond his grasp to rule himself.

"I will bring to ruin, those ruining the earth". - Almighty God


Be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth.  Have we not already accomplished this?

Those greedy new world order types recognize the world's population is a problem.  How long do you think it will take to go from 7 billion to 20+ billion?  Not very long at the current pace.  The NWO types know if depopulation doesn't occur, then we will have all 20+ billion people suffering and no hope for future generations.  If nature has no room, then nature can't provide for us.

Since we are not able to control our reproductive habits, consumptions of our natural resources, have enough food to feed the population, to have a job base to support all of the people financially just to have the basic things in life, then the NWO types will depopulate the planet in order for mankind to have a future.

Either the NWO or nature will depopulate and control the masses, since people as a whole are not able to think for themselves and to have respect for their planet and for future generations.

I agree with their philosophy, but I do not agree with their methods in order to accomplish this.  Although, they may have no choice, since people will walk after their own lusts and desires at any cost regardless of the consequences to others, either now or in the future.

We both know that the events to take place soon has already been written.  God gave Adam and Eve a commandment, and that was to not eat from the tree of knowledge, or they will surely die.  They did not listen and ate from the tree.  Then there eyes were opened and were like gods, knowing good and evil just like the serpent had said.

Then God gives them another commandment: Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth.  He did not say to fill the earth past it's capacity to sustain life. We will surely die before the appointed time if we do this.  We now have the knowledge from the tree to understand this.  We are choosing evil by over populating the planet knowing that it will lead to suffering of all.

The last commandment given to mankind is not to take the mark of the beast or to worship the beast or his image.  You won't be allowed to buy or sell without this mark.  They will force all to take this mark in order to control the worlds population.  Now the serpent is saying, if you over populate the earth, then you will surely die and not have fruit to eat or to have the basic needs in life.  He will come as our savior and will deceive even the elect of God and will rule over us.  The serpent will then be in total control over God's creation due to man's inability to use the knowledge that was given to him in order to survive without God's help. 

We have essentially enslaved ourselves to the serpent due to not using our knowledge in understanding that if we over populate the earth, then we won't have the food or resources to sustain life, and will surely cause all to suffer and die.

Give the world all of this suppressed technology, and it will destroy itself very quick with it.  We're not ready for this technology until we choose good over evil and have faith in God.  Thinking that this technology will save mankind is putting faith in man and not in God.

You are correct in saying man can not successfully govern themselves without God's help.

I think it would be beneficial to mankind to have free and unlimited energy if man knew it wasn't the complete answer to the problems facing the world.  Free energy will not bring salvation to anyone.

Now you need to decide if the NWO types are more evil in trying to reduce and control the population to provide a future for mankind, or if the general population is more evil in over populating the planet and consuming all of the resources with not enough food for all, etc.

Both sides are wrong in what they are doing.  The question is who is worst?

I feel like I just gave a sermon.  That was not my intent.  Only trying to bring a different perspective to this free energy and NWO stuff.
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: rangerover444 on June 16, 2009, 05:18:29 AM
  It’s funny to watch a real world issues like energy, money, politics, food,
technology, etc.  eventually drain into human psychology……lol. 
Since we live the way we do due to our understanding / programming and
react to the outside almost automatically with auto-thoughts, auto-feelings
and auto-pilot…..
So almost any subject we will pick to discuss about, will eventually ends up
with the human psyche…..  At least that’s where it all begins….

I think too that we do not need any new tech in order to lead a healthy
simple life. Actually we already reached that point in many fields, but there
is a catch here and it’s called “Over-population”.
The “money factories” and their “tax-pits” needs more clients to buy their
products. That is the global picture. The tax-pits are responsible to supply
as many clients as possible for the “money factories” and in return, get more
tax revenue. The “money factories” are entitle to show annually growth to their
investors, otherwise they will take their money elsewhere. This is a real OU unit,
not just a working model……lol.
Don’t get it wrong, no one wants this unit to stop !!! And no one thinks 30 years
in advance on a global scale…..(beside NASA that determine to send man to Mars,
which probably will greatly improve our life….lol).  You see, the standard is to
“solve” the burning issues within the boundaries of your country…..the hell with
our grand grand children, we will be underground already…..so at least let’s pretend
we care about them…. So let’s talk about it, actually let’s talk a lot about it and create
new entity called “politics” (the art of blinding by talk) so the people will get
the impression that we know what we are doing and buy their trust.
(I don’t mean to say that all politicians or their decisions are wrong, but the standards
of honesty are in trouble, which leaves a “big hole in the ozone layer” which suppose
to protect us….lol).

So solving the burning issues in the vicinity of your short-sight, is a common standard
these days for the decision maker. But the show must go on, so new “advanced”
technologies and “improvements” must be fed constantly….. Remember “more clients,
is what we need”……

I think that if OU researchers will go beyond the short-term solution for the “energy-crisis”,
they will realize that their new baby will play straight to hands of the scenario they are
trying to prevent…. Since it’s not about an energy crisis it’s about consumption crisis or
in other words Over-population…..

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: rangerover444 on June 16, 2009, 08:40:06 AM

  I think there is no quick fix to the situation of the overpopulation (consumption-crisis).
You see human is very strong at making technical solutions, market agreements,
food solutions, bridges, infrastructures, financial solutions, making laws, transportation,
defense solutions and organizing life in general……..  But very weak in moral and
human to human relations, nation to nation and solving physiological issues on a global
scale (by the way many psychological efforts global wise have been done in marketing,
in order to sell more……lol  but I don’t mean this type of understanding….).

So naturally human tries to solve issues with his best tools and his strength, which can
deal only partially with the more serious problems.  For instance solving the crisis in
Darfur (Africa) by sending food, money and military - is maybe a good “first aid”, but
nothing more then that. Africa and the poor countries around the glob are screaming
for help almost 80 years and the developed Nations are “putting up fires” showing up
after the crisis is almost over….

  So dealing with our global issues should start with understanding them first. And then
act upon it :
1. Decision makers should stand out in their integrity, wisdom & honesty.
2. “Shared resources” between nations, cities, neighbors, “friends”, “unknown
      people to unknown people”. Overcoming greed in general - but wisely, not by
      “punishing the rich” or leaching them, but a clever solution.
3. Plan to gradually reduce earth’s population in the next 100 - 150 years..
4. International project to preserve earth‘s environment, that could employ 10 million people.
     International farming & agriculture projects.
5. International price lowering by 60% !!!.
6. Get rid of nuclear arsenal. International agreement to cut down defense budgets by 60%.
7. Divert research budgets from hi-tech to medical & health (physical and mental).
8. Mutual understanding between all religions that the one that started them was sent by
     the same one that sent down the other figures who spoke the same language with almost
     identical massage. Only the practices are different (which was pure human interpretation…).
    And that’s where the differences came from, just build up a bridge…..no big deal.
9. Send $5 billion to www.overunity.com members, to fund their search…..lol
10. Education system - that’s a big one….. Maybe we’ll talk about that in the next post.

Just a question of minor cosmetics…..

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: jibbguy on June 16, 2009, 09:42:29 AM
Using "overpopulation" as a reason to ignore and stop investigating these technologies we study here is completely wrong. Implementation of F-E to the Third World will have an opposite effect over-all: By lowering population growth through greater prosperity.

There is a simple, moral, and highly effective solution to overpopulation. It is called "Increasing Prosperity". All though history, as densely populated societies grew in prosperity, the birthrate per couple actually shrank. This is for several reasons... One being better eduction. Another being less need for "free workers" (in many areas without any mechanization, having more children for harvesting or other work is an important survival tactic).

Desperately poor people have more children: This is fact.

What Free Energy will do for these societies is give them the quality of life, and build the framework needed for them to prosper. Over half of the world's pop now does not have access to clean water.... With cheap energy this is solved through either desalinization or well pumps for both drinking water and agriculture. With electricity in their homes for the first time, half the world can read at night without burning kerosene or worse... They can open small businesses and factories, and produce things that are sold all over the planet. They can start to build a REAL middle class (thus fueling their own consumer economies); and their countries will gain economic stability. And in so doing, the birth rates will drop considerably.

In some over-populated areas now, it comes down to religious or ethnic factions in the country side having "baby races"... To keep their percentages of the population up.... To insure "their side" is not "swamped" in the future by the other side's higher birth rate. This is of course sounds completely absurd and to us here in industrial societies, but sadly, it really does happen. However, when we look at these religious and ethnic conflicts, we see that ALWAYS behind them is lack of economic opportunity.... They really are not about the stated reasons, but about one or more segments of the population being poor and without hope... Religion, tribalism, nationalism, bigotry is used as the scapegoat and as the tool of control by the local politicians. So when the area becomes industrialized, when the agriculture becomes efficient and productive; the job opportunities and general prosperity increases.... And these "problems" disappear.

Free Energy allows cottage industry in remote areas. It allows clean water and increased agricultural yields. It allows factories to be built in poor areas that never before had any. And it ends the reasons for tribal and nationalistic conflicts over resources. It will lift the people of the world up into a new age of much greater prosperity and enlightenment through greater eduction and security; giving them far fewer reasons to kill one another.

Perhaps that is why they so desperately want us to stop pursuing it.
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: gravityblock on June 16, 2009, 01:52:40 PM


1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.

These are the goals of the NWO.  They will implement these goals regardless of what it takes in order to have a decent standard of living for all.  Since people are not listening, then they will need to take more drastic and horrific measures to accomplish these things so mankind and the planet can survive and have a future.
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: gravityblock on June 16, 2009, 05:21:05 PM

We all know that the population has been ever increasing since the beginning of mankind.  It doesn't matter if people are poor, educated, or not.  The population will continue to increase regardless if we have free unlimited energy.  As the population increases, then so do the poor.  It is an ever ending cycle that free energy can not solve by itself.

Yes, it may bring a temporary peace to the world, but that peace will not hold or last long.

You can not consume more that what the capacity to produce is.  It is that simple.  Free energy may allow us to produce more and to prosper in the short term, but there will be a time when there is not enough fertile land for crops and fruits to feed the population regardless of how much energy we are capable of producing.

We have free unlimited energy now.  It will not be given to us until there is much suffering and pain in the world, so they can come and be our salvation and rule the entire population without any resistance from the people.  The people will then totally submit to their demands in order to end their suffering and pain to have a better life.  But this will only be a temporary peace.

Free unlimited energy is not the end all solution to our problems.  Yes, you are correct in saying we should not ignore or abandon our attempts in FE, but we must realize this only allows or gives us more time in being responsible with reproduction and waste.

They said that computers would eliminate or reduce most of the paper being used in the world, LOL.  It actually has increased the use of paper. 

You're argument about the population decreasing if people where prosperous is a mute point as far as I am concerned.  In the long term, it has no effect weather the people are poor or not.  Generally the poor people reproduce more, but they are also the ones who are most often to die due to illnesses, poverty, murder, suicide, lack of health care, STD's, lack of clean drinking water, etc.

The prosperous will be less often to die due to having access to clean water, lower suicide and murder rates, better health care, less illnesses, and better nutrition.

Let's take a look at the middle class.  They have access to all of the benefits that the rich have in order to prolong their life and to die less often, but they are reproducing as the poor does (maybe slightly less but they are to die far less often, which upsets the balance).

Now, throw in FE, and the large population of poor people are now middle class, which will increase the world's population dramatically.  I think you need to rethink your idea about how being prosperous will lower the population, for we all can't be prosperous (You will always have the lazy people who don't want to work or to contribute to society and will always have greedy people taking from the less fortunate.  Also the injured, disabled, elderly, the youth, the poor in health can not contribute either).

I must be missing something about your idea, cause this doesn't add up to me.  The bottom line is all groups on average are reproducing more, than at the rate they are dying.
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: TechStuf on June 16, 2009, 06:26:23 PM
QuoteNow you need to decide if the NWO types are more evil in trying to reduce and control the population to provide a future for mankind, or if the general population is more evil in over populating the planet and consuming all of the resources with not enough food for all, etc.

"And they will put my people to death, thinking they are doing me a favor." - Almighty God   

A scripture that is being fulfilled as we speak, through myriad crafty, cowardly, methods.

The NWO types got stinking rich and powerful off the rampant consumerism, degradation, pollution, etc. which they fomented by exploiting the poor, meek, and ignorant.

The answer is obvious as to which is 'more evil'. 

Obvious to those who stand at God's Right Hand, anyway.

God bless
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: gravityblock on June 16, 2009, 07:34:29 PM
Quote from: TechStuf on June 16, 2009, 06:26:23 PM
"And they will put my people to death, thinking they are doing me a favor." - Almighty God   

A scripture that is being fulfilled as we speak, through myriad crafty, cowardly, methods.

The NWO types got stinking rich and powerful off the rampant consumerism, degradation, pollution, etc. which they fomented by exploiting the poor, meek, and ignorant.

The answer is obvious as to which is 'more evil'. 

Obvious to those who stand at God's Right Hand, anyway.

God bless

I agree with you.  I am not against you.  But don't forget adultery, fornication, and sexual immorality are the sins that have led us to this point.  The people who are performing these acts, are not God's people and the people who are depopulating the world with cowardly methods are not God's people either.  Narrow is the gate, and few will be able to enter.

I said, "I agreed with their philosophy, but did not agree with their methods".

We have multiplied to the point that we can no longer be fruitful without much pain and suffering.  This could be the reason why God is against the sexually immoral and for other reasons such as below.

Back in the biblical days, when there were no birth control methods, the prostitutes in the brothels would get pregnant.  After they delivered their babies, then they would throw their newborns into a pit to die.  Then they would get pregnant again and repeat the process.  They did this cause they couldn't support all of the children they were having due to their prostitution and promiscuous behaviors.

They have found many pits, such as this during our lifetimes.

Who is God's people again, the fornicators who have over populated the world or the murderers who are depopulating the world due to this behavior?  Neither

Sadly enough, God's people will be put to death during this process.  In the end, His people will be victorious.
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: also antlike on June 16, 2009, 11:06:22 PM
Quote from: gravityblock on June 16, 2009, 07:34:29 PM
I agree with you.  I am not against you.  But don't forget adultery, fornication, and sexual immorality are the sins that have led us to this point.  The people who are performing these acts, are not God's people and the people who are depopulating the world with cowardly methods are not God's people either.  Narrow is the gate, and few will be able to enter.

I said, "I agreed with their philosophy, but did not agree with their methods".

We have multiplied to the point that we can no longer be fruitful without much pain and suffering.  This could be the reason why God is against the sexually immoral and for other reasons such as below.

Back in the biblical days, when there were no birth control methods, the prostitutes in the brothels would get pregnant.  After they delivered their babies, then they would throw their newborns into a pit to die.  Then they would get pregnant again and repeat the process.  They did this cause they couldn't support all of the children they were having due to their prostitution and promiscuous behaviors.

They have found many pits, such as this during our lifetimes.

Who is God's people again, the fornicators who have over populated the world or the murderers who are depopulating the world due to this behavior?  Neither

Sadly enough, God's people will be put to death during this process.  In the end, His people will be victorious.

Who are you to talk about what God wants?  You do not know what God wants or is going to do.  Only God knows that, if there even is a god, which is not clear at this point.  You do not converse with God, and if you claimed you did, I would not believe you.  So why don't you please keep your God stuff to yourself.

And please do not cite the Bible, which was written by man, not God, as any sort of evidence.
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: gravityblock on June 17, 2009, 01:05:03 AM
Quote from: also antlike on June 16, 2009, 11:06:22 PM
Who are you to talk about what God wants?  You do not know what God wants or is going to do.  Only God knows that, if there even is a god, which is not clear at this point.  You do not converse with God, and if you claimed you did, I would not believe you.  So why don't you please keep your God stuff to yourself.

And please do not cite the Bible, which was written by man, not God, as any sort of evidence.

Any thing that rules over you, is a god.  Weather it is women, money, food, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc..  I just choose to have a different God than you, one who I believe is greater than I am, and who is creator of the heavens and earth, including all life forms in existence.  We are not that different from each other.  Something is ruling over our lives weather we like it or not.  We are just choosing different things to rule over us. 

It may not be clear to you at this moment that there is a God , but it is very clear to me without a doubt that there is a living eternal God.  There is nothing you can say or do to convince me otherwise.  Likewise, I am sure there is  nothing I can say or do to convince you of his existence.

Written by man, but inspired by God.  There are prophecies in the bible that have already been fulfilled and is being fulfilled to the very letter.  The laws and commandments that was given to us from God, is to protect us.

If you don't want protection, then you are free to step outside of God's umbrella of protection, and have your desires consume your soul.

Every person is given free choice and free will.  Do as you please, speak as you please, give your opinions.....but I will do the same.

Go ahead and believe that nothing is greater than yourself and that everything in existence just appeared from a ball of nothing that exploded. You exist, but nothing higher than you can exist. LOL

You are not hurting me with your words, but apparently my words are hurting you.  Why is that?  Maybe cause the Holy Spirit is searching the deep things of your heart?

I did not bring God into this topic to begin with, so why you attacking me?

And who are you to tell me what to keep to myself?

And yes God does converse with me as does the wicked one!  Sorry to burst your bubble, but weather you believe this or not, it really does not matter to me.

I could care less what you believe.  I also realize you could care less about my beliefs.  So, does this mean we shouldn't express our opinions and view points for the simple fact that they may not be inline with yours?  Of course not, that is very childish of you to think otherwise. 

I thank God that you and everyone else here has different ideas, opinions, and thoughts in order to allow us to learn and grow.  We all have to sift through and decide for ourselves what is correct and what is not, what is probable and what is not probable.  We will all come to a different conclusion and many of us will go back and forth trying to decide. 

I will agree that this is getting off-topic and should be put to rest.
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: rangerover444 on June 17, 2009, 04:03:13 AM


  Most of what I wanted to say was ‘well done’ by GravityBlock. So I will just
add a few things.

First I did not say the OU research should stop because of overpopulation, or
any other reason. Personally I think that finding a way to produce energy and
replacing the oil/fossil fuel is imperative. But put things in perspective, I do not
think it will solve the ‘heavy-duty’ issues that we face here on earth.

Investigation on FE device is beneficial in order to learn physics, where modern
science failed to understand how magnetism (not electricity) work. And there is a
lot to study, since the implications of such a serious study may yield results in
many other and completely unexpected fields…..
Now, no one promise us that there is such an animal at the end of the tunnel, but
the study itself could be a fascinating journey, full of surprises. So the whole topic
we discussing on this thread is based on the fact that OU machine will be found,
which is now does not exists.

  But if we will take it even further then finding OU, and say that during this research
it will become clear that the building blocks of matter & waves or no other than
N pole & S pole individual magnets, and all of modern physics needs to be re-written.
And as a result of that many new technologies will emerge, in all fields of life, including
medical, space, computers, food, etc. etc.   It will bring some relief to human, but again,
that’s not the answer to the global issues we facing.
So we are not talking here only about an OU machine, but a whole new horizons of
Improvements - even that will not be enough……

I myself is involve in research to find the building blocks of matter & waves, and my
findings so far exceeding all expectations. But even if I could bring it to the public w/
working models, new physics, new technologies - I have no illusions about the “dent”
it could make for human kind. In other words “Giving Aspirin pill to a cancer patient”,
Is not on the same scale of healing / dealing with the real issue.

Though the search must go on.

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: WilbyInebriated on June 17, 2009, 04:27:48 AM
Quote from: gravityblock on June 16, 2009, 07:34:29 PM
Back in the biblical days, when there were no birth control methods, the prostitutes in the brothels would get pregnant.  After they delivered their babies, then they would throw their newborns into a pit to die.  Then they would get pregnant again and repeat the process.  They did this cause they couldn't support all of the children they were having due to their prostitution and promiscuous behaviors.
incorrect assumption. egyptian women used pessary's thousands of years ago. a pessary is a vaginal suppository and thousands of years ago is biblical days. the microscope's invention in the 17th century and subsequent 'discovery' of the sperm cell is not 'evidence' that the ancient egyptian women did not know the details of contraception, unless you have a viable explanation of why women would be using vaginal suppositories of acidic nature for something other than birth control.
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: rangerover444 on June 17, 2009, 05:51:14 AM
 Though the Bible and God are very important topics, please try to stay
on (and around) the thread topic.

Thanks you.
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: ResinRat2 on June 17, 2009, 08:41:27 AM
Stephen Hawking made the case for the human race to be a two planet species; the idea that not all our eggs are on one planet, and we could better survive. The most obvious first step would be the Terra-Forming of Mars.

I see humans expanding ever outward from our home planet, not just a two-planet species, but a universal species. To me, free energy would give us the unlimited energy to accomplish this task. Instead of limiting our energy use and population growth, we need to expand them. The universe is vast, plenty of room to grow into. We just need to focus that as our vision for the future and use our research to accomplish it.

I think people who think we are limited to this planet are too narrow-minded. This Doom mentality is a dead end. They need to have some confidence in our own ability to solve problems when we vigorously set our minds to solving them.

Stand-up, move forward, or get out the way!
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: also antlike on June 17, 2009, 09:08:10 AM
Quote from: gravityblock on June 17, 2009, 01:05:03 AM
Every person is given free choice and free will.  Do as you please, speak as you please, give your opinions.....but I will do the same.

But you are not merely giving opinions.  You are telling us what is sinful.  So you are passing morality and advocating what is wrong and what is right.  And you are doing it based on the flimsiest of evidences - your spiritual feelings about some imaginary voodoo person in the sky.

So I am telling you to take your superstitions and stuff them.  And yes this is slightly off topic, but when you start talking about sin and immorality and telling others what not to do, you have to expect someone to take an issue.
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: PhiScience on June 17, 2009, 10:02:34 AM
To all,

  There should be no place in real scientific effort for dogma, for where there is dogma, there is little freedom for inquiry, and when free inquiry is stifled there is much error in the secrecy that stifles it.
  Today, we quite accept all the comforts and luxuries that electrical energy, and its mechanical devices, have made possible for us to enjoy.

We seldom, if ever, give a thought to the fact that behind all these comforts we take for granted lies some seven generations of effort by men whose purpose in life was to bring these achievements to hundreds of millions yet unborn.

  For all those men and women of a future day, there are those among us today who are laboring toward other advances that will assist them to more abundant living.

Of one thing you may be certain; there is a continuous chain of improvement over the ages, and it is my wish that you, too, enter into this spirit of evolutionary progress toward greater and more abundant enlightenment in your time, for in this vibrating world all things can be reconciled.

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: gravityblock on June 17, 2009, 12:23:06 PM
Quote from: also antlike on June 17, 2009, 09:08:10 AM
But you are not merely giving opinions.  You are telling us what is sinful.  So you are passing morality and advocating what is wrong and what is right.  And you are doing it based on the flimsiest of evidences - your spiritual feelings about some imaginary voodoo person in the sky.

So I am telling you to take your superstitions and stuff them.  And yes this is slightly off topic, but when you start talking about sin and immorality and telling others what not to do, you have to expect someone to take an issue.

I never told you or anyone else what to do or not to do.  I said, "Do as you please".

Prior to this I mentioned what the consequences of our actions are.  Those consequences are very real regardless if they are a sin, immoral, right or wrong.  We have to live with the consequences of the collective destructive behavior of all, (an infestation and cancer to the planet and all of society). Weather they are right or wrong according to different standards or belief systems is irrelevant, but the negative consequences of the collective behavior of all is very relevant to our present day problems.

If you have an issue with what I have said and it is off-topic, then please send me a private message and keep it off the public forum.

Thank you,

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: jibbguy on June 17, 2009, 02:38:46 PM
The problem with many of the technologies we study here being accepted and implemented by the mainstream are not "scientific" in nature at all.

They are "Political".

Meaning that a sector of society, the sector currently holding all the power, does not want them implemented.

So where is the proof of this? ... The most damning evidence is that despite good indications of their viability, these technologies are very rarely studied by the mainstream openly. There just are no known University studies being done on them. If there were, and if they debunked these techologies... We would have heard about them long ago (i feel pity for the F-E skeptics who are given ABSOLUTELY no help from their masters in this regard, hehehe).

But they CAN'T be debunked by peer-reviewed studies; and so are ignored and suppressed instead.

But unfortunately for them, by definition, these "suppressions" cannot be hidden. By their very existence, they help prove the validity of the technologies that are suppressed. This is their "Achilles Heel": And eventually will be one of the ways they are caught and prosecuted for their Crimes Against Humanity some day in the future once their power base built on their monopoly over energy is destroyed.... "Fortune 500" Corporate leaders being frog-walked into Court will make great "You-Tubes" to show in the background as we drink champaign, party OAO, and celebrate their downfall.  ;)

Some would then say regarding these suppressions (...Only after being forced to admit they exist, lol): "This is for our own good!"

Lol what a crock, like these people actually KNOW that for sure. They do not, and that is one of the only CERTAIN things here ;) . If someone here still has visions of the people running our society as "Benevolent" and "Altruistic" then they should do considerably more study to what is actually happening on this planet (i recommend using independent internet news sources). "Benevolent" people do not start and perpetuate Wars of Aggression based on well-known lies that kill over 1 million innocent civilians. I could go on and on with examples of their evil fracking selfishness and evidence of their murder, torture, treason, and deliberate destruction of our eco-systems... But in the interest of brevity, we can continue ;) 

Then some would say regarding the particulars of a F-E technology: "It's too dangerous!"

Another of my "fav's".... Like using "nuclear fission" as a preferred method of energy production is about as harmless as mixing vinegar and baking soda ;) . Like playing with the genetic makeup of grain (when there is NO way of knowing if it if will be highly dangerous or not), and then forcing this grain onto the world with strong-arm tactics is "harmless". Like allowing the ocean's fisheries to be entirely depleted so it will take hundreds of years of NO COMMERCIAL FISHING AT ALL to bring them back (...if ever), is "OK".  Like ignoring the melting of the glaciers, and the melting of the polar ice cap, wishing it all away with denials based on nothing in the face of irrefutable facts... Then when inevitably proved wrong, saying there is nothing to be done about it anyway, so: "We shouldn't worry"... LOL acting exactly like petulant, selfish children trying to get their way no matter what. 

... Then when that fear-based argument against the technologies are utterly blown away (like with devices regarding magnetism or hydroxy for example),  they pull out the next "Danger Will Robinson!!" argument trying to scare us into obedience... That they would: "Ruin the economy" .

Lol what a load of horse dung. It would certainly ruin the day for monopolies, illegal Trusts, and international cartels that actually run the world... THAT IS A GOOD THING!! ;) . It would create a vast boon in manufacturing, which is BY FAR the best way to lift up an economy. But it would do so on a world-wide basis: We can't have that lol, that means economies would not be under their direct control any more.. That independent entrepreneurs would drive it with TRUE free market capitalism, not the phony version of corporate feudalism and with market speculation little better than degenerate gambling, that only benefits THEM as we all now suffer under. It means that instead of the Middle Classes being destroyed and pushed back into serfdom and economic slavery to the international banks and their puppets; we would all finally have the opportunity to grow world-wide along with the general levels of prosperity, public education, and enlightenment... While simultaneously cleaning up the environment and ensuring our grandchildren actually HAVE a viable planet to live on. 

Then there is the third scare tactic: "You had better not try to do this! They will get you!!"

Lol we are not scared of boogie-men. None of these weasels could intimate me or most of us here if they lived a hundred years and actually grew a set.... Vague threats of possible personal danger sound utterly ridiculous, and really are enlightening to others as to the actual motives of those making them. BRING IT ON. I and many others i know would LOVE a documented example to publicise... It would prove our points faster, cheaper, and like nothing else ;)

But it is important to remember; these are all just scare tactics, subliminal messages of fear and anxiety aimed at dissuading the timid; from stopping the otherwise unstoppable model of Open Source. The people behind them are just "ghosts": They can't hurt you unless you believe in them.

Now some others are saying: "Oh yeah free energy would be OK but it won't solve anything".

It will certainly solve a great deal. And that is the point of this thread, as well as the full-push campaign seen here and other places recently to discredit anything and everything associated with these technologies.  Well i say frack the naysayers; although it is very important to note, there is much good in LEGITIMATE skepticism done by those concerned for Truth: The difference is in CONTENT. It can't be taught, it can't be easily described... But those who are not legitimate and sincere in their actual intent soon become painfully obvious to the rest of us. 

It's time some people realize that no matter what they do, it's gonna happen anyway so they had better get used to it ;)  Free Energy is coming, it's coming fast, and its going to change the world forever. Remember the LENR / Cold Fusion disclosure after 20 years of silly denial? Get used to it, it's gonna happen over and over...

So don't be caught out in the cold with a severe draft up yer backsides; suddenly left holding the bag like the LENR knee-jerking deniers were: Their butts are still sore ;)

Someone said i "should re-think this"... Well i have, thanks for the advice. And my conclusions are above. If you have any specific points to debate i am usually happy to oblige, time permitting.

Oh yeah, my standard Disclaimer hehe: None of the above is aimed at anyone specifically here. I can't look into people's hearts; and it's a fact that plenty of good peeps have disagreed with me from time to time ;) I have no problem with that. It is those who lie, who sell fear, who try to manipulate others for their hidden purposes that i certainly DO have a problem with.   
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: rangerover444 on June 17, 2009, 08:01:06 PM

  You raised a valid point, although not completely accurate in it’s causes and effects.
The “OU age” or if you will “New age physics”, is encountering much resistance
from the academy, patent offices, Governments, and whoever don’t want to loose
his reputation, around the globe, and that’s a fact.

There are several reasons for that :
1. Many OU researches (a few thousands), claimed to have an OU working model
     which eventually did not do the job for various reasons. And that definitely heart
     the reputation of any private researchers in this field.
2. Modern science does not like people like Tesla, Keely, Leedskalnin and others,
     since it felt threatened by them and their genius mind, since they did not “obeyed
     the rules”. And that fear cause them to debunk any unusual idea.
3. Governments that wants to be in control of energy and be able to tax it, of course
     does not like the idea that their citizens will “contract nature” without them be
     the “middle man” (though I believe that if such a thing will found, a new regulations
     and all kind of “registrations” and “user fees” will start to pop up everywhere).
4. I don’t think there is a surprised government technology to produce free-energy.
     For sure they have all kind of military and defense applications which they don’t
     want to expose and they are right about that. Since if they can literally tax any
     of your property, including a personal OU device, why should they hide it ?
     Do you think for instance that the US gov. wants to “bend down” by the oil nations,
     rather than come up w/ a free energy technology that could be taxed ?
5. OU researchers in general used to live under the unspoken threats, that someone
     will expose them as con artists. So naturally they are looking behind their backs
     all the time and are “too vulnerable” to those threats, sometimes even from shadows
     on the walls, other times - they definitely have a valid reason to do so.

I think that the main reason for this resistance comes from the fact, that if such
a technology will be found, it will be the first time in history that technology will
dictate science, and not the other way around.  More than that - modern physics may
have to be re-written - and that is a big problem for the academy, nations, universities,
scientists and whoever currently get the “blinded trust” by the public. And that’s the
real reason that stand behind this attitude towards New Age Physics.

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: infringer on June 17, 2009, 11:17:12 PM

You fail to see the big picture.

First step realize there is a crisis neither you or I are going to be Indians living in tents so you might as well live with that fact was it created by our greed quite possibly but as resin rat brought forth eventually we will have to colonize other planets and without our magical subatomic ironic discombobulator thinga ma jig we must work with what we have for the time being without electricity we will not reach that goal simple use the tools you have you would not say ta heck with it I have a cresent wrench to tighten down my battery terminal but my socket is missing so I am not even going to use it so what if I need to go work and make money this tool is a waste it is not the best solution so screw it.

We must use the tools we have sir until we come up with something better...

Your theory of everything being north and south poles kinda interests me as well as the train of thought which brought you to this conclusion are you thinking of spintronics possibly please dont hold out on us now let er rip its not healthy to hold it in.

PS nothing personal but I really would like to hear more on your north and south pole theory while I may not be to keen on your theory of not using something because it is not the perfect solution.

I will gaurentee you extiction of birds will come from other sources rather then wind turbines and I will argue this with anyone until I am blue in the face :) Trust me I'm white!

Please share some thoughts on the north and south theory I'd like to hear it.

Take care,

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: rangerover444 on June 18, 2009, 02:24:43 AM

  Infringer, thanks on the excited respond.

First I agree with you that we are in a global crisis, not one, not four, but many more.
One of them have to do with energy by the way……lol.   Solving this one is important,
but very little will affect the others.  We have to live w/ electricity (I never said otherwise).
And as you stated “We must use the tools we have sir until we come up with something better…”
Forgive me for not finding any disagreement between us. Maybe you can point it out again ?

  The N & S pole magnets theory is not really mine, it’s Ed Leedskalnin notes and tests,
which I’m sure you’ve already heard of. I would be delight talk about it, but not on this
thread, since it’s a whole different subject. Though, one thing I can say, for whoever made
his / her conclusions of Ed’s notes, I think less then 5 people on earth physically performed
all the tests in his notes, which are showing the edge of a very different physics then the one
we are familiar with. That alone will explain the low popularity Ed notes got from the public.
Currently my partner and me are working on a book w/ many drawings that will make it
easy to understand his notes and tests. For now I prefer to talk about this topic on
another thread.

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: gravityblock on June 18, 2009, 03:14:11 AM
Quote from: rangerover444 on June 18, 2009, 02:24:43 AM
  The N & S pole magnets theory is not really mine, it’s Ed Leedskalnin notes and tests,
which I’m sure you’ve already heard of. I would be delight talk about it, but not on this
thread, since it’s a whole different subject. Though, one thing I can say, for whoever made
his / her conclusions of Ed’s notes, I think less then 5 people on earth physically performed
all the tests in his notes, which are showing the edge of a very different physics then the one
we are familiar with. That alone will explain the low popularity Ed notes got from the public.
Currently my partner and me are working on a book w/ many drawings that will make it
easy to understand his notes and tests. For now I prefer to talk about this topic on
another thread.


Feel free to discuss it here.  It is about the confusion of the North and South poles.  It sounds like the theory is different, but it is always good to have the information in one spot instead of having it scattered all over the place.

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: rangerover444 on June 18, 2009, 05:09:56 AM

Thanks GB, I made my first post there

Also Infringer, your welcome to see.

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: Tito L. Oracion on June 18, 2009, 08:34:45 PM
Hi everyone

Yes!!! we need free energy!, why? because its free!!!!!!!!  ;D

that's how simple it is!

God bless
otits  ;D
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: triffid on June 18, 2009, 10:23:28 PM
We are not living up to our solar potentials as it is.A solar panel that generates electricity can be made to generate up to 10x whats its rated by shining up to 10x the times of sunlight upon it.It a 1 to 1 ratio.Plus,its a lot easier to make solar panels that pull in heat for just a few tens of dollars.Not thousands.Just check out some videos on u-tube about it.I want OU too but in the last 200 years we have not progressed into solar like we could have if oil and gasoline had not been discovered.Burning mirrors were the fashion like over 200 years ago.Triffid
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on June 18, 2009, 11:04:59 PM
Germanium Solar Cells are the most efficient but they are very costly.

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: rangerover444 on June 19, 2009, 01:00:34 AM
 There is a funny misunderstanding of science towards the idea of Free Energy.
Since what they say is that there is a law of energy conservation and it cannot
be override.  While the case is completely different here, since no one is trying
to make something from nothing, but to tap into a free natural source of energy,
exactly like plugging your drill into the electric outlet….. Of course it’s to easy
and not so easy to find, but I wonder if someone explained that to them ?

But even more funny than that is the idea that electricity can live without
magnets….. Simply take the magnets out of the generator and here you are….
“The king is naked”…….  Magnets where here long before modern science
appeared and could not make (Maxwell and friends) the simple connection that
the same thing a generator needs (rotating magnets) is the same thing that feeds
the generators (magnets), is the same thing that runs in the wire (magnets), it’s the same
thing that surrounded the wire and it’s the same thing that turns on our light
bulbs and motors.

What they did found (18xx) is that “electricity” is far more manageable than
the “elusive magnetism”, much more user friendly and able “to stand the trial”.
so the jury board went on that…….sarcastic is it sound.

Did anyone of you really thinks that JJ Thomson Electrons or Cathode Ray if
you will, that could not pass the glass of the vacuum tube - could squeezed through
a wire ?  Or why an electric wire that “smells” of magnets around it - in fact
runs “electrons” inside ?  Do we asked to ignore our common sense and basic logic
just to “straight the lines” with someone ?

By the way Solar Energy technology is quite in it’s infancy, since it’s producing
no more than 20% of it’s potential and there will pass several generations of them
before they will cross the 80% or more efficiency….so be prepare to change them
from time to time….. and pay a hefty price for the new generation.

Just a few thoughts….on the way to free energy.

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: rangerover444 on June 20, 2009, 03:05:42 PM
 By a coincidence I saw these articles about the earth’s magnetic field declination :

“Right now, historic records show that the strength of the magnetic field is declining
very rapidly. From a quick back-of-the-envelope prediction, in 1,500 years the field
will be as weak as it's ever been and we could go into a state of polarity reversal," says Singer.
"One broad goal of our research is to provide some predictive capability for what could
happen and what could be the signs of the next reversal."

“The strength of the Earth's magnetic field has decreased 10 percent over the past 150
years, raising the remote possibility that it may collapse and later reverse, flipping the
planet's poles for the first time in nearly a million years, scientists said Thursday.”

“Earth's magnetic field is fading. Today it is about 10 percent weaker than it was when
German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss started keeping tabs on it in 1845, scientists say.

Interesting to read, until I found that in the past 150 years it lost 10% of it’s
strength. If that’s true then it’s quite alarming news, since that declination can
cause other effects which are unknown. Since no one yet found a reasonable
explanation for earth magnetic field (the dynamo theory, is a bad joke….xuse me),
it raise the point, that not only we don’t understand why it’s there, we also don’t
understand why it’s decline so rapidly….

Well, what we know is that coincidently since the “electric revolution” started
in the 18xx, earth’s magnetic field declined by 10%. Maybe it’s my imagination,
but also maybe it is not so coincidental, and have to do with human activity ?
Well, I’m not that expert to tell the answer, but maybe someone can give an
explanation for that ?


Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: Creativity on June 20, 2009, 04:09:10 PM

i would not suspect us having so much impact on the magnetic activities. All the EM we produce, even if emitted all at once and in one (right) direction... how does it compare to the BIG magnet.

2)or is earth living and we alter its aura?

Of course it is hard to be creative about the cause and don't sound silly in the conclusions..
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: Goat on June 20, 2009, 07:37:47 PM
About the earth's magnetic field, someone pointed out new evidence that the ocean was the cause for the magnetic field and not the earth's core which was agreed on by science for the only possible explanation without actual proof at the time, and that's awhile back!

Science is supposed to be open to new possibilities but has to go through thorough investigation methods to determine a postulate and then prove it, in the above the core was never proven while the latter was..see http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/39469 and others if you do a search on oceans + earth+ magnetic + field ....

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: sm0ky2 on June 20, 2009, 08:57:19 PM
Quote from: Goat on June 20, 2009, 07:37:47 PM
About the earth's magnetic field, someone pointed out new evidence that the ocean was the cause for the magnetic field and not the earth's core which was agreed on by science for the only possible explanation without actual proof at the time, and that's awhile back!

Science is supposed to be open to new possibilities but has to go through thorough investigation methods to determine a postulate and then prove it, in the above the core was never proven while the latter was..see http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/39469 and others if you do a search on oceans + earth+ magnetic + field ....


both the earth and the ocean have a magnetic field.
the ocean is nearly 5% iron, and acts as a ferro-fluid. its dominated by the earths field, but its field is manipulated by the ionosphere and the magnetism of the moon.

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: rangerover444 on June 21, 2009, 01:42:21 AM
Here is a composition table of an ocean water :
Oxygen & Hydrogen alone make 96%, so I doubt it that the ocean water contain 5% iron.
I don’t know the role of the oceans w/ earth magnetic field, maybe it have something to do
with that or maybe not, but 5% iron is out of question….

From tests I’ve done, I realized that the rotating magnets in a generator, are literally pumping
magnets from the surrounding and inducing them into the iron core, which deflecting them
into the coil wires. Eventually the same magnets go back to the earth magnetic field after being
radiates out from the electric wires as electromagnetic radiation. So there is no loose here
according to my understanding. But there is “shifting” of the magnetic field.

So the question here is not only about the proportion between human consumption and
the earth magnetic field (which is of course much larger), but also if this type of “pumping”
And distributing electricity - have some by-products effects ?

In 2005 the total electricity consumption on earth was 15 Terra Watts (if I understood it
correctly).  Considering that the earth magnetic field have it’s “loop” or orbit, then taking
away from this loop, distribute it “non-naturally” to consumers, may cause changes….or
maybe not - I don’t know the answer. That is my point.

I'm pretty sure the sun is constantly feeding earth w/ magnetic field and then it orbit earth,
but how much human activity interfering with this process and if / what are the
consequences - that’s what I’m asking.

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: triffid on June 22, 2009, 03:40:29 PM
Sorry,I don't think the oceans don't consist of 5% iron.I did hear that early in the earths' history the oceans were full of it from comet impacts.It took like a billion years for the iron to become rock deposits.The iron had to be locked up in rock layers before life could get started in the oceans.So in the distant past the oceans had too much iron in them.Triffid
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: triffid on June 23, 2009, 11:45:53 AM
 The Paramagnetic and diamagnetic properties of elements seem to be powered by the spin of electrons in their orbits.So the elements in these two cases are their own little generators of electrical power.Triffid
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: rangerover444 on June 23, 2009, 01:26:00 PM

   Sorry to deviates from the main topic, but hopefully it’s for a good reason.
  The spin of the electron itself cannot cause neither paramagnetic nor diamagnetic
phenomena, in fact the spin of the electron is literally a “theoretical physics”,
not observable one .  Neither you nor me nor any other human yet saw an electron……
What was observed so far around the atom for instance, is a fog. But fog is a fog…
No one could observed if this fog is made of orbiting particles, no one could ever
count how many particles are spinning around Hydrogen atom, or determine their orbits,
or maybe there are two types of particles orbiting in opposite direction ? Same with
the protons, neutrons and the rest.

And this is for a good reason :  Method of the “Indirect Observation” which become
accepted through complex instruments that “made to capture particles” and then tag
them before they disappear again…..lol  With a great help from the developing branch
of physics called Mathematics, which means “If you cannot observe it, at least calculate
that it’s there”…..  sound familiar ?

But now, thanks to these methods, we have double trouble here :  Not only no one found
that magnets are in the base of electricity (and nothing else), now they put the electron in
the base of magnetism…..lol   

Nothing personal, just encouraging self observations & calculations, through direct
methods (and it’s possible…..).

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on June 23, 2009, 03:17:48 PM
it is one thing to describe a "Stable Isotope" and it is a totally different animal trying to describe an "Unstable Isotope" that dynamically changes according to its half life and Radioactive process, Classical Mechanics of an Atom describe the Electron as a Particle but this only occurs if it becomes a mean free particle, a Quantum Mechanical bound Electron acts as a smeared orbital shell across its Band Gap, Stable orbital shell Electrons that have only bound energy don't like to move in their steady state and will only move if there is a dynamic energy/field change that forces the Electron to do work and they will seek to come back to that ground state so they don't have to do work again. Stable Electron Orbitals are very Lethargic. however Unstable Radioactive Isotopes will crack the whip on Steady State Electrons and cause them to become Excited and do work.

an Electron can act as either a particle or a wave and morphs itself to fit constraints of the environment around it. in the double slit process, it is difficult to watch an electron because the video equipment used to view the process emits electromagnetic fields which can interact and change a particles state even in a free state. electronics emit radiation fields this is why it appears that the electron changes its state from a particle to a wave
or visa versa when being electronically watched and or not being electronically watched.

when I pull out the old Fly back transformer someday I will do some visual experiments on YouTube to demonstrate the process.

Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: ezzob on June 23, 2009, 04:12:21 PM
Free energy means = money will be worthless  :(
Free energy means = oilcompany will be very angry  >:(
Free energy means = so much you can not think about it  ???
free energy means =  Do we  really wont it??? ;)
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: jibbguy on June 23, 2009, 05:11:07 PM
Money is not based on Oil; or even the value of Gold. It is based on people's perceptions of stability. And when you look how the Fed and other "national central" banks (...really privately owned in most countries) create money out of thin air NOW.... Where they leverage a deposit by a factor of NINE TIMES; inflating the initial amount by 900% for use as loans... That means most of the money "supply" is not really based on ANYTHING AT ALL! ;)

What money's value really is, is "confidence". Confidence that the system won't crash.

In these times, where mad and unchecked speculation has ruined over half the supply of cash within a few days' time; the only thing that can increase confidence and restore real stability, is GREATLY INCREASED MANUFACTURING... Where REAL goods are produced. And what better driver for this vastly increased manufacturing than revolutionary energy technologies that everyone will want??

Oil corps will still have 30% of their business; and it will take years for the supply of new devices to catch up with demand (and in the mean time, people will mostly use fossil fuels as usual). This will give the system time to adjust.

Meanwhile, greater tax revenues and more money for the government.... Coming from the highly successful new companies, from their employees new incomes, from greater sales tax revenues and increased consumerism, from fewer people on Public Assistance, and from property tax as the towns are rejuvenated and property values grow... These taxes will end the government budget deficits which are behind the instability.   

So all in all, "money" NEEDS Free Energy desperately, before it all fades away into the pockets of "wall street" speculators.. By allowing "Main Street" to run the economy again, we solve the stability problem... Not to mention all those other problems too ;)
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: triffid on June 29, 2009, 07:44:26 AM
I saw a really neat video clip called"money as debt".I believe it was on u-tube.It showed how the "money supply " is increased at least 9 times by every bank in the united states.Sometimes more in other countries.Triffid
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: triffid on June 29, 2009, 07:48:22 AM
I want to say up to 23 times in other countries.The bottom line is that there is not enough physcial money for our needs.Thats what I got out of the video clip.Triffid
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: TechStuf on June 29, 2009, 06:34:33 PM
The world 'needs' free energy like it needs more vampires.  Really.  Think about it.  How many reaction/implementation scenarios do you suppose that TPTB have ready for any remotely liberating tech that hits the scene?  There are plenty of clean sources of energy that are 'free' enough to have already effected great change.  I would GREATLY suspect any "Free energy" device allowed to proliferate. Because by now, many of us KNOW that such allowance could ONLY be as a supplement to THEIR aims! This dog and pony show that the long ago foretold power mongers are running at this late hour, relies upon trickery and misdirection.  Their foundational pillars: Energy, Economy, Education, Media, Communication are so firmly entrenched and controlled, that they can produce and direct our society like any one of a number of their sordid movie tales.

Transformers: revenge of the who?  The fallen.

Youtube search: Hollywood's war on God.

The reason people are running around with that 'deer in the headlights look'  is that many are just smart enough to suspect a huge CON in the works....as always.

For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and
wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you
beforehand. (Matthew 24:24-25, NKJV)

Do we need another "einstein" "alexander the great" etc. to save us?

"Hell" No.  In a world full of tyranny, freedom always means war.  And at this late stage....a BIG ONE.

And who are the self assumed masters of the racket that is 'war'?

Thesis, Antithesis, ......synthesis.

They love playing both ends against the middle (or thinking) class to create ever more degrading levels of synthesis.

It will take a GOD...Scratch that.  It will absolutely require Yahweh, the ONE TRUE GOD and the One He is to send forth, Yeshua, Jesus Christ, to save this world.  Or at least a remnant of it which might remain that has not corrupted itself by taking part in the 'reprobate charade'.

"Teach a man to think that he's thinking and he will love you.  Make him really think, and he may hate you." - anonymous

Consider giving studious attention to the following.....


There is much to be gained by doing so.

"For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before Yahweh. For it is written, "He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS" - 1 Corinthians 3:19
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: sm0ky2 on June 30, 2009, 01:30:35 AM
Quote from: triffid on June 23, 2009, 11:45:53 AM
The Paramagnetic and diamagnetic properties of elements seem to be powered by the spin of electrons in their orbits.So the elements in these two cases are their own little generators of electrical power.Triffid

more like batteries in that sense.  the energy imparted onto the element to fuse together its nucleus, is what causes the electrons to enter into and orbit the atomic structure. as this energy dissapates, the element will lose that energy - eventually to the point its nucleus can no longer hold itsemf together and it will change forms.
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: vified on October 13, 2009, 02:00:57 AM
When selling something on ebay in Australia, you have to offer pay pal as a payment method but it's not the ONLY payment method you're allowed to offer, and as a buyer I think you don't have to have pay pal, but I'm not sure about that part.
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: jibbguy on October 13, 2009, 12:29:35 PM
Hehehehe, this is hilarious. We can feel good that it's come down to this, it means we are making important progress ;)

Lol, like the people who come here are going to be swayed by the attempts to stop us.

... No, we don't need free energy:

We don't need electricity, or toilets, either. Nor airplanes... After all, airplanes drop bombs right? Electricity kills thousands a year. More people die on the toilet than do in armed combat every year, lol... Ain't that a crappy way to die, eh? Governments should outlaw them.. Or pay shills to convince us to stop using them ;)

But we need oil and coal, right? Lol as grease to take the incredible assault on the Planet's ecology, and our pocketbooks, that these criminals inflict on the poor and middle class of the world year after unending year. We really need to allow the oil corps to drill the hell out of the Amazon Basin, and for the indigenous populations there who protest the blatant stealing of their lands, to be murdered by machine guns from helicoptors... Because we "need" the oil, right? 

Lol... All we need is to OBEY, and they will take care of everything for us ;)

Folks, they are down to their last pathetic chance of stopping free energy disclosure:

To convince us to stop research on our own. Because their other dirty tricks and illegal tactics don't work on the Open Source paradigm.

REMEMBER THAT, guys: That's what much of what we see here on this forum, and others, is all about now. 

But those parlor tricks, and others like the use of  "derision", don't work with those who are independent of thought. True & real independence, the strength that comes from it, is just that: Independence of thought. And we who come here LEGITIMATELY to study and further these important technologies, are independent of thought, by our very nature.

So that particular laundry soap won't sell here. And, btw; it smells bad ;)
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: jadaro2600 on October 14, 2009, 08:10:48 PM
...energy is free, it's all the crap that's between us and its use that's costing.
Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: TechStuf on October 14, 2009, 09:30:38 PM

Now THAT's free energy:


Too bad man's not wise enough to make electric motors like that one....grossly primitive copies maybe....

I'm sure that TPTB have their 'industrial espionage' guys working on it.  They'd better hurry.


Title: Re: Do we need Free Energy at all ?
Post by: jadaro2600 on November 06, 2009, 12:48:24 AM
Quote from: ezzob on June 23, 2009, 04:12:21 PM
Free energy means = money will be worthless  :(
Free energy means = oilcompany will be very angry  >:(
Free energy means = so much you can not think about it  ???
free energy means =  Do we  really wont it??? ;)

..this is my favorite chain.  DO we really need it? ..do we want it? ..what is it? ...do we simply loath what it could mean and by proxy, not want it, or hate the peoples that have it.

Is it worth bothering with?

I interact on this forum; it is interesting, the conversations that go on, and so forth.  What has the hunt been all about.