if you polarize a body of water, than all its spare electrons will build up in the negative half of the water.
the positive half of the water, will have as few electrons as possible.
if you connect one end of a capacitor to the negative half of polarized water,
and connect the other end of the capacitor to the positive half of polarized water....
than the electrons will build up the the negative half of the capacitor.
trying to reach the positive half of the capacitor.
you may then disconnect the capacitor. and use its electricity.
then dump the positive water outside. where the atmosphere will slowly replace its missing electrons.
the great pyramid in egypt, used 3 or 4 methods of polarization, to polarize water.
polarize water as strongly as possible. to maximize the waters voltage/amperage potential.
they used the clockwise and counter clockwise magnetism, from the ZPE magnetism of the pyramids angles.
they used the negative sand/rocks, and the positive sunlight of the intense egyptian sun.
they used the negativity of iron, and the positivity of copper/gold/bismuth.
and they likely used the polarization of 2 powerful magnets.
and when they ripped all the spare electrons out of one pyramid-full of water, they dumped it into the nile river.
then they sucked more neutrally charged, electron-rock water into the pyramid.
they polarized the water.
they stole its electrons into another capacitor.
they dumped the new positive water back into the nile river.
they sucked more neutrally charged water, into the pyramid.
and on and on.
to charge as many capacitors with stolen electrons, as they wanted.
enough to power the entire planet......
Quoteif you polarize a body of water, than all its spare electrons will build up in the negative half of the water.
the positive half of the water, will have as few electrons as possible.
I'm sorry, but what planet are you living on?
What 'spare' electrons would they be than?
How old are you?
Does talking bullshit come naturally or do you practice the art?
Grow up, get a life... or get educated!!
Quoteand when they ripped all the spare electrons out of one pyramid-full of water, they dumped it into the nile river.
then they sucked more neutrally charged, electron-rock water into the pyramid.
No, on second thoughts, go away and seek profesional help.
Quote from: Farrah Day on July 21, 2009, 07:27:14 PM
I'm sorry, but what planet are you living on?
What 'spare' electrons would they be than?
How old are you?
Does talking bullshit come naturally or do you practice the art?
Grow up, get a life... or get educated!!
No, on second thoughts, go away and seek profesional help.
Go fuck your self farrah day ...
I don't care if the guy made sense or not , you are a a hole .
QuoteGo fuck your self farrah day ...
I don't care if the guy made sense or not , you are a a hole .
Wash your foul mouth out Mk1 you pathetic retard... did your mother bring you up to speak like that?
Tosspots like this guy, yourself and the infamous 'Inexplicably Stupid', do so much damage posting utter garbage that someone has to speak up.
Do you really expect intelligent minds to put up with this kind of continual crap without airing their thoughts from time to time.
Your kind make these forums a laughing stock... a playground for the mentally challenged and mentally unbalanced. You people are a complete and utter waste of space.
Quote from: Farrah Day on July 21, 2009, 07:27:14 PM
I'm sorry, but what planet are you living on?
What 'spare' electrons would they be than?
How old are you?
Does talking bullshit come naturally or do you practice the art?
Grow up, get a life... or get educated!!
No, on second thoughts, go away and seek profesional help.
your mother bring you up to be this rude and uncivilized?
it's professional, not profesional... and i think you meant then instead of than. than makes no sense in that context as it is a comparator. i hope you're not placing yourself in that 'intelligent minds' category if you don't know the difference between then and than or how to spell professional. ::)
Quoteand i think you meant then instead of than. than makes no sense in that context as it is a comparator.
No I didn't mean 'then' instead of 'than'. Of course it makes no sense Wilby... read the first line of the first post on this thread and maybe the penny will drop... or perhaps you didn't bother to read the first post of nonsense - couldn't say I blame you for that.
Incidentally, if we're being pedantic, that's a capital 'I' and a capital letter is used when starting a new sentence. Come on... keep up, for heavens sake I only missed an 's' out of 'professional'!
Yes, I was rude, but then Nitinnun is talking utter crap, so which is the lesser of the two evils? At least I'm not intentionally misleading people. Furthermore, if you're going to post this sort of junk you deserve what you get. No doubt, I could have put it more eloquently, but why beat about the bush or waste good words on someone with this kind of mentality. However I'd put it, ultimately I would have been making exactly the same point.
If you're more worried about my manners than the level of irresponsible nonsense posts around here then you've clearly got issues of you're own that need to be addressed.
Do-gooders like you simply provide fuel for the retards - why encourage them?
I'll certainly be blaming the likes of you and Mk1 if Nitinnum in his wisdom now feels the need to continue posting and becomes another inevitable pain in the ass.
Quote from: Farrah Day on July 22, 2009, 08:36:28 AM
No I didn't mean 'then' instead of 'than'. Of course it makes no sense Wilby... read the first line of the first post on this thread and maybe the penny will drop... or perhaps you didn't bother to read the first post of nonsense - couldn't say I blame you for that.
Incidentally, if we're being pedantic, that's a capital 'I' and a capital letter is used when starting a new sentence. Come on... keep up, for heavens sake I only missed an 's' out of 'professional'!
Yes, I was rude, but then Nitinnun is talking utter crap, so which is the lesser of the two evils? At least I'm not intentionally misleading people. Furthermore, if you're going to post this sort of junk you deserve what you get. No doubt, I could have put it more eloquently, but why beat about the bush or waste good words on someone with this kind of mentality. However I'd put it, ultimately I would have been making exactly the same point.
If you're more worried about my manners than the level of irresponsible nonsense posts around here then you've clearly got issues of you're own that need to be addressed.
Do-gooders like you simply provide fuel for the retards - why encourage them?
I'll certainly be blaming the likes of you and Mk1 if Nitinnum in his wisdom now feels the need to continue posting and becomes another inevitable pain in the ass.
i did read his first post and 'then' yours. your excuse doesn't seem to wash. i'm wondering why if you knew it was wrong at that time you chose to quote 'spare' instead of 'than'?
since we are being pedantic. capitalization of proper nouns or the starting word of a sentence has no affect on the meaning or interpretation, spelling a word wrong or misusing a word does. i've had this argument with pedants like you before, confusing the difference between misusing and/or misspelling a word, and choosing to not be so vain and arrogant as to give myself a 'title of nobility' by capitalizing a proper noun. as i noted in said argument, if you can't tell where a sentence starts and stops by the punctuation, you're stupid. so to summarize, i would recommend not missing a thing if you are putting yourself in that 'intelligent minds' category at the same time you are pissing down someone's back telling them it's raining. if you are going to try to be all superior, at least use the spell check or you look like an ass.
the lesser evil? you are comparing apples to unicorns as usual. speaking out loud regardless of whether it is 'utter crap' (which is by the way, subjective...) or not is certainly not 'evil'. not that i believe in 'evil', but if either of the two could be considered 'evil', being rude would be. furthermore if you're going to post such 'junk' (ie: rude) you deserve what you get.
assumption and conjecture, but that's your forte isn't it?
i'm a 'do-gooder' now? wow that's the first time i've been called that. name calling appears to be another forte of yours. why encourage them? are you referring to nit, mk, someone else, yourself? oh never mind, the penny just dropped ::) the only 'encouragement' i have offered in this thread is to encourage you to be less rude. point in fact, i haven't said a word to those others, thus you must mean yourself.
edit: blame whatever you wish... ::)
Are you for real? I mean, you're joking right...?
Quotecapitalization of proper nouns or the starting word of a sentence has no affect on the meaning or interpretation, spelling a word wrong or misusing a word does
Well I guess if you can't even find the 'caps shift' you might not understand the meaning of the word professional if it's missing an 's'.
But really, don't you talk a complete load of old bollocks - I guess Mk1 and Nitty are in good company with you. That said I do find you somewhat entertaining. ;)
Iron was never used in Egypt mate.
Quote from: Farrah Day on July 22, 2009, 10:46:53 AM
Are you for real? I mean, you're joking right...?
Well I guess if you can't even find the 'caps shift' you might not understand the meaning of the word professional if it's missing an 's'.
But really, don't you talk a complete load of old bollocks - I guess Mk1 and Nitty are in good company with you. That said I do find you somewhat entertaining. ;)
not joking at all, your rudeness is entirely uncalled for.
finding vs. using the caps lock is not the same thing, furthermore it is irrelevant as i am not the one calling people 'retards' and then misspelling words. i hope you grasp this not so subtle difference... i understood the meaning quite perfectly, you're mind just isn't 'intelligent' enough to see the importance of dotting your i's and crossing your t's and using spell check while you are acting all superior.
i find you entertaining too. full of assumptions and conjecture, just like so many other 'intelligent minds' around here. i like how you didn't address any of the points i raised or my questions and i especially like the way you twist stuff so wickedly, like how you made it my fault if a 'retard' posts, because i 'encouraged' her/him somehow, even though i have only encouraged you to be less rude. ::) that one was classic. you aren't my ex wife are you?
So what is it with the you and the 'caps shift'? Is the key broken... are you just too lazy to use it... or is the clue in your forum name?
Tell you what, I'll stop being rude when people stop being stupid... deal? ;)
i share my insights with this forum, because they are important.
sharing our ideas, for the good of everyone living on this planet, is the whole point of this website.
you should not reject me.
you should be grateful for my thoughtfulness.
or maybe you would take me more seriously, if i made a 700 page book, and charged you ?
electricity generation, is as simple as polarizing water.
a pyramid can polarize water.
positive and negative metals can polarize water.
magnets can polarize water (but might get depleted, over time).
don't think that the only things that existed in egypt, are the things that someone dug up.
most of egypts stuff has been destroyed, over 7,000 years.
unless you think it never existed, simply because no one can find it....
if i destroyed all evidence that automobiles existed, than does that mean automobiles never existed ?
by the way.
if you consult dictionary.com, you will see that spare is the "proper" spelling of the word.
as in "when you polarize water, the negative half of the water gains an excess of SPARE electrons. which came from the positive half of the water, which is MISSING electrons."
or "SPARE electrons will willingly move from a negative body of water, through a wire/device, and into a positive body of water, as electricity."
"spair" isn't even recognized as a word. some people just assume it is the official spelling, and refuse all attempts to be corrected.
because they live in a nasty little box world.
and anything that tests their box worlds validity, is viciously attacked.
because they are an extremely narrow minded person.
who has no business posting to a website, that exists to development new technology.
Farrah day.
your future participation in any thread that i create, is thoroughly unwelcome.
AKA unwanted.
AKA unneeded
AKA undesired.
AKA go away. and do not return.
Quote from: nitinnun on July 22, 2009, 03:50:47 PM
i share my insights with this forum, because they are important.
Please don't confuse "important" and "completely ignorant of real science" ..
Your insights are just random thoughts (on well understood topics) and nothing more... Period. Go read some science books, so you're not so confused about things...
Quote from: newbie123 on July 22, 2009, 04:05:40 PM
Please don't confuse "important" and completely ignorant of real science..
Your insights are just random thoughts (on well understood topics) and nothing more... Period. Go read some science books, so you're not so confused about things...
if you tried to describe a radio to "scientists" who lived in the early 1800's, they would have said to you, what you typed above.
when innovators were developing basic radio knowledge in the middle to late 1800's, they got a lot of criticism from "scientists".
"scientists" who thought that their set-in-stone opinions were more valid, than the opinions of the innovators.
all of it was unhelpful criticism. that ran the risk of discouraging the innovators, and stalling the invention of the radio !
the only wise response, to something you don't like/understand, is "let it be".
i think that lots of the things christians and muslims think, are utter bull****
but i do not harass or discourage them.
because as long as they are respecting my free will (AKA leaving me alone),
they may think whatever they please.
if you don't understand something as simple, as how polarized water can generate electricity, than i don't want your diseased brain vomiting its infectious waste onto my threads anyway.
Quote from: nitinnun on July 22, 2009, 04:17:32 PM
if you tried to describe a radio to "scientists" who lived in the early 1800's, they would have said to you, what you typed above.
when innovators were developing basic radio knowledge in the middle to late 1800's, they got a lot of criticism from "scientists". who thought that their set in stone opinions were more valid, than the opinions of the innovators.
all of it was unhelpful criticism. that ran the risk of discouraging the innovators, and stalling the development of radio technology !
This example has absolutely nothing to do with anything I've said. You're not talking about anything NEW here, you're spewing your own half baked thoughts (without any regard for science) on things that are well understood...
Quote from: nitinnun on July 22, 2009, 04:17:32 PM
because as long as they are respecting my free will (AKA leaving me alone),
they may think whatever they please.
Lol... Free will but no freedom of speech to anyone else...
Dude, you can think whatever the hell you want... But if you talk random gibberjive, I'm going to call you on it....
Newbie, this guy is obviously from the same planet as 'Inexplicably Stupid' on the TPU threads... do you think they're related?
What's all the 'spare' vs 'spair' nonsense about? You really are a muppet aren't you nutty.
Quoteand when they ripped all the spare electrons out of one pyramid-full of water, they dumped it into the nile river.
I love this bit where the ancient Egyptians supposedly filled the Great Pyramid full of water and later dumped it into the Nile. Yes, yes, and I bet they found this big circular device that pulsed with electricity didn't they?
That's what you get from watching too many episodes of 'Stargate', while high on something.
Quotethen they sucked more neutrally charged, electron-rock water into the pyramid.
they polarized the water.
I love it... 'electron-rock water'... :D You're just priceless nutty.
Does anyone really have the faintest idea what this guy is talking about? Are there any ancient Egypt historians looking in that know anything about the Pharaohs filling their pyramids full of water?
Some of his other threads are equally as amusing.
Actually, these morons can in their own way be quite entertaining - I think I'm beginning to have fun.
With bated breath I look forward to your next brilliant insight nutty.
@faraday and newbie
You must be a couple . Or sharing a brain, anyway i guess i should not have used such a strong language , but i really don't feel bad about it , humm ...
I have read about how you can charge water with an electric current..and like the joe cell this is plausable.
If you can going to disregard this then you may as well as say it to thousands of people experimenting with the joe cell as well as a guy who was open like nittun
Nittun is feeling my influence..i am some channeler but certainly not that crap what you see on youtube, nittun is open and sincere he is more easier for my influence to get to him so to speak.
Nittun is just simplifying because like me...want other people to drift into their own world so to speak and like this nittun is shareing substance and it is left to your own substance and what you have studyed along with peoples certain thought that the joe cell works otherwise people certainly would not waste time with the joe cell..and in anycase people who have picked up on it knew it was big so it is on the internet.
Nittun how would you tap into a normal capacitor, i mean the earth is a capacitor it's self...how would you for instance explain to people on how to tap energy from that capacitor bank..like if it was the earths so to speak as the earth is a spherical capacitor?
Nittun if you feel like you are in love..well that is coming from me.
Quote from: Farrah Day on July 22, 2009, 05:11:06 PM
Newbie, this guy is obviously from the same planet as 'Inexplicably Stupid' on the TPU threads... do you think they're related?
I think some people here actually 'dual box' to support their own moronic arguments & theories... Maybe 'inexplicably stupid' and Mk1?
So you admit it , you and farrah day are one . lol ...
Quote from: newbie123 on July 22, 2009, 05:56:30 PM
I think some people here are so retarded that they'd actually 'dual box' to support their own moronic arguments & theories... Maybe 'inexplicably stupid' and Mk1?
I absolutely agree with you, never mind the other factors you are not considering.
Quote from: lltfdaniel1 on July 22, 2009, 05:47:30 PM
I have read about how you can charge water with an electric current..and like the joe cell this is plausable.
If you can going to disregard this then you may as well as say it to thousands of people experimenting with the joe cell as well as a guy who was open like nittun
Nittun is feeling my influence..i am some channeler but certainly not that crap what you see on youtube, nittun is open and sincere he is more easier for my influence to get to him so to speak.
Nittun is just simplifying because like me...want other people to drift into their own world so to speak and like this nittun is shareing substance and it is left to your own substance and what you have studyed along with peoples certain thought that the joe cell works otherwise people certainly would not waste time with the joe cell..and in anycase people who have picked up on it knew it was big so it is on the internet.
Nittun how would you tap into a normal capacitor, i mean the earth is a capacitor it's self...how would you for instance explain to people on how to tap energy from that capacitor bank..like if it was the earths so to speak as the earth is a spherical capacitor?
Nittun if you feel like you are in love..well that is coming from me.
electrons want to move from a negative charge/material (such as sand or stone),
towards a positive charge/material (water,copper, gold, or bismuth).
the positive and negative MAGNETISM'S,
cause electrons to move in one direction,
as electricity.
you need to supply a PHYSICAL MATERIAL, for the electrons to come from.
and for the electrons to build up in.
water, is likely the easiest material.
it is easily gotten, is easily polarized, and is acceptably difficult to contain.
the positive clockwise magnetism,
and negative counter-clockwise magnetism,
cause electrons to build up in one half of the water.
and not build up in the other half of the water.
you then connect a fan or LED to both halves of the water,
and electrons move from the negative water,
through the device,
and into the positive water,
as electricity.
the earth battery is using the negative magnetism of the ground,
and the positive magnetism of the sunlight/ionosphere,
to polarize the water which is in the soil.
it works similar to a solar panel, but uses far better materials/atoms.
because a normal solar panel has far fewer electrons to move around,
and has a FAR smaller capacity.
a ground cell can continue to work into the night, because of the vast capacity that it built up, during the day.
the pyramids clockwise and counter-clockwise magnetism, is the best.
because the pyramids atoms are ALWAYS generating the positive and negative magnetism.
where the positive sunlight, is only being generated during the day.
and you can only get so much positive magnetism from water/copper/gold/bismuth.
and only so much negative magnetism from sand/stone/gypsum.
i have felt much better, since you sent me that thread.
that information on thomas thrawagers work, had missing pieces.
which i didn't have access too before.
that information filled in missing pieces, in my understanding.
and caused me to realize, that the electricity source, was polarization.
i used to be an angel, in my past life.
i had the emotions and compassion of any angel, when i was a child.
i've lost most of my heart chakra.
or should i say, it was maliciously torn off of me, one bloody chunk at a time.
by vicious smacktards like farrah day,
who have only destructive above to share with others.
you say that you feel love for me.
my guides seem to still love me. from what i can hear of them, through my connection.
but i've mostly forgotten what love feels like......
if i cannot go back to 5D,
if i am stuck in 3d, because my heart is destroyed,
than maybe i will pass my time, by hunting farrah day like an animal.
i will track them down,
gut them with a rusty knife,
find their next incarnation,
and gut them again.
so that the pain may be thoroughly shared.
and so they may die like a stupid, vicious animal.
as well as having lived like a stupid, vicious animal.
I back you up what you are saying here.
Nothing has been said about it or and only one other person beside you has ever described the process. Oh yeah another guy was Leedskalnin. But he was a 98 pound weakly, eh?
To those who say nay: have ya been to Coral Castle and seen things the new way? Or are ya still tourists?
@nitinnun, Keep posting, spill your guts, and document your thinking.
Do not be shaken by the naysayers. They are mere ants on a dying anthill.
Remember the marauding hoards that couldn't read and burned the Alexander library scrolls for fire wood. Tards 1, history zero! It never friggin ends does it?
--giantkiller. They just think they're giants.
Thomas Trowager : very important!
People never cease to amaze me.
GK, you're having a laugh right...? I mean you can't seriously be giving credence to someone who purports to have been an angel in a past life, living a 5D existence!
Quotei used to be an angel, in my past life.
i had the emotions and compassion of any angel, when i was a child.
This alone should set alarm bells ringing in any right-minded individual. Has everyone around here gone bonkers? What is it with this place? Surely no one is being taken in by this guys utter gibberish.
you say that you feel love for me.
my guides seem to still love me. from what i can hear of them, through my connection.
but I've mostly forgotten what love feels like......
if i cannot go back to 5D,
if i am stuck in 3d, because my heart is destroyed,
than maybe i will pass my time, by hunting farrah day like an animal.
i will track them down,
gut them with a rusty knife,
find their next incarnation,
and gut them again.
This place really is a madhouse - a focal point for the mentally impaired and no doubt mentally unstable. You don't need to be clairvoyant to be able to see that this guy has some serious mental issues... yet some of you are responding to him... just crazy!
This guy is without doubt as nutty as a fruitcake - even 'Inexplicably Stupid' sounds intelligent by this guys standards.
:'( Don't forget, he intends to track me like an animal and then gut me with a rusty knife... yep, sounds like a real angel too me... God would be proud! ;)
If you're offended nutty, it's really simply a case of the truth hurting isn't it? You're quite obviously not of sound mind.
Quote@nitinnun, Keep posting, spill your guts, and document your thinking.
Do not be shaken by the naysayers. They are mere ants on a dying anthill.
I can only assume that GK is playing you... finding you entertaining. Because no one in their right mind would encourage this madness.
Quote from: Farrah Day on July 26, 2009, 05:26:58 AM
People never cease to amaze me.
GK, you're having a laugh right...? I mean you can't seriously be giving credence to someone who purports to have been an angel in a past life, living a 5D existence!
I lol'd so hard I almost pissed myself twice already reading some of these nutty posts..... It's posters like these that turn this forum into a freak show ... Or comedy show depending on how you look at it.. heh.
But seriously, anyone living in a 5D existence needs to be taking some meds.
If one follows the path of just the charged water then credance can be given. That is where I was coming from. We are all wacko to some degree. We all have formed loops we follow based a new and improved and expected outcome without adding input parameter changes, right?
You just never know what nugget might fall out of the nutshell.
E.I. The mention of the pyramids being large charged batteries is not only appealling but very possible.
If I tasked you to train some ants would you use a magnifying glass or a stick and honey?
We still don't fully understand nor comprehend crop circles. But just look at the math involved that we make shit up about!
The star of David tells of this. The 6 points in the Star of david represent the reflections like in that movie 'Core' http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0298814/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0298814/)
'The ripples reinforce each other in geometeric proportions'. Confined to a ring the star is made of 2 triangles. Each triangle is made up of 3 notes or nodes that represent a chord. 2 chords disassociate matter or levitate objects like Keely did. It is also the same thing they used to 'get the ball through the hoops with their hips' at the ballcourt in Chizen Itza. The symbol on those hoops is the 'snake biting its tail'. They are off the ground.
Also the center wiring in a correctly connected 4 segment 2 phase motor represents a swaztikas.
The ignorant have truly overrun the planet with their reinterpretations of the ancient symbols.
The truth is right in front of our faces. There were never enough bullets in the Nazi internment camps to hold back the torrential hoard of angry jewish prisoners. Yet no one lifted a finger except to give up their jewelry.
--giantkiller. I play fair with everybody and everything is possible. What do you see?
Quote from: giantkiller on July 26, 2009, 11:42:33 AM
E.I. The mention of the pyramids being large charged batteries is not only appealling but very possible.
Not possible or likely..
If I tasked you to train some ants would you use a magnifying glass or a stick and honey?
We still don't fully understand nor comprehend crop circles. But just look at the math involved that we make shit up about!
The star of David tells of this. The 6 points in the Star of david represent the reflections like in that movie 'Core' http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0298814/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0298814/)
'The ripples reinforce each other in geometeric proportions'. Confined to a ring the star is made of 2 triangles. Each triangle is made up of 3 notes or nodes that represent a chord. 2 chords disassociate matter or levitate objects like Keely did. It is also the same thing they used to 'get the ball through the hoops with their hips' at the ballcourt in Chizen Itza. The symbol on those hoops is the 'snake biting its tail'. They are off the ground.
Also the center wiring in a correctly connected 4 segment 2 phase motor represents a swaztikas.
The ignorant have truly overrun the planet with their reinterpretations of the ancient symbols.
The truth is right in front of our faces. There were never enough bullets in the Nazi internment camps to hold back the torrential hoard of angry jewish prisoners. Yet no one lifted a finger except to give up their jewelry.
--giantkiller. I play fair with everybody and everything is possible. What do you see?
Crop circles, swaztikas, pyramids, Oh my!
You're somehow assuming that 3 most likely nutty theories are pointing to something else which is even nuttier... You're grasping at straws x100000 .
Do you realize you're grasping at straws here?
Try copper, steel and iron bars.
In regards to Crop circles:
The genetically altered grains have been in our food stuffs for thousands of years.
You have a very far way to go.
--giantkiller. Guess I'll stop throwing my pearls amongst swine.
In support of GK,
How can one call himself open minded if he limits his vision to looking in the familiar places for new discoveries?
People are missing the point here, I reiterate:
QuoteI mean you can't seriously be giving credence to someone who purports to have been an angel in a past life, living a 5D existence!
I guess it depends on just how open-minded you are, and what rationale lies behind that open-mindedness. However, having someone claiming to be a 'former' angel tell you that he is going to hunt you down like an animal and gut you with a rusty knife, must be pushing the boundaries of open-mindedness for most intelligent folk.
How open-minded do you think anyone can be before reality becomes just an illusion and they lose all footing in the real world?
There is nothing wrong with being open-minded, but we have to keep things real... or else like nitinnum, we have some form of mental breakdown and lose the plot altogether.
farrah day.
i have already said, that you are thoroughly unwelcome in any thread i create.
this is MY thread.
and you are imposing upon it.
your NARROW MINDED smack talk,
is the bane of anyone who ever tried to improve the world.
because change, is the method of growth.
ESPECIALLY change, which is seen as radical or strange.
and YOU are saying that the only "valid" idea, is what "currently exists".
which is not change, at all.
not only are you rejecting my non-mainstream ideas,
but you are doing it viciously, destructively, and pointlessly.
the only complaint that deserves to exist, is a constructive complain.
and there is NOTHING constructive,
about your abusive,
narrow minded,
self-centered bullying !
if this were an official debate, than you would have been disqualified a long time ago.
if not for your blatant ad hominem (the WEAKEST and WORST possible response to another human being),
than for your unceasing negativity.
and if not for your uncreasing negativity,
than because you have no point.
and are contributing NOTHING but empty words.
AKA nothing but dead weight.
AKA nothing worth reading.
they don't let people stay in debates, when they are just blowing around air.
in case i am STILL not getting it through your rock solid, not-listening skull,
i will make it crystal clear:
and do not return !
and the same goes for newbie 123.
AKA farrah day in disguise.
Somewhat unfortunately for you this is an open forum, so I too can speak my mind... and there's not much you can do about it really is there?
QuoteYOU are saying that the only "valid" idea, is what "currently exists".
which is not change, at all.
I am saying nothing of the sort, I'm simply speaking up against your insanity.
Quotenot only are you rejecting my non-mainstream ideas,
but you are doing it viciously, destructively, and pointlessly.
I do not reject mainstream ideas at all. It's just that when former 'angels' are talking about past existences in 5D worlds, and the Egyptians filling up the Great Pyramid with water, then emptying the... what was it neutral water back into the Nile and then... threatening to gut me with a rusty knife, well a certain negativity towards you is bound to arise.
I take it you learned very little as an angel then? Not exactly top of the class, eh?
Quoteif this were an official debate, than you would have been disqualified a long time ago.
You'd make a good politician... simply disqualify anyone who tries to highlight utter madness and bring a little sanity to things. Genius!
So basically, my point is this: If you're gonna come on these forums with this kind of nonsense and call it NEWS; if you're gonna talk a load of old bollocks and expect people to be in awe of your wisdom... well I should have a rethink.
Mind you, your in good company - this forum abounds with wackos like you. In fact the greatest competition of all seems to be for the lowest IQ status.
@farrah day
The pisces era is almost over , stop acting like a fish,not being able to liberate your mind from self induced dogma ,doesn't give you any right or any credit, we all went to school , learned the same shit , you are not special or brighter just adjusted to your world .We all have been there , knowing all... now we still prefer crazy theory , so we don't really care what you think , but since you do it so well , there is always someone to reply to your ego .
Yes some may seem to be wack jobs , but then let me ask you where can you find the brighter mind of hour era , if not in the insane asylum , yes so bright we are too dump for them ... they just can't adjust to this crazy world .
go learn the bacis, mason , haunebu , Ed , swastica , isi ra el
Don't feel left out because some are already liberation there mind .
Mk1, I'll assume you were pissed up when you wrote this piece of inspired nonsense.
Quote@farrah day
The pisces era is almost over , stop acting like a fish,not being able to liberate your mind from self induced dogma ,doesn't give you any right or any credit, we all went to school , learned the same shit , you are not special or brighter just adjusted to your world .We all have been there , knowing all... now we still prefer crazy theory , so we don't really care what you think , but since you do it so well , there is always someone to reply to your ego .
Yes some may seem to be wack jobs , but then let me ask you where can you find the brighter mind of hour era , if not in the insane asylum , yes so bright we are too dump for them ... they just can't adjust to this crazy world .
go learn the bacis, mason , haunebu , Ed , swastica , isi ra el
Don't feel left out because some are already liberation there mind .
Don't know what school you and nutty went to, but quite evidentally we never learned the same 'shit' did we?
The mind boggles!!
i can SEE the magnetism in my mind.
i can SEE the water polarization, which is causing electrons to move as electricity.
i could SEE the potential, which was hiding.
from the first time i saw pictures of thomas thrawagers pyramid.
all that farrah day can SEE, is the same old useless "theme".
which the mainstream bull**** factory pumped into his mind.
since he cannot SEE the potential/reality through his tightly closed brow chakra,
all he has to contribute is IGNORANCE.
and he is so BLIND,
that he is the only one who does not realize his ignorance.
farrah day does not belong in the year 2009.
he belongs in the dark ages.
where he can hunt witches to his hearts content.
he does NOT belong in a place, which is trying to improve understanding.
because he has NO understanding.
and does not WANT to understand.
just like he has no respect what so ever, for other people.
i will say it again.
by the way.
my pyramid polarization theory, is more than just a theory.
i have a very good idea, of how to build it.
the only known grey area's, are exact design decisions.
not so much problems of theory.
but there will only be stone/sand in the required places.
not making up the entire pyramid, like the great pyramid was.
i "could" build it, to "prove" that it works.
but i am so profoundly lazy, that i have done little more than collect its materials.
even the steel pipes, have yet to be sawed.
it is truly a neusance, to know how something wonderous works,
yet not have enough motivation to build it.
it is similar to how tesla built a device, to be sure that it works.
then lost interest in the device, forever after.
only i don't have the vain requirement, of needing to build it, to reassure myself.
i will post how i would build it, in a future thread.
if i can force myself to draw a visual demonstration, combined with instructions.
though if some of you were to plead and beg to me,
to save the world from its energy crisis,
your cries might motivate me just enough, to get me to do something.
Farrah "Faucet Mouth" Day is a Limey queer. The only time he is quiet is when he all too frequently has a pole in his mouth.
Here is a question... Why can't fire or any sort of combustion propagate inside a pyramid? Many people have tried, even cigarette lighters will not light. What did they use as light inside before the recent discovery of electrical light? Or should I say most recent rediscovery, since we have unearthed ancient batteries such as the "Baghdad Battery".
Another strange fact... It has been found that alligator feces was used as a spermicidal birth control by ancient Egyptians. I would like to read what theories are out there as to how they figured this out. "Hey honey, let's try to stick some alligator shit up in you and see if you get pregnant after we have s e x !" The word s e x will not post...
Puharich also Found that all pyramids around the world, or at least the ones he had been in, have a resonance of about 8Hz. That's pretty damn close to the 7.82Hz Schumann's earth resonance. Again, how could they know all this back then?
So much more, so little time...
Quoteit is truly a neusance, to know how something wonderous works,
yet not have enough motivation to build it.
I've seen this same problem several times!
The real problem is, as long as you never build it, you can always believe it will work.
If you build it, then when it doesn't work, your dream is over and your too old to start a new dream.
I think you should just go to church every week, and dream how nice it will be in heaven.
Then your dream will last all the way to the end!
Quote from: konduct on July 27, 2009, 07:44:08 PM
Farrah "Faucet Mouth" Day is a Limey queer. The only time he is quiet is when he all too frequently has a pole in his mouth.
Quote from: lumen on July 27, 2009, 09:09:28 PM
I've seen this same problem several times!
The real problem is, as long as you never build it, you can always believe it will work.
If you build it, then when it doesn't work, your dream is over and your too old to start a new dream.
I think you should just go to church every week, and dream how nice it will be in heaven.
Then your dream will last all the way to the end!
your post assumes that my pyramid polarization concepts, cannot work as a device.
this assumption of yours, comes from your doubt.
from your pessemism.
from your negativity.
NOT from any knowledge that you possess.
doubt-based denial of technology, does not belong on this website.
just like farrah days big fat witch-hunting doom-saying mouth, does not belong on this website.
optimism is what gets things done.
not b*tching to someone about how things cannot work.
but your cannot-ing will hurt only you. not me.
because "i" know better, than to worship the concept of "impossible" !
but anyway.
my concepts are all valid.
i see most of how they work.
that special feeling that never steers me wrong glows like the sun, regarding my project.
i know that even a pyramid simple wooden pyramid, polarizes water placed in it.
and polarizing water, is the whole point of my plans.
and i have many ways, to polarize water.
if my first attempt does not work,
than i will improve it until it does work.
because the only possible unknown things, are all small design details.
it will work.
and if not a pyramid, than i know of other sources of clockwise and counter-clockwise magnetic spin.
*caugh* wimhurst *caugh*
To the victor goes the spoils. The losers ask 'What the hell just happened and where did the victor come out of nowhere from?'
I have to get back to the bench and get my really cool stuff hooked up portable for my next adventures. I have testing to do in resonant edifaces around the world. I follow my dreams instead of spewing nightmares. I am continuing this progress with a broken clavicle at the moment.
Pursuing dreams sure beats swallowing worldy vomit.
It is men of vision that have created your world that you trash with prejudice and loathing. Anybody on the same ride as this?
Watch the Twilight Zone episode of 'Kick the can' and for those that dream: Make the world a better place against all odds. I am.
--giantkiller. Unstoppable.
i will never stop thinking of how to make the world a BETTER place.
no matter how many utter fool-baits try to drag me down into their brand of uselessness.
how did you break your clavicle bone, giantkiller ?
the secret to the pyramids capacitance was in their limestone-casing, which was removed by modern society to hide their secret.
the layering of the different stones and metals acted as a gigantic capacitor, charged by the earth and sun and used to charge up their (ark) weapons.
LIGHT was transmitted into the depths of the pyramids by Mirrors: reflected through various tunnells, creating the light of many suns inside.
This is all written very clearly in the heiroglyphs, and substantiated by artifacts discovered in and around the pyramids themselves. The removal of the limestone casings is well documented, and is forbidden to replace them by Egyptian Law.
the atlantians might have used some fancy yada yada to produce capacitance.
but they were using the pyramid, to recharge the onboard capacitors, of a fleet of flying war-saucers.
i don't need THAT much electricity.
i'm looking to produce enough electricity, for a few appliances.
so i might not even need the positive magnetism of the sunlight, to boost the positive half of the water polarization capacitor.
though i wouldn't mind having a beam weapon.
to make certain people permanently incapable of insolently complaining, about how my goals are "stupid".
Quoteoptimism is what gets things done.
not b*tching to someone about how things cannot work.
I did not say it would not work!..
You say it will not work by your own doubt and unwillingness to build it.
The facts always speak for themselves. It's easier to dream of gold than to earn it.
The self righteous know all in their dreams, but in the light of day their dreams are of no use and hide until nightfall where they will rule again.
But whatever, I have my own projects to save the world!
Wanting to help the world/humanity is awesome; the world needs more people like this. But choosing to living in a fantasy world won't help anyone...
Lumen, it's nice to see that at least someone else around here possesses some common sense.
Nutty obviously has numerous like-minded followers that also exist in Cloud Cuckoo Land. For these people, who go through life without exhibiting an ounce of common sense, reality must be a funny place.
Nutty I don't think anything you have ever posted is actually based on any real science or verified facts. It's all a fantasy, figments of your imagination that real science would destroy in a heartbeat, hence you avoid real science like the plague. No actually, you don't even know what science is do you? You seem to have the pre-science mental age of a 5-year-old.
To actually say it's all in your mind and admit that you're just a lazy bum... but that you know it will work because you can 'see it in your mind' is just about as absurd as you can get. The reality of things is that you're a mentally unstable dreamer living your own little 'Harry Potter' existence aren't you.
Quotethe atlantians might have used some fancy yada yada to produce capacitance.
but they were using the pyramid, to recharge the onboard capacitors, of a fleet of flying war-saucers.
And you know this how...?
There are some serious retards frequenting these forums, but you nutty, set a whole new standard, you take the mentally challenged to a whole new level... you should be proud of yourself.
Tell you what I see nutty. I see a very troubled, unstable mind and a very misguided individual.
Get some help before you completely flip your lid and your new world exists within a straitjacket!
PS. For a long time I gave GK the 'benefit of the doubt', but now it is clear that he, along with his poetic words, has regressed totally to the darkside... UFO's, crop circles...
Your reality of today is based upon the once crazy dreams of far reaching thinkers. And that you can not deny.
The limestone is crystal based resonating lattice.
Steel floats because it displaces water volume with air. Before that men thought only wood floated.
Man was not meant to fly.
If man travels greater than 20 miles an hour he will suffocate.
If we cross the ocean we will fall off the edge.
Everything revolves around the earth.
It is impossible to transmit sound across space.
Washing your hands before surgery does not stop the spread of infection.
We use dogs for search and rescue because they are man's best friend.
We use mice to figure out pathenogenic problems.
Kill all the cats and you stop the plague.
Ignorance is the main ingredient in humble pie. Uhmmmm, the flavor of humanity. Kinda tastes like chicken. You'll have to agree. It is the flavor preferred by many.
--giantkiller. Take notice that by standing on the side of intelligence one always has a brighter future. Albeit a road less travelled.
I was riding my bike when I broke my clavicle. I thank God I was'nt trying to walk and chew gum. It is you, Farrah day, that I throw around. You have expressed to the need to stand out in the incorrect fashion. Show us something you have built and whose shoulders you have chosen to stand on. Give us a reason to believe and understand you instead of showing such disdain for others as an inviting gesture. I have fallen from great heights to help those in need. Those that are spoon fed turn and bite the hand that feeds. But the man who wants to learn to fish is greatful for life. Everyone has value is worth spending time with.
Don't touch that dial! Stay tuned for the next episode of the never ending saga. And now a world from our sponsor...
And the madness continues...
Very poetic as always GK... absolute load of old bollocks as per usual... but nevertheless a very poetic load of old bollocks.
You think I stand against new ideas and open-mindedness? Wrong GK, I simply stand against the insanity that is the likes of nitinnum.
Science as we know it may not have all the answers but you can't simply discard it and expect people to except the wild and childish fantasies of some crackpot who believes that Atlanteans fueled so-called 'flying war-saucers' from the charged water in pyramids.
GK, you're defending a person that believes he was an angel in a former life - don't you even feel the slightest bit silly?
Will you people ever get real?
There is too much hot air on this forum, from all angles.
Reality is relative. If you don't like what you see then change your frame of reference.
Quote from: Farrah Day on July 28, 2009, 12:14:56 PM
And the madness continues...
Kind of like trying to reason with a cult, isn't it?
Then why bother?
Just another influx of knowitalls. Space aliens, angels, bookthumpers it is all the same to me.
Benchwork is more productive than banging on a keyboard. Going by the volume of complaints and vomiting fantasies there isn't much bench time for you.
Keep stirring the pot. The broth will only thicken.
QuoteThere is too much hot air on this forum, from all angles.
BEP, don't you mean, 'from all angels'? ;)
Ooohhh... I like a nice thick broth! Atlantean, little green men broth with a sprinkling of electron water-rock... oh, and a dash of negative magnetism for me please.
QuoteThen why bother?
Good point.
lol :)
Yes, isn't is strange how the dumbest people posting the dumbest stuff often get the more active threads... post something worthwhile posting and most people just go ??? and you can almost visualise the blank expressions on faces.
These nonsense threads do however provide a certain element of entertainment value by way of offering an amusing distraction from the real world! A bit like playing an RPG in your breaktime in order to wind down.
Here. You could use this then. Heinrich Kunel & Don Smith. I was just testing the intellect level. Has anyone fully absorbed Keely or Dotto? Guess when the fun gets out of hand the misunderstandings crop up.
Quote from: giantkiller on July 28, 2009, 06:56:36 PM
I was just testing the intellect level.
Are you playing newbies like a warped violin again?
Shame on you :D
yea. Busted...
An elderly woman could wind an Otto coil. But the capable? Nooooooo. :D
Its fun to fish to fish with dynamite.
Quote from: giantkiller on July 28, 2009, 09:12:33 PM
yea. Busted...
An elderly woman could wind an Otto coil. But the capable? Nooooooo. :D
Its fun to fish to fish with dynamite.
You are one wicked dude! I thought things were smelling a bit fishy.
It is good you stay busy like this. Don't need you off making another stun-gun :D
I can't wait to hear your report on what antiquity you resonate next!
Well this should come under a new thread of 'Cancelling the flux' but I don't want the janitorial work.
This is the Kunel patent figure 6 with a variable air core and 2 fixed iron bundle cores. The ceramic mags are on the outside so the flux is weak but connected in the middle to easily disconnect. I posted a rendition of this last year on youtube. It works. 3 to 30x the voltages out. This year I have a handmade hv coil supply up to 10kv, low current. I don't want to burn copper just ring it like Don Smith, T. Moray, EVGray, & Leedskalnin said.