Ever since Obama took office, many folks have started to stock pile bullets and guns believing everything from Obama (& all Democrates) will take their guns, to a black vs white civil war will take place. Just about every gun forum on the web will have lots of people stating their opinions... What's up with this? Gun and ammo sales are at record levels right now... and you can't find ammo anywhere!!
I've done some research on this topic, and I can't find any evidence that Obama really wants to take away gun rights... He stats that he's only pro common sense gun laws... and his voting record will show this. Yet, there's many sites such as this one:
That's make, imho, idiotic hype about Oboma taking everyone's guns, etc.... What is this? Republican propaganda? Or just ignorant folks freeking out over nothing?
I just did a whois on "gunbanoboma.com" and it comes back to the N.R.A..
Administrative Contact:
Hayes, Tony webmaster@nrahq.org
National Rifle Association of America
11250 Waples Mill Rd
Fairfax, VA 22030
United States
7032671097 Fax --
Now, I'm all for the 2nd amendment... But crap like this just makes the NRA look bad.
Let's compare western world government ethics and gun laws.
Hmm, North America is the only self-proclaimed civilization with citizen massively owning and buying guns. And the ons country where getting shot is a measurable cause of death, outside warfare.
In Europe, you don't get to see a real gun, other than on a policeman's belt, for many months, unless you go looking for it. We also don't get to hear gunfire more than once in a few years. We don't know people who gotten themselves shot, or own guns.
Guns are bad. Which part of that is so hard to understand?
Will there ever be a bumber sticker "no gun on board"? Or a door sticker "No guns, but I'll punch your light out when you dare to intrude".
You'll probably like you chances of your children getting shot, vs any "other" civilized nation in the world.
As long as you drive thursty cars without ever car pooling, and keep buying amo, your country will slip further and further away in respect from the world. The Euro is taking over, the dollar is about to implode.
Just say no.
Quote from: Cloxxki on August 01, 2009, 04:02:53 PM
Guns are bad. Which part of that is so hard to understand?
Will there ever be a bumber sticker "no gun on board"? Or a door sticker "No guns, but I'll punch your light out when you dare to intrude".
You'll probably like you chances of your children getting shot, vs any "other" civilized nation in the world.
As long as you drive thursty cars without ever car pooling, and keep buying amo, your country will slip further and further away in respect from the world. The Euro is taking over, the dollar is about to implode.
Just say no.
I don't agree with much of what you've said here, specifically "guns are bad" ... But comparing Europe to the USA is like comparing apples to oranges. Americans hunt wild game, and the British have tea time... It's just two different cultures... It's that simple.
But now we're getting off topic... This topic is not about Guns are good, or Guns are bad... It's about people thinking Obama will take their guns away... Why?
Just stopping by to breathe in the fresh air of a well thought out conspiracy debunking thread. Ahhhhh. ;D
the problem of gun control won't solve anything in fact it would only weaken any and all families defence against predator's.
the average criminal will get their assault weapons from the black market not your average gun dealer.
if America is invaded and our Army fails then we the people have to have personal defences, this is what makes us so strong a country being able to secure the fort so to say.
If my country needs me to help defend it I will do so with my own personal defence system but that is as far as it goes. as long as our country and families are safe is all I care about.
However, I do think everyone who applies for a registered weapon does need to take a Psychological evaluation to at least help to insure the public safety against the mentally ill who want guns and lots of them.
the mentally ill are the most dangerous to public safety especially with weapons of any sort. some don't even take their medications at all.
I use to have a guy that worked for me that required Lithium to calm his psychosis back to normal and he only took his meds every other day, He was so bad at having psycho reactions that I had to let him go because he would hurt somebody if left unchecked. it can be very dangerous especially if your back is turned and you don't see it coming.
I think to safe things up more would be to have a psychological evaluation every 1 or 2 years, you can keep the guns so long as you are sound of mind.
it would not be a bad idea to make it mandatory for gun safes and locks as well.
Good old USA
Jerry ;)
Off topic again... But I agree with most of this..
Quote from: onthecuttingedge2005 on August 01, 2009, 08:52:20 PM
the problem of gun control won't solve anything in fact it would only weaken any and all families defence against predator's.
the average criminal will get their assault weapons from the black market not your average gun dealer.
Exactly.. Lots and lots of guns out in the public right now (probably more guns than citizens) . No way the gov. can get all of them... Guns will always be in the US.
if America is invaded and our Army fails then we the people have to have personal defences, this is what makes us so strong a country being able to secure the fort so to say.
Exactly... Some other developed countries have this mentality as well... Not just just the US.
However, I do think everyone who applies for a registered weapon does need to take a Psychological evaluation to at least help to insure the public safety against the mentally ill who want guns and lots of them.
I agree.
Quote from: Asymatrix on August 01, 2009, 05:10:50 PM
Just stopping by to breathe in the fresh air of a well thought out conspiracy debunking thread. Ahhhhh. ;D
Michael Moore just plays on the media and people's fears... He just wants attention/ratings.. Not the facts, IMO. Sooo he's probably not the best guy to listen to.
Quote from: newbie123 on August 02, 2009, 01:31:44 AM
Michael Moore just plays on the media and people's fears... He just wants attention/ratings.. Not the facts, IMO. Sooo he's probably not the best guy to listen to.
Have you seen the movie? Has to do with the NRA vs gun control, pretty relevant to what you were saying imo.
Quote from: Asymatrix on August 02, 2009, 03:07:06 AM
Have you seen the movie? Has to do with the NRA vs gun control, pretty relevant to what you were saying imo.
I just watched the first clip.