I made a theory, which may help to build a new types of flying systems.
Please take a look on this site.
The problem is, the rotating pencil starts 2 motions in one time. Rather than non-rotating pencil starts just one motion.
For rotating pencil:
For each motion (translation and rotation) need a force to accelerate a pencil. The modern classic mechanic use net force for sum of sub forces which spending to initiate one of the type of motions.
However, these pencils take just one momentum from each other on ideal model(from rubber band on real experiment).
Base on third Newtons Law, these pencils must cause forces with same value with opposite directions.
For Non-Rotating pencil.
Same all net force is spending to accelerate pencil on just one type of the translation motion.
Base on law of momentum conservation, these pencils must have identical translation velocities with opposite directions in case if both objects(pencils) conduct translation motion only. However, one of these objects(rotating pencil) conduct two motions together.
I made my own theory about this case. I think, the nature has one more standalone motion which I call "Rotation with Translation Movement". Base on this theory the pencil with this "rotation with translation motion" will take a lower translation velocity then pencil which conduct a translation motion only. This experiment proves it.(for me)
This paradox may be a clue for many unsolved things in physics world. It's simple. However, it may completely change a world.
The classical mechanics describe motions base on single point objects.
Here's complex object which conduct complex motion.
Could someone repeat this experiment with high precision equipment?