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Antigravity Technologies => Other antigravity machines and devices => Topic started by: bart277 on October 01, 2010, 06:00:19 AM

Title: mr john searls SEG
Post by: bart277 on October 01, 2010, 06:00:19 AM
hi all was wondering if any one can shed some lite on this SEG , looks to me like mr searls just re making vids , has any seen any thing new that he's made , the clames seem abit over the top ,  was wondering if any one has replicated the SEG to see thanks Bart ???
Title: Re: mr john searls SEG
Post by: guruji on October 22, 2010, 07:05:33 AM
I think it's very hi tech device as I saw on vids.
Title: Re: mr john searls SEG
Post by: d3x0r on November 26, 2010, 09:37:25 PM
I think it has something to do with a) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaiZRTSOKzc also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1IDc9NWwRo sort of like a rope or yard twisting process, once all 3 plates are put together.  Paul Brown (unfortunatly the american antigravity site that hosts 'paul brown's secret notebook) is going through some reoganization and some content is displaced; But claimed to have recreated one, but unlick Searl's it got hot, and slagged itself. The russian experiment is all over too http://www.rexresearch.com/roschin/roschin.htm - there are 2 references of a retraction of this article, but there is no track back on the retraction.

Other than that there are bits and peices and photos that one may gather approximations for, but there is a misunderstood magnetic process that either a) isn't being conveyed in an intelligable manner, or b) is being kept secret as advised by the patent company.  At this point, rather than dumping 50-100k to make an approximate one, it might be better to just donate that to the current effort...

Unless somenoe knows someone with their own home-made smelter than can make iron ore molten (the iron is the highest heat peie, and the neodymuium supposedly requires an argon oven or vacuume chamber or something....
Title: Re: mr john searls SEG
Post by: sztudynt on January 22, 2011, 11:35:46 AM
Quote from: guruji on October 22, 2010, 07:05:33 AM
I think it's very hi tech device as I saw on vids.

I don't know nothing about hi tech devices, but I have made a simple experiment. Here is the link to the YT video:


Title: The John Searl Effect & Solution- Latest John Searl Interview on the SEG
Post by: SBK Radio on May 24, 2011, 05:17:25 PM
Click the above url to listen to interview with Professor John Searl and Bradley Lockerman

Carlita is very honored and graced with the presence of Sir John Roy Robert Searl, a new energy inventor and Bradley Lockerman, the director and producer of "The John Searl Story". Professor Searl has devoted his life to The Searl Effect Generator, which could address so many of humanity's energy demands in addition to planet earth's ecological issues. Professor Searl shares his experiences, challenges and triumphs with the evolution of his work and knowledge of the SEG and how this technology powered by a magnetic generator could be used to transform human society into a sustainable one. John Searl talks about his inspiration and visions in childhood dreams that motivated his building of the the SEG, he shares with listeners his extraordinary discoveries with the properties the SEG shows during flight, how it can clean up radiation, transform seawater into fresh pure drinking water, the SEG also addresses drought and could provide rain where there are deserts, and provides incredible benefits to human health. Bradley Lockerman highlights how Nasa's latest press release and  discoveries on dark energy  can explain the physics behind the Inverse Gravity Vehicle (the levity disc) which enables it to fly so efficiently. John Searl explains how the SEG flight model could provide fast economic and safe air transportation in minutes rather than hours from continent to continent and that it could be used as a more efficient securer form of space travel. The uses and benefits of the SEG are limitless and the science  and technology it could provide humanity is fascinating and enlightening. Professor Searl has devoted his entire life to making the SEG available to transform humanity to become more sustainable on planet earth.

Visit Sir John Searl's Websites:

The John Searl Story by Bradley Lockerman



The Inverse Gravity Vehicle

John Searl Books

Anti-Gravity-The Dream Made Reality by John Thomas

The Law of Squares out of print by Jason Thomas

Title: Re: mr john searls SEG
Post by: raburgeson on June 10, 2011, 03:10:43 PM
John get's side tracked by statements from so called peers. I don't think the man has peers. You may have noted the video that made a fuss about putting twelve magnets on the ring. It was because of a statement made by some government shills. He should just turn off his ears and produce the SEG and ignore them. If they can keep him busy long enough the SEG will never go to market. I would like to buy one now and explore the possible health benefits. We made one work sort of and destroyed it years ago. We have been waiting ever since for it to appear on the shelf. We aren't thieves and would like to pay the man for his work. So, like the rest of you I'm asking what is the hold up? I'll buy one and the government can make any argument it wants. They never let the truth pass their lips anyway.