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Tesla Self Starting Alternating Motor - News Articles & Diagrams

Started by Flyfisher, October 15, 2014, 08:40:54 PM

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Hello All,

I felt it was worth posting all my videos that discuss the design and wiring of Nikola Tesla's Alternating Motor, which runs in tandem with his Induction motor. The two motors primary and secondary circuits are wired together and once started from an outside source (of which Tesla connected his motors to the earth), and the motor reaches its normal speed and achieves synchronocity, the outside energy source can be cut, and the motor will continue to run perpetually.

For anyone that is interested in how this is built and its wiring, please check out my video links down below. The articles I obtained were via bittorrent. Please look for "Tesla Archives - Derek Worthington" it is 1 gig of news articles that span the life for Tesla from 1888 to 1945.

Also please dont post qwack videos showing fake perpetual energy motors without details of its build. This page is for those wanting to learn how to build Tesla's self-running motor. So no... Bedini and none of those qwack motors from Russia and India. And converting a modern day alternator is not going to cut it either, since Telsa speaks strongly against alternators and their use of a commutator.

Tesla's design does not require fan belts for it to work, and does not require neodymium magnets. And one motor cannot run perpetually without the other. Its build only requires Soft Iron and Copper. Any questions please post. Hope you enjoy!!!






Also, I have attached a PDF of Tesla's diagrams that I over-layed with color to make it easier to review. Also, I have added additional circuitry lines to show how the Induction Motor and Alternating Motor would be connected in order for them to run perpetually. The black lines show that there is need for an external power (earth/ground) source until the engines reach normal speed, at which the outside source can be disconnected. Tesla always argued for simplicity in these motors and this diagram can be no more simpler to the truth of how easy his concept was.


 Here you go....


Think of this machine as a 3 part system. Exciter/Generator/Motor or T(Tesla)EGM for short.

The exciter is how he generates the field coils of the generator. The generator is then spun by the attached motor which turns the whole shaft and supplies prime mover power to said wheels(Additional generator or whatever) via physical transmission.

I suspect the exciter was of the high voltage type which enhances the electric field of the field coils of the generator section. The rotor is spun inside of this high voltage field via the prime mover(Motor) but has to be of the design Tesla stated with real poles. Everything must be done like Tesla shows in order to have this process work. Now for the circuitry. Well he doesn't go into this does he? I suspect that his High voltage Impulse generator was used to excite the field coils and created huge volumes of real current to flow in the rotors coils. These coils were of real heavy guage and very few turns. On the order of 10-40 turns at max. This is to keep the current high due to the exciter coils very high voltage. Remember that longitudinal Impulses go from source to the target in straight lines so to speak. From exciter coils to inner rotor space. The longitudinal field motion slams into the rotor coils in a compressive inward direction due to the geometry of the exciter coils to rotor coils. So lenz's law does not apply here since the direction of field goes inward instead using the magnetic field to cut sideways through the rotor coils.

You have part of the process figured out already. What you were missing was the exciter termination and the understanding that a shaft connects them all. The belt you see in the patent diagram is for increasing the generated current by slowing the generator's rotor out of synchronous operation. This makes the generator generate more current to supply the motor or prime mover with more current to bring it back into synchronization. Like wise when power is removed via the belt this pulls the generator/motor out of synchronization again which pumps more current into the system and speeds up the prime mover to attempt to bring it back into sync. The loop is the Generator/Motor and the exciter is only to set up the impulse circuitry to run into the exciter coils of the generator.

What I haven't seen yet is credible replications of this type of device. It seems that the ones interested at the time only wanted what could make them money and discarded the rest as useless. As soon as my health and lab-less position changes so will that lack of replications end.

Keep working on it, you are on the right track.

As a side not when reading the patent try to understand how this relates to the Tesla Roadster experiment. In the story written by his nephew about the experiment we can see parallels to this patent. Case in point:

"With the generator I employ an exciter. This consists of two poles, A A, of steel permanently magnetized, or of iron excited by a battery or other generator of continuous currents, and a cylindrical armature-core mounted on a shaft, B, and wound with two longitudinal coils"

The report talks about Tesla inserting two metal rods into the box and says to the effect "walla, we have power".

The road test which was done just 75 miles from my current abode tells us about him setting up the special motor/generator and attaching the box that housed the exciter plus generator exciter field circuitry. In the version he tested in the roadster he separated the exciter from the Motor/gen setup for simplistic reasons. Control !

Part of the controller of the Motor/Gen unit was this design:

which looks like it was designed for gas pedal style usage.

  There is a possibility that Longitudinal coils refer to his Bifilar design for the generator field coils. This would allow the field coils to be charged up by the impulses from the control circuitry in the box without counter emf forming. We know from the report that he employed some tubes as well. Several were made specially by Tesla, (Tesla spark Tubes perfected) and others were merely diode tubes for rectification or Impulse filtering.

FYI the report as told by his nephew. http://www.keelynet.com/energy/teslcar.htm

They always assume it was a reciever but if you follow my reasoning you see it was a control box for the motor gen that Westinghouse made for him out of the metal he clued them in on for making better magnetic systems. The metal is called Bessemer steel, which turned out to be highly oxidized hard iron or soft steel. With laminating the cores this further increased the magnetic strength of the unit making it stronger. Yes magnetic plays a role in this process as well. If we understand that the electric field of the field coils creates a slight magnetic field around the core then how would that react to the very large current flow in the rotors coils? Not only that but as the rotors magnetic field engages the field coils it will react much like any other magnetic field intersecting a coil and generate further voltage and a bit of current which creates a feedback loop in the magnetic and electric spectrums.

Now on the subject of resonance. Resonance only works in variable voltage systems or oscillators. If you want to go from a resonant system to a non resonant system all one needs to do is filter out the resonant variability via a diode and capacitor setup. Once DC is obtained and the resonant signal is filtered out you need only store it and use it later via a battery or capacitor bank. The resultant DC is then used to run the control impulse circuitry and turn it back into a resonant signal for processing in the motor generator.

The antenna in the report tells me it was used as a virtual ground for the motor generator unit. Specifically in the exciter to generator field core section as a ground coupling antenna or regauger for the bifilar field coils. This allowed for the exciter coils to dump faster and more powerfully into the virtual ground increasing the power of the field coils. Correspondingly this increased the generating current multifold in the rotor coils.