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Is Transmutation the key to OverUnity?

Started by Azman67@aol.com, November 29, 2015, 03:27:33 PM

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<Rough Draft>


To All-

This essay is intended to ask a few questions and stimulate ideas to help further our understanding of how our Universe actually works.

Where does precipitation really come from?

I now believe it is possible for precipitation to be created by transmutation of atomic elements in the atmosphere...nitrogen, oxygen, ozone, hydrogen, ammonia.  An electrically excited partial of atmosphere of spinning atomic particles is being transmuting into different atomic elements such as Hydrogen and Oxygen that form H2O.  I can NOT find any discussion on this topic anywhere on the internet or in any atmospheric journal of this transmutation effect creating precipitation.  I can not find any discussion for or against it?  Someone throughout history must have contemplated this natural concept of transmutation creating precipitation?  Maybe not...

Transmutation occurs virtually everywhere in nature so why would it not occur in our atmosphere or in our Universe?  The atmosphere has millions of high voltage power supplies aka LIGHTNING strikes.

A lit hydrogen flame torch pointed at sheet metal...the result is water dripping down on the metal.  Oxygen plus Hydrogen produces h20 as we all know.

The hydrogen and oxygen combined as it is burned forms into H2O.  Could a squall line of thunder lightning storms with its high energy plasma vortex effect of lightning strikes be the ignition point or excited partial of atmosphere where the transmutation of Nitrogen occurs?  Electrical excitement and the clockwise and counter clockwise spinning vortices forms sub-atomic elements we call Hydrogen and Oxygen.  In 1919 it was proved out.

A small thunderstorm the size of an average city lets say 500 sq miles in size if that storm drops 1" of precipitation in one hour this would be 9 billion gallons of water or 72 billion tons of weight in the atmosphere in the form of water.  This is just an average size thunderstorm that is producing 1" of precipitation per hour.  The atmosphere in that area would have to pull in 72 billion tons of water per hour or weight equivalent of 159,000 Boeing 747's, from thousands of miles away to keep up with the hourly flow rate.  This sounds highly unlikely this little thunderstorm could have the ability and power to pull in 72 billion gallons of heavy water into itself to keep up with this incredible precipitation demand each hour for this thunderstorm to continue.  Especially if the storm lasts for 8 hours, this would be 1.3 million 747's or 576 billions tons of water.  It just does not make sense to me.

However, it does sound more logical that nitrogen, ozone, hydrogen, ammonia and argon are combining with lightning strikes from the Transmutation process to produce and create water inside a small thunderstorm.  The higher the electrical potential in the atmosphere the increased amount of electro magnetic vortex or spinning action occurs the more transmutation and the increased amounts precipitation will be produced.  High potential electrical charge is the driving force in atmospheric and biological transmutation.  In the lab nuclear transmutation requires heat however in nature only potential electrical charge is needed.  Dr. Walter Russell stated, there are only two things that exist in the universe...magnetism and electricity.  I believe this is the driving force of our ever expanding Universe including all life plant and animal.

The area of cloud would have to pull in 9 billion gallons of water per hour to keep up with the 1" per hour precipitation rate.  This is highly unlikely in my opinion.  As soon as the EM vortex spin Transmutates the Nitrogen and other atomic elements into Hydrogen and Oxygen.  The surrounding clouds act as a dispersement area to allow the smaller sized water particles to combine and condense into larger droplets that are heavy enough to fall to earth.

Electro Magnetic Vortices and Tropical Cyclones-
Per Colin Price, the North Atlantic ocean Hurricanes spawn from 1 out of the 10 large thunderstorms that are created in central Africa.  These storms travel across Africa and move over the North Atlantic ocean and spawn into a Cat 1-5 hurricane.  Why do only 1 out of 10 of these storms spawn into a hurricane?  I believe it is because that is how long it takes for the electrical potential in the atmosphere to recover and recharge to be able to have enough potential electrical energy to kick off another hurricane.  A small thunderstorm surely does not have the ability to spawn a cat 5 hurricane!  A hurricane is nothing more than an Electro Magnetic Vortex above the water as well as below the water stemming from the sea bottom electrically connected to the core of the planet.  These large electrical thunderstorms act as a conduit to facilitate the energy flow using the planets excess electricity allowing it to flow into space.  The earth acquires this excess energy from the sun during the northern hemispheres summer months.  Many scientists believe our weather is solar driven, I agree and this is the mechanics of how electricity facilitates the processes.

This youtube video by MagnetFlipper is VITALLY IMPORTANT it shows us in a laboratory how an EM Vortex is created with just 6 volts and a nickel size disc magnet.  Is it possible this Electro Magnetic Vortex is the key to Nature's incredible Transmutation effect.
As lightning strikes the ocean the water creates a magnetic field and as more lightning strikes occur this magnetic field begins to spin and creates an electrical conduit for massive raw energy to flow from the core of the planet out into space.  Please remember the earth is a spinning magnetic rock and electricity is always produced when a magnet is spinning just like in your cars alternator/generator.

Once a hurricane develops could we say up it also becomes a generator?  The lightning is electro magnetically charging the water droplets and it is spinning.  Hurricane Katrina 2005 had an excessive amount of lightning in her eye wall.  I believe electricity creates these monster storms and I also believe they are capable of propelling themselves across the ocean.  Does warm water fuel them or is it because they are moving farther away from the equator.  The equator has both negative and positive electrical charge present from the poles of the earth.  As the hurricane gets farther away from the equator it has more of one electrical charge an imbalance or more of a a single electrical charge closest to the north pole, it needs to have both positive and negative electrical charges to be in full 100% power ON mode just like in the electro magnetic vortex video link by MagnetFlipper above.  When the power is cut the EM Vortex stops working.  Many unanswered scientific questions need to be addressed about our amazing planet and universe, this is one of those questions.

Why are Tornados so small?
The reason tornados are so much smaller than hurricanes is simply the earth's crust will not allow them to fully develop like the salt water oceans allow.  The highly conductive salt water allows a low resistance pathway for electricity to flow.  The more electricity that can flow out of the earth up through the atmosphere into space the more powerful the thunderstorm, tropical cyclone, hurricane or aka EM vortex can become.  The land and rocks block the thunderstorm and tornados electro magnetic vortex from becoming its true potential.  This must be why water spouts stay over water most of the time.  They can not fully develop but it is an easier path for the electricity to flow, path of least resistance in water rather than through land.  The north Atlantic ocean has a huge deep water ridge that is the average curve shape that tropical storms follow.  When a cat 5 hurricane occurs along this ridge it most usually jumps out of and into the Cuban trench another pathway of least resistance and then straight into the USA coast line.  The massive cat 5 hurricane has momentum and it wants to keep traveling in a straight line where as a weaker storm will follow the deep underwater curvature and head off into the north eastwardly direction.  In 2015 the tropical cyclones in the north Atlantic did not have the power and momentum to jump into the Cuban trench so they fizzled out to the North East after reaching the Dominican Repuplic.

If Transmutation is a universal concept and if it works in sea life to produce a crab shell and it works for cows converting grass into calcium then it must work universally throughout the entire universe.  If an underwater electro magnetic vortex can be created with a magnet and a 6 volt battery then lightning surely can create a tropical storm in the north Atlantic ocean.  And if transmutation works in the Universe, animals and humans then it must be very useful in the building blocks of human life our DNA.  It just seems very logical to me.

Now here is where it gets interesting...the science behind my theory!

Nitrogen is the most abundant element in our atmosphere.

Transmutation - Nitrogen to Oxygen to Helium to Hydrogen and then
Hydrogen combines with Oxygen to form H2O or Precipitation simultaneously.
Also, Ozone is made of 3 oxygen molecules.

In 1919, Ernest Rutherford (the man who discovered the nucleus) and his research group became the first people to cause transmutation - the changing of one nucleus into another. While they didn't change lead into gold, they were the first to control a nuclear change instead of simply relying on nature. They shot a sample of the isotope Nitrogen-14 with a beam of alpha particles as shown below:

14         4         17         1   
N   +      He   →      O   +      H
7         2         8         1   

If you look carefully, you'll note that they actually caused transmutation in  two elements: Nitrogen-14 became Oxygen-17, and Helium-4 (the alpha particle) became Hydrogen-1. Over the years, scientists have smashed different elements together to create a large number of different isotopes, many of which do not exist in nature.

Experts say the total atmosphere at any given time has 37.5 million billion gallons of h2o in it.  Is this figure correct?  Do the water droplets travel from thousands of miles to a storm to drop rainfall at the storms specific location?  This needs more investigation because one should be able to see the water vapor moving towards a storm on satellite imagery.  Scientists have labeled the RAIN CORE the most intense area where the most precipitation is falling.  This RAIN CORE area of a storm or aka what I call the intense electrical Electro Magnetic Vortex or HOT ZONE.  When storms have to much EM Vortex a tornado is spawned.  ((((((((((((((The one is spiraling clockwise, the other spiraling counterclockwise, they come closer and closer, and heat up more intensely creating like a very energetic plasmic state and then....fusion occurs.)))))))))))))).  I believe this is where the transmutation is taking place, a high electrical potential with a tremendous amount of molecular spin, LIGHTNING and electro magnetic vortex energy that is causing these atomic elements to combine.  As NITROGEN IS TRANSMUTED hydrogen and oxygen are created and combined in this electrified EM Vortex high spin environment and produce the H2O as precipitation.  This is the key in my opinion, without this high electrical potential EM energy thunderstorm precipitation would not exist.  I do not believe precipitation is being transported in from thousands of miles away from a thunderstorm to then drop under a cloud.  It is all about the CENTRIPETAL AND CENTRIFUGAL SPINNING of the elements TRANSMUTING them into new atomic H and O elements forming H2O, in my opinion.


In scientific terms, this changing process is totally different from chemical combination - as in carbohydrates - when two or more atoms mix together but each retains its own nature as hydrogen, carbon, etc. - or from transformation of state, such as solid to liquid to gas, etc. In this evolutionary process we are here speaking about, two elements overlap, merge their electrons into a single set of orbits and become a totally different element. This is called transmutation. According to modern physics, transmutation can only occur in conditions of very high temperature, very high pressure and intensive energy, such as the conditions created artificially in a cyclotron or atomic reactor. But common sense tells us this must have been going on naturally when this Earth or this solar system were being created. Let's look at these first basic elements, and trace their evolution.


---H1/1 ------He 2/4 -Li 3/7- Be 4/9- B 5/11-----C 6/12- N 7/14 -O 8/16
Common ----------Less common---------------------More common

Hydrogen is the number one basic element; one proton plus one electron. This is the original form energy takes when it evolves from a more vibrational state towards more condensed energetic "particles" ( which in reality are simply very compact "clouds" or spiral of energy) Hydrogen's atomic number (number of electrons or peripheral "particles" ) is 1; it's atomic weight (generally corresponding to the numbers of "particles" in the nucleus or central region, including protons and neutrons) is also 1; one proton.

Now, under what circumstances does this transmutation naturally occur? The two elements should be complementary; one more yin and one more yang. Furthermore, in order to do fusion, the central nucleus part should become in a more plastic state. In this state they are more flexible adaptable; then if one is more yin and the other more yang, fusion can occur. ((((((((((((((The one is spiraling clockwise, the other spiraling counterclockwise, they come closer and closer, and heat up more intensely creating like a very energetic plasmic state and then....fusion occurs.)))))))))))))). So transmutation of elements is creating new elements out of the two existing ones. Same thing like the attraction between opposite poles of a man and a woman by making love, one person's energy spiraling clockwise and one spiraling counter-clockwise; they become closer and closer, and heat up more intensely and ...again, ....fusion!...., which creates new human life, new DNA, out of two existing ones.


Benjamin Franklin noted a sulfer and ozone odor after a lightning strike...Transmutation.

"Biological Transmutation", 1972, Swan House Publishing Co., Binghamton, NY.

According to French chemist C. Louis Kervran of the Conseil d'Hygiène in Paris, seawater contains far too little calcium to account for the rapid production of a shell (the calcium content of sea water is about 0.042% and a crab can form a new shell in little more than one day). If the entire body of a crab is analyzed for calcium, it is found to contain only enough calcium to produce 3% of the shell (even taking into account the calcium carbonate stored in the hepato-pancreas just before molting).

Even in water completely devoid of calcium, shellfish can still create their calcium bearing shells as shown by an experiment performed at the Maritime Laboratory of Roscoff: "A crayfish was put in a sea water basin from which calcium carbonate had been removed by precipitation; the animal made its shell anyway." (Kervran 1972, p.58)

TRANSMUTATION....below is an article of how our bodies perform transmutation to supply nutrients like calcium to our bodies.

Transmutation is different than transformation.

This chart is arranged in a seven-orbit spiral; towards the center, atomic weight becomes heavier and heavier, and atomic number goes higher and higher. Furthermore, the elements in the lower half of each orbit have generally longer spectroscopic wavelengths (measured in Angstrom units-the elements in the upper half have shorter wavelengths.

Yin: is governed by centrifugal force (from the center to the periphery)
Yang: is governed by centripetal force (from the periphery towards the center)

You can discover some very interesting things from this chart. For example: find oxygen (O) and carbon (C); oxygen is in a more Yin category, carbon is more yang. Yang carbon and yin oxygen are something like male and female; they have nearly opposite tendencies, and can therefore combine very easily. Hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) are very far from each other in this chart, they can also combine very easily, as in H2O (water). This is one reason water can naturally occur in abundance.

* This spirallic arrangement of major elements is made according to the spectroscopic examination of color waves. Approximately 8,000 A to 5,000 A is the area of yang elements, and approximately, 5000 A to 3,500 A of yin elements. According to this chart, elements occupying the positions in opposite orbits-e.g,, hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O)- can combine easily due to the principle of attraction between yang and yin; and elements occupying a similar position-e.g., hydrogen (H) and helium (He)- have difficulty combining with each other unless technical changes of temperature, pressure, or nature are applied.

* Elements occupying peripheral areas are more yin and lighter-e.g., hydrogen (H) and helium (He) -while elements located at more central areas are more yang and heavier-e.g., zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe). Elements belonging in the most central orbits-e.g. uranium (U) - are radioactive, tending to return to the outer orbits in the same way the sun is radiating its energy outwards in the solar system. Most balanced elements are found in the fourth orbit, and some are magnetic, such as iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), and nickel (Ni)

* The chart reveals that lighter elements are gradually transmuting toward heavier elements and heavier elements are in turn transmuting back into lighter elements, though it may take some thousands to millions of years to do so naturally. The transmuting speed of peripheral elements is much slower than that of central elements.

* The precise chart of classification of the elements by yin and yang should be considered together with this spectroscopic examination, including other factors such as the nature of chemical reactions and freezing, melting, and boiling temperatures. Knowing the yin and yang nature of the elements, we are able to discover the laws and phenomena-chemical and biochemical, geological and biological-as well as the order of change.

The same applies to the earth whereby relative heavier elements, molecules and compounds gradually gravitated towards the center, eventually forming the solid core of the earth, while others of lighter weight gradually formed the periphery of the Earth, eventually becoming the atmosphere, water (as compound of more yin oxygen and more yang hydrogen) started to combine easily, and covering the surface of the solid Earth.

The Mystery of Water

Let's use this understanding to solve some scientific mysteries.
Water (H2O) has a very strange property. If we take some water and apply heat, as the water heats up towards boiling, its volume expands. However, if we apply cold, at a certain point the volume also expands. The borderline is about 4° C. - below this, water expands and above this water expands. Why? These are simple facts which science knows, but nobody has any good explanation for why. So we must use our magic spectacles - yin and yang.

We know hydrogen is more yang and oxygen is more yin. A water molecule has two hydrogen and one oxygen atom,

(water structure)

We can see that (H) hydrogen is more yang so it naturally goes down; yin (O) oxygen goes up. The two hydrogen atoms can't come too close, though, because they repel each other, so this structure results. Now if we apply heat (yang), what happens? Which atoms can attract this high temperature? Oxygen (yin). Hydrogen does not react so fast, as it is already more yang; but the oxygen atom quickly absorbs the heat and becomes more yang (compact. The attraction begins to deteriorate as the oxygen atom begins to repel the hydrogen atoms; the molecule becomes larger and the water's total volume expands. Now, if we apply cold, the yin oxygen does not react so quickly; but the hydrogen atoms becomes more yin (expanded) quickly. Again, the molecule's attraction deteriorated, and the water begins to expand.

(Applying cold)

(applying heat)

If we carefully examine all our modern scientific "laws," discoveries, technologies, and so forth, one by one, you find something very interesting. Most of them are superstitious, baseless assumptions, and will all naturally be changed or discarded, ten, fifty, or one hundred years from now. Let us further study the transmutations of elements.


---H1/1 ------He 2/4 -Li 3/7- Be 4/9- B 5/11-----C 6/12- N 7/14 -O 8/16
Common ----------Less common---------------------More common

These first eight elements are nature's basic elements, something like the basic octave of the musical scale. As you can see, some are more yin and some are more yang. Among them, helium, lithium, beryllium, and boron are not found so much on the Earth's surface; but hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen are found in abundance. Within these four, hydrogen and carbon form a more yang group, nitrogen and oxygen for a more yin group. As you can imagine, these four can very easily combine chemically.

When hydrogen, carbon and oxygen combine chemically, what is the result? Carbohydrate. When these three combine chemically with nitrogen. What results? Protein. Vitamins and enzymes belong to which group? Also protein. Now, how did all these different elements arise? By our common sense, we can see that nature's more than one hundred different elements could not have suddenly appeared, one by one - one day oxygen, one day nitrogen, one day platinum, etc. No, they must be linked together by some continual process. This is like an evolutionary continuum

In the same way, one process must be linking between hydrogen and iron, between nitrogen and gold, or silicon and sodium. That evolution of elements, science has not yet explained, because they believe one element cannot change into another within natural conditions.

In scientific terms, this changing process is totally different from chemical combination - as in carbohydrates - when two or more atoms mix together but each retains its own nature as hydrogen, carbon, etc. - or from transformation of state, such as solid to liquid to gas, etc. In this evolutionary process we are here speaking about, two elements overlap, merge their electrons into a single set of orbits and become a totally different element. This is called transmutation. According to modern physics, transmutation can only occur in conditions of very high temperature, very high pressure and intensive energy, such as the conditions created artificially in a cyclotron or atomic reactor. But common sense tells us this must have been going on naturally when this Earth or this solar system were being created. Let's look at these first basic elements, and trace their evolution.

Hydrogen is the number one basic element; one proton plus one electron. This is the original form energy takes when it evolves from a more vibrational state towards more condensed energetic "particles" ( which in reality are simply very compact "clouds" or spiral of energy) Hydrogen's atomic number (number of electrons or peripheral "particles" ) is 1; it's atomic weight (generally corresponding to the numbers of "particles" in the nucleus or central region, including protons and neutrons) is also 1; one proton.

The hydrogen H 1/1 combines with "heavy" hydrogen, an isotope which contains two neutrons as well as one proton, or H 1/3, to create helium H 1/1 + H 1/3= He 2/4.

Then how does lithium arise? One helium plus one heavy hydrogen He 2/4 + H 1/3 = Li 3/7. Then lithium combines with one semi-heavy hydrogen (having one neutron) to make beryllium; Li 3/7 + H 1/2 = Be 4/9. Then further processes go: He 2/4 + Li 3/7 = B 5/11, or boron, or alternatively, Be 4/9 + H 1/2 = B 5/11. Then carbon; B 5/11 + H 1/1 = C 6/12; then nitrogen; C 6/12 + H 1/2 = N 7/14. Oxygen; N 7/14 + H 1/2 = O 8/16, or C 6/12+ He 2/4 = O 8/16.

As you can see, as the elements get heavier and more complex there are several possible roots or originating processes possible; each of these different ways creates a slightly different quality of oxygen, or boron, etc. Then this type of evolution continues after these initial eight, in "higher octaves" so to speak, until we arrive at very heavy elements like lead, gold and so forth.

Meanwhile as we go towards the more central part of this spiral, we can imagine that the reverse should also be taken place. So we reach the very heavy elements with atomic weights like 200, 230 and so on, such as radium and uranium, what kind of character arises? Radioactivity: heavier elements changing back into lighter elements. So although present day physics has a very rigid, fixed view, saying that elements cannot change into other elements without very violent circumstances, we can see that all elements are constantly changing back and forth, not only in different chemical combinations and different states of matter, but also in different positions along the spiral of atomic evolution.

Now, under what circumstances does this transmutation naturally occur? The two elements should be complementary; one more yin and one more yang. Furthermore, in order to do fusion, the central nucleus part should become in a more plastic state. In this state they are more flexible adaptable; then if one is more yin and the other more yang, fusion can occur. The one is spiraling clockwise, the other spiraling counterclockwise, they come closer and closer, and heat up more intensely creating like a very energetic plasmic state and then....fusion occurs. So transmutation of elements is creating new elements out of the two existing ones. Same thing like the attraction between opposite poles of a man and a woman by making love, one person's energy spiraling clockwise and one spiraling counter-clockwise; they become closer and closer, and heat up more intensely and ...again, ....fusion!...., which creates new human life, new DNA, out of two existing ones.

I hope this essay of information and questions inspire new ideas and new research that lead to new scientific discoveries for the benefit of mankind.

Thank you!


Nathan Rogers


Hello, this first message is from my friend Rich Price in Delaware, he is the man who actually studied with Lao and Walter Russell in Swananoa, VA.  He does amazing remote healing with crystals and his custom EM vortex machine.

Rich wrote...
Hi Nathan
The truth about academic's is they're
Bound by an agreement and ideology
Of who made them PhD's!
Walter Russell was a visionary not an academic! He was given honorary degrees in science and architecture for his actual work and building designs !
He was scoffed at  but stood by his work and forwarded his vision through creative means! No one holding down the status quo will step out on a limb for real groundbreaking
Work like this! If the field or God gives you information like this it's up to you to champion it into reality for many! I know this first hand! What studying with the Russell 's gave me was be true to yourself and listen to your guidance and do what God gives you to do not what the world wants! Lao effected Washington greatly ! Many in politics and the military confided in her! Why ? She had something mystical about her and she was authentic to everyone she talked to!! She was on the other side of the mainstream!

You will have to fight to get your ideas out! It's always been this way!
The world is resistant to change!
You'll find the path of least resistance and it will flow! Nassim Haramein is probably one of the best scientists I know of and he found a retired physicist to help him prove the math
For his unified physics theory which
Is the first theory to have math work out perfectly with no fudge factors!
Before him the closest work to any theories in physics was within four percent! He is not an academic! He had to study on his own to shake the shackles of the views of science that he knew inwardly were wrong!

Don't give anything away expecting
Someone will carry your vision !