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Z machine, Low cost Fusion, By Far the most real Unlimited Energy Tech, Hello!!!

Started by ChileanOne, September 23, 2007, 01:06:54 PM

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I know, I know, it will never be that low cost, but, is really a need for a multi billion TOKAMAK or ITER machine just for fusion experiments?

What about the 2 billion degrees achieved in the Z machine of Sandia labs at a ridicile fraction of the cost of the TOKAMAK or ITER?

This is enough to start non radiactive fusion reactions, by the way. Unfortunately, only a few researchers of the world has taken interest on the results, and I only know of one that discusess it in the open, who happens to be french.

Want to read some more?



Hello Boys, I know I am a newbie in this forum, but here we have a really interesting topic. Is the Non radiactive Fusion at the reach of every country!!!!

Check Out these posts on the comments about the Z machine degrees K experiments:

QUOTE (iveraja @ Mar 10 2006, 01:34 AM)
Anyone else find interesting the part where they say more energy was produced than was put into the system?

And if it is hotter than the interior of our sun, shouldn't this make nuclear fusion viable?

I just think the implications for energy production are incredible if this is something that can be reproduced on a wider scale

YES, this makes fusion viable. Even a new kind : at this temperature, aneutronic reactions are available like Bore-hydrogen, without radioactive waste.

Indeed, there is a US program on this at Sandia: Z-IFE

BUT, there are also are military implications : The Z machine discovery shows the military how to initiate a Thermonuclear bomb without using a fission bomb, thus enabling to make smaller and non-radioactive nuclear bombs.

What do you think the "Reliable Replacement Warhead" program really is ? From now on, be prepared for secret and disinformation on this subject.

The trouble with the Z machine is that it is the only machine in the world powerful enough to make this kind of experimentation.

In France, a petition is about to be launched to ask for european research in this field, on a strict civilian basis. z-machine.net You are welcome to sign it.


Neil Farbstein    
Posted: Oct 31 2006, 09:57 AM

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Laser And Z machine Fusion- Nanotechnology Product R&D

to visit our webpage click this link Navigate to Vulvox Laser and Z machine fusion

Vulvox Nano/biotechnology Corporation has designed novel nanotextured z machine targets that will enable a much greater rate of fusion than conventional solid tungsten wire which is used to generate x-rays and the z pinch effect. The targets will be useful as simulators of nuclear explosions. They will be capable of generation of fusion energy and neutrons to irradiate atomic waste and transmute it into harmless isotopes, and in neutron spectroscopy applications. Smaller pulsed power devices might be useful in scanning trucks and containerized cargo boxes with neutrons to prevent smuggling of nuclear weapons into the country. The targets will be tested to determine rate of x-ray generation, neutron generation, and fusion products and total energy released by the targets. Vulvox also has plans on the drawing board to develop novel nanotextured laser fusion pellets that will absorb much greater amounts of light and that will undergo fusion reactions by 38,000 times the rate of conventional laser fusion pellets.

At present, it takes an hour to arrange a shot of one fusion pellet at the Sandia Laboratory NIF laser fusion facility. If fusion were sped up to the rate we anticipate, 38,000 shots per hour might be possible, resulting in a practical source of energy.

National security goals of Department of Energy and the Departments of Defense and the National Nuclear Security Agency will be promoted by use of the nanotextured solenoids to simulate thermonuclear explosions and devices and by nanotextured laser fusion pellets.

The goals of the Department of Energy to increase the nation?s energy supply and energy self sufficiency will be met by the nanotextured targets. The President has announced plans to mitigate the greenhouse effect by increased use of nuclear power plants that do not release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Conventional fission reactors generate big amounts of nuclear waste but the z-machine fusion process will generate nonradioactive 2He4 and neutrons that will be absorbed by lithium blankets. The tritium produced in that reaction will be recycled and used as fuel in z-machine fusion reactors, thus the reactors will not add to the radioactive waste problem.

After the target design and nanotextured laser pellet designs are perfected, Vulvox Nano/biotechnology Corporation will manufacture and sell the targets and associated systems as well as the laser pellets we have designed. Strategic alliances with other corporations will be sought, and the technology may be licensed to other corporations in the industry. Please contact us if you are interested in a partnership to develop these breakthrough technologies with Vulvox Nano/Biotechnology Corporation.

The z-machine target technology will be useful as a means of generating neutrons for fast neutron analysis of containerized cargo containers coming from foriegn countries. They can be used as flashbulbs to X ray trucks and containerized cargo off-loaded from ships to detect nuclear weapons smuggled aboard.


     2  billion degrees : Humanity finds absolute fire and nobody cares ! (v1)

    It's a true story of Hell and Heaven, with nuclear fusion in the background. It's happening on Earth, for several months and is still not on the main page of a newspaper ! Strange...

    To clear the smoke, let's pull a wire and see what's coming. Officially the USA voted to renew of their nuclear weapons stock at the end of 2005 in order to improve safety and liability - and reduce the number of heads and reduce costs (Reliable Replacement Warhead program). Unofficially they take lessons from an unexpected discovery made in the laboratories of Sandia in Los Alamos, that hopefully got through the "Secret Defence" net. What is it about ? For years, scientists from the American military laboratory of Sandia have had the mission to improve US nuclear weapons. For this reason, they try to test the ogives' resistance against Star Wars-like antimissile systems, with massive X ray radiation. They built the "Z-machine" for this purpose and slowly but progressivlely raised the achievements of this X ray generator and got a few million degrees.

    The technique is no secret and as the results publication has been made totally commonplace for years, one of Sandia's researchers announces without coming up against an obstacle that the "Z-machine" has produced 2 billion degrees during a new experiment, one thousand time more than the previous ! To give away such an information, from a military point of view, is a huge blunder and we'll see later why. But that's not all : in the experiment, the "Z-machine" output more energy than what had been input. To perform such a miracle there should only be as a matter of principle a reaction of nuclear fusion. The researchers can't get over it. Meanwhile, the people of Sandia have nothing to do with foolish people. And on the other hand other teams confirm the results with numerical simulations. To confirm the exact results one will have to wait as there is no other machine as powerful as this one. The original article of the Physical Review Letters is dated February 2006 but the experiment took place more than one year ago.

    Oddly enough nothing else came out in the scientific press since then. Obviously the militariesweren't long putting the lid back on but it's too late, the rabbit had time to come out of the hat. Since then, the US bomb specialists are so thrilled they don't sleep anymore. Why ? 2 billion degrees, that's much more than in the true center of the Sun (15 millions). Until now the record on heart was a quarter of that, and again, in the heart of the most powerful hydrogen bombs ! To anyone who knows how to read it, 2 billion degrees is, to choose, a door opened to Apocalypse or to the Golden Ages; on the one hand bombs like hot cakes, on the other plentiful and cheap energy.

    Let's begin with Apocalypse. The US military know how to read even if they choose to read one line out of two. For them the "Z-machine" has just explained how to make a thermonuclear fusion weapon clean at least, getting rid of the very dirty usual detonator which consists of a classic A bomb, a fission one, like in Hiroshima. As a reward, really handy H bombs, usable, in other words. All the more reason, these new ones will have less radioactivity (except if it is a will, for antipersonnel neutron bombs for instance), and they will have no inferior limitation. Until now, to blow up a bomb was child's play but one couldn't play... Now it will be possible to build taillored bombs to play every day. There are bunches of ideas on how to miniaturize the source of energy, with magneto-inductive generators derived from those which Andrei Sakharov, the father of the Soviet H bomb, perfected. An adverse side reaction though, this simplification puts the bomb within anyone's range. Without the need to go through the difficult step of enriching uranium to build the detonator, everybody will be able to do it.

    From the point of view of Los Alamos or of Livermore - the 2 big specialised laboratories - the Iranian bomb is a ridiculous attempt, obsolete before born. Their plans for the new US bomb are still, since March [2006] on the desk of the Council in charge of nuclear weapons. The itinial news being public, is it reasonnable to assume that Russia and China must be somewhere at the same point? As a matter of fact, the arms race is relaunched and the resumption of nuclear test is only a question of time. M?gajoule wants to make fusion through laser in 2010. It is supposed to try our nuclear weapons without explosion. It may be a good idea with the former technology but which soldier would be willing to rely on a new technology weapon that has never been tested before ? Anyway the race has started already, we are going to have to run it. So exit M?gajoule. On the other hand, they must be rubbing their hands in the military experiments center of Gramat, in the Lot : the Sandia experiment is no mystery for them. They must be trying to redo it but shhh, it's a secret, you're told. ITER is as for it our future experimental reactor for nuclear fusion. It's such an expensive project that it's had to be international : nearly 10 billion euros spread over forty years from which 4.5 billion is for its building, from 2008.

    It's going to happen at home, in Provence. The Treaty has just been signed, on the 26th of May, 2006. We are very proud of it, even if grouchies say the used technology is a cul-de-sac, and even a dangerous one. For them ITER would be the stem machine of the 3rd millenium! Even a Nobel prizewinner in Physics such as Pierre-Gilles de Gennes despises it, ungrateful is he. No matter ITER is a black hole in the research budget, the grandeur of France and of Europe is at stake. ITER must be at the heart of the French energy strategy. Besides it's not portrayed as a scientific project but as a society project, with tennis and swimming-pools for thousands of people. One can wonder wich scientific researcher will want to work on that dinosaur when teh Sandia experiment shows the way to a more simple, safer, cheaper fusion technology... There lies the promises of a Golden Age with non-polluting energy, for nothing and for everybody. With about ten years of intelligent research, nuvlear plants could be put on ice!

    What are we waiting for ? A "Z-machine" is 200 times cheaper than an ITER and can be built in one year. The Americans are preparing the "ZP-3" already, a "Z-machine" dedicated specificaly to the production of electricity by "impulsional" fusion, at the other end of the way "in continuous" of the Tokamaks like ITER, where the reaction is hardly maintained. Dear reader, you should be telling yourself that it's too good to be true. That's because you can hardly understand. A pinch of science should help.

    With a device like ITER we try to obtain the first possible reaction of fusion, this of deuterium and tritium which can be accessed from "only" 100 million degrees. We are nearly there, and after 50 years of research. But it's not a panacea yet because of the neutrons produced in the reaction, synonymous with radioactive waste. Since the Sandia experiment we know we have 2 billion degrees to hand. That changes everything. From 500 million degrees we have Lithium - Hydrogen fusion (Li7 + H1), like in the H bomb. With one billion degrees it's the Bore B11 and Hydrogen H1 fusion. Widely spread matters on Earth. And no neutrons. Only Helium to blow balloons up. With this solution we'd have our cake and eat it too. From then Humanity has the choice. The militaries won't be stopped, definitely. We'll have to deal with Apocalypse.

    But is it a reason to neglect the Golden Age? Before concluding, let's re-read this sequence of Bush's speech on the State of the Union that was found rather intriguing, on 31st January, 2006 :

    ?I announce the Advanced Energy Initiative - a 22 % increase in clean-energy research - at the Department of Energy (dont d?pend Sandia), to push for breakthroughs in two vital areas. To change how we power our homes and offices, we will invest more in zero-emission coal-fired plants, revolutionary solar and wind technologies, and clean, safe nuclear energy. (...) First, I propose to double the federal commitment to the most critical basic research programs in the physical sciences over the next 10 years.?

    One will understand better this sudden interest for fundamental physics research. What shall be done now ? First, get the interest of friends and the local MP. not more against ITER than to raise financing. And think : fusion is not a project of society but of civilization. Because a priori free energy brings no money in so why should anybody care. In this case, it disturbs a lot of people. To get it you'll have to shout very loudly. One can also pray that this idea won't form in the Americans' minds : to build a few clean mega-bombs, destroy everything but home then settle in others' which wouldn't complain as they don't exist anymore... With energy galore it's easy to rebuild everything... an Apocalypse AND a Golden Age.


Please! Urgent! those living in Europe please go here


And sign the petition for a civil based Z Machine!!!