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HELIS - Hydro Electro Lytic Injector System

Started by evolvingape, January 12, 2011, 12:54:58 AM

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Hi Hope,

Good comment :)

I have considered compressed air in this device but it depends on application.

There are two potential modes of operation of PHELIS, the first is static, the second is dynamic.

In the case of the first the PHELIS is static and used to generate fluid velocity from pressure. When the charge is detonated the pressure inside the chamber will rapidly rise to thousands of PSI, the pressure will then drop rapidly as it is converted to fluid velocity. This is exactly the same principle as a rifle chamber works on. In this case the charge is detonated and rapidly builds chamber pressure, this pressure repels the bullet down the barrel. In the case of PHELIS there is no bullet, but the high speed fluid turns a rotor instead. The rotor will be repulsed by the fluid, and because it is fixed about a central pivot it will spin and create a torque moment about the shaft.

It “may” be possible to use multiple vortex venturis placed just after the area of maximum compression, which should then spiral around the tapered cone and create stability in the parallel flow region, as well as mixing the fuel charge with additional Oxygen oxidiser. I am unsure without data if the venturis will affect the energy conversion phases of subsonic to supersonic fluid. The other added benefit of air in the chamber will be the presence of Nitrogen which is very susceptible to Plasma formation. Therefore if you have a compressed air pump (such as a secondary boundary layer turbine running off the same shaft as the HELP) you can prime the chamber with Nitrogen and Oxygen, create a Plasma, inject the HHO charge into the Plasma and then detonate.

The second mode of operation of PHELIS is in the Housingless Rocket Turbine. This uses exactly the same principle of repulsion but this time the device is fixed directly to the pivot, and so spins with an equal and opposite force to the fluid resistance (either air which is a low resistance, or a  repulsion plate in a secondary ring which is a high resistance). In this case the PHELIS is already moving at high speed and so no additional compressor is needed as the turbine itself is the compressor and air can be fed into the Plasma flow via a venturi in exactly the same way as a Scramjet does.

So there are lot's and lot's of options here. I do not imagine a single device being the same specification out of all the devices built. This has advantages in rapidly finding out what works and what does not, and spreads the cost amongst the community, but only if people decide to share their results when they have them.

Interestingly Nitrogen, Oxygen and Hydrogen all have very similar 1st ionization energies:

Hydrogen: 1312.0
Nitrogen: 1402.0
Oxygen: 1313.9

From this page:


“These tables list values of molar ionization energies, measured in kJ/mol. This is the energy per mole necessary to remove electrons from gaseous atoms or atomic ions. The first molar ionization energy applies to the neutral atoms. The second, third, etc., molar ionization energy applies to the further removal of an electron from a singly, doubly, etc., charged ion. “

This is handy because if you were to test your PHELIS in air and you were able to achieve a corona discharge from the tip then you can be sure that you have achieved the 1st ionization energy for both Hydrogen and Oxygen as well, both being lower than Nitrogen (which is 80% content of air).

Then we can have a look at what we already know about gas plasmas in everyday use:


Some excerpts from the above page:

“Plasma flames for thermal spraying can produce temperatures around 7,000 to 20,000K far above the melting temperature (and vapour temperature) of any known material. The extreme temperature of the plasma is not the only reason for the effective heating properties. If for example helium gas is heated to around 13,000K without a plasma forming, it would have insufficient energy for normal plasma spraying. Nitrogen on the other hand heated to 10,000K going through dissociation and ionisation forming a plasma is an effective heating media for thermal spraying, being able to supply about six times more energy than an equal volume of helium at 13,000K. The plasma is able to supply large amounts of energy due to the energy changes associated with dissociating molecular gases to atomic gases and ionisation which occur with little change in temperature. “

“Nitrogen and hydrogen are diatomic gases (two atoms to every molecule). These plasmas have higher energy contents for a given temperature than the atomic gases of argon and helium because of the energy associated with dissociation of molecules. “

“Nitrogen is a general purpose primary gas used alone or with hydrogen secondary gas.
Nitrogen also benefits from being the cheapest plasma gas. Nitrogen tends to be inert to most spray material except materials like titanium.”

“Hydrogen is mainly used as a secondary gas, it dramatically effects heat transfer properties and acts as anti-oxidant. Small amounts of hydrogen added to the other plasma gases dramatically alters the plasma characteristics and energy levels and is thus used as one control for setting plasma voltage and energy. “





Once detonated, the heat from the reaction will further transform the gases into plasma, and also should transform the water vapour and steam into plasma which creates energy in the process. So the basic idea behind it is to use lots of freely available Nitrogen and Oxygen from the air to prime the chamber and create a Plasma. Inject the fuel charge of Oxygen, Steam and Water Vapour and also the Primary Explosive which is Hydrogen. By detonating the Hydrogen it releases all of the energy available from the other gases and the mechanics of the PHELIS system does the rest converting this high static pressure to supersonic fluid velocity.

So yes... Air Venturis or compressor injection is a very good idea for lot's of reasons ;)

RM :)


I will make studies into this and use Walter Russell, Tesla, and a other can do peoples ideas to bend my mind a bit and see what I come up with on this front with you.   Good night all.


KK   This model still works with any element.    There is a NATURAL path that all elements follow.  This air thru a vortex tube model can be macro-ed or micro-ed and will separate atomic bonds. Similar to heat and cold air thru compressed air vortex tubes.  We just need to learn how to make a electrical vortex or magnetic vortex or combination vortex.  With three forces we should be able to make energy separate any bonds.


Hi everyone,

To add vortex spin to the parallel fluid flow is not entirely essential to begin with. It is something to look at in the future when you have a working PHELIS producing a thrust output.

Air will become essential to the system though and to understand why we need to examine each type of PHELIS in regard to it’s intended application.

In one example using PHELIS in the HRT it can be made to operate as a mini Scramjet. This means that it has an open intake port at the front in direction of travel that sucks in air and compresses it. It is at this point of maximum compression that fuel is injected. A Scramjet operates with a constant burn of 100% duty cycle. The resultant fuel / air mix is converted to a Plasma at the exhaust via the hot temperatures.

In the next example The PHELIS becomes an actuated valve on an HRT that closes to allow chamber priming and opens to allow detonation in a sequence that results in pulsed propulsion, or a duty cycle <100%.

In the next example the PHELIS is once again an actuated valve but is now static and not dynamic. This allows the fluid velocity output to be used as an input to a rotary turbine.

There are two options for the valve system… either the valve is timed with specific actuators opening and closing via an electrical impulse signal or the valve is automatic and operates on pressures generated in the firing cycle. The LFV is designed to be an automatic valve and is why I said I consider it to be the final evolution of the device. The solenoid actuated valve will be easier to make with off the shelf components, the LFV requires R&D to see if it works or not.

Now let’s talk about priming cycles and pressures…

If you are going to use an actuated valve version of PHELIS the following sequence must be followed:

1)   Compressed air actuator valve opens, low pressure air is injected into the chamber, compressed air actuator valve closes. Chamber is now sealed.
2)   Air is electrically HV and RF stimulated into a Nitrogen and Oxygen Plasma.
3)   The Fuel Charge actuator valve opens, injecting high pressure Hydrogen, Oxygen, Steam and Water Vapour into the chamber. The valve then closes sealing the chamber. The charge then mixes with the Air Plasma and forms a further Plasma.
4)   The charge is then detonated, creating a large static pressure increase in the chamber. The fluid is then converted to supersonic velocity via the ECV, which opens to allow the fluid flow generated to exhaust.
5)   The cycle then repeats to produce a pulsed output.

In order for this to work you must maintain a pressure differential, or potential difference, between the different gas pressures. The low pressure air charge when injected will fill the chamber and the pressure will equalize. In this way you can control the amount of air volume in the chamber via the input pressure, as air is a compressible gas.

Once stimulated into Plasma the pressure inside the chamber will rise due to Plasma expansion.

The Fuel Charge must be injected at a higher pressure than the Air Plasma in the chamber. The two pressures will seek to balance and the non return valve will close when the pressures equalize.

You will now have a chamber that is part Air Plasma, part Fuel Plasma, and is at the same pressure, or higher pressure, as your Fuel Charge input pressure.

This charge can then be further stimulated into a Plasma Soup of variable content before detonation and subsequent energy conversion to fluid flow.

So, it will be possible to control the gas content ratios in the chamber, the chamber pressures, and the stimulation of the Plasma.

This will be a combination OU and Free Energy device. The power in will be used to generate the primary explosive (Hydrogen) which acts as the trigger, generate byproducts that will be used as part of the fuel charge (Oxygen, Steam, Water Vapour), open and close the valves, and stimulate the gas into Plasma before detonation. The Free Energy will come from the Air which is abundant and when stimulated into Plasma adds a lot of energy to the process.

I am really looking forward to efficiency figures for this device as it is potentially OU with more power out than in, and utilises a very abundant free energy source… Nitrogen!

Fingers crossed this will be both OU and Free Energy without breaking any rules ;)