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McKie, O/U Power Supply, US Patent 5,146,395 based on Tesla Tank

Started by saintsnick, May 23, 2006, 12:18:07 AM

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Has anyone tinkered with this theory?  Anyone build it? There seems to ba a lack of awareness.

Dual L/C Tank circuits, tuned, alternatly switched against one another, with a controll module, feedback system and power supply using a startup battery.

This guys magic claims to be in the dual tank circuits.  One tank supplies power to an output load and to charge the second tank.  Then the process reverses. 

Whatever the case, he was granted a US patent.  There must have been a working device. If you go to the USPS website and punch in the number, it is all there online.

My docs also have a discrepency of the guys name between reports and issued patent inventor.

Any info is helpfull.




                     FROM  SEATTLE TIMES - June 23, 1993

                                The McKie PODMOD
                 If he's right,the world will hear of this man
                               BY TERRY McDERMOTT
                          Seattle Times staff reporter

  Scott McKie, engineer,  inventor, entrepreneur  and  would-be  violator  of
  physical laws, lives  in Ballard, the center of sensible  citizenship.   He
  drives a four-year-old  Ford,  wears  polo  shirts  and  deck shoes and his
  coffee table is  covered  with  issues   of   Sunset  and  Modern  Maturity

  He is far  from the image of the wild-haired, bug-eyed  mad  scientist  but
  what he wants  to  do--is  on the very verge of doing, he says--is bug-eyed
  science, indeed:

       Manufacture a  power generator  that  will  perpetually  produce  more
       energy than  is fed into it; manufacture, in other  words,  perpetual-
       motion machines  that  will replace the world's electric power grid by
       the turn  of  the  century  and internal-combustion  engines  somewhat

  This raises at least one obvious question. Is McKie nuts?

  Asked to evaluate someone who has spent the better part  of  a  dozen years
  single-mindedly pursuing an   idea   most   people  find  ludicrous,  Blake
  Andersen, a local psychologist, said  that  generically  speaking,  lots of
  people do lots of weird things. We live on a continuum of odd behavior.

  "You can't place  a value judgment on whether it's functional  or  dysfunc-
  tional.  It's results-oriented," Andersen said.  "The degree of dysfunc-
  tionality depends on the environment and the results." Andersen then began
  to explain some   symptoms  of  obsessive  behavior  but,  in  midsentence,
  interrupted himself to ask: "Does it work?"

  Engineers by their nature are not off-the-wall  people  and, although McKie
  admits going through several jobs and bank accounts in service of his idea,
  he is in other ways a very practical man.

  Witness the collection  of  financiers, planners, engineers  and  marketing
  people he has  collected around himself. If he is a mad scientist, he's one
  with a business plan and a $10 million line of credit.

  But he is also a devotee of Nikola Tesla,  a  turn-of-the-century  Serbian-
  American inventor, who, by all accounts, was a mad scientist with countless
  phobias and odd  personal  habits.  His  psyche, wrote Margaret  Cheney,  a
  biographer, was a "festival of neuroses." He swore, for example, he could

                                     Page 1

  hear a fly  land  on a table. He threw kisses to pigeons. He held lightning
  in his hands. He had an obsessive fear  of  germs and required precisely 18
  linen napkins be set on his dining table so he could clean  and  polish his
  silverware every night before eating.

  He felt compelled  to  walk  around  the  entire  block where his Manhattan
  laboratory was located three times before entering its door.

  At the height of his celebrity, he hobnobbed  with  Mark Twain, J. Pierpont
  Morgan and the Vanderbilts and was regarded as one of the greatest and most
  important scientists in the world, an archrival of Thomas Edison.

  Edison took the  competition so seriously he waged a fierce  disinformation
  campaign against alternating  current,  which  Tesla  promoted  as the best
  means of generating electricity in large  amounts.  Edison  favored  direct
  current, the status quo. Edison derided alternating current as dangerous.
  He hired a  man to go around the country electrocuting small  animals  with
  alternating current just to prove its dangers.

  He also promoted the first execution of a criminal by electrocution for the
  same reason. (The  pitch  was  straightforward:  If alternating current can
  kill criminals, do you really want it in your kitchen?)

  Tesla ultimately won out and virtually  all  the electric power used in the
  world today is  generated  and  transmitted  via  descendants   of  Tesla's

  In addition to  the alternating-current motor, Tesla also invented wireless
  communication--that is, radio-- although  the Italian Guglielmo Marconi was
  falsely credited and most general reference books still reflect this.

  Partly this was caused by Tesla's compulsive secretiveness and his habit of
  conceiving an invention  in  his head, then going on to  his  next  project
  without bothering to  actually  build  or even make a written record of the
  thing. Without such physical evidence  or  even  clear  explanations, it is
  hard to know  exactly  what  Tesla  was  talking about much  of  the  time.
  Scientists still puzzle over how he achieved some of the things he did.

  This has helped  obscure Tesla's place in history. Now, although references
  to him litter  diverse  segments  of   the   scientific   literature,   his
  accomplishments are largely  forgotten  except  among a  group  of  equally
  diverse adherents who have a zealous devotion to his ideas.

  Resurrecting 'resonance' theory McKie is a promoter of one particular idea
  of Tesla's, the  notion  that  the  power  in  an  electric  circuit can be
  amplified by a phenomenon known as resonance. Broadly stated, in a resonant
  circuit a small flow of electrons can cause a larger amount of electrons to
  move.  This phenomenon was first discovered  by  Tesla  and  by now is well
  Vangard Notes

      In fact,  the  phenomenon  of tapping energy from resonance  was  first
      discovered by John Keely and PUBLICLY documented in the book "Keely and
      his Discoveries"  by Clara Bloomfield Moore in 1893.  The principle was
      discovered even  earlier by Keely  yet  this  is  the  most  accessible
      document of it.

                                     Page 2

  To quote:

      The time is probably near when these  finer  forces  will  be  employed
      universally.  Everybody knows  that  a note struck upon  an  instrument
      will produce sound  in  a  correspondingly  attuned  instrument  in its

      If connected with a tuning fork, it  will produce a corresponding sound

      Here, then, is the AUGMENTATION OR MULTIPLICATION  OF POWER.  If we had
      any means to  TRANSFORM SOUND again into MECHANICAL  MOTION,  we  would

      ---->>> Vangard Note
          This is apparently a pumping of the neutral centres of the mass
          to cause a release of the now current ZERO POINT ENERGY.    ----<<<

      It would be  presumptuous  to  say  that it will not be as easy for the
      scientists of the future to transform  sound into mechanical motion, as
      it is for  the  scientist  of  the  present  to  transform   heat  into

      Perhaps Mr. Keely  has  already  solved  the  problem.  There is a fair
      prospect that in the very near future,  we  shall have, in his ethereal
      force, a power far surpassing that of steam or electricity.

      Nor does the idea seem to be Utopian if we remember that modern science
      heretofore only knew  the  law  of the conservation of energy; while to
      the scientist of the future the law  of the AUGMENTATION OF ENERGY will
      be unveiled.

      As the age which has passed away has been the age of steam,  the coming
      era will be  the age of induction.  There will be a universal rising up
      of LOWER VIBRATIONS INTO HIGHER VIBRATIONS, in the realm of motion.

      Mr. Keely will, perhaps, TRANSFORM  SOUND  INTO  MECHANICAL  MOTION  by

      ***  The  principle  follows  with  all  forms  of  energy,  not simply

      ***  Just  wanted to set the record  straight,  there  are  STILL  many
           misconceptions in the F/E field, especially with regard to Tesla.

           Many people have never heard of Keely and others  who have, simply
           brush him off in favor of the more public and easier to understand
           Tesla.  I think the term is 'afficionados'...<g>.....>>>  Jerry
  "Boilerplate stuff," McKie calls it.

  "The knowledge is  very  old and had gotten lost," he said. "I've just gone
  back and brought it up to '93 specs."

  The " '93  specs"  consist of a device  designed  with  two  resonant  tank
  circuits--so called because they are able to store an electrical charge--
  operating alternately. The first circuit can be made to simultaneously

                                     Page 3

  charge the second  and  send  electric  current  out  for  other  uses. The
  circuits can then be switched so the second  recharges the first while also
  sending current out for other uses.

  McKie thinks that if properly devised, the two circuits  will  produce more
  power than the  total amount of power it took to set them in motion.  Going
  "over unity," this  is  called.  He thinks,  in  fact,  the  power  can  be
  amplified many thousands of times and the device can be  disconnected  from
  the power source  that started it and continue running. McKie thinks such a
  system could operate indefinitely.

  "In the field of electronics that sends them ballistic," he said.

  Next step: POD Mods in Ephrata When you  talk  to  McKie about the apparent
  impossibility of what  he  is  trying  to do, he invariably  thinks  you're
  talking about marketing  the  end  products, never for a moment questioning
  whether any such products will ever exist.  McKie has so little doubt his
  invention will work he is already making plans to manufacture boxcar-sized
  versions of it -- power on demand modules, or POD Mods, he calls them --in
  Ephrata, Grant County.  He  has  signed  an  agreement  with  a  California
  investor for $10 million in start-up financing.

  He's already planning an electric hydroplane to advertise his company.  His
  single-mindedness is so complete he hardly even notices  that  his house is
  in foreclosure. He says things like, "If investors don't come forward here
  in the Northwest, I'll be forced to take the project overseas and, if it's
  funded there, they'll get to use it first."

  McKie first achieved the over-unity effect accidentally in 1982 when he was
  working on a wind-turbine design for Bonneville Power. Trying to figure out
  what happened, and  why,  has  shaped most of his life since. He duplicated
  the effect with a different electrical  generator  in 1984 and has, in some
  sense, been trying to do it again ever since.

  He received a  U.S.  patent for the idea last year, constructed  a  working
  model, took that model apart and is now trying to convert the whole thing
  to solid-state electronics.  The device he is now building, on a workbench
  the size of an espresso cart in his garage, is about as unprepossessing as
  you can get.  It  is  a cardboard box sparely furnished with circuit boards
  and voltage meters. The whole thing is  approximately  a foot square, about
  the size of a bread box.

  It uses no fuel. There are no moving parts.

  Inside the box are a pair of tank circuits, electric circuits that include
  both a capacitor--basically, an electrical storage unit--and am inductor --
  basically, a coil. It is the interaction of the capacitor and the inductor
  that McKie supposes creates resonance.

  'He's out on the edge of science'

  Ira Myers, a  physicist  at  the  National Aeronautics and  Space  Adminis-
  tration's Lewis Research  Center  in  Ohio,  has  worked  with McKie on the
  design of the individual components of his apparatus. He is cheering for

  "It's possible but it hasn't worked yet," Myers said. "He's out on the edge
  of science rather than on the center  line.  But  it's  important  to  have
  people out on the edge.  "I personally like a good fanatic  every  now  and
                                     Page 4

  Nick Butler, an  electrical  engineer  at  BPA  in  Portland, has supported
  McKie's work; his employer has not.  "Whenever something new appears, it is
  often ignored," Butler said, citing a conventional analysis of change.

  "Once it can't be ignored any longer,  people attempt to suppress it.  When
  they can't suppress it, they rush to embrace it."

  Butler said he remains skeptical but thinks McKie might  have  as much as a
  50-50 chance of  being right.  Others reject the notion that there actually
  is some sort of "extra" energy almost as a matter of faith.

  "Theoretically it might be possible.  Practically  it  can't  be," said one
  electrical engineer who has reviewed McKie's data and asked  that  his name
  not be used.  "You can't get energy from nothing. The thing as I saw it was
  nothing but measurement  error that gave the impression of more output than

  Even supporters like Butler do not necessarily buy McKie's explanation that
  the power comes from resonance.  Where else might it come from?  "I haven't
  the faintest idea," Butler said. .

  What happens if he's right?

  Gravity Bar, the local juice empori- um, has a pineapple-lemon-ginger drink
  named for Nikola Tesla.  There is also  a  Christian  heavy metal band from
  Guam ("Rock for  God") named Tesla, as is an alien character  in  a  recent
  science fiction novella  who  comes to Earth and bedevils patrons at an S&M

  The idiosyncratic David Lynch has expressed  interest  in  doing a movie of
  Tesla's life. A  local painter was inspired by Tesla  to  do  a  series  of
  paintings of lightning in an airplane hangar, and Seattle City Light once
  commissioned a ceramic sculpture of Tesla's head that doubled as a planter.

  This is pretty strange company to be kept in memory of the man who invented
  something as fundamentally  practical  as  an electric motor, but a kind of
  shroud of the bizarre has settled around the traces of Tesla's genius.

  Among some people that casts doubts  on  McKies  efforts.  Among  others it
  lends credence. The debate about McKie's proposal is not irresolveable.  At
  heart he is not a theorist but an engineer. He intends to begin selling his
  machines next year.  What if he does? What if McKie's right?

  Each production unit, McKie says, will be completely portable, will run off
  a 12-volt battery and will produce 10 megawatts of power  a  year (100 such
  units would power  Seattle).  In one brochure, McKie matter-of-factly ticks
  off some of  the  advantages.   For starters,  use  of  the  devices  would
  eliminate high-voltage transmission  lines,  eliminate  conventional  power
  plants and, oh, by the way, replace all other sources of power generation.

  Then the environmental  crisis  will  recede.  Growth  and  prosperity will
  blanket the globe. An age of plenty will wrap humankind in its embrace and
  McKie and everybody  who was ever nice  to  him  will  become  rich  beyond

  Somewhere along the line, McKie might even get his house out of hock.
  The patent number for the McKie PodMod circuit is 5,146,395.  It is a total
  of 23 pages with text and diagrams.  Because of it's length, I am only

                                     Page 5

  including the Abstract.  The circuit is listed as MCKIE2.GIF.
  United States Patent - 5,146,395
  Inventor - Scott McKie
  Filed - August 9, 1991

  References Cited

  3,387,201     6/1968 - Greenberg et al
  3,886,429     5/1975 - Maillard et al
  4,319,315     3/1982 - Keeney, Jr. et al
  4,488,214    12/1984 - Chambers
  4,513,226     4/1985 - Josephson
  4,542,440     9/1985 - Chetty et al
  4,628,284    12/1986 - Bruning
  4,709,323    11/1987 - Lien
  4,748,311     5/1988 - Thomas et al


  The present invention provides a power supply for supplying electrical power
  to a load.  The power supply includes first and second tank circuits having
  a common resonant frequency, and functions repetitively in two "major

  In the first major period, the first tank is disconnected from powering the
  load and the second tank supplies power to the load while charging the
  first tank.

  In the second major period, the second tank is disconnected from powering
  the load, and the first tank supplies power to the load while charging the
  second tank.  The tank circuits are arranged with constant current
  controllers and switches to function so that the major periods each include
  first and second minor "intervals."  The first minor interval of the first
  major period defines a time during which the second tanks' capacitor is
  providing power to the load AND IS charging the first tank circuit;

  the second minor interval of the first major period defines a time during
  which the second tank's inductor is charging the first tank circuit and
  providing power to the load.

  During the second major period's two minor intervals, the tank circuits
  perform functions identical to those performed in the first two minor


The posted immage is a little blurry.  The USPS has better immagery.  You'll need that freeware viewing software to see the TIFF based images.  All the text is there including detailed explanations, circuit theory.

Should this guy have his own forum on Overunity.com?

I for one would like to know if there are any successful replications.  The principal of operation and construction of main tank circuit part of the device seem simple enough.  The control module's are the hairy part.  Possible alternative controll methods devisable?


Elvis Oswald

There was some discussion of this here - http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,709.3.html

The problem of getting power out of a tank circuit might be solved with a bifilar winding that uses the two wires as seperate coils (instead of connected in series).  In this way you might get power passed from one circuit to the other via capacitance between the windings.


Synergy is the key to free energy.