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Synergetic Generator As Per Rene Louis Vallee Theory

Started by Robert, September 25, 2011, 01:52:20 PM

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[ Replication of Vallee's generator by an eminent astrophysicist : 4x OU ... ]


Science et Vie [ PDF ]

Qui Osera Refuter la Synergetique ?


Renaude de la Taille


Replication by Spanish R&D group Econuclear


... Je m'étais mis de côté l'idée de réaliser une reproduction de l'expérience après les tentatives que je faisais à l'époque pour travailler sur le MEG.
Aussi j'ai bricolé un dispositif, avec un baton de carbone récupéré dans une pile bâton (une grosse) et du fil de cuivre à bobiner.
Voici mon montage provisoire:


Kudos to

"Acknowledgement : I am grateful to Franck Vallée for his helpful documentation and advice in this field of research."

Video : vsgdemo.wmv  ( 2.9 MB )

The Vallee Synergetic Generator


THE VSG experiment

This experiment is fully based on the Prof René-Louis Vallée Synergetic theory (1). The purpose of this experiment is to find a simple and reproducible device which is able to produce the nuclear reaction claimed by the Prof R.L. Vallée. The main material used in this device is a pure carbon rod. Here, the carbon is not consummed by the reaction, it acts as a pump Vs the Vacuum EM energy.

So, according to the Prof R.L. Vallée theory, the required condition to get the Synergetic effect is :

1. To align the fields of the electrons and the nucleus of the carbon atoms by the use of a colinear E-Field and B-Field,
2. the energy of external photons (g) is used to absorb the kinetic energy of the electrons,
3. so, the stopped electrons can be attracted by the carbon nucleus,
4. a nuclear reaction begins: the Carbon is transmutted into radioactive Boron (which has a radioactive decay of 20ms)
5. then, the vacuum energy is tapped by the nucleus and the Boron is transmuted back to Carbon while a strong pulse of 13 Mev is sent (see the reaction below) .


This process is the called "Capture PROTELF " 3 ( PROTon - ELectron Fusion) process by the Prof R.L. Vallée. A such process is able to produce up to 2.988 GW of Free Energy per gram of Carbon used, while the carbon is not consumed...


Reference Documents :

L'Energie Electromagnétique matérielle et gravitationnelle, les bases de la théorie Synergétique par René-Louis Vallée
The Electromagnetic energy, material and gravitational by René-Louis Vallée

[ PDF Here -- 3.5 MB ]

La Théorie Synergétique par René-Louis Vallée

Les bases de la mécanique Synergétique par René-Louis Vallée
http://jlnlabs.online.fr/vsg/theorie/meca.htm [ PDF Here ]

La Synergie des noyaux et la radioactivité par René-Louis Vallée
http://jlnlabs.online.fr/vsg/theorie/noyau.htm  [ PDF Here ]

Synergétique N°11, édité par la SEPED

Capture PROTELF - Schéma de principe par Franck Vallée

La relève de l'Energie - La Synergétique, édité par la SEPED

Le Vide producteur d'énergie - Captation de l'énergie diffuse

Les certitudes du modèle "Synergétique" et le principe d'incertitude de "Heisenberg"

La gravitation et la radioactivité, actions de milieux sur la matière.

Rappel de quelques notions élémentaires de physique nucléaire

La théorie Synergétique : Une solution à la crise de l'énergie

The Synergetic theory: A solution to the energy crisis

The Vallée Synergetic Generator (VSG) project LogBook :

The Electromagnetic energy, material and gravitational by René-Louis Vallée
http://jlnlabs.online.fr/vsg/synergetics.pdf [ PDF Here ]

La Synergie des noyaux et la radioactivité par René-Louis Vallée

La Théorie Synergétique par René-Louis Vallée

Les bases de la mécanique Synergétique par René-Louis Vallée

Full tests of the VSG v3.5 with a VIDEO DEMONSTRATION ( Energy factor 2.66 )

The Synergetic theory: A solution to the energy crisis

La théorie Synergétique : Une solution à la crise de l'énergie

Rappel de quelques notions élémentaires de physique nucléaire

La gravitation et la radioactivité, actions des milieux sur la matière.

Sucessfull High Power tests run with the VSG v4.1 ( Energy factor 3.46 )

Les certitudes du modèle "Synergétique" et le principe d'incertitude de "Heisenberg"

Le Vide producteur d'énergie - Captation de l'énergie diffuse

Sucessfull tests run with the new VSG v3.1 ( Energy factor 2.53 )

Full detailed explanations about the PROTELF working process

Use of the full discharge energy of the capacitor, test with a 1 ohm shunt on the CT output

Problem with the discharge area, the plastic tube of the coil has melted

The first VSG tests with a solid state High Power MosFET switcher ( Energy factor 2.08 )

Preliminary tests of the VSG with a mechanical switch

VSG v2.0 ( 6 Feb 2005 )

As I have said previously, the main material used is pure carbon, so, I have used a pure carbon 6 mm diameter rod (see the analysis certificate below). To get a free g rays source to initiate the main reaction, I have used a Thoriated Tungsten rod (6mm diameter) with 2.20% of ThO2. A radiations counter is able to measure 0.46 µSv/h while the ambiant level is 0.10 µSv/h. A such electrode (WT20) is commonly used for TIG and Plasma welding and I have alredy used it previously in the High Temperature Plasma Electrolysis experiment

As, the Prof R.L. Vallée said, one of the most important thing is to get the Carbon in gaseous phase, this can be simply obtained by the use of thin spark gap between the Th loaded tungsten rod (used as the cathod) and the carbon rod (used as the anode). So, when the strong discharge current pulse is sent between them, some carbon is vaporised in the B-Field area while some g rays are emitted by the ThO2. All the required conditions to get the Vallée' Synergetic effect are gathered...

he Carbon and the Th-Loaded Tungsten rod assembly is inserted in the axis of a cylindrical coil. The current pulse is measured by a current transformer (400:1) loaded with a 881 ohms resistor. The nuclear reaction (if there is one...) is monitored with a radiations counter. I have used a Gamma-Scout® handheld radiations detector.The Gamma-Scout® reliably measures alpha, beta, gamma and X-radiations, it is the latest development in handheld Geiger counters, designed specifically for homeland security.

Tests protocol :

1. The two 80000 µF capacitors are fully charged at 37 V.

2. The function generator sends a squared pulse to the High Power MosFET switching circuit. The capacitors are discharged through the 0.051 ohm resistor and the VSG unit.

3. The strong pulse of current is trapped with a current transformer loaded with a 881 ohms resistor. The voltage accros the resistor is measured with a Shielded Test Lead STL 120 ( 1:1, 1 Mohms/225 pF ) and recorded in real time by the digital oscilloscope Fluke 123

4. The radiations counter is checked for some eventual nuclear reactions.

Two tests have been performed, the first (blank) test has been conducted without the B-Field, the second test has been conducted in presence of a colinear B-Field produced by the long coil placed around the rods. The B-Field produced by the coil is continuous.

Below, you may see the recorded voltage accross the Rload resistor with and without the B-Field. In these scope diagrams, you may notice that the current pulse is stronger when the colinear B-Field is activated (red curve).

During these VSG tests the radiations counter has shown a net increase of the radiations level when the colinear B-Field is used. It is interesting to notice that the measured radiations remain at least 10 seconds after that the short current pulse has been sent. This increase of the radiation level when the conditions are gathered shows that a nuclear reaction seems to occured.

Comments about the radiations level : It is important to notice that the higher level of the radiation measured (0.26 µSv/h) here in this VSG experiment is located in a common ambiant radiations level range. So, the radiations level measured in this experiment is safe for your health. For exemple, when you fly in an intercontinental jet liner which flies at about 15000 meters, the radiation level is about 5 µSv/h, this is 1.3 time more than in this VSG experiment...

Comments : These tests of the VSG v2.0 are very interesting and need to be developped deeply. If the effects measured during these tests are not a simple measurement artifact, they can be directly related to the Prof R.L. Vallée Synergetic theory and thus, this can be a real breakthrough and opens a new path in free and clean energy production.

After more than 20 test runs with the VSG v2.0, I have noticed that the measured signal becomes more irregular than during the first serie of tests. I have tried to change the RLoad value to a 21.5 ohms ceramic resistor, whithout success, the signal was still chaotic. The efficiency has decreased to about 120%. ( see the results below )

After some investigations to find an explanation of this problem, I have found that the tip of the tungsten rod which was in contact with the carbon rod was entirely covered with a thin carbon powder.

The presence of thin particles of carbon on the tip of the Thoriated Tungsten rod confirms that some carbon has been vaporized by the discharge process during the lot of test runs. Now, I need to clean up the tungsten and the carbon rod and also the reaction chamber inside the coil...

After a lot of test runs, I have encountered the first problem with the VSG, the carbon rod has melted the plastic tube of the coil and the sparks have vaporized some carbon powder on the tip of the tungsten rod, this has damaged the contact area between the carbon rod and the Th-load tungsten rod ( 8 Feb 2005 ). So, after that I have cleaned the tungsten cathod and placed a new carbon rod, the VSG is now ready for new tests runs.

The purpose of these new tests is -- to use the full energy of the capacitor so as to get a max useable energy at its output. In the previous experiment, I have used only a very short discharge pulse (166 µs). Now, in this case the function generator has been set so as to get a full discharge of the capacitor ... to measure the real current which flows in the carbon rod with a more accurate method ...

For a better accuracy of the measurements with the current transformer, I have decided to use a low resistance shunt (1 ohm) placed across the CT output instead of the 881 ohms RLoad. This will reduce strongly the influence of the magnetisation current which flows inside the Current Transformer (CT) when a high impedance load is used on its output. The Current Transformer (CT) used in this test is a 400:1 (15 KVA). To measure the resistance of the Carbon rod more accurately, I have used the 4 wires method by measuring the current and the voltage with two digital multimeters.

You may notice that the major gain in energy (10 J) is obtained during the first 5 ms of the discharge process, this can be explained by the existence of a working point of the VSG. A proper E-Field and B-Field level must be found so as to get the best energy efficiency.


VSG v3.1 ( 13 Feb 2005 )

This new version of VSG seems to give a good energy efficiency, may be that this is due a stronger E-Field (1214 V/m) and a stronger B-Field (48 gauss) than in the previous design v2.0. I shall soon try with a bigger carbon rod and a bigger solenoid coil to get more nuclear interactions in the reactor.

VSG v3.5

This version v3.5 of the VSG use a 6 mm diameter and 60 mm length pure carbon rod and a 6 mm diamter Thoriated Tungsten rod (loaded with 2.20% of ThO2). A such electrode ( WT 20 ) is commonly used for TIG and Plasma welding and I have alredy used it previously in the High Temperature Plasma Electrolysis experiment. A solenoid coil is tightly wound around the carbon rod, this coil produces a colinear and continuous (DC) magnetic field inside the carbone rod, its purpose is to align the spins of the carbon atoms with the main electric field. The measured B-Field with a Gaussmeter is about 135 gauss. To get a true Synergetic effect, the required nuclear reaction is :

If few carbon atoms are able to interact in this nuclear process (1st reaction), a superimposed current is produced by the b radiations during the reconstitution of carbon from boron 12 (2nd reaction) while a large amount of vacuum energy is tapped.

To measure the additional current flow in the carbon, the apparatus is placed in the main axis of a large toroid coil used as the secundary of the VSG transformer while the carbon rod acts as its primary. Two 80 000 µF capacitors are connected in parallel and charged at 37 Volts, then, these two capacitors are discharged through the carbon rod with a High Power MosFet electronic switching unit. During the discharge sequence The current flow in the carbon rod during the discharge sequence is measured with a toroid transformer (1143:1) loaded with a 881 ohms resistor (Rload). All the datas are recorded in real time with the digital oscilloscope Fluke 123.. The resistance of the carbon rod have been measured with the 4 wires method.

Test one : The solenoid coil is not powered (B-Field = 0), the capacitors are discharged through the carbon rod. The voltage is recorded with the digital scope, then the datas are stored in a computer for calculations.

Test two : The solenoid coil is switched on (B-Field = 135 gauss) few second before the firing sequence. The capacitors are discharged through the carbon rod. The voltage is recorded again with the digital scope, then the datas are compared to the previous one.

Expected results : If a significant change in the measured voltage between the 'test one' and the 'test two' can be detected, this can be only explained by the presence of an additional current flow in the carbon produced by the b radiations.

In the case of carbon, with a coefficient of effectiveness of 10-5 (1 atom out of 100.000 entering into reaction) and a total output of 20%, the reconstitution of carbon from boron 12 would provide 8 kw per gram of carbon used.

When the continuous and colinear B-Field is active, the current flow in the carbon rod increases significantly.

VSG v4.1 ( 20 Feb 2005 )
This new version of the VSG uses a bigger torus transformer as a Current Transformer (CT). It has a bigger turn ratio (1143:1) and will be able to handle more current flow in the carbon. The inner diameter of the torus is also bigger, so, in this V4.1, I have used a 11 mm diameter and 120 mm length pure carbon rod with a solenoid coil wound around it.

The VSG v4.1 gives a very good energy efficiency ( Energy factor With/Without B-Field = 3.46 ), this is due to a stronger E-Field (2030 V/m) and a stronger B-Field (60 gauss) than in the previous design v3.1. As you may see above, the power factor is also very high...




I was not aware of these threads. Last post in the thread was April 2010, 63 pages, the matter has been discussed at length. I was mostly interested in the set up with two plugs, seemed easy enough for interested parties to look in the matter. I'm glad to see theory investigated as I have long believed in it's soundness. I'm not a scientist, more a dabbler, junior electronics technician. My main area of interest is in coiling, resonance, cascading Tesla, where I believe is the easiest way to produce large amounts of usable electricity. Tesla's car demonstrated the viability of the concept, remains for us to figure out what he did.