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New Renaissance Prizes offered to encourage Energy experimenters

Started by JouleSeeker, November 04, 2011, 11:55:07 PM

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Thanks for comments!
z.monkey -- we're on pretty much the same page:

Quote from: z.monkey on November 10, 2011, 10:58:34 AM
Howdy Dr. Jones,

This is a very altruistic endeavor you are proposing.  I have a similar need to uncouple mankind from fossil fuels, not just to spare the pollution, but also to diversify the sciences.  There are so many other ways to unlock useful energies from nature that are not visible, or tangible.  Much in the way radio works, invisible waves carry information around the globe, Tesla and Moray understood the ineffable electromagnetic fields produced by the Sun.  This I believe was their source for "free" energy.  When it does finally become understood we will find that there is really nothing free to be had, rather it was an unknown source of energy.  Moray's device works very much like a Radio Receiver, in that it is a detector circuit which can rectify extremely high frequencies.  Also it was a very large diode, so significant currents could be rectified, enough to run light bulbs and heaters.  The frequencies that I am referring to are in the range of a Terahertz.

Moray was second only to Tesla.  Tesla understood these electromagnetic currents produced by the Sun better than anyone yet.  His Radiant Energy Receiver used tubes and rectifiers to make a resonant circuit which could oscillate at these extremely high frequencies, a thousand times that of radar.  Tesla made this look simple, he was that good.  All of us are trying to catch up to these giants of science.

So, I do have a partiality to Gold Eagles, and I would love to have them, need more funding for my research.  But what if I prove that there really is nothing free to be had?  What if what we consider to be "free" energy is just energy from an unknown source? I do have a number of endeavors in progress, and some, if they work, would be considered "free" energy, but I don't know if I can agree with that.  I have come to learn, that even the most mysterious energies have a logical source, but they defy the senses, and the intellect, until sufficient time and research are spent to fully understand said energies.  Having said that it may be that no one can qualify to meet your criteria for a "free" energy device, and you will probably get to keep the coins for yourself...

Good luck in your endeavor...

"Energy from an unknown source" -- just what the prizes are for!  to encourage this type of "unknown source" research.
Let's get that straight.  I don't use the term "Free Energy" much, I try to avoid it, because of the confusion you mention. 

No, I think we will find eventually the source of the "novel energy" -- and I prefer to use the terms "Moray-type devices" (since he was arguably one of the first to develop one of these) or "novel energy" (NE) or even "New Renaissance"  devices. 

@microcontroller -- agreed that oil will peak and fall, since it is a finite resource.  BUT -- with a NE device, we may actually SUPPLANT oil to a large extent (and drive the price down for a while?)  BEFORE it runs out...  let's think about that!

Arius -- I don't expect everyone to trust me, or you, but look -- my work on Solar Funnel Cookers, which I've sent around the world using my own funds mostly -- should demonstrate that I'm really interested in getting energy to the FAMILIES of the world.  I'm not seeking the beaucoup bucks here -- rather to get this to families and not into the hands of the control-freak elite.


My own research is focusing on what is called the "Thane Heins effect", or the "delayed-Lenz effect."  This can be achieved in two ways currently:

1.  A motor-generator with control of the RPM's
2.  A transformer approach, with control of frequency of the input voltage on the primary.'

  Here, I feel like I'm starting to understand the Physics a bit, though still climbing the learning curve.  I personally prefer the solid-state approach, #2, no moving parts.

  So -- assuming some of you are likewise interested, let me point you to a series of youtube vids that describe both approaches 1&2 -- OverunityGuide (OUG) does a great job IMO in these vids, and they have been archived by my friend Gary (DeepCut), today.  I have just reviewed the 7 vids by OUG on this subject, and found more enlightment after viewing some a second time.  The last (#7) is my favorite, and this will also get you the list:

OUG ARCHIVE 7. MOT Microwave Oven Transformer Delayed Lenz Experiment. - YouTube

The attachment screen-shot is from OUG's vid, to show the microwave-oven transformer he used.  Cool -- basically off the shelf.  Of course, he needed a signal generator to get up to 950 Hz on the input, to get the delayed Lenz effect. 

I'd love to see such an off-the-shelf Xfo that gave the delayed Lenz effect at 60 Hz (or 50 Hz, Europe etc).  THEN just about anyone could do this...  Note that OUG is not now claiming OU, just the delayed Lenz effect.

  I finished my first Thane-type hand-wound transformer today, played with it until I blew the fuse on my Variac... :(   Oh, well, fuses are cheap.


@z.monkey -- to clarify a bit more,

QuoteI would define a "novel energy" (NE) device that has merit for science and for society as follows -- here are my criteria at this time:

1.  Energy from a non-conventional source.  This excludes:  fossil fuels and biomass burning, solar (including wind and wave power), geothermal, nuclear fission or fusion (although I should not exclude cold fusion -- but see point 3).  It does not exclude:  earth's gravitational or magnetic fields, galactic magnetic fields.  Even currently unknown sources are allowable -- and sought.

This is quoted from my post over at OUR.com, posted back in March 2010.

Anyway, I hope you can see that I AGREE with you 100% that in time the source of the "novel energy", where it COMES FROM, will be found out.  Let's hope so! 

That discovery (Nobel-prize level I suppose) would or should allow us to further tap into the energy supply of the Universe...  My guess FWIW, so-called "dark energy."


Quote from: JouleSeeker on November 10, 2011, 11:28:12 PM
My own research is focusing on what is called the "Thane Heins effect", or the "delayed-Lenz effect."
Thank you for the elucidation.  I have explored this phenomena pretty thoroughly.  In mundane science this would be called Back-EMF, or the effect of an inductor discharging its field with an instantaneous spike of voltage, known to pop driver transistors.  However this phenomena is complicated by several factors, some of which are mysterious.  The design of the inductor is one of those factors.  With a specially designed inductor, some have claimed to achieve an overunity effect.  Joseph Cater has explained, exhaustively, that this can be attributed to the decay, or fission, of what he terms soft particles, or soft electrons.  One device that allegedly exploits this concept is the Hubbard Generator.  A unique construction, much like a transformer, attracts and stores these soft particles, and then hastens their annihilation with alternating magnetic fields, thus causing the disintegration of said soft particles, and creating an energy gain.

A soft particle lies in the middle ground between energy and solid matter.  All matter starts as energy, and is expelled from stars.  This energy travels huge distances before it slows down, and eventually coalesces into a tiny bits of matter.  These tiny bits of matter aggregate into the tiniest bits of subatomic particles, and continue to into grow into photons, electrons, neutrons, protons, elements, etc.  There is a state where these soft particles are venerable, and can be cracked, back into energy, from a semi-solid state, and it is these overunity devices that are exploiting this phenomena.  An exhaustive elucidation is here...


My hypothesis is a lot of these devices that are seeing an overunity effect, are experiencing soft particle fission, and an energy gain because the quasi-solid matter is being reduced to energy by the fluctuating magnetic fields.  This may also be the case with cold fusion, and experimenters are misinterpreting soft particle fission, as atomic fusion.  Now think about this carefully.  I am proposing that there is another state of matter that is transitory, between energy and solid matter, and that it is fissionable, and this can be done with a mundane device, such as a transformer, or better a specialized device, such as the Hubbard Generator.

I spent years postulating this theory, and came to the conclusion that I cannot afford to develop it...  Big Sigh...

So I went chasing another set of sub-atomic physics, SuperLight.  Basically explained as the phenomena caused by the perpendicular reaction of Light, supplied by our local Star, and SuperLight, supplied by the Galactic Core, which in essence causes matter to puff up, be animated, and energetic.  It may be the reason that life is possible.  Furthermore it is the reason for phenomena like electric current, and magnetic flux.  I know, this borders on the Metaphysical, but when you work in theoretical science, you must expand your mind into these areas, otherwise you will not be able to innovate.  Superlight theory took me to places that I could not fathom before, way beyond Cater's theories.  It also gave me new appreciation for Moray's and Tesla's work.  After this I was able to replicate Tesla's Polyphase Alternator, and it works...



SuperLight theory also gave me impetus to re-explore the magnet motor.  When I re-examined the physics of magnets with respect to SuperLight theory, I can see that the magnets are rectifying the extremely high electromagnetic frequencies produced by the Sun.  Magnets are much more than the mundane bits of sticky metal they are pawned off as being.  They are receiving, rectifying, and retransmitting the extremely high electromagnetic frequencies that are produced in the Sun.  They are a source of unlimited, never ending power.



So, I hope my little dissertation has given you some additional hope for a clean, exotic energy future.  Its been a long road to this place and I don't see an end to this road soon.  I don't think I'll have a viable solution within the time frame of your contest.  But, I'll keep working toward that end.  I have had some successes this year, and that is encouraging.  But, as you know, research is fueled by funding, and oil companies don't give grants to wacka-doodle researchers like me...
Goodwill to All, for All is One!


Hi joule seeker

my 2 cents and questions about the fantastic work of Thane Heins

good luck at all

