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New Renaissance Prizes offered to encourage Energy experimenters

Started by JouleSeeker, November 04, 2011, 11:55:07 PM

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New Renaissance Prizes
Dr. Steven Jones
Emeritus Professor of Physics
Three Golden-Eagle gold coins to be given,
And up to 120 Silver-Eagle coins.  By me.

1.  Silver Eagle prize for allowing FREE lab-test:
First, your tests indicate that your build has more output power than input power -- and has output power of at least 1Watt on a load, and you will allow me to test/verify it . (“Black box” is OK, if you wish; you don’t have to tell me what’s inside, as long as there are no hidden batteries or capacitors).   Do your best and submit your entry for me to look at:  EMdevice12@yahoo.com
          Once OK’ed, I will also pay shipping both ways.  Results announced on forums; details of your device ONLY released WHEN you approve.  No galvanic batteries or "borrowing" from the electric-power grid, please!

2.  Gold Eagle (see photo below) prize if your device truly shows more Pout than Pin in my FREE tests, and you agree to seek to make the device available to mankind worldwide quickly.   (With a fair profit to the builder, that’s fine and I’ll even help!) 

3.  A self-running device that also powers a load at over 30W will receive an additional Gold Eagle coin, the Double-Gold-Eagle prize! 

Total value today, spot prices alone:

Gold   $1,754.38/ounce X 3 =  $5263.14    Silver  $34.13/ounce X 120 = $4095.60.    Total:  $9,358.74.

These coins come from my father who passed away two years ago, an electronics engineer who would â€" I am sure â€" favor this use of the inheritance.  I realize that I can’t build and test all the good ideas myself (although I keep experimenting!), but I can help others by using my training and experience to do PhD-level testing â€" and then assist in getting the product out the door to families everywhere.  That’s my goal.  The "contest" ends when either ALL THREE of the Gold Eagles are awarded, OR all 120 Silver Eagles are awarded.

Questions or suggestions?  Let me know!

My website:  http://www.physics.byu.edu/research/energy/

When I read about Dr.  Henry Moray’s self-running  electricity-generating device, I was intrigued.  Then I read about tests done by physicist Harvey Fletcher on it and became quite convinced â€"  Dr. Fletcher wrote:
"The device was contained in a small wooden box... which I, personally, inspected... The electrical load...consisted of 12 clear 75 Watt 100 Volt light bulbs and a 500 Watt electric flat iron... I did not know how the device functioned and I do not know today, but I do know that it did function for the several hours of time that I observed it.  I could discern no batteries, and could observe no other known methods of inducing electric power into the box or its loads."

I have jumped in and seen some “anomalous power effects” myself, but not claiming OU yet in my builds… (See, for example, my thread here:   http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10773.msg287594#msg287594  and here:  http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=762.0  )  I’m excited about the world-wide community hacking away at this problem… and I would like to provide encouragement and help where possible. 

A “New Renaissance”?   Catch the vision!

Galileo’s pioneering experiments â€" along with others -- lead to a Renaissance, a renewal of society and of the human spirit.  We live in exciting times â€" “end times” some would say.  I believe that we also live in the “times of refreshing” spoken of by Peter (Acts 3:19). With all the protests and upheavals going on there is also a prospect of “refreshing” or “renaissance” â€" a “New Renaissance” is quite possible with a clean, inexpensive energy invention.  A source of electrical power that will make individuals and families independent of fossil fuels will have revolutionary impact  -- a new Renaissance!

The first step is to see an “unconventional generator” like Moray’s actually work and be reproducible.  But a crucial second phase lies in getting this out to people without having it stomped on.  (We could discuss why Big Oil and Big Government might prefer to keep up the status-quo oil/tax profits rather than allowing people to produce power in their own homes and electric cars… Some of you know what happened to Dr. Moray’s device.)

Time is short and the need of humanity is great for a compact, non-polluting power source.  Many face debilitating economic depression, while the globalist big-oil companies continue to reak in outrageous profits.   Do they really want to see 5kWatt-scale devices that use no fossil fuels in individual homes and cars?    I’ll let you answer that one.

The New Renaissance prizes are offered to those who think they have a working OU device and would like a quick verification, and who are willing to seriously endeavor to get the device out to humanity rather than selling out to “the powers that be.” 

Let’s all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year â€" with OU completely confirmed ASAP .
   To be frank, I have a seminar-talk on 9 March 2012 at a large university and I would REALLY like to award a Gold Eagle prize or two before then!  Here is the abstract for my talk:
QuoteAlternative Energy:  History and Prospects
Steven E. Jones
Emeritus Professor of Physics

Physicist Harvey Fletcher at age 94 wrote a notarized affidavit affirming that he had examined a device invented by Henry Moray of Salt Lake City:
"The device was contained in a small wooden box... which I, personally, inspected... The electrical load...consisted of 12 clear 75 Watt 100 Volt light bulbs and a 500 Watt electric flat iron... I did not know how the device functioned and I do not know today, but I do know that it did function for the several hours of time that I observed it.  I could discern no batteries, and could observe no other known methods of inducing electric power into the box or its loads."
  What is this mysterious device and what happened to it and the inventor?  Are there others like it today?

Throughout my career as a physicist, I have sought for alternative energy sources for mankind.
My principle conclusions on metal-catalyzed ("cold") fusion have been experimentally validated just as discoveries of our team regarding muon-catalyzed fusion were replicated and verified.  However, those fusion yields are currently too small to have practical application for power generation.  Twenty years ago, I developed a Solar Funnel Cooker and offered it free to all, including hundreds of working models which I sent throughout the world.  That invention certainly works.  But the class of Moray devices intrigues me more...

Please email me to discuss your proposed device entry:  emdevice12@yahoo.com .   Let’s empower the people of our planet (rather than the super-wealthy) and start a New Renaissance! 


Example devices that could be entered -- if your build meets the criteria for at least the Silver Eagle prize (some I’ve been working on, too):
QuoteThane Heins' BiTT and variants; Gabriel device.   Steve Mark TPU.   Hendershot Device.  Dr. Henry Moray Device.   Alfred Hubbard Device.   Hans Coler Device.   Daniel McFarland Cook Coil.  AVEC â€"type Device.  Magnacoaster-type.  Kapandaze device.   Edwin Gray device.   Don Smith/ Zilano device.   Electret device. Stubblefield coils.     Turtur transformer.   Testakita machine.   'Rotoverters'.
Bedini device.  Brown's resonant battery.  Seiko 'G-Strain' Amplifier.  Monopole Mobius coil.   Joule Thief / sj1 - style circuits.    Robert Adams device.   Muller/Romero device.  Tesla-Brandt /Matt Jones switches.   Rossi's E-Cat.   Floyd 'Sparky' Sweet's device.   Jim Watson device.   Peter Daysh Davey device.    John Searle device.   Dr Stiffler device.   Joseph Longo's Plasma Converter.
Thanks to Deep Cut (Gary) for making the list (which I’ve edited).

Summary:  Three 1-ounce Golden Eagle coins and up to 120 1-oz Silver Eagle prizes are hereby offered, to encourage inventors and builders to join me in the pursuit of “New Renaissance” energy to EM-power the good folks of our planet.


Quote from: Arius A. Nowak on November 05, 2011, 06:13:41 AM
I think You should send this coins to Y.S. Potapov from Moldova.
His VHG's was carefully checked in Los Alamos 15 y. ago.
All You have to do for, is to write to Laboratory to obtain this old papers.
When You are US citizien, You are ought to do it after Pact of Freedom
In attach, one of documents about from russian TSAGI -Central State Institute for Aerodynamical Study.

Interesting, but these prizes are offered for working devices and tests TODAY, not based on earlier reports.

Now, someone might want to get the reports you mention (I don't read Russian, in your PDF) and Build a device for testing.  That would be great.
If I were basing the prizes on PAST reports, it would be a different matter -- and Henry Moray would get one!


That's super that the doctor is offering free Gold Coins for Overunity Devices.


Quote from: FatBird on November 06, 2011, 07:08:26 AM
That's super that the doctor is offering free Gold Coins for Overunity Devices.

Thanks, Fatbird.

OK, I’m active on several forums as well as getting PMs regarding the concept of a New Renaissance and the New Renaissance Prizes.    Some general responses follow:

  I’m a lay leader in my local church and I will be honest and tell you what I find about your device and help you all I can to get it out to PEOPLE.  (If your main interest is in MONEY, please reconsider and search your heart regarding greed before you proceed). 

At my home electronics bench I currently employ:
  Two DSO Oscilloscopes (including one that can MULTIPLY V(t) and I(t) to give the POWER waveform), several DMM’s including a Keithley, clamp-on meters,  and three Kill-o-Watt meters, a DC power supply and a Variac.  I have done some calorimetry also â€" which may be the ultimate way to prove high efficiency (power output that is actually measured, over power input).

Since these prizes are to encourage a device that will go out rather freely to bless mankind, I would sign only a non-disclosure agreement with a limited time period.
I would strongly discourage seeking patents.   When Henry Moray sought a patent, his device was actually clobbered by an agent sent by the government (Felix Frazer).   There are stories of other devices receiving a stamp of “Classified” â€" “do not discuss” under threat of jail-time.    We must be wise about these matters and not assume that “they” will help us in our quest for non-fossil-fuel energy sources.

Furthermore, any OU device will almost certainly evolve very rapidly to new and exciting products that would circumvent even the best patents.  There is a better way to proceed.  Here are some brief suggestions regarding how to proceed from working OU device â€"TO- getting this device into homes of individuals and families QUICKLY.

1.   A device is developed in public forums (open source) or privately, to the point where the device produces more actual/measured power out than power in, ie., OU.

ADDED: 1b.   The easier to obtain necessary components and build the device, the better.  Clearly, some devices are much more complicated than others -- such as the RomeroUK device compared to a Thane Heins transformer.

2.   The device should be replicated and thoroughly tested and built by individuals in several countries, while we back off from details in public forums for a while.   Non-exclusive licenses with principal inventors may be appropriate, with royalties to go to the inventors and detailed plans to trusted builders.

3.   On an agreed-upon date, a simultaneous announcement is made by device-builders around the globe, and concerted efforts are made to get into local media.   At this point, the “genie is out of the bottle” and hopefully the innovation will not be stoppable by opposing “powers that be.”

4.   Distributed manufacture continues.  Devices are demonstrated and sold (as “research devices” if needed to avoid regulatory constraints) at a fair profit, with royalties flowing to the inventors.

5.   At some point, Chinese companies will probably jump in and grab the new technology, and make them cheaper… to everyone’s benefit hopefully, in the end.

So, first we develop the “anomalous” power generator, but then we must proceed cautiously/wisely to “EM-power the people” without having the device stomped into the ground by the “powers that be.”


Howdy Dr. Jones,

This is a very altruistic endeavor you are proposing.  I have a similar need to uncouple mankind from fossil fuels, not just to spare the pollution, but also to diversify the sciences.  There are so many other ways to unlock useful energies from nature that are not visible, or tangible.  Much in the way radio works, invisible waves carry information around the globe, Tesla and Moray understood the ineffable electromagnetic fields produced by the Sun.  This I believe was their source for "free" energy.  When it does finally become understood we will find that there is really nothing free to be had, rather it was an unknown source of energy.  Moray's device works very much like a Radio Receiver, in that it is a detector circuit which can rectify extremely high frequencies.  Also it was a very large diode, so significant currents could be rectified, enough to run light bulbs and heaters.  The frequencies that I am referring to are in the range of a Terahertz.

Moray was second only to Tesla.  Tesla understood these electromagnetic currents produced by the Sun better than anyone yet.  His Radiant Energy Receiver used tubes and rectifiers to make a resonant circuit which could oscillate at these extremely high frequencies, a thousand times that of radar.  Tesla made this look simple, he was that good.  All of us are trying to catch up to these giants of science.

So, I do have a partiality to Gold Eagles, and I would love to have them, need more funding for my research.  But what if I prove that there really is nothing free to be had?  What if what we consider to be "free" energy is just energy from an unknown source?  I do have a number of endeavors in progress, and some, if they work, would be considered "free" energy, but I don't know if I can agree with that.  I have come to learn, that even the most mysterious energies have a logical source, but they defy the senses, and the intellect, until sufficient time and research are spent to fully understand said energies.  Having said that it may be that no one can qualify to meet your criteria for a "free" energy device, and you will probably get to keep the coins for yourself...

Good luck in your endeavor...
Goodwill to All, for All is One!