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I have this idea

Started by the phoenix, June 18, 2006, 05:55:15 PM

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the single largest problem that I can envision with your design is that having a pure circle around a gyroscope would not provide any force at all...the most you could hope for would be a magnetic bearing on a large flywheel...there really is no difference between a flywheel and a gyroscope, just how it's mounted really. The biggest problem with this is that you cannot, repeat cannot get more energy out of this system than you put into it. So take your 60mph wind...how much of this wind would it take to KEEP this 500lb gyroscope spinning at 10 000 rpm? Now add in the loss of energy to move the vehicle that this system is attached to.... you will be losing energy out of the gyroscope every time. Now if you could somehow arrange said magnets into a linear accelerator that has no cogging points, then it would work phenomenally well. But then that's what most of us are trying to figure out here :) Check out the magnetic motor section and you'll get an idea as to what obsticles we are all running into. Welcome to the club ;D
Need motivation? Read: http://www.lifeaftertheoilcrash.net/
Sincerely - nightwynd

the phoenix

All right, here is the long and short of the idea.   I completely understand what you are saying about the flywheel, that is the intention.  as far as the rest of the sha-bang: here is the short version,  The entire vehicle is a maximization of all systems involved.   wind- the generator is primarily wind powered, it is started with an electric motor from batteries, and without speed of at least 30mph (by my calcs) it runs off a "linear engine in the round" (they'll be a lot of patents involved with this one) this engine can run off soy diesel or H2/O2 separated from water.  Water doesn't yield much so the "linear engine" has a small displacement and very high compression ratios with very few moving parts. (I think it will run on atmospheric air with... but I digress)  this also assists the wind generator.    The wind generator productivity is actual a function of the vehicle design. 

1. The displacement area at the rear of the vehicle is larger than the front accelerating the air in laminar flow at the rear; this is where the turbine exhaust is (in a vacuum) it will also creat "lift" forward.

2. The front of the car is like a big scoop, directing as much air to the intake without causing a significant drag cross section.

3. The intake works like the intake on the SR71 black bird. All the directed air is compressed and accelerated over 4 times.  30mph now equals 120 mph at the variable pitched turbine.   

4.  I would like to do the thing as a tripod with a large rear wheel "planetary gear"

5. I have been kicking this idea around for a while.  All of the systems will work independently at different speeds etc.  How ever it requires all three systems working together to be functional. 

I haven't done any formal experiments because I am broke and no one believes me that has money.  Until now I couldn't even find someone that understood what I am trying to express. As long as math still works so will it.   The only conundrum I have at this point is the actual coil and magnet array.   I was originally thinking a linear motor like on maglev trains. Instead of a moving coil the magnets move and the coil is stationary to minimize electrical loss and keep the magnets cool and strong. Now I am contemplating a large toroid coil.  My hypothesis is that if the toroid coil excites/creates electric plasma when charged, would it be as effective in collecting atmospheric energy (radiation, light, AM, FM, cell phones, and every other wavelength bouncing around out there) by using multiple coils sharing lengths with the most predominant waveforms. Your absolutely right your never going to get more out of a generator than you put in, usually you get about 40% at full duty.   That is why the input is compound and oversized. There is also the possibility that I am completely insane, and/or have no idea what I am talking about.


Quote"linear engine in the round"

I think I understand MOST of what you are saying, except this....what on earth is a linear engine in the round?

Also, another question: if you are quadroupling your wind speed, are you also then quadroupling your wind drag? If so, you have just nullified your own benefit there...p.s. how does it work to turn a 30mph wind into 120mph? If this were TRULY possible, why don't we have this kind of arrangement on all of our wind turbines for power generation?

If you can, try to come up with some kind of sketches/drawings that you can post - I know this all looks very nice in your head, but your concepts come out a little vague to those of us not in there currently :)

Not tryin to shoot holes in your idea phoenix, just trying to refine it :D Keep the ideas flowing.
Need motivation? Read: http://www.lifeaftertheoilcrash.net/
Sincerely - nightwynd

the phoenix

Air works a lot like water at speed.  ?hydraulics? the thing you said about the drag is not exactly true.   It works on the same principal as the intake of the jet on the sr-71 black bird, not as extreme but, you'll get the idea.   Wind at speed instead of displacing out of the way, it compresses and accelerates.  Just like in hydraulics when a line size is reduced and the v/t is not, same unit volume just in a smaller conduit=higher speed, ?Laminar flow? I believe is the term, or like the air mass over the top of a wing in flight (part of the lift element).  In regards to a ?linear engine in the round?, this is something that I developed that makes up for the whole drag/friction-coefficients/blah blah blah.   How it works is Top secrete.  If I told you I would have to kill you.    I don't have any of this patented because I am poor and ignorant to the patent offices ways.  I am trying to find people to help with out divulging 5 years of headaches.   It is a fine line to walk.  This is primarily existing tech that I have tweaked and reconfigured for my purposes.