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Mehran T. Keshe Technologies

Started by AbbaRue, August 31, 2012, 11:45:09 PM

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I wonder how it is possible that scientists and engineers, all of whom are using this "totaly wrong" model, including non-existent electricity and so on, are able to use mathematics and the formulations of Quantum Electrodynamics, to design all these wonderful devices, like computers and the tools that make them possible (LSI, ion beam lithography, etc) and to predict to incredible accuracy and precision the behaviour of new systems, which they can then build and confirm, if the models are so wrong.
How can a cellphone exist, for example, if QED is wrong?

People who claim that the standard model is so wrong, need to be able to explain how it is so successful, in spite of its being wrong. You can't just throw out the system that enables all of the miraculous devices we take for granted, without explaining how a wrong model, used by all these sadly misguided engineers, can possibly work so well.

How, for example, have we been able to send a robot spacecraft to the moons of Saturn, make a soft landing on Titan, and send back photographs and loads of other data, if the standard models of gravity, Newtonian dynamics, general electromagnetism and QED are all wrong?



Reag again my last sentence from last message. And reflect on it at least twice!

The actual science, the actual world, represents only o way of evolution, or more correct and according to my understandings a way of involution. Can you understand and agree wit this? No, you can't because you don't want to see what is wrong with our world. You are deep immersed in it, in its illusion, and can't see outside of it.

Our actual world is just a way, and unfortunately can not even say it's a good way! What are the cause, when was its course changed, why... at all these questions will have to look yourself for answers. Only then you will see what and why is wrong!

One simple example in accordance wirh main theme of this topic: did you heard about Faraday paradox? Try to find an answer to it, and until you will find, don't come back and tell me how perfect is our "science"! And of course there are many, many paradoxes in all science domains, even in day by day life!

Open your eyes and brain, both cerebral hemispheres not only the logical one, and maybe you will see and understand more! Don't forget, you have two arms, legs, eyes, ears, which you use day by day! Why don't use your both cerebral hemispheres? And more than that, if you have courage, try to decalcify pineal gland! Then to see you!

These are not reproaches, are simple requests for taking actions and getting out of today's illusion!


Quote from: sadang on January 13, 2013, 01:21:11 PM

Reag again my last sentence from last message. And reflect on it at least twice!
Sadang..... newbie..... please read again the last sentence from my last message, reflect on it however many times you need to, and then _answer the question_.
How can all these wondrous things be achieved, especially the high precision of predictions of the standard QED model..... some of which are accurate to more than 13 decimal places of precision..... if these models are wrong?

The actual science, the actual world, represents only o way of evolution, or more correct and according to my understandings a way of involution. Can you understand and agree wit this? No, you can't because you don't want to see what is wrong with our world. You are deep immersed in it, in its illusion, and can't see outside of it.
You are quite adept at telling me what YOU think is wrong with my understanding, aren't you. But my understanding produces results that can be confirmed by experiment, and I show this over and over again with  my demonstrations, and we are surrounded by devices that could not have been made without this kind of conventional understanding.... like your computer for one thing. Where are YOUR demonstrations of the correctness of your view? Can you show a single thing that is NOT predicted by the conventional models, that your "understanding" predicts, and that can be confirmed by experiments? I think not.

Our actual world is just a way, and unfortunately can not even say it's a good way! What are the cause, when was its course changed, why... at all these questions will have to look yourself for answers. Only then you will see what and why is wrong!

Oh, yes we can say that "it's a good way".... because this is proven to us every day! The rest of your sentence makes no sense to me. Look to myself for answers? Rather, I look to my education, and to the marvels that the science in which I am educated produces all around us every day.

One simple example in accordance wirh main theme of this topic: did you heard about Faraday paradox? Try to find an answer to it, and until you will find, don't come back and tell me how perfect is our "science"! And of course there are many, many paradoxes in all science domains, even in day by day life!
Yes, I am aware of the Faraday "paradox", and like just about all other scientific "paradoxes" it is a matter of reference frames, mistaken interpretations and irrelevancies. Once you understand how homopolar motor/generators actually work, and when you understand that "field lines" are just as "real" as lines of latitude and longitude or isobars on a weather map, you might begin to see that there is really no paradox there at all.


Open your eyes and brain, both cerebral hemispheres not only the logical one, and maybe you will see and understand more! Don't forget, you have two arms, legs, eyes, ears, which you use day by day! Why don't use your both cerebral hemispheres? And more than that, if you have courage, try to decalcify pineal gland! Then to see you!

Decalcify pineal gland. Well.... that pretty  much says it all, doesn't it? I think you are in some other world, not this real one.

Where is your empirical support for ideas such as "decalcifying pineal gland"? Can you cite a single peer-reviewed study in a real journal that has anything to do with this idea? How do you decalcify _your_ pineal gland? By viewing frequencies? Meditation? Pardon me while I laugh in my coffee.


These are not reproaches, are simple requests for taking actions and getting out of today's illusion!

They certainly sound like reproaches to me, and I note that you still haven't provided any answers: How does a "wrong" model manage to be so very successful, and how does YOUR model stand up? Where is a device that works according to your preferred world view, how does your preferred world view allow spacecraft to hit their marks, how does it allow precise ion-beam lithography, where is the prediction to 13 digits of precision made by your model?

I am afraid that you are the one with illusions that are blinding you to the very real "reality" that surrounds you. Any model that pretends to replace the standard one of Physics MUST be able to explain at least as much as the standard one does, and must also predict new things that the standard one does not, and these predictions must be supported by experimental data. Where is your experimental support? Mine is all around us, and in fact you are reading this on a prime example of just how good the standard concepts of physics really are -- your computer.


For you to credibly claim that this model is wrong.... you need to provide a better one, or at least show some empirical support for your claim of "wrongness."  Certainly there are things that physics still does not understand. But any new model must include all of the old results and expand on them, just as Einstein's relativity model includes Newtonian dynamics within it, and expands upon it to extreme velocities and extreme gravitation.



Our model is not successful, it is extremely primitive and lacking a basic understanding of source dynamics and universal interconnectivness.
The only thing we have succeded to do is turning our planet into a dump, where the contamination of virgin country and the exploitation of our natural resources can be seen everywhere on earth.

Our contemporary scientific model merely allow us to play around within our confines and implement those "wonders" without really understanding the basics.
You don't have to know the chemical structure of water so sail it.

Seen from this perspective the same goes for any of our wonders implemented by science without knowning anything about source dynamics.
Could it be that mankind's experimental results and observations are accurate, but wrongly interpreted when explained?
As I have said before, what if our nicely defined forces like gravity and electromagnetism are not even forces at all?

What if the phenomenon we call electricity will be limited from a deeper understanding as long as we keep regarding it as moving particles?

What if even light itself is not a wave that travels from A to B?
The conclusion that light is something that moves from A to B is nothing more than a guess based upon the combination of source/receptor measurements and our brains suggestion that it must be something that travels. The recorded light speed measurments could just as well be the result of our unawareness of field differentials in a universe were everything relates to everything else through these field differential. We just don't know yet.

And that's what it is all about, we don't know.  Nobody on earth does.

Sadang is trying to convey to you that the observations made by contemporary science are accurate by wrongly interpreted, meaning that humanity is inevitably confined to the limitations created by our low altitude of understanding.

Along with our present limitations in understanding universe is our obvious lack of understanding the part our consciousness play.

What if the highest form of energy is consciousness?
What if consciousness is superior to physical reality, as quantum mechanics seems to indicate in relation to the observer and the observed?

What makes you so sure the world is even physical? Because you senses and measuring instruments tells you that? Think about that for a moment.

The present scientific model is merely a halting fumbling try to get things connected, and their electronic trinkets are really not making any of us able to even adress any question of depht.

As far as I am concerned, mankind has gone so far astray from a holistic world view that we will cause irreversable damage to our planet if we don't stop right now and change our course.
In order to change the course, no scientific endeavor will be enough. Our way of treating our fellow humans and fellow animals and fellow trees and so forth indicates severe global sicknes of the mind.
Mankind need to reconnect.

And as long as we observe reality in a non holistic way, we are confined within the narrowness of the frequency band of reality we presently focus upon, effectivly inhibiting us from getting access to a higher level of understanding.

A Science without deep love and respect permeating every move of its progress is bound to be subjected to wrong turns, due to the mere lack of connectivity.

We are all one, merely looking into this world through the eyes of our temporary interfaces, giving us the illusion of being separate.

Have you ever thanked grandmother earth for givĂ­ng you the opportunity to enjoy her splendor?

She is alive, you know.




Your "very real reality" is not a reality at all. It is just a think, an ideea, o convention. Look deep inside the atom, beyound quarks, and see that there is nothing material. NOTHING!

Only our interpretation, our way of thinking based on our understandings (wrong ones) make the actual science with its laws and experimental proof, which give material characteristics to our world.

The actual "very real reality" is just an illusion, maintained by consciousness of billions of people who are educated (or blinded) alike. It is just a model which can be changed when 50%+1 will rethink the world and its intrinsec structure and dynamics on other way. Even if you accept or understand this!

You can't understand all these, because you never had the courage to lean on them, or were forced by system to don't pay attention. More than this, I am sure yoy were educated to not pay attention to all paradoxes existent everywhere in actual science, and even were learn how to confuse the interlocutor, directing him to convenient explanations, empty and without content.

I am not interested in per-reviewd and do not give a damn about it. It's just another form of control and manipulation of consciousness. I prefer to educate myself and discuss issues that interest me, with those who have an open mind, which have in their turn fundamental questions, not pettifogging that revolve around the bush when I ask uncomfortable questions.

I'm not a hypocrite not to see current science achievements, but as long as it is full of constant postulates and paradoxes, and has no consistency from top to bottom, from left to right and vice versa, then I allow myself to look for those connections that unify and make them consistent.

Argumentation brought to you to Faraday paradox is exactly what I said earlier, namely turning around the tail, and use of evasive answers. And I don't asked to explain or to prove me the Faraday paradox. But you explain it to youself, and then really lean on magnetism. That preferably before the Peregrini's magnetism, or one that you will not find explained in school manuals. In those pre-reviwed school manuals.

You say that I live in illusion. No, I am very involved in classical electromagnetism, professionally and socially. That's why I am looking for alternatives to what not thank me. And prefer to rethink the entire science from scratch, basing it on other bases, with principles and laws coherent and having universal validity.

As you followed the unabated ways of official science, I followed the ways of alternative science for many years. Two different worlds, with different premises and different ways of interpretation. My world goes to show the continuity of manifestations in a single principle, but instead you go to a shredding in parts increasingly smaller of the world and quantifying them. Which would be the reality? Yours, a cuantified world in an empty space, or mine a continuous world in an full space? Anybody knows?

Newton, Einstein... Ha! Newton with a terestrial gravity, Einstein with another cosmological gravity, totally different from each other. Newton with gravity like a force (of attraction or repulsion - depends on referential!!!), Einstein with gravity like a curvature of space (that empty space???).

Quantum electrodynamics... we come back to magnetism, to magnetic dipol theory or elementary particle... But even above I explained that there are no actually particles, but only properties that give characteristic of particle, properties relative to our interpretation, interpretation founded on understanding of phenomena, understanding founded in its turn on the way of interpretation, trough the five human senses and their tehnological extensions! Can you observe the closed circle in which we revolves in analysis and explanation of a phenomenon?

What is an electron inside? What is its internal structure and forces that act internally? The actual scientific dualism wave-particle is a shame! And also the entire electromagnetism evolved on this dualism! This dualism is just a convenient way (but not the right one) to expres the cjaracteristic observed in different experiments, all these experiments and their conceptual premises being designed in terms of empty space and in the case of closed systems. That is a great mistake!

I now you don't have the courage to think like me, or even to seek answers to current paradoxes and thrown constants, where the equation does not have solutions, everywhere in science. Perhaps you have to defend a blazon, a hierarchy, but whatever your reasons, I can say that you lie to yourself! And more severely forbids others the right to their own evolution.

Let's came back to Keshe's plasmatic magnetism, to stay in topic's theme, and try to understand it. It is more useful than any other theories from all that per-reviewd scientific books or articles.