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Probality of God

Started by Newton II, September 14, 2012, 01:33:36 AM

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Quote from: Bruce_TPU on November 02, 2012, 05:49:15 PM
DNA is the GREAT PROOF of the evidence of God!  I even posted a link a few pages back from one of the founding DNA Scientists, who became a believer in Jesus Christ as a RESULT of his work on human DNA.

Do I say anything different? I say that your teachings are incorrect. To those who say that Evolution does not exist: DNA is a proof toward evolution.


thus, creation is continuing. Creation did not stop at the seventh day.


Quote from: Gwandau on November 02, 2012, 05:12:34 PM

Why do you regard it a virtue to be obedient?

Only a fool is obedient.

I bet you want kids to be undiscriminally obedient to their parents. To me that is teaching kids to be fools. Virtue to me is raising kids that question everything, including your own orders and decisions. This creates creative and thinking individuals and also makes yourself as a parent always strive to back up what you say with valid arguments.

Blind obedience is unhealthy, no matter who you obey, may it be a god or your parent or anyone trying to control you.

We follow Christ because we Love him.  We obey him because we love him.  If any man says that he loves Christ and does not the things that he says, then that man is a liar and the truth is not in him.  You are also obedient!  You are a slave!  You are obedient to the lusts of you flesh, the lusts of the eye and the pride of life.  You are a slave to sin and to its nature.  You are a slave to your own wisdom and logic, thinking that in yourself you will find the answer.  Nope, the answer has come and will soon come again....  :D   Also because we have experienced the LOVE of God, we know that our best interest is all he has in mind.  You would not understand this.  But the good news is.... receive Christ Jesus and you can begin to...!

In this regard the angel of light, Lucifer, is the only sane guy in the court of the strange god of yours. As far as I can see, there is really nothing wrong with Lucifer in this regard, he is just a fellow with high integrity and enough guts to question the rigid system trying to control him.

I would expect you to relate to Lucifer, for the bible says that he is your father.  (and once was mine!)  I once thought as you do.  It leads to death.  Lucifer has no integrity.  He is a Liar and the father of all lies.  He has lied to you, my friend.  Awake from you spiritual slumber, repent and receive the forgiveness of God, through the risen saviour Jesus Christ!

I dont believe in this illogical and mentally instabile religious system of yours, but if I did, I would definitely have chosen the company of Lucifer, since he seems to be the only guy over there with enough balls to stand up for freedom.

Well, while roasting alive in the lake of fire with him if you neglect so great a salvation, you will have plenty of time to tell him how proud you are of him and of his lies.  And then thank him for leading you astray and to eternal damnation.  Eternal life is so close to you, you only need reach out by faith....!

Who are you really, sheep of your god, who have succumbed to blind obedience and call us fools?  Sheep are stupid. Have you seen sheep getting scared?  They run randomly in any direction the herd happens to take, no matter were the first sheep goes, the other follows.

You should not bow your head to anyone, this is just conditioning induced through millenia by your human leaders, using your need for a god to relieve you from responsibility.

If there is no God, then there is no responibility.  There is no moral compass.  One can do as they please, eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.  But of course this then comes up against a hard brick wall.... the TRUTH!  Whom the SON has set FREE is FREE indeed!!!  Thank you Lord Jesus, the lover of my soul!

Stop bowing your head!

I bow not only my head but also my knees.  For the Lord has pulled me out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock!  He has put a new song in my mouth, even praised unto my God!

Stand straight and open minded!

I am a Child of the King!  I shall one day, with all believers, rule as priests and kings!  I do indeed stand straight and am open minded TO THE TRUTH!  Why be open minded to lies?  If I know something to be a lie, why should I then be open minded to it?  But, you argue, you don't think it is a lie... well, my friend, that is on you!  Repent, turn from you wicked ways before it is too late. 

Question everything, especially the ones who tries to rule you.

Jesus did not die for anyones sins, you poor sheep! Wake up!

Oh, I beg to differ my friend.  And your eternity holds in the balance.  For if I am wrong, I have lived a life of faith.  But if you are wrong, your risk eternity in a fiery hell, where the worm never dies, and the tongue is set on fire.  You are betting that the bible is a lie and that God is a liar.  I am betting that the Bible is true, and that God is True and that Jesus Christ is Lord of my life.  Your life is on Shifting sand, my life is on the solid foundation of Rock!  Good luck with your wager...

We do not owe anyone anything to be born here on earth and live!  Its for free!  Enjoy it like a child!

Be curious!  Ask questions!  Question everything!


We believers in Christ do indeed live, and shall live forever.  Your definition of "live" is probably far different from mine.  The Bible is full of all of mans answers.  It is the owners manual for our life.  YOU can NOT truly LIVE until you have the AUTHOR OF LIFE inside of you!  Believe it.... or not......!

Peace to you,

1.  Lindsay's Stack TPU Posted Picture.  All Wound CCW  Collectors three turns and HORIZONTAL, not vertical.

2.  3 Tube amps, sending three frequency's, each having two signals, one in-phase & one inverted 180 deg, opposing signals in each collector (via control wires). 

3.  Collector is Magnetic Loop Antenna, made of lamp chord wire, wound flat.  Inside loop is antenna, outside loop is for output.  First collector is tuned via tuned tank, to the fundamental.  Second collector is tuned tank to the second harmonic (component).  Third collector is tuned tank to the third harmonic (component)  Frequency is determined by taking the circumference frequency, reducing the size by .88 inches.  Divide this frequency by 1000, and you have your second harmonic.  Divide this by 2 and you have your fundamental.  Multiply that by 3 and you have your third harmonic component.  Tune the collectors to each of these.  Input the fundamental and two modulation frequencies, made to create replicas of the fundamental, second harmonic and the third.

4.  The three frequency's circulating in the collectors, both in phase and inverted, begin to create hundreds of thousands of created frequency's, via intermodulation, that subtract to the fundamental and its harmonics.  This is called "Catalyst".

5.  The three AC PURE sine signals, travel through the amplification stage, Nonlinear, producing the second harmonic and third.  (distortion)

6.  These signals then travel the control coils, are rectified by a full wave bridge, and then sent into the output outer loop as all positive pulsed DC.  This then becomes the output and "collects" the current.

P.S.  The Kicks are harmonic distortion with passive intermodulation.  Can't see it without a spectrum analyzer, normally unless trained to see it on a scope.


Quote from: gravityblock on November 02, 2012, 05:16:16 PM
@CuriousChris and all atheists:

Here's two simple questions.

1.)  Is it possible for a photon to be observed more than once without the observation itself destroying the photon? In other-words, can the information carried by a photon be transferred hundreds of times to a physical system without being lost?

This statement is meaningless as far as I can tell
Observing a photon does not destroy the photon. If you were to believe that then simply observing the universe would cause it to explode

Unless you are trying to describe something different and I have misunderstood you.

Perhaps you are trying to talk about the Heisenberg uncertainty principle

This in essence means you cannot measure both position and speed at the same time, by measuring one you render the other unmeasurable. Nothing is destroyed (assuming your use of destroyed means converted to heat energy)

edit: the answer to the question as it is written, (perhaps I was looking too deep) the answer is YES

Quote from: gravityblock on November 02, 2012, 05:16:16 PM

2.)  According to the answer of the first question, wouldn't a god who then gives rise to omniscience by demanding the existence of the position information of matter cause the collapse of all wave functions in the universe?  The bonds of all matter would break and everything would be destroyed?


I have no idea what you are talking about here? Are you saying if a god exists therefore the universe can't? Are you trying to argue god doesn't know everything?

If the latter is the case then you are arguing God restrains himself by the rules of the universe (the uncertainty principle). Or god IS RESTRAINED by the rules of the universe.

In the former God is the creator, in the latter God is the created. Which is it to be?

With respect to the former in the last sentence. The following is one of the reasons why I believe the bible is completely fictitious.

Now try and keep up here because it means you need to suspend "faith without critical thought".  Sorry Bruce that precludes you. Its just not in your DNA.

The bible is full of miracles. To create a miracle God must alter physical reality to perform the miracle. IT MUST break the laws of physics Now if we accept God created the universe then he also created the laws of physics. So to create a miracle he MUST BREAK HIS OWN LAWS. Would a perfect God do that?

There is an alternate scenario that does not require the breaking of the laws of physics to create apparent miracles. In this scenario which fits an omnipotent God perfectly. God created the universe at some distant point in the past. We will call it the big bang, as that is the most promising theory at this point (note to faithers, theory does not mean fact, at least science if nothing else is honest).

When God initiated the big bang he created the rules of the universe with such amazing perfection that when Moses led 2 Million people out of Egypt a distant volcano erupted, creating a pillar of fire and smoke to guide Moses to mount Sinai. Thus no physical laws are broken and therefore God does not break his own rules. Instead he shows his own perfection for those willing to look for it.

Wonderful isn't it that alternative. God creates miracles by setting the process into motion 13 Billion earth years ago. No laws of physics broken. Miracles performed, the Bible fulfilled.

Oh Except there is a problem. Dang nab it nasty human logic getting in the way!

If God started the universe and planned everything in advance. He knew in advance everything that was going to happen. every possible permutation and he created circumstances to alter those permutations such that his plans were fulfilled.

In Other words he created pre destiny. and in a predestined universe there is no room for free will.

p.s. Like most here I am actually more an agnostic. Its the Christian version of a God I find offensive. Though I will admit my leanings are more and more athiest.


Quote from: Qwert on November 02, 2012, 05:58:23 PM
Do I say anything different? I say that your teachings are incorrect. Those who say that Evolution does not exist: DNA is a proof toward evolution.


thus, creation is continuing. Creation did not stop at the seventh day.

Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good!

And then he saw THE DNA in what he created and saw evolution. and God said "Oh Shit" and disappeared in a puff of logic.

edit: changed ending


Quote from: gravityblock on November 02, 2012, 04:52:04 PM
It refers to worldly wisdom. 


Therefore you are saying everyone in that list. including yourself, Bruce,Chet,Mags, preachers, christian teachers, people who study the bible.
If they are not worldly then what are they?