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9/11 truth movement topic

Started by FreeEnergy, August 01, 2006, 06:08:06 AM

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Should we leave this thread on overunity.com ?

Yes, leave it here, we have to expose the inside job.
No, delete this thread, political things don't fit over here.
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I don't care!
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Well let look at the profiteers, The oil companies and the government,and military contractors and the government. Sadom was going to drill 800 new wells and make Iraq the highest production country in OPEC. That would have actually bought down the price of oil. Now look what happened. If your tired of being gouged then it's time for a change, election time is coming. We can change one evil for another for the moment. The clear answer though is we need a new party. There is a new party but mostly worthless from the point of view of getting back the United States as it should be. They don't understand seperation of church and state. We didn't get the truth about 911. You younger guys are shocked? I have been lied to by the government all my life. Let me cap a few memerable ones for you. They made an hour long movie and made us watch it while I was in high school. Long story short the punchline was you'd grow women's breasts if you smoke pot. The potheads in my class that are still at it are thin as a skeleton and their ribs show. Then they told us the people in nam were a threat to the american way of life, the reality again was a little different. Every couple of months jungle rot made you buy new combat boots. Peroxide makes them impossible to shine. So you give the old ones to namees, on a day you have the whole day to teach them to tie them. You could tell by quick observation they could build a navy and come right over and threaten us. The most deplorable lie I can bear to mind over the years is "Only queers get aids". The day Dr. Greer said, They over did the story so bad they thought they would get caught right away. (800+ degree temp atmosphere on Venus), obvious because parachutes to land a probe could not survive, well I leave it up to you from this point, I however will never expect the truth from the gov. To tell me that they blew the buildings in NY,NY just doesn't shock and awe me at all.

If you have seen the Moon picture I posted then you know they are hiding things. Where are the missing Moon pictures and what's the actual count (at least 697 boxes from Apollo 11 alone). They crashed into the Moon just the other day, What did they destroy? Think use your own brain. Look at the antiquated shit they are trying to palm off on us as a serious attempt to go back to the moon. You could come up with and impliment a better plan. God I hear them talking about Saturn rockets again (what the hells amatter with them, how stupid do they think we are?).

First the official release was there is no chemtrail type activity, it doesn't exist. I'm not going to do the whole history here, the present is, they are trying to boost immunity response by dumping carcinogens and biologicals and poisons on us. What college idiot with a degree in pot and beer with a minor of sorority girls is trying to convince the public of this? Getting sick weakens the body usually permanently, metals attack the nerves permanent. Disease weakens organs. You don't just breath and eat this stuff you also take it in transdermally. The fallout from these chemtrails are entering our water to give us a third dose and will be leaching into the water for years. Before you buy into any more lies you have to learn to recognise what is a lie. Remember I warned you about chemtrails. Who will profit, the drug companies and the government. Notice what name keeps coming up.

Can anyone give me a raw estimate of how many man hours it took to set these charges. Lot of prep time before the fact I'll bet.

I like to point out to you the scared government crapping their pants right after 911, what caused the fear? The US citizens coming together united under a comon cause. They want us divided and fighting amoungst ourselves. Divided we are conquered, they don't want us united for any reason.

Look at this from the prospective of the building was less than 50 years old and was well maintained were did the rust for that thermite reaction come from? The industial paint on i-beams is awesome and rust in quantities to cause a fire to do that much damage could not have existed. We are discussing a pride of the city building here that had a good repair record. The roof was not allowed to leak for a long period of time. The fires still had hot spots a week after the planes hit. Go to the scap yard and grab chunk of i-beam thats been outside for a little while, pour a little aluminium powder on it, and light it with a small strip of magnesium. Don't pick one that's been in a mud puddle for ten years because that's not were the beams from wtc came from. When I worked for Erie Mill and Press we used used beams now and then because we couldn't wait for a special order. (because of royalties)
We never had a problem with rust in quanities, usually the beams looked good enough to visually pass for new.


QuoteWell Mac - as you can see from your quote... you called the thread asinine... and you called it stupid... and you said it made the forum look like a nuthouse.

Yes, and I apologize for posting that before reading the whole thread. Having since done so, I now realize what a waste of time it was to state the blatantly obvious. If anyone actually believes this nonsense they have my deepest sympathy.

I won't intrude into your little paranoid thread again. Have fun.

Elvis Oswald

Your damn right they're up to more than we're told.  And that's the point.
The official stories do not check out and it's not just a few details here and there - it's the whole damn thing.

A better plot to look at is 7/7 in London.  The mastermind was an MI5 agent.  And why did the last bomber call his peers after the bombs went off?  if it were a suicide job... what's the point?

You want evidence of Government False Flag Operations?  Look up operation Ajax and northwooods.
That's US government declassified info detailing some of the shit we have done (ajax) and proposed (northwoods)

If you don't think they would do it and lie - you're crazy.  And if you don't think "king of the world" is worth a lie like that... then you're crazy too.

and yes these men are contolling us with energy - so it's relevant to the forum.  These men may also have control over technology that is "black-oped" and out of bounds for national security - convenient for the oily boys, eh?

Elvis Oswald

Kevin Ryan is Site Manager at Environmental Health Laboratories (EHL) in South Bend, Indiana. This is a division of UL, the product-compliance and testing giant. Because UL certified the WTC steel for its ability to withstand fires, the steel's performance on September 11 is obviously of concern to the company.

This is what he say's about 9/11...

"Anyone who honestly looks at the evidence has difficulty finding anything in the official story of 9/11 that is believable. It?s not just one or two strange twists or holes in the story, the whole thing is bogus from start to end."

here's a good link - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0506/S00144.htm


Media is the medium in which the elite talk to the masses. taken from www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com
I have talked with this guy. I'm starting to see what is going on.

Now because I was at Bilderberg in Ottawa, saw David Rockefeller, Queen Beatrix(owner of shell oil), Hillary Clinton and 130 other elite.
Now why are these elite meeting every year in secret.
I protested, because I guess I'm one of the few who don't like Iraqi children being hurt. Babies grown deformed from depleted uranium.

I saw a movie called "Stealth" in Futureshop(video store). This is total New World Order, get the terrorists(freedom fighters) kind of stuff.
Neat movie and special effects but this is propaganda. Stealth plane to kill terrorists.

Don't you love the thimeserol in the vaccines(mercury). Don't you love the fluoride(Hitler) in the water dumming you down.
Don't you love the fact that you have macromedia video that let's them enable microphones and you video cam on you.
Just right click and go settings, enable microphone and video. Google wants to use this. Programmers can look at this and say yes that's possible.  Is it a registry setting. Oh that's easy. I'm a programmer myself.
Don't you just love NSA spying on your telephones and email.

George Bush is talking like a mind controlled idiot. Just listen to his speeches.
It's shocks me every day people believe his lies.
Of course Bush is just a puppet. You people should watch the machurian candidate by Denzel Washington. It will open your eyes.
It is proven that he has had microphones in his ear while giving speeches.

You people have a duty to expose the corruption of 911.

I have nieces and nephews and I don't want them to grow up under a satanic new world order scheme.

When I went to protest, boy I felt good about myself, what a rush.

I will do my best on september 11. I'll do whatever I can to remember the 3000 people that died.

I actively write to news journalists and ask them, please expose 911. Please do this, it does wake people up.