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The Primer Fields - Breakthrough in our understanding of magnetism

Started by Benevolent, January 06, 2013, 01:55:42 PM

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Quote from: MileHigh on February 03, 2013, 09:57:49 AM
I looked at the first 30 minutes of the first clip.  It a nutshell the clip is nonsense.  What has puzzled me for clips like this is what is the motivation for making them?  Who is making them and why are they making them?  They appear to be professionally done so someone is paying for them.

Perhaps they were done for all of the cable channels out there that cater to this stuff?  If so, then it's possible that this is just an exercise in investing and hoping for a profit when you try to sell your product to the TV networks at the annual trade shows for television content.  The fact that the material is complete nonsense is irrelevant, it's just another way to make money.

Another possibility is a really wealthy guy is on a "quest" and he really believes this stuff and he pays to have his ideas turned into a very slick professional set of movies to stroke his own ego.

He shows a "north" bowl and a "south" bowl and seemed to be indicating that they are monopoles.  As Gwandau pointed out several times there is no such thing as an all-north or all-south magnet.

In fact, there is no such thing as "north" and "south" parts of a magnetic field.  Those are terms created by scientists to just make it easier to discuss magnets in general.  Some people believe that there is a difference between "north" and "south" when there is none.  Again, "north" and "south" don't even really exist in magnetism.  The narrator in the clip makes a big deal about distinguishing north and south and has his differently coloured bowls.  So my assumption is that the author of this clip does not understand the basics of magnetism.  So the clip ends up being delusions built on top of a big delusion.

I hate these clips because they are "dumbing down" forces.  It's a common theme in science fiction where whole societies are built around artificial constructs that are false and the population is unaware because the false artificial constructs have been around for generations.  That's what this clip ultimately does, it hurts people by feeding them a pack of nonsense and lies.  Assuming that somebody is making money from this clip. they don't care that they are dumbing you down.  All that they want is the money.  Or perhaps like I said it's a rich dummy stroking his ego trying to spread his "dumminess" around to the general population with the false notion in his head that he is "enlightening" people.

This reminds me of the Bedini followers that believe that there is a Bloch wall in the center of a standard bar magnet and that divides the magnet into "north" and "south" halves.  There is no Bloch wall in a bar magnet and there are no "north" and "south" halves.  Likewise Bedini talks about mysterious energy from the vacuum corkscrewing it's way into the bar magnet (or coil) at the non-existent Bloch walls.

It's so bad that Bedini and his followers even talk about a "Bloch wall" at the center of an air coil.  That's completely ridiculous.

I know my comments will be upsetting to some, but you have to see this series of clips for what they really are.


According to David Lapointe, the bowls are not magnetic monopoles.  He has a page showing the parts being casted for this technology.  On that page, he writes, "No you can see from how they interact that they are not monopoles. They are of opposite orientation. They each have a N/S to them but it is reversed. Completed info coming in the video and paper".  He's more than likely using an array of magnets as found in his other patents.  He also says this machine is not for energy, but will blow your mind when you find out what it will do.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


Quote from: Gwandau on February 02, 2013, 04:02:22 PM
@HH and everyone else having watched these two videos,

I have to agree they are mesmerizing productions, excellently presented.

But no matter how much I want to buy their concept, I fail to understand the logic of using magnets that expresses such an excentric and unnatural magnetic geometry.

The two magnets used in the experiments are shaped into forms that twarts the normally expressed shape of a magnetic field. One of the poles has been given an exterior domination, resulting in a expression of field geometry that gives rise to inteference patterns inside the bell shape, reffered to as "Flip Ring, "Choke Ring" and "Confinement Dome".

The fact that these strange interference patterns show similarites to the patterns found in depicted nebulas does not carry enough momentum to survive proper scientific scrutiny as long as the magnetic geometry created is deviating distinctly from naturally created magnetic field geometries. In order to resemble the same field geometry as in the experiment, it seems reasonable that the nebula has to be subjected to the same surrounding bell shaped magnet, which just is not there.

Still it is an interesting video and the magnetic field observations made by the Primer Field guys would have been interesting enough without all the many unfounded preconceptions so frivoly deducted from their experiments.

But it all comes back to the contorted magnetic field of theirs. They never mention in their videos the reason for using these twisted magnets in relation to natural magnetic phenomena, and that leaves a big question mark.


It's to form a concentration of energy (COE) having a focal point.  The fields are around each particle or COE and each COE has a focal point or singularity.  We should look at the particles as being a concentration of energy. The fields keep the focal points apart and yet hold them together at the same time. So in the air around you is an interlinked matrix of these fields. Sound vibrates the matrix and this vibration of the matrix is how sound is transferred. In space (vacuum) the distance between focal points is too great for the vibration to transfer to the next field so no sound. Nothing to vibrate.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


Quote from: David LaPointeOne side of the field won't make you a star. But when two opposite "sexes" get together they give birth to a star.  So simple and incredible. But sometimes a problem in the relationship between the two fields. Or something within the relationship of the field size and magnetic flux density gets too low to contain the amount of energy within the star they gave birth to. When this happens this perfect magnetic confinement breaks down and we have a supernova. I would not properly call it an explosion. I would call it a sudden release of confined energy.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:




Quoting you:

QuoteIt's to form a concentration of energy (COE) having a focal point.  The fields are around each particle or COE and each COE has a focal point or singularity.  We should look at the particles as being a concentration of energy. The fields keep the focal points apart and yet hold them together at the same time. So in the air around you is an interlinked matrix of these fields. Sound vibrates the matrix and this vibration of the matrix is how sound is transferred. In space (vacuum) the distance between focal points is too great for the vibration to transfer to the next field so no sound. Nothing to vibrate.

Quite honestly, most of what you are saying above is not credible.

- The bowls may indeed concentrate magnetic flux at the narrow end.  There is no singularity and I have no idea why you would say that.  Perhaps that's what David LaPointe says?

- Focal points apart and together at the same time?  Is this coming from David LaPointe?  Perhaps you can draw a diagram and post it and explain it?

- There is no "interlinked matrix," that's fantasy talk.  If you disagree then please explain what you are saying in more detail.

- Sound "vibrates the matrix?"  One more time, this is just fantasy talk.  Sound is a pressure wave in the air that is 90 degrees out of phase with a velocity wave.  The medium is air molecules bumping into each other and not magnetic fields.  It's standard wave motion and it has nothing to do with magnetic fields.

I am not sure where you got these ideas but if you got them from David LaPointe's presentation it just shows how these types of slickly produced videos that are basically junk can be detrimental to people.

Quoting David LaPointe:

QuoteOne side of the field won't make you a star. But when two opposite "sexes" get together they give birth to a star.  So simple and incredible. But sometimes a problem in the relationship between the two fields. Or something within the relationship of the field size and magnetic flux density gets too low to contain the amount of energy within the star they gave birth to. When this happens this perfect magnetic confinement breaks down and we have a supernova. I would not properly call it an explosion. I would call it a sudden release of confined energy

This is just nonsensical fantasy talk.  Do you really and truly think if you play with some bowl-shaped magnets you will produce a "star?"  Do you think that David can quantify some of his statements?

Do you really think he is talking about something real and concrete and measurable when he says, "something within the relationship of the field size and magnetic flux density gets too low to contain the amount of energy within the star they gave birth to?"  What relationship?  What field size?  What flux density?  How low is too low?  How much energy?  What star?  What birth?

Personally I don't think David LaPointe can respond to the questions above and give credible and coherent answers.
