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Stivep1: Tesla Rehash (Akula device)

Started by jbignes5, October 02, 2013, 10:19:57 PM

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Let me be perfectly clear I have no issues with you my friend. I know it may have sounded like that but that is not the case.

I wanted to open a dialogue with you about this to finally nit out the whole system. To get it out in the open.

I know you have been working on another theory but I think someone has thrown you a great distraction at the perfect time. Going the way you went or is currently going is distracting you from the real power behind this system. Yes resonance has something to do with it but it isn't nuclear resonance. It is a whole system resonance which includes the Earth as well. Didn't you ever wonder why Tesla knew the exact capacity of the earth? There was a reason why and it has to do with the resonance between the earth and the ionosphere. Since the system includes the earth and to a certain extent the atmosphere these things need to be known for the simple fact that he knew that a resonance will pass over a circuit or component like it wasn't there at all. With a whole system approach that includes all of the components like the earth one can pass over any component like it wasn't there and that even means the atmosphere.

One thing that needs to be focused on is not getting distracted from the projects that show Tesla's work. He, Tesla, knew without a shadow of a doubt that this system was and is the answer. The problem is weather we will be here to experiment any more.

*deleted comment about Fukushima...*


Quote from: jbignes5 on October 05, 2013, 07:35:36 PM


Let me be perfectly clear I have no issues with you my friend. I know it may have sounded like that but that is not the case.

I wanted to open a dialogue with you about this to finally nit out the whole system. To get it out in the open.

I know you have been working on another theory but I think someone has thrown you a great distraction at the perfect time. Going the way you went or is currently going is distracting you from the real power behind this system. Yes resonance has something to do with it but it isn't nuclear resonance. It is a whole system resonance which includes the Earth as well. Didn't you ever wonder why Tesla knew the exact capacity of the earth? There was a reason why and it has to do with the resonance between the earth and the ionosphere. Since the system includes the earth and to a certain extent the atmosphere these things need to be known for the simple fact that he knew that a resonance will pass over a circuit or component like it wasn't there at all. With a whole system approach that includes all of the components like the earth one can pass over any component like it wasn't there and that even means the atmosphere.

One thing that needs to be focused on is not getting distracted from the projects that show Tesla's work. He, Tesla, knew without a shadow of a doubt that this system was and is the answer. The problem is weather we will be here to experiment any more.

*deleted comment about Fukushima...*

I'm obligated to work on Colman, I invested  a lot in to it.
I'm not excluding other  technologies but I admit  I'm preoccupied with Colman.

Actually with electron microscope to bring it to life as that was a gift of heart.
I finished  work with  Vacuum chamber  - Bell Jar   also gift from another man.this one is absolutely  ready fort any vacuum experiment. But I need more connectors.
Feedthrough Double Ended BNC Connector, 10-Pin Feedthrough  and so on.

I will try to help  to this topic  as much as I can



I am so envious of you atm. I remember the gifting as I saw the video. What a powerful gift. I wish I had it with the crystal batteries I was working on, I bet it would have proved a thing or two that I was saying about the structure of crystals I was seeing in my experiments.

The nmr experiment is good but let me ask you a question. One that I know was brought up before. The Geiger counters work on ionizing gas. Well what happens next to a Tesla coil? Would this ionization of a florescent tube be the exact same thing? Has anyone used a Geiger counter next to a Tesla coil? I'm betting it will go off just like being exposed to a high radiation source. I'm thinking you are seeing the voltage field and not true radiation like your looking for.
Besides getting hits on the Geiger counter what tells you it is radiation like you are looking for?

As for my planned experiments with the Tesla coil and receiver I have quite a lot of work to do before getting under way. First is the move to a new house. Next will be getting the lab area setup and properly shielded. and then I will be starting to focus on the simple experiments first that Tesla shows us and that I have shown previously in this thread.

Akula did so something right and that was to go back to Tesla and figure out what he did. No matter if he just got lucky or what doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if Akula knows how it works at this point. The only thing that matters to a real extent is that he is getting results. I will be more then happy to recreate the Tesla experiments to prove it and to figure out the means of which it operates.

But like I posted before we might not have a long time to figure this out. Fukushima is getting worse and the company that is handling the results of the meltdowns is in rough shape. They haven't a clue what they are doing and are doing what they are doing in a hap hazard way. I fear we are not being told the whole truth and real radiation is gonna be our biggest worry. Some of the materials have a shelf life of 1.7 million years and would be extremely hard to clean up once in the pacific ocean. I think we are heading for a major disaster worse then the original event.


  Excuse me for butting in...  just wanted to say that this has been a very interesting chat.
  You all have good ideas, towards forwarding this to new levels, possibly even not contemplated by Tesla himself.
  If we all put our heads together on this, we'll be able to figure it out. Maybe Kapanadze or Akula, Barbosa, or others, would like to help out. Maybe not. I know that Igor Moroz is hot on the track. And is telling and showing all. So, in time we'll see the Light, one way or another.
  I'm one of those that will not easily give up on this, against all odds.
  Even though we may have different opinions, at times, and may not see eye to eye on everything, we all want the same thing, in the end.
  Free energy for yourselves, and others as well.


Quote from: RailGS on October 05, 2013, 10:11:49 AM

System of reception of energy from a surrounding medium.

For reception of energy from a surrounding medium it is necessary to create system in
Conformity with the stated theoretical concept for making of process,
Proceeding according to the equations 1 and 2.
The main device of system is a generator of a primary impulse divU0. In quality
Impulse it is necessary to create very powerful impulse of magnet field with steep leading edges
(Similarly δ - functions). Feature of an impulse with the steep leading edges, similar δ -
Functions in that at decomposition of such signal in a harmonic series Fourier
The perpetual number of harmonics is gained. Each harmonic is a constituent
Hologrammes of structure and it is simultaneous - one of the perpetual variants of development
Structures. The structure to which the magnetic impulse divU0 gets, will begin
To resound on frequencies of eigentones, and therefore such resonance will be
To create the harmonious signal which will be a constituent volume
Projections of the hologramme of structure. Structurally, as the generator primary
Impulse it is necessary to use the reel from several coils of a thick wire, and
The reel should be in-series to the discharger - to the nonlinear component,
Creating a powerful current pulse with very steep leading edges. Also it is collateral
To the reel and the discharger the condenser, for accumulation of an electric charge and formation of a powerful current pulse should be included. All contour of the generator should be fed by a constant voltage 10000 - 20000 Century
The second integral device of system are resonators - them should be
Necessarily a little. Each resonator includes the reel having
Considerably большее number of coils, than the reel of the generator-shaper primary
Impulse and with more thin wire. One extremity of such reel is earthed, and another -
Remains to free. As a whole each resonator is the system consisting of the reel and
"Parasitic capacity" - containers between the free extremity of the reel and the earth. Through this
"Stray" container so-called "displacement currents" will proceed. The resonator is
The system inductance-capacity, it represents an oscillating circuit, which
Will resound on frequency of eigentones and it is essential to strengthen
Oscillations from a primary impulse divU. Frequencies of eigentones of resonators
Should be certainly multiple each other to provide "an enclosure
Waves ". Resonators should settle down in pairs in each of three mutually
Orthogonal planes. In each pair at the first resonator frequency of the natural
Oscillations should be f1, and at the second resonator - f2, and the relation of these frequencies
Should yield an integer. Each pair of resonators will create modulated on
To amplitude oscillations with a carrier frequency f1 and modulation frequency f2 (drawing 1 see)

Drawing 1 - the Vortex, as sruktura-attraktor at which the exterior surface has
The plus curvature, and an interior surface - the negative curvature.

Drawing 2 - the Projection of the hologramme created by a pair of resonators

Resonators with identical frequencies of eigentones f1 or f2,
Located in different orthogonal planes should have phase shiftings 90 °
In coordination working resonators, that is when waves of each resonator
Are harmoniously enclosed each other, and disposed orthogonally from each other
Will shape hologramme projections (drawing 2). Each projection will be
To develop with other orthogonal projections and as a whole, generated
The volume hologramme finally forms structure (drawing 1).
The created structure will be similar to a globular lightning or a mega-electron. This
The structure will start to grow in volume, at each new impulse to involve
(поляризовывать) all new and new volumes of universal medium. Thus energy on structure formation will undertake from environmental universal medium. To remove energy it will be necessary by its pumping out from the generated structure.
Thanks to that in the generator of a primary impulse divU0 there is a discharger,
Which clears after impulse passage, energy from resonators will not be
To leave revertively in the reel of the pulser at the expense of a common reactance of reels.