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Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos

Started by TheoriaApophasis, July 13, 2014, 04:20:12 AM

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Let's say everything is well explained and documented, the only thing but fundamental for previous and current science further development that remain to be explained is the concept of mass. It is an intrinsic quality or an attribute? And of what? Of course this have to be explained beyond the current circular way of thinking of the academic science, according to which the mass is static energy and energy is dynamic mass. Then maybe we will go further to the properties (qualities or attributes) of the mainframe in which are defined these two elements! 

On the other hand the chirality is available only in relative systems of analysis, but related to their point of origin there is no chirality at all. The concept itself loses its meaning! Still we as humans sense it! How this could happen? Naturally...

Now let's see what Ken say about the Universe:
The universe is simplex but not simple, there are no 'zero sized particles' mediating magnetism, or fantasies that only exist in the minds of GR and QM priests. Like a bar of steel which can be at various lengths creating various tones like a xylophone, or circular, or tubular, in motion, moving centripetally or centrifugally, all such phenomena, nearly endless, can be reproduced by the size, geometry, movements of what we started out with, a standard bar of iron. The universe is divinely simplex (but not simple), with only three components, the Ether, mass particles, and fields (all of which are Ether in principle, and the particles themselves are stable dielectric conglomerations and Ether-based). Everything else is tones, overtones, geometry, and movements, spatial and counterspatial, centrifugal and centripetal. Ironically, the fools of quantum mysticism have created a pantheon of irrational virtual nonsense (gluons, muons, gravitons, electrons, quarks, virtual photons, zero-sized particles), and yet these same academic fools accuse the greatest minds who lived, Tesla, Edison, Steinmetz, Heaviside, Maxwell, and countless others who declare all is impossible "without the Ether", to be the irrationalists! The facts are irreducible, the great minds of Tesla, Steinmetz and others invented everything upon which the modern world runs and loves dearly in daily use; likewise the pendants, the mystics of GR and QM produce only nonsense, pontifications, insane theories without a logical hypothesis to begin with and fantastical books that make Alice in Wonderland seem perfectly plausible by comparison. The mystics of GR and QM have so convincingly played their parts in producing "new particles" and other unreal objects (which have never been witnessed or appear as the outputs of experiments) that they have not realized in the slightest that all such names given are but reifications attributed to different states and modalities of Ether based pressure movements and likewise Ether field modalities (gravity, mass, magnetism, dielectricity).

Quantum and Relativity is a quack religion of mathematical physics based upon the absurd premise that the universe is a giant sea of interactive massless tiny invisible beads and that space itself, nothing, mediates interactions and can be genuinely 'warped'. Such conceptual Atomistic reifications as amplified by GR (Relativity) cannot be enjoined, and the only genuine warping occurring is not out in the cosmos of space, but in the empty spaces between the ears of those who reify such absurdities; warped minds rationally would invent warped space; its purely logical in its insanity that the former produce the later.

Nothing in the entire universe could exist if the proton-neutron-electron model of the universe were accurate. Erase from your mind forever the false conception that atoms are made up of spinning charged beads, this planetary model of the atom is a psychosis. The inter-atomic 'space' of the atom is completely filled with magnetism and dielectricity. The necessary unexplained and endless phenomena of elements and compounds is fully explained by the electro-conductor-magneto-dielectric model of the atom. Counterspatial-spatial-spatial-counterspatial (discharge-plane, charging nucleus, inter-atomic-magnetic, inter-atomic counterspatial dielectric respectively). This double-conjugate pair is the last remaining missing puzzle to be finally brought forward about the atomic structure of the atom for the first time ever, and lastly for all, explains unexpected phenomena, reactivity, electrification, conductivity, permittivity, and susceptibility. In simple, the electro-discharge and magneto-dielectric induction and capacitance.


What I learned today:
Superconductors only exhibit superconductive behavior toward direct current. For alternating current, they exhibit some resistance. As the frequency of the AC goes up, the resistance rises until the frequency is in the infrared range or above, where even a superconductor has the same resistance as the room temperature material.

How this ties in with the right-chiral free electrons interacting with the left-chiral bound electrons of the superconducting material I still have to completely figure out, but apparently the closer one gets to the orbital frequency of the left-chiral bound electrons, the more interaction there is between the right-chiral free and left-chiral bound electrons, thus the higher the resistance.


Talk about "cutting edge"! This discovery was announced just a week ago.

This proves I was correct in theorizing that chirality affects conductivity.:
Nuclear theorist Dmitri Kharzeev of Stony Brook University and Brookhaven Lab with Brookhaven Lab materials scientists Qiang Li, Genda Gu, and Tonica Valla in a lab where the team measured the unusual high conductivity of zirconium pentatelluride.

In fact, when physicists in Brookhaven's Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science Department (CMP&MS) first measured the significant drop in electrical resistance, and the accompanying dramatic increase in conductivity, they were quite surprised. "We didn't know this large magnitude of 'negative magnetoresistance' was possible," said Qiang Li, a physicist and head of the advanced energy materials group in the department and a co-author on a paper describing these results just published in the journal Nature Physics. But after teaming up with Dmitri Kharzeev, the head of the RIKEN-BNL theory group at Brookhaven and a professor at Stony Brook, the scientists had an explanation.

The ability to lower conductor resistance by utilizing chiral material that matches the chirality of the electric current flowing through it is known as the chiral magnetic effect or chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect. If we were able to change the chirality of common metals, we'd soon have room temperature superconductors, given that flowing current through metal creates the requisite magnetic field necessary to bring about the chiral magnetic effect.

I'm betting Mr. Wheeler's hobby theory can't explain any of this. QM does. Of course, Mr. Wheeler denies the existence of electrons and of charged particles (although it should be noted he has no problem contradicting himself by relying upon a charged particle... the proton)... so there's no way he could possibly have an explanation for chirality, nor for the chiral magnetic effect upon conductivity.


God! It's annoying how many "clever" people come on this topic to combat its main subject using their own theories, instead to open a new topic to debate there their own visions about how and why the world should be as they think and not the other way!

I have seen over the years this behavior on many other forums where a topic very interesting and non-conformist and which definitely does not fit into the scientifically academic agreed, was diluted by all sorts of "clever" until the initial information was made dust! Is this a coincidence? Perhaps for those who first notices this. For me it is something else!

As a matter of fact the superconductivity is already used by normal people every day at room temperature and pressure. The same for chirality which could be seen in the oldest ancient human cultures around the world. Without the bla, bla, bla of the QM and SR/GR. I'm amazed by the ignorance and the arrogance of those exponent of current scientific model compared to old and native sciences. But that's it, different worlds, different basic bricks!

In the meantime you get an honorable first position in my ignore list! God! Great is your garden, but many "clever" jump its fence!


Ken Wheeler, in experimenting with crystalizing bismuth in a strong magnetic field, may have been corroborating QM more than he knew:

A study by Princeton researchers presents evidence for a long-sought phenomenon — first theorized in the 1960s and predicted to be found in crystals in 1983 — called the "chiral anomaly" in a metallic compound of sodium and bismuth. The additional finding of an increase in conductivity in the material may suggest ways to improve electrical conductance and minimize energy consumption in future electronic devices.

"Our research fulfills a famous prediction in physics for which confirmation seemed unattainable," said N. Phuan Ong, Princeton's Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics, who co-led the research with Robert Cava, Princeton's Russell Wellman Moore Professor of Chemistry. "The increase in conductivity in the crystal and its dramatic appearance under the right conditions left little doubt that we had observed the long-sought chiral anomaly."

A few decades later, theorists discovered that the presence of electric and magnetic fields ruins the segregation of these particles, causing the two populations to transform into each other with observable consequences.

This field-induced mixing, which became known as the chiral anomaly, was first encountered in 1969 in work by Stephen Adler of the Institute for Advanced Study, John Bell of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and Roman Jackiw of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who successfully explained why certain elementary particles, called neutral pions, decay much faster — by a factor of 300 million — than their charged cousins. Over the decades the anomaly has played an important if perplexing role in the grand quest to unify the four fundamental forces of nature.

The prediction that the chiral anomaly could also be observed in crystals came in 1983 from physicists Holger Bech Nielsen of the University of Copenhagen and Masao Ninomiya of the Okayama Institute for Quantum Physics. They suggested that it may be possible to detect the anomaly in a laboratory setting, which would enable researchers to apply intense magnetic fields to test predictions under conditions that would be impossible in high-energy particle colliders.

To see if they could observe the anomaly in Na3Bi, Jun Xiong, a graduate student in physics advised by Ong, cooled a crystal of Na3Bi grown by Satya Kushwaha, a postdoctoral research associate in chemistry who works with Cava, to cryogenic temperatures in the presence of a strong magnetic field that can be rotated relative to the direction of the applied electrical current in the crystal. When the magnetic field was aligned parallel to the current, the two chiral populations intermixed to produce a novel increase in conductivity, which the researchers call the "axial current plume." The experiment confirmed the existence of the chiral anomaly in a crystal.

So, if we were to cool liquid bismuth in a strong magnetic field with a parallel electric current, and cool it quickly to lock those forming crystals into position before thermal effects can deform them, that should force the bismuth into one specific chiral configuration, which should make bismuth much more conductive. A side effect of this would be that it would also be much more diamagnetic.