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Air Charge Tesla Like Devise

Started by freethisone, September 02, 2014, 08:51:07 AM

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Air charge accumulator.
« 9 months ago »Last edited 9 months ago by freethisone
This is my own invention. it is a working model with proof of concept.
I was lucky i have Mit lecture to back up my claims.

the cost to build this less then 50 buck.
Little investigation has come from the forum, so i must give you a chance to
disprove my claims, or confirm them as described. hope you can afford the 15 dollars for the neg ion Gen, by sea wise. 7.5 kv part from electronic gold mine.

the claim, this can electrify a conductor, and allows me to scoop off the charge to do work.

the devise works all day long, accumulation of specific figures are yet to be added.

the concept take energy from an overcharged air, to a undercharged conductor.

this works on the basis of equal potential in space, and is given experiments in the lifter thread.

you can find the movies  made over a year ago. follow the link to the energy motion.

it is self organizing, self discharging, and self charging, no other work needs to be done after it is set up. except use the energy for work,  you can

messure the output, and if not satisfied  your money back.:P


if you need more info, see these  link s. This devise was inspired by Tesla, and he had confirmed results, as a cool inflow of electrical energy to his device. that device sits on a shelf, and is owned by sharper image as the ion generator they sell. It is A Tesla work, and is related to lifters, and radiant energy device. It is his creation,  well hidden from the public eye, and masked as  a simple air purifier.  I did the work, i study hard. the secret i give to you. It it 100% true. pours out energy all day long. do not destroy the dipole obtained for work. do not ground fully or you kill the vacume. a gap is needed in most cases.



very easy to do.what are you waiting for? free energy vacume, by freethisone. Inspired by Tesla himself, and doctor Townsen Brown.

http://tesla3.com/free_websites/zpe_bearden_FS.html  from link.
The Coal-Fired Locomotive

Rigorous Analogy of a Coal-Fired Locomotive. Now here's an exact analogy, to assist in understanding. Imagine a coal-fired train, and a fireman shoveling coal. He has an external load/scatterer of energy (the fire in the firebox under the boiler). He has a primary source of potential/energy (the coal car). No fireman in his right mind would ignite the coal in the chute of the coal bin, to try and get some heat energy into the firebox! [That is, he would not attempt to extract power from the source. Yet that's exactly what all we engineers are trained to do at present.] Instead, the fireman takes out (collects) a finite amount (a shovelful) of coal (trapped energy). Coal per se (the potential gradient) has a certain energy density per unit volume (trapped joules per unit volume of coal) and the shovel (collector) has a certain volume.

Accordingly, the shovelful of coal contains a certain amount of trapped joules of energy. In the fireman's shovel (the collector), the energy remains in totally trapped form, as coal not afire and without its trapped energy being dissipated as work. [He doesn't act like a fool and ignite the coal in the shovel either!] He then throws that shovel of coal (collected trapped energy) onto the fire (scatterer), completely separately from the coal bin/source. He continues to repeat his shoveling cycle, and each shovelful of coal added to the fire dissipates additional energy, powering the load.

The Free Energy Principle

All potential gradient (trapped excess energy density) is free for the taking.23 The potential is due to the violent VPF exchange between the vacuum and the separated bipolar charges furnishing the source potential gradient. The energy of the entire universe is flowing through that source potential. You can have as much of this internal VPF flux energy (potential) as you wish, as often as you wish, so long as you don't demand current (which is power, or the rate at which the energy is being freed and dissipated). It's really simple. You can have all the trapped energy you wish, from any source. You cannot connect to the source and start to dissipate the energy as power, however, without starting to close the "gate" from which your free trapped energy is coming.

In other words, here's the iron rule: If you draw current, you kill the bipolarity gate furnishing the potential gradient (source of energy density). In that case, you kill the source. If you do not draw current, you do not kill the bipolarity gate and you do not shut down the source. In that case, you can continue to "use" it and extract trapped EM energy from it forever.


This is what you get when you have a larger surface area. a higher density charge.
it is in self oscillation. if i now touch the foil i will get a bigger shock. adding more steam behind my engine.

i say i have done what Mr Bearden has told us to do, and proved it.

you may test for truth.:angel:

RE: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #1 9 months ago »Last edited 9 months ago by freethisone
were did all the people go?

the final secret of discovery on this day 12-9-2013.

you now have a secret that Tesla has held for a long, long time.

would you like to understand?
I have always wondered why a charge is always on the outside of a sphere.

after over 10 years of research, and confirmation of what may appear as the reason we have not had greatness in our land. The simple  doing of a vacum cleaner.

And its bias. . its influence.

Re: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #2 7 months ago »
adding extra research to the mix, are you still not building this devise? well as i said before if i increase the size of my plate i will have a greater pressure for cap charging. here is some info i found that could also support this claim. note the cup of water rather then the coal car, its the same thing.

Hal Puthoff answers: Naive layperson's questions are the best! If access
to the zero-point-energy (ZPE) reservoir is successful, one needn't worry about
either depletion of this resource or creating an imbalance in the local
environment. It is the electromagnetic equivalent of scooping cupfuls of water
out of the ocean, with replacement occurring at the velocity of propagation of
electromagnetic waves, the velocity of light. As to the ultimate origin of the
ZPE, two views are discussed in the physics literature: one, that it is simply
part and parcel of the energetic legacy that emerged with the Big Bang, and
another that it is an energetic substratum the preceded even the Big Bang, with
our universe emerging as the result of a giant vacuum fluctuation. In any case
an argument can be made that it is sustained by a cosmological feedback
cycle in which charged particles radiate due to their "quantum jiggle," and the
particles "jiggle" due to being caught up in the collective radiation of all the
other particles, an electromagnetic equivalent of placing a microphone near a
speaker and generating a squeal (see H. E. Puthoff, "On the Source of
Vacuum Electromagnetic Zero-Point Energy," Phys. Rev. A, vol. 40, p.
4857,1989; Phys. Rev. A vol. 44, p. 3382,1991).
Gdecker asks:

Re: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #3 7 months ago »
is there even one  who is interested in testing my simple setup?
:heart: http://www.youtube.com/user/freethisone?feature=mhum
Full Member
Posts: 116

Re: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #4 7 months ago »
i watched part of one video posted at the start of this thread, what was the point of posting it?
it was about inductance and 50min long, what was the relevance of that video?
Hero Member
Posts: 882

Re: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #5 7 months ago »Last edited 7 months ago by freethisone
Quote from brettly on February 12th, 10:30 PM
i watched part of one video posted at the start of this thread, what was the point of posting it?
it was about inductance and 50min long, what was the relevance of that video?
that lecture is brilliant, and has everthing to do with understanding how it works in part.  fast forward to 25 min and three seconds we talk about joules per square meter. the electric field density is messured in the same way. i have to do work to do this. a self inductor with a resistance of zero.

this movie shows the way to use energy and store it taken from the electric field. and the scooping of charge off the conductor. as it remains or slightly out of equalibrium. this fight will poor out energy all day long.


this one shows the way we use surface area to do work. the more the better in this case. its always fighting each other. and by use of a gap we add energy in the form of ions. these ions become more abundant in 03 rich enviroments were the air become conductive.

you can charge as many as you want depending on the pressure charge density of the conductor as it remains slightly out of equalibrium due to flow and inflow energy...

by placing the charge from the red wire of the ion gen to a conductive area. we can increase the area, and also will be able to store more energy at a faster rate. this is in part a inflow of positive energy from the strata..

this movie describes the way to act on the conductor plate.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE6VOYZN6jA
the lag time in the recharge of the large cap when the magnetic field, and the condutor fight each other to do work.
by making the area of the conductor much greater, charge time can be reduced. and alow you to add as many caps or a very large one to store energy for work in a charging system, or as a occilator.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQvmJjiM124 this great lecture describes the other part of the workings. and at 6 min 26 seconds shows how to take energy off the conductor at small radius curves. it gives a demo like i have done, and is the second part to understanding its theory.  gives formula, the whole lecture apply :shy: :shy:

http://open-source-energy.org/?topic=107.25 link to setup.
please do you have any questions? :huh: :D

last but not least http://www.archive.org/stream/electricalresear00caveuoft#page/48/mode/2up the experiments i had followed to get here.
:heart: http://www.youtube.com/user/freethisone?feature=mhum
Full Member
Posts: 116

Re: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #6 7 months ago »
thanks for clarifying
Hero Member
Posts: 882

Re: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #7 6 months ago »

think about it! tapping in on space...

Re: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #8 6 months ago »

the case made is in the electric field, or ion medium, charge density may be increased. this tells us there is a magnetic charge, and it can be channeled.water, mercury.

ozone, or positive ions can be part of an electric field, you only need to know how to act on it. like tesla did, and anyone can do if you think in terms of charged surfaces.

Re: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #9 6 months ago »


this is how MR T does it.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwVOp-HPIVE#ws

Re: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #10 6 months ago »

so here another tid bit. this looks very promising.

Re: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #11 28 days ago »Last edited 28 days ago
the forum community should be able to prove or disprove these claims.

my test set up suggestion for anyone willing to advance,

test setup. 1; a variable capacitor. 2; a charged surface. a ground wire.

guide line . test small surfaces by charging of a cap. use the lowest setting.  now increase the size of the reflector,   test the time of charge vs charging.voltages or density.  i claim as the surface area increases so do the charging times, and capacity of the variable capcitor

charge divided by radius.

sigma divided by surface area..  at 3 min  Walter lewin tells us we have a 5 times higher surface charge density. 5 times higher.  therfore i can use the earth as a source of equa potential. Ions are a dipole source with spin, and pressure. positive charge , variable Cap. charge times reduce as voltages go up on larger and larger euqa potential surfaces. without adding more current. In fact if we had done this with a very very high negative potential, infact we would have a air conditioner with energy being drawn from vast distances.

gain in electron volts. delta v delta x. cause of additional ions.

Re: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #12 28 days ago »Last edited 28 days ago
this is a disclaimer. if you should experiment with larger and larger reflectors be aware if you ground that out a strong current will pass. like this. so dont touch or ground it if using  over 5 square feet of foil. use of over 250 ft of foil may knock you on your asrse if you are to touch it. as a result of the back emf..


testing should be done. out doors with a good earth ground. or with elevated balloon type  reflectors.

Re: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #13 24 days ago »Last edited 24 days ago
its true that the charge on B is 5 times higher then A charge is used for caps charging,. but surface charge density is one fifth of A

. we scoop off charge from A witch now has a 5 times higher charge density.then B. do you understand? additional charge comes in free. i said this before.ozone, ions, electric breakdown. electric breakdown results in a gain in electron volts. :cool:

So,   yes a higher charge on B. but the larger u go the more charge you can scoop off.B by the use of a gap and our cap through A, and in connection with A do you understand this?  A is a sharp point. O:-) or my small cap. or my wire to ground.

I then must assume there really is more charge on B, and additional energy comes in. now i say if i touch B i will get a bigger shock then if B was very small.  all the charge on B can now be forced to go through your finger. so if u get a bigger shock,  and be is very large 250 square feet. all the charge will reach a higher velocity as it discharges through the ground. :D this is the back emf as the magnetic field falls down the charge on B reaches a higher velocity through the ground. hmm

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQvmJjiM124# the whole lecture applygo to 2 min for theory.

Re: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #14 22 days ago »
it is a vacume cleaner, that acts on positive energy. ions dipole. 03.  i can increase the output of the device Matt by adding Ozone near the reflector. i prove thisis the case. ozone can increase the positive potential of my accumulator.. O:-)

Lets talk about this devise more in the member project forum.http://open-source-energy.org/?topic=1566.0 link

Re: What is Magnetism?
« Reply #38 3 days ago »
HEy, Will you Test it? Are we all afraid of free energy??  here is a tid bit, i can make a ozone, or simply a ionizing radiation detector with this principle.

if a spark is increased then it is a detection devise of ionizing radiation. so for 50 buck or less i sell you a detector. when the spark is increased all on its own, then you know to put on your gas mask. :D

Re: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #15 21 days ago »Last edited 21 days ago
ionizing radiation is a potential electrical power source easy as that. so yes there is an abundance of free charges all around us.

the ionizing detector if you want too make it, only needs a heavy brass rod. no ground wire is needed in this case.

you set the gap, and wait for ionizing radiation to enter the electric field.. :D :D.

saves lives. its time to run out of Babylon or we will be counted of her sins, and destroyed. :(

Re: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #16 4 days ago »
inside the fire alarm, well so what? mabey u can make a battery? but most importantly ionizing radiation is understood even more. it is dangerous and china syndrome is setting in.

History of Smoke Alarms
The first U.S. patent for a fire alarm came in 1890; two men invented a system to sound an alarm when the temperature in a building reached a certain level. From there, the fire alarm developed in various ways. In 1930, a Swiss physicist named Walter Jaeger invented a sensor that could detect smoke particles; later inventions and developments led to the introduction of the household smoke alarm in the 1960s. Although they were relatively slow to catch on, smoke alarms are now found in almost every home in America.

History of Americium-241
Americium-241 (Am-241), the material found in smoke alarms, was first discovered in World War II. A man-made compound of radioactive metal, it was initially part of the Manhattan project, the project that eventually produced atomic weapons. Am-241 decays very slowly; its half-life is about 432 years, so it is still emitting the same amount of radiation after 10 years of use as it did at the beginning of its use.

Types of Alarms
There are two types of smoke alarms: ionization and photoelectric smoke alarms. Photoelectric alarms shine a light into the sensor chamber; whenever smoke disrupts the flow of light, it causes light to shine on the sensor and sounds the alarm. These work well for detecting smoldering fires. Ionization alarms, however, have a small bit of radiation situated between two metal discs. The radiation ionizes the air, and when smoke passes through that area, it disrupts the ionization, causing the alarm to sound.

Amount of Radioactivity
In every ionization smoke alarm, there is a minuscule amount of radioactivity. The whole source in the detector chamber is very small; it weighs only about .5 gram. However, the actual radioactive material amounts to just a millionth of a curie. In other words, one gram of Am-241 radioactive material is enough to supply 3 million household smoke alarms.

There is little to no danger from household smoke alarms. The radiation level does not present a health hazard; even if someone swallowed the material, it would be too minuscule to do any damage. If you do not tamper with the smoke detector by disassembling it, there is no cause for concern. Background radiation levels present in the world emit higher volumes of radioactive material.

Read more : http://www.ehow.com/about_5548202_use-radioactivity-smoke-alarms.html

Re: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #17 4 days ago »
with that said

Types of Alarms
. Ionization alarms, however, have a small bit of radiation situated between two metal discs. The radiation ionizes the air, and when smoke passes through that area, it disrupts the ionization, causing the alarm to sound.

On the other hand my ionizing radiation detector simply works on the principle of as the air becomes ionized, the alarm will sound with a increase of energy.

Re: Air charge accumulator.
« Reply #18 4 days ago »Last edited 4 days ago
are you secretly working on the very stuff i brought to you? are you thinking wow i mAde a discovery, well your wrong..

The word "electron" in English comes from the Greek word for amber!
Static Electricity
To understand the Van de Graaff generator and how it works, you need to understand static electricity. Almost all of us are familiar with static electricity because we can see and feel it in the winter. On dry winter days, static electricity can build up in our bodies and cause a spark to jump from our bodies to pieces of metal or other people's bodies. We can see, feel and hear the sound of the spark when it jumps.
In science class you may have also done some experiments with static electricity. For example, if you rub a glass rod with a silk cloth or if you rub a piece of amber with wool, the glass and amber will develop a static charge that can attract small bits of paper or plastic.
To understand what is happening when your body or a glass rod develops a static charge, you need to think about the atoms that make up everything we can see. All matter is made up of atoms, which are themselves made up of charged particles. Atoms have a nucleus consisting of neutrons and protons. They also have a surrounding "shell" that is made up electrons. Typically, matter is neutrally charged, meaning that the number of electrons and protons are the same. If an atom has more electrons than protons, it is negatively charged. If it has more protons than electrons, it is positively charged.
Some atoms hold on to their electrons more tightly than others do. How strongly matter holds on to its electrons determines its place in the triboelectric series. If a material is more apt to give up electrons when in contact with another material, it is more positive in the triboelectric series. If a material is more apt to "capture" electrons when in contact with another material, it is more negative in the triboelectric series.
The following list describes the triboelectric series for many materials you find around the house. Positive items in the series are at the top, and negative items are at the bottom:
Human hands (usually too moist, though) Very positive
Rabbit fur
Human hair
Steel Neutral
Hard rubber
Nickel, Copper
Brass, Silver
Gold, Platinum
Styrene (Styrofoam)
Saran Wrap
Polyethylene (like Scotch Tape)
Vinyl (PVC)
Teflon Very negative
(The above list is adapted from the book Nature's Electricity by Charles K. Adams.)
The relative position of two substances in the triboelectric series tells you how they will act when brought into contact. Glass rubbed by silk causes a charge separation because they are several positions apart in the table. The same applies for amber and wool. The farther the separation in the table, the greater the effect.
When two non-conducting materials come into contact with each other, a chemical bond, known as adhesion, is formed between the two materials. Depending on the triboelectric properties of the materials, one material may "capture" some of the electrons from the other material. If the two materials are now separated from each other, a charge imbalance will occur. The material that captured the electron is now negatively charged and the material that lost an electron is now positively charged. This charge imbalance is where "static electricity" comes from. The term "static" in this case is deceptive, because it implies "no motion," when in reality it is very common and necessary for charge imbalances to flow. The spark you feel when you touch a door knob is an example of such flow.
In the next section we'll look at the many factors that affect the size of a static electricity shock.

omg free energy


here is new information, i am willing to share with all people. everyone is welcome to participate. share there findings.



here is very simple diagrams. understand it it equal potentials.

see mit lecture ..
