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* Good video set.

Started by maurilappi, September 19, 2014, 03:44:48 PM

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Arto Lauri 79. FISSION BOMB


Arto Lauri 78. Jontti Lähiradio 1

the legacy of grandchildren
daddy daddy daddy's mother's mother's mother

Would you leave your child in the room YOU canister of mustard gas?
Or get a pet for your children to a black mamba?

The nuclear issue of this case, however, the current nuclear generation will in a few years by electricity production frenzy to sacrifice their children and grandchildren the potential to tolerable life.

So what are you sub-class of children attending school will receive grandparents to inherit? The end of the driven hundreds of nuclear power plants !. They merely in the coming year, millions of seeing the deadly inheritance from the decay of billions of pounds every side and the spread of nuclear waste is gasified.

Does he think anyone in Japan still smoke of the 54 nuclear power plant jäädessä the children to inherit. Kids really do remember this heat left by their forefathers 'heritage'? And what do you think about our children in Finland OL-3 / Robber power plants, radiation, mutations in need of future generations mutate their bodies, bodies. Radiation sterilisoituvat future generations will be in his blood, even in the fight for the right to reproduce!

Is whether or not the degree directly. By what right, this stubborn core of the current generation thinks omineensa the rights of children to eat their children. Foods, along income and the living conditions of the future? Already left the law dictates that the one who pollutes the position for himself wholly the responsibility to clean up their acts in the destruction of the seas! Why such laws would not apply to nuclear lobbyists, on-line police officers and other nuclear criminals are now operating?

Perinnöstä lapsenlapsillesi
isi isi isi äiti äiti äiti

Jättäisitkö SINÄ lapsesi huoneeseen kanisterin sinappikaasua?
Tai hankkisitko lastesi lemmikiksi musta mamban?

Ydinvoiman kysymyksen tapauksessa kuitenkin tämä nykyinen ydinalan sukupolvi aikoo muutaman vuoden OMAN sähköntuotantonsa huumaan uhrata lastensa ja lastenlastensa mahdollisuudet edes siedettävään elämään.

Mitä nyt vielä alaluokan koulua käyvät lapset tulevat saamaan isovanhemmiltaan perinnöksi? Loppuun ajetut sadat ydinvoimalat!. Niiden vuosimiljoonia pelkkänä tulevana näkemällä tappavana perintöinä lahoavat miljardien kilojen kaikkialle ympäristöönsä leviävät ja kaasuuntuvat ydinjätteet.

Luuleeko KUKAAN, että Japanissa yhä savuavien 54 ydinvoimalan jäädessä maan lapsille perinnöksi . Lapset ihan oikeasti lämmöllä muistavat tätä isoisiensä jättämää "perintöä"? Entä mitä miettivät lapsemme kun Suomessa OL-3/ Rosvovoimaloiden säteilyn mutaatiot vievät tulevilta sukupolvilta mutatoituvat elimet kehoistaan. Säteilyyn sterilisoituvat tulevat sukupolvet saavat verissä päin taistella oikeudestaan edes lisääntyä!

Kysytään VIELÄ astetta suoremmin. Millä OIKEUDELLA tämä nykyinen jääräpäiden ydinsukupolvi luulee omineensa oikeudet syödä lastenlastensa. Ruuat, toimeentulot ja koko elämisen edellytykset tulevaisuudesta? Jo jätelaki määrää, että SE joka saastuttaa kantakoon ITSE kokonaan vastuun myös siivota tekojensa tuhon meret! Miksi tällaiset lait ei koskisi ydinalan lobbaajat, nettipoliiseja ja muita ydinalan rikollisina NYT toimivia?



Arto Lauri 80. Filament


Arto Lauri 79. FISSION BOMB


TVO / Posiva 8 km no-fly
ban ban ban

"Enterprises are tight-lipped about the security measures, as they are not public. No-fly zone around the nuclear power plants in Finland extends to a radius of four kilometers and two kilometers in height.

In Finland, the process of turning a so-called unmanned aerial vehicles of the new legislation, traffic safety leader of Aviation, Director General Pekka Henttu says.

"Aeronautics Act, is a criminal offense to fly Aviation is prohibited areas. This law applies to all forms of aviation, including model airplane," says Henttu. "

* In the past, the no-fly zone radius was only 2km. It took barely a month since the Säkyläs military helicopter was destroyed in October 2014. Lenneltyä Olkiluoto areas. The machine was destroyed in flight, therefore unusable after TVO's radioactive emissions from the machinery in dangerous quantities. The event proved to be so dangerous that the flight ban immediately with a multi- plier now!

* Strange that the laws of constant change is the fact that the matter in any way informed about the community. Let alone the parties. As also like the article we see. Continuous variable, penalties threatening the law is constantly under construction.

* In week 45 of 2014, YLE morning radio program, presented the theme was "at least questionable." The program harmiteltiin very much the fact that the Finnish law, TVO would FIRE civilians in areas of mobile and video photographers. Reporters were more relevant and reviewed their stated to have found a loophole in this TVO's nuclear secrets to the problem of exposing.

I hear the guards, the police, border guards and soldiers also can shoot in the Olkiluoto area moving without warning, citing the IAEA nuclear security in international secret laws .. Um, convenient. said the discovery relieved to suppliers!


TVO/ Posiva 8km lentokielto
kielto kielto kielto

"Laitokset ovat vaitonaisia turvatoimista, sillä ne eivät ole julkisia. Lentokieltoalue Suomen ydinvoimaloiden ympärillä ulottuu neljän kilometrin säteelle ja kahden kilometrin korkeuteen.

Suomessa sorvataan parhaillaan niin sanottua miehittämättömiä ilma-aluksia koskevaa uutta lainsäädäntöä, liikenteen turvallisuusviraston ilmailujohtaja, ylijohtaja Pekka Henttu kertoo.

"Ilmailulain mukaan on rangaistava teko lentää ilmailulta kielletyille alueille. Tämä laki koskee kaikkia ilmailun muotoja, myös lennokkitoimintaa", Henttu kertoo."

* Aiemmin lentokieltoalueen säde oli vain 2km. Meni tuskin kuukausi siitä kun Säkylän armeijan helikopteri tuhoutui lokakuussa 2014. Lenneltyään Olkiluodonalueilla. Kone tuhoutui siis lentokelvottomaksi saatuaan TVO:n radioaktiivisia päästöjä koneistoonsa vaarallisia määriä. Tapahtuma osoittautui niin vaaralliseksi, että lentokiellon alue välittömästi moninkertaistettiin heti!

* Outoa tässä lakien jatkuvissa muutoksissa on myös se, ettei asiasta millään lailla tiedoteta paikkakuntalaisille. Saati asianosaisille. Kuten tästäkin artikkelista huomaamme. Jatkuvaa muuttuvaa, rangaistuksin uhkaavia lakeja on teon alla jatkuvasti.

* Viikolla 45 2014 YLE aamu radio esitti ohjelman, jonka teema oli "vähintään arveluttava". Ohjelmassa harmiteltiin kovasti sitä, ettei Suomen lain mukaan TVO saisi AMPUA alueillaan liikkuvia siviilejä ja video kuvaajia. Toimittajat olivat asiaa lisää selvitelleet ja totesivat löytäneensä porsaan reiän tähän TVO:n ongelmaan ydinsalaisuuksiensa paljastajista.

Kuulemma vartijat, poliisi, rajavartijat ja sotilaat myös voivat ampua Olkiluodon alueella liikkuvat varoittamatta vedoten IAEA ydinturvan kansainväliseen salaisiin lakeihin.. Öö, kätevää. sanoivat löydöstään huojentuneet toimittajat!


Betatorch video
beta beta beta

Arto Lauri 37. Beetatorch


Arto Lauri 36. Brown air.(Beter translaters.)


Arto Lauri 35. Tin roof vs nuce. (New Bing translaters.)


Linda E

Pretty Scary !! And this was exposed for a few mili-seconds in 2007 and known by those in tptb of the Nukes for how long?   Beta-flare
Reddish glowing air above a nuclear power plants is called a beta-flare. The name comes from the main cause for the phenomenon which is free neutrons decaying into protons and electrons. On top of that beta-flare is a mixture of all kinds of radiation and ionization. When ions (like the proton from a neutron decay) receive some replacement electrons, UV-light is produced. This in turn puts electrons on a charged orbit from witch they return by emitting visible light. Like in northern lights.

The energies involved in beta-flare are sufficient to kill birds mid-flight. Or bring down airplanes if they defy the restricted area. Ionization breaks up molecules in tissue (lungs for example) or interferes with electronics. That's why nuclear power plant even has a chimney; for fierce ventilation, to get rid of ions and excess neutrons within their quarter-an-hour lifetime. If the air flow stops, everyone inside the powerplant would die in 15 minutes or so. (This occurred in Tshernobyl, different case than the big accident.)

This is carefully obscured part of nuclear technology, covered with excessively bright lights pointing upwards and guards collecting the dead birds. But we got beta-flare on video when lighting was temporarily diminished at the Loviisa (Finland) power plant... while replacing bulbs with more distracting ones to prevent filming! As the phenomenon is mostly red, red filter is tested to take out industrial ambient light.

In a nuclear reactor every fission produces 2-3 neutrons but only one is needed to sustain the chain reaction. So it's evident that most of the neutrons escape into the environment. There they transform substances into radioactive isotopes and increase the background radiation level.

This cannot be prevented and thus is silenced. The 30 year maximum operating time, however, derives from the fact that then the whole power plant structure along with the soil underneath becomes neutron-saturated and the radiation in the surroundings increases drastically.

Neutron flux is hardly measured at all. Partly because they are hard to detect (as the speed varies from a floating stage to few kilometers per second). They are moderated to travel under the escape velocity of earth (11 km/s) so they can't escape all the way to space as gravitation pulls them back. Other reason is the cumulative harm they cause to the biosphere and to human health. Nuclear power industry just dismisses that.

Worst case scenario
As radiation is being artificially produced more than it escapes the earth, it's just a matter of time when the atmosphere will set on fire, burning nitrogen into carbon. It was speculated whether it would happen already with the first atomic test explosion. Now with the multiplied background radiation, it would be almost certain if the biggest existing bomb were detonated.

And the bees? Added ionization alters the electromagnetic field bees use to navigate. They fly off too high and the colonies are getting lost.?


End of Sellafield, England....Sellafieldistä särähtää:

* Egologist julkaisee materiaalia Englannin Sellafieldin ydinjätevarastoista 2014.11. Outoa tässä uutisoinnissa on, että 1950 - luvulta asti vesitettyinä olevat altaat räjähtävät hetkessä PALAMAAN koska tahansa! Erityisen outoa tässä on, että vaikka altaissa kasvaa rikkarruohoja ja uivat vesilinnut avoimesti. Silti 70v jäähtyneenä oleva uraanioksidipolttoaine kuulemma PALAA hillittömästi joutuessaan kuiville?

* Artikkeli EI kuitenkaan vahingossakaan kerro, miten JO kertaalleen oksidiksi muunneltu uraanipolttoaine sitten ylipäätään VOI PALAA. Ei kerro muuta kuin, että kuiville joutuessaan ydinjäte alkaa palamaan ja räjähtämään! Eli kuten huomaamme ydinjätteitten jälkisäilytyksestä EI huolehdita edes tällaisilla aikajanoilla käytännössä lainkaan. Aivan uskomatonta kuulla, että Posiva puhelee pokerilla hoitavansa ydinjätteet 100 000vuotta. Kun JO 50v tuntuu olevan ylittämätön aika ihmisten rakenteilla säteilyeroosion kaasuuntumisten alla. Artikkelin mukaan altaat ovat JO täysin finaalissa.

Photographs of Sellafield nuclear plant prompt fears over radioactive risk

Nuclear safety expert claims there is 'significant risk' due to poor condition of storage ponds containing highly radioactive fuel rods

    John Vidal and Rob Edwards
    The Guardian, Wednesday 29 October 2014 18.57 GMT
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A pond containing spent nuclear fuel rods at Sellafield A pond containing spent nuclear fuel rods at Sellafield. Photograph: Guardian/Ecologist

Previously unseen pictures of two storage ponds containing hundreds of highly radioactive fuel rods at the Sellafield nuclear plant show cracked concrete, seagulls bathing in the water and weeds growing around derelict machinery. But a spokesman for owners Sellafield Ltd said the 60-year-old ponds will not be cleaned up for decades, despite concern that they are in a dangerous state and could cause a large release of radioactive material if they are allowed to deteriorate further.

"The concrete is in dreadful condition, degraded and fractured, and if the ponds drain, the Magnox fuel will ignite and that would lead to a massive release of radioactive material," nuclear safety expert John Large told the Ecologist magazine. "I am very disturbed at the run-down condition of the structures and support services. In my opinion there is a significant risk that the system could fail.
The storage ponds at Sellafield, as shown in this photograph sent to The Ecologist, have been called 'disgracefully degraded' by the executive director of the Institute for Resource and Security Studies. The storage ponds at Sellafield, as shown in this photograph sent to The Ecologist, have been called 'disgracefully degraded' by the executive director of the Institute for Resource and Security Studies. Photograph: The Ecologist

"It's like an concrete dock full of water. If you got a breach of the wall by accident or by terrorist attack, the Magnox fuel would burn. I would say there's many hundreds of tonnes in there. It could give rise to a very big radioactive release. It's not for me to make comparisons with Chernobyl or Fukushima, but it could certainly cause serious contamination over a wide area and for a very long time."

Gordon Thompson, executive director of the Institute for Resource and Security Studies in Cambridge, Massachusetts, who is an expert at assessing radiological risk, said: "[Sellafield] contains large inventories of radioactive material that could be released to the environment in a variety of ways. The site's overall radiological risk has never been properly assessed by the responsible authorities. [The] photos, showing disgracefully degraded open-air ponds at Sellafield, indicate that a thorough assessment of risk is overdue."

The images, taken over a period seven years and leaked via a local nuclear watchdog group to the Ecologist, are said to show two ponds that were commissioned in 1952 and used until the mid-1970s as short-term storage for spent fuel until it could be reprocessed, producing plutonium for military use. One is open to the elements.
This photograph sent to The Ecologist shows a seagull bathing in the water of a storage pond used to hold radioactive material. This photograph sent to The Ecologist shows a seagull bathing in the water of a storage pond used to hold radioactive material. Photograph: The Ecologist

The government is paying private companies £1.7bn a year to decommission ageing buildings at Sellafield.

"It is urgent that we clean up these ponds [but] it will be decades before they are cleaned up. Before that, a lot of other work has to be done. We are aiming to get them to the point where they are in a condition where the waste can be taken out of them," said a Sellafield spokesman.

In a statement, Sellafield Ltd said: "These dated pictures do not present an accurate reflection of work across the Sellafield site today, but they are an indication of the scale of the challenge inherited by the NDA, Sellafield Ltd and Nuclear Management Partners to clean up the UK's nuclear legacy."

According to Large, who gave evidence to the House of Commons environment committee investigation into nuclear safety in 1986, the ponds were abandoned after they were overwhelmed with spent fuel during the 1974 miners' strike when Britain was put on a three-day working week by prime minister Edward Heath.
This photograph sent to The Ecologist shows weeds growing around derelict machinery within the Sellafield facility. This photograph sent to The Ecologist shows weeds growing around derelict machinery within the Sellafield facility. Photograph: The Ecologist

"In order the 'keep the lights on', the UK's fleet of nuclear power stations were run at full tilt, producing high volumes of spent fuel that the Sellafield reprocessing facilities were unable to keep up with. During the three-day week they powered up the Magnox reactors to maximum, and so much fuel was coming into Sellafield that it overwhelmed the line, and stayed in the pool too long," Large told the Ecologist.

"The magnesium fuel rod coverings corroded due to the acidity in the ponds, and began to degrade and expose the nuclear fuel itself to the water, so they just lost control of the reprocessing line at a time when the ponds were crammed with intensely radioactive nuclear fuel," he said

The Office of Nuclear Regulation (ONR), the statutory nuclear safety regulator, said: "The legacy ponds at Sellafield are old and as a result, do not meet the high engineering standards that would be required for modern nuclear facilities. These legacy ponds bring significant challenges, but we must focus our attention on improving the current situation. This does not mean that operations and activities on those facilities are unsafe."




Arto Lauri 81. Carbon, carbon


Arto Lauri 80. Filament


Plain persmäkeä the nuclear sector
down down down

Day 11/12/2014 brought back new and amazing to think about nuclear power in the key secrets. IAEA informed the grim truth down to the core, the matter bluntly. The world the remaining 430 from the reactor will be fair as quickly (in 2040) to drive down to at least half of 200kpl!

The reasons, of course, the IAEA did not dare to tell you. But there is reason to believe that the positive energy of uranium fuel in an encompassing the end of the case. All the same, the same day the nuclear field as many as two CO2 production coterminous US and China announced "terrible".

USA plans to run in the future CO2 balance sheets down to changing the energy economy of 50% from the front of shale gas. Again, not a word about nuclear power! Not even if the US got the historical changes in the suction of the Republic of China.

China's drive down the CO2 balance sheets to muzzle the press of the time. The fact that the EU decided to sanction 2050 target of an incredible 80% to 100% in new nuclear energy silenced the free press in the preceding week JO completely. The nuclear sector gets snow into the room properly when France, Sweden, South Korea call for nuclear free truly CO2-neutral energy future.

  But when China decides to act up to US law. Their goals without nuclear power. According to information in the future by investing in solar power and wind power, such as a truly clean uudisenergioihin the German model. We begin to understand the nuclear past their biases captured. Nuclear power is the grounding for this day, in particular the future!

Pelkkää persmäkeä ydinalalle
alas alas alas

Päivä 12.11.2014 toi jälleen uutta ja ihmeellistä mietittävää ydinvoiman keskeisiin salaisuuksiin. IAEA ilmoitti synkän totuutensa ydinalastaan, asian suorasukaisesti. Maailmalla jäljellä olevasta reilusta 430 reaktorista tullaan pikapikaa (2040) ajamaan alas vähintään PUOLET 200kpl!

Syitä tietenkään IAEA EI uskaltanut kertoa. Mutta on aihetta epäillä, että myös energiapositiivisen uraanipolttoaineen totaalisesta loppumisesta on kyse. Yhtä kaikki samana päivänä ydinalan peräti kaksi CO2 tuotannon päämaa USA ja Kiina ilmoittivat "kauheita". 

USA aikoo ajaa jatkossa CO2 taseitaan alas muuttamalla energiatalouttaan 50% edestä LIUSKEKAASUUN. Jälleen ei sanaakaan ydinvoimasta! Ei vaikka USA sai historiallisen muutoksensa imuun myös Kiinan.

Kiinan tavat ajaa alas CO2 taseitaan vaientaa lehdistön kerrasta. Se, että EU päätti sanktioida 2050 tavoitteekseen uskomattomat 80% 100% ydinvapaalle uudisenergialle vaiensi JO lehdistön edellisviikolla täysin. Ydinala saa lunta tupaan kunnolla kun Ranska, Ruotsi, Etelä- Korea vaativat ydinvapaata aidosti CO2 neutraalia energiaa jatkossa.

Mutta kun jopa Kiina päättää toimia USA lailla. Tavoitteisiinsa ilman ydinvoimaa. Sijoittamalla tietojen mukaan tulevaisuudessa aurinkovoimaan ja tuulivoiman kaltaisiin aidosti puhtaisiin uudisenergioihin Saksan malliin. alamme ymmärtämään ydinalan menneisyyden heidän harhojen vangiksi. Ydinvoiman pohjakosketus on tätä päivää erityisesti tulevaisuutta!